02-FebruaryA W e lc o m e A d d itio n F a m i l y H a p p y W i t h A d o p t e d G ir l F r o m K a z a k h s t a n D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ ^ E C O R P Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 S t a t e E y e s D a v i e E M S , S h e r i f f ’s W o r k R e c o r d s By Mike Bnrnlinrdt Davie County Enterprise Rccord An investigation by tlic N.C. De­ partment of Labor's wage and liour division into two Davie County de­ partments has local oCficials cautious, but not overly worried. Ai'tcr a closed .session between Sheriff Allen Whitaker and Davie County commissioners Monday af­ ternoon in which the investigation was discussed, officials took n wait- and-see attitude. The division is also looking into tho EMS,.said County ManagerTerry Bralley. “We're waiting to hear from them and we're cooperating,” Bralley said. D a v ie H ig h G ra d u a tio n iVlay 2 8 S p r in g B r e a k S till In t a c t , If N o M o r e D a y s ^ i % By Jackic Scabolt Davie County Enterprise Record Make-up days and a graduation date headed the items of discussion at the Davie Board of Education meeting Monday night. Last week's absences used the remainder of students snow days and during an update by Jeff Albany, the assistant superintendent of human resources and curriculum instruction, the board was given the current make-up days - Feb. 13, April 9, March 15. May 24 and 25. Albarty said if additional days are missed due to inclement weather, they would be made up during April's spring break. Board member Marty Carter suggested making up any more missed days on Saturdays and asked that Superintendent W.G. Potls be given the authority to make the de­ cision for Saturday classes without ■ calling a board meeting. "Based on our past experience, I think it would be prudent to go ahead and give the superintendent that tool. If wc lose a day this week or next we make il up on a Satur­ day," Carter said. Polls responded by saying he had reservations about the Saturday make-up days. "If we miss on a Fri­ day bccause it's so bad, 1 would be really reluctant to think we could safely come in on a Saturday." Carter pointed out the entire dis­ cussion of make-up days tied di­ rectly into setting a graduation dale for Davic High's senioi^ class. "The reason we'd go on a Saturday would be to preserve the May 2 1 si gradu­ ation dale," Carter said. Polls said he did not want to put student's safety al risk in order lo preserve the dignity of date for graduation. Please Sec Schools - Page 4 “It's a wage and hour issue. It is our intent to comply wilh the law." Local officials knew little of the investigation, just that two years worth of time sheets and radio com­ munications were requested. The investigation began last fall, und had already started before local officials knew, Bralley said. Whitaker said his first contact with the department of labor was last De­ cember, and they told him it was a routine investigation.They have since been back, and talked to several em­ ployees. Time sheets for deputies can be confusing, he said. While deputies drive sheriff's cars home, they aren't paid for going to and from work. Sometimes they may stop for a meal, or to visit. But when they're on the road, they check in with communications. T|;ie deputies are covered by insurance whether or not they check in, he said. Giving an example. Chief Deputy Mark Howell heard an officer check in on the radio at 5; 15 p.m. bccause he had left home in a sheriff’s vehicle, although he wasn’t officially on duty. His time sheet would reflect the 6-10 p.m. scheduled training, Howell said. Officers are responsible for keep­ ing their own time sheets, and over­ time is not allowed. Those who get prior clearance for extra work receive comp time, Whitaker said. Howell said officers work 160 hours in 28 days, and arc paid for a meal break while on duty. He said the hourly requirements are not exces­ sive, they benefit officers. "I want our officers to be compen­ sated for every hour worked, but I also want the taxpayer.4 to get an hour’s worth of work for every hour written down," Whitaker said. He said his office is open to the investigation, and if the time practice lhat has been going on for al leabt 20 years needs changing, he’s open to that, as well. “We don’t have anything lo hide. I’ve given them everything they’ve requested.” Whitaker said that lute lust year, he called one employee to his office S y m p h o n y S o u n d s ‘ I--------ir ■ W iley Sykes, percussionist with the W inston-Salem sym phony, gets the attention of stu­ dents at C ornatzer Elem entary School as he explains the origin of the drum . For a story and m ore photographs of the D avie C ounty Arts Council program , please turn to page D 1 ,- Photo by Robin Fergusson who was accused of “padding” their time sheet. That person no longer works for the shcrih'’s office, but was let go for a different reason, Whitaker said. Another confusing urea is when officers do contract, off-duty work, such us nt high school bullgumes, While they’re in sheriff’.s uniforms nnd sheriff’s cars, they ure being puid by the schools. Communication logs would have them checking in on the radio, but their sheriff’s time .sheets would not refiect those hours. The time policy is explained to all now employees, Whitaker said. After Monday’s mooting, Whitnkor suid he thinks he has sup­ port of the county commissioners. Sand Dredging On Agenda For Feb. 16 Meeting Davie County comrnissionerB didn’t discuss sand dredging ai ibc\t meeting Monday, tiioy bnly aald tho subject would bo •‘rcviBVtcd” when ihey meet nt 7 p.m . on M onday. cisión on a proposed ordinance amendment after a long public hearing last month. They were con­ sidering a change that would allow the practice in residential-agricul­ tural zoned lands with a permit from the zoning board of adjust­ ments. - H i c k o r y H i l l R e z o n i n g T o B e T o p i c i \ / l o n d a y There will be a meeting of the Davic County Planning Board on Monday, Feb. 9 nt 7 p.m. in the commissioners room of the Duvie County Administration Building, Mocksville. Burnfam Limited Partiiership has applied to rezone approximately 75 acres of land from Residential (R-20) to Residential Suburban Spccial Use (R-12-S) fora planned unit development consisting of (40) 2-unit attached homes and (90) de­ tached patio homes. This property is located within the Hickory Hill Country Club, off the end of Pine Valley Road and tlw east side of Cornatzer Road, and i.s a portion of Parcel 54.01 of Davie County Tax Map J-6.This request was tabled at the December 16,2003 meeting. This meeting was rescheduled from Jan. 27 due to inclement weather. All parties and interested citizens are invited. Prior to the meeting, all persons interested may obtain any ■ additional information on a pro­ posal or ask any questions by visit­ ing the Development Services De­ partment on weekdays between S-.3G tt.m. and 5 p.m. or by telephone at 751-3340, 2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004 E d j t o r i a l P a g e T V ’s O f f e n s iv e H a lf t im e S h o w N e e d s L a w y e r s 1 don’t have Tivo. so I only saw Jancl Jackson's bare breast oncc. I wasn’t nearly as olTenileil by that as the simulaled sex and nnsty lyrics that were also pan of the Super Bowl lialftinie show. Arc wc resigned to let our morals slip away and depravity take over television, or is there something wc can do about it? I didn’t fall for the anguish expressed by Ihc National Football League. Even if they didn’t know about the anatomy display in advance, booking MTV for the show is an invitation to the raunchy side of life. Songs about taking your clothes off. Sexual aggression. Drugs. Tlie streaker al halflime was lanie in comparison. I don't like rap music and the gutter talk lhat must be a pivotal pan of it. I avoi(l it, but it wns forced on all of us during the Super Bowl. Pcrfomier Justin Tirnbcrlake, the singer who ripped off part of Miss Jackson’s costume, didn’t seem to be much of a singer or uctor. His talent and appeal escaped me. He callcd the incident ii wardrobe malfunction. Right. Preachers, government regulators and editorial writers liave railed against the halflime show. But there may actiHilly be something that can be done about these performers who depend on shock value — more than actual talent — for their stardom. A New York law finn has decided the federal government can do to Justin Timberlake what it has already done lo Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart hasn’t been charged with insider trading. She is on trial for lying lo federal uutliorities. Let’s put the young rapper in front of a grand jury — or a congressional committee — and ask him some questions. Just how did iliat wardrobe malfunction? As with President Nixon, it’s the cover up that causes Ihe most problems. It’s lime lo unleash the lawyers and let them turn that rapper into a blubbering crybaby The gnme, however, was excellent, A line display of athlelic talent, two teams fighting mid clawing for victory, the outcome uncertain until the final seconds. That was the real show. Who needs halflime? Let’s stick with well-clothed college or high school bands and not depend on the antics of Hollywood to distract us from the ;j.). game. M i s s i n g H o w a r d D e a n Maybe we were all too tough too early on llowaril Dean, lie wasn't supposed lo fall over like that — to topple from front runner for the Democratic presidential nomination lo out of the loop. Dean was Ihc one wc wanted to face President Bush in Novem­ ber. He was fun. Excitable. Easy lo beat. Now Sen. John Kerry is emerging as the new front runner. Dean failed in Iowa and New Hampshire and faced difficully in the stales up for grabs in the Tuesday primaries. It has been a precipitous fall. Me was on Ihe cover of all the news magazines. All Ihe old established Democratic leaders were endorsing him. He had made Ihe pilgrimage to Plains, Ga., lo see Ibmier President Jimmy Carter, who fawned over Dean. Al Core endorsed him. He had all but been awarded the nomination before the first caucus and the first primary vote. Just bccause of his popularity polls. But polls have a way of changing. Tlie wheels fell off the wagon when Dean screamed in Iowa. Il was a good speech. A little screaming was appropriate. But voters didn't like it. Women worried that Dean wasn't emotionally stable enough to be pul in charge of our nuclear arsenal. A New Hampshire senator backpedaled on his endorsement. Dean went from way ahead in the polls lo way behind Kerry. He brought his long-absent wife lo the campaign trail. He started acting nice and reserved. But he had blown all his $<l(l million on tlie first two states. 1 miss him already. — Dwight Sparks DAVIE COUNTY e n t e r p r i /e ^i I e c o r d USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks...............................Edilor/Publlsher Flobin Fergusson...........................General Manager Mike Barnhardt..............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow.................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.......................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Baysinger..................CIroulation/Classilied Mocksvllle Enlsrprlse 1916-1958 Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 2702« Subscription Rates Single Copy, .“iO Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $2.5 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville. NC 2702« Mocksville Elementary 5th Grade -1941-42 Students in Mrs. Bronson’s fifth grade class at IVlocksville Elementary School in 1941-42 included, from left; row 1 - Marie Baker, Mary Ann Barnhardt, Bernice Green, Bill Vick, Bill Click, Pearl Walker, Betty Ann Turner, Louella Ferebee, R.B. Smith; row 2 - Lillie Faye Whitaker, Dorothy Gene Allen, Corean Tutterow, Mary Eliza Sain, Betty Jo Sparks, Billie Ann Frost. Ann Marie Daniel, Ervin Angell, Merrill Rice; row 3 - Jimmy Miller, Charlie Hugh Lakey, Verious Angell, Albert Poole, Kenneth Dwiggins, Grady Lee McClamrock, Colean Smith, Barbara Rldenhour; row 4 - Margaret Roberts, Bill Lashmit, Mildred Rice, Patsy Grant, Bob Sofley, Carol Johnston, Drelsa Ann Holton, Bobby Burton; row 5 - Jack Johnson, Mack Foster, Daisy Mae Irvin, Shirley Baker, Helen Boger, Betty Honeycutt, Coleen Whitaker, and Mrs. Bronson, teacher. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street across from the county courthouse. Photographs will be returned. H u n g r y , A n y o n e ? W h a t e v e r H a p p e n e d T o T h e F o o d s O f Y e s t e r y e a i • I wonder if anyone still mnkes seafoiim candy. My mother used to make it. It was so good. I made fudge and caramel candy, but I never made any scafoum. 1 never see ttny. Some people cull divinity candy seafoam, but to me il , Un’i noocly n> good. Somo успгя go. several friends "< were talking and 1 said that I didn’t believe people made seafoam candy anymore, nnd I really liked it. Maggie Dyson Harpe .said, “I still make it, and I'll just bring you some." And siie did. It was delicious. Maggie has been dead for quite awhile now and iliai was the Inst real seafoam candy I have seen. Mama used to bake Lndy Baltimore cakes. I thought they were real good. OecasionuUy I henr of thnt kind of cake but not often. I only baked caramel and chocolate ______ cakes. Another dessert llial I enjoyed so much was vinegar pie that mama used to make. Many people tell me they’ve near enten vinegnr pie. Well, if you haven’t, you’ve missed some­ thing good. It tastes a lot like lemon pie but with a little taste of its own. Some years after mnmn’s denih, my sisler und 1 made severul trips to Dillsboro and stayed at the Jarrell House, which wns noted for its food. I remember one dny at lunch Ihey served 600 people. Buslonds of people would come in from other stntus. From about 5 o’clock, n'stendy stream of people came in for dinner. I think it was on our Cirst visit that we learned that their dessert specialty was vinegar pie. I was thrilled that I would again eat vinegar pie. Although I hnd eaten a big meal, I was determined not lo pass up Ihis dessert. Well, il did not took like vinegar pie and it didn’t taste like vinegar pie. To say I was disappointed is pulling it mildly. 1 never ordered that again. Something that wus popular in the mid-1920s did not last very long and I think I know why. People begun serving half a ciinialoupe wilh the center filled with ice cream. Now. I like cantaloupe and 1 like ice cream, but I found out I don’t like il together. I even served il once at a church committee meeting I hosted at our home, but I decided Ihen that 1 was not going to put it together anymore. I think it ruined both. I gue.ss I’d belter stop nnd get something to enl. There’s ju.st something nbout writing nboiit food llini mnkes you hungry. However, it won't taste like it used lo. Sotnehow, I seem lo be thinking of some foods thnt seem lo be a thing of the past, und I wonder what happened to them. When 1 was young, we used lo enjoy rustycoat apples. Their nnme described how they looked. However, they lasled much better ihan they looked, I . have not ,<iCem liorTeard of th'cirnn years, and i just wonder vi'lial happeiwid to them. My much younger sister says she remembers them, but the people I have nsked in Inter yenrs hnve snid they never heard of them. I can'I ininge what happened lo the rustyconts of yesteryear. Something lliat I used to enjoy was fried apples wilh the peelings on. I haven’t had any of those in the Inst yenrs. Years ago, when my pnrentii were living, wc tisetl to enjoy spending a few days at the Nu-Wray Inn in Burnsville. Daddy, running n weekly newspaper wilh the help of one full-time employee nnd one part-time and whut time my sister und I had to help, could never take but a few days off nl a time. There used to be a big apple tree right in front of the Inn. It’s been gone for some years now. I remember Ihe brnnchcs extended over onto the upstairs porch. Anyway, that tree had about the worst looking apples you ever saw, little old green, knotty apples with bad places on them. Some of the kitchen staff cnme out to gather some of the apples, and 1 thought surely Ihey did not expect the guesls to eat those things. Well, the next morning we had delicious fried apples witii the peelings on. I believe they were the best I've ever eaten. The fact I learned here was that il evidently takes a certain kind of apple (and that looks are deceitful), to make good fried apples. I’ll always remember an embiirrnssing incident thnt hnp- pened at the Inn on our first visit there. The morning nfler our first night, we were getting dressed to go to breakfast when we heard the breakfast bell ring. We assumed that meant thnt breakfast hours had started und coult| go for a period of time. I tiiink the bell wns ringing n second time when we entered the dining room. There wns n long tnble, wilh nil senis filled, except ours. Someone said, “There come the Strouds. Now we can cnt."Tliat was cmbnrrassing. At the lodge where my sisler and 1 have vacationed for yenrs, the brenkfnsi bell rings at 7:30 and you may go for breakfast any lime up to 9 o'clock. L o u is e S tr o u d Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. D o y o u d r iv e f a s t e r t h a n t h e p o s t e d s p e e d lim it ?Y e s , 4 5 % N o , 5 5 % Log on now to cast your vote. w w w .e n te r p r ls e -r e c o r d .c o m I n T h e M a i l ... S u b s c r i b e r s E q u a l W it h W e d n e s d a y D e liv e r y To the editor: Congratulations. Four weeks running, lo and behold, the weekly surprise has been in my mailbox on Wednesday. Everybody in Ihe county is on equal footing once and for nil. No more .second rnie citizen for being a subscriber. Now that all my celebration is over with, change the print date. No more 1 hursdays. Be proud, lot everybody kno.w it’s Wednesday. Гаке the big leap - the big plunge - move forward. 1 guess being snowed in finally got to me. Harry Wallace " Mocksvillc DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004 ■ 3 L e t t e r s T o E d i t o r A r e W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcome.s letters from ils readers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national,or international issues. An effpr^ will be made to print all letters, provided they are riot libelous, vulgar or in poor tasté. The edi­ tor resews the right to edit letters for gi'ammar and for space. • ' All letters;should include the name and address of tlie writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is, also requested. Please h'dve letters in the newspaper oiflce no later than 4 {);iirti^ôridàY of the week to be publishéd. Davie County Énteirpriàé Record RO. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: el-hëws@davie-enterprise.com. F e b r u a r y is S p a y & N e u t e r M o n t h at F a r m l a n d V e t e r in a r y C l in ic , P A . 1 5 % O f f Cost of Surgery F e b . 2 n d - F e b . 2 7 t h ■ • Shots rc<|uiivd • No Other (liscoiiiits will iipply CALL I-OR APPOINIMGNT NOW! Farmlund Veterinary Clinic, I'.A. .179.1 Hwy. 64 VVcsl, Mocksvillc (336) 492-7148 ■ S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s sI A rn o ld B a k e ry o f C le m m o n s The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store In Clemmons sells delicious, high-quality bread, snacks and oilier related products, Includ­ ing low-fat, no-fat and no-sugar products at savings up to 60 percent of suggested retail. Some of the most popular Items are Enfemann’s cookies, pastries, cakes and pies; and Boboll line of pizza crusts, plus a wide range of specialty food items. For meals, sandwiches and get-togethers, the store fea­ tures Ihe Arnold line of premium America breads, rolls and buns, which Include Brownberry, Brick Oven, Francisco and Bran’ola, a hearty line of breads that are baked with all-natu­ ral whole grains. New Arnold breads which do no have any trans fats include 7 Grains, Honey Wheat Berry, Hearty Multi Grain, Oatnut (with hazelnuts), Oatbran, Sourdough and 100% Whole Wheal. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store also sells Thomas ba­ gels and English muffins, Super-slze muffins, and naturally low-fat Sahara pits are also available. The thrift store has an unbelievable Inventory of Pppperldge Farm premium snacks, crackers, cookies and ^ Goldfish; Snyder of Hanover pretzels and flavored potato chips; Old London producta, Inctudlpo their famous Melba Toast and Walllo SnaoKsj V6oHm«n o66l<l«iBi uui (Si»«*«»!» - and chips, Famous Amos cookies and Little Debbie snacks. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store has Amlsh Jams and rel­ ishes, local honey, Mrs. Campbell’s homestyle chow-chow, VIdalla Sweetsrellshes, as well as Golding Farms honey, molasses, salad dressings, and steak, barbeque, cocktail and tartar sauces. Moravian Lovefeast are delivered fresh on Fridays from Jones Bakery when available. The thrift store’s unique inventory of famous Stash Tea in­ cludes traditional flavors of black, green and herbal teas as well as triple ginseng teas from India, and oriental blends you would drink in Japan and China for health benflts. The store also has Exotic Tea, which includes rare flavors such as Sil­ ver Jasmine and China While. Also featured at the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store are gour- S e l f ^ S t o r a g e ; « C D 9 9 8 -9 6 6 1 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bemiuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance A - 1 F I R S T I M P R E S S I O N S CARPET & SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www.AlFirstlmiiressions.com Carpel Upholstery Rugs Dtapeiies Flood Extraction Flooring Inspocltons Catpot Binding Rug Rolringing e © IICRC Cflrtltled Firm U S . (3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 -TILE- ------------(S4S3) W m We install cemniic шк/ stone là . Fui»h’ wix\! Ki>inw ÍT16 yean. Wc lake pvH priki in our »Tirit anJ curtnmtt упку. fnv ftdnuttt Iroutii • e y o o r m g A œ E N T S B lin d s, S h u tte rs & S h ad es Dougins Powell 946-0227 H' 1VM ccen tsbss. com PO Box 85 Lewisville, NC 27023 SAVINGS up EVERYDAY ю Scniur Ciiizcne Diiicounta ALL CLOTHING BUY 1, GET 1 FREE. INCLUDES MEN’S, WOMEN’S, CHILDREN (EXCLUDES SPENCER) Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-493B Hours: M o n . - F r i . 1 0 -6 S a t. 1 0 - 2 Specializing In Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors ( 3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 0 7 3 3 21 Years Experience ЮWOPEN ЮТИЕ PUBUC 5 9 1 9 -C J a m e s S t. IllliW I P A IN T B A L L S T O R E O P E N IN A D V A N C E P la y in g fie ld o p e n in g S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 7 th !! Tactical Action GamBa, LLC 1979 NC Hwy 801S C02 Available Advancc, NC 27006(336)940-2568 Store hours: Tuesday - Friday 4:00 - 8:00 PM, Saturday 9i00 AM - 2:00 PM Field hours: Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Winter Hours) Field play by appointment only - Call today to make your tleld appointment________ H ills d a le A n im a l H o s p ita l 1 3 4 M e d ic a l D riv e P E f S N E E D A N A N N U A L D E N T A l E X A M ¥ 0 0 ! Please call and set up your pet's appointment for a dental and receive 15% off Offer expires 3/15/04 C a l l 9 9 8 - 8 7 5 0 U G L Y R O O F S T A IN S REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Largest« Oldest Roof Stain Removers RoofBrite^ 785-2030100 Roy.il Oiik Dr.. Winston-S.ilcm, NC 27107 J L U M B IN G Kim e. Young-Owner Your Key lb Honâaî A Dtpendable Servleo' .Л) Viv tx/x • ««Wifrfiji/CrMUiiicnii/« WàU'rlh\}h'n • ЬмАтЛ Chuf^vdPrjlin • • f.«Rt4s ‘ foi/rtï• liKUiTil A fUuxicd (3 3 6 ) 751-2061Mccksvlllo NC Lie. « 22229 tnHDtnicy Kei^lr Я Smkr Spithtiil BAKERY THRIFT STORE .Buy 1 Arnold Brcad| & Get 1 F R E E | Kiliiul or l.fss Value «I ()iu< C'oti|HMi I'cr IVrsoti I I MxpUcK 2/15/(14 I • CIcmmonH T h rift S tore. I 2eoa Lowtovtfo-ClonmKi« nd. Clmntre*« I met coffee, cocoa and cuppacino pacl<ets, Including Hazel­ nut, Snicl<erdoodle, Moucha-doodle, Irish Creme, Creme Brulee and Coco Cabaret flavors. For customers who desire a bit more flavor, the thrift store has a number of Jalopena, garlic and spicy items. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store Is conveniently located In Clemmons at 2668 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, across from the new DOLLARBUYS Store. Store hours are Monday through Friday 9-7. Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 12-5, Phone 766-3080. T I L E R I T E jfiaar Hometown P rinter G o o n w o u K s P r i n t S t io i’ $ФёШ^ЫёйУЬш/ШЛЧ1/ё0Ф(ШRut>bor stamp*. Cop|«8, Buolnese Cards. СаЛхюМмв Forme. Otiloo 8tmk>nnry. Nvwfttettani, Brochures. (336) 751-0200150 E. Loxinflton Rd. (Hwy. 64 E.). Downlcwn, Mocksviiio. NC D a v ie D o l l a r D is c o u n t St o r e ~ N0V4 OPEN - CoolMmM Shopping Cantor A T H m and^^^^C ^raR EIM ^ . HouJ Mcr - Sit 9 COAM - 7 OOPt.f. Sun 2 00PM - 5 00PM(336) 204-4020 e G a r a t t e D c c r E ? e i> a ir s 4 k ll E l e c t r i c a l O p e n e r f ^ e p a l r s • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience .si'. ePRINOS CABLES G A R A G E D O O R S E R V IC E S "Mr, Ed" ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 2 3 3 6 » F a h m in q t o n , N C E D W A R D S S w l r/J 7E D O F C L E A N IN G T H O S E O L D O R A I R Y W IN D O W S ? C A L L U S ! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms ^ , Enclosures F r e e E s tim a te s ! 7 6 4 - 0 8 S S 978^2299 © H u s q v a r n a V IK IN G Owners Ann Miciicl and 1’crcsa Liipolc Qiiiiliiy I'abiic 111 griMl priccs. Complcic line of sewing inacliines iiiul scrgcrs. Adult aiul yoiilh cia.sscs. Service and repaii'—all nial<es ami models. Nolions-Quilling-& limliroiclL'ry Supplies iVlon-Tluir.s 10-8 • Fi’i-Sat 10-5 \ Sharing the Joys of Sewing j 421 & Lewisville-Clemmons Road Lewi (336) 766-8271 w\v\v.se\vlnnly54uus.cum 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, Feb. 5.2004 ★ ★ ★ -Ат tV -ir -k ir i f i- -к ^ -k ic ■к U p c o m i n g D a v i e C o u n t y R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y E v e n t s 2 0 0 4 P r e c in c t M e e tin g s ЛН Precincts will meet together at Davie Comity Caiirtlioiixe on Tiiexiliiy, Febnhtty 17th at 7:00 P.M. 2 0 0 4 C o u n t y C o n v e n t io n Tuesday, March 16th at 7:30 P.M. at the Davie County Cowthou.se N C G O P S ta te C o n v e n tio n May 21 S I-23rd at the C] Koury Convention Center' in Greensboro. Paid for by Ihc Davie County Republican Party, Slayton Haipe Treasurer ic'tr'k ik -k irT k if'A 'k'ic 'k -k S c h o o ls O u t O f M a k e - U p D a y s Continued I'Yoni I’agc 1 Sincc last week's snow days, school will be in session unlil May 25. "If we're going to go to school those days ... it makes it really difficult to justify gradu­ ating Ihe 2I,st,'' Potts .said. Carter said he thought par­ ents would be better served if the board went ahead and moved the graduation date to Mny28 if they would not agree lo amend Ihc calendar's make-up days. ';i don't want to pul them off while we talk about ii more. I think tonight we can eillier move graduation to the 28th or come up with a plan to make up Ihc days and keep gradualion on the 2 1.si." The molion to amend the cal­ endar was tabled until the board's work session next week. Bui Carter opposed Ihc motion staling he wished lo make Ihe changes that would preserve the May 21st dale. The board then moved lo the issue of a graduation date. "Be­ cause wc didn’t take action on Ihe calendar make-up days our only option is lo move it to May 28th," said Carter. Marlene Shamel motioned to set the date for this year's gradu­ ation to May 28 nnd Regina Ora- ham-Hauser seconded. The motion passed with all in favor except Carter. Pitts Fcrgn.sson liiflcrow E n t e r p r i s e W i n s 3 N . C . P r e s s A w a r d s Don't Get Burned! You can be fined up to $10,000 for illegal open burning in N.C. Smokt from open burning can catuf se rhiii /tealih problems and pollute Ihe air. Thai's why ihe slate regulates open burning. Only leaves, branches or other plant growth can be burned. per and cardboard •Tires and olhcr rubber products • Building materials, including lumber •Wire, plastics and synthetic materials •Asphalt shingles and heavy oils •Paints, housenotd chemicals and agricultural products Homeowners can bum yard Irimmings - excludine logs and stumps - if It’s allowed under local ordinances, no public pickup Is available and II doesn't cause a public nuisance. Odier allowable burning includes campfires, outdoor barbecues and bonfires for festive occasions. Landowners also can open bum vegetation to clear land or rlghls-of- way, provided that: • Prevailing winds are away from built up areas and roads • Fires are at least 1,000 feet away from occupied buildings• Burning is done between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rtmtmber, bum permití liiu id by the N.C. DlvUlon of fo«J( Rllturcei,1(1 agentt or Any tocul sot)<rniit<nt do Kst txcuu a pirton/rom /oiiowing thtte »late air quality rultt. for mart in/ormaihit, contoctl Winilon-Salom Roglonal Olllce Division olAlrQuallly N.C. Oopdrtmenl ol Envlionmtnt and Natural nosoutcos Ptiono; (336)771-4600 CTWt ad paid lot by « violator ol tt\o opon bumlng law.) F ilin g F o r L o c a l E le c t io n s C o u ld B e g in O n F e b . 9 The 2(104 filing period for elected county, stale, and congressional districts that should begin nt noon, Monday, Feb. 9 may be delayed if pre- clearance of the' Legislative Districts plan is not received by 10 n.m. The State Board of Elections shall postpone the filing period and the primary elections in nccordnncc wilh Session Law 2003-434, House Bill 2 thnt wns ratified Ihe Nov. 25. Filings lhal shall be filed wilh the Dnvie County Board of Elections office when the legislative districts arc approved will be: House and .Senate candidates: County Register of Deeds; three county commission seats; two school board members; and one soil nnd water district director. All filing fees must be paid by check, payable to the Davie County Board of Elections. If filings begin nl noon on Monday, Feb. 9, they will close at noon, Friday, Feb. 27, and the primary elections would be Tuesday, May 4. Notice will be posted when received of changes. Visit the Stale Board of Elections web page, www.(ti>i>.shm'..slttU'.iic.itx for an updated calendar. Questions may he directed lo the board of cicclions officc al 751-2027. The Davic County Enterprise Record won thvee awards in the annual news, editorial and pho­ tojournalism conlesi sponsored by Ihe N.C. Press A.ssociation. Competing against medium size communiiy newspapers from across the slate, Enterprise Sports Editor Brian Pills won first place awards for n special section and for sports feature writing. Enterprise General Manager Kobin Fergusson teamed with Advertising Director Ray Tutterow for a second place award in the photo illustration division. Pitts’ "Full Hou.se" entry in the special section cniegory, a section about the 2003 Davie High School football team, was judged best among 19 entries by Judge John Cleveland. He wrote: "A clevcr nnd en­ gaging cover draws the render inlo this cyc-pleasing publica­ tion. Inside, articles provide depth and personality lo Ihe hometown I'ootball team. Fun, well-placed photographs nre mixed wilh the articles lo make a well-rounded special .scetion, which will probitoly be kept by fans for yenrs to come.” Pitts’ .series on inductees into the Dnvie High School Hnlb o( Fame earned him a first place finish among 38 entries in the sports feature writing category. Judge Mary Ann Brngg wrote: “Al one point I Inughed out loud. At another point I fell a chill in my spine, nnd overall Ihis series made me wanl to go out and run a mile. Not your typi­ cal i|uolcs nnd details. Obvious hard work. Very good example of common subject.” Fergusson nnd Tutterow made Ihe cover for Ihe “Full House” section, which earned a •second place finish among 12 cnlries in the photo illustrntion category. Judge Lynn Delnney wrote: "Clever. Good use of fol­ lowing a theme, good atlcntion lo detail." T o w n T o D is c u s s G r e e n w a y P la n The Town of Mocksville Planning Board will conduct a workshop on Ihe sidewalk nnd grccnway plan Tuesday, Feb. 1 al 7 p.m. ut the Davie Public Li­ brary, mulli-purpose room. The purpose oflhe workshop is 10 meet with developers, builders, and other real estate professionals lo solicit inpul and discuss Ihe plan. The regulnr planning board meeting will follow the work­ shop. including an update on the Land Development Plan. For more Informmlon. visit the Mocksville Town Hall or the Development Services Depart­ ment in Ihe Dnvie County Ad- ministrntion Building. Mocks­ villc. between 8:30 a.ni. nnd 5 p.m. or by calling at 751-3340. Otlfier Bella Ma Menu Items Include • Mass^e (Hot Stone, Deep Relaxation, Theraputic) • Facials • Manicures (Hot Oil & Hot Stone) • Body Buffs (Papaya, Vanilla, Chocolate) • Deluxe Spa Pediaire • Ear Candling ‘Gift Certificates Beautifully boxed vmippcd *Otlier packages available call for info 998-1645 B e l l a ]M ia. Skin C are C enter In terse ctio n 158 & 801 (B e h in d C itg o ) License #2585 C o m e c e l e b r a t e w i t h t h e Davie County Arts Council a n d h e l p k ic k o f f o u r 2 0 0 4 f u n d r i v e . J o in u s f o r a n e v e n in g o f A r t, M u s ic a n d f a b u lo u s E n t e r t a in m e n t . S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 7 , 2 0 0 4 Reception begins at 6:00 pm Heavy hors d'Oeuvres will be served ★★★★ Elvis will be in the building ★★★★ "A Public Hanging" Art Show Awards, our local artist showcase, begin at 7:00 pm A n d a t 7 :3 0 p m : " R o u t e 6 6 " Presented by Springer Theatre on Tour A rambunctious new musical comedy tiiat ieads tiie audience aiong the great "Mother Road" in a nostalgic celebration of music and whimsical highway fun. The Arts belong to all of us. Sponsored by; DavieCdiintyAll tickets: C aiith?B o?O fficeat V -> (V _ y (1 3 A r t S 751-3000 CimiR'il_______BncCK Рсягояюма AMtt Cixtti •( District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiursdiiy, Feb. 5, 2004 ■ 5 Tlic following cases were heard in Davie District Court on Jan. 29 Presiding: Judge James M. Honeycutt. Pro.sccuting: Carlton Terry and Kevin Beale, A.ssistaat DAs, - Bobby E. Anderson, assault on a female, dismissed per reque.sl of prosecuting witness. - Curtis W. Blevins, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed. - Shannon Custer, communicat­ ing threats, not guilty. - Jeffrey H. Davis, simple worth­ less cheek, dismissed per civil .settlement. - Seneca E. Dulin, simple as­ sault, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended one year, $ 100, cost, not ' lo harass/ihrenten/assault conipluin- ant. 24 hours community scrvice within 30 days. $199 restitution. - Johnny A. Evans, failure lo wear drivers seat boll. $25. cost: fic- titlous/concealed/revoked registra­ tion cnrd/lag. explrcd/no inspection slicker, operating a vehicle witli no Insurance, and expired reglstrnlioa card/lag, dismissed per correctioa. - Gianna rieharly, second liegree trespassing, dismissed per civil .settlement. - Alejandro E. Flores, improper passing, reduced to improper ctpiip- menl. cost. - Lisa J. Frantz, speeding 91 in n 70. reduced to exceeding .safe speed, $10, cost. - Kenneth M. Gray, speeding 104 in a 70. reduced lo careless/ reckless, $25. cost. - TIniolhy S. Green, failure lo wear driver’s .seal bell, DWI, and expired/no inspection slicker, sen­ tenced 10 60 doys in jail, suspended Iwo years, $100, cosl; surrender li­ cense, not lo operate a motor veiiicle unlil licensed by DMV, 24 hours communiiy service vvilhin 30 days, substance abuse assessment/treat­ ment. - Terry R, Hayes, DWI, sen­ tenced lo 12 months in prison, DART program: driving with li­ cense revoked and hil/run fail lo stop for property damage, dismissed per plea. - Dana Hepler, communicating threats, dismi.ssed. - Debbie Hepler, simple assault, prayer for judgement continued ou cosl, not to haras.s/ilireaten/assault complainant. - Jamou D. Jeffries, weapons on educational properly, dismissed per compliance with prayer for judge­ ment. - Bradford K. Johnson, DWI, scnlcnced lo 17 months in prison, DART progranv. driving with li­ cense revoked and driving left of center, dismissed per plea. - Kevin Kane, assault on a fe'- male, dismissed perrcquesi of pros­ ecuting witness. - Ronny A. Kerley, assault on a female, dismissed (no victim). - William H. King Jr., commu­ nicating threats, dismissed per fail­ ure of prosecuting witness to ap­ pear, - Jeremy D. Lindsey, domestic violence order violation, sentenced lo 60 days in jail, suspeiuled one year, $ 100, cosl, iiol lo liireaten/lm- rass/assnult tiio complainant, sub­ stance abuse assessment, $325 at­ torney fee. • Levine Livingston, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen- lenced lo 120 days in prison, credit for liiree days served, work release. - Chrislopher W. Martin, break­ ing and entering and injury to real properly, reduced lo nnsdemeanor larceny, 120 days in prison, credil for nine days served, work release, $ 125 restitution, $ 130 attorney fee; larceny of a motor vehicle, reduced lo second degree trespassing; pos­ session of stolen vehicle and mis­ demeanor conspiracy, dismissed per plea. - Hector R. Martinez, assault on a fenuile, reduced lo simple assault, somenced to one day in jail, credit for two days .served; interfering wilh emergency communication, dis­ missed per plea. - Latesha M. MeNeely, driving with license revoked and resisting a public officer, sentenced to 90 days in jail, credit for lime served: driving wilh license revoked, ficti­ tious info to officer, failure to wear seat belt, aad failure lo secure pas- •scnger under 16, dismissed [«r plea. - Gail T, Mellon, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo 64 in u 55, cost. - Paul A. Merrell, misdemeanor probation violation out of county, sentenced to Iwo years in prison, credit for 14 days served; assault on a female, dismissed per plea. - Manuel B. Miranda, DWI, sen­ tenced Io60days injail,'suspendcd Iwo years, $l00, cost, not lo oper­ ate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, 24 hours communiiy scrvjce plus fee, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, surrender license; driving left of center, dismis.sed per pica. - Tim Moss, communicating liireals, dismissed, nol lo ihrealen/ hurass/assauit prosecuting wilness. - Jessica R. Nobles, communi­ cating liireals, prayer for judgement continued on cost, not to liirealen/ harass/assault coniplainanl. - Chadwick L, Oneill, domestic violence order violation, not guilty, - Fredys N. Onliberos, driving wilh liccnsc revoked and unsafe passing on intersection, dismissed per plea; driving wilh license re­ voked, .sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, $75, cost, nol lo operate a motor veiiicle until li­ censed by DMV, $200 attorney fee, - Robert 0. i’adgell, reckless driving 10 endanger, reduced to im­ proper e(|uipinenl, $ i 00, cosl. - John P. Rabb Jr., driving wiili license revoked, sentenced to 90 days in jail, suspended two years, $300, cost, not to operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV; ex­ pired/no inspection slicker, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, driving wilh license revoked, dismissed per correction. - Fiorcneio N. Rojas, speed com- pelilion, reduced to unsafe move­ ment, cost. - Shawn Taylor, simple worlii- less check, dismissed per civil seltlemonl. - Jennifer L. Teague, speeding 98 in a 70, reduced lo careless/reck­ less, $25, eost; following too closely, dismissed per plea. - Barbara Velolla, simple assault, prayer for judgement continued one year, not lo liarass/thrcaleii/assaull coniplainanl, $390 attorney fee; in­ jury to personal property, failure lo wear drivers seat hell, and driving with license revoked, dismissed per plea. - Rrneslo 1. Villa, speed coinpe- F i v e S e n t e n c e d F o r L a r c e n y By ,liickle Scnbolt Davie County Enterprise Record Five Davie men arrested last August appeared in Superior Court la.st month on charges of brenking. entering, and larceny. Glenn Eubanks Jr., of 155 Center St., Cooleetnee; Brandon Geoffrey Oliver of 226 Rnlph ^ Road, Mocksvllio: Jonathan ^ Bstnl Mnye« o f 156 Sonorn Drive. Advance: nnd Craig Frederick anil Justin Lee Wiand, both of 134 Alamosa Drive, Ad­ vancc all pleaded guilty lo one count felony breaking and enter­ ing and one counI felony larceny after breaking and entering. The men stole more than $8000 worth of lawn equipment from Bermuda Run Country Club in Aug. 5, 2003 nnd were arrested in Randolph County af­ ter their vcbtclcs were stopped by offlcinls there, ,’ ’ 'Jud8i't.Virry*'pSrf4'*^nVo^ilio’' following .sentences: Eubanks was given six months min./eight months max. in prison with credit for 171 days served and ordered to pay $341.25 In attorney fees. Mayes was given seven months min./nine months max. suspended 30 months on the brenking and entering, ordered not to po.ssess any illegal sub­ stances. submit to random drug screens und warrantless searches, elvo.a PNA siimple, pay a shared^ rOSufuiicJri^f-^i 1бОО,-'ряу ■ OOBt j- nnd $780 in attorney fees. He was given seven months mln./ M a n R e c e iv e s S u s p e n d e d S e n te n c e liy .Inckle Scubolt Davie County Enlerprisc Record A Yiidkin man pleaded guilty to charges that resulted against him last September nfier he at­ tempted to elude officers during u high speed chase through the county. Justin Randolph Johnson. 25. along wilh his lawyer. Lori Hamilton-Dewitt, appeared be­ fore Judge Larry G, Ford in Davie Superior Court lust month to face charges of felony ficc- ing 10 elude arrest with a motor vehicle, DWI, and misdemeanor child abuse. On Sept. 29, 2003 Johnson was stopped by a highway pa­ trol officer after failing lo dim his headlights. Johnson sped away as the officer approached his vehicle and a chase began. As Johnson atlempled a righi turn onto Interstate 40 his ve­ hicle wenl into a side skid, hit a concrete barrier, went airborne, and collided with a tree. After he was ¡ipprehended, officers found his glrlfried and three small children inside Ihe vehicle. All four were un­ harmed. Ford sentenced Johnson to a mln. 13 months/max, 16 months in jail, suspended 30 months on the fieeing lo elude charge. He was ordered to give a DNA sample, not lo possess any ille­ gal substance, submit lo random drug screens, warrantless searches, and pay .$308.75 in at­ torney fees. He was given nine months in jail, suspended 30 months for Ihe DWI charge, ordered lo get a substance abuse assessment within 60 days, and pay $250 plus cost. The child abuse charge was dismissed. J u d g e T e lls M a n T o B e h a v e In P ris o n Jitnmy Harris understands he’s going 10 prison, but he wants a chance to work and sup­ port his new baby. Thai’s what his lawyer, Julie Parker, told Judge Larry G. Ford in Davie Superior Court. Charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, he pled guilty to mali­ cious assault for an Aug. 9 inci­ dent at the Lakewood Motel. Harris was under Ihe infili- ence when he wcnt lo see thè woman al thè motel, said a.ssis- tanl districi altorney, Rob Tay­ lor. He had accusctl Iter of cheat- ing, and hit Iter in thè head and face, causing a broken uose and bone below thè eyc. He forced ber lo go lo thè lo­ cation of who he thought she was chcaling with, Taylor said. He choked ber lo thè point she blacked and heal her wilh a bell. The assault went on for two lo three hours. Parker said her client has been in custody since his arrest. He had a child born lo another woman during that lime. “He's genuinely sorry for his behavior ... Ihe burden is on him,” Parker said. “I'm very sorry," Harris told the judge. Judge Thomas Ford told Har­ ris lhal if he behaves In prison, he would get the minimum sen­ tence of the 30-45 months. He got credil for 164 days in jail awaiting trial. The judge recom­ mended work release, lhal Har­ ris pay re.stitution lo the vlclim anti child support. He also has 10 pay $195 in allorncy fees. “He won’l have anything lefl for himself,” the judge said. ь i d, 2002 1997 1999 2001 2001 Jeep Liberty ChevroletM 1 Dodge Dodge Ram Jeep Sport Blazer Durango SLT 4x4 Wrangler Sport wm J \i lHu». ipM«ùW»ìgi»»i »»Al. »uto. AWFW’CD,po*«ik*k»,37t.l.'t. 4i4. poy>*i »rdcMi. AC. ibol rack «^uU. (Л. ЩГМС»«. FW. PDL. aulu>no йСих]S ОЫ. «nctoot 4 tocU. AkV rUCau. t^l. км fflii«!. 4i4. c(u>M ?EiMntMcab, auto, AMTUCiv«. powei wmckM», mifrofi 4 locki, ov*rti««clcwiole, Cfuil«,Medium v a «1 4i4, AMfM'CD. KiWop, Ы1 Cdrp«Iir)g. tiMl (Vmvi. 1Л, AC. Sutn, court*$y uvnpj $16,295 •■я $5,988 $15,575 1 $16,250 $12,988 > _ ' WWW.COWhoyrob.com . l • 1>сопм«0240 in Beautifuil Downtown Mocksville 157 Depot street • 7 5 1 -5 9 4 3 ■ 1 -888-469-3781 tilion, reduced to unsafe movement, cosl. - Celso D. Viiialoro, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced lo 45 days in jail. - Patricia L. Wagoner, injury lo personal properly, not guilly. - Vicky L. Waller, simple worlii- less check, dismissed per civil .setllenienl. - Clirislopiier Williams, posses­ sion of drug parapliernalia, carry­ ing a concealed weapon, and mis­ demeanor possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dismissed per plea; no operators license, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, $100, cosl, weapon and contraband ordered destroyed; open container after consuming alcohol, dismissed per plea. - Clayton Boaii, speeding 82 In a 70, reduced lo failure to notify DMV of address change; driving wilh license revoked, dismissed per plea. - Levine Livingston, speeding 74 In a 55. dismissed per plea. - Fredys N. Onliberos, driving wilii license revoked, dismissed per pieu. - Terry McGee, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, $50, cosl. - James Gaddy, misdemeanor assault on a female, not guilly (Jan. 22 session). I’aiied To Appear; - Robert W. Harmon, misde­ meanor larceny. - Ravinder L. Oberlo, assault on a government official/employee. - Rhonda D. Tindtti, simple worthless check. - Cindy B. Turner, driving wilh license revoked. nine months max. suspended 30 months ut the end of the previ­ ous sentence for the larceny charge. Oliver was given the same sentence ns Mayes cxccpl bis at­ torney fees were $650. . Craig and Justin Wiand were also given the same sentence ex- cupt Crulg’a ttUomoy fees were $520 and Justin’s woro^$325, -Dolli*lin'tl 147 dnys jail credit. Al| other charges against the men were dismissed. Remember When? Louise Stroud does. R ead h e r mitxing.s on M o cksville’s history the firs t week o f each m onth. UI'.lM U'.SI'.NrAriVK J i l l i a H o w a r d N X \ H o u s e 7<Jlh D is t. M tty lie a m lu c ifii ill: State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 phone (919)733-5904 (ax (919) 754-3182 Email; lullah@ncleg.net I'MUKIR tnjum tlOWAM) C a r S e a t ^ 5 2 ^ S a f e t y I n s p e c t i o n V V ¥ V V V V V » ¥ V S a tu r d a y v F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 0 4 ^ 1 0 a m - 1 p m J 5395 Hwy. 158, Advance j Inside-Dry-W arm Z Across from Snook’s BBQ m F r e e F in g e rp a in tin g F r e e P h o to o f C h ild Sponsoreil t»y: 2 Kiw anis C lub Nationwide Insurance ^ of Onvlc County K cUh HlM cr Agcncy ^ liispcclt'tl by Dnvie County Slicrfff'.s Department D ir e c t f r o m th & M a n u f a c t u r e r “All Steel” storage & Utility Buildings, Metal Roofing & TVims Slartlng°af ^ 4 ,8 9 9 + fax /nclucios i?oiiup Doors. Pofsonnol Door and soaiocj cifavk^ngj lot oasy insfoliaiion M e t a l R o o f i n g For Your Hom e & Buildings Starting at 3 2 ^ /sq. ft. lor Materials Each Onler Is CUSTOM M M E for YOUR SATISFACTION! CALL TODAYI Ask for Tim 40'and 50’wide iroava (optional loan*to ihown) heightifKiudüS soalod drav^inoj (ot oasy instatolion ■b e i c o INC B u U d in g The F u tu re o f S e tf-S to ra g e 228 Commorce Blvd. (off Crawford Rd.), Statesville 1800-654-7813, 704-672-2999, Fax 704-872-3099 www.betcolnc.com Your Homo Iniprovomom Vnlilo Conlor- SenrI Smnfl Wilh JAJ Carpel & Floor Covorlng CUSTOM DESIGN WITHOUT THE CUSTOM PRICE The Tesserae Carpel System lets you design Individual living spaces In any room-easlly and atfordably. CAREFREE CARPET SYSTEM Should damage occur such as stains or excessive weac you can simply remove Individual panels and replace them with new ones In seconds- helping you maintain exceptional beauty (or years to come. CLEAN, MESS-FREE INSTALLATION Tesserae panels are professionally Installed using TracllonBack’“ Glueless Installation. This creates a secure hold thioughout Ihe room without messy glues or olher adhesives. ATTACHED FIDOR PAD Each Tesserae panel has attached residential padding with a moisture batiler built In- assuring a soft comfortable quiet (eel and added subfloor protection. Hours: Mon, -Fri. & Sar, 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, N C P h o n e : 2 4 9 - 6 6 7 2 C A R PET ^ P bO O R IN G C O VE R IN G Wo'fo Your Homo Improvotnont Vnliio Contor- Start Smart With J&J Cnrpot ^ Floo^ CovorlHQ' 6 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 P u b lic R e c o r d s Arrests The Davic County Sheriff's Oc- partincnl mudc the following arrests: ■ Chrystiil VcrncssnColcs, 25, of 142 Elchison Street, Mocksvillc was nrrestcil Jiin. 22 for unaulliorizcd use of n motor vchicle. Trial date: Pcb. 26. • Phillip Crawford Shousc, 49, of 274 Swiccgood St., Mocksvillc, arrested Jan. 2.1 for driving wilh licen.se revoked. Trial date: Feb. 26. - George Davidson Shaw, 40, of 474 Brier Creek Road, Advance, arreslcd Jan. 23 for failure lo ap­ pear. Trial dole: Feb. 16. - Frcdys Nieto Ontiberos. 23, of 132 Hollow Mill Court. Mock.sville was arrested Jan, 24 for failure to appear. Trial dale: Feb. 19. - Cildardo Rodriguez Bravo. 26, of 126 Sunset Drive, Mocksville was urrested Jan. 24 for assault on a femole. Trial dale: Feb. 19. - Bob Smith, 70, of 190 Essie Road, Mocksvillc was arrested Jan. 27 for communicating threats. Trial date: Feb. 19. - Candice Jo Dtye, 19, of 1730 Junciion Road, Mocksville wos ar­ rested Jan. 28 for failure to pay fine. Trial date; Feb. lOin Yadkin Counly. - Michael Todd Perry, 31, of 408 Hobson Drive, Mocksville was ar­ rested Jan. 29 for failure lo appear. Trial dale: Feb. 12 and March 8. - Barron Lee Thompson, 32, of 302 Acadcmy Road, Mock.sville was arrested Jon. 29 for second degree burglary, larceny after breaking and entering, and larceny of a fircann. Trial date: Feb. 12. - Curtis Bradley Poole, 23, of TrinitywasarresledJan.3l forDWI, open container, and driving with liccnse revoked. Trial dale: Feb. 20. - Johnnlhon Wayne Roberts, 17, of Trinity, arrested Jan. 31 for per­ mitting an unliccnsedriver, and aid­ ing/abetting DWI. Trial date; Feb, 20. - Brianna Lynn Oaks, 24, of Harmony was arrested Jan. 31 for failure 10 appear. Trial date; Feb. 17 in Iredell County. - Andre Kenneth McCombs, 40, of DWI ami driving with license revoked. Trial dale: March 5.-Johnnie DaleAlbea,32,cf249 Main Sircel, Cooleemee was ar­ rested Feb. I for drunk and disrup­ tive. Trial dale; Feb. 12. - Samuel Dean James, 23, of 104 McCullough Road, Mocksville was arreslcd Feb, 2 for misdemeonor lar­ ceny and carrying a concealed weapon. Trial dale; March 4. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Dnvic Register of Deeds, lislcd by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 representing $1,000, - Daniel t. Brewer and Harbani H, Brewer, Corl V, Carney and Debora B. Carnty and Austin McGuire Limited Partnership lo HCM Associates, 3 tracts. - Arthur M. Upshaw III, e.«cu- tor of estate of Doris R. Upshaw Estate 10 Bermuda Villoge Retire­ ment Center, 1 condominium, Fami- ington, $299, - Bermudo Village Retirement Center to Silas A, Deal ami Kathryn M, Deal, I condominium, Farming­ ton, $299. - Wilma M. Davis lo Bermuda Village Retirement Center, I condominimum, Fanninglon, $280. • Bermuda Village Retirement Center to Miriam F. Blicknian, 1 condominium, Farminglon, $280. - Fannie Mae lo John Z, Russ Sr., I lot, - John L. While lo Alice Prulll While, I lol, Jerusalem. • Shirley Hermon Anthony to William E. Burton Jr. and Judith Brown Burton (half Interesi) and Jason Patrick Burton (half interest), 1 lol, Farmington, - Olha Lee Stroud and Pauline Stroud to James Lee Stroud, Edith Stroud Johnson, David A. Johnson and Martha Dean Stroud, trustees for the Stroud Family Picnic Area Trust, 16.64 acres, Calahain. - Olha Lee Stioud nnd Pouline Stroud to Marcus Paul Mooney nnd Regina Johnson Mooney, Michael Todd banning Jr, and Justin Seth Lannlng, 2S acres, Calahain. - Olha Lee Stroud and Pauline Siroud to James Lee Stroud and James Rnndal Siroud, 28.89 ocres, Calahain, - Olha Lee Stroud and Pauline Stroud lo Robert Stroud, Carrie Stroud and James Lee Stroud nnd Kelly Stroud. 18,87 acres, Calaholn. - Olha Lee Siroud and Pauline Siroud lo Robert Stroud nnd Carrie Stroud, .73 acre, Calahnln. - Olha Lee Siroud nnd Pauline Stroud to David Lee Johnson and Jamie T, Johnson, I tract, Calahain. - Oneida Hendrix Merrell to Melanie Jane Adams, 16.19 acres, Clarksville. $211. - David L. Black and Melody A. Black, Jerry L. Couch and Sue B. Couch to Ciutrles E. Malcom and Marjorie C, Malcom. 1 lot, Farm­ ington, $57. - Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota Nnlional Association to Vcgnsile, 1 lol. Shady Grove, $200. - Willie C. Elmore by altomey ■ in fact. Clarence Elmore lo Royce O'Brien Dixon and Jnnie White Dixon. 5 acres, Farmington, $35. - Azcem A. Wahid-Holmun and Karla O. Holman and Thomas S. Holman lo Marlin Lee Barber. 2 tracts, Mocksvillc. $56. ■ Mary S, Ellis to Elgin Olcnn Ellis Jr.. 19,9 acrcs. - Donna M. Lankford to Dale Myers Jr., .29 acre. Jerusalem, $87. - Cambridge Isenhour Homes and K.T, Isenhour Construction lo Ludwik J, and Catherine F, Terebel- ski, I villa, Fanninglon. $481. - Jeanelle 0. Comatzer lo Anna T. Walln. ,67 acre. Shady Grove, $10. - James A. Brooks Jr. lo Richard Hendricks and Carol Hendricks, 2 lots. Fullon. $294. - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. to Jerald L. Marlin and Patricia Martin. 5 acres. - WM Specially Mortgage lo Paul McGraw. I lol, Mocksville, $70. - Westview Dcielopntcnt Co. to Bob Cope & Son Construction, I lot, Farmington, $77. - GLC Properties to J. LnRoss Kclncr and Tina M. Ketner, I lol, Fanninglon, $624, - Mulvancy Homes lo Richurt) E. Fcucr and Jennifer A. Reaser, I lol, Farminglon, $289. Н1йЬлуау Patrol The following trafnc wrecks in Davie County were listed by Ihe N.C, Highway Patrol. Ciir Wrecks In Snow A Forsylli woman was charged with exceeding a safe speed after she wrecked Ihc vchicle she was driving Jan. 25. Nancy Ellen Rceser of Kcrnersvillc was driving her 1999 Toyota vehicle west on Inter- stale 40 exceeding a safe speed for Ihc snow covered road conditions. Reescr’s vehicle ron off the left side of the tond nnil collided with n me­ dian cable. Trooper A.T. Keller re- pcned the accident occurrcd at ap­ proximately 10:25 a.m. and there were no injuries, Womnn Chnrgctl In Wreck >- A Forsyth womnn was charged with exceeding a aafe ipced after she wrecked the vehlcic she was driving Jan. 25. Virginia Wilcox Whittle of Winston-Salem was driv­ ing a 1994 Lincoln vchicle cast on 1-40 e.Kcecding n snfe speed for the snowy rond conditions. Whittle's vchicle ran off the righl side of Ihe road nnd collided wilh a guardrail. Trooper A.T. Keller reporled Ihc ac­ cidcnl occurred al approximately ll;.M)a.m. VVrcck On U,.S, 64 A Davic mun was chargcd wilh exceeding a safe speed after he wrcckcd Ihe vehicle he was driving Jan. 25. Harry Thomas Gordy of 772 Will Boone Road. Mocksville wns driving n 1992 Dodge pick-up wesl on 64 exceeding a safe speed for Ihc snowy road conditions. Oordy's truck crossed left of cenlcr. ran off Ihe left side of Ihe road, und collided wilh a tree. Trooper A.T. Keller re­ ported the accident occurred ul ap­ proximately 11:45 a.m. Wrcck On U.S, 158 No charges were filed after n Duvie woman wrcckcd Ihe vehicle she was driving Jan. 25. Lean Rachele Beauchamp of 153 Longwood DtWe, Aiivnncc wns driving a 2002 Nissan vehicle north on U.S. 158. Beauchamp's vehicle run off Ihc righl side of the road and collided wilh nn embankment. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the ac­ cident occurred ut approximately 12:45 p.m. Vehicle Mils Sign A North Carolina wiiinnn was charged with exceeding u snfe speed after she wrecked the vchicic she was driving Jan. 25. Stacie Darlene Lort/. of Catawba was driving her 1998 Chrysler easl on Ihe 1-40 ramp and ran ofT the righl side of Ihe road. Lorlz's vchicle collided wilh a high­ way sign and n dilch. Trooper F.C. Fergusson reported Ihe accident oc­ curred at approximaicly 9:30 n.m. Wreck On Interstate A North Carolina man was charged wilh exceeding a .safe speed nfterhe wrecked the vehicle he was driving Jan. 25. Joshue Brian Ingram of Raleigh was driving his 2000 Pontiac vehlcic east on 1-40 when he lost conlrol. ran off the left side of the road, and collided with a median cable. Trooper F,C, Fergusson reported the accident oc­ curred ot approximately 3:40 p.m. No Charges Fll*tl In Wreck No charges were filed after a wreck Ian. 2S. Nathan Scoll Robertson of 152 Brockland Drive. Advance was attempting to park the 1984 Dalsun pick-up he was driv­ ing in Ihe Lowes parking lot. A 1991 Ford vehicle owned by Jane M. Lynch of Advonce wns already in a parking space. Robertson saw Ihe space he was allempling lo park in was designated handicapped, hit his brakes, and slid on the snow cov­ ered lot into Lynch's parked car. Trooper F.C. Fergusson reported the accident occurred at I p.m. Car Collides With Cable A Guilford County man wns charged wilh exceeding a safe speed after he wrecked Ihe vehicle he was driving Jan. 25. Christopher A. Haas of Jamestown was driving his 1986 Mercedes Benz vehicle west on I- 40 when he lost conlrol, ran off the left side of the road, and collided wilh a median cable. Trooper F.C. Fergusson reported the accident oc­ curred at approximately 1 p.m. Truck Wrecks In Sno>y A North Carolina man was chargcd with exceeding a safe speed after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving Jun. 26. Jose Orlando Trejo- Cubullcro of Mt. Ulla was driving his 1991 Toyota pick-up south on N.C. 801. Caballero staled he down shifted und his truck slid off the road' and down an embankment. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported the accident occurrcd at approximately 1 p.m. Vehicle Slides On Ice Patch A North Carolina woman was charged wilh exceeding a safe speed after she wrcckcd Ihe vehicle she was driving Jun. 26. Carol Mariin- Burncll of Reidsvillc was driving her 199!) Isuzu vchicle cuslon 1-40. Barnett staled she attempted to choiigc lanes, struck a patch of ice. lost control, and struck the guard­ rail. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:30 p.m. Woman Charged In Wrcck A Dnvle woman was charged wilh exceeding a safe speed, litter­ ing. expired inspection, and failure to report a collision after she wrecked the vehicle she was driv­ ing Jan. 27. Terri Michele Whitaker of 2206 U.S. 158. Mocksville wns driving her 1988 Chevrolet pick-up east on 1-40 when she lost conlrol on the icy rond, spun out of control, and him median cable. After impact Whitaker attempted lo move the vehicle but got stuck in the snow. Whitaker left the scene and was lo­cated al her home by officer. Trooper M.T. Dolton reporled the accident occurred at 2:15 a.m, IVaclor TVnller Wreck.? No charges were filed after a Maiylond man wrecked Ihc vehicle he was driving Jan. 28. Richard Polge Renshttw of Maryland was driving a 2002 Inlemntional Iroclor- trailer west on 1-40. Rcnshuw's truck blew a left front tire, ran off the road, and collided wilh a median cable. Trooper M.T, Dullon reported Ihc accidcnl occurrcd al npproxi- malely 9:35 p.m. Man Falls To Yield Vehicle A Duvie man was charged wilh failure 10 yield after the vehicle he was driving hit another Jan. 29. Leonel Barron Moreno of 200 Edison Street, Mocksvillc wns driv­ ing his 1992 Ford easl on U.S, 64, David Jomes Plugenuin of 229 Ouk Tree Drive, Mocksvillc was driving his 1991 Ford pick-up wesl on U,S, 64, Moreno failed lo see before making n left luni and his vehicle struck Plegcman's. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accident oc- cuired at approximately lQi4Q p.m. dpossehgei- or Moreno's wns taken to Davie County Hospital, Flying Ice Chunk Causes Wreck No charges were filed aflcr a wreck In Davic on Jan, 29, Steven Hall of Chinn Grove was driving a 1998 International Iruclor-lrailcr west on U,S, 158 when a chunk of ice blew off Ihe top of Ihc trailer. Robin Hurdy Donali of 427 N.C. 801 North, Advance was driving her 1987 Cndilluc vehicle easl on 158 and collided with the chunk of ice. Trooper F.C. Fergusson reported Ihe uccident occurrcd at approximately 10:50 u.m. Wreck At School Bus Stop A Davie man was charged wilh failure to reduce speed after Ihe ve­ hicle he wns driving hit another Jnn, 30. Robert Keith Mnson of 557 Comatzer Road, Mocksville wns driving his 1993 Chevrolet nonli on Comatzer Road behind a'2001 Toyoln vehicle driven hy Lydia Bully Shore of 193 R, Shore Drive. Mocksvillc, A school bus was slopped nnd Shore stopped for it. Mason fnilcd to rci^uce the speed of hi» voMole and.l^.fioUldod with Shore's vehicle then crossed left of center and collided wilh the school bus. Trooper A,T, Keller reported the nccidehl occurred ul upproxi- muiely 3 p.m. VVrcck On lliilliniurc Ruud A Davie woman was charged wilh failure lo yield nfler Ihe vchicle she wus driving hit another Jan. 30. Margie Ann Hensley of 332 Wil- liums Road, Mocksvillc wus driv­ ing her 1989 Oldsmobile vehicle west in n privnle drive and slid on the icy rond into tlic northbound lane of Baltimore Road. Mnry Ellznbcih Pugh of Winslon-Snlcni wns driv­ ing her 2004 Chevrolet vehicle north oh Baltimore and ran off Ihe road in nn alicrnpl lo avoid collid­ ing wilh Hensley. Pugh's vehlcic collided wilh two mailboxes und Hensley. Trooper F.C. Fergusson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 10:07 n.m. One Deer Hit In Davie One deer wns reported hit by nn automobile in tho county. In Ihc fol­ lowing report no drivers wus in--^ Juredi . David ‘ Ciirrasco-Chuv of Yadklnville wns driving his 1997 Dodge vehicle south on U.S. 601 and a deer ran inlo ilic road und col­ lided wilh his vchicle. Trooper M.C, Howell reported the uccident occurred ut npproxi- mntely 11,40 p.m. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to Mocksville Police, - Rocks damaged the hood of a cur on Sanford Avenue, it was re­ ported Jan, 27. - The larceny of brownies, Hershey's syrup and a soft drink from Food Lion, Mocksville Mor- kclplace. was reported Jan, 27, -The breaking, entering nnd lar­ ceny of money from drink machines off Yadkinviile Rond was reported Jan. 29. - A prowler wns reported ut a residence on Tot Street on Jun. 29. - The larceny of a bicycle from a residence on Sunset Drive was reported Jan. 31. - The breaking, entering und vandalism to a residence on Wind­ ward Circle was reported Jun. 29, -A coin muchine off Vudkinville Rond wus broken into, ii was re­ ported Jun. 29, Arrests • Rebecca Lianna Torres, 17, of 719 E. Lexington Road, wns charged Jun. 27 witli simple nssuull. Trinl dale; Feb. 5. - Melissa R, Williams, 36, of 921 Milling Road, was charged Jan. 28 wilh trespassing. Triul dule: Feb. 12. - Brianna Lynn Oakes, 24. of Hannony. wns charged Jnn. 28 with four counts of frnud and two counts of forgery, Triul date; Feb, 12. - Samuel Dean James, 23, of 104 McCullough Rond, wns charged Jan, 30 with shoplifting, Trinl dnie: Feb. 19. - Frunkie Rynn Fucnies, 16, of 234 Wilkesboro Sl„ wns churged Sheriff s Department Jnn, 31 wilh possession of nuiri- juanu. Trial dale: March 5. Truffle Accidents - A motorist suid sun in his eyes blinded his vision at Ihe four-way slop sign at Salisbury Sireel und South Dnvic Drive al 8:56 u.m. Jun. 28. Jody Grey Pnyne, 33, of Dobson, drove her 1994 Toyolo pickup into Ihe inlcrscclion, where it struck a 1996 Toyolu driven by Peter Ashley Nnniz, 28, of 192 Elmwood St., re­ ported Olficer Danny R, Chandler. The following incidents were reported lo Ihe Davie County Sheriff's Department. - On Jan. 22 Sicvcn King re­ ported hub caps were removed from n vchicle pnrked on Wilkesboro Street. Mocksville. - A suspicious person wns re­ ported by Jimmy Bledsoe nl n loca­ tion near Pineville Road. Mocks­ ville on Jan, 23. • On Jan, 23 Thomas Correll re­ ported 0 license tug wus removed from a vchicle ul u business near Michuels Rond, Mocksville. - Sharron Whisennni reporled crcdii card fraud at a home on Yadkin Valley R\iad, Advance on Jan. 23. • On Jnn, 24 Melvin Gregory reported a drink machine was dam­ aged and money was luken ul a busi­ ness off U,S. 158, Advance. - Vijay Burnd reported a drink machine was damage and money was taken al a business on U.S. 64 H O H O H O . GO Ш ГНШ B M o m West, Mocksville on Jan, 24. - On Jan. 28 Don Sowers re­ porled a grnvel drivewny wus dam­ aged at a business on U.S, 158, Ad- vunce, - Cecil Rolierson reported a fire- ann was removed from a home on Fork Bixby Roud. Advance on Jan. 28, - On Jan. 28 Chamreece Diggs reported identity fraud nl n home on Brunchview Lane, Mocksville, - LisaTrexler reporled n vehicle regislrnlion pluie wus removed from a vehicle al a business on U,S, 601 Souih. Mock.sville. ■ On Jan, 29 Benlrice Long re­ ported credil curd fraud al u home on Murchison Road. Mocksville. - Charles Clement reported a losi cell phone nl a locution neur Redland Road. Advance on Jun. 29. On Jan. 30 Rick Phelps re­ ported a bicycle was found al a resi­ dence off Pine Ridge Roud. Mocks­ville. - Sheliu Sir.ilh reported'gas was luken without puy from a business on U.S. 64 East, Mocksvillc on Jan. 31. Fires For4BMen№s t ‘2 0 0 0 Rebote Or 4 9 , 9 8 8 Ъ Ì >if и m»<)nun V». Ш иAMfMCO(ri«vw,7 !»•*. «г—гта *Q/?Q/*0 ifiM bMicA ml «nn MnMto, dMv ПА Mm]4 lUnoft— WOpomm 1ГМЛ ««rintir 0«it VhuI In Oot eiTTt« 0 % muMonUH «‘200 0 Rebate Of J 2 3 . 4 8 8 * (A. po«« tacii M qi1 «пег«, tour N*••0 «JomuK fetM. po«« MM. powe »«MO««, p«w«r «loot lock* «МЛМ c*WCO, ижщспшп »kjrtmum MtM«, w. сп«м. not »•СЛ. Wi р«Кад». M*y 1ГМJflO po*w wmtrti Out VuMi k. Julf Oof iKItM 0 % ш п т м т 49,988 XÌ poim Uc*> 4 IP MriemMK, AM^ Compact dtM. power POW« doof tocM «И» keylM giMiv root rach. 1гм 1П0 poww trw wwTMity But Vaum* Ц Awcmca Jutt dot BiiTin D E M O «28,988 SeiVe24VMi>l.]|on«ln>nlirMrc№v4(» I control, po««r »unroo«, hflnlyMreurd iTtl«T4 (а«пмп &lui tucuu w/l «f*r poww dfiytrt ml, pM«c wkxtowt, pMr« oou tocki яг№ tny. tuntCTMd OKU. lA truH*.• cwiWtrw pka»a Pui kb AmmU X*t Ooi Dir All prtcun eind j>.»ymonlb pluh bii.1.41 .«nd S270 DOC luu. All рисия ruduci ruh.ito.On npprovotl credit, 7S1-5948 1-888-469-3781 1 5 7 D e p o t S tr e e t IN BEAUTI>:UL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE Duvie County fire depnrtmcius responded to Ihe following calls; •Inn. 26: Smith Grove,4:25 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accidcm; Farmington assisieil; County Line, 6:22 p.m., 1-40 Bust, nulomobile accidcnl'. Center assisled. .Inn, 27; Fnrmington. Smith Grove. 4:42 p.m.. 1-40 Eust. uulo- mobile wreck; Mocksville. 6:58 n.m., Bethel Church Rond, jack- knifed truck; Sheffield-Culahuln, William R. Duvie, 6:48 p.m.. Bear Creek Church Rond, unknown fire, ,lan. 28: Mocksville. 3:23 p,m„ South Duvie Middle School, car fire; AdvntKc, 3;27 p,m.. Beauchamp' Road, vehicle fire; Smith Orovo as­ sisted; Fork, 5:11 p,in,, Peter Hairston Roud. fire alarm. ,|un, .^1): Mocksville. 2:58 a.m., U.S. 601 North, investigmioii; Mocksville, 4:30 p.m., Wilkesboro Sircci, nutomobile accident. ,lun. 31s Advance, 9;.S7 a.m., Jurvis Road, chicken house on fire; Cornutzer-Dulln assisted; Center, 11;24 a.m., 1-40 West, vehicle fire; Counly Line nsslsied, Feb 2i Advance, 7:35 a.m., Avinra Drive, fire ainrm; Smith Grove assisted; Fanninglon, 9;23 a.m.. 1-40 Bust rest urea, car leaking gas; Smith Qrove assisted. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 - 7 D e e r C r a s h i n g Those of you traveling down Wilkesboro Street in Mocksville may have noticed this scene at Four Oaks Furniture. Last Wednesday around 4 a.m., two deer crashed through one of the plate glass win­ dows, entered the store, and crashed back out another window. Luckily, there wasn’t major damage inside the store and the owners have made the best of bad situa­ tion with the signs covering the damaged windows. - Photo by Robin Fergusson J u d g e : W o m a n L u c k y ; H a b it u a l D W I R e d u c e d T o A M i s d e m e a n o r IJy Mike Hiirnlitirdt Duvie County ntcrprisc Record Wendy Hoffman shoulil con­ sider her.scif lucky, Tlie officer who arrested Iter for DWI in June of 2(102 moved lo Florida, anti wasn’t available for her uppearancc in Duvie Su­ perior Court last month. Anti Ihe illstrici attorney’s olTice agieed lo a pica bargain lhal reduced her felony, habitual drunken driving ciiarge to a mis­ demeanor DWI, Site’ll have to spend some time in jail, but not a prison sentence ns Ihe habitual DWI conviction would have dic­ tated. Judge Larry G, Ford read the plea agreement to Morfman in court, asking if she agrees. ' Hoffman suid she did, “I’ll bet you do,” the judge said. “This must bo an unusual situation,” Assistant Dislrlcl Altomey Rob Taylor and Hoffman’s attor­ ney, Michael Parker, presented evidence. Taylor suid the officer now lives in Florida, nnd il would be difncult to get him back lo Davic d). County for court. “I could «el baoki but go ahoiidi" ' ' said. Taylor said that'on tlie night of her arrest, Hoffman had been “drinking heavily.” Officers had responded to n domestic situa­ tion,and before, they left, ad­ vised lier not to drive. She told them she was going to walk. A short lime after officer;; left, they were dispatched back to the scenc because she had left driv­ ing a vchicic, Hoffman had three other DWI convictions within the past seven years and her driver's li­ cense had been permanently re­ voked, "It’s a sad siutation.” Parker saiil. “The relationship was abu­ sive and her sole solstice was the bottle. There's a history of her being a victim of domestic vio­ lence. She can’t seem lo turn loose of the bottle and the bottle can't lum loose of her." Ford said he liad never heard a felony DWI case being reduced to a misdemeanor, "Your client is extremely lucky,” lie said. “If I give her the minimum of 30 days, site needs lo be able lo serve that today,” Parker suid tliat Hoffman was working two jobs, and Hoffman herself told the judge she hadn’t had anything lo drink since her arrest. The judge then allowed' Hoffman lo serve her time at the discretion of her probation of­ ficer. blit wanted attorneys in Ihe courtroom that In the future, tlieir clients need lo be ready lo go, 10 start serving their jail sen­ tences on the day of sentencing. She was sentenced to 15 months in prison, and suspended that sonteneo to ineludc 30 months of supervised probation. She is not lo possess any alco­ holic beverage or illegal sub­ stance, pass the GED test, com- pleie community service, attend two AA tneetings a week, pay a $500 fine and court costs and reimburse the state $390 for at- , lomey fees. ............! i ; <‘pn6 br tho Wprat lh'tngii y ou . can do if you have a substance abuse problem is have a relation­ ship," tho judge told Hol fnian, “I’m working all the lime und .staying uway from people 1 used to hang around witii,” she replied, “Somewhere in there you’re going to have to find some time to go to A A (Alcoholics Anony- mou.s)," Ford said. “The only people who understand your problem are people wilh your problem anil who are in recov­ ery. You can learn if you go nnd pay attention.” He reminded Hoffman lhal if she kills someone while driving drunk, she could be convicted of second degree murder. “Yoti may have to slarl work­ ing 24 hours a day to pay all of this,” Ford said. B u s h I n i t i a t i v e C o u l d H e l p D e f e n d a n t s President Uii.sh's iniliiilive lo encourage strong marital rehi- lionships could give a lot of couples the help they need. Judge Larry G. Ford last month mentioned that initiative to several dcfandents in Da.vie Superior Court, including Will­ iam Jones, who pled guilty to lar­ ceny from a person. On March 1.2003, according 10 Assistant District Altomey Rob Taylor, Jones and his girl­ friend, Christie Anderson, were at Horn’s Truck Stop when his girlfricntl took money from the register when the clerk slopped away. The clerk grubbed Ander­ son, and Jones look (lie clerk off Andenson, Taylor said in a sum­ mary of the evidence. They were cuuglil a short time later, and Jones said he didn't know what his girlfriend was going lo do, “He told me it was ¡1 sli/pid tiling lie did," said liis attorney, Uynno Hicks Byerly, Jones, 26. is “very personable,” she .said. While Judge Ford was con­ sidering the evidence, Jones ad­ mitted lhal he wns in prison, imd described the past convictions, including the last fora probation violiilion. He was sentenced to six to eight months in prison, with drug abuse treatment recommended, “Voii didn’t get pimislicd for being honest,” the judge said. “Arc you madly in love with Ms, Anderson?” Jones said yes. Ford mentioned President Bush's initiative, and said maybe Jones and his girlfriend could seek counseling if lhal program is available. r i e a l t h R o w a n R e g io n a l МЕИСЛ!. Cl'.NTl'.ll i i v i F e b r u a r y C l a s s e s & E v e n t s Community Programs I Educatjonal Programs com I Support Groups co m Diabetes Screening — $15 fee An individual consultalion with a certified diabetes cdiicator. Particip.mis gel a fingerstick blood glucosc Icsl and are assessed on their risks for developing diabetes. Tills screening Is by appoint­ ment only. Screenings arc held at: Education Si Wellness Outpatient Services liiillding, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (7041630.1437 for an apRdiitment or for more jnforrnalion........ Heartto Heart— Free Medical professionals from Rowan Regional Medical Center will disaiss issues retaling to women and heart disease. Learn about risk factors, the inip.acl of diet and exercise on heart disease and the newest trends In the prevention of heart disease. Enjoy light tx:fi^shmenl8 and register for door prizes. Tlwrsday, February 26 from 7 ■ 9 p.m, at Tlie Holiday Inn, 530 S, Jake Alexander Blvd. in Salisbury CajI (7M ) 210-5544 to register. ____ Ijook Good, Feel Better An American Cancer Society program that tenches cancer patients tcchnicjiies to address the cosmetic side effects of ircatment. Call(704)27W )992foran appointment or for more Information. _ Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support and education for parents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. February 24 • 6i30 p.m., Salisfuiry Pediatric Associates, 129 Woodson Si,, Salisbury. Cail_(7p4) 63&S576jor_mor0 InfortTOlipn. _ AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping EncrKCtic) Provides a social and educational fonim for anyone with a sleeping disorder. Call Ihe Sleep IVledlcine Center of Salisbury at <704) 637<1533 for meeting information.___________________ jolii reiiresenlatlves IrotfTRoviian Regional Medical Center, Ro^van Medical Facililies and other local agencies at the county's most comprehensive exposition for seniors. Displays include home medical e((i/ipnient, living wills and .idrancc directives, county health services, hearing aids, banking services and much, much more. Tuesday, February 10 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. nt the Salisbury Mall, 1935 Jake Alexander Ulyd,, Siilisbury. Educational Programs Compiehensive Dialieles Classes Small group classes and individual instaiction are offered on a weekly basis to help master the skills and conccpts far the control of diabetes. Tlicse classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classes are held al the Salisbury Cily Park Recreation Center, 316 bike Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classcs will be offered on the following (laics, and you miisl allend all (bree sessions: Febniaiy 10, (7 and 24 • 9 - II n.m. Febmary 18, 25 and March 3 *1 -3 p.m. Cali (704) 6 ^ 1 4 3 7 for more information, Coronaiy Attny Disease Education Class Learn aboul the risk factors for heart dis­ ease and what cardiac rehabilitation options arc available. Tlie free class meets the fii’st and third Tliursday of each month from 9 • 11 n.m. in the Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Cenlcr, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Ofiice liuilding, Rowan Regional Medical Center, Call (704) 2105412 (or rnpre infamafon. Gestational Diabetes Glasses A certified diabetes educator provides a special progfflni for expectant motheis wilh’geslationa) diabetes, Tlie program includes basic f.icts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. Tliese classcs have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans, Ccslatioiial Uiabctes classcs will be offered on the following dates; attend (be dale of your choice. Febiiiaiy 12, 19,26 • 9-11 a.m., Row.iii Region,i) Education & Wellness Outpatient Services liuilding, 721 Grove St., Salisbuiy. Cail (704J 63& 1437 for more information. jClub Offers members and guests the opportunity to leani about breathing dis­ orders. February 11 • I p.m., fiufty-Ho/nics Senior Center, II20 S. lioundaiy St., Salisbury. Call (704) 210«343 for mcxe information. CanUao Support Group Provides support and education for cardiac patients, people who are at high risk for heart disease and their families. "Get Toiigb on Angina," a program develoiK'd by the Pre-ventive CaitJiovascular Nuises Association to educate patients and families about preventing and coping with angina. Febniaty 17 • 2 p.m., Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office liuilding, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Calf(704) 2 1 0 ^ 1 2 fa mae information.^ Colon Cancer Support Group Offers support and education for people with colon cancer and colon cancer survivors. Febmary 17 • 7 p.m., Library at St.John's Lithei-an Church, 200 W. Innes St., Salisbury. Call (704) 637-1093 for more informalign. Coping wttii GsM Support Group Provides support for those dealing wilh the loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home f-|eallli & Hospice. Day and evening support groups arc' available. CaiJ (704) 637-7645 for mae information, Epiepsy Support Group Provides support and education for people wilh epilepsy and their families. Febmary 10*7 p.m., Fii-si Haptist Church, 223 N. Fullon St., Salisbuiy. Call (704) 63&«564 lor mae iniormation. Prostate Cancer Support Group Offers support and education for people with jirostate cancer and prostate cancer suivivon;. Febmary 19 • 5:30 p.m., Urge Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 63»0942 or (704) 2105104 for more informalion. RSOSA Support Group (Rcilcx Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association) Offers support and education for people with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, a chronic neurological disease marked by constant pain. Febmary 9 • 7 p.m., Administrative Conferc-nce Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 637-1021 fg mae infamalion. Weight Loss Support Group Provides support and education for people who have had or are contemplating having gastric bypass surgery as a way to lose weight. Febmary 12*7 p.m., Women’s Health Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call {lOA) 637-86‘18 la mge hformafon. Women’s Health All classes meet in the Women's Health Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 210-5544 to register or for m ore information. Getlbig Ready for Baby Pre-Admission Class Tills class prepares new parents for what to expect prior to delivery, l-eam the signs of prc-lemi labor; know when to come to the hospital/ and review Important policy and registration information. Classes are offered eveiy Tuesday at 3 p.m. New mothers need to sign up for the one-time class between the 22nd and 28th week of their pregnancy. TTiere is no charge for the class, but space is limited. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, this class will be offered in Spanish.______ Lamaze ftepared GhMbWi and Baby Basics Leam what to expect during labor, birth and postpartum periods, coping skills, relaxation and brt;alliiiig techniques, and ireparing for childbirth. Taught by our Jiiiaze-certified childbirth educators. Classes meet once a week for five weeks, and a class fee is charged, l-amaze classes will be offered on the following dates; Februaiy 10 • M,;irch 9 • 6 - p.m.___ Blood Pressure Clinic Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided in the medical center's parking garage on Hendei-son Street, N u r s e - O n - D u ty For routine, non-emergenqy medical problems or for answers to your medical questions, call Nurse-On-Duty 24 houre a day, seven days a week. It's frce. 1 - 8 0 0 ^ 3 5 - 4 9 2 1 , Rowan Regional Medical Center offers a variety of health and wellness education classes. For more informalion or to register for any classes or support groups, call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 0 0 0 . iWA s Isl I ,|i iMbvl ' ■ , . ■ ' " ' " 612 IVIocksvllle Avenue, Salisbury, North Carolina 28144 www.rowan.org 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 C o u n t y O K s B u s in e s s R e z o n in g O n N C 8 0 1 By Mike Uiirnhnrdt Davie Counly Emcprisc Record County commissioners linvc npprovcd rczoning 2.6 acres of land on N.C, 801 across from Redland Road from residential agricultural (R-A) and residen­ tial (R-20) to liiglway business spcciai use. James C. Howard III of Ad­ vance applied for the rezoning, and agreed to stipulations rec­ ommended by the county's plan­ ning board. “Where it is, it’s not comfort­ able residential property any more,” said James Howard Sr. “We would like to get it rezoned to where we can maximize the value of the property." All highway business uses except the following will be al­ lowed: massage parlor; farm machinery assembly, sales and repairs; machine and welding shops; drag racing; go-cart track; motorcross coursc (including bicycles); auto paint and body shops: auto service and repoir shops; flea market; and trucking. The property is In a transition area, said zoning director John Gallimore, meaning business growth is expceted. Commissioner Dan Barrett asked why ccrtain uses were omitted from the business class, rather than getting a permit for a single, specific use. Gallimore said the Howards had several uses in mind. “They wanted to be flexible.” James Howard Sr. said he lives a mile from the site, his son a mile and a quarter away, so they don’t want to harm the neighborhood.They hope to sell the land for a real estate office, but want other uses allowed in case that deal doesn’t work. 'i'd hate to see this turned down,” he said. “We've been real flexible on this." No one spoke against the re­ quest at the public hearing be­ fore county commissioners. Commissioner Ken White said the Redland Road/N.C. 801 intersection Is obviously grow- ing toword commercial uses. He made the motion lo approve the rezoning, saying the Howards had “demonstrated they are will­ ing" to abide by community and county wishes. Barrett said that although he would préféra more specific use stated, he would vote in favor of the motion. Board member Richard Poindexter said the area is grow­ ing commercially and the rezon­ ing would be consistent NÎ-ith the county’s land use plan. D a v ie M a n C h a r g e d W ith C r u e lty T o A n im a ls By Jnckic Sciiboit Davie County Enterprise Record A Davie man has been charged with cruelty after inves­ tigators removed two starving dogs from his home. , Alvin Mayfield Jr. of 569 Cedar Grove Road, Mocksville faces two misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty. According to Davie County Sheriff’s Animal Cruelty Inves­ tigator Deputy Mark Crater, an anonymous call was received Jan. 22 reporting two pit bulls weren’t being fed at tiie Cedar Grove residence. When animal cruelty and ani­ mal control personnel arrived they found the two dogs, a young male and female, chained out­ side and no food or fresh water in sight. Mayfield was not at home. After obtaining an order from the magistrate. Crater said, both animals were removed from the residence and now remain in Ihe custody of animal cruclty. At the lime this slory went lo press, Mayfield had not been ar­ rested. * J I An aerial photograph of protruiding rib and hip bones shows the neglect and poor treatment of thé animals. Deputy Mark Crater with the female pit buii as she is prepared to be transported from the home. Steve Colburn M a n E a r n s B ig S w e e p A w a r d Two special honors were awarded for waterways cleanup efforts in Rockingham Counly at Ihe annual North Carolina Big Sweep meeting in Zebulon. Steve Colburn of Duvie County was honored by the North Carolina Big Sweep Board of Directors wllh a cer- lificate "In recognition of out­ standing and dedicated service to the 2003 North Carolina Big Sweep and profound commit­ ment to the marine environ­ ment." For the pnst five years, Colburn has coordinated the cleanup of Belews Lake al Humphrey’s Ridge Family Campground in Rockingham Counly. This year, Colburn’s team of 100 Big Sweep volun­ teers scoured 20 miles of the lake shores, retrieving 230 bags of trash, as well as tires and ap­ pliances. Not satisfied with an annual fall cleanup lasting only one day, Colburn organized a summer- long effort. Each boater or camper who brought in a bag of trash from the lake was eligible lo enter n drawing for a TV Ihal Colburn donated - one entry for each bag of trash. “I went out on Ihc lake after our cleanup, and I’ve never seen it so clean,” Colburn said. D o n I F и r 9 e I A N I M A L А 1 Ч С v e ie p iM A ity н о ? .р ггА ь IntrodwdngKMir New AMOctetel TONI R. HARRIS, DVM MKch SpimM, DVM, Owiwr e91B-AJanMa8tiMtClMninona, NC 27012 VO^S, CATS, BIRDS R<VBBnS, FERRETS, REPTILES ';30am-6:00pni Mon-Fri, 9:00am-Noon Saturday (Drop-Olf Servico Available) CAUTODAYFOMANAm>INTMBNTI - - . i 3 _ 3 6 ) _ 7 7 _ 8 : 2 7 3 8 _ _ N ational P e rd e n la t M onth $ 1 6 .0 0 O F F l ONE DENTAL CUSANINO PwHouMhoMtMti Coupon Exfiii»MU»reh3l,2004 ■ ^ . Queen * ' . . . 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SOUTHERN PRIDE CHEW..............$15.85 box I GRIZZI-Y & TIMIIERWOLP..............$6.39 roll SKOAL / COPENHAGEN.....$13.29/ $26.49 roll KODIAK..........................................$13.29 roll ♦Excellent Selection of Imported Cigars Featuring: A. Fuente, Montessino, Macanudo, Pi Cohiba, Punch and many Morel Partogas, Full Line Office Supply Store Jewelry & Purses for your LOVED one! • All Youi- Valentino's Shipping Needs, Free Boxes 8< Shipping Pc.muts,Plus We Pack When You Ship With Us • Variety of Leaning Tree Cards Come by & pickup our new sale catalog Full line office supply .Froo next day delivciY...viiheUier you need 1 or ICO, wo can accoinmodato. You niiiy ciill, (iix or oniall your ciders. Full color copies! Full line typing, resumes, flyers, printing & signs. Hours: M-f B-0 2668 LewlsvillB-Clemmons Rd, Clemmons(across Irom Village Camlle & Gills)Ph; 766-8382 Fax; 766-9661 email: GinaMTelciSaol.coni DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. S, 2004 - B1 D a v ie C a p s S p e c t a c u la r C P C W r e s t li n g S e a s o n By Brian Plus 1 I-----------------------1 I----------—----------1 I--------------------- , _____________________ S p o rts ___________ By Brian PlHs Davie County Is^Ü Enterprise Record Davie High’s wrestling team, which rim its Cen­ tral Piedmont Con­ ference dual win­ ning streak to 15 _ while seizing the Mcllwain regular-season title for the third straight year, treated South Rowan, Reynolds, North Davidson and West Forsyth the same way in Saturday’s CPC Tournament at Davie'. Afierpummeling the field by a com­ bined 236-27 score, it was a foregone conclusion Ihc War Eagles would hold Ihc trophy at the end of the day. But the script that Coach Buddy Lowery had mapped out in his mind didn’t have them doing it wilh such remarkable case. The War Eagles (2.‘i-2 record) set the lone for a sizzling afternoon by whip­ ping West 56-9 in tt makeup match that wrapped up the regular season. They capped a spectacular CPC season by pulling 13 of a possible 14 wrestlers in the finals and walking away wilh 10 first-place performances. The gold medalists were sophomore Russell Hilton at 103, freshman Adam Mcllwain at 112, senior Zac Morion at 125, sopliomore Aaron Hollifield at 130, sophomore Timmy Allen at MO, junior Jeremiah Raby al 145, freshman Brandon Stewart at 152, sophomore Josh Barnes at 160, senior Billy Riddle at 189 and sophomore Garrett Parks at heavyweight. Junior Dusty Johnson (119), fre.sh- man Craig Brown (135) and junior Ryan Boehm (215) added runner-ups, and sophomore Brock Flowers (171) took third. Lowery couldn’t have been prouder. “We wrestled smart, aggressive and we listened. We didn’t lose but seven : > matches (including tho makeup wllh We«t),aU.dfty,'! ho said., “if.you would ; have told me’at'the first 6f thè seasoii’ Stewart Parks we’d be 25-2 ... and we’ve wrestled some pretty good people from here lo Shining Waters almost." Il was business as usual for Hilton (31-7 record); Hollifield (35-6), Allen (30-6), Raby (33-5), Barnes (31-5) and Riddle (25-3). They all went 2-0 to be­ come conference champions. It’s no secret why Davie oWns the CPC. North Davie’s Ron Kirk and South Davie’s Howard Riddle provide outstanding guidance on the middle- school level. “It’s more fine-tuning when you get inlo high school because you’ve got the foundation off the middle schools,” Barnes said. "We’ve also got so many people from last year, and we’re going lo be stronger next year." But Davie’s blitz was spiced by two bold freshmen and three dramatic comebacks in the finals. First there was Sle\Yarl, si freshman who has taken giant steps in short time. After starting a painful 7-10, he's won lOof 12fora.solid 17-12 record. Next there's Mcllwain, a freshman who in the finals trailed the No. 12 ranked 112-pounder (West Forsyth jun- lorTrevourSmilh) 1-0with IG.seconds left. Mcllwain - who brought a high profile to high school by going 32-2 at North Davie - added an amazing mo­ ment to his scrapbook by escaping 2-1 and improving to 16-7. “He's spunky and he's strong,'' Lowery said. “I was so scared when he got thal first point. This is the biggest win so dominance in the CPC Tourriàrrìent. - P hoto tìy RtìBìn Fergiisisòn M o r t o n ’s B ig H e a r t M a k e s H im 1 0 0 - M a t c h W i n n e r By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Zac Morion of Davie's wrestling team faced what amounted to a make- or-brcak situation in the finals of Saturday's Central Piedmont Confer­ ence Tournament. If he lost lo South Rowan’s Mark Williams in the finals for Ihe second straight year - and that appeared quite likely with Williams holding a 2-0 lead late in the third period - Morton would approach the end of an otherwise com­ mendable carcer without a conference championship and a glaring gap on his resume. Earlier, in the semifinals, Morton joined an exclusive club by recording his lOOth carcer win. But anotiier loss 10 Williams would have made Morion 2-0 against Williams in the last two regu­ lar seasons but 0-2 against Williams when it counts. Wilh Williams up 2-0 and the third- period clock down lo 25 seconds, Morton found himself down to his last bullet. He needed answers and needed them last. Tick, lick, lick. Williams 2, Mortop 0. Tick, tick, lick. Williams lightning did not strike Morion twice. His lusl bullet turned oul to be silver, tying il wilh a two-point move and winning 4-2 as time expired. That’s doing wluilever you have lo do. That's a magical escape wilh a dis­ maying spot staring you in the eyes. “I gave up two cheap back points,” a breathless Morton said after victory 101. “II was the third period and I knew I had to do something. So I tried a Peter­ son, rolled through and luckily I was able to get my half in for two points real quick. II was just a spur-of-the-moment thing. I gave it all I had. It was awe­ some. It doesn’t get any better. It was picture perfect. “(Being a senior) motivated me lo go us liard as I could, Because 1 knew I wasn’t going lo have another chance. I got that (lOOlh win) loday, too, so it's been a good day." Morion has stood tall - figuratively, that is - since starting his carcer at North Davie Middle. In seventh grade he went 12-5 in Ihc 83 weight class. He didn’t grow a bit, Slaying al 83 as an eighth grader and going I5-I. He capped that ride by pulling off a buzzer-beating 2-1 win in the conference-toumumcnt finals. Morion competed at 103 as u fresh­ man and sophomore. With a growth spurt taking its sweet time - instead, it was frustration that grew - he look a small step to 112 as a junior. “I only weighed 86 pounds in Ihe ninth grade," he said. “For a while I didn't think 1 was going lo grow. I though! I was going lo be 80 pounds the: rest of my life. Finally my growth spurt, hit." Morton's climb to 125 and ascension.: Into the 100 club is an example of what .' can happen when you hit the weight.' room with vigor. Comparing pictures of.' Morton then and of Moiton now, there's.' a dramatic difference. After going 27-6 for North Davie, he ■' became just Ihe ninth War Eagle to reach 100 wins. He look his knocks as an un­ derdog freshman, going 13-15, but he's 88-32 since, including 29-8 this year. His overall mark is 101-47. Please See Morton - Page B7 R id d le H e a d in g T o l-A A P o w e r Appalachian State’s foolball pro­ gram can't believe its good fortune. Wake Forest decided to turn else­ where after courting Billy Riddle dur­ ing the recruiting game, and Moun­ taineers' coaches couldn't hide llieir smiles as they scooped up Ihe Davie High senior. According to Davie coach Doug Illing, App coach Jerry Moore con­ siders the All-Northwest strong safely a diamond in the rough. Riddle made an oral commitment to the Division l-AA university on Jan. 25, and he made the commitment official on Feb. 4, when the NCAA signing pe­ riod begun. "1 lold Couch Moore he's a better person than he is a football player, luid he's a pretty daggone good football player," Illing said. “They're lucky lo get him. He’s going to make a lol of people that didn’t offer him second- guess themselves and say: 'Boy, I wish we would have.' Moore couldn't say enough good things about him. After he got done meeting with Billy (at Davie), he immediately got on the phone lo his defensive-back coach. So they’re thrilled to death that they got him. I think they feel like they're getting a steal from Wake.” When Riddle visited Boone and roomed wilh a player, he quickly real­ ized that was the place he's always dreamed aboul. "It's a lol like Davie Counly," lie said, "it's a nice community. I wasn't really expecting anything from Wake because 1 hadn't heard from them in a long lime. So 1 was looking toward App, even if 1 had lo walk on. Luckily they got a schol­ arship for me. “It's an hour and a half away, so my parents cun come wutch me. Plus, u lol of people from Davie County go lo App. It's kind of like home, and the main tiling is the coaches really wanted me lo play for them." If you like brains and brawn, if you like an allilele who plays like a star bul refuses lo act like one. Riddle (6-0, 185 pounds) is your guy. Ho has it all. Last fall, as a third-year varsity starter, he was one of the most fearsome lacklers in Davie's 48-yeur liistory, mak­ ing 86 .solo tackles, 165 total tackles, blocking two kicks, defiecting eight passes, forcing three fumbles and inter­ cepting four passes, He was also a su­ perb kickol'f relurner. After an injury-plagued junior sea­ son, he helped Davie achieve nine wins for just the fifth lime ever. He helped Davie celebrate a second conference title in a span of three seasons for just Ihe second time ever. He's one of the most reliable two- sport machines of Ills generulion, win­ ning 25 of 26 wrestling mulches (he officially has three losses because an injury forced him lo drop oul of a De­ cember tournament) wilh three weeks left in the season. On the 2003 foolball field, he laid one crushing blow after another and made big play after big play as Davie roared to the slate quarterfinals, Then there's the way he carries himself. He’s wondrously talented in football and wrestling, bul he’s not cocky. In fact, ho would rather avoid Ihe spotlight and absorb praise us u unit, not an individual. He lakes los­ ing hard, tears streaming down his facc after every defeat. What’s not to love ubout Riddle? He’s u brilliant student. He has good looks. He doesn’t miss church. Illing almost weni hoarse from singing Riddle’s praises. "He came lo Davie running a 5.1 in the 40 (yard dash)," Illing .said. “He worked liis butt off and got il down to a 4.6 his Please See Two-Sport - Page 113 N o r t h D o e s It A g a in Wrestling Tournament Turns Into A Replay By Hriaii Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record North Davie’s wrestling team was primed fora letdown in the Mid-South Conference Tournament on Jan. 24 at South Davie. The Wildcats had already proven everything, beating South Davie wilh tiie regular-.season title on the line and posting a 14-0 record. ' Coach Ron Kirk figured the Wild­ cats would be ragged in practices lead­ ing to the nine-team MSC Tournament, mid they were. But they slill had enough polish to put on another dazzling dis­ play, pulling seven of 15 wrestlers in Ihe finals and beating second-place Erwin by 22.5 points. North racked up 206.5 points to complete a clean sweep for the second year in a row aiul Ihe sixth lime in 11 years of middle-school compelilion. Erwin was second al 184, followed by South Davie at l68,We.st Rowan at 130, Knox al 85, China Grove at 71, Corriher-Lipe at 70.5, Southeast at 65 and North Rowan al 3. "(Lacking focus) was kind of the wuy I fell we prucliced all week," Kirk said. “We didn't do things the way we should have, and we started off slug­ gish Saturday morning. Erwin jumped oul lo a lead in the first round and we were down after two rounds. “But Ihey picked il up a little bit.” Strangely enough. South produced twice as many (four to two) gold med­ alists as North, with Floyd Collins, Jesse Cousins, Jessie Frye and Caleb Creason picking up first places. The Wildcats only managed two champs - Ethan Curtis and Nic O'Brien - bul they got their clean sweep becausc seven of Ihem won in the semifinals while South only pul five in Ihe finals. It marked the first time since 1998 Ihal South didn’t place first or .second in the tournument. “We wrestled good in the finals, but wc didn't gel people there like we Please See North’s ■ Page B8 B2 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. S, 2004 S p e c ia l o f t h e W e e k Assorted W e l c № J u i c e Limit 8 Wliilc Supplies Last ^ d e n t in e 's C a r d s a n d G i f t s i n s t o c k n o w ! I'or ^rcal iiildi'tiialioii iin d rills \ lu’iilllt prohli'iiis, n<i Id « «.l()>iti'r(lrum ji.c(un Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 4 9 5 V a l le y R o a d • M o c k s v l l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 www.fosterdrugco.com A n g e ls T o H o ld B a s e b a ll T r y o u t s In E a r ly F e b r u a r y Tlie Carolina Angels’ 9-under baseball team will be liolding iryouls in early February. You can nol lum lO prior lo Aug 1, 2004. Wc are looking for 2-4 players to add lo a very good group of 9-yenr-olds. The leam participates in AAU and USSSA toumamenls. Depending upon Ihe schedule, tournaments are located in Ru­ ral Hall, Hickory, Concord, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Kemersvillc and Charlotte. Our schedule for the 2004 season begins with an AAU tournament in Concord in late March. The team is comprised of boys from Winston-Salem, Mocksville, ; Advance, Lewisville and Clem­ mons. For tryouts call Jody Thomasson (336-391-7216), Mark Vogler (336-317-2468) or Scott Boswell (336-345-0247). Check out our team website al www.etcamz.com/ carolinaangcls9u <http;// www.eteams.c o m / carolinaangcis9u>. Jill Lindblade is a new member of tiie UI^C-W Hall of Fame. A m o s In H a l l O f F a m e Jill Amos Lindblade, who starred in basketball and tennis for Dnvie High from 1976-80, recently became tho first T o tally com m itted to to tal hcalthcarc Bundles of joy arriving daily. The babies bom at Rowan Regional have a lot in common. They're happy. Healthy. Well- cared for. They've got happy, well-cared for moms, too. That's because our professional staff is dedicated to helping families grow. What better place to welcome your bundle of joy? For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5S44,Rc w a n R e g io n a l MODICAL CENTfiR (704)210-.S544 • wvNV.rowan.org women’s basketball player from UNC Wilminglôn to make its Hall of Fame. Lindblade, who Is now a girls basketball conch in Texas, réored 1,665 career points for Davie and helped the War Eagles win 90 of 112 games and finish second in the state in 1980. Her scoring total is a record that hasn't come close to being threatened, and she was inducted into the Davie High Athletic Hail of Fame in May 2002. Al UNC Wilmington, Amos carved out an exemplary career in four seasons, 1981-84. She made 105 career appearances for the Seahawks, scoring 1,718 points to rank second on the all- time scoring list. In addition lo Ihe scoring, she slartds second in scoring average (I6.4)i Second in fieid-goals made (795). ninth in fleld-goal percentage (¡495), sixth in a.ssists (265) and third in . steals (191). ■ i . After completing her Bachelor’s Degteo in Health and. served as a gtttUunte’nsslirtiinv coach while working on her Master’s Degree at the Univer­ sity of Soulh Carolina, She then coached on the .staffs at Daylon and Rice before cmbatking on a successful high-school coaching career at Elkins High in Sugar Land, Texas. i In nine years as the varsity girts basketball coach at Elkins, Amos directed the team to a 171- ' 106 record. In 1997-98 she pi­ loted Elkins to 29-6 and a No, 7 ranking in USA Today. Amos also competed on UNCW’s ten­ nis team for four years, ron cross couniry for two and graduated with a 3.4 overnll grade-point average, Lindblade's parents, Robert and Georgia, live in Cooleemce. Y M C A P la n s T w o L e a g u e s The Davie Family YMCA is trying to start volleyball and rac- quelball leagues. ' , • A beginner/inlermediute vol­ leyball league forages 18-up will be played on Thursday nights at 6, 7 or 8 p.m. The limit is six teams and ihecosi is $100.00 per person for a member team and $125.00 for non-members; The registration deudline is Feb! 13th. • Tile coed rncquelball league will run Feb, 17:April l5. The sigmip deudline is Feb. 13. There will be Iwo divisions - A for ex­ perienced, highly-eompetitive players and B for average lo be­ ginner players. The season will includc 10 matches. The cost is $15 for members and $30 for non-members. Also a spring flag football double-elimination tournament (7 vs, 7, screen blocking and no contact) is scheduled for March 27-28. 'Tiie cost is $ H5 per leam. Players must be 21-over, For information conlnd Lau­ ren Fowler al the YMCA flt 751 - 9622. For more flag football in- fomiation, check out its website: w w w . g e o c itic s ,c o m / davieflagfootball <htlp:// w w w , g e o c i t i e s , c o m / daviefiagfootball>. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 - B3 5 F e b ru a ry I t B A R Q A IN S f A H A V Great Low I 5 Prices! Davie’s Billy Riddle will play football at Appalachian State. T w o - S p o r t S t a r S i g n s F o o t b a l l S c h o l a r s h i p By combining Ihe buying strength of thousands of True Value stores, you get great low prices on quality I top-name brands. If v o u c a n 't b a a r th e th o u g h t o f ' o th e r d e a le r s h ip s s a y in g f / O f g t v B M E a c a ll’ Continued From Page Bl freshman year, then trimmed it down to a 4.5 and then a 4.4. Nol only that, he put himself in a great situation acadcmicaily from day one. So he’s been a role model in the classroom, weight room, on the field and in the community. He’s lhal all-around kid that makes people around him better. There’s not a drill he goes through that’s nol 110 per­ cent. People watch how he prac­ tices, how he works out, and they feel like they have to keep up with him. He’s got a passion for the game and plays it wilh his heart. That’s special quolities.” Iliing and his staff face quite a task in coming up with a suit-' able strong-safety replacement, "That’s what we’ve been scratching our heads about,” he said. "We had Zeke Earle for three years (1997-99) and then Riddle for three years. It’s not going to be easy to replace him - not Just beoatise ^ho’s a groat . . ‘P.lnyqr.i.but, lhe^way,)K®,i?<MTl9!! iS*>'hliinself.” ' ' ..... . ......... Riddle said he will play either . strong safety or outside line­ backer, App returns so many players from a 7-4 team that fin­ ished second in the Southern Conference that he’ll likely be a speclal-teams player as a fresh­ man. “If they bulk him up around 205, they could move him to out­ side linebacker because they love how physical he plays and how hard he hits," Iliing said. "He’s fast and when you can get that combination, you’re talking' about a linebacker that could be really special. That’s a Dexter Coakley (a former App star who starts for Ihe Dallas Cowboys), Coakley was small - 5-10,5-11 - but ran a 4.5 and loved to hit. And lie turned out to be a pretty good linebacker. I think Billy will go up there and contribute right away on special teams," "They only lost eight seniors. R i d d l e N a t i o n a l P l a y e r O f Y e a r Senior Billy Riddle of Davie High has been named a National Old Spice Red Zone Player of Ihe Year. The program recognizes those high-school football players who elevate their play and that of their teammates. The Red Zone athlete embodies and exempUnes lead­ ership and performance. Riddle was chosen from a large pool of nominees from more lhan 4,500 participating schools to receive this honor. He is honored as one of 50 players across America who stood out among Iheir peers for exceptional performance. As one of the 50, Riddle will be honored in a full-pnge con­ gratulatory announcement in USA Today on Feb. 5, olong with, the newspaper’s coverage of National Letter of Intent Signing Day, I, so they’rd going to be real good next year," Riddle said. “I’ll lake my knocks like I did when 1 was a freshman here and work my way up." fi JuM Around Th« Cemtr. 7 ^ C a u d e ll L u m b e r and B u ild in g S upplies 162 Sheek SIreet • 751 -2167 n A Open Dally Weel<days 7:30-5:00 A ^ Sat. 7:30-12 noon ^ r G E T R o u m f Kevin McCullough C a ll m e p e rso n a lly at 704-633-7270 or 1 -800-264-6823 Email Me at - k m c c u llo u g h @ b e n m y n a tt.c o m Apply by Phono - 1 -8 8 8 -7 5 6 -A U T O (288 6) w w w .benm ynatt.getayes.com ^ i > B i N M Y N A r r 'PONTIAC>GMC*NISSAN 6 2 9 JA K E A LEX A N D ER BLVD. S. T o ta lly com m itted to total hcalthcarc > ' , \ -i' ' , - . I'; -- - ; ' 'VMfkiiui Î V ;“ t'v'V« ‘ ' M m Ê r n m à m Ê ê i m À Not all babies come into the world kicking and screaming. There's something about babies born at Rowan Regional that's different. Maybe it's the professional, caring staff or the warm, family-focused environment. Or perhaps it's the "rooming in" and all the TLC. Or mayb6, just maybe, it's all that. And more. For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544.R m N R e g io n a l Medical Center (704)210-5544 • www.rowan.org ' :\ В4 . D A VIE C O U N TV ENTER PR ISE R EC O R D, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 B a sk e tb a ll C o n te st $250 $20 &Cap BONUS PRIZE FIRST PRIZE For 1 St Perfect Entry Each Week $5 SECOND PRIZE Each Week Pit your “hoops” knowledge against some of the greatest sports minds in the area each week in our Basketball Contest. The first place winner each week will receive a check for $20 plus a sporty Enterprise Record ball cap so everyone will know you are a WINNER! Our second place winner each week receives a check for $5. The first person to get all games correct in a single week will get our BONUS PRIZE of $250. THE RULES 1. Anyone can enter except emp o( the Davie County Enterprise Record and their families. Only one entry allowed per person per week. All entries must be on original newsprint or Fax 336-751-9760. 2. Games In this week's contest are listed In each contest advertisement on these two pages., Fill In Ihe contest entry blank and submit or mall the entry to the Enterprise Record , P.O. Box 99, Mocksvllle, NC 27020. 3. The first entrant correctly predicting the outcome ol all games In a week will receive a bonus of $250. Weekly prizes P i c k T h e W i n n i n g T e a m s E a c h W e e h & W IN ! are $20 and an Enterprise Record cap for firs place and the second place winner receives $5. In case ol ties, Ihe entrant who came closest to Ihe total number ol points In the tle-breaker wins. If a lie still exhlsis after Ihe lle-breaker game the awards will be divided equally among Ihe Individuals who are lied. 4, Entries must be delivered lo the Enterprise Record before 5 p.m. Friday each week. The olllce Is located at 17i Soulh Main St., Mocksvllle, NC. 5. Winners will be announced following each contest In the next Issue.Decisions of Judges will be final. A new contest will be announced each week. D a n ie l F u r n itu r e & Electric Co., Inc. GO WAR EAGLES! Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa M, Rollins • Will Marklin 848 South Main Street * Mocksville, NC336-751-2492 • 336-751^3975 12. Mil«. St. V. Mlsslsilppl M o c k s v il l e S h o e S h o p 52 Court Square, Mocksville, NC • (336) 753-0942 (In th(‘ Ibwn Sqiina' l)olow thu NnturnI Health Shoppe) Owned & OporatGd by Chad Gough Now Selling Naw Boots & ShoesI We are now carrying a full line of Steel Toe and Non Steel Boots & Shoes & Western Boots From Major Biands Like: Oeorgla Boot, Carolina Boot, Justin & Durangol , , 13. Indiana V. Iowa A Full Soivic« Repolr Strap with Exnrlenced, Quality Repair» at Reasonablo PricesI Hauni: Mon, Tliur« & Fri 9-5; Wed & Snt 9-1 (In Ih 1 ^ 1ТД Jerry A. Hauser, DOS, PA AdamT. Dorset!, DOS Hillsdale Dental 7. Davidson v Cot. ol Chartoston Family and Cosmellc General Dentistry 336-998-2427 • Fax 338-998-1088 135 Medical Drive. Suite 201 Advance. North Carolina 27008 7670 NC Hwy. 801, Cooleemee ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 6 0 0 0 4. NC Stato V. Virginia Located Beside Handl Cupboard in Cooteomee HOURS 0:30-5:00 M-F and 0:30-11:00 Sat. NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS for All Makes and Models D a v i e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t providing all of your home health care needs 959 Salisbury Road Mocksvllle, NC 27020 (336) 751-4200 • (080)797-1044 Fax (336)751-4600 1 S. (NBA) NY Knicks v. Miami Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours'. Mon-Fti. 9-7; Sat. 9-5 766-4449 №№№. clemmons'dlscounlsales. com 10. Georgia v. Auburn (Si H u s q v a r n a Speed • Power Handling • Performance M O C K S V I L L E “ t ® ' A U T O M O T I V E ,336,7Ÿ544 ANDBUILDINQ SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 GO WAR EAGLES 9. Florida v. Vanderbilt MOCKSVILLE'S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY D C A W T h o m a s L . N e s b i t A ttorney at L aw 3. Ga. Tech v. Tennessee 65 C o u rt S quare, D o w n to w n M o ck sv ille (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 1 2 5 visit our website nt www.nosbitlnw.com 21. Utah V. Phoenix H a U m a r k New Towne Shopping C enter, Clem m ons _________________766-6567 Y o u r *‘H o m e - T o w n ” D r u g S t o r e 5. UNC V. Wako Forest F o s te r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksvllle, NC 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 I 'lii' ui'Ciil inriinniitiim nil (Iriius \ lii'iiltli pnililrliis, ЦО III Huw.rosti idi iijiiii.iiiiii T o p s T r a v e l ' Tops on Professional Service Your Local Full Seirice Travel Agency ^ ^ ^ 7 6 6 ^ 7 3 0 3 .,3 Washington v. Cleveland www.topstravei.com ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 7 5 0 ^ w is v ill& € le i^ ^ S p i l l m a n ’s Lim e t f Fertilixcr mim EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksvillc, NC 751-2148 1. Clemson v. Duke S p i l l m a n ’s Hom e & Lan d Sales Cooleemee, NC 336-284-2551 2. Fla. St. V. Maryland CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Lewi.svillc-Cicmmon.s Rd., Clemmons 31 Year.s IZxpericiicc 766-8110 or 766-0166 17. Houston V. Atlanta I Oiif II Moil I П .'<11111 ^imi • Sill S Uhiin I.'nil П Ж Е Т Ц Pro«Mtt Ao*lnst Rust • RMJits AbraikMiOutp«rfofim АИ Drof^n Unm • Mot a Patirt-Uh* CoMbg...Crart for ВсшЬ. ГГлИщп. etc. »pr»yi Oniifilo V4- ТЫЛH*lp« K*«fi Смг tram SOdtng • All Cotort AwaiUbI* 22. LA Lakors v. Orlando ^ R h in o U n lit i Th i Siw>Yt»-Ow Liner* 712-1088 RHINO LININGS OF CLEMMONS6300 Ramarla Drive • Clernrnoiis H o rn ’s E x fii« « « # t & i s Purchase a Hot Dog, Sausage Dog, or Chicken Tornado and add a 32 oz. Fountain Drink and any 99$ bag of chips for Just ^1.25 more 266 S. Salisbury St. Across from Lee Jeans, Hwy. 601 751-7676 751-5789 COOLEEMEE VIDEO SUPER S U W A V SPECIAL ♦1.99 M o v ie Réliiitals • ■< -.f; AHCIgáritt¿!j?2WpacK Every 11thJientalk^ • 6. Appalachian v. E.Tenn. St. Now/ Carrying Designer Ladies Clothes n^lph Lmtroi). Cnlv.in Klolii. Liz CIniborVio & Jonos New Yoik C ooleem ee Shopping C enter » 284-2950 I'orimiinmcfcall B R A D R O M E N E S T A T E F A R M IN S U R A N C E 14. Michigan v. Purduo 3770 ( 'lcmmòn.s Road • Cletnintms • 7i>6-324 I S ГЛПМЛКМ INSHR/\NC:H COMI’ANIIiS ■ IIOMI! OM'IL'l«: HI.OOMINOTON. Il.l.. ^ B l i u k S iM u l С » . ^ S«mI, GuuMt & JCmuUc«|i» ÜUlniil» •since 1927' Compost Topsoll Kid Cushion White Pebbles Blown Pebbles Pine Noediss Red Designer Mulch _________________ Din. Maik & Cindy Shoal 745 yy, Clommonsvllle Road Owners ^ 16. apatonv. Phllodelphia WinstorvSaiem, NC2f?127 Sand Qrovol Mulch Bark Nuggots SatKl Rock Brick Nuggots Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 SaL 8:00-3;00 MC/VISA/AMEX 788-6411 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORI), Thursdiiy, Feb. 5,2004 - B5 M ocksville-D avie Parks & Recreation Basketball League R esults 2, ANGELS 15 - Haicy Miller 6, Ana Burton 6, Fclislia Dalton Chelsea Thomas 2. DEACONS 34 - Floyd Collins 6, Kyle Runilall 9, Joshua Holcomb G irls 3/4 G rade Sam Moser 6. Boys9/10 SPARKS 20 - Holly Furchcs 10, Chelsea Oswell 8, Brittani Cratner CELTICS 27 - Qreg Nuci<ols 9, Brad Gaither 5, Brad Landreth 3, YMCA 51 Ethan Kuhn 8. BLAZERS 23 - Dillon Maurer 3, Erenst May field 5, Frankie Fuentes 5, Robert Steed 3, Jonathon Sims 4, Heath Boyd 4.WAREAGLES 18-ChaseSampson.7,OregRogers5,ZachDresler Champney 1. BLAZERS 48 - Dillon Maurer 15, Lebrón Mayfield 2, Erenst DEACONS 10 - Madi Pratapas 6, Rebecca Robertson 2, Addison DEACONS 9 - Austin Bell 2, Xavier Dulin 2, David Boswell 2, Mayfield 18, Frankie Fuentes 7, Deyva Gomez 2. Heath Boyd 4. Bnnieycnstle3. TARHEELS41 -DannySmithó.AdamWardO.BenPawlikS.Jus- WOLFPACK 9 - Allie Slabach 5, Raghda Hassinic 2, Cheal.sea tin Scott 15, Chris Gonzolas 9. Whitaker 2. ROCKETS 38 - Zach Long 21-, Matthew Mills 3, Garrett Cookson Co.gd 7/8 2, Sean Davidson 4, Jake Moser 2, Sam Moser 4, Nick Jaeger 2. ’ WIZARD 12 - Katera Cockerham 6, Kristina Parrish 4, Claire DEACONS 12 - Ryan Bameycastle 2, Xavier Dulin 4, Austin Bell 2 Jermaine Harris 16 c )• I 1 J • c- ,• ^ BLUEDEVILS29-BrookePadgell4,MajorCoUierl2,AbeDreslerHAWKS 10-Sadie Lagle 4, Maggie Simmons 6. . 4 Josh Crowlev 10 WAR EAGLES 22 - Chase Sampson 6,Greg Rogers 5,Greg Brill 2, u . . r u • o CELTICS 4 0 -Matt Oswell 17, Calab Stevenson lO.TJ. Dillard 3,Thomas 2, MAGIC 19 - T^ler Seaford 11, Mntt Esstck 4, Ryan Harrison 2, ai„, ^ « c„i.i, u ... in WOLFPACK6-CarolineMilier2,AllieSlHbach2,KrysralCaudle Tyler Shelton 2. . Alex Frye 4, Drew Kakourasi 6, Faith Howell 2. 2. Boys 4th Boys 3rd VIPERS 16 - Calab Martin 6, Cody Martin 5, Mitchell Miller BLUEDEVlLS-TravisHoiden2,GarreUNcstor4,LoganHendricks Trey Thomas 2, Logan Ren 2. 6. LAKERS 12 - Karch Arey 6 , Kirklin Bowles 1, Corey Randall 4, m p irm GATORS - Kyle Bullins 4. Cole Brandon I .Austin Whitaker4, Scott Michael Fleming 1. - uract uyer TARHEELS 2 1 - Jacob Walker 12,Tommy Dillon 3. Adam Smith 4. i a to n s b 1 r DEACONS-Jermey Walker 4, Au.stin Williams 4, Luke Walker 5. JohnParker2. caiuins - tien uove la TARHEELS-EvanLankford3,DaruisBannor8,AndrewTliomi\son ■ EAGLES 19 - Maxwell Lum 4, Davis Absher 13,Torcn Rivcrs2. 2, Stephen Daniels 2, Andrew Montgomery 4. Boys Stil G irls 6th MAGIC 8 - Daniel Barret 1, Peter Fields 4, Daniel Needs I, Jesse Bovs 9/10 LAKERS 11 - Erin Naylor 2, Sarah Barber 2, Jennifer Russell 3, Hagan 2. YMCA46 Lindsey Bailey 3, Ashley James 2. FLIGHT 4 - Matthew lies 4. TARHEELS 31 - Cccilcy Reynolds 2, Will Byerly 9, Jessi Link 6, Jake Prim 3, Kyle Crosslin 9, Tyler Sanford 2. C hurch League LIBERTY WES. 62 - Britt Osborne 14 NEW LIFE 58 - Vincent Coclterham 15. CENTER/SALEM 54 - Alex Justice 18. GATORS 27 - Ben Williamson 5, Calab Howard 12, Richard Bell 4, RUNNIN REBELS 25 - Josh Eder 8, Kurtis Dillard 2, Matt Pennington 9,Tucker Ren 1, Shaun Goolsby 3, Matthew Morris 2. G irls 3/4 CLOVERS 9 - Claire Moser 2, Whitney Short 3,Elizabeth Kcnndey 2, Ashley Green 2. Vance Greene 4, Landon Whitaker 2. LADY ROCKETS 23 - Maliea Stevenson 6, Morgan Wyatt 2, LAKERS 19 - David Stanley 8, Andrew Buchanan 3, Justin Minor WIZARD 6 - Haley McKnight 2, Katera Cockerham 4. Blakley Gantt SamanthaTarlaton2,AshleySmoot 13. 2. Cole Jackson 4, Elliot Chaplin 2. . ah, u u RAIDERS 21 - Elyssa TMckcr 15. Rebecca Bobo 6 WOLFPACK 4 - Allie Siabach 4. G irlsS th TIGERS 2 6 -Alex Newman 10, Sean Newman 4. Ryan Brooks 4, ,Rriixtnn nrnni 2 sti'rlinn Tkn«h SPARKS 18 - Bnttani Cartner 8, Chclsca Oswcll 4, Holy FurchesTARHEELS 12.AlexKeiser2,KaylaBrcwer2,TaliahHolland4. , 6 ’KicrraSmith4 DEACONS 21 - Charlie Rothburg 8,Calab Oswell 2. Ryan Foster „„ , 7 Amlrou/Wirnrria DEACONS 5 - Madi Pratapas 2. Ellic Carter 3.CELTICS 7 . Ashton Swtcegood 6. Kristen Stiiierl. 7, Andrew ledford 4. 15-Sadie Lagle 6. Maggie Simmons 6 . Jennifer Weatlier- BOBCATS 13-Jasmin Gutining 7. Cara Beth Hendricks 3. Lauren ^.C. STARS 21 - Alex BeM 2. Jo.sh Beaver 4. Daruis Wilson 2. a n q eLS 7 - Haley Miller 7 Marshall 1. Christa Smith 2. RaheemMarun8.KenlrellRay5. ^NOELS 7 Haley Miller?. SPARKS6 -KavlaCornatzer2 LnntrindnTillerv2 OiiiHvliiRnm«ev RAIDERS 15 - Natium Jones 2. Mikael Pullium 4, Parker Lee I, JraamKNS Nayia L.omatzer A uintnnua 1 ilitry 2 . Uttavia Kamsey simmons 6 . Dalton Hummer 2. CLIPPERS - Nicholas Boswell 5, Tyler Correll 4. Jonathon Barker 1. u/ ii D n . • c n c. GATORS 20 - Andrew Williamson 4, Ben Williamson 2, Calab TARHEELS - Evan Lankford 2, Daruis Banner 4, AndrewBLAZERS 27 - Will Rooney 2, Jevin Scott 10, Ray Shepard 7, j , Landon Whitaker 2, ThomiLsson 5.Michael Key 8.Jacob Allred 3. W n°am s?,C n Harton^Montgomery 1, Jacob Wood 3.George Freibcrger 2. Trtms Holden 3._ ROCKETS 28 - Zach Long 10. Matthew Mills 9. Jake Moser 3. BLUE DEVILS - Conner Mayo 4. Logan Hendricks 4. Ganctt Nestor 2.DEACONS - TV Marshall 2. Ben Beeson 2, Jonathon Wiseman 4. Austin Williams 2, Jermey Walker 2. Ben Branson 2, Luke Walker 4. BasketballContest C o n g r a t u l a t i o i i s To Last Week’s B A S K E T B A L L C O N T E S T W IN N E R S ! First Place = $20 and the Cap to C h a r l i e J o h n s o n Second Place = $5 to B r e n d a B a i l e y Charlie Johnson and Brenda Bailey each missed 8 games this weei< but Charlie was closest in the tie-breaker game to take the claim top honors with Brenda close behind. ALL CONTEST ENtBIES MUST IHCLUDE A FULL MAIUNQ ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER. WE W LL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. Eiilrles wtttKMit this kifo wlH have to be disquaUfled. r E N T R Y ~ B L A N k 1 I Sciirch Ihc ads on llic.sc two I enter the leum you prcillcl wl ■ name listed below. I A D V E R T IS E R I 1. EATONFUNERAL I 2. SPILLMANS ¡3 . TOM NESBIT, ATTORNEY ¡4 . COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS I 5. FOSTER DRUG COOLEEMEE VIDEO HILLSDALE DENTAL DAVIE MEDICAL CAUDELL' W IN N E R 7. I 6. I !• I 9. I I V O G L E R & S O N S 20. New Orleans v. Mllwaukoe , Serrín/t the commiiniiy fo rm e r NSyears. F u n e r a l H o m e Clemmoas Chapel • 2849 Middicbnxik Dr. • 766-4714 ih \v\\ II e t c .. Full Line Office Supply Store You may call, fax or email your orders. Full line typing, resumes, flyers, printing 8< signs. • Business Cards • Rubber Stamps • UPS • Notary • Jewelry 8< Purses• Color Copies Available starting at 95c; 2688 LewlsvlllB-Gletnmons Rd, Clemmons (m s s Irom VHtags Cundle <S Gills) • Houis: M-F B-C Ph: 766-8382 Fax: 766-9881 10. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 11. HORN'S EXPRESS 12. DANIEL FURNITURE 13. MOCKSVILLE SHOE SHOP 14. STATE FARM, ROMINE 15. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT 16. BLACK SAND 17. CLEMMONS CARPET 18. TOPS TRAVEL 19. TARHEEL TOBACCO 20. VOGLER & SONS 7 7 ie L.O W R r ic e C ie a r e t t e L e a d e r 19. Dotrolt V. Dallas T S R H E E L T C ^ C C O Sm BBi Tobacco Friendly Stom!” •Ih ic k B r 'n « s a n •T ah o e * 10” •S k y d a n c c r * ir^ * C h c ra k № * 1 0 ^ B<cellentSokKl>oniyinpoited (Soars Featuring: A Funnlo, Montossia, Maoanudo, Partagas, Cohto, Punch And Many Mom! 6 3 1 1 S ta d iu m D r,C Ic m m o a s «778-1144 (336)778-1697 (888)778-1897 1-800-FLOWERSF l o r a l E x p r e s s i o n s Cowers Sc' (gifis for ‘A(tOccasions 2729 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd • Clemmons Roneo Howoll Ownor 24. Seattle V. Portland Mon-Fll 9-5 Sal 9-12 I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK I 22. RHINO BEDLINERS I I I I I 23. MTelo. 24. FLORAL EXPRESSIONS iit!cs lo /Ind llie comesi giimcs. Then I win bc.slde Ihc mlvertising spon.sor's | I I . > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tie Breaker Predict Ihe score In Ihc followliij! coiilcsl. In cases of tics, Ihc llcbrenker will be used In (Iclerniliic the winners Total Points Scored . NAME:. V \'iilc n lin i‘ \ D tiy is [lis t a ro u n d tin ' c tn iie r ! Ч I I I I I I I Siibniil by iniiil, ill jicrsnn or FAX 336-751-9760 to llic Еп1сфг|5с-Кесог(1 oflicc; ■ 171 S. Mnin St., Mocksviiio 01 PO Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 J | ! UNO V. Wake I II ADDRESS:___ I DAY PHONE :_ I , NIGHT:. Bfi - IMVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 Russell Hilton and his W. Forsyth foe crash to the mat. Adam Mcllwain won the CPC 112 title as a freshman. C P C C h a m p s D a v i e H a s 1 0 o f 1 4 W i n n e r s in C o n f e r e n c e W r e s t l i n g T o u r n a m e n t Ryan Boehm beats West’s Rob Yoder, who has 41 wins. Timmy Allen didn't stay down long, winning the 140 title. Adam fHcllwain (right) tries to breai< loose. Continued I'Yoni IM (■¡ir," Mcllwain saitl. "1 set pretty liiyli siHiidard.s for my.scif and I've met nio.st of them. I really wnnted lo jjet hi.s, and I'll re­ member this forever." Tiiere'.s more ilrama. Morton, who joined a .sclcct group by notching hi.s 100th cnrecrwin in Ihc semifinals, faccil a 2-0 nniils dcficit with only 25 scconds to go. He somohow managed to survive 4-2 and improve «6 20- 8 . “He’s just done a heckuva job," Lowery .said. “He was (lend in the water, bm he's going to give you everything lie’s gol. He’s going to fight you." And then there was i'arks, an unilersi/.ed heavyweigin wlio, in tlie finals, faced the same Travis Collins of North fJavidson who pinned him on Jan. 22. Parks appeared doomed wlicn llie con- sidcruhly taller and imposing Collins slammed him on his back. But Parks came oul of no­ where wilh a reversal - piiuiing Collins und setting off a wild celeliration. Tiiat was no small feat for a guy wlio wns up against Ihe sixth-ranked heavyweight in the ‘t-A slate. Fans have fallen in love wilh the bowling ball, who has turned a modest 9-7 record into 17-10. "For his size, he’s pretty dog­ gone good. We lost (star HWT Ted Uandolph lo a football in­ jury), and he’s been a plus all year long," Lowery .said. “He’s as strong as a bull, and he's gol a lot ofhearl. Il looked like (De­ vore) Holman and (6-fool-5 foolliall assistant Chad) Groover oul there. Parks has gol some much going against him. He's so dang short, short arms, but 1 was tickled the way he came b;ick." Parks couldn't contain his emotions. After leaping in the air and punching his fist,teammates .stormed tiie mat and tackled him. “It’s just plain e.xcileineni," Parks said. “It was e,\ciling for me lo comc back anil win the conference like that. I. really wanted thal pin bail. I was think­ ing about it even yesterday, thinking I was going № win. 1^ lhal (rencllon from leammnles) I thoughi they’d be happy, but not that happy." Parents had a hard time hid­ ing their joy, too. Mcllwain’s mollier roareil down the bleach­ ers to s(|Uee/e him around Ihe ncck, and Morion’s parents and grandparents interrupted his post-match interview with emo­ tional hugs. “She was so e.';citcd, she aboul tripped coming down those stairs," Mcllwain said of his mother. Nolcs: John.son has a 29-8 record, Boehm is 26-.“) and Brown is 15-I.T. ... Rochm had two big wins before taking a tough loss. He beat VVesi l^isyth’s Rob Yiiiler, who was 41 -5 and ranked sixth, twice be­ fore losing in overtime lo South Rowan’s Andrew Moyer, who is ranked first. It was the second lime No. 3 Boehm has lost in OT lo Moyer. ... The War Fagles hosted the first two rounds of the 4-A slate duals on Feb. 3 al North Davie.They faccd ll\e No. Î seed from Ihe MIÎCA -8 Conference. If they won, they faccd the East I'orsyth-Jordan winner in Ihe second round. If they survived lhal, Ihey will almost cerlainly face No. I Kiverside on Thurs­ day.'Vlie .slate final is Saturday. Aaron Hollifield (top) has won eight in a row. Morton Gets 100th Win Condnucd From Page Bl In Ihe exhilarating moments after stunning Williams, Morton thought back to North Davie and savored the reward of hard work. No matter what happens from here, the fact that Morton has joined Patrick Lowery (150-16 career record), Josh Stanley (133-36), Adam Connor (126- 23), Brad Pack (125-29), Adam Bailey (123-27), Andrew Scott (115-55), Neil Cornatzer (106- 4) and Scotty Spry (101-3) is a dream-surpassing achievement. “Coach (Ron) Kirk (of N. Davie) got me interested in it.and got me to be the manager," he said. “So ever since then it’s been apart of my life. I remem­ ber looking up to Josh Stanley, and he taught me a lot. 1 never really thought about (100 wins) until I realized I could do it. It’s cool. “For Ihe past three years I’ve tried to get in at least one semes­ ter in the weight room. 1 didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, but it’s really helped out a bunch." Zac Morton started his ca­ reer as an 83-pounder. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. S, 2004 - B7 U p to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 in fre e u p g ra d e s . A g o o d d e a l j u s t b e c a m e a r e a l l y g o o d d e a l . V\/elght room has paid off for Morton, here a junior. Morton was still small upon arriving at Davie. Garrett Parks (right) puts W. Forsyth in a bear hug. Zac Morton, who became the 9th War Eagle to get 100 wins, went 15-1 In Bth grade. Our homes always offer great value. But now through Valentine’s, w e’ve sweetened the deal. W hen you sign a contract w ith us before February 14, w e’ll add up to $10,000 w orth of free upgrades. Our New Hom e Counselors have all the details. ■ O ur homes are built on site, not pre-fab or modular. ■ W e have national buying power, but use local craftsmen. ■ No lot? W e can help you w ith our free lot location service. ■ Financing must be through CTX Mortgage. Statesville Sales & Design Center Take Exit 154 off ¡-40 704-872-8989 800-714-2324 ext. 2 W W W .WayneHomes.com \\Т А Ш W ^ O M E S A Division of Centex^Homes t a ï Oíícr good to qualified buyers under coniraci by February M , 2004. Y O U к YOUR 1 ,0 Г Y О U R W AY • 4 j ‘> - 4 ¡ ’ ^ 4 i Zac Morton, here as a junior, has an 88-32 record since his sophomore year, Aaron Hollifield won his second CRC title, along with fellciw sophomores Timmy Allen and Russell Hilton, Dusty Johnson locl<s up with West Forsyth’s 119-pounder Davie (bottom) and West battle it out.- Photos by Robin Fergusson N o t e s & Q u o t e s Wrestlers Take Grueling ‘In-Sain-O Period’ In Stride • You’ve got lo admire Ihe chiinicter of Davie’s wrestlers, They have a unified spirit lo improve and they bounce to practice.They even embrace In-Sain-0 Period, a grueling end-of- practice routine that is run by Buddy Lowery’s anim«ted nssistant, M utt Sain. “Coach Lowery is such a good coach and Sain has added a bunch of intensity to the con­ ditioning part of our practice - jumping jacks, push-ups, moun­ tain climbers and all that stuff.," senior Zac Morton said. “Wo call it the In-Sain-O Period be­ cause his last name is Sain and' he goes insane during third pe­ riod. We've made it f^un, -so it’s not really unbearable. It's amaz­ ing how much we’ve gotten in shape from day one to now. The first lime he did it, we were like ‘Oh, Lord.’ But we figured out that it was helping us so much thal we go at it." • In last week’s paper, Lowery demonstrated his penchant for finding a Haw amid the most lopsided of wins. Even though Aaron Holliricld und Josh Barnes won liandily, he said there’s always room for more, that a point here and u point tiiere can mean everything in a close match. Barnes gol Ihe mc.ssage, pinning his West Forsyth opponent and yelling playfully at Lowery. “I was trying to pin hitn in two seconds," Barnes, who is 31-5, said with a smile. “1 ended up pinning him in the second and suid; ‘Wns that fnsl enough, coach?’That’s what makes him a goipd concli. He’s always pushing for more." Sain Hollifield shrugged at Lowery’s comments, citing it was normal cour.se ofhis handling of the team. “Thai's kind of whni wc hear from him every day in prnclice nnd al every match,” said Holli­ field, who is 35-6. “He’s never really pleased. I guess that’s a good thing, be­ cause he .says if you ever get pleased you’re not going to get nny better." • Opponents have offered Billy Kiddle little resistance. The senior has a 25-3 record (two of the losses are forfeits) al 189 and is ranked eighth in the .state. But real challenges are coming. “I haven’t wrestled any of the lop- ranked guys, so I don’t know how good they are," he snid. “I’ll sec n couple of them nt regionnis nnd gel a fed of how deep I’ll go.” • Although Ku.sscll Hilton (1U3 weight class) is only a sophomore, he’s already putting together a fabulous career. He went 38-9 last year and is 31-7 this year. “The way he’s progressed in the last year luis been amazing," Morton .said. “He's iiwesomc now, and I can’t wait lo come back and watch him wrestle his senior year. "And all these guys.They’re going to have a chance the next two years to be top in the slate.” • Afler losing 16 times as a sophomore. Jcrcniinh Raby picked up his intensity and went to Work in tlie offteuson.The result is an impres­ sive 33-5 mark at 145. “I’ve worked a lot harder than I did lastyenr,” he snid. “I menn, I didn’t do that much offiSeason stuff, but now I'm wrestling in club practices and drilling wilh Hollifield, We've set goals for our­ selves and,we want to meet ihem." I f h e ' s b i g o r k i n d a s m a l l , 5 f o o t 5 , o r r e a l l y t a l l . H e ' s y o u r m a n . Y o u r g r o w n - u p b o y . T h i s V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y G i v e h i m a B i g B o y ' s t o y ! ‘""•.V/b, u r Ш ЕИ. aim SHOP "Ы. 11895 COOL SPRINGS ROAD WOODLEAF, NC 27054 3.4 MILES FROM HWY 801 BETWEEN STATESVILLE AND SALISBURY 704-278-9159 www.faIloutsheItcrgunshop.com OPEN TUES.-FRI. 10AM-6PM SAT 1 GAM-3 PMSAT 10 AM-3 PM H6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 Russell Hilton and his W. Forsyth foe crash to the mat. Adam Mcllwain won the CPC 112 title as a freshman. C P C C h a m p s D a v i e H a s 1 0 o f 1 4 W i n n e r s in C o n f e r e n c e W r e s t l i n g T o u r n a m e n t Ryan Boehm beats West's Rob Yoder, who has 41 wins. Timmy Allen didn't stay down long, winning the 140 title. Adam Mcllwain (right) tries to break loose. Continued Krom B1 Cur," Mcllwain .siiid. “I .set prctly liigii .sliindards for my.scif and I've mel iiio.sl of Ihcni. I really wanted lo get lii.s, and I’ll re- mcniber this forever." There's more druniu. Ivtorlon, who joined a select group by notching his lOOth career win in the semifinuls, faccd a 2-0 Tinals ilefieii with only 25 sceonds to go. He somehow manugctl lo survive 4-2 nnd improve to M - 8. “He’s just done a hcckuva job." I.owery snid. “i-le was dead in the water, bul he’s going lo give you everything he's got. He’s going to I'ighl you." And then there was Parks,lui undersized heavyweight who. in ihe finals, faced the same Travis Collins of North Davidson who pinned him on Jan. 22. Parks appeared doomed when the con­ siderably taller and imposing Collins slammed him on his back. But Parks enme out of no­ where with a reversal - pinning Collins nnd setting off a wild celebration. That wns no small feat for a guy who was up against the sixth-ranked heavyweight in the 4-A state, f-'aus have fallen in love wilh the bowling ball, who has turned a modest 9-7 record into 17-10, "For his size, he's pretty dog­ gone good. We lost (star HWT Ted Randolph lo a football in-' jury), and he's been a plus all year long," Lowery said. "He’s as strong as a bull, and he’s got a lot of heart. Il looked like (De­ vore) Holman und (G-fool-,“) football assistant Chad) Groover oul there. Parks has got some much going against him. He's so dang short,short arms, but I was tickled the way he ciniie back." Parks eoiildn'l contain his emotions. After leaping in the air and punching his list, teammates stormed the mat and tackled him. "It’s just pliu'n excitement," Parks said, 'it was exciting for me to come back and win the confercnce like that, I. really wnnled thnt pin bad. I wns think­ ing about it even yesterday, thinking I wus going to win. I that (renelion from tenmmntes), I thought they’d be hnppy. but not thnt hnppy." Parents had a hard lime hid­ ing their joy, too. Mcllwuin’s mother roared down the bleach­ ers to si|uecze him nround the neck, and Morton’s parents and grandparents interrupted his posl-nialcl) inlerview willi emo­ tional hugs, "She wns so excited, she about tripped coming down iho.se stairs," Mcllwain said of his mother. Notes: Johnson has a 29-8 record, Uoehm is 26-5 and Brown is 15-13, ... lioehm hnd two big wins before taking n tough loss. He beat West Torsylh's Rob '»'oiler, who wns 4 1 -5 and ranked sixth, twice be­ fore losing in overtime lo South Rowan’s Andrew Moyer, who is rankt'd first. It was the second time No. .1 Boehm lias lost in OT to Moyer. ... The War liagles hosted the first two rounds of the 4-A state duals on Feb. i al North Davie. They faced the No. 3 seed from the MECA-8 Conference. If they won, they faced the Hast Forsyth-Jordan winner in the secomi rouml. If they survived that, they will almost certainly face No. 1 Riverside on Tiutrs- day. The state nnal is Saturday. Aaron Hollifieid (top) has won eight in a row. I Garrett Parks (right) puts W. Forsyth in a bear hug. Aaron Hollifieid won his second CPC title, along with felitiw sophomores Timmy Allen and Russell Hilton. Dusty Johnson locks up with West Forsyth’s 119-pounder.Davie (bottom) and West battle it out.- Photos by Robin Fergusson 'f ( vv Mr Morton Gets 100th Win Continued From Page HI In the exhilarating moments nfter stunning Williams, Morton thought back to North Davie nnd savored the reward of hanl work. No matter what happens from here, the fact thnt Morton has joined Patrick Lowery (150-16 cureer record), Josh Stanley (133-36), Adam Connor (126- 23), Brad Pack (125-29), Adam Bailey (123-27), Andrew Scott (115-55), Neil Cornatzer (106- 4) and Scotty Spry (101-3) is a dream-surpassing achievement. “Coach (Ron) Kirk (of N. Davie) got me interested in it.and got me to be the manager,” he said. “So ever since then it’s been apart of my life, I remem­ ber looking up to Josh Stanley, and he taught me a lot. I never really thought about (100 wins) until I realized I could do it. It’s cool, "For the past three years I’ve tried to get in at least one semes­ ter in the weight room, I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, but it’s really helped out a bunch.” Zac fylorton started his ca­ reer as an 83-pounder, Weight room has paid off for fVlorton, here a junior. IHorton was still small upon arriving at Davie. Zac Morton, who became the 9th War Eagle to get 100 wins, went 15-1 In Sth grade. Zac fVlorton, here as a junior, has an 88-32 record since his sophomore yeat^. N o t e s & Q u o t e s Wrestlers Take Grueling ‘ln-Sair)-0 Period’ /n Stride • You’ve got 10 admire the character of Davie’s wrestlers. They have n unified spirit lo improve and they bounce to practice. They even embrace In-Sain-0 Period, a grueling end-of- practice routine that is run by Buddy Lowery’s animated assistant. Matt Sain, “Coach Lowery is such a good coach nnd Sain has added a bunch of intensity to the con­ ditioning part of our practice - jumping jncks, push-ups, moun­ tain climbers nnd all that stuff.," senior Zac Morton said. “We call it the In-Snin-0 Period be­ cause his Inst nnme is Snin and' | he goes insane during third pe­ riod. .We’ve made it fun, so it’s not really unbearable.It’s amaz­ ing how much we’ve gotten in shape from day one to now. The first time he did it, we were like ‘Oh, Lord.’ But we figured out that it was helping us so much tiiat wc go at it." • In last week’s pnper, Lowery demonstrated his penchant for finding a fiaw amid the most lopsided of wins. Even though Aaron HolHticId and Josh Barnes won handily, he sitid there’s always room tor mòre, that a point here and a ppint there can mean everything in a close match. Barnes got ihe message, pinning his West Forsyth opponent and yelling playfully at Lowery, "I was trying to pin Ilim in two seconds," Barnes, who is 31 -5, said with a smile. “I ended up pinning him in the second and said; 'Was that fast enough, coach?’ That’s whal makes him « goifd couch. He’,s always pushing for more." Snin Hollifieid shrugged al Lowery’s comments, citing it was normal course of his handling of the team. "That’s kind of what we hear from him every day in practice and at every match," said Holli- field, who is 35-6. “He’s never really pleased. I guess that’s a good thing, be­ cause he says if you ever get pleased you’re not going to get any better," • Opponents have offered Billy Itiddle little resistnnce, The senior has a 25-3 record (two of the losses nre forfeits) at 189 and is ranked eighth in the slate. But real challenges are coming, “I haven’t wrestled any of the top- ranked guys, so I don’t know how good they nre," he snid, “I’ll .see n couple of them ul regionals and get a feel of how deep I’ll go,” • Although Russell Hilton (103 weigiii class) is only a sophomore, he's already putting together a fabulous career. He wcnt 38-9 hist year and is 31-7 this year. “The way he’s progressed in the last year has been amazing,” Morion snid. “He’s awesome now, and I can’t wait to come back and wntch ilim wrestle his senior year, “And all these guys. They're going to have a chance the next two yenrs lo be top in llie stale.” • After losing 16 times ns a sophomore, .lercmlah Raby picked up his intensity and went to work in the offtenson. The result is an impres­ sive 33-5 mark at 145. "I’ve worked a lot harder than I did Inst yenr,” he said, "I menn, I didn’t do tliat much offiicnson stuff, but now I'm wrestling in club practices and drilling wilh Hollifieid. We’ve set goals for our­ selves and.wc want lo meet them.” DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. S, 2004 - B7 U p to $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 in fre e u p g ra d e s . A g o o d d e a l j u s t b e c a m e a r e a l l y g o o d d e a l . Our homes always offer great value. But now through Valentine’s, we've sweetened the deal. W hen you sign a contract with us before February 14, w e’il add up to $10,000 w orth of free upgrades. Our N ew Home Counselors have all the details. ■ O ur homes are built on site, not pre-fab or modular. ■ We have national buying power, but use local craftsmen. ■ No lot? W e can help you with our free lot location service. ■ Financing must be through C TX Mortgage. Statesville Sales & Design Center Take Exit 154 off 1-40 704-872-898Q 800-714-2324 ext. 2 W W W .WayneHomes.com A Division of Centex^Homes <St Ollcr good 10 quallllco buyers under conltiici by February U , 2004. YOUR HO Mi:YOUR i.or Y О UR WAY I f h e ' s b i g o r I d n d a s m a l l , 5 f o o t 5 , o r r e a l l y t a l l . H e ’ s y o u r m a n . Y o u r g r o w n - u p b o y . T h i s V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y G i v e h i m a B i g B o y ' s t o y ! 11895 COOL SPRINGS ROAD WOODLEAF, NC 27054 3.4 MILES FROM HWY 801 BETWEEN STATESVILLE AND SALISBURY 704-278-9159 www.fallout8heltcrgunshop.com OPEN TUES.-FRI. 10AM-6PM SAT 10AM-3PM U T a im SH O P DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 N. Davie’s wrestling team went 14-0 and won the tournament. They are, from left: 1st row - Brandon Sowers, Michael Maready, Cass Cassidy, Brett Peterson, Chance Davis, Devin Trull, Michael Rowe, Chase Macione, Michael Cates, Daniel Henderson; 2nd row - managers Cassy Barnes, Victoria Goins and Molly Chappel, Zach Russeil-Myers, Jared Patton, Dusty Smith, Caleb Romlnger, Jake Boger, Jonathon Hupp, Alex Woodall, Biily Marlin; 3rd row - Cody Cunningham, Ryan McAndrews, Evan Wiles, Jacob Darnell, Michael Harter, Joel Barnett, Rusty O'Connor, Josh Freeman, David Oakley, John Roesch, Ben Sink, Caleb Anderson; back row - assistant Jamey Holt, Eddie Smith, James Kueli, Nick Schambach, Nathan Budd, Robert Gassett, Patrick Harris, Allen Cline, Nic O’Brien, Joey Morang, Taylor Evans, Ethan Curtis and Ron Kirk. N o r t h ’s C u r t i s , O ’B r i e n C a p P e r f e c t S e a s o n s Continued From Page Ul needed to,” Soutli coach Howard Riddle .said, “We didn’t scorc any points nt 140 because we didn’t have anybody, ai)d wc didn’t score any points ut heavy­ weight because we had to scratch our heavyweight. So that hurt us.” Curtis, who carvcd out one of the best two-year runs in North’s 24-ycar history, lost his seventh- grade debut by one point to a Forsyth Country Day freshman before reeling off 15 straight wins. Curtis’ glorious seventh- grade season only gave him a taste for more, as the 127- pounder responded with a 17-0 maslerpicce. He culminated his punishing path with two pins and a 12-1 major decision in the finals. Despite two-year perfection against seventh and eighth grad­ ers,Curtis’ father and Kirk have evidently taught Curtis to keep pushing. He feeds his wrestling pa.ssion in the offseason. “I learned from my dad’s wrestling experience • he wrestled in Randlemun when he y. was In high school - and my friend (and teammate) Taylor Evans,” Curtis said after com­ pleting a 32-1 North career, " i’ve been practicing, doing movc.s and stuff, since fifth grade. I wrestle about year- round. “You can't get cocky about wrestling. You have to learn from everything and get better. When you get cocky and think you can’t be beat, then you get beat.” If Curtis was a Ferrari, O'Brien was the Mcrccdcs. O’Brien played basketball and wasn’t on last year's un­ beaten wrestling team. Kirk plugged him into the JV and state tournaments, and oil he did was finish first and second, re­ spectively. Even though he doesn't spend offseasons on the mat, O'Brien was untouchable as an eighth grader, capping a 15-0 ‘ record at 173 with a scmirinal pin and a 17-3 mojor decision in Ihe finals. Fourteen of his re­ sults were pins or forfeits. “I do whotevcr Coach Kirk and (assistant coach Jamey Holt) tell us to do and not slack off,” O’Brien said. "I find some­ body at home like my brother (junior football standout Zac) or my dad (Scott) ond go in the liv­ ing room and practice on the car­ pet. I find any place I can prac­ tice at. “(My mother) doesn’t care as long as wc don’t break any­ thing.” Kirk added: “Nic beat the kid in the finals that pinned (South star Jesse) Crotts. He’s got po­ tential but I’ll be surprised If he wrestles In high school. I think he’ll play basketball." O’Brien hasn’t made a wres- tling-or-basketball decision. "I’m not really sure yet,” he .said. “I’ll go on that path when I have to.” MichacI Harter (85), Nick Schambach (137), Josh Riddle (142), Nathan Budd (147) and Caleb Rominger (154) weren't so bad, either. They all placed sccond, and Roiningcr and Schambach provided unfore­ seen thrills in the seminnais. Rominger pinned South’.s Ron Alexander, who was 8-0 before then. “And he was »head 7- or 8-0 when he pinned him," Kirk said. “That's the best match I've seen the boy wrestle. He really came through big-time. Me had a hard match in the finals and got beat, but he impressed me.” Schambach, seeded fourth, made magic by pinning an un­ beaten Knox opponent who was seeded first. “We were counting on seven or eight getting to the finals, but a couple of the ones that made it were not exactly the ones we had counted on,” Kirk said. “Rominger and Schambach bal­ anced things out.” North’s relentless story would not be complete without mentioning Joel Darnctt (114), Evans (12l),JamcsKuell (132) and DJ. Holman (HWT). They claimed third to help North run away from the pack. “It was a great year," Kirk said. “Wc lived up to our stan­ dards, We took 15 and put 14 in the top four. You can't complain about that. “We’ve got Harter, Rominger and (Rusty) O’Connor coming back next year. That.'s a lot more than we started out with this year.” ■ North’s record.s included Riddle at 12-1, Barnett at 15-2, Evonsat 1^-3, Schambach at 14- 3, Budd at 13-3, Kuell at 14-4, Harter at 10-2, Holman at 10-3 and Rominger at 12-4. South Dnvlc’.s Chnmp.s Collins, Cousins, Frye and Creason went 3-0 with three pins apiece to celcbrate gold G o fo rth W in s M O W A w a rd In J V W re s tlin g T o u rn a m e n t Travis Goforth of Soulh Davie earned the most-outstand- ing-wrcstler award in the lower weights after capturing first place in the 96-pound weight class in Saturday’-s JV tournament at Nonh Davie. Goforth was joined by three teammates in the winner’s circle. Josh Britt won it at 105, Jesse Ratiedge was first at 122 and John Piper triumphed at heavy­ weight. North Davie had five cham­ pions, including Daniel Hender­ son al 86, Jonathan Roesch al 110,Cass Cassidy at 118,Chance Davis at 133 and Ryan McAn­ drews at 138. The team champion was Lex­ ington with 314 points. North was second at 271, followed by China Grove’s 197, South Davie’s 162, Erwin’s 104,Wesi Rowan’s 67 and North Rowan’s 25. Twelve more from Davie County placed among the top three, including nine from North. Evan Wiles (86 weight class. North), Dylan Fulk (101, Soulh), MichacI Rowe (105, North), Shyteek Brown (110, South), Devin Trull (148, North) and Jojih Burcham (191, Soulh) fin­ ished .second; while Cody Cun­ ningham (91,North),Josh Free­ man (96, North), Brett Peterson (110, Norlh), Ben Sink (118, North), Joey Morang (122, Norlh) and Daniel Trusz- kowski (128,Nonh) were third. O 'j 187 MKkesboro Street MocKsviUe^nc 336-753-1455 T H E V E R Y B E S T in C U S T O M E X H A U S T ! S P E C iauZinQ in : Rods • Myscle Cars • Restorations • Performance • Original Reptacement fldmASm I inSTALLEP AS LOW AS $ 6 5 .< I5 ea.' COnVERTERS inSTALLED AS LOW AS Syq.qS ea.' ■'•Prk:e good Feb. u/lth this ad. medals. That foursome was as reliable as the postal service all season - as Collins (105) went 14-2 ihis year and 28-2 in two years, while Cousins (130), Frye 035) and Creason (145) fin­ ished wilh 15-1 eighth-grade records. Zac Shoemaker (112) fin­ ished second; D.J. Garrelson (95), Alexander (152), Graham Harmon (160) and Crotts (171) were third; and Louis Farve (189) was fourth. Crotts had a 15-2 record and Alexander wound up 8-1. Creason had a perfect season - 11-0 with II pins - until suf­ fering a lough loss in a noncon­ ference match with Northwest Guilford. He atoned for the set­ back in beautiful fashion. “Crcason was up 4-2 and got caught in a cradle,” Riddle said. “He went out (in Ihe MSCT) with the altitude that it wasn’t going to happen again. Maybe the loss was a good thing going into the tournament.” Before Ihe touniament. South defeated NW Guilford (63-24) and Loxington (54-30) lo close the regular, season ul 12-1. Interior Designs, Inc. Full Service Design Specializes in: Window Treatments Bed Ensembles Accessories IVe woâ with licensed contractors for ■ your remodeling and building needs. Charlene B. Cassidy IDS Associate 3560-C Clemmons Rd. (Next lo Clemmons Library) 766-9918 W IiC tiy T r e e S e r v i c e a • Lot CIgarIng ■ Tree Feeding75' • Tree Removat FertillultonWorking ■ Slump Grinding ■ HazatrieusHelaht ■ SeiecUve Trimming Hemovai .» m a g e 336492.2944 Toll (8733) Complete Clean up ' Fully Insured m ik x , ÏRmAHILAND) Supplies Last '‘W S Ê F e b ru a ry 1 4 th J G re e n s b o ro C o lis e u m £ § > P A R T N E R S The Oaks Shopping Center ^ Tack & We«tem Wear, Inc. 6J70 Shallowford Road Lewisville, NC 27023 Hours: Mon,-Fri. 10-8 Sat. 10-6 • Sun. 1-5 3 3 6 -9 4 5 - 2 3 6 6 I _ _ . »ÏOÛSVt JJ ASWVAH liVIIIEOPAHÎNenSHIP S i g n U p F o r M e n ’s B a s k e t b a l l L e a g u e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 - B9 Who's the best men’s-open basketball team in Davie County? Last year il was a liirec- way tie between Cluibby’s Bar­ becue (Tracey Arnold, Clifford Dulin, Brian Lane, Speedy Red­ mond, Chad Heiner), Davie County Enterprise Record (Ger- L e o n a r d R u n s 1 9 t h M a r a t h o n How good of a runner is 61 - year-old Wade Leonard of Mocksville? In his 19th mara­ thon, the Arizona Rock ‘N Roll in Phoenix on Jan. 11 ,hc finished 23rd in his 60-65 age group in the largest first-lime marulhon ever run (30,000 participates). Leonard began nnining mara­ thons at age 53, ond he's not close lo being finislied. He’s going to R e g is tr a tio n O p e n F o r P e e w e e A n d L ittle S lu g g e r s The Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Deparlmeni is accepting registration forms for the girls peewee slow-pitcli soltbull (ages 7-9) and little sluggers baseball (7-8) leagues. Registration fee is $30 and the deadline is March 5. Spring Ball Tryouts Set For Feb. 7 Signups for Lillie League T- ball, baseball and softball are scheduled for Feb. 7 al Pinebrook Elementary School and the Brock Gym, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Fçr i|ui!stions regarding baseball, call Todd Carter «1940- 9114. For softball call Greg Mar­ shall al 998-8300. Or visit the league’s website at davlelittlelcaguc.org. U S S S A B a s e b a ll T r y o u t s P la n n e d Tryouts will be held soon for ; a USSSA baseball team. U will have a limited schedule with mostly local tournaments. Team >• members will bo able to play on , a Little League leam al-so, B o ys - cannot be 12 years old before I Aug, 1,2004. For information on tryouts, contact B illy Carter at 998-8335, fax 998-6431 and email bvbscarlers@yadtel.net. G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We IVIal<e Hydraulic Hoses & IVIixAuto Paint 7 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Ciemmons g o t y o u c o v e r e d . . . From the cornfields to the courthouse, the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. C a ll 7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 for details DAVm COUNTY E N TC -R pni/i?,R e c o r d the Myrtle Beach Marathon in three weeks. “You've got to have some sort of goal to motivate you, so Gary Prillanian ami 1 got up one morn­ ing at 5 (recently) and ran 20 miles in 20 degrees," he said. main Mayfield, Tony Mallard, Brent'Wall, Brian Pitts, Charlie Crenshaw) and Halzoff (Damian Lewis, Marnic Lewis, Vincent Cockerham, Duane Phillips, Marcus Lassiter).The third year of the league is around the cor­ ner, and now is the lime lo put your team together and sign up. The games are two 20-minule halves with two referees. The league will start in March. Contact Pitts at 751-4677 or 909-0474. O ld S c h o o l Davie Sports News From February, 1974 • Davie’s varsity girls bnskelball team held off North Iredell 43-40 to protect first place in the North Piedmont Conference. Nancy Reavis' foul shot - one of her 18 points - gave Davie a 41-40 lead. Debbie Burton and Debra Ward added 10 and nine points as Davie improved to 14-2 overall and 12-2 in the NPC. Euriier, Davie routed Nonh Rowan 57-31. Reavis had 19 points, Patricia Dwiggins 11 and Burton 10. • Davie’s boys got 22 points from Dwayne Grant, 14 from Doug Quarles and 11 each from Ed Wilkinson and Robert Pulliam in an impres­ sive 101-82 win over N. Iredell.The win moved Davie to 8-8,8-6. Davie lost 58-56 to Nortii Rowan. Quarles scored 20 and Grant 14. • Two Davie wrestlers remained undefeated in a 49-15 win over Kannapolis. Marcus Wilson improved lo 13-0 al 188 and Ron Anderson im­ proved lo 10-1 al 135. Bank Of America announces Saturday hours. It’s not easy to squeeze your whole life between Monday and Friday. Which is why Bank of America banking centers all over town are now open on Saturdays — giving you a few precious, extra hours to open a new account, refinance your home, talk to a personal banker or Just make a deposit. If life is a little hectic during the week, slow down and see us at any of the banking centers with Saturday hours. Bank of America — the official bank of Saturday. ftindehon 128 YadWn Valley Road ! Advance, North Carolina 27008-8700 ' : Dnnh of Amoiica, N.A. Mombor FDIC. ©2004 Bonk ol Ammloa Coipormlon. SAT-H-1P0850110QAD B a n k o f A m e ric a H ig h e r S ta n d a rd s BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 FORD M E R C U R Y tn u m Check Out These Deals!! *04 Escape XLTFWD *04 Escape Limited 4x4 *04 Escape XLTFWD MSRPs $24,745 NOW ONLY e<;6, LOADgOIII MSRP a $27,980 NOW ONLY MSRP 3 $24,195 NOW ONLY ’ 2 1 ,7 8 8 ’ ’ 2 4 ,5 8 8 ' * 2 1 ,2 1 8 ' ^*04 Ranger Edge *04 Ranger *04 Ranger Edge *04 Ranger Reg. Cab XLT Reg. Cab Supercab XLT Supercab R E B A T E S U | » l o $ 2 , 5 0 0 1 o r R a t e s a s l o w a s v. 0 % A . P . R . " Oxlooj Whrto. V6. auto. CD/cassotto, cibteo/iilt. 15" ohjm. wlils. MSRP = $18,130 NOW ONLY 4 cytndor, 5 spood. CD, 1 5'iiïtxnowWs. MSRP s $16,255 NOW ONLY Dork Shadow Gray, VO, auto, fog lamps, tloreokk) box, pionoor sound syslom. MSRP 3 $21,835 NOW ONLY Tbroadof Rod, V6. auto, powor group. CO/ cassotto, stop Iwrs, Irnilor tow. MSRP = $22,695 NOW ONLY ’ 1 4 ,6 5 6 ' ’ 1 3 ,2 8 6 * ’ 1 8 ,1 3 Г ’ 1 9 ,1 5 5 ' S e v e r a l M o r e R a n g e r s I n S t o c k T o C h o o s e F r o m ! ! ,v. Steve Simmons Sales F O R D M E R C U R Y Dale Ratledge Finaitœ Manager _ MS >1S. 140àiU . AMeiCAN'^ f0«0 ^ MICURY J' UockMvliie S h o p u s o n l i n e a t a a f 0 r d . C 0 n n J u s t o f f 1 -4 0 E x it 1 7 0 , H w y . 6 0 1 • IV lo c k s v ille , N C • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 1 • Plus tax and lees," Wllh approved credit. See dealer lor delalls. FordCrodit 'à Chuck Sales Davie Peonip DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 - Cl Jasm ine Sky Ball has had plenty of happiness since she w as adopted by the Brad and Janet Ball fam ily last sum m er. Above, sisters Brooke and Brittanie fill her full of kisses. The baby w as adopted from K azakhstan, and the Balls say they would recom m end adoption from there to any family. “The care of the children there is pheriom inal," Janet said. A C o m p le t e F a m ily A d o p tio n F ro m K a z a k h s ta n R ig h t F o r M o c k s v ille C o u p le , C h ild re n i! By Mike Barnhardt Davie County Enterprise Record Brad and Janet Bali didn’t just decide to adopt a cliild. Tltey discus.sed it with tlieir birth children, Brooltc itnd Britlanie. They prayed, and they researched the com­ panies that provide adoption services. But when it came down to deciding which child to choose, they only had minutes. The Mocksvillc couple had traveled halfway around the world, to Kazakhstan, and were in the “baby house," where they were to choose from little girls under age 1. They hud narrowed their search to two. "Wc "She had always wanted three children," Brad snid. "We had always thought we could give a home to a child who didn’t have one. It finishes out our family." They decided to adopt a foreign baby, and started looking for agencies. They had seen u photograph on the internet of a beautiful baby from Kazakhstan, located between Russia nnd China, which became a country in 1991. “The care of the children there was phenominal - one caregiver lo every six or seven children," Janet said. They chose the World Partners Adoption Agency, a group they would recommend to any­ one, as well as adopting from Kozakhstan. 'All tlieao klda wo 19ft behind. I so to sleepwere told you need (o make a dedlulonVrib'W^’iiltiit nlght ahd*dan't>«'tti(V<'ihlnlc>ng nbout.ttidni' Brad siiid. The Balls got some help;;frpm a little girl, and from above. ' “She wns the first one we saw," Janet said of tlie soon-to-be Jasmine Sky. “Slie was the tini­ est little thing. We opened that door and these huge eyes stared back at us. “I’m holding her, she just felt right. It was an instant bonding. I had prayed and knew there would be some type of sign." Janet loves butterflies. Butterflies meant a lol 10 her mother, Ruth Helderman, who died in 1996. “I leaned her back, and on the back of her shirt was a butterfly," Janet said. “I tliink it was divine intervention thnt was assuring me I wns making the right decision," The Balls had discussed adoption since the birth of their first child, Britlanie. Tlien Brooke came along, and the family moved inlo their house off U.S. 601 North. Janet said. “It’s just heartbreaking.” The children call all men “papa,” and all women “mama.” That area is one of the few places where you can go to choose a child. They knew when they traveled that there would be at least one child that met their criteria - a girl under age 1. Changing planes in a deserted airport in a foreign country when you’re the only person in the building who speaks English can be har­ rowing, but worth the effort, they snid. Although they dodged potholes and chunks of concrete en route, the baby house was im­ maculate, the Balls said. In lhat country, there are very few middle class families. Those with more than one child can’t make ends meet. And socially, single motherhood is heavily frowned upon. As a result, children end up in the orphan­ age. “If a child has been visited for the pnst six months, they are not available for adoption," Brad said. The babies are first pul on a registry to be adopted by any interested Kazakhstan family. The kids are loving, and well behaved. “They don’l cry much, because they don’t get a lol of attention. It would break your henrt. You could just look at these kids and they would smile,” Janet snid. “Wc got lo know her caregivers very well,” Brad said. "They gave us a lot of gifts ...a Rus­ sian Bible in which all of the caregivers wrote something about her.” The now addition didn’t bother tho big sis­ ters. They relished tho Idea of a bnby sister, “When we told them we wanted to adopt a ' 3p baby, Brlttanlo’s eys shot up’ Immedloicly -ahily. od< 'that’s 'wbiiderfiit';" Jttiiet snid. " oft “Brooke told me, ‘Mom, 1 always wanted to be a big sister’.’’- “I loved her as soon as I saw the first pic­ ture," said Brittanie. "She’s got two little mothers here,” Brad said, motioning toward Brittanie and Brooke. After Sky cnme liome, Brittanie and Brooke had her up and dressed for church before their parents were out of bed. The family attends Smith Grove United Methodist Church. Adoption isn’t ciieap. The Balls got a scc­ ond mortgnge on their house to pay the almost $30,000 in fees and expenses. They wanted to be sure they didn’t take away from their first two children, and agree thnt Sky has been a blessing. “I’ve put together a couple of functions ot work for Information on adoptions,” Brad said. “The moie 1 can help people to find otit about , . U would Ihtlll mo to.plcM» IIJ bhe^from' this airca'could adopt one of the bti-' bies from Kazakhstan,” Janet said. “1 want to tell people about Kazakhstan nnd World Part­ ners.” They could find their own butterfly. Ball family includes d S S !sB rlH ^ ^ Janet Ball enjoys helping her new child walk during an afternoon and parents Janet and Brad. , C2 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursdiiy, I'eh. 5, 2004 G iv e Y o u r R e la t io n s h ip A C h e c k u p Tim N.C. Association of Mnrriiigc iiml Family Therapists (NCAMFT) is encouraging cmiplos lo sharpen their pencils, sit clown together und give their relationship a checkup. The organization has out­ lined 14 important relationship (|ui;stions and advises couples lo talk aboul them this Valentine’s Day, r-'eb. 14. "It’s imporlant for couples, married or not. lo lake Ihe lime each year to deteniiine how well iheir relationship is going.” suid Karen Barry, a Winston-Salem based lipensed marriage und faniily therapist. “ Because of demands ul work, finances and kids, many couples don’t really talk. This chcckllst will get couples talking. We want llicin to make Valentine’s T a llm o n - M c C r a r y E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Danny Tallmon and Linda Tallmon of Cooleemee announce Ihe cngagcinenl of iheir daughter. Sonya Marie Tullmon of Cooleemee lo Derek liugene McCrary of Le.xington. Ihe son of Tonuny McCrary of Louisville and Judy Maxwell of Lexington. The bride-clecl is a graduate of Davie High School and is em­ ployed by Vnllcy Aniii\nl Clinic of Mocksville. The groom-lo-be is a graduale of Wesl Davidson High School nnd is employed by Danny Young Electric. The wedding is plunncd for May 8 ul Rowan Shrine Club al High Rock Lake. PHOTOGRAPHY (336)284-6515 C(H)lccnicc Shoppini; Center, Cwilecmee — No Silting Fee — Hy Appointment Only, Cull Today KorApixiinlmt-nt K,l und Dcbhic .¡ones of Mocksville iinnounce the birth of thoir .son, R.F .loncs .In, iit I'Vir.sylh IldspituI on ,lim. 21, 2(I(M al 9:08 a.m. He weighed 8 Ib.s. 9.4 0/. He has two sis­ ters, I'ellsha and Holly ,|onc.s, lind II brother, .lames Lconnrd. (irundpiircnts »re Irene .lones of Mocksvillc nnd the lute Roy C. .lones, Minnie (iriidy Lynch of Lexington nnd the late Willie Leoniird. (¡rciit- Mrandpurents nre Ilciiliih Owens und the late Lee Roy Owens. GRACE MOTORS, LLC 142 NC Hwy 801 N * Advance 336-817-7482 J. . '• ■' . 1 9 9 6 T o y o ta C o ro lla l.(»vv tilil»;*,, IllCf! $4900 1 9 9 8 T o y o ta C o ro lla Low mjlos, super nice; $7900 ★ ★Fast Credit Turnarounds★ 1 9 9 6 H o n d a A c c o rd LX 1 9 9 7 H o n d a A c c o rd LX D-.v mil(", sui)(?f met $6900 I $790 ★ ★All Credit Applications Accepted*★ Low miles, super nice $7900 ^ f ^ Cherokee Sport!■ 1 ■■!. < I) Sii-I,.,, All PWK’ ni.wlii(,s ~ . 1 ) 0 0 , ,M,. VO <ltry Wtrn.rnly riKl, 63,000riu, lecil <.horp $9300 I $5500 ★ ★We Understand Credit Problems*★ 2 0 0 0 F o rd C o n to u r SE 1 9 9 6 P o n tia c B o n n e v illetoo.n,, |iw, PI, AC, (.Hoy v/Ium:Is, Miilullic Blu^^ 79,90(5mi, V6, PW, PI, . , ' AC, cjlloy wiiofis$5500__J $5200 ★ ★Financing Available*★ ' DeaiBriioo655ia ' Day the tituc of year, every year, to sit down and give Ihcir rela­ tionships a clieck up. “We check on other things regularly - the oil in our car. our eyes, our teeth, but how often to we just slop and check on our marriage?” According to the NCAMFT, Inking a preventative approach can avoid some of the problems couples may have two, five or even 10 years down the road. Couples will find out the strengths in their relationships, as well as pinpointing n few trouble spots. The goal is to find problem nrcas, praise positive ureas, and increase communica­ tion.' Barry encourages couples to lake this check-up, together each year and save the answers to compare them from year to year. “We all experience changes in our lives whether we want to or not," said Barry. “Marriage und family therapists help people respond to life's changes, If couples sit down and realize Ihey need lielp getting tlieir re­ lationship on back on track, we want them to be aware that trained marriage and family therapists are available to help if couples discover there is a problem or if they just want to enrich their relationship.” To find a therapist, log onto www.ncamft.org and click on Ihe Therapist Locator link. Couples can download a copy of the 14 Valentine’s Day questions lU that same website location. 14 Questions To Spark Vour Love Life • What made you fall in love with your partner and what do you love most about them now? • When did you feel the most loved by your partner, and what specific things did he/she do to make you feel loved? • What needs to happen to make yi)ur partner a better friend? • What liave you learned about being married that sur­ prises you? • Wliat do you imagine your relationship will look like 10 years from now? • What is the best thing that lias happened lo you and your partner in the past year? • What is your relationship's strongest point, and what areas can be enriched? • Arc you able lo talk openly about your se,\ual needs with your partner? • Is this Ihe relationship you expected, hoped or dreamed it would be? • When is the right time to get professional help with a re­ lationship? • On a scale of 1 lo 10, wilh 10 being tlie ideal, how would each of you rate your ability lo resolve confiicts? • Do you and your partner share enough fun times and what are some fun things you could do? • Do you spend at least 20 minutes a day talking about things other than children, fi­ nances or work? • What are the 5 most roman­ tic things your lover has ever done for you or you wish he/she would do? D e n tis ts ‘G iv in g A K id A S m iie The dental offices of Dr. Gary Prillaman, Dr. Kevin Armbrecht, Dr. Hauser and Dorsett, Dr. Todd Carter will participate in the American Dental Association’s second annual Give Kids A Smile Day on Feb. 6, by providing free sealants to pre-selected Limited Fiu Vaccines Avaiiabie The Davic County Health Department has a limited supply of fiu vaccine available for higli- risk children and adults. If you or your child is al high risk and have not received the; flu vaccinc this season;- o'aU itio lieallh departmental 751 -8700 to make an appointment lo receive the vaccinc. Library Oniine The Davic County Public Library's catalog is now online. Go lo www.co.davic.nc.11.Ч, click on departments, click on library, click on online card cata­ log. Search the catalog, look at best .seller lists, and with a PIN, look at "My Account." Features and results will be changing while Ihis is new. Call 751-7.023 for more in­ formation. cliildrcn. Give Kids A Smile is a one- day volunteer initiative lo provide free services such us professional denial cleanings, fillings and educational materials lo children from low- income families. More than 34.000 dentists und dental team members at more than 2,000 sites across the country will lake time from Iheir practice to help underserved children wiio aren’t getting llie oral hcallh carc they need. Give Kids A Smile is meant to focus attention on the cpidernic of untreated oral disea.se among disadvantaged children and deliver the message that demists alone can’t solve this problem without a real commitment from government ond society. Il ls a way to show that dentists care and are willing lo do their purl. This program helps to comiiumicale the denial pro- fc.ssion's perspective that it is going to take a commilnienl on Carter On HPU Dean’s List Daniel Stephen Curler of Advance, made the Dean’s List for the Full 2003 semester al High Point University. Dean’s Lisl students arc those who have attained a 3.5 GPA for the pre­ vious semester bused on a 4.0 scale. High Point University is a liberal arts institution with op- proximatcly 3.000 undergradu­ ate and graduate students ul cum- puscs in High Point and Win- slon-Sulcm. The university of­ fers 47 undergraduate majors and 12 graduate programs. "How about a walkie-talkie without the wait?"i \ Do we think alike or wha%, INTRODUCING T 0 U C H 2 T A L K . FROM ALLTEL The fast walkie-talkie on a reliable wireless network. • Fast connection MONTH FREE ' Switch between Touch2Talk calls and wireless calls with ease . • Easy group set-ups from your phone > or Web sile • Add Touch2Talk lo any ALLTEl. wireless plan ■ Flexible Touch2Talk package plans as low as $5 a month те РНОШЕ PLACE KV0«.,a»' 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 6 2 6 ■^121 Depot Street • Mocksvlllc, NC | T C I Mon.-Frl. 8:3dam-5pm & Rut. 9ani-t2noon M M l w l i l i K l i T2T sorvic« nol available ki all aioas. First Month Free requires aclSialkiii ol a wireless rale A U T H O ( plan and 1 -year service agreemanl. C r ^ only TiT rriontiily cliargo, • — ■ Wdmonil IMti, lurehargii & t»»i ton »ppl», Intloilnii > 41e Rigiilaloty Coil Bicovgiy )•« nnrl a 59e Talariom Corrnacllvlly l«a. Thaaa laei aio nol laxaa or governmanl raqirliod chargaa. Othar luichargaa may inisluda a lailaral Unlvaiaal Saivlce Fund laa lhal varlaa wilh uiagK whara raqulrad, a alala.mandalad Unlvanal Sanica Fund laa; and. whara loivica la avallabla, a Stt lei ol up lo St.M lhal varlaa bated on localion. ©2004 ALLTEL. Limited timo nlfer at panicipeiing locBtione. Service aQroemont. crodii approvol. & approved handsel roqulrod. Most rato plan changes require a minimum 12-month contract. $200 early (Qtmiciatlon (eo щ Ш . $3S activation teo шву apply. OKof may not bo aveilablo in oil areas. Actual coveraoa area may vary. Olfers are subjoci to tho ALlTEL Tofms & ContJitions for Communications Services ауаНаЫе at any ALLTEL store or at www alltel.com. Touch2Taili IT2TI minute» available on qualifying Froedom rale plans and only on tho ALLTEL T2T network, which may differ from customer's wireless calling area, T2T-compatiblo phono required. Servico available on calls made to & from ALLTEL T2T customers that begin & ond on ihe ALLTEL T2T network. Roaming and airtime charges may occur If T2T call is received outsida iho ALLTEL T2T network. Cells are billed by the socond and total amount is rounded lo naxt mlnule. Additional minutes outside of Т2Г package plan billed al 15e/min. Wiroloss rate plan minutes nol affected. Soma feature* cannot be usod during Touch2Talk session. See www,atttel.com for complete T2T details. Rrit IHonth Free requires the activation of a wireless rate plan and T2T package. Credits only the monthly service charge ot the T2T sorvico and dooo nol apply to other vnreless rate plan charges. Monthly service charge will apply after introductory period. Buy one phono, got up to four moro half price avaitable wilh Iha activation of four lines of T2T service and foiir qualifying wireless plans $20 a month & higher.One line must be a primary lino of service.Ati other product and service merks in Ihis ad are the names, trade names, tradomarks, and logos ol their respective owners, • »rre ( Coniumer \ er. 1 Information ) the part of the public and elected leaders lo reach a solution, “Everyone has an opportunity lo help make u difference in today’s world. I’m grateful to have the opportunity lo use my skill to make a difference in the lives of this city’s children,” said Dr, Gary Prillaman. Many imporlant steps are needed to improve uccess lo oral heullh care. Foremost, the entire communily needs lo lake responsibility for this issue and make oral health care a priority for our children, Prillaman saiil. Many children in North Carolinus’s classrooms cunnot leam because of dental pain. Too many of North Carolina’s children can’t smile due lo-< severe dental probleiTiH. “The dental profession wants to do ils part to improve this sad reality, but we can’t do il alone.’’ Prillaman said. “We need the entire coninuinily to participate.’’ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I hursduy, Feb. 5, 2004 - СД More than 125 Storehouse volunteers are honoretd by the Woman’s Club of Mocl<s- ville.Marie Collins, Storehouse executive director, radiates her happiness as she recog­ nizes photographs from medical missions to Ghana reproduced on this quilt, which was given to her at the close of the appreciation dinner. Helping display the quilt is Floranda Tallmon, who spoi<e at the dinner. The volunteers are served dinner at Mocksville First Presbyterian Church.Woman’s Club President Linda Sechrist (right) enjoys a laugh with John and Marie Collins. Woman’s Ciub t^onors Storehouse For Jesus Volunteers lly Chet Ilnlin Special to tlie Enlerprisc While numerous awards were given lo workers at Friday night's volunteer appreciation dinner of a Storehouse for Jesus prepared by The Woman's Club of Mocksvillc at First Presbyte­ rian Church, everyone on tlie program. Including the award winners, paid iiomage lo Jesus Chrisi and Ood Almighty for llie workings of the Storehouse. From Marie Collin’s opening remarks, to Woman’s Club , President Linda Seclirlsl, who gave the invocation, to John Collin’s road|ng of scripturc, lo the Ladles Ensemble'of Bliilse Baplisi Cliurch who sang praises to Ihe l-ord, lo Floranda Tallmon whoso husband, Jimmy has had Ills aorta replaced arlificiaily and has been hospitalized for 55 days wilh about fóur months still to go. lo Max Craiinil who recently acccpieil the post as project man­ ager for the new Slorehoiise building, to Chief Fundruise'r Sarah Wood honored us "Good Neighbor of tlie Year." the thoughts of approximately 125 guests remained firmly on God or on Jesus Christ, Time after time, speakers suid the without Him or Them, llic Slorcliou.se simply wouldn’t or couldn’t exist. In her closing remarks, Mrs. Collins said tlial “2003 was a hard year for us. We had a great deal of volunteer illness, then in November we lost a very dear friend. Anna Marie Nicolls, who had been with us as a volunteer since 1996. She, worked with us at the Storehou.se every single week, and I have asked Mrs. Nicoil’s daughter to make plans for a memorial place to honor those voluntoers who have ' passed on." " ' '-v Earlier in the after-dinner program, Collins refered to llie fact that 222 volunteers pul In more than 16,000 hours last year. "Bui wc know (hat many people didn’t credit themselves with any hours on our roster. They simply worked for the Lord.” Mrs. Tallmon brought u pho­ tograph of her husband, and said her daughter encouraged him by tell'tng him that "1 love you daddy. We just want you. Don’t ever give up.” Mrs. Scchrisl announced that a “love offering” would be taken for the Tullmon fumlly whose wife assured that "Christmas wasn’t despair. It wus a joy. 1 just thank God for every niomenl. And 1 don’t know how to repay you. I’m just lost. And thank you for yburlinic.” Collins referred to "prayer warriors wlio work to keep their prayers on us. During the last 11 years there were limes when 1 didn’t think 1 could go on. But God’s always there. He loves you and me." Earlier, John Collins road from 0 sorlcrcif sctlpiures, and exiilitltiecl ttiiit boiiiuso he dkl hot participate in llie 2003 Medical Mission lo Ghana - a Storehouse project - when he once was asked, "Why do you help tliese people?" He answered that, "I sat down and began Interview­ ing prospective clients. And I sat down with tears in my eyes, from wliat 1 heard. This is whal wo feed from, lots of .scriptures. “Readings from Deuter­ onomy 15.Job 19. Psalm 72; 12, Proverbs 3:28, Jeremiah 22,2nd Corlnthiuiis 9, und 1st Timothy I. The Lord’s overseeing it, Marie and 1 aren’t. Without Him, tlicrc wouldn’t be a Storehouse.” Among those honored were "Pharmacy Volunteer of the Year” Beverly Maurice, but it did not slop there for the Maurice family. Her daughter. Gina, was hon­ ored wilh "Youth Volunteer of the Year.” "For his work leading to es­ tablishment of our new dental clinic, Dr. Gary E. Prilluman Is honored by tho Sloreitousci,” said Mrs. Collins; "and Joyce Hayes who started as a client but is hon- . ored tonlgtU as Volunteof of tho Dr. George Kinterly. direc­ tor of the Storehouse’s Medical Clinic, was named Stuff Person of tho Year, and Susan Prim was honored as Clinic Volunteer of the Year. Speaking of Mrs. Hayes. Mrs. Collins said; “No matter whal 1 need to be done, she’s ul- wuys there, and sucli a wonder­ ful help,” Once again, tlie volunteers were presented with mugs with their names on them by Libby Banks, who last year gave simi­ lar mugs bearing a picture of Sue Boggs' painting of the Storehouse's "birthplace" in an abandoned fannhouse on Yadkin Valley Road, Reference on this year's gifts was to the Bible's Book of Matthew 25;35-40 "for 1 wus hungry, and you gave me food; 1 was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I wus a stranger and you took Me in; 1 wus in prison, and you came to me. Tlien the righteous will answer,him say­ ing, ‘Lord, when did we sec You hungry and feed You. or thirsty and gWo you drink? When dW wo see You a stranger, and take You 111, dr naked tihd elrithe ybiS? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to you?’And the King will answer and suy lo them, ’Assuredly, I say to you, In us much as you did it to one of the least of these My breth­ ren, you did It lo me.”’ This year’s mugs bear a front-vlew picture of the present Storehouse building ul 464 De­ pot St., Mocksville. which is scheduled for replacement. The evening closed with a selection of songs, also praising God. by Willy Williford, "It’s very humbling to stand in front of all of you, for how many lives you are touching, and how many lives you wilbsave,” Mrs. Collins said, Mrs. Wood. Collins said, "has been working very dili­ gently on our fundraising projeci,” took advantage of tiic' occasion lo express the Storehouse’s gratitude to the Coinmunlty Foundation of Davie County. She explained; "They’ve protnlsed us $30.000 for tlio building project If we raise $90,000 from tho churches our sccond annual chili fundraising dinner for Feb, 18 from 5:30-7:30 p,m, al the Fam­ ily Life Center of the First United Methodisl Church of Mocksville.” And she encour­ aged her listeners. "Get n team to come from your church with u pol of chili.” Chill dinners will be served by donation only witli all pro­ ceeds goiiig 10 llie Storehouse Dullding Fund, Willy Williford sings praises to God, Youth and pharmacy volunteers of the year, Gina Maurice The Ladies Ensemble of Blaise Baptist Church of Moci<s- and her mother, Beverly Maurice, ville sing during the appreciation dinner. A N I M A L H O S P I T A L O F EA ST D AVIE D éntal N O W O P E N Ш л т щ т ^. iVIondiiy-Friday 7:30-6 • Saturday 9-12 5162 U .S. H w y 158 • A dvance- 336-940-3442 • Dr. Kohuisiin hiis pi'iicliced Vulcriimry Mccliciiic in IDiivIc & I'orsylli couiilics I'lir H) yours. • A ll stiilT is trained. incliKllnij ii Licon.secI Velcrinariiin 'fcchniciim. ‘ I’ct sitting provided liy "HDiiie Sweet Homo" M e d icin e • SurBory • D cn islry Hatlis • H oarding D oK S • Cuts • Rabbits • Ferrets • Pocket Pelswww,i>nii\iHlhospitnioloiistdavic,com N O W A C C E P T I N G Am.K'A'lK )NS ["( )R NIAV VrNlX )RS, I)r,Al.r.RS AN!) Mr:R('MAN'rS N1(‘1 (:h;IIKlisiiv; Míllí'. lì.- , \ i к 1 ' I II il SÍJiLiini'.'"' шШМ W \ P o f In f o r m a t io n C o n t a c t ; F # K E R R Y C U M M I N G S ' ( 3 3 6 ) 3 6 8 - 5 7 0 0 s ® ------------------ ó /2 Basi Moin Street » Pilot Mountain, NC I i| i: I г I С4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 Milton Gaither’s store and home int he 1930s at Rimrocl< Road and the unpaved N.C. 901. C o u n t y L i n e N e w s ____________________________ Spurgeon Gaither's first store, initially built and oper­ ated by Raymond Stroud, which also served as the County Line Post Office. By Shirley Thorne County Line CorrcspomlL'nt The V-Poinl Ruriinn Chib i.s having a counlry hum brcakfusl Saturday morning from 6-10 at the V-Poini Building on Old . Mocksville Road. The menu will includc scrambled eggs, grits, saugagc, hum, suugngc gravy, red-eye gravy, and drinks. Take-outs will be avnilabie. Cat as much as you like nnd make n donation. Salem United Methodist Church will have a Bible study meeting at S Sunday аПстооп, Feb. 15, in the fellow.ship hall. Paslor Steve Blair will conduct Ihc meeting which will includc plans for a new on-going Bible study. The Methodist Women will have Iheir monthly meeting at 7 Wednesday evening, Feb. 11, in the fellowship hall. Al Ihc men's breakfast this past Sun­ day, Jack Koontz presented a program on the conference's school building project's in Ja­ maica. Society Baptist Church will have a chicken slew, chilli, and sandwich dinner in the fellow­ ship liall following the worship servicc on Sunday morning. Fob. 15. Everyone is invited to come and meet their new interim pas­ tor, Dr. James Rock, and enjoy the dinner. Our community extends get- well wislies to Evelyn Scnmon and Fred Orydcr. Evelyn hiis у been hospitalized for knee re­ placement surgeryt and, foUow- up therapy at Davis Mcdical Center. Fred is recuperating at home after having surgery ut Iredell Memorial Hospital. Let's all pray for the Lord's healing in their lives. Terry Cartner of Florida died this past week of cancer. For­ merly of N.C. 901, Terry was the son of Gilbert Cnnncr nnd the late Carlene Cartner. His funeral will be al 11 Thursday morning, Feb. 5, at Clarksbury United Methodist Church. Our commu­ nity extends its deepest sympa­ thy to Terry's family. One popular place that has changed little since the 1940s, except in nume, is Jones Gro­ cery, a.k.a. Milton Gaither's. The store still sells freshly ground and seasoned saugagc and other pork. The pork is pre­ pared in the store by the Jones family just Ihe way your grandma probably did and is rcudy for sale by Wednesday of each week. The saugagc is so popular that usually, if you don't have a callcd-iii order, you arc oul of luck. Also, one must be prc- parotl to wail in line on Wednes­ days and Thursdays. Prior to 1960 or 1970, my relatives and most other families in County Line raised their own pork. They bought Iheir piglets (usually from Marshall Kooniz) in the spring, fed them until No­ vember or so, and then killed the pigs. Some families made their own saugagc, but perhaps most were like our family. We would grind a little meat for immedi­ ate use and then take the remain­ ing in large dishpans to Milton Gaither’s for grinding and sea­ soning. It all began wilh a litlle store on the southwest comer of N.C. 901 and Stroud Mill Road lhai was built and operated by Raymond Stroud sometime prior lo 1912. The store was later op­ erated by Noah Spurgeon Gaither until Ihe 1920s when il was taken over by Murt Godbcy, who had moved to his father's house next door around 1922. According to Mart’s son Bill Godbcy, prior to Ihe 1920s part of Ihis lilllc store served us the Counly Line Post Officc. Spurgeon trained his four children (Almu, Milton, Lee und Jim) in store operations and re­ cruited Ihem to lielp him oper- utc his store. His wife, the former Virginia Dnyvauh, liad died in 1903. Later, Spurgeon married Maude Holmann, bought a fann . on Old Mocksvillc Rond near N.C. 901, and built a larger store there. He then added a living (juartcrs, moved there, and lefl his home on County Line Road lo his children. Wilh the help of his children, he uiul his wife op­ erated this store until liis death in 1927. His daughter Alinu G. Elam and her family returned lo Coiinty Line to run the store lor a few years. Alma's daughter Ruth E. Williams .still has great memories of helping her grand­ father and later her mother run the store. During this same time, Spurgeon's son Milton married and lived on a farm on Guilford Road just off N.C, 901. Follow­ ing in his dad's footsteps, he llrst operated n lilllc store on this farm. Around 1929 he bought some land on N.C. 901 al the in­ tersection of Rimrock Road, built a store there, and then built a home adjaccnl to the store. Later a small barber shop was buill between the store and the home. This store, known locally as T h e r e ’s o n l y o n e p r o b l e m w i t h r e lig io n s t h a t h a v e a ll t l i e a n s w e rs . T h e y (d o n ’t a llo w q u e s tio n s . If ><«1 K<nnimn lu\r «Udì (мч] itvl il^ mrjnii>tf-4 litr, iil« iiuam in tr Jivl|<iir) llr wjnh The Episcopal Church of the Asccnslon Welcomes You. Worship S'enU fs; ‘J:(X)ii.m A ll.iX lii.m . Siiiulm 'Sclim l I0;0()ii.m. 183 Fork-Bixby Road • Advance, NC 27006 • 336.998.08.‘>7 www.asccnsiiin-fork.org "Milton Gaither's," served as a gas station and an area "hub" for fresh meat and other groceries and general merchandise. Milton's son James C. Gaither nnd daughter Esther G. Campbell have fond memories of working in their father's store. They recalled many local fann­ ers bringing their vegetables, butter, eggs, live chickens and dead rubbils lo Irndc for cash or needed staples such as flour, sugar; coffee, pintos, elc. In the 1940s, this store re­ ceived an expansion and facelift when the front covered drive- thru was removed and Ihe store was enlarged on the side and back. Around 1968 the front of Ihe store was remodeled after a deadly accident caused by a car crashing into the front of Ihe •store. . After Milton's death in 1960, his daughter Virginia G. Jones and his son James operated the store for a few years before Vir­ ginia became sole owner. After Virginia's deatlf In 1984, the store dcscendcd to her son Parks Jones and his family. Parks and his wife Louann un<l their fam­ ily have conlinucd lo operate the store in the same country fash­ ion as his mollier and grandfa­ ther The photos are from descen­ dants of Spurgeon Gaither 'Я ■' I Spurgeon Gaither's second store on Old Mocksville Road near N.C. 901. Parker Jones in front of Jones Grocery on N.C. 901. Í Spurgeon Gaither (seated) with his children, Jim, front, and from left, Alma, Milton and Lee. Louann Jones grinds pork to make sausage. Parker Jones is ready to serve customers at the check­ out counter. Milton Gaither at his store on N.C. 901. R e n t a l C a r s A v a i l a b l e from *16.95 per day! Call to reserve one today. Tim Sharpe 7 5 1 -5 9 4 8 1 -8 8 8 -4 6 9 -3 7 8 1 A u th e n tic Japanese C u is in e l)inu-in or Take-out 678 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville 336-753-6867 Fax; 336-753-6847 In Form er I’oim iinx Loccuion Husine.ss Hours Sunday - Thursday 11:00am - 9;()0pm I’ridny - SiUurday ll:()Onm- U);()Opm Pickup Window Avai,lahle i A d v a n c e N e w s DAVIE COUNTY EN FERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004 - CS By Edith Zlmmcrmnn Advance Correspondent A community breakfast will be Saturday, Feb. 7 at the Meth­ odist fellowship hall from 6;30- 10 u.m. Country ham, sausage, tenderloin, eggs, grits, biscuits, cereal, juiccs and coffee will be served. Everyone is invited. On Thursday, Feb.' 12 there will be a Poor Man’s Supper at the Methodist fellowship hall beginning at 6 p.m. A lovely cut flower arrange­ ment was in the sanctuary Sun­ day, given by the Hackett fam­ ily in loving memory of their son, brother and father, Randy • Hackett. Open House was Sunday, Feb. I at the new Methodist fel- P i n o N e w s lowship hall from 2-5 p.m. with a good attendance. Many out-of- town visitors came, among tliem former pastor Ihe Rev. Harry Sherrill and wife Juienc from Ml. Airy. Nancy Penry of Lybrook Road, and Betty Becding of Smith Grove were guests of Edith Zimmerman last Tuesday afternoon. Later, Oscar Poin­ dexter dropped by briefly. Delbert Bennett of Dulin Road was a luncheon guest of his aunt, Editli Zimmennan, on Saturday, Jan. 24. Our community expresses sympathy to Irene Bumey in the death of her mother, Mrs. Goad, whd died in Virginia last Wednesday. Jack (Lewis) Carter was hos­ pitalized from Friday through Tuesday of last week at Forsyth Mcdical Center suffering from heart complications. Tests re- , vcaled the need of a defibulator which was inserted on Monday. Get well wishes go to him. George Waldrop and Mary Lillian Zimmerman remain in serious conditions at Winston Salem hospitals. Bob and Betty Potts cel­ ebrated birthdays this week - Bob’s on Monday, Feb. 2 and Betty's on Tuesday, Feb. 3. Get well wishes go to Charlie Latham, who was treated in the emergency room at Forsyth Mcdical Center last Friday night for severe headaclics. He is im­ proving iind was able to attend church services Sunday. ' liy Norn Latham Pino Correspondent Forty-one people attended Sunday Night live at Wesley Chapel. Everyone enjoyed pizza, fellowship and watching the Su­ per Bowl together. Christie Gardner and Andrea Gentry spent Sunday with their parents, Pete and Madelyn. Our thoughts und prayers go out to Tom Bailey Woodruff who is in Forsyth Mcdical Center suf­ fering from pneumonia. Tom is not from this community bul even though his is well into his 90s, he never misses Ihc break­ fast at Wesley Chapel. We always look forward to seeing him. James and Lcilia Essie re­ lumed home Jan. 24 after spend­ ing several days in Daytona Beach, Flu. They reported the weather in Daytona as being so cool they hud to wear jackets the whole time. They came home early to miss the bad weather which made travel very difficult. On Sunday, James and Lelia Essie uttended a luncheon at the home of Glen und Pat Schenk near Woodleuf. The birthdays of F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith had supper Saturday night at Cracker Barrel in Clemmons, Mrs. Grady Bcck is slowly improving but heeds our contin­ ued prayers. Mrs. Becky Wallace, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Balry Smith, is on our sick list. We are pray­ ing for a quick recovery for her. We extend our sincere sym­ pathy lo the Mamie Barneycastle family on the loss of their loved one. She was also a form er cus­ tomer o f mine, And a more talenied person would lie lumi lo find. She made Ihe most heaullful quihs I have ever seen, 3-1 STRONG C D RATE. W I T H A N E V E N S T R O N G E R G U A R A N T E E Gel a guaranteed yield w ilh a C ertificate of D eposit from State Fann Bank'^ It's a secure place to grow your money. For more information, call me today. And talk w ith som eone you know you can count on. W E L I V E W H E R E Y O U L I V E : D a rry l B a n d y S t a t e F a r m A g e n t 5 2 4 8 U S H ig h w a y 1 5 8 A d v a n c e , N C 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -2 3 0 2 LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE.® Mombur F D K 'Annual Percentage Yields as ol 1/28/04, rates subject to change without notice. Minimum balance to open an account and obtain the stated APY Is $500. A penalty may be Imposed for a withdrawal prior to maturity. Certificates automatically renew at maturity at the then current rate for the same term. Some products and services not available In all areas, STATE FARM BANK P039119 HOME OFFICE; BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS • statefarm.com® 04/03 Rates are subject to change each Wednesday Peter Schulestock suffered u heart atluck lust week and is hos­ pitalized. Get well wishes to him. Janie Hendrix and grand­ daughter Isabelle Barnum of Charlotte have visited her mother, Edith Zimmerman, sev- crul limes this week. Janie is keeping Isabelle while her mother Melissa Barnum and her three sisters have gone on a cruise to Ihc Bahamas. They are Andrea Hendrix of Myrtle Beach, Amanda Hendrix of Salisbury and Mcrcdilh Hendrix, (who is doing internship al Ihe Air and Space Building at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.,). We want to offer belated congratulations to Meredith Hendrix who made the dean's list Ihis last semester al UNC- Charlolte. C o r n a t z e r N e w s Heather Schenk Essie und Forrest Essie were celebrated. Others unending were Neul and Brenda Essie, David,Tiuiimy and Sudic Essie, and Greg Schenk. January 22 was Patrick Miller's 50lh birthday. Friday night, his wife, Kathy, and daughter, Suzanne Lakey, hon­ ored him wilh a surprise party at the Gasthaus on the Square in Mock.sville. Approximately 40 friends and neighbors were there to help him celebrate. Happy birthday to Joan Barsdale. By Dottle Polls Comulzcr Correspondent Annie Ruth Allen and Mary Lou Ellis have recovered from pneumonia and were able lo at­ tend church Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nomian Smith visited Lena Wall on Baltimore Road Saturday night. Glenda Boger and Nannie Lou Sparks visited her last week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts were recent* visitors of Ruth Sheets and Shirley Cornatzer in Bixby. Flowers were placed In Cornatzer Baptist Church Sun­ day by the family of Carl Frye in commemoration of his birthday. The Men's Fellowship of Cornatzer Baptist Church en­ joyed supper at Pier 601 last Thursday night. About 32 mem­ bers attended. Homer Potts visited his sislcr, Mae Laird, at Somerset Court Monday. Scouts Sponsoring Parents ' Night Out Vaientine’s Day Have Valentine's night with­ out the kids. Girl Scouts attending the Ba­ hamas Sail Away Oddcssy Ad­ venture will sponsor a Parent's Night Out from 5:30-9 p.m. Sat­ urday, Feb. 14, at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Ad­ vance. / believe she would have been named ihe quilling queen. I am Ihanl^ul God seni her my way, llu l we w ill all meet again some sweel day. A reminder to customers, send pictures and remarks for my memory book. Marie's Beauty Shop, 212 Four Corners Rd., Mocksville. A suggested donation of $5 per child covers a hoi dog nnd macaroni and cheese, or peanul butter and jelly sandwich dinner, games, movies and more. Call 998-7371 by Feb. II lo register. The church Is located on Redland Road between U.S. 158 and N.C. 801. 'PCnSONALTnAININO.Vaa«. CHILD САПЕ Ss"The youth programs help structure positive growth and development." — Joshuo Foldmon Whult After school teen pro g ram s T d o n ’t y o u ? Join t f w V M C A to d a y ! c a n i n - w u for a fi^ tour and guMt pau. rinonclai uittstoncf avallabla.A Unll«U Way Agency. ‘"69ie0UaVUUVM '8N08831 MIMS ’6XH0IN Nnd AIINVd 'SMVUOOyd 5 Sкa яa , V íiír^ORAH G r a n d p a r e n ts A r e S p e d a i To Portraits By Deborah We realize that the older a person becomes, the harder Ihey are to get inlo the studio. That is why wc have FEBRUARY as GRANDPARENT’S MONTH. Celebrate Family With Us on Friday and Saturday February 20 and 21. 1/2 Price Session Fee $20 (Reg $40) up to four People. $5 for each additional person. Calendar At A Glance • G raiuljiarents Special - Fell. 20 & 21 • pMster liunny Special - March 19-21 • M other ’.V Day Special - April 16 and 17 • Tea Time Wilh Teddy - May 21 und 22 • l^orirails At The Beach - July • High School Seniors - All year Long P ictu re s a n d W ords... W ords a n d P ictu re s,., L o v in g T ributes T h a t T e ll The S to ry o fa L ife ,.. a M o m e n t...a F a m ily “Bahy Bits” “ W a tc h M e G ro w ” Six Sessions - 3mth!> lo 24nits $125 Clemmoiis , ( 3 3 6 ) 7 6 ^ ^ 3 0 4 5 ; Call Now For An Appomtmcni 'www.portraitsbycleborah.com ¥ ' \ i i I I Í- C6 . DAVIE CO UiM V ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 Obituaries Frances Z. C hiim bcrluin Miss Frances Zcllic Cliaiiibcr- lain, 91, of Mocksvillc, died early Saturday morning, Jan. 31, 2004 in Autumn Care, where she had been a resident for several years. A graveside service was held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 in Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee wilh Brother Jerry Couch officiating. Memorials: Hospice of Davie, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. ■ Miss Chamberlain was born in Davie County on Feb. 4, 1912 to the late Lee and Delio Spry Cham­ berlain. She was preceded in death by several brothers and sisters, Lila Gibbons, Arthur Chamberlain, Lester Chamberlain, Oil Cham­ berlain. Arlie Chamberlain, Versie Carter and Gertie Couch. Survivors: several nieces and nephews. Thelma F, Goodman 1913 - 2004 MOCKSVILLE Ruth R Booe 1916 - 2004 HIGH POINT «a Frmtcis P. Seats 1974 - 2004 CLIN Mamie s. Bnnuycastle\ 1913-2004 MOCKSVILLH Id . Robert G. Smith, Sr. 1936 - 2004 , CLEMMONS i''ii/io»>Ms F,‘D/X0h I .1915 - 2004 . Ruby S. Faulk 1918-2004 DAVIDSON COUNTY, na 325 N. Main Street Mocksvillc, NC (336) 751-2148 James David Myers Mr. James David Myers, 65, of U.S. 158 East, Mocksville, died Monday, Jan. 26, 2004 at his home. Funeral services were Friday, Jan. 30 at 2 p.m. al Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Chris Clontz officiating. Burial was in Smith Orove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Smith Grove United Methodist Church Fellow­ ship Hall, 3492 U.S. 158 East, Mocksville. Mr. Myers was bom Aug. 1, 1938 in Davie County to the late Ray Phillip and Lilly May Myers and was owner/operator of James Myers Wrecker Service. He was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church. Survivors: his wife, Margaret Todd Myers of the home; 2 chil­ dren, Joy Myers (Glenn) Smith of Greensboro, Jason James (Kelly) Myers of Lexington; 3 step-chil- dren, Rita (Richard) Renvis, Debbie (Billy) Bennett, Edward Lee Williams, all of Yadkinville: 5 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchtl- dren; and 7 great-great-grandchil- dren. He was preceded in death by a baby sister. Mamie Sue Myers, and a brother, Joe Henry Myers. Mary Rattz Hupp Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ratlz Hupp, 82, of Mocksville, died Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, at Wake Purest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, Mrs. Hupp was born June 23, 1921, in Davie County to the late James Clement and Prudence Garwooil Rattz and was a home­ maker. She was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Ascen­ sion at Fork. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie Thornton Hupp Sr. Survivors: a son, the Rev. Rob­ ert S. Hupp of Mocksville; 2 grandchildren; and 2 sisters, Evelyn Hendrix of Mocksvillc and lunnlln Bowles of QlbionvlUe, A graveside service was held al 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, al 2 p.m. nl llic Episcopal Church of the As­ cension al Fork with the Rev. Jerry Moore, pastor of Sccond Re- fbrnied United Church of Christ, Lexington, officiating. T Memorials: American Caiicer Society, 622 Forsyth Medical Park, 1900 S. Hawthorne Road, Winston-Salem, 27103. Peggy T. Ridenhour Mrs. Peggy Thompson Ridenhour, 73, of Orove Street, Cooleemee, died Thursday, Jan, 29, 2004 at Rowan Regional Medical Center in Salisbury. A funeral service was held Sat­ urday, Jan. 31 at 2 p.m. in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials; Victory Baptist Church, P.O. Box 686, Cool- eemeei Mrs. Ridenhour was born Feb. 24, 1930 in Rowan County to the late Joseph Benjamin and Janie Lee Benfield Thompson and was retired from Autumn Care of Mocksville. She was a member of Cooleemee First Baptsit Church. She was preceded In death by her husband, John Wesley Ridenhour; a sister, Fannie Mae Bell; and 6 brothers, Wayne Harold Thompson, Billy Tliomp- son, Howard Thompson, Kemp Thompson, James Thompson and Olen Thompson. Herbert Wayne Reavis Mr. Herbert Wayne Reavis of Lexington died Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004.' He was bom in Forsyth County on March 20, 1937, to the late Henry Clarence and Fannie Cundlff Reavls. He was a mem­ ber of Bible Baptist Church in Clemmons. Mr. Reavis loved old cars and street rods. He was a member of Wheels of Time Street Rod Club. He was preceded In death by a brother, Homer B. Reavls. Survivors: his wife, Faye B. Reavis of the home; a daughter, Kimberly Moore of Winston-Sa­ lem; u stepson, Benjamin Smith of Advance; a step-daughter, Karen Fields and husband Daniel of Mocksville; a grandson; a granddaughter; a brother, David C. Reavis and wife Becky of Pfafftown; a sister, Robinell Uonellne and husband Phillip of Kernersvllle; a sister-in-law, Ann Reavls oj Kernersvllle; and by several nieces and nephews. Tlie funeral service was held at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2, at Bible Baptist Church in Clemmons with Pastor Don Jones officiating. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3, at Oaklawn Memorial Gardens in Winston-Sa­ lem. Memorials: Bible Baptist Building Fund, 6350 Styers Ferry Road, Clemmons, 27012. R e s u m e a ll a c t iv it ie s im m e d ia t e ly a fte r c a t a r a c t s u r g e r y at S o u t h e a s t e r n E y e C e n t e r by C . R i c h a r d E p e s , M . D . • Procedure lakes only 4 to 7 minutes to p e r fo r m • Return to all activities immediately • Dr. Epes ijamed as one of the “Best Doctors in Amcrica” • Dr. Epes has perfonned surgery on individuals from 48 states and 18 foreign countries • Dr. Epes has performed over 75,000 cataract surgeries “ N o-N eedle, N o-S titch, N o-P a tch” surgeryC. Richard Epes, M.D. F o r lo ca l convenience & unm atched experience', c a ll M i e a ^ J y e C e n t e r » TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. F iir your am m iicnce you iiiiiy лес mie o f the Smillmisiern Eye Center diKlor.i in our offices al; М < Ш \Д И Е VISm C EN TlR Dr. Steven G. Laymon, Opiomctrist 198-11 lliMpllal St., Mocksvillc • 751-5734 Daniel Lee Stewart Mr. Daniel Lee Stewart, of Belews Creek, known by friends and family as "Johnny" or "Thump", died Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004. He was born March 16, 1948, in Burnwell, W.Va., to Bert and Irene Stewart. He was a graduate of East Bank High School. He was a member of True Gospel Baptist Church. He was the owner and operator of Stewart Hauling and Grading. He was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors: his wife of 34 years, Wilmo Kathryn Stewart of the home; 2 sons, Daniel Alien (Katrina) Stewart and Michael Brian Stewart, all of Belews Creek: a sister, Mae (Bud) Lawson of Winston-Salem; 3 brothers, Curtis (Rose) Stewart of East Bend, Donald (Dianne) Stewart of Advaiice and "Chick" (Becky) Stewart of Ohio; 5 grandcliildren; and many nieces, nephews and other family members. A 2 p.m. funeral servicc was conducted Tuesday, Feb. 3, al True Gospel Baptist Church wilh the .Rev. Michael ManUel officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Glenwood D. O’Quinn Mr. Glenwood • Darryl O'Quinn, 41. of Windsong Road, Mocksville, died Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004, at NorthEast Medical Cen­ ter in Concord. Mr. O'Quinn was born July 31, 1962, in Spring Lake and was re­ tired from the U.S. Air Force as a technical sergeant wilh an honor­ able discharge. Survivors: his wife, Patricia Livengood O'Quinn of Ihe home; his mother: 4 children; 2 grand­ children; a stepdaughter; a half brother; and a half sister. 1 A graveside servicc was held at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 30 ul the Salisbury National Cemetery. Memorials: American Rod Cross, Northwest NC Chapter, 690 Coliseum Drive, Winston- Salem, 27106. Marie Testerment Frye Mrs. Marie Testerment Frye, 72, of Advance died carly Thurs­ day morning, Jan. 29, 2004, at Wake Foresl University Baptist Mcdical Center. She was born in Smyth County, Va., to Jesse and Marga­ ret Testerment. Surviving: a sisler-in-iaw, Katherine Frye of Advance; 4 nieces. 'A funeral servicc was con­ ducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1, in the Mausoleum Chapel at Wesllawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons by Pastor Ronnie Craddock. ir ii’U'. c i i l c r p r i . s c - r c c o r d Inida Wade Goad India Alma Wade Goad, 86, of Pcarisburg, Va. died Wednesday, Jan. 28,2004, following a long ill­ ness. Mrs. Goad was born in Floyd County, Va., on July 2, 1917, and was a daughter of the late Charlie and Leona Dulaney Wade. She was preceded in death by 3 sisters, Carrie Phillips, Ola Cox and Velma Reed; and a brother, Denver Wade. Mrs. Goad was a member of the Faith Temple Pentecostal Church in Pearisburg. Survivors: her husband, Elmer Leon Goad of Pearisburg; a son and daughter-in-law, Leon and Jackic Goad of Hiilsville; 3 daughters and aons-in-law, Irene and Ronald Barney of Advance, Carol and Jerry Caldwell of Chrisliansburg and Bessie and Howard McCoriTiick of Advance; a sister, Essie Wade Ratcliffe of Radford; 12 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. The fimeral service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, in the Faith Temple Pentecostal Church with Pastor Jeff Rheu of­ ficiating wilh burial in Birchiuwn Burial Park. Memorials: Faith Temple Penticoslul, 1923 Wenonal Ave., Pearisburg, VA24134. Ruth Ingool Evans Ruth Ingool Evans, 83, for­ merly of Jonesvilie (resided last 4 years nt Farmington Road in Mocksville), died Sunday, Feb. I, 2004 ul Wake Foresl Baptist Medical Center due to natural cau.ses. Mrs. Evans was born July 17, 1920 in Surry County to Ihe late Denver and Ada Belle Gentry Ingool. She was a long time mem­ ber of Jonesvilie First Baptist Church and worked as a waitress for approximately three decades serving most everyone in the EIkin-Jone.sville area at one lime or another. She never met a stranger and never let anyone leave her workplace or her home hungry. : ' She was procoded In ¿oath by her husband, Fred Poindexter Evans, a brother, Tiiomas Ingool, a sister, Kathleen Holbrook. Survivors: children, Charles Evans (JoAnn) of Stale Road, Ailene Collins (M.Z.) of Winston- Salem, Judy Adams (Don) of Greensboro, Sherry Steele (Garry) of Mock.sville; 7 grandchildren: 9 great-grandchildren; 2 great- greal-grandchildren; a brother. Jack Ingool (Edna) of Winston- Salem: 3 sisters, Mary Sheilon, Carolyn Ousley both of Winston- Salem and Opal Burgiss of Cary; and her special companion, "Boomer." Funeral services were held al 11 a.ni, Wednesday, Feb. 4 al the First Baptist Church in Jonesvilie by Rev. Roger Hensley and Dr. Ray Hamilton. Burial followed at Shady Grove Baptist Church, Boonvillc. Helen H. Kahle Helen H. Kahle of Bermuda Village died Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004, at the age of 101. She was bom Helen Clare Ber­ tha Herr in Calmer, Iowa, of Ger­ man parents on Aug. 31, 1902. She wus preceded in death by lier husband. Loren F. Kahle, to whom she was married for 71 years; and a son, Robert V. Kahle. She also had two, sisters, now de­ ceased. Mrs. Kaliie helped found und was a charter member of the local Chi Omega sorority. She gradu­ ated in 1924 with a degree in home economics. She met a young en­ gineering student, Loren Kahle, at a college mixer; two years later, in 1927, they were married in Ames. Loren became a young en­ gineer for Standard Oil of New Jersey, now Exxon. He look Helen off to Tampico, Mexico, where Loren built pipelines for tlie Ihen- newly di.scovered oil fields. While in Mexico, they had two sons, Loren Jr. and Bob. They were transferred to Venezuela, where she had their third son, Dick. Mrs. Kohle helped organize schools in the oil camps where they lived. During Ihe curly 1940s they moved to Tulsu, Oklu., where learned golf und played until slie was 92. She gave it up becuuse, she said, she "couldn't find a part­ ner to bent." She wns active in communily activities such as working wilh linndicnpped chil­ dren and Ihc Boston Methodist Church. In 1951, Helen and Loren moved to Edmonton, Canada. They moved lo Bronxvilic, N.Y., in 1952. Golf and working in the school and church occupied most of her lime. After Loren retired from Exxon, they moved to Essex, Conn., where sailing and golf were daily events. Mrs. Kahle par- licipated in community and church events. Both weere active members of the Old Lyme Con­ gregational Church und the Old Lyme Country Club. Tho couple moved to Bermudu Village in 1988. The couple were contrib- uting members of the Crystal Cn- thedral. Helen had a 100th birth­ day parly at Bermuda Village on Aug. 16,2002, with friends in the retirement community. On Aug. 31, 2002, all her children, grand­ children and greal-grundcliildrcn were in atlendance for u bluck lie dinner in Arlington. Texas. She donuled a pipe organ, being built by Cassuvanl Frcres of Canada, with dedication ut Si. Peter und St. Paul Episcopal Church in Arling­ ton. Texas in the spring of 2005. Survivors; her 2 sons, Loren Jr. of Austin, Texas and Riciiard of Arlington. Texus; 8 grandchildren; nnd 13 grent-grundciiildren. A memorial service will be held Satui'duy, Feb. 7, at St. Pcier and St. Paul Episcopal Church in Arlington, Texas. A memorial ser­ vice was held at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 30, at Ihe Bermuda Village clubhouse. A gravesile service in Essex, Conn., is to he determined. T h e m o m e n t h e d is c o v e r e d t h a t le a r n in g f e e ls g o o d . Help your child feel more confident about school. If your child is strumihm witli .schoolwork — getting frustrated or feeling bored in cla.ss — call Sylvan now. We start with the Sylvan Advantage;“ a proven process that works: ■ Wo identify your child's specHie needs. ■ I'ollowed by individual attention ami pcrsonalizuil lesson plans Irom highly trained and certilled teachers. ■ And progress reports lor you every step of the w.iy. If your child is struggling or not being challenged enough, call Sylvan today. r Mocksville (336) 753-0100 "j i ! $I On viHjf (ilikU SsK.in SlkilU AHfUiiifnt'“ *J I’lfiffil ihii (oulxin jt liiTif oi j»u*V4iM-tit II Noi vabthMil. ,111V „ih,.folfi-f,vni(hi,»i»’tfi)ii»luliltHÍ ^ .|^|).iiU.i|Mttnnc(4ili4iunly. I J S Y L V A N l e a r n in g CENTER' Ltarrtlnj ■fee/s ¡ootC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. S, 2004 - C7 Come To The Lord’s House Feb. 15 At Turrentine Baptist The Good News Crew puppet troupe of Tyro United Methodist Church in Lexington will present “Comc To The Lord’s House" at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15 nl Turrentine Baptist Church, Mocksville. In their ninth year of louring, the 12-membcr teum shares the love of Jesus Christ in u fun nnd innovnlive wuy thul cupliircs the heurts of the young und old. Special lighting effects, unique props, bluck light puppetry und expressive drumn enhunce this one-hour presenlnlion. S a n d y S p r i n g s B r e a k f a s t F e b . 1 4 The youth of Sundy Springs Buptisl Church will sponsor u pun- cake nnd snu.suge brenkfusl Snlurdny, Feb. 14 from 7-10 a.m. nt the Lone Hickory Fire Depnrlment. Donulions will be uccepted to help fund u summer trip to Fort Cuswell. C o u n tr y H a m , T e n d e r lo in B r e a k f a s t S a tu r d a y , F e b . 1 4 A t M o c k s C h u r c h There will be a country ham and tenderloin breakfast Snlurday, Feb. 14 from 6:30-10 a.m. nt Mocks Methodist Church, off N.C. 801, Advance, ut Mocks Church nnd Beuucbump roads. The menu will ulso,include eggs, grits, snusnge gruvy, biscuits and a beverage for ,$5. Proceeds will go to the United Melliodisl Men's projects. Call 998-5518 for more information or lake outs. • Income Tax Preparation for Individuals, Corporations, & Partnerships • Electronic Filing ' Preparation of W-2’s and 1099’s • Payroll Taxes • Small Business Consulting nnd Set-up • IRS Problem Solving • Eldercare Services db D i a n e B a t t l e s C P A , P A 940-3600 Oflicc hours M-F 9-5, Sat 9-12, or by appointment / alxo make house calls Locatcd in Hlll.sdalc-Hwy 158 & 801 N 128 Pciiclitrec Lane k____________(dircclly behind Bojangle'.i) ^ So, How Can We Help You, Mr. Lead Foot? To find out more about our auto Insurance — Call me... Stop by... Log on - it's your choicel Karon Bonnotl Associato Agoni 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksvlllo WJIiiw Сока Stop. Cnii, 336-751-6131 hiiiof4l®naiiOf»tìocom Nationwide' Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide Is On \bur Side* Nftllonwlde Mulua) >n>uiance Company and AMillated Companies, Horn« Oflice: Columbui, OH 432IS-2220 ANSI2 11/00 M 3 = = = = = = February Events |T * X U T U M N C A R E O F M O C K S V llJ U E "Come Home For Hometown Care That Can M eet Your Individualized Needs. ” SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sun. at 10:00am - by John & Ester Baum SUNDAY AFTEBNOON SERVICES Every Sun, at 3:00pm - by Scott Jackson AunJMN BELIEVERS Each Fildoy at 10:30am Februaiy 10, lOiOCam..........................................Gaither Harmony Februaiy 11,6:œpm-8:00pm SWEETHEART BAIL February 13,2:30pm...February 14,10:30am... .......Hot Chocolate Social...The Faith Keepers Singers Happy Valentine's Day February 17,2:30pm................................Karaoke By Donald Boyd February 19,2:30|3m......................Donallons by John & Ester Baum Februaiy 21,10:30arti...„..........................Singing by Janice Stanley February 26,2:30pm...............................Resident Council MeetingFebruary 28,6;30pm............Tommy Diifler and Ihe lost Travelers wllhMonaGtlllln February 9,16,23,2:30pm........................Tal Chi wllti Mike Depuew Frrai YES! I would like more Information"!rraf YESl I would like more Information l y i about Autumn Care ol Mocksville | |мато;._Phone:_-I www.educalo.com Mall to; 1007 Howard St., Mooksvllle, NC 27028 J Jo join us lor any acMUes, please conlacl Jane Hanlson / AcHvlly Director. To Hnd oul how we can core for your loved one or lo schedule a lour, n please conlacl Dana Sogers/Admissions. AUTUMN CARE of MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard Street • Mocksville, NC . - (336)751-3535 y— ^ i T ? 3 = = = = = S r P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Croek Prim itive Baptist Churcti, 222 Aubray Merrell Rd., Mocksvlllo. 2nd & 4th Sundaya, 10:30 Q.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conreronco,1:30 p.m. Pastor, Richard Kirby. Eaglo Heights Church,lOo.m. Sundoy worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powortlmo, 6:30 p.m. Wednosdaya, Bible study andAwanos. Casual dress, contem* porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158, Hlllsdalo. Mocksvlllo Wesleyan Church: Hospital St., Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Prayer Meellng, 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751*5595. U nion Chapel U nited M ethodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship, 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.. Pastor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Pastor, Stephen Blair. 751 • 2754. Childcare directors; Carla PfQvetle, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940- 3753. Elbavllla United Methodist Church: N.C. 001. Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Chrlsl (ages 4*11), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3*4:30 p.m. Toons for Christ (ages 12« 10) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Novllle Storey. Cooleemee Church of God: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Mooting, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service, 7 p.m. For more into, calt pastor Robert Huletto at 284-2100 or visit www.coolcog.org. Cornotzer United Methodist Church: 1244 Cornolzor Rd. Sunday School, 10 o.m. Worship, 11 a.m.. Rov. Kayo Fryo, pastor. Bethel United M ethodist Church: Bethol Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi, 10:50 a.m. Rov. Ed Carter, pastor. Advance United M ethodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 n.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 o.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998*5569. flov. Tommy Robortson. Oak Grove United Methodist Church: 1904 U.S. 150. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United M ethodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Pastor, John Andrews. Hnrdlson United Methodist Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. W onderful W odnes-days ChlldfoiVo pjogjam, 0*7:30. Pastor, Rov. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday Scliool, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening sorvlco, 0. Wednosday Qlblo Study. 7 p.m. Qtadstone Road. Hiilsdole United Methodist Church: 5220 U.S. 158, Advance. Contemporary worship Sundoy 10:45 a.m. Sundoy School, 9:35. Casuai dreas, refroshmonts. Jr. High Youth Sundoy night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. MidwookOHIIIsdalo prayer sorvlco, Wednesday 0:30 p.m. Bible studies, ministries such os drama, worship, mislons. alnglos, wom en's, men's. Pastor: Jerry Webb, 990-4020. W oaloy C hapel U nited M ethodist O huroh: W orship Service: 10 o.m. Sundoy School: 10:45 Q;m. Rov. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. R edland P en teco stal H olin ess C hurch: Sunday School: 10 a.m. W orship: 11 o.m. Evening; 0:30. Wodnosday prayor mooting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rov. Jool Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church. 1913 US 001 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sundoy Schooi; 9:15. Rov. Robert Kostlng. 751* 5419. www.tvlndspring.com/'^holycross/ Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, 201 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sundoy evening; Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Noal Corter. 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church, off N.C. 001 S. .ot Mocks Church/ Qoau* chomp roads. Advance. Rov. Donnie Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship; 0:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday Schooi: 10 o.rn. Smith Grove Methodist Church: 3492 U.S. 158. Mocksvlllo. Pastor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship. 11. Children's ministry, Beforo and after school programs, 940-5298. HlUsdate Baptist Church-. Sunday Smalt Groups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10:30 o.m; Wodnosday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children’s youth activities, prayor meeting. 6:30 p.m. 940-6018. Minister of Music, Bfent Holton. 4B15 U.S. 15B, Advanco. Faith and V ictory Fam ily W orship C enter, 1087 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Nev» Bettevers Mintstrles, 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, pastor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45 o.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. F irst U nited M ethodist C hurch of M o cksville. Early Sunday W orship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporory format. Traditional sorvice, 10:5S a.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751- 2503. Paatora, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernacle: Sundoy worship, 10:30 Q.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Pastor; Jerry L. Couch, 998- 1324. Cana Rd. - Poltor'a Lone. Turrentine B aptist C hurch: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Pastor: Rov, Joe Smllh. Bethlehem United Methodist Church: Sundoy oarly worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11 o.m. Lighthouse Service, contem porory worship, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 990-5083. Fox; 940-5502. E- Mail: kaybethumoOyodtei.not Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd.. Advance. Sun. School. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 o.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long of Advanco. 998«7710, Clement Grove Church of God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Servicos: Sabbath School, 10 a.m ., W orship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ernest i]ames. Radio Broodcast: Tho Bible is Rigiil, Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 0* 0:30 o.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a,m„ 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & BIbio Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rov. MIchaol Waters. 990-3022. L ib e rty W esleyan C hurch, 2106 Shottlold Rd., Harmony, Sundoy School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 o.m., Wed. Bible Advonture 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. oach month 10 a.m. 492*2903. Paslor: Ronald Loo. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fork- Bixby Rd., near Cornatzer Rd., Sun. Schooi 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor; Peter Potorson, 998- 6813. Duiln United M ethodist Church, 897 Dulln Rd., Mocksville, 998*5409, Pastor; David Smith. Sun Schooi 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 Q.m. Cooleemee United Methodist, Main St., Simday School, 10 a.m., Worship. 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 6-6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (204« 0135) in Home Bibie Studiee, by Randy Howell. 204-4067. Dear Creek Baptiet Church, Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. Schooi 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m.. Blbjo Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Loo Cook III. pastor. Cooleemee First Baptist Church, 204 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Evo. Worship 7 p.m., Wodnosday prayor meeting. 7 p.m. Music minister, Roglna Chondlor. Dr. Tommy Register, pastor. M ocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pino St. Sunday School, 0:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only Afrlcan-Amorlcan Presbylerian church In Davio County. Rev. Thomas M. Loach.751-1410 8tv Francis o f A aslal, RC. Massoa: Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 0 and 10:30 a.m ., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m .; Wednesday evening Moss, 7. Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Mnssos. Rov. Andrew Draper, TOR. 751-2973. Farmington Boptlat Church, Sunday morning Bibie study, classes for all ages, 10. Worship: 11.1041 Farmlng-lon Rd., 5 miiea from 1-40. Paslor: Scolt Lyeriy. Church; 998-3820. Home: 998*5372. Biaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Road, off U.S. 601 N. at 1-40, Mocksville. 751-3039. Worship, Sunday, 0:30 & 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bible study and mission programs for att ages. 7 p.m. Paslor: Glenn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. www.blalsebaptlst.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 o.m. 751-0597. Fulton United Methodist Church. 3095 N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 o.m. Fullon Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5*0:30 p.m. Pastor; Rov. Novillo Storey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church,U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Center Fire Depl.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night pralso/worehlp, 6. Wednesday night pralse/worahip, 7. Paslor, James Word. 998*6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship eeo/lce. 0:30 o.m. Sunday School for all ages, 9:45 a.m. Tradltlonoi worship service, 10:55 a.m. Children's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday, 0:30 p.m., acllvilies for children, youth and adults. Forl< Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksvlllo. Sunday Schooi, 9:45, Worship sen/lco, 11 o.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 0 p.m.990*8300. C ornalzer B a p tist C hurch. 1372 Cornatzer Rd., Mooksvllle. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., Worship, 11; evening, 6:30; Awana'a W orahip, 7 p.m. Wodnosday evening, 7:30 p.m. New Union M ethodist Church, 1009 Sheffield Rd., at County Lino Rd. Son/ices: 0:30 a.m., contemporary worship wllh casual dross and refreshments; 9:45 o.m. Sunday Schooi assembly. 10, Sunday School lor all agos. 11 a.m., Worship. 492* 5367. Ijames Baptist Church, Shefileld Rd., Mocksville. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sundoy evening. 6, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust St. John AME Zion c h u rc h , 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Pastor, Qoorge C. Banka. Advance First B ap\lst Ct^uroh, 1936 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 o.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bibie Study/ mission groups. 7 p.m. Pastor:Mortin Kastner. 996*6302. Church ot God of Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 s.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening. 6; W ednesday evening, 7. Pastor; Rev. Bobby Shinouit. 719* 6565 or 284*2935. V ictory Baptist Church, Midway St., Cooioemeo. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worahip 11. Sunday evening, 8; Wednosday Awona/Youth, 6:45 p.m., Prayor & Bible Study, 7. Rov. Shoiby Harbour. 284*2077. Seventh Day Adventist Church, Milling Road, M ooksvllle. Sabbath Schooi, Saturday, 9:30*11; W orship, 11-noon. Pastor, f^on Davis. 751-3000. ' Macedonia Moravian Churoh. 700 N.C, 001 N.. Advance. Sunday School. 0:30-10:45 a.m. Worship, 0:45 and 11 a.m. 908-4a04. Pastor; Rev. Qreg Llttlo. Y adkin V alley B a p tist C hurch. 1324Yodkln Volley Road. Advance. Pastor: Ronnlo Craddock. 990*4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship, 11 &6. Wednesday Night Prayor meellng, 7:30. Live Sundays. WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Churoh o f God, U.S. 04 E. at Mill Stroot. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. 11. Pastor: Bishop Jamos IJamos. Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church, 400 Peoples Creok Road, Advanco. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. worship. 11 a.m.. Wednosday night Bible study. 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 990-6231. Bixby Church of the Living God, 2121 Cornatzer Rd., Advance. Pastor. Rov. Perry Hawks, 760-1006. Worship, Sunday 10*11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Solem United M ethodist Church. Salem Church Rood off Davie Academy Rd.. 0 m iles west ot M ocksville. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. Piney G rove U nited M ethodist Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Pastor; Rov. Kendall C. Glover. 998- 7310. New Jerusalem A postolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Pastor. Netlye Ijamos-Barbor, 751*0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. W orship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class, 7:30. intercessory prayer, 6 p.m. True Ligh t C h ristia n M in istry, meetings al Davie County Public Library, Mocksvlllo. Founding pastor: Sloven W. Dallon. Sunday Schooi, 10 а.m., worship, 11. E piscopal C hurch of the G ood S hepherd, Church & Cross sta., Cooleemee. W orahip, 9:30 a.m ., fellowship hour after church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundaya after church. Priest; Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission, LIborty Church Rd., Mockavillo. Sunday Sohooi, 10a.m., morning Worship, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Roavls. Mooksvllle Church of God, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751*0817. Pastor; Larry Hollifield. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, б, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville. 284*2328. Rov. Jimmy Lancaster. Sundoy services: 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School for all ages; 11. morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday servicos: 6 p.m., family followship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youth 4 Christ. Adult Blblo Study. Nursery for Infants and toddlors. Follow ship B aptist C hurch. 1084 Rainbow Rd.. Advanco. 998-6544. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worship. 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Grove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 156, Mocksvlllo. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glenn, pastor. Eatons Baptist Churct>, 495 Eatons Church Rd., M ocksville. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m ., w orship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Pastor; Dr. David Gilbreath. 998*6149. A bundant Life C h ristia n V ictory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Pastor, Daniel Brown. 753-4453 Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Life Community Churoh, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Performing Arts Contor, North Main Street, M ocksvlllo. Contemporary stylo worship with Pastor Kevin Stewort. 753-LlFE. Hope Baptist Tabornacie, 2408 Hwy. 158. Mocksvlllo. 998*3616. Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m.. 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m.. AWANA children and teona, adults, prayor mooting ond Blblo study. Cast Davis Baptist Church. Bermuda Quay Shopping Center. 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays. 8:1 B. Bible study tor older adults: 9:ao, morning worship; 10:45. BIbio sludy for all ages; 6 p.m. Sunday evening sorvice. Wednesdays, 7 p.m.. Bible Sludy and Prayer Service. Pastor. Max T. Furr. 998-5504. Life Com m unity Churoh, Days Inn, Modlson.Road, Mocksvlllo. Services Sunday, 10 o.m. Call Kovin Stewart, paslor, aboul Wednosday evening life groups. 753-5433. MatnvUte AME Z(on Church, 210 Main Church Road, M ocksville, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Bible Study. Wodnosday, 7 p.m. Paslor: Rov. Robert H. Bailey. B aiiey'e Chapei United M ethodist Church, Bailey's Chapel Road. Ad vance, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Wor­ ship 11 a.m. Poslor, tho Rov. Ed Carter. W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 3 3 6 -7 2 3 -1 6 6 9 V O G L E R Æ - S O N S FiliiciürHömc "' 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom IVIeal Proceas Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 802 Ralph Ratlodoo Rd • MocKivllls 492-5496 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • Raflnlshlng Installation • Old & Nev;/ Work Larry McClannoy • Mocksville 336-751-1721 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 6 E A T O N FU N E R A L H O M E S/NCE 1951 Зг.Ч North Mnin .Street Mocksville, NC 2702Я 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 Д ^ 5 Т AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Ivlain St. • Mocksville 336*751 >2944 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 SHEFFfELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 C R A IG C A R T E R B U IL D E R , IN C . 119 Hwy. 601 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 liuilJft of QuiHiy Cuuom ihvnei fitow .W VrJn Cnig A. Caiifr, PrctiJgni • Mtrtin C. Caitcr. Vicg Pm. H a y w o r t h - M i l l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K inderton Chapel Locatcu on lIw Y 158 Between Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 8?8-940-85ll ilCE VILLAGE H A R O m h 5431 Hwy. 1S8* Advance, NC 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -1 9 8 7 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 F U L L E R » » Precision Ijiser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 ì m _ l í i Г ; i :.z=wí^ .8 Ш л М а ^ 2 /7 *u;’iatói<liiAli3b«1dil.r4UU.'*A6U2Ak''fU Л) fil.: 511г1е -1п IrlüjclTlc Ftanqe Model JS968 lili Б1Е Olslnwaslier Model PDW7880 БрасЕНГпакег“^ Caakinq P rad u cls Model JVM 1490 Range 8< Over-the-Countcr Cooking Combo ' '4 ;'if W и i'J 14 ft ! □N A LL THESE NAME BRANDS! A m a n a “ A s k o • D a c o r • D y n a m i c C o o k i n g S y s t e m s • E l m i r a S t o v e W o r k s • F r i g i d a i r e • H o t p o i n t • M a r v e l • } e n n - A i r • M a y t a g • M o n o g r a m • V i k i n g • S u b - Z e r o • W o l f N O IN T E R E S T U N T IL E O O E 12 IVIanths Same as Cash [w ith a p p r a v E c l c r G d it o n p u r c h i3 5 G 5 a f $ 3 9 9 o r m a r e .] FREE Local Delivery! Kitchen Package Discounts Experienced Professional Staff 2 5 6 6 S . S t r a t f o r d R d . • W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 3 3 3 6 - 7 6 5 - 8 5 6 2 S t o r e H o u r s M o n - F r i : 8 - 7 , S a t : 9 - 4 Ш'y}i % f Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 - D1 Pinebrook Elcmenlnry On Monday, Dec. 15, members of the Sludem Council nnd class­ room represenlallves, along with Mrs. Dnlton, Mrs. Duvis, und M.s. Friemuth, wenl lo Slorelioiise for Jesus in Mocksvillc. The school collected more llinn 600 ilems thnt were donated. Members of the .itu- dent council collected, sorted and packed the items. All helped lo carry the items, The Student Coun­ cil had n Special lunch at Wendys. All of the members seemed excitcd about Ihe help they gave lo local people. Many had never seen Storc- house for josus ond il broughl the experience closer lo home. Students in-Mrs. Dalton's Jih grade clnss vVbrked on business let­ ters in Ihe lale fall. Many oflhe stu­ dents have received. Idtlers, cou­ pons. booklets, and caiidy samples. Sludenis in fifth grnde social stud­ ies finished their firsl multimedia presentations on Canada. Mrs, Dalton said creativity and hard work went inlo Ihe presentalions. Mrs. Orslllo's third grade class finished n stiidy about hent nnd ther­ mal energy. They did experiments using thermometers and learned nboul condiictors and insulators. They worked hard on memorizing mulliplicaliori facts. The school Spelling Bee was held Friday, Jan, 23, Participants were classroom winners from each fourth nnd fifth grnde class. Fourth grade participants were: Morgan Carter, Emily Gardner, Jncob Love,' ' and AshleyMcCnurlne. Fifth grade pnrticipnnts weit; Brad Deni, Cody Jones, Alex Newman, nnd Olivin Woodward. The runner-up was Cody Jones and the Spelling Bee Champion is Brad Deol. Brad will represent Pinebrook in the county bee on Feb. II. Mrs. Stokes' clnss honored Dr. Martin Luther King with n multi­ cultural week; Students lenrncd nbout the countries of Africa, Italy, China, nnd Mexico. Some of Ihc favorite activities were dancing lo Ihe music from various countries, playing Ihe piflntn gnme nnd trying to use chopsticks at a Chinese res­ taurant. They concluded Ihe acllvl- lies by writing about "Our Dream". У Joshua Howell; "I hnve n dream everyone has food." Cotby Holnor:“I have mdresm thnt ovoryono lina a computer." Sarnh P.eynolds; "1 hnve adream that everyone has a friend."' Jordan Farmer was on Ihe AB honor roll. The .school winners of the Dnvie County Conservation Poster Con­ test were; 5th grade - 1st, Charlotte Smith; 2nd, Calllln Hauser; 3rd, Lnlnn Womble; 4lh grnde - 1st, Jansen McDaniel; 2nd, Kathlyn Shoemaker; 3rd, Dnrah Lusk; 3rd grade- 1st, Alex Hamm; 2nd,Jonnh Womble; 3rd, Dylnn McDnniel. Character Kid trnlt for the week of Jnn. 20-23 was justice. Charac­ ter Kids for that week; Madison Eckenrode, Luke Harris, Kayla Sinblurg, Emmn Hnrville, Jncob Wood, Emily Gardner, Ckallsyun Vege, Isaiah Flowers, RC Bninsletler, Sean Newmnn, Knyla Glenn, Austin Bailey, Benjamin Horner, Cody Parker, Joey VnnNiman, Brad Mattox, McKenzie Phillips, Austin York, Kirklln Bowles, Eileen Dixon, Tori Williams, Robert Jackson, Knyla Thornsbeny, Colby Helner, Chris­ tian Lee, Jessica Buchanan, Zachary Coffey. This week's Box Tops for Edu­ cation Champions are lied between Mrs. Pott's second grnde and Mrs. Hocknday's and Stokes' kindergar­ ten classes. A total of 1,882 box lops were collected this week toinllng $188.20 lownrds books for Ihc me­ dia center. Alolal of74 books have come in from the box tops collected in the fall. There will be an end-of- year Ice cream party for the class that has collected the most box tops for the year. Piense "ftirn To Page D2 Cornatzer Elementary second and third graders clap their hands to music provided by percussionists from the Winston-Salem Symphony. Symphony Comes Alive For Elementary Students P e r c u s s i o n i s t s D e l i g h t Y o u n g A u d i e n c e s A c r o s s C o u n t y They banged drums, shook gourds, cliinged tnelul, hit slicks mul shot « piccc of cork out of a tube. The kid.s loved it. The Winston-Salem Sym­ phony’s percussion ensemble had sccond and third graders at Corn«t?.er Elementary School clapping and shouting and laughing ns they demonstrated ■ the varied Instruments used by the county nIso heard a perfor- tnance of the complete sym­ phony ut tho Brock Performing Arts Center. Wiley Sykes explained the origin of many of the instru­ ments to the students, with Beverly Naiditch nnd Colin Tribby also providing ex­ amples. “Often, when you want to bring in sounds of musto.fiom -^ , peroMsionlsta; cKplali^lne how ,, ,ano\hot cóvíítuy, tt.ís doir»«» each works and providing sonie ' 'pcrcüVslo'nrijsúálIy deríVed Wiley Sykes, Beverly Naiditch and Colin Tribby play music for the students. - Photos by Robtn Fergusson domonsirations. The .symphony project, a part of the Davie County Arts Coun­ cil Art.s in Education program, included visit.<) from all sections of the Winston-Salem Sym­ phony. Tlie sludenis from «cross from dimce music.” The musicians enjoyed get­ ting the student.s’ attention. “We have fun together,” Sykes said. “And wlien we’re having fun, it mnke.s it fun for them." Beverly Naiditch demonstrates instrument to Nicole Hernandez. Winston-Salem Symphony members Colin Tribby, Wiley Sykes and Beverly Naiditch let students hear percussion instruments. R e g is te r C h ild r e n N o w F o r K in d e r g a r te n T liis A u g u s t It’s time to register children who will turn nge 5 on or be­ fore Oct. 16 Ibr kindergarten in Ihe Davic County School System. Registration forni.s are avHilnble from each elemen­ tary school and at the board of education office on Cherry Streel, Mocksville. Each elementary school has scheduled an orientation lo iielp parents and ciiiidren be­ come familiar with the school and what will be needed be­ fore scliool starts in August. Parents should bring the foi- lowing to kindergarten orien­ tation; proof of age by Oct. 16 (registered copy of birth eerlifieaie); verification of So­ cial Security number; and veri­ fication of Davie residency (water bili, power bill, tax records). At the kindergarten screen­ ings, health assessment forms will be Intnded out, whicli must .......'.................. J. .... . . be completed before school begins. It includes; proof of immunization, including .“idtp, DtaP, 4 polio vaccine doses, i - 4 HIB doses, 3 HEP B do.ses, 2 measles doses, mumps dose and Rubella dose; und proof that each child has iiad a piiysi- cal exam within the last 12 montiis. For iTiore infonnation, call the Central Davie Education Center at 751 -7704, ext, 18 or ext. 3.“i. K i n d e r g a r t e n O r i e n t a t i o n School Date Time Telephone Cooleemee Feb. 23 6&7 p.m.284-2581 Cornatzer Feb. 26 6:30&7:30 p.m.940-5097 Mocksville Feb. 26 10 a.m.,, 1:30 & 5:30 p.m.751-2740 Pinebrook Feb.23 6 p.m.998-3868 Shady Grove March 2 6:30 p.m.998-4719 William R. Davie Feb. 16 5-7:30 p.m.492-5421V V Iin a ill n . L /a V IO I Wky. IV./ u . .u v . ........ W Parents and children should attend the session in tho school district in which they reside. ..... , г’ I 1)2 - DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 D a vie S c h o o ls ; Cunllnucd Kruin I’litjc D1 Winners from Mrs. Putt's scc- ■ 011(1 grade includc Brundon Uooie, ! Kirsten Bucliin, Jordan Budd, ; Ashley Ellis, Mcgnn Hnnks. Kayla ■ Harris, Kyle Hottcl, Jenna Hummer, Znckary Keeton, Nicholas Logan, Robert Moser, Jordantjvlurrny, : Emberly Parker, Justin Phipps, ; Breanna Sweat, and Kayla Thomsbcrry. Winner's from Mrs, Hockaday's kindergarten includc Jarrell Farmer, Kaylcn Fields, Austin Orecr, Will- - iam Hendrix, Brendan Hicks, Eryn Koty, Carrie Logan, Gillian Luttrell, . Carlos Maltez, Madeline Miu'Shall, 'Reid Marshall, Tessa Motthews, ;Mitchell McGee, Zachary 'Oxendinc, Cody Parker, Ucinlllion '. ■Roby, Tristón Roy, Skyler Shore, ; iTrevor Simmons, Madison ■ ITownsend, and Christopher • ;Vb5<|ucz. Winners from Mrs. .';;Stokes' class includc Colby Heiner, . ’Joshua Howell, and Sarah ■ 'Reynolds. '! Winnining students will rcceivc ■i.'box tops pencils and stickers. Teachers will receive box tops t- shirts. VVillinin R. Davie Elementary Bus and Car riders ice-cream party was planned for Feb. 2. Those invited arc Adrian Rodriguez, Heather Davidson, Ramon Pino, Mary Cloyce Collins. Willinm Hindsdale, Haleigh Woolen, Logan Brown. Youana Alvardo, Jerrick McKiiight, Kirsten Cockerhom, Logan Hendricks, Jordan Myers, Aaron Moreno. Miranda Myers, Spencer Kelly, Jennifer Jordan, Ricky Moreno, Johnna Sale, Alex Britt, Lauren Outen, Aubrey Apperson, Sonin Ramirez, Travis Chilton, Carlcy Eddlenian, Lincoln Brock, Judith Carbaja. Kenny Hicks, Chloe Mabe, Nathan Lee, Emily Currero, Kendal Lanier, Taylor Blankenship, Wiley Baity, Rachel Mohat, Josh Wagner. Brittany Gobble. Josh Calloway, Sydney White. Taylor Lash. Courtney Orannaman. Joaquin Ramirez, Jaylee Miller, Levi Boger, Sadie Lagle, Evan Bullinton, Annabeth Carter, Peyton Blackley, ond Conner Mayo. North Davic Middle Explorer team students passing nil subjects nnd exhibiting exem­ plary behavior for the sccond quar­ ter were rewarded with drinks, snacks and a movie. A team rally was held Inst week honoring stu­ dents making honor roll, principal's roll, perfect attendance, highest grade point averages, lop AR rend­ ers. R&R students, and out-to- lunch bunch students. All students received paw print pins with their year of graduation from North Davie • 2005. School-wide pins will be given to students for awards. During Prime Time, students have been focusing on the problems of student harassment. A video titled "Broken Toy" was viewed by all seventh graders and a follow up discussion on harassment followed. February's theme in Prime Time Is Compnssion nnd students will be making Valentines for Veternns. Students are bringing in "Baker's Delight" items for the Ex­ plorer Team bosket which will be ruffled at the annual Talent nnd Gong Show Feb. 21 nt the Brock I’erfonning Arts Center. Math classes are studying ge­ ometry. Accelerated moth, a com­ puter genernted individual program is being used. Social studies classes are study­ ing the region of Southwest Asia, religion of Islam, and current events. Sludenls hove completed travel brochures of the region. Science classes finished pre­ senting Power Point presentations on body systems. Chemistry is the next aren of study and students are learning about the stales of matter. Lnngunge arts classes arc work­ ing on a research project on endan­ gered animal species. A research paper is bcing'written. Problem/ solution writing is a major focus in all classes. A writing field test will be given to seventh graders Feb. 11. The state writing test is March 2, Skills groups will meet on Mon­ days, Thursdays, and Fridays con­ centrating on specific skills in smaller groups from 8i0S-8;30 throughout the school ycnr. Impoctont dates for upcoming events should be noted. Progress reports for 3rd quarter go homo on Feb. 4. Students should have hnlf of thtir AR points earned by this date. Support the fundraiser Feb. 21 bynttendlngtheTalemandOong Show at the Brock Performing Arts Center. Cornnlzer Elcmenliiry Mrs. Moore’s sccond grade class hos been very busy learning about the arctic region, Antnrcticn, and animals that live there. Tliroughout the unit, students hove read the books “hnogene’s Antlers," “Ant­ arctica." "Balto" nnd “Tacky the Penguin." Tlie students have had a chance lo research different arctic animals in cla.ss and write reports on those nnimnls.The clnss has learned a lot of information by listening to the other students share their reports. They have also had lots of fun hav- ing penguin relays nnd doing experi­ ments in clnss to find out how pen­ guins stny wnmi. While lenming so much in clnss, the students have been working hard on polar projects at home. "It will be vety exciting to see what all the students came up with on their own." said Mrs. Moot«. Mrs. Mannino and Mrs. Hilton’s kindergarten class spent the past couple weeks turning their class­ room into a ‘winter wonderland’ complete with snowmen, snow­ flakes. cups of hot chocolate, and even snowball sight words. Consid­ ering the weother lotely. they might hove done too good a Job. Along with this, the children learned aboul polar bears (who only live al the North Pole) and penguins (who only live at Ihe Soulh Pole), compared different versions of "The Mitten," wrote about their dreams for a better world (in honor of Mar­ tin Luther King Jr.) and celebrated the 100th day of school. 50 Books in .^0 Days started this past week and will continue until April 2. All of the kindergarten nnd first grade classes are participating. Its well as Mrs. Ancuta and Mrs. Peeler’s preschool class. Kindergarten orientation will be held al Comalzer Elementary School Feb. 26. Students in Mrs. King's fifth grade class have completed Iheir study of Ihe government of the United States and the historical events that lend up to the ratification of the Constitution. Everyone had the "right" to leam the first ten Bill of Riglits and Preamble to the Con- Charles Jones ( 'hin iie Realty, Inc. J,',",';’ I/»/»//« .-l.t.UilJtlX-SIIX ra*’'*'/J//.. . . t I/..UCII nnun ^ • Great location, convenient to Win.ston-Snleni, Mock.sville. Sali.sbury, & Lexington • Beuutil'ul 2/3 ucre homc.sile.sTor custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from mid $ 140’s lo $250,000 • Close to golf, shopping & schools From Mocksville, Hwy 64 East towards Le.xinglon .. (.UíH.S5M-'í(IS*í fiiun l: li'M innim-.m-t w u \^ .c h îirK ‘s jo iu * s m ilh .i(» m • «« nnUMIWVV ’ J Ul ЧШ1, ООП iw* пмсшиии * 401mainleiBM to Cj(ic w/open plan, slotv ho™, open & siMBR suite 0(1 main level, corned lioni liltnoMamil^ loom. Ul,00(cli,2iaall.g3iag».$1W,9(IO cafa«.9aia|je.$172,MO Î5Î HAaWOOD - Ш. 2.SBA tm 117 UUOWeOD - 3 0( ■IBH, 28A, bii[l( Irani ho™ «'/spill loyei, raulledMiling in FR »/FP, lie’y ctilino in MBR, eio»n molding, chali (ailing, 2 enl(y (Miage <149,900 OntUQi r e s t ii T -2 1 Swicegood Wail & McDaniel « /’о DOWN* DOWN' / м , т 5 6 м . . '| Ш щ И | Ш 1 ^ 426.08 Ml Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our local numbers OR for recorded information: CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-210-6849 and enter recording # Davie: 336-751-2222 or Forsytli: 336-778-2221 0 DOWN* ■1616.68 №.' 120 Monarch Cl. IYou'U )u«t bojm wiUi prida lo own ItiJi 4niV3.& bath Гкхтм o< proUttionMy li;>dtc«p«d Ю1 on nJl-deuO И prvMtgioul Сек Valley 0^1 communily D«autifu( 1в я tO goiobo & р*19^оч«<(1«сЧ (W:\^32'>7>{<MDitlie37^ ) DOWN* »/l,418.12 т.’ 149Wand0T(ng Lan»ашпд?«(уга*вП| Уо DOWN* 887.88 кн.* 1790 Farm ington_____РаосаУ and «eren« Qroundt lenü tfita an inv«mg turn of Ui> c«ri(ury hom« In mot condibun New «(«clrtcul. pfx'ntWng, noohng painiing insulatKxi.fepiic tyilem.iooiuig foconi MV^C. (W276327) » 8781 12 Dutchman HiltaСгжк oui trm laOubu» r>«« conttnAlion In OutctVTvin rarrri«MM«a(«awy(hr\ lUMwJtixh «lUitMwmt H<u’ PopitUr цМ >crfi çUuy witn tHIlEE гсаи«ипи»<УЛ1аШ)ГЪ111(А«1М1}1 9Л/«о*ЧУЛОггвО) П*со»Лпд «msi о DOWN* ■887,81 Ml.* u^MukdUncnM 0 Hazelwoodfí*wht«»i«li»r**yngit»íinu(»nn4n»y W»l<l«snn«l. »1»ф(Ап о««» тмЦ( %ui«. oulug». »ton« w) 1Я««1СгОж1гЫс«кпа UunKtotnJudvurarricUf.rnipl« c«taftrt*.ândmo<el (VWtiî5e)R«»ilnoieiet о DOWN* /788.88 Ifc* J DOWN* У 788.88 кн.* 2522 us HWY M WГМолс •«> It^bb iQ Kn*r(<cnii. pociр0с#сам «lui «ТЦ1МЖПГ1 bvt (circli, KnMO flrv & 11 nnm«. A1ЛА1W |VV»/ftM| Rwonlng f &.M1 ч/о DOWN* У 7в1.84»ц." 222 Dyaîly Chapel Rdwin Ì4i14 Ыт wf'Jt 2 »Ult. room MkI »h«d •МПwa(«rand«l«ctrtoi/ Fanc*dp*»lui«.lerotcov«t«d<nnt »»■gWwhoodo«*f»plartifouryl,5>«w: poich Itoma w/uiunt/ mcikxM (W30374ei FWconlv^g I вв91 »>a>Ung badi (W3O70I0) ■ &S71 ЭО Ellaha Creak Rd.Ur<initb«d bonut >Dom ov«f в»/»дш Oiaal Лоо« plan. <^D O W N ■886.61 M. 112 Covenant Cove K«i »«bng if«M pcfx aiad t^ttyrou^ (ПЭОТООЗ) Г)*со<(кпд f 0401 «^ D O W N Ш.в8М|.‘ 2100 Junction Rd «хлw *« '»!«•« СаШгаЯуtocai«dlo»conv#^.to 9-^ W ’« »1^,, ,chcci.. tc Ww.anly «1и0.01 5233 SylvanlQ> <4)h itl bnrii and lion« rww«f hixiw groat luom ажкв(Л. Catwdral and bay »«ngt. tm Hr« tirot^ioul lul irtmhad Ьа»«(п#о1. oyartUad г au garao«. D*i(rwd and У о DOWN* У 707.28 m* 6940 NC Hwy 001 8Г"Coirtrykvtigairfb««t' Quo! and lriMqu4 wl ipMioj« honw cMwtng'ро1а(«Ы 4 bdriiL covand ponh.Ua a twod Ibuhrv-mw сйфа! and CQ/y ^«Plao« И Klrg room. Home Warrant шшМ (VWOrooej R«vnlng « e7ti ^ 0 DOWN* W3.B4lfc* ^ DOWN* «/■870.84 «h. Lot 20 PopporatoneH«fd*t>od flooiing, cefamic ti)«, •unroom. caltiodfal ceibngt, l>onu« room un b« Anlah«d (W314M9) n«cordmo *8611 Уй DOWN* У 822.71 Ml- 107Ruf1ln (W?eeXH) r<«»(lng > UtSl ✓o DOWN* У B18.ee M».‘ (W314l«64) Уй DOWN* У ^487.82 Ih.' 122 Mill Run DrlvaWaftmgdMlanc« to local MoJL«v««anw«at bu* Л«г1*<и1р»г*с4 c»j, ig BfU, Krtocm, cMcfi»' (WSMITBjRacontngieiOl 220 Wllkeaboro kAfm Uni>«iJ(T»yi |УШв78) fteKkg (ПЛ1 У ) DOWN* У ■488.06 Mt.* ^O D O W N * y 707.28 iw.* 186 Sunny Doll LnNaw PrtMl W«H mairtain«d hom« wHh «»Vi roora t«* d nic* »»tiM., E»*«ionic windowi.Mibnglana k)«v«ry room, nawty added maatariuita and hug« garaga with ot)«« tpac«. PRICiO TO &EUI tWM3711) Baconlu>g ■ B4fil ^DOW N W b4mo.* 578 Salisbury St.'Lovahf hratoficol hoir« with oiornal hardwood floon, walk In pai>t(y. c«(M(\c (>le, »pacicut looma. tntid« youU diKovar chann«»g faaJuiai kka arcliwl doofwoya A buUar'a paniry- (W306?«0) nacoriii^ I 6281 0 DOWN* 428.18 Ml* !»rtrgwcfflraf«UJba<»i&n larya waa-iadbac» pc/'A too Ы (WXMA6) RarcrtVg i &И1 264 Windward ------------------------------------ 1072 US Hwy 64Vary rue« 30a?0A tom«.daan «« a giaal ttal^al hom« hai toti ol cturmkka pn« Hoonng aalm btchan. ■............... Igbadtyard. MUaMm«nlitpartla№ylini»hadw/t>«ihtoo(WM7520( n*c«d.ngieOU (WaiOOeS) nacortJtfig 16911 144 C ontorsi.Wa»<ar«dtof oeagacniArgaU rbcan|ti/nivc«.c«>w*lar, toofccwrgi. tabres A ».rrtï« Ctda <*»<• outiAlrç »»I IUndca<)r«ad><|V/?0J021| Fiacortkq 16081 H O M E S W I T H A C R E A G E Acreage ЗВайчоп» 2.6 8*111 158 JamoetownDj.*W)0«7i,Mr,000 Acreage 3B«*00ffit181th Acreage аемкчют SBitht 2527 US Hwy 84 977 Duka W hlllalieiKia 4». ac/afarm «ttniou o<roadtreruga. barnaardou«w**oa, 27 A«»ttoe pa»tutten) fhx>ç*nnha»«сла/вand дооЧ patera i*4j kn Ъогж and «ama B/ei ri«h «ы*1 -««Л b« vaat ter Ымиоттг A muti иа*U*amant (1М«11в) tMI.OOO (WJ1ÌÌ79) «71,000 Acreage 2Bedpoom28*0» 106 Wildwood Lono49i Aaa« lIouM |j«<ng toU m‘u n‘ клилп (VnilSI?) tU<,000 f*lt Ink 11ий1» ’IWi cn a (snMnlM^ VI ARM. 2 7!,S KUfjn, M* 1 V«ar T Ul. wi№ 10 Down Paymwl. ^ld)lX)lh(XXl l|flllPv^manapnTopaiarvlrtaratlaiy (UtnandpncrgtiJLiiedtoLtiwiO« C«rU/)rMinctxyia«(i(^ HllllS344%APn C«IBot)awci> nulAurxMM«i(}3ri)71? I444lorrrorartcvmatm OSSgINDtVIIGive Us A Call For All Your Real Estate NeedsI memsi stitution. The students even created their own ten “Bill of Rights for Kids." In communications class, the slu­ denls have been studying and prac­ ticing the art of persuasive writing. Each student selected a TV product of their choice and then wrote per­ suasive reasons why consumers should buy their product. As part of Iheir oral spcech, students had to present a 30-second television adver­ tisement to their audience. “Every­ one performed a fantastic job," said Mrs. King. Students in math class have become "fragmented" while working with fractions and decimals. Math Superstarts and Math Essen­ tials are also keeping students sharp, relative to other math concepts. All fifth graders are looking forward lo Iheir first Held trip of the year to the Hcntage Theater Jan. 25. Cornatzer’s school guidance counselor Mrs. Jenny MdPhcarson writes; Children frequently come to a school counselor because they aie nervous to share things with Ihclr parents. With a little hit of practice, you can make sure the lines of com­ munication are open with your chil­ dren. Make the lime. Make sure you set aside time lo talk. Listen to the little stuff. Kids wilt talk to you if they know you’re going to listen. A problem that may seem small to us can be very overwhelming to a child. If we listen lo the small .stuff, it Ids them know they can trust us with the bigger problems as well. Listen between the lines. Be­ cause a lot of kids find it hard to talk to Iheir parents about things that re­ ally matter, parents have to pay spe­ cial attention to whal Iheir kid.s may be trying lo say. It helps lo pay par­ ticular attention to emotions and their intcnsiiy. Ask their opinion. Children loved to be asked Iheir opinion on matters. Don’t interrupt. It's a good idea lo give your children .some extra time lo explain their opinion, even if you think you know whal they're going lo say. Reminder to parents; Tuesday, Feb. 10, 17, 24 - Venezia Night; Wednesday, Feb, 10 - 7,p.m., PTO; Thursday, Fob. 12 - Early Release Day; Snow Makeup Days - Friday, Feb, 13, Monday, March, 15. Friday. April 9, Monday, May 24, Tuesday, May 2^; Heb, 16-20 - Cofeleria Staff' Apprcoliitlon Wiefc; Thursdiiy, Fob.^ 19 - Spring Pictures (group and in­ dividual); Thursday. Feb. 19 - 6:30- 8 p.m. Fimilly Reading Night; Tiiurs­ day, Feb. 26 - Kindergiirten Orien­ tation. South Duviv Middle Before the snow and ice, art stu­ dents were working on Ihe folowing projects; sixth grade, Martian land­ scapes; seventh grade, glazing ce­ ramics; and eighth grade, creating ceramics using the. slab method. Student art work can be .seen online at nrtsonia.com. Tlie aca­ demic fair will be Feb. 9. Gales Scholarship Open To Students From Cooleemee Cooleemee residents, want­ ing to apply for the William R. Gales Sciiolarship must turn in paperwork by Muvch 1. The new scholarship .was ap­ proved by the town board Ihis month. In order lo qualify, the appli­ cant must be a Cooleemee resi­ dent and a high school graduate. The town was careful to gener­ alize the wording to allow adults returning to college, as well as home school students the oppor­ tunity to apply. "This way, il could be a home schooler or someone who at­ tends a church school,” said Mayor John Chandler. Board member Fran Parker agreed with the proposed lan­ guage change. "Look al Carl (Smilhl and Michael [Barronj. Wc have adults who want to go back and further their educa­ tion." Applicants must have a 2.0 grade point average or better in order to be considered, and have been accepted to an accredited college, university or technical/ community college. The $ 1,000 scholarship will be awarded in April based on merit, as well as financial need. A five-member scholarship committee will be formed to re­ view the applications and make a recommendation to the town board, which has the final vote. 2 6 E a r n A S U A c a d e m i c H o n o r s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, Feb, 5,2004 - D3 Twenty-six Davic students at Appalachian State University earned academic honors for the fall semester. Named to the chancellor’s list with minimum 3.85 grade point averages were; Jessica Rena Benfield a freshman elementary education major; Megan Colette Burriss, a freshman psychology major; Rachel Marie Burriss, a sopho­ more sociology major; Tammy Jean Griffin, a senior music edu­ cation major; Amanda Kate Orosc, a senior political sciencc major; Emily Louisa Harpe, a senior clothing and textiles ma­ jor; Haley Jean Henderson, a sophomore communication/ad­ vertising major; Curtis Shane Johnson, a sophomore industrial technology, construction major; Emily Elizabeth Morton, a jun­ ior elementary education major; Lisa Dawn Stanley, a senior middle grades education major; Jesse Parker Watson, a junior industrial technology majorp; and Helen Elizabeth Yokley, a junior political science major. Named to the dean’s list with minimum 3.45 grade point averages were: Jerri Ann Angell, a senior recreation management major; Sarah Elizabeth Ayers, a senior marketing major; Larry Douglas Caudill, a senior management major; Meredith Lynn Cornatzer, a Junior Spanish edu­ cation major; April Diane Ervin, a freshman elementary educa­ tion major; Sarah Elizabeth Fahey, a senior Spanish major; Taylor Elizabeth Harmon, a freshman apparel and textiles major; Stephanie Darlene Hepler, a junior interior design major; Nicholas TyierLuffman, a freshman physical education, (K-12) major; Michael Daniel McCoy, a sophomore anthropol-' ogy major; Jennifer Leigh Mitchell, a junior dhild develop­ ment birth-kindergarten major; Carly Anne Peeler, a sophomore; Allison Christine Ramsay, a se­ nior communication, public re­ lations major; and Phillip An­ drew Wogatzke, a sophomore middle grades education major. С E M 3 r d G r a d e H o n o r S t u d e n t s The following Cornatzer Elementary School third graders were named to the academic honor roll. Alex Abbott, Matthew Beauchamp, Daniel Benitez, Anna Brown, Kyle Bullins, Kristi Burton, Tyler Correll, Lori Daniels, Robby Dotson, Aaliyah Doulin, Corey Oordy, Brian Guerrero, Viri Hernandez, Brent Hill, Jacob Horton, Elizabeth Howard, Catherine Joyce, Jacob Karriker, Jamal Lackey, BJ Lanier, Amber Link, Ty Marshall, Anna McBride, Aus- tin McClannon, Justin McClannon, Caroline Miller, Alex Myrick, Dalton Nieft, Zack Norman, Ryan Pfeifer, Brent Pontillo, Karina Ramirez, Brittany Robertson, Georgi Romano, Amanda Smith, Jason Swaim, Lauren Taylor, Justin Walker, Austin Williams, Savannah Yost. a s . Gaskin On President’s List Ashley Lauren Gaskin, daughter of Charles and Lori Gaskin of Advance, was named to the president’s list for the fall seme.ster at Elon University. To qualify, students must cam a grade point average of at least 3.5. Two On Salem Dean’s List The following Salem College students from Mocksville have been named to the dean's list for Ihe 2003 fall semester with grade point averages of at lea.st 3.5-.Julia Griffis Barrier and Kristen Elisabeth Lord. Two Earn iViereditii Honors INvo Davie students at Meredith College earned academic hon­ ors for Ihe fall semester. Named to the dean’s list with minimum 3.5 grade point aver­ ages were; Kristina Marie Harkness of Advance, and Abby Jean Brickey of Mocksville. S t a g i n g : (sta' jing), verb, P u ttin g yo.ur home in p rim e sh o w in g sh a p e lesson ohpttefiiáriÁgK \ your home for sale. - ;illi T u e s d a y , F e b . 1 0 • 7 p .m . C o ld w e ll B a n k e r T r ia d , R e a lto r s L o c a te d a t th e c o m e r o f H w y . 1 5 8 & H w y 80 1 • G R E A T G IV E A W A Y S S E A T IN G L IM IT E D - S o P le a s e R S V P Presented by Gail Pawlik & Janel Hensley C O L D lU e L L B A N K E R □ TRIAD. REALTORS 998-1165 998-1153 www.howardreaHy.com C a ll, C lic k o r C o m e Q y ! H O W A R D REALTY 330 s. S a lis b u ry S t. M o c k s v ille ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Hours: Mond.ny-Friday S.'ilurd.ny Sundny By Appt. - I S ★ Featured Property ★ 3175 Foster Road 70+/- Acre Horse Farm In Rowan Co. (® Davlo line). 36x60 Morton Building (w/B stalls), 28x60 hay Darn, riding arena.Call Mary for lurlher dolailo. $455,000 3BR, 2BA. ЗШ+/- ncros, wilh tOOt/-осгоз (arm. 3BR. 2ВЛ, oui- HIslorlcnieBR гВЛ trannnnpyfl suoam and pond $2,528,000. ЬЩ... „ооК. $549,000. N20 COUKIY Line Ro. Г7ШП 275 Maoisoh Road 2 pareóla wilh 2 buildings. Call Harmony-SBR, 2BA, 29 26 осгоз,(3 9.Э acres. 4BR, 3BA, largo Jano for dolalla. $320,000. foncod), I ac. pond, barri $220,000 storago bldgs. $219,900. Bermuda Run - 3BR. 2.58A. Uirqo ЗВЯ. 10A. In Нагглопу. HUGE 30x60 mastr. Qyefslzc garapo, $174,900. workshop, $175,000.Fioshly toniodolod 3BR. 2B^ ori nppa. 5 ncros (2 loricod). $165,000.2 Blory, 2200 sq, H. Iromondous Adorablo 3BR. 2.5BA on 3.51 valuol FP, gazobo. $144,900. acroa, bsmt. FP $142,500. w j m 429 GtOBois Road YadWnvHto, modular w/many Irodoil Co.. 16,03 ac. w/ponds. Twinbrook. ЗВП, 2BA. FP, S3.500 4DR. 2.5BA, Southwood Acres 5 Bodrooms. 3 Batha. 3.5 acros, updatwlCoWConnlo! $139,900. 3BR. 2DA, suriroom. $129,900. Rodocorallng Alkwancol $129,900. Sub., bHck (Iroplaco. $129,900. Courìtry Uvlngl $124,900. ЗВЯ. 2BA, on prtvate 1.20 acroe, 3BR, '2BA, 6.6 acros, posslblo 3BR, 2BA. foricod bock yard, .91'■ ----------- %iiajsoo.ccroeriodporcn, dock. $119,400. ioaso. $109,900.00.. QroQ! Starter home Spnctouti 3 bodroom.’ 2 bmh, Spaclouo ЗВП, 20A. вюм FP. Qroal кюаНоп. $99,900. much morol $99,900. 3BR. 2BA. opon kildwn & LR. now Weil moJnlalnod. partial bosemeni, Rowan County, minutos from Catawba 3BR. 1 BA. hardwoods, Inground 46R. 20A, w/many updaios, F carpel and paint. $89,900 .60 aao9,30n. IDA. $89,900 Collooo. 3BR, VSBA. $89,500 • poo), part, bamt. $87,000. <00% financing $84,900. 3RR. 2BA, fenced back yard, scTOon Immaculate 3BR, IBA. porch, dock. .71flo. $82,500. forwod, "as Is". $82,000.part. 3BR, 1BA, on 1 acfo, plus 40x30 bidg. $81,900.-ЗВП, 1.50A, Cooteomoe, now henVAC, 3BR, 2BA, elnglewWo, all appliancoa, now plumb., comp, updated. $67,900 groal alartor home $64,900 Cooleemee, complololy updalod. Groat Starter. Numoroua updalos. Spacious 3BR, 1 BA, Cooloomoo, EasomonI onto back of property. Inground poo). ОГ0О1 buyl $62,900. 24x24 workshop. $59,900. updated elect. $58,000. . 2 Bodrooms, 1 Balh. $51,900. Л \Л 11 Л1И I l o t S A N D l : \ N t ) A N D K l N lA t I’ U O fI U t il S 100x190 k)l zonod Tbwn Ctr. CflU Jano for details. $40,000. Hwy. eoi N....RtymondSt.... lIBtlmoni Road... #2 8«lmoni Ro«d... B«arCr^Ct).R{t. VlrcaMd^lUns... Tittle Trsil..... ..2.39 Ac. HB UB,900..........lol II»,»024 Ac. 1140,029.........lOAc. I49.0S0.......2.19AC. 125,000..1.397 aerea 139,000...40.02 aerea $297,000....2.2« aerea 118,000....30 aerea $172,500 Hwy. 80 IN...........Drum Lane tx(19, Northbrook....Valley noad.........E. Lake Drive.......Allan noed Tttomptort Lane........Fe«2or noad.......«29 Madlaonnoad.... ...e,5ecrea...1.2 aerei....2.29 aerea........Lot I.........Lol......I acre....It aerei...7.18 Aerea 48,47823.90029.900 18,00019.900 18,000 7t,en49.900 RBNTAi. вясеЕнпеа ...av- ecrea 199,000 I 918,900 Mobile Home Lol, Daniel Road,,. 393 Avon.38000-Old floMbud..........167 learthalde Drive............101 Melsbreeie.................. l ì C O L D W e U .BANKeRQ TRIAD, REALTORS- DAVIl COUNTY OFFICE Inteisection of Hwys 158 & 801 И6 998 8816 Relocation 1 ■800-327-4398 whatever it takes Ш ts ï www.coldwellbanker.com 12Э8 ГАЙММТИ M m i 3BH m6 5AC6eauliW!ï done «th uw»«^ ind hiftfwodi ClniJyJoSi«)nM8-II// Wmmav ТШ 1MM ЗВЛ 26AЙИАС Uitinule unique pfOWfW wifi ic’nl owned landing sliip, 5 ,jftop^iedloíÍM.Síwwíiuittm naricifiStmOM ' Ite îdtui Wâïttrt 99в- 011 гжп «а M« <м 2,и* whiCorir«™ Sm tuatm cWgn Imiijim тИл Imi M*i MI«, 2 ai iiudiol ¡m», rurdocod noori. orante coumertop) and Ul - • • • bJsebA, VicJd fUming 998-1167 In 2001, v«y nic«. IM)» shop */Wl batii and ««asher & Dry connexion 48^4 tivn siali, «mh a>ea & lack гажп. uivate ufìinQ Eii«n 244 CÒVtMTON CK» DAVK3DR25BABeautiful pool 1ю(пв. 6'iQlit. optn. mao'/ windows, large kitcfen »nih arched gfns cabinolj, elegjntiy docofated *’ih си«мп Iftjliires №П^есГог 903-1152 $289,900 119 WARWICK PUCE OAtfK M 20Alaroesi V/arwicke model aoiHbie. 3IlRs plus siifirm, Comtiination GR/W, brigfil eai in kiicfien. hai coufi/afd, daii w/course liiew Rftefit Iwl pimoj. new rool 03, full OnCC len/iiJ Hwy Mirsfiiil W8- lOT n covmoToii chew oavie 3dr 2 mНем tome on large M in desiritile a'ea and school system fWid oilers tennis, ligtiicd stre«i, Mik/bike ifjii and a srrall oa:k d/givbo CirKt^jofinson-90S-ll77$2tS.Ma lOTlI юи» «АГ DAVIi sen 2BAOesiwed Ю deiiahi one iMi. s^it bedrooms. tato.ua Davie Offite AgentsAmanda Mllkr Barbar« Alkfi er 4 rCMNU DAVIDSON 3BH 2’M:iunT^ing & beautiU new consiriiciion * ■ siory plan tvî*efnert whiaity ed Call today lo C(Atomi/e №is home lor ... lamiM Cind/ Mímm\ 993-11/7 1174,900 .ОТ 2 DllICHMAH НШ DAVIE 3fifl 2 50A 170 WEJT WPli CAVIE 3BR 3BA Old Iwsoocalion flfejl lor easy aoess to Vadkimilie, flMksviile & yiilhin 30 min. ol WS En¡oy lite country aifr«4>l«re In this home wih tmished tiasencrt room. Dovle Cfy Scr.ools A Urts. Barbara Allen 999-I1&4 $171,500 cf«im, modem day comwiena; canpleteiy renovaieil beaiiitul pine tioofs. eacii room wred lor compute» Ollice could be 4tfi DR. lificed yard, lire^ace^ Iful^musl see. ЕНел Grul* • W8-sJyard, • W8- lOr 1 DUTCHMAN НШ DAVIE ЗВП 2BAIJwi constfuction in country selling Hanch лип 3 ВП/ЙА alt on one leve), largelol. laDonna Potts 998-1169 $1(0,780 ataW Mlino. 4« rasw.S.îrHфзЛ iti {Josels. IPorches Fun IfCfi sidwnlli. ( ll6S$114.90a 191OOUVKW DfUVI DAyH2eR2fiALIvethe good liH-No Vard WorkI All on one lev«!, w/ privai covered rear fatio. new пл1. vinyi, eil. ibi kitciei appliancej, Nevrtr HVAÇ, ^ Home «vrar^ Nar^Marsiult 906-1161 $1И,И* 499 WtflTNEY ROADlevel living in сопуелЫ location. Well nainlalned, fiont porch flrepto, more „Ito 9M-Íí^líí^,¡« C200I toWwell oanksi Beil tilale toipoiallon. [oWwell Bmtci« li a leal'leitd liailcnMili ol (oldwril Bantu СмриаЧоп. to Huai Oppoilmlly Company. Цоа| Homing Oppoilunlly. I«h Olllcc InilcpcnJcMlyOw^^ л А D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 William R. Davie students give a program on water safety during a special Risk Watch safety and injury prevention demonstration. W illia m R . D a v ie S t u d e n t s L e a r n In ju r y P r e v e n t io n Students at the William R. Davie Elementary School recently completed Risk Wntcli - a comprehensive safety and injury prevention curriculum. Davie was one of four counties in the state to receive a NFPA Fire Act grant from the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of State Fire Marshal, to implement this program. The curriculum consists of eight topics; • motor vehicle safety; • fire and burn prevention: • choking, suffocation and strangulation prevention; • poisoning prevention; • fall prevention; • firearms injury prevention; • bike and pedestrian safety; • water safety. The Risk Watch Champion Team (consisting of a represen­ tative from the schools, health department, fire marshall's office, and sheriff’s department, provided the teachcrs with training and materials to imple­ ment cach lesson. Speakers from the community such as police officers, firefighters, poison control representatives, YMCA aquatics director and the game warden visited classes to reinforce each lesson. • As a conclusion. Principal Danny Cartner, students, and teachers along wUh the Risk Watch Champion Team hosted an assembly in the gym for community officials who helped to make this program possible. Students und teachers presented skits und display boards to demonstrate what they had learned. Before being introduced to the curriculum, students were given a pre-test, and when the curriculum was completed, a post-test was taken. The post­ test confirmed a 12 percent increase in the students knowl­ edge of safety and injury prevention practices. The initial idea of implementing the Risk Watch Program in Davie County was initiated a couple of years ago by the Davic County Community Child Protection/ Child Fatality Prevention Team (CCP/CFPT). Local ССР/ CFPT teams were created by state law to help keep our children safe und healthy by reviewing child fatalities und searching for ways to prevent child deaths, nnd to seek avenues to improve agen-cies, laws and policies in w.-iys that accurately reflect the needs of children. The Davie County locul team is composed of the following appointed members representing county agencies; Davic Health Department, Burry Bass, health director und CFPT chuir, Betty Cassidy, CCP/CFP team coordinator; social services, Karen Smith, director and CCPT chair; Davie Schools, W.O. Pott,s, superintendent; Mocks-vllle Police Department, 1 ack Keller, chief; Davio County Sheriff’s Department, Allen Whitaker, sheriff; EMS, Dwayne Smith, director; mental health, John Coble; Head Start, Charlene Lewis; and a representative from the DA's office. Vacant slots are Guardian ad Litem member. DSS Board Member, and a parent of a deceased child (birth-18). Early in 2003, George Frye, Davie County fire marshall, received infonnation about the NFPA Fite Act Grant oppor­ tunity. Polts, school superintendent, and Bass, health director, urged the writing of this grant. County Grant Administrator Kim Harris, along with Andreia Collins, human services coor­ dinator for the health depart­ ment, und Frances Tutterow, director of student .services for the'schools, began an effort to seek grunt funds to support the implementation of the Risk Watch Progruin. Davie County was awarded the $4,(MX) grant lo implement the Risk Watch curriculum at William R. Davie Elementary School, grades K-.“). The grunt required u collaborative team called the Risk Watch Champion Team consisting of representatives from' tlie school system, health department and fire and law enforcement. Members of the Champion Team are Andreia Collins, human services coordinator, Davie County Health Department; David Daye, Davic EMS; and fire' department representative;'. Officer Larry Campbell, DARE Officer, Davie County Sheriff’s Department; and Frances Tutterow, director of student services, Davie County Schools. The field test of the Risk Watch curriculum at William R. Davie was a team effort for the ■schools, community and local agencies. And because of the success of the program and positive responses from all involved - teachers, students, and parents, the county plans lo apply for funding ns available to expand the program to other schools. Teachers and staff members take part in the presenta­ tion. Attending the Risk Watch program were; Danny Gartner, principal; Dwayne Smith, EMS director: Barry Bass, health director; George Frye, fire marshal; Alien Whitaker, sheriff; Dub Potts, school superintendent; Frances Tutterow, director of student ser­ vices; Shannon Williams, school nurse; and andreia Collins, human services coordi- 4: nator. T Andreia Collins shows Risk Watch poster.Bicycle and road safety is a component of the Risk Watch program. ^ Prudential Absolute Real Estate. Carolinas Realty Clemmons/Davie Co. Office - 336.714.4400 in .in .w u W inston-Salem Office - 336;748.2000 800.810.4)78 www.prudentialcarolinas.com 11 Oak Oto«B $289,500 Pal Klouroon 717-8356 .'“"I -■ r.;, \ it S Ч -I” 125 Hlddanbrooke DrUa $424,500 Bev Supple 714Ч405 38 Cambria Place $429,900 ShenI Cotam 714-4414 mmm 145 PombroGka Ridge $189,900 OloilaMaltliein 714-4405 7804 Penland Court $325,000 CliBryl Fink 782-2493 104 Arborotum Court $299,900 Bav Supple 714-4404 289 Pine Valley Road $245,000 Kimberly Potli 577-9911 . 8061 Dlangarrltf Road $329,900 Pat KIniuunon 714-4434 .130 Brentwood Drive $134,900 DoroUiy Ilall 714-4406 6187 Spring Forest Drive $183,000 Belli Alklnten 714-44211 3532 North Ukeshore Dr $219,900 Kritllna Farteli 714-4417 158 Old Marcii Woods $237,900 VIckI Bullard 462-3693 808 Holly Hodge Drive $137,400 OlorlsMallhowi 714-4405 734 Sunset Rood $279,900 Suian Parker 909-1566 Aycnl KosliT AuiJiiyFuhfmmn Aiidiea SuQDS 714.4415 6«е)А&[лзоп 7144420 BeYoüppíe »8^04 714.4412 BoWaMenctNiM 714.44tS CMiicLKh T14.4421 CtwHFIr*714.4430 Doro№y№ll 714.4406 GlorUOucbracti 714.4417 GtaUMifwv) 9962062 Ify 714.4426 KitryPtiHlips 714.4413 ИглЬвЛуРой 714.4407 KrlsthuFvrdl 714.4425 PatKlnrumoo 760 7722 SandnliMm 714.4410 Sandn Johnson 7l4.44Ce Sand)r Dyson 714.4409 SlwdConpi 714.4414 SussnPrfcer 399-3137 VUI6.BulltfdWtonloWn 7144428 780 N. Main Street $92,000 133 Pembnoke Ridge $144,900 Suun Parker 3119-3137 Be« Supple 714-4404 Ал of rn РгШМи! ЕШМ AJfuulu. ire 4»3C«TtagibrookCt $247,900 1488 Muddy Creek $189,000 1005 Chockacherry $109,900 138 Arnold Palmer $869,500 2601 Harser Road $260 Cheryl Fink 714-4430 Botible Henienhall 714-4415 kivlie9tuggi714-44ig Be«Supple 714-4404 Oleila Matlhewt 714-4405 C o lo n ial € iS ta ttiCh\f fiumxh 101* imvrnleni, yel ifdmUJnwuihMht am\foriiiNf...Counto' IMng al infinen Ntilurul Gas • City Water & Sewer LoUPrlc«d from $35.000-$42,000 Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004 - D5 F u n d ra is e rs Saturday, Feb. 7 Country Breakfast, Advancc Mclh. fellowship hall, 6;30-10 a.m. Monday-Friday, Feb. 9-13 Surprise Your Valentine, Dnvlc Singing Seniors available for lure to ¡¡erenodeyourswcctlewilhlovesongs. Will go lo your valentine's hoinc/ work to deliver songs. Cost: $ 10 for two songs. Call 751-0611 fordclails, deadline Feb. 4. All proceeds towiirds mnny services and activities bciicfil- llng older adults of Davie. Thursday, Feb. 12 Poor Man’s Supper, Advancc Mclh. fellowship hall, 6 p.m. Spon.sored by United Melh. Men, Saturday, Feb. 14 Country Hnm &Tendcrloln llrcak- fast, 6:30-10 a.m., country hum, ten­ derloin, eggs, grits, .saa.sage gravy, biscuits, drink - $5. At Mocks Melh. Church(Hwy.801 S.ulMoeksCliurch Rd, Advance). Sponsored by United Melh. Men to proceed ministries & projects. Everyone welcome. For info or take-outs: 998-5518, R e lig io n Sunday, Feb. 15 Workman Qunrlct, 6:30 p.m., nl Farmington Bnpt. Church, covered dish to follow. Everyone invited. Ongoing Preschool/I’arenls Morning Out, Bethlehem United Melh. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M,W or T, Th.Age3-M,T,Th. Agc4&Pre- K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool/Parcnls Morning Out, Center United Mclh., Ages2,Thurs.; Ages 3 Mon., Wed.; Ages 4 Mon., Wed., Thurs. Call 940-3753 or 492- 5735,8:30-11:30 a.m. Before School Program for Shady Grove Students, avuiiuble Mon.- Fri. beginning 6 a.m. at Advancc UMC Community Bldg, School bus arrives 8 n.m. to take cliildren lo Shady Drove Elementary. Call 998- 0199 for fees and info. Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Bnptist Taber­ nacle. MOPS(MothersofPrcschnolers), 1st & 3rd Fridays thru school yenr, nt Mncedonia Moravian Church, )- N.C. 801 N, 9:15-11:45,a.m. Chlldonro provided for smnll fee,. : tnfoi 998-4394. Before iSchool Program, Advance UMC Bldg, N.C. 801 S. for Shady Orovo students, drop off 6 a.m., school bus pick-up 8 n.m. Reglstrn- tlon required. Cnll 998-0199 for Info. Lighthouse Service, Thursdnys, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem UMC, 321 Redland Rd., Advance, 998-5083. S o e d a l E v e n ts Every Friday Night JamSesslans,alSherrield Music Hall, call 492-7417 for info. D a te s to R e m e m lje r Tuesday, Feb. 17 American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2-6:30 p.m., ul Davie Co. Librnry, N. Main Street, Mocksville. Call 724- 0511 to schedule an nppl. Ongoing visit Cooleemee's Mill Village Mu­ seum, 14 Church St., Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.-noon. Sats., II n.m.-2 p.m. Tours nlso avnilnble by nppl. Cnll 294-6040. Storytlmes, al Davie Co. Library. Mondays 7 p.m. Family Storylime &/ or special program. Tues. 11 a.m. Toddler Time (stories, songs & I'un forages l-3).TImrs. lOn.m.Storyhau for 3-5’s. Fridnys 11 a.m. Friday free- for-all, everyone welcome. Programs free & open lo everyone. Richard Burr Holds onicc Hours in Davie, 2nd TIuirs. of every nionlh, 9 n.m. dl 4 p.m., Mocksville Town Hall Building. Special Olympics of Davie County, play activies & fun nile, Wednesdnys al Brock Bldg. Play nctiviiics 6-7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open lo all per­ sons withdisubililies&Iheir lumilics. M e e t in g s Tuesday, Feb. 10 Davie Co. Democratic Party, ai Zeko’s Resuiuram, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17 DavieCo. Republican Party,? p.m., at counhouse, precinct meeling wllh regular monthly meeting to I'ollow. Ongoing Humane Society of Oavle Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. ofelicli month, at office Yadklnville Rd. be­ hind car wash. 751 -5214. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m., nt 1958 Hwy, 601 S. Contact J. Renfro al i84-4664 I'or more info. Davie County Dlahctcs Support Group, last Thura. of every monlh, 7- 8:30p.m.,alDavleCo.Public Library Small Conference Room. Info: 751- «700. Davie Youth Council, meels 2nd & 4lh Tuesdays cach month, 6:30 p.m., al Mocksviile/Davie Parks & Rec. meeling room. Info: Wendy White 287-1292. Davie Co, Hospital Auxllary, every second Tues., nl hospilni cnfelerin, 7 p.m. Dnvle Business Women’s Associa­ tion, first Wed. of eacli monlh, 12 noon, at Mocksvillc Rotary Club Hut. ■For info; 751-2828. Davie Republican Mens Club,pieels 4lh Snlurdny of each monlh, 7:30n.m., Red Pig BBQ. Cclehrute Recovery, weekly support group for those struggling with bad habits, addictions, und victims of abuse. Meels Fridays, 7 p.m., nt Hillsdnle Bnpt. Church, Hwy. 158, Advnnce. Call 940-6618 formore info. Davie County Horse EmerKcney Res­ cue Team, 7:30 p.m., dpvvnslairs nt liie Agricul|ural Building, Mocksville. Ev­ ery 3itl Tuesday each monlh. For into: 940-2111. Davie Co. Hand Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., I3nvle High Dnnd Room. Family Services " Whal Kvery Pur- entShouldKnuw",parenllngclasses lo inlereslcd parents of teens in liK-al areas, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., at Mocksvillc office Sanford Ave. Cost ■S15. For more info; 751-4510. Chrlsthin Buslne.s.smen's Commit­ tee of Mocksville, Thursdays, 7 li.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Touring As.suclutlon, Red Pig Barbecue, Orensy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Dnvle County Stamp Club, 2nd Thurs., Dnvie Senior Cenler, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee KeercatUm Assoelatlon, Znchnry House, Isl Tuesduy, 7 p.m. Himieschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th Thursdny. Cnll 998-8925 for more info. Pledniont Triad Rubbll Funders, Inst Siindny of each month, 2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners welcome. Call 336- 998-9858 'or visit www.pledmonttrindrabbit.com or e- mnii plrl2000@noi.com formore info. MOPS (Mothers of Prcschoolcrs), Mncedonin Moravian Cliurch. Fel­ lowship, food, support, und creative activities. Children receive excellent cnre in Ihe guided MOPPETS pro­ gram. Registration fees nro nominal . nnd scti9larshlps nro uvultablo. Meqt-,. ings arc die 1 st and 3rd Fridays of eaeii monlh beginning Aug. 16, from 9:15- 11:45 a.m. Davic School Schedule is followed. Questions cnll 998-4394. The Artist Group, Dnvie County Li­ brnry, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tues­ day, Town Hnll, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted. Cooleemee A A, behind Good Shep­ herd Episeopnl, Tues. & Fri., 8 p.m. North Cnolceinee nnd Clark Koud Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Bnptist Fellowship Hnll. Mocksville AA, Thurs., 7 p.m. - closed mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. - open mtng. Cnll Christine nt 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Davie Domestic Violence Services und Rape CrI.'iI.s Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexuni assault victims. Tlie group meels every Tues. evening from 6:30-8;30 p.m. Please cnll office for location, 751-3450. Family Violence Prevention Ser­ vices ofDavie County. Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence nnd tlieir cliildren. Separate groups. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.First United Methodist Church of McKksville, Call 1-800- 728-3413. Concerned Bikers Assoelnllon, Foolhiils Chapter, 2nd Wedne.sday, Western Steer, U.S. 601 nt 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advancc Gurden Club, 1st Tues., 9 n.m.,Moeks UMC, 998-2 111. MocksvllleGardcnClub, IslTluirs., Jcriclio Church of Christ fellowship hall, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sons of Confedenite Veterans, 1st Monday,Cooleemee Historical Build­ ing, 7 p.m. Mocksville Rotary Cluh, Tuesdays, 12; 10 p.m., RolnryHul. Furmlnglon Masonic Lodge No. 265, 2nd Mondny, 7:30 p.m. al the lodge, Davie Conversations On Crincer, 2ndTuesilay, 12 noon, Davic Library, for cancer pntienis, friend, family, I- 800-228-7421 or 751-0313, Mocksville Lions Club, 1st, 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m,, I'ellowship liall of St, Frnncis of Assisi, Yndkinville Road, Mocksville, Davie Co. United Wiiy Board of Directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Cenler Annex, Conf. Room 208. Mocksville-Davie Homebuilders, 4lhTlairsday,7p,m.,CuplainSleven's. Davie High Athletic lloosters, 3nl Monday, 7 p,m„ school cafelerin, Furmlnglon Rurltnn Club, 2nd Tliursduy, 7:30 p.m., Farmington Methodist churcii. HliLPS Ministries. Christian recov­ ery progrnm for women sexunlly uhu.sed as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Brcust-feedingSuppurtGroup,2nd Tuesdny, Davie Health Dept., 6-7:30 p.m. I’arents Resource Orgnnlzallon (PRO) support group for families of children with disnbililies, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Ro.semary Kropfelder nl 998-3311 for location. Jerlcho-Hardlson Rurltnn Club, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club building. Heulth Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m.; Tues­ days, 4:30-7 p.m.; Teen Health Pro­ motion Cllnle, 8:30 n.m.-noon, 2nd. 4lii Saliirdnys. Duvle County Bourd ofSoclul Ser- vlce.s,4thTuesdny, 5:30 p.m. nt DSS. Nurcotlcs Anonymous Against All Odds Group, BC Brock Bldg., 622 N, Main St„ TIuirs, 7 p,m„ Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline,336-785- 7280. Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hul, Snnford Ave., 2nd Thur.sday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Clvllun Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondnys, nt CCB, 880 Yndklnvlllo Rd..Advuiice Miniortnl Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars, and Ladies Auxiliary, 4lh Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road. Duvie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Tiuinsday, grand jury room, court- liouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Po.st 1119, 2nd, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., VRV HiilhN.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. I7F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. at Ihe lodge, Cooleeincc Clvitnn's Club Meeting, I SI and 3rd Mon, eacli month, 7 p,m„ Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Cub Scout Pack 504, sponsored b Fuhon United Melh. Chureh, 1st and 3rd Tues. nights eneli nionlh, 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like lo become n member are welcome to attend. Davie Co. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon. of cncIi month, 6 p.m., Davie Co. Hospilni. VFW Auxiliary Post 4024, 1p.m., 4th Thurs. cach monlh in lower level of Brock Bldg., N. Main Street. Eli­ gible members welcome. Dnvie Kiivanis Club, Isl and 3rd Tuesday, 6;3(1 p.m. al Webb Heat­ ing & Air, 998-2121. R e c r e a tio n Formore infonnalion on llie.se evenis, call 751-2325. Line Dancing Fannliigton Community Cenler. Ev- ^^^Simplify Your Life from Singles to Seniors • •• Ш '"G A R D IiN i MdCiEL OPEN THIS WEEK Thursday 12-5 • Friday 12-5 Saturday 10-2 •. Sunday 2-4 C A L L F O R F R E E R E C O R D E D I N F O R M A T I O N 1-800-677-7122 Ext. 1002 Milling Wat Locallon:.. ' Norlh Main SIrool in Mocksvillo loAll a McS* Miiilng Road, Qardon Viiias on the tighl. cry Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instructors: Sieve & Linda Hatley. Formore Info, call 751-3848, Rec Club Before ($l5)oraner(S25)school and out of school programs. Registration open, GoodTimersSquareDance Dance Lessons $5 per monlh. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con- inqt Ethel nt 998-3837. Sllverstriders Walk Club Senioni, 50 nnd up, M-F, 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdnys, $7 per day. $40 per month. The Dance'Cornpany Mon.,Tues., Wed,, & Sal, Cnll Emily Robertson, 998-5163, Y M C A For more inl'onnntlon, cull 751-9622 or visit Duvie Fnmily YMCA, Water Exercise Class For beginners nnd tlie experienced. All ages. Call forclnss types & limes. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk., SnI. moming or private lessons. Reg, begins 2 wks, prior lo class. Call for class limes. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Gymnastics Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 p.m. Cost $20 members/$30 non-members. Family Night 6;30-8:30 p.m. Trent your fnmily to evening at Y liaving dinner, playing games, swiniming, and more. Cost $2 per person (5 and under freo). Parents Night Out 6:30-10:30 p,ni. Program designed lo ennble pnrenis to hnve evening out while children enjoy Y. Swimming, urts, crufts, games and a movie. Din­ ner .served. Cost $7 niembers/$ 10 non- members. Sunshine Club For all older active uduils. Fun. fel­ lowship, good news. Wc do molhly pot luck luncheons willi a speaker. Cost $ 10members/$20 non-members. S e n io r s Air Senior Activhies take pincc nl DavleCounty Senior Services located in the Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksvillc unless otlierwise noted. Cnll 751-0611. Ongoing Sr, Lunchbox, M,T,W , 11 ;30 a.m., Tii.&Fri., 11 a,m„ lunch served daily. Silver Health Exercises, East Room ofSenlor Services, M, W, F, 8:30 a,m, Qullllng,evety Monday, IOa,m.,Easl Room, Serabblc,evcry Mondny, 1 p.m.,Craft Room. Bridge,Tuesdays 1p.m. & Fridays 2 p.m.. East Room. SKIPUO, Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.. East Room. Scrnpbooking, 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Puint Clas.s, Wednesdnys, Craft Room, (will resume Mnrch 3) Dr, Dunn, Podiatrist, al Sr. Services every three weeks on Monday, 8:30- 11:30 a.m. In the Nutrition Site. Free Blood Pressure Check.s, once a month, al 10:45 n.m. in Ihe Nutrition Site. Sr, Chorus,TIuirsdays, 10 a.m.. East Room. Tnl Chl Classes, Tuesdays, 10*11 a.m., Nnlure’s Gifts, current session dnIes; closed. Clnss size limited, cnll Sr.Servlces nl 751-0611 to pre-regis­ ter. Every Thursday Crufty Ludles, nclivity nt Sr. Ser­ vices, 10 n.m,-12 noon, in the Craft Room. Call 751-0611 formore info. Tuesday, Feb, 3 Lunch ‘n I.earn, RayLcn Vineyards, find out about the region's newest agriculture. Leave nl 10:30 a.m. and stop for lunch alierwnrds. Must sign up In person, no phone reservntions. S3 fee, transporlation free, limited to 20 so sign up soon. Join us us we venlureloDnvie’sownvineynrd.Call 751-0611 for details. Monday-Friday, Feb. 9-13 Surprl.se Vour Vulentine, DnvCe Singing Seniors avnilnble for hire № .serenade yourswectiewitii lovesongs. Will go to your vulenline's home/ work to deliver songs. Cost: SIO for Iwo .songs. Call 751-0611 IbrdelnilJ. (lendline Feb. 4. All proceeds toiv'nrds mnny services nnd aclivilies benefit- ling older adults of Davie. Tuesday, March 30 Cholesterol Screening For Seniors, mSi.FrancisofAssisi. 862 Yndkinville Rd., 8:30-10:30 a.m., I'or any Davie resident 60 or older. Cull Sr. Services 751 -0611 to reserve your time. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Duvle Dntcllne should Ik reported by noon Mondny of Ihe pub- liculion week. Cnll 751-2120 or drop il by Ihe office, at S. Main St. across from the courtiiouse. M a r y O s b o r n e D i e s In M ia m i Mrs. Mury Murtiii Osborne, 82, if Miami, Flu., formerly of Cooleemee, died Wcdnesduy, Jun. 28, 2004 ut Aventure Hos- pilul. A gruveside .servicc wns to be held Wednesduy, Feb. 4 ut 2 p.m. ut Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. The fumily wus lo be nt Eaton Funerul Home Wednesduy frotn 12:30-1:30. Memorluls; Humune Society of Dnvie, Box 153, Mocksville. Mrs. Osborne wus bprn Sept. 5, 1921 in Dare County, Va. to the lute John nnd Octuvlu Pruitt Martin. She was retired from Modem Age Fumhure of Mitimi. Survivors; her husbund, Zeb Osborne of the home; u son, Duvid Hayes of Huntsville, Texas; u grundchild; u greut- grundchild; and u brother, John Martin of Raleigh. P r e m ie r : C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t i e s C o m m i t t e d T o C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e O P E N H O U S E S F e b r u a r y 8 • 2 - 4 p . m . «гФ Й I ___________ II Moillt И(* ИГ 14 U'l' I U .i\ I II ‘ГН iutu In U.dlH-i' Irlivll C a l l T o d a y f o r Y o u r F r e e M a r k e t V a l u e 336-998-7777 w w w .p c p n c .c o n i 1=3 И ... Df.. DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 P R E P A R E D F O R J U D G M E N T ? ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT WHICH MATTERS MOST-PREPARATH)N FOR ETERNITY? Jesus said, “Seek first Ihe kingdom of God and His riglileousncss...” Sccurc your soul's salvalion today by obeying the gospell Bolleve in Christ (Mk. i6.i5 i6i nci>. n.6) Repent of your Sins and Turn to God nx u:}: Am Confess the Name of Jesus (Man. io>32;Act>ii:}7) Be Burled In Baptisin for the Forgiveness of Your Sins (Acts 22:Hi Knm. 6:J-5i I Cor. 12:1.1; (;«l..l:27)Be Faithful to Jesus unto Death«j«. uv, kcv. 2tio) VISIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST Non-Dtiiuminaliomil Dedicated to Knlorin|> Sc» Tcslaniciil ClirisliunK}' Oiblicul in №mc, Orvaiiiuti»», Worship, dim) DiictrirK. Utcultti at (hr ci>rn;r of Junction and Jrrirh» Kottdv _________t)r. Uim Torpy. Minister | m 492.52V1 DR. MICHAEL BIENENFELP 3 7 8 0 -B Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 2 7 0 1 2 NOW OPEN A C C EP TIN G N E W P A TIE N TS Board Certified In Internal Medicine And Geriatrics FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 712-1599 O utpatient and Inpatient Services Offered 'iK B 'iV '/l R i b e y e D i n n e r w i t h S a l a d & D e s s e r t FAMILY STEAKHOUSE Offer good 02/07/04-02/15/04 336^751-0436 1 5 8 0 Y a d k tn v iU e R d . • M o c k s v ille C O M I N G TO MOCKSVILLE SATURDAY & SUNDAY February 7 & 8Ben Franklin Saturday, 10am to 5pm Sunday, 1pm to 5pm C o l o r P o r t r a i t P a c k a g e S p e c i a l 3-8x10’s ___________________ 3 - 5x7’s 1 2 -Wallets 1 3 9 5 ■ S ', t . f 5295 Deposit Customer pays Slt.OO when portraits delivered al store approximately one week taler. DON’T IVIiSS IT «NO AGE LIMIT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO • ADULTS TOO! All work Giiiiraiilecd by T R IV E T T E S T U D IO B e n F r a n k l i n Willow Oak Center • Mocksville, NC P U B U C N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK Case No. 03SP294 IN THE MATTER OF: Ttie Foreclosure ol a Deed ot Trust executed by Robert J. Hicks and Myra Denalso Hicks to ivlax Default Services Corp., SubstKuteTrustes, recorded in Book 361 al Page 495 In the Davie County Registry. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES­ TATE 1. DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. Pursuant lo the terms of tfie Deed ol Trust, executed by Robert J, Hicks and Myra Denalse HIcks, original mortgagor, dated 3/8/2001, recorded In the Olllce ol Ihe Reg­ ister ol Deeds ol Davie County, Norih Carolina In Book 361, Page 492, and pursuant lo tlie Order ol tlie Clerk ol Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina, entered In this loreclosure proceeding, Ihe undersigned Max Delault Services Corp., trustee, will oiler tor sale al public auction the property de­ scribed belovif, 2. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD.. The property to be sold are the buildings and lots located at 158 Westvlew Avenue, Mocksvllle, Nortti Carolina and Is described In the Deed ol Trust as lollows: Beginning at a stake on the branch, Swlnk and Deadmon's Corner and running thence about South 5 Degs. E. 5,60 Chs. to a slake on the branch; thence up Ihe branch lo the beginning, contain­ ing one ace, more or less. For a more particular descrip­tion relerence Is made to Deed from George C, Patterson to Jessie F. Garwood, recorded In Book 19, Page 319, DavIe County Registry; and to a Deed Irom Moses J. Cline lo George C. Patterson, recorded In Book 19, al Page 84, Davie County Registry; Will ol Jessie 0. Garwood Recorded In Book 4, Clerk ol Courts Olllce NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Carol Goforth (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Carol D. Goforth) lo TRSTE, Inc,, Trustee(s), dated the 5th day ol August, 2002, and recorded In Book 431, Page 552, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Tnjst by an Instrument NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK FILE NO.: 03 SP 5 NOTICE OF SALE Thurman Foster (widower), Paul E, Foster and wile, Doris Foster, Shelby F. Nichols, and Addle Mae Carter (widow). Petitioners, vs. Roy Foster, Sr., and wile, Esther Fos­ ter, Respondents. Under and by virtue of an Order in the above-caplloned matter, Ihe undersigned Commissioner will of­ fer lor sale to the highest bidder for cash at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on the 20th day ol February, 2004, at theduly recorded In the Olllce ol the . Courthouse Door In Mocksvllle, Reglsterol Deeds ol Davie County, oavle County, North Carolina, the ol Davie County, also Deed Irom Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, Inc., to H.R. Eaton, Book 49, Pago 326, and Deed Irom H.R, Eaton, at ui^to Jesee L, poetot, el ux, BookBO, Pag(f332.""” This is the Identical properly described In a Deed Irom Jesse L. Foster and wife, Bertha Viola Fos­ ter, lo William D. Bowen and wile. Ora M. Bowen, dated November 16,1971, and recorded In Book 86, Page 320, Davie County Registry and said description Is set lorih as existing prior to said deed. Subject to Public Roadway and Utility Easements ol Record. 3. TIME AND PUCE OF SALE. The sale will be held on 2/12/ 2004 at 12:00 P.M.., at the usual place ol sale al the Davie County Courthouse, Mocksvllle, North Carolina. 4. RECORD OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY, The record owner ol the above- described real property as rellected on the records ol the Davie County Register ot Deeds not more than ten days prior to the posting of this Notice is Robert Hicks and Myra Denalse Hicks. 5. TERMS OF SALE. The successlul bidder al the sale will be required lo deposit with tho trusleo immediately upon con­ clusion of the sale a casti deposit of not greater than 5% ol the amount ol bid or $750.00. The suc­ cesslul bidder Is required to pay Ihe lull balance ol the purchase price In cash or certllled check when Ihe trustee tenders to him a Deed for the property. Should Ihe success- tul bidder tail to pay Ihe lull amount ol the purchase price so bid at Ihal lime, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided lor In the North Carolina General Statutes. Report ol Sale will be made Immediately following the conclusion ol the sale, and ho sale will be held open lor ten days (or upset bids as required by law. TTie sale will be made subject to all prior lions, unpaid taxes, assess­ ments, restriclions and easements of record, H any. Dated: 12/17/2003 Jason Cotton, President Max Default Services Corporation 5480 Baltimore Dr., Ste. 215 ' La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 475-0200 Ext. 322 (877)914-3498 1-29-2Ш North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed Ihal the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe under­ signed Substllute Trustee,wlll offer for sale at Ihe Courthouse Door In Ihe City of Mocksvllle, Davie County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on February 11, 2004 and will sell to tho highest bidder lor cash the following real estate situate in th'e County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more parlicularly de­ scribed as lollows; BEING all of Lois 97 ol Charies- ton Ridge Subdivision, Section Three as set forth In Plat Book 7, Pages 200 and 201, Davie County Registry to which relerence Is hereby made lor a more particular descrfpllon. Together with Improve­ ments located thereon; said prop­ erty being located at 230 Winding Creek Road, Mocksvllle, North Carolina. Subject lo restrictions and by laws ol rccord and any amend­ ments or modlllcallons thereof. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being offered lor sale^ transler and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS,” Nei­ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, bolng to№cloaod, nor lhe .ollloars, directors, altomeys; ¿mployeBs, agents or authorized representative ol either Ihe Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al or relating to Ihe property being ollerqd lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this properly Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessmpnts, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred (Illy dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime of the sale.This 21sl d^ ol January, 2004.H, TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire PresidentH. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 1-29-21П 'fi Case No: 370.72041 NORTHCAflOUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol FLOYD G. SHORE, late ol Davlo County, this Is to notlly all parsons having claims against said estate lo present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 29th day ol April, 2004, being three' (3) monttis Itoiri the litst day ol pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undetsigned. This 29th day ol January, 2004. Patsy W. Shore, EXEC 1296 NC Hwy. 801 N Advance, NC 27006 • NORTH CAROLINA 1-29-4tp COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Admin­istratrix ol the Estate ol FRED MONROE LASHMIT late of Davie County, this is lo notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Ihe first day ol publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar oi Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo the undersigned. This 22nd day ol January, 2004.Diane Allen t.ashmlt, ADMN 1227 Liberty Church Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 V22-4tn following tract of land located In Stiady Grove Township, Davie County, North Carolina, described as lollows; BEGINNING at a nail located In Ihe cenlerline of SR 1638 (locally Known as Dulin Road), said point being the Southeastern corner of the withln-descrled tract, and the Northeast corner of Virginia C. Smith (DB 150, Page 247, DB116, Page 612); thence from the BEGIN­ NING North 89» 47'41" West 307.84 feet to an 1" existing Iron, a common comer ol Virginia C. Smith and Jellrey P. Allen (DB 493, page 346); menco North 89» 48'54" West ,452.96 feet to a 1" existing Iron, the Northwest corner ol Jeffrey P. Allen and Ihe Southwest corner of Ihe withln-described iraci; Ihence North with the eastern boundary line ol Thomas Lester Hendrix (DB 444, page 670; DB 139, page 739) 09« 09' 38" East 330.00 feet to a place Iron, Ihe Northwest corner ol the withln-described tract; thence with Ihe Southern boundary line ol Jerry Kenneth Foster (DB 445, page 15; DB 116, page 360) North 89» 35” 33" East 747.73 leet, passing through a placed Iron at 717.73 feet, to a railroad spike In the centerilne of SR 1638 Dulin Road), Ihe Southeast corner of Jerry Ken­ neth Foster and Ihe Northeast cor­ ner of the withln-described tract; Ihence wilh Ihe center line ol Dulin Road South 09» 3V 44" West 173.58 teal lo a talltoad splice; thence South 08» 02' 07" West 100;04 ilaolitoia: railroad aplkoi thence South’ 08« 03’ 54" West 25.00 leet to a railroad spike; Ihence South 08“ OV 56" West 37.46 feel to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 5.722 acres, more or less, as set lorlh on a survey by Grady Tutterow, RLS, (drawing #18903- 3). Additionally, an easement being described as follows: BEGINNING at an unmarked point In Ihe common boundary line ol Jerry Kenneth Foster (DB 445, page 15; DB 116, page 360), and Ihe Ftossla Foster Property (198 E 113; DB 26, Page 472), said point being located Soutti iJS" 35’ 33" West 90.00 teet from tqllroad spike In the centerline of State Road »1638 (locally known as Dulin Road), the Northeast corner of the Flossie Foster Properly and the Southeast corner ol Jerry Kenneth Foster; thence Irom the BEGIN­ NING South 89« 35' 33" East 93.33 feet to an unmarked polr\t; thence South 00" £4' 27" West 3.00 feet to Ihe POINT AND PLACE OF BE­ GINNING, as shown on a survey prepared by Grady L. Tulterow (drawing »18903-3) dated August 15, 203, and revised October 1,2003. This sale Is sub)eot to 2004 ad valorem taxes and such other Hens as may appear ol record. The properly Is being "AS IS" and It shall be the responsible of any bidder to have performed a title examination prior to placement ol a bid. Except a? stated above, this sale will bo in ail particulars gov­ erned by the provisions ol NCGS §1-339.1 el. seq. The highest bid­ der will be required lo make a de­ posit ol ten (10%) percent of the llrsi $1,000.00 and five (5%) per­ cent ol all amounts over the litsl $1,000.00 as a good lalth deposit on said bid. This sale will be subject to the upset bid procedure set forth In NCOS §1-339.25. This the 28th day ot January, 2004. Henry P. Van Hoy, II Commissioner Posted al the Davie County Courthouse, this 28lh day of Janu­ary, 2004, Kenneih D. Boger Clerk ol Superior Court of Davie County e-5-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FOBECLOSOne SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Carlton A. Booe and wife, Sharon D. Booe (PRESENT RECORD OWIMER(S); Cariton Booe and Sharon D. Booe) to Jerone C. Herring, Trusl0e(s), dated Ihe 23ni day ol March, 1994, and recorded In Book 202. Рвдв 23, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and ttie understgned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Office of the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder ol Ihe note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed Ihal the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will otter tor sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Mocksvllle, DavIe County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on February 18, 2004 and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash the following real estate situate In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows; Beginning al an Iron, southeast corner ol the within described tract and northeast corner of Carlton A. Booe (DB 109, Page 387) and runs Ihence North 27 deg. 21 min. West 174.52 teet to an iron; thence North 43 deg, 33 min. West 114.38 feet to an Iron; thence North 13 deg. 00 min. East 144.48 leet to an Iron In the line ol Ernest McMahan (DB 50, Page 616); Ihence with said McMahan line South 72 deg. 00 min East 209.22 feet to an Iron; Ihence Soulh 13 deg. 00 mln. West 322.27 feel To The Beginning, con­ taining 1.053 acres, mote or less, as sun/eyed and platted by C. Ray Cales and being a portion ol lands described by DB 106, Page 511, Davie County Registry. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 156 Etchison Street, , Mocksvllle, North Carolina. Should, the property be pur- oVtBBBd by a third :ptirty, that par­son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con- Vf.yance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or tjoth, being foreclosed, nor Ihe olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing In, on, at or relating fo the property being ollered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior Hens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. This 28th day o( January, 2004.H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayettsville, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 280.72937 2-S-2tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby given lhat Ihe DavIe County Board of Commls sioners will hold a public hearing Ir Ihe Commissioners' Meeting Rooa on the second lloor ol the Davit County Administration Building 123 South Main Street, Mocksvllle NC at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Febru ary 16, 2004. The purpose ol the heating is to consider an amend ment to Chapter 52 ol the Davic County Code ot Ordinances lo adc a new section: 52.60 Attachment Garnishment and Liens for Counij Water and Sewer Service. All parties Interested In this pro posed amendment are Invited tc attend the public hearing anc present Ihalr views. Brenda B. Huntei Clerk to the Boarc 2-5-2tr . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 • 1)7 «1:1 'Ù I P U B LIC N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICIT COURT DIVISION 99CVO 854 COUNTY OF DAVIE, PlalntlH, vs. Clllton Lee Peoples, a/k/a Clllton Lee Peebles; Regina Carson; Sharma Dulin; Warren Dulin, Tawanna Dulin; Joann Peebles; Reriee Peebles; Barron Dulin, In­ dividually and as Administrator of the Estate of J.V. Peebles, De­ ceased; State of North Carolina, lienholder: The Heirs of J.V. Peebles, known and unknown; Howell W. Woltz; and American General Finance, lienholder, De- tendants. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Admin­ istratrix of the Estate of JAMES MOSES FLOYD, SR., late ot Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar oi Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of January, 2004. Margaret Daniel Floyd,. Administratrix СТА 1862 Hlgway 601 South Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Under and by virtue ol a Judg­ ment and Order lor Sale entered In the District Court of DavIe County, North Carolina, Int he above-cap­ lloned action, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of Febnjaiy, 2004, offer for sale and sell (or cash to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the court­ house door In Davie County, North Carolina In Mocksvllle at 12:00 noon, the following described real property: Tax Parcels H900000035 and 1900000005, Davie County Tax Maps. The sale will be made as Is and subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local Improvemment assessments against the above-described prop­ erty not Inlcuded In the judgment In Ihe above-entitled cause. A de­ posit ol live percent (5%) ol the successful bid will be required. Any person who has an Interest In the property may llie an Increased or upset bid within ten days after Ihe report of sale Is filed. This Ihe 19th day of January, 2004,Robert E. Price, Jr. . Commissioner OF COUNSEL; ROBERT E. PRICE, JR. 8. ASSOCIATES, P.A.3400 Healy Drive, Suite B PO Box 26364 . . Wlnaton-Salom, NC 27114 . ). (910) 760-2870 1-29-3tnNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIENOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol LORENE RAN­SOM FOSTER, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from Ihe first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 29th day of January, 2004. Frances Dunn, EXEC 1163 Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27006 1-29-4lnNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Co-Ex­ ecutors ol the Estate ot NANNIE B. WILSON, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months trom the first day of pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This 29th day of January, 2004. Larry C. Wilson, EXEC 1545 Jericho Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Lynne J. Allen, EXEC 14780 Cool Springs Road Cleveland, NC 27013 1-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ trix of the Estate ol BETTY T. FOS­ TER, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wKI please make immediate payment lo the undersigned.This 29th day of January, 2004. Norma F. George 208 Edwards Road Harmony, NC 28634 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square . Mocksvllle, NC 27028 1-29-4tn Martin a Van Hoy, LLP Attornoy at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as tho Execu­ trix ol Ihe Estate of GEORGE E. SHAFFER, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo the undersigned. This 22nd day ol January, 2004. Naomi Joan Shaffer 112 Mimosa Place Advance, NC 27006 ■ Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 1-22-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF D.WIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ tor of the Estate of fylARGARET LEE BOGER MCLEMORE, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estata to prasant them to the un­dersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from Ihe llrst day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 22nd day of January, 2004. Darrell E. McLemore EXEC 267 William Lane Lexington, NC 27295 1-22-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS The undersigned having quali­ fied as Executor of the Estate of EVELYN H. KIGER, Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at the olllce ol Davis & Brewer Attorneys, 104 Sta­ dium Oaks Drive, Suite C, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012, on or before Ihe 10th day of May, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to Ihe estate will please make immediate payment. This the 5th day of February, 2004.Kathy K. Seats Executor of the Estate ol Evelyn H. Klger By: Edward Y. Brewer P.O. Drawer 786 104 Stadium Oaks Drive, Suite C Clemmons, NC 27012 2-5-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NUMBER 03 CVD 699 ADA 0. SANCHEZ vs. JORGE A. SANCHEZNOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TAKE NOTICE Ifiat pleadings seeking relief against you have been filed In the above captioned action. The nature ol Ihe relief re­ quested Is as follows; a Judgment ol absolute divorce based upon one year ol separation. You are required to make any delense to such plead­ ing no later than the 15th ol March, 2004, and upon your failure to do so the plalntlll will seek the rellel specllled above.This Ihe 22nd day of January, 2004.By; Mark L. Speas Allornsy for the Plalnlllf Post Olllce Box 384 Mocksvllle. NC 27028 (^36) 753-6625 1-22-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Danny Shrewsbury and Melissa Shrewsbury, husband and wife (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Danny J. Shrewsbury and Melissa D. Shrewsbury) to Kirk Smith, Truslee(s), dated the 24th day of October, 2002, and recorded In Book 44Z, Page 5ia, Davis County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed olTrust by an instrument duly recorded In the Olllce ol Ihe Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Mocksvllle, Davie County, North Carolina at 3;00 pm on February 11,2004 and will sell lo the highest blddsr lor cash Ihe following real estate situate In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows: A certain ,58 acre tract located In Farmington Township near Macedonia Moravian Church and adjoining the lands of Hattie Cope on the East and North, Andrew Cope on the South and West and more particularly described as fol­ lows: BEGINNING as a point as evi­ denced by an Iron pin, original Hattie Cope- Andrew Cope corner; thence In a Northern direction with original Hallle Cope - Andrew Cope line North 7 degs. West 206 leet to a point as evidenced by an Iron pin, new corner; thence In an Eastern direction with Hattie Cope tine North 77 degs. 10 mln. East 198 leet to a point as evidenced by an Iron pin, new corner; thence In a Southern direction South 9 dega. 30 mln. West 211 leet to a point as ' QVldenoed by Iron pin In .otlglnal Androw'Obpa- Hattla Cope line; thence In a Southwesterly direction with original line 86 feet to Ihe Point and Place ol Beginning, containing .58 acres, more or less, as sur­ veyed by S. I, Talbert (R.S.) Sept. 17,1960, and being a portion ol an original five acre tract from Andrew J. Cope and wile, Mary F. Cope to Walter L. Cope and wile, Hatlle Cope dated February 22,1944 and recorded In Book 45, at Page 53, Davie Registry. Together with Im­ provements located thereon; said property being located at 239 An­ drew Road, Advance, North Caro­ lina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0,45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1), Tho property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sals Is being ollered tor sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, bejng foreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agsnts or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or ihe holder ol the note make any representa- llofi or warranty relating to the tills or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating lo the property being ollered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or (labilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. . A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. this 21st day of January, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY:H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire Pres. ' H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 10284800 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 659.67820 1-29-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Underandbyvlrtueofihe power of sale contained in a certain Deed ot Trust made by Lonnie Dean Wheeler and Donna Wheeler (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Lonnie Wheeler and Donna Wheeler) to David W. Dillard, Trustee(s), dated the 24th day of May, 2002, and recorded iri Book 1323, Page IH I, Duplin County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment ot the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been subsllluted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will otter lor sale at the Courthouse Door In the City ol Kenansvllle, Duplin County, North Carolina at 10:00 am on February 13, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash’the following real estate situate In the County of Duplin, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows: Commencing at the Intersection of N.C. Highway No. 41/111 with NCSR 1804 (Quinn Store Road), thence along the NCSR 1804 in an easterly direction 0.4 miles to an existing PK nail In the centerilne of NCSR 1804 over a culvert; thence along said centerilne, south 04 de- grees 59 minutes 26 seconds east '487.15 leet to an existing PK nail over a culvert In said centerilne, said nail being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from the above described point ol beginning and leaving the centerline of NCSR 1604, and with tho eastern line ol the William H. Barnette property shown as tract B In Map Book 16, Page 175, and along a ditch, north 33 degrees 47 minutes 17 seconds east 130.43 leet lo a 1/2 Inch ex­ isting stake Iwo Inches above ground; thence continuing along said Barnette line an'd ditch, north 05 degrees 59 minutes 45 seconds west 126.20 feet to a 1/2 Inch ex­ isting Iron stake two inches below ground; thence with the southwest'- ern line ol said Barnette property and leaving said ditch, north 54 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds east 500.93 (eel to a 1 Inch Iron stake set live Inches above groUnd In a dltoti; lhanoo a new tine’; south 04 degrees 45 mlnutes22 seconds west 374.02 leet to a 11/4 Inch iron stake set eight Inches below ground; Ihence a new line, north 88 degrees 33 minutes 03 seconds west 275.39 feet to a 1/2 Inch Iron stake set below ground; Ihence a new line, south 04 degrees 45 min­ utes 22 seconds wesI 257.73 feel to a railroad spike eel In the centerline of NCSR 1804; Ihence along said centerilne, north 85 de­ grees 03 minutes 06 seconds west 223.24 feet to the point arid place of beginning. Together with Im­ provements located thereon; said property being located at 231 Quinn Store Hoad, Beulavllle, North Carolina.Containing 3.00 acres and be­ ing a portion of the second tract re­ corded In Deed Book 1149, Page 351; being a portion ol Lot SB as shown In Map Book 216, Page 136; and being all of that property shown as Lot 1 on a map entitled "Bound­ ary Survey and Division of Joann Thigpen, Patricia Lucas, and Brenda Miller" recorded In Map Book___,Page___of the Duplin County Registry.- The above description was pre­ pared by Johnny J. Williams Land Surveying Irom a survey completed on December 20,2001, All courses are correct In their angular relation­ ship to North per Deed Book 1039, Page 32 ol the Diiplln County Reg­ istry.Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ottered pur­ suant to this notice of sale is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.^ Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of Ihe note secured by Ihe deed of trust/security agreement, dr both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, altorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being ollered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or llabllilies aris­ ing out oi or In any way relating to any such condition exprassly are disclaimed. Also, this pro)jerty Is being sold subject to.ali taxes,'spe­ cial assessments, and prior Kens or encumbrances ol record end any recorded releases. ■. ■ .A cash deposit or cashiar's check (no personal checks) of live percent ol the fjurchasB price, or seven hundred lilty dollars'($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be re­ quired al the time ol Ihe sale. This 21st day of January, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE , BY: H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 10284200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302Case No; 370.72360 1-29-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol Ihe power ol sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Joseph L. Ybarra, Jr. and wife, Rafaela Nunez to In­ vestors Tllle Insurance Company, Trustee(s), dated the 24th day ot January, 2003, and recorded in Book 4S2, Page 3SS, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the nole thereby secured by tlie said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Tarry Hutchens, PA hav- - Ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olflce of the Register of Deads of Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Mooksviils, Davie County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on February 18, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the following real estate situate In the County ol Dayla, North Carolina, and bolng more partlcularty de­ scribed as follows; Being known and designated as Lot 6 of Oak Grove Subdivision as recorded In Map Book 7, Page 19, Davie County Registry, to which ret- erenco is hereby made for a more particular description and Is Incor­ porated herein by this relerence. Together with Improvements lo­ cated thereon; said property being located at 5189 Highway 601 North, Mocksvllle, North Carolina.' Should.the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that'per- ,son must pay the tax of Forty-Flva Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being offered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS fS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the hofder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al or; relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, arid prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at Ihe time ol Ihe sale. This 28th day of January, 2004, H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President ,H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee ,P.O. Box 10284200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 370,72900 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY In the Superior Court Civil Action 04 CVS 7 against Justo Quiroz Almanzar; Take notice that a pleading seeking rellei against you has been filed in the above-enlilied action. The nature ol the rellei being sought Is as follows: Compensatory damages In ex­ cess ol $10,000. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than March 16, 2004, and upon ■ your lallure to do so the party seek­ ing service against you will apply to the court lor the rellej sought. This the 5th day of February, 2004. Mark T. Atkinson 1416 West First Slroet Wlnsfon-Salem, NC 27101 2-5-ain NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLIN/ SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 03SP7 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF ADEED 0FTRUS1 EXECUTED BY VICKI S. STEELE DATED MARCH 83, 2001, ANC RECORDED IN BOOK 363 AT PAGE 552 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Purs\janl loan order ol Ihe Clerl ol Superior Court and under and b) virtue of Ihe power and authoril) contained In the above-relerencec deed ot trust and because of de fault In the payment ol Ihe Indebt edness thereby secured and fall ure to carry out and perform the stipulation and agreements thereir contained and, pursuant to demanc ol Ihe owner and holder of the In debtedness secured by said deoc . ol trust, the undersigned substllut« trustee will expose for sale at pub He auction to the highest bidder loi cash at the usual place of sale a the county courthouse of sale county at 10;00 A.M. on Thursday February 19, 2004, the followlnj described real estate and any olhei Improvements which may be situ ated thereon, situated In Davie County, North Carolina, and beinf more partlcularty described as lot lows;Ail that certain property situatec In Mocksvllle In Ihe County o Davie, and Slate ol North Caroline and being described In a deec dated 07/22/97 and recorded 07 22/91, among the land records o the county and state set tort! above, end relerenced as follows: Book 196, Page 316. The par­ cels ol land situated In the City o Mocksvllle Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and more partlcularty described as lollows Being all ot Lot No, 23 ol that cer­ tain subdivision In Davie County North Carolina known as Soutt Arbor, Section 2, shown on the pla map recorded In the Olflce of the Register ol Deeds of Davie County North Carolina, In Plat Book 6 Page 174, on or atioul November 12 1996.And Being more commonlj known as; 120 West Chlnaberrj ' Court, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 The record owner of the prop erty, as reflected on Ihe records o the Register ol Deeds, Is V|ckl S Steele AKA VIeke S. Steele. The property to be offered pur suanl lo this notice of sale Is beln( ollered lor sale, transler and con veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nel ther the Trustee nor the holder o fhe nofe secured by Ihe deed o Irust/security agreement, or both being foreclosed, nor the officers directors, altorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or Ihe holder o the note make any representailor of warranty relating lo Ihe title oi any physical, environmental, heaW or safety conditions existing in, on at or relating to the property belnj offered for sale, and any and al responsibilities or liabilities arlslnj . out ol or in any way relating to anj such condition expressly are dls claimed. This sale Is made subjec - lo all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessment! Including but not limited to anj transfer lax assoclatod with the foreclosure, lor paying, II any. f deposit of five percent (5%) ol Ihe amount ol the bid or seven hundrec Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, Is required and must be tendered In the form of. certlflec funds at the time ol Ihe sale. This . sale will be held open ten days foi upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration of the statu­ tory upset period, ail remainln£ amounts are Immediately due anc owing.The date of this Notice Is Janu ary 20,2004, ELIZABETH B. ELLS OF DAVID W. NElLt Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive Suite 300, Chariotte, NC 2826S (704) 333-8107 NORTH CAROLINA 2-5-2tr COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu- . trlx ol Ihe Estate of THOMAS EU­GENE HAUSER, JR., late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day ol May, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of theli recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 5th day ol Feboiary, 2004. Bonnie H. Cobbs, EXEC 109 Bridgewood Lane Advance, NC 37006 2-5-4ln DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursilsiy, Feb. 5, 2004 - D9 D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5,2004 PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by vMue o( the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Marthallne L, Stewart to CTC Foreclosure Ser­ vices Corporation, Trustee(s), dated the 21st day of June, 1995, and recorded In Book HfiB, Page ao, Dup'lln County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by tho said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded In the Ofllce ot the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina and tho holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Kenansvilie, Duplin County, North Carolina at 10:00 am on Feb­ ruary 13, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow­ ing real estate situate In Ihe Town­ ship of Magnolia, In the County of Duplin, Noilh Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows: Located In Magnolia Township, Duplin County, State of North Caro­ lina, on the Southeast side of S.R. No. 1124 and 0.1 mile southwest of the Inlersection of S.R. No. 1123 and S.R. No. 122, and being de­ scribed wilh bearings relative lo the Jan. 19S6 Magnetic as follows: BEQINNINQ at an Iron rod In the centerline of Ihe pavement of S.R. No. 1124 In tho line of George H. Lae's land, said Iron rod being located South 40 degrees 48 min­ utes 34 seconds West a distance of 642.30 feet from a nail and cap In the center of ihe inlersection of S.R. No. 1123 and S.R. No. 1122, and runs thence With the line of George H. Lee's tract South 69 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East a distance ot 168.06 lee to an Iron pipe at the head of a ditch; thence With the ditch and the line ot Qeorgo H. Lee's tract South 14 ; degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds ^ West a distance ol 321.40 toet to . an Iron road In the ditch; thence North 69 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 353.49 feat to an Iron rod In the southeast line of the sixty foot wide right of way of S.R, No. 1124; thence With the line ot George H. Leo's tract North 14 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 41.04 feet to an Iron rod In the center of the pavement of S.R, No. 1124; thence With the center of the pave­ ment ot S.R, No. 1124 North 49 degrees 27 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 319.12 feet to the point ol beginning CONTAIN­ ING 2.00 acres more or less, and being pan of that land described In a deed to Marthallne L. Stewart as recorded In Book 1035, Page 318 . of Duplin County Reglstiy. Togetherwlth Improvements lo­ cated thereon;.sald property being located at 139 Bethollle Road, Magnolia, North Carolina. Should tho property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax ot Forty-Five Cents ($0,45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-30B(a)(1). The property to be ot­ tered pursuant to this notice of sale is being ottered tor sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither Ihe Trustee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the of­ ficers, directors, attorneys, employ­ ees, agents or authorized repre­ sentative ol either Ihe Trustee or Ihe holder of Ihe note make any roprosentatlon or warranty relating lo Ihe tllle or any physical, environ­ mental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and ail responsibilities or liabili­ ties arising out ol or In any way re­ lating lo any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. Also, ihis property Is being sold sub)ect lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ot five percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred filly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al Ihe time ol the sale. This 21st day of January, 2004. H, TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee PO. Box 1026 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayo|evillC, North Carolina 28302 Casé No: 430.71237 1 -29-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Underand by virtue of the power of sole contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Danny F. Smith and Linda H. Smith (PRESEhiT RECORD OWNER(S): Linda H. Smith and Brian Page, as Tmstee) to John C. MacNelll, Jr., Tru8tee(s), dated the 22nd day ol November, 1999, and recorded in Book 32Q, Page 331. Davie County Reglstiy, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded in the Office of the Regisler ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol Ihe note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Subslltule Traslee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door in the City ol Mocksville, Davie County, North Ceroilna at 3:00 pm on Febniary 11,2004 and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situate In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more partlcularty described as fol­ lows: Beginning at an Iron stake in the East edge of Spillman Road In John Sparks' line and at the northwest comer of Tract No. 4 runs thence with the line of said Tract No. 4 South 86 degs. East 10.75 chs. to a Slone, comer of C.C. Myers and said Tract No. 4; thence with said C.C. Myers' line South 88 degs. 30 mln. East 12.17 chs, to a post, C.C. flayers' comer; thence North 5 degs. East 2.40 chs. to a stake, C.C, Myers’ line and Ihe southeasl cor­ ner of Tract No. 6; thence wilh the line of said tract No. 6 North 87 degs. West 23.25 chs. to a stake on east side of Spillman Road, cor­ ner of said Tract No. 6; thence with said Spillman Road South 2.30 chs. to The Beginning, containing five and live-tenths (5.5) acres, moie or less, and boing Tract No. 5 as shown on a certain plat designated 'The Seats Land* dated October 16; 1962, and prepared by S. L. Talbert, Registered Surveyor. Said description is set forth as existing prior to December 29, 1962. To­ gether with Improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 368 Spillman Road, Mocksville, North Carolina. Save & Except the following de­ scribed portion thereof: Beginning at an iron stake In the line of J.F. Sparks, southwest cor­ ner of Charlotte S. Smith et vir (see Deed Book 72, Page 501) Davie County Registry, the said point ol beginning being the northwest cor­ ner of Alberta S. Cope at vIr (see Deed Book 66, Page 352, Davie County Registry) and running thence with Sparks line North 00 deg. 31 mln. 24 sec. East 151.80 feet to an Iron in the right of way of SR 1456 (commonly known as the “Spillman Road") thence South 85 deg. 28 mln. 36 sec. East 18.79 feet to a railroad spike In the center of SR 1458 right ol way; thence South 14 deg. 37 mln. 29 sec. East 157.39 feet to a railroad spike In the cen­ ter ol said right ol way; thence North 88 deg. 06 mln. 16 sec. West 59.89 feet To The Point And Place Of The Beginning, containing 0,136 acres more or less, and being a portion of those lands described by deed recorded In Deed Book 72, Page 501, Davie County Registry. Said description is set forth as existing prior to June 12,1982. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS§7A-308(a)(1). The property to be olfered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being offered tor sale, transfer and con­ veyance '‘AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Ihe Tnjstee or the holder of Ihe note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and ail responslbililles or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe-, clal assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases.' A cash deposit or .cashier's check (no personal checks) ol five Pirceni (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars rLEGAL DEADLINE MONDAY S;OOPM A re You S m a r t ? Join the smartest cowwunify in Davie County and take advantage of... "The Best Deal in the 'Ville” N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s Qualilv • Ciinvi’nivm r • AJJonhhilitY 1 336-751-4141 eiiASSlFIEDS le L A S S ■ ■ Ш Е Я Д ! ! М 8 1 У Е F R O F T E A B L B ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. This 21st day of January, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terty Hutchens, Esquire President И. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 370.72424 1-29-21П NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of HARVEY LINUELHURSEY, 1029 Gladstone Road, Cooleemee, NC 27014, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe un­ dersigned on or before the 15lh day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This -15th day of January, 2004. Phyllis Foster Hursey, EXEC P.O. Box 453 Cooleemee, NC 27014, 1-15-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NQIICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mlnl- Storage intends to sell the contents of the following units for unpaid rent end expenses. #487 James Brandon Hawks ($390.00) «Candace Darnell ($340.00) »352Annetta Dalton ($340.00) #326 Leona Bracken ($315.00) «291 Crystal Lash ($335.00) #158 Calvin Dulin ($345.00) #155 Nora Hosch ($435.00) «102 Lillian Dixon ($340.00) #130 Marqulsha Holland ($405,00) Balance must be paid In full by Feb. 18, 2004 to avoid sale. Sale date Is Feb. 20, 2004 at 2 p.m. No personal checks lor overdue ac­counts. Units located at Eaton Street location. (336) 751-2483. 2-5-2tn Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice for your llfel Gail 753-HOPE for appointment. Animals 16 VR OLD mare, Appaloosa, $1,200. 751-6359 after 6:00pm PYGMY GOATS FOR sale, 5 babies ready to go, black, white & grey. Call 492-2441.________ Antiques PART TIME SALES person for Antique Shop. Knowledge of An­ tiques a plus. Must be available to work weekends.Call Dee at 336-492-6450 or 336- 753-6877.___________________ Apartments 1BR.1BA, APARTMENT-Mocksvlile $425/month HUD approved Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER- RACE: {Under New MANAGE­MENT) All brick energy efficient apartment. 1. & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy eftlcleni heat pump pro­vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kllchen& bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ery) on Sunset Dr. oH of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10- 12. Phone 751-0168.__________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­fore & After School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift. Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Split shifts also. Call Debra, 751- PLAY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mocksville, across from Welch's Funeral Home. QRANDMOTHER CAN PRO- VIDE loving child care with refer- ence 284-2725____________ Commercial Property VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIESWarehouse & Ofllce spaceJanice fvlcDanlel Penninglon &^C^^rnpany Realty Employment DATA ENTRY PERSON wanted, part-time: 3 days per week, ex- erienced preferred, Cali Lake "lyers 492-7736 DRIVERS ARE YOU and your family worried about the new hours of service? Tired of being gone from home? t^eed a more consistent pay check? don't miss this opportunity for a Dedicate run. Our drivers will benefit from the new hours of service. They will have more home time; they will have a scheduled workweek. They will be home 1 1/2 to 2 day every weekend. The New hours of service will allow you to stall each week with 70 hours. This will allow you to have a more con­ sistent paycheck and a 4 to 51/2 day workweek. Our drivers earn between $.38 and $.50 cents per mile all pay earned Including stop pay, detention. Plus $.02 cents per mile Safety Bonus. We have 401-K, Medical, dental, and more. If you want to maximize your home time and earning po- tenliai In 2004. Requires 2 years CDL-A experience.Call 1-800-709-2536,Salem Carriers, Inc. DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs expe­rience with clean record COL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live lloor trailers. 336-788-3210. peM' E x p e r i e n c e d R e t a i l S a l e s p e r s o n N e e d e d — Full Time with Good Benefits — Come by our location for an application. 360 Blaise Church Road • Mocksville, NC (336) 751-2377 E m p lo y m e n t EXCELLENT GROWTH PO- TENTIALI Raffles Salons at Squire Boone Plaza Is actively recruiting for full and part-time stylists. All applicants must have current NC cosmetology license and be able lo work at least 2 evenings per week and Saturdays. No Sundayslll Call 1-800-476-7233 to schedule your confidential Inlerview to­day and you could be a vital part of this successful companyl eOE EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtlme. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467-7061 or 336-998-7428. F U L L T IM E -D E L IV E R Y DRIVER, Apply In person. 751 - 4288 Davie Medical Equipment JOB OPENING-EXPERI­ ENCED Cook. Apply In person: 10am-3pm, M-r. Part-time, semi-retired welcome. Ask for Sue Lane. Hickory Hill Counliy Club, 2251 Hwy 64^^, * 7028.Mocksville, NC 2702i NOW ACCEPTING applica­tions for full time & part-time workers-cashier/kitchen help. M-F 10;00-2:30. Tucker’s Place Cafe, 1987 Hwy 801S, Advance (south of the railroad tracks) or call 998-7100. OFFICE SEEKING MORT- GAGE loan offlcers...must be licensed...Make the change now to start the New Year fresh with the support you need to be sucessful...Letter leads are pro­vided Top commission pald-Fax Resume to; 336-357-3450 or call Toll Free-866-416-3450 OTR, 0/0, DEDICATED, re-glonal & team drivers needed. Class A CDL, 3 months ТЯ ex­perience required. Good pay & benefits. Call Gary 1-877'-667- 9919 anytime. PART TIME SALES person for Antique Shop. Knowledge of Antiques a plus. Must be avail­able to wori< weekends.Call Dee at 336-492-6450 or 336-753-6877. Furniture HUGE ENTERTAINMENT CENTER lor32"-36'’TV (Amoir Style) Cost $900.00, sell $300.00 Lois of storage space. Call Alison Dyson 492-6515 Homes For Rent 2BR, 1BA, AC, carport. It. oroh, 124 Creekslde, locksviiie. $500/month & $500 deposit. 751-2532 3BR, 2BA-Advance-$850/mo PCMl 2BR, 1BA-Mocksvilie-w/barn & shop-$675/mo 2BR, 1BA-Mock8Viilo-$375/mo 3BR, 1.SBA mobile home-$SOO/ mo 3BR, 2BA, DW/Аогвадэ- Yadkinville $900/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clemmona-$800/mo Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 Need A Room Or TWo Painted? Up To 10’X 12’ Room For *300.“ (Trim, Doors, & Windows Included) FREE ESTIMATES • QUALITY WORK* 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE PAINTING (336) 998-2907 Homes For Rent D0UBLEWIDE-2BR, 2BA, oneor two people, $400.00 for one, $450.00 for two. No smoking, no pets, no drugs, Farmington area. 336-998-3211 HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR, 1BA house in Mocksville. $470. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020. LEASE WITH OPTION to buycountry home, 2/3BR, 1 BA, small lot, central air & heat, well water, 3 people limit, no pets. 336-284- 4758 NICE RENTAL HOUSE InMocksville, 2BR, 1BA, nice lot, $450/month, outside dogs al- lowed. 751-5200_____________ Homes For Sale ALL NEW LINE UP mobiles & modulars 1200 TO 2014 SQ. FT.$300 TO $750 PER MONTH- APPROX. CUSTOM BUILT SHOP ONLINE BONANZAMOBILEHOMES.COM CALL US 1-688-462-7806 CAN'T AFFORD MUST sell 4BR, 2BA nice area $500 down, assume $600 payment Call (704) 883-9997 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHMocksville parsonage. 229 Wan­dering Lane, 9 room, 2 story, brick, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2760 square leet, unfinished basement with FP, 2 car garage, large deck, .6 acre lot. $259,900. 751-5312 FORECLOSED PROPERTY FOR sale, 2014 sf manufactured home on 2.44 ac. Davie County, 3BR, 2BA, relrig, range, dish­washer, fireplace, heat pi(mp, a/ 0, celling Ians and more. Large yard, country setting. Financing available OAC. Contact Rlcl< Freeman ®Yadkln Valley Bank 336-526-6378 $95,000, FORECLOSED PROPERTYFOR sale. 1040 sf, townhouse, Yadkinville, 2Br, 2BA, refrlg. range, dishwasher, washer/dryer, heat pump, perfect for 1st time buyer, retiree or rental property.low maintenance, In town loca­tion, financing available OAC, contact Rick Freeman @ Yadkin Valley Bank .336-526-6378, $49,995. HELP STOP FORECLOSURE 4BR, 2BA, Nice Area $500 Down,'Assume Payment Their Bad Fortune Your Good Fortune -----------Сн11.<7П4' Я7Я-0147 KEEP YOUR TAX CHECK $250 down $550 payment 3BR, 2BA, 1.1 acre Call (704) 883-7706 F O R S A L E :Cars • TrucksUtility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized Ali Size Dog Lots 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 4 4 2 IVIoci<svllle, NC A N E W J O B Longlenn/Temp to Hire $7.50-$8.50/hour Mocl<svilie and Clemmons Locations Machine Operator and Assemblers 1st siiilt, 2nd, 3rd, and 12 hour rolating day and night siilfts Positions require clean criminal record, ability to read and understand Enallsh frequent to repetitive lifting of 30+ lbs,, & standing for 8-12 hours ' Mocksville Employment Security Commission Davie Comnnunity College Room: 110 Thursday, February 5,2004 9:00am - 11:00am ***Bring 2 forms of identification to inteiview*'** HABLA ESPAÑOL, LLAME HOY Tem porary R esources, In c. Leadership In S ta ffin g _ ^ 3 M # 6 - “iooo“ 7748 North Point Blvd. Winston-Saipm Homes For Sale Miscellaneous Pets Service Vehicles Wanted Crane Set, 7/12 Roof, 3BR, 2BA.$100,00.00 appraised value. On your loundallon $54,900.00 Landowners call 336-362-3676 or 336-362-5258. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, biglot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­ duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. OUT BY ITSELF 4BR/2BA Wooded Lot $250 DOWN, SMALL PAY­MENT CALL (704) 928-2066 REMOLDED 3BR, 1BA, newwindows, new llooring, front & back porch, private lot, ¡559,999. Call 998-8979 or 998-2675. SACRIFICEI NEW Cape Cod (no steel Irames), crane set, 3BR 2BA approx. 2300 sq.ft. Normal cost $129,000.-on your founda­tion $84,900. Limited time onlyl Landowners call 1-800-672- 9223. TRUE MODULAR HOUSES (NO STEEL FRAMES) Free Info 1- 800-322-8679._______________ Land For Sale 31 ACRE FARM, $4,000/acre, 23 lots $8,000-$15,000 each. Nomobile homes, Hamptonville near Hwy 421, Yadkin Co. Call 336- 468-9726. STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653___________________ Lawn Care CLEMENT LAWN CARE-Vourtotal lawncare need al an afford- ablB price. 1-336-284-2037. Lots For Rent FREE RENT, SINGLEWIDE lot now available, 704-902-6755 Miscellaneous •WOOD SPLITTER-VERTICAL& horizontal $650 •Homellle XL12 chalnsaw $150 *3 Homellte XL12 chalnsaws for parts $50 each"266 Husquvarna chalnsaw $350 •Car low dolly $650 - "Stick welder w/addltlonal 100ft plus cord $350 .'a Hay forks with prongs $125 & $75*6ft box scrape, apt hitch $300 "64ln bush hog $300 "10ft aluminum boat $250 998-8979 5-BAND S.W. radio. Realistic DX-160 with speaker, manual, list of stations. $95.00 751-2082 BOWFLEX POWER PRG-ltke new, extra set of power rods, will sell al bargain. WESLO motorized treadmill, ex­ cellent condition, equipped with heart sensor, pulse/calorle counter etc. Bargain priced. SEARS exercise bike, model EXC 5000, good condition, rea­sonable offer. 336-284-4284 FOR SALE-Queen pillow lop mattress set. New In plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175, Call (336) 442-3506. FOR SALE-QUEEN plush top mattress set. New In original fac­tory plastic. Only $150. Call (336) 442-3506. HOME INTERIORS- 9-11-01 Statues. I have 5 ol these for $20.00 Regular retail Is $26.99 LADIES, NEW DIAMOND ring, unique bow shaped, 10kt. Great Anniversary oi Birthday gift, $150.00 price tag attached. $75.00 998-9555 MARQUISi“DiiWCiND; 3/8 carat with enhancer wrap, size 5, $700.00 Call 284-2313 YEAR W ARRANTY Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding % 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS P a r t - T i m e P o s it io n s A v a i l a b l e Appx. 25-30 hours per week. Please call or apply In person: GDS/Davie 131 induslrinl Blvd., Mod<svlllo, NC (336)751-1585 NEW BRIDAL GOWN for sale $125.00 or rent $75,00. 100 % silk, Ivory, drop waist, princess V-bodlce, attached seml-calhe- dral train. Size 12, gorgeous dress. Bridal shop closeout. 998- 9555 PREMIUM SEASONED 0 ^firewood, dump truck load, $150 delivered. Miller Tree 998-1900 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT & stock lor sale. 751 -4507 or 704- 278-9513 STEEL BUILDINGS WINTER clearance, factory seconds & freight damaged 20x30, 25x36, 30x48 financing available. Buy now w/ FREE storage & dellv- ery 800-222-6335.__________ Mobile Homes/ Rent 14X60 MOBILE HOME on pri­vate lot-2BR, 2BA. Outside stor­age bidg., 3 person occupancy limit. Recently up-dated, new carpet, etc. No Pels, No HUD, Deposit required. 998-2931 or 284-4481. 1997 DYNASTY-2BR, 2BA W/ heat pump & appliances, unfur­nished, set up in MH park on Westslde Drive, Mocksville. For sale or lease w/optlon to buy. 998-3178 leave message 2BR, 1.5 BA, very nice, very clean, must see, $350/month, 704-873-5426 2BR, LARGeT iVING room & kitchen w/lsland, secluded & pri­vate In a rural area off Hwy 801 near Farmington. Nol suitable for children, no HUD $450/month. 998-8874 DOUBLEWIDE, 2BR, 2ВА $495/monlh plus deposit. 751- 2304, 941-7522. JUNCTION RD- DELUXE 3BR, 2ВА w/lsland kitchen & separate laundry room $500/month & $250 deposit, references, lease' 704-892-1284 MOBILE HOME for rent located in the Pines Mobile Home Park, 2BR, 2BA, all electric, air, all ap­pliances. No pets, $400 per month/$400 deposit requlred- 751-7502 PRIVATE LOT 2BR, 1BA, re- modeled, close In . 336-676- 2101 ог8гВЧ7а-941в READYTOMOVEIN2BR apartment, furnished wilh electric and furniture. $450/mo. 751-1218, (704)872-3367 SINGLEWTdI;“2BR, 1BA”; $395/month plus deposit, Hwy 801S. 751-2304, 941-7522 ТнЖ еНРОН RENT-lnciudes waler. $125.00 per week. 998-1727___________________ Mobile Home/Sale 14 X 80 singlewlde 1994 model, 2BR, 2BA, roomy master bed­ room & bath, appliances In­cluded, $12,500. 704-645-0781. 1992 slNGiuiWIDE М о Ж е home, 2BR, 2BA, 2 outbuildings, stove, w/d, lot # 358 Deer Run $10,000, OBO 336-798- 3466 199914X80 3BR, 2BA home in Deer Run, VGC, some owner fi­ nancing. $14,900 Call (704) 929- 9333_^___________________^ 1999 3BR, 2BA, doublawlde In Deer Run, VGC. Great lot. $35,900. Call (704) 929-9333 FSBO SINGLEWIDE, 1999, 2BR, 2BA, must be moved, $15,000. 704-857-3546 OWNER MUST SELL NOW4BR, 2BA, beautiful area $500 down , Assume payment Call (704)883-9997 § M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L W INTER IS HEBEI Bobcat, aoralot core plugoer ainDreforienllodayl M o cksville 13361 751-2304 K e n D u r h a m C o n s t r u c t io n Residential or Commercial Remodelings New Consiruclion • AtlilHwm« Vinyl Siilini; • Kmi/iiig • Ilubcal tr«rA Call far Freo Estimate (336)284-2698 5-WEEK OLD lab mix puppies, 3 male, 3 female. Free, dew­ ormed, 492-2040 POODLES FOR SALE, male, 1 -(10 months old), 1 -(4 wks old) Call 492-5255 Service B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY WE WORK TO MEET YOUR BUDGETSpecializing in additions, renova­tions, baths, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone & tile work, light painting and small repairs.Cali Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 lor prompt, reliable, workman­ ship. References available. Free Estimates. C ATE RING-WE DDING?; BIRTHDAYS, etc. Wedding Plan­ner and Director.Carolyn McDaniel 998-6241 ' Sylvia Lullman 998-2446 ENVIRONMENTAL TECH- NOLOQIES INC.New York, Ohio, Kentucky North Carolina A new recycling alternative for Davie Counlyl Accepting new customers for complete recycling collection. Glass Containers Paper & Cardboard Aluminum All Plastic Containers Automotive Batteries Wood Waste Used Computer Monitors and Components Specially Materials upon Request Residential/Commercial Industrial Great RalesI Outstanding Customer Servlcel Main Office: (336) 492-6522 (336) 655-9182 Email: recyclerOyadlel.net Michael Neverett U,S.Navy(Rel) President, Environmental_______Techologles Inc._______ EXPERIENCED CNA WILL care lor elderiy or Hospice care. 751-6787 Ch o u s e o r offlae.cleanlng services offered by experi­ enced woman. 751-5/87 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUT- TERINGRichard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRICforallyourelectrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398, TOMBERLIN’S LAWN CARE &Handyman Sen/Ices. All types ol lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeatlng, bushhogglng & trimming trees and bushes, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent for free estimate (residential and com- marcial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. TOMMY’S TOTAL LAWN Care. We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ming shrubbery and planting. We also oiler tractor work, bush hog­ging, plowing, scraping drive­ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­mates. Office 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006, WILL DO HOUSECLEANING-cleans ovens 751-2967_______ Statewide 5 AC/NEW LOG home-$69,900, NC Mountains 1900 square loot log home package and 5 wooded acres wilh panoramic views and stream. (800) 455-1981, Ext 513, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS.ENTRY-level obs, no experl- W IS S C O R V S li MINI-STORAGE For all your storuEe needs, ciioosc us! Come by to inquire al)out free rental. 2975 Hwy, 64 E in Forii Cailtodaijl (3Se) 998-8810 ence, we train, l^ull-time Jobs with benefits. Ages 17-34 with High School diploma, physically til. Call 800-662-7231 for local Inter­view, FREE DIRECTV SATELLITE System and 3 free months of HBO, includes delivery and In­stallation with one year of sen/lce Call for details, 1-800-352-9992 www,DTVsatelllte,com SAWMILL $3895. NEWSuper Lumbermate 2000.Larger capacitltes, potions. ATV acces­sories, edgers skldders. www.norwoodlndustrles.oom, Non/vood Industries, 252 Sonwll Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225. Free In- lormation 1-800-578-1363 ext 300-N VENDING ROUTEI Soda/ snacks/candy/water. Profes­sional Income and equipment, fi­nancing available with $7500/ down. Call 877-843-8726 no hJe^work Registration No.^960 _____Travel_____ Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Fri Nlte-Feb 13th Tues Day-Feb 17th Sal Day-Feb 21st Peari River Resort & Casio Mar. 19th &20lh EZ Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt V e h ic le s 1976 FORD VAN V8-seml-con- verslon-cold alr-p. steerlng-p. brakes-good tires & brakes-some rust-mechanlcaiiy good. Priced lo Sell. 751-3666 after S:00pm 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER • runs, rebuilt transmission, $500 OBO-492-7978 1995 FORD F150 p/u, excellent condition, 90,000 miles, like new. $7,000, 2001 Suzuki 4 wheelar-500 Quad Runner $4,200,940-2352 1997 DODGE CARAVAN-110K miles, a/c, auto locks, tilt wheel, rear window wiper and defrost, many other extras, $5,500,00 Will consider owner financing, 998- 9555 1997 TOYOTA CELICA GT, CD/ am/fm, sunroof, moonroof, new tires, pw, pd, ps, cruise, automatic $895. 751-7528 I S T R E T C H W R IN K L E D C A R P E T S W rinkled Саф в1 M an 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -8 4 0 2 C a p i t a l F i n a n c i a l C A L L U S T O D A Y & B E F R E E O F D E B T . At Capital Financial ttie sl<y is the limit. Apply for a mortgage, personal or business loan, FOROET ABOUT BAD CREDIT — WE CAN HELPI YOUR DESERVE A SECOND CHANCEI C a ll 8 6 6 -8 79 -8 3 2 1 iln M em ory of A m anda M arie M yers Feb e, 1982 - March 1, 2003 O ur Very Sweet, Loving, and P retty, Girl! 1 ;mi die liBiil Ilf llic wiiriil. Who ever foiiom me will псмт ™ ik in itaikiicss. For some you might be forgotten, to others just a part of the past.But to those who loved and lost you, your memory will always last. Forever, we miss you very much and your spirit always with us everyday. Love you.Our Special Angel, We are also proud of your diploma, that you didn't get to see on 3-18-03, or walk to receive it in your cap & gown on 4-18-03. With love, From Your: Mother, Robin Myers, Daddy, John Myers Jr., your son, Cody Myers,Son’s Daddy,Adam Markland, Nanna, Mary, Paw Paw, Hassell, Uncle Ted, Aunt Donna, Maw Maw, Bert, Paw Paw John Sr., and a Special Friend of Amanda and ours, Shelley Hope, _ And has b,een there for ail of us for support and comfort, that we love her alot. GRACE MOTORS142 NC Hwy 801N Advance 336-817-7482 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE 101,000 miles, burgandy, pi, pw, ac, alloy wheels, new tires, $3,500.cash prlce/Fln. Avail. 1995 FORD CONTOURgold , ac, pw, pi, auto, new tune up, new brakes $2,000 1997 OLDS ACHIEVAwhite, 103,100 miles, V6, new bells/hoses, ac, pw, pi, $3,499 cash price/Fln. Avail. 1994 FORD RANGER XLT,nice, 76,000 miles, 5spd, 4cyl,, ac, CD/stereo, $4,900 neg, 1993 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, red, 104,650 miles, pw, pi, ac, 5spd, sunroof, new tires, $6,250 NISSAN STANZA 1990,4 door, auto, all power, white, 66,000 miles $2,495,00, Call 998-4263 74 GMC 6000-14 ft dump $4000,00 ‘81 Ford F50 12 ft dump $4000.00 77 Dodgo Motorhome 27 ft self-contained $5000.00 ‘88 Dodge Ram ISO Shortbed 4x4 $2000.00 ■95 Lazy J Fifth Wheel Stack trailer $3000.00 165 Massey Ferguson diesel farm tractor-front end loader $4000.00‘79 Chevy 1/2 Ion Pickup new tire, new motor, new Interior, new paint $4000.00 Trl-Axle trailer 8x14 w/ ramps $1200.00 998-8979 WANT TO BUY Vintage (1970’s or older) sports cards, memora­ bilia, autographs, 753-6694, dmsportsQyadtel.net________ Yard Sales DEE’S ANTIQUES On the Green,„hill 733 Greenhlll Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234- 1393 or DEE’S TOOl Antiques 296 Blaise Churoh Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-6877 New Items arriving daily. Need a gift for that special occasion? Check out Dee’sl You can choose from jewelry, tools, glassware. Vintage clothes, furniture, books and much, much morell Not sure what to buy? We also have Gift Certificates for the undecided. Valentine Is last approaching. Now’s the time to get that Special Someone a Special gill that Is sure to last a llletlme. We buy Estates... One item or Alllll TRADING POST-601/801/ Greasy Corner, Open Fri. & Sal, 10-5, Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Call Wanted TIMBER WANTED, pine or hard­wood, We select out or clear out. 8 acres or more. Shaver Wood Products, inc. 704-278-9291, Night 704-278-4433 or 828-430- 8B60 BUYING USED/NEW MOTOR­CYCLE clothing & accessories, Catt 751-1001 Tues. thru Sat. or 751-4693 weekends. LEGALLY BUND MAN will pay for ride to & from work In Win­ston-Salem, fvl-F. Call Charles Hiatt 492-5569 or my daughter 392-3663. 284-4302, IGENETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Froo Estimatos 336-284-4571 1 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD I^ETAL 1 TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE RANDY MILLER & SO N S 295 Miller Koad •Mocksvillc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks < Skid steer Work Trencher Work Hauling H a p p y 6 0 t h B ir t h d a y B e t t y P h illip s H a r r is February 9 We Low Гои! Monica Hoss R E S ID E N T IA L A U C T IO N ! IN P R E S T IG IO U S B E R M U D A R U N ! Feb. 14th, 11:00 A M Itcaiitiriil Hom e Lociitcd lit 852 Rtverbcnd D rive, Atlvanccs N C H O M U Fli/VrUURS:Ijifrc Ent-Iii KUvlieii, Dlnini', Llvliii;, Ovn w/firuplucu, Study w/lircpliicc. 3 Hedrooiii.s, 3 lliillis, Double GuriiKu im 1.14- Acre.s! fiTON lintlSK! SUNDAY, Flili. 1ST & FEU. 8TII 2:I)I)1*M - 4:t)l)PM Mmt Ueiiistcr wltli Aiictliin Coinpiinj' lo I'lilcr. Gated Coniiniiiilly w/Aiiiciillli's! hirhmlum, Tenm.il>lrmhm\hiumr ¡whitemsv.wsrrimiln.ivm(mmil. Siilc coiuliKlctl liy: Tofnis;10í»Duvof8Pí6mlufTi, tO% Deposit dovm day о» oí $10,000 nHJSl bo codifiod funds! Dalanco duo witfiln 30 da/sl NCI.ic.f.K.S P.O.Hiu 72') Ml. Airy. NC27IU(I O S T I N D U S T R I E S . I N C . A leading supplier o f pockets, waistbands, bias and straiffht cut fabrics, and trim components to the apparel indiislry, is »r;w accepting applicaiion sfo r the fo llo w in g positions: SHIPPING AND RECEIVING WAREHOUSE FORKLIFT DRIVERS Applicant must have cxpcriciicc driving a tbrklil't. Also be ahle to speak, read and write English, Primary duties will be pulling orders for the factory, Unloading and loading trucks. Work hours arc Monday through Friday Hexible anywhere from 7;00 a.m, until 7:00 p.m. Some Saturday work may be needed. Bcnclits Includc: Excellent startini; pay, paid vacations, 8 paid holidays, group medical, life aad dental insurance, both short and long term disability insurance, profit sharing and 401K plan. Applications will be accepted at or resumes can lie sent to: QST In dustries, Inc. 14 0 Lionheart U rlve • M ocksville, NC 2 7 0 2 8 (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -8 5 0 8 • EOE T •i.- 1)10 - DAVIE CO UNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004 S u p e r io r C o u r t The following cases were heiiril in Davie Superior Court the week of Jim, 20. Presiding; Judge Larry 0. Ford. Prosecuting; Rob S. Tay­ lor nnd Terry Melnecke. Assi.slanI DAs. - Christopher L. Bouldin, charged wilh felony statutory rape/ sex offense of defendant older than 4 but less than 16 years, pleaded guilty of lesser contributing to de­ linquency of a minor, sentenced to 120 days in jail, suspended 18 months, cost, have no contact with victim by computer or email, no Il­ legal substances, submit to random drug screens. - Joseph S. Cairipbell, chargcd wilh larceny of motor vchicle, pleaded guilty of lesser unautho­ rized use of a motor vehicle, sen­ tenced to 75 days in jail. S390 al­ lorney fees. . - Jentieil T. Cockerham. charged wilh selling cocaine, pleaded guilty, senlenccd lo 12 months min./l.i months max. in jail, suspended three years, cost, $618 reslilution .seized, S1200 reslilution. $-t55 ntlomey fee; possession wilh intent lo sell/deliver cocaine, dlsntissed; charged with selling cocaine, pleaded guilty, sen­ tenced lo II months. min./l4 months max. in jail, al expiration of previous sentence; mniniaining ve- hicle/dwelling/place for controlled substance, dismissed. - Shanlka S. Dalton, chargcd .selling/delivering schedule II con­ trolled substance, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo 1.1.months niin./l6 months max. In Jail, suspended 30 months, submit to warrantless searches, random drug screens, not to possess any illegal subslance.s. cosl, $300 to SBI lab fee; posses­ sion wilh intent to sell/deliver co­ caine. dismissed; charged wilh maintaining a vehicle/dwelling/ place for a controlled substance, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo 6 months mln./8 months max. in jail, suspended 30 months, cosl, submit lo warrantless searches/random drug screens, not lo possess any il­ legal substances; posse.ssldn wllh intent to sell/deliver cocaine, sell­ ing cocaine, and maintaining a ve- hlcle/dwelling/place for u controlled substance, dismissed. - Larry S. Davis Jr., chargcd wilh misdemeanor larccny, pleaded guilty to lesser shoplifting, sen­ tenced to 15 days in jail, suspended one year, cosl, $505 restitution. - Boyd R. Gamer, charged wilh assault with a deadly weapon against a governinenl official, pleaded nocontesl, senlenccd lo 14 months. min/l7 months max. in jail, suspended 30 months, not to pos­ sess any illegal substances, submit lo warrantless .searches/random drug screens, S100, cost. - Rocky J. Hamilton, charged with nceing/eluding arrest with mo­ tor vehiclc. pleaded not guilty, dis­ missed at close of state’s evidence. - William M, Jones, charged wilh common law robbery, pleaded guilty lo lesser larccny from the person, sentenced to 6 months min./ 8 months max. in prison, DART program, restitution, $520 attorney fees. - Nestor Kaczanowski, chargcd wilh failure lo П1с/рау income lax, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo 40 days in jail, suspended 5 years, cost, abide by laws of North Carolina; chargcd wllh failure lo file/pay in­ come lax, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo 40 ditys in jail al expiration of previous sentence. - Levine L. Livingston, charged felony probation oul of county, ad­ mits, sentenced lo 13 months min,/ 16 monlhs iiiax. in prison, DART program, credit for 1 day served. - Christopher W. Martin, chargcd wllh felony probation vio­ lation and misdemeanor probation violation, admits, senlenccd lo 9 months min./l 1 monlhs max. in prison, credit for 86 days served, $162.50 attorney fees. - Alvin M. Mayfield, charged wilh aiding and abetting embezzle- meni, pleaded no contest lo solici­ tation 10 commit embezzlcmeni, scntcnced to 89 days in jail, crcdil for lime served. $927 reslilution. - Danny R. Miller, charged wilh larccny after breaking and entering, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness lo appear. ■ Christopher L. Newton, cliiirged wilh felony third degree sexual exploitation of a minor, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 4 monlhs min./5 months max. In jail, suspended two years, submit to warrantless searches, not to possess any illegal substances, random drug screens, give a DNA sample, turn over computer to Davie Sheriff's Departmeni foi'education puфoses, sexual offender treatment, may travel outside N.C. for work pur­ poses, obtain OPA system, not lo be around children under age of 18, can live in home wilh own minor chil­ dren; other third degree sexual ex­ ploitation of n minor chargcd dis­ missed. - Curtis L. Oliver Jr.. charged with breaking and entering of a mo­ tor vehicle, pleaded guilty, scn­ tcnced to 4'monlhs mln./5 months max. in jail, suspended 18 months, credit for 3 days served, submit to warrantless searches, possess no il­ legal substances, random drug screens, cosl, $255 restitution, $ 130 attorney fees. - Toribio Rodriguez-Solis, chargcd with felony probation vio­ lation oul of counly, admits, trans­ ferred to Iredell County, credit for 82 days served. - Samuel A. Walton, chargcd with obtaining properly by false pre­ tense, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 4 monlhs niln./5 months max. in prison, crcdil lo 90 days served, give DNA sample, $195 attorney fees. - Jeffery A. Warner, charged with misdemeanor probation violation oul of counly, admits, sentenced lo 14 monlhs In prison: speeding 70 in a 55, dismissed; chargcd wilh DWl, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo II months min./l4 months max. in prison. DART program: failure to weor driver's scat bell, dismissed. - Billy J. Wheeler, charged wilh attempted second degree sex of­ fense, pleaded guilty to allcmpled incest, sentenced lo 20 months min./ 24 monlhs max., suspended three years, submit to warrantless searches, not lo possess any Illegal substances, random drug screens, not lo be alone wilh minors under 18, not engage in sexual act with minor under 18, $975 restitution, register as a sex offender, give DNA sample, enroll In sex offender pro­ gram, have no contact wilh victim. - Brian K. Wise, habitual felon. dismissed: charged wilh possession wilh inlenl to sell/deliver cocaine, pleaded guilty, sentenced lo 12 monlhs min./lS months max. In prison al expiration of previous sen­ tence, credit for 310 days served; chargcd wilh selling cocaine, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 17 monlhs min,/2l months max. in prison: maintaining a vchiclc/dwell- ing/piace for a controlled substance, dismissed. - Jason R. Clay, charged wilh second degree burglary, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 13 months min./ 16 months max. in jail, .suspended 36 monlhs, nol to possess any ille­ gal substances, submit to warrant­ less searches/random drug screens, nol to consumc/ppsscss alcohol dur­ ing probation, $2500 restitution, credit for 66 days served; charged with larceny of a firearm, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 6 months min./ 8 monlhs max., suspended 36 monlhs, at expiration of prior sen­ tence, not lo possess any illegal sub- stonccs, submit to warrantless searches/random drug screens, cosl. - Dyrcll L. Dalton, charged with common law robbery, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 16 months min./ 20 months max. in jail, suspended 30 monlhs, not lo possess any ille­ gal substances, submit to warrant­ less searches/random drug screens. nol to possess/consume alcohol dur­ ing probation, cost, give DNA sample, $390 attorney fee, $425 res­ titution; misdemeanor child abuse, dismissed. - Jimmy L. Fortune, possession with inlenl to sell/deliver cocaine, dismissed; charged with selling co­ caine, pleaded guilty, sentenced to 16 month min./20 months max. in jail, credit for 76 days served, DART program. . - Christopher A. Howell, charged with felony probation vio­ lation, admits, sentenced lo 7 months mln./9 months max. in jail, credit for 123 days served, $390 at­ torney fee. Woman Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charge NИ The Perfect Gift Is Right Hère! G ift C e rtifica te A ctivated By Phone, It’s T hat Easy / C all Us A t 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -3 Ó 3 8 Great For Women or Mén! I D E N T I T Y S A L O N A N D N A I L S P A 2 7 5 0 Lewisville -Clemmons RD, ^ Clernmons a’bum ble and bum ble: con cep t salon A woman charged with burn­ ing u mobile home Iasi year pleaded guilly to a lesser charge in last month’s Superior Court. Laiasha Imes McClelland, 24. of 307 Granada Drive, Advance faced two felony charges of fraudulently burning a dwelling. On July 24, 2003 an investi­ gation of a mobile home fire where McClelland had been liv­ ing look place. Tlie fire started in the bedrooms at each end of the trailer in the center of mat­ tresses. McClelland pleaded guilty to injury lo real property and was sentenced lo 45 days In jail, sus- pcnded 18 months by Judge Larry Ford. He also ordered her not lo possess any illegal sub­ stances, submit to random drug screens and warrantless searches, complete ati psychological as­ sessment with mental health agency, pay $520 attorney fees. The other felony was dismissed. M a n A r r e s t e d T w ic e In A s M a n y W e e k s By Jackie Seaboll Davie County Enterprise Record A Davie man arrested last month at Cooleemee Shopping Center for being drunk and dis­ ruptive was ar­ rested again Sun­ day and this lime charged with rob­ bery. Robert Gray Ridings, 32, of 109 Emerald Lane, Mocksville was taken into custody around 2 a.m. on Feb. I and charged with one count felony robbery with a dangerous weapon. Ridings According to Davie Sheriff's Department Chief of Enforce­ ment Lt. J.W. Phipps, a call was received late Saturday night re­ porting a Hispanic suspect in a red car wilh a gun scaring people in the Lakewood Village area. Officers responded and when they stopped the car there were two males - one Hispanic and Ridings - and a teenage giri in­ side. The car was searched and no weapon was found. The three were ordered to go home. But officers spotted the vehicle again around midnight al the ATM machine located in the Food Lion parking lot off U.S. 601 South. Phipps said, when officers approached the vehicle the His­ panic male asked to speak with them alone. He told them Ridings had pointed a sharp ob­ ject into his back while they were riding in the car and had demanded his wallet and cell phone. He said Ridings had told him to go get more money from the ATM or he would kill him, Phipps reported. Noel Argueta Martinez Mocksville took out wurranls against Ridings, Ridings was placed in Davie County Jail and remains there in lieu of a $10,000 .secured bond. His first court appearance is .scheduled Feb. 12. G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e • G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e lo:________ From:________ a bumble and bumble concept salon IDENTITY SALON AND NAIL SPA Value Code:_________ 2 7 5 0 L e w ls v ille - C le m m o n s R D , C le m m o n s • 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 3 0 3 8 • G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e • G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e • ---V P r a y e r s & S q u a r e s F irst M e t h o d is t G r o u p B u s y M a k in g Q u ilt s F o r W a r m t h O u t s id e , P r a y e r s F o r W a r m t h In s id e P a g e C 1 _____________ ' / ' / / ) . Í ! ' o ' ()ii : r ; i l o ? ■Arihh'lo. in ! ^i'O ñ¡rA I:hy¡n:i'í<l0 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N TE R P R I/ E ~ ^ E C O R D Planners OK Hickory Hill Development By Milte Barnliardt development of 40, two-unit m- ,.n,i __________ .. ........................By Milte Barnliardt Davie County Enterpri.se Rccord After inorc than 30 minutes of banter back and forth between an attorney for a developer and a mem­ ber of the Davio County Planning Board, members of that board on Monday night recommending re­ zoning 75 acres of land in the Hickory Hill development. On a 3-2 vote, the board ap­ proved a plan submitted by Bumfam that will add a planned unit development of 40, two-unit at­ tached homes, and 90 detached pa­ tio homes. County commissioners will make the final decision. Most of the discussion. Monday went back and forth between Hank Van Hoy, attorney for William Burnette and Burnfam, and George Peterson, planning board memben The boiird had discusscd the is­ sue at a lengthy meeting in Decem­ ber, and the vote was postponed from January bccause of weather. Peterson and John Fuller voted against the motion to approve the request, Jimmy Summers, Randall Cave and Bob Carter voted for it. Van Hoy said developers had agreed to several conditions pre­ sented by Planning Director John Gallimore, but took issue with one that would require a buffer between the golf coursc. People buying those homes would likely want a golf course view, he said. The developer was providing as much information as he could, in­ cluding the types of buildings, be­ fore zoning approval. Van Hoy said. Peterson asked him twice if he understood why he had asked for more specific plans. Van Hoy said it wasn’t the plan­ ning board's job to micro-manstge a project. “1 thought we were very dear," Peterson said. "Your petitioner's track record has not been very good - .specifically, Kinderton.” That development in eastern Davie was planned, and the com- Cooleemee Town Board member and flag designer Carl Smith, left, presents a town flag to Cooleemee Elementary School flag team and student council members, with town board member Jean Cornatzer and Assistant Principal Carol Cozart at right. _ - Photo oy HODin rergusson T o w n F l a g F l i e s H i g h A t C o o l e e m e e E l e m e n t a r y By Mike Barnhardt Davie County Enterprise Record COOLEEMEE - Members of the student council and flag- raising team looked to the sky last week, as the good old green, white and blue was raised up the flag pole, stopping to wave in the breeze just below the American flag. Il was the Cooleemec flag, and town board member and Hag designer Curl Smith had just presented one to the elementary school there. "Flags arc powerful signals ... They emphasize who we are, where wc come from, what we do, and what our aims arc,” Sinith told the students, quoting from Jos Pools. "They are used lo commu­ nicate without speech, revealing messages through the colors, emblems and shapes that each have an individual significance." Smith then described the emblems on the Cooleemec town flag he designed. The white field represents the cotton industry that founded the town. The green field represents the future and town harmony. The blue stripe represents the South Yadkin River on which the town was built. The flag also includes the town seal and its .symbols. Smith won the flag designing conte.st in 2001, prior to being elected to the town board. The flags arrived in late December, and are available for $35 from town hall. Smith said that former town Please See Students - Page 4 C a ll A L o c k s m it h M o c k s v ill© P o lic e T o Q u it P r o v id in g U n lo c k S o r v ic © T o M o t o r is t s . . •• It . •>_. /__I__I. *U.,* Ua y^niirrUf cirrni Fir By Kim .lusten Davie County Enterprise Record In 2003, Mocksville police of­ ficers were called out to unlock 370 cars. In January they were culled out to help folks get into their curs 39 times. But that’s about to change. “Many cities are no longer do­ ing unlocks,” said Town Manager Christine Sanders. "It’s the policc department’s recommendation that they start giving out the phone num­ bers for two local locksmiths in­ stead of unlocking tlic curs them­ selves," It isn’t that the policc department doesn’t want to help. "There arc some very real issues with new vehicles," said Police Chief Jack Keller. “In the more pricey vehicles, when we go in [to the door] with a slim jim (unlock­ ing tool), we’re locking up the trans­ missions.” Thirty years ago, it was no big deal to Slidell slim jim down the window into the car door and pull up the mechanism that worked the door locks, Keller said, Now, with the advent of theft protection de­ vices, side air bags and electronic door locks and windows, there are bunches of wires and other things nuinity bought into the idea, Peterson said. "Your client sold the rights to development. To no one’s faintest imagination ... was Kinderton built to tho.se standards. 1 don’t want to see a zoning change, and thi.s project sold off to another developer for a fast buck.” Van Hoy said it is Burnette's plan to develop the project, OTt because it is scheduled in phases over many years, he may not be around when PIcnsc See Planners - Page 4 D r o p o u t R a t e D o w n N u m b e r M a r k s T h i r d S t r a i g h t Y e a r O f D e c l i n e Davie County reported n de­ crease in dropouts for the third school year in a row. This inforrnntion from the N.C.^ Department of Public Instruction in its annual report on dropouts, re­ ported a statewide decrease of 8.2 percent for students dropping out of school in grades 7-12. "Once again, we are pleased to see that more and more of our stu­ dents are making the decision to stay in school", said W.O, Potts, superintendent for Davio Schools. • "We will continue to work to correct this problem as long as we have students not completing their education. We are focusing on an . alternative programs committee that is actively meeting to address the drop-out issue and implement alter­ native programs that can counter­ act this problem." A student is countcd as a drop­ out if he or she was enrolled in school lit some time during tlic re­ porting year; was not enrolled on tho 20th day of the current school year; and has not graduated from high school or completed a state or dis­ trict approved education program and docs not meet certain exclusions. Students arc excluded from the dropout counts if tliey transferred to another public school district, pri­ vate school, home school or state/ district appr6vcd educational pro­ gram; were temporarily absent due to suspension or school-approved illness; or died. that can be caught,doing significant damage to the car. The police department requires owners sign a waiver saying they won’t hold the department respon­ sible for damage done while trying to open the car. “So far, we’ve been very fortunate that we haven’t had someone contest it. But the fact is, we’re not locksmiths.” Please See Policc - Page 4 f i '2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 E x iit o r ia l Р а й е Tulips W aiting For W inter’s Cold To End 1 know the groiiiul lioj; saw his sliiiclow, but I’m ready for spring. Tired of the winler. Tired of snow and ice. Maybe it was falling down Ihe icy front steps again last weclc. Bump. Bump. Bump. All the way to the bottom. As far as I could determine, my front steps were the only icy spot in Advance, Six steps, maybe seven. Very hard steps. No broken bones, but I felt about an incli shorter from the jarring I gave myself. But that’s not all that’s got me thinking about spring. Maybe it’s that never-melting pile of snow in the yard thut’s affected my mood, it should have been long gone by now. Maybe it’s the electric b ill... On the positive side, maybe it's the tulip bulbs I’ve planted in the ground. For Christmas, one of iiiy precious nieces gave her aunts and tinclci^ulip bulbs. She’s is the hope of the next genera­ tion that the family will return to the farm. She knows how to grow Ihings. And she tliought she should help her ciders return lo their roots. So 1 planted my Christmas pre.sents. Now I liave to wail. I don’t know whal color they are. I don’t know whal kind they are. I don’t know if I planted them deep enough. But they’re in Ihe ground. Maybe Ihey will bloom, and my little niece will leach her uncle aboul fertilizing his lawn next Christmas. Tourist Attraction? Tlie Squire Boone grave in Joppa Cemetery is one of Davie County’s historical treasures. Caretakers of the cemetery have been raising money to help lake care of nuich-nccded maintenance. Storms last year caused plenty of problems. The cemetery is importanl to historians and genealogist.s, und Us ptesurvuiion is viu\l. Bui il may hcvet'rute ns pnc of the county’s most-visited placcs. That status may belong to another site in Davie County that's al.w gelling a major facelift; the Interstate 40 rest stops. Deer Crossing Deer hunters are gelling a lol more respect the.se days, considering all the Iraffic accidents involving deer. We may not have enough hunters. Last week, approaching the railroad crossing on N.C. 801 at Advance, I noticed a school bus and other traffic at a standstill. Then I saw why. There was no train. Bui a herd of deer was racing across the highway. By the time 1 figured out what was happening, I had time to count 10. Wake Up Time Our new publishing schedule gets me up carly on Wednesday mornings as we get the newspaper to the post olTices. Mocksville on Friday afternoons is jammed with traft'ic. But in the wee hours of the morning, it’s eerily quiet. Mocksville awakens al 6 a.m. Convenience stores open. Cars race to work. And the town almost visibly jumps up to meet the sun. — Dwight Sparks DAVIE COUNTY E N T E R P R I / E ^ ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box S9, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Spafks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...........................General Manager Mike Barnhardl...............................Managing Editor Ray Tullerow..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts........................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Baysinger..................Clrculation/ClassHled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Conleemee Journal 1916-195B 1899-1958 ' 1901-1971 Pcrioilicals Posiajic Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 .Siibscriplinn Rates .Single Copy, .SO Cents S20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C, POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo; Davic Cf/iiniy nmerprise Record P,0, Box 99, Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Downtown Mocksville -1914 This is the.building on the town square, now home to Davie School of Dance. This is the way it lool<ed when the C. Frank Stroud family moved there in 1914. They lived upstairs (which used to be a hotel, owned by fHr. Lewis Horn, and The Davie Record newspaper, owned and edited by C. Frank Stroud, occupied half the first floor. Ben Hooper’s hardware store occupied the other half until about 1923, when N/lr. and Mrs. J.A. Daniel opened the Princess Theatre there. The upstairs porch was torn down after 1926. This photograph was provided by Louise Stroud. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photo­ graphs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street, Mocksville, across from the Davie County Courthouse. Photographs will be returned. I n T h e M a i l ... H a b itu a l D W I D e s e r v e s M o r e T h a n S la p O n T h e W rist Innoccnt lives. , This,Is just antjthcr cxaniple of (jndermlning the it^lcnt,gf the Шц1 »ro cslnbllslicU t^'protcct law-nb|ctingaUl!t»ne.|f -фttcm would'exercjiie il little more, biiclcbono ami n ilttio To the editor: Wo could not believe our, eyes as wc read last week’s ttctlcle about II habitual DWI orfender getting off wllli a sentence rc4ue^ lion, (slap on the wrist), in our county. Need wc remind you, Ivfr. Assi.stam D.A., that Davie County lost Ihree of their own le.ss than six months ago to a habitual drunk driver who liad gotten through the system. It is your appointed duty to uphold the law and pursue proper conviction of those who break the law. I just pray that the consequences of your lack of duty' iloes not result in the loss of bench bargaining then someone might ¡ictually serve the designated punishmeni for Ihcir actions., Please don’t drink and drive,' it takes preciiius'lives. In loving memory of Megan, Tara, and Mysti. Bonnie and Chuck Brown, Mocksville P le a B a r g a in s S h o u ld N o t B e A llo w e d F o r H a b itu a l D r u n k e n D r iv e r s To the editor; Okay, let’s talk about a sad situation, Mr. Michael Parker. My three nieces were killed by a drunk driver who had a history of DWIs and also slipped through the system. Two of them left be­ hind infant children for their young husbands to care for and one was a beautiful 16 year old with her whole life ahead of her. How dare you make excuses that Ms, Hoffman’s actions were founded. Domestic violence is sad, no doubt, but no excuse. She should be in prison today. She hud ihree prior convictions and her driver’s license had been permanatly revoked. C h r is tia n s H e lp S t r a n d e d M o to r is t To the editor; On Sunday. Feb. 1, my daughter and 1 were stranded on the cor­ ner of Milling Road and Hwy. 158 due to mechanical problems with my car. A few people stopped to inquire, but chose nol to get involved. Within minutes, four uncommonly thoughtful persons came to our aide for help and support. For Ihe woman and man in the red car, your graciousncss and generosity are beyond measure, and my daughter and I consider us privileged lo have been on the receiving end of it. Realizing, in this world, there are no isolated acts of kindness. Since I’m nol certain of your names, I can’t thank you personally; liowever, I hope “yuall” see this note because 1 want you to know lhal your act of kindness blessed me, it also furthered God’s Kingdom by demonstrating lo those onlookers wiio cliose not lo gel involved, lhal Christians are peculiar in a positive sense. And that’s something Ihey might never have witnessed if nol lor your example. Denise Gray, Mocksville 1 csmnot believe Mrs. Hoffman staled she had had nothing to drink since her arrest. She also told officers she was going lo wsilk the nighl she was arrested. And whal is il with the officer who moved away? Did someone not lake over his case.s? Are all of them going to get off with a slap on the wrist, too? What is wrong with this picture? Yeah, Judge Ford, you can say Mrs. Hoffman is lucky, only be­ cause of you. I say you failed big time in her sentencing. How are you going to feel Mr. Rob Taylor, Mr. Michael Parker, and Judge Larry Ford when Mrs, Hoffman does lake a precious life? Donna Morrison, Ml. Ulla L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Rccord welcomes letters from it.s rend-,. er.s. Thé ietfer,s may be on topics of locitl, state, nationaj or iiilernat|bnitris.sues. ' An effort will be made to print all letters, pt;ovided they aro not Itbeious, vulgar or in poor taste, Theeditor réserves ithe'right to edit letters for grammar and Ibr space. ■ All letters should include the name and:address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be:publi.shed, is also requested. ^ Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p,m. Monday o^he week to be published, Davie County Enterprise Record RO. Box, 99, Mocksville, or tsmail to: ertiews@davÍB:enterprise,com. G o t A n O p in io n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks 'questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll lo cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Do you drive faster than the posted speed limit?Yes, 52% No, 4 8 %r . ' W f l Log on now to cast your vote. www.enterprise-record.com In T h e M a il ■■_______ Teen Says Skatepark Neetjed In Mocksville To the editor; 1 live in Mocksville and I am a student al Davie High. My friends and 1 love skateboarding. But our problem is lhal we don’t have any good placcs to skate. Anytime we try to find a good place to skateboard lhal has rails, picnic tables, stairs, etc., we are told lo leave and sometimes they threaten lo call the police. And sometimes people tell us of open flat parking lots that we could skateboard at. But that is no fun. So we are limited lo driveways, sidewalks, and streets that aren't too busy. And we have even been told we can’t skate on those streets. The closest skatepark is in Kemersville and our parents have to find time in their busy schedules to lake us there. It would be great if there was a skatepark in Mocksville that my friends and I could just walk to after school or on the weekends. There is a broken down tennis court in Mocksville that is nol being used for anything and is just wasting space. That would be a perfect place for an outdoor skatepark, I was wondering if there was anyone I could contact or any way I could get a petition for people to sign so a skatepark could be built in Mocksville. Please contact me with informalion lhal could help me with this. My e- mail address is DHS_skaterl 7@yahoo.com. Nick Hunckler Mocksville A r t s A / iv e A n d W e ll In D a v ie To the editor; Did you see lights in Ihe sky last Saturday night? Were your neighbors dressing up to go out on the town? Were some of them singing about their hotrod Lincolns aflcr church the next day? Did you hear rumors about another Elvis sighting? If you are still clueless, you missed the annual February fund raising kickoff nt the Brock Performing Arts Center, sponsored by Davie Couniy Arts Council nnd Central Carolina Bank. The whole building was a buzz with entertainment, including an art show, a reception,greal conversalion,and finally ahigh-energy show,Route 66 by Springer Theatre. All of this came together in one place and lime to draw awareness to the incredible number of ways that the Davie Counly Arts Council provides arts related enrichment for Davie Counly school students as well ns ndults. Our fund goni for this year is $50,000. We ask that all citizens please consider a donation in whatever amount you can afford. The Arts Council would like to thank all of those who volunteered, entered art work in the show, provided food, donated decorntions, displayed antique cars and provided lights. It all came together to create one more delightful evening at the Brock. Please drop by the lobby of the Brock this month lo see the incrediblc art works that will be on display. Purchase tickets to upcoming events, such as an evening with Joyce Orenr us she ■ presents Phillis Wheatley on Thursday, Fob. 19, our community production of Oklahotiiai, or the March Bluegrass Festival. You may find more Information, or make a donation contact on­ line at www.Daviearls.org or by calling 751 -3000, ' Cass English Secretary, Davie County Arts Council M a n y H e lp W ith U k r a in e M is s io n s To the editor; Since 1996, my husband and I have journeyed to the Ukraine as volunteer missionaries working with children in camps, orphan­ ages and rural villages. Many of the local churches and individuals have helped. We appreciate you so much. Sometimes a larger group will go with us and sometimes it is just us. We have seen the work of the Samaritans Purse in that coun­ try through the Shoe Box ministry. We have spoken at local churches where different ones would say they received a letter from one of the children who got a shoebox .We witness first-hand the faces of children receiving a store-bought toy, the first they have ever had, and the look on their faces when we buy a crate of bananas to treat them to one, as most do not gel one a year. 1 want to share with you another group that goes into this coun­ try and perhaps some youth reading this letter might be impressed. It is called the Little Lambs Ministry started 10 years ago by a lady in the U.S. who formerly lived in that country. Many college stu­ dents across the U.S. join her as they go to stay in orphanages for one month during June and July. Last year, we met a group from California, New York and Virginia working together. They work m groups of 11 or more In these homes. What made Renate Kurz begin this program? She had lived in the Soviet Union and knew the hardsliips everyone faced. Mrs. Kurz now lives in California with her family, who are active with her this ministry. In the early party of 1990s, she was there visiting one orphanage that was sending 55 of the children to a psychiatric hos­ pilal for the summer as there was no funds to use in tlie summer months. The children in these former Soviet Union countries are like sponges soaking up love and affection given lo them. It does not take a higher education to help children - just a big heart. Tiiere are children like these all over this world, you seen them as the soldiers have served this past year in Iraq. For tlw last four years, there has been enough young folks from the U.S, go to help in 10 orphanages each summer. Some from our area had given us money to buy medicine and other things for orphanages. Many close in the summer as there are not funds Children are sent everywhere and any where. These places exist and that is a mild wofd. they receive ,$3 a child per year to buy them all their needs. Can you imagine o staff getting that much for 120 children and trying to stay in operation for $360 a year. The children are schooled to ages 16 and after that they stay there until age 18, they are then put out. No training, no money, and lust the clothes on their back. Many of these places do not have enough shoes for the children in the winter months of 30 below and they share shoes. A lot of these turn to begging, stealing or .selhng their bodies. The Little Lamb’s have some homes to help older ones leam a trade and so many others need help. I would like to thank all those who help these different organiza­ tions that help children in our area. In most of these poor countries, the folks just barely are able to feed their own children and can not help others. Americans have always helped others as they appreci­ ate a free country to live in. ..............Linda Harmon Mocksville DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TIuirstlay, Feb. 12,2004 - 3 D on't G et Burned! You can be fined up to $10,000 for illegal open burning in N.C. Smoke from open burning can caiue serious health problems and poliule the air. That's why the stale regulates open burning. Only leaves, branches or other plant growih can be burned. IT'S ILLEGAL TO BURN: •Garbage, paper nnd cardboard •Tires and otncr rubber products •Building materials. Including lumber •Wire, plastics and synthetic materials •Asphalt shingles and heavy oils •Paints, household chemicals and agricultural products Homeowners can bum yard trimmings - excluding logs and stumps - If it's allowed under local ordinances, no public picieup is available and It doesn't cause a public nuisance. Other allowable burning Includes campfires, outdoor barbecues and bonfires (ot festive occasions. Landowners also can open bum vegetation lo clear land or rights-of- way, provided that; • Prevailing winds arc away from built up areas and roads • Fires are at least l,tX)0 feet away from occupied buildings ■ Burning Is done between S a.m. and 6 p.m. Rimtmbtr, bum pm llt lliun) by Hit N.C. DMilon o/Fantt Rtioureet,III astnli or nny Itxal tovmmtnl Jo not «cu« a /imoil/ют fallowing tluutlaUolritualltynlii. for more Information, contact: Wlnston-Salom Raalonal OKIce Division ol Air Quality N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resoutcos Phone; (336) 771-4600 od paid lor by a violator ot iho opon burning law.) Report to the Community by Boy Scouts, 4-H and Girl Scouts B R E A K F A S T Sat., Feb. 21, 2004 at 7:45am F ir s t U n ite d M e t h o d is t C h u r c h N o r t h IV Ia in S t r e e t , l^ flo c k s v ille T h e c o m m u n it y i s in v i t e d t o a t t e n d a n d s h o w s u p p o r t f o r th e s e y o u t h o r g a n iz a t io n s . P le a s e c a l l 7 5 1 - 2 5 0 3 t o m a k e a r e s e r v a t io n . S U P E R D E A L S ! $675 Diamond Cluster Earrings NOW $199! SALE $1 9 9 Pink Ice Pendant Huge Trillion Shape NOT *225 P A S T P R E S E N T & F U T U R E 3 D i a m o n d R i n g s NOW » 2 9 « ! m m m "H u g s & K isses” X & O B ra c e le t D A V IE J E W E L E R S “H u g s & K isses” X & O R in g D A V IE J E W E L E R ^ S A L E S A L E S A L E S A L E All Diamond Engagement Rings ON SALE NOW! D A V IE J E W E L E R S From a-», D ia m o n d E arrin gs 99 D A V IE J E W E L E R S to 3 -D la m o n d 0 ^ ^ E arrings All sizes available D A V IE J E W E L E R S Y ' S ilver K iss w ith C hain D A V IE J E W E L E R S 1 SaU $99 Two-Tone Diamond Earrings D A V IE J E W E L E R S 2 1/2 Carat Diamond Slide NOT >2430 NOW %1200!И D ia m o n d Bracelet2-Tone Style ...............^ 3 9 9 l a ................^ S 9 9 D A V IE J E W E L E R S $675 Diamond Cluster Ring NOW »299! 3 -D ia m o n d P e n d a n ts П 9 9 ^ 0 0starHng at X X $4750 Marquise Diamond Ring NOW t 1500! R E T I R E M E N T D E A L S ! 1/2 carat Pear Shaped D iam ond E ngagem ent Ring w as $1997 now $ 9 9 7 ! W hite G old S apphire W rap for your diam ond w as $599 now $ 1 7 9 ! Em erald & D iam ond W rap Ring w as $725 now $ 2 4 9 ! 24 Karat Gold Dipped R E A L R O S E with stem 11-12" Genuine Rose in Gold-toned gift box SALE WIiile They Last *64’'’ Elsewliere S T O R E W r o E S A L E 1 0 -8 0 % O F F 'a m D IA M O N G O L D G A L L E R Y Next To W al-M art Mocksville 7 5 1 - 3 7 4 7 E X P E R T J E W E L R Y R E P A I R D O N E I N S T O R E 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday. Feb. 12,2004 Savanna Stover and Diana Rodriguez-Salgado raise tlie new Cooleemee flag. Interior Designs, Inc. Full Service Design Specializes In: WIridow Troatments Bed Ensembles Accessories Vie work with licensed contractors lor your remodeling and building needs. Charlene B. Cassidy IDS Associate 3S60-C Clemmons Rd. (NexI lo Clemmons Library)766-9918 Cooleemee Elementary students hold the town flag while they listen to Carl Smith describe Its meaning. - Photos by Robin Fergusson S t u d e n t s G e t A F la g - A n d H is t o r y Cuntinucd From Pnfiu 1 rcsiilciu, Joimn Picrce Roberts, dcsignccl tlie town seal in 1996, clioscn from 1,000 entries in a contest to promote tiie town’s centcnninl in 199ti. It wus Smitli’s second try al designing, tt (lag. He also submitted a design for the Davie County Пай in 1976, but didn't win. “1 Tigurcd I would give it anotlier try," lie .said. “I looked at flags from other cities und they had reasons for each color field." Ho came up with several designs before entering the winner. Smith prc.sented the fing to the school from the town, saying he appreciates all Ihc .school does for the community. “Wc are very proud that you all are a part of our town,” he said. Members of Cooleemee Elementury School'.s Hag raising team are Auslin Tilley, Elizabeth Tucker, Tyler Durham, Savanna Stover, Diana Rodriguez-Salgudo and Nocini Valdwia-Lorenzo. W E L C O M E I'drMac Aiiioniotivc ¡iniiotincc.s the ¡icltlltion orThomu.s Wooten to the slitlTof (|iialiliecl autoniotivc technician.s at their .shop al 1484 US Highway 64 We.st. Thomas has been Iciirning the automobile business since he was a kid. His clad, the late Duke Wooten, was in the ¡tutoniotive business owning dealerships and also selling used cars. He had his head under tlie hood before he was big enough to lift a hood. Thomiis has been employed by car dealerships lor 30 years (not just employed, but actually working) and was lirsl ASE certilied in 1987. He brings this experience and training to Formac having worked with General Motors Products, Thomas is also an instructor for auto emission inspectors for North Carolina through classes at For.syth Tech. Hven on his time off, he thinks "cars”, following NASCAR racing. riiomas, his wife Pam and two .sons live in the Center Community, where Thomas is active in the Center United Mcthodi.st Church, is a leader for the Hoy Scouis, .serves with the Center Volunteer Fire Department, and is instrumental in the planning and work for the Center Barbecues to raise money for community projects. (He’s been known to eat a few sandwiches loo.) Thomas is a man of integrity (don’t look il up, il means “strict personal honesty"). l-onn:tc Aiilomolive is Ihe kind of auto repair shop where thiit repiitiUion for honesty will not be compromised. As with the other automotive techniciiins al Formac, Tliomtis will have continuing education through AC Delco. AC Delco provides up-to-diite training and parts for the newest features on laic model cars. I'oiniac Automotive is prouil to have Thoniiis Wooten doing reputable auto repair "back on this side of the river." 1484 US Hwy. 64 West, IVlocksville ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 3 7 2 r«-*/abAUTOMcrrivaSBRVICBBKCBLLIINC« Police Stop Unlock Policy Continued From I’ttge 1 According lo Keller, there was an instance when one olTicer “messed up'*both doors of u cur he was trying to open for a resi­ dent. The policy had been lo try a second door if they couldn't do it to the first. "There are sonic real horror stories out there," he says of botched attempts throughout the country. "We're really concerncd about the new vehicles, and es­ pecially of some liability com­ ing back on the department," said Keller. He proposed doing away with the practice, except in se­ vere cases, such as when a child is locked in the car. His proposal follows the guidelines followed in Lexington und Salisbury. The board agreed with the policy change, but in his motion, Vernon Thompson made it effec­ tive March I , lo give the depart­ ment time lo get the word out lo residents. The board voted unanimously in favor of the change. Beginning March I , if you call the police department to get your car opened, they will only come if it is an emergency, such as a child or elderly person locked in the car. Otherwise, they will point you to Boysters Lock nnd Key (751-3505) or Mike’s Wrecker and Lockout Service (492-7303), both of which ure open 24-hours n day 7 days a week. Westside Chrysler Dodge Jeep nnd All- Aincrican Ford Mercury will also unlock cars during their regular business hours, Keller said. P l a n n e r s R e c o m m e n d H i c k o r y H il l R e z o n i n g Contlniiud From I’nge 1 il is completed. "We've tried to give you as much as we reasonably can. Whal you're asking for is be­ yond this board's authority," Van Hoy said. "Wc expect it lo be good, but we intend to make money at it ... und that's not wrong." Van Hoy said there is noth­ ing improper wiih .selling devel­ opment rights. New developers would be bound by the sume county ordinances. "All we’re asking for is more specifics," Peterson said. "It's one of the responsibilities of this board to protect properly values and protect neighborhoods. I take il very .seriously lo make .sure that every development will add to property values, enhance the economy and create jobs. I want to make sure his intentions and plans meet that critcriu. "We want insight ... .so we cun incorporate that inlo a zon­ ing chiuige," Peterson said. Van Hoy said the developers have followed the rules set forth in county ordinances, even taken them a step further. “You cannot change the guidelines in mid­ stream. Wc cannot read your minds. You gave us the book and we complied wllh il.” Planning board member John Puller said it appeared the devel­ opers were doing a poor job of "selling" the project. "I'm still concerned with how it places the trnfnc in the Hickory Hill development," Fuller said. Entrances now are dangerous, nnd this would just add to the trnfnc flow." That traffic flow was a ma­ jor concern of area residents nt the hearing in December. Peterson called an eninil from Van Hoy on the subject "arro­ gant." “The principle here is be­ ing a good neighbor, trying to accommodate the concerns of the community. If I were a neigh­ bor, I would be concerned about the same issues they brought up. It mysiifie.s me your client re­ fuses to be a good neighbor nnd acknoweldge the issues.” Vun Hoy look exception with character staiemenls Peier.son made about Burneite. "Mr. Bumelle has been a good neigh­ bor nnd I resent that sialemenl. "We’re presenting some­ thing, for Pete’s sake, lhat com­ plies with your ordinance. You can’t impo.se on us .some burden lhat your ordinance doesn’t re­ quire." Peterson said he and Van Hoy were on different wavelengths. “For .some rca.son, we just can't communicate. 1 cannot vote for the zoning change.”. Fuller snid he was opposed because of his concerns of add­ ing traffic to an already danger­ ous intersection. Randall Cave, planning board member, pointed out the developer could build more homos without board approval than is proposed; but thnt would require doing nwny with, or dras­ tically changing the golf course. Peter.son nsked Gnlliniorc if the effect of the traffic wns something the board could con­ sider. Gallimore said il was. "Enough snid,” Peterson re­ plied. Cave made the motion to ap­ prove the request, with specified conditions, and Carter mnde the second. District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - 5 The following discs were heard In Davie District Court on Feb. 5 Presiding; Judge Robert W. Johnson. Pro.scculing: Kevin Bcnic, As.sistunt DA. - Felix N. Alicen, DW I. sentenced to 12 months in jail, suspended 36 months, $4(K), cost, not to operale n motor vehicle until licensed by Department of Molor Vehicles, substance abuse nsscss- mcntytrcatmcnt, not to violate any laws, remain of good behavior, $ 130 attorney fee,$50; driving left of cen­ ter, dismissed per plea. - Jackie A. Aquilino, speeding 80 in a 70, di.smissed per plea; DWI, sentenced to 60 days iii jail, sus­ pended 24 months, $100, cost, not to operate a molor vehicle until li­ censed by Department of Motor Ve­ hicles, surrender license, substance abuse assessinont/treatment, 24 hours community service within 30 days, nol to violate any laws, remain of good behavior. - Michael S. Blackmon, contrib­ uting to the delinquency of n Juve­ nile, prayer for judgement contin­ ued, cost, remain of good behavior, continue 10 comply with current pro­ bation, $325 attorney fee, $50; con­ tributing lo die delinquency of a minor, dismissed per plea. - Christopher Biunkall, speeding 96 in a 70, tcduced to exceeding safe speed, $100, cost. - Jeffrey S. Oliver, assault on a female, sentenced lo 30 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $100, cost, not to harass/assault/ihreaten vicUm, enroll and complete domestic vio­ lence class, not to violate any laws. - Amanda L. Dyson, DWI, sen­ tenced to 60 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $100, cost, not to oper­ ale a motor vehicle unlil licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, sub­ stance abuse asscssmcnt/lrentment, 24 hours community service within 30 days, not to violate any laws, re­ main of good liehavior. - Charles G. Fulbright, assault on a female, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Verna J. Fulbriglit, simple as­ sault, dismissed per request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Sudie M. Grimes, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, $25, cost. - Renee Hayes, harassing phono cnll, dismissed per failure of pros­ ecuting witness lo appear. - Benjamin C. Henirick, fleeing/ eluding arrest, dismissed per plea; speeding 84 in a 55, dismissed per plea; DWI, senlençcd to 120 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $200, ll/Ian Convicted Of Rape In 1991 Faces Charge Of First-Degree Sex Offense By Jackic Scabolt Dnvie County Enterprise Rccord A Davio man convicted of .second degree rape In 1991 hus been arrested again and charged with a first degree sex offense nnd failing to register as a sex offender. J e rry Wayne Drake Sr, 45, of'195 Daisy Lnne, Ad­ vnnce wa.s taken Into . custody last Tues­ day by of­ ficials in Wake County. A c - cording to Davic Detective John Stephens, Drake was reported missing Jan. 22 by his wife after leaving their Davic home, Drake Under North Carolina law a sex offender has 10 days to re­ port their whereabouts after leaving the address they have listed us their residence. Drake failed to comply and that re­ sulted In the failing to register charges. Stephens said the sex offense charge is being investigated nf­ ter allegations were made against Drake thnt involve a 9- yenr-old girl. Drake served more than six years after being convicted July 9, 1991 in Chatham Cpunty of second degree rape, according to the North Carolina Sox,Offender and Public Protection Registry. Since his release the registry shows he has listed addresses in Mocksvillc, Lexington, Pittsboro, and Greensboro. Drake remains in Davie County Detention Center in lieu of a $75,000 secured bond. His first court appearance is sched­ uled today. T w o A r e A r r e s t e d F o r S e l l i n g C r a c k C o c a i n e By Jackic Scabolt Davie County Enter|iri.se Rccord Undercover drug operations by Davie County Sheriff's Of­ fice have resulted in two arrests so far and a detcctive says more may be made. James Albert McCallum, 35, of High Point was arrested Feb. 3 and charged with sell­ ing/deliv­ ering a schedule II controlled substance and posses­ sion with intenl to sell/deliver cocaine. Accord­ ing 10 Davie S h eriff’s Detective J . D . Hartman, an under­ cover of­ ficer pur- chased crack CO Sullivan caine from McCallum at a Lake­ wood Motel room on Dec, 19, 2003. Then on Dec. 29 a search warrant' was issued for a room at Lakewood where previous undercover drug purchases had been made, McCallum was in the room at the time of the search and was cited with misdemeanor possession of marijuana when 4.9 grams of pot were seized. At the time of those charges McCallum listed Northwood Apartments, Mocksville as his address. No arrests were made at that time because, according to Hartman, the Sheriff's Depart­ ment was using a confidential informant they wished to con­ tinue using In the investigation, McCallum wus arrested at _ Davie’s courthouse last Tuesday afler being brought from Forsyth to Davie by a bondsman on fail­ ure to appear charges. Hartman did not know the nature of those charges. He was placed in Davie De­ tention Center in lieu of a $10,000 bond for the tlrug charges and $50,000 for failing to appear. He is scheduled to ap­ pear in district court today. Another man was also ar­ rested as a result of the opera­ tion. Marvin Lewis Sullivan,53, of 109 Link Road, Cooleemee was taken into custody Jan. 23 and charged with felony posses­ sion with inlenl lo sell/deliver cocaine and sale of cocaine. He was placed in Davie Detention Center under a $3000 secured bond. Lewis’ first court appearance was Jan. 29 al which time his case was continued until Feb. 26. When Hartman was asked if more wanants would be issued he replied, “There may be more arrests. Let’s just leave it at that.” cost, not to operate a motor vchicic until licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, substance iibusc assessment/treatment, 48 hours community service within 60 days, nol violate any laws, remain of good behavior; simple possession of schedule VI controlled subslnnce, reckless driving/wanton disregard, exceeding posted speed, possession of marijuana more-than half ounce but less than one and half ounce, and failure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, dismissed per plea; pos­ session of drug paraphernalia nnd failure to heed light or siren, sen­ tenced to 45 days in Jail, suspended 24 months, $200, cost, not to pos­ sess any illegal substances, sub­ stance abuse assessment/treatment, not to violate any laws, remain of good behavior, contraband ordered destroyed. - Tracey N. Herndon, speeding 96 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $50, cost. - Jonathan D. Jordan, disorderly conduct, sentenced lo 30 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $100, cost, not to violate any laws, remain of good behavlor; reslstlng a public officer, dismissed per plea. .- Ross A. King Jr., misdemeanor probadon violation, six months in­ tensive, abide by all rules and regu­ lations, substance abuse assessment/ treatment. - Robert S. McLendon, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. • Matthew C. Moose, speeding G r a n d J u r y In d ic t s 1 8 The following people were indicted by a grand jury for the Jan. 20 criminal session of Davie County Superior Court. - Elizabeth Faye Bowles, ob­ taining property by false pre­ tense, - Dwight Antonio Brown, ha­ bitual felon and possession of stolen goods. - Christopher Michael Davis, assault on a law enforcement of­ ficer inflictjng serious injury nnd assault on a child under 12 years of ago. , . - Brooke Gravati Horan, mis­ demeanor child abuse. - W illiam Cody Horan, felony child abuse. - Marisa Jotinson, misde­ meanor larceny, larceny of chose in action, and financial card theft. - Steven Christopher Knight, driving with license revoked ond attempting to obtain controlled substance by fraud/forgery. - Dustin Anthony Lawhon, speeding to elude anest. - Tony Marshall, first degree statutory sexual offetise. - Michelle Kay McBride, speeding to elude an:est. - Allyson Smith Mc'Cachem, obtaining controlled substance by fraud/forgery. • - Jawara Igwe Moore, posses­ sion with intent ttì sell/deliver and maintaining a vehicle. - John Speight'Sinford Jr., first degree burglary, larceny pursuant to first degree burglary. - Harold Theodore Simmons II, misdemeanor larceny, larceny of chose in action, and financial card theft. - Bruce Wayne Smyers, two counts cruelty to animals. - Michael Brent Tucker, speeding to elude aire.st. - Zachary James Wishon, speeding to elude arrest. - David Kirk Wood, felony breaking and entering and lar­ ceny of a firearm. D e a tti R u le d A S u ic id e A Davie man died from a self-inilìcied gunshot wound nf­ ler shooting himself at his Ad­ vance home last Tuesday. Walter Scoll Snyder, 41, of 125 Briar Creek Road, died Feb. 4 at Bnptist Medical Center. According to Davic Sheriff Chief of Enforcement Lt. J.W. Phipps, a call was received from Snyder’s estranged wife asking officers to check on him. When deputies arrived they got no response and entered the rear of the home where they found Snyder, 83 in n 70 nnd pos.se.ssioii of drug pnraplicrnnliii, rcduccd lo 79 in n 70, ¡ienlenccd to 60 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 months, $200, cosl, not to possess any illegal drugs, sub­ stance abuse nssc.ssmcnl/trcatmcnt, not to violnte liny laws, remain of good behavior; inisdemcunor pos­ session of schedule VI controlled subslnnce, dismissed per plea. - Deborah R. Osborne, simple assault nnd simple possession of schedule IV controlled substance, sentenced to 30 days in juil, sus­ pended 24 months, $100, cost, nol to hurnss/thrcaten/nssault prosecut­ ing witness, nol to possess any ille­ gal drugs or drugs without a pre­ scription, substance ubu.se assess­ ment/treatment, not to violate any laws,contraband ordered destroyed. - Salurnino A. Osorio, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $50, cosl; no operators li­ cense, dlsmis.sed per correction. - Roula A. Papanikoluou, driv­ ing with license revoked, rcduccd to improper equipment, $11)0, cost; unsafe movement, dismissed per civil selllemcnt. - Katrina D. Powell, DWI, re­ duced lo 60 days in Jail, .suspended 24 months, $100, cosl, nol lo oper­ ate u molor vehicle until licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, sur­ render license, substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, 24 hours com­ munity service within 30 days; driv­ ing after consuming under 2 1, dis­ missed per plea. - Keith Rnnsford, failure lo slop for stopsign/flashing red light, $25, cost. - Joshua A. Spillman, allowing livestock to run at large, sentenced lo 10 days In Jail, suspended 24 months, not allow any livestock to run al large, nol lo violate any laws, remain of good behavior. - Mary A. Stanley, driving with license revoked violating reslored license, sentenced to 45 days in Jail, suspended 36 months, $200, cosl, not lo operale a motor vchicic unlil . licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, not to violate any laws, remain of good behavior. - Dennis a. Strain, ussautl on a female, reduced to simple assault, scntenccd to 60 days in Jail, sus­ pended 24 months, credit for four days served, $100, cost, nol to as- sault/ihrcmen/liurass victim, not to possess any illegal drugs, .submit lo random drug .screens, enroll und complete DUC program, be gain­ fully employed, remain of good be- havior, not violate any laws. - Rebecca L. Torres, simple as­ sault, prayer for Judgement contin­ ued, cost, continue to reside ut New Beginnings, not lo threaten/assaull/ harass victim, abide by rules of New Beginnings. - Amy L. Wheeler, simple as­ sault, dismissed per compliance. - Bryant M. Wilson, assnult.on a female, dismissed per failure to prosecuting witness lo appear. Failed To Appear: - Sherri L. Atrios, driving with license revoked und fictitious info to an officer. - Tristón D. Garmon, contribut­ ing 10 the.deilnquency of ajuvenile and possession of a malt beverage/ unfortified wine not 19/20. - Destry L. Mosley, driving with license revoked. - Robin L. Mullens, possession of drug paraphernalia. • James S. Rice, DWI and open container after consuming alcohol. - Cynthia A. RussI, simple worthless check. - Curtis M. Wilson, driving with license revoked und operating a ve­ hicle with no insurance. INSURANCE WoLildnt life be easier with o n e a g e n t to handle your insurance needs? Whether )'oii li.ivc ,1 cliiiin, need to cliangc covcnige or just li.ive a question, Farm Biire,iu Insurance is te.illy convenient. Yoti a!\v.\ys call die same office ,niid receive prompt, profcssion.il scrvicc from )'[>lir oivii pci-son.ll .ngeiit. Plus, with oiir competitive ttucs, y%iu may even save nioney. F Á R M B U R E A U INSURANCE Auto • Home • Life H e l p i n g ^ f e u is what we do best. Mockavllle (336)751-6207 Advance (336) 9 9 8 -6 5 2 1tlMxcni • iKftAnt.com 1 ^ V a k n t i n e 's D c u j S o lfi- Ий Q? VJP'-’TJ f'»' _ î N e w C l e a r a n M C h e c k O u t s e l l * $ 2 0 <H' F r e e V a le n t in e The Oaks Shopping Center • Lewisville 336-945-2566 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-7; Sat 10-6 O NOW OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 J 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 P u b lic R e c o r d s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb, 12,2004 - 7 M o c k s v i l l e P o lic e The followiiijj iiicidenls were rcporleil 1(1 Ihc Mocksvillc I’olicc Department. - The breaking, enlering and Inr- ccny of a iKK-kctbwik from a vchicic parked off Yadkinville Koad was reported Feb. 2. - A wallet was lost in a parking lot at I lot Yadkinville Road.il was reported Pcb. 2. - The larccny of food from I’ler 601 wns reported Jan. 29. - The larccny of money from « locker off Cemetery Street was re­ ported Feb.3. • - The breaking and entering of a A r r e s t s building off Depot Street was re- porteil Feb. 6. - The larccny of money from buildings off Cemetery Street was reported Feb. 6. - t he breaking, entering imd lar­ ceny of u color television and mt- crowavc oven from a building off Depot Street was reported Feb. 7. Arml.s - Kelly Teresc Nclson-Shrout, 29. of 214 Wllkesboro St.. wns charged I'ch. 3 with a leash law vio­ lation. Trial date: March 11. • Cynthia Baker Turner, 21, of 972 Hardison St., was charged Feb. 6 with trespassing. Trial date: Feb. 12. Trnfnc Accldcnis - A Lexington woman was charged with failure lo reducc speed after a wreck on Yadkinville Road at 8:05 n.m. Feb. 4. Peggy Royal Johnson, 55, failed to Slop the 1996 Dodge she wns driving before It struck Ihe rear of a 2000 Ford driven by Kathy Jean Whitman. 39, of Chinn Grove, re­ ported Assistnnt Chief W.J. Stonemnn. • No charges were filed after a wrcck ttt North Main and Poplar streets at 8:06 n.m. Feb. 4. Ricky Lee Spillman, 46, of 246 Bethesdn Lane, drove a 1997 Ford truck from North Main, striking a 1987 Chrysler at the stop sign, driven by Geneva Sullivan Spcase, 63. of 715 S. Main St., reported Officer Danny R. Chandler. - Three vehicles were involved In a wrcck on North Main Street at 7:58 a.m. Feb. 4. Peggy Stroud Koomz,65,Df 180 Lakeview Drive, failed to stop the 1991 Buick she was driving before it hit the rear of a 1993 Mazda driven by Pauiita Castaneda Carbajal. 19, of 271 Children’s Home Road, knocking il into the rear of a 1999 GMC, reported Of­ ficer E.M. Parker. The EMS reported that Koontz was suffering from low blooil sugnr prior to the wrcck. - A Mocksville woman wns charged with making an improper turn after a wreck on 642 Wllkesboro St. at 4:34 p.m. Jan. 30. SylviaAlexander Stewart,42,of 141 Chaucer Lane, drove a 1998 Mitsubishi left into the path of a 2000 Buick driven by Mona Retha Podunavac, 51, of 135 Old Farm Lane, reported Offieor James P. Young. - A Mocksville man was charged with driving while license revoked and making nn unsafe traffic move­ ment after n wreck on North Main Street at 3:25 p.m. Feb. 8. Ernest Leo Cain, 46, of 1615 U.S.601 S.,droyea 1988 Jeep from the Campbell Road slop sign, strik­ ing a 2003 Buick being driven on Norlh Mnin by Roy Webster Whlscnhum,67,of 3374 U.S. 158, reported Assistant Chief W.J. Stoneman. The Davic Cminly SherilTs De­ partment made the following arrests: - Latoya Rena Edmonds, 16, of Charlotte was arrested Feb. 2 for possession of a stolen vehicle and contributing to the dclin(|uency of a minor. Trial dale: Feb. 12. - Barron Lee Thompson, 32, of 302 Davie Academy Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested Feb. 2 for brcak- ing.entering. und lan'cny. Trini dale: Pcb. 12. -Eliznbclhll.Wilson.44,ofl42 Hope Lane. Mocksville wus arrested Feb. 2 for worthless cheek. Triid dute: Feb. 12. - Darran Deshuwn Lyons, 18, of Winston-Salem wns nrrcstcd Feb. 2 for violating u court order. Trial dnte: March 8. - Hector Snins Rodriguez, 23, of 126 Sunset Drive, Mocksvillc wus arrested Feb. 2 for fnllure to pny. Trial date: Feb. 26. - Anita Home Profntl, 35,of 212 Ralph Ratledge Road, Mocksvilfe was arrested Feb. 2 for worthless check. Trial date: Feb. 25 In Wake County. - David Wayne Shores, 36, of 891 Yadkinville Road, Mocksvillc war, arrested Fob, 4 for linrussing phone calls und misdemeanor worth- le.ss check. Trial dale: Fob. 12. - Gary Allen Cox, 18, of 359 Swlcegood Street, Mocksvillc wns arrested Feb, 4 for simple assaull. Trial dnlc: Fob. 12, - Kenneth Gerinl Nonrinn,33,of Winslon-Snlcm wn,s nrresled Feb. 4 for possession with intent lo manu- fncture/sell/dellverschedulc VI and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: Feb, 12, - David Bradley Francis, 29, of Kernersvllle wus arrested Feb. 4 for possession of schedule VI and pos­ session of drtig pnrnphernnlla. Trini dnte; March 25. - Mellssn Gnil Lisk, 34, of 800 Snii.sbury SirecI, Mocksvillc wns nrresled Feb. 4 for violnlion of lensh Inw nnd driving with liccnsc re­ voked. Trial date: Feb. 5 nnd Feb. 20. - Cindy BakerTurner,21,of 972 Hardison Street, Mocksville was nrresled Feb. 5 for driving with li­ cense revoked. Trial date: Feb. 26. - Brian Eugene West, 26, of 168 Lancelot Lone, Mocksvillc was ar­ rested Feb. 5 for breaking, entering, brcaking/enlering of a motor ve­ hicle, and Inrceny nfier breaking/ entering. Trial dnlc; Feb, 12. - Alvin Thomas Prentis, 49, of 127 Vircassdoll Lanc. Mooksvllle was arrested Feb. 5 for fniluro to appear. Trial dale; Feb. 26. - Briana Lynn Oakes, 24,of 144 Sheffield Farm Lane, Mocksville was arrested Feb. 6 for obtaining property by false prelcnsc.Trialdato; Feb. 17 in Iredell County. - Cheyenne Bodie West, 40, of 210 Pino Road, Mocksville was ar­ rested Feb. 6 for larceny. Trial date; Feb. 19. - Donnie Ray James, 27, of 309 Pino Road,Mocksville was arrested Fob. 6 for failure lo appear. Trial ■ date; March 8. - Christopher May Riddle, 25, of 636 Gladstone Road, Mocksville was arrested Feb. 7 for violation of a court order and interfering with emergency communication. Trial date: Feb. 26. - Roger Gary Campbell Jr., 30, of 173 Dance Hnll Road, Mocks­ ville wns arrested Feb. 7 for child support. Trial date: Feb. 18 in Forsyth County. - Shannon Edwa Kelly, 29, of 131 Deck Circle, Mocksvillc wns arrested Feb. 7 for driving wllh li­ cense revoked. Trial date: Feb. 20. - Dennis Gray Strain, 35, of 135 Rupnrd Trail, Mocksvillc wns ar­ rested Feb. 9 for assaull on a female. Trial date; March 4. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land transfers were filed witli Ihe Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parlies involved, acrcuge, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 rcpresenling $1,000. - Bruce Hinkle Jr. nnd F.li/abeth IlinklC'to Paul Christopher Hinkle, I.56 ncres, Mocksville. • Bruce E. Hinkle Sr. and Cliris- line E. Hinkle to Paul Christopher Hinkle, 1 acre, Mocksvillc. • Jurney Construction lo An­ thony 0. Lund and Christina Luml, I lot, Farmington, $506. • Larry McDnnlcl Builders lo Kon Lamar Moorcfield nnd Martha II. Moorenold, I lot, $345. ; - Adams Egloff Avanl Properties and Salem Development Venture to Craig Carter Builder. 1 lot, F’arm- ington. $8(X). - Charles D. Hain Jr. und Putricin E. Hain to Tlinothy 19. Nestor und Suzanne A. Nestor, 2.92 ucrcs. - Churics D. Huin Jr. and Patricia U. Hain, nnd Timothy В. Nestor and Suzanne A. Nestor to Roy L. Walkcr Revocuble Trust, 6.07 ucrcs, $70. - Timothy B. Nestor und Suznnnc A. Nestor to Churics 0. Huin Jr. nnd Patricia E. Hain, 2.99 no.ies. - William T. Motlcy and Mary M. Motlcy to ITAC 67, 2 parccls, Jérusalem, $414. - Mulvnncy Home.s lo Jessicn L. Necly nnd Justin В. Dunn, 1 lot. Farmington, $316. - James C. Howard II nnd Leigh S. Howard to Gilbert L. Boger and Muxino S. Boger, 2.6 ncres, 2.6 ncres, $240. - Becding nnd Cnudle lo Tumru K. Brown. 1 truci, Mocksville, $190. - San Filippo Construction to Churles J. Elledgo and Regina M. Ellcdge.l lot, Mocksvlllo, $634. - James R. Craig nnd Edio C. Crnig to Kathy D. Chaffin, 6.59 ncrc», Calahain, $343, - Dick Anderson Conttnictlon to Thl Hayes Ellison, 1 lot, Shady Orove, $814. - Mulvaney Homes lo the J.C. Huddleston and Theresa R. Huddleston Revocable Trust, I lot, Farmington, $302. - Mulvaney Homes lo Aaron G. Mcllwain, 1 condominium, Farm­ ington, $244. - Kenneth J. Cnrpon and Dawn A. Carpon lo Thomas Jnme.s Shone nnd Andrea Johnson Sliono, 1 lot, Clarksville, $1,200. - Jeffrey H. Nohrcn and Mildred H. Nolircn to Relocation Resources International, I lot, Farmington, $840. • Relocation Resources Interna­ tiona to David V. Dupont, 1 lot, Fnrmlngton,$720, - Yomun nnd Palsy H. Smith to Karen S. Fields and Ariel Marie Shrcwberry, 2 tracts, Mocksville. - James Larry Sheek, Sherry S. Little and Roy Mack Little III lo Bradley Scott Laglo and Amandn S. Lagle, 2.2 acres, Farmington, $43. - Samiiaz Inc. lo Jason Fletcher, 1 lot, Farmington, $410. - Kent Malhewson to Bermuda Village Relircment Ceiiler, 1 villa, Farmington, $519. - Bermudn Village Retirement Centcr to Warren C. Juchntz nnd Jacquelyn A, Juchntz, t villa, Farm­ ington, $519. - Abe t^. Howard III and Lynno D. Howard, Julia C. Howard to Davio Builder«, I tot, Mockivllte, $140. - Kurt T. Zarboek and Lori S. Zarboek to Kurt T. Znrbock, I lot. Furminglon. - Villard K. Beck to Wendy B. Ramsey, 1.38 ncros, Cnlnhaln. - Donald Max Cline and Kim­ berly K. Cline to Roger P. Spillman, 1 tract, Jerusalem. - BR 549 to Eaglo Developing Co., 1 lot, Farmington, $138. - Eaglo Developing Co. to George T. Clark nnd Deborah W. Clark, trusteed under Clark Living Trust, 1 lot, Farmington. ■ Philip M, Strupe and Vickie J. Strupo to Jesus Anibal Alyarcnsa- Moreira and Dunia Yamltoth Zcron, 1 tot,Mooksvmo,$2t8. ■ - Robert M. and Linda K. Tho­ mas to Richard L. and Valerie E. Bostick, 1.98 acres, Calahain, $70. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The following traffic wrccks in Davic County wore listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Colllslnn At Intcrsi'ctloii A Davie mun was charged with yield violation after the vehicic he was driving hit another Feb. I. Hubert Harrison Cranfill of 608 Onrncr Street, Mocksville was driv­ ing his 1999 Mercury vehicle south on U.S. 601, Harold Gray Wilson of 559 Woo<lwurd Road, Mocksville was driving his 1988 Chevrolet pick-up north on U.S. 64/U.S. 601. Cranfill ntlcmptcd lo make a left turn froni 601 onlo Wllkesboro Sircci when Wilson failed to yield his inick right of wuy. The two ve­ hicles collided and came lo resi in the intersection. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe accident occurred nl approximately 4 p.m, und there were no injuries. Wrcck Neiir Lee .Icnns A Rownn man was charged witli failure to rcduce speed nfler the ve­ hicle he wns driving hit another Feb. 2. Derrek Lashawn Dulin of Woodlcnf was driving a 2001 Nissan vehicic north on U.S. 601 behind a 1995 Chevrolet pick-up driven by David Howard Swain Jr. of 1B75 U.S.f)OI Smilh,Mwksville. Dulin fulled to reducc his vehicic in lime und it collided witli tlic rear of Swain's Inick. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the uccidcnt occurred ut upproxi- mately 3 p.m. and there were no injuries. Ti'cn ChiirRcd In Wrcck A Davic teen wus chargcil with unsufc movement uftcr the vciiiclc she was driving hil another Feb. 2. Tarn Sydney Whilt of 155 S.M. Whitt Drive, Mocksville was stopped in a 1999 Jeep vehicic ut the intersection of SouthwiKid Acres off U.S. 601 .South. Kimberly Sloan Smilh of 360 Buck Scaford Road, Mocksville was driving a 1993 Jeep vehicle cast on Southwoml Acres. Whilt fnlicd to yield lier vehicle ul Ihe inlorseclion nnd il struck Smith's. Smith's vchicic run off the loft shoulder und struck a small tree. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihc accident occurred al approxi­ mately 7:45 a.m. und there were no injuries. ■loth Drivers Churgcd Both drivers were cliurged nfler nn accident in Davie on Feb. 4. Bradley Thomas Torpy of 343 W. Maple Avenue, Mocksville was driving a 1995 Jeep vehicic north on U.S. 601 in front of a 1993 Honda vehicle driven by Paul An­ thony Cable of 721 Will Boone Koad, Mocksville. A witness stated she observed Torpy intentionally and abruptly upply his brukes when Cublc's vehicle struck his. Torpy wus churged witli reckless driving und Cubic was charged with follow­ ing too closely. Trooper A J, I’armer reported llie accident occurred at approximulcly 6 p.m. Wrcck On U.S. 64 A Forsyth man was charged with failure lo rcduce speed nfler ihe ve­ hicle he wus driving collided with another I'cb. 5. Fcniundo Vcrgnra Mondragon of Winston-Salem wns driving his 1995 Ni.ssun vehicic west on U.S. 64. Javier Onmez Gurcin of 116 Hobby 1 lorsc Lane, Mocksville was stopped ftir truffic in his 1992 Ford vchicic on 64. Mondrngon fulled to rcduce the speed of his vehicic and il sinick Garcia's. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihe accident iwcurrcd at approxi- L e a t h e r ' n S u c h K/fllng Chaps $34.!>9 ■ ns well as other leather riiHiifi accessories, back packs, elc. M en’s and women's Irenchcoals. Children 's leather coals. Popular (wckelbooks and Jewelry' Location: Hwy. 60t South ol Mocksville at Hwy. aoilnletsection. Hours: Mon-Fr 5pm-8pm and Sal 10am-6pm (336) 284-6645 ______ malely 6:45 n.m. nnd there wore no injuries. Wrcck Near MarRlnnI Street A Davio mun was churgod with failure lo reducc speed afler the ve­ hicle he was driving hil another Feb. 5. Norma Garcia Flores of 127 Oak Leaf Court, Mocksvillc wns driving west on U.S. 64. Timothy Eugene Howard of 123 Foster Road, Mocksville was slopped on 64 In a 1997 Dodge vchicic wniling to make a left turn onlo Murginui Street. Fiores fniled to reduce Ihe speed of his vehicle and il collided with Howard's. Trooper M.C. Howell reported Ihe accident occurred al approxi- mutely 6:01 p.m. Cars Collide Near Private Drive A Norlh Curolinn man was charged with safe movement viola­ tion after the vehicle he was driv­ ing hil anollier Feb. 6. Lyric Shcntei Marlin of Martinsville wus bucking his 1990 Nissun vehicic from n private drive onlo U.S. 64. Lois Ann Aubin of Aslieboro was driving a 1992 Infinili vehicle wesl on 64 and was unable lo avoid hilling Martin's ve­ hicle. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe uccidcnt occurred at npproximntely 10:20 u.m. and there were no Inju­ ries. Vehicle Collldc.s With IVec A Davio woman was chargcd wilh exceeding a sufe speed und no operutors liccnsc nfler she wrcckcd the vchicic she wns driving Feb. 6. Elizabeth Michelle Taylor of 4359 U.S. 158, Advanco was driv­ ing her 1986 Toyota vehicic wesl on 158 exceeding a sufe speed for Ihe wel road conditions. Taylor’s ve­ hicle ran off the right side of the Ul l'K i s iM A i i\ i; J u l i a H o w a r d .V.Í '..lltiiiw 7'Jth Disi. May Ih'iviitiicwd III: Stale Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 phone (919)733-5904 tax (919) 754-3182 Email: |ullah®noleg.net I'MIl HIK lirJuM IIOWMiU road and collided with u tree. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe accldont occurred nt approximntely 2:30 p.m. nnd there wore no inju­ ries. Wrcck On Interstate A North Carolina woman was churged wilh exceeding safe speed after sho wrecked the vehiclo she wns driving Feb. 6. Lindn Ervin Fowler of Hickory was driving her 2001 Kin vohicle east on 1-40 wlien she lost control of tho vehicle nnd it ran off the left side of the road and collided wilh a median cubic. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred nl approxi­ mately 5:44 p.m. and there were no injuries. Woman Hospitalized After Wrcck A Davie woman was chargcd with exceeding a safe speed after she wrecked the vohicle she wns driving Feb. 7. Judith Elaine Vogel of 117 N. Niblick Court, Advanco was driving her 1997 Mercury ve­ hicle north on Gun Club Road ex­ ceeding a sufe speed for wot and icy road conditions. Vogel's vehicle ran off the right side of the rond and collided with a tree. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe nccident oc­ curred nt npproximntely 7!40 a.m. and Vogel was taken to Forsyth Mcdical Ccnier in Winston-Salem for treatment. Vehicle Collides With Home No charges were filed after an accident in Davio on Feb. 7. A 1998 Ford vohicle owned by Duvie County was parked facing west in u gravel drive on Wesl Side Drive. The vehicle rolled forward and collided with a mobile iiomc locatcd al 142 Wesl Side Drive. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurrod nt upproximatoly 5.02 p.m. a Car Overturns, Wrccks A North Carolina man was chargcd wilh exceeding a safe speed nfler he wrecked the vclilcle he was driving Feb. 8, Douglas Wayne McClure Jr. of Raleigh wus driving his 1997 Honda vehicle east on Mnin Church Road exceeding a safe speed. McClure's vehicle ran off Iho right side of Ihe rond, overcorrccled, then ran off tho left side of the rond, nnd overturned down an embankment. Trooper A.T. Kcllcr reported Ihe accident occurred al approximately 2:35 p.m. and there wore no inju­ ries. Five Deer Hit In Davie Five deer were reported hit by automobiles in Ihc county. In the following reports no drivers wore injured: George Perry Hamlin of 112 Valley Onks Drive, Advancc wns driving a 1995 Pontiac vehicle east on Yadkin Valley Road when It struck a doer. Trooper A J. Farmer reported the accident occurrcd at approximately 10:41 p.m. Tara Green Brower of Salisbury was driving her 2000 Honda vehicle north on U.S. 601 when it collided wilh a deer crossing the roadway. Trooper M.T . Dallon reported Iho accidoni occurred al approxi­ mately 7:25 p.m. Matthew Scott Davis of 106 S. Hemingway Court, Advancc was driving his 1998 Dodge pick-up east on Mnrkland Road when it collided wilh a deer. Trooper A J. Farmer reported Ihe accident occurrcd at approximately 5:45 p.m. William Tilden Carter of 1903 Milling Road, Mocksville was driv­ ing his 1996 Toyota pick-up wesl on Country Lane when a deer entered tho road nnd Carter's truck collided wilh it. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accident occurred,nt npproximntely 3:35 p.m. Chnrlie Lee Minor of 781 Mnrkland Road, Advance was driv­ ing his 2000 Ford pick-up west on U.S. 158 when il hil a deer that en­ tered the roadway, TrooperA.T. Kcllcr reported tho uccidcnt occurrcd al approximately 4:45 a.m. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were reported to the Davic County Sheriff's Dcpartmenl. - On Fob. 2 Daisy Boles reported n vehiclo wus removed from a truck stop on U.S. 601 North, Mocksville. - Jo Boger reported gas wns taken without pay from a service station on Farmington Road, Mocksvillc on Fob.3, - On Feb. 3 Jonathan Hamlolt reported u vehicle windshield wns dumngod nt u location near N.C. 801 North, Advanco. - Rhonda Walters reported iden­ tity ihefl al a home on Sain Road, Mocksville on Feb. 3. - On Feb. 4 Shannon Owens re­ ported illegal dumping in a yard on U.S.60I South, Mocksvillc. - Suselto Dudley reported a missing person on Feb. 6. - On Feb. 8 Amber Boblllz re­ ported n trespnsser at a residence on Rocky Hill Trail, Mocksvlllo. F ir e s Duvie County fire departments responded to tho following calls; Feb, 2: Cooleemee, 3:59 p.m., Riverside Drive, grass fire; Jerusn- leni assisted.. Feb, 3: Advancc, 9:40 a.m., Aviara Drive, fire alarm; Smith Grove assisted; Mocksvillc, 5:53 p.m., Wllkesboro Street, fire alami; Center assisted; Smilh Grove, 6:36 p.m., Fair Oaks Drive (assist Clemmons), fire alarm. Feb, 4i Mocksville, 7;58 a.m., N. Main Street, automobile neci- dcnl; Mocksvillc. 5:52 p.m., Bi-Lo, hazardous conditions from automo­ bile accidoni; Mocksville, 10:07 p.m., Wllkesboro Street, fire alarm; Center assisted. Feb. 6: County Lino, 1:10 p.m., Oak Tree Drive, fallen Iree; Centcr assisted; Mocksvillc assisted; Cool- oem^o assisted; Jerusalem assisted. Feb. 7: Smith Grove, 8 a.m., Gun Club Road, automobile acci­ dent; Jerusalem, 4:06 p.m., Box­ wood Church Road, nulomobllo nc- cident. M o c k s v ille C o n s id e r in g B u ild in g D e s ig n S t a n d a r d s Mocksville is considering adopting building design stan­ dards, most of which used to be in the zoning ordinance. Tliey are being changed and restated to make tiiem easier-lo understand. When the town revised the ordinance last year, it pulled out the design guidelines and put them in a separate document lhal would work in conjunction with the ordinance. Tlie town board has reviewed tlie guidelines and sent them to the planning board for review and comment, which should be followed by opportu­ nities for public input. The guidelines have been bro­ ken into sections, like building height and width, acccss, nnd signage. Within cucli .soclion, tliere is a goal followed by the guidelines designed to niuke llie goal a reality. Thoro is language for cuch one stniing which zon­ ing areas it applies to. If approved, tlie design guide­ lines would provide not just guides for enhancing the town, but the reasoning behind the choices. For instance, according lo the guidelines, from tiie 50s- 70s, awnings nnd canopies were thrown on buildings wllh little regard to whether or not they added to the look of llie building or detniclcd from it. In Ihe section on arcades, aw­ nings nnd cano'pies, the goal has become encouraging their u.se when they cniiance building fa­ cades. Tlic awnings and canopies have lo be .self-supporting, ralhcr than liaving supports llial would get in tlie way of pedestrian traf­ fic. Covered walkways, must cover the enlirc width of a side­ walk. The goal of Ihc acccss section of the guidelines is, “to liuve safe, convenient, nnd sufficient access to all properties by vehicles, pe­ destrians and bicyclists." Tlie guidelines stress promoting pe­ destrian and bicycle acce.ss to new developments as well as au­ tomobile access. When possible, driveways for coniniercial shop­ ping areas should be shared by neighboring businesses. Pedcs- irian walkways should be pro­ vided belwcen the sirect, parking und shop arcus, us well us to ad- jucent mixed use properties. To lielp promote the use of bicycles for locnl errands, the guidelines suggest hnving u bike ruck ncnr the mnin building entrance. Building height .should nol excecd 45 feet, and the tullest buildings should b'e kept in the downtown area. The guidelines try lo avoid liuving tail buildings next to considerably shorter buildings, blocking sunlight to the shorter one, and creating a jagged street fronl roofline. In­ stead, they would like to see ine- diuin height buildings put in-be- tween to soften the transition from one to llic other. "Our dependence on the au­ tomobile has caused builders. designers, and planners lo lose focus on the public presentation of buildings," slates the building presentation section. "Instead, our focus has been on liow the building relates to the automo­ bile, This has led to an increa.s- Ing number of buildings being designed to address, or fronl, parking lots instead of public streets.” To address the issue, the guidelines stress the need for buildings lo front public streets rather than parking lots, and en­ trances should be accessible from sidewnlks. When a building faces more than one street, corner lots for instance, both street facing sides of the building should be' treated as “fronts." The guidelines go on for 47 pages, and include the following topics: access; arcades, awnings und canopies; building height und width: building presentation; demolition; density; exterior ma­ terials; fucudes; lighting; locu­ tion: lot size und arrangement; natural resource protection; open space and recreation areas; park­ ing; residential design; services and utilities; sidewnlks, trails and pedestrian pathways; signs; size, scale and coniputibility; streets; trees and landscaping, and walls and fences, A dale for public input has not been set. S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Ugly Roof Stains? A m e r ic a n R o o f- B r ite c a n r e m o v e t h e m American Roof-Brlte has the answer for those unsightly, if not damaging stains that appear on shingle roofs. Pt'ofesslonal roof cleaner and American Roof-Brlte owner Don Sunday is the expert behind the business. With over 30 years of roof- cleaning experience, American Roof-Brlte has the knowledge and technical skill to kill roof fungus spores, the usual cause of the black or discoloring stains on asphalt and fiberglass shingles. Don bought his American Roof-Brlte dealership over four . years ago, after researching the company and Its product. V'/hat he likes to impress upon his customers is the method he uses to clean roofs. > : ■ > Ttio first stepils to apply-an envlronmeiitally safe,"biode­ gradable cleaning compound to the roof area. This applica­ tion sits on the roof for several minutes. The formula eats away al the cause of the roof stains, fungus. This Is one of the steps that separates American Roof-Brlte from other roof cleaners, Who Just spray the roof with a high-pressure wash. The next step for Don Is a low-pressure/high volume wash. Don Is passionate to let his clients know that this low-pressure wash Is an important difference In roof cleaning technique. Most people assume that what a roof needs is a high-pres­ sure wash. This, Don says, could not be farther from the truth. In fact, a high-pressure wash usually causes damage to a roof, tearing up shingles from Ihe roof, which can result In Interior water damage. Not good. The low-pressure/high volume method used by American Roof-Brlte has been trusted by homeowners for over 30 years. IA - 1 F I R S T IM PR ESSIO N S CARPET&SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www.AlF!rstliii|)rcssk)ns.coiii Cnipel Uphofeteiy Rugs Draperies Flood Extraction Flooring Inspections Carpel Binding Rug Relringing e e IICRC Certified Firm K (336) 813-TILE-.(8453) "'''■ I f c , S , t « r s i g e : « C D 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate (Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate ✓ Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bemiuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance M a s t W o o d w o rk s Affordable Pnriahlt flu/W/i/i S to ra g e B u ild in g s 5328 St. Paul Church Rd. Hamptonville, NC 27020 О Ш f-'ar O liV fllniiK (Itínigeíi Alvin Malt, Jr. J36-468-I194 Si> S iim lo r O ills 'Ita te A C C E N T S Blinds, Shutters & Shades Doutas Powell 946-0227 www.accentsbss. com PO Box 85 Lewisville, NC 27023 SAVINGS up а ц у EVERYDAY ю 4 U Senior C'ilizvQS Discoiinle A L L C L O T H IN G B U Y 1 , G E T 1 F R E E . IN C LU D E S M EN’S, W OMEN’S, CHILDREN (EXCLUDES SPENCER) Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-493B 'mstailceraimc and stone tile. 1Ыу CHwd Klik» if 16 l'eia Wc öltf i^at in OUT wyk and пЫннег >cni:e. ftit eidmatti Insufttl e y oormg Hours; M on.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10 -2 Specializing In C arpet & Vinyl C eram ic Tile H ardw ood Floors & Refinisliing C ounter Tops Lam inated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN 7D77£ PUBUC 5 9 1 9 -0 J a m e s S t. C lei PAINTBALL STORE OPEN IN ADVANCE Playing field opening Saturday, February 7tii!! Tactical Action Games, LLC 1979 NO Hwy 8018 C02 Available Advance, NC 27006 (336) 940-2588 i Store hours: Tuesday - Friday 4:00 - 8:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 m - 2;00 PM Field hours: Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Winter Hours) Field play by appointment only - Call today to make your field appointment. Hillsdale Animal Hospital 134 Medical Drive P E T S H E E D A N A N N U M D E N T A l E X A M T O O ! Please call and set up your pet's ap p o in tm en t for a d en tal and receive 1 5 % off Offer expires 3/1 S/0<t Call 998-8750 U G L Y R O O F S T A IN S REf^OVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKIl Nation's Lxirgest & (Mest Roof Stain Renxwers R o o f - B r it e ^ 7 8 5 - 2 0 3 0Roynl OaV Dr.. Wlnston-Snlem. NC 27107 The third, and final step that Don Incorporates, Is the appli­ cation of a stalnblocl<er, or sealer. This layer ol protection Is guaranteed to prevent fungus growth for three years. Roof stains are not just ugly, but the fungus that causes them can damage your home. Merely washing your roof is not enough. The three-step process used by Don Sunday and American Roof-Brlte Is an environmentally safe, profession­ ally proven method for killing roof fungus, and preventing It. American Roof-Brlte Is owned by Don Sunday. You can reach Dòn at (336)-785-2030! X I L E R I T E P l u m b i n g Kim E. Young - Owner YburKfiVTo Honest & Dependable Service' 30Yn.bp. ' Knklaitkit/Cmnmcftiil • • laikfA• Dh/Mifjh • fJiKvli • Toilets • Imurvd Л IkHHlnl-2061 Лоск8У11)о NC Lie. H 22229 (ntcrj!QiKyRcpjlr& SenkvSpfxklht • llt3Uri-U « iKWIU (3 3 6 ) 751-2 Mocksvlllo i l B l f t ''! Í i I Buy 1 Entenmaim’s | & Get 1 FREE |■ or I.M« Vuiii« .I OiirCmiixm IVr I’cr^imi l-;«|>lrr« 2/i2/<M | . Clemmons Thrift Store iI ?0«lLmvtevfltoClo(mia«nd. ■(AooMlran V№goCwYjh>& Ofe] I Your Hometown Printer G o o d w o u k s P r i n t S h o p SMUtFarUyburPiMngHMdtlRubber Stamps, Copies, Business Cotds, Caibonteaa Foma. Odtee Statlonary, Nowslottoro, Brochures. Bootilela, Ubols, Continuous Foims. axidally Cards & Enveiopos, Book Blndlr^, IHoBnotlo Slflna, Banners (336)751-0200 150 e. Loxingion Rd. (Hwy. 64 E,). Downlown, Mocksvlllo. NC D a v ie D o l l a r D isc o u n t S t o r e - NOW OPEN - Cootoom ee S hopping Centor A Itaie "Dollar S io n ”Q1FTS • TOYS • PET SUPPLIES PAHTV FAVOnS • GIFT DAQS CHntSTMAS CAROS & STOCKINQ STUFFERS and MUCH, MUCH MORGMI iiMt Mon-S<V9CDAM-7COrM,Sun SSOPM'StCPM (330) 204^020 -f. e a r a s i e t ) c c r R e p a i r s A l l E l e c t r i c a l C p e n e r R e p a i r s • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience CAILES G A R A G E D O O R S E R V IC E S "Mr. Ed" ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 -2 3 3 6 » F a h m in o t o n , N C E D W A R D S S w ^ TMED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows'* Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures F r e e E s tim a te s ! IVlobiie Phone / О Ч - U O O D 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 Ê J H u s q v a r n a V I K I M G Owncr.s Ann Michel and s^' Tcrc.sa 1дфо1с ' TI Quiility labrlc al great price.s. Complete line of .sewing iiiachlne.s and servers. Adult atul youth ela.s.se.s. Service and repair—all make.s and models. Nolion.s-Qtiilling-& Embroidery Supplie.s Mon-Thurs 10-8 • Fri-Sat 10-5 421 & LewisvlHe-Clemmons Road Lewi: (336) 766-8271 www..4cwiiiBl)'y()ur.s.c«m 8 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 'iL wBeltone o f M o c k s v i l l e • F R E E H e a rin g S c re e n in g s • F R E E H e a rin g A id C o n s u lta tio n • F R E E 1 0 p o in t c le a n a n d c h e c k u p o n a n y h e a rin g a id • A s k us a b o u t M E D I C A R E C o v e ra g e G U A R A N T E E D L O W P R I C E S A L L T H E T I M E o n c o m p a ra b le size a n d te c h n o lo g y k tù M fià & ; ■ i , l - û o r r e£ S > $ ëasic Digital ITÎE; . W o u l d n H y o u r a t h e r h a v e a B e l t o n e ? Questions or Appointments 1-800-581-5082 N O W A C C E P T I N G A i m v v i’i )Nsi^( )k . K 'i;\v v i :n [ k )r s . o c a i j -rs A i \ ' ( ) M C - ^ ( : | A M ’ I S ■ l l . 'i s l . M . ' l l l l ,S l i c c i M c i r l i . ' i i K l i s - i i i ; ; M : i i ................ f ° i ' In f o r m a t io n C o n t a c t : K E R R Y C U M M I N G S ( 3 3 6 ) 3 6 8 - 5 7 0 0 . 612 East Main Street * Pilot Mountain. NC D o y o u h a v e e n o u g h m o n e y t o r e t i r e ? You may want to consider the American Express Retirement Advisor Advantage* Variable Annuity, issued by IDS Life Insurance Company, as a creative investment choice to bolster your retirement savings portfolio! Choose from more than 50 investment options from 18 fund families, including Fidelity Investments, INVESCO and Strong plus a fixed rate account. Move your money between subaccounts as often as you'd like, tax free and fee free! And, once you've allocated your money according to your investment objectives, your portfolio can be rebalanced to automatically maintain your selected asset allocation and keep your objectives intact, no matter what the market is doing. Variable annuities are complex investment vehicles. Before you invest be sure to ask your sales representative about the variable annuity's features, benefits, risks and fees, and whether the variable annuity is appropriate for you, based upon your financial situation and objectives. A l S eym o u r, C h F C , C L U , C R P C , A E P F in a n c ia l A d v is o r S u ite 101 2 5 5 4 L e w is v ille -C le rru n o n s R o a d C le m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -3 9 9 6 IDS Life insurance Company, Member NASD. American Express Financial Advisors is the principal undeiwriter for the insurance and annuities issued by IDS Life Insuiuncc Company. American Express Company is separate from IDS Life Insurance Company and is not a brokcr-dealec For more information on this annuity, including fees and expenses, call call the number above for a prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. O 2001-2004 American Express Financial Corponition. All rights reserved. 12/03 C o b e y C a m p a ig n s H e r e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - 9 By Mike Burnluirdt Diivic County Enlcrprise Rccord Dill Cobcy is looking for ii job. in Dnvic County Jan. 19, lie shook hands with residents, smiling und asking them to hire him. He wants them to elect him governor. The Durham resident said he lias the best chance of any Re­ publican candidates for the nomination for governor ofbeat- ing iiicumbcnt Mike Ensley, who he said Is absent on the job. Cobey spoke at a lunchcon at Prime Sirloin, where State Sen. Andrew Brock of Farmington . introduced him as "family." "This is a great Republican county," he said after that lun­ chcon. "We’re going to try to make sure in 2004 that all Iheir work over the years is rewarded, with a Republican governor and General Assembly.” “I have been the volunteer chairman of the state party for four years, and I came to the con­ clusion we didn’t have a candi­ date who could beat Easley." Cobey said his contacts around the .state as party chair, the fact that he’s raising more money than any other Republi­ can candidate, and that he’s not a state legislator make him the best candidate. He pointed out that in the last 50 years, only one state legi.slator has been elected governor. "This is a conservative state and I have the conservative vnl- UC.S," Cobey said, who has served as a town manager and cabinet secretary. Like other can­ didates, he thinks taxes arc too high, government is wasteful und more and better jobs are needed for North Carolinian.^, "I have a grasp of how you do it. I believe I will be viewed Bill Gobey; "This Is a conservative state and I have the conservative values." - Photo by Robin Fergusson as a candidate who can get the job done and the person who is electable. "When you elect a governor, you’re electing somebody to be chief executive officer. I’ve been a leader nil my life. Wc don’t have a leader now, I’ll bet you haven’t even seen him (Easley) here. He doesn’t deserve to be rehlred." Cobey is a former athlctic di­ rector at the University of North Carolina at Chnpel Hill. He's tired of hearing that’s it is next to impossible lo beat an incumbent Democratic governor In the South. It happened in 2002 in Alabama, Georgia nnd South Carolina, and last year In Mis­ sissippi. Cobcy is busy raising money, building local volunteers and meeting the media. Endorse­ ments are nice, he snid, ndding that he's especially proud of Ihe bucking of former Sen. Jesse Helm.s. He's running on the plat­ form of leadership, more und better jobs, cutting taxes, restor­ ing efficiencies. Improving schools nnd basic conservative values. “I'm not going lo canipaign on,anything I don't believe in," lie said. S E N IO R C A R E IS S U E S W H A T F A M I L I E S S H O U L D K N O W .loin Our Panel of Professionals As They Address The.sc Important Issues: E s ta te P la n n in g M c d ic a id M e d ic a re L o n g T e rm C a re L o n g T e rm C a re In s u ra n c e G e ria tric C a re Speakers Mike Wells, Senior Partner for Wells Jenkins Lucm.s and Jenkins, Host of the popular WSJS program “You and the Law” Tim Ebert, CLU, ChFC, Long Tertis Cuvc Specialist with 30 years experience in the financial services industry Cathy Wilson, LCSW, Geriatric Care Manager wilh over 20 years of field experience' Tlnic.s and liocations Wednesday. Fc»)ruarv 25.2004 10:00 a.m. at the Clemmons Public Library 2:00 p.m. at the Reynolda Manor Public Library 7:00 p.m. at the Clemmons Public Library This is » free seminar. Tills Is not n sales seminar. Light rcfreshmcnt.s will be .served. SEATING IS LIMITED. CALL PAUL EBERT AT 761-8440 ext 176 FOR RESERVATIONS | r11' W ith E ckerd C o u rtesy R efills, y o u n e v e r h a v e to w o rry a b o u t callin g in a re fill on y o u r m ed icatio n s. B ecause w e keep tra c k o f y o u r m a in te n a n c e p rescrip tio n s a n d re fill th e m b e fo re th e y ru n o u t. D ays b e fo re y o u e v e r n eed th e m . A n d w e 'll call y o u to le t yo u k n o w th e y 're re a d y fo r picl<-up. M a k in g it m o re c o n v e n ie n t fo r y o u to m a in ta in y o u r m e d ic a tio n s a n d y o u r h e a lth . S ign u p fo r C o u rtesy R efills to d a y . Just fill o u t th e fo rm b e lo w a n d b rin g it to y o u r E ckerd p h a rm a c y , o r sign u p o n lin e a t e c k erd .c o m . It's free. It's easy. And it's at Eckerd. 'I 'i; \ * ‘I ' patient na m e (PLEASE PRINT) LAST Medication ( r ip ,,,v '■ , Rx # (if available)• ' ■ ........... RHJONE NUMBER ’ Start Date , ‘ -------------------------—---------:-------------------------;------r n r ' i ^ ' i’ L---------r-, ' ^-----;-----;-----,, ... ''.-rT tiv' By completing and submitting this form to an Eckerd pharmacy associate; I am'requesting enrollment in the Eckerd Courtesy Refills program. PATIENT'S'SIGNATURE ^ Medicare or Medicaid prescriptions (except FL and TX Medicaid) iT)av( not be enrolled In the Eckerd Courtesy Refill program. DATE 10 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Feb. 12,2004 This Week’s Cowbow Deal a m b a s s a d e u r® A n t i -B a c k la s h 5 6 0 0 A B S P O R T IN G G O O D S 1800E.IMESST. HWY.S2L SAUS8URYShop Mon. thru Sat.9 00am-9.00pm Phono 7W-Ô33-609I Programs For At-Risk Youth Sought The Davic County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council has SI 15,384 in funds for programs that serve delinquent and at-risk youlh for the fiscal year begin­ ning after July I. Programs should address one of the following risk factors iden­ tified by the council; • early und persistent behav­ ior problems in school; • family management prob­ lems/family conflict and disrup­ tion; • community drug and alco­ hol use; or • peers who engage in delin­ quent behavior. The programs should address one or more of the following pro- S pecial o f th e W eek Assorted Mars Candies (Your Favorites) e a . Limit 8 While Supplies Last r r ¥ ^ a h n t in e 's C a r d s a n d G i f t s i n s t o c k n o w ! For (jrOiil iiiroriiiiilioii on (lni«s & lifiillli probli'nis, ЦО (o «« и.Г().ч1ог(1п 1цсол'(>т Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1 ;30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 4 9 5 V a l le y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 ______ www.fosterdrugco.com GRACE MOTORS, LLC Hwy. 801 at 1-40 Behind the Shell Station • Advance 3 3 6 - 8 1 7 - 7 4 8 2 » 3 3 6 - 8 1 7 - 7 4 8 5 1996 Toyota Corolla 1998 Toyota Corolla Low m ilos, super met) Low miltis, supi!i nice $ 49 0 0 $ 79 0 0 ★ ★Fast Credit Turnaround*★ 1996 Honda Accord LX 1997 Honda Accord LX Low m iles, supei смсе Low miles, su p e i и к с $ 6 9 0 0 $ 79 0 0 ★ ★A ll Credit Applications Accepted★ ★ 1998 GMC Jimmy SLS 1996 Jeeo Cherokee Snort 4c)i, 4x4, C D / S lo io o , All PW R, new lues, ° S p O r t 8!),0 00 m i, supei nice, 9 0 dciy w m icinly 4D R, A C , icd, 6J,()()0m i, 1141I '.lidip $ 9 3 0 0 $ 55 0 0 2000 Ford Contour SE 1994 Ford Ranger XLT 63,00 0 » n i, PW, PL, A C , fjlloy w heels, / 7 K / A C , wIu m'Is, A M / iM / C c iss, w hile , ■ ' 2 31 $ 5 5 0 0 $3900 ★ ★Financing Avaiiable^^ DeaiQr«oo655i8 tectivc factors to provide pro­ gramming that allows youth skill building opportunities, recogni­ tion and bonding that promotes healthy beliefs and clear stan­ dards. The council’s planning pro­ cess identified the following needed services: • Counseling - Contact with a professional counselor to pro­ vide individual and family therapy for adjudicated youth for a maximum of 20 youlh per year. Provide ongoing case manage­ ment of youth in school. • Guided growth group - To provide structured activities for adjudicated youth to improve self-esteem, social conscience, personal enrichment and social growth and development. • Parent Responsibility Classcs - To provide parent edu­ cation and support for parents of adjudicated youth. • Home-Based Services - Pro­ vide support to court involved youth and families with appro­ priate referral. • Restitution/Community Ser­ vices - To provide supervised placement for court ordered youth to complete community service hours and to reimburse victims for damages. • Temporary Shelter Group Home - Contact for approxi­ mately two adjudicated youth per year for a maximum of 10 days in care to provide emergency placement. Programs should oddress in the proposal a plan to enhance protective factors. These protec­ tive factors are: Individual Char­ acteristics - Build on the indi- ■ vidutti strengths of the child. Bonding - Promote bonding to family, school, community and peers. Health Beliefs and Clear Standards - provide positive role models, high expectations and clear rules and boundaries for youth. Local public agencies, non­ profit groups and housing au­ thorities wishing to submit appli­ cations for programs to address any of these dispositional options will need to secure application forms and other nccessory infor­ mation from Frances Tutterow, JCPS designee at 751-7704 or the Program Agreement form is available on the DJJDP website at www,jMVjM5,5lnlejgeJis. The deadline for receiving ap­ plications is 3 p.m., Feb. 23. Mail or deliver completed applica­ tions to Frances Tutterow, 220 , Campbell Road, Mocksville. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t The following Clises were dis­ posed of in Dnvic Administrative Conn Jnn. 2. Presiding: Magistrnte Kevin D. Hendrix. Prosecuting; Wendy Terry, nsslslnnt DA. • Shawn P. Anderson, speeding 60 in u 45. rcduccd to improper equipment. $25, cost: expircd/no in­ spection slicker, dismissed per cor­ rcclion. - Joshua D. Brewer, exceeding posted speed, rcduced to 60 in a 55, $10. cosl. - Marilyn S. Bron, failure lo wear drivers scat bell, dismi.ssed per plea; failure to secure passenger under 16, $25, co.it: cxpircd/no Inspection stickcr, dismissed per corrcclion. - Palrlck A. Brooks, speeding 75 in a 55, reduced lo 64 in a 55, $10, cosl; cxpircd/no inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Chrisli C. Cartner, .speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Allison M. Cochrnn, speeding HU in a 70, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, co.sl. - Crista A. Daniels, speeding 89 in « 70, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $100, cost. - Clarence J. Dcskins, rictllious/ conccalcd/revokcd registration card/ tag and operating a vehicle wilh no insurance, dismissed per correction; speeding 67 in a 55, rcduccd lo im­ proper c(|uipmcnl,$25,cosl: failure lo wear drivers .scat bell, dismissed per plea. - Bryun D. Ellcdgc, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per correction. -Adrian S. Esposito,.speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Jaime A. Hcnion, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Eric L. Hudson, expired regis­ tration card/lag and rear lamps vio­ lation, dismissed per correction. • DInna L. Johnson, .speeding 75 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $100, cost: failure lo notify DMV of address changc, dismissed per corrcclion. • - Timothy W. Kills, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Kelly R. Larimore, speeding 67 In a 55, rcduccd to improper equip­ menl, $25, cost; failure lo wear driv­ ers scat belt, dismissed per plea. - Robert L. Lynch, following too closely, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Donald R. Mairc III, speeding 69 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Peter Mandaia, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Pamela L. Mangan, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $75, cost. - Leonard L. McAfee, failure to secure passenger under 16, dis­ missed per correction. ■ Fernando V.Mondragon, speed­ ing 50 in a 35, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Elizabeth 0. Moore, speeding 69 in B 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, C0.SI. - Efrain C. Paslor, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Gary W. Porter, fiotitious/con- cealed/revokcd registration card/tag, dismissed per correction. - Debra A. Session, speeding 90 in n 70, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $ 100, cosl. - Gary L. Stowers, no operators license, dismissed per correction. - Jean S. Vernon, expired/no in­ spection, dismissed per conection. n -1-^ W I L L Y O U O U T L I V E Y O U R M O N E Y ? T o g e t th e a n s w e rs to th is a n d o th e r re tire m e n t q u e s tio n s , c o m e to o u r o p e n h o u s e . WHO; WHEN; Tliursday, February 26,2004 front 2;00pni to 6:00pm SPONSOREDBY: AllstateFinandal Semites CAU: Mark Jones or Steve Ridenhour 336-751-0669 >lllslate. You’re in good hands. Life ImuTMc« Company. @ Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL subsidiaiy of Aiisiaie DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 12,2004 -11 Davie County Connection I 'Ш S i g n s R e q u i r e P e r m i t s D o Y o u i - l a v e Y o u r s ? Davic County adopted its lirst county-wide zoning ordinance in November 1973. At that lime, adopting county-wide zoning was not something most counties ¡irotind the slate were considering, Davie Counly was then, and still is. a leader in providing services to its citizens. In 1992 the c|ualily design overlay district was added to the zoning ordinance. The quality design overlay district was established as an overlay district whose geographic coverage primarily encompasses the rapidly growing northeastern section of the counly. Il is intended to supplement, rather than replace, the underlying zoning in this area. It addresses design elements such us landscaping, signage and access. The quality design overlay district covers approximately 21 percent of the county. It has comc to the attention of tho zoning staff that there arc many signs within the county that arc In violtUlon of tho zoning ordinance and in particular the requirements in the Quality Design Overlay District. Signs arc allowed within the Cotinly’s overlay district, however, there are guidclinos for tiieir installation such as, but not limited to, size and location. No signs are allowed within tho road right-of-way and off-premise signs are only allowed for non-prolil organizations. There are also guidelines for the size and number of signs allowed on cach property. Within the next few weeks the Zoning Staff will be contacting owners of the signs in violation luid requesting their cooperation in removing the signs and/or bringing tho signs inlo compliance with the regulations. Many of these signs have been installed without permits, probably because the owners of these signs were unaware that a permit is required to install a sign. Permits are required for Installation of signs in the overlay district and all other districts and can bo obtained ut the County Administration Building at 123 South Main Street in Mocksville. * I ilih B o a r d U p d a t e \ii;Bbar(l of Health is proud to announce kth’rbo newest members: Mark White, ihiSmliacist member; Dr. Gail Waldman, |teMn'nriaii member; and Dr. Harry Little, ‘’yslblun member, ^ > 6!Health Department would also like to i Its’ concratuIaUons to Joe Mando, i ,i;v SnmeiMal Health Supervisor, for ¡Itiilyioropletmg thirty years of service ; JfElavie'County. , ‘ « D a v ie C o u n t y B o a r d o f C o m m is s io n e r s 2 0 0 4 M e e t in g S c h e d u le Date Time Monday, January 5 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, Januaiy 20 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 2 1:00 p.m. Monday, Febriiary 16 7:00 p.m, Monday, March 15 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 5 1:00 p.m. Monday, April 19 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 3 1:00 p.m. Monday, May 17 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 7 1:00 p.m. Monday, June 21 7:00 p.m, Monday, July 19 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 2 , 1:00 p.m. Monday, August 16 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 7 1:00 p.m. Monday, September 20 7:00 p.m, Monday, October 4 1:00 p.m. Monday, October 18 7:00 p.m. Monday, November 1 1:00 p.m. Monday, November 15 7:00 p.m. Monday, December 6 1:00 p.m. Monday,. December 20 7:00 p.m. Notice will bo given for called special or emergency meetings. D ia b e t ic S u p p o r t a n d C la s s e s A v a ila b le On the lirst Tuesday of each nionlh, Charlene Allred, RN, and Cathy Manson, nutritionist, conduct diabetes classes for any diabetic referred by a physician. Classes arc held in the health dopurtmont conferencc room from l2:45-4:30pm. The local diabetic support group meets on the last Thursday of cach nionlh at the Davie County Library. Diabetics and their family members arc invited. V o lu n t e e r s N e e d e d Incidents of domestic violence and sexual assault have become very serious problems in Davic County. Arc you interested in doing something to help the community? Help put an end to domestic violence and sexual assault by volunteering. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: 24-hour Crisis line, court advocacy, Spanish interpreters, child care, presentations, displays, older abuse prevention, prevention and education, specia projects, public speaking, puppet shows and office work. Volunteers are required lo complete a twenty hour training course in order to successfully work with victims. The next training session is March 22-27. Interested? Please call Davic Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center al 336- 751-3450. D a v ie G e t s A N e w H o r tic u ltu r a l E x t e n s io n A g e n t Have questions about pests? Maybe you need some help coming up with some regional plants for your yard or bus ness. Or want to know how to bring some wildlife into your yard, while keeping other types out. If so, then you need lo meet Colleen Sparks, tho newest member of the Cooperative Extension ofiice. Colleen is tho D a v ie C o u n t y P u b lic L ib r a r y Y o u th S e r v ic e s A c t iv it ie s Moiitlay, February 16,7:00 pm PUPPET SHOW (all ages) Monday, March 1,7:00 pni SEUSSENTENNIAL. Hel|) us celebrate Dr. Seuss’ 100th birthday with stories, activities, face-painting, and a birthday cake, (all ages) Monday, Mnrcl) 2, READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY - No matter where you are, lake the lime lo share a book today. Monday, March 29,7:00 pni Award-winning children’s author Carole Boston Weatherford will present READING, WRITING & RHYTHM. She weaves songs, chants and percussion with poems about family, communily, and her own African American Heritage. Don’t miss this rousing evening wilh a very talented author. L e t ’s T a lk A b o u t It For the 12th consecutivo year, the Davie County. Public Library will sponsor LET’S TALK ABOUT JT. This year’s series is One Vision, Many Voiccs: Latino Literature in the U.S. The five programs will be on altemutc Tuesdays nt 7:00 pm; February 3,2004, In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez February 17,2004, Dreaming in Cuban, by Cristina García March 2,2004, The Crystal Frontier; AfNpvei in Nine Stories, by Carlos Fuentes March 16,2004, When I Was Puerto Riúan, by Esmeralda Santiago i March 30,2004, Growing Up Latino, Harold Augenbraum and Ilan Stavans, cds. ' The books are here and ready for check-out! At each program a visiting scholar will give a 40 minute presentation followed by a short social break and small group discussions. The programs are fun, free, and informal. This series is funded with a grant from the North Carolina Humanities Council and in collaboration with the North Carolina Center for the Book, a program of the Stale Library of North Carolina. Participants can attend one or all of the programs. Davie County teachers receive one renewal credit for attending four of the five programs. For more information call the Library at 336-751-2023. ^ o n Y o u v&oheslicVloleiwe Services neeik your^ pilphorte avío Domestic Violénce Services and i Crlsls Center (DDVS/RCC) is asking i)i§lp;from Ü10 communily with little to no t,on your paril Theji are collecting old hones.'These phones will elthfcr be . gmiiiiiicd for emergency calls only or ' ■ jj k’tiompaily in Florida that refurbishes . ell,phones and pays domestic violence/,,, oHsts centers money for these phones. , ■ ''can you do to lielp? |fn‘help in one of two ways. First, if I tiiibtisineiiiijtitisiness owner, you can help by ticm set a cell phone collection box at ' i of.business. Thcy will supply the - < it,up when it 1,1 full. That’s III fi ; uptown a business', then you can I , 5^çillcçtion bo.vés at various local ; f'and'd^nato ^our old cell phonesii ; " ‘¿for collection boxes and dtopy es thatKüvé № ^ y : Sffiçe' erce,Emert ^ e .’thesyadiçihvillr^^^ .ÏE)üyie Opunty Arts Gôùji'éllè 'lace, and of course, the DDyS/^ ; for tho bo?ces, coining soon to a ■’/lëaryoul, ■ ■ '■ '" V '' i;i[ien tS rS j6 u g h t " ' I n g L a n d e lo p m e n t P Ia n iPavlé County Planning Board continues; i; iyidw the draft, land development plan ' • JlVtO. >• V Horticulluie Scicncc with a minor in Agricultural Resource Economics. D a v ie C o u n t y F ^ u b lic O f f ic ia ls K e e p in g E v e r y o n e S a f e a n d W a r m Wc’ro in the middle of winter, and, so far, winter is living up lo its name. Unfortunately, many fires occur during very cold weather when people do whatever is necessary to keep warm. But you cun avoid some of the fire hazards this winter by following a few .safety tips: • Call a qualified sorvico technician if ;^our heating .system docs not seem to be operating properly • Try to avoid using supplemental heating such as kerosene heaters or portable electric space heaters. If you do have to use them, be sure to keep them at least three feet away from combustible materials • Always use the proper fuel in kerosene heaters and re-fuel them outside • Try to plug eleclric heaters directly inlo a wall socket. If you have to use an extension cord, be sure it is rated to carry the load. • Keep lire screens in place when using fireplaccs • Candles are extreme y dangerous. Make sure they arc in sturdy holders wilh glass chimneys lo protect them. Never leave candles burning when you leave the room or go to bed. Be especially careful if small children or pets are present. Fuel-burning heating appliances produce carbon monoxide. Be sure they are properly ventilated. It’s a good idea to install a carbon monoxide detector if you use fuel-burning appliances. Emcrgcncy power generators also produce carbon monoxide. Never run them inside an enclosed building. Also, don’t leave your car idling in an enclosed garage or basement. As always, make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. For more safety information, please contact the Fire Marshal’s ofiice al 751 -0453 or by email al gcorge,frye@co.davie.nc.us. The board received many good responses from the public following the workshops in November 2003. Due to the-------------- '---------------------------->--> >•-------------------------------------------! -.>---------- <■-----------.I- Board members are Davie County Uovoiopmont Services ucparimeni, ivionaay inrougn i-riuay, o:ju am lo j:uu pm ai /3 or /ji-jjh O . County Board ol Commlsslonors RicliarU I’liimlcxlcr. ChiiiniiiiM Mlelmcl Alien. Vicc Cliiiirniiui Dun UurrcU Uiilihy Kniglil Ken While Planning Board Jimmy Summers, Cliaimum John I'uller. Vice Chnlrinnn Chtis Anilcrsoii Kuiidall Cave Dnpluie Frye Oeorgc Peierson Ell VuBler.Jr. I Board ol Adlustmont Dan Smilh. Chiilmian Mlchiiel Mranham Jim Greisuty Jaek Jerome »ill JusephWiiync Webb (allemaie) J.T. Smith (allemalc) Oapartmont Hoada ■RitTy Brallcy, AUmlnlsliailon 751-5513Oreg Hoover, Cooperallvo Bxlcasion Service 751-6297 Ronnie Roben,son. Commimlealions 751-0896 Neal Smilh, Compuler Services 751-7409 Wllllnni Whaley, Development Services 751-2791 Marlha McQuecn, Domcsllc Violence and Rape Crisis CcnlerRapeCrlsh 75Í-3450Mnrsnnil Shew, Bleclloiis 751-2027 Dwayne Smith. Bmerticney Medical Services Jiiii Slockert. Asst. County Manimer/Flnancc 751-5256 George Го’е, Tire Marshal 751-0453 Harry Bass. Heallh Depatlineni 751-8700 Rulh Hnyle, Library 751-2023 John anllimnre, Plimning 751-3340 Drcnl Slioaf, Ueslstcr of Deeds 751-2513 Kim Shuskey, Senior Center 751-0611 Allen Whitaker. SherllT 751-6238 Karen Smith. SiKlal Services 751-8800 Mary Nell Richie. ’Hix Admlnlstrallon 751-3416 Non« Ciitlton, Veterans Services 751-2010 Brace PraU. Water Dcpartmenl 751-.5888 Kim Harris, Qnuit Adinlnlslratlon 751-5513 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, Feb. 12,2004 S t u d e n t s S p e a k O u t A t A n n u a l M L K C o n t e s t Approximately 100 people attended the 12th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Pub­ lic Speaking Contest on Sun­ day, Jan. 18 at the Brock Per­ forming Arts Center. A welcome was given by Town Manager, Christine Sanders; Assistant Principal of M ocksvillc Elementary School, Gladys Scott gave re­ marks; and Retired Principal Julius Suiter presented the in­ troduction of speakers. Judges were Linda Barnette, Magalene Gaither, and Sylvia Steele. Recognized guests in­ cluded: N.C. House of Rep­ resentative Julia C. Howard, Mayor F.W. Slate, Mocksville Commissioners Lush Sanford and Vernon Thompson, Davie County M anager Terry Bralley and Davie County School Board M em bers, Carol Livengood and Dr. Regina Graham-Hauser. This contest is sponsored by the Town of Mocksville to encourage students of Davie County to acheive excellence in their responsibilities as citi­ zens. The Town of Mocks­ ville applauds students who increase their involvement in Î Brad Corriher earned a $1,000 scholarship as win­ ner of Ihe senior high divi­ sion. civic and cultural relation­ ships and appreciates the know ledge each student shares. The speech topics in­ cluded; "The Importance of Supporting Your Local Economy" (grade 4-8) and "What Can North Carolina Industries Do To Compete With Imports?” (grade 9-12) W inners 4th and 5th grade: 1st, Rachel Howell, Mocksville Elem entary; 2nd, Erin Deadm on, C ornatzer E l­ ementary; 3rd, Allison Lam­ bert, Mocksville Elementary. 6th through 8th grade: 1st, Am anda Nichols, North Davie Middle; 2nd, Mariah Lyons, North Davie Middle; 3rd, Melissa Nichols, North Davie Middle. 9th through 12th grade; 1 St, Brad Corriher, sophmore, Davie High; 2nd, Robert Crews, senior, Davie High; 3rd, Brian Fromal, senior, Davie High. Central Carolina Bank provided Savings Bonds and business and individuals con­ tributed to the $1,000 schol­ arship. Participants included; 5th grade: Chan Archer, Kali Davis, Erin Deadmon, Conner Je\Vell, Perry Ferrell, Rachel Howell, Allison Lam­ bert, Edgurdo Torres; 6th grade; Brian Bullins, Meli.ssa Nichols; 7th grade: Mariah Lyons: 8th grade: Chelsea Davis, Kristy Hite, Rachel Lantis, Amanda Nichols; 10th grade: Brad Corriher; I Ith grade:, Kim Carter; 12th grade: Robert Crews, Brian Fromal. > P o r t s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - B1 Fourth-fifth grade winners in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Public Speaking Contest sponsored by the Town of Mocksville were, from left, Erin Deadmon, Rachel Howell and Allison Lambert. Sixth-eighth grade winners were, from left, Amanda Nichols, Mariah Lyons and Mel­ issa Nichols. Housing Programs Available The USDA Rural Develop­ ment is ttcccpting applicntions for direct rural housing loan pro­ grams. The 502 Rural Housing Loan is for individuals who do not own adequate housing and would like to become a home­ owner. Qualified individuals will rcceive a subsidy on the monthly house payment, The 504 Loan/Grant program is for individuals who already own and occupy the real estate and would like to have a safety or health hazard removed. Grant recipients must be 62 and can­ not repay a loan of any amount. For more informalion on eli­ gibility or to request an applica­ tion, call 294-7181.Ninth-12th grade winners were Brad Corriher, Robert Crews and Brian Fromal. D o n ' t F o r g e t A N I M M . W veT6WNAp.Y HOSPITAL имгем ш щ our vww a n o o m u T O N IItH A IU U S »D V M MNeti tdhMM, OVM, Ownwr M IM Jam M M rM tO wnmofw, HO aroia V O C iS . C A T S , e iR V S RABOrrS, FERRETS, REPTILES 7:30«Tve:00pmMon-Fri, Q:00«n-Noon Saturday (ОпсуьО^ Sarvtoa Д уаМнЫ») I САиЮОАУЮЯАЫАРГОтГАШт [ 3 3 6 1 7 7 8 - 2 7 3 8 " Nrtlonii PtTointaTMonth $ 1 0 . 0 0 O F F I OMIDtNTALCUMNINa PwHouMhotdVWh Coupon ExghMUtwh 91,3004 Q u e e n O f H e a r t s 12 rod rouos dollvored In a roso bowl with a gift cortlflcato (or a Cliampago nnd Rosas Facial, mado Irorn llie seed of champagns grapes and tho oil of Bulgarian roses with paraffin hand wrap, nech nnd shoulder Irealmont.$ 9 9 00 B e M in eDozen red rosos In rose bowl delivered wilh a gift cortlflcato for our ov/n Chnmpagno and Rose facial, a gift cortillcato for two for Sunday Champagne Brunch al hJowTown Bistro. We put the aaah back , In spa. f ] 2850 Mlddlebrook Drive Clemmons, NC t-et us pamper you (336) 712-0405 vmw.btnallclaliklnworki.com 1 Я« 1 3 9 .“ A l l M y H e a r t Dozen Red Roses in a roso bowl dellverod with a gilt certiticalo for our Champagne and Roses facial, Hot Slone li/lassage and Rose Petal Pedicure. s is g .““ (Vita And MflBtorcard Accepted) ^ C le m m o n s D is c o u n t S a le s M e n s , W o m e n s & C h ild ren s C lo th in g B uy One (ExchKios Sfxincors) ALL SALES FINAL 153.1 Lewisvillc-Clemnums Ud, Cleinmons _______________766-4449 • 766-4938 F l o r a l E x p r e s s io n s D o n ’t F o r g e t Y o u r S w e a t l i e a r t P la c e y o u r o r d e r s e a r ly ! 2729 I.cwlsvillciCleiinnions Koad Cli'niiiKins-•'1.78-1897 Hours: Mon-Krl y-S • .Snt 9-12 ш ш т ш а “ Л iobiK'co I' l ioiullv sto re ” The L ow -Price Tobacco L eader TRACKER....................Я.95 TUCSON..........tin 1)0 SKYDANCER.............$t«.75 TAHOE...................... jio 99 CHEROKEE...............$11.25 IIASIC.........................$18,69MARI.IIOKO.........-----$22.09 NEWPORT..................$21,79MISTY........................$16.29 IIAII,EY'S...................$14,29 MORGAN CIIKW.........................„.,$14.65 ho* SOUTHERN PRIDE CHEW..............$15,85 box < GRIZZI.Y & TIMHERWOI.F..............$f,.jij roll SKOAL/COPENHAGEN.....$1.1.29/$2Ы!» roll KODIAK..........................................$13,2!) roil ♦Excellent Selection of Imported Cigars Featuring: A, Puente, Montessino, Macanudo, Partngas, Cohíba, Punch and many Morel к 6311 STA D IU M DR. C U ÎM M O N S * 778-1144 Office Supply store ® J e w e lr y & P u r s e s f o r y o u r L O V E D o n e ! ‘ All Your Valentino's Shipping Needs • Variety of Leaning Tree Cards Como by & pickup our new sale catalog Full line office supply kFree next day dclivcry...whethcr you need r 1 or loo, we can acconimodate. You may c.ill, fax or email your ordi.T.s. Full color copies! Full line lypincj, resumes, flyers _________printing & signs. , ' _____ Houis. M-F 8-6 2668 lewlsvillB-Clemmons Rd. Clemmons W /W C M Ie &G,tts)Ph. 766-8382 Fax: 766-9661 CTOil: GirwMTetc^'iwl com Imost ) a v i e W r e s t l e r s ^ut S c a r e I n t o l o . 1 R i v e r s i d e |y Urinn Pitts phvie County Enterprise Record They should have different columns the standings: Wins, Losses, Bad bosses, Quality Losses, Davie’s wres- Jing team lost in the slate-dual quar­ terfinals to lop-ranked and unbeaten iivcrside here last week because it Bidn't have quite enough juice to pull but one last win, but it threw a mighty Scare into the eventual state champions im d earned a ton of respect in a 40-30 ildcfcai. Щ If the War Eagles (27-3) could have Reversed a 6-5 last-second loss in a flossup match at 140, if a favorable liWeigiu class (like 160,171 or 189) had Kbccn plucked out of the hat and forced Riverside to play it conservatively carly |n the match, they might have pulled ||0ff liieir greatest win since shaving Riv- |erside in the 1994 state-dual finals. Bui beneath the disappointment of I failing a hair short of an upset that I would iuive qualified as Hollywood |malerial, they knew they had done f lliemsclves proud. After falling behind 25-b. Ihey rallied .to 34-30 with one malcli left and gave their raucous fans a siring of thrills. Riverside - which handed Davie two of its three losses, including 45-24 on Dec, 31 - wont on lo beat Freedom and J Cary (35-28) for its third straight stale ! championship, “We’ve done everything we could possibly do," assistant coach Matt Sain saiil. "From the first time wc wrestled them until now, we've improved a whole lot," ‘‘We could have won that thing," Coach Buddy Lowery said, "We got a ■ couple breaks, but we needed lo pull out 160 or'171 out of that box. Then they would have probably wrestled (star , Daniel) L,lamas at 171 where he ■ weighed in in.stead'of 189 (where he beat Billy Riddle), Where would they . have wrestled him early? Probably at 171 bccause Jo.sh Barnes beat the (Riv­ erside) guy that beat Brock Flowers, . That was a big difference." By starling the match in the meat of Riverside’s lineup at 112, the War Eagles figured they’d have to play catclnip, and they did, losing four of the llrst five matches. Riverside’s fast start was temporarily inlerrupled by Dusty Johnson, who de­ livered his second eye-catching win in a row by upselling Jonathan Morion 5- 2, Morton is ranked third at 119. IMease Sec Davie - Page 117 - Photo by James BarringerDavie’s crowd jumped up and gave a deafening roar when Garrett Parks pulled Davie to 34-30. No. 4 Davie Jum ps A ll O ver No. 3 Jordan Davie’s wrestling team made a punching bag out of its secomi-round opponent in last week’s state duals at North Davic Middle School, And this wasn’t Reynolds or West Forsylh, This wasn't West Brunswick or Lake Norman. This was Durham Jordan, who is ranked third in tiie state by Mat Nows, and the matchup with fourtli-rankcd Davie was supposed to be a back-and- forth, edge-of-your-seat battle. But everything came remarkably easy for the War Eagles, who ousted Hopewell 54-24 before jumping on Jor­ dan 43-7.'With the victory ih hand, they forfeited the fmal three weight classes to settle for a 43-25’win/ - Davie's two-match performance - 16 wins, two losses without counting for­ feits - looked as if it was drawn up at a clinic. “We wrestled about as well as we could, even in the two we lost,” Coach Buddy Lowery said. “We wrestled our butts off.” The 189 weight class was drawn out of the lull for Ihe starling point, and Billy Riddle set Ihc night's tiieme wilh pins in boll) nuitches. Davie was perlecl against Hopewell, wilh Ryan Boehm, Ru.s.sell Hilton, Adam Mcllwain, Diisty Johnson, Zac Morion and Aaron HolUrield following Riddle wilh wins lhat established a 42-0 lead. All of Hopewell’s points came on four Davie forfeits. While everyone knew Hopewell was a gimme, Jordan was a surprising breeze. It featurecl dominating wins frbin Rlddie, Oarretl Parks, Hilton, Mcllwain, Morton, Jimmy Alleiisand, Jeremiah Raby and heartstopping Wins'" by Boehm and Johnson. “Everybody, even myself, thought Jordan waS' going to be close, looking at how they wrestled against Riverside (in a 35-30 loss),’’ Loweiy said. ’'If you would have told me it’d be 31-0 (after Morton’s pin). I’d lost my bull. In a match like ihiu I would have said you’re crazy. 1 like starting al 189,” Boehm, ranked third al 215 in Ihe Super 32 polls, squeaked out a l-O de­ cision over No, 2 Fred Campbell, Boehm was due a break, having lost two overtime nailbitcrs lo No, I Andrew Moyer of South Rowan, "Those kind kill you and make you go bald-headed," Lowery said. "I won’t have to get a haircut next week." ‘‘(Campbell) was beating the erap out of me. He was punching rrie the whole time. That explains the beauty marks," snid.Boohm, pointing to his face..“ ! don't think that ref likes me. eitlier, be­ cause vye.have it on tapewhere we fell 'oiltof bounds but I toed tlie line and the ref .said‘Ño point,’ , “I Just lucked out. I've gotten belter at riding people. I 've been working with Billy and Garreft - if you keep them down you’re going to do fine," The other monstrous moment be­ longed to 119-poundcr Johnson, who pulled off an 11-8 win over J.iy Coman, who is ranked No. I at 112 but moved up because Jordan figured it could handle Mcllwain with someone else. Mcllwain added insult to injury by win­ ning his match 5-0. "Coman beat me last year in the slate, so I was just trying to get some payback on him," Johnson said, “They thougiu tho guy they wrestled at 112 could beat Adam," Boehm said. “Johnson’s match killed them, tno.That just hurt." About tho only thing that didn’t go Davie’s way was HolUflold’s double­ overtime,2-1 lo.ss to fIfthTrankcd Brock Epps, i Thespectacularnlght pushed the War • Eagle.s’ winning streak lo nine and made them 34-13.all-time in the state duals. "Coach Lowery was tolling us toshyt up on the way home. We wouldn't stop talking about it." Boehm said. “It was cool. Jordan is supposed to be good. They lost to Riverside by 5, and we kind of beat them like we doeveiybody el.se." Snakebit: Two 1 -Point Losses Devastate Boys Worth Noting Mcisha Fowiei' propelled S. Davie’s girls' to a 34-32 win over Corriher-Lipe by-hittitig the clinching basket and scoring .20 point.s. Even though he’s just a fresh: ' ttian. Drew Esposito of Davie’s swim team earned all-conference hoiiors by Rriishtng second in the 500 free in'thei CPC champion­ ships.', '.'y' Matt 'Van Hoy of S. Davie's boys poured in five 3-pointcrs and 20 points in a down-to-the-wire 48-45 win over Corriher-Lipe. Jnm ar Howell of Davie’s JV )oys erupted for 18 points in a 58- ß4toss to unbeaten W. Porsyth.' Cnrly Bootli ofDavie’s varsity ¡iris had 21 points arid niiie re­ fu n d s in a 60-51 loss to 'W. •01's.yth. Cliff Burns ofDavie’s varsitys loys had 22 points, 13 rebound?,- ;1 10 blocks - his third triple^, uble in five gaiTtes - in art esx-' iciating 72-71 loss to W, For^. th. !■ Brandon Stewart, Josh Bar- :.s, Ryan Botihni and GnrrcU '* rks fueled a comeback: thai^ rted with Davie's wrestling 11 trailing top-ranked and evefv5/ il state champion Riverside ijicl ended with Davie within 34- f, Riverside held on 40-30, By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Josh Aiken released a jumper in the lane over two defentiers and the Dnvle High gym shook as it splashed through the net. Aiken luul done il, ending a tor­ turous losing streak to West For.syth with one of the most dramatic biiskets in the last decade. There was only one problem: The shot only gave Davie a one-point lead and West Forsyth still had 14 seconds to work wilh in last week's Central Piedmont Conference clash between archrivals. Later in the week at Soulh Rowan, Davie (11 -8, 1 -5 CPC) endured anoliicr crushing loss, losing 48-47 when Aiken’s last-second shot bounced off the rim. In the crueiest twist of iale, Ihe 14 seconds was enough lime for Isaac Rose, West’s 6-5 superstar .senior, to punch Davie in tlic gut. He caught the ball on the right wing and dribbled left, pulled up from 12 feel and nailed it. After a Davie timeout, Aiken missed al llie other end and Ihe West curse over Davie lived on. The moon was silling just right. Pe- rimetcr-oriented and siiorter West made just two 3-polnters after dropping 11 on Davie in a 107-80 win in an earlier meeting. This was llie night Davie was going to topple West for liic first time since Ihe Clifford Dulin-Greg Ander- son-Coach Denny Key days in 1987- 88. CiilT Burns was unsloppable wilh his third iriple-double in live games. Aiken delivered an amazing fourth i|uarler. Michael Mashore made I'our straigiit ciutcii free throws. Aii that and Ihe War Eagles still lost. They wanted lo cry as an eleclrie audi­ ence turned into a .sea of sadness after three violations against West (violations from Davie’s point of view, of course) went unnoticed by the officials in the last eight seconds. “There was some hurl people tonight - players and coaches," Coach Mike Absher said. “I’m so proud of our play­ ers. We showed a lot of guts and char­ acter and had an opportunity to win against a very, very good team.” It was a classic game - 14 lead changes and seven lies - bin no one from Davie wanted to hear tiiat in the after- malh of a devastating loss Ihal pre- ' vented Davie from lying Norih Davidson for third place and contend­ ing for llie last slale-playoff berth. From tlie Wur Eagles’ perspective, Ihey got robbed in Ihe closing seconds. Firsl, Ihey said Rose traveled before making tho go-ahead shot. Then con­ tact against Aiken and Burns, who had Ills riglit arm jerked down as he tried lo Slick Ihe miss back up an instant before the horn, went as non-calls. With Davie screaming for a whistle, Ihe tiiree offi­ cials hurried off the floor as Davie stu­ dents siiowercd the floor with cups and mini-basketballs. “Burns got Ihe rebound and got fouled,” Aiken said, “TIuil's a bad way lo lose a game. Last lime they had triple digits, but we hung wilh tliem. If they would have given us tluu call, Burns would have iicen at the line lo win the game. We played our hardest," Please See West - Page B8 Mystery Team: Girls’ Two-Year CPC Reign Ends By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record This Davic varsity girls basketball team exasperates Coach Karen Stephens, All sea.son the War Eagles have been unable to sustain momcnlum, and Stephens never knows how well or how poorly It will play on a given night. After .shooting a mind-boggling 61 percent and puUing on a show in an 80- 61 win over North Davidson, their in­ consistent pattern continued in tlie next game. With a share of first place in the Central Piedmont Conference on the line last week against visiting West Forsylh, Stephens didn't recognize the War Eagles. Instead of scrapping and clawing in the biggest gnme of the .sea­ son, she saw n tentative team that crashed back to earth with a 60-51 loss, ■ The final score was respectable. Be- hind the nuniiiers, though, was an ugly Davie perforninncc tliat started with it digging an 18-0 hole, Davie climbed back to within eight al halflime, but never threatened to liand West (17-5,7- 0 CPC) its first CPC loss. Later in the week, Davie (9-10,4-2) did just enough to slide bySouth Rowan 64-57, “It's di.sappointing becau.se we could have been in that game,” Slophcns said. “You can't be down nine (at halflime) after that llrst quarter nnd not feel like you had opporlunilies. We weren’t in the game mentally. Being off so long (due to wintry weather) makes your game off, but still you should be hun­ gry to play after a week of no games. And this is a rival. We should have been hungry to (tie West for first)," In the first six minutes i) appeared the Titans might name the score, Tiiey all but chased Dnvie nut of the gym in the first six minutes, I'orcing turnover after turnover and taking the 18-0 lend. Given Davie wns coming off a game in wliich Allison Sciiafer concocted a rare Iriple-double and Nicole Maready, Aiyson Walker and Carly Booth joined her in double figures, il was hardly the showing (33-percent sliooting) anyone had nnlicipaled. ”1 don’t know whal lo say about that (18-0 slnri). It wns nwesome,” West conch David Sands said. "But I've been around this game a long time, and 1 lold my assistant when you get up like liial in the first quarter and they're a good team, it's going to be n long game. And it wns a long gante,” Sands'suspicions rang true. Andren Dwiggins, Maready ami Booth revived the War Eagles wilh a 21-11 spurt that pul them within striking distance nl halflime. But the gnme slipped nway for good in the third because Davie couldn't de­ fend West star point guard Dlone Eccles, who ignited runs of 6-2 and 7-2 for a 42-29 lend nnd finished with 23 poinis, Slophcns look no solace in Davie recovering to make it respectable. What ■she saw was an uninspired end to liavie's two-year CPC reign, "We didn't run our offense at all and we acted intimidated," she said. “They thiew the ball away several times and ilid things Ihey normally wouldn't do when we prcssureii them. But offen­ sively we weren’t putting it in the bns- kei. We got tlieir size in somo foul trouble cnrly, but we didn't tnke advan­ tage of it," Please See Dnvle - Page B9 В2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 MocksviHe-Davie Parks & Recreation Basketball Results IMVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - B3 Esposito Leads Swimmers W itli All-CPC Performance Boys 4th Grade VIPERS 19 - Calnb Martin 6, Cody Martin 10, Milcticll Miller 3. TARHEELS 17 - Will Beeson 6. Jncob Wullccr 2, Tommy Dillon 3, Andrew Kastings 2, Adam Smith 4. EAGLES 20 - Maxwell Lum 4. Davis Absher 10, Clay Cave 2, T^ler Calloway 2, Paul Ounlner2. LAKERS 8 - Corey Randall 6, Klrklin Bowles 2. Boys 6th CELTICS 33 - Greg Nuckols 17, Bradley Gaillier 6, Brad Landrelh 6, Ben Burton 2, Ethan Kuhn 2. BLAZERS 24 - Jenney Morgan 2, Will Rooney 5, Jevin Scott 6, MichacI Key 7. Ray Shepard 4. CELTICS 22 - Greg Nuckols 8, Bradley Gaither 4. Ethan Kuhn 2, Will Suggs 3, Ben Burton 5. DEACONS 15 -Tanner Holden 2, MichacI Tilley 2. Ryan Bameycastle 5, Xavier Dulin 5, Austin Bell 1. BLAZERS 28 - Will Rooney 4. Jevin Scott 9. Micluiel Key 11, Ray Shepard 2, Jcrmey Morgan 2. WAR EAGLES 23 - Kentreil Ray 3, Greg Rogers 7, Payne Miller 9, Chase Sampson 3. ROCKETS 35 ■ Chase Steele 2, Zach Long 17, Matthew Mills 6, GanvMt Cookson 2, Jake Moser4, Sam Moser 4. MAGIC 22 - Matt Essick S.iyier Seaford 9, Bret Williams 4, Morgan Harrison 4. Girls 5th BOBCATS 15 - Lauren Marshall 4; Cara Beth Hendricks 2, Jasmin Gunning 9. CELTICS 14 - Ashton Swicegood 6, Caitlyn Brake 5, Ashley Joyner 2, Meridcth Dinkins I. TARHEELS 9 - Alex Keiser 5, Tara Carter 4. FIREBALLS 7 - Roby Davis 2, Heleigh Brown 4,CliclseaDoulin I. Girls 6th COUGARS 13 - Sara Handy 2. Macy Smith 5, Katie Trotter 4, Keila Prevctte 2. LAKERS 11 - Erin Naylor 2, Sarah Barber 1, Jennifer Russell 2, Ashley James 6. LADY ROCKETS 15 • Maleia Stevenson 6, Morgan Wyatt 2, Samantha Tarleton 2, Ashley Smoot 3, Chelsea Parrish 2. CLOVERS 5 - Tishn Funderbiirk 2, Claire Moser 3. Boys Sth LAKERS 12 - David Slanley 8, Cole Jackson 2. Nathan Milleson 2. MAGIC 11 - Daniel Barret 1, Peter Fields 2, Jacob Little 2, Logan James 6. Girls 6th Tournainent 1st Round RAIDERS 17 - Jordan Moore 8, Rebecca Bobo 4, Kirsten Hatley I, EllysaTuckcr 4. CLOVERS 11 - Tishn Funderburk 4, Ashley Green 2, Sydney Nelson I, Elizabeth Kennedy 2, Claire Moser 2. Boys 5th Tournament 1st Round D.C. STARS 23 - Kentreil Rny 3, Reheem Mar­ tin 7, Daruls Wilson 3, Josh Beaver 4, Alex Bell 4, Shane Winters 2. FLIGHT 18 - Jacob Wood 4, Matthew lies 10, Zach Montgomery 2, Tevin Gaither 2. GATORS 20 - Ben Williamson 4, Andrew Williamson 4, Calab Howard 9, Jacob Allred 1, Blairc Carson 2. LAKERS 16 - David Stanley 7, Andrew Buchanan 2, Justin Minor 2, Cole Jackson 2, Nathan Milleson 2. RAIDERS 28 - Patrick Whaley 6, Mikeal PuHium 2, Blake Simmons 5, Nathan Jones 3, Parker Lee 12. DEACONS 24 - Andrew Ledford 1, Mattuie Sawicki Johnson 2, Ryan Foster 9, Calab Osweil 2, Charlie Rothbcrg 10. MAGIC 19 - Daniel Barret 2, Logan James 2, Daniel parrón4, Peter Fields ii. TIGERS 16 - Alex Newmnn 13, Sean Newman 3. Church League NEW LIFE 69 - Damian Lewis 20. FARMINGTON BAPT. 63 - Brian Pitts 26. MACEDONIA 66 - Scott Miller 16 JERICHO 23 - Corcy Gentry 8. LIBERTY METH. 54 - Brian Nelson 25. CENTER-SALEM 45 - Alex Justice 12. 1ST BAPT. 53 - Scott Tonidande 20, LIBERTY WES, 44 - Bubba Coleman 16, FARMINGTON BAPT. 43 - Brian Pitts 28. 1ST METH. 41 - Chad Ward 12. SMITH GROVE 68 - Dennis Whisenhunt 14. EAGLE HEIGHTS 40 - CodyTharpe 12. NEW CALVARY 77 - Leonzo White 21. EATONS BAPT. 53 - Ben Love 23. Girls 5th 1st Round CELTICS 19 - Ashton Swicegood 4, Caitlyn The ProliBssional Landscaper’s Cliolce for 20 Years. C O M M E R C IA L M O W ER S SCAli Commercial ZBro-Twiiing Radius Riders Gan Cut Your iWowIng Tima in Halfl Faster and more maneuverable than lawn and garden tractors, the Scag family of zero-turn riders cuts your big mowing jobs down to size fast. All Scag mowers are built for rugged commercial/industrial use for years of dependable service. Visit www.scag.com to learn more about Scag mowers. J o in U s Fe b . 1 7 fo r o u r P r o f e s s io n a l F ie ld D a y & O p e n H o u s e M a n u f a c t u r e r R e p s w ill b e h e re fro m 1 0 a m -2 p m ! OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT 'Oiler Is subject to dealer slock. 3242 S. IVIain St. • Salisbury (7 0 4 ) 6 3 3 - 8 4 8 4 Brake 8, Ashley Joyner 2, Meridcth Dinlins 5. SPARKS 15 - Kayla Comatzer 12, Brittani Stewart 1, Litrinda Tillery 2. Boys 6th 1st Round DEACONS 12 - Tanner Holden 2, MichacI Tilley 2, Xavier Dulin 2, Luke Bartelt 2, Austin Bell 4. MAGIC 10 - Tyler Seaford 2, Toby Williams 4, Matt Essick 2, Bret Williams 2. WAR EAGLES 23 - Chase Sampson 11, Greg Rogers 8, Zach Dresler 4. CELTICS 22 - Greg Nuckols 10, Brad Landreth 8, Ethan Kuhn 2, Ben Burton 2. Boys 9/10 RUNNIN REBELS 37 - Josh Eder 17, Matt Pennington 8, Tucker Ren 10, Shaun Goolsby 2. BLAZERS 29 - Dillon Maurer 11, Ernst Mayfield 5, Chuckle Metis 2, Frankie Fuentes 7, Jonathon Sims 4. Boys 6th Semifinals WAR EAGLES 33 ■ Zach Drechsler 7, Greg Rogers 4, Payne Miller 8, Chase Sampson 14. BLAZERS 21 - Ray Shepard 9, Will Rooney 3, Michael Key 7, Maleia Stevenson 2. ROCKETS 20 - Zach Long 6, Matthew Mills 2, Sam Moser 2, Jake Moser 8, Garrett Cookson 2. DEACONS 16 - Ryan Bameycastle 2, Tanner Holden 2, David Boswell 2, MichacI Tilley 4, Xavier Dulin 6. Girls 3/4 DEACONS 14 - Madi Pratapas 4, Ellle Carter 4, Jennie Rae Hager 2, Sarah Sponaugle 4. WIZARD 9 - Kristina Parrish 5, Kathleen Bar­ ber 2, Rebecca Clendenin 2. Co-ed 7/8th BLUE DEVILS 35 - Major Collier 16, Abe Drechsler 6, Josh Crowley 11, Evan trudeau 2. HORNETS 25 - Brian Gaither 4, Jake sanders 5, Chris Sponaguie 9, Michael Domanski 4, Haakon Krey 3. Boys Sth Seminnals D.C. STARS 18 - Kentrall Ray 5, Rahcem Mar­ tin 6, Daniis Wilson 4, Rcecc Harmon I, Alex Bell 2. RAIDIERS 13 - Blake Simmons 4, Parker Lee 3, Patrick Whaley 2, Nathan Jones 4. GATORS 18 - Andrew Williamson 2, Ben Williamson 4, Calnb Howard 6, Richard Bell 4, Landon Whitaker 2. MAGIC 13 - Peter Fields 2, Brad Deal 5, Lognn James 4, Jimmy Barron 2. Girls Sth Semifinals TARHEELS 18 -Tnliah Holland4, Kayla Brewer 4, Tara Carter 2, Alex Keiser 6, Keairn Smith 2. CELTICS 5 - Ashton Swicegood 5. Girls 6th Semifinals LADY ROCKETS 14 - Maleia Stevenson 2, Morgan Wyatt 2, Samantha Tarleton 2, Ashley Smoot 8. RAIDERS 7 - Elyssa Thicker 5, Rebecca Bobo 2. COUGARS 12 - Sara handy 6, Lindsey Bilackwell 2, Megan Hutchins 2, Heather Foster 2. LAKERS 7 - Erin Naylor 2, Sarah Biubcr 1, Jen­ nifer Russell 4. Girls Sth Semifinals , BOBCATS 12 - Jasmin Gunning 6, Cara Beth Hendricks 2, Carmen Grubb 4. FIREBALLS 8 - Cassandra Dalton 2, Chelsea Doulin 4, Carline Hemandz 2. Girls Sixth GradeAII-SlarTeam: Clare Moser, Tisha Funderburk, Erin Naylor, Maleia Stevenson, Ashley Smoot, Morgan Wyatt, Samantha Tarleton, Sara Handy, Macy Smith, Katie Trotter, Elyssa Tucker and Rebecca Bobo. The coach is Mamie Lewis. Boy.s Sixth Grade All-Star Team: Xavier Du­ lin, Chase Sampson, Greg Rogers, Greg Nuckols, Bradley Gaither, Zach Long, Jake Moser, T^ler Seaford, Matt Essick, Jevin Scott, Michael Key tmd Will Rooney. Tlie coach is Vincent Cockerham. F in a l S ta n d in g s W-L 6-2 6-2 5-3 3-5 , 0-8 . Girls 5lh Tarheels Fireballs Bobcats Sparks Celtics Boys Sth D.C. Stars Tigers Gators Deacons Raiders Lakers Magic Flight Boys 6th Rockets Blazers War Eagles Deacons Magic Celtics Girls 6th Lady Rockets Lakers Cougars Raiders Miglity Clovers 9-1 9-1 8-2 4-6 3-7 3-7 2-8 2-8 8-2 6-4 6-4 4-6 3-7 3-7 8-0 5-3 4-4 3-5 0-8 ^^ire d o f tk e. O ld C a n d y a n d Flow ers ro u tin e ? Try tke Sweetkeart Speeîal for tke motttk of February ß BEAULIEU® Coronet Carpet In Stock S h e r w o o d P a r k B e r b e r W i l l o w d a l e 1 5 ’ w i d e $ 4 . 5 0 / s q u a r e y a r d Mohawk carpet pad In Stock 7/16” thick, 6Ib. $1.85/square yard Visit our showroom for our special pricing on all In-stock vinyl. I n s t a l l a t i o n N o t I n c l u d e d smmsmcarpet 1 6 2 S h e e k S t r e e t • M o c k s v i l l e • 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm & Sat. 7:30am-12noon The Central Piedmont Con- fereiice swimming champion­ ships Feb. 3 at Winston-Salem State wns a long night for Duvie - tho War Eagle boys finished fourth among five teams while the girls finished last. Reynolds edged West 106-96 to capture the boys title. South Rowan was third with 60 points, followed by Davie ut 26 and North Davidson nt 14. West ran uwuy with the girls title, .scoring 145 points to runner-up Rey­ nolds’ 69. North had 56, South 19 and Davie 14. “Wc definitely have some items on our agenda to work on I'or next year," Davie first-year coach Jennifer Richardson said. “Three swimmers were disquali­ fied because Ihey missed their heat or swam during tlie wrong heat. Excitement sometimes gets to the best of us. It happened und we just had to deal witli it und move on. "But many swimmers ended their season with personal-best times.” Tiie star I'or Davic was Drew Esposito, wlio won a spot on the ull-conrerencc tcum by plucing sccond in the 500 free with u time of 6:02.34. Among Duvic's higiilights were Stcphunie Wendcl, who swum her best time in the 500 free (6:47.14); David Stein, who had an impressive 24.12 in the 50 free to placc fourtlv, and Jen­ nifer Hart, who knocked off more than five seconds on her 50 free. That’s quite an accomplish­ ment, Ricluirdsoii said. Also, Miranda Esposito started the season swimming tiie 100 butterfly at 1:44.97. In the CPC meet .she did it in 1:29.60, “That’s 15 seconds off her lime,” Richardson said, “Wow." Tiie coach added: “This is my first time in this conference. This season has dei'initcly opened my eyes. 1 have a lot to think about and a lot of changes lo make to tny coaching for next year. We won’t place lust next ycur. Not il I cun help it." Van Hoy, South Scrap Their Way To 2-1 League Mark Last week hnd the fed of a breakthrough, for South Davie’s eighth-grade boys buskeiball team. A ihrec-gamcs-in-l'our- days stretch opened witli the Ti­ gers rallying in the fourth quar­ ter to beat Corriher-Lipe 48-45. Tliey stayed close to high-octane Shawn Eagle and China Grove for tlirce-plus quarters in a 54- 42 loss. And tiien tiiey pummeled Southeast 45-20. Coach Brent Wall couldn’t ask for more than that. The Ti- gcr.s are a limited teum that lacks size and has one double-figure scorer. But is tlicre anyone out there who thinks these guys should be better than 3-2 and 2- I in tlie Mid-South Conference? With at least .six games to go, they’re already one win from matching lust ycur’s win totui (4- 8,3-5), “We've got to play our best, but we’ve been in every game so fur," Wall suid, “Tlie only gume we were really out of in tlie sec­ ond half was Erwin (58-46), and China Grove didn't get us until midway through the fourth quar­ ter," To give South’s scrappy com­ petitiveness some perspeclive. it was lied with Ciiinn Grove at tiie end of the first quarter, trailed 21 - 19 and 31-29 nfter tho sccond and third quarters, and China Grove could very well be the fin­ est teum in tlie nine-team MSC. Wall wasn't at the China ' Grove game because of a death in tlie family, but assistant couch Gcrmuin Mayfield told Wull “wc cun bent them.'’ Wall suid: “Ev­ erybody says China Orovc’.s the best team. If they are tlie best, we’re as good !is anybody on a given night." South’s first game of tlie week was a fierce buttle nil the wuy to the lust screaming seconds. Soutli trailed 33-31 heading into the fourtli, but pulled it out be­ hind top gun Matt Van Hoy, who drained five 3-pointers and scored 20 points. With 14 icam-high points ■ against Erwin, Van Hoy has been the catalyst in four of five games. Nino points aguinsl Southeast wns iiis lowest output. “If he would have hit his layups in tho first hnif (ngninst C-L), he would hnve liad 30," Wall said, “He takes it linrd to the hole, he’s not afraid to bung inside und he can handle the ball." Also uguinst C-L, Clint How­ ell cunie through with 10 points and Sonny Stanley chipped in six. After giving Erwin all it wanted for three c|iiurters. Eagle took over in the fourth and al­ lowed Erwin to finally pull away. Eagle hud 16 of his 17 points uf- ter intermi.ssion. .S'outii wus led by Van Hoy's 14 points and nine from Eric Lowery and Colby Seaford. “Wc didn’t liavc anybody who could match up witli Eagle,“ Wall said. Tlie 'i’igers bursted out to an 18-4 cushion against Sonliieasl. Tile fun was just beginning as the margin swelled to 35-13 in llic tliird. Seuford led wiiii 10 points, Vun Hoy had nine und Darius Hull und Howell contributed six each. Wall iieuped pruise on How­ ell, who pluycd far better tlian his six points indicates. "He had iiis best game," lie said. “Twice he took the bail to Ihc hole and scored and got fouled. He did a little bit of ev- erytliing, and got sonic steals. “1 got good pluy off the bench from Shaye Lewis. He had u reui good gume.’’ Notes: Muyfield, who with iielp from Wull led South Junior Higli to a pairof confercnce titles in the mid-1980s, handled the coaching duties against China Grove.... The Tigers’ encourag­ ing play faces a stern test this week. They liosl West Rowan on Feb. II und Erwin on Feb. 12, und they’rc 0-3 ngninst Iheni over two ycurs. They host Norlh Rowan on Feb. 17. South Dnvle 48, Corrllicr- Llpc45 - Malt Vun Hoy 20,Clint Howell 10,Sonny Stanley 6, Eric Lowery 5, Durius Hull 4, Austin Wood 1, Chinn Grove 54, South Duvle 42 - Van Hoy 14, Lowery 9, Colby Seaford 9, Howell 3, Hall 3, Stanley 2, Wood 2, South Dnvic 45, Southeast 20 - Seaford 10, Van Hoy 9, Hall 6, Howell 6, Stanley 5, Lowery 3, Matt Osweil 2, Wood 2, Shaye Lewis 2, South G irls Enter Pivotal W eek W ith W inning Streak In a game that wus buck und forth all the wuy, South Duvic’s eighth-grude girls basketball tcum knew where to get the ball. And sharpshooter Mcisha Fowler came through at crunch time to beat visiting Corriher- Lipe 34-32 in the first of three Mid-South Conference games last week. The Tigers followed that with wins of40-20 over China Grove and 35-14 over Southeast, run­ ning their records to 4-1 overall nnd 3-0 in the MSC. Fowler, who was coming off n 33-point performance in a 47- 42 loss to Erwin, was a one-glrl show against Corriher-Lipe, scoring nine points in the first half, II in the second and hit­ ting two huge buckets in the fi­ nal minutes. The first one erased a deficit and put South ahead. The sec­ ond one was another go-ahead shot, a 3-pointer that wiped out a one-point deficit and closed the scoring. “She can handle pressure, she's a good leader and the other Old School Davie Sports News From February, 1981 • Davie’s wrestling tcum ended the season 8-4 after a 34- 27 loss to Ashcboro. Tiie vvii\- ners I'or Duvie included Diin Murtin, Erik Mu.sselman, Barry Rivers, Thad Bullock and Greg Dunn. • Norlh Davie's wrestling ■ team closed its first season with a 6-7 record after edging Lexing­ ton 42-37. Lexington was up 37- 36 going inlo the final weight cluss, but North iienvywcighl Tim Smith got n pin lo give North llic win.The Wildculs nlso got wins from Mark Metzger, Tony Foster, Dale Bameycastle, Rayvon Davis and Michael Driver. • North Davie’s boys basket­ ball teum lost to Ashcboro 47- 43 in overtime. Keith Lunsford forced OT by hitting u basket with three scconds left in regu­ lation. Lunsford finisiicd with 22 points and Jerry Riddle added • Davie’s boys busketbull teum pushed top-ranked North Davidson in a 57-50 loss. Curtis Johnson led Davie with 13 points. Chuck Stone had 10 und Jerry West eight. • Davie’s girls buskeiball team nipped North Davidson 30- 29 on a free throw by Donnn Hendrix, who drained the shot with six seconds left. Sharon Young led Duvie with 10 points. girls look to licr," Couch Beth Carter said. Tile Tigers knew it was go­ ing to l)c tigiit. Lust year tliey lost to C-L 25-24 before gain­ ing revenge in Ihc MSC Tour­ nament; 37-32. This one was no different as Fowler traded blows with u Corriher-Lipe center no one could guurd underneath. South’s No. 2 scorer was Tekaira Gaither with seven points, “They have one big girl who is much taller than us," Carter said. “She didn't have to jump lo gel rebounds, nnd she put it right bnok up. She soorcd half tlieir points doing thnt.” South Dnvle 40, China Grove 20 The best part of South's rout at China Grove, Carter said, was lhat Fowler shared the spotlight with center Gaither, who earned Ihc game ball by leading Ihc way with 13 points. South raced to a 29-10 half- time Icud by winning the sccond qunrter 14-1. “Gaither had u big game," Carter said. “The key wus she didn't get into foul trouble, which she has a problem with sometimes. She was a force the whole game. Justina Scott, or whoever was playing point guard, got liie bail into her, and they couldn't stop her," Fowler scorcd 10, Carly Stauffer six and Tyara Wagner and Ayanna Lcncii iiad four cach. South Uuvle 35, Southeast 14 The Tigers' first linlf ngninsl an inferior opponent wasdown- right awful, Tlicy didn't scorc a single point ill tlic second quar­ ter and found themselves down 9-8, Carter's hainimc discussion wus not about X's and O's, but about effort and intensity. The awakened Tigers cuinc out smoking in tho third, outscoring Southeast 17-5, nnd continueU to pour il on wiih n 10-0 fourth, Tiie orchcstrator wns Fowler, who couldn't miss afler scoring four poinis in the first half. Her 12-point tear in liic third wns spiced by a pair of 3s, She fin­ ished with 22 poinis and Lcacli added seven, "We were just going through the motions in the first half, and Southeast was ready to play," Carter .said. "I told them at half- time that we've got to gel on the bull. We were averaging (40 points) a game und wc only hud eight, "Wc cumc out ready to play in the sccond liulf. Everybody played really weil,'| Fowler enjoyed iicr third 20- poinl game to push her average to 19,4, und Ouilher was aver­ aging nearly 10 before only managing just two against .Southeast, Bi't the players who ure ul- ways easiest to overlook arc the ones wilii dirt under their finger­ nails, Dirty workers like Laura Vanlioy and Leaeii migiit nol score miicli, but tiiey'ic slill im­ portant pieces lo llic puzzle, "Vanhoy has ut lousl iwo or three steuls u game. She's groat on defense, she gets on the fioor and makes plays huppen," suid Carter, who nlso cited significant improvement from Stauffer. "Tho past two games Suuiffo^ has really started to improve», She has started going up strong with il. Now when Guithcr gets in foul trouble we’ve got some­ body to go in tho niiddlo.” South is tied for first with three straight wins, but now the challenge is lo build on il against two of tlie premier teams in Ihe MSC - defending champion West Rowan and Erwin. Lust year, wiien the Tigers went 8-5, they lost twice to West by lop­ sided margins and suffered a clo.se loss to Erwin, which held off South earlier in tlie season. South plays ut home uguinst West on Feb. 11. Erwiii on Feb. 12 and North Rowan on Feb. 17. “West is going to be lougll,” Carter said. “Tiiey’vc got a re­ ally good bull liandlcr wiio is one of the best in tlic league, if not the best,” South Dnvlc 34, Corrihcr- Llpe 32 - Mci.slia i^wler 20, Te­ kaira Gaither 7,Tyara Wagner 5, Amanda Stewart 2, South Dnvlc 40, China Grove 20 - Guillicr 13, Fowler 10, Carly Stauffer 6, Wagner 4, Aynnnn Leuch 4, Justinu Scott 2, Stewurt I, South Dnvlc 35, Southeast 14- Fowler 22, Leach 7,Gahher 2, Laura Vanhoy 2, Stauffer 2. R e n t a l C a r s A v a i l a b l e from * 1 6 . 9 5 p e r d a y ! Call to reserve one today. Tim Sharpe 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 E irtrn s re 's ’-^ ’ A В4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Thursday, I'eh. 12.2004 Basketball Contest $250 $20 & Cap $5 B O N U S P R IZ E Forisi Perfect Entry F IR S T P R IZ E Each Week S E C O N D P R IZ E Each Week Pit your “hoops” knowledge against ' some of the greatest sports minds in the area each week in oiir Basketball Contest. The first place winner each week will receive II check lor $20 plus a sporty Enterprise Record ball cup so everyone will know you arc a WINNER! Otu- second place winner each week receives a check for $3. The (irst person to get all games correct in a single week will gel our BO.NUS PRIZE of $250. THE BULES1. Anyone can enter except emp . ol the Davie Counly Enterprise Record and Iheir lamillas. Only one entry allowed per person per week. All entries must be on original newsprint or Fax 336-751-9760. 2. Games In this week's contest are listed In each contest advertisement on these two pages. Fill In the contest entry blank and submit or mail Ihe entry to Ihe Enterprise Record , P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028. 3. The lirst entrant correclly predicting Ihe outcome of all games In a week will receive a bonus ol S250. Weekly prizes P i c k T h e W i n n i n g T e a m s E a c h W e e k & W I N ! are $20 and an Enterprise Record cap lor firs place and the second place winner receives $5. In case of lies, Ihe entrant who came closest to the total number ol points in Ihe lie-breaker wins. II a He still exhlsts alter the tle-breaker game Ihe awards will be divided equally among the Individuals who are tied. 4. Entries musl be delivered lo Ihe Enterprise Record belore 5 p.m. Friday each week. The olllce Is located at 171 South Main St., Ivtocksviiie, NC. 5. Winners will be announced lollowing each contest In Ihe next issue.Decisions of judges will be final. A new contest will bo announced each week. G O W A R E A G L E S ! ttL . D a n ie l F u r n itu r e & Electric Co., Inc. Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa M. Rollins • Will Marklin 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 « 336-751-3975 12. SI. Joseph’s V. Rhodo Island M ocksville Shoe Shop 52 Court Square, Mocksville, NC • (336) 753-0942 (In iJic 'Hnvn 1k'I(i\v liieXiUurul Ileallh SluipjK'i Owned & Oporatod by Chad Gough Now Selling Meffi Boots & Shoesl I Wo aro now cartying a lull lino ol Slool Too and Non Stco! Bools S Shoos S Wosloin Bools From Major Brands Liko: Qoorgln Booi, Carolina Boot, Juslln & Durango! 13. UConn V. Pittsburgh A Full SotvlM Repair Shop wilh Exporlonccd, Quillty Repairs at Roasonablo PdcosI I liiur.^: .\tim, 'I'ucs. 'I'liui s & t''ri О-Г.; WVd it Sul II-1 НЭ Jerry A. Hauser, DDS, PA Adam T. Dorsett, DOS Hillsdale Dental 7. CSoorgln V. Kentucky Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry 338.098-2427 • Fax ЗЗв-998-1088 i www.hillsdalodontal.com 135 Modical Olivo, Suito 201 Advnnco, North Carolinn 27008 i i m i l e A u t o l ^ r t S ; 7670 NC Hwy. 801, Cooleemee (336) 284.6000 4. Maryland v. UNC Located Boslda Handl Cupboard in Cooleemeo HOURS 8:30-5:00 M-F and d:30-11:00 Sal. NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS for All Makes and Models D a v i e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t providing all of your home health care needs8. S. Carolina v. Venderbllt A«(nliUliun C'txnmikvlun tvr iiomr (*arr. Inc. 959 Salisbury Road Mocksvillo, NC 27028 (336) 751-4288 • (888)797-1044 Fax (336)751-4688 DISCOUNT SALES IS. Miami V. Syracuso Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewlsville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon-Fri. 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 tuvtv. clommonsdlscounlsalBs. com 10. Michigan v. lown ® H u s q v a r n a speed • Power Handling • Performance MOCKSVILLE •AUTOMOTIVE (336) 751-2944 ANDBUILDING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 GO WAR ËAGLES 9. TennesBoo V. Alabama MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY D C A W T i l o m a s L . N e s b i t A t i ’O i w e y a t L a w 3. Ga. Toch V. Tonnoseoo m 65 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (336) 751-2125 visit our wobaito at www.ncabitlawxom 21. Kansas v. Nebraska B e t h ’ s H a llm a r k N ew Tow n e Shopping C en ter, C lem m ons. 766-6567 Y o u r “ H o m e - T o w n * ’ D r u g S t o r e 5. Wako V. Cincinnati F o s te r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 (lr(i)>.s & hi'iiilh prohlvin^, i;(i lo www.lo.stvrilniKco.c'oni ^ Tops Tra ve l^ T o p s o n P r o f e s s i o n a l S e i 'v ic e Y o U r L o c a l F u l l S e ry ic e T r a v e l A g e n c y 336-766-7303 V. Cattanooga www.topstravel.com ^ 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. ■ Clemmons Spillm an’s Lim e & Fertilizer Spillm an’s Hom e 1» Land Sales Cooleomeo, NC 336-284-2551 2. Duko V. NC Stato ........ EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1931 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC л 751-2148 I.FIa. St.v.Clemson C L E M M O N S C A R P E T m . - 2711 Lcwisville-Clcmmons Rcl., Clemmons ^ 3 1 Yi;urs Experience 766-8110 or 766-0166 17. Davldaon v. Ga. Soulhorn Shou loi'iii ()¡>cii Mull / II .Slim ^/411 • Sul •V. if him IJl>4 LI Prat«cte Ru»< « RMbte Abra*lMOutimfonm All Df^ln Unm • N«t a Pabrt Uk« CMrtJn»..Ctm« for Boat*. IVamn, ate. Spnnr« On up to Va* TMcitHalp« Katfi C«M from SlidlAfl • All Calort Avallabla 22. Missouri V. UNI.V & B R M n o U n ТИ1 Sphovcp-Oh Liner’ 712-1088 RHINO LININGS OF CLEMMONS 6300 Ramada Dnvo • Clemmons ^ H o rn ’s E xpress I # 1 & # 2 Purchase a Hot Dog, Sausage Dog, or ChicKen i Tornado and add a 32 oz. Fountain Drink s and any 990 bag of chips for ^ just ^ 1 .2 5 more 266 S. Salisbury SI. Across from Lee Jeans, Hwy. 601 751-7676 751-5789 COOLEEMEE VIDEO SUPER SUNDAY SPECIAL . *1.99 Movie Rentals All Cigarettes *2»/pack Every 11th Rental Is Free 6. Arizona V. UCLA Now Carrying Designer Ladies Clothes, Rnlpti Louron, Calvin Kloin, Liz Claiborne & Jouoa Now York Cooleemee Shopping Center • 284-2950 [ F o r insurimi'v cull B R A D R O M E N E S ¡’ЛТК FARM INSURANCE 14. Georgetown v. Tompio 3770 Glcmnions Road • Clomnjons • 766-3245 SIA'IЧ'. I AKNÍ lNSt'HAN(’i;rOMl'ANir.S » (>П=1С11.Ч; m.OOMlNCVVON. ИЛ-. ^ Block S«m (C». S m ì. @ 4$vd 8 JCeMdteapt Ш Ш в Ь 'Since 1927' Sand GiqvoI Mulch Bnik Nuoools Sond Rock Brick Nuoo°ls Markü Cindy Shoal Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Sat. 8:00-3:00 M(WISA/AIVIEX 788-6411 Compost Topsoll Kid Cushion Whito Pobbtos Brown Pobblos Pino Noedloa Rod Doslgnor Mulch OIrt Owners 745 W. Ctemmonsvilte Road 16. Appalachian v. WCU WInslon-Salom, N0 27127 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - B5 Howell, Davie JV Bovs Scare West L a s t C a l l F o r M e n ’s O p e n L e a g u e . . * This is the final week to sion ud for the men’s ooen basketball Davie’s JV boys bnsketbiill team rose to the occasion and Ihreatenecl to knock off im un­ defeated team last week. West Forsyth, however, dodged the Jamar Howell-Kyle Winters- Devon Venable bullet and im­ proved to 19-0 with a 58-54 win, In Davie's second Central Piedmont Conference game last week, it raced to a huge lead over visiting South Rowan and held off South’s belated rally, 53-48. The Titans took advantage of Davie losing two key ball han­ dlers to fouls and ended Davie’s hopes of tying them for the CPC title. But Coach Terry Mitchell took solace in Davie hanging around against such a strong team. “Wc played defense and we shot well. We just had 30 turn­ overs,” he said. “It was our best game outside of 30 turnovers. But 30 tumovers will kill you. I’d say 25 were unforced. “West is definitely an exccl- Icnt team. But we’ve been in the' game wilh them twice, and could have beaten them both times." Howell came out on fire, hit­ ting two 3-poinlers in the open­ ing seconds and keeping Davio close (it trailed 36-28 at half- time) by scoring 16 of his 18 points in the first half. Howell went nuts after enter­ ing the game with a 5.8 average. “He also had a lol of rebounds," Mitchell said. “He’s coming into his own. He's a good player.” Davie responded from the haiftimc hole with the best stretch of its season, n 16-7 run to take a 44-43 lead into the fourth quarter. While Howell cooled off, Winters, who sank 5- for-5 free throws and two 3s, and Venable, who contributed 10 points, pushed West to the limit. Davie still had a one-point lead with under three minutes loft. But two developments doomed Davie’s bid for a big upset and allowed West to make u winning run, "We went Ihe next five pos­ sessions without getting a shot off, and wo lost ReShnun Parks with fouls right after we took that one-point lead," Mitchell said. “We lost Evan Hall in the third with fouls. That’s our two point guards. Drew Yeager’s a point guard but he’s got a bro­ ken hand. So I didn’t have any ball handlers. “Realistically it ended (our chanccs of finishing first). In my opinion this was the champion­ ship game bccause West is not going to lose two games, But if we win out, it’s been a good sea­ son and at worst second place,” The War Eagles (12-5, 4-2 CPC) had an easy time with Soutli, bolting to a 31-14 half- time lead and coiisting home. Mitchell Ivey paced 11 scorers with nine points, Dillon Man­ ship and Venable had seven and MichacI Bingham and Ben Kuhn had six. “It really wasn’t a five-point game," Mitchell said. “Most of the starters didn’t play half the game. South only had six play­ ers. Their best player moved up to varsity, so they didn't have much of a chance.” Notes: Both of the War Eagles’ CPC losses have come against West, which snapped their four-game winning streak. ... Winters has been steady all season. His game against West marked the 10th lime he’s pro­ duced at least nine points. ... Davie closes the season with two home games - Alexander Central on Feb. 11 and North Davidson on Feb. 13. West Forsyth 58, Davlc 54 - Jamar Howell 18, Kyle Win­ ters 13, Devon Venable 10, Michael Bingham 6 , Ben Kuhn 4, ReShaun Parks 3, Davlc S3, South Rowan 48 - Mitchell Ivey 9, Dillon Manship 7, Venable 7, Bingham 6 , Kuhn 6, Howell 5, Kyle Wooten 3, Winters 3, Evan Hall 3, Parks 2, Jonathan Mayfield 2. H a m m e r T im e S h a n i k a B r o w n H e l p s J V G ir ls B e a t S o u t h R o w a n The Davie JV girls basketball team’s performance at West For­ syth was a complete bust. Davie’s second Central Piedmont Conference game of last week, against South Rowan, was a complete turnaround. After losing to South 32-26 in the first meeting, the War Eagles more than settled the score, bouncing back from a 48-37 loss to West Forsytli and clubbing South 44-26. The War Eagles had a chance to beat West, but they were out- scored 21-12 in the fourth quar- ter after closing within two (27- 25) at the end of the third. Shanika Brown and Morgan Owens led with nine points apiece, Sloan Smith hiid seven and Jenny Mann and Evony Tucker had six each. “Wc didn’t show up for that game,” Coach TJ. Boggs said. As bad as the War Eagles were at West, their revenge win against visiting South was every bit as good. Brown pounded away inside for 14 points, and Mann and Tucker backed her wilh nine each. "They played a lot differ­ ently,” Boggs said, ‘They played together and enjoyed themselves out there. A little bit of team came out. They didn’t do that (in seem­ ingly) the first 400 games.” It was Brown’s highest output of the .season. “She was in the game the whole time,” Boggs said, "I told her if she got tired to let me know, and she did not want to come out. My guards kept feeding it into her, and she was doing really good.” Notes: Tile War Eagles’ 4-13 record doesn’t look very pretty, but they’re feeling a lot better than they did on Jan. 20, when they were 1-12. They are 2-4 in the CPC,.., They close the sea­ son with two home games - Al­ exander Central on Feb, 11 and North Davidiio.n on Feb. 13. West Forsyth 48, Davlc 37 - Shanika Brown 9, Morgan Owens 9, Sloan Smith 7, Jenny Mann 6, Evony Tuckcr 6. Davie 44, South Rowan 26 - Brown 14, Mann 9, Tuckcr 9, Smith 4, Owens 4, Justine Gamble 2, Grace Didenko 2. This is the final week to sign up for the men’s open basketball league at the Brock Gym. Starting in March, the games will run 40. minutes with two referees. Call Brian Pitts at 751-4677 or 909-0474. R e g is t e r F o r P e e w e e , L ittle S lu g g e r s The Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department is acccpting reg­ istration forms for the girls peewee slow-pitch softball (ages 7-9) and little sluggers baseball (7-8) leagues. Registration fee is $30 and the deadline is March 5. R e g i s t e r F o r S p r in g B all N o w Davie Little League signups - forT-ball, softball and baseball - have been extended to Feb. 14 at the Davie Youth Complex behind North Davie Middle School from 9 a.m. to noon.Tryouts are sched­ uled for Feb. 21-22. Its website is www.davielittleleague.org, Call Todd Carter for baseball at 940-9114, and call Oreg Marshall for softball at 998- 8300, S c h l e u p n e r S t a r s F o r C o l l e g e Heather Schleupner, who starred for North Davie Middle and Davie High for four years before transferring to Mount Tabor, scored 18 and 20 points as her Belmont Abbey girls basketball team de­ feated Erskine and Limestone. In an 83-61 win over Erskine. Schleupner shot 7-of-9, In an 89- 67 win over Limestone, she shot 8-of-13. She is averaging 8.5 points, 3,7 rebounds and hitting 80 percent ut the free-throw line. F r e e R a c q u e t b a ll C lin ic F e b . 2 3 A t D a v i e Y M C A , In hopes of getting more people to sign up in the YMCA racquet-'* ball league, the Y is having a free racquetball clinic. Come out to the • clinic on Feb. 23 from 6-8 p.m. ’ Semi-professional players and Richard Daniels will be leading ‘ the clinic in which all levels of players can come to watch demon- , strations, get instructions, ask questions, and win door prizes. The Y league is offering two coed levels of racquetball. Regis­ tration ends after the clinic. The season storts Feb. 24. T r a v e l, C o e d S o c c e r O f f e r e d ; The Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department is offering travel . coed soccer for the spring season. The itge divisions; U 10 - Aug. 1,1993-Juiy 31,1995; U 12 - Aug, . 1, 1991 -July 31,1993; and U 14 - Aug. 1 ,1989-July 31,1991. The registration deadline is Feb. 19 and the fee is $45. You may . pick up forms at the Rec, located at 644 N. Main St. Mocksville. ' Call 751 -2325 . The season will run March-April, and games will be ' played on Saturday or Sunday at Pinebrook Elcmcntaiy School or Slatesville. B a s k e tb a U C o n te s t C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s Tin I net XA/msIt’c B A S K E T B A L L C O N T E S T W IN N E R S ! First Place = $20 and the Cap to . G a l l F r y e Second Place = $5 to S t e v e F r y e Gail Frye missed just 4 games to beat out Steve Frye who missed 5 games. In last week’s issue the winners were accidentally repeated from the previous weel<. The actual winners that should have been listed in the 2-5-04 issue were De’Vonta Scott with First Place and Bryan Davis wilh Second Place with 6 and 7 misses respectively. ALL CONTEST EhTTRlES MUST INCLUDE A FULL MAIUNG ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER. WEWlLLNOWeEMAIUNGALi CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. Entries vvithout tWs info will have to be disqualified. T E N T n t Y ~ B L A N K i I Scurch the nd.'i on the.se two pngc.s to find Ihc contest games. Then I I enter the team you predict w ill win beside the adverti.slng .-iponsor’s | " name listed t)elow. ■ I ADVERTISER I 1. EATONFUNERAL SPILLMANS WINNER I 2 !:■1 ^' I 5. I 6. I; I 9. I I TOM NESBIT, ATTORNEY COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS FOSTER DRUG COOLEEMEE VIDEO HILLSDALE DENTAL DAVIE MEDICAL CAUDELL 10. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 11. HORN'S EXPRESS 12. DANIEL FURNITURE I 13. MOCKSVILLE SHOE SHOP I 14, STATE FARM, ROMINE V O G L E R & S O N S 20. Iowa SI. V. Texas JV'/'i’/)'«’ r/if community fo r owrvans. Funeral Home Clemmons Cliapel • 2849 Mitldlebtxjok Dr. • 766-4714 t é e t c Full Line Office Supply Store You may call, fax or email your orders. Full line typing, resumes, flyers, printing & signs. • Business Cards • Rubber Stamps • UPS • Notary • Jewelry & Purses• Color Copies Available starting at 95< 2668 Lewlsvllls-ClBinmons Rd, Clemmons (mos.'i horn Vlllaoo Cnndio & Gills) • Hours: M-F 8-6 Ph: 7B6-8382 Fax: 766-9661 15. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT 16. BLACK SAND 17. CLEMMONS CARPET 18. TOPS TRAVEL 19. TARHEEL TOBACCO 20. VOGLER & SONS I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK I 22, RHINO BEDLINERS T f ie L o w R r ic e C ig ja r e tt e L e a d e r 19. Furman v. WoHord T O ^ c œ _ _ _ _ _ “A Tobacco Friendly Store!” ■ ■ H I' • T k m k a *9 ” » T a c s o a *1 0 * - IV iio e »1 0 * • S M a n o e r n ( T « C lie ra k e e BgoMSeloctianOflwpalodCigiusFoatuiing: A Fuonlo, Monlossiw, AttGanuob, Partagas, Cohixi. Fund) find Many Mam! 6 3 1 1 S ta d iu m D n ,a c m m o n s • 7 7 8 -1 1 4 4 (336)770-1897 (888)778-1697 l-BOO-FLOWERSF l o r a l E x p r e s s i o n s ’[fCowers &r‘ Qifisfor Tiff Occasions 2729 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd • Clemmons Ronoo Howoll Owner 24. Texas A&M v. Oklahoma Mon-Fri 9-5 SQtO-12 23. MT etc. ________^ 24. FLORAL EXPRESSIONS _________________ Tie Breaker Predict tiie .scorc in the following contcsl. In ciiscs of ties, tlie tiebreaker will be used to iletcmiine Ihe winners U N C V. M a ry la n d Total Points Scored . NAME; V Viilviiliiiv's i)uy is juiit iiroiimhliv corner! V' I ADDRESS:___________________;______________ I DAY PHONE :_______________; NIGHT:_________ ■ Submit by mail, In person or FAX 336-731-9760 lo the Enlerprise-Record oflice; ■ 171 S, Main St., Mocksville or PO Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I ; I I I I ; I I I I I I I I В 6-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 —..... ^ s Davies comeback wilh a 7-6 Win, coach Buddy Lowery (right) remains calm amid a deiirious atmosphere in Davie's close loss to No. 1 Riverside, Brock Flowers tali<s to Buddy Lowery during blood time. Sophomore Brock Flowers fought valiantly in a loss at 171,- Photos by James Barringer Josh Barnes steamrolls his 160 foe In 28 seconds. Ryan Boehm delivered a pin at 215 that made it 34-24. Ryan Boehm's win improved him to 29-5. Timmy Alien's thrilling 7-6 win moved him to 32-6.Mat News’ 4-A Wrestling Poll 1. Riverside 2. Cary 3. Jordan 4. Davie County 5. Jacic Britt 6. Freedom 7. Hoggard 8. Green Hope 9. Myers Park Jeremiah Raby led late before taking a tough 6-5 loss. Brock Flowers dug in against a heavy favorite and battled hard in an eventual loss. »0- Northern Durham Freshman Adam Mcliwain had won nine of 10 before losing to Riverside at 112. D^iity Johnson survived 5-2 to upset the N o.?tl 9-por d t i^^t e 4-/ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdiiy, I'eb. 12,2004 Davie fans jump for joy during a comeback in which Davie turned a 25-6 deficit to 34-30. Riverside prevailed, then won a 3rd state title in a row. - Photo by James Barringer D a v ie G iv e s R iv e rs id e A R u n B e fo re L o s in g In F in a l M a tc h 4-A state. Continued From Pngv lit X "1 .slurlcci licaring everybody »'j thccring (wlicn I wa.s in ¡i trouble)," Johnson siiitl. "1 siiid ^ 1 cun't let the team down, so I f jii.sl fought through it." Davie’s niunicntuin was shortlived as Riverside tîlew out to a 22-3 lead. But starling with 5- Timmy Allen at 140 and end­ ing with Garrett Parks at heavy­ weight, the War Eagles demon­ strated toughness and the tenace ' ity of a street fighter under big- match pressure. Allen wa.i gutsy, coming up with a late reversal to prevail 7- 6 and trim the margin to 22-6. Then Brandon Stewart pro­ duced a dramatic turnaround that was as beautiful as it was unbelievable. Riverside .senior Broe Dickerson, who is ranked sixth at 152, was pounding Stewart, whose shoulder blades were all but hugging the mat. The freshman needed a miracle. He showed enough grit and stubbornness until Dickerson leaned back loo far and pinned himself. Tiie wild swing - from potentially 31 -6 to 25-12 - invigorated die crowd and let Riverside know it was in for a fight. Stewart was overwhelmed in eiT\otion as a rowdy and deaf­ ening crowd showered him. "I got up thinking I had lost," he said, "And I looked over al the Davie fans and everybody was jumping up and down, and that’s when 1 knew I had won. It felt cool because he had beaten me 18-9 last tinie." " I’ve never scon that call made in a match,” Josh Barnes said. “(Dickerson) was getting back points tiie same time he was getting pinned.” Sain explained it like this: "You don’t see n defensive pin much, but I’ll tell you whal hap­ pened. Not one time did Stewart •Stop moving, He was moving, he was trying, he was hustling the whole time. And good things happen when you hustle.” Barnes made c|uick work of an overmatched opponent at 160, pinning iiim in 28 .seconds. Just like that, il was 25-18, Riverside claimed tlie next two to back Davie into a nuist- win corner. Llamas was too much for Riddle in an 8-3 deci­ sion, and that’s saying some­ thing. How good is Llamas, who handed Riddle just his sec­ ond defeat (not counting two forfeits)'.’ Tiie 171 -pounder has stopped the No. 1 guy at 189. Northern Durham's Marquee Leathers. Cliris Ange, a JV freshman, took one for the team at 130, absorbing a cjuick pin from a iwo-time slate champ (Vincent Ramirez) who has won 142 straight. Another Riverside boast (135-poundcr George Hickman) pinned one of Davie’s horses (Aaron Hbllineld). ’ “That’s death row. Yon jump from the fire to the frying pan,” Lowery said of the Ramirez- Hickman combination. “Riverside’s got year-round wrestlers and seven seniors (to Davie’s two). Everyone of them belongs to (Chapel Hill coach) Mike Kendall’s club. Kendall (was a four-time slate champ who) wrestled at North Caro­ lina.” Llamas pushed Riverside’s lead to a comfortable 34-18, but five minuies later the War Eagles were pinching them­ selves. Fans exploded when Ryan Boehm stuck his foe in llie third period, and it doesn’t get any better tlian Parks' 28-sec­ ond pin at heavyweight. That made it 34-30.That put Davie one step from a floor- storming celebration. Unfortunately for Russell Hilton and Davie, the Pirates had another ace in their hand. Colton Palmer is ranked No. 1 as a freshman and headed to­ ward multiple gold medals. Hil­ ton is a migraine for most 103 humans, but he diiln’l have a prayer against powerhouse Palmer. "Hillon wrestled hard, but you're not going to pin Palmer," Lowery .said. “You’re going to be lucky to beat him 5-4.” With 12 underclassmen dot­ ting the lineup, the War Eagles did all they could to dethrone the king. They lamented the ncnr-miss but ehcrlshed the emotional thrills, walking away with ihcir cliins up. “ We proved something,” Barnes said. “Wc proved we can contend wilh those guys. They’re not on a whole differ­ ent level. Wc can really contend with thc.se guys.” “We wrestled great,” John.son .said. “Riverside (is the) stale champions, luid we could iuive beaten them.” ' Davie has competed all .sea­ son wilh one eye glued lo 2003- 04 and the other eye peaking at 2004-05. “Everybody says next year is our year, but if we would have worked hard the whole year through to be .slate champions wc could have won it,” Allen saiil. “Wc didn’t work hard tlie whole year through, but everybody’s been talking aboul we're all going to wrestle this summer,every weekend. We’re going to camps and clinics.” "You can’t decide in January, 'Hey, we can win Ihis thing,’ “ Lowery said. "We’re going to have to do our homework, pul in our lime, get in Ihe weight room and wrestle as much as we can." Notes: Boehm marvelcil at Parks' rapid development. The sophomore has won eiglit of his last nine. "He keeps pinning people, and I’ve gotten u.sed to il,” he said. “I'm thinking of Garrett like 1 used to of Ted (Randolph, who missed the sea­ son with an injury). Now il’s like; ‘He’s going to win. It’s not a big deal.’ “ ... Eight War Eagles are ranked in their re­ spective weigiit classes. Allen and Boehm arc third, Jeremiah Raby fourth, Hillon fifth, Johnson and Riddle eighth, Adam McIlwaln ninth and Bnrnes 12th. ... The quarterfi­ nal pitied two coaching titans. In a career that began In 1966, Riverside’s Wall Tolarchyk en­ tered the year wilh a 536-69 record. Lowery is now 452-76. ... Although Davie exited duals wilh its first loss in 10 mulches, the season Is fur from over. The Midwest Regional is Friday and Saturday at Chapel Hill High. YOUNG DRIVERS INSURED Competitive Auto Rates. Whether You D fiVG a Two-Door, Four-Door or T h r o u g h a Garage Door. For a free auto quote, call me... Stop by... Log on — It's your choicel •Auto «Home • Financial Products «Business Jim Kelly, Jr. 281 North Main Strool Mocksvllle 336-751-2937kely)2®r)a)ionwl0o com Kolth Hiller 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., MocksvllleWdlow Oaks Shop, cnif, 336-751-6131hillorkienationttide corn Nationwide’ Insurance & Financial Services NoKonwWe 11 On ftur SW«.* Ndtionwirte Mutual inturanre Company and Alfiliated Companlei, Home Olllce: Columbui, OH 4121S-222Q ANS12 tl/OQ WfìNTTO НйиЕЙ Ш б B r o t h e r s B iä S i s t e r s O f О ш е C o u n t y & M o c k s v i l l e W A U M A R T R egister your 3 on 3 team by IVIarcIi 12 D ivisions age 12 tlirough A dult R egistration packets available online www.bbbsdaviecounty.org or call 751-9906 Н8 - DAVIK COUN'l'Y KNTKKI’KISK RKCORI). Thursday, 1ч1). 12, 2004 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Thursdny, Feb. 12,2004 - B‘J Josh Aiken’s game-winning try vs. West would not fail. Cliff Burns shoots during a triple-double performance. The Davie Crazies came out in full force to jeer archrival West Forsyth, which denied Davie 72-71. W e s t O v e rc o m e s B u rn s ’ T rip le -D o u b le Travis Howell grabs a loose ball in a 48-47 loss to South. Coiilhuii'd KriiiM lit "Wc I'ccl rol)l)uil bocausc il Wiis ail ohvioiis foul," Burns said. " Tlioy'ri: a gooil Icam - we've lost lliirly-.sonielliing in a row lo Ihein - bill lo lo.se nl llie end il I'eeI.s real bad. Wc fell like we played Ihe pcrfccl game lo beat them, and for It to end like Ihut... (Rose) walked l>cfore that (shot). We can take a loss, bm to feel robbed, that’s what made il so bad." "It’s tough lo be winning most of the game and let them come back like that," Foo Smith said. "I know you can’t blame Ihe game on Ihe refs, but there was a lot of close calls al the end. Just one more basket and wc would have won. We needed that win." Making Ihc loss even harder to swallow. West wcnt up three with l;5(l left on a fliikc 3- pointcr, A Tilun launched from the left wing and banked in his only points of the game. Losing 10 a rival is always hard. Losing this way was agony. "Their game-winning basket could have very cnsily been a Iruvel,” said Absher. “We got two shots at the goal (at the end), and I’d venture to say there was a foul. But there's not a whole lot you can do 'ibout that stuff." While Wesl was as cold as could be from .1-poinl range, Ihc War liaglcs played confidently and courageously in Iheir most impressive outing o flhe season. Aiken lapped in a miss al Ihe hallVune buzzer for a 34-30 lead. Hums - who piled up 22 points, 1.^ rebounds and 10 blocks - pushed the margih lo 40-34 miil- way through the third. Smith, who mailc 5-o(-5 free throws for 13 points and added seven re­ bounds, maintained the lead at 44-40. And Aiken pushed il lo 48-41, 'I hc fourih quarlcr as wild and wacky as you could imag­ ine. Wesl used a 12-2 run for a .‘i9-.‘i4 lead, but Davie refused to slay down, even after a lurnover al midcourt gave West ihc ball with the 5y-.‘i4 lend and six min­ utes left. Burns, Aiken and Mashore (nine points, six boards, five as­ sists) retaliated wilh a f)-0 run lhat gave Davie a (M-H9 lead. Rose buried West’s firsl 3 oflhe D a v ie B o y s B a s ic e t b a il S t a t is t ic s R e co rd : 11-8, 1-5 C P C Aiken Hums Capwell Collins Hall I lowell Mashore McNeil Morgan I'ricc .Smilh Wilson Yeager DAVIIi ()lM>t)NI-NTS 3-1'oinlcrs: Smilh Ih, Price I.S, Howell X, Mashore 7, Collins 6, Aiken 3, Capwell 3, McNeil 3 Steiils; Smith 27, Aiken 20, McNeil 18, Howell 15, Hums 14, Capwell 13, Price 13, Collins ‘J, Mashore 9, Morgan 3, Wilson 2, Yeager 2, Hall »locks; Bums 124, Mashore 1ft, Aiken 11, McNeil 8, Smith 8, Capwell 4, Morgan 2, Price 2, Howell (I'ni.S Pis Rchs Avg A.sslsis Avg pp(; IS 167 129 7.1 IS 1.0 9.21929321111.1 41 2.1 15.4 19 62 36 1.8 30 1.5 3.2132811 0.8 5 0.3 2.12410.5 2 1.0 2.01976412.1 63 3.3 4.019153145 7.6 37 1.9 8.0 '15 56 23 1.5 21 1.4 3.71415 32 2.2 4 0.2 1.0 19 122 52 2.7 28 1.4 6.4 1«224 58 3.2 72 4.0 12.4 5 4 3 0.6 1 0.2 0,820 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 64.3 63.0 game from the corner, bul here came Davie again, with Mushorc Inuling Aiken for a tying shot. There was still so much left. Aiken, who was heroic with 11 fourlh-(|uarlcr points, came up wilh a three-point play to give Davie a 65-63 lead. Burns' put- back gave Davie a 67-65 Icail. After West's fluke 3, Mushorc answered with two foul shots lo cut West's lead to 70-69. West missed a pair of freebies, und Aiken rospoiuled wilh the go- ahead shot with 14 scconds lefl. Al crunch time. Ihe War Eagles were as cool ns could be. They made one clutch shot after another until do-il-all Ko.se, who has the size of n ccnier and the ball-handling skills of a gunrd, extended West’s dominance over Davie to 34 sirnight games. In tile first mceling, Uo.se pul on nn outside shooting show (35 points). This time he operated on the block (25 points). In the fi­ nal exchange. Burns and Mnshore converged on Rose us he entered the puinl, but his high-arcing shot foiled every­ thing nnd left Davie painfully defeated, “That was good defense on Ihe winning basket," Absher said. "You can’t ask for more. I'm proud of them. They trieil to win every possession and we ex­ ecuted. Wc had 19 assists in ii 32-minulc gnme." Dnvie did nil it could. In the .second half, il shot better than 50 percent, made 9-of-11 free throws and controlled the boarils nil night. Aiken buried 8-of-l2 shots. “Aiken gels lo Ihe offensive gla.ss as quick ns anybody I’ve seen," Absher said. “He was Ihe first one dressed tonight nnd Ihe first one down there shooting free throws because he knows he struggles at the line. I can't suy enough about him." Notes: Davie clo.ses Ihe regu­ lar season at home against Alex­ ander CenlrnI on Peb. 11 nnd al North Davidson on Feb. 13. The CPC Tournament is Feb. 16-20 al N. Davidson.... West remained in second place al 16-6 and 6-1. South Rownn 48, Diivlv 47 Misery, it hns often been snid, loves company. South, in Ihe throes of a seven-game skid and winless in 2004, certainly loved spreading some misery aroiind in n fourlli-c|unrler comeback lhat lefl Dnvie lamenting another lost opporliinily. After having so much lo play for, con.seculivc onc-poini de­ feats nil bul ended Davie's post­ season prospects. The War Gngles lefl Ihe gnme in limbo wilh miserable free-throw shoot­ ing, and they paid for il while losing at South for Ihe llfth lime in six years. "We had plenty of opportuni­ ties lo win," Absher said. "It’s lough. We hadn’t losl three in a row all year, lonight made three in a row and two of ihem were one point." All of Davie's key players hnd off nighls. Burns, who overpow­ ered South with a triple-double in a 66-58 win at Davie, wenl 2- for-5 from Ihe floor fiu' eiglil points (eight below his average) while suffering just his second single-digit night. Smith, who was averaging 12.8, had six. When Mnshore scored wilh 4:19 left in the first half, it was the first point by a Davic starter. The reason Davic had life was because Travis Howell and Rae- shon McNeil were outstanding off Ihe bench. Howell, n 3.6 scorer coining in, made 5-of-7 shots for 11 point.s. McNeil, a 3.2 scorer, mnde 4-of-7 for 10 points. Sophomore McNeil nddcd five sleni.s and four ussists in the best game of his young varsity cureer. “I give them u lot of credit,” Absher said. “They got us the lend in the firsl half nnd put us in position to win in ihe second half.” Each time Davic appeared to lake control - Howell, Burns, Smilh nnd Mnshore hit shots thnt provided lends of five and six points - South would fight Iwck. Mnshore mnile il 45-39 with 3:47 left, bul Davie couldn't do any­ thing right down the stretch nnd watclied South .score eight of the finnl U) points. "It was not a pretty game, but we had the ball more than once when we were up six nnd couldn’t gel it to eight or nine, which would have been huge in a (low-scoring) game like this," Absher said. The mnnner in which Ihe War Eagles losl hnd Absher and as­ sistants Mike Dinkins and Shnn­ non Pullinm shaking their heads. They went lO-for-23 al the line. "We went 16-for-19 ngainsl Wesl Forsyth," Absher snid. "We'd been struggling from tho line, but you felt like wc had got­ ten it back.” With Dnvie down 48-47 in the hotly contested game, Howell took the inbounds pass nnd hit Aiken, who dribbled from mid- court all the wny into Ihe Inne and lofted a runner. Although il missed, Davie wns in position for nn ensy putbnck - but Burns and Mashore collided going for Ihe bull and neither could get the handle us the horn sounded. South’s students cclcbraled by stonning the court und taunt­ ing Davie’s funs. "What’s sad about thnt is you hnve two kids hustling for the bnll nnd you almost gel penalized for two guys really wnnting to gel the ball nnd stick it back In,” Absher said. “Thnt’s bnskeiball. We’ll keep working nt it. I’ll promise you thnt.” West Forsyth 72, Dnvie 71 ■ Cliff Burns 22. Josh Aiken 19, Foo Smith 13, Michael Mashore 9. Ryan Price 4, Brandon Cup- -< well 2, Dustin Morgan 2, South Rownn 48, Davic 47 - Travis Howell 11, Racshon Mc­ Neil 10, Burns 8, Smilh 6 , Mashore 6, Aiken 6. i f Coach Mil<e Absher gives instructions to Foo Smith. Andrea Dwiggins came up with 25 points in two games. Coach Karen Stephens addresses her team during Davie’s 64-57 win at South Rowan, D a v ie G ir ls R e tr e a t W ith S h a r e O f F ir s t U p F o r G r a b s At the root of West’s title- clinching victory was Brittany Bumgnrner’s defense on Schn- fer. The Dnvie calniyst burned West for 22 points, 11 rebounds nnd seven stenls in the firsl meet­ ing and was riding an cight-gante tear that lifted her scoring uver- nge lo 16, Bul she couldn’t get on Iruck in this one, scoring five. "Wctold Bumgarner she bel­ ter shut that kid down," Snnds snid. “We told her no help de- fcn.se, and Schnfer didn’t get n field goni on Bumgnrncr. Scha­ fer was just rolling, Slie’s a great plnyer and our goni was to keep her under 17,” “She wanted to help us win so bad that sometimes she forced loo much,” Stephens said. “Plus, I knew she wus going to be Iheir target,” Nolcs! The bright spot wus Booth, who rushed late to amass 21 points and nine rebounds. Mnrcady and Dwiggins scored ' 12 cnch. ,„ Davic didn’t scorc until Its 14th possession. ... Davie iiosls Alexander Ccntrnl on Feb. Il.lt doses Ihc regular season al North Davidson on Feb. 13. The CPC Toumnment is Feb. 16-20 at North Dnvidson. Davte 64, S, Rowun 57 Davie's hard-to-rcad person- nlity cnrried over at South. The same Davie Icam that whipped South (7-15,0-7) so thoroughly in two previous meetings (58-37 and 66-25) needed u series of late free throws to preserve a sloppy win against a team thnt has lost seven straight. “It’s always a foul-fest down here." nsslstant coach Debbie Evans said. “And when you can comc out of here wilh u win, you don’t look at the picture lo see how prctly it was - you take it mul go. We’ll count the win and work Monday.” There was no reason to be­ lieve this was going to bo a game when Booth’s three-point pluy provided a 13-4 lead. Bul Dnvie couldn’t .shake the Rniders, even' nfter Allison Mackintosh made il 56-39 with 3:32 lo piny. South responded with a 10-0 run to close to 56-49. Then siz­ zling frcc-throw shooting gnve Dnvie the decisjvc edge, Dwig­ gins and Walker wcnt n com­ bined 11 -of-12 from the stripe as Davie converted l7-of-20 foul shots in the fourth to overcome 12 tumovers nnd t-for-8 Ficld- goal shooting in the finar eight minutes. “Wo struggled to run an of­ fense, wc forced shots and lot them gel back in the gnme,” Evuns said. Schnfer struggled from the fioor (10 point.s) but .still contrib­ uted eight rebounds, five assists nnd four steals. Dwiggins led the way with 13 points, hitting 4-of- 7.shols,Wnlkerhad 12 points and ' Mackintosh came off the bench to score seven and grab nine re­ bounds. West Forsyth 60, Davic 51 - Curly Booth 2 1, Nicolc Mnrcndy 12, Andrea Dwiggins 12,Allison Schnfer 5,Alysc Bowden J. Dnvie 59, South Rnwnn S3 - Dwiggins 13, Wnlkcr' 12, Schn- D a v ie G i r l s B a s lc e t b a ll S t a t i s t i c s R e co rd : 9 -Ш , 4 -2 C P C Gnis ris Rcl).s Avg Assists Avg PIT. Booth 19 195 122 6.4 16 0.8 10.2 Bowden 19 66 46 2.4 42 2.2 3.4 Cornatzer 18 ■24 18 1,0 13 0.7 1.3 Dwiggins 19 97 74 3.8 53 2.7 5.1 Harris to 3 9 0.9 6 0.6 0.3 Mackintosh 17 53 60 3.5 7 04 , Maready 19 166 109 5,7 24 1.2 8.7 O’Ncnl 7 8 4 0.5 2 0.2 1.1 Schnfer 19 287 155 8,1 73 3.8 15,1 Wnlkcr 19 138 45 2.3 61 3.2 7,2 Whitaker 13 28 25 1,9 1 0.0 2,1 Willinms DAVIE OPPONENTS II V 6 9 0.8 2 0.1 0.5 56.4 53,7 3-l’olntcrs; Wnlkcr 21, Schnfer 19, Booth 3, Dwiggins 2, Murcudy Stents: Schnfer 58, Dwiggins 37. Wnlkcr 36, Mnrcady 32,Bowden 22, Booth 17, Mackintosh 9, Cornatzer 6, Whitaker 4, Williams 4, Harris 2 Blocks: Maready 13. Schafor 11. Whltnkcr 4, Wnlkcr 3. Booth, Bowden, Dwiggins for 10. Mnrcady 8, Allison Mack­ intosh 7, Bowdon 6 , Booth 5, Erin Whitaker 2. Ashley Cor- nntzcr I. CENTER GROVE CHRISTIAN ACADEm' Ijisiitcr Hmdjust ofi'Pcncc Hawn 1Ьм(1, Chmmons Cliff Burns gets a dunk - Photos by James Barringer Riley Davis and Marcie Dickmann are happy to display Uhe school colors on their faces. - Photos by James Barringer PERSDNALTRAININO.YOQA. CHILD САПЕ W e ’ v e g o t y o u c o v e r e d ... From the cornfields to the courthouse, the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. C all 751-2120 fo r details DAVm COUNTY E M TE R P R U ihliE C O R D S w i m , s w i m , s w i m ! — Susan K .W eltner WhulY Swim classes and aquatic fitnesis programs for all ages Tdon’tyou? Join the yMCA today! Call <II7-I8i8 for a froe toop and owst pass. Finoncla) aislitaiic«.ay(Ulnl)!tt.^ United Way AQinty. m ••■BOiQQuav uawM ’SNosaai WiMs 'eiHom m i xim vi ewvtioottd B A N K o /i N O R T H t e A R O U N A M O R T a A O F. Mortgage rates are the lowest they have been in 40 years! Have you refinanced? Dp you want to purchase a home? Please call us today! There couldn’t be a better time! JERRY KAPP Manager/Loan Olllcer 1336 WoslgatQ Center Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 H i}[quit Itndw Telephone; (336) 774-2944 MoWte; (336)<t62-3932 E-Mail: ¡кврр@Ьапко/пс.сот МошЬег FDIC BIO • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 12,2004 M E R C U R Y A m a u t iœ s Ê s T h a t ’s rig h t... $ 4 T D O W N a n d $ 2 4 9 ^ a m o n t h o n a n y o f o u r 2 0 0 3 T a u r u s ’ o r S a b l e s ! ! A N D w ith o n l y $ 7 9 ^ D O W N y o u c a n d r i v e a n ‘0 3 M u s t a n g f o r o n l y $ 2 7 9 ° a m o n t h ! ! A ll u n its a re c le a n , lo w m ile c a r s th a t a r e L O A D E D w ith o p tio n s i! C h e c k O u t T h e s e O t H e r M O N ^ Y S A V I N G P E A L S ! ! ! '2 3 ,9 9 5 Carl NaylorGenorafhManager All-American Ford’s B R A K E S P E C I A L Front or Rear ( tu r n in g r o to r s e x tr a ) Ford Factory Pads Mustang Cobra & F250-F750 Excluded. Call us for factory wholesale pricing on these units today!! “All-American Ford’s Service Department w elcom es you for all of your service needs. Any make/model welcome.’ Nathan RoavisSerbico Writer ■ ...nf !C KeithDavenport Sales Manager LewisJenningsParts Mangier “Parts and A ccessories are truly less expensive from your Ford Authorized Dealer. Backed by com pany warranties and our Award Winning STAFF.” Call us today and we’ll save you money!! DarrellHarpeSales Every Deal Is Backed By Our Award-Winning Service and Parts Department!Steve Simmons.Sales FORD tm s s m DaleRatledgeFinance Manager Shop us online at a a fo rd .c o m Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 • Wilh approved crocllt, " Plus lax and loes. Sob doaler (or details, Ford' Credit ChuckWalker Sales /■ Davie Peonie DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - Cl i P r a y e r s & S q u a r e s Ministry Wraps Peopie Wtih Love First o f all, llicii, / urge lhal .iii/ipli- cations, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings he made fo r ail men. I Timothy 2:1 By Mike Unrnhnrdl Dnvic County Enlcrprlsc Record When your body is chillcd, ii (juili can provide wiirmtli. Wlicn your heart is chilled, prayers can provide warmth. Combine the two, and you’ve got a symbol with unlimited potential. “It’s just so powerful when someoiip gets a quilt and wraps themselves in it," said Libby Banks, who along with Martha Bowers, started a Prayers & Squares ministry at First United Meth­ odist Church of Mocksvillc. “They just feel the love. It’s amaz­ ing to hear them talk about it. It’s an amazing ministry, an outreach." Designed to meet once a month (weekly meetings are the norm lately), participants make lap quilts to be given away. Some 80 ties are put into cach quilt, and at the end of church service on Stui- days, people go lo the front aiul sccure the tics with knots. While lying the knots, they say a prayer. Prayers & Squares started last Oc­ tober, and by the end of Jantuiry, they had given away 45 quilts. “We give them to people who are sick and who are having a hard time,” Banks said. “He or she is covered with a blanket of prayers and love and car­ ing... to let them know that we’re think­ ing of them." It is the I48th chapter nationwide of The Prayer Quilt Ministry, and those in the First Methodist group hope other local churches will join. They need the help. And people need the prayers. Some members of the group sew at home, nnd when they get'together, ev­ eryone is working - and having fun, sewing and talking, threading needles and pulling the thread into the quilts. The quills are strong in quality, strong in power. “This is aboul prayers. We try nol lo get too caught up in the quilts,” Banks said. “We try to stay focused on Ood, and prayer and love.” Experienced quiltcrs and beginners nre all part of the group, men and women. The quilts work. The Rev. Don Routh, pastor, was impres.sed by seeing people with the quilts. Just holding them made them feel belter, he said. “Every Sunday, instead of heading to the back door, so many of them go up and tie a knot first," Rotith said. And they say a prayer. “The thing that impresses me was to see the people in the hospitals with the quilts,” he said. “We even had some­ body lo carry one inlo surgery with him,” Routh said First Methodi.sl has a his­ tory of reaching out in the communily. They have a trailer that responds to vic­ tims of natural disasters. They built a Habitat for Humanity house. Every Sunday, aboul three quilts are dedicated. They have gone to members. Tliey have gone lo people who have never been inside the church. Names have been received from children and adults. They go to people who are sick. They go to people who have lost a loved one. They go to people who just need a prayer - who need lots of prayers. Bible verses are incorporated into each quilt. "Il's an amazing ministry,” Banks said, “ It’s more about prayers than squares,” said Mary Brock, barely look­ ing up from pulling another piece of thread through the quilt, left untied. The following Sunday, it was .se­ cured. And it will help keep someone warm, inside and oul. Libby Banks watches as Missy Foster worl<s at the sewing machine in First United Methodist Church of Mocl<sville's Squares & Prayers group. Blair Routh watches Rosemary Cozail pull thread through the quilt. Yvonne Butzbach cuts cloth for Prayers & Squares. C2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 W i l l i a m s - M y e r s P a r s o n s - M c C l a n n o n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Don and Susun Parsons of Yadkinville announce the engugement of Iheir daugliler, Miranda Elizabeth Parsons to Ryan Doyle McClannon, son of Mark and Arlene McClannon of Mocksvllle. The bride to be graduated in 1998 from Forbush High School, and earned an accounting degree from Salem College in 2003. She is employed by Allegacy Federal Credit Union. The groom lo be graduated in 1998 from Dnvie High School. He is employed by Forsyth County's Tanglevvood Park. A wedding has been scheduled for June 12 at Enon Baptist Church in East Bend. Ronnie and Ruth Williams of HiiriHoiiy announce the engage­ ment of theirdaughter, Kelly Diirlcnc Williams of Harmony to Brian Scott Myers of Mocksvillc, the son of Barry and Lynda Myers of Main Church Road, Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduate of North Iredell High School and enmcd a bachelor’s of education degree in elementary education, with honors, from Western Carolina University. She is a fifth grade teacher al Mocksville Elementary School. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Davic high School and earned a bachelor’s of business administration degree in business manage­ ment from Western Carolina University. Ho is an insurance agent ■ wilh Davic County Farm Bureau. The wedding is planned for April 10 nt Victory Baptist Church. F r e e z e - B r o w n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Melanie Ann Freeze of Statesville and Don Winslow Brown Jr. of Mocksville will be married Nov. 6 at Landmark Church of God in Statesville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Becky and Bob Freeze ol Statesville, and the granddaughter of Polly and Ralph Freeze, Jack and Becky Little, and Hattie Little, all of Statesville. She is a gradu­ ate of West Iredell High School tmd is stiidying radiation therapy at For.syth Technical Community College. The groom-elect is a graduate of Davic High School and earned an associate degree in horticulture technology from Forsyth Tech­ nical Community College. He is fartn manager at Dew Drop Farms. Children’s Storytimes Ongoing At Davie County Public Library Some of the new books at Davie Coi»\ty Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville; I'Icdon • The Hot Flash Club by Nancy Thayer • Arrow of Desire by Elizabeth McBride • Buffalo Gonlon on the Plains by J.P. Sinclair Lewis • Warrior Woman by James Thom • The Calligrapher by Edward Docx • Kiss Them Goodbye by Stella Cameron • Plant Them Deep by Aimce luid David Tliurlo • Lord of the Flies by William Golding Non-Ficllon • Homicide SpecialA Year wilh the LAPD’s Elite Detective Unit by Miles Corwin • MiddletownAmerica: One Town’s Passage from Trainna lo Hope by Gail Sheehy • Politicians, Partisans and Parasites; My Adventures in Cable News by Tucker Carlson • The Perfect Fit Diet by Lisa Sanders, MD • Blue Ridge Music Trails; Finding a Place in the Circle • The Privilege of Youth: A Teenager's Story of Longing for Acceptance by David Pelzer •An End to Evil: How to Win the Waron Terror by David Frum • Tiie Proper Care and Feed­ ing of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger Cliildren’s Storytimes: Family Storytime, 7 p.m. Mondays for kids of all ages nnd their families (story and/or a special program); Toddler Time, II a.m. Tuesdays (30 min.); Story Hour for 4s. 10 a.m. Thursdays for ages 3-5, sto­ ries and a craft (one iiour); Pre­ school Sloryltmc, 11 a.m. Fridays all ages (30-45 miitutes). All pro­ grams arc free and open, ages are just a recommendalion. For infor­ mation aboul children’s pro- grams, call Lisa Neal al 751- 2023. Jennifer Godbey made a do­ nation in lionorof Linda Barnette. The Bermuda Run Garden Club made a donation lo purchase books. Belle Boger made a churi- lable donation to the library. Mocksville Woman’s Club made a donation in memory of George Shaffer. O r d e r Y o u r D Q ® F r o z e n V a l e n t i n e C a k e a n d w e ’ l l h a v e i t r e a d y f o r t h d a y , o r c o m e i n a n d p i c k f r o m o u r d i s p l a y e a s e T h e P o p c o r n S h r i m p B a s k e t tp W w » «»«»•» “ “ ■' .......................................... A l s o , t r e a t y o u r V a l e n t i n e t o a C h o c o C h e r r y L o v e ™ B L I Z Z A R D ® ! O n l y * 4 . 6 9 C o m i n g S o o n T o D a i r y Q u e e n - B r e a i c f a s t a t D Q ® B i s c u i t s , B i s c u i t s & G r a v y , B r e a f a s t P l a t t e r s , S O M E T H IN G S a u a s g e B i s c u i t s D IF F E R E N T d a i r y q u e e n . c o m D a iry Q u ee n ® 5286 US HWY 158 * Hillsdale 9 4 0 - 2 4 3 8 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - C3 I P l 3 Diamond Pendant V4 C t. s t a r t i n g a t $ 0 0 9 5 Heart Set 3-pc. plus box ^ C h a d h a m C r e a t e d R u b y Diamond Earrings $ 1 /2 c a r a t |9 5 I $ 3 Diamond Ring V z C a r a t 4 9 9 9 5 I $ Carat Diamond Heart Pendant i9 5 2 Carat Double Row Diamond Heart Pendant $i9 5 1 $,9 5 Pewter Cuff Bracelets X’sand O’s iBracelet i 1 0 K t . 1/4 ct. Heart Pendant R o u n d & B a v e t t e D i a m o n d s it i9 5 $ 9 9 5 E n g r a v e d F r e e Heart Bracelet S t e r l i n g ' S ü v e r i95 il'I ¥ 2 Carat Diamond Heart Pendant 1 9 9 9 5 1 0 k t . $ , G o l d |9S 1 Carat I Diamond Heart! Pendant $ ' 9 5 Heart Earrings c p c p S t e r l i n g S i l v e r $ 0 9 5 AU 10k & 141c Gold Chains OFF suggested re ta il p ricc All Citizen Watches M e n ’s & W o m e n ’s 3 0 % off Diamond Earrings 1 / 4 c a r a t $ 0 0 9 5 New Towne Shopping Center • Clemmons, NC . • 7 6 6 - 8 5 0 5 - - / f ' - c o i s C4 . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 Davie County Extension Community Association club members receiving 50-year pins include, from left: Frances Becl<, Clarksville: l^ae Walker, Kappa: Marie (Hiller, Pino Farmington; Ivy Nell Boger, Cana; Berma Foster, Redland; Ostine West, East Davie; Ella Gray Smith, Kappa; Sara Koontz, Kappa; Lena Souther, Kappa; and Mitzie Foster, Redland. Not pictured; Ruby Leagans of Cana. Dedicated Extension Community Group ¡Honors 5- Year i\/Iembers The Davic Ciiiimy EMcn- sion Cotniminiiy Associulion tiicniljurs nicl Tliiirsday. Jan. 22 in tin; mulii-ptirposc room of the Davie Coiinly Library for Ihcir 2003 Achievement Pro- grain. I losicss club members were from Can», Clarksville, and Kcdluml. 'I'hcy served rcfresh- mcnts us nicmbers urrived and at Ihe conclusion of llic meet­ ing. Friinces Beck, ЕСЛ Coun­ cil President, welcomed every­ one and callcd on Nola Rich, vice president, for Ihc evening pledge lo the flag nnd devo- tions. Beck nnd Rich recognized the club member nnd program lender, us chosen by their re­ spective club, with cerlificutes suiiable for framing. The Cana Club was recog­ nized us Ihe “Outstanding Club of the Year" by Past President, Murie Miller. Miller also pre­ sented perfect altendence cer­ tificates to 13 club members. Members who had nt lenst 50 years of service in their lo­ cal club were presented a cer- tificute for framing und u lupel pin mude by Sonja Whitaker. Ricky Perkins, author of “America the Good” was Ihe speaker. There arc eight ECA clubs in Davie County. New mem­ bers are always welcome. For informntion nbout a club in your community, call the Extension office at 751- 6297. Tot.-illy com m itteil to to ta l h cnlthcarc Ten fingers. Ten toes. Can pre-calculus be far behind? One minute they're babies. The next they're all grown up. So from prenatal classes and private suites to a caring staff and lots of TLC, we make having your baby a very special experience. One that'll be a very special memory before you know it. For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544.Rcw an R egional MEDiai. Cta'TTER (704)210-5544 • ttwv.rowim.org A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zlnrnicrmiin Advancc Correspondent The Methodist Men will sponsor a Poor Man’s Supper Thursday, Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. nt the fellowship hall. Donations only. Everyone is invited. Ken and Beth Potts, and Beth's son Justin Norsworthy, drove to Trap H ill Sunday where Ihey celebrated Beth’s grandfather Elbert Wiles’ 87th birthday. Mr. Wiles is active in the New Covenant Baptist Church, where he has been a deacon for 40 yenrs. Leonard Jones is a patient at Forsylh Medical Center where he was rushed over Sun­ day suffering heart complica­ tions. He underwent heart catheterization Monday lo deriemiine the extent of his ill­ ness. A speedy recovery is wished for him. Congratulations to Jonathan M arlin who cel­ ebrated his 35lh birthday Ihis past week. Get well wishes go to Charlie Latham who suffered a stroke last week. ■ Andrea Hendrix of Myrtle Beach spent Ihe weekend with her mother and grandmothers, Janie Hendrix, Pauline Hendrix and Edith Zimmeminn. Andrea has re­ turned from a cruise to the Ba­ hamas, nnd before going back to work, came by to spend time with her mother Janie who celebrated her birthday Saturday, Feb. 7. Saturday morning Edith treated Janie and Andrea to breakfast ut the Methodist church fellowship hnll. Andrea spent the after­ noon, with Edith. Get well wishes to Phnsy Ward and Prankle Hackett who linderwent colohscopy probe- dures at Forsyth Mecical Cen­ ter Monday morning. George Waldrop hns been readmitted lo Forsyth Hospi­ tal. He has been u patient nt hospital for several weeks but was sent to Whitaker Cure Re­ hub recently. Our prayers go to George and his family. Mary Lillian Zimmerman remains in critical condition at Forsyth Hospital. Prayers also for her family. Einine Smith was hospitnir ized 2 days at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center last week where she underwent colonscopy, und wns treated for other compli­ cations. We were glad lo see > her out over the weekend and attending her church at Elbaville. . Brenda Green of Axlon,Vn. spent from lust Wednesday through Monday visiting her sisler and brolher-in-law, Su­ san and AInn Nelson and their .son Thomas. Brenda was among the visitors at the Meth­ odist church Sunday. Happy Birlhay to Doug Spry and Caliie Bailey Terry Their birthdays were Tuesday, Feb. 10. Ramping Exercise Avaiiabie At YMCA A new workout called Ramping is giving exercisers at Ihe Duvie Fumiiy YMCA an easier route to Fitness. The program is for those beginning an exercise regi­ men, gopd for people who think they may not be coordi­ nated. For more information, call the Dnvie Family YM CA at 751-0345. F ir s t -P e r s o n T h e a t e r Joyce Grear To Present Phillis Wheatley On Feb. 19 At Brock Performing Arts Center D A VIE C O UN TV ENTERPRISE RECO RD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - C5 Ш Л \ li.!'IIIIIW >' Join Ihc Dave County Arts Council in celebrating Black History Month on Feb. 19 nt 7;30 p.m. Joyce Grear will present Phillis Wheatley in a First Per­ son Theatre Performance. Grear combines storylelling and true historical retellings to captivate audiences through dra­ matic interpretations of out­ standing individuals In America History. A “storylcller with a story to tell," Grear's Firsl Person Inter- pretntions allow audiences to experience the life of her sub­ jects, Mpst of Grear’s talcs present African American heroines, in­ cluding Harriet Tubman, who she honors as a woman who in­ spires her to educate others of the Afrlcnn-Anierican woman’s W a t e r c o b r C l a s s e s T o B e T a u g h t I n C o o l e e m e e COOLEEMEE - Walcrcolor classes teaching fundamental and advanced techniques will be offered Tuesdays from 6;30-8;30 p.m. al the Cooleemee Histori­ cal Association's Zachary House al Marginal and Church streets. Frank Saunders, a Salisbury native, will be Ihe instructor. After many years giving art instruction at Salisbury High School, he is teaching water- color at Queens College in Charlotte nnd the Mooresville CAR LO S M IC H A E L O SBO RNE Karl, Joanne and Joey Osborne of East Maple Avenue announce with Jo/ the arrival of their son and brother, Carlos Michael Osborne. "Charlie" was born December 26lh at Lexington Memorial Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 7.6 oz. and was 20 Vi inches long. His maternal grandparents are Wilford and Marie Jonas. Paternal grandparents are the late Leslie and Edna Osbome. Charlie also has a grown sister, Amanda, and a special aunt and uncle, Lela and John Butero, Charlie also looks forward to meeting his church family at Calvaiy Baptist Church. Art Guild. Recently, Saunders gave portrait and landscape demonstrations nt the Mint Mu­ seum in Charlotte and AC Moore art supplies in Concord. The Cooleemee classes will start Tuesday, Feb. 17 and run for eight weeks though April 6. Tuition is $50 for eight classes. For registration, call Eliza­ beth Hinkle at 751-3381 or Gracia Littaucr at 284-2033. plight in slavery. This year, she has chosen lo present Phillis Wheatley, America's first published black poet. As a young girl, Wheatley was sold into slavery to a fam­ ily in Boston who chose to edu­ cate her. Wilh an aptitude for English, Wheatley was able to publish works of poetry under a different name and, eventually, buy her way out of slavery. Hailing from Wilmington, Grear Is an accomplished story­ teller who has loured the South­ east and New England for more than to yenrs. She frequently ap­ pears OS feature teller in mnny storytelling festivals, including Asheville’s Annual Tell It fn The Mountains.' Spend an evening with Joyce Grear on Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Cen­ ter, 622 N. Main St., Mocksvillc. Tickets are $8 foi* adults, $6 for studenls/senibrs, and $5 for groups of 15 or mdre. For more informntion, call '751-3000, the website WWW,daviearis.org. Joyce Grear as Phillis Wheatley, America's first published Afrlcân-America'n pbet. Lucy L, Howell W o m a n C e l e b r a t i n g H e r 1 0 4 t h B I r t t i d a y Lucy L. Howell will cel­ ebrale her 104th birthday Sun­ day, Feb. 15, at Cedar Creek Missionnry Baptist Church. A covered dish luncheon will be held al 2 p.m. following Ihe ser­ vice. She was bom and reared in Davie County and resides in the Smith Grove community. She enjoys going to church and to Georgia and Mooresville to visit her grandchildren. She also en­ joys being outdoors when weather permits. Her favoi-ite foods are bnked ham, soup and fried apple pies. Her favorite saying is, "If il wasn't for the Lord, 1 wouldn't be here this long." T o tally co m m itted to to ta l healthc.ire ^ * Some people just know how to make an entrance. Having a baby is quite a production. So we've expanded our family waiting area, Improved the aesthetics. Even upgraded our newborn camera equipment. Because today it's "Lights, camera, action." Tomorrow? "I'd like to thank the academy ..." For more inform ation or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544. RCWi\N REGIONAL ■ Medical Center (704)210-5544 • ^V.rtiWan.oriJ , . Л/i Сб . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TIuirsday, Feb. 12,2004 Spark, Positive Attitude Make Winners Of Senior Athletes Hollis Smith and Nancy Tutterow will compete against each ofher this year int he Davie County Senior games. They have been involved in Senior Games since 1993. Senior adults in Davic County have been participating in Senior Games for over 11 years. Nattcy Tutterow and Hollis Smith have been Involved in the local games since its beginning. A lot of days you can find them nt the Brock gym walking, practicing basketball shooting or other events. They are both still active in tlieir community, church as well ns Senior Onmes. This past yenr both of them won medals at the Stnte Finals. Their spark and positive nttitude help keep other members of the games involved. These games are open to all adults age SS and up. For more F a m ilia r fa ce s • N e w lo c a tio n • S am e g re a t ca re S a l i s b u r y O b / G y n information about Davic County Senior Games, call the Recre­ ation Department at 751-2325. The Davic County Senior Games participants were very successful in 2003 at the State Finals in Raleigh, Winstoti-Sa- Icm and Greenville. In Raleigh, eight from Dnvie County partici­ pated nnd every one of them got a medal in one or more events. The Golf and Boccc tournaments were held in Winston-Salem and three from Davie County re­ ceived medals. Then al East Cnrolinn for Ihe basketball tour­ nament all three teams from Davie County participated. The Silver Spirits I (60-64) received a silver medal. Individuals who won medals: Women: 80-84, Hollis Smith, Standing Lonfe Jump (3'3/4"), Gold Medal! Footbnll Throw (110), Gold Medal, Spincnstlng (14), Gold Mednl, Running Long Jump (4’4”), Silver Medal, Bas­ ketball Shooting (8 points). Bronze Medal. 75-79, Nancy Tutterow, Bas­ ketball Shooting (8 points), Sil­ ver Medal, Spin Casting (15 points). Bronze Medal. 65-69, Sue Allen, Basketball Shooting (11 points), Gold Medal, Discus (50’1"), Silver Medal, Sofilball Throw (69’2”), Bronze Mednl. 60-64, Charlotte Miller, Foot­ ball Throw (140 points). Gold Mednl, Basketball Shooting (13), Gold Medal, Softball Throw (80’II") Silver Medal, Horse­ shoes, Silver Mednl, Spincnstlng (27 poinis), Silver Mednl, Bocce, Silver Medal. Alice Barnette, Bocce, Bronze Meddnl. 55-59, Aileen Steelman, Horseshoes, Gold Medal, Shot Pul (29’ I 1/2"), Gold Medal, Discus (67’7"), Gold Mednl, Shufflebonrd, Gold Medal, Fool- bnll Throw (130 poinis), Gold Medal, Bnsketball Shooting (12 points) Gold Medal, Softball Tlirow (88’II"), Silver Medal, Bocce, Silver Medal, Running Long Jump (6' 7 1/4"), Bronze Medal, Standing Long Jump (4' 4 1/2"), Bronze Medal. Men; 70-74, George Kimberly, 1500 Meter Race Walk, Gold Medal, 5K Race Walk, Silver Medal. 60-64, John Wright, 1500 Meter Rnce Walk, Silver Mednl, Shuflleboard, Silver Mednl. Ted Freshwater, Racquetball, Gold Medal. The Silver Spirits I (60-64) basketball team won Ihe Silver. Medal in the Stale Finals tour­ nament. Members of the team are Sue Allen, Nahcy Hayes, Rachel Howard, Libby Willinrd, Wanda Seiders, Charlotte Miller and Alice Barnette, and the coach is Vanessa Carter. Gynecology * Mcnslnial disoidcn • Abnoimal PAP smears • Endometriosis • Inlcrtlllty • ContracepHon • Gynecologic surgeiy • Menopause management SeniorCenter To Celebrate Black History Month Black Hislory Month will be The annual community event be the guest speaker, followed celebrnled at Davie County Se- at 622 N. Main St., Mocksville, by a program of songs, nior Services Wednesday, Feb. is sponsored by senior services Call senior services if you 25,al I0;30tt.m. and Graham Funeral Home. wouldllkelostay for lunch, 751- The Rev. Calvin E. Smith will 0611. T a x - A id e P r o g r a m O p e n T o S e n io r A d u lts Tax-Aide, a free service of­ fered by AARP, will be available at Davie County Senior Ser­ vices, 622 N. Muin St., Mocks­ ville. Volunteers will be on site Feb. 13.20,27, March 8,12,19, 28, April 5, 10 and 15. No ap­ pointment is necessary, and cli­ ents ure served on a first-come basis, Bring your 2003 lax return, and other important documents the tax preparer may need. Tax-Aide volunteers are trained in cooperation with the IRS. Senior Services is locatcd behind the Brock Performing Arts Center. For more information, call 751-0611, B e lla M i a resents R e c ip e F o r L o v e S p a P a c k a g e F o r T w o 4 0 0 F o r H e r : D e lu x e F a c ia l W it h N e c k & S h o u ld e r M a s s a g e F o r H i m : O n e H o u r D e e p R e la x a t io n M a s s a g e V ' < ' V ' v " V ' V " v " ' V '" v ’^ A L it t le R o m a n c e P a c k a g e ^ 5 0 H o t O i l M a n i c u r e w / P a r a j f t n H a n d T r e a t m e n t C h o ic e o f E x p r e s s F a c i a l o r H a l f H o u r M a s s a g e ' “Oth^r BeUa Mia Gift Ideas” ’ M a s s a g e ( H o t S to n e , D e e p R e la x a tio n , T h e ra p u tic ) ’ Facials , ’ M a n ic u r e s ( H o t O il & H o t S to n e ) ' B o d y B u fis (P a p a y a , V a n illa , C h o c o la te ) ' D e lu x e S p a P e d ic u r e £ a r C a n d l i n g Ccnìfìcatea Beautifully boxed Sc wrapped *Other packages available call for info 998-1645 B e lla WLia Skin Care Center Intersection 158 & 801 (Behind Citgo)License #2585 C o a f y s e d C a t h o lic ? I n a c t iv e C a t h o lic ? A J ie n a t e d C a t b o U c ? A N I N V I T A T I O N . . . If you have been away from church or are drifting away from it; you have been hurl by the church or are confused or angty because of your “Catholic experience" please consider this Invitation lo come and talk with us. Perhaps this spring can be a time ot renewed hope In your faith journey. Tuesday, February 17 at 7:30 p.m. H o l y F a m i l y C a t h o l i c C h u r c l i 4820 Kinniimon Road, \Viiislon-Salcm, NC27I03 Locilcd oil'll, Clemmons Exit #184 Carmel & Don Piltaway, 76W)650 • Fr. Adrian Porras 778.0600 Alex anti Zachary Frye ar happy to announce the birth o their baby brother, Etiian John Ethan’s proud parents ar Stephen and Amanda Frye o Mocksvillc. Ethan was born on Januar; 5, 2004 at 2:10 a.m. at Forsytl Memorial Hospital. H> weighed 7 lbs. and was 2i Inches long. Paternal grandparents ar John and Dcc Frye of Mocks vllle. Materal grandparents ar Jesse and Beverly Perkins o Advancc and the late JosepI Hege Smith Jr. B U F F E T H O ( B E V E R A G E N O T I N C L U D E D ) Good Through Feb. 18, 2004 WITH THIS ADR J M Ш Ш FA M ILY S T E A K H O U S E 336-751-0436 1580 Yadkinviiie Rd. Mocksville DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 ■ C7 b e a m e m b e r iif ....... N о W Y о и C A N Start enjoying all of the benefits that rnembership has to offer. Benefits you can’t get from being just another account number. Stop by our new Clemmons location today and become a member. T R U ^ l A N T F e d e r a l C r e d i t U n i o n Tangleyvood Commons Shopping Center 1336.659.1955 [ truliantfcu.org C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 Esther and Herman Campbell of N.C. 901 celebrated Iheir 62nd wedding anniversary on Dec. 24. C o u n t y L i n e N e w s Lois and Paul Cartner of Statesville Highway celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on Jan. 6. Gladys and Lester Walker of Davie Academy Road cel­ ebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary on Jan. 10. By Shirley Thorne County Line Corrcspondcnl Love is in the air In County Line nnd there nre special Val­ entine activities planned. The Youth of Cliirksbury United Methodist Church will host n sweetheart banquet immediately following the worship .service Sunday, Feb, 15 in the church fellowship hall. The Seniors of Clarksbufy will meet at 11 Tues­ day morning, Feb, 17, in the church fellowship hall. Follow­ ing the dinner, Burke Tours will present a program previewing tours for 2004. Piney Orove AME Zion Church will have a red nnd white Valentine dinner and fellowship nt 6 Snlurdny evening, Feb. 14. The fellowship will includc games and prizes. Ticket,s are $ 10 each. Piney Grove will hnve i\ Black History Program at 3:30 Sunday nftcmoon.Feb. 15. Tlie Rev. Cornell Thompson, paslor of China Grove AME Zion Church in Charlotte, will be Ihe guest speaker. Salem United Methodist Church will liiwc u Bible study meeting nt 7 Sunday evening, Feb. 15, in tiie church fellowship hull. Pastor Steve Blair will con­ duct the meeting which will in­ clude plans for a new on-going Bible study. The Women on Mission of Society Baptist Church will host a chicken stew, chilli, und sand­ wich dinner in the church fel­ lowship hull following the morn­ ing worship service Sunday, Feb. 15. Everyone is invited to come und meet the new interim pustor. Or. James Rock, and en­ joy the good food. Remember the cookbooks for sale by the Society Women on Mission. Tlie cookbooks arc loose-leaf notebooks filled with more than 500 recipes from women of the church and the surrounding communities. The books also incude many pages of helpful cooking and baking hints and charts. If interested in buying a cookbook, cull Imogciie Stroud at (704) 546-7360 or Pauline Thorne at 492-5115. The books may also be picked up nt Mi.ss Judy’s Dolls in Mocksville. Our County Line communily extends its deepest sympathy lo Wade and Diane Owciis. Wade's mother, Mrs. Margaret Owens, died this past Suturdny. Join us us we pruy for Ihc Lord's com­ fort and support in their lives. Our community also sends get-well wishes to several resi­ dents who have been hospital­ ized this past week. Evelyn Scumon und Louise James re­ main in Davis Medical Center. Lucille Beck and her father, Orren Houston, have been hos­ pitalized with pneumonia at Iredell Memorial Hospital. June Scumon hus been in Davis for the past week and will have sur­ gery this week. Luvette Stroud is recuperating at home after being hospitalized for an inner car problem. Frances Campbell is recuperating at home after hnving throut surgery. Jimmy Smoot is recupernling nt home after hnving problems with kid­ ney stones. George Redmond has returned home after a stay ut Wake Forest Medicnl Center. Join us as we pray for the Lord's heuiing in the life of ench of W A IT ED A i HOMES THAT NEED PAINTING 9 H o m e o w n e r s w i l l b e g i v e n a n o p p o r t u ­ n i t y t o h a v e t h e A / e v i^ A l v i s S P R A Y O N S I D I N G a p p l i e d t o t h e i r h o n n e a t s p e c i a l d i s c o u n t p r i c e s . N o m o r e c o s t l y r e p a i r b il l s o r c o n s t a n t p a i n t i n g c o s t s . • A l v i s S p r a y O n S i d i n g G A N E A S I L Y b e a p p l i e d o v e r a n y t y p e s u r f a c e i n c l u d i n g w o o d , s t u c c o , b l o c k , o r b r i c k . • A l v i s S p r a y O n S i d i n g W I L L N O T f a d e , c r a c k , p e e l , o r c h a l k a n d c a r r i e s a L I F E T I M E W A R R A N T Y . W h y w a i t ? F R E E E S T IM A T E S AS FEA TU R ED O N TH E B U ILD E R S .H O U R ALVIS S p r a y O n S id in g TM AS FEATU R ED IN R EM O D ELIN G M AG AZIN E C o n ta c t D istin c tiv e E x te rio r C o a tin g s : Your Exclusive Winston-Salem Area Licensed Distributor tor Alvis Spray On Siding these residents. We give praise unto the Lord in the life of Rick Sims. A suit- uble donor for a needed bono marrow Irunsplunt has been found. Preparnlions for the Irunsplunt ut Wnke Forest Medi­ cal Center are being made. A love offering for Rick was taken this past Sunday at Salem United Methodist Church. Wc send spccini birthday wishes lo Vent Towell. She wns 93 Friday, Feb. 6. We send birth­ day wishes to former resident, Ruth Elam Williams, who will be 90 on Sunday, Feb. 15. Ruth provided some of the informa­ tion and pictures for last week's story on the Gaither stores. This week our community and nation will celebrate St. Valentine's Day. Lots of money will be spent conveying three simple words, "1 love you." In many cases this will lead to two words, "I do." Whnt is the key to n lifelime successful "I do"? Recently I visited three couples who hnd just celebrnted more than 60 years of mnrried life. I took their pictures in their "natural habitat" and usked them what advice they would give to younger couples. Esther and Herman Campbell of Clarksbury Church celebrated tlielr 62nd wedding anniversary Dec. 24. Herman loves to work in his garden in Ihc summer nnd wnich TV, es- pecinlly westerns. Esther loves cooking, crnfts and watching TV, cspecinlly non westerns. An­ swer: Two TVs on opposite sides of their great room. Regarding advice to others Esther said, "You have to give and take, love and take care of each other, and ul wnys make the best of things. You hnve lo work together or things go wrong." Glodys and Lester Walker of Salem Church just celebrated their 63rd anniversary on Jun. 10. When I visited this young couple, Lester at age 88 had been unloading wood, Gladys, 89, stays busy with her household chores of cooking, cleaning, canning, freezing, nnd her love of quilting. Lcsicr loves to make furniture in his spare time but recently had to leurn to cook when Olndys broke her leg. "We've always tried to get along and work things out," Gladys said. “ Also, we don't usually do things without the other one knowing it, My par­ ents set an example for us by svorking things out. Lester's job is lo look after things outside and I tend to Ihc inside. If I need help or something goes wrong, I just cull him." Lois and Paul Cartner of So­ ciety Churcli celebrated their 70lh wedding unnivcrsury Jnn. 6. Until cighl ycurs Ugo, Pnul nrose enrly and spent 10-12 hours ench Monduy-Fridny working on their fnrm on Ridge Rond while Lois kept house, taught Sunday School, etc. Since 1996 their lives have changed drastically. Paul, 89, hud u severe stroke the summer of 1996 while working on the fnrm and hns been bed-ridden since then. Except fora few hospitnlizntlons followed by siiort nursing home stnys, Paul hns been cured for fulltime, 24 hours n dny/7 days n week, by his wife Lois, wiio wus 88 in Augu.sl. Now, Lois arises carly to begin Paul's feed­ ing at 3 each morning. Their vows 70 years ago were "for better or fór wor.se in sick- ncss und in health" "Our strength has always been in tiie Lord. You just must look ùnto Him for guldunce. If we always seek the Lord, He will never forsake us and will give us the strength to do whatever is needed," Lois said. -i Happy Valentine's Day and be sure to give your loved one nn extra kiss and hug this Satur­ day, ' * IHC., Uc 187 WkkesbOTO street MocksviUe^nc 336-753-1455 THE VERY BEST in C U S T O M E X H A U S T ! SPECiaUZinQ in: • street Rods •Muscle Cars . «Restorations • Performance • Original Replacement ' \jiOWMASriR insTALLED AS tow AS $65.Я5еа/ COnVERTERS inSTALLED AS LOW AS S74.45 ea.' 'Price good thru Feb. гооч u/lth this act Dlscovar your purpose al Cantor Grovo Baptist Church, During your lltolimo you'll spend 21 years stooping, 5 yoars walling in lino and 3 yoars In mootings. Why not spond 40 days discovqring your life's purpose? Join us al Conler Grove Baptist Church a i wo oxamino a Now York Timos #1 bpsl soiling book and discovor the answer to tho ago-old question: “What on oarlh am I hero for?" Live a f*urposeOriven Life! lin Us For Our NEW Message Series f ^ F in d in g Y o u r P u r p o s e ! ” Sunday, February 15 • 10:00 AM • Relevant Messages i • Uplifting Music ^• Quality Children’sA^uth Program www.theciiurchthatloves.com C e n t e r G r o v e b a p t i s t C b u r c b 11 и is \ ilU ( li i)ti\ii4i\ Kiuhl /»'/'(</( t //,n« и /М / / Л’Ч'/í/ / 17/A • ( \ ( ------------------- 336-766-5727 _____■ Storehouse Chili Cooi<-Aroo Wednesday DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - C9 Hot and mild, with beef and with chicken, vegetarian with no meal at all - expcct to taste just about any kind of chili imagin­ able when the sccond "Chili Cook-Aroo" to benefit the Store­ house for Jesus is held. Chill will be served In the Family Life Center of First United Methodist Church of Mocksville, Norlh Main Street, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednes­ day, Feb. 18. Proceeds will go lo the 29,000 square foot Storehouse for Jesus scheduled to be built on 5.5 acres of land off U.S. 64 East in Mocksville. Organizers of the Cook-Aroo are not only looking for hungry people lo attend Wednesday night, they want the best chili cooks in Dttvie County to take part. Cull 751-2826. “There will be somclhing for everyone," snid Surah Wood, Storehouse building fund chair. "Our goul is to have the dining tables in the Family Life Center ringed wilh culinary gems, ' whether they be hoiter-than-hot or mild offerings." The Storehouse is oul of space at its current site on De­ pot Street, said Marie Collins, Storehouse executive director. "We continue to serve ourcli- enls to the very best of our abil­ ity, and 1 daily thank Aimighiy God for the willingness of our volunteers, nnd for His goodness to us through our many conribulors, without whom we could nol exist," Collins said. "This is whnt we are all about - serving those who are so far less fortunate than we.” 4¡RANI>OPENIÍ4e F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s Uy Muric White Four Corners Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Joe White at­ tended the 40th wedding anniver­ sary celebration last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beck at Bear Creek Baptist Church fellowship building. Shirley Wnll spent lust Thurs- day wilh Mrs. Johnsie Shelton. Mark White was honored for his birthday Sunday al a dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Also enjoy­ ing the occasion with them were Mrs. Mark While and Jessica, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Hanelinc honored Iheir son, Coleman Hanelinc, for his first birthday Saturday afternoon ul Building E of Courtney Baptist Church. Those attending were Faye Barney, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith, Thelma Hanellne, Mary Dwiggins, Jerry Potts, Toni Ire­ land, Martha Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hanelinc, Shane Potts, Angie Hanelinc, Patricia, Angie and Amber Hamni, Leali Ireland, Eric Crutchfield, Jimmy and Seth Spry and Rcmi Ried. Amber Hamm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamm, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh, is on the Dean's List of WUNC in Wilmington. DBWA Celebrating Fourth Anniversary P l ^ A u th e n tic Japanese C u is in e Dinc-in or Take-out 678 Wllkesboro St., Mocksville 336-753-6867 Fax: 336-753-6847 U\ Former Potmans Location Businuss Hours Sunday - Thursday 11:00ani - 9;00piii Friday - Saturday 11:00am - 10:00pni IMcktip Window Availiible Davie Business Women Asso­ ciation will celebrate its fourth year as an organization in March. A feature for this year’s anniver­ sary is a logo contest. The orga­ nization has grown over the past P i n o N e w s four year.s through its member­ ship and impact upon the com­ munily. "We svanl a logo that will identify our organization as an importance resource for business Uy Norii Luthnm Pino Correspondent The UMWofWe.sley Chupel met for their Februury meeting in tile fellosvship hall wilh Joan Barsdalc, hostess. Pastor Mindy Williams presented the program. Others present were Belly Wesl, Dewilla Smilh, Kathy Ellis, Mndelyn Gentry, Marie Miller, Johnsie Shelton and Noru Latham. We send our condolences to the family of Tom Bailey Woo­ druff. He passed away on Mon­ day morning. He will be remem­ bered us u spcciul friend to the community. Sunday luncheon guests of ' James und Leila Essie were Neul nnd Brenda Essie, David and Tammy and daughter, Sadie. Patrick nnd Kathy Miller ond Bryun and Suzanne Lukey went lo Allentown, Pa. lo ullend the graduation of Matthew Miller from the Mercedes School. While up there, Ihey all weni lo New York lo lour Ihe city. Jim Lutham celebrated his birthday on Snlurdny witli n fum- ily dinner ut tlie home of his par­ ents, Harmon nnd Nora Latham. Also attending were his wife. Chinera, Dale Lnthnm, Bob Ellis and Ethan and Allison Boger. Bob und Louise Dill cel­ ebrated their57ih wedding unni- versury wilh u family dinner ul Ihe home of iheir duughicr und her husband, Finn nnd Dennis Craver, in Arcadia. Others help­ ing them celebrate were Matlhew and Megan Craver, Bob and Brenda Dill, Chinera Latham and Bob and Kuthy Ellis. Seniors To Visit Cairn Studio A Senior Services visit lo Cairn Studio, home of Tom Clark Gnomes, will be held on Tuesday, March 2. The trip wili leave at 10 a.m. for the trip to Davidiion lo visit the Tom Clark Museum and Cedar Rock A ssisled Living ofM oclöville Margret Scamon Cedar Rock is proud lo honor Margret Seaman as our Resident of the Month. Margret has made her home at Cedar Rock since February, 2002. A native of Mock.\'ville, she enjoys visits weekly from her friends. Her sisters and children visit her weekly. Margret enjoys taking part in the daily activities. When .she is not Ivi.iy, you will find her in the .\iinroom greeting visitors. Thank you for choosing Cedar Rock as your home. i n ­cettar Rock 191 C restview D rive M ocksville (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -1 5 1 5 Sheila Sammons Etioitgh to Serve - Small Enough to Сдге' and professional women," ex­ plained Janel Hensley, upcoming presideni. Contestants are asked to crcate ihcir design on paper sized 8.5x 11 or smaller. The de­ sign should be a size lhal can be reduccd or enlarged for various uses. The colors should be con­ ducive lo copy lo bluck and while for letterhead, envelopes, l-shirts, etc. A commiiiee of DBWA mem­ bers will select the winning logo and the winner will be an­ nounced at the monthly meeting on March 3. Send your design along wilh your name, nuiiling address and phone number lo Janel Hensley al 5342 Hwy. 158, Suite 1, Advancc, NC 27006, or email her at ianelhensley@yi\diel,ncl. DBWA will award ,$25 cash to the con­ test winner. The mission statement for DBWA is: Bringing together businesswomen of diverse occu­ pations to lielp themselves and others grow personally and pro- fe.sslonully through networking, support und cumurnderie. If you ure interested in becoming u member or wnnt more informa­ tion, contact Janel Hensely al 998-1153. Meetings arc lield the firsi Wednesday of each month al noon al the Rotary Hut in Mocksville. i\/IOPH i\/!eets i4ere Feb. 21 On Saturday, Feb. 21, the Military Order of the Purple Heart will hold its meeting at Prime Sirloin nl U.S, 601 Norlh and 1-40 in Mocksville. All combat wounded veter­ ans and their families arc iiivited. The meal will be dutch from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., with the meet­ ing to follow. Ih e U B S Store™ You might not be able to do everythirig at once, youcan^wever do it all in oppiacei,, „ Small Office/ Home Office Support Services Copy Specialists • Document Binding Personal Mailbox Actual Street Address, Package Delivery, Personalized Service Overnight Delivery • No Standing In Line 810 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 Next to Bl-Lo Supermarket 751-9990 02003 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. Cairn Studio lo see the gnomes and how they ure made. Participants must sign up in person. There is no fee. Trans­ portation will be provided for the first 20 lo sign up. Call 751- 0611. Y O U R YOUR SKIN CARE. YOUR HAIR CARE. YOUR NAIL CARE. ...C A R E ? THE TRUTH ISN'T PRETTY. MORE WOMEN DIE OF HEART DISEASE THAN ANY OTHER DISEASE. We're good at caring for our bodies - the parts we con see. But what about whal's inside? Do you have high blood pressure? High blood cholesterol? Diabetes? Are you inactive? Are you a smoker? Overweight? If so, ihis could damage your heart and lead to disabiliiy, heart attack, or both. Hflort to Hwirt - Afres community leminar : / about w'omn and heart disease ' Thursday, Februaiy 26 * 7 - 9 p.m. • Holiday Inn'! ' 530 S. Joke Alexander Blvd. In Salisbury • ; ‘ Learn how lo change your lifestyle and avoid Ihe risk of heart disease Irom medical professionals who are experts In women's healthcare. Free refreshments and information will be provided for all participants. Register for door prizes lo be given away that night. Coll (704) 210-5544 to register and reserve your spot for ihis exciting program. R o w a n R e g i o n a l Mi-DiCAL C enter www.rowan.org Seminar Speakers Include: Cyril Abrams, M.D. Specialist In Cardiology Mid Carolina Cardiology James Murphy, M.D. Specialist In Obstetrics and Gynecology Carolina Women's Health Associates Teresa McKinney, RN Cardiac Wellness and Rehabilitation Center Rowan Regional Medical Center CIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 Obituaries Ettii Mae Grisclte Mrs. Ella Mac yueoii Griscllo. 89, oC Vuldoso died Sunday. Feb. 8, 2(104, at Valdcsc Gciicral Hos­ pital after a period of declining liciillh. Mrs. Griscttc was born Mar. I.'i. 1914, in Biirkc County lo the late Edward and l.eola Mull Queen. She was a member of Valdese First Baptist Cliurch, hav­ ing served as Sunday school teacher, depanmetU director of (he Adult Four Sunday school class, church secretary, church treasurer ■ nnd a member of WMU. She wns preceded in death by 2 brothers, Earl nnd Hal Queen; and a sister, Mirene Stanley. Surviving; her husbatui of 74 , years. Ulysses R. Orisetle Sr. of Ihe home; a son, Ulysses R. (Tcddie) Grisette Jr. of Wttislon- Salem! 2 daughters, Vivian G. (Zaite) Mull attd Shirley (Charles) Hinson of Valdese; a sister. Pearl Holes of Hickory; 5 grandchil­ dren; and 9 greal-grandcltildren. A service of remembrance wils conducted al 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the cliapci ofValde.se First Baptist Church with Ihc Rev. Timothy Horldi officiating. Memorials; First Baptist, 500 Fact St., Valdcsc, 28690. Robert Lee Dailey Mr. Robert Lee Dailey, 60, of Lakewood Village Road, Mocks- ■ ville, died Wednesday, Feb. 4, ; 2004 fli his home. He was born in Roanoke, Va., on Jan. 20, 1944 lo the lale Frank • Leonard and Marlha Kinsley Dailey and was a security guard. During Ihe Vietnam War, he served in the U.S. Army. ; Survivors; a son. Robert Lee ; Dailey Jr. of Floville, Ga.; a sis- ; ter. Palsy Elter of Roanoke; 6 ; grandchildren; and several cous- ■ ins. TIte body has been cremated. ■ There were no services. The cre- • mains were buried in the National ^ Cemetery in Salisbury. V m n fs U , N 103»2004 ' M(iCKKyn.l.E UvMaryR.H(ipp ^,^ \ t • 1921.2004 ' 1 L.'nMOCKsvituî, ' KldenJiour ' ■ .. J!??0 - 2004'„,'..,.i.' \tv, “ ‘V ft ,S ; 'heroerfw, f^eávís . •! LEXiN6T<»K^jÄ':v?.e ■ Л *■ 'r ...1^ ‘^1. Ч 'V -V DaniHUSt^v<\rt 'J ’ , ,1S4S.20Q4,/ .1' BKtEWÍSCUlíEltSfllí I GtoiH'poJ D'j O'Quiitii ' 1902.2004 ' i .11. ' J{iUla W,fioad¡'. ' -ii I : релкв1шкс, УАч'< .t’ * V? ';:Huih Jngaol Evanri 1 JONESVIM,« Helen H.'fCablgyi ■VDUVMUDAVU-tlAGer <: ft '-Marif T. I 'V ‘'pt«t!jan.29,'2004 • '.г * adVanci;' , > ' Bobby Reid Michael Mr. Bobby Reid Michael, 74, of McCullough Road died Tues­ day morning, Feb. i, 2004, ut Forsyth Medical Center. lie was born in Davidson Counly on Feb. 24, 1929, lo the lale Varn and Ethel Sharpe Michael. He was a retired senior sales reprc.scntalivc wilh ICl. He was a former sales munager with Francolorwilh IGyears of service und had been wilh Burlington In­ dustries wilh 20 years of scrvice. He was a graduate of Welcome High School, class of 1946, a member and past president of Ihe Cooleemee School PTA and had been sponsor of several softball learns. He enjoyed outdoor activi­ ties including working wilh such animals lUi catlle nnd exotic birds und wus a colleclor. He was a member of Liberly United Meth­ odist Church, where he had served as church secretary nnd treasurer. Surviving: his wife of 5.5 years, Peggy McCullough Michael: a daughter, Vicki Michael Ward and husband Randall of Mocksville; 2 sons, Craig Michael and wife, Karen of Mocksvillc and Jim Michael of Mocksville: 6 grimd- children; 2 grenl-grandchildren; and 2 sisters, Ln Verne M. Leonard and husbatui Nick of Lexington and Bonnie M. Talberl and husbaridGlcnn ofTliomasville. Tlie funeral service was held al 2 p.m. Tliursdny, Feb. 5, al Lib­ erly United Methodist Church with Dr. John Andrews officiating. Burial was in Ihc church cemetery. Memorials: Liberty Methodisl, 141 Liberty Circle, Mcwksville. Alan J. Kamsbotham Alan J. Ranisbolham of Win- ston-Salein died Saturday, Jim. 31,2(K)4, following « brief illness. He wus born May 4, 1916, the son of Francis and Honoru Cronin Ramsbotliam. He was preceded in death by Ills wife of .')9 years, Sibyl Mor­ gan Kanisbolhani. Survivors: liis children, Jim, Marly, Ann, Michael and Joe and Iheir families. A memorial .service will be lield at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 14, at St. Benedict's Catholic Church, wilh hurial in Springfield, S.C., at a later date. Memorials: St. Benedict's Calhnlic Church. E. 12 St., Winston-Salem. 27101; or lo one's favorite charity. ш я ж ш з я т ш в ш ш шFOR S A LE : Cars • TrucksUtility Buildings Carports: All Sizas, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lois 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 4 4 2Mocksville, NC W e ’v e g o t y o u c o v e r e d ... F ro m th e c o rn fie ld s to th e c o u rth o u s e , th e E n te rp ris e R e c o rd c o v e rs D a v ie C o u n ty . S u h .s crih e to d a y f o r d e liv e ry e a c h w e e k to y o u r m a ilh o .x . Call 751-2120 for details OAyiB COUNTY E N T E R P R l/irttG C O R D Doris Macintosh Wood Mrs. Doris Macintosh Wood, 65. of Mocksville, a former resi­ dent of Clemmons for 25 years, died Sunday, Feb. I, 2004, al Forsylh Medical Center. She was born Nov. 24, 1938, ill Philadelphia, Pa., to Donald and Mary Barr Muclnlosh Sr. She was tt member of Hillsdale Baptist Church. She retired as office man­ ager for Drs. Blount und Crowell and was a past president of the Junior Women's Club. Survivors; her husband, Lorin A. Wood of the home; a daughter, Mary Wood Pcgram; a son, Lindon D. "Chip" Wood and wife Milzi; 3 grandchildren,; and a brother, Donald Macintosh Jr. of Wisconsin. The funeral wns conducted nl 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, al Vogler & Sons Clemmons Chapel by Pas­ tor Holcombe und Paslor Chilen. Burial followed in Westlawn Gar­ dens of Memory. Margaret K. Lesser Margaret Karoline Bolz Lesser, 93, formerly of Hunk Lesser Road, Mocksvillc, died Friday, Feb. 6, 2004 ut Autumn Care of Mocksville. Ms. Les.scr was boin July 22, 1910 in Buffalo, N.Y. to Ihc late Henry Rudolph and Josephine Pultz Bollz. She was married lo Henry Andrew Lesser, who pre­ ceded her in death in January, 1987. She lived mosl of her adult life in Buffalo, nnd retired from American Linen Supply there. She was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, where she had served as organist und a member of Ihe Women of Ihc Evangelical Ltilheran Church. She was a mem­ ber of the Lisons Book Club nnd a volunteer for the literacy pro- grnm of Diwie nnd al Trinity Oaks Lutheran Home in Salisbury. She was also preceded in death by 2 brothers, Clarence W. and Layton A. Bollz. Survivors; a brother-in-law, Harold Lesser and wife Elsie of Amherst, N.Y.; a godson, Sean Murdoch of Hallandale Bcach, Fla.; and several nieces and neph­ ews. A memorial service will be held al 11 n.m. Saturday, Feb. 14 al Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Mocksville with the Rev. Robert Kasting officiating. She will be buried with her husband in Reslhaven Memorial Gardens, Tonawanda, N.Y. Memorials: Organ Fund of Holy Cross Luther, 1913 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville. Julia Mac Dulin Mrs. Julia Mae Arnold Dulin, 75, of Mocksville, died Sunday, Feb. 8, 2004 in For.sylh Medical Ccnler. She was born in Stanley County, but spent Ihe majority of her life in Davie County where she was an active member of Fairfield Baptist Church. Survivors; her husband, George W. Dulin of the home; 4 sons. Terry Dulin of Mocksville, Jerry (Angie) Dulin of Woodleaf, Roger (Teresa) Dulin of Lexing­ ton nnd George Dulin Jr. of Phila- delphin. Pa.; 3 daughters, Judy (Felton) Mayfield of Cooleemee, Marcella Dulin of Mocksville, und Mary Dulin of Greensboro; 4 brothers, Jeremiah (Annie) Arnold, Alonzo Arnold, both of Mocksvillc, Clayton Arnold of Salisbury nnd Andrew (Elsie) Arnold of Middletown, Conn.; 3 sisters, Beatrice (Van) Clement of Mocksville, Inez (June) Lovell of Woodleaf and Katherine (David) Odom of Winston-Salem; 16 grandchildren; and a great-grand­ child. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Feb. 12 at 2:30 p.m. at Fnirl’ield Baptist Church. The Rev. Marcus Williams will officiate, and burial will follow in Ihe church cemetery. G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Tom Bailey Woodruff I Mr. Tom Bailey Woodruff, 97, of Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville, and formerly of Yadkinvllle Road, died Monday, Feb. 9, 2004 at Somerset Court of Mocksville. A funeral scrvice was lo be held Wednesday, Feb. 11 al 7 p.m. in Eaton Funeral Chapel with Ihc Rev. Neal Carter officiating. The family was to receive friends im­ mediately following the service at the funeral home. Burial will be Tliursday al 10 u.m. at Rose Cem­ etery; Memorials: First Presbylerian Church, 261 S. Main St., Mocks­ ville. Mr. Woodruff was bom July 3, 1906 in Davie County to the late Charles Oalther and Ella Mae McMahan Woodruff and was a retired farmer. He attended Catawba College, was a foreman nt Ihe ice plant in the Spencer Shops. He later .served wilh Ihe N.C. Wildlife Department Game Protection as an overseer of sev­ eral counties for nearly 30 years. He had served on the board of di­ rectors of CCB, and Energy United Board for more than 30 years. He wa.s the oldest attend­ ing member of First Presbyterian Church. Survivors: 3 sisier.s, Jane Dwiggins of Win.ston-Salem, Sadie Hull Taylor and Eleanor Woodruff Frye, a brother Charles Woodruff, all of Mocksvillc: sev­ eral nieces and nephews. He wns preceded in death by his wife, Sarah Rebecca Charles Woodruff, Aug. 30 2001, a brother, Sanford Woodruff and 2 si.sters, Elizabeth Patterson and Mildred Cherryholm. Terry Gilbert Cartner Mr, Teay Gilbert Cartner, 61, of Navarre Beach, Fla. and for­ merly of northern Iredell County, died Sunday, Feb. 1,2004, at Sa­ cred Heart Hospital in Pensacola following a lengthy Illness. Born in Leaksville, on Feb. 3, 1942, he was a .son of Mr. Harvey Gilbert Cartner, who survives, and the lute E. Carlcnc Steeiman Cartner. He graduated from Har­ mony High School and attended Easl Tennessee State University. He was a member of the Hernando United Methodisl Church in Hernando, Miss. Survivors: his wife, Peggy Elaine Sanders Carlner, of the home; his father and stepmother, Harvey Gilbert Cartner and wife Margaret of Lone Hickory; a daughter, Terri Ann Ginn and hus­ band Steve of Franklin, Tenn.: a grandson: a stepdaughter, Sharon Wright and husband Danell and their 4 children, all of Atlanla, Ga. The funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, at Clark.sbury United Methodist Church wilh the Rev. Allan Boliek officiating. Burial followed in Ihe church cemetery. Memorials: Clarksbury Meth­ odist, 924 E. Memorial Highway, Harmony, 28634. Elizabeth C. Temple Mr.s. Elizabeth Calloway Gump Temple, 86, of Bermuda Village, died Sunday, Feb. 8, 2004, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. She was born Aug. 10, 1917, in Chattanooga, Tenn. During World War II, she volunteered for numerous war support efforts, in­ cluding piloting small aircraft for the Civil Air Patrol. From 1948- 1970, she lived in Johnson Cily, Tenn., where she was an active member of ihe Junior Auxiliary, the St. John's Episcopal Church Altar Guild, the PTA and the Gnr­ den Club. She lived in Naples, Fla., from 1970-1989, when she moved lo Bermuda Village. She was a member of St. Paul'.s Epis­ copal Church in Winston-Salem. Throughout her adult life, Mrs. Temple was a world traveler. Survivors: licr sister, Louise Collier of Bermuda Village; 2 sons, L. David Calloway III of Palm Bench, Fla., and Alan M. Gump of Fairfax, Calif.; a daugh­ ter, Lisa G. El-Kerdi, of Sante Fe, N.M.; and 5 grandcliildren. Memorials: J. Paul Sticht Cen­ ter lor Aging and Rehabilitation, Ann: Marco Pahor, Medical Cen­ ter Blvd., Winslon-Snlem, 27157, Helen Marie Davis Mrs. Helen Marie Huber Davis died Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2004. Mrs. Davis was bom Jan. 22, 1913, to Edward Joseph Huber and Hazel Smith Huber in Phillipsburg, N.J. She spent part of her childhood in Drummond- villc, Quebec, Canada. Her fam­ ily settled in Winston-Salem, where she graduated from Rey­ nolds High School in 1931. There, she was a member of the National Honor Society and the Student Council and captain of the Varsity Girls' Soccer Team. Mrs. Davis and her husband owned and oper­ ated Crystal Lake Swimming Pool on Rcynolda Road until it closed in 1975. She was a volunteer at Kennedy Middle School, the Win- ston-Salem Enrichmenl Center, the Ronald McDonald House und the American Red Cross. Mrs. Davis was a charter member of College Park Baptist Church. Af­ ter moving from her home on Reynolda Road, Mrs. Davis re­ sided at Brookrldge Retirement Community. Mrs. Davis was preceded in death by her husband, John Hugh Davis; and her sister, Lillian H. Hester. ‘ Surviving: 3 daughters, Linda D. Rutherford and husband Henry of Winston-Salem, Madelyn D. Suther nnd husband Louis of Con­ cord and Virginia D. Burnette nnd husband Ken of Bermuda Run; and 5 grandchildren. Following a private graveside service, a memorial .service for Mrs. Davis was held al 11 a.m. Feb. 5, at College Park Baptist Church., Memorials: Enrichmenl Cen­ ter, 1006 S. Marshall St., Winston- Salem, 27101; or Children's Home, 1001 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, 27199. Roland Pinkney Beck Mr. Roland Pinkney Beck, 95, formerly of Calahain Rond died Friday, Feb. 6, 2004, at Autumn Carc of Mocksville. He wi\s born in Davie County on Sept. 16, 1908, to Thomas Pinkney and Leila Bell Harris Beck. Hc'was retired from Heri­ tage Furniture Co., und wns a charter member of the Calahain Baplisi Church. Surviving: his wife, Alma Kimmer Beck; a sister. Ruby B, Mayberry of Harmony: and sev­ eral nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con­ ducted nt 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9 in Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Ijames Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Calahain Baptist Church, 523 Ralph Ratledge Road, Mocksville; or lo the Ijames Baplisi Cemetery Fund, c/o Joe Gobble, 911 Sheffield Road, Mocksvillc. Patricia Kavac Robinson Patricia Kovac Robinson died Feb. 8, 2004 al her home in Har­ mony. She was born July 12,1939 in Bridgeport, Conn., the daughter'of John and Julia B. Kovac. She mar­ ried Jimmy L. Robinson on June 21, 1958 nnd he preceded her in death on Jan. 14,2004. Survivors: 2 daughters, Debra Robinson of Harmony and Cynlhia Anderson and husband Roger of North Wilkesboro; a son, Jaymc Robinson und wife Debra of Harmony: several grandchil­ dren and great-grandchildren; 4 sisters-in-law, Peggy Pooley and husband Bill of Laurel, Del, Robbie Nel Oliver of San Anto­ nio, Texas, Linda McLendon and husband Carl, and Shirley Headley and husband Don, of Prattville, Ala; and her mother-in- law, Louise Robinson of Mont­ gomery, Ala, She was a charier member of the Order of The Eastern Star, Clemmons Chapter 373, and sup­ ported her husband's work with the Shriner's as they raised funds for the Shriner’s Children’s Hos­ pilal. A funeral service was con­ ducted nl 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11 at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel wilh the Rev. Joe .Woodward officiating. A grave­ side service followed at 2:30 p.m. al Sandy Springs Baptist Church, Harmony. Walter Scott Snyder Walter Scott Snyder, 41, of Brier Creek Road, Advance, died on Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2004 al Woke Forest Baptist Medical Cen­ ter. Bom in Davie County on July 9,1962, he was the son of the late Glen und Jo Ann Swicegood Snyder. He was employed as a product manager for Carolina Fin- ishing and was a member of Edgewood Baptist Church. Survivors: his wife, Debby Snyder: 2 stepdaughters, Brittany Nicole Benson and Tara Elizabeth Benson (Chad) Ludwlck; a brother, Brent Snyder of Mocks­ ville; a sister, Cathy Snyder Lanning of Cooleemee; a niece; and a nephew. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Johnny Snyder and Glen Snyder Jr. The funeral service wns Satur­ day, Feb. 7 nl 2 p.m. al Edgewood Baptist Church in Cooleemee whh the Rev. Danny Shore officiating. Burial was in the No Creek Primi­ tive Baplisi Church Cemetery. Pallbearers were Tommy Hamp­ ton, Mike Reynolds, Kenneth Merrle, Chad Ludwlck, Craige Cleary and James Whitaker. Memorials: Edgewood Bap­ tist, 7483 N.C. 801 S., Mocksville. Buford Hawkins Buford Hawkins, 67, died early Saturday morning, Feb. 7, 2004, following a period of de­ clining health. A native of Forsyth County, he was born Oct. 18,1936, to the late Samuel Rex and Carrie Mae Miller Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins was of the Baptist faith, a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a retired sales­ man. He wns preceded in death by 2 brothers; a sister: and a grand­ daughter. Surviving: a daughter, Debbie (Tony) Bosley of Rural Hall; 2 sons, Michael (Sherrie) Brazier of Pfafftown and Larry (Kim) Bra­ zier of Winston-Salem; 10 grand- J children: 2 great-grandchildren; a sister, Bonnie Hawkins of Mocks­ ville; 2 brothers, Sam Hawkins of Winston-Salem and J.C. Hawkins of Walkeriown; the mother of his children, Dorothy Joyner; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives. A funeral service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9, in the Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home Chapel in Rurol Hall by Paslor Randy Johnson. Burial fol­ lowed in Gardens of Memory in Walkeriown. Margaret Stanley Owens Margaret Stanley Owens, 67, of Main Church Road, Mocks­ ville, died Saturday, Feb. 7,2004. She was born Dec. 17, 1936, in Forsylh County to the lale Ed­ ward Wilson and Annie Goad Stanley. She attended the Win- slon-Salem/Forsylh County pub­ lic schools. She retired from nurs­ ing nfler more than 35 yqars. She had been with CAP Services and had worked al Fran-Ray Nursing Home and Autumn Care of Mocksville. She was a member of Grapevine Baptist Church in Lewisville. Mrs. Owens enjoyed gardening and canning and col­ lected salt-and-pepper shakers. She was preceded in death by her husband of 48 years, Wade Glenn Owens, who died in 1999; a daughter, Odessa Mae Owens, who died in 1964: and a brother, Paul Stanley. Survivors: a friend, George Hanes of Harmony: 2 daughters. Dona Owens Jackson and Kathleen Owens Pratt, both of Mocksville: 3 sons, Wade Owens Jr. and wife Diane, Kenneth Owens and wife Norma, all of Mocksville and John Owens and wife Lisa of Elkin: 13 grandchil­ dren: 14 great-grandchildren; a sister, Patsy Garretson of Rich- mond, Va.; and 3 brothers, Grady Stanley of King and Richard Stanley and Calvin Stanley, both of Statesville; nnd several nieces and nephews, A funeral service was con­ ducted at 11 n.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs. James Ward and Mar­ garet Garretson officiating. Burial was in New Union United Meth­ odist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Davie Hospice, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - CIl Yadkin, Davie i\/lissionary Baptist Association To Present Program The Yadkin and Davie Missionary Baptist Association Sunday School Department will present The History of A People in music and narrative story on Sunday, Feb. 29 at 3 p.m. at Ml. Nebo Bap­ tist Church, Harmony. The public is invited. i\/lardis Gras, Ash Wednesday Events Pianned A t Fori( Church A Mardls Gras celebration will be held nl 7 p.m. Tuc.sduy, Feb. 24 in the Parish House nl the Episcopal Church of tlic A.sccnsion in Fork. An Asli Wcdcnsduy service will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 25. Breakfast Saturday At Center A country ham breakfast will be held from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 14 at Center United Methodisl Church, U.S. 64 West al 1-40, Mocksville. The menu will include country ham, sausage, eggs, grits, gravy, biscuits, baked apples and more. Proceeds will go to church mission projects. F o r l ( l\ / lin is t e r E ie c t e d D e a n O f C o n v o c a t io n Rackley The Very Rev. M. Kathryn Rackley, Vicar nt The Episcopal Church of the Ascension al Fork, has been clecled dean of the Winston-Salem Convocation. She replaces The Rev. Howard Backus of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Winston Salem. This group of 13 churches covers most' of Piedmont North Carolina. Deans arc clecled by all the priests serving churches in this convocation. Rackley has been al the Church of the Ascension since March of 2001. She has bachelor’s degrees from Lee College In Cleveland, >■ tenn. nnd Stetson University In DeLand, Fla, Her masler’.s degree- is from Si. Luke’s Divinity School.-,»1, .,The University of The South in Sevvanee, 'Tenn. • ■ The responsibilities of a Dean include being Ihe head of all clergy In the convocation, conducting meetings that arc deemed expedient and useful in regards to local, state, and national is.sucs regarding the Gpiscopal Church. The Dean serves as a rcprc-sentalive of the Bishop of North Carolina in the Winston-Salem area. She may install priests and serve as counselor to clergy and their families. Racklcy can, at times, exchange pulpits wilh clergy in the area or perform other activilies which will be helpful lo clergy and lay persons in encouraging them lo knov.' tho larger church. The Dean serve.s as the person lo hear disagree­ ments or concerns of vestries and clergy ns they may be dircclcd toward tho Bishops or programs of the Diocusc of North Carolina.. , The Church of the Ascension is located u 183 Fork-Bixby Rond, Advonce. Church services arc nl 9 and 11 a.m. Christian formation classc.s are from 10-10:40 a.m. The phone number is 998-0857. The church website is wn'w.d.u'emion-fork.orii. C O B SJ nW 555 Parks Road, Woodleaf, N0 • 704-278-41 F e e d ,M $Etc. Carrying a Complete ■ Line of HorseFeed& Tack and Pet SuppliesI Regular Houra; 8;30am-6:30pm TuBS.-Fri. 8:0 0-1:00 pm Saturday H O R S E F E E D starting al *4.80 p e r b a g C o n s i d e r i n g t h e fa c t t h a t J e s u s h a d n is d o u b t s , w h y c a n ’ t y o u ? The Episcopal Church of the Ascension Wclcomcs You. Wirshit)Savitrx: O.Wa.m A U:00u.m. Smday Schnot lO.OOiUii. 183 Foik-Bixby Rond • Advnncc. NC 27(X)6 • 336.998.0857 www.w.sccnsI()n-rork.orB P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c t i O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Cfeok Prim llivo Boplist Church, 222 Aubrey Merrell Rd., Mocksville. 2nd & 4lh Sundays, 10;30 a.m. Fourth Snturday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Pastor. Richard Kirby. Eofilo Heights Church.10 a.m. Sunday worahlp. 7 p.m. Tuesday Powerllme. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible study andAwanas. Casual dress, contem« porary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158. Hillsdale. MockavHIa Wealoyan Church: Hospital St., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Rev. QeorgeTroyer. 751*5595. U nion C hapel U nited M etho d ist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 10 o.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m.'. Pastor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 75 \ • 2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevetle, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940- 3753. Elbovllte United M ethodist Church: n!C. 801, Advance. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4<11), 1st & 3rd Sun.. •3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Chrlsl {ages 12* 10) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Poston Rev. Neville Storey. Cooleemee Churoh of Qod: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 n.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Wed. Fomlly Service. 7 - p.m. For more inlo, call pastor Robert Hulette at 284-2180 or visit mvw.coofcog.org. Cornotzor United Methodist Churoh: 1244 Comatzer Rd. Sundoy School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m.. Rev« Kaye Frye, pastor. B ethel United M ethodist C hurch; Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, pastor. Advance United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Horry D. Snmmons.Oowntown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Churoh: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998*5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrove United Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Methodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksville. Worship: 11' a.m, Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor, John Andrews. Hardison United Methodist Church; Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. W onderful W ednes-days Chlldfon’s program, 6-7:30. Paator, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Daptlot Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship. 11. Evening oervlce, 6. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m, Gladstone Road. Hlllsdole United Methodist Churoh: 6228 U.S. 158, Advance. Contemporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dress, refreshments. Jr. High Youth Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Youlh Sunday night, 7. Mldweet((3>Hiil8dale prayer sorvico, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studies, ministries cuch as drama, worship, mislons, singles, wom en's, men's. Pastor: Jerry Webb, 908-4020. W esley Chapel U nited M ethodist C huroh: W orship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday Qchool: t0i45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. Redland P en teco stal H oliness C huroh: Sunday School: 10 a.m. W orship: I t a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Churoh, 1913 US 001 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Schooi; 9:15. Rev. Robert Kaatlng. 751- 5419. www.mindspring.com/‘^holycros&^ Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 o.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristers (grades l -5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Neal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church, oil N.C. 801 S. Qt Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads. Advance. Rev, Donnie W . G . W H I T E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SI. Winston Salem, N0 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Proce3.s Beef ■ Pork - Deer 30 years experience 892 Ralph Rullodgo Rd • Mocksvlllo 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 GAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 M X . 5431 Hwy.ISB* Atlvance,NC 336-998-1987 Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship; 8;45 & 11 o.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Qrove Methodist Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Pastor; Chris Clontz. Sunday Schooi; 10 a.m., worship. 8;50 & 11, Children's ministry. Before and after school piograms, 940*5296. Hlllsdole Baptist Church: Sunday Small Groups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10;30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children's youlh aclivilles, prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. 940-6618. Minister of Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. Felth ond V ictory Fam ily W orship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Now Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St.. Mocksville. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, paslor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 S, Worship;9;45 a.m. Sunday Schooi; 11 a.m. F irst U nited M etho d ist C hurch ot M o cksville, Eorty Sunday W orship Service. 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary format. Traditional service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 751- 2 5 0 l Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Routh. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernacle; Sunday worship. 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Pastor; Jerry L. Couch. 998- 1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lane. Turrentlne B aptist C hurch: Sunday School, 9;45 a.m., Worship. 11; Night Service. 6. Pastor; Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodist Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School. 10. Worship, 11 o.m. Lighthouse Service, contem porary worship. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E* Mall: kDybethumc(§>yadtel.net Eplscopei Church o( the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd.. Advance, Sun. Schooi, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 o:m. 998*0857. DIat A Story M inistry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advonce. 990*7716. Clement Qrove Churoh o( Qod, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School. 10 a.m .. W orship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m. Paslor: Eider Ernest Ijamos. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays. 5*5;30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Qreen Meadows Baptist Church Sundoy School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. It a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesdoy Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3022. L ib e rly W esleyan C huroh, 2106 Shellield Rd,, Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worahlp 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Minlslry 2nd Tues. each month 10 n.m. 492*2963. Pastor; Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterlon Church, 1806 Fork- Bixby Rd., near Comatzer Rd.. Sun. Schooi 9:45 a.m., Worship 11. Pastor: Peter Peterson. 998- 6813. Dulin United M ethodist Churoh, 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksvlllo. 998-5409. Pastor: Dovid Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m. « Cooleemee United Methodist. Main St., Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Kids Komp Sun. 6-6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284-6135) In Homo Bible Studios, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Boar Creek Baptist Churoh, Bear Creek Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m.. Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Leo Cook III, pastor. Cooleemee First Baptist Churoh. 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 o.m., Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, pastor. Mocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine St. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only African-American Presbyterian church in Dovie County. Rev. Thomas M. Leoch.751-1410 St. Francis o( A ssisi, RC. Masses: Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m .. Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday evening Mnss, 7. Monday. Tuesday, Thufsdny. Friday Ь Solurdoy. V O G L E R & - S O N S niiici-iiinbnü! • 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemtnons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • RoflnlBhina Inatallallon • Old & New Work Larry McClonney • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 E A T O N FU N E R A L H O M E S INCH 19.51 ^25 Niirth Mniii Street Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2148 AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751 <2944 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Droper. TOR, 751-2973. Farm ington Baptist Churoh, Sunday morning Bible study, classes (or all ages, 10. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmlng-ton Rd.,5 miles from 1*40. Pastor: Scott Lyerly. Church; 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Road, olí U.S. 601 N. at 1-40, Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship, Sunday. 8:30 ft 11 a.m.: Sundoy School. 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening. 7. Wednesday Bible study and mission progroms (or all ages, 7 p.m. Pastor; Qlenn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. ïvww.b/aisôbitptist.org. Shiloh Bapllst Church. 544 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751-0597. Fulton United Methodist Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi, 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youlh In Christ. Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church,U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Center Fire Dept.). Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/worship, 6. Wednesday night pralse/worshlp, 7. Pastor, James Ward. 998-6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship señolee, 8:30 o.m. Sunday School for ail ages, 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship service, 10:55 a.m. Children's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m,, activities tor chitdren. youth and adults. Fork Baptist Church. 0140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship service, 11 a.m., 0:30 p.m. Wednesdoys. 7 p.m. Awonos, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. C om atzer B aptist C huroh, 1372 ' Com atzer Rd., M ocksvlllo. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11; evening, 0:30: Awana's W orship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7;30 p.m. New Union M ethodist Churoh, 1869 Shellield Rd., at Counly Une Rd. Sen/ices: 8:30 a.m.. contemporary worahlp with casual dress and refreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday SchobI lor all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492* 5367. llames Baptist Churoh, Sheffield Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening. 6. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. S t. John AME Z lon C huroh. 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Pastor, George C. Bonks. Advance First Baptist Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sundoy School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Postor;Martln Kaslner. 998-6302. Church ot Qod o! Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 s.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6: Wednesday evening, 7. Postor; Rev. Bobby Shlnouit. 719- 6505 or 284-2935. V ictory B optlst Churoh. Midway St.. Cooleemee. Sundoy Schooi, 10 a.m.. worship 11. Sunday evening. 6; ‘ Wednesday Awono/Youth, 0:45 p.m.. Prayer & Biblo Study. 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventh Day Adventist Churoh, Milling Road. M ocksville. Sobboth Schooi, Solurdoy, 0 ;3 0 *ll; Worship, 11-noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751*3806. Macedonia Moravian Churoh. 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sunday Schooi. 9:30*10:45 a.m. Worship, B;45 and 11 a.m. 996-4394. Pastor; Rev. Oreg Little. Yadkin V olley B a p tist C hurch, 1324Yadkln Valley Road. Advance. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 &6. Wednesday Night Prayer meeting, 7:30. iLlve Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 1t*Noon. Mt. Zlon Holiness Churoh of Qod, U.S. 64 E. nt Mill Stroel. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 11. Pastor: Bishop James l}nmes. Ml. SInal AME Zlon Church, 488 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr., pastor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of the Living Qod, 2121 Cornolzer Rd., Advance. Paator. Rev. Perry Howks, 766-1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 o.m.,6p.m. SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R W S P f Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 85S Salisbury Road, Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-3712 Salem United M ethodist Church. Salem Church Road oil Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles weal ol tvtocksvllle. Worship. Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. tO:45.UMW, second W ednesday. UMM first Sunday breaklasl al 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blolr. PIney Q rove U nited M e tho d isl Church, 376 Underpass Rd.. Advance. Sunday School. 10 a.m., Worship. 11. Pastor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998- 7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church. 291 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Paslor. Nettye l|ames-Barber. 751-0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m., W orship 11. Wednesday nighl: Bible class. 7:30. Intercessory prayer. 6 p.m. True Ligh t C h ristia n M inistry, meetings at Davie County Public Library, Mocksville. Founding paslor: Steven W. Dallon. Sunday School. 10 а.m „ worship, 11. E piscopal Churoh ol Ihe Q ood S hepherd. Church & Cross sis., Cooleemee. W orship. 9:30 a.m .. lellowship hour alter church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays alter church. Ptlesl: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Llie Mission. Liberly Church Rd.. M ocksville. Sunday School. 10a.m.. morning worship. 11. Sunday evening al 8 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Paslor: Hilda ReavIs. Mocksvlllo Church ol Qod, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0017. Paator; Lorry Hollilleld. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11: Sunday evening. б. Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 801 s., Mocksville. 284-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancasler. Sunday services; 8:15 a.m.. praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor all ages; 11. morning worship; 7. evening worship. Wednesday services; 6 p.m.. lamlly lellowshlp meal; 7 p.m.. TeamKID, Youth 4 Chrlsl. Adult Bible Study. Nursery lor Inlanls and toddlers. Fellow ship B aptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m, Thursday vlsllatlon. 7 p.m. Paslor, Wayne Swiaher, 492-7210. Smith Qrovo AME Zlon Church, 3707 Hwy. 156, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhslp. 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glenn, paalor. Eatons Bapllst Church, 495 Ealons Church Rd., M ocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m .. worship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeling, 7:30 p.m. Paslor: Dr, David Gllbrealh. 998-6149. Abundant L lie C hristian V ictory Center, 117 E. Depot St.. Mockavllle. Paslor. Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11. Lllo Community Churoh, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Poilorming Aria Center, North Main Street, M ooksvllle. Conlemporary slyle worship with Paalor Kevin Stewart. 763-LIFE. Hope Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158. Mocksville. 998-3616. Worship, 11 a.m.. Sunday School, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday. 7 p.m., AWANA children and leens. adults, prayer meeling and Bible study. East Davie Bapllst Church. Bermuda Quay Shopping Center, 5397 U.S. 158. Advance. Sundays, 8; 15, Bible study lor older adulls; 9:30. morning worship; 10:45, Bible study lor all ages: 6 p.m, Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Study and Prayer Service. Poslor.MaxT. Furr. 908-5584, D ie Community Church, Days Inn, Madison Rond, Mocksville. Services Sunday. 10 a.m. Call Kevin Stewart, paslor, about Wednesday evening llie groups. 753-5433. Mainville AME Zlon Church, 210 Main Church Road. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Bible Study, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Robert H. Bailey. Batloy's Chapel United M ethodisl Church. Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad- vonce. Sunday School. 10 n,m,. Wor­ ship 11 a.m. Paator, the Rev. Ed Carter. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. APAIEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG GARTER BUILDER, ING, IIDHwy. BOI S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 lluilJcrofQuilit;, Ciisimltoimfito\erMt ifJA t’mijiA. С'дпсг, Ptc^iilcnt » .Moflin C. CaHcf, Vicc Ptct. I-lAYWORTH-MlLLER Fu n e r a l H o m e K iN D E R T O N C h a p e l Lo c a tiîd o nHwy 158 Between Clemmons & A dvance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 CHS board member Ann Cranford hands a check to Jane Simpson establishing the Textile Heritage Fund with the Community Foundation of Davie County. C o o l e e m e e H i s t o r i c a l A s s o c i a t i o n O K s E n d o w m e n t W it h F o u n d t i o n The Cooleemce Historical Association (CHA) becume the first non-profit agency in Davie County to esiablisli an endow-ment with The Community Foundation of Davic County when it transfen-ed $50,000 on Jan. 29 to create the new Textile Heritage Fund. "We are very excited about working with The Community Foundation of Davie County.” said CHA Vice President Meg Boswell. “It will be a great partnership, helping us preserve this important part of the South's past as well as benefiting other important projects while the foundation safeguards our endowment." Boswell and CHA member Earl Lester met on behalf of the CHA board of directors to work out the details of the agreement with Jane Simpson, president and CEO of the foundation. In December 2002, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) awarded Ihe CHA a $ 100,000 matching gram to found a permanent Textile Heritage Center Endowment. Grants were awarded to seven of 93 applicants nationwide. The Textile Heritage Fund wos created with $50,000 raised through gifts matched by NEH. The CHA must raise an additional $50,000 by June 30 to receive a scheduled match with another $35,000 the following year. Gifts to the Textile Heritage Fund ore tax-deductible and may be made to the CHA or €12. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Feb. 12,2004 GET YOUR TAX U P T 0 $ 1 ^ vie viant To rrode For m r Vehicle No Matter How Mucli Wu Owe! Plus. Westside Chrysler . Dodtje Jeep Can Pvt You into A Brand Hew Vehicle a t /1 Price and Payment you Can'/lfford’' The Community Foundation of Davie County. Contributions will be matched dollar for dollar by the NEH grant up to $100,000. The Cooleemee Historical. Association, founded in 1989 by 21 individuals, has grown to more than 1,200 members. Accomplishments include: • Creation of the Mill Village Museum: • Publication of a 448-page illustrated history of the town of Cooleemee; • Publication of a quarterly newsletter for 15 years; • Establishment of a Textile Heritage Center after refur- bishingthe historic Zachary- Holt House in 1993. Since then, the center has conducted public programs including an innova-tive youth project, Discovering Our Heritage; • A strategic plan for a regional historic site was developed in 1994 with a vision of telling the mill village story through additional exhibits and attractions. Their initiative to preserve the community's his­ toric gathering spot along the South Yadkin River grew into u community partnership and the first portion of RiverPark al Cooleemee Falls - The Bullhole opened last fail; • A 1934-era “Mill Family Life Museum" is under way; and • In 1996, the Textile Heritage Center held a regional conferencc in Cooleemee drawing together representotives from 28 mill towns and mill hills with leading scholars. A second conference is planned for 2005 during which a major South- wide Textile Heritage Initiative will be launched. To learn more about the’ foundation, contact Simpson at 936-0045 or via email at jsimpson@daviefoimdation.ors or visit the foundation web­ site at \vww.daviefoimdation ,org. 2001 Chrysler ш т HURRY! В Ш SilECnOU WIU GO FIRST! 3 DAYS О Ш ! On «псвп4 «4L ГММ to ■« «MM ш1Мгв M r W П«1м «Мй hn мИ. D«M mMwliw (МУ «•Ml (М и«по |«lw. «141П FÉB^UiffiY п т THROUGH FEBRUARY I6TH ONIYI Jä^ P R ID A Y lA M • epM • SATURDAY lA M • вРМ • MONDAY 8AM • 9PM • -■/: 157 lVi',s-| Dt'pol SI.' ШсШк. fit, 270211 г а «lllllil«»'.illllfui’ íhuvuítnvil /Mill к M/zZ/r IDENTITY SALON AND NAIL SPA (Offer Expires 2/19/04 - Appointments Need To Be Completed by 3-5-; .7 6 6 -3 0 3 8 2 7 5 0 L e w is v ille - C le m m o n s R D , C le m m o n s a bum ble and buirfible co n c ep t salon I . Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - D1 Ф- Conlccmcc Elcmenliirj' The school spelling bcc wns held Feb. 3. Winners from each fourih nnd fiflli ¡"rnde clnss participnled. Fourth grnde clnss winners were Lnstella Gray, Jnnsen McDaniel nnd Ben Wntlinglon. Fifth grade win­ ners were Tyler Durhnm, Savanna Slovcr and Jacob Zllmier. The first runner-up wns Ben Wntlinglon and the school champion is Savanna Stover. SludetHs in Mrs. Fleming’s class ure studying Hie American Revolu­ tionary War in social studies. In malh, they arc conlinuing n unit on fractions. To gel ready for the math nnd rending EGG tests, sludenis nre studying vocabulary words. The number of sludenis cclebrnling ex­ cellent Accelernled Render reading doubled over Inst monlh. Seventy- nine students enjoyed nn Acceler­ ated Reader breakfast in tiie media center. Those making Ihc 25 Point Club included; Anthony Benver, Steven Jarvis. Devon Cross, An­ thony Mnll, Robert Spillman, Chris Allen, Tiffnny Cox, Znch Mont­ gomery, A J Outen, Mikncl Pulliam, Chelsey Reinhardt, Nikkie Shore, Tiffany Wynit, Austin Sills, Brinn I’lotl, Cnssie Sonrd, Zack Dragon, Aaliyah, Müssen, Robert Church, Kris Cruse, Mnllhew Love, Anne- Marie Tow, Drew Lewallcn, Beccn Clendenin, Mitchell Blake, Mick Spillmnn, Sabrina Thompson, Me­ lissa Freeman, Ethan Chattln, Marinh Dobbhis, Justin Cruse, Kasey Goodin. Desirae. Downs, Hannah Godbey, Mickey Roscnian, Michaela Shaver, Melanie Uninnock, Brihnnn Farris, Courtney Honeycutt, Jonathan West, Monlero Carter, Sluimarim Clodfelter, Tnra Fox, Tyler Grubb, Andrew Keller, Brnndon Ruth, Stephanie Velotta, Qunmeshla James, Pake Millsnps, Josh Peters, Kristian Barney, Caleb Carter, Shahcem Gray, Courtney Jones, and Kuitlyn Soard. SO Point Club members Included: Kenny Goodin, Dustin Potts, Ashley Bur­ gess, Aaron Dodd, Brie White, Tyler Bush, Austin White; Nnthnn Jones, Darah Lusk, Josh Jacobs, Shane Jacobs, Snvnnna Stover, A J Oulen, Tyler Durham, nnd Rnhecm Mnrtln. Students Included in the 75 Point Club! BItznboih Tucker, Knjitlyn Shooinnkor, Jnlco Whitley, Colleen Hembree, ¡ShelbyfStephen»', and Snm Linvillo. 100 Point Club: Curios Moreno. 125 Point Club: Daniel Harris and Malissn Diehl. Students in Mrs. Culler's class have been working on comparing nnd contrasting In writing. Stuifents l"irst create Venn Diagrams, then use Ihe (liagrnms to write a parngrnph lo show similnrities nnd differences. In science, they hnve been explor­ ing electrical circuits.. Students were successful In building paral­ lel and scries circuits. Mrs. Kistner's class has started a unit on simple raiichines. The students are learn­ ing about force and motion. In math, they started long division. The class Is writing. They finished an imaginary story about meeting the Wright brothers. Mrs. Jones' class has been read­ ing Little Jim and studying the mountain region of North Carolina. In science, they are studying rocks. Project organizer Mii<e Hendrix talks to North Davie Middle School sixth graders about the thesaurus and how ii can be used. - Photos by Robin Fergusson 6 t h G r a d e r s R e c e i v e A T h e s a u r u s Mrs. Custer's class had a great time at Special Olympic basketball. Each student earned points and was placed in groups based on age. Katie Smith 1st place: Cosmo Hutchins 2nd place; Kristen Sutton 2nd place; Jonathon Shoaf I st place; Joanna Hicks 2nd place; Ray Peebles 3rd place; Tyier Burge 5lh place; Adam Shore, Nakota Hensley, Courtney Arnold, Cody Jeffries, received Parlicpation rib­ bons. They are going to the YMCA to practice for the Special Olympics aquatics events In April. Cooleemce Civilans were volunteers. The stu­ dents learned" several life lessons from the pinys that were presented by the Terradilly players nt Ihc Brock. Cosmo Hutchins our Citi­ zen of the Monlh. He is always re­ spectful to his classmates and his teachers. Kindergarten is learning about the five senses. They have been playing Instruments, conducting taste-tesis, using mirrors und nuig- nifylng glasses, and lots of other things thnt let them use their senses. Ms. Davis' class listened to mu­ sic from around Ihc world. Sludenis dccided il sounded different from what they hear on the rndio. Shudy Grove Elementary Parents, try to attend Ihc next PTA meeting at p.m, Tuesdny, Feb. 24. The .second grnders will perform at this meeting. The following students have been chosen as students of the week; Brandon Russell, Tristan Comer, Zachary Hale, Aaron Quttenberg. Dnnielle Snunders, Derrick Mitchell, Cameron Ogle, Valeric Short, Christ! Rowe, Ryan McClellan, Cody Mitchem, Katie Allison, George Mitchell, Trentot\ Cates, Cameron Peebles, Stephanie Watts, Madi Pratapas, Katie Wollenwcbcr, Michael Thurmond, Jason Gallimore, Caleb Gulton, Elliot Chaplin, Christy Holdsclaw and Gary Hall. The fifth grade classes of Ms. Ale, Mr. Mnnzullo, Ms. Smith and Ms. Howell visited Horizons Unlimited in Salisbury. The children participated In n program called Heartbeats where they lenrned wnys to keep their heart healthy. Another program cnllod Bouncing Beams explored Ihe spectrum of light. DARE classcs have begun for Fifth graders. This 11-week program is being taught by Officer Campbell. The DARE graduation will be April 30. Ms. Redmond's fourih grnders lenrned about the three slates of mailer. They investigated objects found in the classroom for volume nnd density. North Cnrolinn scrnp­ books should have letter 21 com­ pleted this week. The scrapbooks look great nnd the students have learned a lot about North Carolina, Ms. Ohrand Ms. Norman’s third graders have had some students finish multiplication tables and the class has started learning about fre­ quency and tally tables. In reading, the class started the novel, Mr. Popper’s Penguins. Ms. Johnson’s third graders are reminded to keep Picusc'nirn To Page D2 Enterprise Record Publisher Dwight Sparl<s helps Hendrix hand out a thesaurus to each student. Mike Hendrix held his the- •saurus in the air, complete with yellowing and brittle pages. Sixth graders ivi North Diwic Middle School listened as Hendrix told about gelling the thesaurus while in the eighth grade in 1961, about how he used it throughout high school, in college und beyond. “I hope you’ll do tlie same,” he said. Then, he told them tlie story of a Soutli Carolina woman wlio started a program thut now pro­ vides dictionaries lo every third grader in tliai stale. He becume intrigued, and for the second straight year, lias iieaded a pro­ gram that not only provides a dictionary for every third grader, but a thesaurus for ev- ery sixth grader in Davie County Scliools. A thesaurus, he said, is mostly a book of synonyms and antonyms. The ones sixth grad­ ers received last week also in­ clude definitions. “Instuud of using tiie same word over and over, you cun look up another word in your thesaurus,” Hendrix said. “Hang onto il. You will find a lot of uses for it.” The Davie County Enter­ prise Record paid for ihc books, and Enterprise Editor Dwight Sparks, General Manager Robin Fergusson and Manuging Edi­ tor Mike Barnhardt were on hand to pass oul llie free books to students. Mike Hendrix: "Instead ol using the same word over and over, you can look up another word ih your thesaurus." W i n n e r s D a v ie H ig h C h e e r le a d e r s B r in g H o m e F iv e F irst P la c e s F r o m C o m p e t it io n The Davie High Competition Cheerleading Squad traveled to Dorton Arena on the Slate Fair grounds in Raleigh Jan. 24 to attend the 2004 Champions of the East Cheerleading Competition. They brought home tlie first pUice trophy in Large Varsity Tumble Division. South Rowan Higli School placed second, und Southern Alamance High School took third. Davie also came home with the “Spirit of a Champion” trophy. Charisma, dedication, entlnisiasm, attitude, and spirit were used to descibe the Davie team. Tliis is quite nn nccbmplishment for the team under the direc­ tion of first year teacher and coach at Davie, Mrs. Angela Bickel. Everyone is invited lo catch these women in action nt varsity women und men basketball games. The next competition they will be attending Is the State Cheer Tournament in Concord Feb. 21. March 19, 20, and 21 will find them in Myrtle Beach at the Cheer Limited CAN-AM, a national tournament. With the longest season of any school athlete, this squad began practice last June, attended summer camp, cheered all the varsity football and basketball games, and of course, kept studying and making good grades as a priority. Since tliey are paying tiieir own wny to all of these competi­ tions, a silent auction is planned at the Davie High School Gymna­ sium April 3. Members of the Davie High School Competition Cheerleading squad include, from left; row 1 - Emily Evans, Jessica Morasco, Angela Gaither, Elizabeth Belluccl, Lauren Bennett, Jordan Micheál, Amber Miller, Megan Strouse’; row 2 - Kristen Culler, Kelsey Dyson, Kourtney Hanrahan, Marcie Dickman, Lauren Fletcher, Riley Davis, Stacey Statham, Amy Bellucci, Molly Whittaker, Katy Russell, Erin Strouse; and row 3 - Coach Angie Bickel, Danielle Miller, Miranda Koontz, All Russell, Lauren Brown, Brianna Montgomery D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 D a v i e S c h o o l s Continued From Page D1 reading cnch night. Sue Johnson, the librarian, has started a reading contest for each grade level. Ms. Spach's sccond grade class had a Super Bowl Friday Activity Day. All of the subject areas were inlegralcd into activities throughoul the day. The class had a halftimc break with snacks sent by parents. Ms. Hill and Ms. Carter's second . graders In social studies studied a . unit aboul A Working World learning about routes, factories, and trade. Tlie children learned aboul the moon, craters, day, night, seasons, stars and planets. They . enjoyed the book. My Picture Book of Ihe Planets. The second graders in Ms. Kauff and Ms. Boswell's class read The Cloud Book, an • informalional book about cirrus, slrolus and cumulus clouds. Inmalh ; the children learned about bar ; graphs and piclographs. Ms. Minor and Ms. Crannil's ' first grade class, Ihe Busy Bees, had ' visited Mrs. Hanes Cookie Faclory : in Clemmons. Students graphed Ihe ; six flavors and Iheir favorite was ; chocolate. In the lab the children ; sequenced a slide show based on • photos taken on the field trip. All I the first grade classes enjoyed being cookie tasters on this field trip. . First graders in Ms. Marion’s ; class have enjoyed winter centers. ; They made marshmallow snow- ' flakes, weighed winter items, and ■ made many art projects. In their ! briefcases they are Icamirig to rend ; a thermometer and understand what ; the temperatures mean. Ms. While's ; first graders are progressing well in • reading. Parents need to help Iheir children with reading comprehen- ! sion by asking Ihem questions about ; what they have read. In math, the ; children will bring home flashcards ; for parents to work with their child ; on knowing combinations adding up to 10. Dnvie High ; Uascball; Feb. 13, mandatory ; meeting ii\ L-1 for all persons trying ; out for baseball, 3:IS. Feb. 16, ■ baseball tryouts will begin at 3:35 : ut Rich Park. Vorsity Basketball; Feb. II : (home), Alexander Central 6:00; ' Feb. 13 (away). North Davidson, ^ 6:00, Boys and Girls; Feb. 17.CPC ^ (away), North Davidson. JV Ba.sketball; Feb. 11 (home), ' Alexander Central, 4:00; I'eb. 13, (home), North Davidson 4:30. Wrestling: Feb. 13. 14, NCHSAA Kegionals (away). Feb 17-20 and 23 guidance counselors will be available 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. for pre-registration appointments to meet with rising juniors to help them plan schedules for next year. Students or parents must make diis appointment with the guidance secretary, Mrs. Kennedy, by seeing her at school or calling 751-7388 or 751-5905 ext. 402. Feb 24 and March 1-5 is rising junior registration. These appoint­ ments are automatically set up. Rising juniors should check with a teacher after Feb. 16 for their appointment. March 11,15,16 and 22-24 counselors will be available 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. for pre-registration oppoint- ments to meet wilh rising sopho­ mores to help them plan schedules for next year. Students or parents must make this appointment with the guidance secretary, Mrs. Kennedy, by seeing her at school or calling 751-7388 or 751-5905 ext. 402. These oppointments can be made beginning Feb. 23. Morch 25,2659-31 and April I is rising sophomore registrotion. These appointments arc automa­ tically set up. Rising sophomores should check with teachers after March 16 lo see when Iheir appointment is. Pinebrook Elementary Early release is Thursday, Feb. 12 at I p.m. FridayFeb. 13 is a snow make up regular school day. The 2003-2204 Spelling Bee winners were: Emily Gardner Morgan Carter, Jacob Love, Ashley McLaurin, Brad Deal, Olivia Wood­ ward, Alex Newman, and Cody Jones. Cody Jones is first runner up for the school. Pinebrook'i Spell­ ing Bee champion is Brad Deal. Good Citizens for 2003-2004 were recognized at the board of edu- cation meeting Feb. 2; Austin Naylor, Eryn Koty, Qrianna Locklear, Qmma Rogers, Luke Mar­ tin, Kirsten Buchin, Johnny Zarbock.Tori Williams, Wil Cope, Maegan McQce, Olivia Woodward and Josh Qupton. In Febrtuiry, the student council continues is participating in the Pei\- nics for Patients campaign lo raise funds for the Leukemia and Lym­ phoma Society of North Carolina. The funds raised will go towards research and patient/family support and education in North Carolina, The Student Council will also work with the Davie Humane Society to collect food for dogs and cats wait­ ing for adoption. In conjunction with the Pennies for Patients fundraiser, Pinebrook will hold Spirit Week Feb. 23 - 27. Tlic stu­ dents will wear clothing to go with the day’s theme and continue lo col­ lect money for the fundraiser. The class raising the most money will receive special recognition and a pizza porty. February Is "We Love Our Pets" month. Students nnd staff are going to be collecting food donations from Feb.2-13 for Ihe Humane Society of Davie County. skate Night was a success. Thanks to all who came. This week's Box Tops for Edu­ cation champion is Mrs. Myers' third grade class with 218 box tops. The winners from her class include: Alyssa Adams, Kalelyn Ashley, Benjamin Branson, John Wesley Burton, Conrad Campbell, Jordan Collins, Harmony Dimmig, An­ gelica Donnelly, Wyatt Driscoll, Alexander Hamm, Trislian Hood, Austin Howse, Dylan Kennedy. Robert Lapish, John Lawson, Danielle Martin, Sydney McCune, Michael Murillo, Patrick Orellana, Jordan Ruble, Morgan Strickland, Nicholas Tate, Tori Williams. Jonnli Womble,and Zachary Wright. Mrs. Myer's class is in the lead for most box lops collected so far ihis year. The class with the most box tops by the end of the year will participate in an ice cream sundae making party. With the box tops proceeds from the fall, 75 new books have been purchased for the media cenler. The Character Kids trait for Jan. 26-30 was honesty. Character Kids forthatwcek: JoshuiWood.Chelsa Whitaker, Brianna Thomas. Mersdith Eckenrode, Alex Fleming, Emily Dcmarest, Lexy Benge, Careline Davis, Brittany Foster, Steven Jastrow, Morgan Carter, Austin Bailey, Kelsey Reed, Brcndon Hicks,Shaquinta Hairston, Paul Beauchamp, McKenzie Phillips, Allison Smith, Ahhley McLaurine, Kevin Young, Nick Tate, Marissa Williams, Jordan Budd, Sarah Reynolds, Jasmine Sales, Lorenzo Driver and Brittany Reece. Wlillnm R. Dnvie Eiemenlary Tina Dyson, first grade teacher, and husband Brion have a new daughter, Bailey Marie. Sudie Whaley, retired teacher, will be covering for Mrs. Dyson until her return. Tracy Dyson’s third grade class hod the best attendance for Llanuary. Tina Dysoli’s first grade saved the most box tops for January. Citizens of the Week of Feb. 6: Sydney White, Kenny Hicks, Junior Castro, Adam Naylor, Sonai Ramirez, Morla Rogers, Tyler Kelly, Andrea Ferrebee, Sasha Lockhart, Courtney Jones, Leslie Toylor, Annalee Tutterow, Brooke Wallace, Aubrey Apperson, Tyler Luckey, Jamie Morris, Kory Newton, and Abegail Alvarado, Students In Judy White’s fourth grade class are reading Stone Fox. Students have collected potato recipes lo cook. After small groups have cooked and tasted a variety of recipes, they will compile a cook book. The Valentine newsletter will come off the press al the end of the week. Students have completed a study of nutrition and will practice what they learned wilh nutritious snacks al a Valentine celebration. The fourth grade classcs of Jen Meagher, Diane Ireland and Judy White thank parents and the community for their response and donations lo Ihe North Carolina Basket. Norlh Dnvie Middle The theme baskets for the PfSA Basket Raffle are wrapped and on display at school. Thanks lo all who sent In an item to fill Ihe baskets. Raffle tickets are available for sale until Feb 21. Tickets are $1 each. All students have received packets with an inventory for each basket and tickets to sell. Additional tick­ ets are available in the office. The drawing will be held at the Oong/ Talent Show at the.Broek at 7 p.m. Feb. 21. You do not have to be present to win. The Aces children have been successful during the first half of' eighth grade with a record number of students on the honor roll. More students are making straight A's. Urge your'children lo keep up the good work. The team has had the lowest number of negative disci­ pline problems. T\venly-one students entered the PTSA Reflections contest. These children will receive extra credit from Iheir Aces teachers as was promised in November. Bobby Gassett was the winner of the Aces geography bee and the spelling bee was won by Amanda Reavls and Logan DeHart. These students represented the Aces team in the school competitions. The team has a need that parents con help meet. Christmas celebra­ tions and quarter 2 reward times wiped out reserves of candy and snocks. Donations of canned or two liter drinks, suckers. Jolly Ranch­ ers, Tootsie Pops, Lifesavcrs suck­ ers, small candy bars, MSM's, and any snack type items such as cook­ ies or crackers are needed. gemont You Won’t Believe the Extras! From Low $IOO’s •In Mocksville only 25 minutes lo Winslon-Salem ■Desirable curb appeal •Public Sewer and Water •Duke Max Rated• Lower Davie Coun ty Taxes •Davie County Schools • Builder pays up to $2000 closing costs until Feb. 29,2004 Oirectiom: t‘40\V to Farmington Rd Kxit ¡74, turn I. to H Hwy I5H. Go •/ miles (o I. StiUina Rd, R Morse, t. Whilney. I'ollow sinns. FUKNISIIKI) MODKL Open Sundiivs 2 to 5 Call 751-2035, 748-5.V»5,998-8816 Lot 51 - $99,900 AllacheJ gunigc, bii.scmem, lircplacc, pulldiiwn attic stairs, on quid cul-dc'Sac 1 w It .t I I- V (• 1 It 1 <1 к f s COLOIUCU. 1^www.cbtdail.com/myeripark.midgemont Each tAca • ndeponiienVy owwd and c^watod Kindei School -garter Date ] Orienta Time tion Telephone Соо1ееглее Feb, 23 6&7 p.m.284-2581 Cornatzer Feb. 26 6:30 p.m.940-5097 Mocksville Feb. 26 10 a.m., 1;ЗР & 5:30 p.m.751-2740 Pinebrook,Feb. 23 6 p.m.998-3868 Shady Qfove March 2 ■ 6:30 p.m.998-4719 William R. Davie Feb. 16 5-7:30 p.m. 492-5421 Parents and children should attend the session In the school district In which they reside. R e g is te r C h ild r e n N o w F o r K in d e r g a r te n T h iis A u g u s t It’s litne lo register children who will turn age 5 on or be­ fore Oct. 16 for kindergarten in the Davie County School' System. Registration forms are available from each elemen­ tary school and al the board of education office on Cherry Street, Mocksville. Each elementary school has scheduled an' orientation lo help parents and children be­ come familiar with ihe school and whal will be needed be­ fore school starts in August. Parents should bring the fol­ lowing lo kindergarten orien­ tation: proof of age 5 by Oct. 16 (registered copy of birlh certificate); verification of So­ cial Security number; and veri­ fication of Davie residency (water bill, power bill, tax records). At the kindergarten screen­ ings, health asse.ssmenl forms will be handed out, which must be completed before school begins, Il includes: proof of immunization, including 5dtp, DtaP,4 polio vaccine doses, 1- 4 HIB doses, 3 HEP B doses, 2 measles doses, mumps dose and Rubella dose; and proof that each child has had a physi­ cal exam within the last 12 months. For more information, call the Central Davie Education Center al 751-7704, ext. 18 or ext. 35. If youc child is failing or close to falling in any of their academic classes, you will be notified and in­ vited to a possible retention confer­ ence with your child. Aces leach­ crs, and an administrator. These conferences will be coming up soon. All money and permission slips for Ihe Aces beach trip are due to Mr. Hendrix by March 12. If you have not seen a beach permission and information packet, Id Mr. Hendrix know. These were sent . home Ihe first week in January. The school Spelling Bee wa.s held Friday, Jan. 30. Contestants were; Nora Hayes, Molly Graham, Erika Wentz, Jordan Reavls, Brianna Hall, Brendan Johann, Kristen Karns, Taylor Moore. Danielle Brown,Megan McDaniel, Sam Law, Josh Carter, Amanda Reavis, Logan Dehart, Maggie Tupay, Salma Ibrahim, Julianne Olson, Ashton York, Ethan Wantuch, Hannah Stroupe, Marty Spillman, Ryon Hutchinson, nnd Annie Shrewsbury. The runner-up was Amanda Reavls, and the school winner was Erika Wentz, Tsunami Students of the Month are: Kellie Parks, Michael Lynch. Tiffany Short, Avery Lutz, Jonathan Graham, Tatum Snow & Jacob Robertson. R & R Students of the Month are; Cody Cunningham,Teri Cope, Cassandra McClannan, Michael Rowe,Mlchael Stevens, Jordan Schultz, Crystal Lester, Kalelin Wensley, Kelli Parks, Niki Myers, Austen Frank, Victoria Reveles, Nathan Hutchcns. С Jacob Dunn is school GEO Bee winner. Joey Lard and John Sligall were Tsunami leam runner ups. Spelling Bee representntive.i were: 2nd period - Maggie Tupay, 6th - Kaley Kealon, 7th - Salma Ibrahim. Tsunami Soil and Water represen­ tative is Tatum Snow. During Prime Time, students have been focusing on Ihe problems of student harassment. A video titled "Broken Toy" was viewed by sev­ enth graders and a follow up dis­ cussion on harassment followed. February's theme in Prime Time is Compassion and students will be making Valentines for Veterans. Skills groups to will meet on Mon­ days, Thursdays, ond Fridays con- ecntrallng on speclfle skills in . smaller groups from 8:05-8:30,. Prime Time Checker Tourna­ ment winners ore: Jacob Robertson, Jaclyn Woodward, Nancy Alexander, MichacI Burford & Cariy Cornatzer. Thanks lo parents who sent in "Couch Potato" items for the Bas­ kets Raffle. Each student will be given 20$l raffle tickets for Ihe bas­ kets to try to sell. Any student who sells 20 tickets will get their name In Ihe drawing for a $100 prize. Tickets will be on sale until Feb. 21. South Davie Dolphin students of Teresa Santis have been reading "Tuck Everlast­ ing" in communications class. They have studied the figurative language such as similes, metaphors and per­ sonification used by the author. Stu­ dents have also written poems, cre­ ated picture adv.ertisements, and written possible news stories related lo the events in Ihis novel. In social studies. Dolphins recently com­ pleted a study of tho Middle Ages. As a culminating activity to this study, they created projects such as Please T\im To Page D3 C O L D l U e U . B A N K e R Q T R IA D , R E A L T O R S ’ DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 whatever it takes. Ш ttr w w w .co ld w ellb an ker.co m OMQUni mu uvK m. ^Ur>u rooe bfm jti ip kx чл awi btjña 5 Ì turr« «rtn 27 Jiiin. ning nri. aS nm pm. ua nxm trwong foom. 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(oo( & tJifìdJ. »юте Viuivtí ViaïïlffTkng 996-1167 tin.no in «АЛЛСи rua DAVI! 28R 25BA N« iCNrtihotie lociW on /6 Ulfwy Ifi ВП Giwt {ilice to« tfi "fi ÍCWI, neuti)) йеш, «il nuintimed, un be lejje or leue pucb« totol*IWi998 1IM|m,WI in IFUMU ОДУШМ ]ffi muMei comlnilion ! ищ «Ml teirl hf илтт^ oitm piMiiml. mti Md. »an itid OÇMC11Ш1. iucS Im Ite »IV hjiy irnii« hj (odjy. Ita loi» Il m ml Ujinj (1500 t r Я мтош а MU йАУИ зея 2&Amuter ил. tend roan, opsn (Vx* рл Priffr « I pa-**' CifJ, ЛЛ-йО! 998- UU OM«n !SÛ(Hty 6tiUCcnçfHff»c»6ints $1Й.Ю tor a DUTCHAUN МШ DAVU ЗВП 2SACrei 0«iii' fin itivt aniKiti inki u,«ì Тш »ïjW calinçi. Ul li'rv uurlry Id Crvii Га>(к»e-n^e 1142.900 i 'Ж 10:1и:! Í ! ' f i L0T19« UTEJU ГАМ OAVII 38П2ЬВА «Ml Ьпч tun Wiiinrmtug sf|ite ua uory поте Wtn ЬшМ Vinyl Vitng iAxiti on rwn. oJ <k ixia.2tii bvr4 <urage. greä sioo^e' füa>Mj/yuii9Mn8lt11i.ñO MBWTNsmiT йт ш т опмon Яш», m lew IXÄ:», for пмкд) s. ben] bXk yl'd. CtNtifid bUi pOf[^. . . in( lii'ta harii or rrtifBTiert u:jA;twWflllW$1M.I00 117 EOISOi 1ШП DAVM ЗСЛ ?BA Giul bna rion-d мЛ|1^Жв. tome rurdauoj Лооппа, l'ittiace, 12il6 outxjiidng *ibta ctmtdbjcb po<tA. (IkA GruUi • 996-1 lèS (П.000 m mnmmtB uyii2eAiB^Miner nomel Iru) co(uoe oneo tiuit vd liowiifiQ trees. Urge lenadlroni ywd iftj jwii «yd otes ttoiy gjidm space Huge ^ a;iowi to( billing or tnterUiniiu Must see CintfiJoNBcnto-UfilW.OO#' lUfMAfl oAVKe..... Muld make great snull • iftop»/3wM«. cuiitrtf/ sel up lot beauty iftop »/3 wnrti ЙИ10П iiMS. place for Unning bed. *viti & 02001 Coldwell iwnket fifdl IsiJie (wpofotion- (oldwell ПдпксгФ is .1 icgisicied tMdcmotk ol Coldwell Oanket Cotporjllon. А» [>|ujl Oppodimity Coinpjny. [(|ил1 Houslntj Oppoituniiy. iJ(l> Olllcc Is lnJcpcrni(;ti)|y Owned Ы Opctatcd. D a v ie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 - 03 Continued From Page D2 plaster block carvings, tin can lan­ terns and stained glass windows. Students arc currently beginning a study of the Renaissance. Dolphin students of Alan Hyland have been working on critical think­ ing skills in math class. Students have been challenged to develop possible solutions for given situa­ tions. In science class, Dolphins are studying the processes of plants such as photosynthesis and respiration. Tsunami social studies students are currently studying East Asia. They recently worked as part of a team to find ull of the items that Ihcir team brought with them to class manufactured outside the United State.s. They then drew a team poster that demonstrated all of lho.se items and where they came from. Students were surpriiied at the number of items and where their own posses­ sions arc from. Tsunami .science students have been working on two different projects Ihis i|uartcr. Third and fourth period have completed their Body Sy.slcms booklets. Some of Ihese will be on display for Ihe Aca­ demic Fair Feb, 9. After completing their research in the computer lab, sixth and seventh periods turned in their final papers on Soil and Water - Yours for Life. Winners for the con­ test for the Tsunami team were Lindsday Cartner and Alexis Free­ man. All classes are presently study­ ing Ihe respiratory and excretory system. Progress reports will be sent home Feb. 11. Don’t forget parents, Thursday, Feb. 12 is Eariy Release and Friday, Feb. 13 is now a makeup snow day. Mrs. Illing's math students have been working on third quarter projects. Some are doing posters or mazes. Fourth perioil students ate designing their own bathroom. They can have anything in it they desire since they have no budget, but it must fit in to their limiled space. All sludenls are working hard on Accel­ erated Math in preparation for the end-of-grade tests. Mrs. Grimes’s communication classes finished up second quarter with a trip to High Point lo see A Christmas Carol. Our .second semes­ ter will be busy wilh writing and lil- erulure us we prepare for the NC Writing Test and our end-of-grade test In May. Student work samples will be displayed at our aeademie fair. We hope all parents will come to share in thi.s annual event wilh us. Wc congratulate Tsunami team member Aaron Peoples, who won the school spelling bee. Aaron moves on lo represent South Davie at the county spelling bee later this month. Good luck, Aaron. Also,con­ gratulations to Stephanie Walker, who will be one of Iwo sludenls rep­ resenting South Davic in the state fimilsof the Word PowerChallenge. Good luck, Stephanie. Several students’ names were in­ advertently omitted from the school's Honor Roll last week. Con­ gratulations and our apologies lo Bradley McDaniel, Aaron Peoples, Emily Carter, Andrea Grant, Jessica Tulbcrt, Je.ssi Fells, Auyanna Banks and Patrick Lancaster. Mocksvllle Elcmcninry Student of the Week, Jan. 26-30 and Feb. 2-6: Melissa. Domanski, Maria Griffith, Autumn Stowers, MichacI Mock, Jada Payton, Caleb Ijames, Ccdric Wilson, Brianna Moore, Kierston Nichols, Kayla Beck, Cameron Ciissady, Summer Smart, Caroline Doby, Codi Bradford, Alii Dyer, James Dewitt, Jake Seaford, April Rodriguez. In Ms. Langer and Mrs. Dy,son’s kindergarten class, children recently celebrated Ihe lOOlh day of .school. They made hats with groups of 10 to 100. They also made nccklaccs with lOO ccrcal pieces, uncodcd a se­ cret number (100), and wrote a poem about the lOOth day of school. Mrs. Kaye Vandiver and Miss Jodi Walker’s kindergartners have been learning a lot about the winter sea.son and the many changes that can take place. Our local weather has been great for helping the children to understand that snow and ice can occur at any time during the winter. The children have also enjoyed learning about different hibernating animals. Mrs. Choate, our school media specialist, has worked wilh small groups of eager learners and helped them research and record facts and pictures about these inter­ esting creatures. All the children, and adults too, have enjoyed the great reports that have come to the class­ room. And now that d\e groundhog has seen his shadow, we will con­ tinue lo learn more about the winter season (at least for the next six weeks). After a week of fun (in Ihe snow), Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Knight's first graders иге hack in school working very hard. Before our snow vacation, the class spent a week doing activi­ ties that went along with the story, enjpyed all of Ihe fun les.sons, espe­ cially our milk and cookie party on Friday. Wc found that Oreos are our class favorite. This week, wc have discus.sed Groundhog Day and were disappointed to hear that the ground­ hog saw his shadow. Oh, no, more more bad weather. In reading, wc have been focusing on dirfcrcnt long vowel sounds and read the stotc,’Ibfi Seven Sillies. In math, we continue to work hard at learning some basic math facts, while also counting money and telling time. Mrs. Starnes and Ms. Zoubck’s .sccond graders came back from our snow days lo review the weather concepts that we studied prior lo oiii- winter weather. What timing! We were also able lo get back on some­ what of a schedule with our reading This opened the door to studying past nnd present communities, etc. in the upcoming week. Our annual reading program got kicked off with an assembly on Thursday. The next four weeks we will be looking to "round- up” good readers. Mrs, Strickland’s third grade class is concentrating on writing complete paragraphs. Wc have learned how to tell Ihe main Idea of a piece of writing as well as picking out the topic sentence. Also, we have worked on adding details to our words and leaving out extraneous in­ formation - stuff we don't need. We know to end the paragraph with a closing .sentence. Pretty soon, we will be turning tho.sc great para­ graphs into terrific stories. Mrs. McKnight’s fourth grade class is trying to get back into the swing of ihings after our long snow break. We have started reading Ihfi children are enjoying this book and finding out more about the North Carolina coast. On March I, we will be going to the Brock to see u play about the Wright Brothers. The fourth grade narrative writ­ ing lest is March 2. The students arc working hard to prepare for Ihis ■ statewide writing test. The students have been working on both imagi- uative and personal prompts. They arc doing a fantastic job writing and will be well prepared for the test. Cornntzl'r Elcmcninry Cornatzer sludenls are having a busy, busy week. In addition to their regular classroom work, they are honoring their great cafeteria staff led by Mrs. Brenda Norman. Every day this week, the ladies of the lunchroom have been lionorcd in a spccial way by a different grade level. Students have also been looking al and learning aboul different cul­ tures during Cornatzcr'.s annual Multi-Cultural Week which culmi­ nated on Wednesday wilh an exhi­ bition in the gymnasium which was visited by all students. Reporting for Mrs. Balslcy's third grade class^ are Kyle Bullins and Catherine Joyce. "We have been reading Helen Keller, a story about a girl who is blind and deaf. Wc arc also learning about biographies. Wc arc going 10 have to write a report about someone famous that we read about. Our clas.s is learning how to do cursivc writing. We haven't leartied the capital letters yet, but wc know all the lower case letters. We will write our valentines using cursivc writing. We are doing Scoops of Multi­ plication Fun. Each time you leam another multiplication liible, you get paper parts of ice cream sundaes. At Ihe end of Ihe year, you get to cat whatever you eanicd...the real thing. Mrs.Terry’s fifth grade class has lost little momentum despite the in- clcmcnl weather. TWenty-one stu­ dents earned their Book-lt coupons for Accelerated reading in January. Andrew Guardado and Erin Deadmon a'pre.scntcd Ihe class at the Cornatzer spelling bee and Amlrcw svns placed second among tlio I'outtli and fiftli grade spellers. Listening lo books on tape con­ tinues to be a favorite pastime wilh many students in Mrs.Terry’s com­ munications class. Students arc Im­ proving reading skills, enjoying good books, and gaining Acccictalcd reading points ail at one time. Mrs. Archer is working with the class on genres, providing .some activities highlighting fairy tales and tall tales. The class is also working hard on vocabulary and comprehension skills. Math students are Juggling skills In measurement, geometry, fractions and decimals, and use them on weekly Math Superstars assign­ ments. The class is using the results of II practice math test to work on objectives nol yet covered this year as well IIS reinforcing others. In our study of the U.S. govern­ ment , the social studies class has had an opportunity to take a closc look at the Constitution and Icarti about the three brunches of government. The class is looking forward to a field trip 10 tho Heritage Theatre in Winston-Salem on Feb. 25. Students in June Johnson’s class arc fine tuning Iheir public .speaking skills. They are incorporating tele­ phone manners, introductions and speeches into their unit. The Town of Mocksville recently sponsored a speech contest for school students. The topic was the Importance of Supporting Your Local Economy. All fifth grade students in Mrs. Johnson’s class wrote essays on Ihis topic and practiced delivering inl'or- malion in Ihe classroom. They were then encouraged to participate in the contest. Chan Archer, Kali Davis, Conner Jewell and Grin Deadmon did an outstanding job in rcprcsenl- ing Cornatzer nieinentary. Cou- graliilalions to liriii l3caduion, who was awarded the sccond place prize for the county. Cougars of the Week: Brandon Lankford, Anitra McClelland, Evelyn Ramirez, Kalhryn Bradshaw, Jordan Marcial,Zcnilh Moore, Luis Moreno, Troy Allen, Ryanisha Chambers, Katie North, Zachary Robertson, Lori Daniels, Abel Martinez, Jacob Backslrom, Trade Thomas,Omar Beiza, Sierra Wright, Jennifer Robertson, Latoyia Doulin. Reminder to parents: Tuesday, Feb. 17 and 24 - Venezia Night: Wednesday, Feb. 11 - Inlerim Re­ ports go home: Thursday, Feb. 12 - Early Release Day: Snow Makeup Days - Friday. Feb. 13. Monday, March 15, Friday, April 9, Monday. May 24,Tuesday, May 25-, Feb. 16- 20 - Cafeteria Staff Appreciation Week: Thursday, ixb. 19 - Spring Pictures (group and individual) and 6:30-8 p.m. Family Reading Night: Thursday, Feb. 26 - 6:30 p.m. Kin­ dergarten Orientation. Central Duvic Developmental Day 1 students talked about hearts and love. They also talked about groundhogs. The students colored a picture of a groundhog and glued it lo a stick to pop out of a cup. Tlie students made their valentine holders. They deco­ rated them with hearts of paper and confetti.Tliey also made Ihcir moms a valentine present. They are also reviewing llic shapes we have al­ ready learned. We will be having our Valentine party on Feb. 13. Wc have an early release on Thursday. Feb. 12. Developmental Day II Student of the Week: Adrian Hernandez-Brito. Adrian brought in an interesting "me” bag to share with our class. Our new Icier friends introduced Ihis week were "F ’ and “D.” We made a family of funny fed and decorated dazzling “ D's.” We marchcd and danced,loo. The children in the Pre-kinder­ garten class have been trying lo catch up on things that liave been missed due to the ice nnd snow. This week has been full of different kinds of activities. They enjoyed learning about Mr. Groundhog. He did see his shadow so they arc curious to see if there will be six more weeks of win­ ter weather. They made pop-up groundhogs and puppets. They did shadow dancing and had a special snack. ® Prudential Absolute Real Éstate. Carolinas Realty Clemmons/Davie Co. Office - 336.714.4400 877.371.5822 Winston-Salem Office - 336.748.2000 800.810.4778 www.prudentialcarolinas.com 11 Oak OrovD $289,500 Pal Klnntmon 717-8396 125 Hldtlonbtooke Drive $424,500 Bay SupplB 714-4409 36 Cambria Place $429,900 SheiH Coram 714-4414 7604 Penland Court $325,000 Clieiyl Fink 762-2493 104 Arboretum Courl $299,900 Dev Supple 714-4404 269 Pine Valloy Road $245,000 Kimberly Polls 577-9911 8081 GlengarrifI Road $329,900 Pal KInnamon 714-4434 130 Brentwood Drive 8187 Spring Forest Drive $134,900 $183,000 Dorothy Hall 714-4406 Belli AIMoion 714-4420 3532 North Lakesliore Dr $219,900 Kristina Fanali 714-4417 008 Holly Hodge Drive $137,400 Oloila Matthows 714-4405 734 Sunset Read $279,900 Susan Parker 909-1SIÌ6 780 N. Main SIreot $92,000 Susan Parker 399-3137 133PembrookaRldge $144,900 Dev Supple 714-4404 Açjt'iil Rositi 1 Audrey Fuhrrrunn 714.4411An(i(aa Suggs 71444167144420BevSopp(«W02ÛMBillNlchotJ714.4412Bobble MertdenMI 714,4415Cedric Lash 714.4421Choryl Fit*714.4430DofoffiyHall714.4406Gloria Ouchratlh 714.4417GroriiUjtwn996.5062IfyEgbuna714.4426KaiiyPWliipj714.4413Kimberly Potts 714.4407Kristina Firretl 7t4.442SPalKinrumon788.7722SandnlMrtck714.4410Sandra Johnson 714.4400SiniJyOysw 714.4409Sherri Coram 7144414Susan Parker 3993137Vicki S. Bullard 996.2170WeltonLoftIn7144429 1JÍ Untold Pllmer $889,500 2601 Harper RMd $260,«» 262 Rlverbind Drive $298,900 ¡w8«wU714Ím04 Gloria Matthew. 714-4405 Qloila Maltlie*s 714-4409 206 Juniper Clrclg $494.500 Bev Supple 714-4404 280 RIverbend Dr $280,000 280 RIvorbend Dr $200,000 Dev Supple 714-4404 Be« Supple 714-4404 292 niverbend Dr $239,900 Klmborly Poll! 714-4407 A ll-S ta te D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I hursdiiv, Feh. 12. 2004 5 In C h o ru s On J;in. iO i\ml 31, five Davic High School sludcnls parlici- palcd int he Norlh Carolina All- Slaie Cliorus in Gri-'cnsboro. Tho sludcnls joined with other high school sludents Ironi all over Ihc slate to make an 11 th/ 12lli grade chorus and u 9tl\/1 Otli grade chorus. They worked with profes­ sional clinicians on choral niii- sic that was presented in three concerts on Saturday afternoon in the War Memorial Coliseum. Students from Davie High were Sara Hamilton, Amanda King, Jenay Mayfield, Savanna McLamb, and Brittney Overby. They arc meiiibers of the Davic High Vocal En.seinbel and La­ dies Vocal Ensemble and were chosen to participate in All-State by their director, Elaine Snow. Savanna McLamb and Brittney Overby were named to the All-Slate Chorus on Sept. 10. Sara Hamilton, Amanda King and Jenay Mayfield were named to the All-State Cho­ rus on Nov. 12. D a v ie H ig h T o H o ld In tro T o F re s h m e n E x p e rie n c e Hy Clirlstlne IliiU)>hmiin Special to the Enterprise Tlic myths aiul legends »bom Davic High's elevators, swim­ ming pool and stairs will be put to an end for rising freshman Feb. 19. I'rom Oi.lO to the DIIS adminislratioii, department heads, guidance olTice and lead­ ership class will host an Intro­ duction to the Freshman Expe­ rience. Important information about day-to-day expectations, travel about campus, traffic and buses, fees, materials/supplies, behav­ ioral expectations and fall open house will be shared with par­ ents. There will al.so be a .ses­ sion on the registration process. Career Pathways, guidance counselor support and Advanced Placement classes. Students and parents will be given a limited tour of the school, which could help ease the intimidation that tags along on one's first day at a school as large as Davie. The tour and curriculum fair will provide in- T h e m o m e n t h e d is c o v e r e d t h a t le a r n in g fe e ls g o o d . If vou can't bear the thouohiof other dealerships saving tttve ME a call’’.. Help your child feel more confident about school. If your child is struggling with .schoolwork — getting fru.stmted or feeling bored In c:l.\ss — c.ill Sylvan now. We start with the Sylvan Advantager a proven process that works: Ii We lilciuify your child's specific needs. ■ I'oUowed by individual .ittcntion and personali/,ed lesson plans from highly trained and certified tcachcr.t. ■ /\iid progre.ss rcporti Гог you every step of the way. If your child is struggling or not being challenged enough, call Sylvan today. I Mocksville (336) 753-01 GO IS ilW 'E I On st)ut ibkl4 S^hiUi SUI\ '•1‘tiwnt Ihit ,lt IIIIMMlf ,IV\V'MI>r(ltI Ntil 4.ilr(t \Mlli .iir« (iflM-f olii-r, 41 lit II ....... I 1.1-.. S Y L V A N LEARNIfMC CENTER’ ¿carnlnj .feels yocC tG e r R C S lltTS r Kevin McCullough C a ll m e p e rso n ally at 7 0 4 - 6 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 o r 1 -800-264-6823 E m ail M o a t - k m ccu llo u gh i@ b e n m y n att.co m A p p ly b y P h o n e - 1 -8 8 8 -7 5 6 -A U T O (2 8 8 6 ) WWW .benm ynatt.getayes.com М%\лу.1ч1исч110.(.()1п ^ B E H M Y N A T T P0NTIAC*6MC*NISSAN 6 2 9 JAKE ALEXANDER BLVD. S. S A L I S B U R Y 2 1 S w ic e g o o d W a ll & M c D a n ie l DOWN* 1^1034.63 Mo.' d o w n * *^,8в0.в7ш.* 239 Doacon't WasFtCUuM OcfTM СЛ y* Acrt Tf«d V) lUtg*4b*diiMrT««f?S[WT«.»ton)wxx)«. Form*! Ov«>g ànrl iVnCOM I ) fUcontrtg I fl I i/o DOWN* ^087.88 Mo.‘ Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our local numbers OR for recorded information: CALL TO LL FREE 1-800-210-6849 and enter recording # Davie: 336-751-2222 or Forsyth: 336-778-2221 ^ 0 DOWN*[ ^870,84 Mo.* 1633 NC Hwy 001«,«1 ccnxxuom to 140 ha* i»rk.»c*(4 h«Tirt rul [uxcfkiMxJ .и íoc*íhi# *n *iitt>or>«l косой Ü0 iW3ie?eD) IS/7I 0 Hnzolwood / ODOWN*J^- / '1,828.021*1.* 196 McAlllstorRdrji7w Airjixt D«v LovoV fKiin« w/mdtlor txlon on ituin or ?ik1 M, (xx^. &li4nMar>oa( wV>od2?Ooloct. tvulor Apfun« 9*ac w/ mictosi n 2000 n ninway tool, two) punip. mwog pato IfOMC WAflRANTVI |W?OT(H3) Rocoftitfm »tMII J DOWN* «/^1,41B.12Mo,* 1798 FarmingtonPoiioAi and toinl i*> on nvti ig (urn r<Bw axAiy iMUfl II nwK fmnion Nw ototlnai«y4lo<n.niAig.r»ja;<i UVAC l/ o DOWN* ^'818.18 Ho.* А1.Л CodarWOOdfyjnfpidnoítUfKr^fttenanenuíe.o-utog» »ton* •ñtty, und liurkUK.VollOmtftxí [-Wi Uvoo wltixl »lofoge bu*»f>g[M.VTirf catfHKtAi U-^' ' >j. ..j. I .1ЛК1 tairk <Wk М.Л1 n»^vn nrr>aa< r«vJ II CAlMKit* and rrmelceinn rïAit» Cftfwt«: Ue. Lj<vo t.íck (k»th rtSti ftlí>vo ofoi*«! icxÁ Al fxní 1аМ»слр*»оBl (W3t33fijRecofd»4»aiflt «iiKxrwe t()í lolite (W31()0'JO) llöcorting #в5в1 256 Magnolia Avo.Wtìii buill »кмпо in Oanlon V.iiioy wiiM kiti ol upOaio». New paini, fk»f covoiiog apjihiincei, hoatpump ntvl roof IW302037) necOKli'ig leuoi i/o */1 0 DOWN* ■810.74м..* Lot 16 Chorleolonfllíg eчтежг* Ы ЧМСЛ lof го рпса< TN* horn* hu a« &mì(•n сшЮтмlor )пии*Ц |W]14S71|(t«rzn)ngM1l1 I^ D O W N ^782.23 Mo.* ^ 0 DOWN* У 788,61 MO. DOWN' У 788.88 Mo.' 105 Hazolwood Dr.OoixJ M r«»r CfKli ttOfU home »Ith WiwUlion tnuilen. oat- mkii;h«n,U(^Uucvlr4tr<lmo<«(U<V«tl4M-.t«v«IM ,, ^*nn f«c« LiTKlK«i>na hotkioa tlMif ffoni porch «1 t>*aulAil Могп* 'НаитЦ lrxli*3*<lHtflageO«»! (Лэогого) n*co«0«g • ewt (W?9lfi70) HiKortl.r>g » ÖVM У й DOWN* У 773.17 MO.* •*! р*кятгол| nome лп UucvUy 1ГЙ mo<< rtdK«iang Mocking iJ И1 (W30^0?0) n»cc< у Э DOWN*! У 781.74 Mo. 1933 US Hwy 601 N.Otcnl txiik f*ncfi ¿lieilroom. г l^talh» О DOWN* 781.34 MO.* 172 CarolinaSo*:>ou« IcK Utf»« »<h lhatn«M c«rp«< (••iTl & c«f*tMc I«« (-iKa Ml laig« l»rv:«<) m i»ri VI a kx4ton A p«»d K) mii,VOUJfe3>n*cM>»n9 »8971 ^ 0 DOWN* y •848.84 Mt.* 440 HospitaliUiJ iuf n lo»'''' V/«l <r\a.rii*ir.*j hf-m* t-fleii tf^cou*httn funVktri t'l'nut icx/ri m timi Wt>c«ming r’k/ti k«i«l (Mck >r> r«a> kxa'td >o> cr^o.«r\>er.c« 1Kfvr;«» lie »lom« Wa'untr •'VKmJvJ' iWlM964| • HW^ y i i DOWN ✓^488.08 M..* y i> DOWN У 788.88 MO. 532 E ait Lako Dr.Gical tMKk 1АпсГ\ m ТлМ^оск NaIixuI Ga».l-tAlu'* lAn.iK«P>ng »iutr« Wiirianty irKkKlod' IW30U35) H*C0«ilrf>3 • eSM Ш Becktown Rd.Amuit soei Main )«vel flhd bdtomoni txMn have a matter llo<t»KKii ahd tMtli In baierrtenl hai a gaidan luü, coiuiWc 14«. (.ugo lepdfnle Июмог. (»»placa arvi much moie (W3ß?3.f0) Hec<H«Jing»850t 39 Elisha Crook Rd.lìonii» luom over oaingo. Qteal tlooi plan, rwightMiliood ollefi |>layground, piente area and walking linili (WM/010) RocofO.ng ■ 0521 0 DOWN*| 787,28 Mo. i/o DOWN' У '808,88 Mo.* 179 Jo Monni0><w«i<Hif>i lo l"lu al III« tx) fliit in Hi.u«iviiii» I’iict4j III LOW APl'HAISCI) VAIUE hunfwl yairl .’4i24 M'liK] (t«Mchi>d gar rrvike a gi»èl nrkshfi ■.K,iT^hn}Mj»uml*ic»iiit» HOK^E УМППАПП |V/3l5lb3i llec<)ic»r>g «A7SI i/ o DOWN* У ш м Mo.* 422 Plonsanl AeroA n>u»t l»e' f hi* 1лг1в Ik tiTipíelot^ íemcidolfHl 3 |'П». ^ 2iialhi íuSUíeí-ifril n«ttel Ингг,'(W311M)| ri<K.<Mil-rg«e031 3007 US Hwy 601 NTh.l ГЮ1П0 h II Ir.ll ol Ltmirrit Cion ItCXMing eal HI kltched. ? cal aita;he<l слг|>о1| rtdiuiu l.iii<hc-4>rig ßiir^Jy a (i>>ll iKXiso' 1У/Уй47Я| nef.r)iui«>g • B531 V O DOWN- y '378,70 Mo. 1072 US Hwy 64 ’(‘•tartiAlwUi «ftk«' /<iTiakra* riC 9.t r.>r«l.«t i nhMadW l/gt«fk»»nJ ОЛ'ЛСГ/ЛМиг.лк»! 529 Church Strool ExI') f'«r<0>t in tutck yai,ií4f4»*kí-l СашглМ,' (ЛЗ-Улт! Heff.iil./ig « ÍU'HIum. ' ^ DOWN /■320,88 Ho. 175Wa«8St.Ci/IPitl;tly leaieJ Cfi ?Ho:|rr.olil I'. I.jtli (WHJ'i'^iMrtfiKl.i^ie?.!! 3603 u s Hwy 601 s.Bpactoui lioma nilh 7-3 bodioom. Largo Ifi Mith gai log luei>iac«, p«e*n. walnut and aevoial biadtc'd pear liaei Also aM.^<onal hou»» «Ah 2 tif home v<al nwefii a haiKiyman» touch (W2ftO(M2) Heco»(J.ng I 0421 y io D O W N *|P ;|^ »/■487,82 m».'- * 223 MumlordA mull 100^ t4ti«>l/ ierrvxl«l«<t lioiiie «itM ci'g<ruil hidAilii. Ig lauiKjry iMi aiul »al in kilchtrn Tmi txlim 2 tuil I1.1IM lA'tiatomenl Hint piovid«» eir«iiviil itoiaga Tiuly u yiual pio(<oily (W3I4I01I llbcoidmg a 6671 У о DOWN* « / 707.20 Mo.* 5940 NC Hwy 801 S.Соилу hvtg al < • b*»H Ou«l and tiBf»M юп«д with a tfvtmn home oHonng (uleniuil A Ubm coveiiKl porch.Ite & wood floortng. non caijwl, шж1 согу h/eplace П Iv^ Ни* Warranty trxlmlod! (W3076W) floconJmg » 0701 0 DOWN* m.59M0.* 078 GladetonoCiitn will uvui IJUO f.r. f'fMile Uifk y.tid 3id duos nrilturtackJMi inlwjiedU Lig Uvk yaid tW3l01l3) DOWN* /■288.47 Mo. 0 DOWN* ■288.47 MO.* 243 Main St.Ctiii»ii4y k>jtu<J Can IM wtd III in*o»liTv>nt piopoity Г Hndrixyii. 1 lUtli cOMnyo III Coclomeo {V/,i1,li5l)lleconting»H?01 135 Walt SIrootWhy «ent? Well maiiitflined homo rtiin brand new gat pack ГЛ11 be youi*' Updalei includo пол plumbing, •lectnc.Ig .outtMiikjing Loll ct Iliade lioe* Oood U«:,iiion (W30475e) Moco<duig «B02t ■tUiAl ütí a UJTvivto/W) M АПМ ;* ;44M.i;yn С.ци bVS И»кч I YuJ' T t»l rtiii iü Umm J'a/irwiM >'«,tli*lt|i«(t(0|>li.vii| (>1«lfU«‘V li->le*‘V(J|iik.r>g K4in(1k3ClaV>>l CviI.MI IUSllt> trot 5 J44*. AJ4» Cdl llfi) CtKHifi Ы1. * A4fc-.irti.| i'.f I \¥>i7l? 1444 l,< ir»*» ii.|.^iii.it.xi 'G ive U s A C a ll F o r A ll Y o u r R e k l E s ta te N e e d s ! rorniiillun uboul regislration, a.s well a.s the difference.s between middle and high school. The program will begin in the Davie High gym, but tho.se who attend will later be moving across the school. Parents should bring registration booklets with them. S ix E a rn A S U D e g re e s Si.x students I'rom Davie County earned degrees from Appalachian Stale University I'ollowing Ihe fall .semester. Jerri Ann Angell earned a bachelor’s degree with honors in recreation management. Sarah Elizabeth Ayers earned a bachelor's of business iidmin- istrÿtion degree in marketing, Erin Elizabeth Baldwin earned a bachelor’s degree with honors in elementary education. Kathryn Ann Hinds earned a master’s degree in special edu­ cation cross categorical, David R, Howell earned a master’s degree in English. Clark Grayson Smith earned -€ n bachelor's degree In English/ secondary education. Krysta Gary Graduates From A&T Krysta Scott Gary graduated from Norlh Carolina Agricul­ tural and Technical State Univer­ sity on Saturday, Dec. 13,200.1, tiuring the fall commencement ceremony at the Greensboro Coliseum. Gary was awarded the mas­ ter of science degree in counsel­ ing from the university's School of Education. Gary earned a bachelor’s degree in 1997 from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in human devel­ opment and family studies with a concentration in chikl and ado­ lescent development. She is a 1993 graduate of Davie High School, Mpcksville, Gary is the daughter of Clyde and Gladys Scott of Mocksville. She is employed as a juvenile court counselor with the N.C. Department of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Dis­ trict 19C, She and her husband, Joseph Gary, reside in Salisbury. P e r k e r n s E a r n s A c a d e m i c H o n o r David Edward Perkins of Advance earned a minimum 3,5 «rade point average to be named lo the fall semester dean’s list at Charleston (S.C.) Southern Uni­ versity. C lo d fe lte r O n D e a n ’s List En'iily Cayson Clodfelter ol Advance earned a minimum 3.5 grade point average lo be nameil to the dean’s list at High Point University for Ihe fall semester. Clodfelter is a 2003 graduate ofDavie High School. She is the dauglner of Cheryl Clodfelter ol Advance. Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 12,2004 ■ D5 F u n d r a is e r s Thursday, Feb, 12 Poor Man's Supper, Advancc Melh. fellowship hiill, 6 p.m. Sponsored by United Mclh. Men. Saturday, Feb. 14 Country Hnm & Tenderloin Urcak- fast, 6:30-10 a.m., country ham, ten­ derloin, eggs, grits, sausage gravy, biscuits, drink - $5. At Mocks Melii. Church (Hwy. 801 S. atMocks Church Rd, Advance). Sponsored by United Meth. Men lo proceed ministries & projects. Everyone welcome. For info or take-outs: 998-5518. Wednesday, Feb. 18 2nd Annnul Chllf Cook-A-Roo, Storehouse for Jesus seeking cooks for fundraiser (donation only dinner) for new building. Saturday, Feb. 21 BBQ Chlekcn Dinner, by Advance First Bapt. Church, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Half chicken, baked tieans, roll, slaw, dessert. Tickets on sale now, contact church member. Benent I'orlocal mis- sioi)s. R e ll^ o n Sunday, Feb, 15 Workman Quarlcl, 6:30 p.m., at Famiinglon Bapt. Church, covered dish to follow. Everyone invited. Sunday, Feb. 22 Davic Ciutherlni;, 3 p.m., at FaUon UMC. A program of worship and music by Rev. Jose Vazi|uez and his congregation from Cnpilla de Cristo. Sponsored by DavleCounty Sub-Dis- trict Program Council. Tuesday, Feb. 24 MardI Gras Celebration, 7 p.m.. in Parisli House of Episcopal Church of Ascension. Fork-Bixby Rd., Fork. Wednesday, Feb, 25 Ash Wednesday Scrvicc, 7 p.m. ut Episcopal Church of Ascension, Fork- Bixby Rd., Fork. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Tuesday, Feb. 17 American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2-6:30 p.m., al Davie Co. Library, N. Miiin Street, Mocksville. Call 724- OS 11 lo schedule an appt. ir families. M e e t in g s Tuesday, Feb. 17 Dnvle Co. Kepubllean Parly, 7 p.m.. at courthouse, precinct meeting with regular monthly meeting lo follow. Dnvle Co. Social Servlcc.s Board iVteellni;, has been changcd from Tues., Feb. 24 to Feb. 17. In social services/lieallhdept.confcrenceroom 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21 Military Order OfPurple Heart & “Simplify Your Life from Singles to Seniors...” W a y ILLAS J/G A R D EN L/V ILLA S. OPEN THIS WEEK Thursday 12-6 • Friday 1 2-6 Saturday 10-2 • Sunday 2-4 C A L L F O R F R E E R E C O R D E D I N F O R M A T I O N 1-800-677712Z Ext. 1002 O n l u ^ Milling Way Location: «dW«)tAU<D»nM North Main Slrool in Mocksville to Milling Road, Qardon Villas on tho right. O á k . H a v e i e Ф R c u H v Алв»и1лигжс« BrtdlMrvAC« (3 3 6 )7 5 1 - 2 0 5 5 сл?ий«и C«I?SÏλ1 ra¡ t t ï S w S ví.Ü Ш 1Ьз(311йзеа|5«Ш 1т И7 Mbm Fm ü) • Atfnnc« «ìi% D()d«to 4DK ХК (fmÍ.bOIÍSf,ftbAMÉrfkxf¡im\.\a\¡o rootra. huQ« ft4hed Iwmt vHwlrm. oamm i (toV^wDüiMkitWiteini- OIT,IM 2M Mmm Or - 30R Я1Л fca of rocnv UsuiB «|||ца cioael á (twting m\ famallvlrig a dirA4.Ut:heflUMli laun()ry«^tinfc.nn(dtt:k.cUa СШП on propMty. qMto a MdixM $1ЯМО MI Dr • GcroeoM and InvmtUM ШЯZSBA. cwwn «¿кчл Uee lüfch (MflQ, lOMrad (nrch, tufcany off 9U6(( oonn, potch off df ino nniTV ?-ur »«»oe ■ Must Saet $тМ0 244AeMrU VV«IU«iÉáno(>30riffiA. vaultod niAQ. enerTire№cien|,«nornioutn»írtutiw^)«i)en MI < 100 tíom, large rear dock. 2<ar gara)«, qurtn orwríeepatUiMxxled t»iae- }1»,N0 Ш M*wy St 4)мивМ1у rwiwtuM FmMm own moidifìgt. chär ral. ccrirrlc He, hinhoodt. Nnr r>^ i DW. I«g9 uiAn txm. 6» bgs, lenced tUKAyvd mimatun lanbctpe • tl17,f00 lit Ef«< Uk* Or. №n Cepe Cod, Ш ?UA. cenmietlehbaris.29«slo0i. hardwoodt. (pedral cHhna 2-car tmemenloaiaoai 12x20 Storte« Udo. bndiiup« 1411 КмгМ» Dr. IJM )br« Wdock, ImriKtMi 1 «Ml kaft 3ÜR 20A. tludded U twrt hirdModi. СЯШ*: gas loob rock I etor» pâh b dod( plw. 2<yara9imw Ш бомЫм Wiy • Very tpfcioM A clean 3BR 2BA óoOiimMe 0Й t.7 КГП. brpt covered dBCà wtaa NcslMKiM arnndtmAMhadwooda badon Ои(ОУпэг«Сгик$Чт 5 il4 ia c r e s llltaMou Am-Tcülr RannWed. Freth i Cmp. Gou«artop« • hinl « ГМ dca^rrvtfrewpartn. ргКЖвМ Ц4.9М 132 РаЪЫа Vritor Way • ям, VM Vept ЗиН211А.агвр1«», poicaWlaeAídetífcrM« Dïu«(< huge IJfctiM « AtMTKUice of cáiirwto А>olcoufterlapip«« IIU500 m Ne«!» Dr ■ H*kii Um4*i • Atfvwice «WАЫоМЫу BoaUM honwtIM CfMk rvviino INu - — ■ ■ - --■ IMÎ44ari*Dr-3Dn2nA. ГшдвMiJUeanifle,gat‘ ' - - Ир Uíidfif, pírty. UnfAUoluWyBeaUWIwwrtakCfWkrurWftewu logs,ageleoroam. мрь»мг. B(ein».*MibiniWk*drt»o«»andlme<™nl. ikaatv mai» bЛtothe^m.cчîtorn<ílJíett.nl«• i1ia.000 9*^ iw-ihtafcod. I1M.400 S e l l e r s ! SS'OI' .IS low OS 3,9% :,i will luceivc ifomendous .1ilV0(llSin(J & soivico’ 111СоИм|1мПг1™-Мяп»ш»ЖЯ 151Л ЛЬкШг 'I"™ ^»«UonA !».»>< ni. fcn»< I*«).. AuxHlnry, at Prime Sirloin, Hwy. 601, Mocksville. Allcombat wounded veterans & families inviled. Dutch meal, 11 a.m.-l2:30 p.m. Meeling to follow. Y M C A For more infonnation, call 751-9622 or visit Davie Family YMCA. Water Exercise Glass For beginners nnd Ihe e.xperienced. All ages. Call forclass types & limes. Swim Lessons Cliooso from 4 wk.. Sat. morning or private lessons. Reg. begins 2 wks. prior to class. Call for class times. Karate-Carucado Styie Tue.sdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Gymnastics Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 p.m. Cosl $20 members/$30 non-members. Family Nigtit 6:30-8:30 p.m. Treat your family to evening at Y having dinner, playing games, swiniming, and more. Cost $2 per person (5 and under free). Parents Night Out 6:30-10:30 p.m. Program designed to enable parents to have evening out while children enjoy Y. Swimming, arts, crafts, games and a movie, Din- nerserved. Cost $7 members/$ 10 non­ members. Sunshine Club For all older active adults. Fun, fel­ lowship, good news. We do molhly pot luck luncheons will) a speaker. Cost$ 10 members/$20 non-incmbers. S e n io r s All Senior Activities lake place at Davie County Senior Serviceslocnted in Ihe Brock Building on NoHh Main Street, Mocksville unless otherwise holed. Call 751-0611. Every Thursday Cralty Ladles, activity at Sr. Ser­ vices, 10 a.m.-12 noon, In tlie Craft Room. Cnll 751-0611 for more info. Thru Feb. 13 Surprise Your Valentine, Davie Singing Seniors available for hire to sereniide yoursweetie with love songs. Will go to your valentine’s home/ work lo deliver songs. Co.st: $10 for' two songs. Call 751-0611 for details, deadline Feb. 4. All proceeds towards mnny services and aclivilies benefit- ting older adults of Davie, Thursday, Feb. 12 Annunl Valentine's Parly, 2 p.m. NutritionSite, must pre-register,space limited. Fridays, Feb. 13,20.&27 Tax-Aldc, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Craft Room. First come, first served basis. Monday, Feb. 16 Quill Culld, 7 p.m.. Hast Room. Tuesday, Feb. 24 Crochet Class, 1 p.m., Craft Room, $3 registnition fee, can join anytime. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dntcllne should 1» reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751 -2120 or drop it by Ihe office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. ^ Car Seat Safety Inspection of Davic County Saturday February 14,2004 10 am -1 pm 5395 Hwy. 158, Advance Inside-Dry-Warm Across from Snook’s BBQ F re e F in g e rp rin tin g F re e P h o to o f C h ild Nationwide Insurance K eith H iller Agency Impectctl hy Davie County Sheriff’s Department ¥ V V V V V V ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ February 14 only • Open at 12 Noon Dinner for 2 A p p e ti/e r {soup, c’ni! roll or siiImI) E n tre e (G rilled TeriyukI Chicken <S Shrimp, Salmon, Shrimp il Sicak, or Black Pepper Steak) D e s s e rt & D r in k (includes ulass o f wine or beer)• Also Regular Menu ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ DYNASTY CH IN ESE RESTAURANT 1101 Yadkinviiie Road Mocksvillc 336-751-3833 www.howardrealty.com Call, Click or Come By! ir*' îHOmRD 330 s. S a lisb u ry St. M o c k s v ille (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -3 5 3 8 (fours: Monday-Friday B-6 Saturday 9-12, Sunday By Appt. Н И м П 3BR. 2BA, 3l6t/- ocroe wllh 100./-acroolom.3BR.2aA,oul- Hisloflcol бОП, 2BA, homo on 2.70 olmnm and pond $2,520,000. bldgs,. crook, $549,000. aciaa, wllh Immacutalo landscoplno 70W- oc, hofso larm. 2300sl, homo (no Now conslructlon. Too many groal valuo givon) Call Moiy $455,000. Ihings lo llsll 40n, 3DA. $329,000, m 157 E. Depot | д у [1420 Countv Line Нр.Г/Щ | 275 MaoIson Road Г7МП 142 Whitehead Dn. Г7ШП 176 Hamilion Соипт -fruWgy Ж 1 1:I l i 2 рагсЫз Wllh 2 bulldinoa. Cnll Hamony-3BH, 2BA, 29.2S acres,(3 9.3 actoa. 4BR, 3BA. largo 4ВП, 2.5ВА. splil loyor, hugo (omily Bemiuda Run - 30R, 2.50A. Large Jono (or dololls. $320,000. loncod), 1 ac. pond. Dam $220,000 slorngo bldgs. $219,900, rooml. $185,000. masIr.Ovorsüo garage, $174,900, |Д1^ГДМ31ДНЯ— fl 420 Fammington РОЛОГ/ЖП 131 Form Dixhy I /ШЧ 1 198 Simiinghill DnivE l /MV I 1087 Mm ing Пол» ЗВП, IBA, in Harmony, HUGE 30x50 Freshly romodelod 3BR. 2BA. on арргк. Historio 4BR. 2ВА on 2,30 acres In Z slory, 2200 sq. II, Iromondous Adoroblo 3BR, 2,6BA on 3,5t woitehop, $175,000. ___ 5 anas (2loneed), $165,000. groal localion, $159,900. vnluolFP.gozobo, $144,900. ocroa, bsmt, FP $142,500, Yadklnville. modular w/monyupdalesi Irodell Co.. 16,03 oo. w/ponda. TWnbtook. 3BR, 2BA. FP, $3,S00 4BR, 2.5BA. Soulhwood Acros S Bodroorns, 3 Balha, 3,5 ocros, CallConnlel $139,900. 3BR, 2BA. atmroom. $129,900. RedecorallngAJIowancel $129,900. Sub,, brick llroploco. $129,900, CounlryLMngl $124,900. 144 HoosE Lane ■ Dakota Lane ГТШП225 Beau Спьек Cm. Но.ГТМП 115 Tama Coun 3BR, 20A, on privato 1,29 ncros, 3BR, 2BA, 5.5 Qcros, possiblo 3DR, 2ВД, foncod back yard, .91 Spacious Э bodroom. 2 bath. Spacious 3BR. 2BA, stono FP, scroonod porch, dock. $119,400. loaso. $109,900. ac,. great slartor homo $102,500. groot locallon. $99,900. much more) $99,900. 3BR. 2ВА, opon kllchon & IR, now Woll malnlalnod, portlal basomoni, Rowan County, rninutos Irom Catawba 3BR, 1BA, hardwoods, InQround 4BR, 2BA, w/rnany updates. Possiblo carpol and pfllnt. $89,900 .69 acros. 3BR, 1 BA. $89,900 College, 3BR. I.5BA. $89,500 pool, part, bsml. $87,000. 100% financing $84,900. 3BR, 2BA, foncod back yard, scroon Immnculato 3BR, 1BA, pofch, dock, .71 Qc. $82,500. loncod,‘‘aal8*. $82,000.part, 30R. 1BA, on 1 aero, plus a 3BR, 1,5BA, Cooloemeo, now hoal/AC, 3BR. 2BA, singlowkJo, all appllancos. 40x30 bldg, $81,900. now plumb., comp, updated, $86,900 great elartor home $84,900 Cooloomoo, complotoly updated, Groal Startor. Numorous updates. Spocious 3BR, 1 BA, Cooloomoo, Easomont onto back ol proporty. Inground pool, groat buyl $62,900. 24x24 workshop. $59,900. updalod olocl. $58,000. 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, $51,900. A v a ii /\m I I.o rs AND L a n d a n o K i n ia i P k o p i k i ii s 100x190 kil ioned Town CIr. Call Jane lor delalls. $40,000, Hoy, Ml N„„ Raymond St.,/1 Salmoni noad... 12 Salmoni Road.,,. Byerly Chapel Rd....C^atRldoiRd...BaarCriekCh. Rd.. VIrcaiidftll LanoTlltia Trill...Hwy.MtN.. ...2.2SAC.HB.........Lol......34 Ac.t Lot 19, Northbrook.'allay Road........LaU Drive...... ...1,2 aerai $33,900,..3.39acrta $39,500.......Lot $115,000.........Lol S15,»)0......1 acre ¡18,000....11 aerai 171,877...r.lOActea $48,900 ...$435,000 .8tA aerea $SS,000 1 acre $18,600 CONNIE UÜWAKD KOWALSKE 731U67 75ieSM RENTAL PR0PBRTIE8317 Avon Slreal..,,Mo^bJIe Korna Lot, Danial Road 3800 Q -ie7Heerthilde Drive..............................101 Matabroeie....2015 Hwy. 158... \ D6 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. J004 P U B L I C N O T I C E S C o m fo rt w i t h O il ■ C O M P A N Y . L L C S t a y W a r m t h is W i n t e r W i t h P r o p a n e a n d F u e l O i l F r o m ^^uality Oi ASKTO DAYABO UT OOR FEBRUARY SPECIAU $ 2 5 C red it w ith K e e p Fill S Ig n -U p • A u t o m a t i c K e e p F i ll • B u d g e t P a y m e n t P l a n • 2 4 - H o u r E m e r g e n c y S e r v i c e ‘ F u r n a c e a n d A / C I n s t a l l a t i o n & S e r v i c e • K - 1 K e r o s e n e • P r o p a n e Q u a l i t y O i l L o c a lly O w n e d S in c e 1 9 2 9 /m 722-3441 ^ w w w . q u a l i t y o i l n c . c o m о ш о ш о о о ш ш о ш о ш ш о ш ш ш о ооо о ш о ш ш о о ш ш □о ш “C ra ft C onsignm ent Shop ^^ffor Fo rsyth C o u n ty Seniors 55+.” 4 4 0 1 C o u n t r y C l u b R o a d W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 3 3 6 - 6 5 9 - 4 3 1 5 W h m i^ m M u f f t m im g t o M 0 0 4 I “A Shop For All Seasons!” February - Hearts, hearts & more for your sweetheart, teacher or friend. March 12 - Easter Items Arrive April 16 - Shop Now For Mother’s Day. May 15 - The perfect gifts for any Father. October 9 - Community Yard Sale, *5 Space Fee Applications at the shop and South Fork Community Center October 30 - Christmas Open House. December 4 - Mr. & Mrs. Claus visit the Nest. Free picture and surprise for all children. 11am -1pm O n i^ « iM M M ib Saturday, June 5 and September 25, 2004 9am - 3pm, $10 Space Fee Applications available at the shop or by mail. Hours of operation: Shop open 6 Days a week. 10am - 2pm Monday-Friday 10am - 6pm Thurday 10am - 4pm Saturday О о ш оо ш о □ ш и ш о □ ш o ш оо о ш о ш о ш lsl ш lsl ш о ш ш ш и /А с о т е * (о Ihc* сшш Visit our new web site for directions and more information O www.cricl<etsnest.com _ 1^ 1^ H I ^ 1^ EH 1010 1^ ^ 1011^ O O P I 1^ P lls l NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 03SP7 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY VICKI S. STEELE DATED MARCH 23, 2001, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 363 AT PAGE 552 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo an orderof Ihe Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of de­ fault In the payment of the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and lall­ ure to carry out and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of tho owner and holder of Ihe In­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, February 19, 2004, the lollowing described real estate and any other Improvements which may bo situ­ ated thereon, situated In DavIe County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows: All that certain property situated in Mocksville In the County ol Davie, and State of Norih Carolina and being described In a deed dated 07/22/97 and recorded 07/ 22/91, among the land records ol the county and state set forth above, and referenced as follows: Book 196, Page 316. The par­ cels of land situated In Ihe City of Mocksville Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina, and more particularly described as lollows: Being all ol Lot.No. 23 of that cer­ tain subdivision in Davie County, North Carolina known as South Arbor, Section 2, shown on the piai map recorded In the Office ol the Register of Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, In Plat Book 6 Page 174, on or about November 12, 1996. And Being more commonly known as: 120 West Chinaberry Court, Mocksville, NC 27028 The recofd owner ol the prop­ erty, as reliected on the records ol the Register ol Deeds, is Vlckl S, Steele AKA Vicke S. Steele. The property to bo offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, envlronrriental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and any and ail responsibilities or liabilities arising oul ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed. This sale Is made sublect to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Including but not limited to any transler lax associated with the loreclosure, lor paying. If any. A deposit of five percent (5%) of Ihe amount of Ihe bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered In Ihe form of certllled lunds al the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration ol the statu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date ol this Notice Is Janu­ary 20, 2004. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substitute Trustee 6520 Ciill Cameron Drive, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 NORTH CAROLINA ¿■5-2\n COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol FLOYD G. SHORE, late ol Davie Counly, this is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol April, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom the llrst day ol pub­ lication or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 291h day of January, 2004. Palsy W. Shore, EXEC 1296 N0 Hwy. 801 N Advance, NC 27006 1-29-410 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE' BEFORE THE CLERK FILE NO.: 03 SP 5 NOTICE OF SALE Thurman Foster (widower), Paul E. Foster and wile, Doris Foster, Shelby F. Nichols, and Addle Mae Carter (widow). Petitioners, vs. Roy Foster, S/., and wife, Esther Fos­ ter, Respondents. Under and by virtue ol an Order in Ihe above-captioned matter, the undersigned Commissioner will oi­ ler lor sale to the highest bidder lor cash at 10:00 o’clock a.m. on the 20th day ol February, 2004, at the Courthouse Door In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, the following tract ol land located In Shady Grove Township, Davie County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEQiNNINQal a nail located In the centerline of SR 1638 (locally known as Dulin Road), said point being the Southeastern corner of the wllhin-descrled tract, and the Northeast corner ol Virginia C. Smith (DB ISO, Page247, DB116, Page 612); Ihence Irom the BEGIN- NINQ North 89» 47’41” West 307.84 feel lo an 1” existing Iron, a common comer of Virginia C. Smith and Jeffrey P. Alien (DB 493, page 346); thence North 89»48’54" West 452.96 feel to a 1” existing Iron, the Northwest corner of Jeffrey P. Alien and the Southwest corner of the withln-descrlbed tract; thence North wllh Ihe eastern boundary line ol Thomas Lester Hendrix (DB 444, page 670; DB 139, page 739) 09« 09' 38" East 330.00 feel lo a place iron, Ihe Northwest corner of the wilhln-descrlbed tract; thence with the Southern boundary line of Jerry Kenneth Foster (DB 445, page 15; DB 116, page 360) North 89« 35" 33" East 747.73 feel, passing through a placed iron al 717.73 feel, to a railroad spike In the centerline of SR 1638 Dulin Road), the Southeast corner ol Jerry Ken­ neth Foster and Ihe Northeast cor­ ner of the wllhln-described tract; thence with the cenler line of Dulin Road South 09- 31' 44” West 173.58 feel lo a railroad spike; thence South 08“ 02' 07" West 100.04 feel to a railroad spike; Ihence South 08' 03' 64" West 25.00 feel to a railroad spike; Ihence South 08« 01’ 56" West 37.46 feel lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 5.722 acres, more or less, as set lorlh on a survey by Grady Tutterow, RLS, (drawing #18903- 3).Addillonaily, an easement being described as follows; BEGINNING at an unmarked point In Ihe common boundary line ol Jerry Kenneth Foster (DB 445, page 15; DB 116, page 360), and the Flossie Foster Properly (198 E 113; DB 26, Page 472), said point being located South 89' 35' 33" West 90.00 leet from railroad spike in the centerline of Stale Road «1638 (locally known as Dulin Road), the Northeast corner ol the Flossie Foster Properly and ihe Soulheasl corner ol Jerry Kenneth Foster; thence from the BEGIN­ NING South 89« 35' 33" East 93.33 leet to an unmarked point; Ihence South 00” 24' 27” West 3,00 feel to the POINT AND PLACE OF BE­ GINNING, as shown on a survey prepared by Grady L. Tullerow (drawing #18903-3) dated August 15, 203, end revised October 1, 2003. This sale is sublect to 2004 ad valorem taxes and such other liens as may appear of record. The property Is being “AS IS” and It shall be Ihe responsible ol any bidder lo have perlormed a title examination prior lo placement ol a bid. Except as staled above, this sale will be in all particulars gov­ erned by the provisions ol NCGS §1-339.1 el. seq. The highest bid­ der will be required lo make a de­ posit ol ten (10%) percent ol the llrst $1,000.00 and live (5%) per­ cent ol all amounts over the llrst $1,000.00 as a good lallh deposit on said bid. This sale will be subject lo the upset bid procedure set lorlh In NCGS §1-339.25. . This the 28th day ol January,2004. Henry P. Van Hoy, II CommissionerPosted al the Davie Counly Courthouse, this 28th day ol Janu­ary, 2004. Kenneth D. Boger Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davie County 2-5-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trust made by Carlton A. Booe and wile, Sharon D. Booe (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Carlton Booe and Sharon D. Booe) to Jerone C. Herring, Trustee(s), dated the,23rd day ol March, 1994, and recorded In Book 209, Page Z9, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delauit having been made in the payment ol Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust 'and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded In the Olllce ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale at the Courthouse Door In Ihe City ol Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm .on February 18, 2004 and will sell lo the high­ est bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situate In the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as (ol­ lows: Beginning al an Iron, southeast corner of the within described tract and northeast corner of Carlton A. Booe (DB 109, Page 387) and runs thence North 27 deg. 21 min. West 174.52 leet to an Iron; thence North 43 deg. 33 min. West 114.38 leet lo an Iron; thence North 13 deg. 00 min. East 144.46 feel lo an iron In the line ol Emesl McMahan (DB SO, Page 616); Ihence with said McMahan line South 72 deg. 00 min East 209.22 leet to an Iron; Ihence South 13 deg. 00 min. West 322.27 feel To The Beginning, con­ taining 1.053 acres, more or ies^, as surveyed and platted by C. Ray Cates and being a portion ol lands described by DB 106, Page 511, Davie Counly Registry. Together wllh Improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 156 Etohlson Street, ' Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the property be pur--^: chased by a third party, that per- ' son must pay the tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant lo this notice ol sale Is being ollered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of the nole secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder of the nole make any representa­ tion or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, envlronrtienlal, health or salety conditions existing in, on, al or relating lo the properly being ollered lor sale, tind any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. This 28lh day ol January, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H. Terry Hulchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 280.72937 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Davie County Board ol Commis­ sioners will hold a public hearing in the Commissioners' Meeting Room on ths second lloor of the Davie County Administration Building, 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Febru­ ary 16, 2004. The purpose of the hearing Is to consider an amend­ ment to Chapter 52 of the Davie County Code of Ordinances lo add anew section: 52.60 Attachment, Garnishment and Llena for County Water and Sewer Service, All parties interested In this pro­ posed amendment are invited to attend the public hearing and present Iheir views, Brenda B, Hunter Clerk lo the Board 2-5-2ln i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. J!004 • D7 P U B L IC N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICIT COURT DIVISION 99 CVD 854 COUNTY OF DAVIE, Plaintiff, vs. Clifton Lee Peoples, a/k/a Clifton Lee Peebles; Regina Carson; Sharma Dulin; Warren Dulin, Tawanna Dulin; Joann Peebles; Renee Peebles; Barron Dulin, in­ dividually and as Administrator of the Estate of J.V. Peebles, De­ ceased; Stale of North Carolina, lienholder; The Heirs of J.V. Peebles, known and unknown; Howell W. Woltz; and American General Finance, lienholder. De­ fendants. Under and by virtue of a Judg­ ment and Order for Sale entered In the District Court of Davie Counly, North Carolina, int he above-cap­ tioned action, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19lh day ol February, 2004, offer lor sale and sell lor cash lo the last and highest bidder at public auction at the court­ house door in Davie Counly, North Carolina In Mocksville at 12:00 noon, the lollowing described real property: Tax Parcels H90000003S and 1900000005, Davie County Tax Maps, The sale will be made as Is and subject to all outstanding city and counly laxes and all local improvemment assessments against the above-described prop­ erty nol inicuded in the judgment In the above-enlltled cause. A de­ posit ol live percent (S%) ol tho successlui bid will be required. Any person who has an Interest In the property may llie an increased or upset bid within ten days alter the report ol sale is filed. This the 19lh day of January, 2004. Roberl E. Price, Jr. Commissioner OF COUNSEL: ROBERT E. PRICE, JR. & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 3400 Healy Drive, Suite B PO Box 26364 Winston-Salem, NC 27114 (910)760-2870 1-29-3tnNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of LORENE RAN­ SOM FOSTER, late of Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo ihe undersigned. This 291h day ol January, 2004. Frances Dunn, EXEC 1163 Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27006 1-29-41nNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Co-Ex­ ecutors of the Estate of NANNIE B. WILSON, late of Davie Counly, Ihis Is lo notify ail persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol April, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 29th day ol January, 2004. Larry'C. Wilson, EXEC 1545 Jericho Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Lynne J. Alien, EXEC 14780 Cool Springs Road Cleveland, NC 27013 1-29-41n NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of BETTY T. FOS­ TER, late of Davie Counly, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 291h day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day of pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This 29th day ol January, 2004. Norma F. George 208 Edwards Road Harmony, NC 28634 Marlin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney al Law Ten Court Square Mooksvliie, NC 27028 1-29-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Anna Gay Wingel- Brldgers and husband, John B. Bridgers lo Westwood Associates, Truslee(s), dated the 29th day of October, 1999, and recorded in Book 3ia, Page 221, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the nole thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hulchens, PA hav­ ing been substlluled as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Inslrumenl duly recorded in the Office of Ihe Register ol Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina and the holder of the nole evidencing said indebtedness having directed thal Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe under­ signed Substltule Trustee will offer for sale al the Courthouse Door In the City ol Mocksville, DavIe Counly, North Carolina al 3:00 pm on February 25, 2004 and will sell lo the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situate In the Counly ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more partlculariy de­ scribed as lollows: Beginning al a rebar lound al a point In the Southern edge ol Creslvlew Road and being also the Northeastern corner ol the herein described tract; running Ihence wilh Ihe Weslern boundary line lor Twinbrook Acres, Section 2, Lol #5, South 30 deg. 32' 38" West 191.23 leet 10 a rebar lound, being a com­ mon corner ol the herein described tract and Lot #5 and a point in the line ol Lol # 15; running Ihence wllh the line ol Lot #15 61 dog. 41'39“ West 57.11 leet lo an iron lound, said iron being a common corner lor lols #15 and #16; continuing along the line ol Lol #16 North 62 deg. 10' 10" West 43.62 leet to a rebar; ihence North 61 deg. 14' 29" West 55,50 last lo a point tn iha line ol Lot #16; running Ihence a new line North 25 deg. 47' 23“ East 187.30 leet to a point In Ihe Soulh- ern edge ol Creslvlew Road; run­ning Ihence along Creslvlew Road South 62 deg. 59' 19" East 171.96 leet lo Ihe Point and Place ol Be­ ginning, containing .713 acres more or less, as surveyed by Tullerow Land Surveying, June 2, 1999. Togelher wllh Improvements located thereon; said properly be­ ing located at 178 Creslvlew Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina, Subject lo Restrictive Cov­ enants in Deed Book 61, Page 398, Davie County Registry, and any olher easements and restrictions of record. For back title, see Deed Book 212, Page 803; Deed Book 210, Page 687; Deed Book 195, Page 746; Deed Book 151, Pago 317; and Deed Book 90, Page 380; Davie County Registry. See also Tax Map J-5-2, A, Parcel 10, lo­ cated In Mocksville Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). The properly lo be offered pur­ suant lo this notice ol sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed of Irusl/securlly agreemenl, or bolh, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, allorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representa­ tion c warranty relating lo the title or any physical, envlronmenlal, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or in any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percenl (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lifly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al the time of Ihe sale. This 4lh day of February, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hulchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hulchens, PA Subslllute Trustee P.O. Box 10284200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302Case No: 119.72669 2-12-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Joseph L. Ybarra, Jr. and wife, Ralaela Nunez lo In­ vestors Title Insurance Company, Truslee(s), dated the 241h day of January, 2003, and recorded in Book 4S2, Page 3SS, Davie Counly Registry, Norlh Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hulchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol the •nole evidencing said indebtedness having directed Ihal the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door in Ihe City ol Mocksville, Davie Counly, North Carolina al 3:00 pm on February 18,2004 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situate In the Counly ol Davie, Norlh Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows: Being known and designaled as Lol 6 ol Oak Grove Subdivision as recorded In Map Book 7, Page 19, Davie County Registry, lo which rel­ erence is hereby made for a more particular description and Is Incor­ porated heroin by this reference. Togelher wllh Improvements lo­ cated thereon; said properly being locaied al 5189 Highway 601 Norlh, Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a Ihird parly, Ihal per­ son musl pay Ihe lax of Forly-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The properly lo be offered pur­ suani lo Ihis notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS,” Nel- Iher Ihe Trustee nor the holder of Ihe note secured by the deed of irusl/securily agreemenl, or bolh, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, dlreclors, attorneys, employees, ageiits or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or Ihe holder ol the nole make any representa­ tion or warranty relating lo the lllle or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al or relating to the properly being offered for sale, and any and all rosponslbiiilies or llabllilles aris­ ing oul of or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this properly is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percenl (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred filly dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime ol Ihe sale. This 28th day of January, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H. Terry Hulchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Subslllute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Case No: 370.72900 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF POLLING FACILITY CHANGES WHEREAS, The DavIe Counly Board of Election members have determined thal the following poll­ ing laoliilies should be changed lo comply wllh Ihe ADA requirements ol NC lo accommodate the voters in each ol Ihe respective voling pre- cincls, NOTICE is hereby given that elfeclive wllh Ihe 2004 Primary Elections, and wilh ail Elections Iherealler Ihal: The South Mocksville voters shall cast Iheir voles in the Fellow­ ship Hail of tho Mocksville First Presbylerlan Church, 114 S. Clem­ ent St.: The Hillsdale voters shall cast Iheir voles In the Fellowship Hall ol the Hillsdale Baptist Church, 4815 US Hwy. 158; The Easl Shady Grove voters shall cast Iheir votes in Ihe Fellow­ ship Hail of the Advanco First Bap­ tist Church, 1938 NC Hwy. 801 S. THIS Ihe third day of February, 2004.H.P. VAN HOY II, CHAIRMAN DAVIE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS 2-12-2Щ NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2002 CVD 217 Larry Davis Shoffner, Plaintiff, vs. Patricia Lambert Shoffner, Defendants. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUANT to an Order of Ihe Honorable James Honeycutt, Dis­ trict Court Judge, dated October 20, 2003, In the above action, the Un­ dersigned, who was by said Order appoinled Co-Commissioners lo sell lands described In the Order, will on VVednesday, the 25th day of February, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. at Ihe premises located al 170 Duard Reavls Road, Mocksville, Davie County, Norlh Carolina, offer for sale lo the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or parcel ol land lying and being in Clarksville Town­ ship, Davie Counly, North Carolina being more particularly described as lollows: BEGINNING al a point lying In the centerline ol SR 1343 (Duard Reavls Road), said point being the Southwest corner of Albert T. Bracken (Deed Book 107, Page 857) and said point of beginning also being the Northwest corner ol the within described tract; Ihence Irom SQld polnl and place of begin­ ning South 66 deg. S3 min. 58 sec. Easl 31.32 feet lo an Iron; Ihence South 66 deg. S3min. 58sec. East 288.89 feel lo an Iron, Ihe North­ west corner of.Ihe within described Iracl; Ihence South 46 deg. 05 min. 13 sec. West 194.17 feel lo an Iron, the Southeast corner ol lha within described tract; Ihence Norlh 77 deg. 54 min. 39 sec. West 175.00 leet to an Iron; thence North 77 deg. 54 min. 39 sec. West 30.79 feet lo a point located In the centerline of Sr 1343; Ihence wllh Ihe centerline of SR 1343 Norlh 12 deg. 06 min. 02 sec. Easl 222.14 feel lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING and containing 1.182 acres as taken from a survey of Grady L. Tullerow dated February 22,1999. For back lllle see Deed Book 211 al Page 749, Davie Counly Regis­ try.An earnest money deposit 10% ol Ihe bid amount will be required Irom Ihe highest bidder at the lime ol sale as evidence pi good lallh, The properly will be sold in its bur­ roni condlllon as Is wllh no warran­ ties ol record, II any, except Iho oxlsling lien in lavor ol the Bank ol the Caroilnas which will be paid Irom Ihe sale proceeds. The sale shall be subjeci lo upset bids and conllrmallon ol Ihe court pursuant to Article 29Aol Ihe Norlh Carolina General Statutes. This 21 si day ol January, 2004. Grady L. McClamrock, Jr. NCSB #7866 Co-Commissioner 161 South Main Sireel Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-7502 James Eubanks Co-Commlssloner P.O. Box 1144 Clemmons, NC 27012 (336) 499-0704 P-1?-PtnNORTH CAROLNA DAVIE COUNTY STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION Yadkin Valley Telephone Mem­ bership Corporation is Ihe recipient ol Federal financial assistance from Ihe Rural Uliillles Service, an agency ol the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subjeci lo Ihe provisions of Title VI ol Ihe Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of Ihe Rehabilllallon Act ol 1973, as amended, Ihe Age Discrimination Act ol 1975, as amended, and the rules and regu­ lations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture which provide Ihal no person in Ihe United Stales on the basis of race, color, nallonai origin, age, or disabllily shall be excluded Irom participation in, admission or access lo, denied Ihe benellts of, or otherwise be subjected to dis­ crimination under any of Ihis organization's programs or aclivi- lies. The person responsible for co­ ordinating Ihis organization's non­ discrimination compliance effort is JeHrle A. Adams, General Manager. Any individual, or specific class of Individuals, who feels that Ihls or­ ganization has subjected them lo discrimination may obtain lurlher Inlormatlon about the statutes and regulations listed above from and/ or file a written complaint wllh Ihls organization; or the Secrelary, U.S. Deparlmenl ol Agriculture, Wash­ ington, D.C. 20250; or the Admin­ istrator, Rural Utilities Service, Washington, D.C. 20250. Com­ plaints must be liled within 180 days alter the alleged discrimina­ tion. Conlldenllaiity will be main­ tained lo the extent possible. 2-12-1ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate of GEORGE E. SHAFFER, late of Davie Counly, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 22nd day of January, 2004. Naomi Jean Shaffer 112 Mimosa Place Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA 1'22-‘'tn COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ tor of Ihe Estate of MARGARET LEE BOGER MCLEMORE, late ot Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before Ihe 22nd day of April, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs from the first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 22nd day of January, 2004. Darrell E. McLemore EXEC 267 William Lane Lexington, NC 27295 1-22-4W NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS ' The undersigned having quali- lled as Executor ol the Estate ol EVELYN H, KIGER, Deceased, late ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, Ihls Is lo notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against the estate lo exhibit them to the undersigned at the oflice ol Davis & Brewer Attorneys, 104 Sta­ dium Oaks Drive, Sulla C, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012, on or belore Ihe 10lh day ol May, 2004, or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. Ail persons indebted to Ihe estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 5lh day ol February, 2004. Kathy K. Seats Executor ol the Estate ol Evelyn H. Kiger By: Edward Y. Brewer P.O. Drawer 786 104 Sladium Oaks Drive, Sulle C Clemmons, NC 27012 2-5-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY in Ihe Superior Court Civil Action 04 CVS 7 against Justo Quiroz Aimanzar: Take notice Ihal a pleading seeking rellel againsi you has been liled In the above-enlilied action. The nature ol the relief being sought Is as follows: Compensatory damages In ex­ cess ol $10,000. You are required lo make de- lense to such pleading not laler than March 16, 2004, and upon your lallure lo do so Ihe party seek­ ing service against you will apply lo the court lor the relief sought. This the Sth day of February, 2004. Mark T. Atkinson 1416 West First Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 2-5-3lnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ tor ol Ihe Estate ol MARY ELIZA­ BETH HUPP, late ol Davie Counly, Ihls is lo nolify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 12th day of May, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment 10 the undersigned. This SIh day of February, 2004. Robert Shapard Hupp 594 No Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 2-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ tor of the Estate of O.H. FISHER, III, late of Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of pub- iicalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediale paymenl lo the undersigned. This 12th day of February, 2004. Patsy Fisher, EXEC 320 RIverbend Drive Bermuda Run, NC 27006 NORTH CAROLINA 2-12-4ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Bale: Mocksville Minl- Storage intends to sell the contents ol the following units lor unpaid rent and expenses. #487 James Brandon Hawks ($390.00) #Candace Darnell ($340.00) #352 Annella Dailon ($340.00) #326 Leona Bracken ($315.00) #291 Crystal Lash ($335.00) #158 Calvin Dulin ($345,00) #155 Nora Hosch ($435.00) #102 Lillian Dixon ($340.00) #130 Marquisha Holland ($405.00) Balance must be paid in lull by Feb. 18, 2004 lo avoid sale. Sale dale Is Feb. 20,2004 al 2 p.m. No personal checks lor overdue ac­ counts. Unlls locaied al Eaton Street location. (336) 751-2483. 2-5-21ПNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Admln- islralrtx ol Ihe Estate ol FRED MONROE LASHMIT, lale ol Davie County, Ihis Is lo nollly ail persons having claims againsi said eslale lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 22nd day ol April, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirst day of publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said eslale will please make Imme­ diale paymenl lo Ihe undersigned. Thls22nd day of January, 2004.' Diane Allen Lashmll, ADMN 1227 Liberty Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA 1'22-4ln COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of THOMAS EU­ GENE HAUSER, JR., late of Davie Counly, Ihis is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 51h day ol May, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom the lirst day of publication or this nolice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme­diate paymenl lo Ihe undersigned. This the Sth day of February, 2004. * Bonnie H. Cobbs, EXEC 109 Brldgewood Lane Advance, NC 27006 2-5-41П W A LLERPLU M BIN G . luulREPA IRS 3.V.-2K4-4.1«‘> l a //Id SIDI.MIAI I'I.I MHIXC RANDY MILLER & SO NS 2';5Mil|(TK(iii(l<Modsvillc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks • Skid Sleor Work Trencher Work Hauling A re Y o u S w a r t ? Join the smartest coMMUwily in Davie County and tai<e advantage of... “The Best Deal iMthe'Vllle" Northwood Apartments Qitalilv • Convenience • AjJoidahilUy j 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -4 1 4 1 I , D8 - DAVIK COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Fcl .104 6LASSMEDS I M E g t P K M S I V E PBOITEABIiE Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers conlidenlial & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. M ake a healthy choice for your IKel Call 753-HOPE for appointment. : Animals 16 YR OLD mare, Appaloosa, ■ SI ,200. 751 -6359 after 6:00pm : p 'yI im y g o a t s ^fW S babies ready to go, black, white & grey. Call 492-2441._________ Apartments 1BR, 1BA, APARTMENT- Mocksville S425/month HUD approved Janice fvlcDanlel Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER- RACE: {Under Nbw MANAGE­ MENT) All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & sw ings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/diyer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired lor cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Located in M ocksville behind Ihe old H endricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunset Dr. off ol Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10- 12. Phone 751-0168.__________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift. Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Split shifts also. Call Debra, 751- PLAV (7529) 571 8 Main St., Mocksvllle, across Irom Welch’s Funeral Home. WILL BABYSIT IN my home. Hwy. 6018, Mocksvllle. Full time/ part time. Reasonable rates. 284- 2583. WILL PROVIDE CHILDCARE In my home, have relerences, any shill, ull ages, reasonable rates, Hwy 64 Mocksvllle. 704-546- ) ^750__________________________ Commercial Property VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES W arehouse & Office space .lanlce McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty ___________751-9400__________ Condos For Rent 2BA, 2BR CONDO-Clemmons- SBOO/month Pennington & Company Realty __________751-9400__________ : Employment CHILD DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT : The Rowan Partnership for ; Children, a Smart Start non- ! profit, seeks an early childhood ; professional for P f contract ' services as a Child Develop- niont Consultant, for Davlo County. Responsible for assisting childcare lacilitles In improving quality of care. Requirements are a BS/BA Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field, and 3-5 years experience In a childcare setting. Must have knowledge ol the Star Rated Liconse and ECERS/ITERS. Must be a team player and fiave outstanding communica­ tion, organization and interper­ sonal skills. Prollcienl in Word, Access and Publisher. Send cover letter, salary require­ ments and resume to Search Committee, RPC. PO Box 1036. Salisbury, NC 28145. Contract open until filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer DATA ENTRY PERSON wanted^ parl-timo: 3 days per week, ex­ perienced preferred. Call Lake Myers 492-7736 Employment Driver if you have 2 years CDL-A experience you can earn 550,000.00 per year and be home on the weekends. Don't miss this opportunity for a dedi­ cated run. We have 401K, medi­ cal, dental and more. For more details. Call 1-800-709-2536 SALEM CARRIERS INC. EOE DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs e“) ^ - rience with clean record CDL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live lloor trailers. 336-788-3210. EXCELLENT GROWTH PO“- TENTIALI R allies Salons al Squire Boone Plaza Is actively recruiting for full and part-time stylists. All applicants must have current NC cosmetology license and be able to work at least 2 evenings per week and Satur­ days. hJo Sundayslll Call 1-800- 476-7233 to schedule your con- lldentlal Interview today and you could be a vital part of this suc­ cesslul companyl EOE e ) ^r7 e n c e d car' ^t e r FOR framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overlime. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. HIGH ENERGY, PLAYFUL & d^endable people needed PT or FT to conduct behavioral/play therapy with autistic child In hom e-base program. Previous experience preferred but not re­ quired. Flex hours. Call 782- 7955. Em ail resum e to Care@trlad.rr.com j o b o p e n In^e x p e r ie n c e d Cook. Apply In person: 10am- 3pm, M-F. Parf-tlme, seml-retlred w elcom e. Ask lor Sue Lane. Hickory Hill Country Club, 2251 Hwy 64E, Mocksvllle, NC 27028. L ^ A ir^ E C iS IO N MACHINE shop has opening lor PT/FT Po sitlon. No experience n Yadkinviile: julred. 336-463-2311. LOT ATTENDANT, CAR wash, detaller needed. Apply in person. NO phone calls. W estside Chrysler Dodge Jeep. 298 Depot St., Mocksvllle. See Bob Moore. M ERCHAI^SERS, PART-TIME earn up to $15/hr National Marketing Services seeks part-time people to help merchandise products, ie. erback/coloring books, in National Retail Stores In Asheboro, Lexington, Mocks­ vllle & the surrounding areas. Multiple positions with flexible hours available. Lifting & ladder climbing required. EOE M/F/D/ V. II you are mechanically inclined, please apply by calling 1-888-407-4488, dial 8ÔOO (ad code #230); or apply online at; WWW.NATLMKTG.COM NOW ACCEPTING applications lor lull time & part-time workers- cashier/kitchen help. M-F 10:00- 2:30. Tucker's Place Cafe, 1987 Hwy 801S, Advance (south of Ihe railroad tracks) or call 998-7100. O F F II^H Ë rp lÎE Ë D E F :^M ^ ing reservations, cashier and otFier duties. Must work some nights, weekends and holidays. G reat lor students. Seasonal work, needed March 1sl-0ct 30lh. Call Lake Myers (336) 492- 7736. OFFICE SEEKING MORTGAGE loan officers...m ust be licensed...Make Ihe change now lo start the New Year Iresh with the support you need to he sucessful...Letter leads are pro­ vided Top commission paid-Fax Resume to; 336-357-3450 or call Toll Free-866-416-3450 C h r i s t y T r u c k i n g C o m p a n y , I n c . Positions available for experienced w arehousem an. Forklift experience required. Switcher experience and/ or CDL a plus. Please mail or deliver resum e to: 2079 US 601 North Mocksville, NC 27028 P a r t - T i m e Pattern Maker Must Make Patterns From Drawings-Flexible Hours Apply At: SOUTHEASTERN SEWING SERVICES 336 - 751- 0878 Employment OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED operator of engine lathes, hand screw machines, turret lathes. Must be able to read blueprints and use standard m easuring equipm ent. Day time hours. Yadkinviile: 336-463-2311. OTR, 0 /0 , DEDICATED, re- glonal & team drivers needed. Class A CDL, 3 monihs ТЯ ex­ perience required. Good pay & benefits. Call Gary 1-877-667- 9919 anytime. ■ RUSHCO FOOD STORES in Mocksvllle Is Now Hiring Bllmple Manager Food service M anagement a priority. Criminal background check required. Located Inside the BP-beslde Davie High We Offer: "Excellent Starting Pay ‘Insurance Benefits •Paid Vacation II you desire employment with a Local Company Call 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 Ext. #12 or visit 1895-Hwy601BP to schedule an appointment Homes For Rent Homes For Sale TRUCK DRIVING OPPORTU­ NITY lor s dedicate run. Our dedicated drivers will benellt from the new hours of service & will be home weekends. Last year our drivers earned between $.38 and $.50 cents per mile all pay & detention pay. Plus $.02 per mile Safety Bonus. We have 401K, Medical, dental and more. You can maximize your home time and earning potential in 2004. You need two years CDL-A ex­ perience to qualify. Call 1-800- 709-2536 Salem Carriers, Inc. WLA TRUCKING CO., Ml. Airy, NC has resumed accepting applications lor company drivers forourcoasl-to-coast operation. Part time team s are welcome to apply. Team owner/ operators are needed with mileage pay as high as 87 cents per mile. A company representative will be at: Comlort Inn-Mocksvllle 1500 Yadkinviile Rd/Hwy601 Mocksvllle, NC Date; 2/19/04 from 10am to Spm Furniture ANTIQUE CHINESE BED­ ROOM suite and odds-n-ends. 751-5270 SECTIONAL LA-Z-boy sofa-ex­ cellent conditlon-recllnes on both ends-plald $300. La-z-boy recllner$150 Antique dinette set $200 Moving-Must Belli 751-3632 Homes For Rent 2 BR HOUSE on large lot on Highway 158. Call 998-2980 af­ ter 5;00pm. 2BR, 1 BA-IHocksvillB-w/bam & shop-$675/mo 2BR, 1BA-Mocksvllle-$375/mo 3BR, 1.5BA mobile home-$500/mo 3BR, 2BA, DW/Acreage-Yadkinviile $900/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clemmons-$800/rno Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nights & W eekends WHATADEALIII Beautiful 4BR, 2.5BA home on Eaton's Church Rd. Over 2000 sq. It. LR, DR, basement, attached carport, washer, dryer, stove/ dishwasher, double ovens and disposal IncludedI Available in February. $1000/month Nice 2BR, 1BA home on Hwy 158. Gas heat and central air. Refrigerator, range oven, dishwasher, detached garage and storage space Incmded. $600/month 2BR possibly 3BR, 1BA home on Howardtown Rd. Refrigera­ tor, range oven and allacned carport Included. Oil heat and window units. $550/month 2BR, 1BA on Naylor St. near downtown Mocksvllle. Base­ board heat, window units, refrigerator and range oven Included. $500/monlh 2BR, 1BA home near Davie High on McCullough Rd. Oil heat and window units. $500/monlh 1 BR, 1 BA apartment for rent near downtown Mocksville No appliances but utilities Included In rent price $425/month Office Space for Rent In downtown Mocksvllle Call today lor more Iniormalion. $300/monlh HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR, 1BA house In M ocksvllle. $470. Leonard Really 751-3650, 751- 5020. LEASE WITH OPTION to buy country hom e, 2/3BR, 1BA, small lot, central air & heal, well water, 3 people limit, no pets. 336-284-4758________________ Homes For Sale 1994 2BR, 2BA 14x72 singlewlde-just remodeled. Re­ frigerator, stove, built in enter- tainment center. Asking price $.11,100.00 OBO. Call;336-492- 6343 or Cell: 336-462-2832 RESIDENTIAL AUCTION! IN PRESTIGIOUS BERMUDA RUN! F e b . J 4 t h , 2 0 0 4 * 1 1 : 0 0 A M K e m i t i l 'u l l l t t n i e L o c i i t c d a t 8 5 2 K i v u r b L 'i i d D r i v e , A d v a n c c , N C IlDMH Fi:,vrum:s: Ьпгке Kal-Iii Kitchen, DiniiiK, l.ivlnt!. Dun w'/llrt'pliico,Stiuty «/llrtpliice. 11С'(|ПН)П1.Ч, 3 Illltll.S, Ddiilili- Сашке on 1.14- Лсгс.«;! ()I‘I:N llOtl.SH! .SUNDAY, FICIl. I.SI' & I'l;II. « I II 2;(ЮРМ - 4:(И11‘М Must Ki'kLsIit witli Auction С'нтрапу I» enter, fiated Conaminlty w/AmeaitlesI /(>r IhiH hnn\ ii nn\ Ihtft iii4i\ \ i\il4iir \4-Iimii- w\ \Mii^i r\ii iili\ t inn OH util .Iffi 7S>/ .SiilL'iniuiui'lal h>: Toims 10*. DtfttisPfWiHum icr. ажп (My oí iaJo o( wficii$10 OCO ГТНЫ luccillKid fur«]}! ЕШлсо dun ««lUun 30 Oays' N’C'l.k'.(iK5 l’(>ll<)\72'> Ml. Ait), N (’270.11) Long Term/Temp to Hire $7.50-$8.50/hour Mocksville and Clemmons Locations Machine Operator and Assemblers Isl 2ncl, 3ril, nnd 12 hour rotaUmj day nnd nighl shifts Positions require clean chmin.1l record, ability to read and understand English, frequent to fcpotilivo lifting of 30* lbs.. & standing for 80 2 hours. ¿ e e b 'íh ls WccKi! Mocksville Employment Security Commission Davie Community College Room; 110 Thursday, February 12,2004 9;00am •"Bring 2 forms of idontihcation to interview*** SE HABLA ESPAÑOL, LIJAME HOY Temporary Resources, Inc. Leadership In Staffing Expcricnce...Thc Difference in Staffine 336-896-1000 7748 North Point Blvd. Winston-Salem ALL NEW LINE UP mobiles & modulars 1200 TO 2014 3 0 . FT. $300 TO $750 PER MONTH- APPROX. CUSTOM BUILT SHOP ONLINE BONANZAMOBILEHOMES.COM CALL US 1-888-462-7806 CAN'T AFFORD MUST sell 4BR, 2BA nice area $500 down, assum e $600 payment Call (704) 883-9997 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mocksville parsonage. 229 Wan­ dering Lane, 9 room, 2 story, brick, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2760 square feet, unfinished basem ent with FP, 2 car garage, large deck, .6 .............9,500. 751-5“ ■acre lot. $259,-5312 FORECLOSED PROPERTY FOR sale, 2014 sf manufactured home on 2.44 ac. Davlo County, 3BR, 2BA, refrlg, range, dish­ washer, fireplace, heat pump, a/ c, celling fans and more. Large yard, country selling. Financing available OAC. Contact Rick Freeman ©Yadkin Valley Bank 336-526-6378 $95,000. FORECLOSED PROPERTY FOR sale. 1040 sf, townhouse, Yadkinviile, 2Br, 2BA, refrlg, range, dishw asher, w asher/ dryer, heal pump, perfect for 1st time buyer, retiree or rental prop­ erty, low maintenance, In town location, financing available OAC, contact Rick Freeman @ Yadkin Valley Bank 336-526- 6378. $49,995. HELP STOP FORECLOSURE 4BR, 2BA, Nice Area $500 Down, Assume Payment Their Bad Fortune Your Good Fortune Cali (704) 878-0147 ~K E E P YOUR TAX CHECK $250 down $550 payment 3BR,2BA, 1,1 acre Call (704) 883-7706 New Home (No Steel Fram es , Crane Set, 7/12 Roof, 3BR, 2B A .$100,00.00 ap p raised value. On your foundation $54,900.00 Landow ners call 336-362-3676 or 336-362-5258. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. reduced to $69,900.998-5816 or 284-2653. OUT BY ITSELF 4BR/2BA W ooded Lot $250 DOWN, SMALL PAYMENT CALL (704) 928-2066 SACRIFiCEl NEW Cape Cod (no steel frames), crane set. 3BR 2BA approx. 2300 sq.ft. Normal cost $129,000.-on your foundation $84,900. Limited time onlyl Landowners call 1 -800- 672-9223. TRUE MODULAR H o U ^ (NO STEEL FRAMES) Free Info 1-800-322-8679.__________ I S T R E T C H W R I N K L E D C A R P E T S Wrinlded Carpet Man 336-998-8402 Land For Sale 31 ACRE FARM, $4,000/acre, 23 lots $8,000-$15,000 each. No mobile hom es, Hamptonville near Hwy 421, Yadkin Co. Call 336-468-9726. STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653____________________ Lawn Care CLEMENT LAWN CARE-Your total iawncare need at an afford- able price. 1-336-284-2037. Lost & Found BLACK & TAN neutered male approx. 50lbs w/shepard type markings. Missing from Bear Creek Church Rd. 492-7978 LOST MALE YELLOW lab- Wil­ liam R Davie area. 492-6595 Lots For Rent FREE RENT, SINGLEWIDE lot now available, 704-902-6755 Lots For Sale YADKIN COUNTY NICE large lols, low cost w ater, $12,000.00 & up. Owner financ­ ing. Brown Osbome 336-838-4590 Miscellaneous •WOOD SPLITTER-VERTICAL & horizontal $650 •Homellte XL12 chalnsaw $150 •3 Homellte XL12 chalnsaws lor parts $50 each *266 H usquvarna chalnsaw $350 •Car tow dolly $650 •Stick welder w/addltlonal 100ft plus cord $350 •2 Hay forks with prongs $125 & $75 •Duncan Phyfe sofa-needs re­ covering $550 •Variable speed treadmill $200 336-998-8979 24 BULB TANNING booth, ex­ cellent condition. New bulbs. 284-2812. Leave M essage. $1,700.00 FOR SALE-Queen pillow top m attress set. New In plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175. Call (336) 442-3506. FOR SALE-QUEEN plush top mattress set. New in original fac- - tory plaatlo. Only $150. Cai) (336) 442-3506. MARQUISE DIAMOND, 3/8 carat with enhancer wrap, size 5, $700.00 Cali 284-2313 NEW BRIDAL GOWN for sale $125.00 or rent $75.00. 100 % silk, Ivory, drop waist, princess V-bodlce, attached seml-cathe- dral train. Size 12, gorgeous dress. Bridal shop closeout. 998- 9555 PREMIUM SEASONED OAK firewood, dump truck load, $150 delivered. Miller Tree 998-1900 P a r t - T i m e P o s i t i o n s A v a i i a b i e Appx. 25-30 hours per week. Please call or apply In person: G D S /D a v ie 131 Industrial Blvd.. Mocksviiio, NC (336)751-1585 a b s o l u t e : a u c t io n ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SAT. «FEB. 14*9:30:AM CLEIVIIVIONS C IV IC CENTER í i i s ; i ^ J i a a i i í a l u u u l i a l i i i u l A v > v w .Ic ln l)a c li.iiic il(> n s...< im Ш Ш -nO N S: Г К 1Ш lf,V, ГК Л У К /. W K.4T oiv MKK TIIK Л • " " “ о M IM ': МЛМ1 ( HANK VU IKdl.A - ОМ) (III. ON CANVAS I'AINTINC. -VINTAni' ruVM PIl■ I'iNkii: • ,V -m IJI; |,0V". Ml IJI; ohani ii;wah|. cm I i;i; i^.r ' 1.ai'|) tin s III Al К WASH I'OI . MIVI.HIISINU IINS - C O SIU M t JtWtLRY - WAONtR WARF JARS 0Г MAHIII I S o n , HOOKS.u n i:n s* ixH U es- iii.ui; n iu n j^s - S iÏo t u iÔ Â l'/\|{KIS(t Ml П RS I AKl.YNr I.ICJINSU I'l.AlllS - t'OW 1И:1.|.- ÜSSO TIN - Ш п 'г г GRINol'K о I) I anii:hns 01.1, i,ijsii;rs - riKi; ash ik a v s - ccir .rn io n ' " I r .4 I'l..... s iia k iír s •• d a i.» |.;a(ii.i; h c iu r in i s - n ii r t v re r a™ ,s p aI í IKON HANK WAOON .. WAI.l, I'OCKIflS -WASH H(,AR1,S - ( W , "i a m ™ “ м"п * (»l.l> Sl.AHS A KO|.||U( К ( AIAI.(KìS • 10 ИО.ЧГ.Ч Oí' DASTliAI I CARDS fJíTni>ii4t ia i»aJ si AdKovi; ri A i'or SK1N1.1, ,M I.. ow i;ns, ■ “Imi n T m , " 'm m DIVini l» l'I.ATIIS HAN» l-AINTlil) N1P|4)N - I1I:|S|;V - l'RrSSEI) 01 \ s Í АМ11ГИ MII.K IIOITl.rs - MII.K C,I.ASS - 01.11 MiiiiiciNi; HoriTus - a“ ^ m(SIOM.I, - res I,r ciiii;i:N |)|;|.ri;.ssidn ni.Ass - ouhiii. i ami"s ATrovcSin- il». S|:|S.|»ARIU;RA:UIíI;RTVIIAI.VI;s. INDIAN III AI) WM 'at QlJARIbK •(1МЧ1Ч IIII^V^II 44,111 Iiiis-.M.K 11ИЧ», ( '' VAiiriv«» I n«Mlil 1 fÄiMllimilKlM и»ми. uinn ' »»II L e in b a c h A u c t io n & R e a lt y , L L C . ¡Ж ”* 336-764-5146 DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Tliiir.sday, Fcb i004 - D9 6LASSI PROFITAHLE Miscellaneous STEEL BUILDINGS WINTER clearance, factory seconds S freight dam aged 20x30, 25x36, 30x48 financing available, Buy now w/ FREE storage & delivery 800-222-6335._________________ Mobile Home/Rent 14X60 MOBILE HOME on pri­ vate lot-2BR, 2BA. Outside stor­ age bldg., 3 person occupancy limit. Recently up-dated, new car­ pet, etc. No Pets, No HUD, De­ posit required. 998-2931 or 284- 4481. 1997 DYNASTY-2BR, 2BA w/ heat pump & appliances, unfur­ nished, set up in MH park on W estside Drive, Mocksvllle. For sale or lease w/oplion lo buy. 998-3178 leave m essage 2BR, 1.5 BA, very nice, very clean, must see, $350/month, 704-873-5426 2BH, 1BA VERY clean.' P’rivaie lot $350/month 492-5263 DOUBLEWIDE, 2BR, 2BA $495/ month plus deposit. 751-2304, 941-7522. MOBILE HOME for rent locate(l In the Pines Mobile Home Park, 2BR, 2BA, all electric, air, all ap­ pliances. No pets. $400 per m onth/$400 deposit required- 751-7502 MOBILE HOME ON private lot in Mocksville. $425/month, no pets. 345-0062 998-2755 NiCE 2BR, 2BA, $400/mo $400 deposit- just in Iredell County. 704-546-2089. PRIVATE LOT 2ВП, 1BA, re- modeled, close In. 336-575-2101 or 828-478-9416 READY TO MOVE IN 2BR apartment, furnished with electric and furniture. $450/mo. 751-1218, (704)872-3367 SINGLEWIDE, 2BR, 1 BA, $395/ month plus deposit. Hwy 801 S. 751-2304, 941-7522 TRAILER FOR RENT-lncludes water. $125.00 per week. 998-1727______________________ Mobile Home/Sale 14 X 80 singlewlde 1994 model, 2BR, 2BA, roomy m aster bed­ room & bath, appliances In­ cluded. $12,500. 704-645-0781. 1992 SINGLEWIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, 2 outbuildings, stove, w/d, lot tt 358 Deer Run $10,000. OBO 336-798- 3496 1999 14X80 3BR, 2BA honieTn Deer Run, VGC, som e owner fi­ nancing. $14,900 Call (704) 929- 9333 1999 3BR, 2BA, doublewlde in D eer R un, VGC. G reat lot. $35,900. Call (704) 929-9333 FSBO SINGLEW IDE, 1999, 2BR, 2BA, m ust be m oved, $15,000.704-857-3546 OWNER MUST SELL NOW 4BR, 2BA, beautiful area $500 down , Assume payment Call (704)883-9997 Personals HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to A shley and C harles. Love, Louise PETITE LADY, 50'S, divorced, would like to meet a nice, happy, caring, outgoing, non-smoking gentleman who likes lo lauqh,' go places, do things, watch TV or sit In the swing & talk to be friends first, hopefully to develop into a LTR. Please call 751-3125 Need A Room Or TWO Painted? Up To 10’X 12’ Room For *300.“ (Trim, Doors, & W indows Included) FREE ESTIMATES • QUALITYW ORK* 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE PAINTING (3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 -2 9 0 7 CHURCH CLEANING The Trustees of Bear Creek Baptist Church are seeking bids for the cleaning of its church facilities. A WG form, workman's comp and liability Insurance Is required. Submit sealed bids to Bear Creek Baptist Church, 492 Bear Creek Church Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Bid deadline March 15,2004. For more Information contact 492-7291 Pets Vehicles FREE PUPPIES, ALL black-998- 8257 FREE TO GOOD home-one year old Golden/Collie mix-shots up to date. 336-751-9530 POODLES FOR SALE, male, 1- (10 months old), 1-(4 wks old) Call 492-5255_________________ Service ARE YOU SELF employed, do­ ing you own accounts receivable, accounts (sayabie, or payroll? Professinal accountant. Davie County resident 1 -336-407-7482. Hourly rales available. B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUC- TION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY WE WORK TO MEET YOUR BUDGET Specializing In additions, renova­ tions, baths, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone & tile work, light painting and small repairs. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workman­ ship, References available. Free Estimates. EXPERIENCED CNA W ILLciii for elderly or Hospice care. 751- 5787 HOUSE OR office cleaning ser­ vices offered by experienced woman. 751-5787 IlNK'Si SEAMLESS GUTTER- ING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 TOM BERLIN'^ LAWN CAReI Handyman Services. All types of Iaw ncare and handym an ser­ vices, mowing and weedealing, bushhogging & .trimming trees and busnes, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent for free estim ate (residential and com­ mercial sen/ices) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. Statewide CORPORA TE GIFTS: CAROLINA Pacesetters lists top executives’ addresses and phone numbers. Over 400 of Carolinas' largest public and private compa­ nies. $75. Bulk discounts avail­ able. 704-523-6987, ext 235 DENTIST: IMMEDIATE OPEN- ING near Fayetteville, NC. Ap­ proved school ol dentistry gradu­ ate with NC licensure required. EOE. Resume: W estern Medical Group, Drawer B, Mamers, NC 27552 R E S ID E llT lÄ irCONSTRUC- TION: SEEKING general con­ tractors to build houses. We pro­ vide sales, construction loans, investor, pay all bills. You build andreceive profit. 800-795-7061. VACATION AT OCEAN Isle Beach, NC. Call tiday for best selections or view and book online: www.cookerealty.ocm (800) NC Beach Travel H arrah's Cherokee C asino Trip Fri Nlle-Feb13th Tues Day-Feb 17th Sat Day-Feb 21st Peari River Resort & Casio Mar. 19th & 20th E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt IGENETREXLERI R0( 1976 FORD VAN V8-seml-con- verslon-cold alr-p. steering-p. brakes-good tires & brakes- som e rust-mechanicaliy good. Priced to Sell. 751-3666 after 5:00pm 1997 DODGE CARAVAN-11 OK miles, a/c, auto locks, tilt wheel, rear window wiper and defrost, many other extras. $5,500.00 Will consider owner financing. 998-9555 GRACE MOTORS 142 NC Hwy 801N Advance 336-817-7482 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE 101,000 miles, burgandy, pi, pw, ac, alloy wheels, new tires, $3,500.cash price/Fln. Avail. 1995 FORD CONTOUR gold , ac, pw, pi, auto, new tune up, new brakes $2,QQO. 1997 OLDS ACHIEVA. while, 103,100 miles, V6, new belts/hoses, ac, pw, 61, $3,499 cash price/Fln^ Avail. • 1994 FORD RANGER XLT, nice, 76,000 miles, 5spd, 4cyl., ao, OD/stereo, $4,900 neg. 1993 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, red, 104,650 miles, pw, pi, ac, 5spd, sunroof, new tires, $6,250 NISSAN STANZA 1990,4 door, auto, all power, white, 66,000 miles $2,495.00. Cali 998-4263 ‘74 GMC 6000- 14 ft dump $4000.00 ‘31 Ford F50 12 It dump $4000.00 ■77 Dodge Molorhome 27 ft self-contained $5000.00 '88 Dodge Ram ISO Shortbed4x4 $2000.00 '95 Lazy J Fifth Wheel Slack trailer $3000.00 165 M assey Ferguson diesel farm tractor-front end loader $4000.00 ‘79 Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup new tire, new motor, new Interior, new paint $4000.00 Trl-Axlo trailer 8x14 w/ ramps $1200.00 336-998-8979 Yard Sales l^f iU '/il iHl i'. 1 DEE'S ANTIQUES ' On the Green...hill 733 Greenhili Rd. Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 or DEE'S TOOl Antiques 296 Blaise Church Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-753-0877 New Items arriving dally. SPECIAL VALENTINE SALEtt DISCOUNTS THROUGHOUT BOTH SHOPSI Silver Jewelry 50% Oflll Greenhili Road Location Only. Now's Ihe time to get that Special Someone a Special gift that is sure to last a lifetime. Need a gift for that special occasion? Not sure what to buy? We also have Gift Certilicates lor Ihe undecided. We buy Estates... One item or Alllll TRADING PO ST -601/801/ Greasy Comer. Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying timber. Call 284-4302. O A S H PAID FO R ANTIQUES, PARTIAL O B W HOLE ESTATES, CO LLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Arthur Bostick 33S-492-S992 Wanted TIMBER WANTED, pine or hard­ wood. We select cut or clear cut. 8 acres or more. Shaver Wood Products, inc. 704-278-9291. Night 704-278-4433 or 828-430- 8860 LOOKING FOR A Deer Hunting Club or Land for Lease with a ood D eer Population. W/O MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL WINTER IS HEREI Bobcal. aeratot core plugger am orolor rent lodayl Mocks­ville ■' 13361 751-2304 Jogs. I do not Runt w/ dogs._. ... _ a Iryi 28713. 828-488-6961. Jam e s Clark, 750 W. D eep C reek Rd. B ryson City, NC ames28713@ aoi.com Subject: 3eer WANT TO BUY Vintage (1970's or older) sports cards, memora­ bilia, autographs, 753-6694. dmsports@ yaatel.net WANTED TO BUY riding mOTv- ers that need repair. 998-2627. Ken Durham Construction Residential or Commercial Remodeling & New Construction •Attdilions • Vinyl SitHiig • Rooflng • llokal \Viirl( Coll for FrMEstlmato (3.1284-2698 i m m New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Frse Eslimalos 336-284-4571 Capital Financial C A L L U S T O D A Y & B E F R E E O F D E B T . At Capital Financial the sky Is the limit. Apply for a mortgage, personal or business loan. FORGET ABOUT BAD CREDIT — WE CAN HELP) YOUR DESERVE A SECOND CHANCEI C all 8 66 -87 9-8 3 21 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2004 10 AM...Rain or Shine Ford 3000 Tractor, Equipment, Shop Tools, Boat, Guns, Silver Property of Elsie & Gene Owens: 2640 West Old 421, Yadkinviile 3000 Ford Dies. Tractor Tillage tool. Cultivator 2 BIm. Turning Plow 5 fl. Busti Hog Utility Trailer Log Chaina, Yard Tools Poulan Chain Saw Remington 58, 16 Ga, Ex. Bri 3 Dozen Pocket Knives: Case, 10 Silver Dollars Wheat Pennya, Buffalo Nickels 26 Sliver Halvea, 29 Silver Qtrs. 2-Sllver Cartifs., Olher Coins Lincoln Welder, Hand Tools 2-Husva. Chain Saws, 40 & 41 Push fvlower, Portable Healer Qlenfleld 22 Rifle Buck, Old Timer ',15 ft. Pressure Cooker & Pans 3 Sets of Dishes, Blankets 3 PCS. Princess House Pitchers & Glasses Several Pictures, Old Jars Old Bioycla, Pea Sheller4 Po. Bedrm Suite Hawkins 50 Gal. Blackpdr Sportcraft Boat 75 Hp Evnrude lars) at Hwy 601 & Main St.; Go West on lie on tlie right Just past Center Rd.Location: From Downtown Yadkinviile (Courthouse Sq West Main St. (Old US 421 West) approx. 3 miles. Terms; Payment in full Sale Day tn Case of Extreme Weather, call Chris Groce on sale day at home 33B-4BB-4B41 ni.vL-limiiiuiils ' ■Siilidlvisloiis » Fam is N C A bnao NCI'L 7,‘i‘M G r o c e A g e n c i e s , I n c . Groce Auction orni Realty"succeasFUL sales sincb lof«"NCRL5B836 Chris Groce • 200 East Main Street, Yadkjnvlile • (335) 679-8817 20 YEAR W ARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS lU IS g C O R V g R MINI-STORAGE For all your storace needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C o ilto < la y l (336] 998-8810 H o r n ’s C o u n t r y K i t c h e n H E L P W A N T E D t Part-time Grill Cook Needed All Shifts. Experience Required. No Phone Calls Apply in person at Horn’s Country Kitchen, 1-40 & Hwy 601, Mocksville W /TflAIŒ RS^ Щ ^ \о гт н [ EAST C O A ST INC. E x p e rie n c e d R e ta il S a le s p e r s o n N e e d e d - Full Time wilti Gcoid Benefits — Come by our location for an application. 360 Blaise Church Road • Mocksville, NC (336)751-2377 COMIVIERCiAL BUILDING FOR SALE BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 2004 • 10 A.M. AT THE BUILDING 170 DUARD REAVIS ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA One acre of hind, inclucle.s 60x42 Morton Steel Building, fully wired, alurm sy.stcm, insulated, well and scptic tank, finished office area, propane heat, finished bathroom. Location convenient to Iredell, Yadl<in and For.syth counties. See legal notiec in this paper for .sale terms and condition. Grady L. ¡VlcClamrock, ,fr. 161 Soulli IVIaln Struct Mock.svillc,NC 2702« (3.16)751-7502 CO-COIVIIVHSSIONERS ,lames Ii)iil)ank.s P.O. Hox 1144 Clemnion-i, NC 27012 (336)499-0704 Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Sale (Sealed Bids Only) The foilowiiii; vchiclcs and ct|ulpmcnt hnve been dcclured surplus and ure offered for sate. To find out more informntion regarding tlie vehicle.s or e(|uipment, please call Todil Naylor al the Davic County Schools Bus Garage at 751-2627. lliJs will 1)0 iicccntcd I'or Individual Items only. If you want to bid on more than one item, you must maiie a bid on each item separately. To bid on any item, please write the type of vehicle or ci|uipmcnt on a piece of paper, quote the price you are willing to pay, and place Ihis information in an envelope with the item you arc bidding on clearly written on the outside of the envelope. Also, write your name, address, and phone number on tiie outside of llie envelope and seal the envelope. All sealed bids nnist be delivered lo the Duvie County Schools centrnI ofiice al 220 Cherry Street in Mock.sville, NC by 2:00 PIVl on Thursduy, February 19, Sealed Bids will be opened nt 2:15 on Thursday, February 19 ul tiie central ofiice at 220 Ciierry Street. Low bidders will he notilied following Ihe bid opening as soon u.<i reasonably possible. DESCRIPTION OF SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT «6 0 1 ОНО Chcvrulcl P-30 Dirpcnlry Dus, 3fi pussenger, piior condition 86 1 1У80 Chevrolet P-30 Masonry Вп.ч. 36 passenRcr, poor coralllion 8305 1989 Clicvrolcl Ciivuller, 4 door, fair condition ,8309 19901Ъп1 lliuru.s, 4 door, gotxl condition 7201 1987 Chcvmlcl S: 101’lclwp, long lied,fair condition 1 Used 3 plrnse nir compressor, 30+ yeais old 1 t'onl YTI6 lawn mower, poor condition (not ninning) 1 12.5 Murray tnwn mower, fnlr condition (nms) 1 I'liil size utility tied for service triick 220 Cherry Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 . 336-751-5921 DIO - DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD. I hursdiiv. Fcl). 12, 2004 F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t y Restored Historic 1825 home on 1.82 private acres. McGuire-Setzer House - National Register listed. This one of a kind property includes, Main House featuring living room, formal dining room, master bedroom and 3 fireplaces; Separate 1 bedroom, 1 bath Guest House which was former Bed & Breakfast and a separate detached commercial kitchen.Tru y a rare find. Call Glen. 1189 Jericho Cfiurcii Road $199,900 N e w L i s t i n g s 172 Summit Drive • $129,900 Like new home in convenient loc.ilion, 38», 2BA home wilh Hli & Hefs wall^ ln clojciv holi bjih started In baicmcnrGreat nvw r.cltjhbojbood. CallTeresj. 373 Windward Circle • $79,900 Cozy cottage on wooded lot v/llh deck and paved drive.Won(feiful location, grat price. 0>^n your own home nowl Low rnainlen.ince.C.ill Glen 128 Chunn Lane > $B5,000 Remodeled brick ranch witii 3 bedrooms, 2 i).)th. New heat pum p and fieiljnaifH Convonieni lo Salisbury, Call Gb-n fwlllcko'ry Tree Road • $87,900 3D0,1.5DA homo in move-in condition! Many recent upilates, all appliances stay, fenced yard, paved drive, quiet community. Great starter liom«* Of Investment pfopeily.Call Teiesa. 1229 Lightning Cross Rd * $85,000 Boonvllle • Impressive home in convenient location. ЗВП, 2ВЛ on over an acre. Tons of reniodelincj woik, ciarden tub. All appliances IncludtHi CailGlpn. 2 113 Junction R d -$97,500 3BR brick home, fiieplace witi» gas logs, (looted atiic stofage. garage wilh storage, masonry workihop with AC A hot/cold water, L*cellffU ir.ovt* in condition. Must see.Call Glen N e w P r i c e . 9,900 Move in condition! Well maintained 30ft w/iull basement. Beautiful large backyard, carpoti & paved drive. All appliances. F’er feet slat ter home or Investment potential. CalHeresa B u i l d i n g L o t s & A c r e a g e T r a c t s Building Lots • 90 Oak Haven Drive - Statesville. Building lot. $14,900. • East Lake Drive - Lot 11. Tw/inbrook Subdivision. Building lot. $16,900. • Sunnydell Lane - Twinbrook Subdivision. Building lot available. $17,900 • North Ridge - House plans subject to architectural review committee. Land/home packages available. Three homes under construction, Special financing available. Lots range in price from $13,900 to $19,500. • Country Cove - Advance. Building lots available in established subdivision, 8 lots available, each priced at $27,900. Acreage • 14.44 Acres - Deadmon Road - $85,196. • 2.38 Acres - 758 Duke Whittaker Road - $29,900 • 2.38 Acres - 760 Duke Whittaker Road - $29,900 F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s 400 Salisbury Street • $169,900 Mocksville's rlistoric DislfictI lOOyrold homo w/ seating ceilltxgs & Ig loom s orlg.beadbnJ, hdwd firs, 2ВЛ. gas heat/cent air, enclosed bkporch, gar, Call Janice nyl Spacious ranch with 4BR. 3BA In eastern Uavie County. Full finished basement. 2 car attached garage, deck and storage building, Call Bobby 116 3 Rainbow Road • $144,900 Liki-nt'vv beautiful log liome. I aiye great room w/ tock (itei)lace, 2 car attached Qafage,coveted l)ack porcfi Utra nice foatufcs, rural setting.2tid Bftis loft a’ea. /. must seel Call Clhdy 340 Kinder Road • $193,900 Priced Ui'low Appraisal! Like New! Great home in a quiet setttng with Spacious lOoms and many upciates. f'rice just reduced. Call Glen 448 Avon Street • $109,900 hi town location. firick ranch situated un nkely l.irulscaped lot.3UH, IBA with fenced backyard and storage building.Call Bobby 2180 Hwy 601 South *$104,900 Nice IBA home oi\ l.3Sac«vs H.sttlwoodlloois anil nc*w paint.ahove groimd pool,convenient to town. Call Cindy. 168 Hamilton Court ■ $ 189,000 Golf toufse view w/llHCC membetsfiip included, Italian tile flooiing In kitchen, Ig niaster suite & balli GttMl rooiTuv/g.is ioij fireplace, sunroom, 31Ш, 2BA.CallJ.inie. F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s 4627 Wyo Road • $129,900 Yadkinville ■ secluded country living on almost 3.5 acrcs.Llke new home in move-in condition. Call Glen 145 Old Oak U ne • $119,900 F< 7 sptlnyi. 3(lit.3DA w/nlce klich«a tots of cablncli & forma) OR Wotlvuted toller. C«1) Cinüy 108 Ruffin Street • $149,900 l.aige btlck ranch w/lots of tm. 5BR, 2BA.Uptlatvd kit, new roof, replacement wndws, new doors, Ig sep workshop/garage wilh heat. AC A water. Screened porch. Call Bobby. 671 Will Boone Road • $99,900 ЗИП, 2RA doublewide Situated on 3,5 acres. New windows, new doors, new gutters, fireplace, deck and attached carporl.In the country but close to town.CallGlen 2997 Hwy 60'. South • $87,900 Wonderful 3Bf?, 2DA hotne on 2 acres.Close lo schools and lown.Immaculatel Priced to sell Call Cindy 433 North Main Street • $149,900 Wondertul downlown location In Historic Mocksville. Convenient lo library, YMCA. shoppiiig, arts center. 3BR, 2BA uptlated hoi^ie with beavitiiul hardwood floors & large private deck. Call Bobby 437 ijames Church Rd * $85,000 Great family hon\e In nice location. 3BR, 20A, paved circle drive 158B SF of living space. Large yard to play In this sutnrnei! Call Glen N e w H o m e s 180 Winding Creek Road • $164,900 New construction in cireat neighborhood! Roady- to'flnish bsmnt, huge great room w/FP, nice maslersulte, formal dining area.Owner/Oroker. Call Cindy 252 Winding CreeicRoad • $149,900 New construction In Charleston Rldgei Split OR plan, 3BR, 2QA w/many (eatures, wooded backyard w/ view of creek. Buy now & choose your colors! Call Cindy 239 Charleston Ridge Dr • $164,900 36R, 2.SBA, living room w/gas log FP.Split ÜR floorplan, Ig kit, fin. bsmt. brick front w/vlnyl siding. 2 cai bsmt gaf.Call Bobby, 249 Charleston Ridge Dr ■ $164,900 3DR, 2.50A. living room w/gas log fireplace. Split BR floorplan, Ig Kit, fin.bsmt, bilcK fronl w/vinyl skiing, 2 car bsrnt garage, desirable neighborhood Call Bobby, 15 1 Winding Creek Rd.* $154,900 New home. SanFllippD Construction. 3BR, 2.5BA with finished basement for added space. Call Bobby 107 Sterling Drive • $139,900 Maintenance free, one level living with this 2BR, 20A lownliome. Great room, dining room and sunroom.Call Janice 114 Sterling Drive • $132,500 “'■¡ппУ?''' I'»!"!! Inslilf willi2BR,20A,gas logs, 9ft coiling in greatroom trey ceiling in mastyj Closu to shopping business areas and l-^O. Call Janice I r i s h P o r c e l a i n A d v a n c e W o m a n ’s C o lle c tio n N o w O n D is p la y A t D a v ie P u b lic L ib ra ry P age d D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ O ^ E C O R D USPS 149-60 Number 8 Thursday, . Feb. 19, 20a4 4 0 P A G E S C o u n t y O K s S a n d D r e d g in g In M o s t A r e a s Permit From Board Of Adjustments Would Be Required By Robin Fergusson Davie County Enterprise Record County commissioners on Mon­ day night approved amendments that would allow .sand dredging in creeks and rivers across Davie, Dredgers would have to meet specified critcrin lo receive a spe- R e c y c l i n g P r o b l e m s Bermuda Run Upset With Lack Of Items Taken By Jackic Scabolt Doyle Cpunti^ .Entorpriso Record BERM UDA RUN - Several residents of the Bermuda Run community are upset with the re­ cycling changes that have taken place throughout the county. BR’sTown Manager Beth Dirks and Mayor John Ferguson recently had a meeting with Davie Manager Terry Bralley and two representa­ tives from GDS, the company that provides the county’s recycling services. According to Dirks, the issues Bermuda Run residents are most concerned with is that glass, card­ board, tin cans, and colored plas­ tics (like laundry detergent con­ tainers) are no longer accepted. “ We asked if there is anything thal could be done lo rectify this," said Dirks. Currently, GDS accepts type 1 and 2 plastics, mixed paper, alu­ minum cans, milk jugs, and news­ paper. GDS has recycling trucks with five compartments and ftre only ¡il- lowed to take the five main items accepted al the recycling plant in Rowan County, which is where the items are taken afler GDS picks them up, according to Dirks, Dirks said GDS representatives were asked if there was someone else who could lake items GDS no longer accepts or if there was the possibility of offering a drop-off .site for those items. "We did e.\press our concei'ns and made them aware, If there’s something they can do thal is eco­ nomical for them then they’re go­ ing to look into doing thal,” said Dirks. Ferguson said he fell Ihe meet­ ing was productive nnd lhal GDS was working on Ihe problem, “ I don’t think they really knew how much unrest they had caused,” said Ferguson, "But ihey do now,” cial use permit for dredging on land zoned agricultural-residential, and industrial 1-4 from the county’s zon­ ing board of adjustments. Tlie vole came after more than two years of debate, and even Mon­ day the board wasn't unanimous. Commissioners Richard Pbindexter, Michael Alien and Bobby Knight voted to approve the amendment. Commissioners Dan Barrett and Ken White voted against it. Knight compared the sand to timber on land. He thinks owners should be able to harvest and mar­ ket both. Barrett said he thinks the prop­ erties should be rezoned first, nn action that would have lo be done by county commissioners. “It is my belief that this amend­ ment goes too far in one direction and takes away ihe public’s right lo meaningfully participate in rezon­ ing decisions,” Barrett snid. Tho board of adjustments is re­ quired to issue a permit if the appli­ cant meets all standards as written into the ordinance. If opponents can provide icstimony thal proves, for instance, that the action would de­ value neighboring properties, or thal roads couldn’t handle the iratTic, the udjuslmcnls board could deny issu­ ing the permit. Permits would be issued for three years, and would have to be re­ newed every three years. Hours of operation would be limited to 7 n.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The law does not affect landown­ ers who mine sand for u.se on their own property. “The most unfortunate aspect of Betsy Forrest, left, listens as Christy Holdsclaw spells Iier way to the county championship in the Davie County Spelling Bee last week. . Photo by Robin Fergusson S m a l l S p e l l e r s S h a d y G r o v e F ifth G r a d e r W in s C o u n ty C o n te s t By Mike Bnrnhnrdt Davie County Enterprise Record When Christy Holdsclaw went to the microphone, she had lo bend it down so she could be heard as she spoke. So did Betsy Forrest. But Hie iwo small-in-siaturc girls went head-to-head for nine rounds in tiie Davie Counly Schools Spell­ ing Bee Iasi week. Christy came oul on l9p, cor­ rectly spelling studious, which stumped Bet.sy, and then spelling establishment lo capture the counly title. In all, she spelled 22 words cor- rccil)(, and will compete in the re­ gional contest March 21 in Winston- Salem. A fifth grader al Shady Grove Elementary School, she is ilie daughter o f Vance and Sucha Holdsclaw. With the help of her parents, Christy .said she studied every night prior to Ihe bee, although spelling isn’t one of her favorile subjects. Was she nervous standing in fronl of [he room filled wiili parents and grandparents, teachers and prin­ cipals, superintendents and other school officials? “ I was a lot nervous," she said. Il was hard to tell as she quickly .spelled Ihe words called out by ihe moderator, Danny Carlner, princi­ pal al W illiam R. Davic Elemenetnry School. Betsy is a fourth grader al Plua.sc See Slindy Grove - Piige 4 this proposed amendment is that it lakes the decision aboul whether lo rezone oul of the hands of Davic County citizens and their elected ofl'icials," Barrett said. “What this amendmonl docs is rezone the entire river bank such that anyone who wishes lo dredge can do .so by simply meeting cer­ tain conditions. "Citizens w ill lose the right to be heard by this board. Rozoning will occur as a matter of right if the con­ ditions of the amendment are met,” Barrett said. S i d e w a l k s Developers Concerned W ith Plan Uy K ln i,Ilisten Davic County Enterprise Record Builders and realtors reviewed Mock.sville’s proposed sidewalk or­ dinance and map, and asked John Gallimore, zoning director, and the planning board questions about the financial bottom line. Close 10 20 people were on hand lo learn more about the ordinance at a workshop last week. “There is a list of priorities lhal gives Ihe [sidewalk] priorities of the town ... as money is made avail­ able,” said Gallimore. As the plan continues, it would connect side­ walks between new and existing neighborhoods. Gallimore gave the builders lime to study page seven of the ordi­ nance, the implemenlation scclion which would affect Ihe builders the most. He asked those present to con­ sider Iheir knowledge of Mocksville nnd where and when sidewalks would be considered. He said the board was “ trying lo find a reasonable approach to side­ walks. 1 think they realize they’re not needed in every situation.” This was the second public workshop; only two people attended Ihe first, held in December. Plca.se .Sec Mocksvillc - Page 4 ^ jlc ;t6 ircgibtc|iG jiiia^^ J ^ifor»,kindcrgartcn'' } й ||Ш I th e s e s s io n in thejJ Í&chooiídjj^itfict; w hei.e th c 'c h ild ( iliv e s .''‘i'I m ’- i p C oO )cc;nce - F e b ^ 2 3 /б & ^ f e ' i'í i I 'b P ip eb ro o k ” P e b , 2 3 .6 p m „ D avie^V F eb '-¿З ,, i ^ C s ’ ill и 1 » Л ’ Ä&5 J /i jf o y e r M arcH 2 j ó '3 0 2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19.2004 Exiitorial Райе DAVIE COUN FY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 19,2004 - 3 3 Restaurants In The Mail... Get Statewide state’s Industries A Good Neighbor Media Boost M ayhc wc lake ihcm for granted. T hey’ve always been llicrc. O ral least for a long tim e. They may no longer .seem so spécial to us. But several area restaurants have gotten a big public relations boost lately that m ay have som e out-of-tow ncrs crow ding in. H cndri.4 B arbccuc in Fork was featured in the Sunday Raleigh News & Observer, Two other restaurants, M iller’s Barbccuc in M ocksvillc and K eaton’s Chicken in Cool Springs have been featured in a rcccnt O ur State niaga/inc edition. Hcndri.x Barbecue was called one of the tiniest restaurants you will ever visit, “Tiny spot holds delicious .secrets," Ihc story snid. “Hendrix Barbecue is the little white building that is so cnsily . overlooked. Pull into the dirt lot. Follow the locals inside to the dining room with its three chiiirs, one metnl. tw o plastic, over by the drink cooler. Place your order at the tiny sliding window about waist high in the w all, right under the handw ritten menu sign," N & O w riter Scott Sharpe advised. “Л person could travel this stretch o f U.S. 64 for years and : never notice. Never glance out the side window al just the right m om ent as the gentle hills flash by. N ever dream o f Ihe delights . .inside Ihe Mule white building lhat tim e has forgotten." Not notice'.' W ell, m aybe because all tiie tractor triiilcr rigs slopped there at lunch hide Ihc building. K eaton's and M iller’s were featured in a D.G. M artin story on restaurants along Interstate 40 that you ought to try. He looked for long-held family restaurants lhal have a spécial llavor, a special attraction — not one o f the cookic-cuttcr chain restaurants lhat get most of the interstate traffic, l ie w anted lo give travelers tiie chance to stop at a rcstauraitl that defines the town or area. M iller's and K eaton’s certainly do that. W ill those Raleigh folks be traveling w esl on U.S. 64 lo Hnd som e real barbecue'.’ liendrix Barbecue has been there sincc 1968, started by Odell : H endrix, now run by grandson K evin. . ,■ ' , K eaton's and M iller’s are also muHi-gcnorational. ■ Places w e've been to. Places we hold dear. But don’t be ' ^surpriscd now if the governor and the legislators are spotted ;;eating there, too. ; i • * Worst Handwriting In The Grocery Store? Last year, I received more than a hundred letters from North Davie M iddle School students thanking me for a thesaurus wc gave to all the sixth graders, part o f a program M ike Hendrix launched here to prom ote education. A fter reading them , I wrote in this colum n that the art of handw riting was sadly lacking in the schools, that penm anship was a thing of the past. I said their handw riting was awful. Wc recently gave a thesaurus to eacli of the ntnv crop of sixth graders. A gain, they have w ritten thank you notes — part of a class assignm ent. But this tim e - they printed them. Very carel'ully. Very precisely. Very neatly. O nly one or two letters were in cursive style. M aybe last year's remarks were too harsh. Now I Find that maybe I have contributed to the decline o f penm anship. M eanw hile, I've been trying to im prove my own .script. At the groccry store recently, a cicrk told m e m y handw riting was the w orst of any of the shoppers there. Som e check-reading m achine the store has alw ays kicks out m y ch eck s as indecipherable. So there, sixth graders. W e're In this leaky boat together, - D w ight Sparks To the editor: About two or three years ago, when Slate's hulustrics at Soulli F'oint induslrinl park set up shop, the .serenity of peaceful weekends on our back porch appeared lo be in jeopardy. Even llioiigh we live a (|iiarter of a mile (as Ihc crow Hies) from their operations, the noise pollution being generated by State’s vacuum system could be heard inside our hou.se during most days, as well as evenings. We were opponents of South Point from Ihe beginning for these very reasons. Although we arc nol Davic County natives, we have come to appreciate the peace nnd tram|uilily that Davic countryside has to offer. It is this quality lhal we wish lo pre.servc, nnd much lo their credit, so does Stale's Industries. After a handliil of calls to Ihe management. State’s agreed to coiilract wilh an ncoustical engineer lo study the problem. A month later, we received a welcomed phone call from Ken Kuhn of State's, stating that Ihe engineer had a solution consisting of two compo­ nents. The firsl component - a baffle - was installed inline wilh the exhaust portion of the large vncuum to break up Ihe frequency. Sec­ ondly - there was construction of an insulated enclosure around the motor lhal operates the vncuum. After implementation, Mr. Kuhn invited us to his plant to give us a lour. Both my wife and I were very impressed. And guess whal - our backyard serenity has been restored. I would like to tip my hat and say thank you lo Mr. Kuhn and the management tenm al Stale's Industries for stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run. My wife nnd 1 realize that this capital outlay for State's Industries was not mandatory, but nn elective. Stnle's Industries, a good neighbor'? You bet. Mark nnd Beverly Skiver MocksvtUe Postal Service Proud To Bring ‘Home’ To IVIiiitary To the editor; To Americans serving in the military, nothing is more welcomc than mail from home. Mail cnll brings news and packages represent­ ing love nnd caring nnd rcmembrnnce. If you or a loved one has been in mililnry service, you know First-hand how much military personnel cherish mail they receive. Your U.S. Postnl Service understnnds Ihe importance of military mnll. too - thnt is why it hns a long nnd proud history of delivering mail from home to those who bravely servo our country. Military mail enjoys several well-deserved advantages. W hether the final de.stiiiation is a camp or ba.se in the United States or one overseas, each piece that bears an APO or FPO address costs Ihe same as if il were 'mailed lo a domestic address. Even if you nre mailing n package to a distant location in Europe, the Middle or Far East, it will cosl the same ns one going lo New York, Los Angeles or Chicago. ■ The Postal Service also provides retnil .services for many military in.stalhitions, providing conveniently located nnd .safe facilities lo serve mailing needs. In some cases, they'll have a classlFication sta­ tion or branch on the installation. However, contract postal units, nnd self-service machines are often able lo ndec|untcly facilitate postal neeils. The Postal Service is proud to help bring a little bit of home to those serving our country - and we’re proud to be serving you. Edward A. Mauren Officer-in-Charge Mocksville Post Orficc S a n d D re d g in g C a n Im p ro v e Q u a lity O f C re e k s , R iv e rs DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^liiECORDV I USPS 1<)9-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99. Mocksville, NC 2702B (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks...................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson..............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt..................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow......................................Adverlising Director Brian Pitts.............................................Sports Editor Mary Lynna Bayslnger....................Circuiatlon/ClassillBd Mocksvllio Entorprlso 1916-1958 □avie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville. NC 27028 Subscription Rales Single Cojiy, .“iO Cents .'52(1 Per Year In N.C., 52.*; Outside N.C. PO.STMA.STER Send Address Changes lo: Davie County Fnterprise Record P.O. Box <jy, Mocksville, NC 2702K To the editor; 1 allended the last meeting that entertained the public forum on sand dredging/ mining, My hal is off to the board members for their paliencc. I listened lo what wns being offered as arguments pro and con. I huve no stake in this issue. I do nol hold interest in property that could be mined. I hold no interest in any company lhat could profit from ihis decision oliher way. This will not affeci my prop­ erly value.' ' ' .1 llve ncar Hunting Preek. I see the dnmnge caused by the debris ; the people's water brings downstream does to tho bottom lands. I see clouds of mosquitfes brought forth by stagnant pools eauseil ^ , spillover from small Slorms in a how <»htltlb«^i^ekbed. "j' ^ ' My family selllcd here in the latter 1700s,There are aeeoiinls of crossing the creek on luige log.s', ones that a horse could cross, be­ cause the banks were so high. In my childhood, NCDOT dipped sand along a mile of this stream. The flooding was minimized. There was enough water for tlie fish to be plentiful. The stream was healthier. Sincc then, much erosion has occurred upstream from our county. As a certified crop adviser on a slate and federal level, I could bore you to death with numbers. We don't have Ihe lime. The second thing I noticed was people pouring out sentimen­ tal reasoning to reinforce their NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) stance. Many of the cons were apparently due to some conflict wilh Mr. McMnhnn. Some were folks who would like to control the nssets of their neighliors. This is n good concept. If you don't like Jay Helvey ATrue Conservative To the editor; I am writing to endorse Jay Helvey as our next congressional representalive of tlie Fiftli District of North Carolina. I have exam­ ined the profiles of most of the candidates, and I believe that Jay's background uniquely renects the conservative values of the people in this region. He has a strong work ethic and astute leadership skills. Like many of us. Jay grew up in a middle class family where he had no choice bul to work hard. He paid his college tuition by work­ ing paper routes, serving BBQ, mowing grass and earning scholar­ ships. if you examine the “helveyforcongress.com" website, you will see that he hns extensive internniionnl experience. W hile holding lop positions al J.P. Morgan, he helped American companies com­ pete in tlie global marketplace. In addition, I know that Jay is a devout Christian who is pro­ marriage and pro-life. His wife, Jane, is a board member of the Sa­ lem Pregnancy Care Center in Winston-Salem. I encourage all voters lo carefully examine tlie backgrounds of nil the Republican candidates. It is clear lhal Jay's life has actively enibiaced true conservative values. I admire his devotion to his wife and three sons, as well as his continuing concern for the people of North Carolina. Barbara Brimckhorst. Advance what your neighbor is doing, buy him oul or sell oul. That's how most of Ihis state’s populniion got here. The points about Ihe roads were without merit. Cnll the NCDOT nnd nsk them the kind limits on state mnintnined ronds. There nre none. This is nol about a single situation but instead about a county wide policy. I know there seems to be an overall dismissal of the inhab- ilanls of the western sections of the county. We have nsseis ihui wc would like to tap lo be able to make the upkeep of stenms and bot­ toms possible. I like Dnvie County. No. I love Dnvie County. For seven generations, my family has called it home. Now, I can use thB,.snrno,|on)lnienlal,ro as proaentcd nt iho meeting und lo ' nn’oii'cei« Sf we eiin upproae'h this In a logical, sustalnable'iTirt'nher lhal would allow the responsible development of our resources. The newcomers are loud, but their track record would indicate n luck of staying power. Larry M. Campbell Hnrmony In tersectio n A T raffic H a z a rd To the editor; I hnve been living in Mocksville for .seven years on Harve.sl Way. Many people know, it as Old 158. There has been a problem with people stopping for tlic stop sign on Country Lane before you reach 158, which happens to be r iglil before our street. If one out of 10 people actually stop, It’s a good day. Tliere have been about 10 accidents wilh three severe injuries. 1 linve tried lo hnve this stop sign moved, bul have had no luck. The DOT says il has been there for 30 years nnd thal’s how il’s going to stay. The State Highway Patrol says that people arc nllowcd to go through the stop sign. Wliy have a slop sign? Some days, we hnve lo sit nnd wnil to turn down our street be- cniise people go through tlie stop sign nnd block our rond. Wc have been yelled und screu,Tied nt for trying to get oul of our rond, just because tliey actually had to stop. The Highway Patrol said they are going to look inlo it, but they can’t tell the DOT what to do. One day someone is going lo get seriously injured and it could be prevented. A line was painted, but nol al the slop sign, ll was put al the end of Country Lane in 158. That didn’t help. Remember, people do live on Harvest Wny and it would be ap­ preciated if people would keep tliat in mind as they block our road and keep us from getting in and out. I wus told by a Highway Patrolman lhat even if 1 stop and wuit nt my stop sign nnd then go anti someone on Country Lane goes through the slop sign and hits me, I am the one nl fnull. If anyone knows this lo be false, please let everyone know. Mike Delli Santi Mocksville Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Do you drive faster than the posted speed limit? Log on now to cast your vote. www.enterprise-record.com Yes, 55% No, 45% FORD . MERCURY D O W N That’s right... $4&° DOWN and $24ff° a month' on any of our2003 Taurus’ or Sables!! AND with only $79° DOWN you can drive an ‘03 IVIustang for only p7SF a month'!! .All units are clean, low mile cars tfiat are LO ADED with options!! c,„o c« A.u n .,. n... ------HUGE Selection of NEW INVENTORYo6 SUt6 So Ask DslO About Our * ,ttUU EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN DISCOUNTS! ,Unbeatable Deals!! C h e c k O u t T h e s e O t h e r M O N E Y S A V I N G D E A L S ! ! ! ^23,995* All-Amprican Ford’s $Г7000*** Carl Naylor Genera Manager B R A K E S P E C IA L . Front or Rear ( tu r n in g r o to r s e x tr a ) Ford Factory Pads M u sta n g C o b ra & F 2 5 0 -F 7 5 0 E x c lu d e d . C all u s lor faclo ry w h o le sa le pricing o n th e s e u n its today!! i ä S M ark \Л м 1ег . ‘^ll-^m eH cah Ford’s Service DepiaHin^ht welcom es you for all> of your service needs. Any maKe^model welcom e.” . N athan,R eavls ii W * » ('Ч ' J,' Í*. v 4 Keith Davenport Sales Manager “ P a r t s a h d . A c c e s s o r l e s are t r u l y e x p ^ n s № f r 6 m y o u r FbrxJ A u t h d r i e c l i i f ' D e a le r . B a c k e d b y c o m p a n y w a lji f i H t le i ^ i a r jd d u r ^ ^ V v ih n l^ ^ ^Lawla" ’’ t o d a y a ^ d w e ’ ll s a v e y o u m o n e y ! ! , v ;;; DarrellHarpe Sales Parts Department! В Я Н Я 1 SteveSimmons Sales DaleRatledge Finance Manager Stêt0i¥tlle 1' Î , ^ Alb 1 AMimCAN -уЛ FORD Щшисинг j' M a cla v llla S h o p u s o n lin e a t aaford.com Just off [-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 * with approved credit, " Plus tax and lees. See dealer lor details, Chuck Walker Sales [• . 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny, Feb. 19,2004 M o c k s v i l l e S i d e w a l k P l a n Q u e s t i o n e d Taking part in the Davie County Schools Spelling Bee, from left: Erika Wentz, Betsy Forrest, Brad Deal, Aaron Peoples, Christy Holdsclaw, Savanna Stover, Taylor Anderson, and Shannon Dillard. S h a d y G r o v e F i f t h G r a d e r T o p S p e l l e r Patsy Crenshaw and Linda Dorsett congratulate Davie's spelling champion, Christy Holdsclaw. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Continued From Page 1 Mocksville Elcmentnry School, and is the dnughter of Phil mid Grace Forrc.st. Third pincc went to Aaron Peoples, a seventh grader at South Davie Middle School nnd son of Ronnie and Pntricla Peoples, who was eliminnted when he spelled the word "un­ furl” incorrectly. Other contestnnts, in order of finish and with the words that stumped them: Taylor Anderson, a fifth grade student at William R. Davie Elementary School and daughter of Chris nnd Erin Anderson, “ penthouse;" Savanna Stover, a fifth grnde student at Cooleemee El­ ementary School and daughter of Clifton and Lornn Stover, "cafeteria;” Brad Deal, a fifth grade stu­ dent at Pinebrook Elementary School and son of Jennifer Webb and Michael Deal, “se­ mester;” Shannon Dillard, a fourth grnde student nt Cornatzer El­ ementary School and son of Ricky and Gina Dillard, "whisk;" and Erika Wentz, an eighth grade student at North Davie Middle School and dnughter uf David and Vickie Wentz, “ar­ son.” Continued From Page 1 Gallimore hopes now that the Christmas season is over, more people will come to the workshops and give their thoughts. He plans to hold nt least one more workshop for the public. Looking nt the mnp, which shows a greenway from Pnrk Avenue to Forest View Drive, Connie Kowalske, from Hownrd Renlty, wanted to know how the greenway would cross U.S. 158. "That’s something that would have to be worked out," said Gallimore. "It would be very expensive to do.” He understands the plan is visionary. This particular greenway came about becnuse two developments granted the town a greenway easement in the Forest View Drive area. Asked if there wns a time el­ ement in the plan, Gallimore was quick to allay concerns. "The ordinance docs not say the town will build ‘x’ number of miles of sidewalk by this date. This is a guide as money becomes available in the bud­ get process. It’s not set in stone." Lee Riddle of Cambridge Isenhour Homes, asked when, in the development process, the town would require sidewnlks to be instniled. Gniiimore said the sidewalks could be put in before the plat wns recorded, like all other improvements, or the developer could put down a financial guarantee which would allow them to build the development and put the side­ walks in toward the end of the building process. Charles Vonlsenburg, owner of the new bicycle shop in Mocksville, wanted to know if the sewer easement property circling the town could be con­ sidered for greenwnys, some­ thing not on the map. Although additional easements on the property would be necessary, the planning board did not dis­ count the idea. Leon Carter had concerns for the homeowners. “ If tlie home owner would sign for their right of way, the town wouldn’t do it." "That’s right,’' Gallimore said. "In almost ali cases, there’s consent of the property owner.” Though the planning board lists sidewalks on M illing Road as its second priority, if the homeowners wouldn’t sign over the right of way, the plan might be discontinued. The cost of a sidewalk it­ self, excluding any grading work, is approximately $10-25 per foot, so the cost of install­ ing a sidewalk on a 100 foot lot would cost $1,000 mini­ mum. "I think all of us like the idea of having sidewalks," said Kowalske. "But we can’t build nffordnble housing any more because of nil the things we have to do." "Remember, this is a plan," said Gallimore. "If the plan­ ning board and the town board didn’t start somewhere, then there would never be side­ walks. As development occurs and those pieces of puzzle come together, over time they provide the type of sidewalk system the town would like to see.” Гм ^rchin’^ H i g h a n d L o w ■Pizza Raslauranl Must Bo In Davie County, Does Not Apply To Specials, $6.00 Minimum Order $8.00 Delivery Minimum Limited Time Only Bring M e Any Coupon, Menu or Refrigerator M agnet from any Pizza Restaurant* and I’li give you $ 0 0 0 o ff your order <’s Pizza D e liv e r y • D in e -ln • T a ke O u t T M Mocksville Marketplace Shopping Center (next to M ovie Gallery across from Lee Jeans) 751-0409 Mon.-Thura, 11 a.m.-10 p.in.; Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-ll p.m.; Sun. 4 p.m.-10 p.m. -( District Court ll DAVIE CO U NTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Fuh. 19,2004 - 5 '"•'H 4 Ы :ip * *'!t ' I'l ■1 ^ The following cu.ses wore heard in Davie Di.slrici Court on Feb. 12 Prc.siding; Judge Jnck E. Kluss. Prosecuting: Kevin Beale und Steve Boone, Assistant DA. - Mario D. Almnzan, noise or­ dinance violation, prayer for judgement continued on cosl. - Benji L. Barker, misdemeanor possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, sentenced to 10 days in jail, suspended onb year, possess no drugs, cost, $ 130 attor­ ney fee, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - James W. Bell Jr., speeding 90 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70, $10, cost. - Antonio M. Braga, obtaining property by false pretense, reduccd to simple worthless chcck, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, cost, $718 restitution. - Patricia L. Brock, DWI, sen­ tenced to 120 days, suspended one year, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, surrender license, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, $100, cost, $130 attorney fee. - Richard J. Burr, DWI, sen­ tenced to 120 days in prison, sus­ pended one year, 48 hours coininu- nily scrvice witliin 60 days, sub­ stance abuse assessment, not lo op­ erate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, $100, cost, surrender li­ cense; no operators license, failure lo wear drivers seal bell, und fail­ ure 10 secure pnssenger under 16, dismissed per plea. - Jason R. Clay, expired/no in­ spection sticker, fictitious/con- ccaled/revoked registration curd/ tag, no operators license, no regis­ tration card, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor possession of sched­ ule VI controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 25 days in jail. - Melissa Cranford, school at­ tendance law violation, prayer for judgement continued on cost, at- , lend school rcgulurly. - Daniel J. Ellis, speeding 100 In n 70 und no operators liccnsc, reduced to careless and rccklcss, $100, cost; expired registration card/tag, fleeing/eluding arrest, failure to heed light or siren, and ‘ no llnblttly Inauroncii: disnilsaed pôri*len. № vv'!.V.‘ ' - Charles J. Esseh, m isde­ meanor possession of schedule VI controlled substance and posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, $100, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. - Amy D. Evans, speeding 74 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, cost; failure to wear drivers seal belt, dismissed per plea. - Allan R. Oiegcr, failure lo wear drivers seat belt, $25, cost; expired/no inspection slicker, dis­ missed per plea. - Thomas Glenn, driving with license revolicd, sentenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended one year, $400, cosl; nctitious/conccaled/re- voked registration curd/tng, failure to wear drivers seat belt, expired/ no inspection slicker, no registra­ tion curd, and driving with liccnsc revoked, dismissed per plea. - William R. Golz, possession of open container/consuming alco­ hol in passenger area, dismissed per pleu; reckless driving to endan­ ger, $25, cost. - Chad W. Harris, speeding 96 in a 70, reduced lo careless and reckless, $25, cost; expired/no in­ spection sticker, rcckless driving to endanger, speeding 60 in a 45, dis­ missed per pica. - Bobby R. Hodges, assault on a female, reduced to simple as­ sault, prayer for judgement contin­ ued five years, have not contact with complainant. - Sleven A. Keels, speeding 80 in a 55, reduccd to exceeding safe speed, prayer for judgement con­ tinued on cost; license/permit time limit violation under 18, dismissed per plea. - Angela D. Leonard, simple as- suult, dismissed per request of prosecuting wilness. - Roger L. Marlin, no operators license and expired registration cnrd/lag, $75, cost, $130 atlorney fees; driving wilh licen.se revoked, reduccd to failure to notify DMV of address ciumgc; driving/ullow- ing vehicle nol registered/titled, driving wilh license revoked, no registration card, failure lo wear drivers scut belt, expired/no In­ spection slicker, dismissed per plea. - Sundra L. Messer, speeding 120 in a 70, dismissed per pleu; misdemeanor child abuse, sen­ tenced lo 30 days in jail, suspended two years, not to comc bnck to Nortli Carolina, cost, - Douglas R. Myers, exceeding safe speed, dismissed. - Michael T. Perry, driving with license revoked, $200, cosl, nol to operate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV; driving wilh li­ cense revoked, dismissed per pica. - John J. Regentlial, assault on n fc^alq, dismissed per request of proscieutlhg witness. ’ ' ' - Anthony W. Runyon, driving with license revoked, prayer for judgement continued on cosl; pos­ session of open container/consum­ ing alcohol in passenger urea, dis­ missed per plea. - Brundon Sifford, m isde­ meanor probation violation oul of county, sentenced lo 180 days in jail, credil for Ihree days served; misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced lo 120 days in jail. Appalachian State University Master of Arts degree in Middle Grades Education at the Yndkin Center (located in Yadkinville at 4649 Hwy 601) A ppalachian S tate U niversity is proposing a degree-com pletion program leading to the M aster o f A lts degree in M iddle G rades E ducation. T he propram w ould begin in B ill 2 004 and clas.ses w ould be offered at the Y adkin C en ter o f Surry C om m unity C ollege. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend an inform ation session on: Wednesday, February 25,2004,5:00 pm Room 202, Yadkin Center of Surry Community College A ppalachian faculty and adiTiinistrative staff m em bers w ill discuss how an individual w ho has earned a b ach elo r’s degree from an accredited college or university m ay enter this program and take A ppalachian’s required courses at the Y adkin C enter on the cam pus o f S urry C om m unity C ollege. C ourses in A pp alach ian ’s off-cam pus program s are typically taught tw o nights per w eek (an average o f 6 sem ester hours per term ), and the off-cam pus graduate tuition/fees rate for the current year is .$87.25 per credit ho u r for an in­ state student. F o r m ore inform ation please call: Office of Extension and Distance Education 800/355-4084 Appalachian1 I ITATt UHlVtkllTY - Ezzic E. Small, failure lo wear drivers seat belt, driving with li­ cense revoked, no operators li­ cense, cxpired/no inspection sticker, misdemeanor possession of schedule VI controlled sub­ stance, possession of drug para­ phernalia, dismissed per plea, evi­ dence ordered destroyed; failure lo heed light or siren, Sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year; possession of drug paraphernalia nnd possession of marijuana up to half ounce, sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, sub- stunce ubu.se usscssmenl/lrentment, submit to random drug testing, $100, cost, evidence ordered de­ stroyed; no operators license, fic- tilious/improper inspections, rcck- lejs driving lo cndimger, dismissed per plea. - David S. Smith, misdemeanor po.ssession of schedule VI con­ trolled subslance, $100, cosl, evi­ dence ordered destroyed; posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed per pleu. - Rudolph L. Smyersi misde­ meanor probulioii violation, con­ tinue on probulion, 60 duys to get current with fees. - Timothy S. .Smycrs, driving wilh license revoked, pruycr for judgement continued on cost; no liability insurance, expired/no in­ spection sticker, driving/allowing registration plate not displayed, dismissed per plea. - Naorni B. Tucker, speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd lo 74 in a 70, $ 10, cost. - Oscar A. Turcios, DWI, sen- lenccd lo 60 days in jail, suspended one year, not to operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV, substancc abuse assessmenl. $ 100. cost; possession open container/ consuming alcohol in passenger area, driving with license revoked, and failure to wear drivers scat bell, dismissed per plea. - Corey D. Vestal, no operators license, prayer for judgement con­ tinued on cosl. $65 atlorney fees. - Donnu B. White, resisting a public officef, iiiloxicatcd, and dis­ ruptive, sentenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended one year, nol lo vio­ late any laws, subsluncc abuse as­ sessment, $50, cost: assault on a government official/employee, dismissed per pleu. - Kelly M. While, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to 74 In a 70, $ 10, cosl. - Melissa Williams, dome.slic criminal trespassing, dismissed per request of prosecuting wilness. - Elizabeth H. Wilson, simple worlhlcss chcck. dismissed per civil selllcmenl. - Joshuu D. Woodward, no op- erntors license, pruyer for judge- menl continued on cost. - Ronuld K. Durunt, simple worthless chcck, dismissed per civil .selllemcni. - Byron K. Seotl, .speeding 63 in u 45, reduccd lo improper equip- meni, $50, cost. - Briun Carter, speeding 108 in a 70, reduced lo careless und reck­ less, $25, cosl. - Jonathan Jordan, probation violation, senlenccd lo 45 days In jail. I'niled To Appeiir; - Oinu M. Helms, misdemeanor possession of schedule VI con­ trolled subslance. - Janel L. MIIIcs, shoplifting/ concealment of goods. - Natalie L. Osborne, posses­ sion of drug purapliernaliu, felony possession ol' cocaine. - Marcia Serrano, driving with license revoked, no liability insur­ ance. operating u vehlcic with no insurance, possession of drug para- phcrnullu. - Duvid C. Sliuw, domestic vio­ lence proleclive order violation. Don't Get Burned! You can be fined up to $10,000 for illegal open burning in N.C. Smoke from open burning can cause serious healf/t problems and pollute the air. That's why the state regulates open burning. Only leaves, branches or other plant growth can be burned. IT 'S ILLEGA L TO BU RN : •Gnrbago, paper and cardboard •Tires and other rubber products •Building materials, Including lumber •Wire, plastics .md synthetic materials •Paints, household chemical agricultural products 9 and •Asphalt shingles and heavy oils oints, household chemicals :ultu Homeowners can bum yard ttlmmings - excluding logs and slumps - If il's allowed under local ordinfinces, no public pickup is available and il doesn't cause a public nuisance. Olher allowable burning includes campfires, ouldoor barbecues and bonfires for festive occasions. Landowners also can open bum vegetation to clear land or rights-of- way, provided dial: • Prevailing winds nre nway from built up areas and ronds • Fites arc al least 1,000 feet away from occupied buildings • Burning Is done between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Remimbir, bum f emits ШиЫ by Iht N.C, DMilon о/for«l R««ou««, 111 agm h or any local govimmltil do not txcuu a /iirtan from/ollouting thcil tta lt atr /¡иаШу rulti. tor more InformaHon, iriintitcti Wlnslon-Salom Regional OIIIcb >Division ol Air uunllty N.C. Department ol Envlronmenl and Natural Resources Phone; (336) 771-4600 (This ad paid lor by a violator ol tho opon burning law.) Jealth R o w a n R e g i o n a l МПП1СЛ1. Cl-NTER Febniary Classes & Events Community Programs I Educational Programs с Diatiotes Screening — $ 15 fee An Individual consultation with a certified diabetes educator Pnrticipnnts yet a fingenitick blood glucose lest nnd nre assessed on llieir risks for developing diabetes. Tliis screening is by appoint­ ment only. Screeninfjs are held at: Education 8i Willness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (7 0 4 ) 6 3 8 -1 4 3 7 lor an appoinlmenl or for more Informallon. Heartto Heart— Free Medical professionals from Rowan Regional Medical Ccnier will disaiss issues relating to women and heart disease. Learn about risk factors, the impact of diet and exercise on heart disease and the newest trends in the prevention of heart disease. Enjoy light refreshmenls nnd register for door prizes. Thursday, Febmary 26 from 7 - 9 p.m, at Tlie Holiday Inn, 530 S. Jake Ale.xander lilvd, in Salisbury Call (7(M ).2 1 0 -5 5 4 4 jo register. Look Good, Feel Better An American Cancer Society proHrani that le,idles cancer patients teclinliHies to acldi-ess ihe cosmetic side elfects of ireatnienl. Call (704) 2 7 8 -0 9 9 2 for an appoinlmenl or for more information. Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support and education for parents oi children with Atlcntion Deficit Hypemclivity Disorder Febniary 24 • 6;.S0 p.m., Salisbury Pediatric Associates, 129 Woodson St., Salisbuiy. Call (704) 636-5576 fa m a e informallon. Educational Programs Coronaiy Artery Disease Education Class Learn about tlic risk factors for heart dis­ ease and wliat cardiac reliabilitation options are available, Tlie free class nieels the first and third Thursday of each month from 9-11 a,m, in the Cardiac Rehnbililalion & Wellness Center, 2nd iloor, Kiser Medical Office Building, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 2 1 0 5 4 1 2 for more jnformalion. Gestation^ Diabetes »asses A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectnnt mothers with gestational diabetes. Tlie program includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. Tliese classes have a ice, which is covered by most insurance plans, A gestational diabetes class will be offered on (he following date: Febniary 26 • 9-11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 6 3 8 -1437 foim ore informalion. AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping I;ncrgetlc) Provides a social and educational ionim for anyone with a sleeping disorder Call the Sleep Medicine Center of Salisbury at (7 0 4 ) 6 3 7 -1 5 3 3 for meeting inlormalion. Coping witli Grief Siqiport Gitiiip Provides support for those dealing with the loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rownn Regional Monie Health & hlospice, Dny and evening support groups are available. Call (704) 6 3 7 -7645 for more information. Prostate Cancer Support Graup Offers support and education for people with prostate cancer nnd prosinle cancer survivoni, Febniary 19 • 5:.S0 p,ni,, Lnrge Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center Call (704) 6 3 9 0 9 4 2 or (704) 2 1 0 5 1 0 4 for more information. W o m e n ’s H e a lth All classes meet in the Women's hleallh Center, .ird floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center Cnll (704) 210-5544 to regisler or for nio|-e infoniintion. Getting Ready for Baby Pre-Admission Class 'Fhis clnss prepnifs new parents for whnl lo expect prior lo delivery. Leani the signs of pre-lemi labor/ know when to come to the hospital; nnd review important policy and regislralion infomialion. Classes are offered every Tuesday nt 3 p.m. New mothers need to sign up for the one-time class between the 22nd nnd 28th week of their pregnancy, Tliere is no charge for the clnss, bul space is liniited. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, lh|s class will be offercd in Spanish, Blood Pressure Clinic Clinic Every Wednesdny from 9 n,ni, - noon, n free blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided in the medical center's parking garage on Henderson Street, N u r s e - O n - D iu ty For routine, non-emergency medical problems or for answers to your medical riLiestlons, call Nurse-On-Duiy 24 hotii-s n day, seven days a week. It's free. 1-800>335^921 Rowan Regional Medical Center offers a variety of health and wellness education classos. For more infortnation or lo register for any classes or support groups'' call (704) 210-5000. , 612 M ocksville Avenue, Salisbury, North Carolina 28144 ww w .rowan.org ' . 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 Public Records Arrests The Davie Counly Sherifrs Dc- p.nrtmcnl made Ihc following urresls; • Jonnlhnn West Hurgravc, l8,of 2678 Pamilnglon Road, Mocksvillc was arrested Feb. 9 for assault on a female. Trial date: Feb. 19. - Donnie Lee Beaver, 20, of 31! Nolley Road, Mocksville was ar­ rested Feb. 9 for contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. Trial date: Feb. 26. - Roger Lemont Martin, 29. of 244 Swicegood Street, Cooleemec was arrested Feb. 9 for failure to appear. Trial date: March 11. - Byron Lee Coates, 44, of 224 Creekside Drive, Mocksvillc was arrested Feb. 10 for possession of marijuana less than half an ounce and possession of drug parapherna­ lia. Trial date: March 25. - Karen Rector Coates, 39, of 224 Creekside Drive, Mocksville was arrested Feb. 10 for possession of nuirijuana less than half an ounce and possession of drug parapherna­ lia. Trial date: March 25. - MichacI Stephen Markland, 27, of 116 Underpass Road, Mocksvillc was arrested Feb. 10 for assault by pointing a gun. Trial dale: March 4. - Thomas Edward Young, 22, of Charlotte, arrested Feb. 10 for fail­ ure to appear. Trial date: March 4. - Renee Markland. 22, of 3120 N.C. 801 South, Advance was ar­ rested Feb. 11 for possession of co­ caine, possession of drug parapher­ nalia, possession of marijuana less than half ounce. Trial date: Feb. 19. - Brenda Kay Chandler. 31, of 147 F<iverview Drive. Advance was arrested Feb. 12 for misdemeanor child abuse. Trial dale: March 23. - Stefan Jeremy Peters, 17, of 245 Jarvis Road, Advance was ar­ rested Feb. 13 for possession of marijuana less than half ounce und open container in a vehiclc. Trial date: March 11. -Janet Lynn Millcs,36,of 2372 U.S. 601 South, Mocksvillc was ar- rested Feb. 13 for failure lo appear. Trial date; March 11. - MichacI David Mahek, 36, of Linwood was arrested Feb, 13 for failure to appear. Trial date: nol listed. - Heather Renee Ross, 23,of 122 Fairfield, Mocksville was arrested Feb. 14 for domestic assault nnd a.ssault. Trial date: March 18. - David Canton Collins, 47, of 504 Redland Road, Advanco was arrested Feb. 14 forworthlessehcck. Trial date; nol listed for Forsyth County. - Raymond Watson Hellnrd III, 32,of 112 Williams Road, Advance was arrested Feb. 14 for ppssession of marijuana less than half ounce nnd driving with license revoked. Trial dale: March 5. - Meredith Inez Howoll, 28, of Kemersville was arrested Feb. 16 for second degree trespassing, dam­ age to property, nnd resisting n pub­ lic officer. Trial date: March 18. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with Ihe Davie Register of Deeds, ILsted by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 reprc.seming $1,000. - Charles T. Bell and Betty Jo Bell 10 Charles Alvis Bell, 10.07 acres. - H. Terry Hutchens, substitute trustee to DcncenAnncBrosvn,4.35 • acres, SI 89. - Anita L. Wagner and Kenneth W. Hauser to Anita W. Hauser. I lot, Farmington. - Weslview Development Co. to Olenn Johnson Builders, I lol, Farmington, $77. - Westview Development Co. to Olenn Johnson Builders, I lot, Farmington, $77. - Battery Partners to Bank of the Carolinas, I lot, Farmington, $3,192. - H. Terry Hiitchcns, substitute trustee 10 Bank One Corp., 6.5 acres, $301. - H. Terry Hutchens, substitute trustee to Wells Fargo Home Mort­ gage, I lol, $222. - John G. Vannoy Jr. to Tannnie F. Vannoy, I lot, Farmington, $ I. - Westview Development Co. to Bob Cope & Son Construction Co., I lot, Farmington, $77. - Bob Cope & Son Construction Co. to Robert Scot Freeman and Heather B. Freeman, I lol, Farming­ ton. $77, - Craig Carter Builder to Reginald Gray Booe, I lol, Farm­ ington, $376. - Pauline Daniel Prim by attor­ ney in fact. Vestal George Prim Jr.. Vestal George Prim Jr. and Susan M. Prim to Richard P. Hendricks and Carol D. Hendricks, I lot, Mocks­ ville, $28. - Peter A. Heaven and Eunice D. Heaven lo Shane Sumner and Elaine Winter, 1 tract. Shady Grove,$706. - Tama M. O ’Mara lo Mark O’Mara and April O’Mara, I lol. Shady Grove, $40. - Mark M. O’Mara and April O ’Mara to Kimberly C. Mitchell and William Mitchell, I lot. Shady Grove, $49. - Bobby Michael Spillman and as administrator of the estate of Dreama S. Spillman and Mary B. Spillman, Tammy Splllmati Bellamy und William F. Bellatny Jr., and Cindy Spillman Ward and Dewey D. Ward to Lighthouse Prop­ erties, 1 lot, Jcrusaletii,$92. - MichacI J. Allen und Regina S. Allen to Curtis Phipps and Roberta B. Phipps, 1 lot, Farmington,$220. - Cambridge Isenhour Homes and K.T. Isenhour Consriiclion to Ignacio Vasqucz and Nancy E. Vasijuez, 1 lot, Farmington, $496. - Mulvaney Homes lo Charle.s B. Browning IV and Kelly L. Fey. 1 condominium, Farmington, $221, - C J, Ramey,attorney in fact for Oak Valley Associale.s, Ridge Run Properties and Oak Valley Proper­ ties to Forrest C. Crannil Con.slruc- tion, 2 lols. Farmington, $218. - C J. Ramey, allorney in fact for Oak Valley Associates, Ridge Run Properties and Oak Valley Proper­ ties to Westphalia Construction, 2 lots. Farmington, $220. - Morris Durham nnd Pal Durham. Bonnie D, Myers and Michael Myers, Betty F. Campbell and Chris Campbell, Danny Durham and Cynthia Durham, Beilina Haviland, Teresa D. Johnson and Harold Johnson, Tamsie S. Laglo and Homer Eugene Lagle. Jenny Ingram, Melissa Sanders, Darlene Durham Abbinglon. Pam Blackwcll, George Durham and Tara Durham, Larry J. Grubb and Sheila D. Grubb, Tim Spry and Linda Spry to Palsy Rcavis Durham, 3 acres, Jerusalem. - C.D. Lawrence nnd Patty Sue C. Lawrence, Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland, and Eugene D. Gearren to Ted D. Schroeder and Linda A. Schroeder. 1 lot. Shady Grove, $24. - Pearl Spillman Smith to Eldridgc Helsabeck Smith, Gail S. Gregory, Gary Preston Smith and Trudy Lane McDaniel, 3 tracts, Farmington. - Westview Development Co. lo Allen Wayne builders, 3 lols, Farm­ ington, $231. - Weslview Development Co. lo Samnaz Inc., 6 lots, Farmington, $426. - W.L. Knight and Hazel W. Knight lo Hazel W. Knight, .75 acre, Jerusalem, - Victoria Davis Josephson (half interest) and Richard B, Josephson to Timothy M, Davis, 1.38 acres, Fullon. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Driver Lcnve.<i Scene Of Wreck A Davie woman was chargcd with safe movement violation and leaving the scene of an accident af­ ter she wrccked the vehicle she was driving Feb. 9. Maria Isabel Amaro Sanchez of 1.37 Red Oak Trail, Mocksville was driving her 1995 Dodge vehiclc cast on Eaton Road, Sanehcz’s vehicle ran off the leflMde of Ihc road and , collided with a mailbox. Sanchez p" lefl Ihe scene of the accidcnt with­ out providing proper information to the property owner. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accident occurred al approximately 8:30 a.m. and there were no inju­ ries. 'IVuclor 'I'rnllcr Ovcrlurn.s A Norlh Carolina man was' charged with careless and reckless driving after he wrecked the vehiclc he was driving Feb. 10. Alva Giles Martin of Fayetteville was driving a 1991 In­ ternational traclor-trailer west on U.S. 64. Martin's truck ran off the right shoulder, down an embank- menl.smick awlility pole, und over­ turned into a creek. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihe accidenl occurred al approxi­ mately 1:50 p.m. and Martin was taken to Davie County Hospital for iTcutmcni. Wrcck After Driver Fulls Asleep A Forsyth man was charged with careless and reckless driving after the vehicle he was driving hit an­ other Feb. 10. Carl Walter Masters Jr. of Win- ston-Salem was driving his 1986 Ford vehicle west on 1-40 behind a 1988 Ford vehicle driven by Dou­ glas Lee Bullurd of 294 Split Creek Lane, Mocksvillc. Masters’ vchicle struck Bullard’s in Ihe rear and both vehiclc were moved to Ihe shoulder. Masters slated he fell asleep and woke up after the impact. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihc accident occurred at approxi- nuitcly 6:15 a.m. and there were no injuries. Mnn Charged In Wreck A Davie man was cliarged with safe movement violation after the vchicle he was driving hit another Feb. 10. Andrew Blake Yeager of 296 Covington Drive, Advance was driving a 1994 Ma/du pick-up north in the BP gas station parking lot. Allen Murshburn Uuiley of 315 River Road, Advance was driving a 2000 Jeep vehicle cast on Southwood Acres off U.S. 601 South. Yeager allempted lo turn his vchicle left onto Southwood and it collided wilh Hailey's. Trooper M.C. Howell reported Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 9:08 p.m. Wrcck On llultlinorc Knnd A Davie man was charged with failure lo reduce speed after the vc­ hicle he was driving hit another Feb. 11. €OBSJa v W 555 Parks R oad, W oodleaf, NC • 704-278-4973 Feed.M S E tc . Horse Feed starting at Diamond Malnt. 501b. Diamond Hi-energy 501b. Field Boss 501b. Sportsman Blend 501b. Wild Bird Seed 251b. Scratch Feed 501b. $4.80 S14.75 $14.50 $13.00 $10.80 $6.99 $6.75 We Take Saddles on Consignment Carrying a complete line of Tack, Pot Care Products, Grooming Supplies, Bedding, Wormers and morel Regular Hours; 8;30am-5:30pm Tues.-Frl. • 8:00 - V.OO pm Saturday Gerald E. Kittle of 160 Montclair Drive, Advance was driv­ ing his 2001 Toyota vehicle north on Baltimore Road behind a 1990 Chevrolet vehiclc driven by Carol Hewitt Angel of 565 Baltimore Road, Advance. Angel slowed her vchicle to make a lefl turn into u private drive. Kittle attempted to avoid colliding with Angela vehicle by iraveling inlo the southbound lane bul was unable and struck her vehiclc in the rear. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accident occurred ut approxi­ mately 6 a.m. and there were no in­ juries. Wreck On U.S. 64 A North Carolina man was chargcd with careless and reckless driving after the vehiclc he was driv­ ing hit amilhcr Feb. 11. Doak Clinard Fuller of Thomasville was driving a 2000 Freightliner truck east on U.S. 64. David Alexander Thompson of 183 Sunny Dell Lane, Mocksvillc was driving a 2000 Ford vehiclc west on 64, Fuller's truck ran off the right shoulder and struck a mailbox. U then overcorrecled and traveled into the west bound lane and struck Thompson's vehicle. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accidcnt occurred at approxi­ mately 2:40 p.m. and there were no injuries. Car Wrecks In Snow A Davie man was charged wilh exceeding a safe speed luid insur­ ance violation after he wrccked the vehicle he was driving Feb. 12. Aaron Cain Stephens of 120 Moore Trail, Mocksvillc was driv­ ing his 1996 Dodge pick-up norlh on N.C. HOI. Stephens' truck started sliding in a curve due to snow and sleet on the roadway. Stephens' truck ran off the right side of the road, collided with a tree and came lo a rest. Trixiper M .W. Whilcncr reported Ihe accidcnt occurred at approxi­ mately 7:50 a.m. and there were no injuries. Vehicle Colllde.s Wllh Culvert A Davie wonuui was charged wilh exceeding a safe speed after she wrecked the vehicle she was driving Feb. 12, Amy Elizabeth Krissak of 168 Bent Street. Advnncc was driving u 2003 Dodge vehiclc norlh on Dailon Road exceeding a .safe speed for the snow covered road. Krissak's ve­ hicle ran off the right side of the road nnd collided with a culvert. Trooper A .T. Keller reported the accidenl occurred at approximately 8:10 a.m, and there were no Inju- rie.s. Wrcck On U.S. 158 A Norlh Carolina man was churged wilh yield violation after Ihc vehiclc he was driving hit an­ other Feb. 13. Bradley Thomas Osborne of Eden was driving a 1993 Jeep ve­ hiclc west on U.S. 158. Robert Michael iacksSn of 141 Plowman Lane, Advance was driving a 2001 Kla vehicle east on 158. Osborne attempted to turn his vehicle left into a private drive, failed to yield right of way, and collided wilh Jackson's vehicle. Trooper A .T. Keller reported Ihe accident occurred at approximately 11:20 a.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Driver Wrecks On Inlerstulc A Norlh Carolina mnn was charged with exceeding a safe speed after he wrecked Ihe vehiclc he was driving Feb. 15. Nathan Robert Vestal of Statesville was driving a 2000 Chcvrolel vehiclc cast on Interstate 40 when he lost control of his ve­ hicle on Ihc snow covered road. Vestal's vehicle ran off Ihe lefl side of Ihe road and collided wilh a me­ dian cable. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 5 p.m. and there were no in­ juries. No Chnrgcs Filed In Wreck No charges were filed after nn accident in Davlc on Feb. 15. Joe Nathan Reavls of 1445 Counly Home Road, Mocksville was driving his 1994 Ford pick-up cast on Interstate 40 and had pulled inlo the mediim lo slop for n colli­ sion ahead. As Reavls applied his brakes his vehiclc started lo slide on Ihe snow covered road and collided wilh u median cable. Trooper M.T. Dailon reported the aeeidcm occurred at approxi­ mately 5; 15 p.m, and there were no Injuries. Six Cnr Wrcck On Interstate No charges were filed after a wrcck in Davie on Feb. 15. Six vehicles were traveling easl on 1-40. One vehicle wilh an un­ known driver collided with a 1995 Chrysler vehicle driven by Howard Glen Robinson of FnycllevilIc.Thc vehiclc then continued Iraveling east on 1-40. Robinson lost control of his vehicle on Ihe snow covered road and collided with a I99J Dodge pick-up driven by Mickey Lee Goodman of Tennessee. Goodman's vchicle then collided with a 1988 Jeep driven by Steven Michael Mllchcil of Greensboro. Bolh Goodman nnd Mitchell's ve­ hicles ran off Ihe road lo the left and camc lo rest in the median. Allard Calbrcth Bisetle of Bailey had slowed his 2003 Ford vehicle for another collision when Robinson’s vchlcic collided with his. Robinson's vehicle then continued on and collided wllh a parked 2001 Toyota vchicle that unoccupied from a previous collision. Trooper M.T. Dailon reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:30 p.m, nnd a passenger wilh Goodman was taken to Davlc Hospital for treatment. Two Deer HU.InDavie. , "t J Two ilaM.were repotiadftill^by automobiles In the county. In thi: following reports no drivers were injured; Cary Wayne Parnell of Woodleaf was driving his 1998 Ford vchicle north on N.C. 801 when it collided with II deer In Ihe roadway. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe accident occurred al approximately 5:25 H.m. Curtis Roosevelt Conner of 1582 Godbcy Rond, Mocksville was driv­ ing his 1989 Nissan vehicle west on Godbcy Road it collided wilh a deer it the road. Trooper M.C. Howell reported Ihe accidenl occurred al approxi­ mately 9:11 p.m. Fires Duvie County fire departments responded to the following calls: Feb. 10: Mocksville, 1:44 p.m., U.S. 64, aulomobile accidenl; Fork assisted. Feb. IS: Jerusalem, 10:35 a.m.. McCullough Road,outbuilding fire; Mocksville assi.sted; Center, 3:26 p.m., Madison Road.slniclurc fire; Mocksvillc assisted; Farmington, 3:48 p.m., 1-40 Easl, aulomobile accidcnt; Smith Grove assisted; Smith Grove,4:27 p.m., RIverbend Drive, fire alarm; Smith Grove,4:31 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile acci­ dcnt; Farmington assisted; Center, 5:01 p.m., 1-40 Easl, automobile accident; Mock.sville assisted; Cen­ ter, 5:45 p.m., Ijamcs Church Road, aulomobile accidenl; Sheffield- Calahaln assisted. Feb,l6;SmilhGrovc,2:41 a.m., 1-40 West, automobile accidenl; Farmington assisted; Mocksville, 7:37 a.m.,GnrnerSlreet,transformer explosion and power line down; Center, 12 p.m., grass fire; 1-40 We.st; Counly Line ii.ssl.sted. Mocksville Police J E R U S A L E M V .F .D . Chicken Pie Supper Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 5:00 pm until •Eat III •Carry Out Inter-seclion HWY 801 & 601 @ GRIiASY CORNER. (.^36) 284-2790 The fiillowing incidents were reported to Mocksvillc Police. - Money was taken from a drink machine off Gaither Street, it was reported Feb. 9. • The larceny of steaks, paper towels, beer and soft drinks from Fooil Lion, Yadkinville Road, was reported Feb. 9. -The larceny of S22 in fuel from Fast Track, Yadkinville Road, was reported Feb. 10. -The breaking,cnlering und lar­ ccny of deposit slips and a small amount of cash was reported Feb. 10 from a residence on South Salisbury Street. - The larceny of Enfamil and Alimenlum from Food Lion, was reported Feb. 11. - The larceny of cash from a business on Howard Sireel was re­ ported Feb. 11. - The larceny of a trailer tongue from Etchison Street was reported Feb. 12. - A woman reported Feb. 11 Ihal someone threatened lo have her killed. - The larceny of a license plate from a vehicle parked on Windsong Road was reported Feb. 13. - The larccny of a 1996 silver Honda Civic from Raymond Street was reported Feb. 14. - The larceny of meats, dog food and laundry detergent from Food Lion, Yadkinville Road, was re­ ported Feb. 13. Arrests - Michael David Mahek, 36, of Linwood, was charged Feb. 13 with four counts of larceny. Trial date; March 4. Sheriff s Department The following incidents were reported to the Duvie County Sheriff’s Deparlmenl. - On Feb. 8 Richard Ellis re­ ported damage lo property at a home on N.C. 801 South, Mocksville. - Steven Ivey reported u dog was taken from a home on Joe Road, Mocksvillc on Feb. 9. - On Feb. 9 Gary Dunn reported threats were communicated al a resi­ lience on Blakely Lane, Mocksville. ■ Lauren Peddycord reported an assault at a residence on McCull­ ough Street, Mocksville Feb. 9. - On Feb. 10 Michael Collier reported a breaking and entering of u business on N.C. 801 North, Ad­ vance, - Dennis Gray reported an as­ sault al a residence on Woodward Road, Mocksville on Feb. 10, - On Feb. 10 Robert Broyles re­ ported prescription fraud al a phar­ macy on U.S. 158, Advance. - Ronald Crotts reported a break­ ing und entering at a home on Tom Crotts Lane, Mocksville on Feb. 10. - On Feb. 13 Alison Yaiint re­ ported a car hood was damaged at Duvie High School. - Wayne Reynolds reported a CD player was taken from a vehicle on U.S. 158. Advance on Feb, 13. - On Feb. 14 Ashley Hayes re­ ported an ussuult at William R. Dnvic school. - Tina Smith reported an assault at a home on Boger Road, Mocks­ ville on Feb. 15. - On Feb. 15 Ronald Lee re­ ported property was obtained by false pretense al a business on Tur­ key Fool Road, Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 ■ 7 A d v a n c e M a s o n i c L o d g e O f f i c e r s Advance Masonic Lodge installed the following officers for 2004, from left: firsl row - Allen Biakley, senior warden; Jeff Allen, master; Garland Allen, junior steward; Richard Spillman, junior warden; Danny Chandler, junior deacon; I.H. "Cokie” Jones, chaplain; second row - Dennis Smith, treasurer; Larry Campbell, senior deacon; Rommie Barney, installing officer; Mark Howell, senior steward; Russell Suggs, secretary; and Graham Hendrix, tyler. '"■“5ЙРЖЖЯBLOCK GRAN ICE OF JM MUNiïYSÉI RANT FUNDS AN Yadkin Valley Economic Dovelopmenl DislricI, Inc. Qlvos Iho lollowing Notices Service Area Heorlnos YVEODI gives notlco thal It will conduct Service Area Hearings as lollows: Davio Counly: Mocksville. February 24,2004,1-2 PM, Conlerence noom, BC Brock Center Stokes Counly: Danbury, February 25, 2004,1-2 PM, Auditorium, Community Service Cenlor • ' Yodkin Counly: Yadkinville, February 25,2004,9-10 AM Lobby, Yadkin County Senior Center Surry County: Ml. Airy, February 24, 2004,9-10 AM, Conlerence Room, LH. Jones Family Resource Cenler Briel ProlecI Descflpllon A Sell-suHlclenoy Projecl designed lo assist low Income lamilies raise their Incomes above HHS Poverty Income Guidelines District Board Hearing , 26,2004 Icatlon lorCommunity Services Block Grant Program Funds lo be submlllea to the North Carolina Departmeni ol Health and Human Services, Olllce ol Economic Opportunity. Coplos ol Ihe drall and llnal proposal may be reviewed at ths District Olllce or Local County Service Centers. Oral or written comments may also be submitted to YVEDDl by March 19,2004. Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.Post Olllce Box 509 Boonvllle, N.C. 27011 An Equal Opportunity Employor and Seivlce Piovldor S co u tin g ‘R eport To C o m m u n ity’ S aturday It’s an invcslmenl. Il lcuchc.4 discipline. It’s n mailer of one generution helping another genorntion. That’s what community lead­ ers have lo .чау ubout Scouting, ' and Ihey will be among area resi­ dents at Scouling’s “Report lo the Commtinity" breakfast Feb. 21, The community is invited lo First United M ethodist Church, North Main Street, Mock.sville, where breakfast will be provided by the United M ethodist Men at 7;45 a,m. Two videos will be shown that lift the character building aspects of Scouting. Scouting, as viewed by the United Meliiodist C hurch, includes 4-M , O iri Scouts and Boy Scouts. “The.sc civic serving youlh programs will report lo commu­ nity leaders on what is liappen- ing and wltat is uvniluble through Scouting in our com m unity,’’ said Ihe Rev. Gulen Mahn, pas­ tor of New Union United M eth­ odist Church in Ihe Slicffieid community. Bert Wagner, district execu­ tive for Ihe Boy Scouts, will give a report from Davie and David­ son counties. Greg Hoover, counly Coop­ erative Extension director, will report on 4-M, Lib Bullard, area executive for Girl Scouts, will give a re­ port from Davie County. T he Rev. Dr. J. M ichael Lcalhcrwood, Methodist district superintendent, plans lo alletul. So do Sen. Andrew Brock, Rep. Julia C. Howard, counly man­ ager Terry Braiicy and Mocks­ ville town m anager Christine Sanders, “Scouting, as u whole, plays an iinporluni part in Ihc upbring­ ing of youlh," Howard said, “Il icaclies di.scipiine'; it is goal ori­ ented; il is an opportunity to ex­ perience the feeling of accom­ plishment. “Scouting is also about con­ necting God and country and I liiink young people need to see and learn aboul Ihis connection," Howard said. Bralley said: “America was buill on Ihe basis of one gcnera- R iv e r P a r li C le a n - U p D a y s F e b . 2 8 , M a r c li 6 T w o c le a n -u p day.s for urdtiys, Feb. 28 and M arch 6, RivcrPark at C ooleeinec Falls volunteers w ill be needed to - The Bullhole, will be lield. help pick up trash, rcinove dc- B cg in n in g atS a.m .o n S at- bris and broken and fallen trees. M eet al the shelter at the Row an County entrance lo the ■park. a .(•I lipl t t ie w Æ »ji|l We Do It All! Mowing • Trimming • Bush-Hogging • Plugging Tree & Shrub Planting & Fertilizing Grass Seeding & Fertilizer Application Soil Preparation • Micro-lrrigation Licensed Pesticide Applicator Water Garden Installation • Retaining Walls Spring & Fall Yard Clean-Up • Gutter Cleaning Í ; lion liclping make Ihe next gen­ eration belter. Scouting and 4-H ure doing this." Sanders praised those in­ volved wilh Ihe Scouting and 4- H programs. "It’s a community that makes the difference und that is what we have here in Mocksville and Davie Counly. People working together lo make things belter for ollicrs is what Ihis community is uii aboul." E veryone is invited to Saturday's breakfast. Call 751- 2503 lo m ake reservations. “Bring youth und adults who might wanl to bccome a part of lliesc vital, youlh, cominunity groups," Hahn said, Tlic breukfast is one of liie activities of the United Metliod- isl Cliurch, Lexington District, Scouting Com m ittee wilh the purpose to lift up S couting through Ihe com m unity. For more information, contact Hahn at 492-5367, ’ ____ Authentic J apaneae Cuisine Dlne-in or Take-out 678 Wilkesboro St., M ocksville 336-753-6867 Fax: 336-753-6847 In Former Polmcms Location Business Hours Sunday - Thursday 11 ;00am - 9;00pm Friday - Saturday 1 l;00am - 10:00ptn Pickup Window Available I WILL YOU OUTLIVE YOUR MONEY? To get the answers to this and other retirement questions, come to our open house. h/m witii retirenientplanning questions^Jo matter what age or date of r e l i ^ WHEN: Thursday, February 26,2004 front 2;00piii to 6:00pm SPONSORED BY: Allstate Finandal Services (ALL: jVlarl< Jones or Steve Ridenhour 336-751 -0669 / l l i s t a t e You're in good hands. Allstate Financial U tlie marketing name for AiisUte Life Insurance Conipany(Home Ofnce, Northbrook, IL), its subsidiaries and certaia afnilates. Securities offered through Allstate Financial Services, LLC (LSA Securities in LA and PA). Registered Broker Dealer, Member NASD/SIPC, Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction, 2920 South 84* Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (877) 525-5727, Allstate Financial Services, LLC Is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allstate' Life Insurance Company. @ Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL 8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 This is Maggie and Eli Wayda with their cats, Dexter and Tiger Lily. Dexter is a 7-month-old domestic medium hair and Tiger Lily is a 2 year old Main Coon cat. Both are from the shelter. "There are lots and lots of animals at the shelter that I hope get homes,” Maggie said. “All of the cats and dogs are really friendly and playful." Ell said; 'They’re the greatest cats in the world. I love them.” Maggie and Eli’s mom, Lisa Wayda, runs Pet Sitting of Davie County and donates 10 percent of profits to the Davie County Animal Shelter. Tiger Lily lil<es to chase string, and Dexter loves his toy mouse and his bouncy sponge balls. The Mumane Society of Davie County receives no funding from the county or town. It survives on donations, fundraisers and grants (which have been slim lately), and, of course, the few dedicated volunteers who donate gen­ erously of their time and resources in an effort to find homes for stray and unwanted dogs and cats in Davie County. Approximately 100 are put to death every month in this county. Donations can be sent to Humane Soci­ ety of Davie County, P.O. Box 153, Mocksville. Donations can be general or specified to the spay/neuter program or the shelter project. Man Faces Drug, Weapon Charges After Arrest In College Parking Lot By Jnckie Scnbolt Davic Counly Entcr()risc Rccord A loaded gun w as found inside a car driven by n local mun who was stopped for rcckless driving in Ihc parking lot o f the Davie C am pus o f D a v id s o n County Communily College. F e 11 o n L e e Mayfield Jr.. D uke S ireel. Miiyfield 20. of 262 Cooleemee was nrresled Feb. 11 and charged w ilh felony possession of cocaine, felony posscssi.on o f a gun on educational properly, m isdem eanor po.ssession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphemulin, and possession of a fraudulent ID. According lo Davie Counly S heriff’s D epartm ent D epuiy Mark Crater, Mocksville police o fficer Jim Young slopped M ayfield for driving carelessly in Ihe parking lot on Salisbury Road, Mocksvillc. M ayfield is not a student al the college, according lo Crater. Crater assisled in Ihe slop and during u search six gram s oi m arijuana w ere found in Mayfield's pant pocket. A box of baggies and three sets of scales were found inside M ayfield’s 1970 Lincoln vehicic, according to Crater. A loaded .32 caliber revolver was found in Ihe Irunk of Ihe car, More than $500 in cash and a N.C. stale idenlificalion card showing M ayfield’s picture with a different nam e w ere also seized. Mayfield was placed in Davie Counly Delenlion Center in lieu of a $7500 .secured bond. His first cburl appearance is scheduled today. Ivy C ircle The T alk O f The Tow n Uy Jucklc Sciibolt Davie Counly Enterprise Record BERMUDA RUN - Al ihis m onlh’s lown council meeting Ivy Circle was still the talk of the lown. The longest and most used road inside Ihe galed communily is also Ihe only road ihe lown does nol own. A majorily of die Ivy Circle residenls signalures is needed in CENTER GROVE CHRISTIANAOW EM Y lM3tcr Rmdjusl ЫГl'eia Ifat-en Hmil, Oemmom J J 0 $ яяк»-UCttlOC« Surprisingly A (Tonlablc K.1 prcscfuH)! tfmi «lli (iratle Certincd Tcachcrs High Acntlcmic tixpcclniion to Years ofi:)(cojlcncc D<iily Hiblc Clashes & Cluipcl " 7 ' COME & SEE THE DIFfERENCEI ^ CAll 766-9795 TfM orr*duc«<l »ppttcabon ft«, up lo a S7S vthiO for qual>r<*d «pricanul C*nl«r Ofova Ac«d«ny Min«» Hu()*n\a ot wiy i*c*. color, naliontl and •№№ ortQin to att №• ngtiti, prtvUag#*. pfognrnt, aftd wrtfottM *tckinl*0 w availabia to »toOaWt at lha Khod. • W c ofl'cr A fice in*liomc con.siiltaiion to ensure you find the right windows and doors lo meet your needs. • O u r cxpcri.s will professionally Install your new cu.sioni'fit window.^ and doors as well as remove and haul aw'ay your old ones. S O o f f 1 5 0'off 'off (ifffiirh iiixlallfd M ia ' n ’l>lacemciu wìikIdw I/Vici’ indiulc.s xliiiuldiil inxlallalhn) offuach т ш 1 Ы /V//(i‘ replacm eiu pm io door {P rice incim lfs sum dard insKiltaiion) rooms with a view sale Call, stop by, or let lis com e to you. Ilcqiicst an iivlw m c visit lU h ttp ://ap p o in tm cn t.p c lla .c o m . TH E PE L L A W IN D O W & D O O R ST O R E ' 949 HANES MALL BLVD. WINSTON-SALEM 3 3 6 -7 7 4 -0 1 5 4 Learn Grape Production The Yadkin Valley area has seen an explosion in vineyards and wineries over Ihe previous five lo 10 years. From larger establishments like RayLen and Weslbend, lo more moderate faciliiles like Hanover Park, Windy Gap und Oarden G ale, dow n lo a few vines in Ihe backyard, the area has il all. If inieresicd in wine grape produciion, join Ihe Yadkin Val­ ley Grape Extension Group for an Exploring Wine Grape Pro­ duciion W orkshop, Thursday, Feb. 19 from 6;.W-8;30 p.m. al Ihe D avie Counly Public Li­ brary. The regisiration fee is $10 per person, which includes a notebook und refreshments, and $5 for each additional per­ son recieviiig no notebook or materials. To register, call C olleen Sparks wilh Davie Counly Co- operalive Extension al 751- 6297 by Feb. 18. The program is under direc­ tion of the Yadkin Valley Grape Extension Group, a parlnership betw een D avidson, D avie, Forsyth, and Yadkin County’s C ooperative E xiension, and A ndy A lien, N orlh C arolina Slale University Vilicullurc Spe­ cialist. Workshop topics include vnricly and siie selection, costs nnd returns, com m on misikcs, and establishment and training. “If you aré simply inletested In wine griipe produciion or have recenlly joined the indus­ try, this workshop is for you,” Sparks suid. "Call now lo pre- register.” a v i e P l a c e n g A s s i s t e d L i v i n g C o m m u n i t y Gene Keaton Rwie Place salutes our newest lesidmt, Gene Keatoa Mr. Keaton lias Ih-ed with us jusl two weeks’ Geneiias IK'cd in Dav ie Gxmly most ofhis life, primarily in tlK Rumingtan area Fk came to Davie Pbce ^ter living with his (laugliter, Robin Lealhermqii, for almost a year lnicicsting)y, anotlier ofhis (kilters Brenda Wdler, is also a Davie Place nsidenL Hobbies over the years liave induded wotldng with wood, feeding andwatdiing binds,andgutfcning Hisdau^iter Robin, wlio visits almomst daily, says her cbd never allowed any weeds to grow in his girden. Gene, spry and very social at 83 years of agp, liacl 7 children, 11 granddiiklnoi and 7greatgianddiildrca His wife Etlilh passed away in 1996. order for Ihc lown to lake over Ihe road und gain right-of-wuy. The lown has actively pur­ sued gelling Ihose signalures, but the alteinpls have been futile. Ac­ cording to Town Manager Beih Dirks, "We definilely don’i huve a majorily.” D irks rem inded council members Ihey had planned to conlinue lo provide cily services for Ivy Circle until Ihe deed was oxeculed. They had assumed the execution would occur before Ihe end of Ihis fiscal year, which is June 30. “Wc are now faced w ilh som e difficult issues,” Dirks said. C ouncilm an Bob G riffin slated, “If by July 1 il’s not been reclificd we should, ul lhal poini, stop all city services on Ivy Circle." But councilm an Al Barnelt disagreed with Griffin’s sugges­ tion. “W hen you look at the silu- alion as it slands now, that niighl be die thing lo do, Bui I Ihink we have an obligallon lo niainlain [Ivy C ircle] regardless o f whether the residents give us the road or nol,” Bamelt snid. Ivy Circle curves around Ihe outer portion of Bermuda Run with one section running along U.S. 1S8 and the other along N.C. 801. The 158 section lies in Ihe D eparlm enl o f T ransporlalion’s righl-of-w uy and the town has an easement agreement wilh DOT lo mainlain Ihe road, But thal does not le­ gally obligale Ihe lown lo pro­ vide services. Barnett suggested providing minimum mainlenunce like re- puiring polholes, culling back shrubs, and removing ice from Ihe road. "If you do that, there’s no pressure on Ihose guys (Ivy resi­ dents) lo sign it over,” said Grif­ fin. M ayor Ferguson disagreed, pointing out the road is in des- perule need of repaving nnd trees lhal need lo be cul buck - Iwo is­ sues thal have been discussed at length during previous council meetings. "I’m nol meaning we should pave it. To pnve [Ivy Circle] would cost $75,000 to $100,00 dollurs. That’s one-lhird of Ihe gross lax receipts for Ihe lown nnd we don’t have that kind of money lo Ihrow away when you find somebody’s property is righi in Ihe m iddle o f the ro ad ,” Burnell said. D irks com m ented she re­ ceives luinierous calls from Ivy residenls requesiing brush near Ihe road be cleared bul is unable to comply wilh Ihcir requcsls. “T he low n can ’t because we don’l have right-of-way.” Council discussed dividing Ihe 801 and 158 sections of Ivy Circle. Ifa majorily of signalures from resldonla on tho 801 aide"* ato received that portlbn.of Ivy could be paved and new streellighls put in. The town’s allomey, Kasper Warren, was not in attendance and M ayor Ferguson suggested council make u molion lhal War­ ren be allowed lo look into the legal aspects surrounding the is­ sue. Burnell made ihe motion and Ron Holh seconded. D r u g s S t o le n I n C o o le e m e e C O O L EE M E E - A boul a week after police iterc m ade an arrest for a break-in nl Cool­ eemee Discount Drugs, Ihc busi­ ness in Ihe shopping cenler was hil uguin. Police Chief Joey Reynolds said lhal Iasi W ednesday nighi, Ihe thief or Ihieves broke Ihrough Ihe fronl glass of Ihe drug store and slole O xyconlin und Oxycodone. The suspect or sus­ pects were in and oul of Ihe slore in minules, Reynolds snid. The slore is equipped wilh an alarm, which wns set off al 2:50 a.m. Thursday. Reynolds suid Ihe owner is considering install­ ing a video surveillance camera. Arrested for Ihe breuk-in Inst full wus Robert Lynn Dobbins of 112 Jerusnlem Ave., churged wilh breaking and enlcring and atlempled larceny. Anyone with informiilion on Ihe crim e is asked lo cull Reynolds at 284-4098. Jack-Benny RV Camping Resort 1601 E. Hwy. 25/70 Dandridge.Tenn, Presents Tennessee Mountain Music Bluegrass Festival April 23 & 24,2004 Tummy Drifter & IjistTravikTs llluit^L« lliiadUiiy. IMi. fi Mima iii Friday. Anril 23.2004 ToMqr DrtfUr â Um Travtkn Шм|гм 1лм Moasuta ВЬсспи ВЫ Bliti PAtral Кмгш. C«|MÌ á CMMdy U bi йЫг LocaJ BJMfrM B««h AUmiMloii tiVUj 4Л0ГМ1П1М0РМ Sl&N SMutdtritoorM т ш т w mTmDÊjrMM SUM СШпл <-13 Ukirrrief а Ш и Гог »diw« ;kUü or янге bdbrttttlMi IMlLHwjr.lVTO Du(Wd|a^Tai«.J7735 1)1^ Country niiic^issALui Maslin.iiiiuny Tri'ciU*. Hilly Ttjra SclK Twiuny Sells, Tmi Saturday. April 24.2004 MlCtaili^BhiiruiBud T«u« DflAir * iMlTlnitden Bud Mm rum №<tnu, Gvfxl * amtdr nuMt<rLM»IBlM(iulUiuh Advance Admiulon MIty tlO.0««.Sttwrky SHI.W IM Im hr A4nm« TkfaM A|tt» , OUdria wdtr 6 Mth putot CkaiptotmlkUct tasiWstfrAlkdfk TMlDryCuKplai SIQM Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY IÎNTIÎRPUISE RECORD, Thiirsdny, Feb. 19, 2004 - 9 The followhij: discs were dis- posed of ill Davie AdminislriUivo Court Dec. I fi. Prcsiilln¡>: Magis- triile Ellen E. Drcchslcr. I’roseciit- ing: Weiuly Terry, assislant DA. - Teil B. Banlher II. no opera­ tors license and ficlitiou.s/eon- cealed/revoked registration card/ lag. dismissed per correclion. - Mona H. Biirber, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced to improper en«ip- nient, $25, cost. - Miranda Barneycastle, speed­ ing 50 in a 35, reduced to improper ei|uipmenl, $25, eosl. - Allen W. Buss Jr., no operators license and driving/allowing ve­ hicle not rcgislered/lillcd, dis­ missed per correction. - Mnrquertie C. Becker, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, reduced lo improper equipmenl, $25, cost; failure to se­ cure passenger under 16, dismissed per correclion. - Patricia L. Berrier, additional lighting equipmenl violation, dis­ missed per correction. -Teresa D. Bistolfi,speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Mary 11. Boger, speeding 60 in a 45, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Terry 1. Boggs, driving wilh li­ cense revoked and possession/dis­ playing altered/ficlilious/revoked drivers licen.se, dismissed pci cor­ rection. - Kelly D. Brooks, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil scltlenienl. - Michael D. Hrooks, failure to wear driver's seal bell, $25, cost; I/« failure 10 reduce speed, dismissed sf per civil selllemenl. ! - James B. Cagle, expired reg­ istration card/lag. dismissed per correclion. - Michelle L. Carver, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, eosl. - Sheila R. Cohen, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil .selllemenl. - Steven D. Combs, sjieedlng 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equip- menl, $50, cosi. - Julie K. Connor, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced lo improper ei|uip- inent, S25, cost. - Michael VV. Cook. s|)eeiling W) in a 45. reduced lo improper equip­ menl. $25, cost. - Laura L. Corado, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo 79 In a 70, $10, cost. - Donald B. Correll, exceeding safe speed, reduced to 64 in a 55, $ 10, cost; window linling violation, dismissed per correclion. - Anthony M. Craven, failure to wear driver’s seal belt, dismissed per plea; driving left of center, re­ duced lo improper equipmenl, $25, cost. -Samuel B. Davis, failure lo yield to stopsign/flasliing red light, dismissed per civil settlement. . - Sara H. Davis, failure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil setlle- ment. - Keary J, Didier, unsafe move­ ment, di.smissed per civil settle­ ment. - Robert T. Elliott, unsal'e move- nienl, dismissed per civil sellle­ menl. - Rhonda L. Farris, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced lo 44 in a 35, $10. cost. - Jessica R. Foster, fuitwre to re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil seitlemem. - Roeio C. Oaribay. expired/no inspection, dismissed/correction. - Oswald R. Oibson Jr., failure 10 wear drivers seat bell, $25, eosl; no operulors license, dismis.sed per correclion. - Tiniolhy L, Gobble, expired/ no inspection sticker, dismissed per correclion. - Editii N. Gutierrez, nn license, dismissed per correclion. - Leslie W. Harris, no liability insurance and brake/stop ligiit enuipment violation, ilismlsseil per correclion. - Mista Harrison, no operators liceii.se, dismi.s.sed per correclion, - Ada L. Harsiiaw, failure lo wear driver’s seal belt. $25, cost; operating a vehicle witli no insiir- nnee and expiroit/no inspection sticker, dismissed per plea. - Lurry D. Head, expired regis­ tration card, dismissed per correc­ lion. - Stacy F. I lege, sireeding 65 in a 50, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - John P. Hondros, speeding 82 in a 7(1. reduced to improper e(|uip- nienl, $25, cost. - Robert E. Hudgins, speeding 63 in a 50, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost; failure lo wear driver’s seat belt, dismissed per plea. - Kevin B. Hudson, .speeding 84 in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, cost. - Barry L. Ingle, expired/no in- .speclion slicker and driving/allow­ ing vehicle not tegistered/tilled, dis­ missed pereorreetion. - Zachary S. Isenhour, license/ permit violation olher restriction under 18,dismissed pereorreetion. - Hector V. Jalomo, fictitious/ concealed/revoked regisiration card/lag, dismissed per correclion: failure lo slop forslopsign/nasliing red light, .$25, co.sl, - Eivic M. Javier, speeding 85 in a70, reduced lo improper equip­ menl, $25, cost. - Larry D. Jones, ficlilious/con- cealed/revoked registration card/ tag, dismissed per correction. - Sarah J. Jones, speeding 82 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, eosl. - Oeorgios Kalanipallkis, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jo.seph L. Luke, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Ashley M. Lee, speeding 63 in a 50, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Samuel D, Lee, following loo closely, dismissed per civil sellle­ menl. - Matthew P. Loverso, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $25, cost; rcckless driv­ ing to endanger, dismissed per plea. - Tina M. Lyons, fallare to se­ cure passenger under 16 and fail­ ure to notify DMV of address cliange, dismissed per correclion. -Andrew D. Mailland,speeding 76 ill a 70, teiUieed lo improper equipment, $25, cost: license nol in possession, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Corey J. Mayfield, expired reg- W A ] \ T E D A i H O M E S T H A T H E E D P A I H T I H G 9 Homeowners will be given an opportu­ nity to have the New Alvis SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their honne at special discount prices. No nnore costly repair bills or constant painting costs. • Alvis Spray On Siding CAN EASILY be applied over any type surface including wood, stucco, b ock, or brick. • Alvis Spray On Siding WILL NOT fade, crack, peel, or chalk and carries a LIFETIME WARRANTY. Why wait? FREE ESTIMATES AS FEATURED ON THE BUILDERS HOUR A L V I S I Spray On Siding AS' FEATURED IN REMODELING MAGAZINE C o n t a c t D i s t i n c t i v e E x t e r i o r C o a t i n g s : Y our E xclusive W inston-S alem A rea L icensed D istributor fo r Alvis S pray On Siding C a ll N o w (3 3 6 ) 7 7 4 -3 8 5 2 istration card/tag, dismis.sed per correclion. - Dana L. McCain, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment. $25. cost. - Jo.se L. Melchor, speeding 50 in » 35, reduccd lo improper c(|uip- ment, $25, cost. - Alfonso G. Membreno, licensc not in possession, dismissed per correction. - Denise Mercado, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. ' - Teresa L. Miller, o|)crating a vehicle with no insurance, dis­ missed per correction. , - Alexis M. Moreno, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper e(|uipmenl, $25, cost. - Leoncl B. Moreno, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil sctlleincni. - Joshua R. Morgan, use of red or blue liglil, dismissed per correc­ lion. - Ciirislopher L. Morton, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, eosl. - Beatriz G. Myres, failure to stop for steady red liglit, reduced to impro|)er e(|uipment, $25, cost. - Christopher W. I’earcc. s()ec<l- ing 87 in a 70, reduced to improper equipmenl, $50, eosl. - Michael D. Petrislien, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipmenl, $25, cost. - Manuel Portillo, no operators license, $50, cost. - Justin P. Potts, .speeding 50 in a 35, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, S25, eosl. - Casey R. Prim, license nol in possession, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Richard N, Rand, ex|)ired reg­ istration card/lag, dismissed per correction, - Francisco J. Rangel, speeding 96 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $25, cost. - Robert B. Rankin, .speeding 53 in a 35, reduced lo 44 in a 35, cost. - Matlhew S. Rauierson, speed­ ing 76 in a 55, reduced to imptoper equipment, $100, cost, - Hector C. Reyna, speeding 54 In a 35, reduced to improper cipup- menl, .$25, cost. - Jason E. Rice, expired/no in­ spection slicker, dismissed per cor­ reclion. - Abby L. Rider, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper e(|uip- meiu, .$25. cost. - Rachel W. Riles, possession of о|Н!П container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Ricardo A. Salgado, e.xpired/ no ins|K'ction sticker, dismissed per correction. - Paul L. Salisbury II, speeding 59 in a 45, dismissed - wrong per­ son charged. - Jose G. Santoyo, failure to re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil sellleinent. - Christian S. Sheets, expired registration card/tag and expired/no inspection sticker, dismissed per correclion. - Jennifer C. Simmons, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, reduced to 54 in a 45, $10, cost: failure to notify DMV of address change, dismissed per correction. - Jason R. Smilh, speeding 85 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Lonord B. Smith Jr., speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to imptoper equipmenl, $25, cost. - Maria A, Solo-Solo, no opera­ tors license, liisniissed per correc­ lion. - Jeffrey D. Stout, speeding 60 in a 45. reduced lo improper equip- mem, $25, cost; failure to wear driver’s seal bell, dismissed per plea. - Michael A Southard, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Ricky A. Slaniey, failure to wear driver’s seal bell, $25. cost; ficlitious/concealed/revoked regis­ tration card/tag, dismissed |>er cor­ reclion. - Ashley N. Siewart, speeding 72 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, cost; failure lo wear driver’s seat belt, $25, cost. - Loretia P. Strickland, s|ieeding 65 in a 55. reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cost. - Donald H. Taylor, expired/no in.speclion sticker and rictitious/ concealed/revoked regisiration card/tag. dismissed |)cr correclion. - Cynthia L. Tiiies, driving/al­ lowing vehicle not registered/lltled, dismissed per correclion. - Donald P. Tilton, speeding 68 in a 45, reduced lo 54 in a 45, $ 10, cost. - Kathy R. Tiuterow. improper passing, reduceil lo iniproiwr equip­ ment, $25, cosi. - Claudetla A. Wall, s|ieeding 80 in a 70. reduceil lo impro|icr equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Jmnes E. Waller, failure lo .se­ cure passenger under 16, reduced to seatbelt violation, $25, cost. - Murk W. Webb, failure lo re­ duce speevi, dismissed per civil selllemenl. -Terri M. Whitaker, speeding 52 in a 35. reduccd lo improper equip­ menl, $50, cost. - Johnny A. Wilcox, ficlilious/ concealed/revoked registration card/lag. $25, cost, - Robert L. Wilhelm, failure lo stop for steady red light, reduced to Improper brakes, $25, cost. - Carla M. Williams, failure to wear driver's seal belt, $25, cost; unsafe movcmcnl, dismissed per civil settlement. - Douglas W. Williams, ficti- lious/concealed/revoked regislra- llon card/lag, reduced to expired registration, $25, cosi. - Charles A. Woodruff, speeding 60 in a 45. reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - James K. Yules, no operalors license, dismissed jier correction. - Payai II. Zaver, speeding 87 in II71), reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. G E N E ’ S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 -9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons If ÌÉÈ: ioaoBUj S E N IO R C A R E IS S U E S WHAT FAMILIES SHOULD KNOW .Join Our Panel of Prof'c.ssioniil.s As They Addre.s.s Tlie.se Impnrtnnt Issues; Estate Planning Medicaid Medicare Long Term Care Long Term Care Insurance Geriatric Care Speakers M ike W ells, Senior Parlocr lor Wells Jenkins Lucas and JcnJcins, Host of itic popular WSJS program “You and llic Law” Tim Ebert, CLU, CliFC, Long Term Care Specialist willi 30 years cxpcriencc in the financial services industry Cathy W ilson, LCSW , Geriatric Care Manager wilii over 20 years of field experience Tim es and Locutions W ednesday. February 25.2004 10:00 a.m. at the Clem m ons Public Library 2:00 p.m. at the Reynolda M anor Public Library 7:00 p.m. at the Clem m ons Public Library This is u free b'cminur. This is not n .snics seminar. Liglit refreshments will he served, SEATING IS LIM ITED. CALL PAUL EBERT AT 761-8440 ext 176 FOR RESERVATIONS J ¥ } 10 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 F I V E S T A R IV tv t v t v 2 0 0 4 R A M 1 5 0 0 R e g u l a r C a b T 6 0 3 2 0 0 4 R A M 1 5 0 0 O u a i l C a b J 2 Ü Vehicles * 1 4 , 4 9 0 ° * * ^ A v a i l a M e j H ^ I 7 , 9 8 9 2 0 0 4 C A R A V A N T 7 8 2 » 1 5 , 9 7 8 ® ® S a t u r d a y S e p v ic e A v a ila b le . 2 0 0 4 G RAN D CARAVAN 1 7 , 5 7 8 WE WILL BEAT Any Competitorsi l^rice On A New Dodge GUARANTEED... O f U f ie ' f f fS fiT K ^ S O O O C M S H i KAUA Mouns ' hijO ЛМ « VO PM ЛМ Ь oo PM SAÌ PAÎÏTS A StnVIOt OPEÍÍ алтиполу fl:00 AM ‘ 5-On MM 680 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY WINSTON-SALEIVL 723-0504 T R IA D D O D G E M tm m m m AND FIVE STA R tv IV IV EXPERIENCE B K I k THE DIFFERENCE IS m m m H E L D O V E R 2 0 0 3 IN TR EPID T h e B i g g e s t P r e - o w n e d LIQ U ID ATIO N S A L E in the histoiv of Triad Dodae of Winston-Salem D U E T O O V E R W H E L M IN G R E S P O N S Eonse to last month’s sale, we have aquired an ADDITIONAL 50 VEHICLES FROM DAIMLER-CHRYSLER PROGRAM VEHICLE HEADQUARTERS THAT M U S T G O A T S O M E P R IC E ! r e ^ Y o u p a y ^_____ and start making payments. Original List......................$23,190 T!jiiis_y°uuhanceto buy 2003 program vehicles for i l l 5 Q 5 0 1 = 1 =PRICE O R I G I N A L . L I S T . There have never been savings like this before. YOU PAY $14,275 FOR 2 0 0 3 G R A N D C A R A V A N YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AT PR CES ШН OR WITHOUT DEALERS LICENSE!2003 CARAVANS that original^ listed for $28,550. The prices are T H O U S A N D S B E L O W K E L L Y B L U E B O O K . _____I f YOU PAY $11,595 FOR 2003INTREPIOS that originally listed for $23,190 and I I H 3 0 L l O u n i 0 PAY JUST $ 2 3 and start making payments of $190* on 2003 INTREPIOS, PAY JUST S ii e m ‘ payments of $229* on 2003 CARAVANSg!M$H275 THESE ARE NOT REPOS OR BOY BACK VEHICLES. These are fully serviced front line ready Daimler Chnisler factory purchased vehicles. 680 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY 723-0504 www.triaddodge.com AUTOMATED HOTLINE 800-694-7379 2 4 H O U R S A D A Y ! ________*AII payments-Hax. taps 4 Ins. 72 mo, at 6.»4 OAC, I "I Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 - Bl S u p e r S o p h : A lle n W in s R e g io n a l W r e s tlin g T itle By B rian Pitts Dnvie County Enterprise Record If Timmy Allen hud visited a casino Saturday, he would have walked off with the night’s jackpot while everyone looked on in amazement. That’s the kind of weekend the Davie wrestler had in tho Midwest 4-A Re­ gional Friday and Saturday at Chapel Hill High School. After rallying in mi­ raculous fashion in the semifinals, the 140-pounder rolled in the finals, took home a gold medal and led the Davie parade to second place among 16 teams. Riverside, as expected, won the team title with ease. The bunch that handed Davie two of its three losses in the dual ■ season amassed 234 points. Davie was a comfortable sccond nt 156, followed by Jordan at 119.5, Chapel Hill at 106.5, East Forsyth nt 101.5, Northern Durham ut 76.5, M ount Tabor at 65, South Rowan at 60.5, Northwest Guilford nt 57, West Forsyth nt 52, North Dnvidson nt 42, Grimsley at 25, Page al 23.5, Reynolds at 22, Roxboro Person ul 18 and North Forsyth ul 15. A totnl of nine - yes, nine - War Eagles earned stule berths by placing in Ihe top four. The list includes Ryan Boehm, who finished sccond at 215; Russell Hilton (103), Aaron Hollifield (130), Jeremiah Ruby (145) und Josh Barnes (160), who finished third in their respective weight clnsses; and Zac Morton (125), Billy Riddle (189) and Gurrett Purks (heuvyweight), who Tin- ished'fourth. R iverside, w hich represents the stulc's gold standard after capturing ils third straight 4-A dual title on Feb. 7, produced eight gold medalists, qualiried 10 for the stale meet und two Pirates (V incent R am irez at 130, G eorge Hickman nt 135) nre seeking third indi- vidunl stute chumpionships. But Davie was easily the second-best team in the state's toughest region, and ils future looks us bright as ever. Five of Davie’s state qualifiers are sopho­ mores und two nre juniors. “I wus tickled to dcuih,” Conch Buddy Lowery said. “There wasn't nny- thing else we could have done. You've got to be realistic. I want to win, but I don't wunt lo have an aneurism trying to figure out how I can get more points without killing people.” "Considering the region, it’s pretty daiig lough to make it to Ihe slates,” as­ sistant coach Mult Sain said. ''Out of the lop four teams in the slate by Mat News, three of Ihe four were in il - Riverside, us and Jordan.” A LLEN IS N O T your everyday sophomore. Winning the regional just 84 matches into your career is not a com­ mon feat. How good is he? He ousted Mylad Piroozbuicht of Riverside, who is ranked 11th at 140 in 4-A, in a 10-3 blowout. He upset Chris Tucker of Mount Tabor, who is ranked second, 11 -10 in the semi­ finals. And he smolhered Travis Clark of Northwest Guilford 5-1 in the finnls to improve his record lo 35-6. Although the stunning triumph over Tucker is the most dramatic of his 62 wins in two years, Allen’s startling rise to No. 4 in the Super 32 rankings also includes n regular-season win over Brett Houghton, an East Mecklenburg senior who is No. 2 nt 145. A llun Huchni “The thing with Timmy is you’re going lo have to be out there six min­ utes,” Lowery said. “1 mean he’s not going lo quit on you. He’s just hard- nosed. If he makes a mistuke, it’s going to be an aggressive tnislnke.” “I’ve said from Ihe beginning of the year that if he continues lo improve like he had, he was going to be something lo contend with,” Sain said. “I’m not saying he's going to win the state this year, but he’s sure progressing to be­ come a wrestler who can compete for stute championships in the future.” Allen denionslralcd remarkable re­ solve in the semifinals against Tucker. He trailed 8-3 but didn’t quit. After scratching back to striking distance, he huffed and puffed and blew the big, bad ; Tucker away. “Tucker wus killing me,” Allen suid.i “But I guess he tired out.” "Tucker’s a tough wrestler,” Sain said. "H e’s real good nnd he’s n senior. Thut’s big. Allen had to really wre.stle a top-notch match, and he did it,” Allen couldn’t hide ju.st how good it fell to walk up and pul Ihe gold around his neck. “W hen (Chapel H ill’s) Inn Shannon (ranked No. 5 at 145) dropped out of my weight clnss, I wns like: ‘1 hiive ft chance,’ “ he said. “But when Tucker entered into it, I said: 'There ain't no way.' I wus very surprised. I've been w orking hard lately just to try and qualify forlheslntes, und it fnrexceeded whnt I thought I would do. “My dad (Bob) told me; 'You don't know how proud you made me today.' I was just amazed. It's probably Ihe best feeling I’ve ever felt - ever.” Please See A llen’s - Puge B3 M o r e F r u s t r a t io n D a v ie B o y s S to m a c h T h ird B u z z e r-B e a te r L o s s In 4 C P C G a m e s By Brhin Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The basketball gods can be down­ right cruel sometimes. If you don’t be­ lieve it, check out what has happened to Davie's varsity boys in a .spun of 10 :p‘ days. . , First Uloro wo« a 72-71 to»» to W est' Forsyth. Josh Aikei) hit n short jum per with 12 seconds to go, but Titnns star Isnnc Rose answered wilh four seconds left, denying Davic its first win over West since 1988. Next there was a 48-47 loss lo Soulh R ow an. A fter the R aiders hit u liebreaking free throw with 15 seconds left, Aiken missed u runner in the Inne. The ricochet off the rim had game-win­ ning pulback written nil over it, but two War Eagles who had no defenders close lo them couldn't find the haudle and the ball was swatted lo halfcourl as Ihe horn sounded. The finish to Friday’s Central Pied­ m ont C onference gum e ut N orth Dnvidson wns eerily similnr. Senior guard Travis Howell came through with the biggest shot of his career lo tic it with ■■ >18 seconds left, but North answered with three seconds left on a short bnseline jum per by North star Nick Jarvis. Dnvie missed n de.sperntion shot nt Ihe buzzer thni summnrizcd its CPC senson in un 18-.second nutshell. Earlier in the week, Duvic lost lo rirst-plnce and state-championship con­ tender Reynolds I (X)-45 before cru ising past Alexander CenlrnI 80-61 in a non­ conference mukeup game. Please See C ursed - Page 117 B a d K n ig h t North Davidson Settles Score, Ties Davie For Second Place By B rian PKIs Davie County Enterprise Record The Davie varsity girls basketball team’s season has been n roller-consier ride filled wilh ups and downs. Friday's Central Piedmont Conference game at North Davidson was no different. In the first meeting in Mocksville, the War Engles plnyed n remnrknble game, shooting 61 percent, getting a triple-double from Alli.son Schafer and burying Ihe Black Knights 80-61. In the rematch, with u slime of sec­ ond pluce on the line, the Wnr Engles found themselves on the receiving end of Ihe punishment. When Ihe game mer­ cifully ended, they had endured serious payback al 73-49, a 43-point swing that was pure joy for North and forced Dnvie to shnre runner-up behind West Forsyth. Both Davie and Norlh finished the regu­ lar sea.son at 11-11 and 5-3 in the CPC, while West closed at 18-5, 8-0. L o o k i n g T o P a s s Guard Eric Lowery of South Davie’s eighth-grade boys basketball team looks to make a pass during a loss to undefeated West Rowan, For more on the team and this game, please turn to Piea.se See G irls-P ag e B9 page B6. - Photo by James Barringer J , Amanda Russell of Davie’s freshman girls basketball tcam scored 17 '■ points In a 38-32 win over S. RovJan, ' 'JTacI; Rooney, who averaged 18.9 points for the season, di'opjied 29 points i 0(1 S. Rowan as Davie’s freshmen boys won 83-81 in OT. Jared Nelms had I points and 14reboundsin that one,and i4pointsand 16botu-ds ina48- “4^ win over Reynolds. > ‘ Seven from Davie County won state championships in a tournament in .'I’ayetteville: Michhel Harter, Chance D av^ Joel Barnett and Nic ',0*Prlen of N. Dnvie; IVavis Goforth and Jessie Frye of S. Davie; and '{reshmon MichacI Murphy of Davie. ‘1 Kyle Winters of Davie’s JV boys hit four 3-pointers, scored 25 points .iafi^hit the clinching free throw in an 82-81 win over Alexander Central.; '' ■ Sopbomcre Cnrly Booth of Davie’s ynrsity girls had 14 points In a 50- ■41 winoverReynolds, 15 points and 7 rebounds in a 65-37 win over Alex- lander Central and 13 points and 10 boards in a 73-49 loss to N, Davidson. -!> Cliff Biirns of Davie’s var.sily boys rolled up,30 points, 25 rebounds 'iihd 12 blocks in a split witii AjeXander Central and N. Davidson, .Timmyl Allen of Davie’s wrestling',te^ woii the Midwest Regional ‘‘obart)Plon8hip aS a sophomore, going 3-d at 140 pounds, Ryan BQchiri f?lBni?b9'd'secondat2|5,v ■' D a v ie M a k e s S te r lin g S h o w in g In W r e s tlin g S ta te T o u r n a m e n t By Brian Pitts Davie Couiily Enterprise Record Could Davie County huve enjoyed u better performance in the N.C. USA W restling tournam ent Feb. 7 in Fayellevilie? It’s hard lo imagine a group of Norlh Duvie Wildcats, South Dnvie Tigers and Davie freshmen mak­ ing more noise than they did in the an­ nual showcase event. Seventh graders Michael Harter (N, Davie) and Chance Davis (ND), eighth graders Joel Barnett (ND), Nic O ’Brien (ND), Travis Goforth (SD) and Jessie Frye (SD ) nnd freshm an M ichael Muiphy of Davie High celebrated cham­ pionships in Iheir respective divisions, and Davie County wus spectaculnr ns a unit. Besides walking off wilh seven gold medals, 24 wrestlers placed in the lop five. Seventh gruders Rusty O 'C onnor (ND) nnd Cnleb Rominger (ND) nnd eighth graders Taylor Evans (ND), Ethan Curtis (ND) and Jesse Cousins (SD) finished second; seventh grader Ryan McAndrews (ND), eighth graders Nick Shambnch (ND) and Jesse Crotts (SD), sixth graders John Flowers (ND) and Alex Woodall (ND) and freshmen Sam Curtis nnd Chris Ange finished third; seventh grader David Onkley (ND) and eighth graders James Kuell (ND) and D.J. Gurrei,son (SD) finished fourth; and North Davie eighth graders Josh Riddle and Nathan Budd finished fifth. : Barnett showed what he can do in a 16-deep bracket nt 102 pounds, open­ ing with a 31-second pin und technical pin. Then after bouncing Garrelson by three points in the sem ifinals, he grabbed the gold with a 4-3 masterpiece. “I wrestled a guy who is on the stale team. The state team went to Virginia iind wrestled other states,” Barnett said of his finals matchup. "I think he was Please See Seven - Page B3 В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERI‘RISE RECORD,Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 Davie's seniors are Jeff Mighion, Micliael Beck and Lin­ den Cartner. Linden Cartner, Hannah Sweat, Becca West, Marie Robertson and Stephanie Wendel are Davie's regional girls. S w im C o a c h P le a s e d W ith E f f o r t Davic’.s swim teams com- 1; pctcd in the 4-A Ccniral Re- i : gionul cluimpioiisliips Feb. 7 ;: nt tlic Triangle SportsPIc.x In ;• Hillsborough. ;; The girls medley relny team .'.'(Marie Robertson, Hannah ;: Sweat. Stephanie Wendel and Linden Cartner) finished 19th, ;; and you had to make the top .' 16 to qualify for the final.s for •: a chance lo earn a state berth. ;■ The boys medley relny : tcam (Justin Lee, Drew ; Iispo.sito, Shelby Wnllacc and ■. David Stein) had a superb time ;:o f 2:01.13 - but it wasn’t ; enough lo make the top 16. Esposito had nn outstnnd- ■ ing pcrformiince in the 200 in- •: dividual medley, finishing in : 2:25.53, but didn’t place high : enough to move on. "But he’s a ninth grader." • : Coach Jennifer Richardson : said. “ It is a great experience ; just to comc this far. Wail un- : til next year. You’ll be hcar- ^; ing his lumie a lot." There were more than 56 swimmers in Carlncr’s 50- yaril freestyle. While she didn't make Ihe top 16. she swam all-out and capped her .senior year on a good note. “ I am proud of her deter­ mination and efforts,” Richardson said. “She’s been quite a leader and role model." Stein was one of 32 swim­ mers in the 50 free, and you had to finish in the 22-.second range just to make the top 16. Stein .swam a 23.93 and placcd I2lh to make the fiitals. Facing Ihc fastest sprinter.s in the region, Stein swam his heart oul in 23.96 to place Nth. The top eight advanced to the state. Stein also did the 100 free. He was up against 40-plus swimmers, wilh mosl of them in the 53-second range. De­ spite a solid showing at 55,36, he placed below I6lh. Lee and Esposito com|x:led in the timed lliuils in the 500 free. Espositodid il in 5:59.32, while Lee turned in a 6:05.99. "Both of them arc ninth grnilcrs who have a great chance of making states next year,'’ Richardson said. Wendel, Cartner, Robertson and Becca West completed the 200 frce relay in 1:58.85. That was good for I Htli to make them alternates in the finals. With a lime of 1:50.92, Michael Beck, Lee, Wallace and Stein al.so placcd 18th in the 200 frce relay. Wendel, Cartner, Robertson and West delivered their best time (4:28.82) in Ihe 400 to place 15lh and advance to the finals. Beck, Lee, Wallace and Stein proved lo be just as strong wilh a 3:53.34 lhal produced 15th place. Thut’s seven seconds off their qualifying lime. Wendel, Cartner, Robertson and West knocked another second off their 400, for a 4:27.19. That didn’t crack the lop eight, but as Richardson pointed out, they started o ff the season at 4:49.07. Beck, Lee, Wallace and '‘'»otecte} BY 5 6 6 (8001 Í 5 - 5 6 7 7 / T h e S ig n Y o u C an T ru s t more prolecfion more securiiy A s k a b o u t o u r N E W T o u c h S c r e e n K e y p a d with built-in message center '■I.-,, The Innovative TouchCenter Keypad makes operating your system easier. Arm and disarm your system Bypass option Control lights and appliances Easy to use/ Ballf-ln speaker and microphone Special night mode arming LAKE NORIVIAN ÎECURITY SYSTEMS A L A R M S O U T H ' Statesville, NC 704-872-9857 www.alarmsouth.com Stein came up with a 3:49,66, another four seconds off their previous 400 time- Like Ihe girls, they made considerable strides, starting oul at 4:00,29.The Davie swim team captains are Jeff Mighion, Stephanie Wendel, Linden Cartner and Michael Beck. Drew Esposito, David Stein, Justin Lee, Michael Beck and Shelby Wallace are Davie’s regional boys. O ld S c h o o l D a v ie S p o rts F ro m F e b ru a ry^ • Seolty Spry (119 weight class), Jon Ward (130) ant! James Coulston (171) won champion­ ships as Davie’s wrestling team I'inislied second In the Midwest Regional. • Brian Tribble of Davie’s swim leam qualincd for the state meet in four events - the butter- Пу, 50 free and iwo relays - »1 the Western Regional. • Davie’s JV girls basketball leam gol 15 points from Tami Ramsey and 12 from Beth Wall lo beat Mount Tabor 54-40 and improve to 16-t and 11-0 in the CPC. • Andrea Gentry scored 18 points nnd Tamica Cain added 16 as Davie’s varsity girls look over second place with a 72-61 win over Mount Tabor. Gentry scored 19 in a 62-55 win over Reynolds. • North Davie's freshman boys closed the season al 12-2 by beating South Rowan 77-63. North was led by Lee Puckett’s 26 points and Jason Murphy’s 18 points,and 20 rebounds. Tim Gilbreath chipped in 10 points. • Souih Davie’s freshman Seril Irodá I a v a l I Countli bvie 75' tWorklng Height Bucket Truck i c n y * Tree Service ^^®jj^Besldenllal & Commorical » » » » » » ffl i f . 1.0) Clearing . Tree Feeding• Tree Removal Fertllliallon• Stump Grinding ■ Hazardeui • Seteoltve Trimming Removal & Pruning . Skid Steor Work• Storm Damage 33^492-2944 Tramea Arborlst Complete Clean up ' Fully Insured f æ ® , fiiis w e e k ^ Cowboy Deal FR O ST E lite T a c tic a l L o c k B la d e K n ife 97 REG $18.95 almUor lo IIIUBlfollon 1ШЕ. MESST. G OODS Í2ZrZ2T£3 ra n n in rn n f* ys-rrrn S P O R TIN G SAUS8URYShop Mon. thoi Sat.9:00am-9,00pm Phono 704-633 Ó091 boys topped Central Davidson 68-38 and North Davidson 65- 40. In the win over CD, Ja.son Correll went lO-for-10 nl the foul line, while Jason Harbour had 14 points. Dusty Smilh 10 and Shannon Duty 10. Duty put in 18 points against N. David­ son. • Eighth graders Jeff WiKson (119) and David Daye (140) cap­ tured gold medals in the state junior high wrestling champfftn- ships. Freshman Nell Comatzer, who plnyed basketball Instead of wrestling that year, put on the tights for the first time and won it all al 140. Three eighth grad­ ers claimed second - Adam Con­ nor nt 93, Scott Comatzer al 103 and Curtis John.son al 119. Register For Peewee, Little Sluggers The Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Department is accepting registration forms for girls pee- wee slow-piteh softball (7-9) and little sluggers baseball (7-8) through March 5, and T-ball (ages 4-5) and peewee baseball (6) through March 7. The regis­ tration fee is .$30, Call the rec al 751-2325. Learn To Play Racquetball In hopes of getting more people to sign up in the YMCA rwequelball league, the Y is hav­ ing a free racquetball clinic. Come out to the clinic on Feb, 23 from 6-8 p.m. Semi-professional players and Richard Daniels will be lead­ ing the clinic in whleh all levels of plnyers cun come to watch demonstrntions,gel inslniclions, ask questions, and win door prizes. The Y lengue is offering two coed levels of racquelbnll. Reg­ istration ends after the clinic. Tlie season starts Feb. 24. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - B3 A l l e n ’s G o ld , B o e h m ’s S i l v e r L e a d T h e W a y undefeated und I hud to keep myself confident und suy; ‘Hey, I can win this.’ Whui helped me a lot was I wrestled 114 the whole .season." The pulsating end was be­ yond Barnett’s belief. He trailed the all-star opponent by one in the third period. Wilh the clock down lo 15 seconds, he rolled up a reversnl nnd pulled out u 4-3 v^iin. “I didn’t know whal to do," he said of Ihe magical moment. "I was so dehydrated and tired und dizzy. I wus the happiest per­ son alive righl then. After 1 signed my name and gol my medal, my family, couches nnd ull my friends came up und hugged me. I fell real proud. "It was just mind over mat­ ter. I could have lost that mutch. II was whether I wanted to give up or whether I wanted to win it." Davis’ opponent in the 137 final picked the perfect way lo fire him up, taunting Davis and teammule Ryati McAndrews. "My friend (McAndrews) wns in the same weight class, and he was bragging and laughing at me and him," Davis said. "1 got up there and he asked me what my name wus. I told him ‘Chunce Davis’ and he started laughing at me." Davis did his talking with a nst-in-lhe-mouth, third-period pin. “He wus wnlering and foam­ ing ul the mouth, drooling or something, because he was los­ ing,” he said after going 2-0. ‘The madder he gol, Ihe better t got bccause he was getting sloppy.... I got the last laugh.” Frye devoured his 132 oppo­ nents, pinning all three in the scc­ ond period. “The guys 1 wrestled weren’t that good," said Frye, who went 15-1 for South Davie. “ I had gone lo a U.S. AAU tournament in Virginia and wrestled the na- lionul champion. I made it lo the end of the second period against him." Taking home the top prize svas nothing new for O’Brien, who followed up a 15-0 N. Davie season wilh 8-4 and 6-4 deci­ sions al 173. “He wus one of the (цпскег guys I’ve ever faced," he said of his ehaiTipionship counterpart. “It was determination nnd conch- ing (from Ron Kirk and Jamey Holt)." ' Harter (82 weight class) und Murphy (191) didn’t wuste much time turning their mutches into routs. Harter pinned his only foe in 75 seconds, und Murphy beur- hugged two guys into first-period submission. "1 wus hoping there would be n lol more (competition) thun thut,’’suid МифЬу, who went 15- 2 Inst year at N. Davie, Seven Take First In State Tourney Continued From I’age lU Davie just missed having two chomps. Boehm, ranked second nt 215, stood so close lo the top he could tusle it, going 2-0 be­ fore losing 3-2 lo fourth-rnnkcd Fred Campbell of Jordan. It was a bitter nnd familiar taste for Boehm, who had trouble keeping his head up after taking his sixth defeat by a single point. “I’m sure it sounds familiar for a coach to say the other guy stalled ou(, but 1 feel like Camp­ bell stalled out on him again," Sain suid. "Boehm got hit for stalling, the ref hit Campbell for stalling, but 1 think he could have hit him more for stalling." At lensi Boehm could tnke comfort in cluiming sccond in likely the most grueling 215 cliuss in the stnte. 'it's probably Ihe toughest region of 215-poun(ler.s," Boehm said. "Becnusc in Super 32, the top handful of215s are all in this region.” Allen’s run made him a star, but Davie received significunt contributions from everywhere. Hilton, Hollirteld and Raby went 4-1 in the tournament, Barnes went 3-1 and Morton, Riddle and Parks went 3-2. Even the guys who didn’t place made their pres­ ence fell, with freshmen Adam Mcltwain, Craig Brown and Brandon Stewart and junior Dusty Johnson going 2-2. "1 was proud of everybody," Allen said. "Our whole leam wrestled good. Even our fresh­ men did belter than I expected them to do.” Notes: • Lowery stood by a disappointed War Eagle who failed to advance ilespite a slcU lar 34-10 season. Ttie hardluck victim was Johnson. "1 I’elt lor Johnson," Lowery said of the junior. "He’s as qualified as any­ body and he was on a good run. But it’s where you get bracketed, how healthy can you stay and you've got lo have some luck." • Anything seems possible for Boehm as the junior and his eight buddies prepare for the slate championships Friday nnd Snt- urdny al Winston-Sulem’s Joel Coliseum. His weight class looks like a logjam and “1 learned last year when I (went 2-2 at the state) and wasn’t even ranked," he said. "It shocked nie. Me and my parents didn’t think anything was going to happen." • The records of Davie's nine qualifiers; Hilton 37-9, Morton 34-ll,Hollifield40-9,Allen35- 6, Raby 38-7, Barnes 36-6, Riddle 30-6, Boehm 31-6 and Parks 23-12. Notes; Goforth hml a duy lo remember, but wasn't available for comment on his firsl-plnce run.... Ethan Curtis placed sec­ ond while experiencing defeat M y e r s H it s W a lk - O f f H o m e r In C a t a w b a W in Catawba College opened its home sol'lball schedule in dra­ matic fashion as senior Amanda Myers of Lynchburg, Vn,, homered wilh one oul in the bottom of the seventh lo give the Lady Indians a 2-1 win over visiting Kutztown al Whitley Field on Saturday af­ ternoon. She is the daughter of Jim Myers of Mocksville. Traveling Coed Soccer Now Offered Tlie Mock.svllle-Davie Rec­ reation Department is offering travel coed soccer for the spring season. The age divisions; UlO - Aug. 1, 1993-luly 31, 1995; U12 - Aug. 1, 1991-July 31, 1993: and U 14-Aug. I, 1989- July 31, 1991. The registration deadline is Feb. 19 and the fee is $45. You may pick up forms at the Rec, located al 644 N. Main St. Mocksvillc. Call 751-2325. The season will run March- April, and games wilt be played on Saturday or Sunday at Pinebrook Elementary School or Slalesville. l or the first time this year. Maybe he was due for a slip up nfler going 17-0 for N. Davie.... Kirk und Holt guided N. Davie’s crew, while S. Davie first-year ussis- tanl Adam Bailey filled in for Howard Riddle und piloted the Tigers. Bailey is the fifth-win- ningesl War Eagle nfler going 123-27 from 1995-99. Appalacliian State University Master of Arts degree in Special Education at the Winston-Salcni Graduate Center Appalachian State University is proposing a degree-completion program leading to the Master of Art.s degree in Special Education, for“M” level North Carolina teacher licensure. The program would begin in Summer 2004 and classes would be offered at Winston-Salem State University. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend an information session on: T\iesday, February 24,2004,5:00 pm Room C-006, Anderson Center on the campus of Winston-Salem State University Appalachian faculty and administrative staff members will discuss how an individual who has eamed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university may enter this program and take Appalachian’s required courses at the Anderson Center on the campus of Winston-Salem State University. Courses in Appalachian’s off-campus programs are typically taught two nights per week (an average of 6 semester hours per term), and the off-campus graduate tuition/fees rate for the current year is $87.25 per credit hour for an in-state student. For more infonnation please call: Office of Extension and Distance Education 800/355-4084 AppalachianI X STATE UNIVKRflTY В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 Basketball Contest $ 2 5 0 $ 2 0 & Cap $5 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Perfect Entry FIRST PRIZE Each Week SECOND PRIZE Each Week Pit your “hoops” knowledge against some of the greatest sports minds in the area each week in our Basketball Contest. The first place winner each week will receive a check for $20 plus a sporty Enteiprise Record ball cap so everyone will know you are a WINNER! Our second place winner each week receives a check for $5. The first person to get all games correct in a single week will get our BONUS PRIZE of $250. THE RULES 1. Anyone can enter except emp ol Ihe Davie County Enterprise Record and their families. Only one entry allowed per person per week. All entries must be on original newsprint or Fax 336-751-9760. 2. Qames In this week's contest are listed In each contest advertisement on these Iwo pages. Fill In Ihe contest entry blank and submit or mall Ihe entry lo the Enterprise Record , P.O. Box 99, Mocksvllle, NO 27028. 3. The first entrant correctly predicting the outcome of all games In a week will receive a bonus of $250. Weekly prizes P i c k T h e W in n in g T e a m E a c h W e e k & W I N ! are $20 and an Enterprise Record cap for firs place and the second place winner receives $5, In case of lies, Ihe entrant who came closest to the tolal number of points In the lle-breaker wins. If a He still exhlsis after Ihe tle-breaker game Ihe awards will be divided equally among the Individuals who are lied. 4. Entries must be delivered to Ihe Enterprise Record before 5 p.m. Friday each week. The olllce Is located at 171 South Main St., Mocksvllle, NC, 5. Winners will be announced following each contest In Ihe next Issue. Decisions of judges will be final. A new contest will be announced each week. GQ WAR EAGLES! B i f f J W y W W W B W W V W l i l V V ■ ■ 1 1 1 f l C u D a n ie l F u rn itu re & Electric Co., Inc. C ourteous, D ependable Service for over 60 Y ears Johnny M arklin • M elissa M. Rollins • Will M arklin j 848 South M ain Street • M ocksville, NC 336751-2492 • 336-751-3975 12. UConn V. Notre Dame M ocksville Shoe Shop 52 Court Square, Mocksville, NC • (336) 753-0942 (In tlw liiwii Kiiuarv; ln'liiw tire Natural lli'allli SliDpiw) Owned & Operated by Chad Gough Now Selling New Boots & ShoesI Wo ate now cariying a (ull line ol Steel Toe and Non Steel Bools & Stioes & Weslorn Boots From Malor Brands Like: Oeorgla Boot, Carolina Boot, Justin & Durangol 13. Goorgotown v. 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Spray« On «p to V4* VWcfcH*(p«KMpC«»rfnHiiSlMlng • Ml Color» AvaBMo22. Sacramento v. Toronto Cooleemee, NC 336-284-2551 2. Duko v. Maryland E x p r e s s i #x #« n Purchase a Hot Dog, Sausago Dog, or Chicken I Tornado and add a 32 oz. Fountain Drink S and any 99o bag of chips for ” ]ust ^ 1 .2 5 more 266 S. Salisbury St. Across from Lee Jeans, Hwy. 601 751-7676 751-5789 l^E JftM no THt t WMYK-Oll llNIlt' 7 1 2 - 1 0 8 8 RHINO LININGS OF CLEIVIIVIONS6300 RaMuiCla Drive * Clemmons COOLEEMEE VIDEO _____ e. Appalactilan v. Ctiattanooga Now Carrying Designer Ladies Clothesn.ilpli Lnuron, Ciilvm KI6in. Li/ CInihorno & Jones New Votk ¿ o ó le e m e e S h o p p jn ^ ^ For ummme call B R A D R O M I N E STATE FARM IN SU R A N C E 14. Miami v. Providence 3770 ('lfiimi()ii.s Koiul • ('Icmmoiis • 7ii6-3245 I STATI! ГлиМ IN.'ÌUHANCI! COMI'ANII» • 1 lO.MB OlTICUS: IILOOMINQTON, 114., | S l t d t S « m l C » . A Sm ì. 6«cm( S X«iuUm h 'Since 1927' Sand Oravo) Muich Baih Nuggels Sond Яоск Bjick Nuggets Marti & CIndy Shoaf Ownora Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 SaL 8:00-3:00 MC/VISA/AMEX 788-6411 16. New Orleans v. 745 W. Clemmonsvllle noad New Jersev Winston-Salem, NC 27127 Compost Topsoll Kid Cushion While Pebbles Brown Pebbles Pine Needles Rod Designer Mulch DM DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - И5 M o ck sville -D a vie R e cre a tio n B a sk e tb a ll R e su lts Coed 7/8th Grade 76ers 47 - Brandon Walls 17,Zuch Smitli 6, Jeffery Nuckols 10, Joiin Haftmnn 12, Morgan lomg 2. TARHEELS 20 - Knrn Dodd 1, Will Byerly 12, Jake Prim 7. CELTICS 30 - Matt Oswcll 6, Calab steplicn.son 14, Alex Frye 4, Drew Kakourses 6. DEACONS 25 - Jermaine Harris 6, Floyd Collins 11, Kyle Randall 2, Brian Fuetes 4, Calab Peirce 2. Boys 9/lOth YMCA 48 TARHEELS 36 - Chris Oonzolas 8, Daniel Gough 2, Ju.stin Mor­ gan 4, Adam Ward 3, Danny Smith 7, Justin Scott 12. Girls 5th Championship TARHEELS 6 - Alex Kci.ser 2, Tara Carter 2, Taitah Holland 2. BOBCATS 5 - Jasmin Gunning 2, Cara Beth Hendrick.s 3. Boys 4th TARHEELS 9 - Will Beeson 2, Jacob Walker 5, Adam Smith 2. LAKERS 8 - Corey Randall 4, Jake Whitley 2. Kirklin Bowles 2./ VIPERS 22 - Calab Martin 7, Cody Martin 4, Mitchell Miller 5, Trey Thomas 4, Chance Barney 2. EAGLES 14 - Davis Absher 9, Clay Cave 5. Girls 3/4th SPARKS l8-H ollyFurches6,ChclseaO sw ell6,BrittaniCartner 2, Lnura Shelton 4. WOLFPACK 7 - Allie Slabach 2, Raghdn Hassinein 2, Caroline Miller 1, Tori Klontz 2. WIZARDS 12 - Haley McKnight 2, Katera Cockerham 6, Kristen Parrish 4. ANGELS 8 - Chelsea Thomas 4, Ana Burton 4. HAWKS 13 - Sadie Lagle 5, Caroline Cozart 6, Courtney Pardue 2. DEACONS 11 - Madi Pratapas 4, Ellie Carter 2, Sarah Sponaugle 5. Boys 3rd ^ GATORS - Scott Gallimore 6, Kyle Bullins 2, Tyier Gaddy 4. CLIPPERS - Nicholas Boswell 3, Tyler Correll 2, Christian Latham 2, Winston Scott 2. DEACONS - Ben Beeson 4, Jonah Womble 2, Jermey Walker 8, Jonathon Wiseman 8, Tyler Marshall 2, Luke Walker 2. TARHEELS - Evan Lankford 2, Stephen Daniels 3. TARHEELS - Daruis Banner 4, Andrew Montgomery 2. DEACONS - Jonah Womble 3, Jermey Walker 8, Austin Will­ iams 2, Jonathon W iseman 6, TV Marshall 4, Luke Walker 4. Church League LIBERTY W ES. 53 - Britt O.sborne 13. EAGLE HEIGHTS 41 - Chuck Daniels 15. NEW CALVARY 61 - Leonzo White 19. SMITH GROVE 36 - Dennis W hisenhunt 15. NEW LIFE 68 - Damian Lewis 14. BETHLEHEM 54 - Craig Smith 19. LIBERTY METH. 54 - Brent Wall 23. FARMINGTON BAPT. 49 - Brian Pitts 31. 1st METH. 81 - Corey Wood 23. JERICHO 3 2 -R ob Raisbeck 12. 1st BAPT. 53 - Scott Tonidandel 22. MACEDONIA 4 2 -Scott M iller 17. EATONS BAPT. 55 - Chris Meacham 19 CENTER/SALEM 41 - Siwnnon Duty 12.' Boys 6th Championship ROCKETS 38 - Mattliew M ills 3, Zach Long 25, Sam Mo.ser 2, Jake Moser 7, Sean Davidson 1. , WAR EAGLES 26 - Chase Sampson 7, Greg Rogers 7, Payne Miller 4, Zach Drechsler 4, Kentrell Ray 2. Boys 5th Championship D.C. STARS 23 - Raheem Martin 8, Josh Beaver 5, Daruis Wil­ son 5, Jay Stanuiiff I, Alex Bell 4. GATORS 13 - Ben Williamson 3, Andrew Williamson 2, Calab Howard 4,, Richard Bell 4. Girls 6th Championship LADY ROCKETS 22 - Maleia Steven.son 4, Ashley Smoot 12, SamanthaTarleton 4, Morgan Wyatt 2. COUGARS 6 - Sara Handy 1, Macy Smith 5. Boys 4th LAKERS 22 - M ichael Flem ing 6, Ryan London 2, Max Spainhour 4, Corey Randall 4, Jake W hitley 2, Karch Arey 4. EAGLES 20 - Toren Rivers 4, Clay Cave 2, Davis Absher 12, Maxwell Lum 4. Girls 3/4 SPARKS 18 - Holly Furches 3 ,Chelsea 0.sweii 2, Brittani Cartner 4, Mattilyn Smith 1, Laura Shelton 8. HAWKS 3 - Caroline Cozart 1, Deyunia Hernandez 2. W IZARD 6 - Kristina Parrish 6. • ANGELS 4 - Ana Burton 4. Boys 4th LAKERS 22 - M ichael Flem ing 6, Ryan London 2, Max Spainhour 4, Corey Randall 4, Jake Whitley 2, Kiirch Arey 4. EAGLES 20 - Toren Rivers 4, Clay Cave 2, Davis Ab.sher 12, Maxwell Lum 4. Girls 3/4 SPARKS 18 - Holly Furches 3, Chelsea 0.swell 2, Brittani Cartner 4, Mattilyn Smith 1, Laura Shelton 8. HAWKS 3 - Caroline Cozart 1, Deyania Hernandez 2. WIZARD 6 - Kristina Parrish 6. • ANGELS 4 - Ana Burton 4. ANGELS 18 - Felisha Dalton 12, Ana Burton 2,K aitly Smith 4. HAWKS 6 - Caroline Cozart 4, Jennifer Weatherman I , Brlanna Eicliorn I. F re s h m e n B o y s C lo s e W ith B a n g Jack Rooney averaged nearly 19 points a game, and Davie’s frcsliman boys basket­ ball team closed the season in style, winning its last four games for a record of 11-4. In the closing rush, Conch Eric Alspaugh’s War Eagles re­ lied on tho same ingredients they used to put themselves in position fordoublc-ngure wins - the starting five of guards W hit M orrifield nnd Tyler Bully, swingman Rooney, for­ ward Jared Nelms nnd ccntcr Kenny Rivers. They picked up perhaps their biggest win in the Гша1 game, boating Reynolds 48-44 to avenge an earlier 51-48 loss to the Demons, The Tirst half was back and forth, but a 13-5 Davie run in the third quarter all but sealed the outcome. Nelms led with way with 14 points and 16 rebounds, and Baily, Merrifield nnd Rooney added 10 points each. Earlier, Davie won an over­ time shootout, 83-81, against South Rowan before drilling Alexander Central 66-32. In the thriller with South, the Wur Eagles appeared to be in good shape witli a 55-47 lead going into tlie fourth quarter. But South exploded for 27 points in the final eight minutes to forcc OT. Davic survived behind 29 points from Rooney and 22 from Merrifield. Nelms played an important role with 11 points and 14 boards. Rooney poured in 19 points in tiie breeze over Alexander Central, which wus outscored 39-10 in the middle quarters. M errifield had 13, John Michael Groce nine and David Pitts seven. Rooney hit the 20-point tnark seven times to finish with an 18.9 average. He got con­ sistent help from Merrifield, who averaged 10.4, and Neltns und Baity, who contributed 9.4 and 7.2 respectively. DuvIc 83, South Rowun 81 (OT) - Jack Rooney 29, Whit Mcrrineld 22, Jared Nelms II, T^ler Baity 9, John Michael Croce 3, Michael Jolly 2, Wes­ ley Turner 2. Davic 66, Alexander Cen­ im i 32-Rooney 19,Merrineld 13, Groce 9, David Pitts 7, Nelms 5, Kenny Rivers 4, Ben Luw 3, Dennis Redmon 2, Deontay Dismuke 2, Baity 2. Dnvle 48, RcynohLs 44 ■ Nelms 14,Buity 10,Merrirìeid 10, Rooney 10, Rivers 4. BasketballContest C o n g r a t u la t io n s T n I \Л /< ^ 1 г’с B A S K E T B A LL C O N TEST W IN N ER S! F i r s t P la c e = $ 2 0 a n d t h e C a p t o Manda Snow S e c o n d P la c e = $ 5 t o Julie Lookabili M a n d a S n o w m i s s e d j u s t 6 g a m e s th i s w e e k t o e d g e o u t J u l i e L o o k a b ili w h o w a s a c l o s e s e c o n d w ith o n ly 7 m i s s e s . ails Dll Ihcsi; Iwo pages Ui limi the coiilcsl giimcs, 'I'licn I L'ain you picilici will win hesidc llic iiilvcilisint! sponsor's | W IN N E R ALL CONTEST ENTRIES №JST INCLUDE A FULL MAILING ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER. WE WILL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. Entries without this Into will have to be disqualified. Г E N T R Y 'b U a i i i c i I .S'uarcli Ihc a ■ enter Ihc leam * Ш1П1С llsled bclw... I A D V E R T IS E R |1 . EATONFUNERAL SPILLMANS TOM NESBIT, ATTORNEY COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS FOSTER DRUG COOLEEMEE VIDEO HILLSDALE DENTAL DAVIE MEDICAL CAUDELL 10. m o c k sv ille 'a u to m o tiv e 11. HORN’S EXPRESS 12. DANIEL fu rn itu re 13. MOCKSVILLE SHOE SHOP 14. STATE FARM, ROMINE 15. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT 16. BLACK SAND I 2. !:■I “*- I 5. I 6. i: I 9. I I V C X ÎL E R & S O N S 20. Seatlle v. Qolden state Serrínx llif соштшШу for over W)'fars. Funeral Home aemtnons Chapel • 2849 Middlebrook Dr. • 766-4714 JSW Full Line Office Supply Store You may call, fax or.email your orders. Full line typing, resum es, flyers, printing & signs. • Business Cards • Rubber Stamps • UPS • N otary • Jewelry & Purses • Color Copies Available starting at 95< 2668 Lawlsvllle-Clammons Rd, Cliimmons (across Iwm Vilbgo Candls S Gills) • Hours: M-F 0-6 Ph: 766-8382 Fax: 766-9661 17. CLEMMONS CARPET 18. TOPS TRAVEL 19. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 20. VOGLER & SONS I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK TUm Low, P ric e C igarette Le a d e r 19. Memphis ChicagoГЦЮ W lllwuyw Т О В Ю О О “A Tobacco Friendly store!”______ •Thicker *9*'- T to o n *10** -Tahoe »10” •Sl^dancxr *10^ •Cherokee *10** exak^tSekKtionOt Imported CigansFoatuiing: A Fuonlo, Montossiio, Macanudo, Partagas, Cohia, Punch And Many Morel 6311 Stadium Dn, Clemm ons >778-1144 (336)778-1897 (888)778-1897 1-800-FLOWERSl o r a l E x p r e s s i o n s 2729 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Clemmons 24. Utah V. Indiana Mon-Frl 9-S Sal D-12 22. RHINO BEDLINERS ______________ 23.MTetc, 24._FLORAL EXPRESSIONS ______________ Tie Breaker I’rcdicl Hie score in llie rollovving cuntesl, 111 cases ol lies, llie liebreiiker will be used lo (lelennine Ihe \ I I I I I I I I I I I ADDRESS:__ I DAY PHONE I Duke V. Maryland Total Points Scored . NAMEl ‘flí’wis X’-'iji/ts [iV-'Alì tVi'ii.síc'ii.s I .Subiiili by mail, in person or FAX 3.16-751 -5760 lo Ihe Enterprise-Record oflicc; ■ ^ 171 S, Main St., Mocksvillc or I’O Box ВД, Mm:ksville, NC 271)28 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Н6 . DAVIE COUNTY KN TKRPRISK RKCORI), Tliursdiiv. Kcb. 19. 2()()4 Zach Prevelte concentrates at the foul line. S. Davie coaches Brent Wall (left) and Germain Mayfield follow their team. - Photos by James Barringer S o u t h B o y s W ilt A g a in s t W e s t Eric Low/ery collides wUh a Bulldog. Smilh Davie’s oiglilh-grmlc lioy.s baskclbiill team walked inlo u lioniers tiesl la.sl week against visiting We.st Rowan, am! absorbed ii .‘ifi-24 decision llial it woulrl like lo quickly forget. “Tliey are the best team we've played by rur." Coach Brent Wall said. “Erwin beat them enrlicr, but I don't think Erwin cnn beat them again." West raced lo a 1.1-5 lead in the first quarter, und that was'that. South simply didn't have enough firepower to compote with a team of West’s calibcr. Its top scorers were Matt Van Hoy and Colby Seuford with six points eacli and Darius Hall with four. "Good gosh, Ihey have .si/e, they hit nine 3s and they brought guys off the bench who were tough," Wall said. "And one kid was unreal, knocking down 3s and playing on Ihc rim. He could do what­ ever he wanted lo do. We had no answer for him." Notes: The Tigers have been on a win-lose-win-lose rollercoaster, falling lo and 2-2 in the M id-South Conference.... They play at Kno.x Feb. ly, al home to Erwin Feb. 23 and at home to Norlli Davie Feb. 24, W est Kuwuti 58, Suiith Duvle 24 - Matt Van Hoy 6, Colby Seaford 6, Darius Hall 4, Eric Lowery 2, Sonny Stanley 2, Mall Osweil 2, Austin Wood 2.Austin Wood fights for the ball. WéWTTO HfHLfE Й ;t 5 Bi6 Brothers Bisi Sisters Of Da^ie County & M o c k s u i l l e WAUMART Cf^oceeàst)eneiit{chiidren Register your 3 on 3 team by March 12 Divisions age 12 through Adult Registration packets available online www.bbbsdaviecounty.org or call 751-9906 GRACE MOTORS, LLC Hwy 801 at 1-40 Behind the Shell Station • Advance 336-817-7482 •336-817-7485 •"'У 1 9 9 6 T o yo ta C o ro lla 1 9 9 8 To> Low miles, supei fiice Low liiik $4900 I $; ★ ★ Fast Credit Turnaround ★ ★ 1 9 9 8 T o yo ta C o ro lla Low liiiles, supoi me*; $7900 I 1 9 9 6 H o n d a A cco rd LX 1 9 9 7 H o n d a A cco rd LX Low niih'S, supoi MICI*3W inilos, SUptM nic<! $6900 $7900 ★ ★All Credit Applications Accepted* ★ nm ‘'pw m ^ R a n g e r XLT6 3 ,0 0 0 m i, PW, P L A C , alloy w huels, / / к , A C , slyled w hetils, A M / F M / C ciss $5500_ 2.3L ;Q $3900 •★★Financing A vailable*★ D eDe;iler/;0C)655ia DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Fob. 19, 2004 - B7 W i n t e r s S c o r e s 2 5 H e r o i c P o i n t s F o r D a v i e J V B o y s It was obvious what Alex­ ander Central wanted lo do de­ fensively against D avie's JV boys basketball team last week. It wanted to shut down Devon Venable, Davie’s big fella in the middle. M aybe the Cougars should have paid more attention to a little guard named Kyle Winters. They forgot about the lefty and W inters made them pay with 25 points that led an 82-81 noncon­ ference victory. E arlier In the week in the Central Piedmont Conference, Davic overcame a big deficit to Reynolds but fell short 78-71. W inters put a perfect ending on his finest hour of the season, hitting a tiebreaking free throw with 2.8 seconds left. Aware that Alexander Central liad no tim­ eouts, he purposely missed the second free throw and the clock ran out as rebounders fought for the ball. In Ihe first half, AC sagged into the lane nnd dared Winters to shoot. W inters’ response was torrid, three 3-pointers and 15 poinis. He added another 3 nnd 10 points in the second half. Mitchell Ivey popped a pair of 3s ns Davie soared lo a 42-31 halflime lead, “This team didn’t know Win­ ters as w ell," C oach Terry M itchell said, “They played zone and left him open. They learned you can’t leave him open." Davie, which led by 18 on several occasions, was comfort­ ably in command (61-53) going into Ihe fourth, but 25 turnovers allowed the Cougars to get back in the game. Missing three from ends of 1-and-l foul shots com­ pounded D avie’s fourlh-tiunrter troubles, “We w ere com ing npnrt,” Milchell said. Afler AC tied il with 2.8 .sec­ onds lo go, Milchell drew up a play as D avie prepared to in­ bound on A C ’s end of Ihe court. AC, though, made it eiisy for Davie, fouling a streaking Win­ ters before Dnvie put Ihe ball in play. W inters hus been clutch from the line nil year, and he didn't disappoint, lifting Davic lo a 13- 6 record. Venable complemented him with 15 points, and Dnvie got eight from Michnel Bingham and six from Jamar Howell, Ivcy nnd ReShnun Pnrks. “We held on for denr life," Mitchell snid.' R eynolds, w hich blew a fourlh-quarlcr lead and lost lo Davie 64-60 in the first meeting, came out hot und built an 18- point lead. Davie made up the deficit before trailing 38-32 at intermission. Reynolds blow out lo another substantial lead in Ihe third, but Davie hit back again, rallying within three on the shoulders of Venable (24 poinis), Howell ( 16) and Bingham (12). The War Eagles (4-3 in the CPC) played their hearts out but didn’t have enough to snatch a second win from Reynolds. “With a minute to go we had cut il to three and had the ball," Mitchell said. “We just ran out of gas. We had 31 turnovers und that’s been our Achilles heel all year." Notes: Vennble, whose scor­ ing nvernge had dipped from 19.2 to 14 over the previous nine games, broke out to malcit his season high al 24. "They were putting so much pressure on the,’; perimeter that we could get the!; ball to him when we w eren’t.'; turning it over," Milcliell .said. ...I; Davie closed the season Friday'.; against Norlli Dnvidson. A report'; on thnt gnme w asn’t available. ■; R cynolds78,D nvlc71-D e- ’ von Venable 24, Jamar Howell : 16, Michael Bingham 12, Kyle : W inters?, Mitchell Ivey 5 ,Evan ; Hall 3, ReShaun Parks 2, Ben : Kuhn 2. Davie 82, Alexander C entral 81 • W inters 25, Venable 15, . Bingham 8, Howell 6, Ivey 6, Parks 6, Jonathan M ayfield 5, . Dillon Manship 4, Kuhn 4, Hall 3. ' : C u r s e d B o y s S u f f e r 3 C P C L o s s e s B y T o t a l O f 4 P o i n t s H ow ell Continued From Page 1)1 “W e’ve lost three games by four points,” Howell said in » de­ pressed locker room in Welcome. “That could hnve been stale play­ offs." “W e’re three possessions aw ay from being in the stale play­ offs," junior center Cliff Burns snid. "Il hurts not lo be (one of 'I'rcc CPC team s) go­ ing because wc wunted it for our se­ niors. Wc can look forward to playing South Rowan (Feb. 17 in the CPC Tournament) and getting some kind of redemption from that (48-47 loss).’’ Making it all Ihe harder lo take is the fact all three heartbreakers came against CPC rivals. Tlie War Eagles' honible luck has left them thinking of whnt might hnve been. Instend of holding records of 15- 7 nnd 4-4 in the CPC, they ended the regular season at 12-10 and 1-7, tied with South Rowan for ^ Inst pluec,; TOaji’ji^enpugti'tp.tnnlto ii;nun swear! “I feel renlly bad for Ihe kids,” said Conch Mike Absher, shaking his head at Davie’s cursed fate, "I really, renlly like this team. Every tenm during the .season has some bad moments, but these guys have really showed up ev­ ery day ready to get better. And you would think nt some point in :ime something good would hap- m for us." While you have lo credit West, M South and Norlh for delivering wf under pressure, Ihe War Engles f have been Iheir own worst enemy. Poor free-throw shooting doomed them against South and Norlh, and in Inst week’s three gnmes they w enl 3-for-IO against Reynolds, 12-for-27 against Al­ exander Centrnl and 9-for-18 uguinst N, Davidson, That adds up to 24-for-55 (44 percent), “Since the conference started our free-throw percenlnge hns dropped tremendously," Absher snid. "We practice it and it’s just something we have to keep work­ ing on, because when you ’re post- oriented like us and live with dribble penetration, you’ve got to be able to knock free throws down.” Norlh (16-7, 4-4 CPC) out- scored Davie 27-13 in the final 12 minutes of the first half for a 29-21 lead. But Dnvic showed resolve, ripping off runs of 9-2, 7-2 nnd 8-2 lo set the stage for n dramatic ending. Ryan Price, Brandon Capwell and Bums cut North’s lead from 29-21 lo 31-30, Bums und Aiken led a chnrge thnl turned a 36-30 North lead to 38-37. North surged ahead aguin ut 47-39 with S;40 left, a margin that seeitied pretty safe in such a low-scoring game. But Diwie would not go away, using big plays from Dewayne C ollins, B urns and M ichael Mashore to close to 49-47, “I know n lot of people were wondering whnt we would do with nothing at stake but pride,” A bsher snid. "I think we nn- swered thnt question because we played very, very well in the scc­ ond half. When they ran the lend back to eight, it Would have been very easy to say: “Lot’s just go through the motions und bo done with it.’ But instead we fought back and got it tied," Aiken's turnaround shot made it 53-50 with 35 seconds left. Af­ ler a North free throw, Foo Smilh ponettR led, drew a foul und, »Wished both «libts to make It 54-i 52, ■ After North turned It over on an Inbounds under Dnvie \s bas­ ket, Howell demonstrated a beau­ tiful blend of timing and guts, draining his only field goal of the game when Davie needed it mosl. He dribbled twice tow ard the hoop, leaned in from 12 feet and tied il with 18 .seconds left. “We needed to make some­ thing happen, and I hadn’t renlly done anything on offense all game,” Howell said, “I thought wo were going to ovoriime,” “1 was feeling pretty good, nnd the way our defensive intensity wns, I thought we would slop them and win the gnme in over­ time,” Absher said. Norlh didn't blink. Senior guard Chad Turbeville, n third- year starter, knifed into the lane and dished off to Jarvis, who ripped Dnvie's heart out by swish­ ing it with three seconds left. Adding more sling lo the loss was the fact Jarvis, who scored a game-high 17 poinis, wns the tnr- gel of Davie's sludent-section venom all night. "The defense wasn't bad on North's last possession," Absher said. “Foo lind pretty good posi­ tion on the penetrator, and Burns did whnt he had to do in helping.” Davie had a longshol chance 10 force OT. Mushore inbouiided to Howell, who raced to halfcourl nnd kicked it off to Aiken, who was 18 feet out on the left wing. Aiken's hurried shot didn’t draw iron as N orth’s side erupted in celebrution. Burns did nil he could lo help Davie avoid a heartbreaking re­ peat, accumulating 16 points, 11 rebounds and six blocked shols. Smith added nine poinis and seven assists. Ryan Price and Aiken scored seven ouch. The War Eagles did n lol of things right: They .shot 44 percent from the floor, liniilcd turnovers to nine and won the rebounding 39-37. Still, a win that would have spoiled North’s Senior Night slipped through their grasp. “I said it at Christmas nnd I'll say il ugain - there’s a lol of pride and heart on this tenm,” Absher snid, No tes; The CPC Tournament is al Norlh Davidson, and it will conclude Saturday after Sunday’s snow pushed the tournam ent back a dny. Davie met South Rownn InTuesdny’s first round. The w inner faces top-seeded Reynolds. Reynolds ICO, Davic 45 The jarring losses to West Forsyth and Soutli Rownn look the hunger out of Davie’s game and contributed to the darkest hour of the season. Since almost no one has much success uguinst Reynolds, the War Eagles needed lo be at tlieir best to slay within 30. They were at their worst, getting trounced by Reynolds’ swarming and relent­ less man-to-man defense. “(The close losses) had more of a loll than anybody would like to admit,” Absher said. “From a mental and emotional point of view, il was a big factor. And on top of lhat Reynolds pinyed re- nlly well," Brandon Capwell nnd Ryan Price led with 10 poinis each, Aiken had nine and Burns eight. M eanw hile, R eynolds got double-doubles in poinis and re­ bounds from Mike Copeland and Joe Fulp, double-figure scoring from four guys and seven steals from Rod Kirby'. Dnnny Harris had six of Reynolds' 29 assists, nnd Ihe Demons nenrly doubled Davie in rebounding, 46-26. “They're so deep they don't miss a beat when they come off Davie Boys Basketball Statistics Record: 12-10,1-7CPC Aiken Bums Capwell Collins Hall Howell Mashore McNeil Morgan Price Smilh Wilson Yeager DAVIE OPPONENTS ^ ^ ^ 3-Polntcrs; Price 18, Smith 17, Mashore 9, Howell 8, Collins 6, McNeil 6, Capwell 4, Aiken 3 Steals: Smith 30, Aiken 23, McNeil 21, Howell 18, Capwell 17, Prico 15, Burns 14, Mashore 10, Collins 9, Morgan 3,Wil.son 2, Yeager 2, Hall „ Blocks: Bums 138, Mashore 17, Aiken 11, McNeil 8, Smith 8, Capwell 5, Morgan 2, Price 2, Howell G m s 1‘ts Rcbs Avg Assists Avg PPG 21 193 147 7.0 22 1.0 9.1 22 331 243 11.0 46 2.0 15.0 22 91 48 2.1 35 1.5 4,1 16 30 17 1.0 8 0.5 1,8 2 4 I 0.5 2 1.0 2,0 22 85 46 2.0 76 3.4 3,8 22 168 160 7.2 41 1.8 7,6 18 72 26 ■ 1.4 24 1.3 4.0 17 23 40 2.3 5 0.2 1,3 22 144 60 2.7 32 1.4 6.5 21 238 60 2.8 87 4.1 11.3 5 4 • 3 0.6 I 0.2 0.8 2 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 63.7 64.2 the bench," A bsher said. “They’ve got a chance (to win the 4-A slate for the fourth time in five years). They're pretty good outside, they trap at the right limo and they're obviously going lo pound people on the boards." N otes: Brandon Cupwcll, a senior forwanl, had a good week. He shot 50 percent against Rey- nolds, ho went 7-for-ll for 15 points agnin.st Alcxnnder Centrnl und he grubbed eight rebounds against N. Davidson. R eynolds 100, Dnvic 45 - Brandon Capwell 10, Ryan Price 10, Josh Aiken 9, Cliff Bums 8, M ichael M ashore 5, Raeshon McNeil 3. Dnvie 81, Alcxnnder Centrnl 60 - Capwell 15, Burns 14, Me-'. Neil 13, Aiken 10, Travis Howell: 7, Foo Smith 6, Mushore 6, Price' 5, Dustin Morgan 5. N orth Davidson 56, Davie 54: - Burns 16, Smith 9, Price 7,; Aiken 7, Cupwcll 4, Mushore 4,: Morgnn 3, Dewayne Collins 2,: Howell 2. 187 Milkesboro Street MocksviUe^ nc 336-Т53-1Ч55 T H E V E R Y B E S T i n C U S T O M E X H A U S T ! sp E C ia u z in q in : • street Rods • Muscle Car^ • Restorations • Performance • Original Replacement, I FmmiR I inSTALLED AS LOW AS $65.45 ea.' COnVERTERS inSTALLED AS LOW AS STfl.qS ea/ ■price good tiiro Felx 200H ui'tlh this act. fl0 0 4 g o m fo r t H w i t h ^ l i t v O il TCOMPANY. LLC Stay Warm this Winter With Propane and Fuel Oil From Q;uaiity oii ASK TODAY ABOUT OUR FEBRUARY SPECIAl! $ 2 5 C re d it w ith K eep Fill S Ig n -llp --------—— i—---•Automatic Keep Fill ----------------«Budget Payment Plan —• 24-Hour Emergency Service •Furnace and A/G Installation & Service ^ • K-1 Kerosene ---......--------------------Propane Q u a l i t y O i l ■ ■ r i i l I IIIIIPI ■ — Locally O w n e d Since 1929 722-3441 www.qualitycilnc.com % ì !Í8.. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRLSK RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 Coach Beth Carter gets her point across in a timeout. Faith Howell defends a West Rowan Bulldog in the Tigers’ blowout loss, their first in four conference games. fVle/sha Fowler elevates on a jumper. Teioira Gaither shoots in an earlier game. S Febmary I Шг s I s G re a t L o w P ric e s ! By combining llio buying strength of thousands of T(uo Value stores, you got groat low prices on quality top-nanio brands. Free a s y r a ii:,* » “*»»» e* •4Я1М-1 1 0 “ — S h o r t h a n d e d S o u t h G o e s D o w n H a r d Willioiil lliiec starters, South Davie's eiylith-graile girls bas­ ketball team w asn’t the same team tliat enlereii its biggest lesl (>r the season on a threo-game winning streak. Clearly liamperccl by one- game suspensions to slar Meislui Fow ler's supporting easl, the Tigers suffered ii disastrous 44- 21 loss U) visiting West Rowun last week, Coach Belh Carter knew they were in Iroublc, be- cau.se even al full .strength the Tigers needed a brilliant perfor­ m ance against the unbeaten H ulldogs, w ho rom ped past South by 18 anti 26 points on the way to last year's regulur-seuson and lournainent titles. South, which rtnished lied for second last year, came in 3-0 in the M id-South Conference. Fowler delivered her standard 17 points, but she could only do so much. Carly Stauffer scoreil South’s olher tour. “And their scoring was very balanced. T hey had eight to score,” Carter saiil. “What hurt was missing three starters due to discipline problems. They had lo sit oul and it really afiecled iny girls. “Fowter didn't pluy us well us e,\pecled (with four points) in the first half. I think she was upset because we were down three players. Bul then she re­ ally stepped up In the second half. “W hen I have those three girls bnck, it's a different game. Wo cun pluy with West," West rolled to a communtling 19-8 halftime lead, then blew it wide open Ih the third. Jh c day was not n total loss for South, Besides Fowler's big second half against the best competition in the nine-team league, Laura Van­ hoy and Justin Scott displayed courage lhat did not go unno­ ticed. “I had some lo step up and play really good," Carter said. “Vanhoy and Scott played tlteir hearts out. They gave il their best. We tried bul West had loo many weapons for us." The Tigers have four games to protect their second-place spot. They played North Rowan on Feb. 17. They play at Knox Feb, 19, at home to Erwin Feb. 23 und at home to North Davie Feb. 24, Wc.sl R ow un 44, S outh Diivic 21 - Meisha Fowler 17, Curly Stuwfler 4. A Tiger gets a layup. - Photos by James Barringer If you can't bear Iheihouahiof other dealorshlps saying ffO/alue ME a call" ^ C au dell L u m b er and B u ild in g S u p p lies 162 Sheek Street • 751-2167162 Sheek Street • 751 -2167 П A Open Dally Weekdays 7:30-5:00 Д ^ Sat. 7:30 >12 noon r GET R o o m f Kevin McCullough C a ll m e p e rso n a lly a t 7 0 4 - < S 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 or 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 4 - < S S 2 3 Email Me at - k m c c u llo u g h @ b e n m y n a tt.c o m Apply by Phono - 1 -8 8 8 -7 5 6 -A U T O (2 8 8 6 ) w w w .b e n m yn att.ge tay e s.co m Mynatt PONTIAC'GMC'NISSAN 629 JAK E ALEXAN D ER BLVD. S. Amanda Stewart releases a shot. YOUNG DRIVERS INSURED Competitive Auto Rates. Wtiether You D rivS a Two-Door, Four-Door or T h ro u g h a Garage Door. For a free auto quote call me... Stop by... l^ g on - It's your cfioicel •Auto »Home •Financial Products «Business Kollh IHIIIor 1111 Yadklnvillo Hwy,, IHocksvlllo WilkMrOAksShop Cotr 336-751-6131MtefiilKírutoíMxtecofn Karon Bennett Associato Agent 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksville WikMOaUSliop.Cnli, 336-751-6131МетИала6оп»-й,ит □ Nationwide’ Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide U On Лиг Side’ DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 - U9 Girls Basketball Team Endures Payback From Black Knights C ontinued Frutn Page lU The War Eagles opened Ihe three-game week with a .'iO-41 win over Reynolds, then romped over Alexander Central 65-37 in a nonconfercnce game. “It was a mirror situation,” Davie coach Karen Stephens saidoflhe loss. “ It lo o k e d e x a c tly like what wc did lo them al home." Jckyll- and-Hyde Davie was flawless on Jan. 23, convert­ ing 32-of-52 shots as Schafer lit up North for 28 points. This time the Black Knights were nearly perfect, and they were well on their way to revenge by the 3:02 mark of the first quarter, when they led 12-6. Schaferdidn't get off a shot unlil nearly six min­ utes had elapsed, and Davie had nine of its 23 turnovers in the first eight minutes. Black Knight guards Colby Hunt and Brittany Berrier had fire in their eyes, combining for 44 points and fueling a warp- speed attack. Their fastbreak B ooth told the story - nine first-half layups were set up by Davie missed shots and turnovers. The second quarter wus a Hunt highlight reel. The .5-3 sparkplug scored 13, or three more than Davic, and llie War Eagles' heads were spinning as tiicy entered the break staring up at a 41-22 difference. ‘T hey were very aggressive and we backed down u little bit," Stephens said. "We said there would be a lot of emotion from (North'.s) Senior Night, we em­ barrassed them on our floor and this svtts for part of second place. They were intense and got after it. Wc let them control the whole game." The W ar E agles' huge re­ bounding edge, 43-32, couldn’t stop the bleeding. The margin stayed in double digits through­ out the second half. “We were terriiled (after the fir.st meeting)," Berrier said. “I mean we were playing for sec­ ond place and then we get killed by (19). It put our confidence down, but wc told ourselves to­ day at school that we were go­ ing to beat Davic." Carly B ooth paced D avie with 13 points and ID rebounds. Schafer had II points and 10 re­ bounds, Andrea Dwiggins had nine points, five assists and five rebounds, and Allison M ackin­ tosh had five points and seven .rebounds off the bench. Bul Davic shot 32 percent and m issed hulf its 16 free throws. When Hunt (23 points) wasn’t scoring, she was feeding someone for an cusy bucket. She racked up 13 a.sslsls. "To lose to them by lhat much was really difficult. W e'd never lost lhat bad,” Hunt said. "Scor­ ing wus not a problem - sve scored 60 - but our defense was what killed us, and they couldn't mi.ss. "W e played Schafer a lot tighter this time because she'll shoot if you're not in her face. So we got in her face and she didn't get quite as many points this time. "Oh, it evens it oul a lot. Il makes us feel u lot better." D avie’s short list of high­ lights included Schafer’s sixth double-double and B ooth's fourth double-double. Booth is scoring 13.5 points in the lust six games. “Slie w orked so hard," Stephens said of the sophomore power forward. “Really, looking back, she's only had a few games when she didn't play well. Wc all forget that she’s just a sopho­ more und she’s got u lot on her shoulders. Even though she played (varsity) last year, we can’t expect her to perform like Davie Girls Basketball Statistics Record: 11-11,5-3 CPC (im s I’ts Rcbs Avg Assists Avg PPG 22 237 143 6.5 17 0.7 10.7 22 68 58 2.6 SO 2.2 3.0 21 28 20 0.9 15 0.7 1.3 22 123 90 4.0 66 3.0 5.5 12 3 9 0.7 8 0,6 0.2 20 58 73 3.6 8 0.4 2.9 22 196 130 5.9 29 1.3 8.9 10 11 5 0.5 2 0.2 l.l 22 320 180 8.1 83 3.7 14.5 22 157 50 2.2 66 3.0 7.1 15 28 27-1.8 1 0.0 1.8 13 6 14 1.0 2 O.I 0.4 56.1 53.2 Booih Bowden Cornaizcr Dwiggins Harris Miickinlosh Maready O'Neal Schafer Walker Whitaker W illiams DAVIE OPPONENTS 3-Poinlers; W alker 24, Schafer 21, Booth 3, Dwiggins 2, Maready Stenls: Schafer 72, Dwiggins 43, W alker 41, Maready 34, Bowden 23, Booth 18, Mackintosh 9, Cornatzer 7, W hitaker 4, W illiams 4, Harris 2 Blocks! Maready 14, Schafer 11, W hitaker 4, W alker 3, Booth 2, Dwiggins 2, Bowden a junior or senior every night. 1 think she's going to be a great player.” Notes: North broke Davie's three-game winning streak. ... The CPCToumament is at North Davidson, and it will conclude Saturday after M onday’s snow pushed the tournament back a day. North and Davie will meet a llilrd time in Thursday's semi­ finals. Tiic winner of the rubber match will take the No. 2 seed into next w eek's state pliiyoffs. Davie 50, Reynolds 41 A lthough the W ar Eagles weren't a thing of beauty against visiting Reynolds, they had no problem taking down the De­ mons (6-17, 2-6) for the second time. N icole M aready w as the game's star with 15 points and It rebounds. Booth-added 14 K i n g S e e s P r o g r e s s A s W i l d c a t s R a l l y T o . 5 0 0 Tile season, us North Davie's eighth-grade girls buskclball team reminded us last week, is a maralhon, not a sprint. The W ildcats opened the season with three losses in four games and lei'l Coach Trish King pondering their direction, Bul they didn't give up, responding With three wins in four games to square th eir records al 4-4 overall and 2-2 In the Mid-South Conference. After falling to 1-3 with a 55- 30 loss to Knox, they beat North R ow an 41-25, edged Forsyth C ountry D ay w ith a 22-20 payback decision and brushed aside China Grove 42-26 after losing 44-1810 undefeated West Rowan. “ Now I have a lot m ore confidence that we're going lo be O K ," King said. “ By ihe tournam ent we may surprise some people. I think they’ll lake us for granted." The lurning point was when Alicia Allen took over the poinl- guard duties against N. Rowan. She sparked the dominating win with 14 points, and added four stenls. "Thnt wns Allen's coming- out puny," King suid. “She was pcnclrnting, muking passes and she earned herself a position she should have had ull along. Som etim es you d o n ’t see something unlil after it happens on the iloor. “Some games we show up and some games wc struggle. Bul ever since I moved Allen to the point it's mnde a world of difference.” Allen's 14 points - the most by any W ildcat through eight games - was only part of the story. Sarah Alcxnniler came up w ith 11 points and seven rebounds and Coty Lee and Samantha Judd combined for 17 boards. Jamie Stuncliff wus ulso effective with seven points and four stenls. “Lee nnd Alexander played phenomenal under the basket," King said. “They’re not very big, but they played bigger girls nnd did a wonderful job boxing oul and rebounding. “A nd il w as a gam e we needed reully bud.” Lee, Alexander and Judd did an im pressive job on Forsylh C ounlry D ay's inlim idating ccnier as the Wildcats s(|ucezcd out a 22-20 win lo avenge a .season-opening 18-12 loss. Slaiicllff and Alexander led w ith five points apiece, und Tnmikn Reynolds nnd Allen hnd four. “They have a girl that's about 6-1 who scored about nil their points last tim e,” King said. “ Lee, A lexander and Judd played the back of my 2-3 zone, and tiiey kept the bull out of her hands in Ihe second half. She scored 10 poinis, bul had no field goals in Ihe second half.” The Wildcals were no inntch for Wesl Rowan, wiiicii bolted to a 14-2 lead and kept pouring il on. Slancliif, Lauren Walker und Judd accounted for 14 of Norlh's points. North bounced back wilh ’authority, shoving China Grove In a l 5-0 hole and coasting to the 16-point victory, ll got .scoring from i 1 players, including eight from R eynolds, seven from A lexander und A llen und six from Judd. The W ildcats piny at Erwin on i'eb. 18, al liome lo Soulhensl on Feb. 19 and al Soulh Davic on Feb. 24. Knox 55, Nortli Davic 30 - Samaiillia Judd 9, Alicia Allen 6, Annie Shrewsbury 5, Chelsea Trull 2, Lauren Mitchell 2, Coty Lee 2, Alyssa Corne 2, Tamika Reynolds 2. N ortli D nvie 41, N orth Rowan 25 - A llen 14, Sarnh Alexander 11, Jamie Stnncliff 7, Judd4, Mitchell 2, Lee 2, Corne N orth D avie 22, Forsyth Country Day 20 - Stancliff 5, Alexander 5, Tamika Reynolds 4, Allen 4, Lee 2, Judd 2. West Rowan 44, North Davic 18 - Stancliff 6, Lnuren Walker 4, Judd 4, Shrew sbury 2, Alexander 2. North Davie 42, China Grove 26 - Tnmikn Reynolds 8, Allen 7, Alexander 7, Judd 6, Trull 3, Elizabeth Budd 2, Stancliff 2, Shrew sbury 2, M itchell 2, Tanisha Reynolds 2, Lee 1. points, Dwiggins posted her third straight double-rigure game with 11 points lo go with seven re­ bounds, and Schnfer collected seven points, eight steals, seven boards and four assists. The W ar Engles extended Iheir lend to 31 - 18 on the strength o f an 18-8 second quarter, and Reynolds didn’t recover. They would have blown Reynolds out if they w ouldn't have botched easy scoring chances. They shot 29 perccnt from Ihe floor. "Booth and M aready did a good job on the inside,” Stephens snid. “That was the difference.” D nvie SO, R eynolds 41 - Nicole Maready 15, Cnrly Booth 14, Andrea Dwiggins 11, Allison Schafer 7, Alyson W alker 3, Davie 65, A lexander C cn­ trnl 37 ■ Schufor 15, Booth 15, Walker 14, Maready 12, Dwig­ gins 6, Danielle O ’Ncnl 3. N orth D avidson 73, Davie 49 - Booth 13, Schafer 11, Dwig­ gins 9, Allison M ackintosh 5, Ashley Cornatzer 4, M aready 3, Bowden 2, Walker 2. YOUR 9 t h G i r l s F i n i s h S t r o n g W i t h 3 W i n s In 4 G a m e s Amandu Russell and Davie’s freshman girls basketball team surged down Ihe sirctch lo nnish with a 4-5 record. Under llrst-yenr coach Mike Garner, the War Eagles started slow wilh one win in llicir first five games. But they made sig­ nificant progress, winning three of Ihe last four and taking back- to-back gam es from Soulh Rowan in Ihe final week of play. The firsl matchup wilh South was tight throughout, wilh Davie leading 24-22 al lialfiime and 37- 32 al the eml of three t|iiaricrs, Davie iield on ihunks to Britluny Wharton, who scored 11 poinis, and Russell and Rachel Goin, who added 10 each. Rus.sell dominaled in tiie next mceling willi Soulh, scoring 17 In a 38-32 win. Soulh came oul fust for an 8-2 lead, but the War Eagles pulled within 13-12 liy hnlflime and look Soulh com ­ pletely apart in Ihe Ihird, a 13-0 run lhat provided a secure 25-13 lead. W harton and Jaclyn Smilh backed Russell wilh seven ami six points, respeclively, For the season, Russell was the leading scorer wilh a 7.5 av­ erage. Wharton wns right behind her nl 7.4, nnd Smilh wns third at 5.2. Dnvie 48, Soulli Rowan 42 - Brittany Wharton 11, Amanda Russell 10, Rachel Goin 10, Rebecca Riddle 6, Jodi I larpe 4, Tonella Ramsey 3, Jaclyn Smith 2, Megan Williams 2. Davie 38, South Rowiin 32 - Ru.ssell 17,W liarlon7,Sm ilh6, Riddle 3, Harpe 3, Ramsey 2. YOUR SKIN CARE. YOUR HAIR CARE. YOUR NAIL CARE. ...CARE? THE TRUTH IS N 'T PRETTY. M ORE W O M E N DIE O F HEART DISEASE TH A N A N Y OTHER DISEASE. Wo're good at caring for our bodies - the parts we can see. But what about what's Inside? Do you hove high blood pressure? High blood cholesterol? Diabetes? Are you Inactive? Are you a smoker? Overweight? If so, ihis could damage your heart and lead to disability, heart attack, or both. HtartHpHMUtt-rAfreecoinmiinlfysemlnqr ' ' , , abouf woman and heart ^Iseaio , Ih u n d a y , F abruary M • 7 - 9 p .ir t. • H e ll^ If^ ti j 9 3 0 S .J a k e A lM c a iK h rB lv d .in S a |> * b u iy |j Learn how to change your lifestyle and avoid the risk of heart disease from medical professionals who are experts in women's healthcare. Free refreshments and Information will be provided for all participants. Register for door prizes to be given away that night. Call (704) 210-5544 to register and reserve your spot for this exciting program. Rowan Regional M edical C enter www.rowan.org Seminar Speakers Includi Cyril Abrams, M.D. Specialist in Cardiology Mid Carolina Cardiology James Murphy, A^.D. Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Carolina Women's Health Assochtes Teresa McKinney, RN Cardiac Wellness and Rehabilitation Center Rowan Regional Medical Center If BIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 b e a m e m b e r N O W Y O U C A N Start enjoying all of the benefits that membership has to offer. Benefits you can’t . get from being just another account number. Stop by our new Clemmons location today and become a member. T R U ^ l A N T Federal Credit Union Tanglewood Commons Shopping Center 1336.659.1955 | truliantfcu.org Davie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - Cl m /1^ I I:I'M Pat Gregory’s collection of Irish Porcelain is on display at the Davie County Public Library, just to the left after you enter the door. P o r c e l a i n C o l l e c t i o n O n D i s p l a y Pal Gregory found ihc biscuit jnr nt a rcliglou.s artifacts store in Augusta, Oil., and she wns hool;cd. Made of Irisli Porccinin, n commod­ ity created by the Wade Co. in North­ ern Ireland, the pottery had this bluish- green tint, a rcsull of an accidental mix­ ing of the two colors. It had detail, It had texture. ■ The company quit making tho por- ' col&in ln'the'‘mld-1970s, but It hasn’t stopped collectors such a.s Gregory, The Advance resident's collection of Irish Porcelain Is on display ot Ihe Davie County Public Library through Febru­ ary. I "The lady sold me thut first piece and I just fell In love with It," she said. Now, there are the whimsea’s, liny creations once found in boxes of tea. They include N oah’s Ark animals, ex­ otic animals, circus animals. There are cups nnd mugs, a butter pat and open salt. Look for dragon boats, replicas of Viking ships. Some figures are made after Irish baiiads, such as Danny Boy, M other McCree and My Wild Irish Rose. T here’s an egg coddler, ash tray, cigarette case and Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah. "I’m Scotch Irish, und 1 like anything that’s got a sliamrock or a thistle on it," Gregory said. She’s nol sure why the company quit making the pieces, but thinks it was the economy. Most of Ihe pieces are functional, though most were sold as souveniers. Gregory trades mostly on the internet, but hopes there are other collectors in the area. Her granddaughter, Kaitlyn Mole, a sixth grader al South Davie M iddle School, helped her put the pieces in the display case. Gregory is glad it can been seen at a public library. Look to the left as you enter the building on North Main Street in Mocksville. ■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Pat Gregory holds a "biscuit jar," the first piece of Irish Porcelain she purchased. After that, she was hooked on collecting the rare pieces. i^egor^ coliection includes cups and mugs, saucers and ash trays, and some “whimseas," animal characters once given away in boxes of tea. / ■ t ' C2 - IMVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursdiiy, Feb. 19. 2004 DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - C3 T a i C h i I n s t r u c t o r T o S p e a l < A t L e t ’s T a lk Freeze-Brown Engagement Announced Meluiiic Ann Fri.’i;/c of Slalesville iiiul Don Winslow Brown Jr. of Mocksvillc will be iiiiirritil Nov. 6 nt Liimlniark Church of God in Slalesville. The bricie-clecl is ihe claughler of Becky anil Bob Freeze of • Slalesville, and Ihe (>randdaughler of Polly and Ralph Freeze, Jack and Becky Lillie, und Hailic Lillie, all of Slalesville. She is a gradu­ ate of West Iredell High School und is studying radiation therapy ul Forsylh Technicul Communily College. Tlie groom-elect is the son of Lois and Don Brown of Mocks­ ville. He is the grandson of Llsie und J.W. Brown of Mocksville und Bella and George Burrow of Slulesville. He is a graduule of Davie High School und earned un associate degree in horticulture technology from Forsylh Technical Coninuinily College. He is farm ntanuger ut Dew Drop Farms. Cancer Services, Inc. has in­ vited locul Tui Chi instructor Mike DePuew to come and speak at its next Let’s Talk program. Mike will offer participants un overview and introduction to Tai S o n B o r n T o H a t l e y C o u p l e David John (D J.) Hatley wus born on Tliursdny, Feb. 5,2004 ul Forsyth Medicul Ccnler. He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. und wus 22 inchcslong. He was welcomed home by his parents, Amy nnd G ary Hatley; big brother nnd sister, Luke and K irsten H atley; Grandpa and Grandma Salinon, Grandmother Hatley; und uunls, uncles und cousins. Bianton-Dyson Engagement Announced Tommy nnd Phyllis Blunlon, bolh of M ocksville, announce Ihe engugemenl of their daughter, Selena Alice Blanton lo Linney Curler Dy.son, Ihe son of Dennis and Ann Dyson of Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduule of Duvie High School and work.vas II pharmacy technician for Foster Drug Co. The groom-lo-be is a graduate of Davie High School and earned a degree in operations management from N.C. Stale University. He is employed wilh Ingersoll-Rund us u methods unalysl. The wedding is planned for April 17 in Ihe chapel of First Bap­ tist Church. North Main Street. Mocksville. M a t l o c k ’s F l o o r i n g S e r v i c e “F o r A l l Y o u r F l o o r i n g N e e d s ” On Sale: LAMINATED HARDWOODS Starting at $ 3 .5 0 Sq . ft. Installed (special good through March 31,2004) We stand behind what you stand on! Mm Malbck — 12 Yonrs Experience omc. 1 3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 ‘2 7 3 5 c« (3 3 6 ) 6 5 5 - 4 9 3 5 STEVE IJAMES CARPET CLEANING DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning Deodorizing & Soil Guard Water Extraction Service FREE ESTIMATES Parkor Rd,, Mocksvlllo4 9 2 - 2 6 4 5 Kyle nnd AiiRic Hiillcy of Advnncc arc pruitd to иП' nmincc (he hirth of (heir first child. Collin Wllllmn Hnllcy wns liorn .Inmuiry 17,2004 nt 12:53 n.m. nl For.syth Mcdlcnl Center. Mutcrmil );rnn(Ip»r- cnts arc KiiKcnc imd Curolyn I’otl.s of Mocksvlllc nnd Tim imd Kohin Mnll of Coiirlncy. Pntcrmil f>rnndpnrcnt.s nre Lurry nnd Angchi Bnllcy of Advnncc. Chi. Tui Chi is un uneienl practice of breathing, slrclching und slow movements. This practice may be u.sed 10 ease Ihc side effccls of cancer treatments, strengthen muscles, improve poor bulunce and reducc the risk of fractures. This program will be held at the Duvie Cotiniy Library on Fri­ day, Feb. 27 from 11:30 a.m.-l p.m. Anyone inleresled in attend­ ing Ihis free program should cull Cancer Services ut 769-9983 lo register, Spacc is limited nnd lunch will be provided. Regional Equine Safety Day Is Feb. 28 The Area 12 Regionul Equine Informution Network System (REINS) will sponsor im equine sufety duy on Feb, 28 nl Ogburn Slubles neur King beginning at 10 a,m, Davie horse owners are inviled. Some of the educational top­ ics 10 be covercd will be: pas­ ture managenient, safe and un­ safe horse trailers, damage from a hay fire, tuck inspection, nnd burn sufeiy. There will bo industry repre- scntalivcs on hand to discuss new products us well ns conces­ sion booths. “T his educational event promises lo be one where you will take home a lot of useful in­ formation that will help keep you und your horse safe," said C ooperative Extension Agent Phil Ruckcr. For more informalion or di­ rections, visit or call the Exten­ sion center at 751-6297, T he a r t s M ake A D ifference In C hildren 's L ives — It 's A Fact ! T he Davie C ounty ArLs C ouncil provide.s Art,s in Kducntion |)roKniiuniin!> for over 6000 ,student,s in Diivie C ounly eacli year, III 2()0.'i. every 2nd and 3rd Liiiicier in Duvie Cdtiiily canii* lo ii speci;il perlhniiiince given hy tiie Wiiiston-Siilerii Syinpliony ¡incl tlie High Point Btillel til the iirock. • All 4tli and Sth giuclets piiiiiciiwlei.1 in ;i sOhool eoneeit iiml tIiseuSsion \vitl> ■ Molas.se.s Creek - tr;iiliiion;ii folk ;iitisl,s IVoni ()Li;iaike Ishinil ihul use niiisie ¡iiicl cliinee to expre.s.s the iinic|iicne,s.s ol'a eom iiuinily isoliiteci on iheiMorth Ciiiiiliiui Const. All 6th graders enjoyed ;i perlbrnuilKe ;iiul workshop hiiseil on science and niiitli princijiles given li) the proressional touring group, Lii/er Viititleville which tilili/es lighting eliecis anil lasers lo leach and eiUeilain. Proressional poei .anti enierlainer. Phillip .Siiaha// taught \\ riling in the classroi'iii and inspiretl 7tli f*rade stuileiils to create their own [xietry at .South l);i\ ie Middle and North l)a\ ie Middle. 8th }>rade sttident.s were visited hy the prole.ssional liance comptiny. IVomTcxas, П у who usetl .street dance lo lackle ihe iiard issues оГ peer pressure, experinientiitioinind drug usage. W hen well taught, the arts pro\ iiie young people wilh atilhenlic learning experiences that'engage Iheir niinils, hearls, aiul hodies. The learning experiences are rciil and пкчиппцГи! Гог them. YES, / \VA\T TO SUVrORT ШИЛКТН! I w ith to m ake th e follow ing con tflb u llo n /p led g e for 200 3*20 04 . 'шЁтШ Help The Davie Cbun^ Arts Council Reach our goal of $5b;d00fbr ARTS IN EQUC^ON. Itis a don^ibn thatwilli^akéa ; çlîfie^ COUNTY. I wish lo conlfibulo/plodgo n lotfll of; S_ J Chnrgo iny credit card in Ihe monlh с CiifU »_____________________ .Ü My chock is onclosocj J I will pay lolal in Iho month ol;__________________ J My сотрлпу has л matching grants program. I h<ivu cornplotod and onclosod tho appropriato lorm. J I wish lo bocomo a vulunloor, I am interoslod In:____ PIcAtt m aht chtckt payabit to th* Davit County Arti Council, j j ^ THANK YOU for your supporl! | l ( I S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s T A G P a in t b a ll A c t io n in A d v a n c e Tired of every sporting event being a competitive tournament? Have you been looking for something athletic, recreational and exciting (or the whole family to participate In? Well look no further than Tactical Action Games L1.C. Open since the beginning of September 2003, Tactical Action Games LLC pro­ vides a fun, family atmosphere to play non-competitive paintball. “bur two sons, Sam and Mall, have been playing paintball for quite a while and they have always had to travel to find a flejd to play on,” recalls Edwin Spach, co-owner along wilh his wife, Jeanne. “We live on a farm and the Idea to develop our own field originally came from our youth director, Bill Bradley. He has been playing for over 15 years and gave us the great Idea to open a paintball Held of our own." L-ocated on Highway 801 in Advance Tactical Action Games LLC store is located at 1979 Highway 801 South in Advance. The paint ball field Is located less than four miles south of Ihe store off of 801South. “We have all of your paintball needs. If there Is something that you need but Is not In stock, we can normally have it In less than a week,” notes Edwin. Complete line of game gear, accessories The store Is stocked wilh paintball markers (guns), paintballs, C 02 plus all of your basic needs. They also carry quite an array of gear for upgrading your current equipment (barrels, stocks, expansion cham­ bers, remoles, etc,) So whether you play on a regular basis or are a first-time participant, they can help you get the equipment you need. Church Youth Leagues boing formed Another exciting aspect of Tactical Action Games LLC Is the devel­ opment of church leagues, • “W a aro currently In ttia ptocaaa ot atorttng otiuroti youth loogueB,” Jeanne points out. "The Interest Is really gaining like wildfire and It's a chance for girls, guys, moms and dads to play together In a non-com­ petitive atmosphere." If your church Is interested in being a part of a youlh league, give us a call at the store during regular business hours. Fun, safety emphasized Adds Edwin, “We want your experience with us lo be fun and excit­ ing yet safe. Safety is our number one priority and we would like for Ihe groups that play to feel the sam e way." Tactical Action Games LLC welcomes groups of friends, co-work­ ers, families, chuches or scouts. They also accommodate birthday par­ ties or any other types of gatherings. “Paintball Is a great activity for team building so this is a greal expe­ rience for co-workers, whether they get along or not," says Edwin with a laugh. “It’s also great for families that want to enjoy an exciting sport together," Call or stop by to schedule a game time Tho paintball field Is open on Saturdays from 9 am-4 pm. Appoint­ ments are required since walk-ons are not accepted. To make an ap­ pointment, just stop by the store during store hours which are Tues- day-Friday 4 pm-8 pm and Saturday 9 am-2 pm, or call (336) 940- 2588. If you don’t have an appointment and decide to play on a Satur­ day, you may come by the store and If there are fields available, they will send you to one of them. Terrific field rates Field rates for participants with their own equipment are $10.00 for a half day (4 hours) and $15.00 (or a full day (regular field hours.) You may rent individual Items such as markers for $10.00 and accessories for $5.00 each. Group rates (Including rental and field fees) for 10 or more are $20.00 per person for half day (4 hours) and $30.00 per person for a full day (regular field hours.) Rates for players In groups of nine or less are $22.50 per person for half day (4 hours) and $35.00 per person for a full day (regular field hours.) Rentals Include marker, mask, hopper, neck protector, 1 tank C02 (filled), 200 rounds of paintballs and a harness/utility. For reserving a «eld, tty to make your resoivattons at least two weeks in advance if possible. Coupon'special of 10% for limited time For a limited time. Tactical Action Games LLC Is offering a coupon special of 10% off of paintball accessories (markers and paint balls excluded.) Look for the coupon on this page and bring it in. There is also a web site In the works for Ihe future. So for your next outdoor sports adventure, remember to call Tacti­ cal Action Games LLC at (336) 940-2588. You will have Ihe experience of a lifetime. SAVINGS up j/|.„ EVERYDAY ю iienior Cidzenii 1)]яс(шп1н A L L C L O T H I N G B U Y 1 , G E T 1 F R E E . IN C L U D E S M EN ’S , W O M EN ’S , C H ILD R EN (EXCLUDES SPENCER) Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd, 766-4449 • Clemmons ■ 766-4938 A-1 FIRST I M P R E S S I O N SCARPET & SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www,A 1 Firstlmpressk>ns,com Caipol Upholslety Rugs Draperies Flood Extraction Flooring Inspections Carpot Binding Rug Relringing e e IICRC Cortlflod Firm K T IL E R IT E (336) 813-TILE -- _________(84S3) W'e imtall ceranûc and stone tile. Family wntO UsffKa b 16 We bke i^nt ptiJc h cur uiJ aatunw tmicc. Ft« admatci InsureJ Bermuda Mini’s S e l f " S t o r a g e 998-9661 / Climate Conlrol / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance M m Î W o o d w o r k s AffortlMe Pimohle ВчИШщ S to r a g e B u ild in g s 5328 S t. P a u l C h u rc h R d, H am p to n v ille, N C 27020 ОШ For Din‘cttonit A tvin M ast, Jr. 336-468-1194 So Smuhiv Oills Pltiur A C Œ N T S B l i n d s , S h u t t e r s & S h a d e s Dougins Powell 946-0227 iK ir tv.flcce/J ts b s s . c a m PO Box 85 Lewisville, NC 27023 t n e y o o r in g Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience t m ( m i TO THE PUBUC LownvillflClimm«»n 5 9 1 9 - C J a m e s S t. T.4.G P A IN T B A L L IOFF ALL Paintball A ccessories (excl. Markers & paint Balls) Tactical Action Gam es, LLC umiiociTimo | 1979 NC Hwy 801S Advance, NC 27006 TUo8clay-1=rldiiv<t;0O-BiOOPM, (33 6 ) 9 4 0 -2 5 8 8 Saturday 9:00am-2:00 pm Field hours; Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Winter Hours) jL_ Hillsdale Animal Hospital 134 Medical Drive P E fS N E E D A N A N N U A L D E N T A L E X A M ¥ 0 0 ! Please call and set up your pet's appointment for a dental and receive 15% off Offer expires 3/1 5/04 Call 998-8750 UGLY R O O F S T A IN S REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKII Nation’s Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers R o o f - B r i t e ^ 7 8 5 - 2 0 3 0 100 Royal Oak Dr.. Winstoti-Salem. NC 27107 N e w L o c a l T O W n e C R f i F T . D istrib u to rs Debbie & Kenny Hutchens Please call for service on handles and knobs, cooking demonstrations, dinner partys or employmetit. First 12 to call receive FREE COOKBOOK. P l e a s e c a l l D e b b i e o r K e n n y a t ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 6 4 2 9 P L U M B I N G KIM E . Y O U N G -O W N E R YourHfOi Tb Nonest A Depondabto Servian• jn Vrs. (yx • Иг*!йаи1л1/С(>1тнпЫ • WAh'rllKih'fs • ItwksS, elid'd 1)гл1т • DhpiMh • Г.1МТМ • lolhii • Inuin'dA tintdvd(336) 751-2061 Mocksvlllo NC Lie, n 22229 fnH'iï.ivKK A Smkt* S/KtiïÎHl BAKERY ■ THRIFT STORE I T H O M A S : ! м Ж I Buy 1 Thomas Item & Get 1 F R E EI l-;<|iiMlnrf.r«<VaJtleI IVrl'rrniiuKtjiirwl/av/tM , C Icm m onH T h r if t S to re 2068LeM4n«.CI«fTvTicn«ncl CiMmiora SwUsFor&IYourPrinllniNeedMl Rubbor SInmps. Copies. Business Cards, Cnrt»nlos3 Forms, Olik» Staliotinry, NowsloUofs. Brochuros, DooKlo\s, Labels, Co^^\^nvxл^s Forms, Specialty Cnrds & Envolcpos, E)ook Binding, Moo^t*c Signs, Bonners (336) 751-0200 150 E, Lexington Rd. (Hwy. 64 Б.). Downtown, Mocksvillo, NC D a v ie D o l l a r D iscouivrr S t o r e - NOW OPEN - Cootoemeo Shopping Center A True “Dollar Store” OiFTS • TOYS • PET 8UPPUE8 PARTY FAVORS • GIFT BAGS CHni81MA8 CAROS & STOCKING STUFFBRS and MUCH, MUCH MOREIIl (kxri - S«( 9 OOAU - 7 OOPM, 3 (QPM • 9<«PU(336) 284^020 TIRED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows' Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures Free Estimates! M o b i l e P h o n e 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 97 6 4 -0 8 8 5 ( ^ H u s q v a r n a v i k i n g ' Owners Ann Michel and Teresii Lupole Qiialiiy I'abric al great prices. Coinjileie line of sewing niiichines nml sevgers, Ailult ami youlh classcs, Scrvice and repair—all makes and imidels, Notl()ns-Qiiilting-& Embroidery Supplies Mon-Tliiirs 10-8 • Fri-Sat 10-5 421 & LcwLsvillc-Cleinmons Road Lewis, (ЗЗЙ) 766-8271 www.sewiiiBlyydius.com earciiic l3cor Repairs /ill lilcctrical Ciicner Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience CABLM^ G A R A G E D O O R S E R V I C E S “Mr. E d ” 5 ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 2 3 3 6 » F a r m i n g t o n , N C I E D W A R D S w!ntov№ C4 - DAVIK COUNTY KN TERFRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 J o h n H o p e F r a n k l i n : A R e s p e c t e d H is t o r ia n By .Mngclcnc GuKhcr Spceiiil lo the Enlcrprisc John Hope Frnnklin is iiti- qucslionably one of tlie world’s most renowned, revered, und respected historians of Ihis cen- lury. Al uge 86, he is James B. Dulce P rofessor of H istory Emeritus, and for seven years was professor of legal history at Duke University’s Law School. At age 82. he headed Prcsi- Dr. John Hope Franklin chats with Cameron Hudson, grandson of Magalene Gaither of Mocksville, in front of the Library of Congress, where Franklin Is a Kluge Se­ nior Fellow completing the writing of The Vintage Years, his autobiography to be published this year. dent Clinton’s Initiative on Race Advisory Board, and led a na­ tional discussion of the country’s most çontentious and critical social issue - race. Dr. Franklin was bom Jan. 2, 1915 in Rentiesville, Okla., Ihc son of a lawyer and a teacher. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Fisk University, and mas­ ters and doctorate degrees from Harvard University in 1936 and 1941. He has taught at Fisk, N.C. Central and Howard universi­ ties, and St. Augu.stine College in North Carolina. From 1956-1964, he served as chair of the history depart­ ment at Brooklyn College. He joined the faculty at the Univer­ sity of Chicago in 1964, serving as chair of the history depart­ ment between 1967 and 1970. In 1982, he became profes­ sor emeritus at the University of Chicago. Without question, a mentor and an inspiration to many, and a reaffirmation of the power of goodness and intellectual hon­ esty, Dr. Franklin is perhaps best known for his study, “From Sla­ very to Freedom; A History of African Americans," now in its eighth edition. O ther w orks includc. The IVIilitant South, 1800-1860 (1956); Reconstruction After Ihe Civil War (1961); The Emanci­ pation Proclamation (1963); A Southern Odyssey: Travelers in the Antebellum North (1976); R acial E quality in A m erica (1976); George Washington Wil­ liams: A Biography (1985); Race and History: Selected Essays, 1938-1988 (1990); The Color Line: Legacy for the 21st Cen­ tury (1993); and R unaw ay Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, co-authored with fonner student, Loren Schweninger. In addition to numerous es­ says and reviews. Dr. Franklin is the editor of The Civil War Di­ ary of James T. Ayers (1947); n Fool’s Errand (1961); Army Life in a Black Regim ent (1962); African Americans and the Liv­ ing Constitution (1995), co-ed- Itcd with former student Genna Rae IVIcNeil; and most recently. My Life and an Era: The Auto­ biography o f B uck C olbert Franklin, an autobiography of his father that he edited along with his son, John W hittington Franklin. Dr. Franklin has served on a variety o f com m issions and boards, He served on the Na­ tional Council of the Humanities (1976-78); the Presidential Ad­ visory Board on Ambassadorial A ppointm ents (1977-81); and Ihe U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (1978-81). In September and October of 1980, he was a United Stales delegate to the 21st G eneral Conference of UNESCO. Among foreign assignments, he has been Pitt Professor of American History and Institu­ tions at Cambridge University, Consultant on American Educa­ tion in Ihe Soviet Union, Ful- bright Professor in Australia, and lecturer in Americon History in the People’s Republic of China. He was choir of Ihe advisory board to the President’s Initia­ tive on Race (1997-99), and chair of the National Parks Sys­ tem A dvisory B oard (1999- present). ■ Dr. Franklin has been the re­ cipient o f m any honors and awards. He was selected in 1978 by W ho’s W ho In America as one of eight Americans who has T o ta lly c o m m itte d to to ta l h c a lth c a r c O n e l o o k a r o u n d a n d I k n e w I w a s i n t h e r i g h t p l a c e « Hardwood floors. A luxurious bed. Private massage shower. Rocking chairs. Recliners for the family. All standard features of our maternity suites here at Rowan Regional. Plus one extradpecial feature: personalized, professional care. One look is all you'll need. For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544.R c w a n R e g i o n a l Medical C eintter (704)210-5544 • \nnv.rowan.org made significant contributions to society. In tiie same year, he was elected to the Oklahoma Hall of Fame. He was Ihe first recipient of Ihe Cleanth Brooks Medal of Ihe Fellowship of Southern Writers; and in 1990 received Ihe Ency­ clopedia Britannica Gold Medal for the Dissemination of Knowl­ edge. He received the Jefferson Medal Award in 1995, NAACP Springam medal in 1995, and the Helmrich Award in 1997. In 1998, he was inducted into the N.C. Literary Hall of Fame and in 1999, was the first Afri­ can-American recipient of the Truman Good Neighbor Award. He was selected "Tar Heel of the Year 1999" by the Raleigh News & O bserver, and in 2000, re­ ceived the Skliball Human Val­ ues Award, Lincoln Prize and the H arold W ashington Literary Award, Dr. John H. Franklin was his­ torical consultant on producer Steven Spielberg’s Oscor nomi­ nated film, Amistad. In 1977, he was featured in First Person S ingular; John Hope Franklin, a PBS produc­ tion, which chronicles his life experiences. In January 2001, he was fea­ tured in Biographical Conversa­ tions, which was more than 10 hours o f tape condensed and broadcast in three one-hour seg­ ments on WUNC-TV. O r. Franklin, along with South A frican A rchbishop Desmond Tutu, were featured in “Race and R econciliation; A Journey Towards Peace.” This documentary was filmed on the West African Island of Goree and premiered on PBS in Feb­ ruary, 2001. The Duke University Center for International Studies was designated one of 10 National Resources Center for Interna­ tional Studies of the U.S, De­ partm ent of Eduation. In fail 2000, the center joined with a ^ number of other Duke interdis- olpUnary,and,lnlernaUonai cen­ ters In tho newly renovated John Hope Franklin Center for Inter­ disciplinary and International Studies. The 33,000 squore fool Franklin Center is located in Ihe form er Hanes A nnex, a two- story Georgian colonial build­ ing. Il has 70 offices and carrels, a multi-media conference room, four sem inar room s, a class­ room , lounges, and gallery spaces. A m ong many olher disci­ plines, the center seeks to pro­ mote innovative approaches to research and teaching on race, equality, and other fundamental issues of social life and human understanding. R e l a y F o r L i f e T e a m M e e t i n g Tlie second American Cancer Society Relay For Life team captain meeting will be held on Monday, March 1 al 5:30 p.m. in Ihe Davie High School multi­ purpose room. R em inder cards recently mailed to team captains had the original date of Feb. 23. Because of the winter storm at the end of January, several of the meetings were rescheduled. The first team captain meeting was originally .scheduled for Jan. 26 but w as delayed to the follow ing week. For anyone w ho did not attend the first meeting, there is still time to form a team. Team captains or a representative from each team should plan to attend to turn in team registrations and hear about any changes. The Relay For Life will be held on June 4 and 5 at Davie H igh School. For m ore inform ation, contact Katy Junker at 751-3829 or Izzy Tutterow at the C ham ber of Commerce at 751-3304. County Line News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Ful). 19,2004 - C5 By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Our County Line community was again blanketed with a thin covering of snow and sleet. Advance News By Edith Zim m erm an Advance Correspondent The Methodist Youth made and sent beautiful Valentines lo Ihe elderly and shut-ins in Ihe community. As a recipient, this gesture made my day. Many thanks to Ihe youth from all the people receiving the Valentines. Our church organist and choir director, Donna Cortner, under­ went mojor surgery Monday al Forsyth M ecical C enter. A speedy recovery is wished for her. Advance Methodist Church is starling a Hand Bell Choir. Anyone interested in joining, or needing inform ation, contact Bobby Clutts at 940-6050. The choir has almost enough money to purchase o 3-octave set of chimes, Cokie and Pot Jones have re­ lumed from 0 10-day trip to Ha­ waii, They went as representives of the National Association of Conservationist District of which Cokie is a member, with more than 2,000 people attending. Staying at Kona on Ihe big is­ land, Hawaii, the Jones' com­ bined the business wilh pleasure slaying a few extra days, They went to Hilo, Parker Ranch, cof­ fee farms, the beaches, saw the fam ous w aterfalls/rainbow s. They ate at the Volcano House overlooking the active Kilnuen Volcano. Lost Friday, the PE Club from Shady Grove School went to Sugar Mountain for a day o f ski­ ing. Jill C. Dixon and daughter Janna joined the group as well as Jill's nelces Lindy and Hailey Carter. It was a fun day for oil, ^ On Saturday, Feb. 14 Dor- ' othy Carter entertained members , of her family with ii dinner at her hdmo'c'elebratlng birhtdayk'.'I-Ier' husband Jack C arter’s birthday was Feb. 1. Others enjoying Ihe dinner w ere Peggy and Felix Rummage, Buddy and Billie Foster, G ray and Ruby N ell Carter. Buddy’s birthday was Saturday Ihc 14th, Gray Carter and Peggy Rummage had birth­ days in January. Peggy is Jack Carter’s sister and Gray is Jack’s brother. Sym pathy is sxpressed to Barbara Vogler Waldrop in the death of her husband, George Waldrop, who died last week af­ ter extended hospitalization and illness. Judy Barr and Lois Carter were Friday luncheon guests of their aunt. Lib Carter, They brought lunch to share wilh Lib und brought lier a lovely Valen­ tine. Get well wishes go to Edd Ledford who suffered a massive stroke on Suturday. He is hospi­ talized ut Forsyth Medical Cen­ ter. M edford and Nuncy Shoaf had a birthday purty at Iheir liome lost Wednesday night hon­ oring their daugher-in-law , Carolyn Shoaf. Also attending wus her husband, Brent Shoaf, and daughter, Katie. Get well wishes go to Rich­ ard Pressley who underw ent knee surgery last week at Char­ lotte. He and wife Ann came back home Friday. Ann has just returned from Seattle, Wash, where she was with her son Pe­ ter Schalestock, who hod suf­ fered a heart attack, but is im­ proving al this time. G et w ell w ishes to Rela Vogler who has been confined lo home for the past two weeks wkh illness. • Charlie Latham is undergo­ ing tests from various specialists to detemiine thecau.se of his ill­ ness. He appreciates the friends and neighbors who have come by und taken him out for drives and visiting, since Chariie is unable to drive. One day last week he enjoyed going to a chicken stew al J.L. Singleton’s home in the Elbavilie community. Many Sunday evening church services were canceled. Some have been rescheduled. The Bible study meeting at Salem United Methodist Church has been rescheduled for 7 Sun­ day evening, Feb. 29. Pastor Steve Blair w ill conduct Ihe m eeting w hich w ill include plans for a new on-going Bible study. The M ethodist W omen of Clark.sbury United M ethodist Church will have a prayer break­ fast at 8:15 Sunday morning, Feb. 29. The women will meet in the church fellowship hall and will be led by Melinda J. Smith. All women of the community are invited. The congregation of Salem Methodist will join olher Davie United M ethodist churches ut Ihe "Davie Guthering” ut Fullon United M ethodist Church from 3 - 5 Sunday evening, Feb. 22. The United M eliiodist DislricI Spanish church located in Davidson County will be pre­ senting the program. The V-Point Ruritan Club offers scholarships to local high school graduating seniors in our community . AU quolifying se­ niors ore invited to apply. Please call David Scheider at (704) 546-7058 for an applica­ tion. The forms may also be picked up at Ihe guidunce coun­ selors' offices at North Iredell and Davie County high schools. Completed applications should be returned by March I. Our community continues to remember in prayer area resi­ dents who have been ill. Harvey Beck was hospitalized at Duvis Medical Center. Louise James is im proving but rem ains al Davis. Lucille Beck, O rren H ouston, G eorge Redm ond, E velyn Seam on, and Jane Seam on ore recuperating at home, Ray Poole was scheduled to have surgery this week, but he was unable to undergo sur­ gery and is resting at his home. We send gel-w ell w ishes lo these people and pray for the Lord's divine healing in their lives. We congratulate Zach Smitli, son of M elinda and Jim m y Smith, on his recent sports uc- coniplishment. Zach, an active m em ber o f the youlh of Clarksbury Methodist, is a se­ nior at N orth Iredell High School and won the high school regional wrestling loumanient in his weight class al Weddinglon this past weekend. Zach will be competing in the stole tour­ nament this Friday und Saturday at Lawrence Joel Coii.seum in W inston-Salem . G reat going, Zach. We wish you the very best this weekend. We hope liiat everyone is get- ling a "hunkering" for barbecue ond chicken pie. O ur Counly Line VFD semi-annual barbecue and chicken pie supper will be coming up soon. Mark Sotur; doy, March 27, on your calen­ dars. Begin planning how you cun support this greul fundraiser whether it be preparing or donat­ ing food, donating items for Ihc bazuur lubic, or coming to cut. In lost week's column, Lester und G ladys W alker's wedding anniversary should have been Jan. 24, not Jun. 10, Four Corners News Cornatzer News Dy Dottle Potts Cornutzer Correspondent Nonnan and Ella Smith huve been confined for the past two weeks wilh o virus and other ail­ ments. W illie Bess B ennett and daughter, Cynthia Summers, vis­ ited Cynthia's children, Nickolas und Erika, in Raleigh lust Satur­ day. They all had lunch at Erika's apartment. Homer and Sharon Potts and Kaye and Perry M orris visited Mury Murphy ut Surry Commu­ nity nursing center in Mt. Airy. Dottle Potts visited Mae Laird lust week ot Somerset Court in Mocksville. Betty Jeon Hendrix uiid Willie Bess Bennett attended tho fu­ neral of George W aldrop lust week. Annie Frye wus confined over llie weekend with broncliitis, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts had dinner in Y adkinville Friday night in observance of their 55tli wedding anniversary. By M arie W hite Four Corners Correspondent Gene Shelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Shelton, is doing nicely after heart surgery last week. Sandra Shelton had dinner 'W ednesday night w ith M rs. Johnsie Shelton. We extend our sincere sym­ pathy to the' family of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Clarkson in Ihc loss of their daughter, Em m lly Clarkson, who wus killed in un autoinobile accident Thursday night. Tlie family arc residents of this community. "HV’i’e lost a precious 16- year-oUl rcsUknl of this coiiimii- iiity, "Eniinily ii'rt.v so sweet and kind, a more tiilciitcd teenager would he hard to Jind. "A young Christian in every way, .'¡erviiig her Lord day by day. “Things happen ii’c don't un­ derstand, hut we know God has a plan, "To her fam ily we humbly pray, God will strengthen them day by day," Love in Christ, Marie White T o ta lly c o m m itte d to to ta l h c a lth c a r c 3 S o m e p e o p l e j u s t k n o w h o w t o m a k e a n e n t r a n c e . Having a baby is quite a production. So we’ve expanded our family waiting area. Improved the aesthetics. Even upgraded our newborn camera equipment. Because today it's "Lights, camera, action." Tomorrow? "I'd like to thank the academy ..." For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544. Æ i/m , R c w a n R e g i o n a l Mi-iDicAL Center (704)210-5544 • www.rowan.org C6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I hursday, Feb. 19, 2004 S u z a n n e V a l y e r s S p e c i a l i s t H e l p i n g R e t i r e d V o l u n t e e r s Boy Scout Pancakes On Sunday Feb. 8, Boy Scout Troop 732 held a pancake breakfast fund raiser at the sponsoring Bethlehem United (yiethodist Church. The purpose was to raise money for Scouting supplies and events. The breakfast began at 7:30 at the Methodist Men’s meeting and continued until afternoon. Major objec­ tives this year not only Include camping and other events, but work toward some scouts obtaining their Eagle rank and a trip to Phllmont In New Mexico this summer. All boys in the Davie County area are encouraged to join us in fun, service, and development of life-long skills. 'llie Retired and Senior Vol­ unteer Program of Davie County (R SV P) has hired Suzanne Valyer as project specialist to serve the needs in Davie County. She will be coordinating vol­ unteers 55 years old and older with organizations in need of volunteers. Valyer lives in Davie C ounty w ith her husband, Lester, and daughter, Pamela. The Retired and Senior Vol­ unteer Program (RSVP) helps people age 55 years and older fine .service opportunities in their home communities. RSVP par­ ticipants serve in organizations ranging from hospitals, youth recreation centers, nursing facili­ ties, food pantries, senior centers and other scrvicc areas. RSV P involves seniors in ser­ vice that matches their personal interests and makes use of Iheir skills and lifelong experiences. R SV P volunteers generally serve part-time, for an average of three to four hours per week, throiigh tt variety of local non­ profit organizations, agencies and institutions designed as vol­ unteer stations. A full spectrum o f people from birth or old age, homeless or isolated people, people with AIDS, A lzheim er’s disease or other acute, chronic and termi­ nal illneiiiies, frail homebound older people, “latchkey" chil­ dren, low-income families, teen mothers, disaster victims, at-risk youth, veterans, people with physical, mental or learning dis­ ab ilities, substance abuser, adults in literacy projects, fam­ ily caregivers, and seniors in nu­ trition programs are serVed by senior volunteers in the program. Through such efforts, RSVP is meeting needs that can other- ,wise strain local budgets or could be cancelled if not for their help. Anyone may participate in the RSVP program who is at least 55 years of age. You do nol have lo be retired. Interested ap­ plicants should call Valyer to dis­ cuss interests and service oppor­ tunities. RSVP volunteers serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for such expenses as transportation. Insurance pro­ tection is provided to volunteers while on assignment. Valyer states the need for RSVP volunteers is great. Our local stations are in need of people to assist with activi­ ties, rending to the consumers, in-house transportation, assist­ ing with clerical duties and spe­ cial events. She said, “There are a wide variety of stations that only need assistance a couple of hours n week atid any help would be sincerely appreeialed.” For m ore inform ation call Valyer at 751-2187, ext. 30, M onday-Friday from 9 a.m .-l p.m. The RSVP office is located downslnirs in the Brock Build­ ing, 622 Main St., M ocksville, Meadows On Dean’s List Robin D. M eadows of A d­ vance, a photographic technol­ ogy student at Randolph Com- munily College, was named to the fall semester president's list with a 4.0 grade point average. Tak ing the Lead 2 0 0 4 D avie Coim ty Spelling B e e Congratulations to all for an outstanding performance in tfiis year’s event! 2 n d P l a c e Betay Forrest, Mocksville Elementary $150 Savings Bond Presented by the Davie Ctounty Enterprise Record 1 s t P l a c e Christy Holdsclaw, Shady Grove Elementary $250 Savings Bond Presented by Venezia Italian Family Restauranl — Other Participants — Savanna Stover - Cooleemee Elementary Shannon Dillard - Cornatzer Elementary Brad Deal - Pinebrook Elementary Taylor Anderson - William R. Davie Eiemenlary Erika Wentz - North Davie Middle School 3rd Place Aaron Peoples, South Davie Middle School $100 Savings Bond PfOBontod by Sylvan Learning Cenler V e n e z i a Italian Family RaatauranI A Special Thanks to this Year’s Sponsors! D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRi/E R ec o r d SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER''itUaoo Comp«ry DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - C7 Winter Horse Course For Youth Starts March 2 A w inter horse course for youth age 9-15 will be held al Dixieland Farms,Godbey Road, M ocksville, from March 2-April 6. Sponsored by the Mocksville/ Davie Recreation Department, tlie fee is $85 in advance. Cull 751-2325. U nder the direction of M arissa Johnston, the young people will learn about horses each Tuesday afternoon in n barn and indoor riding arena. The course will introduce the basics o f horsem anship and riding. Each Tuesday afternoon for six weeks, a maximum of eig h t students w ill m eet at Dixieland, where they will work with their adopted horses in tiic bam and arena. As well as basic equine stud­ ies, students will progress at iheir own pace w hile they ride tlie schooling horses lo learn the ba­ sics of walk, trot and canter as they arc introduced to hunt and Young people will learn how to care for horses, techniques and safety at the recre­ ation department course. slock scat disciplines. Parents are invited to view Ihcir children us they dem on­ strate Iheir newly-acquircd skills on Ihe April 6 class. Students m ust weur long pants nnd iiceled shoes or boots, plus one of the provided hel­ m ets. Students need to wenr warm clothing as neither tiic barn or arena is heuled. Pnrcnis must sign a liability waiver. A van will depart tiie recre­ ation department at 3;30 p.m. and return approximately 7 p.m. Rental Cars Available f r o m '^16.95 per day! C a l l t o r e s e r v e o n e t o d a y . Tim Sharpe 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 A P u b l i c H a n g i n g Art Work On Display At The Brock Through March 10 The D avie C ounty A rts Council offers a cure for Ihe win­ ter blues with a blaze of vivid colors and local talent on display nt the Brock Perform ing Arts Center. “A Public Hanging" W inter Art Show is open to tiie public through M arch 10. The exhibit is part of the DCAC pre-spring fund raiser and offers an outlet for local artist enter their work in a professional style art show. M ore than 50 works were submitted to the Duvie County Arts Council, resulting in u vur- icd und impressive siiow of nr- tistic ability on llic purl of Davie County residents who entered their work. A ccording to ju rist/artist Karen Parker, judging a show at this level is not without ils chal­ lenges. “1 try to select pieces that have a conversution with cuch other," Parker snicl of her se­ lections. “W hether it is color, texture or subject, they all have lo be related in one way or an­ other. I’m so impressed with the mixed media entered, il is rare thnt you fill'd tills much vnrintioii submitted in a show." The BPAC lobby plays host lo photography, oil paintings, waiercolor, wood carving, .sculp­ tures, and more. Regan Jones markeiing di­ rector for tlie DCAC, said; “We are blessed to liave an active vi- suul arts commiiice who is made up entirely of volunteers. They put shows like this togeiiier. Il is art by the people and hung for tile people of Davie County. We have pieces hanging in our lobby llial are on truly lovely and lliul I t s A S e u s s e n t e n n ia l! It's a Seussentennial I Davie County Public Library i? - is hosting “A C elebration of Scuss" on M onday, M arch I nt ■7 p.m . in com m em oration of Theodor Seuss G eisel’s lOOlh birthday. The M onday night fnmily slorytime will be a tribute lo the m an know n and loved by generations of children ns Dr. Scuss. Over a period of 50 ycnrs, Dr.Seuss creutcd one of the most populnr bodies of children's litcrulure in history, including Tlic Cat in the Hal, Green Eggs nnd Ham, The Grinch who stole Christmas, and the Lorax. With llieir quirky cliaruciers. bouncy rhythms, and light yet meaningful messages. Dr. Scuss stories have delighted genera­ tions o f childton (and their parents). Although Dr. Goisel died in 1991 his books remain lop sellers. Join tho lib rary for Ihe w onder of story as only Dr. Seuss could imagine ii. Beginning Spanish Offered To Seniors Beginning Spanish classes will be offered to Davie County senior citizens for $20, through a course at Senior Services by Dnvidson County Community College. The course will be taught on Tuesdays, M arch 12-April 6, from 2-4 p.m ., at Senior Ser­ vices on 622 N. M ain S t., M ocksville. To qualify, you must be at least 60 years of age and live in Duvie County. The cost for u non-resident or those under 65 is $55. P in o N e w s By N orn Lnthnm Pino Correspondent The brenkfnst nt W esley Chapel will be this Saturday from 6:30-10 a.m. Tlie menu will be couniry ham, suusnge, red eye gravy, sausage gravy, homemade biscuits, baked apples, scrambled eggs and grits. Everyone is in­ vited to attend. Tlie proceeds will go to missions. Chineru Latham celebrated her birtliday on Friday with a fam ily dinner ul the home of H arm on and N ora L atham . Tliose attending were her hus­ band, Jim, daughter und .son-in- law, Kendra and Jim Jacobs of Newport News, Vu., daughter, Audra Rhus of Churleslon, SC, Fran, Dennis and Megan Craver, Bob und Loui.se Dill and Bob nnd Kuihy Ellis. Register at Ihe Davie Cam­ pus o f the community college ul 1205 Salisbury Road, M ocks­ villc, or by telephone al 751- 2885. Mention cour.se 0400453. P r o s t a t e C a n c e r S c r e e r ) i n g M a r c h 2 0 A t D C H D ■ There will be a free prostute cancer .screening on Saturday, March 20, from 8 u.m.-noon ut the Dnvie County Health De­ partment. C all 751-8700 for un ap­ pointment. The screening is sponsored by the health department. Wake Forest University Baptist Medi­ cal Center, Davie Social Ser­ vices and Cancer Services of Duvie. f PEnSONALTRAININQ.YOOA. CHILD САПЕ " A l i g h t I w o r k o u t a n d ? s w i m h e l p s m e § s t a y f i t d e s p i t e a m y a r t h r i t i s . " | — Howard Verdery .5 Whult A c t i v e o l d e r a d u l t f i t n e s s p r o g r a m s T d o n 4 yo u ? J o i n t h e У М СА t o d a y l C M 4 1 7 - u u ’ for a (ree toor and ovest pass. ^ rinanclnl nsiltlQiice avnllalilo. LA Uiill«(l Way Agoocy. S 99iaOU3V U3ÌVM '9N08eai MIMS '9ÌKDIN NHJ A1ÍWVJ ’SWVUOOUd one might sec in lurgcr cities for sulc in high-end gullery," An nwurds ccremony whicli included reniurks from Pnrkcr wns held Snturday, Feb. 7 dur­ ing the Fund-drivc K ick-O ff Party ut the Brock. Winners for the show were; first. Pul Anderson Spuinhour; second, R ichard K ueharsky; third, Randy Everett; und hon­ orable mentions, Charies Frick, Megan Jacobs und Pul Anderson Spainliour. A Purchase Awurd was given by Gasthaus on the S(|uure to Eliznbelh Wulson, nnd a People's Choice Award, cho­ sen Saturday evening, went lo W .J. Martin. “A Public H anging" hours arc 9 n.m -5 p.m. For more in- fornintion call 751-3000. N O W E N R O L L IN G F O R S C H O O L Y E A R OPEN HOUSE T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 4 ¡¡Dam - 2pm & 5pm - /pm) "■ • Pre-school (2, 3 & 4 ycnr olds) ‘ - * Kindergarten • First - Bghfh Grades A C A D E V ColltoJoybflntomiofion , 336/224-2848 D A V I D S O N A C A D E M Y 555 West Center Street Extension ♦ Lexington, NC 27295 wwwtl<Mdi«»«idiniyrK.co<n Sfwdtntf ott odmWf d wffhovf rtpord lo ruct, nlfghn, or notional origin. G r e a t C o v e r a g e S t a r t s w i t h B l u e Salem Insurance Group Nathan Jones 336-723-6600 njones@saleminsurancegroup.com Blue Advantage® Plans No Referral HM O,PPO and POS Group Plans Small Group Coverage Long Term Care Medicate Supplement Insurance Dental Coverage for Individuals and Groups Blue Extras*'" Discount Programs BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Contact your authorized Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina agent for cost and further details of coverage, limitations, exclusions and terms under which the policy may be continued in force. An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Slv) Service mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Asssociation. U2082,a,2/03 C8 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 Obituaries Doru Lucille Furches M rs. Dorii Lucilc W ngncr Furclics, 86, formerly of Yadkln- villc Road, Mocksville, died early Sunday morning, Feb. 15,2004 at , the C ardinal Care C enter in ; flcndersonvillc where .the had ; been a resident for the past sev- ; eral years. . Funeral services were at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18 In Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh Ihc Rev. Ken Furches ol'ficiating. Burial was in Eatons Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorinls; a charity of the donor's choice. Mr. Furches was born in Davic Counly, Aug. 22, 19 17 to the late Eugene arid W illie W illiam s Wagner and was ti retired dietieion with the Davie County Schools. She enjoyed cooking and sewing and gardening. She was a gradu­ ate of the M ocksvillc High School, and attended the Chestnut Orove United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband. Will Furches, on Nov. 9,2001; by 2 brothers, Odell Wagner and Harding Wagner. Surviving: a daughter, Reba Furches of Hendersonville; and a .son, Dwain Furches of Gastonia; 4 gTandchildien', nnd 3 great­ grandchildren. . ( //// ///A , ,■///!/ М ш щ R o b S 'L Q ttik ÿ '''} m m MOCKSVnXQ ‘Bobbj/KM icJiûeh^ ' '......., W . ‘ 2()04 i | ^ l Ь ю - Ш MÓCKeVH.tH> ... ..A .^ . Tòlti Й; '(Voórfr«ff;í ■- i. n906-2W,: :;í;\" ]VÎ0Ck9VIVW''‘<'Æ,‘| : .JMÎ-2004 ' t.. . I f '. v < |> ' Íie}enM .‘D evis ’ 1913V2tOÍ-‘‘ ; 'WINSTON-SAtBWü'J. ■WnUer:S. S iiÿ iierti‘j 1942 - 2004 • '«v ;-ADVANCE'V.'i.’'. ... . I..,,,.'.. ... ■l.i'Vi,-, ,, ” ... " В й Ш Н т к щ 1936-2004* Ш .'"WAI4CEHT0J¡ín|v A 'i ■ íjuliaAÍ.DiilÍKM .Diedi Fel>,8í2004víí MocksvaLB I ÉlfzaHefh'C Témple ' : ,1917 - 2004'. ; BERMUDA VILtAGEv -,<ft; Patricia K. Robinson ■ ' 1939 - 2004 ¿í lURMONY Ч >...... Й M argaret S,O w ens!: 1936-2004 !■; . .r , МОСЦвУЩБ )' i !' ^• lRoinudP.Bt,ck Ф ■ ':^‘)08r3!P04';.',í':'J■..■■:'4-'^.MOCK9VlUp, John H. Pratt Mr. John H. Prati, 67, of U.S. 601 North, Mocksville, died Sat­ urday, Feb. 14, 2004 at his home. He was born May 1.“), 1936 in Dnvic County to the late Rufus L. and Lela Parker Pratl. Mr. Pratt was a graduate of Courtney High School and worked for 29 years wilh Southern Screw in Statesville until the closing of the plant. He then worked for and retired with Ingcrsoll-Rand in M ocksville. Mr. Pralt loved to garden and was a bird-watcher. He was a inein- ber of Courtney Baptist Church bul attended Rock Spritigs Bap­ tist Church in Harmony. Surviving; his wife, Elaine York Pratl of the home; his son, John H. (Pam) Pratt Jr., Fuquay- Varina; his daughter, Joan Pratt Jackson of Yadkinville; 3 grand­ children; 3 sisters, Gnynell (Henry) Hollar, Mocksvillc; Char­ lotte (Harry) Norris, Yadkinville: Retha (Jimmy) Whittaker, Mocks­ ville; 3 brothers, Fred (Eloise) Pratl, Mocksvillc; Dorrell (Jennie) Pratt, Yadkinvillle; Bruce (Judy) Pratt, Mocksville: his mother-in- law, Bernice York W illiam s, Randleman; a special brother-in- law, Ronnie (Cathy) York, Har­ mony: and several nieces and nephews. His funeral service was held nl 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 16 in the Gentry Family Chapel by the Revs. John Brown and Steve Hcdgecock. Burial followed in the Courtney Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials; Gideon Interna- lioniil. North Stntesville Camp, POB0.X 1.321. Stalesville, 28677; or to Hospice/Palliulive Care of Forsyth, 110 C. S. Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, 27018. Em m ily Eliza Clarkson Miss Emmily Eliza Clarkson, 17, of Four Corners Road, died Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004. She was born May 25,1987 in Forsyth County to Kevin Mark and Lorie Lawrence Clarkson. .Miss Clarkson was a junior at Forbush High Sohooi, where she was active wilh Ihe cheerleading squad and DECA Club, and was u member of the yearbook staff and Ihe Forbush High School Fcllow.ship of Christian Athletes. She was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving: her parents. Murk and Lorie Clarkson of the home; a brother, Seth Clnrk.son of Ihe home; her maternal grandparents, W. Clay "PaPaw" and Gay Baity "Nana" Lawrence, Mocksville; paternal grandparents. Bill "PttPttw" and Betty "Mamnw" Clarkson, Courtney; 2 great­ grandmothers, Annie Pearl Pettit, Yadkinville nnd Mary Martin, Welston, Ohio; her aunt and uncle, Lcesa "Aunt" & Phillip (Uncle Woop Woop) Pardue, Yadkinville; und uncles, Tim Clarkson and Stacy Clarkson, both of Yadkinville. Her funeral service was held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15, nt Courtney Baptist Church by the Revs. John Brown, Barry Dodson, nnd Chris Hauser. Burial followed in the church ccnietery. Memorials: Forbush Fellow­ ship of Christian Athletes, c/o Chris Hauser, 1525 Falcon Road, East Bend, 27018. Furman Hicks Waldrop Mr. Furman Hicks "George" Waldrop, 78, of Underpass Road, Advance, died Friday, Feb. IJ, 2004, nt the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Mr. Waldrop was bom July 5, 1925, to the late John and Nellie Waldrop of West Columbia, S.C. He was a member of Mncedonin M oravian Church, Springdale Masonic Lodge 412 in Columbia, S.C., Advance Masonic Lodge 710, Oasis Shriners, wliere he was ambassador at large, Ihe Winston- Salem Shrine Club, the Winston- Salem Scottish Rite, Clemmons Eastern Stnr 373 nnd VFW Post 8719. He Served in the U.S. Navy in World War II and Ihe Korean War nnd retired from Lucent with 30 years of servicc. Survivors: his wife of 18 years, Biu'bara Vogler Waldrop; 2 daugh­ ters, Sheiry Belcher and Sandra Haynes of Columbia, S.C.: 2 brothers, John W aldrop, and David and Palsy Waldrop of West Columbia, S.C.; 2 sisters. Belly Waldrop of Wesl Columbia, and Evelyn and H erb Engel of Charleston, S.C.; a granddaughter: a molher-in-law, Lillie Vogler of Advance; twin goddaughters, Jen­ nifer and Stephanie Jamie of Ad­ vance; a godson. Chance Hendrix of Mocksville; and many friends. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Feb. 14 at M acedonia Moravian Church with the Revs. Greg Little, Richard Shamel and Joey Yokely offieiating. Masonic Rites were held in the church cem­ etery. M emorials; Shriners C hil­ dren's Hospital, c/o Oasis Shrine Temple, 6(14 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte, 28262; or Macedonia Moravian , 700 N.C. 801 N., Ad- N O W A C C E P T I N G Л1ЧЧ l('}v ri( )N.S l'( )R M AX' X'l '.NI X )kS. 1 )Г.Л| AM ) M :k( : /\N ' 'S ( 3 3 6 ) '3 6 8 - 5 ' 6 1 2 E a s t M o in S t r e e t • P ilo t M o u n to in . N C ■ F o r I n f o r m a t i o n C o n t a c t ; KERRY CUMMINGS ( 3 3 6 ) 3 6 8 - 5 7 0 0 S p e c i a l o £ t h e W e e k It’s Here! Bring Your Film and Save Money! In Store Photo Processing • Digital Prints • Enlargements l or ni t'iil iiiloi iiialidii (111 (h’tii’.s hi'iillh 'prohii'iiis, i'd Id « « \\.Г(1Ч11'Г(1г11)>с<|.1'(>т Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 ww\v.fosk‘rdru};co,com Peggy Lou Galliher Mrs. Peggy Lou Cain Galliher, 66, of Harmony, died Monday, Feb. 9,2004, at her home. Born in Yadkin County on June 9, 1937, she was a daughter of the late Theodore Roosevelt Cain nnd Lois Johnson Cain. She wns tt homemaker and a member of New Hope Baptist Church, where she wa.s the choir director, a Sunday school teacher nnd a member of the Ladies Fellowship. She was a seamstress and and en­ joyed her family. She was preceded in death by a son, Roger Dale Galliher. On Oct. 5, 1956, she married Mr. Dwight W. Galliher, who survives. Also surviving: 2 sons, David Dwight Galliher of Harmony and Tony Ray Galliher of Gastonia; n daughter, Debbie 0 . Haynes and husband James of Homptonville; n granddaughter; 2 brothers, Tho­ mas Ray Cain and wife Nancy of Statesville nnd Robert Larry Cain of Hamptonville; and 2 sisters, Frankie Miu-ie Stroud and husband Wendell of Harmony nnd Sue Carol Eurhart and husband Bill of Pittsboro. The funeral service was held Thursday, Feb. 12, at New Hope Baptist Church with the Revs. Larry. Andrews, Roy Turner and Jerry Y arboro Sr. officiating. Burial followed in the church ccinctery. Pallbearers were Roy Anderson, Tim Stroud, Larry G alliher, Jeff G alliher, Gene Stroud, M ike Fraley, Dale Johnson and Frank Johnson. Memorials: New Hope Baptist Cemetery Fund, 2849 Harmony Hwy., Hannony, 28634; orto Hos­ pice of Iredell, 2347 Simonton Road, Statesville, 28625. John Thom as Sm ith Sr. Mr. John Thomas Smilh Sr., 92, of Mocksville, died on Satur­ day, Feb. 14, 2004 at Forsyth Mcdical Cenler. Mr. Smilh was born Nov. 29, 1911 to Ihe late Tliomas Madison Sm ilh and Blanche Cleary Smith of the S h e f f ie ld community. He was preceded in death by Ola Sum m ers Poplin Mrs. Ola Summers Poplin, 82, of Frank Short Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, Feb. 11,2004 nl Davie County Hospital. Funeral services were Friday, Feb. 1 i at 2 p.m. at Bethel United Methodist Church with the Revs. Edward Carter and Jack Luther of- ficinting. Burial was In tho church cemetery. Memorinls: Bethel Methodist Church, 322 Bethel Church Rond, Mocksville. Mrs. Poplin wns born Dec. 23, 1921 in Rownn County to the late C.P. and Lundie Lowder Summers and wns a homemaker. She had worked part time nl Fran Ray Nursing Home and nt Lynn Ha­ ven as a nursing assistant. She was a graduate of Mocksvillc High School, enjoyed crocheting,-knit­ ting, gardening and canning. She was n long-time member of Bethel United Methodist Church where she was a member of the United Methodist Women and former di­ rector of the youth choir. She was preceded ii^ death by her husband, Otis Earl Poplin in 1984; 2 daughters. Fay Roberson and Josephine Poplin; and a brother, Adam Summers. Survivors; a daughter, Lucille Matthews of Mocksvillc: 4 sons, T.C. (Donna) Poplin of Stntesville, Earl (Carla) Poplin, Gene (Cathy) Poplin, Tim Poplin all of Mocks­ ville: 15 grandchildren: 15 great­ grandchildren: 2 great-great grandchildren; and n special close I'riend, Mattie Lowery of Cleve­ land. I n L o v in g M e m o r y o f B a r b a r a B e n s S p illm a n 1942-1982 A very loving mother, wife & grandmother. Wc miss you very much und love you very much, Joe. Dehhie Л Kctmy, Amly it Lin, Tracy & Aili.wn Micliaei, Drew i5 Ы н'П Spilinwn , a brother, William Wade Smith of Mocksville: by his wife, Virginia A llred Sm ith; and daughter, Carolyn S. Daniel. Survivors: a son und daughter- in-law, J.T. Smith Jr. and Martha Smith of Mocksville: 7 grandchil­ dren: and 13grent-grnndchildren, Mr. Smith owned nnd operated J.T. Smith Furniture Coinpany nnd was a eommxmlty leader. He was a lifelong mentber iwd superinten­ dent in the Liberty W esleyan Church. He belonged lo the Gideon’s Inlernntionnl. He cher­ ished his Biblicnl tours to Isrnel und surrounding countries includ­ ing Europe for severnl years. Funcrnl services were ut 2 p.m. Wednesdny, Feb. 18 nt Liberty W esleyan Church on Sheffield Road, conducted by the Rev. Ronald Lee. Burial wns in the church cemetery. Memorials: Liberty Wesleyan Church Building Fund, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Harmony, 28634. Paul G. Baynes Jr. Paul 0 . Baynes Jr., 66, of Win- ston-Salem died Friday, Feb. 13, 2004, nl Knic B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home. He wns born Aug. 6, 1937, in Forsyth County to Paul G. Bnynes St. and Vesta McMillan Baynes. Mr. Bnynes was a member of Trin­ ity United Methodist Church nnd was retired from RJR Tobacco Co. with 261/2 years of service, Surviving: his wife, Carol Adams Baynes of the homo; 2 dtwghtets, Robin McKeown and husband Kenny of Clemmons and Paula Gttvlik of Winston-Salem; 5 grandchildren: 3 sisters, Joan (Rudy) Green of Fnyelteville, Loretin (C.D.) McClnin and Debbie Coley, all of Winston-Sa­ lem; and a brother, Wayne (Gail) Baynes of Mocksville. A funeral service was con­ ducted at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 16, a( Trinity U nited M ethodist Church with the Rev. Doug Gil­ bert officiating. Burial followed in Wesllawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. M emorials: Trinity United Methodist, 3819 Country Club Road, Winslon-Snlem, 27KM; or to Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Win­ slon-Snlem, 27103. M argaret Gobble M nrgarel G obble of Clemmons died 9n Tuesday, Feb. 10,2004. She was born Aug. 17, 1927, in Forsyth County to Henry L. und Virginia Sofley Foster. Survivors: her daughter, Katie (Jimmy) Mashburn of Wnllburg; 4 sons, Stanley (Jean) Gobble of Advnnce, Bobby (Dinne) Gobble of RurnI Hall, Ricky (Kay) Gobble of Wnllburg mul Kent Gobble of Clemmons; 10 grnndchildren; 9 gicnl-grnndctiildren; nnd a sister, Lindu White of Clemmons. Slie was preceded In death by her husband of 57 years; her par­ ents; nnd 3 brothers. She wns n m em ber of Immanuel Baptist Church and a Christian nnd friend lo all. The funcrnl service wns held at 11 a.m. Friday, Feb. 13, al Vogler & Sons Clemmons Chapel. Burial followed al Wesllawn Gar­ dens of Memory. Mm'lwcomiirwdiii: . Legislative Building Haielgh, NO 27601-1096 phone (919)733-5904 fax (919) 754-3182 Email: luliah@noleg.net _1‘ш>юнтм1М1пш„и B r e a k f a s t S a t u r d a y A t W e s l e y C h a p e l There will be a ham and .sausage .breakfast wiili all tho trim­ mings from 6:30-10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 2 1 at Wesley Chapel Church. L o c a l C h u r c h e s T o H o l d A s h W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s O n F e b . 2 5 On Wediie.sday, Feb. 25, Holy Cross Lullieraii, Second Presby­ terian and First Presbylerian churches of Mocksvillc will hold a joint Asli Wednesday Comniunion Service at 7:30 p.m. at First Pres­ byterian, 261 S. Main St. Ash Wednesday is the day Lent begins. It occurs 45 days before Good Friday. The faithful have their foreheads marked with ushes in the shape of a cross. They do this because in the Bible, a mark on the forehead is a symbol of a person's ownership. By having iheir foreheads marked with the sign of a cross, they acknowledge they belong to Jesus Christ, who died on a cro.ss. This is in imitation of the spiritual mark or seal that is pul on a Christian in baptism, when they arc delivered from shivery to sin and is made a slave of righteousness in Christ (Romans 6:3-18). Ashes are a biblicnl symbol of rtiournlng und penance. In Bible times, the custom wns to fast, wear sackcloth, sit in dust und ashes, nnd put dust and ashes on one's head. While snckclotlis nnd silling in dust and ashes is no longer the nomi, the customs of fasting and putting ushes on foreheads ns n.sign of mourning and penance have survived. The ashes arc a reminder of mortality. The minister says, “Re­ member, man, lhal thou art dust and unto du.st thou shall return,” modeled after God's addre.ss lo Adum (Genesis 3:19, Job 34:15, P.4nlms 90:3, 104:2!), Ecclesinsles 3:20). The ashes used arc made by burning palm fro'iids which were saved from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. All nre welcome. Parking is behind the church, between Lexing­ ton Road (U.S. 64/601) and Water Street. For more information, call 751-2507. B B Q C h i c k e n D i n n e r S a t u r d a y Advnnce FirsI Bnplisl CInirch, N.C. 801, will have a barbecued chicken dinner from 11 n.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21. Bencfitling locnl missions, the plates will include a halfachicken, bnked beans, roll, slaw and dessert. Davie Gathering Feb. 22 The Davie Gathering 2004 will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22 ut Fulton United Methodist Chiirch. A program of worship and music will be led by Ihc Rev. Jose Vazquez and his congregation from Capilla ile Cristo. The event is sponsored by the Dtivie Sub-District Program Coun­ cil. P a s t o r a l C o u n s e l i n g S e r v i c e s O p e n s O f f i c e i n M o c k s v i l l e C h u r c h On Feb. 2, Pastoral Counseling Services of Wnke Foresl Univer- .sily Biiplisl Medifjil Cenler opened n .siilcllilc office in Mock.svil/e. Ron Wachs, n pnsloral counselor in Ihe VVinslon-Snleni office, will see clients at First Haptist Church in Mocksville on Mondays. Tiie counseling service is a cooperative undertaking between a group of local lenders ¡¡ml cliiirclies und (lie W inston-Salem center. Part of Baptist Hospital's statewide network of Carenel Counseling Centers, it is llie largest pastoral counseling net­ work in Ihe country and one of Ihe larg­ est providers ofoutpatient mental health counseling in North Carolina. Tlie Win­ ston-Salem office began in 1947. Pastoral counselors nre certified and licensed mental liealth professionals wilh in-depth religious and theological training. Pastoral counseling moves be­ yond tlie support und encouragement thnl n religious communily offers by providing psychologicnily sound therapy thnl wenves in Ihe religious nnd spiritual dimensions for healing and growth. Among the issues pastoral counse­ lors address are depression and anxiety, grief, nimital concerns, re­ ligious and spiritual niatters, premarital counseling atid aging. A recent Gallop Poll indienied thnl 83 percent of respondents believed lhal Iheir spiritual faith and religious views are closely tied to Iheir m entarand emotional health and 75 percent of respon­ dents maintained the importance of seeing a professional counselor who integriUe their values and beliefs into the counseling process. While not all clients place importance on matters of religious failli and piiielice, no one is inrned away because of Iheir lieliefs. "It is considered unethicnl for a Inith-bnsed counselor lo try lo convert n client to a particular religious viewpoini," said Steve Scoggin, Cnrenet president. An ordained United Methodi.st minisier, Wnchs did clinical train­ ing ut the School of Pastoral Counseling of N.C. Baptist Hospital. He earned a master's degree from Wake Foresl University and n doctornte in history from the University of Norlh Carolina at Chapel Kill. He tnugiK history al Athinlic Clirislinn College (now Biirlon). Wnchs has several years experience as a minister nnd from 1992- 2000, combined parish ministry nnd counseling. In July, 2001, he became riill-time with Pastoral Counseling Services. For more infonnalion or lo schedule nn appoinlmenl, call 751- 2041 or 7 16-0861. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'iiursday, Feb. 19, 2004 ■ C9 Wachs Interior Designs, Inc. FuH Service Design Specializes In: Window Treatments Bed Ensembles Accessories m work wllli licensed conlraclors lor your remodeling snd building needs. Charlene B. Cassidy IDS Associate 3560-C Clemmons Rd. (Next lo Clemmons Libraty)766-9918 P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primlllvo Baptist Church, 22SAubwy Mmrell Rd., MocksvBte. 2nd 4lh SundnyB, 10:30 o.m. Fourth Sowiday wotahip and conletonco.V.ao p.m. Paslor, RIchord Kirby. Eaglo Heights Churoh, 10 o.m. Sundoy worsh/p, 7 p.m. Tuesday Pawe/llme. ■ :30 p.m, Wednesdays, Blblo study ondAwanas. Casual dress, conlem- porary muslc/wcrshlp. 5103 U.S. 158. Hfflsdalo.Mockavllle Wesleyan Church: Hospital SI., Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednosday Prayer Moollnn, 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chopol Unltod Mothodlsl Churchi 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship, 10 .m. Sundoy School, 11 a.m.. Paslor, Rov. Jim Sanders.Centor United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Paslor, Stephen Blair. 751- 2754. GhlWoora dlfoclots; Carla Prevelle, 492-573S * Smdra Aulry, 940- 37S3. Eibflvlllo Unltod Methodist Church: N.C. 001, Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. luniiay School, 10. Worship, 11. KWs For Chrlsl (ages 4-11), 1st» 3rd Sun., 3-4;30 p.m. Teens lor Chrlsl (ages 12- 18) meet Sun., 5-6;30p.m. Paslor; Rov. Neville Storey.Cooleomeo Churoh of God; Sunday School, to a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayor liioeling, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Sorvlco, 7 p.m. For moro inlo, call paslor RoboM. Huielle at 284-2180 or visit mmco0/i.vff.o/p. CofnalMf United Methodist Churoh: 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 o.m. Worship, 11 a.m., Rev. Koye Five, paslor.Bettiol United tutolhodlst Churoh: Belhel Church Rd. Worahip, 9:45 a.m. Sundoy School, 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, pastor. Advanco Unltod Melhodlst Church; Sunday School, 9;45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry 0. Sammons.Downlown Advance. Farmlnglon United Methodist Church: Sunday School, to o.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson.Oak Drove United Methodist Churoh; 1994 U.S, 158, MocliBvllle. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Worahip, 11. Concord United Melhodlst Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksvlllo. Worahip; 11 a.m. Sunday Sohooi: to a.m. Pastor, John Andrews. Hardison United Methodlsl Church; Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi, 10:45. Wonderlul Wodnes-days Chlldron'a program, 6-7:30. Paalor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Communily Boptlsl Church: Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening sorvlco, 6. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Qladslono Road. Hillsdale United Melhodlst Churoh: 5228 U.S. 158, Advance. Conlemporary worship Sunday 10:45 o.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dross, rolreshmenls. Jr. High Youlh Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Ybulh Sunday night, 7. Mldweek0Hlllsdale prayer service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Blblo studios, minlstrleo ouch as drama, woishlp, mislons, singles, women's, men’s. Pasior; Jerry Wobb, 998-4020. > Woaloy Ohopel United Melhodlat Churoh: Worship Sorvlco: 10 a.m. Sundoy Schooi: 10:45 o.m. Rov. Tommy Roborlson. Pino Rd. Radland Pontaoostnt Heltne«« Churoh; Sunday School: lo a,m. Worship: 11 a.m. EvenlnB: 8:30, Wednesday prayer meoling t Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US SOI S. Worsh/p; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15. Rov. Robert Kasllng. 751- 5419. mmm/ndsprinp. conV''holycross/ MochBvlllo Plisl Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship; 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Chodsie/s (grades I -S) «Youlh (orados 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paslor: Noal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks United Mothodlst Churoh, oil N.C. 801 S. al Mocks Church/ Beau­champ roads, Advance. Rov. Donnie Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship; 8;45 S 11 a.m. Sunday Schooi; 10 o.m. Smith Grove Melhodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 168, Mocksville. Paslor: Chris Clonli. Sunday Schooi: 10 a.m., worship, 8:50 & 11. Children's mlnlslry, Belore and aller schooi programs, 940-5295. Hillsdale Baptist Church; Sunday Small Qroups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10;30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children's youlh aclivltles, prayer meellng, 6:30 p.m. 940-6618. Minisier ol Music, Brent Hellon. 4815 U.S. 158, Advanco. Faith and. Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 n.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Now Bellovers Mlnlslrlee, 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible sludy,7. Pastor Elizobelh Mock, Assoc, pastor, Derrick Mock. 492-5566.Llbeily United Melhodlst Church, U.S. . 601 S. Worehlp:9;45 a.m. Sunday School; It a.m. First United Methodist Church ol Mocksvlllo, Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, conlemporary lormal. Traditional service, 10:55 n.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751- 2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh.Bellover'e Sonshlp Tabernacle; Sunday worship, 10:30 n.m, S 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7, Pastor: Jerry L, Couch, 998- 1324. Cana Rd. - Poller's Lane. Turrentine Baptiet Ohuroh: Sunday School, 9:45 а,т.. Worship, t1; Night Service, 6. Paslor: Rov. Joe Smilh. Bethlehem United Methodist Churoh: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.i Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11 a.m. LlgWhouse Service, conlemporary worship. Thursdays al 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advanco, 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E- Maii: oliicbelhumc@yadlei.nel Episcopal Church ol the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advanco, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 o.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Mlnlslry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advanco, 998-7716. Clemont Qrove Church ol God, Body ol Chrlsl, 159 Parker Rd., Mockeviiio. 492-5125. Satuidoy Seivlcos: Sobbalh School, to a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesdny Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Paalor: Elder Ernest ijames. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WOSL 1520 AM ond Sundaya, 8- 8:30 o.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Qteen Meadows Baptist Church Sunday Schooi, 9:45 o.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer i Bible Sbdy, 7 p.m. Paslor Rev Michael Waters, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Church, 2106 ShallloM Rd., Harmony, Sunday Sohooi 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship It a.m.. Wed. Blblo Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd ' Tues. each month 10 o.m. 492-2963. Paslor; Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fork- Bixby Rd., near Cornalzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 o.m.. Worship 11. Paslor: Poler Pelerson, 998- 6813. Dulln United Mothodlst Church, 897 Dulin Rd., Mooksviiio, 998-5409, Poslor; David Smllh. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooleemee United Melhodlst, Main St., Sunday Sohooi, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Poslor: Rov Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) In Homo Blblo Sludloe, by Randy Howoil. 264-4667. Bear Creek Baptist Church, Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11a.m., Blbla Sludy Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Leo Cook ill, paslor. Cooleomoe First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Evo. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minisier, Regina Chandior. Dr. Tommy Roglalor, paslor. Mocksvlllo Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine SI. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only Alrican-Amorican Presbylerian churoh in Davio Counly. Rev Thomas M.Leach.751-1410 SI, Francis o( Assisi, RC. Mosses; Saturday VIgli, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday evening Mass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday S Saturday. W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St, Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Prdceas Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 802 Rolph naUodgo Rd • Mocksvnio 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., ING. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC ; 336-751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mooksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-2167 Л С Е . щ т ш п ш ш S431 Hwy, 158* Advanco, NC 336-998-19B7 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andtew Draoer. TOR, 751-2973.Farmlnglon Baptist Church. Sunday morning Blblo study, classes lor all ages, to. Worship: 11.1841 Farmlng-lon Rd., 5 miles Irom 1-40. Poslor; Scoil Lyeriy. Church; 998-3826. Homo; 998-5372. Blaise Bepllsl Church, Blaise Church Road, oil U.S. 601 N. at 1-40. Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 i 11 a.m.; Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Blblo sludy and mission programs lor nil ages, 7 p.m. Poslor; Glenn Sellers. Assoc, paslor, Ken Furches. mm.blalsetiiipiisl.org. SWtoh Baptist Church, S44 E. Depot Si., Mocksvlllo. Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Morning worship; 11 o.m. 751-0597, Fullon Unltod Melhodlst Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advanco. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m, Fulton Youlh In Chrlsl, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rov. Novllle SiDtey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Ohurch.U.S.64 W., Mooksvllle. (besldo Cenler Fire Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, It. Sunday nIghI pra/so/worshlp, 6. Wednesday night pralse/worshlp, 7, Poslor, Jomes Word. 998-6394. Flrsl Baptist Churoh, 390 N. Main SI., ■ Mocksville. 751*5312. Conlemporary early worship service, 0:30 a.m. Sunday School for ail ages, 9:45 a.m, Trodilional worship service, 10:55 o.m. Children's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday, 6.30 p.m., acllvilies Icr children, youlh and adulls. Fork Bopllsl Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship soivica, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m,998-8306. Cornotior Baptist Church, 1372 Cornalzer Rd., Mocksviiio. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, II: evening, 6:30: Awono's Worship, 7 p.m, Wednosday evening, 7:30 p.m.Now Union Melhodlst Churoh, 1869 Shallleld Rd„ at Counly Una (id. Servlcea: 8:30 a.m., conlempordry worship wllh casual dress nnd tolroshmenls; 9:45 n.m. Sunday Sohooi assembly. 10, Sunday Schooi lor all ages. 11 a.m., Worahip, 492- 5367. Ilames Baptist Church, Shollleld Rd., Mocksvlllo, Sunday Sohooi, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday ovening, 6, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Poslor, Tommy Foust. St, John AME Zion Churoh, 145 Campbell Rd., Mockavllle. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 n.m. Paslor, Qoorge C. Bonks.Advanco FIfsl Bapltal Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sundoy School, 9:45 a.m. ‘ Worship, tl. Wednosday Blblo Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. PaslorjMariln Kaslner. 998-6302. Church ol God ol Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 s., Mocksville. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worship. It. Sunday evonlng, 8: Wednesday evening. 7. Poslor: Rev Bobby Shinouil. 719- 6565 or 884-2935.Victory Boptlsl Churoh, Midway St., Cooleomoe. Sunday Sohooi, 10 a.m., worship II. Sunday ovening, S: Wednesday Awona/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayor i Bible Sludy, 7. Rov. Shoiby Harbour. 284-2077. Sovonth Day Advontlat Church, Milling Road, Moeksville. Sabbaih School, Saturday, 9:30-11; Worship, ll-noon. Paslor, Ron Davis. 7S1-38B6. Mocodonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N., Advanco. Sunday School, 9;30-10:45a.m. Worship, 8:45 and II a.m. 998-4394. Paslor: Rov, Grog Lllllo. Yadkin Valley Baptist Churoh, 1324Yadkln Valley Road, Advanco. Paslor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, lOa.m., worship, It a 6. Wednesday Night Prayor mealing, 7;30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt, Zion Holiness Church o( Qod, U.S. 64 E. at Mill Street, Mocksviiio, Sunday School, 10 a.m., Mornino Worship, ii. Paslor; Bishop James Ijames. Ml, Slnol AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Crook Hoad. Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. worship, II a.m., Wednesday night Bible sludy, 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 998-6231. Bixby Church ot the Living Qod, 2121 Cornalzer Rd., Advance. Paslor, Rov Perry Howks, 768-1606. Worship, Sunday JO'11 a.m., 6 p.m. VOGLER ^ S O N S I'Unernl lióme 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, N0 27012 336- 766-4714 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORtNG SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • Retinlahlnc Installation • Old & Now Vfork Larry McClonney • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 E xlT O N F U N E R A L H O M E .4INŒ IO.‘il 72^ Norlh Main .Sircel Mocksvillc, NC 27(12K 336-751-2148 cX^|snr AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R » s ^ ^ Precision L aser C utting & M etal Fabrication855 Siilisbury Ho,id. Mocksvillc, NC 3.7028 336-751-3712 Salem United Melhodlst church, Salem churoh Road oil OavIe Academy Rd., 8 miles wesl ol MocKsvlllo, Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sohooi, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM llrsl Sunday breaklasl ol 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair.Piney Grove Unltod Malhodlet Churoh, 376 Underpass Rd., Advanco. Sunday Sohooi. )Oa.m„ Worship, It. Paslor: Rov. Kendall C. Glover. 998- 7316.New Jerusalem Apostolic Churoh, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Paslor, Noltye Ijamos-Barber, 751-0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11, Wednesday night: Bibie class, 7:30. Inlercessory prayer, 6 p.m, Truo Light Christian Ministry, meetings al Davie County Public Library, Mocksville. Founding pastor: Sloven W. Dallon. Sunday School, 10 а.m., worship, 11.Episoopol Church ol the Qood Shepherd, Church & Cross sis., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., lellowshlp hour ader church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4lh Sundays alter church. Priest; Rev Noah Howard. Jesus Lite Mission, Llberiy Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worahip, 11, Sunday evening al 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavls. Mockavllle Church ol God, 862 U.S, 64 E. (beelde Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry Holilllald. Sunday School, to a.m., worship, II. Sunday evening,б, Wednesday evening, 7.Jerusalem Bapllst Church, 3203 US 601 S„ MocKsvllle. 284-2328. Sunday services; 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor all ages; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship, Wednesday services; 6 p.m., lamiiy (aliowship meal; 7 p,ra„ TeamKID, Youth 4 Christ, Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery (or Inlonls and toddlers. FellQWshlp Baptist Churoh, 1084 Rainbow Rd,, Advance, 998-8544, Sunday Sohooi, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p,m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m, Thursday vlellatlon, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Drove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksviiio, Sunday morning worhsip, 11, Sunday School, 10 o.m Rov. Morgan Olenn, paslor,Ealon* Bepllsl Church, 4flS Eolons Ohuroh, Rd„ Mocksvlllo, Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, li, Wednosday proyor meellng, 7:30 p,m, Paslor; Dr. David Qiibtooih. 998-6149. Abundant Lite Christian Victory Conter, 117 E. Depot Sl„ Mockovllle. Poslor, Daniel Brown, 753-4453, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11, Life Community Churoh, Sundoys, 10a.m., Brock Perlormlng Arts Cenler. Norlh Main Sireel, Mooksvllle. Conlemporary slyle worship wllh Poslor KovIn Slewarl. 763-LIFE, Hope Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksviiio. 098-3618. Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., 6 p.m Wodnosday, 7 p,m„ AWANA children end teens, adulls, prayer meellng ond Bible sludy. East OavIe Baptist Church, Bermuda Quay Shopping Cenler, 5397 U.S, 158, Advance. Sundays, 8:15, Bible sludy lor older oduils; 9:30, morning worship: 10:45, Bible etudy lot nil agasi 6 p.m, Sunday ovoning servico. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Blblo Sludy nnd Prayor Son/Ice, Paalor, Max T. Furr. 998-5584, Llie Communily Church, Doya Inn, Mad/aon Road, Mooksvllle. Services Sunday, 10 a.m. Call Kevin Slewarf paslor. aboul Wednesday ovening lile groups, 753-5433.Malnvllle AME Zion Churoh, 210 Main Ohuroh Rond, Mocksvlllo. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Bible Study, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor; Rev, Robert H. Bailey. Bolloy's Chapel United Mothodlst Church, Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad vonce, Sunday School, 10 a.m., Wof ship 11 a.m. Pastor, the Rev. Ed Carter. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 G R A IG C A R T E R B U IL D E R , IN C . 119 Hwy, 801 S, Suite 1 Advanco, NC 27006 336-940-2341 HutlJcrnfQnjlii\ Jfj/» t'rjij: A l‘гc^iJ^'пl».Mjflin C. Caftcf, Vitf Ptfv H a y w o rt h -M il le r Fu n e r a l Ho m e K in d e r t o n C m a pel LocatI'D on Hwy 158 BlvTWIUiN Clrmmons - & A dvanciî 336-940-5555 ■ 888-940-8511 ■ i с ю ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday. Feb. 19,2004 A llegacy V illage I f ' ' т ш ш т — Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 - D1 _ % ,/'K 6 3 2 0 A lle g a c y W a j :l> Keeping a P r o m i s e , t o b e a P a r t o f C l e m m o n s ^ G r o w i n g C o m m u n i t y . B u s i n e s s H o u r s s M o n d a y - T h u r s d a y — 8 : 3 0 a . m . u n t i l 5 : 0 0 p . m . F r i d a y — 8 : 3 0 a . m . u n t i l 6 : 0 0 p . m . www.allegacyfcu.org 336.774.3400/800.7 8 2.4670 FEDERAL CREDIT UNION e g a c y Cooleemee Elementurj' Firsl grade tins been busy study­ ing famous Africttn-Americnns. Tliey cut the rug with jazz legend Duke Ellington, learned ubout per­ severance and prejudice with Jesse Owens, nnd ttinde some freedom quill squares nfler reading Sweet Clara, and discovered Ihe under­ ground railroad wilh Harriet Tubmnn. Fifth grade students in Mrs. Wilcox's class will go lo Herllngc Theater. They will learn about pe­ riods in United Slates history as they act out plays and dress in period costumes. The fifth graders are working on End of Grade test vo­ cabulary for reading and math. They have self-generated flash cards to study cach week. There is a lest in reading and one in math every week. The Ihree branches of government ure coming alive as Ihey learn about the Constitution period In social studies. They learned they arc nol yet qualified to run for Congress or President Second graders have been learn­ ing about expanded form in math andsubttncting Iwo digit numbers. Miss Brown's class has been read­ ing Zipping Zooming Zapping Bats as well as learning about weather. Mrs. M cDougall's and Mrs. Henderson's second graders are hatching eggs and doing experi­ ments to learn about the properties of eggs. Mrs. Wall's combination class of first and second graders has been leaming aboul landforms. Mrs. Godbey's class had a Val­ entine celebration with a Valentine train for the boys while the girls made Valentine baskets. The following students were chosen as Citizens of ttie Week for Feb. 2-6: kindergarten - Isaiah Whitley, Jamos Rein.svoid, Kulio Ridings. Chris Mayhew, T. J. Dob­ bins; 1st grade • Anaii Gomez, Amelia Allen, Tia Burns, Josh McCrary; 2nd grade - Amanda Allison, Marily Hernandez, Pake Millsaps, Katie Soard; 3rd grade - Logan Daniel, Alex Jacobs, Paly Rodriguez, JR Arcos; 4th grade - ^ Jeremy West, Farandiu Kimmor, T Mllcholl Blnke! Sth grade - Daniel Harri«, Aiisllh Tllloy. Anron Voaoh, Kindergarten students wel­ comed Cherri Frye from Dr. Prilliman's office. She talked about good dental health, The students continue to sludy Ihe senses, Kindergarlen students are being enrolled for next year. If you have a child who will be 5 before Oct. 16, come by the school ond pick up a registtatiori fonn. william R. Davlc Elemcntury Ms. LeDon Byrd's fiflh grade class congratulates Taylor Anderson and David Myers. Taylor repre­ sented William R. Davio in tho county spelling bee. David was the school’s first place winner for the Sth grade division in the soil and water poster contest. During the school’s read-a-lhon, Ihe class reod more than 74,000 book pages from Jan, 12-Fob. 10. This surpasses the original goal of 10,000 pages. Ann While, physical education teacher, congralulales Ihe school for raising $4,370,89 for Jump Rope for Heart tliis year. The following students participated in the Soil and Water Conservation Poster Contest. The school winners in the lliird grade wore: 3rd-Natalic Ireland, 2nd- Saroh Anderson, 3rd-Cody Boger. Fourth grade winners were .Ird- Kayla Bell, 2nd-Alcx Britt, Isl- Lucky Tyler. Winners in the fifth grade were 3rd-Zacliary Paugh, 2nd-KE'Aira Smith, Isl-David Myers. Awards were presented on Feb. 10 at Ihe Brock Perfonning Arts Center. Citizens of the Week for Feb. 9- 13 are Lee Ferebee, Olivia Miller, Natalie Moore, Amber Stroud, Jacob Nemeth, Livi Boger, McKenzie Brookman, Honesty Knight, Dustin Rcavis, Misty McEwen, Kevin Powell, Tyler Myors, Maggie Barneycastle, Teresa Shrewsbury, Ashley Anderson, Bailey Carpenter, Taylor Anderson, and Ashley Malloy. Fourth grade students ol' Jen Meagiier, Diane Ireland, and Judy White went on a siiopping spree on Feb. II. They had, earlier in Ihe school year, participated in a North Carolina Jog-a-lhon. Students accepted pledges as Ihey jogged across North Carolina from W halebone to Hothouse on Highway 64. Ofcourse. they didn’t really get on the highway, but jogged on the school track tallying their japs and keeping a daily record. When students hud reached iheir goal, pledges were collccted. Then students planned their shopping trip to Bi-Lo to purchase needed items. Shopping in small groups, students purchased items using Iheir estimation, calculator, and bargain-finding skills. As students checked out they watched closely to see if Ihey hod purchased wisely. When students left the store, they carricd their items to Ihe bus. Before dropping off the groceries, they went to Wendy’s for lunch. After lunch, off to Storehouse for Jesus to deliver items nnd tour the facility. Marjorie Moore drove the bus. At Storehouse for Jesus, students fell the grulitude. Students and toacliors thank community members who made pledges toward Ihis community service project. Baskets have been inventoried, wrapped and are on display. Some are huge. The PTO would like to thank everyone who has donated items for the basket ratlle. There Is a thank you letter for, businesses ■ wlio made conlrlbutlona, Lol a member of Ihe PTO know if you need 0 letter or would like lo have one .sent. Now, the baskets... Garden Basket: Handcrafted large wooden wheelbarrow, garden .accent rug, handmade wooden bluebird house, handcrafted log cabin bird feeder. Mason jar flower arrangement, gladiolus bulbs, 2 pruners, 3 watering cans, 4 sets of gardening tools. Birdhouse wind chimes, $2S gift certificate from Davis Landscaping, brass hose nozzle, flower box & pot universal brackets, 18 packs of flower seeds, 2 - 2004 Farm ers’ Almanac, kneeling cushion, 2 small clay flower pots, 2 flower bulb planters, 7 pairs of adult garden gloves, 2 pairs of children’s garden gloves, 4 outdoor Citronella candles, bird feeder wilh thermometer, decorative garden sign, 4 bags bird seed, garden trowel, adjustable lawn rake, Jergens Moisturizing Hand Wash, OFF Botanicals Insect repellent lotion, 3 decorative garden stakes (rooster, bam & cat), 50’ water ho.sc, 3 pucks vegetable seeds, magnetic shopping list, 2 - 6” Miirlha Stewart flower pols. Hand painted cards, 27 Please 'Him To Page D2 Pinebrook Elementary students Austin Jessup, Simone Gibson, Kay Smith and Andrew Whaley take part in a program on pet care and safety sponsored by the Davie County Humane ^pclety. P u p p y L o v e P in e b r o o k S t u d e n t s H e lp in g F o u r - L e g g e d F r ie n d s Love is in Ihe air ot Pinebrook Elemeniary. Puppy love, that is. Kilten love, too. Pinebrook's Student Council member.s arc bu,sy moking .sure ihtil folks don’t forget about their four-leggcd friends. Working in conjunction wilh the Davio County Humane Society, students ore collecting food Ibr the onlmols who are being cured for In foster homes or ol the onimal shelter while they are looking for pennnnent homes. This will help defroy the cosl of food w hich the H um one Society has ulwoys provided. T he Pet Food D rive w ill continue until Friday, Feb. 13 ut which lime the collected goods will be delivered for use «1 the foster homes. On Wednesday Feb. 4, Myro M cQonigle from the Humone Society gove talks on pet care ond pel safely. Students in kindcr-garten through second grade heord about how best to care for pet.s and obout products and veterin­ ary cure avoiloble to ehnoncc the qualily of anim al’s life, McGonigle fielded questions from each group Ihot provided her with 0 chance to personolize her talk. The m ost obvious conclusion of the day was that pets are o popular subject ot Pinebrook, M cGonigle pointed oul to students how critical the foster care program is to the Humone Society. Lond hos been purchased in tlie Mocksville areo with Ihe hope to build a new fuciiily that will be on odoption cenler for homeless uniinols in tlie county. The society hos w orked diligently to raise funds for the consturction of this focilily, bul hos nol been oble to break ground, she soid. The much- needed cenler wouki house more than 40 dogs and ubout 30 cots ond core for them until homes can be found. The present shelter is unoble to care for a fraction o f the num ber of onimols that need homes. As 0 tempory measure, there ore onimols available lo be seun and adopted at V illage Woy Veterinary Hospital in Hillsdale. Cats, kittens anil som e smnll dogs can be adopted at this location. Pinebrook students hove set a goal lo make o difference in the lives of imln\nls in need. There ore plans to host an “Adoption Doy” at the school, po.ssibly in M id-M arch. This would be held on o Saturday so Ihol the public con have an additional opportunity lo see the odoptable onimals ovailoble in the counly. Myra McGonigle of the Humane Society and some furry friends visit with Pinebrook students Kathleen Justen, Kyle Saarm, Mattie Bowles, George Rothberg, Courtney Nicholson, Tristian Rominger and Bobby Sweat. Myra McGonigle and Susan Beeson talk to Pinebrook students about pet selection and care. S t o p : T o o M a n y M o t o r i s t s I g n o r i n g S c h o o l B u s S i g n s In light of the recent school bus accidents ocross the nation, including North Carolina ond Davie County, il is imporlont for students, parents and motorists to continue working together to ensure the safely of children as they travel to ond from school. School buses ore one of the safest irnn.sporlotion options for children. School buses ore 60 times safer than passenger cars, light trucks, or vans, according to the F atality A nalysis R eporting System at the U.S, Department of Transportation. However, school bus transportation is not without its hazards. Every school day in North Carolinn, approximately 1,700 m o to rists illegally pass a . slopped school bus, endangering the lives of students who are getting on or off the bus. In 1997, a special task force initiated an annual one-day count of stop-arm violations. Since then, school bus drivers have consistently counted between 1,500 and 2,000 viola­ tions on tlie one-day count. The one-day counl on stop onn violations for Davie County taken March 12,2003 found that 9 m otorists illegally passed a stopped school bus on that day. The one-day counl for the state ' was nearly 2,100. D avie C ounty Schools drivers have continued to report motorists passing their school buses when stopped this school year, "We go to great lengths to educate our students and drivers about school bus safety. There are a number of resources for the public to educate themselves on the school bus slop low, including www.nchiissajcty.oi'f!/ SBSW Iaw.litinl" said D avie Counly Schools transportation director, Todd Naylor. Motorists play a key role in school bus safety, Il is imperative that motorists observe Ihe traffic safety rules around school buses. North C arolina law stales that a motori.st approaching o slopped school bus from any direction must come to a complete slop whilii the bus is displaying its m echanical slop arm and flashing red stoplights. The motorist must remain slopped until the stop arm has been w ithdraw n, the flashing red stoplights have been turned off and the bus has moved on. Besides being extra cautious around school buses, motorists need to be careful w hen traveling through neighbor­ hoods, particu larly around school zones, and be on the lookout for children who may be playing around school bus loading areas or who may dart into traffic as they run to cotch the bus. Gelling on and off the school bus is tlic most dangerous pan o f the school bus ride for .students, T he loading and uiilouding area, which extends 10 feet around the perimeter of tiie bus, is where children arc al greatest risk of nol being seen by the bus driver or o lher motorists. To help ensure the safely of children, parents should leach their children the proper way to gel on and off the bus. The U .S. D epartm ent of T ran sp o rta tio n ’s N ational H ighw ay T raffic S afety Administration suggests parents should help Iheir children learn the rules of scliool bus safety: • G et to the bus stop five minutes early. Running lo catch the bus is dangerous and can lead to injuries. • W hen tlie bus approaches, siand 10 feel (five giant steps) away from llie curb and line up away from the street. • Wait until the bus slops and the door opens before approaching the bus. The .school warning lights and stop sign do not come on until tiie bus door opens. • If you have to cross the street lo get lo the bus, make sure the driver .sees you and that you can see the driver before you cross. Before, crossing, students should look left, then right, then lefl again. • U se tho b u s’ handrails wlien getting on the bus and m ake sure thal clothing or bookbags don’t gel couglit in the rails or door when leaving the bus. • Never walk behind the bus or closer than five giant steps on the side of the bus. • If you drop something neor the bus, make sure you tell the driver. Never try to pick it up becouse the driver may nol see you. Students con do their part to help ensure th eir safety by; silling fully in the seat and facing forward, speaking in a low voice, keeping hands and objects inside ihe bus, and never distracting the driver. By w orking together; motorists, parents, and students can ensure the safety of children throughout the school year, N aylor said, . • ; 02 - DAVIK COUNTY EN I1ÍRI>UI.S1': KIXJORD. riiur.sday, Ful). 19,2004Davie Schools ■C'onllnucd I'rniii I’iiKf 1)1 ■’l!alviini/cd buckcl, 25 Ihs. piming isnil. dccoriilivc plain sliikus. 51) ipliml "sliirlcr" ciiiilaincrs. Iiirge lliardcn riai!. Ila/'clmil Cream ;poipoiirri.llarulcrafii;dccilarlK'iicli. Junk Food JiinUi”. S5 lUirgcr King-Burgcr Uucks. S5 Dairy !Queen ccrlificalc. SIO Kclchic Xrcck Bakery cerlificiitc. Act II :Minl Bag Popcorn • 12 pack, Acl II ; Popcorn - 8 pack. Auslin - Cheddar Cheese Crackers, Baby Riilli Bar • single 10 pack, Betly Crocker - Fudge Brownie Mix, Belly Crocker - Oalmeal Chocolale Chip Cookie Mix, Belly Crocker - Walnul Chocolalc Chip Cookie Mix. Buhblicious Gum Pack, Carefree Gum - 8 pack variely,Cheez-ll - 12 pack variely snack pack, Chocolale Fondue Sol. Chocolale Milk Mix. Cookies & Snickers. Coppenralh - Coffee-Time Cookies, Cracker Jacks. Creamy Carmel Apple Dip. 2 Nestle Crunch Bars, Diet Ml. Dew- 2 liler. Famous Amos Chocolale Sandwich Cookies, Fool By Fool Fruii Snack, Fudge Mini Cookies. Hershey's Nuggels, Hershey's Pol of Gold. Juicy Fruii Gum - 10 pack. Kceblcr - Disney Rumbly Grahams - Chocolale Chip. Kil Kal - King Si/.e (2), Lance - Cracker Assorlnienl. Lilllc Debbie Fudge Brownies. Lillie Debbie Oalmeal Creme Pics - Big Pack, Lilllc Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls (2), Lilllc Debbie Valentine Cherry Cordials, Little Dcbbic Zebra Cakes. Milk Duds. Mini M&M's. M oorc’.s Chips Variety, Nestle Bullcrflnger Bar, Oreo Cookies. Orville Redenbacher's Clnnabon Popcorn, Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop, Pcppcridge Farm G oldfish, Pop Weaver Butter Popcorn, Pringle's Original Chips. www.howardrealty.com Call, Click or Come By! HOWARD R E A L T Y 330 s. Salisbury St. Mocksville (336) 751-3538 Hours: Mond.iy-Frid.iy 8-6 S.ilurday 9-12, Sunday By Appt. ЗВП, 2ВЛ. ЭШ.;- aciroa vvrth too./, лаог. farm ЗИП. гПЛ, out- Misloncnl СВП, 2ПЛ, homo on 2 76 slronm nnd porvj S2,52e,000. wdtjs . creok S549,000. „eros, w.lh ,mm,icuhlo l.iiKtopmj 70*/-iic. hofsof.vm. 2300cl,homo(no Now constfuclion. Too many gfoat vnfiio gtvon) Call Mnry $455,000. Ihiogs to lisll -IDn, ЗЗЛ 5329,000. 157 E. Depot St^ |1420 Countv Line Ro.j I 275 Madison Road Whiteread Dn. I/Vs I 174 E. Mt-MoniAL 2 pa»cols 2 building*) Cnll Vl.irmony-m '¿UA, 2926 пас5,|3 D3 асгоз. *1DR, 3DA. largo 40П. 2 5UA, spM loyof, Hugo family 3BR, 1ВЛ. In Натюпу, HUGE 30x50 Jano for dotail'j $320,000. loocodi, 1 .те рсМЬлт $220,000 sloracjo bklgs $219,900. room' 3185,000. workshop. $175,000. 428 Fahminqtoh Road FfosWy rOTodclod 3ün, 2ÜA. on .фрм S ncrtM (2 foncod) $165,000.Hstooc 4ÜR, 2ÜA on 2 36 ЛСГС5 m 2 slory, 2200 s<v (t Uotnondous Aclorablo 3Un, 2.GBA on 3 51 Yadkinvilto. modular vj/many updains! grp.itkxaicn $159,900. vnfuol f-F’, ga/obo $144,900. aerea, Dr.tni, ГР $142,500. CflllConmol $139,900. 187 Chestview Drive I/mi 164 Hickory Dwive ГД^429 Geoboia Road 1/Ж1 144 Hoose Lane Г7К 1 193 Pineville Road>1 "Ш 1 . Ш TwiibfOOk. ЗОН. 20A, FP, Ssl500Re<Joco(at((i9Aiiov.afv:o' $129,000. 1В П Ш В Ш Ш Щ 11 I l i 4ЯП. 2 f)ÜA, Soiilhwo(4í Acfos f> [}.4lroo!iis, 3 ünlhs, 3 5 acros. 3ÜH, 2ВЛ, on pr(v,ito t 29 ncros, Unique L-shapod, 30П, 2BA. sunroom, Sub.bncKiitopt.Ko $129,900. Coiin5ry Living! $124,900. ücreentHlporcn.dock $119,400. den,oHco,2garagos.,, $112,000. 225 Bear СП6ЕК Ch. Нд] ц 690 Aobevdäi.eЩ I l i 115TARA Court iìm s i 411 Ijames Сиипси Rd. 3ÜR, 2DA, ioncod back yard. 91 IrodotI Co.. 10 03 nc. w/rx)nds, Spacious 3 bodroom. 2 bnth, Spacious ЗВП. 2ВЛ, stono FP, ac.Qfoalslatiof homo $102,500. 30П. 2DA, sunroorn. $99,900. groallocaliort. $99,900. muchmorot$99,900. б | в а ™ с 2920 West INnes St. Г7МП . 156 Avon Street Г7ШП101 Metabreeze LaneiШ ii9 3ÜR. 2DA. opon hilchori Ä LR, now carpol and paini. $89,900 Wo4 maintainod. pattini basomont. еэлсгоз.ЗПП, 1UA $89,900 Rowan County, minutos liom Cntawt» 3Un. tOA, tmrdwüode. Inground Codogo. 3ün, 1 5DA $09,500 pool. part, br.mt. $87,000.40R, 2ÜA, w/many updates. Posslbto ioo%imencin(i $84,900. ЗВП U)i4:i4U).K4y?>ul if.ninnp<>fcM. iJi« K. '/Irte $62,500.Imniaciíi.tlo 311И, 1ПЛ, p.iM t.)nri-4l is* $02,000. 3ÜH. 1 50^. Coott.'ímxK), П.!Л ho.iVAC (ЧГЛ rCXIip l-|X).ltO(l $66,900 ЗПП, 2\^^. uirvíjiowido, all npplianros, (jioal r.l.irior hottio $64,900 224 Davie Street ■ Г7ШСТ 125 Yadkin Street ГЛЛ 299 Pine Riooe Rd. 171П 292 WAn Street Cwlccmoo, complolply updated, ifKjfoiind [Ю01, (jfoat buy! $62,900. Groal Stariof Numorour. iifxtatos 24x24 workshop $59,900. Hwy 601N........flevmond Si......Il MimoniRoed 97 &4lfflOnt novi. Bv*rlyCh«p«l Rd.. Spaciouo ЗЕЗП, ША, Coolocmoo, ijp<)aio<) uleci $58,000.Cuto Л cozy starter homo willi Easoniont onto back of propurty, 2ВП, ШЛ S54.900. 2 Bolltcxims. 1 Bath, 551,900.100x190 lot zoned Town Ctf. Call Janolordolails $40,000. A V A ILA H LE L o t s A N t3 L A N D A N I3 R t-N I'A L P tiO fE K T IC S ,2 25 Ac. HO 189,900 ,10I $19,900......24 Ac )l40,e2S...... 10 Ac $49 OSO.....2 I9AC. (25,000..t.2S7aci«i $29,000 .40 02 «crei $225,000 „2.29 «сгм $te.000 .. .SOftcrai $172.500 Drum L#n#.....................................Lol 19, Hofliibfooii...........................Valley fload...................................E. LaVg Odve........»II.H Botó..........iCTPHraWil...Thompion Lana..............................Fwiof noad..................................629 MadUon Road............................Hwy. 64 Hwy C4 ....1.2 acres $23.900„.2.29acrat $29.500........Lol $115,000..........Lot $15,900.......1 act* $16,000....tl acres $71.677.„7,IBAcres $49.900 $425,000 ., 8*/- acres $55.000 ......lacil $1S.SW RENTAL PROPERTIES 317 Avon Street $400 P/MMobile Homo Lot. Daniel Road................................$125 P/H353 Avon..... $400 P/M3800 0 - Old Rosebud.........................................$550 P/M167 Heartlislde Drive...........................................$550 P/M101 Metabreeie $775 P/M 2015 Hwy. 156...................................................$525 P/M m V ^ * i 1ЧМ MAJOUllHUK к ИОН’ЛК!)K»?iS.\MS ГЧ HWJ IVEl^.VI HAN Sis SHAKOScoins7^1-hW* vim.vIIUSSWIMH6 Pringle’s Sour Cream & OnioR Chips, Reece’s Swoops, Rice Krisple Treats, ,Ritz Chips, Ritz Sticks, Snack Wells Devil's Food Cookie, Spearmint Gum, Sugar Free Chocolale Cookies, Sunflower Kernels, Swiss Miss Marshmallow Lovers Hot Chocolate, Taste of Home's - 10 minute Cooking Recipes, Tatums Wavy Potato Chips, Teddy Graliains Chocolate (2), Yoolioo Double Fudge ■ 6 pack nuking Basket'. Pampered Chef cookie press, spatula set, egg separator and flour shaker, $65 gift certificate to Ketchie Creek Bakery, Wilton large muflln pan. 60 minuie llmer.ineat thermometer, hnnd painted dish soap bottle, Gliidwnrc containers, hand can opener, dishcloths, pot holders, tongs, sifter, 2 measuring sets - cups & spoons, 3 packs of stick-on hooks, steak knives. 2 wooden cutting boards, coupon organizer, whisks, egg beater,.spatulas, Reynolds foil,dish drainer, 3 (|l, saucepan, 10 inch skillet, small red Irashcan, cooking oil,cookie sheet,bum cake pan, loaf pan, square cake pan, cupcakc liners, sprinkles, marshmallow cream, jar of cherries, marsh­ mallows, Jello, salt and pepper, nniffin mixes, cake mixes, cookie mixes. Halloween and Christmas cookie cullers, Halloween cakc decorating kit. Stove Top stuffing, brown sugar, all purpose and self rising flour, while sugar. Happy Home flavorings - lemon, clear vanilla, and vanilla, cinnamon & sugar mix, maple syrup, squeeze bottles, wooden spoons, 3 small serving platters, cooking utensils, strawberry preserves, onion powder, hot sauce, 2 cookbooks- Best Recipes of Ihe Great Food Companies and Gold Medal Cookbook, sponges and scrubbers, scissors, brushes, icing and dccoraling gel, mullingspices.clam steamer, crockelle. Chocolale Lovers Oasket; Cookbooks, assortment of cocoa mixes - small and boxes, 2 Hcrshey syrups, Hcrshey Kisses, Valeutlne Brownies, Twix, Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Reese Cups, Coca Puffs, Double Crisp Candy, M&M phiin, 2 Snickers, Bakers dipping chocolate, Terry’s pure milk chocolale, chocolate covered almonds, brownie mixes,Chocolate frame, Swiss rolls, Hcrshcy candy burs, Honihcy milk chocolulóohlp»; Crunch bar with caramel, Ferrcro Rocher. Chocolate Jello. Chips Ahoy Chocolale Chewy cookies, mini chocolalc chip cookies in a tin, Hcrshey Kisses, Gem Classics, Swoops, LalTy Taffy, Celebrations Candy, .Sniores Ornameni, Valentine hearl candy. Mighty Malls, bear, Kclchle Creek gift ccrlificalc $15, Hanes Mall gift ccrlificalc $25, Gift certificate for manicure and parfin dip al Mirror Mirror. I'aiiiily Fun llaskel; Board games - Clue, Operation, Scrabble, Jcnga, Ludo, A Day at the Zoo, ' Prehistoric Dogs, Chinese Checkers, Checkers & Chess boards, hox of Orville Reden­ bacher’s Movie Theater Butler microwave popcorn, box of Lowes Microwave Popcorn, 31b tin Danish Butler cookies, $10 gift ccrlincate lo Marco’s pizza, 2 - .$5.00 gifi certificates lo KFC, 10 Krispy Kremc Dollars, l(ouc) large Family Meal Deal al Pizza Hul, deck of cards, 27 Chuck li Cheese tokens, mountain scene pnzzle-5lH) pieces, 100 piece Bible puzzle, I (one) month Family Membership to Davie Family YMCA, l(one) Roll Film developed free - Foster Drug Store, Puff the Magic Dragon & The Incredible Mr. Nobody VCR movies. 4 tickets for the show of your choice nt the Brock - up lo $120.00 value, CyberHomo Progressive Scan DVD PUiyer. PowerPuff Oirls Tho Main Event DVD, Little Big League DVD, lounging pillow. Moi'le Basket: I 42" X 60" velvet throw, 3 boxes microwave popcorn, 4 Chick-Fil-A calendars with coupons, gift certificates - Family 4 Pack to Wynnsong Movie Theatre, $10 Movie Gallery Gift Card, $10 Worth of Carmike Dollars, $25 Wal-Mart Gift Card. 6 Free Chick-Fil-A Sandwich Coupons, Movies - I Love Lucy's Greatest Hits, The Carol Burnett Show: Show Stoppers, The Chip­ munk Adventure, Rugrats In Paris;The Movie, MaryKate & Ashley Olsen; The Challenge, Bedknobs nnd Broomsticks, Candy - Jujubes, Goobers, Raislnels, Junior Mints, Sno-Caps, Nerds, Runts, Swedish Fish, 10 Pack Crunch Bars,Twlzzlers. 1‘aniperetl Mom Basket'. YMCA - 1 month guest pass. Manicure - $20 value, haircut wilh Kim Summers nt Gemini - $20 yalue, haircare products - Redken, Rush, Paul Mitchell, Welln,Beauticontrol gel, spray and lotion. Body Massager, Mary Kay hand and body lotion, Journal, stationary kit, candles - Baked Apple Pie, Aromatherapy, Fruit Punch, Pineapple Upside Down Cakc, Nail supplies - polish, polish remover, manicure kit, emery board, Bath Sets - Cucumber Melon, Honey & Almond, Moonlight Way, bath spray, bath wash, bath lotion, bath soap, batli salt, bath crystals, bath beads, bath pillow, bubble bath, foam bath, milk bath, beach bag, relaxation CD. Education Basket; Magnetic Alphabet Write Board, magnetic shopping list pad, 10 #2 pencils, 10 piece math set, 10 red ink pens, math flash cards, pencil eraser/ sharpener, puzzle 24 piece, puzzle 550 piece, puzzles 2- 12 plcce,. puzzles SOO piece, school glue (bottle), .scissors, 11 - report folders, 12 jumbo crayons, 15 pencil cap ^ erasers, 16 plcce watercolor paint «ot, 2 -12 Inch nilera, 2 - 24 pack crayons, 2 - composition note books, stationery, stickers. World Atlas, 2 - insulated lunch bags, 2 - writing journals, 21 piece watercolor paint set, 3-150 sheets notebook paper,3 - 2004 calendars, 3 - pocket folders, 4 pack mechanical pencils, 4 pack neon play dough, 4 puck neon play dough, 48 colored chalk, 6 color markers,6 pack glue sticks,6 piece watercolor paint set, 8 jumbo cVayons, back pack. Bead Pals II (jewelry making). Big Book Animal Kingdom, chalk board, chalk eraser, Crayola Doodle pad, DG35 calculator, dry erase board. Great Grip retractable pens. NC liasket: Framed Tim Bruce Print of the Hatleras Lighthouse, W.G, White Gift Basket (peanuts, ham pickles, candies, dheese, blueberry preserve, pancake mix), 6 Chcerwine 2-Liter Bottles, 1 Pepsi 2-Liter Bottle, UNC Tarheels Cap, Lance Toast Chee Crackers, NC Flag, Old Salem Cookies, Texas Pete Hot Sauce, Texas Pele Chili, Garners Strawberry Preserves,4 NC I’lense H irn To I’lige t)4 ® P tr a d e n tia i A b s o l u t c R e a l E s t a t e . Carolituis Realty Clemmons/Davie Co. Office - ЗЗБ.714.4400877.371.5822 Winston-Salem Office - 336.748.2000800.810.4778 www.prudentialcarolinas.com 134 Cedarwood $171,900 Shinl Coon 909.0019 4312 Riverside Olivo $147,600 Simla DutkwDilh 714-4425 11 Oak Grove $269,500 PBtKlrniamon 717-8356 125 Hlddoabiooke Drive $424,500 Be« Suppig 714-4405 36 Cambria Place $429,900 SberifCoram 714-4414 7604 Penland Court $325,000 Cbiryl Fink 782-2493 104 Arboretum Court $299,900 Be« Supple 714-4404 269 Pine Vblley Road $245,000 Klinbeilr Pelt* 577-9911 8061 Olengaiilil Road $329,900 Pal Klnnanian 714-4434 130 Brentwood Oliva $134,900 Oofolhy Hall714-440G 6167 Spring Forest Orive $183,000 Belli Atkinson 714-4420 3532 North Lakeshore Or $219,900 Kilillna Faiielt 714-4417 808 Holly Hedge Drive $137,400 aioilaMoUhiwi 714-4405 133Pembrooke Rlilge $144,900 Bev Supple 714-4404 Acji'Ml RosU'r Au()r«y Fufvmwn m mAndiu Suggt m mBeeiA&lAson 7M44Í0BeiSoppit9962аиBill Nichols 714.4412BotM №nd»nWI 7I4.44ISC«d(icL«h 714,44?1ChMr!F)r«7144430OMoTiylWI714.4406ClariiOtchiort)714.4417GloriiMilhewj»Q£062IV 714.4426KatiyPMIips714.4411Kimb«riy Potts 714.44077144425PitKiivunwi7087722SdrtdfiHedrtck714.4410SandnJofvoon714,4400Samir Dyson 714.4409Sherri Coran 714.44HSusan PirMr 399 3137VictlB.BuI!an}9902170Writonlottln714 4428 4553 Caniigebniok Cl $247,900 Chetyl Fink 714-4430 13S Arnold Palmei $669,500 Be« Supple 714-4404 2601 Haipet Road $263,000 Olería Mallhews 714-4405 262 nivetbeiid Drive $298,900 Oleila MaUbews 714-4405 206 Juniper Circle $494,500 8ev Supple 714-4404 1440 Thornhill Ung $440,000 Kalbi Phillips 714Ч413 461 Chadbouroe Court $160,000 Kalb* Phlllli» 714-4413 1864 North Wlndl Dr $97,700 Sani» D|MH 714-4409 Ал trt4t«brt*r ormi жЛ гтиг;^ of ^в Pni>rtJ’ A-Ti'hm Inc DAVIE COLIN I Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 ■ D3 ~ ^ Ш ^ С а г о Ц п а _______________ \ \ > 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 7 7 7 7 w w w . p c p n c . c o m lU L S S S S К 'Л ч 1< «к||н л I )гЫ >|< { . s i l i ич'ч М .н л M t-m lriilvN I .ii i^ s a l l .i r p i r ( ;i,'MIO (N11 i i K. Oll') I _',s I iií)')iii~ o (U, I ', ’м , 1 In t o л N e w H o m e i v i t h C o m f o r t & E a s e C a l l P r e m i e r T o d a y to S e ll Y o u r H o m e ! — ----------- --------------------- M . я я ^n^l^•ll IliKlhiiil I4U T IIi Mvi ii 11-<-UnrlKi- llriKKitt IVficll И1И)|10 КГ') VKv'rH JIIIIJ ‘1(10 ((11(1 W e ’ r e g e t t i n g t h e r e s u l t s y o u w a n t = S O L D ! ! ' ' 'Hogc^^^272 Lake Shorq Lit. 2856 David St. '38З5 Ш 1сЬгоок Dr. 407 olk СгоуГ^И^гс^Н!!. lOB DarwIck Acres 7620 Penland Dr. ......... í - i / . и . í s s s u a a a s í s í í s s j 205 Country Circle 154 Little John'Dr. 3 U'.viwlv —- • 132 IVIarch Ferry Rd. 260 Jarvis Rd.6749 Forest Oak Dr. ш т . 121 BentbrookOr. 303 IVIldway Dr. 155 Camden Ct.223 Rollingwood Dr. 218 Evans Rd. р ш ю р ! 3043 E. Higtiway 64 128 OaKrldge Ln.126 S, Benson Ln. 238 O.'ik Vailcy 562 Ratledge Rd. fr-..;.' -, 134 Blackberry Ln. 7524 Riverside Ct. N e e d A H o u s e ? D r e a m H o m e s F o r S a l e . . . Щ Lot 8 Baltimore Heights 8219,900 ■■ J i i » Lot 8 Laurens Dr. $225,900 486 Caiahain Rd $279,900 Lot 9 Laurens Dr. 8235,900 211 Stoneybrook Trail $270,000 518 Salisbury St. 8139,900 167 New Hampshire Ct. 8152,500 St.' ’ ' 8119,500 1336 County Home Rd. 8124,900 вЫк. '■ ч ■ ■ 'У '# * é40 Cedar Grove Churcli Rd. 8284,900 Lot 1 Ken Dwiggins $115,000 1329 Ridge Rd. $79,900 479 Mountview Dr. $89,900 831 Sain Rd. $114,900 295 ijames Church Rd, 8148,900 219 Mumford Dr. 889,900 321 Gwyn St. 8119,900 118 Cloister Dr. $116,900 559 Wilkesboro St. $74,900 Ш . • 'r v ^ '‘' rT x $129,900 I i j g l S p S i S r i . 2545 Cornatzer Rd. $164,900 157 Polaris Dr. $119,900 367 Spring St, ^ 8116,900 176 Pine Valley Rd, 8167,000 204 Charleston Ridge 8159,900 331 W.iVlapleSt. 884,900 a u j ц ' » д а , ’“ ,'í''4l ' ' . - t'i * 1- tilS . ,Y 243 Duke St. 8114,900 107 Yadkin St. 859,900 111 Stonewood Rd. 898,000 373 IVlichaels Rd. 895,000 D4 - DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 D a v i e S c h o o l s Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdiiy, I-’ch. 19, 2004 ■ D5 Continued From Piigc D2 ZooTickcts, 3 NC Miigncls. 2 bags of Daisy Flour, Clicrokce Com Mill. Harry Jarmon Artist Collector Series Aulogrnphcd Prints, Norlti Carolina Travel Guide Magazine. NC Map. Lowe's Team Racing License Plate (Jimmie Johnson), Racing Autographed pictures of ■ Jason Kcllcr. Hank Parker. Jr.. Lyndon Amick. Randy LaJoie, NC T-shirt, Asiiorlmcnt of LcBlcu Products (including waler, coffec, T-shirt, and other beverages), Davie Eagles Throw, $30 gift certificate to Mobile One Fast Lube in Mocks­ ville, Mt. Olive Picklcs, Foster's Drug Store Gift Certificate for film developing, 4 American flags, 2 quarts of mola,sses, I quart of honey, NC Lighthouse Pillow, Artificial Dogwood, Shallowford Farms Popcorn Products, Mt. Molly Relish, Cardinal M ug, Lighthouse Figuring. 4 bags of raw peanuts, CD Wicker and Jone Blues From the Porch, 2 tickets to a production al the Brock - up to $30 value each, NC Bag,2 Books by NC author Ann B. Ross, Pint of Honey, Golden Farms Honey, Mustard and Steak ' Sauce, License Plule, Lighthouse Cross-stitch, Cardinal Coaster Sol, ! Salt Waler Taffy, Lighthouse Note : Pad, NC Necklace Slide, ■ '.LIghlhou.sc Mouse Pad. First Flight •:M ug. NC Slicker, NC Plate, i ;lLlghthousc M agnet, Stone, •Dogwood Mug, First in Flight Key Chain. Pol Holder. NC Post Cards. .; Slalionery Baskef. Calculiilor. • ^el Crayons, gel note cards, • .envelopes It 10, security pull and ' ’¿eal envelopes,Sunflowcradhesive ihemo board, highlighters, pens, felt l)p pens, address book, mini sorter. ; i.small note pads, large Post Its, ■ rnagnclic pads, 6 ring memo binder. Assortment of cards, shopping list with magnet, small storage case, compact address book, paper clips, stationery sets, black pens, Mystix pens. Day runner address book, organizer, nolebimk. X-lend |iens. Milkcy Gel Roller Pens, Scrap Book, Makin Memories De.signer Letters, journal. Assortment note curds. New Hope books, Sulosiuu Inspirational books. ; lUihy Hmkct: Infant Bath Tub, Dri Bottoms Diapers- up to 14 lbs. Nursery Cure K it, Pampers Wipes, iHoppy Birth Day, Disney Pacifiers •.;(2), Jolmson's Baby Wash, Baby ■ ;ftibs (3), Baby Sleeping Bag • up to :-2 1 lbs, Munchkin M edicator Pacifier, 2 Princess House angel figurines. The Musical Life of Guslar Mole. Shndy Grove Elementary Pennies for Patients will continue through Feb. 27. Money raised will be used lo find cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The need for cures is critical because leukemia remains the lending cause of disease-related death among children under IS. Students do not have lo bring in pennies - any change, cash or check are appreciated. Checks need to be made out to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The class raising the most money will receive an ice cream party. Parents, try to attend the PTA meeling at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24. The РГА needs Ihc support of all Ihc parents. The sccond graders will perform. Eric Babbitt, a student teacher from Appalachian Stale University, will be helping Ms. Umberger and Ms. Smith In physical education classes through April. Several students had Reflections entries sent lo be judged at the district level: Nick Juhasz. Isl grade, Bethany Foster, 2nd grade, Sarah Crannii.3rd grade and Bailey Ogle, 4lh grade. Districl winners will be notified by Ihe end of February. Reflections is a nation­ wide arts recognition and achieve­ ment program for students. Young artists parllclpnle through local ITAs. The following sludenl.s have been chosen us students of the week: Ashleigh McIntyre, Mason Lesser, Brandon Armstrong, Stephanie Watts, Kayla Revelle, Olivia Sheets, Ben DeAngelis, Curtis Mabe, Abby Vogler, Kara Stcssman .Christina Chandler, Luke Waters, Ryan Bailey, Brittany Wall, Anna Stout. Nathan Webb, Josh Bullnmn, Nathan Milleson, Zuch Bean Katie Davis and Jeff Smiley. K-5 students arc partie|puling in Ihe program "Snow Better Time lo Read". Children may read library books us well as books that tiicy have al home. The class with Ihe most AR poinis by March 26. will have a book dedicated in Iheir honor and placed in the media center. The contest will be fun and encourage Ihe children lo read more books. The I’TA will .чропког a Bedford Falls Book Fair Feb. 23-26. This is a new company that will be providing Ihe books for the fair with mony new book selections. The Family Event will be held Feb. 24 before the PPA meeting from 4:40- 6:45 p.m. Ms. Redmond's fourth graders learned about buoyancy. Students investigated floating and sinking by designing and building a small boat. The boats were tested in Ihe classroom to see whose crafts were seaworthy. Ms. Brown reminds her fotirlh grade class to continue reading each day and allows 30 minutes of reading lime in class. Fourth grade classes arc competing against each other in an AR reading contest, Ms.Ohrand Ms. Norman’s third graders learned how to read and make piclographs in math. The sludcnls read Ihe novel Mr. Popper’s Penguins and wrote about how their parents would react to them bringing home an exotic pel. Ms. Hendrix nnd Ms. Plyler’s third graders enjoyed a field trip to the Brock where performers entertained them with various Aesop fables. The boys and girls started a new unit in Social Studies about services, goods,economy, and more. In math Ihe students arc learning how to collect data, record information from surveys, and read various graphs. Ms. Spach's sccond grade class read n fun book called Pigs Will Be Pigs. They nlso worked on context clues, pronouns, and plural nouns. All Ihe sludcnls did an outstanding job on presenting Ihclr Black History reports. Ms. Hill and Ms. Carter’s second graders read Best Wishes, Ed and enjoyed learning about Ed and his adventure. Inmalh the children continued lo work on IWO digit addition and subtraction. The first graders in Ms. Rogers’ class enjoyed celebrating Dr. Kemper’s birthday with her. Dr. Kemper is a faithful Tuesday volunteer who helps all Ihe children with counting, reading, games and more. In math'lhe children ure working on fact families up lo sums of 5 and 6, They are working through Ihc families with objects and creating their own number sentences. Norlh Dnvle Middle The Pioneer Team, in social studies,is studying Western Europe. Students focused on France, Swe- C h a i - l e s J o n e s ( 'iiiff lie . t i c a t t y , I n c . J " “ : ® »BEITAC lAKSi • Great locution, convetiiciil to Winslon-Salcm, Mocksvillc, Sulisbury, & Lexington • Bcuutiful 2/3 ucre liomesllesTor custom construction • Ncighborliooil of homes priccd from mill S140’s to $250,(KX) • Close to golf, shopping & schools • /'Vom MocksvilU', llw\ M ImsI lowarils Ij'xiiinKin I.VVi)N54-4IIX4 ^ ^ (■;m»/.Uhar|(im'sf" kAidiiiim-.iK't w\\ «.cliiirk'sjoiu'sri'iilty.i'om ‘- 149 miWOOD • 3 01 4BB, 3BA 159 HUEIWOOD • «R, 25BA t*omainleiuiici Ira Cape Wopen pim sloi/ tee, open S spicious, laigeMBR sulle HI Iran levei, coyeieil lioni tóctien/lmily loom IR. lonral OR, 2poicti.2c.V3ll filile (189,900 cjr J gjiage $172,900 S»M»n P h a s e II 185CEDAflWOOD-UOO./-Sf rancti л/U'f'US 30R 2BA с(лп & bpíiious illil celiti"] fKewJ lig/itmg, }15 legs s(Jil ER pijn. 2 cai all шзае (156,900 169 HAHIWOOD • 1/00 ./• Sf lancti 117 HA2IIW000 - 3 oi «R. 26A,».'lionas i«m. 4BR, 2BA. cpen 1 biick lionl her« »/splil loyei, vaulledsp,Kicus vlld teilmg in FR liey ceilm ceiling in FR w/FP. Iiey ceiling in MBR.in M8FI. cioiin molinn cMii (ailing 2 cicun molding chaii tailing, 2 cji sidecji all gvage $154,91« enlryg-uage den, Italy. Germany, and Greal Brit­ ain. They are reading the novel Number the Stars that takes place during World War II nnd has a set­ ting In Sweden and Denmark. They are looking forward to a trip to Ihe Blltmore House April 28. which will culminate a study of France and Western Europe. Projects have been assigned on Europe nnd are due March 5. In math, students are finishing a unit on fractions. They arc begin­ ning a unit on ratio and percentage. They are enjoying working on Ac­ celerated Math, , In language arts, students stud­ ied u thematic unit etitied. "Meet­ ing Challenges. They are learning to write problem and solution pa­ pers. On Thursday. Feb. 5. they had an assembly on the Write Stuff Ihal taught more about this type of pa­ per by performing skits. In science, students studied soil and participated in the Soil and Water Conservation contest. They are studying light energy and en­ joyed a laser show al Ihe Brock. Prime Time classes are studying H unit on bullying. This teaches stu­ dents how lo meet obstacles they face and learn lo face these chal­ lenges. Teachers on the Pioneer Team thank parents for sending Items for Ihe ruffle baskets. The Gong Show is Feb. 21. The following students were treated lo McDonald's in Mocks­ villc for lunch. Their bus drivers chose them because of exemplary bus behavior: Dustin Ratledge, Alyson Jordan, Stacey Wood.’fyier Cortnazer. Rachel Cooper, Christine Gulledge. Sunni Ull, Taylor Mille.son. Jordan Yuengcr. Elizabeth Riddle. Cassidy Champney. South Dnvlc Mrs. Murkland's 8lh grade Life Skills classes are involved in a man­ agement unit. During this unit, they will be doing several home projects including cleaning and organizing their rooms, doing their laundry and rccycling. Mrs. Markland’s 7th grade Ca­ reer Decisions classes have been learning about the world of work. They have studied the importance of benefits and money management. They have also been filling out ap­ plication forms, giving references, uttd doing Intctvicws.Thcy arc now ready to start doing self-assessment activities. Mrs. Markland’s 6th grade Key­ boarding classes are working on im­ proving Iheir accuracy and key­ boarding speed. Emphasis in on cor­ rect posture and correct finger place­ ment. Mock.ivllle Elementary Student of the Week, Feb. 9-13: Kyle Hendricks. Jonathan Hagcr- man. Valerie DiGlorla, Savannah Stone. Jadu Payton, Patricia Sanchez. Tatum Edwards, Tara DuChcmin, Elizabeth Holland. Amanda Burgan, Kaykeel Dillard, Yerenice Oranadero, McKenzie Seamon, Cameron Davis, Alyson Eaton, Mult lies, Erica Peebles, Ashley Cook, Kindergarten students in Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Fulton’s class have been filled with the Valentine's Day spirit. We made dogs using colored hearts, created computer curds, graphed candy hearts, wrote a poem for our parents and decorated treat bags. On Friday moming, we set up a post officc in the room nnd look turns delivering cars brought from home. Later in the day. wc opened our mail and enjoyed a special snack. Mrs. Beaver und Mrs. Melton’s class Is preparing for Valentine’s Day. The children urtj practicing be­ ing good friends to everyone, ns they read stories about friendship. The room is decorated with love bugs and the children have been writing about things Ihey love. We ure very excltcd to have Miss Bridgell Hutchens with us this semesler. She is n student teacher from Appala­ chian Slate Univcrsity.The children nnd teachers are looking forward to learning lots of new and exciting in­ formation from her. Good luck lo you. Miss Hutchens. The third graders In U. Vogler, L. Gulliher and D. Brown’s class are reading a biography about Helen Keller. They have learned about Ihe challenges she foced and Ihc impact she mnde on Ihe world.The students are also doing lol of outside read­ ing, attempting each week to meet tile reading incentive goal of 70 pages. Those sludcnls reaching this goal will enjoy weekly rewards. Students in Mrs. Price’s fourth grade class are enjoying the novel, Forrester, and ure learning bout Ihc history of Ihe coastal plain of North Carolina. Continuing our study of North Carolina, students are explor­ ing tho natural rcBourcoB of North V ly e r s a t K ic D ,’<агк g e m o n t You Won’t Believe the Extras! From Low $IOO’s Lot 51 - $99,900 Attached garage, basement, (¡replace, pulldown attic stairs, on quiet cul-de-sac •In Mocksville only 25 minutes to Winston-Salem •Desirable curb appeal •Public Sewer and Water •Duke Max Rated • Lower Davie Coun tyTaxes •Davie County Schools • Builder pays up to $2000 closing costs until Feb.29,2004 Pirections: /••iOW to Farmhtfiion Rd Exit 174. nint L lo R Hwy ¡58. Go 4 miles 10 L Millinf! Rd, K Morse. L WItitncy. I'ollow sinns. FURNIwSHED M O D K LO pen Siimluvs 2 to 5 Cull 751-2035, 748-5!i65, 998-8816 w w w .cbtriad.cûm /m ycrsparkalrldQcm ont Each ofhce d Indeponclentfy owr>od and oporatod. COLOUJQLL BANKER a ТК1Л0. RP.ALTOR.Ï Carolina. While improving our writ­ ing skills, students ore working on organizing and focusing in our per­ sonal narrative writing. Geometric concepts in math including naming lines, rays, angles and line segments, plotting coordinates on grids, and ex­ ploring characteristics of plane and three-dimensional figures. Our next science unit will be Animals and Animal Habitats, taught by Mr. Strickland. All of our students plan lo meet or excecd our weekly Read- tt-thon fourth grade goal, which is at least 85 pages each week. Wc are well on our way to be able to attend the grand finale squure dance in March. Oui- fantastic fourth graders for January are Jeremy Doss. Stu­ dent of the Monlh, nnd Hannah Spicer and Dominque Dismuke.Tcr- rific Kids, We arc proud to have Ihe Mocksvillc Elcmenlaiy Spelling Bee winner, Betsy Forrest, in our class, loo. Comatzer Elementary The students in Mrs. Lumley's first graders hnve been learning about poetry. The students studied poems written by Sliel Silvestcin, Jack Prelutskey and Bruce Lnn.sky. They were even poets themselves and wrote rhyming poems,ciuquains and descriptive poclry. They had great time reading their poetry web sties. They also have been learning about chocolate. 'ITicy studied obout chocolate, too, Tliey learned about Ihc cocao po<ls and how chocolate' is processed. Students also enjoyed sampling some of their favorite fla­ vors. The sccond grade clnss of Mrs. Robinson has been very busy doing lots of Christmas ihings. Sludents read the books Arthur’s Christmas. МтУ-С111:15^11Ш^ They made ornaments for the class tree and for home. It has been a most exciting time for the class. Sludcnls Wenl on Horizons Unlimited Dec. 13 for scicnce and social studies pro­ grams, Afler the Christmas break, they began their study of polar ani­ mals and differences in life at Ihe North and South Poles. The entire second grade went to see the Nutcracker al Ihc Brock Au­ ditorium on Dcc, 6, In Mtf. Doss’s fourth grade class, students have begun preparing for Iheir end of grade tests. They are uwuiling the fourth grade writing lest ^ : which they will take March 2. The fourth grade classes will visit Ra­ leigh April 29 to lake a look iit Ihe state capital.They have been study­ ing North Carolina all year and are keen to show off their knowledge. Cougars of Ihc Week: Та Qulla Johnson. Jukeline Violante, Austin Hayes. Shawmain Fleming. Luis Morena. Kori Goforth. Austin Doby, Jesus Violante.Zack Nomian, Jacob Duncan, Roger Burona. Kuillyn Cheek, Caroline Cozarl, Adilene Vargus-Ruano, Cassandra Dalton, Erin Deadmop, Daniel Peddycord, Brandon Stokes. Reminder lo parents: Tuesday, Feb. 24 - Vcnc/.ia Night; Wed.-Mon., Feb. 18-23 • Book Fair; Thursday. Feb. 19,6:30-8 p.m., Family Read­ ing Night; Friday, Feb. 20 - Apron Day; Snow Makeup Days; Monday. March 15.Friday,April9.Monday. May24,Tucsduy,Mny25;Feb. 16- 20 - Cafeteria Staff Appreciation Week; Thur.sday, Feb. 19 - Spring Pictures (group und individual); Thursday, Feb. 26, 6:30 p.m. Kin­ dergarten Orientation. c o i A U i e u . B A N K E R в T R I A D , R E A L T O R S ' DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1 -800 327 4398 w h a t e v e r it takes. lOT » fONfST am шгSíi/n-ч *<0 ’í' 'it if.f . tn Virf :k 'sr ^Stji tti; л•’i'tf«'«' Служил T'jt.-e V.-iitlí7M21,000 157»1иЕитшоАУ1С4М3.51Аис 131 STuoMiruci ummìwT'je p.-id'-ue 10 rf# cfVff.ng btCi Ur«/ »r«J U»e CoTlortiy« v't4 u ил rone ciTiJfTeied li Fwoi 4x>fs ичт V« ítí чи и tul inj Wi.'t/ (vtit gÿ|jei & tW. 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Ä-Mei 101 II СОУШбТОЯ СМИ OAYIC 38Я'.•'f Í"->' 'ff' •.'!>»,.:гл f, iu;; r.-.v Ч'- Uí ra'Jerxiíi A TaJi'Olis ^ ’.егпл iü J Voi 1M WMTl ÍAOf CT DAVIC Ш Wiri« 1Л gut« cu' Oí ioa’>cn in IH A Wl la I Lfwi fi>rt g’fí it/jfn *,ÍP, WWI $0-4 ¡;>j: m. ^ 'лм lo pwtfi nre «if'yrj IAi-Vj'iyj5 ueiSin.WO m cwmv ST davk звп гяа Ыу i шкLJxe, Q'JOÚ bfjj UiUtJtng, r.coi> rroton l.W<en, títiJricai AKVAC, Itr focii in -W, 4 outUjil(>rnoi й.'«1л1гн: Аше« 1 AC. Aits »ííi#íí Gil Pí( 1Í16S1I9.900 ' m covmeTM м мунвтм cniiDAVIt 3ß(i Ihe pei^ hoffl a Uny liteVyte IS tor nu al CovirdonUny lite^*e IS tor iroij af Covirdon C'tt* Kiÿ sel and irMVbi« ktte including collar, lorn-oi, IR & Ш. haiiJ*oo(h, sunn» МсЛеп W/Uil ftOû* 4 parli) Vicii fkrning »0- П6Г|1Ю,800 LOT M FAUMOCKEX ГАЯМ OAVK 36H?BA Цп(3« CíXülíUdion new s^il loytr, Ijige roorns.oruiarearMrSfiiitfGtovtSciioo Веп/ РоП$9ЭДПМ 1174.900 m tUfillOlU AVE OAVUКЛ*дСП h У01ЛW LV4 Ml)? A(Ы t)3 tiç Ул« W, L>v*-*ìi.'rrlil 5M Л VM. AiG tìindf Gii t‘J»' tлвиеГян.воо lOT 23 МЛСШАМ MUS SAVIE ¿HA13 ce vdim UrW w.v'j Ivi arj Uîfi (Cían Oc«r fwiЧ'л C'f»íí .-(í/yxi '/lè-Wìtsm.MO ют 171 MTEKS РАМ DAVI! Зап 21£AUVtiTeff Uu’m.r^ iwe U'atmI 2 car lOT174MTEJtSPAM DAVIE 36П 28A №rtone ¡01 ли' Sit*/ Ijyai Iw' • - • ■ 1. J cji - ..........rancit M.Vat^ned (Mv / car MflAsrtxK' ail (ГК) р11Л мл up to $?0001Лcloi.n(^cosij Haney Wirtfuil ЭМ-П81 LOT U MTtn PAM BAVIE ЗВЯ 16A Unì» ccnvtfjdion A itiii lor tütics touh) tal 1л llcivn. tuH'U) imcrcwtit, ynoin ceiling), ГцгалскЗ floor in Icrr«, wilt in cloyicoteied Cui de sac Ici Ga<l Шл 9d8-1165 4П PUAIAKT ACM DRIVC OAVIE Ш ШOtiQiruiiy Usil as log lone, iuiivi (мпм »iM щ\ erf, lípiacwTiert nintto«, vinjl tloonng Л ban & wa'K hejiet. Greal (оогл include} Hiring & dmmg rms A kil lsl«id, Ы Mim bVT4 attend >rom outstde Gail Ы|к990-11Б5$|9,100 oiitce KUin iml miss« »/«iV-in titís miden tut), UL »Dk-in ем siorage Flowing plan Is iure 10luilyournteJj CtndyJofnionWfl-H?/ $174,«0 1M nwtu RD zm 3Bñ \ЪК Immacutaie соп].1юл and up lo djte. liu targe ktitf^ nl ample c^neij, setwaie laundry and sioraje 02001 (оИлсП d.inktf Rv.ll Ы->1с (ütpoiJiioo (oltlivcll ü.inli‘( 11^,) гсдШспч) ii.idcmjik ol Coldtscll ü.i(iket (oi|>oialion. An íqují орроНипНу Сснпрлп/. {qují Housing Oppodunlly. Eddi Oilke К Indepcndenlty Owned and Opcuicd. - Ikn»liy 0AMiOewPro(tof fe IWMIMMIi MliidiSall«! Ä Ä « , Mitiiii ' 'm-itS M. - MHIIOÍ.Í:« . ’.'..т а ш ш F u n d r a i s e r s Saturday, Feb. 21 BBQ Cltlckcn Dinner, by Advance First Bapt. Churcli, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Half chicken, baked beans, roll, slaw, dessert. Tickets on sale now, contact church member. Benefit for local mis­ sions. Poor Man’s Supper, by Union Meth­ odist, in fellowship liall, U.S. 601 N.. 6 p.m., sponsored by UM Women. Donation to Storeliouse for Jesus building fund. Country Breakfast, by Smith Grove UMC,6:30-9:30 a.m. Items included; ham. sausage, tenderloin, eggs, grits, biscuits, and gravy. R e l i g i o n Sunday, Feb. 22 Davie Gathering, 3 p.m., at Fulton UMC. A program of worship and music by Rev. Jose Vazquez and his congregation from Cnpilla de Cristo. Sponsored by Davie County Sub-Dis­ trict Program Council. Tuesday, Feb. 24 MardI Gras Celcbrnlion, 7 p.m., in Parish House of Episcopal Church of Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Fork. Wednesday, Feb. 25 Ash Wednesday Service, 7 p.m. at Episcopal Church of Ascension, Fork- Bixby Rd., Fork. Local Churches A.sh VVcdne.sdny Service, 7:30 p.m., at First Presbyte­ rian Churcli, 261 S. Main St. Joint communion servicc by Holy Cross Luthemn,Second Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian. Questions: 751 - 2507. S o e c a a l E v e n t s Every Friday Night Jam Sessions,at Sheffield Music Hull, call 492-7417 for info. Saturday, Feb. 21 Report To The Community, com­ munity leaders lift up scouting, whole community inviled to gather at First UMC for brcukfust licglnning 7:45 u.m. Videos shown on charnctcrbulld- ing uspecis of scouting. Call First United Meth. lo make reservation, 751-250.3. Saturday, Feb. 28 RlvcrPark Work Day, need folks to help pick up trash and cut limbs. Meet 8 u.m, > Saturday, March 6 RlverPark Work Day, need folks lo help pick up trash und cut limbs. Mcel 8 a.m. . M e e t i n g s Saturday, Feb. 21 Military Order OfPurple Heart & Auxlllury, at Prime Sirloin. Hwy. 601, Mocksvillc. All combat wounded veterans & families invited. Dutch meal, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Meeting to follow. Monday, Feb. 23 Davie NAACP Meeting, al Shiloh Bapt. Church, 544 Depot St., Mocks­ villc. 7 p.m. Ongoing Humane Soelcty of Davie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of each monlli. at office Yadkinviiie Rd. be­ hind car wa.sh. 751-5214. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of cach month, 6:30 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Contact J. Renfro at 284-4664 for more info. Davie County Diabetes Support Group, last Thurs. of every monlh, 7- 8:30 p.m., at Davie Co.' Public Library Small Conferencc Room. Info: 751- 8700. Davie Youth Connell, meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays each month, 6:30 p.m., al Mocksviile/Davie Parks & Rcc. meeting room. Info: Wendy White 287-1292. Dnvie Co. Hospilal Auxiiury, every sccond Tues., at hospilal cafeteria, 7 p.m. Duvle Business Women’s As.socln- tlon, first Wed. of eiich month, 12 noon, at Mocksville Rotary Club Hul. F^or info; 751-2828. Dnvic Republican Mens Club, meets 4th Suturdayofcach month, 7:30a.m., Red Pig BBQ. Celebrate Recovery, weekly support group for those struggling with bad habits, addictions, and victims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m., at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158, Advance. Call940-6618 formore info. DavleCounty Horse Emergency Res­ cue Team, 7:30 p.m., downstaira al the Agricultural Building, Mocksvillc. Ev­ ery 3rd Tucsd.iy cach month. For info: 940-2111. Dnvle Co. Dnnd Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of monlh. 7:30 p.m., Davic High Band Room. Family Services "Whul Every Par­ ent Should Know", parcntingclasscs to intcrcslcd parents of teens in local arcus, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., at Mocksvillc officc Sanford Ave. Cost $15. Formore info: 751-4510. Christian nusinessmen's Commil- tee of Mocksvillc, TIuirsdays, 7 a.m. Mocksvillc Rotary Hul. Gold Wing Touring Assuclntlon, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 al U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davie County Stamp Club, 2nd Thurs., Davic Senior Center, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreutlon Associutlun, Zachary House, 1st Tuesduy, 7 p.m. Homcschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4lh Thursday., Call 998-8925 for more info. Plcdinont Triad Rabbit Fanciers, lust Sund.iy of each month, 2:30 p.m. All nibbil owners welcome. Cnll 336- 998-9858 or visit www.piedmontlriadrabbil.com or e- mail ptrr2000@aol.com formore info. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Macedonia Momvian Church. Fel­ lowship, food, support, und crculive activities. Children receive excellent care in tlie guided MOPPETS pro­ gram. Registration fees arc nominal and scholarships arc available. Meet- Ingsarc tlie I st and 3rd Fridnys of eacli montli beginning Aug. 16, from 9:15- 11:45 a.m. Davic School Schedule is followed. Questions call 998-4394. Tile Artist Group, Davic County Library, 7 p.m. lust Tues. Cull Bonnie at 998-5274. Cenler Conununity Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. Cooleemee Town Bourd, 3rd Tucs- duy. Town Hull, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted, Coulecmee A A, behind Good Slicp- herd Episcopal, Tues. & Fri., 8 p.m. Norlli Ciiulceinee and Clark Kond Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Fricnd.shlp Baptist Fcllovt'ship Hall. Mocksville AA, Thurs., 7 p.m. - closed mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. - open mtng. Call Christine at 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Davie Doinesllc Violence Services and Kupe Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assault victims. Tlic groupmcctscvery Tues.evening from 6:30-8;30 p.m. I’Icuse call office for localion, 751-34.50. Knmlly Violence Prevention Ser­ vices of Duvle County. Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence and their children. Separate groups. Tuesduys, 6-7:30 p.m.First United Mctliodisi Ciuireh of Mocksvillc. Cull 1-800- 728-3413. Concerned Bikers Assuetation, Foolhiils Chapter, 2nd Wednesday. Western Steer, U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advancc Garden Club, t si Tues., 9 u.m.,Mocks UMC, 998-2111. MocksvillcGurden Club, I st Thurs., Jericho Church of Christ fellowship hnll, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sons of Confedcrntc Veterans, l.st Mond.iy, Cooleemee Historical Build­ ing, 7 p.m. 4-H Bits & Bridle Club, every third Tues.,6-7:30p.m.atDixiclaiidFamis. Call 492-6403 for more info. Mocksville Rotary Club, Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m.. Rotary Hut. Knrinington Masonic Lodge No. 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. nt the lodge. • Davie Conversations On Cnncer, 2nd Tuesday, 12 noon. Duvie Library, for cancer patients, friend, family. 1- 800-228-7421 or 751-0313. Mocksvillc Lions Club, Isl, 3rd Thursduys, 7 p.m.. fellowship hull of St. Francis of Assisi, Yadklnville Road, Mocksvillc. Duvle Co, United Way Board of Dircvtors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m., Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, ¡Sanford Ave,, 2nd Thursdny, 7 p.m. Mocksville CIvltan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4lli Mondays, at CCB, 880 Yadklnville Rd.. Advuncc Memorial Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Fot;cign Wars and Ladies Auxiliury. 4tii Tues., 7:30 p.m.. |)ost home, Feed Mill Road. Davic County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursduy, grand jury room, courl- house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Mcmoriul VFW Post 1119, 2nd, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. I7FSAM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lotlge. MocksvillcLodgcNo. 134.1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. CoolecmeeClvitun'sClubMcctlng, 1st und 3nl Mon. each monlh, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Cub Scout Pack 504, sponsored b Fulton United Meth. Ciuirch, 1st und 3rd Tues. niglils cach monlli, 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like lo hcconic u memlicr arc welcome to attend. Dnvie Co. M SSupport Group, 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 p.m., Duvie Co. Hospital. VFW Auxiliary Post 4024,1 p.m., 4lhThurs. cach monlh in lower level of Brock Bldg., N. Main Street, Eli­ gible members welcome. Duvle Kiwnnis Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. al Webb Heat­ ing & Air, 998-2121. R e c r e a t i o n Formore infomiation on these evenis, call 751-2325. Line Dancing Fannington Community Center. Ev­ ery Tuesday. Cost; $2. Inslruclors: Steve & Linda Hatley. For more info, call 751-3848. Rec Club Before ($ 15)or after (S25)school and out of .school programs. Registration open. GoodTimers Square Dance Dance Lessons $5 per month. Volun­ teers for different social evenis. Con­ tact Ethel IU998-.3837. Sllverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up. M-F, 6:30-9 a.m. No cliargc. Mothers Morning Out Tuesduys and Thursdays, $7 per day. MO per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sal. Call Emily Robertson, 998-5163. Y M C A For more infomiation, call 751-9622 or visit Davic Family YMCA. Water Exercise Ciass For Iwglnncrs and Ihe experienced. All ages. Cull forclass types & limes. Swim Lessons Clioose from 4 wk., Sal. moming or private lessons. Reg. iiegins 2 wks. prior to class. Call for class times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Gymnastics Wctlnesdays3;30-4:30p.m.CoslS20 incmbcrs/$30 non-mcmbcrs. Family Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. Treut your family lo evening ul Y liaving dinner, playing games, swimming, and more. Cosl $2 per person (5 and under free). Parents Night Out 6:30-10:30 p.m. Program designed lo enable parents to liavc evening om while children enjoy Y. Swimming, arts, crufls, gumes and u movie. Din­ ner scrvcd.Cost$7iiicnibcrs/$ lOnon- membcrs. Sunshine Club For all older active adults. Fun, fel­ lowship, good news. We do mothly pot luck luncheons with u speukcr. Cosl $ 18 membcrs/$20 non-members. S e n i o r s All Senior Activities take place al ' DavleCounty Senior Scrviccslocaletl in tile Brock Building on North Main Street. Mocksvillc unless othenvise noted. Cnll 751-0611. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W , 11:30 u.m., Th. & Fri., 11 a.m.. lunch served daily. Silver Health Exercises. Eusi Room of SeniorScrvices, M, W, F, 8:30a.m. QuiUing.evety Monday, l()a.m.,East Room. Scrubhle,cvery Monday, I p.in.,Crali Room. Bridge, Tue.sdays I p.m. & Fridays 2 p.m.. East Room. SKIPIIO, Wednesdays. 1:30 p.m.. East Room. Scrapbooking. 2nd Tuesduy. 2 p.m. Paint Class, Wednesdays, Cruft Room, (will resume March 3) Dr. Dunn, Podiutrlst, ut Sr. Services every three weeks on Monday, 8:30 a.m.. Craft Room. Feb. 23rd. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:45 a.m. in the Nulrllion Site. Tills month Feb. 23. Sr. Chorus, Thursdays, 10 u.m.. East Room. Tal Chi Classes, Tuesduys. 10-11 a.m.. Nulure's Gifts,Class size lim­ ited, cull Sr. Services at 751 -^611 lo pre-register. Every Thursday Crafty Lndlcs, activity at Sr. Ser­ vices. 10 a.m.-l2 noon, in the Craft Room. Cali 751-0611 for more info. Fridays, Feb. 20 & 27 Tux-Aide, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Craft Room. First come, first scr\'cd basis. Tuesday, Feb, 24 Crochet Clii.ss, 1 p.m.. Craft Room, $3 registration fee, can join anytime. Wednesday, Feb. 25 Annunl Black History Celeralion, 10:30 a.m., Nutrition Site, please cull to register. Thursday, Feb. 26 VFW Lndlcs Auxiliury, I p.m. Craft Room. Tuesday, March 30 Cholesterol Screening For Seniors, m St. Francis of Assisi, 862 Yadkinviiie ■ Rd., 8:30-10:30 a.m.. for any Davie re-sidcnl 60 or older. Call Sr. Services 751 -0611 lo reserve your time. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dulellne should Ix- reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751 -2120 or drop il by the iilTicc, al S. Main Si. across from the courthouse. P e n n in g t o n C o m p a n y R E A t ' T ;v M o c l c s v i l k 336-751-9400 H i l l s d a l e / A d v a n c e 336-998-8900 Y o u r H om etow n Realtors V i s i i . o u r w c h .s il.c a l; iir jp T ^ v v v v v v .p c n iiin g lo n rc a lly .c o m O n l u o ^ S w i c e g o o d W a l l & M c D a n i e l У 0 DOWN* У '1,2 24 ,В Б и л .* \У> DOWN* 1^ ,001,88 Mü.* Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our local numbers ^ for recorded information: C A L L T O L L F R E E 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 1 0 - 6 8 4 9 a n d e n t e r r e c o r d i n g # D a v i e : 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 2 2 2 o r F o r s y t h : 3 3 6 - 7 7 8 - 2 2 2 1 DOWN* 4 ^ 8 7 0 ,8 4 Mo. У о DOWN« 120 Monarch Ct.Musi toe mu value ol Itio 4QM 3 &UA home m Oak VdH«y community. Low mamlon.ince bnck homo In cul-fle-ioc wnih many upgrfloosl (W31W57) n«cofd ■ 027t У 0 DOWN' 239 Ooacon'8 WayFaix;loushon)oon3*AaoTrncl in OenuliMOe.iconiRidoo A Ood'oofns /3 5 №trie, llaitfivoods. Famal Ouvki wvl More^ (W30204I) П(ХЖ(Аг^ « 8701 149 Wondorlng Uno 9 Dulchmnn НШГaerriT026kTyrulixr№MxxMUn(xmrwrlKtoisvl«t^^ AiiOiuteawomaiKyvfwTwnwwvtfwroTTulaninsasM(iieccfyckn.>icrwn(jpcnfi.nndUbTiunut fAicUvdti &tiatMQOdudb(, 4ПП jFii. fmehborusnn, FDn,U«cíh.T0iwat,cwwrcllufftíntn) (Vni?Q5d)Ftainkx3»üa» LoeoíCl06«lSpú«t,LoDu*(WCT-MD6)noa«ífio»e£B1 У о DOWN* ^ 8 10 ,7 4 Mo.* Lot 1в CherlOBlonUnb«<>ovat)la amount o« ip¿ic« 1о< all. Oedutitui miw construction in У ) DOWN* У 7 8 1.7 4 M 0 .* i Rídgouni imcv' fh4 homo h.is it 222 Byorly Chepo) RdMinilflfm wilti 34«t4 barn with 2 ' У о DOWN* Д Н Н Я В ! у 7 0 7 .2 8 МО.* y ó DOWN* « / • 8 8 7 .8 1 Mo.* 5233 SylvaniaMiflh quaiify a( bf<* and »ton* newo» liomo with of*nl room concopl CairioOrai and tiiiy oniings. liw ftri tfirouoiiout. full ur'fintUHfd tu}om»nt. ove<l<iod 2 c^ir garao« Otisignvd and tu>n by curi eni pwr^ef m locludod sroa nunr Ue quality (W3t4778) ntfCOiü>ng a B051 У о DOWN* Утмш. 170 CodarwoodImrnacuinle'l Qiual floor pi.v). Lirga wi.*d sto^ago buikJ^o la/M Uick dock wiih obovu o'ound pool Alt new inndscapmg (WJi6ooe»n*coiüno»05ei Lot 20 PopporetonoCofQOous now c(Hi<triictionl tiardwood (kwrlng. c«ram>c hlo, lumooiT». cnihedinl cinling». 1юпи» пют cun tw fmisMd (W3H3G5) Rocnrding «Н011 У о DOWN* У 7 0 7 ,2 8 MO.* 2 »taiij. lack room and ihed 5940 NC Hwy 801 S.Counl/y Wtfx) el If» turttl Ouitil «nd tfnfKjuJ »etbng wiili a-----------------cn In oreat пвч)ГЪСЛюой Ooy now „,ц, waler ond uleclncity. Foncod pasluio. largo covo/od Ifoni »pacioui tome о«оппо potwiUal 4 bdrm covured potcii,cuitomirtiwyootasle (W3M57I)fl#cord.ngtet11 HomewmtQiMyiocUkIwS n»tOftJ44• tie4woainoow<g.nw<catp«VB«Scoi^titepl.x««lNirgroom. Itom« №rrar\ty tncAxliKjl |W307C^) neco>dmg • 876t У о DOWN* У '6 8 8 ,8 2 Mo.* 440 HospitalUosi buy in towni Weil-mainlamtK] homtt otlefi ipacK>ui open lloof piarVwHli bonu* room m t)smi Weicommo poich, muMflovel deck in roar. Conliaily kxatod lor convoniencu lo »ctwi*, »W Home Waiionty inclutleOi (W3I4064) necording 18901 y io DOW N' У '860,66 MO.* 2100 Junction Rd У ) DOWN* » ^ 6 7 ,6 8 Mo.* 137 Rodwood 1B6 Sunny Doll LnNew Price! Well maintamod home with oitra room Lois ol nice eitrat...Electronic viindows, coiling lani in evoiy room, newl/ added master suite nrid hugt gaiaoo w>\h o11ic& tpaco miCED TO SELII (W2a2711}Rocoidin0i6451 0 DOWN*| ^ '8 8 6 ,6 1 MO.' 112 CovonnnI CovoWaik-in ciosuls in an 3 nod'o&ms Hco iiaoi plan, deveiopmonl has walking lia u. picnic aiea and р1ауо»0ип<1. tW307003> Rüco<ö>ng « B40Í ^ D O W N * У W 8.84M 0.* DOWN*| | / и З ,8 4 м о . fìEDUCEOl PossMe 4th bdtm, olite, pla/rooml E«ra room n Ve^ clean buck ranch wiih natural gas heal, open kdchoncurrenvy a M equipped beauty sakxi. (EquipmonI r«oo(^t>io) Ошаде »pace for 3 vehictosi 1ЮМЕ WARFUNTYI (W2Se334) necord.no «8381 Very cl and dir IW316* t/o D O W N |/>6Z2.71 MO.* У о DOWN* У ^618,88 Mo. У о DOWN* У ^487,82 Mo. 220 Wllkoaboro... . . CorTTii*ir№miaQmrdirMiyonto(XAX)usrnehDmentk>UncOaihiU.»«liu.Jrconv».M.Ч'»“.'.“' '«> Al ,„«шт ttnly »Unm IVOOOimi «ral 122 MIN Run Ortvo Selling FatlDon'IWalilWalking distane« to k)Cal Mocksviiio amvnrties D ‘ ceiin^t. buJtm entwlainment ctr, Ig ПП», lunroom, opti««l (W204170) RtKording » 8101 578 Salisbury St.lovul/ hisioiical homo wnii ongmai h.irdwood lioois, waik-n pantry, curarme Me. ip.icioiis rooms Inside you'll discover ctinrmif'a (unlutes U« aicliBxi Ö50rv«nys bullet's p,>mty (W306286) necordmo i 82BI 0 DOWN* '466.06 MO.* 107 RulllnOrick rancftwiih Coiner loll |W306e56) necort^ng • 69&1 264 WindwardVery nice SDll'ZßA homo, clean at a wlusi'e, Q'ual tlaner ^3O7520V<ecoiding«B01l У ) DOWN* У ^828,16 Mo.* 1072 USHwyB4This home lias lols ol chaim hku p<ne llooni'g eal-m kitchen, Ig back ymd. luH basement is paitioily hmihod w/ bath loo IW310065) Recording »8911 144 Contorsi.YMUMva hx coaige on large И Recent furnance, centra' и floor covwinos. cotanett & vnndnt Cvcie dirve with outcuttx] li HarrtcagiMdtt Пбсдг|>г^ 18061 H O M E S W I T H A C R E A G E A c re ag e aBgHroomi 2.6 Bath 168 JnmoalownDavie County. PaHiaHy wooded dout>ie*<de (W30557I) I.;,ООО A c re a g e 3 Bedroomt IBath 2527 US Hwy 64 A c re a g e 8 Beilpootns SBathi 977 Duko Whlltokor A c re a g e ZBedroams 2 Baths N<0 43. acre tjim w4h lott o' road lioniaoe, bami and oulbuiHnig. 27 Acres cleared tor pasluie larvi I’lopeiljy haj richaid and good paituie land lo* hoiiei and came Dnck nr^cIi inciiKlos giape»inej, лоиИ be gie.il lor horjeo^w A musi seel basomeni |W3091iejt))9.000 (W313S7S) 1375.000 106 Wildwood Lone4»» Acres House be>ng so'd m 'a» |VV3lt0l3)S3ee,O(,<<l m - DAVIK COUN ГУ KN-I KUIMUSE KKCORI). Tliursilnv. I’c-b. 19. 21)1)4 A group of children volunteers. in Big Brothers/Big Sisters go bowling with State Sen. Andrew Brock (right) and other program B o w l i n g A n d B a s k e t b a l l Upcoming Fundraisers To Benefit Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kills Sake. The narne for an upcoiiiliig I'linilrniscr lor Bijj Brolliers/Biy Sisters of Davie Coiiniy is appro­ priate. Go bowling and help some younj! people. On Feb. 28. teams will go lo Major League Lanes in Winslon- .Salein for the annual event. All funds raised by Davie County teams will be designated to sup- porl the Davie briiiicli. "You don't liave to be a good bowler to do tliis." .said Regina Grahiim-Hauser, Davie BBBS director. "It’s a fun day Ibr a good cause," ‘ Teams of four or live people howl one gmiic. Tlic game and shoes ure free, nnd BBBS pledge furins are available to solicit do­ nations. A notiier active fundraiser will take place un March 27 al the Davic High School gyms, when BBBS sponsors a three- on-three double-elmination bas­ ketball tournament. There will be age divisions from 12 through senior citi/en men and women. Hnlry fee is SfiO. Registration and fee is ilue by March 27. Mail lo UBBS. I’.O, Box 522. Mocks­ ville. or deliver them to Scotl Gantt at Gantt Personnel. Prizes will be awarded for each category, “ BBBS has received great enthusiasm from the community about hosting a basketball event," Grahani-I lauser said. She encourages businesses, groups and individuals to form teams. “You don’t have lo be great ball players, just a desire to help children in need," she said. Business sponsors are also needed. All should contact BBBS at bhbs.daviccotmty.orfi o rc a in .-il-y m , BBBS primarily serves chil­ dren in single-parent homes, or children being raised by a rela­ tive or guardian. It is the only agency in Davie County that provides mentoring services to cUUdtcn. The tnission is to be a com ­ munity leader in helping chil­ dren develop and reach their po­ tential. In addition to Big Broth­ ers and Big Sisters, the program has a Big Buddy program after school, a Lunch Buddy program. Big for a Day and activities for children on a waiting list. Program director Regina Graham-Hauser plays some hopes with Big Brothers/Big Sisters children. "O ur goal is established through long-lasting mentoring relationships," Graham-Mauser said. Big Brothers Big Sisters re­ ceives approximatley 40 percent of lunding from United Way of Davie County, the remaining fiO percent conies from fundraisers. "Bowling and basketball pro­ vide two recreational and fun events to do somediing fun for a good cause," she said. “Wc aro asking the commu­ nity to participate in our fundraising efforts so that wc can continue to help the children of Davie County wlio could ben­ efit greatly from an adult men­ tor," said Bruce W hile, advisory board chair. Getting ready for a little three-on-three basl<etball action, from left, Brent Wall, Angie Browder, Charles Crenshaw, Alice Barnette, Bruce White and Travis Wilmoth. CUSTOM DESIGN WITHOUT THE CUSTOM PRICE Tho Tosserae C arpel System lets you design Individual living sp aces In any room-easlly a n d atlordably CAREFREE CARPET SYSTEM Should d am ag e occur such os stains or excessive wear, you c a n simply rem ove Individual panels a n d rep lace them with nev/ ones In seconds- helping you m aintain exceptional beau ty (or years to com e. CLEAN, MESS-FREE INSTALLATION Tesserae panels are protesslonally Installed using TractlonBack'” Glueless Installation, This creates a secure hold throughout Ihe room w ithout m essy glues or other adhesives. ATTACHED FLOOR PAD Each Tesserae p anel has a tta c h e d residential padding with o moisture tjarrler built In- assuring a soft, com fortable, quiet ieel a n d a d d e d subfloor protection. Tours; iVloti, -iTi, tk Sat, 9-1 21,^ N ew 1 lipliw ay M W est, Lcxiiij;U)ii, NC. Phone: 249-6672 C A R P E T & F L O O R IN G C O V E R IN G I Your Home tmpfovom»nt Value Contar- Slarl Smart With J&j Carpel à floor Coyerino Ifallyouwant fix)m church is hell, fire and brimstonejburn this ad. riic Epi.scop¡tl Church of the A.st'cn.si(tn Wtlcomu.s You. W iir.shipS 'r ir h m : V.iXIn.iii iS ll.IX Iii.m . S iin ilm S iiiiu il IS3 l-(irk-Hixby Road • Advance, N C 27(K)0 • 3.Vi.<W8,()«.‘i7 «'«■w.ii.scenslon-fork.orK Bus Drivers Offer Scholarship The Davie County School Bus Drivers As.sociation will offer two scholarships this year - one for any member o f the association or their immediate family for $250, and another for $100 for any resident of the county. For more infcinnation, contact Todd Flanagan c/o Scholarship Request, 220 Cherry St., Mocksville. Stauffer On Honor’s List Lauren Hope Stauffer, daughter of Dan and Angela Stauffer of Mocksville, was named to the chancellor’s honors list for the fall semester at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, She attained a 3.6 grade point average. Stauffer is the granddaughter of Mrs. B.E. Seats of Mocksville and Mrs. U.S. Stauffer of Waycross, Ga. 7 On WFU Dean’s List Seven Davie students at Wake Forest University were named to Ihe fall semester dean’s list with minimum grade point averages of .1.0 or higher: Janel Marie Darcy - a sophomore, Joseph Chad Franklin - a jun­ ior psychology major, and Stephen Dale James Jr. - a junior biol­ ogy major, all of Mocksville; and Sarah Hall Jackson - a junior health and exercise major, Matthew Robert James - a freshman, Chelsey Marie Smilh - a freshman, and Lindsay Michelle Smith - a sophomore, all of Advancc. 4 Earn Lipscomb Honors Four Davie students at Lip.scomb University, Nashville, Tenn., earned ucademie honors for the Vail semester. Named to the provo.st's list with perfect grades were; Jessi Kittrell of 471 Bing Crosby Blvd,, Advance, a psychology-life oriented major; and Brent Skiver of 141 Dreamhaven Lane, Mock.sville, a medicine major. Named to the honor roll with minimum grade point avctftgcs of 3.5 were; Meghan Godbey of 239 Towery Road, Mocksville; and Elizabeth Kittrell of 471 Bing Crosby Blvd., Advance, a French- teaching major. Davie Students Earn Academic Honors At Community CoiSege The following Davie students qualified for the dean’s list for the fall 2003 semester at Davidson County Community College, Л stMdent who has completed at least 12 semester hours of credit and who has achieved a grade point average of at least 3.0 on all work attempted with no “incomplete" and grade lower than a "C" is placed on the dean’.s list. Dean’s list students include; from Advance - Samuel Edwin Spiich and Bryn Nicole Turner; from Cooleemee - Dana Head Recktenwald; and from Mocksville - Hope 11, Clubb, Laura Casey Doub, Vanessa Amber Jean, Wayne Michael Kizewski, Amanda Deree' Lagle, Sandra Alberty Melton, Krystal Marie Nagel, Christopher Lee Newton, Knsten M, Phelps, Kathy Keaton Sparks, Cheryl Wagner Stanley, Bedford Teague, nnd EiTima S, White. S t u d e n t N o m i n a t e d Justin Keith Smith has been nominated to attend the Congressional Student Leadership Conference. The invitation is e.’ttended based on academic e.xcellence, leadership potential and extracur­ ricular activities. He is a National Honor Roll student and a junior at Davie High School. Smith is the son of Helen Ball Smith and Virgil K. Smith of Mocksville. T im e ’s R u n n in g O u t F o r C tia n c e A t N D a v ie B a s i< e t The North Davie Middle School PfSA theme baskets are wrapped and on display at the school. Each basket hns a value of nt least $350, with several valued at over .$500, Slop by the .school fora look. Tick­ ets are $ I each for a chunce I’o win n basket, and will be availnblc wp until the school talent/gong show Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Brock Per­ forming Arts Comev. The Sports basket has a paintball marker and accessories do­ nated by Tactical Action Games in Advance over $ 150 value, plus a 3 month family membership to the YMCA, four rounds of golf at Pudding Ridge and tons of other items, its total value is nt least $700. Mom's Pamper has a I night stay at the Manor House Inn at Tanglewood plus gift certificates for massages, manicures and sev­ eral restaurants. Value approximatley $500. The other 10 baskets nre equally as wonderful even if their value is more like $300-$400. Themes for the baskets are; Sports, Mom’s Pamper, Chocolate Lover’s, Handyman, Camping, Baby, Couch Potato, Baker’s Delight, Car & Travel, Christmas, Garden & Nature Lover's, and Weekend BBQ. For tickets, call Nancy McKay al 940-2345. C ow boy D e a l F R O S T E l i t e T a c t i c a l L o c k B l a d e K n i f e with shoath $ 0 9 7 REG $18.95 simllnr lo INuslrnlion ianE.II«IESST. S P O R T I N G G O O D S stiop Mon. Ihru Sai.9,00am-9:00pm Phone 704-633-4091 DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISK UliCOUD/l'hursday, Feb. 19,2004 - D7 PU B LIC N O TIC ES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of Seth Thom as Thaxton, Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned on or before May 19,2004, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar ol their right to recover against the estate ol the said deceased. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 19th day ol Febnjary, 2004. Seth Allen Thaxton Executor of the Estate ol Seth Thomas Thaxton c/o. E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Selh Allen Thaxton, Executor 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 2-29-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quall­ lled as Executor ol the Esate of HELEN H. KAHLE, deceased, late ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is lo nbtlly all persons, llrms, and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or beiore the 21st day of May, 2004, or this No­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol recov­ ery. All persons, llrms, and corpo­ rations Indebted to this Estate will please make payment Immefllately to tho undersigned at the below- designated address. This the 19th day ol February, 2004. Wachovia Bank, N.A., Executor ol the Estate ol Helen H. Kahle c/o Randy Q. Waters P.O. Box 631 High Point, NC 27261-0631 Telephone No. 336-887-7650 2-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu- ■tor of the Estate ot MARY ELIZA­ BETH HUPP, loto of DavIe County, X this Is to notify all persons having ^ claims against said estate to present Ihotn to Iho undersigned on or beloMl^e 12lh day of t^ilay, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Iho llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This 5th day ol February, 2004. Robed Shapard Hupp 594 No Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA 2-12-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS The undersigned having quali­ fied as Executor ol the Estate ol EVELYN H, KIQER, Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at the olflce of Davis & Brewer Attorneys, 104 Sta­ dium O aks Drive, Suite C, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012, on or beiore the lOlh day ol May, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please make Immediate payment. This Ihe Sth day of February, 2004, Kathy K. Seals Executor of the Estate of Evelyn H. KIger By; Edward Y. Brower P.O. Drawer 786 104 Stadium Oaks Drive, Suite C Clemmons, NC 27012 2-5-4tnNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate of BETTY T. FOS­ TER, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to Ihe undersigned on or beiore the 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months from Ihe llrst day ol pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This 29th day of January, 2004. Norma F. George 208 Edwards Road Harmony, NC 28634 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Atlorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 1-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Tmst made by Anna Gay Wlnget- Brldgers and husband, John B. Bridgers to Westwood Associates, Trustee(s), dated the 29lh day of October, 1999, and recorded In Book 3ia, Page 221, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In Ihe Ofllce of the Register o( Deeds of Davio County, North Carolina end Iha holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed lhal the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will offer lor sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of M ocksville, Davio County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on February 25, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash Ihe lollowing real estate situate In the County ol Davio, North Carolina, and being more partlcularty de­ scribed as follows: Beginning at a rebar found at a point In tho Southern edge of Crestvlsw Road and being also the Northeastern corner of the heroin described tract; running thence with the W estern boundary line for Twlnbrook Acres, Section 2, Lot #5, Soulh 30 deg. 32'Эа* West 191,23 feet lo a rebar found, being a com­ mon comer ol Ihe herein described tract and Lot #5 and a point In the lino ol Lot #15; running thence with the line ot Lot #15 61 deg, 41' 39" West 57.11 feet to an Iron lound, said Iron being a common corner lor lots #15 and #16; continuing along the line ol Lot #16 North 62 dog, 10' 10" West 43.62 leet lo a rebar; thanes North 61 deg, 14' 29" West 55.50 leet to a point In the line of Lot ft 16; running thence a new line North 25 deg. 47' 23’ East 187.30 feet to a point In the South­ ern edge of Crostvlew Road; run­ ning thence along Crestvlew Road Soulh 62 deg, 59' 19" East 171.96 (eet to the Point and Place ol Be­ ginning, containing .713 acres more or tees, as surveyed by Tutterow Land'Sun/eyln'g, Jtihe 2, 1999, Togetherwlth Improvements located thereon; said property be­ ing located at 178 Crestvlew Drive Mocksville, North Carolina. Subject lo Restrictive Cov­ enants In Deed Book 61, Page 398, Davie County Registry, and any other easements and restrictions ol record. For back title, see Deed Book 212, Page 803; Deed Book 210, Page 687; Deed Book 195, Page 746; Deed Book 151, Page 317; and Deed Book 90, Page 380; ■ Davie County Registry. See also Tax Map J-5-2, A, Parcel 10, lo­ cated In Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay tho tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS §7A-308(a)(1). The property lo be offered pur­ suant lo this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and con- ' veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/securily agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the tllle or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all laxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ot the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750,00), whichever is greater, will bo required al Ihe time ol the sale. This 4lh day of February, 2004, H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H, Terry Hutchens, Esquire Presldnnt H, Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P,0. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayetlevlllo, North Carolina 28302 Case No; 119.72669 2-12-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHEGENERALCGUFrrOF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2002 CVD 217 Larry Davis Shollner, Plalnllll, vs. Patricia Lambert Shollner, Defendants. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUANT to an Order of tho Honorable James Honeycutt, Dis­ trict Court Judge, dated October 20, 2003, In the above action, Ihe un­ dersigned, who was by said Order appointed Co-Commlssloners to sell lands described In tho Order, will on Wednesday, Ihe 25th day of February, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. at the premises located at 170 Duard Reavls Road, Mocksvllio, Davio County, North Carolina, oiler lor sale to the highest bidder for cash lhat certain tract or parcel ol land lying and being In Clarksville Town­ ship, Davie County, North Carolina being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a point lying In the centorilne ol SR 1343 (Duard Reavls Road), said point being the Southwest corner ol Albert T, Bracken (Deed Book 107, Pago 857) and said point ol beginning also being the Northwest corner ol Ihe within described tract; thence from said point and place of begin­ ning Soulh 66 deg, 53 mln, 58 sec. East 31.32 feet to an Iron; thence South 66 deg. 53 mln. 58 sec. East 288.89 feet to an Iron, Ihe North­ west corner ol the within described tract; thence South 46 deg. 05 mln. 13 sec. West 194,17 leet to an Iron, tho Southeast corner of Ihe within described tract; thence North 77 dog, 54 mln. 39 sec. Wesl 175.00 feet lo an Iron; thence North 77 deg. 54 mln. 39 sec. West 30.79 (eel lo a point located In Ihe cenlerllne ol Sr 1343; thence with Ihe centorilne 01 SR 1343 North 12 deg, 06 mln, 02 sec. East 222.14 feet lo Ihe POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING and containing 1.182 acres as taken trom a survey ot Grady L. Tutterow dated February 22,1999. For backtltle see Deed Book211 at Page 749, Davie County Registry. An earnest money deposit 10% of the bid amount will bo required from the highest bidder ol Ihe time ol sale as evidence ol good lallh. The property will be sold In Us cur­ rent condition as Is with no warran­ ties of record, 11 any, except the existing Hen In favor of Ihe Bank of Ihe Carolinas which will be paid from Ihe sale proceeds. The sale shall be subject to upset bids and conllrmatlon ol Ihe court pursuant to Article 29A oi Ihe North Carolina General Statutes. This 21st day of January, 2004. Grady L. McClamrock, Jr. NCSB #7866 Co-Commissioner 161 South Main Streel Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-7502 James Eubanks Co-Commissioner P.O. Box 1144 Clemmons, NC 27012 (336) 499-0704 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NpTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY In the Superior Court Civil Action 04 CVS 7 against Justo Quiroz Almanzar: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In tho above-entllled action. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: Compensatory damages In ex­ cess of $10,000. You are required lo make de­ fense to such pleading nol later than March 16, 2004, and upon your lallure to do so Ihe party seek­ ing service against you will apply lo Ihe court for Ihe relief sought. This Ihe 5lh day ol February, 2004. Mark T. Atkinson 1416 West First Streel Winston-Salem, NC 27101 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Co-Ex- eculors ol Ihe Estate ol NANNIE B. WILSON, late of Davie County, this Is to nollly all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or beiore Iho ■ 29th day ol April, 2004, being throe (3) months from the llrst day of pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 29lh day of January, 2004. Larry C. Wilson, EXEC 1545 Jericho Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Lynne J. Allen, EXEC 14780 Cool Springs Road Cleveland, NC 27013 1-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHEGENERALCOURTOF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 04 SP1 IN RE: DANNY SPRY AKA DANNY JAMES SPRY, and SHARON S. SPRY AKA SHARON E, SPRY, FORECLOSURE OF DEED OF TRUST Dated July 17, 1998, RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 281, AT PAGE 541, IN THE DAVIE COUNTY REG­ ISTRY BY ALAN B. POWELL, TRUSTEE NOTICE.OE^AUE Under and by virtue of Iho author­ ity contained In a certain Deed ol Trust dated July 17, 1998, secur­ ing a Note and Indebtedness ol $57,600.24, which was executed by Danny Spry aka Danny James Spry and Sharon S. Spry aka Sharon E. Spry, and which la re- corded'ln Book 281, at Page 541, Davio County Registry, Ihe under­ signed having been appointed Sub­ stitute Trustee by Instrument re­ corded In said Registry, delaull hav­ ing occurred In Iho payment ol the NolesecuredbysaldDeedolTrust, and al the request ol Ihe holder ol said Note, the undersigned Substi­ tute Trustee, In accordance with Iho provisions ol said Deed of Trust, will oiler lor sale al public auction lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash at 1 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, tho 4th day of March, 2004, at the Courthouse door In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, the real property at 118 Midway Street, Cooleemee, North Carolina, 27014, which Is more particularly described as follows: Premises In Jerusalem Town­ ship,'Davie County, North Carolina, described as lollows: Book 111 Page 476 Beginning at an Iron slake In he Southern right ol way margin ol Midway Street (SR 1171), the Northwest corner ol Danny Spry's 3,01 acre trad, and running thence with Ihe Southern right of way mar­ gin ol Midway Streel Soulh 62 de­ grees 10 minutes 34 seconds East 399.20 tool to an Iron pin In the Southern right ol way margin ol Midway Street, the Northwest cor­ ner of William S. Cranllll; thence with Ihe line ol William S, Cranllll the following lour courses and dis­ tances: South 35 degrees 51 min­ utes 0 seconds Wesl 172,70 loot; thence South 69 degrees 40 min­ utes 0 seconds West 145,45 leet; Ihonce South 81 degrees 06 min­ utes 0 seconds Wesl 184,28 loot lo a point In Ihe line of J,B, Spry Jr,; thence with Spry’s line North 26 degrees 38 minutes 0 seconds East 128.67 leet lo an Iron, Spry’s corner, thence with Spry’s line North 55 degrees 08 minutes 58 seconds West 108.95 feel lo an Iron, Danny Shepherd's'Southeast corner; thence with Danny Shepherd's line North 28 degrees 0 minutes 43 seconds Easl 319.27 leet to the point and place ot be­ ginning, containing 3.01 acres, more or loss. Book 117 Page 677 Beginning al a new Iron pin, Ihe Southwestern corner of the within described tract. Northwestern cor­ ner of Bill Cranllll, said point and place ol beginning being further located Soulh 56 degrees 40 min­ utes 5 seconds Wesl 354 leet Irom a new Iron pin, Ihe Northwest cor­ ner ol Peggy Spry In the Southern right ol way margin ol N.C. High­ way 801; thence from the begin­ ning, North 56 degrees 40 minutes 5 seconds West 46 (eet to a new Iron pin, Ihe Northwest corner of Ihe within described tract; thence North 39 degrees 21 minutes 11 seconds Easl 351.06 feet to a new Iron pin, Ihe Southeaster corner of Ihe within described tract; thence Soulh 26 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds Wesl 128.67 leet to a new Iron pipe; thence Soulh 54 degrees 28 min­ utes West 235,06 leet to Ihe point and place ol beginning, containing 0,66 acres, and being a portion ol lhat property belonging lo Peggy Allen Spry, For relerance seo Deed Book 63, al page 422, and Deed Book 55, al page ,360, This conveyance Is made sub­ ject lo all restrictions and ease­ ments ol record. Address; 118 Midway Street, Cooleemee, NC, Tax Map or Par­ cel ID No,: NS10-402. The present record owners ol said property are: Danny Spry aka Danny James Spry and Sharon S. Spry. Said property will be sold sub­ ject lo laxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights ol way, restrictions ol record, Hens, or olher prior encumbrances, said sale lo remain open lor Increased bids for ten (10) days alter report thereol lo Ihe Clerk ol Superior Court. The Substitute Trustee may require Ihe high bidder lo deposit cash at Ihe sale In an amount equal to Ihe greater ol live percent (5%) ot Ihe amount of Ihe bid or $750.00. II no upset bid Is filed, the balance ol the purchase price, less deposit, must be rnado In cash upon tender of the deed. This tho 12th day ol February, 2004. Alan B. Powell Substitute Trustee RO. Box 1550 High Point, NC 27261 (336) 889-8733 NORTH CAROLINA 2-^9-2ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Iho power and authority contained In lhal certain Deed olTrusI executed and delivered by Melvin F. Allred and Julie Allred, His Wife, dated the 25th day ol September, 1999, and recorded In the Olflce of Ihe Rog­ lster ol Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, In Book 315 al Page 200 and because ot default In Ihe payment ol the indebtedness thereby secured and lalluro to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and, pursuant lo demand of the owner and holder of the Indebted­ ness secured by said Deed ol Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will expose for sale al public auc­ tion to the highest bidder (or cash at the usual place of sale In Ihe County C ourthouse ol Davie County, In Iho city ol Mocksville, North Carolina, at 10:00 o'clock on the 3rd day of March, 2004, all that certain parcel ol land, more particu­ larly described as follows: IMPROVEMENTS: House and lol/Condomlnlum/or Lot ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1791 Shelfleld Road, Harmony, NC 28634 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LO­ CATED In Clarksville Township, and Ihe village of Sheffield, and on tho south side ol Shelliold Road, and bounded on the East, and Soulh and West by lands of J.T. Smllh and on Iho North by Shellield Road. BEGINNING al an Iron pipe East corner on South side of Shellield Road and running Soulh 4“ West 4.30 chains lo a white oak and Iron stake; thence Wesl 3.40 chains to an Iron pipe; Ihenco North 8" West 3.30 chains lo an Iron pipe on Soulh side ol Shellield Road; thence with said Road North 64» East 1 chain lo a Point thence North 75'’ Easl 1 chain to a point; Ihenco North 80“ East 1 chains to a point with curve; thence Nqrth 87« East 1.35 chains to Ihe BEGINNING containing 1 3/10 acres more or less. As por survey by A.L, Bowles, April 20, 1954, FOR BACK REFERENCE, see Book 42, Page 421, Book 33, page 460, and Book 54, page 563, Davie County Registry. PRESENT RECORD OWN­ ERS as relleoted on the records ol Iho Register of Deeds not more than 10 days prior to posting the notice are Melvin F Allredand Jullle Allred. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhal per­ son must pay the tax of forty-five (45) cents per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-30B(a)( 1). This sale Is also sub­ ject to any applicable county and/ or stale land transfer and/or rev­ enue lax, and Ihe successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment ior such tax. The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being ottered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor Ihe holder ol Iho note secured by the Deed of Trust/Security Instrument, or both, being loreclosed, nor Ihe olllcers, directors, atlorneys, employees, agents or authorized representativo ol either Trust of Ihe holder ol the note make any representation of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing In, on, al, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale, and any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. The terms ol Ihe sale are that the real properly hereinabove de­ scribed will bo sold lor cash lo the highest bidder and lhal Ihe under­ signed will require the successful bidder al Ihe sale to Immediately deposit cash or certllled check In Ihe amount of Ihe greater of five percent (5%) ol Ihe amount ol Ihe bid or seven hundred and lllty dol­ lars ($750.00). The real property hereinabove described will be sold subject to any unpaid laxes, prior encumbrances, 11 any, and special assessments. The sale will bo held open lor Ian (10) days for upset bids as by law re­ quired. Following the expiration ol the statutoiy upset period, all remaining amounls are due Immediately, This Ihe llih day February, 2004. Ronald H. Davis or David R, Caudle, Substitute Trustee 04-SP-7 . 2-19-pn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ tor of Ihe Estate ol O.H, FISHER, III, late ot Davie County, this Is lo notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, 2004, being Ihree (3) months from the first day of pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to tho undersigned. This 12th day ol February, 2004. Palsy Fisher, EXEC 320 RIverbend Drive Bermuda Run, NC 27006 NORTH CAROLINA 2-12-4ln COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol FLOYD G. SHORE, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notlly all persons having claims. against said estate to present them , to the undersigned on or before the, 29th day of April, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Iha first day o| publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wH| please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 29th day ol January, 2004, Palsy W. Shore, EXEC 1296 NC Hwy, 801 N Advanco, NC 27006' 1-29-4IPNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ trix ol Ihe Estate o( LORENE RAN­ SOM FOSTER, late o( Davie County, this Is lo notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or beiore the 29th day ol April, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Ihe first day ol publication or this notice will bo pleaded In bar ol their. recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo Iho undersigned. This 29lh day of January, 2004. Frances Dunn, EXEC 1163 Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27006 1-29-4lriNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as tho Execu­ trix ol tho Estate of THOMAS EU­ GENE HAUSER, JR„ late ol Davie County, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or beiore Ihe 5lh day of May, 2004, being Ihree (3) months from the llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo the undersigned.^ This Ihe 5lh day ol Febmary, 2004.. Bonnie H. Cobbs, EXEC 109 Bridgewood Lane; ' Advance, NC 27006 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ tor ol the Estate ol MARGARET ELIZABETH EVANS UTHAM, late ol Davie County, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the un­ dersigned on or beiore Ihe 19th day ol May, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publi­ cation or this notice will bo pleaded In bar ol Ihoir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 19lh day ol February, 2004. Ann L. Seals, EXEC 4605 Greenlleld Way Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 2-19-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF POLLING FACILITY CHANGES WHEREAS, The Davie County Board ol Eleclion members have determined that Ihe following poll­ ing lacilltles should be changed to comply with Ihe ADA requirements ot NC to accommodate the volets In each ol Iho respective voting precincts, NOTICE Is hereby given that ellecllve with the 2004 Primary Elections, and with all Elections Iherealter that; The South Mocksville voters shall cast their voles In Ihe Fellow­ ship Hall ot the Mocksville Firsl Pres­ byterian Church, 114 S. Clement St.: The Hillsdale voters shall cast Iheir voles In the Fellowship Hall of the Hillsdale Baptist Church, 4815 US Hwy. 158; The East Shady Grove voters shall cast Iheir voles In Ihe Fellow­ ship Hall ot Ihe Advance First Bap­ tist Church, 1938 NC Hwy. 801 S, THIS the third day ol Fabruary, 2004, H.P, VAN HOY II, CHAIRMAN DAVIE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS. . 2-12-2tn 1)8 ■ DAVIK COUNTY ENTER1»RISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY hlotlce of Public Hearing Amondment lo Economic Incentive Invastment, Avgol America, Inc. TAKE NOTICE THAT A Public . Hearing will be held before the Board of Commissioners ol Ihe Town ot l\/locksvlll0 at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Ivlarch 2, 2004, In Ihe C om m issioners’ Room of Ihe Mocksvllle Town Hall, 171 Clement St, Mocksville, NC pursuant lo Ihe provisions ol NCGS Section 158- 7.1 and the Town's Industrial development incentive policy to consider appropriations lor the : purpose of aiding and encouraging industrial enterprises which amend and reduce a previously made and approved economic development agreement between the Town ol Mocksville, The County of Davie and Unlfi Inc. or a subsidiary thereof. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, lhal the appropriations being considered aro lo the properly described in Book 375, Page 506, , ol the Davlo County Registry now owned by Avgol America, Inc. al an • approxim ate total econom ic incentive investment ol $75,000 lor ■ the Town instead ol the previously approved $120,000 economic incentive investm ent. The economic Incentive investment will be conditioned and dependent upon the construction and comptelion by Avgol America, inc. ol a new 100,000 square loot Class A Industrial (aciiity addition to Ils existing plant having a cost ol at least $25,000,000 and the addition of approximately 25 now jobs. The source of the funds will bo from general revenues. Il Is expected that ttie investment will be roturned lo the Town In tax revenue derived Irom the project within one (1) year. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the benelils to Ihe public expected to bo derived (tom tho facility built as a result of tho econom ic development incentives include: the enhancement ol tax base ot tho county and Ihe town and the anticipated creation ol approximately 25 jobs. Christine W. Sanders Town Clerk 2-19-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Davlo County Partnership lor Children would like lo announce lhal we are currently accepting activity proposals (or (iscal year 2004/2005 to locus on tho (ollowing overall goals-. Quality Early Education: Wo will work hard to Improve the quality ol early childhood programs by: Fncililatlng prolessionai education (or teachers Equip every childcare (aciiity in Davlo County to belter serve the 0-5 population Underwriting the cost to maintain quality personnel in a childcare environment Provide access to quality education lor all children in Davie County Proventatlve Health: Every young child must have basic health services that are accessible, available, and adordablo to include dental, m ental health, and eariy Intorvonlion (or health programs. Child and Community Services: To provide community awareness ol child related services, Oiler childcare resource and roterral system (or Davie County. Dlreclly support parents ol young children by increasing parenting knowledge and reinlorclng Iheir abiiilios. Sponsor services and programs that benulit children, reinlorco patonis, and oncourage community involvement so the next generation is prepared lo succeed. For specKlc outcom es and objeclives related to each o( those goals, please contact tho local oKico al 751-2113 or visit our website www.daviosmartstart.org (or more Inlormallon. Bidder's packets aro available on our wobsile or in the Partnership ollice al 1205 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville, NC. Ail Request (or Proposal bid packets are due by 12:00 pm on March 3, 2004. 2-19-ttn I S T R E T C H W R I N K L E D C A R P E T S Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 6LASSinEDSП П И Р Ш В Я У Е FR Œ TC A H LE Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center oilers conlidendal & (ree pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and reterrals. M ake a healthy choice for your life! Call 753-HOPE for'appoinlment, Apartments 1BR, 1BA, APARTMENT- Mocksville $425/month ■ HUD approved Janice McOaniei Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out ol School Days. 1st & 2nd shift, Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours, Split shifts also. Call Debra, 751 • PLAY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mocksvllle, across trom Welch's Funeral Home. SCHOOL-AGEPROQRAM-Be- lore and after school, summer care. No registration lee. Cornatzer School District. Cali 998-9601. WILL BABYSIT IN my home. Hwy. 601S, Mocksville’. Fuiltimatatl lime. Reasonable rates. 284-2583. WILL PROVIDE CHILDCARE In my home, have references, any shift, all ages, reasonable rates, Hwy 64 Mocksville. 704-546-7750 Commerciai Property VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES W arehouse & 0(fice space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty ___________751-9400__________ Condos For Rent 2BR, 2BA Condo-Ciemtnons- $800/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty ___________751-9400___________ Employment ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION available with local real estate company. Position requires cus­ tomer service, general oKlce and computer skills. Company ben- elits Included In compensation. Qualilied applicants send resume to Steve Culler, Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors, 5342 Hwy 158, Suite 1, Advance, NC 27006. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR (raming crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overlime. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. C b K A R Y A U T O SAbKS FO R S A LE :Cars • Trucks Utility BuiWings Carpoils: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lois 336-751-3442 MocksvllJe, NC Are You Swart? Join Ihe smartest communily In Davie County and takiadvantage ot... “The B e s t Deal IntheY H Ie" Northwood ApartmentsQudlilv * ( • Alliiiilahiliiy 336-751-4141 q Lighthouse Properties, Inc. Rent To Own Itrick. .1IIK, illAon I at-rcin (he counir)'. IXm). oullniildings do« KciuiL'l. $695/M Rent To Own Mocksvillc ci)UMlr>' living in liie cily. C'(ini|)iclL'ly rciiiiKicial .'UK. 2I1A. Ilupi; iiiiistcr suilc. New :i|ipliuiiccs, caqvl. hc:il ii air. I'rcsiily palmed iiisulc iV: uiil, $75(I/M ■‘WE lJUV HOUSES” Call (.Wi) 751-4371 Employment DAY SHIFT ELECTRICAL technician 12 hour shift schedule Requirements are as follows: *AAS Degree In Electronics •Must be able to trouble-shoot automated electrical and mechanical equipment. "Must have extensive knowl­ edge of PLC's, Inverter Drives, PC Controllers and all associ­ ated software. •Siemens PLC experience a huge plus •Must be able lo perform both electrical and mechanical repairs Our company offers compellllve pay and enhanced benefits such as; Medical & Dental coverage Paid vacation & holidays 401K Retirement Plan Uniform allowance Qualified applicants should send resume with cover teller to; Avgol Nonwovens Human Resources Department 178 Avgol Drive Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Or fax Ihem lo; 336-936-2505 DIESEL TRUCK MECHANIC Salem NallonLease has an Immediate opening for a Diesel Mechanic In the WTnslon-Salem area. We provide excellent pay and benefits to Include Medical, Denial, Paid Vacations & Holidays and Much More. We require a minimum of two yrs. experience. Your own Toots, A good driving record and Good work history. And CDL-A Is a plus. Apply @ SALEM NATIONLEASE 191 Park Plaza Drive Winston Salem, NC 27105 (800) 709-2536 ext. 3188 DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs expe- rlence with clean record CDL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live floor trailers. 336-788-3210. DRIVERS NEEDED-NO CDL re- qulred, prior trucking exp., $10 hr., dependable, clean driving record, no criminal record. 336- 940-3370 leave m essage. EXCELLENT GROWTH PO- TENTIALI Raffles Salons at Squire Boone Plaza Is actively recruiting for full and part-time stylists. All applicants must have current NC cosmetology license and be able lo work al least 2 evenings per week and Satur­ days. No Sundayslll Call 1-800- 476-7233 to schedule your con­ fidential Interview today and you could be a vital part of Ihis suc­ cesslul companyl EOE Employment HIGH ENERGY, PLAYFUL & dependable people needed PT or FT lo conduct behavioral/play therapy wilh autistic child in hom e-base program. Previous experience preferred but not re­ quired. Flex hours. Call 782- 7955. Em ail resum e to Care@triad.rr.com HONEST LADY WILL sit wilh elderiy or disabled, Mon-Fri, In­ cludes personal care, cooking, light housekeeping, errands, etc. References. For more informa­ tion call 940-2507. Leave m es­ sage, will return call. JOB OPENING-EXPERIENCED Cook. Apply In person; 10am- 3pm, M-F. Part-time, seml-retlred w elcom e. Ask for Sue Lane. Hickory Hill Country Club,-2251 Hwy 64E, Mocksville, NC 27028. . LOOKING FOR 10 energellc people to a ssist In cooKing classes. Unlimited income. Call 492-6545 for appt. NEEDED: HOUSEKEEPING. HOURS 7am-3pm. Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. T uesday & W ednesday oil. M ust work hllldays. Seasonal work. March 1st til Nov. 1st. Call 492-7736. NOW ACCEPTING appiicailons for full lime 8. part-time workers- cashier/kitchen help. M-F 10.00- 2;30. Tucker's Place Cafe, 1987 Hwy 801S, Advance (south of the railroad tracks) or call 998-7100. 0!=FICE HELP NEEDED: Mak- Ing reservations, cashier and other duties. Musi work som e nights, weekends and holidays. G reat for students. S easonal work, needed March Isl-OcI 30»^ Call Lake Myers (336) 492- OFFICE SEEKIfi^MORTGAGE loan officers...m ust be licensed...Make the change now to start the New Year fresh with the support you need to be sucessful...Letter leads are pro­ vided Top commission paid-Fax Resume lo; 336-357-3450 or call Toll Free-866-416-3450 Employment RUSHCO FOOD STORES in Mocksville is Now Hiring Blimple Manager Food service M anagement a priority. Criminal background check required. Located Inside the BP-beslde Davie High We Offer; •Excellent Starting Pay •Insurance Benelils •Paid Vacation If you desire employment with a Local Company Call 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 Ext. #12 or visit 1895-Hwy 601 BP lo schedule an appointment SOCIAL WORKER III: Position with Ihe Davie County Depart­ ment of Social Services with Ihe primary purpose of receiving re­ ports ol alleged abuse/negTecI/ exploilallon oTchlidren and/or dis­ abled adults or dependency of children. Position assum es addi­ tional Intake responsibilities and Includes other agency duties. Will accept graduation from a four- year college or university in so­ cial work or related human ser­ vice field with one year of social work or human service work ex­ perience. Must have a valid North Carolina driver's license and ve­ hicle available lor work. Submit a completed state appli­ cation, PD-107 and a school tran­ script of highest educational de­ gree to Becky Finney, Social Work Supervisor, Davie County Department of Social Sen/Ices, P 0 Box 517, M ocksville, NC 27028, Telephone; 336-751- 8800. A pplication deadline; March 1, 2004 before 5;00pm. Employment WLA TRUCKING CO., Ml. Airy, NC has resumed accepting applications for company drivers for our coast-to-coast operation. Part lime team s are welcome to apply. Team owner/ operators are needed with mileage pay as high as 87 cents per mile. A company representative will be at; Comfort Inn-Mocksville 1500 Yadkinville Rd/Hwy 601 Mocksville, NC Dale; 2/19/04 ______Irom 10am lo 5pm Farm Machinery INTERNATIONAL FARMALL A , cultivator, runs good, needs bat­ tery $1000.00 Long 900 Series 85 hsp diesel, 4x6 front blade, hydraulic disc, needs minor work, runs good $2200.00 OBO Call Mike 751- 5015.751-6153._______________ Furniture BEDROOM SUITE-3 p ieces $200. Dark pine, w ater bed grame with headboard/drawers underneath, chestdraw ers, dresser with mirror. 998-8928 EXECUTIVE OFFICE DESK with matching lateral (He and bookshelves, 4x8 oval confer­ ence table with matching end tables. M iscellaneous office equipment 778-9200._________ Homes For Rent 2 LARGE BR house on Highway 158, 998-2980 after 5pm. 2BR*, 1BA, PRIVATE lot, all ap- pliances furnished, no pels. 158 East 3.5 miles. 1 or 2 people. 751-4279 2BR, 1BA-Mock9vlile-$375/mo Equal Opportunity Employer. ' home-$500/mo OTR, 0 /0 , DEDICATED, re- ionai & team drivers needed. :iass A CDL, 3 months T/T ex­ perience required. Good pay & benelils. Call Gary 1-877-667- 9919 anytime. M R T TIME LPN or RN 7am- 7pm every other weekend. Part time LPN or RN 11pm-7am every weekend. Call Vanessa Wilson, Director of Nursing, Autumn Care of Mocks­ ville 751-3535 giCl TRUCK DRIVING OPPORTU­ NITY (ora dedicate run. Our dedi­ cated drivers will benelit from the new hours of sen/ice & will be home weekends. Last year our drivers earned between $.38 and $.50 cents per mile all pay & de­ tention pay. Plus $.02 per mile Safely Bonus. We have 401K, Medical, dental and more. You can maximize your home time and earning potential in 2004, You need two years CDL-A ex­ perience to quallly. Call 1-BOO- 709-2536 Salem Carriers, Inc. 3BR, 2BA, DW/AoreagB-Yadklnviile $gOO/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clemmons-$a00/mo Pennington & Company Realty 7S1-9400 BRICK, 3BR, 1BA, double car­ port, 1.5 acre lot-country selling. 940-5119 GENE TREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Rools Small Hopair Jobs Free Estimates 336 -284-4571 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATE^ COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Arthur Bostick 336-492-5992 RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 MllkTHoail'Mocksvillc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks • AUTO AUCTION Every W ednesday 6:00 PM Come to buy or seii.Open to dealers & Public. Cars, Trucks, Vans & SUVs - hundreds offered for sale every week Buy & Sell the Auction way & do it the right way. E L L IS A U T O A U C T IO N IHwy. 601 South of IVIocksviiie, NC & Nortii of Salisbury, NC P h o n e : 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 4 0 8 0 F a x : 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 6 4 5 5 Individuais-non-dealers-pay by cash Office Open 10:00 am-5:00 pm iVlon.-Thur. Please call or fax for any information you would like. Don’t forget-every Wednesday 6:00 pm • Ellis Auto Auction - Buy or Sell Inside Two Day Complete Rain or Shine L I Q U I D A T I O N A U C T I O N C&D Hardware Weicomo, N.C. *175 Hinide Lane S A T U R D A Y F E B . 2 1 & 2 8 , 9 : 3 0 A .M . Dtcdlons; From Lexington, take old Hwy. S2N to; Wclcome, lum RJgtii on HInUo Une, SjIc on ten. from Winston Silcm, take оИ Hwy 5?S lo wckome. turn left. Sate on left, WalUi (ot signs Ailyertlflng Hemomblll«: Mk/vMy panici Atuck game wacHix, Daskel ta» game mjciine, To/n Joy jum and loy mact\ine, pint Coble milk tjoWa (Sllll going Fine on Dad's Milk, rare), pint CoMe milk 1юШе (Blue witing. rare), Srootln' Joe Racing Meol sign, Camd noresccni Ceiling sign, Camel Joe (15<4d) Floroscem Sgn (Snooting Pod), Camel Joe Neon Sign, Mirtoora neon Sign, J Benson and Hedge Oaks, Kool and MiM Today Ooda, Camel Llgtitj Cloda (puiplo and yellow), Wnston CVx», Winston Setect Ckxk, Dr. Pepficf Ckx*, Winston lacing Natkin Ftorescent Sgn, 19M Winston Cup Series dock. Prince Albert t907-19B7 framed pdnt. Camel Packs IXsplays; Tutkisti Jade- Pool Tabte- 57' Oievy- Pilot & P St and Ptoasures of Caslab, Ooral Blender CHspljy, Pepsi Elliot Goukl sign. Cash Camd Lotto Catakig Display, 3 Stand-ups - Old Joe, Kyle Petty, Dale Eambart, varkius case knives and display ease, OUier Advertising Henwabilia not listed. Tian industrial Air Compressor 5.S HP gas, titan Industrial Pressure washer 2200 PSI. Tlian tndustiW Trash pump S.5 HP 3x3, в Iradi stereo system w/spoakeis, hanging sale:, chicken iccden, styUst stnget sewing machine, cigarette cases and rsclu, George Iwcman Rôtisserie, complete air conditkjn un« tor Honda, Vac bags lor Hoovb- Eureka and otVrs, gas lanterns and globes, bottles ol propane fud and torches, regular & tlorescent Ight bulbs, air niteu, various Яге bicycle tires, air pumps, new (it and pl Fnilt Jars, Mlrro pressure cooker, apple peelers, oil lamps and globes, scrub brushes, wash boards, galv. Tubs, casters, lawn mower wheels, lOO'i of various size lawn mower blade» and belt», kerosene healer wklcs of alt sljes, chimney breshes, dryer vent kits, chain and cable, vinyl letters and numbers, tantems, metal and plastic water cans, galv. moo buckets, coal bwlcets, mail boxes and post, metal gas cans, plow points, wheel bariow handks and ares, vartous site wmen wire 1-6 toot, motor i gear oil, апв-freeœ, hydraulic llukl(5 gal. Buckca),noof deaner(S gal. Buckets), Barrel of commeicial kitchen cleaner, Hardwarei screws, washeis, tractor pins, top linlcs, water hoses and hangere, water sprlnWers, brass hose Htbngs, wood and sheet metal screws, leg bolts, carnage bolts, x-head bolts, nails, hinges, sand bdt paper. Tools: posthole diggers, hoes, shovels, snow shovels, bow saws, axes, hammen, ratchet wtcnclws(<i|ien and dosed ends), sodiits, nut drivers, 3/8 torch wrench, 2' and 4' levds, skill saw blades, band saw Wades, router WB, hitch balls, trailer wenches, pipe wrenches, hydraulk: jacks, stove pipe and riillngs, redprocating blades and case, star dmis, worit UghB and bulbs, Varlout raawn tools: lowers, mud bjbs, bar damps, Ptumtiingi bathroom faucet sets, shower sets, cooper tubing, coppcr Httlngs, commode parts, Qust Plumbing center, raucit stem display, Varloui itectrtcil supplies: tape, nttlngs, boxes, wim, mis. componems, chrome elbows, baps, various gatoHied rulings, various PŸC pipe and tltdngs, hot water heater dements, vinyl tubing, dectilcjl Гегке boxes and insulatois, paint, stains, and removers, stripping, bnjshes, vartous colors ol plexl-glass panels, vinyl iratting, vreaher shipping, store scales, many, many other Items not listed, rwiui Piimw due m rut It №> ¡¡Mon by (»1, psnonil Qieoi, VauHC a OtM ani. Out 1/ San tuvtn П»ЛР1,Ь(С*ЛУМ/ИС|»1)М*С»Л. Candlll<iraiSutitl«|npotyHll«SIS.WII№lS. AUrv»u«miwB тмк tN «Udiunetr at tht euctm wà Uk« prtodcnca wtt atwei imtertti a oral tUtencrts m«d<.Focd mUb:«..SALK CONDlJCrKI) HVj nos TICK AUCTION SKKVICK NC'AI'I.d (.27,1.191 Jones Kii„ Mock.svilic, N.C. I'liiiiic » Ш - т - т 2 Aviclioi4'LT>. Arlluir llostick NCAl.tl 1 ih.S, Lcoii Curry, NCAI./T ,10.|‘J E S T A T E A U C T IO N 5805 Shallowtbrd Rd., Lewisville l.iiriy & .liiiiut l.fiinioii (llviiit!) Friday, Feb. 20 • 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 21 • 9:30 a.m. Wiii,stim-.Siiluni: 4 2 I N to t^wisville l-.xii {ll2A-\). I mil Uiiilii «11 l<mii|) onKi .Shiillowloril R d . Travel uppnixinuilcly I 6/1(1 mile lii silli; on icfl. (Wiitcii lor signs). AUC I'ION .SCIIKDUI.H: I'fWiiy - Amii|iics mill C.iltcciitilcs, I'lirnilmc. Tools, MiscclimiuiHis i'‘T ' Cnilccliblcs, Knives, ReuI Usliile ( 12,(lllt’M), Cmively t.iiwnmmvcr, loots, Miscettmieous «КЛ1, ICSlVVnC: ^ ------------------------ .Single slory rmich style tiome tniiil in 1052. 3 Iwdrooms, 2 Iwtiis, ‘"’“. » S i ® L'lllil CVcilHi/iii Corner CuplHwrd; 2 Tier Tilbic: Tuhlc & Cli.iirsi ClicsK mxiiiu fiiiiid (lnclii|linB «.till Annivcrwiryl; Cllse; Duvid Ycll,iivh„r.,e; Silwlnii lifa; lllucl, I’iiiilha: lliflium Itiini; Viclniini Vclcruns C.iii.mcimmilivc; Sclmule Amaiciiii l.ci!aiils; Cull; Use re»ii.s liulc|x:ndcncc; KiHliik; Kcrsliiiw; lim I'lmvlli (nunly .SlicnlO IX-iil, Ci.rniriciimnilivc; Itkcnlcnnlul; kjk Xiitwm! i,::r m r iS d uilyKt WiiiL'Nl« KilU^ Virnd S tl.«lliiril t’llnl; IK-ii Niiililliiitsi! I’rlm»; Nunruin Itwkwcll 1‘riril' Ildh'tlnilwH 1 c l friril,: liJ l(cyn.,Ms I'rini (,Sill.ic-d .,n,l NurnlHrrcd); Nidi I S, u » ^David Dos. tVinl ISi^ricd mul NuniK-.c.l,- .S,.ld llacl iVw vl^ .Suruhiyl: Hiidrii! Mcnloruhilii, (Includins Coll«..... Cars); Frainal I'ic u^sT'f R wKiiscis. Auliy. t,™« KuniiCt. Ntiirilyn MunriH:; Viiilin (w/c.J. 1.1 i ¡1f.ickcl Windici; Olil Itn/ors; nivl, I.U|uiir Hr,llic; old Wnll Tdc|ilioi,c ’ F IR S T C H O IC E A U C T IO N R E A L T Y C O M PA N Y I'lUM LICRNSG #7229 .3.Tfi.yi|.‘i.4l IK _______________WWW.I-IKSTCII(i|ci;AUCIION.cnM ( DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 19,2004 • D9 6LASSI IQJILHI lOiw Г Е P B O F C C A B L E Homes For Rent CALL CEijTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL& iVICDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nights & W eekends WHAT A DEALltl Beaulllul 4BR, 2.5BA home on Ealon’s Church Rd. Over 2000 sq. II. LR, DR, basement, allached carport, washer, dryer, slove/ dishwasher, double ovens and disposal IncludedI Available In February. $1000/monlh Nice 2BR, 1BA home on Hwy 158. Qas heat and central air. Refrigerator, range oven, dishwasher, detached garage and storage space incTuded. $550/monlh 2BR possibly 3BR, 1 BA home on Howardlown Rd. Relrlgera- lor, range oven and allacTied carporl Included. Oil heal and window units. $550/monlh 2BR, 1BA on Naylor St. near downtown Mocksvllle. Base­ board heat, window units, refrigerator and range oven Included, $500/month 2BR, 1BA home near Davie High on McCullough Rd. Oil heal and window units. $500/month 2BR, 1.5BA home on Country Ln. Central heat and air. Some appliances included. $475/ month 1BR, 1BA apartment for rent near downtown Mocksville No appliances but utilities Included In rent price $425/month Ofdce Space (or Rent In downtown Mocksvllle Call today (or more information. $300/month HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR, 1BA h o u se In M ocksvllle. $470. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020. LEASE WITH OPTION lo buy country home, 2/30R, 1 BA, small lot, central air & heat, well water, - 3 people limit, no pets. 336-284- Homes For Sale «FIR S T BA PTIST CHURCH Mocksvllle parsonage. 229 Wan­ dering Lane, 9 room, 2 story, brick, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2760 square leet, unllnlshed basem ent with FP, 2 car garage, large deck, .6 acre lol, $259,900. 751-5312 HELP STOP FORECLOSURE 4BR, 2BA, Nice Area $500 Down, Assume Payment Their Bad Fortune Your Good Fortune Call,(704) 878-0147 New Home (No Steel Fram es), C rane Sel, 7/12 Roof, 3BR, 2B A .$100,00.00 appraised value. On your foundation $54,900.00 Landow ners call 336-362-3676 or 336-362-5258. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lol, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heal pump, $76,000. re- W A L L E R P L U M B IN G m ul R E P A IR S l.n'.// I4JII2 Kl SlDI.NllAl l'l.lMlllNl'i Homes For Sale SACnlFICEl NEW Cape Cod 'no steel frames), crane set. BR 2BA approx. 2300 sq.fl. Normal cost $129,000.-on your foundation $84,900. Limited lime onlyl LaniJowners call 1 - 800-672-9223. TRUE MODULAR HOUSES (NO STEEL FRAMES) Free Info ^800-322-8679.______________ Land For Sale 31 ACRE FARM, $4,000/acre, 23 lots $8,000-$15,000 each. No tfioblle homes, Hamptonville near Hwy 421, Yadkin Co. Call 336-468-9726. STICK BUILT HOMES or mo- blle home lots (or sale. 998- 5816, 284-2653______________ Lost & Found LOST DOG; NORWEGIAN Elkhound, shepherd type mark­ ings, neutered male, approx. 50 lbs. on Bear Creek Church Rd. 492-7978 1 5 ^ Ш [Й 7 ш 1 Ш « Ч а Ь П ^ Nam R Davie area. 492-6595 Lots For Rent FREE RENT, SINGLEWIDE lot now available, 704-902-6755 Lots For Sale 2.5 ACRES WOODED secluded w/city water $30,000 940-6981. YADKIN COUNTY NICE large lots, low cost w ater, $12,000.00 & up. Owner financ­ ing. Brown Osbi 4590 Miscellaneous PREMIUM SEASONED OAK firewood, dump truck load, $150 delivered. Miller Tree 998-1900 VERY NICE AIR hockey table $100. 998-0300_______________ Mobile Home/Rent 14X60 MOBILE HOME on pri­ vate lot-2BR, 2BA. Outside stor­ age bidg., 3 person occupancy limit. Recently up-dated, new car­ pel, etc. No Pets, No HUD, De­ posit required. 998-2931 or 284- 4481. 2BR, 1.5 BA, very nice, very clean, must see, $350/month, 704-873-5426 DOUBLEWIDE, 2BR, 2BA $495/ month.plus deposit. 751-2304, 941-7522. JUNCTION RD- D E L U X E lia 2BA w/lsland kitchen & separate laundry room $500/monlh S $250 deposit, references, lease 704-892-1284 Pets FREE LAB PUPPIES, 3 led, all Ыаск-998-8257 NICE 2BR, 2BA, $400/mo $400 deposit- just In Iredell County. 704-546-2089. READY TO MOVE IN 2BR apartment, furnished with electric and furnilure, $450/mo. 751-1218,(704)872-3367 SINGLEWIDE PERFECT FOR single or couple. Good location in quiet communily. $425/month & deposit. 336-682-7821 SINGLEWIDE, 2BR, 1 BA, $395/ month plus deposit. Hwy 801 S. 751-2304, 941-7522 ing.^Brown Osborne 336-838- Moblle Homes/Sale Miscellaneous •Homellte XL12 chalnsaw $150 *3 Homellte XL12 chainsaws for parts $50 each •266 H usquvarna chalnsaw $350 •Car tow dolly $650 ‘Stick welder w/addltlonal 100ft plus cord $350 •2 Hay forks wilh prongs $125 &$75 •Duncan Phyfe sofa-needs re­ covering $550 •Variable speed treadmill $200 •Console 28" TV-played 6 limes $350 336-998-8979 24 BULB TANNING bed, excel­ lent condition, new bulbs. 284- 2 8 1 2 .' Leave m essag e. $1,700.00 S PAIR 120X04 country blue ruffled curtains with printed bows. 1 door valance. 1 king size comforter to match. 1 king bedshirl. 2 pillow shams. $230. 492-7223 FOR SALE-Oueen pillow top mattress set. New In plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175. Cali (336) 442-3506. FOR SALE-QUEEN plush lop mattress sel. New in original fac­ tory plastic. Only $150. Call (336) 442-3506. LIKE NEW EXERCISE slation- ary bike $50.00. Please call In afternoons. 998-4050 1992 SINGLEWIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, 2 outbuildings, slove, w/d, lot tt 358 Deer Run $10,000, OBO 336-798- 3466 3BR, 2BA DOUBLEWIDE on 3/ 4 acre. Shellield Rd. Totally re­ modeled. $69,900.00 336-492- 5601 FOR SALE OR R'ent^ 3 bedroom , 2 full balhs, singlewide mobile home on Iwo 2) acre private lot off of Junction load. Call 336-492-5880 for de­ tails. OWNER MUST SELL NOW 4BR, 2BA, beautiful area $500 down , Assume payment Call (704)883-9997 Music WANT TO PURCHASE a used trom bone In good condition? Please call 998-7198__________ Notice PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING for models to test llght- Ing. Call for an appl. 998-3409 Personals HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Roger Anderson on February 23rdlir PETITE LADY, 50’S, divorced, would like to meet a nice, hap Travel 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 caring, outgoing, non-smofing gei ■■ pla In the swing & talk to be friends outgoing, i gentleman who Imes to laugh, go places, do things, watch Tv or sit duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. OUT BY ITSELF “ 4BR/2BA Wooded Lot $250 DOWN, SMALL PAY­ MENT CALL (704) 928-2066 Deadline Tuesriay 10:30am first, hopefully lo develop into a LTR. Please call 751-3125 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Bullidlngs Metal Roofs & Siding | 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS Need A Room Or Two Painted? Up To 10’X 12’ Room For ‘300.“ (Trim, Doors, & Windows Included) FREE ESTIIVIATES* QUALITY WORK*17 YEARS EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE PAINTING (336) 998-2907 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL WIHTEB IS HEBEI Bobcat, aeralot core iilugger aniorelorrenilodavl M o c tc sv iiic 13301 7 5 1 - 2 3 0 4 ♦W INDOW S & DOORS* Has an Immediato opening (or a; 2nd Shift Team/Development Leader 3:00pm-1;30ain (Monday-Thursday. A 3-day weoi<end and a shiil premium. Responsibiilles will include Ihe direclion ol 15-30 employees and Ihe successlul attainment ot production outputs, waste control, quality and eKiclency slandards. Top candidates will possess strong leadership ability wilh a posilive approach toward molivaling employees. Manulacturing and leadership experience preierred. Strong written and verbal communlcalion sidiis are required. Comlort Blit olfers an oulslanding compensation package, which Includes a competitive wage, 100 hours of paid lime oil in Ihe 1st year, medical, dental, <I01K, and 8 holidays, Qualilied candidates should send resume lo; 125-A Quality Drive Mocksvllle, North Carolina 27028 Attention: Human Resources E-mail; hshawQcomlortblll.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEI COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 2004 • 10 A.M. AT THE BUILDING 170 DUARD REAVIS ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA O ne acre ol' land, includes 60x42 M orton Steel B uilding, fully w ired, iilaiTii .system, insulated, well und scptic tank, linislied oi'iice atcu, pt'oputtc heat, finished batliioom . Location convenient to Iredell, Yadkin and Forsyth counties. See legal notice in this paper lor sale term s nnd condition. (¡rady b. M cClninrotk, ,lr. 161 .S'diiflt Miiiti Slix'Ct Mock.svnie,NC 27028 (33fi) 751-7502 CO-COM M ISSIONERS Janies Ktilmnks P.O. 110x1144 Clemmons, NC 27012 (336)4W-0704 FREE TO GOOD home. 2 Aus­ tralian shepard mix. Some shots. 998-3678_____________________ Recreational 2001 SUZUKI 4 w heeier-500 Quad Runner $4,200. 940-2352 Service ARE YOU SELF employed, do­ ing you own accounts receivable, accounts payable, or payroll? Pro(esslnal accountant. Davie County resident 1-336-407-7482. Hourly rates available. HOUSECLEANING-NO JOB too small or too large. 940-2633. l in k 'sI e a m l e s s g u t t e r- ING Richard Llnk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEED STANLEY HOME prod- ucts? Buy or sell? Call 704-546- 7257 SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR Senior Citizens. Sitting, light cleaning, transportation, errands, etc. Home phone 336-284-2583 TOMBERLIN'S LAWN CARE & Handyman Sen/lces. All types of iawnoare and handym an ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees and busnes, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial sen/lces) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2268. TOMMY’S TOTAL LAWN Care. We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and piantlng. We also olfer tractor work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup, insured and Iree esti­ mates. Olllce 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006. WILL DO HOUSECLEANING- 751-2967 Travel W ohlfahil Haus “Fiddler on the Roof” May 6 Rudy Theatre/ Ava Gardner Museum May 24 Barter Theatre “Girl of My Dreams” Ju n es 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 Veliicles ‘79 Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup new tire, new motor, new interior, new paint $4000.00 TrI-Axle trailer 8x14 w/ ramps $1200.00 336-998-8979 ■96 CHEVY 1500 custom van, loaded, hand controls, hoist, $9500.00 336-940-5561 Wanted Veliicles BARTER THEATRE "Arsenic & Old Lace" Lunch at Martha Washington Inn March 31st 1976 FORD VAN V8-seml-con- version-cold alr-p. steerlng-p. brakes-good tires & brakes-some rust-mechanically good. Priced to Sell. 751-3666 after 5;00pm 1995 FORD F150 P/U, excellent condition, 90,000 miles, like new. $7000.00 GRACE m o to r's 142 NC Hwy 801N Advance 336-817-7482 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE 101,000 miles, burgandy, pl, pw, ac, alloy wheels, new tires, $3,500,cash prIce/Fin. Avail. 1995 FORD CONTOUR gold , ac, pw, pl, auto, new tune up, new brakes $2,000 1997 OLDS ACHIEVA White, 103,100 miles, V6, new bells/hoses, ac, pw. pl, $3,499 cash prIce/Fin, Avail, 1994 FORD RANGER XLT, nice, 76,000 miles, 5spd, 4cyl., ac, CD/stereo, $4,900 neg. 1993 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, red, 104,650 miles, pw, pl, ac, Sspd, sunroof, new tires, $6,250 7 4 GMC 6000- 14 ft dump $4000.00 '81 Ford F50 12 ft dump $4000.00 7 7 Dodge Motorhome 27 ft self-contained $5000.00 ‘88 Dodge Ram 150 Shortbed 4x4 $2000.00 ‘95 Lazy J Fifth W heel Stack trailer $3000.00 165 M assey Ferguson diesel farm tractor-lront end loader $4000.00 336-998-8979 TIMBER WANTED, pine or hard­ wood. We select cut or clear cut. 8 acres or more. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704-278-9291. Night 704-278-4433 or 828-430- WANT TO BUY Vintage (1970’s or older) sports cards, memora­ bilia, autographs, 753-6694. dmsportsQyadlel.net__________ Yard Sales MOVING SALE-SAT. 8-4 fuml- ture-smail dinette suite, glass table, La-Z-Boy sofa & recllner, RCA TV. exercise bike & more. ODDS -N -ENDS, sewing ma- chlne parts. Saturday 6:00 until... 118 Roberson Rd. (w/red door) TRADING PO ST -601/801/ Greasy Comer. Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy. sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying timber. Call 284-4302. Ken Durham Construction Residenlial or Commercial Remodeling &' New Construction •Additions • Vinyl Siding • Roofing •liobcatWork Call for Froo Estimate (336)284-2698 BRANSON, JUNE 19-26 8 shows, 4 dinners, train ride. Passion Play 336-954-9391/336-924-6461 H arrah's Cherokee C asino Trip Fri NIte-Feb 13lh Tues Day-Feb 17th Sat Day-Feb 21st Pearl River Resort & Casio Mar. 19th & 20th E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyalt WISSCORVSR M I N I - S T O R A G E For all your storage needs, ciioose us! Come by to inquire about tree rental. 2975Hwy.64EinForIc C a d to d a y ! (336) 998-8810 CHURCH CLEANING The Trustees ot Bear Creek Baptist Church are seeking bids for the cleaning of Us church facilities. A WG form, tworkman’s comp and liability insurance Is required. Submit sealed bids to Bear Creek Baptist Church, 492 Bear Creek Church Road, Mocksvllle, NC 27028. Bid deadline March 15; 2004. For more information contact 492-7291 C a p ita l F in a n c ia l CALL US TODAY & BE FREE OF DEBT. At Capital Financial the sky Is the limit. Apply for a mortgage, personal or business loan. FORQET ABOUT BAD CREDIT — WE CAN HELPI YOUR DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE! C ali 8 66 -87 9-8 3 21 ^ e C o u n t j r S c A o ^ TaldiigllKl-etu} Surplus Veliicles and Equipment Sale (Sealed Bids Only) The following vehicles ami ci|iiipment liave been declared .surplus and lire offered for sale. To find out more inforrntuioii regiiiiling tlic veiiieles or ci|uipiiient, please call Todd Naylor at tlie Davic County Schools Bus Gnrnge til 751-2627. BId.s will li£ iiccyntcd for Imllvldiiiil Items oiilv. If you want to bid on more thiiii one item, you must mnkc a bid on each item scpiirately. To bid on any item, please write the type of vehicio or e(juipment on a piece of paper, quote tlic pricc you arc willing to pay, nnd place this information in an envelope with tile item you arc bidding on cleariy written on tile outside of Ihe envelope. Also, write your name, address, nnd phone number on tlie outside of the envelope and seal the envelope. Alt scaled bids must be delivered to the Davic County Schools central ofiicc at 220 Cherry Street in Mocksville, NC by 2:00 PM on Tiiursday, February 19. Sealed Bids will he opened at 2:15 on Tiiursday, February 19 at the central office at 220 Cherry Street, tow bidders will be notified following tiic bid opening as .soon as reasonably possible. DESCRIPTION OF SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 8610 1У80 Chevrolet P-30 CunKiiUv I3us, 36 ршжпкег, poor condition 8611 1980 Clicvtotct P-30 Mosoray Hus, 36 p;issciiKer, poor comlUlon 830.5 1989 Cluivroict Caviiiicr, 4 door, fair conditioii 8309 1990 Font 'Iliuriis, 4 iloor, good condition 7201 1987 Chevrolet S-10 Pickup, long txd, fiilt condition 1 Used 3 piiiise uir comprc-ssor, 30+ усш old 1 Fonl YTI6 lawn mower, poor condition (nol nmning) 1 12.5 Muiray tuwn mower, fair condition (tirns) 1 Pull si?£ uliiily tKd Гог scrvicc Inick 220 Cherry Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 • 336-751-5921 r - ~ ^ ~ г е т 1 •-т:гл(а ix.v:r^’. ' ’ г.т.г?,? ш т т Ш й Е т о Е У м я т т ^ F o r U n b e l i e v a b l e D e a l s O n N e w H o n d a s ! 2 0 0 # H O N D A O O Y S S E Y ^S IN ; t . 9 ^ 4 CM5S34PU IS1554PW 2 0 0 4 H O N D A A C C O R D L X 4 D R . POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, POWER MIRRORS, KEYLESS ENTRY, AM/FM, CD, A/C, ABS, CRUISE 2 0 0 4 H O N D A C IV IC L X 4 D R . POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, POWER MIRRORS, CRUISE, TILT, AM/FM, CD, A/C. 0 ¥Ш1 К 3 0 <ft WmClLlES^ IN SirOCK T h * A re a V B e s t S e le c tio n « I P m m r S tro k e « D u n m m x D Ie te ls • C u m m in s • 4 x 4 % • S U V 'S • V A N S W - 4)2 TO Y O TA TACOM A E X T .C A B S R 5 P4381 »18.995 4)1 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4x4 DUALLYP4345«29,900 '9 9 C H E V R O L E T SILV ERA D O L T Z -71 LEATHERM,OADED.P4401 «1^.995 ^ « 1 . I I - <99F O R D F-1j50 XLT EXT. C A B P4301«13,995 ■99 PO N TIA C M ONTANA 7 PASSENGER. P436S•1 1 ,9 9 5 f >1 1 ftf <02 FO R D F -2 5 0 LARIAT SU PE R D U T Y D IE SEL POWER 8ШЕ, 4x4, Vi, LEATHER P4300A ■03 V O LK SW A Q O N PA SSA T O L S W O N . liATHmSUNROOF,LOCALTHADE.P43IM ^ 2 2 ,9 9 5 ЧЮ TO Y O TA TA CO M A PR E -R U N N E R AmaCO,BEOUNER.P43S2*>13,995 ÍÍI i( '“'i '■<iv ■ bf < ' 1,*)! P I i •P rice exclud es doaler In stalled accessories, tax, license, an d $398.50 d o c fee + 1.9% APR fin a n cin g fo r 24 to 36 m onth s. 2.9% fo r 37 to 48 m o n ttis and 3.9% APR fo r 4C lo 60 m o nth s. AHFC. O AC. 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Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004 44 PAGES F a m ilie s F if e L a w s u it s I n D e a t h s O f 3 S is t e r s By Mike Bnriilmrclt Davic County Enterprise Record They live with tlic pain every clay, Ricky and Brenda Howell, Shane Poplin, and Shawn Parker don’t have the people they love the most to talk to, to hug, to share life. On Sept. 10, 2003, Megan Howell, Mysti Howcll-Poplin and Tara Howell Parker died when tho limousine they were riding in was struck from behind as it was stuck in traffic on 1-40 in Greensboro. Jeffrey Niles McFayden is in jail in Guilford County, charged with three counts of second degree mur­ der. He is accuscii of being drunk that night when the truck he was driving rammed into the rear of the limousine, causing it to erupt in flames. He is scheduled to face those charges this spring in Guilford County. A ll three of the victims were trapped inside the fireball in the passenger compartment, and died of smoke inhalation and severe burns. According to a lawsuit filed Tues­ day in Davie District Court, they were burned beyond recognition. The lawsuit asks for actual and compensatory damages from McFayden. Ford Motor Company, DuBryan Conch Builders and Lakeside Limousine & Towncar. It also asks for a jury trial. The actions of McFayden, the suit said, “ ... represent willful and wanton conduct, with conscious and intentional disregard for and indif­ ference to the rights and safety of others, which the defendant knew or should have known was reason­ ably likely to result in injury, dam­ age or other harm." • While it claims McFayden’s ac­ tions were responsible for causing the fire, it also alleges tiiat the other companies should have known that the limousine did not have a pro­ tected gasoline tank from u rear col­ lision. y The limousine was manufac­ tured by Ford as a Lincoln Town Car. which was modified into a lim­ ousine by DaBryan Coach Builders. "At the time the limousine was manufactured by Ford, it was defec- A Storehouse for Jesus Executive Director Marie Coillns, center, and volunteer Kay Lynn Hansen, right, give blankets to a client. - Photo by Robin Fergusson S t o r e h o u s e R e a d y T o K e e p A r e a R e s i d e n t s W a r m By Mike Barnhiirdt Davie County linterprise Rccord There arc never any blankets on the shelves al A Storchou.se for Jesus. Tlie warm covers are picked up by needy Davie residents as soon as they're stocked. That’s not the case any inore, thanks lo the efforts of Kay Lynn Hansen and others. She led a drive that brought Rev. Ron Davidson from Lynchburg. Va. into town - with 1.000 blankets purchased through a federal program. Still, there aren’t many blan- kets on the shelves. But it’s not because they aren’t available, it’s because there isn’t enough room. They are being stored in a trailer and are brought in a few pieces at a time. “ We’ve been real down on blankets this year.” said Marie Collins, Storehouse executive director. "Tiiere arc never any on’ the shelves. We give them out as quickly as they comc in." Last year. Hansen and her “ Blanket Brigade" from Bethlehem United Methodist Church collected less than 50 Please See Blankets - Page 4 A S ig n a t u r e S c h o o l South Davie Implements Programs To Help Students Achieve By Mike Barnhai'dt Davie County Enterprise Record There’s a chart outside Robert Landry’s office al South Davie Middle School. It’s a reminder that each year, the school’s score on state ABC tests liave increased. More and more students are reading and doing math at grade level. That’s even more impressive, the princi­ pal said, when you consider Ihe school’s population becomes more and more diverse. It helped wlien the school received the Sig­ nature School status from the 17-scliool Pied­ mont Educational Con.soriium this winler, “ It’s given to schools that have done some­ thing achievement oriented.” l-andry said. "Tiiis faculty, the student body anil the par­ ents liave really worked liard. “ I’m happy for the faculty and the com­ munity, they deserve it. It’s what you do in your school that makes a difference,” They’re doing plenty at South Davic, The diversity includes more students with handicaps, and students from other countries, “ We’ve had a real battle here at South Davie," he said. The state ABC program, and the federal No Child Left Behind program, pul the school under pre.ssure to meet certain goals, no matter what the handicap. Getting to 90 percent of students at appro­ priate levels is tough. Lan^iry said. “ A school like South t)avie has to work e.xtremeiy liard with all the diversity we have. "We’re running remediation programs in here.” he said. Curricuiums were changed to meet the standards. Students practice for state lesls. The Hispanic students’ scores count after IWO years, “ Some of these kids, we have to teach tiiem Spanish and English." At South, there’s an after-school program to teach these students how to read. Landry, whospeaks lluent Spanish, pauses to tell a story. At a visit to the emergency room at Forsyth Mcdical Center, he saw a room full of Hispanic patients waiting to be treated, while others walked up. registered and were seen by doctors. Even though the signs were in Spanish, the Hispanic patients couldn’t read them. Landry sent them in the right direction. He’s also lending the team lhat’s putting South Davie in tlie right direction. “This faculty has never given up. They keep moving forward,” Landry said, “We’re putting a lot of things in place to move for­ ward." Please See South - Pnge 8 m ñ f ■Л-Ф. South Davie Principal Robert Landry; “We're putting a lot of things in place to move fonward." - Photo by Robin Fergusson live and unreasonably dangerous with respcct to rear impact fuel sys­ tem integrity.” the suit said. The three sisters had been to a Fleetwood Mac concert at the Greensboro Coliseum, and were on their way home. It had been a spe­ cial nigiit. one in which three sis­ ters who were going their separate ways in life, had a night on the town together. The suit claims the women would have lived had the car not caught on fire. Please See Lawsuit - Page 11 Federal Jury Convicts Davie Man By Jucklt! Si'ubott Davic Counly Iinlerpiise Record Though he w as found guilly on m uliiplc charges last week In federal court, Davic rcaidenl Lincoln B rock w ill have lo w ait until M ay to find out how long his prison sentence will be. B rock’s trial proceedings lasted four days al the Federal Building in W in.slon-Salem, according to Davie C ounty S h e riff’s D etectiv e J.D . Hnrlmun. Brock. 30. o f 209 Leisure Lano. M ocksville was arreslcd in A pril 2003 and chargcd w ith six felony drug charges, He was arreslcd in Septem­ ber and chargcd with six more felony drug charges. On Nov. 13 - the same day Brock was indicted by a grand jury in Davie on six of the previous 12 drug charges - he was arrested al his home by agents from the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, and Firearms and charged with federal firearms violation. That arrest led to a federal case against Brock. IwBsi week the jury convicted Brock of four counts distribution of crack co­ caine. one count possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute, and one count possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Brock will remain incarcerated un­ der tlie fedtiral system until his sen­ tencing on May 28, said Hartman, and will serve his sentence in one of the country’s federal prisons. iJ. 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE,RECORD, Thursdii.v. Fih. 26, 2004 EditonaJPage Left Out: What about Deano’s? WliiU about D eano's? Tim ink w asn't dry before the culls started last w eek. ! niem ioncd three area restaurants Ihal have received som e statew ide attention, including Iwo in Our Slow m aga­ zine last sum m er. I’m a subscriber to the m agazine, and Ihe February edition had been silting unopened at hom e for a w eek. D eano’s R esiaurani o f M ocksvillc is in Ihe current issue, listed as one o f Ihe barbecue reslauriinls you ought lo try as you cross N orlh C arolina. T he barbecue w asn’t all thal caught Ihc m agazine w riter’s taste buds. H e also drooled al D eano’s pinienlo cheeseburger. “ I w ould rather have one o f the.se than dessert,” w rote Jim Early. A s for the barbecue sauce. Early decided D eano’s has an eastern inlluencc. Eastern N orlh C arolina, that is. H e ’s w rong aboul Ihal, o f coursc. ! don’t know for sure, bul Jim Early is probably from eastern N orth C arolina, and people there try lo take credit for everything, especially good barbecue. T he first lo point oul m y om ission w as Lib Sain, fonnerly the w orld’s best w aitress and now retired from the old B uck’s Bur-B-Q. In m y teen years, she served m e cheese­ burgers and m ilkshakes on m y w ay hom e from school. B uck’s is w here D ean A llen got his start, firsl w orking for B ud; M iller and then taking over Ihe place w hen Buck retired in 197.S. B uck’s w as the ullim ale in fine dining lo me. Chee.sebur- ger and a Cheerw ine. A chocolate m ilkshake to go. In m y early courting days, 1 begged and pleaded the m ost beautiful girl at D avie H igh to go oul with me. Il m ust have been a m om eni o f w eakness, bul .she agreed. We w ent lo the m ovies in W inston-Salem , und lo really impre.ss her, I look her lo B uck’s. She never went out w ith m e again, and I still w anl to blam e B uck’s Bar-B-Q . Lib Sain w asn’t w orking that night. She w ould have helped m e impre.ss thal girl. J u s t a p h a s e ? O ne day we will be e.xplaining to our grnndchildreii about Ihe com m on cold. We w ill tell them l)ow it w as in the old days — hacking and coughing and spreading germ s. W c w ill describe to their unbelieving ears how our sinuses were stuffed, how our noses ran, how w e dragged through the day sick, sick, sick. O r, w e ’ll let them experience il for them.selves. I’ve caught it. T he culprit, in my opinion, is m y 13 year old. A week ago, he w ore sandals to church. N o coat. "It’s nol cold,” he assured me. Il snow ed laier that day. 1 know Ihis is a pha.se in his life. He w ears short sleeves in winter. Long sleeves in sum m er. D espite m y w arnings, he insists on venturing into Ihe cold w ithout a coal. W hen he does w ear a coal, he loses il. So let him freeze, you say. Teach him a le.sson. I did thal. He froze and caught a cold last w eek. Betw een his fever and chills, he sw ore he had learned the lesson. So did 1.1 caught Ihe sam e sore throat. He has recovered. I have not. A nd loday, he w ent lo .school, again, in a l-shiri. It’s just u phase. — D w ight Sparks D A V I E C O U N T Y EHTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks...................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson..............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt..................................Managing Edilor Ray Tutterow......................................Adverllslng Dlreclor Brian Pitts............................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Bayslnger....................Circulation/Classified Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Po.stiigc Piiid in Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Sub.scriplion Rales Single Copy, .“iO Ccnis $20 Per Year In N.C.. $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Addre.ss Changes lo; Davie Counly nnlcrprise Record RO. Box 99, Mocksvillc. NC 27028 Piano Students -1940 Piano students of Miss Louise Stroud in 1940 included: front - Marion Horn, Ann Marie Daniel, Colean Smitli and Betty Ann Turner; and second row - Rachel Grant, Ann Martin, Carroll Johnstone and Patsy Grant. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street, Mocksville, across from the county courthouse. In The Mail... W h a t D o Y o u D o A t A F o u r - W a y S t o p ? To Ihe editor: I was .so excilcd when Ihiil four-way slop sign was placed al Ihc inlerseclion of Salisbury Sired, Hardison Street (al South Davie Middle School). Bul it's .so hard lo believe that people in Davie Counly drive and don't know how lo use the rules of Ihc road lo go through a four-way slop sign, so let me show what I have found in order 10 give people dircclioiis on using a four-way slop. There arc simple laws regarding llie slop sign. Firsl, wilh a iwo- way Slop anil silualions like a two-way slop (as in. a 4 way slop hul only 2 people are iherc and IhcyVe across from each other), Ihc rules follow this order: a. Whoever gets there first goes first, h. If you both get there al the same linic. the person going straight has the right ol' svay. e. If neither of you are going straight, the person turning right has Ihc right of way. (I. If bolh of you are Uirning right, ihrc is no problem, e. If neither of you are going straight or turning right, that means you arc bolh lurning lefl and if you cut Ihe turn properly, Iherc should be no problem wilh bolh of you going ut Ihe same linic. Very simple rules. There are similar ones for a four-way slop, a. Whoever gets there firsl goes firsl. b. If iwo or three people gel there at ihe same lime, the person on llie right has the right of way (keep in mind that the situation described for two-way slops in the only one in which no one is on Ihe right). e. The “person on the right" rule holds true for all people on the right. d. If four people arrive al the same lime (very rare), ihis is the only lime lo use the "you go ahead" wave. Again, very simple rules; bul no one seems lo uiidersland Ihem. People are constantly confused aboul lliese rules. Someone is al­ ways trying lo gel points for a good deed by waving someone else on al the stop sign inlerseclion. Everyone doesn't appreciate their kindness (I still give Ihe obligatory "thank you wave") even though it's not necessary. Things would fiow a lot more smoothly if Ihey understood and obeyed Ihe rules. In Ihe amount of lime it lakes thal person to wave someone on, he could have gone anyhow anil the olher person wouldn'l be stuck with feeling guilly for thinking Ihal "thal guy is an idiol" since he didn't go firsl, which in some eases people refer to as road rage for being in such a hurry. If everyone reads Ihis or tells other people how lo go through this intersection things Iherc would be much easier. Lisa Wishon Mocksville L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, slate, national or internationiil issues. An effort will be made lo print all leltens, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves thé rigiit to edit letters for grammar and for space. ; A il letters should include the name, aqd addres.s of (lie writer,' ihcluditig a signalure. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. ,. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published, Davie County Éiiierprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mbcksyillc, or emiii! to; ernew.<(gidavie-enterprise.com. Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Yes, 5 5 %Do you drive faster than the posted speed limit? No, 4 5 % Log on now to cast your vote to the newest question: W o u l d y o u v o t e fo r J o h n E d w a r d s o v e r J o h n K e r r y ? www.enterprise-record.com I n T h e M a i l ... Don’t Destroy Hickory Hill’s Good Neighborhood To the editor; We have all had our spirits lifted when M ister Rogers would begin his TV program by saying to his audience, “It’s a good day in the neighborhood,” M onday evening, Feb. 9, was not a good day in the neighbor­ hood for the families in Hickory Hill. It seemed that business was favored over the neighborhood by two members of the Davie County Planning Board and an alternate who voted against the wishes of a neighborhood of 64 families. Three rows of concerned, caring citi­ zens sat quietly while Attorney Hank Van Hoy defended his client, William Burnette and Bumfam, who desires to build 90 patio homes and a plan of 40, two-unit homes. This was the second meeting held to discuss Ihe issues so vitally important lo families who live in Hickory Hill. Board members George Peterson and John Fuller, who had carefully studied the difficulties and dangers involved wilh rezoning Hickory Hill, spoke wilh concern and intelligence about the problems that Ihe neighborhood would face. They voted against the rezoning. The deserve the appreciation of Ihe families in Hickory Hill. Is a good neighborhood of value to Davie County? T he families in Hickory Hill are noted for being good citizens. Many of the best programs in M ocksville are supported by these good people. Not only do the people here look after one another, but also reach out to others in the community and county. Allstate’s slogan, "Like a good neighbor ...” seems to give great importance to the value of a good neighbor. This rings true in Hickory Hill. There are endless stories o f neighbor helping neighbor. The people here serve the community in so many ways. Some work at the com ­ munity college, others teach in the schools, some are doctors and counselors, some have served with distinction as principals, peace officers who protect Davie Counly, homemakers nurture their fami­ lies, business men and women keep jobs, ond people are employed all over the county. These are hard-working, productive citizens of Davie County doing a variety of jobs loo numerous to jot down. This brings strength to Ihe county. Police are not called here due to Ihe crime rate. Neighbors watch out for one another nnd protect the children. Older people move from other slates to retire, hoping lo live in pence and quiet. Young families cherish the safely of a wholesome atmosphere and envi­ ronment for Iheir children. These arc the values a county needs lo remain strong and draw olher people here. We try lo ge good cilizens. We pay our taxes and try to vole wiili careful deliberation so that wise lenders will be chosen to guide this county, state and nation. Some of the neighbors work ut our local precinct. We take our responsibilities seriously nnd stand true and strong for God and Country. M ost of us love and serve our churches in faith nnd works. One cannot put a price tag on a good neighbor­ hood. It can be compared lo a church, where people come together in common beliefs and work in harmony for everyone’s good. Davie County’s strength is its good neighborhoods. Docs anyone have a right to destroy the way of life of a good, solid neighborhood when tliere ure olher allcmalives? This is a matter of grave thought anil prayor. Violet Cain M ocksville Hlckoiy Hill Development Proposal Concerns Resident To the editor: As a homeowner in Hickory Hill subdivision, I am deeply con­ cerned about the propo.sed developm ent of 90 patio homes in Burnfam Limited Partnership within the Hickory Hill G olf Club. As proposed, these new homes would be accessed from U.S. 64 through our neighborhood by connccling lo the end of my sireel, Pine Valley Road. According to statistics provided by the Planning Director. John Gallimore, these homes represent a 10-fold increase in traffic lo Hickory Hill subdivision, n neighborhood with only 64 existing homes. This will dramatically affect the qunlity of life for us, espe­ cially regarding safety to my children and others who bike nnd walk on Pine Valley. The property involved in this proposed development has approxi­ mately 75 acres whieh adjoins bolh Cornatzer Road and U.S. 64. This much acreage and property frontage provides ample resources for access to the developm ent. However, Mr. Bill Burneite of Burnfam Limited Partnership plans to use our neighborhood for ac­ cess. He also plans to develop this property over 10 years, using Pine Valley Road as his constmction traffic access. The bottom line is money: profit vs, people. To save ihe cosl of providing his own acce.ss, Mr. Bumeile plans to allow the Hickory Hill homeowners to suffer the cosl instead. Should the people of Hickory Hill suffer through 10 years of construction traffic plus on­ going traffic of 600+ cars per day just so a developer can turn a bigger profit'.' Clearly the Davie County Board of Commissioners has a responsibility to protect the inierests of existing cilizens and homeowners over that of a profit-centered corporation. Further, if this corporation has any concern for the community it claims to serve, it should look beyond the immediate profit and consider the total impact to the surrounding area. Developers should do this, the Counly Board of Commissioners musl do this. W hile 1 believe Mr. Burnette should have the freedom to develop his own property, 1 call on the board of commissioners to find a solution thal will protect the peace nnd snfely of Hickory Hill subdivision. Chris Holmes Mocksville CEN TER G R O W . C H R IS T IA N A C A D E m ÜLviler Itaii/JUS/ offI'eacc fhiai Haii/, Chmnmns Surprisiimly Affonliiblc K3 pre.schciol ilini 8lh Onulc Ccrlilltd Tcnclicrs Hisli Arailcniic Rxpccluiioii 10 Vciirs orii.lccUcncu Daily Hil'1» Classes & Ctlapi;! ............... COME & SEE THE DIFFERENCE! C A U 7 6 6 -9 7 9 5 re«, up to a S76 vaiuo lof guBliflod opplwanltl Conlor Orov«... , !* ® «rtmitt ■ludonli ol any fflce, color, nollonol and ьШ origin to al» th* ilgWi, Chriilian AMdemy Д "¿Jnireii «cwded or m«le avaliabla lo «ludent# al the icbool. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - 3 W e d o n ’t, c a r e w h a t y o u w e a r to c h u r c h . A n d c o n s id e r in g h e w a lk e d a r o u n d in a s h e e t, J e s u s p r o b a b ly w o n ’t eit:h er. s Ni'i liUii.Mld-Ait)' m. Afiil Jl,^ ItV »<it i< tit M<it.lr«4v '(r'lr Inn intf.l in ItV fi'tt. The Episcopal Church of (he Asccnslon Welcomes You. Worship Services; 9:00 a.m i6 U :00 a.m. Smulay School 10:00 a.m. 183 Fork-Bixby Road • Advance, NC 27006 • 336.998.0857 wwv.iKCcnslon-fork.org S p a n i s h I s F u n L e a r n C o n v e r s a t i o n a l S p a n i s h T h e E a s y W a y i a s j i : D a v i e B a p t i s t C h u r c 0 i e r r t i u d a Q u a y S h o p p i n g C e n t e r ¿ 3 9 7 U S H w y 1 5 8 • A d v a n c e , N C F r e e c l a s s e s u fiU b e h e l d w e e k l y o n M o n d a y s 6 ; 3 0 p m - 8 p m B e g i n n i n g M a r c h 8 , 2 0 0 4 C a ll < 1 4 8 - 5 5 8 4 .1 0 r e g i s t e r f o r c l a s s e s o r f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . F I N A L D A Y S !!! In MOCKSVILLE & CLEMMONS m m m H E R E 'S TH E M EW S: After 44 years, Jim McBride, the founder of Davie Jewelers Is retiring. The GOOD NEWS TO YOU is savings on fine Jewelry up to HALF PRICE OR MORE on specially selected items. Save 10%-80% OFF statewide. BUT HURRY! When il's gone, IT'S GONE! a m , D I A M O N D ,G O L D G A L L E R Y ¿ ■ ¡ ■ ■ У е а г ■ ■ im -m MOCKSVILLE N e x t t o W a l- M a r t 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -3 7 4 7 G O L D G A L L E R Y CLEMMONS A c r o s s f r o m W e n d y ’s 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -1 8 0 0 BUYATCOST! BUVNEARCOST! BUYBEUWCOSIl 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004 Church and public officials and family join Kay Lynn Hansen in giving blankets to A Storehouse for Jesus in Mocksville. B l a n k e t s D o n a t e d T o S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s Continued From puge 1 , blankets. This year, they donated 100. “They were gone in a blink of the eye,” said Hansen, a Storehouse volunteer. She regularly .sees people who need f^ood ■ and clothing, people who arc down on their luck and cold. “It’s so sad. We fill Ihe shelves one day and then it’s gone. Wc lend to forget, there are people oul there who are hungry, including children,” Han,sen said. Her son, Scott Hansen, owner of Insulated Com­ ponent Structures on Farmington Road, was working with David,son and the Gleaning For the World program the retired Methodist minister runs in Virginia. When Davidson heard aboul Ihe blanket shortage, he said he knew of a program that could provide the blankets. Letters from public officials helped hini to gel the designation for Davie County. Hansen, who suffers wilh cancer, said she feels a .spiritual attachment to Davidson, who includes her in a regular prayer circle. “It’s been such a bless­ ing,” she said. "This has been the one thing that has made me feel u.seful,” Her son also believes in the mission of the Store­ house. On a recent Mon­ day morning, some 80 families - families, nol individuals - needed assistance. And the current site on Depot Street is loo small, Scott Hansen said. “They’re out of space here. They couldn’t even put all of the blankets in here because of a lack of space.” A Storehouse for Jesus is making a positive difference in people’s lives. And so are volunteers such as Kay Lynn Hansen.Kay Lynn and Scott Hansen talk with the Rev. Ron Davidson about the donation. 4 Charged In Baby Formula Theft Ring Three people wlio cmiie lo tiail a Crieiul out of jiiil on Sun­ day received a surprise. 'I hey were arrested for tlie same incident. And Mocksville policc may liavc made a crack in a Hondu­ ran baby formula theft ring. Officer L. Keith O unlcr re­ sponded lo the cull lo Food Lion Saturday in which baby formuUi was stolen. He had a description of two vehicles. He stopped the w hite van driven by Nestor Javier Funes Martinez, 27, of Wallace, on I- 40. Inside lie found 144 cans of baby Ibrmuln valued at $1,997, along w ilh tw o eonccalcd knives. Me was placed in Ihc Davie County Detention Center in lieu of a $2,000 bond, chargcd with pusse.ision of stolen goods and carrying a concealcd weapon. On Sunday, three friends came lo sec about gelling him out of jail. They were idenlified by witnesses as the people who had stolen the baby forniula, Otmler reported. C harged w ilh shoplifting were; Ingris Janeth Pena Valle, 19; Rodriguez Darla Herrera, 23; and Digna Xiomara M endoza, 41. All listed W allace as their lionie address. They are scheduled to lace Ihe charges M arch 4 in Davie DislricI Court. Two were detained by immi­ gration officials, Gunter said. "From what 1 understand, there is a large rhig of baby for­ mula thefts going on in the stale, and a lot o f money is going buck lo Honduras," G unter said. It was the second such theft is a few weeks in Mocksville. B A N K O F T H E C A R O L I N A ’ S P R E S E N T S F E S T I V A L 2 0 0 4 MARCH 11-13,2004,7:00 p.m. BROCK PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 4 . T H U R S D A Y M A R C H 11 King Wilkie I M e l J o n e s & T h e B a g O ’ B o n e s N o n e O f T i i e A b o v e F R ID A Y M A R C H 12 l i i r d I V m e O u t S A TU R D A Y M A R C H 1 3 S t e e p C a n y o n R a n g e r s A i i e g l i a n y I M o o n C o n ta c t th e D av ie C o u n ty A rts C o u n cil a t 3 3 6 .7 5 1 .3 0 0 0 to r m o re Info m iatlo n . ^ Davie County A r tsCouncil 2 . № SHOCK Performino Arts Center District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tluirsdiiy, Feb. 26,2004 - 5 The following eases were Iieard in Davie District Court oil I'cb. I'J Presiding: Judge Jiiek ti. Klass. Prosecuting: Krystal Allen and Steve Boone, Assistant DAs. - Brandon S. Allen,speeding 53 in a 35, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10. cost. - Sally Bethane, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil settlemenl. - Heather N. Bledsoe, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Oildardo R. Bravo, iissault on a female, sentenced to 30 days In jail, suspended one year, not to as- sault/harass/lhreatcn victim, 24 hours community service within 30 days, cost. - Edward J. Cardinale, DWl, sentenced to 60 days In jail, sus­ pended one year, nol to operate a motor vehiclc until licensed by DMV, 24 hours community service . within 30 days, substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, $100, cosl. - Kenneth D. Cliandler, misde­ meanor larccny, senlenccd to 120 days In prison, suspended two years, $71 reslilution, cosl; injury to personal property, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to 120 days in jail, sus­ pended two years, to run at expira­ tion ofprlor.sentence,cost,$35 res­ titution, - Margaret T. Clemenl, exceed­ ing posted speed, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $10, cost. - Teresa J. Coleman, expired registration card/lag, dismissed per correction; failure lo stop for steady red light, reduced to improper eqaipment,$IO, cost. - Darryl Cotton, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost: no operators li­ cense, dismissed per pie«. .- Nicandra A. Cruzcalderon, failure 10 file/pay income tax, sen­ tenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended one year, cost, $ 1354.10 rest i tution. - Jammy R. Dancy, exceeding posted speed, $10, cost; misde­ meanor possession of schedule VI controlled substaiice, dismissed per plea. - Bruce C. Gaither, misde­ meanor probation violalioa, sen­ tenced lo 60 days in jail, credit for 15 days served. - Charles M. Grimm, driving with license revoked, Sentenced to 120 days in jail, suspended one year, not lo operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV, cosl; feck­ less driving to endanger, willfully failing to remain, driving/allowing registration plate not displayed, rear lamps violation, and driving with­ out two headlamps, dismissed per pica. - Mitchell R. Hall Jr., speeding 84 in a 70, prayer for judgement contimied on cost. - Johnnie L. Heliard, failure to file/pay income lax, dismissed per plea; failure lo file/pay income tax, prayer for judgement continued on cost. - Charity E. Hodges, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil scttiemeiit. - Patrick S. Horan, misdemeanor larceny, prayer for judgement con­ tinued on cosl. - Sonya Jones, misdemeanor probation violation out of county, senlenccd to 45 days In jail, $1500. - Joshua D. Justice, failure to lieed llglil 01 siren and fleeing/elud­ ing arrest with motor vehicle, dis­ missed per plea; driving with li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year; expired registration card/tag, dismissed per plea. - Dustin A. Lawhon, no motor­ cycle endorsement, dismissed, in­ dicted on related offenses. - Stephen L. Lawson, failure to wear drivers seat belt, prayer for judgement continued on cosl. - Raymond McBride, felony conversion, reduced to misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 120 days in prison, suspended one year, cost, $649 restitution. - Scott A, Mise, assault on a fe­ male, prayer for judgement contin­ ued on cosl, not lo violate any laws, $150. - lues M. M ontoya, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed in the inlerest of justice. - Bryan T. Myers, DWl, dis­ missed at end of stale's evidence; reckless driving to endanger, $25, cosl. - Juan B. Navarro, speeding 76 in a 55, dismissed per plea; driving with license revoked, sentenced to 120 days in jail, suspended one ' year, nol lo operate a motor vchicle until licensed by DMV, $200, cosl. - Keith A. Neal Jr., contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, dismissed per insuificient evidence. - Kory A. Peterson, DWl, sen­ tenced to 120 days in prison, sus­ pended two years, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/ treatment, $200, cost; no liability insurance, failure to wear drivers seat belt, and expircd/no inspection slicker, dismissed per plea. - Kimberly I. Reittinger, DWl, dismissed at end of state's evidence. - William A. Roberts, contrib­ uting lo Ihe delinquency of a juve­ nile, prayer for judgement contin­ ued, 24 hours community servicc continued 30 days, substance abuse nssessment/lrettlmenl, violate no laws; contributing to the delin­ quency of a juvenile,dismissed per plea. - Marco D. Rodriguez, failure to wear drivers seat beU and operat­ ing a vehicle with no insurance,dis­ missed per plea; driving with li­ cense revoked, reduced lo no op­ erators license, prayer for judge­ ment continued on cost. - Christian S. Sheets, assault on a government official, reduced to simple assault, sentenced to 30 days In jail, suspended one year, nol lo violate any laws, 24 hours commu­ nity service within 30 days, cost. - Renee B.Shehan,contributing to the delinquency of a minor, dis­ missed per plea; misdemeanor lar­ ceny, reduced to possession of sto­ len goods, prayer for judgement continued on cost, $30 reslilution, $98 attorney fees, $50. - Sandra B. Sizemore, misde­ meanor larccny, dismissed in the inlerest of justice, - Alonzo D. Smith, driving wilh license revoked, reduced lo no op- erators license, prayer Ibr judge­ ment continued on cost, $ 195 allor­ ney fees, $50; fictitious/concealed/ revoked registration card/lag, dis­ missed per plea. - Joiin B. Stark, assault inflict­ ing serious injury, reduced to simple assault, senlenccd lo 45 days in jail, suspended two years, $2715 restitution, cosl, iiave no contact wilh complainant. - Darrick F. Villarreal, driving with license revoked, possession/ display of allered/fictilous/revoked drivers license, exceeding a safe speed, driving lefl of center, dis­ missed per correction. - Stephen I I. Villoe, driving wilh liccnse revoked, reduced to no op­ erators license, prayer for judge­ ment continued on cost; possession/ display of allered/ficlitous/rcvokcd drivers license, and failure lo wear drivers seal bell,dismissed per plea. - Tina W. Villoe, allowing unli­ censed to drive, dismissed. - Rebecca G. Williams, driving wilh license revoked, prayer for judgement conlinucd on cosl. - Calvin W. Williamson, assault on a female and communicaling threats, dismissed per failure of prosecuiiiig witness lo appear. - Zachary J. VVisiion, driving willi license revoked, senlenccd to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, nol lo operate a motor veliicle inuii licensed by DMV, remain of good behavior. $500, cost; speeding 1.10 in a 65, no motorcycle endorse­ ment, and altered regislnition card/ tag. and reckless driving lo endan­ ger. sentenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended one ycaral expiralion of previous senlciice. - Jason R. Wolf, failure lo wear drivers seal bell, $25.cost; expired/ no inspection sticker.dismissed per correction. Fulled Tn Appear: - Amanda J. Bush, no operators license. - Travis C!.TI«impson,criminal conlcrnpl. S ard g n ö ü lß Vingyard« 261 Icente ©rive Mockíville,N.C. Op?ned Thur«,4at. 12:00-3:00 0г8д flppoinimroi (33в)м1-37940г(33й).911-7ге| fíolurlng Muíoodlne'^ ond olher fruii Wine» mm.O- ifluiCr il,\liMi( III à i UKI’UK.SKN'I'ATIVI'; J u l i a H o w a r d . /Vi ■ /h iiise 79th District I’km c cm m -l me in: iVIOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 Stale Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Sireel, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: jullah®ncleg.net 1‘Mn im iirJuiM Itmmii L o a n s ^ F o r A l l • H o m e R e p a irs • A u to R e p a irs • T a x e s & m o re! F a s t , F r i e n d l y S e r v i c e f r o m p e o p l e y o u k n o w a n d t r u s t . Chris Rivcfs atul Michullc Callahan are here U) serve you. Slop by and sec them loday Ibr all your loan needs. U N I V E R S A L FINANCE 1039 Yadkinville Road • MoctevUle, NC 27028 336-751-0009 Г м Я ш с Ш H ig h an d L o w Pizza Heatflurant Must Be In Davie County, Does Not Apply To Specials, $6.00 Minimum Order $8.00 Delivery ivllnlmum Llinltad Time Only B r in g M e A n y C o u p o n , M e n u o r R e f r ig e r a t o r M a g n e t f r o m a n y P iz z a R e s t a u r a n t * a n d i’li g iv e y o u SOM o f f y o u r o r d e r < ’ s P i z z a T M D e l i v e r y • D i n e - l n • T a k e O u t Mocksville Marketplace Shopping Center (next to M ovie G allery across J'rom Lee Jeans) 751-0409 Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m,-10 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m,-11 p.m.; Sun. 4 p.m.-10 p.m. 6 - DAVHÎ COUNTY !• NTKRPRISE RKCORD, Thursday, Fob. 26,2004 Public Records Land Transfers The followiiii! liiiiil lriinsli.Ts were filed wilh Ihe Davie Kegisler of Deeds, lislcd by piinies involved, iicreiige. lowiiship und deed slumps purchased, wilh S2 reprcsenliiig Sl.O(K). - Hannah M . Jones to David C hristopher Horton, 7,1 acres. Shady Grove. - James I’luil ihkI Joan W. Bolin (.1.SC?, interesi) lo Wjlliarn Randall Miller, .‘i.21 acres. Calahain. - Thom as E. Tuggle and Kuby P. Tuggle (hair interest) lo Thomas M ichael M ille r (l/6lh inletesi), Bradford Gray Miller (l/fith inter­ est) and Nicholas Powell M iller (1/ (ull inlercst), I Im. Mocksville. - Thorniis E. Tuggle and Ruby P. Tuggle (half inlercst) to Thomas Ted Tuggle and Olcndii Tuggle, .4.S acre. - The Cana Group to Christopher K. Johnson nnd Melissa R. Johnson, I lol.S-12. - Richard C. Short lo Barbara M, Shorl,21ols.SlU ). - Richard C. Short lo Nulhun G. Short, 2 lots, Farminglon, S I 10, - Barbara M, Short to Randall D. Grubb nnd Ellen G, Grubb, 2 lots, ramiington. $110. - Nathan E. Short to Randal D. Grubb and Ellen 0. Grubb. 2 lots, Parmington, $110, • Trustee Services of Carolina, substitute trustee to Joseph M , Morrison doing business as Joseph D esign & Construction. 2 tots, Fanninglon, $140. - Geraldine Wagner Hendrix to McDaniel Invustmcnl Properties, 5 acres, $80, - H, Terry Hutchens, substitute trustee, to Dcutschc Bank National Trust, 3 lots, Calahain. $182. - Jeanette O. C ornutzcr to Charles E, Markland and Lorcnc P, Markland, 1,24 acrcs. Shady Grove, $16, • William H. Pctrec and Lena M, Pctrce lo Bermuda Village Retire­ ment Center, 1 condominium, Farm­ ington, $360. - Joe S, Allen and Glynda Allen lo Michael W. Wyatt and Traci S, W yatt. 1.57 acrc.s, Farm ington, $276, - Shelton Construction Services to Barry D, Shaw and Barbara D. Shaw, I tot, Shady Grove, $224. - Citifinancial Services to David A. Bathkc and Tina A. Webb. 10.62 acres, Calahuln, $210. - Suws, L.P. lo John D. M ills and Joy K. M ills, I lot, Jerusalem. $50. • Clnrcncc Spillm an lo Roger P. Spillman, 5.02 acres, Jerusalem. - Household Realty to Seeding & Caudle Partnership, 1 lot, M ocks­ villc, $110. - First Citizens Bank & Trust to Patrick H enne lly and Sabrina Hcnnclly, three lots. M ocksville, $250, - Sharon L. H ill to M elissa P. Agrillo, 1 lot. $80. ; - Jumey Construction to Davidi M , K in gsb u ry and Jeanette M.! Kingsbury, I lot. Fanninglon, $480.1 - Adam s Egloff Avant Properties; and Salem Development Venture to; Mulvancy Homes I lot, Fanninglon, $217. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie Coim ly were listed by the N.C. Highw ay Patrol. W rcck O n Intvrstiilc A Davie woman was charged with exceeding a safe speed after she wrcckcd the vehicle she was driving Feb. 15. Tiffany Dt)rren Scott of 376 V il­ lage Road, Mocksville was ilriving her 2002 Ford vehicle west on 1-40 when it ran off the right shoulder uad struck a guardrail. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accident occurred at approxi- mutely 6 p.m. and there were no in- jurie.s. W reck O n lliiltlinurc Kund A D avic woman was charged wilh exceeding a safe speed after she wrecked the car she was driv­ ing Feb. 15. M ary G w yn Lee of 230 River Road, Advance was driving her 2001 Subaru vehicle north on Bal­ timore Road when il ran off Ihc left shoulder and struck a tree and fence post. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihe accident occurred al appro.'ti- malely 5:31 p.m. and there were no injuries. CharKC.i PenditiK In Wreck Charges are pending after a wrcck in Davie on Feb. 15. A 1TO7 Dixlge pick-up owned by Ricardo Heniandc/. of Tarboro was traveling cast on Inlerslalc 40 when it ran off the road to Ihc left and collided wilh a cable in the median. The driver of the truck was un­ known. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reported Ihc nccitlenl occurred al approxi­ mately 5 p.m. Mwn Churned lit W reck A Guilford man was charged with exceeding a safe speed and uiisafi tires alter he wrecked the vehicle he was driving Feb. 15. Melvin Jethro PotccI of Greens­ boro was driving his I'JW Pontiac vchicle east on Interstate 40 when it ran off the left side of Ihe road and collided w ilh a cable in Ihe median. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reporled the accident occurred al approxi­ mately 5 p.m. D river l,euve<i .Scene O f W reck N o charges were filed after a wreck in Dnvic on Feb. 16. A n unknown driver was travel­ ing east on U.S. 15«. Suzanne Miller Lakey of 136 LakecresI Drive, Mocksville w asdrivinga l‘)95 Jeep vehicle wesl on I5X. The unknown drivers vehicle crossed left of cen­ ter and was traveling in the easl botuid lane. I.akej' had lo swerve her vehicle lo Ihe right to avoid a colli­ sion. After her vehicle ran off Ihe righl side of Ihe rond It collided wilh a tree. The unknown driver left the scene. Trooper M.C. Howell reported Ihe accidcnl occurred al approxi­ mately (i: l4 p.m. Vchkic W rccks O n Icy Rond A Davic man was charged with e.xceeding a safe speed after he wrecked Ihc vehicle he was driving Feb. 16. John Nicholas Alvino of 1988 Milling Road, Mocksville was driv­ ing his 1994 Pontiac vehicle cast on M illin g Road exceeding a safe speed for the icy road conditions. Alvina's vehicle run off the right side of Ihe rond and collided wilh a road sign. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accidcnl occurred al approxiriiaiely 7:20 a.m. and there were no inju­ ries. W reck On Iluliniure Ruud N o charges were filed after a Davic woman wrcckcd Ihc vchicle she was driving Feb. 16. Renee Sm ith H ow ell o f 130 HickoryTree Roud. Mocksville was driving her 20(13 Chrysler vchicic north on Bultimore Road exceeding a safe s|iecd for the icy road condi­ tions. Howell's vchicic ran off the right side of the road and collided wilh a culvert. Troo|)cr A.T. Keller reported Ihc accident occurrcd at approximately 9 a.m. and there were no injuries. Cnlllslnn A l Dnvle lli|>li Kcliuol A Davie woman was charged wilh safe movement violation after Ihc vehicle she was driving hit an­ other Feb. 17. Donna Branon M yers of 254 Marchm oni Drive, Advance was The Innovative TouchCenter Keypad makes operating your system easier. Arm and disarm your system Bypass option Control lights and appliances Easy to use! Built-In speaker and microphone Special night mode arming . SYSTEMS A L A R M S O U T H Statesville, NC 704-872-9857 www.alarmsouth.com backing a 2000 Nissan vchicle from a parking space at Davic H igh School. M ark Alexander Holm es of 106 Kennen Krest Road, M ocks­ villc wns driving his 1991 Toyota vchicic north in Ihc parking lol when M yers' vchicle collided with his. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accidcnl occurrcd at approxinuitcly 7:35 u.m. and there were no Inju­ ries. Vehicle Collides W ith Dilch A Davie woman was charged wilh exceeding a .safe speed after .she wrecked Ihc vehicle she was driving Feb. 17, Sabrina Lynn Meadow s of 25 Ralph Roud, M ocksville was driv­ ing her 1997 Landrovcr vchicle south on Coniatzcr Road when she lost control of the vehicle, drove off the right side of the road, and col­ lided with a ditch. Trooper M .C. Howell reported the accidcnl occurred at approxi­ mately 6:17 p.m. T ruck Collides W ilh C hnlr N o charges were filed after a Florida man wrecked the vchicic he wns driving Feb. 18. Kenneth Ralph Butler wus driv­ ing his 2000 Intcmntional traclor- irailer west on Interstate 40. Butler's truck collided w ilh n chair in Ihc roadway. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred at approxl- malely 8:53 p.m. and there were no injuries. InterHtttte Collision. N o Chnrges N o charges were filed after an uccident in Duvie on Feb. 19.,; Stinron Elaine Quilbault 0^312 Jesse K in g Road. Advance was slowing her 1995 Dodge vehicle for traffic stopped on westbound 1-40. G ene A nderson W icker Jr. o f Gibsonville had already stopped his 1999 Ford vchicic after being In­ volved in h p rior collision. Guilbault's vehicle struck W icker's in the rear. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. reported the uccident occurred at approxi­ mately 3:30 p.m, and a passenger with Quilbault was taken to Forsyth Hospital in Winston-Salem for Ireat­ ment, Mun Cliarged In Wreck A Davie man was charged with failure to reducc speed after the ve­ hicle he was driving hit another Feb. 19. John Conrad Call of 1168 Point Road. Mocksville wns driving his 1993 Oldsmobile vehicle north on U.S, 601 behind a 1985 Toyoya pick-up driven by Jason Scott W hit­ ley of 2 12 Davie Street, Cooleemee, Both veliiclcs had slowed due to traffic, but Call failed to slow in lim e before his vehicle struck W hitley's Inick. Trooper A.J. Former reported the accident occurrcd ut approximately 7:45 u.m. and tlicrc were no inju­ ries. Three Cnr Wreck On U.S. 158 Tw o drivers were charged after a wreck in Davie on Feb, 20, Patrick Joseph Sawtelle of 331 Cornwallis Drive. M ocksville was driving his 1999 Dodge vehicle east on U,S. 158 behind two other ve­ hicles. A 1 992 Toyota vehicle driven by Candace Leo M c C o y of 264 . Pleasont Acre Drlvqi: IWo^ksvillo., and n 1903 Toyota plck''-tip driven by Lester Ray Evans of 4040 U.S. 158, Mocksvillc. Evans' truck came ■ to im abrupt stop due a vchicle ahead of his making a left turn inlo u pub­ lic drive. M cCoy failed to slow her vcliicic in time and it collided w ith: Evans' truck. Then Sawtelle's ve-; h id e collided w ith M c C o y 's., Sawtelle and M c C o y were each; Continued On Page 7 1 Fires Davie County fire departments ; responded lo the following calls: Feb. 18: Farmington. 9:35 a.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident;' Smith Drove assisted; Mocksville. 4:14 p.m.. W ilkesboro Street, smoke investigation; W illiam R. Davie a s-' .sistcd; Comatzer-Dulin. 6:30 p.m.. • Hepler Road, structure/vehicle fire;' Sm ilh Grove assisted; Mocksvillc. 7:40 p.m.. Elisha Creek Drive, ve­ hicle fire. Feb. 19: W illiam R. Davie, 4:31 p,m., Bramblewood Lane, woods fire, Feb. 20: Advance, 2:13 p.m.. Lone Tree Circle, smoke alarm; Smith Grove assisted; Jentsalcm. 2:23 p.m., U.S. 601 South, grass fire; (Cooleemee ossisted. Feb. 21: Smith Grove. 12:02 p.m.. Harper Road, grass fire; Smith Grove. 12:06 p,m,. N.C, 801 South. , fire In ditch; Advance assisted; County Line, 4:15 p.m., 1-40 East. S assist Cool Springs on vehicleTire; ,1 . Feb. 22: ,Jerusalem. 3:05 p.m.. Boxw ood Church Rond, grass fire. Arrests The Davic Counly Shcrifl’s D e ­ partment made the followingarresls: - Faron Scolt Baughman. 42. of 246 Deacon Way, Mocksville was arrested Feb. 16 for assault on a female. Trial date: March 18. - George Tim othy Smith, 55, of 119 Boger Road, M ocksville was arrested Feb. 17 for assault on a female. Trial dale: March 18. - Alice Ann Benficid Stevenson, 55, of Morganlon was arrested Feb, 17 for contempt of court, Trial dale: nul lislcd. - Michael Stephen Markland, 27. of 3120 N.C. 801 South, Advance wns arrested Feb. 17 for assault by pointing a gun. Trial date: March 4, -JohnEdw ard McDaniel. 16. of 2548 M illin g Road, M ocksville was arrested Feb, l8fordam age to prop­ erty. Trial dale: March 4, - Christopher Bryant Carter. 35. of 855 Farm inglon Road. M ocks­ ville was arrested Feb. 18 for failure to appear. Trial dale; March 9. - Jeffrey Shane Jacobs. 31. of 1313 Junciion Rond. Mocksville was arreslcd Feb. 19 for failure lo ap­ pear. Trial dale: March 16. - Perry Johnson, 50. of 250 Rail­ road Street, Mocksville wns arreslcd Feb. 19 for communicating threats, i Trial date: March 18. - Heather N. Bledsoe, 20, of 259 ; Bracken Road. M ocksvillc was nr- ; rested Feb. 20 forsimple assault and injury to personal property. Trial dale; March 18. - Dennis Strain. 35. of 111 En­ glish Lane. Mocksville wns anesled Feb. 20 for child support. Triul date; March 16. - Ricky Montgom ery Byrd. 45, of 2777 U.S. 158, M ocksville was anested Feb. 22 for D W I, Trial date; March 19, Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported lo Ihe Mocksville Police Department. - The breaking nnd entering of a church on M illin g Road was re­ ported F e b .17. - A car parked on Whitney Roud was scratched with a sharp objcci, it was reported Feb. 19. - The breaking, entering and lar- ceny from a coin m achinc on Sanford Avenue was reported Feb. 23. - W indows to a vehicle on Val­ ley Roud were broken, it was re­ ported Feb. 20. - The breaking and entering of a truck on Blui.se Church Road was reported Feb. 19. Arrests - John Shannon White. 31. of 197 Crabtree Rond, was charged Feb. 17 with D W I, driving while li­ cense revoked and operating a ve­ hicle w ilh fictitious plates. Trial date; March 6. - Ronnie Lee Coble. 36, of 455 Mr, Henry Road, was charged Feb, 18 with breaking, entering and lar­ ceny, Trial dale: March 4. - Tony Edw ard Ziglar, 35, of Winston-Salem, was chatted Feb. 18 wilh allempling lo obtain drugs with a counterfeit prescription. Trial dale: March 4. - Laverne Dillard, 43. of 425 Campbell Road, was chargcd Feb. 18 with a child support violation. Trial date; M arch 24. - Carla A. Blackwclder, 32. of 118 Cloister Drive, wus charged Feb. 22 with domestic assault. Trial dale: March 25. Trafric Accidcnl - Lcsler Louie Arnold Jr., 44, of 397 W hitney Road, was driving a 1999 Chevrolet on Bethel Church Road at 5:10 a.m. Feb. 22 when it struck a deer that ran into the road, reported Officcr J.D. Finney. Sheriffs Department The following incidents were reported to the D a vie Ciounty Sheriff's Dcpurlmeni. - On Feb. 9 a report of a student threatening another w ilh a switchblade was received from S. Duvie Middle School. • A report of items being re­ moved from a coat pocket was re­ ceived from S. Davie Middle School on Feb. 10. - On Feb. 12 W illiam Dishcr rcponed a holepunch and free food coupons were removed from a res­ taurant on U.S. 158, Advance, - Mildred Miller reported a front yard wns damaged at a home on Fairfield Rond, M ocksvillc on Feb, 15. - On Feb. 17 Jason nnd Slepliany Correll reported harassing phone culls al a home on Dutchman Ctcek Road, Advuncc. - Lindu Thomas reported fraud ul a residence on Jones Rond, Mocksville on Feb, 18. - On Feb. 18 Alice Goforth re­ ported livestock running at large nl a home on Sain Road, Mocksville, - Delmur M cDaniel reported u window was broken nt a textile fac­ tory on Whetstone Road, M ocks­ ville on Feb. 18. • O n Feb. 18 Rena Chappell re­ ported gas wus taken without pay at a convenience store on N.C. 801 Nonh. Mocksville. - A break in was reported al a business on W hetstone Lane, M ocksville on Feb. 19. - On Feb. 19 Carl Guitón re­ ported a roud sign wns taken from a location near Bultimore Road, A d ­ vance. - A student reported n pocket book, money, and earrings were taken nl Davie High on Feb, 19. - On Feb. 21 Rachel Owens re­ ported a coin operated paper rack was removed from a business near U.S. 64 West, Mocksville. - Rose Ruy reported a dog was shot at a location on Farm inglon Road, M ocksville on Feb. 21. - On Feb, 21 James Fisher re­ ported shoplifting at a grocery store on U,S. 158, Advnncc, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb, 26,, 2004 - 7 Highway Patrol___________________ Cnntlnucd From Pnsc 6 chargcd w ilh failure lo rcducc speed. Trooper A.A . Justice reported Ihc accidcnl occurrcd nt approxi- niatcly 3:50 p.m. and there were no injuries. Collision A t Intersection A Davie man wus chargcd wilh safe nwvemcnt violation after the vchicic he was driving hit another Feb. 20. Christopher Eugcnef Phillips of 180 Calvin Lane. Mocksville wus driving n 1993 Ford vehicle west on Culvin Lane. Donna Lynn Riley of 437 Hobson Street, Mocksville wus driving a 1997 Ford pick-up south on Hobson Street. Phillips at- temptcd to turn his vchicic right onto Hobson and it struck Riley's truck. Trooper L.J. Stulcy reported the accident occurrcd at approximately 8:10 a.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Veliicic Overturns In Creek N o charges were filed after u Davic man wrcckcd the vchicic he wus driving Feb. 21. Ronald Dale Peacock Jr. of 109 Buckingham Lane, Mocksville was driving his 1986 Ford vehicle cusl on Ijames Church Road, Peacock's vehicle skidded on Ihc Icy roud and overturned in the crqek. The vehicle came lo rest partially submerged on it's top. Trooper A J . Farmer reported the accident occurrcd at approximately 5:45 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Nose Dive Jane Davis Friend of Hicl<ory got ttie ride of tier life Feb. 18 wtien stie tost control O f the Toyofa sport utility vehicle she was driving on 1-40. The vehicle went off the road to the left, and Friend overcorrected, causing it to go out of control to the right side of the road. It struck a ditch, overturned, and came to rest with it’s front bumper on the ground and It's wheels in the tree, reported N.C. Highway Patrol Trooper L.J. Staley. She was taken to Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem for treatment of minor Injuries, - Photo by Robin Fergusson W E CHRYSLER DODBE JEEP FOR A LIMITED M E ONLY.. nFHSMNNir------------»,N7 ROATB_________ Your Pric0 ^21,988' «14,988* vwr puce ^14^88' ilin A 5 llM H ili6 0 F 0 U R n i!!N U IlllD F W n M T M K I S I N V i n M S C O U n S ! ! l i u m U P T O $ 5 , 5 0 0 ! 0 % M R I W I W c n $ 2 , 0 0 0 U i n i s O H S B i a M O D D S Ü H m W R M d n I k P i q i M i h № r i l I p i l 1 0 0 4 ! ! * THE BEST « n u i s W B M O IIM IIIST BOT B E nE m r ^ - 7 ------------ || ®^^WC£WC(,UOES;Up ' i s s s ^ £ : z jli TOÜ AJIf lOOKIHC fOB t CRWI Dill OH » Ü$ÍD (li, rBÜCH, VIH OR JüV, MANI Ui TOÜB H ÌH STOP!rtísismi uff has ihi AWASiA«;ist smttiuNiir muuiT uhü vihicuv /57 IVesl Depot St • Mocksville, HÇ 27Ú28 | ; 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -5 9 4 8 .1 lU ‘>1.1 In beautiful Downtown IVIocksville |ri;D O O C 3 E 1000 FREE ANYTIME MINUTES UNLIMITED NIGHT & WEEKEND MINUTES UNLIMITED MOBILE TO MOBILE MINUTES Includes Nationwide Long-Distance $ 3 9 .9 5 /m o plus 41 (Í Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee ' ^F R E E Nokia 3S851 With a new line of service on any $39.95 Freedom Plan or higher Share your minutes with a family member for Only $20 per month for each additional line (up to 4) I t h e PHONE p l a c e l2 N ) o p u l S t ric t • M o c k sv ille • 7 5 1 -2 6 2 6 » Moii.-Frl. H:3(litin-.Spiu • Sul. 9am 'l2no(m ©2004 ALLTEL. Liitiilcd time otfcr al paiticipnling locniions. Service agrccmcnl. cicdil appiovai & approved tuindsct ic(iulrc(i. Most rale piar) ctianQCS rcquiio a mifiimum )2-moiill) contriicl Activation leo may apply. OKci tnay nol bo avallalilQ in all aieas. AcUiat covetao« aiea iray vaiv. Otlcfsaifl subiccl lo \t«5 ALLttL Tcim^ ^' ' u im ............................................................. ............. ..................Coiitlilions (or ConiiniirilQltons Services avaiialile at any ALLTEL store or al wvvwalltot.coni. HiQtil minutes ato Mon.-Tlturs. 9.00pm-5:50iim WeeVcnd rnlnules are f 1). 9 OOpni-Mon 5 SQarn. Nationwide lono-(tisl<inco applies to call placcd Irom cuslomei's local callInQ area & icrmlnatlny In Iho U.S. $20 a montti add a lino plan avaitaltxi wilh tlie activation ol two lines ol strvlcc on (lualitylno ALLTEL lato plans wilh service aorcemenl. One line must bo a pilnwiy lino ol scfvlco.No moro Itwn 4 secondary lines ot service can bo added lo piimaiy line. Upgrade leu may apply. Mobllo-to-Mobilo Minutes apply to calls mado to & Itom ALUEL wlicless cuslomers. CaH toiwaidino, 411 & voice mall calls excluded. An addiliona) 41-cenl fieoulatory Cost Recovery teo viill bo added lo Itio ALLTEL ralo plan pei month. Ficc Hokia 35851 available lot a limited \\m supplies last Viilh Iho actWallon ol any Fieedom plan M9.95 & hlotier witti applicable aclivallon leo & a 1 yeai service aoreemcnl. i£)2004 Nokia. Connecting People, & Iho model 35651 ptiono aro tiademaiks ol Nokia Corporation &/or Ihe atlillale. All rights reserved ‘This oiler available through The Phono Place only. W E S E E Y O U R N E E D F O R L IF E IN S U R A N C E G R O W I N G E V E R Y D A Y W E L IV E W H E R E Y O U L IV E . ' • Î » Darryl Bandy State Farm Agent 5248 US Highway 158 Advance, NC 336-940-2302 i your family grows, so does your need for protection. And nobody can help you provide that protection like me, your State Farm agent. See me today LIKE A G O O D NEIG H BO R STATI FARM INSURANCE STATE FARM IS THERE/* I»»:::» o5/t)2 .sf(ií(;/íííin.c()m* F«rru l.l/t* insuruiia’ C(Mn|uin>' (No{ lifiMisi'il in NY or \V1) Sidic /'iiKd Life mul Assmma' Cíiiit/í(in>' ('Í.ia’nscíl /ii NY aiul \W) Moinr Ojjict's: tíformiington, Hllnofs 8 - DAVIK COUN TY KN'rKRPKlSK RKCOIU), Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 Foundation Increases Assets South Davie Principal Robert Landry and Assistant Prin­ cipal Maureen Gildein look at school records. South Davie Continues To Improve Acliievement C ondiiucd Kroin t T h e re ’s Tesl I’rep lim e, t.iuiilry siiiil llic I'aciilly dcciclcd a lllllc more focus wns needed on rending and math. For 25 tnlnulcs n day, three days a week, every teacher in the school teaches reading. “Wc give a lot o f credil to our leachcrs, bul we liiive lo give » lol of credil to our kids,” snid Maureen Gildein, nssistnnl prin­ cipal. "W e nicl with tliein and told them we need to raise scores and they did it. They rose to the occasion." Л sinnll, privnte school wus Ihe only one in Ihe slate to .score better than South Davic on ihc slate computer Icchnology test. Sheila Tribble (ilnycd n big part in South’s siicccss on lhal score. And on lop of all of Ihe с.ч- Iras being used lo raise scorcs in Ihe core subjects, sludenis still have lime for things like art and band, sports nnd team activities. “It's not only test .scores, it’s nil the things we do to rnisc stu­ dent achievement," Landry snid. “Wc niso teach community in- volvenieiu and how lo be a good citi/en.” Farmington Meeting March 7 The Fnnnington Cotnnuinily A.s.socialion will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, Mnrch 7 in the I-arm ington C om m uniiy Center Gym beginning ul 2 p.m. The program w ill include election of officers, as well as n forum for discussing the fulure mission of the comimmily cen­ ter complex. All rcsidenls of llie Farming­ ton area are urged lo nllend. Contact Tim llallnrd at 940-6804 if you have any cjucstions. The Conununity Foundation of Davic County bcgnn 200.1 wilh nhnost $200,000 in assets untlcr maiuigcmeiil and no stnff. During the year. President Jane Sim pson was hired, the name was changed to focus on the com m unity, the board affirm ed its com inilm enl lo building pennanenlly endowed funds for Dnvie County, and the board issued its first grant challenges. The foundntion ended 2003 with nssets under management of $1,576,844. “The progress has been exciting," Sitnpson snid. “Wc have a long way lo go in nieeling the aggressive goals we set for ourselves, but I feel good about the efforts we have made thus fnr. Wc have basically re-created ourorgnnizntion. Wc established policies, wrote fund agreements, and im plem ented a 9-m onth marketing plan last year." During 2003, un administra­ tive fund was esiublished lo support tho operations of llie foum lnlion. Tw o new donor advised funds were opened and nn Acorn Fund was cstnblished. “A corn F unds" w ere approved by the foundation board in N ovem ber 2003 lo cncournge the com m unity to begin pnrlici-pation. A named Acorn Fund may be established wilh a gift of $1,000. The fund niusl grow through additional donations and earnings lo ut lensl 55,000 before distributions can be made. “Wc think there will be a lot of interest in Ihe Acorn Funds by younger donors," said Simpson. “They can start a named fund and grow it over several years us they have money uvuilable for donation. If the fund grows inlo n Donor Advised Fund, many donors will enjoy recommend­ ing which charities and non­ profits receive their distribu­ tions." й ü;i.-. ^ L e t S n i d e r ^ s d o i ß w m v u o i l i !"¡r- Я' BW*'— — ----—-------- We Do It All! Mowing • Trimming • Bush-Hogging • Plugging Tree & Shrub Planting & Fertilizing Grass Seeding & Fertilizer Application Soil Preparation • Micro-Irrigation Licensed Pesticide Applicator Water Garden Installation • Retaining Walls Spring & Fall Yard Clean-Up • Gutter Cleaning I I, ; IT*. ; fc'.- i Call for F R E E ESTIM AT ES R E S I D E N T I A L a n d C O M M E R C I A L Office (336)492-2174 ceii (336)409^113 The firsl grant challenge issued by the foundation was issued to the Storehouse for Jesus to rai.se capital monies for its building project. The Storehouse was challenged lo raise S90.000 from the more ihnn 90 churches betw een Oct. 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004 lo be matched with $30,000 by The C om m unity Foundation o f Davie County. As of Jan. 20, the Storehouse has raised $57,680 in cash donntions. The second challenge issued by the foundation wns to ihe m inisters of Davie County lo form an association lo belter identify needs of Ihe community nnd to provide civic leadership. In Jnhunry, the m inisters held their third meeting to di.scuss nn association. Tlic foundntion bcgnn 2004 as busy as it ended 2003. A developm ent com m ittee has been form ed lo m ake strategies about ways lo proiiiole the founaalion und continue to build the pemianenl endowment. A Scholarship Conim itlee hns been form ed to crenle a scholarship progrnm . The com m ittee hns been charged with the tasks of determining the vision for the progrnm as well as the requirements und structure for the application nnd selection process. "Crealing a true scholurship program at the foundation will be a trem endous am ount of work, but we believe community donors want toestnbli.sh .scholnr- ship funds lo support Ihe contin­ uing educntion of our young people,” Simpson said. “We will also look nt creating a Coni- munily Scholarship Fund when uny size donations, honorariuiri! or memorials could be made li benefil Davie County students. Communiiy members inlet estcd in serving on u coniniittc or volunteering with the founda lion are encouraged to contac Simpson ut 936-0045. The mission of the founda lion is to “advance philnnthrop; and pool donor assets for ih' benefit of our community." The foundation accepts gift in any am ount tow ard it unrestricted fund and has : variety of options for establish nient of named funds in hono or memory of donors. To .learn m ore, contac Simpson by phone or email a jsimpsoii@clciviefouitdation.ori or visit the foundation web-siti ul www.daviefoiimlcilioii.ora. What Is Philanthropy? Hy .liinc Sim pson Special to the nnterpri.se Philanthropy, as defined by Funk & Wagnalls, is the effort to prom ote the happiness or social elevation of inanklnd by m aking donations; love or benevolence o f m ankind in general. As our history hns shown, D avic C ounty is full of philanthropic people who cnrc about their community and those in need. W hclher we understood the word or nol, our community has embraced and completed many projects others thought could not be done; Dnvie Family YMCA, Davie Campus of the David.son County C om m unity College, and the Brock Performing Arts Center serve us u few examples. It is in answ er lo the ever increasing and changing needs in our community ihni the board of directors hns breathed new life into The C om m unity Foundation of D avie County. Since its incorporution in 1988 as Ihe Davic County Foundntion, it hns been prcdom inntely involved in pnss-through prnjccis which assisted donors in making chnrilabic donntions to impor-tunt community projects. Re-orgunizalion has taken place to allow the foundation to play a m ajor role in m eeting comnumi- ty needs by increasing the permanently endowed funds for long-term philnnthropic good. The C om m unity Foundation of D avie County (CFDC) will work tow ard its new m ission o f “advancing philanthropy and pooling donor assets for the benefit of our community”. Whnl is endowment? W hen you creatc a fund through The Community Foun­ dntion of Dnvie County, you huve the opportunity to benefit the community forever with u perm nneni endow m ent. Your gift is inveslcd over lim e. Earnings from your fund are used to make grants aildressing communiiy needs. Your gift - und all future earnings from your gift - is a pernianenl source of community capilnl, helping do good w ork today and in the future, W hut Is a com m unity foundntion'? Community foundutloiK nre tux-exem pt public chnrities crcnted to enable Individuals within u community to establish pcrmnnetuly endowed funds lo support charities they cure nboul. The Community Foundntion of Dnvie County is n nonprofit corpornlion crcnted by nnd for Ihe people of Davie County. We are here to help donors make a positive impact on the coninuini- ty- T here are three special feulures o f a com m unity foundation, • Personalized Servicc. Wc make giving easy and effective, accepting a wide variety of gifts and providing donors with a number of charitable options. You can contribute cash, stocks, property, und bequests. You may establish a fund in your nnme or in the nnme of n loved one. In most cnscs, your gift qualifies for m axim um tax udvanlage under federal law. • Local Expertise. Our staff has an in-depth understanding of the issues, opportunities, and resources that .shape our community bccnuse wc aro part of the community. We monitor 'ail areas of community need - including hum an services, education, the cnvironm onl, healthcare, the iiris, and economic development. We can help you lenrn more about local organizations nnd programs lhat make u difference in areas you cnrc about most. • C om m uniiy Leadership. We invest in the long term nnd bring people und orgnnizulions together, convening a variety of voices to uddress local issues and opportunities. Our business is building communiiy. An cxnniple of the power of endow m ent through a communiiy foundation; a hall century ago, Paul Cesurz madt u choicc thnt cominues lo ЬепеГг his community today. He crcntec an endowed fund in 1952 witf $150,000 in nssets. The func began curning incom e anc distributing grants lo cause* Imporlnnl to him. Fifty years Inter nnd 35 years uftcr Paul's death, the C esnrz Fund had grown lo $1,06 million. And in that 50th yenr, it gcnernled more thnn $50,000 in grnnls. supporling n range ol com m uniiy needs - u purk renovniion, u museum exhibit, cnncer rcsenrch, and m ore. Bccnuse Pntil chose to endow his gift, ho hns enabled more than $1.1 million in grants lo go lo his community - nlmosi eight limes the impact he would have mnde by giving the originul gift to charity all at once. And though Paul has passed away, Ihe fund in his nnm e w ill go on supporting his com m uniiy, leaving n lusting Icgncy, A variety of fund options are uvuilable for endow m em through The C om m uniiy Foundation of Duvie County. You need only lo hnve the desire to m eet needs of the D nvie County community, today and always. The foundntion accepts gifts in any am ount, at any tim e, tow ard its C om m unity Unrestricted Fuml. A variety of options for cstublishm ent of num ed funds in honor or memory of donors is available. To learn more, conlnct Jane Sim pson nt 936-0045 or jsimpson@ dnvicfoundation.org or visit the Foundntion web-site nt www.dnviefoundalion.org A m e r i c a n P r o file R e t u r n s N e x t W e e k This w eek’s edition of the American Profile could not be included in this i.ssuc. Be sure to look next week for tw o issues o f the new s magazine. N O W A C C E P T I N G A P P I . K 'A 'I K ) N S P O k N I i W V I ! N I X )R S , [ )Г А 1 P k S A N [ ) M 1 :R ( G I A N T S r . ; is l - M ; i i n S t M l i i l v ;.M a i i 'a /( /i: ; II 1 - lu V /'l in ........... Information Contact’ KERRY CUMMINGS ( 3 3 6 ) 3 6 8 - 5 7 0 0•*» »• 6 1 2 E a s t M a in S t r e e t • P ilo t M o u n ta in , N C L l W .irUm DAVIE COUN'I V ENTERPRISE RECORD, 'I’liursdny, Feb. 26,2004 - 9 MERCURY тттишшттш M h A m e i f i i c a n F o ^ h m Ш Ш М Ш О That’s right! $1" DOWN and Now payments of only$1 9 9 “® a month' on 2003 Taurus’!! AND with only $1" DOWN you can drive an ‘03 Mustang for only $ 2 2 3 ’“ a month'!! All units are clean, low mile cars that are LOADED with options!! Ask Us About Our 0 % A P R F in a n c e P la n on Extended Service Plans!! C h e c k O u t T h e s e O t h e r M O N E Y S A V I M G D E A L S ! ! ! ‘02 Explorer Carl Naylor General Manager BRAKE SPECIAL Front or Rear ( tu r n in g r o to r s e x tr a ) Ford Factory Pads "Mustang Cobra & F250-F750 Excluded. Call us for factory wholesale pricing on these units today !! Mark Vogler Smiœmnagor Nathan ReavlsSeiviceWiller LewisJenningsPerlsil^anager “Parts and Accessories are truly less expensive from your Ford Authorize Dealer. Backed by company warranties and our Award Winning STAFF.” Call us today and we’ll save you moneyl! Darrell Harpe Seles Keith Davenport Sales Manager Every Deal Is Backed By Our Award-Winning Service and Parts Department!Steve Sim m ons Sales FORD MERCURY Dale R atledge Finance Manager sutotnlld 1* l'40 У i Wlntt,>nSsl0ni I К_________ AU. i A M IR IC A N -^ fORO ^шясияу 1 MockavUto Shop us online at aaford.com __ Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 ■ 72 mos. @ 5.99% APR with approved credit. " Plus lax and toes. See dealer lor details. Chuck Walker Sales 10 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tluirsdiiv. Ftl). 26, 2004 DAVIE COUNTY EN I'ERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, Feb. 26,2004 - 11 At left, dentist Gary Prlllaman and assistant Barbara Rutherform put dental sealants on Ryan Brooks. Above, assistant Marty Roberts, public health hygienlst Sharon Boger and assistant Cherry Frye are all smiles with Maggie Barron. At right, State Rep. Julia Howard and Prlllaman discuss the problems with getting dental and health care to everyone. •• Photos by Robin Fergusson S m i l e : D e n t i s t s J o i n E f f o r t T o P r o m o t e D e n t a l H e a l t l i By Mil<e Burnhurill Davic County Enterprise Record There's nothing tike a child's smile to brighten up a room. But nowadays, loo many of those children don't have those bright smiles. Maybe It’s a result of not enougii nouride in Ihc water, from loo many soft drinks, or ■ inaliility 10 receive dental care. Wiuilever Ihe reason, si.x Davie County demists decided lo iielp. On Friday, Feb. 6, liiey spent a morning treating students from Davie County Schools, moslly checkups, cleaning and the place­ ment of dental sealants, covers that iiclp protect the ciiewing suri'aces of leclh. “We’re just trying lo lielp kids," said Dr. Gary Priilaman of iVlocks- ville. "So many have dental problems and are falling through Ihe cracks." Insurance policies often don’t cover dental care, and Medicaid payments to dentists don’t cover llie costs of providing llie service, Priilaman said. Taking part in tlie Give Kids A Smile program, dentists participat­ ing in Davie County also iiichided Drs. Kevin Armbrecht, Todd Carter, Jerry Hauser, Adam l^orsctt and Frank CImrcli. Il is sponsored by tlie N.C. Denial Society, llte N.C. Oral Hcallh Section, the N.C. Dental Hygiene Association, tlie N.C. Dental Assistants Associa­ tion, Crest Health Smiles 2010, and local dental societies. "There are tens of thousands of disadvantaged youngsters in our stale who have only limilcd access to regular oral care," Priilaman said. "Througii the Give Kids a Smile program, we’ll be delivering free treatment, .screening, educa­ tion and prevention programs to ciiildreii who need them most.” Volunteers helped lo take tiic children lo the dentists’ offices. Screening beforc'the visits was provided liy Sharon Boger, public health denial liygienist. Priilaman said programs such us N.C. Health Insurance helps, but there arc still children without preventative denial care. State Rep. Julia C. Howard was in Prillaman’s office Friday. She supports more efforts to promote dental health among young stu­ dents. She also supports the placement of sealants on children’s teeth. “This makes il a public and private cooperation ... and that’s whut it is going to take to make a dilTerence,” Howard said. Legislators arc studying Ihe high cost of health cure, nnd are trying to encourage more preventa­ tive programs. She wants to work througii the Department of Education to have a short time after lunch for kinder­ garten students to brush their teeth. “ Hopefully, it will help teach them the habit. For the good it will do, we think this is worthwhile.’’ In Davie County, fifth graders and kindergarten students are screened for dental heiilth. Boger said each student is educated on proper denial health, and receives a packet including toothpaste, a toothbrush and other items. For more information on Give Kids a Smile, contact the N.C, Dental Socicty at 1-800-652-8754; or visit the website www.iwdental.orii or www.ada.org. ^ 151151 IS I IS I 151151 IS I IS I 151 IS I 151151151151151 l a l f d l f d l l S l i a l l D l 151151151 o o o □ o o m m n o Ü n (51 o m m o M m A Q m S t M t o f m “Craft Consignm ent Sliop for Forsyth County Seniors 55+.” 4 4 0 1 C o u n t r y C l u b R o a d W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 3 3 6 - 6 5 9 - 4 3 1 5 March 12 - Easter Items Arrive April 16 - Shop Now For Mother’s Day. May 15 - The perfect gifts for any Father. October 9 - Community Yard Sale, ®5 Space Fee Applications at the shop and South Fork Community Center October 30 - Christmas Open House. December 4 - Mr. & Mrs. Claus visit the Nest.0 . picture and surprise for all children. 11am -1pm P O M o m m o o m m |S| o m o □ □ Saturday, June 5 and September 25, 2004 9am - 3pm, $10 Space Fee Applications available at the shop or by mail. Hours of operation: Shop open 6 Days a week. 10am - 2pm Monday-Friday 10am - 6pm Thurday 10am - 4pm Saturday p'iM / ■ r IJ /. com e lü ihe RAFf'SHOW __ Visit our new web site for directions and more information |S | w w w , c n c k e t s n e s t , c o m o o n o o m □ |5 | □ o o o Ü Ü o D o n ^ t O v e r l o o k Y o u r 4 l e a f C l o v e r St. Patrick's Ceramic Tile Sale Now thru iVlarch 2 6 , 2004 S p e c i a l o r d e r o n l y Sample Boards Available Interceramic 12x12 Reg. Sale Tejas $2.8Qsf $1.25sf Himalaya $2,90sf $1.30sf Rio $2.90sf $1.30sf Villa $2.90sf $130sf o r o Visit our showroom for special pricing on our other flooring selections and our in-stock closeout wallpaper and great carpet values. Installation Not Included 162 Sheek Street • Mocksville • 751-2167 Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm & Sat. 7:30am-12noon m Lawsuit Filed Here In Death Of Three Sisters Continued Fruin Page I The fuel limk, on n plallonn bcliiiul llic rear axle, had a his­ tory of problems. The suit said they "have repeatedly iicen in­ volved in rear colMsi,ons in which Ihc fuel lank was punc­ tured, penelrnled, bursi or olh- erwise failed on impact, causing a fire to erupt and killing or se­ riously injuring the occupants tif the vchicle. “Tlic fuel lank was not crash­ worthy. its location behind Ihc axle was dangerous, and holts, bvackcts, tlangcs ami olher sharp objects in proximity lo the fuel lank created a dangerous situa­ tion." Ford knew or should have known the fuel tank’s design and location were dangerous, wrote Ihe lawyers for the plainlilTs, David F. Kirby, Isaac L. Thorp, Thomas W. iiickinson and G. Bryan Collins Jr. They said Ford represented to customers that Ihe Lincoln Town C ar was m am iractured wiihoul delects. Allernative de­ signs were available to prevent fuel tank fires. In October, 2001, Ford issued a bulletin directing modifica- H u r t R e c o g n i z e d The C enter V olunteer Firefighters were honored at the annual banc|uet at the Center Community I3uilding. • Follow ing the m eal, the chief, Brian ChalTIn, along wilh oilier nrefiglilers, gave a report on the departm enl during the past year. iioberl T ulterow , form er member and assistant chief, now with llie Charlotte Fire Depart­ m ent, roasted outgoing chief Mark W illiams, Davie Counly’s firefighter of the year last year. He prai.sed hiiu for Ihe many things he did to make Center one of the best fire departments in the county. W illiam s was presented a gold Hxe witii an inscription en­ graved on it I'rom Ills fellow firefigliters. Kolby Hurl, a grandson of a firefighter, presented Williams with a i'ramed pencil sketcli of the fire station he had done I'or the occasion. Oilier awards went to Pam and Thomas Woolen and to Kim Williams, who have given time and talent in helping the depart- nienl. The firefigliler of the year. OPENING ©€«X0 J a p a n e s e R e s t a u r a n t Autlientio Japanese Cuisine l)ine-in or Takc-out 678 Wilke.sboro St., Mocksville 336-733-6867 I’ux; 336-753-6847 ht Fonner Potman.s Location Bu.sincss Hours Sundiiy - Thui sday 11 :l)Oam - 9;00pm Friday - Saturday 1 l;00am - 10:00pm Pickup Window Avtillublc , H e re C o m e s th e E a ste r B u n n y ! Have yourciiild's piiotograph taken witii live bunnies, chiicks, and ducks,.. Packages are $48 (plus tax) for 3-5x7's and 12-wallets No appointm ent necessary! March 10:1 -8pm , March 1 1 ,1 2 ,1 3 :1 0am -6pm March 14:12-4pm Come dressed in your Easter best! 336-712-0227 _____ MoThe Portrait Gallerys^. 2500-A Neudorf Road, Clemmons NC Easily located bolwoon new Hori;ons and SkalelandUSA tions lo reduce the likelihood of fuel lank failures. Ford, al lhat time, rejected the suggestion lo provide shields, they said. “Ford continued to withhold needed safely measures, includ­ ing such .shields unlil June, 2002, when, faced wilh political and ccononiic pressure, it began to design shields which il could and sliould have developed nuinllis or years earlier, and which fi­ nally became available only for law entbrcenient vehicles as part of an 'optional upgrade kit’ on or about Oct. 22, 2002. "Oespite the fact that if ol'- I'ered shields i'or law enforce- nient vehicles that used the pan­ ther (fuel) platform. Ford failed lo olTer Ihe sliields for other ve­ hicles sold to the inotoring pub­ lic, including the 1998 Lincoln Town Car," Ihe lawyers wrole in the suit. T hey also claim ed Ford failed to notify tlic authorized conversion company (DaBryan) of measures that could have been taken lo Improve fuel system in­ tegrity. “Despite the extreme danger of a fuel-led fire from the design and placement of its fuel system, Roy Murl, received a standing ovation alter his grandson pre­ sented him with Ihal award, K olby Hurl lhaiiked his graiull'ather for saving iiis life after a ncarly-fiilal go cart acci­ denl in May, 2002. Hurt's train­ ing through the fire deparlnienl allowed him to realize the seri- ousnc.ss of his grandson's Inju­ ries and he was able to relay to EMS the extent of tiie injuries. He helped to stabilize his grand- .son unlil additional help arrived. Kolby's presentation brought tears lo his grandfather's eyes, and to the eyes of many al the bani)uet. ChatTin said Murl was qiiiet, well-liked by liis peers and was willing 10 help out in any silua- lion. Murl has been a member of the Center VFD I'or 19 years and is an a.ssislanl chief. He is an EM T/firsI responder and has completed Fircnghter III train­ ing. He was Center's firefigliter of Ihe year in I9«8. He is m arried to Teresa M cCoy Hurt. They have one daughter, Lynette (M ichael) HicIvS and two grandchildri/n, Kolby Hurt and Aslilyn Hicks. Ford failed lo adequately warn customers of the danger. Prior to Sept. 10, 2003, Ford had actual know ledge o f m ultiple fire deaths and injuries due lo rear impact collisions in which Ford knew tlial the fuel tanks of thc.se vehicles were punctured, pen- elraled, bursl or otherwise failed. “Prior to Sept. 3, Ford liad actual knowledge of tiie leclino- logical availability of shielding or taking other steps to prevent fuel-fed fires.” As a ciuaiified vehicle modi­ fier for Ford, DaBryan “liad a duty lo know of the dangerous characteristics of the Ford ve­ hicles il was m odifying.. should have known of Ihe danger of using vehicles in which the fuel lank was located in the crush zone behind tlie rear axle.” L akeside L im ousine, the lawyers wrole, “owes llie liigh- est degree of care lo its passen­ gers, including the duties to pro­ vide safe conveyances for tlieir transportation and inspect those conveyances and make sucii re­ pairs as are needed.” Tlie company I'ailcd to pro vide adequate emergency exil from llie vehicle, they said. Ricky Howell said Tuesda; tlic family knows Ihe upcomini monihs will be hard. A forme law enforcem ent officer, hi knows whal il's like for tiie fami lies of victims during a trial. "Wc would like to tiiank ev erybody for praying for us am thinking about us, and pleasi continue with those prayers t< help us get through the trials,' he said. R em em be r W h e n ? Louise Stroud does. Read her musings on Mocksville’s history the first week of each month. Center Firefighter of the Year Roy Hurt is flanked by grandson, Kolby Hurt, and Chief Brian Chaffin. Sunrise Yoga Studio Clemmons • 778-1233 www.sunrlseyoga.net For strength, flexibility, and peace of mind. FREE class on February 29; call to register A new session of classes begins on March 1 with 14 classes/week and numerous workshops. I Davie County Community Development Block Grant Notice of Closeout Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Davie County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 15, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. In the County Administration Building located at 123 S. Main Street, Mocksville, N. C. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comments concerning the closeout of the Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Project (01-C-0789) to the North Carolina Division of Community Assistance, All interested persons are Invited to attend this hearing. Persons needing special assistance or non-English speaking persons should contact the Clerk’s office at (336) 751-5513 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. TDD# 1-800-735-8262, Y O U R S K I N C A R E . Y O U R H A I R C A R E . Y O U R N A I L C A R E . YOUR ...CARE? THE TRUTH ISN 'T PRETTY. M ORE W O M E N DIE O F HEART DISEASE THAN A N Y OTHER DISEASE. We're good at caring for our bodies - ihe parts we can see. But whal about what's inside? Do you have high blood pressure? IHigh blood choleslerol? Diabetes? Are you inactive? Are you a smoker? Overweight? If so, ihis could damage your heart and lead to disability, hear! attack, or both. Heart to Heart r-A freo cominunlly seminar about Women and heiart disease , Thursday, F abnioiy 2 6 • 7 - 9 p.m . • H oliday Inn 530 S. Jak a A laxandar Blvd. in S aliibury Learn how lo change your lifestyle and avoid the risk of heart disease from medical professionals who are experts in women's healthcare. Free refreshments and information will be provided for all participants. Register lor door prizes lo be given away that nighl. Coll (704) 210-5544 to register and reserve your spot for this exciting program. R o w a n R e g io n a l M edical C enteií www.rowan.orB Seminar Speakers Include: Cyril Abrams, M.D. Specialist in Cardiology Mid Carolina Cardiology James Murphy, M.D. Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Carolina Women's IHealth Associates Teresa McKinney, RN Cardiac Wellness and Rehabilitation Center Rowan Regional Medical Center 12 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursdav. Feb. 26.2004 A l l e g a c y V illa g e ■Vi ,................■ '■• ' ■^ V .. ‘k rr -i 6 3 2 0 A lle g a c y W a y ( ^ ó f f J L e w i s Y ñ R o a d ^ Keeping A Promise t o b e a P a r t o f C l e m m o n s \ G r o w i n g C o m m u n i t y . B u s i n e s s H o u r s M o n d a y - T h u r s d a y — 8 : 3 0 a . m . u n t i l 5 : 0 0 p . m . F r i d a y — 8 : 3 0 a . m . u n t i l 6 : 0 0 p . m . www.allegacyfcu.org 336.774.3400/800.782.4670 f e d e r a l c r e d i t u n i o n egacy Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 ■ B ■ State Champion W r e s t le r B o e h m J o in s S o m e E lit e C o m p a n y I Ryan Boehm holds his stale-championship bracket after winning the 215 weight class. By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record WINSTON-SALEM ■ This is whnt it wns like as D avie’s Ryan Boehm achieved wrestling immortality at the state championships Saturday night at Joel Coliseum; Boehm was holding a commanding lead In the 215 title match and the third-period clock was winding down and the Boehm family was going crazy In the stands and Ihe clock was ‘ winding down and Boehm’s teammates were bouncing. The clock was winding down and Coach Buddy Lowery was smiling for once and tears were running down grandma’s face and the clock was winding down and m other Patti was yelling to Chicago on her cell phone. Father John was trying to breathe and the clocking was w inding down and little brother Kevin was screaming from the first row and the clock was winding down and those impossible words - stale cham pion - were form ing in R yan’s head. The clock was winding down. The clock ticked one last time, down to zero. Boehm had dominated 9-3. He had done it. He had reached the sport’s mountain lop. He was suddenly walkihg on air - a state champion ns a Junior, only the sixth War Eagle wrestler to pull off the feat and only the ninth War Eagle athlete to tum the trick since D avie joined the North Carolina High School Athletic Association in 1977. Please See Boehm • Page B3 Raby, Allen, Hollifield Soar Onto State Radar By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record W INSTON-SALEM - In a two-day talent show that featured 1,100 matches, 600 wrestlers and 20 hours of competi­ tion, nnd saw Dnvie junior Ryan Boehm rocket to state-cham plonship glory, D avie team m ates Jerem iah R aby, Timmy Allen and Aaron Hollirield el­ evated their profiles and set the stage for something big in 2005 In Saturday’s North Carolina High School Athletic Association wrestling tournam ent at W inston-Salem’s Joel Coliseum. Raby claimed third place in the 145 weight class, Allen took fifth at 140 and Hollineld grabbed sixth at 130. The War Eagles' nine participants - including R ussell H ilton, Zac M orton, Josh Barnes, Billy Riddle, Garrett Parks - combined for n 17-16 record nnd eamed sixth place in the team race. Riverside celebrnted Ihc title wilh 159 points. The rest of the top 10 was Cary at 111, Jack Britt at 105, Indepen­ dence at 84, Jordan at 80, Davie at 63, Myers Park at 55, New Bern nt 49, Northern Durham nl 44 and Chapel Hill at 42. Nexi year? Look out - seven of the nine will return, as well as gifted fresh­ men and sophom ores in Adam M cllw ain, Brnndon Stew art, Crnig Brown and Brock Flowers, and a strong junior (Dusty Johnson) who hns started for three years. This is indeed a special group, a sen­ timent that Boehm’s father endpr.sed. "I’m jusl tickled to watch all Ryan’s Please See Young - Page B3 J Raby Allen Hollineld S m i t h C o m e s O u t S m o k i n g I n R e v e n g e W i n O v e r S . R o w a n By B rian Pitts Davic County Enterprise Rccord W ELCOM E - D avie’s varsity boys basketball team needed something, any­ thing, from somebody to tum a season that had turned c o m p le te ly sour down the stretch. In the first round of Ihe C entral Piedmont Con­ ference Tourna­ ment last week at host N orth D avidson, the fourth-seeded War Eagles got it from Foo Sm ith, who scorched No, 5 South R ow an w ith 24 points and sparked an 81-74 win they desperately needed. Smith’s shooting touch was missing In the second half o f the season. After averaging 15.3 points through 11 games, he faded by scoring 7.0 in Ihe next 10. Davie’s wild card regained his early-season touch in time to erase Ihe distaste of a 48-47 loss al South, It was the seventh time the junior guard de­ livered 15 or more points, and Davie won six of those games. Later in the week, in the semifinals, top-seeded Reynolds ended D avie’s Smith season 87-43. "That’s whal Coach (Mike) Dinkins, Coach (Shannon) Pulliam and I talked about at halftlme. Where had those 3s been recently?" Dnvie coach M ike Absher said after Smith drained four of his five 3-pointers and scored 16 ofhis 24 points in Ihe First half. “He made them early and that made it easier to get it inlo the post." South slowed Ihe previous meeting to its pace, derailed Davie (13-11) wilh a fourth-quarter comeback that gave the teams a regular-season split and sent Davie reeling toward five losses in six games. In the rubbermntch, Davie and Smilh kicked into high gear. Smith burled three 3s in Ihe first 3:08, knocked down an­ other from NBA range with 2;09 left in Ihe half, and M ichael Mashore con­ nected on his second trey lo help Davie race to n 45 35 hnlflime lead. Cliff Burns piled up 19 points, 20 rebounds and four blocks. It wns n vin- tnge performance by the junior center who averaged 15 points, 11.1 boards and 6.1 blocks, and he did it coming off the bench. "I missed practice yesterday. My punishment was not starting nnd I knew the punishment was coming," he said. Bul the story of the game wns Smilh, who made 5 of 8 shots from 3-point range and 7 of 8 free throws after scor­ ing .six in the 48-47 decision in Landis, Please See Sm ith - Page B8 Allison Schafer (14) and Carly Booth (23) surround North's Brittany Berrier. - Photo by Jam es Barringer G i r l s M i s s G o l d e n O p p o r t u n i t y North Davidson’s Hunt Haunts Davie Again T I p ; m / t / 7 N q t i r ^ . : . _ ' <’«Jilití of Davie’s wresUmg team won the4-Asta№ cham- ■pibnsliip nt'215 by going 4-0 in the state meet, Junior Jeremiah Raby finfe islicd lhirdiat 145,'sophomore "nromyAllfn was fifth'at 140 and tpoié HolHfleld was sixth at 130. " F o o Sjiiilh hit fiv<3 S-pointer.-) for24póints'ánd Cliff Hums had 1? points | H 20 rebounds as Dtivie's varsity boys raced past S. Rowan 81r74 in th e : ''i'm CPCToiirnamerit, In an 87-43 semifinal loss to Reynolds, Michael Mashore hit five 3-pointers for 19 pointSi . . . ; Allisqh Schafer of Davie’s varsity girls hud 18 poitits and 10 retounds in a ¡63t55 '1qss to N; Davidson in the C rc Tbumament semifinals. ;' ; jyfetohji Fowler of S. D^vie hit flv^ 3’ppint,ers ^nd scored 21 points in ii ; 48i^l win over N. Rowan. She average’s 19.2 point». -' ' Kyle Winters gave Davie's'JV b^ijis a 51^48 win oyer N. Davidson by hitting |i 3-pointer as time expired. , ' ___________ By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord W ELCOME - Davie’s varsity girls basketball team missed a golden oppor­ tunity in last week’s Central Piedmont Conference Tournament al North David­ son. L ast-plnce R eynolds upset top- seeded West Forsyih 36-35 in one semi­ final, a bracket-busier that pushed the door wide open for the winner in llie other sem ifinal betw een Davie and North Davidson. That survivor would be a heavy favorile over Reynolds in the championship game. The W ar Eagles had dispatched Reynolds by 12 and nine points in the regular season, and n third-straiglu tour- nameni title would have substantially changed the feel of iheir.season. Wilh Dnvie and Norlh both out for blood, it was the Black Knights who seized the opportunity wilh a 63-55 ver­ dict. After gelling rocked 80-61 in the first meeiing al Davie, Norlh (12-11) evened the score 73-49 on the final night of the regular season and claimed the nibbcr match lo lock up ihe No. 2 seed in Ihe 4-A slale playoffs. The War Eagles’ bnck-to-bnck lo.sses lo North left them with the No. 3 seed - bul not until North’s 53-38 liilc win over Reynolds, which could hnve bumped Dnvie (11- 12) out of the playoffs with another up­ set. "You’re nol going to get a better op­ portunity than this," Davie coach Karen Stephens said. "And to be so close and then to break down at crucial times, it’s going lo hurt. We had every opportu­ nity. We had easy shoi.s that we missed and we had a stretch where we couldn’t hit free throws." In many ways, the War Eagles an­ sw ered tiie challenge. They shot a healthy 41 for the game, 47 percent in the decisive fourth quarter and got clutch performances from Allison Schafer (18 poinl.s, 10 rebounds, four steals, three assists), Andrea Dwiggins (12 points, six rebounds, lights-oul defense) and Carly. Booth (11 points, eight rebounds). ; But they couldn’t keep up with Colby’ Hunt, a 5-3 pest who was an unrelent-. ing catalyst. The junior guard lit Davie' Please See G irls • Page B6 I U2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Tliursclny, FeD. 26,2004 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdiiy, Feb. 2004 - B3 Herndon Beams At Deep Pitching Staff >1 M ike Herndon’s frown lias ; disappeared and his biiunce liiis i returned. ; Last year D avie's varsily j baseball team wallowed ll)roUi;li ‘ a 4-15 season Ihal nialelied the . scliool reeoril for fewest wins. Bul don'l ex|x:cl llic War Uagles ; (o take another free fall. They I have a promising, deep pitching staff that is intent upon revers­ ing last year'.s fortunes, and it's ! pitching that often detennines the I difference in winning and losing, i D avie's stable of arms in- ; eludes senior Andrew McClan- ! non; junior Timmy Erb, Andrew ! Beck and David Weakley; and ,' sophomores John McDaniel and I Brnd Corriher. 1 Davie hosts a scrimmage with I West Rowan und Watauga on j Peb. 28 at 10 a.m.. and its sea- ^ son opener is Murcli 2 at Mount ; Tnbor m 4;30. Il hosts Alexander ; Centnil on March 3 at 4;30 and i Forbush on March 5 al fi;3Q. ; Although no one possesses an ! overwhelming lastball, the staff ; appears to be sneaky good. ; “We don't have anybody who throws in the upper 80s, and w e're going to have to play de­ fense. But that's fine becausc w e're not going to have to worry about somebody walking four or five," Herndon, Davie's sixth- year coach, said. "I don’t care how hard you throw. If you can throw il vyliere you winit and throw different pilches for strikes, y o u've got a good chance." Last year Davie went 4-13 and 2-8 In the Central Piedmont Conference, hitting .214 with a 4.71 ERA and matching the 1959 and 1967 teams for fewest wins. This staff is short on varsily ex­ perience - McClannon and Erb com bined for 61 innings Iasi year, while the other four played JV - but long on promise. McClannon, who had a solid 3.35 ERA despite an 0-3 record, will be countcd on lo anchor the siaff, Erb was the No. 2 pitcher as a sophomore. "I think McCUinnon’s ready to have a real outstanding year," Merndon said. "Me had a great summer, he pitched well in the “ I h a v e n o t h i n g b a d to s a y a b o u t t h e s e g u y s . W e 'v e b e e n t h r o w i n g f iv e d a y s a w e e k s i n c e N o v e m b e r . A s a m a t t e r o f f a c t , w e ’i-e t h r o w i n g a t 6 : 4 0 in t h e m o r n i n g . ” - DHS Baseball Coach Mike Herndon fall and right now he'.s as good as I’ve ever .seen him. He throws three pitches for strikes." Quality depth behind McCI- iinnon should allow Dnvic to, at the least, contend for u winning record, som ething il accom - pli.shed every year from 1997- 2002. H erndon m arveled at M cD aniel's unflappable de­ meanor and the immen.se im- provem eni o f C orriher nnd Weakley. "Last year we brought McDaniel up for three innings against North Davidson in the last game of the year, nnd he T h e H o n d a T h is C h a n g e s E v e r y t h in g . The NEW Honda HRX wil! changc everything. Coiiic in today and see for the new HRX Cor yourself. Hydro.sialic drive (crui.sc control) All-in-Onc mower • Exclii.sivc Vcr.satriow Sy.stcm offers bagging, muiciung and di.scharging wilh no attachments required ' Clip Director allows simultaneous mulching and bagging Rust-free, Xcnoy deck with 21" mowing width • Exclusive Honda Twin Blade System for superior bagging and mulching • Rotostop® Blade Brake Control Powerful Honda 6.5hp OHV/OHC engine ИКХ217ИХЛ OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT 3242 S. Main St. • Salisbury (704) 633-8484 f'or opiim um |Ч'гГ|>гтлт'1' /m«l wo ti’i'iiiiiini*nii vtiu umiI ihi* nvM w r'i iiwmi.il i»|»cr,ihn^! )duf Hiviil.i I'nw cr I'liiuipim’ni. © 2ÍKW Am erican lUnul.i M uU't C o , Ьк. n o i \ r r > / v P o w e r E q u i p m e n t www.honila.cdiii (held North lo one run)," he said. “I don't think anything bothers hitn. Il wouldn'l matter ifhe was pitching ngainst the Yankees. He's going to pilch it right where he wants to, nnd he can throw three pilches for strikes. "Corrihcr's been very iinpres- sive. H e’s like night and day compared to Inst year. Lust year he was coming off the broken collarbone, but he’s picked up 12-13 mph. Beck’s been impre.s- sive, nnd Wenkley has gotten n lot better. Last yenr nt this time he had a hard lim e throwing strikes. He’d be the type you’d like to close the game with be­ cause he throws il pretty hard." The staff is oozing wilh so much potential Ihut it could even­ tually develop into the same type of group that dom inated for D avie in 2001, w hen Travis Allen (9-0,1.52), Lonnie Barne.s (3-0,1.55), Andrew Dnywalt (2- 1, 1.98) and Cody Wright (4-4, 2.26) carried Davie to 18-6. "M cClannon reminds me of Allen, Erb reminds me of Wright nnd M cDaniel reminds me of Barnes, except you can't get a wottl out of John," Herndon snid. “Bringing Corriher into the mix, there's n possibility this staff could be better because now w e've got a lefty and we didn’t have one baefc then. "I reiilly have nothing bad to say about those guys, t mean we’ve been throwing five days n week since November. As n mni- lerof fact, we’re throwing at 6;40 in the morning." And then there's the dramatic evolution of Mall Rich, the jun­ ior who will handle the catching duties. "I’ve never .seen n kid im ­ prove as much as he has over tlie course of summer and fall," he snid. "H e's pfeUy dnng sporl> back there." N otes: H erndon, who lost Mike Lovelace lo M ount Taboi and Lee Linville to North For­ .syth Inst year, has a newlook conching staff. The one retumei is Malt Sain, n tireless workei who helps in football and wres­ tling. New assistants are Shant Allen, a former Davie standoui w ho played and coached ai Wilkes Community College af­ ter graduating in 1998; Tin- M cK night, n new guidance counselor who coached nt West Stokes last year; and B illj Marrs. “W e’re excited to havt Allen, and I’ve been real im ­ pressed with M cK night. H e’s pretty solid and he loves whai he's doing," Herndon said. “Anc M arrs is all pum ped up.” .. M cKnight replaced Linville ai head J V coach, although most ol D avie’s games nre doublehond- ers, which will allow Herndon to coach both teams. Davie High Spring Sports Schedùies Varsity Baseball Fell. 28 vs. W. Rowan/Wa- tauga (scrimmage) al 10 a.m. MnrcJi 2 al Mt. Tnbor al 4:30 3 vs. Alex. Central at 4:30 S'* vs. Forbush at 4/6:30 8 vs. W. Rownn al 4:30 11 vs.E . Forsyth at 5 12 vs. Page in 4;30 17 at Alex. Central nl 4;30 19 at W. Forsyth al4;30 23 nt S. Rownn at 4:30 26* vs. Reynolds 4:30/7 30* at N. Davidson at 4:30/7 April I vs. Concord at 7 6* vs. W. Forsyth at 4:30/7 8* vs. S. Rowan at 4:30/7 9-12 Catawba Toprnament 16* vs. N. Davidson al 4:30/ 7 21 vs. M t.Tabor al 7 24* nt Reynolds nt 12/2:30 27* nt W. Forsyth nl 4:30/7 30* nt S. Rowan at 4:30/7 Mny 4* vs. Reynolds at 4:30/ 7 7* at N. Davidson at 4:30/7 10-12 CPC Tournam ent ut Davie * Denotes JV/vnrsity DH. ,FV Baseball March 2 vs. Mt.Tabor at 4:30 3 nt Alexnnder Centrnl nl 4:30 5 vs. Forbush nl 4 8 al W. Rowan al 4:30 11 at E. Forsyth al 5 12 at Page ul 4:30 17 vs. Alex. Central at 4:30 19 nt W. Forsyth nt 4:30 23 at S. Rowan at 4:30 26 vs. Reynolds nt 4:30 30 nl N. Dnvidson nl 4:30, April 6 Forsyth at4:30 8 vs. S. Rowan at 4:30 9-12 Cabarrus Tournament 16 vs. N. Davidson ul 4:30 21 nlM l.T nbornl5 24 at Reynolds at 12 27 at W. Forsyth at 4:30 30 at S. Rowan at 4:30 Mny 4 v.s. Reynolds at 4:30 7 al N. Dnvidson nt 4:.30 IVack & Field M arch 2 vs. Bunker Hill nl 4 9 ul Mooresville ut 4 11 vs. VV. Davidson ul 4 18 at .S. Ro\van a l4 25 vs. W. I'orsyth/N. David- ОШМатШпЫг 2 0 0 2 J e e p L ib e r ty S p o r t $ 1 6 , 2 9 5 1 9 9 9 D o d g e D u r a n g o $ 1 0 , 9 8 8 Rent a 2004 PT Cruiser ^30/day Call for Reservation 2 0 0 1 D o d g e R a m 4 x 4 1 9 9 9 D o d g e D u r a n g o SLT $ 1 5 , 5 7 5 son ut 4; 30 April 1 ut W. Forsyth/Rey­ nolds nl 4:30 3 at Wake Forest 6 nt S. Rownn/Reynolds nl 4:30 8 nl N. Dnvidson nl 4:30 28 CPC meet Mny 8 regional 15 state meet Varsity Softball F eb . 26 v.s. M ooresville (.scritnmage) at 4:30 March 2 vs. SW Randolph (scrimmage) al 4:30 4 vs. N. Iredell (after JV) 8 at E. Forsyth at 4:30 9 al W. Rownn nt 4 II nt E. Rownn nt 4 16 ys.M t.T hboral5 , : 19 vs. W. Rownn at 4:30 '23 at N. Forsyth at 4:30 30 at W. Forsyth al (after JV) 31 vs. N. Forsyth at 4:30 April I at M l. Tabor at 4:30 . 7 vs. E. Forsyth at 4:30 8 ulS , Rownn ul 4:30 16 at N. Dnvidson nl 7 19 vs. Reynolds nt 4;.30 21 at N. Iredell (after JV) 22 at SW Randolph at 4:30 27 vs. W. Forsyth (after JV) 30 vs. S. Rowan (after JV) M ny 4 at Reynolds at 4:30 7 vs. N. Davidson (after JV) 11 -13 CPC Tournument JV Softball F eb . 26 vs. M ooresville (scrimmage) al 4:30 M arch 2 vs. SW Randolph (scrimmage) nt 4:30 4 vs. N. Iredell at 4:15 8 vs. B. Forsyth at 4:30 9 nl W. Rownn (after varsily) 11 vs. E. Rowan at 4 16 ut M l.T uborat4;30 19 vs. W. Rowan (after var­ sity) 23 v.*!. N. Forsyth nl 4:30 30 nt W. Forsyth nl 4:30 31 at N. Forsyth nt 4:30 A pril I vs. Mt. Tabor nt 4:30 ' 7 at E, Porsy(h Bt,4:30,„ ' 8 nt S. Rovynn (after vftiistty) 16 nt N, Dnvidson at 5 21 at N. Iredell nt 4:15 22 vs. SW Rnndolph at 4:30 27 vs. W. Forsyth at 4:30 30 vs. S. Rowan at 4:30 Mny vs. N. Davidson nt 4;30 .IV/Varslty Girls Soccer Feb. 25 ul W. Rowun (scriin- m nge)ni5:l5 M nrch 2 at E. Forsyth al 5:15/ 7 Old School D a v i e S p o r t s F r o m F e b r u a r y , 1 9 6 6 • D avie’s girls basketball team wrapped up the North Pied­ mont Conference championship by blasting second-place Trout- nuui 41-21. The w in pushed Davie to 18-0 overall and 12-0 in the N PC . D avie, w hich jumped out to a 17-2 lead, got 15 points from Ruth Shelton and 11 from Audrey W agoner T he rest o f Conch Bill Peeler’s roster: Eliznbelh Sex­ ton, Nancy Allen, Deliah Hart­ m an, Ruby H older, M arsha Bailey, M itzi Bj^igmnn, Delln C haffin, M arlene D ull, Joyce Howard, Jane Ziinmermnn, Judy Spry and Jan Jordnn. • D avie’s fiflh-pUtce boys improved to 6-6 in the NPC wilh n 68-40 win over Troutm nn. Randall Ward nnd Jerry W hi­ taker highlighted Davie with 26 and 20 points, respectively. Stevens’ 3-Point Record Falls Sean Stevens’ state record for 3-poinlers in n season went down on Feb. 17 when Central Cabar­ rus senior Anlluiny Harris made five 3s in a 71-68 win over Hopewell. The former Dnvie High slur set the record at 127 in 2002. Harris came into the game need­ ing four to lie the record and left with 128. Adult Softball Registration Opens , _ ■ 'm m . -m ~ " -m m WWW.COWbOytOb.rom Ut.n..In Beautiful Downtown IVIOCkSVllle 157 Depot street • 751-5948 • 1-888-469-3781 The Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Depnrlment is taking reg­ istration for m en’s open, women's open, nieu’s church atul women's church league softball. Play will begin at the end of April GENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons or first of May. The deadline lo register is April 2. Call the rec nt 751-2325. Sign Up For Peewee And Little Sluggers The Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Department is accepting registration forms for girls pee- wee slow-pitch softball (7-9) and lilllc sluggers bn.sebnll (7-8) through M arch 5, and T-ball (uges 4-5) and peewee baseball (6) through March 7. The regis- irntion fee is $30. Call the rec at 751-2.325. There were 5 wrestling state champions before Ryan Boehm. From left, the previous ones are Scott Beauchamp, Jon Ward, Scotty Spry, Nell Cornatzer and Patrick Lowery. Ryan Boehm went 4-0 at the state meet to put his name beside the all-time greats. D a v ie H ig h '’s N C H S A A C h a m p io n s Name Sport Year Sarah Gardner track & field 1982 Scott Beauchamp wrestling 1989 Jon Ward wrestling 1993 Scotty Spry wrestling 1993-95 Neil Cornatzer wrestling 1995-96 Mike Heiny swimiTiing 1996,1998 Sainantiia Murillo track & field 2001 Patriclc Lowery wrestling 2Ó02 Ryan Boehm wrestling 2004 Boehm Wins State Wrestling Titie At 2 1 5 C ontinued From Page B1 “I’m touching the ceiling right now,” he said. “It’s got to be the greatest feeling when you’re up . big, iitid you know the only way ho can beat you is to pin you, and you’ve got hitti ridden down, and you're looking up with eight sec­ onds to go." W hile other gold tncdalisl.s jtutipcd into their coach’s arms nnd did bnckfllps, Boehm re­ sisted temptntlons to dnncc or whoop. He walked off the mat calmly, like he hnd hundred.s of time.s before, and gave Lowery a Ф grin. Lowery grinned buck and T ordered him upstnirs, So Boehm fought through Iho maze of human bumper cnr^ nnd raced around the corner. He bounded up the steps and hugged his family. Boehm skipped back down- slnirs for the nwnrds presentntlon. - Instnnt sturdom wnshed over him nnd his eyes glenm ed ns he sonked up the meteoric nscenl inlo the rarest of com pany. D avie’s other w restling slate champions ure Scott Bcuuchump (1989), Jon Ward (1993), Scotty Spry (1993-95), Neil Cornatzer (1995-96) and Patrick Lowery (2002). "I just wanted to sec my par- ents," Boehm said. "My dud's parents came in from St. Louis. They were supposed to make it for regionals, bul they didn’t. I don’t mind that too bud (after fin­ ishing second). They were sup­ posed lo go on vacation this weekend, but I kind of messed up their pluns. “I watched those lightweight guys do backflips, and I said to inyself: ‘I’m going to win nnd I’m going to be kind of cln.ssy.’ I’m not too nglle anyway. Dur­ ing the season 1 don’t really cel­ ebrate much. I probably only cel­ ebrate when no one's uround. Because If you suy something or do something, people arc going lo gun for you." During the regular season and Midwest Regional, Boehm expe­ rienced all the adversity he could handle, sw allow ing one-point bitter pills - six to be exact - from South Rownn'.s Andrew Moyer and Jordan’s Fred Campbell. Bul everything came together with the marbles on Ihe table. M oyer nnd Cnmpbell stumbled into the consolations in the first and second rounds, und Boehm cxorcised those one-point de­ m ons w ith a pin over Terry Sanford’s Mntt Cni.son, 3-1 de­ cisions over Cnry’s Mntt Mngec and Jack Brill’s Yancey McDow­ ell and the 9-3 pounding of Purnell S w ell’s Kenwin Cummings, "I thought 1 had a really good chiuice, I just had tough breaks in conference and regionals," he said. “The last few weeks have been rough. They hurt me men­ tally for a while, liul 1 knew what went wrong und I knew 1 could aclually do this." Low ery explained what makes Boehm special. “H e’s smart, he.moves good for a 215-pounder and looks are deceiving. H e's got lo be a little stronger Ihim everybody thinks," he said. “He doesn’t panic. He can stand the pressure of a one- point match - n lot better thnn I cnn.” If thcro’.s one thing Boehm, who also stars on the offensive line In football and is a brilliant student, cnn do ns well as lie per­ forms on the field nnd the innl, it’s tnik, (“I would suy he’s cer­ tainly headed to marketing or sales, w ouldn’t you?" John Boehm said,) He looked bnck to the beginning al Norlh Davie Middle, where he went 7-5 as a seventh grader and 16-0 us an eighth grader "Me and Thomas Schaiiibach were bolh wrestling 171, I beat him in a challenge malcli and was starting for like two weeks," he said. "Then we were going to have our other challenge mutch, but Coach Holt (assistant Jatney I loll) cikIs up breaking Thomas' collarbone and I'm starting Ihe rest of the yeur I won middle- school .states (in seventh grade). That was kind of crazy, loo, be­ cause I didn't even place in con­ ference, It's coming buck from adversity. You can't let anything get you down.” Boehm graciously shared his success wllh his practice part­ ners. “AU yeur Tvc been wrestling with Billy Riddle," he said, “The peopled worked with all year has mntie all the difference," In Ihe m atch for nil the mnrbles, Cummings chnllcnged Boehm ’s heart and toughness, taking u iitiick 2-0 lead and put­ ting Boehm on his buck us the Davie crowd's heart skipped a beat, Boehm responded with nine of the next 10 points, pre.ssing Cummings fiat on his stomach as the lead steadily grew in the sec­ ond and third periods. Suddenly all those gut-wrenching losses sceiiicd far away. Unbelievably, there was no more need lo worry aboul the outcome. Il was time to think about the gold nround Boehm's neck. A tournament that lasted 20 hours will last a life­ time for Boehm. "He always manages to pull stuff out when it really, renlly counts,” mother Patti snid. John Boehm looked so tight, so nervous, during the long v^’ult from 103 to 215 that you didn't want to stand closc lo him should he burst. “WresUlng is the hardest thing to watch because It’s Individual,” he snid. “I think I m usl have w alked nround this coliseum three tim es waiting for itim lo w restle, t d o n 't know why i should be so nervous because he always .seems to come up in Ihe clutch. H e's always been right there, nnd nt some point in lime you've got lo gel some breaks. “ You have no idea (how happy I am). No Iden. i couldn't be prouder He'.s done a remark­ able job working hard nnd he’s got a good ntlitude.” Next yenr’s .scene will be dif­ ferent. Boehm’s first love is foot­ ball nnd he’s luin'gry to put on some serious weight. His dnys at 215 appear over Since he's ready to pour his soul into chasing col- lege foolbnll, he doe.sn't know where 2004-05 wrestling stands. "I like football better bul I think I’m better at wrestling,” he said wilh a laugh. “My goal is college football. I’d love that. This might be my lust year nl 2 15 because if I wanl to play football, there’s nol room fora2l5-pound lineman. I wanl to start getting bigger for football. M aybe iicttvyweight (next yeur), mnybe nol atall. It jusl depends. If 1 gel , iin offer in foolbail. I’m going to jump on that. If I don'l. I'll jusl work hurder in the weight room nnd walk on whereever 1 go.” John dismissed Viis son's chat­ ter as pure emotion. Vie snid tie couldn’t envi.sion n scenario in which Ryan wouldn't come back lo a cfinmpionsiiip-culiber team. “H e's just talking right now,” he .said. "H e'll certainly have lo go up a weight. But wllh this group of kids... he's talking right now. Il's all emotion." Notes: Boehm finished wilh a 35-6 record. ... Boehm an­ nounced that Davie's next up- and-com ing slur is freshmnn Michael Murphy. “Oct rendy for Murphy,” he said. “He’s going to do il, too. I’m positive of it. As hard as he works. I’ve drilled with him all year” Y o u n g W r e s t l e r s S e t T h e S t a g e F o r B ig 2 0 0 5 S e a s o n Conllmicd Frmn I’ngc HI friends,” John Bochin said in the wnke of Rynn's stirring title run. "This group of kids has got so much greatness written on them. I mean th ey ’re all together, there’s such great camaraderie and next year (Coach) Buddy (Lowery) ought to have a pemia- nen( spot on the side of that (state-loumnment) mni.” “These kids work hnrd. 1 mean renl hard,” Lowery said. “Wo don’t lake many days off and go home and watch Andy Griffith. At tlie beginning of the year we were suying; 'W ho's going to wrestle 112?’Mcllwain stepped up. ‘W ho’s going to do this?' As a group they've im-* proved as much as any group we've hnd.” Allen Barely Misses Finals The sophonioro bounced two opponents lo reach the doorstep of the 140 championship. He seemed primed for the big show, considering his semifinal foe was nn Independence guy he mnnhandlcd cariier in the year Bul Pete Puckett got first blood and held onto a 3-0 decision that tormented Allen for two reasons; One, ho fell bluer und cheated that stalling wasn't culled, and secondly, Puckett went on to win it all. Allen just couldn't catch a break. “He renlly stalled Ihe whole match," he said. "I locked up a cradle nnd Ihey didn't give me two points. Then I locked up Ihc cradle ngnin (in the second pe­ riod), and Ihey didn't give me two uguin. Ho chose down und just stnlled in the third. 1 was try­ ing 10 do anything to win, and he bulled up.” Puckett said he used shrewd strategy "1 had a game plan to do what I liad lo do," the indy .sophomore said. “I thought ubout going on my feet for the third period, but 1 knew if I went down I wasn’t going to gel turned by him. I wanted lo keep the match close.” Lowery reacted dlplomnti- cally. "Puckett got a takedown, rode us oul nnd wc couldn’t turn him,” he said, “if Allen wns in thal situ­ ation, he would have done the same thing. It’s which shoe It's on. He just laid on his belly, but Timmy was working and had som e pressure on him all Ihe time. Ifhe gets off on Ihe right foot and gels a takedown, it makes things easier “T hat's judgem enl. Hey, I can’t pick my refs. You’re here for two days, you might as well get along with them.” In the consolalidn semifinals, Allen suffered a 3-1 overtime loss to M ount T abor’s Chris Tucker He was headed for yet another agonizing loss in the bnltic for liftli, trailing I loggard’s Sam Chance 4-3 in the third pe­ riod. With Ihe same ref who had the Allen-Puckett controversy work­ ing the mal, il was nearly a case ofdeju-vu. When Allen whipped Chnncc on his buck. Chance winced and said "owwww.''Thc ref waved off two Allen points and stopped the action, allowing Chnnce lo keep his 4-3 lead and avoid u possible pin. "I don'l think he likes me," Allen said of the ref. “He said il wus potontiully dangerous be­ cause 1 hud his unns too high, but I've run it nil dny nnd Ihey ain't called nothing. I've done it all year, a Body Michigan. Coach Lowery didn't even know what wns wrong with it.” This tim e A llen fought through adversity and answered. Ho used the frustration to fuel an amazing outburst, .scoring five points in the final 19 .seconds lo win 8-4 and finish tlie weekend nl 3-2. “1 wasn't going to lo.se any m ore today," he snid. W hen n.sked if he was satisfied with fiflh, he snid; “Since Puckett won, n o .... Bul (the experience) will help me work to do better I'm nol near where 1 wmil to be. I want to be Ihe best.” Ruby Roiirs To Third The junior renched n rung he never Imagined, winning four of five forlhird at 145. Mis final win was appropriate enough, a wild 7-6 win over Ian Shannon of Chapel Hill. "Tiiat’s his style." Lowery said. "O ne poini, two points. He's a defensive wrestler He's going to lei you make a mistake and he's going to counter He slows it down, aggravates Ihem, frustrates them and al Ihe end he has a chance," Riiby's only loss was lo a Riv­ erside guy (Ben Oeser) who's won 60-some matches. “EverylHidy in the stands calls me 1 loudini because 1 get in a lol of predicuments und end up get­ ting on top of them und win­ ning," Raby said. Raby dug n 5-0 hole before making a furious comeback and stenling il in Ihe Ihird. Tlie finul 10 .seconds, with Raby clinging to Ihe 7-6 edge by a thread, seemed like 10 minutes. "Thut ¿uy beut Timmy this year so 1 knew it was going to be tough," he said. “I finally caught him in a Peterson nnd got five points out of that. Withoul thal, I wouldn’t have won. “To tell you the Iriith, I was just hoping lo get in the lop six. 1 didn't know about third. 1 lio)ie this leads to u suite chumpionship next yenr" Hullillcld l>lace.s Liko Rally nnd Allen, Holli- field miule n state name for hini- self. The sophomore split six matches al 130 and learned le.s- sons Ihal should make a differ­ ence in 2004-05. "Like Conch Lowery said af­ ter the innlch (for fifth): ‘You know what mat you want lo be on,' " Hollifield said. "You've got to vvork for that middle mat, and that's where I'wanl to be at next year You see how all those people cheer for Ihe slate cham­ pions. There ain't a better feel­ ing thnn Ihal in the worid. Last year I came down here and got lieat llie first two nintclicsi So this yenr I wus a little more comfort­ able." Nothing will faze Hollifield over the next two years. Nine of his 23 career losses have come . against stale champions. "I've wrestled (Riverside's) Vincent Ramirez (the stale's all- time winningesl wrestler) three or four times.” he said. “Like (former Davie star) Josh Stanley told me. He said he came In third his senior year He told me to work hard, nobody remembers third place. He said whoever gets their hand rai.sed, they remember thut.” N otes: Boehm reeled off four straight wins to finish 35-6. Ruby finished 42-8, Allen 40-8 and H ollifield43-12. ...H iltonw ent 1 -2 in the stale for a final record of 38-11. Senior Morion, who earlier becam e Ihe ninth War lEagle to reach 100 wins, went 0- 2 for 34-13. Barnes went 0-2 for 36-8. Senior Riddle went 1-2 for 31-8. Parks wem 1-2 for 24-14. ... Lowery hadompulhy for Mor­ ton, who competed with u heuvy liearl. “He did it hcckttva job and he's hnd it rough week wllh his dad's brother (getting killed in a car accident),” he snid. "Thnl’s a rough week for a kid and his fam­ ily," Matlock’s Flooring Service “F o r A l l Y o u r F l o o r i n g N e e d s ” On Sale: LAMINATED HARDWOODS S ta r tin g a t $3.50 S O . ft. in s ta lle d ' . (apacM good through March 31,20041 We stand behind wliat you stand on! M m Matlock — IS Vears Experience omce (336) 492-2735 c.« (336) 65M935 B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdiiy, Feb. 26.2()()4 Basketball Contest $250 $20 & Cap $5 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Perfect Entry FIRST PRIZE Each Week SECOND PRIZE Each Week Pit your “hoops” knowledge against some of. tiie greatest sports minds in the area each weel< in our Basicetbail Contest. The first place winner each week will receive a check for $20 plus a sporty Enterprise Record ball cap so everyone will know you are a WINNER! Our sccond place winner each week receives a check for $5. The first per.son to get all games correct in a single week will get our BONUS PRIZE of $250. THE RULES itry allowed per person per week. All entries must be on original newsprint or Fax 336-751-9760. 2. Gam es in this weei<’s contest are listed In each contest advertisement on ttiese two pages. Fill In the cdntest entry blank and submit or mall the entry to the Enterprise Record , P.O. Box 99, Mocksville. NC 27028. 3. The first entrant correctly predicting the outcome of all gam es in a week wTii receive a bonus of $250, Weekly prizes P ic k T h e W in n in g Team s E a c h W eek & W IN ! are $20 and an Enterprise Record cap for firs place and the second place winner receives $5. In case of ties, the entrant who cam e closest to the total number of points In the tie-breaker wins. If a tie still exhlsts after the tie-broaker gam e the aw ards will be divided equally among the individuals who are tied. 4. Entries must be delivered to the Enterprise Record before 5 p.m. Friday each week. The ofllce is located at 171 South Main St., Mocksvllle, NC. 5. W inners will be announced following each contest in the next Issue. Decisions of judges wiii be final. A new contest will be announced each week. D a n ie l F u r n i t u r e & E lec tric Co., In c. G O W A R E A G L E S ! Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa M. Rollins * Will Marklin 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 4 9 2 • 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 9 7 5 12. Ooorgin V. S.CarolInn M ocksville S hoe S hop 52 Court Square, IVIocksviiie, NC • (336) 753-0942 I In tin* 'I^jsvn Ik'Iuw lliu Nntunil I Iiviltli SI»)J)|h?) Owned & Operated by Chad Gough Now Selting Mrw Bools & Shpgsl I We are now carrying a lull line ol Steel Toe and Non Sleel Boots & Shoes & Weslom Bools From Major Brands Like: Ooorgfa Boot, Carolina Boot, Jusiln & Durangol 13. LSI) V. Kontucky *lco Repair Shop with Eiporloncod, Quality Repair« at Reasonable PtIcosI lliiiii»: Miiii, 'nic«. ’I'luirH & I'Vi Wed & .Sal 0-1 H>Jerry A. Hauser, DDS, PA Adam T. Dorsett, DDS Hillsdale Dental 7. UNC-Chariotto V. Cincinnati Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry 338-998-2427 • Fax 336-998-1088 ууу</>у.Ы 11вс1л1ос1оп1л1.со1 135 Modical Onvo, Suilo 201 Advanco, North Catolinn 27006 7670 NC Hwy, 801, Cooleemee (336) 284-6000 4. NC State v, UNC Located Beside Handl Cupboard in Cooleemee HOURS 8:30-5:00 M-F and 8:30-11:00 Sal, NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS for All Makes and Models Ì Davie Medical Equipment 0 8. ECU V. S.FIorlda ActrrdiUUim CuuHuis\lun fur llimir Cirr. Inc. providing all of your home health care needs 959 Salisbury Road Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4288 • (888)797-1044 Fax (336)751-4688 D IS G G U N t S A L E S 15. Stnnlord V, Orogon Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lowlsviiie-Ciemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon-Fri. 9-7; Sat, 9-5 766-44>19 www.clemmonsdlscountsalBs.com 10. UNC- Wllmlngton V. Holstra @ Husqvarna Speed • Power Handling • Performance 884 S. Main St.MOCKSVILLE AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 G O W A R E A G L E S 9. Louisvlllo V. Memphis MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER'S SUPPLY DCAW T h o m a s L . N e s b i t Attorney AT Law 3. Maryland v. Wako 65 Court Squarv, Downtown Mocksville (336) 751-2125 visit our wcbsiU) nt www.nGsbitlaw.com 21. Phllndolphia v. Indiana Beth’s Hallmark New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-6567 Y o u r ^ ^ H o m e -T o w n * ' D r u g S t o r e &. Kansas v. Oklahoma F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 I'or (¡reni Inl'oriiiHliim on (lrti);,s hi'iiltli |)Го1)1счп,ч, до lo wlfo.slvrdniKi'o.i’om E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 751-2148 1. Clemson V. Ga. Toch T o p s T r a v e l ^ ® T o p s o n P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e I S Y o u r L o c a l F u l l S e m c e T r a v e l A g e n c y 18, LA Clippers V, Milwaukeewww.topslravel.com 27,50 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons Spillman’s(|'^‘< L i m e & F e r t i l i x e r Spillman’s H o m e & L a n d S a l e s Cooleemee, NC 336-284-2551 2. Duko V. Fla. St, CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., Clemmons 31 Years Experience 766-8110 or 766-0166 17. (NBA) Miami8 v. Now Jersoy 1411 f >/'( II Mull I Protects A««ln>t RMft Outpwfonns All Dtop4n Uners CrMt for Bwrt*, iVaJlM«, «le.H«lpf Cmt fram «Ming • All Colon AvalUbto 22. Denver v. San Antonio f ^ E J f V t l n o THt SwwYtB-Ow Liner* 7 1 2 - 1 0 8 8 RHINO LININGS OF CLEMMONS 6300 Ramada Drive • Cloiiiinons . Horn’s Express I # 1 & m Purchase a Hot Dog, Sausage Dog, or Chicken I Tornado and add a 32 oz. Fountain Drink I and any 990 bag of chips (or pi Just ^ 1 .2 5 more 266 S. Salisbury St. Across from Lee Jeans, Hwy. 601 751-7676 751-5789 COOLEEMEE VIDEO ; ' ' a A II.C tg itre lt» Í ¡^ 2 ^ /p a c k » ' Till, лЫ 4-.Í J.V 6. Toxas V. Texas Tech Now Carryirig Designer Ladles CJothes Rnlph Liiuron, Cnivin Kloin, Lit Clniborno & Jonos New York ^ o o l e e m e e j j j ^ g ^ I'or im unm cc call B R A D R O lV n N E S'i’A T li FARM IN SU R A N C E 14, Michigan v. Ohio SI, 3770 Clcnmi(m.s Road • Clemmons • 766-Л245 I SIVVI и IvMiM INSUKANfli CO,MI'AN'll',S • IIOMII OmCI!.S: HUIOMINOTON, 11.1,. | Btocfc Smiá С». Sm uI, G m d S JC êndttêpt N U íM io b 'S/nee 19S7' SnndGravol Mulch Bnrk Nuggois Sand RocH Brick Nuggots Mark & Cindy Shaaf Owners_______ Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 S a t 8 :00-3:00 МСЛ/ISA/AMEX 788-6411 16, UCLAv, Compost Topsoil Kid Cudhion White Pebblos Brown Pobblos Pino Needles Red Designer Mulch Dirt 745 W. ClemmonsvlllG Road D/WIlî COUNTY KNTHRPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - Hf M o c k s v ille - D a v ie R e c r e a t io n B a s k e t b a ll R e s u l t s Church League LIBERTY METH. 56 - Brian Nelson 22, BETHLEHEM 54 - Tim McCuliougli 20, LIBERT.Y WES, 59 - Bubba Coleman 21 NEW CALVARY 50 - Bryon Watkins 15. M ACEDONIA 49 - Scott M iller 23. EAGLE HEIGHTS 32 - Cody Thorpe 16. NEW LIFE 70 - Damian Lewis 16 1ST METH, 61 - Chad Ward 26 CENTER/SALEM 55 - Shannon Duty 26. SMITH GROVE 45 - Chris Clontz 11. BETHLEHEM 68 - Tim McCullough 23. JERICHO 28 - Brad Dyer 11. 1ST BAPT. 5 2 - Scott Tonidandel 17. SMITH GROVE 45 - David Summers 24 EATONS BAPT. 63 - Charlie Crenshaw 22, FARMINGTON BAPT. 54 - Brian Pitts 33. 1st METH. 66 - Corbin Dirlts 14, BETHLEHEM 31 - Tim McCuilougii II. 7/8 Grade Coed 76ers 40 - Ciiase Maeuione 5. Brandon Wiiiis 15, Zach Smith 2. Jeffery Nuckols 8. John Haftman 12, DEACONS 27 - Jessa Ren 2. Jermain Harris 11, Joshua Hol­ com b 6, Marshall Jefferson 3. Brian Fuentes 5. BLUE DEVILS 37 - M ajor Collier 15. Abe Drcshler 5, Josh Crowley 17. SUNS 32 - Clint Howell 21, Wylie Kuhn 5. M attTorbush 2, Josh Medlin 4. Boys 9/10 TARHEELS 41 - Danny Smith 6, Adam Ward 4, Justin Scott 16, Justin Morgan 9, Daniel Gough 5, Chris Gonzolas 2, RUNNIN REBELS 33 - Josh Eder 23, Malt Pennington 2, Jacob Pearce 2, Tucker Ren 2, Shaun Goolsby 2, Matthew Morris 2. RUNNIN REBELS 50 - Josh Eder 26. Kurtis Dillard 7. Matt Pennington 6, Tucker Ren 6, Shaun Goolsby 3, Matthew Morris 2. TARHEELS 38 - Adam Ward 4, Ben Pawlik 3, Justine Scott 10, Wess M cKnight 7, Justin Morgan 8, Daniel Gough 4, Chris Gonzolas 2, Boys 4th TARHEELS 29 - Will Beeson 122, Jacob Walker 14. Tommy Dillon 4, Adam smith 2. VIPERS 18 - Calub Martin 14, Mitchell M iller 2, Logan Ren 2, TARHEELS 26 - Will Beeson 2, Jacob Walker 13,Tommy Dil­ lon 2. Andrew Kasting 3, Adam Smith 4, Davis Mossman 2. EAGLES 24 - Maxwell Lum 8, Davis Absher 9, Clay Cave 4, Toren Rivers 3, VIPERS 20 - Calab Martin 5. Cody Marlin 8. Mitcliell M iller 3. Logan Ren 4. LAKERS 13 - Karch Arey 2. Kirklin Bowles 3. Jake W hitley 2. Corey Randall 2. Nathan Smith 2. Michael Fleming 2. Girls 3/4 DEACONS 6 - Madi Pratapas 4. Ellie Carter 2, HAWKS 4 - Maggie Simmons 2, Jennifer Weatherman 2. SPARKS 14 - Holly Furches 4, Clielsea Oswell 4, Emily Jones 2. Laura Shelton 4, WIZARD 8 - Katera Cockerham 2, Rebecca Clendenin 2, Kristina Parrish 4. ANGELS 19 - Felisha Dalton 2, Ana Burton 16, Kaitly Smith 1, DEACONS 11 - Addi,son Elrod 3, Jennie Rea Hager 2, Rebecca Robertson I, Madi Pratapas 5. HAWKS 12 - Sudie Lagle 6. Caroline Cozarl 4. Jennifer W eath­ erman 2. WOLFPACK 5 - Krystal Caudle I. Allie Slabach 2 .Tori Klontz 2, SPARKS 17 - Holly Furches 4, Chelsea Oswell 5, Laura Shelton 8, WOLFPACK 8 - Allie Slabach 6, Raghda Hassancin 2. Boys 3rd CLIPPERS - Nicholas Boswell 4, Tyler Correll 4, Christian Latham 2. , TARHEELS - Darrius Banner I, GATORS - Cole Brnndon 2. Austin W hitaker 2. Scott Gallimore 4. DEACONS - Ben Beeson 2. Jonah Womble 4. Jermey Walker lO.Luke W alkers.'IV Marshall 2, BLUE DEVILS - Travis Holden 8. Gurrett Nestor 4, Logan Hendricks 4, Vonner M ayo 2, CLIPPERS - Nicholas Boswell 4, Tyler Correll 4, Christian Latham 2. Winston Scott 2, GATORS - Scott Gallimore 9, Tyler Gaddy 1. Kyle Bullins 4 Cole Brandon 2. Austin W hitaker 6, CLIPPERS - Nicholas Boswell 2. Tyler Correll 3, Christiai Latham 2, Winston Scott 4, Cody Hayes 1, TARHEELS - Damis Banner 4, Andrew Thomasson 1, Rober Daniels 2 BLUE DEVILS - Travis Holden 8. Garrett Nestor 7. Logar Hendricks 13 Boys 9/10 BLAZERS 29 - Deyvi Gomez 4. Frankie Fuentes 5, Ernes Mayfield 13. Lebrón Mayfield 2. Heath Boyd 4. RUNNI REBELS 28 - Josh Eder 5, Kurtis Dillard 4. Mntthew Pennington 8 ,Tucker Ren 11. Co-cd 7/8 76ers 26 - Zach Smith 2, Brandon Walls 8. Chase Macaionc 10 Satania Gray 1. Joey Taylor 3, CELTICS 12 - Calab Stephenson 7 ,T J, Dillard 3,Alex Frye 2, DEACONS 49 - Jessa Ren 10. Jermain Harris 16, Miu-shal! Jeffeison 5, Brian Fuentes 8, Floyd Collins 6. SUNS 47 - Anna Smith 2. Victoria Kennedy 2, Clint Howell 26 Matt Torbush 2, Josh Medlin 7, Trevor Recce 4. Ciana Samp.son 4, HORNETS 30 - MichacI Domanski 2 .Chris Sponagule 2 0,Craig Cleary 2, Brian Gaither 8, CELTICS 29 - Drew Kakouras 11 ,T J. Dillard2 ,Calab stephenson 16. ■BLUE DEVILS 51 - M ajor Collier 12. Abe Drcshler 13, Jermey Harris 2. Josh Crowley 12. Stephen Perkins 4. EvanTmdeau 8, Daniel Calloway 2. TARHEELS 33-Landon Harris 14.Jake Prim 3 .Will Bylery 12 Adam Ward 4, Boys 9/lfl YMCA 54 TARHEELS - 26 - Danny Smith 6. Adam Ward 1. Ben Pawlik 4, Justin Scott 10. Justin Morgan 5, G e t I t W e e k ly Don't miss out on any o f the Davie Couiuy news. Stibscfibe today lo the Ettterprise Record fo r only $20 per year. Call 751-2120fo r details \ il'.B a s k e t b a l l C o n t e s t Congratulations To Last Week’s B A S K E T B A LL C O N TEST W INNERS! First Place = $20 and the Cap to Mark Scott Second Place = $5 to Brenda Plemmons M a r k S c o t t a n d B r e n d a P l e m m o n s e a c h m i s s e d 5 g a m e s a l o n g w ith s e v e r a l o t h e r c o n t e s t a n t s . M a r k t a k e s t h e f ir s t p l a c e h o n o r s a n d B r e n d a s e c o n d a f t e r b e i n g c l o s e s t in t h e t i e - b r e a k e r g a m e . A L L C O N T E S T E N T R IE S M U S T IN C L U D E A F U L L M A IL IN G A D D R E S S & P H O N E N U M B E R l WE WILL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. Entries without this fnfb win have to be disqualified. Fe N T R Y I b L A N K i I Suurcli llic mis on lliusc Uvd pajiCN Id limi the ciinlosl jjiinics, 'I'lieji I I calcr the team you prcilicl will win hesiilc llii; lulvcrtising sponsiir'si * niirnc liSlCll bl!i()VV. ■ I A D V E R T I S E R W I N N E R j I 1, EATONFUNERAL _______________________ | I 2, SPILLMANS _______________________ I ■ 3, TOM NESBIT, AHORNEY I 4, COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS I 5, FOSTER DRUG I 6, COOLEEMEE VIDEO 7, HILLSDALE DENTALI j a , DAVIEMEDICAL I 9. CAUDELL I 10, MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTI VE 11. HORN'S EXPRESSI j 12. DANIEL FURNITURE I 13. MOCKSVILLE SHOE SH OP' I 14, STATE FARM, ROMINE I I 15, CLEMMONS DISCOUNT V C X i L E R & S O N S 20, New Orloane V, Memphis Servilla t/w miiuiiuiiiiy form er N 5 years. Funeral Home C lem m ons Chapel • 2 Ш M iddlebtw k F>. • 766-4714 e f e Full Line Office Supply Store You may call, fax or flmall your orders, , Full line typing, resum es, flyers, printing & signs, . Business C ards« Rubber Stamps • UPS • N otary • Jewelry & Purses . Color Copies Available starting at 9s< 2668 Lewisvllla-ClemmDns Rd, Clemmons (across Iwni Villagii Camlle i? Gills) • Hours: M-F 8-ii Ph: 766-8382 Fax: 766-9661 I 16, BLACK SAND I 17, CLEMMONS CARPET I 18, TOPS TRAVEL 19, TARHEEL TOBACCO 20, VOGLER & SONS ■ I 21, BETH’S HALLMARK I 22, RHINO BEDLINERS j 23, MTeIc, 24, FLORAL EXPRESSIONS Tie Breaker I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T h e L o w P r i c e C i g a r e t t e L e a d e r 19. Orlando V. Atlanta■‘WV. T O ^C O O , “'A T obacco F rie n d ly S t o r e ! "_________ • I b i c k e r ' n i s o n * 1 0 * * 'H a h o c * 1 0 ” a S k y d a n o e r * 1 0 ^ • C h e r o k f i c * 1 0 ^ Exc^lenlSeloclion a tnipcnUxt Cigars Featuring: A Fuente, tikmtessina Macanudo, Partagas, Cotiiba, Punch And Mnny Moro! 6311 stadium Dr., Clemmons »778-1144 (336)778-1897 (888)778-1897 1-aOO-FLOW ERSF l o r a l E x p r e s s i o n s 2729 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Clemmons 24. Portland v. Dallas Mon-Fli 0-5 Sol 9-12 I l’rcilicl Ilio .score III the foilowiag coiiic.sl, ■ III caso.s Ilf lies, Ihe tiebreaker svili be u.sed lo detemiine tiie winners ■ I T ie B r e a k e r I N C S t a t e V . U N C I Total Polnis Scored , NAME:. i.Ÿ Ç vlts fo r ‘y]ll (V t íisíi’ii.s I I ADDRESS:___ I DAY PHONE I II Submit by luiill, in pctsoii or TAX 336-751 to the Kntcrprisc-Rceorc! oflice; ■ ^ 171 S. Mirai St„ Mwksvlllc or PO Ilox W, Mocksville, NC 27028 J . NIGHT:. DAVIE COLN’I’Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, riuir.sdny, Feh :()l)4 Carly Booth fires over a N. Davidson defender.Senior Allison Schafer (14) expresses sadness after fouling out in a C P C Tournament semifinal loss. Davie girls basketball coach Karen Stephens mal<es adjustments during a break. - Photos by Jam es Barringer G ir ls M is s C l ia n c e In C P C T o u r n a m e n t Continued Fnini I’u(>e 111 ii|> for 22 poinis luul iuldcil six .siciils and fivu iisslsts. Ju.sl liko liur 2.1-puint, 13-iissisI iissmill in North’s reguhir-sciisDii win uvcr Davie, Hunt drove the lane lime and «gain and broke D avie down. Davic miglu have survived if it had come ttiroiigh at llie free- throw line. W hile Hunt went (i of ti from the line, while North tnade 16 of 2.3 foul shots, Davie missed half of Us IS attempts. "Hunt was making sometliiiig happen off penetration or wluil- cvcr,” Stepliens said. "That was the key. .She would include oilier people and w e’d have to rotate nround and leave a big girl open. She hroke us apart. 'Iliey weren’t having to take outside shots.” ' Davic, which trailed I.S-1.3 at the end of the llrst i|iiarter and 32-26 at halftinic, stuck around bceause senior Dwiggins put a lid on North's top scorer, 3-point bomlier Brittany Berrier. After Berrier popped her second 3 in the first i|uarler, she wenl Ihe next 16:48 w ithout a point. B errier escaped D w iggins' shadow enough to manage 12 hard-earned poinis and six as­ sists. "Last game she heal me so many lim es and it made me mad,” Dwiggins said. ”So the past three tiays we worked really hard on defense, and I was frus­ trating her. It was funny. She was .Schiller DwÍHKÍtis hiillcriiig for me Id get off of her, and her gelling mad made me wanl U) ilo il more. 1 wouldn’t let her do whal she wanted lo do.” Booth, Alyse Bowden, Aly­ son W alker and Schafer look turns making baskets during a Ч- 0 run dial pulled Davie lo 36-34. North wenl back up by II, bul Schafer sparked nnother come­ back lhal included a Walker 3 lhal made il 44-43. D w iggins ow ned Ihe next Ihree minutes. She made a steal and fed Schafer for a fastbreak finger roll lhal made il ,‘i(l-4.‘i. She turned an Ashley Cornatzer steal into a short jum per that made il .‘i()-47 wilh .“i:!)! lo go and prompleil Norlh coach Kim I'ayne lo call liineout. A fter Dwiggins’ free throw trimmed it lo .‘Í4-4X, she look a sweel pass from Schafer and cut il lo 54-.“iO. Dw iggins, who flourished down Ihe sirelch and averaged 10.5 poinis in llie last six games, wasn't done. She pump faked a defender inlo the ajr, tiribbleil in and scored lo make il willi lACOBSW 555 Parks Road, Woodleaf, NC • Feed, Tack SEtc. • 704-278-4973 $4,80 $14.75 $14.50 • $13.00 $10.80 $6,99 $6.75 We Take Saddles on Consignment Carrying a complete line of Tack, Pet Care Products, Grooming .Supplies, Bedding, Wormers and morel Regular Hours: 8;30am-5;30pm Tues.-Fri. • 8:00 - <1:00 pm Saturday Horse Feed starting at Diam ond Maint. 501b. Diam ond Hi-energy 501b. Field B o ss 501b. Sportsm an Blend 501b. Wild Bird Seed 251b. Scratch Feed SOib. 1:35 10 go. D w iggins' valiant effort, however, turned out to bo too lilllc loo late. By lhat lime, the clock was a factor and Norlh thw arted D avie’s run wilh a siring of free.throws. "It’s the tu-sl I’ve seen Anilrea play," Stephens said. "She’s a greiU kid lo work with because she’s so coachable and she'll do exactly what you wanl her lo. She’ll make a sacrifice and de­ fense is a sacrifice." With Davie likely lacing a short slay in Ihe playoffs - il hosted N orthw est G uilford Monday, and the winner plays at powerhouse Northern Durham on I'eb, 2.S - the Norlh loss all but closed Ihe curtain on Schafer’s three-year varsity ca­ reer. The do-il-all senior has car­ ried the War Ragles, leading them in poinis (14.6), rebounds (iS.2), assists (3.7) and steals (3.3). She is second in 3s and blocked shots. Wilh signing lo play college basketball (M ars Hill) conies immense pressure, and Schafer dealt wilh that pre.ssure well. "She wore so many hats this year,” Stephens said. "I’eople doii’l realize Ihe amount of pres­ sure she’s taken upon herself lo try to make this a successful year. Where many people play one position, she’s had to play all five positions, and .she’s done il without any complaining. "That’s going to be beneficial lo her when she heads olTlo col­ lege, heeause now she's seen a lol of dilTerenl positions and situations and she's going to be more well-rounded." Unless the War Bagles pull a major surprise and win two play­ off games, this will he Iheir first losing recorti since 2()()(). Tliis is Ihe first lime in six years lhal D avie's second-year coach faileil lo reach 20 wins. This is Slephens' fewest wins .since go­ ing 7- l‘J in l‘J‘J3, and liefore this year she had two losing records in a career lhat started in 19Sy. The gut issue to avoiding me­ diocrity in 20()4-().‘iV “Our big key ill the fnlure is poini guard," said Slephens, not­ ing lhat W alker is a natural shooting guard. “W e’ll have Booth and (Nicolc) Maready on the inside anil Walker outside. Bul what’s haunted us all year is nol having a true point guard, and it's going to haunt us in the fulure If we ilon't find one. We want someone lo carry the ball and nol worry about a thing ex­ cept gelling il where it needs lo lie.” Ndtc.s: Reynolds (8-18) up- sel Wesl, 36-3.*), in the .semifinals when Calherine Nielsen banked in a 3 from the top of the key with six seconds left, West was crippled hy the loss of slar point guard Dione Eccles, who was injured in the firsl ipiarler and didn’t relurii.... Eccles averages 20-plus poinis a gam e.... In the regular season Wesl wenl 18-5 anil 8-0 in the CPC. N orlh Dnvidson 6.3, Duvic 55 - Allison Schafer 18, Andrea Dwiggins 12, Carly Booth 11, Alyson Walker8, Alyse Bowden 3, Allison Mackintosh 2, Nicole Maready I. Andrea Dwiggins tried to rally Davie in the 4th quarter. Brown, Owens Lead JVs To Season-Ending Win R eynolds 59, D avic 39 - Jenny Mann 10, Shanika Brown 9, Morgan Owens 8, Vanessa Didenko 6, G race D idenko 4, Evony Tucker 2. A le x an d e r C c n trn l 47, Davie 28 - Owens 11, Tucker 7, Justine Gamble 3, G. Didenko 3, Sloan Smith 2, Mann 2. After getting drilled by Rey­ nolds and A lexander Central, Davie’s J V girls basketball team closed the sea.son on a good nolo, healing Norlh Davidson 42-3.‘i. Davie lost 59-39 to Reynolds and 47-28 to Alexander Central, bul Shanika Brown and Morgan Owens took care of North David­ son, combining for 26 poinis as Davie rallied in the fourih quar­ ter lo finish 3-5 in Ihe Centrul I’iedmont Conferencc. Davie was 5-15 overall. S o u th B o y s D r o p T h ir d S tr a ig h t South D avie’s eightli-gradc boys basketball team dropped two games last week, but Coach Brent Wall couldn’t fault tho ef­ fort in the sccond of the two. Knox is just better and Wall found a silver lining in a 54-42 loss, If tlie Tigers (3-5, 2-4 Mid- South Conference) would hnve played with the passion il showed at Knox, it could have prevented a 41-33 loss enrlier in the week at North Rownn. "If they give the same effort ■ that we did against Knox, we bent them by 10, 12 points,” he said. That gnme wns up in the air for three quarters, with North up .8-7, South up 14-10 at hnlflime nnd North up 22-21 going into Ihe fourth. But South, which got 12 points from Mntt Van Hoy and nine from Erie Lowery, was un­ done by North’s 19 points in the final six minutes. The Tigers played the best they could later in the week. Not that it mattered against Knox, which stretched a 31-23 haiflime lead to 43-29 and handed South its third straight defeat, "We plnyed ns good as we’ve played this year, bul they have one kid who played above the rim the whole game,” Wail said. “West Rowan has beaten them twice, but they were m issing their horse one game. I don’t see anybody else beating Ihem.” South’s balanced attack was paced by Lowery’s 10 points. Clint Howell and Vnn Hoy added seven apiece, and Colby Seaford and Sonny Stanley pitched in six. Forget Austin Wood’s box score (two poinis). He was a factor coming off the bench for a foul- plagued Darius Hall. “Ho had his best game," Wall said. “He only scored two, but he was ovorywhcre." N otes: Slum ping Soulh is headed toward a finish similar to last year (4-8, .3-5).... Il finislied the regular season earlier in the w eek against Erw in and N. Davie. ...Tlie MSC Tournament is Feb. 28, March 1-3 nt South­ east. N o rth R ow nn 41, South Davie 3 3 -M alt Van Hoy 12, Eric Low ery 9, C olby Seaford 4, Sonny Stanley 4, Darius Hnll 4. K nox 54, Soulli Davic 42 • Lowery 10, Clint Howell 7, Van Hoy 7, Seaford 6, Stanley 6, Hnll 2, Austin Wood 2, Malt Oswcii 2. S o u t h D a v i e S p l i t P u t s S e c o n d P l a c e In J e o p a r d y As M eisha Fow ler’s side­ kicks go, so goes Soulli Davie’s eighth-grade girls basketball team. The Tigers’ second and Ihird options were going in a 48- 21 romp over North Rowan, bul they couldn't deliver repeat per­ form ances in a 42-25 loss lo Knox. Last w eek’s M id-South Con­ ference split left South nt 5-3 and 4-2 in Ihe conference. Fowler, who came into the N. Rowan gam e averaging 19 of South’s 36 poinis, was in lop form with 21 points and five 3- poinlers. Ten of her poinis came during a 21-4 third-quarter ex­ plosion that turned a 21-13 gnme inlo a laugher. “A nd F ow ler w as sick," Coach Belh Carter said. "Site . had a fever and still performed i really well.” S ' But on a night when Fowler |su rp assed 20 points for the 7 fourth time, the most significant • developm ent was that Fowler didn’t do il alone. Five Tigers made baskets in Ihe ll^rd, and centers Carly Stauffer and Te- kaira Gaither both came up big, finishing w ilh 10 and eight points, respectively. “Stauffer will usually come up with two or four points, but she did everylliing she was sup­ posed to,” Carter said. “She was in the right position nnd wenl bnck up w ith the rebound strong.” W hen one of Fowler’s team- mates puts up double figures, the T igers are 3-0. B esides Stauffer’s 10 against N. Rownn, Gaither had 10 in a 44-17 win over Norlh Davie nnd 13ina40- 20 win over China Grove. An impact performance from one of the wild cards didn’t come against Knox, which broke open a tight game In the third and won by 17. An undcr-thc-w cather Fowler fought hard for 12 poinis, bul no one else contributed more than four. A Soulh win lo remain com­ fortably in second place was quite possible al haiflime, but Knox’s 19-6 run in Ihe third left Carter disheartened, South was hurt by turnovers that led to easy fastbreak poinis for Knox. Knox’s Shanac Knox scored 11 of her 18 poinis in tiie game- breaking third. “We hnd sevcrni in foul trouble und two lo get liurt," C arter said. “ Fowler was nol feeling well al ull, I was surpri.scd slie was even there. They bent us down the court. Their fnstbrcak killed us.” Notes: The Tigers closed the regular season earlier this week against Erwin and N. Dnvie. In nonconfercnce piny carly in the season, they lost 47-42 to Erwin and pounded N. Davic 44-17. “Wc really need to beat Ihem lo lie for second,” Carter snid. ... The MSCToumament is Feb. 28, March 1-3 at Soutiieast. S o u th D avic 48, N o rlh Rowan 21 - Meisha Fowler 21, C arly S tauffer 10, T ekaira O aither 8, A yanna Leach 4, Amanda Stewart 2, Laura Van­ hoy 2, Justina Scott 2. K nox 42, South Davic 25 - Fowler 12, Qnlther4,TVara Wag­ ner 2, Stewart 2, Vanhoy 2, Scott 2, Leach i. W ild c a t s L o o k T e r r if ic In W in O v e r C - L ip e ; B a d In N e x t T w o Davie 42, N orth Davld.sun 35 - Brow n 14, O w ens 12, Gamble 4, Mann 4, Tucker 3, Smith 3. Davie Girls Baslcetball Statistics Boolii Bowden Cornalzcr Dwiggins Harris Mackintosh Maready O'Neal Schafer W alker Whilakcr W illiams DAVIE 014'ONEN'i'S Record:11-12 (im s Pis Rchs Avg Assists Avg p p (; 23 248 151 6.5 17 0.7 10.7 23 71 60 2.6 52 2.2 3.0 22 28 22 1.0 16 0.7 1.2 23 135 96 4.1 68 2.9 5.8 12 3 9 0.7 8 0.6 0.2 21 60 74 3.5 8 0.3 2.8 23 197 1.32 5.7 31 1,3 8.5 10 II 5 0.5 2 0,2 l.l 23 338 190 8.2 86 3.7 14.6 23 165 53 2.3 70 3.0 7.1 15 28 27 1.8 1 0.0 1.8 13 6 ■14 1.0 2 0.1 0.4 .56.1 53,6 ........... .............. —'1 iju iiiin , u/w iygiiis i, m areauy Steals!, Schafer 76, Dwiggins 45, W alker 42, Maready 34, Bowden 23, Booth 20, Cornatzer 9 Mackintosh 9, W hitaker 4, W illiams 4, Harris 2 »locks: Mnrcady 14, Schafer 11. W hitaker 4, W alker 3, Booth 2, Dwiggins 2, Bowden N orth D avic eighth-grade girls bnsketbnll conch Trish King couldn’t hide her frustration af­ ter three Mid-South Conference games Inst week. That happens when your team continues a sen- son-long trend of uneven play. The W ildcats (6-5,4-3 MSC) won two of the three, bul King wns nol happy wilh iheir produc­ tion in the final two. They started the week wilh Iheir most impressive display of the sea.son, a 38-34 win over vis­ iting Corriher-Lipe. Jamie Stan­ cliff (nine points), Chelsea Trull (eight) and Alicia Alien (six) led the offense as North overcame a 28-25 deficit nt the end of the third. Though Sarah Alexander nnd Snmnntha Judd only scored four points between them, they came up with big free throws thnt pul Corriiier-Lipe away, wilh Alex­ ander pushing a last-minute lend lo Ihree nnd Judd icing il at 38- 34. Tiic win was downright aston­ ishing considering C-L beat Er­ win by six and Erwin beat North by 28 in the next game. “We played the best w e've played as a team,” King said af­ ter gelling poinis from nine play­ ers. “We couldn’t have asked for a better game. Our press was the difference and everything seemed to click. That wns Ihe highlight of our season.” As good as North wns against C-L, it was tiinl bad In Ihc next game, a 44-16 loss at Erwin. Judd (six), Tamika Reynolds (four) and Allen (four) accounted for 14 of North's points. A fter trailing 28-16, North was outscored 16-0 in the fourth quarter and finished 21 percent in field-goal shooting. “One game we play great, another gnme wc look like we don't know wiint we’re doing,” King said. “ It w as ugly. We looked like w e’d never prncticed before.” The W iidcnts beat visiting Soulhensl with no problem. But a 29-14 decision was hardly a win lo rai.se confidence. After bursting,lo a 13-0 first-quarter' lead in n 3'7-10 win in the firsl mceling, they only led 3-2 in Ihe first and just 22-12 heading into the fourth. While King can find a posi­ tive note in just about every game, she couldn’t after this one, Tiie scoring leaders were Alex­ ander with seven poinis nnd Judd and Allen wilh six each, "Even though it was a win, 1 still wasn’t happy wilh llie way we played,” she said. "In my eyes, il wasn 'I a victory. Wc can’t play like this at tournam ent time.” Nates: North closed the regu­ lar scnson Feb. 24 al South D nvie.... The M SCToumament ■is Feb. 28, M arch 1-3 at South­ east. ... Erwin’s win over Norlh improved tiie Eagles to 19-6 over two years. N orlh Davic 38, C orrihcr- Lipc 34 • Jam ie Stancliff 9, Chcl.sen Tnill 8, Alicin Alien 6, Coty Lee 4, Lauren Walker 2, Sarah A lexander 2, Samantha Judd 2, Alyssa Corne 2, Lnuren Mitciicll 1. Erw in 44, N orth Davic 16 ■ Judd 6, Tam ika R eynolds 4, Allen 4, Lee 2. N orth Davic 29, Soulhca.sl 14 - Alexander 7, Judd 6, Allen 6, Mitchell 2, Walker 2, Taniikn Reynolds 2, Tanisha Reynolds 2, Trull I, Lee 1. . тШшек^Л C ow boy D e a l STREN Fplding Fish Filet Knife MADE IN THE USAI REG $29.97 ietnE.MNESSr. SPORTING^ _ Shop Mon, Ihiu Sof,К П П П Ч 900am9:00pmU l f W V Phono 7(M-633-609l DAVIE COUN’l'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb, 26,2004 - K7 2 0 0 0 s f fo r o n ly $ 5 5 /sf. Second Floor V / Breakfast Great ^ Room Room ■ ■ H ü I Master BR . О о if Б ° GarageDRLR Front Porcli First Floor We’re All About Ctioices ■ Interest rates as low as 4.5%* (APR; 6.799%) with flexible financing plans. ■ Customize any of our more tiian 50 iiouse plans. ■ Choose from over 1500 options, ■ No lot? We can help you find one, free. 1I7A Y N E A Division of Cemex‘S Homes Statesville, NC Exit 154 off 1-40 704-872-8Q8Q 800-7!4-2324 ext.2 www.WayneHomes.com •IlMd on rale .IS ol l/27/0<t and 10l.il mIcs pricc ol $127,000, hi year I’&h $675.IQ; 2nil Wl; $751,03; rcm,lining 27 ycare P4I; $830.06. Esilmalcd closlnscosi; $5836. Ilnsnclng rattsi be tliiough CTX MotlRaB». I’ltcc ilucsn'l Includc frTOic, iMid and Und Impiovcmenis, am) Is available on sclccicd Iloor plans. Ollcr applies lo OTWBimlvi qual№d buycis. Plans lot llluslrallon purposes only. Wayne Homes Is a rcglslcrcd Iradernatl! ol Cemex Corp. g^YOUR H O M E ■ YOUR LOT ■YOUR WAY '"Here Turkeyj Turkey, Turkey" S e e MS b e f o r e y o u h u n t . \N e c a r r y R e a l C a lls^ D e c o y s , S h e lls , F ir e a r m s & A c c e s s o r ie s O U T E L T E R » c GÚH SHOP 11895 COOL SPRINGS ROAD WOODLEAF, NC 27054 3,4 M ILES FROM HW Y 801 BETW EEN STA TESV ILLE AND SA LISBU RY 704-278-9159 w w w ,fa]|outsheltergunshop.com O PEN TU ES.-FRI. I0A M -6PM SA T 10AM -3PM В8 . DAVIR COUNTY KNTERPRISK RECORD, Thursdiiy, Feb. 26,2004 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, riuirsdiiy, Feb. 26,2004 - B9 D e w a y n e C ollins k n ifes into th e lan e . F o o S m ith e x p lo d e d for 2 4 p o in ts on five 3 -p o in ters, D ustin M organ b a ttle s for a reb o u n d . S m i t h S h o o t s D o w n S o u t h R o w a n Conllm ii'd From Phkc HI •‘After you liil the first one, you start feeling good, and 1 just kept shooting tlicm." Smith .said. "Ttiey were sagging in on the post II lot, so I had more open looks," "The pace of the game was in our favor, iind thal was some­ thing we couldn't get started over there." Ahsher,suid, "We forced the tempo iind accomplished c\- aclly whal we wanted," Smith was so liol his fifth triple, which provided a .‘i()-38 lead early in llie third, did a vic­ tory lap around the rim before dropping. “I wus standing under­ neath the basket when it went il," he said. After Travis Howell (eight points on 4-of-6 shooting) gave Davie a 58-47 lead wilh 2:40 left in the third, South suddenly came lo life and gave Davie a scare wllh eight unanswered points. But Davic didn't flinch, respond­ ing with a 10-2 run that involved Josh Aiken (12 points, seven re­ bounds), Kae.shon McNeil and B urns, w ho mude tw o free throws lo essentially wrap il up J o s h A iken g e ts a layup, - P h o to s b y J a m e s B a rrin g e r at 70-59, Horribk free-lhrow shooting had been Davie's main downfall during Ihe 1-5 slide. After South generated suspense, Davie hit 9 of 11 free thiows and 6 of 9 field goals in the fourth quarler ,and fini,shed South’s season al 5-18, "This was a revenge game," Bums .said, “Wo knew we were going to have lo piny because Ihey play bad every game and then som ehow shoot good against us, Wc hud to hit free throws, and we were going lo hil Ihem tonight. We shot 10 for 2.t at Ihe line at their place, and we lost by one," The game with Reynolds wns a mere formnlily. The 2 0 0 De­ m ons had already thum ped Davie 79-52 und 100-45 und the superpower dealt another 87-43 onslaught by forcing 27 turn­ overs and grabbing 43 of Ihc gam e's 63 rebounds, Mashore, who made 5 of 7 3-pointers and 7 of 9 shots overall, was Davie’s bright spot with 19 points. Bul Ihc brutal semifinal night didn't lesson the reassuring vic­ tory over South. The War Eagles made a four-game jum p from A bsher’s first year (9-15) and were tuntali/.ingly close to an at- Iractive record. In the 1-5 slide they suffered three losses by a total of four points. They were that close - put your forefinger i\ hair from your Ihumb - from be­ coming jusl the eighth team in 48 years to notch al leasl 15 wins. And next year is very prom­ ising, Eight varsity players arc juniors and sophomores, includ­ ing Burns, Smilh, Aiken and Winlcr.s After Davie's JV hoys has- kelbali team frittered away a huge lead against A lexander Central. Kyle Winters finally pul the Cougars away wilh a free Ihrow lhal sealed an 82- 81 lead. Afler con- Irolling Ihe first three i|uarlers of Ihe season fi­ nale against North D a v id s o n , the War liaglcs (14-6, 5-3 Central Pied­ mont Conference) were unrav­ eling in the fonrth i]uarlcr. Once again, the difference- m aker was a 5-10 guani who wouldn't lei Davie lose. Winters hil a bu/./.er-bealing 3-poinlcr from Ihe corner lo clinch a 51- 48 win, "A guy was all over him, and he hit about a 22-footer," Coach Terry M itchell said, "Il went Ihrough Ihc net right when Ihe horn sounded." After seeing liltle drama for 29 minules, the final three min­ utes were cra/.y. AC capped a rally by popping a trey thul forged a tie wilh 15 seeomls to go. Milchcll called time to sel up a play, only to watch Davic turn it over with eight scconds left. Then Evan Hall and Winters were in Ihe m iddle of every­ thing. They double-teamed the C ougar w ho caught Ihe inbounds. Winters knocked Ihe ball out and Hall grabbed it as M itchell called time with 4.6 left. Itall fired the inbounds lo the corner lo Winters, who sliced an opponent's jugular for the second game in a row, M itchell, w ho ran oul of things lo say aboul Winters af­ ler Ihe 82-8! thriller, doesn't know w hat D avie’s rccord would be without the little man who stood tall time after lime when Ihe heat was on. Winters ulso went 4-for-4 at the free- lhrow line against Norlh. "H e's jusl a clutch per- fomier,” Mitchell said. "Il’s been several other gum es w here w e’ve had people miss fronl ends of one-iuid-ones and make turnovers, and he's been the op­ posite of lhal, He’s niiule Ihe free throws, made the shols and made Ihe defensive plays. "(A fler llie buzzer-bealer) Ihey idl went cru/.y and gang tackled him . We had second place (in Ihe CPC) on Ihe line. Mashore. "These guys in .some ways have overachieved, bul in some ways we’re disappointed where things fell in the conference," A bsher said. "So the South Rowan win took a lillie .salt out of Ihe wound. Overall it was a pretty good year, und wc should be even better next year. We only had three seniors, and our fresh­ man and JV programs were both successful. So you’ve got lo feel good about it, "They saw how close Ihey were this year. We can beat that to death, as far as throe posses­ sions from three m ore wins. Hopefully that will motivate us in Ihe offseason. We don’l want to have thal feeling again," Davic 81, South Rowan 74 - Foo Smilh 24, Cliff Bums 19, Josh Aiken 12, Travis Howell 8, M ichael M ashore 6, Rucshon McNeil 6, Brnndon Capwell 2, Dustin Morgnn 2, Dewayne Col­ lins 2, Reyiioldfj 87, Diiviv 43 - Mushore 19, Burns 10, Howell 4. Sm ith 3, Capw ell 2, Ryan Price 2, Collins 2, McNeil 1.Cliff B u rn s h a d 19 p o in ts a n d 2 0 b o a rd s v s. S . R o w an . W in t e r s D o e s It A g a in F o r J V s and wc really wanleil to win that game," The AC and N, D avidson games made Winters the last- season hero, but key eonlribu- lions citme from everyw here against North, ReShaun Parks matched Winters wilh 10 points, Jumar Howell and Devon Ven­ able had eight each anil Hall had seven. The War Eagles responded well 1« Milchcll in his first year as JV coach. T hey w eren't blown out all season, and the margin of their si.\ los.ses totalled 34 points. The largest defeat was 11 points lo a Wesl Forsyih leam that went undefeated, "Our two goals were a win­ ning record and conference cham pionship," he said, "We made the first one easily, and we fell a little short on the .second one, Bul we gave Wesl a battle both tim es. And all this was without our No, 2 scorer and IwsI ball handler (Drew Yeager, who missed Ihe final 10 games with a broken wrist)," Dnvic SI, N orth Diividsoii 48 - Kyle Winters 10, ReShaun Parks 10, D evon Venable 8, Jamar Howell 8, Evan Hall 7, Michael Bingham 4, Jonathan M ayfield 2, Dillon Manship 2. C o a c h M ike A b sh e r a p p la u d s th e effort in a C P C T o u rn am en t w in o v e r S . R o w an . Davie Boys Basketball Statistics Record: 13-11 Aiken Burns Capwell Collins Hall Howell Mushore McNeil Morgan Price Smith Wilson . Yeager Hall Winters DAVIE OPPONENTS (Jms 23 24 24 18 2 24 24 20 19 23 23 5 2 1 1>1.ч lU'li.s AvK Assists AvB 20.S 159 6,9 24 1.0 36(1 26«11,1 47 1.9 9.5 51 2,1 .18 1.5 ,14 19 1.0 10 0,5 4 1 0.5 2 1.0 <J7 51 2.1 «5 3.5 165 6.8 44 I.K 79 1.6 2S 1.4 2.5 44 2.3 5 0.2 144 6.1 2.7 35 1,5 26.5 64 2.7 92 4.0 4 .1 0,6 1 0.2 0 0 (1.(1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1)0.0 0 0.0 PP(i 8.9 15.0 3.9 1.8 2.0 4.0 8.0 3.9 I.3 6,2 II,5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0,0 63.5 65.5 3.Poinlers: Smilh 22, Price 18, Mashore 16,1 lowell 8, Collins 6, McNeil 6, Capwell Steals: Smilh 32, Aiken 26, McNeil 21, Howell 19, Capwell 18, Price 15. Burns 14 Mashore 11. Morgnn 3, Wilson 2. Yciigcr 2, Malt ’ Hmvcn Ci'P'voll 5, Morgan 4, Aiken 3 Collins 11, 2, Price 2, S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s F e d U p W ith D irty C a rp e ts ,U p h o ls te ry , R u g s & C le a n e rs W h o D o n ’t D e liv e r W h a t T h e y S a y ! 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U M B I N G KiM E, Young - o w ner Your ¡Ü X To Honest & Oependabfe Service• M) Yf\ fvi • И1чк1епЦ'Ом1ШюкШ • U'.t№r//(Ni№ff • letiks&thfoinltiriiim • Í^MKiiíí • hiKvh • Toihls • UtiUtvdSi (fatrhM(336) 751-2061 lUlocksvltlo NC ÜC. H 22229 [п№Г}!01ку RcfMir A Si'nkv w i e BAKERY THHIFT STORE . B u y 1 A r n o l d B r e a d & G e t ] F R E E * ICildiil nr I.ffis VaUu* I O n e CoiipiM i l*iT l*iTson ! lOxplrivH .VK/IM I C le m m o n s T l i r í f t S t o r e [ ?OCOLiwsv*>^CIn»timori»nil, Ctofmwra , (ACTMlrwTi V*woC«<inA OifB) Your H om etow n Printer SteUsForMYpurPHallngNeotlsl Hubbor Stnmps, Cot^os, Busliioss Cnrdi, Ca/tx)nlossFonns. Olllco StQtiontify. NowstoHors, Biochuios, Booklets, Lntx)l3, Continuous Forms, %)ocintly Cards & Envotopos,Book Binding, Magnotlc Signs, Bnnnors ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 0 2 0 0 150 E. Loxington Rd. (Hwy M E.). Downtown, Mocksviiio, NC D a v ie D o l l a r D isc o l iv t S t o r e - NOW OPEN - Coolaemoo Shopping Conter A T h i e “D o l la r S t o r e ” GtFTS • TOVa • PET 8UPPUE8 PARTY FAVOnS • aiFT QAQ8 CMniSTMA9 CAnnS & STOCKINQ 8TUFFER9 and MUCH, MUCH MOREIll IlLUl Mni -&>l 900AM>700r>M.Cur> SOOPM-SOOPM (336) 284*4020 Garaiie Occr Rci»airs All Electrical €i»ciior Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience cA Biea^ GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" (336) 998-2336 « Fa r m in o t o n , NC EDWARDS TIRED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows' Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures Free Estimates'. O Ó C M o b i l e P h o n e О О Э 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 (SiHusqvarna V IK IN O Owncr.s Ann Michel and Tci'c.sii Liipolo Qtiiility rubric at i^reiil prices, Coniplcic line iif sewing machines and servers, Adull and yoiilli classes, .Scrvicc and repair— all makes and iiiodels, Notioiis-Qiiilliiig-iii Emliroidery Supplies M on -T h u rs 10-8 • Fri-Sat 10-S \Sew lnC^^Ù44ài 421 & Lcwi.svillc-Clcmnu)ns Road Lewi; (336) 766-8271 M'ww.se« inKlyyotir.s.com BIO-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 F I V ESTAR IV IV tv tv 2 0 0 4 MM 1 S0 0 R e g u l a r C a i Ч 4 ,4 9 a 2 0 0 4 CARAVAN T782 *1 5 ,9 7 8 ®® 2 0 0 4 RAM 1 »М Q u a d C a b 1 7 , 9 8 9 2 0 0 4 GRAND CARAVAN M 7 .5 7 8 ®® WE WILL BEAT Any Competitors Price On A New Dodge GUARANTEED.,. O # * W e ' l l ^ S O O O C M S H ! N«w 9ALC S IK)Ui№ 0:30 AM n:00 PM M f •:00 AM fl:00 PM SAT, {'A in S & ntfiV lC t- OMLMSAFUnOAY U:00 AM 0 00 r>M 680 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY WINSTON-SALEM 7 2 3 - 0 5 0 4 TRIAD DODGE AND F i V E S T A R 6 EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE H H E L D O V E R 2003 INTREPID The Biggest Pre-owned LIQ U ID ATIO N S A L W lie histoiy of Triad Dodo U E T O O V E R W H E L M re^onse to last month’s sale, we have aquired anYou pay ------------------------- _ a n d s t a r t m a k i n g 1 Original List...............................$23190 buy 200? progrflm VBhicIss for № $ 1 1 , 5 9 5 2 0 0 3 G R A N D C A R A V A N A D D IT IO N A L ____________________ ______, -1 ------------— f r o m DAIMLER-CHRYSLERPROGRAM a n d S t a r t m a l a n p , p a y m e n t s , vehicle heaoouarters that This IS your chance to buy 20ЙЗ program vehicles for M U S T G O A T 6 R T G i N A i T L - . S T . I t e “ Vings lil(e tliis before. YOU PAY $ 1 4 ,2 7 5 FO R 2 0 0 3 CARAVANS tliat originally listed for $28,550. The prices are T H O U S A N D S B E L O W K E L L Y B L U E B O O K . YOU PAY $11,595 FOR 2 0 0 3 INTREPIDS th a t originally listed for Щ 1 9 0 and P A Y J U S T $ 2 9 and start making payments of $190’ on 2003 INTREPIDS, J U S T YOlJR CHANCE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE Original ^st _ and start making payments of $229* on 2003 CARAVANS D m S ^ I S 1 4 . 2 7 5 R E S E A R E N O T R E P O S O R B U Y B A C K V E H IC L E S . Th I ' K i v . i : ^ m rn ^ m m m w fu|(y sen/iced front line ready D aim ler C lii^slerfactotv purchased i . T hese are I vehicles. 680 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY 7 2 3 - 0 5 0 4 WWW, tna d d od ge.co m AUTOMATED HOTLINE 8 0 0 - 6 9 4 - 7 3 7 9 2 4 H O U R S A D AY ! ________ **llpayinenls-H3x,iaos&(w. 72 mo, at 6.6W OAC, D a v ie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb, 26,2004 - D1 M ' i Dnvle Hlyli j Ba.scbull: Feb. 28, Boys Vnrsity, I Wnlniigii (scrimmiige) (home), 10 I a,m.; March 2, Boys Varsity, Mt. i Tnbor (away). 4;30; March 2, Boys I JV, Ml. Tabor (home), 4:30. I Soccer; Fe. 25, Girls Varsity, W. Rowan (scrimmage) (away), 5:00; : March 2, Girts JV, E Forsyth (away), 5 :IS; March 2. Olrls Varsity, E. Forysth (away), 7:00. Soflball; Feb. 26, Girls Varsity, I Mooresville (scrimmage) (home), ; 4:30; March 2, Girls Varsity, SW Randolph (home), 4:30. Tennis; March 2, Boys Varisty, W Rowan (away), 4;30. Track; March 2, Boys/Girls Varisty, Bunker Hill High School (liome), 4:00. Rising juniors will be registering March 1-5. Students can find out Ihcir icgistralion time by asking any leacher. Since Ihc rising juniors have had Ihcir rcgislralion materials for more than a monlh, they must have Ihcir yellow rcgistralion card completed. If they want lo lake classcs Ihni require teacher signa­ tures, they must have Ihe signatures. Rising sophomores can begin lo make pre-registration appointments wilh their counselor lo talk about courses for next year. The dales for these pre-registration appointments nre March 11,15,16, 22-24. The rising sophomores will begin registration on March 25. They, too, must have alt required teacher signatures before their appointment. They can find out ihcir registration appointment time after March 16. Parents and students can access Ihe latest informalion regarding registration (especially in case of inclemcnl weather) und local scholarships by going lo the website www.(lhs.iUivicMI2.nc.us and clicking on guidance and Eagle Echoes. Progress reports went oul lo students Tuesday, Feb. 24. VVillliiin R. Duvlc Elementary The following students read at least 32 books in January. They celebrated wilh cookics and soft drinks: Kolin Andrews, Zachary Bilker, Avery Brown, Anna Both Carter, Allyson Edwards, Rebecca ■ Fcrebee, Andrea Ferrebee,Marisol Gomez, Daniel Goninlez, Johnny Hernandez, Laur4n Hobson, Matthew Kcen'iin;]H6i)eslyJKnlal(l, Nathan‘L.ee, Coriricf'Mny6;^elsl Miller, Eric Rodriguez, Sebastian Sturdivant, Hailoigh Woolen, Jacob Barnett, Peyton Brooks, Jennifer Dodd, Christina Orannaman, Emili Guevara, Jonatluni Gutierrez, 'IVIer ^!ícLamb, Chase Prim, Keenan Shoffner, Kyle Stevens, Summer Bivins, Hannah Hamilton, Madison Kilchene, Natalie Moore, Johnna Sale, Zachary Shaver, Bobby Vandiver, Katy Alexander, Jacob Baity, Jaylee Miller, Nicholas Shell, Sydney W hite, Jordan Beam, Spencer Kelly, Taylor O ’Neal, Dakota Ritchie, Maria Rogers, Jacob Stewart, Jared Waller, McKenzie Brookman, Connor Carpenter, Makala Carpenter, Christian Childress, Courtney Draughn, John Garcia, Austin Himler, Trey Lagle, Craig Moore, Jordan Myers, Colton Prim, Madison Sweitzer, Devin Wilson, Timothy Baker, Cady Bodcnhamcr, Christian Reavis, Casey Snyder, Brandon Waller, Michaela Boger, Sasha Lockhart, Todd McBridc, Taylor Mohal, Kristen Ramsey, Matthew Scarlett, Samantha Taylor, Kristy Turner, Desirae Vandiver, Josh Wagner, Trinl Alvarado, Maelena Apperson, Tanner Call, Brittany Cranfill, Matthew Crawford, Ross Hoffner, Kendall Lanier, Maggie Mcaglicr, Lindsey Custer, Tayleh Dancy, Paul Davenport, Joshua Hill, Tessa Ivester, Jake Kilchene, Hunter McDaniel, and Olivia Miller. The lop readers in the classcs were Olivia M iller in Mrs. Spillm an’s class, Moo Lena Apperson in Mrs. Shepherd's class, Michaela Boger in Mrs. Rcnegar’s class, Makala Caudle in Mrs. James' class, Dakota Ritchie in Mrs. Dyson’s class, Summer Bivins in Mrs. Collins’ class, Sydney White nnd Mrs. Drye’s class, Christina Grannantan and Keenan Slioffncr in Mrs. Baugh’s class, and Kelsi Miller in Mrs. Bogshttw's class. The book fair wns Feb. 17-23. Eight sludenis had gift certificalcs. The PTO meeting wns held Feb. 17. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jamie Morris and Caillyn Hyde. Jinda Haynes welcomed parents and guests. The business portion of the meeting was led by Teresa Apperson. The fourth and fifth grades presented a program titled "Chill-Oui With A Good Book.” During Ihe previous month, Ihe school celebrated reading with several activities. Each class set a reading goal and graphed Ihc results daily on 0 display board. Students were caught reading and entered a raffle. Posters were displayed throughout the school and used as a scavenger hunt to see who could find all Ihe posters. On Jan. 30, students wore Ihcir PJ's nnd cuddled up with a good book. Fourth nnd fifth grade classes chose nn activity or book to present nt the PTO meeting. 'K elsey Tlffl introduced the program. Diane Ireland’s fourth grade presented a skit aboul Sadako and the Thousand Paper Crane». Judy While’s fourth grade followed with a poetnV “Ode to the Wright Brother»"'that wns written nfler rending Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. Payton Kelly summarized the book and Introduced the group, Jen Meagher's fourth nnd fifth graders provided two commercials: Brain-A-Thon and Book Light. Mrs. Meagher’s class presented n skit "Ella Enchanted,” The 5lh grade chorus, directed by Lou Wilson .sang "It’s My Book." LeDon Byrd’s fifth graders provided a lively song nnd dance "Reading USA." Little Miss Giggles nnd Mr, Grumpy wus presented my the Sth grade class of Joanna Kruth. The program wns presented to students Feb. 19. Joanna Krulh’s class is learning to ndd, subtract, nnd multiply Please 'nirn To Page D2 Davie High H O SA club member Ashley Sizemore talks with Kathy and Bob Coble about multiple sclerosis. M S G ro u p M e m b e rs M e e t W ith S tu d e n ts On Monclny, Feb. 9, Dnvie High Hciillh Occupations Stu­ dents hud n unique oppurliinily. N ine students, A shley Sizemore, Cnnduce Dy.son, Sam Davis, Cayla Cnrter, Jennifei W ilson, A shton Lam b, Kim McBride, Mulein Meadows and Jessica Blackwell, member.s of Ihe .school’s HOSA club, met wilh Ihe Multiple Sclerosis Sup­ port G roup ut their m onthly meeting. Paula A llen, Dnvie H igh teacher and HOSA club advisor, with her daughters, Jessica atul Courtney, has participated in the MS Walk at the Zoo for the past eight years. After hearing about tho walk, the students also ex­ pressed interest In walking, , C arolyn M oore and Kathy C oble, leaders of the support group, invited the students to attend Ihe meeting so they could put a face to the disease. Anne Burkett of Ihc MS So­ ciety shared that multiple scle­ rosis is an auto immune disease that destroys the myelin or outer layer of the nerves. As a result o f this destruction, nerve im ­ pulses nre unable to reach their destiniuion and muscles deterio­ rate. Each person w ho suffers from MS is affected in a differ­ ent way. Poor balance, loss of hearing, vision difncullies, and loss of coordination are just some of the possible syrnptonis. Please Him To Page IM Meadows and Jessica Blackwell talk with Jackie Hepler and Anne Burkett. Carolyn Moore, Kim McBride and Courtney Allen discuss plans for the Zoo Walk. D a v i e H i g h S c i e n c e O i y m p i a d T e a m G o i n g T o S t a t e C o m p e t it o n On Saturday, Feb. 7, Ihe Davie High School Olympiad Team traveled to Hickory to compete at the Regional Science Olympiad competition. The leam competed in events that were well balanced between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemis­ try, physics, and technology skills. For Ihe first time in four years the team com peted in every evenl und won medals in 16 out of 23 events. Overall, Davie High placcd sccond at the regional level, won a beautiful trophy to be dis­ played in the trophy case, and has been invited to compete at the state competition to be held at North Carolina State Univer­ sity on April 23-34. Gold medal winners at the stale level can win scholarships from NCSU ranging from $1000-$ 10,000 each. The following list a list of events and placings:. Bottle Rockets: (1st) Chase Dooley und Kyle Anderson. C hem istry Lab; (1st) Jeff Mighion and Kyle Brown. De.signer Genes; (3rd) Adam Sheesley and Clayton Edwards. Disea.se Detectives; (3rd) J.J. Byerly and Nick Needham. Dynamic Planet; (2nd) Jes­ sica O verby and A shley Davidson. Foreslry; (2nd) Jeff Mighion und Kyle Brown. Fossils: ( I st) Jessica Overbey and Ashley Davidson. Physics Lab; (2nd) C hase Dooley and Kim Carter. Polym er Detectives: (2nd) Jeff M ighion and Adam Sheesley. Practical Data G athering: (2nd) Chase Dooley and Clayton Edwards. Qualitative Analysis; (2nd) N ick N eedham and Jeff Mighion. Robot Sam ple; (2nd) Jose Paniagua and Kyle Anderson. Science o f Fitness; (1st) Grace Riddle and Nick Neeham, Sounds of Music; (3rd) Sarah Jarvis and Kim Carter. T he W right Stuff: (2nd) C hase D ooley and Jose Paniagua. W rite It/Do It; (3rd) Susy Navarro and Ana Narvarro. The coaches for the 2004 DHS Science Olym piad team are; Dr. George Taylor, Dr. Doug K night, and M s. E lizabeth Bustle. The Science Olympiad team is currently looking for sponsors to help .send them to the state competition. If you are interested in being a Science Olym piad sponsor, please contact Dr. Geor­ gia Taylor at 751-5905. ; |The Science Olympiad team posed with their trophy In the high school’s library. Pictured left to right (front) Principal Larry Bridgewater, Kyle Brown, Adam Sheesley, Kyle \nderson, Chase Dooley, Jose Paniagua, Jeffrey Mighion, J.J. Byerly, Nick Needham, Clayton Edwards, and Dr, Doug Knight. (Back) Jessica Overbey, Sarah Jarvis, Kim: Darter, Grace Riddle, Susy Navarro, Ana Navarro, and Dr. Georgia Taylor. (Not pictured) Ashley Davidson and Ben Moreno. - Photo by Robin Fergusson. D2 - D/WÍK COUNTY ENTERFRLSK RECORD, Tluirsdiiy. Ftb. 26,2004 D avie S chools Cunlimii'il I'riiin I’liKc 1)1 !ire scimi; m;ilh games Ui tliullciigc sluclciils. In liingiiagc arts, studcnls are learning Ui write cliaracler skclclies. lixposiliiry w riting is Ihe worksliop lesson lo prepare the studcnls for sixth grade. They will praetiee a great deal for end of grmle tests. Bus and Car Riders for Ihe Week of I'cb. 2-6 were Daniel Urooks. Bsmeralda llernande/., David Myers. Mariana Moreno, Jonathan Gutierrez, Misty MeUwcii, Cruz Keller, Courtney Dniughn, Malthew Masten, nnti Natalie Moore. Bu.s and Car Riders for the Week of I=eb. 9-13: Gibron I’ino, Hrenda Hernandez, Jonathan Hllington, Brandi Fcrrebee, Jesse Rnmirez. Miehacllyn Drcnnor, Kevin I’owell, Lauren Hobson, Krystal Caudle, und Sarah Anilcrsnn. Students in Judy While's fourth grade class did a unit on govcrnnienl. They wrote a class Constilulion and held a class clcelion. After speeches and poster making, Ihe voting began. New class ofrieers arc: I'resiilcnl - I’ayton Kelly: Vice President - Megan Beck; Secrelary - Zachary Lawrence: Treasurer - Mary-Kalc Heck; class monitors (representatives) are Brittany Ciolible. Jaimie Burton, and Kayla Bell. Students will hold class jneelings. Third grade students were presented dictionaries Teb. 9. These were donated liy Ihe Davie County Retired Bducators' A.ssociation through Ihe cfforls of Mike Mendrix. Tlie Relay for Life team held a Soup and Sandwich Lunclieon Feb. 12 as a fundraising activity. Tlie Relay for Life captains are Jen Dwiggins and Danielle Sliepherd. I’liichr«(ik ICIcnicntiiry The I’KDAL-RZ Unieycle ream iwrformed at Macedonia Preschool on Thursday, ('eb. 19. They will be performing at Bethlehem I’reschwil on Monday, March X. Members in­ clude: Kerri Blevins, Brnd Deal, Sam Dressier, Hlizabeth Hartman, Caillin Hauser, Auslin Kerr, Jonah Kinder, Laura Kinder. Hrady Marrs, llaley McCune.Calie Montgomery, Hollin Morrison, Alex Newman, Sean Newnuui, Jaryd Shore. Char- lolte Smith, Brillani Stewart, Jacob Walker, Jeremy Walker, Hlaina Womble, Jonah Womble, and Olivia Woodward. Jordan Ruble and Hayden SVright from third grade made the honor roll. Rellections Art contest winners are: Mallhew lillis, Maggie Arnold, Asiiley Lilis,Charlotte Smith. Laina Womble, Hanon Dobbins, Karla Miner. Jadan M cGill, Allison Staley, and Caillin Hauser The sludenls in Mrs. Harpe's sccond grade have been studying Ihe social studies unit of "Wc tlie I’eople". They huve been learning about our nation's capital of Wash- inglon. D.C. The students have been writing biographies and shar­ ing reports about important histori­ cal figures. Coiilccmee Elenientiiry Third graders learned about the life cycle of the Saguaro cactus. They explored Ihc animals that use it for a home and for food. They tasted nopalitos (pickled cactus) while in Spanish class. I'he social studies unit focuses on heroes and leaders. Students arc studying many of Ihe heroes in conjunction with Black History Month. I'iflh grade sludenls In Mrs. Carter's class are learning about the Revo­ lutionary War. They liavc been in- volved in class di.sciissions where they have to delermine point of view and decide who’s side of tlic war each person is on. The students are working on essays for Night of Kindness. I;ach student must nomi­ nate someone in the community who displays role model character­ istics and has made an impact in the student's life. The second grade is studying dental health und preparing for a visit from Dr. Prillanian's assistant. Cherry Frye will discuss with stu­ dents the importance of earing for their teeth. Mrs. McDougull's sec­ ond graders arc sponsoring a drive for recycled beverage tabs. The monies received will be donated to the Ronald McDonald hou.se to help famililcs of children wilh seri­ ous illnesses. To dale, more than 280,000 tabs iiave been collected. Studcnls are asked to continue sav­ ing tabs for this project. Mrs. Wall's combination class of first and sccond grade studcnls is studying weather. They hnve writ­ ten about llicir favorite season. Mrs. Henderson's class is in Ihe process of making a i|uilt. It will depict Cooleemee as It used lo be. Bach clnUl is making a square. First Graders arc practicing citzenship skills and learning nbout what it lakes lo be a good leader. They studied Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and visited the Lincoln Boyhood Memorial through a virtual online lour. Studcnls continue to sharpen reading skills and have enjoyed sto­ ries from Letterland that help them understand the new words wc are learning. The following were chosen as Citizens of Ihc Week for Fcb. 9-13; Tomnii Hill, Edgar Rodriguez, Brlanna Brewer. Timothy Cruse, Bobby Dobbins, Aziu Calhoun, Caroline Williams, Briseyda Garcia, SliaHecm Gray, Kayla Reinhardt, Justin McQueen, Jacob Horne,' Jonathan Wcst,Tamrin Livingston, Raven Blackwell. Oisela Alvarado, Travis Crews, Malissa Diehl, Lconel Rodriguez, Chelsea Hamilton. The kinilergarten classes met Bouncy Ben from Letterland this week. The cliildren loved trying to balance a ball on their heads like Bouncy Ben. In Kindergarten, they arc continuing n themutio unit on dental lieallh, learning how inipor- lanl it is lo brush and floss. In math. S w ic e g o o d W a ll & M c D a n ie l У ) DOWN* 798 Furmlngton(‘«KBManl Mr«« irinli iMm I*) an ik«» I t»<a>«/vhcfTi«nmi«om*ni ^ DOWN< ^•818,18 M..* 256 Magnotia AveTt>u>n hixb« »1 Gst')*n Vnli«>y N#» (Mini. How C(r.«rvig Want to know more about any of these fine prop local I iny ( erties? Call either of our / ODOWN* /'1 ,8 2 8 ,0 2 m.. 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Lola Ы rooni lo 11 H*coft»rg «ADI П*еоп5<пв t Ъ1Ь) 1633 NC Hwy 601‘»oíTWitvimecíMoecwivwii. ... _________IAS KlMMnl lano »Ml can M purclwteti ni podutgo dMi lor inaÂMoWStiOOOOCO tW31b^)n«conbng>B77l О Hnzolwood ^ D O W N /в10,74н ..* Lot 16 Chnrlosion Rldgolfi<wAnva(<toiimu«4o(4oc« WVnpnca' Tl»« liUtMhADial (V.uj(ii<rw><iainimiiU:<iir)Ut«,ilr»^baitiootj Kuymv WlajMffl««!to* ytitiu»tn (УЛМЬМ)n^ofdfig »Bill «/0 DOWN*l|!| / 788,61 M.,*| 1933 US Hwy 601 N.O'tal b>tch tench. 6 Dedroom. 3 М2 balht,Hew Uelpump tn »OV Watrenty InctwJed. |W20I070) nKWd»^0«QSSt И Ш 1/0 DOWN* 1 11. { * 788.ee Mo.* / D DOWN* И^778,17ш.‘ У О DOWN*1 / *781,741«.. 172 CoiolinaSp<*CJOUI. 11« «ilt> 14>U(|VM» tíiAtn** СДф«», И><'1 & CeiAltK 1,1« 1; Itili М> irttyil fn>c*nl Kl (W3I1ÎM) nec.xtjog «М} 1 У о DOWN У 7Б0,ВВМ..*| 532 Eoa) Lnl(0 Dr.((||>л1 tirick rn'ich m fitxitjruA Sutnkviixtn NntuiAl O.i*. M.ilifio Hiirne W>i"i>nt/ >х11кЫ1'iWJüiXï'j) » ИМ1 163Bocktown Rd.A mull iMl Млш lovBl arid linwrronl both have a matter l)«<l(00m ШК) baOi <л brtwmanl Im« ■ QAtden lub, cernmic ttki. Uro* Mparal* 1Гкм*г, lireplAC« And much more. (W303MU) n*coid>ng • вМ1 Ln*i«ttctt(^«lnilow¡nu L'raii>k»iiivhid*winmwW«,ira4>le aitMwiiandrrorvi (WJt3Uü)nocord«ig*eiei ^ DOWN* ^ 7 8 1 ,8 4 MO.* 3S Elisha Crook Rd.Unl'fMfchod bonut room ovof onmtjn. Oi»a) tVoor plnn. пв»дГЧ>о(1кхк1 оПоо pLayu'ound, picok; area And wolhlng trAili |W3070t0| nacordirig ■ B931 l / Î DOWN*1 У 707.29 Ml У Ь DOWN* y; /■860.88 Ml* DOWN »^87.60 M«.* 179 Jo MonniConv*rv«nl lo l'4n nt llw M«ry 00 aiil In 6>Alei\illa Pi«:*d HELOW APPRAISED VALUE. Fanced yard H x7t A>t*dtJ«l.KN>d 0.11. wouM maha n D*aal wrht)>|i Son» carpal HOME WAnflANTY(W3l5tft3) necwtlno *8761 Ш У о DOWN* У 707.28mi.* »/0 DOWN* У •643.84 H..* 3603 us Hwy 601 S.S|)ACiout 1ЮП14 With ?-3 bod'oom Lai(^> Lf1 wilIi 0Л« loo ркаи. walmrt ai«] sov<imtbriidlorOp«nrl>eoi AJw, ndditKwial hoii»e лчп ? bf liorrio »«I naed* a Ьял<»у1ПЛП'§ Itych (W?n0042) necortlif'U • B^г t 5940 NC Hwy 001 S.Counfry hvr<] Al It » botll OijMl hknc|ul Mitng w«i a H)i>c*ou»hc<nao»#nr>g polaiitul-lbdrm covafad porch.I>la A wnxi AnorviQ. now c<irp«il. and cc/y tiroplnce I(1 Irvmg room llorTM Woiranty incliida<t' (W30/0Q3) Itecorddg « B70I 2100 Junction Rd n 7n,ri«„„rfrcOuCCOfPoaUiiaiffibdrm.cytica Кп/тт.жл'E.tra пглг« MOaWOOa CWaga цмс* In 3 v«N(laal HOWt WAflfWUYi (W3 IC^e8| Uacord-ig • Я471(W»AW| fiacuntiv * Uat y io DOWN У •803,66 M..* ^O D O W N У '487,82 м» 440 Hospitolliail buy « lowni Wall »плю1ан»аО home oflar» ц)яооиа c|>«n lloor plirv«ith boTHi* room in btml. Walcomirm prxi^. muni-loval dack in raar Canliaily locatad lor convantanc« lo »Гм», •c^o(>l«, ate. Horn« Warranty Included'ÌW3H1XH) flacordmg • 8991 t/ii DOWN* «/'•488.48 m..* 422 Ploaeant AcreA mutt ««al Ihi« hom« 1« cotnplalaty iamod«l«d 3 Dni. 2 OAths. Fun batomaiit. ПаПе> Muiryl ( WJ11 e03) nacordmg • 6031 3007 US Hwy 601 NThu horiw IM« lol> ol chnrm' Pina lkx>rtna, aalln kitchen. 3 СЛГ Btlachad carport, rrwilur# land»caping Simply я doll hoo»el (W30e4/8) rtacording » 8531 223 MumfordA mutt ««•< NaMy iam(^4l«l*d tuvti« «ih (•rv/nal Ю tauodry rm ami aaim kiia«n TaüUItiti 2ti,et«ili» «rtawmanttMip'tfvK}atair.«lMi<i iiora,^ ln//u graatprr<>arty IW314tOl) llacordoj ■ Н6П 976 QIadetonoСл<1ва)П.»ул*«и>лг1Лд)&Г l‘rr,ntv,nfd МПП 1к«-(|1.1Гк|^виО*«( I(voioiaitíi«í«tryf У о DOWN* ^ 4 8 6 .0 6 м..* У ) DOWN* «/^476,70 м..* DOWN' У «88.47 Ml 1072 US Hwy 64 M l Ц 529 Church Stroot ExiPnc«j |«.ю< u. velet With n into TIC U.« lïxna 1ш toi» to Cottage «rtli In to*n tecnion Fenced tn Uick yard, i^lef FulUit«menlMiOiUitr>(Mrt>arVln<»l«dbulnolncludtKÌ Cai loitjy' (W3(»000| Recording f 0881 m ha.ue.1 U. larye Ьш-.к yArd (W310C№6) П«»г<>гд t OQII 243 Main St.Cuirenlly le«*<id Can be »old a» inve«tment property. 2 Oad'txim. 1 Oath cottala «1 Cooloemu«.(W313!>M) necording ■ 8201 •|UUH|ijtntxr/,fli4i<wi l ?/5*. lAvi^i C.^>t ^25 liiisi 1 Ye.1* 1 brfi, wWi iO 0'U>\ mMn?44\ APH C.)l lk<i Clivrii (ilL K lit |;LWi71?-M44 lor riKMe (tfuimiUd GIvo U s A C all For All Y our R eal E s ta te N oedsI they are working witli shapes, or­ dering objects by size and using terms like taller and shorter. Mrs. Jones' fourth grade class hns been looking closley at the mountain region of North Carolina. They are continuing to read Lillle- jim and comparing the book with the mountain region. Mrs. Culler's class has been experimenting and exploring with magnets. Mrs. Kistncr's class just finished up talk­ ing about forces and motion in sci­ ence nnd are now applying thnt in- formution to learn about simple machines. Shndy Grove Elcincnlary Fifth grader Christy Holdselnw won the Davic County Spelling Bee, Christy won a $250 Savings Bond. Christy won the spelling bee by correctly spelling 22 words. The following Spelling Bee4vimiers in each fourtli and fifth grade class: Morgan Parrish, John Woltz, Ellie Carter, Barry Orvin, Zane Duffner,' Christy Holdsclaw, Dane Cook, and Zach Pair. The Shady Grove Pennies for Patients will contimte through Feb. 27. Tiie money raised llirough Ihis project will be used to find cures for' leukemia, lymphoma und myeloma. Tho need for cures is critical because leukemia remains the leading cause of disease-related death among children under 15. Students do not have to bring in pennies-any change, casli or check are appreciated. Cheeks need to be made out to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The class raising the most money will receive an ice cream party. On Monday nights at Venezia's Italian Restaurant, 10 perccnt of receipts go to Shady Grove. Tiie I’ TA executive board voted to be start a friendly competition between classes through March 12. When you eat al Venezia’s on Monday nights, write the name of your child's teacher on the back of the card and drop it in the box. The classroom wilh the most entries wins a plz/a parly and recognition in llie school newsletter. The following students have been choscn as students of the week: Morgan Bryant, Megan Guitón,Cole Smiley, Lauren Smith, Julianna McCulston, Isabel Duncan, Karch Arey, Anthony Philpott, Landon Whitaker, Brandon Rowell, Danlal Bnrroit, Zack Waller and Camryn Lesser. The kindergarteners in Ms, Ellis and Ms. Booth’s class continue to send In reading lists each Thursday for Ihe school wide rending comest, “Snow Better Time to Read”. Tiie class turned In 17!) books during Ihe firsl week with a weekly goal of reading 100 books. Parents arc reminded to send in monies for tiie Pennies for Patients program and a thank you for your donations. Ms. Spach’s .second grade class read about Abraham Lincoln in honor of his birthday. The class completed many activities concern­ ing President Lincoln and worked on main ideas,comprehension, and reading and following directions. In computer lab, the children took a virtual lour of Ihe rooms in Ihe While House. Second graders in Ms. Kauff and Ms. Boswell’s class read Bailo, a True Story of a Brave Dog. Tiie slory relells the adventure of a dogslcd team Ihal saved .several residents in Nome, Alaska in 1У25. 14ea.se 'Him To I’lige 1)4 P ru d e n tia l A b s o l u t e R e a l E s t a t e C a ro lin a s R e a lty Clemmons/Davie Co. Office - 336.714.4400 8 7 /37 1.5 8 2 2 W inston-Salem Office - 336.748.2000 8 0 0 .8 10 .« 78 w w w . p r u d e n t i a l G a r o l i n a s . c o m 44SS Datlln Knoll Lano $269,900 KilitlnaFsiiill 714-4417 134 Cedarwood $171,900 Shotil Coiam 9090019 4312 Riverside Drive $147,800 Oloria Ouckwoilh 714-442S 11 Oak QrovB $289,500 Pat KInnamon 717-8356 125 HlddsabrookB Drive $424,500 Bsv Suppl. 714-4405 36 Cambria Place $429,900 Shml Coram 714-4414 7804 Penland Court $325,000 Cheifl Fink 782-2493 A ijl'n l K o s U T Audrey Fuhtmann П4 4400 Andrei Su80S 7144416Ge^ADiinson M4 44?0 №v Supiile 918202/ Bobbt# Menoeniaii 714 4415Ckryl Firà 7822493Ocioihyyii»W02&00Gloria DucUoim 714 4425Gloria MiVvMS 7M4405 6SS39B1Kiirty Rjillips B13 5335PottiЫ1Ш Krisiina Farrell 714 4417PalKinnjmon717 8356Sandra Hedrick 3452302Sandra Johnson 714 4406SartdfDyjon287 8630SheniCnrarn9090019 104 Aiborelum Court $299,900 Bn Supplì 714-4404 269 Pine Valley Road $245,000 Mmbgily Potts S77-9911 8061 Qlengariltl Road $329,900 Pal KInnamon 714-4434 130 BientwoDd DilVB $134,900 Ooi.tti) Hall 714-4406 3532 North Lakeshore Dr $219,900 KrltllnaFairell 714-4417 008 Holly Hedge Drive $137,400 Oloila Matth.ws 714-4405 133 Pembreoke Ridge $144,900 Bev Supple 714-4404 4553 CwUlKtiiiMk Cl $247,900 138 Arnold Palmer $669,500 Cluiyl Fink 714-4430 Bov SuppIo 714-4404 2601 Harper Road $260,000 DIoila Mallhews 714-4405 2016 Swan Creek Road $99,500 Sandra Johnson 714-4408 262 Rlvnbend Drive $298,900 Oloila Mallhows 714-4405 206 Juniper Cítele $494,500 Bev Supple 714-4404 280 BivtttondOilve $260,000 153 Beroiuda Run West $315,000 Bev Supple 714-4404 Kathy Phillips 714-4413 *n I-Wífíftijírt;, Ci»4d jnj tTrr-{<f ol »« rtiji;r:MI Myil IVJH At'.ulti Irt DAVII'; COUN TV KNTIÍRPRISK RECORD, 'I'luirsdiiy, Fcb. 26,2004 - D3 Ashton Lamb and Lee Cartner fill out the volunteer form for the M S walk. D a v i e H ig h H O S A S t u d e n t s L e a r n F r o m M S P a t i e n t s C andnucd From I'nge D l Students heard per.sonal sto­ ries from each member. Those •stories reflected how the disease has changcd each person’s life. Kathy Coble was diagnosed 10 years ago and has hud surgery for nerve damage in her arm from cortison injections. C arolyn M oore was diag- no.sed in 1989 and experience.s the relapsing progressive form of the disease. Lee Cartner wns diagnosed in 1989 and says he doesn’l gel back what he loses to the ilis- ea.se. Students heard about daily and weekly injections needed to m aintain function and nbout sym ptom s that w ent undiag­ nosed for years. After the meeting, “Linking Lives" became reality as the two groups mingled. ‘IStudents were greatly af­ fected by the stories they heard,” Mrs. Alien said. They have got­ ten other students interested and will be walking at the NC Zoo on A pril 17 in honor o f the people they met on Feb, 9. MS Walks are held in six locations each year to raise money for the Davie High Band Free Concert March 2 , The Davie High School Conceri Bands, undor the direc­ tion of More Sdmub, will perform a free concert nt the Brpck Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 2. The Concert Band, whose members are mostly ninth and :10th graders, will perform Arlington Overture by Ralph Hermann;Thc Black Knight by Clare Gnindmanjand Three ^iji|j^eTaiiK3m.Oloucestecby H ug^ ; ' 'i.'v’liie'Symphonic Band,'made up of mostly juniors and se- ¿iiiprs, will playR'hap.iodic'iEpii6de b Cnrtefi Francois ^Qossep'sMilitaiy Symphony in F. and Toccata, composed by Qitspar Cassado and arrntiged by former UNC band and or­ chestra director Bari Slocum. , Eight From Davie Earn WCU Academic Honors Eight Davie students at West­ ern C arolina University were named to the fall .semester dean's list with m inim um 3.5 grade point averages; from Mock.sville - Kyle An­ thony Bruce, Dustin M ichael K eaton and K athryn Elise Whitaker; and from Advance - Jessica Lynn Bowman, Monica Suzanne Bowman, Kuren Marie M cD aniel, W illiam K olby Sm ith, and M arina Jolene Vendrillo. S c h o o l B rie fs Character Education Awards The board of education presented character education awards to students from Cooleemee and Pinebrook elementary schools. Cooleemee students awarded; Isaiah Whitley, Sydney Rusher, Jacob Crews, Ny'asice Stockton, Nick Endicott, Allison Barney, Desirne Downs, Michaela Shaver, Frankie Thompson, Whitney Correll, Breunna Snowden,und Malissa Diehl. Pinebrook studcnls awarded; Austin Naylor, Eryn Koty, Brianna Locklear, Emma Rogers, Luke Marlin, Kirsten Buchin, Johnny Zarbock,Tori W il­ liams, Wil Cope, Maegnn McGee, Olivia Woodward, and Josh Gupton. Assistant Principal Of The Year Rex Allen, assistant principal nt Pinebrook Elementary, was given an A-t- Award and recognized as Dnvie County's Assistant Principal of the Year, Field Trip Approved An overnight field trip to Washington, D.C, for Davie High School's U.S. History class wns approved. The trip will take place April 15-17 nnd will involve 40-50 sludenls. The students will pay the cost of $240 each and will be transported by charier bus. Overnight accommodations will be in Springfield, Va. Lxuid For Habitat For Humanity A piece of property on Williams Street owned by the school was deemed unusable by the school system. The parcel is part of the former bus transportation garage, Representntives from Habi- tttt For Humanity approached Superintendent "Dub" Polls nbout the possibility of donating the property to their organization. The bonrd approved offering Ihe parcel lo Dnvie's Board of Commis­ sioners nrsl. If Ihe commissioners reject the property, il is recom­ mended it be sold lo Habitat for $ I dollar and all costs as.socialed with the sale be pnid by the buyer, _____________________ Multiple Sclerosis research und for progrum s for persons af- fected by the disease. Each stu­ dent hopes to raise $ 100. The Davie County MS Sup­ port Group was formed in March 2002 and has 15 members. The group meets on tho sccond Mon­ day of each month in the class­ room of Davie County Hospital. For more information, con­ tact Carolyn Moore al 998-3314. For informalion about the MS Society or to participate in a MS wnlk,cnll the locni MS Greens­ boro office ut (336)299-4136 or 1-800-FIGHT-MS. Keller On Dean’s List Bobby Jam es K eller of M ocksville earned a niininiiim 3.5 grade point average and was named to the dean's list at Ccn- Irnl Carolina Communily Col­ lege. Scarlett Earns Academic Honor Jeffrey Eric S carlett o f Mocksville was named to the full semester dean's list at High Point University wilh a minimum 3.5 grade point average. ECU Students From Davie Earn Honors Twenty sludenls I'roiii Davie County earned academic honors for Ihe fall semester at East Caro­ lina University. Nnmed to the chancellor's list with 4.0 grade point nvernges were Kuren H ester, Tim othy Polls and Lindsay Thomas. Named to tho donn’s list with 3.5 or higher grade point aver- uges wore Jennifer Bowles, Jen­ nifer Broadway, Tamio Potts, A shley Q uinn and M egan Wnrchol. Nnmed to the honor roll wilh 3.0 or higher grude point aver- ngos wore Randall Foster, Chris­ topher Gaither, Jacob Garner, Amber Gray, John Hnbcgger, Natalie Hunckler, Patrick Little, L illian M yers, R ichard Pennington, Carl Wagsliil'f und Christopher Wensil. “Simplify Your Life from Singles to Seniors » '^ G A R D K N C /V I I.L A S . MOljEL OPEN THIS WEEK Thursday 12-6 • Friday 12-5 Saturday 10-5 • Sunday 2-4 C A LL FO R FR EE R E C O R D E D IN F O R M A T IO N 1-800-677-7122 Ext. 1002 Milling Way Location: North Main StroBt in l\/locksvllle to Swicsgooii Will i, McDinM Milling Road, Garden Villas on Ihe right. Viyers _ dt Rie D,d fK gemont You Won’t Believe the Extras! Prom Low SlOO’s Lo t 51 - $99,900 Allachcd garage, basement, llrcplacc, pulUliiwn uttio stairs, im <|uicl cul-de-siic •In Mocksville only 25 minutes to Winston-Salem •Desirable curb appeal •Public Sewer and Water • Duke Max Rated • Lower Davie County Taxes •Davie County Schools • Builder pays up to $2000 closing costs until April 30,2004 D Irn tIm n: M O W to i-'amiliigimi Rd liKil 174, (iirii L III K Hwy ISH. G o 4 inili's III L Slilllnft Kd, R Morse, I. WMliwy. f'ultow signs. KURNISIIKO MODKL Oncn Sundays 2 lo 5 Call 7SI-2035,748-5565,998.8816 w 11 (11 С V С Í il U) к s .COLOUJeLt www.cbtflad.coirj/mycispaf kal ridgemont Ench oltco is ifxtopontlontly ownod ond oporalod.TKlAb.KUALTORS 246 Adams Road ЭВП. 2DA, 310fA acros, with siroam and pond $2,528,000. HOWARD REM JfY 330 s. Salisbury St. Mocksville (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -3 5 3 8 H o u r s : M o n d a y - F r ld a y 8 -6 S a lu rc ln y 9 - 1 2 , S u n d a y П у A p p t. lOOfA acros farm. 3BR, 2ВЛ, out bldQ9., crook. $549,000.Hisloflcfll 6BR, 2BA. homo on 2.76 nc(03, with immnculalfl Innd&coplnQ 70*A ЯС. horso farm. 2300s/. 1югло (no Now oonslruclion. Too many groal 2 pareóla with 2 buHdlnga. Call ............. ihlnfls to ÍÍS1MBR.3BA. $329,000. Jnno for dotnlla. $320,000. Gofgeous ЗВП, Э 5ВА log homo on socludcd 5 36 acrcs. $229,500 valuo Qivon} Cflll Mary $455,000. 1 1 ! 29 BnoùKWOop Tn. n ^ ] U 2 0 CoftNtv Line Rd.| /ИУ LlOS^FAtnwAV Dnive Г Ж 1 142 Whitehead Dn. Г7Ж1 174 E. Memorial НагтолуЗВЯ, гил, 29,20 жт.р Bomuiti Пип ovoilookino llio I8»i «Н, 2.50A, spM loyof, tiugo lamily 3BR. IBA, In Harmony, HUGE 30x50 lonco<l).tac.poni!,tain$220,000 цто(1п,ЗВП,2ВА,$185,000. iooml,S185,000. workshop. $175,000. 428 FAnMlNQTON НОАОГТМИ 131 РОПК ^IXDY 1 7 1 П 198 SPftiNÛHILL DRIVE Г Л П Ю87 MILLING ROAD' Г Ж 1 2421 NEEUE ROAOPC i: Froshly romodolod 3BR, 2ВЛ, on пррга, 5 acios {2 lonced). $165,000.Historic 4BR, 2BA on 2.36 acros in 2 olory, 2200 sq. It, Iramondous Adornblo 3BR. 2.5BA on 3.51 Yadkinviilo, modular Wmany updalosl groat location. $159,900. valuo! FP, gnzobo. $144,900. лсгоз, bsmt, FP $142,500. Coll Connlol $139,900. 164 Hickory Drive \ /ш\ i 429 Georgia Road (7*V I . 144 Hoose Lane I I 193 Pineville Road Twinbfook, 3BR, 2BA, FP, Groat opon lloor plan! $129,000.4BFÍ, 2.5BA, Southwood Acros 5 Qodrooms, 3 Balhs, 3.5 асгоз, 3DR. 2ВЛ, on privalo 1.29 acros. Unique Lstiaped, 3BR, 2BA, sumoom. Sub.,brickliroplaco. $129,900. CounlryLIvinol $124,900. scroonodporcli,dock $119,400. don,oflico,2garagos..$112,000. “ Ш Е Ш Я Я Н И г ! л Б690 Abbeÿdale iìms.i 411 Ijames Church Rd. 17ШП 474 Mountview Dn. 3BR, 2BA, 5.5 acroa, gront mini larm. $109,900.3BR, 2BA, Ioncod bock yard, .91 ac,, цгоа! startor horno $102,500. Irodoll Co,. 16.03 oc. w/pond9, Spacious 3BR, 2DA, stono FP. 3DR. 2BA. sunroom, $99,900. mudi moro! $99,900.3BR, 2BA, opon kllclion & LR, now carpot and paInt. $89,900 Rowan County, minutos from Calawba ЗВП, IBA, hardwoods, inground Woil malnlained, partial basomoni, 4BR, 20A. w/many updates. Possible 3BR,2QA, (orwod back yard, scroon С011|)00,ЗВП,1.5ВА. $89,500 pool, pan, baml. $87,000. ,69 псгоз, ЗРП. IBA $86,000 lOOY.Iinnndng $84,900. porch, dock. ,71 no. $82,500. Immuculalo 3BR, 1BA, (oncod,‘nsls", $B2,000.part. 3DR, 1.5BA. Cooicemoo, now ho.il/AC, 3BR, 2DA, singlowldo, all appliances, Cooloomoo, complololy updalod, GfOa^tBrtoMCoIo^^ now ptumb comp, updalod. $66,900 groat startor homo $64,900 inground pool, groat buy! $62,900. 24x24 workshop. $59,900. 299 Pine Ridge Rd. П М П 292 Watt Street I Æ4 I 167 Hearthside Or.273 Depot St. Spacious 3BR, 1 BA, Cooloomoo, Culo & cozy slarlor homo wilh Easomont onto back of properly, updated olocL $58,000. 2BR. 1BA, $54,900. 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bnth, $51,900. 30R. 2BA. on 1.04 aero lol. Groat startor. $44,500.t00xt9Q lot zoned Town Ctr. Call Jano lor dolails. $40,000. AvAti-AtiLu Lo t s a n d La n d a n d R i-n t a i. P koimíhth-s Citadel Road.......Hwy. eoi N.........fìtymond 6(........fISelmoni Road..«2 Salmon« Road..Qyerly ChaMl Rd..Cedar Rldoe Rd....BearCreokCh. Rd... ....1.19AC. 526,000...2.25 Ac. HO $69,900........Lot $19,5002 Ac t140.B2S....... 0Ac.S4S.0S0.....2. 9 Ac. «5,000...1.257 aerea $».000.40.02 aerei $225,000..2.29 aerei Ste,ООО...30 acre« $172,500 Hwy, 601N...........Drum Lano..........Lot 19. Northbrook...Valley Road.........E. Lako Olive.......Ailen Road..........Thompion Lflne....FeeiorRoad.......629 MaditonRoad.... Hwy. 64............. ...e.S aerea $46.475...t.2acroi S23,e00...S.29 aerea $29.500........Lol $115,000.........Lol $15,900......1 aera S1B,000....11 aerei $71,077...7.18 Aerei $49,000 %Ml,m aerei $55.000 Hwy. 64... . RENTAL P M R E R T lE a 317 Avon StreetMobile Homo Lot, Daniel Road....................3S3Avon... lUl.lAHOWAKP7S1-H567 tVJLYNHAYNtS7SI-aS&3 SIIAUONCOHIiN7SI-M69 GliNAClINtlП\«ЫЛ I•li D4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, Feb. 26,2004 Davie Schools Continued Krom I’iikc D2 The team i:iirrictl incdicine lo help the families suffering from ciiphlhcriii. In math. Ihc children leiirncd lines of syninielry and huw lu idenllfy sulid Figures such as spheres, cylinders, cubes, iind rcclnnguliir prisms. Ms. Hill and Ms. Carter's second graders read Hurricanes! and .studied weather differences during Ihe four seasons of Ihe year. The children also enjoyed a field trip lo llori/ons UiiliinileU in Salisbury. Mueksvlllc Klcnienliiry StudentoflheWceli.Feb. 16-20: Jana Yount, Jonathan llagerman, L J. Doulin, Karen Cisneros-Pastor, Angelica IXiby, Shawna Wiley. Col­ leen Hennelly, Jeremy Whitaker. Marshall Simons. Uecca Cook. Denzel! Oarmon. Andrew Osmanski. Miss Gamer and Mrs, Russell's kindergarten cla.ss has been celebrat­ ing Dental Health Month. The stu­ dents have been leaniing all about the different kityls of teeth and Iheir roles. In addition, they have learned how to take cure of their teeth and why it is important lo do so. All of the kindergarten classes enjoyed a wonderful presentation by a local denlisfsofnce. The students ure ulso enjoying their first experience with MRS's ainuial read-a-lhon. The stu­ dents are having so much fun nnd just can't stop reading. Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs. Shuler's first graders have been learning about famous Americans. Everyone has been busy reading lo meet Ihe weekly Rcod-ii-thon goals. In math they arc learning to add 10 lo a num­ ber. Dental health ha.s also been a focus during the month of February. Mrs. Lankford and Mrs. Brown's third graders finished Ihe biography of Thomas Edison by creating a lime line of his life. For a project, each student Ihen created a limo line of their own lives including dates Ihal are speciid to them. After biographies wc began rend­ ing the fairy tales 'Hie lliree l.ittlc EifiS and Cinderella. We discus.sed Ihe characteristics of fairy tales and Ihen compared these stories to The IllK£-LiillC..\Vtf|vt5 and rhe. Big C O L D lU e U . B A H K e R Q T R I A D , R E A L T O R S ’ Rauell FtlCC Qirl and Princc Cinder nnd compared them to the original slory. In math wc are learning to add money, find the perimeter and area of rectangles, write chccks and are continuing to work on Ihe memori­ zation of multiplication facts, CornaUcr Elemcntnry Mrs. Haire and Mrs. Campbell's kindergarten class has spent the ' month of February enjoying their friends and the people they love. They have learned about the impor­ tance of showing to others lhat you care tmd have brainstormed many ways to do that. Valentine’s Day pro­ vided many opportuntles lo say “I Love You" und Ihc class enjoyed writing those words of affirmation in many different ways. Tliey have become very skilled writers and arc enjoying mnny opportunities lo ex­ press Iheir thoughts nnd feelings on paper. They celebrated Valentine's Day in several ways. Including learn­ ing about traditios imd customs as­ sociated with this special February holiday. Willi lots of valentines needing to be delivered, Mrs. Halre’s clnss investigated how postal workers are a vilial part of our community. Iltey learned how the mail is delivered, the iniportanl parts of a letter, and the important parts of an addressed letter, 'lliey also visited Ihe post of­ fice and BB&T bank of Mocksvillc to learn more about these signincant parts of our community. Mrs. Maire'.s klndergarlners have also enjoyed learning about our two mosl influential presidents, George Washington nnd Abraham Lincoln. They sijcnt the week of President’s Day learning about Ihe lives of these former presidents. They also learned about Ihe job of president and the signincant character traits that make a good president. The class agreed that luinesly wns one of Ihe mosl meaningful traits of a good presi­ dent. They brainstormed and wprte about was they could be honest in their own lives. They could nol re­ sist thinking about whnt they would do first if they were president. Most agreed they would eat pizza and watch cartoons. The month of February would not he coniplee without a unit on good dental health. '1'hc class spent u week focusing on what they need lo do to hnve strong, healthy teeth. They learned n lo from Ms. Cherry I'ly who visited from Dr. Prillaman’s office and helped them learn even more about good denial health. Mrs. Hayes's third graders have been rending biographies and study­ ing famous people In Ihicr reading and social studies classes. They have discussed the lives of Benjamin I'ranklin, Helen Keller, Harriet Tubman and Abraham Lincoln. Shortly the class will be working on making a Power Point presentation in the computer lab in which each student will make n slide about n dif­ ferent president. Students have learned alt the lower case cursive letters inid are currently working on Ihe uppercase. In math elas.ses they arc memorizing Iheir multiplication fads, and students will "build” ice cream sundaes as they learn their facts. At Ihe end of Ihe year sludents will celebrate learning their facts by eating a real version of the ice cream sundaes they have earned. In PH students have been spend­ ing some time learning new jump DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 ' 336-998-8816 R elocationi-800-327-4398 roping skills.This unit was in prepa­ ration for Jump Rope for Heart. This fundraiser is sponsored by the American Heart Association. Each year Comatzer school participates lo help raise money for this organiza­ tion. This yenr sludents raised over $3,000. Not only did students be­ come better jum pers, but they helped ral.se money at Ihe same time. Tlie four<h grade students of Mrs. Joyce ate sluфing into the novel, hnve completed a unit on animal ad­ aptations and nrc looking forward to crtfating animals of future genera­ tions. Plans are underway for a field trip lo Raleigh. Students will be learning much about slate govern­ ment during the next few weeks in preparation for the visit to tho stale capital. Cougars of the Week: Isaac Olca. Madison Stakely, Alyssa Money, Marlee Reece, Katelyn Sizemore, ' Brady Cook, Jesus Violante, Tyler Russ, Caroline Miller, В J. Lanier, Madison Junker, Bethany Bradshaw, drew Andrade, Alex Flores, Michael Brunelli. Reminder to parents: Snow makeup days - Monday, March 15, Friday, April 9, Monday, May 24, Tuesday, May 25, Wednesday, May 26; Thursday, Feb. 26, 6:30 p,m. Kindergarten Orientation. Centrnl Duvie . Devolopniental Day I Student of tho Week, Feb. 9-13: Tom Brown. Hearts of nil colors and shapes deco­ rated our room. The kids made tis­ sue paper stained hearts and heurt people. We also made love bugs to sing along with. We practiced cul­ ling with scissors and made n col­ lage with the paper we cut. The kids also mnde heart collages using dif­ ferent size and colors of hearts. We had fun at our Volentine party. We enjoyed our field trip to the Brock Performing Arts Center on Feb. 17. Developmental Day I Student of the Week, Fob. 16-20: Amber Myers. This week was dental health week. Wc hud u visit from Mike Molar. Wc talked about how to take cure of our teeth. We learned how lo brush our teeth. Wc colored pictures about teeth. In circle time, wc counted teeth and brushed teeth with ourtoothbrushes. Wo ae still review­ ing our shapes. We will begin our unit on transportotion. Developmental Day II students were introduced lo two more letter people friends this wee. Mr. D with his dazzling dancing brought u panic of music and movement down the hallway and through our classroom. Ms. F with her funny feet shared a lesson on friendship, perfect for this Valentine monlh of February. Tho: students also enjoyed baking cook­ ies and sharing them throughout the school. The students leaned about the let­ ter Y this week. We read a book full of words boginningn with Y and made designs using yellow yam, Tlie children also had a lesson In dental hygiene thanks lo the help of Mike Ihe Molar. Tliey learned good brush­ ing techniques and healthy snack ideas. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tlmr.sda.v, Feb. 26, 2004 - DS S O L D T h e G if t O f L if e A n n u a l B lo o d D r i v e M a r c h 6 A t P i n e b r o o k E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l Pinebrook School will hold their antiuul Blood Drive on Siilur- diiy, March 6 frotn 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. The blood drive is being held in the citfeteriu nt Pinebrook School, Refreshenients will be provided. Any que.stions, please contact Joy Boles at 998-9596. Jared Hill On WFU Dean’s List Jared Dane Hill of Advunce, a freshman, wns named to the fall semester dean’s list nt Wake Forest University, with n minimum 3,0 grade point average. Vuk Guberinic Earns Honor Vuk Ouborinie of Belgrade, Serbia has boon named to tho j ;; semesler dean’s list nl Greensboro College with a minimum 3.5 “ (i|j| grade point average. Guberinic is the .son of Ted Bigenho of M ocksville. 5 Earn UNC-G Degrees Five students from Davio County earned degrees from the U ni-. versity of North Carolina at Greensboro following the fall semes­ ter. Earning a m aster’.s degree was Donald R. Lail ofAdvance. Earning bachelor’s degrees were Tami.sha M . Anderson and Ashley D. Vorobiev, bolh of Advuncc; and John K. Smilh and Michiiel S. Fi.ssel, both of M ocksville. Carrie Geno Earns Academic Honor From Luther College Carrie Geno, a Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) junior from M ocksville, has been named to the dean’s list for tho fall semester, Geno, a 2001 graduate of Postville High School, is the daughter of Robert Hupp o f M ocksville. She is majoring in art. To be named to the dean’.s list, students must maintain a mini­ mum 3.5 grade point average. whatever it takes •w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r .c o m ti/o iraowm ЯОАД uvk ici ...fvP, r.f J '/.ô П7 »I ьт BIRD LANE OAVIE 107 ST Cf ORCE PUCE OAVIE Ж{ ^ IIu-j i\ i>-/«j vj’Oei yíu courve . ГиМ*1«л)5 f, Cilir^s''..K' :.'.s cu'.vi wn S(jr(Oun. Wj-.v I. ■1:4 Cit/) гч1'|»;г-,Г|р Vicki iHmin 'í-í l'tW.OOO 119 AlEXAMIUA CT C0V1N10N CREEX DAYIE 4UH 3 SBA 1ШС Puulitul liige пота (Il ikriifaWê FlnlS^ed bjseinefil uçrüii\ loi ■........... ■ .........411 Uns hone lOT 24 «MIT CLM ОАИеЗВНгьВАМ!bua cuVtyn drtign br »feil» CwiuciinQ Sefïiceî Fcjiuiej p»fví!e »ccOeJ t«, scí»npolt^. i i)v>}e ipxn, fui' urtm bsoii, liaffied lüf luiu'e «ipiinvun & гписл more^ Vicki Г№1гл or 8 MOUU PUCE DAmvjiüirt \ b yotf luie WÌ i,V-t í 's "•< Ul UWíf rt » t'i ifílr-í -i, r-l vçüiOt item Ccvtf«3 lisJ. ir,icíj (i ertm' Jíti Mavcfj Ли »3ltS2tZ»,«0 2i1 COUWAUU OR OAVIE ú-.h Ir У:' I ' ÍMCl'-v*. •íV’’-'**:' ib,Si.гG •! 'í',"y ^ Ccre'i Í.I4 í'ifOi к/'т.л /V !1;/|П7,5Л 119 W.«RWCK ПАСЕ OAVIE '){>i Ali*' »-? roV.I a.jiiUi li'.Hs '.я;"'"; Ы/í eilifi fVcert fu tie* fxl ÜÎ fu'l {iftCC rrirc/.i (Ofi к.'л /U'Cr yi.’iTüil ЬЧ Ш mm iTKCT zm г ьвлEnolisD tudof uriih all Ite refinements for comfai and lorrmfify! Graciousi/ sirtd */Bermudi flun »curihr. tovefy MBA »/cuJiured marble slctne (P. {(«ctkulv new kitchen. AfiS «arriitiy Sfttrn8uilw998U80$2«,900 QTNUDUlorUCC OAVlE3BH2i«AWtc. picáum locüion л end o( агеи fiufí (w rHjiifig, tivrí toí íipyiiion ы iic^jge LOT 12 UDUND WAT OAVIE 38П Ь8АCfu'iwfí l i «Oíy piw íeilijtn, miin te«[ r^iiVef. Wl i/iimifel 2 C4i ütxhMatiifíttJuftWfJiWn UöeopeniDonn»/ »Люлд tm Лсгл; vàufîeJ «ilinm,5'«' 'S* CiM/Jofifbûi fkVJirtoíJ Ä mon« Cul de ac 1« V>cIlIâ'iu;$324,000 fteMt4908 Mb?tt0e.5OO Ш WARWICXÎ PUCE OAVIE36fì2&BAGoiVri ddiÿil' Immicuij'e icwn/omc inclixJrt tivA irwtìtóiyiip, iiiewied pwüi Aíxjnúam stcu}^, fkfA'J's ih/ougfioul ML, rec»s«d liufrfifiq, tir, douMe ojra«. fune kil »/ islïx) Vki} lemr\g 908 1167 mi.ÜDO ti2MVERiEttmiefilemert A Bow ПЛ Boigiin! Home Mi in 1977 fo( gollii Lwiy Tiemefttous W, covered back porci), large palio. 3 car дз1эм and innumerable updiiej. V<)ii ñemitM 905-M67 «45,900 OayleWke Agents OT 1 REOUiffl PUCE DAVIE 3BH 2й^Great 1 level Hoor plan In desir?b!e nbM Vaulled 2nd llii ceitingv Kiiclvn has tllst room, and pjrtry Misiet I • ■ • • -Iray ceiiinov Kiiclvn has ЫЫ room, and !ry Ulster ЪзШ fus (urden tub X separate ЮТ ) ТЕПМи DAVIOUII 38Н 2‘£К h(Kiu llcü {Дап* fui »II re rxín^ ли [Д orti mi. Uhi rm ird M ili 4iri 6Я Ltf no« lo OAlOrrajt FiS UfV QftS Ж№иУ1»в11Г/$1П,9вв lOT 11 оитсшш КШ (l'iv i Ус.COulttf ГМ7в NilUi «eil. ) 'Cjlÿï ftiü UWtJ líxk.iy (!Л iCJ«KíílVXiJ fV-íVÍ CíW-----su!<nustm.Kio 152 PEMIROOKE RIDCE OAVIE 2íih TBtfi'-il, U ri/;,.!vj H/I'i I'1*I>>4) iT,To:i;íe ciO 1/..1 i'.;t Hfli i'O 'iVXiJ fV-íVí Cít'wn mcJJlit^ :n *<.í! ir.ih lo vfii'i'e• ' ■ • ■ ' I. iJeU СГ<лГ*г> irí'-ti bu ÿj’M rr.ï’. ^ i'..'), ^i-v/f.iv 4 lOT 19 DUTCHMAN WUS DAVIE Ш ?Í1A Iti'i (51 »innet' I Ли1с«л 1ш fj'm no* uikfcr tiVisifiil-,41 ft;il Ui'/tficfil lor tuijfe rivJít vTr.] arcj. i'tj ijírtij d.'"i.3 •'/л!П77ЯМ.9Й 3021 Ul HWY H EAIT OAVIE ЗШ 2ÍIA Very 4vKiou\ all tíick hore iifíúOT bam 4r«J Uüfjgç building 2 ur atlxfed OJrjoe has ulilily fOCfli reíloí fot ilorj()eix liiv;i»ri lijrdínHijLt VKiihemjngyjó nt7$149,900 Ul DEPOT IT OAVIE ВЯ ßA C№¡ng olJci fWT* li'itij »tm chiíáQer, 10' cetiir>gs, m gwd ççnj,li(Ki On liige carici Ы near dowíwn Mxkîviiic lùivì resjcMiiai oi и«/ cfimmerciai f.terieteJivÿj8-11S2$1i5,000iif.ù'cd VrTii fiuiitíi 5гЗа' i ibl'il¿,'900 OÎOOl (oWivell Donlef tea) Ulalc Cwp<x.ilion (olJ^tlI ü.mlfí í is .i fogi^icíitl И.пк-т.кк ol tolJwill (i.inkt'i Соц)ог,»1юп. Лп Opjioiiunily (oin|Kiny, {qu.il Hüusiíig Opporluiiily. tadi ОКке Is ImJcpcnilcntly Owned anJ Optfiilcd lOr SI MTERS РШ DAVIC GieaS foom stjie rancft »/vaulted ceiling, smooifi Ciilijigj, pi'tfry, coriM litfpiite eri]0)td troni kitttoi, inrng toon i liyino room Watk-in master ciosd and r'N gjijge liait f^nfiit И8- I1&5$109|900 ~ mABin rtook mn Mbyttnl / iSSalem ■tdirbeiMf .JindUail«nW»iloAnnDowPioctof XmColira ', импмРоШ Miltadituiiu MerltlNdor йОквГ'. m nii p;i 1. 5. nu, 11. i) ,111(1'Opt'iâu'd Menibuí of ColcKvoll Pjiikoi l:slftl<! Cof[)Oi.iiion Non»....• P4MJAimW . MMtU I1U.. Jll]; 99И1М WWW ИИТ71 9mm ЮН И1-1 $»И‘WMми миМИ'Mitми миМИ'мими 114 МИШ М1-Т1Мlililií MI-IIM . vMH147 В В 1 Ш Ё П 1 1 P e n n in g to n C om pany R E Л L T Y M Ò G k s v ille 336-751-9400 Hillsdále/AclvancÉ 336-998-8900 f I s J u s t A r o u n d .... T h e C o m e r an d it’s the perfect time to buy a home Building Lots & Acreage Tracts •131 -1 34 Hickory Street - Wootd Land - $25,900, • 90 Oak Haven Drive - Statesville. Building lot. $14,900. • East Lake Drive - Lot 11 • Twinbrook Subdivision, Building lot. $16,900. • Sunnydell Lane - Twinbrool< Subdivision. Building lot available, $17,900 • North Ridge - House plans subject to arcfiitectural review committee. Land/home paci<ages available. Three homes under construction. Special financing available. Lots range in price from $13,900 to $19,500, • Country Cove - Advance, Building lots available in established subdivision, 8 lots available, each priced at $27,900. Acreage • 11 Acres - 442 Bear Creek Church Road - $49,500 • 14.44 Acres - Deadmon Road - $85,196, • 2.38 Acres - 758 Duke Whittaker Road - $29,900 • 2.38 Acres - 760 Duke Whittaker Road - $29,900 N e w L i s t i n g s I F e a t u r e d L i s t in g s F e a t u r e d L i s t in g s 3928 Westrldge Meadow CIr • $ 108,50(Clemmons - spacious nicKn level condo. Fciilurlnfj 2Dn, 2 full DA, biilli-ln entertiilnnienl cenler in living toom, dining room, sunfooin, flreploco witfi gas lotjs,appHnncc5,Convcnlemtyloc«Hcd.Coll J.inice, 18 15 Barnstable Road • $179,900Clenimom • Big house w/lots of roorn. Hfick home W/5BH, 2.50A, deck, now heat pump, new VAHor he.itej. Needs sotne TLC.Golnn fasV Aqeiit owned, Cill Glen т ч 224 Summit Drive* New Construction • 3BR, 2DA spncious now homo. Feotures open floor plan, Ciitfiedral celling In gfc.it room, gas lo^ flr^lace. Pdvnte backyord. 144 Hickory Tree Road • $87,9003D(t, 1.5UA Itomc In move-in cor^ditionl Many recent update«, •'ill appliances stay, fenccd yard, paveó drive, quiet cornmunliy.Gicat starter hom or Investment propeity.CallTeresa. 119 Sterling Drtvo • i i 42,900New construction Triplex Townhouse similar to photo,Convenient to I 'tO.Cathydrakellinqs great room, dining & kit, trey celllntj In master BR, qaslog FP. sunftn, att.garage.Ci>ll Jaiilcc or Bobby. 268 Cleary Road • $57,900Situated on I acre, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home lias a private setting In tfic country. Deck, porch & storacje building. Road soon to be paved. IMcod to sell.Call Gler). 12 1 sterling D riv e 'll 42,900l^ew construction Triplex Townl>ouse similar to pt\oto,Convenient to l-40.Cathedial ceilings lii great room, dining & kit, trey celling in master OR. gaslog FP.sunrm.aU.oaracje.Call ianlce or Robby. 400 Salisbury Street • $169,900Mocksville's Historic Distrlctl 100 yr old home w/ soaring ceilings A Ig rooms orig, beacltncl, hdwd IWs, 2йД, gas heat/cent air, enclosed bkporch, gar. Call Janice 123 Sterling D rive-$142,900New constfuctlon ifiplex Townliouse similar to photo. Convenient to 1-40, Cathedral ceilings In cjreat room, dining & kit, trey celling In master OR, gaslog FP. sunnn, att.gaiage.Cnll Jafiice or Bobby. 448 Avon Street • $ 109,900In town location. Brick rand) situated on nicely landscaped loi.3BR, tOA wllh fenccd backyard and storage building. Cail Bobby I i, 1019 E, Memorial Hwy • $45,000Harmony • Lovely 2BR, 2BA home on almost an acre.Convenient location. Move in condition, large covered deck, All appliances included.Call Glen. N e w P r i c e 417 Whitney Road • $79,900Move In condition! Well maintained 30R w/fuil bascn’iem. Beautiful large backyard, carpof t & paved drive. All appliances, Perfect starter home or InvusKueot potemlal.Call Teresa J I 103 nainuovw nuau • $139,900Like new beautiful log home, largo great room w/ rock fireplace, 2 car atiached garage, covered back porct>.Extra nicefeatuies.iutal setting.2nd BRIs loft area, A must seel Call Cindy 373 Windward Circle • $79,900 Cozy collage on <.\oo(fod lol with deck and paved drive. Woncferful focalion.grat price.Own your own home t)ow! Low m.iintcnarKC.Call Glen. 198 Ginny Lane • $169,900Spacious rancfi with 4BR, 3BA In eastern Davie County. Full finisheci basement, 2 car attached garage, deck and storage building. Call Bobby 172 Summit Drive • $129,900tike new fionie In convenient location. 3BR, 2HA home with His & Mers walk-ln closets. Iialf bath started In basement.Great new neighborhood. Call Teresa. "TT . M 1189 Jericho Church Road • $199,900RestoredHistorlc 1825 home on 1.82 private acres. Main house w/ 3 fireplaces, guest house wliich was foinu'T Bed & Breakfast, separate detached conHiierclal kitchen. A rare find. Call Glen, 108 Ruffin Street • $149,900Large brick ranch w/lots of rm, 5BR, 2BA, Updated kli, fiew roof, replacement wiulws, new doors; Icj so[) workslio()/garage with heat, AC & waler. Screofied porch. Cail Bobby. 2180 Hwy 601 South *$104,900Nice 3BR, 1 BA home on 1,3i> acres, Hardwood floors and mjw paint, above ground pool, convenient to town. Call Cindy, 433 North Main Street • $149,900Wonderful downlown location In Historic Mocksville. Convenient to library, YMCA, shopping, arts center. 3BR, 2BA updated home with beautiful l\atdwood (loots & latge private deck.Call Bobby 2113 Junction Rd • $97,500Well-maintained brick liorue In move-ln conditioi\ with large front norch, fenced in backyard, detached garage with tool room atui a workshop for your entefprising activities. Cail Glen N e w H o m e s m 15 1 Winding Creek Rd.* $154,900New liome. SanFilippo Conslructlon. 3BR, 2.5BA wiifi finished basement for added space,Cali nobby 114 Sterling Drive • il32,500Brickfii vinyl outside, easy I level living Inside witli 2BR, 2BA, gas locjs.Oft cclllnq In greatroom. truy celling In master.Close to shopping business areas and 1-40. Call Janlco 249 Charleston Ridge Or * $164,900iBR. 2.5BA, livinn fooM) w/gas log fireplace. Splil OR floor()lan. Ifj kil, fin. bsmt. bdck front w/vlnyl siding, 2 car bsmt garage, desirable _____neighbortiOodCalTBobby. 180 Winding Creek Road * $164,900New constfuclion in great nelghborhoodl Ready- to finish bsiunt,luiyc great room w/FP. nice masiersuite, formal (lining area. Owner/Broker. Call Cindy 107 Sterling Drive > $139,900Maintenance free, one level living with this 2BR, 2UA townhorne.Great room, dining room and sunroom.Call Janice 252 Winding Creek Road * $149,900 New construction in Charleston Ridge' Split OR plan, 30R, 20A w/rnany features, wooded backyard w/ view of creek. Ouy now & choose your colors! Call Cindy 239 Cliarleston Ridge Dr • $164,9003QFi, 2.5DA, livinn room w/gas log FP, Split UR floorplan, Igkit, fin.bsini,brick from w/vinyl siding, 2 car bsmt garCali Bobby. liinlcc iMi'DiiiiicI Oiiidy Diirlmni llollliyjllllt'.s . Jiiiiii'iMIntmi (ill'll S'tnnlcy Teresa Scarlett Jackie Omilstun 909-0747 'Ш -7522 909-.Í5..10 n,I-K7S7 .«50-5172 У18-УН02 1 751-9-100 D6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN'I KRPRISK RKCOKD. I hiir.sdiiy, Fel). 26. 2004 South Students Collect Bottled Water To Send To Military Hy Juckic Scnbult Davie Counly Enterprise Record W hen sludenis in Ihe FJeln Club al South D avie M iddle School heard about soldiers al war in lra(| having to ration Ihcir water supplies Ihey decided to help oul. On Feb. 4 they began raising money to purchase bolllcs of water to ship lo Iraq. When the drive ended Feb. 1.1 the students had raised enough money lo purchase 7200 bottles South Davie Beta Club members (pictured clockwise) pose with the Your Heart Is Huge poster: Alexis Freeman, Tabltha Newell, Corey Rominger, Michael Lucas, Carly STauffer, and Taylor Randall. - Photo by Robin Fergusson WANTTO НЙИЕ A 7 0 Ш Brothers Bis Sisters OfDeM'eCoMy & M o c k s v i l l e W A U M A R T (Proceetisbei Register your 3 on 3 team by March 12 Divisions age 12 through Adult Registration packets available online www.bbbsdaviecounty.org or call 751-9906 o f w ater from Le Bleu in Advance. South D avie teacher Jim Devericks found oul about the troops w ater situation after receiving emails from his cousin in Iraq. Me was told soldiers were only allowed two bottles of w ater a day. And since Ihe availability of w ater wns so scarce many were suffering from deliydralion due to hot desert temperatures. The situation was only reiterated when tw o o f the slu d en is' relatives returned home to Davie and spoke to Ihe school about llieir experiences. Ribbons were presented lo classcs who raised $25 dollars or m ore. M s. O alu/.zo's class received the m ost w ith six ribbons. The club is still working on the problem of shipping and the cosl to send so many cases of water overseas. They hope to find a solution soon. M eanw hile, a large w hite poster hangs in the entry hall of the school. A large heart is drawn with the words 300 cases wrillen inside. The po ster sends n definite m essage about the S. Davie’s students and staff- Iheir hearts are huge. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tluirsilay, Feb. 26,2004 - D" S h e riff’s D e p a rtm e n t In v e s tig a tin g T h e fts O f N in e A ll-T e rra in V e h ic le s lly .lackie Sealiolt Davie Counly linterprise Rccord The Davie Sheriff’s Depart­ ment has launched an investiga­ tion in lo the theft of several Al'V's Ihroughoul the county. According to C hief of En- forcemcnl Ll. J.W. Phipps, nine larcenies of 4-whcelers have oc­ currcd since Jan. 19. "W e have som e suspects we’ve looked at, but nothing we can substanliatc." said Phipps. The 4-wheclers were taken Irom M ocksville locutions on Mr. Henry Road, Bear Creek Church Road. Duke W hitaker Road, Fanninglon Roud, Howell Road, Underpass Road, and U.S. 64 W esl. Four Suzukis, Iwo Hondus, two Polaris’s, and one Yamaha have been reported sto­ len. The sheriff’s department will increase patrols and slop anyone wilh a 4-wheeler on a trailer or pick-up. According lo Phipps, a loading ramp, two trailers, and Kawasaki dirt bike have also been reported stolen. The nine ATVs were all re­ moved froin open sheds or car­ ports, none were taken from in­ side of buildings. Phipps encourages nil owners to write down the serial numbers of their 4-wheelers us well as other valuable property. “Store them out of sight, secure them, and remove the keys," he ad­ vises. The average value of a 4- wheeler is around $4000, says Phipps. Tliough Phipps says the report of an occasional theft of an ATV is not unusual, "nine in one month on that side of the county is.” Anyone with information about these crimes is asked to call the detective division of the Davie Counly Sheriff’s Depart­ ment at 751-5547. This map shows the locations where the nine ATVs and other items were stolen. - Map courtesy of Davie Slieriff’s Department Gunlocks Available To County Residents Lock those guns so children can't accidentally gel hurl or killed. Three law enforcement agen­ cies in Davie County have hun­ dreds of gun locks available for free to residents, as part of Projeci ChildSafe, a program developed ,by Ihe N ational Shooting Sports Foundation and fundetl by the U.S. Department of Justice and the llreamis indus- iry The Davie Counly Sheriff’s OlTice, and Ihe Mocksville and Cooleemee police deparlmenis have the firearm safely kits, which include a gun lock. What: Free Gun Locks When: Saturday, March 10 Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: In front of Cooleemee Post Office "Project ChildSafe is an iin- portanl step forward in helping enstue that all firearm owners fully understand iheir responsi­ bilities wilh respect to tlie safe handling and storage of fire­ arms,” said 'Cooleemee Police Chief Joey Reynolds. “We encourage residents lo pick up a safety kit so that they can securely store their nreanii,” said Wayne Sloneman, M ocks­ ville assistant police chief. "Each kit contains a safety curriculum and a cable-style gun lock. T he lock fits on mosl types of hand­ guns, rifles and shotguns.” "The goal is to prevent a child or any other unauthorized person from accessing a firearm in your homo,” said Sheriff Allen Whitaker. Stop by any of the three de­ partments to receive a lock. L i v e s t o c k F o r a g e , M a r k e t i n g W o r k s h o p s P ia n n e d If you have livestock, make plans to attend some educalional oppurlunities lo help grow and utilize forage nuue efilcienlly as well as market the livestock. These workshops are spon­ sored hy NC C ooperative lixienstion. Davie Counly Cen­ ter and will be held in the County Office Building, 180 S, Main St. All workshops will begin at 7 p.m. A Forage Management Class Thursday, March 4, is designed lo help sheep, goal, horse, and cattle producers grow and utilize forage more einciently. Variet­ ies, uses, planting, maintenance, harvesting and weed conlrol will be discussed. Thursday, March 25, market­ ing strategies for sheep and goals will be the topic. There are many ways to increase profit potenlia. Tliursday, April 8 will be de­ voted to helping cattle produc­ ers belter understand marketing system s uikI how lo increase profit. There aro more options than the weekly slock market and the work.shop will uncover some ways to market catlle in­ stead of just selling them. Register if you plan on at­ tending so adequate m aterials can prepared and in the case of cancelation you can be notified. For more information or lo reg­ ister, come by or call the Exten­ sion Center at 751-6297. "If you are serious about pro­ ducing forage and m arketing your livestock, plea.se consider attending the appropriate work­ shop. You will be glad you did,” said 'C o o p erativ e E xtension Agent Phil Rucker. PU BLIC N O TIC ES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol Seth Thom as Thaxlon, Deceased, lale ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is lo notily all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased lo exhibit them to Ihe undersigned on or before l^ay 19,2004, or Ihls Notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir : right to recover against the estate ol Ihe said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This Ihe 19th day ol February, 2004. Seth Allen Thaxlon Executor ol the Estate of Selh Thomas Thaxlon c/o. E. Edward Vogler, Jr. , Attorney tor Seth Allan Thaxton, Executor 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ fied as Executor ol the Esate ot HELEN H. KAHLE, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, Ihls Is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tho 21st day of May, 2004, or Ihls No­ tice will be pleaded In bar of recov­ ery. All persons, llrms, and corpo­ rations Indebted to this Estate will please make payment Immediately to the undersigned at the below- deslgnaled address. This the 19th day of February, 2004, Wachovia Bank, N.A., Executor ol the Estate of Helen N. Kahle c/o Randy Q. Waters P.O. Box 831 High Point, NC 27261-0831 Telephone No, 336-887-7650 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Execu­ tor of the Estate of MARY ELIZA­ BETH HUPP, late ol Davie County, this Is to nolily all persons having - claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 12lh day of May, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day of publication or this notice will j^,.»be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. ■ -All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment lo the undersigned. This 5th day of February, 2004. Robert Shapard Hupp 594 No Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Marlin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA 2-12-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO DEBTOR^ AND CREDITORS The undersigned having quail- lied as Executor ol the Estate ol EVELYN H. KIQER, Deceased, lale ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to nollly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at the olflce of Davis & Brewer Attorneys, 104 Sta­ dium O aks Drive, Suite C, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012, on or before the 10th day ol May, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 5th day ol Febniaty, 2004. Kathy K. Seats Executor of the Estate of Evelyn H. KIger By; Edward Y. Brewer P.O. Drawer 786 104 Stadium Oaks Drive, Suite C Clemmons, NC 27012 2-5-4lnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY In the Superior Court Civil Action 04 CVS 7 against Juslo Quiroz Almanzar; Take notice that a pleading seeking rellel against you has been filed In the above-entitled action. The nalure of the relief being soughi is as follows; Compensatory damages In ex­ cess ol $10,000. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading nol later than March 16, 2004, and upon your failure to do so Ihe party seek­ ing service against you will apply to the court for the reliei souglit. This the Sth day of Feboiaiy, 2004. Mark T. Atkinson 1416 West First Street WInslon-Salem, NC 27101 2-5-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol JAMES DAVID MYERS', late of Davie County, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day ol May, 2004, being three (3) months from the lirst day of pub­ lication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 23rd day ol February, 2004. Margaret Todd Myers, Executrix 3380 US Highway 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA 2-26-41П DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARGARET ALICE STANLEY OWENS, deceased, late of DavIe Counly, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 26th day ol May, 2004, being three months from the first day of publication ol this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 26lh day of February, 2004. Wade Qlenn Owens, Jr. 139 Shirley's Way Mocksville, NC 27028 Executor of the Estate of Margaret Alice Stanley Owens Piedmont Legal Associates, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3312 2-26-41П NORTH CAROLINA ‘ DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilled as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of BOBBY REID MICHAEL, late ol Davie County, Ihls Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to presoht thorn to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of May, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned. This 23rd day of February, 2004. Peggy Lois Michael, Executrix 257 McCullough Road Mooksvllle, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 2-26-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE SALE OF V . SURPLUS PROPERTY The Counly of DavIe has de­ clared the following vehicles sur­ plus and will oHer these vehicles for sale al public auction at Ellis Auto Auction, 268 US Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville, NC al 7;00 p.m., Wednesday, March 10, 2004. 2- 1983 Chevrolet Truck Vehicle Identification Numbers 1GCD34J5EF303481 1QCD34J8EF303314 1 -1991 Nissan Truck Vehicle Identllicallon Number 1N6ND16Y7GC438209 1-1991ChevrolelTruck (S-10) Vehicle Identification Number 1GCCS14A1M8259622 1 - 1993 Ford2S (Mustang) Vehicle Identification Number 1FACP40E9PF198411 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 04SP 008 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by LEOBARDO R. DIAZ AND ABASITA VARGAS BENITEZ DIAZ to PRLAP, INC., Truslee(s), which was dated NOVEMBER 27, 2000 and recorded on November 28, 2000 In Book 352 at Page 714, Davie County Registry, North Caro­ lina. Default having been made In tho payment of the note thereby se­ cured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed ol .Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in Ihe Olflce of the Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder ol Ihe note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed lhal the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler tor sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the prop­ erty Is located, or Ihe usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on March 9,2004 at 10;30AM, and will sell to the highest bidder fo( cash the following described prop­ erty situated in Davie Counly, North Carolina, to wit; BEING ALL OF LOT NUMBER 21, RIDGEMONT SUBDIVISION, SECTION ONE, AS THE SAME APPEARS FROM A PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 135, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY TO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DE­ SCRIPTION. Save and except any releases or deeds of release of record. Said property is commonly known as 134 Winward Circle, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third partypurchasers must pay Ihe excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursu­ ant to NCOS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of live percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to Ihls Notice ol Sale Is be­ ing offered lor sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale is made sub|ect to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum ­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best ol Ihe knowledge and be­ lief of Ihe undersigned, the current owner(s) of Ihe property is/are LEOBARDO R. DIAZ AND WIFE, ABASITADIAZ. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Substitute Trustee ^_____________________________ Member ABORETEUM CENTRE BUILDING 2 5919 OLEANDER DRIVE SUITE 115 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 PHONE; (910)392-4988 FAX; (910)392-8587 File No.; FM031229M3530/MK 2-26-2ln NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 04-CVD-1159 JOSEPH E, WHITESELL, PlalntlH, vs. TONYA B. WHITESELL, Defen­ dant. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHEGENERALCOURTOF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 04SP1 IN RE; DANNY SPRY AKA DANNY JAMES SPRY, and SHARON S. SPRY AKA SHARON E. SPRY, FORECLOSURE OF DEED OF TRUST Dated July 17, 1998, RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 281, AT PAGE 541, IN THE DAVIE COUNTY REG­ ISTRY BY ALAN B. POWELL, TRUSTEE 5 - 1994 Ford 4S (Crown VIclorla) Vehicle Identification Numbers 2FALP71W7RX183342 2FALP71W8RX183382 2FALP71W8RX157316 2FALP71W2RX183376 2FALP71W1RX183420 5 - 1996 Ford 4S (Crown Victoria) 2FALP71W2X123606 2FALP71WXTX123711 2FALP71W8TX123593 2FALP71W1TX123466 2FALP71W8TX117633 Bronda B. Hunter Clerk lo Ihe Court DavIe Counly Board of Commlsioners 2-26-2tn I TO; Tonya B. Whitesell Mocksville, NC PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking rellel against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nalure of relief being sought Is as follows; Divorce. You are required lo make de­ fense lo such pleading wllhin forty (40) days from February 26,2004, or nol later than April 6,2004, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you may apple to the Court for the relief sought. This the 20lh day of February, 2004. Joseph E, Whitesell, Pro Se 2-26-3tn Under and by virtue of the author­ ity contained In a certain Deed of Trust dated July 17, 1998, secur­ ing a Note and indebtedness of $57,600.24, which was executed by Danny Spry aka Danny James Spry and Sharon S. Spry aka Sharon E. Spry, and which is re­ corded In Book 281, at Page 541, Davie County Registry, the under­ signed having been appointed Sub­ stitute Trustee by Instrument re­ corded in said Registry, default hav­ ing occurred in the payment of Ihe Note secured by said Deed ol Trust, and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substi­ tute Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale at public auction to the highestbidderforcasha ll o’clock p.m. on Thursday, the 4th day ol March, 2004, at the Courthouse door In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, the real property at 118 Midway Street, Cooleemee, North Carolina, 27014, which Is more partlcularty described as follows; Premises in Jerusalem Town­ ship, Davie County, North Carolina, described as follows: ■ Book 111 Page 476 . Beginning at an Iron slake In he Southern right of way margin ol Midway Street (SR 1171), the Northwest corner of Danny Spry's 3.01 acre tract, and running thence with the Southern right of way mar­ gin of Midway Street South 62 de­ grees 10 minutes 34 seconds East 399.20 feet lo an iron pin in the Southern right ol way margin of Midway Street, the Northwest cor­ ner of William s. Cranfill; thence with Ihe line of William S, Crantlll the following four courses and dis­ tances: South 35 degrees 51 min­ utes 0 seconds Wesl 172.70 teet; Ihence South 69 degrees 40 min­ utes 0 seconds Wesl 145.45 feet; Ihence South 81 degrees 06 min­ utes 0 seconds West 184.28 feet to a point In the line of J.B. Spry Jr.; thence wllh Spry's line North 26 degrees 38 minutes 0 seconds East 128.67 feel to an Iron, Spry's corner, thence wllh Spry's line North 55 degrees 08 minutes 58 seconds West 108.95 feet to an Iron, Danny Shepherd's Southeast corner; thence with Danny Shepherd's line North 28 degrees 0 minutes 43 seconds East 319,27 feet to the point and place ol be­ ginning, containing 3.01 acres, more or less. Book 117 Page 677 Beginning at a new Iron pin, the Southwestern corner of the within described tract. Northwestern cor­ ner of Bill Cranfill, said point and place of beginning being further located South 56 degrees 40 min­ utes 5 seconds West 354 feel from a new iron pin, Ihe Northwest cor­ ner of Peggy Spry In the Southern right of way margin of N.C. High­ way 801; thence lron\ the begin­ ning, North 56 degrees 40 minutes 5 seconds Wesl 46 feet to a new Iron pin, Ihe Northwest corner of’the wllhin described tract; thence North 39degrees21 minutes 11 seconds East 351.06 feel lo a new iron pin, Ihe Southeaster corner of the within described tract; Ihence South 26 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West 128.67 feet to a new Iron pip6; Ihence South 54 degrees 28 min­ utes West 235.06 feet lo tho point and place ol beginning, containing 0.66 acres, and being a portion ol that property belonging to Peggy Allen Spry. For reference see Deed Book 63, at page 422, and Deed Book 55, at page 360. This conveyance Is made sub- ¡ecl to all restrictions and ease­ ments of record. Address; 118 Midway Street, Cooleemee, NC, Tax Map or Par­ cel ID No.; NS10-402, The present record owners of said property are: Danny Spty aka Danny James Spry and Sharon S. .Spry. Said property will be sold sub­ ject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of way, restrictions of record, liens, or other prior encumbrances, said sale to remain open for increased bids lor ten (10) days after report thereof to Ihe Clerk of Superior Court. The Substitute Trustee may i^equlre Ihe high bidder lo deposit cash at Ihe sale in an amount equal to the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or $750.00. If no upset bid Is filed, the balance of the purchase price, less deposit, must be made In cash upon tender of Ihe deed. This Ihe 12lh day of February, 2004. Alan B. Powell SubstltuteTrustee P.O. Box 1550 High Point, NC 27261 (336) 889-8733 2-1Q.PtnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Melvin F. Allred and Julie Allred; His Wile, dated the 25th day of September, 1999, and recorded in the Office of Ihe Reg­ ister of Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, In Book 315 at Page 200 and because of default In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform Ihe stipulations and agreements therein contained and. pursuant lo demand of the owner and holder ol the Indebted­ ness secured by said Deed of TmsI, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will expose lor sale al piibllo auc­ tion to the highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sole In the County Courthouse of Davie Counly, in Ihe city of Mocksville, North Carolina, at 10:00 o'clock on Ihe 3rd day ol March, 2004, all lhal certain parce' of land, more particu­ larly described as follows; IMPROVEMENTS: House and lol/Condomlnlum/or Lol ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 17S1 Sheffield Road, Hamiony, NC 28634 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LO­ CATED In Clarksville Township, and the village ol Shellield, and on the south side of Shellield Road, and bounded on the East, and South and West by lands of J.T. Smith and on Ihe North by Sheffield Road. BEGINNING al an Iron pipe East corner on South side of Sheffield Road and running South 4“ West 4.30 chains to a while oak and iron slake; Ihence West 3.40 chains to an Iron pipe; ihence North 8» West 3,30 chains to an iron pipe on South side ol Sheffield Road; thence wilh said Road North 64“ East 1 chain to a Point Ihence North 75“ East 1 chain lo a point; ihence North 80’ East 1 chains to a point wllh curve; thence North 87“ Easl 1.35 chains lo the BEGINNING containing 1 3/10 acre's more or less. As per survey by A.L. Bowies, April 20, 1954. FOR BACK REFERENCE, see Book 42, Page 421, Book 33, page 460, and Book 54, page 563, Davie Counly Registry. PRESENT RECORD OWN­ ERS as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds not more than 10 days prior lo posting Ihe notice are Melvin F. Allred and Jullie Allred. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay Ihe tax ol forty-five (45) cents per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)( 1). This sale is also sub­ ject to any applicable county and/ or state land transler and/or rev­ enue tax, and Ihe successful third parly bidder shall be required to make payment lor such tax. The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this notice ot sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS," Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor Ihe holder of Ihe note secured by the Deed of Trust/Security Instrument, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, allorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of ellher Trust of the holder of the note make any representation ol warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing in, on, al, or relating lo the property being of­ fered for sale, and any and all re- sponslbilllies or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. The terms of the sale are that the real properly hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold lor cash lo Ihe highest bidder and that the under­ signed will require the successful bidder al the sale to immediately deposit cash or certilied check In Ihe amount of the greater ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred and fifly.dol- iars ($750.00). The real property hereinabove described will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes, prior encumbrances. If any, and special assessments. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days lor upsot bids as by law re­ quired, Following |he expiration of the statutoiy upset period, all remaining amounts are due Immediately. This the 11th day Februaiy, 2004. Ronald H. Davis,or David R. Caudle, Substitute Trustee 04-SP-7 2-19-2ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execi trix of Ihe Estate of THOMAS EL GENE HAUSER, JR., lale of Davi County, Ihls is lo notify ail person having claims against said esiat lo present them to the undersigne on or before the 5th day of Maj 2004, being three (3) months fror the first day ol publication or Ihl notice will be pleaded In bar of the recovery. All persons indebted I’ said estate will please make imme diate payment lo Ihe undersignec This the 5th day of Febmary, 200i Bonnie H. Cobbs, EXE( 109 Bridgewood Lani Advance, NC 2700i 2-5-411NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execu tor of the Estate of O.H. FISHER Ml, late oi Davie County, this is It notify ail persons having claim; against said estate to present then lo the undersigned on or betöre thi 12lh day ol May, 2004, being threi (3) months from the first day of pub iication or Ihis notice will be pleade( In bar of Iheir recovery. All person: Indebted lo said estate will pleasi make Immediate payment to thi undersigned. This 12th day of February, 2004 Palsy Fisher, EXEC 320 Rlverbend Drivi Bermuda Run, NC 27001 2-12-411 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as the Execu trix of the Estate of THOMAS BAILEY WOODRUFF, lale ol Davic County, this is to notify ail personi having claims against said eslalt lo present them to the undersignet on or before Ihe 26lh day of May 2004, being three (3) months fron the first day of publication or Ihii notice will be pleaded in bar of thei recovery. Ail persons Indebted t< said estate will please make imme dIate payment to the undersigned This 19lh day of February, 2004 Ann Carter Dysor 153 Frank Short Roac Mocksville, NC 2702E Martin & Van Hoy, LLF Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 2702E NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor o the Estate of JOHN HARDING PRATT, SR., lale of Davie County this is lo notify all persons havlnf claim s against said estate tc present them lo Ihe undersigned or or before the 26th day of May, 2004 being Ihree (3) months Irom the lirs day of publication or this notice wll be pleaded in bar ol thelr recovery All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay mgnt to Iho undersigned. This the 26th day ol February 2004. Elaine Y. Prat 5376 US Hwy 601 h Mooksvllle, NC 2702E 2-26-4I1: NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SURPLUS PROPERTY Pursuant to NC 6.S. 160A-270, Ihe Mocksville Town Board of Com­ missioners has directed Ihe sale ol Ihe lollowing Items at Public Auc­ tion: 1) 1995 CHEVROLET CA­ PRICE 1G1BL52P8SR162067 2) 1995 CHEVROLET CA­ PRICE 1G1BL52PXSR143875 3) 1979 FORD 10-560 DUMP TRUCK R70BVEA8454 4) 1990 DODGE TRUCK 1B7GE06Y1LS660442 The Hems listed will be available for Public Auction on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 7 p.m. at Ellis Auto Auction on 601 South ol Mocksville, 2-26-1 In NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execu­ tor of the Esiaie of MARGARET ELIZABETH EVANS LATHAM, lale ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the un­ dersigned on orbelore Ihe 19lh day of May, 2004, being three <3) months Irom the first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 19lh day of February, 2004. Ann L. Seats, EXEC 4605 Greenfield Way Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 2-I9-4IP Ü8 - DAVIIÎ COUNTY KNTKRI'RISIÎ RECOUD, Tliurscliiy. Feb. 26,2004 GLASSEEIEDS P E O F T E A B I i E Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. M ake a healthy choice-tor your III0I Call 753-HOPE forappolnlment. Animals UMBRELLA COCKATOO FOR sale $800. 998-7210__________ Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER­ RACE: (Under New MANAGE­ MENT) All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 8 2 bedroom, pool, b asketball court & sw ings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired lor cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens batfi floors. Located in fvlocksvllle behind the old H endricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision IHachln- ery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sal. 10- 12. Phone 751-0168.__________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opeihgs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift. Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Split shifts also. Call Debra, 751- p LAY (7529) 571 S (Hain St., Mocksville, across from Wefch's Funeral Home. WILL BABYSIT IN my home. Hwy. 6018, Mocksville. Full time/ part lime. Reasonable rales. 284- 2583. WILL PROVIDE CHILDCARE in my home, have references, any shift, all ages, reasonable rales, Hwy 6<1 Mocksville. 704-546- 77S0__________________________ Commercial Property 36 X 50 OFFICE building for rent, 1900 sq, ft., brick structure, 4 of- fices-oach approx. 18x18 w/ re­ ception hall and coffee bar. 2 baths. Available March 1. 998- 5726 VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES W arehouse & Office space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really ___________751-9400 Condos For Rent 2br, 2ba condo-Ciemmons- $800/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751- Employment ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION available wllh local real estate company. Position requires cus­ tomer service, générai office and computer skills. Company ben­ efits included in compensation. Qualilied applicants send resume lo Sieve Culler, Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors, 5342 Hwy 158, Suite 1, Advance, NC 27006. CDL DRIVERS, 1 year experi­ ence, clean MVR, musl be will­ ing lo work. Only serious inquir­ ies please. 704-645-9144 C N À 'S^N EÊD iD 'FÔ R ljTî^të duly cases. Clemmons/Advance areas. All shilts/weekends and weekdays available. Certificalion required. Cali 336-724-1197 Now Hiring iVWTUMNCARE O F M OCKSVILLE Autumn Caro of Mocksvillo is now liiring a fuil-timo DiolaryAldo for 1st & 2nd Shift. Pionso apply in pofson ,il Aulumii Cate ol Moclssvillo 1007 Howard Sliool, Mocksvillo, NC 2702B, EOE t H a p p y Î B ir t h d a y i ic ^ ^ W ‘ I.OVI- У(Ш.’ ^ ^ Mom. Joim, lyhr, Maniaw, W ra¡Km\ Um it Jody 'Фс ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Employment DAY SHIFT ELECTRICAL technician 12 hour shift schedule Requirements are as follows: •AAS Degree In Electronics ‘Must be aole to trouble-shoot automated electrical and mechanical equipment. . ‘Must have extensive knowl­ edge of PLC’s, inverter Drives, PC Controllers and all associ­ ated software. ‘Siemens PLC experience a huge plus ‘Must be able lo perfomi bolh electrical and mechanical repairs Our company offers competitive pay and enhanced benefits such as: Medical & Denial coverage Paid vacation & holidays 401K Retirement Plan Uniform allowance Qualified applicants should send resume wllh cover letter to: Avgol Nonwovens Human Resources Department 178 Avgol Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Or lax them to; 336-936-2505 DIESEL TRUCK MECHANIC Salem NalionLease has an immediale opening lor a Diesel Mechanic In the Winston-Salem area. We provide excellent pay and benefits to Include Medical, Dental, Paid Vacations & Holidays and Much More. We require a minimum of two yrs. experience. Your own Tools, A good driving record and Good work history. And CDL-A Is a plus. Anply @ SALEM NATIONLEASE 191 Park Piaza Drive Winston Salem, NC 27105 (800) 709-2536 ext. 3188 DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs expe- rience with clean record CDL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live floor trailers. 336-788-3210, EXCELLENT Q R O m H PO"- TENTIALI Raffles Salons at Squire Boone Plaza Is actively recruiting for lull and part-time stylists. All applicants must have current NC cosmetology license and be able to work at least 2 evenings per week and Satur­ days, No Sundayslll Call 1-800- 476-7233 to schedule your con- lldenlial Interview today and you could be a vital part of this suc­ cessful companyl EOE EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR framing crew, 40-plus hours weekly w/overtime. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads, 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. HIGH ENERGY, PLAYFUL & dependable people needed PT or FT to conduct behavioral/play theiapy wilh autistic child in hom e-base program. Previous experience prelerred bul not re­ quired. Fiex hours. Call 782- 7955, Emali resum e to Care@lrlad.rr.com HONEST LADY WILL sit with elderly or disabled, Mon-Frl, In­ cludes personal care, cooking, light houseke^ing, errands, elc. References. F^or more Informa- llon call 940-2507. Leave m es­ sage, will return call. LOOKING FOR 10 energetic people to assist in cooking classes. Unlimited income. Call 492-6545 lor appointment. Happy 22““ Birthday Jonathan W e M ls s Y o u A lo tlt W e Love You Veiy M u ch ! Love You, M om & T om m y & Ju stin & B rittany Driver L O C A L D R I V E R S Full & Part Time Positions All Shifts Available Excellent Beneflls Package 1 year tractor Irailer exp 1-800-948-6766 Epes Transport Employment NEEDED: HOUSEKEEPING. HOURS 7am-3pm. Mon., Thurs., FrI., Sat. S Sun. T uesday & W ednesday off. Must work hliidays. Seasonal work. March 1st III Nov. lsl. Call 492-7736. NOW ACCEPTING applications for full time & part-time workers- cashler/kilchen help. M-F 10:00- 2:30. Tucker's Place Cafe, 1987 Hwy 801S, Advance (south of Ihe railroad tracks) or call 998-7100. OFFICE HELP NEEDED: Mak- ing reservations, cashier and other dulies. Must work som e nights, weekends and holidays. Great lor students. Seasonal work, needed March Isl-Oct 30th. Call U ka Myers (336) 492- 7736. PART-TIME FACULTY Psychol- ogy-Davidson County Community College Is accepting applications for part-time faculty. Psychology, to leach afternoon classes at the College's Davie Cam pus beginning March 15, 2004. For more Information about responsibiiitios, qualifications and application requirements, please see Employment at DCCC on the C ollege w ebsite; www.davld30n.cc.nc.us or con­ tact: Human Resources Oflice, Davidson County Community College, P 0 Box 1287, Lexing­ ton, ffc 27293-1287, Telephone: 336-249-8186, Ext. 282 Equal Opportunity College PATIENT SERVICE TECH- needed for setup of homecare equipment. Requires valid drivers license, high school equivalent, career minded individual. Com- pan^ training provided. 751- SALEM CARRIERS LOCAL drivers needed $750.00 to $850.00 per wk 3rd shift Tuesday through Saturday and every other Monday. Drop and Hook Occasional over night trips. Requires 2 yrs exp. with 'lass A drivers license. Apply in person 191-Park Plaza Dr., Winston Salem, NC. Or call 1 Class A jerson 191-Park Plaza 800-709-2536. EOE SOCIAL WORKE'R III: PosÏÏÎôn with the Davie County Depart­ ment of Social Services with the primary purpose of receiving re­ ports of alleged abuse/negTeol/ exploitation oTchildren and/or dis­ abled adulls or dependency of children. Position assum es addi­ tional intake responsibilities and Includes other agency duties. Will accept gradualTon Irom a four- year college or unlversily in so­ cial work or related human ser­ vice field with one year of social work or human service work ex­ perience. Must have a valid North Carolina driver's license and ve­ hicle available for work. Submil a completed state appli­ cation, PD-107 and a school tran­ script of highest educational de­ gree to Becky Finney, Sociai Work Supervisor, Davie County Departmeni of Social Services, p 0 Box 517, M ocksville, NC 27028. Telephone: 336-751- 8800. A pplication deadline; March 1, 2004 before 5;00pm. Equal Opportunity Employer. TOWN OF C O O L E E M E T ir^ cepling appllcalion for a school crossing guard to help out with morning and evening traffic on Marginal St. Position open until filled; Applications available al Ihe Town ol Cooleemee Town Hall, 7766 Hwy 801 South or call (336) 284-2141 during normal busi­ ness. Town of Cooleemee is an EOE. TRUCi< DmVlNG'OPFORTil- NITY for a dedicate run. Our dedi­ cated drivers will benelit from the new hours of service & will be home weekends. Last year our drivers earned between $.38 and $.50 cents per mile all pay & de­ tention pay. Plus $.02 per mile Salety Bonus. We have 401K, Medical, dental and more. You can maximize your home time and earning potential in 2004. You need two years CDL-A ex­ perience to qualily. Call 1-800- 709-2536 Salem Carriers, Inc. Furniture EXECUTIVE OFFICE DESK with matching lateral file and book­ shelves, 4x8 oval conference table wilh matching end tables. Miscellaneous office equipment 778-9200._____________________ Homes For Rent IB R HOUSE, 152 Grove SI., Cooleemee. section 8 accepted. 704-633-8910, 798-0556 cell. 2 LARGE BR house on Highway 158, 998-2980 after 5pm. 2BR MODULArITOME, Bix'by area, 2 lull balhs, fenced In back­ yard, slorage bidg., no Inside pels. $600/m onth. 940-3222 night, 399-3242 day. 3BR, IBA-oulbulldIng Mocksville $675/mo- 3BR, 1.SBA mobile homa-$500/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clemmons-$800/mo Pennington & Company Really ___________751-9400___________ 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, fenced yard in Charieslon Ridge. $1,000/ month plus security deposit. 751 - 7481, 462-0607. /^V A N CE, 2BR, 2BA, mobile home on wooded lot, fenced- in backyard. $600/month. 336-399- 3242 BRICK, 3BR, 1BA, double car- port, 1.5 acre lot-country selling. 940-5119 CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALLS. MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nights & W eekends WHAT A DEALIIi Beautiful 4BR, 2.5BA home on Eaton's Church Rd. Over 2000 sq. ft. LR, DR, basement, attached carport, washer, dryer, stove/ dishwasfier, double ovens and disposal Includedl Available In February. $1Q00/monlh Charming 3BR, 2BA home on IHcCullough Rd. Relrigeralor, range oven, dishwasher and garage Included. Available March 151h. $875/monlh Exquisite new 2BR, 1BA condo in beautiful Knderton. Located on the 3rd lloor with a view ol the lake. Can be rented furnished or unfurnished. All appllnaces Included as well as slorage space and use of the pool and clubhouse. Call today for more information. 2BR possibly 3BR, 1BA home on Howardtown Rd. Refrigera­ tor, range oven and attached carport included. Oil heat and window unlls. $550/monlh 2BR, 1BA on Naylor St. near downtown Mocksville. Base­ board heal, window unlls, refrigerator and range oven Included. $500/monlh 2BR, 1BA home near Davie High on McCullough Rd. Oil neat and window units, $500/monlh 2BR, 1,5BA home on Country Ln. Central heat and air. Some appliances Included. $475/ month 1BR, 1BA apartment for rent near downtown Mocksville No appliances but utilities included in renl price $425/month Olllce Space lor Rent in downtown Mocksville Call loday for more Inlormatlon. $300/month A N E W J O B LongTemi/rcmp to Hire $7.50-$8.50/hout' Mocksvillc and Clemmons Locations Machine Operator and Assem blers t St shift, 2nd, 3rd, and 12 hour rotating day and nic)ht shifts Positions require clean criminal record, ability to read and understand Englisfi, frequent to repetitive lifting of 30+ lbs., & standin^j for 8*12 hours. Apply this Weekll Mocksville Employment Security Commission ESC Office • Room: 116 Thursday, February 26,2004 2;00pm •• ‘Bring 2 forms of identificntion to interview“ * SE HABLA ESPAÑOL, LLAME HOY Temporary Resources, Inc. Leadership In Staffing Experiencc...The Difference in Staffine _ 336-896-1000 7748 North Point Blvd. Winston-Siilem Homes For Rent COURTNEY, YADKIN COUNTY, 2/3 BR home wllh lots of privacy and room for kids to play. C ourtney E lem eniary and Forbush High school districts. Has a very large modern kitchen, slorage building, custom built tree house for Ihe kids and many . extras. We are offering this house for rent wllh option lo pur­ chase at any time during the lease. Please call wilh any ques­ tions or lor appllcalion. Of lease agreem enl, crim inal history check and references are re­ quired. There will be a $500. se­ curity deposit and rent ol $600. per month due the first day of every monlh. (336) 463-4579 (will be vacant 04/01/04) HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR,1b A house In M ocksville. $470. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020._________________________ Homes For Sale 3BR BRICK RANCHER, com­ pletely remodeled, 1 mile from I- 40. Priced lo Sell. 998-4152, 766-4370, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t\/locksvllle parsonage. 229 Wan­ dering Lane, 9 room, 2 slory, brick, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2760 square feet, unfinished basem ent wilh FP, 2 car garage, large deck, .6 ■--------------0. 751-5* ^acre lot. $259,9 -5312 FSBO, 3BR, 1 BA, remodeled in­ side and out. 4453 Stove Street. Call 336-766-0064. New Home (No Steel Frames), Crane Set, 7/12 Roof, 3BR, 2BA.$100,00.00 appraised value. On your foundation $54,900.00 lan d ow n ers call 336-362-3676 or 336-362-5258. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lol, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heal pump, $76,000. reduced lo $69,900.998-5816 or 284-2653. SACRiFICEl NEW C ^ e ^ o d (no steel frames), crane set. 3BR 2BA approx, 2300 sq.ft. Normal cosl $129,000.-on your founda­ tion $84,900. Limited time onlyl Landowners call 1-800-672- 9223. TRU Fiw O D U LA R'TiO U SES (NO STEEL FRAMES) Free Into 1-800-322-8679.______________ Land For Sale 31 ACRE FARM, $4,000/acre, 23 lots $8,000-$15,000 each. No mobile hom es, Hamptonville near Hwy 421, Yadkin Co. Call 336-468-9726. STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile homo lots lor sale. 998-5816, 284-2653_________________ Lawn Care EXPERT SHRUB & small tree pruning, mulching, landscaping ■ nteiw/ year round interest, renova­ tion of older landscapes, privacy planting, deck, fence, stone and flower bed construction. 25 years of quality work. Crosby's Land­ scaping. Call 704-546-7005 to­ day. C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call lltthur Bostick 336-492-5992 Lost & Found LOST DOG: NORWEGIAN Elkhound, shepherd type mark­ ings. neutered male, approx, 50 lbs. on Bear Creek Church Rd. 492-7978 MAN'S WALLET FOUND in rear pariting lot Taco Bell. 751-3507 ask for Civil D ept.____________ Lots For Rent NICE LARGE MOBILE home lot in quiet park. Paved streets and parking. Garbage service, cable TV, Off Redland Rd., Davie Co, 998-4588____________________ Lots For Sale 2.5 ACRES WOODED secluded w/city water $30,000 940-6981. YADKIN COUNTY NICE large lots, low cost w ater, $12,000.00 & up. Owner financ­ ing. Brown Osborne 336-838- 4590______________________ ___ Miscellaneous •Homelife XL12 chalnsaw $150 ‘3 Homeiile XL12 chalnsaws lor parts $50 each •266 H usquvarna chalnsaw $350 •Car tow dolly $650 •Stick welder w/addilional 100ft plus cord $350 ‘2 Hay forks with prongs $125 & $75 ‘Duncan Phyfe sofa-needs re­ covering $550 ‘Variable speed treadmill $200 •Console 28" TV-played 6 times $350 336-998-8979 5 PAIR 120X84 country blue rutfied curtains with printed bows. 1 door valance. 1 kingsi?e com forter lo m atch. 1 king bedshirl. 2 pillow sham s. $230. 492-7223 ELECTRIC MOBILITY "RAS- CAL" power wheelchair. Also trunk lift. Excellent condition. $1250, 940-3222 night, 399- 3242 day, FIREWOOD FOR SALE, cheap, will deliver if needed. 998-2591 FOR SALE-Queen pillow top mattress set. New in plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175, Call (336) 442-3506, FOR SALE-QUEEN plush top m attress set. New In original fac- to ^ ^astte. Only $150. Call ¡336) FORMER CM SCRAPBOOK consultant selling all Inventory 25% off retail. Lots lo choose from. Cali 704-546-5360. 4pm- 8pm' Mon-Thur. PREIviiuiirSEASONED OAK firewood, dump truck load, $150 delivered. Miller Tree 998-1900 VERY NICE A IRliockey table $100. 998-0300 GAÜIIILUME Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting . 3’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS Debbie’s staffing m \ N R E C R U IT IN G 2nd Stiift Assembly Positions Mocksville Work Location Temp To Hire ^ Paced Work EnvlromenIClean Criminal Record required Drug Screen Required 4431 North Cherry Street, Suite 50 Winston-Salem, NC or Call 776-1717 for details N ovora Feo EOE L a n d s c a p i n g & L a w n c a r e Just in Time for Spring! ! Residential and Cptnmerclal Landscape Design. ' inslallatlbn, Mowing & Monthly Maintenance " T ee Shrub, and Lawn Fertilization Mulching and Pm? Needles ' Disease and Weed donlfol Sftilnfl Clean-up ; ’‘n d # 'l3 e d '^ ^ |ln g ii# ■ Complete Lawn Renovation Fully In s u re a 0 LiGBHseü P e s iic ld e A n p ilc a to r _ 3 3 6 -9 0 9 -Q 0 7 B QiASS] DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RIÍCOKI), riuir.sdii.v, Kcl). 26.2004 - 1)9 ■ ■ I N E X E E M S I V E P R O F I T A B L E Mobile Home/Rent Mobile Hom es/Sale Service 1 4X 60 M O B IL E H O M E on orí- ____ u m i c c n cAMiKir«-Mn m o Travel Vehicles •7d ам г. Rnnn- Yard Sales U.j V^UIOIUB aiur-age bidg,, 3 person occupancy limit. Recently up-daled, new car­ pet, etc. No Pels, No HUD, De­ posit required. 998-2931 or 284- 4481. 2BR, 1.5 BA, very nice, very clean, must see, $350/month, 704-873-5426 • 2BR, 1BA, PRIVATE lot, all ap^ fiances furnished, no pets. 158 ast 3.5 miles. 1 or 2 people. 751-4279 2BR, MOBILE HOME for rent, Cooleem ee area $90/wk Day 998-8797 Night 704-489-8840 FARMINGTON AREA SINGLEWIDE perfect for single or couple. Good location in quiet community. 2BR, 1BA $425/ month & deposit. 336-682-7821 GRANT HEIGHT, FOR rent, mo-‘ bile homes and lots. Cali 284- 2551. Ask for Clarence. NICE 2BR, 2BA, $400/mo $400 deposit- jusl In Iredell County. 704-546-2089. PRIVATE LOT 3BR, 1.5BA, very clean. No pels, deposit required. Local 336-575-2101, 828-478- 9416, READY foTMOVE 1N~ 2BR apartment, furnished with electric and furniture. $450/mo. 751-1218, (704)872-3367 SINGLEWIDE, 2BR, 1 BA, $395/ month plus deposit. Hwy 801 S. 751-2304, 941-7522___________ Mobile Homes/Sale 1992 SINGLEWIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, 2 outbuildings, stove, w/d, lot # 358 Deer Run $10,000. ОБО 336-798- 3466 1ST TIME HOMEBUYERS Land/Home package, debt consolidation available on OAC Payments as low as $500/ month Low Downs-Easy Terms Call (704) 878-0147 lor Appt 3BR, 2BA DOUBLEWIDE on 3/ 4 acre, Shellleld Rd. Totally re­ modeled. $69,900,00 336-492- 5601 TURNED DOWN ON new Land/Home Pkg due to credit? Call usl Home loans/Low down WE MEAN ITl Hotline It 704^883-999,^ WE ARE THE BANK In House Financing/Location Not a Problem NEW Program 3-4 BR Land/ Homes (704) 883-9997 GENE TREXLER I ROOFING New & Old Hoofs Small Repair Jobs Freo Estímalos 336-284-4571 I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 U J I S S C a 'R V £ ‘R MINI-STORAGE For all your storuuc needs, choose u.s' Conie by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C aH to < iai)l (336) 908-8810 New3BR,2BA land home package $300 down and $500 a monlh 15 minutes to qualily Hotline № (704) 928-2066 WHY RENT WHEN you can own? Land/Home for same rental rale Low Down, Payments as low as $550 per month OAC (704) 883-9997 Personals PETITE LADY, 50’S, divorced, would like to meet a nice, happy, caring, outgoing, non-smoKing gentleman who likes to laugh, go places, do things, watch Tv or sit In the swing & talk lo be friends first, hopefully to develop into a LTR. Please call 751-3125 ______Pets______ 1 1/2 YEAR old Chihuahua, le­ male, fan, spayed, house broken. $100. OBO 998-0627 CHIHUAHUAS FOR SALE. ' 998-7210 FREE TO GOODfiome, 2 Aus- tralian Shepard mix. Some shots. 998-3678_____________________ Recreational 2001 SUZUKI 4 w heeler-500 Quad Runner $4,200, 940-2352 Rooms for Rent BEDROOM FOR RENT. Roomales seeking 3rd roomate to share expenses on 3BR home. Located on 2 wooded acres w/ pool in Advance. Shift worker wel­ come. Renl plus 1/3 utilities very reasonable. 998-9674 anytime, FURNISHED ROOM FOR sober working adult male, 751-0645. Service ARE YOU SELF employed, do­ ing you own accounts receivable, accounts payable, or payroll? Professlnal accountant. Davie County resident 1 -336-407-7482. Hourly rates available. ' В & D DESIGN & CONSTRUC- TION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY WE WORK TO MEET YOUR BUDGET Specializing In additions, renova­ tions, balhs, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone & llie work, light painting and small repairs. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workman­ ship. References available. Free Estimates. Ken Durham Construction Residential or Commercial Remodeling & New Conslruclion • Addillniis • Vinyl SiiHna • Hodjiii); • llttbcttt Work Cali for Free EsllmalQ (336)284-2698 M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L WINTER IS HEREI . Bobcat, aeratot core ptugger am oreforrentiodayl •Mocksville^" 133B1751-2304 R E A L E S T A T E A U O T I O I M I 3815 Hawkedalc Dr^ Winston-Salem | NOONMon., Mardhl*12 DIFteCriONS: FROM UNIVERSITY PKWY,: Shnlltilan Rd. cross Yadkinvillo Rd, turn Loll onlo Old PMIIom. Righi onlo Rosobrlar. Righi onlo Hawkodalo. House on Righi. Homo bull! In 1074 hna 3 bodrooms, 2 lull both and Is opproxlmaloly 1460 +/- sq, (I. This homo has 0 rooms. Rooms includo o living room, don, maslor bodfoom, and kilchoii. Conlial nir/oloclrlo ho.nl. Public wnlor/sopllo lank. Tho proporly Is localod on .59 aero, Houso has a lull basoinoni, Localod on doad ond sirool In qulsl nolghboihood. ExcollanI locallonl Call Torà Popo 330-346-I311 (or moro Inlo or appi for viowino, REAL ESTATE OFFERED SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION NOT LEFT OPEN FOR UPSET BIDS. Cot. K enneth Ci. Ketnor, Pre.s., NC’AL.12fiKFirst Choice Auction & Realty t'irin Liconsc «7229 • I’O H(« .1.15, Lewisville • (336) 945-411« Vllil Our Web Sllc Ml xsticMaicMicsiSsam.Sm : «■"“ /' tiir>lih,umu,,iln.idrT.wm loo small or loo large. 940-2633. i l T i D o T o u i ^ T o b s T y ^ work, reasonable, honest and dependable. 336-492-2401, LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTER-' ING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimttres 998-1798 NEED A BREAK? Looking lor som eone to clean your home, oflice or church? I am a Christian woman thal takes pride In her work, I have a list of references from churches, offices & private residences available upon re­ quest. Feel free lo call for a free estimate. 336-998-9430. Ask for Barbara SERVICES AVAILABLETo R Senior Citizens. Sitting, light cleaning, transportation, errands, etc. Home phone 336-284-2583 TOIMBERLIN'S'irAWN CARE & Handyman Services. All types of lawncare and handym an ser­ vices, mowing and weedealing, bushliogging & trimming trees and bushes, plugging, seeding, feriilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles, Cali Brent for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. TOMMY'S TOTAL LAWN Care. We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planting. We also offer tracloi'work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­ mates. Oflice 492-2330. Ceil 336- 682-7006. I Travel BARTER THEATRE "Arsenic & Old Lace" Lunch at Martha Washington Inn March 31st 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 BRANSON, JUNE 19-26 8 shows, 4 dinners, train ride, Passion Play 336-954-9391/336-924-6461 Harrah's Cherokee Casino Trip Fri Nite-Feb 27st Sat Day-Mar 6lh FriN ite-M ar12lh,, Peari River Resort & Casio Mar. 19th&20lh E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC ■Bermuda Hermudii Villiii’e i-s tiildiiK iipplii'iition.s tor Valet Position If'yuuarvdulgoiii); I'ntliu.siiisllc, inul over 21, IhK retireinunt re.sorl is .¡list for you. (Kelirve.s woicuniu) l'’'r/l’'r-S()inc H’cekend.s Cull 1‘iit.sy 998-6536 Wohlfahrt Haus “Fiddler on Ihe Rool" May 6 Rudy Theatre/ Ava Gardner Museum May 24 Barter Theatre "Glri of My Dreams" June3 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 Vehicles 1976 FORD VAN V8-semi-con- version-cold alr-p. steering-p. brakes-good tires & brakes-some rust-mechanicaily good. Priced lo Sell. 751 -3666 after 5;00pm Î99S FORD F I50 P/U, âxc’elünt condition, 90,000 miles, like new. $7000.00 "g r a c e m o t o r s 142 NC Hwy 801N Advance 336-817-7482 1997 m e r c u r y MYSTIQUE 101,000 miles, burgandy, pi, pw, ac, alloy wheels, new tires, $3,500.cash price/Fin. Avail. 1995 FORD c o n t o u r gold , ac, pw, pi, auto, new tune up, new brakes $2,000 1997 OLDS ACHIEVA while, 103,100 miles, V6, new belts/hoses, ac, pw, pi, $3,499 cash price/l=in. Avail. 1994 FORD r a n g e r XLT, nice, 76,000 miles, 5spd, 4cyl., ac, CD/stereo, $4,900 neg. 1993 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, red, 104,650 miles, pw, pi, ac, 5spd, sunroof, new tiros, $6,250 W A L L IÍR P L U M IU N ÍÍ luui K K P A IK S 3.K>-2K4-4.^K'i HI Mill N I I \l. rl.l MIIIM . Nifty, Nifty June Bug is SOi ш Ш Low, Yow Slsieiw Are Vom S m r t ? Join the smartest community in Davie County and take advantage of... “The B e s t D eal in th e ‘Ville” NorthwoodApartments Qtuilitv * Comrn'wncf • Mfoidiihiììlv 336-751-4141 TÖMLOIRE “Your Senior Health Care Specialist” Providin/i I'omiirvlwnsivc aiiv thnnii>li hvdcll, Dnvic und Forsyth countics lor 2Syctirs. COM K AND ,I01N US ALONG OUU S rA'nC.SVlLI.E TO WINSTON-SALKM COKKIDOU! S p e e c h T h e r a p i s t Per diem All po.silions rei|iiire a current NC license ami al lea,sl two years recenl elinieiil oxiwrience. Recenl Home Heallh Ex|)crioiice a plus! Qiialificd caiidldali'.'i sliniilil .send resume or eall! I.yiiiKSclinelcler, UN 'Hitat (,'are 1M.7 Davlc Ave .Statesville, NC 28677 (7(M) 872-.1(i0f. fax:(7(M) 872-632(1 14 ft dump '81 Ford F50 12 ft dump $4000.00 7 7 Dodge Motorhome 27 It self-contained $5000.00 '88 Dodge Ram 150 Shortbed 4x4 $2000.00 '95 Lazy J Fifth W heel Slack Irailer $3000.00 165 M assey Ferguson diesel farm tractor-front end loader $4000.00 ‘79 Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup new lire, new motor, new interior, new paint $4000.00 Trl-Axie trailer 8x14 w/ ramps $1200.00 MULTIFAMILY, SAT. 8-2, baby, giris, womens & m ens clothes, exercise equipm ent, dresser, desk & much more. 601N past WRD school 2miles on LelL Rain date -03/06/04. THE TREE HOUSE Tool T23 Salisbury St. Leather handbags- $1.00, winter shoes-75% off, win­ ter clothes-75% off TRADING p'O ST -601/8017 Greasy Comer, Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5, Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buy­ ing limber. Call 284-4302. 336-998-8979 ‘96 CHEVY 1500 custom van, loaded, hand controls, hoist, $9500.00 336-940-5561 Wanted TIMBER WANTED, pine or hardwood. We select cut or clear cut. 8 acres or more. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704-278- 9291. Night 704-278-4433 or 828-430-8860_________________ Yard Sales BIG, BIG SALE...FH. & Sal. 10am-4pm, 149 Griffey Trail, HUGE M 'OVm^'SAi^E^mosi Items Indoors-somelhing for ev­ eryone. Low prices-EverylhIng Must Gol 828 Beauchamp Rd., Advance-Friday 2/2710am-6pm & Saturday 2/28 7am-2pm. iuibVlNQ SALE, FRI, & Sat. 8am-4pm, good useful items, di­ nette suite, RCA TV. 275 Madi­ son Rd., 751-3632 LAST BIG YARD SALE Hwy. ISa across from Oak Grove Mothodist Church Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Feb. 26, 27 & 28 7:00 AM until RANDY MILLER &SONS 2‘)5 Miller Kmiil'Miicksvlllc (336) 284-2826 ' Now Pumping Septic Tanks • Need To Place An Ad In The \ Classifieds? Here’s Some Helpful Information For You... Tho first 10 words aro $6.50; onch nddillonat worU Is lOe. Yard Snio ads aro pnyablo In ndvnnco. Doodlino for cliisslflod ads Is 10:30 n.m. Tuosdny. Call Tho Enterprlso-Hocord At 751-2129 CongratulationsERIC SCARLETT for making the Dean’s List at High Point University. We are so proud of you! L o v e , Y o u r G irls Capital Financial CALL US TODAY & BE FREE OF DEBT. At Capital Financial the sky Is the limit. Apply for a mortgage, personal or business loan. FORGET ABOUT BAD CREDIT — WE CAN HELP! YOUR DESERVE A SECOND CHANCEI C a ll 8 6 6 -8 7 9 -8 3 2 1 L a C e d a r R o c k Assisted Living H e a l t l i C a r e O p p o r t u n i t i e s Cedar Rocl< Assisted Living is now Accepting Applications For: Personal Care, Aides, CNA's,Cooks And iVied Teciis Apply In person at; Cedar Rock Asst. Living 191 Crestvlew Dr. « ________»No Phone Calls •_________ A B S O L U T E A U C T I O N ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SAT. • FEB. 28 • 9:00:AM CLEMIVIONS CIVIC CENTER !'<»: nuMV tkliill i»i<l Dhnlns lui; »nl» >v>v>v.kliil)»cluuic(l(ms.c«m mUHCnONS: УИОМ W-.4, THAVm. 1ГК.1Г ON 1-40. ГЛКК TIIK С1.кмтт4 KXIT Л TIIHN I.Ktr. I’HOCKKI) THKOUr.n С1.КММПИ.Ч - TIIK CIVIC CKNTKK 1.1 ON TIIKHH.'iiT. jv.vr л<;к<ш' гном vihh.kh'.s hinkkai. iimiK. ит к t on они sihni THIS SALE CONTAINS A LARGE VARIETY OF ITEMS MUCH TOO NUMEROUS TO LIJ5TI INCLUDING GLASS, POTTERY, CHINA, CRYSTAL, ARTWORK, GOLD & SILVER COINS, FURNITURE, ADVERTISING & TOBACCO COLLECTIBLES, TOOLS, ETC. THERE ARE OVER 4S0 LOTS! CONCESSIONS AVAILABLE - SALE STARTS EARLYAT 9:00 AMI TERMS CASH PfyU EFVien, GOOD СИССК. VISAMAS1t;HC/WtD 0Я ОЕШТ CAROACCrPttD EVERYDtlNQ SaO AS IS WHERi: IS P<eOA«rXESS OF nU; PRICE wm MD WARRAfillES OR GUA/W^tlES AUOION COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSinif: FWAMYACCiOCNTS Lfiinbach Auction & Realty, LLC OWNER / AUCTIONEER / BROKEHI APPRAISER ■ TODD A. LEINBACH ASSISTED BY AWrnONEER IVIIKE HUTCHENS, NCAL «692Я ‘T H E ESTA TE SE T T L E M E N T P R O F E S S IO N A L S ”ANTIQUES-COLLeCTlHlES-FAi^M МЛС1 tlNEUYHEAL ESTAlE-fiUStNESS LIQUIDATIONS www.leinbachauctions. com 336-76Ф5146 N.C.A.L. #5071, N.C.A.F.L. #0060, N.C.n.E.L. # 154040. N.C.R.E.B.L. #100022 i ......... ' '.51 DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTE I D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - Cl O n T h e R i g h t P a t h S o l d i e r F r o m D a v i e F i n a lly G e t s T o V is it H o m e A f t e r N e a r l y A Y e a r In K u w a it , Ir a q By Mike Unrnlinrdt Davie County Enterprise Record Juslin Jumes joined the Army in an attempt to put his life in the right di­ rection. That direction quickly sent the Dnvie High School grnduule lo a 349- duy stiiy in Kuwait and Iraq. He was in W ashington. D.C on Sept. 11,2001, the day before he was sched­ uled to leave for basic training. James was home at the end of Janu­ ary nnd beginning of February, visit­ ing his mother and stepfather, Beverly and Robert Greene in W aldorf, Md., and his father and stepmother, Steve and Carol James of M ocksville. Broth­ ers and sister and friends kept him oc­ cupied. James, a food service specialist from Ihe 183rd M aintenance Co., has helped sbrve meals lo thousands of service men and women. He’s been moved, and on special m issions into Iraq. He doesn’t want lo talk aboul his time al Saddam Hussein’s palace in Baghdad. On the other hand, James has been somewhal lucky. He had access lo a ccll phone, and could call home. He was amazed at who would be visiting his parents, and brothers, Russ and Malt, when he called. “The worst thing is, every time I would call home, there would be something bad that had hap­ pened.” He regularly received mall, lots of mail. He gave names to family back home of soldiers who w eren’t getting mail. They got mail, and packages. James said the morale of Ihe troops varies from unit lo unit and person to person. He keeps Ihings on a more per­ sonal level. “The morale goes up and down. It’s what you make il. If you want lo have a bad day, you’re going lo have a bad day. If you want to have a good day, you’ll have a good day.” Sometimes, the conditions make it harder lo have one of the good days. They rcceive three 1.5-liter bottles of water a day, for drinking and wash­ ing. “It was hard, and it was definitely hot. It never dropped below 95 while I was in Iraq, and one day I had 35 mos­ quito biles.” The sand gnats were even worse, James said. James signed up for three years, and is scheduled to get out on Sept. 16. He’s still undecided. Re-enlisting would mean less time at his d ad’s dow ntow n M ock.sville shop, Courlside Sports, and with his little sister Ashley. "A shley had sent m e C ourlside Sports note cards with reasons she missed me,” he said. James missed burgers from Deano’s, Lexington barbecue and Cheerwinc, He m issed the W W F and the Redskin cheerleaders. His dad finally got Cheerwine to him in Kuwait, and his church. Victory Baptist of Cooleemee, sent packages with snacks. He shared that, and some of his mail, with fellow soldiers who didn’t have such a strong support sys­ tem back home. That support system includes Ethan W ood, a "little b u d d y ” from Ida W eisner’s class at Courtney Elemen­ tary School, who helped collect and send Ihings from his school. It includes Seth Grooms, who worked Davie High School football games on the sidelines with Juslin. Seth never fails to pray for Justin when he’s in church. Justin James is still trying to decide which direction he wants to go in life, but one thing is for sure. He’s learned a lol about life in the last three years. He’s learned respect, and how to bo thankful. He thinks It’s an experience everyone should have. “Do it. It’s a learning experience. I think everybody should have to go to the military for two years out of high school,” James said, "If you don’t, you don’t respect what you have. 1 know I didn’t." He believes in the mission. “If we don’t go there, they’ll come here. We need to slop what’s going on. Negativ­ ity on one side of the world will always end up here.” Negativity from home doesn’t help. People bought D ixie C hicks CDs (Tlieir singer criticized President Bush) from the PX so they could destroy Ihem. “To me, when the National Anthem is played, you don’t move. I used to . jump around. I’ve gained respcct for our country since I’ve been over there. 1 used to be a real smart ass. I didn’t care.” Justin James has learned a lot about life. He cares now. “I called m yself a child before he said. This piece of Iraqi money featuring Sadtdam Hussein's picture is among James' souveniers. i t l i r The sand storms can get rough in the Middie East.James stands at the airport bunl<er. lustin James tail<s about his stay of nearly a year in Kuwait and Iraq part of the Army's 183rd Maintenance Co. based out of Fort arson, Coio. - Photo by Robin Fergusson James is shown crossing the border from Kuwait Into Iraq. C2 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Feb. 26,2004 P h e l p s - L a n d r e t h C o u p l e M a r r i e d S a t u r d a y I n S a l i s b u r y Ti\nya M ichelle Phelps of M ocksville and C had K elly Lmulrelli of Tlioiniisvllle were uniled in marriiiije m 6 p.m. Sat­ urday, Feb. 21 at O niw ake- Dearborn Chapel In Salisbury. Dr. Tom Torpy officiated. The bride is the daughter of Jack and Tina Phelps of Cherry Mill Road. Mocksville. She is a graduate of Davie High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in conununieations from Appa­ lachian State University. She is employed by Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge and Rice Law Firm. The groom is the son of Teresa Wall of Sophia and Kelly Landrelh of Luwsonvllle. He is a graduate of Riindleman High School. He is employed by Estes E.\prcss Line. The bride wore a ballroom style gown with a Basque waist­ line, .sweetheart neck and off- the-shoulder cup sleeves. The bodicc was embellished wilh sil­ ver and seed pearl appliques. The skirt featured four layers of tulle and a chapel-length train. The fairytale style gown was embel­ lished with silver, pearls and lace appliques throughout the skirt of the gown, an exclusive design for David’s Bridal, The head­ piece was a crystal and pear ti­ ara frained in silver. The three- dimensional tiara featured mar­ quis cut crystal ucconts. The ca- thcdral-length veil featured crys­ tals and pearls and was trimmed in satin. The bride wore diamond and teardrop pearl earrings given to her as a wedding gift by her mother. She borrowed freshwa­ ter-cultured pearls with crystal accents bracelet made from a family heirloom piccc. Her ma­ ternal grandmother gave her a white with blue trim handker­ chief to cany that wus a (amily heirloom. The bride carried a cascade of flowers consisting of white star- gazers, while alstroniaria lilies Mrs. Chad Kelly Landreth with a touch of pink and while sweelhearl roses. M atron of honor was Dena Shoffncr. a friend of the bride. B ridesm aids w ere: Amy Keegan, Jennifer Nance and Jen­ nifer Jones, friends of the bride; and Samantha Landreth, sister of the groom. The groom ’s father was best man. Groomsmen were: Jason Phelps, brother of the bride: Wes Landreth and Cody Landreth, brothers o f the groom ; and Stephen Hedgccoek, friend of the groom. A colytes w ere B enjam in Bociun and Caleb Reavis, cous­ ins of the bride. Flow er girl w as K aylee Shoffncr, and ring bearer was Bryson Shoffner, friends of the bride. After a reception nt Crystal Lounge al Calaw ba C ollege, Salisbury, the couple weiil on u wedding trip to Aventura Spa Palace in Riviera Maya, Mexico. They will make their home in Tliomasville. Social Events • A bridal shower was given by Anne Rollins, Susan Wall, Ruby O 'N eal, Carmen Walker and Verna Webb, all friends of the bride and her family, on Sun­ day, Nov. 2 al Jericho Church of Christ, Mocksvillc. • A bridal shower was given by Teresa Wall, mother of the groom, Billie and Joan Gillikir (friends of the bride’s mother; and Lisa Crews, cousin of iht groom, on Sunday, Dcc. 7, a Sophia Baptist Church, Sophia • Co-workers showered the bride with gifts and a luncheor on W ednesday. Feb. 18 a Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge am Rice Law Firm at RJ Reynold- Building, Win.ston-Salem. • A bridesmaid’s brunch wa: held Saturday. Feb. 21 at tlu Wrenn House, Salisbury. Lindi Bocian, Jeannie Smith and Alim Reavis, aunts of the bride, hoslec the brunch. The bride chose thii lime lo honor her bridesmaid! and nllendants wilh gifts. •The groom’s family, Mr. anc M rs. Ed (Teresa) Wall and Mr and M rs. K elly (Penny Landreth hosted a rehearsal din ner al the Steele Banquet Room Holiday Inn, Salisbury, on Fri­ day, Feb. 20, after the rehcarsa ill Omwake-Dciirborn Chapel Catawba College, Salisbury. Borders-Jones Engagement Announced Joyce Houpe of Salisbury and Plaize W. Houpe of Cleveland, N.C. announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Michelle Borders of Salisbury to Dujuan Lamont Jones of Salisbury. The bride-to-be is a graduate of West Rowan High School and is employed at the VA Medical Center. The groom-to-be is the son of Cheryl Jones Mellon and the late Jimmy Wayne Melton. He is a 1W graduate of Davie High School and is employed at Food Lion Inc. A May 15 wedding is planned at Boxwood Baptist Church, Mocksville. Lockwood-Sluder Engagement Announced Kristen Dawn Lockwood and Matthew Thomns Sluder, both of Charlotte, announce their engagcmenl. The bride-to-be is Ihe daughter of Mel and Jackie Lockwood of Greensboro. She is a graduate of the University of Richmond and is employed at the Barnabus Counseling Center in Charlotte. The groom-to-be is the son of Carolyn Martin of Advunce and Gary Sluder of Lexington. He is a 1994 graduate of Davic High School and earned un undcrgraduatu degree in finance from ihe University of North Curolina al Greensboro. He is employed by Bank of America. The wedding will be March 27 al the hislorical VanLandingham Instates, Charlotte. Durham-Link Engagement Announced^ Ken and Cindy Durham of Cooleemee annoinice the engage- ment of their daughter, Kirsten Erin Durham lo Joshua Levi Link son of Deiuiis and Marli Link of Mocksville. The bride-to-be graduated in 2(H)3 from Davie High School anc is pursuing a cosmetology degree from Davidson Couniy Conunu­ nity College. The groom-to-be graduated in 2002 from Davie High School and is employed by Ken Durham Construction. The wedding is planned for Mtiy 15 at Omvvakc-Dcarborn Chapel in Salisbury. FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE February 26, 2004 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. February 27, 2004 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. February 28, 2004 8:30 A.M. - Noon The .sale will be held ar: MILLING ROAD 970 M illing Road, Mocksville, North Carolina Follow the signs from Exit 174 and 1-40 A broad .selection of fine home Rirnishings available at a .significant saving.s. To pre-regi.ster, please send an email with your NAM E, ADDRESS AN D PHONE NUM BER to: bakeriactorys.iles@kohler.com After February 23, please register upon arrival at the .sale. West Davie Power Equipment; bic N O W O P E N ) Intersection of Hwy. 901 & 64 W • Mocksville Authorized Sales & Service for: Snapper, Walker, Ferris & Shindaiwa — RENTAL EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE — Trikes, Bil(cs, W agoas, Scooters, Rocking Horses shiidiiim AUTOMorivaBBnvica■HRatLCNCS ASE Certified A u t o R e p a i r S e r v i c e (336) 492-5102 Owners: Steve Stroud and Doug Gartner Scott nnd Tninniy Jenkins of Huntersville unnouncc the birth of their son, Oyinn Mncbcth, on Jnnunry 25,2004 ut Carolinos Mcdlcal Center In Charlotte. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 Inchcs in length nt birth. Wayne and Elaine Smith of Advancc arc the maternal grandparents. Don and Bccky Jenkins of Charlotte arc the paternal grandparents. Dylan hns one older sister, Rllcy Scott. Jamie and Ryan Longworth would like to announce the birth of their new baby brother - Jonah Gray Longworth, burn on February 7th, 2004 nt 9:47 a.m. Jonah weighed 9 lbs. 23 oz. and was 22 inches long nnd was deliv­ ered by Dr. Urad Jacobs at LyndliurstOB/GVN. Jonah’s proHd parents arc Duane and Buffy Longworth. Maternal grandparents arc Tommy and Brenda Beck and maternal Brcat-srnndpnrenls arc 1л1с111с Potts nnd Marzcllc Beck. P aternal grandparents arc D onnic und lio n iilc . Longw orth. Wc arc very happy to have a new bundle ofjoy In our fani- lly. Kntclyn and Chloe Sammons arc happy to an­ nounce the birth of their baby sister, Christina Hope. Their parents are Britt and Heather Sammons of Mocksvillc, Christina wns born Febru­ ary 7, 2004 at 9:23 p.m. at Forsyth Mcdlcal Center. She weighed 9 lbs. and was 22 inchcs long. Paternal grondpnrcnts arc Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sammons of Mocksvillc. Ma­ ternal grandparents are Jean Smith of Mocksvillc nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith of Salisbury. R em em ber W h e n ? Louise Stroud does. Read her musings on Mocksville’s history the first week of each month. OAVie COUNTY ENTERPRI/i^^ECORD DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - C3 New Arrivals Alex and Zachary Frye are happy to announce tlu; birth of their baby brother, Ethan John. Ethan’s proud parents arc Stephen nnd Amanda Frye of Mocksville. Ethan was born on Janu­ ary 5, 2004 at 2:10 a.m. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 Inches long. Paternal grandparents are John and Dee Frye of Mocks­ villc. Maternal grandparents arc Jesse and Beverly Perkins of Advancc and the late Joseph Hegc Smith Jr. ROBBINS Amanda Robbins announcc.s tlie birth of her third child, a daugliter, Brianna Rena, on Friday, April 11, 2003 at 2:05 p.tti. She weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. Brianna was born at Davis Regional Medical Center in Statesville. She has two brothers, Preston and James Robbins. Her grandparents are James and Freida Robbins. Her ma­ ternal great-grandparents are Gladys Myers and the late Henry Jr. Myers, Addie Robbins and tiie late Carl Preston Robbins. STOCKLIN Ross and Lisa Stocklin announce the birth of their baby girl, Aynsley Nicolc, on Sunday. Jan. 18.2004 at 1:28 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs., was 20 inchcs long, and was delivered by Dr. Anthony Mascicllo at Forsyth Medical Center. She has an older sister, Julia, and a brother, Liam. Her maternal grandparents arc Harold and Gina Sanders of Mocksville. Paternal grandparents are Darryl and Mary Stocklin of Belle Metid, N.J. Two great-grandmothers are Eliza Sanders of Mocksvillc and Mary Clark of New Jersey. Yadkin Valley Economic Development DIsUlct, Inc. Gives tlio following Notices Ж 1 Е А Н YVEDDI gives notice lhat II will conduct Sen/lce Area Heatings as tollows: DavlB County; Mocksvllio. Fsbtuaty a4.2004,1-2 PM, ConleroncB Room, BC Brock Center Stokes County; Danbuiy, Febiuaiy 25,2004,1-2 PM, Auditorium, Community Service Center Yadkin County: Yadkinville, Febtuaiy 25,2004,9-10 AM Lobby, Yadkin Couniy Senior Center ' ' Surry County; Mt. Airy, February 24, 2004, 9-10 AM, Conteronce Room, L.H. Jones Family Resource Center Brief Prolect Description A Solt-sulflclency Prolect designed lo assist low Income families raise Iheir Incomes above HHS Povetly Income Guidelines Dlstrlcl Board Hearing YVEDDI gives notice ttiat It will hold a Public Hearing at Us February 26, 2004Board ol Directors Maetlna to consider the adoi Community Services Block Grant Pri Carolina Ijepartmoni ol Health am Opportunity. ---------....... ol an Application lortram Funds lo be submltlea to the North Human Services, Olllce ol Economic Copies ol the draft and final proposal may bo reviewed al the District Olllce or Local County Service Centers. Oral or written comments may also be submitted lo YVEDDI by March 19,2004. Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc. Post Olflco Box 309 Boonvllle, N.C. 27011 An Equal Opporlunlly Employor nnd Sorvlco Ptovldor Rollover Minutes on Select Rate Plans Of $3 9 . 9 9 And Higher. This coupon good lor S3S worlii cf plions iGGMsorlM. Wtien you acthnta a new Him of taririoe wMti AIKal, Clngulor, Nextol or ATST. Prepaid NOT included. *Млр does ni3t depict coverage. Xcinquarfits you best A u th o r iz e d A g e n t Wilson Communications, Jnc. --------------3 Convenient Locations--------------- CLEMMONS LEWISVILLE WINSTON-SALEM 7 7 8 -1 8 0 0 7 1 2 -3 3 3 9 9 2 2 -0 8 6 8 4152 Clemmons Road 1477 River Ridge Drive 3724 Reynolda Road (Across From Tanglewood) (HWY 421 & Lewisville-Clemmons Road) (Near Old Town) ■НШf f e t i n g C e Ì l u I a r S e r v i c e A F u ll l l n e Of A c c e s s o r i e s . "Cingular also Imposes the following charges: a Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee up to $1.25 to help defray its cost incurred in complying with obligations and charges imposed by State and Federal Telecom regulation, gross receipts surcharge, and State and Federal Universal Service Charges. The Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee is not a tax or a government required charge. LImitedlime offer, Other conditions and restnctions apply See contract and rate plan brochure for details Requires credit approval, $36 activation fee applies No early termination fee if service cancelled within 15 days ol purchase; thereafter, early lemilnallon fee of $240 prorated over the lenglii of the seiylce aoreement Airtime wd other measured usage are rounded up to the next full minutes at the end of each caûfor billing purposes unused anytime minutes expire (1) after twelve months (2) immediately upon default or if customer changes plans to a non-Rollover p an Rolled over minutes are not redeemable for cash or credit and are not transfertibie, Minutes \vlll nol rollover until after ttie first nnonth's billing cycle. Night and weekend and Mobile to l^oblle minutes do not rollover © Cingular Wireless LLC C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 Green Carpet Lawn Care a Professional Lawn Maintenance Mowing • Fertilizing • Clean-ups (336) 727-8860 Commercial/Residential Owners/Operators FREE ESTIMATES Nate Ayers LICENSED/INSURED Marc Nevln C H I L D R E N 'S C L O T H IN G S A L E Saturday, March 6"^'' 8am - 1pm ‘« ¡ Ш K M lk m ii O r i < i f и о« 1 сем м 0 й й § , Free 1 6 x2 0 Portrait S o l a r B l a d e S t u d i o s Grand Opening Special February 28th ~ March 5th Call Ahead for Appointment 336-766-5662 4794-C Kinnamon Rd., Clemmons NC 27012 M inim al S ittin g Fee ~ N egatives to D isk is extra. U p g rad e to 20x24 P o rtra it for S45.00 Perfect For Bridal ~ Couples, Men & Women Ralnchecks Available ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ FIVE STAR REALÏÏPflESENTS 14.04 Acres of Prime Land available In Davie County. 1715 Peoples Creek Road, Mocksville, N.C. ■ Ssveral building siles wllh areas (or horses• Wooded, Cleared pasture and streams.• Build on (ront wilh over 375 road frontage or live in seclusion or rear of tract In Wooded areas.• Land has Well and Electricity or Public v/ater Is available. One of ihe best arva* In Davie County to bulldllll CALL TODAY 336-971-2117 or 33e-985-S5f 1 F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s Ily M nrlc WIiKu Four Corners Corrc.spondent M rs, Johnsie Shelton attended Bible study Thursday night iit the home of Franccs Pilcher, The Rev, Bfuee Lundy welcomed everyone, Tiie study begins at 7 p,m, Mr, and Mr.s, Kenny Smith were Sunday dinner gtie.sts of Mr, and Mrs, Ciiarics Smith ofChnr- lotte. Mrs, Johnsie Shelton attended a birthday party Sunday ut the hom e o f M r. und M rs, Tim Htijjhcs, Tim, Amanda Hughes and Von Shelton were honored. About 20 people iittended. Mr, nnd Mrs. Joe White had supper Friday night ut West Town Restatirnnt with Mr. and Mrs, Herb Prevette. Mr, and Mrs, Joe White hud supper Saturday night ut Golden Corral in W inston-Sulcm with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Raney of Ml, Airy, Mr. and Mrs, Ollie Wood und Mr. and Mrs, Joe Chopin of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs, Joe White vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr Hurpe Sunday night. T o ta lly com m itted to to ta l healthcare Bundles of joy arriving daily. The babies born at Rowan Regional have a lot in common. They're happy. Healthy. Well- cared for. They've got happy, well-cared for moms, too. That's because our professional staff is dedicated to helping families grow. What better place to welcome your bundle of joy? For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544. R (3JiA N R EG IO N A L Medical C i-i^r (704)210-5544 • тто'.годат.огц Noilh IrecJell Senior Z ad Smith was a runner-up ir the slate wrestling tourna ment last weekend. County Line News By Shirley T horne County Line Correspondent T he M ethodist W omen о Clarksbury U nited M ethodis Church will have a prayer break' fust at 8:15 this Sunday morn Ing, Feb, 29, in the church fel low ship hull, M elinda S'mitl will conduct the progratn. P leasant V iew B aptis C hurch w ill have a specin speaker for their morning wop ship service at 11 this Sunday The Rev. Richtird M urphy, i missionary representing Hopt Tract, will deliver the message Salem U nited M ethodis Church will hnve a special 1ау’ led worship service this Sundaj morning. The .service will be­ gin at 9:45 and will be led bj Dnnny Cartner. A fter ehurei services, the Salem Youth wil sponsor a .soup und sandw lct dinner/fellow ship. Donation! will be accepted und will ЬеП' cfit the Salem Youth projects. B eginning Sunday, ., Salem will have nh on-goins Sunday evening Bible study a 7:30. The study will begin wilt the book of Ephesians and wil be led by Pustor Stephen Blair Everyone is invited. Society Baptist Church w it have « spccini singing this Sun­ day night at 6, The singing w it feature the southern gospel sing­ ing group S olid R ock ol Statesville, Everyone is invited A love offering will be taken. Tho Youlh of Society arc sponsoring a 30-hour famine and fundraiser to increase awareness of hunger throughout the world World Vision says lhal man> times a child goes without food for 30 hours ill a lime. Those pariicipaling will meet nt ihe church Friday evening al 6:30 nnd will substitute Bible study, prayer nnd praise, games and videos, etc. lor food. Our communily extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Kevin Greene, who pus.scd away this past week. Kevin lived off Godbey Road near Hunting Creek and was a member of So­ ciety Baptist Church. Wc continue lo send get-well w ishes to H arvey B eck ol C larksbury C hurch. He wus transferred from Davis Medical Ccnier to Wake Forest Univer­ sity M edical Center where his diagnosis was changed to pneu­ monia. Join us US wc pruy for God's divine liealing in his life. Our community is proud ol Zack Smilh, who competed in llie N.C, High School Athletics Association (NCHSAA) W res­ tling Cham pionships this past Friday and Snlurdny at Joel Coli­ seum. Zack is u senior at North Iredell High School nnd is u wrestler in the NCHSAA - ЗА 145 lb. clussificaiion. Going inlo llie championships, Zack was undel'eaied. Zack took the championship scitii-rmal match w itha 6-1 decision overFrunkie Dennis. He losi to Jack Hui lley of Burlington Williums in u 6-3 decision in Ihe championship П- nal match nnd nnished ns slate runner-up in his clussiricHiion. DAVIE COUN'I'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, I hur.sdii.v, Fob. 26, 2004 - C5 V a le r i e P a t t e r s o n E a r n s W H E E L H o n o r Vulerie Carson Patterson of Mocksville, has been sclecte<l as a 2004 O utstanding Africun- American Woman by WHEEL, Inc. (Women Harvesting Energy, Empowerment, and Leadership) for distinguished accom plish­ ments in her faith-bused group, community, and career. W HEEL will celcbruto nnd award Patterson nnd eight other women in n banquet Feb. 28, at 6 p.p., nt the Statesville Civic C enler, C oretta R obinson, anchorw om an ut W CNC-TV, Channel 6, in C harlotte, will emcee the bnnc|uet. Putterson was noininuted for the award by New Bethel Baptist Church, U.S. 601, MocLsville, In July 2003, P atterson co- chuired the "Community Day” activity at New Bethel, The event collected 2,000 school supplies (book bags, paper, notebooks, etc.) thut were distributed to students in Davie, Rowun, and Iredell counties. That number does not include the certificates for “back-to- school” haircuts nnd huirdo’s, The nom ination also detailed Patterson’s career and comtnuni- ty accomplishments. The honoree is a graduate of University of Connecticut and Cataw ba C ollege’s Life-long Learning Program, graduating No. I in the class, She is employed by the Rowan Social Services Department and works part time at Rapid Tax Service. She is m nrried to Steve Potterson. Annually W HEEL honors and celebrates women, notnin- uted by fuith-bused and community organizations from Iredell, Duvie. Rowun. Burke, and C ataw ba counties, who have made exemplary contribu­ tions in three of the following areas: community/civic, family, work/career, faith-bused organi­ zation, or politics. W HEEL is a non-profit organization. For additional informution about the banquet, contact Mary Beatty at (704) 873-5989. TM í HEEL TO BiO œ “Л 'ГиЬнссо Friendly Slore’^ TRACKER..........S9.95 SKYDANCER....SIO,76 TUCSON............Sto,99 TAHOE...............S10.99 CHEROKEE.......,$11.25 MONARCH....:....$15.65 BAILEY'S............St<l.29 NEWPORT......S22.09 jC 39 ROLL OF 5KOOL.............$20.09 COPENHAOEN/SKOAUKODIAKRARlf^ íJtflfiQ $1329ROLLOF5 mÍIÍv.:.:::.:::®!®:« chIwínqtobacco VA. SUM.........S23.50 MonOÄNSSRMB^CHEYENNE....$9.79 SOUTHEHN PWOE $15.65 BO* f.311 .STADIUM DRIVI-: • C'M-:MM()N.S • 77H-II44 Advance News By Edith ZIm incnnnn Advance Correspondent A sh W ednesday Services will be held al the M ethodist Church Feb, 25 ut 6:30 p.m. The dutes for the Lenton meuls in Murch hnve ull been taken. B eginnning at 6 p.m, each evening, the follow ing groups have signed up; March 3 United Methodist Youth, spu- ghetti und sulad; M arch 10 Snllie Sue Peebles/Mens Bible C lass, soup and sundwiches; M arch 17, Choir/Handchimes, breakfast for supper; Mar. 24, Empty Nesters Class, potato and salad bar; M arch 31, United M ethodist W omen, casseroles and salads. Everyone is invited.. Mrs. Ura Marlin celebrated her 93rd birthday Feb. 17, Mrs. M artin is m other o f O livia Talbert witli whom she resides on Peoples Creek Road, Mrs. P i n o N e w s By Nuri) Lathnm Pino Correspondent Thanks to everyone who at­ tended tho breakfast at Wesley C hapel last S aturday. A lso, thiinks to everyone who worked so hard to make It a success.' There will be an Ash Wednes­ day service at Wesley Chapel on Wednesday, Feb. 25 ut 7:30, O ur continued pruyers are needed for Margaret Dixon und Virginia Leftwich, Gene nnd Murie M iller and Lonnie Gene M iller spent lust week in Texas und Las Vegas, W hile in Lus Vegas, they visited M arie’s sister, Berthst Lee, Bob und Louise Dill und Bob and Brenda Dill spent Suturduy afternoon in M onroe visited R oger and Gull Latham and Helen Latham. Fran Craver honored her lius- bund, Dennis, at their home in Arcudiu for his birthday on Sun­ day. Those attending from this area were Bob and Louise Dill and Jim und Chinera Latliam. Martin is in good henlth nnd en­ joyed the visitors, the gifts and the shower of birthday cards she received. Our new youth leaders at the M ethodist church arc Richard und Jannine Roberts. They look over the Ptrst of the year and arc doing a great job, K eith C arter and B rian Padgett from the Elbaviltc Meth­ odist church, and ti group from other area churches, have re­ turned from a 15 day building projcct in Bolivia. Keith was foreman over the IB people in his group, building a church. Ages ranged from Ihc young up to a 76 year old man, Keith was in Polosi, Bolivia which is the highest cily in the world, and where the ihin ntomsphere didn’t seem to bother anyone. Some of Keith’s ministry wns focused on children and their altendance. On iirrivai he hnd 23 children attending church, when he left there were 53. Brian Pagetl was in an other com pound in Cocobamba, Bolivia. Both men report a worthwhile trip. This is Keith’s Ihird trip wilh the build­ ing team. Leonard Jones is recuperut- ing sutisfaclorily from recent hospitalization und heart prob­ lems. He hud a stint inserted und is doing well, Pruyers go out to Dun Barrett whose father is suffering from cancer, Edith Zim m erm an visited shut-ins Charlotte W illiams and Lib Carter lust week. B irthday w ishes to Jenny Jones, Frances R obertson, M edford Shoaf and Leonard Jones. ? o o Y M a n ' s S u p p e r Hardison United Methodist Church (1630 Jericho Church Roucl, M ocksville) T h u r s d a y . M a r c h 4 . 2 0 0 4 5 : 3 0 u n t i l 7 ; 0 0 p m Join us for a fun evening out with family and friends and enjoy great food, (ellowship, and live m usic featuring The Poor Man’s Band! Donations welcomed bul nol required C olvnuin D une H uncllnu vclcbriilcd his l.st blrtluluy on F ebruary llth wltli u party nt C o u rtn e y B ap tist C h u rc h . A m ong those helping him cvl- ehrntc were his parents, Dunn und MnlT Huneline, his m ntcr- nul g ru n d p u re n ts, M urthn Luthnm and Je rry Potts, his puternal grnndpnrents, K en­ neth und S huron H anelinc, . grcut-grundm (ither.s Fiiyc D. B urn ey , B ettic S m ith a n d Thelinu Huneline, greut-nunt M arie D w iggins an d m any, other I'amlly und friends. The guests had cake und finger foods. Cole got m any nice gifts. T hanks to everyone! T o ta lly com m itted to to ta l Healthcare Not all babies come into the world kicking and screaming. There's something about babies born at Rowan Regional that's different. Maybe it's the professional, caring staff or the warm, family-focused environment. Or perhaps it's the "rooming in" and all the TLC. Or maybe, just maybe, it's all that. And more. For more information or to schedule a tour, give us a call at (704) 210-5544. RO W AN R E G IO N A L M hdicai. CLWI-K' (704)210-5544 • www.riiw.in.org C6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, Feb. 26,2004 D a v ie D a te lin e F u n d r a i s e r s Thursday, Feb. 26 Рш)Г M a n 's Supper, iil ОкЯссшсе U M C . Main Street. Cost: ilnnntion. Dliic in or takC'cnit. livcryoite vvcU comc. Saturday, Feb. 28 l’unciikcSii|ipi.'r,nl Diilin UM C.KV? Diilin Rd,. Muoksvilli:, 5-7 p.ni,, cut- inorlnlic-out.iliinalionsonly.spcciiil music. Contact cliurch office for fur- llier info: W8-54(W, All pitK-ecds lo Dulin U M C hidg. fund, Cciunlr.v Hum & SmuuKv llrvuk- fust, al Union ciia|x;l Melli, Churcli, llwy.601 Nonli,fv,.4)-U)ii.m, Saturday, March 6 Country Hum & SuusnKc Break- fast,al,She ffleldCalalialComni,Cen­ ler. 6:.10-l() a,m„ Turkey 1'<нн1 Rd, - Sheffield - Mixiksvillc, Take buls available, Doiialion.i ucceplcd, Thursday, March 18 Kth Anm m l Снич* Kur )'n\v<ì, at I'irsI U M C I'urally Life Center.6 9 p,m, lo bcnellt the Humane Society of Davic Counly and lheireffort,s lo liiiild u new animal adoption cenler for animals needing homes,'llie evening will fea- urn: delicious fwxl. live music, live aiulsilenluuclions.'l'ickels:$20singlc. S.35 couple, I’or info or lickcis; “WO- Л70.1ОГ751-52И, Saturday, April 3 Cfflileemcc VKI) I.iiille<i Aiixlllur)' G un Kum iM tckclsSI .sold now llmi March 27, Uiickgroiuul check re- i|uired, idl stale & fed laws apply, rickelsavnilablefoniianyCixileemee V F D firenghlcr or ladies auxiliary member, or call 284-2-t 11, R e l i g i o n Sunday, Feb. 29 Kvt‘nlnKSoii^.s Л SliJirlnK.til liliiisc Hiipt. Cimali. Cluiivh mcmlKTs lo present vociil (S: insiriiincnial en­ sembles & soId s. l-.ove ut fering (aken for .Stnrehoiise for Jesus blilg. fund, liveryone invited. Senice begins 7 p.m. Location: northwesi comer of IIvvy.f)()I anti M O . S p e c i a l E v e n t s Every Friday Night Jiuii.Sessioas.alSherneldMusicMall. cull 492-7417 for info. Saturday, Feb. 28 Rtvcrl’nrk W ork Uiiy,need folks to help pick up inish und cut limhs, Meel 8 a,m, Saturday, March 6 R lvcrl’nrk W ork l)iiy,need folks lo helppick up trash and cut limbs, Meel K u,m. Begins Monday, March 8 Free S|iunlsli Clas.scs, at R. Davic UapI Church in Herimida Quay Shop­ ping Cenler. Advance, Classes held p,m, each Monday evening, I’or info and R-gislnilion: W8-5584, D a t e s t o R e m e m b e r Saturday, March 6 Aiuniiil llliM)d Drive, al I’inebrtxik .Scluxil, 9 a,m, 10 1:30 p,m. In Ihc scliiHil cafeteria, refreshments pn>- vided. Questions 998-9596, Saturday, March 20 l'ri'e I’n)slnitcCiiiK'i'rScrc'enln(!,8 a.in,lo 12iuKm,ul Davie Co. Heiillh IX-pl„call75l-87(K)foranappl, M e e t i n g s Monday, March 9 llunm iiv Society of Dnvie Co., monllily meeting, 7 p.m. ut ofiicc al Yadkinville Ud,lx;hindcarwash, 751 - .■i2l4. Ongoing llu m n iu ' S n i'U iy Ilf Davie Co,, iminlhly meetings 2nd l ues, of each monlli, at office Vudkinvillc Rd. be­ hind car wash, 751-5214, Dlsnhlecl Aiiierlcaii Vcternm I’ost 75 meets on IliinI Monday of each month.6:3(1 p.m.. at 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Contact J, Rcnfm ut 284-4664 for more info. Coolecnu-e Rccrciition A.s.sucintlnn. Ziielinry House. 1st Tuesday. 7 p.m. Homc.schi>nl 4-H Club, 2nd & 4ih Thursdiiy. Cull 998-8925 for more info. I’iedniiint Triad Rabbit Fancicrs. lust Sunday of euch month. 2:30 p.m. All nibbit owners welcome. Call 336- 998-9858 or visit www.piedmonttriudnibbit.com or e- mail ptrf2(XX)® aol .com forinorc info. M O P S (Mothers of Prc.scl!oulers). Macedonia Moravian Church. Fel­ lowship. fwHl. support, nnd creative uctiviiies. Cliildien rcccivc excellent carc in Ihc guided M O P P ET S pro- grum. Regislnilion fees arc nominal and scliolurships are uvailuble. Meet­ ings arc the 1st and 3rd IVidnys of each month ticglnnlng Aug. 16, frtmi 9; 15 -11:45 u.m. Duvie Sclw il Sched­ ule is followed. Question.^ call 998- 4.394, Thu Artist Group, Davie County L i­ brary.? p.m. last Tucs. Call Uonnie nt 998-5274, Cenler Cninm unlty Development. 3rd Mon,, 7 p,ni. Community BIdg, Cooleemee Tow n Hoard, 3rd Tues- duy.Town Hall. 7 p,m, unless other­ wise noted. Cooleemee A A , behind Good Shep­ herd ljpiscopal,Tiies,& l-ri„8p,m. North CiHileemee nnd Clark Rond Cuuneli, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m, rrieiulsliip Baptist Fellowship Hull, Mnek.svilie A A , closed non-smok­ ing meeting, al St, l-rancis of Assi,si C hurch fellow ship hall, 862 Yadkinville Rd„ Mocksville, Sat­ urdays 6 p.m. Info: Susan 751 -3 188 or Jan 753-6K()3. Diivie Diunestlc Violence Servlce.s nnd Rnpc Crists Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assault victims. The groupmcelseveryTues,cvcningfrom 6:30-8:30 p.m. Plcuse cull office for locution.751-3450. Fam ily Violence I’rcvcntion Ser­ vices of Dnvie County. Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence luid their children. Separate groups, Tuesdays. 6-7:30 p,m,First United Metiiodist Church of Mocksvillc. Cull 1-800- 728-3413, Concerned Dikers Association, Foothills Chupter, 2nd Wednesday, WcsleniSteer,U,S,601ntI-40,7p,m, Public welcome. AdvanceG orden Club, lslTucs„9 u ,m „M ocksU M C ,998-2lll, Mocksvillc Garden Club, IstThurs,, Jericho Church of Christ fellowship hull. 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Son.'! of Conrederate Veterans, 1st Monday,Cooleemce Historicnl Build­ ing,? p,m, 4-H BIM & Bridle Club, every third Tucs„6-7;30p,m, nt Dixieland Fanns, Cull 492-6403 for more info, Mocksville Rotary Ciub, Tuesdays, I2:l0p,m „ Roluiy Hut, Farm inKton M asonic Lodge No, 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p,m, ut the lodge, Dnvie Convcrsnllons O n Cancer, 2nd Tuesday, 12 noon, Davie Library, for cancer patient.s, friend, family, I- 800-228-7421 or 751-0313, M ocksvillc Lions Club, 1st, 3rd Tliursduys, 7 p,m„ fellowship hull of St, Francis of Assisi. Yudkinville Road. Mocksvillc, Dnvie Co. United W ay Board of Direetors, 4th Monday. 5:30 p.m,, BrcKk Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Mock.svlile-Davle Itom ebuiiders, 4ih’niursday.7p.m..CaplainSlcvcn's. Dnvie High Athletic Bmistcrs. 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., schiwl cufelcriu. Fnrm lngtim Ruritun C lub, 2nd ATTN: CACEGIVECS A r e v)ou c a rin g io r som eone 6 0 o r o ld e r? A re yo u stressed? D o vjou n e ed m ore tim e to ijo u rseli? D oes tk e person ijo u care fo r use n u tritio n a l supplem ents or in co n tin en ce supplies? Call Davie Ceunly Senicr Services 3:{e 7 5 l C611 F in d c u t i f y o u q u a lif y f c r t i i e f C E E C /iC E G IV E C P C C G R /iM . W e n ia v j L e a b l e t o p r o v i d e a p r o ie s s io n a l t o s ta v ) w i t k v jo u r l o v e d o n e w k i l e i j o u g e t a b r e a k , o r p r o v i d e f r e e s u p p lie s . undedbi iOffltne AreaAj^enci)onAj^i: Thursday. 7:30 p.m., Fnnningtoii Methodist church. K E L P S Ministries. Christlun recov­ ery program for women sexuully ubused ns children. Monduys. 7:30 p,m „4i court Square, Room 210, Breast-feedln(5SupportGroup,2nd Tuesday, Davie Health Dept,, 6-7:30 p.m, Pnrents Resource Organizalion (PRO) support group for families of children wilh disubilitics, 2nd Tues- day,7p,m.Cull Rosemary Kropfclder at 998-3311 for location. Jerlelto-Hardlson Ruritan Ciub, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept..clinlchours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11:30 u,m.. 1-4:30 p.m,; Tues- days.4:30-7 p,m,; Teen Health Pro­ motion Clinic, 8:30 u,m,-noon, 2nd, 4th Saturdays, Davie County Board of Social Ser- viees,4th Tuesday,5:30p,m,nt O SS, Narcotics Anonym ous Against All Odds Group, B C Brock Bidg,, 622 N, Main St„ Tliurs, 7 p,m„ Sun, 6 p,m. D rug Problem ? HclpllneJ36-785- 7280, Mocksvillc Am erican Legion Post 174, V F W Hut, Sanford Ave„ 2nd lliursday, 7 p,m, Mocksville Civitan Club, 7 p,m„ 2nd & 4th Mondays, at C C B. 880 Yadkinville Rd„ Advancc M em orial Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars and Liidies Auxiliary, 4th Tues,, 7:30 p,ni„ post home. Feed M ill Road, Davie County R IrM T o Life, 7 p,m„ 3rd Tiiursday, grand jury rooni.court- hquse, 751-5235 or 492-5723, Coolccmcc M em orial V F W Post 1119,2nd. 4th Thurs,. 7 p,m„ V FW Hllll, N,C, 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F& AM, 2nd, 4lh Fridays, 7:30 p.m. ut the lodge. Mocksvllle Lodge No, 134,1st Tucs- dny. 7:30 p.m, at Ihe lodge, Cooleemee C lvitnn'sC lub Meeting. I St nnd 3rd Mon, each month, 7 p,m„ Red Pig, Hwy, 8 0 1, Cooleemce, C ub Scout Pack 504. ,sponsored b Fulton Unilcd Meth. Church, 1st and 3rd Tucs, nights each month. 7-8:30 p,m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like 10 become u member nre wclcome lo attend, Dnvie Co. M S Support Group. 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 p,m„ Davie Co. Hospital, V F W A uxiliary Post 4024,1 p,m„ 4lh Thurs, each month in lower level of Brock Uldg„ N, M ain Strcot,‘Eli- gible members welcome, , ,, Davie K hvanis C lub , 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p,m, ul Webb Hent- in g & Air.998-2121, R e c r e a t i o n For more information on these events, cull 751-2325, Line Dancing Furminglon Community Center. Ev­ ery Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instnictors: Steve & Linda Hatley. For more info, call 751-3848. Rec Club Before ($ 15)or after ($25)school and out of sclux)l programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lc,ssons $5 per month. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con­ tact Ethel at 998-3837, Silverstriders Walk Club Senior!,, 50 and up, M -F, 6:30-9 n,m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tue.sduys and Thursdays, $7 per day, $40 per month. The Dance Company Mon.,Tues..Wcd.,&Sat. Cull Emily Robertson, 998-5163, Y M C A For more information, call 751-9622 or vi.sit Davie hamiiy Y M C A . Water Exercise Class For beginners and the experienced. A il ages, Cali for class types & times. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk„ Sal, morning or private lessons, Reg. begins 2 wks. prior lo class. Call for class limes, Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p,m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meel Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Gymnastics Fridays3;30-4;30p.m.Cost$20mem- bers/$30 non-members. Family Night March 19th. 6-9 p.m. Treat your fam­ ily to evening al Y having dinner, playinggames,swimming,ond more. Cost $2 per person (5 and under free). Parents Night Out March 12th.6:30-10:30p.m.Program designed to enable parents to have evening out while cliildren enjoy Y, Swimming, arts, crofts, games and a. movie. Dinner served. Cost $7 mem- bers/$10 non-members. Sunshine Club For nil older actlvc adults. Fun, fel­ lowship, good nows, W c do raothiy pot luck luncheons with a speaker. Cost $ 10 membcrs/$20 non-members. Pee-Wee/Kiddie Kicker Outdoor So(X»r Reg. March l-24lh. The season will be Apr. 3-May 22. Cost: $30 mem- bers/$50 non-members. Spring Flag Football Tourney Reg. March 4-24. The tournament w illbcheldMarch27& 28.Cost$l75 members/non-membcrs. S e n i o r s All Senior Activities take place al DavleCountySenlorServlceslocated in Ihc Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksville unless otherwise noted.Call 751-0611. Ongoing Sr. Ltmchbox, M.T,W , 11:30 a.m,, 11i,&Frl„ 11 n,m„luneh served daily. Silver Ilcaltli Exercises, East Room ofScnlorServiccs,M,W,F,8:30a,m, Quilting, every Monday, 10 a,m„ East Room, Scrabblc,cvery Monday, 1 p,m.,Craft Room. Bridge,Tuesdays Ip.m, & Fridays 2 p,m„ East Room, ,h S K IP B O , Wednesdays, 1:30 p,m„; BostRoom ,' ‘ »¡'да Scrapbooking, 2nd Tuesday,2 pin.; Paint Class, W ednesdays, Croft; Room, (will resume March 3) • Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, at Sr. Services.' every three weeks on МопЯау, 8:30', a.m.. Craft Room. ; Free Blood Pressure Cheeks,once a; month, at 10:45 a,m, in the Nutrition; Site, ; Sr. Chorus,Thursdays, 10 a,m„ East | Room, • Tnl C h i Classcs, Tuesdays, 10-11.' a.m.. Nature’s Gifts,Class size lim-: ited,call Sr. Services at 751-0611 to.’ prc-rcglster. ; Every Thursday Crafty Ladles, activity at Sr. Ser-! vices, 10 u,m,-12 noon, in the Craft Room, Call 751-0611 for more info. Friday, Feb. 27 Tnx-Alde,9 a.m.-1 p.m. Craft Room. First comc, first served basis. Thursday, Feb. 26 V F W Ladies Auxiliary, I p.m. Craft Room. Tuesday, March 30 Cholesterol Screening For Seniors, atSi.Franclsof Assisi,862 Yadkinville Rd., 8:30-10:30 a.m., for any Davie resident 60 or older. Cull Sr. Services 751 -0611 to reserve your lime. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by Ihc office, at S. Main St. across from Ihe courthouse. ID M N iE ^ ’S ID IIN IE R '‘Good Food & Good Service” U l l H M Saturday, Feb. 28 • 5-7:30pm Robert Jones wim “Elvis” & Karaoiie DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - C7 C a u s e F o r P a w s H u m a n e S o c i e t y P l a n s E v e n t s T o B e n e f i t U n w a n t e d A n i m a l s T he H um nne Society of Davie Counly will sponsor two fundraising events ibis sprii.g to support ongoing animni assis­ tance programs. The society’s goal Is to help the abandoned animals of Davie County find new, loving homes through adoptions, continue pro­ motion of spay-neuter programs and raise m onies for the new animni adoption center sched­ uled for completion in 2005. “The Davie County commu- nlty businesses nnd citizens have always been very generous in their support of tlic society and we look forward to continuing this partnership,” said David McGonlgle. The eighth annual Cause for Paw s banquet w ill be the evening of Thursday, M arch 18 nt the First United M ethodist Church Family Life Center, 305 N. Main St.. M ocksvllle. It will feature live biuegrnss music, si­ lent and live auctions, raffles and a full-course, chef prepared meal for $20 per person or $35 per couple. Tickets are available from Ellen N ew m an nt Ihe D avie C ounty Public Library, 751- 2023, or tlirough Sally Braun­ stein at 940-3704. Sponsors ure needed and will be highlighted during the program. Donations for the auction are also needed. In order to help meet the fundraising goal for the new ani­ mal adoption center, the society R o c k T h e B r o c k B a t t le O f T h e B a n d s S a t u r d a y O n Saturday, F eb. 28, local high school students will have an o p p o rtu n ity to show M ocksville how m uch they rock. T he D uvie C ounty A rts C ouncil, in conjunction with Student G overnm ent A ssocia­ tion o f Dnvie H igh School, is sponsoring a Second A nnual Battle o f the Bands. The com petition is open to all genres o f m usic. All bands com peting are m ade up o f at least three m em bers, a m ajor­ ity o f those m em bers being high school students.The com ­ petition is open to students from anyw here, but all m em ­ bers o f the band m ust be un­ der the age o f 21. Each group w ill have a 12-15 m inute tim e slot to convince u panel o f five judges thut they deserve the $500 grand prize and a chance to play at Z iggy’s in W inston- Salem . In an e ffo rt to p ro v id e som ething for everyone, per­ form ances by the DHS Step Team , DHS D ance,several so­ loists, and m ore entertainm ent w ill be included throughout the evening. Student G overn­ ment A ssociation will also of­ fer concessions and t-shirts. Funds raised will go to the D avie C ounty A rts C ouncil and D avie High School Stu­ dent G overnm ent Association. D oors open at 7 p.m ., all tickets ure $5. Ф -| Starts March 7 • 3-5p.in. 13 week class in Church Library Plea.se call to register: 998-8306 Child care will be provided Hosted by: Fork Baptist Church 3140 US Hwy 64 East • M ocksville G r e a t C o v e r a g e S t a r t s w i t h B l u e Salem Insurance Group N a t h a n J o n e s 336-723-6600 njones@saleminsurancegroup.com • B l u e A d v a n t a g e ® P l a n s • N o R e f e r r a l H M O , P P O a n d P O S G r o u p P l a n s • S m a l l G r o u p C o v e r a g e • L o n g T e r t n C a r e • M e d i c a r e S u p p l e m e n t I n s u r a n c e • D e n t a l C o v e r a g e f o r I n d i v i d u a l s a n d G r o u p s • B l u e E x t r a s ® " ' D i s c o u n t P r o g r a m s B l u e C r o s s B l u e S h i e l d o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a Contact your authorized Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina agent for cost and further details of coverage, limitations, exclusions and terms under which the policy may be continued in force. An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. SM Service mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Asssociation. U2082.a,2/03 will sponsor a charity golf tour­ nament at Bermuda Run West Couniry Club on W ednesday, April 28. The captain’s choicc form at tournam ent w ill have gross and net prizes,a continen­ tal breakfast, luncii, drawings, und m ulligan packages. Hole and food sponsors are needed. Each will be highlighted In the program. State Rep. Julia C. Howard will be tournam ent honorary clinlr. and BeckI Vandcrklok and M yra M cOonigle w ill be co- chairs.To register,call 998-0636 or 940-6767. Anyone willing to help vol­ unteer or help with expenses Is asked to contact the Humane Society of Davie County at P.O. Box 153, Mocksvllle. Tlie Humane Society’s mis­ sion is the prevention of cruelty to animals, the relief of suffer­ ing among animals, the rescue of adoptable cuts and dogs, and llie promotion of spay und neuter education. “ If y o u c a n ’t b e a r t h e t h o u g h t o f o t h e r d e a l o r s h l p s s a v i n g f t O f u i v B M E a c a l l " r eer R e s o m i Kevin McCullough Call m e personally at 7 0 4 - 6 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 or 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 4 - 6 8 2 3 Email Me at - km ccullough@benm ynatt.com Apply by Phono - 1-8 8 8 -7 5 6 -A U TO (2886) www.bonmynatt.getayes.com ^ ^ B J E N M Y N A T 7 ^ONTIAC*CMC>NISSAM 6 2 9 J A K E A L E X A N D E R B L V D . S . S A L I S B U R Y 1 87 M ilK e s b o r o s t r e e t M o c k s v H l ^ n c 336-753-1455 T H E V E R Y B E S T i n C U S T O M E X H A U S T ! SPECiaUZinQ in: • street Rods • Muscle Cars • Restorations • Performance • Original Replacement I flOWMASm I inSTALLED AS LOW AS S65.fl5 ea.' " COnVERTERS inSTALLED AS LOW AS STfl.flS ea.* 'Price good thru Feb. zoom u/ith this ad. GRACE MOTORS, LLC Hwy 801 at 1-40 Behind the Shell Station • Advance 336-817-7482 • 336-817-7485 ] 996 Honda Accord LX 1997 Honda Accord LX Low m iies, supoi m co $6900 I $790 ★ ★All Credit Applications Accepted*^ OW IlllliJS, SUpUI I1IC(.- $7900 2000 Nev\/ Beetle 1993 Toyota 4Runner Vhito, clu o m e w heels, liiitcci w lnclows, 4x4, pow ei sutiiooi, 55K, S s'pcl^ lecilhei, cjiocil scl)ool ccii. AC, PW, ьрс1, V 6, и к с $10^500 ......... ...........$5900 ....... ★ ★We Understànd Credit Problems^* I 2000 Ford Contour SE 1994 Ford Rangt&r XLT 6 3 ,6 0 0 in i, PW, PL, AC, alloy wlu;ols, 7 7 K , AC, slyloc! w htiyls, A M /FM /C o^s, w hile * ^ '^L $5500 I I $3900 ★ ★Financing Avallable^^ Deniei/;oo655ia C8 - DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRPIUSK RKCORI), Thursdiiy, Ftb. 26, 2004 M o r e T h a n A P r o g r a m ; H o m e I s A C o m m u n i t y Residents of the Davie County Group Home programs surprise executive director, Judy Rosser, witli a birttiday part at the Duke Street Apartments last fall. The Davie County Group Home and Supported Living Program residents interact with each other like a big family. “M y d a d c l y c a n f i x a i x y t f i i n g : ! ” Alan Bowles Iva.s come from a high .school kid who liked a goal cav to a fully iiualilial ASE Certified Ma.sler Aiitoniolive 'lechnician at Formac Automotive, at 1484 US Highway 64 West. He has been repairing cars there for 11 years. Foreign cars are not foreign to Alan. He has been faclory trained and certified by both Nissan and Mazda and likes to work on compact cans. A full range of parts for compact cars is available from AC Dclco and computer diagnosis is done at Fomiac, Alan participates in continuing education by his attendance at 2 or 3 indcjxindent training scliools each yean He is certified by tiie National Institute for Amomotivc Service Excellence as a Master Auto Technician and as an Engine Machinist, He is also certified by IMAC in air conditioning service and is certified to do Nortli Carolina state-required insixctions. Alan has attended the Rich!U-d Petty Driving School in Atlanta. (Tliat doesn’t make him a better technician, but he is proud to have driven over 16()mph.) Alan is the used car manager at Foniiiic and hius sold over 150 curs locally. If you arc looking for a specific car, talk to Alan about the model and features you’re hunting, right down lo the color, and chances arc he can locate one for you in the right price range. He has the talent and experience lo make an assessment of a used car and spot potential or past problems of both mechanical and body parts. Alan is not "replacing parts” on care, lie is making repairs, because his 8-year old son will tell you, "My daddy can fix anything!” (And this includes a few things that Alan never thought would need fixing, until he had a son!) If you have .service questions, call Alan at 751 -3372, or if you want lo get infomiation on a u.sed car, call him at 751-6139, He will talk to you. (He can also tell a funny stoiy most anytime he’s talking, but at Formac he’s only paid to talk about cars.) AUTOMOTIVfl■■nvici ■ K O H L L S N C a 1484 US Hwy. 64 West, Mocksville ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 3 7 2 A u t o S a l e s (336)751-6139 M C u e i c o The Duvie Couniy O roup Home Siipporlcd Living Pro­ gram is more than ii residenliiil program for devcfopm cnlally ami physically disabled aduhs. ll's a community ull its own. Rc.sidcnts, who live scmi-in- (Icpcndenlly wilh Ihc help of group home sniff referred to as C om m unity B ased Scrvice (CBS) workers, cut together and piny together, much like a big family. Al Ihe Duke S ired A part­ ments, the residence of Sharon and Scon Hager. Ihe only mar­ ried couple in the group, is a popular gathering place, partly bccnuse of Sharon's cooking -skills und partly because of their ongoing Elvis music and mov­ ies. “I love il," Sharon .says, “I’ve always enjoyed being a liome- maker. I’m beginning to learn whnl everybody’s favorites arc." Residents take turns cooking for llie others and celebralc binh- duys und other occasions to­ gether. Sonic of the residents have been cooking for years, wiiile stuff members work wilh the others unlil they develop their skills. Already, Ihe resident chefs are making a nnme for them­ selves. Eric Oreco, for example, can make a pretty good cake and de­ licious chocolate chip cookies, Three of the program ’s fe­ male residents are trying to lose sveigiit, and Ihc staff helps Ihem with meal planning, buying und preparation of Iheir food and in­ dividual exercise programs. Sisters A nnie K ay and Dcboraii Nelson, who live in the Cambridge Creek Apartments, have losl more thnn 50 pounds betw een them , and A llison Smith, who lives beside Shnron nnd Scott at Duke Street, has lost almost 60 pounds since starling on Ihe program Ihc first of last year. Deborah snys the main per­ son w ho w orks w ith Ihcm , Teresa Smoot, helps them lo se­ lect food low in carboliydrales. “We try lo cat healthy foods,” she snys. For Annie Kay, the bost pun nboul losing weight is going and buying new clothes. The middle-nge sisters lived in a small, older-model mobile home before they were ncccpted into the Davic Couniy Oroup Home Supported Living Pro­ gram . T hey love the conve­ niences of their new home. "O ur apartm ent is not us crowded ns the trailer," Annie Kay snys. “You could hardly get around it wns so sinnll.” Even though they moved from Ihc Rcdlnnd community in which they grew up, the Nelson sisters continue lo be active in the Redlnnd Church of Christ, where they are both lifelong members. Tliey muintaincd their close­ ness wilh relatives, including Deborah's son, Scott, who lives in thé Duke Street Ajiurtments. Deborah works pnrt tim’e nl Pizza Hut and provides in-home care for an elderly couple. Annie Kay works at Now Horizon En­ terprises. All of the Supported Living residents either attend New Ho­ rizon, a vocational program for deveiopm entally disabled adults, or work al Jobs in the community. Scott Hnger rides n YVEDDI van to work nl the Davie Family YMCA five duys a week. W hile he's gone, wife Shnron wnlks across Ihc street to volunteer four days a week at Autum n Care of Mocksville. “We’re also where we can get out and walk uptown when wc want to," she says. Scott Nelson hns pnrt-time jobs ul Wul-Mart und Food Lion on U.S. 601 South. A llison Smith, John While, Gary Jones und Connie Yokley attend New Horizon. Eric Greco works purl lime ul Arby's; nnd Charles “Bo" Driver works pnrt time at Ken­ tucky Fried C hicken and Hardee’s of Mocksvillc. Twelve residents parlicipale in the Supported Living Pro­ gram. Some lived in Ihe six-resi­ dent Davic County Grup Home, where they worked on develop­ ing adult daily living skills so that they could live .semi-indc- pendenlly, while others moved dircclly inlo the upartmcnis from their pnrcnis' homes or other residences. Gnry Jones moved into the Duke Street Apartments last yenr nfter living his wliole life with his parents. M nry N ell and Leonard Jones helped ease the transition for Iheir 42-year-old son by tuking him out to dinner, enting with him and the oilier residents nt the apnrimenis, and even spending some nights with him when he first moved. A United Way agency, Davie County Group Home employes eight full-time and two part-time employees. Judy Rosser is ex­ ecutive director. The agency will celebrate its S.Slh anniversary this year. Connie Yokley and Charies "Bo" Driver are among the residents of the davie County Group Home and Assisted Living Program, t • î !S iî?iS J , g « î; M E Deborah, Scott and Annie Kay Nelson pose for a photo on a recent trip to Tweetsie Railroad, ■. / DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 • C9 Country Ham, Sausage Breakfast March 6 At Sheffield-Calahain A country ham and sausage breakfast will be iieid from 6:30- 10 a,m, Saturday, Mnrch 6 nt the Sheirield-Calahuln Community C enter on Turkeyfoiil R oad, ShclTicld, Take-outs svili be available, and donations will be ucccptcd. C ooleem ee Fire Auxiliary To Raffle Beneili Shotgun A sliotgun valued at S405 will be sold by raffle by the Cool­ eemee Fire Deparlmeiit Ladies Auxiliary, Tickets ure ,$l euch, and the drawing will be held Snturday, April 3. The winner docs not hnve lo be present to win. All state nnd ledernl firearms law s apply, nnd bnckground ciiccks nre reijuired. The 26-inch barrel. 12-gnugc Beneili Novn putnp shoots 2.75- , 3-, nnd 3.5-inch shells.The gun will have to be picked up from The Fallout Shelter on Cool Springs Road in Woodlcaf. Tickets arc available from nny Indies nuxilinry member or by culling 284-2411. Q O O O O O C C O C O O C O O IDENTITY SALON AND NAIL SPA Walk-ins Welcome Book your Appt. Today! Hours of Operation Monday-Saturday 9am until 7pm Located 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Road,Ciemmons, NC C a l l f o r A p p o i n t m e n t (336) 766-3038 bum blo and bumbto conoopt salonbum blo and bumblo conoopt aalon B A N K o « N O R T H ^ A R O L I N A MORTGAGE Mortgage rates are the lowest they have been in 40 years! Have you refinanced? Do you want to puivhase a home? PR'ase call us today! There couldn’t be a better time! JERRY KAPP Managor/l,oan Ollicer 1336 Woslgale Center Dnva Winston-Salem, N027103 iTiutiKxrt-nglent*' Tolephone: (336) 774-2944 Mobile: (336)4e2-3932' E-Mail; ¡kapp@bankolnc.com Memtjw FDIC Bi-Lo Bags Hunger Donates $1,019 To Storehouse For Jesus A total of ,S 1,019 was douutcd to A Storehouse for Jesus in M ocksvillc through the IJi-Lo Bugs H ungerdrivc Oct, 26-Nov, 22, Customers nt the Mocksvillc Bi-Lo made $ 1 donntions as they cheeked out their groceries. According to statistics from Second Harvest Food Bank,one in 10 A m ericans sufl'cr from hunger and one in five'children are at risk of missing a meal. In eight years conducting the progrnm. Bi-Lo Bags Hunger has tloiiated more thun $1 mil­ lion, Fora complete list ofchnri- tics receiving donations, visit Ihc B i-Lo w ebsite nl www.Hi- Lii.cimi. INSURANCE H a r o l d L i n n e a n U S A F M a j o r Hurold W, Linnean III has been promoted lo the rank of major in the U.S, Air Force Rc- •scrve. This is bis tiiird award of the mednl. The newly promoted major, an assistant ciiief with eight yenrs of mililnry scrvice, is as­ signed to tho Air Force Reserve Coniniand al Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins, Ga, He is tlie son of Mury O, Lin- iiean of Main St,, Vnrnvillc,S,C,, and Harold W, Linnean Jr, of M ocksville, Linnean grndunted in 1991 from W ade H am pton High School, S,C ,, and received a bachelor's degree in 1995 IVoni The C itadel, Chnrleslon, S,C, He earned a receiveil a master’s degree in 1998 from Troy State University, Montgomery, Ala, W o u l d n ’t l i f e b e e a s i e r with o n e a g e n t t o h a n d l e y o u r I n s u r a n c e n e e d s ? \V)jrihi'r }j;nv.» chiini, need to ch.uigc cownige or ¡list li.ivo a ([tiestion, I'nnn Uinv.ut Insitmita' is iViilly Ci)nvei)iej)r. You Ciill the Siinie olllce and ivceive pix)inpt, pi-ore.siioiiitl scrvice from jxnir ovv-ij pcj^on;}) n^ent. Plus, wiili our conipeiitive nitc.s. yjin may even save money. F A R M B U R E A U INSURANCE No'lh C«rolin4 r«>m luitiu MuluiJ Iniuri»« Co loulhtinlum Auto • Home • Llfo Helping^u is what we do best. Mocksville (336) 751-6207 Advance (336) 998-6521a(bU,com • fKlbinfl.cotn A n n o u h c i n k - ^ ‘!^^ O u r N e w e s t P h y s l c i a h Dr. Chris Warnimont Board Certified In Pediatrics and Internal Medicine Accepting New Patients ■ r i West Forsyth Family i Medicine 105 Stadium Oaks Dr. Ciemmons,NC 27012 Tel: (336) 766-0547 ) ¡ ~ ^ / o r / / n ú á /'</ ' D E B Q R - A H J u s t f o r K id s ! T h e B u n n ie s a r e B a c k a t P o r t r a i t s b y D e b o r a h i INNILS : Î I « , ■ w .pц■ $ 2 0 . 0 0 s e s s io n fe e (normally $40) Specially priced Packages starting at: $ 8 9 . 0 0 (1-8x10,2-5x7's & 8 Wallets of 1 Pose) Up to three different poses will be offered. Appointments limited! March 20 & 21 Tell a friend! Call now! H i g h S c h o o l S e n io r s E x p e c t S o m e t h i n g S p e c i a l M ia ' Yon deserve llie very best for your High School Senior Portrait, Tliis portriiit should be the sccond mosi im poriant portrait in your lilc, Wc have a special prograni I'or high school seniors W hy C om e To Portraits by Debom li? You get,,, » A one-hour appointment • Trttditional/Contemporury • Indoor/Outdoor Pnrk • 3 or 4 Outfit Changes • 18 to 25 Hoses . Color & Rlnck & White ^Clèihmons Î(3Â) 766-5045 Call Now For An Appointment wvv w. porira i isby tl eb orah, com D o y o u h a v e t h e financial security to choose y o u r C fW fl p U t H ? Whether you see retirement as a chance to volunteer your tiine, or your time to relax, how do you know you've saved enough? Talk to an American Express financial advisor for financial advice on generating retirement income, preserving assets, estate planning and charitable giving. We offer you the expertise and insight you need to make smart decisions. So you can take control of your future. Retire on your terms. Al Seymour, ChFC, CLU, CRPC, AEP Financial Advisor 2554 Lewisville-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-3996 American Express Financial Advisors Inc. Memlxr NASD. American Express Company is separate ftom American Express Financial Advisors Inc. and is not a broker-dealer. © 1998-2004 American Express Financtai Coiporation, AU rights reserved. 12/03 с ю - DAVIK COUNTY líNTKKI’RISK RIÍCOUD, TIuirsdiiy, Feh. 26,2(1(М Obituaries Harold Lee Coughcnour Mr. Hiirokl Lci; Couyliciioiir, 6K. of Siilisbury, clicil Siiturdiiy, I-ch. 21, 2(KUm Forsyih Medical Center in Winston-Salem. He WHS born July 2. 19.15 in Row iin C ounly. son o f the late ,Savanniih Coates Coujilienoiirand Adam W illiam Coiiglienour, He w as edueated in Row an County seliools, A retired supervisor with N ,C , F in ish in g C o,, he had worked for Ihc Naval A ir Rew ork Facility in Norfolk. Vii, He wus a m em ber o f Edgew ood Baptist Church in Cooleem ee, where he w as a form er Su n d a y Sc h o o l teacher. He w as a member o f Ihe Spcncer M oose Lodge & G A R S . He was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Destiny Coughc- nour. Survivors; his wife, Sue Avant Coughenour o f the home, w hom he married Sept, 8, 1965; .1 sons. Brian Lynn Coughenour o f Barco, K e v in N e il C o u g h e n o u r and Deron Leo Coughenour, both o f S a lisb u ry ; 2 daughters. Erica D cann M iller and Khonda K im Jones, both of C hina Orove; a brother,Claude W illiam s Coughc- nour o f W oodlcuf; his twin sister, Rachel Parsley o f M ocksville; a grandson. Rhett K y le C ou gh e ­ nour. who was raised In Ihc home; and 12 other grandchildren, A graveside service was held at 3 p.m, Tuesday, Feb, 24 al Row nn Mem orial Park.conducted by Ihc Rev. D a le Parsley, a nephew. Mem orials; Am erican Cancer Society. Row an Chapter. 500 E, Morehead St,, Suite 211, C har­ lotte, 28202. I n M e m o r y o f W i l l i a m ( B u s ) C a r s o n The Day You Left \Ynh tears u’(' .vrtit’ you suffer as trc watched you fade away. Our hearts were almost broken, as youfoufiht so hard to .ttav. VH- knew you had to leave us, but you never went alone, fo r part o f us went with you, the day you left your home. Your Loviuf!, Wife, Children lC- Ormuicluidren Dora L. Furches 1917 - 2004 M O C K.SV ILLK Й Joint H, Pratt 19.16 - 2004 M O C K S V U X E I Emmily E. Clarkson \ 1987 - 2004 FOUR CORNERS ROAU | (ß, Furman H. Waldrop \ IS !5 - 2004 advance Peggy L Galliher ■1937,-2004 HARMONY ■' * - John T, Smith Sr. 1911-2004 MOCKSVILLE Ola ^. Poplin 1921-2004 MOCKSVnXE . ;<e PatdG. Baynes Jr. 1937 - 2004 WINSTON-SALEM 4b Margaret Gobble : 1927 - 2004 CLEMMONS ; c325 N. Mtiln Sireel ■^‘%ÍÍ0¿k5Vllle.NC ' Clyde Wells Young C lyd e W ells Y oung, 85. o f M ocksville. died Thursday. Feb. 19, 2004, al M ission Si, Joseph Hospital in Asheville after a brief illness. He was bom in LaPorIc.Colo., on July 26, 1918, lo Iniogenc Nesbitt Young and Clyde W ells Young Sr, He attended Colorado State University and graduated in 1941 w ilh a degree in veterinary medicine. He moved to M o c k s­ villc in 1941 anil married Marjorie Irene H orn on A p ril 16, 1944. During Ihe 1950s he wus involved in the Southern Veterinary M e d i­ cal Association and the N.C. Vet­ erinary M e d ic a l A sso cia tio n . Clyde w as involved in various civic organizations, as well as cor­ porate boards, including Branch Bank and T rusl and ihe Rotary Club o f M ocksvillc. He was a dea­ con o f the F irst Pre sbyle rian Church o f M ocksvillc, He served four term s on the M o c k sv illc Tow n Board and was instrumen­ tal in organizing the first Davie C ounly anim al protective society and having Ihc first two animal- cruelty invcsligators appointed in North Carolina, He wus an active member o f Ihe N,C, Veterinary Board and wus integral to the cre­ ation o f Ihe veterinary school at N .C , State U n iv e rsity in the 1980s. In 1989, he retired and moved to Asheville. He is predeceased by his wife. Irene Horn Young; and 3 sisters, Iniogcnc Young Ltndesniith, Lois Young und Elise Young Carlson, Survivors: his daughter, Lu Young o f Asheville; 3 grandchil­ dren: 2 siste rs. Dr. Elizabeth Young D avis o f Auburn. Ala., and M a rga re t Y o u n g R a g a n o f Y a rd lcy, Pa,; and n um erous nicccs, nephews, greal-nieces and grcat-nephews, A graveside service w as helil at I p,ni.Sundtty.Feb,22.utRose Cem etery in M o cksville with a gathering o f friends and a celebra­ tion of his life lo be held after­ wards. from 2-6 p.m, Sunday, at the Hickory H ill Country Club. M em orial; N .C . Veterinary M edical Foundation al N.C. Slale UniversUy in RiilelgU. Kevin Lonnie Greene Mr. Kevin Lonnie Greene,45, of 227 Harley Drive, M ocksville, died Monday, Feb, 16,2004,at his home. He was born M arch 10. 1958, in S ta n ly C o u n ty, the son o f Lonnie Burns Greene and Nellie Coble Greene Harward. He was a gradúate o f A lb e m a rle H ig h School in Albem arle and the self- em p loye d ow ner o f G ree ne 's Transportalion. Mr. Greene was a member of Society Baptist Church of M ocksville, He enjoyed hunt­ ing. fishing, golf and w atching sports. Su rvivo rs: his w ife, Elaine Tidw ell Greene; 2 sons. Jacob M cG arily of Liltle Rock. Ark,, and Josh M cG arity of W inston-Salem; and a brother. Ronald Greene, of Albemarle, He was preceded in death by a sister. Teresa Greene, in 1961, Graveside rites were held at 10 u.m, Friday. Feb. 20 at Fuirvicw Mem orial Park, conducted by the Rev. M onty Porter, Mem orials; Am erican Diabe- les A ssoc. M em orial & H onor Program. P,0, Bo.x 2680, North Canton, O H 44720. Huston Jessie McEwen M r. H u sto n Jessie ’’B ip ” M cEw c n . 68, o f Courtney died Sn lu rd a y , Feb. 21, 2 0 0 4 , ut Forsyih M edical Center, Bip was born June 23. 1935, in Yadkin County to J.E, and A ld y Elizabeth Speer M cEw en, He was retired owner o f Bips Tire Scrvicc and was a member of Liberty Bap­ tist Church. Mr. M cEw en was preceded in death by his parents; h is wife, D orothy H all M c E w e n ; and 2 granddaughlers, Yvonne and Jen­ nifer M allhew s, Survivors: 4 children. Jessie " B u d ” (S e le n a ) M c E w e n o f Courtney. Saiulrc "S is " Herrick of D a v ie C o u n ly . Jerry "G u b " (Teresa) M cEw en of Courtney and Jeanette "T o o tie " (R ic k y ) Hutchens of Courtney; 8 grand­ children; 4 greal-grandchildren; 2 slepgrandchildren; and 4 sisters, Peggy Sm ith, Nina M arlow , Betty Spillm im and Sarah Richardson, all of Courtney, The funeral service w as al 2 p.m. Tue.sday, Feb. 24, at Gentry Fam ily Funeral Hom e Chapel in Yadkinville conducted by Ihe Rev, Jessie M cEw en. M em orials; Am erican Diabe­ tes Association. STEVE IJAMES CARPET CLEANING DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! ■ Residential & Commercial • Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning • Deodorizing & Soil Guard ■ Water Extraction Service 4 9 2 -2 6 4 5 FREE ESTIMATES Parkor Rd„ Mocksviiio Beatrice Smith Sliaver M rs. Beatrice Sm ith Shaver, 91. o f Salisbury, died Tuesday, Feb, 17,2004 al Row an Regional M edical Center. She was born M arch 21.1912 in Davie Counly lo Ihe lule Rosa M ary Robertson Sm ith and Joseph Lindsey Sm ith, She wus cducutcd in the Davie County schools. She w orked for R o w a n M e m o ria l Hospital nnd wa.s a nurse's aide at Ihc V A M c d ic al C entcr for 11 years, before retiring. She was a member of Franklin Presbylerian Church, She was preceded in death by her husband, C urtis P. Shaver,on A pril 25,1977. Survivors: a son, Joseph Scolt Shaver o f Sulisbury; 2 brothers, Cicero Sm ith und Joseph Sm hh Jr,. both o f M ocksville, The funeral .service wns held nt 2 p.m, F rid a y, Feb. 20 at Suiiiniersell M em orial Chapel, with Dr. Lurry E. Sum m ey. m in­ ister o f F ra n k lin Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial was in Row an M em orial Park. Mem orials: Franklin Presbyte­ rian. 280 Franklin Church Drive, Salisbury, 28147. Iris Ruth Strupe M rs. Iris R u th R o m ln g e r Strupe, wife of Dr. Floyd J. Stnipe Jr., died Sunday, Feb. 22,2004. nl The O aks o f Forsyth. She was born Sept, 20, 1925. in W inslon-Salem lo Jasper M o n ­ roe Rom lnger and M aude C oving­ ton Rom inger. She was preceded in death by her parcni.s; a sister. Hester Rom inger; and 2 greut- grandchiklren, twins. Austin and Savanah Thom as. Iris was a longstanding m em ­ ber o f M ineral Sp rin g s Baptist Church and an active member of The M abel D avis Sunday School Class as long as her health pcrmil- led. She attended John H, Hanes H igh School and w as employed by Hanes Hosiery Co, for several years. She loved cooking nnd en­ tertaining fam ily and friends. She was a reclpc collcetor. Iris nnd her husband eelobrntcd their SOIh wedding anniversary on Aug, 23. 2002, Survivors: her husband o f Ihe hom e; 2 d a ughte rs, C yn th ia (D e w e y ) R o b e rtso n o f Kcrncrsville nnd Lindn (Bob) C or­ nish o f Bcrmu<la Run; 2 .sons. Dr, Floyd J, (Jane) Strupe III of W in- ston-Salem and Kent T, Strupe of the hom e; 5 grandchildren: 4 great-grandchildren; a sister, Edilh (A ndy) Walker; and .several nieces und nephews. A funcrnl service wus held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb, 24, nt Hay- w orth-M lller Silas Creek Chapel w ill] D rs. C ecil C uve und G u s Thom as officiating. Burial fol­ lowed in Forsyth M em orial Park. Mem orials; Hospice/Pallialivc CureCenter, IIO O -C S, Sirutford Roud, W inston-Salem , 27103. S p e c ia l o£ t h e W e e k Assorted % Candies ea. Limit 8 VVliiie Supplies Last I t ’s H e r e ! Bring Your Film and Save Money! I n S t o r e P h o t o P r o c e s s in g • D i g i t a l P r i n t s • E n l a r g e m e n t s I'o r KiTiil iiiro riiiiilio ii on d ru g s i4: lu -allh p ro b le m s , go lo , w w w .ro s le rd riig fo .c o m Regular Hours: M -F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 w ^v\v.f■oster^lrugco.com Mary Daniel Seamon M rs. M a ry M arguret Daniel Scam on. 90, formerly o f Park A v ­ enue. M ocksvillc, died Friday af­ ternoon. Feb. 20, 2004, al Cedur Rock Assisled Living, She wns born in D avie County on Dec. 16.1913.10 the late Silas Dulie und A nnie M arlin Daniel and was retired from Fiber Indus­ tries. She wus a mem ber o f Ihe N o rlh M n in Street C h u rch o f Christ, u member o f the M o c k s­ ville Seniors und enjoyed flower gardening, sewing and w alking. She was preceded in death by her husband, Evorette D ew e y Seamon. in 1979, S u rv iv o rs; 2 so n s, Enrl Sea m on and w ife L in d a o f Matthews and Larry Scam on and w ife C yn th ia o f S a lisb u ry ; 7 grandchildren; 8 grcut-grundcliil- drcn; 3 sisters, Belle Boger and Peggy Tutterow, both o f M o c k s­ ville and M innie Foster of C ool­ eemee; and a brother, Sam Daniel o f M ocksville, The funeral service w as held ul 3 p,m, M onday, Fob, 23, al Ealon Funerul Chapel with Greg Elrod ofnciating. Burial was in Ihc Jericho Church o f C hrist C e m ­ etery, M e m o ria ls: C a rolin a B ib le Camp, 1988 Jericho Church Road, M ocksvillc, Ruth Hudspeth Harding Ruth Hudspeth Harding, for­ merly o f Huntsville, died in A l- lanta on Friday. Feb, 20, 2004, after u brief illness. M rs. H a rd in g w us born at B ro o k s C ro ss R o n d s, Y a d k in County, on M arch 14. 1907. lo W illia m Le e H udspe th and Martha Gentry Hudspeth, one of nine children. She ultended Hur- niony H igh School und Appala­ chian Stale Teacher's C o lle ge (now Appalachian State U niver­ sity). She m arried T h o m a s L, H arding on M a y 15, 1927, She taught grade school nt Ihc Hunts­ ville and WU.S n member o f Hunts­ ville United Methodist Church for m any years. A lo n g with her hus­ band, Tom , she was aellvo In the Sunday school nnd In tho .support o f the church. After the old church, was decommissioned, she becume n member o f M ount O live United M ethodist C hurch in Ihe W yo com m unity. She wus know n us "M is s Ruth" by her Norlh C uro­ linn friends and neighbors, M rs. Harding was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; 3 brothers, Luwrence Hudspeth, D u lla s Hud.speth und W n lse r H ud sp e th; 3 siste rs, E v e ly n Pinnix, Lola Carson and Rachel Wngncr; u half brother, Cleveland Geniry; und iv duughicr, Elizabeth Harding Mo.ss. Surviving; 3 sons, Thom as L. Hurding Jr. nnd wife Betty Jo of Y udkinville, M u lco lm H arding and wife George A nn o f Denver, C olo., and Ben R. H arding and w ife Charlene o f A sheboro; 9 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchil- drcn; a sister, Luna H, Riley and husband Charles G , "B u d " Riley, o f Pleasant G arden; and Jack M o ss, husband o f her late daugh­ ter, Elizabeth, The service was heldut 11 u,m, Wednesday, Feb, 25, at Ihe Htmls- ville United Methodist Church, Mcm oriuls; Huntsville Histori­ cal Preservation Society, c/o Anne C. W hile, 5205 Courlney-Hunls- ville Road. Yadkinville. 27055. Raymond W. Hellard Raym ond W atson Hellard Sr., 76, of Needmore Road, Woodleaf, died on Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 at his residence. Born in Duvie County on Dec, 18, 1927, he w as the .son o f the lute C a rl Jam es and E lle n Ridenhour Hellard. He wns retired from Burlington M ills. He served in the U.S. A rm y during W orld W ar II, Su rv iv o rs: his w ife, H elen Leathermun Hellard; 3 sons nnd d u u g h le rs-in -lu w , R a ym o n d "S h o rty " and A nnie Hellard o f W oodleaf; 4 daughters, D on na Yales of Salisbury, Suzanne and Jeff Prevette of Woodleaf, Julie Hellard and Sarah Hellard, both o f Salisbury; 14 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. The funeral service wns M o n ­ day, Feb, 23 ul II u,m, at the Sulisbury National Cemetery wilh Ihc Rev, Darrell C ox ofriciuting. Charlie Lee Jordan M r, Churlie Lee Jordan. 8 1. o Sulisbury, died curly Friday mom ing, Feb. 20, 2004 at the Row ai Regional M cdical Center. Funeral services were al 2 p.m Sunday, Feb. 22 in Ealon Funcru C h a p e l w ith the Rev. Shelb; Harbour officiating. Burial was it Legion M em orial Park in Cool cemce. M cm oriuls; Am erican Diabe tes A ssoc., 310 9 Poplar W ooi Court. Suite 125, Raleigh, 27604 or to Ihe Am erican Legion, C ool cem ce Post 54, 7 09 Gladstone Ro.id, Mock.sville, M r. Jordan w as born Jan. 15 1923 in Davie County to the liiu A dum Lee and Carrie Flynn Jor­ dan and wus retired in 1985 u; purchasing warehouse manager a National Starch. He hud workec ut Burlington M ills. He enjoyec pluying golf, und wns a veteran ol the U.S. N avy during W orld W ai II, se rv in g aboard the U S S Princeton. He w as a member ol the Cooleemee V F W nnd past post com m ander of the Am erican Le­ gion. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nellie Ridenhour Jordan in 1994. Tw o grandchildren and £ brother, James A , Jordan, are alsc deceased. Survivors: a daughter, Cindy Chattin nnd husband Gerald ol Spencer; 2 sons, Jeff Jordan o( Salisbury and D ennis Jordnn ol Ocean Isle Beach; 4 grnndchil­ dren; n sister, N o rm a Jean Cornalzer, and a brother. Turner F. Jordan, both o f Cooleemee, George Thomas Fuller George Thom as Fuller, 57, ol Lexington.died M onday, Feb, 23, 2004, at the Kate B, Reynolds Hospice Hom e uftcr u long buttle w ilh cancer. He w as born in Vance County on Jan. 3. 1947, and w ns the son o f the lute George D uke Fuller nnd Francis W ilson Fuller o f FrunkUn Counly, Survivors; his wife o f 35 yeurs, Elizubeth W esl Fuller o f the home; 2 daughters, Jennifer Elizabeth Fuller o f Ihe home and Em ily West Fuller of W ilm ington; his mother- in -la w , B o a n lc M a y W o sl; a brother, W illiam Fuller; ond sev­ eral nephew.s.cousln.s and family frie n d s, H arriet and H ,W , Zimm erm un, He wus preceded In death by his purcnis; his brother, Robert Fuller; nnd his sister, A nno Fuller, Judge Fuller graduated from N.C, W esleyan College in 1972, He completed graduute w ork in public udminislralion ut N.C. Stute University and afler serving as un N.C. probation officer, he entered W ake Forest Law School, gradu­ ating in 1976. Ho loved fiying and wns a ccrtined flight und glider insinicior. He worked ns an assis- tunt dislrict attorney in the 22nd Judicial District for five years un­ til ho wus uppointod a District Court judge on Oct. 1 ,1981. D ur­ ing his 20 yoars o f service on tho bench, he curned the title o f certi­ fied Juvenile Court judge. Judge Fuller received honor.í from ’pro- fossional and civic groups, includ­ in g the N .C . A s.socintion of W om en Attorneys and the N.C. Court W atchers, H e com pleted truining as a certified Superior Court mediator, to w hich he de­ voted much o f his time after leav­ ing Ihc bench. Fuller wns a m em ­ ber o f First Buptisl Church, where ho served on vurious committees and as an usher. He served on the board of directors for D avidson Alcoholic Cure, Fam ily Services o f D avidson Counly, Y oulh and F a m ily C o u n se lin g Se rv ic e s, Fam ily Violence Prevention Ser­ vices and the C rim inal Justice Parlnership A dvisory Board and wns a member of the Domo.slic Violence Task Force, H e was a member of tho Am erican B a r A s ­ sociation, the N.C, Bur A ssocia­ tion , the Davidson County Bur and Ihe Kiw anis Club, He served ns Iho precinct chairm an for the Duvidson County Dem ocrats nnd us the third vice-chair o f tho Forsyth County Domocrntic Parly. A memorial service wns con- ■ dueled at 4 p.m. Wedno.sday, Feb. 25, nt First Baptist Church in Le x­ ington by Ihe Revs, Tom m y W il­ son and Jim m y Myens, Mem orinls; First Baptist, P,0, Box 436, Lexington, 27295; or the Kale B, Reynolds Hospice Hom e, 101 Hospice Lane, W inslon-Sa­ lem, 27103, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 26,2004 - Cll B la is e P la n s S e n / Ic e O f S o n g s , S h a r in g Blaise Baptist C hurch w ili have an evening scrvicc o f songs and sharing on Feb. 2У. C lnirch m cnibers w ill present vocal and instru­ mental ensem bles aiul solos. Л love olTering w ill be taken for the Storehouse lor Jesus b uilding t'uml. Everyone is invited. T he service begins at 7 p.m. Blaise is locatcd in the northwest corncr o f U.S. 601 N orth and И 0 . Pancake Supper Saturday At DuHn A pancake .supper w ill be held at Duliii United Methodist Church, 897 D u lin Roud, M o cksvillc, from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28. Pro­ ceeds w ill g o to the church building fund. t2ut in or take out. Special m usic w ill be provided. F or more inform ution, cull the church of­ fice at У98-5409, E a s t D a vie B a p tis t C h u rc ii To O ffe r F re e S p a n is i! С ia sse s Enst D avie Baptist Church. 5397 U.S. l.'iS. Berm uda Q uay Sh op ­ ping Ccnier, Advance, w ill offer free Spanish classes lo the public beginning M onday, M a rch 8. T h e classes w ill be held from 6:30- 8:30 each M o n d a y evening. These w ill be convorsntional Spanish classcs. Participunls w ill need to purchase a textbook, "S p a n ish is Fim - L iv e ly Lessons fór Beginners.” Inslriiclor.s w ill be Joan and M u x Furr, w ho served as niissionar- ie.s in Peru and I loiultiras for 35 years. F or m ore inform ation and regi.stralion, cull 998-5584. Breakfast Saturday At Union Chapel A country ham and sausage breakfast w ill be held al U nion C hapel M ethodist Church. M ocksville , U,S. 601, aboul a m ile norlh o f 1-40, from 6;3()-l() a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28. SNOOK’S OLD FASHION BAR<B>CIIE Hwy 158 & Juney Beauchamp Rd. m ARE OPEN! D u e to a c J e a th in o u r fa m ily , & t h e r e c e n t b a (d w e a t h e r , w e h a v e b e e n c lo s e td . W e a r e n o w o p e n ! We appreciate your support during this time Hours Tue$'S at*llam '7pnt 998-4305 Photoqnphir Uouis; lOam-lpm Phbtofiaphiiwill b( avalUblf Ihtit S days only: Thursday, fibrvmy 26 through Msnday, Marth I MOCKSVILLE (Yadkinville Road) luckM* fvtiUji: |>omi l^kcnfoiuntomcolnlK)»! wlh iiv uUh/*Ow> lo AJÍ w«k«m.i (flilnixt unil«i 18 uiuvt l>« «tconi^k-J liyJ n.anifi 4|i(UH«ln--*tn B-Kkgittnvh .nii] ;kch nM; f If/ t«Hii <t»ok«of m.kUN»_ b.K^kOíoiiniK;M»iro.yiwi|>li«iwUtli)f»í»j>|tíif ‘v.. P le a s e Attend The C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o ic e No C reek Prim itive B ap tist C hurch, 222 Aubrey Merrall Rd., Mocksville. 2nd & 4lh S u n d n ys, 10 :3 0 a.m . Fourth Snlurday worahip and con lorence,1:30 p.m. Paslor, Richard Klfby. E ag le H eights C h u rch JO a.m . Sunday w orship. 7 p.m . T u esd ay Pow erllm e, 6 :30 p.m . W ed n esd ays, Bible stud y an d A w an as. C a su a l d ress, contem - porary m uslc/worshlp. 5 10 3 U .S. 15 0 , Hillsdaie. M ockavllle W esleyan C hurch: Hospital S i,. Sunday School, 9;45 n.m. W orship, 11. W ednesday Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Rov. G eorge Troyer. 751-559 5. U n ion C h a p o l U n ited M o th o d lst C hurch: 2030 U .S. 6 01 N. W orship, to a.m . Sunday School, 11 a.m .. Paslor. Rev. Jim Sanders. C enter United M othodlst C hurch; U .S. 64 W. S u n d ay S ch o o l. 9 :4 5 a.m . W orship, it . Pastor.Stephen Blair. 7 5 1* 2 7 5 4 . C h ild care d irecto rs: C arla Prevelle, 492-5735 & Sandra Aulry. 940- 3753. E lb avllle Unltod M ethodist C h u rch : N.C. 8 0 1, Advance. Followship, 9 a.m . Sunday School, 10. W orship, 11. Kids For Chriol {ages 4 -11), 1s l S 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m . Teons lor Christ (ages 12 - 18) m oel Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor; Rov. Neville Storey. C o o leem ee C h urch o l Q od: Sunday School, 10 a.m . W orship Service and Children's Churcif, 11 a.m . Tues. Prayer M eeting, 7 p.m. W ed. Family Service, 7 p.m. For more inlo, call pastor Robert H u lello at 2 8 4 -2 18 0 or visit \sw\y.CQO(CQg.org. C ornatzer United M othodlst C hurch: 124 4 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m , W orship. 11 o.m ,. Rev. Kaye Fryo, pastor. B e th e l U nited M e th o d ist C h u rch : Bethel Church Rd. W orship, 9:45 a.m . S u n d ay Sch ool, 10 :5 0 a.m . R ev. Ed Cnrter, pastor. A d van co U nited M ethodist C h u rch : Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Worship, 11 a .m . Youth. 5 p.m . R ev. H orry D. Sam m ons.O owntown Advance. Farm ington Unltod M othodlst C hurch: Sun day School, 10 a.m . W orslilp, 11 a.m . 19 39 Farm lnglon Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Roberlson. OqI< G rovo Unltod M ethodist C hurch: 19 9 4 U .S, 15 8 , M ocksville. Su n d oy School. 9:45 a.m. W orship. 11. C o n co rd U nited M othodlst C h u rch , Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksville. W orship: 11 a.m , Sun day School: 10 a.m . Paslor, John Andrews. H ardison U nhed M othodlst C hurch; W orship. 9:4 5 a.m . Su n d ay Sch ool, 10 :4 5 . W ondertul W e d n ea -d ay s Children's program, 6-7:30. Paalor, Rov. D ennis B. Marshall. C om m unity B aptist C hurch: Sunday School, 10 a.m . Sun day W orship, 11. Evening sorvice. 6. W ednosday Bible Sludy. 7 p.m, G ladstone Road. H lllsdalo Unltod M othodlst C h u rch : 5228 U .S. 15 3 . Advance. Contomporary w orship Sun day 10 :4 5 a.m . Sun day S ch o o l, 9 :3 5 , C a su a l d re ss , rolroshm ents, Jr. High Youlh Sunday night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. M idw eek®H illodale prayer servico, Wednesday 6 :30 p.m . Blblo stud ios, m ln islriea su ch a s dram a, w orship, m islo n s, sin g le s, w o m o n 's, m en ’s. Pastor: Jerry W ebb, 098-4020. W o slo y C h a p e l U nltod M e th o d ist C h u rc h : W orship S e rv ic e : 10 o.m . Sunday School: 10 :45 a.m . Rev. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. R o tfto n d P e n t e c o s t a l H o tln o a s C h u r c h : S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10 a.m . W orsh ip : 1 1 a .m .. E v e n in g : 6 ;3 0 . W ed n esd ay prayor m ooting & Bible aludy. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Jo e l Boyles. H oly C ro ss Lutheran Churoh, 19 13 U S 6 0 1 S . W orship: 10 :3 0 a.m , Sun day School: 9 :15 , Rov. Robert Kasllng. 751* 5 4 19 . mvsv. mindspring. com-'holycrossi' M ocksvlllo First P resb yterian Church, 2 6 1 S . Mnin St, Worship: 11 a.m . Church S ch o o l: 9 :4 5 a.m . Su n d ay ovoning; Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6 -12 ), 5 :30 p.m . P aslo r; N eal Carter. 7 51-2 5 0 7 , M ocks Unltod M ethodist C hurch, oil N.C. 80 1 S . al M ocks Church/ Bonu- cham p roads, A dvanco. Rov. Donnie W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. W inston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom IVIeat Process Beet - Pork -’Deer 30 years experience 892 flnlph naUodgo Rd • Mocksviiio 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., ING. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-2167 ü tC E . шшснлттйс а431 Hwy. 158* Advance, NC 336-998-1987 Durham. 998*5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m . Sunday School: 10 o.m. Sm ith G rovo M othodlst C h u rch : 3492 U.S. 158 , Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School; 10 a.m ., worship, B;50 & 11. Children's ministry, Before and afler school program s, 940-5296. Hlltsdote B ap tist C hurch; Sunday Sm all Q roups, 9 a.m .. W orship, 10 :3 0 a.m ; W ed n esd ay Fello w sh ip M eal, 6 p.m . Children's youth activities, prayer m eeting. 6:30 p.m . 940-6618. Minister of Music, Brent Hellon. 4 8 15 U .S. 15 8 . A dvance. F aith a n d V icto ry F am tty W o rsh ip C e n te r, 16 6 7 Hwy. 6 0 1 N. S u n d ay Services. 10 a.m .. 7 p.m. W ednesday, 7 p.m. Now B ello v ers M inistries, 35 0 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m ., worship, 1 1 . W ednesday night Bible sludy, 7. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. A ssoc, pastor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty U nited M othodlst C hurch. U.S. 601 S . W orshlp:9;45 a.m. Sunday School; It a.m. F irst U n ited M e th o d ist C h u rc h o f M o c k sv lllo . E arly S u n d a y W orship Service, 6 :50 a.m . Pral&e singing, casual d ress, contem porary formal. Traditional service, 10 :5 5 a.m . 30 5 N. Main St. 7 5 1- 2 50 3. P a sto rs, C rystal A lexander and Donald W. Routh. Bellovor’s S o n sh lp Tabornaclo; Sunday w orship, 10 ;3 0 a.m . & 6 :30 p.m . W ed. evening. 7. Paslor; Jerry L. Couch, 998- 132 4 . C an a Rd. - Potter's Lane. T urrontino B a p tist C h u rch ; Su n d ay School. 9 :4 5 a.m ., W orship, 1 1 ; Night Service. 6. Pastor: Rev. Jo e Smith. Bothlohom U nited M othodlst C hurch: Sunday enrly worship, 8:45 a.m .: Sunday School, 10 . W oishlp, 11 a.m . Lighthouse S e rv ic e , c o n lem p o ra ry w o rsh ip . Thursdays at 7 :30 p.m. 3 2 1 Redland Rd., A dvance. 998-5063. F ax; 940-5502. E- Mall: oilicbethum c@ yadlel.net E p isco p al C h u rch o f tho A sc e n sio n , Fotk-Bixby R d., A dvance, Sun. School, 10 a,m . W orship. 11 a.m . 998-0857. D ial A S to ry M inistry for children. Bill and Peggy Long of A dvance. 998*7716. Clom ont G rove C hurch o f Q od, B od y ot C h rist. 15 9 Parker R d., M ocksville. 4 9 2 -5 125 . Saturday S ervices; Sabbaih S ch o o l. 10 a .m .. W orship, 11 :4 5 . W ednosday Bible Sludy. 7 p.m. Pastor; Elder Ernest Ijam es. Radio Broadcast; The Bible Is Right, T u esd ays, 5 -5 :30 p.m ., W D SL 15 2 0 AM and Sun days, B* 8:30 a.m ., W STP 14 9 0 AM. Green M eadow s B aptist C hurch Sunday School, 9;45 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m ., 7 p.m. W ednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Paslor Rov. M ichael W aters, 998-3022. L Ib o rty W o a lo y a n C h u rc h , 2 10 6 Sheffield R d „ Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m ., Morn. W orship 11 a.m .. W ed. Blblo Advontuto 7 p.m .. Sr. MlnleUy 2nd Tues. each m onth 10 a.m . 4 9 2-29 6 3. Pastor; Ronald Lee. B ixb y P rosbytorlan C hurch, 18 0 6 Fotk* B ixby R d., n ear C ornatzer R d ., Sun . School 9:45 a.m .. W orship 11. Paslor; Peter Potoraon, 998- 6 8 13. D ulin United M othodlsl C h u rch , 897 Dulln R d „ Mocksvlllo, 998-5409. Paslor: D avid Sm ith. Sun Sch ool 10 :3 0 a.m ., Worahip 9:30 a.m . C ooloom oe Unltod M othodlst, Main St., Sunday School, 10 a.m .. W orship. 11. Kids Kam p Sun. 5-6 :30 . Pastor: Rov. Perry Bradshaw (2 8 4 -8 135 ) In Homo Blblo S tudio s, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Boor CrooK B apttet C h u fch , B ear C reek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m ., W orship 11 a.m ., B ible Study W ed. 7 p.m . Rev. William Lee Cook III, pastor. C oo leem ee First. B ap tist Churoh. 284 M arginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m .. W orship It a.m .. Eve. Wor¿t)lp 7 p.m ., W ednosday prayer m eellng, 7 p.m. Music m inister, R ogln a C handler. Dr. Tommy Register, paslor. M ocksville S e c o n d P resb yterian , 400 Pino S I. S u n d a y S ch o o l. 8 :3 0 a.m . W orship, 9:30 . Only A frican-A m erican Presbylerian church In Davie County. Rov. Thom as M. L e a c h .7 5 M 4 10 S t. F ro n d s o f A s s is i, R C . M a sse s: Salurdny Vigil. 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10 :30 a .m .. S p a n ish M a ss, 12 :3 0 p .m .: W ednesday evening M ass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, VOGLER Ä-SONS РШТёгйГТПЩс- 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, N0 27012 336- 766-4714 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • Rollnishlng Inslallnllon - Old & Now( Work Larry McClennoy • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 E A T O N F U N E R A L H O M E SINCI^ 1951 323 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 2702K 336-751-2148 AUTO PARTS IHOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. - Mocksville 336-751-2944 PUTTHIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 7:30 a.m . M asses. Rev. Andrew Draper, TO R, 7 51-29 73. F arm in gton B a p tist C h u rch , Sun day morning Bible study, c lasses for ali ages, 10 . W orship: 1 1 .1 8 4 1 Farm lng-lon Rd., 5 m iles from 1-40. P astor; S co lt Lyeriy. Church; 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. B lalso B ap tist C hurch, B laise Church Road, off U .S. 6 01 N. al 1-40, Mocksville. 7 51-36 39 . W orship, Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m .; Sunday School, 9;45 o.m . Sunday evening, 7. W ednesday Bible study and m ission program s lor all a g e s, 7 p.m. Pastor; Glenn Sollots. A ssoc, paslor, Ken Furches. m m blaisebaptist.org. Shiloh Baptist C hurch, 544 E. Depot St., M ocksville. Sun day Sch oo l; 9 :4 5 a.m . Morning worship: 11 o.m. 7 51-0 59 7. Fulton U nited M ethodist C h u rch , 3895 N.C. 80 1 S ., A dvance. W orship; 9 ;45 a.m. Sunday School, 10 :4 5 a.m . Fulton Youlh In Christ, Sun days, 5-6:30 p.m . Pastor; Rev. Neville Storey. H eaven Bound Full G o sp el C hurch,U .S. 64 W., M ocksville. (beside C enter Fire Depl.). Sundoy School, 10 a.m .. W orship, 1 1 , S u n d ay night p ralse/w o rsh lp , 6. W ed n o sd ay night p ralse/w o rsh lp , 7. Pastor, Ja m e s W ard. 998-6394. First B aptist Churoh, 390 N. Main St., ' Mock6vlllo. 7 5 1*5 3 12 . Conlem porary early worship service, 8 :30 a.m . Sunday School for all a g es. 9:45 a.m . Traditional worship se rv ic e , 10 :5 5 o.m . C h ild ren 's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. W ednesday, 6 :30 p.m., activities for children, youth and adulls. F ork B aptist C hurch, 3 14 0 U .S. 64 E., Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship servico, 11 a.m ., 6 :30 p.m. W ednesdays, 7 p.m. A w anos, Sunday 6 p.m .998*8306. C o rn a tz e r B a p tis t C iiu rc h , 13 7 2 C o rn a tz e r R d ., M o ck sv ille. S u n d ay School, 10 a.m ., W orship, 1 1 ; evening. 6 ;3 0 ; A w an a'a W orship, 7 p.m . W ednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. N ew U nion M eth odist C h u roh . 186 9 Sheffield R d„ at Counly Line Rd. Services; 8 :30 a.m ., contem porory w orship with casual d ress and relreshm enis; 9 :45 a.m. Su n d ay Sch ool assem bly. 10 , Sun day School for all ag es. 11 a.m .. W orship. 492- 5367. ija m es B ap tist C hurch, Shollleld Rd., M ocksvlllo. Sun day School, 3 ;4 5 a.m ., w o rsh ip , 1 1 . S u n d a y e v e n in g , 6, W ednesday. 7 p.m. Paslor, Tommy Faust. S U Jo h n A M E Z io n C h u r c h . 14 5 Cam pbell Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m . Paslor. G eorge C . Banks. A d van ce F irst B ap tist C h u rch , 19 38 N.C. 80 1 S . Sun day School, 9:4 5 a.m . W orship. 1 1 . W ednesday Bible Study/ m ission gro ups, 7 p.m . P aslor;M arlln Kastner. 998-6302. C hurch o f G od o f Prop h ecy, 2 3 2 3 U .S. 6 01 S ., M ocksvlllo. Sun day Sch ool, 10 a.m ., worship, 1 1 . Sunday o ven in g , 6; W ed n esd ay o vo n in g , 7. Pastor: Rov. Bobby Shlnaull. 719 * 6565 or 284-2935. V icto ry B ap tist C h u rch , M idw ay S t., . C oo leem ee. Sun doy Sch oo l, 10 a.m ., w o rsh ip 1 1 . S u n d a y e v e n in g . 6; W ed n esd ay A w ana/Youih, 6 :4 5 p.m ., P rayer & Bible S ludy. 7. R ev. Sh elb y Harbour. 284-2077. Seven th D ay A dvontlat C hurch, Milling R o a d , M o ck sv ille. So b b o th S ch o o l, Satu rd ay, 9 ;3 0 * t1; W orship, 1t*n o o n . Paslor, Ron Davis. 751-38 8 6 . M acedonia M oravian Churoh. 700 N.C. 801 N.. A dvance. Sunday School, 9:30 -10 :45 a.m . W orship. 8:45 ond 11 o.m. 998-4394. Pastor: R ev. Grog im to. Y fld k in V a lle y B a p tis t C h u ro h , 13 2 4 Y a d k ln V a lley R o a d , A d v a n ce . Paator: R on nlo C rad d o ck. 9 9 8 * 4 3 3 1. Sunday Schooi, 10 a .m ., worship, 1 1 A 6, W ednesday Night Prayer m eellng, 7:30. Live Sundays, W OSL 1520A M , 1 1 -Noon. Mt. Zion H o lin ess C huroh o f G od, U .S. 64 E. at Mill Street, Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 'a .m ., Morning W orship, 11. Pastor: Bishop Ja m e s Ijames. Mt. Slnat AM E Zion Churoh, 48B Peoples C reek R oad, A dvance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m ., worship, 11 a.m ., W ednesday night Bible sludy. 7. Dr. Otis B. Robinson Sr.. paslor. 998-6231. B ixb y C hurch o f the Living G od, 2 12 1 C ornatzer R d „ A d van ce. Pastor, R ov. Perry H awks, 768*1606. Worship. Sunday 10 -11 o.m ., 6 p.m. SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NO 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mooksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R » » Precision L<iser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocbvillc, N C 2702Ü 336-751-3712 S o lo m U nited M e th o d ist C h u rch , Solem Church Road off Davie Academ y R d ., 8 m iles w e st o l M o ck sville. W orship. Sundays al 9:45 a.m . Sunday S c h o o l, 10 :4 5 .UMW, se co n d W ed n esd ay, UMM first S u n d o y b re a k fa st at' 7 :3 0 . U M Y F S u n d o y evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. P in e y G ro v e U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch, 376 U nderpass Rd.. Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m .. W orship, 11. Pastor: Rev. Kendall C . Glover. 996- 7 3 16 . N ew Jo ru sa le m A p o sto lic C hurch, 29 1 Cam pbell Rd., Mocksville. Pasior. N ellye Ijam es-Borber, 751-00 4 9. Sun. S c h o o l, 10 a .m ., W orsh ip 1 1 . W ednesday night: Bible c la ss, 7:30. Inlercessory prayer, 6 p.m. T ru e L ig h t C h ris tia n M in istry , m eetin g s at D avie C ou n ty P u blic Library, M ocksville. Founding pastor: Steven W. Dalton. Sundoy School, 10 а.m ., worship, 11. E p is c o p a l C h u rc h o f th e G o o d S h e p h e r d , C h u rch & C ro s s s ts ., C o o le e m e e . W orship, 9 :3 0 a .m ., fellow sh ip hour afler church. Bible S tu d y 2n d an d 4th S u n d a y s after church. PrIesI; Rev. Noah Howard. J e s u s L ife M issio n , Liberty Church R d ., M o ck sville. S u n d a y S c h o o i, 10a.m ., morning worship, 1 1 . Sunday evening at 6 and T uesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor; Hilda R eavls. M o cksville C hurch o f G od, 862 U .S. 64 E . (b e sid e A rm ory). 7 5 1- 0 8 17 . Pastor: Larry Hollifield. Sundoy School, 10 a.m .. worship, 11. Sunday evening, б, W ednesday ovening, 7. Jo ru so lem B aptist Churoh, 32 0 3 US 601 S ., Mocksville. 264-2328. Sunday services: 6 :15 o.m., praise and worship: 9:45, Sun day School for all a g es; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. W ednesday se rv ices: 6 p.m .. family fellow sh ip m eal; 7 p.m ., Team K ID , Youth 4 C h rlsl. A dult B ib le S ludy. Nursery for Infanta and toddlers. F e llo w sh ip B a p tist C h u rch , 10 8 4 R ain b o w R d ., A d van ce. 9 9 8 -6 54 4 . Sunday School, 10 a.m ., worship, 1 1 . Sun days, 6 p.m. W ednesday cervlce, 7 p.m . T h u rsd ay visitatio n , 7 p.m . Pastor, W ayne Sw isher, 4 9 2-7210 . Sm ith G rovo AM E Zion C hurch, 3707 Hwy. 15 8 , Mockavllle. Sunday morning worhsip, 1 1 . Sunday School, 10 a.m . Rev. M organ Glenn, paslor. E ato n s B ap tist C hurch. 495 Eatons C h u rch R d .. M o ck sville. S u n d a y S ch o o l, 10 a .m ., w o rsh ip . 1 1 . W ednesday prayer m eeting, 7 :30 p.m. Pastor: Dr. David Gllbrealh. 998-6149. A b u n d an t L ife C h ristia n V icto ry C onter, 1 1 7 E. Depot S t., Mockavillo. P o slo r, D an iel B ro w n . 7 5 3 -4 4 5 3 . Su n d oy Sch oo l, 9 :4 5 a.m . M orning worship, 11. Life C om m unity C huroh, Sundays, 10 n.m ., Brock Perform ing A rls Centor, N orlh M ain S tre e t, M o cksvlllo . Conlomporory stylo worship with Pastor Kevin Stew art. 753-LlFE. H opb B aptist Tabornaclo, 2408 Hwy. 15 8 , Mocksville. 998-3616. W orship, 11 a.m ., Sunday School, 10 a.m ., 6 p.m. W ednesday, 7 p.m ., AWANA children and toons, adulls, proyer m eellng ond Bible study. E ast D avio B aptist C huroh. Berm uda Q uay Shopping Conler, 5 39 7 U .S. 15 8 , Advance. Sundays, 9:30, Bible study tor 011 a g e s; 10 :4 5 , morning w orship; 6, Sundoy ovening service. W ednesdays. 7 p.m ., Bible Sludy and Prayor Sen/lce, Pastor, M ax T. Furr. Youlh, children ond m uslo, Jerem y Amlck. 998-5584. L ife C om m un ity C huroh, Days Inn, M adison R ood, M ocksville. Servico s Sunday, 10 n.m . C all Kevin Stew art, pastor, about W ednesday evening life groups, 7 53-5433. M elnvilio AM E Zion C hurch. 2 10 Main C hurch R o o d . M ocksville. Su n d ay Sch ool, 10 a.m ., w orship, 1 1 . Bible Study, W ednesday, 7 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Robert H. Bailey. B a llo y ’a C h ap el U nltod M othodlst C h u rch , B ailey's C hapel R oad, A d­ vance, Sun day School, 10 a.m .. Wor­ ship 11 a.m . Pastor, the Rev. Ed Carter. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mooksvllle, NC 27028 336-492-5565 C R A I G C A R T E R B U I L D E R , I N C . 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advanco, NC 27008 336-940-2341 HutUcrolXkjhi} Cv\li4ii Ио1К\ /(»f ou-r.W Ifjij Crjj{! Л. CartiT, i*fc<iJcnl * .Miflifi C. Сдпсг. Vicc ft«. H a y w o rt h-M il ler Fu n e r a l H o m e K in d e r t o n C h a p e l L q c a t b d o n H w y 158 Bi-TWUEN C l e m m o n s & A d v a n c e 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 C12 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday. Feb. 26,2004 BUV MORE. SAVE MORL P u r c h a s e t w o o r m o r e e l i g i b l e G E P r o f i l e a p p l i a n c e s a n d r e c e i v e a $ 5 Q , $ 1 0 0 , $ 2 0 0 o r $ 3 0 0 r e b a t e . S e l e c t M o d e l s 1 2 Month No Interest Winston Salem Location Only K i t c h e n P a c f o g e D i s c o u n t s n m u i n m 2 5 6 6 S . S t r a t f o r d R d . • W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 3 336-765-8562