09-SeptemberFriday Night Entertainment M a r c h in g B a n d , D a n c e r s , C h e e r le a d e r s W o r k i n g H a r d A t H o m e G a m e s P a g e D 1 Win $2,500 Cash! I t ’s J u s t A s G o o d A s M o n e y ; C o n t e s t D e t a ils I n s id e P a g e s B 4 - B 5 D A VIE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E i ^ H E C O R D USPS 149-60 Number 35 Thursday. Sept. 5. 2002 44 PAGES Local Races Important In Tuesday Primary It’s an odd time and a last-minute primary eieclion, but Tuesday, Sept. 10 is an important one for Davie Couniy residents. Not only will two members ofthe Davie Board of Education be elected, but because of few Demo­ cratic candidates, voters will be choosing a state representative, a sheriff and at least one county com­ missioner. Incumbent Luther Polls is being challenged by Carol Livengood and Regina Graham. The nonpartisan election for the board of education will elect two members. There will be no sccond primary or vote on this race in November. Because no Democrats filed for sheriff, the Republican primary will also likely decide that race. Incum­ bent Allen Whilaker Is being chal­ lenged by Mike Smith, Voters in November will elect C a n d id a te S u n / e y s S a m p le B a llo t s P a g e s 7 - 1 0 two inembers to Ihe Davie County Board of Commissioners. Since only one Democrat, Bob Rose, has nied, at least one of the four Repub­ licans to be decided on in Tuesday’s primary - Michael D. Allen, Bobby Knight, Dwighi Myers and Roger Spillman - will become a county commissioner. Republicans have two choices for the N.C, Hou.se of Representatives - incumbent Julia C. Howard or Mike Morris, bolh of Mocksvllle. The race becomes more crowded for the new slale .senate, which in­ cludes Davie, Rowan and Yadkin counties. Republicans seeking the' nomination are Gus Andrews, An­ drew C. Brock, Mac Burner and Baxter “ Bo” Turner. Democrats seeking the state sen­ ate nomination are Debra Brown Groce and John Carlyle Sherrill IIL One nonpartisan district court judge race will appear on the ballot, with April C. Wood, Mark S. Culler and Cynthia Gamer Bamhill. Culler, Please See School - Page 10 360 Lose Jobs As Furniture Plant Closes In Town By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record In a press release received Aug. 28 from Lexington Home Brands the announcement was made that Lexihgton Furniture Plant in Mocksville will close its doors Oct. 3L Mocksville Town Manager Terry Bralley says it’s the biggest announcement he can re­ member in his 23 years on the job. “Anytime Ihere’s a job loss of this magnitude it has a major impact.” The Mocksville plant was bought by Lex­ ington Home Brands from Drexel Heritage in 1990. “We are proud and appreciative of the product and effort of all of our plant a.sso- ciates over the years the plant has been in operation. They have done all that we have asked them to do in an exemplary manner,” stated Bob Stec, Chairman and CEO of Lex­ ington. The closing is being attributed to the rapid growth of imported products, both in the mar- _ ketplace and within Lexington’s own prod­ uct mix. This has lessened the need for do­ mestic facilities and any that remain open must run at full capacity to have any hope of competing with imported pricing. A large percentage of the products pro­ duced in Mocksville will be moved to another Lexington plant in Davidson County. “Our hearts go out to the employees and Iheir families,” said Bralley. Stec slated thal Lexington will do all that Ihey can to assists plant employees in finding new employment in the area. The plant shut-down will result in 360 job losses. Time Is Up It Takes Months For A Bond Referendum To Go To Voters Jack Koontz, Robert Rogers and George Woodward work on erecting a flag pole at the Davie Academy Community Center, where a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony will be held. ■ Photo by Robin Fergusson Honoring Heroes Ceremonies Planned For Sept. 11 Sept. 11. Davic residents will Join those from across the nation in prayer and remembrance in cer­ emonies Wednesday, Sept. 11. At 7:30 p.m. at the Davie Academy Com­ munity Building, the Woodmen ofthe World Lodge 323 will hold an “ In Honor and Re­ membrance - Woodmen Salutes America’s Heroes” ceremony. A flag pole has been erected at the com­ munity cenler, on Mr, Henry Road. Take U.S. 64 West from Mocksville, lum left on Davie Please See Ceremonies - Page 4 By Kim .lustcn Davie County Enteфrise Record Aug. 5 was the day Davie County commissioners had to begin the approval process in order for a school facilities proposal lo become a bond package on the November ballot. “The whole process takes 80-90 days. Thai’s why the board had to act by Aug. 5,” said Robert Price, county atlorney. Price admits there is some wiggle room, and if the commissioners had started by the middle of Augusl and scheduled special meetings, they could possibly still have made the deadline. Probably not. The process for taking a proposal and making it a bond is long and has a lol of set time frames. In the case of the school bond proposal, the process begins when the school board makes a formal request to the commissioners, Thai look place on July 8 . The nexl step is for the commissioners lo adopt a resolution to notify people of their intent to put a bond issue on the ballot. Notification is done through a newspaper. Once the notification has been published, the board is required lo wait 10 days before filling their application with the Local Government Commission (LGC). Following the 10 days, the board would have lo meet to authorize the filing of the proposal. Once the LGC received the application, they can require a preliminary conference to consider the proposal. “There is no real lime limit in there,’ said Price, “but they need lime lo consider it.” Before the state budget crisis, representatives of the task force mel with the LGC to see what the county could borrow. Presumably, that would have shortened the time the LGC considered the proposal. If the county’s finances change drastically following the state approving a budgel, it’s possible thal the information is no longer valid and the amount the county could borrow could be lowered. Once the LGC approves the proposal, they send a bond order back to the commissioners. The board sels the date for a public hearing. The hearing has lo be advertised in the newspaper, along wilh a copy of the bond order. “ We also have to make financial audit information available so people can make informed comments at the hearing,” said Price, Add two weeks to your tally belween Please See It’s 'loo Late - Page 4 2. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S, 2002 Editorial Райг See You At The Polls The politicians have done their part. Now it is up to the rest of us — the voters. Next week, we need to vote. That’s all that is asked of us. We don't have to put political posters in our yard. We don't have to contribute to campaigns. We don’t have to stand at the polls and solicit votes. We just have to make up our minds about who is the best choice to serve in the various public offices and cast our ballot. It’s simple. But so many of us don’t bother. As the vote in Florida demonstrated two years ago. a few votes can make a lot of difference. George W. Bush is President of the United States instead of Al Gore because of an amazing few hundred votes. It’s our turn again nest week. Our turn to partici­ pate in this glorious democratic process of picking our leaders. Tlie state legislature has made it amazingly simple. Early voting has been allowed for anyone who can’t make it to the polls Tuesday. Voting machines make it simple to cast a ballot and to count them. Some candidates even offer to drive you to the polls. It's easy to register. Easy to be a part of the process. Making your decisions isn’t so ea.sy. There are a wealth of good candidales. Choosing isn’t easy. The politicians have worked hard. They have campaigned and asked for our votes. The least we can do is join in the decision about who will serve us. See you at the polls. Billboard Advertisers Have Heard God What does God say? It’s amazing what some people say He says. God apparently tells some people to vote Republican. He tells some to leave their kids and family. He tells others to do outlandish things. O f course, some people are hard of hearing ... > The billboard advertisers are getting into the act. They have heard God, and they are passing on the messages. The ads are mini-sermons as we whiz past in our cars. You may have seen the big boards along the high­ way with quotations from God. Here are some of them: • Tell the kids I love them. • Let’s meel at my house Sunday before the game. • C ’mon over and bring the kids. • What part of “Thou Shalt N o t...” didn’t you understand? • We need to talk. • Keep using my name in vain. I’ll make rush hour longer. • Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage. • Thai “Love Thy Neighbor” thing ... I meant it. • I love you and you and you and you and ... • Will the road you’re on get you to my place? • Follow me. • Big bang ihfiory, you've got to be kidding. • My way IS the highway. • Need directions? • You think it's hot here? • Have you read my #l best seller? • There will be a test. • Do you have any idea where you're going? • D on't make me come down there. DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks................ Robin Fergusson............ Mike Barnhardl................ Ray Tutterow......... Brian Pitts........................ Tammy Kowalski.......... Mockavlll* EntorpriM 1916-1958 .............Editor/Publisher .............General Manager .............Managing Editor ............Advertising Director .............Sports Edilor ..............Circulalion/Classifled Oavl* Ricord 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99. Mock.svlllc, NC 27028 " С>1СК,you've BEEN WORKINGTOOHARP/... " In T h e M a il War Eagle Marching Band Deserves Praise To Ihe edilor: I ’m a D.ivic High School Marching Band niolher. I would firsi like lo commeni on how awesome Ihc Davie High Marching War Eagles played Friday nighl al Ihcir first home foolbal! game. One reason I’m wriling ihis Idler is lo commeni on somelhing, unfortunnlely, we don’l see much of loday. When wc were going lo our van aflerlhegame we wilnessedsomelhing I didn’l Ihink would happen in today’s lime. We hiid lo walk by Ihe Wesl Rowan High School buses and we stepped aside lo allow the Davie High March­ ing Band march by going back lo ihe band room. The West Rowan band members were hanging cul iheir bus windows clapping and yelling al our band saying Ihings like "Way lo go Davie Band", "Way lo play Davie Band", elc. They screamed and clapped the whole lime llie entire Davie Band was marching by their buses. I ’m sorry lo say ijtal it was a shock lo hear such praising commenis come from rival high school sludenis and we wondered if and hoped vve would hear such commenis come from our own siudents if the roles were reversed (my son included). We were very surprised and admired the West Rowan Band for their remarks. It uplifted us to see teenage kids compliment others ihc way they did especially in today’s lime when teenagers get such a bad rap (rcpulalions). 1 would finally like to say thal the lelter 1 read in the Enterprise lasl week regarding how Ihe crowd, elc. Ireals Ihe band al the games Club Supports Graham To the edilor: Le Jour Des Femmes Club, an active women’s organization of Davie Counly, is proud lo endorse Dr. Regina Graham, candidale for the Davie Counly Board of Educalion. Our organization's goal is to enhance the community of Davie County. We feel lhal as a school board member. Dr. Graham wil fulfill lhal goal by serving ihe children and cilizens of Davie. From an educational perspeclive. D r Graham is qualified lo ad­ minister sound judgmeni regarding curriculum and school resources. She is pa.ssionale aboul children receiving a qualily educalion. The Davie Counly School Board needs lo be refieclive of ihe diverse population of our counly. Please cast your vole for Dr. Regina Graham on Sepl. 10. Le Jour Des Femmes Club Willie Sludevanl, president Mocksville Letters Welcomed EhteqiiiM.Reconl welcomes letters from its reul- cn; lite tenen m y be on ^ c s of local, state, national ior i i print ^1 tetters, provided they or in poor tasiti. The editor reserves for grammar and for spare: iBciude the name and address of the . 1» die newspaper office no later, tluui i or email tovi G o t A n O p in io n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to oast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Is Davie County growing too fast? Y C S 67 % No, 33% Log on now to see our question and cast your vole. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S, 2002 - 3 is so inie. As I .sal walching and cheering for Ihe foolball players, cheerleaders, elc. the spcclalors around me gol very upsel when someone slood in iheir way for ihe slighlesl of momenis during Ihc game, bul when il came lime for the band lo perform (Ihe band was aclually oul on Ihe field pcrfomiing) Ihey slood in our way and pul up umbrellas in our way (lhal weren’l up during ihe game) and as a result we couldn’l see our children. Even some cheerieaders slood in Ihe way while the band was on the field performing. Are Ihe band parenls going lo have lo request a special sealing seclion so we can all sit logelher lo be able lo see our children per­ form? When they were finished performing, only a few clapped for them or even acknowledged they were on the field. As il was said last week, these students practice and put lots of hours inlo enlertaining the crowds at these games, not only during half lime, but if you noticed, they play during the enlire game lo keep Ihe crowd, players, elc. pumped up. I jusl feel lhal if Wesl Rowan band members noticcd how awesome our band played then our own spcclalors could have paid more allcniion and acknowl­ edged Ihem more. Bottom line is that these kids work very hard and they deserve jusl as much respect, allcniion and recognition ihe foolball players, cheerleaders and dancers gel and il's a shame lhal Ihey gol more of Ihis from the opposing teams band members than iheir own lown. Way lo go, Davie High Marching War Eagles. Keep up ihe awe­ some work. Tracey Phillips Mocksville Switchboards And Party Lines: No Telephone Privacy Tn 1 0 ^ 0 T __ I I . . « .. _ _ . _ __ u/\v IK, V.UUI'S 1 It urs 1 KKI'KISK KECOKU, Sept. 5, 2002 - In 1950,1 made my firsi and last irip to the Outer Banks of N.C. M y sisier, Iwo friends and I drove Ihcre, taking the day. We stopped al Elizabeth Cily and shopped for an hour and a iialf. In Belks, I met a girl who had dated a boy in my class in high school. Small world. Anyway, we arrived in Nags Head lale in tiie day, where we had reservations at The Arlington. 1 couldn’t believe whal I saw. I understand Ihings are very different there now. I thought I had really .stepped back in time. There are several ihings I remember vividly. I drove up to a scrvicc slalion for gas and while Ihe attendant was filling Ihe lank, he look a bucket o f water and poured over the right side of the windshield. Then he filled _______________ anolher bucket and poured it over the left side. I Ihoughl my window was closed and I made some not very kind remarks about people really being from Ihe backwoods out there. In fact, I think I made several remarks about primitive condi­ tions. Anyway, when the man finished servicing Ihc car, lie came to Ihe window and said, “Lady," and in thal quick moment before he conlinued, somelhing in his voice gave me an uneasy feeling. “If we cleaned windshields out here Ihe way you probably do where you’re from, your wind­ shield would be so scratched it would be ruined, there's so much salt out here.” If I could have gone through the car fioor, I would have, bul I nuimbled somelhing apologeti­ cally and gol away as soon as I could. I don'l ihink I even drove back down lhal slreet. W hile Iherc, wc went over to Manleo to see “The Lost Louise Stroud Colony.” We were fortunate in having press passes (Daddy was still publishing the newspaper.) and we had center front ■scats for the performance. Andy G riffith was still playing Sir Walter Raleigh. I understand everyihing is quite different out there now. After all, that was IW O. I do remember driving over a long bridge, five or six miles, maybe seven, and the bridge was just wooden planks lhat didn’t come together and rattled terribly as we drove. I think the speed limit on the bridge was 10 mph or maybe 15 mph. I know I didn'l feel comfortable on that bridge w ilh no land in sight for five or six miles, I asked one of the natives if Ihe brides out Ihere were safe and he said, “No." I asked why Ihey were not replaced and he said there wasn't enough traffic to justify it. I understand they do have good, safe bridges there now. In thinking of yesteryear, I recently saw the word “slicker” on Ihe T V screen and remembered something I liadn't thought of in years. O f course Ihe word slicker has several meanings, but this was referring to the slickers people used to wear when it rained. Now we wear raincoats (same Ihing). I ’m sure some of you remember when your lelephone was on the wall. Telephones, as many other things, have really come a long way. I remember what I thought was a funny incident of years ago. Daddy look down the receiver lo make a call and evidently Ihe lines were crossed up and two ladies in Ihe Farmington area were discu.ssing the courtship of a doctor who was practicing in the area at the time. I remember his name, but perhaps it’s best not lo .say it even at this late day. Anyway, daddy perhaps should have hung up, but evidently lie was finding the conversation very amusing. Finally, he cleared his throat and one o f the ladies said she believed someone was on the line. At that point, daddy, in a deep voicc, .said, “This is doctor (and he called the name of the doctor Ihey were discussing)...” whereupon two lelephone receivers were slammed down and daddy made his call. I mentioned before that the telephone operator was very helpful. When I was a baby and we were still living in North Mock.sville, sometimes daddy would go down to the office and work awhile before breakfast. Mam a would call him when breakfast was ready. One time the switchboard was real busy and inslead of answering mama’s ring, the opera­ tor just called the office an told daddy that breakfast was ready. I’m sure you remember the party lines out in the county. O f course, each home had ils ring, like two longs and a short, etch. However, if anyone on Ihe party line chose, they could pick up the phone and li.sien lo their neighbors calls. If, as in one case, a faniily member in another state wanted to check on his mother and everybody on the party line picked up to see how she was. Each pone lhal was pickcd up made reception worse. Obviously, ihose calls were never very satisfactory. I would like to lake Ihis opportunity lo thank all of you who have told me you are enjoying my monthly column. I had supposed lhal perhaps ihose in my age bracket (what’s lefl of ihem) might find them interesting, but I have been amazed to hear from many younger people and new resi­ dents in Ihe communily. I enjoy wriling lhe.se recollections from the past and hope you w ill continue to enjoy reading them. John Sparks: A Neighbor, Citizen, Friend, Man Of God To Ihe edilor: A man in our communily passed away lasl week. He was a neigh­ bor, friend, cilizen, a son. falher, grarulfalher. (and shorlly would have been a grcalgrandfalher) and certainly, not the least, a loving husband. He was nol a man of grcal sialure, bui lo me he was a Luther Potts Has Values To the editor; To Ihose who care aboul our youlh: In less Ihan one week, you will make a decision about people who will be running for our Davie County School Board. Il iscrilical lhal you vole on Sepl. 10, for Ihe simple reason lhal if you don'l, whal you will be affimiing is lhal you indeed do nol care aboul our youlh. The exlraordinary lime of our age requires lhal we do everyihing possible lo explore how we have Ihe responsibilily lo provide Ihe bcsl of all possible worlds lo educate our youth. 1 have served in the capacity of a member of Ihe school board, as ’’ a member of ihe Ashcboro Cily School Board. I have had lo make difficuli decisions between Ihe lax levies and Ihe qualily of our schools. As a graduale of Davie High School, 1 have been proud of Ihe work of ihe dedicated slaff of our schools. I am iremendously impressed wilh Dr. Bosl and her leadership as principal of Davie High School. Her willingness lo iry lo use senior cilizens in Ihe Golden Eagles program is an oulsianding example of lime as a re­ source for broadening Ihe experiences of our young people. 1 also have been amazed al Ihe qualily of our school board. As Ihe paslor of Marlene Shamel, she has often discussed wilh me sev­ eral of ihe issues lhat face our schools. I also have been a friend of Lulher Polls for more Ihan 40 years. 1 worked wilh him when 1 was a Chaplain in ihe Army Reserve and Nalional Guard program. I am Ihe pastor of one of his children’s families, and have been blessed wilh Iheir excellenl work in our church. Lulher has an innale sense of Ihe values of our communily, and shapes his school board deci­ sions around Ihose values. As you make your decision aboul the leadership of our .schools, I hope lhat you will prayerfully consider voting for Lulher Polls lo conlinue as a member our fine Davie Counly Schools Syslem. Regardless of your decision, 1 encourage you lo consider your right and privilege lo vole on Sepl. 10. Il is ihe one duly we all should all exercise. Dr. John F. Andrews Mocksville Graham Has Tools For Board To the editor: Davie Couniy Schools have proven lo be one of the mosi out­ standing syslems in Ihe slale, as evidenced by all schools accred­ ited by the Southern Associalion of Colleges and Schools, all schools mceiing and exceeding expeclalions on ihe stale ABC plan, SAT scores ranked at the nalional average, an exircmely high number of teachers wilh National Certifications for a syslem of this size, a high number of Norlh Carolina Teaching Fellows, Merit Scholars, Morehead Scholars and nominees and a sirong base of parenlal and communily support. This is not a fluke or accident but strong lead­ ership with dedicated teachers and slaff whose primary purpose is lo provide sound educational experiences for all of ils sludenis. I have wilnessed all of Ihcse oulsianding allribules afier having spent 36 years working with the sludenis of Davie Counly as a leacher, coach and adminisiraior. 1 have always sirived lo provide all of our sludenis wilh a diversily of learning experiences. 1 am proud of the fact thal Davie Counly has never been satisfied wilh ils succe.sses bul strived lo provide more for iis .sludenis. This alli- lude and goal selling musl conlinue as we prepare our sludenis for a diverse sociely. Siudents musl see our sincerity and dedication Ihrough our curriculum developmenl, slaffing pallems and our ap- precialion for cullural differences and worth. The implemenlalion of Ihese tenets must .start from ihe lop of Davie Counly's hierarchy of education. The superintendenl, principals, teachers, slaff and the board of educalion. This coming eleclion gives us ihe opportunity to conlinue these pursuits by electing Dr. Regina Graham lo the board of educalion. Dr. Graham is proof lhal we have educaled leaders who are willing and indeed able to promole a continual of educalion lhal all of our studenis deserve. Dr. Graham is a product ofa good school system and warns lo help Davie Counly Schools mainlain ils high goals and standards. Lei us nol forgel lhal ihe "more we expect, Ihe more we gel." . . . ^ .Julius E. Suiter Mocksville giant. He has been described in a thousand ways by the many people who had ihe privilege of knowing him. He was our neighbor. His family and mine were parallels in lime when being a neighbor meanI more Ihan smiling and waving "hello" and “goodbye". When ihcre was a need, he came. When Ihere was joy, his family shared in il. We knew each other's families. And we loved each oihers families. He was a cilizen. He believed lhal palriolism was nol abnormal, bul expecled. He was a Daddy. His six children all refieclcd his quiel love of life. They all knew Ihey were loved and belonged lo him. He was a grandfather lo 15 grandchildren who in lum were connecled by their parenls lo him. One ofhis grandchildren was eageriy awailing Ihe birth of a baby lo share the blessings of a refiecled life. He was a devoled husband who believed lhal a life commilmcnt 10 his bride meant more Ihan a passing promise. He was lastly a man of Failh. He loved his Lord and Savior and quielly bul fimily shared his failh wilh Ihose around him. He has helped build churches, aided in missions and more so he poinled people in ihc direclion lo ihe One who has all ihe answers and who gives life lo all who ask. There are probably a million ways lo describe ihe man and his life. 1 Ihink the bcsl description of Ihe man was wrillen several Ihou- sand years ago. "He has lold you O man, whal is good; And whal does Ihe Lord require of you Bul lo do juslice, lo love kindness. And 10 walk humbly wilh your God?" Mieah 6:8 Thai man's earthly life will be remembered We will miss him, bul all of us are comforted knowing he is enjoying Life Everlasl- ing. He was our friend and neighbor, John Frank Sparks. Dan Smilh Farminglon Hillsdale Roundabout Just Plain Scary To Ihe edilor: I've been wailing for d.iys lo make a commeni on Ibis new-fangled iraffic direclor (on N.C. 801 at 1-40). I have never felt like this particular .spol was dangerous unlil I came up on ihis "roundabout," in Ihe dark of ihe nighl, and gol Ihe wiis scared oul of me. Give a girl some warning why don't lliey. I don'l like Ihis dam Ihing, but if we're going lo have lo accept it for "five 10 seven years," we need some signs for the out-of-lowners or people who don'l Iravel lhal way much. 1 agree with ihe lady in your article Ihal spoke of il (jeing banked wrong. Il jusl doesn'l feel natural or somelhing ... like il's too lighl. Thai concrele circle feels like il's laking up the whole inlerseclion and making you run off ihe road. Bul, if we’re sluck wilh whal I feel like is a Iraffic hazard ... al leasi ihe road people could pul up some warning signs. Lei people know whal's coming and some sort of speed limil warning so ihey know Ih ey can'l jusl whip around il like olher ones Ihey've been Ihrougli. I would even go so far to say.it needed some sort of lighted ihingy ... around or on Ihe concrete. This would help since it's so dark around iherc, people could more easily see it coming. The first lime I used il, coming off i-40 from Winston, I was on it before I knew whal ihey had done Ihere and almosl run over it. As you can lell, Ihough I don'l like Ihe thing because you have lo go so dam slow around il. I'm more concerned lhal people like me, who didn'l realize il was a slow lighl circle are going lo end up running over il inslead of around il. Therefore, I would really like 10 sec some signage on Ihe ramps and on 801 lo warn people of an upcoming iraffic circle. Lalila Rollins Mocksville Graham Would Bring Balance To School Board To Ihe editor: The Davie Counly School syslem is fortunate lo have capable and diversified members of ils School Board. Ils members are com­ prised of an induslrial programmer, an insurance agenl, a private counselor, a crealive writer, a CPA, an organisl and church histo­ rian. Now Davie Counly has a chance lo elect an educator - Regina Graham. Regina Graham has taught school on four levels - the middle school (Northwesi Middle School, Win.slon-SaIem), the high school (RJ Reynolds, Winslon-Salem), the communily/lechnical school level (Davie campus of Davidson Counly Community College and FayellevilleTechnical), and Ihe college level (Winston-Salem Stale Universily). Furthermore sbe has other hands-on experience with children. She sits on the Council of Davie Counly Juvenile Crime Preven- lion. She is a member of Ihc Davie Counly School Heallh Advisory Board. She volunteers as guardian ad lilem court advocate for chil­ dren. She volunleered for two years as a foster parent. She is coor­ dinalor of Big Brolhers Big Sislers Services, Inc. in Davie Counly. Regina Graham is well qualified having received the BA degree in sociology from Wake Foresl Universily, Ihe MA degree in edu­ cational administration from Wake Foresl Universily and the Ph.D degree in educalion from UNC-Greensboro. The above experience and Iraining nol only show her deep desire lo .serve children, bul also, il shows her sirong belief in ihe value of public schools. These several participalions further illuslrale her ability lo establish poli­ cies and deal wilh issues lhal pertain lo school business of Davie Counly's nine and future schools. I taughi school for 23 years in ihc Davie Counly School syslem and can say unreservedly lhal Ihe Davie Counly .system is one of the best in ihe nalion and requires ihe very besi governing board. The members of ihe board of education should be representative ofthe consliluenls for whom Ihey serve. Dr. Regina Graham is ihe missing ingredient who can achi(!ve Ihe balance needed for a well- bleniled and representative school board. Magalcne Gaither Mocksville V o l u n t e e r G u a r d ia n A d L i t e m s F o r m e r T e a c h e r B a c k s G r a h a m S u p p o r t D r . R e g in a G r a h a m To Ihe editor: We support Dr. Regina Graham for a seat on the Davie County Board of Educalion. Through her service as a volunleer Guardian ad Lilem, Regina has shown sincere desire and ability lo idenlify and successfully speak out for the best inleresls of Davie Counly fosler children in our courls. Shcis passionale about helping chil­ dren, and she has ihe skills (gained through higher educalion), ex­ perience (directing the Big Brothers/ Big Sislers program here in Davie Counly), inlelligence, good common sense, and inlerpersonal skills lo make the best choices for our public .school sludenis. We urge your readers to consider voting for Dr. Regina Graham on Seplember lOlh. Volunteer Guardian ad Litems Glenn Cornatzer, Cooleemee Lee Nolan, Advance Gene Rauch, Mocksville Mary Belh Slanley, Mocksville Peggy Wallace, Mocksville To the editor; I would like to urge those interesied in educalion in Davie Counly lo vole for Dr. Regina Graham lo become a member of our Board of Education. I laughi Regina in ihe sixth grade in the then Mocksville Middle School. She was'a good sludeni and is a fine person in every re­ specl. She is a friendly, outgoing, poised, articulate, caring indi­ vidual. Though I see her only briefly several times a year, I have followed wilh inleresi and admiralion her educalion path, years in teaching, volunteer efforts, earning her doctorale degree, and present excellenl work as coordinalor of Big Brolhers Big Sislers in the counly. Regina Graham will bring lo ihe Davie Board of Educalion sound judgmeni, diversily, a cooperative approach, and a deep concern for the cbildren and youth of Davie Counly. Esther Wall Mocksville M o r e L e t t e r s . . . P a g e 4 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 5, 2002 I n H o n o r a n d,; R e ni!i e m c " V / b y lihfe heroes and v Ictrm 's’ b 1 iS''epiem 'ber 11. 2 0' a n d t'b c'e'ife'bra'le fh e enduring spirit of all Americans Presented by members of Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Soc September 1 1. 200? This plaque has been placed al the base of the new flag pole. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Ceremonies Planned Sept. 11 D istrict C ourt Continued From I’agc 1 Academy Road (at Ihc N.C. ^01 imerseelion). Go to llie stop sign ,nnd Mr. Henry Road and tlie cen­ ter will be directly ahead, A U.S. flag will be raised, and area residents are Invited lo the ceremony lo lhank ihose who serve daily In ihe protection of lives. For more Informalion. conlacl Jack Kooniz al 492- 7116. Two chlirclie.s have planned ceremonies that evening. M ocksville First Uniled Methodist Church invites the communily lo a supper In Ihe new family life center on North Main Street al 6 p.m. It will be followed by a short memorial service at 7 for those who losi Brian Koontz of Energy United helps George Woodward, Jack Koontz and Robert Rogers erect flag pole. It’s Too Late For November Referendum Cuntinucd From Page 1 posting Ihe notice for ihc hearing and having II, A.ssuming there Is no issue during Ihe public hearing, the board could, in open session, approve the bond order the same nighl. Tlie board has to approve Ihe bond order In lime for the board of elections lo gel II on the ballot for absentee ballots, one- stop voting, and the like. The bond order must be given lo the board of elections i 1 Jays before Ihc election lo gel II on Ihc ballot. At Ihc same lim e they approve Ihe bond order Ihey also sel the election dale. Special elections have lo be either .'iO days before, or a minimum of 10 days afler, the regularly scheduled election dates. Once approved, the bond oriler has to be published twice In Ih e newspaper. 14 days and 7 days In The Mail... Volunteers Build Football Field To Ihc editor: Several years ago the Smith Grove football field was slaned. Wiihoul financial or community support, Il was never finished. Thank you for starting this wonderful program. Then along came Bill Martin and William Blake. They rallied for donalions, spcnl endless hours and most Saturdays working on Ihc field. They have succeeded. With very little left lo do, the foot­ ball field is almost re,idy to be played on. Thank you. Shady Grove, William R. Davie. Cooleemee, Mocksvllle, Cornalzer and Pinebrook have a permanent home for Davie Counly Youlh Football. This is no longer just a place for .soflball loumamenls. The Smith Grove Community Center has fooiball, soflball and T-ball fields as well as the gym and a new walking track. People of all ages can enjoy Ihc communily cenler. Another special thank goes out lo Pat O'Conner, who donated many hours gelling the irrigation sysiem installed and the grass growing. A very spccial lhank you goes out to the families of Bill Martin and William Blake. Mosl evenings and Saturdays they were ihere, working on Ihc field, mosl nighls unlil well after dark. Thank you for sharing your fathers and husbands during those seemingly end­ less hours. Thanks to all who came out for clean up days. Thanks to all who donated materials, labor, money or jusl a helping hand. You have all helped make the community center and the new football facility a reality. Again, hats off to Bill Martin and William Blake for a job well done. You have wenl above and beyond the call of duty. Beth DeHart, Advance President, Pinebrook Booster Club G r o u p E n d o r s e s A lle n W h it a k e r To the edilor: We are writing to remind the people of Davie Couniy how fonu- nate we are to have a sheriff as Allen Whitaker Wc should all be proud of the job he Is doing. He has been low key, honest and honorable as our sheriff. We believe he will con­ linue to do Ihe same as he has for the pa.st eight years. He Is nol jusl looking for a job, Allen Whitaker is doing the job. We would like lo see someone who is rcpsecied by his family, community, church and workplace, who has high morals, is dili­ gent and conscious of his job as sheriff of Davie County, We have lhat in Allen Whitaker. As someone said, "I have never heard anything bad about Allen Whitaker.” We hope we will all remember this when we go lo the polls to vole, Mr. and Mrs. John Pilcher, M r and Mrs. Luiher Wesl, Susan Gu.sepkl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hools, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brock, Wade Groce, Mary and Wilburn Spillman. William and Jane Brock Famiington their lives in New York. Penn­ sylvania and Washington. The cost will be a donation, which will go to help buy equipmenl for Ihe church’s disaster relief leam. Also al 7 p.m.. 1-aitli & Vic­ tory Family Worship Cenler. U.S. 601 Norlh across from Horn’s Truck Stop, will host a "In God We Trust" memorial and prayer ser\'lce. For more Infor­ malion call 7.S1-4611. Schiiiil sludenls w ill lake part In the remembrance cer­ emonies. as well. William R. Davie l-lenicntar)’ first graders will be given the opportunity lo receive the U.S. Heritage Award. Along wilh sludenls. local residents, including fireflghlers and milllary veterans, will help students understand the Impor­ tance of our country’s heritage and how patriotism has been In­ strumental in helping the U.S. overcome obstacles ihrouglioul history. "Children al this age are al­ ready beginning lo hear aboul the upcoming anniversary," said Tina Dyson, organizer and firsl grade leacher. “I’ve been asked, what if an airplane flies into out .school. "I want to help these children commemorate Ihe anniversar>' ol 9/11 in a very positive way. Pro­ viding Ihem wilh Ihe opportunity 10 leam about our country's heri­ tage and whal II means lo be pa­ triotic provides them with lhal opportunity," Dyson said. b e fo re Ih e e n d o f v o te r registration for the referendum . The eieclion lakes placc and the resulls are reporled to the LGC. Assuming the bond passetl. il takes aboul .10 days for the bonds lo be bid upon and sold. CLIENTS Needing lielp with a loved one.s care? Just a few hour.s or long term? W hatever the situation. Wc are a new com pany, but have over 23 years experience in the business. Call Rlionda Kirtcman at 766-3568 To the edilor; Wilh Election Day close at hand. I’d like to offer ymir readers my personal endorsemnt of M r Luther Polls, who Is seeking re- election to our county’s school board. As his pastor for the pasl few years, 1 have come to know Mr. Polls as a capable leader and a fine Christian gentleman. He is a man of Integrity and failh. who regulariy allends our Bible sludy, Sunday School and worship service. He Is also active In the leader­ ship of the church. Luiher Polls has the passion and ability needed lo serve our county by securing sound educational opportunities and a safe school environment for all of Davie’s children. I urge the voters of Davie Counly lo reeled Luther Polls lo the Davie Counly Board of Education on Sept. 10. Harold Zimmerman Advance It’s T in n e T o H o n o r G e n e o lo g is t s To the edilor: Tlie Enlcrprisc Rccord had an inteiesiing article on Aug. 22 about the Davie geneologists and the hislory books ihey have published. These Ihree people, especially Doris Frye and Nancy Murphy have contributed so much to making our history room at the Davie Comity Library one of Ihe best. II also brought lo mind my lale son. Jim Tullerow who dedi­ cated much of his if “spare" time and short life to researching things, especially old family cemeteries for the library. Jim was history leacher al Davie High School and the a.sslsiani historian for Davie Counly. He was only .13 years old when he died ofcaiicer so lie had only a few years to volunleer his ser\ ices. However, he spent many weekends doing research for the hislory room. He also spent time in Ihe Davie County Register of Deeds office researching for Miss Flossie Marlin, who’s love and dedication lo the hislory room will be forever useful. I know ver>' well aboUl the "Masler Inde.x" lhat Nancy Murphy copied from the Register of Deeds Office. Kennit Smith and his staff had the foresight lo see the need for this index. Whenever there was a spare monieni from Ihe everyday roullne in Ihe office work was done on the Index. Ella Gray Smith who was a Deputy Regisler of Deeds worked on the Female indtjx and at the time 1 was Asst. Regisler of Deeds and worked on the Male Index. Its hard to say how long il look lo do both indexes. The male Index was finished first and then the female index was started. Ella Gray and 1 were bolh "history buffs” and interested in geneology and It was truly a “labor of love”. Records are so imporlanl and I am proud of the small part 1 have played in making ihem easily accessible lo Ihe public. I ’here Is one thing 1 would like lo see done in Ihe history room al Ihe library before 1 die. To all those people who have volunteered their ser\’lces In re.search as Jim and now Everelte Sain is doing - have a plaque wilh their names on il and others addeil as it contin­ ues down Ihrough the years. The Iiistory room will never be com­ plete without acknowledging llie service of ihese volunleers. 1 chal­ lenge the DCHGS lo see that this is done. 1 believe they would have the support of the Davie County Board of Commissioners and 1 would certainly hope the supporl ofthe Davie County Library Board. Nancy Tullerow Mocksvllle Let The Outdoors In Don’t just replace your windows- Bring the Beauty of the outdoors inside • Crafted For Beauty • Built W ith Security In Mind • Engineered For Enet:gy Efficiency And Strength * Designed For Maintenance Freedom • Performance GuaranteedTo Last •Woodgrain Interiors Available BUIUOIN® >7-B u iu o iN a . . ië» SKMoœuNai Ш *r f 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Dnvie District Court Aug. 29. Presiding: Judge James M. Honeyeuil. Proseculing: Shawn Fraley, assistant district allorney. - Patricia Shaver Call, unsuper- vised probalion viohuion, probalion extended 30 days, complete 24 hours communily service. - Crystal L. Cardwell, two counts worthless chcck, disniissed percivil settlement. - Melissa Church Greer, viola­ tion of unsupervised probation, pro­ balion continued for up lo 18 niontlis. complete 48 hours commu­ nity service, - Yosef Amiel Handy, misde­ meanor probation violation, 150 day sentence in prison put into effect, work release rccomniendcd, DART program reconmiended. Appealed. - John Adam Holston, worthless check, dismissed, civil sculenient. - Donnie James, probation vio­ lation, 120 day sentence in prison pul inlo effect, credit for time served, work release rcconimended. - Ann Marie Johnson, speeding 7.“) in a .‘i.'i, no insurance, expired inspeclion, dismissed per plea; driv­ ing while liccnse revoked, reduced to improper eiiuipment. $25: ficti- tlous tag, sentenced to 10 days sus­ pended one year, cost, SI62 attor­ ney fee. - Matthew T. Jones, worthless check, dismissed per civil seltle- ment. - Jusiin Ross Lumonds, reckless driving, rcduced to improperequip- ment, S.SO and cosi. - Aguslin Villcga Lope/, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - Marsha Shelton Massey, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper ei|uipinem. 5.40 and cost. - Uaymond Mayfield, worthless cheek, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Chrisiopher M. Smith, worth­ less cheek, dismissed, civil settle­ ment, - Nicholas Wayne Venable, speeding 96 in a 70, reduced to 79 ill a 70, S50 and cost. Failed To Appear - David Matthew Grady, reck­ less driving lo endanger. Have Storms Zapped Your Modem? L e t D a v i e C o m p u t e r S h o p F ix I t . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - 5 Davie Com puter Shop • 7 5 1-7 5 5 3 314 Sanford Ave • Mocksville (Across from EnergyUnited) _____________Offer Expires 9-30-02 Wetmore Farms WOODLEAF Available Now S q u a s h , C u c u m b e r s , F i e l d T o m a t o e s Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From Mocksvllle take 601 South to 801 Intersection, turn right at light. A miles to caution light In WoodM.Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 ANDREW C. B R O C K N( Si'M.lk' '4 ' I )|s|rk I ★ Ri in Mi ICAN ★ Andrew’s AgendaLower Taxes Government Accountability Fewer Regulations Recruit Business and Industry Education Reform Tougher Criminal Sentences Protect Senior Citizens Conservative Family Values Blooraphv Graduate of Westem Carolina University — BS in Economics and Political Science Lifelong member Farmington United MolhodisI Church Lifelong Resident of Davie County Graduate of Davie High School Experleni^eNC Senate Congressman Walter Jones NC Republican Party US Senator Lauch Faircloth Welfare Reform NC Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr Citizens lor a Sound Economy RCS Communications mvw.andrewbrock.cotn Paid for by Brock for Senate S h e riff A lle n W iiita lw r “Continue T h e Progress” ★ Experienced in Management, Leadership and Administrative Responsiblities o f office ★ Innovative, progressive leadership ★ Committed to enhancing quality of life and serving ALL citizens through professional law enforcement ★ Proven ability to be progressive while maintaining good stewardship of tax dollars, saving the counly $3 m illion on Detention Center Project Paid For by Sheriff Allen Whitaker — > ‘^ te Store For Your Floors” Abbey Carpet.Amtriea't thoitt, at your ntinhborhood Hon ANYTHING GOES! Good Hoiisekecpinn manaziiie’s researchers have been providiiif! iheir unique consumer-testing service for II full century. Their expertise has resulted in the world-fiimoiis-aiid-worlil-trusied-"Good Huusekecpinii Seal."And Shawk Mark’s original Anything Goes!' styles have earned the distinction. Anything Goes! is simply the finest carpet available. I'or more than 20years, tests have proven Anything Goes! stiinds up lo heavy foot traffic and other punishment better than any other carpet. ¡1 conies with the industry’s strongest 10 -years warranty against matting and crushing. DuPont’s Advanced Tclfion' Repel System also offers added security with its outstanding 7-year stain and soil warranty. иООв НоиМЯвврпО '^ ^ A c c e p te d Hours: Мои. -Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 Wesf, Lexington, NC Phone: 249-6672 CARf’t I & fLO O KINi, ( OVLKINI, E x p e r i e n c e d C o n s e r v a t i v e E f f e c t i v e P le a s e В е -Щ е с 1 N . C . H O U S E РАШ FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT JULIA C. HOWARD 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 Public Records A r r e s t s Tlic Davic Couniy Sheriffs De­ partment made ihefoUowingurrcsts. - Morgan Wesloy Harris, 19. of 1931 U.S. 6ni Soiilh. M iKksvillc was arresied Auj». 22 for D W l. pt^s- session of cocainc. and possession o f mnrijunna. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Rarr>- Lynn Carrol!. .^5. ul 135 Rupard Trail. Mocksvillc was ar­ rested Aug. 22 for iiulcccnt lil>cnics w ith a child. Trial &Mc: Aug. 29. -A n d re w Davis Harris, 25. of 1931 U.S. 601 South. M iKksvillc was nncstcd Aug. 22 for possession o f cocainc and possession of mari- juana. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Jonaihim Todd W hite. 2(1. of lft.5 Canterlvrry Lane. Niocksvillc was arrested Aug. 23 for resisling. obsir\Jcling.aiuldelaying.Trialdate: Sept. 12. - liillic Smyre Cleveland. 29. of 79‘>i N .C . SOI Soulh. MtKksvillc was arrested Aug. 23 for wcirthless check. T rial dale; Sept. 19 in Guilford County. - Lawrence Leo Hern Jr.. 24. of 22S Wilkesbnro Street. Mocksville was ara'sted Aug. 24 forassaull on a female. Trial date: Sept. 12. - Linda Kcly Mrown. 37. of MS Linda L;mc. MiKksvillc was arrested Aug. 24 for domestic crim inal tres­ passing. Trial date: Sept. 12. - Alton Kamlall Lane.4 3 .of 141 S. Angel Road. M ocksvillc was ar­ rested Aug. 25 for unauthorized use of a vchicic. Trial date; Sept. 5. - Juan CarloS'Chames Bello, 22. of 142 Hcrkshire Lane, Mocksvillc was arrested A ug. 25 for no o(>crator’s license and carrying a concealed weapon. Trial date: Sept. 20. -A n to n io A vila O rtiz. 35. of 144 Shuler Riiad. Mocksvillc was arrested Aug. 2(> for no operator’s liccnse. no insurance, and expired tag. Trial date: Sept. 20. - Joseph Lee M artin. 29. of High Point was arresied Aug. 26 for Inil- urc to appear. Trial dale; Sept. 9. -R obcrlJusiinA llcn. )7 .o f 103 Metabrce/e Lane. Mocksvillc was arrcstcti Aug. 27 for possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial (laic: Scpl. 12. -P h illip Lee UohinstMi. IH. of 379 M oniview Drive. M iKksvillc was arrcstcvl A\ig. 27 for trcs)x»sN- ing. Trial dale: Sept. 12. - Konald Kay W ilson. 3fi. of PfalTiow 11 was arrested Aug. 28 for possession o f marijuana and pos­ session of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale; Sept. 19. - Sievcn Christopher Kniglit. 25. of 2 2 9 0 U .S .6 0 1 South. Mocksvillc was arrested Aug. 2S for obtaining properly hy false pretense. Trial date; Scpl. 5. -M is ty Dawn Halt. 23. of 1031 Sheffielil Road. Mocksville was ar­ rested Auj. 29 for D W l and driving with license revoked. Trial dale; Ocl. 4. - UliscsJiinenezCarreno.25.of 365 W ill Boone Road, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 29 for failure to appear. Trial dale: Sept. 12. - Stephen Edward Capuson. 40. of 1045 Ridge Road. Mocksville was arrested Aug. 29 for breaking, entering, and injv»ry to real prop­ erty. Trial dale: Sepi. 5. - David Matthew Grady. 27. ol 325 G wyn Street. Mocksvillc was arresied Aug. 29 for reckless driv­ ing locndanger. Trial dale: O cl. 24. H i g h w a y P a t r o l T*he following Iniffic wrecks in Davic County were listed hy the N .C . Highway Patrol. W reck On Fiirm in^tun Road A Davie man was charged w ith no operator's license and unsafe movement after thc vehicle he was driving hil another Aug. 23. FemandoZiimora of 162 Patricia W ay. M iKksvillc had stopped his 1989 Honda vchicic al the intersec­ tion of U.S. 15S and Fannington Road. Terry Ridenhour Burton Jr. of 391 Cherryhill Road. Mocksvillc was driving his 2(K)3 Dodge pick­ up west on I5K. Zamora failed to see Burton’s tnjck anil pulled onlo I5S causing Ihe vehicles lo collide. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accidcnt iKcuned al approxi­ mately 4 p.m. and there were no injuries. W rtxk On ShcfTieid Road A Yadkin woman was charged wilh exceeding safe sjKcd after the vehicle she was driving wrecked Aug. 2S. Juanita Shores Dunn o f Yadkinville was driving her 1993 M its u b is h i v ch icic south on ShelTield Koad exceeding safe speed for the wel road condilions. Dunn losi control o f thc vehicle o ff the left side of the road and it collided with a fence post. Trooper A .T. Keller reported thc accident occurred at approximately 6:35 a.m . and there were no inju­ ries. Vchicic O verturns In W reck A Davic wom aii was charged w ith exceeding safe sfKcd after thc vehicle she was driving wrecked Aug. 2H. Tamara M ichelle Dragon of 159 M ain Street. Coolcenwe was driv­ ing her 1995 Pontiac vchicle south on Gladstone Road exceeding a safe speed for wet road condilions. Dragon losl control of thc vchicic t)lf the right siile of the roail and collided w ilh a dilch and iw o m ail­ boxes. TroofKr A .T. Keller reponed the accideni occurred al approvi- malclv 11:40 a.m. M an C harged In W rcck A Davie man was charged w iih failure to reduce speed after the ve­ hicle she was driving hit anolher Aug. 29. Aaron Gray Hursey of 2S4 Countr)'Lane. M ocksville was driv­ ing a 19H4 M azda pick-up soulh on U.S. 601 behind a 1999 Suzuki ve­ hicle tiriven hy Anthony Eric Norris of 123 Deer T ra il. M ocksville. Ntirris stopped his vehicle due to Iraf fic and Hursey failed to slow in time iKl'orchis vehicle struck Norris. Trooper A .T. Keller reported the accideni occurreil at approxiniaiely 7:30 a.m. and iherc were no inju­ ries. Deer H it On C ornat/er Koad Gary BradleyJonesof 142 Jcnir)' Lane. Advance wasilriving his 1998 Jeep vchicle south on Cornatzer Road Aug, 29 when a deer entered Ihe roadway from the shoulder. Jones’ vehicle struck Ihe deer. Trooper A.T. Keller reporteii the accident occurred al approximately 6:05 a.m. and ihe driver was nol injured. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The follow ing land transfers wen: rded w ith tfie Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, w ith $2 rcprescnling S I.ООО. - Samnaz Inc. to Christina R. Logan, \ lot. Fanninglon. S46(i. - H . Terry Hutchens, suhstitute trustee to Wells Fargo Home M ort­ gage, .58 acre. Fulton. $113. - Christopher \L Shumate and Sonja W. Shumate lo Johnny Ray Davis and Janice C. Davis. 1 lot. W 2. • Charles Stephen Gaddy and E lizab eth P. G addy to H elen S .W hite, Kennon A . W h ile, and Rosaiyn W. Puckett, 1.36 acrcs, ■> $190. - M ulvaney Hotnes to Susan Elaine AHcn. 1 lot, Farm inglon, $280. - Richard B. Poindexter and Linda S. Poindexlcr to W illiam J. Gerhard and Linda M . Gerhard, I lot. Shady Grove. S450. • G lenn Johnson Builders to Robert Taylor and Eugenia Taylor. I lot, M ocksville. S425. • Hom eEq Servicing Corp. to F i r e s Davie County fire ilepanments responded to the following culls: Aug. 26: Mocksville. 12:52 p.m.. Bethel Church Road. Fire alartn: M ocksvillc. 7:14 p.m., Wilkesboro Street, gas leak. A ug. 27: M tKksville. 2:43 p.m.. Horn's Truck Stop, automobile ac­ cident; W illiam R. Davie assisted; Coolcemee, 2:43 p.m.. Jockey In­ ternational, fire alarm; Jerusalem assisted. A u g .2 8 :Sm ithG rovc,2:5l p.m., N .C . 801 North, gas spill; Advancc assisled. Aug. 29: M ocksville, 4:55 a.m.. East Lake Drive, smoke investiga­ tion. Homecomings I'inancial Network. 1 tract. Mocksville. - Homecomings Financial N et­ work lo Fnnna llursh. I lol.M tK ks- ville. $73. -O .B . Crowell Jr. and Carroll J. Crowell to Harold Loyd Kollins Jr. and M anha Howard Rollins, I lot. Jerusalem. $64. - Carlius H. Myers to Larry li. Morris and Jeanne B. Morris, 9.38 acres. Shady Grove. S660. - Jacqueline H. Hall and Samuel P. Hall to Samuel F. Hanley. 7.73 acres. M cK ksville.S ll3. - Samuel I*. Hartley and M ary J. Hanley to Jacqueline H. Hall, 7.73 acres. M iKksvillc. - Jeff Boger, Wade Groce atul Naomi Green, trustees of Fanning­ ton liaplist Church to Fannington Baptist Church. 3 acrcs. Fanning­ lon. - Jeff Boger. W'ade Groce and Naomi Green, trustees of Fanning­ lon Baptitst Church to Fannington Baplist Church. .5 acre. Farming­ ton. - Jeff Boger. Wade Groce and Naomi Green, trustees of Farming- ton Baptist Church lo Fannington Baptist Church. I acre. Fanninglon. - Michacl C. Hicks and Sherrie H. Hicks lo Edward C . Barnhardt and Doris W. Baniliardt, 1.4 6 acres. Jerusalem. $8. - Plantinum Construction Coq> lo Jerod CiHly Stanley. I lol, Fan:i- inglon. - San Filippo Construction lo Reginald V. W ilburn and leni B. W ilburn. I lot. Mocksville. $268. • Jacquclinu 11. H a ll to Jacqueline H . Hall and Samuel P. Hall. 7.73 acrcs, M iKksville. - W iUi,«n Beniard Davis, exccu- tor of estate o f W illiam Reid Davis, Helen B. Davis, and W illiam Ber­ nard Davis and Kay Cameron Davis to Bernard A. Gerslemcier and Su­ san G crslem eicr. 1 lo t. Shady Grove. $306. - James E. Bunon, Rodney D. B urton. H erhet G . B urton and Velm a S. Bunon. Doris B. Barnes and G eorge Rad Barnes. Abbie B.Stanley. W illiam L. Burton and M arg ie M . B urton. M ild re d B. Holder and John Holder and Shirley IL Phelps and T.A . I’lielps. heirs of Jt)hnny W'. Bunon Sr. to M ildrcd B. Holder. 7.15 acrcs. Fullon. - M ildred B. Holder and John Holder to Herbert G. Burton and Rodney D. Uvuton. 7.15 acres. Ful­ ton, $14. - James E. Burton. Rodney D. B u rlo n . H erbet G . B urton and Velma S. Burton, Doris B. Barnes and G eorge Rad Barnes. Abbie B.Slanley. W illiam L. Burton and M argie M . B urton. M ild re d B. I lolder and John I folder and Shirley B. Phelps and T.A . Phelps, heirs of Johnny W . Bunon Sr, to Doris B. Barnes. 13 acres. Inihon. - James E. Burton, RiHlncy D. B urlon, H erhet G . B urlon and Velnia S. Burton, Doris B. Barnes and G eorge Rad Barnes. Ahhie B.Slanley, W illiam L. Burton and M arg ie M . B urlon. M ild re d B. Holder ami John Holderand Shirley B. Phelps and T.A . IMielps. heirs of Johnny W. Bunon Sr. to Shirley B. l*helps, 7.08 acres, Fullon. - Jatnes E. Burton. Roilney D. B u rlo n , H erbet G . B urlon and Velm a S. Bunon. Doris B. Barnes and G eorge Rad Barnes, Abbie B.Stanley. W illiam L. Bunon and M argie NL B urton. M ild red B. Holder and John 1 lolder and Shirley B. Phelps and T.A . Phelps, heirs of Johnny W. Burlon Sr. to Rodney D. Bunon. 13.33 acrcs. Fullon. - James E. Burton, Rodney D. B urton. H erhet G . B urton and Velm a S. Bunon. Doris B. Banies and G eorge Rad Barnes, Abbie B.Stanley. W illiam L. Bunon and M arg ie M . B urton, M ild red B. i lolder and John Holder and Shirley B. IMielps and T.A . Phelps, heirs of Johnny W. Bunon Sr. to Janies E. Bunon, 13.67 acrcs, Fullon. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were reported tothe Davic Sheriff's Dept. - On Aug. 1H Ruth Anthony a*- poned a skill saw was removed from a home on Duke W hiiaker Road. MocksviUe. -K e n Minton reported a w in­ dow screen and dcnir jam was dam­ aged al a home on Duke W hiiaker Road, M ocksviiie Aug. 18. -O n Aug. 23 Helen Steele re- ported a satellite dish w as damaged at a localion near U.S, 601 South, M iKksvillc. - Brandi Anderson reported a disturbance at a IcKation on Calvin Lane. M iKksvillc on Aug. 24. -O n Aug. 24 W alter Holi re­ ported two fircanns were removed f rom a icsidence on Nonnan Lane. Advance. - Carol Veach of Dottie's M ar­ ket reported gas was removed f rom M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e The follow ing incidents were reported w ith thc M ocksvillc Police Department. • Thc attempted breaking and entering o f a business on W ater 'Street was reported Aug. 30. •A n Advance man reported Aug. 29 he was threatened at Soulh Main and Depot streets. • A M ocksvillc man reported Aug. 29 he was threatened on court square. -T h c larceny o f aluminum cans was reported Aug. 30 from a yard on Pine Street. ArrctU - Cccil Shelton Foushec Jr., 40. o f 205 Pine V alley R oad, was chargcd Aug. 29 vvith communicat­ ing threats. Trial dale: O ct. 10. - Joseph Scolt Stanley, 31, of 267 Gonion Drive. Advance, was chargcd Aug. 29 with assaull and communicating tlireals. Trial dale: Ocl. 10. ГгаШ с Accidents - A Clemmons man was chargeil w ilh failure lo reduce s{)ced alter a wreck on Yadkinville Road at II a.m. Aug. 27. iVizuzu Illah Algerad. 23. failed to stop the 1991 Mercury he was driving before it hit the rear of a 1995 Dodge driven by Richard - James E. Burlon. Kodnoy I). B urlon. H erhel G . Burlon anil Velma S. Burton. Doris B. Barnes and George Rad Barnes, A hhic B.Stanley. W illiam L. Burton and M argie NL B unon. M ild red B. Holder and John Holder and Shirley B. Phelps and T.A. Phelps, heirs of Johnny \K. Burton Sr. lo Heibcrt Ci. Burton. 14.67 acres, f-ulion. - James E. Burton. Rodnc\ D. B urton. Herbet G . Burlon and Velma S. Burton, Doris B. Bames and G eorge Rad Barnes. Abbie B.Slanley. W illiam L. Burtt'ii and M argie M . Burton, M ildred B. I lolder and John I lolder and Shirley B. Phelps and T.A . Phelps, heirs of Johnny W. Burton Sr. to Abbie B. Slanley. 1.57 acres. Fullon. - Janies E. Burton. Rodney D. Burton. Herbet Ci. Burlon and \elrna S. Burlon. Doris B. Barnes and Cieorge Rad ILirnes. Ahbie B.Stanley. V\'illi;un L. BurU'n and M argie M . B urlon, .Mihlrcd li. I lolder and John I lolder aiul Shirley B. Phelps and T.A. Phelps, heirs of Johnny W. Burlon Sr. lo W illiam Louie Burlon and Margie .Ann Bur­ lon. 2 acres. Fullon. - R oberl S. Taylor III and Eugenia 11. Taylor to James M . Lalham and Chinerà NL Lalliam. 1 loi. M ocksville. $255. - Clyde 1 lendrtcks and Helen H. Hendricks to The Davie C'ounly Piuiiulalion. 1 lol. Mocksville. - G lenn Johnson and Jan S. Johnson lo Apex Property NIanage* menl. I lol. - Ronald If. Davis, substitule trustee lo Homecomings I'inancial Network. .53 acre, Jerusalem. $90. Just a mouse-click away... www.cmcrprisc-rccorcl.coni " T ^ T '. M / f d t e T r u c k i n g F u r n it u r e M o v in g & D e l iv e r in g M o cksville, N C 15 Years Experience home (336) 492-2120 cell (704) 968-4776 Ihc Mori; w illioui pay on Auj;. 2ii. - On Aug. 27 Jeffrey M iller rc- poncil ;i chainsaw was rcniovcil a vchicic al a home on Duke Slrcel, Cooleemee. - Lee Kcich of Ellis Aulo Auc- lion rcponcil a vchicic was removed from thc business on Auy. 2'). - On Aug. 29 Perry Lairil of Tarheel ilanana Company reporied money was reinovcil from Ihe busi­ ness near N .C . XO I Souih, Advance. Francis Heller, 6K, o f W inslon-Sa- lem, according lo a report by Assis­ tant C hicf Wayne Stoneman. - A Mocksville teen was cited for failing lo sec Iwforc turning after a wreck on M illing Road al Helhel Church Road at 1:15 p.m. Aug. 24. ElisalKilh Ashclly Hccry, IX, of 12X G lenview Drive, allempling a Icfl lurn in a 1ЧКЧ Chcvtolct, caus­ ing il lo hit a I УЧУ I’onliac Iwing ilriven on M illing Road hy Melissa Rice Linder, .IS, o f Lake Lure, knocking il into a 2(K)I Ford driven by Leila .Sagariu Lagos, -16, of 2 I.S W im lward Circle, reported O lficer E.M . I’arkcr. ( N О О г Ч ь ч hU f < h j - l H H You are invited to join us for our next Health 2002 Community Screening FREE PROSTATE SCREENING fo r m e n 5 0 + years o r 3 5 + years th a t a re a t nsk fo r p ro state cancer S atu rd ay, S ep tem ber 14 9:00 am - 11:00 am (drop in) D avis R egional M edical C enter O u tp a tie n t W a itin g A rea w ith D r. R o b ert C r^ e w ski & D r. Tink Johnson Hob«*»! Cra|t%N\k.. ,M[) heJnvrt HejlthCjrr m ¿ m Ttnk]üKmon,M[) PiiJn\int HfjIihCjfc Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men. In numerous cases a screening saves lives by detecting prostate cancer in its earliest, most treatable stage. This free screening offers a digital exam and PSA blood test. No appointment is necessa^, and screenings will be done on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please call (704) 838-7255. m vis REGIONAL 218 Old Mocksville Road • 1-40, Exit 154 Statesville, NC • (704) 873-0281 wvvw.davisregional.com Election 2002 Spillman: C o u n t y W a s te s T a x M o n e y Dlscits.s firowlh. SpiUman: Look inlo yrowlli slowly; it shoitkl never lie .stopped. This cotilil backfire on us all. We need to look for higher tech industries. Retail centers would he encouraged lo build in Davie County. VVhiit is Ihe mo.sl pre.ssiiig need in Davie Couniy? Stop wasteful spend­ ing, overcrowded classrooms. Couniy should train inmates lo do labor to pay back the e.\pense they incur. Start by cliecking out electric bills and ways we can save. Check inlo vehicles on the road unnecessarily, check all Ihe way down 10 the equipmenl needed. Cultini; costs will help with the lax budget. Look inlo private church schools, award them I'or their good work on teacliing our children. Educate parents concerning drugs and what 10 walch for in Iheir chil­ dren. Educate children from Ihe second grade throngh grade 12 concerning drugs. Show a l.'i minule video each day on whal drugs do to your family. More about inmates would be to set up county run businesses lo work them al. such as greenhouses, farms, farmers market, elc. Use community service workers in Ihe same way. W hiit atlributes would you consider most iinportanl for a county manuf’or? Spillman: The county man­ ager should he a person who can manage Iheir workers. A person who can gel Ihe word out lo ev­ eryone rordil'fereni bids, not just one or (WO, and should be a per­ son who should nol use Ihe word "can't."The manager should be ‘'motivated" and nol inisl any­ one until double checking all DAVIK COUNTV KN l EUPIlISR RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - 7 County C om m issioner Republican Primary T h e C a n d id a t e N am e “Roger" Phillip Spillm an A ge 51 A ddress G ladstone R oad, C ooleem ee Fam ily W ife: D eborah "D ebbie” Anderson Spillman; daughters, Shannon and Stacee; son-in-law , D ean W yrick O ccupatio n Self-em ployed for 33 years, runs several busi­ nesses. E ducation C ooleem ee Elem entary. Davie High. 1968 gradu­ ate. fvlechanic in Army. G eneral contractor's li­ cense, Heating & air conditioning training. CDL (tanker, hazard m aterials) H obbies M aking deals that no one else can, I enjoy working and helping people to save money. W h y are yo u s e ek in g th is p ublic office? I would like to help save the taxpayers lots of money. It is hard to go to the com m issioner m eet­ ings and hear them spending "your" tax money. There is no sense in taking the first bids without looking for the best. I have w atched the com m is­ sioners w aste your tax m oney long enough. If everyone w ould go to a few m eetings and listen how the com m issioners run "your" county, and to me, spending your m oney unwisely. aspects of tlie person(s) doing Ihese bids, '['he manager should nol have any privale interest in Ihese bids, Davie should be in the manager's mind, he should have as his goal "to make Davie Couniy Ihe best in the stale.” Most imporlanl is planning ahead - whal is in Ihe I'uture for Davie County and ils people. Discuss your opinion of the proposed school f’licililies bond? Spillnuiii: 1 w ill back Ihe m a­ jo rity o f taxpayers lO O '.i. T h is is a huge debt that necils lo be Ihought Ih ro u g h . W e neeil lo prove lo Ihe taxpayers thal w e MichaelAllen: Business Sense And Common S en se W hal iillribulcs would you consider mo.sl iniporlanl Гога couniy manager? M il'll: There is no “most im­ portant." ЛИ aspecis of a couniy manager are extremely impor­ tant. Л county manager should be an excellcnl communicator lo all parties involved, Thc po­ sition represents the county on local and state levels, employ­ ees of the county and a sound­ ing board for Ihe coimty com­ missioners, Excellent public re­ lations skills are a must. They need to have proven leadership skills, a self tnolivalor, and en­ courage employees umler them lo make judgmenl calls, and show productive leadership skills of iheir own. Л couniy manager should have manage­ ment experience in lown and/or county governmenl wilh proven results as well as a clear under­ standing ot' human relations. Discuss yuur opinion of Ihc proposed school Tacililics bond. Alien: First, lei's start off by giving praise lo the board of education for keeping ihe Davie County school system in the lop cliiss in the suite. The proposed bond for the school facililies shows a deftnile need wilhin our school slruclure. ll is an ex­ tremely diiricull task of under­ standing lor the board of edu­ calion, task force committee, and the Davie County commis­ sioners to pul a bond on a bal­ lot wilh the possibility of nol passing. This issue is for all the citizens of Davie Couniy lo de­ cide, The aforemenlioned groups also have lo look al the increase in taxes required lo support the entire proposed bond which includes anolher high school. There is an estima­ tion of increase on your prop­ erty taxes for the entire proposal of 16 cenls on 100 dollars. Can arc culling overhead. We nceil to attack Ihe problems logether. Start plans for one school at a lime - smaller problems firsl. Then the next smallest problem, etc. Hy the time we get to the larger pioblents, we will have nxire experience on tackling the issues. Other Issues SiiilliiM ii: Additional ways to cut cosls, such as one patrol car inste;idof IWO. Look into surplus buying from government when ei|uipnient is needed. Encourage conununily walch to help police departments. Attack our prob­ lems together - nol each olher. Knight: F in a n c e s , S c h o o ls P r io r it y What alli'ibiiles would yon cunsider most iuiporlanl Cor u couniy manager? K nii;lii: liilu c a tio n . e x p e ri­ ence, leadership a b ility , good cuninuinicalion skills, the a b il­ ity lo w ork w ilh the business conununily and w ith local, stale anil federal agenciC'-. lie or she should also have good linduet e\p erien ee anil iiU egrity. Discuss tile scliool lacilities bnnd. K tiii;lil: '\'\K school facilities task force did an excellent w ork in iilen lifyin g Ihe fac ility needs o f our school system . Those needs are valid and should be addressed as soon as possible. There is a ls o an issue o f a ffo iilab ilily. u e cannol placc an excessive la \ burden on the ta x ­ payer. The school board, school aihninislrators am i Ihe c o m m is­ sioners must determ ine our most critical needs and ileciile on a bond proposal. The slate's budget woes and Ihe w itlih o M in u o f the re im - biMsements from counties does not help. If w e k n eu the status o f Ihose re im b u rs e m e n ts o u r decision niakiiig process u in ild be less d ilfic u lt. Discuss growth. K itiahl: ll is obviously more desirable to be in an area lhat is experiencing grow th as opposed lo an area with little or no growtl’.. Hul we have lo niawage growth, we have in place /on- T h e C a n d id a t e N am e Bobby Knight A ge 67 A ddress Park Avenue, Mocksville F am ily W ife, Bernice. Daughter, Teresa Smiley. Sons, Barry and Darryl Knight. Six grandchildren. Three great-grandchildren. O ccu p atio n Retired State Farm Insurance agent, 33 years of service. E ducation Boone Trail High School. Life Underw riters Training Council certificate, 1&2 chartered life undenwdter part 5 certificate. H obbies Golf, fishing, flying. W h y are you seeking this p u b lic o ffice? I view the office of com m issioner as an opportunity to give som ething back for the privilege of living and operating a business here for the past 32 years. 1 enjoy serving the citizens of the county and would always put their interest first in my decision making. ing ordinances, a land use plan and other policies that allows growth in an orderly fashion. These tools are subject to review and change. Any new growth manage­ ment tools that mighi be consid­ ered should be studied very care- I'ully since we need growth. There is currently a growth study miller way which should give cost analysis and will provide infovniation on areas where growth should be encouraged. Wliiit is the most pressing ncetl in Davic County? Knif^hi: 'The most pressing need al this time is the school facilities and our I'inancial sta­ tus in regañís lo ihe state reini- bursements. My hope is for the reimbursement issue to be re­ solved with counties and mu­ nicipalities gelling full reim­ bursements. We then could presenl an affordable bond ref­ erendum to Ihe cili/ens. Dwight Myers: Wise Spending W hal altribiiles would you consider most important Tor a couniy manager? A/viT.v.- I. l-x ie n s iv e k n o w l­ edge o f business and finance. 2. Willingness lo follow ihe the average citizen of Davie Couniy afford ihis? The school facilities needs has been brought lo Ihe table. This pro­ cess look over a year lo come lo a standard conclusion I'rom the task force and llte boaril of education. One of the county commissioners tasks, along wilh the board of educalion is to create a timeline for Ihis pro­ cess and the accountability for the funding I'or Ihis massive needed process/projecl. Discuss srowlh. Allen: The county is grow­ ing al an alarming rale. 'I'he situ­ ation is lhal certain areas are influxed more than olhers. Are we growing loo lasl, slow or just right? An answer can be given to all ihree. What is needed for the couniy is a 'bal­ ance of growth,’ This can be achieved by the lot size you build on, size of the home buill, and belter guidelines and ordi­ nances sel forth by the devel­ opments associalion and county planning. Other areas and guidelines concerning growth can be upgraded and sludietl for a 'balance of grow ih.' Thc couniy conutiissioners strive to listen, change, upgrade, ap­ prove, distipprove, modify, and any other verb or adjective you can think ofconceniing growih. Growih has impact. Impact cost. It Is extremely pleasing lo know families wanl lo move lo Davie County. Citizens of Davie Couniy, please help in Ihe •balancing act.’ W hal is Ihe mosi prussinR need ill Duvie Couniy? Al/eii: An immediale press­ ing m;ed is our droughl situa­ tion in Davie Couniy. Hull' of ihe couniy is aligned wilh Ihe Yadkin liiver, ll is al an all lime low. One commodily in life lhal can’t be repri>duccd is water. We need 10 conserve. The couniy T h e C a n d id a t e N am e M ichael D, Allen A g e 45 F a m iiy W ife, Karen Allen, Stepsons, Brent Crotts and wife Kathy, Shane Crotts and wife Tina; two grand­ daughters, S hana and Sara O cc u p atio n C om puter technical specialist, RJ Reynolds To­ bacco C o. wilh 21 years service. Davie County com m issioner. Chief, Cornatzer-Dulin Volunteer Fire D epartm ent. E d u catio n D egree in com puter science, honor program . W ho’s W ho of Am erican Colleges. Certified Level 111 firefighter. H azm at specialist. H o b b ies Sports. Travel. Serving my com m unity by volunteer­ ing. Relaxing and spending tim e with my fam ily and friends. W h y are yo u seeking this p ublic office? Allen; The opinions of the citizens of D avie County need to be heard. I am a voice for the people of this county and by being reelected for Davie County com m issioner I will continue this endeavor. I have been given the opportunity to help you, the citizens, understand the decision making process along with policies and procedures for county governm ent. 1 w ork hard in achieving this goal for both sides concerning an issue. With a sound com m unication base for the citizens of Davie County along with county governm ent w e can work together both m ore efficiently and effectively. I bring this need to the table. policies esiabli.shcd by the com­ missioners. ,i. Willingness lo listen lo Ihe will of the people. 4. Ilxpcrience in dealing wilh llie public. .“i. Ability lo supervise and deal with thc county goveniment personnel. Discuss the proposed schonl I'acililies bond. iMyt'rx: Hcl'ore a school bond is pul before Ihc people to vole upon, there should be a thor­ ough. unbiased study as lo Ihe needs and cosls, and Ihese stud­ ies should be made completely available lo the public. Schools should be buill only lo .serve Ihe needs of the couniy, nol lo .serve special interest groups. Discuss growth. M yers: Cirowlh is a good thing if managed properly. Is­ sues such as adei|uate .schools and transportation should be considered as the couniy grow's. I am opposed lo Ihe board o f com m issioners g iving authorily lo any o f the county agents lo n iic ro -m a n a g e p eo p le's d a ily lives, such as Ihey have done w ilh Ihe overlay around Cool­ cem ee. and Ihey prom ised lo do Ihe sam e o v e r Ihe resi o f the couniy. Whal is Ihe most pre.ssing need in Davie Countv? Myers: Making sure lhat our tax money is spent wisely, wilh the people in mind, I am conservative by nature, and am very bothered lo see waste going on anywhere. When lax money is being wasted, it is our money, yours and mine. This -( is not acceptable. Wc, the people of Davie Couniy. w ork hard to buy prop­ erly, on which wc pay high taxes. Bul, do we really own what we are working so hard to pay for if someone else is Idling us whal we can and cannol do wiih il? More and more regulalions and restrictions are continually being pul into etl'ecl lhal are laking away from our freedoms and taking control ofour daily lives. This too is not acceptable. Other I.ssucs Myers: There has been too much going on behind closed doors. County governmenl should be more open, respon­ sive, and honest with Ihe cilizens in how Ihey plan lo spend Iheir hard-earned tax dollars. Pass regulalions lhat are fair and ac­ ceptable lo Ihe citizens and nol jusi for llie special ¡merest groups. Altract the righl kind of busi­ nesses in Davie Coumy. I’ltase See Couniy - Page S needs lo make the waler/sewer master plan a priority 1 need. Wells are dryi<ig up all over Ihe couniy. Help us in this en­ deavor. Anolher extremely pressing need is our school la­ cilities needs. The children in the school system are our I'uture. Other I.ssues Allen: We live in a coimty where everyone knows growth is in high gear. The couniy also has several olher issues lhal need lo be addressed. I ¡isk you, the voler, lo vote for Michael D. Allen on September lOlh, 1 will continue lo bring lo llte table sound business sense where de- cisions will be made on inves­ tigations and fads, nol on 'hear say.' I have been working with our local and state government for the past several years and asking for your vole and sup­ port lo continue in this position. Couniy government can nol work lo its potential withoui sound communication belween all parties involved. Communi­ cation, educalion, business sense and common sense is whal is needed and I bring Ihis to Ihis position. Again, I ask for your support and your vote for Michael D. Alien on September 10, 2(102. T h e C a n d id a t e N am e Dwight L. M yers A ge 72 A ddress Birchwood Street, Mocksville Fam ily Son, Jam es D. M yers of Mocksville O ccu p atio n Retired from U.S. Defense Dept, and ' Lake M yers R V Resort, Presently cattle farm ing. E ducation Union G rove High School. Attended W ake Forest College and num erous schools during civil service with the defense departm ent, am ounting to becom ­ ing an electronics engineer. H o b b ies Flying own private plane, collecting antique self­ playing m usical instruments, cattle farm ing. M ajor contributor to Davie Family Y M C A , other charities. W h y are yo u seeking this p u b lic o ffic e? To bring conservative, com m on-sense approach to solving issues facing the citizens of this county, particularly wasteful spending of taxpayer's m oney. W ith proper county m anagem ent, property tax can be lowered. 8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S, 2002 Election 2002 Davie County Board of Education Regina Graham: More Community Involvement W hat can be done to keep and recruit more quality teachers? Graham: Davic County is very fortunate to h?vc excellent teachers. To mainlain our strength in this area, we should develop a close relationship wilh colleges thal graduate first-rale teachers and aggressively recruit them to work here. To do so, wc must designate more money into our recruitment programs, increase tcacher supplement, provide support and professional development, and continually give teachers the recognition they dejicrve. Organizations in the community should also commcnd and support tcachcrs, such as companies and retail stores offering coupons or di.scounts to teachers. Let’s listen to the concerns teachers voice and generate ways to meet their needs. Teacher assistants arc also very valuable employees, as well as the cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, administrators, and anyone else who works al a school - each position is important. It lakes everyone uniting and working together wilh Ihe common goal of providing a quality education for each child. One high school or Iwo? G raham : Our allenlion should focus on immediate conccms, bul we should also be looking to the future. Wc should renovate Ihe excellent high school lhal we have and do some thorough long-range planning for a second high school. I anticipate population growth in Davic County over a period of time thal will warrant a second high school. The growth rate should be carefully monitored and planning for another high school needs to begin now. ll is beneficial to become prepared for tomorrow, today. Dlscu.ss your opinion of thc current facilities bond package. Graham: I would like to sec the school board, commissioners, school T h e C a n d id a t e Name Luther Bailey Potts Age 60 Address W illiam s R oad, Mocksville Family W ife: Hilda H arpe Potts; daughter, D ana Potts Correll (C had); grand­ sons, Tyler, 7, Parker, 5, Occupation Sell insurance and real estate. Education Shady G rove Elem enlary, D avie County High School; registered health underwriter designation from Am erica C ollege; general business degree, Mitchell College Hobbles Coin collecting. Stam p collecting. W orking part-tim e for N A SC A R . Why are you seeking this public office? Serving on the school board is a challenge. You are constantly trying to do good Ihings thal will m ake children's lives better. It is also very rew arding to see students leave D avie High and com plete college and becom e productive citizens. Luther Potts: Lower The Dropout Rate One high school or two? Poffj.-The task force has rec­ ommended another high school becausc we are oul of space and have no room for expansion al Davie High. Why? You look al data collected across the U.S. and il says a high school of 800 to 1,000 is the righl size for best resulU. We are almost al Ihe di­ viding poinl at our current high school. When? if we could gel a bond passed nexl year, il would be aboul 3 years before we could be in Ihe new school. We could possibiy be in extremely crowded posilion by then. Discuss ihe facilities bund package? Polls: I believe the board ha.s designed the bond package thal will be.sl serve the needs for sll students. We based this on the lask force recommendation. They worked hard visiling schools and coilccling informa­ tion over a 14 month period. 1 feel if you go with this bond package, it will be better than coming back to thc citizens of Davie County Iwo years from now asking Ihem to pas.s a sec­ ond bond. Thai would create a iol of misunderstanding. What can be done to keep and recruit more quality teachers? Polls: We musi continue to recruit good teachers and wc also have lo provide them wilh good working conditions (nol tin buildings) and a reasonable personnel, parents, and others continue to communicate with the communiiy to let ihem know thc critical needs in the area of school facilities. By communicating with one anolher, we can find oul how much lax increase the public is willing to support. I feel ihcre is risk involved in dividing the needs inlo two bonds. I would like to see the school boaril and commissioners work together lo crc.nie one bond package that addresses the grealesi needs at a cost thc public is willing to p.ny. However, if this does nol happen, as a taxpayer I am willing to support both of the current bonds and the subsequent tax increase thal would occur. My major concern is lhat Ihe general public becomes knowledgeable about school issues and their impact upon all of us - nol just people wilh children. Meetings in which Ihe bonds have been discussed have nol been well attended by the public. If the community won’t reach out to the schools, Ihe schools must reach out to Ihc community. This may inchide arranging for school representatives and school board members lo speak and "sell" the bond package at businesses, organizations, clubs, churches, and anywhere else where people are willing lo lislen. The more infonncd voters are, the belter the decisions they make when they go lo the polls. W hal is thc greatest need in Davic Counly Schools? Graham:T\ic greatest need is for our community to become more open-minded and involved with the school system. The public needs to undersland lhat it takes school personnel, school board members, county conunissioncrs, st.nie law ntakers and olher representatives in Raleigh, all working together lo make public education benefit children in the way it should. You do nol have to be a p;irent in order to volunteer or do ■something positive to benefit students. Our school system needs everyone's support and help. We have an excellent school system, but we can always get better. I encourage each school to continually work lo achieve the title School of Distinction. We also need more male teachers, minority teachers, bi-lingual teachers, and olher forms of diversity lhal strengthens ihe overall performance of the entire system. Some of our current facilities need to lie renovated to promote an optimal learning environment. Our needs can be mel if Ihe community makes education a priority and work logelher lo do what’s best for the children. A good education is costly, hul it provides children with successful futures, which affects everyone’s qualily of life. supplement in order to compete with larger .school syslems such as Forsyth County system. Whal is the greatest need in Duvie Counly schools? Polls: Space: bond package. Alternative School to be at thc Ceniral Davie sile. Renovation; We have to do some work on the high school. We must do work al Cooleemee and Wm. R. Davie. The.se two schools have lo be No. 1 in pri­ ority. I ask the cilizens of Davie Counly lo visit each .school and see how the schools need more space. Student population is growing at aboul 2% each year. Other Issues Polls: Dropouts. We have been 2% below state average for Ihc lasl couplc years. Thai’s not good enough. One dropout is 1 100 many. We have lo find ways to serve those studenl needs. The high school is working hard try­ ing 10 do just lhal, bul space and funds make it difficult. Tho.se sludents need lols of individual allenlion. Most of them come from undesirable home sellings. If we don’t provide for them now, wc will laler in the prison system or the welfare role. One way lo help, if we could get thc funds would be lo provide high risk 8lh year students a scholar­ ship for 2 years to the commu­ nity college, provided Ihey meeet sel standards and com­ plete high school. T h e C a n d id a t e Name Regina L§m el G raham Age 33 Address Vanzant Rd, Mocksville Family Parents, Dorothy and Nelson G raham . Sister, Angela G raham Robinson Occupation Coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters. M anage agency's mentoring program s w hich include Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Big B uddy and waiting list program s. Recruit, interview, train, and m atch volunteers with children. Supervise m atches, generate financial funding (non-profit agency), com m unicate with parents, plan activities for the children, conduct m eetings with agency’s advisory board, im plem ent ideas to expand the services the agency provides and the num ber of children served, and serve as liaison betw een the agency and community. Education Ph.D . curriculum and teaching, graduate certificate in gerontology, graduate certificate in w om en's studies. University of North Carolina at G reensboro. Honors and Awards. Luther W inbourne Self Fellowship, Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society. M .A. education, social studies concentration, W ake Forest U niversity M aster Teacher Fellow. Spires Student Travel G rant - study tour of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, selected as graduate assistant to the D ean of Students. B.A. sociology and speech com m unication, double major. W ake Forest University. G eorge Foster Hankins Undergraduate Scholarship. A .S., funeral service education, Fayetteville (NC)Technical Com m unity College. Funeral Directors and Morticians Association Scholarship, L. G ary Taylor M em orial Scholarship. Hobbles International travel to explore countries and cultural groups, stam p collecting, picture fram ing, volunteering with youth, volunteering with the elderly, and coordinating in com m unity events. Why are you seeking this public office? 1 am seeking a position on the board of education so that I m ay serve my community, especially the youth. I am a former teacher with m iddle school, high school, and collegiate teaching experience. I have also been a foster parent, and w orked with youth in various capacities. 1 feel my background will be an asset to the board w hen they discuss school issues. I also believe that the board m em bership should reflect the cultural diversity in the schools. T h e C a n d id a t e Name Carol E. Livengood Age 50 Address G reen Hill Road, Mocksville Family Husband: Craig E. Livengood; Chil­ dren: Laurie Babbitt M ajor (Van); Joanna Babbitt Hansen (Scott); Eric Babbitt, senior, Appalachian State; Stephen, North Davie 7th grader Occupation Director, M acedonia M oravian Preschool for past 7 years. Responsibilities: staffing, personnel, curricu­ lum, budget, policies, procedures, day-to-day situa­ tions. Education Severna Park High School, Anne Arundel Com m u­ nity College, majoring in elem entary education, ef­ fective teacher training (Davie County Schools), W est­ ern North Carolina Directors of W eekday Ministries training and workshops. Hobbles M y life centers around my husband and children and our extended family, our friends and our church. I enjoy entertaining in my hom e, cooking, reading and relaxing times at the beach. Why are you seeking this public office? I have alwasy had a heart for children and a strong interest in education. W e m oved to Davie County 18 years ago because of the excellent school system. It w as one of the w isest decisions w e have ever m ade, not only because of the outstanding education our children received but also because of the strong sense of community support and values. I believe w e are very privileged as Am ericans, North Carolinians and as citizens of this county and w e are each called upon to serve and give in som e capacity I have always relied on my faith and feel personally led to serve our com m unity by seeking a seat on the school board. It would be an honor for m e to w ork for our children. Carol Livengood: Exceptional, Remediation Programs Both Important One high school or two? Livcnaoml: Three oul of four of my children have gradualed from Davie High. The excellent education and the family like at­ mosphere Ihey received in a one high .school counly was .some­ thing we all valued very much. I believe, and more importantly they would say the same, that experience made a posiiive dif­ ference in their lives and in the lives of many others. However, unless Ihere is no new growth or very lillle growlh in ihe counly, I feel a sccond high school is at .some point inevitable. Yet, we musi make certain lhal both schools are as balanced as pos­ sible offering equal opporluni- ties for every studenl. While serving on thc task force this past year, wc studied this issue in depth. To best serve our children and give them the personal con­ tact they so need in today's world, a high school under 2,0(X) students has a greater success rate. Davie High opened its doors wilh approximaleiy 1,650 students for the 2002-2003 school year - a manageable num­ ber. Projected growth predicts that around the 2007-2008 school year, Ihe siudeni popula­ tion could reach the 2,000 mark. As caring cilizens, we need to be prepared lo face this reality and meet the needs of our chil­ dren. A second high school is not paniculariy easy or popular wiih everyone - it means a significant change for our well-loved county and an out of pocket ex­ pense for our cilizens al a time when our world is uncertain, the job makret slow and our own slale in a financial crisis. I feel we must ask ourselves whal is best for our children and Iheir future. Children are our future as well and therefore a sound, good investment. While campaigning. C o u n t y C o m m i s s io n : M y e r s W o u ld D o n a te S a la r y Continued From Page 7 Proper planning for schools, roads and other infrastmclures. A govemmenl responsive to the wishes of the people. To further demonstrate my commitment to the citizens of this counly. if elected, I will do­ nate my salary as commissioner to establish a worthy school pro­ gram or college scholarship fund lo promote educalion for our youth. I love Davie County and its people. I’ve been fortunate lo mcel many ofthe fine families of this county and I am certain lhat we are a strong community up to the lask of facing Ihe challenges ahead and will remain a leader of ex­ cellence in education while holding true to our values. Discuss the current facilities bond package? Livengootl: The current fa­ cilities bond package has been put on hold. While the need for a school bond still remains, I understand the very difficult po­ sition of the county commission­ ers. As a member of the task force, we spent nearly seven monlhs evalualing the needs of our schools both current and future.We visited ciich school, met wilh the principals and saw first hand the positives as well as some of the problems. We pre- .senled the findings lo the .school board in May and they in turn proposed the current facilities bond package. Unfortunately, thc timing could not be wor.se. The commissioners arc faced wilh difficult decisions as are our citizens. No one really wants lo pay more taxes, bul investing in our children is always a wise decision, ll is vital lhat the school board and the commis­ sioners come to an agreement, compromise when necessary to put forth a bond lhal will at least adress the most immediate facil­ ity and educational needs of our children as quickly as possible . keeping in mind the financial burdens of our hard working tax paying citizens. What cun he done to keep and retain more qualily teachers? Livciif’ood: We are blessed with outstanding dedicated teachers and administrators in Davie County. To maintain the quality of education il is imperative we have qualily teachers. Obvi­ ously. financial incentives such as supplements, signing bonus, helping with studenl loans and continuing educalion would be a factor in both recruiting and maintaining teachers. While I would be in favor of I’Icase See Livengood - Page 9 Election 2002 Allen Whitaker: K e e p i n g T h e C o u n t y S a f e W iiat is Hie best way lo pre­ vent a crime from huppening? W hitaker: Take away criminal’s opportunity. Placc of business should have w'cll lighted area, good alann .system as well as video surveillance sys­ tem. Home owners should have someone to watch their home anytime they are away by par­ ticipating in Neighborhood Watch programs. Be aware of your surroundings. What needs Ihe mosl improve­ ment in Ihe sheriff’s depurl- mcnt? Whilaker: My I'irsi concern is the number of officers on duty al any one given lime. The rate of increase for the counly popu­ lation has e.xcecded the rate of increase for sworn officers. To increase swoni personnel, new posilions must be first approved by counly commissioners and funds nnisl be available. I have already begun exploring w'ays to raise funds through grants and am currently sharing resources with other agcncies. Crime re­ duction is an area I am always working on. When I look office in 1994. Ihe crime index was 62.S. Our last reporled crime in­ dex was .SIS. This was a retluc- lion of 110 points. Whal is Ihe No. I crime prob­ lem in Dnvie Counly? W hilaker: I have always slated that drugs arc thc number one crime problem. The use of illegal drugs and sometime mis­ use of legal drugs leads lo olher crimes being commilled such as breaking and entering, larceny, fraud, forgery, etc. The sheriff’s office is already combating drugs in several ways. First, is education. This begins wilh thc DARE program. Sccond, assign­ ing a narcotics officer lo coordi­ nate all investigations and com­ pile intelligence involving drug activity in Davic Coumy. Third, the use of imdercover operations and surveillance of suspect ac­ tivity. Fourth (and the one the drug dealer hales most) is re­ questing ihe courts to hand over money from the illegal drug trade to help law enforcemeni to fight this crime. In the past year alone, S I9,834 and one vchicle have been awarded to thc DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - 9 Sheriff’s R epublican Primary T h e C a n d id a t e Name W illiam Allen W hitaker Age 50 Address C ana Road. Mocksville Family W ife. Lettie. Occupation Sheriff of Davie County By statues, duties include civil process, bailiff and detention. By choice, crim e prevention, patrol, investigations and responding to calls. Education Davie High School Class of ‘69. Row an C om m unity C ollege. Draughon Business College and Davidson Com m unity College. Certificates as U .S. Arm y drill sergeant, U .S. Army advanced noncom m issioned officer and first sergeant. Basic law enforcem ent and interm ediate law enforcem ent certificate. Hobbles Reading, collecting art work by local artists, working outdoors. Why are you seeking Ihis public office? I w ould like to continue the progress that has been m ade over the last eight years. N um erous projects have been developed and im plem ented that are for protection for officers and citizens but due to budget restraints som e have been delayed. M y goal is to see all these projects com pleted over the next several years. My desire is to serve all the citizens through professional law enforcem ent in D avie C ounty sheriff’s office Ihrough this pro­ cess. Currently, S16.8(H) and one vehicle is pending. W hal job should the .sheriff play in crime prevenlion? tl7;/V(/A(7-. The way I lake part in crime prevention, routine pa­ trols, answering calls and inves­ tigations is to lead by example. I have presented Community Watch programs to various busi­ nesses. civic and church groups. Patrolling thc highway and countryside is never jusl routine. 1 am constantly aware of my sur­ roundings and am prepared lo respond lo any situation lhal may arise. Other Issues Whilaker: Reorganized office and operations by adding super­ vision to every division. Created civil division. Suc­ cessfully process approximately 4,000 civil papers annually. Slarled Ihe Davie Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Cen­ ter in I99.S. This program re­ ceived the Governor’s Award for volunteer .service in 1996. Created lechnology program which allows video recording in patrol cars and data transmittal between cars. Also allows fiber optic to connect courtrooms lo delenlion center. Oversee Detention Center building program 1999-2001. Savings of approximately 3 mil­ lion dollars. Created training program with assistance of Davidson Contnumity College. Developed own training building. Member of six county "Traf­ fic Task Force" which is Ihe firsl of its kind in the nation and which al.so received the J. Stan­ dard Baker Award at the Na­ tional S heriff’s Conference 2002. Created Public Safety Team at Davie High School. This has become a model program for other schools across the stale. As you can see from ihis par­ tial list of accomplishments, I am interested in the safely and well being of all the citizens of Davie County. During the next four years we will continue to expand upon these programs. All new programs arc evaluated to see how they will enhance the qualily of life for our citizens before Ihey are implemented. Thanks for all the support you have given me. D a v i e B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n Livengood Focuses On The Positives Cunlinued From Page 8 Ihese ideas. I’m nol privileged wilh infomiation as lo iheir fea­ sibility at this time. Teachers touch lives and deserve great respect, support and apprecia­ tion from parents and sludents. It is important lhat we listen to them. Most importantly, wc must keep the sense of family and community involvement and school pride in Davie Comity. Many teachers have told me that Ihese strong values arc so imporlanl and weigh heavily in their decision to teach in our schools. What is Ihc greatest need in Davic schools? Livengood: ll is clear to me lhat the rapid growlh of our counly during Ihe la,st 10 years and Ihe anxieties associated wiih it. create our schools greatest needs and concerns. Currently, many of our schools are close to capacity or beyond. Several are in need of more classroom space, additional or renovated restrooms, technology updates and to be made more handi­ capped compliant. These needs are immediate il is in the best interest of our children thal they be addressed immediately. We cannol close our eyes to these problems. O u r school board and county commissioners have been diligent in finding solu­ tions. This past year a facilities task force was appointed to sludy these very issues. 1 was privileged to serve along wilh many olher caring citizens on this task force. We made well- researched and sound recom­ mendations for Ihe board to con­ sider. ll was realized it would be necessary for thc proposal of a school bond in order to keep the cjuality of Davie County schools, sirong in acadcmics and equally strong in personal involvement. Other Issues Livelihood: ll is true that we arc faced wilh some challenging situations, bul 1 would like lo focus on jusl some of the many positives lhal I hope will con­ tinue. Our schools offer out­ standing exceptional children’s programs and remediation pro­ grams lo children who place in these classes. C hildren’s strengths and weaknesses are identified carly, a key to a child’s success. Wc have strong ESL programs in place for our His­ panic population. Nearly one- half of our graduates will con­ tinue Iheir educalion al a college. Parents continue to be models for our children as they volun­ teer in every school - and just try getting in to a Davie High foot­ ball game on a Friday nighl. We continue to be a .school system thal does believe we are one Nation under God. y r w w . encerprise-record .com Re-Elect Bobby K n ig h t ★ Conservative Republican ★ Dedicated to Serving the Best Interest of Davie County D avie C ounty Commissioner Paid for by Bobby Knight Mike Smith: B e t t e r M a n a g e m e n t VVhiit is Ihc best way lo pre­ vent a crime from liappcning? Smilh: High visibility of the sheriff’s department is a big part of crime prevention. The sher­ iff and his deputies must be seen. They need to talk with the people and lo hear whal the people are saying. The sheriff's tleparlmenl is only as sirong as the people who support it. W hiil needs Ihe mosl im - provemcnl in Ihe sheriff’s de- parlnienl? Smilh: I feel ojte area of im­ provemenl thal would best serve the communiiy is a bellcr working relationship and com­ munications with thc people of the county and the department. Belter management of person­ nel and stronger leadership will accomplish this. The depart­ ment must strive to serve and protect, always remembering that they work for the people Ihey serve. W hal is Ihe No, 1 crime prob­ lem in Davie County? Smilh: Drugs are a serious problem in every county. Nu­ merous crimes are committed daily to support drug habits. Crime has no boundary aiul wc must work cohesively wilh all agencies and the citizens of Davie Counly to address these issues. W hat job should Ihc sheriff pluy in crime prevention? Smilh: The sheriff must be a pan of every aspect of his de­ partment. He should sel the de­ partmental standards Ihrough leadership and support of his deputies. This will be accom­ plished by staying abreast of thc T h e C a n d id a t e Name G eorge M ichael Sm ith Age 48 Address Jolley R oad. Mocksville Family Parents. Estelle A. Sm ith and the late G eorge E. Sm ith. W ife. Kathy W . Sm ith. C hildren, S handa, Blake, S hane and wife Nicole, Shannon. G rand­ son, C am eron M ichael. Occupation N.C . Division of M otor Vehicles Enforcem ent Section, inspector. Licensing and regulation en­ forcem ent of autom obile dealers and N.C. Safety Inspection stations, theft investigations of autom o­ biles, car parts, trucks, tractors and heavy equip­ ment. Investigation of driver's license and title fraud cases. Education Davie High School. R ow an Technical College. N .C . training and Standards Council. Interm ediate certificate in law enforcem ent. M ore than 895 hours of law enforcem ent training. Hobbles Farm ing Why are you seeking this public office? I am seeking this public office to be able to serve and protect the people of Davie County. The sheriff is the chief law enforcem ent officer of the county It is his responsibility to enforce the laws of state and serve the process of the court. H e m ust see that the orders of the court are carried out and m aintain the security of the jail The sheriff m ust stay in contact with the citizens of the county so that their concerns are known and can be addressed by his departm ent. Th e sheriff's departm ent needs to have and m ain­ tain a positive w orking relationship with all local, state and federal agencies. day-to-day operations of thc de­ partment. Addressing concerns of the citizens is one of thc sheriff’s many obligations. Other Issues S m ilh: • Three unsolved murders in Davie Counly? Do these need to be looked al again'.’ • Can thc personnel be bel­ ter utilized? • Do drug problems slop al the counly line? • Is thc sheriff’s deparlmem serving you in a timely and courteous manner? • Is your money being spent wisely'? ONE TOUGH PROSECUTOR FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE “It’s im portunt to have judges who were born and raised ni tlie dlv tricLs that Uiey serve. I have thal experience, and I think that it will make m e a better jnc^^e. I will continue serving the comnmnity outside the courtroom so that I can better understand our dLsirict." /Vs a )jrosL‘culor who has jnil criminals behind bars in onr clistrict. Cynliiia Barnhill knows our court .system. As a lifelong resideni of our district. Cynthia Barnhill knows our community. ■ Assistant Dislricl Attorney, judicial District 19C. 1998 - present ■ /Vssistanl District Allorney. judicial Dislricl 22, lU iW -lO O a ■ Former teacher. North Davidson High School in Lexington and Kiser Middle School in Greensboro ■ i^iw degree, UNC School of l.aw, 1994 ■ English and Education Degree, Greensboro College, 1989 • Women’s Guild Secretary, Beck’s United Church of Christ • Married lo former Army Capt. Stephen Barnhill for 6 years CYNTHIA BARNHILL: A Respected Prosecutor Who Has the Experience We Need in Our Courtrooms. On September 10th, Vote Cynthia Barnhill for District Court Judge Paid ioi by llie Cynilila Gamer Bamliill ior Dislricl Court Judge Commiiiee 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 SAMPLE BALLOT - REPUBLICAN OrnClAL HZPLUUCAN PARTY PRIMARY QALIOT DAVIE COWTY. NORTH CAROIINA SEFTEMBEAIO. 2002 M P VAN MOV. II Oainma Bavd pfEkount ;«i5NY0CR........Do«|UtJ SEUEMimPAJUCEIt.........Aä»U.miffR.... .Elobdii И DOLF.TteeÄyCOOlt-....-VnáMOtAlLA.....WniM-.. US SENATE (VcttUvONE) NC J4ni SENATE DISTRJCT (Vom br ONE) lUxkr-no' TURNER М»еВ1ЯМЛAa*twC BROCK...... Ow ANDREWS.........Wn»M.................. NC 7ГП1 »K)USE Of REPRESEKTATIVES (Vote te ONE)MAcl^RJUS...................................... Mi* Ct»«* HOW ARD........-.........................Wnt^«............................................... RoffcrSnUMAN0«4blMYtR5.... DobbyHNlGirT.. . MKhMlD ALLEN Wnt»-in...............Wm*.«............. ÜAVIE COUhHY COMMISSIONER (Vote fot TWO) 22ND DISTRICT COURT JUDGE (Vote TWO) A^nlC.WOOD...................................................Mali S CUI.LER.................Cymhii Gtmcr BARNHILL..............................Wnie-«................ .......................... ..Wme.ia....................... DAVIE tXWNTY SOIOOL BOARD (Vote te TWO) RetiM L ORAHA^^Carol E LIVENGOOD............................LuibefB POTTS ПWhte-ia...... □ ..........................................................................П В Pact I »Г4 N (it Pate ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, NC SUPHIKrt COURT (Vote te ONE) Ral{* A WALKER........ EJMV^TYnmt BRADY..........................w rt^ ........ ................. В □ COURT o r AfPEALS Л/DGE (VoteteONt)РшМЕЛСЕЛ......................................... □RkkEtMORE-...................................... □WW.^ --------------------------------- □ COURT OF AffEALS ЛЛКЕ (VottteOb'E) Enc LEVINSON..............-..........................LerrWL DOLLAR. -..................................WhM ..........................................В J2 - COURT Of APPEALS JUDGE (VoteteONE)Mf NiAawd K. -Ktite" PENDLEY............... Arti Мале CALIBRI A.....................................Wn»«e ............-.......................... □ В DAVIE COUNTY SHERJfF (Vc*eteONE)Alta UinTAKER................................ОошуеМ 'Máe* SMITH...............................WniMi ................-........................0 □ B e r m u d a R u n B o a r d M e e t s O n S e p t . 1 0 O p e n B u r n in g O r d in a n c e E y e d The Bermuda Run Town Council w ill mccl at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10allown hall. Among the items to be dis­ cussed: roads, street lighting, N.C. Local Government Debt Sctoir program, N.C. Capital Management Trust, the estab- lishment of a development standards steering committee, an open burning ordinance, fee based yard waste pickup, road deeding (wastewater treatment plant road and Ber­ muda Run Drive from post office to Mulligans). There is a time for resitlent's comments at the end of each meeting. .SAMI’I.K IIAI.I.OT DEMOCRATIC OFFICIAI. DI-M OCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY DAI.I.O T DAVIR COUNTY, NO RTII CAROLINA SKPTEMHER 10, 2002 II.P. V A N IIO V , II Ctiainniin Doafil of Elections Alitn Ui WILEY, ffl...., D«k« UNDERWOOD...D.YidETIDWaL... EUiatMAM US SENATE (VoMfcrONE) lUadyCROW........... CyalhtaD. BROWN.... EiAIm B. BOWLES.Dm BLUE........... Bob AYERS_____ Wri»in.............. NC 34TH SENATE DISTRICT (Von fot ONE) Jota Cirlyle SHERRILL, III.............. Dcbfl Brown OROCE.......................Write-In.......................................-, ASSOaATEflßTICE NC SUPREME COURT (Vo« »X ONE) Bob HUNTER........................................ BtKll«yK.OREENWAY........................... Write-In................................................. COURT OF APPEALS ЛЛХ)Е (VottlbrONE) BeehefRc>T«)M«ORAY................................0«jt*eR. BARRETT................................... Write-In....................................................... P i|t I оГЗ Ntit Pig* COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE (VoMfcrONE)Ktoou W. WILUAMS............................. Metta GEER......................................... WriiHii.------------------------------------------------------------- В NQtffARTiaANPlUMAllYUNO CHSTWCT COURT ЛГООЕ (Volt tir TWO) Aprile. WOOO.......................................... KteklCULLEiL.□ Су«Ы» О к т BARNKia.. Wrti*^_____________WrtMa.____________ NON-PARTiaAMaECTlCTiDAVIE COUKTY SCHOOL BOARD (VottfcfTWO) Rcfim L. GRAHAM.......................................... C«ol E. LIVENGOOD....................................... UtherB POTTS Wrile>iaWrit».ia □ В □ □ School Board Elections, Party Primary Votes This Tuesday Cuntinui'd From I’aKc I however, withdrew front Ihe race, although his name will ap­ pear on Ihe ballot. Each of Ihe 14 polling loca­ tions across Davic County will open al 6:.10 a.in. Tiic.sday, Sepl. 10 and closc al 7:.K) p.m. Voters are given 1.1 hours lo casl bal­ lots for Ihc candidates of their choice in Ihe primaries and school board elections. Voters who have been moved from one precinct lo another wilhin Ihc couniy for more lhan .10 days must return lo their fonner precinct for an election day transfer. They will Ihcn take Ihis fomi to the election office where they will make Iheir cor­ rection and casl llieir voles. Voters who would like to early vole may do so in Ihe elec­ tions officc. 124 S. Salisbury St., Suite 102, until 1 p.m. SaUirday, Sepl. 7. A sick or disabled voter may vole in Ihc elections officc, or request a ballot unlil .“i p.m. Monday, Sepl. 9. All absentee ballots must be relumed lo the election office no later lhan 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9 lo be eligible for counting. The members of Ihe board of elections will meet in the elec­ tion officc al 6:.tO p.m. on Ihc lOlb lo county all absentee bal­ lots property relumed. No tallies will be relijased prior to 7:30 p.m. Questions may be directed lo the board of elections at 751- 2027 between 8 a.m. and .S p.m. daily. Town Planners To Discuss Rezoning Off Allen Road ■SA.MPI.E B A I.I.O T - U N A F K II.IA T K I) OFFICIAL UNAFFILIATED DAVIB COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 II.P. VAN HO Y, II Ctuumun Hoard o f Elections NON-PARTISAN PRIMARY 22ND DISTRICT COURT AJDOE (VaeferTWO) April a WOOD.............................................. KMcS. CULLER......................................... CymUtChnicrBARNHnX.............................Write-In......................................................Writ^la.................................................... DAVIE COUNTYSCHOOL BOARD (Vote for TWO) Re^iuL GRAHAM..... C«rol E. UVENOOOD.. Lutho B. POrrS.......... Write-In........................ Write-In... A request for a campus busi­ ness zoning designation for 2.“) acres of land being considered for anne.xalion by the Town of Mocksville will be di.scusscd by Ihe town’s planning board al 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sepl. 11. The item is continued from the board's July 29 ineeling. The lown is considering vol­ untary annexation of Ihe 2.5 acres on Ihc north side of Allen Road, across from South Point Indus­ trial Park. The properly is ap­ pro.ximalcly a quarter mile wesl of U.S. 601 and is Parcel 84 of Davie Ta.x Map G-.1. The planning board will re­ view and make a recommenda­ tion on rezoning the properly GENE’S A U T O P A R T S W e M ake Hydraulic Hoses & M ix Auto Paint 7M^148 3612 Clem m ons Road Clem m ons iUR^-A-FtVIN 6 a i№ e R E D W O O F I N N Full service pet qrooming now available. Boarding • Day Care • Training Call for specials 9 4 0 - D O G S 415 Potts'Road » Advance from residenlial agricultural in the Davie Counly Zoning juris- diction lo campus business if ihe properly is annexed into the Town of Mocksville. For more information, visil town hall or contact the zoning deparlmenl, Davie Counly Ad­ m inistration Building, 7.51- 3340. lütiited lime oHei free t u i t i o n Solve the tax mystery with training from H&R Biock. We cover everything from completing a basic 1040 to the skillful handling of complex schedules. Learn about recent changes in tax laws, as well as proven tax-saving strategies. Once you’ve completed the course, you may even have the opportunity to inten/iew with H&R Block.** For more information or convenient times and locations, call 1-80OHRBLOCK or, visit www.hrblock.com Willow Oaks Shopping Center Mocksville *751-3203 Mon. & Thurs. 10am-4;30pm c aic IWII». k TU I... -n.w ». ILU fnr U.itei UMI -tiurilimiu lii, or<i«ia4i<jiai li, 11»' St lantJiiY ui < At i««r a tntinuiUv iii 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D Ó A B 1 5 0 0 Í T * 2 3 , 2 « - S . 3 S 0 4*Or,4.7U«onuniVe,5-SpMd,HO ШтШЁкЙ M«nuilTran»mte«kin.AkCondiUonlno, , ^ S S Z /m a fAiUiiml AMÆM cm.. 9000». Trinar Tow Pka., luoownj 40Я0/40 Spirt SMt.72eV70RirTlf*ï,•t Q% for 10 mot. styMstMiwhMit. 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D C A B 1 5 0 0 4 x 4 SLT * 2 9 , S S S — a * 2 S , 9 8 8 ^ ^ ^ ^M < Or. 4.7, Au1om*Uc, POWK Wlndov»,, »m m m i Pow«( Door IJJCH, nn, Ciul», Akl/TM '•»•■•“<X>l»rr«ll«TowPko,CMt iliw, \9 «own) AXjminum WhMli, 40/20/« Spitt Sutit OS for M moi. ^ 2 0 0 2 d o D ^ E c a r a v a n E 6 S puungor, auto, pov«« MMtIng, powsr brakos, AM/FM CMieltg, tlntMl glu«, air condaionlng. 2 0 0 2 D O D Q E G R A N D C A R A V A N 2 0 0 2 J E E P L IB E R T Y 4 X 4 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R C O N C O R D E L X 0 .0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 0 .0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S AU^CO,PowrWir«»m.Po4r0ocrUcti.TB.Cn<N.MV-ltamontfM,00own.pb>tu.t>jtlm. *299/mo* 0 % N . M IIO I. vjk 5 SpMd. fJC, шт Cuunt. 'to Months, 0 Down, plus tu, tAg & (««s. * 1 9 , 9 8 8 * 3 7 6 / п м O D o m 2.7 V«, PowM Po*„ Do„ Locki, mt. CfUlM, PowerS«at. Kvyleu Entry, AM/FM/CD Player. All рпсеь plub t.u, t.jq 4 139 doc fet* Priccb rellocl rt*D.)tf On .ippfovfd credit 751-5948 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - 11 The following ca.ses were ilis- poscil of in Davie Administrative Court Aug. 16. Presiding: Magis­ trate Kevin D.llcndrix. Prosecuting; Kevin Beale, a.ssislant DA. - Billy Gray Aldemian, speed­ ing 50 in a .15. reduced to improper equipment. S10 and cost. - David Theodore Baity, no li- cen.se, dismissed per correction. - Macshane R. Bateman, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. reduced to improper equipment, SIO and cost: failure lo wear seat belt, dismissed per plea. - Marvin Lucas Reaver, speed­ ing 60 in a 45. reduced to improper equipment, $10 and cost. - Felzpc Zuniga Beltran, win­ dow tinting violation, disniissed per corrcction. - Juan Q. Benitez, federal safety inspection violation, dismissed per correction. - Elizaljeth Ann Blevins, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to iniproper equipment, SIO and cost. - Andrew George Brickcy, speeding 50 in a .15, reduced to .19 in a 35, S5 and cost. - flarold Gray Brown, Jr.. speed­ ing 69 in a 55, reducetl to improper equipment, SIO and cost. - Gerald Edward Bryant, speed­ ing 75 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, SIO and cost. - .Shavonna Monique Butler, speeding 85 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. S25 and cost. - Elizabelh Ada Camacho, ille­ gal parking, dismissed for insuffi- cicnt evidence. - Paula June Canler, speeding 75 in a .55, reduccd lo 64-55, SIO, cost. - Rachelle D. Chatman, speed­ ing 52 in a 35, reduced to 44 in a 35, SIO and cost. - Chunfang Clien, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ menl. SIO and cost. - Charles Cieri, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, S50 and cosl. - Kirby Leigh Clark, speeding 86 in a 70. reduced to improper equip­ ment. S75 and COSI. - Henry Junio Cleveland, im­ proper registration, expired inspec­ tion, dismissed |)er corrcction. - Penny Liiese Cleveland, im­ proper regislralion, no liability in- .surance. dismissed per correction. - James Owen Colihan, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, SH) and cosl. - Millard Rydell Cowan, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. reduced to improper equipmenl, SIO and cost. - Daviil Wayne Cox, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ menl, S25 and cosl; failure lo wear seat belt, dismissed per plea. - Richard John Crook, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment. S50 and cost. - Oclaviano H. Guanas, speed­ ing 85 in a 70. rcduced lo improper eiiuipment, $50 and cost. - Herlicc Swicegood Davis, fail­ ure lo yield from privale drive, dis­ missed per civil setlletnent. - Norman Bishop DcLooper, impropr registration, reduccd to expired regislralion, S25 and cosl. - Krisial L. Dillingham, speed­ ing 83 in a 70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70, SIO and cosl. - Kristen S. Dobson, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. S10 and cost. - David N. Edwards, speeding 84 in a 70. reduced to improper equipmenl, S25 and cost. - Tema Fridman, speeding 80 in a 70. reduccd to improper equip­ ment. SIO and cosl. - Pansy Loflin Furclies, luisafe movement, expired iitspection, dis­ missed per civil setlleinent. - Lori Gallon Gaddy, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmenl, S25 and cosl, - Davis Amifield Gales, speed­ ing 69 in a 55, reduced lo exceed­ ing safe speed, S25 and cost; no operator’s license, dismissed per corrcction. - Robert Steven Gearren, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, rc'duced to improper equipmenl. cosl; failure lo wear seal belt. $25. - Sarah Alicia Green, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, $10 and cost. - Karenina Elizabeth Grubb, speeding 62 in a 45, reduced lo 54 in a45, SlOand cost. - Carrie Atuie llanullon, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25 and cost; no li­ cense, dismissed per correclion. - Wilberl Harris, no liability in­ surance, dismissed per correction. - Gina Marie Helms, no license, dismissed per corrcction. - Randy Lee Hendrix, speeding 63 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25 and cost. - Julio A. Hernandez, speeding 57 in a 45, reduccd to improper equipment, SIO and cost. - Woodrow Wilson Howell, fail­ ure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlemenl. - Alan Dale Johnson, speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, S75 and cost. - Sarah Louise Johnson, failure 10 secure passenger under 16, S25 and cost; no liccnse, dismissed per corrcction. - Johnny Ray Johnston, no reg­ istration card, license nol in posses­ sion, no license, dismissed per cor­ rcction; exceeding posted speed, rcduced 10 improper equipment, $10 and cost; failure to wear scat bell. Re-Elect M i c h a e l D . A l l e n Republican Incumbent fo r D avie C ounty B oard O f Commissioners Citlzen.s of Davie County: I am asking for your support and your VOTE on September 10th to keep my seal as Davie County Commissioner. I have proven qiialifications such as; • Revitalizing the Davie Counly Hospilal. • Conlinuous improvement to the water / sewer system. • Working with our School Board for our children’s needs today and for the future. • Working with other agencies for a qualified standard of living. • Prevent unfair imd unwanted practices within local government. • Applying for state and federal grants instead of the use of tax dollars. • Fighting sliite government for Davic County’s rights. Lack o f com m unications creates problems. G ood com m unications eet thines D O N K I ask for your support and your VOTE on September 10"' to continue my endeavors of better local government standards, balance growth, boost industry within Davie County, and act on Ihc needs for our local school system. Thank you, Michael D. Allen PAID FOR BY MICHAEL D. ALLEN $25. - Chrisiopher Keaton, speeding 82 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25 and cost. - Mary Margaret Keith, speed­ ing 55 in a 40, reduccd to improper equipment, SlOand cost. - Richard Lyn Kleiman, driving while licensc revoked, dismissed per correction. - Summer Brooke Lanning. .speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $75 and cost. - Anionio Garcia Lopez, failure to stop for red light, S25, cosl; ex­ ceeding safe speed, dismissed per plea. - Michael Devon Lyles, speed­ ing 87 in a 70, reduccd to 79 in a 70, $25 and cost. - Jesse Leon Lynch, failure to stop for red light. 525 and cosl. - Tabalha Ann МауПек!. brake/ stop liglu equipment violation, dis­ missed per correction. - Tuemane Lamont McAdoo, speeding 83 in a 70. reduced to im­ proper equipment. $25 and cosl. - Ale.4 Steven McGrath, posses­ sion of mall beverage/unfortified wine not 19/20, $25. - Cynihia Cooke Messer, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, a’duced to improper equipmenl. S25 and cost. - Ernest Duane Moss, expired registration, expired inspection, dis­ missed per correction. - Kalhy Bowles Nance, exceed­ ing safe speed, reduccd to impro{>er equipment, $10 and cosl. - Jemma Kendrick Nelson, speeding 80 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. $10 and cost. - Christopher L. Norris, exceed­ ing safe speed, $25 ami cost. - Guadalupe M. Noyola. no operator’s license, dismissed per correclion. - Eileen Julian Peebles, failure to wear seal bell - driver. $25; fail­ ure lo stop for stop sign/red light, dismissed per plea. - Steven Dwayne Perdue, failure to wear seal bell, $25; expired in­ spection, dismissed per correction. - Shannon R. Phillips, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $10 und cosl. - Timolhy Ray Polk, no liability insurance, dismissed per correclion. - Terry Ann Price, speeding 84 in a 70. reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25 and cost; failure to no­ tify DMV of addre.ss change, dis­ missed per correction. - Tina Smilh Rampcrsad, ex­ pired registration, no liability insur­ ance, dismissed per correction. - Elias Aaron Ramsey, exceed­ ing safe speed, license/pennil time limit violation under 18. dismissed per correclion. Murphy’s Market —- and= = C o u rt S q u a r e I n n B & B N e w M e n u !! N e w H o u r s !! S andw iches • Burgers • S a la d s Mon ■ Sat 1 lam - 2pm Tliurs - Fri 5pm - 9 pm N o w 101 North Main St. • M ocksville, NC • (336) 751-7900 Concerned About Fxmeral Prices? Tfrry Mcliridc PresiiU’iil Before you make that final decision we invite you to stop by our office to compare our prices, services and quality of m erchandise with any other firm and Then D ecide, Wc offer 26 affordable full-service packages including: P a c k a g e # 2 2 — $3,595 Package includes minimum services of funeral director and staff; preparation services; use of facilities; transportation from placc of death to funeral home, clnirch or chapel .service; visitation at your church or the funeral home; funeral coach day of service; fami\y car; llower van; ♦opcn/close grave; memorial package; home equipment; ♦lent; temporary grave tnarker; 20 gauge metal casket and a Monlicello vault of lined concrete. A LL H ONORABLY D ISC H A R G E D V ETER A N S A RE EN TITLED TO A 15% D ISC O U N T Cremation Services $550 and up (l\»ckages do nol iiKluikî s;tles Ul\ jukI cash adv;uK*c ilems such îls deaüt ccitificalcs, (lowere, etc.) *Tl)cæ m;iy be iui extr.» clutrge due to some cemetery nx|uircnx’nLs. ‘The Savings Are Worth The Drive ’ A D A M S F U N E R A L H O M E , L L C P.O. BOX 937, 325 MAIN AVE., DR. SW, TAYLORSVILLE, NC 828-632-2291 We an: pmud to offer 15% disaxini off ¡my an.-a funeral Iwme’s price on c-oinp;u-able sc-rvKcs ¡ukI mercliandisc. Discount applks to at-necd and pre-need !urangemenl.s. (Wriuen ilemi/ed price quote axiuircd.; package prices discounts can’l tw combined) I’aymenl Plans Available Funeral amineemenls may be made in the privacy of your own home and visitations may be held in your local church for you family's convenience. — Currently In Priv/ate Practice In Thom asville, MC — Certified Fannlly Law Mediator ~ Actively practicing in Superior, District Adm inistrative Criminal Courts, Civil fit Juvenile Courts, M agistrate Courts fi> Special Proceedings D e d i c a t i o m — Licensed to practice In S ta ta • fed eral Courts — Focus on Child Custody, Child Support. Juvanll« cases — Davidson County Resident ^ I M T E G R I T V Mem ber- Sheets Memorial Baptist Church Happily married to Lexington A ttorney Jeffrey J. Berg M oth«r of tw o beautiful childrenO raduate Sheets Memorial Christian School, Saiutorian Pensacola Christian College, sum m a cum laud« Regent University School of Law (Virginia), Juris Doctor ELECT J i s t n c t C o u r t J u d g e E ? < P E F ilE n C £ C O U h T SPaid for by the Committee to Elect April C. Wood District Court Judge 12 - DAVIE COUNTV’ ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept 5,2002 G E O R G E H A « ‘ ‘ M I K E ” J " S IN C E R E H O N E S T s H E - E F F IC IE N T R - R E S P O N S IB L E 1 - IN T E G R IT Y F - F O R T IT U D E F F O R A L L T H E P E O P L E O F D A V IE C O U N T Y W H Y S M Z T H F O R S H E R I F F S - SATELLITE OFFICES TO ACCOMODATE COUNTY GROWTH H - HEAR WHAT CITIZENS ARE SAYING I WILL LISTEN E - ESTABUSHAHELP LINE FOR HANDICAPPED AND SENIOR CITIZENS R - REMAIN IN CONTACT WITH RESIDENTS & BUSINESSES PROVIDING PROMPT & COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 - I INTEND TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT DRUGS. THEY ARE IN DAVIE COUNTY ASK YOUR CHILDREN! F - FINANCES-PUTYOURTAXDOLLARSTOWORK TO BENEFIT THE DEPARTMENT AND THE PUBLIC F - FAIR & IMPARTIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ W o r k in g T o g e t h e r T o S e r v e AND P r o t e c t T h e C it ize n s o f D a v ie C o u n t y P LE A S E V O T E S E P T E M B E R lO T H If you are registered vmaffiUiated YOU must ASK for a ballot to vote in the Republican Primary for Sheriff ANYONE NEEDING ARIDE TO THE POLLS PLEASE CALL 492-5618 a НериЫкш Republi P a i d f o r b y G e o r g e M . S m i t h F o r S h e r i f f F u n d Sports DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RKCORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - Bl Davie Sputters In Red Zone, Loses 14-12 llv Ditto . . . .Dy Brian Pilts Davie Couniy Enterprise Rccord For Ihe firsi ciglu minules, il loof;ed as if Davie's varsily foolball leam mighl be able lo rebound from ils funiblc- marred loss al Ale.xander Central in im­ pressive style. The War Eagles gave up eighl yards on West Rowan's first six plays and forced two ihree-and-ouls. On offense. Ihey produced points the first two times they touched the ball. Bul a trend had continued and it wasn't promising. One week after giv­ ing away potentially 21 points in a shocking 13-7 upsel at Central, two more Davie drives died in Ihc shadow of the end zone and ultimately cost the AVar Eagles a 14-12 defeat in the 36th Davie-Wesi meeling here Friday. Inslead of capitalizing on Iwo mar­ velous chances lhal would have put West on the ropes, the War Eagles settled for Iwo Kevin Winters field goals. Tlie 6-0 lead wasn'l much againsl a team thal boasts a runner like "Cadillac" Joe Jackson, who scored two first-half touchdowns for a 14-6 lead lhat slood up when West (1-0) stopped Davie's two-point try late in Ihe third quarter. Davie (0-2 nonconference) has cracked the red zone seven limes in two games, coming away wiih 19 points. "The thing we talked about all week was trying to finish," Coach Doug llling said. “We slick it in Ihose Iwo times down there, we're up 14-0 and boy our defense is going to play higher. That’s Ihc thing we’re not getting right now. Our offense isn’t giving our defense energy lo play off of. "Vou're happy to get three out of it both times and see our special leams execute like lhat, bul we've got lo learn lo stick it in there." Starting from Ihe Wesl 40 on Davie's first drive, sophotnoro running back Jusiin Brown moved the chains iwice on the way to 83 yards on 20 carries, but Davie bogged down al the West 12 and suminoned Winters, who knockcd in a 30-yarder on his first field-goal al- Bled.soe Itrown Hunter Winters tempt since taking over for David Wool­ dridge. Brian Hunter, an astonishing first- year senior, returned a punt .11 yards lo start Davie's second drive al the West Dawn Singleton goes up to block a Grimsley player. Davie has shut out six of eight opponents.- Piloto by James Barringer War Eagle Volleyball Team Rolls To 8;p„ By Brian Pitts Davie Counly Enterprise Rccord As if Davie's unbeaten volleyball leam needed any more weapons, an­ other one came off the bench and over­ whelmed Alexander Cenlral. ■ Junior Aly.se Bowden caused most of Ihe Cougars' fnistration, turning a 7- 7 game Iw o into a 15-7 breeze by pro­ ducing eighl straight poinls. Davie, ^hich won all three games by 15-7 .scores, buried Grimsley 15-0,15-4, 15- I I later in Ih c week to raise its nonconference record lo 8-0. Bowden doesn't start - Ihe price of playing on an experienced and Im­ mensely talented leam wilh seniors Sa­ rah Williams, Sara Miller, Dawn Single­ lon, Candice James and Heather Miller and junior Alli.son Schafer- but Ihe jug- gemaut doesn’t skip a beat with her on the floor. Please See Vulleybull - Page 1<8 Buwden .lûmes S. Miller Schilfer Wildcats Make Up For Last Year’s Lone Loss By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record : Delermined Norlh Davie tore through Knox and erased a painful memory lhat had festered for a year. Lasl year as seventh graders. North hit a wall at the Knox 5-yard line re­ peatedly and fumbled away a 14-0 loss lhat proved lo be Ihe only pothole in a 7-1 season. With Daniel Gough rack­ ing up 130 yards rushing, the Wildcats showeil Knox exactly why il's the un­ questioned favorite in the eighth-grade race, picking apart the Trojan defense without much trouble and winning 22- 0 on a rain-soaked field. "We played well, especially to beal Ihe bunch that beat us as good as we did," Coach Ron Kirk said. "They had some backs lhat could easily break il. Nos. 20 and 22 were lough and Knox is always lough. At least we don'l have lo wait on somebody lo beat Knox this year." Gough undoubtedly remembered the sure touchdowns North wasted last year, and he wasn'l going lo let the same thing happen again. He broke a long rtin lale in the first quarter, then Mark Huggins finished with drive as Norlh .seized an 8-0 lead. "It was pretty balanced," assistant coach Ronald Boger said. "Of course. when we need yards and first downs we're going lo go to Gough. When it's really lime lo shine, good ninning backs shine, and he did." Wilh Ihe .score still 8-0 early in the third quarter, Norlh faced a fourth-and- goal al the Knox 15. No problem. North simply handed Ihe ball lo Gough, who turned Ihe righl comer and oulraced Knox to Ihe end zone. Norlh converted Ihe two-point conversion for a comfort­ able 16-0 lead. "Brandon Stewart and Huggins made Iw o tremendous blocks lo break him inlo the end zone," Kirk said. "Stewart made a real good seal block on the corner," assistant coach RonaUl Boger added. "1 haven't seen Ihe film, but I Ih in k he blocked two people." For good m easure, Siewart burned Knox w ith a long run lo set up Gough’s secoiul TD fo r Ihe final m argin. "And Huggins had a couple big runs lhat if he would have sidestepped in­ slead of trying to run over lillle No. 2, he probably would have broke those and scored," Kirk .said. "We've got a good offensive team because it's the same bunch thal was here lasl year," Boger said. "There hasn'l been a change, and we ran the no-huddle pretty much to perfection." North sluck to the ground because I’lcasc Sec Murphy - Page B5 Bumgarner Opens With Combined 60-0 Score • Todd Bumgarner didn't get loo ex­ ciled aboul starting his head-coaching career with two shutouts lasl week, pointing 10 Corriher-Lipe's low profile and to Ihe real lesl this week againsl West Rowan. The Tigers' sevenlh- and eighlU- grade teams trampled Corriher-Lipe 22- 0 and 38-0, respectively, but Bumgarner urged calm because Soulh has ouiscored the Yellow Jackets 382-12 lo lead the lO-year middle-school series 12-0. Bumgarner couldn'l help bul savor il week lhal opened the post-Barry Whitlock era, but talk immediately turned lo Wesl Rowan and a rivalry that always goes a long way in shaping Ihe Mid-South Conference race. "We’ve gol a lol to work on," he said of the eighth-grade leam. "We didn’t execute nearly as well as I thought we could have. We missed a lol of blocks and I wasn’t very pleased wilh Ihe ex- , eculion." The positives far outweighed Ihe negatives, of course. In the seventh- grade game, South parlayed ils first Ihree possessions inlo ihree touch­ downs, scoring on Eric Lowery's 7-yard run anil two Colby Seafonl-to-Cameron Webb completions lhal totalled 54 yards. Lee Cain's interception set up the second score. Lowery had 62 rushing yards on 12 carries, Floyd Collins had 34 yards on eighl carries and Cain and Shaye Lewis combined for 29 yards on two carries. "Lowery and Collins ran extremely hard, and ouroffensive line (Ju.stin Bur­ ton, Brandon Jones, Graham Harman, Jesse Cousins and Jesse Crotls) did a good job," Bumgarner said. "Our de­ fense played exceptionally well. We held them to very few first downs. Cousins played very good and Collins did a real good job coming up and be­ ing a sure tackier. "1 was pleased with their first game." Runners Kenneth Brown and Nathan Walker and quarterback Chris Brogdon tortured the eighth-grade scoreboard as South steamrolled to402 yards. Brown piled up 157 on 12 runs. Walker pow­ ered to 128 on eight runs and Brogdon turned two pass attempts inlo two TDs, hilling Brown for 54 yards and Justin Thompson for 16. "We've got some explosive players, nnd Ihey really showed il," Bumgarner said. “Walker came oul like a ball of fire and ran like I’ve been wanting to 14. Davie went nowhere and called for Winters, who put through a 35-yarder for a 6-0 livid with 3:44 left in the open­ ing quarter. Please See 'l\vo-Poinl - Page B7 DHS Soccer Blows Lead Davie's varsily soccer team came oul hot, hul all of Ihe momentum from its impressive wins over Forbush and Northwesi C;ibarrus has slipped away. The War Eagles needed a lale goal lo salvage an unfulfilling 2-2 lie wilh Lake Nomian Iwo weeks ago, and lasl week they jumped ahead 3-0 but let North Iredell .score four unanswered goals for a 4-3 loss. The disappearing act will gnaw on Davie for a while, and Coach Jim Caudill was hard on himself. "That's 100 percent my fault," he said. “I haven'l prepared them well enough because we're playing weU be­ low our level. I’m just not getting the job done in Iraining. There’s a lot of blame lo go around. W e’re jusl nol ready to play 80 minutes, and it’s tell­ ing on us. Lake Norman and North Iredell are not at our level unless wc sloop down, and lhat's whal happened bolh times. "Wilh the playoff picture the way it j is, il's essentia) lhal you liave as many wins as you can so you gel a good seed­ ing, and lhat's two that we can't gel bapk...<,;^ounlci^,|(io.>59^.j^ins when _ looked at-Ihe schedule, and somewhere along Ihe line we’re going to have lo knock somebody off lhat I ifiink’s a veiy good lea/ii.” By Ihe 2.1rd minute, Ihere was no doubl Davie (2-1-1 nonconference) was going to remain unbeaten. Malt Moser scored twice in the firsi 13 minules and Zach Hanrahan fed Adam Linder for a 3-0 lead wilh 17 minules lefl in the first half. The War Eagles, though, were lethar­ gic Ihe resl ofthe way, and North made them pay, scoring four goals in 36 min­ utes. The Raiders capped their improb­ able comeback with 12 minules left. "(With the 3-0 lead), we looked like Ihe leam 1 think we are and totally domi­ nated everj’thing," Caudill said. "The first 13 minutes, Moser was typical Please See Soccer - Page B2 see for two years. Last year he had a lot of injuries and the first part of this year he wasn't hilling Ihe hole as hard as 1 Ihoughl he could. Bul when the game started and il was time to get to it, he hit Ihe hole hard. “You couldn't ask for a belter lighl end than Thompson. He runs great pat­ terns, he's a good blocker, he catches the ball well and he's gol excellent speed." Brown - running behind Kirsten Angell, Matl Pennington, Duslin Reil, Derek Abendrolh and Brian Blackwell - had 211 yards of offense, and il could have been more. He had a 90-yard run called back by a clipping penally. “He's nol a scalback any more," Bumgarner .said. “He's still a jitterbug- type runner, bul he can lower his head." Please See Brown - Page B5 Worth Noting... Kenneth Brown of South Davie’s eigltih-grade foolball team was befuddled Corriher-Lipe, rush­ ing for 157 yards and making a 54- yard reception. Nathan Walker co-starred with 128 yards rushing. Senior Malt Moser of Davie’s soccer team already has nine goals, a pace that would put him well into the 40s by the end of the regular season. Zac O’Brien of Davie’s JV football team stopped a fourth^ down play from Davie’s 3-yard line in the closing seconds to preserve a 14-8 win over West RowanL Nick O’Brien rushed for \lj, yards as North Davie's seventh' footbàlLièiiin defeated Knox 26-16. ' Daniél Guiigh chewed up 130 yards and M ark Huggins and Michael Murphy applied the dé­ fensive clamps iis North Davie’s eighth football te ^ avenged last year’s only loss; 22^ over Knox. In his first field-goal '^tteiiipK since taking over for ^ Wool-^ dridge.^kevIn'W lnlerÿ s tto Davie’s varsity football team to a. 6-0 lead over West Rowan. Davic. howevlsr, lost the momentum and fell short 14-12.: v ; • • В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 Senior goalkeeper Andrew Scott of Davie’s varsity soccer team lays out to stop a North Iredell shot. ■ Jose Paniaqua scraps for possession - Photos by James Barringer Adam Linder shoots the ball toward a teammate. Juan Lagos controls the ball for Davie, which led 3-0 but lost 4-3. Andrew Scott sends the ball out of danger. Soccer Team Loses 4-3 Continued From Page BI Moser. He was outstanding. Lincier finally cracked the icc on an outstanding run and an out­ standing assist by Hanrahan. Wc finally ran our comer play, and it was textbook. It looked so simple. "Then the highlights stopped. For the next 40 minutes, we just completely tucked tail and ran, and they won every ball. I don't Ihink they're the level we are, and I’m sure their coach wouldn't argue with me aboul that. By my hal’s off lo them bccause they refused to quit and they kept coming at us." The bizarre turn of events camoufliiged a solid effort by goalkeeper Andrew Scoll, a se­ nior who has been pushed by sophomore David Slein. "Maybe one of (N orth’s goals) was his," Caudill said. "The olher three, we were just so porous defensively. He made a couple really good slops. He stepped up and he wants lhal job. I'm pleased wilh Ihc develop­ ment of both Scotl and Slein." Continuing nonconference play, Davic plays at home lo Northwest Cabarrus on Sept. 5, at home to Grimsley on Sept. 10 and al Easi Forsyth on Sepl. 11. JV’s Let 2-0 Lead Slip Away Davie’s JV soccer team lied North Ircdell 2-2 last week, bul walked off the field feeling like a loser. That's because the War Eagles held a 2-0 lead at half- time. “It was kind of a heart- breaker," Coach Jeremy Byrd said. Josh Parrish put Davie on the board in beautiful fashion, head­ ing in a pass from the corner. Dylan Reynolds won a scramble in front of the net to make it 2-0, but Norlh camc alive carly in the second half and denied Davie (0- 2-2 nonconfcrence) ils first win wilh jusl four minules on the clock. "It came down lo heart," said a disappointed Byrd. "They, wanted to come back and we let down. It was a game we clearly should have kept under control." Reynolds has been Davie's offen.se, scoring three of its four goals on the year. Byrd also gave praise to Harrison Judd, Mike Paoni and Justin Schultz. "Judd and Paoni showed a lot of leadership in Ihe middle of Ihc field," he said, "and Schulm had a prelty strong game in goal. He had some clutch saves.” Davie plays home lo North­ west Cabarrus on Sept. 5, at home to Grimsley on Sept. 10 and ut Ea.st Forsyth on Sept. II. Coach Jim Caudill talks to senior striker Matt Moser. Scoring machine Matt Moser has 9 goals in four games. Matt Moser and Adam Linder (righl) gave Davie a 3-0 lead. G O L F C L U B WeektMul Rates $30 in the morning • $25 after 2pinMl Kates Iiichuk Cart Call 940-4653 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - B3 Corey.Doub and Justin Bentley finished first and sec­ ond in the Brenner's Children’s Classic. Shore, Peeler First In Cross Country lirandon Shore and Bekah • Peeler posted first-place times as Davie’s cross coumry teams split with Wesl Iredell lasl week. Davie’s boys won 26-29 while Davie's girls losl 2-t-31. Shore finished in 20 minutes, seven seconds, Teaimnale Corey Doub was second al 20:28. fol­ lowed by Matt McAnally in : sixth, Aaron I lolliHeld in eighlli and Daniel llollincid in ninth. "Times are great as far as im- piovemenl," Coach Daric neiler said. “From Ihe week before, Ihe boys were better anywhere from 46 seconds to over Ihree min­ utes. Our No. 5 guy, Daniel I lol- lillcld, is catching up lo Shore. which is a greal Ihing. Our pack time (separating No. 1 and No. 5) went from three minutes to only Iwo minut"s." Peeler’s 22:41 lopped Ihe girls field. Sharon Woodward was Ihird al 26:07. Amanda Cudd eighth. Marie Robertson ninlh and Ashley Sizemore lOlh. "Peeler is so far ahead of ev­ erybody. bul our pack lime went from eight minutes lo seven min­ ules." Beiler said. Davie dominated the lop spots in Ihe Bremier's Children Classic, a 1-mile race that in­ cluded .“iOO runners from small children to adults. Doub was first and Juslin Bcnllcy second. N o t e s & Q u o t e s Illing Named Assistant For East-West Game Ironically, some ofDoUK Illlng's loughesi moinenis as Davie's football coach has followed one of his biggest thrills, getting se­ lected as an assisiam in next summer's Fasl-Wcsl ЛН-Slar Game. "I got a phone call and was inviietl lo participate." he said. "Of course I accepted, but I was in to­ tal shock. You don'l coach for those Ihings. but it's kind ol'iieat lhal pcopk- recognize whal you do and consitlcr what you do a success. It's qiiile an honor." Illing is 2Ч-1У in his fillh year at Davic. He owns two of Davie's lour conference lilies since l').‘i6. and he's coached two of Ihe four teams lo win nine or more games. "Il's certainly well-deserved." ol- lensive coordinator Dill Oakley saiil. "I’ve worked wiih Coach Illing a long time and he’s probably one of the besi people in the .stale to work I'or. I le gives us all Irecdom lo coach, and he always treats everybody wilh class. "He’s really worked hard on learning all facets ol' I'ootball. bul he’s nol a guy lhal will boast on himself It’s always a 'we' thing, it's never been a Coach Illing Ihing. It's jusl nice lo see him recognized for all Ihe work he's done." • Wilh a litlle пюге luck. Illing winild be ,?6-12. Unbelievably. Davie's last seven losses, dating lo 20(1(1. have all been by seven orl'ewerpoinls: l7-l()loWesl l-'orsylh. l‘)-l.l inoverliineloSoulh Rowan, 21-16 lo Reynolds, 6-.^ lo l-reedom. 20-1.1 lo Norlh Davidson. I.V7 to Ale.xaiuler Cenlral and 14-12 lo Wesl Rowan. Thai's seven losses by a combined .46 poinls. •An injury mere mimiics inlo ihe season opener robbed Davie of one of ils best ilerensive players, nose guard lirandon Pane, and appeared lo end his junior season belore ll began. He'll slill miss al leasl si.\ games. "The orthopedic surgeon scareil me." he said. "They were lell- O iiklev ing me I couldn't play the whole season. They told me I might have a tear in niy meniscus, a sprained M CL and a tore ACL. I gol my resulls back and all my ligaments are fine except for Ihc ACL - il's lorn compleiely. Thai's bad but Ihe meniscus is fine, Thai means 1 don'l have to get my knee scopeil aiul lhal means I'm going to rehab il hard and be back before conference. So I'm prelly psyched that I'm going to be back." You've gol lo love Pane's optimism and fiery allilude. Yel a return by Oct. 11 re­ mains a longshol. "We did thal with (quarterback) Drew KIdenhnur (in 1999), bui lhal's two dif­ ferent positions," Illing regrettably re­ ported. "I Ie's going lo be gelling hil down Iherc, culling on it and pressing. I'm very hopeful lhat he can do it." Luckily for Davie, il has another nose guard who has proven he's more than ca­ pable of filling Ihe void. Senior Hrnndon Bledsoe, who played in Ihe heal of battle while sharing time with Pane last season, has delivered tsvo solid gaines. • Being loaded wilh Ihird-year starters is certainly a major reason why Davie's varsily volleyball team is riding high at 8-0. A lot of credit also has lo go lo Coach Dave Markland, who lurneil Appalachian Slale inlo a Soulhern Conl'erence power in llic 1990s and now has D:ivie dreaming aboul a record season. "We have improved so much," senior Megan Dwiggins said. "(Markland) knows his volleyball. He's lough on us, which he needs lo be. I le expccis a lol oul of us because he knows we can do il. Like (lasl week againsi Grimsley), we were warming up doing del'enscs. He gol mad al us and was like, ‘Go on,’ because we weren't lalking or anylhing. VVe talked amongst ourselves and then we came oul and (dominated)." ППпц Teams Still Needed For Softball Benefit Cornatzer Starts For A S U Senior Scoll Comatzer of Advance is the starling free safely for Appalachian Slate. The 1998 Davic graduale made his second ca­ reer start in Saturday's 50-17 loss lo Marshall, a Division l-A leam ranked I8lh in Ihe country. Appalachian is No. 6 in Division l-AA. "We probably are as deep as we've been in the secondary, and we have potential to be very strong there," said John Wiley, Appalachian’s defensive coordinator. A bcncl'it softball touriiu- is being put together to sup- cancer.first- and second-place teams inent is scheduled for Sept. 7 porl Dustin Myers, a Davie This w ill be a one-pitch and the M V P w ill receivclro- at Rich Park.The tournament High student who is battling tournament w ilh unlim ited phies. P,P&K Sept. 22 At Pinebrook The annual Punt. Pass & Kick competition for boys and girls ' ages 8-13 is scheduled for Sept. 22 al 2 p.m. Pinebrook Elemenlary School. Call the Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department al 7.‘il- 2325 lo register. home runs. The cost is S 110 and Ihe deadline to enter is Sepl. .3. Teams w ill hit iheir own balls, .“iO core or less. The Call Rustin Harpe to enter: 492-3326 (home), 751-2325 (work) or 336-941-7472 (cell). W e ’ r e j u s t a m o u s e - c t i c k a w a y . . . DAVIE C O U NTY enterpri /e S eco r d Local Neiiis Featufes (^Obituaries“ ^Classifieds v S u b s c r i p t i o n s ^ (^Reader’s Pollj Uleather ^ ¿ШгЬкШ .й Ш u'-fi •I' G o t o t h e D a v i e C o u n t y E n t e r p r i s e R e c o r d w e b s i t e a t w w w . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m f o r a c o n v e n i e n t lin k t o o u r la t e s t e d it io n . I t ’s y o u r o n li n e c o n n e c t io n t o D a v i e C o u n t y . Davie County... WeVe Got You , Covered! U l w u i . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5. 2002 F O O T B A L L C O N I E S I N A M E T H E W IN N IN G T E A M S E A C H W E E K A N D W IN CONTEST RULES 0 » J U t . Anyone can enlor e*cepl omployees o( me Davie County Enferpfise Record and Ifioir (amdies Only one entrjf a'lowed pet person per week. All entries must be on ongmal newspnnt or Ian to 336-7St-9760. 2. Games in Ihis week's contest ua -liCv ir, vSííi «jvtrtli&tjfrtenl on these two panes. FtH in the contest Wank and submit or mail th« #*ntry 10 the Enierphse Record. P.O. Box S9. Mocksville. NC 27028. 3. The lirsl entrant correctly predicling the outcome ol ail games in a week will receive a bonus ol S2500, Weekly pnzes are S25 & Cap (or f>rsi place and SS for second place. 4. In case of ties. Ihe enlrant wtio came ctosest lo tho total number i)( points in (he tie breaker wins. II a ie still exists, awards wll be divided equaliy among the wnr>ers. 5. Enlries must be delivered to tho Enterpnse Record bofore 5 pm Friday each week. The olfice is located at 171 S. Mam St. Mocksville. NC. 6. Winners will bo announced foitowing each contest. Decisions of w.!! fco f;na!, A m«« ttxifest will De announced each week. ^ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1 st P e rfo c t E n try « 2 5 1st Prize & Cap 2nd Prize Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. 9 . In d ia n a p o lis v. J a c k s o n v ille Hillsdale Animal Hospital K arla Frazier, DVM 134 Mcdical Drive Advance 9 9 8 -8 7 5 0 Call for information on new client specials. Courteous, Dependable Ser\'ice for over 60 Years J o h n n y M a rk lin • M e lissa M . C a rtn e r 848 South Main Slreel • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 • 336-751-3975 14. D a lla s V. H o u s to n 7670 NC Hwy. 801, Cooleemee ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 6 0 0 0 NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS Tommy ivey/OwnerIncluding: • Raybestos • Gates 8:00-5:30 M-F • WIX & Much More 8:00-12:30 Sat. 18. N .Forsyfth V. P a rkla n d t]juck's Pizza Kinda Silly Name REALLY GOOD PIZZA 16. W .F o rsyth V. G len n Mocksvtle Siarketptace Shopping Center • 7 5 1 -0 4 0 9 ■Then look lo your good neiglibor Slale Farnf agent. Through an ■ unbeatable alliance with Forlis Health', I'm offering flexible and affordable insurance coverage. If that's what you're looking for, come see me today: D a r r y l B a n d y , A g e n l Advance, NC 336.940-2302 5. A riz o n a V. W a s h in g to n Like a good neighbor, ^ State Farm is tbere,^ ' slatefarm.com* FORTI<; EATONFUNERAL SERVICE S IN C E 1951 325 N orth M ain Street Mocksvillc, N C 751-2148 1. (N F L ) D e tro it V. M ia m i WE HAVE MANUFACTURED HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET SEEJACE or STEVE TODAY! 13. N ew O rlo a n s v. T am p a B a y Bonama Mobile Homes 700 W ilk e s b o ro S t. • M o c k s v ille , N C Inlor. Hwys, 601 S 64 N. 336-751-595 9 Ownetl i£ Operated hy Jack Morgan D a i r q Q u e e n 8 . S an D ie g o v. C in c in n a ti ► H a v e a S p e c ia l T r e a t B e f o r e E r A f t e r t h e G a m e 5286 Hwy. 158 • Advance ; 940-2438 Gardner’s ® 5423 Hwy. 158-Advance Open Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm & Sat., 8am-3pm 9 9 8 -1 7 2 3 Isi y o u r vehicle re a d y fo r the u p co m in g w iinter? 7. P h lla d e lp tila v. Tonn.Come by and visit the professional staff at Gardner's Xpress Lube for all your vehicle maintenance needs. zzzz? Davie Medical Equipm ent providing all of your home health care needs. IS . R JR V. M t. T a b o r 9S9 Salisbury Rd. M ocksville, N C 27028 ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 4 2 8 8 • ( 8 8 8 ) 7 9 7 - 1 0 4 4 F a x ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 4 6 8 8 Spillman’s Land & Home Sales 2. N Y J e ts v . B u lfa lo Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 T o p s T r a v e l Tops on Professional Service Yoitr L o cal F u ll S eirice T ravel A }>eiw \ W W W .topS travel.C X im a s. n c s ta te v. N a vy к 2750 Lewisville-Clemnrans Rd. • С1етгтюпз W / 7 s û / i C o m m u H i c a t m s . ] и с . ‘Your Total Communication Source” _____ 4. M in n e s o ta v. C h ic a g oX cingular- da ynj ПМ lo wy T N E X T E L ^ Q U X n I FREE “П I t C ase o r C a r C h a rR e r uilti phone uctlvullon j I mibfDupMLNM«.Iia<.Ub»i;<4brr>rfTrr. II V.itUms Scpumtwr Jo. ioei ^ V is it U s A t O u r L o c a t io n n o x t to B y -lo C it g o 5 3 2 2 U S H w y 1 5 8 & 8 0 1 A d v a n c e 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 2 9 9 7 1 Edwardjones 1 M«ttVoi«h lnv(;8tiiu;iit I{(!|)re,senluliv(?Ш Ш Ш 66 Court S(|iiar(! M(K:ksvill.-, NC ’27()2H (3.%) 7.5I-I-I(X) w%\AV.iMlwariljnii<‘'^.rnm Smin;: Individual ln\r>ti>rtSinrr IH7I 17. Davio V. Lake Norman F f i O a k . ▼ G O LF E T G O L F C L U B 12. S e a ttle v. O a kla n d 9 4 0 - 2 0 0 0 F or Tee Tim es C ali H illsd a le D e n ta l 6. B a ltim o re v. C a ro lin a D r . J e r r y H a u s e r D r . A d a m D o r s e t t Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance _____ 336-998-2427 ■ -•W B T— t M f l a n m m im k Ш оат вяотшяцш- 1 Ы 1 - М 1 ' Л 4 1 1 П Е 1 1 milM P HOkllE CENTER BUIUHMGSUPPUES mSWEKSTREH/i^751-2167 --------- 10. K a n s a s C ity v. C io ve ia n d MOCKSVIULE'S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY A c o m p le ta lu m b a r y a rd lo r th e p a s t 84 years. W h e re y o u r g ra n d d a d w a s a s a tis fie d c u s to m e ri Bell ¿r Howard C H E V R n i E T S a le s • S e r v i c e P a r t s a n d B o d y S h o p — 2 4 H o u r W r e c k e r S e r v i c e — 19. P u rd u e V. N o tre D am e Statesville^, NC (704) 873-9094 Your “Home-Town’* Drug Store Foster Drug Co. I V S t. L o u is V. D e n v e r 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 CLEMMONS CARPET 2 7 1 1 L e w is v ille - C le n iiT io n .s R d , C le m m o a s ^ 3! Years Expcriencc ^— 766-8110 or 766-0166 5 26. A la b a m a v. O k la h o m a jr a r - Croivder Ù^Chesney Gç/Issociates Ш 24. U N C V. S yra c u se Your Hometown Realtoi 2765-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD FU U C O VB IA G t O N NEW S « ADVEItnSING P.O. Box 99 171 South Main St., Moctuvllle, NC 27028 ptione: (336) 751-2129 fax: (336) 751-9760 20. M ia m i V. F lo rid a DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - BS O ’B rien T o p s 100 Y ard s A s N o rth 7th O p e n s W ith W in The North Davic .seventh- grade football team’s first step was impressive, a 20-16 win over visiling Kno.x last weeJc. Tlie margin was misleading con­ sidering the Wildcals led 20-0 at halftime and allowed Kno.x’s second touchdown with no time on Ihe clock. The key to the win was Nick O’Brien, a bull running back who rumbled for 127 yards and scored two touchdowns, one rushing and one receiving. “And he’s just learning to am the ball,” assistant coach tionald Boger .said. "We’re just now get­ ting him to run behind his pads. Eventually he’s going to end up being a tight end. He's going to make one heckuva light end when he gets to Davic because he’s a pretty lough kid and he’s got a lot of speed." If defenses concentrate on O’Brien. Quinton Faulkner showed that he can hurt you. He shifty halfback ran for 57 yards. North also got ground produc­ tion from Zack Russell-Myers and Trent Brooks, who rushed for a score. "That’s nol had," Boger said of Faulkner’s outing. “He’s a small guy and he's learning bc­ causc he is small that he can get behind these linemen, hide, be patient and gel a lol of yards. To be no bigger than he is. he’s pretty dum good." What O'Brien’s running didn’t lake out of Knox. Garret Benge's passing did. Tlic fomier Pinebrook star threw for 67 yards, connccling with O’Brien for »to yards in the end zone. "1 like that kid," Boger said. "Me can throw and he can run. He tlirew the ball away one time when he should have, which was very good for a kid his age. He ran the hall one lime when his receivers were covered. "He’s going to be 6-4, 6-5. We’re going to make a heckuva (luarlerback oul of liim. We’ve got (a.ssistani Mall) McPlierson. He used lo be a i|uarlerback, his daddy was a foolhall coach and he coaclics our quarterbacks up pretty dum good.” The Wildcals have a bye this week. They play at Corriher- Lipe, a 22-0 loser to South Davic, on Sepl. 10. O l d S c h o o l Davie Sports News From September, 1987 Murphy, Stewart Help In Shutout Continued From Page Bl David Slovall, the brother of Davie star Sam Slovall. caused the most havoc for Corriher- Lipe's offense. He got help from Kirsten Angell, Kenny Rivers and Brown. "Stovall was in on .several tackles and really disrupted things," he said. "I thought he had his best game by far al South Davie. We expect a lot oul of David and hopefully this game will kick-start him lo a good year." Notes: Whitlock was South’s head man for 13 years. ... Bunigamer’s assistants are Brent Wall, Tim Devericks, Howard Riddle. Mike Dinkins and An­ drew Brickey. "I’ve gol greal assistant coaches,” he said. "I ’ ve been just tickled to get the tlrst Iwo wins of my career, and I can’t say enough aboul the way the guys have responded.” ... Last year Ihe Soiith-WesI Rowan games weren't dccided until the final seconds, wiih South's .sev­ enth winning 16-14 and South’s eighih losing 22-14. The eighth game is Sepl. 4 al Soulh and the seventh game is Sepl. 5 at Soulh. • Davie’s varsity football team oulrushed North Iredell 251-102 but losl its season opener 14-7. North’s clinching touchdown pass with 2:12 to go bounccd off Kris Latlcn’s hands. • Davie's JV football team committed six turnovers in a 38- 28 loss to North Iredell. QB Matt Marion hit Danny Rumple for three long touchdowns (39, 51 and 69 yards), and Reggie Sales rushed for 107 yards. • Davie’s tennis leam beat North Iredell 8-1. Singles win­ ners were Kim Freshwater. Beth Dwiggins, Traci Wenncrberg, Kelly Gantt, Mary Johnson and Donna Hildebrand. • Fifteen teams participated in the annual Hickory Hill Coun­ try Club Meniber-Guest Tennis Tournament. Vcnita Dwiggins and Shirley Fowler claimed the women’s title by defeating Mona Jo Griffin and Judy McAlister. In the men's final, Charles Cren­ shaw and Blaine Burton beat David Fergusson and Bob Herb. The junior winners were Kalhy Cozart, Zeb Sharpe, Amy Fergusson, Owen Freuler and Davin Brown. They defeated runner-ups Casey Jenkins, Hayes Freuler, Carol Johnson, Zach Sharpe and Chris Tuck, respectively. • Wisccarver Trucking of Mocksville won a men’s softball tournament at Smith Grove. Wisccarver - led by Troy Bailey, Kenny Benge, Craig Ward, Mike We.st and Maxie Melton - losl its first game but rallied to win the eight-team tournament. N D Volleyball Team Opens With Loss Brown, Walker Top Rushers For South Continued From Page 111 Knox couldn't slow Huggins (75 yards) or Stewart (65 yards), either. When North called a pa.ss play on fourth-and-9, quarter­ back Whil Mcrrifield responded wilh a lO-yard completion lo lighl end Tom Kuell. That’s how helpless Knox felt. “When you’ve gol eighth graders in driving rain making penalties and slill making yards. you’ve gol a pretty good of­ fense,” Boger said. “Kuell’s go­ ing to make Davie a good tight end. He’s already 6-2 and he’s not but 13 years old." Knox’s offense had precious few chances against a defen.se thal fed off lineman Michael Murphy and linebacker Hug­ gins. The Trojans started a third- quarter series at iheir 30 before punting from iheir 20. "Murphy was a mad man,” Kirk said. "Huggins had several blitzes where he caught the quar­ terback, and one time I thought he was going to lake the hand- off from him." Notes; Afler letting last year’s Knox game slip away, the Wildcats won their next seven games by 19 or more poinls. ... With a bye this week, their next game is Sepl. 11 al Corriher- Lipe, a team thal Soulh Davie drilled 38-0. It’s usually news whenTrish King’s North Davie volleyball leam loses. One of the few ex­ ceptions was last week’s season opener against First Assembly. "\Ve beat Ihem one lime about five years ago," the Wildcals coach said. "They are a very con­ sistent leam. Nolhing hils the lloor and they don’l miss .serves, so they're always a challenge for us. I hate having them in the first game because they’re always so slrong, and we're always kind of shaky at Ihe beginning because it’s the First year ever for (10 of North's 14 players)." Firsl Assembly pounded North in two games (15-5, 15- 7). The good thing to come out of the defeat was Jenny Mann, who established herself as North's lop gun. "She is probably going lo be my standout player," King said. "She’s doing a great job setting, and the points we did get she al­ most gol all of Ihem serving." Mann’s production carried over lo Ihe second match, a 13- 15, 15-6, 15-8 win over Down­ town. She collected six points in game one and six morc in game two. Britt Harrison, a first-year eighih grader, delivered nine points in game two as North forced a decisive game. That's when Molly Chappie, Morgan Owens and Margo Masi took over. Masi nailed down the win by serving North’s final five poinls. “Ashton Grubbs camc in ofi an injury and played real well, too," King said. North plays host to Summit on Sept. 4 and Statesville on Sept. 10. C O N G R A Ï U U m O N S T o l a s t w e e k ' s w i n n e r s i n o u r F o o t b a l l C o n t e s t First Place = $25 to Stephen Serfass Second Place = $5 to Todd Joh n sto n Our first week of the contest finised in a tie between Serfass and Johnston. Serfass won the tie-breaker to take home the First Place prize. E N T R Y B L A I M K APVEBTIgER EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SPILLMAN'S HOME & LAND SALES W lilW g R I’laques-Ti-ophics-MeduIs- Engruving-Uuttuns-Ribbuns- Plastie Slgns-Nume Tags y o a l l b w M J P 30. L a . T e c h v. C le m s o n r s u p d b m Gary Taylor ^ 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Phone or Fax (336) 779-2121 Clemmons, NC 27012 omail:awardsxcal®aol.com S a l e m G l c i t C o i m t n / C l u b Wednesday, Sept. 11th BBQ Pork or Fried Fi.sh, $8.95" Thursday, Sept. 12th Ribs, $13.95“ 22. E C U V. W ake ООО Glen Day Drive, Clemmons • 712*0303 Salemglen.com C H A P P E L L ELECTRIC, LLC 29. A k ro n V. M a ry la n d 1710 CHARDALE DRIVE, CLEMMONS 7 6 6 - 3 0 2 4 Electrical Serwce You Can Trust 21. L o u is v ille V. D uke B e t h ’ s H a l l m a r k New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 7 6 6 - 6 5 6 7 27. W C U V. A u b u rn V O G L E R j ^ S O N S F u n e r a l H o m e Sen'ing the community’for over ¡44years. щ т ш Ё Ш ш т т т т т ш Ш Clemmons Chapel *5849 Middlcbraok Dr. • 7664714 ^ A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES 3 . A tis n ta V. G re e n B a y For a ll your S ta ffin g n e e d s , g iv e u s a c a ll. 336-751-4414 • Mocksville 23. S .C a to lin a V. V irg in ia Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewtsvllte-Ctemm ons Road, Clem m ons Hours: Mon-Fti. 9-7; Sat. 9-5 766-4449 ivivtv. clemmonsdiscountsales. com Blanket Creek Nursery and Landscapinel Commercial & Residential S pecializing in L an d sca p e R en o vatio n s Plantings Installed • Plugging • Seed • Tractor Work Perennials & Herb Gardens Installed i* 28. G a. Tech V. C o n n . F r M E s t im a t e B 1620 Ltwltvlllt-CliMMM M. • ClMMion • 778-0303 • 766-OStS I | 1 I 2 I 3. ABLEST I 4. WILSON COMMUNICATIONS I 5. STATE FARM-DARRYL BANDY I 6. HILLSDALE DENTAL I 7. GARDNER'S XPRESS LUBE I 8. DAIRY QUEEN I 9. DANIEL FURNITURE I 10. CAUDELL LUMBER I 11. FOSTER DRUG I 12. OAK VALLEY I 13. BONANZA HOMES I 14. HILLSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL I 15. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT I 16. BUCKS PIZZA I 17. EDWARD JONES-MATT VOREH I 18. COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS I 19. BELL& HOWARD CHEVROLET I 20. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK I 22. SALEM GLEN I 23. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 24. CROWDER, MCCHESNEY I 25. TOPS TRAVEL I 26. CLEMMONS CARPET I 27. VOGLER & SONS I 28. BLANKET CREEK NURSERY I 29. CHAPEL ELECTRIC I 30. EXCALIBUR AWARDS I I the tiebreaker will be used lo delcnninc the winners. I Tiebreaker Total I N C S U V . N a v y Tie Breaker Predicl Ihe total .score in the following eame. In cases of lies,«1... L._.... I. <1%.^ NAME:I I I ADDRESS:_ j DAY PHONE : L NIGHT: Entries Must Be Received Before 5 pm Friday H6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S, 2002 - B7 Davie Hopes To Break Out Against L a k e Norman Kyle Gustafson leads Davie's football team fo ttie sideline in ils season opener against W est Row an.- Photos by Robin Fergusson Tim m y Redm ond, a third-year starter at outside linebacker, ctiases down W est Q B Hillary G bunblee. Barry W hitlock signals in the offensive plays. цу\- W est's defense piles on a D avie ball carrier. Brian Hunter sheds a tackier and returns a punt 51 yards. Justin Brown runs up the middle for som e of his 83 yards. Lake Nonnan figures lo be ii leam lhal Davic should beal and beat soundly. Bul don’l let Doug llling hear thal. The War Eagles didn'l over­ whelm Alexander Cenlral ihc way people predicted. In fact, they lost 13-7. And Davle (0-2) is preparing for visiiing Lake Nonnan as if it's playing any­ body bul Lake Norman, a first- year school lhal took il on the chin from a second-year school (Charlotte Hopewell, which went 0-10 and 0-7 in ihc same ME-CA 8 4-A Conference lasl year) in the Wildcats’ inaugural game. Game lime is Friday al 7:30 p.m. al War Eagle Stadium. “Nothing’s aulomiuic, as wc well know and found oul," the Davie coach said. "We can't count our chickens yet." With difficult obstacles wait­ ing in Mooresville. Stalesville and Freedom in the final three nonconfcrcnce games, Davie must figure out how lo jumpslarl a stagnant offense that has ex­ perienced plenty of growing pains while averaging 3.4 yards a rush and scoring 19 points in losses to Alexander Cenlral and West Rowan. Sophomore QB James "Cooler" Arnold is 9-of- 26. "A lot of good things hap­ pened (in Friday’s 14-12 loss lo West Rowan)." llling said. "The big thing is keeping their chins up and keeping them believing. The coaches see lhat when il all comes logelher we’re going to be right where we need lo be al the right time." Lake Nornian is under the guidance of Scott Shen-ill, who led North Mecklenburg for four years. The Wildcats drew be­ tween 70O-H00 students from Soulh Iredell, have eight seniors. 3,‘i lolal varsiiy players and 37 JV players. They goi baplized by hoi coals in their opener, 48-8 to Hopewell. They were idle last Friday. “We’re not necessarily build­ ing for the fulure," the un­ daunted Sherrill said. "We’ve got some seniors and juniors who came lo the program by choice. Although wc haven’t got all our offense and defense in, our objective is lo prepare each week to win." When Sherrill watched Ihe Davie-West Rowan film, he was especially impressed by defen­ sive lineman Sam Stovall. line­ backers Kyle Gustafson and Tininiy Reilniond, nmning back Justin Brown and an offensive line lhal consisis of Zach Jakob. Jusiin Norsworlhy, Jusiin Lan­ ning, Mall Markland and Trent Young. "They’re a big, strong learn," ho said. “1 know 44 (Stovall) got hurl and didn’t play much. (Guslafson and Redmond) run real well. The offensive line moved the ball and controlled the front - it's just West Rowan seenied lo nol miss many tack­ les. Il’s going 10 be a challenge. "But we’re won-ied aboul our own team. We can’l be our own worst enemy. We had too many penalties and didn’t execute (vs. Hopewell). For us to be success­ ful, we have lo control the ball, win time of posse.ssion and con­ trol Davie's nmning game.” Nole.s: Slovall (sprained ankle) is questionable for Lake Nomtan. “If he's a little gimpy, we'll probably save him," llling said. "You know how ankle’s are - you stay on it, the more nag­ ging it becomes and you end up dealing with it all year." ...Tight end Cody Stephens's shoulder injury againsi West appears lo be a mild sprain. “Il should be fine," llling said. “When he hit the ground. I thought for sure it was a broken collarbone." O ’Brien Leads Defensive Stand To Save JV Win With the weight of the out­ come on its shoulders, Davie's defense came through in spec­ tacular fashion lo secure a 14-8 decision over West Rowan in TIntrsday's JV football season opener in Mt. Ulla. The Falcons had a first-and-goal at the Davie .“i in the closing minute of the fourih quarter, .S yards from stealing a l-S-M win. After three failed tries, it was founh-and-goal at Ihe 3 with 30 seconds lefl. West ran outside and the visitor’s sideline blew oul a huge sigh of relief as Zac O ’Brien saved ihe day. The outside linebacker stuck the tail­ back and ripped the ball out lo cap an amazing defensive stand. “I was nervous. The kids just rose to Ihe occasion," Coach Lee Linville said. “They'd been hurt­ ing us on sweeps to O'Brien's side mosl of the night, and on lhat fourth-down play he came up and made the play. “These kids from North O’Brien Davie and Soulh Davie have won a bunch of games, and they’ve learned how lo win." The difference was Davie’s stingy defense forced five lumovers, a plus- four margin for Davie. Dustin Morgan, An­ drew Beck, Brock Flowers and Paul Ferrell recovered fumbles and Kurt Bivins intercepted a pass. “And Bivins also deflected a couple passes," Linville said. "Morgan really played well. (D-linemen) Beck. Terrell Wilson. Harry Brown and Jordan Fowler controlled their offensive line. Mosl of their yardage came on outside runs. They couldn'l gel much inside." The defense even sel up Davie’s first .score. Joseph Phil­ lips knocked Ihe ball free on West’s firsl play from scrim­ mage and Ferrell pounced on it al the West 33. Brad Corriher, who was .“i-or- 12 for 68 yards wilh no inlercep- L 14-12 C ar.G ain Avg.Long 33 143 4.3 18 22 55 2.5 18 12 36 3.0 13 2 3 1.5 4 69 237 3.4 18 81 237 2.9 22 C om p Att Int Pet Yds TD Lng 9 26 1 .346 142 0 38 9 26 1 .346 142 0 38 22 31 0 .709 300 3 40 R ec Yds Avg.TD Long 4 83 20.7 0 38 3 45 15.0 0 23 1 11 11.0 0 11 1 3 ' 3.0 0 3 9 142 15.7 0 38 22 300 13.6 3 40 TD Conv. Kick FG Pts 2 0 0 0 12 0 0 1 2 7 2 0 1 2 19 4 0 3 0 27 Tackles For Loss Sacks BrUp FF 13 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 7 3 1 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 0 Jam es “Cooter" Arnold rolls out of the pocket to pass Kicking W inters PUNTING W inters PA T FG 1-1 2-2 Att Yds 9 284 Lg 20-29 30-39 40-49 35 0-0 2-2 0-0 Avg. Long In 20 31.5 53 3' lions, completed a 7-yard pass lo Troy Blakley for a 6-0 lead. “Corriher ntade good deci­ sions." Linville said. "(On a fourlh-and-.‘i play), nobody was in front on him, all the receivers were covered and he ran for 12 yards. I can count al leasl three balls lhat were good throws lhal were just dropped.” Jamar Bralcher sparked Davie’s second scoring drive. He banged for 11 yards on firsl down from Davie’s 37, then low­ ered his shoulder for nine. Afler Corriher hil Zach Vogler for 3.‘i yards to the West 8, Bratcher look il in. A two-point pass play was successful as Davie built a 14-0 Ihird-quarler lead. Bralcher finished with .“iO hard-earned yards on 14 carries. Blakley and Vogler had two catches each, and Tyler Hayes reeled in an 8-yarder. "When we gave Bratcher the ball, it was posilive yardage," Linville said. "He's going lo be whal we build our offense an)und." "He's like a bull in a china shop." running backs coach Barry Whitlock said. "He looks lo nm over somebody, bul after he goes .“i yards down the field I wanl him lo make lhat cut. He's just a sophomore bul I wouldn'l be afraid lo put him in (a var­ sity) game." Notes: Linville praised Ihe defensive work of Logan Buchanan. Davie plays the scc­ ond of .“i nonconference games at Lake Nonnan Sept. 5 al 7 p.m. Two-Point Try Fails As Davie Falls To 0-2 Davie Football Statistics R e c o r d : 0 -2 ,0 -0 C P C at A lexander C entral L 13-7 W est R ow an RUSHING Brown Arnold Riddle H unter Davie PASSING Arnold Davie Opponents 22 Hudson H unter Stephens R andolph Davie Opponents 22 SCORING Arnold W inters Davie Opponents Defense R ice B ledsoe C . G oode R edm ond R iddle Stovall Allred J. G oode W est (defensive numbers through one game) INTERCEPTIONS none FUMBLE RECOVERIES B ledsoe 2, C. G oode, Stovall C o n tin u e d I 'n im Piige IU "We had good field position, but we just couldn'l finish." left guard Jusiin Norsworthy said. "The big thing was instead of pulling seven on the board, we just pul three bolh limes down Ihere." Holding Davie to ihree in­ vigorated the visitor’s sideline, and all the momentum swung in the Falcons’ direction when Davie’s all-slar defensive lackie, Sam Slovall, sprained his ankle after two series and watched the next 42 minutes in school clolhes. Thai happened one week afler Brandon Pane, a vi­ tal tool at nose guard, ripped his ACL on Alexander Central's fifth play from scrimmage. “We were getting three-and- outs unlil Sam got hurl," senior outside linebacker Jon Goode said. "Afler lhat. I don’l know if il was jusi Sam going oul or nol. but we started not playing like we can. W e've got lo stay healthy. If everybody can slay heallhy, wc can get it done. We'd like lo get more turnovers, bul we're playing as good as we can (defensively)." "We were intense, hyped, ev­ erything was going well," Stov- all said. "It seems like everybody’s gelling hurt." Garelh While pulled the plug on a 10-play West march lhal ale up .‘>:2.5 when he upended Jack­ son on fourih down at the Davie 17. But V/est made up for thal by exploiting Ihe air on its next series. Quarterback Hillary Gbun­ blee completed three straight passes to position West for a 7-6 lead wilh 2:06 lefl in the half. On the third one, there wasn’l a defender wiihin 10 yards of Jackson, who meed 2.‘> yards lo the Davie 1 and scored on llie next play. Alexander Cenlral and West attenipled 31 passes, and 21 were complete for three touch­ downs and no interceptions. "I couldn’t wail," said Jack­ son, who missed all of his sopho­ more year because of a four- wheeler accident. "I was trying 10 make up for last year." "He's phenomenal,” Gbun­ blee said of Ihe junior tailback. "He does the unthinkable, so he made me come through." Davie’s offense failed the de­ fense again at the end of the half, Ihrowing two incompletions, running just 33 seconds off the clock and giving West the ball with 1 ;33 left in the half. WesI scored five plays laler - on a 29- CPC Football Standings Overall, Conf. S. Rowan W. Forsyth N. Davidson Davie S. Iredell Reynolds 2-0 0-0 2-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 0-2 0-0 0-2 ()-() 0-2 0-0 yard Jackson reception - for whal proved to be the difference. "As far as the communily goes, they need lo be patient and hold on," Norsworthy said, 'it's going lo lake awhile to get il lo­ gelher. We’ve got this noncon- ference and that’s what il’s for- 10 get ready for conference. The coaches have said Ihis is noncon­ ference, bul some guys are look­ ing kind of glum." The defense perfornied admi­ rably under Ihe conditions of playing without Slovall and Pane. Jackson needed 27 carries to gain 96 yards. Jeremy West, Kevin Boger, Timmy Redmond and Brandon Bledsoe sacked Gbunblee three times, and il held West scoreless over the final 24:41. “I told everybody and I wasn’l Ihrowing the ol’ Lou Holtz on people. I lold you Davie would be much beller," WesI coach Scoll Young said. "For Ihem lo have two defensive slarlers oul and Ihe way lhal de­ fensive line still operated, 1 thought Ihcy did a great job. I was nol confident al any poini unlil we had found out Slovall was oul of Ihe game, loo. Then I thought we’d be able lo run in­ side belter lhan we did with Slovall in there. Hal’s off lo those olher guys (including Curiis Matthews, who replaced Stovall) because Ihey played us lough." “Jackson broke loose a couple limes, which he’s going lo do," llling said. "Overall, we lost Sam early and our defense bowed Iheir neck. I couldn’t be more proud of ihcm Ihe way Ihey hung in Ihere and gave our team a chance lo win at Ihe end." West smelled a Iwo-score cushion in the third, bleeding off seven-plus minutes wilh 12 plays and reaching Ihe Davie 2.“!. Bul Redmond revived Davie’s hopes with a fourth-down sack lhat knocked Gbunblee back nine yards. Three plays later, Davie sophomore quarterback Janies "Cooter" Arnold, who had an otherwise woeful nighl, hooked up with Larry Hudson for 27 yards. Brown hammered 18 yartls and Arnold sneaked in lo pull Davie wiihin 14-12 with 13 minutes lefl. “We didn't say no and give up, and that’s good for a young team,” Norsworlhy said. “ll was there all nighl,” lll­ ing said of Hudson’s big recep­ tion. “We just hadn’t been able 10 execute il, and ihal's kind of the story of our offen.se right now." Afler Hudson’s catch helped Davie cut the deficit lo two, ev­ erylhing boiled down to the two- point conversion. Arnold handed off lo receiver Hunier on an end- around left, bul Hunier was im­ mediately dropped behind the line of scrimmage. "We thought they were going to be in their goal-line defense, hul they made a good call and came oul in their regular de­ fense,” tiling said. “On the 3- yard line, I would have bet money Coach (David) Hunt (a former Davie assistant) would have been in goal-line gaps.” A bad snap^ thwarted Davie's last serious chance. Davie was al midfield wiih 10 minutes left, bul a low shotgun snap resulted in a 12-yard loss. Jackson fumbled while West was running out the clock, bul it would have required a miracle for Davie to cover 63 yards in 36 seconds wilh no timeouts, and time expired with Davie at the West 18. A program coming off a 9-2 season and ils second conference championship in three years doesn't look for moral victories, even with a truckload of sopho­ mores. Slill, as painful as Iwo los.ses by eighl combined poinis and an 0-2 record is, llling saw some building blocks. “You don'l like lo lose, bul we look a tremendous slep for­ ward because we didn't quit and we gave ourself a chance to win.” llling said. Nole.s: Without a sack for minus-4 yards. Arnold nished 10 limes for 40 yards. ... Brown opened eyes, averaging more yards per carry than Jackson. “He slayed slrong all nighl.” .said llling, who didn’t see any need lo use safely Billy Riddle al RB. ... Despile the burden of follow­ ing Wooldridge, Winters has been solid al kicker and punier. “He's doing a tremendous job," llling said. “We had a couplc bad snaps and he got them off. That’s pressure, to handle lhal on a wet field. That could have l)cen some big plays the olher way.” Win­ ters said: “I fell proud to gel ev­ erybody pumped up (at 6-0)."... Tight end Cody Stephens de­ parted early when he injured his shoulder diving for a pass. For­ tunately, il doesn’t appear seri­ ous. “My shoulder popped out and il popped back in," he said. West Kciwan 0 14 0 0 -1 4 Duvic 6 0 6 0 -1 2 First Quurlcr D-Wimcrs30PG,7:47. D - Winlors .I.S PO. 3:44. Secomi Quarter W - Jackson 1 run (Patterson kick), 2-.06. ^ W - Jackson 29 pass (rom Gbunblee (Patlcrsim kick). ;41. Third Quurtcr D-Arnold I run (nin fail). '52. I КЛМ STATISTICS Firsi dovvti.s Rijsiie.s-yard.s P;i.ssiiig Comp-All-lnr Purus Fumblc.s-Lo.si 14*nallie.4-yards 3nl conversions INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Wcsl Ro^vun RUSHING - Jackson 27-96. L. WUitc Н-6Д, Cuutlien M 8. N. While 3- 16. Sccarce 3-9. Andrews 2-5. Gbun­ blee 6-(-3) PA.SSING - Gbunblee 6-11.0*87 RECEIVING-Jones 2-30. Jackson I-29, Williams 1-15, L. Wliiic 1-9, Gailher 1-4 Duvie RUSHING - Brown 20-83. Arnold II-36. Humcrl-(-l) PASSING - Arnold 3-13-0-56 RECEIVING-Hudson2-38, Hunter 1-18 \v 0 15 8 52-204 32-118 87 56 6-II-0 3-13-0 4-36 6-30 M 1-0 7-61 6-35 2-12 2-9 SEPTEMBER BARGAINS ofthe МОШН 7 п и Щ /а £ ш г H elp Is Just A round The C om er. 3 « ■at« Jut) the Itw^glO*1»>>пэ 0»'4l Wd C'0«4Ct< Ir«!! ЬфДУг ОИг COnUKIV - / .'.'1 ;■ 3 57тмг«1)0ка 10.1.01. «UICOIM N «ПпМагДРоогСм«100% l>»COn«.WilMtArte|letal Ю( Moorfeyttxxif ChOOM Caudell Lum ber and Building Supplies 162 Sheek Street • 751-2167 Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 Sat. 7:30-12 noon B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - 89 C andice Jam es sets the ball for Davie's hitters.Junior Allison Schafer of Daviie's volleyball team blocks G rim sley’s return.- Photos by James Barringer ^oach D ave M arkland huddles the troops betw een gam es. fearah W illiam s slam s the bail over the net. UV Volleyball Team Retaliates > D.ivic’s JV volleyball team is IieaUing in the right direction. Strong evidence was provided last week’s malch wiih Alex­ ander Central. ; Aflcr stumbling out to 0-3 ^nd losing to Central in two games, the War Eagles tumed the l{iblesl5-I2,10-15,15-10. Later in the week, ihey pulled out an- lither three-game match, beating Grimsley l5-y.7-15. 15-9. “They’re definitely playing better," varsity coach Dave Markland said. “We’ve moved .some people around lo positions I sec them playing as varsity players." Davic got effective serving from Jennifer Wilson and Mandi Reid, tough nel play from Nicole Maready and assertive hilling Do your bones groan? Does your back creak? YES COMADOLLWATTS ORTHOPAEDICS ft SPORTS MEDICINE C o m a d o ll/W a t t s O r th o p a e d ic a n d S p o rts M e d ic in e h a s y o u c o v e r e d D a v ie C o u n ty . Now Located in the Dovie County Hospital Dr. Jainc.s Comudoll and Dr. Gregg Ferrerò will .see patients in this office on Monday and Wednesday inomings. Call 751-2878 or our Sali.sbury office 704-2l6-(KNEE)5633 for an appoimmem A . w .. i i S ara Miller sends the ball back over. D avie is 8-0, winning 21 of 24 gam es. Volleyball Team Stiuts Out 2 More from Erin Whitaker. “We’ve moved Whilaker out­ side and she had some nice hits." Markland said. "She played good all-around. She started hit­ ting the ball down instead of just hitting it back over." After hosting Wesl Rowan on Sepl. 4, Davie (2-3) opens Cen­ lral Piedmont Conference play at Soulh Iredell on Sept. 10. Cunlinued From Pa)>c IU Her cighl-point onslaught in game two was jusl a tuncup. She added four kills - wilhoul an er­ ror - in game three. "1 slarled Alyse in game three lo mix il up a little and she played very well," Coach Dave Markland said. "She is playing well, she’s jusl playing behind Uvo of Ihe best oulside hitlers I’ve seen (Sara Miller and Scha­ fer). I would be very comfort­ able wilh Alyse as a starter. Il’s a pleasant dilemma." Alexander Central grabbed a 2-1 lead and forced Davie to play five games on Aug. 19. The remalch was a Davie feast. The mosi obvious difference was set­ ter James, who was sick the first lime Ihe teams played. "Being such a key posiiion, Ihe quarterback of our team, it jusl makes the whole malch go beller," Markland said. “Along wilh lh,it, 1 just think we’re bel­ ter than we were when wc played them Ihe first lime be­ causc lhal was Ihe first time we played a three-out-of-five match.” The War Eagles were so good against Grimsley they even wowed their coach, who can’l remember seeing another 15-0 clinic on the varsity level. " I’ve never seen that lhal 1 can recall," he said of Davie’s unmerciful game-one perfor­ mance. “I know I haven’t sincc I’ve been here. I did see il one time in junior high, but when you play al a level where people can pass and hil, you don’t ex­ pect it. And they are a good leam. They ran offense, played very good defense and they liad one girl in particular that could really hit the ball. They’re a qualily team, they just gol shellshocked." The War Eagles have played 24 games, winning 21. They’re the hotlesl team in the county and people are starling notice a sport thal lives in the football shadow. "1 went to W al-M art and someone was like: ‘Can any­ body beal y’allV “ .senior Megan Dwiggins said. “I was like; ‘Yeah, we’re a pretty good team.’ He .said, ‘I’ll have to come out and see y’all’, and I didn’l even know he knew we were un­ defeated. That feels good. Ev­ erywhere 1 go people know about it, and it hasn’t been like lhat in piust years. We didn’t have as many fans (against Grimsley) because il was early release, but it was packed in there against Alexander Central." Nulcs: The War Eagles host West Rowan Sept. 4. They open Central Piedmont Conferencc play at Soulh Iredell Sept. 10, then host league rival West Forsyth Sept. 12.... Markland is guarding against overconfi­ dence. “Alexander Central, North Iredell and Grimsley are capable of beating us," he said. E rie liistiraiK’e Group \vas founded U) provide it.s Pi)licyiu)ld(;rs with iis near petfecl prolection atul service at the lowest possible cost. W hy not make tis prove it‘? Call us todiiy for superior insurance for your auto, home, iiusiness and life. Contact yourlocitl E R IE Agent for a freti, no-ol)ligalion quote For all your insurance needs. Tiai'v B o w d e n TRIANGLE INSURANCE GROUP (i06 N. Main Sta‘el M .H ^ksvillf, NC 27028 (,'J36)93f).(X)2;j g in l)i)\v ili'ii® in (K :k s v ille .c u in ERIE INSURANCE GROUP i ERIE, •No. 4 Ashlee Prevette swings through the ball with authority. Tennis Team Remains Unbeaten - Photos by James Barringer No. 2 M egan Jordan is 3-0 in singles and 4 -0 in doubles. N o. 5 Allison Bowles is 4-0 in singles and 3 -0 in doubles. The Davie High tennis leam remained unbealen and unchal­ lenged lasl week with an'8-1 nonconference cakewalk over Bishop McGuincss. Deanna Shamel, Megan Jor­ dan and Aly.son Walker doiiii- nalcd at Nos. 1-.3 singles, and Alli.son Bowles and Holly Vines rolled at five and six. There was one competitive match, a 10-8 win by Ashlee Prevette and Jor­ dan at No. 1 doubles. They trailed 7-2 before mak­ ing a furious comeback, taking eight of Ihe last nine points. “We’d already won the malch and I was just switching Ihings up to .see who plays the be.st to­ gether because conference starts this week," Coach Kimberly Buckland said. “It was the first time Prevette and Jordan have played together. (After faUing way behind), they started work­ ing together und switching places on the court." The olher doubles matches were all Davie, with Carly Bals- ley-Shamel winning 10-0 and Bowle.s-Walker 10-1. Cenlral Piedmont Conference play started this week for the 4- 0 War Eagles, who host Wesl For.sylh on Sept. 4, play at Soulh Rowan on Sept. 9 and host Rey­ nolds on Sept. II. Davie’s CPC opener was againsl Soulh Iredell earlier this week. “I’ve heard thal Soulh Iredell and West Forsyih are pretty strong,” Ihe firsl-year coach said. "I’m looking forward to it.” d e g r e e y o u r s e l f ! earn your degree after work J o i n u s f o r a n i n f o r m a t i o n s e s s i o n o n o u r L i f e l o n g L e a r n i n g P r o g r a m Tuesday, September 10, 2002 7:00 - 8:30 p.m . Ketner Hall, Rm 213 CATAWBA C O L L E G E For more information call (704)637-4772 1(800)CATAWBA No. 1 D eanna Sham el is 3-1 in singles and 2-0 in doubles for D avie’s unbeaten tennis team . No. 3 Alyson W alker is 4-0 in singles and 3-0 in doubles for D avie, w hich entered Central Piedm ont C onference play 4-0.______________________________________________ DHS Homecoming 2002 T-Shirts The Davie Hl£h School Studeni Government Association is currently selling Homccomiag 2002 T-Sbirts lo DIIS students and parents. However, any community member (former DHS iradu- ales, parents, grandparents, fans, etc.) interested In purchasing a T-Shirt may do lo by completelng Ihe order form below and mailing il plus your payment to tbe higb school address below. ALL OR­ DER FORMS AND PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BV FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. Shirts or­ dered via tbc “Davie Counly Enterprise" Order Form may be picked up at R & J Sports Wednesday, September 25 - Friday, September 27 (Just in lime for Ihe Homecoming Game), This T-Shirt sale is sponsored by DHS Studeni Government Therefore, ail orders must be sent 10 the bigh school. R & J Sports w ill not take orders in their store or over the phone! The DHS Student Government thankj you for your support. GO W A R EAGLES! NAME HOME PHONE: i WORK PHONE;I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I Ij Cut and Mali Ihli order form WITH PAYMENT to: I (Forms and payments are due by Friday, Septmber 13) 1 j T-Shirt Sleeve Length (WHITE 100% Prt-Shrunk llanei B«fyT«i) Number of T-Shirts Ordered Select Size and Enter Quantity Long Sleeve ($15.00 each)Small Medium Uree XL XXL (Adult itzes only) Short Sleeve ($12.00 each)Small Medium Larce XL XXL iAduluizci onlv) TOTAL NUMBER OF SHIRTS & TOTAL COST $ (Shim are lax frte) Elisabeth Buitle, SGA Advisor Davie nigh School 1200 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 FRONT T-SHIRT DESIGN (Orange I niack)<fi|> BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, ScpL 5,2002 О с н ю и м г Ъ м • P v t t ^ O w i M C l *, I V u c k o r S U V ? ( Ш М -М а й Г } Ш - ЯетОаШ А м М м ю Г ------------------------------- Л Ш т гшт у т я т У / Ш ршт^п»лЩт1Ш f - X t í f - , T h is is t h e ‘T E S T * o u r ‘i i u a i h y C h e d c e iP * C e r t if ie d P r e O w n e d V e h ic ie s M U S T P A S S ! B a c k e d b y F o r d M o t o r C o , W E D A R E Y O U T O C O M P A R E ! ornatoci4.9%/umопяМуаМсМш €V th k lmHistory Report ёimntntyhenend • fn y M L UnsBiiv or Ммоау ■ riMtfenwMt (^ Г Л т в Ш л т ^ ^ П Ш М Ю ГвЫ«tlMtnKfta, ami WM W H E N Y O U S E E W E C H E C K M A R K Y O U K N O W i r S C E R T IF IE D . А М ш Л оГ аш к/ЫФвИ "ямкеЯП. дев о о о о . V1N* match on veNtí# »nd (мр«пи)Л.......................... О О О О I Рфс««« (OASIS) and m«M*nine«9*(W*^V«hKi«HiMoryn»tic>npartfMrcwd................... EHQtNE O O O O % SUIH property {йЫЛЬсл).......................................... О О О О « Н»#а pfopert?........................................................ О О О О I Accai*f«tM А спЛт* pnpafV. нтюое)»)^........................ О О О О I Engin« пом гюгт«1 (cobstiot and Ngrvtow apMd«).......... THANtMIMiOIVTIUNftAXLE О О О О f Auto^nanual epvratKWthtfta/noiM nomul (coid^l......... О ООО » Shrf»mi#rtodiop#nii*#pfop#»v.................................О О О О » СМсЛ ор*г«1м propwty (imootNy. praptf а<з|и»1т«п1)...... О ООО ч DfTvtwúft^ranalar САМ operation, noia« nomul.............. 8ТЕЕЯ1На 4 SUSPENSIONО О О О •• 6>мг» nonnal tprap«r raapona«. canlaring. tra* pUy)......... О О О О «I Stiut«. ftbodu opar*ia propa>V (P*** bounce tait)............ BRAKES/AB80 О О О » Oparat« pnpaiV (p«dal afhA^^ app<oprt«ia. no риШпд.piiaaiMQ) Nota: ABS puiaata« «mani brUtng.................. ACCEftSOnttS - Oparua propwty 0 О 0 О ««АЛ oawgat. ap*«dom«tar. («cbcmatac.oöomataf............... О О О О •> Spaad control........................................................ О О О О •« No avtdenc« Ы flood, hai. (Ua oc any maior damao*.......... BODY PAf4CL8 « BUMPERSOOOO .> UovttAMdMnaoaormaakgnmant; pavnnotmiamaichadorpoo/..................................... DOORS, HOOO. DECK UD, TAILGATEOOOO .» Mot v*aOtyd»*ead; paw not гЫата>с*ш1 Of pow quality... О О 0 О «• Hood rataaa». prop rod^ atruta operata prop«<ty............ OWLUTRIM « ROOT RACKOOOO » Con^MMiantttrM Irom vfaabtadvnag*; attach«} pfop^ty.... QLAU. OUTVDC МЙЯОМВ. W#CRSО О О О n WkwlariiM fr»a from viaM спал, vtwbia pMa. wtp«r m«(iu . OOOO n 8МЫГМГ window«^ (ram ««afttacncfca, pits................ О О О О e U№«r»not0ack«lviafthroame0ad............................ OOOO ». Ra«iaoa«^bMdaa.............................................. ЕХТЕНЮЙ UOHTB - Operata property. lanaM not vi*it>iy damaeadOOOO « Ha«*QMaa*vwt praparty. auto ontaneti аррвсаЫ»)......... OOOO »foo,dfM»4b^.................................................... о о о о ff Partttg NQhta........................................................ О О О О e Hazard »Qhtt......................................................... О о о о м Turn atgnal. aida maitar kgnti...................................... О О О О » Bf»kalghtt.higrwnountbr»fcel^.............................. 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OOOO «• Steadn9<Mt>e«icon(rat4............................................................OOOO w ARamator output correct (check votuget)....................... OOOO 4t Mont..................................................................................OOOO II »enittoo tyatam «wrM properly (check w«h acope).............. О О О О «< Wipers А wuhera operate ki an model, no itreaKa............................ООООя SUrtar opentea proparty (check atartar amp draw)............О О 0 О 41 L>ghu (Inatrumenl panel, courleay. dome, map)................ .......................... OOOO M Mrror oootroia (rear v4ew. aide mmn).......................... OOOO« Lightar. power oudet(a)............................................OOOO 4« Aahiraya.............................................................. FRAMEOOOO » No v^aWa damaoe. aleria ot pa« repaira, no vWbla abnormalOOOO a Owra tMi, QNwe tm Bent.........................................tire wear...............................................................0 0 0 0 4« Sun vuon. vat^ n*tof A ................................... OOOO м Fuel (k>#a, fuel lank, hoaea and coupilnga not laakk>g.... CAAPCT.TRtM, MATS - Oean. no atalna or damage EXHAUST 8Y8TtM OOOO -C«p.tich«*te.w.«^«d«eto1teodd«nage).......... ^ Entka «^auat aytem not cwnaged or toaklr>g........О О О О M Floormata..............................OOOO .1 Door trbn.p«4teal»ched property............................. TRANeM«8ION,TRANSAXLE,DlFFEREMTlAL,TRANSfERCAeE о о о о » Fo»<tomtoW»..wrt(p™i»iV.................................. OOOO иАиЮт.«<>1/1лот1.Лпл™л».1.по11мипдО О О О u ИеаЛпег............................................................ О О О О »г Menuel Irana.. dm#renii*l. tranaiar cate, no laaka:check fluid leveia; ЛП/change aa required....................... OOOO *» Unr»ar*al)olnt8.CViolnU.booU not damaged. leaking,О О 0 О »4 Opholatery cleen; not atained, wom. cut. cracked............. axcea* wearrtooaenaaa......................................... О О О О и Seat» I heed reetralnta operate property.......................О О О О «• integrated Chttdaaiatyaeataopefaia property (И app.)......... TIRES AND WHEELS^ ^ ^ ^ _____________OOOO M AB Urea A whaelatttatch. correct alie......................................................................................OOOO tt Heeted aaat operaiae property (tf app.)..........................О О О О 1» Tread depth, at laait 50% ramainlno............................. MOONROOF. C0KVERT18LET0P О О О О .#t Normal ttre wear, no еНдлтеШ or aWawaB probiema..........OOOO» Moonrooioperatea property maimodat....................... OOOO- Preuurei are correct............................................... OOOO» CorwertlWe top A cover operaie property, not damaged...... OOOO.« Whealafliniah Iree trom demage, run^Hit nom«l............... WINDOWS , DOOR LOCKS - Opeiale as deilgrwl SUSPENSION/STCERINQ OOOO» Door locka A har^ieaitll manual, power modaa).............. OOOO.» Cheaaia Wjrtcaled (per Mainianance Schedule)................ OOOO .. Window coniroia(a0 manual, power modea)................... OOOO-» Rack A plnton. inkage. boota nol vlaiWy damaged. leaUng... OOOO » Remote deck« A fuel door releaaaa............................. О О О О i» Cwitrol amia. ball iolnta. buaNnga not viaibly damaged, worn. О О О О m Sway bara.Bnka.b«ahlftg8 operate to lactoryapeca.......... О О О О >» Sptu^oat^%'««^(op•ltVd•t^e^ИncЛ tagged)................... О О О О .» Struta.ahockanotleAUng .......................................... OOOO «I Wheel alignment (check ll neceaaary)....................... О О 0 О M Сафе». Ыгт». cargo naf: dean, not damaged.................... О О О О M Luggage companmeni light worka property.................... OOOO» Jack, «pare tire tooia operate property.......................... OOOO » w«ather«trtpp№g intact, not leaking............................. OOOO <r Spare tire corr*ctaU«^.at leattSO% tread femaming. no aktewal damage. Ыг preaaure correct....................... 6 y r . / 7 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e P o w e r t r a i n L i m i t e d W a r r a n t y BRAKESOOOO IM Cailpera. cylinder» operate property w«h no leeka......... О О 0 О HI Pada. ahoee. at leaat 60% thlckneaa remaining................ OOOO *.i Rotors, drume al leaat 50% of ihickneaa apec;not acored; ixjrvout within lactory apeca......................... 11Ш 1Ш Ш ^ВННВН^ННННН1Н^В о о о о 114 Brake Knee. Поеее. mtk>ga not wom or leaking.................. CNaWCCONrMLSYrrtU о о о о m Ри«110Ы1к»0(1«™»«/»ф|««1|>гор«1у ...................... OOOO » No eetfve or atored codea (perform «yatam check)............. O O О О ■ En^iaaicn controta work property (do emiaaiona teat).......... FLUIDS - Check condition, level; add or char>ge u requiredО О О О я Engine 04 А futer (change)......................................... OOOO м CooUni (freeze point)............................................. О О О О rt Brake Md ............................................................. О О О О n Automatic (гагштМа«гИгапаи1е fluid.......................... OOOO u Power ateermg ГКМ................................................ ООООя Waaherfkiid......................................................... ENOmc OOOO « Fkikl leak» (record whailaleeWng. where)...................... ^ „ OOOO rr Hoaea, llnea: oooiartt. fuel, brake, «teertng, vacuum, C om e onm A s e e ournne OOOO. selecU on o f ‘‘Q uality C heclied’^ °o°o°o°o:r:x:rjr,r:zr ."":’ Certified Pre-O wned Vehicles. OOOO II Engnemountancrtbroken^separated............................ cooiiNa»v«mi G ivo Y o u tseU PE A C E OF MINDо о о о u AedMor (реПош preaaure check, mapect tor leaka.cond«onolliAM.flr4)............................................ У OOOO N Waler pump (fTMirem leak» or unueualnolao)................ _г-х1 _.-J OOOO .Coolentr,covefytanklevelaef«or«Q<kapraperty ............ t | L I 3 I I X y W l l © C K © Q 0 О О 0 M Fuel pump preeeure reading correct.............. ............. C e r t i f i e d P r e - o w n e d OOOO W Fuel filler (rapiece per МеНепагк« Schedule)................ W OOOO W Air flier (replace per uamienence Schedule)................... Buy A m erican... Buy Ford... “Buy ALL AMERICAN FORD” F O R D 1 MO AU^r r ■—■ Аиамм-ч S S m r ‘7 MocksvHte Just Off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 - Mocksviiie, NC f336) 751-2161 Check us out at aaford.eom * O.A.C., Select Models. Davie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 - Cl Ashley Rowe (left) and M eredith Dinkins lool< for fossils such as shark teeth at the Vulcan Project W ild Site. J u n i o r G a r d e n e r s 15 Davie Youth Complete Program Extension Agent Greg Hoover (center) and Master Gar­ dener Frances Jackson (right) help Junior Master Gar­ deners build a compost bin. They taught the youth how to compost and each day the group checked the tem­ perature of their pile which got up to 145 degrees. One very liot week in July, 15 youngsters became the first ever, Davie Counly Jr. Master Gardeners. The Jr. Master Gardener program, like it’s adult coimlerparl, involve.s liorli- cultural education and community service. Graduates in the Davie County Jr. Master Gardener Class of 2002 are; Cameron Beck, Douglas Brown, Grant Canipe, Philip Chandler, Ashley Cook, Tatum Crews, ^ Nickey Crowe, Sarah Dinkins, Meredith Dinkins. G e o rg e F re ib c rg c r, L u c y Freiberger, Chelsea Ledford, Ashley Rowe, Morgan Rowe and Jacob Rowe. Exlension Master Gar­ dener Jo Ann Lester and Extension Agenls Tracy Carter and Greg Hoover organized the event as part of the 4-H Summer Fun Pro­ gram. Vulcan Materials helped sponsor the event and ils Project Wild Educational Site was headtiuarlers for the week. The youth also spent a day in Cooleemee and at the Tanglewood Arboretum. Master Gardeners and Extension agents provided the instruction with help from Tim Latham, Davic Soil and Water District, Jim Stroud, Vulcan Materials geologist, and Lynn Rumley wilh Ihe Cooleemee Historic Society. The youlh learned aboul how plants grow and de- velop, soils, water ecology, environment, insect.s, geology and much more. Each child received a Junior Master Gardener Handbook with more information and Iciirning activities lhan could bc covered during the week. Much of the training is hands on. Ronnie Thompson, Davie Couniy Extension director, laughl bluebird house building. Each child built their own birdhouse starting with a six fool long board. They had lo read and under­ stand the plan, measure, mark, saw, nail and paint to complelc the assignmenl. “Il was a greal success," Thonipson said. "We had 15 students and finished with 15 functioning bluebird houses. This isn’t an easy project for young people. Not one of them complained lhat it was too hard. They all gave it their best and should be proud of whal ihcy had made." According to Tracy Carter, Davie County Extension 4-H agent, “The feedback from the parents and youth was great. Several commented llieir children came home cxcited cach day and couldn’t wait for the next day.” Horticultural Extension Agent Greg Hoover says Master Gardeners are already lalking aboul how lo make next summers program even beller. “Many of Ihe Ma.sler Gardeners lhat helped wiih the program thought il was so much fun they want us to organize a summer camp for adult Master Gardeners,” Hoover said. "I think for now we’ll slay with the youth.” Master Gardener Meg Boswell teaches about insects. She is showing Jacob Wood and the others how differ­ ent types of insects damage plants. Part of the Junior Master Gardener graduation ceremony was a parade. Each youth made a mask of an animal or insect out of scraps and junk. Master Gardener Jo Ann Lester and Grant Canipe lend a hand as Chelsea Ledford saws a board for her bluebird house. I— a — I— ^ Master Gardener Jane Bye leads the group in the Pledge of Allegiance at the red, white and blue flower “bed" which she designed and manages at the Tanglewood Arboretum. I---- ^ ■ —_________________________ Putting final touches on their bluebird houses are Lucy Freiburger, Ashley Rowe, Morgan Rowe and Nickey Crowe. ..... mm __________ Like the Master Gardener program, Jr. Master Gardeners must provide community service. Ashley Cook, Morgan Rowe, Nickey Crowe and Lucy Freiburger spread mulch at the Tanglewood Arboretum while the others haul the mulch. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - C3 Couple Married At Morningstar Church Mrs. Tony Adam Hill Beck-Hill Couple Wed In Mocksville Haley Brooke Beck and Tony Adam Hill, both of Charlolie, were united in marriage on Sal­ urday, June 15 al 6 p.m. at the Towcll re.sidence in Mocksville. The Rev. John C. Fulp ofllciatcd. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Towell nnd Mr. and Mrs, Stephen G. Beck. Grandparenls are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ljcwis Beck, Bonnie McDaniel and the lale Troy E. McDaniel, Vealrice Towcll and Ihe lale Mr. L.R. Towcll and Mrs. Joan Fox. She is a 1997 graduate of Davic High School and earned a bachelor's degree in financial management from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is employed with Merrill Lynch in Chariotle. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Williams. Grand­ parents arc the late Mr. and Mrs. Vestal Dull and Sally Crabb and the late Mr. Fred Crabb. He is a 1995 graduate of Davic High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in developmental psy­ chology and organizational com­ munications from the University of North Carolina at Charlolie. He is employed with Wachovia Bank in Charlotte. Thc bride chose Em ily Hunler as her maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Em ily Burroughs, Jennifer Towell, Kristin Tow ell, and Kelsey McDaniel. Brandy Williams served as junior bridesmaid. Honorary bridesmaids were Aimcc Hewitt, Jill Hewitt, and Angie Hewitt. Thc groom chose P.C. "Buddy" Williams III as his best man. Groomsmen were Clark Williams, Bart Burroughs, Drew Beck, and Mark McKnight. The bride was presented flowers for her bouquet by An­ gelica Blankenship, Samuel Gary, Cameron Hcwitl, Cassidy H ew ilt, Hunler M cDaniel, Kassidy Williams, and Tatum Williams. Marsha McKnight attended the guesl register. Kristy W ill­ iams was the program attendant. Following a tented dinner re­ ception al Ihe residence, the couple went on a honeymoon in Ihe Bahamas. They are at home in Charlotte. Social Events • On May 4. Lisa Allen, JXJLL SERVICE DESIGN Is Wfiat Wi Offer... ^ctssorUs • Tfoor Cmirings V (n/i>w T "'tatmints Oitini afituij '¿tM ng IiiJimifiS ^VaiTCiJvtriiias S lii Tr/es A"Plams Sjiaci Tlannln^ Interior DMigns, Inc. (336)766-9918 JM»C CInM U, M il CIOHMi Uni; MmJir-riUvtM-SM IMAiacUa Tammy McDaniel, and Sharon McDaniel hosled a shower al Ijames Baptist Church. • On May 5, Julia Howell, Betty Howell, Glenda Howell, and Marlene Howell hosted a shower al the home of Kenneth and Julia Howell. • On May 17, Jo.seph Towell hosted a lool party for thc groom at the home of Joseph and Debbie Towell. • On May 18, the bride’s fam­ ily honored the couple wiih a cookoui and shower at the home of Lewis and Vada Beck. • On May 19, Teresa Correll and Dewilia Smilh hosled a shower al the home of Danny and Teresa Correll. • On June 8, Marchcia W ill­ iams, Emily Burroughs, and Kristy Williams hosted a linge­ rie shower for thc bride al the home of Buddy and Marcheta Williams. • On June 14, Sherry Bcck hosted a bridesmaid’s lunchcon at the home of Stephen and Sherry Beck. • Following Ihe rehearsal, a dinner was hosled by the groom’s parenls for the couple, Ihc wedding party, family, and out-of-town guests at iheir home. LaTonya Eugenia Scott and Anthony Bernard Galloway, bolh of Winston-Salem, were married at 4 p.m., July 20 in Morningstar Missionary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. Pas­ lor Donald L. Salley officiated. Thc bride is Ihc daughler of W illie and Shirley Scolt of Mocksville. Her malemal gnuid- parents are the laic Samuel and Annie Ijames of Statesville. Her paternal grandparents arc Ihc late John and Clorcna Scotl of Mocksvillc. The bride attended Davidson Conimunily College and Forsyth Technical Commu­ nity College and is a criminal systems man.igcral Thc Dummil Law Firm in Winslon-Salem. The groom is the son of Rob­ ert and Parthenia Galloway of Winston-Salem. His maternal grandparents arc Thomas P. Scales of Winslon-Salcm, and Ihe late Dorcna Scales. His pa­ ternal grandparents are the late Robert Galloway Sr. and Alberta Brooks of Winston-Salem. The groom graduated wilh honors from Winslon-Salcm Stale Uni­ versity and is an applications programmer for the Sara Lee Underwear Division, and a bail bondsman wilh A-Approved Bail Bonding. Tlie bride was escorted by her father, Willie Scott. The matron of honor was Matilda Lyons- Gray of Advance. Thc maid of honor was Rhonda Grant of Mocksville. Bridesmaids were Soncercy Montgomery, Kim Myers, Cynthia Scolt and Erin Williams of Winslon-Salem: Anelia Rose-Pctree of Durham: Teresa Crump and Anissa Scolt of Mocksville. The best man was Rory Wynn of Winston-Salem. Groomsmen were Reginald Coekerham, Derrick Debnam, Darrell Dubose, Taft Peoples and John-Troy Witherspoon of Winston-Salem: Ray Agncw of SI. Louis: and Tim Douthil and Johnny Hinton Jr. of Allanla. Ushers were Curl Vanallen Scotl. brolher ofihe bride: Aaron Cuthrell, brother-in-law of groom; and Eric Montgomery, cousin of thc groom, all of WinstonS.ilcm. Tlic groom’s daughter, Alexis Breonna Wilkins was the flower girl, and thc groom’s nephew, Andrew Cuthrell, was the ring bearer. The honorary attendants were Deborah Simmons and Angela Huntley of Winston-Sa- 1cm, Vanessa Barker of Mocks­ villc, and Krysla Scott of Salisbury. Wedding music was provided by Donald Warren Newkirk, or­ ganist, Lerclha Ingram and Reginald McCaskill, vocalists. The wedding decorations were directed by by Tamla Cuthrell. Thc wedding cake was amarclto with raspberry filling, and Ihe side cakes were vanilla with vanilla filling provided. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bernard Galloway Following Ihe ceremony, the bride’s parents hosled a recep­ tion al Thc Piedmont Club in Winston-Salem wiih music by Envision EntertainmcnI. Following a honeymoon cruise lo the Western Caribbean, thc couple w ill live in WinstonSalcm. Social Events • A rehearsal dinner, hosted by the groom’s parenls, was at Lucky 32 Restaurant in Win­ ston-Salem on July 19. • The groom's mother hosled a bridal shower at her home on June 29. • The bride's mother, matron of honor, and maid of honor hosled a bridal luncheon at The Piedmoni Club on July 13. I> A V I S К I (. I () N Л I M I I) I ( Л I I I N Г I К EXPECnNG A SPECIAL DELIVERY? Join us fora tour ofour Labor ¿r Delivery area. Thursday, September 12di, 7 pm Spacious maternity suites, Jacuzzi tubs, Ijevei II Nursery, exDerienced & caring staff, refresliments & great aoor prizes. Bring tlie whoie family! ■ ^ D A V I S R E G I O N A L It DiHI Kf^vu] iVlnlicij C^trr M l' к <1 .1 ll • I 4 (I CenterFair &Baibecue Friday & Saturday September 13*^ & 14* S O U T H E R N jrU N C T IO N Perfonning Live under the Center Arbor Saturday, Sept. 14**' at 1:00 PM Remember the past at Davie County's traditional, old-fashioned country fair. f'‘,T P it-L D okcil i\)r k И т Ь с с и с S o ld Л И D m / I'riiim/ a m i Satiin iiU j I j i r O' l.xiiibits Siitiiniiwi III A m i A r o u n d ¡'he H is to r ic C e n te r A r b o r — I l\\^. h 4 \ l \l< 1 - 4 0 (I \ i I K-.8) • h ^^1 VVI S I O l M o c KSVll i I — P h i l l i p s - K e e n e r C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e Mrs. Mickey Poole M c D a n i e l - P o o l e C o u p l e M a r r i e d A u g . 1 0 I n R o c k w e l l Johnna Ann McDaniel of Cooleemee and Mickey Poole of Rockwell were united in mar­ riage Saturday, Aug. 10 at 6 p.m. al Gracc Lower Stone Church in Rockwell. Thc Rev. Kevin Gillnian officialed the double­ ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Johnny and Cindy McDaniel of Cooleemee. Her grandparenls are Jackie Soots of Cooleemee and Ihc late Janet Link Soots. Her great-grandmothers are the late Lola Link and thc late Essie McDaniel of North Cooleemee. The bride is a 1997 graduale of Davie High School and earned an associate degree in nursing from Rowan Cabarrus Commu- > nity College in 2001. She is em­ ployed as a registered nurse at Farrington Family Medical Cen­ ter In Salisbury. The groom is Ihe son of Buddy and Candy Broadway of Rockwell. His grandparenls arc A lvin and Mac Poole of Rockwell and Lois Broadway and the lale Robert Broadway of Faith. Thc groom is a 1992 graduale of East Rowan High School and is attending Catawba College. He is employed as a sales representative for Silver Eagle Dist. in Salisbury. Escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents, thc bride wore a strapless gown of candlelight satin with appli- qued fiowers and seed pearls. The full .skirt featured a detach­ able train. The veil of tulle was elbow length and featured a pearl tiara. The bride carried a cascading bouquet of stargazer lilies and yellow roses made by Susan Meadows of Mocksvillc. Thc bride chose her sister, Julie McDaniel of Cooleemee, as her maid of honor. Brides­ maids were Lorie Frye of Ad­ vance, Christina Shoffner of Sheffield, and Leslie Kepley and Heather Heileg, bolh of Rockwell. Miniature bride was Madalyn Ann McDaniel of Cooleemee, daughter of the bride. The groom chose his father. Buddy Broadway and his grand­ father, A lvin Poole, both of Rockwell, as his best men. Groomsmen were W ill McDanicl of Cooleemee, brolher of the bride. Cayle Drye of Rimer Town, Casey Broad­ way of Rockwell, brother of the groom, and Alan Eudy of Rockwell. Dan and Pal Holsliouser of Rockwell attended the guest reg­ ister. Wedding music was pre- •scnted by Avice Bosl, organist for the church, and soloist, Jan Wright of Coolcemee. The wedding was direcled by Patsy Myers of Cleveland. Immediately following thc wedding, the reception was held at thc Faith Legion Building in Faith hosted by thc bride’s par­ ents. The wedding cake was made and dccorated by thc groom ’s grandmother, Lois Broadway, and served by the groom's aunts, Brenda Gardner and Barbara Kilby, both of Faith. After a wedding Irip, Johnna, Mickey, and Maddie are living in Failh. Social Evcnis • A rehearsal dinner was hosted by the gorom’s parenls al the Grace Lowerstone Fellow­ ship Building. Guests were served steaks grilled by the groom’s uncle, Lonnie Poole of Rockwell. All Ihe trimmings and a large array of desserts were prepared by Ihe groom’s mother. • On May 5, a bridal .shower was hosted by the groom.’s aunts, Brenda Gardner and Barbara Kilby, in the fireplace lobby at Shiloh United Church of Christ in Failh. • On June 21, a cookoui hosled by Ihe couple’s Sunday School class was held al thc Grace Lower Slone Sports Com- ple,x in Rockwell. • On June 30, a bridal shower was hosled by the bride's fam­ ily and friends at Edgewood Baptist Church in Cooleemee. • On July 7, a bridal shower hosted by the groom’s family was held at Grace Lower Stone Fellow.ship Hall in Rockwell. • On July 21, un Italian din­ ner party was hosted by the groom’s aunl, Carmelita Antosck, at her home in Salisbury. Tired of Waiting? Try Us. Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm Sal. 8am-12noon Itow QrMtIng Card Selection ALL 1/2 PRICE All Third Party Insurance Cards Accepted - Your Local FiiU-Sm’icf Dnisstore - DAVIE Discount D rugs COOLEEMlin SHOPPING CENTER • COOLEEMEE • (336) 284-2537 Rebekah Jane Phillips, daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Luke Phillips of Mocksvillc, married Joseph Kristopher Keener, son of Dr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Keilh Keener of Raleigh, on April 6 at St. Benedict the Moor Church in Greensboro. The bride's maternal grand­ parents are the lale Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daywalt. Her paternal grandparenls are Beatrice Phillips and Mr, and Mrs. France Phillips, all of Mocksvillc. The groom’s malemal grandparents are Mrs. Shiricy, of Raleigh, and the late Mr. James O ’Melia. His paternal grandparenls arc Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keener of Eighty Four, Pa. Thc bride donned an off-the- shoulder gown wilh a pearl- and applique-embellished bodice over a full, plain salin skirt with buttons down the back to thc end of the cathedral length train. The pearl-edged veil, the "something borrowed" from her matron of honor Rebecca Blooniquist, fell to her waist from a pearl-cn- crustcd crown. The bride designed her own bouquet, a biedenneyer double­ ringed wilh peacock feather eyes and Queen Anne's lace wilh Ihree yellow calla lilies in the middle. Rebecca Blooniquist of Boone was the matron of honor. Angela Hicks of Mocksville, Helen Harper of Dallas, Texas, and the groom's sisler Mara Keener, al Vanderbilt Universily, were bridesmaids. The fiower giri was I licks'daughler, Gillian Lultrcll, who wore a dress de­ signed by her greal aunl, Darlene Hicks of Mocksvillc. Thc best man, Matthias Steffen of Boston, Mass. and Mike Dirlingcr of Hopkinton, Mass., were thc groom's frater­ nity brolhcrs at Emory Univer­ sily. Jon Keener of Raleigh, and Erik Keener, at thc University of Notre Dame, Ihe groom’s broth­ ers, also served as groomsmen. The bride was given away by her father, and the couple were joined in matrimony by the Rev. Jeffrey Ingham of Southern Pines. Geneva Renegar of Mocksvillc provided organ mu­ sic prior to and after the cer­ emony. The hors d'oeuvres reception was held at Revival G rill in Greensboro following thc cer­ emony. The wedding cake, designed by the bride, consisted of three offset square tiers of pound cake iced with bright spring colors. Those who assisled with Ihe re­ ception included Dianne Norris of Greenville, who managed the guestbook, and Karen Harbin of Mocksvillc who provided the cake knife and server. The bride is self employed in art after attending East Carolina Universily. The groom, who re­ ceived his master's from M IT, is a defense analyst with Ihe Gen­ eral Accounting Office in Wash­ inglon, D.C. Following a cruise lo the Car­ ibbean, the couple will reside in Alexandria, Va. Social Events • On Saturday, March 9, the bride’s besl friend and matron of honor, Rebecca Bloomquist, hosted a scrapbooking shower al the YM CA in Winslon-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kristopher Keener with help from her mother, Karen Harbin and Angela Hicks. • On Salurday, March 23, the bride’s sister-in-law Tammy Phillips, and Ihe bride’s aunts Nettle Lee Blevins and Miriam Daywalt, all of Mocksville, hosted a general shower at Mrs. Phillips’ home. •OnFriday,April5, Barbara Bruce of Greensboro hosted a bridesmaid luncheon at her resi­ dence. • On Salurday, May 11, thc groom’s mother, Katherine Keener hosted u wedding cel­ ebration party for friends of the family at her residence. Advance Florist & Gift Baskets«as — We Deliver — (336) 940-6337 Mon-rri Sut M Flowers for all Oemlons й И Ш Ш Ё(ттшш S h e r i f f A l l e n W h i t a k e r MeelTheSheriffl CharacterDoes Malter! ★ Lifelong Resident of Davie County, Farmington Community ★ 1969 Graduate of Davie County High School ★ Married to Lettie White Whitaker from the Farmington Community for 29 years ★ Member of Mt. Olive United Methodist Church where he has been Adult Men Sunday School teacher over 25 years and Sunday School Superintendent over 15 years. ★ Hobbies include: reading, collecting art work by local artists, and working outdoors. A llen Si Ье тп е ★ Retired 1st Sergeant, US Army and Army Reserve with 21 years of honorable service it Certificates received include: US Army Drill Sergeant, US Army Advanced Non- Commissioned Officer, and First Sergeant Course from University of Southern Mississippi US A r m y Veteran ★ Received national award at National Sheriffs Conference in 2002 for six county task force, "First of its kind in North Carolina" ★ Received Public Service awards and Certificate of Appreciation from many local and state organizations H onored BY Peers "I appreciate your continued support toward my third term as sherijf. A priority for my administration will be the safety of our chiidren at school and elsewhere: including support for the implementation of ihe Amber Alert System." — Paid For by Sherijf Allen Whitaker — C 4 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , Scpi. 5,2002 H o s p i t a l A u x i l i a r y M e e t i n g S e p t . 1 0 The Davie County Hospiliil Auxiliary members and guests will meet Tuesday, Sepl. 10 at 7 p.m. al tlie hospital cafeteria. All interested parlies and vol­ unteers wishing lojoin and vol­ unteer Ihcir lime and efforts arc invited. “Please help concerned Davie cilizens support the growth of Ihe facility,” said Johnny Hendri.x. For more information, call Hendrix at 7.‘il-.S948. Junior Girls, Cub Scouts Swim, Have A Cookout Members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 9 12 are proud to be spon­ sored by Dulin United Method­ ist Church. On Salurday, Aug. 17. Ihe girls were inviled by Cub Scout Pack .‘iS4 lo go swimming. The girls eanicd three badges - swini: ming. water fun and small craft. They had a cookout afler- wards. Dwayne Smilh cooked the food. If interested in joining either Ihc Cub Seoul pack or the Jun­ ior Girl Scout troop, call Sylvia Keaton at 998-2181. Hicks-Howard Engagement Announced Susan Hicks of Mocksville and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hicks of Boonville announce thc engagement of Ihcir daughter. Marci Leigh Hicks to Kendall Wayne Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howard of Mocksville. TIic bride-elect is a 1997 graduate of Davic High School and a 2000 graduate of Davidson Counly Communiiy College. She is employed as ofnce manager of Gray, Callison & Co., P. A., of Win­ slon-Salcm. Thc groom-to-bc is a 1998 graduate of Davic High School and a 2001 graduate of Guilford Technical Community College. He is employed as a firefighter wilh the Clemmons Fire Department. Thc wedding is planned for Oct. 19 al Bethlehem Uniled Melh­ odisI Church, Mocksvillc. S w a i m - G r o c e C o u p l e T o M a r r y O n N o v . 3 0 Jean Swaim of Win.ston-Sa- lem and Roger Harris of Burlington announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Tammie L. Harris lo Richard W. > Groce, ihe son of Sue Groce and Ihe lalc Dickie Groce of Mocks­ ville. The bride-elecl is ihe grand­ daughter of Henry Swaim and Ihe lale Katie Lee Swaim of Jonesville and Opal Harris and thc late Fred Harris of Elkin. She attended High Point Universily and Rutledge College holding degrees in accounting and man­ agement informalion .systems and is part owner of Salem Se- Icclive Staffing and Salem Medical Connections. The groom-elect is the grand­ son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shore of Cooleemee and Ihe lale Margie G. and Allen Morris. He is employed wilh ihe Iredell Counly Sheriff’s Office and also performs as a drummer wilh the "Omen" and "Fragile" bands. The couple announced Iheir engagement ol iheir families during Ihe Christmas holiday. 2(X)1. The wedding is planned for Nov. 30 al Mocks Uniled Meth­ odist Church in Advance. PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? ДНЕ YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERY1WN6 EXCEPT THAT WHKH MATTERS MOST-FIIEPARATHM FOR ETERNITY? Jesus said, “Seek Tirst the kingdom of God and His righteousness..," Secure your soul’s salvation today by obeying the gospel! M i M t in Christ (MIL I« :l5 -li; Htli. tl.6| RipM rt of yo w S h t M d T u n to God (U. 13:3; Arts 17:30) CORlOSS tto N M W Of J O M I1Ш1.10:32; Acli 8 J7I lo iN riod Ir la p U iM for tlM ForiivM M St of Yow Sins(Acti 2:31,1:3«, 22:ti; Rom. «:3-S; I Cor. 12:13i Gal. 3:271 M M M iltoJoM suirtoOoM i (Un. 1:7; Kev. 2:10) VISfT THE JERIGJiroCHm OF CHRIST Dtdicaltd to Rtshwing New ’^^^CbrfatUnily Biblical in Name, ОгрЫи11оа,и'(л1|Ь,|ЫОосМ».1лс1Ы111)|«с1ш»г(1П||1к(1оои!|11»к1|о lli«b. 0T.TflmTo»py,NUabter(Mt)4«-5»l Has the same thing happened to your feith? t» Tty Tic wvVi iht* itch a imn Sil, nKtuv twig yiif wuhtttniliTY'rrwri'tvntintuifuirjv Thc Episcopal Church of the Ascension Welcomes You. Visit Us Anytime ® www.asccnsion-fork.oiB Or, In Person ® 11 AM Sunday 183 Fork-Bixby Road Advancc, NC 27006 336.998.0857 Reynolds-Manning Engagement Announced Mrs. Zachary Taylor Reynolds of Clemmons announces the en­ gagement of her daughter, Kathryn Taylor Reynolds lo Joshua Barclay Manning, thc .son of Janice Vestal Wright of Mocksvillc and James W. Manning Jr. of Statesville. The bride-elecl attended college in Europe and Boston. She is a professional photographer, day trader and investor. She is sludying English and religious studies al the Universily of North Carolina at Charlotte. The groom-to-be attended Ihe North Carolina School ofthe Arls and is a professional model in New York and Los Angeles. Mis is finishing a bachelor's degree al the University of Norlh Carolina al Chariotte. The wedding dale is Sept. 22 at the Tanglewood Park Arbore­ tum. Library Book Sale Sept. 21-22 DEBRA BROWN GROCE Kil—C TF o r N C Senate cssisEsa S e rv in g Y a d kin , D a vie & R o w a n Paid for by Debra Brown Groce Bedroom, Living & Dining Room Groups Tlie Davie County Public Li­ brary annual book sale will be held Sepl. 2 1-22 in Ihe library’s multipurpose room, 371 N. Main St., M ocksville, from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. on Salurday, Sept. 21 and from 2-5 p.m. on Sunday. Sept. 22. Paperbacks will be sold for 20 cents each, hardbacks for .50 cents. Special items will also be available. 3 Piece with ad I.cntluTcUe l.iviiiK Room Set(M'la. chair. ImcMMi) Hunk Hcds vlarltnc at n^9 Rcclincrs Ш 9 Kniimi Leather Living Room Group.s Avaihible K & K 221 East Main Street, Yadkinville • 679-8374 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm; Salurday, 10am-2pm “/4 Lifetime of Republican Service and Conservative Principles On Tuesday, September 10th VOTE M a c B u t n e r S TA TE S E N A TE T he C onservative R epublica n Meet Mac Malcolm "Mac" fK Burner, Jr. £*r»on»l: - North Caxolina native - Married to former Julia Lentz of China Grove, \ st Grade Tcacher, North Dills Christian School Children: Son, Wade; Daughler, Laura - Son ofthe lalc SUle Senator Malcolm W. Butner, Sr. and the laic Loretu L Butner C lllirth : - Active McmbCT of Enon Baptist Chureh ' Past church rraponsibililics: Elder, Finance and Budget Committee Chainnan, Sunday Sctiool Teacher Education; -Calaviba College, Salisbury NC B.A. Degree Business Adminis№ition. 1975 ' UnivcRity of North Caroling, Chapel Hill NC Graduate, REALTORS Institute, 1988 -North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC Graduate, Home Builder's Institute, 1991 -Chaimun, Eighih Congressional District Republican Party(l977-1978) -Chaimnn,Rott'anCountyRepublicanMcn’s Club (1991-1993) - Recipient, Outstanding Seivice Award, Rowan County Republican Pany, (1993) - Western Campaign Coordinator, "Reagan for PresidenfCommittee, (1975-1976) ~ Former Member of thc Rowan County, Eighih Congressional Dislricl and Ihe NC Republican Pany Executive and Central Committees -Served in numerous campaigns since 1962 E te lg iio iu ]; - Owner, REALTY ONE of Rowan, Inc. - Chainmn, Regulatory AiTairs Commitiec, NC Home Buildeu Association (1995) ' Sute Director, NC Home Builders Assoc. (1991-1995) - President,Satisbuty-Rowan Home Buildcis (1993) - President, Salisbury Board of Realtors (1991) - State Director, NC Association of Realiors (1989-1991) - Rowan County Planning Board (1992-1995) A M lla .n n |V j|u iHWf/C<iiiiniMn|tYAtlivi(ie» -ChambcrofCommerce, Red Cross, Cancer Society, Heart Fund, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, National Rifle Association Lifetim e Republican W E B A C K M A C ! Former United Slales Senalor Lauch Fairclolh Endorses Mac Bulner for Slale Senate “M A C BU T N ER is the conservative choice for State Senator.” S e n a to r LoucJv fc U rd o th JO IN our C A M P A IG N ! Mac, Julia, W ade & Laura Mac Butner for State Senate PO Box 1984 Salisbury NC 28145-1984 (704)633-4494 « (704)638-0101 Fax (704) 639-1937 email; macbuinet@aol.com VOU KNOW Where MAC Stands! Paid for by Mac Butner for State Sünaií 0 Pro-Life. Рго-Ратйу Values Life begins at conception. I will protect the sanctity of life ofthe unborn and fight for the preservation of traditional family values. I do nol, and will not, ac­ knowledge thc so<allcd‘'alternative life-style” which mocks the ideals of traditional family values. 0 T ax Relief 1 will NOT support any tax increases. Our current taxes are a burden on our citizcns and 1 will work diligently torcducc the tax burden for all families. 0 Education Ctiolces The liberal establishment has controlled our public school system foryeare. The rcsull has been that Nonh Carolina still ranks near thc bottom in education. Wc must eliminate thc wasu: consistcnlly produced by ihc educalion bureaucracy and rctum our tax dollars to the classroom. We must expand educational opportu­ nities so lhat parents have more freedom and control ofthc education of their own children. 0 NO to Crime / Drugs Violent criminals and illegal drvg dealers MUST be punished to the fullest extent of thc law. Our brave law enforcement and judicial officers must be given thc support lo accomplish this for the safely of our families and the frccdomof our Nation. 0 Private Property Rlelits The cornerstone ofour Republic is the individual ownership of private property. In reccntycais, wc have seen more and more encroachment upon lhat freedom by unreasonable regulations, making it more diflicult to realize the American Dream. 1 will work loward prolecling our priratc property rights and inaking thc dream of home ownership a reality for more North Carolina families. 0 NO to Lottery Independent smdies have shown that thc poor an; dis­ proportionately hurt by Ihc eflecls of state-sponsored gambling. A lottery is not Ihe answer to North Carolina’s financial problems. Thc elimination of bureaucratic waste along with sound, common-sense management, and the willingness lo make tough choiccs, is thc solution to our stale's fmancial prob­ lems. I will have thc courage lo say “NO" lo waste. 0 The Right To Bear Arm? The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution stales that "the righl of the people lo keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," This is the fundamenml foundation of all of our freedoms. Wiihoul il, wc would be in tyrannical slavery. I will always support Ihis right. L iretim c C onservative D a v i e C o u n t y A r t s C o u n c i l O f f e r i n g F a ll W o r k s h o p s The Davie County Arts Council will conducl fall work- -shops in watcrcolor, drawing, Iandsc.ape design, and writing. Workshops are open lo inter­ ested individuals high school age and up. Details regarding the workshop dales, times, and fees are listed below. Interested participants are encouraged lo complete a regis­ tration fonn and return it to the Arts Council Office with the published fee at least two weeks prior to ihe workshop date. A listing of necessary supplies will be sent with the registration con- fimiation. All workshops require a minimum of 10 participants. Completed registration forms and requests for forms should be directed lo: Davie Arts Council, 622 N. Main St.. Mocksville, 751-3112. ¡itfo@ dimcarts.ors. Art of Lund.scape I)e.sign Wednesday. Sept. 18, 4-6 p.m. Lecturer: Drake Flynt, Sec­ ond Nature Gardens. Fee: None Meet at the back parking lot of the Brock Perfonning Arts Cen­ ter to travel to thc home of Marianne and Allen Mebane on Woodward Road in Mocksvillc. Drake will discuss his designs al the Mebane home and provide design tips for use at your home. (Drake is the owner of Second Nature Gardens and works ex­ clusively for Marianne and Allen Mebane.) Wntereolor Workshop Saturday. Sept. 28. 9:30 a.ni.-4:30 p.m. Inslniclor: Ster­ ling Edwards. Fee: $40 includes lunch. Thc focus of this work­ shop w ill be for Sterling Edwards lo paint a complete walercolor painling with narra­ tive and demonstration of ihe style of watcrcolor techniques he is known for using. Following Ihe demonstration and lunch. Sterling will assist participants on their own paintings. Sterling is an exhibiting member of As- .socialed Artists of Winslon-Sa- lem. and has his own gallery in the art district. He is a member of the faculty of the Sawtooth Cenler for Visual Design where he leaches advanced walercolor workshops. Visit his web-site at www..stcrlini<edwards.i(>m Drawing & Design Scminiir Saturday. Ocl. 26. 9:30 a.in.- 4:30 p.m. Instructor: Sue Byrne Russell. Fee: $40 includes lunch. Art is .ichieved through di.scov- ery, an understanding of draw­ ing fundamentals, and practice. In this day .seminar, participants will discover the rhythm, move­ ment and excitement of ordinary objects in extraordinary ways. You will be guided ihrough a process of seeing line and space, by observing, seeking and sketching. Vou will leam how lo simplify images, understand de­ sign and value, and find ways for unique expression.Sue Byrne Russell has 27 years experience teaching art. She has a BFA in graphic design from the Univer­ sity of Georgia and an M A in art/ art educalion from Arizona Slale University and directs. Hem­ locks Studio, a summer art school in Cedar Mountain. View her work on the web sile: www.hcmlocks.cotn How to Pcrfect Vour Perfect Story Saturday, Nov. 16, 9:30 a.m.- noon. Instructor: Maggie Мое. Fee: $15. Learn 26 ways to pol­ ish your manuscript before send­ ing it to an editor/publisher. Par­ ticipants will discuss these 26 techniques, create a shon story, and critique each other's work against Ihe criteria discussed in class. Writers will leave with lools lo review future work. Maggie Мое fell in love with wriling children's stories in 1996 when she created her first fan­ tasy novel for the middle grade readers. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writ­ ers and Illustrators where she has coordinated conferences and workshops for 6(Ю members of the Eastern PA Chapter. Maggie and her family recently moved to Advance. Her goal remains the same, lo help raise the qual­ ity level of children's novels while maintaining Ihe fun and joy of childhood.) K a r l a B e a n A t N C S U V e t S c h o o l Karla L. Bean of Raleigh, for­ merly of Woodleaf, was initialed inlo the veterinary profession al NonhCarolina State University o f College o f Veterinary Medicine’.s Ihird annual White Coal Ceremony on Aug. 17. She is one of 76 members of the Class of 2006. She was pre­ sented her while coal by Dr. Lori Coles, formerly of Salisbury. In attendance was N.C. Slate Chan­ cellor Mary Ann Fox, a member of VM A, as well as olher fac­ ulty members and college offi- A family man who appreciates tlie value and Quality of life provided in Davie County. A N D R E W S A N D HIS F A M IL Y Back row l-r: Ashley and Chuck Miicholl, Tripp and Caroline Andrews.Second row l-r: Bartxira (wife of 34 years) and Gus Andrews. Front row l-r: Morgan and Ike Andrews. Not pictured: Sophie Mitchell D e s ir e s t h a t f a m iiie s o f f u t u r e g e n e r a t i o n s e x p e r i e n c e t h e s a m e q u a lit ie s o u r f a m ily h a s e x p e r ie n c e d . L e t ’s p u t h is e x p e r i e n c e in b u s in e s s , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d e d u c a t i o n f o w o r ic f o r a l l D a v ie C o u n t y c it iz e n s . VOTE ANDREWS For N.C. SENATE-DISTRICT 34 ★ ★ ★ SEPTEMBER IO™* * ★ Paid for by Committee to Elect Gus Andrews, Gary Davis - Treasurer jx w iE c o iw ^ î N r e R m J Vote For Tlie Best Qualified Man. ^ * Re-Elect Sheriff AllEN WHITAKER * Paid for by Jim Sheek cials. Bean is a graduate of Wake Foresi University and a 2001 honors graduate of N.C. State University. She is the daughler of Billie H. Bean of Woodleaf and the late Ray Bean. '■ r t • №|mjsinbs>or34y^ • . Ma w u e d TO O ebbie An d e k s o n f o r s iy e m s • FATOER o f 2 DAUGirraiSl Sh a n n o n .AND Stacee • iPAPATO,\GllANDAUGlrraiU WHrrNEE, 2 1/2 YEARS 0U9 • Ra ise d o n a fajim in ■ DAViECqii^; • At t e n d e d COOLEEMEE EiAiErnARY Sc h o o l AND Gr aduated FROM DAVIE Hig h Sc h o o l IN 1968 • UCENSEDINi BUOOING COrrtRACrOR , M e o ia m c s C D L Tanker/H azaroous • Dealership ini : -'.TIRES' ■: FEIOIUZER/UME ' H o m e HEATING O il . O lL jO H E R ' Pa k is Jo bber • I ’M INVDW EO IN r ; SMAU. M IM IN G AND : ' . lA N D D C VnA tlN G D on’t Let Your Taxes Go To Waste! —' - ■' Vote = Roger P. S p i l l m a n f o r D a v i e C o u n l y C o m m i s s i o n e r S e p t e m b e r 1 0 t h . I liave grown from a small, 2-bay servicc siation to thc many successful businesses ih.it I’m involved wiih now — around 750% growth in 34 years. I have had many “old wise men” give me lots of advice over the years — this is the best advice anyone can take. I’m running for county commissioner because I h.ive seen how YOUR taxes and M V taxes are being WASTED! 1 W IL L look for more bids — 1 W ILL look for thc best prices for your money. Pa id for b y Roger P. Spillm/in R E P I B L I C M S Rmining In The Non-Partisan Davie County School Board Race C aro l E . L IV E N G O O D Lu th er B. P O TTS lUiPlease Vote September 10 Paid for by the Davie County Republican Party, Slayton Harpe - Treasurer '‘J.V.- *•.■‘••.'•',.1 IV.- C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S. 2002 DAVllC COUNTY liNTlCUPKISK-RKCORD, I'liursday, September 5,2002 - С Wallace Reunion Sept. 15 The ilesccnilanls of the lale Thomas Gaslon Wallace ami Rosa Lee Arnold Wallacc will have Iheir annual reunion on Sunday, Sepl. I.S al JoynerConi- inunily huiiding. Sandy Springs Road, llannony. Lunch will be served al I p.m. Bring food and drink, olher needs will be provided. For more infonnalion, con­ iaci Margaret Wallace Joyner al 704-.‘i-t6-2.149 or 704-87.VOy.‘)2. L ib r a r y O p e n O n N e w S c h e d u l e On Saturday, August 17fh, Summer Payton I.nw.siin, Ihe daughter of Andy and Sharon Lawson, celebrated her third birthday at her home. She had a Winnie Ihe I’ooh cake. We would lil(e lo lhank everyone Tor all Ihe nice presents. Summer’s matcrnai )>rand- parenls arc Joe and Monica Jordan orMocitsville. Ilcrpu- lernai grandparenis are Janice Lawson or Thomasville and Kirie Lawson of Mucicsville. The new hours of opcralion for ihe Davie Counly Public Li­ brary', -'71 N. Main Si., Mocks­ ville: • Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.- 8:.W p.m.; ■ Friday, 10 a.in.-.S:.10 p.m.: •Salurday, И) a.m.-.^ p.m.; closed. • Sunday, 2-fi p.m. Hours for Ihc Cooleemee Branch Library: • Monday, noon-6 p.m.; • Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.- 12:.«) p.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. Salurday and Sunday, Y Starts Youth Program Take pride in Davie Counly's young people. Thai's ihe idea behind The PrYde, a new program al Ihe Davie Family YMCA. Il slands for Programs Reaching Youlh focusing on Developmenl and Excellcnce. "Our program is designed lo increase confidence, self esieem. improve academic and social behavior, and lo develop leader­ ship and decision making skills." said John Daye, direclor. Homework assislancc will be provided each afiernoon along wilh challenging acliviiies. The program will offer communily .service opporlunilies and an oc­ casional field Irip. i’articipanls musl be belween Ihe si.xlh an eighih grade.s. The program will be held al South Davie Middle School fronl the end of the scliool day unlil 6 p.m. Cost i.s $70 for YMCA members, SI05 for non members. Financial assislance is available. For more information, call Ihe YMCA al 751-9022. local and Long Distance Telephone S e l l e r s N o w A M a r i n e Alexandra Taylor While, daughtcr of Marti and Jada White of (ircensboro, cei- ebraled her first birthday un Sunday, Augusi II at her home in Greensboro. Friends and relatives en­ joyed a hotdog/hamburger cooi(out with ail the trim­ mings. Cake and icc cream and parly favors carried oul ^ Ihe Elmo Iheme. Alexandra is Ihe granddaughter of Janet and Jim Thom pson of Cooleemee and Rarbra and Richard While of Taylorsville. Marine Corps Pvl. Bryan C. Sellers, son of Marilyn G. and Glen n. Sellers of Wesl Church Sireel, Mocksville, recenlly completed basic Iraining al Ma­ rine Corps Kecruil Depol, Farris Island, S.C. Sellers successfully com­ pleled 12 weeks of Iraining de­ signed lo challenge new Marine recruits physicaly and menially. Sellers and fellow recruits began iheir Iraining al 5 a.m. by running Ihree miles and per- foniiing calisthenics. In addilion lo Ihe physical conditioning pro­ gram, Sellers spent numerous hours in classroom and Field as­ signments which included learn­ ing first aid. uniform regula­ tions, combat waler survival. marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat and assorted weapons training. They perfonned close order drill and operated as a small infanlry unil during field training. Sellerii and olher recruits al.so received instruction on Ihe Ma­ rine Corps core values - honor, courage and conimilmeni, and whal Ihe words mean in guiding personal and professional con­ duct. Sellers ended ihe iraining with The Crucible, a 54-hour leam efforl, problem solving evolution which culniinaled wilh a ceremony in which the recruits were presenled the ma­ rine Corps Emblem and were aildressed as Marines for ihe first lime since bool camp began. Ask our customers. Ask one of the 250,000 people who depend on HnergyUnitcd electricity at their homes and businesses. Last )ч;аг, through ice and snow, ligliming and wind, BnergyUnited’s reliability i^tc was 99.91 pcrccnt - one of the higliest in the United States. Ask one of tlie more than 50,000 people who ii.se EnergyUnited Propane ro keep their homes warm or fuel their businesses. Or enjoy our local and long distance phone and Internet services. Or contract with us for surge protection and home appliance service agreements. Ask them. They’ll tell you why Encrg)’United brings value with every service we provide. You get your money’s worth at Enci-gyUnited. EnergyUnited Your local connection for value 8flO.5Z2.3793 www.energyunited.coin E n e r g y ! n it e d YOUR LOCAL CONNECTION I 2000 Ford F150 XLT Super cab Red. 5.4, limited slip rear 2000 Honda Local trade-in, s-speed Oil A Filter! Change I I I Iless I liriuraïaiHteekt^ArïtfUxnjatcri ^ «duem SwDwrr»bprx«4 3«e 10%1МИ>п«« Imm* («niiTiG I Summer ' MaintMianc* Packig« $ 3 4 “ ' ' I! I Tire Rotation! I tlra k e inipectlon I I vJ-. Hour I I • ^ ТОЧ» : ! 4 ^ « иецсиж-тицаMttiTY ■ $595 Su!I II ■ Шти* C« Í»* II • Motorcfift* pTiTTw II I IM M S*rmt в«я*гу |I I Г"---------- • ГЫ t»«*-IM Umt) • ROM r<u tm• M«] »TM • Cm t«a 11 DAN BECK FORD “Celebrating 37 Years in Business" Hwy. 601 North lo Yadkinville, left al 3rd light past old Hwy. 421 Main Street, Yadkinville« 336-679-8841 • Winslon-Salem • 336-722-9850 Common Sense... Uncommon Qualfficalìons P E R S O N A L IN F O R M A T IO N • Married and father of three school-age children. • Practicing attorney in Salisbury, NC. • Resident of Mount Ullo, NC and operates oldest active Santa Gertrudis beef cattle farm in the Carolinas. • Past Master at Scotch Ireland Lodge in Cleveland, NC and was appointed to Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence of the Grand Lodge in NC by Past Grand Master Lester R Martin, Jr. of Mocksville. Carlyle Sherrill with his children, Scott, Lauren & Colt at the 2000 South Carolina Beef Roundup. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S • Graduate of West Rowan High School, Davidson College and University of Baltimore Law School. • Represented Davidson College for Conference on United States Affairs at West Point. • Worked full-time on Capitol Hill for Congressman Bill Hefner while attending law school at night. Elected to University of Baltimore Low Review and was Legislation Editor. • Low Clerk to the Honorable Sam J. Ervin on the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. • Over 20 years law expenence, including Federal Court, NC Court of Appeals and Supreme Court, • Served three terms as Chairman of the Rowan County Democratic Party. • Has shown Santa Gertrudis beef cattle at N.C. State Fair for 13 years. Children now show in Junior program. CARLYLE SHERRILL FOR STATE SENATE Paid for Carlyle Sherrill for State Senate Spotlight on Business Storage Solution: Bermuda Mini’s Self Storage Customers Irom across the Triad are finding Bermuda Mini's Self-Storage to be the ideal location lo store their valuable pos­ sessions. "Bermuda Mini's has a great facility," says Elaine Reed of Ad­ vance, a customer of Bermuda Mini’s. 'The stall there is very friendly, helpful and efficient." Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage, located off of Highway 158 in Advance, operating since 1996. The 296 storage units are sur­ rounded by a stale-of-the-an security system, including a com­ puterized access gate with an individualized code for each cus­ tomer. Computers monitor the time ol each entrance into and exit from the properly. A six-foot high chain link fencing, lopped with barbed wire adds lo security. Spotlights perpetually flood the perimeters ol the property at night. Richard Lawrence of Charlotte rates Bermuda Mini's Sell-Stor- age very highly. "They have a very friendly stall and clean lacil- Ity I would recommend them any lime." For furniture, comput­ ers, or olher possessions susceptible to extreme heat or cold, Bermuda Mini's olfers climate-controlled storage units. These specialized units maintain a year-round temperature regulation to proteci your possessions. Lesta Carpenter of Winston-Salem found that even Ihe humidity of heavy rains did not affect the Ilems she had stored at Bermuda Mini's. "In all that heavy rain we had, nothing in my storage unit even gol damp," she said. Many people about to sell their homes find Bermuda Mini's as the perfect way to eliminate the clutter in their home to make it more attractive for buyers. Sandy Scholl, now assistant manager at Bermuda Mini's Self- Storage, originally came to the storage facility as a customer. “We moved here Irom Pennsylvania," Ms. Scholl says. "We looked at all the storage facilities before renting at Bermuda Mini's. They were just the best," she says. Ms. Scholl rented with Ber- Bermuda Mini's Self Storage on US 158, Advance. muda Mini's lor seven months, while her new home was being built. She was so impressed with the professional attitude and friendliness ol Manager Jessica Denzendorl, lhat she has been an employee there lor the past two years. "We go out of our way to make arrangements for customers," says Manager Jessica Denzendorl. Clients are able to use a trailer to move items to the storage unit, at no cost. Call Ber­ muda Mini's for more details on this unique opportunity. Free keyed security locks are also provided lor Bermuda Mini's cuslomers. Businesses Iind the special long-term and rental ol consecu­ tive units an attractive alternative at Bermuda Mini's convenient location. The stalf will work wilh commercial cuslomers to de­ sign special access times and olher benefits. Are you tired ol all that clutter stacked up in your home? Need to move some lurniture out in order to sell your home? Call the ellicienl, courteous stall at Bermuda Mini's Sell-Slorage at 998- 9661 today Bermuda Mini's Self-Storage is located at 146 Commerce Drive in Advance next to Bermuda Quay Shopping Center on U.S. 158. Now, you can also contact Bermuda Mini's at Ils new e-mail ad­ dress, bminis@holmail.com. Brite Future For Not-So-Bright Roofs: American Rcx)f- Brite the the rescue American Roof-Brlte has the answer for those un­ sightly, If not damaging stains lhat appear on shingle rools. Professional roof cleaner and American Rool- Brlle owner Don Sunday Is the expert behind the business. With over 30 years ol rool-cleaning expe­ rience, American Roof-Brlte has the knowledge and technical skill to kill roof fungus spores, the usual cause of Ihe black or discoloring stains on asphalt and fiberglass shingles. Don bought his American Roof-Brlte dealership over four years ago, after researching the company and Its product. Whal he likes to impress upon his customers Is the method he uses to clean rools. The lirst step is to apply an environmentally safe, biodegradable cleaning compound to the roof area. This application sits on the roof lor several minutes. The formula eats away at the cause of the rool stains, fungus. This Is one of Ihe steps lhat separates American Roof-Brlte Irom other rool clean­ ers, who jusl spray Ihe roof wilh a high-pressure wash. The next step for Don is a low-pressure/high volume wash. Don is passionate to let his clients know that this low-pressure wash is an Important dllference in roof cleaning technique. Most people assume that what a rool needs Is a high-pressure wash. This, Don says, could not be farther from the truth. In fact, a high- pressure wash usually causes damage to a rool, tearing up shingles Irom the roof, which can result in interior water damage. Nol good. The low-pressure/high volume method used by Amerl- can Rool-Brite has been trusted by homeowners lor over 30 years. The third, and linal step that Don incorporates, is the applica­ tion ol a stainblocker, or sealer. This layer ol protection is guar­ anteed to prevent fungus growth lor three years. Rool stains are not just ugly, but the lungus that causes Ihem can damage your home. Merely washing your rool is not enough. The Ihree-step process used by Don Sunday and American Rool- Brite is an environmentally sale, professionally proven method for killing rool lungus, and preventing it. American Rool-Brite is owned by Don Sunday. You can reach Don at (336)-785-2030. Adverlism i; Proiiwliim A Pei*soiial 'Dinidi 'huvul, LL(] 79 Court Square • Downtown Mocksville • 336-753-D950 "Destiiuitwii & Uomymoon Siifcialists'' Linda Blackburn - 14 Vears Bxperietice Local Full-Service Travel Ace.ncy Serving Davie & Surrounding Cou.viies wvvw.per8onaltouchtravel.com Mon-Fri 9-5, Evenings & Sat. by Appt. UGLY ROOF STAINS REIvlOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030100 Royal Oak Dr,. Winston-Snlcm. NC 27107 C e n C e f p o i n T C h a r c h Associate Reformed Presbyterian 8 3 0 1 S h a ilo w f o r d R o a d in L e w is v ille ( 9 4 8 - 0 5 4 0 ) Sunday Schedule lo o m in g W o rs h ip 0 :3 0 a .m . Sunday Schooi 10:40 a.m. Casual Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. For more v^fiirmatkm: www.centerpointarp.com Beimuda Mini’s Self-Storage ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced w'llti 24 hr lighting /S izes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance 'No job loo bii: or loo snuiir liusiiK'M Apixircl. Team Uigos, Moiiognuiis, Gills, .Sliirls, Giiis, Mgluiiis, Baas, bivics NO SET UP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 712-0943 X I L E R I T E (336) 813-TILE.^ _ ^ (в 4 8 3 ) FOR ALL YOUR SPORTING NEEDS! S M ^ Q R T S WeùistaBcemkmlsioneùk. 1ш1у ound h ir á for 14 )КП. \Ve tilie рта1 pile in 0И »ok ind сийши im ict Ira a im » YO UR S P O R TS EX PER TS2G68 LüwisvUlíKikMWXins Rd.. CtofTimofW766-1114 Mon.-Fri. 10:30^; Sat. 9-5 C a r o H n a £ : : q > r e s s P h u n b i i i g Repair Spedalists • Water Heaters • Well Pumps • Faucets • Disposals Over 15 Years of Qualily Service I JAMES IDOL • CHRIS BULLARD , 24-HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE 778-1543, Licensed • Insured * Mastercard . Visa i-HC ^ I ...ЖИ1( i>m< ,NC J'Hi: tvlvi'li.uic Mvoi'i.ii! I I'lV«' I' SAVINGS ur Л(у EVERYDAY 4vJ Senior CiliriMii* Di^citunls • Trimmers/Bush Cutters • Ladies Intimate Wear • Fertilizer С1е[лглоп5 Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 ■ Clemmons - 766-4936 H ow e o r n cToasted Hotdog N o w Ofleriiiff Soft Serve Ice Cream SluikcsSiincliics«& Cones AI^SO: lIAMHURCiKR, Cl IKIvSKIIURGKRS, I1SII SANinVICIIICS& MORK! > ^vi 2432MON.-SAT. IV/ai Hill) uШ ВИ S ' ! W e N ow H ave Q iiiility ююи Pizza C rusts, Sauce Ä C a rlic B read 2GGa LowsvlkhCtemmons Rd, ClofTifnons* 766-3060 (Across front Vill.TQo Ciuxlto & Gitts)_ Mon^ri,_9^8:^át^6¿Sui^2^ J / ' 4 j / A-1 FIRST IM PRESSIONS CARÍW& SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 w w w .AlFirstlm presskm s.com CaipelUptiolstay, WoaVTto Floore, Lcaiier, SmokoWator Danuge, Color Repairs Dyeing-Vetickiintenor'P e ti Odor Conlrol • Residential & Commercial C S liCRC Ж Г I I I I I I I M o c k sv il l e S h o e S h o p Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (336) 753-0942 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $ 2 “ O F F REPAIRS (for a limited time)16 Yrs. Experlonco Open M-F 6:30am-6:00pm T I I I I I I I Flooring Hours: Mon.-lFri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN Ю Ж PUBUC 1^ upon M’h o:Juam-iì:uupnì С1<чптоо< 5919-C James St. ____g le m m m s - Hillsdale Animal' free firstOFFICE VISIT or I 1 5 %I DISCOUNT ON I VACCINES Hospital Cali 998-8750 for details, or to schiedule an appointment. 1.34 MIZDICAL DRIVE ADVANCE, N.C. 27006 I I (excludes medications, addilional testing) I must have coupon awoaesTone T ir« « fo it€ ггкджож O X George's Village Garage, Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR .„d^^ndent Bumper-T(hBumptr Car Care Needs Dealer 2870 LCWlSVlUE4:LeMMONS ROAO CLEMMONS. NC 27012 7бв-7в62 K EV IN PRIES M anattr EDWARDS S t o r m D o o r s : 9 C o l o r s , 1 5 S t y l e s .4 ; w C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 Never lake Your Eyes For Granted Il's a beautiful world in which wc live, and we perceive this wonderful world around us through our five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and louch. Most people would agree lhal sight is the most covetcd of the senses. Our eyes work for us from the moment we wake up unlil we close them at nighl lo sleep. Eyes are important and should never be taken for granted. Wearing .sunglasses is one of the easie.st ways lo preserve eyesight and keep eyes comfortable. A simple habit of putting on sunglasses when outside may add years lo the life of your eyes. Well-filling sunglasses with lenses thal block at least 99 Breast Feeding Helps Babies Breastfeeding helps babies and mothers iichieve the best health and is supported by the U.S. Surgeon General, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the majority of heallh professionals. There are many reasons lo choose and support breastfeeding, according lo ihe Davie Counly Health Department; • breaslmilk is the standard for infant feeding; • it is the perfect food for babies with just the right amounts of nutrients; • breaslmilk promotes optimal mental and physical development: • it is easily digested and is ■ rich in spccial antibodies thal prolect babies from illnesses; • breaslmilk is ihe only non- polluting, renewable infant food source is the mosl economical feeding choicc; • women who have breastfed Iheir children also enjoy long term health benefits with protections againsi some forms of breast cancer and osleoporo.<is; • breaslfeeding establishes a special relationship between mother and child; • breastfeeding is a spccial acl of love that fosters emotional growth and heallh; • breaslfeeding contributes to healthier, happier and smarter babies, fam ilies, and communities. For more information aboul breastfeeding or services, conlacl the Davie County Heallh Department, 751-8700. \ I ' \ ' H I I ] I r I I, I I I I I I.H ill. r i s i n g c o s t o f college? I can ihow you leverai wiyi to uve for hi^cr edueatioo cxpenica, including; I A tax-Cnee 529 Mwingi plan** ■ CoverdeU education tanngt account! (fomierly Education IRA«) I Cuatodial account! (UGMAAJTMA) **WIMnnlitori|utlil«dh,|hw•ilwatioiiMgMtM. C al «r «top by today. Matt Voreh 66 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4400 Edwardjones Tin h álilénl I«. wm. S.W |»7I pcrccnt of UV radialion may add years lo the life of your eyes. UV radiation bums your eyes jusl like il burns your skin. Think of sunglasses as “sunscreen" for Ihc eyes lo prolect them from ultraviolet rays. Don'l forget overcast days - UV rays can slill penetrate the clouds and cause damage to eyes. If you are outside and il’s bright enough to causc you to squint, put on your sunglasses. Since eyes are the windows to the brain, protect eyes from injuries. Tlic hoily has built-in some devices to protect eyes. Eyes are locatcd in bony sockets to protect them from gelling hil. Eyebrows arc lighl fillers. Eyelids close lo keep small objects out of our eyes. Eyelashes keep small particles out of our eyes. Tears keep eyes moist and w.ish small panicles out of our eyes. The blink refle.x automa­ lically closes eyes. Olher practices to protect eyes from injury; walk, never run with sharp objects in your hands; avoid guns, bow-and-arrows, sling shots, firecrackers; use good lighling when reading, writing or cruising ihc internet; leam basic first aid for eyes; tell someone if your eyes bother you; wear proper eye protection when wc arc doing hazardous hobbies, chores, or mixing chemicals; wear proper eye protection when playing sports such as raciiuelball and baseball; never look directly al the sun; point chcmical sprays away from our face before spraying; always wear a helmet when biking, skateboarding or roller- skating; always wear a .seatbelt in the car; and schedule regular eye examinations. From lltc Davie C ounly /Icallh Dc/uirliiienl iC S Y ’S T R E E S E R V IC E A 336-492-2944 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 free Esiimales • Fully Insured • Serving Forsyih & Davie County Selective Trimming & Pruning «Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage ■ Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing • Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) A Storehouse For Jcsus FREE MEDICAL CLBSIC Open every Thursday evening 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM To tw iippoinfinefij aill (JJ6) 7SI‘l()60, oramiehythe ctink, 2.-00 PM atui 5.<X) PM m Tfntr.uhty afternoon. Clients must meet ccrtain eligibility requirements Slkmlsh iiircqn'rer availahle R E - E L E C T L U I t B E R 4 > O T T S O bv:- '•ö'äi'V. C ( ^ u p T | O N A ^ e r y j i ig t h e ^ c illd r e H. as a m e m b e r o f F o f E d ^ m o n f o r 2 4 Y e a r s I V o te F o r E x p e r iim e In G o v e r n m e n t Paid for by ConffiiSle, Lulhcr B. Potts " ' ' V I S K [ (■ I () N A I M t I) I t A I ( I N I F R • w w w . H .i v i s r e g i o n .. I . c o If you feel like life isn’t worth living, or yonr family would be better off without you, and there’s nothing you can do to make it better, maybe it’s time to ask for help. Depression is a serious medical illness thac affects over 9 million American adults in any given year. Symptoms include feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, inritabllity, low energy, poor appetite, change in sleep patterns, profound sadness, difficulty concentrating, and persistent or recumng thoughts of death. Left untreated, depression can lead to serious medical complications, including suicide. If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, we can help. The Delta Behavioral Health Program at Davis Regional Medical Center offers a comprehensive inpatient treatment program for those suffering from depression. Don't let the black days continue. Call us today at (704) 838-7450 and let the light back into your life. ^ D A V I SREGIONAI. D elta Behavioral Health Program I « ( > I 11 M ( 1 ( K S V I 1 1 I l( O A I )■< II . 1 X I I t ^ -I . S I A 1 1 S V I I I 1 R e -E L E C T ' à r ' k i t H r - k i t i t S m b «f f A lu en — P E R S O N A L — Age: 50 Republican Sheriff Mamed to Letlie W. Whitaker -29 years Graduate of Davie County High Scfiool- 1969 Graduate of Rowan Communily College Basic Lmw Enforcement- 1983 Sening Davie County witfi Sheriff’s Office since 1982 Reserve Deputy - 1982-83 Full-time Patrol -1983-86 Detective-1986-94 Sheriff-1994-Present United States Army and Anny Reserve -1970-91 Retired Rrst Sergeant Over 25 Years as Sunday Scfwof Teacher ' k i r i t i t i t 1. Reorganized office, adding supen/isor to every division-Patml, Civil, and [Retention. 2. Start up of new Davie Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center in 1995, receiving Governor's Award for Volunleer Senrices in 1996. 3. Oversaw Detention Center Building Program 1999-2001-saving over S3 miilion tax dollars. 4. Six Counly Traffic Task Force received national award at National Sheriffs'Conference in 2002 “First of its Mnd In hlorth Carolina." S e p t e m b e r 1 0 m — M E M B E R O F — National Sheriffs’Assodation North Carolina Sheriffs'Association North Carolina Criminal Infonnation Exchange Davie County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Davie County Criminal Justice Partnership Board Davie County Child Fatality Review Board Davie County Healthy Carolinians Davie County Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center American Legion Post m 74 Famiington Masonic Lodge rf265 Davie County Kiwanis - Charter Member Davie County ARC Quail Unlimited - A C C O M P L IS H M E N T S — 5. Created Technology Program - Video recording in patrol cars - Mobile Data Terminai (MDT) - Upgraded equipmenl and technology yearly - Used Fiber Optics to connect court mom to new Detention Center. 6. Created training program with assistance of Davidson Community College. The new training building saves expenses for travel and lodging 7. Accessible to citizens of Davie County at all times. 8. Created Public Safety Team at Davie County High School -2001. ik - ik - ik ' 9. Participated with Senior Citizen Center and Davie County Communications on the “Are You OK?" Program. 10. Improved Officers'safety -New radio system -Body Armor - Vehicle Electronics -Weapons Systems 11. Reduction of Crime Index total for Davie County by 110 points since 1994. - P a id F o r b y C o m m itte e to R e -E le c t A lle n W h ita k e r - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - C9 r A n n a E i c h h o r n N e w D i r e c t o r O f D a v i e U n i t e d W a y Eichorn On July 1, the United Way of Davie County welcomed its new execu­ tive direclor, Anna S. Eichhom. She was the associate director for the A m eri­ can Red Cross-Davie Branch of­ fice before laking her position with the United Way. Eichhom came lo the Uniled Way wilh more lhan 15 years of professional business anti non- profit experience. Afler earning her business degree, she spent the next 10 years working for the Central Intelli­ gence Agency in the Washing­ ton, D.C. area. Much of that lime was spent in Ihe financial management office working in a variety of positions including deputy chief in two divisions. She later became involved with the American Reil Cross and served as a volunleer. di­ rector of disaster services for Wilkes Counly. and her Davie posilion. The Eichhom family moved 10 the Advance area a year and a half ago because of her husband’s job transfer with Lowe’s Home Improvement. Together with her husbatld Doug and Iheir two children Collin (9) and Brianna(7) Ihey have enjoyed getting lo knosv people. The children attend Shady Grove Elementary. The family is involved in the com­ munity, as well as their church, Macedonia Moravian. Eichhom is a member o f the Rotary Club of Mock.sville, the Lion's Club of M ocksville, and several boards. This is Eichhom's first ex­ perience working for the United Way. “1 have had to learn very quickly since our communities campaign is jusl around the cor­ ner," she said. Some Ihings she learned have surprised her, such as Ihe fad lhat a large perceiuage of the people in Davie County commute to work outside the county. This would normally not he a surprise except that during the United Way fall cam­ paign, a low percentage of these commuters designated or senl their donations back to Davic Counly. "I didn't realize that ifyou don'l specifically request or write thal you want your tlona- tions senl back to Davic Coiuily. Ihe counly where you work will keep all of your do­ nation. The worst part is that if you ever need assistance, sta­ tistically one in three people will need our help, the services you receive will come from a potentially under-fiinded Davie Counly Uniled Way partner agency" Educating the donor and cre­ ating some new initiatives are ways in which the local United Way board of direclors and Iheir new executive director want to impact the community. 98 Buick Century. . . . 95 Buick Park Ave . . . 92 Buick LeSabre. . . . 99 Chevy IVIalibu . . . . 96 Ciievy Cavalier . . . 95 Chevy Lumina . . . . 94 Chevy Cavalier . . . 95 Chevy ¡Monte Carlo 98 Pont. Grand AM. . - 95 Olds Royal ...... 97 Chevy Camaro . . . . . . « 6 , 9 9 5 . . « 6 , 9 9 5 . . « 2 , 9 9 5 . . « 6 , 9 9 5 . . « 2 , 9 9 5 . . « 3 , 9 9 5 . . « 2 , 9 9 5 . . « 3 , 9 9 5 . . « 4 , 9 9 5 . . « 4 , 9 9 5 . . « 6 , 9 9 5 F o r d & M e r c u r y 99 Ford Taurus ............................« 6 , 9 9 5 99 Ford Escort................................« 5 , 9 9 5 99 Ford Taurus..............................« 6 , 9 9 5 98 Ford Taurus..............................« 6 , 4 9 5 96 Ford Crown V ic ....................« 6 , 8 9 5 98 Ford Taurus Wgn..................« 2 , 9 9 5 96 IMerc. Sable.............................« 5 , 9 9 5 T r u c k s 99 Ford Ranger Trk......................« 4 , 9 9 5 98 Ford Ranger T rk ................« 4 , 9 9 5 96 Ford Ranger T rk ................« 4 , 4 9 5 96 Dodge Dakota Trk . . . . « 4 , 7 9 5 95 GMC Sonoma Trk.................« 4 , 8 9 5 95 Ford Ranger T rk ................« 4 , 6 9 5 94 Geo Tracker ............................« 3 , 4 9 5 99 Chevy S-10 T rk ....................« 5 , 4 9 5 98 Ford Ranger T rk ................« 4 , 9 9 5 u c i n s 98 Ford Windstar Van . 96 Dodge Caravan - . . 95 Ford Windstar Van. 93 Dodge Caravan - - 94 GMC Safari Van. . 90 Dodge Ram Van. - . . « 6 , 9 9 5 . « 5 , 9 9 5 . « 5 , 9 9 5 . « 3 , 6 9 5 . « 3 , 4 9 5 . « 2 , 4 9 5 W IT H A P P R O V E D C R E D IT A N D R E Q U IR E D D O W N P A Y M E N T Rives Motor Co. 1 6 1 6 E.ist Imitis Street. Salisbury NC 7 0 4 - 0 3 6 - 1 9 9 1 Every Uniled Way is autono­ mous and conlrolled com ­ pletely by local citizens who sil on the board of directors, who together wilh Eichhom w ill work lo serve and build the community. “We need to find the areas of greatest need, develop part­ nerships, and strive lo meet Ihose needs," she said. “To­ gether we want 10 make a dif­ ference in our communily." If you wish lo contact the Davie County United Way or Eichhom, call 751-0313 or send an e-m ail lo the adress; mm'davminired\miii'mMk'n'illc.C(>m. Volunleers are needed for Ihe upcoming campaign. INTEREST r ie a lt h Rowan Regionai M hdical C ün tiír September Classes & Events Community Programs I Educational Programs < Legs for Ufe Screenhig Peripheral Vasailar Disease (PVD) is a circulatory condition causcd by a b!(x;kage of the blood vessels in tiie leg. Tills screcninH will help those afflictcd wilh leg pain delemiine if they are at risl; for l’Vl3. Early delc-clion of PVD or oilier vasQilar diseases can help prevent or lessen the risk oi developing oilier iieaith problems. September 28 from 9 a.m. • noon, Wilson L. Smith Family Outpatient Center, 612 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury Call (704) 2105628 to schedule an appointment, Parent-To-Parent Woriohop — Free i’arcnt-to-l’arent is a si.x-weck series of classes helping parenls deal wilh the tough issues facing adolescents today; violence, dnig abuse, sex and self-c-stecni and cliaracter development. Parents will Icam liow lo recognize potential warning signs, communicate more effectively with their children and use titisl as a basis for building character. Each hour-long class session will build on one another. Sponsored by the Adolescent Family Enrichment Council and the Allies for Substance Abuse Prevenlion, the sessions will beheld O cIoIx t 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 arid November 6 from noon - 1 p.m. in iheWomeris Health Cenler, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Lunch is provided. Call (704) 210^544 to register or for more information. PDsWve nsdplne Tliis prograni provides opportunities to leam parenting enhancement skills. Join other parenls to hear about discipline methods and strategies that work for today’s children. Septenilxr 26 • 6 - 8 p.m.. Women's Heallh Center, 3rd floor, liowan Regional Medical Center Call (704) 210^544 lo register or for more inlormation. Educational Programs iCtai Look Good, Feel Betkr An American Cancer Society program that leaches canccr patienls teclinit|ucs to address the cosmetic side effects of treatment. Call(704)27a0992ioran appointment or for more information. Support Groups Coinw h oiiilw Dh Small group classes and individual inslniclion are offered on a weekly basis lo help master the skills and concepls for the control of diabetes. Tliese classes have a fee, which is covcre-d by most insurance plans. All classc-s arc held at the Salisbury Cily Park Recreation Center, 316 Ljke Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates, and you must attend all three sessions: September 9, 16, 23 • 6 - 8 p.m. September 18, 25, October 2 • 1 - 3 p.m. Call (704) 638-1437 for mae infamation. GestalianalOlabetasGtanas A certified diabetes educator providc-s a special program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. Tlie prograni includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. These classes have a fee, which is covered by mosl insurance plans. Gestational diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates; attend Ihe dale of your choice. Seplemher 12, 19, 26 • 9-11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education ik Wellness Outpatient Services Huilding, 721 Grove St., Salisbury Call (704) 638-1437 for more information. ADHD Sifiport Gmip Provides support and education for parenls of childre’n with Attention Deficit hlyperaclivity Disorder. September 24 • 6:30 p.m., Salisbuiy Pedialric AsstKiales, 129 Woodson St., Salisbury AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping lincrgelic) Provides a social and educational foaim for anyone suffering from a sleeping disorder Call the Sleep Medicine Center of Salisliury at (704) 637-1533 for meeting infonnation. Seller Brealliingaub Offers members and guests the opportunily to leam about breathing disordere. September 11 • I p.m., Rufly-Holnics Senior Center, n 20 S. Boundary St., Salisbury Canlac Suiipart Group Provides support and education for cardiac palienls, people who are' al high risk for lieart disease and their families. Tliis group meets the third Tuesday of the month during Febiuary, June anri October • 7 p.m., Cardiac Rehabilitalion Si Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office fiuilding, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Cotan Cancer Support Group Offers support and education for colon cancer sufferers and siiivivors. Septemlier 17*7 p.m., Libraiy at St. John's Litheran Church, 200 W Innes St., Salisbuiy Epiepsy Support Group Provides support and education for people with epilepsy and their families. September 12*7 p.m., Firsl liaptist Church, 223 N. Fulton St., Salisbury Stake Support Group Offen; support and education for people who have suffered a stroke. September 13 • 10:30 a.m., Tlie Ljurels of Salisbury, 2 15 Lash Dr, Salisbury Call (704)637-1182 for more information. W a i^ Loss Support Ctaup Provides support and education for patienls who have had or are contemplating having gastric bypass surgery as a way lo lose weight. September 12*7 p.m., 6242 Siokes Feny Rd., Salisbury Call (704) 636-3582 for more infonnation. N u r s e - O n - D u ty For routine, non-emergency medical problems or for answers to your medical questions, call NursG-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's free. 1 - 8 0 a > 3 3 & 4 9 2 1 Women’s Health All classes mcx't in the Women’s Health Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 210-5544 to re’gisler or for more- infonnation. HgBraMier/BlgSislBr Siblings, too, have to adjust to a new role when the baby arrives. Tliis class helps prepare’ them for the arrival of a new brother or sister. It includes a tour of the matemity center and a visil to our newlxini nursery. September 9 *4 p.m. feifairtCPR/CMMSafaly Provides lips on making your home a safer place for your baby. Includes denionslralions of CPR techniciues for infants. $ 15 per person or $20 per couple September 9*6- 8:30 p.m. lanazB Prepared CMhUrth and Baliy Basks Leam whal to expect during labor, birth and postpartum periods,- coping skills,- re-Iaxation and bre-athing techniques,- and preparing for childbirth. Taught by our Laniaze-certified childbirth educators. Classes meet once a week for six weeks, and a class fee is charged. Lamaze classcs will be offered on the following dates-. September 9 - October 14 • 10 a.m. - noon September 23 - October 28 • 6 - 8-.30 p.m. Mobile Medical Unit Rowan Regionals mobile medical imit will lx- at the following locations in September ChoieslBrol and Glucose Scneniiig $8 each September 16 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Target, 3.133 Cloverleaf Pkwy., Kannapolis Mamniofp'aiiB September 5 and 6 Soulh Rowan Medical Mall, 308 E. Centerview St., China Crove Call (704) 855-2400 lo schedule an appointment. Moonlight Mammography Do you find it diffiailt to schedule a maminoi>raphy exam during regttlar business hours? Now you can get your annual mammography exam as late as 7 p.m. Monday - Tliursday at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 2104238 today for an appointment. Blood Pressure Clinic Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided in the medical centers parking garage on Henderson Street. Ri )Wi III il M l h Iic.iI ConU.'i olU.'is ,i v, iiii ’ly ( il hi Mill i , iiui wi 'Ilm 'ss i '(iuciilu ii i ( I.ISM.'S (”oi m o il“ iiiloiiii.ilion Ol lo loijisli'i loi .iiiy i l.issos oi M ippoil i|io u |)‘, ( 111 (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 0 0 0 6 1 2 M o c k s v il le A v e n u e , S a lis b u r y , N o r t h C a r o li n a 2 8 1 4 4 w /w w . r o w a n .o r g i.‘r Vi < ’ 1^ CIO . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Scpl. 5, 2002 Obituaries Cady Elizabeth Neely Cady Elizabeth Neely, Ihc in­ fant daughter of Preston and Jen­ nifer llarpc Neely of Oakluncl Avenue. Mixksville, died on Aug. 30. 2002. at Wake Forint Univer­ sity Baptist Medical Center of a rare heart condition. Cady was born on May 2.1, 2002. at Forsyth Medical Center and was dedicated al Firsl Baptist Church in Mocksvillo. Survivors: an identical twin sister. Courtney Lynn, and sister. Dayanna Nicole Neely; palemal grandmother. Susan D. Neely of Advancc: maternal grandparents. Brenda D. and the lale Bill Harpe of Mocksvillc; grcal-grandpar- eni.s. Ted and Irene Davis ofAd­ vancc and an uncle. Jeff Harpe and cousin. Amber of Mocksvillc. A graveside scrvice was held at 2 p.m. Monday. Sept. 2 at Rose Cemelery in Mocksvillc with D r. Van Lankford and the Rev. Danny Shore officialing. Meniorials: Ronald McDonald House. 419 S. Hawthorne Road. Winston-S.ilem. 27103. Martin Luther Rose Mr. Martin Lulher Rose. T). of Counly Line Road. H.imiony. died al Davis Regional Medical Cen­ ter on Saturday. Aug. i 1.2002 fol­ lowing a lengthy illness. He was born in Davic Counly on March 26. 1923 lo the lale Willie Vat and Willie Louis Turner Rose. He was niarried to Mary Ann Gailher Rose, who sur\'ives. A son. Johnny Burgis Rose, preceded him in death. He received his educalional training in the Iredell Counly School Sysiem. and was a mem­ ber of Piney Grove .4.ME Zion Church. He loved lo fish. Survivors, in addilion to his wife: a daughter. Beverly Ann Rosc-Carmichael (Alonzo) of Columbia. Md.; 2 brothers, Artis Lee Rose (Daisy) of Winslon-Sa- Icm and Elmore E. Rose (Lois) of Harmony; a daughter-in-law. Calhy P. Rose of Hickory; several ^ sisters- and brothcrs-in-law; 2 grandchildren. Funeral services were con­ ducted Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. at Piney Grove AME Zion Church wilh the Rev. Lester Fisher officialing. Burial followed in the church ccmelcry. Charlene Penn Hayes Mrs. Charlene Elaine Penn Hayes. 40. of Winslon-Salent died Saturday. Aug. 24, 2002, at Wake Forest Universily Baplisi Medical Cenier. She was boni Feb. 7. 1962. in Mocksvillc. Survivors: her husband. Jo­ seph Hayes Jr. of Ihe home; her p.irenls. Frank and Alvcrta Penn of Martinsville. Va.. and Charles and Kaye Chunn of Salishury: 2 sons. Joseph Hayes III of Northfolk. W.Va. and Adrian H.nyes of Bluctleld. W.Va.; i sis­ ters. 0/clma Faye (Larry) Ingram of Bassclt. Va.. Renee E. (James) Bannister of Durham. Cherie A. Penn of Minneapolis. Minn.. Lisa Chapman Chunn of Mocksville and Valeric Pilford of Mount Vernon. N.Y.; i broihers. Edward K. Penn of Detroit. Mich.. Reginald Chunn of Salisbury and Robert C. Chunn of Mocksvillc; paternal grandmothers Gladys Chunn of Mocksville and Cassie E. Penn of Fieldale. Va.; 2 grand­ sons; and 2 gCKlchildren. She was employed at "Dis­ abled " Hanes Distribution Cenier for nine years, and was a member of Heavenly Hosi Apostolic Church, usher board (secretary), and choir. Tlic funeral was al I p.m. Fri­ day. Aug. .10 at Antioch Christian Church, with evangelist Marie McGhee ofllciating. Burial fol­ lowed at Antioch Christian Church Cemetery. Spcncer. Va. Lawrence E. Moberly Sr. A memorial service for Mr. Lawrence Ervin Moberly Sr. was conducid al .1 p.m. Salurday. Sept. 7. in Ihc Mocksvillc Firsl Pres­ byterian Church. Memorials: Scholarship Fund of First Prcsbylcrian. 2(il S. Main St.. Mocksvillc; or llospice/Pal- liative CareCenter. IIOOC S. Slralford Rd.. Winston-Salem. 27I0.V Mr. Moberly died Wednesday, July 24.2(X)2 at the age of 89. He had resided on Tot Street and w;ls a retired chemist. W W W . en ter p r ise-re co r d .com 5 5 ^ A Meaningful Funeral Serace W e l c h F u n e r a l H o m e , I n c . 556 South Main St. • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-3725 — Locally Oivned & Operated — MOCKSVILLE (YadMnyHtoRoMl) S p e c ia l o£ th e W e e k W h e n Y o u H e a l t Ê e a i W e A r e H €H e l p . Bill raster Suzanne »arnhardt Магм White Jane RiJenbark Beth^roud I'i)i'u t4 ':il in riii'iiiiilin n (It) ilriiu s \ h c iillh p ro h le m s . цо In w u \\ .fo s (i'r(lru u ro .( Kill Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com In Loving Memoiy of those who lost their lives on Tuesday, September 11,2001. To the families, fiiends, and heroes — We salute your courage. PIlmso l.ikt* it moment to a'flect. Wo will never forget. Pray for our соиШгл’. Please honor and .support our fia'fighters, piilicemcn, nnd military. We are united in our grief, anger, and patriotism ns Aniencniis. God Bless America Please remember our troops defending our freedom. W e l c h F u n e r a l H o m e , I n c . 556 South M ain St. • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-3725 Locally Oivneci & Operated Community Remembers llliflilll O u r c o m m u n i t y r e m e m b e r s t h e v i c t i m s o f t h e S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 , t r a g e d y . T h e i r m e m o r y w i l l f o r e v e r l i v e I n o u r h e a r t s . E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E \ T P T V Iì.ì< lÌ> N4nowLfunehal 325 Nord, Main St.. Moclm-illc, NC • 751-2148 ' /Vom/ ffírmibtr pf DAVIE FlWERAL SERVICE Incorparalcd 416 V.illcy Rd., Mocksvillc, NC 336-751-3111 “Our Fumili/ Serving Voiir ramili/" гага IIOMITOHTV fumìrai, home Advcrtiscmcnl Free Hearing Tests Set For Mocksville Area Anyone who has iroublc hearing or understanding words is welcome lo have a free hearing lesI wilh modem elcclronic equipment. Even people now wearing a he.iring aid or those who may have been lold nolhing could be done for them should have a hearing lest to find oul if Ihcy an; among the many a hearing aid will help. Il may surprise you lo know lhal many people with hc.iring problems do nol need hearing aids. Bul they do need a hc:uing lest .is a firsl step in finding oul exactly what ihe trouble is. There's no charge for the lest and absolutely no obligation. The free hearing tcsls will be given by Bellone Hearing Aid Specialists al the Bellone He;iring Aid Ser\’ice Cenier al 281 N. Main Slreel every Friday from 10:00 am lo 1:00 pm. To avoid wailing call' 72.1-5253 for an appoinimenl for the free lest al our officc or in the privacy of your own home. w B e l t o n e JohnErank Sparks ' M ocauviLU SALISBURY Carol S. M cM illa n 1926 - 2002 • ' R.ALEICH Jerry W. Bracken 1946-2002 WIN8TON.SALEM * R y m C .M a rli» ’ . 1995 - 2002 WINSTON-SAtEM m Hannah M i RuUedgt- , jooa'.i -V M O CKSVnU .Verm etleP.B№ hfi)rk' i908 , 200a ' f ' c o q U s M n ''' '-i -V Ronald C M e K H ig kt 19*3-3002 V ^ ADVANCE , ■“ " t i t • \Cf ShM ey E . Spry \ 1999 . 2002' > MOCKS Y O U . R ifh a r4 J .L a s id ti 1931-2002/ ' M p c K sv n u > ’ i ' ’V C ro 4 y M . l - -r I I / ' ^ Jam e sF .B radm ' . ‘J 9 w -a № ..*• M o a w v ii« t;h ' V C h e s ^ Wfsh^ ; 1925-2002 ’ M Q C K fv a u ,,. M a ry R ulh *W 2 ira 0 O lV j. '■f Center Preschool To Have Children’s Clothing Sale Center Prcschool will have a children's clothing and equipment •sale on Friday. Sepl. 13, .5-7 p.m. and Salurday, Scpl. 14, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. al the Cenier United Melhodist Church Family Life Ccnicr. Items typically found al the sale arc geiilly-iiseil children's clothes (newborn Ihrough leen). toys, books, movies, strollers, car .seals, bicyclcs, rnalemity clothes, etc. Cosigners are needed lo .sell ihcir children's clothes and equip­ ment. Cosigners receive 60 perccnl of the sale of their items. The sale is a semi-annual fund raiser for the program. All mon­ ies ge to the purchase of playground equipmenl. If interested in selling gently-u.sed clothing, children's and ma­ ternity, loys and equipment, call Sandra Autry at 940-3753 er Carla Preveiic at 492-3735. Breal<fast Sept. 14 At Mocks A country ham and tenderloin breakfast will be held from 6:30- 10 a.m. Saturday. Sept. 14 al Mocks United Melhodist Church, off N.C. 801 South on Mocks Church Road in Advance. The menu will also include eggs, grils. sausage gravy, bi.scuils and a beverage for S5. Take-ouls will be available. Call 998-5518 for more informa­ tion. M O PS Meets At Macedonia MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) meels on Ihe llrst and third Fridays of each nionlh throughout Ihe school year. Moms can gather at Macedonia Moravian Church at 7(K) N.C .801 N .from 9:15-11:45 a.m. for breakfast, motivational speaking, small group discussion, creative activities, and fellowship with olher moms. Childcare is provided for a small fee. Reservations are not required. Davie schools wealher policy is in cffect. For more infomiation. call 998- 4394. Before School Program Starts At Advance Methodist Church A before school program is available at Advancc United Mclh­ odisl Comniunity Building at 1911 N.C. 801 S. for Shady Grove sludents. Children may be dropped off beginning al 6 a.m. The .school bus will pick Ihe children up at 8 a.m. Registration is re­ quired. Call 998-0199 for more infonnalion. Elliott Smith To Speak Sunday At Hope Baptist Pastor Elliolt Smilh will be speaker at Hope Baptist Church on Sunday, Sept. 8 at II a.m. and 6 p.m. On Wednesday. Sept. 11, Neil Wilco.x. fonncr director ofWinston-Salem Rescue Mission, will be speaking and there will be a special Awana memorial in honor of the Sept. 11 tragedy. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. S, 2002 - СИ ‘ r f 'W D E B R A B R O W N G R O C E MaffiiEEaiFor N C S e n a te S e r v in g Y a d k in , D a v ie & R o w a n Paid for by Debra Brown Groce Di/AiNíE^’S mmm “Good Food & Good Service’’ Owners; Diane & Wade Owens, Jr. Mon-Thurs 6am -2pm Fri & Sat б а т -8 р т 4395 US Hwy 64 West W lial do Alls tin Powers, lU i^s Bunin (SsT M adon na Ua\c in com m on? 1 h c \ \ c псчч'Г \ isiU'cl l)i. Penna. B races fo r c h ild re n an d a d u lts . D r . P e n n a & S t a f f ORTHODONTIST MOCKSVILLE - (336) 751-2252 C om plim entary sccond opinions Attend The Church Of Your Choice No Croek Primitive Baptist Church,No croek Church Rd., Mocksville. 2nd & 4lh Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conforonce,1:30 p.m. Pastor, Elder Eugene Bonnott. Eaglo Heights Church,10 a.m. Sunday worship. 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertimo. 7 p.m. Thursday Bible study. Casual dross, contemporary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158. Hillsdalo. Mocksvillo Wosleyan Church: Hospital St., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Rev. Goorgo Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Mothodlst Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m.. Paslor, Rev. Brad Holliman. Center Unlled Mothodlst Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevette, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753. Elbaville United Methodist Church: N.C. 001. Advance. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11). 1st&3rdSun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ (ages 12- 18) meel Sun.. 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Neville Storey. Cooleemee Church of God: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children’s Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For more info, call pastor Robort Huletle at 284-2160 or visit ww w .coolcog.org. Cornatzer United Methodist Church: 1244 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study. Wodnosday, 7:30. Rev. Harold Zimmerman, pastor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rov. Ed Carter, pastor. Advanco United Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downlown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farminglon Rd. 998-3769. Rev. Melinda Snydor. Oak Grove United Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksviile. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Concord United Methodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksvillo. Wofshlp: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor. John Androws. Hardison United Methodist Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wondorlul Wednes-days Children’s program. 6-7:30. Pastor. Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship. 11. Evening service, 6. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hillsdale Uni ted Methodist Church: 5228 U.S. 158. Advance. Contemporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dress, refreshments. Jr. High Youlh Sunday night, 5.30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. Mldwoek@Hillsdale prayer service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studies, ministries such as drama, worship, mislons, singles, women’s, men’s. Pastor: Jerry Webb. 998-4020. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church: Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Mindy Snyder. Pino Rd. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeling & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Robort Kasting. 751-5419. http^www.mlndsprlng.com/^hotycross/ Mocksvillo First Presbyterian Church. 261 S. Main SI. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 o.m. Sunday ovoning: Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Neal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks Unllod Mothodlst Church, oil N.C. 801 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads. Advonco. Rov. Donnio Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. SundaySchool: 10 a.m. Smith Grove Mothodlat Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksvillo. Pastor: Chris Cloniz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship. 11. Children’s ministry. Before and aftor school programs. 940*5296. Hillsdalo Baptist Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Study 9 & 10:30 ^ a.m., Wodnosday Fellowship Meal. 6 ^ p.m. Children’s youth activities, prayor meeting. 6:30 p.m. Paslor R.T. Alderman. 940-6618. Minister of Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158, Advanco. Faith and Victory Family Worship Contor, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wodnosday, 7 p.m. New Believers P.P. Church. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Servico, 11. Wodnosday night Biblo study. 5. Paslor Elizabelh Mock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. Women’s Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty United Mothodlst Church. U.S. 601 S. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First Unlled Mothodlst Church of Mocksvilie. Early Sunday Worship Sorvico, 8:50 a.m. Praiso singing, casual dress, contomporary formal. Traditional sorvice. 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main Sl. 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner. Believer’s Sonship Tabornacto: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wod. evening. 7. Pastor: Jorry L. Couch. 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter’s Lane. Turrentine Baplisi Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship. 11; Night Service, 6. Paslor: Rov. Joo Smilh. Bethlehem Unltod Methodist Church: Sunday oarly worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School. 10 Worship. 11 a.m. 321 Rodland Rd., Advanco. 336* 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: bethumc@aol.com. Episcopal Church of the Asconslon, Fork-Biyby Rd.,Advance. Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry tor children. Bill and Peggy Long of Advance. 998*7716. Services at tho Oaks, Apt. 7A, 7 p.m.. Thursdays, Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement Grove Church of God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbalh School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right. Tuesdays. 5-5.30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m.. WSTP 1490 AM. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Walocs, 998-3022. Liborty Wesleyan Church. 2106 Sheffield Rd.. Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventuro 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. 492*2963. Pastor: Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzor Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Paslor: Peter Peterson, 998* 6813. Dulin United Methodist Church, 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksville. 998-5409. Pastor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooleemee United Melhodlsl. Main St., Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) in Home Bible Studios, by Randy Howell. 284*4667. Bear Croek Baptist Church, Bear Crook Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.. Bible Study Wod. 7 p.m. Rev. William Lee Cook III, paslor. Cooloomoo First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 7 p.m.. Youth, 6 p.m. Wednesday supper. 6 p.m. Music ministar, Regina Chandler. Mocksvilie Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine St. Worship, 11 a.m., Church School. 9:30. Rov. Thomas M. Loach.75M410 SL Francis of Assissi, RC. Masses: Monday. Tuesday, Thursday. Friday, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper. TOR. 751*2973. Farmington Baptist Church. Sunday morning Bible study, classes for all ages. 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmington Rd., 5 miles from 1-40. Pastor: Jimmy Hinson. Church: 998* 3826. Home: 751*3492. Blaise Boptlst Church, U.S. 601 North across from Horn's Truck Stop, Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship & Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday service. 7 p.m. Pastor: Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Donald Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton United Methodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Jack Wallaco. Heavon Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Corner Fire Dept.). Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship. 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship. 7. Pastor. Jamos Ward. 998- 6394. First Boptlst Church. 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m. Wodnosday Prayor Sorvice. Noon. Fork Boptlst Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 9:45. Worship servico. 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wodnosdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Baptist Church, 1372 Cornatzer Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m., Worship. 11; evening, 6:30; Awana’s Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. New Union Methodist Church. 1869 Shellield Rd.. at Counly Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m.. contemporary worship with casual dress and refreshments: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10. Sunday School for all agos. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492* 5367. ijames Baptist Church. Sheffield Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9.45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor. Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zlon Church. 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Rov. Anthony Freeman. Advanco First Baptist Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Pastor:Martln Kastnor. 998*6302. Church of God of Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday evening, 7. Paslor: Rev. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284*2935. Victory Baptist Church. Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youth, 6:45 p.m.. Prayer & Bible Study. 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventh Day Adventist Church, Milling Road. Mocksvilie. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30-11; Worship, 11*noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751- 3886. Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sunday School, 9:30*10:45 a.m. Worship, 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Paslor: Rov. Greg Lillle. Yadkin Valley Baptist Church, 1324Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship. 11 & 6. Wednesday Nighl Prayer meeting, 7:30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt. Zlon Holiness Church of God. U.S. 64 E. at Mill Street. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m., Morning Worship, 11. Pastor: Bishop James ijamos. Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. worship, 11 a.m.. Wednesday night Bible study. 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr., pastor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of the Living God. 2121 Cornatzer Rd., Advance. Pastor. Rev. Porry Hawks. 768*1606. Worship. Sunday 10*11 a.m., 6 p.m. Salem Unlled Methodist Church. Salem Church Road off Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksviile. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM llrst Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blalf, pastor. Piney Qrove United Mothodlat Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advanco. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Pastor: Rev. Kendall C. Glovor. 998*7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church. 291 Campboll Rd.. Mocksville. Pastor, Nettye Ijamos-Barber, 751 -0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bioie class, 7:30. intercessory prayer, 6 p.m. Truo Light Christian Ministry, U.S. 601 N., Danner Rd. lo Camolia Lane. Mocksville. Pastor: Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, 11. Eptscopat Ctiurch of the Good Shepherd. Church & Cross sts.. Cooleemee. Worship. 9:30 a.m.. fellowship hour after church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4th Sundays alter church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission. Liberty Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School 10:30, morning worship, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavls. Mocksville Church of God. 862 U.S 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817 Paslor: Larry Hollllield. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6, Wednesday evening. 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 S.. Mocksville. 284-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services; 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor all ages; 11 morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., family fellowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID Youth 4 Christ. Adult Bible Study. Nursery for infants and toddlers. Fellowship Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998*6544 SundaySchool, 10 a.m., worship. 11 Sunday evening, 6. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, p.m. Smith Grove AME Zion Church 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip. 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glonn, pastor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship, 11 Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m Pastor: Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. W . G . W H r r E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 3 3 6 -7 2 3 -1 6 6 9 V O G L E R A - S O N S runcrai nomu 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 jE R R Y 'S M E A T P R O C E S S IN G We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 692 Ralph Ratltdga Rd. MockavJIla 4 9 2 -5 4 9 6 D O W N U N D E R R O C K & T I L E Brett & Slacey Lavery 133«) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ceramic Tile In.stallation www.aussictilc.com O A V IE L U M B E R & L O G G IN G 872 M ain Church Rd. M ocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 J . P . G R E E N M IL L IN G C O ., IN C . M akers of DAISY FLOUR W e Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 6 E A T O N F U N E R A L H O M E A Tnidilion o f Cnring.... 325 North Main Strccl Mocksvillc. NC 27028 336-751-2148 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N 0 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 . 'Krazy' Bob says, "Stop by and see '|M r S /w h y ... a sale at the mall's rarely 'u f ilu S ^ ^*1-"f Tuei.-Frl.* 10am*7pm Sat.* 10am-5pm Closed Sun.&Mon.Tlte Old Webb ei(ig. Hwy 158,2 Blocks W of 601 G E N T L E M A C H IN E & T O O L IN C . 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 a Ì C è E У Ш Л О Е И А Ш А Й Е 5431 Hwy. 158« Advance, NC 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -1 9 8 7 AUTO M U n « MOCKSVILLE AirrOMOnVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 9 4 4 f u i i i n r m s A f Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A L L C T C O . АРМСЖ COMMNV 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 601 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 BiuUerofQuiHtyOiavmHoaeiformtrJOYejn Cnij! A. Cantf. PraiJcrt » Martin C. C«lg, Vicc Pra H a y w o r t h- M il l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K inderton C hapel Located on Hwy 158 Betweon Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 f p , CI2 ■ DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK HKCORI). Stnt. 5. 2002 — E le c t — M i k e M o r r i s R e p u b lica n C a n d id a te fo r th e N C H o u se of R e p re se n ta tiv e s 7 9 th D istric t ^ C O M M U N m r S E B V I C E American Red Cross Past member Davle Coimty United Way Board of Directors Holy Cross Lutheran Church; Sunday School Teacher and Past Congregational President MocksvtUe Parks and Recreation: Past Coach and Assistant Coach Volunteer for special events at MocksvUle & Central Davle Elementary Schools & South Davle Middle School ★ E D U C A T I O N Degree in Applied Science from Central Carolina Commtmity College Attended: Davidson Community College, Liberty University, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, & Winston-Salem State University ★ M I U T A B Y S E R V I C E (3 years active duty and 18 years reserve duty) Regular US Army from 1964 to 1967 (Service in both Germany and Vietnam) US Army Reserve from 1967 to 1970 NC Army National Guard from 1981 to 1997 Retired with an excess of 85 medals and decorations ★ V E T E R A N S M E M B E R S H I P American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, & AMVETS NC National Guard Association ★ P R O F E S S I O N A I . P A R T I C I P A T I O N Association of Computing Machinery Association for the Certification of Computer Professionals Association of Systems Managers Data Processing Managers Association ★ P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N I am a self-employed Computer Programmer/Anajyst and hold professional designations of CCP (Certiiled Computer ProfessionaJi, Specializing In Management). I have been married to Janice Morris for 27 years. We have one son, Matthew, who is 13 years old and a student to the 9th grade at Davle High School. Paid for by Mike Morris - Candida' Feature DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - Dl Philip lies leads the band through a m usical num ber. Flag m em ber Kristie Vogler is all sm iles despite the rain. F r / d a y MghX Entertainment There’s plenty of things go­ ing on at Davie High School home football games, with the chcctlcmlcrs, tliincing bools, flag team and marching band. They’re sure to keep you enter­ tained. Catch them in action this Flag team m em ber Ashton Lam be w alks onto the field. Friday night at War Eagle Statidun\. Josh Gentry, Chris Beaver, Jerom y S m ilh, Tom m y Pullen and Alan G oad keep the drum s pounding.C heerleader M ercedes Soto drum s up som e school spirit. T h e fans cam e prepared for the w et - but w elcom e - weather, D avie High cheerleaders inspire the team and the fans. W ar Eagle (Hatching S d m e m b S 3 ! c a r t ^ ^ Zach Falls, A.J. Rogers and Kevin Kirkpatrick march onto the field. ■ Photos by Robin Fergusson A .......... .................................................................t ....................... D2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 5. 2002 Davie Schools Pincbrodk Elemenlary Ttic firsl grade classes (Mrs. Sutlon. Ntrs. niank. Miss Brown Mrs.Hendrix) will have grandpar- ems in for lunch and a spccial prc- senlalion Thursday, Sepl. .“i. Tliis day will be in honor of grandpar- enl.s. Tlie firsl grade classes arc studying "Me"unil as well as the "Human Body” in social studies and health. Math concepts for the week arc sorting, graphing, shapes, addition/subtraction, and inside/outside shapes. Studenis are adding words lo the class word walls cach week by studying .“i words and testing on them on FVi- days. Tlic character irail is Rc- sponslbilily. Sludenis are learning aboul ways to l>c responsible al school and home. Л Character Kid/Student will gel honored cach week. Character Kids for Ihc week of Aug. 26-Scpl. 6: Bridgelle Hooks. Gregory Miller, Wesley Blake, Oscar Orellana, Mike Delvcia, Asia Evans, Chad Howard, Oliva Woodward, Ryan Budd, Ashley Levon, Tori Clontz, Haley McCane. Danielle Barron, Jonny Zarbock, Harley Carter, Casey Cranfill, Devin Johnson, Austin Johnson, Auslion Kerr, Julie Sweat, Laura Kinder. Chrisiina Workman, Austin Jones, Abby Russell, Kirslie Hulchins, Terra Slanley. A PTA general meeting and open house will be held Sept. 9 al 7 p.m. in the gym. Come and visit you child's class. The children have lots of ilems lo show. Ttie I’TA membership drive began Sepl, 1. Membership is S.1. William R, Davic Elcmcniur.v Bus, Van and Car Riders of the Month for August were treated to an icc cream treat on Monday, Aug. 26: Cody Bunch, Ashley Crcgar, Franco Lopez, Renee Bryant. Ross Hoffncr, Mrianda Myers, Tanner Bledsoe, Amanda Shorl, Luke Naylor, Alcie Hsokins, Brandon Gammons, Lelisa Patio, Kenneth Tomkins, Courney Draughn, Levi Boger, Brandy Sands. Eric Rodrigues, Vianey .'Vmaro Rixlrigues, Ashley Hulchins, Jerrick McKnight, Megan Scarlett, and Jacob Druaghn. A volunleer treat was held Aug. 27 in the media cenler from 8:.10- 9:30, Many volunteers .Hlended. Coordinators were Barbara Weaver and Ciaye Carolliers. A lisl of volunteers, assignments and inleresi areas were presented lo leacliers, Spccial thanks to ihc following volunteers: Erin Anderson. Clarence Elmore, Sisier Susie. Pan Bcck. Alice Sherrill, Michelle Fougères. Natalie CtKkcrham. Tnia Gobble. Wendy Miller, Bonnie ,Myers, April Cave, N;mcy Nesbit, Aurelia Lagle, Crissy McEwen, Angela Wallace, Pamela Pearce, Teresa Apperson, Mr. Norris. Pamela Brookman. Nicole Bunch, Forrest Bonopartc, Shannon Prim, Kalhy Rogers, Jody Brickhousc, Sarah Brickhouse. Pearline Reavis, and Janet BaJl. Grandparents’s D.iy is scheduled for Tuesday. Sept. 10. The menu is choicc of oven-baked chicken wilh roll or pork chop sandwich vvilh Ihe choice of crca.med potatoes or sweet peas, and chilled pineapple or apple crisp, nic beverage is tea or milk. Bus and Car Riders of Ihe Week of Aug. 19-2.1: Franco Lopez, Renee Bryant, Tanner Bledsoe, Amanda Stark. Brandon Gammons, Lelisia Palino. Levi Boger, Brandy Sands, Ashley Hutchins, Jerrick McKnight, and Jacob Draughn, Citizens of the Week of Aug. 2fi-.M): Jacob Beauchamp, Christina Grannaman, Jcssc Hendricks, Levi Boger, Tanner Call, Kolin Andrews. Michaela Boger, Chesnee Barber, Lupita Castro, Natalie Ireland, Aubrey Apperson, Courtney Grannaman, M aji Barron, Carolina-Oliva Hernandez, Panic Kurfees, Jamie Norris, and Luke Naylor. Tlie Student Council Elcclion for the year 2002-200.^ is under way. Studenis who have shown interest were placed on a preliminary ballol for Ihc firsl round of nominations. Those listed for president were Caitlin Tutterow, Samantha Tarleton, Micheál Tilley, Kass:uulra Gerdes, Brandy Carlton, Ashley Hutchins, Spcncer Lanning, Travis Norris, and Kalee Trivette. Vice Presidenl were Cameron Sheppard. KE'Aira Smith. Ale.x Henry. Casey Fcrrebee. Peyton Blackley, and I'yler Lee. Chelsea Ledfor, Taylor Anderson, Jenna Dowell, Tori Norris and Caillyn Hyde showed interest for treasurer. Secretary candidates lislcd were Torri Rogers. Jourdan Blakley, Zachary Paugh. Briltannie Ball. Gabby .Arcos and Krystal Bcam. Studenis winning nominations and entering Ihe campaign arc presidenl - Samaniha Tarleton. Micheál Tilley, Spcncer Lanning. and Travis Norris. Vice president nominees are Cameron Sheppard. Alex Henry, Peylon Blackley, and Tyler Lee. Tlic ta-asurer nominees are Chelsea Ledford. Taylor Anderson. Tori Norris, and Caitlyn Hyde. Secretary nominees are Torri Rogers. Zachary Paugh. Briltannie Ball and Krystal Bcam. North Davle Middle Tlic Beyond The Core classes are following a new quarter schedule. All six and seventh grade classes are held for .17 minutes. In the eighth grade some of the BTC classes arc taught for 70 minutes. Tliis schedule enables the students to K* exposed to more Beyond The Core classcs and allows more sludenis lo pursue their special interests and talents as well as participation in daily physical educalion classes. In Sp;inish, Mrs. Stovall’s sixlh gr.ade sludents will review and be introduced to new greetings, salutations, colors, and numbers. Sludenis will learn how lo form and answer appropriate questions, compare and contrast adjectives, review the days, months, and seasons, and learn new w'ealher expressions. A brief sludy of Spain is included. Spanish I for seventh grade sludents is a sludy of the Spanish­ speaking countries of Latin America. Students will be doing research in the compulcr lab in order to prepare information on a Lalin-American couniry. They will present a poster containing required infonnation and create a travel brochurc about the couniry of their choicc. Sevenlh grade students in Spanish II liegin the quarter with a review of vocabulary and are introduced 10 new vocabulary for classroom articles, sports, and animals. Sludents arc expo.sed to proper sequencing of asking and answering questions about someone olher lhan themselves. Sevenlh grade studenis make an animal booklet using Ihc comparison of adjectives. Cultural studies includc identification and informalion about the Spanish- speaking countries of the world. Eighth grade students in Spanish I are learning new vocabulary words in order to access informalion in Ihe target language pertinent to their daily routines. Next quarter cighih grade sludenis in Spanish 11 will review and learn new vocabulary words us well as study the grammar aspect of the language. Mr. Wilder’s music curriculum has been expanded: chorus is offered on all grade levels and is open to anyone who wants to participate in a performing ensemble. Class voice is being offered on the seventh and eighth grade level and is open to anyone wishing to improve or refine singing skills. Class voice does nol include public perfonnance. A general music cliiss is offered on each grade level where studenis explore the wrillen language of music, history and terminology, and singing. Eighth graders may participate in the spring musical, where sludents present a full length musical lo Ihe .school and public. Mrs. Sell’s sixlh grade are classes are working on portrait drawing after studying proportion and placement of features. Tliey will be doing Crayon resist, pastel drawing, weaving and print making along with art history and critique. Tlie sevenlh and eighth grade art curriculum will have sevcr.al changes. On the seventh grade level, Art 1 will be offered first semester and will include drawing, walercolor, calligraphy, graphic design and a unit on African art and Cubism. Sccond semesler will be Art 2 and will includc a study of art concepts, painting, one-point perspective drasving, critique, and research of arlisis and styles. In cighih grade Art 1 will includc drawing using various styles and media, pastels, painting, weaving and a study of art hislor)’ of the western worid. This will be a 70-minute class during first quarter. Art 2. sccond quarter, is a .17 minute class that offers drawing. Crayon resist. Pop Art, and waicrcolor painting. Art .1 will be offered second semester as a 70-minute class and will includc a sludy of architecture, two-point perspective drawing and ceramics. Art 4 will be .17 minutes and includes drawing, portraiture, a sludy of cultures in art and a collage projecl. Drama sludenis in Mrs. M cG ill’s classes are being exposed to new projects . Sixth grade sludenis are able lo have drama for nine weeks to learn the basics of acting. Students study pantomime, improvisation, voice production, technical theatre, and costumc design. Sevenlh grade sludents are offered two drama classes. Performance drama includes a more in-depth study of perfonnance and acting skills, and includes a one act perfonnance for Ihe enlire sevenlh grade. Technical Tliealrc drama allows seventh graders lo sludy the backstage procedures lhat go along wilh performance. They will be learning everything from b;isic costuincs and props to full set conslruclion and lighting design. Eighth graders in drama this quarter are involved in the perfonnance of Ihe holiday PTSA production, or a new perfonnance class titled “Children’s Tlieatre". This class will prepare for and then tour four Davie County elementary schools. In Mrs. Gooding’s classes, sixth grade students have the database and spreadsheet seclion of keyboarding for a quarter , rather lhan for six weeks. This allows additional lime for the students to feel more comfortable using dalaba.scs and spreadsheets. Students are learning how to set up a sort in databases lo find answers to questions. When they have mastered sorting then Ihcy will move on to the searching feature to find answers. Seventh grade students in keyboarding will be learning more about word processing, spreadsheets and databases lo prepare them for the eighth grade compuler compe­ tency test. Studenis have com­ pleted word processing seclion and are working wilh databases. Seventh grade students in Career Decisions I have been doing inventories to determine their personalities, learning .styles, altitudes and values. Laler in Ihe course they w ill hear guest speakers who will share informa­ tion about Iheir careers. With Ihe help of compulers, students will research jobs as lo skills needed, localion.s, salaries, availability of jobs. Studenis will also construct a sewing project by hand and they will be cooking as well. Eighth graders in life skills are finishing up management of human and material resources and have begun kilchen safely. They cooked and ate a healthy break­ fast. They will begin sewing Conlinued On Page D3 approacncs please take a moment to reflect on the events of hist year and remember those who lost their lives. G O D BLESS AM ERICA! H O W A R D R E A L r ï , . * : * « ! Put our staff lo work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at w w w ^ .h o w a r d r e a lt y .c o m m B m I s I 330 s. Salisbury Sl. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Office Hours; Monday-Friday 8 -i • Salurday 9-12 • Sunday By Appt. 207 North Caroiìna Ci.275 Maoisûn Road 5BR. 3.1BA. 3505 eq.fL. too many amoTAies to Ш $329,950. CALL CONNK 9 751-aseS 175 Fox HUNttR Rono 2777W'Sq. ft.. 4BR. 3BA. story. $269.900. Gmh dm в 7514569 4BR. ЭВА, on 9.3 acres wrth stream $249,000.CUIEVOÏN 9751-8563 Yadonviae. 36R. 2BA. 1 j Ac. pan. bsK. FP 2 ponds. 217a sl. $209,900, CAU.MNEe7Sl-eS<0 Htstoncal 6BR, гВА, hotne on ЪМ шзе«. with immaculale landscaping CMLMNEeZSl-gseO 13+/' aaos. 1.5 story homo, 3BR. 2.5BA. $194,900. CAaMARY9 7Sl-8566 4вЯ 2SA (Aa 2BR. 1 BA homes PLUS eddttinal 334 acres in Fermngion. SltS^M O . С Ш . Ш К or M X • 7S14S60 Bermuda Run - 36Я 2.5вА. sunroom. Ig.M&aoversueúgrg $ltS,900. САаММПГогЮЕШ 440 HosmiAi St С Нашкэту-звя, зал. part. tsml. 2 FPi, 3Jac.add. ac. avai $ 1 7 4 ^ 0 . CMlMNCerSl-aMO 3BH, 2BA. 2 hall BA, 2 stories with a hill basement. $М4,90а СШ, COMME «TSl-tStS Э Bedroocns. 2 Baths, spadous rooms, large lot. %1в2^00. CMLMNEe751-<S<0 Brtck randier o r 1.39 acroj, qui«l neighborhood, $144,90a CMtGOUe751-aSC9 N ev W M Forest. Э8П. 2SA, FP.шкЗиШ r«ÿ«orh'd $124,900 C «lia*7Sl-«S72 H 38R. 2BA. 1853 sq ft. mobile homo v«/5S acres. $101,900. CAaMNC9751-«560 3BR, 2Ba. r>ew carpel, fu» bsmnt. mutiiiev. úock. $109,900. CAUMNE9751-«5€0 3BR. 2BA. Histork: District. 1.5 basemenl $104,100. Сда1ав751-Ю72 Now Const,. 3BR. 2BA cottage. Conv. In-town location $M|500 СШ.М1Св751-«5*0 3BR. 2BA. Immaculate Inside. 1512 sq. It. $94,90a UUHN«751-eSM эва 28A, cathedral ceilings. 2002 Skyline MH, $89,900. СДЦС0НН№8 751«65 ЭвЯ. IBA. П9т OitptA, par«. Yrr^%AtafTL SSM®. CAUIIMV«7Sl-t9M Cory 26Я IBA. cottage, л ground pod with fencing $82,900. CAaiANEQ7Sl-65«0 1.5 aaes. 3 BR. 2 BA, 1552 sq. ft mobile ho(T>e $79,900. еда CONNK •7514S65 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, with wired shop/garage. $74,900. СМ11«Св751«М0 1.89 Town Center zoned distnct land. 2BR. IBA. $74,500. UUMNEe751-SSC0 3BR. 1,SBA. cozy cottage. In lown.Sellerpays 1/2 CC. $M,900. Gmu Om mmdm* 9 75145(0 ledrgion. NC. 2ВП. IBA. harcNvood П00Г9. .87ac. $99,100. CHIia«751-«S72 Bath. rwwV3 Bwirooms, renovated $ «UU. COMME «751-«5в5 Ready to move ini 20R. IBA. room lor 3rd BR. $59,90a CMlNENe751-eS64 2BR. IBA cottage, new windows &sidtng I14esq. fl. $59,900. CULKENe 751-ISM 38Я IBA. tene«) backyard, enclosed porch, le c« updates. $59,900 СШ.1«С«7$145(0 2 Bedrooms, 1 Balh, Iresh paint and new carpet. $49,900. CMlUNEe7Sl-aS(0 Great 1 W- acre k)!, maintained. $44,50a CAU. MME О 7514590 JULIA CONNIEHOWARD KOWALSKE7514567751-8565 lANE LEEWIirrtOCK NOLAN 751-8560 751-8572 EVELYN LINDAHAYNES BAILEY751-8S6Î 7514562 ЛЧ\11 MUI lo is Ч\|)| \Ч1) 4 \|)K l\l\l | ’|<1 )Г ■мг Сгмк Dl. Rd. WU NOT OfVIOe.- Hvy. MIN (Ьгрем)_____________Ни-*01И_11___________HM1SI_________________OI«MCh.Rd_____________ -.»IJTAct- -.V_IAeW.M75Ä»-Л7Л4/-Ае.11ИЛОО.ItA e * houM.(l7! _____ШАе.*“2.1* Ac Thompeort UtMw. 6015«KtydonDrtvf(coi ------ue Ac 123.000--------1Ае.»МЛ00 .~2.isaernttl0.000------I4S.OOO 15W»ÀCf—.........aMrCrMkCh.Rd^ Ctfar«dtR4.Madtoon FM (соттгсШ).^ — Uacrw tlHM» — Hi«y.eOt t107^ .40Л2асгм t2S7.000------9JacTM M7.SOO-------2tcret U2S.00Q RENTAL PROPERTIES 222 Avon 1Эв Morrison Rd~М3? С«мг Qrovt Church 2И 1|мпм CfMirch ..S4S0P/U .462SP/M .$1000 PAI Davie Schools DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - D3 Contimied I’roni Pnj;e 1)2 projccis in a few weeks and have the opporlunily lo learn lo use an ' embroidery machine, Mrs, Smiley's sixlh grade word processing class is finishing the unit on basic compuler infor­ malion. Studenis will slarl word processing skills lo learn how lo . lype and learn the basic skills of using a word processor. bighih grade computer classes have been spill lo have a separate desktop publishing class and a separate presenlation class. These classes w ill begin second semesler. In Mr. Whitaker's band classes, seventh grade perfor­ mance skills are being refined so lhal new music can be inlroduced. Along wilh new music, a new practice model is being introduced. Al home praclicing helps the sludcnl prepare for ihe classroom experience. The eighth grade band is working hard. They arc focusing on mastery of old skills, so lhal new skills will be easily learned. .Music selections include Ihe nation anthem. The Slar Spangled Haimcr and another piece lilled .•\mcrica. I'or Ihe firsl lime, students have a chance lo lake Exploring Technology Systems in sixth grade and .seventh graile. In Mr. Johnson's classes Ihe sludenis study video production, drafting. CAD. and iransportalion lech­ nology. A new course being olTered to eighth grade students is transportalion systems. This course is designed lo sludy transportation ihrough hands on experience. The students will do pi ojccts in land, sea, air, and space iransportalion. A new course available to sevenlh grade students by Mr. Johnson is hunter education. 1 lunler educalion is the course lhal is required to obtain a hunling license in Norlh Carolina. The course covers wildlife conser­ vation. firearm safety, wilderness survival, wildlife ideniificalion, priniilive weapons, and Iree sland safely. With a school focus on health­ ful living. Ihe physical educalion deparlmenl is conccnlraling on the physical fitness aspeci of the simlents. They will be lesled twice a quarter using the Presidential Pilness guidelines. The sludenis w ill he selling goals for Ihemselves to improve tlieir test scores. Teachers will monitor Ihe sludem's improvcnienls. Physical Education teachers aare Mrs. King. Mr. Kirk, and Mr. Allard, The first quarter of Mr. Swindler's lleallh class is quickly moving, Sludents slarled the ipiarter discussing nulrition. The sixlh graders have slarled participating in All Slars. Officer Jacobs is scheduled lo lalk to the eighth graders on Sepl. .ВД aboul alcohol and the law. Davie EMS is coming lo present Friends and I'amily CPR lo the eighth grade Sepl. Ifi-lS. The curriculum Ihis year will include: major heallh risks, stress management, behavior management skills lo nulrilion-relaied heallh concents, subsiance abuse, and Friends and Family CPR. Sludenis have enjoyed playing review games for tests, such as: baskelball, operation, and lleallh Shoots and Ladders, riie winning team would receive a candy treat, Cooleeniee Elemenlary Kindergarten has been elcarning the letters through the Alpha-Time Letier People Pro­ gram. Ms. F visiled Mrs, Robinson's class and showed the children some of Ms. F's favorile things. Ms, F became a friend. In math, the children traced and mea­ sured their footprints using unifix cubes, discussed similiarities and differences belween friends and prelended lo sh;ire cookies ei|ually between frieiuls. Studenis in Mr. McDougall's science class have been learning aboul Newton's laws of motion. In much the same way as New- lon. the studenis have been con­ ducling experiments lo dcnion- slrate Ihe three laws. The unit will continue as .students delve inlo the planets and Iheir orbits. Ms. Schwiebert's third grade has started a science unit on soil. Sluilenls have a compost pile in the room to learn how coniposling works. They will learn aboul types of soil and why il needs to be con­ served. They bave been learning about commands, exchmiations, questions and slatenienls. Tara Lowery's second grade class has been practicing llic rules and learning about being good citizens, riiey welcomed iwo new sludents. Carla Moreno and Jackeline lleniande,!. They have read Frog and Toad are I'riends ami I'rog and Toad Togelliei-. They learned abiuil the life cycles of frogs and loads. They are study­ ing how phinis grow and ahout liv­ ing and non-living ihings. Slu- ilciils are looking forward lo the arrival of bullerflv larvae. Davie High Selling Homecoming T-Shirts Davic High School 1 loine- coming 2002 l-sliirls will be sold lo the public by the Slti- clctu Governmenl As.sociaitoii. Ail oriler.s must be cotn- plcicil m an order I'onii whicli appear in an adverti.scmenl in Ihis issue and relumed lo Ihe school no laler Ilian Friday. Sept. 13. Shirts wiil be available llie Wednesday, Thursday and Fritlay prior to the honieeoni- itig I'oolball game. The shin I'eaiures orange and black with the words Davie vs. Freedom Sepl. 27 2002 in llie shape of a I'ool- FOR SALE BY OWNER Price Reduced!!! $159,900 288 Dogwood Lane, M ocksville. Urick r.inclicr iiKralcd on a nicc wiHKlcd liu iiic.4ccllcnl ncighlx)rliiKKl. 2ДКХ)м|. lì.. 3 Ьсч!пн)т. 2 biitli. 2 car garage, (ircplacc. spacious sinmH4n. \v7 dcck. full basemenl. Call 751-3436 ball on llie I'roni. and two eagles carrying a "Homecoiii- ing” I'oolball on Ihe back. Preschool Hour For 4 Year Olds To Be Held At Elementary Schools Children age 4 are invited lo a weekly preschool hour al llieir future elementary school. The program is free, providetl by Davie Counly Schools and Davie Partnership for Childrcii/Smarl Start. Empha­ sis will be placed on readiness skills and transition to kin­ dergarten. Preschool hour begins Ihe week of Sepl. 9. For more inl'ormalion, contact prescliool services al 7.“! 1-7704. School I’iiiehrook Cornaizer Mocksvillo Cooleemee Shady drove William R. Davic Day Time Monday 1-2 p.m. Tuesday 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tue.sday 1-2 p.m. Thursday 10:30-ll:.30 a.m. Friday 10:30-11:30 a.m. Friday 1-2 p.m. V O T E V Л г ix ÌK Gus A n d r e w s A go:58 Address: 130 S. Ellis St. Salisbury Occupntlon: Rownn Counly comniissionor. Rosort dovolopor. Education: Master's. Gardnor-Wobb Omvoisity; B.S.. N.C. Sinto Univoisily. G U S ANDREWS C tm seruoiive R epubiicanjor NC SENATE - DISTRICT 34 ISSU ES ★ h c 'O N O M ic n i; \’i:i,()P M i \ Г 1'rt‘N Íiii* lìiyb paNÌii(^ ji'l's; 1ч- чскгмм ami larNÍ^hicd in пч riming nulnstrit s that will MTM* Olir ponpli- .mil i>ur cnvlnuinuMit well lor tlu- (iiiun ; im rrase llu- ta\ Kisr, N(VI i|u’ t.i\ r.iit. ★ IlK A m iC A H I- \Vi>rk 111 prmiiii- I'l'ller bialtii i m i r.iui tor .ill i itiri-ns; tinJ u.iNs lo loui-r be.illli I os(s w ithoul IIK ri-.isii\o lie.ill lì ri>ks; m»Im- llif i riliial iii-iiU ot ll\i>st. . l*s|44 Ì.»ll\ llu’ l-liU rl\. uliOM’ prescription ilrvi;: vosb ,\tv рп»ЬЛ'чИ\1 . IM < ri)| N I \ I l lin u ii.iu w .is ii h il “'i. iii 'p u iilu v ,:; prn4ili:i .uirm iiUiUM W'-чч In ; huilui« I I ' 4^ rsU'Us Iwirl ★ r i lU К M U С \ 1 U l^.iiM (lil Im i lit > Mil -M Ìì« >1 < rUii'Ur.l'^l .и\ч1 vvUu.Hì» 14 lo r m 11). 11 w d l ‘,^1 \ I .ill \ « ‘u I -k lU -' \]\.\\ MU I I i l l l IU ia U 1«T Ь .n u l llliiu N lrS .n u l p ro \ Illl N .ll.iri la n '^llp p (> rl (b i ir I n lt ir i l.im ilii Paid ior by Commitlee to Elecl Gus Andrews. Gary Davis - Treasurer )■ % ' ' ■ ■■ T I. Y ^ , In M ocksville 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 9 4 0 0 In Advance/Hillsdale 3 3 6 . 9 9 8 . 8 9 0 0 Davie County’s Leader in Real Estate I t s H m r Cboice... W e H a v e . I t A U U U Janicc McDaniel 909*0747 Debbie Peoolngtoa 909 US^ 151 Shady Grove Ln 240 Winding Ci’eek Rd $219,900 $143,900 Ш Г .M*ryl^mieBi)iiiigtr 230 Wildwood Ln $168,500 Lot 16Ti-anquiIityLn $119,900 Mar}’Hendricks 940-7077 ■ - I X T Ú I 286 Sheffield Farms Ti’ail 1302 Godbey Rd $127,900 $498,000 Rodney ВаПсу 909-jSoj . W jg . c ià , Cindy Durham 940-7513 eOGSalisbui’ySt $119,900 lyi $272,900 C a l l o n e o f o u r o g e n l s i f y o u n e e d : • Home w/Basement • Home w/Pool • Horse Farm ! Home w/Screen Porch• Investment Properly • Home w/Creekor Pond • Lease Option Home New Construction 134 Applegate $134,900 143 W inding Ci’eek Rd $129,900 149 Knoll Brook Dr Lot 19 Meadow Ridge $247,000 $334,900 Homes f(^ l^fDine Ште Bu^^l 139GinnyLn $104,900 1174 Jericho Church Rd $113,900 ¡5347 Hwy 601S $110,000 216 Loggerhead Rd $69,900 Jioic Minion И 1-8787 GlcnStinley650-517» Pcier IlMven 998-1047 g|ctt Femll 6554849 Jickie Couliton 751-9400 DonntPcfudBiton751-9400 S f Z I B \ is,il us Dll llu ' w rli: v\ w \\.l4 'm im L ;lt)iiR i'a ll\,tt)in ........d i'..1 -m a il us al iiilD (‘<’ i4 'm iiiiu lo iiR ra ll\.(.t)m í - D4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTKRPRISK RECORD, Sept. 5. 2002 It’s A Parade: Davie High Reviving Homecoming Tradition Are you old school, new school or jusl a fan of Davic High? If you answered yes to any of the above, ihen the Davie Tigh School PTSA invites ou to participate in the 2003 Homecoming Parade. Davie High Scliool is cel­ ebrating its 46th year int he community. "Tliere's no better way to celebrate the past and the I'uliie of Davie High than with a good оГ fashioned home­ coming parade." said Christy Schafer. PTSA presidenl. "And there is no better way for you lo show your support than toenter the parade or join us along the parade route to cheer on Davie’s clubs, sports, homeconting courl. and of course, our football team." The parade will be Satur- ilay, Sept. 21 at I0:.10a.m. on North Main Street from Park D a v ie H ig h S c h o o i O u r P a s t ...O u r F u t u r e Saturday, Septem ber 21,2002 (Rain or Shine) Historic Downtown Mocksville Sponsored by; Davie IHIgh School PTSA 2002 Homecoming Parade Entry Form Company/Entry (Р1ЕАЗеРаНТЫрёП1ЬШпд1пЙяпЁтщ>щт) E n tr y D e a d lln » : W v d n M d a y S « p t « m b « r 1 1 , 2 0 0 2 Contact Person _ Address _ City, State, Zip _ Phone ( List any special parltlng requited H elp h o n o r D a v h H ig h S c h o o l’s 46*’y»«r Pep rally ond cookout to immediately follow parade at the Davie High School Football Stadium Will group be perfonning? О Yes О No 11 yes, please describe_____________________________ Please make checks payable to: High School PTSA Select ot>e 0 only: CATEGORY ENTRY FEE РКВД O BusinaM Entry $10.00 $75,00 O Clvic/Non-Proftt Group $10.00 $75.00 O School Group $10.00 $75.00 O Single Entiy $ 5.00 $50.00 (2 awards) Please describe type of entry: O D M oratodvehtoi« OFlort -Pulledby_____ E N T R Y D E A O L IN i: W e d n e a d a y , S e p t . 1 1 Com pMe enliy form end return (o Total length of entry _ O - How many? . O Walking - How many? . O O t h a r _________________ OmstySchahr PTSA HOOSefsbutySùMl AtocfcsvK*. NC 27028 Phone; 751-5905-Fax:75U597 Emai: DAVlEPTSA@aol.com Avenue to Depot Sireet in downtown Mocksville, a route of about a mile and a half. Balloons and Davie spirit items will be for sale along the route. Following the parade, a cookout and pep rally will be held at the War Eagle Foot­ ball Stadium. The activities will kick off Spirit Week for the school. More than 30 clubs from Davie will participate in the development of the parade. Coordinating sponsors are staff members Collene Pitts, and Latesha Smith. The cheerleading squads W 'ill host Ihe pep rally. Ham­ burgers, hotdogs and olher food will be for sale at thc sta­ dium. Proceeds will benefit the PTSA gills lo Ihe school. To enter the parade, com­ plete the enlry form wilh this arlicle. To receive a registra­ tion packet online, email your request to DAVlEPTSA@aol.coin. The theme is "Davie High School... Our Pasl... Our Fu­ ture." Participants arc encour­ aged to make their enlry as creative as possible. For more information, contact the PTSA. 3 B u ild in g L o ts F o r S a le In the Fork C h u rch C o m m u n ity Located o n /o ff o f C e d a r G ro v e C h u rc h R oad OK lor doublewide, modular or site built homes •loti - UNDER CONTBAa- 40,000*/-sfwiihioJdftonUgc, watermcler& 5cptic system-$25,000 •• Lot 2 • UNDER CONTRACT • 1 > acre with rodd frontage, well & septic system • $25,000 • Lot 3 • 1,2 acres recent survey & perked.Great view • S25.000 *A)I ocfcoge subjecf fo iinai survey Contact Robert Stone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 I Ц I I \t \ N ( D M M M d I \ I К I \ I I s I \ I I I O K S A I 1 1 . 4 A c r e s ( I I MMONS. NOUiil ( \K()I IN \ For F u rther In fo rm a tio n C o n ta c i J a c k N e ls o n o t C h a rlie F re e m a n ¡•¿Il ■ * * 1.4 *1. acre» in tubuibantkiwnunkn acinmm* ìckIikIc«.401) *'• r<«il hi'lotK home In piltlinc corvlition otTtltx'Ving('K'init»>n\ Hifiiti Church /imcd tor ritcdical.kWnUl. turirical «ilïicc U4C jrk) doiloptncni. 3229 Hauser Rd • $255,000 I 184 Dover Lane « $253,000 hprESS№hcrTenBemiJdaftx\440C>f/-sq. Bea^3Bfi,3.5^homecn5*Aac ft wth 58RS. 4BAS. Gdl coose 3000*/-SF. u>u o# featixes.Farm house ehm , 2+/-ac, poci. avOry, ganjeris. orchad & Gazcba/dd X 404 Pine Ridge Rd • $240000 ■ 1Ö4 SksneytDrook Trail • $2M,950 l l W — 1— M Great horse farm on over 13 acres. Fenced and cross-fefKcd with pood and bam. hofbe fann with 18.5 ac. 3BR/2BA fami sty^e hcxne. 2Ш R c ^ ftitecJge Rd • $K2D00 Restored farm house situated on 40 Acres w/lanctng strip on 5+ a/» 24ПО+ Sfl ft 3 öc., Wood honie 2600*/- s,f., 48R, 3BAs, detached garage & mofe. Uuu Ctkii 141-41*1 www.SWMRcaltors.com Mocksville: 336-751-2222 Clemmons; 336-778-2221 (m WiUii W -)lll Beautifii tvick home w / mer 1800 SF and a ful t»mt. on 3.5 ac Conterrpcry ranch h Advance звагвА. PTo«ess*onol Center - $149900 |2 9 Dutchman Hills Ч $140,432 Beautiful home on comer lot in Brand new constnjction! 1400+/-SF,Immaculate Condition! 3BR/3BA fnshd 3BRs, 2BAs, fuS basement.tismnt. Ilm Iiiiikiiii I0M4Ì1 121 Carter s Ridge • S l29900| 123 Redwood Dt • $126,500 Mocks>rtte-office condo, greal кхдЪоп. j^essive 3BR/2.5^ horre v^thhrge A¿krabtehomencounuynaghboítKod»LMng •aDo род ОлЧ. hfpniw лл« tnn« Hprfc Con««enttOl-ra&hÄ601_ 3BH. 2BA tx«ie in great development. ^ h o T O on over an acre. ISOOt/ SF, Beautiful brick heme v«th new applances. 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 2 Fireplaces, Great home . 15 00 + SF, f r ^ painted,Ewelent condition! 3BRs,28As. 1650+/-sq. ft. 3BRs, 2BAS. new heat pjiip,stotaa<!bi*in93, much more. new carpet, wnyl 4 moce updates 397 Wilkesboro St • $П9900И 379 W Maple Ave ■ $119,900 I 159 Creslview Dr • $112900 ЛаООО ■ 139 Cloister Dr • $109900 | 425 M r Henry Rd* $109900 '3305 Brooklield In OiamiinaindoivntownModa^^^ S g i!C i^ n w p lan w /2000t/-ff. l>ossible Lease Purchase! 3BR. 2BA. Bik* Updated roof, Oiaiteston Ridge -3BR, 2BA. Al Great home wilh 1200+/-SF,cofTfiete renovation. BBRs, 2.5BA5. 4BRs & 2BAs. Great downtown location ranch home w/fncd yrd. Fiil basement aPP*a«:es induded. A great value. 3BRs,2BAs 3 J ^ t Bath w/basement « HSISp, Ft., 3Bedroom. 1.5 Bath C a l l F o r M o r e G r e a t R e s i d e n t i a l & L a n d L i s t i n g ! We iíláiE h Iappem.... J o i Ш и ш 1т íümeI M ocksville Office: 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100, M ocksville,NC Clem m ons Office: 2419 Lewisville-Clem m ons Rd., Unit 1, CIemmons,NC n., ^ U 3BR/2BA brick home on 1,20 acres withCute bnck ranch on 1.68 acres nice woriishop, concrete dnvewav, small bndscip.,g on o.ef backpofch. Just Ul* fwiM ЗВЯ. 1.5ВЛ, bnck home. Un U ■aoo-idaac. lot. Comrieieiy remodeted thnxflhout. 3BRs,lBA horne in great condition. SefcftopayiZOOOnbuyOTdoangi Large kit t I ' iii'liii.i Rt-.ii DjI.i é . : • : i 3 -Í ; Family YMCA IB f t ii DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5, 2002 - DS Learn To Make A Profit On Cattle Y outh S p o rts s p o n s o r e d b y Baclcing The Y Randy Fortenberry, distribution manager, VF Jeanswear in Mocksville, and Ed Barron, executive director of the Davie Family YMCA, display the ban­ ner for the company’s sponsorship of the youth sporls program. VF Jeanswear will help with t-shirt and supply costs. The YMCA is registering for soc­ cer for children 3-8 years old. The Davic and Yadkin CattleiTien’s associations will have a joint meeting Tuesday, Sept. 17 at thc Yadkin Valley Telephone btiilding in Courtney al 7 p.m. Cattle marketing strategies to fit any operation will be the topic. “Many beef producers are leaving money on the table by taking the path of producing what is easiest, marketing when it is the most convenient and taking whatever price is offered for their calves,” said Extension Agent Phil Rucker, “This is a meeting designed to help you stay economically competitive in the cattle in­ dustry," Most calves are taken to auction at 6-7 months, and fanners lake whatever price is offered. The meeting will be to di.scuss whether a manage­ ment or marketing group should be formed. “ It has proven time and tiine again to be a profit maker," Rucker said. Light refreshments will be served. Reservations are re- c|uested so that adequate ma­ terials can be provided. Call the Extension office, 751- 6297 by Monday, Sept. 16. G e t I t W e e k l y ivitb a subscription to the Enterprise Record. Send S20 to: Davic Enterprise Record RO. Box 99 Mocksvillc, NC 27028 DAVIB COUNTY E N T E R P R I/i^ ^ E C O R D 4156 C lem m ons Road I u u c i i i i a i C lem m ons, NC 2/012 Carolinas Realty' ( 8 //) 5/1 ■'iH22 • toll-froc (336) 7\h-kitOO Call today to get the answers to even your toughest real estate questions. €hmh ОШ JbemLtstings 1 5 i RHQ I^K IS IiA N P C,Q.UR1 - Colonial Estates - $299,900 Community olTers convenience lo downlown Wooded, private iol, and a home fiiil of wonderful features, ЗПК, ЗВЛ. Call Susan Parker m t iQ R T U C A R tfliliS A C IR C L E - Colonial Estates - 5299,900 Пеаи11Ги11}’ delailed main level home. Large greatroom w/vaulled ceilings and rock Fl>. Large kitchcn w/cherry cabinets, formal LR & DR. Large bonus mi.Mst. DR w/trey clng, morning porch, W /C , Sep shower. Call Sheni Coram 102iL Р Ь Л и С И Д М Р - tMocksvillc - $619,000 Lovely brick home on 11+ or- acres, elegant kitchcn/ bfsi.sunrm, Homi: theatcr/game m i state o f the art. Security scp„ pel contain sys, sprinkler sys, lols of slorage, attached gar, 3rd garage & workshop. LL workout area not incl, in SF Much More! Call Sandra Johnson l i i l lMr\WHAT1VMN - Advance - 5295,000 7.5 acrcs. W/acre pond located off Underpass road. 3 BR, 2.1 BA cedar siding. Cath clng & stone FP in GR. Master on Main Lrg screened porch leading to tiered deck overlooking stocked pond. Fxtensive Landscaping,. Jusl the sounds o f nature no stress. Call Beth Atkinson 2 S U 1 M 1 S M 1 L -C le m m o n s -S I 69,900 Hdwd Hrs on M L. BA for every BR. M L BR. MsIr Suite includes office-screcned porch, deck & circular drive. 2FP's note price per SF. Call Beth Atkinson I M G iiL E Y IE ii^ - Bermuda Run - $138,900 Nice condo in BR, Kitchen has new pantry. Built-in book cases. Quiet private back yard. Alarm system, refrigerator & outside fountain remain. Home Warranty. Call Bev Supple Or Gloria Matthews. ilt t Е К Е Е Е Е Ш С Е - Lewisville - $114,500 Wonderful opportunity on a terrific starter home near the heart o f Lewisville, LR, DR, plus cozy den & eat-in-kit. Mud room, large private yard, storage bidg, big beautiful trees! Offering S 1000 CC w/acceplable olTer. Call Cheryl Fink J i2 5 T R A M O R F. d , - Clemmons - $259,900 Drastic price rcduction.Ncwly decorated all brick traditional w/gorgcous private cul-de-sac level lot. Spacious rms. Large pantry/laundry room, Sunrm overlooks private back yard. Extra wide stairs-perraanem stairs to Пг auic. Exceptional home owner/agent. Call Deth Atkinson 6900 B R ID G W O O l) - Clemmons W est - $186,900 Crown molding, tiled floors & tops, while cabs, huge M B A w/overslzc shwr; nbhd pool & tenriis avail; mature hardwoods, unfin bsmt, smooth ceilings, 2 story vault in LR. Call Jennifer Siroud J K ll- Advance - 5260,000 Great Family Home w/3acs not in a development. Secluded selling, close lo M O . paneled great room leads to brick floored screened porch. Oversized Masler w/ jetted tub. Securiiy system, LL Playroom w/built-ins. A H S Warranty. Call Kimberly Polls 2 M R IV E R W O Q R Д В - Lewisville - $239,900 Lake front in Shallowford Lakes complete wilh dock, canoe & shade trees. 2 masters large screened porch overlooking lake. Large pantry/ Laundry room; island kilchen. Great family neighborhood. Call Belh Atkinson 115 R Q Q IiE M Q B E B D - Clemmons W est - $209,900 Absolutely beautiful 4BR all brick ranch-2FPs w/gas logs, lots of hdwd & tile (loors, vaulted fam ily room, fonnal rooms, walk-up attic, ‘Secret garden’ backyard w/ screened porch, gazebo elc. S500 Selling Bonus! Call Cheryl Fink 1551J K R IC H Q C H U R C H R Q - Advancc - $79,000 Wonderful location, all brick 1 level home «/сафоП, 2BR, open Ig open kilchen, slorage bidg. Call Susan Parker 4425 G R E K N F IE M ) W A Y - Clemmons - $179,900 Generous room Sizes, M L master suite, vaulted kit w/ lile lloor, formal DR, laundry nil off 2 car alt garage, convenient nbhd in Clemmons. Priced below certified appraisal! Call Cheryl Fink 4705 G R EK N FIF.I.D W A V - Clemmons - $167,901) 300 healed SF bsml playroom nol included in lotal SF, l-car garage area. W all can be removed & returned to 2-car garage, Invis. fencing, new MAV, deck recently stained, new stomi doors, Irg jelled tub in msir w/12 x 5 W /C. Call Sherri Coram 7745 W H IT E IIO R S F , J)Ji - Clemmons - $319,900 Southern living at its finest in Ihis stately and spacious family home! Beautiful updales, including gorgeous kitchen, Cherry floors and much more. Brick Exterior. Call Kalhy Phillips or Sandy Dyson T a n g le w o o d A g e n ts Am»| F<»tvnjm, U«ni0tr Ar.>«t$g9II.Afifl.. .... .BM&COlt.CRS.Cn ............МС1««1мп. . . вc(^• М«л4*г/>«1 .Chít)lfrk.........Crr«UIU«ndMihü .... . 7144411 71444t« 714-4420 . »»^2014 7I444Î2 7144417 7t4-44tS...714-4430. . 714441S Cto4U4»win.CRS. ORI J*nri«S»ou>l ...........Kjwi kbfMdy IUti,Pldv«.AEn.KíTtwíyPce»...........U4r)<M>t«i«...РМКГУШПСП, CRS.Gra-. P«lPort«................. тыхг7í4-442t .714-4474 916-1122 ;Ь»-Л)в9 7144407 7l444Ce . 78в-Г722 .. 7144429 S*r«iEt jtfftton Sh4n»iniamu SfwnCtfim S o m .... VkwB Ыил] W«toUilbn...... . 71MI0 «W01» 7I444C» .7144433 7144414 7144423 9942170 714442« B R I T A ( :í s 3 N o \ v H o m e s I n d e r (O n s tru c tio n ! • G reat location, convenient to W in.ston-Salem , M ocksville & Lexington • B eautiful 2/3 acre homesites for custom construction • Neighborhood o f homes priced from $135,000 to $190,000 • Close to golf, shopping and schools C h a rle s Jo n es R e a lty , In c . ( ' h i u ' l i f ^ , | ( M U ‘ S 8 H in K , Г. I U S . ^ I.K I T ' r r f M i'h ih i.U r , I-III.S S I l,S I ( WiiS'') 'III.S'I iiiiiil ( h a i jiiiK s " liA i c iiiim i IK i MAINTENANCE FREE. 3BR, 2.5BA HOME IN HERITAGE OAKS • 2100 SF spM bedroom ptan with a huge Usuite and a covered back pofch. S184.900 REDUCED • 3 or 4BR. 2.50A two story home, open & spacious, largo lutchetvtamily room. GoH course view. $!79.900, UNDER CONSTRUCTION • 38R, 2BA maintenance free Cape w/open floor plan, large Msuite & LR. covered front porch. 2 car atl garage. $189,900 OUAUTY BUILT 3/4 BEDROOM HOME IN HERITAGE OAKS. 3.5 batfw. computer station, lomial dinir>g room, vaulted ceiling In family room. Open floor plan, master suite with |acuz2i & sep shower, 2/3 acre Custom features throughout. $189.900, Spillman's Land Home Sales Ì 1600 sq. ft. with fireplace. Includes lot. Just $88,000 1700 sq.ft.with Natural Gas.Includes lot. Just $109,000 Like this...2000 sq. ft home with 5 acres. Just $118,000 Come see our Home/Land Package **Deals** • Size o f Lots; ‘A to 5 acres • Size o f Homes:1250 to 2007 sq. f t • Natural Gas available • Located in Davie County • Easy access to 1-40,1-77, 1-85 and Frelghtliner • 4 miles to Mocksville • 11 miles to Salisbury • / / Miles to Cleveland Call Boger, Shantwn, or Stacee today! Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2551 C O L D I U e U . B A N K E R □ TRIAD, REALTORS' DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE intersection oi Hwys 158 & 801 !56 8816 Relot.ition 1 800 W 4398 m WHATEVER IT TAKES w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r,(o m __«Я. i'òA47ACUnique hofs« timi Ml up loi ti'eeJing Hiscrimlenone, 5 pjiíuies. 2 wm wtfi V «KU. nö.ng (irti. 6ff tord pm. ил (ooiti, lila, tìfeed-rq riOT. gfimira, Wili№)lso to« to property UdomjPoOJ • 993-1169 a7MHÌTFMHTlU.IUTÌfi8.13AC li/ge yd canioiübie win .otwi hunj ireD in MjOT if.a lUtùt Firm Tijil Home гш Ul iríiftiW tasemert, 4Qû AMP letvice. M a » » « * " * ' 'm S CT ÍMI m ЗШ... : BeiiiiU hotne. grui ntM Fim'tfied bonus im. е1еф1г< rrosta suie »/sifltru rm. Urge Urvtoped уХ teroM in^ck. ruJmtJ and ttttief. fp. айю. so injüi fwe. CintfrJcí«Mn-9^-n;7$n4,W 9S HHU lie UMIT FMM lAVM36Я, 25BA S35AC Mtni Nxx Unn № tenced puiures lor euy (ouiion & a 53x36 oak t>am »iDi «Iti, pwití. ttíttfare & ишае flooring BojiU blick t.5 slory heme »itn глпЛЛшд ■— need AKS sHed wirrint/ Jinei Hensley ■ LflT 4M SCtTTSMU Ш VlUiT Uff4БЯ 25BA OmstaftWig ne« ctnanriicn by SafTuu/. he. leifurej «onftíMty c«n Hooi plan ■,'mjinl^ muier suie. Urge Ltften «/pjrtry, toiitui lining room. tmU room */ди yiKiiM^pef (wH Bfli vcki fl«™r4 ■ 1SS ШУШУ Lie urn 4BA 2 SBABSIAC Custom tun buck rancfì. Full ^asemcлt */ltie¿jxe. 2 car gi/j« Wooded & open «um UT n МЯШЯ ПШ MW 46Л 2ÍBA rione in po^ar neiÿtoiriciod ieatures main levtl masier. mapte cumets. S' ceiiingi m SftAU MM Wff 3ea 3SA Ungue bfick ranch, turns all on 16» beautiKjl acres. House to Slone iiiepiace. funjMKid floors, bteeffniy, lots ti dosa spai» and y i wsemerj. Great for horses Being soid *As ts* coryjilion. Janet №siers-996-1162 $279.M IN ra MM MM МШ 46Я 256A Inaedittt ^ lor the ‘IWiar-Wi«' Urr«! Ол( ol graciOus living in this openpi^ Hth an eieculjve sia siutTr and itoti M t«nus nm Vicki Flenung 998-1167Щм 10T IS ЮИНТМ m m нм зая5вА Classic Diartesion eieval>on n/tuja main щ/е iM) portiics. 2 car garage »/porcn & coJumns. Upgoded lioMing & cabineis. landsc^ Upper M laundry Stev« Owens 998-U^IMM _____________ <3R 2BA. - (Jnicw oldef tome 'tem tw/ Imprntmenis on 4,3 acres In vcn( n*ce соглшипНу, large wofksrtopouituilding Minules амау tiofn Winsian-Sattm. ladcnru Pons99e-U^$1M,tM LOT II nuM Ш1 urn m 25влsiort ttadáwai *i№ (jiTage on n^»n led Hardaood & lile tkxxs on main iewi. fkbin^ cTuir trort corcti. tunus rooiii o^tr шде could t« 4Ш tedroom La/M rrûsler suite, ladorwaш ш \ т ^ ы т Ё т Л ( Ё т г т к !^ Ш Ц òiider pUíS to linis/1 tonus roon atort girafle loirviudeb^ OneImfdnignriastrryceilings ' (nmisiet6fl&termi) iin.nijfin.kjiçhen«^t' islyid 4 pantry «/niml rtuple ubmeij : Р1ег»по-Ш167$111.М ОТ I тлт wkY wm m ?.teA louchat СиЫ\гл has created tNs lniUe plan teaiunng 2 car tjaimiert gi/age. 2nd level masler suie »ley ceiling and Nvtm mik'in dosds, laroe kiicfcn »^try & 7 ceilings Vcki _________________38П2ВАfop o< the line! Open Поог plan Rcm very nicef/___________ ce(yin^s s'piil bedToom tiorfie. Large corner lot ..................t  à spxious 'master su>te. tastefully decor^ed. i(Wiftle must see. Chris Gaide .......И И .М UT»WTtaiMMUIUVe3BA2»A LOT t4liTÌpressnt« house-МП inore Impressi«« prce Uroe liivnq room, sep. (neaUast ard шшлд Unfinished oonus room md tan)« master suite CTICue as a búticñ, very ñrrJortibiy Ш fiom. 1 msir, bshed baserm. Chris Gaide Зел 2.5вА m АМШ МШШ ига 36А 2ВАCountry sdtirg nesQed among the trees! log home convtnienlfy located »uhin minues ol leungion. Slates^ilie v Wti\siQn-Sale(n. HaiMood tioors throughout, one levtl Wbonus Ion. Yickiileming 9960167 tIM.W C2001 Coidwcli Bonkti BmI Wale Cotpoiatlon. CoWw«U Oitikef® K 4 icgWcicd Uadenwik of Banlet Coipwalton. hn OppoHunHy twiipony. fqu.il Housing OppoHunity. tatii Ollice is indcpcruJcntl/ Owned and Operate<l. ). sfw»ei/arilen tub. A must see* С '6-11581141^ LOI IM wrm PMi um 36Я UBAAnoffieí gieal use of space in tNs H&V Const home. Uain Ы master Wulra Ig waik-ln dosel 1Л \л Шел. ЩО dosino cosl tor buyer it closed by Miy 31, Gail Pa*1ik • 996-11Ы tot,ao il • 1)6 - D A V IK C O U M Y KN TER PR ISK R K C O R I), Sept. 5. 2002 Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTV EN I’ERPRISE RECORD, Sepi. 5,2002 - D7 F u n d r a is e r s Friday, Sept. 13 Pancake Supper, I'amiington Ma­ sonic I.tKlge, 4-7 p.m., cat-iii or take­ out. all thc irimmings $5 a plate. Tick­ ets i\\ ihe iUx>r or see a Paniiiniilon M;lsoii for ticket.s in ailvancc. Fri. & Sat., Sept. 13& 14 ChiUln.'n’sC)nthinKnndK(|iiiptiient Sale, Center PrcscluHil. at Cenlcr UMC ramily Life Center. Fri. .V7 p.m.» Sal. 9 a.n\.-2 p.m. All monies 10 purchase playground equipment. Info: 492-57.15 or 'MO 375.1. Saturday, Sept. 14 Counlrv H:mi & TcndiTloln Ilreiik- rasl, 6:30-10 a.m. Cminlrj' ham. ion- (icrloin, ctrgs. grits, vmsiige ynivy. biscuils. iKvenijic • S.S. .Sponsored hy Mocks United Mcthixlisl Mon. At Mocks Church & Beauchamp Ro;uls. off 801 .South. Advancc. ‘WS-.S.‘i|8, [•rocccds to minislries & pmjccts. Saturday, Sept. 21 4th Annual Ride For Anlinak ride starts 11 a.m. at Masonic Picnic Gmunds hehinil Hnvk Center. Main St.. MiKksvillc. Cost S20 rvj:. fee. spi>nsorships available. Info; 751 -5214 or vvww.davienchumanc.org, pre- sciucd by TIk* Hiin^ane Sixjicty of DavieCounty. R e lig io n Ongoing Preschool/rarents Могп1пд Oul. Ilcthlehcm United Mclh. Time: 4 a.m.-noon. Ajfts I & 2 - M.W orT. Th. A^c } - M.T. Th. Ago 4 Л Pre- K - three or lour days per week. Call >>yS-682(). Preschiml/Parenls Morning Oul, Center United Mclh.. A^:es ^ Л; 4 Mon., Wed.. Fri. S:M) a.m. - 11;.1() a.m.. Call ‘МП-375.1 or 492-57.15. Revelation .Sttuly. each .Sun. niphl. (y.M) p.m. At SheVneiil Music Hall, intersection of Sheffield Rd. & Turkeyfooi Rd. Ever)one welcome to atlend. HeforeSchool Proj»nim forShad> (¡rove vStudenls, available .Mon.- Fri. beginning 6 a.m. at Advancc UMC Conununity Hldg. School bus arrives 8 a.m. lo take children to Shady Grove Klcmeniar)’. Call <WS- 0199 for fees and info. Awuna & Bible Study» Wednes­ days at 7 p.m.. Ио[к* Baptist Tal>cr- y naclc. MOPS (Mothcrsof Preschoolers», Isl Л: 3rd Fridays thru school year, ul Macedonia Moravian Cburch. N.C. SOI N. 9:15-11:45 a.m. Childcare provided lor small fee. info: 99S-4.194. Before School Projjnim, Advance UMC nidj;. N.C. KOI S. for Sha-ly Grove students, drop off 6 a.m., school bus pick-up 8 a.m. Kcgislra- tion required. Call 998-0199 for info. R e u n io n s Sunday, Sept. 8 Anmuil IUkh; Reunion, M WRD Firv IX’pt. fellowship fnmi 11 :.10 a.m. until. UuiK'h w ill be at I p.m. Cnmfill Reunion, at Ziichary llou»^. CvxMeenKe. Fi\)in \ -(> p.n). Biinj: cov- caxl dish for fiunily ;ukI friends. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Began Sunday, Aug. 11 .Sli'pKasI I.ircstjlc .Seminar. Suixlay evenings 6;.’0 p.m., runs 12 weeks al Mivksville.SevenihDayAdventislR'l- lowship Hall. Call 4«-24<vS or -l'»:- 7V2ii lo pa’-rvgisier. Wednesday, Sept. 11 WI 1 RcitKinliRince.Sfniiv,?: I.Sp.ni.. al M(vks UMC. .Mcxks auin.h & Ikaucltunp Krenl. oil'.SOI .Soulli. Ad- vaKX'. W.S-.S.SIK, A tinw of «on.hip, pr.i> ers. ;uk1 a*nK*inbr.uicc of tluisc* who lost tlicir lives (XI .Sept. 11. 2(X)I. “In Honor And Kcniemhnincc • WrxKtnii'n .Siilules Americii’s Ilc- n*s", 7:.M) p.in. al Oavie Ac:nk;niy Coinin. Bldg. Thursday, Sept. 12 Fimmcuil Workshop, at Lilmuy .iK^teil by Uivic Co. Senior Ctr., 6:30 p.m., ivp fnun Merrill UiKh. Fver^ixiewelaMiK*. Si^n up iM" into; call Sr. Center bv Sept. 9.75M)f,II. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Tuesday, Sept. 10 Prht)ary&Sch(M)l Board Flections, 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 Davie United MethmlKt Mission Board, Uxec. Comm, al (v.45 p.n>.. Gen. Bus. at 7:.1() p.m.. al Concord UMC. Sat. & Sun., Sept. 21 &22 Annual BiM)k Sale, at D.ivie County l.ihr.irv'. in the mul(i-puqx)sc riHMn. Main St.. Mtvksvitlc. Sal. S:.lO a.m.- 3 p.m.. Sun. 2-5 p.m. Pajvrbacks. hanlbacks. ¿uul some s|vcial items. Ongoing Visit Ccwleemw’s .Mill Village .Mu* seuni. 14 Church St.. Tues. & Thuis., 9 xm.-niXMi. Sals.. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours .ilso available by appl. Call 2tU-NVi(), Preschool storylime, Tues., II a.m. .DavieCounty Libr4U>'..10-minutc program. Forchildmi aiics 3*5. Mu­ sic. a\ul aloud, stories. Illms. nurser>' rhymes. .\tiK-ks\ille Cruise-In, Main Sta*et. 1 si cV: 3rd Mondays. April thru Oct.. 6 p.m. PiednuMU CAUS Association, for more info 751-3770 or 2K4-2079 or 492-5715. M e e t in g s Tuesday, Sept. 10 DaWeCo. Hospital .Auxiliary, orpi- ni/ational meeting:, 7 p.m.. in thc hos­ pital cafctcria. Info: Johnny 751- 59-lS. Wednesday, Sept. 11 Toun Ilf Mocksville I’lunninK lloard.7 p.m.. MocksvilleTovvn I lall. Public inviteil. Conlinued On 1)10 P U B L I C N O T I C E S P U B L I C N O T I C E S Reich College of Education Appalachian State University Graduate Degree Program On the campus of Winston Salem State University MASTER OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Information Meeting Monday, September 9,2002 6:30pm Chancellor’s Dining Room Anderson Center This prognun pa'parcs persons for a .school principalship at all levels of public school. .Such a program leads to inilial liccnsurc ;ls a scluxil adniinisiniior in Nonh Carolina. Thc purpose of this program is to prepare cntrj' level leaders in the governance and adrninisinition ofihe public schools. Tlie focus is essentially direcled towards site biLsed adniinistration. Prcret|uisiies include a baccalaureate degree from an accredited collegc or university, a North Carolina Teaching "A” licen.se and “G" license or the equivalent from another state. Tliree years successful leaching experience is also required. Tlie applicant must submit either ORE or MAT scores. Admission is contingent on the approval of thc Admissions comniillee and thc Chairperson of thc department. If you have any i|iiesiioiis aboul Ihe academic pnigrani please coniact Dr. Roma Angel Angelrb@appslale.edu If you have (|ueslions aboul Ihc application prxK-css please contact tlic Oflice of Extension and DIstniK'e Iklucation / S(X)/.1SS-)()K4 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Undoi and by virlus ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Marvin Kelly Smilh and Twyla L. Smith lo A.P. While. Trustee(s). dated the 301h day ol July, 1998, and recorded in Book 282, Page 469. Davie Couniy Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made in Ihe paymeni ol Ihe nole thereby secured by Ihe said Deed ol Trusl and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA, hav­ ing been subsliluled as Trustee in said Deed ol Trusl by an instru.Tient duly recorded in the Ollice ol Ihe Register ol Deeds of Davie Couniy, North Carolina and the holder ot the nole evidencing said indebtedness having direcled that the Deed ot Trusl be loreciosed, the under­ signed Substitule Trustee will oiler lor sale al the Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina at 1:30 P.M. on September 11,2002 and will sell lo the highest bidder lor cash the loliowing real estate situate in the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being moro particularly de­ scribed as lollows: BEGINNING at an iron in the Northern righl ol way margin ol Hinkle Drive, Southwest corner ol Lol No. 25 ol Ihe plat entitled "Re­ vision ot Baxter Gregory Subdivi­ sion" (See Map Book 5, Page 88, Davie County Registry); and run­ ning Ihence wilh Ihe Northern right ol way margin ol Hinkle Drive North 76 deg. 37 min. 05 sec. Wesl 219.90 leet lo an iron: thence North 13 deg, 22 min. 55 sec. East 183.91 leet lo an iron in the properly line ol C.M. Barney (See Deed Book 49. Page 433. said Registry); Ihence with Barney line South 87 deg. 30 min. 00 min. 20 sec. West 223.91 leet lo the BEGINNING, conlaining 0,942 acres, more or less, as sun/eyed August 12, 1981 by Tulterow. Together with improve­ ments localed Ihereon; said prop­ erty being located at 157 Hinkle Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina. Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay Ihe lax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Nei­ lher Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol Irust/securily agreement, of both, being foreclosed, nor the ollicers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol eilher Ihe Trustee or Ihe holder of Ihe nole make any-represenla- lion ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety condilions existing in, on, al or relating to Ihe property being offered lor sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabililies aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime ol Ihe sale. This 21 st day ol AugusI, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 8-29-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHEGENERALCOURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SP137 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ANNAMARIA DOBY AND WILLIAM DOBY DATED JANUARY 8, 1999, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 293 AT PAGE 392 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order ol the Clerk ol Superior Court an dunder and by virtue ol the power and authorily contained In the above-relerenced deed ol trust and because of de­ fault in Ihe paymeni ol Ihe indebt­ edness Ihereby secured and fail­ ure lo carry out and perlorm Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ol Ihe owner and holder ol Ihe In­ debtedness secured by said deed ol trusl, the undersigned subslilule Iruslee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction lo the highest bidder for cash at Ihe usual place ol sale at the county courlhouse ol said couniy at 11:00 A.M. on Wednes­ day, September 11, 2002, Ihe fol­ lowing described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, situated in Davie Couniy, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lol 25, Section 2 of South Arbor as sel forth in Plat Book 6, Page 174, Davie Couniy Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. And Being more commonly known as: 106 West Chinaberry Court, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owners of Ihe prop­ erty. as rellected on Ihe records of the Regisler of Deeds, are Annamaria Doby and William Doby, The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale, Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the nole secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreciosed, nor Ihe ollicers. directors, attorneys, employes, agents or aulhorized representative of eilher Truslee or Ihe holder of Ihe nole make any representalion or warranly relaling lo Ihe lille or any physical, environmonlal, heallh or salely condilions exisling in, on, at or relating lo the property being oifered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabililies arising oul ol or in any way relaling lo any such condilion expressly are dis­ claimed. This sale is made subject lo all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limiled to any Iransler tax associated with the loreclosure. lor paying, if any. A deposit ol live percent (5%) ol the amount ol Ihe bid or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, and must be tendered in the lorm ol certilied lunds at the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Following Ihe expiration ol the slalulory upset period, all remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date of this Nolice is August 13, 2002. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Subslilule Truslee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chariotle, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 8-29-2ln Public Notice Non-renewing M +CO Plans lilfective: January 1, 2003, QualChoicc of North Carolina, Inc. will no longer offer coverage of Medicare-fChoice benefits to our Medicare members in Alexander, Alleghany, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Rowan, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes, and Vadkin counties. North Carolina. If you are a current member, you may remain enrolled until December 31,2002, “We liave closed enrollment effective with this notice." For additional information, we suggest you call QualChoice of North Carolina, Inc.; 1-800-273- 4115 or TDD/TTY 1-800-735-2962, M-F, 8:00a.ni.-5:00p.m. For help and information about Medicare, please call the 1-800-Medicare (I - 800- 633-4227). Individuals that use a telephone device for the hearing impaired can call 1-877-486-2048. Pubno.2002:A08/02 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 138 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trust made by Sean S. Walker to Lee Johnson, Trustee(s), dated Ihe 24th day ol November, 2000, and recorded in Book 417, Page 37, Davie Couniy Regislry, North Carolina, delault having been made in the paymeni ol Ihe note Ihereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trusl and Ihe undersigned, H. Terry Hulchens, PA, having been substi­ tuted as Truslee in said Deed of Trusl by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Olfice of Ihe Regisler of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder of Ihe nole evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing direcled thal the Deed of Trusl be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer lor sale at the Courthouse Door in Ihe cily ol Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina al 11:00 A.M. on Septem­ ber 10, 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash Ihe loliow­ ing real esiale siluate in Ihe County of Davie, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 33, as shown on Ihe map or plal of Map of Myers Park al RidgemonI, Section two, which is duly recorded in Play Book 6, page 103, Register ol Deeds lor Davie County, North Carolina, to which plan relerence is here made lor a more complete and accurate description thereof. Together wilh improvements localed Ihereon; said properly being localed at 272 Windward Circle, Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the properly be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay Ihe lax of Thirty Cenls ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be oifered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance -AS IS, WHERE IS.- Nei­ lher Ihe Truslee nor the holder of Ihe nole secured by Ihe deed of trust/security agreement, of bolh, being loreciosed, nor the ollicers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents ot authorized representallve ol eilher the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any-represenla- lion ol warranly relaling lo Ihe tille or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely condilions exisling in, on, al or relaling lo Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and, any and all responsibililies or liabililies aris­ ing oul ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, Ihis property is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lifly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at Ihe time ol the sale. This 13lh day ol AugusI, 2002. H. Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Trustee P,0. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suile 103 Fayelleville, NC 28302 8-29-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of STEPHEN FRE­ DRICK PEACOCK, lale of Davie County, this is to nolily all persons having claims against said esiale lo present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 151h day of No­ vember, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe lirsl day ol publi­ cation or Ihis nolice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 15lh day of August. 2002, Stephanie Dawn Peacock 784 Daniel Road Mocksville, NC 27028 8-15-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execulrix ol Ihe Estate of LAWRENCE E. MOBERLY, SR., lale ol DavIe County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo presenl Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 29lh day of No calion or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said esiale will please make immediale payment lo the undersigned. This Ihe 29lh day of AugusI, 2002. Sandra M. Hadley, EXEC 400 Tot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as the Execu­ tor of the Estate of SHIRLEY S. SPRY, lale of Davie Couniy, Ihis is to notify all persons havng claims againsi said estate lo present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 51h day of December, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs (rom Ihe lirst day of publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted o said esiale will please make immediale payment lo the undersigned. This 29th day ol August, 2002. . . Jallrey.Sealord Lambe5655 NC Highway 801 Soulh Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5-41n Now Hiring/ Several Positions •Forklift Operators •Material Handlers •ProductionMechanic •Batch Mixers Accepting Apps this Fri. Sept.6 - 9am -1 lam at the Mocksville ESC Room 120 from 9-11 am O l s t e n Staffing .> Services I Nannah’s Closet Children's Clothing Sale FALL/W INTER sp o n so re d b y HanMh Circl« First United Mctiiodist Chureh MoeksvilU Friday, Sept. 13 9:00 am-l:00 pm 4:0Dpm-6:00piD Satui^y, Sept. 14 %00 w-12 First United Methodist Chureh Family Lift CMtsr (low«r l«v«l) 30SN.MainSt.,Moeksvill> ■ FMturlng good quality u:«d cfilldren's efothlHg, clz<s Infant to preteen. Includes shoes, toyc, boolcs, games, computer games, etc. Also Includes baby furniture, strollers, earseats, etc. and waternltY clothing. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 93 Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by John H. Fosler, Jr. and Nellie T. Foster, husband and wile (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): John H. Fosler, Jr. and Nellie T. Foster) to Gregory D. Henshaw, Truslee(s), dated the 7th day of May, 1998, and recorded In Book 276, Page 655, Davie Couniy Regislry, North Carolina, default having been made In the paymeni of Ihe note Ihereby secured by Ihe said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hulchens, PA, hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Ollice of Ihe Regisler of Deeds of Davie Couniy, North Carolina and the holder of the nole evidencing said Indebtedness having direcled lhat the Deed of Trusl be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at the Courthouse Door in the cily of Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina at 11:00 A.M. on September 19, 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder for cash Ihe loliowing real esiale silu­ ate in the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in the Southern margin ol the Slale main- lained dirt road, Ihe Northwest cor­ ner ol J.H. Foster, and running Ihence wilh the Southern margin of said road Soulh 84 degrees Easi 200 feel to an iron slake, a new corner; thence South 6 degrees West 286 feet lo a stone, a new corner; thence North 84 degrees West 200 feet lo an iron slake in Ihe line of R.L. Whiiaker estate; Ihence wilh Ihe said R.L. Whitaker esiale North 6 degrees East 286 leet to the point and place ol the beginning, and containing 1,3 acres, more or less as sun/eyed by S.L. Talbert, Registered Land Sur­ veyor, AugusI 13, 1969. Together wilh improvements localed Ihereon; said properly being lo­ caled al 140 Whitaker Road, ) Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the tax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be oifered pur­ suant lo this notice ol sale Is being oifered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of the nole secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, ol both, being loreciosed, nor the ollicers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder of the nole make any-represenla- tion of warranly relaling lo the lille or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions exisling in, on, al or relating lo Ihe property being offered for sale, and. any and all responsibililies or liabililies aris­ ing oul of or in any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the lime ol the sale. This 13lh day ol AugusI, 2002, H. Terry Hulchens, PA Subslilule Truslee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suile 103 Fayelleville, NC 28302 9-5-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu­ tors of the Estate of WILLIAM L. HENDERSON, lale of Davie Couniy, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or before Ihe 22nd day of No­ vember, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe firsl day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said esiale will please make immediale paymeni to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of AugusI, 2002. Judy Henderson Beam 8360 Rlven«alk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Donald B. Beam, Jr. 8360 Rivenivalk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 45 Under and by virtue of the power of sale conlained in a certain Deed of Trusl made by Rhonda Chrisline Smith and Chrisline B. Darnell lo Gabriel, Berry & Weslon, Truslee(s), dated Ihe lllh day ol March, 1996, and recorded in Book 234, Page 749, Davie Couniy Reg­ islry, North Carolina, defaull hav­ ing been made in Ihe paymeni ol Ihe nole thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trusl and Ihe under­ signed, H. Terry Hulchens. PA, hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an inslrumenl duly recorded in Ihe Office of Ihe Regisler of Deeds of Davie Couniy, North Carolina and Ihe holder ol Ihe nole evidencing said indebtedness having direcled lhal Ihe Deed ol Trust ba loreciosed, the under­ signed Subslilule Truslee will offer for sale al Ihe Courthouse Door in the city of Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina at 11:00 A.M. on September 10, 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highesl bidder lor cash the loliowing real estate situ­ ate in the Couniy of Davio, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as lollows: LYING AND BEING in Mocksville Township, Davie Couniy, North Carolina, and begin­ ning at an iron lound, said iron lound being Ihe Southwest corner of Worth T. Hendrix, Deed Book 53, page 172, parcel 19, wilh said iron being localed In the Northern righl of way of Forest Lane, Ihence wilh said right of way North 72 degrees, 00 minutes, 18 seconds Wesl 100.00 feel lo an iron found, said iron found being Ihe Soulheaslern corner of Furches Enterprises, Deed Book 148, page 708, parcel 17, Ihence wilh said Furches line North 06 degrees, 32 minutes, 35 seconds East 140.01 leet to an iron found, said iron lound being located inthe Southern line of John K, Johnstone, Deed Book 130, page 523, and Deed Book 145, page 78, parcel 15, thence with Johnstone line Soulh 73 degrees, 37 minutes, 10 seconds East 100.14 leet to an iron lound, said iron lound being located In Ihe Western line ol Worth T. Hendrix, Ihence with said Hendrix line Soulh 06 degrees, 48 minutes, 30 seconds Wesl 142.76 feet to Ihe POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and conlaining 0.319 acres and being Lot. No. 18 of DavIe County Tax Map J-4-4 Block E with the above description as sun/eyed by C. Ray Cates June 14, 1993, updated 3/6/96. Together with Improvements localed thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 179 Forest Lane, Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, thal per­ son must pay the lax ol Thirty Cenls ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be oifered pur­ suant to this notice oi sale is being oifered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor Ihe holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, ol bolh, being loreciosed, nor the ollicers, directors, altorneys, employees, agents or aulhorized represenlalive 01 eilher Ihe Trustee or Ihe holder ol the nole make any-represenla- tion of warranly relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safely conditions exisling in, on, al or relaling lo Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and. any and all responsibililies or liabililies aris­ ing oul ol or in any way relating lo any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, Ihis property is being sold subjecl lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ot record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al Ihe lime ot Ihe sale. Thls13lh day ol AugusI, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Subslilute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suile 103 Fayelleville, NC 28302 8-29-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of Ihe Esiale ol MARGARET BARRETT MCCOY, lale of Davie Couniy, Ihis Is lo nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 15th day ol No­ vember, 2002, being Ihree (3) months from Ihe first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediale paymeni to Ihe undersigned. This the 15th day ol August, 2002 Bob L. Myers, EXEC 147 Apache Road Advance, NC 27006 8-15-4ln NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY NOTICE OF DISCHARGE OF UNTREATED WASTEWATER AugusI 28, 2002 Cily ol Winston-Salem, North Caro­ lina Ulililies Division This public notilication ol a spill ol untreated wastewater in excess ol 15,000 gallons is being issued as required by The North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999, NCGS §143-215.1C. • On Monday, AugusI 26, 2002, an esiimaied 864,000 gallons of untreated wastewater was spilled into a storm drain at The Cily of Winston-Salem's Archie Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant, It is esiimaied that the entire lolal of this spill entered Salem Creek In the Yadkin River Basin. The spill be­ gan at 10:50 A.M. when two ol lh6 plant's three influent bar screens failed afler heavy rainfall during the early morning hours resulted in high flows and stream flooding at the treatment plant. Elforts to correct the problem were hampered by Hooding in Salem Creek lhat made the work area hazardous. Crews corrected the problem and the overtlow slopped at 2:07 P.M. This incident was reported to Ihe North Carolina Departmenl ol En- vironmenl and Nalural Resources; Division ol Waler Qualily; Winslon- Salem Regional Ollice. The Cily ol Winslon-Salem followed ils estab­ lished policies and procedures to respond to this spill wilhin 120 min­ utes as required by NCDENR. De­ bris was cleaned up from the area as soon as Ihe lloodwalers abated and no adverse environmental im­ pacts were obsen/ed as a result of this spill. For further information regard­ ing this incident please conlacl Mr. David Saunders al The City of Win- slon-Salem Utilities Division Admin­ istration Offices: (336) 727-8418. 9-5-1ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execulrix ol the Estate of BURR C. BROCK., late of Davie County, this Is lo nat­ tily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 29lh day of November, 2002, be­ ing Ihree (3) monlhs Irom the first day of publlcalion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment lo Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 29th day of AugusI, 2002, Patricia Brock Genovese, EXEC 4138 N. Mills River Road Horse Shoe, NC 28742 8-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of Ihe Esiale of MARTIN L. JOHNSON, late ol Davie Couniy, Ihis Is lo notily all persons having claims againsi said esiale lo presenl them lo the undersigned on or belore the 29th day of Novem­ ber, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day of publicallon or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make im­ mediale payment to the under­ signed. This the 29lh day of AugusI, 2002. Charles S. Stovall, EXEC 107 Fairway Drive Advance, NC 27006 8-29-4ln LOST DOG Mixed Breed BUiCk & Grey w/4 white leet998-3714 •New& Old Roofs • Free Estimates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ■ INTHEGENERALCOURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SP151 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY STEPHANIE TOWNSON DATED AUGUST 4, 1999, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 310 AT PAGE 751 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo an order ol Ihe Clerk of Superior Court an dunder and by virtue of Ihe power and aulhorily conlained in Ihe above-relerenced deed of trusl and because of de­ faull in the paymeni of Ihe indebt­ edness Ihereby secured and fail­ ure lo carry oul and perform Ihe stipulalion and agreemenls Iherein conlained, and pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder of Ihe in- debledness secured by said deed of Irusl, Ihe undersigned subslilule truslee will expose for sale al pub­ lic auction lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash al the usual place of sale at the couniy courthouse of said couniy al 11:00 A.M. on Wednes­ day, September 11, 2002, Ihe fol­ lowing described real esiale and any olher Improvemenls which may be situated Ihereon, silualed in Davie Couniy, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All thal parcel of land in Davie Couniy, Slale of North Carolina, as more fully described in Deed Book 204, Page 164, ID M5020A0007. Being known and designaled as Lol 7, Sallie Acres, lield In Plat Book 6, Page 159 And Being more commonly known as: 332 Michaels Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owner ol Ihe prop­ erty, as reflected on the records ol Ihe Regisler ol Deeds, is Stephanie Townson. The property to be oifered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being offered for sale, Iransler and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe nole secured by the deed ol trust/security agreemenl, or both, being loreciosed, nor the ollicers, direclors, attorneys, employes, agents or aulhorized representative of either Truslee or the holder of Ihe nole make any representalion or warranty relating lo the lille or any physical, environmental, health or safety condilions existing in, on, at or relaling lo the property being offered for sale, and any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabilities arising oul of or In any way relaling to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments In­ cluding but nol limited lo any trans­ fer tax associated wilh the foreclo­ sure, for paying, if any. A deposil of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifly dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever is greater, and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at Ihe time of the sale. This sale will be held open len days lor upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the slalulory upset period, ail remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date ol this Notice Is August 15, 2002. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substitute Truslee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suile 300 Charlolie, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 NORTH CAROLINA 8-29-2ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Admlnislra- irix of the Estate of ELSIE P. TURNER, lale of Davie Couniy, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 2002, be­ ing Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day ot publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned. This the 15lh day of Aug 2002. Alma J. Lesane, ADMN 325 Cartner Road Statesville, NC 28625 8-15-41P HOUSE FOR SALE Brick ranch home in cul-de-sac. Beautiful wooded 1.63 acres, outbuildings, near 801 N. in Farmington. $165,000. Call Mene Rector, Remax Realty Consultants 940-5780 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ fied as the Execulrix ol the Estate ol HERMAN HARTMAN VOGLER, of Davie Couniy, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, lirms and corporation having claims against said esiale lo presenl them lo the undersigned on or belore November 29, 2002, or Ihis notice will be pled in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons, lirms or corporalins indebled lo said esiale will please make immediale payment to the undersigned. This the 29lh day of August, 2002. Kalhleen L. Vogler Executrix of the Esiale of Herman Hartman Vogler 197 Vogler Road Advance, NC 27006 Steven B. Fox TEAUGE, ROTENSTREICH & STANALAND, LLP Attorneys and Counselors al Law 101 Soulh Elm SI., Suile 350 Post Ollice Box 1898 Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone (336) 272-4810 8-29-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol Ihe Esiale ol ANTHONY USA, lale of Davie Couniy, this is lo nolily all persons having claims againsi said estate lo presenl Ihem lo Ihe un­ dersigned on or before Ihe 29lh day of November, 2002, being Ihree (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ cation or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebled lo said esiale will please make immediale paymeni to the undersigned. This the 29th day of AugusI, 2002. Alice Usa 118 Raintree Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Davie County Community Development Block Grant Infrastructure Sewer Hook-up Grant Application NOTICE OF SECOND PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given lhat Ihe Davie County Board of Commis­ sioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 16,2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the County Adminis­ tration Building located al 123 S. Main Street, Mocksville, N.C. This hearing is required prior lo submitting an application for an In- Iraslructure Waler/Sewer Hook-up Community Development Block grant lo the North Carolina Division of Communily Assistance. The grant would provide sewer and/or waler laps and conneclions to low and moderate income households within the County. The grant amount to be requested is $75,000. All interested persons are In­ viled to atlend this hearing. Per­ sons needing special assisiance or non-English speaking persons should conlacl Ihe Clerk's olfice at (336) 751-5513 at leasl 48 hours prior lo the hearing. TDD# 1-800- 735-8262. 9-5-1 In NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu­ tors ol the Estate of TREVA L. SPILLMAN, late of Davie Couniy, this Is lo nolily all persons having claims against said estate to presenl them to the under­ signed on or before the 22nd day ol November, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom the first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebled to said esiale will please make Immediale payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 22nd day ol August, 2002. Ann S. Younts, COEX 189 Lester Foster Road Advance, NC 27006 James R. Spillman, COEX 2309 Bryan Terrace Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-4tn K S cooooo S u n r ise C a r p e t C le a n in g & J a n ito ria l S e rv ic e residential, commercial, industrial SbssM Any tw o ro o m s- $65.00 336-463-2965 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conlained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Michael R. Self, Sr. and wile, Laurie C, Sell (PRESENT RECORD OWNERS); to TIM, Inc., Trustee(s), dated the 18th day of February, 1999, and re­ corded in Book 296, Page 690, Davie County Registry, North Caro­ lina, default having been made in Ihe paymeni of Ihe nole Ihereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, H. Terry Hulchens, PA, having been substi­ tuted as Truslee in said Deed ol Trust by an insirument duly re­ corded in the Office of Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be loreciosed, the undersigned SubstilulB Truslee will offer (or sale al the Courthouse Door In the city of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina al 1:30 PM. on Septem­ ber 11, 2002 and will sell to Ihe highest bidder lor cash the loliow­ ing teal estate situate In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 1 of ‘Josey Acres" as shown in Plal Book 7, Page 40 (Slide 250), to which ref­ erence is made lor a more particu­ lar description. Togelher wilh im­ provemenls localed Ihereon; said property being localed at 3569 U.S. Highway 601 South, Mocksville, North Carolina. Subject to Restrictive Cov­ enants in Deed Book 204, Page 429, and as amended in Deed Book 209, Page 683, Davie County Registry, and all other easements and restrictions ol record. For back relerence see Deed Book 146, Page 847; Deed Book 44, Page 54; Deed Book 38, Page 57 Davie County Registry. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay Ihe lax ol Thirty Cenls ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur- -g suant lo this notice of sale Is being ollered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ lher the Trustee nor the holder of the nole secured by Ihe deed of Irusl/securily agreemenl, of both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol eilher the Trustee or Ihe holder of the note make any-represenla- lion of warranty relaling to the lille or any physical, environmental, health or safely condilions exisling in, on, at or relating lo Ihe property being ollered for sale, and. any and all responsibililies or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this properly Is being sold subjecl to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty doffars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. This 21 si day of August, 2002. H. Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Truslee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 NORTH CAROLINA 8-29-2tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITOHS The undersigned, having quail- lied as the Administrator ol the Es­ tate of MARGARET LEONARD, of Davie County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporation having claims against said estate lo presenl Ihem to the undersigned on or before Novem­ ber 29, 2002, or this notice will be pled in bar of Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, lirms or corporalins Indebted 10 said esiale will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 29th day of August. 2002. Homer Lee Leonard, Jr. P.O. Box 1019 Cooleemee, NC 27014 _______________________8-29-41Pa s ^ s s s s B5..„ Л senior citizen complex, now laking applicalions for IBR unils in Mocitsvillc. Rent ba.sc(i on income, for Info, call 751-2005 or write; Mock Place. PO Box 1056, Mocksvillc, NC 27028, Equal Housing Opportunity, TDD 1-800-735-2962 .ì;ì v.-i-1---'.'. 1-. ',1 -.•T ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002 ■ 09 1)8- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5.2002 P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING before the Oavie County Zoning Board ot Ad|ustment al 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2002 in Room ol Ihe Davle Counly Admin­ istration Building, Moci<sville, NC. The public Is inviled to attend. The ‘lollowing Ilems are scheduled lo be .heard: Vulcan Materials Company has applied lor a Special Use Permit to operaie a mining and quarry opera­ tion in the Heavy Industrial (1-4) 'Zoning district according lo §155.125(6) ol Ihe Davle County ■Zoning Ordinance. This property is located oil the east side ol Farmington Road, adjoining Ihe •present Smith Grove Quarry, and Is furlher described as Parcels 42 and 43,01 and a portion ol 43 ol Tax Map F-5, Vicki and John Robinson havo 'applied lor a Special Use Permit lo ■operate a youth recreation facilily In the Residential Agricullural (R- A) zoning dislricl according lo §155.125(8) ol the Davie Counly Zoning Ordinance, This property is , located off Ihe east side ol Ralph .Ratledge Road, at 209 Hidden ■Meadows Trail, and is lurther de­ scribed as Parcel 53.01 ol Tax Map F-2. Angela Killian has applied for a ■Special Use Permit lo operate a commercial greenhouse In the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zon­ ing district acccording lo §155.125(B) of Ihe Davie Counly Zoning Ordinance. This property is .located off Ihe soulh side ol Ijames Church Road, al 185 Grannaman Olive, and is furlher described as .Parcel 15 of Tax Map G-3. A sign will be placed on the above listed properties lo advertise the Public Hearing, All parlies and interested citi­ zens are Inviled to attend said hear­ ing al which time they shall have an oppportunily lo be heard In la- 'vor ol, or In opposilion 10, the re­ quest. Prior 10 the hearing, all per­ sons Interested may obtain addi­ lional information on a requesi by - visiling the Planning and Zoning ^-■Departmenl weekdays belween 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone al (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 8-29-21n :N0RTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate of MARY BOGER SEATS, lale of Davie Counly, this is to notify ail persons havng claims againsi said esiale to present them ■ 10 the undersigned on or before the •5th day ol December, 2002, being three (3) monlhs (rom Ihe first day J3f publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All ^rsons Indebted o said estate will •please make Immediate payment lothe undersigneds This 5lh day ol September. 2002. Rebecca S. Allen, EXEC 917 Farmington Road Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5-4ln GARAGE DOORS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Esiale of ROY F. ALEXANDER, late of Davie Counly, this is lo no­ lily ali persons having claims againsi said esiale lo present them lo the undersigned on or before the 151h day ol November, 2002, be­ ing Ihree (3) months Irom the first day of publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said esiale will please make immediale pay­ ment lo the undersigned. This Ihe 151h day of August, 2002, Roy F, Alexander, Jr„ EXEC 210 Oakdale Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 8-15-41n HETAL K l WOOD INSTALLATION • PARTS ACCESSOfllES • SERVICE COmERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL lo b b y 6 M h e r (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 9 8 6_ Mocksville, NC TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Rutter ■ Cooleemee Interior Trim Cnbinet Installation Dcclts Hom e Repair 336-399-8783 AshDate Construction • F re e Estimules • Insured • Reliable, Friendly Servke uhdalciiKeioUani S p k c i a l i z i n g in A l l P h a s e s o f H o m e R e m o d e l i n g Vinyl .Siding. Addilioas, Roofmg, Paimini', Minor Ultv. c& Plumbing, Kitclicn, Balli Jt Palio Tlic, Docks. Docks, Sheds, Bams, Fcnccs, Retaining Walls lo Ceiling Fans.,. Wcdo itali! W e m u M ATCH a n y LM O tm um COMWTITOR’S bid OH C o m u iA B U Ш т шяиия Л W anauuttH ip. David McCullar-Owntr Phoiw: (336) 492-7363 Mobil«: (336) eSMSSB g l a s s m e d s I «l a s s ■ ■ ГОДа Д ЕЯВЕДУЕ F R O F T E A B L B Homes For Sale 3 UH 4 iJH, 2bA on \:¿! acre ' Lawn Care Mobile Homes/Sale Service Travel Employment n n rs-iu e>i________________________________*!___ Л1 1 Л 11 Trai/al Qorwl/'oe nf/orNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE FILE NO. 02-M-30 Davie Counly, Plainlilf, vs. Heirs of George W. Smith, known and un­ known, Heirs of M.G. Marsh, known and unknown, and F.W. Marsh and Lizzie V. Marsh, Defendanl. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an ex­ ecution issued on the 7th day of August, 2002, by the Clerk ol the. Superior Coun of Davie Counly in the above eniiiled action, and di­ rected 10 the undersigned Sherilf. I will at 12:00 noon on the 16th day of September, 2002, at the door ol the Davie Counly Courthouse in Mocksville, N.C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, all the righl, title and interest which the defendant now has or al anyiime at or afler the docketing ot the judg­ menl In said action had in and to the following described real estate, lying and being in Davie Counly, N.C. Beginning on the North side ol depot corner of Colored Mason and True Reformers'lol and running N.3 deg. E. 4.48 chs. lo a stone thence West e.93 chs, to a slake: Ihence S 3 deg. W. 4.50 chs. to Depot Sireel, thence East wilh said Streel 3.87 chs. 10 the beginning, contain­ ing 1 63/100 acres, being what is known as the Ton Yard Lol, more or less. Stamps paid $1.65. The above described lands were conveyed lo granlors by Jacob Stewart, see book 30, page 54. The above described property is sold subject lo any and all prior liens, encumbrances, deeds ol trust, righls ol way, easements, assessments and Ad Valorem taxes, if any. TERMS OF SALE: The high bid­ der will be required lo deposit ten perceni (10%) of his bid in cash at the lime ol sale and Ihe balance upon confirmation of sale and ten­ der of deed. This the 23rd day ol August. 2002. William A. Whitaker Sherill ol Davie County By S.D. Moxley, Jr., Deputy Sherill 9-5.12-2tn Yard Sales 2 FAMILY YARD Sale, 830 Yadkin Valley Rd„ Friday, Sept, 6th, 8:00 lill 2:00, Saiurday, Sept, 71h, 8:00 lill 12. High Chair, double stroller, children's toys, adult clothing, and more. CAr6 lVN’¥ COLLECfiBlES'Highway 601 SOUTH 336-751-6252 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENT Bail S Tackle now open, Tues- day-Salurday 10;00arn-6:00pm, Now accepting lurnilure. 1430 8018 beside 4th Creek, 336-751 - 4507. Yard Sales MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sale. Sat­urday, 9 unlil 2:00, Full size la­dies clothes, Preleen's all size Clothing a Shoes, 601 Soulh at friendly shopping center in Fairfield. NEIG HBO RHOdb YARD SALE, Sunlree in Oak Valley, Sepl. 7th. 7-12, Variely. S A T lT ^ A Y SEPtT 7TH 7- 12noon, 141 Ruffin 81, Cooleemee, Furnilure, House­ hold goods, tools, pictures, and other assorted treasures. Call Tammy Kowalski for placement of Classified by 10:30am Tuesday. Dee’s Antiques on tho Green...hlll 733 Greonhlll Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 Labor Day Sale Now In Progress. Greal prices Ihoughoul the ShopI New Ilems arriving dallyll "A lllllo something tor everyone" Wo buy Eslales...ono llom or alll Wo also buy "your unwanlod" Ilems. Jusl give us a callll ESTATE & YARD SALE Thursday, Friday, Saiurday September 5th, 6th and 7lh Bam-unlil Inside/Oulside Sale-Rain or Shinell 733 Greenhiil Rd. Mocksville,NC 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 Old Tools, glassware, furniture, pictures, jewelry, Nascar items, and much, much more! Baked Goods by Nellie Couch GARDEN VALLEY GARAGESale-231 Beechwood Drive, Mocksville, NC, Saturday, Sep­ tember 7,8:00am-1:00pm. Many new and like new items: Ladies custom made goll clubs, golf shoes, bedding, linens, dishes, luggage, llower arrangements ancf seasonal decorations, qual­ily clothing and much more. You don't wanl to miss thisi________ MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sale, Fri 9/6 & Sal 9/7. 801 North beside new Waler Tower. Old Avon Bollles, Indian Pollery, Jewelry and much more household items SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,7;30am-until, 768 Yadkinville Rd, Children, Teens, & Adull clothes, Home accessories, Misc, furni­ture, & morel SEVERAL F A M iES, SÄfÜFI- DAY 8:00 until. Center Shelter, Gas Power Pressure Washer, Clolhes, Household, much more. 4-22.5" Semi-lruckwilh lires. Call 284-4045 or 751-3396. THURS, FRI, SAT Sepl. 5lti, 61h, 71h. 1413 Baltimore Rd. Satur­day. 8 until. YARD SALE, SATURDAY, Sept. 7, 8-until, lv)r, Henry Rd, Name Brand; Ladies slacks, dresses, skirls, and suits, Size 14, Mens and womens clothing, TV Cart, end tables, dining room chairs and much, much more. Watch for signs! YARD SALE-20 families in Covington Creek, Hwy. 801, 6 miles Soulh ot Hwy 158. Satur­ day, September 71h, 7am until. YARD SALE-SATURDAY, Sep­ tember 7,8:00-2:00. Tucker Resi­ dence on Redland Rd. Old doors, windows, blinds, tons of house- hold ilems, clolhes. Greal buys! Abortion Alt. DAVIE PREGNANCY CARECenler offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice lor your life! Call 753-HOPE for appointment. Animals APPROX. 4 Year Old guilding. Saddle included. $1200 neg. 998-0468. Leave Message. BRONZE TURKEYS, RING- NECK Pheasants, Guienees, Speckled Banians 998-8650, GENETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call «fthiir Botlldi 336-492-5992 RAND Y M ILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road • Mocksville (336) 284-2826 Skid SIter Work Trencher Work Hauling Septic Syslena Foolings Louder Work LAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner & Operator Brad Lagle (336) 940-3762 (336) 399-3821 É [«] : I FRIDAY • SKPÏ. 6 • 5 ;P.M. COLLECTIBLES • FURNITURE • ANTIQUES • STONEWARE • TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF GLASSWARE $ 1 0 0 T O B E G IV E N A W A Y LO C A TIO N : Wesl Ccnlral Communily Cenler, 6100 block of Yudkinvillc Rd, PfoirionTi, NC. Fmm Wiasion-Saleni. follow Reynolda Rd, (Ilwy. 67 W.). Bear lefl on Yadkinville Road tOld U.S.-Hwy. 421). S.-ae approx. 5 miles on left. I n I)U H i Ojjiv K».lni (Al S ltlk RrJ I'jicm. Soml lluw Dijtv lYIteJKuh) l>unfK2()U(UkMji*lcvVVBhirt\«»ndlX-p.(iU\v.SclOfh|l4CT(MillRim K'iy (X t^cl. KIV, .Set Of AiiiKT iwMiiht Kh lU. Wbk Set, S»crt IImi Uluc OU OU V*. lUun iVOi.IVJieT lU. (W iii|Aiiiui (X I.A* C.roaJ (Cirj(c It Wjia.Sctv 2 Hkr Car Du,^ Oi Nc^ UkcC», U~l OAion. liluc ikiOnl)) I‘jl. Ilkic ¡1«)) hfc.iw A llkjc \ Sur SUf 1*^. KU« AndSwOiHrtv CiiJrtv niicRuPMa (Jn NcM. Sci (X H (*wn lUv IiIV. »tu: Hut« UJi. Iltuc Cnaiicry A Supr. Uil|4in Gwttl DiOi Mu.ii NVip CAmi>TJ (il*v lib ()f CUv Huttr IWi-v U-hftd.wc Kisv I GA l\a M.lk Jufc SS'Wwe »IwHc. IWy IW 4 (U Smv Oim 5 Inti In. Krtilcv 5 fU. Sfc»c Cmk. 3 (jj. Sk«c; CnU. Sc\cr»l K-v (X Innw« (Siiic IJii> l-unn Mia Ait (Al IU htvalCu l*».hcT. HJfy Koi lakifcr\ (Itfctw A h GUw ttum AM Si«» V*«*. ITài.ini (Jii Nest. .Scu (XNVV* Sii lk*»ua Wjici Set Ilfctrr iUiiir (¡Ua Il.n*l. .Soml SfU (X tiUxA Mu.hM.^г(¡U'c»A/»^C^^»^.M«^íurel*lkt«A(a4««.l^AC4lr.SurU.HeU&(i^w^l^N.vkтlX^hn.fellllínlU)Nc^ Hlu: {4M U) Soi. Turtle (>i NcM. iUim (Jn Nr4. C'ujkI Tw l\i. Set (X Huh»n«a)»k-vLk:» Chnuijko Mu^v Set (X-IT*uTnSuffr»Mo^.Sh«ric)Tnn*: Mug.Iikjc(iLi»AiwnalA Hml|ik'unirvlmliiiwLI-i<»0(M«n\alSur iU. An«n I»* |)ukr I)nh. OUM^aft. I*ink IVji I'c Cmiin A«<ct .WwUi IU IJujìtIWi. kuh) Ik¥il (iUuuve, DmiiiU I‘a (ÌU«> k CiKtml IXJi Lid’t Siflw it*. Mmuiw .S*it CWv !Vi>Mfct U'iiev lUrtcJ S.gncO Iti*« TiU» SJijvctv i>fa Cnài. OU Ikalcv llij An.uit (X Rubv (iti». iia*ti Crwi«n> Art lUdit CìulJ » OkimI Tea .Srt. Mmiafut IWi CTwt> Hki»snii |iu»r DtJi. L' IV. CImU* 1« An (iUkvt>^TO*tkf\raAvUc»sl»AClwvSUi&iV4J) Car Ruby GL»v». CHECK PHOTOS ON WEBSITE: WWW.MOCKAUCTIONS.COM.PREVIEW OF im js WILL UE HELD ON DAY OF SALE:4 00 P.M. UNTIL. SALE TIME TliRMS; C*ih w ipptuveJ chcck (no <»ut of lUi« thccki. evcoUung wU u u/wliere ii. Aixutot u »« F R E D G . M O C K . A U C TIO N E E R(336) 699-3426 • MAL «2i • www.nwduwctiom.com Apartments 2BR APT for mature adulls who enjoy 24 hr security, yard main­ tenance & paid utililies. Quiet & peaceful. Mocksville, Conve­nient, Shelia at 751-1515. Ce­dar Rock Assisted Living Com­munily 2BR A M R T M E N fT rT q u iet neighborhood. Very Nice. Per­ fect for older adulls. $550.00/mo. Mocksville. Shelia 31751-1515, Furniture BUNK BEDS-FULL Bottom, Twin Top, Pine w Mattress $200., Dining Room Table, Natural & White, 6 Chairs $150, Exc. Con­ dilion. 998-2290. Health_________ CAN’T LOSE THAT Weight or Keep gaining it back? Don 1 give upl! You can lose and keep it off; if you need to lose lOlbs. or LARGE 1 BR Apl. Water/Sewer, Trash, Furn, Downtown Mocksville, No Kids, Pets, or Hud. 704-278-1717. 21 Olbs. See the new you, and feel great, www.easydiet123.com/ccc or 1-888-382-5592. SUNSET TERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances lur­nished including dishwasher. 1.5 balhs, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heal pump provides cenlral heal & air. Prewired lor cable TV & phones. Ins windows & doors. No wax kitchens balh floors. Located in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furniture building on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy, 158. Ol­ fice hours 1-6 M-F & Sal. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BROOK, HÁÑES Mall Area, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes wilh screened porch & $495 mo, Hubbard Rlly, 723- 4306,_________________________ Boats for Sale 14' ALUMACRAFT W/TRAILEr,9,9 Mercury, excellent condilion complete wilh trolling molor $1,900 336-492-2944. Card Of Thanks ACE, FOR YOUR courage, car­ ing and always being there, Happy Birthday! Love You-KIng (08-31-02) dcfO B E R lo, KAYLa"Revelle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.___________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES - lor 1st S 2nd shifts (3rd shill pos­sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am-1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In • upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across Irom В & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529) VVILL K É É F c HÍLDfTÉN In fñy home. Ages 6wks 10 4yrs. old. 1st Shift. 940-6343. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in myHome. References Available. 492-2565.____________________ Condos for Sale C0ND0-2BR, 2BA, New Carpet & paint, off Peace Haven Ro in Winslon. $79,900. 940-5306. Construction Equip BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Home to Share ROOMATE WANTED; ELD­ ERLY room mate needed lo move in home to help share ex­penses. No drugs or drinkers. 998-7102. Homes For Rent 4Br, 3Ba-Riverfront-$1800/mo 4Br, 4Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 2Br, 1 Ba-Advance-$750/mo 2Br, 2Ba-Winston-Salem Condo-$750/mo 4Br, 2Ba/w Bldg-$1000/mo 3Br, 2Ba - Mocksville-$850/mo 3Br, 1 Ba-ln town-$650/mo 3Br, 1.5Ba w/Slorage Bldg.- $600/mo.2Br, 1 Ba-Woodleaf-$550/mo. Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 101 SOFLEY AVE. 4BR,1.5BA, Big Yard, No pets, no HUD. $600/ mo w/$600 security deposit. 998- 4616. 2BR HOUSE CONVENIENT TO 1-40, Clean 704-546-2188 after 5:00pm. 2BR, iY aT c e ÎTtRÂL НеаГ& AC, Fenced Yard, outbuilding, NO HUD! 704-278-1717. ÏB R T2 FULLBaths.luil'Base^ ment with ponds, rent wilh option to buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FOrX l iSTING ôTavàiïàbie rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Estate Section- Howard Realty- 751-3538 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE Inthe country but close to town. Quiet and Privale. Suitable for one person, no kids or pets. 1 " year lease, $400 month plus se- curlly deposit. 751-3729. Homes For Sale IIIABANDONED HOMEIII 4BR, 3BA on 5 acre tract with creek and Mountain View. Call Gary aboul the Jerry Springer special. 744-9208. Furniture 2’X3’ MIRROR WITH Gold Trim. $50.00 OBO. 940-5397. 1 ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernment finance program. Low, Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. 3BR, 2BA NORRIS S/W, Vinyl/ Shingle. Heart Shaped garden tub, much more. Must see. Call Tina 744-9207. BANK FORCES SALEII MUST sacrificed BELOW bank payoff. ALL applications accepted Call Connie 744- 9207. R E A L E S T A X E : A U C T I O N 1 2 : N O O N S A T U R D A Y , S E P T . 1 4 H O R S E L O V E R S We have an incredible H O IV IE 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Brick Patio Briclf Floor Sun Room, Detached Garage Plus 9 S*K all D a r n 1 4 . 7 A c r e M i n i - f a r m To Be Offered At Pubic Auction $5,000.00 Down Day Of Auction Olf HW)M21 going toward YadMnMlo, lake aol 246. Shalowfortl Road, turn ted. go 8 Ihcnlti mte. Minl-famicOniioh«. SooaiOionagnaBSSI Shalowfotd Road, IjjwisvillB. 15 minute di*« lo HANES MAa and FORSYTH HOSPITAL OPEN HOUSE - THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPT. Stti, 6ih, 7th AUCTIONEER #154 — Broiter #99460 KEITH J. PIERCE, GRI PHONE: 336.764.19&1 www.pierceauction.com *■ ¥ recently remodeled $89,900. 998-0280, iiL L CONSOLIDATrON WITH the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOME,' 193Qsa ft., 3BR, 2Ba. Normal Building Cost $125,400.00. September Only $75,000.00. Built on your lol! Call 1-866-624-7457 or 336-751- 7340. FliAPRdcWAM FOR First Time Buyers/Single Parents. Litlle money needed for new land/ home package. Call Gary 744- 9208. FOR ' SALET..BY“ OWNEFi, $99,000. 1900 sq fl, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 lull baths, lire­place, Ig living room, den, cov­ered front porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basement wilh work area, brick wilh cenlral air. Call for appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L FALL IS COMING! Bobcai. aeralot core plugger & more lor renl lodayl m:;:",',.' 13361751-2304 F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedeating 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 FSBO, ADORABLE 2BR, IBa 950 sp home at end of cul-de- sac. Fireplace, privacy fence and large deck. Washer/dryer stay. Hdwd floors in living area, $78,000,164 Blue Bonnet Court, Mocksville, 751-0758. MODULAR HOME, 7/12 roof, insulated windows, much more! Normal Cost $75,000.00. Built on your Lol $57,950.00, September Onlyl 336-751-7340 or 1-866- 624-7457. MODULAR HOMES ON your lol shipped direct-Save $$, For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356, MODULAR HOMES STARTING at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251 -6790. SELL IT FAST in the Classifieds. CALL TAMMY @751-2129 SPLIT f o y e r' 3BR, 2,5BA, 2 acres, near golf course, $135,000 FIRM. 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. 751-5614, TRUE MODULAR HOMES- Huge Savings! For Literature, Call 1-800-322-8679. UGLY HOUSE, CRAZY Price, 3 Bedroom, Cash Price $5,990, 744-9207, “FOR SINGLE PARENTS Only!" y Special financing for you and your family 2,3,&4 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per month. Only 7 unils lell. All agplicalions accepted. Call (336) Land For Sale 1.09 ACRES $12,900. Near 140 exit 162 oil Highway 64. Left Bailie Rd., Lefl Paved Garden Valley Rd. Manufactured Home OK. 704-528-9593. Please Leave Number. Land For Sale 5.0 WOODED ACRES, Ealon’s Church Rd., Some restrictions. 998-7778. LAND FOR SALE- 8.04 acres Duke Whitaker Rd. 336-775- 2859. LA R R Y’S W OOD FLO O R SER VICE Laying • Sanding • Rnlshlng FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Lan^ McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive 336-751-1721 Lost & Found MISSING RATLEDGE RD. area. Large Chocolate Lab. Last seen wearing a choke chain collar. If found Call 492-6611.__________ Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOT lor Rent $160/month. 119 Eden Lane, Lol 5, off Hinkle Dr, (off Hwy 601 South) Mocksvilla, 336-697- 1482, N EW ADDITION TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re­landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crolls Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces lell. 998- 8276 or 998-6222._____________ M iscellaneous APPLIANCES-NEW & Used. Dolls, numerous ilems. Very large assortment. No Furnilure. Sell in one lot. 725-0818. FOR SALE-CAR speakers, am­ plifiers, crossovers, call for de­ tails. 998-6439. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Direclv. Single System $29,99 installed. Dual Sysiem $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408, WINTER’S COMING. TWO Pro­ pane Household Healers (One Small, One Large) for Sale. Call 998-7240.____________________ Mobile Homes/ __________Rent__________ 2 BR TRAILER, Privale Lot, Ad­ vance, Call 766-8462. 3BR,1.5BA C7a on Private Lot' Local 918-4111, 828-478-9416. READY TO MOVE in:" 2br up­ stairs apt. furnished w/ furnilure, all ulililies. $550/month. 751- 1218 TRAILER FOR RENT-Courlney Area. 336-463-4995.___________ Mobile Homes/Sale 111 ST TIME buyers program. No credil needed. Call for Iree quali­fication by phone. HOME ZONE, (704) 857-0157. $i57 PER M'oW h . YBedroW^ 2 Balh all appliances, furnished. New heal pump. 767-4319 1993 i4”X60ji^2B rrTB Dish- washer, and Trash Compacter. In Pines Trailer Park. $9,000.00. Call 926-2027. i99T3B^Rr2^BA Oakwood Cus- lom 80x14. Excellent Condition. Appliances included. Must be moved. $12,500. 704-278-1153 Wide. Excellent Condilion, new siding, carpet & paint, Furnilure Included. $14,500.00. Call Karen Maready918-1122, 28XTd^bU B LEW ID E 3BR, 2BA, porch, stove, frig., $6500.00. 492-7753. LAND FOR SALE-2.531 acres in Yadkin Co. Forbush Elem School Districl. Private all wooded 15 min. from Winslon-Salem. Prime Properly Location. $16,000/ per acre. 336-961-6296. Honest and Dependable Hi cleaning. Call for Prices & 336-492-6696. iuse- Info. ?BAD CREDIT? With reason­ able deposit loan approved in minutes. Will do what others can’L 767-4319 WE SAY YESI A‘bM D 0NED"H0ME; 3 bed­room, 2 balh. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some ovmer financing. 336 661-1163 DO'ubT eVI/IDEr i 36 jM Rd., Nice lol, 3BR, 2BA, Heal pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side, Refrig­ erator, Microwave, Dishwasher. 998-5816. l e w Vs v il l e /c l e m m o n s AREA 1970’S, 2Br, 12x76, “lop ol the line” new. Finest ownership park in Forsylh Counly, low lot rent, /VC. I am 41h owner (5yr) Excellent condition. Less lhan $8,000 fully furnished. Will dis­ cuss price less some or all con­ tents. Musi relocale. Call 336- 577-6403, leave message. m o d u l a r h o m e s on your lol. Shipped direct- Sava $$ For free literalure, call 1-888- 889-6356, MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW'S AND DW'S ALREADY s e t UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. OW^ER f INANCING AVAIL- ABLE. 3 bedroom/2 bath home. 1800 sqft, 450 per monlh. Rea­ sonable Deposit 661-1163 YADKIN CO., nice large lols, sngl, & dblwides. Cheap waler, good neighborhood, owner fi­nance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 Motorcycles YAMAHA PW-80, Greal Starter Bike, $800. Yamaha TTR-225, $1900. 998-4292 9am-9pm. Music PIANO TUNINGRepairing & Rebuilding Selt-pl^ers,Sales & Service Wallace Barford __________998-2789__________ Office Space STORE FOR RENT, N. Main Sl. $450/mo. Utilities Included. 998- 0280. Pets 1995 FLEETWOOD VOGUE,3BR, 2BA, Large LR and Kitchen. Excellent Condition. Comes wilh Cenlral Air Unit and Kitchen. App.-$14,100.00. 998-2290. 1997 14X76 VINYL siding, shingle roof, 3BR, 2Ba mobile home set up in Farmington Heights and ready to move in. First month’s lol rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 U ilS g C O R V S l^ M IN I'ST O R A G E For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy, 64 E in Fork C o d todoijl (336) 998-8810 GALVALUME 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage I Many Colors Pole Buildings (Vletal Roots & Siding | 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS FOR SALE, FIEST Dogs. $35 each. 336-492-2861. FURS-A-FLWFuiTsenrice Pei Grooming al Ihe "Red Woof Inn”. 940-DOGSor 909-1353. B&D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. We ivorfc to Meet Your Budget}Specializing in addilions, renovations, balhs, kilchans, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone 8 tile work, light painting S small repairs. We also do Bobcat work. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 lor prompt, reliable, workmanship. References available. Free estimates. DILLARD’S PAiNTlNG-HAf E ToPaint? Let me do it! Call Danny 284-2169. Free Estimates. FURS-/V-R.YIN FulfService Pel Grooming at the “Red Wool Inn”. 940-DO(jSor 909-1353. HONEST, DEPENDABLE, AND CARING Chrisiian woman will sil with elderly 1st shill. Short or long term assignment. Mocksville Vi­ cinity Valid Driver's License and own transportation. Character references. Please call 336-751 - 1122. LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTER­INGRichard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEW IMAGEPainting & Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, addilions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your eleclrical needs. Free Eslimales, 751-3398. sTm p LY CONTENT AT Home Pel Care Service. In your ab­ sence giving you peace of mind allowing your pets to be simply content in their own environment. Sen/ice for large & small animals. Bonded, Insured, Glenda Will­ iams 998-8125, TIRED AFTER WORK? Need someone lo help out wilh the cleaning, shopping & errands? Call me! I have excellent refer­ ences and excelleni rales. 492- 6262. TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading for driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, field ripping, 611. trac­ tor tiller, posl holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WiLLncLEAN HOMESTor r^^ sonable price. Call Lynn al 998- 1681. WRIN1<lT s1 n YOUR Carp^^ We'll re-slrelch or new carpet in­ stallation. Free estimates. (336)998-8402 vacalion packages lo Las Vegas, Disney Worrd, Carribean, Cruises, Cancún, International and Domestic Travel anywhere In Ihe World. An affiliate of TPI, Con­ tact Harriet Schuler 336-284- 4747. Vehicles 1986 FORD MUSTANG 5,0 Au­ tomatic one car owner, 492-7335, 1992 CADILLAC, 4DR. Sedan. 112,932 Original Miles. Second Owner, Garaged, Excellent Con­ dition, documented. $4,650.336- 764-0885 or cell 978-2299. 1994 INFINITI J30, Great car, extra clean, 10IK miles, $6,900. 751-9500. 1995 MERCURY VILLAGER Naulica, all options, great condi­ tion. 1987 Honda Accord LX, leave message. 998-0212. SALISBUWy MOTOR C O .^ Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 '63 FORD PICK up wilh new 292 Engine, Good Condition; while. '94 Cadillac Sedan Deville with Blue Leater Int. 765-3882 or 492- 5115. ■78 CHEVY SHO^TBEblTuck good motor needs body & trans­ mission work $1200. '86 Chevy Astro Van good work van some body damage $1200. 492-7203 leave message. ■86 ....CHEVROLETSCOTTSDALE 3/4 ton, V8, Auto, Air, PS, PB. High Mites bul strong and dependable. $2900.00.940- 5866, leave message. Service Travel ‘MIKE'S PRESSURE WASH* vinyl siding and repairs decks, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-998-9588336-909-1713 Insured - free estimate. HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPSFrid-Nile Sept 20th $20pp Tues-Day Sept 24th $10pp (New) Sat-Day Sept 28th $20 PPAtlantic City Trip-Nov 2aih-30lh $219pp E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt 3 B u ild in g Lots F o r S a le In the Fork Church Comnnunily Located on/off of Cedar Grove Church Road O K for doublewide. modular or sile built homes •Lotl-UNDER CONTRAa- 40,000f/-sfwilti toad frontage, water meler& septic system-525,000 • Lot 2 - UNDER CONTRAa ■ 1 + acre with road frontage, well & leptic system - 525,000 • lot 3 • 1.2 acies recent suivey & pcrked.Gieat view - 525,000 *AII acreage iubieci to linal iurvey Contact Robert Sfone (Owner/Broker) ot Riverbrk Properties 336-998-4733 ITUESbAY ¡ 7 : Ö Ö P M I Yadkin Moot* Lodo* S TA R T W ORK M ONDAY! $ 7 . 5 0 / h r . T e m p - t o - H i r e Mocksville Area, assembly work/material handling 2nd shift 3:00 p.nn,-1',30 a.m., Mon.-Thurs. If hired, pay goes to $8.80/hour Requires clean criminal record & drug test Many Other Jobs tn ClammonsAnd Winslon-Salem Areal Paychecks Delivered Weekly To The Job Sile Araa Interview H m ra: Mocksville ESC: Tlmis., Sepl6lh,1i)0p.m.-3iX)p,m. TR Office: Erxiïsh: Spanish: 7748 North PolnlBfvd., Winston-Satem Moa-Fri, 030 a.m. or 2.<X) pm. Moa& Wod.,3iX)p.m.;Tuo5.& 1hur5..8:30 a.m. or 330 p.m., Fri., 1230 p.m. Bring 2 fomisolidon&ication to htervioiv Se Habla Español. UamoHoy Temporary Resources, Inc. ExpcrkiKC IhcDlflm'iKe lii Slalling 33W S M 000______________________ '97 Chrysler Town & Counlry, 3.8 Liter V-6, New Tires and Battery, PJC, Cruise Control, Luggage Rack, Am/Fm RadioЯapв & CD Player, 88,000 miles, $12,800.00 OBO 492-2468, ■97 GEO TRACKER, 46K Miles, 2WD, 2D, Son Top Black, $4,750.00 or Best Offer. Wanted DOLL STUDENTS. FREE Pri­ vate classes on Tuesday Nighl. Learn lo make your own Porce­lain dolls. Ca'l Lila-Dee Dolls (Rulh 998-2980) or (Diane 725- 2594) after 5:00pm. PASTURELAND^ &“iarnTor Horses. Lease or Sale. 768- 1514. PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING for models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appointment. 336-998-3409 W ANTE^fom JYi PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cut or clear cut. ^ a v e r Wood Producis 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 req. Drivers license ¿referred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- 2pm for application. EOE “d r iv e r NEEDED. MUST HAVE CDL «.PASS DRUG AND ALCOHOL TEST. APPLY AT HORN OIL COMPANY, 190 NORTH MAIN STREET. C ^PEN TER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over­ time. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads, 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. EXPERIENCED SATELLITE/ CABLE TV Installers. Up to $15/ hr & $100 an Install + Company truck + benefits. Only hard work­ ing, self motivated, money hun­ gry, determined to succeed Indi­ viduals need to apply. Must pass background check and have a great driving record. Call 888- 521-6699 or apply at 1310 Starr Drive, High Point. HEAD START TEACHER at Central Davie. Pay range $8.28- $10.09 DOE. Minimum require­ments one year ECE Certilica- tion. Prefer/\A in ECE. Benefits include BSBS Insurance, life In­ surance, voluntary vision and dental, retirement plan, earned leave. 9 paid holidays per year, and professional development opportunités. Call 336-367-7251 ext. 233 lor more inlorrnation. HELP WANTED“- Now taking applications for Servers and wait stall, lull and part-time. Apply in person belween 2-4pm, Mon- Thurs. Sagebrush. 2560 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. HELP WANTED; CHILD care leacher assistant, Monday-Friday 9-6; child care credentials re­ quired. Call 766-6979. IMMEDIATE OPENING: EXPE- RIENCED electrician In residen­ tial wiring with Valid Drivers Li­cense. Appointment Only- Osborne Electric. 751-3398. OTR-TRUCK DRIVER-Mon-Fri. Must have 2 years experience wilh CDL. Good driving record. $35-40K per year. Call Snyder Trucking. 1-800-278-9744.9am- 5pm. RAKE IN THE Cash, RN’s, , LPN's. $1000 Yearly Attendance Bonus, Referral Bonus, Direct Dep. Travel, Holiday, & Weekly Pay. Excel Staffing. 1-800-883- 9235 ext. 363. TIRED OF WORKING for some- one else? Tired ol Liviiig from Paycheck to Paycheck? Be your own boss, and earn $25-$75 per hour in your own home. You can work part lime or full time; you can earn a little extra, or you can be financially independent! If you have a computer, you can do It. www.works4u2.com or 1-888- 382-5592. V M N fiD : EXPERIENCED IN- WANTING TO BUY standing lim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. DUSTRIAL Spray Painter (pow­ der coating & wet coating) for lo­ cal business second shift. Must be dependable and able to pass drug lest. Call 998-2931. Employment y o u th d ir e c to r , f u l l Time posiiion to develop middle and high school groups in a grov ' 575 member congregatlor Christian with strong faith and AUTUMN CARE Nursing Home is now hiring a LPN, tJion-Fri. 6piPass & Charting. Please aiperson at 1007 Howard ipply in Street, 6pm-9pm. Duties: HS Medication'a - - • - pel Mocksviiie, NC 27028. EOE. CNA NEEDED FOR 3-11 shift. FT/PT. Cali Bermuda Village (336) 998-6775, M-F 9-5. character, a love for youth and previous experience required. Submit resume to Rev. Mark Weekley, Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 321 Redland Rd, Advance, NC 27006. • Weekly paychecks • Flexible scheduling • Paid vacations • Employe© menl and gill discounls • Stock purchase plan (available to those at lest 21 years o( age who have completed 90 days of service) you above the competition In fact, you'ro eligible (or up lo th r e e p a y r a is e s your first year! Our extensive Iraining program provides you with the skills you need to succeed, plus lots you decide when you are ready for ГЛОГО pay/benoflls and more responsibility. And that's jusl the beginning. As a member ot our dynamic team, you'll also benent from the following; 401К savings plan contribution — we’ll match 25% ot your contribution, up to 6% of your salary (available after one year of sen/ice of at teas! 1000 hours, rnust be at least 21 years of age. Medical proscription, dontal, life and AD& 0 benefits (Qvallabte after 120 days of employment, with at least a 32 hour/ week average) Employee assistance program. We 0Í0 truly commWtod lo youi success ta о tíodicatod member ol our team. At Crftcker Barroi. we listen (o whal you have lo say and uso that loedbecfc to make posilive char>9*s to your wosk envlfonrntmt. What moto couU you ask lor?11 you aro motlvBtod and enttiuslasllc, wilh a passkyi for customer service, come In ar>d a Manager todayl We are a/rrenHy looking fon PART TIME HELP COM M TOOAY ANO APIXy.Mf MK A MSMMED.RM PUKI TO MKMCtMl mhMUnglorMOH «iwgypM^ttKitlatoworiihaRlandRialMtMMnM 6420 Sessions Q . Clemrnons, NC Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 Old Country sto«« We are an equal opportunity employer. m o - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 5,2002Davie Dateline fromD6 Tuesday, Sept. 17 Kappa Homemaker!, meet ot Davie Acadcmy Comm. Bldg, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24 Woodmen of Ihe World I^g e 32J. Davie Acadcmy Comm. Bldi". 1-30 p.m. Ongoing Humane Sociely of Davie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of e.nch month, al oflice Yadkinville Rd. be­ hind car wash. 751 -5214. Davie Republican Men,? Club,meci.s 4th Salurdayofeach month.7;.10a.ni.. Red Pig BBQ. Celebrate Recoveir, weekly support group for those straggling with tad habits, addictions, and victims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m., al Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158. Advance. Call940-6618 formorc info. DavieCounty Horse Emergency Res­ cue Team, 7:.^ pjn., downstairs at the Agricultui^ Building, Mocksvillc. Ev­ ery 3nl Tuesday cach month. For info: 940-2111. Davlc Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of montlt, 7:30 p.m., D.ivic High Bund Room. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Macedonia Moraviim Oiurch. Fel­ lowship, food, support, .md creative .ictivitics. Qiildrcn reccive esccllent carc in the guided MOPPETS pro- gnmi. Registration fees an; nominal and schol.TTships arc available. Meet­ ings arc the I st and .Ini Fridays of e.ich month beginning Aug. 16. from 9:15- 11:45 a.m. Davic School Schedule is followed. Questions call 998-4.W4. The Artist Group, Davie County Li­ brary, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at ‘W8-5274. Parents Resource Or|>nnization (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Olil Roscmaiy Kropfcldcr at 998-.1.^11 for location. Recreation Formorc infomintion on ihcsc events, call 75l-232i. Line Dancing Fannington Community Cenler. Ev­ ery Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instniclors: Steve & Linda Hatley. Formoreinfo, call 751-3848. Rec Club Before (S15)or after (S25)schc>ol nnd oul of school progmms. Registralion open. GoodTimersSquare Dance D.ince Lessons S5 per monlh. Volun- icen. for different social events. Con- iJicl Ethel al 998-3837. Silverstriders Wall< Club Seniors, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdays. $7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sal. Call Emily Robertson,998-5163. Davie Senior Games Davie Senior 55 & up have wc gol fund for you. 1500 & 5K Racewalk Compeiition.Scpt.21 al YMCAmick. Reg. opens? a.m. S15 includes t-shirt. Division for all ages. This is a judged ■nmiM. SnMKis To Be Held Al Hardison United Methodist Church located on Jericho Church Road Sunday - September 8 through Wednesday - September 11 Services Each Night at 7:00 pm Rev, Dennis B, Marsliall Preaching (jPENiisr, N ig h t M u s ic Pr o v id k d b v ; Paul Ijames Hardison's “Poor M an’s Band” The Disciples Quartet Hardison UMC Choir Special Service of Remembrance on September 11th Revive Us Again Lord! Y’all Come ' k ' k ' k - k - k i r ★VOTE> - k - k - k ' k - k i r GUS MASltr'S. B8..N.C. Gus Anoriw sA0«:58 Addrvtt: 130 S. Ellis SI. Salisoury Occupttion: Rowan County commlsstoner. Resort developer. Education: Gardner-Webb Untveisity:. State Untvereity. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ANDREWS NC SENATE - DISTRICT 34 Tlie SAUSBURY POST questioned GOP carxiidates for Rowan Co. Commissioner in its 6-28-02 issue. IwtiicaUy, Rowland gives his stamp of approval to one conmussioner, Qus Andrews. It tvas Andrews who defeated Rouiand in the QOP prirruay two years ago. “I’m proud of Qus, He’s doing a good job.” ★ ★ ISSUES 'k ★★★★★★★★ T wouM vot* lo h«ve • voter rctorandum on Uw itale lon»«y. 1 ptnonally do not •uplxxt th« lontry. but 1 would «ирроЛ th* decision olth*|Maple.- ■Eipertence. 1 have wortted in •ducation. 1 have traveled natonwtde tn sales. 1 have wotVed vAth la ^ budg^ t have worked as a consetvative county ooovnissiooer. ...TMs experWK« in p«;t)lic and prtvate sectors gives me a deep Ifttighl into needs and wants. Working wrth large budgets gives me expertence in maUng hard decisions.* 1 do not believe tax incentives can ever be large enough to compete with everyone. ...Businesses do not relocate to areas Just because ol tax Incentnres. Quality of life, educated and trained workforce. schools and reseatch opportunities, etc. provide much of the draw. Be conservative with tax ir)centives and concentrate on our people.’ *n>e budget and wettare of the Otizens. *Within the vrork of the Legislature, the peo^ can best be served by prudent spending. Two pressing Issues are healtti reform and education. These two issues total over 60 percent of the budget;... We should be able to tmd better ways within the existing allocations to provkle better outcomes for the people." Paid for b'y Committee to Elect Gus Andrews, Gary Davis -Treasurer WANTED 15 HOMES THAT NEED PAINTING II Ho mm, wiH b* Qiven an opportunity to hav* th* Mnt AMa snUY ON «(NN0 applM to IMr hoiM at •pMtalMeráuntpfIcaa. No mora coatty rapair billa or c^natantPalnllng coala. . AMalprayOnSUiitgCANEASILVIwipplMavtrinylyp« •wlm hieiudlng weed, «iuceo. Ыоек, or brick. . AM.ipr4fOnHálii9l«(ILLMOTtad.,crKk,p.d.ofctMakitri cantai a UFEme WAIUtANTV, No том у doMtn ind (•mw to m youtMgM. Whywun FIUEEESTMIATES www4prayoraidjng.com Contact Oletlnctive Exter Call Now (336) 774-3852 w w w . e n t e r p n s e : record.com event. To find oul more call Kntlile al Rcc. Dept. 751-2325. 3 On 3 Basketball Tournament, Sepl. 28 at Rec. Dept. $25 reg. fee. Trips Thursday, Sept, 19 Mystery Trip, S30 per person, leave 7 a.m., return 6 p.m.. n;g. deadline 9/ 13. Anli(|ues & more! Friday, Sept. 20 .Southern Women’s Show, S30 per person. leave 8:30 a.m., return 6 p.m. reg. deadline 9/13. Mon. Sept. 23-Thurs. Sept. 26 Fall I.ichthouse Tour, $355 per per­ son double occup.incy. Reg. deadline 9/9. Wed.&Thurs.,Qct.9&10 Indian Sunimcr/PlKcon Forge/ Cherokee, $ 125 per person dbl. Reg. deadline 9/27. 4:45,6:00,6:45 p.m. Free Blood Prc5.siircChecks,oncea nionth, call Sr. Ccntcr for dates. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davlc Duteline should lie rciKirtcd by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751 -2120 or dnip it by the office, at S. Main Si. across froiii the courtiiouse. R e g in a G ra h a m J b r D a v ie C o u n t y B o a t 'd o f E d u c a t io n I attrHmtc part of my succcss in life to the quality ^ ’ education / received in tlw Davie County Schools. / conlinued my education and sacrificed a lot in order to earn a bachelor's, master's, an associate, .several certifications, and most recently a Ph.D. degree. I iras a teacher for .leveral years, and education remains an important part of my life. I was a fosler parent for two years, a Guardian ad Litem coio't advocate for children for two years, and currently serve in several organizalions involving youlh. Because of my community involvement, I have contact with children and families throughout Davie County. As a young person myself, I relate well to children of all ages and understand the i.ssues they encounter. I am committed to helping oihers succeed and would like to become a member of the school board as a way to support students and also share my knowledge, experience, and skills in ways that will benefit our communily. Your Vote Is Appreciated on September 10"' _______ Paid for by Regina Graham, candidate R e s u m e a l l a c t i v it ie s i m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r cataract s u r g e r y at Southeastern Eye Center by C. Richard Epes, M.D. Procedure takes only 4 to 7 minutes to perform Return to all activities immediately Dr. Epes named as one of the “Best Doctors in America” Dr. Epes iviis performed surgery on individuals from 48 states and 18 foreign countries Dr. Epes has performed over 75,000 cataract surgeries “No-Needle, No-Stiteh, No-Pateh” surgeryC. Richard Epes, M.D. For local convenience & unmatched experience, call О CWl»lC«>li™SuiiltilSi«Ai««l««.PX/ ШШЛа1(ппмЛсар1«1 TRUST VOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. For your comenience you may see one of the Southemtem Eye Center doctors in our offices at: M ^ V L L EVISION CENTER Dr. Steven G. Laymon, Optometrbt 19S.B Hospital SL, Mocksville • 751-5734 A iqmuda Q uayVISON C E N T E ii^^ Dr. Steven G. Laymon« Optometrist Bermuda Quay Shop. Cntr^ Advance • 940-2015 D w ig h t L. M Y E R S — C on servative — REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER D avie C ounty N eeds A Change In Leadership. N ow Is The Tim e For That Change. L e t’s H a v e C o m m o n -S e n s e In O u r C o u n ty G overnm en t. Roundabout P e o p l e H a v i n g T r o u b le M a k i n g D e c i s i o n s Page? 4 ; 1 “ I i h i l ; : ^ РчнЬссиС’сч 'i-llnC'V ' ‘ l'hÌ5r^ \ Vc4'kC'i,i(i . .1 A '\ ; ; D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E ^ E C O R D Whitaker Still Sheriff M i The pilot and passenger of this airplane that crashed Tuesday afternoon at Twin Lakes were taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital. - Photo by Robin Fergusson A ir p la n e C r a s h e s N e a r T w in L a k e s By .Fackie Scabolt Davie County Enlerprise Rccoril A single engine Ce.s.snu plane crii.shecl Sept. 10 around 11:46 a.m. in a wooded field acro.ss from Twin Lakc.s Airport in Advance. Two men, a pilot and passenger, were removed from the wrecked plane and transported to Baptisi Hospital in Winston-Salem. Their names or presenl medical condilioiis liad not been released at press time. I’leusc ’l\irn to I’uBe 7 Graiiam, Livengood On Board Of Education Regina Graham overcame a lol of odds. Site's black, in a prcdominalciy while county. She's a Dcmocial. in a prcdomi- nalely Republican counly. Slie’s ;i polilical newcomer, go­ ing againsl longtime tnciimbenl Luther Polls in a racc for a scat on Ihc Davie Counly Board of Educa­ tion. Yet Graliam won 38 porccnl of the vote, earning a seal on tlie edu­ cation board along with political newcomer Carol Livengood, who got 3.3 percent of the vote. Polls trailed the field with 29 percent of the votes cast Tuesday by Davie voters. “It’s groat news,” Graham said ¡us the votes were posted in the Davie County Coiirthoiise. "It’s nol only a I’lciisc See Grnhnm - Раке 8 Myron Coulson, Michael Allen, Karen Allen, Darrell Seaford, Judy Chandler and Fred Ellis watch election results being posted in the counly courthouse Tuesday night. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Bobby Knight, Michael Allen Win Incumbents Bobby Knight and Michael Allen won chances to be reelected Tuesday, beating cballeng- ers Dwight Myers and Roger Spillman in the Republican primary for two seats on the county board of cornnii.s.4ioncr.s. They will face D cniocnit Bob Rose in November. Rose was unop- po.sed in the Democratic primary. KnighI led the balloting wilh 3\ percent of the votes, followed by Allen will) 27 percent, Myers witli24 pcrccnt tificl SZogior Sptlt$nun i 17 percent. Please See Knight - I'lijje 8 County Wants Opinions On School Bond Does Diivie County need a second high school? Another middle school.? Upgrades to el- ementaiy schools? , County commissioners want your opinion on these and other ,jaspects:0f a proposed school fa­ c ilitò bpnd..The public meeting w ill begin at 7 p.m. Monday, S6pt,. 16 ;in the commissioners ropiii', second, floor, county dd- rnìni.stràtioti biiildm in down- .tòwn Mocksville. Davie Students’ SAT Scores Drop By 28 Points Ity K im .Itislcn Davie County Enlerprise Rccord Mi.Ncd results were seen following the release of vocational and SAT lest scores for 2001-2(102. Vocational scores were among the best in the stale, while the SAT average score dropped from previous years. The 2001-2002 SAT average scores were down 2S points from lasl year, will all the loss seen on the verbal portion of the lesl. Davie students scored 491 on the verbal portion, down from .“iUJ lasl year, and 499 in 2000. The malh scores have remained almost level all three years; .‘S03 in 2000. SOS in 2001 and 2002. North Carolina saw an increase of si.\ poinls over lasl year, wilh an average score of SO.S in malh and 493 in verbal. The stale's verbal scores have remained level all ihree years, wilh malh results improving each year. The nalional average is 1020 (.il6 math, .‘>04 verbal). Davie Testing Coordinalor Graham believes part of the problem wilh Davie’s results, which rise and fall every olher year, has to do wilh the number of sludenis who are tested. Roughly 60 percent of eligible sluilents. less than 200 sludenis. in Davie County lake the SAT Anolher problem wilh this year's results is lhal a nuinber of sludenis were inconeclly counseled to lake Ihe SAT wilhoul having laken a test preparation class, she said. Davie saw skewed results several years ago when military enlisters suggested sludenis take ihc lesl. Marly Carler. board of educalion chair, said. Dr. Linda Bosl, Davie High School principtil, said lhal when you're lesiing a reUilively snnill luiniber of sludenis, a .small number (ifsnidcnls can skew the resulls. She also said lhat the group in Princeton that ailminislers ihe lesl says the best way lo improve verbal lesl scores is lo primiole broad reading outside of school. "Once sluilcnls gel comptchcnsion ihrough reading, you see the scores improve," Bosl said. Davic ranked sevenlh in ihe slale in VoCATS lesiing, w’ilh 69.27 perccnl of sludenis in ihe career and technical etlucalion classes in Davie passing al a level 111 or higher, exceeding the slale average of 56.82 perccnl. More Than A Job Furniture Plant C losing Leaves W orkers Coping W ith Loss By Kathy Chaffin Davie Counly Enterprise Record Lisa Trivelle gol off work etirly from her job al Ihe Lexinglon Home Brands plant in Mocksville Aug. 28 to allend the funeral of fellow church member and family friend Jerry Bracken. He and her daughler, Lacey, shared the .same Dec. 1 birthday, and they always celebrated logelher. "My lillle girl gol real close lo him," Lisa said. "I got her oul of school and look her wilh me to the I uneral." Lisa’s falher, Boyd Trivelle, also took off early lo allend the I'unertil al Calvary Baptist Church. An em- ployee ofthe plant for4.‘i-plus years, he had just started back to work in June after undergoing open-hearl surgery for a triple coronary bypass and valve repair in Apnl. Boyd weni home alter the funeral while his wife. Belly, who had driven septiralely, look Lisa and Laccy with her to help serve lunch lo the Bracken family in Winslon- Salem. When they got back al 5:30. Lisa said her father’s face was as while as cotton. *‘l knew something was wrong,” she said. Boyd Trivelle lold his wife lhal he needed lo tell her something. “1 knew' righl then whal it was,” Lisa said. Lexinglon Home Brands was closing the Mocksville plant il had purchased from Drexcl Heritage in 1990. Compttny officiiils had called employees together lhat afiernoon and announced the sad news. Lisa and her father were losing their jobs. Al age 64, Boyd Trivelle qualifies for the early retirement packages being offered by the company, but for Lisa, who hits worked :ii Plam 11 for 22 years, ihe loss is devastat­ ing. Nol only is she losing the job she dearly loves, she’s losing the heallh insurance thal has covered Please See WiirUcrs - 1‘аце 10 W ater W atch A v e r a g e D a ily W a te r U s e D a v i e C o u n t y 3.278 3.053 million million gallons gallons M o c i ^ s v i l l e 819,000 715,000 gallons gallons Aug. 19-25 Sept. 2-8 Aug. 19-25 Sept. 2-8 • i 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, 5?epl. 12, 2002 ExJitorial Райе Non-Partisan? G O P Crosses Line In Scliool Race Lcl’s go (wcr Ihc meaning of the word "non-parlisan." Tlie Davie Coumy Republican Рапу ihiimbcd its nose al that concept леек in ¡Is cniloi senienls of two school board candidates. Tlic party identified the Iwo candidates who are regislereil Republican, endorsing them. 11)0 Davie Counly Board of Eduealion is a non-partisan board. Il is non-partisan because we long ago decided our children's education is larger than Republican and Democratic issues. Local boards have lillle or no influence on actual education policy, 'niat's done in Ihe General Assembly and Congress. Tlte local board is largely administrative and supers'i- sory. Tlie board hires and fires Ihe superinlendeni and watches the operation of Ihe sysiem. Tlie board doesn’t lend ilself easily to the influences of party politics. In Iheir election /eai. the OOP leaders stepped squarely in the partisan arena. Beyond party labels, ihere are other considerations voters should weigh when electing school boaril members: • W ill they bother to attend the meelings? • Do Ihey have the moral courage to sland up lo the superin­ tendent w hen he's wrong? • Will they listen lo parents with children in Irouble? • Can Ihey balance a checkbook? • Do they have any idea aboul the demands and conllicling ideas they will encounter? • Can Ihey hire and fire when necessary? • W ill they obser\e Ihe law? • Can Ihey encourage e.xcellence and achievement from Ihe teachers and the sludenls? • Are Ille drop-ouls as important lo them as ihe honor roll students? Disappointing SAT Scores Davie High's SAT scores have seesawed in reccnl years. It hit a new peak last year wilh oulslanding verbal .scores. This year... the bottom fell out. While many olher schools improved Iheir scores, ours fell. Il is a frustrating business. Tlie total score slipped from 1,027 to 499 — jusl a single point higher than the stale average. The national average is 1,020. The verbal score slipiied from .S19 last year to 491. It’s always easy lo blame Ihe teachers, blame Ihe principal, blame the superinlendeni, hlanie the school board. Maybe it's lime lo blame the stuilenls. Are they reading outside the classroom? Are they applying llieniselves? Are they taking difficult classes? ’llie teachers, the principal, the school board and mosl of Ihe staff are ihe same as last year. Tlie only real difference is the students. Doing poorly on the SAT limils iheir chances of gelling into the lop universities. Some say we place too much emphasis on the lest, bul colleges and universities consider the lest as the liesi indicator of a sludenl's achievement in high school and llieir ability to survive the rigors of higher education. It is a common test that allows college admissions offices lo compare sludenls from North Carolina with those in California. It's not everylhing, bul the test is important. Test results will always fiucluate up and down. But there's no hiding the fact thal this year's scores are a disappoiiitnient. Doing belter isn't just a gimmick lo calm taxpayers and pat ourselve.s on Ihe back. We should welcome the challenge of comparing our resulls wiih our neighboring schools and ihose across the nalion. Our students need lo buckle down nol for our satisfaction, bul for Iheir ow n. Read the book; don't w ait for the movie. Take difficull classes. High school, contrary to popular thought, is nol supposed to be easy. Don'l be conlent sailing through easy waters. Take physics. Advanced English. Tliey're not for the faint­ hearted. — Dwight Sparks DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRI/i^ECORD^ l.t USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336> 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwighi Sparks..................................Editor/Publishar Robin Fergusson.............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt.................................Managing Editor Ray Tulterow....................................Advertising Direclor Brian Pills..........................................Sports Editor Tammy Kowalski..............................Circulation/Classilied Mocksvllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 190M971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mock.svillc, NC 2702X Subscription Rates Single Copy, .SO Ccnis S20 Per Year In N.C. $25 Outside N.C. ' POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davic Couniy Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville. NC 27028 WAR! «Ж J, vjhwisitgoopfor ? ^ m o u iie iy w rm :' ^ PílTA Ж К IM ÎT;pomi, In The M a il... Company’s Policies Caused Closing To the editor: On Aug. 29 il was reported thal .KiO more Lexington I'liriiiture workers in Mocksville were being laid off. Lexington CEO Bob Siec conveniently blamed ihe layoffs on imports. In reality it is Slec's own policies that have affected his workers. In a disturbing trend in Ihe furniture induslry. some manufaclurers are aligning Ihemselves wilh only Ihe larger dealers and eliminat­ ing smaller independent dealers. They also employ a "mininuuii retail policy" (called MRP) that diclales ihe minimum price a re­ tailer can charge for Iheir producls. This markup is usually over double the normal markup lhal is used in this area. This circum­ vents our free enter|irise system and. in my opinion, is price fixing. Lexington. Thomasville. and Bernhardt are among some ofthe North Carolina companies lhal are implementing these policies. The fat eals lhat make ihese decisions are siill drawing their six and seven figure salaries.The workers (this lime another .^60 fami­ lies) are Ihe ones paying the price. As a consHnier you have llie right lo ask your lurnilure salesper­ son if the prodiict-s you are about to buy are included in a "mini- The Most Precious Gift To the editor: Who is going lo save our children now. while w e wail? Our most precious of all God-given gifls. are our children, and no safer place lhan home wiih mother and dad. In the dark of nighl. we pray for God's proleclioii wliile the beau­ tiful moon and slars shine down from heaven. Ilis love and mercy was there lo keep us safe. My prayer for us all, and especially you parents, may you be spared Ihc suffering and heartache, so many have endured in Ihe pasl. You parents, we will never know. May God help you know that somewhere oul there, oru hearts ache, our tears How, while we ask a loving God to fill your needs and answer your prayers. For any human being, be il okl or young, lo suffer such agony is beyond my belief, when their cries for help are not answered. For one so small, so innocent, so beautiful, that never had the joy of growing up with a loving family, or going to school wiih friends, for Ihem il was all taken away. Now lhat I have said my picce. much more could be said and done. I continue to pray that God will have mercy on a sinful and uncaring nalion. Thelma Mauldin Mocksville niuin retail price" policy. If they are,..buy somelhing else. You are about to pay loo nuicli. Tony G. Wilkins Greensboro Schools Losing Funding To the edilor: As a teacher in the Davie County School System. I feel lhal people need lo be made aware of some of the adverse effects that arc oc­ curring because of our state legislature's failure lo pass a budgel for this liscal year. There is not enough money for ample supplies or capital imiirovemenls; positions lhal have been vacated are going unfilled or those jobs are being done by people who are already A employed; all school systems have had lo relum money to the stale; ' leacher assislani hours have been cut in all Ihe schools; tcachers are being paid on last year's salary schedule, yel they are having lo spend their own money lo buy extra materials: ihere is no money to pay forconlcsis or competitions lhal our students usually enter, elc. The list could go on and on. I think that our local system is doing a great job in a very difficull situation in which they shouUl never be placed. In addition, our KI’A groups are very generous. In fulure ye;irs cither Ihc legislature m usi have Ihe budgel ready w hen school starts or w e should delay the beginning o f school unlil the budget is approved, I urge you lo think aboul these ihings when you vole in the up­ coming elections. Linda M. Barnctle Mocksville L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The leiters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit lellers for grammar atul for .space. All letters should includc the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. , Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: j emews@davie-enterprise.com. Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks que.stions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Is Davie County growing too fast? Y c S 7 8 % No, 22%L_'j Log on now to cast a vote on the new question: Should the U.S. declare war on Iraq? September In Mexicali: Border Crossing More Difficult DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 - 3 n.v Evona York UABC, Mc.xiciili Il's September again, and oven here in Mc.Nicali, sonic .1,000 miles from Now York, Ihe W'orki has changed. Me.xicali (derivalion Mcxico- CaliforniaL in the Mexican stale of Baja California. Mc.xico, and Calexico (from Calilornia-Me.xico), in Ihc U.S. slalc of Cnlilornia. arc twin cities. Only ihe bortlcr fcnce separates them. On any weckeni.1. you can sec families, some in Mc.xico. sonic in the U.S., meeting at ihc fence. Kisses, lacos anil hugs arc passed back and forth between the bars: daddies working in the stales grcel iheir wives and little ones Ihrough Ihc fence. Il s easier lhal crossing Ihe border for many people, particularly those whose papers may nol be in oriler. or who don't have a permit lor multiple border crossings. Nearly all of us who live in Mc.xicali go over lo Cale.xico ai least once a week to do our shopping. Thai's nol lo say we don't shop in Mc.xicali - wc do. Bul some ihings aro cheaper on the other side - el oiro lado, as we call il. Other things, such as nonfat dry milk are pretty much unavailable in Mexico, as is natural orange juice without extra sugar. I buy most of my meat in Mexico, and go lo the U.S. for most ofmy produce. On w'ookcnds, the Calexico Von's and Wal-Mart swarm with Mexican shoppers. Belore last Sept. 11, crossing Ihe border was much simpler. I almost always walk across, so it was just a mailer of gelling in line, and saying "US citizen" lo the olTicial whon I got lo Iho check-lhrough posl. Then I W'ould .send my purse or back-pack through the X-ray machine, and lhal was that. Once or tw'ice the guards called my alicntion lo an orange I had forgoiien 1 had in my bag, and I had to dump it. I never had to show a passport or any other ID lo gel back inlo my country. My American face and accent was enough. Right after Ihe events in New York, the National Guard appeared on duly at the border crossing. 1 was mosl happy lo see - them, oven though it look longer to get across because of more cautious checking. Within ju.sl a few days, a couple of airporl- typc doorways had been installed just inside the entrance to the building. 1 always sel off the buzzer with my keys. Just to the right, there is now a lable with Iwo National Guardsmen inspecting the possessions of Ihose who get Ihe buzzer. For awhile, when 1 went through, Ihey would check my handbag carefully. When the anthra.x scare was going on, 1 noticed thal Ihe Guardsmen w'cre wearing rubber gloves, and they didn'l open my bag. They had me open it. Lately I'm a little conccrncd that they just wave me through. 1 don'l know if it's becausc some of them remember me now. or if they are becoming less cautious, or if I jusl look Irusiworlhy. Nor have I noticcd the rubber gloves the last few limes I've crossed. 1 think I liked it better when they stopped me and checked oul whal 1 was bringing into the country. There were some days last winter when the lines of people wailing to walk across the border went back five blocks or more on the Me.xican side. Il look me about an hour and a half to got across one Salurday morning. Some people complained about Ihe mote careful checking, bul 1 didn’t. 1 thanked Ihe guards, and told them I was praying for Ihem, Their joh is nol an ea.sy one, and it is often vory dangerous. Since Sepl. 11,1 have to show a picture ID when I cross. I usually show my passport or my U.S. driver's license. Somelimes they ask me where I was born, whal 1 was doing in Mexico, where I live, etc. They scan my ID, and since my papers are in order. 1 go on through lo Ihe X-ray machinc, then emerge inlo ilie California sunshine. Il feels good to be in Ihe "Land of Ihe Free". People W'ho cross in cars are finding that Ihe border guards are doing a more thorough inspeclion of vehicles crossing, ¡ilihoiigh 1 have noticed lhat Ihc guards don't ask me for a picture ID when 1 am in a car. I'm nol sure w'hy. The National Guard is highly visible, and there too, I am very glad to see them. It takes longer to cross the border now. I recently heard a woman complain about the American airports she had to pass through during a trip from Mexico to Germany. She didn’t like having to open all her suitcases for inspection. I really liked hearing her slory. Glad to know that somebody is doing their best to protect us. God bless our border guards, and God bless our National Guard. God bless Ihc USA. York ix a Mocksvillc milivc. Words From Afghanistan: Chris Shore W rites Hom e By L. Cpl. Christopher Shore Spccial lo the Enterprise As 1 am on Ihe lip of the spear (as we say) of America’s fight against terrorism, I can’t help but look back to ;i yoar ago. I am sure none of us will ever forget thal fateful day. It almost seems hard lo believe lhal it was a year ago. On this day, we need to try and remember all those who lost their lives on that unfoigetlable day. All the workers in Ihe WTC. Ihe firefighters and who bravely risked and lost their lives to save others, the doctors and nurses who were on all call ready to treat Ihose who w’ore fortunate enough to survive. And now wc mu.sl remember all the branches of the Armed Forces as they fight this “war on terrorism." the Uniled States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard. They also bravely risk iheir lives lo wipe oul those who would seek to do damage to oiir way of life and freedom lhat was earned many years ago, also on a balllefield. I ask all of you now to pray to our Holy Falher above fur lho.se who gave their lives and those that may do the same down the road lhal they be protected and looked after. For without them, our freedom woulil not be as secure as il is today. Also, on this one-year anniversary, I ask you to take a moment and ihink about the individuals who created this problem in Ihe firsl place. Of course, the finger is initially pointed at the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida. But 1 also challenge you to think about another thing, before I say this I wanl to go ahead and clear up that 1 um not blaming the iiliacks on any American, bul when you teiul to let yourself gel into a comfort zone and think everything is fine and we don’t need to worry about anything happening to us. Maybe if from the beginning we were proactive and more patriotic the country would have been able lo respond quicker lo these attacks. When you tend lo gel coinforlable, bad things can happen and individuals get hurt. I am not telling you to t|ueslion everything you see. but be aware of your surroundings and think aboul what you are doing. And remember that even though Ihis happened in a big city like New York, it can happen in Davie and Yadkin coun­ ties jusl as easy as ihere. Remember lhat small lown in Pennsylvania? No one is immune to the effects of terrorism. With all Ihis said, 1 would just like to say that I miss you all, and wish you all the best of luck in your lives. 1 ley, can you do me a favor, can you do me a favor, can you sing "Amazing Grace” and "America the Beautiful" for me? (This letter was originally .sent to his church). One more thing: 'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not he in want. He makes me lie down in green pa.suircs, l ie leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though 1 walk Ihrough the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are wilh me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a lable before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head wilh oil, iny cup ovcrfiows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and 1 will dwell in the house ofthe Lord forever,” (Pxalms 23) Shore is a native of Davie County and is stationed near Afahanistan. M o w y o u h a v e a O I C E for telephone service, If your street is listed here, you can now get complete telephone service from the company that's just a local phone call away. MOCKSVILLE SERVING AREA Avon St..............................All Meroney St........................All Azalea D r ..........................All Midland S t ........................>\// ...............All North Clement St...............All Birchwood Lane ................All 100-950 Boxwood Village ..............All ............All Brantley Farm Rd.100-200 ............All ..............All ...........All ..............All All County Home Rd ,..............All All ..............All 100 100-357 100-266 ............100 All ..............All South Clement St...All ..............All 100-884 ..............All South Salisbury St....873,887,885 Gaither St..........................All Squire Boone Plaza ..........All Grey S t..............................All Tot St ................................All Gwyn St ............................All Valley R d ..................416-500 Hemlock St........................All Wandering Ln....................All Holly Lane..........................All West Church St..................All Horn Street........................All West Depot S t..................All Hospital St...............118-254 West Maple..............100,111 Hwy 601 N............1869-2000 ..All ..............All ............All ..............All 185-679 ..............All Willow Oaks Shopping Ctr....All ..............All Yadkinville Rd.........700-1600 Y a d h l n V a l l e u • T e t e c a m 1 H С 0 R P 0 R fi T E 0 Call 336-998-3102 for more information. www.yadtel.net • ..t;. 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12. 2002 County Briefs J u n k e r W a n ts Im p r o v e d C o m m u n ic a tio n Al tho rcqucsi of Counly Coiniiiission Cluiir Dan Barrclt. planning board chairman Clint Junker appeared before commissioners with a brief presentation on the upcoming year for Ihe phinning lioanl. "I’li like us to be a little more proactive, n>aybc focus a litllc morc on Ihc planning than on the zoning." In addilion to updating counly development ordinances, something Ihat hasn't been done since the ordinances were pul in place .10 years ago. Junker also wants to see improved communicalions between Ihe two boards. Ken SVhite said he believed Junker's leadership for the ne.xt year would be "fruitful." Me also suggesled the planning board should reach oul lo groups like the homebuilders associalion. Realtors and olher key groups who have an Interest in the planning side of things. S e n io r C e n te r G e ts A N e w N a m e The board approved a Davie Counly Senior Center Advisory Council recommendation to rename the senior cenier. The council memliers think Davie County Senior Services more accurately reflected the programs now being offered. L y n n D o s s O n A g in g C o m m itte e The board appointed Lynn Doss. Davie County Hospital admini.stralor. lo serve on the aging planning committee. In te r n e t A c c e s s to M a g is t r a t e S y s te m Local law enforcement officers will soon be able lo use Ihe Internet 10 file temporary wanrants from their offices for magistrate review. The new system, which the board approved panicipation in. will .speed up Ihe process of gelling warrants. P u b lic H e a r in g S e t O n G r a n t P r o g r a m The public is inviied to leani more about the Infrastructure Hook-Ups Program on Sept. 16. Tlie counly has received S75,(HX) from the grant program, wliicti can be used for sewer and waler hookups for low and moderale-income households. The mmiber of households lo receive improvements will de|KMul on the cost of repairs and improvements; however, no more lhan .10 homes will rcceive funds. H e a lth In s u r a n c e B id s B a c k F o r R e v ie w Jeff I’alten of Professional Henefils Management made recommendations for the upcoming year's health insurance program. Tlic policy suggesled by Patten is an IIM P program through Blue Cross, which merged wilh Partners. The new program would have a S.SIX) ilcduclible, anil out of pocket charges would increase. In addition, the I'mance commillee suggested raising the amount the county would pay for family and spousal coverage. The board tabled a final decision unlil the nexl meeling so the finance committee could review raising the amount the county covers on family and spouses more, riie counly pays $2.“! toward those cover.ige levels, Ttie original suggestion was lo raise the amount to $50. Commissioner Bobby Knight asked lhal the commillee look al raising it lo S.'i.'i. R o w a n C o n s tr u c tio n W a s te C h a r g e O K d The county is in contract negolialion with Rowan Counly regarding the disposal of conslruclion and demoliiion wasle from Davie Counly. Unlil a final contract can I'k; approved, the county approved paying Ihe current out-of-county lipping fee of $18.50. C a v a n a u g h R e q u e s t T a b le d Tlic counly reccnily rcceivcd a niuiuni release and assignment agreement for signature from Cavanaugh anil Associates. Slaff recomniendation was that Ihe agreement was unnecessary, and therefore, the board should take no aclion or lable a decision. The board voied lo lablc the request and asked lhal a lelter be sent to Cavanaugh requesting the last oflhe informalion they are holding regarding the Cooleemee Sewer Plant project. S ta te A s s o c ia tio n M e e tin g According lo chair Dan Barrett, there is frusiralion statewide by county commissioners aboul the budget crisis and the problems it is causing individual counties. Barren also leameil that Cabarrus Counly has engaged legal council lo lake aclion against the slale for reimbursements. "There is an opportunity for counties across the state, including Davie, to participate in legal action againsi the state." He said that Duplin County had expresseil some interesi in participating. "They look S2.2 million and I'm inieresled in any way we can gel thal nioney back," said While. “The reimbursements that we’ve received for 15 years, are a direct result of the state making a decision not lo lax the inventories of busine.sses." White said he didn'l believe counties would have agreed to Ihe change then if they'd known Ihe slate was going to slop paying the reimbursements. "They've already raised the personal income lax. There is a movement lo Iry lo gel the cities and counties to embrace a raise in property taxes. We have gone inio our reserves lo avoid lhal. The legislature has moved to move more lax off businesses and on to the individual." While made the motion to have lo county attorney look at the -suit lo sec if il had merit lor the counly to panicipate. The board unanimously approved the decision. Price will have a report for the commissioners at the next meeling. B u s T r a n s p o r ta tio n H o n o r e d County commissioners approved a resolution honoring the Davii County Bus Transportalion Deparlment. The depar.tiiiem i responsible for ensuring Ihe school buses are safe lo ride. Tin deparlment received the highest score for bus safely in the centra region of the slale. R e c o g n itio n o f A d v a n c c V F D The board recognized ihc Advance F-'ire Department for receivinj. a S.17,.15() FEMA grant for a fire safely house lo be used throiighou Ihe counly, particularly at Ihe elcmcniary schools leaching childrci what lo do in emergency situations. "We'll utilize il Ihroughoul Ihi counly for fire proleclion and severe wealher |lrainingl," said fin chief Robbie Mills. C e n te r P o in t H u m a n S e r v ic e s U p d a te Ron Morton, director of CenterPoint Human Services appcarei before the board lo update them on changes that will have lo bt made to meet the stale's directive to change Ihe w ay menial healll developmenlal disability and substance abuse services are offered A final plan must come bel'rtre ihe board for approval before Oct 1. Once the plan is approved, the county will be given three year: lo implenieni il. S ta tu s R e p o r t o n B o a r d P r io r it ie s Chaimian Dan Barren gave a status report on Ihe priorities sei by the board al the beginning oflhe year Sincc then. Ihe hospila has reopened the operating rooms, and once again olTers 24-hou emergency service, and the number of patients treated each day ha: doubled since July 2001. The counly continues lo work on extending water lo a^ many residents as possible. "This is a priority wiih Ihe board, bu with Ihe drought, it's an even greater priority." Barrel! said. Tin conmiissioners continue lo work on expanding water capacity аь well. "We're al least three years ahead of our masier plan." sail Richard Poindexter Rep.iirs on tlie Cooleemee Sewer l-acility continue. "Wi have a consolidated efforl to w ork wiih Bermuda Run. Miicksvilli and Cooleemee lo svork logelher for common efforts lo meet ou sewer needs." said Barren. The study on orderly growth w ithin Davie County is abou .10 perccnl complete. The sludy results are e.xpccled from fischle and Associates al the end of November Barrett stressed Ihc need It follow the zoning map as il exists, and try lo avoid spol zoning whenever possible. The final priority the board set is for local government to work as efncicmly as possible w hile keeping laxes as low as possible "We have lo leani lo do more wilh less." Barrett said. N e w A m b u la n c e A p p r o v e d Facing concerns lhal Ihe current ambulancc may slop workiiiL before anolher could be purchased if Ihe counly wailed. Ill commissioners approved slarling the bid process for a new ambulance, as it qualified as an urgent need. H o s p it a l M o v a b le A s s e ts T r a n s f e r r e d During Ihe transition of Davic Counly Hospital from Novant movable fixed assets were transferred lo Ihe counly. However ihi auditors recently noticed lhal Ihe assets were never transferred li the Davie County Emergency Healthcare Corporation. The boari approved the transfer H o s p it a l R e c e iv e s R e p a ir s The board approveil allocaling $21.994 from contingency fund: lo the public buildings - Davie Counly Hospital maintenance funi to pay for repairs required follow ing Ihe receni hospital inspeclion There were issues with fire/smoke dampers thal either wouldn' close or w eren'l connected lo Iho fire alarm system. The repairs ari. required by slale and federal agencies. A g r e e m e n t f o r A g in g S e r v ic e s A p p r o v e d With funding reduced slightly due lo reductions in slale am federal funding. Ihe board approved Ihe annual agreenieni fo provisions of county-based aging services wilh the Norlhwes Piedmoni Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging. Stall budget cuts for the prograin are expecled lo be 23 percenl. A p p o in tm e n t T a b le d The board tabled an appoinimenl for a new review officer fo plats unlil the land use coniinittee can review il. John Galliniori. suggesled Tim Barba and/or Dale Flinchum be designated as review officers. E d e n R e a p p o in te d to D C C C b o a r d The board approved the reappointment of Dave Eden as the Davii Counly rcpresenlalive of the Davidson Counly Community Collegi board of Iruslees. D w ig g in s D r iv e w a y P u r c h a s e Following a short presenlalion from counly allomey Robert Price Ihe board approved authori/.ing conversations with Ihe Dwiggin family regarding them purchasing a driveway off Wilkesboro Slreel The driveway is owned by the counly. Talks could nol be held unti title issues regarding Ihe New Horizons building were resolved. Two More Rabies Cases Confirmed The I4lh and l.“ilh cases of rabies in Davie Coimiy this year have been confinned. According lo Barry Bass, health director, both animals ihat lesled positive for the virus were raccoons. One raccoon fought wilh six dogs al a residence off Hospital Slreel I-xlension in Mocksville. Two oflhe si.x were nol current on iheir rabies shots and had lo be pul lo dealh. The olher four will receive boosters. The second raccoon e.xposed Iwo dogs on Howell Road. Bolh dogs were euthanized because they had nol been vaccinated. There was no human exposure in either case. "People need lo be especially wary of wild animals that are behaving in a strange or unusual manner No one should ever Iry lo pel a siray or wild animal, no mailer how innocent or lame il may appear" Bass said, He stressed Ihe need lor rabies vaccinations lo be current. "Il means Ihe dilTerence belween life and death if an animal is exposed lo rabies." he said. I le urges anyone who has a pel and is nol sure of ils vaccination stains lo conlaci the pel's velerinarian. Should a wild animal bile a domestic animal or human, residents are advised lo keep the animal in sight and conlaci the Davie Counly Animal Conlrol al 7.‘il-0 2 2 7 . Anyone having questions aboul rabies should contact their velerinarian or Jeff Beauchamp. R.S.. Davie Counly I leallh Deparlment at 7.51-X76(). Clinic Is This Saturday A rabies clinic will be held al Davie Veterinary Ciinie. 154 N. Salisbury St.. Mocksville on Sepl. 14 from S a.m.-noon. North Carolina law requires lhal all dogs and cats age 4 monihs and older to be vacci­ nated for rabies! All dogs and cals vaccinated forthe first lime in 2001 should be revaccinaled this year Ail dogs and cals vaccinated in 1999, for ihree years, should bc revaccinaled this year There will be a $5 fee for cach animal vaccinated. 1-Ì î>V - \D a v i e P l a c e r^ng Assisted Living Community F o r I i ^ o r m a t i o n O n P la c e m e n t, C o n t a c t : S u z a n n e S im p s o n o r S a m m ie C a r o l M o r g a n 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 7 5 Davic Place w elcom es, M ichelle Davis, one of our new est residents. M ichelle has been w ith us for tw o weeks. She has m any interests including reading, cooking, m usic, h e l p i n g t h e elderly, and "just being around nice people". ■She is a m em ber of Spencer Presbyterian Church in Spencer, NC and has a daughter, Amanda, and a sister. Sherry. M ichelle says,"l like all kinds of m usic and I w ould even like opera if I could understand it!" "1 like Davie Place, because everybody's friendly and they treat m e like family." C L E A R A N C E «»To * 4 5 0 0 A N D 0 . 0 ^ P M im iM iN fiw 2002 TO W N a C O U N TR Y LIM IT E D •liGkw *S8 ,SOODmho DiKoynt* imniu *7 3 0 S 2002 TO W N a CO U N TR Y LIM ITE D «ST.OSODmiw MKOunl __«*«,646 20 0 2 TO W N a C O U N T R Y L X I Wick« *S S ,« 60Damo Diteounl __» n.iMt. *6,S91 2 0 0 2 G R A N D C A R A V A N S P O R T *iici<.r *9 0 ,6 9 0Dmiw Discount _____ _k R>bal. *S ,0 0 0 2 0 0 2 D U R A N G O 4 x 4 R T $iick.r *S 8 ,8 0 5D«mo DUcount«1 R*b«te *6 f8 8 5 is s , * 3 0 , 9 9 5 ■ s s ,9 9 s l( e * » - № . * 3 i p , « 4 4 ■S S .444 • O’ S « . * 2 6 , 9 S 9 * 2 4 , 6 7 0 * » , 6 7 0 1 0 '» . . » . Cloth Quad Command Seating,Front & Rear A/C, Power SUding Door, Powor Uftgate. AM/FM cassetle, CD. Powor Seat, Power Window», Power Door Locki, KoyleM Entry, White Exterior. Taupe Ctolh Interior,6956 Milet. * 3 1 , 9 2 0 * s a ,9 2 0 1 o 'li;» . m 5.0 High Output. V-e, Loathor. 3 Zono A/C & Hoat, 7 Passenger, AM/FM cas* selte, CD, Running Boards. Power Windows. Power Door Locks, Keyloss Entry, Wheel A Tire Pkg.. Silver w/Crey Suedo & Leather. 6702 Mil««. DVD Vk)«o Sy«t«m. 8umI« & Uathor Oti«d 8«auno. AM/FM catMRe, CO. 3 Zone Climalt Controt w/n»w Contrott. Dual Pow*r Sliding Ooon & Uflgate. H«4t«d SmU. Minor«. Ctvom« Wh«elv 8t*«l Blue Eit*nor w/Taup« L«ath«r. 71 &8 Mile«. 8u«d» & Leathfrf Quad Soating, AM/FM 'casietl«, CO. 3 Zone Climate Control w/neo; ControU. Dual Power Sliding Doon A Uftgate, Heated SeAti, Mirror«, Chrome WV>e«(s, Ony:» Green Exterior w/Taupe Leather, 7468 Milet. Leather Quad Seating, AM/FM cawtte, CD, 3 Zone Climate Conlrol, Sliding Door« & Uflgate, Aluminum Wheels, Power Seat. Power Windows. Powor Door Locks. Keyt«»it Entry, Inferno Red Extertor. Taupe Leather, 10,360 Mite« All prices plus tax. tag & '139 doc. fee. Prices reflect rebate On approved credit. 75I-5948 rn rn m 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 - 5 Tlie following cji.scs were dis­ posed oC in D;w ic District Court Sept. 5. Presidini*: Judge Jam es M . Honcyeutt. Prosecuting: Shawn Fraley, assistant district attorney. - Jesus Benitez Acencio. injury lo personal property, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended one year, pay ,$520.86 resiitudon to and slay away from J ttL Arcade. S50. cost. • Ismael Rodrigue/. Aiuaro, in­ jury to personal property, sentenced lo 45 days in jail suspended I year, pay S520.K6 restitution to and slay away I'roni J& L Arcade. $50. cost. ' Netzar Rodriguez Aniaro. in- jur>' to personal property, senlenced to 45 days in jail suspended I year» pay ,$520.S6 resiiiutioii lo and stay away t'roin J& L Arcade, S5(), cost. • Alnlelouafi Bahi, sjiecdiug 97 in a 70. reduced lo 7‘i in a 70, cost: e.xpired inspection, dismissed per correction. • Sergio V. Beltran. D W l. .sen* lenced lo 60 days in jail suspended two years, periorm 24 tiours com ­ munily service, nol operate vehicle unlil licensed, follow suhsiance abuse assessment recom inenda- lions, S I50, cost, transferred lo Davidson Counly; no license, driv­ ing lefl o f center, tfismissed per plea. - P am ela B row n, harassing phone call, prayer for judgm ent conlinucd 12 monihs on condition she not call proseculing Stephanie Arrington. - David Cedillo, injury lo real property, injury lo personal prop­ erly, inlo.xicaied and disruptive, dis­ missed - self tiefense. - William M. Crouse, resisting pii\)lic officer, sentenccil lo 30 days in jail suspended one year. SIO and cosi. - Larry Darnell Dillard. DWI. senlenced to 12 m«iUl\s in prison suspended } years. 7 days jail time, surrender dlicense. not operate ve- lucle until licensed, sulislaiice abuse assessment. $500, cost. Appealed. Driving left of cenier. dismissed per plea. - Scolt Allen Doub, DWI - mo­ tor hoal. sentenced lo 45 days in jail suspended 2 years. 24 h(Uirs com­ munity service, substance abuse assessment. SlOO and cost. - Nonna Garcia I^ores. speed­ ing 64 in a 45. reducetl lo inij^roper ci|uipinent. $50 and cttsi. - Timothy Allen Cilidden. pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, mis- ilcmeanor possession of marijuana, prayer for judgment continued 12 monllis, submit lo warrantless searches for illegal controlled sulv stances, not use or possess any con­ trolled suhsiaiices unless aulhorized hy physiciun, submit urineA^loinl for tesiing for illegal coiilrolled suh- stances, enroll in drug education program, attend Narcotics Anony­ mous meetings, contraband ordered desiroyed. transferred lo Davidson County. - Ivan i’aralta Gomez, driving left of center, reduced lo improper ecjuipment. no license, prayer for judgrnenl conlinued on cosi. - Jennifer Leigh Hellard. no li­ cense. prayer for judgment contin- ue^l 6 mouths, nol operate veliicle until licensed; no liabilily insurance, dismissed per correclion. - Eduardo Rodriguez-Ilernan- dez, 2 counis injurv’ lo real properly. 2 counts injviry to i>ersonal properly. inlo.\icaled and disruptive, dis­ missed ' self defense. - Donald James Hollingsworlh, resisting public o ffic cr. m isde­ meanor possession marijuana, sen­ tenced to 45 days in ja il suspended one year, S50 and cost. - K erri niizaheih Hum phrey, speeding ‘Л1 in a 70. reduced lo 7‘) iu a 70. prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost; license nol in pos­ session. dismissed per correclion. - Shannv>n Edward Kelly, speed­ ing 6S in a 55. reduced lo improper ci|uipm ent.cosi; license nol in pos­ session. dismissed per plea: driving while license revoked reduced lo no license, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cosi: failure to report an ac- ciileiu, dismissed civil setllemem. C o u rln e y A . Lam ph ear. sim ple possession o f m arijuana, prayer for judgment continued on cost. $130 attorney: possession of m arijuana up lo one-half ounce, possession of drug paraphernalia, expired inspeclion, tiisniissed per plea. - Lori H li/abeth Lew is. D W I. sentenced lo 12inonths suspended } years, 14 days jail tim e, surren­ der license. nol operate vehicle un­ til licensed, substance abuse assess- nieni. S I95 attorney. $700. cost, may travel out of siaie for work. - Noe Longinos M a rtin e z, speeding 114 in a 70. reducetl lo careless and reckless. S25 and cost. - Chad U. M asien. worthless check, dismissed per civil settle- meni. • Laura C. Morrison, improper registration, no liability insurance, dismissed per correction; improper passing, reduced to improperequip- ment. cost. - Kenny M cKay Nichols, failure lo wear seat belt. S25; possession of dnig paraphernalia, dismissed [>er plea. - Pernando Rodriguez O rea, D W I. hil/run failure to slop for property damage, failure to report an accidenl, dismissed due lo insuf­ ficient evidence: 2 counts injury lo real property, senlenced to 30 days in jail sus(>ended one year, pay SI (X) restituii{in to Kevin Hendrix. S227 attorney, cost. - Vikram Ilarjivan Patel, failure t<.> wear seal hell, speeding *)5 in a 70. reduced lo careless and reckless. $25 and cost. -James Michael Powers, speed­ ing tS6 in a 70. reduceil lo improper e(]ulpinent. $50 and cost. - Ciregory Lee Pulliam, driving while licen.se revoked, possession of drug paraphernalia, senlenced lo 90 days in jail sus[>eiuled one year, sub­ mit lo warrantless searches for ille­ gal comrolleil subsianccs, nol use or possess conlrolled suhstaiiccs unless ;u4hori/eit by piiysieian, sub­ mit urine/blooil for Icsling lor ille­ gal conlrolled substances, sulislance abuse assessment. $200 and cost. Appealed. - Amanda Reavis, ihrealeniiig phone call, prayer for judgm ent conlinued 6 monihs. have uo con­ tact wilh Amanda Smilh or her fam ­ ily. $65 aiiorney. cost. - Gerardo Rodrigue/., injury lo real properly, injury lo personal pro|>erty, intoxicated and disruptive, dismissed - .self defense. - Hector Manuel Rodriguez, in­ jury to personal properly, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended one year, pay $520.86 restitution to and slay away from J& L Arcade. $50 and cosi. - Joshua Eli Rummage, assault on a female, senlenced lo 75 days in ja il suspended one year, nol threaten, harass or assault Amanda Leonard, abide by civil domestic violence preveniion order, sub­ stance abuse assessmenl. domestic violence counseling. $200 and cost. - Scutt St. Spainhour. littering, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor possession of marijuana, unautho­ rized use of N C W ildlife Resources Comniission boat ramp, .sentenced lo 10 days in jail suspended one year. $65 aiiorney. S25 and cost. - Jeremy Kevin Stafford, speed­ ing 90 in a 70. reduced to 79 in a 70. driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - David Clinton Straney. driving svhile license revoked, sentenced to 45 days ill ja il suspended one year, not o|)erale vehicle until licensed, SlOl) and cost. - Tinioiliy P. Swiergiel, resisting public officer, tlisniissed per plea; intoxicaled aiul disruptive, assault on a government olHcial. seniencetl to 14 days in jail w iih credit forlim e served, $65 attorney. - Diivid Clay Trexler Jr.. speed­ ing S.i in a 70. reduced to Improper ei|uipment. cost. • Barbara Ann V elo lla. three counts simple worthless check, dis- missed per civil settlement. - Teresa Marie Whitley, simple possession marijuana, simple pos­ session schedule 111 controlled sub­ stance. .sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended one year, submit to war­ rantless searches for illegal con- trulled substances, not use or pos­ sess conlrolled substances unless authorized by physician, submit urine/blood for testing for illegal conlrolled substances, substance abuse assessment, SL10 atlomey, cost. Appealed. Possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per pica. - Ann Lindsay Wilson, speeding 59 in a 45, misdemeanor possession marijuana, pos.session of drug para­ phernalia. sentenced to 30 days In jail suspended one year, 550 and cost, contraband ordered destroyed; felony possession of schedule II controlled substance, dismissed per plea. - William Paul Wilson, resisting public officer, dismissed al request of prosecuting witness. Failed To Appear - Jesus Avila Galeana, driving while license revoked. - Tammy M. Harrison, driving wiilmut two headlantps. - Guadalupe Roja Najera, pos­ session of open container/consum­ ing alcohol in passenger area, - Tin^olhy James Newton, Utter­ ing (gameland/access area), posses­ sion marijuana up lo half ounce, possession dnig paraphernalia. - Adam Dean Raba, expired reg­ istration. - Sarah Jane Smith, speeding 80 In a 70. Judge O Ks Vet Expense After Dogs Chase Horses B y H c lh Cnssid.v Davie County Enterprise Record An Advancc man whose dog caused injuries lo a horse will have lo pay restitution, but nol nearly as much as he thought. Miko Doby. of 251 Andrew Roail. was charged wilh injury lo personal property after his dog allegedly chased several horses y- owned by Dianne Hubbard, of 152 Andrew Road. Hubbard said in Davic Dis­ trict Court last week the dog He’S The Winner Smith Grove Volun­ teer Fire Department Chief Junior Smitli pre­ sents the l<eys to a four- wheeler to Bryson Allen, accom panied by his brother, Nolan. Smith said he is thankful for the support in the fund raiser. cha.sed Ihe horses around in the pasture, then Ihrough a fence and inlo a lake, on July 25. Ilnbbaril said one of the horses, after being chased through the fence, cut ils leg se­ verely enough to require stitches. Hubbard also said the veteri­ narian told her three of Ihc horses needed to be kept in their stalls following Ihe incident, for al least a week, and she said one of them is still being kepi in its stall. I'or the veterinarian bill, Ihe cost lo keep the horses up, daily care and the repair of the fence, Hubbard sought nearly $2,4(K) in reslilulion. Judge James M . Honeycutt disagreed. Hubbard lold him the aver­ age cost lo keep a horse in a stall is S300 per week. Honeycuti cUirined that was the chargc to keep olher people's horses, bul the horses all belong lo Hubbard. Honeycuti also did nol allow restitution for daily veterinarian care, because Hubbard's em­ ployees adminislercd lhal care as part of their jobs. Hubbard sought S50 for re­ pair of the fence, bul 1 loneycuU determined the repair on the fence was done by an employee of Hubbard's husband, who was already on his payroll. For his part, Doby .said, "If my dogs did il, I want lo pay for whal Ihey done, bul if olherdogs were involved, I don'l think I should have to pay the full bill." He said he had no proof il was his dog. An employee of Hubbard's saw the incident, hul did nol testify in court that it was Doby's dog, OV the nearly S2,40t) Hubbard sought, she will receive S242,75, Ihe amount charged to her by Ihc velerinarian lo lake care of the injured horse, H o neycu tt said, " W h a t I'm doing is taking cnre o f ilio a c ­ tual out of pocket damages," He lold Hubbard if she wanted to seek additional restitution, she could bring suit in civi\ court, Doby was sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended for one year unsupcrvised probation. He is to pay a SlOO fine and court costs. Honeycutt ordered him to keep his “animals properly con­ fined so they don't stray onlo the H u b b a rd ’s p ro p e rty ." ■ Energy nited VOUR LOCAL CONNCCTION J A n n u a l M e e t i n g ^F A M IL Y FESTIVAL M embers of E n h r g y U n i t e d EMC are invited to attend the 2002 ENERGYUNiTiiD Annual M eeting and Family Festival Siitunlay, S ciilcm bcr2l, 2002 • 7:30a.m to m ion D iivic C tw nty I ligh Sclwol, M ik lis v ilie , Ntn ih CaivUna Special oi the Week When Your Healtf ^ Ui Ive/Spi We Are H >ster Suzanne íáarnhardt Магм White Jane RiMenbark B e t b / f t r o u d l or ц|т;|| iiiriiriiiiitioM on driles iS. lu-nltli prolili'ins, ;;ii to w \\,l'nsli-ninini 4),i'mii Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fo.stcrdrugco.com 7:30-10:30 a.m, • Free health screenings 7:30 - 11:00 a.m. R egistration (l:ach m em ber i-cccives $5 for registering and a chance to w in a gas grill, n V D player and other prizes) B;00-11:00 a.in, HNiiUGvUNn i:n has a variety of cxciting safety demonstrations, including activities to enhance safety for both children and adults. The C ounty l.ine Volunteer Fire IX-partm ent w ill fcatun; its “ Fire House" to tciich kids about fire safety and there w ill bc C P R and high voltage safety dem onstrations. Police officers w ill bc on hand to videotape and fin g erp rin t children so th a t parents can keep a perm anent • record for ch ild id en tifica tio n purposes (videotapes w ill be given to parents). Fun for children, including a d ow n, face painting, and m uch more 10:30 a,m. Entertainm ent by Charlie Albertson “Tlic .Singing Si’iiiiw r" 11:00 a.in, Business m eeting 11:45 a.ni. D raw ings for d o o r prizes Noon Hag lunch from Chick-fil-A , including cookies and drinks “ ’ S - - " rh c A n n u al M e e tin g a n d Fam ily Festival is only for m em bers o f ENiiKcvUNn to E M C , A ll events are free. Please b rin g yo n r R egistration C ard fro m the S eptem b er issue o f the Connccl n e w s letter w ith you to th e M e etin g , Ira n s p o rta tio n is available from EnkugyUni i I'O offices in C o rn eliu s, D en to n , Lexin g to n , M a d is o n , S tatesville and T aylorsville, C a ll y o u r local ENiiuG YUNtruo o fficc to m ake tra n s p o rla tio n arrangem ents. ra y^niuravTUJ " T s i nited^ E n e r g j ^ WWW.EnUUGvUnI ItD.COM i8oo) 512-3793 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 Public Records DAVIE COUN TV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Stpl. 12, 20(»2 - 7 A r r e s t s The Davic Counly Sheriffs Dc­ partmeni mode Ihc following arrests. - Steven Dewayne Scoti. 31. of 114 Sunburst Lane. Mocksville was arrested Aug. 3(1 for ilon\estic as­ saull and simple assaull. Trial dale: Oct. 10. -Anthony Wayne Gixlbey. 18. of 188 Calvin Lane, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 30 for failure lo ap­ pear. Trial date: Sept. 20 in Rowan Counly. -Richard Eugene Sullivan. 5!. of 109 Northridge Court. Mocks- ville was arrcsted Aug. 30 for fall­ ing 10 report lo jail as ordered. Trial dale: Sept. 17. - Rocky Joe Hainilton. 40, of 456 Pleasant Acre Drive. Mocks­ ville w as arrested Aug. 3! for pos­ session nfcocalnc. Trial date: Sepl. 5. -Su/an Michclle Bowden. 33. of 107 Northridge Court. Mocks­ ville was arrested Aug. 31 ft)r threat­ ening phone calls. Trial dale: Sepl. 12. - Larr>’ Gene Chapi>ell. 25. of 726 Deadmon Road. MiKksville was arrested Sepl. 2 for assaull on a female. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Kenneth Ray Chandler. 46. of 7280 RiK'ky Kiuill Lane. Mocks­ ville was arresied Sepl. 3 for assaull wilh a deadly weapon. Trial date: Sept. 26. - Lawrencc Leo Hem Jr.. 24. of Florida was arrested Sept. 3 for vio­ lating a 50-B order. Trial date: Sept. 12. ~ Dominique Lotoya Scotl. 16. of 376 Village Road. Mocksville was arrested Sept. 4 for simple as­ saull. Trial dale; Sept. 12. - Sandra Elaine Pierson. 54. of 561 Davie Academy Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested Sept. 4 for harass­ ing phone calls. Trial dale: Sept. 12, -M ari Whilney Hem. 23,of56l Davic Academy Road, Mocksville was arrested .Sept. 4 for stalking. Trialdate: Sept. 12. - Warren Howartl Jones. 43. of 120 Excalilmr Drive, Mocksville was arrested Sept. 4 for non-sup­ port. Trial date: Sepl. 12 in Iredell Counly. -Russell Donta Sellers, 17. of 315 Monlvicw Drive. Mocksville was arrcsied Sept. 5. Trial date: Sepl. 26. - Maltliew Ryan Holt. 18. of 2101 U.S. 158, Mocksville wasar­ resled Sepl. 6 for larceny of a fire- ami. Trial date: Sepl*. 12. -Vivian Mae Wood. 22 .of 254 Legion Cemetery Road. Cooleemee was arrested Sepl. 6 for simple as­ saull. Trial dale: Sepl. 26. - Jose Andre Velez. 19. of 196 Sandra Drive. Advance was arresied Sepl. 7 for resisting an officer and disorderiy conduct. Trial date: Sept. 19. - Julie UargerHege.42.of 3795 U.S. 158. Mocksvillc was arrcsled Sept, 8 forcruelly to animals, resist­ ing, delay ing, and obstructing. Trial dale: Sept. 19. -Timolhy Keith Williams. 44. of 3795 U.S. 158, Mocksville was arrested Sepl. 9 for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: Oct. 17. M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e The following Incidents were reported lo the MiKksville Police Depanmenl. - The larceny of an estimated $35 worth of aluminum cans were slolen from Ihc back yard of a resi­ dence on Pine Street, it was reported Aug. 30. • A woman repoiied Sepl. 2 she was threatened over Ihe telephone. - A man reported Sept. 2 some­ one attempted to run him over with a car in the ItX) block of Wilkesboro Street. • Money wiis laken from p«k - clbook al a restauniat on Vadkin- ville Road, il was reported Sept. I. - A vehicle reported slolen from Maryland was found abandoned al the Conifort Inn on Sept. i. - The larceny of a cell plione was reported Sept. 3 from Inside a store. - A woman was cul wilh a knife on Holman Street, il was reporleil Sepl. 3. - The larceny of a ring and cal­ culator were reported from desks al Cenlral Davie Education Ccnlcr on Au(!. 29. - A wonian reported Sepl. 3 that someone Ihrealened lo kill her and her fan\ily. - The breaking, enlering and lar­ ccny of a CD player and radio, :i mop, sunglasses and a bracelet was reported Sept. 4 from a vehicle on Sunset Drive. - The front door lo an aparlrnent al Sunset was kicked open, il was reported Sepl. 5. -The shoplifting of shoes fronl Shoe Show, Squire Boone Plaza, was reported Sepl. - A store clerk reported Sept. 7 lhal a man she knew told her lo pul all Ihe cash inlo a bag and lefl after she threatened lo call police. - Someone pumped SI I) worth of gas and left witliiiut paying at past Tnick. Yadkinville Road, il was re­ ported Sepl. 7. - A man reported Sepl. 6 lhat his girlfriend slapped him on Sept. fi. - A dog was reported lo being running al large on Fulion Sireel on Sept. 7. Arrests - Garry Jason Childress, 21), of Elkin, wa.s charged Aug. 31) with larceny of a financial card. Trial date; Sept. 5. - Curlis Bradley Poole, 21, of Archdale, was charged Aug. 31 with DWI, driving w hile license revoked and exceeding a safe speed. Trial dale: Sept. 20. - Micaela Pano Parma, 21), of 7t)(i Northridge Court, was charged Aug. 31 wilh assault and obstruct­ ing and delaying an officer. Trial dale: Sepl. 19. - Michaellee Lansilowne, 34, of 399 Fulton St.. svas cliarged Sept. 3 W'ith DWI and driving while license revoked. Trial dale; Ocl. 4. - William Robbin Johnson, 47, of 124 Mill St., was charged Sept. 4 wilh DWI, driving while license revoked and driving left of cenler. Trial date; Sept. 20, - Creed Allen Simpkins, 19, of 126 Sunsci Drive Apt. .^6 , was charged Sept. 5 with being drunk and disruptive and damage lo prop­ erty. Trial dale; Oct. 17. Triirric Accldcnts - Elizabelh Ann Mabe, .'iO. of Statesville, was driving a 1998 Pontiac on North Main Slreet al 5;45 a.m. Sept. 5 when il struck a deer, reported Chief Jack Keller. - A Mocksville man was charged wilh DWI and ilriving w'iihout a li­ cense after a wreck on Ridgeview Drive al .“i p.m. Sept. 6. Celerino Sanlill Dominguez, 34. of 200 Edison St.. was driving a 1985 Ford lhal hil a 2001 Lexus slopped al a stop sign by Kristine Marie-Ireland Kariek. 43, of 900 N, Main St., reported Officer Derrick Cline. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land transfers were fded with the Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved. Qcrcage. township and deed stamps purchased, with 52 representing SI.ООО. - William S. Crews and Belinda H. Crews lo David F. Jackson and Denise R. Jackson. 1 lot. Shady Grove. $350. - Winona E. Rush lo Dwighi Prater and LuAnn Prater. 5 acres, Fulton. SI 40. • Wesiview Developmenl Co. lo Darren Burke Construction Co., I lot. Fannington. S70. • Wesiview Development Co. and Tuiltinger Developmenl Co. to David F. Jackson und Denise R. Jackson. I lot. ShadyGrove, $49. - Garry W. Marshburn and Pamela S. Marshbum to Vincent P. Castellano and Cynthia G. Castellano. 2 tracts, Farmitigton. SlOO. - Roger Oakes and Dianne Oakes lo VincenI P. Castellano and Cynthia G. Castellano, 2 tracts. Farminglon, S270. - Iva D. Lagle lo Fred O. Ellis and Fred O. Ellis Jr.. 4.7 acres. Jerusalem. S270. - H&V Construction lo Angel F. Pina and Nereida Arroyo. I loi. Mocksville. $152. • Patricia Baity Boyd and Elliot Boyd. James Wesley Baity Jr. and Linda P. Haily and Kennelh Wayne Baity and Mavis H. Baity loTimo- thy Walker and Michelle L. Walker. 2.41 acres. Clarksville. SI.M). • Patricia Baity Boyd and Elliot Boyd. James W'esley Baity Jr. and Linda P. Baity and Kenneth Wayne Baity and Mavis H. Baity lo Timo­ thy W'alker and Michelle L. Walker. 2.41 acres, Clarksville. - Johnny Ray Williams and Sadie Allen Williams to Jeffrey S. Williams and Ernesl B. Williams and Michael R. Willian>s, 5 lots, Jemsalem. - C.J. Ramey.attorney in fact for Oak Valley Associates Limited Part­ nership and Ridge Run Properties and Oak Valley (*ro|icnics to Forrest C. Cranfill Construction. I lot, Famiinglon. $154. - James L. Holt and Miriam D. Holl toChristopher Jacob Blankenship. \ lot. Shady Grove. S42. Chrislopher Joseph Blankenship to Gray A. Potts and Betty W. Poll'.. 1 lol. Shady Grove. - BankOne as trustee for First National Bank of Chicago lo SHirleyN. Sprouse and Erika P.Sprouse. .53 acre. Jerusalem, S104. - Wiley Keaton Jr.. Betty Rulh Cable. Tommy Lee Keaton (fifth interest each) lo Gary Wayne Keaton. I tract. $1. - Max D. Long and Shirley M. Long (97.5*!^ interest) lo Jeffrey P. Long. 6.23 acres, Fulion. - George Lee Barnhardl and Ann Barnhardl lo Gray Everhart and Helen B. Everhart. .15 acre. Fulion. • Gray Everhari and Helen B. Everhart lo George Lee Barnhardt and Ann Barnhardt. .09 acre. Ful­ ton. - Westview Developmenl Co. to David S. Mallard Conslruclion. 2 lots. Fanninglon. $140. - Timothy L. Pennington to Nelson O. Howard and Melissa H. Howard. I lot, Mocksvillc, $230. - Kay Pendry Todd. Barbara PendryFells and Charles Marvin Felts. Glenda Pendry Fitzgerald andRoderick Wilson Fitzgerald. Wanda Pendry Rodgers andWilllam Delmare Rodgers to Donald Ray Fields, I lol. Mocks­ ville. $100. - Jessica A. Lay and William R. Lay III to Heather Leigh Revis, 1 loi. Shady Grove. $94. H i ^ h v ^ a y P a t r o l F i r e s Davie Counly Tire depanments responded to the following calls: Aug. 30: William R. Davie. .‘i;4fi p.m., N.C. SOI Nonh. automobile accident: Smith Grove. 7:24 p.m.. I- 40 West, automobile accident; Fanninglon assisted: Farminglon. 7:28 p.m.. MO West, automobile accident; Center assisted; Smith Grove, 7:59 p.m.. 1-40 East, auto­ mobile accident; County Line. 8:40 p.m., Davie Academy Road, auto­ mobile accident. Sept. 2: Smilh Grove. 9; 16 a.m.. Jewish Home, assist Clemmons. Stpt. 3; Cooleemee. 4:07 p.m.. Holt Street, Tield Tire; Jerusalem assisted: Smith Grove, 5:20 p.m.. Fair Oaks Drive, fire alami. S<pl. 4: Center. 9:41 p.m.. U.S. 54 West, structure Tire; Mocksvillc assisted; Sheffield-Calahain as­ sisted; County Line assisted. Sept. S: Cenler, 11:07 a.m.. Tullerow Road, structure fire; Wil­ liam R. Davie. 2:07 p.m., Libeny Church Road, grass fire; Sheffield- Cahilialn assisted; Center assisted; Cornalzer-Dulin, 2:11 p.m., KlickitalTrail. smoke investigation; Smith Grove assisted; Center. 11:22 p.m., 1-40 Easl, automobile acci­ dent: Fanninglon assisted. Sept. 6: Mocksville, p.m., Mocksville Building, smoke iiives- ligalion. Sept. 7: Counly Line, 12:46 p.m.. Doley Road, automobile accident; Advance, Smith Grove, 1:23 p.m., Islewonh Drive, structure fire; Smith Grove, 5:2K p.m., Asian V'iew' Restaurant, smoke investigation. SepLH: Center/Mocksville,6:16 p.m., Grcenhill Road, structure fire, Sept. 9: Comatzer-Dulin. 9:08 a.m.. Cornatzer Road, siraciure fire; Advancc assisted; Smith Grove as­ sisted. The follow ing Iniffic w recks in Davie County were listed by Ihe N.C. Highway Palrol. Wreck At Horn's Truck Stop No charges were filed after a wreck occurred .Aug. 27 in Davie Counly, Janie Lynn Moses of Tennessee had stopped a 1997 Freightlincr in Ihe northbound lane of U.S. 601 wailing for Iraffic lo clear in Ihe southbound lane. Ronnie Kent Barnette of 168 Bracken Road, Mocksville was driving his 2(K)I Chevrolet pick-up north on 601 w hen Moses'truck struck Banietle’s pick-up in the riglit passenger area. Trooper A.A. Juslice reported Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 2:45 p.m. Car Loses Wheel On Interstate No charges were filed after a vehicle wrecked in Davie Counly on Aug. 29. Duslin Michael Evans of Waynesville was driving his 1991 1 londa veliicle west on Inlerslate 40 when Ihe right from wheel tx:c;ime detached from Ihe vehicle and col­ lided with Ihe right from quarter panel of Ihe car. Evans' vchicle Ihen skidded into Ihe grass median where it came lo resl. Trooper J.R. Allied reponcd the accident occurred al approxinuitely 9:10 p.m. and Ihere were no inju­ ries. Wuman Charged In Wrcck A North Carolina woman was charged wilh exceeding safe speed after Ihe vehicle she was driving wrecked Aug. 30. Bonnie Karen Nix of Arden was driving a 1996 Ford vchicle west on Inlerslale 40 when il ran off Ihe road to the left shoulder ami struck a median cable. Troo|ier A.A. Juslice reported the accident occurred al approxi­ malely 8 p.m. and ihere were no injuries. Cur Hits Tree A Norlh Carolina man was charged with exceeding safe speed after Ihe vehicle he w-as driving wreckcd Aug. 30. Mark Krawazyk of Denver was driving his 1996 Acura vehicle easl on Inlerslale 40 when il ran off the right shoulder and slruck a Iree. Trooper A.A. Justice reported ihe accident occurred at approxi­ malely 7:10 p.m. and Ihere were no injuries. Car Wrecks On Interstute 40 A North Carolina man was chiirged with exceeding safe speed after he wrecked ihe vchicle he was driving Aug. 30. Jose Martinez Larii of Charlotte was driving a 1998 Honda vehiclc east on Interstate 40 when il nui off Ihe lefl shoulder and stmck the me­ dian cable. Trooper A.A. Juslice reported Ihe accident occurred al approxi­ mately 7 p.m. and Ihe driverwas nol injured. Cur Hits Cuardrull A Forsyih Counly wonian was charged wilh exceeding safe speed after she wrecked the vehiclc she was driving Aug. 30. Krystal Michelle Honon of Win­ slon-Salcm was driving her 2000 Chevrolet vehicle cast on Inlerslale 40 when it ran off Ihe righl shoulder and struck a guardrail. Trooper A.A. Juslice rcporicd Ihc accident occurrcd at approxi- I nialely 7; I.“! p.m. and there were no injuries. Culllslun On N.C. 801 A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hil anolher Aug. 30. Margaret Ellis Beauchamp of 446 Juney Beauchamp Road. Ad­ vance was driving her 1996 Dodge vehicle north on 801. Beauchamp had to slow her vehicle for dogs crossing Ihe roadway. Barbara Parks Scawright of 4488 N.C. 801 North, Mocksville failed lo slow her 1992 Chevrolet vehicle in time and it slruck Beauchamp's vehiclc in the rear. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately .‘):30p.in. and Scawright w.is laken to Forsyih Medical Cenler for treatment. Man Charged In Wrcck A D.wie man was charged wilh exceeding safe speed after he wrecked the vehiclc he was driving Sept. I. Brad McKinley Davis of 169 Legion Ceiiiclery Road, Cooleemee was driving a 1999 Chevrolet ve­ hicle soulh on Mr, Henry Road when il enlered a left hand curve at an excessive r.nte of speed. Davis' vc­ hiclc traveled left of center and skid­ ded off Ihe road to the righl wherc il collided with an embankment. The vchicle continued skidding across the shoulder and collided wilh a tree. Trooper J.R. Allred reported Ihe accident occurred al approximately 8:40 p.m. and Davis was taken lo Davis Hospital in Statesville for treatment. Wreck On L!.S. 158 A Davie man was charged with failure to reduce speed and registra­ tion violation after the vehiclc he was driving hit anolher Aug. 31. Leon Franklin Penningcrof Mid­ way Slreet. Cooleemee was driving his 1992 Dodge pick-up south on U.S. 158. Vickie Wood Bcnfieldof Slalesville was driving her 1993 Ford vehicle south on 158 and had slowed to make a lum into a private driveway. Peniiingcr failed lo re­ duce the speed of his vehicle and it collided wilh Benficld's. Troopcr A.T. Keller reported Ihe accident occurrcd al approximately 10:40 a.m. Wreck On Interstute No charges were filed after a Ohio man wrecked the vchiclc he was driving Aug. 31. Shaun Siens of Dayton was driving a 2002 Chrysler vehicle west on Inlerslale 40 when il ran off the righl shoulder and struck a guardrail. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihc accident occurred at approxi­ malely 4:30 p.m. and Siens and a passenger were laken to Davie Hos- pitnt for treatment. Wreck On Godbey Road No charges were filed after a Davie man wrecked the vehicle he wasdriving Aug. 31. Bryan Clifford Sellers of 390 Church Strecl, Mocksville wasdriv­ ing his 1999 Chrysler vehicle west on Godbcy Ro;id when it ran off the road lo the lefl in a righl hand curve. Sellers' vehicle collided with a ditchbank and conlinued off Ihe road, coming to rest in an area of undergrowth. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurred at approximately 11:10 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Man Charged With DWI A Norlh Carolina man was charged with DWI, careless and reckless driving after he wrecked the vchicle he was driving Sept. 1. Roniula Losano Rodriguez of Charlotte was driving his 1997 Chry.sler vchicle wesl on Inlerslale 40 when il ran off the ro:«l to the righl and collided with an embank­ ment. Trooper J.R. Allred reported Ihe accident occurrcd at approximalely 3:20 a.m. und there were no inju­ ries. No Charges Filed In Wrcck No charges were filed after a Nonh Carolina man wreckcd the vehicle he was driving Sepl. 5. Jamail Rahccn McGlone of Lenoir was driving his 2IK)0 Mazda vehicle easl on Inlerslale 40 when it ran off the road lo Ihe left inlo the grass median. The vehiclc then .skid­ ded back across the road and col­ lided wilh a guardrail, then skidded into a wooded area off Ihe right shoulder. Trooper J.R. Allred re­ ported the accident occurred al ap­ proximately 11:20 p.m. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were reponcd to the Davie Sheriffs Dept. - On Aug. 30 John Benton re­ ported a fireami was removed from atrsidence on Slacee Trail. Mocks­ ville. - Sherry Slancliff reported a breaking and entering at a home on Longleaf Pine Drive. Advance on Aug. 31, - On Sept. I David Daye reported various plants and crops were dam­ aged at an area near Children's Road Home, Mocksville. -Sydney Smilh reported n church message sign was damaged al Advance First Baptist Church, Mocksvillc on Sept. 2. - On Sept. 3 Dawn Blackwood reported mail tampering al a resi­ dence on Will Boone Road. - Larry Draughn of I’allct One, Mocksville reponcd lags were re- nioveil from trailers al the business on Sepl, 3, - On Sepl, 3 Scolt Howard re­ ported a lost/stolen vehicle lag al a locaiion near Famiinglon Dragway. - Peter Zakaniarek reported an amp and woofer was removed from a vchiclc al Davic High parking lot on Sept. 3. - On Sepl. 4 Beverly Haley re­ ported identity fraud al a residence on Timber Lane, Advance. - April Smilh reported jewelry' was removed from a home on N.C. 801 Soulh, Mocksville on Sept, 5, - On Sept. 5 Quinienna McMahan reported a stereo was re­ moved from a residence on Daniels Road. Mocksville. - Jeanie Fosler reported a wallet was lost at an unknown location in the county on Sept. 5, - On Sept. 6 Rachel Fosler re­ ported money was removed al a convenience store on N.C. 801. Ad­ vance. - Ronald Chatlin reported a fish­ ing rod and reel was removed from a locaiion near Swicegood Street. Mocksville on Sept. 6. - On Sepl. 6 Rodney Chunn re­ ported a vehicle was removed from a home near U.S. 64 Wesl. Mocks­ ville. - Roben Rowe of Thousand Trails reported a cattle gate wus damaged on Sept. 8. M ECOY'S A TREE SERVICE A TNMW nMMhfT 336-492-2944 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Serving Forsyth & Davie County Re»ld«ntlal & Commerclil Work Siltctlvi Trimming & Pruning * Trt# Rtmoval Stump Grinding * Storm Dimagt • Hiurdous Rimoval Lot during .Traintd Arborist (CompUUCItanUp) A tractor trailer slowly m akes its aw ay arountd the rountJabout on N .C . 801 at 1-40 in Hillstjale. Roundabout Complete; Motorists Remain Uneasy - P hotos by R obin Ferg usso n HILLSDALE - Dcparliiicnl ofTrmisporuition engineer Jiilin Ryan has spent plenty of lime :ii the new riumilaliiuil. Lasl week, he spenl a hit more tliere. hearing complaints from :i iiearhy Iruekiiig eiini- paiiy. The main problem, he said, is lhal people - truckers anil ear drivers alike - aren't sure how to make their way aromul Ihe new iralTie eonrigiiration ile- signeil lo slow ilown tnilfie :inil alleviate congestion in the rap­ idly growing area. When a new bridge is eoii- slriieleil on N.C. XOI over 1-40, the roiiiuhiboiit will no longer be needed. Tli:il construction is sev- er:il years awiiy. I le s;iiil he had vvalched the iiiterseelioii coiisiaiilly, and ev­ eryone. truckers irieluiled, made their svay aroinul it. It may have heen slow, hul Ihey made il. That’s not giioil enough for Leisa Hepler, whose film ily drives tractor trailers ihrough the inlerseclion every day. “I think it's ridiculous yon have lo go lhal slow and be lhal close on every side," she said. Ryan said lhat more coiisiriic- lion this week should boost shoulders, and e.Menil a giKird- riiil from the N,C. XOI bridge over 1-41). The key upon entering the interseclion is to yield to all ve­ hicles. Then proeceii into the in­ tersection anil get off in the di- rcction you w;mt to go. .Sevend truckers :iren’l aware thill the I'irsl, low curb is de- signcil for the back wheels to go up oil, he said. 1 lepler said thal sonietinies works, bul low trailers can get stuek ... and one already has. "'riiere’s been wrecks here because people don’l know whal lodo. I hope folks mulersland ... we’ve (truckers) go lo creep through. I'olks are nol going to be happy wiih big irucks ihere." She realizes ihere isn't much she can do. but she will continue to let people know ibat the in­ tersection isn't suitable. She needs help. "My one voice ain’t going to change anything." Davie Sheriff Allen W hitaker talks to Chief of Enforcem ent Jim m y Phipps at the air­ plane crash site, ■ P ho to s by R obin F erg u sso n Two H ull in Plane Crasli Continued From Page 1 It had nol been delcniiincil if the plane was Handing or in the process of laking off. According lo witnesses al Ihe .scene llie men had no Hight phin tiiid were presumed to be civil air patrol llial were prac- licing em ergency landing procedures for Ihe airport. A witness reported one of the men removed from the wreck was wearing a civil aviation Jumpsuit. C,T, Robertson, who owns Ihe properly wltere the crash occurred, ha.s seen at least four planes crtisli in his field. Tite lasl one look place a lillle over iwo years ago. "These Ihings happen," said Robertson as he observed the plane wreckage. The red, while, and blue plane was wedged nose down between trees and wreckage debris was sctillered arotind the crashsile. The end of ihe aircraft's righl wing had been clipped and the left wing was lienl upward. The Federal Aviation Ad- mini.slralion was expected lo arrive from Raleigh laler lhal day lo begin an investigation. C,T. Robertson has seen at least four plane crashes on his property. Thank You To everyone who supported niy re-election canipaif’ii. Michael D. Allen Pa id fo r b y M ic h a u l D. A llb n Leisa Hepler m akes a point to the D epartm ent of Transportation's John i=lyan. MORETOUGHNESS, MORE COMFORT M0№ FREE STUFF, On Site Repair Seivicel Model 2166 з ю ш ш а A N $81,00 VALUE with the purch-ase of-any Cub Cadet Tractor This Includes: ='=Changc Engine Oil and Engine Oil Filter •''Replace Hydro Filter and Top O ff Hydro Oil ='=Re-Oil Pre Cleaner •■'=Grea,se Frt. Pivot Bolt *Grease Steering Knuckles *Re-Torc]uc Rear Lug Nuts •‘‘Lube Deck Spindles + Idler *Lube Ail Fool Controls F R E E P IC K -U P A N D D E L IV E R Y F O R T H IS R E Q U IR E D M A IN T E N A N C E OUTDOOR POWER ü í > EQUIPMENT^ _ . _ _ . _ unA/tw.rithrJirlaf глт 3 2 4 2 S o u th M a in S tr e e t S a lis b u ry , N .C . (7 ,0 4 ) 6 3 3 - 8 4 8 4 Hnww.cubcadetcom "Your Aulhorized Full Service Dealer” DAVlE COUN TY ENTKRPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - 9 Graham Tops For School Board Conlinucd From Рпце I win lor me. lor cvcrybmiy in my family ami everybody who has helped me. "I ihink wc have an excelleni school sysiem ami I look forward lo the opportunily to serve Ihc comnumily. I will lean on my leacliinj; experience, my experience wiih children and my experience in other areas." she said. Graham carried II oflhccoiinty's 14 voting precincts, with Livengood coming oui first in Farminglon, Wesl .Shady Grove and Smith Grove. County wide, a total of percenl of regisiered voters cast ballots in the election. Knight, Alien Get GOP Nod Continued From Рице 1 "I really do appreciate the supporl of the voters of Davie County." Knight said. "It’s humbling to have their confidence and supporl. "Il carries a greal deal of responsibility and 1 accept that rcsponsibilily," Knight said. He made the rounds Tuesday, seeking votes at all 14 polling places. Alien also visited all ofthe precincts Tuesday. "I appreciate everylhing," Allen said, "those wlio Itave helped me ... with your confidence in me. 1 do feel like I am a voice of the pcople of Davic County with the best decision making for positive goals jn this county." Myers, a political newcomer, said it would likely be his first and last venture inlo politics. He said he was fed up with the lax and spend mentality. "I appreciate what pcople did for me and I hope their ef­ forts are not in vain." Myers said, "that the county corninis- sioners will wake up and do something good for the counly." 8 . DAVIK COUNTV EN TKRPRISK RKCORD, Scpl. 12, 2002 A lle n W h ita k e r E a s ily W in s S h e r if f’s R a c e He Carries All But 1 Precinct Davie Sheriff Allen Whitaker calls hiis father after win­ ning the sheriff’s race. Since no Democral is running, the Republclan nomination all but gives fiim the seat In November. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Allen Whitaker walked inlo the Davie Comity Court­ house Tuesday night wilh just a few precincts lhat hadn’t been posted on the wall where a large crowd had gathered. The incumbent sheriff was quickly greeted by Mike Sinilh. his challenger, who coiigraiulaicd him on heing reelected. There is no Demo­ crat seeking the seat. He then called his father lo tell him the news. Whilaker easily won. lak­ ing 68 percenl of the votes cast, and w inning in 1.^ of 14 precincts. Smith won the Cooleemee preciucl by ihree voles. Whilaker won biu in Farmington, where he got 444 voles 10 60 for Smith. The sheriff said ht is par­ ticularly proud to be Ihe firsl sheriff in mote lhan 100 years to w in ihree consecutive terms. "It’s humbling and gratify­ ing," he said. “ My sincere thanks to all ofmy support­ ers ... wilh voles, finances, advice, friendship, loyalty." Whitaker said he was pleased that the two ran a clean campaign. "I’m looking forward to serving all of ihe people ol Davie County," he said. “ I want lo continue with the good work we’re tloing." ★ ★ ★ ★ E l e c t io n ‘0 2 : .Nowii Sonii 1 C\i.MiM.N Cai.\il\i.n Ci.\RK.s\n.H;C(HHiBin F.\r.\ii.m;-i ^ Futon JtRisviBi North .\llKKS- \ш: Sonii Mih:k.s- E\s-T Shadv Grom: SlIADV (ÎRDVI-: SMirii Gkovk HllJ.SI)AI.K Ndrtii Mocks- мш: Prutmt Transfer .Abskntkk TOTAL County Commissioner Spillman 50 63 , 169 124 1 7 7 66 75 4 9 73 105 96 172 160 8 8 ,5 .81 1533 M yers 146 102 221 159 201 96 133 103 154 1 2 7 119 2 0 7 1 6 7 122 6 135 \2198 K night 1 1 0 ,1 0 5 ' 262 178 274 171 177 1 5 7 ,2 3 7 156 183 2 4 6 2 5 7 164 : i l 1 3 4 \ 2822 A llen 79 80 178 129 2 2 6 146 140 111 196 169 2 1 7 254 2 0 0 \ 133 i 77 i 123 \2392 Sheriff W hitaker !J23 1 112 2 8 7 \1 6 1 4 4 4 1 7 6 [201 \1 6 7 2 6 7 171 1203 \3 3 5 3 1 0 ¡213 : 77 ’ 183 3364 Smith 95 : 81 170 Тб4 6 0 8 0 ' 84 68 90 143 1 35 151 Í3 3 ' 73 ■ 7 82 ¡1616 School Board G raham 21 5 179 3 4 3 301 3 3 9 2 3 5 2 4 5 301 382 .2 4 4 2 04 '3 5 2 \3 2 7 2 6 8 18 : 2 4 7 4200 L ivengood 154 137 3 02 2 1 9 3 5 5 211 193 176 2 99 2 4 0 2 4 4 '3 7 5 1325 181 19 184 36U P otts 138 102 3 0 9 2 3 9 3 4 0 164 \2 2 6 \170 192 2 1 2 231 '3 1 4 \2 5 8 .2 0 6 \ 10 : 755 3 2 6 6 N.C. 34th Senate Di.strict T urner (r), 4 , 10 1 7 3 7 13 8 2 0 \ 9 14 12 13 16 2 7 10 1 BuTNER (Rl, 3 9 41 64 79 ■ 70 4 4 71 \ 31 5 2 5 9 3 9 77 ^ 4 6 ' 5 5 ' 3 B rock (r) , 131 100 ^ 292 ,1 3 5 ,3 2 3 ' 148 ; 1 16] 1 39 2 2 9 .1 7 6 ’ 231 :3 0 6 \ 2 8 2 ‘ 1 6 9 \ 9 A ndrews (r }\ 3 0 , 2 7 . 5 7 , 5 3 [ 6 5 2 5 . 4 7 \ 3 3 , 3 9 43 , 3 9 5 7 \ 5 5 \ 3 6 \ 4 S herrill (d ), 2 9 , 25 . 2 6 , 5 4 , 31 3 2 i 4 5 \ 5 0 4 8 , 31 18 ' 3 9 \ 2 6 \ 2 8 \ 3 G roce (d ). 4 8 2 6 5 3 75 63 \ 5 7 \ 6 7 \ 91 8 5 44 2 7 64 3 8 \ 5 6 9 N.( \ 79th House Of Repre.sentative.s Morris .....[ 44 55 , 72 i 85 J02 i42 \_54 \ 40 \ 47 76 ' 59 U20 129 44 5 \ 67 [1041 Howard 165 136 3 6 8 231 3 9 0 2 0 0 221 \ 1 8 4 '3 0 8 .2 3 4 \ 2 7 0 1 3 5 3 '2 9 4 ' 2 3 9 : /.? i 1 8 7 ¡3793 6 '217 3 8 : S O S i 141 \ 41 '651 \ 2 1 :506_ I 61 I 864 r.S. Senate S nyder (r) 61 4 3 134 4 5 3 5 9 6 128 3 02 0 . 0 S ellers (r) 2 P arker (r) , 4 W . 1 : (R)\144, (r)\ 0 , W . I . i^ }\ 5 \ F isher D ole C ook C halla W iley Underwood (d )i 0 , Tjpwell (Q)\ ^ i М ш и ш А р И ¡Q C r o w ^ ^........( Ш 2 B rown ^ (d )\ -^ ! B lue 1 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 2 2 6 9 1 4 76 131 70 5 1 2 3 6 0 7 4 2 2 1 9 3 5 8 1 77 6 4 0 1 0 3 , 0 2 2 2 0 6 8 \ 5 9 78 105 \ 8 8 ,113 , 92 , 77 , 3 63 1261 11 ! 11 1 11 0 0 1 1 1 0 13 I..............i 0 5 41 i 43 i 80 \ 71 • 57 ! A yers (d)\ 0 4....'25 23 2 2 3 6 ' 0 0 2 7 2 I : 5 0 \ 2 \ 38101 6 4 3 5 5 2 I ! 4 624; 7 ^4 6 9 6 4 1 0 9 \ 7318816727020223436737619813\ 172 35152. 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2Ö0: 2 :0 0 d ■0 2 ' 1 0 ' 2 72447 0 : 2 '1 1 ! 3 0 \ 3 1 366, 3 I 6 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 \ 290> 3 ;3 1 : i J 4 • 0 \ 4 0 \ 4 \ 3211; 9 4 12 i 6 10 1 5 ! 72 2 12 \1410' 3 :r •1 1 0 '0 ^ 7 : O '1 \1 i.......- 126; 8 9 0 4 '3 3 ' 7 3 \5 73668097 50 : 25 ;70 60 I 53 4 59 902304422 \15 ' 8 !24 7 Ï8 1 13 29142 I 0 3 ¡0 0 1 2 n 1 Dwight Myers (center) finished a close third in the Republican nomination for a seat on the Davie County Board of County Commissioners. Carol Livengood and Regina Graham are new mem­ bers on the Davie Board of Education. Candidates, campaign workers and others watch the numbers being posted in the courthouse. Lonnie Ray Whitaker, Bernice and Bobby Knight eagerly check results. Lettie and Alien Whtaker take congratulations.Andrew Brock carried Davie in the N.C. Senate races. The outcome of the GOP primary was not known at press time. All e y e s a r e o n the board as numbers are being posted. While the votes came in to the board of elections office, ^ they were called to the courthouse, where they were written on a large chart on the wall. Michael and Karen Allen are happy with the results. - Photos by Robin Fergusson 10 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 12. 2002 Officiais Brainstorm To IHelp Dispiaced Wori<ers DAVIE COUN rv ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 ■ 11 By Kathy ChalTin Davic Coimly Enlcrjirisc Rccoril Stali;, county ami town (ifllcials met vvilh ttic management of Lexington Home Branils l'riilay to discuss ways 1(1 help the 369 employees being dis­ placed by Ihe closing ol'lhe company’s Plant 11 in Mocksville. llieresa Reynolds, e.xecutive direc­ tor for Ihe Workforce Developntent Board of the Northwest I’iedniont Council of Goveri\ments. said she was e.xtremely pleased wiih the discussion. "Le.xington Home Brands, the hu­ man resources deparlment. was \ ery re­ sponsive.” Keynolds said. '■'I'hey really want lo make svire lhat their employees receive all of the services lhal are he- ing offereil and to undersiand ihose ser­ vices themselves." Dan Barrell, chairman of the Davie Couniy Hoard of Conunissioiiers. said he was also pleased wilh the response from Le.xinglon I lome Brands officials. "I think Ihe company is very desirous of helping ihe employees in any way possible." he said. "I know they regret having to take this action." Also parlicipaliiig in (he discussion were: Myra Beatty, Rapid Response Team coordinator for the N.C. Deparl­ ment of Commerce; Mocksville Town Manager Terry Bralley, who also chairs thc Davie County Economic Develop- ntenl Council; Dr. Ed Morris, dean of Ihe Davic Campus of Davidson County Community College, where the Job Link Career Cenier is localed; I’al Helmsleller, income maintenance su­ pervisor for Ihe Davie County Deparl­ ment of Social Services; and thc re­ gional claims specialist for the Winston- Salem office of the Employment Secu­ rity Commission of North Carolina. Once they had delemiincd Ihere w as nolhing thal could be done to s.ivc I’laiit 11, Barrel! said ihe primary focus of the discussion iK’came lo find the displaced employees new jobs. " That involves several potential sources," he said. One is lo find them jobs wilh exist­ ing employers in Davie Couniy. "So we talked to them about possible job op­ portunities lhat might be available lo Ihe employees through jobs fairs and things of lhal sort," Barren said. The possibility of transferring em­ ployees lo the company's olher facili­ ties was also discussed, bul he said Ihere was nol a strong likelihood thal many employees coukl 1« reliKated wilhin the company because of ils currenl eco­ nomic conditions. A third opiion that was discussed, according to Barren, was working wiih Le.xington Home Brands lo recruit a new company to lease or buy its Mocks­ ville planl. "I undersiand ihey have an excellent facilily. " he said,"giKKleiiuip- rnenl atul a highly skilled workforce." Bralley said company officials seemed open lo the possibility of leas­ ing or selling the planl and agreed lo provide him with more infonnation as lo the square footage, acreage and ceil­ ing heighls. "They wanted lo do whal was in the community’s best interest in lhat regard." he said. Another possible source of jobs for the displaced employees is the vacanl facility in ihe Soulhpoinl Industrial Park off U.S. fiOl North. Just lasl week, Bralley said representatives of two companies looked at the S2,(MXI-si|iiare- foot building. Mosi ofihe prospects for the indus­ trial park are smaller companies which would add belween .“iO and I,"!!) jobs lo the county's workforce, according lo Bralley. "To tell you lhal there is a cli­ ent oul there lhal needs .'i(H) workers. I don't have one," he said. Lasl week was unusually aclive for the Davie County Economic Develop­ ment Council. For the six months prior to thal, Bralley said there had only lieen aboul six visits from company officials inleresled In relocating to Davie. The new facilily is the fourth to be built in Soulhpoinl, Once it’s sold or leased, he said another building would be added. By working wilh developers who actually build the facilities lo help market them, Bralley said the Economic Development Council has brought be­ tween M)0 and -IOO new jobs to Davie Couniy since l')98. "Today, you just about have lo have a biiilding program oul here lo attract induslry because it’s moving so rapidly." he said. Bralley is optimistic aboul the pros­ pect of bringing more induslry lo the couniy. Davie County has a lot lo offer, he said, because of ils central location, right on Interstate 40, and the labor force. "We have some highly skilled people who are loyal and have strong work ethics who would be great assets to any new industry." Other local agencies involved in Ihc discussion wilh Lexington Home Brands will he working wiih the dis­ placed employees unlil they find new jobs. Represenlalives of the Mocksville branch office of the Employment Se­ curity Commission of North Carolina will begin meeling with them to explain the process of collecling uneniploymenl insurance benefits. "We try lo go Ihrough everylhing." said Vicki Ward, branch manager of the Mocksville of­ fice. "We Iry lo answer ;my i|uesiions anybody may have so that they're com- forlable knowing w hat they h:ive to do." Normally, displaced employees are eligible for lip to 2(i weeks of unem­ ployment insurance benefits. I lowever, if Le.xington I lome Brands is approved I'orTrade Adjustment Assistance, a fed­ eral program w Inch provides assistance to workers w ho lose jobs as a result of increased imports, those benefits coukl be extended for up lo 78 weeks if Ihe recipient is in school lo'increase or leam new work skills. The cosl ofihe school­ ing, such as books and tuition, may be paid for up lo 104 weeks as pan ofihe program. Ken Hudson, vice president of hu­ man resources for Lexington Home Brands, said the company has |)elilioned for Ihe program. "The application pro­ cess is in process," he said "and as ex­ peditiously as we can. we’ll move lhal along." Under this program, displaced em­ ployees may qualify for allowances for training, job search and relocation. In ilealing with displaced employ­ ees. Ward said she and her staff try lo empalhize wilh the emotions they may be experiencing. "We just let them lalk as long as they wanl to," she said. "We Iry lo comfort Ihem, tell them we know what they’re going through and lhal we're going to help them in any way we can." In addilion toe.xplaining the process of filing for unemployment insurance benefits. Ward ami her staff provide dis­ placed employees w ith leads on local jobs as Ihey become available. As for Ihe currenl employment situ­ ation in the couniy. W'ard said there are some openings formanufacluring jobs. There are also several openings for ser­ vice-type jobs such as home health aides, nursing aides and housekeeping positions. "We aclually do have some other furnilure jobs listed right al the momenl." .she said. The Mocksville branch of Ihe Em­ ployment Security Commission of North Carolina also offers workshops on resume preparation, job seeking skills and interviewing techniues. "We Iry lo help them with whal lo do anil w hal not to do when seeking work," she said. The workshops are free and open lo anyone. The Job Link Career Cenier on the Davie Campus of Davidson Couniy Conimunily College also offers services to displaced employees, including a program called Experience Works, Originally known as the Green Thumb Program, this was sel up under the Older Americans Act to help displaced workers over ihe age of .i.S find new jobs. Dr. Ed Morris, ilean of the Davie Campus and chainiiaii of the Job Link Career Center Managemenl Team, said surveying ofihe displaced Le.xington- Home Brands employees is already under way. "W'e hope lo he ready lo re­ spond lo lhal probably in early Oclo­ ber," he said, "in onler lo make sure thal we’ve touched base with the people and provided assisiance and connections before ihey aclually clo.se the plant." Theresa Reynolds ofihe Workforce Development Board said employee ori- entations h:ive been scheduled lor Oct 2. The orientations, which will review the services available for displaced workers, will be held by department and will begin al 7 a.m. and continue through lo .^:.^() p.m. The orienlalions will address the needs of employees as delermined by ihe surveying. A date for the job fair has nol been .set. It lakes a communily effort to offer sufficient assisiance lo employees when there is a plant closing of Ihis magni­ tude, according lo Keynolds. In addi­ tion lo slale, couniy and town agencies and employers, churches also play a role in offering nol only emergency ser­ vices but listening and offering support 10 families. "Whether it’s one individual or a couple that's being laid off," she said, "it really affects Ihe whole family in­ cluding the children." Mental heallh services available to help displaced employees deal with the stress of losing Iheir jobs will be dis­ cussed. Employees will be made aware of services through the Davie Couniy Department ofSocial Services, includ­ ing food stamps, Medicaid, eniergency assisiance funds lo hep pay utility bills and Health Choice, a program for un­ insured children. Available ihrough the Storehouse for Jesus are food, clolhing, a crisis phar­ macy and a free medical clinic on Thursday nights. W o r ic e r s T r y in g T o C o p e W it h L o s s O f J o b s Cuntinued From I’ukc 1 close lo a dozen surgeries that Lacey has undergone in her nine years of life. A .single mother, Lisii, who lives on Center Street in Mocksvillc, had counled on thc insurance to continue paying thc many .surgeries slill needed for Lacey, who was bom with vision problems, hearing problems aiul a cleft palate stemming from Pierre Raban Syndrome. "It’s devastating," she said. "I coukl stay wilh the plant insurance, but it’s going to be over S700 a month, and when you’re drawing unemployment, that's not going to get it, nol and pay my house paymeni plus the hospital bills I owe anyway." Despite assurances from her father that everything was going to be all righl, Lisa began lo cry at the news. She had slopped by the time they gol to Wednes­ day service at church lhal nighl, but when her mother asked one of the min­ isters to pray for Ihe family, Lisa slarled back. She cried for hours. • Rodger and Melba Feirnsler of Dyson Road had already heard the news through the grapevine when officials at Lexington Home Brands announced the closing of ils Mocksville planl. "Bul il was .still a shock," he said, "bccau.se il has been in Mocksville .so long," Rodger and Melba have worked at Ihc plant for 34 years. They have rid­ den lo work together and eaten lunch together every day during that time. Al ages and .SS, they’re both old enough lo take early retirement, but Rodger said they can’l afforil to Ivcause of the cost of continuing iheir heallh insurance. "You’re in bad shape lo not have insurance ihis day and lime," he said. Both Rodger and Melba were in Ihe hospital last year for kidney stones. "My hospital bill was S K>,(XX).’’ he said, "and hers was a little over S10,(KX), so you can im;igine where we would have been w ilhoul insurance." In addition, Rodger takes medicine for his kidneys, and they both take mcJicine for high blood pressure. His rnedicinc alone cosls more lhan S2(X) for 90 days. "You can imagine buying that with­ out insurance." he said. "So we’ll have lo, in our old age, gel oul and hunt other jobs. Il’s going to feel terrible. I’ll prob­ ably end up nipping hamburgers some­ where because a lol of (employers) don’l wanl to hire people Ihis old." ■ For Brenda Chaffin of Fred Lanier Road and Dwight Harris of Sheffield Road, thc closing of Planl 11 marks the second time they have losl their jobs. Chaffin went to work at the plant ihree years ago after being laid off from Crown Wood Products, and Harris started there 26 years ago after his em­ ployer of five years. Southern Screw in Statesville, closed its doors. The second time around isn’t any easier for either of them', particularly when they’re in their .‘iOs. Al age 5S, Chaffin qualifies for carly reliremenl, bul said she needs to find a job for ihe health insurance. And Harris, al 52, is too young to be eligible for a pension package. Like the Feimslers, Chaffin said she had heard a rumor the day before the announcement lhat thc planl was clos­ ing. "Bul you know how rumors get around," she .said. "1 didn’t think any more about il." Harris said he had been expecting the Mocksville planl lo eveniually close. Lexinglon Home Brands had closed four of ils plants under the own­ ership of Lifestyle Fumishings Interna­ tional Lid. "Bul it really blindsided us, the timing of it." he said, "hecause we've been working overliinc and ev­ erything." Both Chaffin and Harris said they’re relying on their I'ailh to help them find new jobs. "W t just have to put our trust in God," she said. "That’s all we can do." When he lost his job before, 1 larris said he looked lo the Lord and found another one. "He'll provide some way or another," he said. • Employees of Le.xington Home Brands interviewed for ihis slory said the mood al ihe Mocksville plant is somber. "A lol ofpeople dov4i there have got children," Rodger Feimster said. "I work wilh one lady who’s got four chil­ dren al home, and she and her husband bolh work there." A total of 36У people will lose their jobs as the plant begins shutting dow n operations with an anticipated closure date of Ocl. 3 1. O f those. 23S are from Davie Couniy, according lo Mocksville Town Manager Terry Bralley. "We’re all trying lo cheer each other up," said Brenda Chaffin. "That's a whole lot of people.” Lisa Trivette said she fell a coldness in Ihe plant when she relurned lo work Aug. 29 afler learning of ihe news al her parents’ home the afternoon before. One of her coworkers jusi looked al her sadly, she said, and didn’t say a word. Another coworker walked over anil kissed her on the cheek, according lo Trivetle. "Has the Lord ever lold you He would not lake care of his children'.’" she said she asked. "I said. 'No, He has always said He would take care of his children.' " "Just keep hold of that,' " she said her coworker said." ’ Remember as long as you've gol the Lord, He's going to lake care of you,' " Trivette said she has been having problems concenlraling al work since finding oul about the plant closing. "I told my mom the other day,' 1 can'l even think,' " she said. " Things don’t regis­ ter with me like they used to. My boss lady keeps telling me, 'Be motivated. Be motivated,' but it’s hard to be moti­ vated when you know you’re losing your livelihood and it's not going to be long and Chrisinias is coming up. "When you’ve got a child, you worry aboul Christmas. I think I cry almost every day." Sometimes, Trivette said, her daugh­ ter cries along with her. "1 think she realizes il's going lo be rough for a while," she said. "She's nol going to be able to have things like she wants all the time." While some employees have reacted with sadness, olhers became angry when Ihey heard the news. "Some people are bitter," Rodger Feimster said. "1 think ihey .should give us sever­ ance pay," he said. "We’ll just gel what vacalion days we’ve gol in. We’re be­ ing lefl oul in the cold." Ken I ludson, vice presideni of hu­ man resources for Le.xinglon Home Brands, said it’s nomial for employees losing their jobs to go through the dif­ ferent stages of grief. "People have lo work ihrough lhal," he said, "so we’re providing the opportunity to counsel and work with people lo get ihrough the anger so lhat we can help them lo find other jobs." According to Hudson, who works oul of company headi|uarters in Le.x­ inglon, more lhan .“iO of the employees losing jobs are eligible for early relire­ menl. The human resources department will be working wilh them, he said, to select a pension package. The 319 remaining employees will be given preferentiid treatment as open­ ings become available in thc Le.xing­ lon plants, Hudson said, noting lhat he is careful nol lo build false hope thal many jobs will be available.. Righl now, there are about 20 posi­ tions open within the Lexinglon planls. "As attrition happens and as people gel moved around, openings continually become available," he said. In an Aug. 28 letter lo employ CCS, Le.xington Home Brands presideni and CEO Bob Stcc said Ihe employees at Plant 11 "have produced very beauli­ ful, highly crafted furnilure." .(t; "We are proud and apprecialive of the product and olher efforts of all our Planl 11 associates over the years lhat Plant 11 has been in operation," he wrote. "They have done all lhat we have asked them lo do in an e.xemplary man­ ner." Stcc attributed the closing lo the rapid growih of iniporled product, "bolh in the niarkelplace and wilhin LHB's own product mix." There wasn'l anything plant em­ ployees could have done to avoid Ihe closing, Hudson said. "Il's purely ihe imports." At present. 43 furniture plants in North Carolina are empty, Mocksvillc Town Manager Terry Bralley reporied at last week's lown board meeting. Im­ ports coming in, particularly from China, Indonesia and the Philippines, is making il more and more difficult to compete in this market, he said in a tele­ phone interview on Monday. Dan Barrett, chairman of the Davic County Board of Commissioners, said the flood of low-cost imports is creat­ ing huge difficullies for Ihe furniture and textile industries. "It certainly sad­ dens you when people lose their jobs as as result," he said. "1 think we’ve gol 10 make our state and federal officials aware ol the pain this is causing to our citizens." Free trade is a great concept, Barrett said, bul the negative effecl it is having on American jobs is going lo have lo receive more attention from federal of­ ficials. Rodger Feimster said he believes government officials should be tioing something lo help prevent Americans from losing Iheir jobs. Presideni George W. Bush, fore.xample, he said, should be concentrating on improving the economy instead of trying lo slart a war with Iraq. T h ank You Davie County fo ry o u r support over the p a st 8 year^. Sheriff All&i Whitaker Paid For by Sheriff Allen W liitaker — ì 7 Thank You! V o t e r s o f D a v i e C o u n t y f o r y o i i r S u p p o r t Bobby Knight ____________Paid for by Bobby Knight T h a n k s f o r y o u r k in d s u p p o r t, C a r o l E . L i v e n g o o d Ь Paid fo r by C a r o l E. L iven g o o d Л Jerry W ebb stands over mounds of French fries last year, ready for liungry C enter Visitors look over the entrants into the photography categories. Fair and B arbecue visitors. Annual Center Fair And Barbecue This Weekend I'he calendar's been fiipped over to September. The leiiiperalures are cooler most days. The sun is sleeping in more every morning, and nighlfall conies calling a lillle sooner lhan before. The kids have already settled back inlo their studies afier iheir first vacation away from school, and all across Davie Couniy. children and adulls alike arc studying their arls and crafts, vegetahles and flowers and canned and baked goiuls to ile- lermlne what is the besl of iheir besl. It can only mean one thing: It's lime for the annual Center Fair and Barbecue. Festivities begin on Friday morning with the sale of ihe bar­ becued pork made famous by ihe Cenler Volumeer Fire Deparl­ ment and the Cenier Communily Developmcnl Associalion. Center I'air officials will slart accepting entries made or pro­ duced by residents of Davie County at 4 in the afternoon, continuing for five hours before closing ilown for the nighl. They will resume accepling entries from 7:30 to 9 the nexi morning, when judging is lo begin. All articles entered must have heen made wilhin the year, un­ less otherwise slaied. Ilenis en­ tered in the fair in previous years arc nol eligible. Among ihe aclivilies phuincd for Saturday morning are crafl vendors, an exhibit of antique tractors and hit-and-miss en­ gines, a pe<lal-power Iraclor pull al 10 a.m.. enlertainmeiit by Southern Junclion beginning al I p.m. and door prizes lo be a\\ arded ihriuigluuit the ilay. I'he pedal-power tractor pull, open to kids and adults who can pedal the Iraclors. will be held in the b:dlfield. I'herc is no fee. and registration will be al the field. In addition to receiving certificates and ribbons, Ihe en- Iranis' names will be cnteieil In a drawing from w Inch one name will be pulled lo receive ;i col­ lectible toy John Deere Iraclor. Southern Junction, a blue- grass band out of Concord, will perform under Ihe Hisloric Cen­ ter Arbor fiom 1 to 2:30 p.m. The b;md. which has been de­ scribed as having an original, contemporary sinind solidly rooted in traditional bluegr;iss music, has won nunieroiis band and individual awards in re­ gional music competitions and has opened for several iialion- ally-known musical acls. A new feature of this year's Center Fair is an essay conlest started as a iribule lo the people who losl Iheir lives or were wounded in Ihe Sepi. II, 2001. terrorist attacks and their fami­ lies on "Why I am proud to be an American." Enlries will be taken in Iwo age categories. 9- 13 years and 14-IS years, ami should be beUveen 2.sO and 300 words '.Hid typed or neally wril­ len. Also new this year is a ile- pailnienl for Crafts by Persons with Disabilities wilh Iwo age calegories, 6-12 years and 13 and above. Olher departments are as fol­ lows: Canning; Canning forage 12 and under; Clothing and F'ashions; Clolhing and Fashions for age 17 and under; Crafis and Hobbies; Crafts and Hobbies for Children and Youth; Culinary; Culinary age 17 and under; Field Crops; l-'ine Arls: Fine Arts for lieginners: Horlieultine; Horti­ culture for Children; Household Accessories; Photography; Pho­ tography for age 17 and under; Planls and Flowers; Plants and Flowers for age 17 ;uiil under; Senior Cilizens; and the 4-11 I'ruil and Vegetable Decorating Contest. lixhibils will be open to the public beginning at 10 a.m, on Saturday aiul will be on disphiy unlil 6 p.m., when ribbons and cash prizes may be pickcd up by the winners. Besl of Show prizes and rib­ bons will he awarded as lisled only if three or more articles are entered in Ihe deparlmenl/class. In Ihe case of insufficient enlries, Ihe Best of Show ribbons may be awarded according lo the judge's discretion. In addition 111 Ihe barbecue samlwiches, trays and plates, the Center Volunteer Fire Depart­ menl and Cenier Community Development Association will be selling hot dogs, French fries, hush puppies, drinks and dessert. Lemonade and homemade ice cream w ill also be sold at Ihe fair. Residents of the Cenier Fire Dislrici are asked lo volunleerto help wilh the cooking and serv­ ing of the food on Friday and Saturday. Donations of home­ made desserts are also needed. Center Fair catalogs are available at the Davie County Register of Deeils office and the Davie County Agricultural Ex­ tension offices. The bluegrass band Southern Junction will play Saturday afternoon at the historic Judges look over Ihe quilting entries in a previous fair com petition. C enter Arbor. Land Trust To Have Festival At Cooleemee Plantation Tlic LaitclTrust Cor Central Norlli Carolina will hold ils Filth Annual Fall Festival and Fundraiser al historic Cooleemee Planlalion on Satiirdity, Oct, 5. Cooleemee, the privately owned Greek Revival planlalion ltou.se located off U,S. 64 East in Davie County, is a National Historic Landmark and rarely open lo the putilic. The festival begins al noon and includes a picnic lunclt on grounds encircled by l.'iO- ycar-old boxwoods, lours of Ihe house, crafl demonstrations, music and other activities. Seagrove potter Alan Long w'ill fire raku pottery and I'oniier Old Salem blacksmith and master melal cral'ter, Bernd Mergcner, will dcmonsirale his craft. Olher local cral'lspcople parlicipaling in the I'esilval include ‘‘The Piecemakers" (Davidson County Quilling Guild), and George Servance of Thomasville, ttalionally recognized wood carver who.se unique dancing figures are part of tnany folk art collections. A live auction al 1:30 w’ill feature some .30 items, including a w'eek’s stay al a villa in Ihe hearl of Italy’s w’ine-itiaking region and a painting of Cooleemee Plantation by nationally acclaimed pastel arlisl Elsie Popkin. "Each year Ihe festival gets belter," said Peter Hairslon, event chair whose family owns Cooleemee. "ll is a pleasure for us lo open Ihe house and grounds for this event because we believe .so strongly in the work The LandTrust for Central North Ciirolina is doing across the 10-county region lo pre.serve the places we love." Cooleemee Plantation is a part of The LandTrust. Tickets are .$.‘i() each. All proceeds go to 'I’he LandTrust for Cenlral North Carolina - a nonprofit conservalion orgaii-izalion that works with privale and public landowners to lind ways lo protecl attd preserve special nalural areas, family l'arins and rural landscapes in a ten- county region (Anson, Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Iredell, Montgomery, Randolph, Richmond, Rowan and Slanley). The LandTrust has preserved more lhan .S.VOO acres of land and natural areas Ihrough the generosity of ils members, sponsors and partner organizations. Persons interesting in attending The LandTrust’s fall festival at Cooleemee Plantation can contacl The LaiulTrttsl’s Salisbury headipiarters at 704-647- 0.302. Г T ’.T. WfiitB TrucèingJ F urn itu re Moving & Deliverin g Mocksville, NC /5 Years Experience f home (336) 492-2120 се1Ц704) 968-4776 Kimberly S. Pinyan, DMD w pk'osccl to iiiuiouncv the opening of her pn>ctia\ Scrvia>s include G e n e r a l a n d C o s m e tic D e n tis tr y . Appoinhiienls available now. Call 760-2011 4712 CountryClub Road (Ltx.vli'dnc.ir the inlcnu'ction ofJimi’sUnvnmdCouiUn'C/iil’l'laid'i) A i- e y o u r m e m o r i e s i n a s a fe p ia c e ? Cathy Foster (704) 546-5360 Pluito-safc Scrajibooli I’lioio Albuni.s Viiii w-mv.i:rf.iiivinicim)rlcs.aim Cla.«i.-,s and \Vorkshop.s Mcim.ric-s .. I lume Olbtc U) iuui rt C.onMili.im Hu,snmc.4sOpporiumnc. (жш),И1-5275 \ п ‘ NoiJ prepared lor lllt‘ rising cost of college? I can show you fievcral ways lo save for higher education expenses, including: I A liix-frcc 529 siivingb pliu»** I Coverdell education savings accounts (formerly Education IllAs) I Custodial accounts (UGMA/irrMA) •• Withdrawals for qualified higher education expenses. Call or «top by today. Matt Voreh 66 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4400 www.udwordjonce.com Member SI «»C Edwardjones Scrying Individual (ny««tan Since Ш71 12 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 m ’y* Oat Th» D C A L S T H A T W M J L л г т и 0 % * * F b M N M e in f ll A v f t M n ir it e ' R ^ i a l f t e U t e l l i i L «•SSH | t e 2 0 0 2 R a n g e r Cloth Split Bench & Much More! 2 0 0 2 F o c u s 4 d r . ‘ 0 2 V i l l a g e r E s t a t e Sporty, Economical Leather, 6 Disc $10,888* $10,888* $11,988* $22,988* 2 0 0 2 E s c a p e $17,988* O K ^ . . 2 0 0 2 E 1 5 0 V a n Power Grp. Racks / Bins 2 0 0 2 M u s t a n g Automatic, Leather * 0 2 F 2 5 0 w / U t i l i t y b o d y $17,988* $15,988* $21,988* ‘ 0 2 F 3 5 0 w / 1 2 * D u m p Ю 2 F l ^ ‘ 0 3 M e r c u r y H a r i e y D a v i d s o n M a r a u d e r One of a kind. Limited Production American Muscle Sedan, 302 H.P. 2 0 0 2 T h u n d e r b i r d Luxury Sports $26,988* $32,988* $32,988* $38,988* Buy A m erican... Buy Ford... “Buy ALL AMERICAN FORD” jm,ässsfssäss FORD MERCURY \-------MO >t . ^ N-Ш - ram ЖМИС1ЯГ I ---------— Mockiv/f/a Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • M ocksville, NC ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 1 Check us out at aaford.eom ■ All rebales/incenlives assigned lo dealer. '• Select models, OAC, Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 ■ B1 --« ir* ^ f' Justin Brown sprints through a gaping hole as Ben Allred (24) looks for som ebody to hit.- Photo by James Barringer Davie Smashes Lake Norman 61 -0 Ily Ilriun Pitts Davic County Enterprise Record Davic'.s nonconl'crcncc football game against vi.siting Lake Norman Fri­ day wasn'l I'oolball. It was low com­ edy. With Lake Nornian playing the sec­ ond game in its first year of existence and Davic playing game No. -183, the athletically superior War Eagles clob­ bered the awestruck Wildcats 61-0 in a classic gct-well game that followed gut- wrenching losses of l.'?-7 ami 14-12 lo Alc.xandcr Cuntral and West Rowan, re- ■spectivcly. Lake Nornian’s first loss was by 4(1 to Charlotte Hopewell, a second-year school that went O-IO last year. The machcte-vs.-butter knife matchup evoked llashbacks to lyy?, wtien Bcnjie Brown’s War Eagles undressed North Wilkes 71-0. Davie coach Doug llling synipa- tliized with Scoll Sherrill, who went 28- l.“! in four years at Norlh Mecklenburg belorc accepting the Lake Norman projecl. “1 feel for him." llling said after Davie improved its nonconference record to 1 -2. "I le's got kids that's never played football before and Criiursday niglil) he was lalking about getting thorn to line up correctly. So he’s got his hands full. "But the thing we preached was nol who we were playing but what we’re doing, and we came out and executed well for the mosl pan." From the opening kickoff, the dif­ ference between Ihe teams was obvious. Justin Brown opened Ihc floodgates with a touelulown on the game’s eighth play, ll was 27-0 almost within a blink of an eye. Here’s the first-quarter scoring se- (|uence lhat followed Davie’s first touelulown; a 31-yard interception re­ turn by corncrback Gareth White, a .“iO- yard connection from quarterback James "Cooler" Arnold to Larry Hudson and a 75-yard interception return by .safety Billy Riddle. Sherrill has only eight seniors, only eight players over 200 pounds and vir­ tually no breakaway speed. Slill, he seemed a bit surprised about what he saw. "I told Ihem I’m not used to this and 1 won’t get used lo it," he said. “1 comc from where we conipctc each week, and we went after people. (North Meek) was an established program and it's just a different caliber of football. But we'll get iherc." Sherrill was cruelly reminded iliar any system works only as well as Ihe players running il. Davie had six first- half possessions and scored on five of Ihem, the exception a Brown fumble at the Lake Norman 5. "He said ho was out of bounds, laid Ihe ball down and Ihey called it a fumble," llling said. The scoreboard resembled a pinball machine as Davic poured on 20 more poinis in the sccond quarter. Arnold hit receiver Brian Hunter for 57 yards, Brown walked in afler Hunter returned a punt to Ihe Lake Nonnan 5. and Riddle lined up at tailback and rumbled 18 yards for a 47-0 halflime margin. "1 knew we'd win big, but 1 didn’t Ihink we’d win this big," center Justin Lanning said. "It was too easy," Hudson said. The fourth 60-poinl game in Davie history did not como wilhoul a cosi. The War Eagles- losl Timmy Redmond - a defensive focal point :is a diird-year slarler al outside linebacker - lo a knee injury on Lake Nonnan's first play from scrimmage, and sophomore linebacker Chris Goode lo an ankle injury carly in I’lciist; See Brown - I’iiKe U7 War Eagle Tennis Team Outscores Opponents 48-6 Davie’s lennis leam not only has de­ feated every opponent, il has punished them. Last week the War Eagles blanked Soulh Iredell 9-0 in Ihe first Ccniral Piedmont Conference match. Ihen leveled West Forsyih 8-1 in Ihc second league match. Seven of nine matches against Soulh Iredell were 10- 0, and No. 2 doubles Deanna Shamel and Ashlee Prevette were done in 20 minutes. "We were out by 6:45. Thai W’as our quickest match." Coach Kimberly Buckland said. "1 think South lost a lol of the talent they had last year, anti they're trying to re­ build," Davic gave West Forsyth a brutal beating, too. Shamel. Megan Jordan, ISucklund Alyson Walker and Carly Balsley won by at leasl eight games, and Walker- Bowles won 10-0 al No. i doubles. "I thought West was going to bo a stronger opponent, and 1 was pleasetl that wc look care of them prelly quickly," Buckland said. "West might have even had some of Iheir bettor players playing lower seeds, jusi from watching them play. I know some coaches do lhat. We're play­ ing strong." The individual records: No. 1 Shamel is 5-1. No. 2 Jordan is 5-0, No. .1 Walker is 6-0. No. 4 Balsley is 4-1, No, 5 Alli.son Bowles is 6-0 and No. 6 Holly Vines is 6-0. In doubles, No. 1 Jordan-Balsley are 5-0, No. 2 Shamel-Ashlee Prevette arc 2 -1 and Walker-Bowles are 4-0. Davie has played 54 games in six matches, winning 48 of them (two of the losses were forfeits). "Practice is tougher lhan any match we've had so far," Buckland said. "(Be­ ing undefeated) means a lot to Ihem, especially the seniors. They might not play in college, so it's their last time playing competitive tennis as a leam. i think they really want to improve upon their rccord from lasl year, and going as far as possible is important lo all of them." The War Eagles’ perfect record could end on Sepl. 11. They'll bo a dccided underdog againsi visiiing Reynolds, which rouled them 8-1 twice last year. They svon eight of their other nine CPC matches in 2001. "That will be a true lesl." Buckland said. Davie play at Norlh Davidson on Sepl. 16 and al home to South Iredell on Sepl. 18. Duvic '), .Siiulh Ircdt'll 0 .Sln[|k’s - Dcatuia Stiuint;] dcf. Antia Tsmiias 10-4; .Mogaii Jordan dof, .Malliiry Eudy lO-O; ,\lysiin Walker ilcf, Eli/alKlh Cross |()-(): Caily Balsley dcf. Jessie liaker Allison Howies def. Lauren Beaver lO-O; Holly Vines del. .Sara I’ierce to o. Doubles - Jordan-Ilalsley dcf. Tsurnas-Eudy 10-2: .SIiainel'Ashlee Prevelte def Cress-Bakcr lll-O; Vincs-.Snow def, Ucaver-Pierce 10-0, Duvie H, WesI Kors.vlh I .Slnüles -.Shamel (D) del. Donna Webber 10- 2; Jordan (D)dci. Linsay Davis ll)-2; Walker (D) lief. Erika t^rocior K)-(); Balsley (D) def. Jenni­ fer O.icndinc 10 0; Bowles (D) def. .Michelle Oxendine 1(1-6; Vines (D) def, Jana .Sorrell 10- «, Doubles - Jordan-Balsley (D) dcf, Davis- I’roclor 10-4; 0.\endine-().\endine (WF) dcf. .Shanicl-l’revelle ID-4; Walker-llowlcs (D) def, Sorrcll-I’arsoils 10-0, NW C Contains M oser... But Still Loses The Northwest Cabarrus Trojans wouldn’t let Matt Moser embarrass them again, bul it didn'l make much difference. Even wilh Moser shut down for 67 minutes. Davie’s varsity soccer team still had too much for visiiing NWC last w'cek, Zach I lanraluin scored the only goal of the firsl half and Juan Lagos struck early in Ihe .second, Norlhwcsl never caught up and lost 4-2 as Davic washed down the nasty taste of blow'ing a .3-0 lead in a lo.ss lo Nonh Iredell in Ihe pie- vious game. “Northwest was ondiarrasscd (by five Moser goals in a 6-1 Davie romp on Aug. 19), and they were really pay­ ing a lot of attention lo Moser," Coach Jim Caudill said. "They’ve got some pride and they played hard." Afler Patrick Law and Hanrahan exoeuled a corner play for the first goal, Edward Johnson and Lagos hooked up, sending Davie to 3-1-1 in nonconfer­ ence play. "Lagos ab.sohitely hil a laserof a shot from outside the 18 off the far post," Caudill said. "I thought the ball denied Ihe post he hit il so hard." The Tn>jans pulleil wiihin 2-1, but whatever chance Ihey had to chase Davie down disappeared at tho 68th niinute when Hanrahan set up Mo.ser, who .scored again two minutes laler for an insunnountable 4-1 lead. That’s 11 goals and counting. “He’s not going to be denied," Caudill said. "1 wouldn’t«want to jinx him. He’s scored a lot of goals this year and I'm just not going lo say anyihing ahout it bccausc he keeps producing." Seniors Charlie Lester and Nick Nelson were Iheir typical productive selves on defense, bul the most intrigu­ ing part of the derensive performance was Dylan Reynolds, who made a rous;- ing varsiiy debut. The sophomore hanlly seemed in awe of the surround­ ings and played with poise lhat belied his varsity inexperience. "I pulled him up becau.se I see a lot of potential and I need his speed in the back to counter some of Ihese stronger leams that we’re going lo start facing," Caudill said. "He stepped in and did a tremendous job. As a matter of fact, a couple ofthe fellas were coming to me and saying: 'Look, we need to leave Dylan in there because he’s winning the ball and he’s very quick.’ He has a lot of composure when he does havo the ball. He made a couplc mistakes but they were overshadowed by the good stuff he did. "And he's a team player. On JV he scored goals. I’ve got him in Ihe back, midfiold or marking back and he said: ‘No problem.’ " Notes; Moser has scored in every Rcynuld.s Lagos game. ... Lagos is sccond wilh three goals, and Hanrahan is the assist leader. ... Davie plays nonconference games al Easl Forsyth on Sept. 11 and al Grims­ ley on Sept. 17. ‘This week’s going lo be a big test, and we’ll see where we’re ut," he said. "The only thing 1 want is lo play lo our capability. If wc can do that, 1 think we’ll be satisfied with our season." Volleyball Winning Streak Broken With a two-games-lo-;onc lead and a 9-0 record within sniffing disiance, Davie’s varsity volleyball team lost ils touch. Only one opponent had lasted five games with Davie but no one had come close to knocking off the War Eagles. It looked like ihings wouldn'l be much differeni when Davie seized a 2-1 lead (15-10,15-17,15-5) at North Iredell last week. But after winning 26 of its fir.st 3 1 games, including five of seven from the Raiders, Davie stubbed its toe and lost Ihe next two games (5-15, 5-15). After boating North 15-10,4-15,20- 18, 15-11 on Aug. 20, the War Eagles slipped to 8-1 in nonconferencc. “North is cenainly a quaiily team. Plus having already beaten thorn wc knew it was going to be a tough match," Coach Dave Markland said. "At times we played some ofthe best volleyball we’ve played all year, and we domi­ nated at times. Game two was key. We let it got away whon we could have gone up 2-0. It wasn’t a matter of us doing anything poorly - we were serving at game point." Tho War Eagles seemed headed for anolher matter-of-fact victory when se­ niors Sarah Williams, Sara M iller, Dawn Singleton, Candice James and Heather M iller and junior Allison Schafer put North in a 2-1 hole. But the Raiders righted themselves spectacu­ larly, winning 30 of the next 40 points. “The ease with which we won game three hurt us in game four,” Markland said. “We approached game four as if the malch was over, and they came oul , to prove it wasn’t, grabbed the momen- lum imd wc never recovered. ” II was bound lo hnppen eventually^' Markland absorbed llie loss philosophi­ cally. "Going undefeated was nol one of my goals," he said. “1 never mentioned that. The loss itself doesn’t bother me unless we don’t learn from the loss. I was disappointed we let them dictate momentum in tho last couple games, bul I’d rather do it carly in the year in a non- conference match. 1 do think we're a good team under pre.ssuro. I don't think they panicked. I don’t think pressure’s going to get to them. I ihink it was more mental, not keeping the pressure on them. “I told them I'm proud lobe 8-1, but there's some ihings we need to W'ork on." Losing to the Raiders did nothing to tarni.sh Davie's status as the Central Piedmont Conference favorite, and per­ haps one of the premier teams in 4-A. Last year North went 21 -0 in the regu­ lar season, advanced lo the third round Please See N. Iredell - Page B9 l/]/orth Noting... Lauren Parker stnick out 12 in her first outing as S. Davie’s softball team defeated North Rowan 19-13. , , . Kenneth. Brown nished for 126 yards in the S. Davie 8th football team’s 14-8 loss to West Rowan. Justin Thompson’s game-tying reception with 40 seconds left was negated by a flag. Colby Seaford completed 7-of- 8 passes, including five to Cameron Webb and a 75-yarder to Floyd Collins, in a 22-20 loss to West Rowan. Brittany Walker of Davie’s golf team fired a 1-over 37 at the Warrior in Rowan County. Jam ar Bratcher rushed for 126 yards as Davie's JV football team'blew past Lake Norman 34- 6.,,.^ ’ ^ James Arnold completed 3-of- 3 passes for 127 yards. Justin Brown and Jeremy Berube both topped 100 yards rushing. And Gareth White, Billy R id ^ and Ben Allred returned interceptions for TDs in Davie’s 61-0 win over Lake Norman. - В2 - Ì)AV1E COUNTY EN I’ERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 . II И I I South Davie's softball team enjoys a season-opening win over North Rowan, 19-13. A South runner collides wilh Ihe North Rowan catcher to score a run. A South batter lines a pitch off North Rowan. N o r t h S o c c e r T e a m C o m e s O u t S m o k in g The Ni'rlli IJa\ io hoys socccr leam canic out Mmikiiii;. cnisli- ing I-irM AsNCinbly 7-0 and dc- nyinj: Forsylh Country Day I-(I wilh a laic goal. Cass Cassidy and Michacl Jolly deposited two goals cach in ihc roul of FA. ami Andrew Linhart, Tyler Baity and Chris Waiiluck added one apiece, Haily was the hero againsl I'CD, snapping a defensive dog- fighl with jusl six iniMules lell. (ioalkcepcrs Kichie Ciassell and Jared Nelnis were respiinsihle lor the shiiKiuls. North ripped through First Assembly "aller only one week of practice." Coach John Mar­ shall said. "Wanluck has played really well." The captains arc eighth grad­ ers Uaity, Wantiick and Michael Sillier. The resl of Ihe team N o r t h C o m e s B a c k F o r V o l l e y b a l l W i n Summil jumped out lo a .“i-O lead on North Oavie's volleyball team lasi week. I'hen Jenny Mann went lo work, serving I.S unanswered poinis lo trigger a l.‘i-.‘>, I.“i-f) shutout. ■‘.She’s my sliongesi scr\er," Coach Irish King said afler the S o u t h T e n n is B e a t s N R South Davie's girls tennis leam blit/cd North Rowan ‘>-0 in Ihe Tigers' first match of Ihe season. Lauren Mauser. Leslie McHride, Kelly Fells, Chelsea Davis. .Sarah Roone and Annette Livingston were singles winners, llauscr is .South’s No. 1 player as a sevenlh grader. The Tigers play al home lo Corriher-Lipe on Sepl. 12 and al Southeast on Sepl. 16. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Wildcats improved lo 2-1. "Usu­ ally your overhead power serv­ ers are not as eonsisleni al ihis level. Hul for her lo serve LS in a row overhead ... I was real im­ pressed." A curious player put Summit away. Ashton Grubbs, who has struggled wilh her serve al prac­ tice, came alive with Ihe lights on and buried Summit wilh eight poinis, "She's a sleeper because in practice she doesn'l look real good, and all of a sudden in Ihe Marie's Place~Family Dining »49 Stiltbury Rd, Mocluvlll«, N.C. (B M kto o fN itu ra 'tG lto ) Phone 7514)088 Fax. 751-0010 Mon., Tues,, Wed. 6:00am - 3:00 pm Thur., Fri., 6:00 am - 9:00 pm Sat 6:00 am ~ 3:00 pm BrMkfMt dally e«n-10:30 im Lunch ttartlne it 10:30 «m a«t BfMlrfMt »«fvtd «II diy wHti lunch «t 10:30wn Join us for Breakfast and enter Drawing for a free Breakfast Meal Giveaway ~ Drawing Dally We took l^ a rd to serving you I owner : MaijiiKegister a Family Softball Teams Win W ith Ease The Norlh Davic and Soulh Davie soflball leams opened I- 0 with ease lasl week - wiih Nonh winning 26-11 overKno.x and Soulh topping North Rowan 19-13. Norlh coach Am y Spcckin pilchcd four sevcmh graders atul cleared the bench ill a ma­ jor mismatch lhat lasted iwo and a half hours. South’s victorious opener was gratifying, but assislanl coach Jane Whillock slill saw a long list of things to work on. South, Ihough, had every right to be a bil shaken. 'T-rrors caused them lo gel 13 runs," she said, "ll was er­ rors everywhere, bul we just had a lot of jitters because a lot of our players hadn’t ever played before. Al least we got a win oul of il." Latiren I’arker. Ihe second- year ace pitcher, threw seven in­ nings and collecied 12 strike­ outs. First baseman Rebecca Riddle lurned an unassisted double play, Parker and Rachel Goin rapped ihe sharpest hils and Taylor Cave opened eyes wilh a liner lo lefl field. Thc Tigers led I.V4 by the third inning, and "could have beaten them in five innings," South’s firsl-year head coiich, Hill Meadows, said. The Tigers play al home lo Southeast on Sepl. 11 and al Knox on Sept. 16. The Wildcats play al China Grove on Sepl. 11, al home lo Erwin on Sept. 16 and al West Rowan on Sept. 18. Lauren Parker pitched all seven innings and struck out 12 . Soulh's new coach, Bill Meadows, gives some pointers to a Tiger player. Tigers first baseman Rebecca Riddle turned an unas­ sisted double play. eighth graders Mas Cirahain. John Michael Barlell. Kenuy Barrantes. Jolly. Ross Davidson, Gassett anil Nelms and seventh graders Marshall Jefferson, Johnathan Roesch, Micah Womble. Jeffrey Loos, Linhart, Ryan Davis, Robert Gassett and Cassidy. North’s ne.\t game is Sepl. 17 al Forsyth Couniry Day. game she came oul of her shell." King said. "(Assistant coach Sherry) Angell and 1 were look­ ing al each olher and saying: 'Where's ihis serve coming from?’ Because in praclicc her serves are going in ihe uel." Sunuuil is "kind of weak ev­ ery year." King said, but Ihe Wildcats will have their hands full Sept. 1.^ when Ihey play at First Assembly, which domi­ nated North LS-.S, LS-7 on open­ ing day. It plays al F'orsyth Coun­ try Day on Sept. 17. (N О О (N нч н ч г - ч н н и ч Y ou are invited to jo in u s for o u r n ext H ealth 2 0 0 2 C o m m u n ity S creen in g FREE PROSTATE SCREENING for men 50+ years or 35+ years that are at nsk for prostate cancer Saturday, September 14 9;00 am - 11:00 am (drop in) Davis Regional Medical Center Outpatient Waiting Area with Dr. Robert Gr^ewski 8t Dr. Tink Johnson Roben Crajc;«ki, MD PifJmjnt Hea/thCjre TinkJohnson.MD PitJmofit HeMCjft P rostate c a n cer is th e third m o st c o m m o n c a u se o f d ea th from ca n cer in m en . In n u m er o u s c a se s a screen in g saves lives by d e te c tin g p r o sta te c a n c er in its earliest, m o st trea ta b le sta g e. T h is free screen in g o ffers a d igital exam a n d PSA b lo o d test. N o a p p o in tm en t is n ecessary, a n d screen in g s w ill b e d o n e o n a ftrst-co m e, first-served b asis. For m o re in fo rm a tio n , p lea se call (7 0 4 ) 8 3 8 -7 2 5 5 . ^ D A V I S R E G I O N A L 2 1 8 O ld M ock sville R o a d • 1-40, Exit 1 5 4 S tatesville, N C • ( 7 0 4 ) 8 7 3 - 0 2 8 1 w w w .d a v isreg io n a l.co m W e e k # 3 - S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 0 2 ^ T H E S p o r b L i n e . c o m . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - B3 Maryland's Bruce Perry Allsport NCAA Showdown of tlie Week ^Maryland Florida State 2 6 24 Ttie Terps will have to fight off a sense of early-season desperation, but ifs about time they got their first win ever over F.S.U., which leads this 36-year-oid series 12-0. W INN ER S Major Collogon - DIvleioti 1-A AlnbamaAriiona Slal».........'Arkansas Army ^'Aubiirr).................'BoH Slate'Boise S\alo 'Bowiing Green Brinham Youno •BuffnIoU.'Cincinnati''Clemson'Colorado’Colorado Slale'EoslCaronna'Easiem_Michigan'Rorida _ ■‘Houston’IflinolsIndiana'‘Iowa*Knn»a»'Kansas Slato •Kent•L.SU ..................’Lo'uisiara Tech‘MarylandMcNeese StaleMiamiMichigan‘Michigan Stale'Minnesota'Mississippi Stafo'Nebraska’Mb'« Mexico'North Cofolina Slate ''Northwestern'Ohio State'Ql^íahoma'Oregon'Oregon StalePittsburnh■Purdue'South Carolina 'Southern Mississippi ‘Stanford ‘Syracuse Teias'*To»as Christian •Teias Toch Troy Stale UCIA Utah'Utah Slale 'Virginia Toch ‘Wisconsin 2927'211824''3527223123 - - i i25 ii24 52 Î9 5423 22 294525263226 204625 ■ 342238293027 34 2B 56 46 21 17 2G24 23 38 5028263134 28 103533 29 •San Diego Sln»o Soulh Florida •Putner»Van3erbilt ....................Indiana State ‘Wyoming Missouri •Nevada 'Conneclicut West Virolnia GeorgiaTech Southern Cafifomin Louisvillo TulaneSoutheast Missouri Siale " OhioLouislana-Lafayetfe' ' ArVonsas Stato 'Kentucky Iowa SlawSoulhwest Missouri Stale Eastern Illinois Cal Poly SLO.Miami (Ohio) ...........TulsaFiorida State‘louisiana-Monroe'Temple'Notie DameCaliforniaToledoJacksonville Slale '•Penn Stale BaylorWa\e Forest DuVeWashinglon State Te*as-ti Paso IdahoNevadA-las Vegas 'AlabamaBirniinghamWestern Michigan GeorgiaMemphis •San Jose State Rtiode Island 'North Carolina Southern Methodist Mississippi Southern Utah •Oklahoma State ‘Arizona Idaho State Marshall Northern tllloois 'Alabama Slale 'Albany (NY) ‘Appalacnian Stale 'Austin Peay Bethune-CooVman ButlerCampbttllsvi'le Colgate Oelaware Delta State DrakeEast Tennessee State'Easfem WashinglonFairfieldFlonda A&M'FurmanGramblingHamptonHofstraHoly CrossJacUonville'James Madison'Lafayette-Marist'Massachusetts 'Morehead Stale 'Murray State Nicholls Slale 'Norfolk Slate Northern Arizona Northwestern St. (La.) ‘Portland State •PiesWerian •San D*eno Southern U.'St Mary's (Calif ) “ St. Peter's 'Stephen F. Austin Tennessee State ^•Tennessee Tech........•Tennessee-Martin •Toms AiM-Kingsviilo 'Villanova •Weber State •Weslern Carolina•Western Kentucky------[•Wiliam S. Mary ' ' Wofford ' - Mojor CoMogos - Division 1-A A 29 21 22 27 31 20 21 2030 20■ 23 35 26 2S 3527 29 24 27' 14 3423 2^3831 14 1624 1728 242930 30'173950 28'• 34- 44 34 14 27'51“ го“42 “28 ' Te*as Southern Central Connecticut State Eastern Kentucky Cenlf(\•Morris Brown •Florida Inlemational •Valparaiso ‘Fordham •The Citadel 'Mississippi Valloy *Missouri-Ro))a •Ga'rdner-Webb Western Oregon •LaSaiJe Morgan Slate Eton•Alabama A4M Howard'New Hampshire •Georgetown •O.iwioson Ftorida Atlantic Towson CanisiusAmerican International Kentucky State Southern Illinois •Samford Savannah State Sam Houston Slate •Delaware State North Carolina A4T Charleston Southern La Verne*Arkonsas-Pind Bluff Bucknttfl•St. Francis fPa ) Henderson Stale _Jack«m Stale Chattanooga Kentucky Wesleyan Prairie Wew ASM MaineWestem StaleWest Virolnia Tech ' 'Westernlninols 'AlbrightBloomsburo fockport state Juffato State Calholic 'Cheyney Clanon GenevaHampden-Sydney•Mob.^‘Indiana (Pa.) l^aca Juniata •King's (Pa)Kulztown Lycoming 'Muhlenberg ‘New Haven Slippery Rock S Connecticut State •Unton (N Y)Washinglon & Jeffer'soh Westem Maryland Widener Winston-Salem •Worcester Stale I P " "'Anderson _ __‘AsWand ■'Augustana (N1.) Au^slana (SO) Bonediclinb (Kan ) •BlulRon‘Ceniral Missouri State Chadron Slale Concordia (Neb.) Cuiver-Stockton Defiance 1Earlham'East Central OklahomaEvangel•Rndlay'Fort Hay» Stale Grand valley Slale 30263519 26 14 16' 28 16 21 23'29 1420 20 35 25 24 21 27 45273028 1731 Delaware Valley 'Shippensburg •New Jersey city Mansfield•Franklin i Marshal) Wesl Virginia State •MiHers'^ifie •Thiei•GeltjsburgDickinsonCatawba■Alfred•FDU-Madison Moravian •Lock Haven ‘Lebanon Valley Cal Lutheran Carson-Newman 'Gannon •Assumption St Lawrence •Allegheny •Susquehanna •Wilkes 'Bowie State Worcester Toch HopeIndian-..ianapolls 'Kansas Wesioyan ‘Lake ForesI ‘Lincoln (Mo) Mid-America Na^arene MillikinMissouri Southern State ‘Missouri Valley hMomingside ‘Nebraska-Omaha Nebraska Wesleyan 'Nonh Dakota Northern Michigan Northw........ arn Okla. ■Ohio Wesleyan Peru Slate •Pittsburg Stale •Ripon•Saginaw Valley Stale ‘South Dakota ■Southeastern Okla St. Cloud Stale ‘Truman Slate ‘Wabash Wittenbeig kansas Tech _jthany(WV 'Bridgewater (Va) 'Central Arkansas 'Christopher Newport East StroudsburgEmo7 4 Hen7 ^ ^ 'Falrmonl State FayetteviHe Slate Fort Valley Stale GuilfordJohns Hopkins _ ,. .Lenoir-RhyneMilesNowbuirfyRhodes■Sewanee■Shepherd _Torlelon Stale•Texas AiM-Comme^eTusculum''Tuskegee ■Union W )rV.rQinii Slate .......Wesl Georgia Northwood'......Central (Iowa) •Southwest State (Minn) Avila ■Ottawa Miram Sterflng ' ’Soulh Dakota Slale ■Hastings •Lindenwiood •Adrian •Manchester ■'Emporia State ■‘Wiliam Jewell - Wayne Stale (Mich ) Washburn •Ferris Stale •OttPauw •HillsdaleSouthwestern (Kan ) Grinnell St. Joseph's •Graceland •Franklin ■•Northeastern Oklahoma Central Methodist Northwestern (Iowa)' Midwestern Slate Midland Lutheran Mesa State Matey tiuisl '•Mlnnesota-Mankalo West Texas A&M •Olivet (Mich )•Iowa Wesleyan BaconeMonmouth (III)Michigan Tuch Mlnnesoto-Duluth Easl Texas Bapllst •Northern Slale Ouincy Kalamazoo *Ufbana Randolpii-Macon •Glenvlile S_ . e Slate '21 ‘Ferrum19 ■ ■ ' California (Pa)- 20 Eli/abelhC.ly3 - —35----------’Lane '16 ' ‘Methodist 21 ■Washinjjlon 4 Lee-----ta-----------‘West Wnlnia Wesleyan19......... 'Clark Atlanta‘ 42 ..........‘North Greenville State- --¿B ’ ‘Maryville (Tenn )- ' 28" ■ ' Rose-Hulrnan'17 Virginia Union 14----------'Angelo Stale----------'Angelo Stale Southern Arkansas •Morehouse' Benedict Concord ’ Johnson Smilh •Albany Stale (Ga ) EasßmNewNM“В____Llnfield ....'Padllc Cutherar>■U C. Davis , , ,____•We'slem New Mexico. . ■Western Wathlnglori___ 22-'■28' I f“20“ •Whittier ■New Mexico Highlands •Redlands Azusa Pacific 'Abileno ChristianSul Ross Slale ...........Fort Lowls • sHomo 720g14 u171920 20 12 12614 71713 1277762412921-10107171514 13 24767 13 10 23 13 1081314157 2115816 13 101314 1714 719 . 19 17 в 1015 10 12 1278 109 713713 7 614 713 12 IG ■ 771410 1215 В 71413710 71913 17 10 1214 12714141271013 71414 107615 10 - 10 10 17 6 1213 6 7201514 121314 9131271719101315 7 61414 13 1215 1417•14107-177 NCAA HIGHLIGHTS Maryland's E. J. Henderson (above) is ready lo lake on Florida Slale ... and Willie Otford (righl) and the Soulh Carolina Gamecocks will cele­ brate if they defeat Ihe Georgia Bulldogs. Soulh Carolina is favored by one poinl. Allsport photos . W hile M iam i, O klah o m a, Florida and O regon are piling up the points this w ee ken d against Tem ple, Texas-E I Paso, O hio an d Idaho, respectively, other Top 2 5 team s will have real g am es. H ost N orth C arolina should give Texas a fairer fight than lasl year, w hen the Longhorns, then ranked No. 4, dism antled th e Tar H eels 4 4 -1 4 , an em otional trium ph for Texas coach M a c k B row n over his form er team . T h e 'H orns will m ake it th ree in a row over U .N .C . - including their only o th er m eetin g in the p ast 2 0 years, the '9 4 Sun Bowl - but this tim e by only 15 points. In a crucial A tlantic C o as t C onference show dow n, w e're gingerly favoring M aryland to upset Florida S tate by two points. B oth team s h av e taken hard looks at them selves lately, F .S .U . after struggling against Iow a S tate three w ee ks ag o and M aryland after gelling stom ped by Notre D a m e tw o w ee ks ago. In '01, th en-19th-ranked Florida S tate upset th en -IO th -ran ke d M aryland 52-31 as S em in ó les Q B C hris R ix th rew for 3 5 0 yards and five TD 's. Th e Terps will h av e to fight off a sense o f early-season desperation, but it's abo ut tim e they got their first win ever over F .S .U ., w hich leads this 36-year-o ld series 12-0. It should b e a big w ee ken d in C olorado, w here w e've got C olorado by five points over S oulhern C al - w hich w ould be the B uffaloes' first w in e v e r over the Trojans in five tries — and C olorado S tate in a one-point squ eaker over Louisville. Let's hope the R am s and C ardinals m anag e m ore offense than they did last year, w hen they com bined for 93 rushing yards in a 7-2 Louisville win. A nother big upset, this one in the Southeastern C on feren ce; host S oulh C arolina by one over G eorgia. W e 'v e picked the G eo rg ia Bulldogs to b eat the G am ecocks the past tw o seaso n s and b een w rong both tim es - in '01 after the G eo rg ia d efen s e g av e up three straight third-and- 10 conversions on South C arolina's final TD -scoring drive, all but han ding the G am eco cks a 1 4 -9 win. W e'll learn a lot abo ut the Big Ten this w eek, w hen N eb rask a visits P en n S tale, O hio S tate hosts W ashington S ta le and M ich ig an and N o ire D a m e knock heads in South B en d , Ind. Il's hard lo b elieve I'lebraska and P en n S tate haven 't fa ced off in 19 ye ars , b u l th en they've m et only 11 tim es ever. T h e N iltan y Lions lead the series 6 -5 , but the C o rn h u skers w ill ev en it up. O hio S ta le and W ashinglon S tate last m ixed it up in '9 1, w h en the B uckeyes ran their record ag a in s t the C o u g ars lo 7 -0 . They'll m ake it 8 -0 . And in Ih eir firsl m atchup in th ree years, M ichigan will take its second in a row from N o tre D am s. Finally, ju s t how good is Marshall? Not good enough to beat Virginia Tech, as the nal/on will find out on Thursday night. The Herd Just d o esn ’t h ave Ihe defense to corral the H okies, w h o will undoubtedly sho w a bit more flash than they did in th eir last contest w ith M arshall, a 7-0 Tech win . . . in 1953. NCAA FORECAST STAT PACK NFL FORECAST: Sunday/Monday, Sept. 15/16 (Sunday) Chicago 26 •Atlanla 12 Tho Boars' offense needs lo show lhal il's for real, and what belter chance than against the Falcons' anemic defonse? Last year Chicago's 0 had sevon sacl<s and five lurnoVors in a 31-3 roul of Allanla. •Cleveland 22 Clncinnali 17 OK, Ohio fans, how many games have Ihe Browns and Bengals played since both clubs had postseason possibilities? That would be 20 in a row, since 1988. In '01 Cincy and Cleveland beat each other at home. Delroil 20 'Carolina 18 Wins will bo rare for these Iwo loams, so this may bo a real battle; Ihe Lions' passing attack and improved defense will make the difference. Detroit was a 24-9 win­ ner in their only matchup, in '99. Groon Bay 30 •New Orleans 14 Wilh an air game good enough lo over­ whelm the mediocio Saints defense by itself, the Packers nood work on tho ground. G.B. has lakon 13 of 17 games in Ihis series, most recently 34-23 seven yoars ago. •Kansas City 24 Jacksonville 9 In '01 Ihe Chiefs hold off Iwo lalo Jaguars drives lo beat Ihom for tho first limo in Ihroe trios, 30-26. This one doesn't look that closo, t}ecausG Iho K.C. offense will bo tho only one on tho field. Miami ■ 27 •Indianapolis 13 Tho Colls may nol miss Ihoir old division- males, the Dolphins, but f^iami will miss Indy, having won seven of Iho lasl nine In this series - 27-24 and 41-6 lasl year. Tho Dolphins will win with defonso. Henry Burris of Chicago ‘Minnesota Buffalo Rob Johnson of Tampa Bay Allsport photos 14 12 Speaking bf seven out of nine, that's the Vikings' all-time record against the Bills, whom Ihoy last dafoatod in '00, 31-27. Thai was a much dillerenl Minnesola leam, though, so call Ihis one an upset. Now England 28 •N.Y. Jots 21 A possible game of tho week, with the Patriots out lo prove lo another contender lhal they're no fluke. N.E. edged N.Y. 17-16 in their second battle last year, ending a four-gamo series losing streak. •Pittsburgh ndOaklani So maybe Ihoro aro two games of the wook - if Iho Raiders' defense rises lo the occasion against a toam wilh no discernible weaknesses. They mot most recently Iwo seasons ago, a 21-20 Stoelors win. •SI, Louis 35 N.Y. Giants 15 No club has Iwo belter early defensive tests lhan Ihe Giants, who Ьертп wilh tho 49ers and now faco tho NFL'sbesl olfense. Last year N.Y. admirably held Iho Rams lo]usl 15 points, but scored only 14. •San Diego 21 Houston 7 The good nows for the Texans is lhat San Diego is capable ol losing to anybody. The bad news is that a leam that hasn't made the playoffs since '95 is probably mad enough to avoid losing lo an upstart. •San Francisco 24 Denver 14 This one matches Ihe 49ors' strong running againsl tho Broncos' solid run defonso. Two years ago Denver boat S.F, 3,‘'-9, the first time in a 10-game series thal I 'ither loam scored fewer lhan 10 poinis, ‘Seattle 27 Arizona 19 Wilh their weak defenses, the Seahawks and Cardinals may score enough to look like NFC West challengers, but only against each other. They lasl mot in '98, when Seattle beat Arizona for the first time. Tampa Bay 19 •Ballimore . 14 Facing an improved Buccaneers offense, the salary-capped Ravens defense will be in for a hard day. Last year they bulled heads for Iho firsl lime over, and T.B.'s own trusty D shut Ballimore down 22-10. Tennessee .................. 30 •Dallas 13 You can't say the NFL doesn't havo 'a'sense of history, or at least a sense of humor; Afler opening againsl the new Houston, tho Cowboys battle the old Houston -- which punished Dallas in '00, 31-0. (Monday) Philadelphia 24 •Washington ................................ 17 How evenly matched have theso two clubs ' been? In each of Ihe pasl six seasons they'vo split their series, and each has won three games at home and three on Ihe road. This year Philly just may sweep. KKCORI), Sçiit. 12, 2002 FOOTBALI CONIESr N A M E T H E W IN N IN G T E A M S E A C H W E E K A N D W IN CONTEST RULES Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. 9. Pittsburgh V. OeKiand Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Itars Johnny Marklin • Melissa M. Cartner 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 » 336-751.3975 C R u c k ’ s P i z z a ™ . , „ . . j j ------------------------------------------------------------ K in d a S illy N a m e R E A L L Y G O O D P I Z Z A 16. West Forsyth v. N.Forayth Mocksvlle Marketplace Shopping Cenler • 751 ■0409 8. Now England v. NY Jets D a ¡r i| Q u e e n Have a Special Treat Before £r After the Game 5286 Hwy. 158 • Advance • 940-2438 S p f f l m a n ^ L a n d & H o m e S a l e s 2. Cleveland v. Cincinnati Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 Matt Voreh liivc.sliiiciil H cprc.scM laliv 66 Court S(|uanr MiM’k s v ill(\ t\C27():2Ji (336) U\S W.»4lUiinljnf|i*>.rotll Srnin^» Individuili IntrstnrsSinrr IK"! 17. DavIe High v. Mooresville E d w a r d jo n e s Г “ “ 53&<----------1 I SAVEan j I I1 0 %UILOING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 1(1. St. Louis V. NY Giants wM> coupon i MOCKSVIUE’S COMPUTE BUILDER'S SUPPLYI ! * completB lumber yard for the past 84 years. L J Where your granddad was a satisfied cuatomerl CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.. Clemmons 31 Years Experience 766-8110 or 766-0166 26. Maryland v. FIs. SL 1. Anyone can enter excppt employees ol Ihe Davio County Enterprise Record and their families. Only one entry alliTwed per pefson per vseek. AU entnes must be on orfo/nal newsprint or fa* to 33&-75»-9760 2. Games m Ihis week's contesl are Itsled m eacfi advertisement on these tAQ pages. Fitt m mo contest Wank and submit or t^e entró­ lo the Enterprise Record, PO. Bo* 99, Mocksvnlie. NC 27028 3. Tho first enirani correctly predcting tho outcome ol all games in a week will receive a bonus ol S2500 WeeAfy pn;es are S25 & Cap tor lirsl place and S5 for second place. 4. !n case ot t'es, the er^frant who camo closest to the total number of pomis in the t;e breaker wins. II a tie stilt e*ists. awards wil bo derided equal^^ among the winners. 5. Entrcs must bo delsvefod to Iho Enlerpnso Record before 5 pm Friday each week. Tiie olfice is kxrated al 171 S. Mam St.. Mocksville, NC, 6. Winners Will be announced loilowing each contest. Decisions ol ludges wiit bo final A new contesi Will bo announced eacfi week. ^ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfocl Entry « 2 5 1st Prize & Cap 2nd Prize ► \H illsdale A nim al H ospital Karla Frazier, DVM w 1 I t 134 Mcdical Drive Advance Ш С 998-8750 Call for information on new client specials.14. Tampa Bay v. Ballimore [ C p ó ^ b r ^ r í iM ib . r i t t e ' 7670 NC Hwy. 801, Cooleemee (336) 284-6000 NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS Including: • Raybestos • Gates • W IX & M uch More 18. Clomson V. Ga. Toch Tommy Ivey/Owner 8:00-5:30 M-F 8:00-12:30 Sal, EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mock-sville, NC 751-2148 1. (NFL) Chicago V, Atlanta Gardner’s ® S 423 H w y. 1 S8 • A dvance O pen Mon.-Fri,, 8am-6pm & Sat., 8am -3pm 998-1723 Is your vehicie ready for the upcoming winter? 7. Minnesota V. Buffalo Come by and visit the professional staff at Gardner's Xpress Lube for all your vehicle maintenance needs. ' Tops Travel Tops on Professional Service Y o u r ÌAK-al F u ll S e ir ic e T ra vel Л цепс] 336-766-7303 www.topstravel.com ^ 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons О ж - \ Ж 1 ▼ G о T . p I ш g o l f c l u b 12. San Francisco v. Denver For Tec Times Call 940-2000 Bell ¿f Howard C H E V R O L E T S a l e s • S e r v i c e P a r t s a n d B o d y S h o p — 2 4 H o u r W r e c k e r S e r v ic e — 19. ECU V. Tulane Statesville, NC (704) 873.9094 C r o w < J e r ^ ^ C h e s n e y c ^ s s o c i a t e s Щ24. NCState v. Wake Forest Your Hometown Realtoi 2765-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 Then look lo your good neighbor Stale form'’ ogenl. Through on unbeatable alliance wilh Fortis Health*, I'm offering flexible and offordoble insurance coveroge. If ihal's what you'iB looking for, come see me today; Darryl Bandy, Agent Advanco, NC 336-940.2302 5. Kansas City v. Jncksonville Uke a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” slol(lotm.(om’ Гвпп ЫопоЫ. buimt lanperr ■ •'лг.'"' 'Г F O R T IS W E H A V E M A N U F A C T U R E D k H O M E S T O F IT Y O U R B U D G E T S E E JA C E o rS T E V E T O D A Y l 13. Seattle v. Ariiona B o n a n z a M o ftile H o m e s 700 Wllkosboro St. • Mocksvrno, NC Intor. Hwys. GOI &64 N. 336-751*5959 OH7ifJ & Operaled hy Jack Morf>an D avie M edical E q u ip m en t p r o v i d i n g a ll o f y o u r h o m e h e a l t h c a r e n e e d s . 15. Tennessee v. Dallas 9 5 9 S a lis b u ry R d . M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 ( 336) 751- 4288 •( 888 ) 797-1044 Fax ( 336 ) 751- 4688 W i l s o n C o m m u m c a t i o n s . J n c . Your Total Communication Source” ж cingular г-щ ^-Gree^B^yj^NewOrl^nj^ NEXTEL ' ' -4 Ca.se or C iir Charger u llli phone ucllvutlíHi | I >^ilhriwpcH».Nul«aUJH|||iaii)Mbrruffrr. | H i l l s d a l e D e n t a l 6. Miami V. Indianapolis Dr. Jerry Hauser Dr. Adam Dorsett Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 M edical D rive, A dvance ______336-998-2427 Y o u r “ H o m e -T o w n ^ ^ D r u g S to re Foster Drug Co. 11. San Olego v. H o u st«*^ 495 Valley Road * Mocksvtlle, NC 336-751-2141 D A V IB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/E ^ I^ E C O R D FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISING P.O. Box 99 171 South Main St., Mocksville, N C 27028 phone; (336) 751 -2 129 fax; (336) 751 -9760 20. Florida v. Ohio D A V IE C O U N TY E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , S e p t. 12, 2002 - BS Davie High inducted its second liall of fame class (on the left) at halftime of Friday's football game. Members of the first class are on the right. - Photos by Robin Fergusson B a r g e r , I j a m e s , R a n d o l p h , S h a n k s , S p r y I n H a l l O f F a m e Davic High homirocl its soc- oiul hall o f fame class at half- tim e o f F ritlay’s Iw m c football gam e.'t hey aro Burt Uargcr. the late James "Jin g le s" Ijaincs. Deanna Thomas Ramlolph, Sa­ rah Garilner Slianks and Scoliy Spry, • Harger was a high-school coach for-1,i years. itieUuliiig I.“' at Davic. He won a NCI ISA A award for his conlrihu lion lo high-school track, anti he won 17 irack lilies, iiicliitlin g four W N C H S A A lilie s . Ik- also coached in Ihc (•ast-Wcsl A ll- Star Fooihali game. • lj'.Hi\es»veri\geil 1').5 poinls and 16 reboiHuls as a I ‘>70 se­ nior. leading Davie's hoys h;is- kclha ll team lo hack-lo-hack conference chanipionships. He SCI conference records in five Irack events and earned baskel- tv.ill and Irack scholarships lo W inston-Salem Slale U nive r­ siiy. • UaiKlolph (Class o f 197')) was all-conference in basketball four years, soflball llivee years. Iwo years. She earned a basket­ ball scholiivship to N orlh C aro­ lina U niversiiy. • Shanks was a four-year let- lerman in volleyball. Irack and baskelball. She was all-confer­ ence in Irack three years, w in ­ ning a stale championship and m aking Honorable M enlion A ll- Am erican as a 1 '« 2 senior. She was all-conference in volleyball ihrcc years. Iwo years in baskel­ ball and A ll-N orlhw esl in bas­ kelball. She earned a scholar­ ship 10 BelmonI Abbey for bas­ kelball and volleyball. • In wreslling. Spry (1')*)-*;) was a ihrce-lim e slalc champion and an Honorable M enlion A ll- A m e ric a n . He was tw ic e a m e niber o f the N .C . Ju n io r O lym pic team and finisheil his D avie career w iih a UK)-.'? record. There w ill be a five-part se­ ries on each hall of fanier - w ilh several piclurcs. a look al their entire sports career and com - nienis from form er learnmale.s anil coaches - beginning in lale M ay or early June. irack"i\i»r yearram i viiiley^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scotty Spry (left), Burt Barger (second from left) and Sarah Gardner Shanks (fourth from left) receive their induction into the Davie High Athletic Hall of Fame. Odessa Ijames (third from left) and Agnes Thomas (fifth from left) represented inductees James “Jingles" Ijames and Deanna Thomas Randolph. Odessa is Jingles’ widow and Agnes is Deanna’s mother. G O N G R A Y U I A T I O N S To last week's winners in our Football Contest F ir s t P la c e = $ 2 5 t o T r a c e y A r n o ld S e c o n d P la c e = $ 5 t o J a m ie L o o i< a b ill Tracey Arnold takes the honors this week with just 6 misses. Jamie Lookabill won the tie-breaker over several others who missed only 7 games. E N T R Y O I _ A f \ I K / ■I’laques-Tropliics-M ediils- En(>nivin^-I54ltoits-Kihl)ons- I’lustic S¡i>ns-Nimn; TaRS слИ Ъ ж ж ж ^ 30. Miami V. Temple Gary Taylor ^ 2-11У l.cwisviHc-Clcnmu'ns Kd HumcorPa.x |3.'^6)7?8-212I Clemmons. N’C 270)2 Salem Glen Country Club W ednesday, Sept. 18th B B Q R ib N ight, $ 1 3 .9 3 " Thursday, Sept. 19th .. Siilem Glen Prime Rib, .$16.95" 22. Northwestern v. Duke lODO Glen D.iy Drive, Ciemmon.s • 712-0303 S.ilenynlen.ivm CHAPPELL ELECTRIC, LLC 29. Va. Ted) v. Marshall 1710 CHARDALE DRIVE, CLEMMONS 7 6 6 - 3 0 2 4 Electrical Service You Can Trust 21. Appalachian St. v. E.Kontucky B e t h ’ s H a llm a r k New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-6567 27. Michigan v. Notre Dame V O G L E R -i’criy//y ¡he coimmiiiiiyjiir nwr N 4 war.s: Funeral Home “See Us For PrearraHgedFuneral Plans” C le m m o n s C h apel • 2 8 4 9 M id d leb ro o k D r. • 7 6 6 -4 7 1 4 J 3 F A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES 3. Detroit V. Carolina For all your stiifjin}> needs, ¡¡ive us a call. 336-751-4414 • M ocksville 23. S.Caroiina v. Georgia Great Savings Ttiroughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clem m ons Road, Clem m ons Hours: Mon-Fri, 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 iviviv, clem m onsdlscountsales. com B la n ke í C re e k N u rs e ry and L a n d sca p in g Cortim orcial & Residenlial Fall Is The Time To Plant Specializing in Landscape Renovations Plantings Installed • Plugging • Seed • Tractor Work Perennials & Herb Gardens Installed Free Estimates, 28. Nebraska v. Penn St. 1620 iBwlivltlB-Clemmons Rd, • ClBmmons • 778-0303 • 766-09S6 I ^ I I 3' I I I I ^ I I I 10. I I I I I I I I 18. I 19. I 20. I I 22. I 23. I I 25. I 26. I I 28. I 29. I 30. I I I Texas vs. UNC I I I ADDRESS:_ j DAY PHONE:. L EATON FUNERAL SERVICE -------------------------------- SPILLMAN'S HOMES LAND SALES___________________ ABLEST -------------------------------- WILSON COMMUNICATIONS _____________________ STATE FARM-DARRYL BANDY -------------------------------- HILLSDALE DENTAL -------------------------------- GARDNER'S XPRESS LUBE _____________________ DAIRY QUEEN -------------------------------- DANIEL FURNITURE -------------------------------- CAUDELL LUMBER -------------------------------- FOSTER DRUG -------------------------------- OAK VALLEY ------------------------------- BONANZA HOMES ----------------------------- --- HILLSDALE AMIMAL HOSPITAL _____________________ DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT -------------------------------- BUCKS PIZZA -------------------------------- EDWARD JONES-М А П VOREH _____________________ COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS -------------------------------- BELL & HOWARD CHEVROLET _____________________ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE -------------------------------- BETH'S HALLMARK -------------------------------- SALEM GLEN --------------------------------- CLEMMONS DISCOUNT -------------------------------- CROWDER, MCCHESNEY _____:----------------------- TOPS TRAVEL -------------------------------- CLEMMONS CARPET -------------------------------- VOGLER & S O N S ------------------------------ BLANKET CREEK NURSERY -------------------------------- CHAPEL ELECTRIC -------------------------------- EXCALIBUR AWARDS -------------------------------- ■fii'llri'uktr I’rciiiei liic uilal sciirc in liic fiiilnwiiii: gamf. In ci№i;s of tics, liie licbreakcr wiil Iw mod to delL'niiiiiu Ille wimier.s. Total Points Scored_________ NAME: NIGHT:. Entries Must Be Received Before 5 pm Friday Hfi . DAVIK COUNTV EN TKRI'RISK RKCORl), SqX. 12. 2002 S e n io r s a f e t y B e n A llred tr ip s u p a ru n n er. DAVIE COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD, Sepi. 12,2002 - B7 S o p h o m o r e ru n n in g b a c k J u s tin B r o w n r u m b le s to w a r d h is first v a r sity 1 0 0 -y a r d g a m e . G a r e th W h ite r etu rn s a n IN T 3 5 y a r d s to t h e e n d z o n e . Q u a r te r b a c k J a m e s “C o o ter" A rn o ld k e e p s th e b a ll a n d ru n s th r o u g h th e m id d le . Timmy Redmond gets carried off the field after injuring his knee. S e n io r c o m e r b a c k G a r e th W h ite b lo c k s t h e p a th o f L a k e N o r m a n r u n n in g b a c k B o b C h in n . F r e s h m a n R a e s h o n M cN eil y a n k s d o w n a W ild c a t. How Much Has Davie Improved? Find Out Friday A lllio u g h D avie's Cootball team is co m in g o(T a 61-0 d ro w n in g oC Lake N orm an, CoacU Doug Illing saitl llic jury's s lill out on the War Eagles, who opi;ned the season w iih losses to A lexander C cnlra l and W esl Rowan. Bul he expects a verdict by Friday when Davie travels lo M ooresville lo lake on Coach M ike C arlcr and liis 2-0 Blue Devils. Game lim e is 7:.1() p.m. "T his is going lo tell us how wc sland," he said oC the non- conlereiicc conlest. "This w ill bc a good measuring stick." The Blue D evils (S-4, 4-2 Norlh Piedmoni ,1-A Conference lasl year) appear as menacing as ever. They ripped South Iredell .10-7 and heat Alexander Central - which shaved Davie 1.1-7 - going away .14-12. They have ih cir custom ary arsenal o f roaring I’orsclics in Ihe Iriplc-option backfield. Againsi South Ire d e ll, h alfb a ck Sky McCombs had 10 carries for 80 yards, sophomore (ullback B.J. W ilson had 74 yards on 12 car­ ries. hallTiack David Sherrill had .“if) yards on eight carries and i|uarterback Matt Lam bcrl had 41 yards on seven carries as M o ore sville accum ulated 21 firs l downs and .102 rushing yards. Alexander Central trailed 1.1- 7 al halflim e and hung around fo r three quarters before M ooresville pulled away. M c­ Combs broke two TD runs. “ Il’s a traditional M ike Carlcr team," Illin g said. "You better stop the fullback and quarter­ back." D avie's banged-up defense has played admirably all .season, running its streak o f holding op­ ponents under 21 poitits to LS gam es, b ul K yle G ustafson, B illy Riddle and Co. w ill have their mettle tested this week. “ W e've just got lo play lo our potential," Illin g said. "W c still haven’t done it. As m uch as you'd think the (61-0) score re- llected it, we s lill haven’t played lo our polenlial at every posiiion. W e’ re s till having too many missed assignments up fronl on offense, and we're nol going to be able to do that and w in big L 1 4 - 1 2 W 6 1 - 0 C a r .G a in A v g .L o n g 51 2 5 7 5 .0 1 8 1 7 1 2 3 7 ,2 3 4 2 4 7 6 3 .1 1 8 1 5 6 3 4 .2 1 8 2 3 1 .5 4 1 -6 0 .0 0 1 -6 0 .0 0 1 1 1 5 1 0 4 .5 3 4 1 1 0 2 8 0 2 .5 2 8 C o m p A tt Int P e t Y d s T D L n g 1 2 2 9 1 .4 1 3 2 6 9 2 5 7 1 2 2 9 1 .4 1 3 2 6 9 2 5 7 2 8 4 8 4 .5 8 3 3 9 8 3 4 0 R e c Y cls A v g .T D L o n g 5 1 3 3 2 6 .6 1 5 0 4 1 0 2 2 5 .5 1 5 7 2 3 1 1 5 .5 0 2 0 1 3 3 .0 0 3 1 2 2 6 9 2 2 .4 2 5 7 2 8 3 9 8 1 4 .2 3 4 0 T D C o n v . K ick F G P ts 0 0 8 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 11 0 8 2 8 0 4 0 3 0 2 7 T a c k le s F o r L o s s S a c k s B rU p F F 2 6 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 1 9 4 2 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 11 2 1 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 T h e h o m e c r o w d c h e e r s o n e o f D a v ie ’s n in e to u c h d o w n s .Photos by Robin Fergusson Kicking W in te r s PUNTING W in te r s P A T F G 8 -9 . 2 - 3 A tt Y d s 9 2 8 4 L g 2 0 - 2 9 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 3 5 0 - 0 2 - 2 0-1 games like this one." Illin g 's greatest w o rry is Davie's injury silualion on de­ fense. O utside lin e b a cke r T im m y Redmond injured his M C L against Lake Nonnan and is out for al least three games. An often-used reserve, Kevin Boger, suffered a concussion againsi Wesl Rowan and w ill like ly sit out a second game. Tackle Sam S to va ll (a n kle ) missed most o f ihe last tw o ganies and is questionable for Friday. And linebacker C hris G oode (a n kle ) w ent dow n againsi Lake N orm an and is questionable. "D efensively they’re prelly good when they’ve gol all Iheir people," C arter said. "D avie docs a lol o f Ihings on offense. Thai fom ialion presents a lot of thoiighl process, and that can be a problem because they’re pretty s lic k in how they do lhat. They're real big, they've gol a good scheme on defense and they're real good at relum ing punts." Though Davie is clearly the underdog, il shouldn'l bc in tim i­ dated. Last year il held Moores­ ville 10 125 yards rn.shing and rocked Ihe Blue Devils 31-13. M ooresville, though, beal Davic soundly in the JV game, 34-14. ■'It gives us confidencc know­ ing we beal Ihcni before, we can beat them again," Illin g said. "W c'vc done things lo shut their offense down, and w e’re going lo continué the same type of game plan." Notes: Moore.sville leads Ihe scries 12-10-1 bul has losl .six of the lasl eight to Davie. ... Lam ­ bert only attempted four passe.s against South Iredell, com plet­ ing Iw o for 62 yard.s,... Lasl year Davie stifled M ooresville’s run but gave up 170 yards through the air. ... Carter is in his 30lh year o f coaching, 24th as a head coach and I4lh al M ooresville. Davie Footbali Statistics Record: 1-2,0-0 CPC a t A le x a n d e r C e n tr a l L 1 3 -7 W e s t R o w a n L a k e N o r m a n RUSHING B r o w n B e r u b e A r n o ld R id d le H u n te r B e a m Y o u n g Davie PASSING A rn o ld Davie Opponents 2 8 PASS RE H u d s o n H u n te r S t e p h e n s R a n d o lp h Davie Opponents 2 8 W in te r s A rn o ld B r o w n R id d le A llred B e r u b e H u d s o n H u n te r W h ite Davie Opponents Defense R id d le R ic e R e d m o n d G u s t a f s o n J . G o o d e 0 . G o o d e B le d s o e W e s t A llred S to v a ll S c h a m b a c h W h ite C o r n a tz e r M c N e il IH a tth e w s B o g e r G e n tr y H a u s e r P a n e (defensive numbers through two games) INTERCEPTIONS A llre d , H a u s e r , R id d le , W h ite FUMBLE RECOVERIES B le d s o e 2 , C . G o o d e , H a u s e r , S to v a ll Brown, Berube Top 100 Yards C ontinued From I’ugc III the sccond quarter. Both players were carried o ff, join in g three other defensive players (tackle Sam Stovall, nose guard Bran­ don Pane and outside linebacker K e vin B oger) on D a vie 's M .A.S.11 unit. "I d o n 'l know w hal w e're going 10 do." Illin g said. "Gosh dang, every tim e 1 looked up somebody was coming o ff ihe field hurl. Il's terrible. We en­ joyed the w in bul 1 hale il for Ihose guys. W e're snake bit or something." No one needed a dose ofcon- fideiice more than Davie's work- in-progress sophomore quarter­ back. A convened tailback who m isfired on 17 o f 2ft passes in the los.ses, Arnold hit light end Cody Stephens for 20 yards and delivered two bombs in stride lo Mudson and Munlcr. Three passes, Ihrec comple- lions and they totalled 127 yards. H unter had 134 a ll-p urp o se yards, including 77 on Iw o punl returns. "W e wanted to establish the run, o f course, but that was good to gain sonic conndencc in our Ih ro w in g gam e," Illin g said. "T h a i’s som ething we haven’t been doing. W e’ve had open re­ ceivers and haven’t been giving them a chance lo catch and run, and I’m glad lo see il executed in a game. Regardless o f who we played and whal the talent level was, we execined w ell." The W ild c a ts ' generosity d id n 'l end in the first half. They fum bled the kicko ff to open the th ird and watched the margin ballo on lo .‘54-0. A m azingly, Davie reUmicd a third IN T all the way as safely Ben A llred made it 61-0 w ilh 8:42 lefl in the third. The slaughter opened the door for b:ickups, and running back Jeremy Berube made the absolute most o f il. A fle r Brown rushed for 114 yards on 18 car­ ries in Ihe firs l half, Berube added lo Lake Nonnan's misery by pounding into the line 17 limes for 123 yards. "Everybody gol 10 play, all 4 7." Illin g said. "W e tried lo keep them focussed as much as possible, and it’s d iffic u lt be­ cause you’re nol in this situation very often. "Berube works hard during the week and understands his role. O ur goal was to gel him as many carries as we could and let him have fun." W ith the score oul o f hand and the defense banged up, Davie played tw o offensive line­ men al linebackcr, Justin Nor­ sw orlhy and M ilehell Roberts. "T h is is a big boost for us, we’ve jusl got lo gel everybody heallhy," Lanning said. "1 was llc n ib e Nor.sworthy Riddle waiting for my turn to go in al linebacker. (N orsw orlhy and Robens) tells you how versatile we are. They’re going to lake Norsworlhy away from us (on offense) if he plays like lhal again." N hU's: Sophomore Brown's rushing total has climbed each game, from 60 lo 83 lo 114. " fle ’s been running hard and blocking trem endous," Illin g said, "The thing you can't say enough aboul is his blocking ability." ... Davie showed an I- formation for the first time late in the firsl half. W ith Brown at fu llb a c k , la ilb a c k R id d le churned out 27 yards on three runs. "T h a t’s som ething we could see down Ihe road," Illin g said. ... R edm ond (stra ine d M C L) w ill nol return u nlil con­ ference play, al the earliest. JV Team Whips Lake Norman A v g . 3 1 ,5 L o n g 5 3 In 2 0 3 A fte r 10 listless m inules, Davie’s JV fuolhall team slapped il.selfawake and easily overtook Lake Nonnan .14-6 last Thursday in M ooresville. The first-year school actually led 6-0 al the end o f the first quaner. A l lhal juncture, it was as though Davie said lo itself; "O K . enough kidding around." G ariy in the sccond D a vic romped 76 yards in Ihree plays, lyin g il on a 12-yard run by Jam ar B ratcher and m o vin g ahead 8-6 on ReShawn Parks’ tw o-poiul conversion. The m onienluni-swinger was a .SK-yard burst by Bratcher, who amassed 126 yards on 11 carries and sparked a 22-poini second quarter as Davie im proved ils nonconference record lo 2-0. "Bratcher ran the ball hard," Coach Lee L in ville said. ” 1 Icck. on the 12-yard touchdown run he broke four tackles. He's ju sl a bull," D avie ju m p e d on Jake Porter’s back on its secontl scor­ ing drive. The seven-play, 42- yard drive involved seven runs by Porter, who scored frilni 12 CPC Football Standing.<; O v c n ill C onf. S. Rowan W. Forsylh N. Davidson Davie S. Iredell Reynolds F riday's Scorc.s S. Rowan 35, E. Rowan 6 Glenn 14, W. Forsylh 7 Lexinglon 43, N. Davidson 22 Davie 61, Lake Nomian 0 S. Iredell 36, W. Iredell 20 M l. Tabor 35, Reynolds 7 I'YIday’.s (iainvs Davie al M ooresville W. Rowan at S. Rowan N. Davidson al C. Davidson W. Forsylh al N. Forsylh N. Iredell at S. Iredell E. Forsylh at Reynolds 3-0 0-0 2-1 0-0 l- l ()-() 1-2 o -o 1-2 0-0 0-3 0-0 yards en route lo 7 1 yards on 15 carries. "P orter's Ihe same way (as B ratcher)," L in v ille said. "Me was jusl ninning Ihrough people, carrying people forexira yards." O nly 45 seconds remained in the half, bul thal was all Davie needed lo lack on six more. A low kicko ff slammed o ff a W ild­ cat, Brock Flowers recovered the loose hall and quarterback Brad Corriher directed Davie 53 yards w ith four straight completions. The lefty h il Troy Blakley and Zach Vogler tw ice cach, w ith Vogler scoring w ith less than a sccond on Ihe clock. "C orriher was poised anil re­ laxed," L in ville said. “ We ran the same play four times. We jusl nin il right and nin il left." Parks, Bratcher and anolher capable breakaway runner pad­ ded the m argin in the .second half. Parks returned an intercep­ tion to the Lake Norman 8, and Bnitchcr took over from Ihere to make il 28-6. Then Jaspen Gniy, a starting safely, got inlo Ihe act, sprinting 5 1 yartls on IWO runs lo close Ihc scoring. "G ra y’s first carry o f the year was 19 yartls," L inville said. "He was through Ihe line before any­ body knew it." Several players were inslru- niental in holding Lake Norman scoreless over the final three- plus quarters, including Jordan Fowler, Dustin Morgan, Flow ­ ers, Logan Buchanan, Scan Wagoner, K urt B ivins, Joseph P hillips and Parks. "M org a n was a ll over the place,” L in ville said. "Flow ers and Buchanan are really coming on at linebacker, and Wagoner was la yin g lic k s on people. (Freshman safety) Parks is ev­ erywhere, coining up and mak­ ing tackles at the line." Nole-s: Davie overcame the loss o f tw o suirtcrs who moved up lo varsily. Grant Lakey and Brent Abendrolh fille d in fo r Ryan Boehm al cenler, and Jonathon B rill filled in for Zac Bratcher O ’Brien at oulside linebacker.... Davie plays visiting Mooresville on Sept. 12 al 7 p.m. ’’W e’ve got three big (noncon­ ference) games coming up. They really need me, but m y team­ mates arc going lo step up and w e’ re going lo be alright,” he said. "I'm going to work my butt o ff in rehab and get ready for conference." ... Kevin Winters just missed ;i 44-yard field goal by hitting the crossbar... Jeremy West reconled a sack and Chris Hauser made a fumble recovery and interception. I.a k c N o rm a n О О О 0 - 0 D u vie 27 20 Ы 0 -6 1 K lrsl Q u a rte r D - Brown 2 nm (Winters kick). 4:04. D -W h ile IN Trciu n i(W in tcrs k lcl(), D llutlson SO pass from Arnold (k ick fail), 4:00. О - Riilillc IS I N T return (W inters kick ). 1:16 Second Q u a rte r D - H u m cr 57 pass from Arnold (W im c is k ic k ).».2 1 . , D - B ro w n 1 run (run fait), 5:32. D • Riddle IK run (W inters kick), ' .1:1.4. T liir d Quarter U - R c n it« I run (W inlere kick), 10:10. D - A llred 24 I N T return (W im crs kick). S:42. Г К Л М S T A T I S T I C S I'lrsl downs Ruslics-y:ird.4 I’assiny C o n tp -A ll-In t I'unls Fumt>les-l.ost I’enallies'yards .Ird conversions I N D I V I D U A L S T A T I S T I C S l.u ltc N n rm u n R U S H IN G - C hin n 10-31, Drooks 7 -(-4 ), M oleslinu 2 -0 , Barry l - l , Sm ilh 2 -0, M cC a u le y l-( -l 2 ), How ard 6-27 P A S S IN G - Brooks 6 -I7 -4 -9 S R E C l-I V I N G - llan.srord 4-8.1, C hinn 2-15 Oavie R U S IIIN G -B e ra h e 17-123, Brow n I « - I I 4, Riddle 3-27, A rnold 2 -2 1, Beam l-(-6 ). Young l-(-6 ) P A S S IN G - Arn old 3 -3-0-127 R E C E IV IN G - H u m cr 1-.57, H u d ­ son I -5 0 . Stephens 1-20 L N l> 6 17 2 9 ^ 3 42-27.1 98 127 6 -17 -4 ^•M Ì 6-29 0-0 2 -2 9-83 9-103 M O 0-2 Get It Weekly W ith an E n terp rise R cco rd .su b sc rip tio n . C a ll 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 N E W L O C A T IO N ! 1^, 5244 US Highway 158 • Advance (2 doors from Dairy Queen) -998-9310- Cell: 399-2527 New Accessory Show Room 1998 Club Car, Gas *2195 $ales. Service, Parts & AccesiorlM Starting at $ 2 2 5 .0 0 и»»!!*!/ Лт«* 0/í/y Buck M ark .22 Caliber ScmUAutomatic • I'ryjiic is machincd fmm u .vollcl bUIel of uirtTJfl grade 7075-T6 aluminum. • Standard bull barrel for superior accuracy. • Pro Tattcl gives ytw sintecn click* per lum versus 12 in most pistols. •Available in several barrel lenjilhs, configtmtiions and finishes. ii BROWNING^ 11895 COOL SPRINGS ROAD WOODLEAF, NC 704-278-9159 Open lOam-epm Tuesday-Frlday 10am-3pm Saturday В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 South Davie coach Todd Bumgarner shouts instructions during a breal< in the action. G ut-W rench ing S o u t h ’s L a s t - M i n u t e T D E r a s e d B y P e n a l t y Soulh Davic foolhall coach Todd Bumgarner is a bollom - linc guy, so he was in no niooii for c.'tcuse.s in ihc wake o f a stinging 14-8 cighlh-gradc loss to v is itin g W esl R ow an last week. Tlie morning o f Ihe big game, Bumgarner was almost spcech- Ic.s.i when a sludenl walked up and handed him eijuipm cnl lhal belonged lo a certain player. Tlial player was Nathan Walker, who rushed fo r 128 yards on a mere eight carries in the Tigers' JtS-O .season-opening w in overC o rri- hcr-Lipe. Walker had up ami lefl, moving 10 New Jersey and de­ priving Soulh o f a powerful nin- ning backAincbacker. Despite lhal huge blow, Soulh pulled itself logelher and wenl IOC to toe against a team that has ils customary supply o f back- fie ld horses, deadly speed and imposing linemen. S lill, all Bumgarner could see was Wesl 14, Soulh S. "W e’re not going to make any excuses," he .said. “ W e’re nol a one-man team. Nathan was a big part o f our team, but we still had enough firepow er lo w in the . game," ' To beal II lea/n ihe caliber o f West without W alker lo com ple­ ment fellow halfback Kcnnclh W alker, the Tigers had little room for error. They moved the ball llu id ly between the 2()s. bul were undone by a rash o f mis- cues in the Bulldogs' red zone. Soulh failed lo fin ish tw o drives inside Ihe Wesl U). inctud- ing one in Ihe closing seconds o f Ihe first half when it had tw o downs from lUc W esl 1, West flexed ils defensive-line musclcs and protected a 6-0 lead. In the game's closing sec­ onds, South's Ihird big chancc went up in smoke when a game- lying touchdown pass was ne­ gated by a penally. "W e missed loo many oppor­ tunities," Bum garner said. "I knew il was going lo bc a war. I knew the team lha l made ih i' fewest mistakes was going lo w in, and that’s whal happened. Wc did n 'l cxccute on offense. A lot o f lhal had to do w ith W est’s defense is so big and so fast, bul we work on goal-line (offense) every day. For sonic reason we weren’l able lo slick il in. It was a big mdmcnium swing. If wc stick that in at the end of Ihc half, we get Ihe ball turning oul o f halftime and I like our chances." B u m ga rn e r’s h a lflin ie longue-lashing w orked. W ith Brown w hipping West on the comers and Jo.sh Eder breaking o ff a 2,‘i-yardcr up the m iddle, ihe Tigers stormed down the field and snatched an S-6 lead. The touchdown was a ‘J-yard, fourth-dow n com pletion from quarterback Chris Brogdon to Brown, who left w ilh an injured shoulder bul gutted out Ihe fourth-down play. He watched the rest o f ihc game from the sidelines, ending a heroic effort ( 126 yards on 12 carries) with more lhan a quar­ ter left 10 play. "Thai was anolher big blow ," Bumgarner said. "M im . Brown is an electrifying player. He’s gol speed and he’s got power. I saw him run people over, I saw him m n ihrough lackles and 1 saw him outrun people. He was able 10 get Ihe corner on Wesl Rowan, Randy Jones (52), David Stovall (54) and Dustin Riel (61) pile on a W. Rowan runner. Quarterback Chris Brogdon turns to hand off. - Photos by James Barringer and ihal's a big feat againsi a leam like ihat.’’ South didn't have long lo rel­ ish the X-6 lead as West regained a 14-S margin al the blink o f an c.yc. W iihoul W alkeri/m / Brown, the Tigers couUl have gone away - but Kder and lighl end Juslin Thompson w ouldn't lei them. W ith the Tigers ilow n lo iheir last gasp, they staged a drive that w o u ld have m ade the greal teams o f ilie past proud. W iih Eder la k in g shotgun snaps. South converted tw o lo u rlli downs and lied il w ilh 4(1 sec- onds left on Eder-IO'Thompson conneclion lhal wenl 20 yards. The dramatic play was a m ix- lure of cheers and moans. T h­ ompson caught the ball in ihe enil zone hut saw his moment spoiled by a I'alse-slarl penally. "I’eople’s going crazy and 1 look and there’s a llag on the ground," lium garner saiil. "H ul I'm proud o f my leant because we d id n 'l hack dow n. Rdcr didn'l come oil' ihe Held. I le was bone tired at the end. and he slill hail Ihe savvy lo lead us down ihe Held in that last drive. Wc had Kenneth Brown leaves the defense behind on the way to 126 yards rushing. West Rowan Staves Off Seaford, Webb, Collins chances." N otes: W a lker's halfback spot was filled hy C.J. W hile, w ho d id n 'l play as a seventh grader. "He's very lalcnled but he's very raw," Bumgarner said. ... Nose guard David Stovall ¡utd Kirsten Angell turned in spar­ kling del'ensive games. "Stovall had aniither stanilout gam e," he said, "H e's really stepped il up. He was causing them a lol of trouble up front." ... Soulh plays at Erwin on Sepl. 11 and al home to Sontheasi on Sepl. IS. Sometimes, as Soulh Davie's seventh-grade foolhall leam was reminded, how a team plays is nol as big a factor as whom it plays. riie Tigers played a solid gam e against v is ilin g West Kowan last week, bul fell shorl 22-2(1 when the Bulldogs sluffed South's iwo-poini tr>' In Ihe wan­ ing seconds. Having proved they can play w ilh a rival lhal always bailies SoiHh for Ihe lop spot in Ihe M id- South Conference, Coach Todd B um garner sent his players home w ilh their heads held high, "They're as good as they are every year," he said o f Wesl, "T h ey've gol a rvinning back Ihal's lough 10 bring down. We played extrem ely hard. W e're going 10 w in some games." Colby Scaford and Ihe Soulh offense m oveil the slicks w iih regularily and pushed favored Wesl to the lim il. On Ihe game's Iirsl scries. Soulh clicked o ff 12 plays and scored on a 12-yard nm by Floyd Collins. The drive m ilked o ff six and a half m in­ utes. South's third possession of the half went nine plays and re­ sulted in a touchdown on a Cam­ eron Webb 2,‘i-yard reception. A lth o u g h S outh's offense performed exactly like Bumgar­ ner drew it up. al halftim e he was torn by a bitlersw eel turn o f cvenls. Wesl scorcd on its Iirsl play from scrimmage, racing 60 yards for an 8-6 lead. Wesl re­ turned an inlerccplion yards for a 16-6 lead. And even though Wcsl ran eight first-h a lf plays w hile Soulh chewed up "Ihree- foiirlhs o f the first half," Soulh found ilselfdow n 16-14. "I fell if we could move Ihc hall and conlrol the clock lhal we w ould be in good shape," he said. "A nd wc moved the ball real w ell. You feel real good aboul yourself, bul you also know you ran it up and down Ihc lielil, d ill everything you wanted and Slill irailed al the half, which is prelly disappointing." A fler a scoreless third ipiar- ler. Smith marched to the West 5. Ils m om enlm n evaporated right there as West denied Soulh a 20-16 or 22-16 lead. Seconds laler. il was 22-14 as Wcsl cov­ ered У0 yards in IWO plays. W csl scored a ll day w ilh frightening case, but the Tigers w ere no less spectacular in reaching dow n and b a ttlin g back. Seaford, w ho produced a m ind-boggling line (7-of-8 pass­ ing for I4S yards), threw long lo C ollins, who wrestled Ihc ball away and ilashed 15 yards w ith 82 seconds left. The anta/.ing co m p le tio n shaved Ihe margin lo two and pul South a snccessfnl iw o -p oin l play from overtime. "Seaford's done an extraordi­ nary jo b ." Bumgarner said. "He can lim m lhal ball lo bc lillle. lie really is a good passer, and w e've gol sonte guys that can calch it." W hile West's quarterback es­ caped Iriiulile isviec lo convert Iwo-poini conversions. South's game-tying allempt failed, over­ shadowing Seaford ami his sure­ handed receivers. Webb caught five spirals for.“57 yards and C ol­ lins turned tw o grabs inlo 91 yards. "W ebb's a playmaker." Bum­ garner said. "H alfw ay ihrough Ihe game Ihe Wcsl Uowan coach was telling his besl player lo line up across from No. ‘J: • We've got lo slop nine.' You're nol going to ask for morc oul o f a middle- school leam than 14K yards on 7-for-X." Nolcs; Jesse Cousins paced Ihe South defense. "H e had an­ other gooil game,'' he said, "He's aKvnys around the ball." ... Eric Lowery led South's rushers with 40 yards.... Soulh plays al home lo Southeast on Sept, 17 and al Nonh Rowan on .Sepl. 24. Q R I L L E A T 'IN O R T A K E O U T HOURS 5:30AM - 2.-00PM • Monday - Saturday 2203 Hwy.601 N.. Mocksville, NC P h o n e (3 3 6 )4 9 2 -7 0 6 6 N £ W H O U R S! G RILL OPEN / jy^bn.>Sat 5:30am-9pni ) Sun.7am-9pin DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. -Sipl. 12. 2002 - IÍ9 A le x A p p e ll W in n e r Btiy.s 12 A Combined Effort A team of 9 and 10 year old baseball all stars from Davie's League Blue. Red and National teams join to place second in a District 2 tournament in High Point. Davie took four of five games in the 12 team tournament to finish as runner up to Kernersville. Team members, from left; front - Anthony Capra, Tyler Seaford, Nick Capra, Zach Green, Dillon Byerly; middle - Ben Glowka, Adam McCallister, Bret Williams, Greg Nuckols, Gus Meloy; back - Coaches John McCallister, Doug Green, Eddie Nuckols. Not pictured: Bradley Gaither. Walker Fires 37 In Giris Golf Action M arkliind N. Iredell Ends Volleyball Run C o n lin u cd F ro m Pane U l o f the 3-A playoffs and finished 23-1. It returned three starters from 2(K)1. "They definitely have devel­ oped a strong program ," North's th ird -y e a r coach, N atalie T rib h lf, said. "T lie y have excel­ lent defense, their sellers are ju st unbelievable and they have some g irls lhal can really put some power behind the ball. A fter we playeil Ihem (Aug. 20), we saw what we needed lo « ork on. We knew we had lo slep tip our play. " I'm not re ally sure what they'll face (oulside Ihe CPC). We beat South Iredell in Ihree. If South is their toughest ciim - pelilion, 1 can clearly see Davic - if they keep up their play like they brouglil against us - should have no problem in the confer­ ence." O N E D A Y L A 'I'E U , rcfo- cused D avic w allop e d Wesl Rowan 15-2. l.‘i-4, 15-2 in .35 minutes, ■'West is really dow n," M ark­ land said. "E ven Ihough we knew we were the better team, wc came oul and played very hard and look the m alch seri­ ous." In CPC play, Davie plays al home to Wesl Forsyih Sept. 12 and al Soulh Rowan Sepl. 17. Davie's girls g o lf team has linished second in all four nieels. com piling an lS-3 record in con­ ference play. Davie's 1-2 punch is Brittany W alker and Em ily Pellorini. In three rounds last week. Walker fired scores o f42,44 and I -over- par 37. Pellorini backed Walker w iih 5l-4 8 -4X . "She had her short game," Coach D ebbie Evans said o f W alker's 37. "She said she hit N orthw esi Cabarrus scored 10 minutes inlo Ihc sccond half and held on to beat Davie's JV socccr team 1-0 last week. The W ar Eagles outplayed Northw est despite the loss ol Dylan Reynolds lo varsity and Harrison Judd lo injury. But Ihcy couldn't solve the Trojans'goal­ keeper, falling to 0-3-2 in non- conference play. A r e Y o u O l d S c h o o l ? Davie Sports From September, 1961 Davie's looiball leani beat visitin g Taylorsville 7-0 on a fourth-iiuarter touchdown, Cliar- Coetl Softball Stantlinß.s \V-I, C&C Painting 4-0 M oilern Tree Service 4-1) Jones Landscaping 3-0 RI 1 Lawn Carc 3-1 Prater Trucking ->_2 Red Pig BBQ 2-2 C's/BonUiers 2-3 Thou.sand Trails 1-3 Creekview Consignment 0-3 Eagle Heights 0-4 KC A 0-4 C iirly Hnl.sle.v G irls 16 C o llin Kereliee Hovs 14 W illia tn Iliie k iid a y Hovs 14 .lason Overhey Itovs 1 (> .k'.ssica O ve rb e y (¡ ir is 14 J r. T e n n is T o u rn e y H e ld In M o c k s v ille The M o cksville-D a vie R ccrealii)n D epartm eni hosled the USTA Jr. Ten­ nis Tournam ent for the second year on Aug. 3-4. The lop finishers from Davie C ounly included Alex Appell, w ho won the boys 12 d ivision, and ('hrislo|)|ier M oxley. w ho won the consolations in Ihe boys 14s. A slile e P re \e lle C irls IS .le llro v M ig h io n U rns 16 (h r is ld p lte r V lo vle y H oys 14 C o n s o lili ion W in n e r B ass On S occer A ll T ourney Team Joey Hass, a 2001 graduate Wesl I’oin l. N.N'.. over l.aboi o f D avic H igh, uas named lo Dny weekenil. the all-tinirnam em team al Ihe A rm y -A d id a s l-'all C la ssic College Socccr Tournament al Bass, a so p h o m o ie ,il Davidson College, is .iilelender Гог the W ildcals, l)avid-.on \\as llie liiiirn .u n e iil ch am ()io n, scunne .1 I 1 IK' v.ilh I.ehigli I 'n il e rs i!> ami iio u liiu g 3-0 M ill o \e r hovi A m iy . The ('o lle -ji- o f riia rle s tn n also p .iilicip a k'il m the unirnam enl. OK. bul she was able to make some putts. She birdied a par-3 and had a couple up-and-downs lo save par. "P ellorini could have easily shol a 44 or 45 (in the latest meel). She missed several short putts." D avic plays al Lakew ood (South Iredell) on Sept. 12 and at M allard I lead (Lake Norman) on Sept. 16. J V S o c c e r T e a m L o s e s 1 - 0 "W e had m orc shots. We played great," Coach Jeremy Byrd said. "I haven’t seen them play that w ell this year. M ike Paoni played exceplionally well, Russel H illon played very well and Nathan Barnes had a great game on defense." I'he W ar Eagles play n on co n fe ren ce games at Easl f-orsylh Sept. 11 and al Cirimsley Sepl. 17. M e e t T h e W a r E a g le s Wesley Thompson S p o rt: football If I cm ild keep ju s t one m usic C l), it w m ild lie: Goode Picken, w rillen by Jon Goode’s dad. If I lost nil m y piissc.ssions but one, Pd keep: M y iruck. SomethlnK people d o n 'l know ahoul me: M e and Ben A llred are good drivers. I'’iuKusy j<ih: Taxidermist. 1 c iiii’l Iiie wUhmit: M ille r’s. M y I’rviUesi iDonienl in sport.s: Being elccted vice president in Devo. 1 w ould like 1(1 sw llcli places fo r a day w ith : B ill Dance. Funniest I'oolliull slo ry; Going out as a first-year senior. I w ould like lo eal d inner w ilh (dead o r alive); Earnhardt Jr. at M iller's, Favorite class in school and w hy: Welding hccau.se o f M r. Teague. A lhleles I a d iid re inosi; Dennis Rodman. M y fa vo rite lllin g abuul playing I'oolhall is; G elling into Ihc ganic.s free. lie W hitaker clim axed a Rebel drive by running У yards, and Larry S m illi wenl up Ihe m iddle for Ihe cxira poini. S la iis lic a lly . D avic d om i- naled Ihc nonconference contesi as Taylorsville crossed m idfield line tim e. D avie's advantages inclu d ed 12 firs t dow ns lo Taylnrsvillc's four and 164 rush­ ing yards lo Taylorsville's 40. The defensive star was Ed Bowles. Richard Whitt Gets Hole In One Richard W hitl had a hole-in- one Iasi week, W h ilt holed No. 12 at Pudding Ridge, h illin g a 3- iron from 146 yards. W hitl was playing w ilh B ill Hendrix. Jim Sheek and Carl Roberson. Stanley Randall Wins HH Title A fte r w in n in g Ihe 2001 H ic k o ry H ill C o u n try C lu b championship, Stanley Randall defended his lille over Labor Day weekend w ilh a 3-under score o f 141. The golfers played in rclenilcss rain on die firsl day o f play, anil Randall slill shol a 70. Barry W hillaker was second al 145. The olher IlighI winners were Johnny M ille r, G reg Brooks, M itc h e ll W h itta ke r, H arvey M ille r, Jirii W h illa ker, L arry Burger, John T o n ici, Buddy Bcck and Bobby Mock. ACROSS THE СОиШ SPRINT SOLUTIONS ' Loral SGivinB CallWaitiiin ID Call Füiwiiiiiinn BC/minuie Lun« Oistanne Willi Sprinl Solmlons.YBU oel Bverviliiiiu you Deeil for one Hal inoiitlili' rate. And by flellinfl II all tooetlier, m save al least W% ustm oriisfiiKj sBiHifaiely. Visit us al sprint.com/local orcall 1-877-ONE SOLUTION S p r i n t , JiiiKi 111 KJilitli iB ili 41(11 Rtiiilttiijl. fiicu diil cjlln) Hill Inliiiilignji mn ui| ind tuiiliiign eiji atU lnKlviit] luiihutis on innjriibjl cjHi tu Iticiiin «jtiiie ttURCl) till I toi itKiiiiitiiil Ilici Aliili iiduitt Allilit»]) m lliii leit un ipplr (iodeiIi ui <1 I (ii% tmiii ilniifiidl hmct itiJiK ivill kìiI^ D^clllotiniiUi cillNod lo!| lili/C«lliii| C4'l(illia4ifi liri piubaiiti in [hi U i «liltli iixiuil iiiittnsc All ulti utiieci imlungt Flfshuliont i;;!) in Ulti. Kirit ard (ondiiitM iiDiinld« [ipiiiglii OUiiit7(l3? AlliitliltiiKiMf Sanai md lU diiitnl lisa inibii jii legitititd iiHisiiki tl J;ii»i (uimjtjnicjiNiii (uii(jii) 1P A P lace To C all H o m e C h a n g e S h o u l d M e a n M o r e M o n e y G o i n g T o T h e T e a m s BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 Mayfield Scores For Redskins James M ayfield scored two firs t-q u a rte r touchdow ns lo spark the varsity Cooleemee Redskins past the Shady Grove Bulldogs 20-6 Saturday at Smith Grove. In the second quarter, Zac Spaugh recovered a fumble that set up Perry James' touchdown. M att Garretson o f the Redskins sprung James w ith a block. Tyrecse B la ckw e ll. C raig Cleary, Chris Smoot, Zac Shoe­ maker, BLike Byme ."ind Marcus Gadson made outstanding tack­ les. Ryan Carter Darryl Boger also recovered fum bles fo r Cooleemee. J V - C o o I 12, Shady Grove 8 Raheen M artin scored a first- quarler touchdown and Anthony R em ing added lots of yardage for victorious Cooleemee. A ls o fo r the R edskins, Nathan Jones scorcd in the sec­ ond quarter, Anthony Brooks and Chris Bamhardht recovered a fumbles and Shaun Ebright. M ik a e l P u llia m . A n d re w Kasting and Channen Tltomas made tremendous tackles. V arsity - M ock 30, W R I) 8 The M ocksville Rams .scored on their first drive and never looked back, racing past the W il­ liam R. Davie Raiders .10-8. The Rams had a .solid run­ ning game that w.is led by the offensive line. Chris Hurt, Tanis Je ffe rie s, D u stin B o stic, M ichael Jones, Satonia G ray and Devaron Scolt created n m ­ ning lanes for the backs. Tlie running b.icks - M ichael Wain- w right. Josh Osvvell .md Jevin Scolt - follow ed their blocks and ran to daylight. Defensively the Rams con­ trolled the line o f scrimmage. In the second half, w ilh several substitutions, they s till did a solid job. For W iUiam R. Davic, Lewis Favre (50 yards rushing) carried the ball 12 yards for the single R aider touchdow n. M atthew Speer completed the conversion. > W ilh only 14 players, the Raider players were called on to play bath sides o f the ball. C o lb y H em pstead and Trey Preston led tackles w iih three cach. Josh G oins and Jacob Draughn had two tackles, while W esley Paugh, Lew is Favre, C la rk D a llo n and M atthew Speer had one. "A ll o f our players playeil hard," W R D coach Jason M ur­ phy said. "A ustin Brown did a good job his first time out as our center, and James Ray led the offense in blocking. Most o f Favre's yardage came up Ray’s hole." The Raiders face the Cor­ naizer Cougars Sepl. 14 al 2;.10 at the D avie C ounty Youth League fo o tb a ll com plex at Sm ith Grove. The Rams w ill have a m ajor lest ¡is they go against Cooleemee al 11:30. V arsity - C orn 28, Pine 8 The C o rn a ize r Cougars scorcd in every quarter and roughed up the Pinebrook Tro­ jans, who got their only touch­ dow n from Jake Boger on a 4- yard run in the fourih quarter. C lin t S later added the extra points. For Pinebrook Slater had 62 yards rushing, Daniel Hender­ son had eight tackles. Vince Cioce, Boger and Cameron Tay­ lo r had six tackles cach, and C hris Sponaugle had an a ll- around solid game. D a v i e P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 - C l D avie C o u n ty Y outh F ootball has a new hom e. It's o w n hom e. Play opened S aturday on the S m ith G rove fie ld s o ff U .S. 1.58. T lic fie ld s are m anaged b y the yo uth fo o tb a ll league, leased from the S tnith G rove C o n im u - n ily A ssociation. It caps o f years o f w o rk, m onths o f som etim es fra n tic hard w o rk to get the fie ld s re.idy fo r p arking. Sure, there w ere p ro b ­ lem s w ith p arkin g . T h e p u b lic .iddress system s w ere n 't as lo u d as the fire w histle. Scoreboards aren’t yet in pliicc, and m ore bleachers arc needed. Those things should co nic as the fie ld s and league continues p la y, said B ill M a rlin , one o f m any volunteers w h o have w orked to keep the league from having to pay to play on school fie ld s. " It feels real n ice ." M a rtin said, lo o kin g o ve r the tw o fo o ib a ll gam es, a parking lo t fille d to the b rim w ith cars p arkin g at the R uritan b u ild in g and along U .S. 158, at the throngs o f people w atching the games and b uyin g concessions. The gate adm issions and concessions are the league’s o n ly w ay to raise m oney. A ll funds a fte r expenses as paying referees goes to the teams. " I'm th a n kfu l fo r a ll o f the people w ho pitched in and helped," M a rtin said. "W e saw a need and we w anted to do som ething to help. People are interested in h elp ing the co m m un ity." In a ddition to a new, irrig a te d fo o tb a ll fie ld , a w a lkin g track was installed, and a p icn ic shelter was added. The second football fie ld is the o u tfie ld o f the so ftb a ll fie ld . A fo o tb a ll scoreboard is on order fo r the new fie ld , a m u lti­ purpose one fo r so ftb a ll and fo o tb a ll fo r the lo w e r one. " It's not ju s t fo r the fo o tb a ll league. W c wanted to belter the área," M a rtin •said. O n T he R o a d M orehead S cholar Enjoys Tour O f N ew Zealand uanier takes a hiking expedition on a glacier. Lanier pauses on Waiheke Is- lantj. By M ik e B a rn h a rd t Davie C ounly Enterprise Record Greg Lanier went to a study in New Zealand last summer w ilh some preconceivcd Western notions. On a study Irip as pari o f being at Morehead Scholar at Ihe U niversily o f N orlh C arolina al Chapel H ill, he wenl lo look al Ihe native M aori people and their relationships w ilh the European settlers, and the Asians thal also now call New Zealand home. ll was easy to look at the statis­ tics. M ore M aori were in jails, more suffered from alcoholism . W hal Ihose statistics don't lell. and Lanier said he learned, is the reasons behind Ihose statistics. Part o f his fourth year o f sludy, a irip planned and carried oul by the student w ith reports on campus, is pari o f being a Morehead Scholar. He went inlo the couniry last sum mer w ithout a plan. "It lurned out good because I had tolal freedom ," Lanier said. “ 1 went in w ith a lot o f Western notions o f whal I w ould find. “ B ul 1 had to go in really open minded. I had to make .sure they knew I d id n 'l have a hidden agenda. 1 was just eager to learn ... lei them control the conservations. " I learned lo lalk aboul .sensitive issues in a compassionate and tactful nuinnor." He learned thal Ihe Europeans had differeni ideas o f land ownership. M aori people believed in a more com m unal lype ownership. They thought the Europeans were just using the land, not claim ing ov/ner- ship. They were "duped" inlo giving away their land, he said. Lanier said the scenario sonie- w hal compares to whal happened to N ative Am ericans when European explorers came here. The M aori have slroiii; fam ily beliefs. W hen the Europeans came, Iheir Gods were strongly tied to nature, sim ilar to N ative Americans. Nowadays, some M aori are C hrislian, some believe in Ihe old ways and they're everywhere in between. They have learned, how ­ ever, thal educalion is the best way to succeed. Most o f the students and people Lanier lalked to w iih M aori ancestry understand and believe in the modern w orld, bul believe il is im porlanl lo remember their history in language and customs. M any o f them were older than Lanier, going back 10 .school to beller themselves. W hal tlid Lanier learn from lalking lo those people? That they all have common desires ... to be happy, to have slrong fam ilies and faith. "People are just people, that's whal I've learned," he said. O f Ihe Europeans, some support the M aori culture, some do nol. Bolh languages are spoken, although Ihe M aori language was declared illegal by the Europeans in the m id 1900s. Things are different now. The M aori language is being taught. M aori hisiory is being taught in schools. His seven W’ceks in New' Zealand w asn't all study. There was plenty o f tim e for "w acky and crazy stufl'," Lanier said. He traveled m ostly along, and slayed in youth hostels. The land - plenty o f ro lling hills and cows and sheep - was monotonous on long bus rides. "H ostel life is w eird," Lanier said. “ New Zealand, in the winter, shuts dow n after 5." But he had tim e lo explore a glacier, take a six second free fall from a LI-1 meter tall bungee belween two hills, maneuver a kayak through foggy waters surrounded by hills, go through a cave fille tl w ith live glowworm s. Lanier, the son o f Palsy and Larry Lanier o f Advance, said he appreci­ ates the chances he has had as a Morehead Scholar. His confidence was boosted at Outward Bound. He learned compas­ sion for people on a trip lo the Dom inican Republic. He got a taste o f the business w orld as an intern w ith Bell Soulh in Indiana. “ II have all oftlie.se awesome opportunities," he said, " ll has shaped my collegiate experience." Greg Lanier goes over a map of New Zealand, highlighting his stops as part of a travel sludy as a Morehead Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY FiNTERPRISK RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 ( 'S Helderman-Brokke Couple Married On SMiiulay. Aug. i ill 1:M) p.m., Jolm K ichiiril HcUlcmiiin iuul Jcssicii M iche le Brokke were wed ¡11 St. Fr.incis of Assisi in Raleigh. The hricic is Ihc iliuighler of K eith and B rcndii Ik o k k c o f Car)'. She grailuiilcd from ihc U niversily o f Norlh C iirolina in Chapci U ill w ith a bachelor's degree in business iidm inistralion and a masters of accounlancy. She is a CP.'\ :U D eloille iind Touche in Allania, Ga. The groom is the son o f John A . and B ccki llcld crm a n o f M ocksville and the laic Ruth C. Ileldcm ian. lie is the hrolhcr of Janel Ball. Me graduated from North Carolina Stiilc U nivcrsily as a double niiijor w ilh degrees in econom ics and business management. He also gr:iduated from ihe U nivcrsily o f North Carolina in Cha|K-l M ill with his law degree and has passed the bar exam in bolh North Carolina iind Cieorgiii. He is ii lax laws consullant w ith U clo iltc and Touche in Allania, Ga. G iven in m arriage by her falher and niolher. ihc bride wore il strapless gown made of raw silk in candleliglil ivory and w ore a sim ple ve il o f s ilk illusion. She carried a bouquet o f fresh ivory :ind pink long stem roses wrapped in pearl strands. She chose Karrcn Brokke. her sister, o f Cary, as her maid o f honor. Bridesm aids were friends Heather Jones and N ikki Luchnick o f A tlanla, C hristy Bertram o f San Diego, and Kalic Granlham o f Charlollc. Junior bridesm aid was B rilla nn ie J. B a ll, niece o f the groom , o f M ocksville. Flower g irl was Brooke M . Ball, nicce o f ihe groom, o f Mocksvillc. The groom chose for his bcsl man his friend. David Bain of Atlanla. Serving as groomsmen Mr. and Mrs. Jason Levon Hubbell C line-H ubbell C ouple W ed R obin Gayle C line o f A d ­ vance and Jason Levon llubhell of Advance were unilcd in mar­ riage on Salurday. Aug. 17 al Fmcrald Hoinle W el-W ild Waler Park. The double-ring cercmony was o fficia lcd by m agistrale. Michael S. Jamcs. The bride is the daughtcr of Thomiis and Linda Cline o f A d­ vancc and the griiom is ihe son o f the late Landa Baugliinan, fonnerly o f M ocksvillc. iuul Jeff Hubbell o f Amboy, 111. The couple was one o f 20 couples married thal diiy aflcr w inning a Double Barrell Blasl Shotgun W edding Contesi from Ihe radio station 104.1 W TQR. The cerem ony was per­ formed on Ihe sandy hciich area ncxl lo Ihc Wiive pool followed by a plunge down the water slide iifter being pronounced hushiuid and wife. The bride wore a bathing suit covered by ii silk and satin trim m ed secpiincd robe w iih a Martinez-Hlcks Couple Married Angela M iiria Martinez and Joshua Ryan Hicks, both o f High Poinl, were married Wednesday, Sept. 4 al 2 p.m. in High Poinl. Tlie bride is the daughler o f Jesus M a rtin c 'i and Elsa M antilla o f Colombia. She is at­ te n d in g G u ilfo rd T e ch n ica l C om m unity College and is em­ ployed w ith Speclnim Salon in Greensboro. The groom is the son o f Denise and Bruce Leonard o f were Denis Brokke Jr., brother o f the bride o f Ciiry, and friends S co lty A m os o f A tla n la , H ow ard C rilch cr o f R aleigh, and Alan Presel o f Charlolte. The groom 's lather. John Mcldemian of M ocksville, read a selected passage from the B ible and ihe bride's uncle, Vernon Brokke o f B altim ore, Md. read a speciid prayer. The b rid e 's aunl and godm other, P a tricia M e ckle y o f Weslminster, M d. Wiis the cross bciircr. Flowers were placed in the front o f the church in memory o fth e groom's mother. Rulh C. I Icldcnnan and his sister. Jill M. Hcldemian. Special oul o f low n guests in a d d itio n lo Ihe g roo m 's im mediate fiunily included his g ran d m o th er. Frances P. I Icldcnnan o f W inslon-Salem. his aunl and uncle. John and Rebecca Bonner o f W inslon- S alem . his aunl and uncle. Graham and Joyce Hendrix o f M ocksville. and special friends. Russell and Gwen Angell also o f Mocksville. The bride had many frie n d s and fa m ily from M a ryla n d in altendancc in c lu d in g her grandm other. M argcl Burton o f Baltim ore. M any oihers frie nd s also Inivcled from Allania, Georgia iuid the Charlotte area. The couple happened lo share Ih cir wedding dale w ilh three couples ce le b ra tin g th e ir anniversary in attendance al Ihe wedding. One o f ihosc couples was John's sister. Janet, and her husband B rad, w ho were cclcbraling II years o f rnarriiigc. The couple has nuule their home in D ccalur. Ga. in Ihc suburbs o f A lla n ia , a flc r honeym ooning for 10 days in Hawaii. Couple Speal< Vows At Yadl<in Valley M iriam Riichel Edwards o f Cleveland, N.C. anil Jason Larry Boger o f W illiam s Road, A il- vancc were unilcd in niiirriiigc al 2 p.m. Sept. 7 al Yiidkin Valley Baptist Church. M inister James SechresI officialcd. The bride is the daughter of A lvin iind Debonih Edwiirds of Cleveland. She is a graduiile of H erita g e H om e S chool and earned a ccrlincale w ith honors in (Icnlid iissisting from Rowiui Cabbanis Com m unily College. She is employed by Dr. Kenneth Rasbornik. D M D . The groom is the son o f Sharon Myers of M ocksvillc and Jimmy Boger of C olniin. He is a gnidualc o f D iivic I ligh School and earned a cenificalc in w eld­ ing fro m Forsyth Technical Com m unity College. He is em­ ployed by Ingersoll Riind. G iven in m arriage by her griindfalhcr. Charlie Edwards, llic bride chose her sister. A pril Edwards, as m aid o f honor. Bridesniiiids were Erin Edwards. Jennifer Bassell and W endy Brooks. The groom's father was bcsl niiin. Ushers were Brian Boger and Kevin Boger. Ihc groom's brolhers, and C urtis Edwards, the bride's hroihcr. A c o ly te Wiis Brandon lysinger, M inia lu re bride Wiis Anna Edwiirds iuid m iniiilurc groom was Elhan Presnell. Flower girl was O liviii Boger iiml ring bciirer w iis T iiylor Crolls. A fie r il re ception in the church fe llo w s h ip h a ll, the couple went on a wedding trip lo G allinburg, renn.Thcy arc al home al llb.S W illiam s Road, Advancc. SiUin sweep train trimmed in lace and attached with a satin and pearl bow. The bride's sisier. LeA nn Moser o f Adviince. created the ensemble. I'he bride wore iin elbow length veil w ith ii satin and pearl headpiece w ith ro ­ settes in Ihe back. The bride ciir- ried a bouquet o f fresh daisies, ciirnalions and white roses tied w ith Uillc. The wedding was broadcast live on W 'l'QR country music station, and w ill be aired on the Discovery Channel in ii prognuii called Weird Weddings. Follow ing the tereniony. it reccplion was held on the bciich arcii with fresh llow crs and bar­ becue. p<italo salad and slaw. A wedding cake incluiled a six inch cake for cach couple lo lake home. A fie r Ihe re cep lio n . the couple s(K-nt Ihe resl o f Ihe day w ilh fiim ily iind friends al Ihe water park. They w ill be ill home in Advance. Mrs. Joseph Daniel McCarthy Snow -M cC arthy Couple U nited In M arriage High Poinl. He griidualcd from Norlh For.sylh High School and allended G u ilfo rd Technical Com m unily College. He is em­ ployed w ilh Oiikwood Accep­ tance in Greensboro. A fte r a w edding Irip lo M yrlle Beach. Ihe couple w ill live in High Point. A reception for the couple w ill Ik- held Sepl. 14 ;it the home o f the groom’s p'arcnts. Leah Kathleen Snow o f Cen­ ter C ircle. M ocksville and Jo­ seph Diiniel "M a c" McCarthy o f Fort Bragg were united in mar- riiige al 7 p.m. Sept. 6 in First United Church o f Chrisl. Chrisla Warise was officiating m inisier. The bride is the daughler of Kalhy M ille r Snow o f M ocks­ ville and Ihe late Roger Kenneth Snow. She is a gniduiite o f Davic H iuh School and allended For­ syth Technical Com m unity C ol­ lege and the College o f Charles­ ton. She is employed by Qdoba. The groom Is the son o f Calherinc Campbell McCarthy u f Nashua, N .H . and the late Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Helderman Mrs. Jason Larry Boger I t ’s O K t o d r e s s c a s u a l f o r c h u r c h . J e s u s d i d . W or-ship w h e r c y o u c a n b e c o m lb rtu b le in y o u r o w n slioe.s. J o in U.S tlii.s S u n d a y , w iia te v e r y o u ’re w e a r in g . The Episcopal Church of the Asccnsion at Fork 18.-! Fork-Bixby Road Advance. NC 27(X)6 f f ■ I ... I V] I..... «■H-w.asceiisioii-fork.org Eugene Leonard McCiirthy. He is a graduate o f Niishua Senior High SchooJ and is In the U.S. Arm y as ii specialist in the H2nd Airborne Division. G iven in m arriage by her grandfather, Howard E. M ille r and her uncle, Dennis Collins, the bride chose Erin Smilh ¡is her maid o f honor. Bridesmaid was Kendra Armstrong. G room sm en were Kenny Snow and Jiicob Snow. Flow ergirl Wiis Kayla M iller. A fie r reccplion In Ihe church fellow ship hall, the couple wenl on il wedding trip lo Cher’s fare­ w ell concert. They are at home in Germany. H a n n a h ’s C lo s e t C h ild r e n ’s C lo th in g S a le FALL/WINTER sponsored by Hannah Circle First United Methodist Church Mocksville F r id a y , S e p t. 13 S a tu rd a y , S e p t. 1 4 9 :0 0 a m - l: 0 0 p m 4 :0 0 p m -6:00 p m 9 :0 0 a m -1 2 N o o n First United Methodist Church Family Life Center (lower level) 305 N. Main St., Mocksville FMturlnj good quality used children's clothing, sUes hfanf to prefeen. Includes shoes, toys, books, games, computer games, etc. Also includes baby furniture, strollers, carseets, etc. and maternity clothing. Riddie-DesNoyers Couple United In Marriage Aug. 24 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 - C3 Sally Jciin Ruldle and Jasoii D aniel D csN oyers, bolh o f M ocksvillc. were united in mar­ riage Salurdiiy. Aug, 24 ¡it 2 p.m. al B laise B a p lisl church In M ocksvillc. The rev. Glenn Sell­ ers ofllciiited. The bride is Ihe daughlcr o f R onnie and Susan R id d le . Grandparents arc Jiikc and Edna Waldrop. She is ii IW S gnidu- ale o f D iivic High School and earned a biichclor's degree In fi- niinclal maniigcmenl from ihe University o f Norlh Carolina al Charlolle. She Is employed with Ihe Slate Em ployees C redit Union in Winslon-Salem. The groom is ihe son o f Jciinellc Slrickland iind ihc liite D avid G eorge D esN oyers. Grandparents are James llarhin ¡mil Evelyn Diinlcl. He Is a l<WS graduiite o f Davic High School and e¡lrncd an ¡issociate degree in building conslruclion from W ilkes Community College. I le is em ployed w iih Clem m ons Drywall In Clemmons. Escorted by her father and given in marriage by her piircnls, Ihc bride wore a white strapless Iwo-piccc malic satin gown with a fitted bodice that was ileco- ralcd w ith hiinds o f satin ¡md llowcrs made o f crystals, pearls, iuid Venice lace. The hem band o f her skirl was sim ilarly ilcco- raled and Ihe same flow er appli­ ques came down the back o fthe chapci train. A Ihin piece o f while salln material was criss- crosscil through the back o f her dress and lied in a small bow. To co in p lcle the ensem ble, she wore an original designed tiara made o f Swarovski crystals and fresh Wilier pearls iiiid a veil with shear organza edging. The bride chose her tw in sis­ ier. Betsy Riddle, as her maid of honor. Crystal W iiril, friend o f Ihe bride, .served as matron o f honor. B ride sm a id s w ere Mrs. Jason Daniel DesNoyers Jacinda K oontz and E m ily Sm ilh, friends o f the bride. Honoriiry brUlcsmiilils were Alcthca Riddle, Rcbecca Riddle, sisters o f Ihe bride, and Ashley DesNoyers. sisier o f the groom. E rin DcsNoyers, cousin o f the groom, was the llow er girl. The groom chosc his cousin. Ryan DesNoyers. as his best man. Groomsmen were Leslie Daniel. uncle o f the groom. Cary C ha p p ell and Shane A lle n , friends o f the groont. Laura Bostian attended he guest regislry. 1 leather Belk was the program attendant. Both arc college friends o fth e bride. As gucsls entered the recep­ tion, a double balloon arch was displayed over the food tables. A giirden scene displayed spccial photographs o f ihc co u p le ’s childhood, dating, ¡uid cngiige- mciit. The four lier wedding cake was decorated w ith wedding phniscs and fresh llowcrs. R eception servers were Donna B ird, M elinda Bird, G in­ ger Hiylor, C iirric W iiklrop iind Griicc Waldrop. I'he couple celebrated llieir wedding w ilh a honeymoon to Ihc O uler Banks. They are al home in M ocksvillc. Wedding KvenI.s • On Aug. 24. Palsy Staley. Kay Payne, and K illy W ard hosted a bridcsnuiids brunch at Blaise Baplisl Church. • On Aug. 2.^, follow ing the rehearsal, a dinner wiis hosted by the groom ’s fam ily in the church fellow ship hall. . On Aug. 14, a luau was given in honor o f the couple hosted by Laura Bostian and E inlly Sm ith In china Grove. • On A ug. 10. a lin g e rie shower was hosted by Crystal Ward and Bclsy Riddle at the hotne of Crystal Ward. . On June 30, the women o f Blaise Baptist church hosted a bridal shower at the church. . On June 1. a W hite Bible Cercmony wiis given in honor o f the co up le by the M issions Ablaisc women o f Blaise Bap­ tist Church. 1 ' ¿ л 'I'J-y- : ‘C'-i 1« ' • - ' 1 ' You get your money's worth at EnergyUnited Ask our customers. /\sk one of the 250,000 people w ho depend on EnergyUnited electricity at their homes and businesses. Last year, througli ice iind snow, lightning and wind, lincrgyUnltcd’s reliability ritte was 99.91 percent - one of the highest In the United States. Ask one of the more than 50,000 people who use EnergyUnited Propane to keep ih c ir homes warm o r fuel their businesses. O r enjoy our local and long distance phone and Internet services. 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C all 751-2878 o r our S alisbury o flic c 7 0 4 -2 16-(K N E E )5633 fo r an appointm ent Buy 1 G et 1 F H ii (*of Equal or Lesser Value) Harmony Kingdom Patchville Bunnies Windsor Bears Cherished Teddies Mary's Moo Moos E x tra 200/0 OFF A ll R e g u la r S a le Ite m s Office Supplies 2 1 N . M a in S L M o c k .s v illc (336) 751-3418 T h e K in d e rto n B a n k in g C e n te r 128 Yadkin Valley Road Advance, NC 27006 Lobby and Drive-up: Monday ■ Friday 9:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m. A nd, both w ill a ls o be o p en ... S atu rd ay 9 :0 0 a.m . to 1 :00 p.m . TWo 24 hour full service drIve-up ATMs Join in the fun at our Grand Opening Celebration S e p t e m b e r 2 3 I h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 2 8 > Daily grand prize drawings > Free giveaways > Meet our product experts While you’re here, talk to us about how Bank of America can make your banking experience easier. Drop by! We look forward to seeing you. No purchase necessary for drawing. One free gift per customer while supplies last. See banking center associate for promotional details. Bank of America, N A Member FDIC. 02002 Bank of America Corporation Bankof America C4 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12. 2002 Hicks-Howard Engagement Announced Susan Hicks o f M ocksvillc ami M r. anil M rs. C arl H icks o f Boonville announce ihc engagemeni o f ihcir daughter. M arci Leigh Mick.s lo Kendall Wayne Howard. Ihe son o f M r. and Mrs. Donald Howard o f M ocksvillc. Thc bride-clcci is a 1997 graduale o f Davie llig h School and a 2000 graduate o f Davidson Couniy C om m unily College. She is employed as officc manager o f Gray, Callison & Co.. P. A ., o f W in- sloii-Salcm. Thc groom-lo-be is a I'W.S graduate o f Davie High School and a 2001 graduale o f G uilford Technical C om m unity College. He is employed as a fircnghter w ith the Clemmons Fire Department. Thc wedding is planned for Ocl. 19 at ticlhlehem United M eth­ odist Church in M ocksville. Harris-Groce Couple To Marry Nov. 30 Jean Swaim o f Winston-Sa- Icm and R oger H arris o f B u rlin g to n announce the en­ gagem ent o f th e ir daughler, Tam inic L. Harris to Kichard W. Groce, the son o f Sue Groce and thc late D ickic Groce of M ocks­ villc. The bride-clcct is the griind- daughter of Henry Swaim and the late Katie Lee Swaim o f Jonesvillc and Opal Harris and the late Fred 1 larris of F.lkin. She attended High Poinl Universily and R ullege C ollege holding degrees in accounting and man­ agement infiirm m ion syslenis and is part owner of Salem Se­ lective Staffing it Salem M cdi­ cal Connections. The g ro o m -to -b e is thc grandson o f the late M r. and M rs. James C . S hore o f Coolcemee and thc lale Margie Cl. and A llen M orris o f M ocks­ ville. He is a 1981 graduate of Davie High School and is em­ ployed w ilh Ihe Iredell County S h e riff’s O ffice and also per­ forms as a drum m er w ith the "G m cn" and “ Fragile" bands. The couple announced their engagement to ih e ir fam ilies iluring thc Christmas holiday o f 2(K)1. I'he wedding is planneil for Nov. .10 at Mocks United M eth­ odist Church in Advancc. Mr. & Mrs. Harmon Latham Celebrate 60th Anniversary M r. and M rs. Harmon Lathani celebrated their fiOth wedding anniversary Aug. 31 al Wesley Chapel Church Fellowship I lall w ith a dinner hosled by Iheir children, James and Chincra Lalham, Boh and Kathy E llis and Dale Latham, and grandchildren Audra Latham Raus. Kendra Latham and Mr. and Mrs. Fthan Hoger. Approxim ately 110 people attended. M r. Latham retired from H olly Famis, and Mrs. Lalham Central Carolina Bank, H a v e S t o r m s Z a p p e d Y o u r M o d e m ? Let Davie Computer Shop Fix It D a v ie C o m p u te r S h o p • 7 5 1-7 5 5 3 314 Sanford Ave • M ocksville (Across from EnergyUnited) Offer Expires 9-30-02 Mr and Mrs. Howard Danner Celebrate 60th Anniversary M r. and Mrs. Howard C. Danner o f M ocksville recently cel­ ebrated Iheir 00th wedding anniversary w ilh a party al the Coolcemee VFW 1 lall. Appro.ximately 90 friends and fam ily members attended. The party was hosted iiy thc couple’s daiighlers, using a tropical luau theme. M usic was presented by Ben Bogcr o f Cooleemee and consisted o f tropical music, oldies, and .some o fih e couple’s lavor- ites from Ihe -10s and .SOs. Special .songs were presented by K elly Boger and Ann Folds, bolh o f M ocksville. The Rev. John Daniel Shore o f Fdgewood Baplist Church dedicated a prayer to the couple. Howard and Mary York Danner were married on Aug. .30, 1942 in M ocksville by the Rev, Wade Hutchcns. They have ihree daughters: Janice Jones o f Salisbury, Pally Livengood o f Advancc and Phyllis Shoaf o f Raleigh, They have nine grandchildren and I.S great-grandchildren. Close the Gap Braccs for children and adulls. Dr. Penna & Staff о R T 11 О D О N T 1 S T MOCKSVILLE ~ (336) 751-2252 C (iiii|i/im i-ii(< ii V s fi ond iijiin iim s C lub H as Two O utings The East Davie Extension and Com m unity Club met Aug. 13 at Fanninglon Baptist Church w ith Bonnie Helsabeck, Eva Eaton and Betty S prinkle as hostesses. Jo Cheek, club president, opened Ihc meeting. Devotions were hy .Shelby Gregory. Cheek gave the program on "Reducing Y our Chance o f H aving a Stroke." The club had two outings ihis summer. In M ay, ihey went to Dixie Pottery in Abingdon, Va. and in July, thc members visited the china replacemenl center in Greensboro, The cluh delivered cupcakes to ihe Salisbury Veler­ ans Hospital on July 2. The next m eeting w ill be Sept. 17 at Fannington Baplist Church.2 18 O ld M Ì54, Slate sviMe • (704) 873 0281 W E D IS C O U N T F U R N IT U R E & S H IP P IN G C h e v « ^ Mippop K e l le r F u rn itu re Cralttman 4/6S/0 Headboaril, Foollioatij, Rails, Disster, Mirror, Cheil anil Nlghitani) In solid oak. ' O u m llt y F u m liu r m i t O l à e o u n t P r lc B t Somerset Square b y PULASKI Qugen Poster Heaboaid & Footboard, Nightstand, Chest on ChesI, Dresser & Mirror, Demi-Lume Chest UKttooomwai TMSWraOliy *2 9 9 5 “Secretary by Ashley^ WE STOCK SEVERAL STYLES^ Bassett Queen Sleigh Bed, Headboaril, Footboard & Ralls, Dresser & Mirror, Nightstand & 5-Dr. Chest Chateau Marseille Tmwm^ZZSS^ Cherry Light or Dark Finish M o c k s v i l l e F u r n i t u r e D O W N T O W N Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-5812 irii /I , M oe k si i II I' I'll rn il II rr.co iii Four Corners News By M a rie W hite Four Comers Corresponilent Mr. and Mrs. B illy Shelton hail a cookoui Labor day week­ end at Ihcir home. Those enjoy­ ing the occasion w ith them were Mrs. Robert Crafl, Mr. and Mrs. Doug H ill and Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hite, M r. and Mrs. M ark W h ile . M r. and M rs. Pino News Kenny S m ith. M r. and M rs. G rady Beck, M r. and M rs. Leonard Shellon, Abby Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Batry Smith. Mr. arul Mrs. Kenny Smith were Salurday n ig h l supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smilh and Cliarlolte. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hile and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith al­ lended Pinebrook School obscrv’- ing Grandparents' day. Mrs. M arie W hite w ould like lo thank everyone fo r Ih cir prayers, calls, food and visits during her conrmemenl follow ­ ing fool surgery. Thank God forourcountry. It is so great. Let iis remember ev­ eryone lhat is serving our coun- liy each anil every day. By N ora Lalham Pino Corresponilent Toby Hawkins celebrated her birthday last Sunday al Wesley Chapel Church. It was good to have Matthew M ille r al church Sunday. He was home from col­ lege visiting Patrick anil Kathv M iller. Fran :ind Dennis Craver had a co oko u t S im day fo r Ih c ir daughler. Megan, on her I7 tli birthday al the home o f Megan’s grandparenls. Bob and Louise D ill. Those present were her par­ ents and grandparents. Bobby and Brenda liill, Elsie H url, Hannon and Nora Lalham, Bob and Kalhy Ellis, Dale Lalham, C hincra Lalham and D ebbie Mathis, Bob and Kathy Ellis hosled a cookout at Iheir home Salurday. Those present were Sara and Mack Eure. Jesse and Madelyn Gentry and Hannon and Nora Lalham. Betty and Roland West and M any and B ill Babcock o f Ka- leigh wcnl to Gettysburg. Penn, over the weekend. W hile there, they toured the G ettysburg b attle g ro u n d , the D w ig h t Eisenhower fann and Ihe Am isli country in the Lancaster area. The D iscip le IV C lass o f l-'annington UM C had Iheir plan­ ning m eeing Thursday at Ihe home o f Kathy Ellis, Jerry and Libby Banks, Tim and Pat Saw­ yer, Betty West, Rose Caudle, Jane Brock and I'erry Spillman atlendcd. Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advancc Correspondent Hom ecom ing w ill he Sun­ day, Sept. 15 al the M elliodisl church. Guesl speaker for the 11 a.m. service w ill be the Rev. Danny Poole, one of our home­ town boys. A covered dish lun­ cheon w ill follow the worship ser\'ice al Ibe Recreation Center. Revival services are Sunday Sept. L‘i-Tuesday, Sept. 17 al 7 p.m. Guesl .speaker w ill be Ihe Rev. Chris Bennett. Everyone is welcome. Gel w ell wishes go oul lo the Rev. Harry Sammons who im- derwcnl hernia surgery Monday. O ur oldest church member, M rs, Paulina Barney 104 years o ld, attended w orship service Sunday at Ihe Methodist church, y An alert anil rentarkable lady. Grandparenls Day was ob­ served at church Sunday. The young people gave pink carna­ tions lo all grandparents. Mrs. Paulina Barney was given sev­ eral from various church mem­ bers. Edyie Bailey o f Chicago has spent the past two weeks w'ith her parents. She accompained her father Alan Bailey lo church the past Iwo Sundays. A n im pressive M em orial W orship Service for 9/1 1 was held at Ihe M elhodisi church Sunday nighl. Special music was hy Ihc choir, readings and p raye r hy Ihe Paslor H arry Sammons. C hoir ilircclor and organist Eric Hendricks sang The L o rd ’s Prayer. He was accompained al the piano by Rev. Sammons. General discus­ sions were by the congregation. The service was closeil hy the choir singing You'll Never Walk Alone. Doris Mock Ewing and hus­ band George Ewing o f Fairfax, Virginia visited Lib Carter last week. L ib ’s relatives Gene and Jackie M arkland o f Johnson C ily , Tenn. were visito rs on Thursday. Andrea Hendrix o f M yrtle Beach, S.C. wasaTnesday night supper guest o f her grandmother Edith Zimmeniian. She also vis­ ited her m olher Janie Hendrix and olher grandmolher Pauline Hendrix. Sym pathy is expressed to Josie Montgomery in Ihe dealh o f her sister Betty Yates o f Eden. Edilh Zimmemian visited her cousin Florine Garwood Black in Le.xinglon Sunday afternoon. O ur com m unity is grieved over the loss o f a dear loved one Nancy Zim niennan who died Wednesday al Forsyih Medical Cenier. Our sympathy goes oul to the family. Congratulations lo Oscar and Ruth Poindexter who celebrated Iheir ,‘i7th wedding anniversary Monday, Sept. 9, Gel well wishes go oul lo Kae Stoeklon who is recuperating from a major .surgery she had last week. E d ilh Z im m e rm an accom pained her sister and neice, Bess Bennett and Cynthia Bennett Simimers, lo W insion Salem Salurday nighl to visil th e ir siste r and aunt R uth Collette. Rulh is seriously ill. Gel well wishes go out to her from all her fam ily and the com ­ munity. M aybelle O rrell was able lo be out lasl week a lter being homebound w iih illness for the past few weeks. She visited Frank and M argie M arkland. l-rank is sul'fering from emphy­ sema and Margie is recuperating from receni esophageal surgery. Cornatzer News By D ottie l*oll.s Com alzer Correspondent The Cornatzer-Dulin Ladies A uxiliary w ill meet Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at Ihe Па- station. Plans for Ihe fall breakfast w ill be dis­ cussed. Lula Mae Starr rctunied lumie from D avie C oum y H ospital Sunday after receiving treatmenl for pneumonia. Betty Jo Bowens is undergo­ ing treatments al Baptist Hospi­ tal in Winsion-Salem. Lena W a ll and G eòrgie Cornalzer visilcd Mae Laird al Somerset Court Saturday. Mae injured her leg. Dottie and Sharon Polls vis­ ited Clara Barney Sunday after­ noon. O ur co n im u n ily expresses sym pathy lo Rev. H arold Zim m erm an and fam ily in the dealh o f his m olher, N ancy Zimmemian. He is the pastor of Cornatzer Baplist Church. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Si;pt. 12,2002 - C5 Just a mouse-click away ... www.enterprise-record.com N orth Davie Ruritan presents .. . P u d d i n g R i d g e G o l f C l u b Saturday, September 28, 2002 Shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. $1800 in Cash Awords Sponsored by: Piedmont Mutual Insurance • Carolina Drilling d Blasting Summers Grading • Interstate Seeding, Inc. Anderson Aggregates. LLC • J 0 Crews, Homebuilders lAII proceeds benefit N orth Davie Ruritan Scholarship Fund, Community Service projects and other needs of the community. For more information, contact: Jim Eaton 998-3043 < Tim Hendrix 492-2708 • Jimmy Summers 940-5054 degree yourself! e a r n y o u r d e g r e e a f t e r w o r k J o i n U S f o r a n i n f o r m a t i o n s e s s i o n o n o u r L i f e l o n g L e a r n i n g P r o g r a m T u e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 2 7 : 0 0 - 8 : 3 0 p . m . Ketner Hall, Rm 213 C A T A W B A C O L L E G E Fur more information cali (7 0 4 )6 3 7 -4 7 7 2 or 1 (8 0 0 )C A T A W B A Salem M ontgom ery Stew art Local Baby Is Named Tarheel Queen Salem Montgomery Stewarl was crowned Ihe 2002 Baby M iss N orth C arolina Tarheel Queen in the slale pageant in Winston-Salem July 12-14. She com peted in several events, winning the beauty com­ petition. four modeling events, photogenic, and most beautiful. Each conlcslani was judged on poise, appearance, attire, modeling ability and personal- ity. To qualify lor the state pag­ eant. she won the Baby Miss Winslon-Salem Tarheel pageant. She w ill .spend the year travel­ ing lo special events making ap­ pearances. and assisting w ith .special com m unily projects. She is the daughler o f Adam and Shea Slewart o f Advance, and Ihe granddaughter o f Rich­ ard and C arolyn M arkland o f Advance, R ick and Rebecca Stewart o f Rockwall, Texas and Bobby and D ebbie H arris of Sulphur Springs, Texas. DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER • www.davisrcgion a I . с u m I f y o u f e e l l i k e l i f e i s n ’t w o r t h l i v i n g , o r y o u r f a m i l y w o u l d b e b e t t e r o f f w i t h o u t y o u , a n d t h e r e ’ s n o t h i n g y o u c a n d o t o m a k e i t b e t t e r , m a y b e i t ’ s t i m e t o a s k f o r h e l p . ID e p re s s io n is a serious m ed ical illness thac affects over 9 rniilion A m erican adu lts in an y given year. S ym p to m s include feelings ofw orthlessness o r hopelessness, irritability, low energy, p o o r ap p ed te , change in sleep p atte rn s , p ro fo u n d sadness, difficulty co n cen tratin g , and persistent o r recurring th oughts o f d eath . Left u ntreated, depression can Ifead to serious m edical co m p licatio n s, including suicide. Ify o u o r a loved o n e is suffering from depression, w e can help. T h e D e lta B ehavioral H ea lth Program a t D avis R egional M e d ic a l C e n te r offers a com prehensive in p atie n t tre a tm e n t p ro g ra m fo r those suffering fro m depression. D o n ’t let th e b lack days co n tin u e. C all us to d a y a t (7 0 4 ) 8 3 8 -7 4 5 0 arid let the lig h t b ack in to yo u r life. ■ ^ D A V I S REGIONAL iM W H W M in fo m D e lta B e h a vio ra l H e a lth P ro g ra m 2 1 К () L Ü M C) С К S V I I I L к о л и 4 () , L X I I I S 4 , S I A I I S V I I I I Сб - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 DAVIK COUNTV KNTKRI’KISK-RICCOUI), Tlnirsfbi.v, Si|)ttml)cr 12.2(l(»2 - С i i Dad's best advice to his kids... 1. Take care of your Mom. 2. Spend your money wisely. OillKxiiyfon'nionmihn, lunch umln lour... -j^P olo Ridge ^ ^ Assisted Living Com munity 2500 Polo Ridge Court, Wiaston-Salcni, NC 27106 3 3 6 .7 2 2 .7 1 1 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P a s t p r e s id e n t s o f th e B e r m u d a R u n G a r d e n C lu b in c lu d e , fro m left, S u e L a w e r e n c e , S h e lb y N ic h o ls , A n n C o r n w e ll, C a r o l Q u in n , L o is P r ic e , C h risty S h a ffe r , H a z e l G a d d is , D o n n a D u T o it, S u s a n R o y s te r , B o n n ie R o c k a w a y a n d L y n n J o s e p h . B R G ard en C lub C e le b r a te s 18th A n n iversary The Bcrm ud.i Run Garden on designs for the D ixie Cliissic Members o f the chib w ill enter the Cooleemee Pliintation on Club celebrated its LSih .innivcr- ■sary w ilh a luncheon :it the Ber­ muda Run clubhosue on Sepl. 4. Each form er presidenl gave a short lalk aboul her year as president. M any o f the clu b ’s a ctivitie s were discussed: in ­ cluding projects for Ihe children al Ihc C hildren’s Center, culling roses al Tanglewood, projects at area nursing hom es and Ihe Slicht Center, planting shurbs al a Habitat House, and Ihe recy­ cling proejcl. Past presidents who spoke were Ann C ornw ell, Lois Price, Su.san Royster, Carol Quinn. Sue Lawerence, Hazel Gaddis. Lynn Joseph, Christy Shaffer. Shelby N ichols. Bonnie Rockaway. and D onna D u T o it. Those w ho served bul were absent were R uth Rodgers. M.J. P lltl and Wanda Cross. A n n C o rn w e ll. B onnie R ockaw .iy and Donna D uToit have served tw o icm is. G uest speakers Phebe K irk m a n and L le w e lle n C hurchill gave dem onslralions Pair. A club m em ber, M a rio n 1 lemphill, wrote the schedule for Ihe flow er shows for the fa ir the design and h o rtic u ltu re classcs o f Ihe llow er shows. The club w ill provide the centerpieces for a luncheon al Salurday, Ocl. 5. Money raised w ill benefil the Land Trust o f North Carolina. iJ ^ ia n o Íju • D ining • D ancing Sing-A-Longs ■ Anniversaries • I3irlhf(ays H oliday Parties ^ookincji. ca Ë (3 3 à )ç g S -4 6 S g KiiuiiuuieiiumuuiRiiumituiMiiuiitiiiiiimiiuiíiiiuiiiiuiaiiUiiiiiiiiiiuiaiiiiieuuiiiiuiauuuiiiHiiuiiiiiiii: It’s Time To Test Your Soil September and October is Ihe besl lim c lo test soil, according lo Greg Hoover, h orlicullu ral Hxlension agenl. Hoover gives tsvo reasons to lesl soil now: if lim e is needed, it w ill have Ihe w inter lo raise the soil pH. and gelling samples In soon, the results w ill get hack ijuickly. " It’s liecome normal for the lab in Raleigh to back up start­ ing in December, somelimes by as much as 10 weeks. If you get your samples in by the end o f Ocloher, you should be in good shape," Soil sample kits arc available Financial Seminar At Senior Center The Davie C ounly Senior C enler w ill hosl an inform a ­ tional session w ith a representa­ tive from M errill Lynch at 6:.10 p.rn. Thursday, Sept. 12 at the Davie Counly Public Library. F in an cia l p la n n in g , preretirement planning and re­ tirement issues and options w ill be discussed. Refreshments w ill e served, w ilh no selling or so­ licitation. To sign up or for more infor­ mation, call Ihe senior cenler al 7.‘)l-0 6 1 l. al the local Extension Center in the Coum y O ffice Building, 180 S. M ain Sl. in M ocksville. The k il includes soil sample boxes, infonnation sheel and directions on how ID take a sample. The only cost to N orlh Carolina resi­ denls is Ihe shipping cost lo Ihc lab in Raleigh, When Ihe lesl results come back. Extension agents can in­ terpret the results and fine tune lim e and fertilizer recommenda­ tions. Knowing the nutrient levels o f soil and making corrections is an imporlanl step in caring for a home landscape. Hoover said. "P lants grow b etle r w ilh proper nutrition and are more waler efficient, which helps dur­ ing a drought. In Davie, the most common soil problems are low soil pH and phosphorous." Oak Grove School Reunion Oct. 5 The Oak Grove School re­ union w ill be held Salurday. Ocl. .“i from 10:.10 a.ni.-L30 p.m. at Plate Lunch Sale This W eekend M l. Z ion Holiness Church, M ill Sireel, M ocksvillc, w ill sell plate lunches Friday and Salur­ day, Sepl. 1.1-14, beginning al 11 ;.10 a.m,, eal in or take oul. Ihe Oak Grove Fellowship Hall on U.S. I Sit Ihree miles east of M ocksville. This is the former sile o f the .school house. The reunion is for fonncr stu­ dents and their spou.ses. Each is asked lo bring a covered dish meal and a drink fo r dinner. Plales, cups, napkins and ice w ill be provided. This w ill be the seventh re- B u y i n g L o g s Church & Church Lumber Company 798 N ew Brow ns Ford R oad W ilkesboro, N C Price List ($ MBF) International Rule Ash - Paying Up To $600 Red Oak - Paying Up To $900 W hite Oak - Paying Up To $700 Chestnut Oak - Paying Up To $225 Poplar - Paying Up To $400 Soft Maple - Paying Up To $ 2 15 Hard Maple - Paying Up To $600 W hite Pine - Paying Up To $225 ALSO W A N T IN G TO BUY TIMBER Call Us At 336-973-5700 OR 336 - 975 - 0783 W W W . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m H I! M y name is I.uke A n ­ d rew H apcniun. I um the son o f T o m u nd S h a nn o n H apem an o f C oncord, NC. I tu rn e d one ycu r old on August 25, 2002! W c c c lc h ru ttd m y firs t b irth d a y w ith a party ul m y home w ith m y special Tum- ily and friends. M y grandparenLs arc Janet aad W oodie Bates o f Advancc a n d R ic h a rd and H ele n H a p e m a n o f C o c n o rd . .My g re a t-g ra n d p a re n ts (w ho I m lu e d at m y p a rty !) are Jo auid C h a rlie .M cC lam rock o f .M o c k itille . .My b ig siste r, L ln d ie y, b tlp td m ake m y day so special trxi! I w ould like to sat thank you lo a ll m y fa m ily fo r help­ ing lo m ake m y firs t b irlh d a y such a special one!! T hank you also fo r sharing the day w ith us and fo r Ihe m any w onder­ fu l g ifts I received!! I (Ш юА (lolhing&Щ Ы щ е\ Р Ь м G r a w M e M U C h u rà i Ш и Ш Д и у S d t o d I ^ n i , t « b ^ t M M l IM N . A 4 - 7 P J N . 1130 Jo ne stow n R d., W in sto n -S a le m , NC 27103 C L IE N T S Needing help with a loved one.s care? Just a few hours or long term? Whatever the situation. Wc arc a new company, but have over 23 years experience in the business. Call Rhonda Kirkman at 760-3568 J U L L SERVICE 'D e s ig n Qi W /i<ir IVt’ offer... .ai'a'JSi’nVs • ■I’hvr Cowhnijs 'rriiitmiiits ‘Tililll ■ilithis •i.'lflfillll illSilTll'f.'S ^V.iirCinvriiy,! .Sili 'Jr.vs A' fMiiti Interior Designs, Inc. (336)766-9918 J560.C Clmmofti Kd, tkmrooiw I.iban MoitJAyFrUaj 9,00-5’M IDS\vwcuin P L U l Uccascd HealdcBUal P U M P Insured I'Industrial D u e l o e v e r y o n e 's g r o w in g c o n c e r n o n th e fu tu r e o f o u r w a t e r s u p p ly , Plumbmasters Plumbing & Pump is o f f e r in g a 5 0 % d is c o u n t lo c h e c k y o u r h o u s e fo r a n y h id d e n le a k s . T h e m o s t c o m m o n o f t h e s e a r e le a k in g to ile t s , m a in w a le r lin e s , a n d o ld s h o w e r h e a d s . C a ll n o w to d o y o u r p a r t in w a le r c o n s e r v a t io n , 9 9 8 - 9 4 5 9 Locally owned and operated , M/C,Visa Accepted. ^ POLO STYLE GOLF SHIRTS 4 0 ” ^ i l c ‘ 1 0 » L O W E S T P R I C E G U A R A N T E E O N A L L M E R C H A N D I S E ! F R ID A Y , S A T U R D A Y , S U N D A Y ( 1 - 6 p m ) NEVRD1IBCÎZÆG0LF ____________________________________(Y o u r g a m e .I fiiil f.1 \ ') ' Tel: 336-760-2723 6 3 6 S tr a tfo r d R o a d • W in s to n -S a le m , N C 2 7 1 0 3 O u r Remembers ¿ U e - ¿ t e c u it ъ т Ё ш т l l l i f l i i l l l 111Б^'^Г<^111 liJ $ L > :e !fi|| 1 » Ж Ш § 1 EATON F U N E R A L S E R V I C E 325 N o n li M ain S i„ M oduvillc, N C • 751-2148 Our community remembers the victims of the September 11. 2001, tragedy. Their memory will forever live in our hearts. 1‘rouJ Mtmfbtr cf 9 1. IVmiAL ______Л5 ASSOOAllON1*хлу l>f Cttlnj S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s C orbin Dirks of Fortress Insurance in C lem m ons. Fortress Insurance has options A ge doesn't m atter. At least not to C orbin Dirks. A know ledgable and experienced insurance professional, he has the w illingness and capability to help anyone. As the ow ner of Fortress Insurance G roup, Dirks has the ability to help cuslom ers in areas as varied as aulo, hom e, life and heallh. H e also deals in com m ercial insur­ ance. B ul his versatility d o esn ’t stop Ihere. Dirks, a graduate of U N C -G reen sb o ro and a C lem m ons residenl, also w orks wilh betw een 10 to 2 0 differeni insurance com panies, al­ w ays shopping for the besl rales for his clients, “I am a m ulti-outlet insurance com pany," he says in his office at the corner of Lew isville-Clem m ons R oad and Peace H aven R oad. “And b ecause I contract w ilh so m any differ­ ent insurance com panies, I can gel m y custom ers the besl rales available, Il's just beller for everybody," S om e of the larger com panies Fortress Insurance Group contracts with are H artford, Travelers, C enlral M ululal and G M A C . "I can give you a num ber of choices for rales w hereas som eo ne like S late Farm can only offer one choice," says Arnold’s Bakery of Clem m ons • T h e Arnold B akery Thrift S tore in C lem m o n s sells deli­ cious, high-quality bread, snacks and other related prod­ ucts, including low -fat, no-fat and no-sugar products at sav­ ings up to 6 0 percen t off suggested retail. S o m e of the m osl popular item s are E n te m a n n ’s cook­ ies, pastries, cakes, and pies; and Ihe B o b o li line of pizza crusts, bread sticks and sauces, plus a w ide range of sp e­ cially food ilem s. For m eals, sandw iches and get-togethers, the store fe a­ tures the A rn o ld line of prem ium A m erican breads, rolls and buns, w hich include B ro w n b e rry , b ric k O ve n , F ra n ­ c is c o a n d B ra n 'n o la , a hearty line of breads that are baked w ith all-natural w hole grains. N ew Arnold breads Include O a tn u t (w ith h a ze ln u ts ), O a tb ra n , S o u rd o u g h a n d 100% W h o le W h e a t w ith H o n ey. T h e A rn o ld B a k e ry T h rift S to re also sells T h o m a s b a­ gels and English m uffins, including blueberry, cranberry and cinnam on flavors. S u p er-size m uffins, and naturally low -fat S a h a ra pita are also av’ailable. T h e th rift s to re has an u n b e lie v a b le in v e n to ry of P e p p e rid g e F arm prem ium snacks, crackers, cookies and G oldfish; S n y d e r o f H a n o v e r pretzels and flavored potato chips; O ld L o n d o n products, including their fam ous M elb a T o a s t and W a ffle S n a c k s ; V o o rtm an cookies; U tz pret­ zels and chips F a m o u s A m o s cookies and L ittle D e b b ie snacks. T h e A rn o ld B a k e ry T h rift S to re has A m is h jam s and relishes, local honey, M rs . C a m p b e ll's hom estyle chow - chow, V id a lia S w e e ts relishes, as w ell as G o ld in g F arm s honey, m olasses, salad dressings, and steak, barbecue, cocktail and tartar sauces. ■you’ll also find the exclusive salad dressing from C h e r­ ries C a fe at A rnold’s. ItAoravian lo v e fe a s t b u n s an d s u g a r c a k e s are delivered fresh on Fridays from J o n e s B akery. T h e thrift store’s unique inventory of fam ous S ta s h Tea includes traditional flavors of black, green and herbal teas as w ell as triple ginseng, teas from India, and oriental blends you w ould drink in Japan and C hina for health benelils. T h e store also has E x o tic a Tea, w hich includes rare fla- Dirks. A fter graduating from U N C -G , Dirks began his insur­ ance career working for Liberly M utual. H e accum ulated six years of experience before deciding to open his ow n com pany earlier this year. "Fortress Insurance G roup is an aggressive new agency seeking new clients," he says. ’’W h atever your insurance needs are, w e can help." O ffice hours at Fortress Insurance G roup are fvlonday- Friday 9-5 and S alurday 9 -1. Dirks also m akes house calls. "I will go w herever is the m osl convenient place for m y clients,“ he says. "I’m alw ays w orking to give Ihem Ihe best prices and the best service." Dirks adds thal he enjoys Ihe insurance business be­ cause of the people he serves. “Everyday in this business ¡s different. I really like m eet­ ing new people and building long-term relationships with m y clients. “A nd,of course, I alw ays enjoy saving people m oney." Fortress Insurance G roup is located a l 2 2 5 5 Lew isville- C lem m ons R oad, S uile C . T h e phone num ber is 35 4-4 0 0 0 . vors such as S ilver Jasm ine and C hina W hite. A lso featured at the A rn o ld B a k e ry T h rift S to re are g o u rm e t co ffe e , c o c o a a n d c u p p a c in o packets, includ­ ing H azelnut, Snickerdoodle, fvioucha-doodle, Irish C rem e, C rem e B rulee and C oco C ab a ret flavors. For custom ers w ho desire a bit m ore flavor, the thrift store has a num ber of ja lo p e n a , g a rlic a n d s p ic y item s. T h e A rn o ld B ak ery T h rift S to re is conveniently located in C lem m ons a l 2 6 6 8 Lew isville-C lem m ons R oad, across from the new D O L L A R B U Y S S lore. Store hours are (»/londay Ihrough Friday 9 -8 , S aturday 9-6, and S unday 12-5. P h o n e 7 6 6 -3 0 8 0 . Advenmnn Prumotion UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removen Roof-Brite® 785-2030 too Royal Oak Df.. W>nsXon-Sn>cm. NC 27^07 A P e i ' K i i i i a l ll(M № li n u v ( i l , L I Æ 79 C o u rt Siiunro • D o w n to w n M iK k s ville • 33f>-753-l»50 "Dcstiiiiilioii & lloiwijmouii Siwdiilisis'' Linda Blackburn - 14 Yoars Bxperionco Lo ca l TuLL-Sim vici: Tk a vix A g f n o Siìrvi.sg Davii: & Suhuounüinc; CouN Tits w w w .personallouchtravel.com Mon-Pri 9 -5 , Evonings & Sal. by Appt. T IL E R IT E ( 3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 - T I L E WeinMcetmicandstone hk. Famly (мш1 hbinoi ür 14 Ur uki* рхз! pile in (jur and оылпсг tm iu Frivotím^o. C e n f e r p o i n ^ C h u f c h Associate Reformed Presbyterian 6301 Shallowford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) S u n d a y S c h e d u le Momino Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Casual Evening Worship 6.00 p.m. ' F o r m ore i^ fijrm atkm : w w w . c a n t e r p o ln U i r p .c o n i IMPRESSION^ 'No job loo big or loo .mmll' Bu.sincssAppuvl, Tt'iun Logos, MoiKigr.uiis, Gills, Sliirl.s, Caps, Algliiiiis, Bags, lurvics NO SET UP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 7 1 2 -0 9 4 3 Й! Fnrtrc.ss In.siitiince r.-l. « ’HI V.ti I . t-u,l|Jt,.nJt'i'..... - (>'t.f> In •)'. 1 :.l.' I ' "ЛI I.< Г1, J „I ЧП1П i: IC. I -■I..I V . >> K.l ,in.l..|Vi.-4-.‘ .'.и.-»М-4(КИ1 l.iy JUv.J>4.tllUI V'-.iMll 4.V.V. J.' t V •'! .if............\1 .1.111 'l|: 1-.1Ч.1 Ч,,:.,!,,.., SAVINGS up EVERYDAY 40" Senior Citiscn» Dìscotinl» • Tritnmers/Bush Cutters • Ladies Intimate Wear • Fertilizer Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmoits Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 DRIVE THRU Home o r 7 /w T o a s t e d H o t d o g A'wii' O lt'erin n S oft S erve Ice C ream Shiikfs,Siiiulm ‘s AI.SO : IIA .M IILIK (;i :R. c i i i:k s k iu )u ( ;i :r s, m s ii SANDW ICIIICS M O U i:!2432 \ AN'tsNilU'-Ucmnwrn’i Uil. MON.-SAT. (|u^kk•lV/ilI^.п BAKERY Ж I;;;.. I ildiiL'V. SliMiK. Senl'ood I ISjiuce.s, Roii4le<l (iiirlii* .Siilnd | Dri'ssliiK, V idtiliii O iiiim i I Siihxl Dressing, .SluM'ilT * I lli-U fM tltQ Dip. M is. I * C*ainpl)i*irs t ’lio«*C’ln»\v. I I 26GQ Losvisvillo-Clemnwns Rcl. • , ClcmiTOns • 7GG-3080 | I Mon.-Ffi. 9-8: Snt. 9-G; Sun. 12-5 B e rm u d a M ini’s S e lf-^S to ra g e «H D D 9 9 8 -9 6 6 1 / Clim ate Control ✓ 24 hr Com puterized G ale / Fenced with 24 hr lighting ✓ Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 ✓ Video C am era Security ✓ Next to Bennuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance A - 1 F I R S T IMPRESSIONS CARPET&SPECIALTY SERVICES 403-4274 403-6442 www,AlFirstlmpressions.coni Сафо1 Uphofetcry, WcxxlTte FloofS, Lealhof. Snx*e/VVater Danwge, Cokx Repair & Dyeing ♦ Vefucte Honor • Pe! & Odor Ccntiol* Residential & Commercial С Ф IICRC S S Г! I I I I I I I M o c k s v i l l e S h o e S h o p Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square. Downtown Mocksville (336) 7 5 3 -0 9 4 2 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS(for n limited tmw) t6 V'fS. Experience Open M-F 8:30am-6:00pm ' T I I I I I I I W h it n e y F lo o r in g IlM iirs : M o n . - F r i . 1 0 - 6 S a t. 1 0 - 2 Specializing in . Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile H ardwood Floors & R efinistiing Counter Tops Lam inated Floors (336) 766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN Ю Ж PWUC 5919-C James St, Clef H i l l s d a l e A n i m a l ! f r e e f i r s t O F F IC E V I S I T o r I 1 5 % ■ d i s c o u n t o n I I V A C C IN E S H o s p i t a l 1 Cail 998-8750 for details, or to sciiedule an appointment. 1.34 M E D IC A L D R lV n A D V A N C r ., N .C ;. 2 7 Ü 0 6 I I (excludes imdicalions, | ciddilioncil testing) ■ ■ m ust have co u p o n | StmocesTone ^J703V X <W > f i r e c f o n e ^ ггндмоск G&>rge's Ш аде Garage, Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Bumper-To-Bumper Car Care Needs 2S70 LEVylSVILLECLEMHONS ROAD CLEMMONS, NC 27012 7вв-7в62 Local Independent Tire D ealer K E V IN PRIES M anager EDWARDS WINDWfô LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME We Do Restoration & New Construction ■ N e w Vinyl T op D eck in g • Vinyl D e c k s & R ailing ■ Vinyl R e p la c e m e n t W in d o w s S c r e e n R o o m s • Vinyl S id in g Preß • S » R o o m s Glass wHh ' E n c lo su r e s A Q Q C M dbW e Phone / 0 H - U O O 9 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 SPECIAL OF THE MONTH Storm Doors: 9 Colors, 15 Styles DAVIR COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 12, 2002 - C9 C« - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12,2002 ('-il War Eagle Marching Band members performing for the crowd at Friday night's Davie High football game are Holly Hunter, Thomas Parsley, Josh Gentry, Seth Spry, Века Brock, Adam Ressa, Jessica Overbey and Adrian Hogue. Jennifer W hiteheart in­ structs the band. Jessica Barfield, Catherine Crow, Melissa Tallmon, Ashley Davidson, Jennifer Whiteheart and Stephanie Gray provide some music. Cheerleaders Kristen Culler and Ashley Lee are all smiles. Photos by Robin Fergusson The War Eagle Dancing Boots stir up some team spirit. Courtney Hanrahan holds for fellow cheerleader Andrea «^e field. Whitley. A ' lh \f t B e r m u d a V illa g e W o m a n C e l e b r a t e s 1 0 0 t h B i r t h d a y Helen II. Knhle оГ Ronmiil:i Villiiyc celcbraled her lOdih birtliilay on Aiit:. 31. She was hom in C alm er. Imva. from parenls who were I'rom fierm any. Helen had Iwo sislers. both deeeaseil. l-aeh of the sislers helpcil the iiiliers at- leml Iowa Slale College, Ames. Iowa. Helen yrailiialecl in 1424 w ilh a ilegrec in home economies. She mel Loren Kahlc. an engi- neerinj; sliulenl. al a colicué m ixer. l,oren gave Helen his Bela pin ami iwo years laler Ihey were married in l<)27 in .>\mcs. Loren was an engineer I'or Slamlard O il ol'N cw .lersey. now E xxo n . He loo k H elen lo T am pico. M exico, w here he h iiill pipelines I'or ihe newly ilis- covered o il I'ields. W h ile in M e xico , they had Iw o sons. Loren Jr. and Hob. They were Iransl'errcd to Vene/iiela. where Ihey had Ihcir Ihird son. Dick. She helped organi/e schools in Ihe o il camps w tiere Ihey live d . D urin g W orld W ar ll. Loren was on loan lo ihe US Navy lo b uilil a secrel pipeline across I’anama. leaving licr lo raise her boys tor many monlhs nol knowing when or il'her luis- band would relurn. During ihe early I'J-Uls, Ihey moved lo Tnlsa. O kla.. where Loren was promoleil lo president o f liller Stale I’ipeline Co. This was a real cliange for Ihe Kahle I'am ily. D urin g Iheir slay in M exico and Vcne/nela, Helen had a s la li lo run llie house. In Tulsa, she w as on her own. Fordesserl al one o f her lirsl ilin ­ ner p a rlie s, she prepared a soullle. When she looked at it aller being broughi in I'rom the kilchen. she noliced il had fallen and was "a erusl" al Ihe bollom o f ihe pan, Ueing a gracious hosless. she d idn'l blink an eye and look a spoon and scrapeil onl •servings for her guests. Conver­ sation conliiuied and Ihe dinner was classirieil a success. B o lh Loren Jr. and Bob graduated I'roni high school in Tulsa, before gradnaling from C ornell LIniversily. ll was in Tulsa lhal Helen learned golf, which she played um il she was ‘)2 years old. She gave it up be­ cause she said she "couldn'l Inul a pariner lo beat." H elen was also a clive in many coinm m iily activities such as w orking w ilh handicapped children. In 14.S1, Helen and Loren moved to lidm onum , Canada, where again L.oren b uill a major pipeline. They loved lo spend lim e in Ihe Canadian Rockies, During a horseback Irip to a re­ mole pari o flhe Rockies, a slorm suddenly came up and Helen's horse boiled when she pul on her rain coat, ihrow ing her lo ihe ground w ilh many scrapes and cuts. Undaiinlcd ami in hersiyle, she gol up, wiped o ff ihc blood, got on tbe horse - pride shaken - and conlinucd the Irip. Ihey moved lo B ronxville, N.Y. in I0.S2, where Loren be- came an execulive I'or Ihe com ­ pany now known as l-.xxon. Cioll' anil working in ihe school and church occupied mosl o f Ihe lim e for Helen. She claimed lo be Ihc sandw ich i|iieen o f Hronxville because she wanled her son lhal look his lunch lo school lo havediffcieni and var­ ied sandwiches. She claims her grealesi crealion was a baked hcan sandwich w hich when un­ wrapped was a soggy mess. Helen really Ihoughl il was greal but, her son. w ell ..... Her third son. Dick, gradualed high school in H ronxville before going back lo I lelen and Loren's ahna inaler. Iow a State U nive rsity, A lte r Loren relired from l-xxon, Ihey moved lo I'.ssex, Conn. where Helen H, Kahle celebrated her 100th birthday with fam­ ily and friends in Texas, sailing and golf were Ihe daily evenls. Loren was a cli\'e as chairnian o fth e lisscx planning board, while Helen parlieipated in com muniiy evenls. The ecniple moved lo Her- imida Village in the late l ‘)8()s. Helen and Loren were married fo r 71 years hefore L ore n 's dealh. " I here is a lot o f give and lake. You really have lo respect Ihe feelings oflhe olher person." said l.iiren during an inlerview for Iheir 70lh anniversary. Helen's words were, "Y ou have lo have a spirilual side and a deep anchor When hard things come along, that helps. We never go to bed angi y with each olher," I lelen had a hirllulay parly al Bernuula V illage on Aug. 16 w ith all her friends. She traveled to .Arlington Texas, for her real birihday on Ihe ,Msi, A ll her children, gram lchil- drcn and great-grandchildren were in attendance for a black lie dinner al a reslauram in A r­ lington, riiere were close lo ,*10 fam ily members in aliendance, 1 lelen loves lo dress up and ihis w as a special time for her to see all her "courl," David Snipes H opes To Revive M ethodist Foundation Recently elected I’residenl of Ihe W estern N o rlh C aro lin a M elhodisI Foundalion, the Rev, l.sainh W illson Culhrell,.son o f (ieiirRC iiiu l S iin d rii D tilin C u lh re ll o f AdvHiice, w ill lie celebnitin)> Ills Isl h lrllid a y on •M I-0 1 , lie wus horn ill 11:59 ii.n i. [Iurin!> thc le rriiris i iil- luek on o u r C dU iilry. He w ill celehnile his hirthdii.v w ilh his o ld e r h ro th e r, (i'e (irj;e I*. C u lh re ll IV . H is n iiile rn iil i;riuu lpiire nts are Jewell D ulin (il'A d viin ce iu u l Ihe lale H enry W alson D ulin Sr. His paternal ;>ran(lparents are (•e o ri’e and M a ry C u llire tl o f W inston-Sa­ lem. Isaiah is often referred lo as the 9-11 bah.v. H is is o u r h ri);ht side o f 9-11-01. David Snipes is delemiined lo make the services and resources o f ihe l-oundalion more w idely known among the cliiircbes and members o f Ihe Western North C a ro lin a C onference o f the U niled Methodist Church, Snipes is a native o f Moeks- v illc . P rio r to e nle rin g Ihe U niled M elhodisI n iin islry in I9U4, Snipes, who has a ilcgrce ill m anagem ent, w orked fo r Am erican lixprcss Travel Re­ lated Services and for a Norlh general conlraeling fim i as a cosl accinimam. Managing various church and individual endownienis is Ihe p riim iry ro spo n sibiiily o f ihe |-oundalion. In Ihis way, llie l-ium dation is able to provide individual churches in Ihe West­ ern Norlh Carolina Conference o f Ihe Uniled MelhodisI Church w ith the skills and long-range planning needed lo grow Ihose assets in order lo fund Iheir vari­ ous minislries, R iiiially inipor- lanl is the service the l-'ounda- lio n p rovid e s lo in d iv id u a l churches members. Snipes and his slaff are avail­ able lo give direclion lo eluireh members lo create a program o f "planned giving." In ihis way, individuals who arc considering bequealhing a porlion o f ilie ir estate to the cluireh can do so .system atically; thus possibly prolecling Ihe remainderof their assels and Iheir heirs from eslale laxes. The I'oundalion was eslab- lisbed in I9S3 to assist churches and im liviilu a ls lo "he belter stewards with their God-given resources." For individuals. Ihe l-oundalion ean help them assist their church m inistries over the lonu-lem i Ihrough llieeslablisli- menl o f gift annuilies. charitable rem ainder Irusls and endow - menls. " flicse are opiions lhat many people arc sim ply u n fa m ilia r w ilh ," Snipes said, "O r, they think such programs are beyond their circumstances. Yel, there are many ways thal we can help people of modest means contrib­ ule lo the ongoing viab ility o f ih e ir clm rch or a particularly m inistry in which they have a personal inlerest," In addilion lo ils staff, w bieli ineludes two CPAs, Ihe Founda- lion works w ilh an Investment Committee niiide up of church members ihroughoul the confer- eneo w ith fin a n c ia l b ack­ grounds. "W e have a lot o f people w ith talent, skill, and experience in fi- iiancial iiianagemem and invest- menl inanagenient in our con- gregiilioiis." Snipes .said. "The I'oundation allows ns lo tap this im porliuil resource for the ben- 1 ^n | F a r m i n g l o n R o a d E x x o n & W r e c k e r S e r v ic e o f f e r s 2 4 h o u r 7 d a y a w e e k T o w in g & R o l l b a c k P L U S A l l M a j o r M o t o r C l u b s F ó r t l M iR « M Í i il i ig W t a k t i n S f p t e i i ib m r w t a r é o f f e r l R t u l i t o j 4 q u a r ts a n d f it t e r o il Ghaagétf№ $18.95 *IMs Im M m clwckiiil Mts.lMM«aNfMllww,alr , : nra 4 Tire Rotation & Balance Check Brake Pads 520®® Service Department Closed on Sundays N C In s p e c tio n s 8-6 M-F • 8-2 Sat. Davie High Dancing Boots include Meiia Meadows, Jessica Foster, Ashley Atkins, Jodie Draughn, Megan Barney, Tanya Dixon, Catherine Boyles Tamisha Norris and Ashley Rowe, Mortgage rates are the lowest they have been hi 40 years! Let us help you with the purchase or refinance of your home All tipitluiiii(nispnk'(\'i\i\l<oulopf)nnr(lliK ally. BANK oii N ^ m f i A T O L I N A M O R T G A G E JERRY KAPP Miinagor/lxian OKicer 133G Woslgalo Cenler Drivo Winston-Salem, N027103 Tolephone: (336) 774-2944 Mobilo: (336)462-3932 E-Mail: ¡kapp@bankofnc.com Mcmbof FDIC WANTED 1 5 H O M E S T H A T N E E D P A I N T I N G 15 Homeowners, will be given an opportunity to havo the New Alvis SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their home at special Discount prices. No m ore costly repair bills or constant Painting costs, • Alvis Spray On Siding CAN EASILY be applied ovor any typo surface Including wood, stucco, block, or brick, • Alvis Spray On Siding WILL NOT fade, crack, peel, or chalk and carries a LIFETIME WARRANTY, No money down and tsnna to (it your budget Why wait? www.sprayonsidlng.comFREE ESTIMATES AS F FATURFn ON THE OUlUOfRS HOUK 5^ay On Sldtng Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: Call N ow (336) 774-3852 el'it o f tbe churcb and all its members. In doing so, we can use Ihe resources God has given us lo reach out to our com m uni­ ties and tbe w orld in M inistry," Snipes and his wife, Debra, have been married for nine years and liave two daughlers, ages 6 and 2, r-'ollowing his ordina- lion in 1994. he served as asso­ ciate pastoral I'irsi Uniled Melh­ odisI Church in I.exinglon, for tliree and a lia lf years. L'rom Ihcre he moved on lo Wesley ■Memorial U nited M ethodist C luircli in High Poinl where he served as the M inisler o f Adm in­ islralion and l-'inance. "I'o r loo long. Ihe resources and services o f llie I'oundation have been unnoticed and underutilized,” Snipes said, "I believe lhal il is important thal our members ¡mil our churches rcali/e lliat Ihrough itie Founda­ tion Ihey have a valuable tool thal can assure Ihe long-lerm vi- a b ilily o f llie ir church and ils m inistries," I'or more inform ation, con­ lacl Ihe Western North Carolina United M elhodisI Fouiidalion. .^400 Shamrock D rive. Char- loiie. 2S2 LS; or call Iheir оГПсе al the Western N orlh Carolina United M elhodisI Conference Cenler: 7()4-.‘5.1.‘i-22f)(),e.\l, 14ft, Let The Outdoors In D o n ’ t j u s t r e p l a c e y o u r w i n d o w s - B r i n g t h e B e a u t y o f t h e o u t d o o r s i n s i d e • Crafted For Beauty • Built W ith Security In Mind • Engineered For Energy Efficiency And Strength • Designed For Maintenance Freedom • Performance GuaranteedTo Last •Woodgrain Interiors Available 998-2140 If y o u r a g e is b e tw e e n 40 a n d 75, y o u r h e a lth is g o o d , y o u r la s t p e rio d w a s m o re lh a n 5 ye a rs a g o , a n d y o u h a v e n o l h a d a h y s te re c to m y -- jo in o u r s e a rc h fo r w a y s to fig h t o s te o p o ro s is . Learn more about this clinical research trial of an investigational drug. Call 1-866 -8 6 0 -6 2 9 9 Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates 2 9 2 7 L ynd h u rst A venue W in ston-S alem , NC 2 7 1 0 3 A Divibiui) of Ibe Women's Heiiitt) Alli<ince ol the PitMlniunl. PA CK) - DAVIK COUM V KNTKRPRISE RECORD. Sept. 12. 2002 Obituaries Ruby Miller Jordan Mrs. Riiby Miller Jordan, 77. lormcrlv 1)1' Marginal Slrccl lu Cooleemee ilicd Saturday evening. Sepl. 7. 2(102 al AuUimn Care оГ .Mocksville. ,-\ graveside service was held al 4 p.m. Monday. Sept. ') in Ihe Cily Cemetery on Wesl Innes Slrcel ill Salisbury, wiili Dr, Van Lankford ofncialitig. Mrs. Jordan vvas born in Cooleemee Aug. 10. I'Ji.“». loihe lale Waller J. and Adelaide Voglcr Miller and was relired from Cen­ tral Carolina Bank, For many years, she served as the secretary of the Cooleemee Firsl Baplisi Church and has also been Ihe sec­ retary/treasurer for Ihc Jerusalem Volunteer Pire Department, She was a graduate of llic Cooleemee High .School Class of l‘M2, Mrs. Jordan enjoyed working and car­ ing for animals and nursing in­ jured pels back lo healili, She tiHik special enjoyment spending lime with her family, Slie was a iiicni- ber of the .MiKksville t-irsi B.ip- list Church, Mrs. Jordan was preceiled in death by her hushami. James Ri­ chard Jordan in 19S2, Survivors: a daugliter. Debby Harris and husbaiulJoc of Mocks­ villc: 2 sons. Gaiy Jordan am! w ife Sandy of Winston-Salem and Steve Jorilan and wife Kalhy of Mocksville; a brolher, Waller Jor­ dan and svifo Mable of Cliarlolle; У graiulchildrcn; 2 slep-grandcliil- drcn; 2 great-grandchildren; 2 nephews; a niece: and 2 greai- ncphews. Memorials: Renovation Fund of M ocksville Firsl Baplisi Church, m N. .Main St,. Mocks­ ville. 27028; or lo the Davie Hu­ mane Society, Rufu.s Allen Morris Mr. Rufus Allen Morris. 74. fonnerlyofOodbey Road. Mocks­ ville. died Tliursday, July 26. 2001 al Autumn Care of Mocksvillc wlierc he had been a residcnl for the past two months, Mr, Morris was born in Rowan ■ County, April 18, 1У27 loihc lale William David and Ollic Almond Morris and was a retired truck driver wilh Glosson Motor Carri­ ers. He had also been a driver wilh Shaw Freight Co, He had been a helper with the Davie Counly Meals on Wheels for a lime and had been ihe allend:mt of the Cen­ ter Mobil Slalioii, He w as a vet­ eran of Ihe U.S. Army and the Marines. He was preceded in dealh by his w ife Margie Groce Morris, also by two sislers, Viola Morris and Ella Deese, and by 2 brothers, W.D, Morris Jr, and Floyd Morris. Sursiviiig : a daughter, I'am Tennerson of Salisbury; a son, David Allen Morris of Indiana; one stepson, Ralph W. "Dickie" Ciroce of Mocksvillc; a sislei, Johnsie Cook of Gold Hill; and brolhers, Cionnie Morris, Paul Morris, and Winslow Morris, all of Salisbury. A graveside service was held al 11 a.m. Monday, July 30 in ilie new Nalioiial Cemelery in Salisbury wilh Rev. George Troyer officiating. Military graveside riles will be conducted hy Ihe Rowan Veterans Council, llie family was al Ealoii Funeral Home Sunday evening from 7-У p.m. Cádif Elizabeth NeeJif 2002 M O C K svnxe * ' Ádertin L Rose • 1923-2002 • . CherleiK P. Hayes 1962 - 2002 WINTTON-SALEM ümmceMoberlySr. -..1913-2002 M O C K S vaiE I I I m u’r J 1 Si*i \ u I* ■>Mod(fvUi«;NC Lillie Etta Green Brown Mrs, Lillie Ella 'T’eggy ' Grccn Drown. 82. of Counly Home Koad, Mocksvillc, died Tuesday, Sepl. .3, 2002, al her home. The funeral service was held al 7 p,ni, last Thursd;iy al Eaton Funeral Chapel with Demon Landon and Gregg Elrod officiat­ ing, A graveside service was held ;il Ul;.10 a.ni, Friday al Jcricho Church of Christ Cemetery, ,Mcmorials: Carolina Bible Camp, l‘)88 Jericho Church Road. ■MiKksville; or lo Cemelery Fund of Jcricho Church of Christ, c/o Jim Webb. 124 Junction Koad. .Mocksville. Mrs. Brow n w as born Aug. .11. l‘)20. in D:ivie Counly lo the lale Sanford and Stella Seaford Green and was a homemaker. She w;is relired w illi many years of service w ith ,,U\tT, w here she was a mcmher of the Telephone Pio­ neers of ,.\merica. She had been Ihe opor.ilor of Green it Evercll GriKcry for m;iny years. She w ;is a graduate of Mocksville High Schwl class of iy.^‘> and was a member of .North .Main Street Church of Chrisl and enjoyed traveling and quilling. She w as preceded in death by her first husband. McOdis Evercll: her second husband. Garland Forrest; and her Ihird husband. Joshua Brow n. Alsodcce;ised is a great-grandson. Jackson Evercll: and a greal-granddaughlcr. Lauren Brown, Survivors: a son and daugluer- in-law. Joe and Eva Everett of Mocksville; a grandson and w ife: 2 great-grandchildren: slepchil- dren Peggy Casslevens. Jane Hall and Toiiiniy Brown, all of Yadkinville, Eddie Forrest of Statesville and Sonny Forrest. David Forrest, Elaine Peliier, Lorraine Sanders and Sharon Carby, all of Louisville, Ky.; sev­ eral slep-grandchildren; and stcp- great-grandchildren; a brother, Cirl Green of Mocksville; a sis­ ter, Miirgarel Powell of Bermuda Run; a sister-in-law. Marj Green of Mocksville; and several nieces and ncpliews, Harley Pitt Graves Jr. .Mr, Harley Pin Graves Jr. 79. died Friday, Sepl, 6, 2002. He w as born Dcc, .1. 1922, in Davie Couniy lo Harley Pill and .Mary Hunt Graves Sr, jlc served his counlry in Worhl War II in ihe U.S. Air Force. Mr. Graves was ¡i banker for 40 years in the Win- ston-Salem Triad arcii. He was of Ihe Methodist failh. He was a championship trap shooler and an avid fisherman, Surs ivors; his wife of 4.1 years, Nellie W, Graves of the home; 2 daughters, Suzanne Graves Smithson and husband Steve of Kaleigh, and Alice Graves Rhine and husband Joel of Wilmington: 4 gramlcbildren; and cousins. A privale memorial service will be held al a lalcr dale. Memorials; Hospice/Palliative CareCenler. II(H)-C S. Stratford Koad. Winston-Salem, 27103, Luther Caldwell Eudy Mr, Luther Caldw ell Eudy. 72. of Slalcsvi I le il ied Thursda\'. Sept. .S. 2002 ¡И Davis Regional’.Medi­ cal Center, He was born l-eb, 20, 1424 in Davie Counly the son ofthe lale Roberl Cresswcll and Hattie Bell Bean Eudy. He served in the LJ.S, Navy from 1447 lo ИЛ^О. He was a p;incl o|vr;itor with Dana Indus- iries. formerly Fiber liuluslries and was a member of ihe ¡-гат Sireel Baptisi Church, Sun'ivors: his wife of .S4 years, Lela Mae Herrin Eudy: 2 sons. Michale C, Eudy and wife. Liiuhi and Roliert E, Eudy and w ife. Pam of Stalesvillc; 3 d;iuglilers. Anita L, Eudy and Catherine Eudy and husband. John Kyle, holh of Har­ risburg, and Lisa E, Pierce and husband, Terry, of Brevard; 3 sis­ ters, L;uira Hosvell of Illinois, Nancy Essary of Mooresville and Glenda Swaney and husband, Larry of N, Wilkesboro: 8 grand­ children: and 2 greal-grandchil- dren. He w as preceiled in dealh by a sisler. M ary E. Sm ilh and a brolher. Robert Glenn Eudy, Funenil services were ;U 2 p.m, Sunday. Sepl, 8 at Front Slrcel Baplisi Church with Rev. Gerald Hontrager. Rev. Wayne Riddle and Rev. Kenny Lamm officiating. Full military rites accordcd by V FW Posl ’#2031. Harold Lilllcfield Chapter (i8 DAV ;uid American Legion Post #217 fol­ lowed in Iredell Memorial Park. Memorials; I'roni Street Bap­ tist. 1403 W. Front St., Slalesville. 28677, Frank Lee Gough Mr. Frank Lee Gough. 8 1, died Sunday. Sepl. 8. 2002. at Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Mr. Gough vvas born Jan, 14, 1921, ill Forsyth Coumy lo Elon/.o .Montgomery and Stella Stewart Gough, He was a member of Ardmore Mor;ivian Church iDr.SO years, bul al the lime of his death was a member of Macedonia ,Moravian Church. Mr, Gough served in the U,S, Air Force dur­ ing World War II, w ith 24 monihs in Headijuariers Division al Kunming, China, He retired from Graybar Electric wilh 24 years service and later worked for Lamps Л Shades for several years. He was preceded in dealh by 2brothers. James William and Jack Gough. Survivors: his wife of 19 years, Theolene B, Gough of the home; 2 daughters, Janis G, Burger of Miami, Fla,, and Shirley Sacks and husband David of Jackson­ ville, Fla.; 2. slep-children, Teresa Swisher and husband Roy of Slalesville and Tony Myers and wife Aiigie of Advance; ,*) grand­ sons; ¡mil 2 granddaughlers. Л 2 p.m. funeral service was held Tuesday. Sepl. 10, ai Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel, with the Rev. Richard Shamel officiating. Nancy Ruth Holder Zim m erm an Mrs. Nancy Ruth Holder Zimmerman, 70, of Cornatzer Ro:iil. Advance, died Wednesday. Sepl. 4. 2002. at Forsyih Medical Cenicr in Winslon-Salem. The funeral service was al 11 a.m, Salurday, Sept. 7 al Adv;uice Uniled Methodist Church, with Ihc Rev. Harvey Sammons offici­ ating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorials; Building Fund of Advance Methodist, P.O. Box 2021, Advance. Mrs. Zimmerman was born Jan, 2.‘i. 1932. in Forsyth Counly to the lale Henry Clinton and Viola I'ulp Holder and was a self- employed prixluce route saleslady. She was a graduate of Shady Grove I ligh School, class of 19.‘i() and a member of Advance Uniled Methodisi Church. She enjoyed spending ijuicl lime at her iiioun- lain home in Hillsville, Va.. and lime wilh her children and grand­ children. She was prccedeil in dealh by her husband, Harvey Harold Zininierm.ui. in 1994. Survivors: a daugliter. Canmiie Walker and husband Stephen of Advance: 3 sons, ihe Rev, Harold Zimmerman and wife Lori of Ad­ vance aiul Randy D, Zininierman and Michael Zinimennan, bolh of Ihe home; 2 grandchildren; a step- grandson; a sisler. Blanche H. Fishcl of Advance; a brother. Bill Holder and wife Mildred of Win­ slon-Salem; and many nieces and nephews, Hu.ster Loyde Phillip.s Mr. Busier Loyde Phillips. 90, of Main Church Road, Mocks­ ville. died Sunday, Sept, 8, 2002, al Kale B, Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem, The funeral ser\ ice was al 7:30 Tuesdiiy, Sepl, 10 al Gospel Bap­ tist Church w ith ihe Revs. Kevin Hobson and Brad Holliman offi­ ciating, A graveside service was al 11 a,m, Wednesday, Sepl. 11 al Union Chapel Uniled .Melhodist Church Cemelery. Memorials; Union Chapel United .Methodisi Church Build­ ing Fund. 2030 U.S, 601 N.. Mocksville: or to Davie Home Heallh/llospice. P.O. Box 848. Mocksville. Mr. Phillips was born March 7, 1912, in Ashe Counly to the late Fr:uik and Ida Manes Phillips and was self-employed. He was a member of Gospel Baplisi Church. He was preceded in dealh by Ilis first wife, Lois Osborne Phillips and by his second wife, Ha/.el Baldwin Phillips. Survivors: a daughlcr. Belly Jo (Gray) Laymon: 2 grandchildren; a greal-grandcliiid; 2 stepdaugh­ ters, Karen Kimrey and Tammy Hutchins; a stepson, Jeff llulchins; 3 slep-grandcbildren; a brolher, J.F. (Lorene) Phillips, all of Mocksville; and 2 sislers, Imogeue (Harold) Osborne of Mocksville and Iva Lee Palmer of Boone, I n L o v in g M e m o ry o f th o s e w h o lo s t th e ir liv e s o n T u e s d a y , S e p te m b e r 11,2001. To the families, fi-iends, and heroes — We salute your courage. [ j Picase IJ nuim cnl U) rvfltHTt. Г',W'c will nevt’r [j . ■ Ггау for nur aninlr)'. Гкмч.'Ьоппг.тй sup|H)rl our fiivfi^Kicrs. роПсспч'п, .iiul milii.ir)'. We are united in our grief, anger, and patrioHsw as Americans. G o d B le s s A m e ric a Please remember our troops defending our freedom. W e lc h F u n m l llo ii№ , li№ . 556 South Main St. • Mock.sville, NC • (336) 751-3725 Localhj Oivned & Operated -.■y ........................ Sarah L ouise H unter Sorenson Mrs, Sarah Louise Hunter Sorensen. 74. died Wednesday. Sept. 4. 2002. al her home. Mrs, Sorensen was born March 8, 1928. in Forsyih Counly. the d.uigbler of Lonnie 1 lampion and Annie B;iker Hunter. She gradu­ aled from Gray High School in 1946 and worked for Goody's Piiwilers and retired from Booke and Co. in June 1991, Mrs. Sorensen w as a member of I lome Moravian Church, serving as a Sunday school leacher for many years and circle leader and circle treasurer In Ihe Women's Fellow­ ship. She helped in Ihe kilchen for church suppers. Easier breakfast. Wednesday Fellowship Suppers, anil ;issisleil wilh recruiling vol­ unteers. Mrs. Sorensen was a circle volunteer for Ihe Candle Tea. assisted wilh recruiling help in ihe kitchen for serving coffee anil sugar cake and was a Deiiier. S;icrislan. church office volunleer and played in Ihe Easier band Ihe first year women were allowed lo pl;iy. When her children were in elementary school, she was a grade parent, aclive in the PTA. and afler her reliremeni. she vol- unleered al Medical Park llospi­ lal in the Nutrition Cenler and in case nKUiagemenl. Mrs. Sorensen was preceded in dealh by her husband. Dale Arlhur Sorensen Sr.. Dec. 29. 1967; and a half sisler. Lonnie Hunler Frye (Mrs. Elmer Frye). Survivors; her children. Linda S. Gilíes (Don) and Sherri S. Cook (Mark), all of Mocksville and Arl Sorensen (Cheryl) of Lewisville; 6 grandchildren; 2 brolhers. Wil­ liam F. "Bill" Hunter and wife Belly and Thomas E, "Tom" Hunler. all of Winston-Salem. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m, Friday al the Moravian Graveyard, wilh Ihe Revs. Scolt Venable and Lehoma Goode offi­ ciating, Meinorials: Hospice/Palliative CareCenler, llOO-C S, Stratford Road. Winston-Salem, 27103; or Home Moravian Church Rook of Remembrance, .S29 S. Church St., Winston-Saleni, 27101, Faith and Hope Hayes/LewLs Faith Nicole and Hope Renee, Ihe infant daughters of Kelly Hayes and Brian Lewis of Clemmons, were born and died al Forsyih Mcdical Ccnicr on Sepl, 4. 2002, bul Iheir souls bad gone on lo heaven. Survivors; Iheir parenls. Kelly and Brian; 3 brolhers, Brian Jr., Taylor and Chrisiian Lewis of King; malernal grandparenls. Saniiy Hayes and Bill Harper of Advance, and Perry and Belh Hayes of Lexington; paternal grandparenls. Carry and Becky Lewis of Wallburg and Lyvonne Johnston of King: malernal great- grandparents, Gary and Belly Rice and JoAnn Beauchamp, all of Cleinnions; paternal great-grand­ parents, Harold Lewis of Winslon- Salem and Georgia Lewis of Cleinmons; an aunt: 3 uncles; a greal-auni; a cousin; and olher family and friends. There was a gravesiile service al 10 a,m. Friday. Sepl. 6. al Wesilawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons, led hy Paslor Joel Boyles of Advance.' who dedi­ cated Ihese angels lo God, DAVIE FUIVERAL SERVICE Incnrporated 4I6V.iIk'v Kd., MiKksviilo. \'C 336-751-3111"Otir ГiWiUy Всп'щ Vour Г ш п номших ïim iM iio\ík Ш B a r g a in s G a l o r e C h e c k o u t th e C la s s ifie d s Pages D6-D9 LPN’S • CNA ll’s * CNAI • MT Comfort Care Nursing is .seeking indiviijuai for part-time & full-time. Good salary, benefits, comp, pay, portion of insurance. Only .serious minded & dependable need call. Call Rhonda or Andrea at 760-3568, 9ain-4pm, Mon.-Fri. Drug & alcohol free workplace. AMeaningbd Funeral Service W e lch F u n e ra l llo m v , In c . 556 South M ain St, • Mock.svilU“, N C • (336) 751-3725 — Locally Owned & Operated — Get Ready For The Holidays! BeveriyHilltWflglitLoHSWfllnwian help you milt away the weight with: • Ha)(imi!m fat burning wittioyt hunger • One-on-one iupport • ia ie & # tiyew e ig litlo $ { • ReitaurantS grocery fofldi • Loie weights keep it off С ы |33в-75М 423 • ForFmComuMkm* Ust Л. WtUnefs 065 Yadkinville Rd., Suile 10 M o c k s v ille FALL SPECIAL Program Fee As Low As $ 4 ^ . 9 5 * *н«|иш Pixxlucti ккккМ Union Chapel Dinner Sept. 21 Union Chapel United Mcllioilist Cluiich will have a homemade chickcn pie and baked ham dinner from .‘i-.S p.m. Salurday. Sepl. 21 al Ihe clnirch on U.S. 601 North, a mile from 1-40. Cost; ,S7 per piale, eat in or lake out. Il is sponsored by Ihe Spiritual Scr\’anls Sunday School class. Holy Cross Lutheran Church To Celebrate Homecoming Holy Cross Lutheran Church will celebrate its annual liomccom- ing Suiuhiy. Sept. l.-i. Sunday School will be held al 9:30 a.m,. with the regular church service beginning al 10:30. A covcrcd dish lun­ cheon will follow the service. Paslor J:iy Boggs will serve as guest preacher His first full time parish was al Holy Cross, where he served for lliree years hefore cmoriiig the Ll.s. Air Force Chaplain Service in 1971. Boggs is p:is- lor of Amity l.ulhcran Cluirch in Cleveland, and is presidem of llie Rowan Liithcnui Mlnisteri:il Association, lie is ihe adviser tod llie Cenlral Conference Liilhcrn Men in Mission, Holy Cross, led by Paslor Roberl Kasling. Is a member of Ihe Norlh Carolin:i Synod of Ihe Evangelical Lutheran Cluirch in America and is loc:iled on U.S. 601 Soulh. Christian Women’s Clubs To Meet The Iwo Christian Wonien's Cjiibs of Winslon-Salcni will meet on Sepl. ISand |9;it Berniuila Run Counlry Club. The spe:iker will he Kalhy Derkheinier of Pinehursl. The meetings are open lo the public, bul reservations are rei|uireil. free mirsery is provided. At the luncheon on Wednesday. Ihc theme is "OhI You Beautiful Doll." a fashion show wilh Stein Marl providing fall lasbions. M u­ sic will he by Marianne l.evigne. The luncheon begins al 11:15. Cosl: .S12.2.Í.’ Call 774-9962 for reserv;uiims. Al llie brunch on Thursday, Ihe theme is "ball I'ashions" w ith Kilsic iVLilhis presenting Weekenders fashions for fall. The brunch is at 9:.i0-l l;30a,m. Call Pal al 940-688.^ or Alelha at 760-42.Í3 lo make a reservation. Cosl: .SI(),.“'(). Shiloh Baptist Plans 115th Homecoming, Revival Don:ild R. Jenkins, p:islor of Shiloh Baptist Church. Depot Slrccl. Mocksville, announces the 11,‘ilb annual boiiiecoming and revival services. The liomeciiniiiig service w ill be Sepl. 17. Dinner will he served in Sniilh-Gracc |-ellowship I lall al 1:30 p.m. The Kev. Norman Dudley, paslor of Ml. Nebo Baptist Chuich. Ilarnioiiy. bis chuir and congregation will be in charge of Ihe ;iflernoon service. Dudley is a native of H;illiniore. Mil. In 1960 he accepted Jesus Chrisl as his personal Savior and received Christi:ui h:iplism in 1960al Conicrstone Baptist Church in Baltimore. Afler serving four years of active duly with Ihe U.S. Air Force. Dudley eoniinued his education al the Ciininiunily College of and Coppin Stale College in Baltimore. Al Coppin he was honored for being llie firsl sludent 10 earn Ihe Coppin Slale Cerlificale in Philosophical Theology. I le was employed for 3.‘> years with Soci;il Security Adniinistraliun. In . 1992 he was called lo p;islor Ml. Nebo Baplisi Church in 1 larniony. In Slatesville and Iredell Countv. Dudley is associated wilh .several organizations. Among these are Sickle Cell and Habitat for Humanity. While Dudley has been in North Carolina a lelalively shorl lime, he has carneil a reputation for being ;i great preacher ;uiil a ilynaniic soloist. Dudley resides in Harmony wiih his wife of years. Dorinda Priscilla Mays Dudley. The annual revival will be Sepl. 18-22 al 7:30 p.m, Bobby J. Milton, a native of Brown Sunimil, will he Ihc evangelist for the week, Milton has p:isiored several churches in the area: Sli:idy Grove Baplisi Cburcb. Pelham; Rising Cbcnezer Baplisi Church. Winslon- Salem; and is Boxwood Baplisi Churcli, Davie Comity. I le allemled Greensboro Bible College heen married for 48 years lo the former Doroihy Brown of Brown Sunimil, They are the parenls of six children. Some of Davie County’s church choirs have heen invited lo provide the music ihrouglioul the week. Feel The Power Sept. 22 T h e .stu d en t m in i.stry at H iils d a ie B a p li.st C h u r c h w ill p r e se n t P o w c r S u r g e b e g in n in g S u n d a y , S e p t. 22 a l 6 p .m . P o w e r S u r g e is a n m lti-.s e n so r y w o r s h ip e x p e r ie n c e fo r m id d le .sch o o l s tu d e n ts th r o u g h y o u n g a d u lls . W ill P liti, H ills d a le ’s p a s to r to s tu d e n ts , is h u in c h in g P o w e r S u r g e w ith a s e r ie s o f m e s s a g e s c a lle d B r e a k in g F re e, ile a lin g w ith to p ic s s u c h a s d r u g s a n d a lc o iio l, a n g e r , g o s s ip , s in , a n d th e n e e d to b r e a k fr e e fr o m th e s e th in g s. Women On Mission Clothing Sale Sept. 21 At Courtney C o u r tn e y B a p tist C h u r c h 's W o m e n o n M is sio n ( W O M ) w ill s p o n s o r its th ird a n n u a l fa ll c h ild r e n ’s c lo th in g a n d e q u ip m e n t s a le o n S e p t. 2 1 in th e m u ltip u r p o s e b u ik lin g , C o u r tn e y C h u r c h R o a d , fr o m 8 a .m .-n o o n . Il in c lu d e s g e n tly w o r n c h ild r e n ’s c lo th in g fr o m in la n l s iz e s to p r e le e n . P r e v io u s s a le s h a v e in c lu d e d b ra n d s su ch a s G a p , G y m b o r e e , O sh K o sh , D is n e y S lo r e a n d m o r e . B a b y e q u ip m e n t s u c h a s str o lle r s , d ia p e r g e n ie s . b e d d in g a n d to y s a n d g a m e s are a ls o s o ld . D r o p o f f fo r s e lle r s is F rid a y , S e p l. 2 0 fro m .S-8 p .m . S e l le r s r e c e i v e 7 0 p e r c e n l o f p r o f it s . F o r s e l l e r ’s in fo r m a tio n , c a ll J e a n n e W h ile a l 9 9 8 -3 3 2 .5 o r th e c h u r c h at 4 6 3 - 2 6 8 1 , P a sl p r o c e e d s h a v e b e e n u s e d lo h e lp lo c a l fa m ilie s in n e e d b y s u p p ly in g g r o c e r ie s , a s s is tin g w ilh m e d ic a l b ills a n d p r o v id in g o lh e r n e e d s . DAVIK COUN TV KN I’KRI’RISK RKCORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - СП Flowers for all Occasions S M a r ’s U MMocktvilto {Щ т е 1 -1 7 8 2 Advancc Florist & Gift Baskets Fnill • M ud Good* • OoufiMt Bukttt W»ddl(iB»Fuil«f«l» — We Deliver — (3 3 6 ) 9 4 0 -6 3 3 7 Мэп-Frl Sat 9^ Attend The Church Of Your Choice N o C re e k P rim iliv e B a p tis t C h u r c h ,N o C ro o k C h u rc h R d .. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4ih Sundays. tO;30 a,m . Fourth Saturday worship nnd co ntoron co .l;30 p.m . Paslor, Eldor Eugono Oonnott, E n g lo H e ig h ts C h u r c h ,10 n ,m , S u n d a y w o rship . 7 p .m . Tu o s d a y Pow ertim e, 7 p.m , Thu rsd a y Biblu sludy, C asual dress, conlom porary m u sic/w o rs h ip , 5 1 03 U .S . 158, Hlllsdalo. M o c k s v illo W o s lo y a n C h u r c h : Hospital S t.. Sunday S chool, 9:45 n,m . W orship. 11. W odnosday Prayor Mooting. 7 p.m , Rev. G oorgu Troyor. 751-5595. U n io n C h a p e l U n ite d M o th o d lst C h u rc h : 2030 U ,S . 601 N, Worship, 9:45 n.m . S unday School. 11 a.m ,. Pastor. Rov. Drnd Holliman. C o n to r U n ited M ethodist C h u rch : U .S . 64 W, Sunday Scl\ool, 9.45 a.m. W orship. 11, Pastor, Slophon DInir. 51-2754. Childcare diroclors: Carla Provotte. 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753, Elb o vllle United M ethodist C h u rch : N .C . 801, Advanco. Fellowship. 9 a.m, Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11. Kids Foi Christ (ages 4-11). 1 st & 3rd Sun,, 3-4:30 p.m . Toons lor Christ (agos 12- 18) moot Sun,, 5-6:30 p,m, Paslor: Rov, Novillo Slofoy. C o o lccm ce C h u rc h of G o d : Sunday School. lO a .rn . W orship Service and C h ild ro n 's C l^ufch. 11 a.m , Tu o s . Prayer Mooting. 7 p.m . Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m . For moro info, call pastor Roboft Huletlo al 264-21 BO or visil www.cooicog org. C o rn a tz e r U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h : 1244 Cornatzor Rd Sunday School. 10 a m. W orship, 11 n ni.. 7:30 p.m . Diblo Study. W odnijsday, 7:30. Rov. Harold Zintmerman, pastor. B ethel U n ite d M etho dist C h u rc h : Delhol Church Rd, W orship. 9:45 a,m. Sunday School. 10:50 a m. Ruv, Ed Cartor. paslor, A d va n c c Unltod M othodlst C h u rch : Sunday School, 9:45 n m. Worship. 11 a.m , Youtli, 5 p .m . Rov. H a rry D. Sam m ons.Dow nlow n Advanco. F a rm in g to n U n ite d M o th o d ls t C h u rc h : S u n d a y S choo l. 10 a.m Worsl\ip, U n.m 1939 Farm inglon Hd. 998-3769. Rev. Molinda Snydor. O a k G ro v e U n ite d M e th o d is i C h u rc h 1994 U .S . 158. Mocl\sviilo. S unday School. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11. C o n co rd U n ited M othodist C h u rch . Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksvillo. W orship: It a .m . S u n d a y S ch o o l: 10 n.rn. Pastor. Jo hn Andrew s. H ardison United M othodlst C h u rch : W orsliip, 9:45 a.m . Sunday School. 1 0:45. W o n d o rtu l W o d n e s -d a y s C hildren's program . 6-7;30. Paslor. Rov. Dennis B, Mar.shall. C o m m u n ily Baptist C h u rch : Sunday School. 10 a.m . Sunday W orship. 11. Evening sorvico. 6. W ednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m . G ladstone Road. Hlllsdalo Uni ted M othodist C h u rch : 5 2 2 8 U .S . 1 5 8, A d v a n c o . Contem porary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m . S unday S chool. 9:35. Casual dross, roiroshm onts. Jr. High Youlli S unday night. 5:30. Sr. High Youlh Sunday nighl, 7. Midweok(a)Hillsdalo prayer sorvico. Wednesday 6:30 p.m . B iblo stu d io s, m inistries such as d ra m a , w orship, m isions, singles, w om en’s, m en’s. Pastor; Jerry W obb. 998-4020. W o slo y C h a p e l U n ite d M othod lst C h u rc h : W orship Sorvico: 10 a.m . S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10:45 n ,m . Rov, M indy Snyder. Ptno Rd. R e d la n d P o n to c o s ta l H o lin o s s C h u rc h : S u n d a y S choo l: 10 a.m . W o rsh ip ; 11 n .m . E v o n in g ; 6 ;30 . W odnosday prayor mooting & Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m . Rov. Joel Boylos, H o ly C ro s s Lutheran C h u rc h , 1913 U .S . 601 S . W o rsh ip ; 10:30 a.m . W.G. WHrrE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. W inston Salem , NC 27102 336-723-1669 J E R R Y ^ S M E A T P R O C E S S IN G We .Cusjom Mgat Pro.ce5S Beef - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 892 Ralph Railodgo Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We CustotTi Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, NC 336-751-2126 Sunday School: 9:15 a.m . Pastor: Rov. Roberl Kasling. 751-5419. http://w4vw.mindspring.com/^holycross/ M o c k s v llle F irs t P ro s b y te rlo n C h u rch . 2G1 S . Main St. W orship: 11 a,m . Church S choo !;9 ;45 a ,m . Sunday evoning: Choristers (gra d es 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m . Pastor; NonI Carter. 751-2507. M ocks Unltod M othodist C h u rc h , olf N .C . 801 S. at Mocks C hurch' B eau­ cham p roads. Advanco. Rov. Donnie Durham . 996-5510. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m, Sunday School: 10 a.m . Sm ith G rove M ethodist C h u rch : 3492 U .S . 158. M ocksvillo. Pastor: Chris C lo n lz . S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10 a .m .. worship. 11. Children's ininislry, Before and atlor school programs. 940-5296. H lltsd n lo B npttat C h u rc h ; S u n d a y W orship and Biblo Study 9 & 10:30 a.m .. W ednesday Fellowship Moal. G p.m . Children’s youth aclivilios. ptnyor m o o tin o . 6 :3 0 p .m . P a slo r R .T. Aldorman. 940-GG18. Minister of Music. Brent Helton. 4815 U .S . 158. Advanco. Fa ith a nd V ictory Fa m ily W o rsh ip C e n te r, 1687 Hwy. 601 N . S un d a y Services. 10 a m ., 7 p.m . W ednesday. 7 p.m. N e w B ollovers P.P. C h u rch . Sunday School. 10 a.m . Worship Sorvico, 11. Wedne.sday nighl Diblo sludy, 5. Paslor Elizabolh Mock. Assoc. Paslor Derrick M ock. W om en's Aux. Ä Brotherhood Bible Sludy, l.st & 3rd Thursday. L ib e rty U n ited M etho dist C h u rc h . U .S . GOI S, W orship;9:45 a m. Sunday School: 11 a m . First United M ethodist C h u rc h ot M o c k s vllle . Early Sunday W orship S e rvice , 8:50 a.m , Praise singing, casual dress, conlom pornry lorm al. Traditional service. 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main Si 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner, D e lle v o r’s S o n s h ip T a b o rn a c io : Sunday worship. 10 30 a.m, Ä G 30 p,m. W e d . e ve n in g. 7. P a stor; Je rry L. Couch. 998-1324. Cana ftd. - Poller's l-ano. Tu rro n tin o B aptist C h u rc h : Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Worship, 11; Night Service, G. Pastor: R e v Joe Smitli. B e th le h e m U n ite d M o th o d ls t C h u rc h : Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m .; Sunday School, 10 W orship, II a rn 321 Rodland Rd.. Advance. 336- 9 9 8 -5 0 0 3 , Fax: 9 4 0 -5 5 0 2 . E -M a il: l)elhum c(i?aol.com. Ep iscop a l C h u rch ol tho A sce n sió n . Fork-Bixby Rd . Advance, Sun. School. 10 a.m . W otsliip. И a.m, 998-0857, Dial A S lo ry M inistry for children Bill and Peggy Long o( Advance, 998-771G. S ervice s a l tho O aks. Apl. 7Л. 7 p.m .. Thursdays. Bishop T R . Rice. C lem ent G ro vo C h u rch of G o d . B o d y o l C h rist. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath S c h o o l, 10 a .m ,. W o rsh ip , 11:45. W ednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m . Pnstof. Elder Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: Th o Biblo Is Right. Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m .. W D S L 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m . W S TP 1490 AM . G re e n M e a d o w s B a p tis t C h u r c h Sunday School. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11 a.m .. 7 p.m . W ednesday Prayer S Bible Study, 7 p.m . P nslor R ev. M ichael Waters, 998-3022. L Ib o rty W e s le y a n C h u r c h . 2 1 06 Shelliold Rd., Н а тю п у. Sunday School 10 a.m ., Morn, W orship 11 a.m .. W od. Diblo Advonluro 7 p.m .. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m . 492-29G3- Pastor; Ronald Loo. B ix b y P ro sb yto rla n C h u rc h . 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd.. noar Cornatzor Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m .. W orship 11. Pastor; Peter Peterson. 998- 6813. Du lin United M ethodist C h u rch . 897 D u lin R d .. M ock svillo . 9 9 8 -5 4 0 9 , Pastor; David Smilh Sun School 10:30 a.m .. W orship 9:30 a.m. Cooloom oo United M othodlst, Mam St.. Sunday School, 10 a.m ., W orship. 11. Kids Kornp Sun. 5-6:30. Paslor: V O G L E R & - S O N S inuicrat FloiiTe 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 D O W N U N D E R R O C K & T IL E Brott & Stacoy Lavory (336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ccramic Tile Insliillalinn \v\v\v.aussicliic.ct)m E A T O N F U N E K A L H O M E '/hii/iV/o/i ol Ciring...'. North Miiiii .Street Mocksville. NC 2702S 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 8 Rov. Porry Bradshaw (284- 6135) In H o m e B ib le S tu d io s , by R andy Howoll. 284-4667. B e a r C re e k B a p tist C h u rc h , Boar Croek C h. R d., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. W orship 11 a.m .. Diblo Study W ed. 7 p.m . Rov, William Lee Cook ill, pastor. C oo le e m ee First Baptist C h u rch , 284 M arginal St., S un . B iblo Study 9:45 a .m .. M orn . W orsh ip 11 a .m ., Eve. W o rs h ip 7 p .m .. Y o u lh . 6 p .m . W e d n e s d a y su p p e r. 6 p .m . M usic minister. Regina Chandler. M ock svillc S econ d P resbyterian. 400 P ino S t. W o rsh ip . 11 a .m .. C h u rch S c h o o l. 9 :3 0 . R o v. Th o m a s M. Loach.751-1410 S L Fra n cis of A s s iss i, R C . M asses; M onday. Tuosday. Thursday, Friday. 9 a.m. W ednesday. 7 p.m, Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m . Sunday. 8 a.m . and 10:30 a.m . S p a n is h M a s s at 12:30 p .m . Rov, Andrew Draper. TO R . 751*2973. Fa rm in g to n B aptist C h u rc h , Sunday m orning Dihle sludy, classes for all a g e s . 9 :4 5 . W o rs h ip ; 11. 1841 F a rm in glon R d .. 5 m ilos Irom 1-40. Pastor: Jim m y Hinson. C hurch: 998- 382G. H om o: 751-3492. Blnlso B aptist C h u rch , U .S . 601 North a cro ss Iro m H o rn 's T ru c k S to p . M o c k s villo . 7 5 1 -3 G 3 9 . W o rs h ip & S unday School. 9:45 a.m . nnd 11 a.m, S u n d a y o v e n in g . 7. W e d n e s d a y service. 7 p.m . Pastor; Gler^n Sellers. S h ilo h B aptist C h u rc h , 544 E. Depol St., M ocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m . M orning w orship; It n.m . Pastor; Rev. Donald Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. F u lto n U n ite d M e lh o d is t C h u rc h . 3895 N .C . 801 S .. Advanco. W orship; 9:45 a.m . Sundiiy School. 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youlh In Chrisl. Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Jack Wallace. H e a v e n B o u n d F u ll G o s p e l C h u rch .U .S , 64 W ., Mocksville. (beside C enler Fire Dept.). S unday School, 10 a.m ., W orship. 11. Sunday night praise^ w orship, 6. W ednesday nighl prniso' worship. 7. Pastor. Jam es W ard, 998- G394, First B a ptist C h u rch . 390 U. Main St.. Mocksville. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9 :3 0 a .m . W o rsh ip : 1 0 :5 5 a .m . W ednesday Prayer Service, t^oon. Fork B aptist C h u rch , 3140 U .S , 64 E,, M ock svillo . S u n d a y S c h o o l. 9 :4 5 . W orship service. 11 a .m ., 6;30 p.in. Wedno.'‘.days. 7 p.m . Aw anas. Sunday 6 p.m .998-8306. C o rn a tz e r B a p tis t C h u r c h . 1372 C o rn a lze r fid .. M ocksvillo. S un d a y School. 10 a.nv. W orship, 11; evening. 0 :3 0 ; A w a n a s W o rs h ip , 7 p .m . W ednesday ovening, 7:30 p.m . t^ew U n io n M etho dist C h u rc h , 1869 S h e llio ld R d ., at C o u n ly Lino R d . S o fvico s: 8 :3 0 a .m .. co nte m po ra ry w o rs h ip w ilh ca s u a l d ro s s nnd refreshments: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assem bly. 10. S unday School for all agos. 11 a.m .. W otsltip. 492- 53G7. Ijam es B a ptist C h u rc h . Shoffiold Rd., Mocksvillo. S unday School, 9:45 a.m ., w o rs h ip , 11. S u n d a y o v e n in g , 6 , W e d n esd a y, 7 p .m . P aslor. To m m y Fausl. S t, J o h n A M E Z io n C h u r c h . 145 C a m p b e ll R d .. M ocksvillo, S u n d a y School. 9:30. M orning worship. 11 n,m . Rev. Anlhony Freem an. A d va n c o F irs t B aptist C h u rch . 1938 N .C . 801 S . S unday School. 9:45 a.m. W orship, 11. W odnosday Bible Study/ m ission group.s, 7 p.m . Pnstor;M arlin Kaslnor. 998-6302. C h u rc h of G o d of P ro p h e c y . 2323 U .S . 601 S .. M o ck s villo . S u n d a y School, 10 a.m .. worsliip. 11. Sunday evening, G; W e d n esd a y ovening, 7. Paslor: Rov. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. V Icto ry'B a p tls t C h u rc h . M idway St., Cooleem eo. S unday School. 10 a.m.. w o rs h ip 11. S u n d a y e vo n in g , 6: W ednesday Aw ana'Youlh. 6:45 p.m ., Prayor S Bible Sludy. 7. Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road M ocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road M ocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Sh e e k Street M ocksville, N C 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 'Krazy' Bob says, "Stop by and see a sale at the " ’all's rarely •y I I n S a sale at all." ' ' Vy ’ TucvFfi,* 10am-7pm Sat.* lOani-Spm Closed Sun.&Mon.1he 01(1 Webb (jidg, Hwy 158,2 Ulockt W oi 601 G E N T L E M A C H I N E & T O O L IN C . 3319 u s Hw y 158 M ocksvllle, N C 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 a Í C E VILLAQEHARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC 336-998-1987 AUTO M R T S MOCKSVIUE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksvllle 336-751-2944 FULLERI^l'rteir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Rond, Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 S e v e n th D a y A d v e n tis t C h u rc h . Milling Road. M ocksvllio. S abbath School. Saturday. 9:30*11; W orship. 11-noon. Pastor, R on D avis. 7 5 1- 3886. M ocodonia M oravion C h u rch . 700 N .C . 801 N .. A d v a n c e . S u n d a y S chool. 9:30 -1 0:4 5 a.m . W orship. 8:45 and 11 n.m. 990-4394. Paslor: Rev. Grog Lilllo, Y a d k in V a ilo y B a p tis t C h u r c h . 1324Yadkln Vailoy Road. Advance. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m ,, worship. 11 & G. W o d n o sd a y N ig h t P ra y o r mooting, 7:30. Live Sundays, W D S L 1520AM, 11-Noon, M t. Z ion H olinoss C h u rch of G o d , U .S . 64 E. al Mill Sireol, Mocksville. S unday School. 10 a.m .. M orning W orship. It . Pastor; Bisl^op Ja m o s fjnmes. M t. S inai A M E Z ion C h u rc h . 488 P e o p le s C ro o k R o a d . A d v a n c o . Sunday School. 9 45 a.m .. worship. 11 a.m.. Wednesday night Diblo study. 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 998-6231. B ix b y C h u rch of tho Liv in g G o d . 2121 Cornalzer Rd . Advance. Pastor. R ev. P e rry H a w k s. 7 6 8 -1 6 0 6 . W orship. Sunday 10-11 a.m ., 6 p.m . S alom U n ited M ethodist C h u rc h , S a le m C h u rch R o ad off D n vlo A ca d e m y R d ., 8 m ile s w o st of f.locksvillo. Worship. Sundays al 9:45 a.m . S unday School, 10:45.U M W , s e c o n d W e d n e s d a y. U M M first S un d a y breakfast at 7:30, U M Y F Sunday evenings. Rov, Stephen Blair, pastor. P ln e y G ro v e U n lto d M o th o d ls t C h u r c h , 376 U n d e rp a s s R d ., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m ., Worship, 11. Paslor: Rov. Kendall C. Glover. 998-7316. N ew Je rusn iem A p o stolic C h u rch , 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Pastor. Mellye l)nrnesBarber, 751 -0049. Sun. S ch o o l, 10 a .m .. W o rsh ip 11. W ednesday night: Bible class. 7:30. Inleicessoty prayer. 6 p.m. True Ligh t Christian M inistry. U .S . 601 N .. Dannor Rd, lo Carnolin Lano. Mocksvtlle. Paslor: Steven W. Dallon. SundaySchool. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. E p is c o p a l C h u rc h of tho G o o d S h e p h e rd . Ct^urch & C ro s s sis .. C o o le e m e e . W orsh ip . 9 :30 a .m .. lellowship hour after church. Biblo Study 2nd and 4ll\ S un d a ys atlor church. Priesl: Rev. Noah Howard. Jc s u s Lite M ission. Lit)orly Church R d .. M ocksvillo. S u n d a y S ch o o l. lOa.m ., morning worship. 11. Sunday evening al 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis. M ocksvllle C h u rch ot G od . 862 U .S . 64 E . (boside A rm ory). 7 5 1-0817. P a s lo r: La rry H o llifield . S u n d a y School. 10 a.m .. worship. 11. Sunday ovening. 6. W ednesday evoning, 7. Jerusalem Baptist C hurch. 3203 U S 601 S ., Mocksvillo. 284-2328. Rov. Jim m y Lancasler, Sunday services: 8:15 a.m .. praise nnd worship; 9:45. S u n d n y S ch o o l for all n go s; 1 m orning worship; 7, evening worship. W ednesday services: 6 p.m ., family lellowship moal; 7 p.m ,, Team KID, Youth 4 Christ, Adult B»blo Sludy, Nursery for in/nnis nnd toddlors. Fe llo w s h ip B aptist C h u rch . 1084 R ainbow Rd,, Advanco. 998-6544. SundaySchool, 1 0 a.m ,, worship. It, S u n d n y e vo n in g , G. W e d n e s d a y sorvico, 7 p.m. Thursday visitaiion, 7 p.m. S m ith G ro v e A M E Z io n C h u rc h , 3707 Hwy. 158. Mocksvillo. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, to a.m . Rev. M organ G lenn, pastor. Eotons Baptist C h u rch , 495 Eatons C h u rch R d ., M ocksvillo. S u n d a y S c h o o l. 10 a .m .. w o rsh ip , 11. W ednosda/ prayer mooting, 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Dr. David Gilbroalh. 998-6149. S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A L L E T C O . A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advancc, NC 27006 336-940-2341 (’fjii’ \ l’ii'Mik-rl*\taiIiii(' ('jila Vkc IVC' H a y w o r t h - M il l e r F u n k r a l И о м в KlNDEltrON CllAPF.L Locatri) on I Iw y 158 Bin wl-UN CLtMMONS & Advanch ЗЗЙ-940-5555 888-940-8511 C12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12. 2002 1 Eric Hargrove (left) and Or. Regina Graham (righl) wilh some Big Brothers Big Sisters children. Inspiring Situations O riginal P erfo rm a n c es S atu rday A t T h e B rocii Members o f the com m unily arc inviled to aiiend an event at the Brock Perfoniiing Arts Cen­ ter titled Inspiring Situations on Saturday. Sept. 14 at 5 p.m.. con­ sisting o f skits, poetry, and com­ edy designed lo give a message o f hope to the community. The theme tells people how to have a better outlook by look­ ing to God 10 help get through hard times. E ric Hargrove, a native o f Davie County, created the idea and has organized the activities. He grew up in Cooleemee and graduated fro m D avie H igh School in 1983. He worked for Food Lion in M ocksville for 13 years, and is a salesman for Kraft Pizza, lie lives in Clemmons w ith his w ife Renee and their daughter, Brianna. Hargrove started working on the script about two monlhs ago and received editing and typing assistance fro m P h y llis H. S tudevent. H argrove said, “ Phyllis has been a tremendous help in making contacis and ar­ rangements for Ihe event.“ He has chosen several musical .se- ^ lectio n s to be p erfornied throughout the program to en­ hance the message he want.s to convey. Participants include Ta'mela Tatum , James Fow ler, A lice G a ilh e r, M agalene G a ilher, Ellerwease Hargrove, and sev- Fork Baptist Church After School Care Program 3-6 p.m. 336-998-8306 3 M 0 us H w y 6 4 , M o c k sv ille $ 1 0 0 per m onlh C o rn a tze r Eieincnlar>' b using zon e. eral other local talents. Hargrove says the program is the firsl o f an ongoing project he intends to coordinate in the com­ munity. " I would like to im ple­ ment a .scries o f activities called U pliftin g , Entertainment, to be held about three times a year." U pliftin g Entertainment w ill in ­ clude a variely o f programs, in ­ cluding .sporting events, plays, and olher aclivilies. Hargrove presented his idea to fa m ily and friends who are supporting the project. The in ­ vestors include Barry Pulliam, Brian M a yfie ld , T im Barker, Randy M ayfield, George Frost, and Eric Hargrove, all natives o f Davie County. Advance tickets can be purchased al Graham Funeral Home in M ocksville, or contact Ellerwease Hargrove in Cooleem ee at 284-2186, or Phyllis H. Studevent in M ocks­ ville al 751-7197. The cost for adults is S6 and S4 for students. Children five and under get in free. Tickets at the door w ill cost S7 for adults and S.'i for students. A portion o f the proceeds w ill bc donated to Davie County Big Brothers Big Sisters Services. Inc., a United Way agency. "I jusl wanl 10 give some­ thing back to my comm unity. Donating to Big Brothers Big Sisters is important because ihe agency is here lo help children who d on't have advantages like olher children." Dr. Regina Graham, coordi­ nator o f Big Brothers Big Sis­ ters Services said. “ I was very pleased when 1 received a phone call from Eric stating thal he wanted to help Ihe children in our program . I appreciate ihe support o f the com m unity to help us mentor children and pro­ vide opportunities they would not have otherwise." Contact Hargrove for more inform ation at 712-9386. Iiinitrd tiMic offer' free t u i t i o n * Solve the tax mystery with training from H&R Block. We covcr everything from completing a basic 1040 to the skillful handling of complex schedules. Learn about recent changes in tax laws, as well as proven tax-saving strategies. Once you've completed the course, you may ever\ have the opportunity to interview with HSR Block.*" For more Information or convenient times and locations, call 1-800HRBLOCK or, visit www.hrblock.com Willow Oaks Shopping Contor Mocksville *751-3203 Mon. & Thurs. 10am-4:30pm il.>N or Helping you get back to the things you enjoy in life. Rehabilitation Center of Forsyth Martinat Rehab Center At Medical Associates of Davie County 485 Valley Road, Suite 102 Mocksviiie, NC 27028 Plione: 336/751-8003 Whitaker Rehabilitation Center 3333 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/718-5780 Martinat Rehab Center At PrimeCare 600 Highland Oaks Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/774-0746 Martinat Rehab Center 109 Gateway Center Drive Kemersville, NC 27284 Phone: 336/996-7001 Martinat Rehab Center At Hawthorne Medical Plaza 1903 South Hawthorne Road Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/718-6700 Martinat Rehab Center 865 Westlake Drive Mount Aity.NC 27030 Phone: 336/719-6165 Forsyth Medical C eni^ N O V A N T H ÍE A L T m E liza b e ih D enton M c jc r w ill celebrate her 18lh b irth ­ day un Sept. 15 in Lakeside P a rk, K y. w ith fa m ily and friends. She is Ihe daughler o f Janice and L a rry Meyer. H er grandparents are K u th and C ecil C arln er o f M ucksviilc, M rs. Everelle (ireen o f I’o rt Richey, Fla., and great-Krand- m other is M rs. W alter M eyer o f M arengo, Wise. E liz a b e th is a se n io r a l N o ire Dame H igh School in F o rre st H ills and a ctive in m any school activities. She is a m e m b e r o f Im m a n u e l C hu rch and is active in Ihc yo ulh group. Friday & Saturday September IS“’ & 14“* SO U T H E R N JU N C T IO N P erform ing L ive u n d e r the C en ter A rb o r Saturday, Sepl. M * at 1:00 P M Remember the past at Davie County's traditional, old-fashioned countnjfair. r - Pit-Cooked Pork Barbccue Sold All Dm/ Fridaif ami Saturday Pair & Exhibits Saturday Iti And Around The Historic Center Arbor — Hwv. 64 Nl AK 1-40 (Exn 168) • jusi Wl si oi Moc Ksvii i i __ i F e a t u r e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - Di Mary, M ary Nursery Rhyme Characters Visit Kindergarten P in eb ro o k E ie n ie m a ry S ch ool w as iransrorm ecl in to a luir.seiy rh ym e w o n cleiiaiu l recen tly as kin d erg arten classes celeb raleti M o th e r G oose D ay. T lie annual event capped olT the kiiu lerg arten unit on nursery rhym es. S ludents dressed as th e ir fa vo rite nursery rh ym e characters, fro m M a ry s (little lam bs in clu d ed ), lo N im b le Jacks w ith candlesticks, to B o Peeps, lo o kin g I'or th e ir lost llo c ks. Parents w ere in v ite d to presentation w h ere the students acted out the nursery rhym es. S ludents w lio cou ld recite five nursery rhym es becam e m em bers o f the M o th e r G oose C lu b . Pinebrool^ Principal Mary Sine with a group of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" kindergarteners, from left, Fazia Iqbal, Kasey Cashwell, Annie Kuhn, Brooke Beauchamp, Brianna Thomas, Ashley Hepler and Kathleen Justen. ■ Photos by Robin Fergusson It's was Jack and Jills at Pinebrook, with Nikky Jones, Abby Russell, Carrie Keaton, Ashley Spaugh, Lexy Benge, Katie Shoaf and Alec Carter ready to fetch some water. Jack Be Nimble ...George Rothberg, Jacob Sink and Colby Carter jump over their candlesticks. Little Miss Muffets Brianna Locklear, Terra Stanley, Mattie Bowles, Kirstie Hutchins Humpty Dumpty’s Preston Beauchamp, Joshua Wood and Joni Bailey try to escape and Eileen Dixon stand before the audience.the wrath of on of the king’s horsemen, Jacob Hall. i Mary, Mary ... Elisabeth Newman and Ashton Parrish I water their garden. Old King Coles, Garrett Byerly, Austin Jones and Tyler Davis show their costumes. m - L Katie Bolmer as the mouse that ran up the clock. 1)2 - DAVIK COUN TY KN TF.RI’RISK RKCORI). Sept. 12. 2002 Davie Schools Mocksvillc Klcm cnlary Siuclcm оГ tlic Week. Aiii;. 2(i- 3(1: Jennifer J;imie. Koss Ginllier, Analili;i Gmne.r-l)oiKili). I’aiue Bcrryhill. Caleb Tramliimi, .\inaiula PeaciK'k, Emily Wheisel. Tninmy Iloyelle, Clielsea Byerly. Taylor Nelson. Diana Moure. Wil­ liam Cranilell. Nicayla .Slale, IJaviil Hursey. .Seth Huruiloler. Faii:e .Sniari. Angelo Tyib. Chelsea Oswcll. Clay Cave, joel .Shuler. Uaniel .\Ioxley. Mary .Ann Kiser. Seven Jones. Hen Hates. lilizalK'th Harron, Cire;; Nuckols. Christo­ pher Mutt. .Student ofthe Week, .Sept. }-(y, Alex I’aproky, lOevinn Lawson. Destiny Eaves. Zachary I'rye. Crislal Cahrera. Qiiemin Capi'son. Kellie Viers. Kevin .Arreola. Marissa Plagcmann, Carrie Miller, .Nathan Austin. Elise Rosier. Hannah Spieef, Jeanie Rae Hager, С<н1у Helms, Kacy Young, Erica I’ceblcs, Stephanie Collins, Vanessa Cncllas, Kristen Stillci, Hannah Cartner, Hen HriKk,Ayana Hanks, Samantha I’restvvooil, .Ms, Garner's kiinlergarten classroom has gotten ot f to a greal Stan. Studenis have 1ч'сп learning ihe alphabet atul are curremly working with the letter "O." They covercd an "()" with oregano, on­ ion salt and oatmeal. Oranges w ere also enjoyed for a s|K4'ial snack. Sludenrs learned ahoul octopuses. OW Is and opposites, loo. l liey are alst» learning their colors and are working on mnnlvr recognilion. In math, the class has Iven exploring with teddy 1к*аг counters and pat­ tern blocks. Piey have Iven graph­ ing and sotting, and are now be- gimiing lo learn the sha|vs. Stu­ dents arc making nursery thyme journals and are acting our the rhymes. Mrs. Heaver aiul Mrs. Melton's first graders will go to Spencer Shops in Salisbnry on Sept. l.V Iliis field trip w ill be an extension of a unil on the story "Freight Train," as well as machiiles and liow' things move. -After the trip, they w ill Ivgin a unit on books by Eric Carle, focusing on " The Very Hungry Caterpillar " and insects. Tlie class looks forward to learn­ ing aboul many creepy, crawly crcalures. llie children are review ­ ing numlH-'rs in malh as they pre­ pare lo add and nicniori/e their "doubles" facts. .Mrs. Julie l-letcher and Mrs. Debbie lirown's second graders have been learning about the life cycle of the shark, whale and the dolphin. Tliey enjoyed reading the novels "Hungry Hungry Shark," "Whales, the Cieiitlc Giants" and "Dolphins at Daybreak." The stu­ dents learned many iiitcresling facts such as: how their young are boni. how they hunt for fowl, and if Ihey live in the same area all the lime. nie class is now starling a new unil ot\ drugs and nulrilion. 1 low drugs affect the Ык1у w ill Ik- dis­ cussed, Jeremy Brooks and Diane Joyner's third graders spent the lasl three weeks gelling to know cach olher and learning the rules and classroom procedure. The class read "Eish Face" and "Freckle Juice" and learned how lo read with expression. 'Hiey also discussed quotaliori marks and ;id- jeclives. In math, they reviewed lime, money and addition tacts. Tliey are excited to start their post office/friendly letters. The fourth graders in Miss Swain’s class have slarled ibeir study of NC history. Tlicy learned aboul Willier and Orville Wright. Tliey have 1к-еп arna/cd at all Ihe many inventions lliey created or improved before taking lliglil in llieir о\ч'П plane. M iss W illiams's fifth grade cUiss completed their first novel "Crash" hy Jerry Spinelli. The slu- ilenls have presenled exiension projects pertaining to this book. Some chose lo w rite a sei|ucl to the novel, w hile others createil scenes from the novel using a i|uadrania. In science, the students Inivc Ivcii learning about energy by con- striicling electrical circuits and see­ ing how elections move. In math, the class h:is been learning about sl:ilistics, graphing aiul phicc-vahie. 'Hie stiulents used a spreadsheet program lo create graphs on the compmer. The class is prcp;iriiig lor the I’ TA program on Sept. 17 al 7 p.m. Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs. I’eacock's class enjoyed the new beginning to the school year 'Hie students :ire excited about their new adventures every day. They are niainstre:uned ill many areas during the day. and have adjusted to their busy scheil- ules. Hie first week of school, the children learned about bus and car safely. ’П|еу p:irticipated in several acti\'ities to reiiiiiul theiii the way s lo ride s;ifcly in a bus and a car. .At Ihe end of the week, they baked and decorated a bus cake which they ate for a snack. The Arls department hail new hegiiinings again this year Mrs. I.oii (EatonI Wilson is our music te:iclier. .Mrs. Jo.iii .\lc:iiis. Art tcachcr. is excited about the new Poitfolios -Alt Program, a te.iching series she will 1ч' sh:iriiig with the siiulents. rile cliikiren's studio studies will be enriched with view iiigs of fine ,irt prints from collections ami mu­ seums w hich depict wtirks of past and nuulcrn masters. The program includes assessineiils of atl prin­ ciples and clenicnts plus other learning lools. Kiiulcrgarleii artists h;ive Ivgiin Iheir study of line :iiid geometric sha|4.-s. First grailers h:ive Iwen ex- pcrinienting w ith batik, a cullural art using wax ;ind inks. They useil wax crayons and black tempra paint. It's magical in a child's eye when the color reappears. Cur­ rcnlly, Ihe second graders are fin­ ishing projects to lie exhibited al the Hrock I’erformiiig i\rls center for Ihe thc;itre production t>f "Harry, the Dirly Dog," Sepl. ‘J. Third grade studenis li;i\ e sltul- ievi birds Irom the an ol John J;mies Audubon and included juxtaposed iropical laiuKcapes inspired by Henri Rousseau, l-'rench artist of Ihe I'Mh century. S|H:cial thanks to Mickey l-eriellf or bringing us a life study model. Fourlh griiders ;ire currently sludying ihe process of etching. Fiflh grailers are working on a mixed media architectural render­ ing of NYC skyscrapers laking in­ spiration from a 1927 p:iinting by American artist Georgia O' Keeffe. Including in tlieir study is a coii- Irasi of arts ihrough a l‘)2S pholo- graph of Ihe brilliant design work of 20th century iirchilcct William Van Alen. He designed the Chrysler Huiiding during the I y2()s. The huilding'is still impres­ sive today eclipsed only by the l-anpire Slate Huiiding. C n riiiil/vr KleiiicnUiry The four kindergarlen classes of Mrs. .Myers and Mrs. .McHride, .Mrs,Dalton atul Mrs. Allison, Mrs. llaire and Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Mannino and Mrs. Hilton hosted a Kindergarten Fareni Night on I'uesday, Aug. 27. l’:irents were im iled to visit their child's class­ room in order to learn more aboul the kindergarten program and to have any i|uestions they had an­ swered. 'Hiis was :ui opporlunily for Uiem 10 sit in iheir child's seal and lo more closely examine children's work displayed in the chissrooms, on walls, on tables, in 3 4 H I JlMM far sale wHh peel ea i H H iia c r a la CavieitN Craek 1% :to Mmeei'":: ¡ f a , т ш W * Realty Consultants Мег1ё RectorПняИлг* ISW ce: (336)726-2142 • Mobile (336)577-5990 books, as well as in the halls. There was a large turnout of parents, and a few grandparents and siblings also altciulcd. Every­ one seemed to appreciate the op­ portunity lo get a belter uiider- staiidiiig of what children did at sclnuil each day. Parents lisiencil as teachcrs explained and de- scrilvd schedules in reading, writ­ ing and math curriculum. .Miss Julie Irvin interpreted for iion-I;n- glish speaking parents. Expecla­ lions. priK'cdurcs. rules, goals and hopes were also included. In addi­ tion. the lake-home reader pro- gniiii. acceleration program, book order, homework, and breakfast, siiack and lunch fees w'cre tlis- cussed. Teachcrs also emphasi/ed the iniponance of developing goinl W'ork habits, attitudes atul routines in this first year and how it should set the lone for all the school years to come. Kindergartners in Mrs. M:uiniiio and Mrs. Hilton's class luive hail a busy and learning filled start to their first school year, 'lliey began by learning aboul classroom rules and pri>cedures and moved on to study school bu-s rules and safely as well. 'Hiey learned a scliool bus salely son^;. iDured a hu.s, exiled throuiih llic cmcrLiency door, and listenci! to Mrs. Hilton while she explained what it is like lo be a bus driver ami lunv she was iraiiied. Siutlenis also ilrevs rainbow names, maile individual books aboul themselves complete with porirails. cul out pictures |{» make a “Me rrain." and made ihcir own "Chick Chicka Hoom Hoom" al- ))hab ct trees and glued macaroni "M 's" on it. llie chiss reading book was "If Vou Give a Moose a Muf­ fin." Next the moved on lo the Id ­ ler ".S." sprinkled sand on "S's," read "More Spaghetti, I S:iy.”'lliey also read "Silly Sally" and created a Sally KitulergartenGocsto Tow n hook. .Most recemly students have had fun iiKiking fingerprint "F's." discussing and reading about fami­ lies. talking about family pels and reading "Rainbow Fish." After I'm- ishing Ihe book, children talked about friendship and sharing atul painied their ow n rainbow fish. In .iddition. these busy Iiltle people luivc been learning about poems and illustrating them in their po­ etry books. During malh. Ihey have ex­ plored p;ittern blocks, teddy hear couiilers, and unifix cubes, and cre:iled pictures from shapes, 'lliey also sorted and counted M&M's. Ill prep.iration for Grandparents' Week, they have made grandp;ir- eni handprint poems, put grandpar­ ents' faces on paper plates, and learned a song to welcome them. First graders in ,Mrs. Brooks's class are off lo a great slan. To kick oft' the new school year, stiulents have been reviewing alpluibel and letter sounds, bus safety rules and classroom rules. 'I hey h:ivc been busily preparing forthcirvisit from gi:iiulparcnls this week. Grandp:ir- eiits are being invited to Cornatzer for lunch as p;irt ofthe many w;iys the schiu>l is recognizing Grand­ parents Day. Mrs. Brooks's stu­ dents have had greal fun talking :ihoiit the many ways that their grandp:irenls are special lo them. Mrs. Hayes's third grailers h;i\'C also gotten off to an exciting year. .After getting the end-of-grade pre­ test iK'hind them, ihey began read­ ing "This is My House." Students learned about diffcreiit types of houses from all over the w orld, lo­ cating the countries they were reading about on a map and a globe. After completing the book, they w rote alHuit their favorite type of house. In malh. Miidents bcg;in the year hy reviewing their addi­ tion facts. They have also been learning aboul measurenient, pat­ terns and word problems using the calendar. Studenis began Math Superstars last week. After taking a break for the Labor Day holiday weekend, sliiilciits are looking for­ ward lo beginning the hook. "Sa­ rah. Plain and Tall, and learning about life on the prairie. Mrs. Terry is enjoying her re­ turn to ni'tli grade and having the opportunity to work w ith so many students she luul in her fourlh grade classes last year. Her class has welcomed Kendra I'oote w ho has moved to Davie from Cabarrns County, and Willie Beaver, who aticndcd sehool in Cooleemee last year. Students have review ed some geography skills in readiness lo begin their study of the Americas in social sludies. .Math students arc already well back into the groove of working neatly and accuratcly while in- crc'asing llieir skills in problem solving. Mrs. Terry's communica­ lions students are reading, writing and leaniing iinponanl points of grammar and s|x;lling,atid pr:ictic- ing computer skills. Her homeroom class is enjoying daily len-minnte walks, having iheir D.A.R.E. classes and applying to work with the news show, the safety patrol and the school mail delivery program. In addilion, some of Mrs. 1'erry's students luive assisted P,E. teacher Ms. Reavis as she has given fitness tesls lo younger studenis. Many sludenis have already begun Accelerated Reading testing and accumulating points. Fifth grade parenls had a chiince lo cimie to a parent meet­ ing, fi)llowing their students' schedules thniugh the homeroom, coinnumicatioas, and math blocks where they could meet le;ichers and learn ahoul class expectations. Mrs. Jenny McPherson is Ihc new school counselor. She al­ tended Wake Forest's University Counselor Educalion program where she received her niasler’s degree in Counselor Education. Dining the 2()00-2(K) I school year, she compleled her internship at Nonh Davie Middle School, Lasl year, she worked al A.L, Slanback Middle School in Hillsborough. She is excited to be working with Davie Counly siudents again. The school yc;ir started with classroom introductions. K-2 stii- ilcnts were inlrodiiceil lo their new school counselor wilh a lesson e:illed "Baiul-aids for Your I le:irt." and siudents were ihen challenged to find the counselor's office. Mrs, McPherson shared a lesson with .3- studenis thal included the book "The Giving Tree." Students were then asked about how they can share with Iheir classmates Ihis year Classroom Guidance is under­ way for K-2. Kindergamiers arc panicip:iting in Ihe Developing and Understanding of Self and Others program, w hich is a series of ac­ tivities lo helpcbildren learn more ahoul themselves and others. First graders will be particip:iling in ;i new character cilticalioii curricu­ lum. Lessons in Character The program is structured around Ihe alphabet. Each lelter stands for a country aiul a character trait. Stii- dcnts will be le:irning about char­ acter education and ilifferctit cul­ tures. Second grade stiulents will panicipate in lessons that are de­ veloped around Davie Couniy Schools character trails. Lasl week, siudents heard the story "Rainbow l-'isli lo the Rescue." and worked as a class to create a classroom fish bowl with Iheir very own rainbow fish. Cougars of Ihe Week: Destiny Rycrolt. '['ania M;igaly-Rodriguez, Alyssa Dudley, Jonatlum Dunn, Tanner Junker, Zachar Coffey, Kalie North, Molly Jones, Georgi Roniano, Calherinc Joyce. B.J, Lanier. Caroline Cozarl, Kaillyn Cheek, Madison Junkr, Hcthany Bradlisaw, Ana Dcysi Urioslegui- Arreola, Alex Flores-Sanche/.. Katie Trotter. Patti Evans, Zach Green, Jairell Wilkins, Bus Riders ofthe Month: Nicky Allen - Bus 12,'i, Cody Bergen - Bus 109, Melvin Arguela - Bus 169, Melanie Fichialos - Bus Ifift, Jose Carrillo - Bus 2S0I and Leah Johnson-Bus Li4, These students arc to be especially congratulated for selling such a good example lo our olher siudents, Coniatzcr siudents relumed to school this year to lltul a wonder­ ful surprise wailing for them in their school grounds. As part of their Eagle Seoul project, brothers Zachary and Josh Falls spent some of their summer crcaling a picnic area and bcauli- fying an area of ground outside classrooms. The boys, who live in Fanninglon, are inembers of Troop 731 al Clemmons. Zachary’s project was to prepare and mulch an area of land and erect six pic­ nic tables. The nnilch was partly donated by the Mocksville Parks and Reerealion dept, atul lumber for the picnic tables was provided in part hy the Seaford Lumber Coniatiy. Members of Troop 731 and Zach's faniily hel|Vd him wilh the assembling ofthe picnic tables, but the project was planned and or­ ganized hy l.'i-ycar-old Zach. While Zach was busy on the picnic ahles. his 17-year-old brother Josh was toiling away in another iieglected part of the schoolg rounds. He tilled atul then mulched a large area, treated it with weed block and then planted it up. Materials were provided in part by Risko's of Mocksville. I'lie boys' hard work is cer­ tainly being appreciated by stu­ dents who now have a wonderful picnic area where they can eat out­ side on fine days and enjoy class parlies, and also a pretty land­ scaped area which ihey will enjoy watching develop. The secoiul graders in Mrs. Robinson's class spent the first month of school studying ocean animals and plants. They investi- galeil sharks and w hales in particu­ lar. The class is now sttulying smaller bodies of water called ponds. They are leaniing about the life cycles of frogs, toads and other amphibians. The readng books for Ihis unit are "Fantastic Frogs, "Frog and Toad arc l-'riends," and "From Tadpole to Frog," The class is also talking about the tmpor- tance of friendship. Lasl week. Mrs. Robinson's studenis read aloud ;i poem they had written foi visiting grandparents following lunch together Ms. WoiKlrulT’s Spanish classes arc off to a greal slarl. Siudents have been reviewing basic skills from lasl year. These include con­ versational (|uestions, calendar skills and colors. Everyone is eii- ihusiaslic atul ready to delve inlo new material in the coming weeks. Students in Mrs. King’s fifth grade class are mapping their way around Ihe world using map skills such as relative and absolute loca- i lions. Each sludeni designed iheir own personal cily or comimmity using these terms. Everyone en­ joyed the game "Lost Survivor" in vvhicli К1и11еп1,1 used longitude and latitude positions to locale the losl victim. In communications, stu­ dents are analyzing parts of the sentence by identifying subjects and predicates. The class began iheir first novel "Sign of the Bea­ ver," a book lhal focuses on the topic of peer acceptance across dif­ ferent cultures during ihe 1700s. Cross curricular acliviiies in an and siceiicc have allowed students to investigate Indian tribes of Ihe NonheasI, various animal habitats Continued On Раце 1)4 ington bmpany E A L T Y ilfe to k s v iiic 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 9 4 0 0 I Aiiiicefflillsdale 3 3 6 . 9 9 8 . 8 9 0 0 Ä - M __________________________________ I f You Need A m rn e W ith,.. ...Screen Porch ...Possible Lease Option ...Lakefront 2H0 H am ilton C t. S165,9(I0 ...Pool 121 I'olari.s Dr. $129,9(10 ..Creek or Pond 378 LukcvicH' Rd. $229,900 ...Basement 1мк.МЫм GlrflSlinlrr PrlrrHriuA»71-«717 Л50-5172 WH.IW7 _________ P . . m lJjckic Ceuliloa 1)0ЙМ Ptonintlon 75l.'«00 75I.V400* inRememtntmct'Tir qfOurHeroes l2 3 C u rd in u I St. $176,900 4X4 U ccktown Rd. $119,000 278 M uKnolia Avc. $154,900 We Have It ana More!!! New U s tin m ... 341 K in n e n K rts t Rd. $154,9)Ш 256 W in dw a rd C ircIc $85,500 l.o t 44 C iivonunt Cove $131,400 1242 Jericho C liu rc li Rd. L o t 47 E lisiiu C reek Ur. $175,9(И) $134,60<( 171 Ed)>ewu(id C ircle $119,500 I , ( DAVIE COUN'l'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - D3 Box Tops Program Helping Schools Earn Needed Cash M rs. Sutton'.s firs t grade clas.s is the firs t w e e k ly ch a m p io n o f P in e b ro o k Elem enlary School’s Box Tops for Books campaign. P rin c ip a l M a ry Sine prese n led the class w iih a c e rtilic a le and the tra ve lin g apple cham pionship trophy for collecting 259 bo.\ tops. P in e b ro o k re c e n tly launched its 2002-2003 Box Tops for Education ftiiulraising program . T lie school's goal is S2,00() to buy books for the nieilia ccnter. They have raised S262. Box Tops for Education, a school fu n d ra isin g prograin sponsoretl by G eneral M ills , has g iv e n m ore than $70 m illio n lo A m e rica ’s schools since I99(). The program o ffers schools three ways lo earn cash - schools can earn up to .S6().000 il year. T he o rig in a l p ro g ra m allows schools lo earn cash by sending in Box Tops coupons fro m p a rtic ip a tin g G eneral M ills p ro d u cts in c lu d in g General M ills Big G cereals. B e lly C ro c k e r p ro d u cts, P ills b u ry fro /.en and refrigeraled producis. Green G ia n t p ro d u cis and m any others, (F o r a fu ll lis t, see wwsv.hoMoi)s-4i'ducalion.c(ini). Pinebrook w ill earn 10 cents for each Box Top coupon Ihey subm it. A second way for schools lo earn cash is by shopping online through Box Tops M arketplace al ho.xiof>s4eilticiitioit.coin. The p rog ra m p a rln crs w ith o nlin e stores like Harnes tt Noble.com. Etkhi'Bitucr.com and I^ET.sMART.com and more than 100 o ihers. W hen you shop Ih ro u gh the Box Tops M arketplace, up to 10 percent o f ciualifying purchases goes to a designaled school. Tlie Box Tops for Education V isa card c o n trib u te s one percent o f all purchases made w ith the card to a designated school. “ T h is is an easy w ay fo r studenis, parents, grandparents and the w hole com m unity lo get involved and help out our school." said Sine. “ If everyone lakes part, il w ill mako a big dift'eronce fo r ihc students at Pinebrook. “ T he state o f N o rth C arolina’s budget crisis makes c o m m u n ity in v o lv e m e n t particularly critica l." Because the Box Tops for Education program is so e;isy to participate in. Sine hopes th a l even m ore c o m m u n ily members w ill take advantage o fth e opportunity to earn cash for Pinebrook, I f y o u ’ d lik e lo h e lp Pinebrook reach its goal, send y o u r B ox Tops coupons lo Pinebrook Elem enlary School, “ Attenlion Jeanna W hile— Box Tops C o o rd in a to r" at 477 P in e b ro o k S ch o o l R d ,, M o c k s v ille , N C 2702S, O r drop them o ff in the school’s oince. You can also shop online at the Box Tops M arketplace William R. Davie Principal Mary Sine stands with students honored for bringing in Ihe most Box Tops. aiul ilesignale P inebrook. or th ro u g h B ox Tops fo r bins in the w otkplace, buying Box Tops Visa card as th e ir apply fo r the Box Tops Visa caril. •d iic a lio n . C o m tiu in ity o ffice supplies and com puter company card, Intsinesses can even make an ci|u ip in e n t Ih ro u gh the Box For mote inform ation, g o to I l s easy lo c o n lrib iite impact by selling tip co llcclio n Tops M arketplace, or using Ihe www,Bo,xrops4Educalion,com Student Going To S.C. Science, Math School Edward Lee Weeks IV, an honor sludeni at H o lly M ill Acadcmy is a full time student at the South C a ro lin a G overnor’s School o f Science and Malheinatics, The son o f Dale and A nila Cozart of Santee, S,C., he is the grandson o f Charlie aiul M argie Cozart o f M ocksville. Located at Coker College, the .school is a nine-niotilh residen­ tial progniin for lalcnicil high school juniors and seniors. Spe­ cial emphasis is on science atul math, including a six week sum­ mer research projecl at a iinivcr- sily or industrial laboratory. Course w ork, field trips, lab work atul research are designed lo teach Ihe studenis lo think cre­ atively. apply theory to reality and develop ideas indepen­ dently. Each jun io r must lake seven chisscs and cach senior iiuist take six. one o f which is senior research. A spccial feature is the Janu­ ary Inlcrini. a Ilirce-wcek tenn where siudents take one class, usually laiighl by visiting co l­ lege professors ;itul a rtists, which involves haiuls-on prac­ tical cxpcrience in subjects such as engineering, biogcochemis- try, art, and aeronautics or may involve trips to places such as England, A frica or France. He was selected based on academies, the applicalion re­ sponse and essay. Sixty-four slu- dciils from across South Caro­ lina are admitted. W hile at I lolly 1 lill Academy. he was on Ihe junior honor soci­ ely and the Sabre staff. He par­ ticipated ill track. ’'1 hale to see Eddie leave us," yearbook advisor and language arls instructor Penny Brown told the H olly H ill Observer. "H o w ­ ever, 1 know Ihis is the right place for him. There's no lim il lo what this young man can ac­ com plish." A year has pm sed since o u r country m is iittiicke il. The events o f Sept. 11 th have server! to u n ite the A m erican people a n il in s till n new sense o f p a trio tis m across the la n d G OD BLESS AM ERICA and the SPIRIT ofthe AMERICAN PEOPLE! 231 BfFCHWOOO Dmvr 5BR. 3.1BA. 3505 sq.ft., too many amoniiies to list! $329,950. CAU CONNIE <9 751-6565 H O W ARD REALTV m JШ Г Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardreaIty.com 330 S, Snlisbuiy SI. (Comer Hwys, 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Office Hours: Mond.iy-Friilay 8-i • S.ilurday 9-12 • Sunday By Appl, 176 Hamilton Count 2777+Asq. H„ 4BH, ЭВА, 1.5 story. $269,900, Gm< 1Ям шш/яШ в 751-S569 4BR. ЗВА. on 9,3 acres with stream $249,000. CAU Eim.YN <9 751-8563 179 Edw/wds Road Yadk.irvie, 3BR, 2BA, 1 5 Ac part DvpI, FP2ponús,2170s! $209,900. CALL JANE @751^560 784 V«miNViiL£ Roao Histoic.i! 6BR, 2ÜA. homo on 2,76 acres, Wilh immaculalo LifKiscaping CALL JANE @751-8560 198 Sprinchiu Drive la+f. actos. 1.5 story homo. 3BB. 2.5BA. $194,900. ед а MAHV 0 751-8566 126 Roberson Drive Beinxxla Run - ЗВЯ, 2 58A. sunroom, Lg MBR, oversaedgrg $185,900. CAU MARY or BEVERLY 690 Abseydalc Rd. 4BR, 2BA plus 2BR, IBA homes PLUS additional 3.34 acres in Fannington. $185,000. CAU iANC or M J. 751-8560 Harmony-3BR. 3BA. part, bsmt, 2 FP's. 33ac..add. ac. avail. $174,000. CAU iANEO 751.8560 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, spacious rooms, largo lot. $162,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 2 story, 2200 sq. It. Ifomondous value! FP. gnzcbo. 5154,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 Brick ranchor cn 1.39 acros, quiot neighborhood. $144,900. CAU GENA @751-8569 1990 dblewido on 16 03Ac. 3BR,.2BA, Lg. pond w/mini ponds $139,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Near Wako Forest. 3BR. 2BA, FP. secluded noighborh'd $124,900 CAU LEE @751-8572 38R, 2BA, 1053 sq. H. mobilo homo w/5.5 acres. $109,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR. 2Ba. new carpot, lull bsmnt. multi-lev. deck. $109,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR. 2BA, Historic District, 1,5 storios. basomont. $104,900. CAU LEE ® 751-8572 ImmacuiaiQ staner. 1122 s.f.. paved dtwo,2Qx20!in.ou\bWg $99,900 CAU JANE or MJ. ® 751-8560 Now Const.. 3BR. 2BA cottago. Conv. in-town location $98,500 CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR. 2BA, calhodra) ceilings, 2002 Skyline MH. $89,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3BR, IB A, new carpel, vinyl, (uli bsmt. $89f900. CAU MARY @751-8566 paint.Co2y 2BR. IBA, cottage, in ground poolvflthloncing. $82.900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1997 Skylinocnt.76Ac, 3BR, 2.5Ba, 1500sq.ft. $79,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.5 acres, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1552 sq. ft. mobilo homo $79,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3 BGdrocms, 2 Baths, wilh wired shop/garago. $74,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.89 Town Center zoned dislricl land.2BR, IBA. $74,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 111 JOVNER StREr 3BR. 1.5BA, cozy cottago, in lown.Seller pays 1/2 CC. $64,900. GefU Oiiie omr/««« @ 751-8569 Lexington, hardwood floors. .в7ас. $69,900. CAU LEE « 751-8572 JULIA CONNIE HOWARD KOWALSKE WHITLOCK 751*8567 751-8565 751-8560 3 Bodrooms, t Bath, renovated. $68,900. CAU CONME (»751.8565 li- 1 newly Ready to move in! 2BR, ÍBA, room lor 3rd BR. $59,900. CAU КЕМ @ 751-8564 2BR, Ш А coltngo, now windows & siding, 1140 sq. It. $59,900. CAU KEN @ 751-8564 ЗВП. IDA. tonccd backyard, cncloscd porch, rccont updaios. $59,900 CALL JANE @751-8560 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, frosh paint and new carpel. $49,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Groat 1 ■¥/’ acre tot, well maintained. $44,500. CAU JANE @751^560 JANE WHIT GENACLINE 751-8569 MIKE HENDRIX 75M040 BEVERLY RUSS 998-4156 , Л \ A ll Л1Я I L o i s a n d L a n d a n d K i n i a i I’k d im k i ii s B w Сгик Ch. Rd. WIU NOT DIVIDE... Z № ! ^z = : : = oSiiSìcii Rd -By«rlyCh«pilRd . ......9l.97Ac.S413,US..9.76AC«/-$«75,000 37.5W-AC. $150,000 ...14Ac* houM, $175,000 ....и6.»4 Ac. $60,000 .....2.19AC. $27.000 Mr.HinryRd___Thompson Un»... 601S..:Kaydon Orlvt (commercial)... C»darRldg« Rd............... ......1.49Ac.S22.000.........8 Ac. 556,000..1S.6ecre«S140,000 ..2.15 ecrei $160,000 ......2 aerei $45,000 Sanfotd Ачв... 154/'Acres...Bear Creek Ch.REdwards Rd.....Madison Rd (cor Abbeydale rd..... ...1.4 acres $134,900 ...Hwy. 601 St07,250 10.02 acres $257,000 ....9.6 acres S67,S00 .....2 acres $425,000 ...Э.В5 acres $18.500 252 Avon Street.... t36MQnl«onRd... 8837 Cenler Grc RENTAL PROPERTIES .................................fk.... 295 Ijames Church Roi ..Я50 P/M ,..^8S0 P/M ...$«25 P/M J 1)4 - DAVIK COUN I V KN I KUI'KI.SK RKCORD. Sept. 12, 2002Davie Schools Cunliniivd Kriim I’iik i' 1)2 aiul M irv iv a l skills o l'iM rly A i i k tI- call scllk-rs. Malh class is alsii really on itic moo-vc. Tin.* biilloliii hoaril's logo "Gor Math" allows siiulcnis lo "pour" mil Ihcir previous kiiovv l- cdi;c o f basic malh facts. Tliis ac­ tivity allows stiulcnls 10 improve accuracy and cfUcicncy in usinj: llicsi: math skills. A ll fiflli giadcts have enjoyed the first few weeks o f D .A.R .E. w ith O ffice r Reynolds. The developmental class of Mrs. Deadmon, Mrs. Ratledee, Mrs. Natiel, Mrs. Cheek and Mrs. Rivers has iKcn very busy since Ihc slart of school. Tlieir unit of sludy for Ihe nionlh of August was Ihc iKcan. bcaclies and sea lile. Tlie children enjoyed reading the followini: <K)ks during circle time. "Rainbow I'ish." " I am Water." "Shark in the I’ark," and "I Swam with a Seal." 'tlie class made crafts I accompany Ihe unit which in­ cluded paper plate crabs, boats w ith cotioiiball sails. Iieach balls. iKcan pictures with real sanil and foam fish, and iheir favorite rain­ bow fish. I’opular songs during circle lime svere "I'he Alphabet Song" and "Row. Row. Row Vour lioat." Every one is Imiking forw ard to Special Olym pics bow ling on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at Ihe ,\M I' Lanes in Winsion-Saleni.. Cougars of Ihe Week: Mary Kalhryn Bradshaw. Hrittney Sluil/, Elizabeth Am a/a’n-Rano, llo lly Link. M arily lletnatulez, Anna McBride, Katelyn Sizemore. Jor­ dan Lagle, Viri Hernamle/. Mat­ thew Beauchamp. Brittany Monc)'. Daniel M a rlin e /, Griselda Marcelino, Michael Lewis, Josh Hall, Destiny I’earcy, Jesse 1 Iilton, Malcia Stevensiiii, Cierald Stakely, Joshua Howell. A reminder lo parenls: Wednes­ day, Sepl. 11 - Venezia's Night; Monday. Sepl. Ifi - Skate Night at Clemmons, p.m.; Tues­ day, Sept. 17 - 2nd and ,^rd grade KPA program. 7 p.m.; Class group photographs. Tliursday. Sept. 2(i - Early Re- ^ lease Day; Bwik Eair starts. C entriil Duvle Developmenlal Day I students liilkcd alxiul Itie (Ivc seii.scs. llie children painted with yellow paint thal Miielled like |>eppcrminl. Iliey made sjiecial glasses with dilfer- ent colors lo see, Hiey made a s|v- cial snack lh;il looked like llteir face. The students also made a "tK-;iry" special headband. Ailrian llernandez-Brim is Sludenl oflhe Week. Beau I’lotl if Student of Ihc Monlh. Developmental D.iy II Student of the Week is Ihiyley Bartlett.llie class continued with colors and shapes Ihis week. Hiey focused on pink, hlack, white, puqile. hearts, ovals and diamonds. The class eoinpleled several art projects and w ill send some home. They ate displayed in the hallway. Tlie children in Ms. Tuckcr and .Ms. Beck's pre-kindergarten class have enjoyed sharing pictures of Ihcir fiiniilies with one anolher. They discussed things that made them happy or sad, made draw ings of w hat they would like lo be w hen C O L D U ie L L B A N K C R Q T R I A D , R E A L T O R S ’ they grow up and made funny feel. They did their firs l graphing projecl hy making eyes and graph­ ing llieiii by color. Sludenl of the Week is I;randi lirilo. She is ahanl worker, and a good listener and friend, Developmenlal Day I Sludenl o f the Week is Colby Heiner. Hic class talked about the different types of wealher and ihe color yel­ low. They made mud pmldles, rain clouils aiui thunder clouds. Il rained ill circle time. Jlie children colored yellow ducks and made yellow sunlloers using sunllower seeds. They also had a week of special yellow snack including jello. lemonade, banana pudding, banana popsicles and cheese crackers. Everyone enjoyed what Ihey learned this week. The class invited Iheir grandparents to visit I'riday. Sept. 1 i for a s)iecial sn;ick. Developmental Day II Student of the Week is Tanner Smith. The class finished the unit on colors and slarled the apple unit. Tlie chil- ilren enjoyed looking at the differ­ ent colored apples and lasting them. Tliey also p;iinletl some ants on an anthill. Tlie students ihoughi the ants were laking apples to the anthouse. They had fun listening to " llie Little .Mouse and the Big Red Apple." Hie children in Ms. Tucker and .Ms. Heck's pre-kindergarten class were inlroilucetl to Ihe lelter "A " ;ii:d the stniiul o f ".Л" as in apple. I hey made apple "A 's" with Eriiit Loops, linger painted apples on trees, graphed apples by ctilors, made apple sauce and reviewed circles ;ind rcclangles by ilrawing apple trees. We w ould like to lhank С(ч1у Ashley for bringing an apple peeler lor us lo use. Cody did a greal job show ing us how to use it. We enjoyeil ealing the apple slices. Student oflhe Week isCinly Ashley. He has listened and fol­ low cddirecions and h:is been kind to olher. 1 le sh;iretl his ;ipple (K-eler with the class. I’inehrook Klem enliiry If you have a child who is 4 ye;irs old. he or she is inviteil lo attend a free preschool hour al each Monday from 1 -2 p.m. Plan ti> attend these sessions w ilh your child, as many readiness issues w ill be addresse<l. If you have i|uestic>ns. contact preschool ser­ vices al 7.S1-77IM e\t. .Vi Mrs. Suttons first grade class w as the firsl weekly ch;uiipion of Box Tojis l-or Books campaign. I’rincip;d Mary Sine presented the class w ilh a certificate and the traveling apple trophy for collect­ ing 2,‘iy bo.\ lops. Pinebrook El­ em entary School recently launched its 2()()2-2()(M Box Top for Education fundraising pro­ gram, The schools goal is S2.(HI(I lo buy iMioks for the media cen­ ter; S262.(H) has been raised. Second grade celebrated Grandparents Day Sept. ft hy hav­ ing grandparents for lunch and an afternoon celebration. Second grade classes of .Mrs. Potts, Mrs. James, Ms. Dressier and Mrs. ilarpe presented an cniertaining program of music and poetry. /\ll sludents recited the poem Walk ing w ilh Grandma and Grandpa and were served refreshments. After the program, the grandpar­ ents aiul students visited the class­ room where the graiulparent was presented w ith gifts and cards made hy Ihe students. Kara Ilarvey. a fifth grade stu­ dent. participated in Ihe public school board forum al the high school Sept. .“i. Her question re­ garding support for the school bond was posed to ihe three can­ didates, Regina Graluim. Carol Livengood. and Lulher Potts. The three are running for twii posi­ tions on Ihe hoard. Kara is the daughter of Sethand Kim Ilarvey o f/\dvance. A lhank you lo all who helped sale, bought items or volunteered lime w ith the recent wrapping pa- per/caiidy sale. The profits w ill go lowaril buying new' computers. Shiidy (iriive Klemenlary Tlie P TA hot dog supper w ill be held Sepl. 17 from ft-ft:-).“' p.m. The Book Fair w ill be held Sept. I.M S in Ihe media cenier from S:.3() a.m.-.V3() p.m. Browse while your child is in class. .A book is a great rewaril or gifl. I'aniily night w ill he from 4:.l()-7 Sept. 17. Open House w ill follow the PI'A meeling. Several prizes w ill be given away. Check out the Unicycle clubs' new web site al hup:'' Skale N ight is the fourh Tuesday of e;ich month (no skate night in Nov. or Dec.). The nexl sk;ile night w ill be Sept. 2-1. Monday nights is Venezia's Nighl. w ith a portion of proceeds going to the school. Harris Teeter VIC cards ami be used lo help the school. Sludents ofthe Week Ibr Aug. 2fi-.1(): Jessa Butterfield. Isabel Duncan. I-jlian Barnes. N ick Jnhasz, Jenny Young, Jason Lew is, Gray N ichols, Nadi;i Gregory. Cara Walton. Cassidy Webb. Tyler Henoelt. Lauren nuirinond. Richard Kelly. Datten Colbouriie. I'.llie Carler. M all Meeker. Sterling Tkach. K loi Irving, Cody Schneggenburger. Taylor Young, Stefan M ock, Ashleigh W haling, Elizabelh D;ivis, Chris Harrans, and Nathan South. Students of Ihe Week for Sepl. C arlie Wagoner, E m ily lloldsclaw , Ryan Heath, Carly Howard, Kara Osbourne. Dakota I.emni, Alexandra P lill, Gabby Macione, Aaron Brown, Tyler Bennelt, Leah G ryder: Taylor Carler, Camilla Coombs. Ryan T'oster. Nathan .Milleson, Andrew Buchanan, Shane Winter, Zach I'air, Lauren Tesh, William Mills, Tyler Shelton, and Chris Barrans. C iiolttm ee IClemctilary Mrs. Custer's class has enjoyed meeting Mr. M. Mr. 15, Ms. T and Ms. E from Ihe Land ofthe Letter People since school has slarled, Sludents have completed lots of activities to learn the sounds these letters inake.Sludents are e.sciled aboul going lo particip:ile in Spe­ cial Olympic How ling nexl week. Thank you to Kathie Streil and volunleers for all they do lo help make this evenl possible. The stu­ dents lost a fellow classmate. "We would like to say thanks to Ryan's parents Ibr sharing him with us. He w ill be missed," Mrs. Custer said. Eirst graders in .Mrs. Stein and Mrs. Wx'si's chiss are excited about new cluster groups. I'.very student has been grouped with five or six friends w ho share similar interests and abilities in reading hooks. Children have received books and u n il w ord cards that can he worked and played with during the week at school and at home. As sludents progress individually w ith reading, they can move to olher reading groups w ithin their cluster lime. Groups meet for 45 minutes every day. In math, stii- denls are reviewing patlerns and numlK-rs and are making graphs Using "dot cubes," or dice. In sci­ ence they are continuing lo talk about ocean life and other animal habitats. In social studies, they are getting lo know Iheir classmates by picking a special sludenl ofthe day, interviewing him or her and w rilin g som elhing interesting ahoul Iheir new friend. Oct. 4 is when firs l grade classes w ill be tra ve lin g to Patterson Eariii for the firsl field Irip o f Ihe year. Students w ill see a slide show, build a scarecrow, take a hay ride, and pick a pump­ kin. Cost o f the trip w ill be S.S..“!!). .'Ml students w ill p;irticipate in the trip regardless of ability to pay. N orih Diivie M iddle The follow ing students were taken lo McDonalds o f Mocks­ ville for lunch because o f exem­ plary bus behavior: C harlie Boger, Jack Bledsoe, Thomas Nelson. CJ M alhena. M aggie Aguero, Chelsea Swyers, K elli Parks. Brook W anl, C aroline Pratapas, Taleea Coombs, Bradley Arniswdrihy. Resjiect and respon- ■.ibiliiy are high on these students' priority lists. W illiiim K. D iivic Elcnientiiry Teacher o f the Year is Jen D w iggins. O rig in a lly from I laddon Tow nship. N.J., sheciune lo North Carolina for college. She is a graduate o f Catawba with a degree in elementary education. W hile at Catawba she mel her husband to be. She is married to W ill Dwiggins. They make their home in MiK'ksville with their tw o dogs. She has taught at W illiam R. Davie for three and half ye;irs as the E nglish as a Second Language teacher. She serves ,‘i2 students in grades K-.S, Other nom inees this year were Jen Meagher, 4/S combination teacher and reading leacher, M elissa Brown, A ccelerateil Reatler began Sepl, and w ill continue through A pril .30, /\cceleraled Reader is a reading program lhal uses computer-generated tests lo check com prehension. Grades .3-.“) participiite. /\ certain percentage o f correct answ ers iillow sludents to accumulale points, which they w ill he able lo use to purchase items form a school slore. 1'he poinls can be spent once every Huarter. Bus and Car Riders oflhe week o f Aug. 2(1-30: 'Tyler Wooten. Desirac Vandiver. Payton Kelly. E m ily W hitaker. Jachawn Martinez. Haley Caudle. Lauren Hobson, Thomas Sullen. Edgar Rodriguez and Dianna Castoreña. Citizens of tlie Week for Sept. 2ft: N icholas H ilto n , Megan Scarlett, Yoana A lvarado- Ramirez, A lly Cregar, Rehecca Ferebee. Misty McEttcn. Johnny I Icrnandez. Cody Boger, Payton K elly, Yaipielin Barron Logan B row n, B rilla n y /\nderson, Matthew Dyson. Em ily Davis. Boyd Johnson. Ashley Hutchins, and Luke Naylor. Student Governinent elections w ill be held on Friday, Sepl, 13, Camliilates mel with Jen Meagher and Tracy Dyson, sponsors, and made campaign signs to display. Sludents w ill work on speeches and present those lo students. 3 B u i l d i n g L o t s F o r S a l e In ihe Fork C hurch C om m unity Located o n /o ff of C edar G rove C hurch Rood O K for douiD/ewfc/e, m odu/or or site bui/f homes •Lot 1 'UNDER CONTRACT - 40,000*/-if with road frontage, water meter & septic iystem-$25,000 • Lot 2 ■ UNDER CONTRACT • 1 acre with road frontage, well & seplic system • $25,000 • Lot 3 • 1.2 acres recent survey & perked. Great view. Price includes county water & seplic system • S2S,000 'All acrcafjc iuhjcct to final survey Contact Robert Stone (Owner/Broker) ot Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 cell 909-1726 Office 751-2222 379W est M aple Av. $ 1 1 9 , 9 0 0Fanldstk 4 Bcciroom. 2 Balh home In great In lown location. Huge great room with hrcplace, gorgeous hardwood floors, spcciacular shady on quiet dead end street. Directions: From 1И0 exit «170. take 601 S. turn Rl. on Salisbury St.. Rt. on W. Maple, house л1 end of the road on the Rt. OPEN HOUSE! SUNDAY SEPT. J5 ’'“2-4PM 184 Stoney brook Trail Gorgcouj new 1.5 ноту home on fjbulouj 5 ♦ icrt trict- Hirdwood$.ceramic tile.huge fimilj jtyle eit , dl "■ 4> inc.) >u^v «Vl'k VAV*.. kitchcn and formjl dmin| room. Great Bonuj Room or 4th bedroom. Ljrje covcrcd bick porch overlooking private wooded back yard ^ 2 1 4 ,9 5 0 Direction: From 1-40 W. take exit #170. Turn R to n 601 Norih.Turn Lto n Ijames Church Rd.. Rt-on Norihbrook D r . l t on Stoncybrook Trail House on Rl Afcnts Avaihhle on Sile 9 0 9 -3 3 1 1 9 0 9 - 3 4 8 5 ^ O a k H a v e R ® R e a l t y ? (336) 751-2055 O p e n H ouse 2-4pm Sunday Sept 15th Angie Lawrence Broker 232 Nebbs Trail - 5* acres. 3BR 2BA, 2360 SF, unfin basemenl, bonus room for 4th BR. 19 X 19 game room, large rear deck! Private area! $234.700 DlrKtloin: From Winstoa MO wost to Q<it 170, right on Hwy 601 N. go approx. 1 mile, left on Alien Rd neit to CIviity Tiudiing, li^t on Nebte Trail, home on liahl Come lo Ihit Open Houie end ilgn up to Ып SMOO on your purchne ol i home In the Triad area, tee Sunda/i Wniton Salem Journal for detallil w w w .O a kH a ve n R e a lty.co m T- IT) ioR 45A ЬУДС G'row лikffi frtrci Cari*r rcre A iro/i ия tt tra/f ci r«} p.'s ;сгж1 I уШ W Urtii ua Ы iUre. iie A 5iftSt*^k?.ietíJít4w.err-jcu VO/ r«r>n]ii<r IG4.M i$r m m wmtuem ш vauitu w «ÍA arvTi>_».'« htiаии-Лгхй tfjtevçi írtfyrjxii pjrtry tffcf. УЛвЗ pjto ii Ifi V-iSctrci t-r C/» J Ci’cf V¿i,Fi<!w nr im.m , Fkst-tiJ 4t7 uuavM am ясшт m aurn *rrt 2l?AUnCi-c«Hii*eP:ïlprxe*. on I'ioui »13 ‘/toe '.'i V'r, ’r.it. err rV'r Ci- L ÍJ-íí-f't A гх/ t'ii C*."i llìiS3M.SflO tor m шшйт ом ïîuit uvi4м 3Î6A rt'CAfcrb'if '■.xí »■ /у/ил fix'j cf:*"!N.'f; irei Вс<»л UT 1и m m not ш vuxiY uvti2 Six-W ГСО* t-:!-! *.:i MSH on rrjn ln ivjrxiTtiîopetilCLfCerk-rtt li'J? Ltrj .>1 2 C4'M IJm Ш MM ШЯ атм tm ^Ì i&X ÌK tArUM rtoi tm inge peu rx3 tanni rure on Г tjn 4 tui root ЬпъШгосп •ttficrf.rdmïfr ro-nnnq ' m 3 pcsjn «W<T(n n ucfi tins юютгштшитм zí¿aSAC Cfjíivíj cartr» here en wxM xjn * tki'i LQ f.C. IXt/n'Jt'Jt4î«Tirt Win ie«( 0;en foof bUi ^A'i5«aЗ w rti t e '-xo w rixii ffcre Caíí Wtoïi • t22t.7M LOT 44 wmmm rum oivu чк:idA Ъцк! CJCe Col рил » ru'Jri Wrjpva/df:^^,(L^, •üaeoeî ^:*,глуп tiTi tan U ( 'Л’<0 tóf fiijft tJrdrVCn !^Х1Л f-дЭТ 11 дт,M Jrdl<£.'rfí ?>¿ ns:$22e.000 toT n cffneroi СШ1 Dim2 MA GC/70M tru r<r< i,r e jfiJirft r*'jfU c.vti ill ил Ы (H* b j JÎ1ЖЛ ii?;$KM.iao tOT 21 «fluue lâr MVK ЗЁЯ. ?l£A re* rtre li nJ) îfvj 2 '^y, ti,TV|i ras 1 ç'-ji lown kjçi i.ïren »'pi-i:-, A foira'i ari] i'XíT. A 2 □' tiiT Fkït.rrt LIT SO fM ST filli U W 31БА Core ftre 10 eiejmce 4 VKtr.rj Wi n l^tr^ n-d^'ri A iTxiei 'i.Viji. hug» kit o lâiil üî AiTcir:.rig iciOT. fiîeij'it rroji0.ix;j A tyrîèciùîî iTuiiïJ’Wî V«»,T'.f*.nn • W- Ш лиши OMVI шея FJUMUViem ЗЬЯ. 3£A Oou toiNj here ü m mn( conl.li-yi. lüOïJCnJ ».'-1 ca:e ro J *МиУ‘ 1« B/O ficrt РОПЛ A wa (Hà Hjj; » .и«эт «.eü i.n an.ng iKvTi A yti ю Jofinityvare- Vie iuatm .» lOT 21 nm m m û ш л збн. шIm 9»9«хл Io« cctitry № an ac'e ic( CrtílOC«¡ng Itt/.fj с) tr* ç;jf COuf« A cajrJryî:Je t*>cívj Bpl.l B«s № WH Vr'.* Г".гу W'3 'î Ci'MKjsA Vjtjcoiti C'.KJíÍorr.st/i-y«-ll/7I2U.no ugaBfey.,. 117 mCUMIIB LAM UVK ЗБН 2BAÍ fijAC C^n 1 mc»/u,n 1й'£Л Шк™ t3 1.4 mxítiru Or>lj M tTuti to »üres WtijdrtJ гюге СЛ«1 pfujcy in J îrtiim ».•vj rui titn ik!) mirij rrt ÜUÍ7;■ A mo>f Слц W/iw • /iTllbisîMJOt A nWiim ____________I и 2SA U'J! triaплат loou^ 1er vUMTiierr (tixi * nrc^ cri KTB &CV. cfta л Ьглгеп • snge Ww;**rí*rTiri%e-»i!i mn_____З6Я 2 tf A hcal teif,»ifl ccrtJî.'or' D&riüi Ufi Со ЧГ krtij ^,"3 Ы i^ îS " O Aitjwjtrrf, ÈuijwcflM 8«ïJjC0U - LOT 24 МТСИШ1 Ш 1 um :£Я .^Afi/re 0 cojirj rMiXj^jîfu ct»si ü ».‘сгих L-irt trierij/ bat S-f'-iW СЛ li'jr (e^ ici Cfru ы.3е • VA 17S LITTU МШ FOI Ш И«! UMШ 21Í.A &;ti! Itr« NT« «\ oà «• vt ûnec*fW.»eiirj.'iirfO IH [Л.М ILрУ|'хг71. ürje IL htCiçifcil «w 1^1 «rir/i A.I »««.ïtirt rtr-an‘ Ы 1 Coc* - /iÿnai im NVT Ml UUTN UVl ЗЕЯy|it. ifo'uitl lixi. rixim. vreГч1г>ог-|3 Iry. iT4Uff tojfoom luti, 11cfiirts, »rfAÎ tut) Uioe ar« ki MieМ-те1гг4П-W-l 13? 1121.100 Ш UHBU COURT САМ» Т«ШUVI Ï ‘H i'BA WjmJeiV Глте on а'тоУ an »:ie in 10,tt, fpi'/icrriood 6<w.tuiti ikcya:?v] liO itt3( to mcie iiij >«з(Те i-'л ÿ ire tftî tA I» lu lime fuietcg Of rrv'ef Jafd Hiii'Vfi • Wô ltU 171 шит AVI UKLAM ЮВНПU«3bfl2BAWi.................g'fil Oib (1И1 fiuitijned 1___GrutC-№â DE^StO?,« UM ЗЬЯ 2BA Vtÿ ivce lafcn y,ii feme ettíi g'fil алЬ OuitxjilJ.ro Hcíre has tetfi1И1 fiuítijned 1 car апж/oj u'pon (iitn _^?OOKojdMlljyk«^^ (iMpo«jiK>n. (oldiwell PjnknX n 0 tCQtUvteil Hadctnoik ot (oldw¿ÍQJ»kcí CwpoiJlion. An tquji Oppodutuiy (ompjny. IqujI llouiimj Oppoitunily. Idch OIIkc n indc()cndenlly Owned jnd Opetolcd. ArWf 0Mir<A9fattЫЛтШт «NIIHHcfeftM•»nuМуМЬm mmuàrnfkkfákm-iiM(¡ЁфЦЛтт m-ttnm \m«4Гя1к mimМММЦ!m-iiuЙаИМиШmjtti)«1ш|1мим т шт-1ШИшуйаМmimtmminrnt m \m< Uêimtm m-iturnvemmmт ип■ штш»fM-IIMЬШЩЛткШ m \müiiHitiiii 'm-imMiMdnтшшщm mni-tm OAVIE COUNTY F.NTEKPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12. 2002 - D5 Brad Blackwelder and Jonathan Motsinger attended a resource conservation work­ shop. Two Attend Resource Conservation Workshop B r;id B liic k w L 'ld c r a tu i Jo n a th a n M o i.s in j:c r Гпип D avic lliy lt S cluiol altem lcd The Rc.soiircc C onservation W orkshop al N orth C arolina .State IJiiive rsity June 2.V28, A w iile range ol'conser\'a- lio n to p ics w ere covered in the classroom . These ¡iicluded so il ch ara cle ristics and soil PetAdoptathon This Weekend A n A n im a l A d o pt-a-tlio n w ill he h elil this w eekend, Sepl. 1.^-1.“', al PetsM art in W inson-S aletn w ith lu e n ilie rs o f the H um ane S ociety o f D avie C ounty parlicip a tin y. The evenl begins F ritlay fro m 11 a.m til ^ p.m ., and .Satur­ day and Sunday hours arc I'rom 11 a,m , lo 5 p,m . M any hom eless anim als w ill he available w ho need pernia- iicn t, lo vin g homes. For m orc in lb rn ia tio ii o r directions call the H um ane S o ci­ ety al 751-5214. Dance Festival Sept. 20 A t The Brock Center , A regional hig h school dance festival hosted by D avie H igh r School Dance w ill be h elil at the B rock P e rfo rm in g A rts C en­ ter Sepl, 20, I R egistration begins at a.m. and evening perform ances I w ill take place at 7 p.m . A ll p u b lic .scliool dance students are in v iie d lo participate. Parenls and co m m u n ily m em bers ;tre in v iie d to attend the evening perform ance. c im s e rv a tiiin , w ild life and fish erie s m a nagetiienl, fo r­ estry m anagem ent, nonagri- cu lltira l soil use, w ater ijual- ity, and w atershed m anage­ m ent. The siudenls made sevcnil lie lil trips, B lackw elder said he enjoyed seeing the Falls o f The Neiise Lake w hich is the A rm y C o rp o f E n g in e e r Projcct in W ake C ounly. M o tsing e r recognized Ihe sto p at C le m m o n s 1-duca- lio n a l S ta te s F o re st in Johnston C ounty as very in- fo rn iiitiv e . A fle r a w eek o f classroom a cliviiie s and field trip s the sHidents were given a w rille n exam . The R C W is a week long intensive study about N atural Resouices and th e ir m anage­ m ent w h ich is sponsored by the N orth C arolina A ssocia­ tio n o f S oil and W ater C on- servalion D istricts. D avic Soil and W ater C onservation D is­ tric t sponsored B lackw e ld e r and M o tsing e r Ihis year. o l 4156 Clemmons Road r U U c l l i l a i Clemmons, NC 27012 Carolinas Realty "T 8??jf7T 58“2“í"oñ “ ee (3 3 6 ) 7 ih - i* h O O C a ll t o d a y t o g e t t h e a n s w e r s t o e v e n y o u r t o u g h e s t re a l e s ta t e q u e s t io n s . C h e c k O u t T h e s e L i s t i n g s 142 N O R M A I.N - A dvancc - S139,9(I0 Country Living C o n \cn ien t to C ity & 1-40. Security System . Like N ew interior, upilatccl tile baths and kilchcn countcrtops, new laniinate wood lloors, Berber carpel, 2 acres w /beaiitirul hdwds! C all Sandy Dyson or K alhy Phillips 21)6 .lU N IP K R C R - B c rim id ii R un - S S I0,1100 Spectacular 50 00(7- sq ft, 3-4 BR , S B A hom e w ilh great g o lf course lol & lake view . \ plan that fits any life style - A t appraised price. C all Bev Supple or G loria M atthews M O L i> M A R C H R n - M a rc h W oods - 52.19,900 D avie county subdivision. 2162 sf 3B D , 2 B ,\ Bonus room , open lloor plan, larue lot one level living. C all V ic k i B ullard 8115 W U r i M O R K CONT'! - W h iliiin rc Place - S31(),000 H.xcellent 4 B R 3 _ B A all brick hom e in popular W hitm ore Place. Unfinished basement for future expansion. C all W elton Loftin 3491 T A N C L E B R O O K T R A II. - C lem m oits W esl - 5239,900 L.xceplional all brick 4 l)R '2 .2 B ;\ fam ily hom e on lg wooded, lenced lot w /w orksliop bldg. & separate storage bldu. I'inished playroom in Bsmt. 2 FP's & 2 wet bars. K it w /bow w indow . C all C heryl I'ink 3605 S O U IR E W O O l) - C lcntntons W est - 5199,900 2 story vault in LR , arched doorw ay. I Idw d on M L . Serene lake view . M L BR ean double for o fllc e /L R . IT* in keeping room o ff kitchen. C all Jennifer Sirouil 287 Y A D K IN V A I.I.E Y R D - A dvance - 5260.000 (¡real I'am ily H om e w /3acs nol in a developnietii. Secluded selling, close to 1-40. Paneled great room leads to brick lloorcd screened porch. O versized M aster w /jclled tub. Security syslcm. L L Playroom w /buill-ins. .M IS W arranty. C all K im berly Polls i l O A K C R O V E - l.ew isviile - 5279,900 Construction has started. B uy now to custom ize. D aylight Basem ent for ftiitire expansion. 9x9 W /C in M aster. Sitting area on U L. C all lo rd elails. 526 Riding Ridge Lane, C all Sherri Coram 13.14 N . M A IN S T - M o cksvillc' - 5129,700 129S SF finished in basem ent but nol included in square footage. Basement has wood stove and wet bar. C all B ill N ichols 145 S A V A N N A H - A dvancc - 5195,901) M ake this tastefully decorated hom e yours, W onderl'ul mstr, split BRs for privacy. BU and a game room downstairs. T h e ganie room has a w onderful w ood ceiling. Downstairs waiting for full third B .\ to be installed. C all Pat Porter P E A C E IIA V E N R D - C lcniiniins - 528,500/cach 2 N ice w ooded building lots in desirable Clentm ons area; Lots are conductive to natural w alk-out bsm t. C all Pat Kinnam on 235 E lE I.l) B R O O K D R - C lem m o n s - S132,900 G real one level hom e in desirable loc. lg mst. B R w A valk'in closel, G R w/gas logs, plantation shutters, new carpet 2001, beautiful landscaped yd w /nice deck neutral decor, M ust See! C all Sandra Johnson T b n g fe w o o d A g e n ts VjVf/íuftr-jfVi илл|.ря< ArwtrM *l‘ft[1,14 Д>Л4,Т1tv. *> PobCtafU^Оо0Ми«г«1«А»1 Сг)гЫ 714WI6rUiJ.') 714'Mf;' . 7f4-UIS 714-44 XI 7l444ie CHÎ. Ù1' Puffi PjI Илигтги. CnS. ÚÍ4 Pal »4»* 7t4-44,’’ Sj/J,it<«cn ItVXTM SA^Corwn VV'kj 0 a-Ai'3 W»n,nLcf!»i 715Ч410«5-4018Л4*409.., ri4^t4 71444Ji 7T4 44;e An In<Jep«ndently Owned and Operated Member of the Prudential Real Cftate Affiliates. Inc. • Equal Housing Opportunltv 1)Г). DAVIK COL NTV KNTKRPRISK RKCORl), Sepl. 12.2002 Davie Dateline Fundraisers Friday, Sept. 13. I*;inc;ike S u p p e r. P a n nin cfo n M a ­ sóm e 1лч!йс. 4 -7 p ,n i..c a l-in or take- OUI.all Ihc trim m in i!s $5 aplaJc. T ic k ­ ets al Ihe (кю г o r see a i'a n iiin glo n M ason for tickets in advance. Fri. & Sat,, Sept. 13 & 14 С И 1 !(1 тГч С 1 о |Н и 1 Ц :п и 1 К < р п р те п 1 S a le . C e n le r l*resch(H)l. al C enter Lf.M C F a m ily Life Center. Fri. ."'-S p .m .. S a l .a .m .-2 p .m . Л11 m onies j:o to purchase p la \^n n n u l etjuipm enl. h ilo : 4 ‘i2-.^7.1.Sor Saturday, Sept. 14 ('u iin tr \ ll:iitu 4 :T e n (le rln in H re a k - fasl. 10 a.m . Ci>unir> ham . ten­ derloin. ei:i:s. urns, sausaye ¿iravy. biscuits, lv \e ra i:e -1*5. Sfnm sored by M tv k s I'n iie d M etluHlisi M e n . A l Nbx;ks C h u rc li Л: Bca\icham p Ho.uls. o il SOI S ou th. A d va nce. W K-5.*ilS. I’riK ceds to »\inistries Л: pn^jects. Saturday, Sept. 21 4 lb A n n u a ) H id e F o r A n im a ls , ride starts I I a .m . al M a s o n ic F icn ic (iro u n d s Iv h m d Brv4'k C en ter. NUun St., .M tK ksville. C ost $ 20 a*u. tee. s(4»n\orships available. Into: 751-.^214 o r \4\vv4.i|.jvlenchurnane.or^:. p re - senled by The H u m ane .Society ot I)a vie C iu in ty. C o u n lry H a iti X S ausage H re a k - fasl. ai W e sle y C h a jv l U M C . Fin n Ko ad. 6 :.^0 -|0 a .m .. ham . sausai:e. eizus. jifits. lira vy. ted e\e i:ra\ y. bis­ cuits. and baked apples (ii] ihe new tc llo u s h ip h a ll.l llo tn e n ia d e ( h íc k e ii i*ie/ltaked H u m iV m n e r. 5 -S p .m .. U n io n C h a jv l I ’M C .U .S .N t l ( I m ile norlh o l 1-4(1). dine in or lake out S l | v r plale. s(H)n- sored b> Sjiiritual Servanis S unday S ch o o l C la s s, r.d tlc tickets. di>t>r prizes, sjlem auclion. A ll prtveeils Iv n c tit purchase ot nevs chu rch sien. I ickels at diH>r o r call 4 ‘i| -75-1.^ Reliüion Sunday, Sept. 15 A n n u a l llo tn e c o m in ^ . Ib 'ly C'rt'ss Lu th e ra n C h u rc h . S u n d a y S ch o o l V ;.V )a .m .. le^:. c h u rch service I0;.^() a .m . Л co ve re d dish lu n che o n w ill be held a lte r service . C h u rc h lo - caiL'd al U .S . ftOl S ou th. Ongoing P re s c h n o l/ F a re n ls М «»гп 1 п ц O u l, }- Ik 'th le h e m U n ite d M e lh . T im e : а . т . -т и ш . A j:e s I iV: 2 - M .W or T . T h . .Ajie 3 - M .T . I h. Л^:е 4 F re - K • Ihrec i>r l»)ur< l.iys |ч.т \veek. C'.ill ‘)0S-_6S20. F re s c h íM íF F a re n ls M n rn in }» O u l. C e n ic r I'n ile d .M elh.. .\i;es \ \ 4 M o n ., W e il., F ri. .i.m . - 1 I:.i0 a .m .. C a ll ^M l)-375.^ o r 4 4 2 -5 7 3 5 . U o e la llim S lU (l\ ,e a c h Sun. niulit. <>;.M tp,m . A t S h e llic ld Mumc H a ll, in le rs e c lio n id S h e tlie ld K d . T m k e y to o i R d . Ь ле гуо и е vselcouje lo atlend. lU T o re S c h o o l F ro | ;ra m fo r S h a d s (J ro v e S tm le n ls , a va ila b le M o n .- F ri. iK irin n in y (i a .m . ai A d v .m c e U M C C tu n n u u iily B ld j!. S ch o i)l bus a rrive s S a .m . to take ch ild re n to S h a ily ü ro v e U le m e n ia ry. C a ll W S - Ol*J‘^ Гог fees and into, A » a n a Л K ib le S lu d y , W e d n e s ­ days at 7 p .m ., llo|4* H a p iisi Та 1 ч т- nacle. M ()l* S (M o lh e r s o rl* re s i’h(H iliTs> . \sX iSc 3rd F rid a y s th ru school year, at M a c e d o n ia M o ra v ia n C h u rc h . N .C . X O l N . ‘) : 1 5 -M : 4 5 a .m . C h ild c a re p ro viile d lo r sm all tee. in fo; ‘>*iS-4.X‘M . B e fo re S c h ix d P ro g ra m . A d v a n c e L IM C H Itly. N .C . S O I S . Гог S h a dy G ro v e Sluilents. d ro p o ff (^ a .m .. y:h o (t! bus p ic k -u p X a .m . R e j:is ira - lion rctjinred. C a ll W S -O F W Гог info. Reunions Sunday, Sept. 15 A lk‘11 R e u nió n . ;tl .Mi. O liv e Methoilist O n irv h . I p .m .H riniipitiucluiK 'h.drinks & pl.iies w il! I v lum islK^l. M usic alter luiKh. Saturday, Oct. 5 O a k S d io o l R e u n io n , at O .ik G m ve lx 'llo w sliip M a ll.U .S . 15Н(Гоппег silc o f old scIk k iIIu h is c), 10:30 a.in.- l:.3()p.m . Reunion rorronnersiuik;nlSiS: sptm4‘s. F -k Ii one is asked lo bring coveredtlishajKltlrink lor<liniK.*r.Flates. cu|>s. fujpkins, Л: ice tiimislKHl. Spedcd Events Began Sunday, Aug. 11 •SlcpFasI 1-1ГЫ}1с .Sfiiilimr. .Sumliy cvciiiiip, (y.M) p.m .. n iib 12 и сскл al M(xk.s\ilk;.Scvi;iitli-l).iy/\il\ciitisllT;l- Iciwstiip lla ll. C a ll iir .192- 792h lo ptu-ivgiM cr. Thursday, Sept. 12 M m m d ahV ork-stH jp .a t LilM'.u>.lu>sted b y D avkr C o . Senior C tr.. 6 :30 p.in., rep liu m M errill Lynch . Ever>(4k;\svlcoiiJc. Sign up or info: call Sr. C enler b y Se|M. 4 7 5 I4 X .1 L D c ^ t e s t o R e m e m b e r Thursday, Sept. 12 D u vie U n ite d M e lh o d is l M is-sim i Hoard. F\ec. Comm, al (v l5 p.m.. Gen. Hus. at 7:30 p.m.. al Concord UMC. Saturday, Sept. 14 Rabies i ’linic, S a.m.-12 noon, ai Davie Veterinar) ('linic. 15-^ .N. Salisbuiy .Street. Mtvks%ille. S5 Гее Гог each anim.il vacciiiaics. Hlood l)ri\e.'>a.ni.-l;30p.m..I)a\ie I-arm Bureau at C'enter F'.iir. Yadkinville Kd .MiKksviMe; Thursday, Sept. 19 HIimkI Drivo, 2-ii:30 p.m.. \Kvks ville I'lemenlan' ScIhhiI. C emeler> Street. Mivksville. Sat. & Sun., Sept. 21 & 22 Anmial HiHik Sale, al D.ivie ('ouni\ Library, in Ihe mulli-puqHise п ю т . Main Sl.. \|1ч;кч\ ille. Sal. S:.’(l .i.in.- 3 p.m.. Sun. 2-5 p.m. I‘a)vib.»cks. hardbacks, and some s[vcial Иепь. Ongoing N’isil Cooleemee's .Mill \ illaj'e .Mu­ seum. M C'lmrch St.. ! ues. iV Thurs,. a.m.-n(H>n. Sals., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. lours also awiil.ible b\ appi. C.ill 2‘M-f)(M0. Preschool slorytime. Tues,. 11 a.in..D.ivie County Libiaiy..^(>ininulo prviuram, (\u children ajics 3-5. Mu­ sic. read aloud, stories. Шиь. mu sen thymes. MtKksville Cruise*ln. .Main Street. 1 sl iSi 3r<l Moiula\ s. .Лрп1 tlim ( )ct.. о p.m. FiednuHit C.AKS .AssiM.uton. lor more info 751-3770 nr 2S1 2п;о or .W2-5715. Meetinfe Monday, Sept. 16 Davie Co. Hoar«l of ('(immisslon- ers, 7 p.m.. in the Commissiniicr's Room. D.i\ ie Adnun. Hide.. 123 S. Miiin St.. .\b4ksville. Will receive public inpul on proposed scIhhiI bond and schivol facility needs, Tuesday, Sept. 17 Kappa liiimemakers, meel at I ).i\ le Academv C«tmm. MKIii. 7 |> in. Davie Co. Hepnblican Farlv. 7:^0 p.m.. al the headi|uaitei>. l)avie('o.l)emocralicl’arlv.7p in.. al Davie C'o. Libiarv. ple.i'.e.ittend to discuss eleclinn results .md pi.in .Чоч activiiies. Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 18 & 19 Christian Women's Clubs, .n Hei- mud.i Rtm ( ‘ounlry ( 'lub. Iree nurseia piov ided. Wetl. hmcheon 11; 15 a in . cost S12.25. lesenalioiis 77.10‘ntJ Vhurs. brmuh 11:3H .i.m,. c*'n| S 10.50. reservaliniis 7fi(> 125 V Saturday, Sept. 21 Daviei'o. Republican \\onH»i,.S:3li a.m.. at tlie he.idiju.iileis nii .\l.im St. .1 liehl bieakfasi uill Iv seiAcil. Tuesday, Sept. 24 oodiiien of Ihe W orld 1.о(1це.иЗ. Паме Ac.idemv ('mum НЫе. 7 '(i p.m. Ongoing Humane Soeielv <if Davie Co., :nonthly meelines 2nd Tues. nl e.ich nuinlh. al olfice Yadkinville Ktl. K*- hind car wash. 751-52bL Davie Republican Mens Cluh. meets 4lh Satunlay oreachn'iiinth.7:.M)a.m.. Ked Fij: HHQ. Celebrate Recovery, weekly sup|>\Mi jrroup for those stniiiyliny with bad habits, addictiims, and victims оГ abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m.. al IlillHlale Hapt. Church, llwy. 15S. Ad\ .ике.Са11‘)-И|()()|.чГог1Ппге inlo. DavieCounty HorseК те гц е п су Ri-v cue Team, I.M) p.m.. downstairs .u il»e Agncultural Huildmy. .NKvksville. Fv- С1Л 3nl 'l'uesd.iy each month. For inlo: 'W(^211L Davie Co. Hand H(H»slers,n»eets2nd I'uesday оГ monlh. 7:.^0 p.m.. Davie 1 huh Hand Rinim. Shefrield-Calahain Support Croup. 2nd ;md40> I ues..7 p.m.. New Union .Melh. Church. .Meeiiny ojvn lo com­ munily. Fainily .Serv ices "Whal Fverv Par­ ent Sh<>uld Know ".parenliiiiiclasses to intereslcd parenls оГ teens in hx.al areas, every Mon. b-7:l5 p.m.. ai .Mivksville office Sanlord Ave. Ci>st $15. Formore info: 751-1510. .)erus;ilein Hapl. Churcli isapiovid- in^ sup)H)rt for those uho have lost their jobs. K:.^0-I0a.m. (m> Mondays, call 336-2S4-232S lormoie inlo. Proj;ressiveClubofC<Kdeeime,2nil Tuesday. C(H)leemee LibraO'. 5 p.m. Call 2K4-2075 lor inlo. Chrisiian Husinessinen’s Commil- lee of MiK:ksville,'riunsdays. 7 a.m. MiKksville Rolary Hul. (iuld Wini; ruurinu Associalitm, Red Fiif Hafl4*cue. Greasy Coiner. N.C. SOI at U.S. (.01, f> p.m. 2S-I- 47vy. Davle Counlv Slamp Cluh, 2nd Thurs., Davie Senior Center, 7 p.m. 75l4)i>IL Coolu'Miee Recreation Associalion. /ijchar>’ House. 1st Tuesday. 7 |).m. Alcuholii's Anonymous, Sundays. () p.m. and Wednesdays, S p.m..Sec»)nd Presbyterian Church bascmenl. Fine St. Call 751-14‘Л) or 751-77КЬ Гог info. H»inesch(M)| 4-H Cluh, 2nd kSl 4th Tuesday. Call‘>‘)S-S*)25 lor mi *ie inlo. Piedmoni I riad Rahhil l anciers. last Sund.iy ore.kli monlh. 2:30 p.m. All i.ibbii ou ners uelcome. ( '.ill 33ii- ‘)‘).S-')S5S or visit uu .piedmonnriadiabbit.com or e- mailpiif200(ViJ .ioi.com lormoreinln. Help VourselfSiipporl (iroup. Can­ cel Serv ices. Inc.. 2nd Tuesd.iy. iu>on• F..Mtp in. D.ivieCniinly Libra ly.lUiii'^ h.ijj lunch it \ou wish, l oi mine inlo. cali 751 M.M3 or 7(iO-Oi)S3. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers}, M.kcdoiua Moravian Church. I'el- Inusliip. fiKMl. suppon. ;ind creative activities Cluldreii icccive evcellent c.ue in Ihe ;^uided .MOFIMilS pro- eiani. Recistr.itii’n Ices aie nominal .md schol.uships aie .ivailable. Meel- inesaiethe lst.uid3idl rid.i\sot e.ich monlh Ivetnmne .Aue. U*. honi I5- 11 :-l5 a.m. D.i\ le Sc1hh*1 Schedule is loUoueil, Questions call W*>,S..|3‘M. The Ai;lis| (iroup, Da\ ieC'oiinty Li- I’raiA. 7 p.m. last I lies, ('.ill Honnie .it ‘»'»S.527-1. Cenler Commnnitv Development. 'fil Mim i.. 7 p.m. Conununiiv Hide, ( ’ooleeiuee lown Hoacd. 3sd l ues- da\. loun II.ill. 7 p.m. unless otlier- uise iioteil. Norlh CiMileemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd WediiCNdav. 7 p.m. I iieiuMup Hapiist I'ellouNhip ||;i||. I)a>ie Domestic \ ioIence Serv ices. Sii[)poit eiou|)s lor V kiuns. Sessions liee. coiilideiiti.d. l iiesiI.iNs. 7 p.m. and 1 iiil.iv. 10.un. DDVS Ollice in DaMeCount\()irKeHKk,.751-31.^0. i'amilv \ioleiue Prevcnlitm Ser­ vices of Davie Count v . I leecoiuisel- ine toi m lIìiiis nl \iolence .md then childien. Sepal.lie enmps. lue^d.ivs. p.ni.l iisi I niied Metlioilist Chuich ot Mocksvilliv ( ‘.ill IMH). 72S- l-il V Concerned Hikers \ssocialion, I otiilulK ChapkM. 'ml Wcdnesvl.is. \S esieiii Sieer. I S i’Ol ii I Ul. 7p.m. FiiMti,' \sel^.i'me. \dvance (iarden Cluh. 1st lues,,') .1 n i..M .vksI'M c.‘t'i.s : i I I, Mocksv ilk-(ianleii Club, Istriiuis.. I'Ksi H.iplisi I ell>)\s>hip II.ill. 7 jvni. \ IMlOls u i-U onk* Sons of Confederale \cterans. |si Mon«l.»> .( '»». .leemeeHiNli'i k .il Huild- me. 7 p III. Mocksville Rolarv ( lub. 1 tiesd.iv s. 12:10 p.m.. Kot.in llul. Davie Cn. V nitid Wav Hoard of Direclors. -iJh Mond.iv. 5:3(1 p.m.. Hu'^k Cetile; \noe\. Coni Kooni 2ns. Mikksv ille-Duv le Homebuilders. -ith rhu(s,|.i\. 7p.m..C.ipi.iiiiSie\eii s. Davie Hiyh .Mlilelic fliMislers. 3r.I Mi'iid.o. 7 p.m.. scilo..I e.ireteri.i. Disabled Americah Veterans N.>. 75 .md Au\ihais. 'id .Moiid.iv, 7p ni.. th.ij'lei home. I S. (lOl soulh *•! Mov ksMlk- Farm inulm i Ruritan Club. 2nd Ihiiisdas. 7:31) pm .. I aimmelon Methi>dist chuich HF.l.PS Ministries. Cluisti.in lecov- ei\ pio-:i.un lor unnk'ii sesu.dly abused as chddien. Nhmd.ws. 1\M) p.m.. •} 1 coiul Sqii.ue. Room 210. Al/heiiuers Support (iroup. 2nd riiuisil.is. 7 p.m . Fast Room. Sr. Cenlei. HnH.k Hldi;.. .N. M.iin St.. 75! (K.l I. Hreast-feedin^Siiiiporl (iroup. 2nd I'uesd.iv. D.iv ie I lealth Depl.. (i-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Ori:ani/ation (FR( )) support eroup for families of childien Ullh disabilities. 2nd Tues- d.i> .7p.m.C.dl Rosenian KropfcUler at 'i^S-33 1 1 loi localion. .jericlio-Hardison Rurilaii ( liih. 2nd Tuesilay. 7 p.m.. club buildini2. Health Dept., clinic hours; .Mon.-l ri.. S:.30-l 1:30 a.m.. 1-4:30 p.m.; Tues- da>t.4:30 7 p.m.; Teen Heallh Pro- luolioii ('linie. S:3(t a.m.-noon. 2nd. •hh Salurd.ivs. Davie Counlv Ho:ird td .Social Ser­ vices. •Jihruesday. 5:30p.m. al DSS. .MiK-ksville -A.A. rinirs.. 7 p.m. - closed ininij. Sun.. S p.m. ' open mine, ('all Chrisiinc at ‘)‘iS-‘JSS5 or I'erry 'MO-5'M-L Narcolics Anonymous .Ayainst All ( )dds(lrouji. Sund.ivs. 6 p.m..riiuis- d:iys,Sp.in..R(M.m 20S. Hr.Kk Hldi*. Driiji IVohleiii? Helpline. ‘HO-7S5* 72SO. Mocksville Ainerican Le^ioii Post 17-t. VlAV llul. Sanford Ave.. 2nd Ihutsday. 7 p.m. Mocksv ille ( ivilaii Cluh. (i;30 p.m ., 2nd. -Uh Monday. W'esien\ Steer. Advance .Memorial Posl «719 Vet­ erans of h'oieiiin Wars and Ladies .Auvihary. -Ith Tues.. 7:30 p.m.. j>osi home, l-eed .Mill Road. Dav ie ( ^)unly Ridili I'o Life. 7 pm.. 3rd Thuisday.iiraiul jury riHiin. court­ house. 751-52.35 or -W2-5723. (.’ooleeniee .Memorial VFW' Posi ]\\% 2nd. .(th Thurs.. 7 p.m.. VFW' llall.N.C. HOI. Davie Hus. Women's Ass(K*. 1st W'ed. each monlh. Davie 'I’MC'.A. noon. To RSVP call 751-.5()72. (jHileemeeCivilanS Club .Meeling, 1 sl ami 3rd Mon. each mondi, 7 p.m.. Red Pij;, Hwy. SOI. CtKileemee. PUBLIC NOTICES ( ’uh Seoul Pack 5114, s|>onsoivd b Fullon I Iniled Melh. Church. 1st ami 3rd Tues. iiij:hls each monlh. 7-K:30 p.m. 'I’oune bovs 1-5 erades who would like to Ivcome a memlKM are uelconk* lo allend. Davie(*o. \LSSupporl (iroup. 2nd Mon. tif each month, b p.m.. Davie Co. Hospital. Cooleemee A A. behind Good Shep- henl Fpisco|)al. l ues. I'ri,. S p.m. Recreation l-or nwMeintoimationonllk'se event s. c.ill 751-2325. Line Dancing l aiminelon Conimunilv Cenler. liv­ en Tuesd.iy. Cost: S2. Insiruclois; Sieve iV; Linda I latley. I'or more inlo. call75I-.^S-lS. Rec Club Helore (S15lor alter ('S25)school and oul of school proi:ranis. Reeisiralion oivn. GoodTimersSquareDance I ).iiice I .essons S5 jvr im'iilh. Volun- leeis ronlifierenl social eveiils. ('on- lacl l-llielal ')'»S-3S37. Silverstriders Wall< Club Seniors. 50 and up. M-b. i):3(l-‘i a.m. No charee, Mothers Morning Out I’uesil.iv s and riiursd.iys. S7 |ч.‘г dav. S-IO1ЧТ monih. The Dance Company Mon.. l ues.. W dr.iV Sal.Call Fanilv KolviiMm.‘WS-51b3. Davie Senior Games D.ivie .Senior 55 iV: up have we eoi luiul Гог vou. 1500 \ 5K Kacew.iik i ■nni}vIilion.Sept.21 al 'I'MC.A Irack. Ke,e.o|viis 7a-in.‘SI5 includes i-shit i. I )iv ision Inr all aees, I his is a indeed evcnl. To find oul iimie c.dl Kathie .il Kcc. Depl. 751-2325. 3 On 3 Basketball lourn.lineili. Sepl. 2S al Kec. Depl. S25 101!. loo. Irips Thursday, Sept. 19 Mystery T rip .jv rjv is o n .le .is e 7 .1,111.. leluni 0 p.m.. ree. deadline *V 13. Aniikities Л: mote! Friday, Sept. 20 Southern Women's Show, S.'O }vi [44SOI1. leave S;30a.m.. retimi (i p.m. le^. de.idline Ч/13. M on. S ep t. 23-T hurs. S e p l. 2 6 Fall Li^lhthonse Ivmr. S355 |vr jvr- son double occiip.iiicv. Ree. deatlline Wed. & Thurs., Oct. 9& 10 Indian Sunnner/Pijienn Fm-^e/ ( herokee, S125 jvi jvisitn dl»l. Kee. dcadlme'V27. YiV\C/\ I or ninie mlnmialion. c.ill 751 -‘H>22 orvisit D.ivie l amilv VMCA. Swim Lessons Choose one week Jour vs eek.aud Sat. .I.m. sessions. Pie-ie}!istratinn le- quired. ( 'all lorcosls.dales.and limes. Water Exercise Class I-asy enough for Iv^iimers. chal lend­ ini! onou}!h lor the e.xjvrienced. All ai:es welcome. Call I'or class tyjvs Л: tunes. Gym & Swim Thurs. 0-11 a.m. (ai!Os 3-5). A j:reat stait lor any child. Confidence self esieem stressed. Nhmlhly sessions. Karate-Carucado Style ruesdays, 7-S:45 p.m. Aiies 7 Л u|). Parents Night Out .Sept. 13. b-10:30 p.m. Aiies 3-12. Take ihe niiihl oil and allow the YMC'A tocaio lorytuirchild. Activi­ ties iiktudc swinnuinv*. atts Л: cratls. eames and a movie. Dinner seiAod 6:30 p.m. C4fst:S7memlK:rs.$ 10 uoii- nienilvrs. Seniors .All Senior Activities take placcai Ihe Davie Counly Senior Cenler locateli in Ihe Hrock Huildini! on Norlh Main Sireel. Mi>cksville unless oihervviso noted. CaIl75FO i.lL Ongoing l.unch, M.T.W . Il:.llla.m ,. III. l-'ri.. 11 a.m. Silver Heallh K\ercises,.SeniorCen- ler. .M. W'. F‘.S:10a m (^uilliny. eveiy Monday, 10 a.m. Hrid^'e, Tuesdays I'i: Fridays. I p.m. ( ’ardiS: Hoard(iames.W'. 1:30p.m. i.'realive Scrapbooking* ('lass, 2nd Tuesilay, 2 p.m. Paii»lClass,W'cdnesdays.uS;.^Oa.ni. Dr. Dunn. Podiali'isl, at St. Center eveiy three weeks on Mondays at S:30 a.m. I'Vee HIimkI Pressure (‘hecks,once a monlh. call Sr. Cenler for dales. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Ili'iiis I'cir Davk' D ali'lliif ilimild Iv ic(n>nc(l hy iioon MiMula.v oI'iIil' pult- licaliim WLxk. Call 7.^1-212()чп1гчр il In' iliL' Dl'licu. al ,S. Main ,Si. acmss ln>m Ihe L'ounlioiisc. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 93 Under and by virlueol the power ol salB conlainud in a certain Deed of Trust made by John H, Foster. Jr. and Nellie T. Fosier, husband and wife (P R ES EN T RECORD OW NER(S): John H. Foster, Jr. and Nollio T. Fosier) to Gregory D, Honshav/, Tnistee(s). dated Ihe 7lh day ol May, 1998, and recorded in Book 276, Page 655, Davie Counly Regislry, North Carolina, delaull having ijeen made in the payment o(the nole thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens. PA. hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Ollice ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie Counly. Nortli Carolina and the holder ol Ihe noto evidencing said indebtedness having directed thal the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed. the under­ signed Substitute Truslee will oiler lor sale nt the Courthouse Door in Ihe city ol Mocksville. Davie Counly. North Carolina al 11:00 A.M. on September 19, 2002 and will sell 10 the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing renl estate situ­ ate in tho County ol Davie, North Carolina, and boing more particu­ larly described as follows: Beginning al an iron slake in Ihe Southern margin ol the State main­ tained dirt road, the Northwest cor­ ner ot J.H. Foster, and running Ihence wilh the Southern margin ol said road South 84 degrees East 200 leel to an iron stake, a new corner: thence Soulh G degrees West 286 leet to a stone, a new corner: thence North 84 degrees Wesl 200 leet lo an iron slake in Ihe line ol R.L. Whitaker estate: thence with the said R.L. Whitaker estate North G degrees East 286 leet lo Iho point and place ol the beginning, and containing 1.3 acres, more or less as surveyed by S.L. Talbert, Registered Land Sur­ veyor, August 13, 1969, Together wilh improvements located thereon: said properly being lo­ cated at 140 Whitaker Road, Mocksville, North Carolina. Should the properly be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay Ihe tax o( Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars (SI00.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308|a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale. Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS. W HERE IS," Noi- llier the Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, ol both, being loreclosed, nor the ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either (he Truslee or (he holder ol Ihe note make any-representa- tion ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the properly being ollered lor sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or in any way relating lo any cuch condition expressly am disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750,00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol Ihe salo. This 13th day ol Augusl, 2002. H. Terry Hulchens, PA Substilule Truslee RO. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suile 103 Fayelteville, NC 28302 9-5-21П G A R A G E D O O R S UETAL WOOD IN S TA LL A TIO N • P A R TS A C C E S S O R IE S • S E R V IC E C O M M E R C IA L • R E S ID E N TIA L ' Bobby Ginther ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 9 8 6 Mocksvillo. NC TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Ruller ■ Cooleemee Itu c rio r rrim C al^in ci In st,illatio n rX ’ck.s I'lo iiic llc p a ir .^36-399-8783 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Ihe Execu­ trix of Ihe Estate ol MARY BOGER SEATS, lale of Davie Counly. this is lo notily all persons havng claims againsi said oslate to present them lo the undersigned on or beloro tho 5th day of December, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirst day ol publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded in har of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted o said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 5th day ol September, 2002. Rebecca S. Allen, EXEC 917 Farmington Road Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN TH E GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE FILE NO, 02-M-30 Davie County, Plaintill. vs. Heirs of George W. Smilh, known and un­ known, Heirs of M.G. Marsh, known and unknown, and F.W. Marsh and Lizzie V. Marsh. Defendant. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue ol an ex­ ecution issued on the 7th day ol Augusl. 2002. by the Clerk ol Ihe Superior Court ol Davie County in the above entitled action, and di­ rected 10 Ihe undersigned Sherill. I will al 12:00 noon on Ihe 16lh day of September, 2002, al Ihe door ol the Davie Counly Courthouse in Mocksvillo, N.C.. offer lor sale to the highesl bidder lor cash, all the right, title and interest which Ihe delendani now has or at anytime at or after the docketing ol Ihe judg­ ment in said action had in and to the lollowing described real estate, lying and being in Davie County, N.C. Beginning on Ihe Norlh side ol depot corner ol Colored Mason and True Reformers' lot and running N.3 deg. E, 4.48 chs. to a stone thence West e.93 chs. to a stake: Ihence S 3 deg. W. 4.50 chs. lo Depot Street, Ihence East with said Street 3,07 chs. lo the beginning, contain­ ing 1 63/100 acres, being what is known as the Ton Yard Lot, more or less. Stamps paid S1.65. The above described lands were conveyed to grantors by Jacob Stewnrt. sue book 30. page 54. The abovo described property is sold subject lo any and all prior liens, encumbrances, deeds oi trust, righls ol way, easements, assessments and Ad Valorem laxes, il any, TERMS OF SALE: The high bid­ der will be required to deposit ten percent (10% ) ol his bid in cash at the time ol sale and the balance upon confirmation of sale and ten­ der ol deed. This Ihe 23rd day of August, 2002. William A, Whitaker Sherill ol Davie Counly By S,D. Moxley, Jr.. Deputy Sherill 9-5,12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ tor ol the Estate ol SHIRLEY S. SPRY, late ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons havng claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 5lh day ot December, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted o said esiale will please make immediate paymeni to the undersigned. This 29th day ol August, 2002, Jelfrey Sealord Lambe 5655 NC Highway 801 South Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Courl Square Mocksville. NC 27028 9-5-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execulrix of the Estate ol BURR C. BROCK,, lale ol Davie Counly, Ihis is lo no­ tily all persons having claims againsi said esiale lo present them to Iho undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months from Iho lirsl day ol publicalion or this nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediale pay­ ment lo tho undersigned. This Ihe 29lh day ol Augusl, 2002, Patricia Brock Genovese, EXEC 4138 N, Mills River Road Horse Shoe, NC 28742 8-29-4ln DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 12, 2002 - D7 J&J SERVICE O n s i t e F o r k l i f t R e p a i r Mocksville, NC 336-751-5372 Cell 336-406-6754 Joe Tulbert/Owner P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS , The undersigned, having quali­ lied as Ihe Executrix of Ihe Esiale ol HERMAN HARTMAN VOGLER, ol Davie County. North Carolina, does hereby notily all persons, lirms and corporation having claims againsi said esiale lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or before No­ vember 29.2002, or this notice will be pled in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons, lirms or corporatins in­ debted to said esiale will please make immediate paymeni to the undersigned. This the 29th day ol August, 2002, Kathleen L. Vogler Execulrix of Ihe Estate ol Herman Hartman Vogler 197 Vogler Road Advance. NC 27006 Sleven B, Fox TEAUGE, ROTENSTREICH & STANALAND, LLP Attorneys and Counselors al Law 101 South Elm Sl„ Suite 350 Posl Ollice Box 1898 Greensboro. NC 27407 Telephone (336) 272-4810 8-29-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execulrix of the Estate ol ANTHONY USA. late ol Davie County, this is lo notily all persons having claims againsi said esiale lo present them lo the un­ dersigned on or belore Ihe 29lh day of November, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol publi­ calion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 29th day ol Augusl. 2002. Alice Usa lie Rainlree Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney al Law Ten Courl Square Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu- tors ol the Estate ot TREVA L, SPILLMAN, lale ol Davie Counly, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or belore Ihe 22nd day ol Novem­ ber. 2002. being Ihree (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediale payment lo the under­ signed. This the 22nd day of August. 2002. Ann S. Younts. COEX 189 Lester Foster Road Advance. NC 27006 James R, Spillman, COEX 2309 Bryan Terrace Clemmons. NC 27012 8-22-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ fied as Ihe Adminislralor ol Ihe Es­ tate ol MARGARET LEONARD, ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, does hereby notily all persons, lirms and corporalion having claims againsi said esiale lo present them lo Ihe undersigned on or belore Novem­ ber 29, 2002, or Ihis notice will be pled in bar ol Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, lirms or corporalins indebted to said esiale will please make Im­ mediale payment lo Ihe under­ signed. This Ihe 29lh day ol August. 2002. Homer Lee Leonard. Jr. P.O. 00X1019 Cooleemee, NC 27014 8-29-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execulrix ol Ihe Esiale ol LAW R EN C E E. MOBERLY, SR., lale ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims againsi said esiale lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 29lh day ol Nocation or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. Thii, the 29lh day ol August. 2002. Sandra M. Hadley, EXEC 400 Tot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu- lors ol Ihe Esiale ol WILLIAM L, H EN D ER SO N , late ol Davie Counly. Ihis is to notily all persons having claims againsi said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 22nd day ol No­ vember, 2002. being Ihree (3) monlhs (rom the lirsl day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediale payment to Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 22nd day ol Augusl. 2002. Judy Henderson Beam 8360 Riverwalk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Donald B, Beam. Jr. 8360 Rivenwalk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate ol M AR TIN L. JOHNSON, late ol Davie Counly, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims againsi said esiale lo present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 291h day ol Novem­ ber, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol publicalion or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said esiale will please make im­ mediale payment lo Ihe under­ signed. This Ihe 29lh day of Augusl, 2002. Charles S. Stovall, EXEC 107 Fairway Drive Advance, NC 27006 8-29-4tn 3 B u i l d i n g L o t s F o r S a l e In Ihe Fork C hurch C om m unity Localed o n /o ff of C ed ar G rove Church Road OK for doublewide, modular or site built homes • Lo tl-U N D ER CONTRACT- ‘IO,OOOt/-sfwith road frontage. walermeter& septic system - $25,000 • Lol 2 - UNDER CONTRACI • 1 + acie with load liontage.well & septic system - 525,000 I • Lot 3 ■ 1,2 acres recent survey & perked. Great view. Price includes county water & seplic system - $25,000 Ml) acreoge sub/eci /o iinol survey Contact Robert Stone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 AshDaie Construction • Free K.stimaleü • In.survd • Ueliuble, Friendly Service ashilali-Inc® '. 1.41111 S p e c i a l i z i n g in A l l Ph a s e s o f H o m e R e m o d e l i n g Vinyl Siding, Addiiion.s, RiKiling, I’iiintiiig, Miniir Hlcc. & Plumbing, Kllchen, Hath & I’aliii Tile, IX’ck.s. D(x;ks, .Shcd.s, Bams, I cnccs, Retaining Walls to Ceiling I’lms... Wc dull alll l№ WIU MATCH AMY LEanuurs c o M P m T o n 's bid ON ComwtABU MAmUALS A WORKIUHMHIP. David McC'ullar^wner Ptwne: (336) 492-7363 Mobil«: (336) NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol Ihe Esiale ol H AR LEY J. KIRKPATRICK, late ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, Ihe under­ signed does hereby notify all per­ sons. lirms and corporations hav­ ing claims againsi Ihe Esiale ol said decedent lo exhibit Ihem lo Ihe un­ dersigned al Ihe ollice ol her allor­ ney. 3325 Healy Drive, Winslon- Salem, Norlh Carolina 27103, on or before the 13th day of Decem­ ber. 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations in­ debted to Ihe said Esiale will please make immediale paymeni to Ihe undersigned. This the 9lh day ol September, 2002. Edith M. Kirkpatrick, Executrix ol Ihe Esiale ol Harley J, Kirkpatrick; Scott K. Tippett, Altorney lor Execulrix, House and Tippett, PLLC 9-l2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mini-Slor- age inlends lo sell the contents ol the lollowing units lor unpaid rent and expenses. #155 Nora Hosch, 3838 Hwy. 601 S ($225.00) #47 Tracey L. Arnold, 149 Fire­ side Ln, ($195,00) #458 Kathy Hayes, P.O. Box 161, Pliny, WV ($240.00 #406 Alberta Arnold, 137 Harding Sl, ($255,00) #355 Wanda Kelchie, 7050 Woodleal Rd„ Woodleaf ($235.00) #313 Byron Coales. 224 Creekslde Dr. ($255.00) Sale dale: Sept. 27, 2002 at 2:00 p,m,, 817 Salisbury Rd, (unils are localed on Ealon SI,) House­ hold goods. Balance must be paid by Sept, 25,2002, Cash or money order, (336) 751-2483. 9-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix of the Estate ol R ONALD C. McKNlGHT, lale ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 12lh day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said esiale will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This Ihe I2lh day of September, 2002, June P. McKnight 393 McKnight Advance, NC 27006-6640 9-12-4tn MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL FALL IS COMING! Bobcai, aeralot core plugger & more lor reni lodavi m : , \ ! ; “i'u' ,33617 5 1 -2 3 0 4 S u n r i s e Carpet Cleaning & Janitorial Service residential, com m ercial, industrial jgasial.Any two rooms- $65.00 £ 3 3 6 - 4 6 3 - 2 9 6 5 cococooccco __rmuda Driver Needed For iierniudu Village Rctlrcincnt Resort. Full­ time. Safe driving record with ability to obtain fully endorsed CDL. Flexible day shift. Ability to maintain rccords and assist at front de,sk. Call 998-6112 DAVIE COUNTY IN TH E GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 02 SP117 BETSY J, THOMAS, Pelitioner. vs, KENNETH R, HENDERSON, Re­ spondent NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER in the above captioned matter, daled July 17, 2002, Ihe undersigned Commissioners will oiler lor sale to the highest bidder lor cash al 12 p,m, on September 20, 2002, al the Courthouse door ‘in Mocksville, Davie Counly. Norlh Carolina, Ihe lollowing Iract of land located in Mocksville Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina, de­ scribed as lollows: Lying and being in Clarksville Township, Davie County. North Carolina, and beginning al a new iron placed, said new iron placed being located South74 degrees, 20 minules, 20 seconds West 357.09 leel from an existing iron pipe, said existing iron pipe being Ihe South­ east corner of Charles G, Phelps, Deed Book 186, page 477, Tax Map FM, Parcel 12,12; thence Irom said beginning new iron placed, Soulh 02 degrees, 37 minules, 35 seconds East 693,81 leet lo a poinl, said poinl being located in Ihe cen­ ter ol an easement leading lo Sheffield Road (SR 1306); thence with Ihe center ol said easement, the lollowing courses and dis­ tances: South 74 degrees, 08 min­ utes, 25 seconds West 48,86 leel lo a poinl; Soulh 73 degrees, 50 minules, 30 seconds Wesl 53.04 leel to a poinl; Soulh 76 degrees, 59 minutes, 15 seconds Wesl 62.53 leel lo a poinl; Soulh 80 de­ grees, 22 minutes, 30 seconds West 42.976 leel to a poinl; North 87 degrees, 46 minutes, 55 sec­ onds Wesl 34.20 feet lo a point; North 87 degrees, 46 minules, 55 seconds West 34.20 leel to a poinl; Norlh 65 degrees, 09 minules, 25 seconds Wesl 37,49 leet to a poinl; North 46 degrees, 53 minules, 30 seconds West 42,39 leet to apoini; North 34 degrees, 28 minules, 40 seconds West 51.51 leel to a point; North 22 degrees. 50 minutes, 30 seconds Wesl 41.69 leet to a point; Ihence North 18 degrees, 07 min­ utes, 35 seconds West with the cenler of said right ol way 283.37 leel to a point; Ihence Norlh 16 degrees. 08 minutes, 20 seconds Wesl 224,85 feel lo a new iron placed; thence North 74 degrees, 20 minules. 20 seconds East 482.49 leet lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and con- laining 6.0 acres and being lol num­ ber 8 ol Shellield Farms as sur­ veyed by C. Ray Cates, October 18. 1997. and being parcels 12.06 WISgCORVgR M I N I - S T O R A G E For all your storace need.s, choose us! Come bv to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C a U t M ^ i (336) 988-8810 RANDY MILLER &SONS 195 Miller Koud'Mocksville (336) 284-2826 Skid steer Work Trenctier Work Hauling §N o w H iring/ S e v e ra l P o s itio n s •F o rklift O perators •M aterial Handlers •ProductionM echanic •B a tch Mixers Accepting Apps this Fri. Sept.! 3 - 9am -1 1 am at the Mocksville ESC Room 120 from 9 -1 1 am Olstenstaffing » Services and parcel 1 Davie Counly Tax Map F-1. Lying and being in Clarksville Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina and being a nonexclusive perpetual easement ol ingress, egress and regress Irom Shellield Road 10 Ihe herein above described 6,0 acres, said easement beginning al a poinl, said point being localed in Ihe cenler ol said Shellield Road (SR 1306), said point being localed Soulh 09 degrees, 55 minutes, 15 seconds East 30.71 leet Irom an iron pin, the Southeastern corner ol J.T. Smilh, Jr„ Deed Book 186, page 521; Ihence Irom said begin­ ning poinl, Soulh 87 degrees, 36 minutes, 10 seconds East 26,61 feet lo a poinl. said point being lo­ caled in Ihe cenler ol said Shellield Hoad and said poinl being the cen­ ter line ol the proposed 50 foot ac­ cess easemeni, wilh said ease­ ment being 25 feet on each side ol herein after sel lorth center line; North 089 degrees, 29 minutes, 15 seconds Wesl 125.20 feet to a point; North 09 degrees, 46 min­ ules, 40 seconds Wesl 98.85 leet to a poinl; North 09 degrees, 19 minules, 50 seconds Wesl 123.20 leet to a point; North 09 degrees, 12 minules, 05 seconds West 140.40 leel lo a poinl; North 09 degrees, 03 minules, 55 seconds Wesl 150,14 leet to a point; North 09 degrees, 27 minules, 55 sec­ onds Wesl 130.68 feet to a poinl; North 11 degrees, 06 minules, 55 seconds Wesl 127.21 leel to a poinl. North 06 degrees, 21 min­ ules. 20 seconds West 72.60 leet 10 a point; North 09 degrees, 49 minules, 35 seconds West 53.83 leet lo a pin; North 02 degrees. 20 minutes, 00 seconds West 50.35 feet lo a pin; North 06 degrees. 30 minutes. 35 seconds West 102.21 leet to a poinl; North 15 degrees, 15 minules, 35 seconds West 77.68 leel lo a point; North 24 de­ grees. 04 minutes, 50 seconds Wesl 64.85 leel to a poinl; North 30 degrees. 18 minules. 40 sec­ onds Wesl 67.38 leel to a pin; North 32 degrees, 52 minules, 00 sec­ onds West 82.95 leel to a point; North 29 degrees, 13 minules, 00 North 82 degrees, 03 minules, 45 seconds West 67,94 leet to a poinl; North 84 degrees, 07 minutes, 25 seconds West 352.21 leel lo a pin; North 84 degrees, 00 minutes, 10, seconds Wost 293.36 leel lo a poinl; North 82 degrees. 08 min­ utes, 55 seconds Wesl 106.62 feel lo a poinl; North 78 degrees, 03 minutes. 05 seconds Wesl 121.31 leel lo a pin; North 79 degrees, 53 minules. 45 seconds West 52.11 let lo a poinl; North 89 degrees, 51 minules, 15 seconds Wesl 37.44 leel lo a poinl; Soulh 79 degrees. 37 minules. 00 seconds West 36.97 feel to a point; South 73 de­ grees, 32 minules, 20 seconds West 50.11 leel lo a poinl; Soulh 70 degrees, 47 minules, 40 sec­ onds West 78.10 (eel lo a poinl; South 73 degrees, 29 minutes, 50 seconds West 73.66 leet to a point; Soulh 76 degrees, 17 minutes, 10 seconds West 42.33 leet to a pin; Soulh 80 degrees, 26 minutes, 55 seconds West 29.33 leet to a point; Soulh 87 degrees, 46 minules, 45 seconds West 53.68 leet lo apoin; South 87 degrees, 22 minules, 25 seconds Wesl 61.95 leel to a point, Soulh 86 degrees, 45 minules, 35 seconds Wesl 63.05 leet lo a point; South 81 degrees, 01 minutes, 20 seconds Wesl 67.03 feet to a pin; Soulh 74 degrees, 08 minutes, 25 seconds Wesl 48.86 leet to a point; Soulh 73 degrees, 50 minules, 30 seconds Wesl 53.04 feet to a point; Soulh 76 degrees, 59 minules, 15 cp.ronds West 62.53 leel lo a point; Soulh 80 degrees, 22 minules, 30 seconds Wesl 42.97 leel to a poinl; North 34 degrees, 28 minules, 40 seconds West 51.51 leettoapoint; North 22 degrees, 50 minules, 30 seconds West 41.69 leet to a point; North 18 degrees, 07 minutes, 35 seconds West 283.37 leet lo a point; North 16 degrees, 08 min­ utes, 20 seconds West 224.85 leet to a pin, said pin being located In Ihe cenler ol a 60 lool arc cul-de- sac. Also included herein border­ ing Ihe propsed 50 loot access easement is a 10 loot utility ease­ ment, being 10 leet in addilion on each side ol the cenler line to the 25 leet on each side ol hereinabove set lorth cenler line. Said utility easement does not apply to the Western border ol Ihe access ease­ ment ol lots 18, 19 and 20 ot Shellield Farms. Included with this sale Is a 48'x28' 1999 Oakwood mobile home, Serial No. C05531121, along wilh olher improvements on the subject properly, the mobile home having been attached to Ihe sub]ect property upon ils purchase. The property is currently Is cur­ rently subject lo a single deed ot trust In lavor ol Oakwood Accep­ tance Corp., recorded in Book 296, page 945, Davie County Registry. This mortgage will be salislied Irom Ihe sales proceeds. This sale is made subject only lo 2002 ad valorem. This sale will be in all particu- lars governed by Ihe provisions ol N.C.G.S. §1-339.1 el. seq. The highesl bidder will be required to make a deposit of ten (10%) per­ cent ol Ihe lirsl $1.000.00 and live (5%) percent ol all amounts over the first $1 ,000.00, as a good lailh deposit on said bid, JUDICIAL SALE 12 p.m., Sep­ tember 20, 2002, Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, Norlh Carolina. Gilbert T, Davis, Jr., Commis­ sioner E, Edward Vogler, Commis­ sioner ___________________________M 2-2tn НЕАШКП A T Lake M ye rs RV R esort H ig h w a y 6 4 , S M ile s W e s t o f M o c k s v ille Saturday Sept. 14th 8am until You never know w hat you m ight find at o u r flea marl<et. Bring plenty o f friends to help haul away all the great stuff you just can’t live w itho ut! CtaiI3361482-na8 tordiracitaf Open Free to the Public D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, S4pl. 12. 2002 C L A S S I F I E D S ШЕМРЕКВЕДУЕ FBOFITABLB Yard Sales 251 HOUSTON RD. Friday & Salurday, Sept. 131h & 14lh. 8- until. 3 FAMILY FRIDAY, SATURDAY, B-until, Rain or Shine. Dulin Rd. off 158. Clothing, coals, shoes, household items, youlh bed. mat­ tress. CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES HIgtiway 601SOUTH 336-751-6252 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS C A R P O R T SALE, 176 Pine Street, 9/14,8-2,2 new twin mat­ tress sets, microwave, vacuum, lish poles, TV, golf clubs, l<ids toys and bicycles, beanie babies S more. CH ILD R EN 'S CLO THING & Equipment Sale at Center United Methodist Church, Sept. 13,5;00- 8:00pm. Sept. 14, 9:00-2:00. CREEKVÍÉW CONSIGNMENT Bail & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm. Now accepting furnilure. 1430 601S beside 4th Creek. 336-751 - 4507. Dee's Antiques on the Green...hlll 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 1лЬог Day Sale Now In Progross. Great prices thoughoul Ihe ShopI New Items arriving dallyll “A little something for everyone" We buy Estates...one Item or alll We also buy "your unwanted" Items. Just give us a callll Yard Sales SATURDAY, SEPTEM B ER 14TH, 8:00am till 3:00pm, 324 LaQuinIa Dr.. Furnilure, books, clolhes. toys. Rain Cancels. ST. FRANCIS C A TH O LIC Church. Yadkinville Rd., Annual Yard Sale, Saturday. Sept. 14. 8:00-2:00. THREE FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Friday 8:00 until 2:00, 1780 Yadkin Valley Rd., Dishwasher, storm door, Iwo vehicles. Many Household ilerns, TWO-FAMILY YARD Sale, Sat­ urday, 9/14, 8-12, No Early Birds! 601 & 801 interseelion near Yadkin County, Infant & Adult clolhes and lots more. YARD AND BAKE Sale-Salur- day, Sept. 14, 8-3 o'clock. Front of Ben Franklin, Mocksville Civiian Club. YARD SALE, FRIDAY & SAT­ URDAY, 8am unlil. Come See. Come Save. Pines Mobile Home Court. Mary Kimmer Residence. Abortion Alt. DAVIE PREG N AN CY CARE Center offers confidential & Iree pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices. and referrals. Make a healthy choice (or your life! Call 753-HOPE for appointment. Animals FRIDAY 8:OOAM-UNTIL. Satur­ day 8:00am-12n6on. From Mocksville 2nd house this side of Baltimore. Clothes, TV, Grill, House items. Many good Buys. H U G E lrA R i SALE-Salurday, Sept. 14th, 3533 Kealon Rd. olf Wyo Rd. 1st lime this year. Fur­ nilure. dolls, Christmas decora­ tions, clothes, household, elc. Rain date Sept. 21st. ■ RATnOR SHINEI Friday, Sept. 13th, 8 miles east of Mocksville off 158. Baltimore Rd, 3rd house on right. Cralts, clothes, etc. Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner. SATURDAY, 8AM-12NOON. 138 Valley Oak Dr., Advance. Waterbed, whicker set, 26" bikes, baljy Hems S clolhes. Adull and boys clothes (infant-3T), plus misc. household items. ^ATURTjAY, 9/14, 8 until, 241 Gwyn Street. SATURDAY. SEPT. 14, 7:30- 2:00, Hwy. 64E past Hendrix B- 80, Adult Clothes. Baby Clothes. Maternity Clothes. Household Items. Baby Items & more! Rain or Shine! C a ll T a m m y b y T u e sd a y 1 0 :3 0 a m fo r c la s .s ifie d s !!! SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 14,7 til 1, 537 Greenhill Rd., Princess House items. Women & Men Lee a Wrangler Jeans), Clothes, ndian statues, air compressor, horse supplies, tillage lool, corn planter, Lots More! CHARLOIS BULL, 3 years old. 1,600 lbs. $1000. Two 7 mo. old Charlois bull $500 each. 998- 3375. ________________________ Apartments LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apt. Wa­ ter/Sewer, Trash, Furnilure, Downtown Mocksville, No Kids, Pets, or Hud. 704-278-1717. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER ­ RACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kilchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1.5 balhs. washer/dryer conneclions. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides cenlral heat and air. Prewired fot cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens balh floors. Located in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furnilure building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunset Dr. olf of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10- 12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mall Area, 2 BR, 1.5 ВЛ. Townhomes with screened porch & $495 mo. Hubbard RIty. 723- 4306._________________________ Boats for Sale 14’ ALUMACRAFT W/TRAILEr, 9.9 Mercury, excellent condilion complete with trolling molor $1,900 336-492-2944._________ Building for Rent 47,000 SQ. Fl. warehouse avail­ able in Town of Mocksvillo on Bethel Church Rd. Constructed in 1996. Sprinkled. Security. Town Utilities. Bathroom. Six dock doors. One drive thru door. Ex­ cellent rales. Call 492-7716. Ask for Tim Allen or Kennelh Ferebee. R E A L E S T A T E A U C T I O N 1 2 :N O O N S A T U R D A Y , S E P T. 1 4 IVIIIXil/FARIVI W e have an incredible H O M E 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Brick Patio Brick FtoorSun Room, Detached Garage Pius 9 S l a l l B a r n 14*. 7 A c r e IV Iin i-fa rm To Be Offered At Public Auction $5,000.00 Down Day Of Auction oe Нлу «1 QOiiQ lowanl YKldiWlo. lake одй 246. Stulowtord Roal. 1Ш1 kill oo 81ГЮП1П mie. Mrt-tacmcOnngtt. Soe audxn signs. 8551 ShaBowtord Ra-id. tuMtsv-JVj 15 minule (IrM) Ю HANES MALL oral FORSYTH HOSPrTAL .auctioneer #154-Broker #99460KEITH J. PIERCE, GRI P H O N E ; 3 3 6 .7 6 4 .1 9 6 4 w w w .p ie rc e a u c tio n . c o m i Card Of Thanks BORN ON 9-11. Her fiancee is Kevin. Guess Who? She's a Booe. Happy 21st Birlhday. Becky. Love, your family. God Bless America. MYRTLE SNIDER WILL BE 101 years old on September 28th. She would approciale anyone sending her a birthday card. 492- 2565. Child Care ALM O ST HOME CHILD Care has immediale openinqs - ALL AGES - lor 1 st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift pos­ sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am -1 :45am. Full Time, Part Time. Drop In - upon availability. Come see us al 571 S Main St.. Mocksville {across Irom B & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529) STAY HOME MOM will babysit in my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rales - 940- 6664. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my Home. Relerences Available. 492-2565 Homes For Rent 101 SOFLEYAVE. 4BR, 1.5BA, Big Yard, No pets, no HUD. $600/ mo w/$600 security deposit. 998- 2BR HOUSE CONVENIENT TO 1-40, Clean 704-546-2188 afler 5:00pm. 2BR, 1BA, CENTRAL Heat & AC. Fenced Yard, outbuilding, I'IG HUD! 704-278-1717. 3BR, 1.5BA Farmhouse. Large yard in rural selling near Farminoton. Cenlral A/C & Gas Heat. Perlecl for older couple. $750'mo. 998-8874. 3BR, IBA IN Cooleemee. HUD accepted. 998-9242 or 336-749- 8387. 3BR, 2.5BA, GARAGE plus 2 outbuildings. No Pets, Non- smoker, $800/mo., 998-3636. 4BR, 2 FULL Balhs, full Base­ menl wilh ponds, rent wilh option 10 buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FOR A LISTING of available rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Eslate Section- Howard Roalty- 751-3538 Condos for Sale CONDO-2BR, 2B A. New Carpet 8 paint, olf Peace Haven Rd in Winston. $79,900. 940-5306. Construction _______Equip_______ BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson Irailer. 751-3768.______________ Health LOSE 2-8 LBS. EVERY WEEK! 100% Safe-100% Guaranteed. Joe Tulberl-Herbalife. 336-751- 5372. 336-406-6754. www.HerbalileEarlh.com Home to Share R O O M ATE W AN TED : ELD ­ ERLY room male needed to move in home to help share ex­ penses. t^lo drugs or drinkers. 998-7102._____________________ Homes For Rent 4Br, 3Ba-Riverfront-$ 1800/mo 4Br, 3Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 2Br, 1Ba-Advance-$750/mo 2Br, 2Ba-Winston-Salem Condo-$750/mo 3Br. 2Ba-Winslon-Salem-$800/ mo 4Br. 2Ba/w Bldg-$1000/mo 3Br, 2Ba ■ Mocksville-$850/mo 3Br, 1Ba-ln lown-$650/mo ЗВг. 1.5Ba w/Slorage Bldg.- $600/mo. ZBr. lBa-Woodleaf-$550/mo. Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 Auclionra’s Nole:_ Fois гятей1а>.'!дз:г«гс-^' _ Л'е Cttn hc^,■sô lisi Su-iy/ aìj rei ei=n M ж кя sfc«?) IP IO к- a к с-ойг, »*.•. а Slh "5 Ul .lií Ir< r«s Ч ' « b st! I r 1КЙЯI i-.-o c-,1 S13 № ■ ii.-ói,’’ I Homes For Sale 1 ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernmenl finance program. Low, Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA on 1.27 acre recently remodeled $89,900. 998-0280. 6.5 ACRES, HORSE Barn & Fishing Pond. 4BR/3BA wilh Re- Ireal. Home ready to move, or custom buill. 744-9207. ASSUMEABLE GOV'T LOANS, Many homes lo choose from. Gel approved by phone. All Apps. accepled-plus 1st time buyers. Call 704-883-9997. BEAUTIFUL 3BR, 2BA on acre lot. Small transler fee and move in. Call 704-878-0147. BIGFOOT IS HERE. 4 BR. 3BA. over 2,400 sq. II. Bigger. Badder, Better. 744-9208. BILL CONSOLIDATION WITH Ihe purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOME, 1930sq. ft., 3BR, 2Ba. Normal Building (bosl $125.400.00. September Only $75.000.00. Buill on your lot! Call 1-866-624-7457 or 336-751- 7340. FOR S A LE ...B Y OW NER, $99,000. 1900 sq ft, over 1 acre, 3 ог4 bedrooms, 2 full balhs, fire­ place, Ig living room, den, cov­ ered from porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basemenl wilh work area, brick wilh central air. Call for appoinlmeni 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. FSBO, ADORABLE 2BR, IBa 950 sp home al end of cul-de- sac. Fireplace, privacy fence and large deck. Washer/dryer stay. Hdwd floors in living area, $78,000.164 Blue Bonnet Court, Mocksville. 751-0758. ASOLUTE AUCTION•icyr.jf^arej'stra'fiaojx'i ^Cn-ceclDj.tC&.'ti \ / \ A r s j Kobert L G illey) S u n d a y , S e p t. i s - 4 P M Property Prevh'tv: Sunday Sept. 15 fro m 2-4pm 3 0 4 3 U .S . H w y 64 E . • M o c k s v ille (/■/./m ICiinNin htkx- MVs/ //»» Mi/ nir;i Irft i,i flow. f>4. Turn n\^lit Illlll thi- f 'urk ( '•iitiiiiiiiiity III ¡>ni/ifH\ mt riiihu rancher wiih (iill bascniciU . (caturcs 2 tircpUvccs, duviblc in»ni [Mirclt. rc.ir strccncil (>«irch and Icnccil yard. Hinisc ncoils c»)srnclic uinlaic'* ami hasi'incni sho\s> cviJoik'c ol ' water damaijc hut il yo ii'ic liHiKiny tor a ytxHl hiiy, .,conic . on om anil N A M K V O U K P R IC K ! llcaucirul aunitry 'cllinii in (he I'ork Com inim iiy in •’ Davic County. N O M IN IM U M ! N O K liS I-K V Ii! C D A K A N T K I-D T O S K I.I, I O IH I-: L A .S 'I'A N D IlK .'f lU S T H ID D K K ! Selling! entire rem aining! a n ilc n ls o f hom e iticluilitig l-reiich I’ro vin ciiil liv in g n m m suile. stereo enlertainnienl cenier. ^ biKikcj.se enlertainnienl ce nlcr. m ahoiiany A posier beilrottjn suite, patio set. olil oil lam ps, oltl glassw are am i lljiurines. vases, lam ps, sienjw are, china, N'isiuns C o o kw a re , appliances and m iscellaneous househoM item s. Jo h n C . Pegg /\u c t io n & A p p ra i.sa l S c r v ic c #5098 S enkt Aucihn it Apprahul Firm ] ÌQ x- Realtor, (ÌRI, CK.S, СЛСЛ, Appraisers, 1‘rufesslunal Auctiuiii'ors 336-996-4414 C o m p le te in v e n to r y a n d p h o to s @ wwH'.peffgaiiciion, com Homes For Sale GOV. ASSISTED LOAN Pro­ gram. Zero Down Payment pos­ sible, Free pre-qualilying by ex­ perts. 1100 to 2400 sq.ft. & 1/2 to 20 acres. 744-9208. HELP SAVE MY Credit, SBR, 2BA, Nice neighborhood. As­ sume payments. Call 704-883- 9997. LOVERS SPECIAL, BEAUTI­ FUL SBR home with heart- shaped Garden Tub. One of a kind. 744-9207. MODULAR HOME, 7/12 roof, insulated windows, much more! Normal Cosl $75,000.00. Built on your Lol $57,950.00, September Only! 336-751-7340 or 1-866- 624-7457. MODULAR HOMES ON your lot shipped direct-Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356. MODULAR HOMES STARTING al Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4BR, 2BA, 3 to choose from, $600 down/move in loday, no pay­ ments until January, 2003. Call 704-883-7706. RENT TO OWN, Gorgeous 5BR home, no deposil. $600 a month. For more Info, Call 704-883- 9802. SELL IT FAST in Ihe Classifieds. CALL TAMMY @751-2129 SPLIT LEVEL HOME-Beauliful 3BR/2BA split level home, over 1 acre, renl 2 own-or sale. Moving now, can'l make payments of $600 per monih. Call 704-928- 2066. TR U E M ODULAR HOM ES- Huge Savings! For Literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. UGLY HOUSES, CRAZY Prices, 283 BR, $5,990 and up. 744- 9207. "FOR SINGLE PARENTS Only! " Special financing for you and your family 2,3,&4 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per month. Only 7 unils left. All applicalions accepied. Call (336) 751-0179. Land For Sale 1.09 ACRES $12,900. Near 140 exit 162 off Highway 64. Left Battle Rd., Lelt Paved Garden Valley Rd. Manufactured Home OK. 704-528-9593. Please Leave Number. 44.91 ACRES WITH Road Front­ age on Duke Whittaker Rd.-I mile off Bear Creek Church Rd. LANO FOR SALE-2.531 acres in Yadkin Co. Forbush Elem School District. Private all wooded 15 min. from Winslon-Salem. Prime Properly Localion. $16,000/ per acre. 336-961-6296.___________ Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICE Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedeating 336-284-6V20 336-391-2130 Lost & Found FOUND: THURSDAY, PUPPY Near Lake Myers. Call to claim 492-5713. Lots For Rent M OBILE HOM E LO T $160/ monih. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, off Hinkle Dr. (olf Hwy 601 Soulh) Mocksville, 336-697-1482. NEW ADDITIO N TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re­ landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces left. 998- 8276 or 998-8222._____________ Miscellaneous 2.8 ENGINE FUEL Inj., 3.3 en­ gine fuel Inj. $150 each or $250 for Bolh, Runs greal. 492-6545. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Directv. Single System $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. RIDING MOWERS, $175 up, also Jon Boat w/ 25hp Mercury engine. 6 1/2 x 12 utilily trailer. 998-2627. TR ADE-TIM ESH ARE-O UTER Banks II, Week 45, SBR for camper of value $9000.00 to $10000. No pop up. Call 757- 436-3327. Chesapeake, VA. '91 SUNDOWNER-4 Horse slant load gooseneck trailer. Large dressing room with sleeper and lack area. Call 492-7665 afler 4:00 $6.500.00________________ Mobile Home/Rent 2 BR TRAILER, Private Lot, Ad­ vance, Call 766-8462, PRIVATE LOT, SBR, 1.5BA, Lo­ cal 918-4111, Home 828-478- 9416, Leave Message. READY TO MOVE in: 2br up­ stairs apt. furnished w/ furniture, all utilities. $550/month. 751- 1218__________________________ Mobile Home/Sale 14X80 OWNER FINANCING, SBR, $267 pmt. 336-240-8415. III ST TIME buyers program. No credil needed. Call for free quali­ fication by phone. HOME ZÒNE, (704)857-0157. $157 PER MONTH. 3 Bedroom/ 2 Balh all appliances, furnished. New heat pump. 767-4319 199314X60 MH, 2Br. IBa, Dish­ washer, and Trash Compacter. In Pines Trailer Park. $9,000.00. Call 926-2027. 1995 FLEETW O O D VOGUE, 3BR, 2BA, Large LR and Kilchen. Excellenl Condilion. Comes wilh Central Air Unit and Kilchen. App.-$14,100.00. 998-2290. 1995 OAKW OOD 14X70 MH. Vinyl Siding, shingled roof. 2 bed­ rooms, 2 balhs, new lile in balhs, Garden Tub, 2.5 ton Central air, stove, refrigerator, and front deck included. hTome must be moved. $15,000. Call Rex at 998-9536 alter 5:00pm. ■(! A I M - r i Q l - f E : A U C T I O N 12:N00N SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 161 E. LEXINGTON ROAD, IVIOCKSVILLE. 3 houses down from Hwy’s 64 and 601 intersection. Mr. Neil Cranda», a well respeacd art reslorationisi has senv-reSred. soU his home and moving. Neil has m/er250lots ol Antiques inherited Irom his parenls wtro inhere antique dealers up in New England many years ago. RinlkxJt Rillo. Rooster Comb dock. Choeso cutter rocker. Earthen crocks & jugs. Brass desk lamp, tiennington ware. Bennington marbles. Several nice antique rockers. Slate lop lap desk. Oil on canvas. Oak case hand crank wall telephone with all It» woiks. Service lor 12 Haviland china. Maple '40's swing lop laMo. Rope seal Windsor chair. SoW matiogany dropteal table. Pie ciust top table. Seamans chest. Seivico (or 12 Noiitako china. Pino ding laUo made form 26"W & 9'W pine boards. Unique Galeleg lablo. Sewing box. Empire dresser. Cherry bedside table. Book makers bench. Oak oflico cliair OM oak wash lub. Largo brass pail. Cranbeny picker. Hand wrought spatula. Old hand choppers. Two old lemon squeezers. Old scales. Meat cleaver, a i lamps. Brass iron trivot. Old wood clamps. Hand wrought Iireplace trivet. Old bellows. Gtoed tjlue pattern crocks. IG carnival bcAl. Hand made copper kettie & pot with dove tail bottoms. Soap slono planter. Queen Anne linger lamp. Cinnabar lype box. Lols of press & cut glass iloms. Royal Dalton tankard. Bono china Itowers. China chocolato pot. Umoges cups & saucers. C.T German chocolate pot. Brass mortar & pestle. 2 wooden mortar & pestles. Leather bound books. 1912 & 1915 Childrens books. Plantation Cotonial, English Ironstone china. Lenox lino china statue. Real antique hob nail vase. 5 Humrrwl ligurines. 90 pieces, Gorham sterling silver llalwaro. Butter cup pallern. Sterling silver serving pieces. 1927 Lucky Lindberg coin. Cast iron piggy bank. Ok) iron key Hand career Sycamore bowl. Hand made maple kilchen utensils Cobalt blue salt & pepper. Primitive dough bowl. Vinegar cruets. K.S. pewter bowl. Several pieces Antique fumiture, is just llie beginning. To much lo name Terms: Cas/t, good ched<.MasloiCatd. lisa, m :, buyer premium A U C T I O N E E R - B R O K E R K E I T H J . R I E R C E The Man to Call, When you want to Sell it all!! Phone 336.764-1964. w w w .p ie rc e a u c tio n . c o m NCAL# 154 * NCAFL#189 D/Wir, COt-IN TY KNTI'.UPUISK UKCOKI). Sept. 12. 2002 - 1)9 G L A S S t F I E D S ШЕ!ИНЕЖПВ£УЕ РКОЕШШЬЕ Mobile Homes/Sale Office Space 1994 3BR, 2BA Oakwood Cus­ lom 80x14. Excellent Condilion. Appliances included. Must be moved. $12,500. 704-278-1153. 1997 14X76 VINYL sidinq, shingle rool, 3BR, 2Ba mobile home sel up in Farmington Heights and ready to move in. First month’s lot rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 28X40 DO UBLEW IDE 3BR, 2BA, porch, stove, frig., $6500.00. 492-7753. ?BAD CREDIT? Wilh reason­ able deposit loan approved in minutes. Will do whal olhers can't. 767-4319 WE SAY YES! ABANDONED HOME. 3 bed­ room, 2 balh. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some owner financing. 336 661-1163 DOUBLEWIDE, 136 JO E Rd„ Nice lot, SBR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side, Refrig­ erator, Microwave, Dishwasher. 998-5816, MODULAR HOMES on your lol. Shipped direct- Save $$ For free literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW'S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. OW NER FINANCING AVAIL­ ABLE. 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home. 1800 sqft. 450 per month. Rea­ sonable Deposit 661-1163 W ELCOM E AREA. READY to move in. 2000 Redmon 14x72, 2BR, 2BA, Slove, Refrig., Heat Pump. Candlewood Mobile Home Park behind Food Lion. $13,500, 828-632-5265. YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngl. & dblwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, owner fi­ nance, $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590________ Motorcycles 1998 HONDA 250 RECON 4WHEELER, low hours, runs and looks great! $2500. 751-2345. > YAMAHA, Great Starter Bike, $800. Yamaha TTR-225, $1900. 998-4292 9am-9pm.___________ STORE FOR RENT, N. Main St. $450/mo. Ulililies included. 998- 0280. Pets 3 FREE KITTENS-751-3489. FISH-N-TAILS moved to 740 Yadkinvillo Rd. to better serve you. Plenty ol parking. Hours 10 to 8pm. GRAND O PENING SOON!________________________ Recreational 4 WHEELER, LOCATION /LIST­ ING 1998 Kawasaki 400cc. 2 Wheel Dr, Many Extras, Excellent Condition, $3,300.00 Phone 998- 7381.__________________________ Rooms for Rent FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, Reasonable Rates, Call June 751-0645. Service Music B UR TO N & Son Piano with Bench Seat. Excellent Condilion. $950.00 OBO. 940-2752. DAVE’S MUSIC-EVERYTHING On salel Layaway now for Christ­ mas. Lesson's and repairs avail­ able. Any size guitar and 1 month lesson $99.99.751-1934. NEEDED: PIANO TEACHER for 3 beginner students. Lessons in my home, People's Creek Area. 998-6597. PIANO TUNING Repairing & Rebuilding Self-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 ш ш а I T U E S D A Y I I 7 :0 0 P M ! j YiKiklri Hk^tML^e*! nCilp Thls Ad Fdf Free Pack ■ ^B rin g A FrimdFor TWo j LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR I] SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing I] FREE ESTIMATES 3 Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drivei] 336-751-1721 A U C T IO N Owner: John Shouse (Shouse Landscaping) 59S5 El Camino Drive, Pfafl’town T u e s . • S e p t. 17 • l():a m Diractknw; 421-N to ¡.enim th t:\il r/’-M). luni rifla iill r.im;>. Tnnel i mik. lum Itrl) iimii /.cii/iuV/c l'/nin.i Km iI. K iw /.'w ila n> ¡kadcml. Turn riglil ttiilii YaMinvilh Riud. TrJU'l l.^'ltl mile, limi h il A'tviu/f/ir,iii Kind Tniwt SUi} Him ritthl oiilti 1:1 Ciiiiiiiiii Driw. tiilloii' >ii:ii> In .'.i/c. P A R T IA L L IS T : F U R N IT U R E : Wriilo Wcxjdon Microwavo Carl; Dining Toblo w/4 Chairs; 2 Wooden Chairs; Reclinor; 5 Piece King Size Bedroom Suit; 2 sola chairs: Black & While TV ; Archileclural drawing board MISCELLANEOUS; Whirlpool microwave; sel ol lamps; Frigldaire Washer and Dryer; wood stove insert; lirepiaco doors w/screens; 64 piece sol ol dishes (wild rose pallorn); electric skillets; kilchen utensils; heater; canister sel; indoor giill; candle hoWers; china (cameo pallern); lolophones; pictures; old tins; lood slicer (Rival); lonslor oven; popcorn poppers; small propane grill; Ihermos |ugs; Hoover sprint vac. Cleaner; dirt devil hand vac; jumper cables; lire dogs (2 sols); bicycles L A N D S C A P IN G M A H n W A B E /S U P P LIE S : Troy Bill Rolar Tiler; loal blower, dolhatcher; gas edger; lawn movers; leal vacuum: (3) 100,000 B TU space heaters; air compressor; shop vac; chemicals; small tools; Irost proleclion blankets; shade cloths; a cold Iramos (t) 14'X96' (7) 28'X96'; 2" aluminum Irrigalion pipe; risers & sprinklers; Iree card; used conlainers; T squares; irrigation pump 5 HP (NIB); irrigalion pump 5 hp (used); rainbird controls; 21X36 Janco Chesapeake Greenhouse LANDSCAPING CREENERYl Hosta, Llriopo; Leyland Cypress; Viburnam; Hollori; Variegraled Privet; Camellias; Junipers; Crepe t^yrtlos; Compacta Hollies; Nellie n . Stevens Hollies AunTlONrrnS NOTE: Nmsoty onrwrs tion 1 miss r/iis sain C ot. Kenneth G . Kctncr, Pres., N C A L 3268 First Choice Auction & Realty Finn Liccti.sc #7229* I’D tiox 335, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118 Vitii Our Web Site at №\twJimdii!icckKlii!a.iim ; ciiijU: dinitjioimiin'iiiiJn.cniii Service N tW IM A U h Painting & Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, additions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 TIRED AFTER WORK? Need someone lo help out wilh the cleaning, shopping & errands? Call me! I have excellenl refer­ ences and excellenl rates. 492- 6262. TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading for driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, lield ripping, 611. Irac­ lor tiller, posl holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WILL CLEAN HOMES for rea­ sonable price. Call Lynn at 998- 1681. Travel A PERFECT SHINE everytime. Honest and Dependable House- cleaning. Call for Prices a Info. 336-492-6696. B&D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEItflENT COMPANY We work to Meet Your Budget! Specializing in additions, renovations, baths, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, slone 8 lile work, light painting & small repairs. We also do Bobcat work. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workmanship. References available. Free estimates. CREATIVE MEMORIES-INDE- PEN DENT Consultant Photo Safe Albums and Supplies. 704- 892-7790 DILLARD'S PAINTING-HATE To Painl? Let me do it! Call Danny 284-2169. Free Estimates. HERBALIFE INDENDENT DIS- TRIBUTOR-Call me lor products and/or Business Opportunity. 336-751-5372, 336-406-6754, www.STulbert(®msn.com HONEST, DEPENDABLE, AND CARING Chrislian woman will sit with elderly 1st shift. Short or long term assignment. Mocksville Vi­ cinity. Valid Driver's License and own Iransportation. Character references. Please call 336-751 - 1122. U N K ^ SEAMLESS GUTTER­ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimales 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs. Free Estimales. 751-3398. SIMPLY CO N TEN T AT Home Pel Care Service. In your ab­ sence giving you peace of mind allowing your pets to be simply content in their own environment. Service for large 8 small animals. Bonded, Insured. Glenda Will­ iams 998-8125, HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPS Frid-Nite Sept 201h $20pp Tues-Day Sept 241h $10pp (New) Sal-Day Sept 281h $20 PPAtlantic City Trip-Nov 281h-30th $219pp E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Vehicles 1985 CHEVY S-10 Tahoe, 4x4, auto, a/c, c/c, tillwheel, 30x9.50 Pirelli Tires, Positive traction olf road package, $2400,00 OBO 492-6545, leave message. 1992 CADILLAC, 4DR. Sedan. 112,932 Original Miles, Second Owner, Garaged, Excellent Con­ dition, documented. $4,650.336- 764-0885 or cell 978-2299. 1994 INFINITI J30, Great car, extra clean, 101К miles, $6,900. 751-9500. 1995 M ERCURY VILLAGER Naulica, all options, great condi­ tion. 1987 Honda Accord LX, leave message. 998-0212. 1998 TO YO TA COROLLA LE, Auto, A/C, tilt, PW, PL, Fully loaded, 104,000 miles take over paymeni or $9,500,00 cash, 492- 6545 leave message. 90’ RED CHEVY S-10 Tahoe. Ext. Cab, 6 cyl., auto, a/c, am/fm radio, camper shell, bed liner, 60K, Runs very Good. $2000.00. 998-5566. SALÎSBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ‘61 CHEVY 1 ton Truck, 6 cyl., 4 speed, runs & drives good. $650,00. Also: '86 Olds Regency V-6, aulo, loaded, runs good $550.00. ‘86 C H EV R O LET SCOTTSDALE 3/4 ton, V8, Auto, Air, PS, PB, High Miles but strong and dependable. $2900.00.940- 5866, leave message. •93 CADILLAC FLEETW OOD, 88,000 miles. Black w/ Grey Leather, 1 owner. 998-3636. Vehicles '92 uHfcVV s-ltJ Shorlbed. Auto, 4.S V-6, Black, $2,850.00 firm. '97 Chrysler Town & Couniry. 3,8 Liter V-6, New Tires and Battery, A/C, Cruise Control, Luggage Rack, Am/Fm Radio/Tape S CD Player. 88,000 miles. $12,800.00 OBO 492-2468.________________ Wanted DOLL STUDENTS, FREE Pri­ vate classes on Tuesday Night. Learn to make your own Porce­ lain dolls. Call Lila-Dee Dolls (Rulh 998-2980) or (Diane 725- 2594) after 5:00pm. PASTURE LAND & Barn for Horses. Lease or Sale. 768- 1514. PHO TO G R APH Y STU D IO LOOKING for models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appointment. 336-998-3409 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. y/e select cut or clear cul. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BUY standing tim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480._________________________ Employment •RN'S •PT'S •LPN'S •CNAS Come join our growing home health agency. Home health experience preferred but not required. Full-time/part-time positions available. Great work environment, competitive pay Please mail resume to In Homo Care, 1042 W. 25th Street, Winslon-Salem, NC 27104, or fax 10 (336)722-1969. In Home Care is an Equal Opportunity Employer. A TTE N TIO N : W ORK FROM home! Mail Order Business. Needs help immediately. $S$ РТ/ FT. Full Training. Free booklel. www.pourondreams.com (888) 219-2278. BAKER FURNITURE, a high end manufacturer ol fine qualily furnilure, is currently accepting applications for:Shipping Department-Packer/ Wrapper (Upholstered Furniture) Heavy Work involved. Stable work histo^ a must. Experience preferred. Finish Sprayer-Needs to be proficient in spraying high quality finishes, Knowledge In mixing colors and shading a plus. Should work well wilh olhers and be team oriented. Baker Furniture provides competitive compensa­ tion and benefits thal include: family medical, dental, life insur­ ance, company pd reliremenl, 401 -K. holiday and vacalion. Ex­ cellent opportunily for qualified applicant. Apply in person, Mon- Fri 8:00-3:00 at our Personnel Olfice localed al 2219 Shore Drive, High Point, NC CDL CLASS A Tractor Trailer Driver Needed, Local, Clean Record, Send Resume lo POB 994, Mocksville, NC 27028 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / M any Colors Pole Buildings M etal Roofs & Siding I 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS F O R S A L E : C ars • T ru c k s . Utility Builtdings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC □ f f l IRIM,MC M A N U FA C TU R IN G NOW A C CEP TIN G APPLICATIONS COMPETITIVE PAY for QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Applicant should have stable work history and basic math skills. Applicant should feel comfortable working with wood and woodworking machinery. Applicant will be required to work with a tape measure and understand Feet-lnches-ISths. Benefits: Include A P P L Y IN PERSON EOE/MF Paid Vacation Retirement Plan Paid Holidays Health Insurance TRIM, INC. Bethel Church Road Mocksvillò, NC Employment CNA NEEDED FOR 3-11shill. FT/PT. Call Bermuda Village (336) 998-6775, M-F 9-5. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license prelenud. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri.. 10am- 2pm for application. EOE EARN INCOME FROM home. Your own business! Mail-order/ Internet. Full training & Suppoil. Free inlormation. www.123easyiile.com 888-240- 2142. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- lime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. FINANCE AND INSURANCE (F&l) Manager needed lor a unique opportunity at a great dealership. If you're an F&l Pro­ fessional looking lor change, op­ portunity, less hours and greal money Trailers ol Ihe East Coast wants to talk with you. Great hours, great comp plan, and a great place lo work. Inquires should call Peter at 866-419- 8895. IT'S THE KIND of Support Every­ one Needs. At Jockey, we re commitled lo creating a wotk en­ vironment where our associates loel supported in nol only doing their best-bul in growing Iheir own career as well. KNITTER: Night Shift. Perlorm knitting operations on a daily basis, which includes the ability to tie knols. thread a needle, operate multiple nia- chines simultaneously, deiecl knitting flaws, and push loads lo' Irom depts. Must possess lilting capabilities ol medium loads, and capable ol class 1, 11, and 11 mo­ tions with extended vertical and horizontal roach. Must be able to stand and/or walk all day, load yarn on the knitting machines, and perform olher duties il nec­ essary CUTTER : Night Shill. Perlorm' cutting operations on a daily basis. which includes abil­ ity to notice material flaws and cut out accordingly, possess hand- eye coordination capable ol fol­ lowing pre-determined patterns, and possess reasonable color perception lo delect color varia­ tion. Must bo able to lilt medium loads and capable ol Class I. II and minimal III motions wilh ex­ tended horizontal reach, have minimal dexterity, and the ability to stand and.'or walk all day. f^lust also be able lo handle dies, op­ erate cutting machine, cut cloth manually using shears, thread appropriate devices wilh cloth, and perform other duties il nec­ essary. This is a safely sensitive position. All night shilts Ironi 7:00pm-7:00aiii every other weekend oil. We olfer a competí live and comprehensivo lloxible benefits package which includes Medical'Dental/Life.Vision. 401K. pension plan, tuition reirnbuise ment, employee discounts, n business casual work environ­ ment and more. For considiT- ation, please apply in person al Jockey Inl'l, 1529 Junclion Hd, Mocksville, NC 27028 Irom 8.00anv4.00pm Monday througli Friday. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. Jockey. Visit our website at www.jockeycom G E N E TR EX LER I RO O FING t^evj & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 Employment PART TIME WORK on hog larm. Must be willing lo work weekends and interested in hog tarm work. Call 998-717S. HELP w a n t e d - Now laking applications lor Servers and wait stall, full and pait-time. Apply in person belween 2"lpm, Mon- riiiirs. Sagiiiirush. 2560 Lewisville-ClerTimons Rd. HELP W ANTED: CHILD care teacher assistant, Monday-l-iiday 9-6; child care credentials re­ quired. Call 766-6979. PART TIME LITER AC Y Services Job CoachiProgram Assistant, Davidson County Community College is accepting applications a Part-Time Literacy Services Job Coach Program Assistant on tlie College's Davie Campus in Mocksville, 15 lo 20 hours per week, daytime hours, requiring a Bachelor’s Degree. For more in- lotmatiDii :ibo{it responsibilities, qiialilicalinn.s. and application requirements, please see the Employment at D C C C page on Ihe College website: http:// www david.'-icn.cc iic.us ' or con­ tact: Human Resources Ollice, Davidson County Community College, PO Box 1287. Lexing­ ton. NC 2V293 1287. Telephone: 336-;M9-ai8fi. ext 282. EOE PART-TIME HELP Needed at Ellis Aulo Auction. Cooleemee, NC. Tues. 10:0Qam-5:00pm & Wed 10:П0ат-арргох. 10pm. Please afiply in person Monday- riiiirsd.iy. ,'!tvl-10fl0. PART-TIM E SITE Manager nei'di'd lor elderly apartment complex in Mocksville. Must uri- |oy wnikino wilh people. Duties include, siiowing and leasing ap:irtmenls. processing applica­ tions. contacis wilh vendors'con- tractors and lenl collections. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resumt.' to: GEM Manage­ ment. Inc, 2Ü21 Cross Beam Dr. Ciiailolle, l-JC Р82У/ POSITION AVAILABLE FOR Di­ rector ol Clinical Services, strong management and clinical skills are requiied. North Carolina Reg­ istered Nursing License required. Home Health expcjnence a must. Past .‘XDiTionCí,' with r,late ;inrl ledufal honiec.'iii? regulation re­ quired, LxcellenI berielits pack­ age including; 403b, 28days Paid Annual Leav-;, medical plan and much muie, Ple,\se mail resume to In Home Caiu. 10.12 VV. 25th Street, Wmston-Saiem, NC 271(3-1, or Fax to 336-722-1969. In l-lnme Care ir, an Equal Op~ poilunity l-iiipioyer RAKE IN TH E Ciish. RN's, LPN'S $1000 Yuaily Atlendance IJenuü. R‘,‘Io'm I I3(inus. Direct 1,'ep I'lav'-i, lliiliilay. fi Weekly Pay Сл.:,;! S' lllin!). 1-800-883-o y i;;,.,, YOUTH DIRECTOR. FULL Time po;;ili.);i la dt-vi.-lup middie and high slIicoI n oups in a growing 'V,':"' ribjinnei congregation. A ('^hiislMii wilh r.trong faith and i:n,iiaf;bT, ;i love lor youlh and pr.;vifiijs t'xpprit.’nce required. Siibinii lesuine to Rev. Maik Wi'L'kley, fielhlehein United Methodist Church. 321 Redland Rd Advance. NC 27006. C A S H P/MO rûR ANTiOUHS, PARTIAL on VV}101.F: e-STATl£S. COLLECTABLÜS OLD METAL ÍÜYS, ANT1ÜUL FUnNi rURE C^ll Arthur Bostick 336-492'5992 w e r e - you above the competition in fact, you'fO oiit) blfi für up to th re e p ay ra is e s your first year! Our oxlonsivo ti.iirmif) pro<)f;tfn piovior-r. you with tho skills you need to succeed, plui> ii't-j you d-jcidt.- \shon you aro ready for moro pay/benolits and itiore ror,|)onL;it)ilitv Aiul th.it's just ttio bogifMiing. As n inemlH'f ot ovti vuvi'll bonciit tho loliowing: , ' 401K c.iviiKjs |)l,iri fonliibutmn - we’ll ni;iti;h 2 b ol your cotUiiluilion, u[5 to of yuuf ü.'iliiry (ovaiial)le itller ony yoar ol üi-rvico oi iit Ifj.'tsl 1UÜ0 liours, fTiii*;t tw ;(l 1’1 yenri: c! :Kje. • MocJiCiil [)robt:iip1ion, (JoDtal. lito ancJ AD& 0 boiiofitii (ovinlahlo aftur 120 days of employment, vvith at Ina-.'.t a 32 hour/ wück av*>iaf)*‘) • Employuo nsr.iitai'c*! prourain. • Weekly pnychocku • Floxiblo scheduling • Paid vacations • Employeo nionl and gilt discounts • Stock pufchaso plan(availablo to Ihoso at lost 21 years ol ago who hnvo cornplelod 90 days of servico) W'» nio Irilly coinmiltocl lo youf SHCirO'j-i .!■, .1 tra.TnlH.’t nl ouf IrM'IV Al Cr.lCKOfDnrrcl. wo liston lo whiil you iiavo lo :;.iy nnd usl> I'hit l.’f;<lti,ir K lo rn,i-»*i poi.itivc cii.inoorj lo your woik onviioninofil. Wtml mofu could yt)n to»'^If you .iro motivntcd and cnlliusiiistic, wiiti ii p.r.'.ion (of cui.lorrn'i s.!f\ ir.o. c.mui in fmd •H'O a Manngor lixl.iy! We are currentiy looldng for: PART TIME HELP COME (N TOOAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACEO, FUN PLACE TO WORK. Wo aro looking for HICH cnorgy people that like to wori< hard and moko MONEYIII 6420 Session.s Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 O ld C o u n try S to re W e aro an equal opportutiity em ployer. DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 12. 2002 Sheriff Allen Whilaker and counly commissioner Ivlike Allen receive awards from Davie High Public Safety Team members Jennifer Whiteheart and Joseph Crotts. Public Safety Club Honors Sheriff, County Com m issioner The Davie High School Pub­ lic Safely Team presenleil Sher­ iff Allen W hilaker anil Counly Commissioner M ike Allen w ith plaques in recognition o f their support for the club. Both were Instrum enlal in sianing thc new club lasi year. Il is open lo all Davie High .stu­ dents inieresied in a career in law cnforcemcin, EMS. fire science, or Ihc crim inal justice system. Thc group is heaileil by D avic H igh School Resource DCCC Offers Classes In Davie The D avie Cam pus o f Davidson Coumy C om m uniiy College w ill offer the follow ing conlinuing educalion and basic skills classes beginning the week o f Sept. 10. Tliese classes are fealured in the 2002 F all Semesler Tabloid on pages 42 - >46. For more infom iaiion please call Davic Campus O ffice al 7.51-2885. Basic W elding Sklll.s This course w ill leach basic welding skills necessary for employment in the welding industry. Topics w ill include: Arc, M ig (wire), oxyacetylene welding and culling, brazing, and safety. Tliis is a hands-on course w ith an emphasis on lab practice on various welding equipmeni. Sepl. l6-i\ov. 20. M. IK 6-9 p.m.. 60 hours. Inslniclor: Sammy Mickcl.S(>0. Insurance: $1.25. Inlruductiun CNC M achining This course is designed to provide an introduction lo basic CNC conccpis and skills. ' including appropriale math, blueprint reading skills, and precision measuring instruments usage needed by a beginning CNC operator. Sepl. l6-Dec.4.M.\\\4-7 p.m.,72 hours. Instructor: Richard Whin. $60. Insurance: SI.25. Ttxibook: Approx. $60, Optional. M S O ffice 2000 Ms Office 2000 is a powerful integrated software package that includes Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Time w ill be spent on each softw are component as well as inlegralion features and techniques. Thc course is not for beginners and requires fa m ilia rity w iih W indow s. Studenis need lo bring two 3 1/2" high-density disks. Sept. 16-Dec. 16. Л/. 6- 8:30p.m., 35 hours. Inslriu ior: Keilh Fleeman. $60. Te.ubook: Appro.\. $52, optional. Lab Fee: $5. TRCs: 3.5. Fundam entals o f Investing Course covers com m on roadblocks to financial success as w ell as keys lo succc.ss. Risk and cash m anagem ent, reliremenl and college planning, stock market term inology are covcrcd. Follow ing lips, hot stocks, funds and market trends w ill lie covered. 5cp/. 17-Oci. 3. T.Th, 6:30-S p.m., 9 hours. Instruclor: Brenda Battle. $10. Materials Fee: $8. O fficer Scot Kim el. "The club is Ihc only one of ils kind and has rcceivd a lol of allenlion from other school sys­ lems in the stale," Kimels aid. "W e have been visiled by admin­ istrators from olher school sys­ tems who are interested in starl­ ing sim ilar clubs in Iheir schools." The club meets Ihe firsl and Ihird Tuesday of every moiilh al 7 p.m. in Ihe .school cafeteria. Schools Of Excellence M o c k s v ille E le m e n t a r y , N o r th D a v ie M id d le A d d e d T o L is t S h a d y G r o v e E le m e n la r y . 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 , w a.s th e first D a v ie C o u n ly S c h o o l to r e c e iv e th e S c h o o l o f E x c e lle n c e r e c o g n itio n s in c e th e sta te e d u c a tio n d e p a r tm e n t .started gra d in t: .sch o o ls in th e A B s p r o g r a m b e g a n in 1 9 9 6 . D u rin g th e 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 .sch o o l y e a r , tw o m o r e s c h o o ls in D a v ie C o u n ty r e c e iv e d th e S c h o o l o f E .x c e lle n c e r e c o g n itio n - M o c k s v ille E le m e n ta r y a n d N o r th D a v ie M id d le , A S c h o o l o f E x c e lle n c e m u s t h a v e a l le a s t e x p e c te d g r o w th and 9 0 p e r ce n t o r m o r e o f its stu d e n ts p r o fic ie n t.' A S c h o o l o f D istin c tio n m u st h a v e at le a st e x p e c le d g r o w th a n d 8 0 p crcen t o r m o r e o f its stu d e n ts p r o fic ie n t. D avie S ch o o ls On The A BCs School Cooleemee Elementary Cornatzer Elementary Mocksville Elementary Pinebrook Elementary Shady Grove Elementary William R. Davie Elementary Expected Growth North Davie Middle High Growth South Davie Middle No Recognition Davie County High Expected Growth G row th High Growth High Growth High Growth Expected Growth High Growth % Proficient 78.7 83.6 90.1 84.7 94.9 77.6 91.5 85.7 71.3 R ecognition School of Distinction School of Excellence School of Distinction Schooi of Excellence School of Excellence These results are scheduled to be approved by the State Board of Education on the morning of Sept. 12 and are to be considered '‘unofficial" until after that approval. BEN MYNAn ^NISSAH ^ "2 0 0 2 1Ц Й llOWOIIf > ' r v 'I k M l ' 0 2 N I S M t f И Ш Х Ш S» П.ЧЙWas 29.753Beai Disc • 3.056 BOSE 6 01st CD, !Ьд!е ■ 1 non Sunrool, Leather, '^aas OhIu Delletlof.S 4 C Splash Guanls &ZD.OSlI MO« 'O Z т % ш т ш ] 5 0 0 ; ç ^ J e ' Ä n - i 1 6 , a 9 ? ' о г т ш Ш Po*ef WfyKws & Locks, Л Cruise. CD Pia)cr. Поог йС Mais. Splash Guaids. ----------------- ~ “ Ke>less Entry. Split Foidifig Rear Seat, Air Conditioning. ■ 0 ■ Rear Oetogger *11846 'OZ mssAH sitm tA 'OZ ftiotmm *1,000^ « ^ £ 3 . 9 % ^ ^ 'OZ fm m v m *i,OOOiÇiicUe £ 3 . 9 % i ö TKoi 'O Z Q U tS n * 5 0 0 ^ ! ! ^ ^ 4 . 9 % i ö nUi rai»i art on аекХ. Тда. ox f«« o( 1369 00 veertr*. Aa teftoei to rw »4*«. Muf« la liiuit/if^n pu »owioV)r. *3eii«fet ^ В т Ш ш п W o m n M • C M C • N M C A N MYNATT OF SALISBUBY S X pLO IiO M ! i > r r ' a iG DISCOUNTS ON EVERY IVIODEU P ic k A n y N E W 2 0 0 2 B M C S ie r r a E x t C a b o n O u r Ш & T a k e = « 5 Д 1 0 0 № ......................Y p o i v r n A c :............................................1 DRfVKSKJ аксгтшмвлп; !B M C . WI U l nOFItUONÄL Ш АМ Sunrool, Aulomallc, Keyless Enlry, Power Wlntlows & Locks, CD, Cruise 0 2 P o n tia c S u M Ir e Она “^au. 3,500 Off ‘02f i M C S o n o f l i a Was 1B,B91 Bear Oise - 2,003 Rebate___lIQOQ Buckel Seals, Spoitslile Botly, 4.3 L V-6, Tinted Glass, CD, Till & Cruise, Sport Suspension Pkg. ^ 0 2 P o n t ia c G r a n d A M V - 6 Was 20,515 Bear Disc -1,617 ^ ‘0 2 P o n tia c G ra n d P rix Was 22,420 Bear Disc -1,624 Powci WMottt & lodn, Alum Wtiieli, CD Player, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Aulo. '?Uu^ Ottùf » 1 7 , 7 8 6 v-6. Automatic, CO, Keyless Enlry, Power Seat, 16" Alum. Wheels, Cruise 0 2 P o n tia c B o n n o v H Io ж ___Was 31,635 |Ц1Ц,5 Bear Disc -2,638 "Hau (kltf ’ * 2 5 , 9 8 7 Dual Powtr & Htaletl Seats, Sumool, Leather, CD, Keyless & (Much More 5a»3ISH Jimt Stiiutu ia ^ct it ^¿c^eMd tl2Ptitiac,"TrMsUi A i M « r I “ttMPuititOM 7 ‘¡(M W W / n n n f l f f Ram Air Pkg, 12 Disc Changer, Tracllon Conlrol, U f U U U U l l 17”PollsltedWheels,T-Tops, DualEihausi Chofltc." 1-1: te 4k.lAC8.C(«M.P«.taq«MlLm.lfn 40к1М.С9.Спм.Г«. ----- —‘256—e ta m ______ ивннш и ________ ___________ni m ir “m—ifTin * 1« 0.:пм.г«.иц«и*|1.П|Шп.»м*шч и1С0.(чм.Ш|*м11.т 1Мн.1имшч • ЦЪ u. 1>11.«!» a thi» m . . 2 9 T - - : O M « .‘3 0 8 - - eaow .-.299 siM95*t4,995 ---------. . .,« .M 9 8 “ — : od« « “ 2 3 & — • od.» ..> 2 0 9-------------------- . ..................... •60«.WM»im.tu.m4aocrM«„.«inc,ptcn.oo«>»owio,„n. : : 817,985*16,995 Riiifi № FÌRì tilNMEwiytil. Hot Savings on Noi Wheels, Prices Clearly Marked! •All c««» and ajccwiti «»uae ittwjte» <n i-w of »ceciai ta'^%. Tai. la* and aoc fee of 1389.00 are net mciutJ« ii lAie c»<e*. Sale pr«i «e on yf\« ohs. a/ccwi tvit,, A« pucno»» are on awortd artt. Oe/Wf not feipontt«ie ly we». M eicwej 9/16/02. onr,. JS M IM h r M A r r • G M M C - N I S S A N .29 JAKE ALEMANDER BLVD. S. SALISBURY • 704-633-7270 I P a t r i o t s , F o r S u r e W i ll ia m R . D a v ie F ir s t G r a d e r s E a r n U . S . H e r it a g e A w a r d Page D4 SHow Friday At The Brock Page Cl D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T IE R P R I/E ^ R E C O R D USPS 149-60 Num ber 37 Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002 4 0 P A G E S Al-Bayyinah Denied Bond; New Murder Trial In ‘03 Hy Ilc tli C assidy D avie C oum y Enterprise R ecoril The convicted m u rile tc r o f lo ­ cal business ow n e r w ;is tle iiie tl bom l in D avie S uperior C ou rl N loiulay. J a lh iya lt A . A l-B a y y in a h , aka T e rry D e n n is M o o re , o f Ire d e ll C ounly, was sentenced in D ecem ­ ber. I У9У lo r llte slabbing d ealli o f S.W . B ro w n , d u rin i; a robbery al B row n's w holesale grocery store on D epot Sireel M arch 6, 1998. F o l­ lo w in g a recent d e c is io n b y the N o rlh C arolina Suprem e C ourt, A l- B a yyin a h . w ho is incarcerated at Central Prison in R aleigh, w ill get a ne\y trial. The Suprem e C o u rt ruled thai evidence introduced d u rin g his pre­ vious Irial should have never been introduced inlo le slim o iiy, because it was evidence o f previous crim es, w hich is nol adm issable lo prove the characler o f a person, under R ule 404 o f the N o rlh C arolina R ules o f Evidence. A d d itio n a lly , d urin g Ihe Iria l, the state introd u ce d te stim o n y o f an­ o lher local slore ow ner, A lexa n d er S p lill, w h o hail heen robbed on tw o separate occasions sh o rtly before B ro w n w as slabbed. W hen co n ­ tacted s b o rlly a fle r B ro w n 's slab­ bing by a detective w ith the sh e riff's departm ent atul show n a pltolograph o f A l-B a y y in a h , S p liti id e n tifie d h im as the person w h o had robbed his slore. T lie S itprenie C ou rl ruled il was u n fa ir to have show n o nly one pholo to S p lit! and said he should have been show n a lineup o f several p ho ­ tos. A p p e a rin g in c o u rt M o n d a y m o rnin g in d ark blue pants and blue i’lease .Set N tw M u rd e r - l’a}>L' 4 H.W. “Butch” Zimmerman (left) walks toward the courtroom as Sheriff’s Chief of Enforcement Jimmy Phipps and Detective Tony Leftwich take Jathiyah Al-Bayyinah from the holding cell. - Photo by Robin Fergusson A Tropical Flair Avilon Frye of Mocksville stands beside his Mandevilla vine he planted this spring, admir­ ing the mounds of trumpet shaped flowers. The vining tropical plant gave him plenty to see ... and to share with the bees and birds. - Photo by Robin Fergusson It’s B ack Davie High School Homecoming Parade Is This Saturday D avie H ig h S chool is ce le b ra l­ ing ils 46th ye ar in the co n u n u n ily w ith a M o nie co m iiit; Parade. Il's too late to enter a float in Ihe parade, but area residents can jo in a lo n g the parade rt)U le lo clie e r on D a vie 's clu b s, sp orls, hom ecom ing court and o f course. Ihe fo o tb a ll team. The parade is Salurday, Sepl. 21 al 1():.10 a.m. in d o w n lo w n liislo rie M o c k s v ille , r;tin o r shine. T h e route begins al C em elery Street and fo llo w s N o rlh M a in Street lo D epot Street. The roule is ¡ibiutl one and one h a lf m iles. B alloons and D avie sp irit ilem s w ill be fo r sale along ihe route. F o llo w in g Ihe parade, a co o ko u t and pep ra lly w ill be held al the D a vic H ig h School Football S tadium . T h is d a y o f fe slivitie s w ill k ic k o ff o f S p irit W eek at D avie H ig h . M o re lhan .^0 clubs from D avie w ill p a rtic i­ pate in the developm enl o fth e parade. D iiv ie H ig h S c h o o l c o o rd in a tin g sponsors are sta ff m em bers C olleen P itts and L a ie s h a S m ith . T h e cheerleading siptads w ill host the pep rally. H am burgers, h o i dogs and as­ sorled food ilenis w ill be fo r .sale al the stadium . Proceeds w ill b en e fit P TS A g ifts to the school. I’iin u le L in e -L 'p - Page 4 Campus Business Zoning Recommended On Allen Rd B y M ik e B a rn h a rd t D avie C ou n ly Enterprise Record A proposed in d u stria l park on A lle n Road norlh o f M o c k s v ille be­ cam e a step elo.ser to re a lity last w eek. M em bers o fth e M o c k s v illc Plan­ ning Board voled .1-2 lo reconiniend re z o n in g o f 25 acres, c u rre n tly zoned re s id e n tia l-a g ric u ltu ra l in co u n ly zoning, to cam pus business i f Ihe land is annexed in lo the low n . The to w n board w ill m ake Ihe tin a l decision, on Ihe annexation and rezoning, at its m e eling at 7 p.m . Tuesday, O cl. 1. Planners Law rence R ay C arier, B ria n W illia m s and Janie N e e ly voted to recom m end the rezoning. A n d re w W h ite and S te vie D u lin voled againsl it. In tw o m eetings, residents o f the area fille d the b o a rd ’s m e e tin g room , alm ost e n tiie ly opposed to the rciiuest. N eely said she c o u ld n ’t help lhat people in llte area had no say in low n p o litic s . "T h e y chose w here Ihey liv e ,” she said, adding that w hen she bought her house, there was no guitr- anlee Ihe neighborhood w ou ld stay the same. “ T h is w ill be sm all business and nol heavy industry,” she said. " I t ’s nol lhat 1 d o n ’t sym pathize, bul this does 111 the ind u stria l developm enl p o licy o f the lo w n o f M o c k s v ille .” W illia m s said he has trouble lim ­ itin g industrial to a certain developer o r developers. In d u strial d evelop­ m ent provides jo b s and keeps lax rates in check fo r residents, he said, p o in tin g out lha l m ore lhan h a lf o f D a vie ’s residents go o u l o f coum y fo r w o rk. " I th in k il w o u ld be nice if we co u ld provide jo b s fo r them ,” he said. W hite said he had a problem vo t­ ing to rezone the land w hen resi­ dents o f the tirea h;id no say in elect­ ing the to w n board. He also pointed oul lhat in P lanning D ire cto r John G a lliin o re ’s recom m endation o flh e rezoning, lhat approxim ately 63 per­ cent o flh e land zoned cam pus busi­ ness in M o cksville was vacant. " It rem inds me o f w hat m y m om used lo le ll m e. F inish w h a l’s on yo u r plale before you go gel some m ore.” I’luiise See Tow n - I’age 4 W ater W atch Average Daily W ater Use D avie C ou n ty 3.053 2.965 million million gallons gallons M ocksville 715,000 gallons 751.000 gallons Sept. 2-8 Sept. 9-15 Sept. 2-8 Sept. 9-15 • i rji r*. • 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 19, 2002 Editon^Page School Leaders Paper Over Poor SAT Performance W e d o n 't w an t to th um p this cinim to o m a n y tim e s , but som e o f o u r school leaders' exp lan atio n s fo r D a v ie H ig h students’ p o o r p erfo rm an ce on the recent S A T are w ro n g . T h e ir ex p la n atio n w as that too m an y o f o u r students to o k the test — d ilu tin g the results. In fact, D a v ie H ig h 's particip atio n rate w as lo w e r than Ih e state averag e. It w as lo w e r than m ost schools. D a v ie c a n 't im p ro ve ils scores by d isco u rag in g som e students fro m ta k in g the test. If that's h o w w e 're g o in g to fix the p ro b le m , w e 're not g o ing to llx the p ro b le m . L e t’s relate th is to athletics, som ething w e can all understand. L e t th is h ead lin e soak in: D A V I E I N C P C ’ s S A T C E L L A R T h a t’s rig h t. O u r students fin ish ed dead last in the co n feren ce , and not by ju st a little. T h e o th er schools, ex c e p t o n e, had h ig h er p articip atio n rates. T h e n atio n al p artic ip a tio n ra le is lo w e r because in an y w estern states use a d iffe re n t test. W e c a n ’t gloss o ve r this pro b lem . O u r students d id bad ly. T h e re ’s no escaping it, no p ap ering it over, no lam e excuses. In the sam e w a y w e w o n 't accept a w e a k p erfo rm an ce by the fo o tb all team on F rid a y n ig h t, w e ca n 't accept it fro m o u r .senior class at test tim e. It's tim e to p u l th em on a book liftin g reg im en in the sam e w a y w e w o u ld req u ire the fo o tb all team to hit the w eig h t ro o m . H e re is a chart w ith the con ference sch o o ls' scores and p artic ip a tio n rates; How Davie”s SAT Rates In CPC Percenl Verbal M ath Total Tested Score Score S core N .C . A verage 67.0 493 505 9 9 8 U .S . A verage 46.0 504 516 10 20 W est Forsyth 81.4 535 554 10 89 R eynold s 75.2 524 53 5 1 0 5 9 N . D avidson 71.9 500 521 1021 S outh Iredell 63 .7 495 515 10 10 D avie 64 .2 491 50 8 9 9 9 N o t m a n y years ago, D a v ie 's S A T scores w e re am o n g Ih e lo p in the state. T h is year, w e settled in to "just a v era g e.” S u rro u n d in g us, Ire d e ll C o u n ty 's averag e score w as 10 12; D a v id s o n C o u n ty, 1000; F o rsyih , 1002; R o w a n , 9 7 1 ; Y a d k in , 9 7 6 . R a th e r th an accept the scores w ith false excuses, our school leaders sho uld be sou ndin g the ca ll fo r im p ro v e ­ m en t. T h a t’s w h at w e 'd do fo r the fo o tb a ll team . W e need a parent “ booster c lu b ” pushing th e ir students to la k e d iffic u lt classes. W e need c e rtifie d teachers in the clas sro o m , train ed in th e ir fie ld . A n d w e need students w ilh a th irst fo r ex celle n ce. — D w ig h t S parks D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Oavie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks..................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson..............................General Manager Miko Barnhardl..................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow.....................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts................;.........................Sports Editor Tammy Kowalski...............................Circulation/Classified Mockavlll« EntarpriM Davle Record Cooleem ee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Po,siagc Paid in M ocksville, NC 27028 Sub.scription Ralc.s Single Copy, 50 Cents S20 Per Year In N .C , $25 Outside N.C, POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo: Davic County Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99, M ocksvillc, NC 27028 fil dcu^inaríettccf»h WHICH ÜTRüS IS f l o r i d ^ n o w M O S T F A íA O ü S POR ? In The Mail... Spry Family Thankful For Support To the editor: Wo. the fam ily o fth e late M ayor Grady Spry Jr.. would like lo o flcr our sincerc thanks to all o f those people who offered thoir conconi and support ilu riiig our father's illness anil receni ilealti. To his seven brothers and sisters and their families, wo c:m not forgot the lovo. coiKorn and help you offered oiir fam ily. W heiiovor we needed help, you wore always there. Thank you. Wo w ill ne\ or forget. I'o Ihe Cooleemee llig h School Class o f IW.S. our ilad always said lhat the people you grow up w iih would never forgot you. 'I'ou all proved him right w ith your timely visits, phone calls, and cards. A ll o f you were very special lo him. To our churcli fam ily, nol just the niembers o f Viclory Haplisi Woman Pleased With Hospital, ElVIS Service To Ihe editor: On Aug. 2,S. 1 found m yself in the emergency room al Davic County Hospital, 1 am a pan-lim e residenl o f Davie Counly, bul my home is in W inslon-Salem. I began to havo some chesi pre.ssuro and a friend look me lo the Davie County Hospital. 1 cannot begin lo tell you how impressed 1 was by Ihe care I received. 1 did nol iKive a long wait boforo I was taken lo a room, and the o.\ygon was on. the EKG done, the IV placed and ihe lab work done before 1 had tim e lo even ihink aboul whal was happening. Everything was ex­ plained lo me boforo il was done, and 1 felt very comforlable w ilh Iho staff and iho doctor. They wore very professional, yol friendly. A fle r all o f Iho lab work was back. Dr. Dyer called by cardiolo­ gist in Winslon-Salem. Ho did nol ihink 1 needed lo bo admitted. Dr, Dyer fell lhal 1 neoded to bo observed. He then called my regu­ lar physician who agreed lo admit me lo Ihe hospital in W inslon. I w ould have been just as happy lo slay al Davie Counly Hospital, bul Iho facl lhal my doctor is in Winslon, which is my home, made lhat unlikely. 1 was taken lo Forsyih Hospital by the Davie Counly EMS. David Winebarger and Randy Hughes were the paramedics thal iransporled me lo Forsyth Hospital. They made me feel alease, and tried lo keep my mind occupied on the ride. 1 would like lo take ihis opportunity to say lhank you to the nurs­ ing staff. Ihe lab and X-ray. Dr. Dyer, and the follows from EMS. 1 w ould highly recommend Iho hospital to anyone who finds them­ selves in need o f medical care, Ruih C arroll M ocksville, W inslon-Salem Church, but lo all those who prayed throughout Ihe state and across the country, lo help our dad carry his burden o f cancer, lhank you because all o f you made il easier forliim . Our lather loved his church and the people o f Viclory Baplisl Church proved how much they loved him w ith theirdaily prayers and actions. Also, iho Rov. Sholby Harbour showed us whal a pastiir is. as ho ministered lo us as a fam ily throughout our ordeal. Thanks lo all o f you. O ur father touched many lives Ihroughoul his life and political caroer. I le never really understood wh:it he had accomplished in his life or how nnich people thought o f him. There aro three people w ho really tried to help him seo what he had done and gave special help to us as a fam ily, Firsl. Jorry Spry, every lim e we needed some­ one to run an errand, slay w ilh our dad or just give us a laugh, you were there. We can never repay you. Then there was Wayne Ealon. Wayne, you always seemed to know wticn our dad needed to m ik to an old friend. You made a huge impacl in his Ilnal months. You were a friend when he needed one most. Finally. Julia Howard, you tried lo make people statewide seo whal we knew, that our dad’s life had been aboul conununily servicc and offering help lo a friend because lhal was Ihe right thing lo do. Because o f you. Julia, our dad luul ono lasl day o f happiness. You helped him realize thal he had moe friends and more accomplishments lhan he could even count. To Ihe Town o f Cooleemee and Ihe people o f our connnunity. wc as a fam ily would like to offer you our sincere thanks for your concern, your kindness and your help. You w ill always be in our thoughts ;md prayers. Thank you. The fam ily o fth e late M ayor Grady Spry Jr. Russ Spry, Cooloemoo L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d T h e Еп1ефг1$е R ecord w elcom es letters fro m its read­ ers. T h e letters m ay be on topics o f local, state, national o r interaational issues. A n e ffo rt w ill be m ade to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vu lg ar o r in poor taste. T h e ed ito r reserves the rig h t to edit letters fo r gram m ar and fo r space. A ll letters should include the nam e and address o f the w riter, in cluding a signature. A telephone num ber, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the new spaper office no laler than 4 p .m . M o n d a y o f the w eek to be published. D a v ie C ounty Е т е ф п в е R ecord P.O . B o x , 9 9 , M o ck sville, o r e m ail to: em ew s@ d avie-en terp rise.co m . Got An Opinion? Ad(j your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should the U.S. declare war on Iraq? YCS 75 % No, 25%:-;:. Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - 3 I Grady Spry Was A Strong Advocate For Cooleemee To Ihe editor: 1 le was definitely from Cooleemee, Recently. I road with greal sailness. where G raily Spry, life long resident aiul mayor ol Cooleemee. had passed away. It was only a w eek or so before lhat I read w here the Governor's O ffice bestowed its highest civilian aw ard.lhc Order o flhe l.ong l.caf I’inoto Mayor Spry, Ihe news articles brictly <unlincd M ayor Spry’s life hisiory in the tow n and some o f his many accomplishments, I thought the :irlicles were w vll written and covered several good poinis, 1 lowever. there arc a lew signirieam characteristics o f Ihis man 1 thought would be worthy of inentiiuiing, ,-\s police chief in the town for almost seven years. I had the privilege to work along side M ayor Spry on a day lo day basis. From day one o f his first lerrn in olTice. it was obvious this man was on a mission. During my tenure. I've heard town residents say many times. Ihey were tired o f Cooleoince being left out or ignored by other pans 111 the coimly. M ayor Spry proved this would no longer he the case under his walch. His first and foremost goal appeared to be bringing posilive recognitiim hack to this hislorical little lown ibal oncc was a trend .seller throughout the coun'iy. U ntil illness slowed him down. M ayor Spry was in his officc five days a week. His door always open. If he wasn'l in the o llice laking calls, he was oul in the com m unily meeling w ilh lesidenls. asking questions and making sure their concerns were beinu addressed. A M a r in e W h o M a k e s U s P r o u d To the editor: l.ance Corporal Christopher Shore's letter to his church sums it up very w ell. This young Marine answered the call - whal nu)ie can we ask ol a true American? Let's all be thankful for Chrisiopher and the thousanils o f (Hir men aiul women in our m ilitary. W illiam C. Davis Charlotte Too Many Taxes To Ihe edilor: I wanl to challenge the county commissioners who gel elected, and llie silling commissioners lo do something for tho people of Davie County. The thing I want Ihem lo do is lo cul Ihe people's property tax in half. 1 feel the people of Davie Counly deserve bel­ ler lhan whal Ihcy arc receiving now. W hy should people be over- laxe.s'.’ Our founding fathers fought and died, so they would nol be over- la.Ncd. People today pay a lot more ta.xes than our founding fathers did; they would be appalled by whal is going on loday. People o f Davie Counly. please pressure the people you elecl lo do belter by you. because you pay the bills. David Spillm an Cooloemoo C e n t e r F a ir, B B Q A S u c c e s s To Iho edilor: W ilh Ihe beautiful rain and all the w onderful people, Center Fair and Fall Barbecue was a great success. Thanks lo everyone who coniributed in any way, lo the Cenler Fair Commiitee members who began in lale Febmary or early March preparing for Ihis big evenl, lo all Ihe deparlmenl beads, judges, exhibitors and especially to faithful merclianis, busines.ses, manu­ facturers, banks and individuals whose conlribulions niiido it pos­ sible lo give monetary awards. Thank you lo Iho nrerighlers and all their wonderful helpers who worked so hard two days and two nights cooking and serving bar­ becue. hushpuppios. fries, elc. A nti to all o f you who came and enjoyed the barbecue, exhibils and the Southern Junction cntertainmonl. wo lhank you. And as always, wo appreciate the Davie County nnterpriso Record for help in gelling the word out and covering this event. We hope lo see you again in the spring. Shirley Barron, presidenl Cenler Com m unily Developmenl Association M ark W illiam s, chief Cenler Fire Department Evaluate, Fix Problems At Davie High School To tbe edilor: 1 would like to reply lo you assessment o f the problem w ilh student's SAT scores al Davie TIigh. M y daughler is a new studenl at DHS. She sits for 90 minutes in cach class and carries an excessively heavy bookbag because she doesn't have timo lo go to a lockcr al any point during the day. She barely gels .^0 m iiuites for lunch afler standing in a very long line. 'This .10 miimtes occurs in the middle ol ono class .so that she must intcrupt lhal class and return to pick up where it loft off. When she gels home after a 45 m im ile ride on a school bus she has an average o f three hours o f iHimework. M y daughter rarely complains because mosl o fh e r friends are in Ihe same boat. As a parent 1 have many concerns. M osl psy­ chologists w ill tell you that the average altention span o f anyone is about 20 ininules. A fle r lhat the mind begins lo wander and little is remembered. How much can iny leenagor bo learning confined to a classroom for ‘JO minutes'.' Colleges, in addition lo high SAT .scores, wanl lo see a variety o f outside interests. Given that she spends most o fher free time riding a bus lo school or doing homework. 1 ilon't seo how anyone can accomplish Ihis. 1 don't know if it is tbe block syslem or the size o f the .school, but 1 would be interesied in hearing from other parenis and studenis. M y underslanding is thal students take a cla.ss on laking the SAT which is something that 1 never got. One would Ihink scores would be over Ihe top. As a form er student at DHS, 1 know 1 scored w ell on the SAT bul die class lim c was shorter and the school was smaller. Yes, 1 did read personal interest hooks outside o f class ami spent about 90 niiiuitos a day on homework. I don'l blame the teachers or principal cither. Bul if my daughter’s firsl .semester is an indication o f the rest o f her yoar, then I can’t blame the studenis either. Mr. Sparks, Ihere are many serious studenis who are wonderful people filled w ilh dreams and aspirations. When people are striv­ ing to succeed but still failing then it time to evaluate Ihe process or ihc environm enl. Once evaluated, then fix il. Glenda Woodard •Advance Ho solicited'people lo participate in the running of thoir government and lie created volunleer commiltecs for them lo serve on. He would invilc residents to attend meetings and speak up with thoir ideas, 1 Ic then always made sure Ihe volunteers wbo answered Ins call were recognized for their contributions to the town, I heard him say many Tunes. "Th is is Ihcir town. They just appointed me lo run il," M ayor Spry was a very up front, look you in the eye, honest and compassionate man. His slraighl forward slyle illustrated the kind of iiualilies groat judges are made of, 1 recall during one o f our many discussions, ho expressed bow ho had always wanted lo be a judge, I guess that's why he often started meetings by pounding his gavel on the tabic and declaring. “Ibis honorable courl, for the greal lown o f Cooleemee is now in session. The Honorable Grady Spry presiding. God bless the lown and Ihis honorable court." He w ould Ihen explode in lo laughter w hich usually resulted in everybody in the room doing the same. M ayor Spry soon emerged as a greal diplomat as well. He opened channels o f com munication w ith other governmenl cntilies. He helped unite groups and people w iihin the com m unity that had drifted apart. He had a keen sense o f humor and was extremely i|uick w illed. He used these trails very effectively. His sense o f humor and quick w il were besl illustrated during a lim e w hen tbe low n board w as tackling some very disputed zoning issues. 1 recall one morning, whore 1 accompanied the mayor lo a meeting at the county building. Many citizens were in attendance and several were Ihere to strongly oppose tbe town's position in Ihe matter. On ihis particular occasion. 1 wore a suit inslcad o f my usual uniform . As 1 moved around Ihe room besiile tbe mayor as he shook hands and greeted people, some wise guy confronted us. In a loud sarcastic lone Ihc man said. "Hey Mister Mayor. Are Ihings getting so bad in Cooleemee that you have lo have a body guard'.’" The man then began laughing as be lurned looking at his two associates who wore also laughing, W ilhoul a moinout's hesitation M ayor Spry responded. "Nope. Things aren't bad in Cooleemee at all. I’m just that im porlanl." W ilh a straight face and placing a hand on niy shouliler. he wem on to identify me as the Cooleemee Secret Service ;uul said. "We provide proleclion for all the low n board members. Kind of like die presidenl. Because in Cooleemee. the town board is pretty im po rlan l," Everybody in Ihc room began laughing. He then proceeded lo shake hands w iih the guy and bis twci buddies. A ll ihree appeared a lillle on the hnmbic side afler lhal. Alm osl every meeling afler that. Ihc mayor would jokingly introduce mo as his body guard or the Cooleemee Secret Service. M ayor Spry was a very proud fam ily man loo. He often spoke o f his cliildren and iheir accomplishmenls and would jokin g ly refer lo his w ife Dot as The Firsl Lady o f Cooleemee or the (^uecn of Cooleemee, 1 remember one aflernoon 1 called llie m ayor's house lo ask him a queslion. His w ife Dot answered Ihc phono. When 1 asked if the m ayor was ihere, sbe said, “ No, his royal highness is oul somewhere surveying his royal kingdom ." Jusi as 1 was aboul lo quit laughing and regain my composure, she said, " if you should sec his royal maje.sly, tell him ibe queen is gelling hungry and he needs lo return lo his castle and lake her lo supper." I also learned very early on, thal Ihis man was a walking encyclopedia o f Cooleemee hisiory. His mind was sharp as a lack. His recall fabulous and he could recite the most intimate details aboul people and situations o f years gone by. Ho was invited many . limes lo atlend classcs al the local .schools where he dazzled young people w ith his stories about Ihe history o f the little town. History, he lived and help make. As m a yoro f Cooleetnee. Grady Spry accomplished many Ihings for the lown. Some were signincanl, such as winning support for Ihe R ive r Park P rojecl. im proved codo enl'orccnicnl and Ihe Christmas Parade o f Homes, He promoted hometown programs like Ihosc hack in the day when the m ill was in full operation and people preferred activities their children could walk lo. One such activity was the annual Fourih o f July Lawn M ower Parade, where anyone w ilh a riding m ower could participate and everyone in lown usually did. He has been a slrong advocate o f comm unity based sporls and rccrcalion programs aiul spenl many years coaelitng young people o flh e com m unity iu baseball, softball and baskelball, A l limes, being m a yo ro f Cooleeniee appeared to he a full-lim e job w ithout the pay or benelils. I recall once lhal he calculaled his tim e and determined he was w orking for ahoul 5(1 cents an hour. He would laugh and say he could remember a lim e when lhal was once big money. Grady Spry also stood up and asked tbe lough (|ucstions o f governmenl. When sewer rales were aboul lo double for low n residents, he solicited the helpof several local professionals lo fonn a comm itlee to search for answers. As a result, town and county o fficia ls w orked out an acceptable solution instead of doubling rates. 1 le'd be the first to le ll you. ihere were gooil lim es and bad. He often said he o.xpcricncod greal satisfaction fo r Ihe tow n's accomplishmenls, Some disappoinlmenls did occur and he said those just made him stronger and w iser. He did many things for the low n and ils people all Ihe while waging a personal ballle againsi cancer. 1 recall him jokin g many times lhat he was not sure who was w inning, him or Ihe canccr. He would joke lhal Ihc cancer seems to be as hard headed as he is. Nonolheloss, M ayor Grady Spry met the challenges, weathered the storms and pushed on lo improve the quaiily o f life in the little low n where he was raised and called home. Tie did il all for Cooleemee and ils residenls whom he believed in so very strongly. W iihin Ihe past year, the lillle lown has losl Iwo of ils mosl significant citizens. Firsl. Scotty Vogler, commissioner of public safety, was killed in a tragic hunling accident. Now, M ayor Grady Spry losl his battle w ilh cancer. These Iwo men gave their limc and efl'orls for Iheir community. They wanted oidy to improve ihings for Ihose people who have come lo call llic lown home. They did more lhan just lalk aboul whal needed to be done, ihey insured Ihings goi done. 1 wanl to say, lhank you M ister Mayor, lor showing us ihc way. I also want to say lhank you to his wonderful fam ily for sharing him w ilh us. 1 feel honored lo have been able lo w alk along side such an outstanding leader and being part o f his administration. 1 hope these words provide some com fort fo r his fam ily and friends. K now ing M ayor Spry as 1 did, I ’ln sure beginning his first day there, he is m aking sure all o f heaven now knows of Cooleemee and its many special people. T im W oolen, Former Police Chief Town Board Should Say N o T o R e z o n i n g To the edilor: D id you know thal your elected officials are behaving in a very unncighborly way toward some o f your neighbors in Davie County'.’ They say ihey're doing it for you. Read about the A llen Road rczoning. Is this whal you elected your low'n board lo do'.’ 'The Town o f M ocksville is considering going more than a m ile outside ils lim its to annex 25 acres for an ituluslrial park. This land is literally next lo our backyards. We worry aboul noise and lighl pollution as w ell as increased traffic. M any o f us moved lo this neighborhood - in the aroa near Allen and Ijames Church roads - Republican Party Ad Was Discriminatory l o Ihe editor: Members o fth e Republican Party need to realize lhal member­ ship on the Davic County School Board has always been nonparti­ san :uul should conlinue to be that way. O urchildren deserve school boartl ineinbers who arc grounded in equality and fainicss on a level playing field. The Davie County Republican Party discrim inated againsi Regina Grahiim, a young A frican Am erican female Democrat, who professionally and succossfidly campaigned for a scat on ihc sehool board. Tho Republican ad, which endorsed the white Republican candidates, was discrim inatory nol only in Icrms o f parly a ffilia ­ tion, bul also racial origin. The local banker who signed the ad should reach inlo his treasury and obtain a higher ethical slandard. Try giving the other members o f Ihe Republcian Parly a chcck w rillen for integrity and good judgment. Is the Republican Parly lolling our citizcns lhal Ihcy wanl educators to only leach while children o f Republican parents and di,scriminate against children o f all olher racial backgrounds or party affiliation'.' 1 enjoyed a nursing career for 31 years (Alm ost 12 o f those years wore spent at Davie Counly Hospital.) 1 put forth efforl lo give every patient quaiily care. Di.scrimination in any form is wrong. 1 hope liiis was the lasl lim e Ihe Republican Party w ill make such a huge mistake. If Ihe members o f Ihe Republican Parly don’t have the m oral capacity, integrity, and wisdom to run a joint ad w ilh the Democratic Party and promote all candidates for school board, then stay oul o f nonpartisan campaigns. This reminds me o f David's situation in Bible limes. In our case, 4,200 Davie Counly citizens cast their voles to defeat the Republi­ can giant. And they did Ihe right thing. You've clocled a talented young lady who comes from a fam ily that has done a tremendous amount o f good for Ihe people in Davie and surrounding counties. There arc a lot o f people outside o f our county who subscribe lo our local newspaper. I ilo n 'l want olhers lo believe wc are a com­ m unity that promotes separation and exclusion. We should work together, especially in issues pertaining to our children. How thank­ ful we arc that the deceitfill, dirty trick against Regina did not work. Dr. Graham won anyway. And she won by a landslide. She received more votes than any olher candidale did for any o f the positions in the 2002 prim ary eleciion, i.e., sheriff, commissioner, school board. Tins just goes to show thal justice prevails; and God don'l like ugly. Edmonia H ollis and fam ily '■ M ocksville bccause it was rcsidemial-agricu/lurid. Now, out of llie blue, your town board wants lo rezone Ihe land for an induslrial park. Imagine how you would feel if a nearby govcmmeni - which you had no part in electing - approved a projcci to drastically changc your neighborhood'.' Your planning board has already recoinmonded this changc, saying it w ill be good for Ihe Town o f M ockville. I listened very carefully, but didn'l bear a single benefil lhal can justify Mock.sville's com ing inlo Davic County to annex land. Read the board’s rea.sons, below, and see if you agree. • Board inoinbcrs said M ocksvillc needs more space for induslrial development. Bul, according loT ow n Planner John Gallim ore, the lown already has at least five induslrial parks :uul they are 67 percenl vacant. Docs M ocksville really need anolher park'.’ • If die new ly proposed park is I'ully developed, G allim ore predicts lhal il w ill add $15,000 lo the town’s revenue. Pan o f Ihe charm o f M ocksvillc and Davio Counly is its rural nature. Whal w e 'll lose by adding moro warehouses to the landscape is far more valuable lhan a mere ,S 15.000 in tax revenue. • Planning Board members said they cannot lurn down the promise o f new jobs. But the park’s first - and m ajor tenant - is already located in Ihe low n. He has 50 employees. How many additional jobs can he be expecled to create'.' Even Ihough 1 live outsido M ocksville's lown lim its. I’ve always been proud to call M ocksville home. Your planning board changed all o f that fo r me. 1 saw thal a m ajority o f ils members ilon’l carc aboul Ihe rights o f their Davie County neighbors. Your low n board w ill soon be voting on Ihis issue. If you disagree with whal they’re considering, please tell them: Dr. Francis W. Slale, M ayor, J.C. "B uster” Cleary, Vernon 'Thompson, Lash Gaither Sanford, R ichard B roadw ay and W illia m L. " B ill" Foster. Unfortunately, my neighbors and 1 don't have that righl. We’ll gel 10 speak al a public hearing - ofcour.se - bul Ihe board making the ilccision is nol one wc helped elecl. W e’re asking for your help - w e’re counting on you to act as inie neighbors-.so lhat we can all be proud to call M ocksvillc home. Please lell the lown board you are opposed lo this projcci. Karen Richardson M ocksvillc FARMLAND VETERINARY CLINIC'S R A B IE S C L IN IC D A T E H A S B E E N C H A N G E D ! R a b ie s C lin ic w i l l N O W b e h e ld o n : Saturdayi Oct 5 12Noon until 2|trii Rabies Vaccine $7 each $2 of each will be donated to Humane Society ol Davie County's Animal Adoption Center Project 4 - D/WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 19, 2002 H o m e c o m i n g P a r a d e L i n e u p A ll cninints are 16 report lo Rich Park via C em elery Sireel no laler than 9:30 a.m . and check-in w ith the parade m arshall. M S?D H S Class o f i D H S J R O T C D H S Studenl G ovem m en l M ille r B u ild in g D H S Junior V arsiiy Cheeleaders D H S F C A D H S Fine A rls C lub D H S S W A T D H S T IW D 10 D H S F F A 11 D H S Steppers 12 Future Teachers o f A m erica 13 D a v ie C ivitan 14 V IC A M a.sonry 15 D a v ie H ig h School Band 16 D a v ie B and Boosters 17 B E T A C lu b 18 C u b Scouts 19 D H S H O S A 2 0 Johnny W alker 21 D H S Faculty 22 Histor>' C lu h 23 Science C lu b 2 4 Junior V arsity V olleyball Team 25 V arsity V o lleyball Team 26 V arsity C heerleaders 2 7 D a v ie H ig h School Football Team 28 H o m eco m in g 1 O r d i n a n c e H e a r i n g l \ / l o n d a y C O O LEEM EE - The Town o f Cooleemee w ill conducl a public hearing on proposeil lown ordinances on Monday. Sepl. 30 al 7 p.m. Ill lown hall. A copy o f the proposed low n ordinances is available fo r pub­ lic inspection, in the oflice o flhe lown clerk. Monday-Friday dur­ ing regular business hours. It’s Time For Big Sweep Grab your bools and gloves, il's tim e fo r Big Sweep. Volunteers w ill gather al Ihe Zachary House Saturday m orn­ ing lo clean areas along the Soulh Yadkin R iver. To help (those w ith boats and canoes are especially needed), c a ll Ihe M o cksville -D a vie R ecretion D epartm ent al 751-2.125. T- shirls w ill be given to those w ho preregisler in lim e. Slalewide, volunteers w ill clean lille r from waterways. 2 6 R e c e i v e W r i t e - I n V o t e s ^ F o r C o u n t y , S c h o o l B o a r d s M a ybe Ihe rig h t person w asn’t running. M aybe some voters Ihoughl someone else could do a heller job. B u ; d u rin g lasl w eek's eleclion for the Davie Counly B oard o f E ducalion and ihe Republican nominalions for the Davie C ounly Board o f County Com m issioners, county voters picked quile a few names that weren’t on the ballot. R eceiving w rite-in voles for Ihe board o f educalion were: Steven M . Hauser. W. E. Holt, W illia m Brock, John W allas, John York, Andrew W hile. Jim Webb. Tonya E. Kerr, Terr}’ R. Freeman, Rebecca H ursey. Thom as B rin d le , Jessica Weaver, Mark English and Joe S. Shore. Receiving w rile-in voles for coum y com m issioner: W .E. Moll, Rosa Holt, John Boehm, Annette Ilia n , Jim m y Dyson, Dwight Sparks, D ick Anderson, Rebecca H ursey, T e rry R. Freeman, Helen Daywah. B ill Gibson and Wayne Beck. 2 R a b i e s C a s e s C o n f i r m e d The 16th and I7 lh ca.ses o f rabies in Davie County this year have been confirm ed. A cco rd in g to B arry Bass, heallh director, an animal lhal Icsled posiiive for Ihe virus was a raccoon. The raccoon lhal was positive fought w ith a dog that lives o ff N.C. 801 South. The dog was not current on ils rabies shots and had lo be pul Io dealh. There was no human e.xposure. Anolher raccoon lhal tested positive for Ihe vims fought with New Murder Trial Set For Early 2003 ï^istrict C o u rt r'fin tim in rl I'rim i I Г»*ПП*<»'П1 Л I-Rn ».’vìn-ih 1Г In* T4V>lf>r ic it hur «члпП \ W’b ifh in inv’ urliti. D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , S ep t. 19, 2 0 0 2 - 5 7 C ontinued I ’n m i Pane 1 shirl, A l-B ayyiiiah was flanked by local allorney Lori I lam illon- D ew ili and form er dislricl allor­ ney 11.W. "n u lc h " Zinunemian. Zim mennan told Judge K im ­ b erly S. T a ylo r he had been phoned by Roberl H urley, in Durham, lasl Friday and asked if he w o u ld represeni A l- Bayyinah and if lie would go lo S uperior C ourl M onday and make a general appearance, lhal Ihere was "some kind of hearing sel up." "I want lo make Ihis perfectly clear - Ihis is a lim ited appear­ ance on my pari," Zimmerman said, telling Taylor he wanled Iwo weeks lo decide if he would represeni .M -B ayyinah. I f he does, il is likely he would lie lead counsel, and H am illo n -D e w ill would be co-counsel, because H am illon-D ew ill said, "W h al I've been lold is lhal I am nol eligible" Io be lead counsel, "be­ cause I haven't qualified a dealli penally jury." Zimmemian had previously had his name removetl from the list o f possible coun.sel on capi­ tal cases. H a m illo n said, “ I would be w illing to sen e as scc­ ond chair. M y hope is that Mr. Zinunemian w ill take ihis." According Io Taylor, a deler- minalion must be made by Sept. 26 as 10 whether ihe case w ill be iried as a capital murder case. Taylor said is is her understand­ ing Ihe slale does inlend to Iry it as capilal murder, which means Ihere is a p o ssib ility, if A l- Bayyinah is found g uilly again, he could be sentenced to dealh. Greg Brown, assislanl dislricl allorney, asked Taylor to sel a dea d lin e as lo w hether Zinuiiennan would or would nol represeni A l-Bayyinali. "so wc can do Ihis w ith Ihe lawyers who are going lo represent him, so w e do nol do this in a haphazard, piecemeal manner." Zinunerm an said, "He (A l- Bayyinah) does nol have a gooil record as far as poinis go, bul 1 would ask you lo set some bond in light o f whal has landed on ihe court's desk, w liich in my opin­ ion is a real problem under-104 H. "He was convicled luider evi­ dence thal some o ilier fellow in some olher robbery Ihoughl he m ighi have done it arul some shabby police work, so ihe courl decided he neeileil a new Irial. so he's here. He does nol wanl Io slay in Davic Counly. I le's in­ digeni and can'l make bond, bul I ihink in all fairness, some bond should be sel." The siale's posilion was lhal Al-Bayyinah receivc no bonil, and Taylor agreed. Al-Bayyinah was senl back to Central Prison 10 await irial. Brown said Ihe irial coulil be held al ihe beeinnirm o f 20(1.'. Town Planners Recommend Rezoning C ontinued K rom Page 1 He also questioned whether the S I5,000 in additional tax revenue was worth stretching the town lim its. "I'm not seeing a strong economic benefit." D ulin said he would be more likely to approve Ihe projecl of il fronted U.S. 601 N orlh, rather lhan Allen Road. "I ihink it's sort o f crazy. 1 d on 't see how the town would be gaining a lo i," he said. G allim ore's recommendalion said thal industry can coexist near residenlial property wiihoul low ering values. He lisled the neighboring SoulhPoinI Busi­ ness Park, Christy Trucking and W.G. W hile Co. in ihe same area as a reason lo approve the rezon­ ing. Thai recommendalion didn't sit w ell w ith neighboring resi­ dents. "There is no adequale Iransi- lion belween Ihese Iwo areas," said K erri Craves, " ll doesn’l belong Ihere and no amouni o f buffers is going lo make it be­ long there." Mark Skiver said he can hear a low frequency hum all night from thc Soulh Point develop­ menl. Businesses even closer lo the homes jusl makes il more likely to creale more noise, air, and water pollulion, in addilion 10 traffic. He questioned creat­ ing more campus business dis­ tricts when more than 60 percenl o f nil zoned lhat way is vacant. Gary A llen said there were only three people at the meeling in favor o f Ihe projecl - the de­ velopers, the real estate agent who w ill make money, and the person wanting to buy tbe prop­ erty. He presented a list o f 150 names o f people opposed to Ihc plan. He also m entioned ihe noise fro m Soulh P oint. "It drives you nuls all night long. It's nol HO feel away (required buffering di.stance) bul more like «0,000 feel. "Somebody is p oliiically or m onetarily going lo gain," he .said. "O ver my dead body w ill you see lhal properly devel­ oped." The board a llo w e d three people lo speak in favor of, and three againsl the proposal. B ill H all spoke for Ihe land owners, who also include Dr. Vic Andrews, Dr. Bob Fosler and Ihe Harris Fam ily Trusl. Vena Har­ ris. planning board chair, was nol at either o f the meelings when Ihe issue was discussed. "The whole area (601 N orlh) has Ih rived ," H all said. “ E vi­ dently, South Point has nol be a deterrent for people going in." The properly is for sale, and .12 homes c(uild be placeil Ihcre now. Hall said, adding lhat busi­ nesses would be a preferable neighbor. "I Ihink il's a w in -w iii-w in proposition for everyone." Diane Fosler. real csialc ageni, said lhal piece o f properly had been siudicil more than any she's seen. Calvin Phelps, who hopes to move his cigarclie m anufacliir- ing business from downlown. as well as sell lols lo olher small businesses, said he respecis ihe wishes ofthe neighbors. "I don'i wanl a dog kennel ne.xl lo my office any more lhan you do nexl lo your homes." he said, flie curreni hu.siness doesn'l creale excessive noise. Phelps said he would work w ilh neighbors lo alleviaie any problems. F &e m m o n s DISCOUNT SALES 4 0 ’ 0 F F W o m en vs. O ste o p o ro s is a dog lhal lives ofl] U.S. 64 Easl. Tlie dog was curreni on its rabies shots and w ill receive a booster. There was no human exposure. Should a w ild animal bile a d onieslic anim al or hum an, residents are advised to keep the animal in sight and conlacl Ihe Davie Anim al Control al 751- 0227. Anyone having questions aboul rabies should contact their veterinarian or Jeff Beauchamp, R.S., D avie C o u n ly H ea lth Department at 751 -8760. F R I D A Y , S e p t . 2 < T & S A T U R D A Y , S e p t . 2V^ O N LY! All Sales Are Final • No Returns or Exchanges Hours: Fri. 9:00 - 7:00 Sat. 9:00-5:00 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd • Clemmons Near Hwy, 421 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 4 4 9 o r 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 9 3 8 II your age is belween 40 and 75. y o u r heallh is good, your lasl period was m o re th a n 5 years ago. and you have nol had a h y s te re c to m y - |oin our search lor w ays to light o s te o p o ro s is . Learn m ore about this clinical research trial of an Investigational drug. Call 1-866-860-6299 L y n d h u r s t G y n e c o l o g i c A s s o c i a t e s 2 9 2 7 Lyndhurst Avenue W inston-S alem , NC 2 7 1 0 3 w w w .lyndhurstgyn.corn A Drvisioi) uf ttie Wotiteii's НеаШ1 Alliance of Ute PiednKKit, PA I D E L Y E A R 2002 JEEP QRAND CHEROKEE LME004I4 ftOXPMMMOf. 4k4. l-e. Air ConditlonJna. Ро«мг Window», Pow«r КмМл, CfutM. TUt, Automatic. AM/FM CMMtti/CD Ptay»r. Alloy Vfímtt, ABS, Much Mor«. 2002CHRYSLEfl UniNQCONVERTIILELXi *23.988 1 0 % P M 6 0 N O S Air Conditioning. 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I’ro.seeuling: Kevin ale and Shawn Fraley, assislanl iriel attorneys. - Ariianda RIaine Baldwin, ha- sinj: phone call, prayer for jiidg- ni continued on eondilion she not eaten liarass'assault Slieny Davis, a. - Alberto Maya Benitez, posses- ri of open container/consinning oliol in passenger area, prayer for Igment eonlinued. - Leroy Benson, driving while ense revoked, sentenced to 45 , s in jail suspended 12 monlhs, [ operate vehicle until licensed, ) and cost; no liability insurance, missed per plea. - Vince Otis Booe. driving while Mise re\ oked, dismissed per eor- lion; motorcycle lailure to buni idlamps. cost. - Su/an Bowden, threatening me eall. dismissed at request of isecirting witness, not threaten/ ass Wendy Snowden, - 1-imla Kelly Brown, domestic minal trespass, prayer for jtidg- nt continued 24 months, not go )Ut property of Tom Brown, SI .^0 .irney, cost. - JelVrey D. Bullins, six counts lure to file income la.\, sentenced 15 days suspended 18 monlhs, 72 irs eommunity service, $ 1,6I)0J 9 restitution to NC Dept, of Revenue, pay all NC ta,\es when due and file in timely manner, S150 arul cost; also sentenced to 45 days in jail al expi­ ration of above sentence, .suspended IX monlhs, comply with conditions of first judgment, file returns within 45 days, SlOO and cosl. - Telipe Cabrera, allowing unli­ censed person lo drive, operating \'chiele with no insunince, dismissed per correction, - Tilïany Dawn Campbell, mis­ demeanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail; misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail at expira­ tion of above senlence, - Barry Lynn Carroll, obtaining property by false pretense, reduced to misdemeanor larceny, sentenced to 100 days in prison, work release recommended, credit for lime served, S260 attorney. - Al\ in Bryan Cashwell, finan­ cial card fraud, dismissed per com­ pliance. - Jamie Janene Chessman, finan­ cial eanl fraud, dismissed per com­ pliance, - Charles Lee Clement, speeding 45 in a 25, prayer Ibrjutlgmem con­ tinued on cost; driving left of cen­ ter, dismissed per plea, - ClilTord Jerome Clement, driv­ ing while license revoked, e.xceed- ing safe speed, dismissed per plea in Superior Courl eases, - Karen I'li/abeth Coales, domes- tic eriminal trespass, dismissed due lo insuffieieni evidence. - dessie Coles, communicaiing threats, dismissed at request of pros­ ecuting witness, not threaten or ha­ rass James Settle. - Larry Stephen Davis, misde­ meanor probation violation, con­ tinue on probation, credit for time served, S200. - Sherry J. Davis, reckless driv­ ing wanton disregard, dismissed due lo insufl'icienl evidence, - Koben DeJesus, improper pass­ ing, dismissed per plea; following too closely, reduced to improper equipnient, cosl. - Deborah K. Hbrighl, speeding X5 in a 55, reduced to improper equipnient, S50 and eosi. - Brandi M. Fleming, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail, credit for lime served, probation to nm with sentence now serving; misdemeanor probation vioKition, semenced to 30 diiys in jail with credit for time served, probation lo run wilh sen­ tence now serving. - Dennis Dale Gray, misde­ meanor prob.ilion violation oul of counly, continue on probation. - Hilly R. llelniandollar, driving while license revoked, improper reg­ istration, improper loading/covering vehicle, prayer for judgment eonlin­ ued on eost; operating vehicle with no insurance, failure to apply for new title, dismissed per plea. - Lawrence lleni, Jr, domestic violence protective order violation, dismissed; assaull on a female, sen­ tenced lo 4S hours in jail wilh credit for time served. - Mari Whitney Hern, misde­ meanor stalking, dismissed due lo insufficient evidence, - Michael Todd Howell, no li­ cense, dismissed per plea, - Jellery Shane Jacobs, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 60 days in jail to nin con­ current with sentence now ser\ ing, - Michael D. Johnson, worthless check, dismissed per civil settle­ ment, - Terry Kennetli Jordan, hit/nm leaving scene o f property damage, dismissed for failure of prosecuting W'itncss to appear, - Brandy Lindsay, worthless check, dismissed per civil settle­ ment, - Jonathan \V, Livengood, worth­ less cheek, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Gayle Lockwood, worthless cheek, dismissed per civil setlle- tnenl, - Rogelio N, Molina, resisting public oniccr, prayer for judgmeni continued on cost. - Michelle Leigh Myers, driving white license revoked, prayer for judgmeni continued on eost, S‘)7 at­ torney fee; expired registration, dis­ missed per plea, - Sylvester Junior Nettles, speed­ ing 65 in ;i 50, reduced to improper equipment, eost, - Natalie Leann Osbonie, misde­ meanor larceny. sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 12 months, return necklace to Milchell Hall within 30 days, - Jettie Dawn I’alton, tliieo counts .siile of cigarettes to minors, deferred proseeulion, revisit ease in 12 months, perform 24 hours commu­ nity service, remain employed and of good behavior, cost. - Derrick I’ettilbrd, misdemeanor probiilion violalion oul of eounly, terminate ease. - Sandra Elaine Pierson, harass­ ing phone eall, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness, - Anlhony Renteria, Jr,, driving while license revoked, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed per plea in Supe­ rior Court eases. - Phillip Lee Robinson, second degree trespass, sentenced to 10 days in jail suspended 12 months, cosl, - Mary Poindexter Rutledge, speeding X7 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, SlOO; lailure to notify DM V of address change, cost, - Michael A. Salazar, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgmeni contimied on cost; failure lo slop for stop sign/red light, dis­ missed per plea. - Stanley T. Simpkins, speeding 67 in a 55. reduced to improper ei|uiprnent,cosl; failurelo wear seal hell - driver, S25, - Robert Ailwonh Seoll, lillering not more than 15 pounds, sentenced to 10 days in jail suspended 12 months, cosl, - Christopher A. White, driving while license revoked, nclitious driver’s license, dismissed - serving federal prison scntcncc, - Richard Eugene Whiiley, resist­ ing public ofincer, sentenced to 30 days suspended 12 months, S130 at­ tomcy fee, S25 and cosl; communi­ cating threats, dismissed per plea. Failed To Appear - Linwood Chandler, driving while license revoked; improper passing. - Richard Edward Dixon, speed­ ing 6S in a 55. - Anlhony Wayne Godbey, felony possession of cocaine. - Randall Dean Johnson, fleeing to elude arrest with molor vchicle; driving while license revoked, fail­ ure lo heed Iighl or siren. - Lelhia McClellan Luke, DWI, driving while license revoked. - Douglas Phillips, ficlitious driver’s license, - Roger Brent Sizemore, speed­ ing 65 in a 55, driving while license revoked, - Alexander D. Smith, speeding 70 in a 55, no license. - Sandra V, Smith, worthless check, - Karen Slater Young, speeding 70 in a ^5. i lu y. c- cs id r- ts )ll )0 m n- le /П Ig i.s Df \s to Hi Id i/Ian Gets 28 Years In Prison For Sexual Offense K ctli Cassidy ivie Coumy Enlerjirise Record A fo rm e r D avie resident urged w ilh a I'irsi degree ^ual offense was sentenced in vie Superior Court last week ^ a m inim um o f 28 years in ,lV( son. .^21 Stephen K e lly Bush, i5 , ved in w ilh his g irlfrie n d , a Burgan in a m obile home Bare Lane, in January, 20(11, .)ut a m onth after they met. cording lo testimony. Bush, ,r'>o is originiitly from Oregon ^ ^ d was a iruck driver, inappro- alely touched Burgan’s then -year-old daughter. A t Ihe lim e, Burgan and her sband. W illard Burgan, father Burgan’s Iwo daughters, were orced, and thc father had pri- iry custody. The girls spent ery other weekend w ith Iheir )ther al the m obile home. D uring one o f those week- ds, .sometime in June, 2001, Iw o g irls walched horror ivies and were afraid to sleep Iheir own room, so they gol into bed w ith Burgan and Bush, and it was Ihere the incident look place, according to lestiniony. W illard Burgan said he knew something wasn't right, because the girls had always looked for­ ward to spending time w ilh Iheir mother, "bul in lalc spring or early summer, ihey seenieil lo be reluctant to go," he said, “ even gelling lo the point where 1 had to encourage them to go w ith Iheir mom, whereas before, Ihey wanted lo go, liked lo go as a rule." tic d id n ’l know w liu i hud happened until he gol at visit at his Rowan County home by a case w orker from Social Ser­ vices and Davie S heriff’s Detec­ tive John Stephens, in October. Stephens said he began un investigation on Ocl. 19, 2001,, after receiving an anonymous lip lhat both girls were being abused by Bush. Stephens said allhough Ihe incident look place weeks earlier, il wasn’t until Burgan and her daughter were having an argument lhal the daughler lold her whal Bush had done. Even then, according to As­ sistant D istrict A llo rn e y Rob T aylor, Burgan "shoved [the knowledge] under the rug" and d id n 'l do anything about it. Stephens met w ilh Bush and Burgiin in his office on Nov. .“i, and when he went back to the mobile home w ilh a warrant, the couple was gone. In lale November, Sicphens received a call frotn Burgan, but she w ouldn’t lell him where they were, only a.sked if Ihere were warrants against Bush. Stephens found oul taler iticy were in Ne­ braska, and Bush was e.xtradited to N orth Carolina frotn there. Kathleen Russo, a pediatri­ cian from Salisbury Pediatric Associates, examined and spoke w ilh B u rga n ’s daughler, and said, "M y diagnosis, ba.sed spe­ cifically on the sensory recollec­ tion o f thc patient, is lhat she was .sexually a.s.saulted." Russo rec­ om m ended o n g o in g m ental heallh trealmenl for the g irl and her fa m ily and said the g irl "should nol be in Ihe m other’s care until the m oiher could pro- vide a safe environmenl for her." As o f M arch, 2002, Reta Burgan was still m aintaining a relationship w iih Bush, who was in custody. She testified, "1 lold him 1 only wanted lo be friends, and he threatened suicide. I be­ gan my letters [to him ] w iih ’1 love you’ and M miss you' just lo keep him happy, even after w e’d broken up." Taylor asked why she contin­ ued Ihc relationship, and she said, "H e has no fatnily here," He asked, “ Do you still have fe e lin g s fo r h im ? " B urgan paused several minutes before she said, "1 jiis t don't like to see people hurt, I guess I felt .sorry fo r iiim .” C rying, Burgan said, "I feel like what happened was m y fault because I allowed my daughler to be in a posilion for it to happen. I leel g uilty." D uring testimony, a porno­ graphic video o f young teen girls, as w ell ;ts a lengthy letter, w ritlcn hy Bush and poslniarked Sepl. 3 o f Ihis year, were intro­ duced into evidence. In the let­ ter, Bush reminded Burgan he had done his best lo lake Ciire of her, paying all her bills and treat­ ing her and her daughters in a caring manner. Bush’s allorney, Julie Parker, said she felt thc evidence was "highly prejudicial" and it was "im proper to admit it," bul Judge K im berly Taylor disagreed and allowed the ju ry to view Ihe evi­ dence and consider it in Iheir deliberations. Bush did not testify during the trial, but the girl did, and ac­ cording to Taylor, Ihroughoul the invcsligalion, her slory never changed. He considered her lo be a highly credible witness. Taylor said “These arc hor­ rible offenses, horrible cases" and said Ihe aggravating factor was that "Ihe defendant commit­ ted Ihe offenses while laking a position of irusl or confidence Ihe victim has in him ," calling Bush, “ Ihe caretaker I'or the child, the adull who was sup­ posed 10 be someone who would love and care for her." Parker said Bush wasn'l in Ihe same position of Irusl as a falher, stepfather, m other or guardian w ould be and said Bush “ has tried to lake care of the m oiher o f the victim " a nd ' that'ihe m oiher “ believed in him and did up until a week or so ago." Although it was not consid­ ered during the deliberations, Bush has a crim inal record, in ­ cluding rape, felonious assault and sta lk in g in W ashington State, and two auto theft charges in Oregon. He was on probation at thc time o f this offense. A fter deliberating for about ^ four hours, Ihe ju ry returned a g u ilty verdict, and Judge Taylor .sentenced Bush lo a m inim um of 28 and a m axim um o f 34 years in prison. He is lo undergo sex offender treatment in prison and regisler as a sex offender upon release He is lo submit lo D N A testing and pay S I,463 for his court-appointed attorney. Jusl hefore he was laken from Ihe counroom , Parker told Judge Taylor lhat Bush wants to ap­ peal. That process, could take years. I lavie Grand Jury Hands Down Long List Of Indictments The follow ing were indicted a Davie County Grand Jury plemher 0. Randy Michacl Barker, fi- ncial transaction card theft; fi- ncial transaction card fraud. - Benjamin Scott Blevins, ul- ing forged endorsement; oh- ning properly by false pre- ise. - M allhew Daniel Brock, as- ilt with a deadly weapon in- •ling serious injury. - Cipriano Mendez Chiquilo, VI; driving left o f cenler; pos- iSion of controlled subsiance. - John Aaron Chisler, laking leceni liberties w iih a child; I degree statutory sexual of- ise; statutory rape. - M elvin Franklin Cranfield, o counts second degree sexual ensc. - Brad Douglas Ellison, traf­ ficking in opium by possession; m aintaining d w elling to keep controlled substance. - Verlie John Fields, 111, pos­ session o f controlled substance. - Anthony Wayne Godbey, felony larceny; felony breaking and entering motor vehicle. - Melissa M ichelle Gordon, possession o f controlled sub­ stance. - Alvaro M arcial Hernandez, habitual D W l; driving while li­ cense revoked, - Anlhony Eric H ill, felony breaking and enlering motor vc­ hicle; possession o f stolen goods, - Wendy Kay Hoffinan, ha­ bitual D W l. - Darrell Lee Huffman, pos­ session with intenl lo sell/deliver marijuana; inainlaining vehicle to keep controlled subsiance. - Floyd Eugene Jacobs, speed­ ing to elude arrest. - Donnie Ray James, posses­ sion o f controlled sub.stance. - Jimmy Gray Keaion, Jr., pos­ session o f controlled subsiance. W oodrow W ilson Livengood, laking indecent lib ­ erties with a child; resisting pub­ lic officer. - Allyson Smilh McCachern, akaAllyson Halliburton, 4 counts obtaining controlled substance by fraud/forgery; atlenipting lo ob­ tain co ntro lle d subsiance by fraud/forgery. - John David Warren McKeel, damaging com puter resources; cotnpuler trespass; five counts third-degree .sexual exploitation of minor. - Wendell Cunis Pass, po.s.ses- sion o f slolen goods; felony breaking and enlering; larceny. - Norman M ichael R edlin, maintaining vehicle to keep con­ tro lle d subsiance; possession w ith intent to sell/deliver mari­ juana. - Gerald M ilton Roybal, Jr, possession o f slolen goods; felony breaking and entering; lar­ ceny. - Larry W ilson Shrewsbury, assault w ith a deadly w'capon W’ith intenl lo k ill. inHicting seri­ ous injury; attempted first degree murder. - C hristoper Kaine Tatum, possession o f controlled sub­ stance. - Roberto Deshaun Torres, 111, driving by person less than 21 years of age afier consuming al- cohol; speeding to elude arrest; possession w ilh intent to sell/de­ liver marijuana; DW I. - Mark Anthony Villegas, fail­ ing to regisler as a sexual o f­ fender. - Michael Lee Wat.son, felony larceny. - B illy Jack W heeler, at­ tempted second degree sexual offense. Dad's best advice to his idds.. 1. Take care of your Mom. 2. Spend your money wisely. Cull toihiy tor inlbmwtion, lunch iwd n lour... ^ P o l o R idge ' ^ ^ Assisted Living Community 2500 Polo Ridge Coun, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 3 3 6 .7 2 2 .7 1 1 8 V o r n a n F o u n d G u i l t y O f T h r e a t s In Davie D istrict Court last ek, a M ocksville woman was tnd guilty o f communicaiing eats earlier in the summer, Evon Fowler Gaither, 34, of .“i Leisure Lane, was charged lo w in g an incident in the king lot o f New Beginnings oup Home on Aug, 16. A c c o rd in g 10 te stim o n y ard by Judge James M . m eycuti, Teniesha Hart hud I arrived at the group home 111 Davie H igh School and s s lill in the car o f Tracy acken, a case manager and ver o f the car. Before either could gel out o f Ihe car, anolher car, driven by Gailher, pulled quickly into the parking lot and alongside their car. In Gaither’s car was :t pas­ senger, her daughter, who also attends Davie High and has had words w ith Hart in Ihe pasl. Gaither llireatened to "w hup" H art, she said, and Judge Honeycutt asked, ’‘Is ihis some­ thing you thoughi she m ighi do'.’ Harl answered "Yes." Bracken testified she heard Ihe same threat, tmd because she did nol know Gaither and did not how the situation might escalate, she called for another employee and lo ld .them to ca ll 911. Brackcn said G ttilhcr’s daughter was alrcitdy oul o f the car at that point. Befiire police could arrive, Gailher and her daughter were gone. Judge Honeycutt sentenced Gaither to 30 days in ja il, sus­ pended for 12 months unsuper- viscd probation. She is to pay a $25 fine and courl costs and was ordered lo not Ihrealcn, harass or assault Hart or the .staff al New Beginnings and lo not go on Ihc premises o f New Beginnings. D o y o u r b o n e s g r o a n ? D o e s y o u r b a c k c r e a k ? Y E S C O M A D O L L W A T T S ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Comadoll/Watts Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital D r. James C om itdoll and D r, G regg F etrero w ill see patients in this office on M o n d ay and W ednesday m ornings. C all 7 5 1 -2 8 7 8 o r our S alisbury office 7 0 4 -2 1 6 -(K N E E )5 6 3 3 fo r tin appointm ent 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. t9, 2002 H o m e c o m i n g P a r a d e L i n e u p A ll onirants are lo report lo Rich Park via C em etery Streel no later lhan 9:30 a.m . and ch eck-in w ith the parade mar.shall. 1 D H S C Ia s s o ri9 .‘)7 2 D H S J R O T C 3 D H S Student G overnm ent 4 M ille r B iiild in g 5 D H S Junior Var.sity Cheeleader.s 6 D H S F C A 7 D H S Fine Art.s C lub 8 D H S S W A T 9 D H S T IW D 10 D H S F F A 11 D H S Steppers 12 Future Teachers o f A m erica 13 D av ie C ivitan 14 V IC A M aso nry 15 D a v ic H ig h School Band 16 D a v ie B and Boosters 17 B E T A C lub 18 C ub Scouts 19 D H S H O S A 2 0 Johnny W alker 21 D H S Faculty 2 2 H is to o ’ C lub 23 Science C lub 2 4 Jun ior V arsity V olleyball Team 25 V arsity V o lleyb all Team 26 V arsity Cheerleaders 27 D a v ie H ig h School Football Team 2 8 H om eco m ing 1 O r d i n a n c e H e a r i n g l \ / l o n d a y C O O LEEM EE - The Town o f Cooleemee w ill conduct a public hearing on proposed lown ordinances on Monday. Sepl. .30 al 7 p.m. al low n hall. A copy o f Ihe proposed lown ordinances is available for pub­ lic insjieelion. in the oVficc ofthe lown clerk. Monday-Friday dur­ ing regular business hours. It’s Time For Big Sweep Grab your boots and gloves, it ’.'! lim e for Big Sweep. Volumeers w ill gather ¡il Ihe Zachary House Salurday morn­ ing to clean areas along Ihe South Yadkin R iver. To help (those w ith boats and eanocs arc especially needed), c a ll Ihe M o cksville -D a vie R ecrelion D eparlm enl al 7.“) I -2325. T- shirls w ill be given lo ihose w ho preregisler in lim e. Slalewide, volunteers w ill clean litte r from waterways. 2 6 R e c e i v e W r i t e - I n V o t e s F o r C o u n t y , S c h o o l B o a r d s M aybe Ihe righl person wasn’l running. Nfaybe some voters Ihoughi someone else could do a beller job. B ul d urin g lasl w ee k’s elcclion for Ihe Davie Counly Board o f Educalion and the Republican nominations for the Davic Counly Board o f Counly Commissioners, counly volets picked quite a few names that weren’t on Ihc ballot. Receiving w rilc-in voles for Ihe board o f educalion were: Steven M . Hauser, W. E. llo ll. W illia m B rock, John W allas, John York. Andrew W hile, Jim Webb, Tonya E. Kerr. Тепу R. Freem an. Rebecca H ursey. Thom as B rin d le , Jessica Weaver, M ark English and Joe S. Shore. Receiving w rile -in voles for county com m issioner; W .E. H olt, Rosa H olt, John Boehm, Annette H iatt. Jim m y Dyson, Dwight Sparks. D ick Anderson. Rebccca H ursey. T e rry R. Freeman. Helen D ayw all, B ill Gibson and Wayne Beck. 2 R a b i e s C a s e s C o n f i r m e d The 16lh and 17ih eases of rabies in Davic Counly this year have been confimied. A ccording 10 Barry Bass, heallh direcior, an animal lhal tested positive for ihe vinis was a raccoon. Tlie raccoon lhal was posilive fought w ilh a dog lhal lives o ff N.C. 801 Soulh. The dog was not current on ils rabies shots and had to be put to death. There was no human e.'iposurc. Anolher raccoon lhal lesled posilive for the vim s foughl w iih New Murder Trial Set For Early 2003 C ontinued I'ro m Tiige 1 shin, Al-Bayyin,'ih was flanked by liK al atlomey Lori llaniiluin- D cw ilt and fom ier district allor­ ney ll.W . "B ulch" Zimmennan. Zimmennan lold Judge K im ­ b erly S. T a ylor he had been phoneil by Roberl Hurley, in Durham, lasl Friday and asked if he w ould represent A l- Bayyinah and if he would go lo S uperior C onn M onday and nv.ike a general appearance, lhat there was "some kind o f hearing sel up." "I wanl 10 make ihis perfecily clear - ihis is a limited appear­ ance on my pan." Zimmerman said, lelhng Taylor he wanted IWO weeks lo decide if he would represent A l-B ayyin a h. I f he does, il is likely he would be lead counsel, and lla m illo n -D e w itt svould be co-counsel, because H a m illo n -D e w itl said, "W h al I’ve been lold is lhal I am nol eligible" to be lead counsel, "be­ cause I haven’t ipialified a dealh penally ju ry." Zim m erm an had previously had his name removed from Ihe list o f possible counsel on capi­ lal cases. H a m ilto n said. " I would be w illin g to serve as sec- onil chair. M y hope is thal Mr. Zim m ennan w ill take Ihis." According lo Taylor, a deler- m inalion musl be made by Sepl. 2fi as 10 w hclher Ihe case w ill be iried as a capilal murder case. Taylor .said is is her undersland­ ing Ihe slale does intend to try it as capilal murder, which me;ins there is a p o ssib ilily, if A l- Bayyinali is found guilty again, lie could be .senieneed lo dealh. Greg Brown, assislanl dislrici alloniey. asked Taylor lo sel a deadline as lo w hclh e r Zimmennan would or w(uild nol represent Al-Bayyinah, "so we can do Ihis w iih the lawyers who are going 10 represent him. so we do nol do this in a haphazard, piecemeal nuinner." Zimmerman said. "H e (A l- Bayyinah) does nolhave a good record as far as poinis go. bul I would ask you lo sel some bond in lighl o f whal has landed on the court's desk, which in my opiji- ion is a real problem under -t04B. "H e wasconvieled under evi­ dence lhal some other fellow in some olher robbery ihoughi he m ight have done il and some shabby police work, so the coun dec;<led he needed a new liia l. so he's here. He does not uani lo slay In Davie Coumy. I le's in- digenl and ean'l make bond, hul I Ihink in all fairness, simie bond should be set." The stale's position was lhal A l-B ayyinah receive no boiul. and Taylor .igreed. Al-Bayyinah was seni back lo Cenlral Prison lo awail trial. Brown said Ihe Irial could he held al ihe beginning o f 20(U. Town Planners Recommend Rezoning C onlinued I'ro m Page I He also queslioncd whclher Ihe $I5.(I()() in addiiional la.x revenue was wonh slrelching Ihe lown limils. "I'm nol seeing a slrong economic beneni." D ulin said he would be more likely lo approve the projecl of it fronted U.S. 601 Nonh. ralher lhan Allen Road, "I ihink il’s sort o f crazy. I d on 'l see how ihe tow n would be gaining a lot." he said, G allim ore’s recommendation said lhal induslry can coexist near residential property wilhoul low ering values. He listed ihe neighboring SouthPoinl Busi­ ness Park. C hrisly Trucking and W.G. W hile Co. in Ihe same area as a reason to approve ihe rczon­ ing. Thai recommendalion didn'l sil w ell w ilh neighboring resi­ denls. "There is no adequate transi­ tion belween these tw o areas." said K erri Graves, " ll doesn'l belong there and no amount o f buffers is going lo make il be­ long Ihere." M ark Skiver said he can hear a low frequency hum all nighl from the South Point develop­ ment. Businesses even closer lo the homes just makes il more likely lo create more noise, air. and waler pollution, in addilion lo iraffic. He queslioncd creal- ing more campus business dis- Iricls when more lhan 60 percent o f all zoned lhal way is vacanl. Gary A llen said there were only three people al the meeling in favor o f the project - the de­ velopers. Ihc real eslale agenl who w ill make money, and ihe person wanting lo buy the prop­ erty. He prescnled a lisl o f LSO names o f people opposed lo the plan. He also m entioned Ihe noise from South P oini. " ll drives you nuls all nighl long. Il’s nol SO feel away (required buffering disiance) bul more like SO.OOO feci. "Somebody is politically or m onetarily going to gain," he said. "O ver my dead body w ill you see lhal properly devel­ oped." The board allowed Ihree people lo speak in favor of, and Ihree againsi ihe proposal. B ill Hall .spoke for Ihc land owners, who also include Dr. Vic Andrews, Dr. Bob Foster and the Harris Family Trust. Vena I lar- ris. planning board chair, was not al eilher o f Ihe meeiings when Ihc issue was discussed. •'The whole area (601 Nonh) has ih rivcd ," H all said. “ E vi- denlly, Soulh Point has nol be a delerrcnl for people going in." The property is for sale, anil homes could he placed Ihere now. Hall said, adding lhal busi­ nesses w ould be a preferable neighbor. "I Ihink il's a w in-w in-w in proposition fo r everyone." D iane Foster, real eslale agenl. said lhal piece o f properly had been siudied nuire lhan any she's seen. C alvin Phelps, who hopes lo move his cigarelle niam ifaclur- ing business from dow nlow n. as w ell as sell lols to olher small busines.ses, said he respecis Ihe wishes o fthe neighbors. “1 don'l wanl a dog kennel next lo my ofiice any more lhan you do iie.sl lo your hom es," he saiil. The currenl bu.siness doesn’t creale e.xccssive noise. Phelps said he would w ork w ilh neighbors lo alleviale any problems. LEMMON DISCOUNT SALES a dog lhat lives o ff U.S. 64 East. Tlie dog was current on its rubies shoisand w ill receive a booster. There was no human e,\posure. Should a w ild animal bile a d om cslic a n im iil o r hum an, residenls are advised to keep Ihc animal in sight and conlaci the Davic Anim al C om rol al 7.')1- 0227. Anyone having questions about rabies should contact their veterinarian or Je ff Beauchamp. R .S,, D avie C o u n ly H ea lth Depanmcni al 751-8760. FRIDAY, Sept. 20» & SATURDAY, Sept. 21“ O N LY! All Sales Are Final - No Returns or Exdianges Hours: Fri. 9:00 - 7:00 Sat. 9:00-5:00 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd • Clemmons Near Hwy. 421 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 4 4 9 o r 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 9 3 8 If y o u r age is b e lw e e n 40 a n d 75. y o u r h e a lth is g o o d , y o u r la s l p e rio d w a s m o re th a n 5 y e a rs ago . a nd yo u h a ve n o t h a d a h y s te re c to m y -- /01(1 o u r s e a rc h fo r w a y s lo fig h l o s te o p o ro s is . Learn more about this clin ica l research trial of an investigational drug. C a H 1 8 6 6 - 8 6 0 - 6 2 9 9 L y n d h u r s t G y n e c o lo g i c A s s o c i a t e s 2 9 2 7 Lyndhurst A ve n ue W inston-Salem , NC 2 7 1 0 3 w w w .lyn d h u rsfg yn .co n i A Division ol Iht! Woliioii's Hc-.ilth AlUanc« ol Ukj FSedmcmt. PA M O D E L V E A R 2002 JEEP ORAND CHEROKEE UREDO 4x4 а О ч р м и о м о ! 4x4, l e, Ut CondiliMtino, Power WMowt, Po«r«f Locks. CruéM. ТШ. Automatic. AM/FMAlloy ABS. Much Mor». 2002 CHRYSLER SEIRINe CONVERTIBLE LXi *2S,988 Ш ёл ftO % m e o M O i. Air Cooditionino. V.6. Power Window». Pow«r Lockt. CrulM. Tilt. Leattiar. AM/FM/CO, Gacunty Group, Alloy Whaala, Much More. 2002 CHRYSLER VOYAGER *15J88 ftO % F O R e O M O i. Air Conditioning, Automatic, AM/FM CatMtta, Seven Pasaenoar. Storage Diawer, Halogen Headlight», Vartable Speed Wiper». Adju«tabla Shoulder Beit», Much More. 2002 DODGE DAKOTA 4x2 « 0% POR M N O i Air Conditioning, V-fl, Tinted Window», Variable Speed Wlpera, Power Steehng, Power Brake». Dual Air Bag», Much More. 2002 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4x2 *20.988 ft 0% FOR 60 MOS. Air Conditioning, Automatic, Cruise, Tilt. Anti-ipin, AM/FM Cassette, Tinted Qla»». Much More. M\ pnces plus Ux, tag & M39 doc. fee, Prices reilect rebate. On approved credit. 751-5948 1-888-469-3I81 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE . f I ii: District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 19, 2002 - 5 riw lollowing cases were ilis- posed of iu Davie DisUiet Coutl ■Scpl. 12. Presiding: Judge Jiinies M, lldiicyeull. Prosecuting: Kevin itciik' and Shawn rniley. assistant dislrici auorncys. - ,\m;inda l:l;iine HuUlwin, ha- ra.wing phone call, prayer for judg- iiiciK ciiiuinued on condition she nol ihrL'iitcn Iwrass'assaull Sherry Davis, eo^t, - .Mbcrlo May.i t^enile/-. posses­ sion of open contniner/consuming alcohol HI passenger area, prayer for iucli!nicni conlinued. - Leroy Benson. dri\'ing wlhle liccnse revoked, senieneed lo 45 dii}s in jail suspended 12 rnoiuhs. ■ no; opcraie vehicle unlil licensed, S5II and cost; no liahilily insurance, dismissed per plea. ■ Vince Olis Hooe. driving while liccnse rcMiked. dismissed per cor­ rection; motorcycle lailure to bum hciidliimps. cost, - Su; an Howden, ihreiilening phone eiill, dismissed al request of prosecutini; witness, nol lhre;ilen.' harass Wendy Snowden, - l.iiula Kelly Brown, doniestic erlniin:it trespass, prayer for judg­ ment eontimied 24 monlhs. not go ahout property of Tom Htown. Sl 30 atltmiey. cosi. - JetVrey H, Bullins. six counis failure to lile income ta.x. sentenced lo 4? days suspended IS monlhs, 72 limits community scts ice. Sl resiiiulion lo NC Bept, of Keveriue, p.ay all NC la,\es when due and file in liraely manner. Sl 50 anil cost; also sentenced to 45 days in jail al expi­ ration ofahove senlence, suspended IS iminths, comply wiih conditions ofrirsljudgment, file returns wiihin 45 days, SlOO.ind cosi. - Felipe Calicera, allowing unli­ censed person lo drive, operating vehicle with no insuntnce. tlisniissed per correclion. - Tiffany Dawn Campbell, mis­ demeanor probalion violation, sen­ tenced lo 45 days in jail; misde­ meanor probalion violation, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail at expira­ tion of above sentence, - Harry Lynn Camill. obtaining property by false pretense, rcduccd 10 misdemeanor larceny, senieneed to 100 days in prison, work release recommended, credit for time served. S2(iO altomey - Alvin Hryan Cashwell, linan- cial card fraud, dismissed per com­ pliance. - Jamie Janene Chessman, llnaii- cial card fraud, dismissed per com­ pliance, - Charles Lee Clement, speeding 45 in a 25, prayer for judgmeni con­ timied on cost; dri\'ing left of cen­ ter. dismissed per plea, - Clifford Jerome Clement, driv­ ing while license revoked, exceed­ ing safe speed, dismissed per plea in Superior Court cases. - Karen Hlizabeth Coates, donies- tic criminal trespass, dismissed duo lo insumcient evidence, - Clessic Coles, coninninieating threats, dismissed at request of pros­ ecuting wiiness, not threaten or ha­ rass James Settle, - Larry Stephen Davi.s, misde­ meanor probation violation, con­ tinue on probalion, credit for lime ser\ed. S200, - Sherry J. Davis, reckless driv­ ing wanton disregard, dismissed due to insulTicicnt evidence. - Robert Dejesus, improper pass­ ing. dismissed per pica; following too closely, reduced lo improper equipment, cost, - Deborah K, hbrighl, speeding 85 in a 55, reduccd to iniproper eiiuipment, S50 and cost, - Hrandi M, t'teining, misde­ meanor probalion violation, sen­ tenced lo 45 days in jail, credit for time sened. probalion to nin with sentence now serving; inisdcineanor probalion violalion, sentenced to 30 days in jail with credil for time served, probation lo ran wilh sen­ lence now serving. - Dennis Dale Gray, misde­ meanor probalion violation out of counly, continue on probalion, - Billy R, llelmandollar, driving while license revoked, improper reg­ islralion, improper loading/covering vehiclc, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost; operating vchicle with no insurance, failure to apply for new litle, dismissed per plea. - Lawrence Hem, Jr., domestic violence protective order violalion, dismissed; assault on a feniale, sen- Icnccd lo48 hours in jail witlicredil for lime served. - Mari Whitney Hern, misde­ meanor stalking, dismissed due lo insulHeicnl evidence. - Michael Todd Howell, no li­ cense, dismissed per plea. - Jefleiy Shane Jacobs, iiiisde- meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced lo 60 days in jail to mn con­ current wilh sentence now serving. - Michael D. Johnson, worthless check, dismissed per civil sctlle- ment. - Terry Kenneth Jordan, hil/mn leaving scene of properly damage, dismissed for failure of prosecuting witness lo appear. - Brandy Lindsay, worthless chcck. dismissed per civil sellle- incnt. - Jonathan W. Livengood, worth­ less check, dismissed per civil scule- menl. - Gayle Lockwood, worthless check, disnussed per civil scllle- nienl. - Rogelio N. Molina, resisling public olVicer, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Michelle Leigh Myers, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgmeni conlinued on cost, S97 at­ torney fee; expired regislralion, dis­ missed per plea. - Sylvester Junior Nellies, speed­ ing 65 in a 50, reduced to improper equipment, cost. - Natalie Lcann Osbonie, niisde- nieaiior larceny, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 12 months, return necklace to Milchell Hall wiihin 30 days. - Jetlie Dawn Patton, three counts .sale ofcigarettes lo minors, deferred prosecution, revisit case in 12 months, perfonn 24 hours conumi- nity scrvice, remain employed and of good behavior, cost, - Derrick I’eltiford, nusdenieanor probaliiui violalion out of counly. tcnniiiale case, - Sandra Hlaine Pierson, harass­ ing phone call, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness, - Anthony Renteria, Jr, driving while license revoked, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed per plea in Supe­ rior Court eases, - I’hillip Lee Robiusou. second degree trespass, sentenced to 10 days in jail suspended 12 months, cost. - Mary Poindexter Kutledge, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, SlOO; failure lo notify DMV of address change, cost. - Michael A. Salazar, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continncd on cost; failure lo slop for ■‘top sign/red light, dis­ missed pcrc'e.i, - Stanle> T. Simpkins, speeding 67 in a 55, .'educed to iniproper equipment. c.>M; failure lo wear scat belt • driver, 525. - Robert Ailworth Scott, littering not more lhan 15 pounds, .senieneed to 10 days in jail suspended 12 monlhs, cost, - Christopher A, White, driving while liccnsc revoked, ficlilious driver’s license, dismissed - serving Icileral prison senlence, - Richard Bugcnc Whitley, resist­ ing public otTicer, sentenced lo 30 days suspended 12 months, S130 al- lomey fee, S25 and cost; communi­ cating ihreals, dismissed per plea. I'lillcd To Appear - Linwood Chandler, driving while license revoked; improper p.issing, - Richard Edward Dixon, speed­ ing 68 in a 55, - Anthony Wayne Godbey, felony possession of cocainc. - Randall Dean Johnson, fleeing to chide anesl wilh motor vehiclc; driving while license revoked, fail­ ure to heed light or siren, - Leihia McClellan Luke, DWI, driving while license revoked, - Douglas Phillips, fictitious driver’s license, - Roger Brent Sizemore, speed­ ing 65 in a 55, driving while liccnse revoked, - Alexander D. Smith, speeding 70 in a 55. no licen.se, - Sandra V. Smith, worthless chcck, - Karen Slater Young, speeding 70 in a ^5, Man Gets 28 Years In Prison For Sexual Offense »y Iloth Ciissidy DavieCounly Enlcrprise Rccord A fo rn ie r D a vic resident charged w ilh a firs l degree sexual offense was soiilencecl in Davic Superior Coun last week 10 a m inim um o f 2H years in prisini. Stephen K e lly B ush, ^5. moved in w iih liis g irlfrie n d , Retii Burgan in a m obile home o ff Bare Lane, in January, 2()() 1, aboul a m onlh after they met. According lo ic.slimony. Bush, . who is orig ina lly from Oregon and was a Iruck driver, inappro- prialcly touched Burgan’s Ihcn U -ycar-old daughler. A l Ihe lim c, Burgan and her Uush.Hul, W illard Bnrgim, fatlier o f Hurgan's iw o daughters, were divorced, and the father had p ri­ mary custody. The g irls spenl every olher weekend w ilh iheir molhcr al ihc m obile home. During one o f lho.se week­ ends. suinclim c in June, 2001, the IWO g irls watched h orror movies and were afraid lo sleep in iheir own room, so they got inlo bed w ilh Burgan anti Bush, and il was there ihe incidcnl look place, according lo lesiimony. W illard Burgan said he knew something wasn’t righl, bccause the girls had always looked for- w anl 10 spending lim e w ith their mother, "h u l in lale spring or early summer, Ihey seemed lo he reluclanl lo go," he said, “ even gelling lo Ihe poini where I had to encourage Ihem lo go w iih Ihcirm om , whereas before, Ihey w anlcd lo go, liked lo go ¡is a rule." He d id n ’t Icnow w hu t hud happened unlil he goi al visil al his Rowan C ounly home by a case w orker from Social Ser­ vices and Davie S h e riffs Deiec­ iive John Slephens, in Octobcn Stephens said he began ;in invesiigalion on O cl. 19, 2001,. afler receiving an anonymous tip lhal bolh girls were being abused by Bush. Slephens said allhough ihe incidcnl look place weeks earlier, il wasn’l u nlil Burgan and her daughler were having an argumcnl lhal Ihe daughler lold her what Bush had done. Even Ihcn, according lo As­ sislanl D is lric i A llo rn e y Rob Taylor, Burgan "shoved [the knowledge! under Ihe n ig " and didn’l do anyihing aboul il. Slephens mel w iih Bush and Burgim in liis office on Nov. .‘i, anil when he wenl back lo Ihe mobile home w ith a warrant, the couple was gone. In lale November, Slephens received a call from Burgan, bul she w ouldn’t lell him where Ihey were, only asked if Ihere were warranls againsi Bush. Stephens founü oul laler iiicy were in Ne­ braska, and Bush was extradited to North Carolina from there. Kathleen Ru.sso, a pedialri- cian from Salisbury Pediatric Associales, e.xamined and .spoke w ith B urgan's daughler, and said, "M y diagnosis, based spe­ cifically on llie sensory recollec­ tion ofthe patient, is that she was ,se,\ually assaulled." Russo rec­ om m ended o ng o ing m enial heallh trealmenl for Ihc g irl and her fa m ily and said Ihe g irl "should nol be in Ihe m olher’s carc unlil Ihe m olher could pro- vide a safe environment for her," A s o f M arch, 2002, Uela Burgan was still maintaining a relationship w iih Bush, who was in cuslody. She le s lifie d ,"! told him I only wanted lo he friends, and he ihrealencd suicide. I be­ gan m y lellcrs Ilo h im l w iih ‘I love you' and ’I miss you’ just 10 keep him happy, even afler w e'd broken up." Taylor asked why she conlin­ ued the relationship, and she said, "H e has no fam ily here." He asked, "D o you s lill have fu e lin g s fo r h im ? " B urgan paused several m inutes before she said, "I just don’l like to see people hurl. I guess I felt sorry fo r him .” C rying. Burgan .said, "1 feel like what happened was my faull becau.se I allowed niy daughler lo be in a position for 11 to happen. 1 feel guilly." D uring testim ony, a porno­ graphic video o f young teen girls, as w ell as a lengthy letter, w rillen by Bush and poslniarkcd Sepl. o f Ihis year, were inlro­ duced into evidence. In the let­ ter, Bush reminded Burgan he had done his best lo lake care o f her, paying all her bills and treal- ing her and her daughlers in a caring manner. Bush’s attorney, Julie Parker, said she felt Ihc evidence was "highly prejudicial" and il was "im proper to adniil il," but Judge Kim berly Taylor disagreed and allowed the ju ry lo view the e vi­ dence and consider it in their ijelibcial'ions. Bush did not testify during the trial, but the g irl did, and ac­ cording lo Taylor, throughout the investigation, her slory never changed. He considered her to be a highly credible wilnes.s. Taylor said "These are hor­ rible offenses, horrible cases" and said Ihe aggnivaling factor was lhal “Ihe defendant coinm il- led Ihe offenses w hile laking a position o f Irusl or confidence ihe victim has in h im ," calling Bush, “ the caretaker fo r the child, ihc adull who was sup­ posed lo be someone who would love and care for hen" Parker said Bush wasn’t in Ihe same position o f irUsI as a falher, slepfalher, m olhcr or guardian w o u ld be and said Bush "has tried to lake carc of Ihe m olher o f Ihe victim " and' that the mother “ believed in him and did up u n lil a week or so ago.” Allhough it was not consid­ ered during the deliberations. Bush has a crim inal record, in- ■ eluding rape, felonious assaull and s ta lk in g in W a shington State, and tw o aulo theft charges in Oregon, He was on probalion at the tim e o f this offense. A fte r deliberating fo r about ^ four hour-s, the ju ry relum ed a g u ilty vcrdict, and Judge Taylor .sentenced Bush (o a m inim um o f 28 and a m axim um o f 34 years in prison. He is fo undergo sex offender trciilm ent in prison and register as a sex offender upon release He is lo subm il lo D N A testing and pay $1,46.3 fo r his court-appointed allorney. Just before he was taken from the courtroom. Parker lold Judge Taylor lhat Bush wants to ap­ peal. That process, could take years. Davle Grand Jury Hands Down Long List Of Indictments The follow ing were indicted by a Davie Counly Grand Jury September 9. - Randy M ichacl Barker, fi­ nancial transaction card theft; fi­ nancial iransaclion card fniud. - Benjamin Scon Blevins, ut­ tering forged endorsement; ob­ taining properly by false pre- lense, - Mallhew Daniel Brock, as­ saull w ilh a deadly weapon in­ flicting serious injury. - Cipriano Mendez Chiquiio, DWI; driving lefl o f cenler; pos­ session o f conlrolled subsiance. - John Aaron Chisler, laking imlecenl libcrlies w ilh a child; first degree statutory sexual of­ fense; slatulory rape. - M elvin Franklin Cranfield, lW(i counts sccond degree sexual offense. - Brad Douglas Ellison, traf­ ficking in opium by possession: m aintaining d w e lling to keep conlrolled subslancc. - Verlie John Fields, 111, pos- .session o f conlrolled subsiance, - A nihony Wayne Godbey, felony larceny; felony breaking and enlering molor vehicle. - Meli.ssa M ichelle Gordon, possession o f conlrolled sub­ stance. - Alvaro Marcial Hernandez, habitual D W I; driving while li­ censc revoked. - Anihony Eric H ill, felony breaking and enlering motor ve­ hicle; pos.scssion o f stolen goods. - Wendy Kay Hoffman, ha- bimal DW I. - Darrell Lee Huffman, pos­ session w ilh inleni lo sell/deliver marijuana; mainiaining vchicle lo keep conlrolled subsiance. - Floyd Eugene Jacobs, speed­ ing lo elude arrest. - Donnie Ray Janies, posses­ sion o f controlled subslancc. - Jinimy Gray Kealon, Jr., pos­ session o f conlrolled subsiance. W oodrow W ilson Livengood, laking indecenl lib ­ erties w ilh a child; resisling pub­ lic officer. - Allyson Smilh McCachern, aka Allyson Halliburton,4 counis obtaining controlled substance by fraud/forgery; attempting lo ob­ tain co ntro lle d substance by fraud/forgery. - John David Warren McKeel, damaging compuler resources; compuler Irespass; five counis third-degree sexual exploilation of minor. - Wendell Curiis Pass, posses­ sion o f stolen goods; felony breaking and enlering; larccny. - Nonnan M ichael R cdlin, mainiaining vchicle lo keep con­ trolled subsiance; possession w ilh inlcnl lo sell/deliver mari­ juana. - Gerald M ilton Roybal, Jr., possession o f stolen goods; felony breaking and enlering; lar­ ceny. - Larry W ilson Shrewsbury, assaull w ilh a deadly v/eapon w ilh imeni lo kill, innicting seri­ ous injury; attempted first degree murder. - C hrisloper Kaine Tatum , possession o f conlrolled sub­ stance. - Roberto DeshaunTorres, III, driving by person less lhan 21 years of age after consuming al­ cohol; speeding lo elude arrest; pos.scssion wilh imeni lo ,scll/de- livcr marijuana; DW I. - Mark Anihony Villegas, fail­ ing lo rcgisler as a sexual of­ fender. - Michael Lee Watson, felony larceny. - B illy Jack W heeler, at- lempled second degree sexual offense. Dad's best advice to his kids.. 1. Take care of your Mom. 2. Spend your money wisely. Cill hxby tbriiil'omadon. lunch ¡wda tour... ^ P o l o R idge ^ Assisted L ivin g Com m unity 2500 Polo Ridge Court, Winston-SiJem, NC 27106 _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 _ 6 .7 2 2 .7 il8 _ L W o m a n F o u n d G u i l t y O f T h r e a t s In Davie D islrici Coun lasl Week. ¡1 M ocksville woman was found g uilly o f com m unicating threats earlier in the summer. Evon Fowler Gailher, .^4, o f 2.^5 Leisure Lane, was cliarged fiilh iw in g an incident in ihe parking lol o f New Beginnings Group Home on Aug, 16. A cco rdin g to te stim o n y heard by Judge Jam es M . Honeycull, Tenicsha H an had jusi arrived ul the group home from Davie H igh School and was s lill in the ca r o f Tracy Bracken, a case manager and driver o f ihc can Before eilher could gel oul o f Ihe car, anolher car, driven by Gaillier, pulled iju ickly inlo Ihe parking lol and alongside their car. In Gaither's car was a pas­ senger, her daughter, who also allend.s Davie High and has had words w ilh Han in llie past. Gailher ihrealencd lo "w hup" H a n , she said, and Judge H oneycull a.skcd, "Is ihis some- Ihing you Ihoughi .she m ighl do'.’ Harl answered "Yes." Bracken leslified she heard the same threat, and because she did not know Gaither and did not how the situation m ighl escalule. she called for anolher employee and lo ld .them lo c a ll 911. Bracken said Gaither's daughter was already oul o f the car al lhal point. Befpre police could iirrive, Gaither and her daughter were gone. Judge Honeycutt senieneed Gailher lo 30 days in ja il, sus­ pended for 12 months unsuper­ vised probation. She is to pay a $25 fine and court costs and was ordered lo nol ihrealen, harass or assault H art or the slaff al New Beginnings and to not go on the premises o f New Beginnings. D o y o u r b o n e s g r o a n ? D o e s y o u r b a c k c r e a k ? YES C O M A D O L L W A T T S ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Comadoll/Watts Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital Dr. James Comadoll iind Dr. Gregg Ferrerò will .see patients in this ofltce on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Citll 751 -2878 or our Salisbury office 704-216-(KNEE)5633 for an appointment 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 Public Records Mocksville Police The following incidents were reponed to (he Mockwillc Department. • Someone drove away from Fast Track, Yadkinville Road, w iih- ou! paying for SIO worth of gaso­ line. it was reponed Sept. 9. •Awoman reported Sept. lOshe was assaulted in a parking lot off Madison Road. - Something hit the window at Subway. Squire Boone f’laza. and causcd it to shatter, it was reported Sept. 10. • A dog was running loose on Hospital Street Exiension. it was reported Sept. II. • The breaking and entering of of a residence on Country Lane was reported Sept. 11. • A trespasser was reporteil nt Autumn Care on .Sept. 12. • Someone Fired a gunshot into a motor home on Sanford Avenue, it was reported Sept. 12. - The larccny of a motorcycle was reported from Gary Lee Harding, on 3(1.*' Avon St. on Sept. II. • A vchiclc on Wilkesboro Street was damaged hy an unknown oh- jcct. it was reported Sept. 12. • The larceny of S‘> worth of gasoline was reported Sept, 12 from Past Track. Yadkinville Road. •A woman reported .Sept. 13 thal someone tricked her out of n)oncy. • Someone drove away wiihout paying for S.") worth of gas froni Hushco !.*>. Salisburv’ Road, it was reported .Sept. I.V - The larccny of batteries w as reported Sept. 11 from Food Lion Soulh. * Someone tore the screens olí doors to a residence on Lasi Depot Street, it was reported Sept. 12. - The larceny of a license plate w as a-portcd Sepl. IУ from a vehilce on Crestview Drive. .Arrests - Gillvrt Alfonso Johnson Jr.. 25, of Winslon-Salem, was charged Sept. 10 wilh driving while license revoked, ilriving left of center and OW L Trial date: Oct. 4. * Olis Vince Иоое. 27. of liarilison St.. was charged .Sept. И) with assault. Trial dale: Oct. 24. - Jel Wayne Hrock, 40. of Thomasville. was charjied Sept. 12 with failure lo register as a sex of­ fender and larceny. Trial dale: Oct.. 10. - Ricardo Dominic While. 20. of 2(M) Avon St.. was chargcil Sepl. \} with possession of drug p;irapher- nalia. obsiRiclin^ and delaying an officer and driving while license revoked. Trial dale: Sepl. 26. -Jason Andrew Howland. l‘i.ol' 2S7 Rock Sprinj: Road. Harmony, was chargeil Sept. 14 with sboplifl- ing. Trial date: Oct. 10. - Fdward Dewilt Mock, 28, of Slatesville. was charged Sept. 1.5 wilh assault on a female. Trial dale: Oct. 10. - Kandy Leigh Hall. 1*^. ot Clevelaml. N.C.. was charged Sepl. 11 wilh shoplifting. Trial dale: Nov. 14. - Chrisiopher Dean llrock. 34. of Cleveland, N.C.. was charged Sept. II w ilh shoplifiing.Trial dale: Nov. 14. Traffic Accidents - The driver ofa niolorcycle lied Ihc scene alter a w reck on Camp­ bell Road at 2:25 p.m. Sept. 10. Cr> sial Carter Boggs. 21. ol .3(K) Windward Circle, was driving a lyU.*! Nissan on Campbell Koad when Ihe motorcycle crossed Ihe cenler line in a curve and il struck a door and right rear tire, causing i|. IO dellale. Tlie operator ol the mo- lorcycle took Ihe license plate and fled' on fool, reporled Assistant Chief Wayne Stoneman. The moior- cycle was regisiered to Gary Let Harding of.l().‘>AvonSl. . A WiiiNimi-Siilcni in;iii was charpcil will) ilrivinc; wliilo liccnsc rcvokcil nnd nil run alicr ;i wrcck ciii Norlh Main Slrccl. ;il Canipl'c-il Koail al l:.17 p.m. .Sept.- 15. Daviil Gonzales SnnclovnI drove a l‘)S7 Nissan I'roni Cainpl’cll lio:iil inlo llic palli ofa 1496 Mercury I'cins driven on Norlli Main by I'i- clcl Hernal'c Mandorn. .11, of I I.S Cana Koail. tcponcil Officer K..-\. Donnllinn. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Register of Deeds. The transactions are listed by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purcha.sed. w ith 52 representing $1,000. • Polo Prifti and Marianthi Prifti (half perccnt interest) to Arben Prifti. 3.15 acrcs. Mocksvillc. • Terry Lynn Turbyfill and Shirley S. Turbyfill lo Shirley S. Turbyfill. 1.08 acres. Calahaln. - Jane Mary Laurene through attomey in fact. Am eT. Laurene to Tony R. Montieth and Alisa L. Ostwalt. 20.55 acres, Clarksville. S536. - Gregory M. Gilmer to Gerald J. Mignacca and Patricia B. Mignacco. .1 acre. Fannington, S20. - Betty Smithennan Jones to Belly Smitherman Jones and Doris M. Snyder. I lot, Mocksville. - Michael G. Heffner and Joyce S. Heffner lo Frank J. Bravo ami Marie T. Bravo, I lot, Fannington, S519. - Newmark Homes lo Everett Eugene HtKul and Sandra Johnson HoìhI, I lot. Fannington. S350. • Delmar Lee Penley and Annette Penley to Nancy C. Turner and NickTumer, 12.46acres.Cala­ haln. SM). - Donald L, Goixlin and Bonnie P. GiKHlin to Delmar L. Perdey and Annette Penlev, 6..3.Ì acres. Fullon. S5.54. - Harvey B. Forrest and Brenda D. Fonest to Floyd E. Greene. 27.86 acres, Calahaln. S.174. - Jeffrey Mark Tinkel and Jen­ nifer Hedges Tinkel to Yvonne Spencer Frye, 1 lot. Shady Grove. $.109. - Eddie H. Fosier and Hilda B. Fosier lo Matthew IL Fttsier. 49 acrcs. • David C. Filakosky and Susie Filakosky to Cenilanl .Mobility Fi­ nancial Corp., 1 lot. Shady Grove. S36.1. • Cendant M(tbiliiv Pinancial Coqi. lo JiK‘1 C. Lane and Krista L. Lane. I lol. Shady Grove. S.^6.3, - J. Franck Construction to Bryan A. Ogle and Anita Ii. Ogle, I lot. 5.151. - Terry R. Burion and Pamela F. Burton toTerr> R. Bunon Jr. and Candice S. Burion, .3.75 acres, Jenisalem. - W'illiam Issac Marshall and Johnna Hobson .Marshall to John Carr Marshall and Adna Frances Marshall, 4,5 acres, F'amiington. ■ Virginia B. Everhardt (3^i in- leresi) to Dianne E. Snipes, part of I lot. Jerusalem. • Grady Leo SjK’cr and Nellie G. Sjver tt) Mark T. Speer and Candle Six'cr. .84 acre. Clarksville. - Joe S. Hemrick and Doroihy S. Hemrick to Slephanie W. Will­ iams. *>.68 acres. Mocksville. $433. - Tilden NL Angell and Elsie B. Angell lo Cyrus C. Lakey. .24 acre. Mocksville. - Cyrus C. Lakey to Tilden M. Angell and Elsie B. Angell. .82 acre. Mocksville. • Wesiview Developmeni Co. and Taittinger Developn\entCorp to Sicven Wayne Tilley anti Mollie J. Tilley, 1 lol. Shady Grove, $53. - Kraig M. Nultall and Amy L. Nullall lo Fernando Maleo and Karen Oscai. 1 Iracl, Mocksville. S406. • Mary L. Bojicr hy allorney in fact Hubert Samuel Boger lo Charlie R. Howell and Sandra B. Howell, 32.91 acrcs, Farmlngti>n. S494. - Rulh Milchcll Daniel ami Karen L. Maready and Dennis G. Maready lo Mary Maye Wriehl. I lol. Shady Grove. $270. - Bank One lo Earl J. Brown and Calhy T. Brown, 1.45 acres, Clarks­ ville, SI 30. - Rol>ert M. Ilollcman and Paula S. Holleman lo Endeavor Proper- lies, I lol. Jersualcm, S66. ' Cedric V. Smoot and I la/el Dyson Sinool to Kalhy S. Suslicreba and Leon Paul Sushcreba. 5.82 acres, Clarksville. - .Anthony T. Yiumger and Kelly Younger to Jerry W, Kerley and Marie L. Kerley, I lol. Shaily Grove. S366. * Kimberly W. Prank loEdward G. Prank. 3 iracis. Panninglon. * CillFlnancial Mortgage Co. m Terry G. Caner and Valerie S. Carter. I lol. Farmington. $450. - MarcC. Holcomb anil Chandra L. 1 lolct)mb to Walter V. Burton and Delilah B. Builon. I lot. .S301. - Waller P. Burton and Delilah B. Burion to Michael K. Hauser and Doris T Hauser, I lot. Mocksvllle. $157. - Virginia B. Eveihardl (97'¡ intcresi) lo Dianne E. Snipes, part of one lol. Jerusalem. - Egloff Building Co. to Adams Egloff Avant Properlics. I lol. f*‘arniingion. - Adams Egloff .Avani Proivrties to Luis Raul Davila and Deborah White Davila. I lot. Farmlneion. $1.012. - Janet Baker lo John Si. CLiir Hale. I lol. Mocksville. $152. - Ronald 11. Davis. siibslilulC' uusice. to Conseco Finance Servic­ ing Coqi.. I lol. Mocksvllle. S223. - Eli/abeih B. Ells, subsliiule trusiee Io Washington Mulual Bank, 5 lols. Mocksvllle. S274. - Dorcas W. Seaford lo Jacky- Craig Seafortl. 5.28 acres. Pulton: - Dorcas W. Seaford to Robin Seaford Sammmis. 6.33 acres. Pul­ ton. - Dorcas W. Seaford to Michael Lloyd .Seaford. 6.65 acres. P'ulion. ■ - Ben Owens Construction to BRC Development C'o.. 7 lols. Mocksville. - Patricia A. Johnson lo Paul W. Cox. I lol, Shaily Grove. $57. - Michael R. Holcomb. Linda W. Smilh and Sidney L. Smilh and Robin Michelle W.MIlchell and'T. Patrick Milchell to Daniel I*. Ма1ыг and Tammera L. Arthurv. I loi. Shady Grove. $266. Highway Patrol The following tnifnc wrecks in Davic Coumy were lisled by Ihe N.C. Highway Patrol. ^ W rtck On M O Kamp A David»on Counly man was wilh failure to reduce speed after Ihe vcbic/e he was driving hii another Sepl 7. Gregory Wayne Kooniz of Lex­ ington was driving a 1997 Dodge pick-up west on the Inlersiale 40 ramp onto N.C. HOI t>ehind a 1999 Chrysler vehicle driven by Carolyn Smilh Martin of 260 Creekwood Drive. Advance. Marlin had slowed for Ihc yield on Ihe ramp when Koontz* pick-up rear-ended Martin's vehicic. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported ihe accident occurred at approximalely 2:15 p.m. and Iherc were no inju­ ries. Three Car W reck On U.S. 601 A Davic man was charged wiih failure lo reduce speed afler he wrecked the vehicle he was driving Sepl. 9. Brent Arnold Brcwerof 143 Vale Road, Mocksville was driving his 1999 Ford pick-up south on U.S. 60L!nfronlofBrewerwerca 1993 Old&mobilc vehicle driven by Edmonia Holman Hollis of 2651 U.S. 601 North. Mocksville and a I998LincoIn vehicledrivenby Kim Kcnncrly Hannon of 217 Holly Lane. M ocksvillc. Hollis and Hannon slowed iheir vehicles due to traffic and Brewer failed to re­ duce the speed of his vehicle and collided wilh the iwo vehicles. Trooper A.T. Kel Ier rcptirteil the accident iKcurred at approximately 4:40 p.m. Wreck On Interslute 40 No charges were filed after a Florida wonuin wrecked the vehicle she was </riving Sept. 8. Connie L. Mason of Atlantic Bcach was driving her 1995 Nissan pick-up east on 1-40 when the right front lire blew oul and caused Ma­ son to lose conlrol of-her vehicle. The car ran off the road lo the right and struck a guanlrail'in ihc me­ dian. Troo|)er A.J. Fanner reported the accident occuned al approxi- niately 2:45 p.m. and ihere were no injuries. Two Deer Hit In Davie Hannah Elizabelh Whilaker of 261 Scenic Drive. Mocksville was driving her 2lK) I Honda vehlcleeasi on Madison Road when il collided with adeer in the roadway. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accident occurred at approximately 8:25 p.m. and the driver was nol injured. April Renee McDaniel of 3119 U.S. 601 South. Mocksville was driving her 1997 Hondavehicle wesl on Davie Academy Road when il stnick a deer crossing the road. TrooperC.D, Jones reported ihe accident tnrcurred at approximalely 8:10 a.m. and ihe driver was not injured. Wrcck On N.C. KOI A Davie woman was charged wilh failure to reduce speed afier the vehicle she was driving hil an- other Sept. 11. Lisa Ann Vasi.|uez of 139 Naainan Lane.Mocksville was driv­ ing a 199S Chevrolet vehicle west onN.C 801. Peggy SueThornslK*rr>’ of 297 Hal Walker Lane. Advance hadsiop|H.*da I9S9GMCpick-upin the westbound lane of N.C. 801 to make a Icfl lurn onlo Redland Road. Vasijuez failed lo slow in lime and collided w ith ThornslHrrry's vehicle, Troo(>erF.C. Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 7:49 a .m. .ScluM»! Activity Bus lAraves Sa*ne No charges were filed afler a wreck occurred in Davie Countv Sept. 12. Karen Hickling Brown of 141 Buck Hill Road, Mocksville hail siopjKd her 1994 Chevrolet vehicle behind a school aclivily bus in the northbound lane of U.S. 601 at the intersection of U.S. 64. The bus began to back up in its lane of travel and collided with Brown's vehicle, Troo|>er J.R. Allred reported the accident iKcurred al appro.'.imalcly 8:40 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. The school activity bus is re­ ported lo have left the scene travel­ ing west on U,S. 64. Collision Al (¡unler’s Shire A Davie man was charged with unsafe movement after the vehicle he was driving hil another Sept. 13, William Olis Arnold of I 17 For­ est Drive. Advance had parked his 2(K)I Chevrolet vehicle at Gunter's Store. Leaving the slore was a 1995 Mercedesdriven bv Darla Haraldson Sheriff s Department Ttie following incidcnis were reported 10 the Davie Couniy Sheriffs Dcpi. - On Sepi. 9 Anne Claw,son re­ poned a breaking und enlering al a residence on Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. - Deborah Hirsi reporteil threats were communicated at Davic High School, Mocksville on Sept. '). Arrests - On Sepl. y llallie Sanders re­ poned a Ford vehicle v«is removed from a home on Main Church Koad, Mocksvillc. - Tiffany Shrewsbury reponed jewelry was removed from a loca­ tion at Davie High School on ,Sepl. 10. - On Sept. 11 Allen Wolford re­ poned a cell phone and money was removed from a vehicle al a loca­ tion on U.S. Wll Soulh. Mocksville. - Russ McManus rcpuncd a ve­ hicle w as damaged al a rcsidcncc on Woodburn Place, Advance on Sepl. 11. -O n Sepl. 12 Ruslin llarpc re­ poned a door and deal boll lock were damaged al Davie Counly Youlh Park, Mocksvillc. Clout/ of 1.10 l.cslic Court. Ad­ vance. Amuld began backing bis vehicle from it’s parked posilion and it collided with Clont/s vchiclc. ’frooper J.R, Allred rcporled ihe accidenl occurred at approximately 3:15 p.m. and ihere were no Itiju- rles. Vehicle Hydroplanes On 1*40 A Forsyth Counly man w.is chargcd with exceeding safe speed afler Ihe vehicle he was driving wrecked Sept. 14. Eugene Colman McKay of Win­ ston-Salem was driving his 1999 Mercedes Benz vehicle west on In- Icrsiate 40 when the car hydroplaned on the wet road. It ran off the road lo Ihe lefi. conlinucd out of conlrol through the grass median and col­ lided wilh a median cable. Trooper M .T. Dallon reported Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 9:15 a.m. Woman Chiirged In Wreck A South Carolina woman was charged wilh exceeding safe speed and unsafe tires after Ihe vehicle she svus driving wrecked Sepl. 14. Theresa Susan Dowden of Chester was driving her 1999 Chevrolet ve­ hicle east on Interstate 40 when it hytlroplaned on the wet road. The car ran off the road lo the left, spun out of conlrol. and collided with a median cable. Trooper M.T, Dalton reported the accidenl occurred al approxinuuely 10;20 a.m. Wreck On Inlersiale No charges were filed after a North Carolina man wrecked the vehicle he was driving Sepi. 15.- James ChrisiopherFlanagan of Long Beach was driving a 1988 Ford pick­ up east on 1-40 when it l>egan to hydroplane. The truck skidded off the road lo ihe left and collided w ith a guarilrail. Trooper J.R. Allrcil re­ ported the accidenl occurred at ap-' proximalely 1:45 p.m. and there, were tio injuries. Fires Davie County fire ilepartmenls responded to the following calls: Sept. HI: Fork. 11:39a.m.. Twin Lake Alrjuirt. airplane crash: Cen­ ler assisted; Mocksville assisted. Sepl. I hSmliliGrove,7:52a.in.. N.C, 801 North, aulomobile acci­ dent. Sept. 12: Cenler, 1:05 a.m.. Davie Academy Road, grass fire; .Advance. Cornalzer Road, aulomo- bile accidenl: Advance, 6:43 p.m.. vehicle accidenl. Sepl. 13: Smith Cirove. 8:34 ().m,. 1-40 Wesl. vehicle lire; I'arm­ ingion assisied. SepL 14: Jerusalem. 9:((3 a.m.. Whetstone Road, bomb ihreal. SepL 16: William R. Davic. 10:56 a.m.. William R. Davic School, kilchen lire; ShelTIelil- Calahaln assisied. ¿ C V ^ QRILL E A T -IN O R T A K E O U T HOURS 5:30AM - 2:00PM • Monday - Saturday 2203 Hwy. 601 N„ Mocksville, NC P h o n e (3 3 6 )4 9 2 -7 0 6 6 N E W H O U R S ! G R IL L O P E N ; Mon.'Sat. 5:30 am-9pm ; Siin.7am-9|Mn The Davie County Sheriffs De- ponmenl made the following ar- trils, - Jose Andre Velez, 19, of 196 Sonora Dr., Advancc. arrested Sept, 9 for DWI, no licensc, careless and rccklcss driving. Trial date: Oct. 2-1. - William Davie Yonce, -)1, Winston-Salem, anested Sept. 9 for oiuult ono female. Trial date; Sept. 26. - Eamesi Leo Pyrtle, 45, of 392 Aimswonhy Road, Advance, ar- teMed Sepi. 10 for injury Iu. per­ sonal properly. Trial date: Sept. 26. - Terry Wayne Rills,-14, of 1669 Fork Bi.iby Koad, Advance was ar- resled Sepl. 10 for donieslic assault on a female. Trial date; Sepl, 1'). - Charise Ann Falls, 41, of 1669 Fork Bixby Road, Advancc was ar­ rested Sepl. 10 for domestic simple assault. Trial date: Sept. 19. - David Wayne Willard Jr., 24, of Tobaccoville was arrested Sepi. 11 for driving with liccnse revoked, possession of marijuana less than half ounce, and possession of drug paraphcnialia. Trial date; Oct. 24. - Daniel Stephen Ciilliaiid, 2.1. of Kernersville, arrcslcd Sepl. 11 for possession of marijuana less lhan half ounce, and possession of drug paraphcnialia. Trial dale: Ocl. 24. - Sarah Jane Simmons, 20, of Ml. Airy, arrested .Sept. 12 for pos­ session of schedule 1 drugs. Trial dale; Sept. 12. -M a ry Jo Hood, 19, of .129 Hcauch;imp Road, Mocksville vvas arrested Sepl. 1.1 for possession of marijuana ;uid .possession of drug W h a t i f Y o u W e r e P a i n F r e e ? Can you im a g in e y o u r life if you d id n 't h ave that n c c k & lia c k pain? W hat if yo u r iieadachc'S d isap p eu reil? If th e se p ro b le m s a r e k eep in j; y o u from enjoyiiij’ a w o n d erfu l, p ro d u ctiv e and FUN Hfc, you n e e d to ta k e ad van tage o f th is lim ited tim e ofTer W e lie r e at th e D avie C h iro p ra ctic C lin ic a r e d e d ic a ted to h e lp in g th e p e o p le o f D avie C ounty live life to th e fu llest a n d without ¡¡ain! Ш Ш. Help You! B ut lu in y , o n ly they/V.s7 2 5 ¡>ио1>1е to b r in g in tliis a d w ill r e c e iv e a free e.xam ination a n d up to 2 X -rays. (Л S i 18 value) T h is is a w o n d e rfu l o p p o rtu n ity to a ffo rtln iiiv b egin liviim th e pain free life YOU d e se r w ! D a v ie C h ir o p r a c tic C lin ic 751-2512 W i' y o u r iiisurciiico w orkiu}' fo r you. Wc are preferred providers & tile 1K;/HS, Cigna, l/nitL-cl, l*:inncrs & others. (If yim clioosf lo piirdbisc aUiliiional tarc.ymi have Ihc righi to D i: lim iu lo n Иуег.Ч V"«r m"Hl within ,Л d.iys ami rcceivc a rcfiiiul.) p w UAVIE COUN’rV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - 7 G u n s h o t s F i r e d I n t o P a r k e d M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e V e h i c l e s ■T.iV '■fl! A gun was fired at M ocksville Doparlm enl cars w hile Ihc olTiccrs were inside a tiiisi- ness. OlTiccrs K cilh Gunler and John Coley were inside Ihc Soda Shoppe on L exin g to n Hoad aroiiiul 9:.'1() p.m. Sept. 10. When they rcliiriicd to the cars. Ihey saw where whal appcarctl to he a BI) gun luul struck the right side front w indow , and rig h t driver's svindow, rcspcctivcly, causing an estimated S250 ditm- age each. There were several other re­ ports o f shots fired into vehicles lhat niglit. O clcclive Ken H unter .said tliat suspects are l)cing inter­ viewed this week, and arrests are likely. ...., ......'V.: - 'ií" I n d u s t r i a l S e w a g e G o i n g T o D u t c h m a n ’s C r e e k P l a n t Don Beck, Ron Beck antd Grady Barney of Fulton Road. look at a deer that was killed, partially dressed and thrown along the side - Photo by Robin Fergusson Hunters To Help Stop Illegal Dumping An proposed e.xpansion at Ingersoll-R and w ill give Ihe Town o f M ocksville a chance to upgrade its Dutchman's Creek sewage Ireatmenl facility. Tow n hoard members Ihis month approved several aspects o f accepting a .$720,()()() grant that w ill allow a new line lo be constructed to the Dutchman's Creek plant. C urrenlly, all o f In g e rs o ll-R a n d 's waste is pum ped to the to w n 's Bear Creek plant. There are other options for Ihe town to oblain the remain­ der o f the estimated S I..1 m illion p io je cl. said Tow n M anager Terry Bralley. Ingersoll-Rand is w orking on a new process lliat w ill add 60 jobs in three years. The amount ofthe grant is based on the num ­ ber o f new jobs created. If the jotis don't materialize, the lown w ill be responsible for paying the money back. Bralley said the project is good because ofthe diversion of the industrial waste. The tow n's plant on Bear Creek amounts to .17 percent o f the flo w . On Dulchman's Creek, it amounls to six percent. Í. 's;- By M ik e B iirn h iird t Davie Counly Knterprise Record FO RK - It's a disgrace. G ra d y Barney is a deer hunter, bul the actions o f some o f his fellow hunters make him mad. Fighting matl. The day after ;irchcry season opened, Harney said a partially dressed deer carcass was dumped along the side o f Fulton Road iie;ir fam ily land. It wasn't Ihc first lim e that has happened. Last vear, he estimates he called Ihe slate and sheriff's de- parlmcnl 10 times about illegally dumped deer carcasses. And the problem Isn't concentrated to Fork. It's happened across the co um y, p re d o m in a n tly on unlnhabltaled, rural stretches o f road. "This has been going on lor the past six or seven years," Bamey said. "Ifth e y 'rc too sorry to bury the guts, they shouliln't he alloweil lo lum t." 1 Ic's seen deer thrown on the sitlc ofthe road from whole deer w ith just Ihe horns removed, partially dressed to some already packaged and lakcn from the frce/.er. Me doesn't understand Ihc mentality o f hunters who would do this. " If 1 k ill one, I dress It and bury It. This Is just uncalled Ibr." He’s nol going to quit call­ ing authorities to have the area checkcd, but others are also keeping an eye out. "T hey'd belter be sc;ircd. be­ cause if m v b rother catches 1 6 Y e a r O l d A n d T w o J u v e n i l e s I C h a r g e d W i t h S . D a v i e V a n d a l i s m A t .1,1,1 111/,, ititr»- nf 1 S6.1 I iticrfv Pliiirí-h tifi.'ur III' i>i s rlii’dll li‘tl tn fai'i* thA Ift-year-old and two juve­ niles have been taken into eus- 'tody. to r vandalism at Soulh Davie M iddle School. Johnny I'Ugcne Cass Jr., 16, of l.‘i64 Liberty Church Road, Mocksville, was chargeil Sept. 9 by Mocksvillc Police Detective Uavid Miller with four coiinis of criminal damage lo properly. O n e S t i l l I n H o s p i t a l A f t e r A i r p l a n e C r a s h One person Is s till In the hospilal and anolhcr has been released tille r the airplane they were fly in g crashcd al 't'w ln Lakes A irpo rt last week. Benjam in Blankenship. fiS. o f Oak Ridge, was listeil by sal- is fa c lo ry c o n d ilio n iu N .C . Baptist H ospital In W inston- Salem. D avid Gam ble, 47, o f C li­ m ax. was adniilled to the hos­ pital bill has been released af­ ler receiving trealment. William Whakv fe-Bullding Inspector |iGets Top Honor Davie County's chief bulld- ■V'.;-ing Inspector has been named v ' B uilding Inspector o f Ihe Year ?V by le N.C. B uilding Inspectors Si^Associatlon. W illia m W haley has been ba vie's building inspector for eight and a half years, and has 'been 111 the business for 22 years, ■ h a vin g w orke d In Craven ‘'C o u n ty and as d ire c to r in jC arterel Counly. JS ? The awaril Is biiscd on edu-В ^‘l.callon, professionalism and in- I'tegrity. W haley said the fast growth Davie Counly keeps Ihe five I'jperson staff busy. K 'f "W e ’ve got a great leam. I io u b l If there's anyihing I could sk o f them they w ouldn’t do," fie said. "Between my slaff and Ity w ife, it makes it possible to Ilo Ihe things I do." W haley and w ife Debbic, a C om puter program m er w ith ik rls p y Kreme, hiive two chll- Idren al home, Ihree grown chll- [dren and Ihree grandchildren. "I love il here," he said. "It's [the best place I've every worked, |and il's a great place for kids to Ig ro w up." N e w L ifé D r a m a M in is t iy Ï Ï New Life Drama Company, America’s leading skit drama ministry, will be at U B E R T Y W ESLEYA N C H U R C H N e x t S unday, S e p te m b e r 2 2 n d Liberty Wesleyan Church Sheffield Road, Mocksville For more inlo contact Paslor Ronald Lee at 492-7239 w w w .enterprise-record.com W A N T E D 15 H O M E S T H A T N E E D P A IN T IN G IS Homsowners, will b« givsn an opportunity to have the Mew Alvl* SPRAY ON SIDING appllsd to thtlr home at apaclil Discount prices. No more costly repair bills or constant Painting costs, . Alvlt Spray On Siding CAN EASILY ba appllad over any type auifica Including wood, ttucco, block, or brick. • Alvli Spray On Siding WILL NOT fid», crick, pe«l, or chalk and cirriM 1 LlFE-nME WARRANTY, No money down and terma to fit yourbudgat Why wait? FR E E ESTilM A TES www,sprayonslding,com Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: C a l l N o w ( 3 3 6 ) 7 7 4 - 3 8 5 2 them, woe be on them. Mow would these people feel is some­ body dumped this mess on their properly." Don and Ron Beck slopped by asjiarney was tlescrlblng the problem .They have sim ilar sen- tlmenls. "This stuff has got to stop," Ron said. "W e'IU lo anything we can lo stop this." Ron Beck also saiil he is w orking lo slop a practice al- losved by coimty commissioners, that Is hunling from a public road or w ithin .^00 feet o f their ve­ hicle. Saturday September 21 5 pm Farm-grown catfish, (resh-cut french fries, hush puppies, slaw, desserts & drinl(s - Also, a limiled quanlity of uncooked lish available lor purchaso - Eat-in or Take Out - ^6 per plate Concord United Methodist Church ______Cherry H ill Rotid » Mocksvilie________ Me is .scheduled to face the charges Sept. 26 in Davie D is­ trict Court. Tw o juveniles w ill facc sim i­ lar charges in juvenile courl. T h e K in d e rto n B a n k in g C e n te r 128 Yadkin Valley Road Advance, NC 27006 Lobby and Drive-up: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. And, both will also be open— Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Two 24 ftour full service drive-up ATMs Join in the fun at our Grand Opening Celebration S e p t e m b e r 2 3 t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 2 8 > Daily grand prize drawings > Free giveaways > Meet our product experts W h ile v o u ’re h ere, talk to u s a b o u t h o w B an k o f A m erica can m ak e y o u r b a n k in g ex p erien ce e asier. D rop by! W e lo o k fo rw a rd to s e e in g you. No purchase necessaiy for draw ing. One free gift per customer w hile supplies last, SCO banking centcr associate for promotional details. BankofAm erica, N.A. M em berFDIC, (D2002 Bank of America Corporation Bankof America. 6 -D/l P M< The reporte' Dcpani - S< FnstTn oul pa) line, il -A l was a i Madisc - S( SubwB: cou.ied Sept, l - A Hospit reporte -T ) ofa reí Le Thi were f or De« Thi partiei and de repre» -PI (halft Prifli, - 1 Sliirle; Turbyt - J aiiomi Tony Oslwi $536. -C J. M Migm - I Beliy M. So S. H i Marie H T i Davie N.C .I ^ W m A chaif after) anolh Gl ingioi picl(-l ramp Chryi Smitl Drive for tl Koon vehic Tl accid 2:15 ries. T h rt A failu wrec Sept. B Road 1999 601. Olds Edm< U.S. 1998 Keni Lan( Ham lo in duce collii repo Shel portl resii Adv wen Schc 1 parti retu So» 9fo reck Win a iu 26. Arq rei* 8 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D . S e p l. 19. 2002 DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - 9 ing.JJ Byerly, Michael Brewer, Jerry Byerly and Bobby Gassett help raise the new flag. Patriotism was everywhere Sept. 11 as area folks gather for a ceremony at the Davie Academy Community Build- JJ Byerly, Jerry Byerly, Michael Brewer and Bobby Gassett show respect for Sept. 11. Emergency workers were honored across the county on Sept. 11, and at Davie Academy, the County Line Volun­ teer Fire Department truck reminds everyone that there is always someone willing to help their neighbors in need Photos b y Robin Fergusson Saluting Scouts, from left: Will Byerly, Travis Williams, Stephen Livengood, Richie Gassett and Lynn Byerly. Elaine Snow, left leads members of the Davie High Quartet in singing the Star Spangled ____________ Banner, Sara Snow, Caleb Davis, Philip Smith and Sara Hamilton. Jack Koontz (right) listens as County Commissioner (Michael Allen talks about the effects of SepL 11. - - ■ ■ " T-n W-^YIWHinB Area residents filled the Davie Academy Community Building property the evening of Sept. 11 as Woodmen of the World unveiled a fiaq and olaaufi hnnnrinn / the 2001 tragedy, and the local fieroes who put their lives on the iine daily for other peoples' safety. heroes from Hundreds of Davie residents filled town square Sept. 11 to commemorate last year's tragedy wilh prayer, song and a vow to remain united. - Photos by Robin Fergusson ,A', Beth Shore leads the sing- '?, ing of “God Bless r America." Fighters watching the program include, from left; Brent Crotts, George Frye, Gordon Danylchuck, Derick Forbes, Frankie Carter, Phil Crowe, Joel Crotts and Brian Carter. Town Manager Terry Bralley; “Everywhere you went, people were singing God Bless America.” EMT Eddie Spry offers a prayer, with Leon Carter, Michael Allen and Terry Bralley in the background. "U seems like the time has flown by." God Bless America R e s id e n t s G a t h e r T o C o m m e m o r a t e 9 -1 1 People pay close attention as they remember last year's tragedy, and praise the ones who respond in emergency situations. ______ ^ l e ends 10/01/02 B e s t F r a n l e l i t i P r e - S e a s o n S t o c k t f p S a l e Bob Rose renieitibercd Sepl. 11,2001 all too w ell. As hundreds o f his friends iiiul neiiihbors ¡jathcreil on Ihe low n square in M ocksville on Sepl. 11, 2(102, he Ihoughi o f his brother, who was on the 70lh floor o f Ihe W orlil Trade Cenier when Ihe airplane hil. Luckily, he escaped. But there's no escaping ihe fact lhal Am erica has changed. "Terrorists chose Sepl. 11 lo change A m erica," said counly com m issioner M ichael A llen. "T hey succeeded. Wc have a stronger, more eoiirageons na­ tion." The celebration on the town sipiare was aboul freedom, Ihe flag, God and country, A lle n said, Il was also a lim e lo pray for those directly affected by llie terrorists, and for each olher, and for Ihe nation. "W e celebrate the rebirth of a nation." A llen said. "W e need to sland up for what is right anil whal is ju s t... as our forefalhers did.” M ocksville Town Manager Terry B ralley remembers Ihe reeling o f helplessness on Sept. 11,2001. Since lhal lim e, he has a renewed failh in his ciiniim i- nily, one Ihat has rallied lo help each olher. and lo help ihose in need anywhere. "W e've done so many tilings in th is lo w n thal m ake us proud," he said. Bralley talked about going lo Soulh D avie M idd le School earlier in the m orning fo r a program , one which moved ihe students. "W h a l llie terrorists d id n ’ t count on was whal happened next ... :> u n ite d A m e ric a ," Bralley said. "Freedom, that w ill never he ilestroyed by terror­ ists." He urged people lo have compassion and respect for each olher. lo show strength and unity. liild ic Spry offereil a prayer for Ihe evenl, and Belli Shore led in singing God Bless Am erica. A M ocksville lire inick .stood alongside Soulh M ain Slreel for the cerem ony. A l closin g , it blasted the "a ll ca ll." a horn that is blow n in emergency situa­ tions so Ihat leaders can know lh a l a ll fire fig h te rs are ac- coim leil for. Crafts, Discover Life's Little Pleasures! Project Boards Whito or Colors $ 0 9 9 Fall Buslies Assorteli Beautiful Iall florals in a variety of vivid colors Scrapbooft will) Posi втшлд 12 3/4" X 12" scrapbook in solid color or I fashion dosign. PosI binding allows (or easy | addition ol refill pages. Regular 4.99 Our Everyday Low Price ìpeen Eucalyplus^Clock Movements Reguljr9.99 Wlti'orá Special o£ the Week Auoiltti coico lo> 1 • inttf Ы C>»1l LanceChips Assorted Varieties Including Pork Skins! Sing/e serving Size ea. Limit 8 Wliile Supplies Last Comin Next\^ Save Your Film and Save Money! I n S t o r e P h o t o P r o c e s s i n g . . . Usually in 1 Hour! h o r }>1т а 1 in ro r n u iliiin on (irti^ s (.4; h i'iiltli p ro b le m s . );<> lo и \\ \\.r«),Slcl4ll lli‘l (l.l()in R egular H ours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com FoamtasticSlieetsT IMixeil Fall Picks9"»l2"Assopieil I AssopieilSlylBS M o r e S u p e r S t a c k У ф S a v i n g s Glue Sticks hwlBl Clieesg Boxes «ПМ , 99® if 99l''1"’lfi88'^99....“I T Clear m Organizerm in n r S119 , , I Regular 1.69 lÉltUpI SlapPrii Decor Ari Cralters Acrylic 3/$|00 I I Regular 69c 8t/2'llI',IOI)Pl|l S'*3' ( Ii i t I; O iiI O n r ,\i'w 'lin.sllUil.4 M ci'clM rull.si' jMi.v X c v c r I <IO I'.dl'lv 1 Id S ln i'l Special VoOveCmdles^ S/S'! 00 Rusulltsfc Frame SIlop Special Rosier Frame Up To 18x24 •MetalFrame COO QQ •Regular Glass • Vacuum MT Up TO 24x36 •Ready to Hang $39 99 Ben Franklin W«‘ M.iMtT Card. Vis.i. .uul Dis< ovt't 1115 Y a d k in v iiie R d • M o ck sv ille , N C 3 3 6 -7 S 1 -S 4 8 8 Moii Sai 9am 9 | Svimiay 1 ])^^\ 6 \ Your lirst stop 1er custom frames, (lowers, arts & crafts, fabrics ^4 -1 10 . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 United Way B egins Cam paign To Raise $450,000 By M ike BamhariU Davic County Enterprise Record Chances .ire, you or someone you know w ill need a United Way agcncy this year. Maybe your child wants to be a B oy or G irl Seoul, or play Little League baseball. Maybe your sisier is being abused by her husband. Maybe your father has been diagnosed w ilh cancer. T lie list could go on and on. The D avie C ounly U nilcd Way supports 24 agencies lhal provided scrviccs such as those in the situations above. And il operates on don a lio n s from people like you. W X II N ew s C hannel 12 m orning anchor Kim berly Van Scoy knows w ell Ihe imponance o f Ihe Uniled Way. The Red Cross paid for her to fly home from Germany to be w ith her mother, who was dying o f cancer, she lold ihose gath­ ered fo r Ihe 2002-2003 cam ­ paign k ic k o ff recenlly al ihe Davie Fam ily Y M C A . "Those arc some profound memories I w ill have for ihe resl o f my life ," she said. "Red Cross did thal, and Ihcy do il tim e and lim e and lim e again." Hospice helped her fa n iily when her falher was dying o f cancer. "The people w ho w ork in Hospice arc absolutely amazing. They were so kind and caring... but Ihcy listened lo him and made him feel imporlanl. They helped my father die w iih dig­ nity." Van Scoy said. "There are so many ways Ihe U nited Way has impacted my life ." According to statistics, one in Ihree people svill rely on Ihe ser­ vices o f a United Way agency. ‘‘1 love whal Ihe Unilcd Way docs and the agencies it provides funds fo r." she said. “ Il is really wonderful, and hopefully il w ill spur you to donate and gel your Davie United Way executive director Anna Eichhorn, campaign chair Steve Tuch and president Pat Tilley listed as Kimberiy vat; Scoy describes the Imponance of the agency. . Photos by Mike Barnhardt friends 10 donate. W hether you have a lol lo give or a lillle , it really doesn’t matter. "Chances are, you or some­ one you love w ill need United Way services. You don'l know when you’re going lo need one o f these organizations, but you need them lo be iherc." Thai means donating. M any companies sponsor Unilcd Way campaigns. Those who live in Davie Couniy but w ork cl.se- where, which is a large percent­ age, should mark ih c ir donor .sheets to designate Ihe monies to Davie County so that the money goes lo local agencies, said Sieve Tuch, campaign man­ ager. If they don’l, Ihe donation w ill go to Ihe counly where the employee works. A video compiled by Unilcd W ay o ffice w o rke r C in d y Shrewsbury was shown, giving testimonies from a young boy happy to receive love through Big Brolhers Big Sisters, and families whose loved ones were allowed to slay al home while dying from cancer becausc o f Cancer Ser\iccs. "W ow ," Tuch said as Ihc video finished. " I i kin d o f chokes you up." Because o f the fa lte rin g econom y, Ihe D avic C ouniy U nited Way has a goal o f 5450,000. Thai w ould a llow agencies to conlinue their work. "B u l we still have needs. As a contributor lo the United Way, these are the people you w ill be helping," he said, referring lo ihe video. "A n y .nmouni helps." Tuch gave 10 reasons to .sup- pon Davie County United Way; • the money slays in Davie C ounly; • there is one fund-raising campaign for more than 20 agen­ cies; • volunteers insure ihc money is spenl wisely; • volunteers decide on whal agencies to fund; • agencies gel oul o f the fund­ raising business and can concen­ trate m ore on helping Davie fam ilies; • 82 cents oul o f every dollar goes lo Ihe agencies; • donations arc tax deduct­ ible; • d on a tio ns are available Ihrough payroll deductions at most companies; • you gel a good feeling and spiril o f helping oihers; and • " it’s the right thing lo do." "O u r goal is 10 have a huge p o s itiv e im pa ct on D avic C ou n iy," he said. The U nilcd W ay w ill be more up from in com ing years, Tuch said, as a vehiclc fo r posilive change. Pacesellcr com panies, the United Way board o f direclors, W al-M art o f M o cksvillc, the D.ivic Fam ily Y M C A , Westside Dodge and G antt Personnel, were rccognized for gelling the campaign slarled w iih a total o f 531,018 in donations. " It’s a great start, but wc re­ ally need 10 keep this momen­ tum going," Tuch .said. "D avie Counly is depending on us. We are milking a difference in Davie County." Hospice medical social worker Melissa Lyle-Nipper (left) and Hospice executive director Janet Blair (right) dis­ cuss the agency with Gayle Tuch. Scouts Wylie Kuhn and Nash Kuhn talk to Emily Greenwood of Bowman Gray Child Guidance. N m iM M № P w r p i » • M i W tm Submit the winning entry and receive a FREE MEDIUM I T O P P IN G P IZ Z A , P IC K UP OR DINE IN ONLY, EACH WEEK FOR A FULL YEAR. Contest is open to all our customers. Enter at Buck’s Pizza Mocksviiie Marketplace Shopping Center c flu c k ’s P izza I'M Mocksville Marketplace Shopping Center Name the Purple Gorilla and Win! Nam e Address Phone -A ge. Email _______________ I M y Nam e For The Purple Gorilla Is: I I _______________ I Submit by 09/30/02 Q ^ u c k ’s P iz z a TM 'Bmployeea ot Buck'. Pizia and Iheir dependents are nol eligible lo panicipate. All enlrios musl be received by 09/30/02. No purdiass necessa/y. 751-0409 ■<1 Sports DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - Bl Streaking Mooresville Shellacks Davie By 3 1 By B riun PItls Davie County Enterprise Record M O O R ESVILLE - In many o f the Davie varsily foolball team’s losses in recent years, Ihc War Eagles d idn'l just lose as much as Ihey gave them away. There were crazy fo u rlh -iiu a rtc r bounces and all sorts o f llukes lhal cost them wins from the beginning o f 2000 ihrough Ihc first Iwo games o f ihis sea­ son. There were no ifs Friday. There were no shoulda-coulda-W'ouldas in the al'ler- maih o f Friday's nonconfcrencc game at Moore.sville. For Ihe first lime in 22 games - a span lhat stretches to a 38-24 loss at Ledford in week four o f 2000 - the War Eagles were thoroughly bealen, 37-6. O f Davie's lasl eighl losses, Ihis was the first one by more than seven poinls. In dispatching injury-riddled Davie Williams, North Davie Look Like Champions If W hilney W illiam s keeps this up, Norlh Davie's .softball leam w ill chal­ lenge for ils first regular-season cham­ pionship since becom ing a m iddle school in 1993. North's ace pitcher was far and away the best player on the field last week when Ihe W ildcals planled visiting South Davie 11-0. Bolh local teams won later in Ihe week, w ilh North beating China Grove 13-4 and Soulh beating Southeast 9-6. Lislen to South Davie's coaches. " I ’m going 10 lell you whal, lhal W hitney W illiam s could pilch for the (D avie H igh) varsity," Soulh Davie coach B ill Meadows said. "She’.s awe­ some and .Stic cnn till the ball, too. W ow." " I h ave n ’t seen E rw in o r W est Rowan, but North Davie w ill be in Ihe lop three I know, and Ihey probably should w in it," Soulh assistant Jane W hitlock said. "There’s nol loo many teams that’s going lo be able lo h il W hitney." W illia m s, an eighth-grade rig h t­ hander. buried Soulh w ith three hitless innings. She slruck out Ihe side in Ihe first, allowed one baserunneron a walk to Taylor Randall and finished w ilh five Ks. Please See N o rth ’s - Раве B9 Worth Noting... T>ler Baity of N, Davie’s sck- cer team has outscored iluvc op­ ponents by himself, 4-1. Daniel Gough of N. Davie’s 8th-grade football team rushed 11 times for 182 yards in a S3-0 blis­ tering of Corriher-Lipe, and Nick O'Brien, Quinton Faulkner and Zack Russell-Myers combined for 193 yards on 13 carries as North’s 7th squad cruised 30-0 over C-Lipe. Sophomore Bekah Peeler of Davie’s girls cross country team has flnished first or second in all six meets. After pitcher Whitney Will­ iams dominated S. Davie in an 11- 0 N. Davie win, Katelyn Jones of North and Rachel Goln of South sparked wins over China Grove and Southeast, respectively, with momentum-turning hits. Tanner Lowe powered S. Davie’s 7th leam to a 22-14 over­ time win over Erwin by running for 102 yards and scoring the clinch­ ing touchdown. Josh Eder of S. Davie's 8th football team rushed for 116 yards in a 22-20 loss to Erwin. Despite a 7-2 loss to Reynolds, Davie tennis players Alyson Walker and Holly Vines remained unbeaten wilh 7-0 records at No. 3 and No. 6 singles. Junior Allison Schafer hod 16 kills to four errors to lead Davie's varsity volleyball team past Wesl Forsyth 15-1,15-9,15-10. with ease, Ihe Blue Devils o f Ihe Norlh Piedmont 3-A Conference snapped a re­ markable string o f defensive streaks. Davic hail held 21 straight opponents to 21 or less points and I.“! straight op­ ponenls to 20 or less poinls. W hal’s more, il was Coach Doug Illin g ’s worsi loss al Davie, topping the 28-0 blow ­ out by M ount Tabor in Illin g ’s first sea­ son, 1998. "W c were oiilnianned from Ihe be­ ginning," he said. "W e foughi as hard as we possibly could fight. Wc had a good game plan on both sides o f Ihe ball, we jusl gol oiilmanned up fronl and they're a lillle faster Ihan us. Their of­ fensive line is huge and their delcnsive line and linebackers are very physical, very sirong and very aggressive. And Ihal's Ihe level w e’ve got lo gel to. •‘In games like this, you jusi shake their hands and say good job. They're much more e.xperienced than wc are and il showed. If M ooresville slays healthy, I Ih ink y o u ’ ll sec ihem p la yin g in Chapci H ill." The War Eagles actually controlled Ihe game carly. They ran 11 plays be­ fore Moorc.svillc's offense could gel on Ihe field, a drive lhal included fourlh- aml third-down conversions and a 22- yard completion from sophomore QB James "C o o le r" A rn o ld lo L a rry Hudson. Bul M ooresville's rugged defense shut the lloor al Ihe Blue D evil 36. Senior linebacker Kyle Gustafson gave Davie another shol at first blood on M o ore sville 's second play from scrimmage, racking fullback E.J. W il­ son. who fum bled llie ball lo Davie at the Mooresville 43. /\gain the M ooresville defense sty­ mied an offense lhal has had trouble converting opportunities, intercepting Aniold's home-run ball at the Moorcs- McCliinnun Hudson Guslafson ville .S. "W c had great field posiiion early, and our defense played w ell carly," lllin g said. “ We just could not knock anybody o ff Ihe ball and punch it in. W e’d like to get our quarterback on the corner, bul wc couldn’l block every­ body up front." /\fle r fum bling and punting on Iheir first tw o scries, the Blue D evils and Iheir iriplc-optioii offense kicked inlo high gear and demoralized Davie. Il Please See lllin g - Page 117 Allison Schafer delivers one of her 16 kills in a three-gam es-to-none win over C P C rival W est Forsyth. - Photo by Jamas Barringer Volleyball Team Opens CPC Miserably By B rhin Pilts Davic Couniy Enlerprise Rccord Davie's varsily volleyball team has losl ils swagger. Two weeks ago. ihe War Eagles fell fro m Ih c ir 8 -0 pedeslal againsl nonconference foe N orlh Iredell. Lasl week al South Iredell, ihey looked like Ihe 5-12 leam from 2000, noi ihc Cen­ lral Piedmoni Conference's heavy fa­ vorile. A 15-13, 3-15, 15-12, 9-15, 13-15 loss was anylhing bul ihc way Davie wanled lo open CPC play. A fter grab­ bing a iwo-ganies-Io-one lead - Ihe same lead Ihal slipped away in the first Schafer William.^ loss - everything w cnl wrong, though Coach Dave M arkland couldn't figure OUI just W'hy. M arkland described his poslgame mood as di.sappoinled, frus­ lraled and mad. D iivie d id rebound againsl Wesl Forsyih luier in ihe week, handcuffing Ihe Titans in Ihrec games. "1 anticipated Soulh Iredell being sirong, bul I never foresaw us playing as poorly as we played," he said. "A s far as I can remember, it’s Ihe niosI dis­ appointing and helple.ss feeling I’ve had as a coach, because these girls are spe­ cial and I wani Ihem lo succeed. "It was a big game. It was a greal opportunity lo sel a lone for Ihe whole confcrcncc season, 1 had all the confi­ dence in the w orld that’s whal we were going 10 do." The W ar Eagles’ troubles started with serving and ended w ith serving. It was as astounding a m eltdown as some o f Iheir greal games have been. " ll’s Ihe worsi serving inaleh I ever remember us having," the third-year coach said. "W e missed 28 serves in the match, and in game five wc missed 10 serves and losl by Iw o poinls. It re­ minded me o f a baskelball game where you lose by a couple points and you miss 15 free throws." Lasl year Davic tied South Iredell for Ihe CPC regular-season championship al 8-2. Bul the War Eagles are loaded w ith third-year starters and anything less than an oulrighl lille would feel like a disaster. Please See M a rk la n d - Page B 8 North Football Teams Combine For 4-0 Record By B rian P ills Davie Counly Enterprise Record C om pared lo D avie C o u n ly's middle-school football learns, and most everyone in the M id-South Conference, C orriher-Lipe is a Hyundai in a Porsche world. South D avie’s sevenlh- and eighlh- grade leams deeimaled the Yellow Jack­ ets 22-0 and 38-0 respeclively on open­ ing week, and lasl week N orlh Davie ballered C orriher-Lipe some more as the sevenlh W ildcats rolled 30-0, fo l­ lowed by a 53-0 spanking by N orth’s eighth sc|uad. North's eighih team, which avenged last year's lone blemish againsl Knox on Aug. 28, is intent upon achieving per- fcclion. ll took Ihe second slep in lhat quest by taking a31-0halftim c lead and holding Corriher-Lipe lo one firsi down. “ Vv'c're pretty focussed," said Coach Ron K irk, whose 2-0 team blanked Kno,\ 22-0 in week one. "These kids are on a mission. They want that perl'ecl season, and (Ihis) week we’ve got a big lest w ith West Rowan." N orlh was led by Daniel Gough. W hal else is new? A fte r lighting up Kno,\ w ilh 151 yards on 10 carries, he put up 182 yards on 11 runs, capping his day w ilh a 90-yariler. "H e broke four lackles," K irk said. "I haled for ihem lhal he scored because I didn’t want to run lhat score up. We were already ahead 46-0. Wc just ran a couple basic plays in the second half. We carried 22 kids ainl played every- body." Brandon Siewart did his thing, too. His only run from scrimmage was an 8-yard touchdown, he relurned Iw o punts for 65 yards and he caughi tw o W hit M errifield passes for 32 yards. M e rrifie ld com pleted 4 -of-6 fo r 41 yards, including two to Thomas Kuell, w ho returned a M ich a e l M u rp h y blocked puni 15 yards lo the end zone. "(Linem an) Murphy had a real good Please See N o rlh - Page BS Perfect Tennis Mark Falls To Dynasty Reynolds As probably everyone e.xpecied, Reynolds’ tennis team stopped Davie's unbeaten record last week, 7-2, in ihe Cenlral Piedmoni Conference opener. Coach K im beriy Buckland, though, took solace in Ihe facl lhal Davie (6-1, O -l) exchanged dozens o f games. 'T h e y were all clo.se," she said after suffering her firsi career loss. "The games were like 30-40. We played a lol better than the score sounds. Wc did hang in ihere w ith them. I felt like we played really w ell." Three unbealen records evaporated. Megan Jordan lost for the firsi lim e al No. 2, /\llison Bowles losl for Ihe first time al No. 5 and Jordan-Balsley lost for Ihe firsi lim e al No. 1 doubles. Meanwhile, Iwo War Eagles stayed pcrfecl as Alyson W alker and H olly Vines improved lo 7-0 w ith 10-8 and 11 -10 (7-5) wins at Nos. 3-6 singles, re­ speclively. Vines, in facl, produced a miraculous ^:omeback by winning 10 of the final 15 poinls after Irailing 6-0. Davie’s losses were by scores o f 10- 1, 10-2, 10-2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-2 and 10- 7. Buckland gave Reynolds il props, bul remained defiant aboul D avie’s abilily to play w ith Ihe CPC dynasty. “ T h e y ’re tough and ih e y ’ re rjinked in the stale,” she said. “ We knew il was going to be a tough match, bul we actually surprised ourselves. We won tw o and we know we’re capable o f healing Ihem bccause ihe games were close. If sve practice hard we can overcom e them, and ihere’s a possibilily we can w in." Davie plays al home lo Soulh Iredell on Sepl. 18, at Mooresville on Sepl. 19, al West Forsyih on Sepl. 23 and al hom e to South Rowan on Sept. 25.Walker Vines В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 Varsity Cheerleaders JV Cheerleaders Members of Ihe Davie High School junior varsity cheerleading team, from left: first row - Marcie Dickman, Kelsey Dyson, Brittany Reynolds, Jessie Barnett, Amber Miller and Miranda Koontz: second row - Katie Smith, Sarah Naylor, Shelley Phelps, Holly Hunter, Hannah Tierney, Danielle Miller and Jackie Baugh; third row - Heather Tilley, Beth Bennett, Stacey Statham, Meghan Howell, Destiny Lumley, Leah Stewart, Lauren Bennett, Riley Davis and Coach Colleen Neese. O ld S chool: Davie Sports From September, 1995 • D avie's varsily lo o tb a ll Icam rallied Id a 14-7 w in over Slarm iiunI, which drulibcil Ihc War Eagles .14-7 in IW 4. David Dayc look Davie's first play 67 yards and Chris Dinkins' exlra poinl lied il ai 7-7. Dayc had l.‘i4 yards nishing and Neil Cornalzer had an inlerccplioii Coed Softball Standini>.s w -l, C & C Puiniing Modem Tree Service Jones Landscaping RH Lawn Carc I’ralcr Trucking Red Pig BBQ 2-2 C'.s/Bonil)ers 2-.T Thousand Trails I-.1 C rcckvicw Consignment 0 -i Uagic Heighls 0-4 KC A l)-4 4-0 4-0 -Ì-0 .VI and lum lilc recovery as Davie improved lo 2-.1. • I3avic's varsily volleyball leam led Reynolds tw o games lo none and held a 12-8 lead in game Ihree, only lo collapse and lose fo r Ihc firs t lim e nine matches. • Josh Barnharilt scorcd w ith five niim iles left as Davie’s var­ sily soccer team dcl'ealed t-rce- dom 2-1. • In a ft-,1 w in over .South Kowan, Davie’s tennis Icam gol victories from Tam i Ramsey. Belh C am ptKll. TilTany Harris, Laura I’ rilla m a n . .Stephanie Carter and l/.zy Tullerow. • Zcke r.arle rushed I'or KK) yards as North Davie’s eighth- grade fo o lb a ll leam edged M ooresville 15-12. • D avie's JV foolball Icam moved lo 4-0 w ilh a 2S-I4 win o ve r S ta rm o u m . R onnie Blackburn scorcil his second defensive louchilown and Tho­ mas Hunter rushed for l(i() yards. • Ricky W hile scored four touchdowns as South D avie’s eighlh-grade Icam waxed C orri- hcr-Lipc 42-0. • Soulh Davie’s seventh Icam got 1} I yards on seven carries from M ikcy A rnold lo pound C orrilier-Lipe 26-0. Meet The War Eagles Brandon Shore S purt: cross couniry i n cuuld kcepju.st one m usic C l), il w ould l>e; John Den­ ver Greatest Hils. If I lost all in.v po.ssc.ssiims t)»t one, I ’d keep: M y pool table. Sum ethlnK petiplu d o n 't know iil>uul me: I shot my firsi deer w iih a bow when was 11 years old. Fanta.sy jot): I can’t live w ilh o u l: M>' Krcalvst m om enl in .sport.s: When I hit a double o ff the le fl-ПсЫ w all against Soulh Rowan in extra innings for thc win. I w ould like lo .switch placvs fo r a day w ith : Fred Bear. Kunnic.st cro.ss country slo ry: The mud rights at practice. I w ould like tu cat dinner w ith (dead o r alive): Jennirer Love H ew iii. Favorite clas.s in school und w hy: Dr. T a ylor’s Chemistry class beeausc 1 learned a lot and had fun doing it. A lhlelcs I adm ire most: John Rocker, Cal Ripken, C hip­ per Jones and Lance Am islrong. M y fuvurite Ihiit); about ru n n in g cross co un try is: G oof­ ing o ff during practice. Notes & Quotes Mike Carter Didn’t Enjoy Beating Davie By 31 • M ooresvillc embarrassed D avie .'i7-6 Friday, but Coach M ike C a rte r said he w oukl have been just as happy w ilh a .■^-O victory. You sec. Carter, w ho guided D avic from 1981- 8S. coachcd or coachcd w ilh five current Davie assislanls - lia rry W h itlo c k , D evore Ilo liiiu n . .lo iin K u liin s, K e ith W h ita k e r and Lee L in v ille . “ W e’ve gol real clo.se ties w iih those guys.” he said. "Y ou really wanl lo beat them bccausc you always w'anl lo w in. bul you really wanl lo w in .1-0 and go home because we do think a lol o f them. " I ’ve gol so many close tics lhal they know our signals." Carter has used Ihc same signals fo r some 2.S ycars as a head coach, the same ones W h itlock learned as C arter’s quar­ terback in 1981. "1 was trying lo hide a lillle bit. 1 had a coach stand in front o f m e." Carler said w ith a chuckle. "I don’l know if Ihcy were really watching, hul you can’l blame ihcm . They know lliein. W hitlock know s every one o f Ihem. One o f our coachcs said lasl week: ‘ W hy d o n ’l you just changc ihem ?' I said I ’ve been doing this for M) ycars. 1 can’t changc them. I mean, 1 couldn’t learn them in a week. I'm always concerned about lhat, especially when you know thc guys on thc olhcr side." • Rum or has il Ihis is C arter’s lasl hurrah. If indeed this is the .lOlh-year coach’s luial .season, it w ill m ark the end o fa golden era. Carter, in his 14lh year al M ooresvillc, has led Ihe Blue D evils lo 12.‘i-.^8, a .766 w inning percentage. Carter, .“i.l, ran thc .same stu ff at D avic and w cnl 40-42, solid evidence thal he sim ply lacked the resources to turn Davie inlo a 1980s power. "1 <lon’l know ," he said w hen asked about retirem ent. "W c’rc going lo play Ihc season and then w e’ ll lake a look al il and make a decision. R ighl now I'm not really thinking aboul lhat. I ’m concerncd w iih keeping our team going. I leek, you gel so busy during thc season you d on ’t have lim e to think about anything else." Grimsley, E. Forsyth Pound Soccer Teams Last week was rough fo r Davie’s socccr leams as the JV and varsily War Eagles were out- scored L‘i-2 by G rim sley and East Forsyth. The good news was bolh op­ ponents were nonconfcrence. In varsily play. Grimsley and East Forsyih handed Davic 4-1 and .1-1 defeats respectively. M all Moser accounled for bolh Davie scorcs, bul bolh came late when thc outcome had long been decided. The JV matchups were more lopsided as Davie endured .1-0 and .S-O losses lo Grimsley and East Forsyih respectively. Davie JV coach Jeremy Byrd did find a silver lining against Grimsley. The W hirl ies led just I-O before punching in a lale first-half goal, and it stayed 2-0 until thc final 40 seconds. “ We w ere o u ts k illc d by G rim sley, bul the guys played real w ell," Byrd said. “ East For­ syth is big, fast and just very good." Davie’s varsily fell to 3-3-1, w hile thc JV remained winless at 0-.‘i-2. D avie’s JV hosts South Iredell on Sept. 24 al 5 :l.'i p.m. The varsily hosts East Rowan on Sept. 19 al 7 p.m. and South Ire­ dell on Sept. 24 at 7. Members of the Davie High School varsity cheerleading team, from left: first row - Meredith Bridgewater, Amanda White, Mercedes Soto, Nicole Miller, Andrea Whitley, Ashley Lee and Chelsey Smith; second row - Alyssa Smith, Marina Vendrillo, Lindsay McDaniel, Kristan Culler and Brittany Spry; third row - Coach Donna Henderson, Erin Strouse. Brennan Carter, Lauren Fletcher, Angela Gaither, Emily Evans, Elizabeth Bellucii, Kourtney Hanrahan, Katie Russell, Taylor Harmon and Kerstin Plagemann. Peeler, Shore Highlight Cross Country Action Sophomore Bekah i’eclcr o f Davie's girls cross couniry team conlinued hcrsurge by Fmishing second in last week’s meet w iih Reynolds and North Davidson. Peeler was runner-up even though she posted the same 22:07 lim e as w inner M elissa Avramson o f Reynolds. "Bekah ran a greal race and has established herself among the best in the conference." Coach D aric Beiler said. Peeler’s icamniales did not fare so well. Reynolds (l.'i score) and North Davidson (.‘>2) blew away Davie’s boys (78) over 3 .1 miles at Hanes Park. Reynolds (19) was an easy winner in the girls race, loo. with North David­ .son .scoring 51 lo Davie’s 67. Brandon Shore was D avie’s only lo p -10 runner w iih a 19:44 for eighth place, and Peeler was Ihc only Davic female in Ihc lop 10. “ riie guys ran w ilhoul two of Ihc lop five bccausc (brolhers) D aniel and A aron M o llifie ld w ere o u l," B e ite r said. “ We rested D aniel because o f his ham string, and A aron had lo miss because o f ilrivcrs educa­ lion. "Brandon Shore ran strong. 1 like his desire. He goes out w ith the leail pack arul tries lo slay w ilh them as long as he can." Davie hosts West Forsyth and North Davidson on Sept. 18. Il competes al Reynolds on Scpl. 2,‘i. "W c’rc .slill gelling betler and we w ill have some good show­ ings in the next couple weeks," the coach said. “ The last (.sev­ eral) practices have been tough and Ihc athletes have had to run on tired legs." Silver Spirits Hosting Basketball Games Sept. 28 The Davie S ilver Spirits, a senior women’s basketball leam and five-tim e slale champions, w'lH 1« hosting basketball games al the Brock Gym on Sept. 28. There w ill be teams from out o f state as w ell as w ithin N orth Carolina. Games w ill begin al 9:4.“! a.m. and Ihc public is in­ viie d to come see men and women over .SO play. The Spirits have formed a sccond team aiul w ill be partici­ pating in two age brackets at this lournam enl and al the slale games. One team w ill be play­ ing in the .‘>.‘>-.‘>9 age bracket and w ill be known as the Silver Spir- ils II. Seven other players w ill be p la yin g in the 60-64 age bracket and w ill conlinue lo be know n as the S ilver Spirits. Davie C ouniy Senior Games now has a m en’s team playing in the 5.‘i-.‘i9 age bracket, and are known as the Silver Sparks. This year Ihcy have added new play­ ers and hope to w in more games at the N orih C arolina Senior Games in lale October. Support from the com m unity w ou ld b enefit players. Thc leams would appreciate your al- lendancc for some o f the games on Sept. 28, beginning at 9:4.“) and ending soon after lunch. " C E L E B R A T E R E C O V E R Y " A s a f e p la c e to e x p e r ie n c e f r e e d o m fr o m h u r tfu l h a b it s a n d c o m p u ls iv e b e h a v io r s in c lu d in g : • c h e m ic a l/s e x u a l a d d ic t io n • e a • p h y s ic a l/s e x u a l a b u s e • o n • c o d e p e n d e n c y • g a S u p p o rt g r o u p s for m en a n d w o m e r tin g d is o r d e r s g e r im b lin g 1 - F rid a y s 7 p m C a l l ( 3 3 6 ) 9 4 0 - 6 6 1 8 Hillsdale Baptist Church Looking for Five-Year Guaranteed * Interest Rates? The Platinum V single premium deferred annuity (rom Nalionwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company is an excellent investment opportunity; ••Interest rate guaranteed (or two (ull (ive-year guarantee periods -Annual rate increase ol 0 .)5% in years 2*5 and 700 -A n alternative (o bank CDs and just as easy to purchase** -Friendly consultation and assisiance (rom your Nationwide Agent Call your Nationwide Agent (or current interest rates and to discuss how Platinum V can help you meet your (tnanclal goals. Karon Bennott Associate Agent 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksville Wilow OokA 5№p Cntr. 336-751-6131 OnatKVMide lam 'Cutunltti <(t lubjKl (0 tht <btlily ol Nillonwldf Ul* arul Annuity Iniurtnc» Company.••ItlOft invtiUne, undtitUrxilhiljnnuittii irt f»l lniu»#d by tb# fOIC, NCUSIf of iny oth«r ftdenlgov. tmmifll igtftcy; ât* noi dtponu Of obl*g*üoni ol. guaranUtd by, of Iniufcd by. th# dipoiltory IniUtuUcn wb«i« olltied, involv* invfitmtnt mli. indi>dtng poitlbl* loti ol valu«.Dtmibutlont mad« p<ioftoi9 U2may b« iub|tclto ê IM p*nalty Ul All Uubk dlilributioni at any ag« •I« lo ofdinaiy kxomt Ui. and twrvndir chafg«i may appiy. Contfact No. FHLMS-41 CTX) I« flatiftum V. • Nywnwide hatinum V il Indfndual ingl* prvmwm d«f«nvd annuity, kt ittued by Imurant« Company, Columbut, OH 4)]IS imVitaMfVK« mait o( NaUonwidt UI« Intunttu Comp :« UI« and Annuity Company. NN-^И 04/01 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - B3 Week#4 - Septem ber 21, 2002 ^ T H E SportsLine.com. The Dolphins'' Ricky VViiiiams NFL Showdown of the Week ‘Miami N.Y. Jets 29 27 A huge upset, because the Jets have won eight straight from the Dolphins since '98, but Miami has to be up for this one after being handed its first home shutout in 31 years by N.Y. last year, 24-0. Allsporl orco ‘AlabamaAlabBrm-DirminghamAuburn•DaylofDowling Gf«>«n Drtgham Young 'Ctemjon FkJiWa ■Flofrta Stale •GeorgiaM.IWAll'Illinois'Indiana'Icwa•Iowa Stale‘KansAi Slate■K«ptucKy‘Louttiana-MonroaLounviiie'Matihail•MaryiancJ‘Mamphi*'Miami*Momi (Ohio) 'M-chigan ■M ch>gan Sial« ‘Mtnnflsota 'Nevada'New Moin:o Sin)« 'Noflhern lllinoit Noflhw«stefri OhioOhio StatB ‘Oklahoma State •Oregon •Qfftgon Sljt«•Penn Slale •Piltsburgh 'PurtJii#San Oiego Siato 'South Cafolinn 'feRas•TflKBi Christian *T»«ai Tech •Toledo ruCLA •Vifginta Virginia Tech 'V**shingtoii •Washington Stale •W»con»in W tN N E R S ш т гщ рр L O S E R S ¡Home 1823 2\27 2024 3525 353435 393435 2в 29 21232824 46 27за2222203820231529 20 14 27452C2736252830 54 20 22 1026 2Я 34 Southern MistiMippl*Louisiana-Laloy«tt9'Mtitisftppi SlaleTuba‘Kansas*G«ofgia TechDatl Slate•Tennes»eeOuheNorthweslern Slate (U ) •Teias-EI Paso San Jote SUte Central Michignn litah Stale TioySouthern Caiilomta Middle TennesMe State Arkansas State •ArmyContralFioridi Eastern Michigan TuianoBoston CollegeKentUtahNotre Dame DufTaio U V.inderbii|R-ceNew Me»lco Western Illinois ■Navy'Connect'cut •Ciftonnaii Southern Melhodisi Portland Stale Fresno Stale Louisiana Tech Rutgers Waiia Fotesl ’itloho Temple Houston North Taias North Carolina Slate Nevfldfl-Las Vegas Colorado AKion•Te*as A4MWyoming Montana Stale Afuona M a jo r C o llo g o s - D iv is ió n 1-A A Alabama ASM •Alabama 5t.ito Appalachian State BelhitneCooVm.tn Drown 'Ducknell Cat Poly S L О •Charleston Souttiem •Chatlanooga ^Colgate Pavton ’Delaware 'Ouquesne‘East Tennessee Slate'Eastern litinois•Eastern Kentucky•ElonFaiifieVlFlorida A&MFufman‘Georgia SouthernHampton•Harvard•Hofitta‘Illinois Slate•LehighMaine'Morgan Slale Moin* Brown •Newtjorry ‘Mtchoiis Slate 'Noftheastem 'Nofihein Iowa PennPresbyterian ’Robert Morns St. Mar/» - • South Carohna Slate 'Southern Illinois Southern U.’SW Missouri SUite •SouthweV Tb*»» Stale Tennessee State 'rennessee Tech ■•Tuscutum •VlUnova •Weber State Western СагоГша 'Western Kentucky 'Yale 35 31 20 26 24 2236 232930 45 382731 4244 17 20 17 26 21 20 29 21294528 21 16 21 26 16 2830 34 26401927 34 18 SO2830 52 16 2131 Praiiie View A&M Aikan*a5-P»f>o Bluff •Liberty•Florida International *To«sonCornell•Cal State Sacramenlo ^'esl Virginia Stale Gaidner-ViMbb Oartmoutf)•Austin Peay West Chester MarisiVifginta Military Indiana State Florida Allanlic Johnson Smith ‘Georgetown •Delaware State •Richmond Wofford Alcorn State Holy Cross James Madaon Mufiay State Princeton •Howard Monmouth (N J )•Clark AtlantaDavtdwnJacksonville Statef^assachusetisStephen F Austin•Lafayette•JacksonvilleCentral Connecticut Stale Mtetieelpp« Vatey Tennessee-Martin ’Savannah State West \Лгвш1а Tech Jackson Stele SE Missouri Stale Texas Southern Grambling Valparaiso Morehead State New Hampshire Eastern Oregon •The CitadelVounosiown Slale San Diego AlDftghlAlfred'Amencan Inlemationsl •Amherst •Bentley 'Bk>o(r)sburg Brockport Stale •Cahfornla tPa.) •Clarion CoS>y'East Stroudsburg'IthacaKing's (Pa)’Lycoming•Mantrtek]‘Middlebury Muhlenberg New Haver>Shippensburg 'Slipper Rocx SpnngrieklUnion (N Y) Ursinus*УМе«1егп Maryland•WeJerter•VAiiiami 'Adrian Alma Ar^darson Ashland•August«na(SD) BeUiany (Kan.) Belhony^VV)Belhel (Kan.)•Central (Iowa)Chadron State‘Concordia (Neb.)•Cu^er*Stockton’DefianceEdmboro'EvangelFerris SlaleFriends ^GannonGrand Valley Slate Kaiamaioo Lake Foresi Lindenwood 'Michigan Tech Mtd-^^rica Nazarene M'ssoun Southern St 'Missouri Western St Mount Union 'Muskirwum Nebraska Wesleyan 'Northwest Missouri St. 'Northwood 'Otleit>ein Pitlsburg Sl«te Ripon•Saginaw VaHey Slate 'Siouji Falls 'South Dakota State ^Sl. Cloud SUIe St Francis (IB )‘St. Francis irid.)TaborTruman Stale Wabash Wheaton ^nona Slat* •Angelo Stat#Arkansas Tech Ai1<jinM»*Montttallo •Bndgewstei (Ve ) Carnegie Mellon •Catawba Central Arkansas Cantre'Emory & Henry 'Fort vaiiey Sfato Hatdmg 'Hchvard Payne 'Lenoir*Rhyne Morehouse'North Carolina Cenlral 'Tailelon State Texas A&M-Commerce Tuskegee ’Valdosta Stale •Virginia Union Washinglon & Lee iWestGeoroU ^ s l Liberty Stale Azusa Paoftc *CUt«mQnt-M-S Colorado Mines 'Humboklt State 'Menk)Mesa State North Dakota North Dakota Stale •Occadenlal Padfic Lutheran 202930 44 24 36 52 26 24 17 2« 3024 26 14 22 26 19 1725 23 27 35485042 24за39222924 17 14 3135 2125233036 222427 503413 17 2135 20 203026 21 46 2223 33253128 21 1924 Ъ214 16 41 3826 2424 2t541633 42 23 2735 16 21 45 2t 2936 2034 36 44 20 17 41 41 24343610212720212630 •Juniala •SI Lawrence St Ansfilm OatesSouthern Connecticut State Lock Haven •UticaWest Virginia Wesieyan Gienvtiio State •Trinity (Conn)ShepheiidHartwicK •Delaware Valley Susquehanna Westminster (Pa.) Wesleyan (Conn ) ‘Dickinson •Indiana <Pa) 'KuUlown Fairmont State ‘Merchant Marine •Worcester Tech •Frankfm & Marshall Geltysburg Lebanon '?aHey Franklin •Manchester •Concordia (ill} •HillsdaleMinnesoia-Mar^kalo•Ottawa•Wboster•McPhersonLoras‘Fort Hays State Morningside Baker Giove City •TitTtfiMissouri Valley •Northern Michigan SI Mary (Kan )•SI Joseph's •Wayne State (Mtch ) •Kenyon ‘Oeloil‘Central Methodist Indianapolis William Jeweli Southwest Baptist Cenlral Missouri State •BaUwin-Waliace Heidelberg •DanaMissouri-RoHa Findlay Marietta •Wsshburn •Grinnell Mercyhursl Hastings NebrasWo-Omaha South Dakota ‘Urbana Iowa Wesleyan *Steriing *£mporla Slale Eartham Rose-Hulmsn BenrUdJi Slale Southeastern Oklahoma •Ouachita Baptist •West Alabama MafyviKe (Tonn ) •Randolph-Macon Fayetlevillo State •Henderson State •Rhodes Sewanee Kentucky State •North Alabama Mississippi College Concord •Benedict Virginia Stale AbiWne ChnsUan East Cenlral Oklahoma MiiesDelta SUleLivingstone*Ouillord•QuiL .’Southern Atkansas Chayney*Noith <7reenviDe State •WhittJer Puget Sound •VMsletn New Mexico WUIamette VWtitworth•New Mexico Highlands •Northern Colorado •U.C. Davis Lewis & Clarti •Chapman 122213 217714 716141714 16612613 9191071514 6101313671314 10 to 717211019122113 710 147101271313 to•191376IS 1013 0121212 87136710121512 713 12671713 1714 12 14 715 14716 71497 10 16 17 10 14 198 1096 1071212 71314 9^013 712T610791714 715 107191310 01013137 7121714141010Ш7 NCAA HIGHLIGHTS Any Volunteers fer a 6aier ИимР When push comes to shove, it will be ttie Florida Gators over the Tennessee Volunteers by one touchdown. If anybody's had a perfect setup for a huge game, il's the Tennessee Volunteers. They’ve had two games to make sure everything's working, dispatching Wyoming and Middle Tennessee. They've had a week off to psych up for their archrivals, the Florida Gators, whom they'll host in Knoxville, Tenn., on Saturday. They've watched the films of their 34-32 upset o ( Florida lasl December in Gainesville, Fla., Tennessee's first win at the Swamp since 1971, high­ lighted by Travis Stephens's 226 yards of rushing and two TD's and a defense that held the Gators to just 36 yards on the ground. But then, Florida has been watching those same films - in which Gators QB Rex Grossman can be seen throwing for 336 yards and two TD ’s, failing only on a final two-point conversion attempt that would have lied the game. And then, two weeks ago, the - ............................................................................IM i: ■Qators got a taste of brutal reality againsi t^iami, proving our prediction very wrong but, we imagine (from everytiiing w e’ve heard about new coach Ron Zook), remotivating Ihem for Iho rest of their schedule. So we're going with Florida by a TD in an upset over the Vols, whose N FL draft-rearranged defense has yet to be tested. The tightest big game this week may be Notre Dame at Michigan State, which is virtually a toss-up, with the M.S.U. Spartans favored by a single point. Exactly a year ago in South Bend, Ind., then-unranked Michigan State upset the No. 23 Fighting Irish 17-10, the Spartans’ fiftti straight win in this series -- making them the first team to beat Notre Dam e five limes in a row since Southern Cal did it from 1978 to '82. The Irish will no doubt be fighting mad, but after facing Michigan last week, they probably will have had tneir fill of teams from Michigan by the end of the afternoon in East Lansing. Speaking of Michigan, the U of M Wolverines are favored by 13 over a team they've never faced, Utah. This is one of several matchups of top squads thal don'l know much about each other. In College Slalion, Tex., Texas A&M hosts Virginia Tech, a leam the Aggies haven’t m el since '77 ~ and will losa lo by 13. Cenlral Florida and eight-point-favorile Marshall are meeting for the first lime, and w e’re picking U.C.L.A. lo upset Colorado (and run the Bruins’ record against the Buffaloes to 5-0) in their first battle in 18 years. Finally, look for a close one from Texas Tech and North Carolina Stale, squaring off for fhe first time since '93.Will Kansas State and Southern Cal play another one like the/r first showdown ever, (asl year, when then-No.-12 K-Stale won a defensive brawl, 10-6? Probably not. And will New IVIexico and New Mexico State play another one like their 92nd showdown last year, when the U.N.M. Lobos stomped Ihe N.M.S. Aggies 53-0, upping their lead in the series to 60-27- 5? Probably not; Vve like the Aggies by one. NFL STAT PACK I pradicied, fiiist week^ 16 Т(Ц»1 right: 8 . ' T f iM 'W t ó n g ; 8 . F o ra c a a tin g iN ifc e n ta g e : .5 0 0 T o ta l g a m e a T o t a l й д Щ Ш - T o ta l w io 0 g ; i^ ] 1 B e s t flr a t w M k i 1 9 9 2 -2 0 0 1 1 2 rig h t, г Щ о п д (’9 8 ) W o i a i | j ^ w e e K : T rig h t, NFL FORECAST: Sunday-Monday, Sept. 22-23 (Sunday) •Arizona 20 San Die^o 19 Alter visiting a former division rival (Wastiington) and a newi one (Seattle). Ihe Cardinals settle in at tiome. Last year Arizona got past S.D. 20-17 on Bill Gramatica's game-ending 42-yard field goal. ■Atlanta 24 Cincinnati 12 The Bengals have won seven of nine in this series, including their last malctiup with tha Falcons, in 1996. But Atlanta should be sharper after having already tiutted heads wilh the Packors and Boars. •Chicago 27 New Orleans 13 Speaking of Chicago, its improved offense should have an easy time against Ihe Saints' pieced-together defense. N O. has tak-sn three of Ils last four wilh the Bears, most recently 31-10 two years ago. •Denver 32 Buffalo 14 Just whal Ihe Broncos need after sharpen­ ing up against the Rams and 49ers: a Bills defense that can't hang with Brian Griese & company at Mile High. When the teams met last, in '97. Denver won 23-20. Green Bay 26 •Detroit 21 With Ahman Green running for 259 yards and four TD's, the Packers swept Ihe Lions last year lor tho first time since 96. 2B-6 and 29-27. The two-point win was In Detroit, always lough venue for G.B. 'New England Kansas ijily 28 16 The Broncos' Rod Smith The Titans’ Steve IHcNair Allaport photos Indianapolis •Houston Here's the Texans’ (irst look at an AFC South rival, and they'd piobably prefer to face Ihe ;01 Colls, who couldn't play defense. Indy doesn't want to spend a bye week pondering an embarrassing loss. •Miami 29 N.Y, Jets 27 A huge upset, because the Jsis have won eight straight from the Dolphins since '98. but Miami has to be up for this one afler being handed its first home shutout In 31 years by N.Y. last year, 24-0. •Minnesota 28 Carolina 10 It was a sign of bad things to come when the Viking opened Ihe '01 season at home wilh their first loss lo tbe Panlhers In four games, 24-13. This time Minnesota should pick apart the Carolina defense. Open date; Baltimore, Jacksonville, Oakland, Pittsburgh This will be an interesting no-letdown- allowed lesl for Ihe Patriots after their open­ ing two battles with the Sleelers and Jets. N!E. was a 30-24 winner over K.C. the last lime Ihey met, Iwo years ago. •N.Y Giants 26 Seattle __________________9_ The SeahawKs live hy the run. bul the Giants' defense does besl against the run. Kerry Collins's short TD pass to Ike Hilliard with 20 seconds left gave N.Y. a thrilling 27- 24 win over Seattle in '01. •Philadelphia 3 C Dallas ________ 13 Until Ihe Cowboys figure out how to do more wilh Ihe ball than run it. the Eagles will con­ tinue to have an easy time against them, as Ihey did last year, winning 40-18 in Philly and 36-3 in Dallas. •San Hrancisco 27 Washington 17 Perhaps the weekend's mosi inlnguing pair- Ing, with both coaches, MariuccI and Spurrier, passionate about their offenses. These teams met most recently in '99, when the Redskins were 26-20 winners. • fennessee 2T Cleveland_____________ 14 Alter losing six in a row to the Titans, Ihe hard-luck Browns beat them in their last game as divisional rivals last year, 41-38. Tennessee needs to scare up some pass defense to avoid a sorry repeat. St. Louis 23 Tampa Bay______________ 19 Yes, the Buccaneers are still ottensively challenged, but they've beaten the Rams In each of Ihe past two seasons - 24-17 in '01, and on a Monday nighl to boot. Who'd pre­ dict that to happen again? -4 lUJÌAVIK. COI N TV KMKRPKISK RKCORI). l'J, 201)2 GO ^1. Anyone can enter ojcepl employees ol the Олую County Enterpnse Record arxJ ihe^r faml'OS Onfy one entry allowed per person per леек. All entnes must bo on ono'nnl newspnnt or ta* to 336-751-976' 2. Games \n itMs week's coniest are hsled in eacti advertisement on l*iese two paoes. Fill m tfie contest blank and submit or mail trie entry to me Enterprise Record. PO Box 99. f.^ocksviDe. NC 27028. FOOIBAIL CONIESI N A M E T H E W IN N IN G T E A M S E A C H W E E K A N D W IN CONTEST RULES 3. The l.rst entrant cortfKtly pred'Ctif^ the oulcome ol all games in a week wiH reccive a Iwnus ol S2500. Weekly pniPS aie S25 A Cap for first place and S5 for second place 4. tn case Ot t'os, t^e er!ra''t came closest lo the total number ol points in the tie breaker w:ns Ilate st.ll exists, awards will be d.vided equally amor>g the winners 5. Entries must be delivered to tho Enterpnse Record belore 5 pm Friday each week The clfice is located at 171 S Mam St. ^tocksvllle, NC. 6. Winners will be announced fc’icwTg cach contest. Dcc^s cns cf judges will bo Imal A new contest wiH be announced each vseek. ^ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfoct Entry ^ 2 5 1 s t P riz e & Cap « 5 2 n d P rize DAVIIi COUN I Y ENTICUPRISE RFX’ORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - BS H ills d a le A n im a l H o sp ita l Karla Frazier, DVM 134 Mcdical Drive Advance 998-8750 Call for information on new client specials. G ò ó ( # é m e e A u to P o rts ! 7 6 7 0 N C Hwy. 80 1, C ooleem ee (336) 284-6000 NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS Including: • Raybestos • Gatos • WIX & Much Moro 18. Michigan v. Utah Tommy Ivey/Owner 8:00-5:30 M-F 8:00-12:30 Sat. Then look lo your good neighbor Slale Farm' ogenl. Through an unbeoioble alliance wilh Forlis Heallh*, I'm offering flexible and affordable insurance coverage. If ihal's whal you're looking for, come see me lodoy: w D arryl Bandy, Agent Advance, NC 336-9И0-2302 5. Green Bny v. Detroit Like a good neighbor, . State Farm is there.' ' '"■•jlí"" stoteformaom* c rk D X icSisi»l*nBvfuoli,ionoU*lmwonii(ir№ Г O R T I 5Har>«Olf»t lloor»-e*o^ limen ..u.-., i ^ u c k ’ s P iz z a Kinda Silly Name REALLY GOOD PIZZA 16. West Forsyih v. N.Forsylh Mucksillr Marketplace Slioppiiii; Cenier • 751-0409 EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC *> 751-2148 1. (NFL) Arizona V. San Ologo W E H A V E M A N U F A C T U R E D H O M E S T O F IT Y O U R B U D G E T S E E JA C E o r S T E V E T O D A Y ! J jB 13. Tonnossoo V. Clovoland JacoBonanza MoMl« him iim 700 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksvillo, NCInlor. Hwys. 6014 64 N.336-751-5959 O w ned it O pcra lcil hy Jack M organ 8. Minnesola v. Carolino Dairii Çueen Have a Special Treat Before £r After the Game 5 2 8 6 H w y . 1 5 8 • A d v a n c e • 9 4 0 -2 4 3 8 Gardner’s ® 5423 H wy. 158 «Advance Open Mon.-Fri., 8am -6pm & Sat., 8am -3pm 998-1723 Is your vehicle ready for the upcoming winter? 7. Miami V. NY Jots C om e b y a n d visit th e p ro fe s sio n a l s ta ff a t G ardner's Xpress L ube fo r a lly o u r vehicle m a in te n a n ce needs. D a v ie M e d ic a l E q u ip m e n t p ro v id in g a ll o f y o u r ( ) tio m e h e a lth c a re needs. 15. Brigham Young v. Ga. Tech 959 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 ( 336) 7S I - 4288 • ( 888 ) 797-1044 Fax ( 336 ) 751-4688 Spfflman’s Land & Home Sales 2. Atlanta v. Cincinnati Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 ' Tops Travel^ To p s o n P ro fe s s io tu d S e rvice Y o itr ljK u l F u ll S e n ’ice T ra vel .A fieiicy 336-766-7303 www.topslravel.com ^ 2 7 5 0 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d. • C le m m o n s ^ 25. Florida St. v. Duke Wilson Communications. Jnc. “Your Total Communication Source”4. Denver V. Buffalo ¡i; cingular N E X T E L M o a o L г П, FREE . j Ca.se or Car СИагцсг ! I witii pluMii' activutimi |I Wilh iwjH«. N..« «iliU »Uh >0) .<Ь.пЛсг. 1 V i s i t U s A t O u r L o c a t i o n n e x t t o B y - l o C i t g o 5 3 2 2 U S H w y 1 5 8 & 8 0 1 A d v a n c e 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 2 9 9 7 Matt Voreh liiv fs lm c n t !{i'|)rc.4i'iiliitiv r Ы) Ciiiirt S(|uaic .M cck^villr. N (;2 7 ()2 n |.Ч.ЧЫ 7.">I-1-1(K) Srnin« Imlinilual 1пи*>|пгч Sincr SHTl 17. Mai7land v. E. Michigan E d w a r d j o n e s O a k a \ М 1 Ж ▼golf club 12. San Francisco v. Washington For Icc Times Call 940-2000 Hillsdale Dental 6. Indianapolis v. Houston D r. J e r r y H a u s e r D r. A d a m D o r s e t t ( Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance336-998-2427 I---------55b----------1 ! S A V E « ! ! BUIUIIN6 SUPPtlES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 10. NY Giants v. Seattle i w H h c o u p o n i MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY j ! * cofple'o lumlxir yard (or the past 84 years. ^ ««¿n J Whore your granddad was a satisfied customeri F tnr* B e l l & H o w a r d C H E V R O L E T CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Lewi.svillc-Clenimon.s Rd., Clcmmon.s 31 Years lixpcricncc 766-8110 o r 766-0166 26. Florida V. Tennessee 3 S a l e s • S e r v ic e S’ P a r t s a n d B o d y S h o p I — 24 H our Wrecker S ervice — Statesville, NC (704) 873-9094 Crowder McChesney c^^ssociates Ш 24. Miami v. Boston College Your Hometown Realtor 2 7 6 5 -0 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d . • C le m m o n s 766-0515 Your “Home-Town’’ Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 11. Philadelphia v. Dallas ” 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 h ir iiilo rm a lio ii on (Inijis \ iira lth p i'ohli'iiis. ЦО In v\w .ro stvrd n i^L n.r«in i D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^I^ECORD FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISING ■ P.O. Box 99 171 South Main St, Mocksville, NC 27028 phone; (336) 751 -2 129 fax: (336) 751 -9760 20. Purdue V. Wake Forest Perry James Scores Four TDs For Varsity Redskins P erry Jamo.s sco rcil fo u r KiuchiUnvns ami James M ayllcld adiled Iwo as llie varsily C iuil- eemee Redskins hlasled M ocks­ ville .^8-0 ill yom li league I'oot- lia ll action Saturday al Sm ilh Grove. James slarled Ihe onslaught w ilh a 70-yard kickolT relurn. Cooleemee also goi awesome running I'rom Uyan Carler and Trey Low e. I'yruse B lackw ell and Zac Shoemaker recovered lim ihles lo r Ihe Kc.Iskins. who gol e.xcelleni lacklcs I'roni Shoe­ maker. Chris Smool. D arryl Bo­ ger. Tyrcese Blackw ell. Avyanna B rooks. Sanlana A rn o ld and Blake Byrne. The defensive and olTensive lines were oiilslaiuling for Cooleemee. .IV - M o cksvillc 38, C oiil « Гог Cooleemee. M ikarel Pul­ liam recovered a fum ble and Anihony Brooks scored a lliird- i|u a rle r lo u clid o w n . \Shawn Lhrighl. Chris Banihardl. Chan- nen Thomas and Toby Lowe - as w ell as Ihe on'ciisive ami ilefen- sive lines - iiiatlc Ireniendous blocks and lackles for the Red­ skins, \iirs ily - SC «. I’Inu 0 (O T) Josh Freeman broke a score­ less hallie w ilh a scoring run in overtime as Shady Cirove sur­ vived S-O over llie Pinebrook Trojans. Bret Peterson added the iw o -p oim conversion fo r Ihe Bulldogs. Zach Long. Shady Grove's i|U.irierbaek. fired 10 passes and completed eight o f them, w ilh Tanner 1 lolden and Chase Samp­ son making ouislanding catches. Defensively for Ihe Bulldogs. Sampson led with four lackles. Long had ihree and a half and Ben Sink and Long recovered Pinebrook fumbles. "We played hard w ith some missed opportunities in regnla- lio n ." said Shady Grove coacli M axie Melton, ''The players e.\- eculed w ell in O T play, allow ­ ing us lo w in the game." Гог Pinebrook. Tddie Smith had 11 lackles. Joseph Teague eight and C lint Slater five. Jake Boger had an interception and Zach Dunn and David Oakley were dependable blockers. .IV -P in e b n m k ft.S C iO The Shady Grove Bulldogs playeil a w ell-c.\ceiiled defen­ sive game, gelling e.vcellenl play from Peter I-ields. Cole Jackson. A ndrew Ledford and H arley Slroud. Ledford inlercepteil a fourlh-iiuarter pass. Jackson re­ corded a sack ami both players had several key lackles. Offensively for Shady Grove. Shane Winters played well. "W hile our offense spullered. our defense did an excellent job." said Shady Grove coach Kenny Wood. V n rs H y -C n rn . 26. W K !) 0 Larly ill the game, two Cor- iiauer touchdowns were brought hack for holding and illegal pro- ceiliire penallies. On their third attempt, and with no flags on the field, the Cougars (2-0 record) scored. A W illiam R. Davie fumble lurned the ball over to the Cou­ gars w ilh a 1:20 lell in the firsl h ;ilf I'he Cougars scored for a 1-1-0 halftim e lead. The third i|uarter opened with ;i Raider fumble thal led lo an­ other C o rn a t/e r louehdow n. Brandon Sowers broke up the iw o-poiiit conversion allempt. North Davie Teams Blister Corriher-Lipe C oiitlnuL'il From I’iiHC H I game on defense, anil so did our linebackers Gough, Josh M ille r and S lc\v:irl." K irk said. "(Nose g ua rd ) C h ris A nge had a heckuva game, g ellin g in the backfield and causing a lot o f problem s." K irk also praised the defense o f ends Kuell and Josh Dixon, co riie rb a e k Zac G e n iry and safely Patrick O 'Connor. Injury and boredom appear lo he Ihe only ihings that ean slop Ihe W ildcals. and lliey suffered Iheir firsl serious injury in Iwo years in fullback M ark Huggins, who watched from ihe sideline w earing a cast fo r a broken lliunib sustained against Knox. Although Huggins, who av­ eraged 4,7 yards on .“i I carries last year and gained 02 against Knox, may miss as many as five games. M ille r conipensaled for his absence. A fler running the ball once againsi Kno.x. M ille r stepped in and delivered .“iii yards on eight rushes. Putting the center in the back- lle lil and gelling thal kind o f pro- iluclion doesn't seem fair, does ir.’ M urphy moved lo cenier and Bryson A llen jumped inlo Ihe offensive lineup al guard. "W e hope Huggins can gel back for Ihe last 2 games." Kirk said. "T h e y're (H uggins and M ille r) bolh good fullb:icks." T iiK s i;v i;N T ii-(iK ,M )K (lA M K was nearly identical, N ick O 'B rien (.S7 yards on five carries). O iiinlon T'aulkner ((i7 on four) and Zack Russell-M y- ers (,Я9 on four) averaged nearly 1 ,‘i yards each lim e they touched the ball as N orth boiled ahead 22-0 by lialflinie. held Corriher- Lipe to /его first ilowns anil gen­ erated 2,‘i() yards rushing, O 'B rien, who has roared lo 20.5 yards in tw o games, had a ■12-yard touchdown for a team lhal oulscored Knox and C oiri- her-Lipe 42-0 in the firsl half, "W e blocked a punt and we tackled the punier one lim e ." Kirk said, "M yers shol through the line, picked o ff a pileli-oul and ran il about I.i yards. "W e've gol three slrong line- h:ickers (O 'Brien. I'aylor Tvans and Trent Brooks), our ends (Sam I'ueker. Lthan Curtis and Garret Benge) are starling lo play good, we've gol some line­ men (Aihim Ridenhour. Bradley Greer and Dusty Smith) thal re­ ally go after people, and our coi - nerbacks (r'aulkiier and Myers) are real sharp, too," Now comes a pair o f show­ dow ns w ilh v is ilin g W esl Rowan, The sevenlh-grade game is Sepl, 17 and the eighih on Sept, IS, Hoth slarl al 4:30 p,m. A fter scoring the third touch­ down o f Ihe game, ihe Cougars recovered iheir onside kick.This led lo another Cougar touch­ down. Ibe last one o f llie game. Trey Presión tackled the ball car­ rier lo deny Ihe Iw o-poinl con­ version, Caleb Rominger and Sliyleek Brown scored two TDs each for Cornalzcr, Cougars coach M ike Lainer praised the offensive line o f Josh Hurcham. Chris Myers. Jessie I-rye. C,J, Doby. Jerry Bales and Jeremy Morgan on the way Ihey conlrolled ihe line o f scrim m age and quarterback Zach lllin g on the way heded Ihe offense. Also gelling praise was the defensive play o f Cheyne ritm a n , Joshua Hash. K e ith Montgomery, Chuck Hall, Kyle Monaco, Ray Sheppard, Jared Burcham, Kalep King, Michael Maready and Desmon Sellers. Preston led the Raiders in tackles w iih six. M allhew Speer had three tackles w hile Lewis l-avre. Sowers. Josh Goins and Colby Hempstead each had two. Jacob Draughn. Wesley Paugh, James Ray. Austin Brown and John W eatherman cach made one sack. Goins made aTD-.sav- ing tackle at the end of the first half. Speer gained 49 yards rush­ ing and 27 retum yards. Favre rushed for 33 yards. “ We played hard. We just made loo m any turnovers to overcome, Bul hats o ff to Cor- nalzer because th e y’ve got a good club ." said Coach Jason M urphy o f W RD. The varsity Raiders w ill meel the Cooleemee Redskins Sept. 21 al 11:30 a.m. at the D avie C ounly Youth League fo o tb a ll co m ple x in S m ith Grove. The Cougars facc Shady Cirove Sept. 21 al ll;3 0 . .IV - C o rn a t/c r 12, W R D 0 Cornatzer won a hard-fought game. A fter a .scoreless first half, the Cougars (1-1) got on the board twice in the third quarter. Bolh touchdowns were scored by K aw and R obertson. Cornatzer’s nexl game is Scpl. ■ 21 al 10 againsi Shady Grove. PP&K Saturday The annual Punt. Pass & K ick com petition for boys and girls ages S-15 is scheduled for Sepl. 22 at 2 p.m. Pinebrook Elementary School, Call the M ocksville-D avie Recrealion Department al 751- 232.S lo regisler. Basketball O fficiating C linic Set Baskelball o fficial clinics w ill slart on Sept. 29 al 7 p.m. at the: Brock G ym and run every Sunday Ihrough November. A ll o fficia ls’ need lo allend. and new ones are welcome. F'orm ore inform ation.' call M ocksville-D avie Recreation Department A thletic D irector Joe ^ Boyette al7.Sl-232.‘>, C O N G R A Ï U L A T I O N S To last week^s winners in our Football Contest First Place = $25 to Bill Serfass Second Place = $5 to Bryan Davis T w o o f o u r v e te ra n c o n te s ta n ts to o k th e h o n o rs th is w e e k B ill S e r fa s s m is s e d 6 g a m e s to ta k e firs t p la c e a n d B ry a n D a v is w o n th e tie - b r e a k e r o v e r 3 o th e rs to w in s e c o n d p la c e . E N T R Y e L A I M K l’la(|ues-Truphies-Medals- K ngruving-llutldns-K ihhons- IMastie .Slgns-Nume Tu|;s с л И Ъ ж ж ж * 30. Davie v. Statesville (iiirv 'liivliir M 14 t.owisvilic.Ci^-iiiimiris Kd Flliiin; or Fax OMt) 77K-2I2I Cicrarmms, .Nf гъ\\2 eniail:awardsxcuii'’aiil,coiii S a l e m G le n C o u n t r y C lu b Wedne.sday, Sept. 25th Chicken & Dum plings or Spiiglictti w itli M catlxills, $8.95" Thursday, Sept. 26th FticxlC liicken Picnic, ,$9.93" 22. Texas Tech v. NCSU 1000 c:it*n Day Drive, Clemmons • 712-0303 Stilem^lcn.com C H A P P E L L ELECTRIC, LLC 29. Catawba v. Fayetleviile St. 1710 CHARDALE DRIVE, CLEMMONS 7 6 6 -3 0 2 4 Electrical Service You Can Trust 21. S. Carolina v. Temple B e t h ’s H a llm a r k New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 7 6 6 -6 5 6 7 VOGLER j^ SONS 27. Appalachian v. Liberty Srnin,!; thf comiiiiiiiiryjor Funeral Home “See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans ” C lem m o as C iia ix l • 2 8 4 9 M id dlebrook D r. • 7 6 6 4 7 1 4 WABLESJ STAFFING SERVICES 3. Chicago v. New Orleans For all your stajjing neeils, give ii.'i a ccill. 336-751-4414 • M ocksville DISCOUNT SAfcES 23. Virginia v. Akron Great Savings Throughout The Store 1 5 3 3 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R o a d , C le m m o n s Hours: Mon-Fri. 9-7; Sal, 9-5 76G-4449 www.clemmansdlscounlsales.com Blanket Creek Nursery and Landscaping Com m ercial <S Residontiai Fall Is The Time To Plant Specializing in Landscape Renovations Plantings Installed • Plugging • Seed • Traclor Work Perennials & Herb Gardens Installed 28. WCU V. Citadel E s tim a te s 1620 Lewlsvllla-Clemmans Rd. • Clemmonv 77S-0303 • 76S-05B6 i I I 2 | 3 . 1 4. I 5, I 6, I 7. I 8. I I I I I I I I I I I I 20, I 21, I 22, I 23. I 24, I 25. I 26. I 27, I 28. I 29. I 30, I I I Florida vs. Tenn. I W IN N E RA D V E R T IS E R EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SPILLMAN'S HOME & LAND SALES ABLEST WILSON COMMUNICATIONS STATE FARM-DARRYL BANDY HILLSDALE DENTAL GARDNER’S XPRESS LUBE DAIRY QUEEN DANIEL FURNITURE CAUDELL LUMBER FOSTER DRUG OAK VALLEY BONANZA HOMES HILLSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT BUCKS PIZZA EDWARD JONES-MATT VOREH COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS BELL & HOWARD CHEVROLET DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE BETH’S HALLMARK SALEM GLEN CLEMMONS DISCOUNT CROWDER, MCCHESNEY TOPS TRAVEL CLEMMONS CARPET VOGLER & SONS BLANKET CREEK NURSERY CHAPEL ELECTRIC EXCALIBUR AWARDS I'll' llrc'ukcr Prcilict tile lolai scorc in tile roliowing game. In eases of tics, llic tiebreaker will be used lo lietemiinc Ille winners. Total Points Scored. NAME;I I ADDRESS: I I I DAY PHONE 1^ Entries Must Be l^ e lv e d Belore 5 pm Friday j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DAVIE COUN IT KNTERPRISK RECORD, Sepl. 19, 2002 - В" D a v ie a s s is t a n t c o a c li M a tt S a in g e t s in v o lv e d o n th e s id e lin e d u rin g th e D a v ie J V s first l o s s in th r e e g a m e s . - P h o t o s b y J a m e s B a r r in g e r J a m a r B r a tch er , D a v ie ’s fe a tu r e d b a c k , fig h ts fo r s o m e h a r d -e a r n e d y a r d s. Mooresville Wins 48th Straight JV Game M o o re sville w on its 48lh straight JV football game lasl week over hosl D avic. but not w ilh ou l some difficulty. The W ar Eagles had the bully oti the ropes. They were in po­ siiion to grab a stunning 14-13 lead late in the third quarter. But a turnover restored order for the B lue D e vils, w ho rode 1.^-0 dominance in the first half lo a 21-7 victory. D avie’s offensive and defen­ sive units were out o f sync in Ihc firs t h a lf, suggesting a M ooresville w alk in the park. D avie ’s offense had m in u s-1 yards in the firsl half, w hile the defense surrendered a 40-yard quarterback opiion keeper thal ‘ SCI up M ooresville’s firsl score and a fourth-and-12 touclulown pass that made it 13-0. The secontl h alf was much different. D avic (2-1 nonconference) took the first scries o f the third (¡uarter and m archeil 63 yards. Jamar Bratcher toted the ball on nine o f 11 plays, and the other IW O w ere B rad C o rrih e r com pletions, ihe second a 29- yard touchdown to Ziich Vogler. A M o o re s v ille co lla p se .seemed like a possibility when Davie recovered a fum ble al the M o o re sville 40. The offense clicked again, converting tw o first downs to the M ooresville 15. Then camc the play o f the game. C orriher threw low ard Ihe sideline, where a Blue D evil defensive back made a n ifty in- icrceplion and raced 90 yards the olher way. Ball game. "The kid made a great play," Coach Lee L in ville said o f the pick. " I don’t know how he kept ^ from fa llin g dow n as he caught (lie ball. He lipped il up, caught it and look o ff." Sure, the W ar Eagles were disappointed lo .see a turnover thw art tlie ir big chance. S till, it fell good to make a team w iih M o ore sville ’s tradition sweat. "T h a t’s incredible," L in ville said o f M ooresville’s w inning stre a k. "W e w ere one p la y away. I felt good about il. It took our defense the first quarter to get used lo (ihe iriple option). I fe ll a lo l better than lasl year when we played. Lasl year we fe lt h e lp le ss because we co uld n ’t slop Ihem (in losing 34-14).” The most encouraging con­ solation was a defense that held M ooresville's e.xplosive offen.se out o f Ihe end zone in the .sec­ ond half. The key names, ac­ cording to L in v ille , were Jon B rill, D uslin M organ, H arry B row n, Jordan Fowler, Jaspen Gray, Paul Ferrell and Brock Flowers. ; Flow ers had 11 team -high tackles, fo llo w e d by M organ and Fow ler w ith 10 and eight respectively. B ritt had seven ta ckle s - in c lu d in g tw o fo r fosses - tw o caused fum bles and tw o sacks. Ferrell had seven tackles and Josh G odbey and Brow n six each. V o g le r ca u g h t fo u r o f Ç orrih er’s .seven com pletions. ; " I fe lt like thdy w o u ld n ’t Score again on our defense." L in v ille said. "T h e first tw o scores were just blow n assign­ m ents." '• D avie’s ne.xt nonconfcrence opponent is visilin g Statesville on Sept. 19 al 7 p.m. B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scp(. 19, 2002 Two Desperate Teams Meet Friday At Statesville F re s h m a n Q B B ra d C o rrih e r ro lls th e p o c k e t. A D a v ie ta c k ie r w /ra p s u p a M o o r e s v ille r u n n e r a s D u stin M o r g a n (2 0 ) p u r s u e s . R e c e iv e r Z a c h V o g le r is D a v ie ’s fa v o r ite ta r g et. A b e e h iv e o f w h ite sh ir ts try to d r a g d o w n a D a v ie b a ll ca rrier. 'li'F. white ‘TruckingJ Fur n itur e Moving & Delivering Mocksville, NC 15 Years Experience ÎTTII ^homt (336) 492-2120 cell (704) 968-4776 N E W L O C A T I O N ! 5244 US Highway 158‘ Advance (2 doors (rom Dairy Queen) -998-9310- Cell:3091S2?' New Accessory Show Room 1998 Club Car, Gas >2195 Saiei, Servicc, Parts & Accessori« B u y i n g L o g s Church & Church Lumber Company 798 N ew Brow ns Ford R oad W ilkesboro, N C Price List ($ MBF) International Rule Ash - Paying Up To $600 Red Oak - Paying Up To $900 W hite Oak - Paying Up To $700 Chestnut Oak - Paying Up To $225 Poplar - Paying Up To $400 Soft Maple - Paying Up To $215 Hard Maple - Paying Up To $600 W hite Pine - Paying Up To $225 ALSO W A N T IN G T O BUY TIMBER Call Us At 336-973-S700 OR 336 - 975 - 0783 D avie’s football leam needs a w in in the worst way. So does ils ne.M opponent. Statesville. Two struggling teams seek­ ing solutions to a lol o f problems w ill meel I'riday nighl in Slales­ ville al 7:30. The 4-A War Eagles (1 -3 ) svere m anhandled lasl week by M ooresville in Coach Doug Illin g ’s worsl loss in five years. 37-6. while Slalesville (2- 2) o f Ihe N orlh Piedmoni 3-A Conference suffered ils second slraiglil blow oul loss. Another loss would jusl aboul dissolve Ihe lasl drops o f confi- CPC Football Standing.s O verall C onf. S. Rowan W. Forsyiii N. Davidson Davic S. Iredell 3-1 3-1 2-1 1-3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 dence as llie leams prepare for conference races. "W e ’ re m aking loo m any m ista kes," lilin g said. “ We looked clo.sely at play-calling. Are we scheming rigiit? Every­ thing on film tells us w e’re do­ ing Ihe right things, we’re jusl nol e.xeculing up fronl. Jusl one or two blocks away, one or two missed assignm ents here or Ihere. are preventing us from making big plays." • Tile Davie offense has shown few signs o f life, and the defense experienced ils lirsl niiseralile hour in 22 games at unbeaten Moore.sville. Mow lough has il been for the offense'.’ Discount­ ing Ihe 61-0 win over firsl-year Lake Nonnan. Davie is averag­ ing eiglil points and 191 yards in "real" games w ith Alexander C en lral, W esl R ow an and M ooresville. ils only consisleni weapon has been sophom ore running back Juslin Brown, who is aver­ aging 4.x yartls a carry. Receiv­ ers L arry Hudson and Brian Hunter have made Ihe most of Iheir opporlunilies, bul Davie has only compleled 20 passes. "F o r some reason w e’re ex­ ecuting during liie week, and on Friday nighl it’s like there's a blankel pulled over our eyes." Illin g said. "W e probably didn’l use Brown enough (Friday)." W hile D avie’s defense is far from 100 percent, some vital parts are on iheir way back. Sam S tovall (ankle) has been up­ graded to q ue slion a ble fo r Slalesville. Brandon Pane (knee) is doubtful for Slalesville bul probable for Freedom on Sepl. 27. C hris Goode (ankle) and K e vin B oger (co ncu ssio n) sliouUI i)c back. The swelling in Timmy Rednioml’s knee hasn’t cooperated and lie's slill oul in- definilely. Considering llie War Eagles' injury woes anil Ihc I'act they're coming olT llieir worst loss since l ‘)9,S. Ihey d on 'l care to hear aboul Slalesville facing ils ihird game w ithout five suspended players who were caught viuulal- izing H ickory i ligi). The Greyhounds got o ff on Ihe right tool, healing W. Iredell 34-0 and Soulh Iredell 7-0. Then H ici.nry police found 11 players al H ickory H igli w iiile doing a property check. An agreement was readied lo allow liie play­ ers lo miss three games and re­ pair damage ilone lo Ihe scliool. Slalesville was shorl 11 play­ ers in a 27-6 loss lo H ickory and shorl five players in Friday’s 42- 14 loss lo Freedom. "H aving starters out is lough, bul we have some qualily people in liiere ami we liave to do w iial we have to do in lerms o f deal­ ing w ilh llie s itu a tio n ," said Coach Roger Bost. the husband o f Davie P rincipal Dr. Linda Bosl. "P ainling the rock, lhal stu ff iiappens a lol. Bul when ihey slarl h illin g buildings, il becomes more serious." The suspended players on o f­ fense are all linemen. The Grey­ hounds still have veleran run­ ning hacks Cam Simpson, who rushed fo r S30 yards and 13 to uchdow ns lasl year, and M arcelTucker (.“i-1 0. 2.30), who rushed for 720 yards lasl year. Slalesville relumed six slarl- ers on defense and five on o f­ fense i'rom a team thal went Ci-5 and 3-3 in Ihe NPC lasl year. "W e can't concern ourselves w ilh lhal," Illin g said o f the sus­ pensions. "They've gol qualily backups, 1 don't really want to know (w h o ’s suspended) be­ cause w e’ve got enough prob­ lems lo w orry about. " If we execute and play like we're capable, we shoulil be able lo score points and hold them down regardless of who they’ve got lined up." Notes: The Greyhounds lead Ihe series 10-3. bul Illin g is 2 -1 againsi Slalesville, which losl 17-6 in 1999 and 10-6 lasl year. Slalesville won the 2000 meel­ ing 21-16. ... Lasl year’s game wasn't as close as 10-6 indicates. Simpson and Tucker were liin - ile d to 38 and 2S yards. Slalesville scored on a 74-yard pass w iiii six m inules remaining. Reynolds 1-3 K rid a y’.s Scores W. Rowan 15, S. Rowan 9 M ooresville 37. Davie 6 W. Forsyiii 14. N. Forsylh 11 Reynolds 4,‘i, E. Forsylh 21 N. D avidson 13. C enlral. Davidson 7 (O T) S. Iredeli 16, N. Iredell 2 F rid a y ’s (lum cs Davie at Slalesville M ooresville al S. Rowan E. Forsylh at W. Forsyiii Reynolds at N. For.sylh H. Davidson al N. Davidson A lexandere, al S. Iredell Illing Suffers His W orst Loss At Davie Continued From Page III look them jusl Ihree plays lo cover 82 yards for a 7-0 lead. Moments laler, ihey romped 4,‘i yards in four plays for a 14-0 lead. M ooresville's liiree-headeil b ackfield m onster possesses blinding speed and more moves than Jell-O in an eartliquake, and D avie’s shorlhanded defense dropped al ihe feel o f hallliack Davle Football Statistics Record: 1-3,0-0 CPC a t A le x a n d e r C e n tr a l L 1 3 -7 W e s t R o w a n L 1 4 -1 2 L a k e N o r m a n W 6 1 - 0 a t M o o r e s v ille L 3 7 - 6 RUSHING B r o w n B e r u b e A r n o ld Riddle H u n te r B e a m Young D a v le O p p o n e n t s PASSING A r n o ld M c C la n n o n D a v ie O p p o n e n t s H u d s o n H u n te r S t e p h e n s R a n d o lp h D a v ie O p p o n e n t s 31 C a r . G d ir1 A v g .L o n g 6 8 3 3 2 4 .8 1 9 1 7 1 2 3 7 .2 3 4 3 8 9 5 2 .5 1 8 1 9 6 3 3 .3 1 8 2 3 1 .5 4 1 -6 0 .0 0 1 -6 0 .0 0 1 4 7 5 9 5 4 .0 3 4 1 5 8 5 9 4 3 .7 3 9 C o m p A tt 1nt P et Y d s T D L n g 1 7 4 4 2 .3 8 6 3 3 7 2 5 7 3 4 0 .7 5 0 4 2 1 1 7 2 0 4 8 2 .4 1 6 3 7 9 3 5 7 31 5 3 4 .5 8 4 4 4 6 3 4 0 R e c Y d s A v g .T D L o n g 8 1 8 0 2 2 .5 2 5 0 8 1 4 2 1 7 .7 1 5 7 3 5 4 1 8 .0 0 2 3 1 3 3 .0 0 3 2 0 3 7 9 1 8 .9 3 5 7 31 4 4 6 1 4 .3 3 4 0 T D C o n v . K ick F G P ts 0 0 8 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 11 0 8 2 8 0 4 0 3 0 2 7 T a c l< le s F o r L o s s S a c l^ s B rU p F F 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 9 5 0 1 0 2 5 1 0 1 0 1 9 4 2 1 1 1 8 2 0 0 1 1 7 5 1 0 0 1 6 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 W in te r s A r n o ld B r o w n H u d s o n R id d le A llred B e r u b e H u n te r W h ite D a v ie O p p o n e n t s Defense R id d le R ic e G u s t a f s o n R e d m o n d J . G o o d e W e s t C . G o o d e B le d s o e A llred (defensive numbers Ihrcugti 3 games) INTERCEPTIONS A llre d , H a u s e r , R id d le , W h ite FUfJIBLE RECOVERIES B l e d s o e 2 , C . G o o d e , H a u s e r , S to v a ll Kicking W in te r s PUNTING W in te r s P A T F G 8 - 1 0 2 -3 A tt Y d s 1 4 4 3 8 Lg 3 5 2 0 - 2 9 0-0 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 2-2 0-1 Sky McCombs (nine carries. 116 yards), fuliiiack W ilson (seven carries. 72 yards) and I3avid Sherrill (five carries. 41 yards). Ils slick quarlerback. Matt i.am- berl, added З.“! yards on six car­ ries. " Tliey ;ue really fasl. a whole lot faster Ilian whal we've seen," ju n io r safely B illy R idiilc said. " They iliiln 'l have one good hack - every single one o f liiem was good." "W e tlo n'l know w ho’s going to gel il, because it's a (quarter­ back) rcail all the w ay," said M ooresville coach M ike Carter, who guided Davie from 1981- 88. "T liey had a greal ilrive early in the game, but our defense held on and played w ell when we re­ ally needed il. And once wc gol some fie ld posiiion, we were ready lo turn loose and run the opiion." ■filings o nly gol worse for Davie. Sherrill walked inlo the end zone from Ihe 3 to cap a nine-play, 64-yard drive and make il 21-0 at halflim e. The Blue D evils tightened the noose in tlie Ihird quarter, making il 28- 0 10 plays into Ihe Ihird and 34- 0 le.ss lhan a minute laler after a Davie fumble. Carter emptied his tiench w illi nearly 17 minules lefl. He was kind lo a Davie defense lhal lias been ripped aparl iiy injuries lo tackle Sam Stovall, a four-year starter; ju n io r Brandon Pane, a nose guard w lio had coaches salivating ill prescason; senior outside linebacker Tim m y Red­ mond. a three-year slarler; and linebacker C iiris Goode and out­ side linebacker Kevin Boger. M ooresville, which pounded Soutli Iredell 30-7 and A le x ­ ander Cenlral 34-12, improved lo 3-0. Davie tunililed lo 1-3 w ilh tw o noneoiiference ganies lefl. "H a v in g Ihose d efe nsive players oul luirls them bad," C arlcr said. "W ithout key start­ ers, it's aw fully d ifficult and our kids played w ell. Davie w ill be very good. I really mean that. I’m not jusl saying that. You take those guys they hail missing and pul them on lhat field, llie ir de­ fense changes dramatically. It’s nol tlie same crowd. Put Sam out there and that linebacker and that o th e r d efe nsive end. H eck, you’re lalking aboul a wliole d if­ ferent sel o f people lo attack. They're going lo be a lrig iil." "You can'l make excuses be­ cause we've gol good backups," Riddle said. "H ut it's hard men­ ially lo knv>w you've gol lhal many players oul and you've gol lo go againsi M ooresville." I3avie's best moineni o f tlie first half rcsullcd in a turnover. A rn old llil a streaking Cody Slcplieiis, a light end w ho raced 23 yards belore a hehnel-lo-ball hil jarred ilie pigskin loose. Instead of potenlially mavcli- ing down to cul Ihe margin lo 14- 7. Davie's long night conlinued. "W e wailed for the riglil oppor- tunity to use lhal. and we ex­ ecuted it perfcclly," Illin g said. Tlie game was a lot different lhan lasl year, when Davie pro­ duced 372 yards and lie ld Mooresville lo 12,‘i rushing yards in a 31-13 War Eagle blitz. F ri­ day M ooresville scored TD s on five straight possessions and piled up huge advantages in firsl downs (2010 10). rushing yards (314 lo 8.S) and total yards (362 lo 195). "They blitzed every lime, so liiey were eilher coming Ihrough the gaps or coming from Ihe out­ side, and Ihey were jusl slopping us," sophomore Arnold said. "Tliey were jusl a beller leam." Davie had trouble finding a bright spot. One bit o f good news was Davie's lOlh and final pos­ session. A ndrew M cC lannon look over al quarlerback and hil receivers H udson and B rian Hunler squarely in the numbers. His firsl varsily pass w:is a 17-yarder to H unter, and he whipped a 15-yarilerto Hudson to end tlie sco rin g drou g h t. McClannon's lone inconiplelion was a bomb on llie game's final play. "I Ie's a dilicretU i|u;irlcrhack (liai) Cooler, aiul he possesses a lot of gooil Ihings,” Illing sail! o f the jvmior who piloicd the J V Гог IWO years. “ W e’re nol afraid !o pm him in al any lim e, and lh a l’s why we wanted lo give him a chance and give him some experience in ihe sccond haif.” N oltis: D avie co uld n 't ask any more from sopliomore run­ ning back Justin Brow n, who guii\ed 75 yards on 17 trie s against fierce tacklcrs.... Hunter and Hudson averaged 12 yards on seven catches.... A rnold ech­ oed D avie’s Iheme o f preaching patience. “This is jusl noncon- 1‘erence,” he said. “ This is help­ ing us get ready for our confer­ ence. B y the lim e conference comes around (Oci. JJ), w e’re going io he aJrigJit.” ... N ow Davie has Iwo fresJinien in the secondary. S afely UeShawn Parks joined cornerl>ack Raes- lion M cN eil, and aciiuiiied iiim - self adm irably in his varsily tle- bui. “ He came up and made a lol o f good hits,’* Illin g said. “ He didn’t shy away a bil. He's go­ ing to sm ack people in the m outh." Davle 0 « « 6 -i> M uiirfsville 7 14 I.l i - M KIrsI Q iia rle r Nt - N kC oinbs n run llhincline kick). -^2. .Sccniui Q iijirtiT M - Lyerly U ) run (Ihindiiii.* kick). M - .Slicrritl rut) (M;inoliiii.' kicK>. Third yuiirliT M '-NtcCornl>s I runUliinclinckick). 7:10. M - Wilstm 11 run (kick ft: 11'. F d iirih Q iitiriiT M -HiitK'linc .17 l'Ci.‘J:()7. I> - Mmlson 1.^ puss Irom McClan- tioc»(ktck luih. 5:21. I KAM S rAn s l ie s Kushcs-yarils I’assing Conip-Au-lnt I’unis Fiunblcs-I.osl IVMiallics-yarils .Iril couvcr>ioi»s INDIVIDUAL STATISI ICS D»vk‘ RUSHING - Brown 17-75. Arnold M-19. RliliJlc4-() I’AS.SINCi - Arnolil 5-I.5-1-6S. M c­ Clannon RnCEIV/NG - IJunlcr Hudi .son .1-17, Slepfiens 1-23 M ooresville RUSI¡ING - McO)rnhs 0-116. Wil­ son 7-73. Slifrrill 5-41. LatnlKTt Lyerly ft-17.1’tckarti 5-1-L OslHiurnc .1’ 12, Nc\vnoni^-l-L Ciirnclius 3-.1 PASSING - LanilKTl .l-5-(MS KHCI:IVING-IVoplcsl-l7.Tunicr 1-17. Slicrrill 1-14 1)M 10 .Ift-KS 48-.^ 14 no 4K ..V5-U. 5-31 l-2‘)4-2 M 4-4»400 ’ 4-12 ft-11 lifii! liisiifitiici! Gioiiji ivii.4 fotimlcd lo provide its l\iiicyhoi(l(‘is willi its iiear |)('if(!cl |irol't!cli(m atui soiTlce al lltc lowest [KKssihle cost. Wiiy nol make ii.s рпл'с il';' Call us toiiay rorsit[)crior msttraiice i'or your atild. Itotiic. littsiiii-.ss ami lil'c. CoiiUu't yiiitr local KUIE Лш‘1111'oi- a ftci!, no-oiiiijialion (|tiot(; for ali your insttraticii nc(!(ls. (liiiy Kowdoii TRIANGLE INSURANCE GROUP iiOfi N. Main SliviM Mi«k>vilU-, NC2702« (.i.46) 9.46-(KI2.4 gmhim'dcn(!!'ni(H'ksvill(M4ini ERIE INSURANCE GROUP ERIE, Ш Ш Faimington Road Exxon & Wrecker Service o ffe rs 2 4 h o u r 7 d a y a w e e k T o w in g & R o llb a ck PLUS A ll iV lajorJV Iotor C lubs 4 Tire Rotalion & Balance Check Brake Pads $ 2 0 "» Service Department Closed on Sundays N C In s p e c tio n s 8-e M-F • 8-2 Sat. A v g . L o n g In 2 0 3 1 .2 5 3 5 Н8 - DAVIK COUM Y KNTKRPRISK RKCORI). Sept. 19, 2002 Senior Sara Miller bumps the ball against West Forsyth, which was no match for fired-up Davie. Markland Mad, Disappointed Sarah Williams sparked the blowout win over West C onlinucd From Pii(>c 1П The .South loss was a shock, ;iikI vvtiat made it even more in­ cre d ib le was Ihe m anner in which Oavie went down. It led in game live, but only brietly al i-4 . "W e had the look o f fear as servers," M arkland said. "We looked like wc were scared to serve, and I haven’t seen lhat from Ihese g irls al a ll. They should have all ihe conlldence in the world. They were hoping the olher leam would lose in- . stead o f Irying lo win. I here was no enlliiisiasm . The parenls hail more enthusiasm lhan they did. "As far as our serving, lhat Ashley Davidson volleys it back over.- P h o t o s b y J a m e s B a r r in g e r JV Volleyball Rebounds Behind Davidson Duvid.sün A fter w illin g in a shutout loss to South Iredell. D avie’s JV v o lle y b a ll team got back on Ihe rig h t Irack with a shul­ oul win over West I'orsyth last week. Davie lost 15-7, 15-K in the Central Piedmont Conference opener, Ihcn im proved to .1-5 overall with a 15-'). 15-8 viclory over the its second league oppo­ nent, Ihe Titans. "W e m oved some people around and ihat's the best our JVs have played," varsity coach Dave Markland said. Plugging Ashley Davidson, a varsity reseñ e as a freshman, into Ihe JV lineup gave Davic a huge boost. In game two, she served live straight poinis to wrap tilings up afler Wesl had clim bed w ithin 10-8. "Davidson had a tremendous m atch," M arkland said. "She’s getting better and better. She hit w ell, blocked w ell and .served very w ell." Jennifer W ilson played sel­ ler for the first time all year, and proved up to Ihe challenge. "She did a great job ," he said. "She gave a hitlable ball the major­ ily o fthe lim e." Davie plays visitin g R ey­ nolds on Sept. ly before going lo North Davidson on Sept. 24, 1 j i I ) ' N i Erin Whitaker goes down to bump the ball.A Titan leaps to try to block Nicole Maready's hit. was a llnke. We are a good serv­ ing team, ll was contagious and il just snowballed. W e’ve got such a special group (o f si.x se­ niors, inclu d in g fiv e senior starters), and I haled il fo r them," H ow w ill Davie respond? Markland has a good idea. "It was terribly disappoint­ ing, but we III'// rebound," he said. “ I believe w e’re the belter leam and I s lill believe lhal. They didn’l have near the h it­ lers w e’ve faced. I feel like w e're fu lly capable o f taking them in three games on their courl." W I'S T rO K S V T II'.S riM - IN (i couldn'l have been worse. Sarah W illia m s opened the match w ilh 10 straight points and Candice James finished ihings o ff in game one as the W ar l-agles e,\ploded 15-1. They won the ne.xl tw o games 15-') and 15-10. "We look Ihem out of game one ironically with our serves," he said. “And Uiey’re nol a bad leam. West’s record doesn’t show il, but a lol of ihose girls play club ball, they know how to play and they have two middles thal are very lall, taller than anybody we ha\e." James sel up Ihc hitlers w iih typical precision and A lliso n Schafer was b rillia n t w ith 16 kills againsl just four errors. "James ran the offense very well. She did a good jo b pick­ ing Ihe hillersand m ixing il up," he said. "1 pul Schafer back in Ihe middle and we were more aggressive olTensively." Davie (10-2, 1-1 CPC) plays al hoiue lo Ueynolds on Sept. l ‘J and at North Davidson on Sept. 24. Coach Dave M a rK ia n a taiKs to his te a m d u rin g a tim ­ e o u t. Ashley Davidson, a varsity freshman, follows through on a swing. B e d ro o m , L iv in g & D in in g R o o iq G ro u p s 3 Piece Bunk Beds ' 'tanmeaiSI 99 Rcclincrs M.ininy al Itnlhin Leather Livinc Room (iroiips Avnllnt>lc K & K 221 East Main Street, Vadkinville • 679-8374 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-5pni; Salurday, 10am-2pm K im b e rly S. P in y a n , D M D i.'i filc.i'H.'d lo.innouncv ihcopcnini; othLTpr.K-tkv. Ser\'ia?s iiicliitle General aiid Cosmetic Dentistry. ApptjintmunLs avnilablc' now. CaU 760-2011 4712 CounhyClub Road (Li<c.ili\/nc,tr Ijif inlcrscctiiin of/oncstoivii ,ind Cminin’ CItib liiads) scay*s TREE SERVICE A iNMNMNMfMrT 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 2 9 4 4 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 Fiee Estimates • Fully Insured • Serving Forsylh & Davie County Residential & Commercial Work SelectlveTrimming & Pruning -Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage ■ Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing ■ Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) T h a n k Y o u ! A special Thanks to Rustin Harpe with help Irom Ryanne & Randy McDaniel and many others lor putting on a Benefit Softball Tournament for Dustin Myers. Thanks to all the players who participated, the umpires who gave their time and the families and Ians who supported them. Also, we want to acknowledge R&J Sports, Deano's Barbecue. Miller’s Restaurant Shores Plumbing & Healing, Doctor & Ivlrs. Steveri Laymon and Mocksville/Davie Parks and Recreation. We were blessed with beautiful weather, good sportsmanship and dedicated helpers. I thank you all. Polly Seager On befialf of RiclKie, Sandra, C/irysla/, Tonya & Dusiin Afye/s. Яит/шрфлОшОпМувгш DAVIK COUN'I V KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - B9 Tigers Jump On Lowe’s Bacl(, Rally For OT Win Hy B rian Pltt.s Davie Counly Entcr|irise Record Sovith tDavie's seventh-grade football team was in trouble. When Ihe Tigers needed a drive- suslaining first dow n, they couldn't get one. When ihey neeiled a big play, it wasn'l Ihere. Then, in the Ihiril t|uarter wiih theliost Eagles leading 8-0, Van- ner Lowe took over and hauled South lo a 22-14 overtime win. Thc Tigers entered the week w ith a 10-1 m idd le-sch o o l rccord against Erwin, bul they were scrambling like a man al sea iryin g to roach a lifeboat when Erw in struck first blood in the third (luarter. T h n i's w hen C oach Todd Hunigarner put South's come­ back hopes on Lowe's shoulders. "T h e y have a p re lly good leam ," Humgarncr said. "B ul we decided al halflim e to go back and play some old-fashioned smashm oulli," lie said. "W e de­ cided lo go to our hammer sel. We pul lhat in last week afler nol being able to stick it in a couple linies inside the 5 (in a 22-20 loss to Wesl Rowan). We had lo make some adjuslmenls on how lo gel the ball in the end zone," Bumgarner moved linemen Brandon Jones and Jesse Crotts to blocking backs, t.owe lined up behind them, pounded out 102 ya.^'ds, scored tw o touchdowns and lifted South lo 2-1. Low e capped an 11-play drive to put South on the board at 8-8. Cameron Webb capped Soulh's nexl drive w itli a touch­ down for a 14-8 lead w ilh five minules lo play. After Erwin tied il on a halfback pass to forcc overtim e. South handed o ff to Lowe, who chunied nine yards on firsl down and crossed the goal line on second down. Soulh. which stopped a two- point conversion w ith tw o m in­ utes left to set up Low e’s hero­ ics. p re va ile d w hen E rw in fumbled away it O T possession. There was little suspense about what South would do in the ham uicr offense, bul it didn’l m ailer. South handed o ff lo Low e 22 tim es in the second half, and Erwin couldn'l stop the bleeding. This from a guy who barely louchcd the ball in lt\e firsl two games. "Tanner carried the load," Bumgarner said, "fie showed me something. I’ve got some other good running backs, but they’re not as big and strong as Tanner. 1 needed a bigger runner and Tanner came though. "H e gol cut under his eye, he had a black eye and he had bruises on his head. I mean, he went lo war for us." S oulh's sniash-’em -in-the- moulh toughness also involved fin ii blocking from John PHiff, Luke Ray and Jesse Cousins. "It wasn't all Tanner." he said. "The offensive line got after it. Lowe was three or four yards dow nllelil before they made con­ tact w ith him ." Notes: Webb gained 43 yards on five carries and catching three C olby Seaford passes fo r 28 yards. ... Seaford completed 5- of-9 attem pts.... Am ong the de­ fensive standouts were Floyd Collins, Eric Low ery and Shay Holder. "C ollins and Lowery did a super job, coming up and mak­ ing a lot o f one-on-one tackles on the outside,” he said. "H older, did a super job at nose guard.. She's a tiard worker, she’s get-' ting better and she wants to con­ tribute." ... South plays at North Rowan on Sept. 24. Injuries, Cutbacks Catcii Up To 8tii Grade Tigers South Davie's football team isn't used to ticing in ihis silua- lion. How did ihe Tigers get fiom .^4-0 over Erwin lasi year on the seventh-grade level to 22-20ilc- feal 10 Erw in's eighih graders lasl week? The explanalion is easy, Lasi year the Tigers' backfield fea­ lured a Mack truck named l.ce Cody, riic y entered ihis year without Cody but slill had siilTi- cien t fire p o w e r In N alhan Walker ami Keiuielh Hrown, Bul last week Soulh lookcil com pletely different friun the team lhat stomped Corriher-l.ipe .18-0, ami even the team lhal pushed West Rowan lo the lim it in a 14-8 loss. W alker moved to New Jersey after rushing for 128 yarils againsl C o rrih e r-L ip e . Brown gained 28.1 yards on 24 carries in the lirsl iw o games but snITercil a shoulder injury in the third quarter againsl West. He was "50 percent" againsl Erwin, according lo assistant coach Brent W ail. W ith Soulh reeling from ros­ ier setbacks (running back C.J, W hile w asn'l available, either). Coach Toilil Huinganier resorted to Plan C againsl Erw in. Josh Eder found him self in the spol- lighl and handled the heavy load quite w ell, carrying 25 times for 116 yards. But thc Tigers' altack was a far cry from what il used lo be, and the missing parts caught up to them in a 22-20 loss. "W e knew Brow n’s shoulder was banged up prelly good. We just hoped il would heal hefore game day," Bumgarner said. "I saw when he put on his shoul­ der pads that he w oulil be (well below 100 percent). He wanted to slay out there, bul his heallh is more im portant," The Tigers aclually slruck firsl on an Eder run, and they forged a 14-8 lead in Ihe Ihird Baity Delivers For North Soccer Tyler Baity scored two goals and assisted another lo lead Norlh Davie's soccer team over High Poinl Wesleyan 3-1, B aity and C hris W anuiek, who scored thc olher W ildcal goal, gave Norlh a 2-0 lead. A f­ ter HPW pulled lo 2-1 before halflime. Baity iced North's third win against no losses midway Ihrough the second half. " The ilefense played their best gam e," Coach John M ar­ shall saiil. "M ichael Sulier. Max (iraham . Ross D avidson and M ichael Jolly soTidilled the de­ fense. w ith Marshall Jefferson coming in and doing a nice job. And m y keepers (Jared Nelms and Richie Gassett) played really w ell," The Haity-led W ildcals have North Volleyball Slips To 2-2 N orth D avie 's v o lle y b a ll leam slipped lo 2-2 againsl Slalesville last week, but il was hard for Coach Trish King lo walk away feeling bad. N orth's eighth-year coach didn't have any complaints be­ cause Slalesville is ihe kind o f com petilion she wants. She even talked to S tatesville's coach about joining Statesville's Iredell Counly conference, " ll was a very e x c itin g m alch." she said of the 14-16. 15-1.8-15 decision lhat dropped North to 2-2. "It was one o f the most exciting nialches we've had in a while because we're real comparable in lalenl. I talkeil lo Ihem aboul getting in iheir con­ ference becau.se they have the talent lhal I w'ani to play. I would love to be in ihcir conference because everything would be a little more meaningful lo be able lo shoot for a conference cham­ pionship," Outside o f l-'irsl Assem bly and Slalesville, a first-year op­ ponent, the W ildcats have tradi­ tionally held virtually everyone else by the neck, creating bore- iloni. K ing enlered her eighih year al thc Norlh helm w ilh a 69- 21 record, but she would gladly saerillce a glow ing .766 winning percentage for a conference lhal would make N orlh sweat. She has grow n weary o f pushing around the Dow ntow ns, Sum­ mits and Forsylh Country t^ays. "Statesville intim idated us," she said, "and a lot o f it had lo do w ilh we finally played a team - olher lhan Firsl Assembly - lhal was up to our level o f play. It was great lo watch. It lasted an hour and 15 luiiiutes and usually our matches are over in 30 minules. ll was a learning experience for us and il was a learning experi­ ence for me because il helped me see our weaknesses." Jenny Mann eased N orth ’s frayeil nerves in game two, serv­ ing 14 poinis Io force a third and North’s Pitcher Gets Rave Reviews Continued From Page B I For good measure, W illia m s blasted an inside-the-park home run. "She’s a league above," W hil­ lock said. "N o l only is her fast­ ball so nuich faster lhan whal these girls have ever seen, she’s gol olher pitches, loo - a curvc- ball, changeup and she keeps them offlialance. And W hitney never gets tired. In tournament ball she’d pitch Ihree games a day.” W hile it’s easy lo gel caughl up adm iring W illiam s' prowess, don’t forget about Sanih Alex- antler, a sevenlh grader who is h a rd ly yo u r average No. 2 p ilc h c r. N orth coach A m y Speckin lifte d W illiam s afler three and Alexander responded w ith two scoreless innings, scat­ tering hits from Rachel Goin, Retiecca Riddle, Lauren Parker and Vanessa Didenko. W illia m s ’ counterpart. Parker, did a solid jo b In defeat, slriking OUI four and walking one in live innings. "N o rlh is so strong they have five pitchers, and Alexander is to u g h," W h illo c k said. "She pitched loumament ball fora re­ ally good team, and 1 was really ama/cd at how much stronger she's gotlen. She's just a natu­ ral." I.A T K R IN 1 H U VVEICK, North and Soulh overcame slow starts. North (3-0) derailed China Grove 13-4, bul not until a Kaie­ lyn Jones smash ignited 12 un­ answered runs. "W e weren’l ready lo play,” Speckin said o f N o rth ’s 4-1, third-inning deficit. Jones lurn e d the game around. W ilh two ouls and the bases loaded, she tripled lo vault Norlh ahead 5-4. G o in erased S outheast's hopes w ith a bases-loaded knock, W ilh South down 1-0, quarter on a Eder-lo-Brown con­ nection o f 13 yards. E rw in, however, scored the next 14 poinis for a 22-14 lead w ith four minutes left. "E rw in 's im proved on sev­ enth and eighth grade." Bumgar­ ner said. "T h eir quarterback's a super player. He somehow es­ caped a tackle o f about ihrce guys and somehow had the pres­ ence o f m ind lo throw Ihe ball deep (lo lie thc game at 14)." W ith South facing a ilo-or-die drive, Bumganier tapped Brown, who scampered 12 yards for a touchdow n that pulled South w iihin a Iwo-poini conversion of forcing overtime. Il was Brown's third carry of the game. "Eder carried us as far as he could, and 1 had to put Brown in," he said. "W hen Brown puts his hands on the ball, good things happen." Bum ganier calletl Brown's number on the two-poinl conver­ sion, bul Erwin W’rapped him up short o f thc goal line to beat the Tigers for the sccond tim e in 13 middle-scl'iool meetings. "That's two weeks in a row we've missed the two-point con­ version to tie (including a 22-20 seventh-grade loss to W est Rowan)," Bumgarner said. “ Wc didn'l execute on offense and we didn't lackle w ell al all. The in­ jury ting has taken its to ll." Soulh plays at home to South­ east on Sepl. 18 and al N orth Rowan on Sept. 25. oulscored Firsl Assembly, For­ syth Country Day and HPW II- I. Baily has four o f those goals. 'Their next games are Sept. 19 at H igh Point Wesleyan. Sept. 23 al home to Downlown and Sept. 24 at home lo Salem Baptist. "The guys are doing exactly what we've tieen w orking on in practice," M arshall said. "I'm real happy w ith their progress." deciding game. ’The W ildcals, however, never found their pass­ ing rhythm . They fe ll inches shorl in game one because o f inept passing and the same prob­ lem doomed them in game Ihree. "W e won (game two) so eas­ ily bccause they couldn'l reluni Mann's .serves," King said. "We couldn'l pass because they in­ timidated us. Next lim e I don'l ihin k w e 'll be intim idated by them ." B ritt Harrison also deserved some spotlight. She came o ff Ihe bench and made crucial plays when Statesville did manage to reluni Mann's serve. "Harrison was probably the only g irl lhat wenl out and was not in tim id a te d ," K ing said. "She was very aggressive and had a look on her face lhal she wanted lo win. She was pumped up and ready to go." N o rlh plays at hom e lo D ow ntow n on Sept. 23 and al Statesville on Sept. 24. she doubled for a 3 -1 Tiger lead. Jaclyn Smith went 3-for-4 and Goin added another hit us South (2 -1) pulled oul il 9-6 viclory. "G o in ju st ripped it. (H er double's) whal started the whole thing," W hillock said. "Riddle made some really good plays at first base, and A p ril Siockncr cam e th ro u gh . She made a couple good catches in righ l field." South had six hits, including one from Riddle. Nutc‘.s; Speckin likes what she's seeing from Kayla Bowles. "She did a really nice job againsl Soulh D avie,'’ the second-year coach said. "She's really im ­ proved since we started prac­ tice ." ... N orlh plays al West Rowan on Sepl. 18, at home to C orriher-Lipe on Sept. 23 and at North Rowan on Sepl. 25. Soulh plays at home to China Grove on Sept. 23 and at Erwin on Sept. 25, C a ll a n y t im e WITHIN THE STATE OVER STATE LINES THROUGHOUT THE REGION INTO ALL TIME ZONES ACROSS THE COUNTRY f o r 6 ( t /m in u t e SPRINT SOLUTIONS'“ Local Service Call Waiting ID Call Forwarding GC/ininuteLono Distance W ith S print S olutions,you get e ve rvitiin fl vou neeil lo r one Hat m onthly ra te . Anil by gettino it all togeiher, you save at least 40% versus orilerino separately. Visit us al sprint.coin/local or call 1-877-ONE SOLUTION S p l i n t Stnic: lel Diilitli II «Il Kilt Biiidtaiiil. <iiid lui ciltiag ealt InKiaitiml iitit uii tal lii(lili|it iir i»l| (iiduiiig >Hi(hii|tl «l (itiltilill (lllt iiil ts ailill (biDis) till I III ni 71» Iti inKiMlioail illM Aliih tidtiid Addiioiii m itili Itti «lì il»li (unir iiiiHti tii il I ll\ iil tliiiii Uliiirtil SiiiKl tkii|i »ili iiply. Omiìiii istiiiil (llll mi loll li(i/(illiofl citi (Hit Bidi Ina »11 (boaii in Iti U} «ili U iisiiiid 1 uitliiiti All iiUt iibiKt li (kitgi Riiliidiiii i»lf - tll lllil, tini ili tioditiant il tiiinl (la (isimlil CJiiiil ?lli; All iiQtti iitiiiid !piiil iid 111 diiiiil Ini dtHli i'i iMi>l"i< tiidiiiikt it {»liil CiaiiiKlIliit (liMif l.f. • I BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRrSE-RECORD,Thursday, Seplember 19,2002 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Dr. Karla Frazier of Hillsdale Animal Hospital examines a dog. Hillsdale Animal Hospital Plans ‘Pet Fest’ Oct. 12th Sometimes childhood dreams do come true. Just ask Dr. Karla Frazier, owner of the Hillsdale Animal Hospi­ tal. Growing up In Burke, Virginia, Frazier, an animal lover for as long as she can remember, always knew that she wanted to become a veterinarian. Now she Is one. “I have always loved dogs and cats. Growing up my mom was afraid of cats so we always had dogs. But about four years ago my husband and I took In a stray cat and now we have three cats along with several dogs too," Frazier laughed. At Hillsdale Animal Hospital, Frazier and the mem­ bers of her staff share the same philosophy - compas­ sionate care lor animals. “W e all want lo take Ihe same care of our furry pa­ lienls as their owners do. We treat each ol them just like they were our babies," she said wilh pride. As a show of Frazier's love of animals, Hillsdale Ani­ mal Hospital is holding Ihe lirst Pet Fest 2002 Festival on Salurday Oclober 12th. Dr. Frazier describes the event as “a huge party in my backyard." "We want to make this an annual event," she notes. Roof-Brlte Can Fix Unsightly, Stained Roofs American Rool-Brite has the answer ior those unsightly, il not damaging stains lhat appear on shingle roots. Prolesslonal root cleaner and American Rool-Brite owner Don Sunday Is the expert behind the business. With over 30 years of rool-cleaning experi­ ence, American Rool-Brite has the knowledge and technical skill to kill rool lungus spores, the usual cause of Ihe black or discolor­ ing stains on asphalt and liberglass shingles. Don bought his American Rool-Brite dealership over lour years ago, alter researching Ihe company and Its product. What he likes to Impress upon his customers is the method he uses to dean roots. The first step is to apply an environmentally safe, biodegrad­ able cleaning compound to the roof area. This application sits on the roof lor several minutes. The formula eats away at the cause ot the rool stains, lungus. This Is one ol the steps that separates American Roof-Brlte Irom other root cleaners, who just spray the rool with a high-pressure wash. The next step lor Don is a low-pressure/high volume wash. Don Is passionate to let his clients know that this low-pressure wash is an important difference In roof cleaning technique. Most people assume that what a roof needs is a high-pressure wash. This, Don says, could not be farther from the trulh. In fact, a high- The Pet Fest will be held at 134 (Medical Drive In Ad­ vance from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is invited to this outdoor festival whether you have a pet or not. Below are some of the exciting events lhat will be tak­ ing place: • Live Band • Free Food • Pet Health Information • Pet Related Booths • Pony Rides for Kids (11-1:30) • Petting Zoo • Face Painting • Pin the Tail on the Doggy • Golf carts for Kids to ride In • Dog Show- Best Costume • Agility Demo (2:00) • Dog Shows/ Demos (2:00) • Pels foiAdoption • Paw Print Booth Lunch will be served at 12:30. Everyone can bring pets but all pets must be leashed or carried and be spayed or neutered. For more details or Information call 998-8750. pressure wash usually causes damage to a roof, tearing up shingles from the rool, which can result in Interior water damage. Nol good. The low-pressure/high volume method used by Ameri­ can Rool-Brite has been trusted by homeowners for over 30 years. The third, and final step that Don incorporates, is the applica­ tion of a stainblocker, or sealer. This layer of protection is guaran­ teed lo prevent lungus growth for Ihree years. Rool stains are not just ugly, but the fungus that causes them can damage your home. Merely washing your rool Is not enough. The three-slep process used by Don Sunday and American Roof- Brlte Is an environmentally sale, professionally proven method for killing rool fungus, and preventing it. American Roof-Brlte Is owned by Don Sunday. You can reach Don at (336)-785-2030. Advertising Promotion UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Laigest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers R o o f-B r ite * 7 8 5 -2 0 3 0 ’ ............ VVinstoo-Salem. NC 27107 A Pei'soiuil lliNidi 'nuvel, LLC! 79 Court Square • Downlown Mocksvillc • 336-753-0950 '‘D esliiiatioii b H m m jim on Spfcialists" Linda Blackburn - 14 Years Experienco Local Fuii-Stnvict Travel aclsci Serving Davie & Surroundi.sc Couvnts www.p«fioniltouchtrav«l.com Mon Fil 9-5, Evenings & Sat. by AppL T I L E R I T E (336) 813-TILE ;(M S 3) W iio a ia n m and Stone tìle. M r omd Ьшш b 14 )оя № Ыи çol (lilt ' hca«Aidcuaai»i(nn.Fi«tifaiia. O e n t e r p o i n ^ C h a r c h Associate Rsformed Prssbytartan 6301 Shailowford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) Sunday SctMdule Morning Woratiip 0:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Caauai Evsning WonWp 6:00 p.m. F hrm arm b^fitnm atitm : www.centarpointarp.com 'No job too big or loo small’ BasiiicssAppaa-1, Tc:im Lugos, Monognuns, Gifts, Sliiils, Caps, Afghans, Bag.s. Lovies NO SET VP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 7 1 2 -0 9 4 3 ^Fortress Insurance - Group, LLC . New Indcpcndcnl Insurance Agcncy . Locally owned operated . Compctilivc rates on auto. home, life, heahh, and commcrcijl insurance 22Ì5 U'tinilif-Cifmmons RJ. Sutte C ClfmfiomPhottr JJA..154-ÌWV) Fill. e-wail.S1on-Fn. 'iiim-fp'n tinJSjI 9im-}pm EVER YD A Y i" Sfiiinr 4 0 ° “ O F F 2 D AYS O N LY Friday & Saturday Sept. 20-21 Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 Home O f 'Ihe Toasted H o td o g AVjir Oni'rinp S o ft S e rve Ice C re a m Shuktss Siin<ii№s & Cones AUSO: H AM BUR G ER , CIIEl-SKliUKC.ERS, n S H S A N in V IC Iir:S & M ORE!2432 lAnvis>1IK>ClcmnMm.sR(L MOiN.-S AT. nicJilc Ito i Hul) ¡ We Now I Have Thrifl Store | Prices2668 Lowisvillo-Clomrrions Rd.Clommong • 766-3000 |(Across from Viiingo Cnndio & Gifts) IMon.-Fri. 9-0: SnI. 9-ß; Sun. 12-5 , Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage • C D 998-9661 / Climate Ck)ntrol / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance A - 1 F I R S TIMPRESSIONS CARPET&SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 ^ 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 WWW. A irirstlmpressions.com CarpeLUphofelav, WoocVTile Floore, Lealhef. SmoteWaler Damage. ColOf Repairs Clycing-Vehicielnlenof-Peli Odof Central'Residential & Commercial C C IICRC Ж ГIIIII II Mocksville Shoe Shop Siioe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (336) 753-0942 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS (for a limiled time)16 Yrs. Experience Opory M'F 8:30am-€:00pm I upen лт•^ в:^иат-ь:иирт Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In.. Carpet&Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (3 3 6 )7 6 6 - 0 7 3 3 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN TOWE RJEUC I HeaiTljfd 5919-C James St. IIU IW I H illsd a le A n im a l! free first |OFFICE VISIT • or I 15% I DISCOUNT ON i VACCINES I I I I (excludes medications, \ I additional testing) ■ I must have coupon j H o sp ita l i Call 998-8750 , for details, - or to schedule an appointm ent. 134 M EDICAL DRIVE ADVANCE, N.C. 27006 amoamane ^ я ш я т а ^ T > r* «to n e WHANCEDK G e o rg e 's Village Garage, Inc. COIIIPtETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Bumper-To-Bumpir Car Care Nads 2170 im m v K x c 4 ;L C iu io M S r o a o C L U M O N (.N C a r e il 7вв-7вв2 Local Independent Tire Dealer K E V IN PRIES Manager EDWARDS W INDOTre LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME We Do Restoration A New Construction • New Vinyl Top Decking •Vinyl Decks & Railing •Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms •Vinyl Siding p -Sun Rooms - i ™ , , • Enclosures ^ u m a te s ! G lass w ith 764-0885 SPECIAL O F THE M ONTH S to rm D oors: 9 C olors, 1 5 S tyles D a v i e P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTY KN TERPRISK RKCORI), Sept. 19, 2002 - CI Dance The Night Aw ay Davie t-iigh i-losts Dance Festival It.v Jnckic .Seiiholl D;wie Cminly nnlcrprisc Uccoril Л R egional H igh School Dancc r'c.siival hosted by the Diwic High tl;\nce class w ill be held Ihis Triday in M ocksville. The Brock IV rrorm iiig A rls Cenler w ill be Ihe selling for area public school siiuleiUs Ui come logelher for whal’s being called a Day of Dancc. They w ill allend a day long list o f evenls where they w ill share dance roulines, lour down­ town M ocksville. and prepare for an evening ilance prescnla- lion. R egisiration w ill begin at 8:.1() a.m. lhal morning and stu­ dents from M l. Tabor. E. For.sylli. ami olher high schools are e.xpecied lo allend. "W c'rc irying 10 begin making some­ thing tlviit all o f the people can come logelher and high scliool kids can meel each olher and not jusl Slay w ilhin our com nuini- tics." says Davie H igh dance leacher Terri W inchell. Regisiered dance sluilcnls w ill have ihc opporlunily lo lake master classes taughi by visiting professional dancers B.J. and Sean Sullivan, a husband and wife team lhat reside in W inslon- Salem. An evening perfomianee al 7 p.m. w ill showcase whal slu- denls leam as well as olher fea­ ture performances. “ M ainly whal I’m Irying lo do." .says W inchell. "i.s some­ lhing totally new. but geared to­ wards modem dance." The prescnlalion w ill tiegin at 7 p.m. al Ihe Brock Performing A rls Center. M ain S lreet. Mocksville. Tickcts ure uvuilablc III llic door Ihc nighl o f itic cvem and w ill be S5 each. B.J. and Sean Sullivan will be the special guests at the dance festival and will teach master classes. (Pictured clockwise) Sarah Sheppard, Ashley Sizem ore, M aggie Hendrix, Darla Draugh, Nicole Sinlth, andTasm in Edgerton. Heather Beauchamp (on phone) calls olher school lo extend an invitation to the dance festival, while Melissa Wallner works on ticket designs. (Pictured clockwise) Tomisha Norris, Ryan Wrenn, Ashley Atkins, Michelle Wallner, Elided Marin, and Kourtney Hanrahan. - Photos by Robin Fergusson (Front) Melissa Wallner, (Middle) Heather Beauchamp and Jessica Ward, (Back Melissa Folds, Jennifer McGown, Julie Eldred, and Samantha Killmeyer. (Pictured left to right) Jessica Lord, Allison Waypa, Ashley McKnight, Megan Gamble, and Jessica Whaley.Davie High dance teacher Terri Winchell. t C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 Angell-Willard Couple United In Mamage In Yadkinville Jcssica Dcc Angell and Br> an L e w is W illa rd , b o lh o f Clemmons, were unilcd in mar­ riage at 4 p.m. Salurday, Scpi. 14 al U nio n G rove B a p list Church, Yadkinville. The Rev. Kenny Goo<Ien officiated. Tlic bride is the daughler o f D arrell Angel o f Y adkinville. She is a graduate o f Forbush High School and Forsyih Tech­ nical Com m unily College. She is a registered nurse at Forsyth M cdical Center. The groom is the son o f Myra Idol o f Casar and Paul W illard o f Oak Ridge. He is a graduate o f D avie H ig h S chool and Forsyih Technical Com m unity Collcgc. He is a rirefighlcr for ihe C ity o f Winston-Salem. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, Ihe bride wore an ivory two piece gown. The sleeveless lank style lop was designed w ith a scoopcd front and back neckline, and was embellished with seed pearls, crystals, rocals, and bugle beads. The fu ll chiffon A-line skirt was enhanced w ith a de­ tachable chapel length train. Her waist length veil o f illusion was securcd to a m ini band o f pearls, rocals and crystal. She chose Tavi Peirce o f East Bend as her matron o f honor. Bridesmaids were Gina Allen. B ra nd y H aw ks and K atie A ngell, sister o f Ihe bride. The groom chose his father lo be best man. Ushers were Anthony Allen, Anihony Ward and P.J. M allory. R ing bearers were August and Trayton Tuttle, cousins o f the bride. Guest register attendant was Joy W illard, the groom ’s sisier. and program attendant was Patrick Angell. the bride's sister. W edding direcior was Debhi Hoover. M usic was provided by Jo Queen, vocalist. Betliiv.i Angell. Irumpeler. the bride's aunt. A reception was held in the church fellowship hall, Ser\'crs were Cynlhia Currcn and Mary F.llen Cromer, the groom's aunts. A fte r a w edding trip to G allinburg. Tenn.. the couple made their hiinie in Clemmons. W edding Kvcnts • On July 27. a couples shower was given by Anlhitny and Gina Allen, friends o f Ihe couple, al their home. • On Aug. I , a bridal shower was given by co w o rke rs al Forsyih Medical Center. • On Aug. 4, a bridal shower al The Victoria House in Easl Bend was given by B e ilin a Angell and Leandra Tuttle, the bride's aunts. • On Aug. 10. a lawn and gar­ den shower was given by Joy W illa rd , the g roo m 's sister, Cynthia Curren and M ary Ellen Cromer, the groom's aunts, and M ary Leonhard, the groom 's grandmother. • On .'\ug. 17. a bridal shower was given by Jackie W illard, Ihe groom 's stepmother and Bertha C arlyle, Ihe groom 's aunt at Ihe home o f Paul and Jackie W illard. • On Aug. 30. a surjirise lin ­ gerie shower was given by H olly Alm ond and Teresa Rinehardl al the home o f H olly Almond. • Tavi Petree hosleil a brides­ maids luncheon on Sept. 7 al The Victoria Hou.se in Easl Bend. • A rehearsal d in n e r was hosted by O lin and M yra Idol, Ihe groom 's m other and slepfa- Iher. at Pilol View Friends Meet­ ing. Spry-Boger Couple United In Mamage Mrs. Bryan Lewis Willard Laura A nn S pry o f Cooleemee and D ustin Shane Allen B ogerof M ocksvi"e were uniled in marriage at 11 a.m. Aug. 17 at Cooleemee Presby­ terian Church. Felicia Stuart Hoyle ofnciatcd. The bride is the daughter o f M ike and Ann Spry o f M idw ay Street, Cooleeniee. She attended Davie High School and earned a degree in dental .assisting from Rowan-Cabarrus C om m unity College. She is em ployed by James A . M urphy, D D S , in Salisbury. The groom is the .son o f W il­ liam B ill Boger and Teresa Lovelace, both o f M ocksville. He attended Davie High School and is assislanl store manager for Food Lion 932 in M ocksville. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther. the bride chose N ico le Davis as her maid o f honor. Bridesmaids were A licia Smith, Elysia Schabel and Sally Leazer. Junior bridesm aid was Cora , Brown. The groom cho.se B ill Boger and Darrel Crotts as his besl men. Ushers were David Spear. Stacy Spry and Ross Spry. Jun­ io r groom sm an was D ustin Lovelace. Junior groom was Dalton Lovelace. F lo w e r g irl was M adison Parker, and Z;ich Spry was ring bearer. A fte r a re cep tio n in Ihe church fe llo w s h ip h a ll, the couple wenl on a wedding Irip to tile Bahamas. They are al hom e on Pine R idge Road, M ocksville. W edding Events • A bridal shower was given by Sara Scoll, Jamie Parker and N ico le D avis al C ooleem ee Presbyterian Church on July 13 from 3-.*) p.m. • A bridal shower was given by Judy G rubb, M ary Louise Penley, Brenda Vogler, Mona Brown, Karen M oxley and Pal Kanies on July 28 at Cooleemee Presbyterian Church from 3-,‘i p.m. • A rehearsal d in n e r was given by the groom 's fam ily al the church fellow ship hall on Friday, Aug. 16. New Arrivals Are your memories in a safe place? Cathy Foster H Í611Í6 T Í6 S, (704) 546-5360 I’hoio-safc Scnipbook Plioii) Allnims ' i'i' Cl.uw« ami Worbhops ‘ Bii.siìincss Op|-K>rmniiic-s t Iimii' ( (I) timi.) (iotuuit.mt 1КМГ \'mi. (SOO) MI -SirS Davie Counly, TH A N K Y O U for your prayers & support! ANDREW BROCK Please rem em ber to VOTE Nov. 5th . ______Paid for by Brock for Senate K L U T T Z Eddie and Kelly K luttz o f M ocksville announce Ihe birlh o f a daughler, Cassidy Faith Klutt/., on Aug. 29, 2(K)2 al Iredell Memo­ rial Hospital, Slatesville. She weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz, and was 18.7,‘i inches long. She has two biolhers, Bryan, 11, and Micah. 4. Maternal grandparents are Ken and Jeanie Broadway and Harold and Vicky Frye, all of M ocksville. PiUemal grandparents are W aller Bryan and Vera Kluttz o f Cleveland. Great-gnindparents include Roy and Virginia Broadway and Tince and Margie Foster. HARRIS Brian and Amanda Slye Harris announce the birth o f a son, Bra­ dley Thomas Harris, on Aug. 2 8 ,2(X)2 at Rowan Regional Medical Center in Salisbury. He weighed 7 lbs. 10.5 oz. Maternal grandparents areTaylorand Kalhy Slye. Paternal grand­ parents are Tommy and Cindy Harris. Greal-grandparenis are W ink Hcndricks. Carolyn Foster, Rayford and Mary Harris. Greal-greal- grandmolher is Louise Allen. Mrs. Dustin Shane Allen Boger Thank You D a v i e C o u n t y f o r a l l y o u r s u p p o r t! \. J u lia C . H o w a r d P/\ID FOR BY THE CO.MMITfEK TO EU'CT JUUA C. HOWAKD Advance Florist & Gift Basiiels FniH • Bdi«t Ooodi • Oounntt BMluts W»Mog«FMn«t«t* — ill? Deliver — (336) 940-6337 иол-Fri « 4 , la i M G E N E ’ S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons S E P T E M B E R B A R G A I N S o f t h e М О Ш Н ТпиЩ/аЛиг. Help Is Just Around The Comer. B rent and K a ih y C rotts o f T om C . L a n e , M o c k s v ille , proudly announce Ihe b irth o f Ih e ir firs t ch ild , a son, Nolan B rcn l C rolts. He was b orn at 7:13 p.m . on 'niesday, August 27, 2002 a l F orsyth M edical Cenler, weighing 7 Ib. 6 oz. and 21 inch e s lo n g . M a te rn a l grandparents are James and K aren Jones o f W elcom e, NC and B illy and Lynne A llen o f C le v e la n d , N C . P a te rn a l grandparents are M ichael and Karen A llen and Joe C rotts, all o f M o cksville. G re a t-g ra nd - parent« are Nannie W ilson and Lavada Blake o f M o cksville, Bruce and B arbara A n n F lyn l o f P liie K n o ll S hores, and B e lly F ly n l o f W inston-Salem . C audell Lum ber and B uilding Supplies 162 Sheek Street • 751-2167 Open Daily Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 Sat. 7:30-12 noon C h e c k O u t T h e s e S u p e r S a v in g s ! 2000 Ford F150 XLT Super Cab Red, 5.4. limited slip rear 2000 Honda Local trade-in, 5-speed S#<«« rdu3n « to K« «jvti d iUxoH Ы Ck«(DUlMltn< I KtAcjüt S«OMNnr<cbpncalditn I Tire Rotation I ia Brake ¡ IInspection I ! ________ I I :________$ 4 9 5 • 1 '•totacralt. PiwirtfI I MM Г4 кгам«- &lvw Sef*j Batlefy MmiMwMrq* i I r.>4 4M rOuMMr« I 01 DAN BECK FORD C elebrating 3 7 Years in B tisiness" Hwy. 601 North to Yadkinville, left at 3rd light past old Hwy. 421 Main Street, Yadkinville • 336-679-8841 • Winston-Salem • 336-722-9850 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - C3 ^lanA ^ O ll We woiilcJ like to thank everyone for their support and vote for Allen Whitaker. God Bless each and evcrv one. G e n e and M a rth a N e il W h ita k e r ----------------- — - ^ To the people of Davie County who stood by me and believed in me, THANK YOU for your loyal support. George M. “M ike” Sm ith Paid for b y S m ith for S h eriff Cam paign T h a n k Y o u to those who supported m e in my campaign for County Commissioner. You aie appreciated. Sincerely, Dwight L. Myers Paid for by Dwight Myers Campaign ThmlcYeu! I Love Davie County. Debra Brown Groce Paid for by Debra Brown Groce C a r t e r - P r i c e E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Koniilla l.yiini; C arlcr anti Uicharil Lee Price, hoth of Mocks­ ville. w ill he inarrlecl at 2 p.m. Nov. at D iilclm ian Creek Baplisl Church. The brille is the ilaughlcr o f Heeky aiul Sonny Davis, aiul Jacoh Ciirler, all o f M ocksville .She is a graduale ol' Davie lliy h School ami earneil a cosnicloloyy degree from Daviilson County C oinniu­ niiy College. She is cniployeil hy Great C lips ol'Cleninions. The grooni-to-bc is the son o f Lee anil Carolyn Price ol'M ocks­ ville. I le alteiKleil I3avic I ligh School aiul earncil his C D L aiui drives for M ocksville Builders Supply. D o n a l d & D e a n N i c h o l s C e l e b r a t e 5 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y Donald and Dean N ichols o f M ocksville celebrated their .‘iOtli wedding anniversary Sept. 6-10 at the Outer Banks. Hosts were their children, Sharon and Dean Campbell o f Cleveland, Janet and Joe Taylor and Dena and Kenny A llison, all o f M ocksville. A son. Gary Nichols, died in I'J'M. They have I ^ grandchildren and three greal-grandchildren. The couple also celebrated w ilh special friends Gene and Gardenia Boger at riie O live Garden on Sept. U . The couple were married on Sept. 14, I9,‘i2 in Chesierl'ield. S.C. The lorm er Priscilla Dean Bradshaw o f Salisbury, she retired from Davie Counly Schools, He retired from Skyline Corp. L e t T h e O u t d o o r s In Don't just replace your windows- Bring the Beauty ofthe outdoors inside • C rafte d For Beauty • B u ilt W ith Security In M ind • Engineered For Energy Efficiency A nd Strength • Designed F or M aintenance Freedom • Perform ance G uaranteedTo Last •W oodgrain Interiors Available BUILOINeizcMOoeuNO. CIO ’998-2140 Л е а я п Ro w a n R e g io n a i MnUICAL CE(^HR September Classes & Events Community Programs I Educational Programs l£ g s to r UfB Screening — Free 1'criplu.Tal Vascular Disease (PVD ) is a cirailator>' condiiion caused by a b lo tka fif of liu; blood vessels in the leg. T iiis screening w ill help lliose alliicled w ith leg pain dclcniiine if they are al risk lor PVD. Early deicciion of I'V D or other vascular diseases ta n help prevenl or lessen the risk of developing olher heallh problems. SeplemlxT 28 from 9 a.m, - noon, W ilson L Sm ilh Family O ulpalicnl Cenler, 612 M ocksville Avenue, Salisbury Call (704) 2 1 0 « 6 2 8 lo schedule an appointment. rareni-T o ra ra m w ancsnop — rree Parent-lo-l’aa-nl is a six-weck scries of classes helping parents deal w ith the tough issues facing adolc-scenls today: violence, drug abuse, se.\ and self esteem and character development. Parenis w ill leam how lo recognize potential wam ing signs, communicate more effeclively w ilh iheir children and use trust as a basis for building character. Each hour-long class session w ill build on one another. Sponsored by ihe Adolescenl Family Enrichmenl Council and the Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention, the sessions w ill be held O ctolx-r 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and Novem lx-r 6 from noon - I p.m. in the W omens H eallh Cenler, 3rd lloor, Rowan Regional M edical Center. Lunch is provided. Call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 .5 5 4 4 to register or for more inlormation. PosWve Disc^plne lliis program provides opporiunilic-s lo learn parenting enhancemenl skills. Join olher parenis lo hear .iboul discipline methods and strategies thal w'ork lor todays children. Seplember 26 • 6 - 8 p.m., W omens Heallh Center, 3rd lloor, Rowan Regional Medical Cenler. Call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 .5 5 4 4 to register or for more information. Educational Programs Com prahem ive UaiMife Small group classes and individual inslniclion are offere-d on a weekly basis lo help masier the skills and concepts for the control of dialleles. Tliese classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classes are held at the Salisbury C ily Park Recreation Cenler, 316 Lake Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classcs w ill lie o ffered o n Ihc foliow inK dales, and yo u m ust attend ail three sessions: September 18, 25, O ctober 2 *1-3 p.m. Call (7 0 4 ) 638>1437 (a m a e infamation. Gestational nabelB s Classes A certified diabetes educator providc-s a special program for expectant mothers w ith gestational diabetes. T lie program includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose nioniloring. Tliese classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Cc-stational diabetes classcs w ill be offered on the fo llo w in g date; attend the date o f y o u r choicc. September 26 • 9 -11 a.m.. Rowan Regional Education & Wellness O utpatient Services liuilding, 721 C rove Sl., Salisbury C all (7 0 4 ) 6 3 8 -1 4 3 7 for m ore inform ation. 1хюк Good, Feel BeOer An American Cancer Society program that teaches cancer palienis lechnif|ues to address the cosmetic side effccts of tre-almenl. Call (7 0 4 ) 2 7 8 4 )9 9 2 for an appointment or lor more information. Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support and educalion for parents of children wilh Aueniion Deficit Hyperaclivily Disorder. September 2-1 • 6:30 p.m., Salisbury Pediatric Associales, 129 Woodson St., Salisbury AWAKE (Alert, Well Anil Keeping Lnergelic) Provides a social and educalional foixtm for anyone suffering from a sleeping disorder. Call the Sleep M edicine Cenler of Salisbury al (7 0 4 ) 6 3 7 -1 5 3 3 for meeting infom ialion. C anlac Support Group Provides support and education for cardiac palienis, people w ho are at high risk for heart disease and their families. T liis group meets the third Tuesday ot the iTionlh during February, June and O ctober • 7 p.m., Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser M edical O ffice liuilding. Rowan Regional Medical Cenler. Grief Support Group Evening Meeting Provides support for those suffering from the loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional Hom e Health & Hospice. September 2 3 * 6 p.m., Ryan's Sleakhouse, 730 Jake Alexander !ilvd.,Salisbury. Meetings and program start at 7 p.m.; dinner is nol included. Women’s Health A ll classes meet in the Women's Health Cenler, 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 5 5 4 4 lo register or for more- inform ation. Lamaza P nparad G t * U r ili and Batay Basics tjeam w hat lo expect during labor, birth and postpartum periods,- coping skills,- relaxation and breathing techniques,- and pre-paring for childbirth. Taught by our Lamaze-certified childbirth educators. Classc-s meet once a week for six weeks, and a class fee is charged. Lamazc classes w ill lie offered on die follow ing dates: SepleniIxT 23 ■ O clol3cr38 • 6 - 8:30 p.m. Moonlight Mammography Do you find it difficult to schedule a nianmiography exam during regular business hours? Now you can gel your annual maniniograpliy exam ns Inlc ns 7 p.m. Monday - Tltursdny nl Rownn Regionni Medical Center. Call (704) 210.5238 today for an appointment. Blood Pressure Clinic Every Wednesday from 9 n.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medicnl Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided in the medical center's parking garage on Henderson Street. Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-emcrgcncy mcdical problems or for answers to your medical questions, call Nurec-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's Irce. 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 3 S 4 9 2 1 R u w a ii f-ii!(]io n ,il M o d ic .il C!:l41I(,'i o ile rs ,i v< iii(;ly o l tiu .illh ,u k I w o IIiid s s iH k ir.tlio i c i.is s i's Fo i m o ro rn lo im ,itro n or lo i(.'(|isl(,'r lor ,in y c ld s s o s or su ()f)o i| ()i(iii|)'. ( til (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 0 0 0 6 1 2 M o c k s v il le A v e n u e , S a lis b u r y , N o r t t i C a r o li n a 2 8 1 4 4 w w w . гл \л /a n . о r q C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 The rains came, and so did the crowds to the annual Center Fair and Barbecue last weekend. Above, Miracle Cline, 2, looks at a couple of award-winning cakes. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Nancy Tutterow poses with her blue ribbon winning doll. Rob Anderson looks over some of the hand-crafted items. Joshua McDaniel, 12, earned a second place award for this colored pencil art piece.The canned goods always draw a lot of entrants and onlookers. O ld W agon R oad Aubrey Wensil Speaks To Retired School Personnel Visitors look over the items crafted by some of Davie County’s talented senior citizens. * A u b re y W e n sil was the speaker al the m eeting o f the D avie C ounty Retired School Personnel Sept. .S al Bermuda Run C ountry C lub. He lias been instrunienlal in m apping the old road w hich was o rig in a lly comm issioned in 1763. It runs north and south across w ha t is n o w D avie C ounty from Shallow Ford on the Yadkin R iver to Renshaw’s F o rd on the S o u lh Y a d kin R ive r, and then in lo Rowan County. W e n s il’s slid e s show ed pans ofthe tra il w hich are s lill v is ib le as g u llie s and lo w ditches in the woods. He gave an account o f C orn w allis and h is tro o p s c ro s s in g D a v ie County on the road in 17S1. Maps show ing the route are available al the D avie C ounty Library. Lorene M arkland, president o f the Retired School Person­ nel, outlined goals for the year: increase m em bership, stream ­ line meetings, develop school and com m unity partnerships, help members becom e m ore p o litic a lly aware, anil slarl a new sletter and a website. She showed a new brochure which explains the benellls o f m em ­ bership and is available from Sadye B arger, m em bership chair. A ll relired school iiersunnel are invited lo m eelings al noon on the first Thursday o f each m onlh, Seplember-Dccember, and M arch-June, al Hernuula Run C ountry C lub. C all Sadye Barger for more inform ation. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sipt. 19, 2002 - CS ^rnatzer News Community Theater To Present ‘QuiIters’ Dottle Potts nialzer Correspondent Kcv. Marokf Zim m em ian is pastor of Cornatzer Mcthod- Clnirch. Lasl week, he was ilvedently listed as paslor o f malzcr Baptisi Church. Betty Jo Bowens has returned lie from Baptist Hospilal. Klla Sm ilh visiled Betty Jo wens Monday night. Ella and cv Barney visiled N ellie and z W illiam s in Sm ilh Grove Tuesday. The leaders o f Ihe Awana youlh program o f Comazer Bap­ lisl Church attended an infonna- tive meeling in Rockwell Satur­ day. M r. and M rs. Perry M orris visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer I’olls Friday nighl. Juily Sherrill. Failh Harris anil D o ris H utchens celebrated Sharon Polls' birthday with adin- ner at C racker B arrel in Clemmons Friday night. bur C o rn ers New s M a rie W hite ur Comers Correspondent Mrs. Johnsie Shelton spenl week w ith Dawn Hughes. M r. and M rs. Terry Hamm iled M r. and M rs. K enny \ith Friday. Mrs. Johnsie Shelton, M r. and s. Von Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. bby S h e llo n , A m anda ghes. Ryan S h e llo n , H a ll Iton and Hanes Shelton al- ^ino News tended the Tucker Reunion Sun­ day in Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hite and Jeanna and Jessica W hite at­ tended Ihe Allen Reunion Sun­ day al M ount Olive Melhodi.sl Church fellowship building. Virginia M urray visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hile Salurday. Mrs. Johnsie Shelton visiled Mrs. Bertie Baity one day last week. The D a vie C o u n ty A rts Council w ill continue ils 2002- 200.1 season. "Calch a Connec­ tion lo Ihe A rls," w ilh Ihe com ­ m unity theater production o f Q uillers. a m usical by M o lly New m an and B arbara Damashek. The s lo ry o f a p io n e er woman and her seven daughlers, Quillers blends a series o f inler- related scenes into a rich mosaic which captures the terror and jo y. the harsh challenge and abiding rewards o f frontier life. Combining nuisic, dance move­ ment and scenes o f vivid dra­ matic intensity, the play pays tribute lo Ihe courage and spirit o f our nation’s pioneer women. In the end. when Ihe various patches are assembled into one g lo riou s, b rillia n tly co lo rfu l quill, the effect is breathtaking and m agical, and a theatrical masterstroke which w ill linger in Ihe m ind and memory long after the house lights have dimmed. Q uillers w ill be presented al the Brock Performing Arts Cen­ ler, 622 N. Main St., Mocksville, O c t.4 .5 , H a n d 12a t7:3 0 p.m. and Ocl. 6 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets: $8 adulls; students/.seniors, S6; groups o f 15 or more. S.S. A "Sle.nk and Show" special is of­ fered for S1 .‘i . Call the arts coun- c il bo,\ office at 751-3000 or email: hi>.\()Jfice@ilinifarls.oij;. Tlie website: www.davu’iirts.Di!;. V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s A l w a y s A v a i l a b l e Volunteers arc needed lo .sel up plalfom is for "Q u illers" to be presented by the Davie County Arts Council Com m unity Theater. It w ill require carrying plalfom is on Ihc stage and assembly. Carpentry skills are not required, bul bring tools. Props w ill also be placed on stage. Be at the Brock Perfonning A ns Ccn­ ter, 622 N. M ain St., M ocksville, Saturday, Sepl. 21 at 9 a.m. Scripts are being accepled to set up a theater library. Call the Arts Council. If you w ould like to volunleer Saturday or any other lim e, call 7 5 1 -3 112 or email info@itaYiciiils.org. Volunteer opportu­ nities include costumes, m akeup^air, props, scenery, stage management, play reading, ushering, hanging flyers, folding programs, m ailings and more. RiverParl< Land To Be Blessed John Seaford, Richie Gassett and Zach Prevette make sure there’s plenty of barbecue for the hungry crowd. -<;j N ora Lathnm 10 Correspondenl The b rea kfast al W esley lapel’s new fellowship hall w ill ’ in Ibis Saturday from 6:30- a.ni. The menu is country m. sausage, eggs, redeye ivy, sausage g ravy, baked lies, grits and homemade bis- ils. Children 10 and under w ill fa’e to start o ff ihe new break- I season. Guests at Wesley Chapel Sun- y were Suzanne M iller, M ike .1 Adrienne E llis and Dorothy Ik. James and Lelia Essie has as ir guests over the weekend nry and M arilyn Sizemore and ns. Davie and M ichael, o f A l- ny. Ga. They came especially r Ihe Essie Reunion al Sage- isli in Clemmons Salurday. On nilay afternoon, Ihc Sizemores J Essies attended the annual M ineral Show al the Forsyth Gem and M ineral C lub. The show is held at the Educalion Anne.N at the W inslon-Salem Coliseum. Weekend guesis o f Bob and Kathy Ellis were Bob’s uncle and aunt, M ike and Adrienne Ellis, and Adrienne's sister, Doroihy W alk, all o f Pittsburgh, Penn. W hile here, they attended the Center Fair and were very im ­ pressed w ilh all the local talent. Salurday nighl. Bob an Kathy had a cookout in their honor. Those attending were the honoress, Bob’s brother and his fam ily, Richard, Calhy. Lauren, Lindsay and C arle r E ilis o f Jonesville. and Hamion and Nora Latjiam . A fter church Sunday, ihey went lo Shalley Springs for lunch and lo liearTomm y D rifter and Ihe Lost Travleers. Hannon and Nora Lalham joined iheni. ll was a very enjoyable trip. CO O LEEM EE - A Blessing o f the Land w ill be conducted on Saturday, Sepl. 28 al the site o f the R iverP ark al Cooleem ee Falls - The Bullhole. As part o f the Cooleem ee H islorical Association’s annual te xtile heritage fe stiva l, L iz Singing Butterfly, o f Ihe Chero­ kee Bear Clan, w ilf perfonn a tra d itio n a l N ative A m erican blessing ceremony next lo the South Yadkin River on the Davie side. A ncient Indian artifacts have been found in the park. That ceremony is .scheduled for 2 p.m. The day starts at 11 a.m. at the Zachary House grounds for a reunion o f sorts, w ith hotdogs, ham burgers and barbecued chicken plates. A l I p.m., there w ill be a walk to Ihe RiverPark sile lo dedicale the land and celebrate the devel- Mocl^sville Civitans Present Awards And Install New Officers The M ocksville C ivilan Club Awards N ighl was held Monday, Sept. 9 in the fellow ship hall o f the First Baptist Church. President Jack N aylor w el­ comed members and guests, af­ ter w hich Sgt. al A rm s R ulh H oyle led the g rou p in the Pledge o f A lle g ia n ce . D avid Heafner gave the invocation for the buffet dinner. F ollow ing the meal. Presi­ dent Jack N aylor recognized the gucsls. A momenl o f silence was ob­ served in m em ory o f members deceased sincc the club was or­ ganized in 1980. Awards w ere presenled lo|7 o // U p Y o u r S le e ve s Sixth G raders Can G et Two Earn ■iepatitis Im m unizations On S epl. 20, Ihc D avie lunty Heallh Department and с D a vie C o u n ty S chool alth Department w ill begin ;ir seventh year o f the "R o ll ■ ) Your Sleeves" sixth grade .'p a tilis В im m u n iz a tio n □jecl. School heallh and health p artm en t nurses w o rk Dsely lo provide hepatitis В ccinalions lo all sixth graders \o have not received the ccinalion .series. There is no st to the parenls. The N.C. in iu n iz a tio n program ivides Ihe vaccine. T h is year, a b o o ste r o f la n u s/d ip th e ria w ill be I'ered along w ith the hepatitis series. A letanus/diptheria losler va c c in a tio n is L-onimended every 10 years, iroldine Winebargcr, nursing ector fo r Ihc Davie Counly .'alth Department, said there sufficient lelanu.s/diptheria ccine available for school­ ed ch ild ren . The tetanus orlage began in 2001 cause one on the Iwo inufacturers which made Ihe ine d isco n tin u e d aduction o f the vaccines. The Hepatitis B vaccination series becam e a required c h ild h o o d im m u n iza tio n fo r children born after July I, 1994. T h is program 's purpose is lo provide Ihis vaccine lo children born before July I, 1994. The H epatitis B sixth grade project started in N. C. schools in 1995. Parenls o f sixth grade children attending Davie C ounly Public Schools should have received infonnalion concerning hepatitis B and tetanus vaccinations. A pemiission fonn mu.st be signed by the parent and returned back lo Ihe school fo r the ch ild lo receive the vaccine. If a parent has not received this infonnalion packet from the Davie County Schools, Ihey may call Lynne A llen, school heallh secrelary al 751-7704, extension 44. Soulh Davie im m unizations are .scheduled for Sept. 20. North Davie is .scheduled for Sepl. 27. C h ild re n , above the sixth gnide levels and up lo age 18, may receive Ihe h e p a titis B and telanus/diptheria vaccinations at no cost at the D avie C ounty Heallh Department. Parents may call 7 5 1 -87(X) for an appointment. awarded degrees from Appala­ chian Slale U niversily follow ing Ihe summer semester. Elizabeth Sexton K im berly earned a m aster’s o f reading educalion degree. Melissa Anne Bell earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Quilt Show To Be At ¡Huntsville The Hunl.sville Historic Pre.s- ervation Society and Fannington Cotton Company w ill sponsor a q uill show at the historic Hunts­ ville M ethodist Church Oct. 5 from 2-5 p.m. A ll q uille rs are invite d lo bring Iheir q u ilts fo r display. Viniage q u ills are especially welcomed. There is no . adm ission . Homemade ice cream w ill be available, and booths for crafts and other items w ill be ihere. Anyone interesied in bring­ ing a quilt, or .selling up a booth, should contacl; Kay C um by, 463-4732; Anne W hite, 463- 5589; or Janel Sunderman,463- 4304. club members for outstanding w o rk d u rin g the past year. Plaques were presented lo the officers by N aylor and presi­ dent-elect, Bob Rauch. Pam Curtiss was the recipi­ ent o f the civitan o f the Year award, presented by the presi­ dent. Rauch announced the w in­ ner o f the Citizen o f the Year award, Fred Rogers, who was unable to be present, being on a m ission trip to Germany. L l. G ov. E lect D eborah Morse o f Lexinglon initiated new members L illie Mabe, Lena Reinsvold and Shelia Stanley. Gov.-elect Larry W ilson of M ooresville presented pins lo charter members Jack N aylor and Bob Rauch, Jackie Fender, charter niember, was nol presenl. He then installed officers for 2 00 2 -2 00 3 : p resident, Bob Rauch; presidenl-clecl, Karen S m ith ; secrelary, Edna Simmons; and Ireasurcr, Belly Sm ilh. The governor elect then read Ihe C ivilan Creed as ihe gavel was passed from the retir­ ing president lo the n ew ly- elected president. D oor prizes were w on by members and guests. ® f? B U O A V lG lÜ jT i Fisher Pricc Uttic People »KM i Choice So«p« lUs-'lW Near t-40 Exit 180 1 block west ot Dairy Queen Tues - Fri 10am -7pm Sat 10am - 5pm EntireR4CI(ofSunslaiics * 1 . 0 0 lus.*«.** Additional Baraalns...Gifts,Furniture,Bedding,Tools»More American Grcctlns Cardi A r t h r it is P a in M y s t e r y S o lv e d Horse Liniment Is Ihe secret! OCALA, FL. - An ingredient used to treat inflammation in thoroughbred racehorse legs, is now recognized as safe and ef­ fective for human use. The in­ gredient has been formulated into a product called ARTH-Rx'“ and comcs in a strength de­ signed for humans. Research­ ers are excited and say the for­ mula can relieve anhritis pain for millions. Developed by the Phillips G ulf Софога11оп, ARTH-Rx is a breakthrough in Ihe treatment o f painful disorders ranging from minor aches and pains lo more Serious conditions such as ar­ thritis, bursitis, rheumatism, ten­ donitis, backache and more. Scientists suggest that ARTH- Rx works by intercepting the pain messenger suhsbince that sends pain signals to tlie brain. Although the mechanism is not totally clear, pain is relieved in the affected area because the pain signal actually disappears. ARTH-Rx is the only product on the market with Neurocaine and is available in a convenient, pleasant scented roll-on appli­ cator without a prescription. Ac­ cording to a spokesperson for thecompany, ARTH-Rx is avail­ able in pharmacies, nutrition stores, and even some feed stores. ARTH-Rx can also be ordered by calling 1-800-729-8446. www.haUa1cs.com C2000PGC ARTH-Rx Is available at; Or at your local: FOSTER DRUG 495 Valiev Rd. ■ 751-2141 opmcnt o f the park. The walk w ill slop at the old Riverside Hotel site, where thanks w ill be given. Evenls arc sponsored by the Cooleemee Historical Associa­ tion in cooperation w ith the M o cksvillc-D a vic Recreation Department. le IC 'П It ■•C ;c It I. У ir It IS у 1, a .*r 1. s. i:r H ospital A uxiliary M eets The newly reformed Davie Counly Hospital A uxiliary w ill elect officers al its next meel­ ing. scheduled fo r Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. in the hospi­ lal cafeteria. Volunteers from all over the county arc needed, said Carol Crowell. At the first meeting on Sept. 10, members learned about progresses being made at the hospilal. Lynne Doss, hospital adm in­ istrator, reported lhal patients arc being received fo r overnight stays and staff is in placc. New mamm ography equipm ent has been installed and is in u.se, sav­ ing women a Irip out o f town. Members discu.sscd ways in which the auxiliary could sup­ p o rt the h o s p ila l. R alph H ollhouscr w ith N.C. Baptist Hospital commended the group for its enthusiasm and good be­ ginning. I Interior Designs Fall Sale! Septem ber 2 3 -3 0 2 5 % • Prims • Lamps f f • Furniiua* Accessori« o n •Pii* Ploráis I loliday hems 25% ojf thni aul of the year Sbo/) П(»1у for Best Seìcitkm) Cluitlenc lì. Cussidy Chiistiiic L Hege IDSAsstK'intfs 3560-C C lem m ons Rcl., Clem m ons, NC (,W.\l tiiioi In Puhlic Llhtuiy) 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -9 9 1 8 M -F 9 a m -5 p m f- sl 1- rIC s- a • = ' i 4 L e i " C e d a r R o c k A s s i s t e d L i v i n g o f M ocksville Peace of M ind - Round the Clock Care IV Io iii a n d D a d d o n ’t lia \c to he ric h lo th e he.st ca re po.ssihie! Cedar Ruck ¡.i fully licensed by North Carolina and ii.ies only certified staff who undergo complete criminal check and drug screening. • On Site Doctors • Handkap Transportation • Nutritious Meals • Activities •Caririg Staff • Independent Living Apartments Available >24 Hour Security •Snacks • Trips •CXitlrigs > On Site Laundry ’Mediations We accept Medicaid & Private Funding "If you think your mom and dad deserve the best possible care, call me, Shelia Sammons." ^ i^ 'C e d a r R o c k 191 Crestview Drive MiKksville (336)751-1515 Enoush to Serve - Small Enough to C4 C 6 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , S ept. 19, 2002 Power Surge N ew Series A t H illsdale B aptist To Focus On R eaching The GenXers H IL L S D A L E - Feel iho Power Surge. H ills d a le B a p lis l C liu rch w ill begin Power Surge, a reor­ ganized youth m inistry, at 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22 and at 6 on every fo llo w in g Sunday. I t ’s an e ffo rt to reach the GcnXers, a group that W ill Plitt, m inister lo youth at Hillsdale, says are most like ly to stop go­ ing to church. He got the idea attending a conference in Chicago, where a .service wa.s held for people bom from approxim ately I96.‘i to the carly 1980s. "E v e ry th in g pertained to their w orld.” The m usic was more mod­ em. M ore media such as lights, projections and up-to-date sub­ jects were used. “ I came out o f there ih in k­ ing. w hy can’t we do something like this for our youth?" Four years later, it’s com ing to reality. P litt said that one in three students c o n tin u e g o in g to church after college. A fte r age 18, just six perceni continue w ith their church life. "T lia l’s a big m otivator to me 0.S a youth pastor," he said. "W c want to feed them in a way they can digest it." The church hopes to draw people from age m iddle school 10 young adults. He w ill apply Bible lessons to ihe ir lives. " I hope wc w ill reach a lol o f kids who don’t go to church ... have a place where they can ask queslions and gel answers." Hillsdale Baptist’s mission is changing lives, and this is an­ other way to do that, P litt said. The services w ill last ap- ■ proxim ately tw o hours, includ­ ing lim e in T lie M eeting Place, a place lo hang o ul w ith free food. "T lie y can pul Ihoir ques­ tions in a box and I w ill answer questions," P litt said. "W e ’ve done this before, bul w e've dressed il up a b it." H illsdale has a good m ix o f yo un g p eo p le fro m across D a vie C o u n ty, L e w is v ille , Clemmons and Winston-SaU-m. "W e have an incredible light and sound system in here. It’s really an awesome place," he said. He is launching the program w ith a series o f messages called Breaking Free, breaking free o f bad habits. There w ill be a trash can where people can throw away reminders o f bad habits. Plitt has a few CDs to pul in the can. llie series will address top­ ics such as dealing wilh drugs and alcohol, anger, gossip, sin and Ihe need lo break free from these Ihings. "Power Surge is going lo be a radically differeni kind o f ser­ vice, one lhal may nol appeal lo all types and ages, hut lh a l’s O K, because the message is the same; thal o f god’s transform ­ ing power," he said. Each week, an acoustic rock band w ill perfonn. Tlie church's light and sound system w ill be fu lly used. Drama w ill be used. “ Youlh are the fulure o f the church, but we must also re­ m em ber lha t they are the present," P litt said. "P ow er Surge w ill bo one way lo meet Ihe needs o f the younger gen­ eration in our conim unity." This generation is different fro n l any olher, and on Ihe whole, doesn't respond lo tra­ ditional forms o f outreach, he said. "The m illennial generation may be Ihe single greatest chal­ lenge facing Ihe church o f Jesus C hrisl loday, but Ihey may also be the single greatest opportu­ n ity lacing Ihe church today. T hey are s p iritu a lly up fo r grabs. "W e are livin g in a post- Christian w orld and ihc typical postmodern person already has some sense o f spirituality thal works for him - some awareness o f faith. O ur goal is lo minister to these young people, showing there is absolute truth. They need lo know lhal there is some­ thing they can believe in: Iho one true God who can show Ihem Ihe purpose for which all o f us are individually and spe­ cifica lly created." This type o f worship is ex­ perim ental, w ith visual e le­ ments, technology and a strong sense o f com m unity, Plitt said. 'llie serv’ices w ill lie at fi each Sunday evening. Hillsdale Bap­ list is on U.S. l.'iK about a m ile wesl o f N.C. SOI. "Com e feel the power," Plitt said. "Y ou w o n 't be d isa p ­ pointed." Will Plitt will lead Power Surge service for GenXers beginning Sunday evening at Hillsdale Baptist - Photo by Robj The band playing at Power Surge will ir Manship, drums: LindS Plitt, vocals; Br worship leader and lead vocalist: Jonatli tar: and Brad Bruffey, bass. ; / t o iU ) c h o o I Fork Uaptist Church After School Care Program 3-6 p.m. 336-998-8306 3l t() US I hvy 6 i, .Mock.svillc S100 per month Coni:itzcr HlLMiicntary hii.sing zone. I ÉI Visite citize J im W a lte r H o m e s h a s s o m e th in g NEW fo r y o u . Ж L a n d P a y o f f F i n a n c i n g Jim WaUcr Humc.s, the iv.uum's lar^cM on-your-b« builtlcr. is iu»\v aifili.ucil wiili a leiuicT who oiTcrs full finani'in^, iiu liuiin^ p^yin^ off or helping yoti l)uy land. Momdniycrs can intludc ihc purcha.sc or payoff of their land with a new jitn Walter h(»me. It'.s jii.si t)ne.more wayjim Walter Udine.*» makes it ca.sier than ever for more famiUe.s lo aff(.rilably hiiikl ant) finance their dream.v. II you have;Down Payment Points Cl'osing Costs Land Free and Clear $0 $0 SO Land with a Loan, with Equity $0 or Low $0 Low No Land Low $0 Low •ЛЬ* Оыъг намвв www.ilmwallorhomes.com GREENSBORO, NC ■ 536 Farragut Sl. • 800-283-6441 visit our miKlel liuim; cenicr iir c.ill I-HOO-Wi-SH.IT l’XI. 6(1 f(ir a free caíalo^ that's niled with more than 30 hcnue ilesigns. We're upeii Mim. - t'ri. К am • <> pm, Sal. 10 am - 5 pm, Sun. П(Н)П - 5 pm. *No tvcnei dom and ftiod loto frvmcng avait.'ibio to (|iiAkf>od pfoputy OMXMi. LutkJ (муоП ruvtDcng net ci»(t«itfy iiv.ti'.kt)i<> m tu« slatur» ol Kanus, ttvj Vir(Xiu Hiolo sTicnv^ íkIiíhI hano tnat тл,г nctuJi) (кШшм. ои(яли. et c\ji.torikir nto(tr>aitco$ ш (vui ol сжж ¿turvkudOflvrg БтЛв wxl üTKbCiW»« haw buen aíWiíü Stato Ucuitt*) Nimixís AL 523, W 0100360602. H CnC057t 1?, TN ??042. MS П00356. N0-10640, SC-lOlbö. WV 00eS3ß.^lüOf0U foinionltìi ncílo.Xí« bcuw«, О 2ü02 Jmi WaRw Itóínoa, iíic Ck<T,tíijíit cifcthy,4í»(.<C4KJ UNION CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Homemade Chicken Pie / Baked Ham Din Saturday, September 21** from 5 p.m. -> 8 Highway 601, I mile nortli of 1-40 Dine in or Take out $7 per plate Sponsored by the Spiritual Servants Sunday School Cla Raffle tickets for a handmade patriotic afghan are available al' Door prize tickets will be available for $ 1 each or $5 for 6 ticl merchants have donated a wide variety of door prize Tickets av4li«ble at the door, or call 492-7543 ' There will be several Items for a “SILENT BID AUCTlOt 1. Antique quilts made by Maggie Boger 2. Framed cross stitch American Flag ^ 3. Hammock with frame 4. Propane camp stove 5. 126 pc, tool set with case 6. “ Beauty and the Beast" collectible Barbie 7. “Small W onder” doll | 8. Hand-painted resin Santa Claus * 9. Painting of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse 10.Two tickets to Busch Gardens 11 .Retired “ Precious M om ents” figurine 12.Retired “Cherished Teddies” figurine 13.Bean Bag chair 14.Texaco die-cast collectibles 15.Porcelain fruit basket ...Various other items and antiques All proceeds to benefit the purchase o f a new church s SEE YOU THERE! С C( till.. ist in; . Cc . ho B( Lu Im m . Fo Ы vil Sn D A V IE C O U N T Y liN T K R P K lS R R E C O R D , S ept. 19, 2002 - C / M ocksville H igh C la ss O f ‘3 9 H old s Its 6 3 rd Y ear R eu n ion Pictured are some of the people attending last year's African-American Cain reunion. The 2002 version will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 7th Annual Cain Reunion This Weel<end riic Seventh Anniial Al'rieiin Am erican Cain U einiion. ile- sconilants o f Franklin anil Mary Heanion Cain, w ill be held al the Cenler C iim in u n ily H iiiklin g . U.S. 04 Wesl, M ocksville, this weekend. The celebration w ill begin Friday. Sepl. 20 w ith a I'isli fry al ,S p.m. On S.mmliiy. a fam ily I'ellow- ship luncheon w ill bo held al 1 p.m. On Sunday. I'amily members w ill w orship al C ellar Creek M issionary Baplist Church. 7 11 Cedar Creek Koad in the Farm­ ington com m unity, al 11 a.m. The Kev. M ichacl L in ville is pastor al Cedar Creek. L illie S cott, daughler o f Lovella and son George, descen­ dants o f the laic Carl C lillo n Cain, w ill furnish refreshments afler the niorning worship ser­ vice. The fam ily relationship con- slitutes children and grandchil­ dren o f Ihe lale: Cains. Carl. Keece. Andrew, Harvey, Cora. George. Sam. Fred. C lin to n . M illia rd . F q iiilla . S in ia . Hinshaw. M ary. Kobert, F lo ­ rence. Jerry O ililis . Percy N aylor. Nora lia lo n . Vhomas H aw kins. LoH eal H a w kin s, da DAVIE COUNTY FAIR SURVEY & QUESTIONAIRE The D avic C ounty F a ir A ssocialion is once again preparing fo r “The liiggexl Little Fair in the Triad"\ M a rk yo u r calendars fo r the upcom ing 2003 D avie C ounly Fair, A p ril 22-26. Please help us m ake the Fair bigger and belter than ever! As the residents o f D avie C ounty, w e w o u ld love lo have yo ur o pin ion as to how llie Davie C ounty Fair can im prove and g row to m eel Ihc needs o f D avic C ounly. Please lake a m ornenl to fill out Ihis questionnaire, and return it by G etobcr 1 sl, to: V ic k i R o b in so n I F a ir M a n a g e r, 209 H id d e n M eadow s T ra il, M o c k s v illc , N C 27028 D id yo u a tte n d th e D a vie C o u n ty F a ir last A p ril? __Y e s ___No I f n ot, w h y ?______________________________ _____________________________________________________ ic. of, в hi re Cv di lb is. v:i, af, sK bc v: pr I f so, w h ic h n ig h t d id yo u attend? __Tues____W e d ___Thurs ___F ri___Sal A M W h a t d id yo u e n jo y m o st a b o u t th e F a ir? _ Sal PM * W h ic h areas d o yo u th in k co u ld b c im p ro v e d upon? W h ic h areas o f e n te rta in m e n t and acts d id yo u enjoy? (Please cheek a ll that apply.) __B u ffa lo B a rfie ld ’s Possum H o lle r Playhouse___JJ Huggles C lo w n ___Band o f O z __P art-Tim e P arty-Tim e Band ___T om m D oollee’ s B a n d ___H ardD rive Band __B rad C a rtn e r___R andall Haynes Band ___W inston Salem Mass C ho ir __Pig R aces___P etting Z o o ___Pony R id e s___M a in E xhibitors Tent __M erchandise V e n d o rs___D unking B o o th___Food I Iu l Tent ___Benefit A u clio n __Horse V a u ltin g D em o ___Sheepdog H erding ___Fun Tim e R odeoing Events __W a lm art’ s O le T ym e C ountry F air Follies W h ic h typ e o f new acts w o u ld yo u lik e to see a l Ihe D avie C o u n ty F a ir? __Sland up C om e d ia n s___M aster H ypnotist ___K ids C irc u s __Lum beijack Show ___G iant Frog Jum ping C ham pionship Contests ___Baboon lag o o n ___M agician Others; W hich types o f bands w ou ld you like lo h e a r?__C ountry___Blue Grass___Rock & R oll __J a z z__C ontem porary__Chrisiian ___Latino _ Choirs Olhers: ________ ____ W ould you p re fe r local o r national bands? W hich types o f M erchandise Vendors w ould you like to sec al the Fair? __Household Products___Home B uilding & Improvement Supplies___Clothing __^Jewelry__^New Farm Equipment __Antique Farm Equipment ___New Vehicles __Classic Vehicles ___Technology ___Wellness Products O th e rs :____________________________________________________________________________ A ny other com m ents o r suggestions: A re you, o r is y o u r organization inlerested in grow ing w ilh Ihe Oavie C ounly Fair, and becom ing in vo lve d ?__Yes, please contact me to discuss how I cun help, or how m y organization cun Sponsor or have a Partnership w ith the Davic County Fair. Contact N am e:_________ Name o f O rganization:. Address:_______________ C ity ;___________________ Phone;_________________ Tille: Stute; Fax; Email; Zip:. 1 am interested in : ____A Sponsorship Package ___Becoming involved in a Commiitee C om m ittees: Please check any committee you would be interested in serving on. __Musical Entertainment ___Merchandise V e n do rs___P rom otions___Sponsors __V o lu n te e rs___ Benefit Auction __P a rkin g ___Arena E vents___Stage Acts __Donations___C hildren’s Events ___Contests Other Committees you think w ould be benencial;__________________________________________ Dena Hawkins Slewarl. Hunler, Hayw ood, Dale, Beatrice and Julius Hawkins. Julie Palierson. G e rtie G lenn, A rrie Foote. F.rnesl P atterson. S h irle y Palierson. Mary Boulware and Bertha Smoot. A ll relatives and friends arc inviled 10 bring a covered dish for Ihe Saiurday event. Coniaci Faye Cain Carter al for more ¡nformalion. The M ocksville I ligh School Class o f ly.V) held ils 6.Vd re­ union on Saiurday. Sepl. 14 al First Melhodisl Fellowship I lall in M ocksville w ilh IX attending. T w e lve were classinales, w ilh six spouses present. A tte n d in g : A n n ie B elle W h ite Ingram and husband Reggie; Ruby Boger; B ill and Ophelia Bameycastle Ferebee; Nora Boger Sloop arul husband John; Irene B a rne yca silc Matthews; Wayne Ferebee and w ife Bonnie; Edna Green Beck and husband B ud; N orm an C h a ffin and w ife Pal; John Larew; Roberl Heiulrieks and w ife H elen; and M argaret Anderson Boger. Wayne Ferebee reminded Ihe class that they were the lasl lo graduale during peaceful times o f ihe counlry and world. Ever since the graduation, there had heen wars and terrorism in the world. Members reflected on Ihe act againsi the United Slates on Sepl. II a year ago. John Larew asked, "W hat was the grealesl invention since our graduation in l939'.’"Thosc from Ihe rural areas agreed lhal e le c tric ity was the greatest. Some said te le visio n . R uby Boger said she would vole for the washing machine (She m ight be right.). Larew led a prayer before Ihe meal. A sing le w h ite rose was placed on the table in memory o f a classmate, Peggy Green, who had une.xpecledly died a few weeks ago. A tribute to her was read by Annie Belle Ingram. Before saying good-byes, members voted lo have another reiniion on Sepl. 13,203, al noon al the same localion. The Chlgger Hill Ramblers will perform Saturday night at Fiddler’s Grove. C h ig g er Hill R a m b lers H ost B a n d S atu rd ay N ight At F id d ler’s G rov e I he C iiigger H ill Ramblers w ill he in concert Saiurday. S ept. 21 al 7:31) p.m . at l-id d lo r's G ro ve in U n io n Cirove. The biind m em bers fro m I lam iony anil M ocksvillc have been playing bluegrass. gospel and some coum ry music fo r a ninnber o f years. They play at fe s tiv a ls , churches, fa m ily galhcrings. civic groups and are re g iih irs al S h c ffie lil M u sic lla ll on Salurilay nighls. They played fo r the lirs l tim e Ihis year al the Ole Time Fiddler's Л Bluegrass Festival and made Ihe cul for Ihe 10 lop hands to play in final com petition. They w ill p o rfo rn i along w ilh Ihc Cockm an I'a m ily al Ihe B ro ck P e rfo n iiin g A rts Center in M ocksville on Ocl. IS fo r a b e n e fit fo r the C hildren's M iracle N etwork. Band niem bers are Paul Lam bert Jr., m andolin; John Powell, guitar and vocal; Lynne Powell, bass and vocal; Sam Jones, banjo; and Nancy Pea- \ r » ‘ \< » ti |) i ' i ‘ |» ; i r c i l cock, fiddle and manager. Peacock said Ihey are in the process o f m aking a C D w hich shoidd be out soon. She also teaches fid d le lessons in her home. C all 704-.‘i4 6 -2 3 12 or 704-.“i-t6 -2 1 7 « and ask fo r Nancy. T h e re is no a d m issio n charge fo r Ihe co n ce rt at Fiddler's Grove and it w ill be held rain or shine. A love o f­ fering w ill be taken fo r the hosl biuul. O ther m usicians are in ­ vited to bring their instrum ents to jo in in a jam session al the end o f the concerl. Fiddler's Cirove is localed at IS I'M V . M em orial Ihvy. ^N.C. 901 o ff U.S. 64 Wesl o fM o cks- v ille ). U nion G rove. B ring a lawn chair for silling. ADIO INSURANl I in t [ ) i 'i ‘ [»; l o r 1 l i e •Í rising cost of college? I can show you several ways to save lor higher education expenses, including: ■ A Uix-frec ,^>29 sjiviiigH plan'*^ 1 Coverdell cdueulion savings accounts (fonnerly Education IRAs) ■ Custodial accounts (U CN U /U TM A) •• Withdrawals (or qualilinj hiitier education eipenses. Call or stop by today. Matt Voreli 66 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4400 www.cdwunJjonce.com Mtmbif'siPC' .......... Edwardjones serving Individual Invfttnn Since 1871 Do you want Great Auto Rates? Then you have to earn them the old-fashioned way. No tickets + N o accidents + Bills paid on tim e = a G reat rate! For m ore inform a tio n - Call m e... Stop by... Log on - il's yo u r choice! Jim Kolly, Jr. 281 North Main Street Mocksville 336-751-2937 keti>T2^nator».ide com Keilh Hiller 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksville OiuS S^op. Ciilr, 336-751-6131 Mlefii1(3ridborrwido.coni Natlonwid«* Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide Is On iburSideT Nationwide Mutudl Imurance Company and Alfiliated Companiej, Home Olfice; Columbui, OH •43215-2220 ANSIO 11/00 Dear Davie County Voters, 1 appn;ciale the conlidence you placed in me as a candidate for ihe Davie County ScliiKil Board, 'lliere were at least 421Ю of you who voted for me and I thank each of you very much. I am aware of numerous goinJ deeds |)cople did lo assist in my campaign, but many of you campaigned for me withoui my knowledge. Whoever | you are, 1 thank you very much. I e.xtend a j special thanks lo my parenls. Nelson und I Dorothy Graham, for their diligent efforts to help me achieve all o f the educational and professional goals I chose for myself. Special thanks also lo my campaign chairperson, Mrs. Magalene Gailher. Anylhing she works with is always a success! 1 also extend my thanks lo my opponents for a good nice. Mr. Potts, I appreciate and a’spect your twcnly-four years of conimitment to the board. I hojie you w ill continue to volunteer your lime in ways lhat will benelit youlh. Mrs. LivengiKid, il has Ix'en a pleasure to get lo know you during the campaign, and I кюк forward to working with you and the other schixil board members. I am blessed lo have grown up in a fiimily where Christianity, education, and providing for Ihe less forlunale were important ideals. My grandparents, the late James and Ha Rucker, continuously gtive of iheir time and resources to help needy situations in Ihe conimunity, especially children. Their love and devotion for children has been passed on to me, and I carry iheir legacy with honor and humility. To the community, I pledge to be honest, fair and dedicated to my res|юnsibilities as a school board member. Our children deserve the very best. So let’s all work together to make lhal happen. Regina Graham _______Paid for by Regina Graham, candidate ■( DAVIIÎ COUNTY I'NTi:RPRISK RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - C9 C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 Obituaries VirRinia П. Stockard Virginia B. Slockaril, SS, of Kaleigh, died Monday, .Sepl. 2(X)2, al Mayview Convalcsccrii Center. She «as liiirn May 1, 1414. in Mocksville, lo tlie lale Essie Gaither Byerly. She niarrieil ilie lale Armstrong Tate .Stockard in I‘M.S. and the couple nuived to Raleigh, where Ihey resided lor the remainder of their lives. She was a long-standing memher ol Firsl I’reshylerian Church of Ra­ leigh and a longlime slate em­ ployee wilh Ihe N.C, Departnient of Agriculture. Survivors', her daugliter, Olivia Slockard and husband Steve Elmer of Brooklyn, N.Y. Tlie funeral ser\ice was al II a.m. Sept. 12 at Brown-Wynne Funeral Home Chapel. .WO Saint Mary's St., Raleigh, Л graveside service svas held al I p.m. Friilay, Sepl, 1.1, at Rose Cemetery in Mocksville. Memorials: First Presbyterian Church, 112 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, 27601, Frank Samuel Hatc.s Mr, Frank Samuel Bates, 72, of Winslon-Salem, died Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002, al Forsyth Medical Cenler. lie was born Nov. 7, |‘)2‘Л in Forsyih County, a son of ihe lale Henry and Ollie Martin Bales. He was retired from .McLean Ггиск- ing Co. and was former ow ner and operator of 104 Shell, He also had ow ned Old Town Shell, Parkview Shell and Shallalon Drive Shell. He attended Bethlehem United Church of Christ. Me w as married Sept. 8. 1491. to Ora Lee Reynolds Bates. Mr. Bates was preceded in dealh by a son. David Samuel Bates. Surviving: liis wile Ora Lee Reynolds Bales of the home: 2 daughters, Carol B. Shields and husband Jack Milchell ".Miich" of Winslon Salem and Linda B. I’lumley and husband Johnny of MiKksville: a son. Roberl Bates and wife Eli/abelli of Winslon Salem: a daughter-in-law, .Angie Bales of Le.xinglon: 2 stepdaugh­ ters. Jennifer Robbins and hus­ band Gene and Lori Bennell and husband Kevin, all of Winston Sa­ lem: a stepson, Larry Rumple and wife Phillis ofArcailia: 14 grand­ children; and 7 great-grand- children. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Sunday. Sept. LS al J.C. Green it Sons Wallburg Chapel in W'iiision Salem, by the Rev. Joe Wesl. Л graveside service was held at 4 p.m. Sunday al Grassy Creek Uniled Methodist Church in Elkin. .Memorials: Belhlehem Unilcd Church of Chrisl, X115 Old Lexington Road. Winslon-Salem. 27107. Hetlie Helle Swi.sher Mrs. Bettie Belle Smith Swisher, S.l, of Cleary Road, •Mocksville, died Friday. Sept. 1.', 2002 al Auuimn Care of Mocks­ ville. Horn in Davie Counly on March 14. 1414. she was the daughler of Byrd and Mary 1.apish Smith. She was a honicinaker arul a meniber of Gospel W'ay Baptist Church in Yadkinville. Her hiisb:ind. the Rev. Johnnie •M. Swisher, preceded her in death on June 12. 144S. Survivors: a son, John Wayne Swisher and wife Mary .Ann of MiK'ksville: 4 ilaugliters, Mailalyn Davis of Harmony, Lois llolfman and husband Clyde of Lexington, Margie Blackwelder and husband W .H. and Mary Holland, all of MiK'ksville: :i sister, Sylvia Smith of Mocksville: 12 grandcliildren: LS great-grandchildren: and sev­ eral nieces and nephew s. Hie funeral service was held al 4 p.m. Sunday. Sept. LS, at the Liberty Wesleyan Churcli, w ith the Revs. Ronald Lee :ind Kevin Hobson, anil Wayne Swislier ol- fieialing. Huri:il was in Ihe church cemetery. (irady Lee Hill Grady Lee H ill, SS, of Mooresville, ilioil S;iliiniay. Sepl. 14. 2002 ill Hrian Ccnicr.' lie was horn on June 2S. 1914, in Choclaw Counly. Okla.. a son of'lhc lalcTlionias anil Udilh Dean n il!, lie was retircil Iron) \Vai:i:oncr Consiruciion Co. He was preceded in dealh hy Ilis wife. Ptilly Alexaiuler Hill, who died on Feb. 15. and !>y 3 brothers and a sister. Survivors: a son. Koberl Hill and w iie Kathryn ol Mooresville; a ilaiiizhler. Sue Lon^ and husband Ronalii J. of Ailvancc; 4 grand­ children; and } grcai-grandcliil- dren. The funeral service was I’.eld al II a.m. Tuesday. Sepl. 17. at Neill l-nneral Home C'hapel with Ur. Harvey Royers officiating:. Burial followed in Cdcnwood Me­ morial Park. Memorials: Hospice of Iredell County. Inc., 4iM ii. Slalesville Ave.. Mooresville. 2.S1I5. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE Incorpomleil '".VallrtlW ,, MiKksville, ,\C 336-751-3111 "ib r / iipd'/y Scn'in^ ViJHr /‘(imi/y"vont iiimi-nm.\ «лкк.\1 55 ^ A Meaningful ysy Funeral Service W ell'll F u iie rd l Н о т е , li№, 556 South M a in St, • M iKk.svillo, N C • (336) 731-3725 — Locally Owticil & Operateli — O v e r p a y i n g f o r T r a d i t i o n a l F u n e r a l s Steel Casket ■ Concrete Vault • Service & Visitation in your church or our (uneral home • Automotive & Cemelery Equipment • 1 death certificate • Sales tax • Obituary in the Winston-Salom Journal bSi included; Cemelery open/closing lee or grave space Package Prices *3602^^ & up Oat'it Fvnrral Strt'iet btlin'ti that a strong eommunity begins with its members, ami as members ef our eommunity. we betiet'e it is our Juty to help those in need. Tbät is ufhj Ufe ogn the Ileipitig Hands packages for those with a special steed. D A V IE FU IVE R A L SERVICE ----------------- I N C (.> K P l> H A r r. I) ---------iii— •i Ifl Va!lc>'Itiud. MiJckiA-illc. Nc: • (3.V.) 75I.3ÜI **Ginng Btck to Our Community and Mailing a DiflVrcncc in IVopIet U>cs" Cc'dric Vincent Smoot Mr, Cedric Vinccnt Smoot. of Duke Whitaker Koad. Mocks­ ville. died early Saturday nu>rn- inp. Sept. 14. 2*002 al DaviN Ke- iiional Medical Cenler in Statesville. Mr. Smool was \u\rw \n Davie O'ltniy on Feb. 22, I'HO. to the lale Robert L. and Mattie I:alt>n Smoi>t. He was relired fron) Ini’crsoll-Kaml Corp. He had also been a tobacco farmer and callle- nian. He was a member of Ihe Hear Creek Haplist Church hul altcnded ihe New Union I ’nited Melhodist Chnrch. He was a member of the Mocksville Ma­ sonic i-iHliie I.Uand was a former member of ihe Mocksville Lions CUd>. Mr. SnuHM was a veteran of the U,S. Navy and was a member ofihe VFW l'oM 4024. He was preceded in death by his firsl wife, l-orene Ralledge Smooi. and by 2 hr»>thers. R.M. Smoot and Lester Smooi. Survivors: his second wife. Ha/el McDaniel Smoot of the home; f) children, Mar>' Lou Coley and husband John. Sudie Whaley and husband Charlie and Kathy Sushcreba and hushami Leon, all of Mocksvillc. l.ynn Sherrill and husband Dale of Sumter S.C.. Terry Dyson and wife Sandra and Sievcn Dyson atu! wife Miclwlo, all (>f Mocksville; *) grandchil­ dren; a sister. Madeleine Sparks of Nh'cksvillc; a brother. John R. Sniool of Stuarl, I'la.; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral scrvicc was hcKl al () p.m. Sunday. Sepi. 15 in Faton l-uncral Chapel w ilh the Revs. Lee C()ok aiul Galen Hahn, and Charlie Whaley officiating. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Monday. Sept. in Hear Creek liaptist Church Cemetery. Masonic graveside rites were con­ ducted by members of the Mocks­ ville Masonic Lodge l.VL Menu)rials: Cemetery l-uiui <)f Hear CVeek Haplist Church, c/o Pan Heck, 4‘)2 Hear Creek Cluirch Road, Mocksville. 2702S; ur to a charilv of ihe donor’s choice. W W '^ W . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m Ruby M. Jordan 1925 - 2002 COOLEEKIEE * Rufus A. Morris ¡927-2002 MOCKSVILLE * IUlUe "Peggy" Brown 1920 1 2002 MOCKSVILLE Luther C. Eudy 1929 - 2002 STATESVILLE ' A Frank L Gough 1921-2002 WINSTON-SALEM Nancy Zimmerman 1932 - 2002 ADVANCE (f t , . Buster L. Phillips 1912-2002 MOCKSVILLE Sarah H. Sorenson 1928 - 2002 WINSTON-SALEM • * ' - [ Faith & Hope Hi^ieslLeivis 2002 CLEMMONS . Harley Graves Jr. 1922 - 2002 WINSTON-SALEM ■ A 32isK M iinSttect ;• VMpeksvillciNC(33« 751-2148 I$e.ssie Oakley Whitley Mrs. Bessie Oakley Whitley. 42. of W inslon-Salem , died Wednesday, Sept. 11, 201)2, at Wake Forest Universiiy Baptisi Medical Cenler, She was horn Sept. 4. 1410, in Siokes County lo Robert .Mien ;ind ,\rrena Mabe Oakley. Mrs. W 'hillcy was a member of Bethlehem United Methodisi Clnirch. She graihiated w ith hon­ ors from W alkerlown High School, cbiss of 142S, where she was on the b:iskelb:ill team. She w as honored by East Forsyih High School for heing Ihe "Mosl Valu­ able Basketball Fan" from I4fi4 to I4S2, She also loved reading po­ etry and fine literature, especially the Bible. In January of this year, she w as preceded in death by her husband, Emless W'hillcy. Survivors: a son, Barry W', W hitley and wife Myrna of Mocksville: 2 granddaughters; a great-granddaughter: and a num­ ber of nieces, nephew s and cous­ ins. The funer:il service w;is con­ ducted al lOa.m. Friday. Sept. 13 al Vogler i^ Sons .Main Sireel Chapel by the Revs. James Lawton and Wes Austin. Burial follow at Gardens of Memory in W'alkerlosvn. Memorials: Bethlehem Meth­ odisi, S.WO Pine I lall Road. Wal­ nut Cove, 270.S2, T l i e r e ’s o n l y o n e p r o b l e m w i t l i r e l i g i o n s t h a t h a v e a l l t h e a n s w e i : s . T i l l e y d o n ’ t a l l o w q u e s t i o n s . • лчч.-.'СЛЛ- The Epi.scopal Church of the A.scension \Vclconie.s You. N'isii US Sunday Ot 11 ;()() AM and Anvtime ww\v.ascension-i\)rk.org I S3 Fork-Hi,\hy Koad • Advance. NC 27(K)6 • .t16.WS.()857 Get it weekly with It subscription to the F.uterprise Record Sctiil S20 to: Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 DAVIO COUNTY E N T E H P R I/E H E C O R D 'The Store For Your Floors”5 Abbey Carpet^ .Xmttica't ehnlct, at tour nrighhvrhiuni ilorr ANYTHING GOES! (jiioil Housekeeping nuifiiizine's rexearchers have heen providina Iheir unique consumer-leslinf; service fora fall ceiilury. Their e.xperlise has resulted in the wi>rlil-famoiis-an(l~worlil-lrusletl-”Giio(l llousekeepiiii; Seal.”Aail Sha»'k .Mark’s orif;imil Anylliini’ does!’ slyles have earned the distinction. Anything (Iocs! is simply the finest carpet available. ■ Гог wore lhan 20years, tests have proven Anything does! stands np lo heavy fool traffic and other punishment heller lhan any olher carpet. It comes with the industry’s strongest H) -years warranty againsi matting and crushing. DuPont’s Advanced Telflon' Repel System also offers added security with its outstanding 7-year slain and soil warranty. ^ & ' ^ ^ - U c c p t e d Hours; Mon. -Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Le.xinfiton, NC Phone: 249-6672 LA R I't I \ llO O K IN l, (O V IR IN C , nited YOUR LOCAL CONNECTION @ Energy^ A n n u a l M e e t i n g ^ F A M I L Y F E S T I V A L Members of ENFUGYUNrrHo EMC are invited to attend the 2002 E n e u g y U n it f d Annual Meeting and Family Festival Saiunliiy, Scpit’iiibcr 21, 2002 • 7:30 a.nt to mum Diivie Cotm t)' Hi,i’ll ScIidijI, M ocbville, Norlh CaroUmi 7:30 -10:30 a.in. • Free health screenings 7:30 -11:00 a.m. Registration (I'.ach member receives $5 for registering and a chance to win a gas grill, DVD player and olhcr prizes) 8:00 -11:00 a.m. FNiiHiivU.st 1 i:i) has a variety of c.\citing satci'i’ demonstrations, including activities to enhance safety for both children and adults, "fhe County Line \'oluntcer Fire IX-pamnent will fcatua- its "Fire Hou.sc" to leach !<ids about fire safety and there will be CI’R and high voltage safety demonstrations. Police officers will be on hand to videotape and flngerprini children so that parents can keep a permanent record for child identification purposes (videotapes will be given to parents). Fun for children, including a clown, face painting, and much more 10:30 a.in. Fnlertalnment by Charlie Albertson "f/ic SL'fiiJiiir" 11:00 a.ni. Husincss meeting 11:45 a.in. Drawings for door prizes Nooii Hag lunch from Chick-fil-A, including cixikies and drinks ■fhe Annual Meeting and Family Festival is only for members of Enuuc.vUn ii l o FM C. All events arc free. Please bring your Registration Card from the September issue of the Qiiiiii'cl newsletter with you to the Meeting. Transportation is available from l-NiiKGvUNniin offices in Cornelius, Denton, Le.Nington, Madison, Statesville and Taylorsville. Call your local I;nhiigyU ni i iin office to make transportation arrangements. Getting There Is Easy \HO(0viujcmuMni A .J - У WWW.l'Nl.m-.YUNlllin.COM i8oo) 522-1/1)5 D o w n H o m e Q u a r t e t H e r e S e p t . 2 2 The Down Home Quartet will perform at Bread of Life Baptisi Church on Siinday, Sept. 22 :it 7 p.m. The church is locatcd on N.C. ,SOI. ju.st olTU.S. fiOl North. Mocksvillc. M ocks M ethodist P lan s R evival, H om ecom in g Mocks United Methodisi Church will celcbralc homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 22. at l():.SO a.m. wiili former pastor, the Uev. I larry Sherrill, speaking. .Л covcrcd dish meal will follow in the fellow­ ship hall. Л revival will be held from Sunday. Sept. 22-W'ednesday. Sept. 2.S at 7:.i() iiighlly wilh the I'ollinving speakers: Sunday, the Uev. David Smith from Dulin Llnileil Mcllioilist Church: Momlay. the Rev. Chris Clontz from Smith Grove United Melhodist Church; I'uesday, Ihe Rev. Jerry W'ebb from Millsilalc United Methodist C'hurch: and Wednesday. D r Gtis Robinson from Mt. Sinai A M li Zioii Church. Spccial music each evening will he prcsenleil by Ihe guest speaker's church. Mocks is locatcd off N .C. 801 South, three miles froin U.S. I.SS, at Mocks Church and Beauchamp roads, .Advance. Union Chapel Dinner, Auction Set For S ept 21 Union Chapel United Methodisi Church w ill have a chicken pie anil bakeil ham dinner Saturday. Sepl, 21 from .S-S p.m. at the church on U.S. fiOl Norlh, a mile north of l-IO , Mocksville. Dine in or lake out plates will be sold for S7 each. The meal is sponsored by the Spivilual Servants Suiulay School class. Tickets arc being sold for a patriotic al'gliaii al S2. Door prize tickets will be sold for SI or .S.S for six Among items donaled: an- tiiiuc quills nv.idc hy Maggie Hoger, a framed cross-stilch ,Ameri­ can Hag, a hammock and frame, a propane camp stove, a 126 piece tool set, dolls, a hand-painted resin Santa, a painting of Ihe Cape 1 latteras Lighthouse, two tickets to Busch Gardens, figurines, a bean hag chair, colleclibles and a porcelain fruit basket, l ickels are avail­ able at the door or call •I42-7.S4.1. K e v i n H o b s o n T o S p e a k A t H o p e The Rev, Kevin Hobson will he the guest speaker ;it Mope Bap­ tist Tabernacle at Ihe 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. .services on Sunday, Sept. l-l Have Storms Zapped Your Modem? Let Pavie Computer Shop Fix It Davie Computer Shop • 751-7553 314 S anford Ave • M ocksvllle (Across (rom EnergyUnited) Offer Expires 9-30-02 COMING TO MOCKSVILLE SATURDAY & SUNDAY S ep tem b er 21 & 22 B e n F r a n k lin Saturday, 10 pm to 5 pm Sunday, 1 pm to 5 pm Color Portrait Package Special 3 -8 x 1 0 ’s 3 - 5x7’s 1 2 -W allets 1 3 9 5 S295 Deposit I Customer pays $11,00 when portraits delivered at slore approximately one week laler. • DON’T MISS IT • NO AGE LIMIT • FAMILY GROUPS ALSO «ADULTS TOO! A ll w ork G uaranteed by: T R I V E T T E S T U D I O Ben Franklin W illow O ak C enter • M ocksville, NC Attend The Church Of Your Choice N o C re o k P rim itiv e B a p tis t C h u r c h ,N o C ro o k C h u rc h R d .. Mocksvillo, 2nd & 4ih Sundays, 10:30 n.m . Fourth Saturday w orshtp nnd conforenco.1 ;30 p.m . Paslor, Eldor Eugono Bonnott. E a g lo H o lg h ts C h u r c h ,10 n .m . S un d a y w orship. 7 p .m . Tu o s d n y Powoftim o, 7 p.m. Thu rsd a y Biblo study. CnsunI dross, conlom porary m u sic/w o rship . 5103 U .S . 158. Hillsdnlo. M o c k s v illo W o s lo y a n C h u r c h : Hospilal St.. Sunday S chool. 9:45 a.m. W orship, 11. W odnosdny Prayer WootinQ, 7 p m, Rov. Goorqo Troyor, 751-5595. U n io n C h o p o l U n lto d M o th o d lst C h u rch : 2030 U.S. 601 N, W orship. 9:45 a.m , Sundny School, 11 n.m ,, Paslor. Rov, Drad Holliman. C on to r U nltod M othodlst C h u rc h ; U .S . 04 W, Sunday School. 9:45 n.m. W oisliip. 11. Pnsloi. Slophon Blnif, 751-2754, Childcare diroclors: Carla Provello. 492-5735 & Sandra Aulry, 940-3753. Elbavlllo United M othodlst C h u rc h : N .C. 801. Advanco, FoilowsMip. 9 n.m, SundaySchool. 10. W orship. 11. Kids For Christ (agos 4 -11). l st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m . Toons for Christ (ages 12- 18) meet Sun., 5 6:30 p.m . Pnslor: Rov. Novillo Storey. C oolcom oo C hurch of G o d : Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Service nnd C hild re n 's C hurch. 11 n.m . Tu e s. Prayer Mooting. 7 p.m . W ed. Fnm ily Service. 7 p.m . For m oro info, call paslor Robert Hulolto nl 284-2180 or visit mvw.coolcog.org. C o rn a tz o r U n lto d M o th o d ls t C h u rch : 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m ., 7:30 p.m . Diblo Sludy. W ednesday, 7:30. R o v Harold Zimmorman, pnslor. B othol Un itod M othodist C h u rc h : Bolhei Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m . Rev, Ed Caflor. pastor. A dvonco Unilod M othodlst C h u rc h : Sundny School, 9:45 n.m. Worship. 11 a.m . YouUi. 5 p.m . R ev. H a rry D, Sam m ons.Dow nlow n Advance, F a rm in g to n U n ito d M o th o d ls t C h u rc h : S unday School, 10 a.m . W otship, 11 a.m . 1939 Faim ington Rd. 998-3769. Rov. Melinda Snyder. O a k G ro v o U n ilo d M o th o d is t C h urch : 1994 U .S . 158. Mocksvillo. Sunday S ch o o l 9:45 a.m. W orship. 11. C on cord United M othodlst C h u rch . Chorry Hill Rd-, Mocksville. W orship: U a .m . S un d a y S ch o o l: 10 n .m . Paslor, John Andrews. Hardison Unitod M othodist C h u rch : Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 1 0:45. W o n d e rlu l W o d n o s -d a y s Children s progrnm, 6-7:30. Pastor, R e v Dennis B. Marshall. C om m u n ity Baptist C h u rch : Sunday School, 10 a.m, Sunday W orship. 11. Evoning service. 6. W ednesday Biblo Study. 7 p.m . Gladstone Road. Hlllsdalo Uni tod M othodist C h u rch : 5228 U .S . 158. A d v a n c e . Conlom porary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m . S unday School. 9:35. C asu al dross, folroshmonls. Jr. High Youlh Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Youlh Sunday nighl. 7. Midwoek(i?Hillsdalo prayor service, wodnosday 6:30 p.m . B ible studios, m in isu io s s u ch as dram a, w orship, m isions, singles, wom on's, m en's. Pastor: Je rry W obb. 998-4020. W osloy C h a po l Unitod M oth o d lst C h u rch : W orshtp Service: 10 n.m . S un d a y S ch o o l: 10:45 a .m . R ev. Mindy Snydor. Pino Rd. R o d la n d P o n to c o s ta i H o iin o s s C h u rc h : S un d a y Schoo l: 10 a .m . W orsh ip : 11 a .m . E v e n in g : 6 :3 0 . W ednesday prayer mooting & Biblo study. 7:30 p.m. R e v Joel Boylos. H o ly C ro s s Lutheran C h u rch , 1913 U .S . 601 s . W orship: 10:30 a .m . W . G . W H I T E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 J E R R Y 'S M E A T P R O C E S S IN G We Cuslom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 692 Ralph Roltodgo Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. M a kers o f D AISY FLO U R W e C u sto m B le n d D epot S t., M o c k s v ille , NC 336-751-2126 S unday School: 9:15 a.m. Pastor: Rov. Robert Kasling. 751-5419. http://www.mind5prlng.com/''holycross/ M o c k s v ilio F irs t P ro s b y to rla n C h u rch , 261 s . Main St. W orship: 11 n.m . C hurch School: 9:45 n.m , Sunday e vening: C horisters (g ra d es 1-5) К Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m . Paslor: Neal Carter. 751-2507. M ock s U n ilo d M othodlst C h u rc h , oil N .C , 801 S. al M ocks Church/ B eau­ cham p roads. Advance. R e v Donnie Durham , 998-5518. S undny w orship: 8:45& 11 n.m . Sundny School: lO n .m . Sm ith G ro vo M othodlst C h u rch : 3492 U .S . 158. M ocksvillo. P n slor: C hris C lo n tz. S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10 a .m .. worship. 11, Children's ministry. Before and after school program s. 940-5290. H m s d a to B a p tis t C h u rc h : S un d a y W orship nnd Diblo Sludy 9 8 10:30 a.m .. W ednesdny Fellowship M onl. 6 p.m . C hildren’s youth activities, prayer m o u U n g . 6 :3 0 p .m . P a s lo r R .T . Aldorm an. 940-0618, Minister of Music. Brent Mellon. 4815 U .S . 158. Advance. Fa ith a n d V icto ry F a m ily W o rsh ip C o n to r, 1687 H w y. 601 N , S un d a y Services. 10 a.m .. 7 p.m. W odnosday, 7 p m. N ow B ollo ve rs P.P. C h u rch . Sunday School. 10 a.m . W orship Setvico. 11. W ednesday nighl Bible sludy. 5. Pastor Elizabelh M ock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick M ock. W om e n ’s Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Sludy. 1st & 3rd Thursday. L ib e rty U n ilo d M o th o d lst C h u rc h . U .S . 601 S . W orship:9:45 a.m . Sunday School: 11 a.m. First U n lto d M othodlst C h u rc h of M o c k s v illo . Ea rly S un d a y W orship S o rvico . 8 :5 0 n .m . P rnise singing, casuni dre ss, conlem pornfy format. Traditional service. 10:55 a.m . 305 N. M ain S i. 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner. B o llo v o r's S o n s h ip T a b o rn a c io : Sundny worship. 10:30 a.m . Л 6.30 p m, W o d . o ve n in g , 7, P a slo r: Jo rry L. C ouch, 998-1324. Cana Rd, - Potter's Lano. Tu rro n tin o B a ptist C h u rc h : Sunday School, 9:45 a.m .. W orship. 11: Niglil Sofvice, 6. Paslor: R e v Jo e Sm ilh. B o th io h c m U n lto d M o th o d is t C h u rc h : S unday early w orship. 8:45 a.m .; S unday School, 10 W otship. 11 a.m . 321 Rodland Rd.. Advance. 336- 9 9 8 -5 0 8 3 . F a x : 9 4 0 -5 5 0 2 . E -M a il: belhum c(i?aol.com . E p is co p a l C h u rc h o l tho A sco nsio n . Fork-Bixby Rd.. A dvanco. Sun. School. 10 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m, 998-0857. Dial A S to ry M inistry lo r children . Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. S o rvlco s at tho O aks, Apt. 7A. 7 p.m .. Thursdays. Bishop T.R . Rice. C lo m on t G ro v o C h u rch of G o d , B o d y o l C h rist. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath S c h o o l. 10 a .m .. W o rsh ip . 11:45. W ednesday Biblo Sludy. 7 p.m . Paslor: Eldor Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: Th o Bible is Right. Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m .. W D S L 1520 A M and S undays. 8- 8:30 a.m .. W S T P 1490 AM . G ro o n M o a d o w s B a p tis t C h u r c h S unday School. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11 a.m .. 7 p.m . W odnosday Prayor & Bible S lu d y. 7 p .m . P a slor R ov. M ichael W aters. 998*3022. L Ib o rty W o s lo y a n C h u r c h . 2 1 0 6 Shoffiold R d.. Harmony. Sunday School 10 a.m ,. M orn. W orship 11 a.m .. W od. Biblo A dvonluro 7 p.m .. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each m onth 10 a.m . 492-2963, Paslor: Ronald Leo. B ix b y P ro s b y to rla n C h u rc h . 1006 Fork-B ixby R d., near Cornatzer Rd.. S un. Schoo l 9:45 a .m .. W orship t l. Pnslor: Peter Peterson. 998- 6813. D u lin Un itod M othodist C h u rch , 897 D u lin R d .. M o c k s ville . 9 9 8 -5 4 0 9 . Paslor; David Sm ilh. Sun School 10:30 n.m .. W orship 9:30 a.m . C o o lo o m e o U n ited M ethodist. Main St.. S unday School. 10 a.m .. W orship. 11. Kids K a m p S un . 5 -6:30. Paslor: V O G L E R & S O N S l-uncrai Momc 2849 M id d le B ro o k Dr. C le m m o n s , NC 27012336- 766-4714 D O W N U M D E R R O C K & T I L E Brott & Stacey Lavery(336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ceramic Tile instalkuion www.aibsictik'.cimi E A TO N FUNERAL HOME /\ Tnidilion ol'Carini:.... North Miiiii .Slruc'l MocksvillL-. NC 2702S 336-751-2148 Rov. Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) in H o m o B ib io S tu d io s , by R a ndy Howoll. 284-4667. B o a r C ro o k B a p tist C h u rc h , Boar C roek C h. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m .. W orship 11 a.m ,. Diblo Study W od, 7 p.m . R e v William Loo Cook HI. pastor. Cooloom oo Firsl Baptist C h u rch . 284 M arginal St., Sun. Diblo Study 9:45 a .m ., M orn. W orship 11 a.m .. Eve . W o rsh ip 7 p .m .. Y o u th . 6 p .m . W o d n o sd a y supper. 6 p .m . M usic minister. Regina Chandler. M ocksvillo S ocond Prosbylorian. 400 P ine S I. W orship. 11 a .m .. C hurch S c h o o l. 9 :3 0 . R o v, Th o m a s M, L e a ch .7 5 M 4 1 0 St. Fran cis of A ssissi, R C, M asses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday, 9 a.m . W ednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil. 5 p.m . Sunday. 8 a.m. and 10:30 n.m. S p a n ish M ass al 12:30 p.m . Rov. Andrew Draper. ТО П , 751-2973. Fa rm ln gto n Baptist C h u rch , Sunday rnorning Bible sludy. classes (or all a g o s. 9 :4 5 . W o rsh ip : 11. 1841 Farrninglon R d.. 5 m iles Irom 1-40. Pastor: Jim m y Hinson. Cl^m ch: 998- 3826. Hom o: 751-3492. Blaiso Baptist C h u rch . U .S . 601 Norlh a cro ss from H o rn 's Tru ck S to p . M o ck s villo . 7 5 1 -3 6 3 9 . W o rsh ip & Sunday School. 9:45 a.m . and 11 a.m. S u n d a y e ve n in g , 7. W o d n o sd a y service. 7 p.m . Pnslor; Glenn Sellers. S hilo h Baptist C h u rch , 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m . Morning worship: 11 a.m. Pastor; Rov. Donald Ray Jonkins. 751-0597. F u lto n U n lto d M o th o d is t C h u rc h , 3895 N .C . 801 S.. Advance. W orship: 9:45 a.m, Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth in Chrisl, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m . Pastor: R o v Jack Wallace. H o a v o n B o u n d F u ll G o s p o i C h u rch .U .S . 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Günter Fife Dopt.). Sunday School, 10 a in.. Worship, 11, Sunday night praise' w orship. 6, W odnefidny nighl praise worship. 7. Paslor. Jam os W ard. 998- 6394. First Baptist C h u rch . 390 N. M ain St.. Mocksvillo. 751 -5312. Sunday School. 9 :3 0 a .m . W o rsh ip : 1 0 :5 5 a .m . W ednesday Prayor Sorvico. Noon. Fork Baptist C hurch. 3140 U .S , 64 E.. M o ck sville . S u n d a y S ch o o l. 9 :4 5 . W orship service. 11 n rn.. 6:30 p.m , W ednesdays. 7 p.m. Aw anas, Sunday 6 p.m .998-8306. C o r n a U o r B a p tis t C h u r c h . 1372 C o rn a lze r R d .. M ocksvilie. S un d a y School. 10 a.m .. Worship, 11; evoning. 6 :3 0 ; A w a n a 's W o rs h ip . 7 p .m . W ednesday ovonincj, 7.30 p.m . N ow Un io n M othodlst C h u rch , 1869 S heffield R d .. at C o u n ly Line R d. S e rvice s: 8 :3 0 a .m .. co nlom p o ra ry w o rs h ip w ilh ca s u a l d re s s and refreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assem bly. 10. Sunday School for al! ages. 11 a.m .. W orship. 492- 5367. ilam os B aptist C h u rch . Shoffiold Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday Scfiool. 9:45 a.m .. w o rs h ip . 11. S u n d a y e v e n in g . 6. W e dnesday. 7 p.m . Pastor, To m m y Faust. S t. J o h n A M E Z io n C h u r c h . 145 C am p b e ll R d .. M ocksvilio. S u n d a y School. 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m . Rov. Anlhony Ffoom an. A d va n c o First B aptist C h u rch . 1938 N .C . 801 S . Sunday School. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11. W odnosday Bible S tudy' mission Qfoups. 7 p.m . Paslor:M arlin Kastner. 998-6302. C h u rc h ol G o d o f P ro p h e cy . 2323 U .S . 601 S ., M ock sville . S u n d a y School. 10 a.m ., worship, 11. Sunday evening. 6 ; W ednesday evening, 7. Paslor; Rov. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. V ictory Baptist C h u rch , M idway St.. C ooloem oe. Sunday School. 10 a.m .. w o rs h ip 11. S u n d a y e v e n in g . 6; W ednesday Awana/Youlh. 6:45 p.m .. Prayer & Bible Sludy. 7, Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y J e rlc iio R oad M o c k s v ille , NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUM BER & LOGGING 872 M ain C h u rc li Rd. M o c k s v llle , NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 V alley R oad M o c k s v ille , NC 27028 336-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 S lie e k S tre e t M o cksville , NC 27028 336-751-2167 - 'K razy' B ob says, ^ ’ Ç "S to p b y and see [ ^ \ ^ / w h y . . . - i l / a sale a t tiie n l|||-}i^ S a s a ie at a il." Tuev-rrl.* lüjm-7pm Sat.* 10úin-5piu Closed Sun.& Mon.Ihe OiaWebbbUJy.Hwy 15U, 3 ÜIckVí VV üI 8Ü1 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 u s H w y 158 M o c k s v ilie , NC 27028 336-998-3350 yiLLAGE HARDWARE 5431 Hwy, 158 • Advance, NC 336-998-1987 Д ^ 5 Г AU TO M R T S MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S, Main St, • Mocksville 336-751-2944 FULLERKffi&?ir Precision Laser C u ttin g & M e ta l Fabrication 855 Siilisbury Roiid, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-3712 S e v e n th D a y A d v o n tis t C h u rc h . M illing R o nd. M ocksvillo. S abbath School. Snlurday, 9:30-11; W orship, 11-noon. P nslor. R on D a vis. 751* 3886. M acedo nia M ora vian C h u rch , 700 N .C . 801 N .. A d v a n c o . S u n d a y Schoo l. 9 :3 0 -1 0 :4 5 a .m . W orsh ip , 8:45 and 11 a.m . 998-4394. Paslor: Rev. G reg Little. Y a d k in V a iio y B o p tis t C h u r c h . 1324Yadkin Vailoy R oad. Advanco. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m ,. w orship. 11 & 6. W e d n e s d a y N ig h t P ra ye r mooting. 7:30. Live Sundays. W D S L 1520AM, 11-Noon. M l. Zion H o iin o ss C h u rc h o l G o d , U .S . 64 E. al Mill Streot. Mocksville. S u n d a y S choo l. 10 a .m .. M orning W orship, 11. Paslor: Bishop Jam os ijamos. M l. Sln a l A M E Z io n C h u rc h . 488 P e o p le s C re e k R o n d , A d v a n c o . Sunday School. 9:45 a.m .. worship. 11 a.m .. W ednesday nighl Bible sludy. 7. Dr. Otis B. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 998-6231. B ix b y C h u rc h of the Liv in g G o d . 2121 Cornalzer Rd.. Advance. Paslor. R o v. P o rry H a w k s . 7 6 8 -1 6 0 6 . W orship. Sunday 10-11 a.m ., 6 p.m . S alom U n ito d M eth o dist C h u rc h . S a le m C h u rc h R o n d off D a vie A c a d e m y R d .. 8 m ile s w e st ol Mocksvillo. W orship. Sundays at 9:45 a .m . S un d a y S choo l. 10 :4 5 .U M W . s e c o n d W e d n e s d a y , U M M first S u n d a y breakfast a l 7 :3 0 . U M Y F Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair, paslor. P in o y G ro v o U n ilc d M o th o d is t C h u r c h . 3 76 U n d e rp a s s R d .. Advance. S unday School. 10 a.m .. W orship, t l. Pnslor: Rov. Kendall C . Glovor. 998-7316. N ow Jo ru sa lo m A p o sto lic C h u rch . 291 Cam pbell Rd,. Mocksville. Paslor. Neltye Ijames-Darbof. 751 -0049. Sun, S c h o o l, 10 a .m .. W o rsh ip 11. W ednesday night: Bible class, 7:30. intofcossory prayor. 6 p.m. T ru o L ig h t C h ristian M inistry. U .S . 601 N .. Dannor Rd. lo Cam elia Lane. Mocksville. Pastor: Sloven W. Dalton. Sundny School. 10 n.m ., worsliip. 11. E p is c o p a l C h u r c h of th o G o o d S h e p h e rd , C h u rch & C ro s s sts.. C o o lo o m o o , W o rsh ip , 9 :3 0 a .m ., fellowship hour afler church. Biblo Study 2 nd and 4th S u n d a ys altor church. Priest: Rev. N oah Howard. Jo s u s Lifo M ission, Liberty Church R d ., M ock svilio . S u n d a y S ch o o l, 10a.m .. m orning w otsW p. 11. Sunday evening al 6 nnd Tuesdnys al 7 p.m . Paslor; Hilda Reavis. M ocksvllio C h u rch o l G o d . 862 U .S . 64 E . (b e sid o A rm o ry). 7 5 1 -0 8 1 7 . P a s lo r: L a rry H o liille id . S u n d a y School. 10 a.m .. worship, 1 1 .Sunday evening. 6. W ednesday evening, 7. Je ru sa le m B aptist C h u rch , J2 0 3 U S 601 S .. M ocksvillo. 284-2328. Rev. Jim tny Lancaster, S unday services: 8:15 a.m .. praiso and w orship; 9.45, S u n d a y S c h o o l for aii a g e s ; 11 m orning w orship; 7. ovening worship W ednesday services: 6 p.m ., family fellowship m eal: 7 p .m .. Team K ID , Youth 4 C hrisl. Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery for infants nnd loddlers. Foflovvship B a p lis i C h u rc h . 1084 R ainbow R d .. A d va nce. 998-6544 S unday School. 10 a.m .. worship, 11 S u n d a y e vo n in g , 6. W o d n o s d a y sorvico, 7 p.m . Thursday visitaiion. 7 p.m . S m ith G ro v o A M E Z io n C h u rc h 3707 Hwy. 158, M ocksvillo. Sunday m orning wofhsip. 11. S unday School 10 a.m . R e v M organ G lenn, paslor. Ea ton s B optist C h u rc h , 495 Eatons C h u rc h R d .. M o ck s villo . S u n d a y S c h o o l. 10 a .m .. w o rs h ip . 11 W ednesday prayor meeting, 7:30 p.m. Paslor; Dr. David Gilbroalh. 998-6149. S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A L L E T C O . A PALEX COMPANY 165 T u rke y F o o t R oad M o c k s v llle , N C 27028 3 36-4 9 2 -5 5 6 5 GRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy, 801 S, Sulle 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 lh:U^-t i‘f tWii» ( ü^^¥rI //.vrv> /iv I'lff ('rjii' Л ('aflcf, l“iCMilcr.l • Manm V Ciiff, Vke Prts H a y w o r t h - M i l l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K in d e r t o n C h a p e l Locati:» ON H w y 158 [Jiirwiit-N Clkmmons & A dvanci: 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 с ю - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 S t o r e h o u s e M e d i c a l M i s s i o n T e a m I n W e s t A f r i c a A Mcdical Mission Icaniof 14 people Irom North Carolina and Tennessee, ineluding iwo sur­ geons, four nurses and a relired surgeon, left Thursday. Sept. 12 on a 20-day visit lo Ghana, West Africa, where Ihey w ill ireal over 2,(XX) people under Ihe aegis of A Siorehouse for Jesus, which is headquartered in M ocksville and ils Ghanaian counlerpart. On lap for Ihc surgeons and nurses are al least 65 hernia re­ pair o()eralions, and untold num­ bers o f private consultations w ilh hundreds o f Ghanaians who. if last year’s Storehouse Mission is any indication, w ill have walked over 15 miles and stood in line up to Ihree days seeking medical help in a couniry where physi­ cians are scarce and poverty is Ihe nom i for most people. The M edical M ission leam w ill also lend to the spiritual needs they find in Ghana, w ilh worship services each evening. Local pastors w ill jo in in lead­ ing the nighlly "Crusade" meet­ ings. During thc Crusade on last year’s mission irip. 6() Ghanaians gave Iheir lives to Jesus Christ. Thousands o f vitam ins and m edical supplies have been shipped in advance o f the Store­ house team’s departure. Robert Rauch o f M tKksville. the group’s phanitacisl. has packed 12 added ininks o f medicines and medical supplies which w ill be carried by team members when they depart on Iheir Irip. Seven additional m inks o f medicines and supplies w ill be carried by the group as excess baggage. Rauch said thal 95 percenl o f the medications are prescriplion-lype drugs, most of ihem conlribuleil by American companies. W hile in Ghana, the Mocks- ville-based group w ill be joined by a team o f 10 Ghanaians prac­ ticed in the art o f medicine, all o f whom w ill assist thc medical leam seeing p a lie n ls at Ihe Kadjebi C linic in Ihe Volla Re­ gion o f Ghana. Surgical team members w ill iravel daily lo a hospital in the town o f Hohoe from the Siorehouse group’s ba.se in K a d je b i. some fo u r hours Iravel Inland from Ghana’s capi­ tal cily o f Accra on the Atlantic Ocean’s G u lf o f Guinea. The M ission Team w ill be housed in Ihe home o f C hie f Albert O kilty during ils slay in Kadjebi where cold showers are Ihe standard bath “ as long as the waler lasts." according lo a sea­ soned Ghanaian visitor. W hile thc Ghanaian diet makes use o f plentiful cassava rool. pineapple, some fow l and fish, much o f il cooked in red palm nut oil. Ihe travelers havo shipped ahead some food from home. They have also shipped ahead cases o f peanut butler and jelly, provided by Davie County churches, to feed Ihc palienls who w ill w ail long hours lo see a physician and the phannacist. Bread for sandwiches w ill be bought locally. Members o f ihe Am erican M issio n group include Dr. Samuel Bada o f Jackson. Tenn.: Dr. Chris Brallon o f Lexington, Tenn.; Ihe Rev. Dennis and Mrs. (LaRue) Marshall o f Hardison U nited M elhodist C hurch o f Mock.svillc; Marie Collins, chief executive director and founder of A Storehouse for Jesus, and her hu.sband, John, who ser\es as as­ sistance execulive director o f Ihe Siorehouse chapel; Peggy Page o f Claremont; Happy M artin of Pfafftown; E m ily Johnson, Dr. Francis Slale and Rauch, all of M o cksville ; M yra Ireland o f Cleveland; and Cynlhia Baldwin and Lom a Beauchamp, both of Advance, which also is home to the C ollins couple. Four o f Ihe leam m em bers served on the Storehouse for Jesus board o f directors and six o f the leam members volunteer every week al Ihe Siorehouse free medical clinic and Ihe Siorehouse phar­ macy. In addilion lo providing food and clolhing for a wide number o f in d ig e n t people liv in g throughout Davie and adjacent covuities. A Siorehouse for Jesus, which began se r\iiig ihe needy in January 1993. operales a free medical clinic for Davie County residents on Thursday evenings for those aged 21-64 who are w ithoui medical insurance and w ilh demonstrably low incomes. Tlie Siorehouse operales a phar­ macy for Davie Counly residents Ihree days a week. It also con­ ducts Monday evening worship services and Bible studies for ils clients and volunteers. Am ong grams received Ihis year was S33.000 from Ihe W in­ slon-Salem Foundation which Mrs. C ollins said "w ill help us provide prescriplion medicines for the needy in Davie County." Funds for Ihe W inston-Salem Foundation are made available through Ihe Kale B. Reynolds C harilableTnisl Medicalion As­ sistance Fund and the Robert and Marcia Vaughn Fund. The Store­ house also received a 55.000 granl for ihe phamiacy from Ihe Woodson Foundation, based in Salisbury. Mrs. Collins, who led the firsl Medical Mission lo Ghana a year ago and is returning fo r her fourth visii there, said. 'We are relum ing lo Ghana lo provide medical care lo a large number o f people and lo show Ihem Ihere is hope for them. As Jesus lells ihose who follow Him, as you have done il unlo one o f Ihe least o f Ihese M y brelhren, you have done il unlo Me. Many in Ghana are truly among the less fortunate as far as care, comfort, food and the other necessities o f life are concemed. Mrs. Collins added. "W e arc so grateful lo all Ihose who have helped us prepare for our mission lo G hana, lo the com panies which have provided us w ilh es­ sential drugs, 10 Ihe churches which have conlribuled funds lo transport our equipm ent and m ediealions and c lo lh in g lo Ghana, and lo Ihe people who have been so giving o f their time and their funds. Those o f us in­ volved in our Mcdical M ission are truly Ihc fortunate ones, fot we are able lo lake hope, medi­ cal care and the word o f God lo the people who have so little." A Siorehouse for Jesus eslab- lislied ils a ffilia te m inistry. A Siorehouse for Jesus. Ghana, in December 199«. The m inistry's w ork in Ghana concenlrales around the areas o f evangelism, relief distribution lo Ihe needy, education and medicine. For Ihose who wish lo help, either as volunteer workers or conlribulors. A Siorehouse for Jesus is localed in ils own build­ ing al 464 D epot Street in M ocksville. 751-1060. More lhan 55 Davie Counly congregations regularly collecl food, hygiene articles and cloth­ ing from Iheir members for the Siorehouse. Registered w ith the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable organiza­ tion. gifts to the all-volunleer Siorehouse (no one receives or has ever received a salarj' from the Siorehouse) are fu lly lax-de- duclible. A r c h itec t a n d e n v ir o n m e n - t ta i c o n s u lt a n t J . A u b r e y K ir b y w ill s p e a l^ to t iie M o c k sv ille L io n s c lu b S e p t. .1 9 . Architect To Speak To Lions Club J. Aubrey Kirby w ill speak lo Ihe Mocksville Lions Club when Ihcy meel at 7 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 19. K irby’s architectural design fim i, established in 1964, now is a representative for Ecoquest, distributors o f air and waler pu- rincation systems. K irby is .an architect and en­ vironmental consultant who has had an archileclural praclicc in Winston-Salem since 1964. In Ihc 1970s during the en­ ergy crisis, he became interested in renewable energy sources, especially solar energy. Tltal in­ lerest led to a number o f solar projecls including his own office building in 1978. the firsl build­ ing in Ihe area lo be rated by Duke Power as “ all electric so­ lar." K irby has turned his allenlion lo indoor air and water purifica­ tion and wind-driven electrical energy generation. No More Furniture A Siorehouse for Jesus is no longer able to accept donations o f fum iture, bedding, and appli­ ances due to a lack of storage space. "W e apologize for any incon­ venience lhal Ihis may cau.se," said M arie C ollin s, director. “ Thank you for your understand­ ing and cooperation." Book Sale Set A book sale w ill be held at Ihe Davie Counly Public Library multipurpose room. 371 N. Main Street, M o cksville, Saturday, Sept. 2 1 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday from 2-5 p.m. Paperback books w ill be sold for 20 cenis, hardbacks for 50 ccnis. Tliere w ill be some spe­ cial items for sale. '02 и п ш т х ш А W as 29,753Bear Disc ■ 3,056 B 0 S E 6 D licC D , RphalB • 1.nno Sunrool, Leallier, ■’ •"«'Of. ^ 2 5 , 6 d 7 'ог HissAU Ш Ш <£3.9% 02 GMC Sierra: 02 GMC m w. s.. i Sierra Bear Disc - 1,543 : Was 31,336 J : Bear Disc - 3,339 ¿5 Sty «75 Automatic. AC, AM/FM. Work Truck * 1 S , é l8 j «2 5,4 17 SIW6S60 Z-71, AWD Pkg, 5.3 V-8, Aulo, CD, Fog Lamps, Keyless Enlry, Aliini Wheels PW & PL & More... 0 2 P o n tta c i Û2 GMC S o n o m a J liS !^ S u n fire ; C 3 M I 'ог mSAH AITUM Power Windows A Locks. ^ Cfutse. CD Player. Поог <tC Mats. Splash Guards. ----------—--------------- Keyless Entry, Split Folding Rear Seat. Air Conditioning. Rear Oefogger 1 7 , 8 4 6 'ог н а ш seuTRA "pvid 2ÎSfc®ej 'o z f M im m 'OZ fATHfíHom 'OZ Q c ie s n * 5 0 0 ; ^ ^ Á 4 . 9 ^ ( ? Ulti *А0 SOKMI ««I ra on ttxnMd omS. Та. t^. <*x Гн d 1383.00 , «rt citrt. Al >«rucM suCytcl lo pnor %ait. pKturit tn 1er UwtUaoon purpcietcrt^ 9/23/03. j Ш т ^ т ш т ЩШкОЯШШЛ • ем с • N IIM N (Ш Ж Ё У Н Ш в Ж Ш Ш Ш Ш . Sunrool, ___ Aulomalic, Keyless Entry, Power Windows & Locks, CD, Cruise 7^¿e£ iif c Оме ■2{/ане/ Was 18,891 Bear Disc -2,003 Rebate - 3.500 %!iOrahn.4f>Bucket Seats, Sportslde Body, 4.3 L V-6, Tinted Glass, CD, Tilt & Cruise, Sport Suspension Pkg. 02 Pontiac Grand AM V-6 i '02 Pontiac Was 20,515 : h r i i n i i P r l V Bear Disc -1,617 : B M S _____z i m - Was 22,420 Bear Disc -2,423 SHi/316tl Power Windowt & Locks, Alum Wheels, CD Player, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Auto. sw 3162a V-6, Automatic, CD, Keyless Entry, Power Seat, 16" Alum. Wheels, Cruise -new. 02 Pontiac Bonneville‘‘SiE ” - iM iil’ Was 31,635 \'Heu‘. 0 2 P O n ti8 C - | p n | - Bear Disc -2,638 " T r a n s A M ........... RsHai i - -3.QQa : R a m M r " n n n n c f Bam Air Pkg, 12 Disc Chanjei; Traction ConUol, Dual Power! Heated SeiU, Sunrool, Leather, CO, Keyless a Much More : U | U U I I U l l 17" Polislied Wheels, T-Tops, Dual Exhaust m l •«гиц.ЬМСаш.ОмОммнипд п ш г о м ш и40e. IM . Св.СгМе.Р«.1ивм1чГииг|4»|.âM.CS.ClM№M.««|____ 0D ow n-*256'"'“ 0D ovm .»29í"""*“ O Down-»235^ ______________________________________________ __________________ . •^« .5 :г:г4 Я й й и о .... г г л в а » * “ “ - : doo iw .’ z i b ' " " “ ооо*га.»2М ' " ' " “ $19.035 “ "» Д 9 9 5 s ii.995.*«»14,595 si8.59S. *«“ 13.995 А^Ш,Ы.Ыш»ё,а.КПЁт.М.итШШИ. .....$33^695 «шь-—13,995 шез 16.995 $1Ш5.-«‘7,995 IM, лиц ммк. Ltca ttui.OH OW. itm SU99S.>«*M ,9IS RING OF FIRE SiIm EumI Entry Sit. Hot Savings on Hot Wheels. Prices Clearly Maritej! tu. ug and òoc tit oti38d.OOMiwiinOuM(ilni«le (vices. Sile ?1см w on out ol itock unì» wJy Pkcturei ve (or lUuitrttion pwpoie« orty. Mi (mhAses «e on epprovtd crxliL PM»Of not responsbOe for mi«s. M entires 9/23/Ог B b IS I M l T N A r r - c n p c • M I S B S A M , В П Щ М Ш М Й Ш 1т П Ш Ш Ш 1 П ^ ^ 7 0 4 - 6 3 а - 7 2 7 П 1 Davie Schools i)AVnî COUNTY IÎNTIÎRi'RISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - Dl I’iiu-brook Klemenliir.v Third graile has hecii siuilyiiig Ihe so­ lar syslem. maps ami I'raelions. For Graiulpareiils Day, sliiileiUs presented iheir grandparenis wilh a slory and draw­ ing Ihcy made. The grandparents ate limch with Iheir grandchildren in Ihe caf­ eteria and returned to Ihe classroom for a shorl visit. This year I’inehrook desig­ nated a Grandparents' Day for each grade level. ЛИ grandparenis were inviie lo lunch w ilh Iheir grandchild . In Remembrance of Sepl. 11.siudenls and staff wore red. while and hlue. Л1 S:46. Ihe lime ihe plane crashed, ihere was a moment of silence followed by a sing­ ing o f America led hy the fiflh grade over the intercom. Л1 noon students said the Pledge of Allegiance. Cafeteria staff pro­ vided red. white and blue cake for stu­ dents and staff mcmhcrs who purchased lunch lhat day. The Characler Kids for Ihe week of Sept. 9-13: Cotly Blake. Nolly Miles. Lisa Foster. Zachary Dunn. M ike Delucia. Blake Booie. Mollie Stephenson, Bran­ don Roy. Maggie Amold, Emma Pow ers. Dougie Badgelt. Jaryd Shore. K irklin Bowles. Conrad Cam pbell, Brandon Horne. Lincoln Broek. Megan Bradsher. Austin llninphries. Zach Cope. C lint Boner. Michael Flelemier. Colby Carier. Brandon Armsworthy. Sam Motley. Tyler Shrewsbury. TItis week's Box Top champions w ere Mrs. Graggs Ihird grade. Principal Mary Sine presented the class w ilh a certificate and Ihe Iraveling apple trophy lorcollecl- ing 17,1 box lops. The school total is .1.220 bo.x tops or S.122 loward new me­ dia center books. Ocl. I . 6:.10-К:.1(). is Pinebrook Skate night at Skateland in Clem m ons. Pinebrook receives SI per skater. The PTA membership drive began Sept. I. Membership dues are S3. For additional news cheek out the school w ebsile at littp:/! »•ww.pe.s.ilavii'.kl2.nc.iis/ Coulecmcc Elcm cntnry Kindergarlners have been busy ciiler- laining this week. In celebration o f Grandparents Day the kindergarlen classes invited ihcir grandparenis lo jo in them for a short program and tea on Mon­ day aflernoon. Siudenls sang "Oh, Whal a Miracic" and "Love Grows," Пгипк you IO ull grandparenis who allended. Your grandchildren Wii'c ihrilled lo share Ihe aflernoon w ilh you. The Alphatime let­ ters have also been visiling. Greal friends like Ms. Funny Feel, Mr. Happy Hair, and Mr. Noisy Nose share Iheir letter sounds and are teaching us about Ihe Five senses. Fifth graders have been performing Ihis week. At Ihe first PTA meeting Sept. 10, fifth graders presented a patriotic pro­ gram. They sang two patriotic songs, and read the book September 12: We Knew Everything Would Be A ll Right, written by first graders in Missouri, Thanks lo Mrs. Hembree. Miss Boddy, and Mrs. Blackwelder for helping prepare the stu­ dents for the program, On Sepl. II, third, fourth, and fifth grade students galhered around Ihe llagpole losay Ihe Pledge, sing a song, and have a moment of silence. Candidates for Studenl Council offic­ ers were delemiined in fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Campaign week was Sept. У-12. and speeches and voting took place Sept. 12. First and second graders in Miss Brown's and Mrs. Leven's class read "Caps for Sale". They designed new caps and wrote descriptive siories about them. In Social Studies, studenis learned aboul map skills and the community - places where people work, live, and play. They w ill begin a science unil on living and non-living things and discuss the signs of fall. Fourih gr:iders are hard at work on numy things. In science they are study­ ing animals and their habitats. In social studies they are learning about Nortli Carolina. As the year continues, math is getting harder. Siudenls are focused on missing addend problems in subtraction and word problems. T h ird grade siudenls o f Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Maurer have been learning aboul comniunilies in prepara­ tion for a Sludy of Cooleemee and ils heri­ tage. Third graders have heen reading aboul optical illusions and have had fun looking at piclures o f Ihem. Cooleemee Studenl Council officers are: president. Mechel Gadson; vice presi­ dent. Dylan Vogler: secretary. Carmen Grubb. PTA News: Fundraiser money and or­ der forms need to be lurned in by Sepl. IS. The Fall Festival w ill be Oct. .1. A hot dog supper, games, giant slide, hay rides, bingo and cake walk are among Ihe ac­ tivities. Keep sending in Campbell soup labels and Box Tops for Educalion. Cooleemee Elementary t-shiris. long sleeve t-shirs and sweatshirts are for sale. W lllim n R. Dnvic Klcm cnlary The P TO held ils first meeting of the year Sept. 10. Brittannie Ball and Breck Wanl led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. President. Tammy Buchanan, presided and then lurned the meeting over 10 principal Danny Cartner. Afler a brief meeling. parenls were inviled to their child's classroom. Luwonna Oakes and Melissa Brown held a b rie f m eeling w ilh parenls lo introduce them to reading programs before Ihe PTO meeling. Grandparenis Day was held Sept. 10 w ith many visitors. M ore lhan .“iOO lunches were served lo sludents, staff and guests. Many activities were planned in classrooms lo welcome grand-parenls. Special lhanks to the staff anti volunteers for helping make this one o f the most successful Grandparents Day ever. A special thanks to the lunchroom slaff. On Sept. 11, a moment of silence svas obser\ eil by staff and sludents in memory of events a year ago. Students in the school reciled the Pledge of Allegiance. F irsl grade siudenls o f Tina Dyson. Denise Baugh, and Jenny James were presented и special award fo r their activities in a study of their berilage. Local EMS employees and firefighters along w ilh olher guests were present. Follow ing Ihe dedication, firefighters with trucks held a short parade around the scbool's Irack. Sludents o f Jen M eagher, Tracy Dyson, and Judy W'hite in foiirtli grade have enjoyed a Ireal this week. Mike Hendrix has met w ith them to discuss Davie Counly. He is preparing sludents for the upcoming Davic County tour on Sepl. 2i. Fourih grade students have been busy reviewing m ultiplication facts as they race across North Carolina. Those completing the race w ill be reward with a party. Fourth grade students of Judy White's class w ill soon make reports. Siudenls chose classes lo visit and inlerview as a w riling project. The articles have been typed and the cub reporters w ill post those on class web page and forward to Ihe Enterprise. The M ultiplication Race is m iller way. The first winner is Taylor Anderson. About 10 sludents made the math club for Ihe ye;ir. They earn lhat honor by doing a four-m inute m u ltip lic a tio n test w ith no errors. Students are reading Slone Fox. In Slone Fox. Ihe main characters live on a potato farm so sludents are involved in an integrated study o f potaloes.Tltey broughi in cook-books and picked oul C untinucd O n i ’aije 1)3 S c h o o l b u s e s p a r k e d a t S o u tii D a v ie w e r e a d o r n e d w itli a n A m e r ic a n fla g o n S e p t . 1 1 . С-|дя,у га. N e w M .\' M o re th a n 3 0 0 0 h a n d s w h ic h lis te d t h e v ic tim s o f th e 9 /1 1 tr a g e d y lin e d th e h a ils o f N o r th D a v ie . S tu d en ts S h o w P a trio tism Studenis in D avic C ounly pul on ihcir red. w hile, and blue Sept. 11 to help pay iribiile lo ihe firsl anniversary o f the terrorist attacks. Every school Ihroughoul Ihe counly organized evenls iliro ug lio u l llie day which were both appropriale for the .stu­ denl body and llic occasion. Davie High and South Davie remembered the anni­ versary by holding assemblies which consisted o f patriotic m usic, special speakers and a moment o f silence. N orlh Davic paid tribute to the vic­ tim s by Iracing handprints thal lisled Ihe name and occupation o f those who lost Iheir lives. M ore lhan 3000 handprints lined the halls o f N orth Davic. The county's elem enlary sch oo ls^ participated in a variely o f activities in ­ cluding reciting the Pledge o f A lle ­ giance at noon and dre.ssing in palriolic colors. C h e ls e a O s w e ii, a s t u d e n t a t M o ci< sv ilie E le m e n ta r y , is s h o w n w ith a p h o to o f th e s ix m o n th a n n iv e r s a r y c e r e m o n y a t th e W orld T r a d e C e n te r s it e a n d a n e s s a y s h e w r o te to s u m m a r iz e h e r f e e l­ in g s . C h e ls e a 's fa th e r liv e d in N e w Yorl< w h e n th e a tta c l< s o c c u r r e d a n d a fa m ily fr ie n d w h o w a s a p o lic e m a n d ie d in th e a tta cl^ s. C .J . F ertitta , a s t u d e n t a t M o cl< s- v ille E le m e n ta r y , is p r o u d to b e a n A m e r ic a n a s h e d is p la y s h is h a ir p a in te d r e d , w h ite a n d b lu e . Community College Offers Adult Classes At Davie Campus The D avie Campus o f Davidson Counly Com m unity College w ill offer the follow ing continuing education and basic skills classcs beginning the week o f Sept. 20. For more infom iation, call Ihe Davie Campus Office at 751-2885. Business O ffice Essentials This course covers the basics o f W indows, Word, Excel, Access, Power Poinl, and M icrosoft Inlernel Explorer, This course w ill be taught in 5 & 10- hour modules. Students can attend 1 or all o f thc modules w iih the chargc o f S55 plus S5 lab fee. Students need to bring a 3-in. high-density disk. Pre-req­ u isite : W indow s In tro d u c tio n or equivalent experience. TRCs: 1.0 per 10 hours attended. A ll course.s are held on Fridays from 8 a.m .-1 p.m. Module I: Windows. This course w ill review the most common features o f the operating syslem.Students w ill explore the management folders and files, us- ing the programs available to share w ilh olher appiicalions and ways lo mainlain programs. 5 hours. Sept. 20. Module II: Word. This course w ill show the advantages o f M icrosoft Word 97 program. Studenis w ill learn how to format, create, edit and manage docu­ ments. Desktop publishing technique.s, as w ell as sharing documents with other applications in the O ffice 97 environ­ ment w ill also be introduced. 10 hours. Sept. 27, Oct. 4. A d u lt Basic E ducnilun (A B E ) Course w ork i.s in the areas o f basic reading, English, malh, spelling, and w riting; courses arc available for non- readers, There is no registration fee, and books are furnished free, Seclion 201. M-F.9 a.m.-l p.m. Лиц. 5-Dec. 20. Free. Enlry: Any class. Room 202. in­ struclor: Staff. Seclion 202. T, Th. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec. 19. Free. Entry: Tuesday. Room 20. Instructor: Stuff Section 203, T, Th, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Atii;. 6-Dec. 19. Free. Entry: Any class. Room 207. Instructor: Staff. A d u lt Hii>h Schuul D iploinu (A H S ) A dull high school diplom a courses are for people who did not complete Iheir high school education. Course.s are free. Transcript o f any previous high school work is required. Seclion 201, M-F, 9 a.m.-I p.m. Au¡;. 5-Dec. 20. Free. Entry: Any cla.ss. Room 202. In­ structor: Staff. Section 202, T, Th, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Aug. 6-Dec. 19. Free. Eniry: Tuesday. Room 205. Instructor: Staff. Section 203, T, Th 3:30-5:30 p.m., Аиц. 6 - Dec. 19 Free. Entry: Any class. Room 207. In­ structor: Slaff A ll assessments for ABE/G ED and AHS evening courses; Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. E S L„.E nt;llsh As Л Second Language This program is designed for adulls > whose language is nol English. Inslnic- lion is in conversation, pronunciation, vocabulary, basic reading and w riling. spelling, and English grammar. Instruc­ tion is designed for each student's needs and ability level. Students progre.ss at their own pace. Students may begin on any course dale.Courses are free o f charge. E S L . . . Ingles Com o Segundo Idiom a Se ha diseñado este programa para el adulto cuyo idioma no es el inglés. La enseñanza se trata de conversación, pronunciación, vocabulario, lectura básica, composición escrita y gramática del id io m a ing lé s. M étodos de enseñanza se acomodan las necesidades y habilidades del participante. Los participantes progresan a su propio rato. Se puede empezar la clase en cualquier fecha. El curso es gratis. Seclion 20L T, Th, 6:30-8:30 p.m„ Aun. 6-Dec. 19, Davie Campus. Free. Entry: Any class. Room 203. Instructor: Staff. G eneral E ducutiunal D evelopm ent (G E D ) Designed as a means for adulls to obtain a high school diplom a creden­ lial. Studenis prepare lo take the GED exams to demonsirale high school com­ petencies in English, social studies, sci­ ence, reading, and math. The program is the legal equivalent o f a N.C. High School Diplom a.The cost is $7.50. A ll assessments fo r A B E /G E D and AHS evening courses. Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., Seclion 201, M-F, 9 a.m.-! p.m.. Aug. 5-Dec. 20. Free. Entry: Any class. Room 202. Instructor: staff. Section 202, T, Th,5:30-8:30p.m.,Aiig. 6-Dec. 19, Free. Enlry: Tuesday. Room ¡07. In­ structor: Staff. Section 203, T, Th 3:30-5:30 p.tn., Aug. 6-Dec. 19. free. Entry: Any class. Room 207. Insinw- tor: Staff 1)2 - DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRI’RISF-: RKCORI), S'tpl. !'). 2002Davie Dateline Fundraisers Saturday, Sept. 21 AW\ Uiile For Animals, rule starts II a,in. al .Masonic Picnic Cinuimls K’lnnd Hrivk Cenlcr. Main Si.. MiKksvillc. Cost S20 fee. s|X’iist)r\hipsavallahlc. Into: 151 -5214 or \v\ws .davienchuniane.ori:. pre­ sents! hy Tlie Humane .Stviely of Davie County. Country Ilarii X Saiisii^e Hrtuk* fiisl, at Wesley ChajxM LiMC. Pino Koail. 6:.K)-10 a.ni.. ham. sausajie. ecps. priiN, jiravy. a*d eye gravy, bis­ cuits. and baked apples (in the new feDnuship hall.) Hiinu’miide Chickcn Ple/lhiked limn Dinner,5-Sp.m.. Union Chafvl UMC. vs. m ( I mile nonh of !-)0). iline in or lake out S7 jvr plate. sfx»n- soa*d hy Spiritual Servants Suiulay School Class. ralHe tickets, door pri/es. silcnl auction. Al! proceeds Ivnefit puahase of new church sipi. Tickets ai dtxirorcall 4')l-7543. Saturday, Sept. 28 (liiunlry Hum & .SiiUMiKi' llm ik- fusi. Union ClupcI Mclh, Chuivli. US. 601 (N. or 1-4«), 0:.10-10 a.m. Relitlior\ Sunday, Sept. 22 Cnnccrl, Doun Horne (juartct, 7 p.m.. Hread of Life Church. N.C. SOI N..MiKksviile. Info;463-217K. Ifnmecomin}*, I();.SO a.m., Hev. I !arr>'Sherrill to s)>eak. covereddish to follow in Fellowship Hall of NiiK-ks UMC. Advance. ‘NS-55IS. Sun.-Wed., Sept. 22-25 Rfvinil,7:.1() p.m.nigliilyaiMiicks IIM C, Ailvancc. Inliv. ‘WS-.S51X. Reuniorvs Rri.-Sun., Sept. 20-22 C4iin Reunion,desa'iHluitsoflTiUiklin v.'iMiuy lk*;unoi\C;un.i\lCentef(\>i«ni. BJdi:.. U.S. M W.. MivksN ille. itei:ins rfi.5p.m.rishfr)’.Sal. 1 p.m.felh»w ship linKlKtJii.Sun. 1 liun.wor^hip;^lCed.lГ Cax•kM¡ssilnklfyП;l|^.01uah.M(vks- víllc. All a'latives ¿¡c ftiends invited lo coiiK* ;iik1 bring fovea'll dish for .Sat. eU*nl. Info: WS-3626. Sunday, Sept. 22 IWck Reunion, fiUnily of kite Hiomas J<;frerNoftIkx'k;uKlMatil(liSmiihlkvk. a( IkMT Cavk (liuah. Mtvks- ville. Lunch I p.m., all a*Iaiives ;ukI frieikls inviteil to atteml. Spedd Events Saturday, Sept. 28 .4inlor Men and Women’s Maskci- hiill (imiK’s, no ch.irve. ie;uns fmm D.ivie. S.C.. W.V. ;uul oiIkt cities in N.C.. public inviteil. pui»es Ivgin ‘Ы5 a.m. River NN'alk, 11 a.in. join al /;«:1г.ил' IliHiscforfoixliV: visiiinj:. I p.m.tlcdi- cale liUHl ;md celcbraie ik'velojm>em of Ri\cri*.iik at CiHilecmce i\ills “Tlh.* IkilDiole”, 2 [).nj. Hlcssirii: of il»c bind - traditional Native American ceamony. S(X4isor,4l hy Cooleemee Hist. Assn. Dates to Renieml^er Thursday, Sept. 19 И1жи1 Drive, p.m.. MiK'ks­ villc Hlcmentar> SchiH)l. Cemeter>' Sia-et. Mocksville. Saturday, Sept. 21 И|ц S\M.4'p, al /->char> i linise. ivgis- ter for fa*c T-shirl. Sat. & Sun., Sept. 21 &22 Annnnl lim>k Sale, at Davie Couniy l.ihniry. in the multi-puq>ose n>on). Main St., Mocksville. Sat. a.m.- 3 p.m.. Sun. 2-5 p.m. Pajvrhacks. hardbacks, ami some sjx.*cial items. Mon.-Wed., Oct, 21-23 Clean-Up Days, in town of Cm>leemce.Call2S4-2l41 for sched­ ule for sfvcitlc sta*ets. Meetintls Saturday, Sept. 21 DavieC«. Uvpublican Women.H:30 a.m.. at the lieadqitariers on Main St.. a lighl baakfasi will Iv sencd. Tuesday, Sept. 24 \V(MMlnien «rthe World I.odj»e MX D^lvte Acaden\y Conun. l^ldg, 1\M) p.m. R e p o rt A ll D a te lin e ite m s B y N o o n M o n . Ilerns Tor Davie Dateline should lx* ivi>orted hy n(H»n Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call If» 1 -212i) or drop hv oflice, S. Main Stavt. What’s Happening At DCHS Current Issues Elective Proves To Be Challenging S h eepdog Trials This W eekend Gr;ib yotir l;i\vii chairs aiul head oiil lo Itic I'arm intilon .SlR'cpilog TriaN boiii!: Iielil Ihis wcckciul in Davic Cmmly. Tho cvom licgins ul K a.m. ilaily and will run Friday. .Saliir- day, and Sinulay. Kciiislered Hordcr Collies will CDiniK-lc al Ihc Shields pani- ily Farm . 2200 l-arniinc;loii Ri)ad. Mocksvillc. Concessions will Ih; available and ll\c public is inviied lo al­ lenii. H'yoii would like inloniialion or direclionscall 7 6 6 -«(m . A new currenl issues class has been inlroduceil as a new social sludies eleclivo al Davie County High School. Gayle Windley. a teacher of Ihe class says. "Fniphasis is learning about currcnt Issues around the world and how it has Id do wilh us." The class vises a variely ol' ap­ proaches lo leam and undersiand current evenis by debating, look­ ing al the slock market, econom­ ics. watching Ihe news and do­ ing research on I'anious people lhal have been an inlluence. "It’s inleresling because you learn about what's going ou around Ihe world lhat you other­ wise might nol." said Josh Par­ ish. a sophomore. He enjoys thc debating part ol' Ihe class. " I’m ready lo argue with people in Ihe class aboul whal I think." Windley thinks Ihis class is im porlanl at Davie. "In the Unilcd Stales wc ol'ten I'ecI in­ sulated I'rom problems lhal really el'I'eet us, so liopel'ully studenis will have an interest aboul whal is going on in the world," she said. Hrad McNcil also teaches the class, and focuses on Ihc cause and effecl of news, trying lo get sludents lo realize why things happen. "A lol of sludents don'l watch Ihc news and don’t pay allention, and 1 ibink it's really important to know w hat's going o n ," McNeil said. Me hopes students will leave the class wilb a solid understanding of today’s world, how lo ilcbalc and argue I'onnally and how lo undersiand bolh sides ofa slory. Kalhryn Smith, a freshman, said thc class is "fast paced" and "hard for an cle clive ." "It makes you pay atlcmion to stuff lhal most people our age don'l really pay allention to, like Ihe news and all." She recommends the class for anyone who plans to have any­ thing lo do wilh goveniment or politics. Л senior < 11 Duvic lliiih School, misc Dickiiiaiin is an intern with Ihc Enterprise Rcconi. With FREE Family Calling Everyone Stays In the Loop. 3 B u i l d i n g L o t s F o r S a le In the Fork Church Communily Localed on/off of Cedar Grove Church Rood OK lor doublewide, modular or site buill homes *Latt-UNDER CONTRACT- 40.00Q+/-siw\lhtoad itontage, ’water rrieief& septic system-$25,000 • Lot 2 • UNDER CONTRACT • t ♦ acre wilh road frontage, well & septic system * $25,000 • Lol 3 • 1.2 acres recent survey & perked. Great view. Price includes county water & septic system • S2S.OOO ’All oc/eoyt? sub/ccf io final survey Contact Robert Slone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 THE WORLD :MUST be to ld ROY E. HURT IS 70 YEARS OLD Ж SEPT. 21 CLASS RINGS! CLASS RINGS! CLASS RINGS! Better Prices & Faster Delivery Than The School. O R D E R T O D A Y . $ 3 0 D e p o s it . D M M O N Í) Ô^ÆCOLD GALLERY Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksvillc INTRODUCING THE ALLTEL FAMILY FREEDOM NETWORK. Talk about family ties. W ith the ALLTEL Family Freedom Network you get FREE mobile to mobile calling to other family members. Plus, you’ll get FREE calling from your mobile to your home phone. Visit ALLTEL to get more information about free family calling and how you can start saving today. Choose any rate plan $29.95 and higher and get: rRFE Mobile'TO .Mobile / Mi.;hi!(* to Wiriut..'". FPfC Й, W<;vh?iv,t TRtL N.'itionwide Long Distance . / l U X E l AUTHORIZED AGENT THE PHONE PLACE 121 Depot Street • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 6 2 6 Mon.-Krl. 8:3(hmi-5pm • Silt. 9ani-I2noon t.'VOiKlUl UMMr>«>l Kt-I (•.'wl* p.«rt 0« a.»: l£i '»U' Al............. -- и S I С'»Л1 t íetivíiion W» m*, M ô*t* o'tclntlion Лрркл*-3» 'o< Г-ЖИ.1«» ctU'jM >u> iJtUnc« W'fuxiiatui»« r««Mvt KCMt. LM ru«*«4 t «ng JÂurt« Or» nul W *«MtM n «i »M « O'al ALlTtL «••Y Ütr«c(m>'ur.iirir*)'vinnit({>^ 5««cirM'ai.t ctfnjwrìti tfortIqxMI*t Мт»лоХХЮёпИОООилХ*Л *llULf- • - ..................................................................................................-........................................... - - - -Via^n ViM«an1rv«.wia'*rrt Uu«>OCl/> S r».i't» L,»«d a*cfi 4 Л> nd C4-* ov*» Cutlom*'тьм г>шг4ал'lUKjM^aa'M fwui»»la<«*a(t>»«») K»i>*ct^ang«(a»â- - -------■rtnAi.OtLP»i^atpontu-u»» С-Ж«>аЧвнап»«».injy b#olt»0 o'»•<'Alili Lf*cr»»4i*,»«'>^*LL»iiV»f^ff Ha»»Oi»pi«n гцут£,г rvwt» a «Jt* »r »»» rvr»»:•« »>41'*«(«'« «u^cr^«<■wxД«t Wub«ur»-!« l'WVMta U rntio« Ia«J'*«X> • h} hur« m .t»( a(i>> Caabn>«-diôg ‘ ;«л 10 uiJ»r^t««Oird fruwAlLItL a«»» to«t«MrTÌd» ►enhorne>?(4ru>'<n‘y nw>vl*(an()rx.WDrv'‘<'*^ Btrwi C<>t<or<ar t moti»« lonc>ta««>WC>* to twrw Mrv<c««>MИ t иж*г>«>са1*#1са>м Ал klxor* U CM CoM >м iM t« к*)«» Win* AUTCir>»«]ivn ington bmpany E A L T Y In Moc'ksville 336.751.9400 In .•\dvancc/Hillsdale 336.998.8900 Choices, Choices...l^u Choose... WeHavematYoumnt! 163 Dukutu l-unc $90,ШН) 562 Kullvdce Roud $13‘Л9(Ю N E W L L 4 T I\C iS 119 New Hiinip.shire C l. Lot 21 M cudow R id«e 8159,900 $319,900 519 Juiicy Bt-uiicliump Ruad 230 W ildw ood banc $1H9,90<) $168,500 112 Covenant Cuve 126 VVindin); Creek Rd. $129,900 $124,900 1242 Jvrichü Church Roud $175,900 392 Michuvl.s Road $69,900 5(H) Ea.st LaliC Drive $142,500 148 Cloi.sler Drive $113,(ИН)1460 Ncedmorc Road 2182 Cornalzer Road $58,500 $63,900 843 Sain Road $115,900 123 Center Street $59,900 810 Sanrord Avenue $132,900 ‘*““'1 “W2 Oakland Avenue$79,900 $112,900 6 В El 1Ж ¥ líÜrTTn \ is ii lis u n l i l i \M b w w l ’i iiiim ^ lD iik c '.t lu i D in O I I m .iil lis .11 iiilii(i< 4 4 u m ii'j,iiM iU i .iliN i 4 m il í í j Davie Schools DAVIK COUN rv EKVEim USK RKCORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - D3 Coníinucti Trom Piihl» D I potato rccipes to make a codkbook ami will soon begin cooking potatoes for the class as a cooperative activity. In social studies, students are getting e.xcited about tlw upcoming Davic County lour which will enhance their sludy of Davic Couniy. Students will lie attending an in- class writing seminar to c.xcite their wriling skills. Students linished reading Tales ofa Pourth Grade Notlting and will write an additional chapter to the hook. Bar Riders and Car Rider of thc Week lor Sept. 2-fi: Andrew Olson, Danielle Young. Logan Hendricks. Alyson Jordan. Josh Goins. Kassie Gerdes. Jodie Gregory. Kendal Lanier. Shade Ashley. Dianna Barron and Megan Cainphcll. Mocksville Klcmentary Student of thc Week. Sept. 9-13: William Collett. Kevin Sides. P-than McCoy. Dustin Hilton. Mia Byers, Alex Peoples. Summer Smart. Hayley Carter. Eric Powell. Dakota Bishop. Dylan Bright. Nicholas Moody. Rachel Willianis. Colin Floyd. Terrell Joyner. Ashton Wise. Katrina Nelson. Mitchell Miller, Nick lh)lder. Jared Barber. Brandim Toney. Jacob Barlvc. Jessie Johnson. Rachel Creason. li.J. Plummer. Will Marrs. It’s a “/oo" in Ms. Langer's kin­ dergarten class. The students have k’cn leaming the names of dilTerent animals, as well as iheir individiual characteristics. The class is planting to take a tir to Maa Moo I'arm In ()ctolK*r. The children si>eiu a gov\d part of the day learning jihonics and UKilh. They liave learned the letters "L.” **()" and "G" and have gained knowledge of how lo niake a one- to-one correspondence using the numlnrr five. The children made a Hag of handprints and a friendship chain to commemorate Sept. 11. Mrs. Everett’s first gnulers touivd the North Carolina Transporttion Museum in Spencer. The students enjoyed a ride on the train. Mrs. Starnes and Mrs. Brown's second graders have hail a "tropical” week. The stor>’ “Luka’s Quill" look place In I lawaii. The studenis located this .state out he n)ap and found ils capital. Mrs. Myers had an Intemel site ready for us to explore in com­ puter lab. Hayley LamlK'rt’s parents shated coral, books, pictures and a tiki doll they brought home from a trip Ihere last year. On Friday, the sludents wore lets made from noodles and ра(Н!Г Ilowers strung on yarn. They eujoytfd pineapplc-coco- nut milkshakes after a gatne of "hot coconut." Mrs. Lankford and Mrs. Shuler’s iJiird graders have had a busy couple of weeks. They l>egan the year with Ihe novel "Maggie. Maggie" hy Beverly Clear)*. This novel about a Ihinl grade reluctant to write cursive nuuleusexcitedaboviU>egiimiug our new adventure Into cursive writing. The class took Ihis time lo secretly analyze the wriling of some of our teachers and parents to see if Ihey were fonning their letters correctly. Many of our children Ihought their parents needed to attend our cursive classes. The class recalled the evet«s tl\at took place on Sept. II. 2001. The students worte and typed essays about the events of the ilay and how il made them feel. Our school re­ membered the day by setting it aside as "Patriotic Day*’ and by wearing red. white and hlue. Mrs. Price's fourth grade students have enjoyed a successful first month of school. Havng completed a study of "Stone Pox.” their next novel will Ik* “The .Kid in the Red Jacket." In Saxon math lessons, slu­ dents are reading a variety of scales, practicing problem solving, and Imishing up on computation skills. As part of North Carolina social sludles. they are researching geo­ graphical regions on the internet. While sludying tlw wriling priKess. students wrote about iheir heroes. Student of the Month is Tanner Bailey, and Terrlllc Kids are April Roilriguez and Courtney Machette. Sylvia Smith’s fifth grade class Is harti at work. They have l>egun work on Iheir slate reports in social sludles. They are also working with Mrs. Wilson aitd thc olher fiflh grade classes to prepaa* for the РГЛ pro­ gram on Sept. 17. Officer Joey Reynolds is teaching DARE lo our class. New for us this year is the ac­ celerated math program. The stu­ denis seem to enjoy working in this program. We were sorry to lose Daniel Kosales from our class. Daniel moved lo another school, MES students have heen coming to Ihe Media Center for several weeks now. Kindcrgartners have heard a song abou thc old lady svl\o swallowed the Ily and about a little ted house wilii no doors, no windows and a star inside. First graders have been reviewing author, illustralor. cover, spltte and title page through the song "lii-Ho Librar>’-().‘'.Secoml and third graders have heen leam­ ing about what an author di>es when wriling a hook. They have leanted aboul what happens at thc publish­ ing iiouse ami Ivave leanted lhat writ­ ing a book Is a long ami difUcuIt pro­ cess. Fourih and fifth grailers Ijave reviewed this year by playing Beach Ball review and “Who Wants lo be a Media Millionaire?" Everyone is working hard on reading for AR. Paa*nts who are interested in view­ ing Ihe AR list can go lo Ihe schooPs website • 4vww.nK's.davie.kl2.nc.us. Smilh Dnvie Congratulations to Mrs. Garner and Mrs. 11о11етап\ TlgerTlmes for being the sixth grade classes who turned in the most Ml-Lo Booster fonns. Each class turned in 21 forms. These two classes will be treated lo breakfast durit\g Tiger l inte in ihe next few weeks. Thanks also lo all of ihe sixth graders who turned in their fomis. We were able to add oser 60 new memhers to our school’s Bl-Lo Hoosiers program. The sixth grade Barracuda Team has been working hard since the Iv- ginning of tho year. The leant con>- pleted a science project in which groups crealed an archaeological dig and then excavated another group’s site. In social studies, sixth graders have completed a unit of sludy on ihe geography of Euro|>e and have begun a study of ancienl civill/a- lions. In conununicatlon skills, siu- tlents are work Inf: on a project lo dis­ cover how and why they got Iheir tutntes. The first field trip of the year will l>e lo the Renaissance Festival in Huntersville in ОсюКт. The year has gollen off to a woii- ilerful start. There was a school-wide assembly on Sept. 11 and the stu- tlenls were verv well behavetl. There wea* over 700 sludents in the gym and you could hear a pin drop. The sixth graders have finslheil thier llrst rotation In w hich they stud­ ied pantomime, itttprovisalion and mask making. The seventh gradrs are in re­ hearsal for their upcoming perfor­ mance of “Once Upon a Fair> tale.“ which will be performed In early Oclober. The eighth grade drama sludenis are undertaking the difficult, bul re­ warding, task of selecting, mcmori/.- ing and |>erfonning Itulividual mono­ logues. C o r n a lz e r K le m e n la ry Mrs. San Filippo and Mrs. Livengood’s English as a Second Language sludents arc off to a great start. The following new students have been welcometl to the ESI. pro­ gram: Andrea Hernandez-Borges. Luis Morena-Ruano. Pedro Ciarcia- Abarca. Littdscy Santiagi-Quilerio. Roberto He man lie/.'Mo re no. Caroline Infante. Tania Rodriguez. Manual Roman-Muno/, Marlcruz Flores-Mariiuez. Bryan Moreno. Erika Baltazar. Cesar Cru/-Lun/a, Miriam M arin-Mora. Giselle Rodrigue/.-Luge. Nicole Heniandez, Giselle Hernandez. Kervis Chavez. Paly Rodriguez. Karitia Ramirez. Kathy Marln-M(»ra. In iheir ESL classes, kindeigaitners and first gi ad- ers have been levlewing school vo­ cabulary. Second graders are begin­ ning a unit on animals. Third grad­ ers will l>e studying the moon. Fourth graders are learning about North Carolina atul enhancing their writ­ ing with varied vocabulary worils. And fif th graders have been reading a story aboul Wihita Rudolph, the Olympic runner. Mrs. San Filippo also wishes to thank the Spanish­ speaking tutors from Davie High School. They are: Alison Alexander. Ashley Allen. Caroline Hell.Tabilha Blackwell. Paul Ijames. Heather McDaniel, Breni Skinver, Gini Stonc, Rolando Valle, Sarah Will­ iams. Ill Mrs. June Johnson’s classes fininh and fifth graders have been line-tuning their w riling skills lo pro­ duce patriotic essays. All students focused on the theme: Why 1 am Prouil lo l>e an American. Alter shar­ ing the essays with fellow class members, the students submitted them for competition at lasl wcekcnd‘s Center Fair. Courtney Romine‘s t'ourlh grad­ ers have gotten off to a great start this year. They’ie reading up a sionn and earning lols of Accelerated Reader poinis. They’ve begun a new’ novel. "Owls in the Family." and they are looking forward to enjoy­ ing this funny .story as well as learn­ ing aboul owls in a related science unit. Grandparents’ Day was a real Injat for sludenis. with three sludents* performance t)f a song about our state symbols. This fonneil part of the class's studies unit, along with learning about ihe regions of our state. Students’ Urst project, creating a unii|ue map of North C'arolina. has yielded impressive results. Media students have l>een introduced to ihis year's nominees for the North Caro­ lina Childien’s Book Award, Stu­ dents vote on their favorite book. Comalzer K-3 sludents participate In the Piclure Book division; fmir to five sludents participate in the Jun­ ior Book division. The school Ac­ celerated Reader Program is in full swing. Sludenis are busy reading, trying to improve their comprehen­ sion and reading skills. The Cornat/.er Indl Book Fair will arrive SepL 26. Studenis will view the materials .Sept. 27. They will have a chancc lo purchase nta- icrlalsSept. 30-0cl. 2. Family Read­ ing/Book Fair night will be Oct. 1 from .'i:00-6:.30 p.m. Cougars .d' the Week: Abby Stowe. Jacob Lathani, Zenilh Moore, Brandon Stanley. Luis Chapa, Aus­ tin McClannon. Diana Trcjo- Acensio. Holden Peeler, Austin Hill. Taylor Lankforil. Morgan Randolph. Jacie Hllboum.Tiffany Dulin,Tania Kuano'Alvarez, Walter Varona, Jen- nifer Roberlson. Tiffany Cox, Lindsey Bailey, Asia Moore, Kendra Foote, iMelia Sheets. A a'mlnder lo parents: Monday, Sept. 16. Skate Night at Clemmons, 6:30-8:.10 p.m.. Tuesday, Sept. 17. 2nd and 3rd grade I’^TA program, 7 p.m. and Class group photographs; Thursday. Sepi 26 - Early Release Day and Book Fair starts. Flowers forall Occasions S is te r ’s II o f M o c k s v ille (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -1 7 8 2 Saturday, Sept 21 :00am-3:00pm Country Cove Lots 8 & 9 .‘t wonderful homc.s located adjacent to Smilh Grove Recreation Center. Enjoy the ^ames and visil us lo tour one ofDavie'.s most convenient neighlM >rhooils. Directionv l-to Wi'^t to fxit ISO. l,r(t cm hOt. Ilij»ht nn l,'!». Hight on Shallowbrook (just past Sinidi (tniVf Kire Drpartineiil) Ilonif.i tin rij»ht. ■’“SSE, u П Л I, T V Office: 751-1760 Mobile: 909Ю747 FEATURED PROPERTY 1 9 8 Sp r in g h iu Dr. 2 story homo, firoptaco, gazotra, 2200+/- sq. It., groal localion. Tromondous valuol $154,900. C A U KEN @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 4 for a personal showing HOW ARD K E A L T V Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardrealty.com Ì 330 s. Salisbury Si. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) iVtocksville, N C 27028 Office Hours: M u m ijy -F riila y M • S .ilu rd jy9 -I2 • S u n d jy By A ppl. 176 Hamilton Coun 5BR. 3.1 BA. 3505 sq.tt., loo many amonitios to lislt $ 3 ^ ,9 5 0 . C A U CONNIE @ 7 5 1-8 5 65 2777+/-sq. ft., 4BR. 3BA. 1.5 story. $269,900. GtoM d o t ОМК/ЧИЙ @ 751*8569 4BR, 3BA. on 9.3 acfos wilt) stream $249,000. C A U EVEUTN 9 751-8563 '/adJunvir-e. 3BR, 2BA. 1.5 Ac. part. t«nit. FP2porxl5.2î78sf. $209,900. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 .8 5 6 0 Historical 6ВП, 2BA. homo on 2.76 acres. With immacutate landscaping C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 I3f/- acres, t.5 story homo. ЗВП. 2.5BA. $194,900. C A U MARY @ 7 5 1-8 5 66 Bermuda Run - 3BR, 2.5BA, sunroom, Lg. МВЯ. ovorstfed grg, $185,900. C A U M A R Y o rB E V E R U r 4ВЯ. 2BA plus 2BR. t BA homes PI.US additional 3.34 acres in Farminglon. $185,000. C A U JANE or M J . @ 751-8560 Hamx)ny-3Bfl, 30A, part. bsmt. 2 FP's. 3.3 ac., add. ac. avail. $174,000. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 3 Bodrooms. 2 Balhs. spacious rooms, largo lot. $162,500. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 Brtck ranchor on 1.39 acros. quiat noighbortiood. $144,900. C A U GENA @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 9 1990 dtjlowido or\ t603Ac., 3BR. 2BA, t^ pond w/mini ponds $139,900. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1-8 5 60 Near Wake Forosl, 3BR, 2BA. FP, socludod nolghborh’d $124,900 C A U LEE @ 751-8572 Garden Vafley, 2ВЯ. 2BA, $2.000 геОхоШ reovdel aliow. w/acc«pi offer. $118,500 C A U JANE 9 751-8560 3BR, 2BA, 1653 sq. И. mobile home w/5.5 aaes. $109,900. C A U JANE @ 7 5 I> 8 S 6 0 3BR, 2Ba. now carpol, full bsmnt multi-lev. deck. $109,900. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 3BR. 2BA. Historic District. 1.5 stories, basomont. $104,900. aux LEE 0 751-8572 Immaculate slater, 1122 si., paved timo, 20i20 Iin. Mil bldg. $99,900 C AU. M N E or M J. 13 751-8560 Now Const.. 3DR. 2BA coltago. Conv. in-lown localion $98,500 C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 4 5 6 0 114 Arbor Ijvni, tovdNcc П 6 Byiriv Chapei Roao 3BH, 2BA. cathodral ceilings. 2002 Skyline MH. $89,900. C A U CONNIE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 5 112 Raymond St. 3BR, IBA. now сафо1, pair\t. vinyl, fult bsmt. $89,900. C A U М АШ ГФ 751-8566 Cozy 2BR, tBA, cottage, in ground pool wilh iondng. $82,900. C A U iAN E «7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 1997 Skyline on 1.76Ac,3BR, 2.5Ba.l600sq.ll. $79,900. C A U IAN E 9 751-8560 1,5 ocres. 3B R , 2 BA. 1552 sq. II, mobilo ilomo $79,900. C A U CONNIE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 5 3 Bodrooms. 2 Baths, with wired shop/garago. $74,900. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 1.89 Town Center zoned district land. 2BR. IBA. $74,500. C A IL JANE @ 7 5 1-8 5 60 3BR. 1.5BA, cozy cottage, In town.Selier pays 1/2 CC. $64,900. Gau Cftw шштш в 751-«5«9 LoiOnglon, NC, 2BR, IBA. hardwood lloors, ,07ac. $69,900. C A U LEE »7 5 1 -8 5 7 2 3 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, ronovQtod, $68,900. C A U C O N N K @ 751-8565 nowfy Ready to move Ini 2BR, IBA, room for 3rd BR. $59,900. C A U KEN @ 751-8564 2BR, IS A cottago, new windows & skiing. 1146 sq.ft. $59,900. C A U KEN @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 4 3BR. IBA, (oncod backyard, enclosed porch, recont updates. $59,900 C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 2 Bodrooms, 1 Balh. trosh paint and new carpol. $49,900. C A U iAN E @ 7 5 1-8 5 60 Qfoat 1 +/- acre lol. maintained. $44,500. C A U JANE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 0 ik ‘ % JANE W HITLOCK 751-8560 LEE NOLAN 751-8572 MAUY HOWARD 751-8566 KEN SALES 751-8564 M.J. RANDALL 751-3538 A \ M l \ m I lo is \NI) I \M 1 Л.Ч1 ) IÍ I (Ч I Л ! P K ( )Г| Kill ВМГ C r»k Ch. Rd. WIU NOT ОТОЕ.------------------91,«7 Ac. М13,М5 Г Д - -------------------------------" - — Ж :Hwy. 601 ......tIAc* hoUM. 1175,000 o S y S i H R d ™ ----------------------------------------------6.M Ac. W .000 Mr. Henry Rd........ ThofflpMn Lino... 6018... ...1.49 Ac. 122,000 Byerly Ch«(Ml Rd.....2.19 Ac. $27.000 Kiydon Drive (con Cedir Ridge Rd.... ..t5.6«ciM (140,000 ..2.15 acrtf $160,000 ........гасгм S4S.OOO Sanford Ave... 15W> Aeree.... BearCrtekCh Rd Edwarde Rd... Madlion Rd (commerciali... Abbeydalerd. ,1.4 aerea S134,900 .Hwy. 601 $107,250 ...40.02 aerea $257,000 ..9.8 aerei $67,500 ...2 aerea $425,000 .3.85 aorta $18,500 RENTAL PROPERTIES nStreei 136 Morriion Rd... 6637 Center Qrove Church 295 llamea Church Road......... ..4650 P/M ...S1000P/M ì ’ 1)4 • D A V IK C O U M Y K N T K U P R IS F . R F .C O R l), S ep t. 19. 20 02 W illia m R . D a v ie P rin cip a l D a n n y C a r tn e r t e lls first g r a d ­ e r s a b o u t retirin g th e fla g th a t was fly in g o v e r th e s c h o o l o n S e p l. 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 . T a k in g p a rt in th e p a trio tic p r o g r a m a r e first g r a d e r s B ritta n y C ra n fill, C y n th ia R e y e s , A n n a B e th C a r ter , B r o o k e Y o u n g , fv la tth ew S c a r le tt, C o u r tn e y J o n e s , D a v id A lm a z o n , J u s t ic e C h ild r e s s , A v e r y B ro w n a n d l^/Iark D ia z . WRD First Graders Earn Heritage Pin F irst g r a d e t e a c h e r T in a D y s o n a c c e p t s a fla g fro m J a c k k o o n t z o f th e W o o d m e n o l th e W o rld . F irst g r a d e t e a c h e r s J e n n y J a m e s , D e n is e B a u g h a n d T in a D y s o n c o o r d in a te d th e p r o g r a m . / * / » ____^ 3 I" )7 0 C l c d i i i u i i i ' . R d • C .l i 'i r # m m ^ M. J ^ 1 ^ M m i 4 njite ^>n le» ito»' m* *. . - ----------------------------(336)766-8911 See Store For Complete Details Williiim R. Davic Hlemen- lary first graders know the mean­ ing behind the stars and stripes on the American nag. Their lieritage is important for them, ami they were awartleil Ihe U.S. Silver Heritage Pin in a cereiminy on Sept. 11. “We want these children to leave school with a sense of pa- triotism ." said Tina D yson, teacher. Pirefighters imd police oflic­ ers were guests, and gave the students a treat wilh a brief tour of fire trucks. “ We would like to lhank Ihe firefighters and police officers,“ Dyson said. Cartner said it was ■'marvel­ ous" lo walch llie suidenis learn patriotism, and he retired Ihe Sept. II, 2001 flag in Iheir honor. R d • ( ; I, 'm n C L E A R A N C E S A L E ! ! ! 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T Nol(ia 5165 '49.99 Mail In Rebate '50.00 = Free Phone with New Activation P a g e rs Activation and 3 Months ot NC Coverage '39.99 No Contract or Credit Checit P re p a id M a ste rc a rd No Crédit Checks No BUIS NobiterestorlateFees COLDUieLL B A N K E R В TRIAD, REALTORS’ DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 556-998 8816 Relocation 1 800 527 4398 WHATEVER IT TAKES m w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r .c o m wantmmBHiK ‘“H *£»iiCi ieUt Wy/.v I’j; Wjny •' rxik- 4 лloç Ус» 'Xi t.1^; •cj'ttj« JCi tir jjf 1 •»•/€ 2 ü'/f tm lP.*i ufU •' if-î* -*л .u-n • >;*'!•>) it?8 iaeofisi BStt ssvs xa[ic/îi j^t: Л rcre Soii/vSкч J. u>*Л l'ra A W IcO o' ij-ir с^/(«1 [y-rfro iVC 6<rf зав ишб«иа us wMir-o-wiiUVK ■•W 3f A i Û6AC АГЛ Oil I. re» rcr« ;л S.*v« tJ #Т-л rrj'Ueî ci âM-iren Saît, V^Vt f,r.'iVl Ml V.;i'fw*-ra-ll¿;|U4.nO une 2ΣA ШЩ líCX*eJ ;.'алй inciiÄ.ig i.vl wnj « i f.!ng irtr.TOLClion t3 iBC*íí rtff« CX'gMJ »irrt и xf UAi-'yt »r»j liin eñCC CI.Ä tr,rfeííí:c VOiíJ^r t^î- ÿ,a Iter$311,608 IOT 14 ПМШ ИМ ВАМ iÜR 3SfíÁluíj-Ч'Л üjj'ie rere leifjn Qrjfti 2 йУ, 5WC*CCÎ fTU'X 'm'X •■'iJ] *j!t m clci^fi A t/iitt u.*i *%in 4 sw КЛ C.tc,JcA^n»i yj3-lt7; œi.900 911 JUKT KAUCNAMf Ю OAVIE 4ВЯ2 tCA 4 WC Kiüuaü' SfvJ* yr-îtct on ^ 1 teft« wei' Mi:rt l?wi rrjiiri tu:!« 4 2 ur i-3cr«d çif*)! t'irt лш*0 ш.Х% f, kiWeoie ftcftjrfiu-ilyiktiifTl luapurcTd^ «{Crtufi.1, i.Hüie ViaiHrTkiig . 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Jvd Пгтл:<г> • ?»dt!‘.r$ai,ooo 3 .'M (jr>jrta3 to A Fixn 1« i:i Uijf ki f«r'-’eOtn»4tili'J9ifJ(?>fCùJf5n lür |«сг!..та iu.'?«jciji ra;nifrt( Uowiur>i U‘At2S2.m Ж UBSMU WVE OAVli Ш ?t(!A fierjrtx< in hiAii hur< ljfvr¿jp.ng. fbjt ,«г«л i'll mjLÌi «Il t,\jn 1<лагг ctfctj be qr-j « <:n i^'xr> tVjçbi intWm ru.n ifrt< í/ñ3 Ili.!« Cf^^l rj.Je9Bil«C«,900 LOT 7 rOttlT GUN DAVIf 4БЯ 2i¿K[Cilinq iVue WmJ m iraj r« fcc« tulu'uiq lomu! Ü« Í, IH, (,n fise RiTi «i,v<k 53Î log FP fJuì 'Jcrigc.' lOT 17 C0VIM6TGÌ СЯШ DAVIE ЗеН 2 »Ab&ïpüus Èeiioanj ».т 2 Utnrij exft Wurtii> шг 1ъ» twre Hk}«xh1 tignrj miDuçfioj ir icrttn tC'Ul. Irr» Cfil.rm S CWiin V>oifkff..-ig Ш9.Ю rrutfi »лН 2 lijftííif líKiTi ос1изп AnxJrt 54ГЗЖ Со ГУЛ] »l!n Cif«î/ JOÍTfüCfl V<ki FiiîT.r»3ÿ)3n67 $221.900 OivkOifkf AgentstKbvtUn ' KdyCMli LIT 22 CevmM OUI ВАМ ^ 2Fr* 4r« tr lin; r CK.fJCii V« »-«3 îcf»x< uvr. »¿w СЛП ter.l C/4),>irün-V¿n7?e2|.M UTuriiimcKuruMuv«2 ÍAA F rfjv'c cor.‘JU^7 iJrt rene ff iT* M iVU V'XJfvfl Wi Ll-y ICOT.V rj’joooj f.ixn cc*n ffdirfcí ii tf^ieJcn I ive W lOT 22 WOU« WAT OAV« Ti-h 2‘.PX Ctffr? U in re* ilr.e:trwl Zax Cct) « tn Р'аУг'ünffjfl kfrfl lfliTjyc/u!e FVríj (i ’JJi^ С,-Ы nxí wfi F'üni - 'fri 223 Ш0 UIK OAW 2£R IldA Aiw/ li.i£)ie fnme СЛ i«tl citvta Kit M W,J<rrt t> «9 bedul.tüil, «oabJ ЭС/П PlKí ifUjOisíj (»II1«» 5 Vti'l Odi 2ÛctàJ tiCíí ;ОГСЛ Gil HínM W • 903 « MAM 1ТШТ VttUI 3bH 2!AA 123AC itjjs tifiTtuM kxüed íJo*r<o*n Eííir.i;« Füt t«fi u»d iJ mu-li fimit< ¿«i/ 2SW y Oft мл ifrtl, H« i foomi цьц.;г 2 ьг:Г11Я}слгти.п1(Г)Н SoJ(d u I] OmCvlitfi M.l< /гПт.»ггил»д'11в/|114,М m оиВПМЕ u SMIMN WIGNTS OAVIf 3W ÆA Wüfttatjl lîiltf lene. í’íucíI IW, W)i Ш »ttl AJI bfií», J(l.t cUn *i¡41Л üoiirt, tt/oiíe 011Л. 1 ЦГ акмз gi'tje (I^Grutt)9'4-1l6ât1M.OOO lOT 2U МГМ PA« OAVIE 18П 18A Gi«^ rvxii aitn m jTji-iifi] 1 ut tur)« Fbúí >Л1«п«8П57т.100 CíOO^ íoMwtttUankti Kv‘j»tvute (u{>oij1*ui. loW«ll Ujnkcii- iv a icgiiti-rcd iijdcnuik ot Cüldwcll ü.Mikci (oh»üíj1ioii. Ал IquJl Oppoilumtá(oiiipjny íquJi Houiing Oppwtumi/ íjcli Ollice li Hitli'|KHiJi*nlly Owntd jod 0()í(.iit<J, ИИ154 m*ii7i m-117* tfl-TtU И1-1Шm-rni m-itts m-iiss W-lllJ m-iiii m-imtiOMMPMiMAe{JwMnMi) ИН117HmlUáNM nf^imЬямМмм NHIS7SAiriicMn m-msMmOMM m'llM УШ|1м Ц HH1Í7 titéiám(hbCMtOftdylitaiMIImM UnttMtnikTттм ипимпгНмЫМ|1а»||Цц PUBUC NOTICES DAVIK COUN I Y KNTKRPRISK UKCORI), Sept. 19, 2002 - D5 MORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ lied as the Executrix ol the Eslale of HERMAN HARTMAN VOGLER. o! Davie County, North Carolinn. does hereby notily all persons, tiims and corporation having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore No­ vember 29.2002, or this notice will be pled in bar ol their recovery. All persons, lirms or corporatihs in­ debted to said estate wlll.please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29lh day ol August. 2002. Kathleen L. Vogler Executrix ol the Estate ol Herman Hartman Vogler 197 Vogler Road Advance, NC 27005 Steven B. Fox TEAUGE, ROTENSTREICH 8 STANALAND, LLP Attorneys and Counselors at Law tot South Elm St., Suite 350 Post Ollice Box 1898 Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone (336) 272-4810 8-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREE3IT0RS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol ANTHONY USA, late ol Davie County, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims againsi said eslale to preseni them to the un­ dersigned on or belore the 29th day of November, 2002, being three (3) months from the first day of publi­ calion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 291h day of August. 2002. Alice Usa 118 Raintree Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Administra­ tor of the Estate ol JAM ES F. BRACKEN, deceased, late of Davie Counly, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore the 19th day of December, 2002, said dato boing at least three rnonths Irom Ihe dale ol lirst publicalion ol this nolico, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thoir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 19th day of September, 2002, the same being the first pub­ licalion dale. Billy Weatherman, Administrator ol the Estate ol James F. Bracken Grady L. McCiamrock, Jr'„ NCSB #7866, Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone-. (336) 751-7502 9-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as the Execu­ tor ol Ihe Estate ol ALICE D. HINCKLEY AKA ALICE DEPASS HINCKLEY, late ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 191h day of Decem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom Ihe lirst day of publicalion or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This 19th day ol September, 2002. Robert M. Stephenson, Jr. 46 Beacon Hill Road Columbia, SC 29210-5663 9-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as the Admin­ istratrix of the Estate of JOHN F SPARKS, late ol Davie Counly, Ihis is lo notily all persons having claims againsi said estate lo preseni them lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 191h day of December, 2002, be­ ing Ihree (3) monihs Irom the lirst day ol publication or Ihis notice vvill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please makp immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This 191h day ol September. 2002. Madeleine S. Sparks, ADMN СТА 466 Spillman Road Mocksville, NC 27028 9-19-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol BURR C. BROCK., late ot Davie Counly. this is to no­ lily all persons having claims againsi said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 29th day of November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months Irom the lirst day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of August. 2002. Palricia Brock Genovese. EXEC 4138 N. Mills River Road Horse Shoe. NC 28742 8-29-41П Call Tammy for Classifieds Ads 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 ^ o l 4156 Clemmons Road r u c i e n i l d i Clemmons, NC 2701? ^ Carolinas Realty ( 3 3 6 ) 7 № - ^ J ^ 0 0 C a ll t o d a y t o g e t t h e a n s w e r s t o e v e n y o u r t o u g h e s t r e a l e s t a t e q u e s t i o n s . Open Sunday^ • 2>^pm RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Roud • Mock.s\illc (336) 284-2826 Skid steer Work Trencher Work Hauling J ß 7 W ilkesboro St. Don'l m iit lltf opportunity to prrview thii rtcfnih rrnoiuileil hotne. l.otiileil with (/Minuter & chiinn, l/Oiiitinr. J Hrdroitms,2 ¡12 lU tlii, ojpce, fonm tl Uvinr & IhniugArrtt. A eompuir list o fa ll rtitoviiiions itvmLtble ou site. Price: SIJS>,900 909-1726 909 -3311 0 f f dUSL (¡ltK |-.M -lK l,l) \^,\^ -471)5 r.lU 'K rSl'IK I.n W AV - J i l L G H K EN FIK l.P W A Y - C'k’iiinions - .S 154.9110 One level Ck'iiinions - SI67.‘)()0 30(1 Clemmons - $179,900 Generous home in t'lemmons w/W-S heatcil Sl- hsml plynn not nn si/cs. M L master suite, address. Large open entry, t'orner inclirilcd in Inlal sr, l-car garage vaulted kit w/tilc floor, formal liiepUiec in l.K. Laundry rtmni w'area. hivisiWe fencing, new M/ DR. laundry mi off 2 car garage, sink. Siiirage ninm in garage. W. new stonn doors, large jelled Convenient Clemmons nbhd. Scieeiieil porch. Saniira Hedrick inh in mslr. Sherri Coram I'rieed below cenified apprai.sal! Cheryl I'ink N 2 N O R iM A l.A N K - A d v a n c e - S I3 I.9 0 0 R E D tC K D ! W a n i o ffe r! C ountry l.iv iiii; ConvL'iiiciu 10 C ity & 1-40. Security Systom . L ike N e w interior, updated tile linilis atui kitchen coiintertop.s. new lam inate w ood floors. B erber carpel. 2 acres w / liciiiitirul liardw oods! C a ll Sandy D yson or K athy I’hillip.s •4H40 IIK A R I II.S T O M . - C len u n o n s - $2 78 ,5 0 0 H iiiit by Frank Jolley Bnilders. l-A qiiisiie n iillw o rk , B erber C arpet, W alk-u p attic stairs. I’layset & Fort rem ain. C o n in u m ily pool a \ aiiable, B ev Supple & Ciloria M atthew s N e w L i s t i n g s 7 7 4 5 W li r i 'K IIO R S K - C le n u n o n s - $ 3 1 9 ,9 0 0 Southern liv in g al it.s finest in this stately and spacious fa m ily hom e! B eau tifu l updates; in cluding gorgeous kitchcn, cherry lloo rs and m uch m ore. B rick C.M crior. C a ll K a lh y P hillips or S andy D yson. 139 S T. A N O R K W S I> R . - O a k V a lle y - 5 2 1 9 ,9 0 0 O a k V a lle y G o lf V illa s -B e tte r lhan new ! 3 B R . 2 В Л Patio & V eran d a , hardw oods, 2 inch w o o d blinds. C a ll Pat I’orler I . o r I L W A I K U r O R l) V II.L A G K O R - W a te rfo rd V illa g e - $ 2 6 5 ,0 0 0 C onstru ction lo beg in so o n -B u ye r can ctistom ize, 11 Foot ccilings in G R , D R & I'o ye r. FP in great room & w ood b u rn in g FP in screened porch. G re at new con venient iieig h b o rh o o d . N atu ra l gas heat. M u c h storage. C a ll C h eryl F in k 7 0 2 9 O R C H A R D Р А Г11 D R - C le m m o n s - $ 2 3 0 ,0 0 0 - Fantastic C ape C o d in great lo catio n /n eig h b o rh o o d - 4 extra large B R /M a s te r M L or U L , B asem ent, l-orm al D R w ith bay w in d o w . C all C h eryl F in k Tanglewood Agents I Ал»*»‘«»г-P*. S.«-*,C»S G4r ¡1Л ScN't cr*', i CrtjUi GiorjMj-r,.« CnS,r.ni .♦TfvV StiuJ »ir'Vlj»»', •'4-yfru-:e,,A9n fà-«frs-xr C''5 Cl« 7HWIÍ»ей.’fUU.'t fèlS«4»a>«v»ct S«-»! дупмп Si.v,CV*.vi S^»■CЛ TSï-4» S'*"i Ci'fn So»*i P«'*»' V<4 в в Ar-J rtnwicfl" 71*-W97IM4I0 H4 44097U-44i3714-44U WfrJtTOЛ444Й An Independently Owned and Operated Member of (he PrudentiJi Real Estate AfTlllates, Inc. • Equal Housing Opponunity 706 Riverbend Dr.* $349.000 977 Duke whmokef Rd • $249S«)| 3229 Housef Rd • $255ШЗ hprCSSMi home ii Bermudi 4400fA sa BeautiW 3BR. 3.5ВЛ Гжхпе on 5f/- ft, vwth SBRs, Gdf cane view. 3000 »/-SF. Lots oi fc.itufes.Ukeffont' 293 ft. siiofdnc on 'J¿ ^^c Liko. 3000 ♦ sq (t. 3BR. 2.5ВЛ, w/fuftbsnit. yy<yc4inc< pod. Must See' Fmm house 2+/-ас, pod, гмяу, 2O7Rc^RciedgeRd.$l02)DOO| 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169,500 horse farm wilh 18.5 ac. 3BR/2BA fami styte horne. Restored farm house situated on 40 Acres w/landing strip New hofiw on 5+ ac. 2400+ sq. ft. hrdwd flrs, ceramic lile , covered porch Brand new constnjction! 1400f/- SF, 3BRs, 2BAS, full basement. Mocksville- office condo, great locaikvi, Convenient to 1 -40 & hignway 601 И ~ — '■ В Г Т П В Г ’ Ч '! Í S 2 3 nc.. Wood iionw 2600./- s.f.. -1ВЯ 3BAs. Beautiful brick hon>e w/ over Ì 800 SF Contempory ranch in Ailvance 3BR2BA 31S Magnolia Ave. • $M9900 Beautiful home cn corner lot in Immaculate Condition! 3BR/3BA fnshd bsmnt. Groat home w/Iots of room for grovsing fnnMly. 4BR. 2BAs 2BR. 2DA. Er^ advantages of home (irtnerehp vi/oul the burtlen of ynJ woric &rountrte ext. mmntcncc Impressive 3BR/2.5BA home with large iMng room, sep. breakfast and dining, unfleshed bonus room, lols more! 121 Carter's Ridge • $129,900 New home on over an acre. 1500+ASF, 3BRs, 2BAs. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 145ISq. Ft., 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bnth3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Completely Updated! Cute brick ranch on 1.68 aaes 3BR/2BA M ck home on 1,20 acres wvith S p .x «o 3DR/JBA homo, (.тгво open Н и plan, nice wori<shop, concrete dnveway, small la/go back deck, bcautiM bffiteiping on ода back porch. ) acre. Call For More Great Residential & Land Listing! We MJüie !ì iftPPEi,...J®y Штш 1т Ì0meI Mock.sville Office: 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100, Mock.sville,NC Clemmons Office; 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., Unil 1, Clemmons,NC 292PteascntAcie[X Ш Ж Just Iko ncv/l 3BR, 1.5BA. bftk home. Ljti 1 + ac. ioL Completely remodeled ihrwgfiouL ScBer to pay S2000 in (losing) 268 Cleary Rd • $64,900 • - • 3BRs,lBA homo In great condilton. U rg e krt feoüres 36R, 2ВЛ tajiiy Rcon Iv. Лп, pmlfl ^ dedi, ar*r a«««) dtA Л sene»bÚioRMurdsedilsIcn I aa«. Seivinq You With Membershipv in: The Winston-Salem Board of Realtors, Multiple Listing Ser^I.e Certified Coimnemal InvestmeiU Membei iCClM) O.U.i (statewide commciiut). Loop Net ((Otnmefiiai nelwoik) Iiitein.iiional Reloi '.loii Servues D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISK RECORD, Sept. 19. 2002 P U B L IC N O T IC E S DAVIE COUNTY IN TH E GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE TH E CLERK 02 SP 117 BETSY J. THOMAS. Petitioner, vs. KENNETH R. HENDERSON, Ro- spondenl NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER in Ihe above captioned matter, daled July 17. 2002, Ihe undersigned Commissioners will oiler (or sale to the highest bidder lor cash at 12 p.m. on September 20, 2002, at the Courthouse door in Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, the following iract ol land located In Mocksville Township. Davie County, North Carolina, de­ scribed as follows: Lying and being in Clarksville Township. Davio Counly, Norlh Carolina, and beginning at a new iron placed, said new iron placed being located Soulh74 degrees, 20 minutes, 20 seconds WesI 357.09 Ieet from an existing iron pipe, said existing Iron pipe being the South­ east corner of Charles G. Phelps. Deed Book 186, page 477, Tax Map F-1, Parcel 12.12; thence Irom said beginning new iron placed. Soulh 02 degrees, 37 minutes, 35 seconds East 693.81 feet lo a point, said point being located In the cen­ ter ol an easement leading to Sheffield Road (SR 1306); thence wilh the center ol said easement, the following courses and dis­ tances: South 74 degrees. 08 min­ utes. 25 seconds West 48.85 Ieet lo a point; South 73 degrees, 50 minutes. 30 seconds WesI 53.04 feel to a point; Soulh 76 degrees. 59 minutes. 15 seconds WesI 62.53 feel lo a point; South 80 de­ grees, 22 minutes, 30 seconds West 42.976 leel lo a point; North 87 degrees. 46 minutes. 55 sec­ onds WesI 34.20 feet lo a point; North 87 degrees. 46 minutes. 55 seconds WesI 34.20 Ieet to a point; North 65 degrees, 09 minutes, 25 seconds West 37.49 feet to a point; North 46 degrees. 53 minutes. 30 seconds WesI 42.39 Ieet to apoint; North 34 degrees. 28 minutes. 40 seconds WesI 51.511eet to a point; North 22 degrees. 50 minutes, 30 seconds West 41,69 Ieet lo a point; \ thence North 18 degrees. 07 min­ utes. 35 seconds West with the cenler of said right of way 283.37 ieet lo a point; thence North 16 degrees, 08 minutes, 20 seconds West 224.85 Ieet to a new Iron placed; thence North 74 degrees. 20 minutes. 20 seconds East 482.49 feet to the POINT AND PLACE O F BEGINNING and con­ taining 6.0 acres and being lol num­ ber 8 ol Shellield Farms as sur­ veyed by C. Hay Cates. October 18.1997, and being parcels 12.06 and parcel 1 Davie County Tax Map F-1. Lying and being In Clarksville Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina and being a nonexclusive perpetual easement ol ingress, egress and regress Irom Sheftield Road to the herein above described 6.0 acres, saki easement beginning , at a point, said point being located in the center ol said Shellield Road (SR 1306), said point being located South 09 degrees, 55 minutes, 15 seconds East 30.71 feet from an iron pin, the Southeastern corner ol J .T Smith, Jr.. Deed Book 186. page 521: thence Irom said begin­ ning point. South 87 degrees, 36 minutes, 10 seconds East 26.61 .feet to a point, said point being lo­ cated In the cenler ol said Shelfield Road and said point being the cen­ ter line of the proposed 50 toot ac­ cess easemeni, with said ease­ ment being 25 teet on each side ol herein after sel forth center line: North 089 degrees, 29 minutes, 15 seconds West 125.20 feet to a •point; North 09 degrees, 46 min- :utes, 40 seconds West 98.85 Ieet to a point; Norlh 09 degrees. 19 minutes, 50 seconds West 123.20 :ieet to a point; North 09 degrees, ;12 minutes, 05 seconds West ■140.40 Ieet to a point; North 09 degrees, 03 minutes. 55 seconds ;West 150.14 Ieet to a point; North 09 degrees. 27 minutes, 55 sec- ■onds West 130.68 leel to a point; ;North 11 degrees. 06 minutes, 55 ;seconds West 127.21 feet lo a 'point, North 06 degrees, 21 min- .'utes, 20 seconds WesI 72.60 feet to a point; North 09 degrees. 49 -minutes, 35 seconds West 53.83 lleet to a pin; North 02 degrees, 20 ;mlnutes, 00 seconds West 50.35 -feet to a pin; North 06 degrees, 30 ;mlnutes. 35 seconds West 102.21 ;feet to a point; North 15 degrees, ■15 minutes, 35 seconds WesI .‘77.68 feet to a point; North 24 de- ;8rees, 04 minutes, 50 seconds West 64.85 feet to a point; North '30 degrees, 18 minutes, 40 sec­ onds West 67.38 Ieet to a pin; North 32 degrees, 52 minutes, 00 sec­ onds West 82.95 feet to a point; North 29 degrees, 13 minutes, 00 seconds West 75.92 Ieet to a pin;. North 20 degrees, 59 mlnules, 55 seconds W^st 104.01 feet toaplnj Nonh 18 degrees, 38 minutes. 55 seconds West 142.60 leel to a pin; North 82 degrees. 03 minutes. 45 seconds West 67.94 leel lo a point; North 84 degrees. 07 minutes. 25 seconds West 352.21 Ieet lo a pin; North 84 degrees. 00 minutes. 10 seconds West 293.36 feet to a point; North 82 degrees. 08 min­ utes. 55 seconds Wes1106.62 feet to a point; North 78 degrees. 03 minutes. 05 seconds West 121.31 feet lo a pin; North 79 degrees. 53 minules.45seconds West 52.11 let to a point; North 89 degrees. 51 minutes. 15 seconds WesI 37.44 leel lo a point; South 79 degrees. 37 minutes. 00 seconds West 36,97 (eel 10 a point; Soulh 73 de­ grees. 32 minutes. 20 seconds WesI 50.11 leel lo a point: Soulh 70 degrees, 47 minutes, 40 sec­ onds West 78.10 feet to a point; South 73 degrees. 29 minutes. 50 seconds West 73.66 leel to a point; Soulh 76 degrees. 17 minutes. 10 seconds West 42.33 Ieet to a pin; Soulh 80 degrees, 26 minutes, 55 seconds West 29.33 feet to a point; Soulh 07 degrees, 46 minutes. 45 seconds West 53.68 Ieet to apoin; Soulh 87 degrees. 22 minutes. 25 seconds West 61,95 Ieet to a point. South 86 degrees. 45 minutes. 35 seconds West 63.05 Ieet to a point; Soulh 81 degrees. 01 minutes. 20 seconds West 67.03 Ieet to a pin; South 74 degrees. 08 minutes. 25 seconds West 48.86 leel lo a point: Soulh 73 degrees. 50 iriinules. 30 seconds WesI 53.04 leel to a point: South 76 degrees. 59 minutes. 15 seconds West 62,53 lool to a point; Soulh 80 degrees, 22 minutes. 30 seconds WesI 42.97 Ieet lo a point: North 34 degrees, 28 minutes, 40 seconds West 51.51 feel lo a point; North 22 degrees. 50 minutes. 30 seconds West 41,69 Ieet to a point; North 18 degrees. 07 minutes. 35 seconds West 283.37 (eet to a point; North 16 degrees. 08 min­ utes. 20 seconds West 224.85 (eel to a pin, said pin being located in Ihe center of a 60 foot arc cul-de- sac. Also Included herein border­ ing the propsed 50 lool access easemeni is a 10 loot ulilily ease­ ment. being 10 (eel in addition on each side ol Iho cenler line lo the 25 Ieet on each side of hereinabove sel lorth center line. Said utility easement does not apply to (he Weslern border o( Ihe access ease­ ment ol lols IB, 19 and 20 o( She((ield Farms, Included wilh Ihis sale is a 48'x28' 1999 Oakwood mobile home. Serial No, 005531121. along wilh olher improvemenls on the subject property, the mobile home having been attached to the subject property upon its purchase. The property is currently is cur­ rently subject to a single deed ol trust in (avor o( Oakwood Accep­ tance Corp., recorded In Book 296, page 945, Davie County Registry. This mortgage will be salisiied Irom the sales proceeds. This sale is made subject only to 2002 ad valorem. This sale will be in all particu­ lars governed by the provisions o( N.C.G.S. §1-339.1 eL seq. The highest bidder will be required to make a deposit ol len (10%) per­ cent of Ihe lirst $1,000.00 and tive (5%) percent ol all amounis over the lirst 51,000.00. as a good taith deposit on said bid. JUDICIAL SALE 12 p.m., Sep­ tember 20. 2002, Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville. North Carolina. Gilbert T. Davis. Jr.. Commis­ sioner E. Edward Vogler. Commis­ sioner 9-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Minl-Stor- age intends to sell the conlents ol the lollowing units (or unpaid tent and expenses. »155 Nora Hosch, 3838 Hwy. 601 S (S225.00) «47 Tracey L. Arnold, 149 Fire­ side Ln. ($195.00) #458 Kathy Hayes, P.O. Box 161, Pliny, WV (S240.00 #406 Alberta Arnold. 137 Harding St. ($255.00) #355 Wanda Ketchie. 7050 Woodleal Rd., Woodleal ($235.00) #313 Byron Coates. 224 Creekside Dr. ($255.00) Sale date: Sept. 27. 2002 at 2:00 p.m., 817 Salisbury Rd. (units are located on Eaton St.) House­ hold goods. Balance must be paid by Sept. 25, 2002. Cash or money order, (336) 751-2483. 9-12-2tn UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULA­ TORY COMMISSION NOTICE OF TEMPORARY LICENSE AMENDMENT AND SOLICITING COMMENTS. MOTIONS TO INTERVENE, AND PROTESTS (September 6, 2002) Take nolice thal the lollowing applicalion has been liled with the Commission and is available lor public inspection: a. Applicalion Type: Request lor temporary license amendment to deviate from: 1) tho High Rock Reservoir and Badin Lake draw­ down schedule: nnd 2) Ihe obliga­ tion beginning March 6. 2003 to refill High Rock Reservoir to within live Ieet ot lull pool by May 5,2003, b. Projecl No.: 2197-056 c. Date Filed: August 29.2002 d. Applicant: Alcoa Power Gener­ ating Inc. e. Name of Projecl: Yadkin River t. Location: The project is located on the Yadkin/Pee Dee River in Montogmery. Slanley. Davidson. Rowan and Davie Counties. North Carolina. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Acl. 16USC§§79t(a)B2&''jand§ §799 and 801. h. Applicant Contact: Julian Polk. Alcoa Power Generating Inc.. 293 NC 740 Highway. RO. Box 576. Badin. NC 28009-0576. (704) 422- 5617. i. FERC Contact: Any questions on this nolice should be addressed lo Mr, T J. LoVuilo at (202) 502-8900. or e-mail adress: Ihomas.lovulla j. Deadline lor liling comments and or motions: October 7. 2002, All documents (original and eight cop­ ies) should bo liled wilh: Ms, Magalie R, Salas. Secretary. Fed­ eral Energy Regulatory Commis­ sion. 888 Firsl Sireel. N.E.. Wash­ ington. D.C. 20426, Please include project number (P-2197) on any comments or motions tiled, k. Description ol Requesl: As the result ol collaborative efiorts be­ lween Alcoa Power Generating Inc, (APGI). Carolina Power and Lighl (CP&L). the North Carolina Depart­ ment ol Ihe Environment and Nalu­ ral Resources, the Soulh Carolina Department ol Natural Resources, and the South Carolina Departmont ol Heallh and Environmental Con­ trol. Ihe licensee has liled a request lor an emergency temporary amendment to its license require­ ments, The purpose ol Ihis emer­ gency amendment request is lo adopt special management prac­ tices for Ihe Yadkin Project to re­ spond to Ihe public heallh and salety concerns that have arisen as a result ol the extraordinary drought in the Yadkin/Pee Dee basin, Ttie new. temporary operating protocol, developed by the above parties and liled by APGI with Ihe Commission, proposed to coordinate the opera­ tion ol the Yadkin Project with CP&L's Yadkin/Pee Dee River Project (collectively, the licensees) to discharge a target volume ol 900 cubic feet per second ol water lor downstream water uses. APGI pro­ posed to Implement tlie protocol which calls for. in part, to coordi­ nate operation wilh CP8L lo pro­ portionally draw down Ihe licens­ ees' reservoirs in order to minimize drought impacts and equalize the burden on people, lish. and wildlile dependent upon Ihe reservoirs. The operating guides for the Yadkin Projec require specilic res- en/oir levels as well as relilling re­ quirements in the spring. In order lo meet the downstream water needs. APGI requested an emer­ gency temporary license variance of Ihe reservoir elevation require­ ments and the requirement to relill High Rock Reservoir to within live Ieet ol lull by May 15, 2003 in the event thal adherence lo the newly developed protocol prevents the lic­ ensee Irom being able to achieve the relill. Based on the need lo respond to the public health and salety con­ cerns that have arisen as a result ol the extraordinary drought in the Yadkin/Pee Doe basin, APSI’s re­ quest (or variances to its opera­ tional requirements, as Idenlilied in its August 29, 2002 liling, may be Implemented while the Commis­ sion completes its review ol APGI’s request. I. Location ot the Application: A copy ol the application Is available (or Inspection and reproduction at the Commission's Public Relerence Room, located .at 888 First Sireel. NE, Room 2A, Washington, D.C. 20426, or by calling (202) 502- 8371. This tiling may also be viewed on the web at http:// www.fercgov. using the "FERRIS" link, select "General Search" and enter “P-2197" In the “Docket Num­ ber" box to access the document. For assistance call 202-502-8222 or lor TTY, 202-208-1659. A copy Is also available lor inspection and reproduction at the address In item (h) above. i m. Individuals desiring to be in­ cluded on tho Commission's mail­ ing lisl should so indicate by writ­ ing lo Ihe Secretary of Ihe Commis­ sion. n, Commenls. Protests, or Motions to Intervene -- Anyone may submit commenls. a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements ol Rules of Practice and Procedures. 18 CFR 385.210. .211. ,214. In determining the ap­ propriate action lo take, the Com­ mission will consider all protests or other comments tiled, bul only Ihose who lile a motion to intervene in accordance with the Com ­ mission's Rules may become a party to Iho proceeding. Any com­ menls. protests, or motions to in­ tervene must be received on or before Ihe specilied comment date lor the particular applicalion. 0. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents - Any filings must bear in all capital lellers Ihe title -COM ­ MENTS." -RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS.' -PROTEST.- OR MOTION TO IN­ TERVENE." as applicable, and the Project Number of the particular applicalion lo which the liling relers, A copy ol any motion to intervene must also be served upon each representative of Ihe Applicant specilied in the particular applica­ lion, p. Agency Comments - Federal, stale, and local agencies are invited to lile comments on Iho described applicalion. A copy ol the applica­ lion may be obtained by agencies directly Irom Ihe Applicant, II an agency does not lile commenls within Ihe lime specilied lor filing comments, it wiil be presumed lo have not commenls. One copy ol an agency's commenls musl also be sent to the Applicant's represen- talives, q. Comments, protests and inter­ ventions may be tiled electronically via Ihe Internet in lieu ol paper. See. 18 CFR 385.2001 (a)( 1 )(iii) and the instructions on Ihe Commission's web site at htlD’/’www lerc.qov un­ der Ihe "e-Filing" link, Magalie R, Salas Secretary 9-19-1ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ lied as the Adminislralor ol Ihe Es­ tate ol MARGARET LEONARD, ol Davio Counly. North Carolina, does hereby notily all persons, lirms and corporation having claims against said estate lo present them to tho undersigned on or beiore Novem­ ber 29. 2002. or this notice will be pled in bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons. (irms or corporatins indebted lo said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This Ihe 29lh day ol August. 2002. Homer Lee Leonard. Jr. P.O. Box 1019 Cooleemee. NC 27014 8-29-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol Ihe Estate ol LA W R EN C E E. MOBERLY, SR.. late ol Davie Counly. Ihis is lo notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or bolore the 29th day ol Nocation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day ot August. 2002. Sandra M. Hadley, EXEC 400 Tot Streel Mocksville. NC 27028 8-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executri.'; ol the Estate ol H AR LEY J. KIRKPATRICK, late ol Davie Counly. North Carolina. Ihe under­ signed does hereby notily all per­ sons. lirms and corporations hav­ ing claims against Ihe Estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the un­ dersigned al Ihe ollice of her attor­ ney. 3325 Healy Drive, Winston- - Salem, North Carolina 27103. on or beiore the 13th day ol Decem­ ber. 2002. or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, lirms and corporations in­ debted to the said Estate will please make Immediaie payment lo the undersigned. This the 9th day of September, 2002. Edilh M. Kirkpatrick, .Executrix ol the Estate ol Harley J. Kirkpatrick; Scott K. Tippett, Attorney (or Executrix, House and Tippett, PLLC 9-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE 02 SP 178 By authorily contained in Ihose certain Deed ol Trust executed by Bruce I. Gholson and wile, Amy P. Gholson. as recorded in Book 262, Page 486, ol the Davie Counly Public Registry (see Appointment ol Substitute Trustee as recorded in Book 431, Page 492, ol the Davie County Public Registry); Ihe record owner ol the property described in the said Deed ol Trust being Bruce I. Gholson and wile. Amy P. Gholson. delault having been made in paymenl ol the Promissory Note secured by said Deed ol Trust; Ihe said Deed ol Trust being by Ihe terms Ihereol subjeci lo loreclo­ sure; Ihe present owner and holder ot the Note having demanded lore­ closure lor the purpose ol salisly­ ing said debt; and by authority con­ tained in the Order Allowing Fore­ closure ol Deed ol Trust signed on Ihe 6lh day of Seplember. 2002. as the result ol a hearing in the lore­ closure before Ihe Clerk ol Supe­ rior Court (02 SP 178); and at the request ol the owner and holder ol the Note secured by the aloremen- lioned Deed ol Trust. Blanco Tackabery Combs & Matamoros. P.A,. Subslilule Trustee, will olfer lor sale to the highest bidder at public auction at Ihe courthouse door ot the Davie County Court­ house. Mocksville. North Carolina, on Monday. September 30. 2002. at 11:00 a.m., the real eslale lo­ cated in the County ol Davie, be­ ing more particularly described as lollows: BEGINNING at an iron sel in Ihe Northeast corner ol the within-de­ scribed Iract, said iron lying Soulh 20^30'3a■ West 62.9 Ieet Irom an axle found in Ihe soulh side ol a creek, said axle being the North­ west corner ol Paul G. Hendrix (DB 95. page 580); thence from the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING South 20"30'38" West 175.69 feet to an iron. Southeast corner of Ihe within-described tract; Ihence North 83"00'23" West 50.37 leel fo an iron; Ihence continuing north 83=00'23 " 204.63 Ieet lo an iron. Ihe Southwest corner of the within-described Iract; thence North 20=30'38" East 175.69 Ieet to an iron; thence South 83"00'23" East 255.00 Ieet lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 1.00 acre, more or less, as sur­ veyed by John Richard Howard. RLS. and being a portion o( Ihe May Renolds (Kooniz) properly (DB 128. page 600). TO G ETH ER wilh the above­ described tract is conveyed as a perpetual, non-exclusive easemeni of ingress, egress and regress, which easement has its weslern boundary the lollowing courses and distance: Beginning at an iron, said iron lying Norlh 13“23'53' West 32.89 teet Irom an iron in the Northeast corner ol T.E. Tinsdale (DB 126. page 643); thence Irom the POINT AND PLACE OF BE­ GINNING with the western bound­ ary ol the easement, North 15“40'29" East 253.54 Ieet to an iron in the boundary in the one-acre tract described above; thence with the Northern edge ol the easement North 83'00'23- West 50.37 teet to an iron, the Northeast corner o( Ihe within-described easement; thence with Ihe Eastern boundary ol the easement. South 20‘30'3B" West 219.51 Ieet to an iron set in the edge ol the cul-de-sac known as Camellia Lane; thence South 52"05'27" West 52.71 teet to the POINT AND PLACE O F BEGIN­ NING, said easement to be appur­ tenant to the lands conveyed herein and to run wilh the same through the hands ol all persons whomso­ ever. Also conveyed herein being a 60-loot wide strip ot land leading Irom Ihe Southeast corner ol herein described property ol NCSR #1412 and being described as lollows; Lying and being in Clarksville Town­ ship. Davie County, North Carolina and beginning at a point in the cen­ ter ol NCSR #1412, said point be­ ing located South 82 degs. 04 min. East Irom an iron pin, said iron pin being located in the eastern line of Tillman Dull and being the North­ west corner of Baker thence Irom said point in center of said road North 4 degs. 41 min. East 419.55 feet to an iron pin; Ihence North 0 degs. 11 min. East 430 Ieet to an iron pin; thence North 1 degs. 12 min. WesI 337.05 feet to an Iron pin, said Iron pin being located at the southern point ol a cul-de-sac; Ihence to Ihe center end of said cul- de-sac 72.92 feet in a northeast­ wardly direction; Ihence Irom Ihe center end of said cul-de-sac in a Southeastwardly direction 72.92 Ieet to an iron pin; Ihe arc on said cul-de-sac being 91.74 leel; thence Soulh 1 degs. 12 min. East 357.27 Ieet to an Iron pin; thence South 0 degs. 11 min West 220.00 feet to an Iron pin; thence Soulh 0 degs. 11 min. West 181.16 feet lo a point; Ihence South 4 degs. 41 min. West 38.09 leel to an iron pin; thence South 4 degs. 41 min. West 200 Ieet to an Iron pin; thence South 4 degs. 41 mln. West approximately 200 Ieet to a point in the center ol said NCSR #1412 and being 60 teet in width and being conveyed to Ihe grantees Irom the grant­ ors as is hereinabove set lorth wilh each individual tract of property adjoining said 60-loot wide strip ol land and Ihe owners thereof hav­ ing in perpetuity rights ol ingress, regress and egress loNCSR#1412 by way ol Ihis 60-(oot wide strip of property, wilh Ihe exception ol the two tracts ol land being located on Ihe southern end ol said strip of land and having access lo NCSR #1412. The sale shall be made subject to any and all taxes Including taxes which are a lien against the prop­ erty though not yet due or payable, and any special assessments, easements, rights ol way, restric­ tions of record, and prior deeds ol trust. The highest bidder at Ihe sale may be required to make deposit by cash or check ol up to live (5%) percent ol the bid, or $750.00. whichever is grealer, al Ihe lime the bid is accepted, and the remaining balance upon conlirmalion of Ihe sale. The sale will be reported lo the court and will remain open lor ad­ vance or upsel bids lor a period ol len (10) days. II no advance bids are liled wilh the Clerk of Court, tho sale will be conlirmed. This Ihe 6th day ol Seplember, 2002. Blanco Tackabery Combs & Matamoros, P.A.. Subsitute Trustee By Bowen C. Houll. Attorney 9-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol Ihe Estate ol M AR TIN L. JOHNSON, late ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beiore Ihe 291h day ol Novem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the Z9th day ol August, 2002. Charles S. Slovall, EXEC 107 Fairway Drive Advance, NC 27006 NORTH CAROLINA 8-29-4tn COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as the Execu­ trix ol Ihe Estate ol MARY BOGER SEATS, lale ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or beiore Ihe 5th day ot December, 2002, being three (3) months Irom Ihe first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Ali persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediaie paymenl to the undersigned. This Sth day o( September. 2002. Rebecca S. Allen, EXEC 917 Farmington Roao Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as the Execu­ tor ol the Estate of JOHN FRANKLIN PENRY, JR., late oi Davie Counly, this is lo notily al persons having claims against saio estate to present them to Ihe un­ dersigned on or beiore the 19th day ol December, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ calion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 19th day ol Seplember, 2002. James Anthony Penry, EXEC 1111 Haynes St., Sta. 205 Raleigh, NC 27604 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as tha Execu­ tor of the Estate of SHIRLEY S. SPRY, lale ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 5th day of December, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29lh day of August, 2002. Jellrey Sealord Lambe 5655 NC Highway 801 Soulh Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten (iourt Square Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5-4tq DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - D7 P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol Ihe power ol sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trust made by Robert T. Lauwers. Jr. and wile. Christine A. Lauwers (PR ESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Armando Garcia-Cruz and Pedro Garcia-Cruz) to Michael L. Riddle. Trustee(s). dated Ihe 22nd day of November. 2000, and recorded in Book 352, Page 457. Davie County Registry. North Caro­ lina. delault having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned. H. Terry Hutchens, PA, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol Ihe note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed ol Trust be (oreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale at the Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 11:30 A.M. on October 4. 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder tor cash the lollowing real estate situate in the County ol Davie. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lol­ lows: Being all ol Lot No. 288 as shown on map entitled "A Subdivi­ sion lor Erwin Mills. Inc.. Cooleemee. North Carolina." pre­ pared by Pickell and Pickell Engi­ neers. Greenville. S.C.. in April 1953, which map is recorded in the ollice ol the Register ol Deeds lor Davle County. North Carolina, in Plat ВоокЗ. Page 11. 12. 13 and 14 to which relerence is hereby made lor a more particular descrip­ tion. Together with improvements located thereon; said property be­ ing located at 317 Marginal Streel. Cooleemee. North Carolina. Should Ihe properly be pur­ chased by a Ihird party, that per­ son must pay Ihe lax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). • The property lo be ollered pur- ■f suant to this notice of sale is being ottered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, of bolh, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any-representa- lion ol warranty relaling to the lille or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, ihis property is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever is grealer. will be required al Ihe time of the sale. This lllh day ol'September, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road. Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 9-19-2Ш GARAGE DOORS METAL WOOD INSTALLATION • PARTS ACCESSORIES-SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIALBobby Ginther (336) 751-2986 fiocksvillB, NC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TR USTEE S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, R. Gregory Tomchin. Substitute Trustee, gives notice that the hereinalter de­ scribed real property will be sold at public auction, and with respect to such sale, alfirms the following lacts: The hereinafter described real property will be sold under a power ol sale contained in that certain Deed ol Trust executed and deliv­ ered by John O. Steele, Sr. and Alice A. Steele, both deceased, dated June 10,1999, and recorded in Book 305 at Page 475 in the Davie Counly Registry and be­ cause ol delault having been made in the payment ol the indebtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust and lailure to do and perform the stipu­ lations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to the de­ mand ol Ihe owner and holder ol the indebtedness secured by said Deed ol trust, the undersigned R. Gregory Tomchin. Substitute Trustee, will expose lor sale al pub­ lic auction lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the real property, together with the improvements thereon, which is located in Davie County and is described as follows: All lhat certain parcel ol land situated in CITY OF MOCKSVILLE being known as 'BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS E7-12, FU R TH ER D ES C R IB ED AS M ETES AND BO UND S PR O P­ ERTY AS SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK 111, PAGE 382, R E ­ CORDED ON 8/4/80." and being more lully described in Deed Book 111 Page 382 recorded on 08/04/ 1980 among the land records ol Davie County, NC. The property subject lo loreclo­ sure includes all improvements lo­ cated thereon. The address ol the real property is: 116 Laird Rd., Advance, NC 27006 The present record owner(s) ol said property are: John O. Steele, Jr.. Alice L. Steele. Florence S. Steele. Terry A. Steele, and Dorothy E.S. Barker, the heirs at law of John Q. Steele. Jr. and Alice A. Steele, both de­ ceased The terms ol the sale are that all ol said property will be sold as a whole or in such parts or parcels Ihereol as are separately described in the Deed ol Trust, lor cash, and lhat Ihe undersigned R. Gregory Tomchin. Substitute Trustee, may require Ihe successlul bidder al Ihe sale to immediately deposit cash in Ihe amount of five percent (5%) of the amount bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). II the re­ quired deposit is not made by Ihe highest bidder at such sale. Ihe bid ol such delaulling bidder shall be rejected and the property shall im­ mediately be resold at public auc­ tion al Ihe same time and place. DATE OF SALE: September 30, 2002 TIME OF SALE: 1:00 p.m. PLACE O F S A LE: Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, North Carolina The property hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold subject to any and all prior liens and encum­ brances, including taxes and spe­ cial assessments. The sale will be held open lor ten (10) days lor up­ set bids as required by law.. Date ol Nolice ol Sale: Septem­ ber 6, 2002. R. Gregory Tomchin, Substi­ tute Trustee 2813 Collsgale Road, Suile 200 Charlotte, NC 28211 (704)442-1010 9-19-2tn MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL FALL IS COMING! Bodcal. aeratot core olugger & more tor rent lodayl 13361751-2304 Bank - Ordered A U € T ■ О M $ 170+FORECLOSURE H O M ES SelHng By Order OfThe Mortgagee's Thru « Out NC A SC * Miny InThI« Area Wednesday, October f Q 7:00 PH • Aibford SuUet MOe»lt«llO-Hwyé8.3?QI Sediebrook Dr.» HIGH POINT.NC _______UMARSHALL<\¥ ri-.XAS Mocksvic. NC Proa« 40S • 266IUSHwy60l^3Aoxn} from die Aifto Aixtion • MoWe Home ai .66 +/• acre LOCAL /XiENT; Bitndj Gbboro Go« Key Realty. 336-249^ 100 or 336-22S-0909 Mott Propertiet Op«> For ItJCPrrTinM CAU foa MOCHUHDNIINI NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE TH E BOARD OF TOW N COMMISSIONERS FOR TH E FOLLOWING ZONING AfVIENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapier 160A. Article 19. Seclion 160-A-364 ol Ihe Gen­ eral Statutes ol North C arolina nd pursuant lo Article 11. Section 4. ol Ihe Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, thal Ihe Town Board ol Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING in the Town Hall. Mocksville. NC. at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Oc­ tober 1.2002. The Town ol Mocksville will con­ sider rezoning approximalely 25 acres ol land lo Campus Business (CB) il approved lor annexation into the town ol Mocksville corporate limits. This property is located oil the north side ol Allen Road across Irom Southpoint Induslrial Park, ap­ proximately 1/2 mile west ol US Hwy. 601, and is lurther described as Parcel 84 ol Davie Counly Tax MapG-3. All parties and inlerested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to be heard in lavor ol or in opposi­ tion to the loregoing changes. Prior to Ihe hearing, all persons inler­ ested may obtain any additional inlormation on Ihe proposal by vis­ iting Ihe Planning Department in Ihe Davie County Administration Build­ ing. Mocksville. N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 9-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol RONALD C. McKNIGHT. late ol Davie Counly. this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or beiore Ihe 12th day ol Decem­ ber. 2002. being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirsl day ol publicalion or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 12th day ol September. 2002. June P. McKnight 393 McKnight Advance. NC 27006-6640 NORTH CAROLINA 9-12-4ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE As required by lederal and stale laws. Ihis nolice is lo inlorm all workers and building occupants and/or Iheir legal guardians about asbestos in school buildings. Any­ one who wishes lo see the asbes­ tos liles may contact the school or call Tom Evans. Davie Counly Schools Maintenance Department. 336-751-1991. This the 12th day ol September, 2002. 9-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INVITATION TO BID Davie Counly will be accepling sealed bids lor closure ol the C&D Landlill at Ihe Davie County Land- lill. This project includes, but not limited lo. Ihe loliowing: ■ Construction ot a 1.0 tt. inter­ mediate cover layer over approxi­ mately 3 acres • Conslruclion ol a 1.5 II. pro­ tective cover layer over approxi­ malely 5 acres • Construction ol a 0.5 II. veg­ etative layer over approximately 5 acres • Restoration ol existing erosion and sediment control leatures Bidding Documents will be on lile and available lor public inspec­ tion beginning September 10. 2002. al Ihe lollowing localion: Joyce Engineering. Inc. 2301 West Meadowview Rd.. Suite 203 Greensboro. NC 27407 Phone: (336) 323-0092 In addilion. Ihe Bidding Docu­ ments may bo available lor inspec­ tion at Ihe lollowing localion begin­ ning Seplember 10. 2002: Dodge/McGraw Hill Inlormation Servicos Co. 5019 Nalions Cross Road Suile 107 Charlotte. NC 20217 Copies ol Ihe Bidding Docu­ ments can be obtained beginning Seplember 10.2002. by submitting a request and a non-relundable paymenl ol Filly dollars ($50.00) per set. by check only, to Joyce Engineering. Inc.. al Ihe address listed above. Requests tor Bidding Documents to be sent by overnight delivery must include an additional twenty-live dollars ($25.00) or a completed air bill lor Federal Ex­ press or UPS. Only lull sels will be issued. A mandatory Pre-Bid meting will be held on September 20.2002. al 10:00 A.M. at tho Davie Counly Landlill. located al 360 Dallon Road in Mocksvillo. Norlh Carolina. Sealed bids will be due no later lhan 2:00 P.M. on October 1.2002. and should be addressed lo Mr. Carl Davidson. Director ot Public Works, at Ihe Davie County Admin­ istration Building. 123 South Main Street. Mocksville. NC 27028. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately lollowing the Bid submission deadline. Award will bo made in Ihe best inleresi of Davie County. Davie Counly reserves the right lo reject any or all bids. 9-19Hn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE The Town ol Cooleemee will conduct a Public Hearing on pro­ posed Town Ordinances on Mon­ day. Seplember 30. 2002, 7:00 p.m.. Town Hall. A copy ol Ihe pro­ posed Town Ordinances is avail­ able for public inspeciion, in the ol­ lice ol Ihe Town Clerk. Monday-Fri­ day during regular business hours. 9-19-Un ABSOLUTE AUCTION Gas & Oil Surplus Equipment from Bulk F^lants & Convenience Stores, Flus Vintage Gas & Oil Cdlectibies SATURDAY • SEPT. 21 Morning Session • Statesville, 8 AM Afternoon Session • Elkin, 2 PM DiHKx'no.ss: .\K)R.\i.\(¡sixsi<iS'issTAn.svujj: i \Ki:i 7?MH 'Hi s\ii:isS-IHAiairrAlirM) n X)K liHi (H HMUSS' AFTt:M.MM)N SKS.SI(».S IN W.KIN: FAKi: ¡77 ¡0 l.\fl tSJ lAKi: HW Y 0^ UV(l\S nil! HIMM mixiHA' n KSHK:ifroKi{)iASTSt.\issmj:i tiiw\.'T<Si (^o.AMKtn s\n. iso\niriJJT K.SKISS' Mcmim SeMion In SürtmvBe: Qavity Fod Purrp - Ou Gas (40S - 00'S) • OU Coca-co(.\ Codof - F*ofcetoin Gas Signs • S(*mofs4A! Punips - Gurt»3 NtcJwio - My Goal Vnojum - PushmcTWw - fíolngernlofs - Ffociore - P|» - Civ»3 0< New Oí - Cour»(L*f To()s - ÜKkJors -Wntoi Cootef - ico Cioan) Ficoiw - 2 Way Rado - SVuntois Sled S*f* - C&ltoo Maker - Caih Royislfif - Fuel Olí No^zbs - Mioowavo - lOOf V Befts - Soft Ico Cionm Mücíino - Cono CtepotKiOf - New Greaso PiffTips - Ti3Mvl Oepotiscrs - S5 Gal. Oancts 0( & Ttaiemissayi FLkI - Corivcyof FV^Oers - OUOd Cons - Oftco EqupTicnl & ■ CU Ogarcfle Machno - Occr & Tcb.icu3 Nam ScjrK - 1Q50SSánalo FVibol Machino - Soap Bo* Dorby Flicof - Amoco, Esso & Amoncan Signs - Ritpfool Rhtxi Cabne« - DiA Plant Urtond«i F*umps AflwiKMn SeMion In aün:Gravity Fed Puip • Over 150 Puitps (Gttxvco, Tokcirn , Sm«t. {irio. Southwest Dennot & Wayiw 40S - 90S) • Desks - T.1U03 • Féíiq Caiwiets • Duus - Sioob - Telephof>L*s- ««lica-om - FoACcpw VVaict Coctor - Siuiv Conasing 0< Anas & IbaStocK OíAjrmnns FiBera. HeadLvnfJS, Sip Fud Trootmenl, Spark Plugs. Elc. - Startuss Stod MuM Conipartmoni Soivors - Ciish Rc<>stc-n > OiA Pkint Equfimont Loaün] A/rns A T Ur^Kkig F>u(iip3 - Banol Hand TrucK- Pato» Ja* - CfOd« Ciifd Maciiino - 3-4 Whod CornputefS - blind Ligfits & Posts - OW CtacKs (Uniod Daines. Dr. Pepper. BuMoisor & Soaltest Pocket Walcii Clocks) - OrtMn Trnnsicr Traier For StoniQO - Uirgo Noon Sign (CtoanriQ) - Restaurant Fro E>tnguishor Hood - 12' Stanless Stod S«tk - Ovon & Sto« From Fiostaurant - Tewtco. Amortan. Allante & Amoco &gns - Oil Cabinets - SuUnerstío Pump - A» Corriproi^Eors-Coders-ConvonioncoSlorDEutino Coi^ef-LotsOt New&UsodS>)cMng-2Fveprod F*ngCobnots- 2 Tiuck Hoso Rod Assenitfcs-T*o (Coals 10-10) - Duhing Lcttcis fTojiaoo & Amooo) - Otd Oil Cana - Porcdain Noon Gtum Sqn - Loadiig Rack (Caipldo) - Offco Equfxnent & Supptos - OU OoftKt ^ Chair • Ooor & Tobacco Noon Sr^is - G'FHxculan Tuxaoo Sqn W<Pde Auctioncof's Nolo: This AucHo/i Conijins A Good Vjnoiy Of Now Old Slock S Surplus Itoms Including Oils. Lubricanis A Othor Convenience Storo Accossoncs. OH>co Bqwpiiwni á On&Oil Coiloctiblvs. For Repair Sl)op Or Store Owners, Tfvckors. Loggors A Heavy Bquipmenl Opemiors This IsA Ofoul OpfXMluniiy To Ouy Slock llemst E a t PtiQtgs O f Ih te aHCtiQn; víwiíiitía^eh9Wti«n9,CQin UH'i» .4L lUiai.V.\Ulfciîi«lU.irrL»U"ilt^lM КИИ'сличите к vh«ii и11МГ|Г|М*«МАЧ|||%1М(.1’М1«га|||%(|| «st I.ISII «ll llllMIltirtS) «||»МИ tl r«ism>M«iiiiUi ■iNmsMiiu. ИШ LEINBACH AUCTION CO. O W N E R / A U C T IO N E E R - T O D D A . L E IN B A C H'THE ESTATE SEraEMENT PROfESSIONAiS- • ANTKHJESCOOECTUlLESFAnM MACHlNEnV- REAL ESTATE- BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS 3 3 6 -7 6 4 -S 1 4 6 N.C.A.L. «5871. N.C.A F.L. 16850. N.C.R.E.L. II540J0. N.C n.E.D.L. »87003 NORTH CAROLIt^A DAVIE COUNTY IN TH E GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COVJRT DIVISION 02 CVD 342 Davie County. Plnintilt, vs. Thelma Norman Culhrell. Delendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: Thelma Norman Culhrell TAKE NOTICE lhat a pleading seeking reliel againsi you has been liled in Ihe above entitled action. The nature ol Ihe reliel sought is the collection and/or loreclosure ol special assessments owing on property located in Davie Counly, Norlh Carolina, and being de­ scribed and designated as lollows: Being inlormally known as Tax Parcel J5010C0010 pursuant to the currenl Davie County Tax Maps. Vou are requested to make de­ fense lo such pleading no later lhan the 29th day ol October, 2002, said date being 40 days Irom the lirsl publicalion ol Ihis nolice: and upon your lailure lo do so, the party seek­ ing service against you will apply lo Ihe Court lor the reliel sought. This Ihe 9th day ol Seplember. 2002. Robert E. Price, Jr. Allorney lor Plaintill Stale Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT E. PRICE. JR. & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 3400 Healy Drive, Suile B PO. Box 26364 Winslon-Salem. NC 27114-6364 Telephone: (336) 760-2870 Facsimile: (336) 760-2479 NORTH CAROLINA 9-19-31n DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town ol Mocksville will hold a public hearing on Tuesday. Octo­ ber 1. 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room ol the Mocksville Town Hall. 171 Clement Sireel. Mocksville. N.C. The purpose ot the hearing is to receive public com­ ment on the proposed application lor a cable Iranchise agreement between Ihe Town and Yadkin Val­ ley Telecom. The public has been invited to express Iheir opinion and lo slate any luture cable-related needs. A copy ol the Town ol Mocksville Cable Television Ordi­ nance is on lile lor inspection by all interested citizens al the Town Clerk's Office in Mocksville Town Hall. Terry L. Bralley. Clerk 9-19-lln GENE TREXLER I ROOFING New & Old Rools Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF P U B U C HEARING ON REQ UEST FOR NON­ CONTIGUOUS ANNEXATION Ailg g Road Propgny The public will take nolice thal Ihe Board ol Commissioners ol Ihe Town ol Mocksville has called a public hearing at Ihe Mocksvillo Town Hall on Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. on the question ol annexing the following described non-conliguous territory, requested by petition liled pursuant to G.S. 160A-58.1: Tract Two: Allen Rd. Parcel: ■ BEGINNING at a point in the centerline ol Allen Road (SR 1304). and being a corner lor Sharon S. Smilh; Ihence approximately with the centerline ol Allen Road North 61 ^46■ 14- Easl 90.83 leel lo a point: thence about a curve to the lelt (R=480 leel) on a chord North 47"06'12- East 243.08 Ieet to a point; thence North 32“26'10" Easl 263.83 leel to a point; thence North 33"lf38- East 163.05 Ieet lo a point; Ihence aboul a cun/e lo the right (R=152 leel) North 56»40'27" Easl 121.12 feel lo a point in Ihe line ol Amos Brown; Ihence North 06»43'50" East 187.17 leel to a T- bar; thence North 86“16'15" West 706.17 leel lo a T-bar; thence North Q5''44'00" East 729.27 feet to a nail in a rock pile; thence North 8B»35'40" East 275.57 teet to a T- bar; Ihence Norlh 88'40’20" East 248.47 teet to a stone; thence North 14^36■40" Easl 118.84 Ieet lo a T- bar; thence Nonh 52)46'25" East 168.30 leel to an iron rebar sel; thence North 02“27'00" Easl 69.73 feel to a stone; thence Norlh 76"54'25" Easl 133.65 Ieet lo a T- bar; thence North 77“15'10" East 183.76 leel to an existing iron pipe; thence South 04“15'10" West 388.94 leel to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 27.828 acres, more or less, as surveyed by G. Robert Stone. Au­ gust 27.1997. Subject to all covenants, restric­ tions, easements of record, zoning ordinances, and all olher ease­ ments applicable lo said property, il any, including rights or easements lor utilities except lo the extent lhal the same ate released, terminated, or merged. A title search was neither re­ quested nor performed in prepara­ tion ol Ihis deed. Terry L. Bralley Clerk, Town of Mocksville 9-19-lln C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Arttuu BosUck 336-492-5992 A N iriC tU E : A U C T IO N 12:N00N SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 161 E. LEXINGTON ROAD, MOCKSVILLE. 3 houses down from Hiwy’s 64 and 601 intersection. Mr, Neil Crandall, a tvell respected ait resloiationist has semi-retirBd, sold his home and nxMng. Neil has over250lots of Antiques inherited from his parenis ivho \yhere antique dealers up in New England many yeais ago. Flintkx* Rille. Rooster Comb dock. Cheese cutter rocker. Earthen crocks & jugs. Brass desk lamp. Bennington ware. Bennington martjies. Several nice antique rockers. Slate top lap desk. Ol on canvas. Oak case hand crank wall telephone with all the works. Service lor 12 Haviland china. Maple '40's swing lop table. Rope seal Windsor chair. Solid mahogany dropleal table. Pie cnjst top table. Seamans ctiesl. Sento lor 12 Noritake china. Pine ding table made loim 26'W & 9"W p'ne boards. Unique Gateleg table. Sewing box. Empire dresser. Cherry bedside table. Book makers bench. Oak oHica chair Old oak wash lub. Large brass pail. Cranbeny picker. Hand wrought spatula. OU hand choppers. Two old lenxm squeezers. Old scales. Meal cleaver. Oil lamps. Brass iron trivol. Old wood claimps. Hand wtoughl lireplace Irivel. Old beto/.'s. Glazed blue pattem crocks. IG camival bowl. Hand made copper kettle & pot wilh dove lail bottoms. Soap slone planter. Queen Anne linger lamp. Cinnabar typo box. Lots ol press & cut glass items. Royal Dalton tankard. Bone china llowers. China chocolaW pot. Umoges cups & saucers. C.T. German chocolate pot. Brass mortar & pestle. 2 wooden mortar & pestles. Leather bound books. 1912 & 1915 Childrens books. Plantation Colonial. English Ironstone china. Lenox line china statue. Real antique hob nail vase. 5 Hummel liguiines. 90 pieces, Gorham sterling silver llatware.- Butter cup pallem. Sterling silver serving pieces. 1927 Lucky Lindberg coin. C ^ l iron p'ggybank. OU Iron key Hand carver Sycamore bowl. Hand made maple kitchen utensils. Cobalt blue salt & pepper. Primitive dough bowl. Vinegar cmels. K.S. pewter bowl. Several pieces Antique lurnilure, is just the beginning. To much lo name Terms; Cash, good check, MasterCard, Visa. 10% tx/yer premium. A U C TIO N EER - BR O KER K EITH J. RIERCE The Man to Call, When you want to Sell It all!! Phone 336.764-1964. v v w w .p ie tx :e a u c tio n . C o m NCAL# 154 * NCAFL# 189 П8-1)ЛУ1КСОиМ У KN I KRPHISK RlXOUl), Sept. 19. 2002 DAVIE COUN IT ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19, 2002 - 09 6 L A S S I F B E ! D S INEXPENSrVE PBOFTCABLB Yard Sales 2 FAMILY YARD Sale, Friday & Saturday, 8-until, 1/4 mile o(( Comalzer on Howardlown. 229 BROOK DR. Saturday, Sept. 21 St. 8-unlil. DineUe sel. oressei, exercise machine, chain saw, clolhes, and many household items. 294 HOUSTON RD. Salurday, September 21, 8am-2pm. 3 FAMIIy YARD Sale, 531 Fred Lanier Rd, Saturday, September 21.8:00 lil 12:00. Crib and chang­ ing lable, toddler bed, boys cloth­ ing (infant-size 7). girls clothing (lnfant-2T). baby items, toys, adull clolhing, misc. BAB Y I t e m s & Maternity Clolhes, Saturday, September 21, 7-11am, 1324 Hwy. 64W. 492-2174. BABY/CHILOREN'S C LO TH ­ ING & Equipmeni sale, boy's and girl's sizes, maternity clothes, also household items, col­ lectibles, silver plate, adull cloth­ ing, multi-family, Saturday 7:00am, 110 Woodlands Ct., Oak Valley, Advance oil Hwy 801 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 8-un- til. Rain or Shine, 749 Junction Rd. GARD EN VALLEY, MOCKSVILLE, 282 Birchwood Lane. Furnilure, lots ol furniture, household ilems, toys, Suzuki LT80. 4 wheeler, elc. Husl go prices. Fri-Sat 7-3. Yard Sales CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES Highway 601 SOUTH 336-751-6252 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENT Bait & Tackle now open. Tues- day-Saturday 10:00am-6:C0pm. Now accepting furniture, 1430 801S beside 4lh Creek, 336-751 - 4507. DEE'S ANTIQUES ONTHEGREEN...HILL 733 GREEN ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 336-492-6450 OR 800-234- 1393. Fall is upon us and it's time to Redecorate! Check out Dee's...we have lurniture and accessories made to lasl a liletime!!! GREAT SALES throughout the shop!!! "A little something for everyone" VJe buy Estates...one item or all!! We also buy 'your unwanted" items. Just give us a call!! Dee's Antiques onlhoGtoon.:.hlll 733 Grocnhlll Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 Labor Day Salo Now In Progross. Greal prices Ihoughout Iho ShopI Now Items arriving daltylt "A little something lor everyone" We buy Estales...onc Item or alll Wo also buy "your unwanted” Itoms. Just give us a callll • New& Old Roofs • Free Estimates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 J&J SERVICE Onsite Forklift Repair Mocksville, NC 336-751-5372 C o ll 3 .Í6 -4 0 6 -6 7 5 4 Joe Tulbert/O w ner S n y d e r & C o . C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e Can IVOW Residential • Commercial New Construction • First Time Cleaning Rental Properties • Churches - Vie Do Windows! - (hMKT - IX'hhie Simler • Insured* Bonded (33G) 75I-270(iorC L'lI ii0iH)G 25 ASOLUTE AUCTION RESCHEDULED SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22 4 P.M. _______(Thv c.sUitv of the law Kobi’rt /. (iUtvy) Sunday» Sept. ZZ • 4PMj Property Preview; Sumltty Sept. 22 from 2-4рт 3043 U.S. H w y 64 E. • M o cksville SuWm Itikv 1-411 U V \j Jo ¡{\\\ hi>n i f » li> Яну fiJ lurn ri^'lit intit thv I'ork Ci'inmuiuty Л» ¡’m/nriy un liru'V. i.mvl>CT with lull b.iscMicni lc.itliri-4 - llICpl.lc4,*N. Ifoiil rc.ir ■ч'кч'Псч! {\Trclj .liul k-IKCil >,iid House iiL-c’ils (.'iisiiicla' ujxl.itcs .irul slun4s CMiIlMUC 111 Uiilcr 11л11К1|.'с bill if \1иГгс lor ii l>tiv ..(.'otik* • m iHii .iml Ч'Л.МК' VOl'U I*KICK1 IkMutihtl иппЛГ) jj,.' scitiivy in ilic I'Dik ('«mnnuriJi) in ' iJ.iNitCiiiiii;y.NO MINIMUM! NO Rl.SI.RVll' GtJARANTKKI) TO .SKI.I.TO Till: I.A.S I AND IIKillKS Г llll)t)KKl Selling cniire rcmaiiiini! conlL-ms of Imnic including I'rcnch I'rovincial living rooni suiic, sk-rco enlcnjinnicnl ccnlcr, .1 liCHifcc.isc cntcn;iiiimcril ccnlcr, miihoBany 4 poster 1кч1гоот suile, p;itio .ict. oil! oil lamps, olil yla.4s«:irc ami lliturincs. vases, lamps, stcmwiirc, china. Visions Cookwwic, appli-.niccs ;mvl miscellaneous liouscliobi items. J o h n C . P e g g Auction & Appraisal Service ________#5098________ t'uU Stnlce AuclUm J ^Ippmhal Kcallor, GRI, CRS, СЛСЛ, Appraisers, Professional Auctioneers 336-996-4414 Complete inventory and photo.s mvw.peggaiiction.com Yard Sales HUGE 3 FAMILY Friday. Sept 20th & Saturday 21st, Baby clothes & items, teen S women's clolhes, toys, housewares & much more. 202 Swicegood St., Cooleemee. HUGE GARAGE SALE, Satur­ day, Sepl 21, Bam-until, 270 Beechwood Dr. in Garden Valley. HUGE YARD SALE, September 20 8 21, Highway 80IS towards Advance, lols of collectible and miscellaneous, old & new. rain or shine! LARGE YARD/GARAGE SALE, Friday & Saturday, September 20 & 21, 8am-6pm. 3820 Ranchwood Drive (Old Meadowbrook) in Clemmons. MOVING SALE-SATURDAY 9/ 21 7-until, Household furnishings, tanning bed, clothes, tools, etc. 107 Metabreeze Lane. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 7-until, 670 Peoples Creek Rd. off 801, lots of baby stuff S lots more. S E P TEM B ER 19TH & 20th, Thursday S Friday, 2164 NC Hwy 801N near Farmington caution lighl. table S chairs, oak coffee and tables, household, tools, boys & girls items. Rain Cancels! Apartments 2BR, CENTRAL AIR, utilities fur­ nished. Quiet neighborhood. S475.00 per month. 751 -1515. Card Of Thanks MYRTLE SNIDER WILL BE 101 years old on Seplember 28th. She would appreciate anyone sending her a birthday card. 492- 5370. Child Care Abortion Alt. DAVIE PR EG N AN CY CARE Center offers confidenlial & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a tiealthy choice for your life! Call 753-HOPE for appointment. Apartments LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apt. Wa­ ter/Sewer, Trash, Furnilure, Downtown Mocksville, No Kids, Pets, or Hud. 704-278-1717. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER ­ RACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens, balh floors. Lo­ cated in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunset Dr. off ot Hwy. 158. Olfice hours 1 -6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BHOOK, HANES Mall Area, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes with screened porch & $495 mo, Hubbard Rity.. 723-4306. STAY HOME MOM will babysit in my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rates - 940- 6664. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home, affordable rales, 492- 2745. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my Home. Relerences Available. 492-2565._____________________ Comm. Property 47,000 SQ. Ft. warehouse avail­ able in Town ot Mocksville on Bethel Church Rd. Constructed in 1996. Sprinkled. Security. Town Utilities. Bathroom. Six dock doors. One drive thru door. Ex­ cellent rates. Call 492-7716. Ask for Tim Allen or Kenneth Ferebee. Condos for Sale CONDO-2BR, 2BA, New Carpet & paint, off Peace Haven Rd in Winston. $79,900. 940-5306. Homes For Rent 4Br, 3Ba-Riverfront-$ 1800/mo 4Br, 3Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 2Br, 1Ba-Advance-$750/mo 28r, 2Ba-Winston-Salem Condo-$750/mo 3Br, 2Ba-W/inston-Salem-$800/ illO 4Br, 2Ba/w Bldg-$1000/mo 3Br, 2Ba - Mocksville-$850/mo 3Br, IBa-ln town-$650/mo 3Br, 1.5Ba w/Storage Bldg.- $600/mo. Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 101 SOFLEY AVE. 4BR. I^SBA, Big Yard, No pels, no HUD. $600/ mo W/S600 security deposit. 998- 4616. 2BR, IBA, CEN TRAL Heat"& AC, Fenced Yard, outbuilding, NO HUDI 704-278-1717. 3BR, 2.5BA, GARAGE plus 2 outbuildings. No Pets. Non- smoker, $800/mo., 998-3636. Homes For Sale BILL CONSOLIDATION WITH the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. HElF ¥a VE m y Credit,''3BR, 2BA. Nice neighborhood. As­ sume payments. Call 704-883- 9997. m o d u l a r 'H O M E, 7/12 rooT, insulated windows, much morel Normal Cost $75,000.00. Built on your Lot $57,950.00, September Only! 336-751-7340 or 1-866- 624-7457, MODULAR HOMES ON your lot shipped direct-Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356. MODULAR HOnvTESSTARtlNG at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. NEW CONSTRUCT|6n74BR, 2BA, 3 to choose from, $600 down/move In today, no pay­ ments until January, 2003. Call 704-883-7706. Construction Equip BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378). 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Furniture 3 ODD CHAIRS, 1 odd table. 1 large couch, 1 small couch. 998- 8231._________________________ Health LOSE 2-8 LBS. EVERY WEEK! 100% Safe-100% Guaranteed. Joe Tulbert-Herbalile. 336-751- 5372, 336-406-6754. www.HerbalileEarth.cQm Home to Share ROOM ATE W ANTED: E LD ­ ERLY .room mate needed to move in home to help share ex­ penses. No drugs or drinkers. 998-7102. 4BR, 2 FULL Baths, full Base­ ment with ponds, rent with option to buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FOR À LISTING of available rental properties, please check our ad in Ihe Real Estate Section- Howard Realty- 751-3538 MYERS PARK IN Mocksville, New Conslruclion, 1,2 and 3BR homes, several floor plans lo choose, $495-$750 mo„ 10% off rent special if move in by 9/30/ 02. Hubbard Realty, 723-4306. Homes For Sale 1ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernment linance program. Low, Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. ASSUM EABLe G O V T LOANS, Many homes to choose from, Get approved by phone. All Apps. accepted-plus 1st time buyers. Call 704-883-9997. BEAUTIFUL 3BR, 2B on acre lot. Small transfer fee and move in. Call 704-878-0147 CAPE COD HOME, 1930 sq. It., 3BR, 2Ba. Normal Building Cost $125,400.00. September Only 575,000.00. Built on your lot! Call 1-866-624-7457 or 336-751- 7340. FO R S À LÊ ...B Y O W N ER . $99,000. 1900 salt, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ place, lg living room, den, cov­ ered front porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basement wilh work area, brick with central air. Call for appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. SELL IT FAST in the Classifieds. CALL TAMMY @751-2129 SPLIT FOYER, 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 acres, near golf course, $135,000 FIRM. 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. 751-5614. SPLfT LEVErHOME-Beautiful 3BR/2BA split level home, over 1 acre, rent 2 own-or sale. Moving now, can't make payments of $600 per monlh. Call 704-928- 2066. TR U E M ODULAR HOM ES- Huge Savings! For Literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. "FOR SINGLE PARENTS Onfyl" Special financing for you and your family 2,3,&4 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per month. Only 7 unils lell. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179._____________________ Land For Sale 1.09 ACRES $12,900. Near 140 exit 162 off Highway 64. Lefl Battle Rd., Left Paved Garden Valley Rd. Manufactured Home OK. 704-528-9593. Please Leave Number. LAND FOR S ALE-2.53f acres in Yadkin Co. Forbush Elem School District. Private all wooded 15 min. from Winston-Salem. Prime -( Property Location. $16,000/ per acre. 336-961-6296.___________ Lawn Care CAM ILLE GARDENS & signs Pansies, Mums. Pumpkins, Plants, house signs. From Mocksville take hwy. 601N to Ijames Church Rd then left on rannaman Dr. UJISSCCfRVgR M I N I - S T O R A G E For all your storage needs, choose us! Conte bv to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Forii Caittixiaijl (33G) 9 8 8 -8 8 1 0 F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports; All S ize s. All G alva n ize d All S iz e D og L ols 336-751-3442 M ocksville, NC iB Íñcoi I TUESDAY I ' 7:00 PM ' Y E A R W A R R A N T Y L o n g e st L a stin g 3 ’ C o v e r a g e / iVlany C o lo rs P o le B u ild in g s M etal R o o ls & S id in g f 1 -8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS Yadkin MooM Lodge шСИрТЫшМ For Fne Pack Ш ^Sr/ne A /Wiwiif ftr TWo J 3 B u i l d i n g L o t - S F o r S a l e N O U S E f O R S A U B Y e W N B In the Fork Church Community Located on/off of Cedar Grove Church Rood O K for doublewide, modular or site built homes ■Loti-UNDER CONTRACT- ■iO.COOT/'iiv^ithjoadfronuge, water meter & septic system • $25,000 • Lot 2 • UNDER CONTRACT • 1 ♦ acre with road frontage, well & septic system • S25.000 • Lol 3 • 1.2 acres rccent survey & peiked. Great view. Price includes county water & septic syslem - $25,000 *AII mteaijv si/b(t‘c» to final survey Conlaci Roberl Stone (Owner/Broker) of Riverfork Properties 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 4 7 3 3 «'oodcd lot in Ц в р З Н Я К га м Я й a wonderful neigiiborliood, lliis 120(1 sq,ft. split foyer ■ liai IS!I 0 Î Î Ï ' B Д ■ ■ ■ ■ 3BR, 2BA. unlini.shed ba.semem, curgaruge, large kilciien, deck, and $113,0(И> ■ (336) 605-5346 1-------------------- ■ ■ ■1 1 C O M F O R T ^ B I L T «.W IN D O W S & D O O R S * Has an Immediale opening for a: 1st & 2nd Shift Team/Development Leader Responsibillies will includo the supewision ol 15-30 employees and successlui atlainrrenl of production outputs, wasle conlrol, quality and elficiency standards. Top candidates will possess sirong leadership abilily wilh a positive approacfi loward motivating employees. Manufacturing and leadersliip experience preferred. Strong written and verbal communication skills are required. Com lort Bill olfers an outstanding compensation package, which includes a competitive wage, 100 fiours of paid time off in Ihe 1st year, medical, dental, 401K, and 8 holidays. Qualilied candidates should send resume to: 125-A Quality Drive Mocksville, Norlh Carolina 27028 Aiteniion: Human Resources NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! NOW HIR IN G FIRST AND SECOND SHIFT ASSEMBLERS Comfort Bill Windows and Dooris in Mocksville, NC has immediate openings lor Full-time 1st and 2nd Shift Assemblers. 1st shift hours are 6am-2:30pm M-F and 2nd shift hours are 3pm-1;30am M-Th. S8.40 per hour to start (second shift has a $0.40 shilt differential) with a planned progression to $8.55 pet hour in 3 monlhs and SB.90 per hour in 6 monlhs. THE COMFORT-BILTTEAM PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Compelilive Pay M O IK • Medical insurance • Paid lime off/Unpaid lime off • Dental Insurance • Paid Holidays Please slop by oui ollice today (Bam-5pm) and fill out an applicalion al: COIiFOHT-BILT WINDOWS AND DOORS 125-A Quality Drive Mocksville, NC 27026 _________ E-mail: bshawQcomlortbHt.com .WIN1X)WS & DOOR.s. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEI COMFORT-BILT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -Plan youf future wilh Comforl Bill Windows and Doors" G L A S S FBOiTEABLE i E J MOWING SERVICE Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedeating 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 Lost & Found FOUND: 2 B AS S ETT Hounds 1 male & 1 female, Eaton's Church Rd area, to claim call 399-7707. FO UN D; CHERRY HILL Rd, Stray dog male part Huskie. To Claim 998-4561. Lots For Rent D O U B LEW ID ES AND SINGLEWIDE LOTS for rent in Farmington Heights. Nice large lots and quiet Community. First month's lol rent FREE. Call 769- 0755 or pager 208-3203 or 998- 5462 MOBILE HOME LO T for Rent $160/month. 119 Eden Lane. Lot 5. off Hinkle Dr. (off Hwy 601 South) Mocksville, 336-697- 1482. MOBILE HOME LOT-Wyo Area, Lots of Privacy. 998-2872. NEW AD D ITIO N TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re­ landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces lell. 998- 8276 or 998-8222. Miscellaneous DEER APPLES $4.50/BUSHEL. 336-945-3874. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Direclv. Single System $29.99 installed, Dual Syslem $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. / P ICTURE FRAMING EQUIP­ M ENT and supplies. 1 Morso chopper-excellent condition. 1 custom made 2 vice work lable. 1 C&H wall mount glass cutter with custom made free mounting stand. Assorted moldings, sheets of glass and Matboard. Make ol- ferl 704-634-5042. PING PONG TABLE $75. Fire- -) place Insert wilh screen $200. 940-3327. RIDING M OW ERS, $175 up, also Jon Boat w/ 25hp Mercury engine, 6 1/2x12 utility trailer. 998-2627. STEEL BUILDINGS SUMMER Clearance, 25 x 32, 35 x 56, 50 x 224. Lowest Prices Guaranteed from Americas Best. Financing. 1-800-222-6335. Mobile Home/Rent READY TO MOVE in: 2br up­ stairs apt. furnished w/ furniture, all utilities. $550/monlh. 751- 1218 $157 PER MONTH. 3 Bedroom/ 2 Bath all appliances, furnished. New heat pump. 767-4319 14X80 OWNER FINANCING, 3BR, $267 pml. 336-240-8415. FISH-N -TAILS moved to 740 Yadkinville Rd. to better serve № 1993 14X60 MH, 2Br, IBa, Dish­ washer. and Trash Compacter. In Pines Trailer Park. $9.000.00. Call 926-2027. 1994 3BR, 2BA Oakwood Cus­ tom 80x14. Excellent Condition. Appliances included. Must be moved. $12,500. 704-278-1153. ?BAD CREDIT? Wilh reason­ able jdeposil loan approved in minutes. Will do what others can'l. 767-4319 WE SAY YESI ABANDONED HOME. 3 bed­ room, 2 bath. Will sell in place or move 10 your lol. Some owner financing. 336 661-1163 ABANDONED MOBILE HOME, 3 BR, 2BA, $1000. Deposit no turn downs. 767-3329. MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For tree literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW'S AND DW’S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. you. Plenty of parking. Hours 10 to 8pm, GRAND O PENING SOON I FREE 2 FEMALE Chihuahua, 1 male Collie. 336-463-2359, FREE K ÌffÉN S-PLÉASE call 751-2691 or 817-0686. FREE-1 SIAMESE Cat, 4 kittens. 492-6605. PYGMY GOATS $30/M, $40/F, Also. Grown Goals: Chihuahua puppies, $125,00.338-463-2359. WHITE BOXER FEMALE puppy. Shots, wormed & Registered. $250.00. 284-6121. Leave Mes­ sage. Recreational 1998 4 W HEELER, Kawasaki 400cc. 2 Wheel Dr, Many Extras, Excellent Condition, $3300.00 Phone 336-998-7381.__________ Rooms for Rent FU R N ISH ED ROOM FOR RENT, Reasonable Rales, Call June 751-0645, NO ONE ELSE can help you like us, we've got Repo's already set singles & doubles. 767-0156. RENT TO OWN Mobile Homes. 767-3329. TRAILERS IN COURTNEY area. Let a single or couple family to vmrk 3 hours a day. No Drugs or Alcohol! NONE AT ALL lo work with me 3 hours a day! More than 1 trailer. 336-463-4995. Mobile Home/Sale 111STTIME buyers program. No credit needed. Call for free quali- ..cation by phone. HOME ZONE, (704) 857-0157. TrawCiNC. MANUFACTURING ? NOW A C C E P T IN G A P P LIC A T IO N S COMPETITIVE PAY for QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Applicant should have stable work history and basic math skills. Applicant should feel comfortable working with wood and woodworking machinery. Applicant will be required to work with a tape measure and understand Feet-lnches-16ths. Benents: Include APPLY IN PERSON EOE/MF Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Retirement Plan Health Insurance TRIM, INC. Bethel Church Road Mocksville, NC Service OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ ABLE. 3 bedroom/2 bath home, 1800 sq ft. 450 per monlh. Rea­ sonable Deposil 661 -1163 R EP O SSESSED M OBILE HOMES available lo people wilh credit problems. 767-6686. SING LEW IDES AND DOUBLEWIDES already set up. No other linancing this easy. 767- 3329. WELCOME AREA. READY to move in. 2000 Redmon 14x72, 2BB, 2BA, Slove, Relrig,, Heal Pump. Candlewood Mobile Home Park behind Food Lion. $13,500. 828-632-5265. YADKIN CO., nice large lols, sngl, & dblwides. Cheap waler, good neighborhood, owner li­ nance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 Motorcycles 1998 HONDA 250 RECON 4WHEELER, low hours, runs and looks great! $2500. 751-2345, Music B UR TO N & Son Piano wilh Bench Seat. Excellenl Condition. $950.00 OBO. 940-2752. DAVE’S MUSIC-EVERYTHING On sale! Layaway now lor Christ­ mas. Lesson's and repairs avail­ able. Any size guitar and 1 month lesson $99.99. 751-1934. NEEDED; PIANO TEACHER for 3 beginner students. Lessons in my home. People's Creek Area. 998-6597. PIANO TUNING & Rebuilding SelF-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 B&D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COM PLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY We work to Meel Your Budget! Specializing in additions, renovations, balhs, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone & tile work, light painting & small repairs. We also do Bobcat woiK. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workmanship. References available. Free estimates. DILLARD’S PAINTING-HATE To Paint? Let me do it! Call Danny 284-2169. Free Estimates. HERBALIFE INDENDENT DIS- TRIBUTOR-Call me for products and/or Business Opportunity. 336-751-5372, 336-406-6754. www.STulbert@msn.com HONEST, I3EPÉÑDABLE, AND CARING Christian woman will sit wilhelderlylstshilt.Shortorlong term assignment. Mocksville Vi­ cinity. Valid Driver's License and own transportation. Character references. Please call 336-751- 1122. TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading lor driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, lield ripping, 611, trac­ tor tiller, post holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WRiNKLES IN YOUR Carpet? We'll re-stretch or new carpet in­ stallation. Free estimates. (336)998-8402 Statewide 1-800-CHARITYI Donate your vehicle directly lo the original, nationally acclaimed Charity Cars. 1013% charity-not a used car dealer/fundraiser. 1-800- charity (1-800-242-7489). www.cnaritycars.org. IDEAL GIFTS BY Iriencly-open- ings for Party Plan Advisors. Call about our fantastic New Manager Program, Decor, Gifts, Toys, Christmas. Cash, Trips. Recog­ nition. 800-488-4875, www.friendlyhome.com INVESTMENT ONLY. NOT A job, A complete turn key vending route, 10 machines $3495. plus est. soda/snack products route $9995. 888-922-2822. OWN YOUR OWN $1.00 store or e store. Includes inventory, ig trip, training. Packages froin $24,900. 501-327-8031. VENDING ROUTE. MUST sell 72 selling units, drink producis, only $9630 investmentll 800-253- 8922. Lawn Care Mobile Home/Sale Pets Service Wanted Employment Travel HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPS Frid-Nite Sept 201h $20pp Tues-Day Sepl 24lh $10pp (Now) Sat-Day Sept 28th $20 PPAtlantic City Trip-Nov 28th-30th $219pp E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Vehicles Horses. Lease or Sale. 768- 1514. PHOTOGRAPHY" STU D IO LOOKING lor models, all ages, male-lemale and twins. Cail for an appointment. 336-998-3409 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. !^'/e select cut or clear cut. ■^aver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BU Y slandin^tim- ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. Employment A TTE N TIO N : W ORK FROM home! Mail Order Business. Needs help immediately. $$$ PT/ FT. Full Training. Free booklet. www.pourondreams.com (888) 219-2278. BMT, LEVEL III, Girls Group Home in Mocksville. Musl have High School Diploma. Full or Part time. 336-936-0029. CNA NEEDED FOR 3-11 shift. FT/PT Call Bermuda Village (336) 998-6775, M-F 9-5. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl,. 10am- 2pm for application. EOE DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL SERVICES-Position available lor Director of Clinical Services, strong management and clinical skills are required. North Carolina Registered Nursing License required. Home heallh experience a must. Past experience wilh stale and federal homecare relations required. Excellent benefits package including: 403b, 28 days paid annual leave, medical plan and much more. Please mail resume to In Home Care, 1042 W. 251h Slreet, Winston-Salem, NC 27104, or Fax lo 336-722-1969. In Home Care is an Equal Opportunity Employer. LINK'S SEAMLESS G UTTER­ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor all your electrical needs. Free Estimates, 751 -3398. PERFECT TO UCH CLEANING Sen/ice. 998-3533. SIMPLY C O N TEN T AT Home Pet Care Service. In your ab­ sence giving you peace ol mind allowing your pets to be simply content in their own environment. Service for large & small animals. Bonded, Insured, Glenda Will­ iams 998-8125. TIRED AFTER W ORK? Need someone to help out wilh the cleaning, shopping & errands? Call mel I have excellent refer­ ences and excellent rates. 492- 6262. w ere- you above the competition in fact, you're eligible for up to th re e p a y ra is e s your first yoarl Our extensive training program provides you with the skills you need to succoed, plus lots you dacide when you are ready for moro pay/bonefits and moro responsibility. And that's just the beginning. As a member oi our dynamic team, you’ll also benolit Ifom Ihe lollowing; 401K savings plan contribution — we'll match 25% of your contribution, up to 6 % of your salary (nvatlablo aftor one yoar ol service of at least 1000 houfs, must bo al least 21 years of age. Modical proscription, denial, life and AD& 0 benofits (availat}io alter 120 days of emp/oyment. with at feasf a 32 hour/ week average) Employee acslstnnco program. • Woekly paychecks • Flexibta scheduling • Paid vacalions • Employe© meal and gift (iiaccu(\ts • Stock purchase plan (available to Ihose at lest 21 years of ago who have complotod 90 days of sen/ice) Wa are truly cammitlod to your success as a dodicatoc! member ol our loam. At Ciackor OarrRl. wo listen lo what you havo to say and uso that foodbacK lo mako posiiivo changos to yoüf work onv(fon/nent. VVhot more couki you ask for?II you 010 molivolod and enthusiostic. with a passton for customer sofvko, como In and eoo a Manager todayl IVe are currentfy holdng fon PART TIME HELP COME IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE Af» A FAST-fVhCEO, RJN PUCE TO WORK. We ora looking for MOH «мгду p*opk thot Hk« to work hord and mokt MONEYIII 6420 Sessions Ct. CleiTimons, NC Exit 184,140 (336)712-9880 O ld C o u n try Store We are an equal opportunity сглр1оуег. EXPER IEN CED TIR E CHANGER needed. References and drug test required. Send re­ sumes to; Human Resources, PO Box 1332, Mocksville, NC 27028.- FOR FURNITURE DELIVERY. Vacation Pay, Hospital Insurance, No Long Hair, NoTattoes, No Ear; Ring’s, Good Driving Record, Drug-Free Work place. Apply in person. No Phone Calls.. Ivlocksville Furniture & Appl. 59, Court Sq. Mocksville. G A R D N ER ^S^P R ESSTU BE, locaied In Advance, is now tak­ ing applications for full and part- time courlesy help and cashier.- Please call 998-1723. HOOKERIFURNITURE COR-- PORATION seeking experienced furniture manufacturing employ­ ees for all departments In the! Kernersville plant. Starting salary based on experience and past.' work history. Interested appli­ cants should apply at Hooker Furniture Corporation, 210 N. Main Street, l<ernersville, NC 7:30 lo 4:00 Monday thru Thurs­ day, 7:00 to 12 on Friday 336- 993-2196. 1981 FORD F-150 Shorlbed, V- 8 Auto, PS, PB, New tires $1800.00.751-0330. 1992 CADILLAC, 4DR. Sedan. 112,932 Original Miles. Second Owner, Garaged, Excellent Con­ dition, documented. $4,650,336- 764-0885 or cell 978-2299, 1995 M ERCURY VILLAGER Nautica, all options, great condi­ tion. 1987 Honda Accord LX, leave message, 998-0212. CAMPER COVER FOR Fullsize truck, shorlbed. $150.00. 751- 0330. SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ’61 CHEVY 1 ton Truck, 6 cyl,, 4 speed, runs & drives good, $650,00. Also; '86 Olds Regency V-6, auto, loaded, runs good $550.00. 492-5509 ■92 CHEVY S-1 Oshortbed, Auto, 4.3 V-6, Black, $2,850.00 firm. 492-5509 ■93 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD; 88,000 miles, Black w/ Grey Leattier, 1 owner. 998-3636. •RN^S •PT’S •LPN’S •CNA’S Come join our growing home health agency. Tfome nealth experience preferred but nol required. Full-time/part-time positions available. Great work environment, competitive pay. Please mail resume to In Home Care, 1042 W, 25th Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27104, or fax to (336)722-1969, In Home Care is an Equal Opportunity Employer. EARN INCOME FROM home. Your own business! Mail-order/ Internet. Full training & Support. Free information. www.123easylife.com 888-240- 2142. EXR CARPENTER FOR franning crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over­ time. Musl be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. LEAD CARPENTER NEEDED for framing and log houses. Must be dependable have good work ethics. Good pay for right person. Call 336-813-3437. L0dkÌN G 70R WORK??? Call Spherion Todaylll We are recruit­ ing for the JC Penney Distribu­ tion Cenler, Statesville, NC. SHIPPING/RECEIVING MATERIAL HANDLERS ORDER PULLERS 1 st, 2nd & 3rd Shifts. 704-881- 0465. PAR T-TÌM É S ITE Manager needed for elderly apartment complex In Mocksville. Must en­ joy working with people. Duties include, snowing and leasing apartments, processing applica­ tions, contacts wilh vendors/con-. tractors and rent collections. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume to; GEM Manage­ ment, Inc. 2021 Cross Beam l5r, Charlotte, NC 28217. R ^ E IN TH È Cash, RN’s, LPN’S. $1000 Yearly Attendance Bonus, Referral Bonus, Direct Dep. Travel, Holiday, & Weekly Pay. Excel Slatting. 1-800-883- 9235 ext. 363. S^CHOOL BUS~TECHNICiil^ Considerable knowledge in repair and maintenance of Class 7 trucks with Diesel engine, Air brakes. Auto. Transmissions. NC Safety inyjector & Class-B CDL with X&P endorsements re­ quired. Salary based on experi­ ence & educalion. Call Todd Naylor at 751-2627. w a n t e d T Iìx p e r ìe n c e d T n- DUSTRIAL Spray Painter pow­ der coating & wet coating) tor lo­ cal business second shift Musl be dependable and able lo pass drug test. Call 998-2931. YO ufH DIRECTOR. FULL Time posiiion to develop middle ano. gallon. Registered Nurse-Hotplce Registered N u rie i n/ledical Surgical Services ' • Radiologic Technologists .1 ' • Nuclear M edicine Technologist ; • M RI Technologist ' • Cytotechnologist ; • S taff Pharm acist (RPh) , • Speech Language Pathologist ' • Licensed Physical Therapist Intt-rcslcd c.iruli[iltcs, .ipply (inline or contact us •j at: Row.'in Kc^lonjl M cdloil Center, Attn: HR, i f i n Mocltsvilltt Avc., Salisbury, N C 18144« j FAX: (704) 210.5034, Phone: (704) 310-5303, E-nulI: jolis@r<)W3li.oru- Unique individuals t Hive w a divenie pei^pcctive, l;On. I To learn more a b o u t cxcitiiifj opportunities, please visit our website at; www.rowan.org. high school groups in a j 575 member congrega Christian wilh strong faith anc character, a love lor youth anc previous experience requirod. Submit resume to Rev. Mark Weekley, Bethlehem Unitec Methodist Church, 321 Redlanc Rd, Advance, NC 27006. LncJicil in hiuoric SalivlHiry, NC, Rowan Rcfltonal Medial Center ii » JOH-lwd aculc carc facility offering a unique professional selling lhat is Ixith colljlxjtjtive and individually nurturing. Our Mcdical Center couplcs the hKht combination of rtvxtr^n and cncoofagemcnt. enabling yuu to itiuke ;tii impact on people'» lives...and your carccr. Discover real succcss at Rowan. At Rowan ReKinnal Medical Center, stn>n(( Krt)wth potential and pn)fessional satisfaction come toKClher. Wc proudly offer competitive salarie«, Senemus benefit» and mucli m(ire. Rcw an Regional MCINCAlCCNnK ». » 4 . V-. Ио - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19.2002 ■97 Explorar 4x4 Eddi* BaiMf «T1277A Wh4*.V8.am5.Mfl.AC.m бв.*35гл(. WUS15.995 10 $ 1 3 , 9 8 3 *01 Escape XLS4x2 #Pt482 Red. V6. auto. AC 29.445 C W T IflfO WasSl8 995 R»duc#<l to $ 1 7 | 9 2 2 *99 Explom XLT 4x4 «DT9905A aue.V6.au1o. teatrw.CO 63.486 n . WasSl7.995 lUckKMl to $ 1 4 | 8 4 9 *01 F350 Lariat 4x4 Dually #2DT1935A1 While, 7.3 0 V8, auto, leaffw 26,055 mi. Ci/mFIED Was $35.995 Rtducod to $ 3 3 ; B 9 4 ■01 FISOHariey Davidson Edit. #10T5291B Back. 5 4 V8. auto. 4x2, team 13,990 mi. CtHVnKD WasS32.995 Rtducwl to $ 2 7 , 9 9 5 ‘02 Mustang Convertible ÍPI492 v/hite.ve.auto, leattier 12.622 mi. CERTtfíSD WasS21.995 R«fcjced to $ 1 9 ^ 9 9 5 *01 Focus SE #pi49a Gold, 4 cyl. auto, W. cause 13,308 mi. CCRTIFnO Was $13,995 Reduced to $ 1 0 g 9 6 1 » * «0 Focus LX #lDT45COe Blue, 4 cyl 5 spd. CO 1 0 .^ mi. сшяттшо Was $10.995 Reduced to $ 8 | 8 7 7 ЧЮ Focus LX /Р1449 Red, 4 cvl. auto 22,374 frt, С Ю Ш Я Ю WasSl2.995 Rftduced to $ 9 | 9 8 8 W Focus SE #P1466 Groen. 4 cyl, auto 27,585 mi. С 1 Я П П С 0 WasSt3,995 Reduced to $ 1 1 1 9 3 3 97 Contour OL #2C9773A Gold, V6. auto, ouise. povk«f kxks 87,363 mi, WasS6,995 ^VW Jetta TDI #2T8010A While, 4 cyi. 5 spd. diesel, cruise 77.387 mi. WasS9,995 ‘99 Escort ZX2 #P1462 Rusl соку, 4 cyl, 5 spd. moonrool. AC 25.360 mi, CERTIFIED Was $9.995 Reduced to $ 4 | 9 4 4 Reduced to $ 8 | 7 3 2 Reduced to $ 7 y 9 6 6 ‘97 Escort Wagon Г2С5026А 6oid.4cYl.auto,AC 160,729 mi, WasS4,995 Reduced to $ 2 | 8 7 7 4)1 Тмтю SES IPt467 White, ve. auto.alpciw 18.019 rr>. i n t o Was$1S.995 i t o $ 1 2 , 9 2 5 *01 Taurus SES #P1485 Gold. V6. auto, al power 25,866 rm. сшяттшо Was $14.995 ЧЮ Taurus #2T2033A G<A3. V6. auto, ouise, power. AC 55.410 mi. Was $13.995 it o « K .d io $ 1 2 ,4 3 7 lu d u c d to $ 9 , 9 8 1 ‘01 Taurus SE f2D72224A Red. V6. auto, power 18,825 m сшяттшо Was $14.995 Reduced lo $ 1 3 | 4 2 7 Ю1 Taurus SES #2C1B35A Gold. V6, auto. CO. AC. aa power 33.673 mi. сшяттшо WasSt4.995 Reduced t o $ 1 2 | 1 8 3 *01 Mercury Grand Marquis LS #P1468 White.V8.auto.au power, AC 24.422 mi. CEHTtflED WasSl7.995 Reduced to $ 1 6 ) 1 4 4 *96 Mercury Grand Marquis GS «C0027A Beige. VS. auto, all power, AC 84,850 mi. WasS8.995 Rodueod to $ 6 , 9 3 2 *97 Crown Victoria U /Р1458 Green. 4.6 va. auto. AC80.484 m. Was $9.995 i t . $ 7 , 9 6 6 4)2 Morcury Grand Marquis LS #P1499 G rw v ve. auto. AC. amse. pw*« 26.567 m. сшяттшо Was $19,995 Boducod to $ 1 8 , 2 8 7 ■SSFISOXLT IP1490 Red. 4 2 V6. ШЙО. 4*2. »cab. power 37.324 mi. CШЯT1f^Ш0 Was $16.995 Roducod to $ 1 4 , 9 7 7 ■99 Taurus SE IP1454A White. V6. auto, al power 67.263 mi. Was 511.995 Rtducod to $ 7 , 9 3 2 <00 ExpedHion 4x4 Eddie Bauer «PISOO Green. VS. auto. leaDw. CD 24,357 mi. C fim n C D WasS28.995 Roducodto $ 2 7 , 4 8 8 ‘92 Mustang GT IPI489B Green. V8. auto, power, CO 126.252 ml. Was $5,995 Reduced to $ 4 ^ 9 7 3 ‘99 Ranger XL 4x4 IP1494 While, V6, auto. CD, AC 39,183 mi. CERTIFtlO WasSl4,995 Roduced to $ 1 3 , 7 7 9 'm ‘'*S55№£2| *99 Ranger XLT 4x4 ÍP1493 H«d,Ve,«ulo.CD.AC31дат, m sw usi4.9K I t . $ 1 3 , 7 7 9 *00 FISO Lariat 4x4 Supercab IPI457 White. 5 4 VB auto. 35,611 Jrt. сшяттшо Was $25,995 t o d u c d i.$ 2 1 ,9 7 4 ‘01 FISO XL #2T0499A Aqua. 4.2 V6 5«xJ. 4»2 21,571 mi. СШЯТМШО Was $15.995 RoducMl to $ 1 3 , 9 8 8 <97 FISO XLT 4x4 I1DT6832A Red, VS. auto.alposver 48.501 mi. Was $14,995 Reduced to $ 1 3 . 6 7 5 ‘00F150XL 4x4 «P1456 Whrte.4 6V8.auto Я780т1, СМ ЛПЮ Was $19.995 Roducodto $ 1 5 , 9 8 3 *01 Dodge Dakota Sport Quadcab »2IÜ766B Blacli.V9,aulo.4x2 25,633 mi. Wa5Sta,995 Roducwl to $ 1 5 , 9 9 3 *99 GMC Safari SLT »2T6526A White, V6, auto. AC. all power 45,637 ml. WasS13.995 Rwfcicod to $ 1 2 , 6 4 7 B u y A m e r i c a n . . . B u y F o r d . . . “ B u y A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D ” FORD MERCURY I WtottonS*hm u o > M i-— > « M H U N - « M M ; м ш с м т / UockBvllh Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC 1336) 75 1-2161 C h e c k u s o u t a t a a f o r d . c o n i • Available only wltti Quality-Checked Certlded pte-owned vehicles. On appraved credit. See dealer for details. N i 101 Years Old And Going Strong Davie W om an Rem em bers G oing To M asonic Picnic In A H orse-Drawn W agon Page C4 Quiiters Community Theater Production; Highlights Pioneer Life : Page C l D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T O R P R I /i ^ E C O R D ' i n i l S l l i l S l E B l l S S i a i l E S i B i B B B O n e B o n d , T w o H igh S c h o o ls R e s i d e n t s P a c k C o u r t r o o i n T o T a l k A b o u t S c h o o l F a c i l i t i e s It.v Kim .li i s i c i i I ( '(iiiiily l',iilfi|inM ' K ci'iiid M u r e III,in I IIII | ii'ii| lli' l i l li 'i l d ll' I )MVIC < l l ll ll ly ( 'lllllllln llM - III! M il- p illlllr |l||llll ',|'',MIIM III! Ilir |l|l<|HIM'll M lu ll ll III III! I I III M l llllhiy, S|'|I|, III, A n i l I I I !' w i i i i l ' , i i ’ p r . i i i 'd b y ,|I|||||’,I I'v i'iy n iic w ell-, "line liiiiid, IWii lii|;li M liiiiij',." I h r lliiT llll)' lu 'isn i W llli II |iii".riil:iliiiii liy ('iiiiiiMi',',iiiiii'i Ki'ii W liilr, wim w ir, ;i iMciiilu'i III Ihc liv.k liiH i' llijl mnili- Ihr ori).’.iMiil hiiiiil |iiii|iiisiil, A b ln |iiii|iiisiil Wiis :i|i|iiiivril hy Ihr schiiiil Ik iiikI ¡iiitl pirsriiird 1(1 Ihr idiim iissioiiris in Inly, srvrnd inoiillis ,illri Ihr !:isk lull r |)irsriilrd Ihrii lliidiii(.is. Ih r lii'.k l i i i i r p i(i|io s rd IW I) liiiiid',. I h r III',I w o u ld in iliid r rlrn iriiliiiy iiddlliiiiis, siiiiii' lii|;h si'hiiiil iriK iviilK iiis, Uiiid lo r ;i ',ri ond hli'li m IiiioI, Mild Ihiril iiild illr M 'hool. ll w o u ld liiliil MpiiMiiInMlrly ‘S.’ I..’ niillion. Ih r s iH o iid lio iid w o u ld lie irip irs lril iilir r llir hi^rh M 'hool Imd Iw o ro n s ri'llliV r y r ill'i III slucU'iil popiihillon above 1,600 (lu r (he tn lirc yciir). 'l llis bond wnnlil pay I'or lliL- seco n d hit;h sch o o l and aildllioii.'il rciK ivallonsal ihecuireiK hi);h school, al a cosi ol S21 million. A K rr alm o s( lo u r m onlhs o f d is c u s s io n , Ihc sch o o l b o ard piopose<l clianiics loihc lask I'oice's plan. I'irsi, (hey rem oved Ihe Irijiger lo r (h r second honil. I'he board proposed having bolh bonds on Ihc ballol MOW, w ilh (he hi^h school bond m o n ey mil being used lor several years. War Eagle Pride Anclrow Scotl (lofl) ancJ friend pick guitars and sing from the Davie Higli School Fellow­ ship ol Chrislinn Athletes’ float in the homecoming parade Saturday. For more information on honu3coiiiing activities, and Friday night’s game, please turn to pages B6, D1 and D10. - P hoto by R obin Fergusson Textile Heritage Day Cooleemee To Celebrate Heritage Saturiday ('O O I.I'I'M I'I': - A Ulessinn 111' Ih r l.a iid w ill be c o m iiicird S aiur­ day 111 (he sile ol' Ihe Isive rl’ark al C o o lre iiie e I'a lls - H ie llid lh o le . ,'\s pan ol'(he ('ooleeniee I lis io ri­ cal ,'\ssoeialioii'.'iaiim ial (e,\lile lieri- lagc day, l. i/ Singiii}'. U m ie illy , ol Ihe C herokee Hear C’laii. w ill per- I'orm a (la d iiio n a l N alive .•\m ericaii b lessiiiy cerem ony nexl lo (he .Soulh Y adkin k iv e ro n Ihe Oavie siile. A ii- c ie n i h u lia n jirlil'a cl.s have been I'oiiiul ill Ihe park. I'hal ce rciiu in y i.s scheduled fo r 2 p.m . 'I'he day s(ar(s n( 11 a.m . a( (he /.achary House g iim m ls I'or a re- n iiio ii ol'sorl.s, w 'iili holdogs, luim - b iirg e rs am i b arb e cu ed c h ic k c n p la te s c o o k e d b y C o o le e m e e C iviia iis. 'I'he m ill im iseuin w ill be open for lours. Parking w ill be a( i-ii.sl H aptls( C hurch, the em p(y lo l b eh iiul G ood S lieplierd l'|iisco p a l C lm rcir.s par­ ish house and along C lu irch S lice(. A l I p.m .. there w ill be a w a lk to the R ive i'I’ark site (o dedicate (he land and celcbratc (he developm enl o f the park. The w alk w ill slop a( (he o ld K iverside lio (e l sile, where thanks w ill bc given. Guest speaker w ill bo state Rep. Julia C. llo w a ril (R -D a vie ), T he h ote l w as in operation by 1 9 0 1 . a n d o v e rlo o k e d (he C ooleem ee D am , I’Icase S’ec Coolvvniui' - l’u(;e 12 "The high school is (he toughest part o f the issue," said W h ite . “ T h is is nol Ihe lirs t tim e D avie C ounty has d iscu sse d h a v in g one h ig h sclm ol. A lte r W o rld W ar 11, there w ere fo u r h ig h sch oo ls in D avie C ou n ly." "D a vie H ig h S chool has served us very, very w e ll and w ill co niin uc (I) do s o ," lie sa id . " U n t w e 're landlocked." T w cn ly-n inc people, in clu d in g s c lm o l b o a rd m e m b e r M a rle n e S h a m e l and se v e ra l (ask fo rc e m cinbers, spoke. The overw helm ing m a jo ri(y a p p ro v e d o f a b on d package, and wan(ed i( on the ballot as soon as possible. "T h is is the best w ay to meet the needs," said Sissy B ingham , a task force m em ber, " i his is no frills fo r anybody. T he needs are great all o ver Ihe county. The bond has (o be presented to o ur voters as a single b o n d fo r th e g o o d o f a ll o u r c liililrc n ." Hob Rose, a lask force m em ber w ho is running fo r county discussed I’lease Sec Keslden(s - I’lit;*! 12 County OKs Zoning For Twin Cedars Housing Project Hy Kim .lusten D nvic County Enlerprise Record In a .’ -2 v o te , c o u n ty co m m issio ne rs app ro ve d T o m m y P rice’s rei|uest to rezonc 6 .2 7 1 acres fro m re s id e n tia l a g ric u ltu ra l to residential suburban special use. Price plans lo pul Му units (nine b u ild in g s ) on the la n d o ff W a ll W h ilm a ii R oad a djacent to T w in Cedars G o lf Course. The project appeared before (he b oai'il last year, hut w as d en ie d because the plan ca llcd fo r m ore than 200 unils. S ta ff had a p p ro v e d th e d evelopm ent as bein g consiste n t w ilb the land developm ent plan. A c c o rilin g to the p la n , th e purpivse o fth e rural land class is, “ lo p ro v id e fo r a g ric u ltu re , fo re s t management, m ineral e.xlraclion and various o lher lo w inten sity u.ses on large sites w here urban services arc nol I'cijuired anti nalural resources w ill n ot be u n d u ly im p a ire d ; t o ^ e nco u n itte p re se rva tio n o f scenic resources and guard against the p re m a tu re o r u n re a s o n a b le a ltera tio n o f irreplaceable, lim ite d , o r s ig n ific a n t n a lu ra l. s c e n ic , h is to ric o r o th e r re so u rce s n ot Olherw ise cla ssifie d ." W hen the rezoning w ent before Ihc planning board m any residents spoke a g a in si the d e ve lo p m e n t, a rg u in g th a t it w o u ld incre a se tra ffic , and d cslro y ih e ir view s. M ic h a e l A lle n , B o b by K n ig h t and K en W h ite a ll voted fo r the project. R ichard Poindc.Merand Dan B arrel! voted against il. “ T h is is Plan B. because Plan A (single fa m ily hom es) ilid n ’t take o ff as you anticipated," said Poindexler. "Is there a Plan C T Price has said lhat he is doing this lo keep the g o lf course open. “ W e’re s lill la lkin g aboul sing le -fa m ily, this I’lease see Attached - l’a;>e 12 W ater W atch A v e r a g e D a i l y W a t e r U s e D a v i e C o u n t y 2.965 2.613 million million gallons gallons M o c k s v i l l e 751,000 709,000 gallons gallons Sept. B'-l 5 Sept. 16-22 Sept. 9-15 ‘ Sept. D io • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 19,2002 Q u a l i t y C h e c k e d C e r t i f i e d P r e - o w n e d <02 Explorar XLT 4x4 «OT7323A Greeo,ve. auto. COC. CRU. TLT 3t.772rt. сюптшо Was $26.995 $ 2 2 , 9 4 4 <97 Explorar 4x4 Elk«« BaiMT m i277AWNU.V8.airtO.MaAC.lNT 6e,i35rra. Was $15.995 lU é ie W t. $ 1 3 , 9 8 3 *01 Escape XLS4x2 •Pt482 Rod.Ve. auto. AC 29.445 fw. C a m n tD WasSl8.995 R *d u c *d lo $ 1 7 , 9 2 2 *99 Explorer XLT 4x4 «JDT9905A Blue, V6, auto, leather. CO 63.466 mi, Wa$St7.995 ItoducMl lo $ 1 4 , 8 4 9 ‘01 F350 Uriat 4x4 Dually «ОТ1Э35А1 WbiM. 7.3 DV8, aulo. leathef 26.055 mi. C n m n i D Was $35.995 R«<luc«d to $ 3 3 , 8 9 4 *01 FISO Hariey Davidson Edit. I10T5291B Blade. 5.4 VS. auto. 4x2, leatfier 13.990 mi. CiRTiriiD Was $32.995 B»duc»ci to $ 2 7 | 9 9 5 ‘02 Mustang Convertible #P1492 V/hite, V6, auto, leatner 12.622 mi. CERmiED WasS21.995 Reduced to $ 1 9 | 9 9 5 ‘01 Focus SE #P1498 Gold, 4 cyl. auto. W. cruise 13.308 ml. C CH T/fltO Wbs$t3 995 Reduced to $ 1 0 , 9 6 1 ■00 Focus LX ^10745038 ekje,4cyl.5$pd.CO 10.935 n . C a m fltD Was5l0.995 ItoduMd to $ 8 , 8 7 7 <00 Focus LX (PI449 R«l.4cv(.autt 22.374 nv. СЕЯПП10 Was SI2.995 R*duc«dto $ 9 , 9 8 8 ‘01 Focus SE ÍPT466 Green. 4 cyl. auto 27.585 mr. CiBTIPliD Was $13.995 ‘97 Contour GL #2C9773A Gok). V6, auto, cruise, power locks 87,363 mi, WasS6.995 ^VW Jetta TDI #2T8010A While. 4 cyl. 5 spd, diesel, cruise 77,387 mi. WasS9.995 Reduced to $ 1 1 у Э З З Reduced to $ 4 j9 4 4 Reduced to $ 8 | 7 3 2 ^99 Escort ZX2 Rust cok)f. 4 cyl. 5 spd, moonroof. AC 25,380 mi. CBRTIFIED Was 59.995 Reduced to $ 7 j 9 6 6 ■ О И м т и З Е З IP1487 Whrta,ve.eyto.alpo#(ti 18.019 m. С а т Л Ю WftsSl5,995 i . $ 1 2 , 9 2 5 ’Щ 4)1 Taurus SES IP1485 Gc«.V6. auto, al power 25,866 n . сшяттшо Was $14,995 R*duc*d to $ 1 2 ) 4 3 7 *00 Taurus #2T2033A Gdd, V6, auto, cruise, power. AC 55,410mi. Was $13,995 >1. $ 9 , 9 8 1 ‘01 Taurus SE KDT2224A Red, V6. auto, power 18,825 mi. сшяпто Was $14.995 I to $ 1 3 , 4 2 7 ■01 Taurus SES «Ct635A Gold. V6. auto. CD. AC. aH power 33.673 mi, C tim n iD Was SI 4,995 lto d iie « llo $ 1 2 ,1 8 3 ‘01 Mereury Grand Marquis LS #P1488 White. V8. auto. aB ролег. AC 24.422 mi. CgtntfliO Was $17.995 Itodiicod to $ 1 6 , 1 4 4 ‘96 Mercury Grand Marquis GS Î2C0027A Beige, V8. auto. aB power. AC 84.850 mi. Was $8,995 R«<luc*il to $ 6 , 9 3 2 ■ 9 7 С | т т Victoria LX »р|45в G«en,4 6V&«ulo.powei.AC 80.484 n . WasS9595 И0 $ 7 , 9 6 6 Ю2 Mercury Grand Marquis LS #P1499 Greeri. V8. auto. AC, cruise, power 26,567 m. С е т л П С О Was $19,995 iio $ 1 8 , 2 8 7 ‘99 FISO XLT IP1490 Red, 42 VS. auto. 4x2, *cab, power 37.324 fTu. CCftTinCO Was $16.995 WTaurusSE #P1454A White, V6. auto, afl powor 67,263 mi, Was$11.995 fUAiced to $ 1 4 |9 7 7 Reduced to $ 7 | 9 3 2 ■00 Expedition 4x4 Eddie Bauer »P1500 Green. V8. auto, learner, CO 24,357 mi. CVmFIKD Was $28,995 R«duc»d to $ 2 7 , 4 8 8 ‘92 Mustang GT IPI489B Green, V8, auto, power. CO 126.252 mi. Was $5,995 Roducod to $ 4 , 9 7 3 *99 Ranger XLT 4x4 »PI493 Ríd,ve.iia,CaAC 3IJ09mi. M I D WasS14.995 * t . $ 1 3 , 7 7 9 <00 F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercab 1РЧ57 Wrvte. 5 4 V8. auto. 35,811 rrt. C O m niD Was $25,995 M u c * d to $ 2 1 ,9 7 4 *01 FISO XL #2T0499A Aqua, 4.2 V6.5 spd, 4x2 2t,571 mi. COmngD Was $15,995 •dycM llo $ 1 3 , 9 8 8 *97 FISO XLT 4x4 »IDT6(02A Red, V8,auto,alpcnver 48.501 rrt. Was $14.995 Reduc»d to $ 1 3 ; 6 7 5 4)0F150XL 4x4 »P1456 White. 4 6 V8. auto ^4,780 mi, C U niftiD Was$19.995 Rwiucwlto $ 1 5 , 9 8 3 4)1 Dodge Dakota Sport Quadcab «T0766B Black, V8, auto. 4x2 25,633 mi. WasSl0.995 Roducod to $ 1 5 , 9 9 3 B u y A m e r i c a n . . . B u y F o r d . . . “ B u y A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D ’ ‘99 Ranger XL 4x4 #Pt494 White. V6, auto. CD. AC 39,183 mi. C ER TIFlfO Was SI 4,995 R»duc«d to $ 1 3 , 7 7 9 *99 GMC Safari SLT #2T6526A White, V6, auto, AC, all power 45,637 mi. WasS13,S95 R»duc«d to $ 1 2 , 6 4 7 F O R D M E R C U R Y " .I H«uh».eaWm MO > Ш -Í Tдмшсди-.I fN M Ìтлотг / МоскшуЩф Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksviiie, NC (3 3 6 ) 75 1 -2 1 6 1 C h e c k u s o u t a t a a f o r d . e o m ' Available only with Quality-Chocked Certlded pre-owned vehicles. On approved credit. See dealer (or details. J 101 Years Old And Going Strong Davie W om an Rem em bers G oing To M asonic Picnic In A Horse-Drawn W agon Page C4 Quilters Community Theater Production Highlights Pioneer Life Page C l D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I /E ^ E C O R D O n e B o n d , T w o H igh S c h o o ls R e s i d e n t s P a c k C o u r t r o o m T o T a l k A b o u t S c h o o l F a c i l i t i e s B.v Kim .lu.stc'n D avic C ou n ty E n icrp risc Rccord M ore than 100 people nilcci thc D a vic C o u n ly C ourthousc fo r thc pub lic input session on the proposed school bond on M onday, .Sept, 16. A n d Ih c w o rd s re p e a le d by ulniosl everyone w ere, "on e bond, tw o hig h sch oo ls." T h c m e e tin g b egan w ith a prcscnlation by co n im issio iicr Ken W h ile , w ho was a m em ber o f the task force that m ade the o rig in a l bond proposal. A later proposal was approved by tile schooi board and presented to thc com m issioners in July, several m onlhs a fte r the task force presenleil th e ir findings. The task fo rce p rop o se d tw o bonds. T h c fir s t w o u ld in c lu d c e le m e n la ry a d d ilio n s , som e h ig h s c h o o l re n o v a tio n s , la n d fo r a sccond hig h sch o o l, and a th ird m id d le s c h o o l, it w o u ld to ta l appro.xim atcly S2.1.2 m illio n . T h c se con d b o n d w o u ld be rei|uestcd a fte r the high school had tw o co nsecutive years o f student p o p u la tio n above 1,600 (fo r Ihe e ntire year). T h is bond w o u ld pay fo r Ih e se con d h ig h sch o o l and add itio na l renovations at the current h ig h school, at a cosl o f $ 2 1 m illio n . A fte r a lm o s t fo u r m o n th s o f d is c u s s io n , th c s c h o o l b o a rd proposed changcs to the task fo rce ’s plan. F irst, they rem oved the trig ge r fo r Ihe second b o m l. T h e board proposed having both bonds on the b a llo t now , w ith Ihe h ig h school b on d m o n e y n ot bein g used fo r several years. War Eagle Pride Andrew Scott (left) and friend pick guitars and sing from the Davie High Schooi Fellow­ ship of Christian Athletes’ float in the homecoming parade Saturday. For more information on homecoming activities, and Friday night’s game, please turn to pages B6, D1 and D10. - P hoto by R obin Fergusson Textile Heritage Day Cooleem ee To Celebrate Heritage Saturday C O O L E E M E B - A H lessing o f the Land w ill be conducted Satur­ day at the sile o f the R ivcrP ark al C ooleem ee Falls - Thc H ullhole. A s part o fth e Cooleem ee H istori­ cal A sso cia tio n ’s annual te.xtile heri­ tage day, L iz S inging B utterny, o f the C herokee Bear C lan, w’ill per­ fo rm a tra d itio n a l N ative A m erican bles.sing cerem ony ne.xl lo the Soulh Y adkin R ive r on the D avie side. A n ­ cient Indian a rtil'a cls have been fouiK l in Ihe park. T hai cerem ony is scheduled fo r 2 p.m. The day starts at 1 1 a.m . at the Z achary House grounds fo r a re­ union o f sorts, w ilh holdogs, ham ­ b urg e rs and b arb e cu ed c h ic k e n p la te s c o o k e d b y C o o le e m e e C ivitans, T he m ill m useum w ill be open fo r lours, Parking w ill be al F irsl B a p lisl C hurch, the e m piy lot behind G ood Shepherd Episcopal C h u rch ’s par­ ish house and along C hurch Sireel. A l I p.m ., there w ill be a w a lk lo the R ive rP a rk sile to dedicate the land and celebrale ihe developm enl o f the park. T he w a lk w ill stop at the o ld River.side H otel sile, w here thanks w ill be g iven, G uesl speaker w ill be slate Rep, Ju lia C , H ow ard (R -D a vie ), T h e hotel was in ope ra tio n by 1 9 0 1 , and o v e rlo o k e d the C ooleem ee D am , Pleusc See Cooleem ee - Ри^е 12 “ The high .school is the toughest part o fth e issue,” said W h ite . "T h is is not Ihe firs l tim e D avie C ou n ty has d iscu sse d h a v in g one h ig h school. A fle r W o rld W ar IL there w ere fo u r hig h schools in D avie C ou n ty." "D a vie H ig h School has s c irc d us very, ve ry w e ll and w ill continue lo do s o ," he sa id . " B u l w e ’ re landlocked." T w e n ty-n in e people, in c lu d in g s c h o o l b o a rd m e m b e r M a rle n e S h a m e l and se ve ra l la sk fo rc e members, spoke. The overw helm ing m a jo rity a p p ro v e d o f a b o n d package, and w anted it on thc b a llo t as soon as possible. "T h is is the best w ay lo m eet thc needs," said Sissy B ingham , a task force m em ber. "T h is is no frills fo r anybody. The needs are great a ll o ve r the county. The bond has to be presented to o ur voters as a single b o n d fo r th c g o o d o f a ll o u r c h ild re n ." B ob Rose, a lask force m em ber w ho is running fo r coum y discussed Please .See Kesidunls - Ра^е 12 County OKs Zoning For Twin Cedars Housing Project U y K im ,Iusten D iw ic County Enterprise Record In a .1-2 v o te , c o u n ly c o n u iiissio n e rs a pp ro ve d T o m m y P rice’s reijuest to rezone 6 .2 7 1 acrcs fro m re s id e n tia l a g ric u ltu ra l to residential suburban spccial use. Price plans lo put .16 u n ils (nine b u ild in g s ) on the lan d o ff W a lt W h ilm a n R oad a ilja ce n t to T w in Cedars G o lf Course. The project ap|)eared before thc board last year, hut w as d en ie d because the plan called fo r m ore lhan 200 uiiiis. S ia lT had a p p ro v e d th e d eve lo pm e n t as being co nsiste n t w ilh Ihe land developm ent plait. A c c o rd in g to the p la n , th e purpose o flh e rural land class is, " lo p ro v id e fo r a g ric u ltu re , fo re s t management, m ineral extraction and various o lh e r low intensity u.ses on large siles where urban services are not required and natural resources w i l l n o t b e u n d u l y i m p a i r e d ; t o , A e n c o u r a g e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f s c e n ic r e s o u r c e s a n d g u a r d a g a i n s t th e p r e m a t u r e o r u n r e a s o n a b l e a lt e r a t io n o f i r r e p la c e a b le , li m i l e d , o r s i g n i f i c a n t n a t u r a l , s c e n i c , h i s i o r i c o r O l h e r r e s o u r c e s n o l o t h e r w is e c l a s s if ie d ,” W hen the rezoning w ent before the p la n n in g board m any residents sp oke a g a in sl thc d e v e lo p m e n t, a rg u in g th a l it w o u ld in cre a se tra ffic , and destroy th e ir view s, M ic h a e l A lle n , B o b b y K n ig h t and K en W h ite a ll voted fo r the projcct. R ichard Poinde.xterand Dan B a rrell voled against il. "T h is is Plan B, bccause Plan A (single fa m ily hom es) d id n ’l take o ff as you anticipated,” .said Poindexter, "Is there a Plan C ?” Price has said that he is doing this lo keep the golfcour.se open, "W e ’re s lill ta lkin g about sing le -fa m ily, this Please see A tlaelied - Page 12 W ater W atch A v e r a g e D a i l y W a t e r U s e D a v i e C o u n t y 2.965 2.613 million million gallons gallons M o c k s v i l l e 751,000 709,000^ gallons gallons Sept. 9-15 Sept. 16-22 Sept. 9-15 Sept I*' . 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 26,2002 Editorial P a ^ Changing Hats: Zimmerman Now For Tlie Defense T h e from page picture lasi w eek dem anded an extra look. T here w as H .W . “ B utch" Z im m e m ian standing near a m an convicted o f a brutal m urder. T h a t’s not so rem arkable. Th e stunning part is that Z im m erm an is his law yer. I'm still having trouble adjusting to the fact that Z im m erm an is not the district attom ey. O ne o f the prem ier prosecutors in the state, he gave it up to run fo rju d g e . R epublican sweeps and health problem s put h im back in private practice. N o t every law yer is qualified to take capital m u rd er cases. N o t m any w ant to take them . Z im m erm an has been assigned to serve as defense attom ey in the second trial o f an Ired ell C ounty m an convicted earlier o f stabbing M o c k s v ille m erchant S .W . B row n in 1999. T h e con viction w as over­ turned fo r an error in the first trial. It w ill be d iffic u lt lo .see Z im m erm an w o rk the other side o f Ihc aisle. A s district attom ey, he was co lo rfu l, flam boyant and som etim es dow nrig ht nasty to those accused o f heinous crim es. H e once threatened to punch m e, then a cub reporter, in Ihe nose. I suggested he hadn’t kept his very public prom ise to seek the death penalty fo r M a u ry Joe C am p b ell in 1975 fo r one o f D av ie C o u n ty’s w orst crim es. M y nose is still unbroken, but Z im m erm an gave m e som e grave doubts aboul its future that day. Drought restrictions create confusion T h e drought has ea.sed a little, but the w ater saving m ethods have continued to confuse and nag at people. Restaurants in Statesville serve m eals on th row aw ay plates. T h e South Y ad kin had dropped perilously low . G ood citizens have starved their flow ers and plants to co m p ly w ith the request to cut back. Th en they get steam ed w hen they see others w atering w ith w ild abandon. W ate r restrictions arc hard to understand. T h e re ’s co n fu ­ sion about w hether the restrictions are m erely suggestions w ith no consequences fo r those w ho ignore them . Som e g o lf courses have th eir o w n w ater sources — ponds o r stream s — and continue lo irrigate since th ey’re not using public w aler. R ecent rains have elim inated the one aspect o f the drought 1 enjoyed. N o t m ow ing. M y grass is in fu ll produc­ tion again. I ’m ready to start an A d o p t-A -C o w project to give a cow a chance to feast on m y law n. I kept m y tm ck d irty in keeping w ith the spirit o f w ater conservation. O f course, it’s usually dirty. Hunting etiquette “ I f th ey’re too sorry to bury the guts, they shouldn’t be allo w ed to hunt." T h a t w as the sentim ent o f G rady B am ey fo r the deer hunters w ho have left partial carcasses along the highw ay recently. L in d a C arter at L & S G rocery in A dvance found one th row n in the store’s dum pster last w eek. H u n ter etiquette isn’l com plicated. B ut it’s being violated b y som e w h o don’l w an l to fuss w ith the clean up. T h e y ought to stay at hom e w ith the rem ote control. — D w ig h t Sparks D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Oavie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks................... Robin Fergusson............. M ika Barnhardt.................... Ray Tutterow..................... Brian Pitts....................... Tammy Kowalski........... Mockavlll« EnltrpriM 1916-1958 .............Editor/Publisher .............General Manager .............Managing Editor .............Advertising Director ...........Sports Editor ...........Circulation/Classified Davie Record 1899-1958 C oolM m ee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in M ocksville, N C 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davic County Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99, M ocksville. NC 27028 In The Mail... i H e l p D e e r i H u n t e r s R e p o r t I l l e g a l D u m p i n g To the edilor: Growing up on a I'ami, when Davie was really a rural i;oiinly, many meals consisted o f squirrel or rabbit. M y Iry at pulling meat on the lable ended when I only saw cute lillle rabbits and squirrels. We didn’l see any deer, whal a feast lhat would have been. In reference lo M ike Bamhardl's "llu iile rs To Help Slop Illegal Dum ping” came home lo me last week. Someone disposed o f Ihcir deer carcass in m y dumpster. Imagine, a deer carcass shut up in a dumpster w ilh olher assorted trash for a week in Ihis weather. Yes, il made me mad. Il also cost me to have CDS collect from my dumpsler an exira lime. Okay, lhal was personal, bul imagine again a deer carcass thrown in our branches, streams, rivers or along our highways. I l’s being done. Refer lo ihe picture in lasi week's issue o f ihis paper. That’s public. I'm a w ild life agent. 1 know lhat a lol o f people still hunt to pm meat on llic table. No mailer if you’re anli- or pro-tium ing, le t’s help responsible hunters slop Ihis illegal dumping. Somelimes we need whislleblowers lo slop soinelliing lhal affecis all o f us. To our hunters, please dispose o f ilie carcass properly, and re­ member, this meal could slill be a feast lo some o f our children. Linda Carter Advance l\/Iany Helped Make Supper A Success To Ihe editor: A great big thank you to everyone who contributed to the cliicken pie supper at Union Chapel U M C. Il was a wonderful success. To all o f the businesses lhat donated ilems. tliank you. To all who worked al the church, thank you. To all who supported us w ilh your prayers, and your presence, thank you. Il couldn’l have been successful w iihout all o f you. Jeff Tullctow , The Spiritual Servants Class ,K Union Chapel United Melhodist Church, M ocksville ' DOT Fails To Respond To Marked Bicycle Route To the edilor: I live on Comatzer road ncxl lo Shady Grove School. A w hile back my son W illiam siarled riding his bicycle, w hicli made me feel great since 1 am an avid cyclist. Whal bothered me was the rare m otorist who would yell out the windows, swerve, nol give enough room ctc. A l age 11 his favorite ride is from Shady Grove to CoraaUer School and back. A healthy 15 miles. We have ridden ihis road logelher, w ilh olher fathers and sons, and w ilh the Boy Scouts on merit badge rides. W iih Ihe assistance o f ihe Davie Co. Sherriffs Dept, we have held bicycle races on Comatzer Road. I Ihoughi I would try to make it a lillle safer and a.sk the D O T to pul up some u f those signs w ilh a picture o f a bike and "SH AR E Pack The House To Ihe edilor: Comc oul Friday and pack the house for homecoming at Davie High School. We need a lot o f support for this team, even though llie team is 2-3 overall. Come out and suppon the team and cheer the team on to victory. When you come to the game, bring air homs, cowbells and anyihing else to cheer the leam to victory. I want to see 5,000-plus lo cheer the team to victory over Morganton Free­ dom. Joseph Smith, football volunteer M ocksville T H E R O A D ” at the boltom . The DOT reply was lhal they only pul Ihose signs up on recognized bicycle roules, such as the one from M urphy 10 Manteo. A fle r watching the DO T Circle of Doom go up on H ighway 158, 1 was wondering how they could spend so much for som elhing we don'l even want or need, and they can't spring for IWO signs lhal w ill make it safer for our children. To make a long story short, 1 wenl oul and bought my own sign, and put il in my front yard. Il says "C A U TIO N BICYCLES ON T H E R O A D ". Dave M ills Advance Letters Welcomed ThQ E nterp rise R ec o rd w elcom es letters fro m its read- eira. T h e letters m a y be on topics o f local, state, natioiial o r in tc fiia tio iu l is w s . An all letters, ^ У 1(]Ы they aire in poor taste. The e^tor ieseives All idtnw and address of the ^ writer, i n c h id ^ num ber, not to! :be-.ptiblished;'bV9m /]«9 i ^ ^ , ' Fleac« have totltfi no latetthan i 4 pjn. Mondty of tte y itik to piAUthedi Davie County I Entaprifc llecohl P.O.’BoXi 99. MoGksvUle|or eina^ eiiMws@davie-enteTprise.coin, Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly S h o u ld the U .S. d e c la re w a r o n Iraq? Y c S 6 0 % No, 40% Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. * 0 Davie C ounty S h eriff’s Dept. 1 9 6 6 This photograph show s D avie S heriff George Smith (center) and his staff in-1966. The car in the background was S m ith’s, as the county didn't furnish pa­ trol cars. I^risoners were kept and fed in the old county jail. Also pictured are Joe Sm ith, Ralph Padgett (jailer and radio operator), Bill fvlarion, and a Mr. Hellard, who also w orked for Burlington Industries in Cooleemee. The photo­ graph was brought in by Smith's widow, Estelle. The Enterprise Record welcomes historical pho­ tographs of Davie people and places. DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORI), Sept. 26, 2002 - 3’ i Don’t Be Late ¡■allow thi'sc (leiitlliiics to iiudr sun'your itfin iiiiiirs it ill iht' iii'irs/iiipt'r. W eddings, engagem ents I'ridays, 5 p.m . D avie D a te lin e M ondays, N oon News, A nn ou n cem e n ts M ondays, 4 p.m . A dvertisem ents In c lu d in g C lassifieds Tuesdays, 10;.30 a.m. DAVIB .COUNTY ENTERPRI/E ^RECORD ^ rfia n £ Y o il . The Davic Coimty Bits ct Bi'idles 4-H Hotsc Club would like lo thank Ihe fallowiii}’ sponsors for spoiisorinf’ Ihem for Ihe 2002 NC Slale 4-H Horse Shoiu: Allysoii .Sawtelle llillcro st l-ann Velma Hurlon Cleinnuins M illin i! Co. Wal-Man Tar Heel Banana Co. Karen BcnncIl Davic Parin Service Oak Haven Kealty Davic County l.arge Allslaie Insurance Anim al l lospilal B ill Mall Ron I'i Penny's G rill iS; Kul-N -Korner C urii Market Hiidyworks .Salon Howard Kealty LcHleii Mackie M cDaniel Chrisiy Triickini:Davic Counly lAiiune Villa(;e Way Volerinary Associalion Hospilal /Г D o y o u r bones g ro a n ? D oes yo u r b ack c re a k ? Y E S COMADOLL WATTS ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Comadoll/Watts Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital Dr. James C ornadoli and Dr. G regg l-eiTcro w ill see patients in this o llic c on M onday and W cilncsday m ornings. C all 731-2878 or o u r S alisbury o llic c 7 0 4 -2 16-(K N l'l-).S ii3.^ fo r an appointm ent Ш е ’ г е j u s t a m o u s e - c l i c k a w a y . . . DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERI>m/E|#ECORD С Features .....“ Ш . (Г Obituaries ^ С Classifieds о ' (Subscriptions^ (Beader’s PolQ С lüeather Q Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at www.enterpnse-record.conn for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. D a v i e C o u n t y . . . W e V f e G o t Y o u C o v e r e d ! w iu u i.e n t e r p r is e - r e c o r d .c o m 4 . \ i 1 ; 4 - DAVIK СОГМ Л’ KN Ti:KPRISK RIX’ORI), Sept. 26. 2002 C ()()I.i:i:m i:i-; - Rcsidcms hero think llio lown's swim niiny poiil iR'ciK lo slay (ipoii. Am i Ihey're w illin j; lo help keep il iipen. "Jail l.e illo rd sv;vs very .iiiicernecl .ihmil ihe pddi heini; -li'seii lllisye:ir."m ayor pro-lem lolin C'haiuller tiiUl Imvn boanI nienihers. A l'ier Ihe hiiaril maile Ihe .Iceisiiin lo close ihe pool I'or a year, lie said ihey heard people say il Ihey hail know n, ihey e oitlil have saveil it. LeiH oril wanIs Io make a presenlalion lo ihe hoaril lor a runilraisini: eliorl ill which sliulenls w oulil a 11)0 ilay lunilraiser. C'haiuller askeil lhal Ihe lolal cosls III run Ihe pool lo r nexl year he ile le rm in e il. so lim d raisers would know how much nioiiey is rei|uired. Davie Trucking Gets Bid, Hilco Representatives Mad ■Mlhiiueh Davie I'ruekinji's ciisl for hauliiii; solid wasle Ui I'orsylh C ouniy was SI.'i.I'IHI yrealer lhan H ilco (over lour yearsi, counly cmnmissiimers voted iinaiiiniously In award the ciinlr.ict Io the loeal<conipany. D avie I'ru ckiiii: holds ilie current contraci. aiul over the years has done rcp.iirs on ciiiinly ei.|iil|imem. Iii;medev|iiipineni lo ihe counlv and held waste al Iheir la c ilily o vcrnii;lil in the w iiiK r so ll w o tild n 't Iree/e I'clorc delivery, all ol which tail outside u l Iheir current conlract. cmuuv cominissioners saiil. Ililc ii losl the hid to D.ivie rruckini; iliiriiii: the lasl biddint: process, llial lim e Ivcause Davie was ihc low hiddcr. Kcpcesenlalives Irom bolh companies w ere on liaiul diirini! the hoard m eetinj;. and llilc o represent alives a iisw ere il i|uesiions rejiardiii!; ancillary services heroic ihe vole was taken. .M tcr ihe vole, the D avid Reynolds Ilf llilc o slopped the m eclinj; Irom primressinj; lor 1 .S m inules. a ri;uiiie w ilh hoard niembers over ihe ir decision, insinuating Ihey chose Davie I ruckini: because they aro based in D avie, llilc o is based in {irconsborii. • "I would have lluiujibi llnit as Ihe lowest bidder wo would have been awarded the b id ." said Koynolds. C hairm an Dan H a rre ll oH'ored Ibe board the iip p iirltin ily III d ll a vole ol' re e iiiis id c ra lio n . N o board inemher acled. .As the bid was a service bid. the board is nut rci|uired to uo w ith the lowcsi bid. When Kroyiiolds aj;ain spoke m il o f lurn ai;aiiisl the boatil, ciim m issio n e r Ken W h ile slopped him. "V o u 'rc i|u e siio n in e Ihe im e jirily 111 Ibis board and 1 rosoni lhat. We're doing our job. I l ’s a service co n lra cl. Tile iiil'ereiice you made is ibal lliis is some kind of homo cookin(;, and lhal is not the case." Superior Court Judge Expected To Hear Motion By CHA Oct. 7 Л .Superior Court judijo in OuiH'oril C'liunty is scheduled lo hear aryuments during the week ol'O ct. 7 on a m illion I'or sum­ mary judgment I'lled by allomey Donald .Sayers ot Salisbury ои boliair ol the Cooloemeo llis - tiirieal .Association. II acceplcd. ibe aclion Tiled last week in (iiiillo rd Counly could bring an ond In a lawsiiil laken against the local liisiori- cal group by Soulh '^'adkin Power, a Circeiisboni-hased hy­ droelectric I'irm, riie suit claims Iho hisiory group filed I'rivilous peliliim s with I'ederal and slate goverm nenis w hich hurl ihe power company's business, "riio so lypo 111 legal aclions aro km nvn in legal circles as slralcylc lawsuits againsi public parlicipalion." said Jim Rumley, C IIA presideni. •• Thoiraim is to pm people to groal legal ох|ч;пчо Io dol'ond Ihemselves for exor­ c isin g Ih e ir C iin s tiiu tio n a l righls.” The argumems bolween iho IWO groups came lo a heail in 1УУ7, w hoM Ihe power company diverlod water from llie main channel to run lurbities - virlii- ally drying up Ihe area lx;low the S oulh Y adkin R ive r dam in Cixileemce, l hal aroa, known a.s I'he Bullhole, was lo bo a focal pari o f a park. The co m m u n ily o ll'o rt lo o slb a lish e d K ive rP a rk al Cooloemeo l-'alls -1110 H ullliolo. has raised .'>1,1 m illion and pur­ chased more lhan 70 acrcs ol' land in Davio and Rowan coun­ ties. The park is scheduled to open nexl June. •Allor lhal l')')7 ilraw dinvn, park sitppiirlcrs realized llial ihe power company had a license w hicli allows it to divert ‘)7 per­ cent o f the river's (low from " The H ullhole" u nlil Ihe year 20,V‘i. Rumley said. I'lio Cooleonioe H istorical Associalion has led o ffiirls to build Ihe park as well as lo havo this decision reversed ihriuigh polilions Io Ihe l ederal linergy Regulatory Commission. Ihe historical associalion's legal m illion, filed .Sept. 5. con- lends "there is no genuine issue as lo any material fa d " and lhal "d e fe n d a iils ' a clio n s co m ­ plained o f by p la in lilf are pro- lecteil by the l-irsi Ainenilnieiit Righls lo p e liliiiii thoir govern- monl for action and encourage olher residciils lo likewise poli- lio n th o ir g iiv o riin ie iil. and ihcroforo. sim im ary jiid giiie n t shiiuld Iv granted in ilorenilanls' favor." "O ur work is preserving Iho heritage o f Cooloomoo and Ihe Soulhern ciitliin m ill people," R um ley said. "M a n y o f our members are on Social Security. This suit has worried them and I'rcon a great hatdship on iiiir or­ ganization. "W e aro dolerm iiied lo seo Ihis m atter through until our right n> petition is won in court." C h i l d r e n ’ s C l o t h i n g m & E q u i p m e n t S a l e Ш S atu rd ay, S epl. 28 • Sam -12pm Clem m ons M o ra via n C hurch 3560 Spangcnberg Avenue U'U llsvy. 15S. bcsiilc ClL'mmons Kilchcii KcsLiuriirit» Call 766-6979 for iiil'ormution Marijuana Plants Seized From Home On Rollingwood Drive Uy ,liickie .Seaholt Davie Comity l-nlerprise Keciird •A M ocksvillo man was ar­ resled on four chargcs involving drugs at his M o cksvillc homo Sept. 17. Kenneth Michael W illard,4.i, 111 .106 R o llin g w iio d Lane, M ocksville was charged w ith felony possession w ilh inteiil to sell and deliver, felony nianufac- Itiro o f marijuana, felony inain- lainiiig a dw elling, and niisde- nieanorpossession ofdrug para­ phernalia. According lo a slalemeni re­ leased by Ihe D avio C ounlv - á Sheriff 's De­ partment, au- I ll 11 r i I i c s acled on a C rim e Stop­ pers lip thal m a r iju ana was being grown al Ihe Rollingwood D riv e re si­ dence and lh a l Ihere were several marijuana plants in buckets on the back deck o f llie residence. Deleclives arrived al ihe resi­ dence last Tuesdav aflernnon W ilh ird and securcd Ihe home w hile a search warraiil was propareil. The home was searched al 2: I.'i p.m. and deleclives found a room over llie garage that w’as being prepared for use as an in­ door grow room for marijuana, Ihe sheriff's department reporl said. Two pounds o f m arijuana were seized along w ith several « aler bongs and olhor dnig para­ phernalia used for smoking Ihe drug. W illard was placed in Davie Counly Jail in lieu o f a S.“i,0()() secitred bund, I Iis firsl courl ap­ pearance is scheduled todiiy. D a v ie C o u n iy S h e r iff A llen W h ita k e r s t u d ie s a r tic le s fo u n d d u r in g th e s e a r c h w a r r a n t e x e c u t e d a t Ih e r e s id e n c e . Cooleemee Residents Want To Keep Swimming Pool Open In a d d ilio n lo a cin in ly donaliiiii III pay forpaiiil, atui Ihe iho u sa iu ls o f d o lla rs saved Ihrough the Civitan Club's work, Ihe town has received a S.‘i,00(l a n iin ym iiu s d o n a lio n fo r opening the pool iiexl yoar. Hul iflh e lown diiesn'l have enoiigli fiiiuling. Chandler said the pool would nol open and the diination would ho returned. ШР kJ., ■ I ß J ' ■<i D a v ie C o u n ty S h e r ilf s D e p a r tm e n t D e t e c t iv e J ,D . H a rtm a n c a r r ie s e v id e n c e fro m th e M o ck sv ille h o m e . P ic tu r e d o n th e g r o u n d a r e s e v e r a l m a r iju a n a p la n ts th a t w e r e g r o w ­ in g in c o n t a in e r s o n th e b acl< d e c k . - Photos by Robin Fergusson W ith FREE F am ily C a llin g E veryone Stays in th e Loop. IN TR O nU CIN G TH E ALI.TEL FAMILY TREEDO M N ETW O R K. Talk a b o u t fa m ily tics . W it h th o A L L T E L F a m ily F ree d o m N e tw o rk y o u g e t FREE m o b ile lo m o b ile calling to o th e r fa m ily m e m b e rs. Plus, yo u'll get FREE calling from y o u r m o b ile to y o u r h o m e p h o n o . Visit A L LTE L to g e l m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t free fa m ily ca lling a n d b o w y o u ca n sta rt savin g to day. ..^UTEL AUTHORIZED AGENT Choose any rate plan $29.95 and higher and get: ! hi nJ .Minut*'-'. ‘ * ' J t’tMv.'. I'i. 1 > ,11,; T H E PHONE P L A C E 121 Dupoi Street •'‘Mock.sville, NC 336-751-2626 M u n.-l'ri. H:.1(lam-5ptn • .Sat. yam-12nuon Hi,.,,.,r,vUul'»|u’«0 «,ii.ti>i.(.« C:4f»4i«t*twM-<»t Aim (>•«• f..r..I'll Oifw< C1«>I 4 ••Vl’<t><i> »Hi .'"••»■»Ii'wi.lat i i. .4 ... lauiipurtHi..... , lA-itai. na СомЛ« «Cu»ic»T*t D istrict C o u rt DAVIK COUNTY KNTI'UPRISE RIÍCORI), Sept. 26, 2002 - 5 i hc to llo w in y cases w ere ilis- posctl (ll in D a v ie D is tricl C o u rl •Sepl. I'). I’rcsid iiiy: Jm ljic Jim m y L. M v c rs . I’ro se cu iinji: K e v in Hcaie iuui S lia w n I-ralev. assistant district attorneys. • N a th a n W a y n e A r ii« i* tu n . speeihni: I l-I in a 70. reiluced lo careless and rcckless d riv in n . sen- tonced li> .Ml days in ja il suspeiuieil IS m onths. !>5l) and ctist. - (-lo rih e rta y V . H arrera. speed­ ing fiO in a reduced to im proper e quip m e n t. and cost; to llo w in i: tt'o ch)sel\. disnussed per plea. ■ Josepli M ic lia e l lia rlh a . co n- irib u lin ^ to »he delini|ueucy оГ a j u ­ v e n ile . ilriv iiji; w fiile license re ­ vo k ed . p ra ye r fo r ju d iim e n l ci)iitln - ucd ou cosi. - K iclia rd Le e lie a ve r, ptisses- sio n o f M Kirijtiana up lo o n e -h a lf ou n ce , sentenced lo 2 0 days in ja il suspended IX n io n lh s. lo n m w ith cu riciH p ro ba tio n , cost. - G o r d o n M ic h a c l M e n to n , speeding: Si> in a 70. reduced Ю е.ч- cee din g sale speed, p ra ye r lo r ju d g - nienl continued on cosi. - T o b y A lle ti ilo llin y c r. 0 \ V |, d riv in g w h ile license re voke d, sen- lenceil lo 120 days in prison sus- petulcd u v o years, not operate nu>- tor v ch icle lo r lo u r m o n lh s. not o p ­ erate m o liir veiiicle until p ro pe rly lice n s e d , d isp o se ot i)u ts ia n d in u [•'ailed to A p p e a rs, substance ahuso assessm ent. $ 4 0 0 attd cost, trans- lerred to C a la w b a C t)u n ly : posses­ sion/display ora llered /lictilio us/re - v u k e d d riv e r 's lice n s e ; re ck le ss d riv in ji lo e n d an iier. co m m e rcia l D W I, dism issed per plea, ' G ra ce k a h b M oone. specdini: ii(> in a -15. reduced to 54-4.5, S IO . cost: n o license, dism issed per plea. - C u rtis l:ii^e n e H n n n e ll. d riv ­ in g w h ile lic c n s e re v o k e d , set»* le n ce d lo 4 5 d a ys susp e iu led 1 2 n ion ihs, p a y 2 lines and costs out* slandinii o n re co rd . $ 2 0 0 and cost. - K e x A le x a n d e r C a rs w e ll, d is­ ord e rly ciM iduct. trespass w ith all lerrain v e h iclc. sentenced lo 3 iU la ys in ja il susp e nd e d 12 m o n th s . 24 hours co m n tu n ity servicc. cost; m is ­ d e m ea n o r la rce n y, d riv in g left оГ cenler. ilism isse d p e r plea. - A m a n d a L y n n C a u d le , m isd e ­ m eanor possession m a riju a n a , sen­ tenced lo 15 ilays in ja il suspended 18 m onths, substance abuse assess­ m e n t, c o n tra b a n d o r d e r e d d e ­ stroyed, $ 25 and cost; possession o f ilru.e p a ra ph ern alia, d ism isse d p e r plea. - Doi\na I’revetlc C h a ffin . s|K*ed- ing 70 in a 55, reduced to im p ro p e r e iju ip m e n l, cost. • C h a d W a yn e C h a n d le r, speed­ ing (tl in a 50. p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n l co n lin u e d im co si; fa ilu re to w e a r seat bell - ilriv e r. $25. - C in d y L in e b e r r y C h u r c h , speeding 45 in ii 2 5 . rcilu ce d lo im ­ pro pe r e q u ip m e n l. $ 5 0 and cost. • N Villiam C lin to n , speeding Sb in a 70. re d u ccd to e x ce e d in g safe speed, p ra ye r fo r Ju d g m e n t c o m in - vted on cost. • Jo hn C a m e ro n C’o o k e . rcckless d riv in g to e n d an ge r, tiism issed per c iv il settlem ent. - K a m ly llu ge n e D a v id s o n , n tis- de m ea n o r p ro ba tio n v io la tio n , c o n ­ tinued on p ro b a tio n , exte n d p ro b a ­ tion b y b m o n th s ; p ossessio n i>f m a riju a n a u p lo o n e -h a lf o u n c e , senlenced to 15 days suspended 6 m onths at e x pira tio n o f c u rrc n l p ro ­ bation; (H)ssession o fd n ig parapher­ nalia, ilism issed p e r plea. - L a rry Ste p he n D a v is , d o m e s ­ tic c rim in a l trespass, sentenced lo 45 ilays in ja il suspended tw o years, substance aluise assessm enl. u oi go on prem ises o f I’c g g y D a v is , cost. - L a rry D a n ie l D e n n in g , spe e d ­ ing in a 70. re d u ccd to e x ce e d ­ ing safe speed, p ra ye r fo r jm lg m c n t continvicd o n cost. - D in o D e n n is D iS a lv o . D W I . sentenced to 6 0 d a ys in ja il sus­ pended iw o years, not operate m o - lo r v c h ic lc fo r .^0 da ys, nol operate v e h ic lc u n til licci\se d, substance abuse assessm enl. $ 2 0 0 and cost; .speeding 8i> in a 70. no licensc, d is ­ m issed p e r plea. - K e lly D . F re e m a n , u n a u th o - ri/.ed use o f m o to r v e h ic lc . d is ­ m isse d al rci|uest o f p ro se cu tin g w iiness. - G n u ly Le e F u lk , m isd e m e a no r p ro batio n v io la tio n , active sentence in vo k e d , sentenced to 12 num ths and .10 days in p rison . D A K T p ro ­ g ra m . w o rk release re co m m en d e d . - Th o n va s K ice Tu llo n . speeding SO in a 7 0 . rc d u c c d lo im p ro p e r ci|uipm ent. cost. - K o d n c y T a m a r I'u n d e rb u rk . speeding SO in a 70. reduced to im ­ p ro p e r e q u ip tn e n l. cosi. - R o n a ld N e il G a rcia , speeding 7.^ in a 4 5 . retluccd to 54 in a 4 5 , S tO ;m d cosi. - B ria n Jo seph G a rre tt, d riv in g w h ile license re vok e d, sentenced lo 4 5 day.s in ja il s u s p e n d e d 2 4 m onths, $ 2 0 0 and cost, • Jo h n G re g o r)' G o d w in , expired re gistration , ilism issed p e r co rre c­ tion. - Ste p he n H ria n G ra g g , failure to w e a r seat belt d rive r, $ 2 5 ; re ­ s istin g p u b lic o ffic c r. rcd u ccd to g iv in g ilctitio u s in fo rm atio n to o f­ ficer. p ra ye r for ju d g m e ru continued o n co s i; n o lice n s c, itu p ro p e r re ­ v o k e d re gistratio n , dism isse d per plea. - A s h le y lili/ a b c lh I lanes, p os­ s e s s io n o f d ru g p a ra p h e rn a lia . j>raycr fo r ju d g m e n t co ntinu e d on cost, contraband ordered destroyed. - Jonathan A u stin I la rdin . speed­ in g ‘)2 in a 7 0 . reduced lo 7‘)-7 0 , p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n t co ntinu e d on cost. - K a re n W 'agoncr H a rris , speed­ ing 7 0 in a 5 5 . p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n l co n lin u e d o n cosi. - I’c g g y C . H a rris o n . D W 'L sen­ te n c e d to 6 0 d a y s s u s p e n d e d 2 ye a rs, surrender liccnse and tuu o p - e ra te v c h ic le u n til lic e n s e d . 24 ho urs c o n u n u n iiy s crvice . co m p le le A D E T . S 20 0 and cost; fa ilu re lo re­ d uce speed, dism issed p e rp le a . - C h risto p h e r H . Jarrett. speed­ ing 6 ‘> in a 55. p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n t co ntinu e d on cosi. - Jo h n n y U a y Jo h n s to n , speed­ ing ‘J5 in a 70, reduced to 7 ‘) in a 7 0 . $ 10 and cost; license tuil in p os­ session. disniissed p e r plea. - lilb e rn a d o G u e tic L e o n , D W L sentenced lo six m on ths in prison suspended tw o years. 72 hours c o m ­ m u n ily scrvice , surre n d er d riv e r’s license and not operate v e h ic lc u n ­ til licensed, substance abuse assess­ m e n t. $ 0 00 and cost; d riv in g w h ile liccn se re v o k e d , re sistin g p u b lic office r, dism issed per plea. - D o n a ld K a y M a irc , III, posses­ sion o fd ru g paraphernalia, posses­ sio n o f m a riju a n a u p to o n c-lu \lf ou n ce , sentenced lo 4 5 days in ja il susp e nd e d tw o y e a rs , s u b sta n ce abuse assessm enl, co ntra b a nd o r­ dered destroyed. $ 5 0 and cost; p os­ session o f schedule J co ntro lled sub- statice, dism issed p e r |)lea. - K a re n M . M c C u llo h . speeiling (i7 in a 4 5 . reduced lo 4 ‘)-4 5 . co si. - S colt Le e M o o re . D W I . scii‘ tenced lo sl.4 m onlhs in prison; re ck ­ less d riv in g lo e n d a n ge r, d riv in g u liilc license revoked, possession o f d ru g paraphernalia, e xpire d in sp e c­ tio n s tic k e r, d is m is s e d ; m ls ile - in can o r probation v io la tio n o u l o f co u n ly. p robalton ic vo k c d . 120 days in p ris o n . D A R T re c o m m e n d e il. A p p e a le d . - I liicn d ra k u m a r R . Patel, fo l­ lo w in g too closely, reduced lo im ­ p ro pe r e quip m e n t, e x cee d in g safe speed. $ 1 0 a n d c o s i; failure lo heed light o r siren, dism issed per plea. - C h ris to p h e r R . I ’c a rc e . iw o counts m isdem eanor larceny (rcvis ii case), dism issed. -Je re m y D a vid P e n la n d , speed­ ing SS in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70. cosi. • P e n ny V c m s e r Q u a rle s, posses­ s io n o f d ru g p a ra p h e rn a lia , d is ­ m issed p e r plea. - K ris tin B la ir R a m sey, speed­ in g lO y in a 7 0 , rcd u ccd to careless and reckless, sentenced to 45 days in ja i) suspended one year. $ 5 0 and civsl; n o licensc. dism issed per plea. - Q u in c y D o m ic il R e d m o n , m is- iletucanor possession m arijvuina, re ­ d uced lo possession o f n iariju a n a less than o n c -h a lf ou n ce , p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n t c o n iim ie d fo r six m onths, not vio la te N C o r federal law s, sub ­ stancc abuse assessm enl. cost, w ill d ism iss In six m onths if co m p lie s: possession o f d ru g p a ra ph ern alia, d ism isse d p e r plea. - R o b in C . R o th ro ck . no license, p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n t co ntinu e d on cost; fa ilu re to stop fo r stop sign/ red lig h t, d ism isse d per plea. - Janel G . S ap p , w orthless chcck. d ism isse d d ue lo in su fficie n t e v i­ dence. - D ca n n c P o w e ll S h a w , speed­ ing SO in a 7 0 . reduced to 7*>-70. p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n l co ntinu e d on cost. - N e va S o lo , fe lon y possession m a riju a n a , rcd u ccd lo sim p le p o s ­ session m a riju a n a , possession o f d ru g p a ra ph ern alia, sentenced to 45 d a ys suspended 2 years, substancc a buse a sse ssm e n l. $ 5 0 and co st; m a in la in in g veh icle/dw elhng/placc fo r co n tro lle d substancc. m a n u fa c ­ ture m a riju a n a , dism issed p e rp le a . - A n lo u io R . S u a s lcg u i. fishing w ith o u t a lice n s e , d ism is se d p e r co rre ctio n . - (îe rri R . S u n m icrs . speeding SO in a 70. p ra ye r fo r ju d g m e n t co n - liin ie d o n cost. - B ria n T c llv a . n o license, d is ­ m issed p e r co rre ctio n . - M a n ila V a u g h n I w y n u m . fa il­ ure to y ie ld , d ism is se d p e r c iv il settlem ent. - Jose A n d re V e ic/, 2 counts re­ sisting p u b lic o fficcr. co n trib u tin g lo Ihc d c lim iu c n c y o f a ju v e n ile . sentenced lo 1Я days in ja il w ith cre d it fo r lim e serve d ; d iso rd e rly c o n d u c t, re sistin g p u b lic o ffic c r, dism issed per plea. - Jesus A . V io la rn e , speeding H I In a 70, prayer fo r ju d g m e n t c o n ­ tinued on cosi. -Y u F e n g W a n g , speeding 85 in a 70. le d u ce d lo Im p ro p e r e q u ip ­ m c n l. $ 25 and cosi; n o licensc. d is ­ m issed p e rp le a . - D o n a ld K a y W il.son. posses­ sion o f d iu g paraphernalia, m isd e ­ m e a no r possession m a rijua n a , rc ­ d u ccd lo possession o f m a rijua n a less than o n e -h a lf ou n ce , sentenced to 45 days suspended one year, .sub­ stance abuse assessm enl, $ 5 0 and cost, contraband ordered destroyed. - Ju s tin B la n e W in te rs , tw’o co un ts c o n lrib u lin g to the d e lin - q u cn cy o f a ju v e n ile , m isd e m e a no r la rcen y, tw o co un is in ju ry lo real p ro p e rty, dism isse d at request o f prosecuting w itness. - D e a n Joseph W 'ooil, speeding S.Í In a 5 5 , rcd u ccd to e x cee d in g safe spe e d , p ra y e r fo r ju d g m e n t co n lin u e d on cost: license not in possession, dism issed per pica. F iiilc d T o A p p e a r - M ic k e y Jam es D e w a lt, m isd e ­ m e a no r possession m a rijua n a . - A a ro n Janies D o o le y . carr>’in g co nce a led w e ap o n , possession o f d ru g p a ra ph ern alia, m isd e m e a n o r possession niarijuana. - K e v in Ja y H a n n a , spe e d in g SO in a 70. - S le v e n C h ris to p h e r K n ig h t, fo ur counts m isd cn tca no r p ro batio n v io la tio n , t'ourcounts m isd e m e a no r p ro ba lio n vio la lio n o u l o f co u n ly. d riv in g w h ile license re vo k e d , no lia b ility insurance, eight co un is o b ­ ta in ing p ro jK iiy b y false pretense. - A li / a y d W 'alcott. speeding 87 In a 70. d riv in g w h ile licensc re ­ v o k e d . Im p rop e r d riv e r's llccn sc. - Lissa C h cri W 'hitakcr. posses­ sio n o f d ru g paraphernalia. Four Sentenced To Jail Tim e For Stealing Guns Four Davie men convicted after stealing guns were given activc senloiices in Davie Dis- irict C ourl last wook. Gletin ISubanks Jr.. Jonathan Estal Mayes and brothers Craig Frederick W iand and Juslin Loo W iaiid, broke inlo Ihe homo o f Vernon HevglKirii on May 26 iiiid stole several guns, valued al between SI .220 and .SI.420. ac­ cording to Kevin lieale. assis­ tant district allorney. Doleclivo Kobert T riiiier said ihe nieti had gone, uninvited, lo a parly al ihe Herghorn resi­ dence lhal n ig h l. I hey were asked lo loave, w liicli they did, but they returned laler and broke inlo a sale in Ihe master bed­ room , where they found and stole Iho lour guns. Ono was an assaull rifle , and tw o olhers were pistols. T rotler said all bul one o f the pistols has been re- coveted, Craig W iand, 22. his brother, Juslin. IS and l-ubanks, 22, all lived at I.M Alam osa D rive. Advance. Mayes is 21 ami has lived in Advance. iiubanks, who was on proba­ tion at tlio linio o f the incident, was charged w ith misdemeanor p ro b a tio n v io la lio n , fe lo n y breaking and enlering, and four counts o f felony larceny o f a firearm. Craig W iand, who was also on probalion al the lim e o f the offonse. was charged w ilh no operator’s license, iiiisdeiiioanor p ro b a lio n v io la tio n , fe lo u y breaking and entering and four counts o f felony larceny o f a fire a rm . Ju slin W ia nd was charged w ilh felony breaking and onloiing and four counis o f t'elony larceny iif a Пгеатл. M ayes charges Wore four felony counis o f larceny o f a firearm , felony breaking and emoritig. resisting puhlic of'llcer and injury to personal properly. A fte r plea arrangem onts wore made. Judge Jin in iy L. Myers aclivalod Eubanks’ 120 day prison sentence, on the pro­ balion violation, ami soiileiicod him lo another fiO days in ja il. Two Convicted Of Writing Bad Checks afler ho pleaded guilty lo m is­ demeanor breaking and enter­ ing. One other charge was coti- sol'vdiucd aiAvi three wcvc dis­ missed. Craig W iand was senlenced to 12(1 ilays in prison w ilh credit lo r tim e served on the probation violalion and 60 days in ja il al the e.\piration o f the other sen- lenco. F o u r o f Ihe charges againsi him wore dismissed. Justin W iand. who was al­ lowed lo plead g u illy lo lesser charges, was seiileiiced lo iw ii 4.“i day senlences. bolh sus­ pended for tw o yoars. bill his probalion was revoked and ho is lo reccivc active ja il litno. Tliree of the charges against him were also dropped. He was or­ dered Io pay S227 fo r his altor­ ney and co u rt costs. B o lh W ia nils are responsible l'or (: S I,220 ic s liiu liiin . w ilh credit given for guns recovered. Vogler said he lluiughi all llie gun.s had been recovered. Mayes also pleaded guilty lo lesser charges and was sen- loncod to -f.S days in ja il, w ilh five charges dropped. Me was ordered lo pay S1.420 roslilttlion lo Berghorii, w ilh credit given for guns recovotcd. and ho is lo pay S227 for his court-appointed atlornoy. A n elderly Davie man who was charged w iih 11 counis of utte rin g forged enilorsem enl (passing bad checks) was con­ victed in Davie Superior Ciiurt last week. Dannie W orrell. 67. o f 1.S7S M ain Church Koad Hxlension. was charged follow ing inciilonis lhal took placc last Dec. l.V l.“). According lo Rob Taylor, as­ sistant dislricl attorney. Worrell and a co-defendant. Dawn lie n e e Tlennings, .17. o f Y adkinville, stole checks be­ lo n g in g to .Susan Spomor. Hennings then wrote the chocks lo various stores in Iho area, some written for cash and some fo r merchamlise, ami W orrell passcil those checks. W orrell's allorney, Fd Vogler Jr.. said, "M r. W orrell is disabled and has had m u ltip le health problems, including tuberculo­ sis ill Iho pasl. and his mother has passed away. He lives o ff .Social Security and disability, and in years pasl, has had a criminal history, but no lypo o f violence in Ihe reconl pasl. He has served some active lim e in the past, but not on this case." 1 lennings was charged w ith si,\ counts o f forgery ofendor.se- tiionl and line count oM ieing a habitual felon. Thai lasl count was disniissed as pari o f a plea arrangement. W o rre ll’s past convictions include D W I. inloxictod and dis­ ruptive. possession ofdrug para­ phernalia. driving while licensc revoked, breaking and entering, larceny, possession o f stiilcn goods and 11 o lh e r uttering forged etidorsenienl charges. H ennings has p revio u sly been convicted o f breaking and entering, manufacturing a sched­ ule V I controlled substance, lar­ ceny. uttering forged endorse­ ment, D W I, d rivin g w hile li­ cense permanently rovoketl, 20 forgery o f eiidorsemeni charges, habitual felon, as w ell as olhers. Judge K im be rly S, Taylor sentenced W o rre ll to 8-10 monlhs in prison and suspended lhat senlotice lo r Ihree years of supervised probalion, w ilh six months o f intensive probalion. He is to pay restilulion to the victim s, mil go on itie premises o f the businesses where the checks wore written, unless he has pemiissioti from the owners, and abide by a curfew. He is also ordered lo mu u.se or possess al­ cohol and submit lo tests for the use Ilf it. He must pay a line of $200 and courl cosis. Tlennings was senlenced to throe S-IO iiiiin th prison sen­ tences. to run consecutively and al Ihe expiration o fthe senlonco she is currently serving. She is also lo pay restilulion. and Tay­ lor rocommendcil w ork release for her. Poormm’s Supper I’hilo beans, cabbage, potatoes, slaw, liuineniade biscuits, ham bisciiils, cornbreail, desserts, .md holdogs, Thursday, October 3, 2002 from 5:30-7:30|)iii H ardison United M ethodist Church 1630 Jcricho Church Road, Mocksville donations appreciated M O D E L Y E A R 2002 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE UREDO 4x4 «23,988 «2бГ988 & 0 % F O R 6 0 M O S . 4x4, i-6. Air Conditlonlno. Powor Window#, Power lock«. Cfuiso, Till, Automalic. AM/FM Co»8olto/CD Ployor, Alloy AQ8, Much Moro. 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE LXi *23,988 *25^88 f t 0 % F O R 6 0 M O S . Air Conditioning, V-0. Powor Windows, Power Locks. Crulso, Till, Leather, AM/FM/CO. Socurity Group, Ailoy Whools, Much Mofo. 2002 C H R Y SLE R V O YAGER 45,988 *18.988 f t 0 % F O R 6 0 M O S . Air Conditioning. Automalic, AM/FM Cassette, Seven Passenger, Storage Drawor. Halogen Headlights, Variable Speed Wipers, Adiuslabto Shoulder Bolts, Much Moro. 2002 DO DG E DAKO TA 4x2 43,488 *15,188 f t 0 % F O R 6 0 M O S . Air Conditioning, V-6, Tinted Windows, Variable Spood Wlpors, Powor Stooring, Powor BraKos, Dual Air Bags, Much Moro. 2002 D O D G E R A M Q U A D C A B 4x2 «20,988 *22|88 f t 0 % F O R 6 0 M O S . Air Conditioning. Automalic, Crulso, Titt, Anti-spin, AM/FM Cassetto, Tinted Glass, Much Moro. щ т и м ш All prices plus tax. tag & 139 doc. lee. Pnces reflect rebate On approved credit. 751.5948 1-388-469-3I51 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEi^UTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE ,1 i 6 - DAVIK COL N 1Л’ KN TKUPRISI'; RKCORI). Scpl. 2ft. 2002 Public Records A r r e s t s T h e D a v ic C o u n ly S h i.TilTs Dc* p a rlin cn l n ia d c lh o fo llo w in g arresis last w eek. - G e ra lih ) M ora le s L u n a . 2-1. ot N Vinsio n -S a le in w as arrested Sept. 12 for failure lo appear. T r ia l »late: S cp l. 26. -J o s h u a C a in S e a fo rd . 22. ol 1*J0 llllllo p D riv e . A tlva n ce u a s arresled S e p t. 1.^ (o r d riv in e w ith license re vo k e d , false in fo n n a lio n . and dru^; p a raph ernalia. T ria l date: fX 'l. 10. - K cn e n D e S iia w n M y e rs . 2.^. t>f 17.^ C o u n iv L in e K o a d . Ifa rn u m v w as arrestetl S ep l. 1.^ ft>r child sup ­ p ort. I rial ilate; Sept. I ‘>. - K a thleen .*\nn N u tte r. .^S, of I*iruiacle was arresled Sepl. 14 for c o u in iu n ica lin ü threats, Tria l ilalc: O c i. 17. -M a r ia Pasita N a sa rra. IS . ot K a le ie h was arrested Sept. 14 for carr> inu a concealed w e ap o n . Tria l dale: O c t. 10. - .-Xnuim do H e u K uu ie / U enite/. 2 4 .o f K aleii!h w as arresteil Sept. 14 fo r D W I and lim in e \sith license re vok e d. T ria l dale; O ct. 10. - .Alexandra l.u c ille K a m ire /. :0 ..» f 154 W ils o n T ra il. M ocksv ille was arrested Sept. 15 for pi'ssession o f schedule V I an«I possession o f d ru g paraphernalia. T r ia l date: O c t. 17.' - W illia m Ta lh e rt Ito e er. 22. of I/O Lisa ’s Lane. .-Ndvance u a s .ir- tesied Sept. li» lo r .iss.uill w ith a deadly u e a p o n . Tria l d.ite: ( )ct. |0. - W illia m 'Talhe it lio e e r. 22. ol .^S(» Hen Andersi>n K o .u l. M o c k s ­ v ille w as anested Sept. 17 fo r la r­ ceny and in ju ry fo personal p ro p - e rl> . Trial il.iio: ( >ct. 10. - D e ieck Th o m a s D a n ie l. 4 1, o f I ‘>4 H illo n K o ad . .Advance w as a r­ rested Sept. IS |*)r failure lo p.j\. Tria l date: ( )ct. 1S in Stokes C o u n ty. - lio y d K a y m o iu l Ciariier. 4 2 . o f l^ ii S p rin e liill D riv e . M o e k sv ille w as a n e sie d Sept. I ‘) for assault on an e xecu tive leiial co u rl o ffice r, re- sis im i: a jn ih lic o ffice r, assault on a fe m a le , a ss a u lt w iih a d e a illy u c a p o n . Tria l date: O c l. 17. - Joses Sanche/. K a m ire /. 27. o f K a le iu h w as arresled S ep l. for e x p ire d le e is u a lio n . d riv in g w ith license re vo k e d , and failure to ni>- tifs D M \ ' o f address chanue. Trial d ale: O c t. IS . - L in c o ln M o n ro e iiro c k , 2‘>. o f I’ in e ville K iu u i. M o c k s viU e w a s arresled Sept. 19 fo r careless and reckless, and d riv in ii w h ile license re voked. T r ia l liaie: O c t. IS . - Susan K e lli L a w h o n . 16, o f 765 Fo rk H ix b y K o a d . A d va n c e was arrested Sepl. I ‘i for second degree tresjiassini:. T ria l date: O c l. 24. - D u s lin A n ih o n y l.anluM U IH . o f 765 f-ork M ixhy K o a d . A ilva n ce was arrested Sept. l ‘> fo r second degree irespassini:. T r ia l date: O c l. 24. - B re n to n Lee S h a w . 16. o f 1 1 1 L o g C a h in K o ad . M o c k s ville was arrested Sept. I ‘i for secom i degree trespassing. T r ia l date: O c t. 24. - C la re n ce H ugene P o lls, 5 2 . of 4 1 6 S lro u d M ill R o ad . H a n n o n y w as arresled S e p l. 20 t'or c h ild sup ­ port. T r ia l date; O c t. 15. - M a rc o s C iarcia. .14. o f 11S C a - hana 1-ane, M o c k s v ille w a s a rre s ie d Sept. 21 fo r g iv in g false in fo n n a ­ lio n lo o ffic e r and c o m m u n ica tin g llu ea ts. T r ia l tiale: O c t. 17. - M e la n ie M a in s B urKM i. 27. ol W in s lo n -S a le m w as arre.sled S ep l. 21 fo r D W L T r ia l date: N o v . 21. - B ra n d o n C o ry P h illip s . 21. ot l-lk in w as arrested S ep t. 22 fo r D W I and tra n s p o rtin g op e n co n ta in e r. T r ia l d ate; O c l. IS . L a n d T r a n s f e r s T h e f o llo w in g la n d tra n sfe rs w e re filed w ith the D a vie K e giste r o f Deeds. T h e transactions are listed h> panies in vo lv e d , acreage, lo w n sh ip and deed stam ps purchased, w ith S2 represenling Sl.fHM i. - W e slv ie w D cvcU > p m cm C o.\o L u lh e r W a yn e l*rye and D .ip h n e A . Г гу е . I lo l. F-a n nin glon . S70. • W e slvie w D e ve lo p m e n t C o . to Sarnna/ In c., } lots, j-a n n in g io n . $210. • R ich a rd C\ f-ogg and Vonda L. R u s s e ll-i'o g g to S e c re la ry o f D e - p artrncm o f Veterans A lfa iTs , 1 lot. S h a d y G ro v e . S41.V • H elen S . M c D a n ie l (*>S.5'i in- tca*st) to T o n y R . M c D a n ie l. I tract, Jenisalem . - H e le n s . M c D a n ie l)‘JS .5‘ .’ in ­ te re s t) lo d i a r ie s M m ir o e M c D a n ie l. 2 0 acres. Jerusalem . -}le le n S .M c D .u n e ll^ )S .5 S in- teresn to C a th y .M cD an ie l B o w e rs. .^5 iteres. Jerusalem . - Theo dore A . S h o a f and .Alm a B. S h o a f lo Jo h n K . .Allen and Ka> I-. A lle n . 2 lots. S2(t. - P atricia M . C ra n lill am i Larr> W . C ra n fill. B re n d a .\L I-'ile and W a xne Tile . B e ve rly M . C o llin s and K e ilh C i»llin s . Jo y c e N1. D u tc h . Lin d a .M. W alls and D o n n ie W ;ills. A p r i l K . M c D a n ie l. C lin to n 'T . .M c D a n ie l, a n d L in d s a y H . .M cD a n ie l to Tim o lh y W . C 'ra iilill a nd D o n n a W . ('r.u if ill. 2 tra cls. Je rusa le m . S100. - M a rie A . ( ‘erNcn to K e n n elli U . .Alston and T.inva J. .Alsti>n. I lot. T'a n n in gU U ), S 410. - H a rm o n (ile n n K o lv its o n and R u lh D . K o b e rls o n lo W ilh iin i /V a lo n Pi>Us and M a riK u W . P olls. 1 Ira cl. T'a n n in gto n , S50. - C h a lle s 11. L a e le a n d M aii.uin a V. Lagle to 150 Neu Hampshsre Piopeiiies. I lot. Mocksv ille. S260. - Kells Creekmur to Terrs .A. .Milloii and ('.issamh.i M. Milton. 14.55 acres. Tulion. S540. - ChrisiuK* Sanders to Heniy M. Saiulers Jr.. I lot. .Mocksv die. - Bob Cope iV St»n (’onsiMiction to Majc ('. ll«'lc»»inb and ( ’handra C. Holcomb. I Ioi. SIi.uIv (iiove. S400. - Little Lgypi T'.unis to Duight L. M\eis. ISl.15 .icies. Jeisu.ilem. SSOO. - .MorrisiUi Orav C .liter ami Kuhy L. ('.liter lo Ronald L. L>on and Patti A. L>on. 4,fií» acres. Tul- tt>n. - { liarles W llageiIlian t»* ( ire- goiv Ctible .uid Krisl> Coble. ,')1 acre. Claiksvillc. SlSft. - Addison iMojvitiesio J.t*. l aw. ,S4 acie. Mocksv illc. - Koeei I). Chiten and .Aneie .A. C 'hile ii lo L e o W la s q u e / and Jodi L . M a lc h o v v . 1 lo i, F -a rm in g to n . S .H S. - Jo el ('la y Lane and Krista Lane to L a rry D . (ira lia m and A n n C . (lra h a n \. I lo t. I'a rm in g to n . $2.^К. - T'lorence II. i-innegan and W il­ lia m Tin n e g a n , W 'ayne P erebeeand B o n n ie Ferebee. M ild re d Ferebee b y a tto rn e y in fa ct D a v id W . T'e re h e e . I )a v i d W . 14* re b e e , S h a io n II. B y id and Jo hn W . B y rd J r . Joseph S, Ferebee and M e lv a W . T'erebee. and S am ra П . C h ild e rs and Jose|)h W . C h ild e rs to Ja m e s S. S u m m e r and Ivdilh V.. S u m m e r, 2 ira c is .C la rk s v ille . S 1.200. - San F ilip p o ( ’o n s iriic tio ii Ю S ci'tty .A. l o s ie ra iu l I'e licia Foster. I lot. .M o ck sville . S270. - H e m y H Ilo n F’oole and B renda M . F o o ie . H e n ry Le e F o o ie and D o ro th y liv ella B l.tckb u rn F o o ie by a ltiu n e v in fact H e n rv F-lton Fo oie lo H a b ita t fo r H m n a n ity o f D a vie C o u n ly . .79 acre. M o c k s ville , SS. • R o be rl W . Beck and Lo u ise LI. B eck lo Tra c y B . S haver, 2 acres. C la rk sv ille . • R o n a ld H . D a v is , su b sliin te trustee to M ortga ge Fle c tro n ic R e g­ istration .Systems. I lot. .$121. - Paul C . C o ck e rh a m and I-loise C'ockeihaiii to l.e llia n C . B ro c k . 2 tracls. ■ M a rc C . I lo lco n ib and C handra L . H o lc o m b lo W a lter P. B u rto n and D e lila h H . H u rlo n . 1 lo t. S.M)1. - W a lle r P. B u rto n and D e lila h B . B u n o n lo M ich ae l K . H auser and D o ris T. H auser. I lot. M o c k s ville . S I 57. ■ V irg in ia B . F 've rh a rd l ( ‘>7'i interest) lo D ia n ne H. S n ip e s, part o f one lot. Jerusalem . - H g lo ff B u ild in g C o . 10 A d a m s lig lo f f A v a n l P ro p e rtie s . 1 lo t. F a n n in g to n . ' A d a n js E g lo tT A v a n l P roperties lo L u is R a u l D a v ila and D e b o ra h W h ite D a v ila . 1 lo t. F a n n in g to n . Sl.012. - Ja n e l B a k e r to Jo h n S t. C la ir H a le . 1 lo t. M o c k s v iile . $ 1 52 . - R o n a ld II. D a v is , s u b s tilu le trustee, to C o n s e c o Fin a n ce S e rv ic ­ ing C o rp .. I lot, M o c k s v illc . .S223. - F Ji/ a h e lh B . E lls , substitute irustee to W a sh in g io n M u lu a l B a n k . 5 lots. M o c k -s v illc . S 27 4 . ' D o rca s W . S e a fo rd lo Ja c k y C ra ig S e a fo rd . 5.2H acres. F u llo n . - D o rca s W . S e a fo ril lo R o b in S ea ford S a m m o n s . 6..V^ acres, i'u l- ton. - D o rca s W . S e a fo rd lo M ic h a e l L lo y il S e a fo ril. 6 .6 5 acres. F u U o n . - B e n O w e n s C o n s tru c tio n lo И К С D e v e lo p m e n i C o .. 7 lo ls . M o c k s v illc . - P a lricia Л . Jo h n s o n to Paul W . C o x . I lot. S h a d y G ro v e . $ 5 7. H i g h w a y P a t r o l T h e fo llo w in g ira tTic w re ck s in D a v ic C o u n ly w e re listed t\v the N .C . H ig h w a y Patrol. W re c k O n U .S .6 0 1 A D a v iiU o n C o u n ly m a n w as charged w iih failure lo reduce sjH.*ed afler llie v ch icle he w as d riv in g hil another S epl 16. Je rro ld S am u e l .M ille r J r .o f L e x ­ in glo n w a s d riv in g llis 1Clir> sler ca r sou lh o n 601 Iv h iiu l a I ‘>*>5 P ly m o u th ve lu cle d riv e n b y M aria N ietie lle M ille r o f ^ 'a d k in v illc . ,\s Nts. M ille r slo w ed her veh icle to r a ve h icle ahead m a k in g a im n M r. .M iller failed to s lo w his veh icle m lim e and co llid e d u ilh M s. .M iller's veh icle. Troo|>er C .D . Ji*nes repoited the accid en l o c cu rre d at a p p to x u u .ile U 2:05 p .m . and there w ere no m ju - ries. D e b ris И И O n In le rs la te 4 » N o charges w ere tiled in an a cci­ denl re p o rle d S ep t. K j m D a vie C o u n ts . J e n n if e r T r a v is S h a rp e (>f C la re m o n t was d riv in g her 2 0 00 M its u b is h i seh icle w est on 1-40 in the le ll lane o f ira ve l w hen il struck a piece o| In e debris thal svas las iiig in Ihe ro.ul. Troo|>er C .D . Jones reported the aceiileni o ccurre il al a p p ro x iin a le h .v4 5 p .m . and theie w ere iu> iii|u- ries. W re c k O n In lv rs tu tv 40 .\'o charges w e ie tiled a lle r a .\o mIi ('.iro lln a w o m a n w recked the veh icle she w .is d n s in g S e)il, IS . S a ra h C h u rc h P eaison ol N . W ilkesbort> w a s d riv in g a 20( HlF'ord seh icle w esl on 1-40 in the lelt lane ot travel d m m g a h e a vy d o w n poui ot r.u n . Pearson’s vehicle h s d ro - planed due to standing w .iter .uid ran o tf llie right shoulder ol the ro.ul strik ing a cable m e d ia n Iv t o ie c o n i­ ine to lesi 111 the grass m edian. Tro o p e r (* .D . Jo n e s reporled llie S h e r i f f ’s D e p a r t m e n t accident o ccu rie d at a p p io x im a le ly 1:50 p .m . and ihere w ere n o in ju ­ ries. W re c k 1)|1г1пц HeaN > U n in N o charges w ere tiled a lte r a V irg in ia m an w icck e d the veh icle he w .is d riv in g Sept. IS .. Th o m a s R o b e rt liv a u s ot S m ith ticlil w as d riv in g a 2001 M o r­ en is V ehiclc sv est on 1-40 il nr ing the he.iss ilo w n poui i>t i.un . Lsa n s s c b u le h\di4>plaiK’d due lo si.u id - iiig w ater on the tiigliw a> am i i.ui • )lt the lett stunilder .m d stiuck a c.ible п и ч1м 11 ban ier. Th u tp e rC M ). Iones re p o n e d the .iccideiil o c ciin e d .U .i()p ro xim a tels <>:1() p .m . and ihe d iis e i w as nol m iu ie d . Г ш е к Loses T ra ile r O n 601 N o ch.iiges vveie tiled a lter an acciilent insols ine a D.js le m a n o c ­ curred Sept. IN. W illi.im C a ls in San d e rson o f 407X L '.S . 601 S ou th. M o c k s ville ssas d n s in g a 19S4 T o n i p ic k -u p south on I \S . <iOI p u llin g a trailer. T h e fo llo svin g incidents w ere rc p o n c illo lh c D a v ic S h e ritTs De|)l. - O n S e p l. 1.^ To s v lik Shehata o f V c n c/ia Italian Restaurant. A d va nce reported m o n e y svas re in ove il from the resiauranl. - D e b o ra h K e s le r re p o rle d a decorative a lu m in u m svashtub svas re m o ve d from a residence on W ill U o o n c K o a d . M o c k s v ille on Sepl. 14. - O n S e p l. 14 R o n a ld M atam osos re p orle d m o n e y, a cell p hon e , and cre d il cards w ere re ­ m o v e d fro m a residence o n Iv y C irc le . A d v a n c e . - B e tty G u n te r o f G u n te r’s C o u n - tr>' Store. A d v a n c e re p o n cti the from e o vcr o f Pepsi m a chin e al the store w as d a m aged o n Sept. 15. - O n S e p l. 16 W e n d y C o in h s - K is c rre p o rte d p re scription m e d ica ­ tion svas re m o ve d fro m a residence on Havsihorne R o a d . M o c k s v ille . - B o h h ie C ra n lttrd re p o n e d a Ihree w he e l b ic yc le svas re m o ve il from a hom e on (¡la d s io n e R o ad. .M o ck sville on Sept. 17. ” O n Sept. IS R ebecca Th o m a s reported a p ocketbook svas rem ov ed fro m a veh icle iu a p a rk in g lol \\\ ■M ocksville. - Jeram ie .Seamon reporteil a tsvo m o n lh old p u p p y w as stioi and k ille d at a residence on S tagecoach K oad. .M o ck sville on .Sept. IS . - O n Sept. 19 A lice .Moses le - p o n e d a veh icle w in d s h ie ld was d a m ag ed at a lunue ot\ lX*adm on R o a d , M ock ss ille. - Rol>erl G ille n w a te r reponeit a car ra d io svas re m o ve d from a ve- liic le a l a lo calio n on H o b so n D riv e . .M o ck sville on S ep l. 2 (f - O n Sepl. 20 D uane M o o ie te- ported a co m p u te r was renu»ved fro m a residence o n llin ls o n K o ad . A d v a n c e . F i r e s D a vie C 'o iu uy fire d epartm enls responded to llie follosving calls; S e p t. 17: A d v a n c e . 6 :4 5 a .m .. Underpass K o ad . a la n n a ctiva lio n : C e n te r. 7:57 a .m .. .Allison L a n e , seh icle tire; .M o ck svillc assisted; .Advance assisted; C o n ia l/ e i-D u lin assisted. S e p t. IS : Je n isa le m . 6 :2 2 a .m .. F.dgesvood C irc le .a u to m o b ile acci deni. S e p l. 2<): Je rusa le m . .^:IS p .m .. U .S . 601 S outh, a u loin o bile a c c i­ d enl; M o c k s ville assisted. S e p l. 21: S m ith (iro v e . 1 2 :1.^ p .m .. M anchesier Lane, illegal b iin i- m g; T o ik . 4 :4 0 p .m .. F o lk B ix b y R o ad, a utom obile accidenl. S e p l. 22: F a n n in g to n . 7:4S a .m .. W h ip po rsvill D riv e , posverline lire : F a rm in glon . X:,V> p .m .. B o b b itR o iu l. lire alarm : S m ith G ro v e asslsied. S an d e rso n ’s ira ile r ran o ff ihe right stu iuld er ot the ro;id and disengaged ils e lf froni the p ic k -u p . T h e trailer tras eled o ff ihe right shoulder, slruck a telephone iim clio n b o x . and c o n ­ tinued in lo a grass field. T r o o p e r C .D . Jo n e s re p o n e d the a ccid en l occurre d at a p pro.xim a lely 4 :1 0 p .iu . ;«\d Uxcrc w e re u o in ju ­ ries. M a n C h a r^'til In W re c k A D .is :c m an w as ch;irged sviih le d ol ce n ie r and in> operaior's li­ cense afler Ihe seh icle he w as d riv ­ ing hit a n other Sept. IS. Ju lio La n d a se rde V a lle o f lOS C o o k 'Tra il. M o c k s v ille svas d riv in g his 199.^ To ril vehicle from M ichaels R o ad ;iite m p lin g to m ake a right tu n i o n lo N X'. H O I. M a ry B a ysin g e r C h a ltin o f 245 S svicegood Street, ('o o le e m e e svas d riv in g her 1995 P ontiac veh icle north on SO I svhen V a lle crossed in to Ihe northb o uiu l lane o f tra ve l and c o llid e d head ou w ith C h a ltiiTs veh icle . Troo|)er J.R . A llre d reporled Ihe a ccid en l occurre d at a p pro.xim a lely 7 :1 0 a .m . and C h a ltin a lo n g sviih tsvopasseiigers svere taken to Rosvan R e g io n a l H o sp ita l fo r treatm ent. C o w M it O n N .C . K » ! L a s vre n c e T u c k e r D re y e r o f V a ilk in v ille svas d riv in g his 1995 N issa n p ic k -u p south on SO I svhen il co llid e d sviih a cosv lh al w as sland­ ing in the ro a d w a y. Tro o j> e r J.R . A llre d reported the a ccident occurre d al a p p ro x im a te ly 4 :4 0 a .m . and the d riv e r svas not in ju re d . N 'ehicle H its (M ia rd ra il O n 40 N o charges w ere filed after a C m ilfo rd C o u n ly w o n ia n w re ck ed the ve h icle she w as d riv in g Sept. 20. .Alissa H o p e S eeber o f G re e n s ­ b oro w a s d riv in g her 2002 To y o ta ve h icle ssest on Interslate 4 0 svhen it ran ot f the road to the lefl. struck a gu a rd ra il and d ro ve back o n lo the road out o f co n tro l. Seeber’s vehicle then spun b.icksvards. ran o tf the road lo the right and struck a g u a rd ­ rail. T ro o p e r A .J . F a n n e r re p on e d the accident occurre d at appro.xim alely 10:15 a .m . and ihere w ere no in ju ­ ries. C o U is ln n O n U .S . 601 A D a v ie w o m a n w as charged sviih la ilure lo reduce speed and seatbelt vio la tio n after the vehicle she was d riv in g h il a nother S ep t. 20. H o lly I'li/a b e th M ic k a lo w s k i o f 74S2 N .C . SO I S ou th. M o c k s ville ssas d riv in g her 1992 C h e v n d e t ve ­ hicle south on 601 behind a 1996 N is s a n c a r d riv e n b y M e lis s a M c D a n ie l D o bb in s o f I LS S pa u gh La n e . M o c k s ville . Spaugh w as s lo p ­ p in g her veh icle due to a school bus in the northb o un d lane altein p lin g to u n lo a d p a s s e n g e rs a n d M icka lo svski failed to slo w in tim e before her vehicle rear-ended D o b ­ bins. T ro o p e r A .T . K e lle r re p o n e il the accident occurre d al a p p ro x im a te ly .^ ;I5 p .m . W re c k O n I'd rk H ix h y U o a d N o charges svere filed afler a D a vie svom an w recked the veh icle she svas d riv in g Sept. 21. D e b o r a h K im b e r ly M is e m h e iin e r o f I I I S p rin g h ill D riv e . M o c k s v ille svas d riv in g her 2001 F o rd veh icle north on Fo rk B ix b y R o ad svhen il ran o ff the right side o f the road. M is e m h e iin e r at­ tem pted to correct Ihe veh icle caus­ ing il lo cross lefl o f cenier. Il then ran o ff the rig h i side o fth e road and ove rturne d dosvn an em b an km e n i b e fore c o m in g to resi on ils lo p in a tie ld . T r o o p e r A . T . K e lle r reported the a ccid e n l o c cu rre d at a p p ro x im a te ly 4 :2 2 p .m . a nd M is e n h e im e r w as taken to F o rs y ih R e g io n a l H o sp ita l fo r ire a im e n l. W re c k In N o P a s s in g Z o n e .fl; A Y a d k in w o m a n w a s ch a rg ed ^ sviih im p ro p e r p assing v io la lio n a f­ ter the ve h icle she svas d riv in g liii a n other S ep t. 21. Susa n a H e rn a n d e z P aniague ot V a ilk in v ille svas d riv in g he r I9 S 9 B u ic k v e h icle north on U .S . 601 b e h ind a 2001 H o n d a v e h icle d riv e n b y J a n e u c W a r d A r n o ld o l B o o n v ille . A s A rn o ld svas a ttem p t­ in g lo m ake a le tl tu rn in to a p riva te d riv e P a n la gü e attem p led tu p a ss in a no p a ssin g zo n e a nd he r veh icle c o llid e d w ilh A r n o ld ’s. T ro o p e r A . T . K e lle r rep orle d ihe accident o c cu rre d at a p p ro x im a le ly .V I 5 p .m . a nd there w e re n o in ju ­ ries. D e e r H it In D a v ie C o u n ty T e n ic k a S m id i H a rris o f L e x ­ in g lo n w as d riv in g he r 19SI T o y o ta vc h ic le east on U .S . 64 aro un d S e p l. 22 svhen it struck a d e er that entered the roadsvay. Tro o p e r A . T . K e lle r re p orle d the a ccid e n l o c cu rre d al a p p ro x im a te ly 2 :4 5 p .m . and the d riv e r svas not in ju re d . Flowers forali Occasions S is te r ’ s II o f M o c k s v ilie (336)751-1782 M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e T h e fo llo s v in g in cid e n ts w e re reported to the M o c k s v ille P o lice D e p im m e n t. - R esidents o n G svyn Street re ­ ported S ep l. 16 that n e ig h b o rs ssere ca u sin g a disturbance. • A w ater fountain on to w n p ro p ­ e rty o lT H a rd is o n S lre e l svere d a m ­ aged, it w as reported Sept. 17. - A resident o f H o sp ita l S lre e l re p o rte d S e p t. 17 that n e ig h b o rs w e re ca u sin g a disturb an ce . - People m o ve d trinn a residence on C a rtn e r S lre e l and left th e ir d o g b e h in d , it w a s reporled S e p t. 16. - T ir e s lo a v e h ic lc o n H u n t Street w e re sliced w ith ii k n ife , it wa.s reported Sept. 18. - Gla.ss al W a lk e r’s L a u n d ry’ o n S a iito rd A ve n u e had l>een shot sv ith a pellet gu n . it w as reported Sept. 19. • The a ltem p ted b re a kin g and e n le rin g o f F':isi T ra c k . Y a d k in v iiie R o a d , svas reporteil Sept. 2}. A rre s ts • D a rre ll D svigh l B a ke r. 4 6 , of 972 1 lardison St., w as charged .Sepl. 16 svith D W l and d riv in g w h ile li­ cense re vok e il. T r ia l dale: O ct. IS . - Fre d B rya n P ra ll, 17, o f .307 O a k la n d A v e .. svas charged Sept. 22 svith d riv in g sviihout a license, p ro ­ v isio n a l D W I . resisting a p u b lic o f­ fice r an d u n de rage possession o f a lco h o l. T r ia l date: O c t. IS . • Ste ve n C h h b to p h e r K n ig h t, 25, o f Y a d k in v iiie , was charged Sept. 19 svith 9 co un is o f o b ta in in g p ro pe rly by lalse pretense, } Ci>unls svorth- less check. 4 counts m isd e m e a no r juo b a tion s iolatioii. 4 counts out o f counts probation v io la lio n , d riv in g svhile license revoked, d riv in g sviih­ out insuiaiice and svith la ilu re to appear in c«*uil. Trial d;ite: O c t. 17. - G a ry Le e H a rd in g . 4 6 . w as charged .Sept. 22 w iih tilin g a talse police repiH l. hit and lu n . d riv in g svhile license re voke d, ob structin g and d e la yin g an o ttice i. and a idin g and al>elting a hit and run. Tria l date; O c t. 10. I'ra n ic A cc id e n ts - N o charges ssere lile d after a svreck on S outh M a in Slreel at .^ 5 0 p .m . Sepl. 20. R honda G a il D o bb in s, M , o f 112 S p ,iu g h L a n e , d ro ve a 1996 D o d g e from a p riva te p a rk in g area into ihe path o f a I9 9 f) C h e v ro le t b e in g d riv e n b y Jam es B ru ce M a rtin Jr., 5 0 . o f S a lisb u rv . reported O ffic e r F :.M . Parker. - B o th d rive rs svere cited after a w rc c k o n B e llic i C h u rc h K o a d at 6 :5 4 a .m . Sept. 2.L Ja v ie r V is u so C a rb a ja l, .3.3, o f 714 N o rlh rid g e C o u rt, failed lostop Ihe 1990 F'i>rd he svas d riv in g be­ fore il struck in the rear a 19S9 Fo rd d riv e n b yB ra n d o n O e o lfre y O liv e r. 2 0 . o f 2 2 6 R a lp h R o a d , reported O ffic e r J .D . Fin n e y . C a rb a ja l svas ciied fo r d riv in g sviihout a license and ta ilin g lo reduce speed. O liv e r svas cited fo r d riv in g sviihout a li­ cense. by DEBORAH $20.00 S essio n Fee donated to the Forsyth Humane Society One Weekend Only ' October 4m, 5m & 6 th By Appointment only 7 66 -5045 A m e r ic a n L e g io n P o s t 5 5 111 Mllltr SI, (ntxt lo Ih» Human« Sotlmlyl Dtborah J. H*ndri* Cam«fa A/lii) - Clcmmoni, NC www.porlrailsbydoborah.com DAVIK COUNTY KN I'KRPUISK UKCORI), Sept. 26, 2002 - 7 Mocksville To Hold Hearings On Rezoning, Closing Of Clement St. N .C . H ig h w a y P a tr o l tr o o p e r s in v e s t ig a t e a fa ta l a c c id e n t o n U .S . 6 4 E a s t M o n d a y m o r n in g . - Photo by Robin Fergusson Mocksville Man Dies In Monday Wreck A car crash on U .S . (i4 claim cd llic lite ol a Davie man lliis past M oiulay. Cruz Bcnilc/. Alonso. 22. o f 1.12 Sloncy l.anc. M o cksvillc was ira vclin j; soulli on Jolin on S cp l. 23. re po rle d N .C . lliu liw u y Patrol Trooper A .A . Jusiice. As A lo n so 's ly y .l Honda vehicle approached ihe slop sign at John C roils and U.S. 64 entered U.S. 64 it was slruck by a l ‘)y 6rvciglitlin e rlh a t was Ira v e lin j; w est, Ju siice re ­ ported. A lte r impact Alonso's ve­ hicle carne lo resi on the letl I3avie H ospital where he was pronovniceil ilead. The F rciijh tlin cr was ira v­ e lin j: under Ihe posted speeil o f .‘i.'i m ph and no charges were lile d . Justice said. C rolls Koad around 6:4.S a.m. he fa ile il lo slop. As his car shoulder. Me was transported lo Cooleemee Board, RiverPark Team At Odds Over Access, Check Writing Ity K lin .lusten DavieCininly linleiprise Kccord Memhcrs оГ Ihc Cooleemee Historical Associalion (C IIA ). K iv c rl’ark lask I'orcc and Ihe R iverP ark Ira n s itio n team packed low n h all I'or Ihe Seplcmlier town hoard meeting. The lioard asked the tra n sitio n leam to m ake a presentation on the progress of the project, and to address issues tlial look place over llie last year. Since the lieginning o f the project the town board has had issues w ilh volunteers, paying b ills and m ost re cen tly, vo lu n lee rs d rin k in g on the prop e rly. A llh o u g ti ihe Historical Associalion runs tlie K iv e rl’ ark p ro je ct al Ihe nionienl. Ihe low n ow ns Itie land. Wlien Ihe projecl began, itic lown enlered into an agreement w ith llie historical association and I’iloi View. Inc. the company lhal w ill run Ihe park for the associalion. The projecl slarleil w hen C H A contacted recreational resources al NCSU in tlie fall o f lyy.S. Conceptual plans were presented lo C l lA in M ay 1ЧУ9. "T lia rs when the board decided Ih is had polenlial." said Lynn Rumley. a represenlalive o f C H A. Rumley stressed repeatedly Ihrough Ihe m eeting lhal the R iverP ark lask force was a com m ittee o f C H A . Once Ihe nioney was raised for phase one o flhe projecl. the lask force was d isso lve d and the sm a ll transition group was formed to handle mailers until Ihe board o f trust could take over, once the park is open. "Some oflhe problems we've had are due lo lack o f trust o f the C M A. The hardest relationship in lliis projecl has been helwcen the C H A and Ihe Town o f Cooleemee, and Ihat shouldn't be.” "Last year svc tluniglil we had worked mil an excelleni program for access. Evidently on the part o f Ihe lown. Ihere were some problem s and questions llia t came up and Ihe process I B u llh o le v o lu n te e rsl was stopped. Lately, w e've had a problem for culling a check. Il look Iwo days lo get a simple check cut. We have a procedure and agreemenl for how lhal is going lo happen. This is when w e're going lo be w riling llie checks," She went on lo say that Ihe finance issue was im portant because o f the .S.M)().I){)() grant the project received, "W e don'l w anl lo mess up this gram , because il w ill delennine how we ill) on other grants." Kuniley staled she was Ihere rei|uesiing cooperation, and lo deal w ilh the lack o f trust issues. In addilion, she slated lhal C IIA was to acl as the liaison between Pilot View and the town. Town board member Michael Barron was Ihe first lo address K uniley's issues. "1 don'l Ih in k anyone is going lo question Ihe amounl o f w ork lhat's gone inlo the R ive rP a rk p ro je ct. M y properly borders it. It's part o f the reason I moved inlo lown. "'rtic checks were legitimate concerns, Ihere were w rong signaUires on the cheeks, and the low n wanted lo make sure Ihey weiit Ihrough appropriately. Hul Ihe lo w n , since w e 've been labeled as Ihe bigger thorn in your side, has a responsibility lo tlie people w ho live here, "O ur concern is not the park, it's who is accouiilahle for whal al whal point in lime. We're nol debating C H A umbrella al all. There was Ihe task force, and obviously a miscom munication lhal il was supposed lo roll over lo the trust. The core o f the whole m ailer is, we have a body o f properly 70 acres, ihal is a lia b ilily lo access tiecause ofthe road, bul who is accountable and who is responsible for what goes on there?" Barron wenl on to stress the most receni issue, which was a brush cleanup. The evenl was supposed to be a four-day clean up e ffo rl, c u lm in a tin g in a b o n fire , B ul w hen B arron walked back lo cheek on ihings, lhal wasn't whal he lound. " Il was four individuals w ilh beer in a cam pfire ring. I Ihink llia t is even m ore basis fo r concern." . Kuniley disagreed. "W e asked volunteers to go down and clean up for heritage day.They worked forlhreedays w iihoul pay." She went on to say Ihey had notified Ihe low n and the fire chief o f Iheir intentions. "One per.son may have been drinking a beer," she finished. "There were Iwo. 1 was there. And there's no way three days worth o f work was done down th e re ." Barron was c le a rly fruslraleil when he replied. l-ran Parker discussed the volunteer perm its llia l were given oul last year. "W lie n the perm its w ere given, we weren't happy w ith thal. Eiglily-.soiiie permits were given lo volunteers. Police C hief Woolen had some trouble w iili some o f the volunleers, so he look Ihe perm its away. They came back and got perm its again, probably the same day. We weren't happy w iih lhal. Il w asn't even safe to go over there. "Then w ith whal happened Salurday night, it's sort o f the same Ih in g , T tiis was our underslanding. "W e ’ re going lo have a hontire lo clean up Itie brusli. Hut it was four people drinking beer, Thai's a trust issue. We don'l wanl il lo go on record lo say llial it's okay for lhal lo go on over there," "Nobody foresaw au access issue," K u n ile y re plied , "Fislierm eii have gone ihere for centuries. We came up w ilh a plan for volunteers, not just fishermen, bul people who care ahoul Ihe Bullhole. We had no idea 116 people would sign up. One man had his pennil taken away, and was reinstated w iih Woolen's blessing. I don'l know what happened Ihe ne.xt week. W lial didn't happen was calling a meeling |belween C IIA and the b oardl to discuss the problem." Aubrey Wensil brought up his own issues, beginning w ilh a i|ueslion as lo whellier M ayor ProTeni John Chandler was lold by the association lo leave Iheni alone, and nol call Ihe police. Rumley denied the charge. " I th in k the concern has started com ing up since last sum m er when ihere was supposed to be an organized group going ilow ii there. If it's going to he in C ooleem ee's name, I wanl lo know w'hal's happening. I d o n ’ l mean lo ihrow a wrench in your cog, bul Ihere are some concerns I have." Wensil wants to see the board o f trust pul in lo e ffe ct im mediately, instead o f being thrown in when Ihe park opens. "I don't wanl Iwo orthree people calling Ihe shols. Yon say you're Nominees Sought For FSA Committee Fanners ean nominate their I'arni neighbors as candidates in Ihe rS A commiltee eleclion. Deadline is Monday, Ocl. 2S. Nominees w ill come from L A A .“i, soulh o f 1-40. FSA co un ly co m m ille e s make decisions on com m odity price support loans and pay- nienls; eslablishm ent o f a llo t­ ments, yield and marketing quo­ tas; farmer loans; conservation programs: incentive, indemnity and disaster payments for some com modities, and other fann d i­ saster a.ssistance, Fann owners, operators, ten­ ants and sharecroppers can vote if Ihey are eligible to take pan in any FSA program. If you are eligible to vole, you are eligible to run for County FSA C om niil- lee .seal. Appliealins fr nom inalions are accepted at Ihe USDA Farm Service Agency, «00-.‘i24-3.1Ky or 248-2687, M ocksville lown board mem­ bers w ill conduct tw o public hearings when ihcy meel Tues- d:iy, Ocl. 1 al lown hall al 7 p.m. One w ill be a controversial rezoning request to luineM, and then change 2,‘i acres o ff Allen Koad from residential-agricul­ tural in county zoning lo cam­ pus business in lown zoning, Tbe issue has been discussed twice hy Ihe tow n's planning hoard, which rcconinienileil the rezoning on a 3-2 vole. Also on Tuesday, the board w ill hear comments on a request by M ocksville Firsl Prcsbylcrian Church lo closc a p orlion of C lem ent S lre e l behind Ihe church from U.S. 64 (Le.xinglon Koad). 'The church is building a new handicapped access entrance and wants one lane o f the road closed. Il w ould be made one way from U.S. 64 into lown un­ lil il passes the new entrance. 'The extra room, which would be protected with a sidewalk and cu rb, w o u ld also a llo w the church to unload and load,chil­ dren for an after school program. the liaison, hul we ilo n 'i hear any reports. That's anolher trust issue." Wensil also said he w;is being ;ipproacheil by people wanting lo know whal was going on. 'The people who talked lo him were concerned that only tw o or three people were m aking decisions now. "W e ’ ve been concerned about other problems w e’ve had in low n. and Ihen we hear aboul Ihis Ibeer and cleanup issue|. W e're skeptical aboul C IIA . That's the reason w e're wanting to be a lillle closer lo il." Kuniley brought the issue o f the ctieck back to the t'orefrom. "T h e check was re qu e sleil Ihrough the procedures to be drawn on ihe Cooleemee bank a ccou n t. There w a sn 't any confusion aboul name on Ihe check. T h is d o cu m e n ta tio n g ive n fro m P ilo t V ie w in subslanlialion. was identical lo all the olher requests." Parker disagreed. "W e d id n 'l even know il |;icccss land I was being n e g o lia le d ;igain, u n til Ihis earnest money came up. The Iasi Ihing I had heard about lhal w as al a lask force meeting, and we didn't need il." "A c q u irin g R og e r's (Spillm an) land was pan o f Ihe plan. If Ihere was a question, all the town clerk or l uuuiee officer had lo do was call and ask me whal was going o n," Rum ley responded. A l lhal point. Chandler asked D o lly U rd a n ic k , Ihe to w n finance officer, lo address the issue w ilh Ihe check. The o rig in a l request was made through a phone call, and Ihe lown board didn'l know whal was going on, she .said. "I cannot go by a phone call, I need w rillen aulhori/alion. I would never w rile a check for so m eth in g I d id n 'l have a hardcopy recoril for. I work for the lo w n . I f m em ory serves, S p illm a n rejected the o ffe r anyway." "W e 'll try lo be better in com m unicalions in the future. I Ih in k i f we keep in cornniunicalion everyihing w ill he fine." " I f I don'l hear aboul what's going on. I'm nol going lo vote for il one way or the other," W ensil lo ld her. W ensil is a member o f Ihe board o f trust that w ill lake over some lim e next year. B a rro n suggesled the transition team appear at the m onthly board meetings w ith an update, even if n o lh in g happened, Ken Sales, a member o f the leam, suggesled adding a lo w n board m em her lo Ihe transition team to keep the hoard updated. Wensil agreed il would be a good idea. S cho ol B o a rd B rie fs October Meetin}> Scheduled T h e .sc h o o l b oat'd h a s s c h c iliile c i th e O c t o b e r m e e tin g lo r O cl. 7 at 7 p .m . at C en tra l D a v ie E d u c a tio n C e n ie r , T h e b o a r d w ill a l.so m e e l w ilh a d v is o r y c o u n c ils fto m e a c h s c h o o l ih r o u y h o u t .S e p te m b e r a n d O cto b er . Schools Grow Over Last Year W ith 1 0 8 n e w siu d e n ls in .sc h o o l a s o f th e lO lh d a y o f s c h o o l, M a rty C a r ter s a id . " T h a t's g r o w th o f a n e w .sch o o l e v e r y Ibur lo fiv e y e a r s." T h e k in d e r g a tle n c la s s e s g r o w b y 2 3 slu d e n ts o v e r la st y ea r. School Board Fall Retreat Scheduled T lie b o a r d 's o n e -d a y fa ll r eire a t is s c lie d ttle d fo r N o v . I a l B e n m id a V illa g e , B o a r d m e n ib e r s w e r e a sk e d lo su b m it to p ic s o f in te r e st. O n e id e a w a s a r e v ie w o f th e -SAT s c o r e s a n d w h a t c a n b e d o n e to im p r o v e tlie v e rb a l sc o r e s . School Board Assoc. Award Nominees A s th e a s s o c ia lio n d o e s n o t t y p i c a ll y r e p e a l w in n e r s in c o n s e c u tiv e y e a r s , th e b o a r d o p te d n o t lo n o m in a t e th e c o u n t y c o m m i s s i o n e r s , w h o w 'o n r e c o g n itio n fro m th e a s s o c ia lio n la st y ea r. T h e y d id n o m in a te s c h o o l b o a rd m e m lie r M a r le n e S h a m e l fo r th e R a le ig h D in g m a n A w a r d . T h e first fo u r b o a r d m e n ib e r s to s ig n u p fo r th e a n n u a l m e e t in g w ill b e lis te d a s v o tin g d e le g a te s , '¡'h e b o a r d al.so n o m in a te d D e b b ie P u lle n fo r a p o s s ib le v a c a n c y o n th e N C S B A b o a rd . Character Education Continues T h e c lia r a c le r e d u c a tio n p r o g r a m th a t w a s s la tte d last y e a r w ill c o iilin u e Ih is y e a r w ilh o n e m a jo r c h a n g e , L a si y e a r , r e c o g iiilio n w a s g iv e n lo s lu d e n ts IV om o n e s c h o o l al e a c h m e e lin g , w h ic h m e a n i th e fiis t s c h o o l h a d lo b e g in c h o o s in g s tu d e n ts th e s e c o n d w e e k o f sc h o o l, 'ritis y ea r, ih ere w ill b e a b a n i|u e l o r r e c o g n itio n c e r e m o n y fo r th e e n tire s y s ie m h e ld d u r in g th e s e c o n d se m e sie r . NC Competency Test Results D a v ie S c h o o ls r e a d in g a n d m a th e m a iic s e n d o f y e a r c o n ip q ie n c y le s t s c o r e s w e r e h ig h e r th a n th e sta te a v e r a g e ib r th e y e a r b e ib r e (m o s i r e c e n t s ta le resu ll.s). S c o r e s w e n l u p in e a c h g r a d e , b e g in n in g w iih 8 0 .4 % in e ig h tl) g r a d e a n d in c r e a sin g lo 9 8 .1 % in tw e litli g r a d e . T h e sta te a v e r a g e s w e r e 7 6 .1 % to 9 4 .1 7o. D a v ie a ls o ra n k s in th e 9 0 s o n llie c o m p u te r s k ills le s t, fro m 9 2 % at e ig h th g r a d e to 9 6 % in th e 1 2 lh g r a d e . Family Life Policy Under Review T lie b o a rd is r e v ie w in g a c h a n g e lo llie la m ily life e d u c a iio n p o lic y lh a l w o u ld h a v e tlie p r o g r a m b e g in in fo u rth g r a d e in ste a d o f i il'lii, T iie a d d itio n w o u ld b e a o n e c la s s p e r io d s e s s io n ib r g ir ls d is c u s s in g c h a n g e s d u r in g p u b e rty in c lu d in g m e n str u a tio n . T h e c h a n g e h a s b e e n s u g g e s le d b eca u .se g ir ls m a tu r e e a r lie r th a n b o y s . In m o st ca .ses tiie la m ily iiie p r o g r a m is a n o p l- o u t p r o g r a m , w iie r e p a r e n ls c a n c h o o s e ib r ih e ir c h ild n o t to a tte n d , in tliis c a s e , th e s u g g e s t io n w a s m a d e that 111|к p ro g r a m s h o u ld b e a n o p l-in p r o g r a m . High Sclwol Shuttle A Success O n a v e r a g e , 16 stu d e n ts ta k e th e H ills d a le s h u ttle lo a n d fr o m s c h o o l e a c h d a y . B o a r d m e m b e r D e b b ie P u lle n m e n tio n e d th e c h a n c e th a t th e stu d e n t c u t o f f Ib r th e p r o g r a m m ig h t b e in c r e a s e d to .'i.'i stu d e n ts b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y stu d e n t ta k e s ih e sh u ttle e v e r y d a y (d u e lo a b s e n c e s , m is s in g th e b u s , e l c ,) S e v e r a l stu d e n ts h a v e a ls o sig n e d u p lo u s e th e sh u ttle in th e sp r in g . New York City Trip Approved T h e s c h o o l b o a rd a p p r o v e d th e v o c a l e n s e m b le ’s req u est to a tten d a c h o r a l fe stiv a l in N e w Y o rk in A p r il. P a re n ls a n d s iu d e n ls w e r e r e q u ir e d to s ig n a w a iv e r w h ic h g iv e s th e s c h o o l b o a r d lo th e r ig h t to c a n c e l th e trip if ir a v e l b e c o m e s to o risk y . Two Mo)-e Buses On The Way T h e b o a r d a p p r o v e d a .$ 1 2 3 ,5 4 4 in c r e a s e to p u r c h a s e tw o a d d itio n a l s c h o o l b u s e s . T h e p u rch a .se o f a th ird b u s w a s a lr e a d y in th e b u d g e t. « - DAVIK COUNTY KNTERPRISK RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 Motorcyclists For A Cause A total of 52 riders and a dog on 38 motorcycles took part in the annual Ride for Animals Saturday sponsored by the Davie County Humane Society. Proceeds will go toward a new animal shelter. Kenny Hamm led the 72-mile ride throughout Davie County, which culminated with bluegrass music and an auction at the Masonic Picnic Grounds. Mocksville police, Davie County Sheriff's Department and Cooleemee police provided escort, and the Jerusalem Volunteer Fire Department provided space for a rest stop. Many businesses and individuals helped to make the event a success, said ride coordinators Tony and Linda Hartle. - Photo by Robin Fergusson County Briefs Kermit Smith Honored James Kennit Sm ith’s w ife ami son were present for the reailiiig o f a resoUilion honoring his years o f serv ice as regisler o f ileeils. .Smilh served as register of deeds for }2 years, unlil his retirem.:m in l‘)SS. He ilieil earlier this vear. N.C. Buildini' Inspector O f The Year The board approved a resolution honoring W illiam Whaley for being named the 2(H)2 N ortli Carolina iln ild in g Inspector of the Year. W haley has been the Davie County citief building inspector for the past eight years. Board Siipport.s Biotechnoloiiy Office The board unanimously approveil a resolution supporting the creation o f a bim echiiology center satellite office in the Piedmont Triad. Local biotech firm s use the main cenler in Research Triangle Park. West Nile Virus Update Harry Hass. Davie Coumy Health Direclor. gave an update on Wesl N ile Vims in Davie Counly. Three birds have Iven tested and all have been negative. Л founh bird was sent lo the lab on Ihe .Sept. 16. Once a bird tests posilive. only human samples w ill be tested because the virus tias been fomul in llie counly. Pcople are advised lo wear long sleeves and pants w hen ouLside. and use insect reiK-llent containing D lili T. Intams under (iinoiilhs and adults over .'id years o f age are al the highest risk o f conlractiiig Ihe disease. In mosl cases the virus is m ild w ith symptoms lasting } b days. Consent Agenda Approved The follow ing items w ere approved in the consent agenda: a S').(XH) decrease in stale TAN !■ funils for the domestic violence program b.’cause Ihe state budget iloes not include the anticipated funds; an increase o f S4.0(KI to the domestic violence program from the Nine West settlement; Library eijuipmeitl deletions of a fax machine and a m icrofiche. bi>\h o f which arc broken and non-repairable; and the tax repons, releases and refunds for .•\ugust. А ф 1{< Advisory Council Appointment Frances Heck was reappointed for a three-year tenn on the Region I Aging Advisory Council. Board OKs Infrastruciitre Grant I-ollow ing a public hearing in which no audience member spoke in favor or againsi Ihe projeci, the board voted for the seconil time lo approve participation in a grant program in w hich Ihe counly is eligible for S?.*!.!)!)!) in funds for hook-ups lo e.xisting water and sewer lines. The program is,open to low and moderaie-income households. Once Ihe funding is available, notices w ill be posleil for applicants. Duke Power HELP Grant Approve^! Earlier Ihis year Davie County learned lhat is had received Sl()().(HH)in grant funds from the Duke Power H llL P gram. Now available. Ihe fund monies were form ally accepted by the boaril. On it’s invn. Ihe grant would completely rehab seven houses. When combined w iih a CDHCi scattered site grant, the county w ill be able to im prove al least ten homes. The boaril also approveil the procurement policy, program assistance policy and projeci budget ordinance fyrtlie HI-LPgram. The board approved a service contract w iih Benchmark lo administer the program al a cosl o f no more lhat .$Х,ЧУХ. to be paid from Ihe grant. Health Insiirance Costs Goini> Up I-o llo w in g review of new insurance figures, the board approved Blue Cross as the heallh insurance coverage for ne.xl year, w ith the counly paying an additional S.S.S o f the coverage cost for ilependent coverage. The counly already pays all o f the employee’s coverage costs. Dwi^^ins Metal Makes Offer On Driveway M ichael D w iggins has offered the counly S I,ООО for a I4.xl.‘'0 -fo ol strip o f land on W ilksboro .Street. The properly is Ihc driveway for D wiggins Metal Ma.sters. The board approved .starting the proceedings for the sale. The county w ill have lo advertise for upset bids. Cooleemee Plans Annual Clean Up Days C O O L IlliM H I-; - M onday. O cl. 21 and riiesday. O cl. 22 anil Wednesday. O cl. 2.1 have been ilesignaleil as “ Clean Up Days In C ooleem ee." Chcck llic follow ing pickup schedule for specific streets; • M onday. O cl. 21. A llen. C ila dsto ne . Ila lifa .x Lane. H ic k o ry . M a rg in a l. N ee ly. Rocky H ill I'la il. R uffin and W esiview; • Tuesday. Ocl. 22. Center, (itliv e . I lo ll. N.C. SOI, Joyner. M idw a y. Rainars C ourl anil Watt; and • W ednesday, O cl. 2.1. Church. Cross. D avic. D iikc. T jw in , Junclion Koad, M ain. Riverside and Yadkin. Ilem s lo be picked up must be placed curbside and w ill be picked up only on the strecl's designated day. Residents can pul items oul several days prior lo the strecl’s pick npilay. If iiol Ihere on llie designated day. the tinvn w ill nol relum to pick up an item . This is fo r to w n o f Cooleemee residents only. D i­ rect questions to low n hall. 2S4-2I41 prior lo the pickup days. Clean Up Day notices w ilh details have been posted al vari­ ous Cooleemee businesses and on Ihe iow n bulletin board out­ side the Cooleemee Posl O f­ fice. Judge To Hear CHA Motion .Superior C ourt judge in (iu ilfo rd Counly is schedided lo hear argunienis during the week o f Ocl. 7 on a m otion for sum­ mary judgment nied by allorney Donald Sayers o f Salisbury on Ivh a lf ofthe Cooleemeo 1 lislori- cal .Association. If accepled. the aclion filed lasi week in (¡u ilfo rd C ounly could bring an end lo a lawsuil lakcn againsi the local hislorical group by Soulh Yadkin Power, a (ireensboro-based hydroelec­ tric lin n . The suii claims the his- McCarthy Joins First South Leasing erninents w hich hurt the power land in Davic and Kowan coun­ ties. The park is scheduled lo open nexl June. .■\fler lhal l ‘)97 drawdown, park siipponers realized lhal Ihc power company had a license which allows it to diverl ')7 per­ ccnt o f the river's flow from ■"The B u llhole" u nlil Ihc year 2().1.‘i. Rumley said. 'The Cooleemee H istorical .Association has led ellorts to build the park as w ell as to have this decisiiHi re\erscil ihrough petilions to the Federal Fnergy Regulatory Commission. The historical associalion's legal m otion, filed .Sept. .“i. con­ tends "there is no genuine issue as to any material fact" and that "defendants’ actions complained of by p la in tilf are protected by the First Amendinent liig hts to p ciilio n Iheir goverm nent for action and encourage olher resi­ dents to likewise petition Iheir uovenim cnl. and Iherefore. sum- m ary ju d g m e n l should be granled in defendanis’ favor." "O ur work is preserving the heritage o f Cooleemee and the Southern cotton m ill people." K um ley said. “ M any o f our members are on Social Security. This suit has w orrieil them and < j been a great iiardship on our or- gaiii/alion. “ We are determined lo see Ihis m ailer Ihrough u ntil our right lo petition is won in courl." company’s business. "These type o f legal actions are known in legal circles as stra­ tegic lawsuits against public par­ ticip a tio n ." said Jim Kum ley. Cl IA president. “ Their aim is lo put people to great legal expense lo defend themselves for exer­ c isin g th e ir C o n s titu tio n a l rights." 'The argumcms between the two groups came lo a head in |y ‘)7. w hen Ihe power company diverled water from the main channel to run turbines - virtu­ ally drying up ihe area below the South Y adkin R ive r dam in Cooleemee. 'Thai area, known as The Bullhole. was lo be a focal pan o f a park. The co m m u n ity e ffo rl to e sibalished K ive rP a rk at Cooleemee Falls - The Bullhole. has raised SI. I m illion and pur­ chased more than 7(1 acres of OW V ii MocKsvioE Produce & Discount Grocery '¡36 Salisbury street 753-0960 Open 9ani-7pm Mon,-SBt„ Closed Sunday ■ Fresh Produce Year Roma ' Discount Groceries W illia m !•:. M cC arlhy has been named e xecu tive vice president of First Soulh Leasing. a d iv is io n o f F irst South liank. 1 le w ill work as a business de­ velopm ent o f- A l icer with the re- sp on sib ility o f ^ ^ ^ _ ^ J ^ J t h e com pany's McCarlhy ■‘•'“"'"y ties in central and western North Carolina and Southwest Virginia. M cCarlhy brings more than 20 years o f leasing and banking experience. .A graduale o f Vir- i:inia M ilila rv Inslilue. he mosl recently w as a new business de­ ve lo p m e n i o ffic e r fo r the Wachovia Leasing Corp. M c C a rlh y is a n a tive o f Lynchburg. V'a. and resides in .Advance w ilh his wife. Anne, a native o f Cooleemee. and ihcir son. A u s tin . They attend Bethlehem U niled M ethodist Church. Public Hearing Monday On Naming Gym A fter Vestal Potts A public input meeting w ill be held on Monday. Sepl. 30 al 7 p.m. lo hear a requesi lo name Shady Grove Gymnasium in honor o f Vestal Potts. 'The hearing is scheduled to take place al Cenlral Davie Filuca- lion Center. - ''"KkJs Fork KaptLst Church After School Care Program 3-6 p.in, 336-998-8306 .•^i io i;s I Iwy 6-1. .Mock.svilli.' S100 per m oiilli C .oriK ilzcf F’lcinL'nt;iiy In is iiii; zon e. N E W L O C A T I O N ! 524A US Highway 158 'Advance (2 doors from Dairy Queen) -998-9310- New Accessory Show Room 1998 Club Car, Gas- ‘2195 Sales, Service, Parts & Accessories B B Q C i i i c l c e n Fork Fire Department S a tu r d a y • O c to b e r 5 , 2 0 0 2 1 2 N o o n t i l S o ld O u t MENU; 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Slaw, Roll, Dessert Eat In or Take Out ^ 6 . 0 0 per Plate Sí t í DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Sept. 26,2002 - 9 QualityChecked C e r t i f i e d P r e - o w n e d ‘98 Explorer Sport 4x4 в2Т56\9А Dlack.V6.aulo.LTH, CD 38,663 mi. CERTIFIED WasSl4.995 Reduced to $12,977 '00 M ustang GT #2CW8A &Nef. V8,5 Spd, рлг grp. log iamps, CD 33,945 m«. Was SIS,995 Reduced lo $17,433 ‘01 Escape XLS 4x2 •PI482 Red, V6, auto, AC 29,445 ml. CERTIFIED Was SI8,995 Reduced to $ 1 7 j 9 2 2 ‘99 Explorer XLT 4x4 #2DT9905A Blue, V6. auto. teaUier, CD 63,486 mi. WasSl7,995 Reduced lo $14,849 ‘01 F350 Lariat 4x4 Dually »2DTI935A1 White, 7 3 D V8, auto, leatiier 26,055 mi. CERTIFIED Was $35.995 F150 Harley Davidson Edit. #1DT529IB Black, 5 4 V8, auto, 4*2. lealher 13,990 mi. CERTIFIED WasS32.995 Reduced to $33|894 Reduced to $27^995 ‘02 M ustang Convertible IP1492 Whito,V6, auto, teather 12.622 mi. CERTIFIED WasS21.995 Reduced to $19,995 ‘01 Focus SE IP 1488 Gokl, 4 auto. tilt. cruiSG 13,308 mi. CERTIFIED \VasSl3.995 Reduced to $ 1 0 ^ 9 6 1 W i Focus LX I1DT4503B Blue. 4 cyl. 5 spd. CO 10,935 mi. CERTIFIED WasSlO,995 ‘00 Focus LX #PJ449 Red. 4 cyl. auto 22,374 mi CERTIFIED WasS12.995 Reduced to $8,877 Reduced to $9,988 ‘01 Focus SE »PI466 Green. 4 cyl, auto 27,585 mi, CERTIFIED WasSl3.995 Reduced to $11 j933 '97 Contour GL #2C9773A Gold. V6. auto, cruise, power locks 87,363 mi Was S6,995 Reduced lo $4,944 ‘98 VW Jetta TDI »гтвоюАWhite, 4 cyl. 5 spd, d esel. cruise 77.387 mi. WasS9.995 . Reduced to $8,732 ‘99 Escort ZX2 «PI4C2RusI color. 4 cyl, 5 spd, rrwonroof. AC 25,380 mi. CERTIFIED Was 59,995 Reduced to $7,966 ‘97 Escort Wagon »2C50J6A Gold. 4 cyl, auto, AC 100.728 mi. Was $4,995 Reduced to $2j877 Ю1 Taurus SES #P1487 White. V6, auto, all power 16.019 mi. CERTIFIED WasSl5.995 <01 Taurus SES #Р14в5Gold, V6, auto, all power 25.866 mi CERTIFIED Was $14,995 Reduced to $12|925 Reduced to $12j437 *00 Taurus »2T2033A Gold, V6, auto, cruiso, power, AC 55.410 mi, WasSl3,995 Reduced to $9,981 ‘01 Taurus SE <f2DT2224A Red. V6. auto, power 18,825 mi. CERTIFIED WasSl4.995 Reduced to $13y427 *01 Taurus SES #2C1835A Gold. V6. auto, CD, AC, all power 33,673 mi. CERTIFIED WasSl4.995 Reduced to $12| 183 *01 M ercury Grand M arquis LS IP1466 V/hite. VS. auto, all power, AC 24,422 mi.CERTIFIED Was $17,995 Reduced to $ 1 6 5 1 4 4 ‘95 M ercury CougarIP1465A Purple, V8, auto, AFC. AC, pwr, w<1 59,2t0mt WasS7.995 Reduced to $6|987 *97 Crown V ictoria LX ЙР1458 Green. 4.6 V8, auto, power. AC 80,484 mi. Was S9,995 Reduced lo $7 j966 ‘02 M ercury Grand Marquis LS IP1499Green. V8. auto. AC. cruise, power 26,567 mi.CERTIFIED Was $19,995 Reduced to $18,287 ‘99 F150XLT «PI490Red. 4 2 V6, aulo, 4x2. xcab, ролег 37.324 mi. CERTIFIED Was $16.995 ‘99 Taurus SE ДР1454А White, V6, auto, all power 67.263 mi. Was $11.995 Reduced to $14|977 Reduced to $7 j932 ‘00 Expedition 4x4 Eddie Bauer «Р1500 Green. V8. auto, lealher. CD 24,357 mi, CERTIFIED WasS28,995 Reduced to $27|488 *92 M ustang GT «Р1489В Green. V8.5 spd, power, CD 126,252 mi. Was $5,995 Reduced to $4|973 ‘99 Ranger XLT 4x4 #P1494 White. V6. auto. CD. AC 39.183 mi. CERTIFIED Was $14.995 Reduced to $13^779 *99 Ranger XLT 4x4 #P1493 Red. V6. aulo, CD. AC 31.309 mi. CfmrtFfEO WasS14,99S Reduced to $13j779 *00 F150 Lariat 4x4 Supercab #P1457 V/hile. 5.4 V8, dutu,35,811 rm, CERTIFfEO WasS2S,995 Reduced to $21 j974 *01 FISO XL I2T0499A Aqja, 4.2 V6.5 spd. 4x2 21.571 mi,CERTIFIED WasSl5.995 Reduced lo $ 1 39988 *97 F150XLT 4x4 #1DT6832A Red. V8. auto, all power 48.501 mi, WasSl4.995 Reduced to $13|675 *00 F150XL 4x4 IP1456 White, 4.6 V8, auto 34,780 mi. CERTIFIED WasSl9,995 Reduced to $15|983 *01 Dodge Dakota Sport Quadcab «'2T0766B Black. V8. auto. 4x2 25,633 гл1. Was $18,995 Reduced to $15|993 *99 GMC Safari SLT #2T652GA White, V6, auto. AC. all power 45,637 mi, Was $13,995 Reduced lo $12,647 B u y A m e r i c a n . . . B u y F o r d . . . “ B u y A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D ” FORD MERCURY J u s t o f f 1-40 E x it 1 7 0 , H w y . 6 0 1 • M o c k s v i l l e , N C (3 3 6 ) 751-2161 C heck us out at a a f o r d . e o m ■ Availablo only with Quality-Chacked Certilled pre-owned vehicles. On approved credit. Sea dealer lor details. 10 - DAVIK COUM Y ENTKRI’RISK RFXORI). Scpl. 26. 2002 Superior Court DAVIK COUNTY ENTEUFKISE-RECORI). Thursday, September 26,2002 - 11 The I'ollosvinu cases were di>- poscil of in ihc Scpl. 9 session ot Davic Superior Court. I’residing: Jiulge Kimherly Taylor, i’roseciil- inj:: Rob S. Taylor ami Terry .Meinecke. assistant DAs. - Nathan .Myers Herke. 2 coiinis ielony probation violalion. sen­ lenced lo intensive probalion. 7 days in jail, reside with uncle, un* ilerjio immediate druj: test and if failed, spend weekend in jail, nol possess illeual controlled sub­ stances. nol possess knife, gun or other weapons. 12 hours cotninu- nily service. S l.^0 attorney fee. iransferrcd lo Davidson Couniy. • Amy Helh Calabrese, two counls felony breakinji and enler- ini;, felony larceny, aid and abel lar­ ceny. sentenced to H-IO monlhs in prison suspendet! three years su|>er- vised proi>ation. six months inten­ sive prv)bntion, comply w ilh curfew, complele parenting classes, wrile leltcr of apology lo victims, noi go around \iclims or business, con­ tinue substance abuse ireatment. not possess illegal controlled sub­ stances. not Ixr where illegal con­ trolled substances are kepi, sold or used, nol K’ around anyone possess­ ing/using illegal coj\(rolled sub­ stances. including HiniJy Orrell. be employed full-time, pay restiiulioti lo viclims. S*)75 attorney fee. S.VH) and cost. - Harry Lynn Carroll, pri'bation violation, sentenced lo five years in prison. - Clifford Jerome Clement, pi’s* session with intent lo sell/deliver Old Glory Workers place an American flag on the county water tower on N.C. 801. The photograph was made on Sept. 11. ; ! ■i Cooleemee Briefs Revisum to Employee Policy Manual T h f 1ю:т1 approved a changc to Ihc employee pohcy m aiiiial. giving I'ull-iim c employees creilil I'or holiday hours. Bccausc iherc iircn'l enough employees lo pay comp lime. I'ran I’arker suggeslccl Ihe change, which removes comp time aiul would pay holiday hours instead. DOT Work Continues The board approved additional street repairs . The town has SIO.S.lXHjin I’ow cll B ill money.The money can only he speni on things like street and sidewalk repairs, and drainage ditches along roads. DO'V recently visited Cooleemee and reviewed the areas the board targeted as needing repairs, then gave cost estimates. The cosl to fix the area in front of the school is S5().(H)(). DO T is w illing to begin repairs this fall, but requcsled a priority list . The board agreed lo slick w ith the original lisl from this past spring. Wensil notiried the board o f two additional culverts on Duke Street lhat need repairs, asking lhat they be added lo the list o f road repairs. Repairs in front of the school are scheduled to begin during the Uecember holiday break, but the w ork svon’i be complete before the children are back in school, which w ill lead lo tralTie issues during lhat lime. Wensil Joins River Park Trust Board Fran Parker listed personal reasons when she resigned as a River I’ark Tnist board member. The board approved her motion lo have .-Xubrey Wensil lake her place. Garbage Contract Approved The board unanimously approved a .Vyear contract w ilh GDS Uavie for garbage removal. Lawn Mower Gone; Contract Awarded The board approved declaring a broken lawn mower as suфlus and giving il to Dean Mc.Sw ain, who had serviced the mower in the past at no cosl. Repairs lo the mower w ould be more than $6IX). I'he board also approved awariling the one-year lawn- m owing contract to A ll Seasons Lawn Care. M ow ing w ill be done as needed instead of on a set schedule. Fall Cleanup Scheduled The annual fall cleanup has been scheduled lo r Monday ihrough Wednesday. Oct. 21 -23. "I laving the cleanup durini; ihe week w ill allow people more lime to get things out. Chandler said. The lasl cleanup ended on a Salurday. al noon, because of landfill hours. The board approved Ihe dates and said thal [leople could Iwgin putting things oul over the weekend. Like this spring, pickup dales w ill be designated by street. N olicc w ill he put in Ihe newspaper and on Ihe bulletin board clo.ser tu cleanup. Nu tree limbs, garbage, yard waste, painl or lo.xins w ill be picked up. Wensil On Senior Services Council The Iwaril unanimously approved the appoinlmeni ofAuhrey Wensil to the Senior Services advisory council. Ordinance Public Hearing Scheduled The boartl lias rcschcHlulcd ihc public hearing on thc proposal public orilinaiiccs for Monday. Scpl. 30, 7 p.m. at lown hall. cocaine, senlenced lo S-IO nuinlhs in prison suspended two years pro­ balion. six monllis intensive proba­ tion. curfew. 12 hours communily service, nol possess illegal con­ lrolled substances, submit lo tesis and warrantless searches for illegal conlrolled subsiances. substance abuse assessment, obtain Gî-D. re­ turn vehicle lo rightful owner upon paymeni of storage fees. C('nirabami ordered destroyed. $10(1 lab fee. S227.50attorney fee. S2(K)arulcost; maintaining vehicle/d wel ling/place for controlled substance, ptissession of marijuana up to one-half <)unce. possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed [K*r plea. - lUi;m I’atrick Cody. 12 counts felony probation viohiiion. proba- tiiut revoked, sentenced lo S'lO monlhs in prison with credit for time sened. $160 altomey fee. - Shanika Shev<me Dallim. sell­ ing c(»CiWne. reduced to misde­ meanor possession of drug para­ phemalia. senlenced to 30 days in jail suspentled 12 months super­ vised probalion. substance abuse assessment/lreatmenl. not possess illegal conlrolled substances, sub­ mit to tests for Illegal conlrolled substances, nol be around or asso­ ciate with co-defemlanls unless nec- essar>’ for the care of children. SKHl and cost: maintaining vehicle/ dwelling/place for controlled sub­ stance. dismissed [K*r plea. - Bli/abelh Michelle Deese. felony larceny, sentenced lo 11-14 monlhs in prison, conlinue sub­ stance abuse ireatment. - Kandall Dwayne I'leming. as­ sault on a giivemmenl official/em­ ployee. injury lo [H-Tsonal property, remandetl to Dislrici Courl judg­ ment. - Grady Fulk. two counls mis- demeaiu'r probalion violalion out of county, senlenced lo 120 days in prison with credil for lime served. D AKT recommended. S l.^0 attor­ ney fee. - James lùiward Gibbs, obtain­ ing property by false pretense, re­ duccd lo misdemeanor aliempled larceny, seniencetl to ‘I.S days in jail suspended 12 months unsupervised probalion. 24 hours communily ser­ vice, not go on premises of Wal Mart unless wrillen permission. SKK) mulcost. - Cbarlei Hdward Graves. Jr.. DWl. remanded to District Courl judgmenl. • Dennis Dale Gray II. misde­ meanor probalion violation, contin­ ued on probalion. itilensive proba­ lion extended, one weekend in jail. - Jerr\ Wayne 1 lager. DW l. sen­ tenced lo six monlhs in prison sus­ pended 24 months, surrender driver’s licensc and nol operate njotor vehicle until properly li­ censed, except with privilege, com­ ply with substance abuse assess­ ment. 72 hours comniunity service, •S.MH) and cost: failure to yield for stop sign/flashing red lighl. dis­ missed per plea. - Yosef Amiel Handy, misde­ meanor prolialion violalion. proba­ tion revoked, sentenced lo L'iOtlays in prison with credil for lime served, ilrug treatment while in custody. $100 allorney fee. - Jeff Jacobs, felony probation violalion. probalion revoked, sen­ lenced to 10-12 months in prison with credit for lime served, sub­ stance abuse treatment. Sf)5 attor­ ney fee. ■ Charles Helton Kealon. felony possessiiui of cocaine, felony pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed per plea; possession wilh intent to sell/deliver cocaine, sen­ tenced to 9-11 monlhs in prison, substance abuse treatment, work release recommended. SIOO lab fee. S.123 allorney fee. - Curtis Lamont Lew is, posses­ sion with intent lo sell/deliver mari­ juana. ilismissed per plea; statutory rape/sex i)ffense. dismissed per plea: taking indecenl liberties-with a child, sentenceil lo IS-22 months in pristm: laking indecent liberties with a child, sentenced lo lH-22 monlhs in prison lo run at expira­ tion of other sentence, sex offender treatmenl. register as sex offemler upon release, submil lo DNA test­ ing. S6.S0 attorney fee. • Gary Lee Marcum. DWl. re­ manded to District Court judgment, .U» monlhs supervised probation, seven days in jail. S5(M) fine. - .Megan Mitchell Mick. DWj. exceeding safe speed, hit/run fail­ ure lo stop for properly damage, failure to report accident, driving after consuming alcohol under 21. remanded lo District Court judg­ ment. •Juan Miguel, common law rob- ber>-. dismissed due lo insufUcient evidence. - Hinny Ralph Orrell. U, three counts ielony breaking anil enter­ ing. Ihree counts felony larceny, senlenced lo S-IO months in jail wilh credil for time sened. pay res­ titution 10 viclim. substance abuse assessmeni and treatment. $200 at­ torney fee. - Derrick Ulandus Pelliford. felony probalion violalion. contin­ ued on intensive probalion. 72 hours in jail. - Anthony Renleria. felony breaking and entering, larceny ofa fireami. sentenced to 8-10 months in prison with credit for I ime serv ed. DART a’commended. pay $50 res­ titution to Ciar>’ Lapish. $19.S allor­ ney fee: driving lefl of center, hit/ am failure to slop for property dam­ age. disniissed per plea. - Joseph Dane Riddle, felony larceny ofa motor vehicle, reduced lo misdemeanor larceny, senlenced to 45 days in jail suspended one year. 48 hours community service, teslify truthfully against Albert Riddle. 5617.50 attorney fee. 5200 and cosl. - Lesley Delene Scotl. driving while license revoked, possession of drug paraphemalia. dismissed per plea: selling cocainc. sentenced to 13-16 momhs in prison suspended Ihree years probation, six months intensive probation. 72 hours com­ munity service, curfew, substance abuse assessmeni. nol possess ille­ gal conlrolled substances, submit to tests for illegal conlrolled sub­ stances, continue GED program, pay restitution. SKH) lab fee. S3‘)0 attorney fee, 5250 and co.st. - Kay Young Stevenson, bond motion on aliempled first degree murder, assault wilh a deadly weapon inllicting serious injury, bond reduced to $50.000 secured, if makes bond, nol possess knife, gun or olher weapon, have no con­ lacl with viclim. continue medica­ tion and counseling, not leave ju­ risdiction. - Danny Lee Tallmon. carr>ing concealed weapon, possession of Hreami by felon, larceny of chose in aclion. forgery of ettdorsentent. uttering forged endorsement, dis­ missed due to insutncienl evidence. - Joshua William Tucker, driv­ ing after consuming under21.open container after consuming, re­ manded lo District Court judgmenl. - Matthew Travis Walton, pos­ session of dmg paraphernalia, pos­ session of marijuana up lo one-half ounce, dismissed per plea; felony possession of cocaine. seiUenced lo six to eight monlhs in prison sus- |4'ndeti iwo years unsu|x;r\'ised pro­ bation. substance abuse iissessnKnt. not possess illegal controlled sub­ stances. submit lo lesls and warrant- less searches for illegal conlrolled substances and firearms, nol be where illegal controlled substances are kepi, sold or used, contraband ordered destroyed. $100 lab fee, 5450 allorney lee. $200 and cosl. - W'illiam Bennell W'arlick. lail­ ure lo yield al slop sign/tlashing red lighl, dismissed per plea; DWl. sen­ lenced lo two ycars in prison sus­ pended Ihree years supervised pro­ balion. 30 days in jail, substance abuse asscssmenl/trealment. not possess alcohol/controlled sub­ siances. submit lo lesls for alcohol/ controlled substances. $500 and cosl; felony Hecing to elude arrest with molor vehicle, reduced lo mis­ demeanor eluding arresi. .sentenced lo 120 days in prison lo nm al e.xpi- ration of other sentence, suspentled three years supervised probalion. five days in jail, write letler of apol­ ogy 10 ofllcer Ireland, have no olher conlacl with officer. $300 and cost. • Melinda Gordon Woolen, three counts felony forgery of endorse­ ment. reduced lo misdemeanor connnon law forgery, ihree counls felony uttering forged instrument, reduced lo common law uttering, sentenced lo 120 days in prison sus­ pended two years supervised pro­ balion. conlinue substance abuse treatment, not possess illegal con­ lrolled substances, submit lo tests for illegal controlled substances, not be where illegal conlrolled sub­ stances are kepi, sold or used. $260 restitution. $455 allorney fee. $200 and cost. - Nicholas Adrian Wright, fail­ ure lo regisler as se.\ offender, dis­ missed. - John Robert Younce. IK. mis­ demeanor probation violalion oul ol couniy. probation revoked, sen­ tenced to 120 days in prison wilh credil for lime served. $130 attor­ ney fee. - George !*redrick Ziegler, con)- mercial DWl. remanded to District Court judgment. Failed To .Appear - Chrisiopher 1. Alexander, felony probation violation out ol county. - Anthony Wayne Godbey. mis­ demeanor probalion violalion, - Melissa Michelle Gordon, pos­ session of dmg paraphernalia, forg- , ery of endorsement, uttering forged endorsement. • Charlie Homer McAdoo, Jr.. DWL - Charles Thomas Poole, abduc­ tion of children. Company Launches MBA Certification Program C orporate A m e rica is e.xpecled to have paid .SS.4 billion in first-year salaries to the record I12.2.‘'S M B A graduates in 1УЧУ-2()(11. when calculated at the m edian annual base starling salary o f S7.S.()(I02. To help businesses betler evaluate Ihe fundamental skill sel o f an МП A job candidate and reduce the risk o fa bad hire, the In ie rn a lio n a l C e rtific a tio n Institute (IC l) o f M ocksville. in co n ju n c tio n w ilh G a llo n T e ch n olo gie s, a , part o f I’ rom etric, has developed the C ertified M B A . or C M B A . to co nfin ii a sludem's command of the common hotly o f knowleilge required across all accredited M B A programs. "T h e C M B A is thc o n ly universal tool that measures an M B A siudenl's grasp o f the core business fundam entals, regardless o f M B A school or program ty p e ." said M ike M ebane. co -fo u n d e r and m anaging d ire c to r o f IC l. "Cirade point averages, on Ihe olhcr hand, contain a degree of subjectivity haseil on various leaching styles, methods and program s, m aking them an imreliable lool to compare one student to another." As developed, the C M B A measures an M B A student's mastery o f the fo llow ing four core curriculum areas rei|uired across a ll accredited M B A programs by the Associalion to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (A /\C S B ), the in te rn a tio n a l n o n p ro fit a ccre d itin g agency fo r b a ch e lo r's, m aster's and doctoral degree program s in business a dm in istra tion and accounting: • financial reporting, analysis and markels; • dom estic and g lo b a l econom ic enviro n m en ts o f organizations; • creation and distribution o f goods and services; and • hum an b e h a vio r in organizations. These core curriculum areas typically comprise a m ajority o f first-year M B A coursework in tra d itio n a l tw o year M B A program s and n o rm a lly represent a ppro.'tim ately 40 percent o f a stu d e nt's tota l semesler hours when taken al the graduale level. They form ihe fo u n d a tio n fo r a student's specially area o f study, Mebane said. As an additional measure o f a student's com m and o f the fundamentals, a C M B A S kills Profile w ill be provided to all laking Ihe e.xam. The C M B A Skills Profile assesses students’ perfonnance in 10 subject areas, enabling Ihem to identify their strengths and match them with specific company needs. "T h e C M B A co uld help corporate re cru ite rs feel confident lhat the skill level of Ihe person Ihey are talking to m eels ce rta in standards." Mebane said. "T h is allow s contpanics to focus on more su bje ctive c rite ria , such as p e rso n a lity and leadership characteristics, lo determine if Ihe candidate w ou ld be a successful fil fo r ih e ir organization." - Also fueling the need for thc C M B A is Ihe e.xplosive growih in the number o f traditional and non-lraditional M B A programs available lo students. In the U.S. there are m ore lhan ‘JOO universities offering a masters of husiness degree, and research by lnlerl'<l. Inc. recently predicted .“¡O.OOO sludenis w o u ld be e n ro lle d in o n lin e M B A programs in 2002, versus .S.dOO sludenis in 200(1. “ The C M B A can .serve as an im porlanl lool to expedite and im prove the in ilia l candidate scre en in g process fo r re c ru ite rs ," added M ebane. "The C M B A levels the playing field across all M B A programs, neutralizing thc bias o f school ra nk or re p u ta tio n in the re cruitin g process and hiring decision." M B A studenis and graduates have the opportunity to sign up for the C M B A exam by visiting H'ww'.CcriifieilMHA.com, or by calling IC l at I-S66-664-CMRA (1-866-664-2622). Testing w ill begin in November 2002. T he In te rtia u o n a l C e rtific a tio n In s litu le vvas founded lo develop and deliver the C M B A exam (ii'ii'iv . CO»!) in c o n ju n c tio n w ilh G a llo n Technologies and Promelric. Based in M ocksville. IC I is organized around its three p rim a ry co n stitu e n cie s students, businesses and educators - and fa c ilita te s advisem ent and p ro d u ct development through its Council o f Academic Advisors, Council o f Business A d v is o rs and As.sociation o f C erliried M B A s . IC I's executive management is coniniilled to working directly w ilh this network o f professional and academ ic bodies lo add value lo graduale business education and lo Ihe global in s titu tio n s that depend on academ ic and c e rtific a tio n institutions to educale business adm inislralors, Mebane said. Orr To Campaign Here N.C. Supreme Court Justice Roberl F. O rr w ill bring his reelec- lion campaign lo M ocksville al S a.m. Thursday. Scpl. 26 al Deano's BBQ. for a ham and sausage biscuit breakfast. Town Annexes Sterling Place M ocksville town board members have unanimously approvetl the annexation o f approxiinalely 10 acres o f Sterling Place, a resi­ dential development o ff Country Lane. Part o f Ihe developmcnl already was w ilhin Ihe cily lim its. No one spoke al a public hearing on the issue. F ir e D e p a r t m e n t G e t s G r a n t Scotch Irish Fire Department in Rowan Couniy. which serves pan o f southwestern Davie, has heen awarded a S26().00() grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agcncy and Ihe U.S. Fire Adm inistration. The gram w ill be used to replace a iy64 Chevrolet Spartan 150 gallons per minule pumper w ilh a K M E Freightlincr I ,.“i()(l gallons per m inute pumper-tanker. The grant is designeil as a way for the Congress lo work w ith FEM A to enhance basic fire service delivery. More than .“i.OOO de­ partments nationwide w ill receive S.160 m illion lo support ilie pro­ tection, EMS delivery, vehicle purchases and prevention programs this year. S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s T i l e - R i t e O w n e r M o v e s T o N . C . “I want to lile North Carolina!" And with 15 years o( tile-laying experience. Tile R ile founder Rick Silver is qualilied lo do just that, Rick, who recently m oved (rom P h o en ix, A rizon a, to Clem m ons, is excited to bring his knowledge of tile and tile design to Ihe area. Bathrooms, counler tops, floors and pa­ tios are just som e of the areas in the hom e that Silver has tiled since founding Tile Rite. The com pany specializes in lay­ ing ceram ic, granite, m arble and stone lile. "I w ant to turn North Carolina on to tile," he enthusiatically explains. “In the long run, it's actually the m ost cost efficient (looring available. You never have to replace it or relinish it." Rick said he spent the past eight years working in Phoenix "where they tile everything." That experience has been ex­ trem ely valuable in making Tile Rite a versatile com pany that can handle virtually any requesl. Tile Rile, he adds, also places a prem ium on good custom er service and a solid work ethic. “I take a great deal of pride in doing Ihe job to the custom er’s salis(action. Tile Rile has always done the m ajority o( its busi­ ness Ihrough referrals. I’ve always operated m y business with the policy lhat i( som eone does a good job (or you, they will recom m end you." Rick, his wile, Julie, and daughters Natalie and Emily, relo­ cated to Clem m ons to be near Julie’s family. H e said the chance to bring Tile Rite’s services to area hom eow ners is one he’s looking (onward to. "Tiling bathrooms, jacuzzi tubs and kitchen counters is very popular in this area. At Tile Rite, those are all things w e spe­ cialize in. But i( som eone wants som ething dilferent or un­ usual, we can do that too. TILE ЯI TE ШШ 1 % Kk k .Silver of nk -Kitf. Tile Rile will give a (ree estimate with no obligation on any job. ‘Tm alw ays available to my custom ers. That's part of tak­ ing care o( them." Call Tile Rite at 813-8453, easily rem em bered as 813-TlLE . A-1 First Impressions Cleaning Services N ot all carpels are Ihe s a m e ' and neither are all carpet cleaners. A-1 First Im pressions C arp et, U pholstery and S pecialty Services recently b ecam e o n e o( only six com ­ p anies in the stale, and the only com pany in the Triad to earn the Seal o( Approval (rom the C arp et and R ug Insti­ tute. T h e y are also an IIC R C certified (irm . O nly about 5% o( the com panies in the U S A are IIC R C certified firm s b e­ cau se of the rigorous ethics that m ust b e ad h ered to. T h e IIC R C sets the training and educalionai standards (or the carp et cleaning and restoration industry. S o m e of the client's floors S teve has cared (or o ve r the years include S a ra Lee, U .S . Air. R .J. R eynold s, W achovia, W ake Forest University, W F U B aptist M ed ical C enter, T h e Saw tooth C enter, the N .C . S chool of Ih e A rts an d m any other well-known clientele and their em ployees. Their grow ­ ing satis(ied client list know w hat il m ean s to "E xperience the D iiferencel" These clients have seen A-1 rem ove m any spots and stains lhat other cleaners couldn't an d the client got cleaner carpet and upholstery as a result. You can too w ith one call. N/lake sure you get the best care for your carpet at a fair price by using the m ost creden tialed co m ­ pan y in the Triad. A-1 is re(erred by so m e o( the area,s m ost reputable dealers and interior designers. S teve Johnston, w ho co-ow ns A-1 w ilh Bob C happell, recently earned certification as C arp el Inspector. T h e re are only aboul 2 7 1 -IIC R C C ertified S en ior Inspectors in the world, and only four in North C arolina. S teve is the only licensed, active, practicing inspector in the Triad and sur­ rounding areas. S teve w arned consum ers about buying producls (rom retail stores to clean their carpets. „M ost p eo p le don.t con­ sider lh al Ihey have no w ay lo rinse their carpets and il leaves a residue, and m ay contain harm ful ingredients that can cause perm anent d am ag e. M an y of th ese products will void any carpet w arranty upon application too." A-1 carries a full line of quality cleaning products that are safe and get the job done and have them availab le for co n ­ sum er purchase upon requesl. C uslom ers often ask which type o( vacuum clea n er is best to use on their carpet. T h e C arp el & R ug Inslitule has a green label lesting program and rates all brands and m odels on three criteria. T h e C R I lesls the vacuum clean ­ ers ability to pick up dirt, and m easures how m uch it re­ leases back out in the process. T h e (inal test is passing o ver a section of carpet about 2 0 0 p asses and m easuring the am ount of (iber distortion. A vacuum m ust pass all th ree tests in order lo gel the green label. A-1 carries an 8 pound upright m odel lhal rivals an O reck in looks, but ex­ cels in perform ance and is low er in price, as w ell as the bags and belts cost less loo. II com es w ith a 5 0 fool cord and is rated for com m ercial use. C all S ie v e lo d ay for a dem o or to m ake a purchase. .1; rifihl. Huh Cluipiu'll aiul Slrvai Jnhnsnn tij A-1 I'lfM Iniinrssions. D oes your carpet have problem s such as rippling, seam separation, overly visible seam s or other issues? As an inspector. S ieve is trained to look for any causes of a w ar­ ranty issue with carpet and (looring, such as a m an u fac­ tu rer or installation defect, a retailer-im plied w arranty that does not m eet with the implications, or a consum er or clean­ ing issue. Inspectors can be com m issioned by anyone to do the inspection and report. M ore about this and their m a n y s e rv ic e s a v a ila b le a re on th e ir W e b s ite a l w w w .a l(irs tim p re s s io n s .c o m < h llp :// w w w .a1firstim pressions.com > . A-1 takes every job seriously, w hether it,s carpet, w ood doors, upholstery and (ine fabric, area rugs, spot rem oval, pet odor and stain rem oval, or leather cleaning/repair. M any people believe lhat there is no other (looring m aterial m ore beauliful than w ood. O ver lim e, the beauty o( w ood doors is dim inished by an overall worn app earance, and until recently, the only solution w as expensive and m essy sand­ ing procedures. Bul w ilh the Rx For W ood Floors system used by A-1 First Im pressions C arpet and S pecialty S e r­ vices, the aw ard-w inning lechnology lets you have b eauti­ lul doors wilh no m essy sanding at a low er cosl and can be ready (or (ull used in a day. C leaning Inspeclions and estim ates are (ree ■ A-1 is bonded and insured, and M asterC ardA /isa are w elcom e. C all A-1 loday al (336) 4 0 3-4 274 or (3 36) 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 . /1 dverlisiiif! PromoUon UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr.. Winston-Salem. NC 27107 A Personal 1\wcli1^uv«l, LL(] Courl Square • Downtown MtKksville • 336-753-0950 “D i'S tiiintioii & Uonexjminm Sftecinlists” Linda Blackburn - i4 Years Experience Local ruLL-Scitvicii Tkavil Ac.lncy Serving Uavie & Suhuounding Cou^rits www.por8onaltouchtrQVQl.com Mon-Fri 9-5, Evonings & Sat. by Appl. T IL E R IT E (336) 813-TILE .,( 8 4 5 3 ) We instaS ceramic and Stone tik hndy m«d Ьвш fcr 14 )ш. We lake gjot pile ИОЦ Mill inlcittaMienictFitt adrolla. C e n C e T~ p o in ^ C h u n c h Associate Reformed Presbyterian 6301 Shallowford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) Sunday Sclwdule Morning Worship 0:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Casual Evening Worship 0:00 p.m. Fmmormii^fbrnuitkm: www.cMitorpointarp.com ‘No job loo bi¡: or loo small' liiisiHcssAppiivI, Teiun Logos, Momignutis, Gifts, SliirLs, Caps, Afglms, Bags, bwies NO SET UP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 7 1 2 -0 9 4 3 r^’Fprtrcss IiLsurancc ' • "S Group, LLC I' 13 . New Independent Insurance Agency . Locally owned and operated • Competitive rates on auto, home, life, hcjtlli. and cotnincrcia! insurance 22SÌ Rti. Suiif CCliitimonsPhon,‘ Fax: m-.lU.4njO Mon-Fri. V||rrt•^¡>ln iiiuiStil. S A V IN G S up E V E R Y D A Y 4 Ü • H a l l o w e e n C o s t u m e s f o r A l l A g e s • S n a c k s • C a n d 'y Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisvllle-Clemnions Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 Honw o r 'Ihc Toasted H o td o g ISUny Oircniif; Soft Serve Ice Cream S lin k c s S iiitd iic s ¿i: C o n e s A I .S O : I I A M I I U R G K R , C I I K M S K B U R C J K R S , I T S I I S A N I ) W I C I I R S & M O R E ! 2432 lx'^vK> ilIc<1cnm)(MiHK(L MON.-SAT. (lk^i.^eI1i:/alful^ fI We Now Have Qunlity I I ¡ÉD I I*izza Crusts, Sauce ■ 1 & G a r lic B ro a tl > 1 2668 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd >| Clemmora *766<}0e0 , I (Aaoss from ViD<»goCancflo& Gifts) | ^ n ^ r i, ^0:^ a t^6^SunJ^2^ _ J Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage • C D 9 9 8 -9 6 6 1 / Climate Control / 24 hr Com puterized G ate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Cam era Security / Next to Bem iuda Q uay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance A - 1 F I R S T IM P R E S S IO N SCARIïr&SPECIAlTYSERVKÎS 4 0 3 ^ 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www.AlRrstlmpresskMis.com СафЛ Upholstety, WoodWlo Floore. Lealhef, Smoke/Water DanBgo,C<*x Repairs Dyeing. Vetiidelnlerioi. Pel & Oto Control • Rosidenlial & Commercial В IICRC Ш M o c k s v i l l e S h o e S h o p Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (3 3 6 )7 5 3 -0 9 4 2 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS (for a limited time)16 Yrs. £j(perionco Open M-F 8:30am-6:00pm T I I I I I I Iupen M*r o:juam-ö:Ovpm .ey oormg Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In... Carpet & Vmyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience m W C P E N Tone FVBUC I lav>ri«v<lo Cipmfnoni Hea(ti.ÍKj (Whitney» 5919-C James St. L Clemmons J H ills d a le A n im a l ¡ free first H ospital jiiJo w iiEvistT C a ll 9 9 8 -8 7 5 0 f o r d e ta ils , - o r t o s c h e d u le a n a p p o in t m e n t 1 3 4 M IZ D IC A L D R IV E A D V A N C E , N .C . 2 7 0 0 6 I 15% I DISCOUNT ON I VACCINES I I (excludes medicalions, addillonal lesling) I must have coupon ^ а ш о о т а п е Tir«*tonc ^J7oavz<u> WHANODK George's Village Garage, Inc. CO M PLETE AUTOM O'nVE REPAIR Bumper-To-Bumptr Car Care Needs г т le w m v u .E 4 ;lc m m o n s k o a d C LEM K O N t, N 0 7 0 1 1 7вв-7в62 Local Independent Tire Dealer K E V IN PR IES Manager E D W A R D S SIDING & WINDOWS LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOIttE hVe Do Restoration & New Construction ■ New Vinyl Top Decking •Vinyl Decks & Railing •Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms •Vinyl Siding •Sun Rooms Glass with F ree • Enclosures E stim ates! 764-0885 SPECIAL O F THE M ONTH Storm Doors: 9 Colors, 15 Styles 4 Cooleemee Textile Day This Saturday Cuntinui'd From Page 1 B u tte rfly is o w n e r o f the H ealing C onnections slore in C oncord, and studied N ative A m e rica n lie a lin i; arts fro m the d au g h te r o f C h ie f T w o Trees. Events are sponsored by the C ooleem ee H istorica l A s­ sociation in cooperation w ith the M o cksville -D a vie R ecre­ ation D epartm enl. 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Supl. 26, 2002 A t t a c h e d H o m e s O K d A l o n g T w i n C e d a r s C o u r s e Liz Singing Butterfly will perform a blessing of the land ceremony.The old Riverside Hotel was in operation by 1901. C ontinued From Раце I tim e attached |hiiililings|. I need to build a cuslomer base for Ihe g o lf course. I don’t have a Plan С becausc I Ihouglil ihis was a go(xl idea, something lhal wasn’t being mel in Ihe counly." “ Il took over a year lo come up w ith a plan lhal staff said n>el the land use plan." said Hank V anlloy. Price’s atlorney. “ We tried lo lim it il ns much as wo could lo prolecl Ihe residenlial use from changing." When the board approved Ihe spccial uses atlacheil to Ihe p ro p e rly , they inclu d ed a p erfo rm a n ce bond and govenmient easement in relation lo Ihe seplic system lhal w ill be u.sed. The bond and casement were at the suggestion o f Ihe landowner. “ We have a zoning map thal provides this area is R A ." said Barrett. "W e also have a land development plan implemented in ihe lyyOs lim e frame. Staff says Ihis is consistent w ith it. At Ihe same tim e , the plan discourages h ig h -d e n sity grow th. The counly atlorney says Ihis is a fonn o f spot zoning. ll is my ciinlentlon lhat Ihis high intensity type of developm enl being proposed is not eonsisleni with the R A." "Are rezonings granted as a mailer o f course, or do we Iry lo slick as nuich as possible lo Ihc zoning map, and a future we can sort o f predict," Barrett asked. He went on to say thal when Ihe zoning map was fo llo 4ved, people had an idea o f whal ihey were moving in ite.M to, as w ell as whal could be Ihcre in Ihe I'ulvire. " I f were going to have a zoning map, we neeil to stick lo il. If we aren't going lo, I would subm it Ihere needs lo be a con>pelling reason. W c connnilled this area as being rural in nature." "This came to us in itia lly as a 200+ developm ent." Barren said, in e xp la in in g w hy he couldn'l vole for il. " I f we pass the lirsl phase, how do we deny future phases? How could we com e back and say w e 'v e approved the first, but deny the second? If we approve this W’ilh condos and the g o lf course does not sur\'ive, il could all become condos." R e s i d e n t s A s k C o u n t y F o r B o n d W i t h 2 H i g h S c h o o l s C onlinucd From PiiKe I com m issioner, said Ihe bonds should remain separale, citing the 20-cent lax increase if ¡dl thc money were used al once. " The need is greatest in the clcmentar)’ schools. I do n o l deny the pressing needs al Ihe high school, but the greater rteeds are in Ihe elemenlary schools." Rose also look issue w iih Ihe ovendl delays in gelling the boiul package to the voters. Me brought up concerns about voter lurnoul for a special eleclion. as well as Ihc addilional cost.s lo the county for a separale eleclion. although it is too late for the bond to appear on ihe November ballot. Jeanette Cornalzer took issue w ilh one o f Ihe biggest complaints |K-ople have w ith two high schools; competition. "I gradualed in the lasl class of.Shady Grove [high school], so I know aboul com petition. It's healthy. I l ’s good fo r m ore children to have to opportunity to play sporls. It's better to have 30 children playing basketball and succeeding. T h e y're not silling on Ihe bench cheering, Iw ith tw o team s) ilie y ’ re playing." "1 do favor a new high school, bul nol two high schools," saitl •Stephen Jacobs, whose oldest daughter Just entered college. "W e jusl dealt w ilh a daughler lhat was competing w ith olher students for college enrollment. We d o n 't o ffe r Ihc level o f courses and number o f courses needed. If we are having trouble gelling i|ualified teachers to fill positions now, how w ill wc do thal fo r tw o high schools? E venlually, one day, we w ill have a school o f haves and have- nots. Il’s somelhing lhal has to addressed on an ongoing basis," John .Spillman spoke againsl Ihe bonds. He complained about taxes that have doubled, and no plan was in place for the curreni budget siuialion. Now, the idea o f additional lax increases worry him . "W e’re spending money unwisely. D on'l spend il before you have il." " I'he tax base w ill come il you continue to suppori the school sy.sleni," said Denise Hell, who supports one school bond. "I have over 20 years in governm ent fin a n cc, so 1 undersland w hat y o u 're up against." R obert N ich o ls d o e sn 'l undersland w hy Ihe school system wants to wait on building Ihe second high school. "W e have nine classrooms in Ihc com m unity college being used for high schoid classes. Commissioner W hite said we’re one o f Ihe fastest g ro w in g counties in Ihe slate, and that’s nol going lo slop. We necil one bond, as soon as possible. We need to have it 1 second high school), need to have it now." D w ig ht M yers agreed the schools needed repairs, but questioned the cost. "People have nol yet forgotten the 24.8 percent increase from lasl year. Ify o u put a bond oul Ihere for S40 m illion , it’s almost surely g o in g lo be shot dow n. Som ew here between S 10-20 m illio n m ight pass. I want to poinl OUI to you lhal you have lo put oul a realistic bond and sell a re a lis tic bond, som elhing people can afford." If the counly commissioners decide Ihc bond package is unrealistic as it stands, one way lo cul Ihe costs w ould be lo remove the m iddle school from Ihe p icture . N ot one person discussed the m iddle schools, and removing the new one from Ihe proposal would remove $10 m illion from Ihe bond package. "F o r every Ihrce m illio n dollars In a bond, there is a one- cent tax incre a se ," county financial director and interim coum y manager Jim Slockerl lold the crow d, "S44 m illio n over 20 years at 4 percenl interest (the current rate for bonds), would be a 14-cent lax increase." Commissioner Michael Allen asked school representatives how m any years Ihe county would be looking at belween spending Ihe firsl and sccond bond amounts. "We don'l have Ihe suppori sla ff to start S44 m illio n o f expansion programs in one day." said school board chairm an M any Carter. "We have seven years 10 spend Ihe money. But we can't have all the facilities open in 18 nu)nlhs from the bond." School superintendent Dub Polls said Ihe original proposal would have the last o f the school conslruclion. the second high school, com pleted w iih the school opening for Ihe 2007- 200X school year "T h a t was under ihe assumption we would have Ihe bond package immediately. Now w e’re looking at 2008-2()0y." Based on the school board's numbers, the 2()07-2()()8 school year is the peak for attendance al the high school. The 200X-0y school year begins show ing a decline. Allen also asked if the board had a plan if the bond d id n 't pass. "W e're pulling oul there whal our needs are," said C aricr " I f they d on 't approve il, we can’l pack up and go home. W e’re doing the best we can w'ith what we have lo w ork w ilh, and th a t’s whal w e’d have lo do. There’d be more m obile unils, longer bus routes. W e’ ll keep doing our best lo educate our children w ith what the people give us 10 work w ilh ." Although no public nolice W'as given, ull members o f the school board were present for Ihe public input session. Under Ihe N orlh Carolina open meetings law, Ihe hoard is reiiuircd lo give written notice anytim e enough m em bers plan lo attend :i meeling where a quorum would be reached. -í : BAR-B-Q CHICKEN & PORK DINNER S a t u r iJ a y , O c t o b e r 5 , 2 0 0 2 SHEFFIELD-CALAHALN Volunteer Fire Department Take outs Begin at 12 NOON Dine-in 5-8 p.m. B a r - B - Q S a n d w ic h $ 2 • P la te s $ 7 P o u ilo S a la d , B aked B ea n s, S la w , B iscu its B ar-B -Q C h ick en or Pork & D essert “The progriun is g)vcit bccause you can go to school and etirn your bachelor’s degtve in four yoars or less luhile also working full time.” Davie Joins Lawsuit Against State’s Actions U,v Kim .lustcn D avieCounly Enterprise Record F ollow ing a presentation by co u n ty a tto rn e y B ob Price, c o u n ty co m m issio n e rs last week unanim ously approved a resolution to participate in a law suit against the secretary o f revenue and the governor, "T h is is a C o n stitu tio n a l issue o f w hether the governor has the p o w e i to w ith h o ld money from the counties.’’ said Price. By law, the counties are entitled to thc lax revenues the governor ordered Ihe secretary to w ith h o ld , “ P robably th is law ,suit w ill b& e x tre m e ly d iffic u lt to w in ," cautioned Price. "B u t the possible payoff to the county o f S2.5 m illio n is high, w ith a Ппп investment o f S I,ООО, it is at least leg a lly recognizable.’’ Total costs for participation in the suit are S I,ООО to retain counsel, follow ed by no more than 15 percent o f the total monetary recovery for fees and litigation expen.ses, Alam ance, Cabarras, Stokes and C aldw ell counties have joined in the suit, "O ne thousand dollars for S2,7 m illio n sounds like good odds to m e ," said C om m issioner Ken W hite, “ A re we, as a board, going to do anything to try to get that m oney back?" asked chairm an B a rre ll before asking fo r a m otion. “ The only recourse we have is a legal one. I feel this was w rong, and hope Ihc courl w ill agree. 1 think we need to recoup Ihe m oney if we can." The budget approved by the state legislature last W'eek cut the S .i.ld m illio n in reim liursem ents to cities and counties. (The budget had not been approved by the governor al press lim e .) T h is w eek, m e m be rs o f the state le g is la tu re are e xpecled lo b rin g new h ills fo rw a rd , a llo w in g counties to charge a half-ceni sales tax lo ea.se the loss o f income. S p o r t s DAVHÎ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - Bl Offensive Switch Sparks Much-Needed Win By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record S T A T E S V IL L E - C all o ff the search. An offensive identity has been localed. Davie’s varsiiy I'oolball teani tried James "C ooler” Arnold at quarterback for four games, but the oiie-back, spread offense kept drilling dry holes as Ihe War Eagles stumbled to 1-.1. W ilh the Central Piedmont Confer­ ence schedule looming around the cor­ ner, Coach Doug lllin g knew' he had lo do somelhing to get the offense out of its doldrum s. He shook ihings up in F rid a y ’s nonconference game at Statesville, m oving Arnold lo lailback. Juslin Brown lo fullback and Andrew McClannon lo quarterback. The overhaul was a much-needed tonic as Davie (2-3) poinided out a 14- 0 lead before staving o ff Statesville 14- 12. "W c had il in the works with (injured B illy R iddle) al lailback. bul you sec what can happen w ith C ooler back there." lllin g said. "It's a gooil lillle mix. Cooler was the lailback last year on JVs, so he's very com foriable back there. Thai burst o f speed he's got is a lillle bit different." Thai's an understatement. Arnold's first carry al tailback resulted in a ,‘i4- yard dash down Ihe lefl sideline. The legs o f Brown and Arnold ac- coimted for all o f Davie's oll'cnsive pro­ duction. Brow n, who kept offensive coaches sane during Ihe 1-3 blues, rumbled for 131 yards on 26 carries. Arnold darted and zipped lo 124 yards on 18 carries. Afler a month o f looking for the righl formula, Davie m ighi jusl have itself :i Ihunder-and-lighlning attack. The .scary part is bolh Brown and A rnold are sophomores. "1 think il helps a lot," A niold said. "W e worked on il in practice and it worked good. I don't ihink they were expecting il. We wenl from power to speed and it messed them up. There's been a lillle pressure, hul this win shows Ihe leam lhat we can be when we're to­ gether" A fler exchanging punts for four se­ ries, Davic marched 67 yards for a 7-0 lead. Brown was so sirong lhat he cov­ ered all 67 yards on seven runs. Fol­ low ing Ted Randolph, Zach Jakob and Arnold .lakub Pane Guüdc Juslin Norsworlhy, he powered for 14, bulled for 10 and then motored for 20 inlo the end zone. "W e nccdetl lhal bad," Brown said o f Davie, w hich was com ing o ff ils firsl blow out loss since week four o f 2000. "J u s tin ’s slepped up from (JV ) cornerback lasl year lo varsity running Daniel Gough (righi) io o ks for a pitch from QB Whit Merrifield during a splish-splashing win over W, Rowan, - Photo by Robin Fergusson 8 t h W i l d c a t s B o l t T o 1 0 t h S t r a i g h t V i c t o r y By Ilrim i P ills Davie Coumy Enterprise Record North Davie’s eighth-grade I'oolliall team isn’l just the best team in the M id- South Conlerence. It's the best by a lot. The W ildcals, w ho opened their middle-school careers w iih a 14-0 loss lo Knox's sevenlh-grade leam in Augusi 2001, rolled lo their lOlh siraighl vic­ lory by upending previously-unbealen West Rowan 26-8 lasl week in monsoon condilions. To put North's incredible dominance in perspective, the IX-poini w in over West was the closesi margin in ihe lO-game run. "Everybody's chasing Norlh Davie," Soinh Davie coach Todd Bumgarner said. "T hey're a cul above everyho<ly in our confcrcncc." A strange thing happened in the first quarter The W ildcals aclually trailed 8- 6 alter West returned a kickofi all the way and convened the tw o-point con­ version. D id they flinch? Not at all. They scored Ihe nexl 20 poiiUs. "West has some big o l' hoys, bul 1 feel conlideni lhat w e’re going lo gain yards," Coach Ron Kirk said. "Even in Ihe slush we're going logain yarils. I'm nol bragging bul nobody's jusl totally shut us down. I feel good because they have their own quest. ’I hey may not go 8-0, but il's going lo be hard lo deny them o f il if Ihey keep playing like they've been playing." Star Daniel Gough gets most o f the allenlion for Norlh, and he produced another gauily siaiisiical line by rush­ ing for yards on eight carries. Bul don’t forget aboul Bram loii Stewart, who played possum (by design) against C o rrih e r-L ip e , ca rryin g once fo r 8 yards. Stcwan, maybe the school's best all- aiouiul athlete, slunncd the Bulldogs w ith 11У yards. Like Gough, he did his damage on a mere eight carries. "I knew before thc game Slewan was going lo have a big game," offensive coordinator Ronald Boger said. "B e ­ cause w c d id n 'l use him againsl C orriher-Lipe very nnicb. We don’t like lo show our hand." Please .See S tew art - Page BS Davie Soccer Team Making Strides back," Am old said. "H e’s made a lol o f improvemenl, and as we go on he gets better and better." The War Eagles unveiled Iheir new look on Iheir sixlh series. M cClannon trolled oul o f the shadows, barked the Pleusc -Sec W ur F.urIcs - Page B6 V o l l e y b a l l T e a m R e c o v e r s W ar Eagles Push Record To 12-2 By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord In Ihc wake o f Iwo losses in three matches, Davic varsiiy volleyball coach Dave M arkland vow ed that D avie would return lo the form lhal produced an 8-0 rccord. lie was rig h l. The W ar Eagles, against Soulh Rowan and Reynolds last week, looked notbing like the team that lost to North Iredell and South Iredell in a span o f seven days. They dissected South L‘i-4. LS-9, Е^-б and took three o f four games from Reynolds ( 15-.“', 10- 15, 15-3, 15-6). "The Soulh Iredell rnalch was a nuke," he said afler Davie ran ils rccord lo 12-2 overall and 3-1 in Ihe Ceniral Piedmont Conference. "N othing aboul lhal malch compares to any olher malch w e’ve played." Lasl week’s results suggested the moons were indeed aligned when Soulh Iredell shellshocked Davie 13-15, L5- 3, 12-15, 15-9, 1.5-13. The evidence: Reynolds, the same Reynolds lhal gol oulscored 55-29 in fo u r games by Davie, swept South Iredell in three games. W illiam s (¡ucs W ild Markland has seen Sarah W illiam s Please Sec W illiam s - Page B2 G rim sley handed D avie's varsiiy socccr team ils third siraighl defeat lasi week, but the outcome couldn't detract from an unexpected performance by Davie, As strange as il sounds, the War Eagles took a gigantic stride forward in a 1-0 loss. You see. Grim sley led Davie 4-0 in an eventual 4 -1 verdict one W'cek earlier and the W hirlies were coming o ff an impressive performance in which they only lost 2-1 lo slale- championship contender and unbeaten Mount Tabor. D avie (4-4-1 nonconference) gol back on track later in the week, 6-2 over Easl Row'an. "It was a real good malch for us be­ cause the firsl match wasn'l very com ­ petitive," Coach Jim C audill said. "We played w ell." Grim sley didn'l crack ihe scoreboard unlil 56 minutes had elapsed. Thc cen- tcn’ icccs lo Davie's stellar defense were N ick Nelson and Charlie Lester. Caudill tweaked Ihings by m oving Nelson lo sweeper and Lester lo siopper, and ihe move "really solidilied everylhing de­ fensively," he said. "G rim sley’s scorer is going to be one o f Ihe candidates fo r player o f the year in Ihe slate. Thai kid w 'ill play Division I nexl year, probably on a scholarship." D avie 6, East R owan 2 The War Eagles - who had slumped lo IWO goals in Ihree games, although a wicked schedtde altribuled greatly lo thal - soolhed Iheir scoring woes iiy bolting to a 4-1 halflim e lead. The keys were M all Moser, who scored two goals, and Adam Lim lei, w ho dished out three assists. Linder. M ario G il, Juan Lagos and Corey Wooil had goals and Nelson, Palrick L illle . Moser aiul Palrick Law ailded assists as Davie won for the first time since a 4-2 viclory over Northwest Cabarrus on Sepl. 5. "W e look care o f business." Caudill said. "Linder is one o f the heller play­ ers I ’ve coached in ihe air. Me llicked it NeLson Linder W i n Marks C o m i n g - O u t P a r t y F o r C . J . W h i t e W ith o u t N alhan W alker, who abruptly moved lo New Jersey after the first game, Soulh Davie’s eighth-grade foolbail leam needed somebody lo share the load w ilh star Kenneth Brown. C.J. W hite assumed lhal vital role last week, exploding for 108 yards and tw o touchdow ns in a 26-8 sicamrolling o f Soulheasl thal stopped South’s two- game slide and squared its record at 2- 2, C oach Todd Bum garner called W hile's number nine limes, and While responded w iih a 60-yard dash and av­ eraged 12 yards per run. Not bail for a guy who didn't play lasl year, mis.sed tw o o f the lirst Ihree games fur disci­ plinary reasons and entered Ihe South­ east game w ith a season lotal of lour carries for 14 yards. "C .J.’s gol all Ihe alhlelic talent in Ihe w orld,” Bumganier said. "Football’s kind o f new to him . H e’s gol the abil­ ity. If the m enial part ever catches up to his physical ability, he's going lo be real good. 1 le’s big, he's fast and he’s sirong. He's got very, very gooil speed. Him and Brown are neck and neck (speed- w ise) and C.J. probably weighs 170 pounds. "He played an excellent defensive game, loo. H opefully this w ill let him see lhal he's capable o f doing big things." A fle r producing a pair o f 100-yard gaines oul o flh e gale, an injured shoul­ der reduced Brown lo a shell o f him ­ self in a 22-20 loss lo Erw in. It did n 'l lake Brow n long lo return lo form. He broke a 72-yaril touchdown run on the gam e’s firs l play from .scrimmage, added a second TD and gained 128 yards in jusl six tries. His lotal would have been 216 yards had an 88-yarder nol been negated by a penally. Brown has 431 yanis on the .season, averaging 13 yards per carry. "M a n , he’s a p la ym a ke r," Bumgarner said. "I le can make .some­ thing oul o f nothing. He wasn’t 100 percenl - he was aboul 90 percenl - bul having him hack in the lineup was real big." Soulheasl didn'l scralch until il was 26-0. Soulh convened 20 running plays inlo 270 yards, and Josh Eder, who plays running hack and quancrback. to M oser (fo r a 1-0 lead eighl minules in), and il's done when he's behind the defense.... Little is tremendous with the Please Sec L in d e r - Page B2 completed a 28-yarder lo Brown and caughl an 8-yariler from Chris Brogdon. "W e slepped il up becau.se Soulheasl is nol a bad leam ," he said, "They're on the clim b." Notes: South’s defense got sirong efforts from Andy Ramsbolhani, Healh Boyd and Trislan Hairslon. .,, Soulh's seventh-grade leam received a forfeit from Southeast, which folded its sev­ enth leam. The seventh Tigers I'llled the vacancy by scrim m aging C orriher- Lipe. Soulh’s 46-14 superiorily was no surprise - il buried C orriher-Lipe 22-0 in the season opener.... South’s sevenlh plays visiling China Grove on Ocl. I. Soulh’s eighih plays at N orlh Rowan on Sepl, 25 and al home againsl China Grove on Oct. 2. Wolih Noting ... Michael Sulier o f N. D avie’s unbeaten soccer team picked the i perfect time for his first goal o fth e j season, .scoring w'ith 10 m inutes | le fl to beat H igh Point W esleyan 2-1, Kennelh Brown rushed six lim e s fo r 128 yards and C .J . While rushed nine tim es fo r 108 yards as S, D avie’s 8lh-grade foot­ ball leam manhandled Southeast 26-8, Zack Russcll-Myers o f N , D avie's 7th-grade fo o tb a ll team forced a West Rowan fum ble in N orth territory, preserving an 8-6 w in, Brandon Slewarl rushed fo r 119 yards on eight carries as N, D avie’s 8th-grade fo o tb a ll team posted its 10th straight w in over tw o years, 26-8 over West Rowan, .lainar Kralcher rushed fo r 165 yards and Paul Ferrell picked o ff tw o passes as D avie’s JV foot­ ball team raised ils record to 3 -1 w ith a w in over Statesville, Sarah Williams sizzled against South Rowan and R eynolds, pro­ ducing 26 kills w ith tw o errors, .luslin Bruwn and ,lame.s Arnold com bined fo r 235 yards rushing and Ben Allred and Bran­ don Pane came up w ith several big defensive plays us D avie’s var- s ity fo o tb a ll team h e ld o ff Statesville 14-12, П2 - D/WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26. 2002 The Davie girls tennis team, from left: kneeling - Jessica Overby, Shanna Morehead, Alyson Walker, Megan Appelt and Meredith Cheek; ständig - Coach Kimberly Buckland, Carly Balsley, Allison Bowles, Holly Vines, Deanna Shamel, Ashlee Prevette and Megan Jordan. D a v i e T e n n i s T i g l i t e n s G r i p O n S e c o n d Davie's lennis leam cslab- lislicd itself as a virtual lock for runner-up in the Central Pied­ mont Conferencc lasl week by stomping North Davidson 9-0. War Eagles losl lo giant Rey­ nolds 7-2 tw o weeks ago but have throttled Ihc olher four CPC rivals by a combined 3.S-1. The sccond loop o f the confcrci\cc racc began this week. "W h ile we had everybody relum ing. North Davidson losl four seniors nnd is rebuilding." Coach Kim berly Buckland said. W ilh Ihe exception o f Rey­ nolds, Ihe War Eagles' closest match has been 6-.^ over West Rowan. They cniered the week X-l overall and 4-1 in the CPC., The singles records: A lyson W alker and H olly Vines are ';-0, A llison Uowles is 8-1, Megan Jordan is 7-1. No. I Deanna Shamel is 7-2 and C arly Balsley is 6-2. Davie has four regular-season matches left - at home lo South Rowan Sept. 2.“!, al hom e to South Iredell Sepl. 26, al Rey­ nolds Sepl. .10 and al home lo Norlh Davidson Ocl. 2. JV Volleyball On Three-Game Winning Streak Davie's JV volleyball team is .1-1 in ihe Cenlnil Piedmonl Con- I ference. and I the p rim a ry I reasons are I so p h o m o re Nicole Maready and I f r e s h m a n Ashley I D avidson, a (d u o lhat bounces be­ tw een the varsity and JV leanis. The W ar Eagles, who Maready slumped to 2-.‘i on Sepl. 10, beal South Rowan Li-1. 1,‘i- 1.1 and Reynolds 1.5-7, 11-1.“). 1.5-12 last week for their third w in in a row. "They're starting lo get more oul o f Maready." varsiiy coach Dave Markland said. "She had a real good match againsi Rey­ nolds al Ihe net. She's starting to lake advantage o f her height. "Davidson played very well again. You d on't see a lot of blocking on J V, bul Maready and Davidson bolh hit the ball w ell." D avie found its e lf on the verge o f going three games w ilh Soulh Rowan, ll trailed 12-6 in game two before Jennifer W il­ son squashed the Raiders’ mo- menlum. ser\ ing Davie lo 11 -12. Mandi Reid look over and fin ­ ished o ff the Raiders in Iwo. "W ilson got them back in Ihe second game w iih her serving." M arkland said. "A n d against Reynolds she did a good jo b al key limes in game three." Davie plays at home againsi Soulh Iredell on Sept. 26 and al West Forsyth on Oct. 1. Williams Puts On A Show With 26 Kills In Two Wins M e e t T h e W a r E a g le s Dawn Singleton S porl: volleyball I f I to u k l keep ju s t one m usic C I), it w ould he: Dave M at­ thews Uanil. I f I lost u ll iny possessions hut one. I'd keep: M y down comforter. SiiniclhlnK people don’t know about me: I'm an exirem cly picky eater. Fantasy jo b : To own a joint company w ilh Ashley W illiam s in interior design. I can’t live w lth u u t: M y friends and fam ily. M y greatest inuinent in sport.s: W in­ ning the CPC regular season and lounia- ment championships in baskelball. I w ould like tu sw itch places fo r a day w ith : Jennifer Anislon. Funniest vo lle yb a ll s to ry : W hen Megan Dwiggins went running after a ball lhal was hit deep and she fell Hal on her face. i w ould like tt) cat dinner w ith (dead or alive): Lisa Kudrow. Favorite cla.ss in school and w hy: Teaching internship be cause it's fun lo work w ilh kids and M rs. Stewart rocks. Athletes I adm ire most: Shelby M ichael. Janice Jackson and Jeff Lankford. M y favorite thine about playing volleyball is: It's fun und love playing w ith the people on mv team. They are like my fam ­ ily. Matt McAnally S port: cross couniry I f I could keep ju s t one m usic C I), it w ould be; The Eminem Show I f I lo.st a ll m y possessions but one. I'd keep: M y lim iled edition Les Paul Guitar. Somethin); people don’t know about me: I've played the guitar for four years. M y greatest inim ient in sports; Set­ ting nty personal record in pole vault at regionals, w hich qualified me for states. I w ould like to sw itch places fo r a day w ilh : M ichacl John.son. Funniest cross country story: Get­ ting Coach Beiter lo go sw im m ing in Bekah Peeler's pond afier practice one day. I w ould like tu eal dinner w ith (dead o r alive): Axel Rose and Slash from Guns 'N Roses. F avorile cla.ss in school and w hy: Weight lifting because o f the girls. Oh yeah, and the facl that you gel stronger. Alhleles I adm ire most: Michacl Jordan, Tim Drown, Charles Woodson and Marshall Faulk. M y favorite IhinR aboul ru nn in t; cros.s country Is; The level o f com petition and know ing that il w ill help me w iih track. C ontinued F ro m Page 111 take over games before. Bul he still luul lo shake his head at W illia m s’ play lasl week. The senior had 14 kills w ith Iw o e rro rs a g a in si South Rowan. She enjoyed the perfor­ mance so much she did il again, delivering 12 kills w ilh no er­ rors in I.S a lle m p ls against Reynolds. "That's incredible," he said. "W e've slarled using her more. She had a malch earlier, Norlh Iredell, when she went crazy. She had a greal week all the way around. Any lim e you can get something out o f your m iddle, il opens Ihe door for the out­ side." W illiam s w asn't alone. Re­ serves Alyse Bowden (6 kills, no errors) and Jessica Lagle (.1 kills in 5 allem pls) came o ff the bench againsi South and added to the Raiders' misery, and Sara M ille r (11 k ills ), A llis o n S chafer (7 k ills ) and D aw n Singleton (5 kills) padded the margin againsi Reynolds. “ Reynolds is traditionally a strong program , they're very well-coached, and mosl o fih e ir girls play club b all," M arkland said. "So I was very pleased lo get a w in over a quality team." Lambe Have Storms Zapped Your Modem?Let Davie Computer Shop Fix It D a v ie C o m p u te r S h o p • 751-7553 3 1 4 S a n fo r d A v e • M o c l< s v ille (Across from EnergyUnited) ______________Offer Expires 9-30-02 Pettorini Leads Golf Team With Best Round E m ily P e tto rin i found a groove like never before and shol a 9-over-par 4.5 lo lead Davie’s go I fleam lo sec­ ond in an eight-team meel lasl week. P ettorini had aver­ aged 49.1 strokes in six previous rounds, shoot­ ing belween 48 and 51 all season. "I watched her Icc o ff where they slarled, aiul her firs t tee shol was probably a pretiy good indica­ tio n o f the round she had,” Pclteroni Coaeh Debbie Evans said. " It was long and straight. She was real excited and she should have been." S ta le sville and its unstoppable duo dom i­ nated w ith a score of 81. Davie was second once again at 94, fo l­ lowed by Easl Rowan. M o o re s v ille , Lake Nonnan, West Iredell, Soulh Iredell and North Iredell. B riliany W alker, D avie's lop player, shol her highest score of llie year. 49. W. Forsyth Runs Away With Cross Country Meet Davie H igh's cross-country season slarled Aug. 21 and Be­ kah Peeler slill hasn't Tmished low er lhan second in any meel. The sophomore took second againsi d im cu ll competition lasl week. West Forsyth's girls won w ilh 24 poinis. North Davidson was next al 45 ami Davie was last at 69. The order was Ihe same in Ihe boys race, w ilh Wesl al 15. North at 53 and Davie at 7.1. The second fin is h e r fo r Davie's girls was Sharon W ood­ ward in W th. Brandon Shore paced D avie's boys in seventh, and teammate Corey Doub was 16lh. "I’eeler's having a great sea­ .son." Coach Daric Beiter said. "N ow she's got lo find what it's going to take to w in it." The War Eagles run al Rey­ nolds on Sept. 25. They hosl Soulh Rowan and Reynolds al Pinebrook Elem entary School on Oct. 2. Linder Dishes 3 In Soccer W in C ontinued From Page H I ball. He's got magic feet. "T h eir keeper kept the (m ar­ gin from grow ing), and ihe ir back line made three or four saves right al Ihe line. I'm sort o f glad ihey scored so we w ouldn't gel complacent." Notes; Moser's goal counl is up to 15. Lagos is next with four. ... Andrew Scoll anti David Slein continue to sp lit tim e al goal­ keeper. "1 Ihink w e’re gelling stronger in goal," C audill said. " It’s a friendly com petition, but Ihey're battling to see who's go­ ing to start. And lhal makes us b etler." ... C enlral Piedm ont C onference play slarled this week. Davie plays al home to Wesl Forsyih on Sepl. 26 and al Soulh Rowan on Ocl. 1. D a v ie 's besl serving w e a p o n againsi R e y n o 1 d s was M andy Lambe. The ju n io r was responsible for 10 poinis in the fin a l game. "She did a real good jo b ," Markland said. "M andy is one o f our better servers w ilh o u l a doubl. She has a power serve, bul she has a lol o f control on il. more lhan anyone else w ilh thal kind o f .speed. She also has a very good soft serve. She's just a very good server." N otes: D avie had a huge match al N orth D avidson on Sepl. 24. The B lack K nights beat South Ire d e ll in Ihree games and entered the week 4- 0 in the CPC. "N o rlh is basi­ cally lhal JV bunch lhal was u n b e lie va b le (la s l y e a r)," M arkland said. "1 w ondered (lasl year) w hy she did n ’l have Ihem on varsity." ... Davie seeks revenge againsi visiiin g Soulh Iredell on Sepl. 26 and plays al Wesl l-orsylh on Oct. I . Let Ttie Outdoors In Don’t just replace your uiindouis- Bring the Beauty ofthe outdoors inside • C rafted For Beauty * B u iltW id i Security in M ind • Engineered For Energy Efficiency A n d S trength • Designed For M aintenance Freedom • Perform ance G uaranteedTo Last •W oodgrain Interiors Available ÔÎIK4^ MvMnce. Ñ.C 998-2140 H E I P K E E P O U R H I G H W A Y S S A F E ! G a .::'r: DEER HUNIHM Wildlife Research^ Code Blue, Prime Time & Knight b Hale Deer Scents 20-30% Off 11895 COOL SPRING S RD W OODLEAF 3.4 Miles Irom Hwy. 801 Belween Stalesville S Salisbury 7 0 4 - 2 7 8 -9 1 5 9 Open Tues. 10am-6pm* Wed.-Frl. 10am-7pm • Sat. 10pm-3pm Week#5 - September 28, 2002 T H E Sportsüne.com. M DAVIK COUNTY J ^ ’KRPKISK RKCORl), Sept. 26, 2002 - 113 Nebraska's i__,. Jammal Lord „ Allsporl Ä NCAA Showdown of the Week Nebraska *iowa State 23 21 Not quite an upset -- the Cornhuskers won't allow that after getting stomped by Penn State -- but potentially one of the best games in the Big 12 this year. W IN N E R S ‘Aiiiot'ii ‘Arizonii Sf.ilo•Afkiiri5.18 ‘Afk.ins.15 St.ilo ‘Auburn ‘Qoiso Sinto 'Daslon Collogo Duff.ilo U ^'Centf.ll FloficJ.i Cindnn.iti Cobrndo St.ito ^Connecticut 'EiJilofn Michig.m ■Flofi(J;i Flofid.i Stnlo Fresno Sliitft “Goorgl.i 'Hnwaii lown K.ins.15 KonI *LSU 'Mafyl.ind Muimi (Ohio)Michijjiin ‘Michig.in St.ilu ‘Wtddio Tonnossti« Sl.tio ‘Missouri *N.ivy Nobfash.1 ‘North C«iroIin.i North Catolina Sl.ito •Olilo State •Oklahoma Oregon St.ile Piltsbuftjh PufduoS.m Jose St.iloSoiAh Cofo'innSoutfiern MississippiTennesseeTex.isTei.is AAMToi.is TechUCLAUlahVrg!nl.i Virginia Tcci* Washington VV.ishlnnton Slalo Wesl wginia C oM ogos - D iv is io n Л-f 282C273323 21 25 15 42 2027 20243424 2Э 34 40 21 2G IG254028 23 39 36 2fl 17 23 20 453031 17 14 21 25 IG 27 5441 30 21 29 27 14 3G 41 10 23 Memphis Noflh Teins Slnnford AlabamaTonnossee-Martin Svfacuso Utah Sialo Contra! Michtqnn ‘Ohio Liberty ‘Temple •Nov.ida n<i11 Stato Southern lUinois Konlucky ’Louisvine ‘RicoNew Me*ico State Southern Methodist ■Penn Stale ‘Tulsa‘Noflhem IllinoisMississippi SlateWofford'Akfon‘IllinoisNorthwostomSoulhoast Missouri St ‘Iowa Slale Georgia Tech Massachusetts Indiana South Florida ‘Soultiern California Toledo Minnesota Tenas-El Paso ‘Vandcrbnt ‘Army Rutgers ‘TuljnoLouisiana Toch ‘New Mexico ‘S.in O'ogo StMo Air Forco ‘Wake Forest ‘Western Michigan Idaho ‘California East Carolina Alabama Slate Albany (NY)*Appal.tchiiin Slate Afkansas-Pmo OlufT *0oHiuno-Cookm.in ■‘Drown “ПискпоН‘Cenlral Connecticut Sl.ite ;Coi3.iio ‘Cornell ‘D.bidson Driike Djijuesno ‘Easlorn Illinois ‘Haslern Kentucky Florida AAM ‘Florida lntorn.ifion.il Fcfdh.im FurmnnGeorgia Southern‘Grarnbling‘Holy CrossHoward■Idaho State'Jackson Stale'Jacksonville‘LaSalioLehigh‘Maine‘Marist•McNeeso Sialo Montclair State •Morehead State Murray Statu New Hampshinj •North Carolina A&T ‘Northoastern Northern Iowa Portland State •Princelon Sacred Hearl'St. Mary'e (Calif ) ' ........•Southern l)•Southwest Te*a* Stale ^ennossoe Tech 'Teias Soulhem ' ‘ Valp.iraiso Villanovu‘West Liberty State •Western Carolina •Western Illinois 'William A Mary Youngstown State Alfred Amhofst Dontley Bloomsbuio California (Га)Central WashingtonClarion•ColbyEast Stroudsburg FDUMadison Indiana (Pa) jthaca Lycominfi Mansreld •Muhlenberg ‘Rensselaer ‘S. Connecticut Stale ‘Springfield SusQuehanna Washington & Jofferson 'Wosloyan (Conn)'West Chester ‘Westminster (Pa) Widener •Wilkes •Williams •AlmaAngelo Stale Augustana (111 ) Baldwin-Wallace ‘Benediclino (III ) ‘BenodiclineJKon ) ‘Bothany (Kan ) ‘Caftìiago•Central Missouri Stale •Central Oklahoma •Cornell (Iowa) Culver-Slockton ‘Evangel •Ferris State •Grand Valloy Stato Grinnell •Hastings •Indianapolis 'Kansas Wesleyan •Mid-Amorìca Na^arent) Midwestern Siale Millikin•Missouri Soulhern Sl Monmouth (III ) * •Momingslde •Mount Onion •Nebraska Wesleyan •Nebrasko-Omaha ‘Nonh Dakota Slate Northwest Missouri St •Norlhwostofn Oklahoma •Olivet (Midi )“•Ottawa •Pitlsburg Statu RiponSaginaw Valley Slate Soulh Dakota State ‘Southoastern Oklahoma Southweslern (Kan ) TaylorTtUltmtV Stillu Whoalon M n jo r C o llo g o a D iv is io n 1-A A 'Alcorn Stato ‘Stonv Brook Tho citadel Kentucky Slate Norfolk Stato Han.iard Delaware Stale St, John's (N Y) Columbia YaleEmory h Henry •Quincy •Dayton Illinois Stalo Glonvillo Stato Tennessee Stale Georgetown •FairfBid •Virginia Military ‘Chotlanooga Langston Towson ‘Morris Browfi Cal State Sacramenlo Mississippi Valley Austin Peay Siena •PennRhode Island WagnerWestern Kentucky ■*lona Butler•Indiana Stalo •Dartmouth Elon Hofstra•Cal Poly SLO •Northern Ariiona 21 20 21 3G 22 17 213017 2G3118 31 52 20 28 34 27 3G 54 26 20 2733 2114 2034 21 23 22 16 1723 21 27 211927 Lnf{wetlo~25 Z 'Sl. fírancis-ÍPe}-----------15 Western Washinolón 21 Nicholls Sialo10 Southern Utah __24 __ ~___ Jacksonville Sialo........20 Alabama A&M .........19 ■ ‘St. Joseph’s--------------.30 *Jamo9 Madison16 _ ^ Charleston Southern 14 'East Tennessee State 25 ■ Sam Houston Slate 13 'Delaware24 'Southwost Missouri St T=Homo 1417IG7149 7U7 17 1010 12 14 21 12 6n2014141468 17GG9721197101216714 10159 71314101314 .13 10714 13 7131414 12 1715 IG13 1014 137127996 16 12 ■ 7 12 12 17 7 17 14n121415 IG 14 19 17-"6 • •“ IO' 20101419Í41313717721 292334 17 22 50271920 1в 2128 2625 20 5429 4235 21 483024 16 2826 27 27 17 22 21 36 13 40 52 1724 2129 ■193028 48 17 3529 ' 26 3927 21 342030 54 21 ■25 '283839 24' 38 27 20 2715 24 21 23 2016 'Wnona State 'Albany Stato (Go.) ^Arkansas Teen 'AfVansas-Monliceilo Catholic'Central Arkansas 'Centro 'Delta State •Fayelteville Stale Foil Valloy Stale GannonGeorgetown (Ky)Grovo Cily'Hampden-Sydney'Miles'Mississippi Collogo'MoreUoustì'Newberry'North Carolina Cenlral Tarleton Slate •Valdosla Slato Virginia Union •Wesl Georgia 'Wesl Virginia Wesleyan Wingalo . _:uso Pacific 'ClaremonlM-S Fort Hays State Lewis & Clark ‘Occidental ‘Redlands RhodesSouthern Oregon U C. Davis •Willamette « T i i l í l i w m i y Dickinson Waynesburg •Bowdoin‘American Intornational S5ippo7 Rock ‘Choynoy •New Havon •Kutzlown Middlebury Edinboro Lebanon Valloy •Millorsville •St John Fishor •King's (Pa)Lock Haven Franklin & Marshiill Worcostor Toch MassachuseUS'Lowcll Coast Guard 'Delaware Valloy •Thiol Hamilton Shippensburg Allegheny •Moravian Juniata Trinity (Conn) lance‘Southwosterh Oklahoma•Wisconsln-PlatlevilfeLindenwood•HeldelborgGreenvilleWilliam JnwellMcPhersonAdrianEmporia Sialo Texas A&M Commerco Buena Vista •Missouri Valloy Gracóland Wayno State (Mich ) Hillsdalo •Illinois Collogo Midland Lutheran Northern Michigan SterlingCentral MetlKKJist 'Northeastom Oklahoma •Anderson Washburn •Boloii Poru stale _ Muskingum Northwestern (Iowa) South Dakota Augustana (S 0.) •Southwest Baptist Western New Meiico MancheslerSt MaryiKan) .........Missoun Wtislorn Stale ‘Lake Forest •Ashland •Sl Cloud Stato WestTo*asAiM •Friends •Iowa Wesleyan •Missoufi-Rolla •MopoMlnnosola-Moortiehd 19 16 14■ 33 2134 3129521631252377 U 22 ■3520 44 27 '16 '2Ö Hardii■ M(•Randolph-Macon hila В ist'Lee /irninia Sii lyiA.V) WashingL___Wo»t Alabama Livinoslone •Clark Atlanta •Wesl Vii •Union •Belhany Guiliori/Benedici ■Sul Ross Slato Bowie Stalo SlillmanElizabeth City Stato •Texas A&M-l^ngsvIIlo ' Southern Arkansas •Winston-Solom ■ Henderson Stalo TitTn ‘ ^ ■•Concord ____IheranLo Vernu •Adams Slato ' ’Punel Sound' WJtttler.............Chapman •Pomona-PiUer •Humboldl Sialo •Western Oregon Monlo 101971313 71914 10 13712 16613 7107151214 7109 1219761077 9 12 17 12 14 1068 14713 6 7121414 0 6 71215 7 7 10 16 19 10 14 9 ■ 10 17 7 - 10 7 1214 7139 20 13 13 7 7 715 131013 1014 7177190■ 15 7 NCAA HIGHLIGHTS T h e D o m i n a n t A r e n ' t S o D o m i n a n t O n t i i e R o a d W ith a few notable exceptions this weekend - Oklahoma, Florida and Texas A&M, to name Ihree - the winners of the biggest games will be visiting teams, but those games look surprisingly close. Start with Florida Slate at Louisville on Thursday night: We’re picking the Seminóles by only three points. The teams last met in 2000, when F.S.U. drubbed the Cardinals 31-0, its 12lh straight win in the series since Louisville won their first matchup, in 1952. Nebraska at Iowa Slate? The Cornhuskers are our two-point favorite, again in contrast to their most recent face-off with the Cyclones, an easy 48-14 Nebraska win last season. In that one,'the 'Huskers, then ranked No. 4, scored on five of their first six pos­ sessions and put the game away early, rolling to a 41-0 halftime lead. Nebraska has taken nine in a row from Iowa Slate since the Cyclones' last series win, in '92, and the last four combined scores were Nebraska 188, Iowa State 62, but the com- Nebraska's Wilson Thomas will look for 's telling us opportunities to make gains against different this time Iowa Stale. around. Not quite an upset - the 'Huskers won't allow lhat after getting stomped by Penn State - but potentially a great game. Three of these closer-than-they-look contests are taking place in California and will roil the Pacific-IO. The Washington State Cougars visit Cal, no doubt with a lot less swagger in the wake of their loss to Ohio State and the Golden Bears’ stunning triumph over Michigan State two weeks ago. In ’01 W .S.U.’s Jason Gesser threw for a career-high 432 yards and four TD's as the Cougars cruised to a 51-20 win over Cal, their third straight in the rivalry, but their fourth straight will be only a four-pointer. In Los Angeles, we like Oregon State in a one-point upset over host Southern Cal, and, farther down Interstate 5, U.C.L.A. will beal San Diego State by a relatively slim 16-point margin. Lasl year U.S.C. need­ ed a four-yard TD run In O T by Q B Carson Palmer to get past the O.S.U. Beavers, 16-13. The U.C.L.A. Bruins and S.D.S.U. Aztecs, meanwhile, last met in a 52-13 Bruins blowout in '93, and Ihe closest San NCAA STAT PACK Allsport Allsport FSU is predicted to defeat Louisville by only three points, but lhat would be reason enough for Torrance Washington and the rest of Ihe Seminoles to celebrate. Diego State has ever come to a win in this rivalry was a tie in - anybody? - 1924. Finally, in the Big Ten, Illinois hosts Michigan, and the Wolverines are only Tive-point favorites to win their third in a row over the lllini - unlike a year ago this weekend, when Michigan made the most of trick plays and shut Illinois down 45-20. And what fun is prognos­ tication if you can't make a crazy call now and then? Playing at home, newly rejuvenated, newly respected Penn Stale will miss an extra point and lose lo Iowa. The big-game home-team winners, as mentioned, begin wilh Oklahoma, in its firsl meeling ever with South Florida. Florida should win its 16th straight over Kentucky with relative ease, the Texas A&M Aggies will run Iheir record against Louisiana Tech lo 8-0, and L.S.U. will make it 10 wins in ils last 11 games against Mississippi State. NFL FORECAST: Sunday-Monday, Sept. 29-30 (Sunday) Chicago 21 •Buffalo 17 The Bears (aco nothing but NFC North teams next monlh. so they'd like to ond a string of three non-divisional games on a posilive note. Bulfalo was a 20-3 winner the iasi lime they mel. Iwo years ago. •Detroit 20 New Orleans 19 It's a non-divisional game amid three NFC North bailies for Ihe Lions, loo, but they'll be a hit more desperate for a win. Detroit ended a three-game N.O. winning streak in this series In 2000, 14-10. •Green Bay 34 Carolina 9 Last year, after dropping two straight to the Panthers in '99 and '00, the Packers ganged up on them, 28-7, as Brelt Favre threw for 308 yards and three TD's. This one looks lo be equally one-sided. fvtiami 28 •Kansas Cily 13 A matchup of an offense that's always a threat - the Chiefs' - and a defense lhal can neutralize the threat - the Dolphins', Miami has won five in a row from K.C., but they haven't met in five years. Minnesota 17 •Seallle 16 A toss-up featuring two dubs searching for any signs of consistency on eilher side of the ball. Seattle has a four-games-lo-lwo lead In Ihis very occasional rivalry, and Ihe Seahawks won last, In '96. New England 21 •San Diego 14 If there's a prime upset possibilily, this migiil be il ~ even when you factor in 10 straight games the Patriots have taken from the Chargers since '73. In '01 N.E. needed OT to gel pasl S.D., 29-26. The Packers’ Brett Favre The Staelers' Kordell Stewart Allsport photos N.Y. Giants 23 •Arizona 15 How soriy are the Giants lo see Ihe Cardinals boil lo the NFC West? Eight N.Y, wins in their last 10 contests (17-10 and 17- 13 lasl year), lhat's how sorry. Arizona just doesn'l have enough defense, N.Y. Jiits 19 •Jacksonville 14 While the Jets learned a lol againsi N.E. and fvtian'i, the lasl thing the Jaguars needed was a week off aftor two games. They’ve each won two of their four meetings, Jacksonville mosl recently, In '99. Open dale;Atlanta, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Washington •Oakland 27 Tennessee 16 The Titans wanl this one badly because it'll show whether they’re contenders again, and the Raiders want it just as badly because lasl year Ihe non-conlenders beat Ihem al home by a field goal, 13-10. •Philadelphia 32 Houston 7 Afler the opening heartbreaker at Tennessee, the Eagles knew they'd best get pasl Washington, Dallas and Houston with minimal damage. Can the Texans' creditable defense hold its own against Philly? No, •Pittsburgh 24 Cleveland 20 Following a bye week, which Steelers leam will show up for ils first AFC Norlh encounler? In '01 Pittsburgh needed OT to get past Cleveland in Cleveland, 15-12, then pasted Ihe Browns al home, 28-7. •St. Louis 29 Dallas 15 It’s hard to believe that the lasl time the Cowboys mel the Rams, 10 years ago, the Rams came to Dallas from L.A. After battling the Texans (ahem), Titans and Eagles, the ’Boys may be plumb worn oul. Tampa Bay •Cincinnati 20 13 If the Buccaneers play the way Ihey’re capa­ ble, a game like Ihls one should be an easy win - bul only If. Lasl year, Martin Gramalica’s 21-yard field goal In OT gave T.B. a 16-13 win over the Bengals, (Monday) Denver 27 •Baltimore 12 This Is already a desperation game for the Ravens after two losses and a week off, and the Broncos' defense won’t help. Two sec- ond-half Elvis Grbac TD passes led Baltimore over Denver In ’01, 20-13. COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORIMient. 26,2002■ Ч Г . 7 ^ .S B a te a • ‘ г '^ ш т г л F O O IB A L L G O N IE S I NAME THE WINNING TEAMS EACH WEEK AND WIN CONTEST RULES W I N ! ^ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Perfect Entry I, Anyone can enter except employees o( ire Dave County Еп!еф(15в Record and their familes Only oce en\ry atofted pet person per week. All entries must be on огю'па! newspnni or lax lo 33&-751-9760 3. The lifst entrant correctly pre<3’Ctif>g outcome ol all games m a neck will receive a bonus ol S2500. Weel^ty pwes aro S25 & Cap (Of (irst placo and S5 (or second place. 4. In case ol les. We entrant who came closest lo trie total number o( points in tho tie breaker wms II a tie sMI ex'sts. awards will bo divKled equally among the winners 5, Entnes must bo delivered to the Enterprise Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The olfice is located at \7\ S Main St.. Mocksville. NC. 6. Winners will be announced lollowing each contest. Decisions ot judges w« be (mal. A now contest Will bo announced oach woek. 2nd Prize k’s Pizza Kinda Silly Name REALLY GOOD PIZZA16. Nebraska v. Iowa St. Mocksvlle Marketplace'Shopping Center • 75/-0409 EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 751-2148 1. (NFL) Chicago V. Bulfalo WE HAVE MANUFACTURED ^HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET SEE JACE or STEVETODAY! 13. Tampa Bay v. Cincinnati B o n a n z a N o b ile H o m e s П 700 Wllkosboro St. • Mocksville, NC Inter. Hwys. 601 & 64 N. 336-751-5959 O w ned & O perated by Jack M organ 8. NY Jets V. Jacksonvlllo D a ir y Q u e e n H ave a S p e cia l T reat B e fo re £r A fte r th e Gam e 5286 Hwy. 158 • Advance • 940-2438 G a r d n e r ’ s ® 5423 Hwy. 158 • Advance Open Mon.-Frl., 8am-6pm & Sat., 8am-3pm 998-1723 Is your vehicle ready for the upcoming winter? 7. NY Giants v. Arizona Come by and visit the professional staff at Gardner's Xpress Lube for all your vehicle maintenance needs. Spillman’s Land & Home Sales 2. Detroit V. New Orleans Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 ' Tops Travel^ To p s o n P ro fe s s io n a l S e rvice F u ll S c ir ic c T ra vel A g e n c y 336-766-7303 ,5.S.Caro,lnav. Vaaderb.lt www.topstravel.com ^ 2 7 5 0 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d. ■ C le m m o n s ^ D a v ie M e d ic a l ^ E q u ip m e n t providing all of your home health care needs. 15. Davie v. Morg. Freedom 959 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 ( 336) 75 I - 4288 • ( 888 ) 797-1044 Fax ( 336 ) 751- 4688 W i / s i w ù m î m u n i c a t i i 4 î s , J m “Your Total Communication Source”4. Miami V. Kansas City% cingular do you чм M wyT NEXTEL ■ X H I T R Г ' -I F R E E I Case or Car Charger j with phone uLiivullon V is it U s A t O ur L o c a tio n n e x t to B y-io C itg o 5 32 2 US H w y 158 & 801 A d va n ce 3 36-998.2997 E d w a r d jo n e s 1 M a ttV o r a h 1 Iiiv fs lm i'iit K c p rc s c iiln liv c f / i Court Sqimrc Mm k s v iilr, .\(;2 7l)2 1 i • ♦ »(:ì :ì0)7,ì i -i-10() ttu u.iMl\».iriljnjii-».«’om Srnin}! Iniiitidudi Sitirr IHTI 17. Arkansas v. Alabama i i O a k a ▼ GOLF CLUB 12. St. Louis V. Dallas For Tee Times Call 940-2000 H i l l s d a l e D e n t a l 6. New England v. San Diego Dr. Jerry Hauser Dr. Adam Dorsett Family & Cosmetic General Derttistry 135 M edical D rive, A dvance,336-998-2427 I--------555,---------1 I S A V E m ! la d d W o i ! 1 0 % : BUILOINQ^PPIIES I 162 SHCEK STREET,• I 751-2167 I R M I M I 10. Philadelphia V. Houston I With coupon I MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER'S SUPPLY I OffwbpirM I I 12-31-200a I I___is"___I A complete lumber yard lor the past 84 years. Where your granddad was a satisfied customerl B e l l & H o w a r d C H E V R O L E T S a l e s • S e r v ic e P a r t s a n d B o d y S h o p — 2 4 f-io u R W r e c k e r S e r v i c e — Statesville, NC (704) 873-9094 Your “Home-Town” Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 11. Pittsburgh V. Cleveland *— ’ 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 i-Mi Ц1Ч';|| illlo riib iliiiil (Ml til Uii'' N 'N >\'.losU nlriii*i n.com CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Lcwi.svillc-Clemmons Rd., ClemmorLS ~ ,^l Years Ехрспипсс 7— 766-8110 o r 766-0166 t 26. Virginia v. Wake Forest C r o w d e r d ^ C h e s n e y < % /Issociates Ш 24. NCSU V. UMass Your Hometown Realtor 2765-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E|#ECORD FULL COVERAGE O N NEWS & ADVERTISING P.O. Box 99 17! South Main St.,Mocksville, NC 27028 phone; (336) 751 -2 129 fax: (336) 751 -9760 20. Iowa V. Penn St. DAVIF, COUN'l'Y KNTKRPRISK RKCORI). Sepl. 26. 2002 - 115 Five Redslcins Score Touchdowns In 40-0 W in W ilh in O IK - m inuli; o f play, the Cooleomee Redskins’ varsily lo o lb a ll team scored a loueU- down. That was the beginning o f a 40-0 w in over Ihc W illiain R. Davie Raiders. F ive d iffe re n t R edskins scored touchdowns, including Perry Jaines. Marcus Gadson. Sanlana Arnold, Ryan Carter and Janies MayTield. Am old.'^M ay- fie ld .T rey Lowe - who returned a kic k o ff 40 yards - and Gadson scored Iw o-point conversions, W ilh an 18-0 lead, the Red­ skins were slopped on fourth down by Janies Ray, Clark D al­ lon and M a ltlie w Speer, w ho look a handoff on W R D ’s next possession. A Redskins player lifte d Speers o ff his feel and slam m ed him to Ihe ground. Speer was laken o ff the field and diagnosed w ith a bruised muscle in his low er back. C ooleem ee’s G adson, Ty- reese B lackw ell, Darrell Boger, C hris S m oot, B illy Flem ing, Blake Byrne, M alt Garretson, Lowe and Auyanna Brooks Zac Shoem aker made tremendous lackles; James and Brooks re­ covered fu m b le s; and Zac Spaugh and Gadson added yard­ age. Late in the game, Ihe Raiders slarled m oving the ball behind Lew is Favre, who led W R D in rushing w ilh 7.“! yards. W ilh one second le ft, the R aiders had lliird -a n d -g o a l. The coaches hoped lo gain .1 yards lo end the shutout. The allempt failed. W R D tackles were led by D a llo n w ilh fo u r and John Weatherman w ilh three. Favre and Ray had tw o each. The Raiders face Iheir next iipponenl. Ihe Shady Grove B ull­ dogs. al 2;.10 on Sepl. al the Davie C ounly Youth League fo o lb a ll com plex in S m ilh Cirove. ,IV -.S C 2 2 ,C o rn a l/e rf) Shaily Grove coach Kenny Wood made changes in Ihe of­ fense, w hich was evident in Saturday's win over the Cougars. "W e played a greal game, bolh ori'cnsively and delen- sively," he said. “ I hope ihis is the first o f several w inning games." A ndrew L e d fo ril slarled Shady Grove olT with a 2-yard touchdown run in Ihe I'irsl cpiar- ler. Peter Fields scored 2 TDs. one a 2.S-yanl run. Bolh o f those I Ds were followed hy success­ ful Iwo-poini conversions from Chase Angell. Peter Fields, Chase Angell and Shane Winters led ihe rush­ ing, follow ed by Ledford and B.J. Spain. Also for Ihe Bulldogs, A n­ drew Buchanan and Chrislian McGougan led the lackles. Olher key tacklers were Fields, Cole Jackson and Ledforil, w ilh Jack­ son forcing two fumbles, Rich­ ard K elly and Ledford recover­ ing fumbles and Landon W hi­ laker picking o ffa pass. Comalzer coach Bryan Mise praised the defense, which was led by Kawand Koberlson w ilh eighl lackles and Chris Diggs, Chan Archer and Shellon Sales had five each. Robertson scoreil Ihe Cougar touchdown on a 61- yard run. The next game for the Cou­ gars w ill be against M ocksville on Sepl. 2S at 10. The Bulldogs play the W illiam R. Davie Raid­ ers on Sepl. 2S al 1:00. V ar - C orn 22, Sluul.v (Jrove 12 A lth o u g h Ihe B u lld o g s played w ell, ihey suffered a frus- ira lin g loss lo unbealen C or­ natzer (.1-0). "B olh leams played hard, we were just outplayed," said Coach M axie M elton. F or stre a kin g C orn a tze r, Caleb Rom inger ( 12 carries, I .IS yarils) had two touchdowns and Shyleek Brown (eight carries. (i7 yards) added one. R om inger's first score came on a ,‘i2-yard off- lackle run. and the second was a 20-yard sweep. Brown scored on a 47-yard pass from Zach llling . lllin g co m ple te d .Я-of-.'i passes for У.1 yards, including IWO to Brown for 7.1 yards. Coach M ike Lanier praised the offensive line for controlling Ihe line o f scrimmage and the defense fo r bending bul not breaking againsl a good Shady Grove offense. The Cougar de­ fense was leil by B row n and Joshua Hash w ilh seven lackles each and Rominger. Cheyne l'il- man and Josh Burcham w ilh three. Hrell Peterson seoreil the only touchdow n fo r Ihe B ulldogs. Josh Freeman hail .“iO yards rush­ ing. Shady Grove got solid play from Freem an. Peterson and Codv Sulier. Defensively. Free­ m an. Zach L on g , C h ris lia n O'Connor and Chase Sampson led Ihe tackles. O lher lacklers were John Flowers, Greg Rog­ ers and Sulier. Peterson recov­ ered a fumble. The Bulldogs meet W illiam R. Davic Sepl. 28 at 2:30. Cor­ natzer w ill face M ocksville on Sepl. 28 III 11 ;30 at the Davie Counly Youlh League football complex at Sm ilh Grove. ,IV - W R I) 24, Cmilocmcc fl Jeremy Edwards, Dylan Vo­ gier, Jusiin M allock, Raheem M arlin and Channen Thonias recovered fum bles for C oo l­ eemee, and Michael Fleming, M a rlin and A n ihony B ro o kv' were responsible for most o f the Redskins' offensive production. Brooks, Andrew Kastings, Chris Barnharill, Austin Neely and Shawn Fbrighl made gootl lackles on the defensive line for Cooleemee, and offensive line­ man Josh C ra n fill made good blocks in the fourlh ciuarler. V arsity - M ock 14, Pine 12 M ocksville gol back on the w inning track in an exciling win over Pinebrook. Pinebrook scored first - for a 6-0 lead - on a l.'i-yard comple­ tion from Vince Cioce lo Chris Sponaugle. The Ranis could have '.tied il b ul M iehael W ainw right's scoring run was called back by a holding penally. The Rams fin a lly caughi Pinebrook in the third ipiarler when Josh Oswell look a pilch aiul raced 60 yards. Wainwright converted the tw o poinls as M ocksville look an 8-6 lead into Ihe fourlh. Pinebrook regained tlie lead al 12-8 - w ith jusl .1:1.1 remain­ ing - on a 7-yard run by Daven Gray, Momenis earlier. Mocks­ ville thought it had recovered a Trojans fum ble on ils 7-yard line, bul an official ruled the ball carrier’s knee was down before Ihe ball came out. Gray scored on Ihe next play. M o cksville stole it in the end. From the Pinebrook 40, W ainwright went righl. made a quick cul lo his left and darled lo the end zone fo r a 14-12 M ocksville lead w ilh under two minules lo play. Brandon W alls cemented the victory, inlereepling a pass on Pinelirook’s final drive. For Pinebrook, Cioce passed for 74 yards, Joseph Teague had an IN Г, Daniel Henderson had four lackles and recovered a fumble, and Wesley Blake and T yler C uler provided effective blocking. ,IV - M ock .12, P ini'h riio k 6 M ocksville got louchdowiis from N ick Holder, Jared Barber, Tevin Gaither and Darius W il­ son. Sam Taylor, Barber and W ilson recovered fumbles. Ram s coaches applauded bolh lines, including Ihe second- and ihird-team ers who played the m ajority o fth e second half. They also commended ihe fir.sl- slring defense, w hich has nol allowed a touchdown all season. B a s k e t b a l l O f f i c i a l s C l i n i c S t a r t s S e p t . 2 9 Basketball o fficial clinics w ill slarl on Sepl. 29 at 7 p.m. al the , Brock Gym and run every Sunday ihrough November. A ll officials need to allend, and new ones are welcome. For more inform alion, call M ocksville-D avie Recreation Department Athletic D ireclor Joe Boyette at 7.‘i 1-2.12.5. L o c i a P P & K W i n n e r s G o i n g T o R e g i o n a l s The M ocksville-D avie Recreation Department helil the annual NFL Punt, Pass Л Kick com petition on Sept. 22. The winners were Austin O liver (8-У hoys), Jacob Barber (10-11 boys), Morgan Wyall (10-11 girls), Jeffrey Nuckols (12-11 boys), Shay Holder (12-1,1 girls) anil Brad C orriher ( U -l.S boys). Johnallian Wiseman was secoiul in the 8-4 boys ami Dylan V'oglei was third. Chris Hurl was second in Ihe 10-11 boys and Jared Bar­ ber ihird. And in the 14-1.“' boys, Daniel Gough was second and Sean Phillips third. The first-place winners w ill conipele in Salisbury Ocl. 27 w ilh a chance to compete at a Carolina Panthers game in December. C O N G R A f U l A T I O N S T o l a s t w e e k ' s w i n n e r s in o u r F o o t b a l l C o n t e s t First Place = $25 to Billy Hendrix, Jr. Second Place = $5 to Mary Kay Rath B illy H e n d rix , J r. m a d e u s a little n e rv o u s th is w e e k b y m is s in g u s t 2 g a m e s to ta k e fir s t p la c e in th e c o n te s t. M a ry K a y R a th e d g e d o u t 3 o th e r e n tr ie s w ith 3 m is s e d to ta k e s e c o n d . E N T R Y B L A N K Plaqiie.s-Troplile.s-Medal.s- U nRravinK-Hiittons-Uibbim s- I’histic Slijns-Naine 'Гац.ч (iu ry T a y lo r 2414 l.i'wisvilli.'-C'lcmm(irb Kd Phone or Fax (336) Ш-2\2\ Clcninim is. N C 271)12 email:awardsxcal@aol.com Salem Glen Country Club W ednesday, Oct. 2nd Buirito.s& Tacos, $8.95" Thursday, Oct. 3rd TiLsteofPiiris, .$16.95" ^ 22. M ic h ig a n V. lllW iols ООО G le n D n y D riv e , Cli?mmon.s • 712*0303 Snlemglen.com C H A P P E L L E L E C T R I C , L L C 29. WCU V. E.Tenn. St. 1710 CHARDALE DRIVE, CLEMMONS 7 6 6 -3 0 2 4 Electrical Service You Can Trust 21. Maryland V. Wofford B e t h ’s H a llm a r k New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-6567 VOGLER & S O N S 27. Navy V, Duke ,У(7 rw,v l/ll' lo in im iitiiy jo r o v e r /•/•/ w //:r. Funeral Home Clemmons Chapci • 2849 Middlebrook Dr. • 7Г)64714 WABLESl STAFFING SERVICES 3. Green Bay v. Carolina For all your Staffing neecb, give us a call. 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -4 4 1 4 M ocksviiie I A D V E R T I S E R I 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE I 2. SPILLMAN’S HOME & LAND SALES I 3. ABLEST I 4. WILSON COMMUNICATIONS ¡ 5 . STATE FARM-DARRYL BANDY I 6, HILLSDALE DENTAL I 7. GARDNER'S XPRESS LUBE I 8, DAIRY QUEEN I 9. DANIEL FURNITURE I 10. CAUDELL LUMBER I 11. FOSTER DRUG I 12. OAK VALLEY I 13. BONANZA HOMES I 14. HILLSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL I 15. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT I 16. BUCKS PIZZA I 17. EDWARD JONES-MATT VOREH I 18. COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS I 19. BELL& HOWARD CHEVROLET I 20. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK I 22. SALEM GLEN I 23. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 24. CROWDER, MCCHESNEY I 25. TOPS TRAVEL I 26. CLEMMONS CARPET I 27. VOGLER & SONS I ' 28. BLANKET CREEK NURSERY I 29. CHAPEL ELECTRIC I 30.EXCALIBURAWARDS W I N N E R 7Г 23, UNC V, Ga. Tech Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clem m ons Road, Clemmons Hours: ftlon-Fri. 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 www.clemmonsdlscounlsales.com Blanket Creek Nursery and Landscaping Com mercial S Residenlial Fall Is The Time To Plant Specializing in Landscape Renovations Plantings Installed • Plugging • Seed • Tractor Work Perennials & Herb Gardens Installed ' Frae Estimates28, Appalachian v. Citadel 1620 Lewlivllla-Climnioni Rd. • Cieirnnoni • 778-0303 • 766-0586 I'll' llraikiT I’rtdicl Ihi; total .scori; in llic Ibllowiiig ¡;anic. In cases of tics, Ihc lichrciikcr will be used to ilclcnninc Ihc winners. NAME: I Duke vs. Navy I I I ADDRESS:. I I Total Points Scored DAY PHONE NIGHT; 1^ Entries Must Be Received Belore 5 pm Friday j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I В 6 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R K C O R D . S opt. 26, 2002 Davie Needs Flawless Effort To Upset Freedom Davie’s football team can't be accused o f playing a soft sched­ ules. Il's already played better- ihan-expected Alexander Cen­ tra l. 4 -0 West R ow an. 4-0 M ooresville and always-danger- ous Statesville. The W ar Eagles stopped a tw o -po in t conversion to beat Slatesville 14-12 last week, but there's no time to relax bccause a more fonnidable task awaits this Friday in Morganton Free­ dom, Davie's homecoming op­ ponent al 7:30 p.m. “ W e're definitely (the under­ dog). but we're up lo the chal­ lenge," Coach Doug Illing said. Freedom co m m itte d five turnovers ,ind I.“) penalties in its only loss, 10-7 to Shelby, but it was againsi a Shelby team thal w cnl 10-4 in 2001. Since then Ihe Patriots o f the Northwestern 4-A Conference have been al­ most unstoppable offensively, beating South Caldwell 3.‘i-21. Statesville 42-14 and Gastonia Ashbrook .35-1.1. “ Tliey're lough on both sides o f Ihe ball, and they've got a great kicker (Siuan M u ll).“ Ill­ ing said. "T h ey do a ll Ihrce phases o f the game very w ell." The Patriots live m ostly on the ground, but they can burn yo\i deep w ith receiver Chris Jef­ ferson (6-3.4.49 speed). T hey'll send linebackers Donald Brown. Tyler Pritchard and Colt Herron after Davie’s sophomore sensa­ tions. Justin Brown and Janies "C ooler" Arnold. Their defen­ sive front is anchored hy Nick W allace and their backs runs b ehind le ft tackle C hris Leonhardi (fi-2. 275). The War Eagles w ill have lo m ix in producli4'e passes from Andrew McClannon to reliable receivers l.a rry Hudson and B rian H unter and som ehow overcome their crippling defen­ sive injuries to have any chance for an upset. Sophomore Dew­ ayne C o llin s, ju n io r Thomas Schatnbach and freshman Re­ Shawn Parks were expected to spend this season either playing JV or watching and learning on varsity. But the rash o f injuries, including season-ending ones to senior outside linebackers T im m y R edm ond and Jon Goode, have pushed them into the fire. Parks is one o f two freshmen in the secondary, along with Raeshon M cN eil. Davie is so banged up defen­ sively that 14 points - D avie’s Davie Football Statistics Record: 2-3,0-0 CPC a t A le x a n tJ e r C e n tr a l L 1 3 -7 W e s t R o w a n L 1 4 -1 2 L a k e N o r m a n W 6 1 - 0 a t M o o r e sv ille L 3 7 - 6 a t S t a t e s v ille W 1 4 -1 2 RUSHING B r o w n A rnoW B e r u b e R id d le H u n te r M c C la n n o n B e a m Y o u n g Davie Opponents PASSING A rn o ld M c C la n n o n Davie Opponents 40 H u d s o n H u n te r S te p h ie n s R a n d o lp h Davie Opponents 4 0 SCORING A rn o ld B r o w n W in te r s H u d s o n R id d le A llred B e r u b e H u n te r W h ite Davie Opponents 11 Defense R id d le G u s t a f s o n R ic e C . G o o d e ' W e s t R e d m o n d J . G o o d e B le d s o e S c h a m b a c h 1 4 W h ite A llred M c N e il (delensive numbers through 4 games) INTERCEPTIONS A llre d , H a u s e r , R id d le , W h ite FUMBLE RECOVERIES B le d s o e 2 , 0 . G o o d e , H a u s e r , S to v a ll С э г ,G a in A v g ,L o n g 9 4 4 6 3 4 .9 21 5 6 2 1 9 3 ,9 5 4 1 7 1 2 3 7 ,2 3 4 1 9 6 3 3 .3 1 8 2 3 1 ,5 4 1 •4 0 ,0 0 1 -6 0 ,0 0 1 -6 0 .0 0 1 9 2 8 4 6 4 .4 5 4 1 9 4 7 1 7 3 ,6 3 9 C o m p A tt Ini; P e t Y d s T D 1L ng 1 7 4 6 2 .3 6 9 3 3 7 2 5 7 3 8 0 .3 7 5 4 2 1 1 7 2 0 5 4 2 .3 7 0 3 7 9 3 5 7 4 0 7 0 4 .5 7 1 5 6 5 3 4 0 R e c Y cjs A v g . T D L o n g 8 1 8 0 2 2 .5 2 5 0 8 1 4 2 1 7 ,7 1 5 7 3 5 4 1 8 .0 0 2 3 1 3 3 .0 0 3 2 0 3 7 9 1 8 .9 3 5 7 4 0 5 6 5 1 4 .1 3 4 0 T D C o n v ,K ick F G P ts 3 0 0 0 1 8 3 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 3 0 1 0 2 9 4 11 0 7 1 7 6 T a c k le s F o r L o s s S a c k s B rU p F F 41 0 0 1 1 3 4 1 0 1 1 3 0 5 0 1 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 2 0 5 1 0 0 1 9 4 2 1 1 1 8 2 0 0 1 1 7 4 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 Kicking W in te r s PUNTING W in te r s P A T 10 -12 A tt 20 FG 2 -4 Avg. 3 2 .3 Lg 35 2 0 - 2 9 0-0 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 2 - 3 0 -1 highest output in four o f its five games - w ill like ly nol come close lo scaring Freedom. "'riie y don’l do anyihing real fancy." Illing said. " I'liey run iso. sweep, dive option and traps. They’re jusl going lo come right at you." Illing has faith lhal Davie can make the third ineeling as inter­ esting as the llrsl two. In Ihe stale playoffs in 1ЧЧ7, Davie pulled oul one o f the mosl exciting wins ever. 41-35 in four overtimes. Lasi vear M u ll won a classic fie ld -g o a l ballle over D avid W ooldridge, ii-3. Last year Freedom hiuided Davie one of its Iwo defeats and went ‘)-3. "L o o k in g at th e ir roster, they're not all that hig (defen­ sively I." he said, "They’re only ahoul 215. 22(1 on the line, but they’re real fast. .So il looks like we’re going Io have a size ad­ vantage (w ith lig h l ends Teil Randolph and Cody Stephens and linemen Zach Jakob. Justin N orsw orthy. Jusiin Lanning. M a ll M a rkh in d and T re n t Young) - if we can jusl lock on theni. "W e've got lo conlrol the ball and not give up Ihe big pl;iy on defense. W e've ijoi lo score. We Ihink we c;m do some things against them . S lalesville had some success running the ball, riiey ran up and down Ihe field. They had aboul 200, 250 yards rushing, so we feel like we can pose Ihem a problem ." Notes: D avie’s defense w ill probably be w iihout Sam Stov­ all (ankle), Jeremy West (back) and B illy R iild le (knee). "(S tovall’s ankle) is like a tooth ache." defensive coordinator Devore llolnian said. "It's ag­ gravating. He look a shot on i l ; I ilo n 'l think he rolled il. " ... This week Redmond's knee w ill go under; Ihe knife and Goode, who dislocated his ankle in a grue­ some injury, w ill unilergo sur­ gery. Now Keith W hitaker's out­ side linebackers are Ben Allred, who started the year al safely. Kevin Boger and Collins. War Eagles Get Win Over Statesville L o n g In 2 0 5 3 6 C ontinued From l ’ii(je IM signals and handed o ff to Am old. w ho piled up 1,2(19 yards and av­ eraged nearly nine yards a rush on Ihe 2001 JV. F illy-fou r yarils later. Davie was wearing its biggest smile o f the season. A rnolil sped 7 yards into the end zone, and K evin W inters'extra poinl m adi it 14- 0. "W e kept churning," Illin g said. "W e \veie going to make them slop the rim . and they didn't stop the run until late in Ille second half." I'or five possessions. Slales­ ville (2-3) irieil lo gel speedster Cam S im pson loose up Ihe middle, around the end and on a variety o f m isdirection plays - to no avail. Simpson, w ho came in averaging 135 yards a game, gained 10 on his firsl eight tries. But after gelling held to 40 yards on those five possessions, the Greyhounds found daylight al the end o f the half. Although they drove 80 yards in 77 sec­ onds to chop inlo Davie's lead, the War Eagles appeared lo have kepi Slatesville o ff the board on Ihe final play o f the half when DBs M alachi Gentry anil Re­ Shawn Parks wrestled receiver Arnold Graham lo Ihe ground al the Davie 3 w ith no lim e on the clock. H ow ever, a ro ug h ing -lhe - p;isser penally moved the ball to Ihe I and eMended Ihe h alf for one more play. Simpson scored but B randon Pane crashed through the line, disrupted the extra point and kept Davie’s lead at 14-6, ;i miss that came back to lianni Slatesville in the end, "W e played greal defense for 23 m inutes," Illin g sighed. A lth o ug h D a vie ’ s offense failed lo reach paydirt in Ihe sec­ ond half, it was clearly much more effective w ith McClannon directing Davie in the I-form a- tion. Brown coughed up momen­ tum in the firs t h a lf, bul he moved like a ruiuiway truck for 21 yards and lost the grip be­ cause he refused lo go dow n, carrying lacklers for an extra 10 y;irds, Davie moved 4S yards on iis first drive o fthe third quarler 10 set up a 37-yard field goal for Winters. He had plenty o f dis­ tance hut the ball sailed wide left. .And Arnold sliced States­ ville for 2S yards in the fourth, bul the run was backed up by a penally and the prom ising drive fizzled after penetrating inid- fielil. "W e ’ ve had some tough breaks. W e've gotten down and not finished, hul tonight we look a step up and put it in when we needed lo pul il in," said jun io r left lackle Jakob. "M cClannon gets the job done pretty w ell. We just played sm ashnunilh fool- hall." C u lly K ffo rl D avie's defense has been saddled by a string o f injuries lhat began in Ihe opener and con­ tinued right Ihrough Slalesville. S till, Devore H o lm a n ’s unit found a w ay to do whal lutd to l)e done. Nose guard Pane and outside linebacker Ben A llred I'rnslraled Slalesville the mosl. Besides al­ tering the missed exira poim , Pane sacked iiuarierback Chris Ward for an 11-yard loss in the first i|uarler and dropped runner Jusiin Cowan for a 4-yafd loss on ihird-and-3 in the third. “ It seemed like il's been for­ ever, and I'm glad lo be back," said Pane, who returned for the first lim e since getting injured in Ihe opener "M e and Sam I Stov­ a ll) came up to each olher at M ooresville and I said: 'Sam, pronii.se me we're not going to lose another game when we gel h;ick.' Everybody was doubling us today, bul we gave il :dl we had." Allred was everywhere. He tripped np Simpson for a big loss in Ihe Ihird. smothered Simpson behind the line again in Ihe fourth ;nid sacked Ward for an 8-yard loss afler Slalesville had reached the Davie 47. (Jn lhat same series, Norsworthy, who is phiying O L and LB, pre­ vented Simpson from m oving Ihe chains w ith an open-field l;ickle on fourth down. "Y ou’ve got 10 play through adversily,’’ A llrcd said. "We just played the way w e're cap;ible of phiying. and that’s all we've got to do." “ Ben siepped up and got it done," defensive coordinator Holman said. F n in lic Finish D avie c o u ld n 't m ake it ihrough an entire game without losing another key player. Jon C'loode, a th ird -y e a r starter at outside linebacker, suf­ fered a gruesome inju ry w ilh (i:40 left and was carried o ff on a stretcher. According to Illing, lie suffered a broken fibula and dislocalion o f Ilis left ankle, tear­ ing all the ligaments. The injury was SI) sickening, most folks turned their heads because they couldn't hear lo look. "W hal else can happen'.’" Ill­ ing said. “ Our kids saw it and il really freaked them out. It was kind o f lough for Ihem lo go back out there and play. A lot of them were sick on their stomach, bul they sucked il up and played bard for him ," T h in g s got h a iry on Statesville's last gasp. W ith a little over three m inules left, W anl eluded heavy pressure and somehow found Simpson for 21 y;irils. Then, on lhird-;m d-8 from Ihe Davie 36, Wanl threw long and h il Cow:in for a first-anil- goal al the 1, Two plays laler, Simpson waltzed in to close Ihe gap to 14-12 w ith 1:43 showing. "W e called a stunt," Illin g said. "T he w ay (W ard) was llm nving the ball on the run we d idn'l Ihink he could complete it. Bul give him credit." A successful tw o-point con­ version and overtime loss w inild h;tve ni:ide Ihe War Eagles an emotional wreck. A fle r going I- 4 in thejirevious five games de­ cided by seven poinls or less, and w ith lalenled Freedom up next, Davie had to hold on or face the prospect o f the season going in the lank. Statesville wenl lo its money m;m. Simpson swept right and cut left - bul hit a w all al the 2. Although Iheir elation was tem ­ pered by Goode's season-ending injury, Ihe War Eagles li:id sur­ vived without defenders Tim m y Redm ond (fe llo w th ird -ye a r starter at O LB who was lost for the season against Lake N or­ man), star safely Riddle, veteran tackle Jerem y West and star lackle Stovall, who played the firsl h alf but reinjiired his ankle and sal out the second half, “ It was a gooil ilefensive call by Holman and the defensive coaches," Illin g said, "Those running backs d id n 'l need much blocking. We knew we were go­ ing 10 have lo gang tackle, and our defense did a heckuva jo b to hold them to tw o scores, "It feels better, bul Lord I don't know wbat w e're going to do w ith all Ihe injuries." Notes: W inters averaged 33 yards on six punts and drilled three kickoffs inlo the end zone. ... Davie was I-9 againsi Slales­ ville hefore the arrival o f Illing, who defeated Roger Bosl's club for the third lim e in four years. ... Davie overcame O-for-6 pass­ ing belween Arnold and M cC l­ annon. Dlivli' 7 7 0 II-14 .Sliilcsvitti' 0 (, II ri-12 rirsi yu a rlir l) - IlTOWn 20 nin tWinlcrs kickl. I:.|7. .S'l'coml (.JiiiirliT D - Arnolit 7 run (Winlcrs kifk). 1:17. .S - SiinpMm I run (kick tail). 0:00. Kmirlh Qiliirtcr .S - ,SinipM)n .1 nm (run t.til). 1:4.t. •1КЛМ S TA'l IS l ICS t-irsI lI(H4ns KusliL's-yarils I’-issing rnmp-Ait-lm I’unis ritrnlilcs-l.dsl IViuilncs-yarils .^ril L-onvcrsiims INDIVmilAL.STATI.STIC.S Davit RU.SIIING- Hrmvn ifi-t.M.AnmlcI IS-124, MiCI:mnun I-(-41 l>ЛSSI^'Ci - .Mi.'CI:unum 0.4-(l-ll. Arnolil ()-2*()-() Sliitvsvillt R U S I lIN G - Simpson 2.^ H ) I . liuriK- 3-.^ I . C ow ;m 6 -2 1 .Ciralijm I - (-K ). Witrd 2 -Í-I9 ) P A S S IN G - W ard Ч .1 7 -0 -1 19 R E C R lV IN O -G ra liH in 3 -1 1 .Cow an 2 0 0 . Sim pson 2-ЗП. C ald ucII 2 -1« ])S II \} ■ISO.'il 0 11'i ‘M 7 -0 6-15 S-.ÏI l-I 1-0 7-(v7 K-Í1Ü M O 4-12 SJNCtt PRl MiHM Ol Í» U ANNUHY L o o k in g fo r F iv e -Y e a r G u a r a n t e e d * In te r e s t R a te s? The Platinum V single premium deferred annuity from Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company it ar\ eicellent inveslmenl opportunity. '•Interest rale guaranteed (or two full five*year guarantee periods -Annual rate increase of 0.15% in years 2-5 and 7*10 -A n alternative lo bank CDs and jusl as easy to purchase** -friendly consultation and assistance from your Nationwide Agent Call your Nationwide Agent for current interest rates and to discuss how Platinum V can help you meel your financial goals. Jim Kolly, Jr. 281 Norlh Main Street Mocksville 336-751-2937 'Vna!orwiöe œm Keilh Hillof 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksville VWVjw Oaks Shop Cnlr. 336-751-613) MlcrV t ¡é natOTìAido com •(* lubject lo the cUttni p*ying ■bihly ol Nationwide Ule arwj Annuity lniui*nce Compjny, ••Bilof* inveiling. undenUfHl IhJl innoaie» arc not iniuftd l»y the FOIC. NCUSlf of any olhM fedetal gov. rrnmcnt agency; arc not deponU or obligations o^ guaranteed by, or Intured by, the drpottlory initilutKin wh*r* oliered; involve irweilfner^t riiii. including pottible loH ol value.Oiitribulfortt made prior to 59 1/2 may be iul)|ect to a 10% penalty taa. All taiabte dlilnbulioni at any age arc lubiect to ordinary income Ux. ar>d lurrervler charge» may apply. Coni/act No. fHL-645-4J (TX) Nationwide Malmum V. an Individual ilngk premium deferrtd annuity, it limed by NatiotTwide tile and Annuity Iruurance Company, Cotumbuv OH 4J2IS Nationwide Wabnum V1» • teiwc mart of Nationwide Ufe Intufancc Company. NN-¿623 04/01 Special o£ the Week L a n c e N u ts Assorted • 1 3/40Z. Bags ea. Limit 8 While Siipplie.s La.st Selected IIM .I.M AR K( ARD.S 1/2 Price It’s Here Now! Save Your Film and Save Money! In S to re P h o to P ro ce ssin g II I Sllll/ly in / H o u r! l-'o r u re a l iitro r m a lio n on d r ile s Л: h i'iillh p ro b li'in s . j;o III w \\,r(is li'r (lriiu i(i,i.'o m R egular H ours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 __________________www.fosttTdrugco.com DAVIR COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - B7 Bratcher Hammers 165 Yards, JV Team Runs To 3-1 S ta le svillc d isiirm cil Uriul C orrihcr arul his rcccivcrs, hut tin: Greyhounds couU lu'l stop 1J a 111 a r I B r a t c h c r ami his tag- Itc a m part- In c r, Jake I Porter. 13 a V i e Ic lid irt com- I pleic a pass I last week in I a iio n -co n - C a r le r ference JV fo o tb a ll gam e. N o m a ile r, B ratclicr and Porter, who alter­ nated as the lone back in Davie's backfield, hammered the spirit out o f Slalesville, 21-8. Bratcher carried the m ail 29 times and amas.sed ló.“! yards. Porter pounded into Ihc meat o f Ihe defense 11 limes and turned in 85 yards. "Porter's about the same style runner as Bratcher," Coach Lee L in ville said. "H e runs mostly slraighl ahead and he's a preliy big kid. Basically we've got two (N o. 1) fullbacks." It took Slatesville all o f three plays to go ahead 8-0, striking on a OS-yard pass secoiuls into Cornatzer Leads ASU In Tackles ,Scott Cornatzor o f Advance led Appalachian Stale's football team in tackles going into last Saturday’s game againsi Liberty, The senior entered the third game w ith 22 lackles, including 18 solo stops, C o rn a lz e r was a backup strong safety for three years, but he won the starling job al free safety by beating oul incumbent Steve Kitchens, "1 really wanted to slarl," he said, "I wenl out lo try to make a name for m yself." " I'v e alw ays been a C or­ natzer fan, from Ihe sccond half o f Ihc A uburn gam e," Coach Je rry M o ore said, re c a llin g Cornatzer's first game as a red- shirl freshman in I9 ‘jy , Cornatzer starred for Davie High in 1996-97 and made the A ll-N orthw est team as a senior lie fo llo w e d b ro lh e r N eil Cornatzer's path by w alking on at App, then earning a full schol­ arship before his sophomore sea­ son, N eil, a fullback from 1996- 2()()() who scored a team-high 12 touchdowns in 1999, is in his first year as an assistant coach al Kice, He coaches the defen­ sive line, C P C Football Standings O ve ru ll ConI'. W, Forsyih 4-1 0-0 N, Davidson .1-1 0-0 S, Iredell 3-2 (1-0 S, Rowan 3-2 0-0 Reynolds 1-4 0-0 D avic 2-3 0-0 F riila y ’.s Scores N. Forsyth 30, Reynolds 24 W. Forsyth 46, E, Forsyth 14 Davie 14, Statesville 12 N, David.son 45, E, David.son 0 S. Iredell 6, Ale.xander C. 0 M ooresville 43, S, Rowan 19 F ricluy’.s (iiu iie s Page al Reynolds Freedom at Davie N orlh Davidson al E. Forsyih South Iredell al Lake Nonnan Soulh Rowan al Kannapolis Wesl For.sylh at N W G uilford GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons the game. Statesville's highlight reel ended right thore. Paul Ferrell inlercepled a pass and returned it to tho Slatesville 9. Bratcher cleaned up the resl, and Corriher added Ihe two-point conversion on a bootleg run to mako the halllim e score 8-8, Davie was at its smashmotith best in the second half, pound­ ing oul not one but two 11-play, 75-yard drives. Bratcher fin ­ ished Iho first one for a 14-8 lead, and Porter capped the sec­ ond one. C orriher kicked the extra point for the final margin. Davie (3-1) was coming o ff a 21-7 loss lo a Mooresville team that's approaching 50 slraighl Thursday wins. "W e're going lo make sure from now on that we run the ball," L inville said. "Wo w orked really hard on getting o ff the ball and we looked good on offense, “ Bratcher and Porter had a lot of holes lo run through, (particu­ larly) on iho right side behind Ryan Boehm, Jordan G rim es and C ha rlie M onger. G ra n l Lakey got his firsl start al center and did real w ell." Tho rnnnors also got plenty o f help from Ihe defense. Ferrell inlerccptod two passes. Am lrew Darcy picked ono at the Davio 5 and returned it 40 yards to pre­ serve Ihe 14-8 lead in the fourth. Jaspen Gray had a team-high nine lackles, follow ed by Dus­ lin Morgan w ilh seven and Zac O 'B rie n , Brock Flow ors anil Sean Wagoner w iih five, Logan Buchanan, H arry B row n and Jordan Fowler added tackles for minus yardage. “ Wagoner really stepped up," defensive line coach T ild c n Carlcr said, “ He had a big tackle for loss on a play lhal could have (broken froo). He really played to the level ihal's been expcclcd o f him, "A nd Flowers continued lo impress us (at linebacker). H e’s jusl always around plays," Davic plays its final noncon- forenco game on Sepl. 26 at 7 p.m. at Morganton Freedom. á ¡ m á I m t i m i i i e р щ t o S a ie fa re s s ta r tin g a t $ 8 7 faiM .)ir kv.iy bJiedon ¡гщигтО loismiinp Ilurr)', tares must be purcluscil hy midnight I hurMbiy, OcioluT S. Knn»II in Uiviilcml Miles' and you сам c.irn a spccial bonus of J..sl)() miles tor y«iur \егл- first L'S Ainv.iys' tlijjlu to lltc (^tribbean.* In adiliiion, even- time y«m tlv L'S .ЛiIлv.lys, you will earn one mile lor even»' mile lloun or a miniimiin of .iOO miles ftir every llight. I'.nroll at iis;nnv;iys.c<>m or .it check-in. Book online at usalrways.com or call US Airways International Reservations at 1-800-622-1015. Llame al 1-800*842-5374 en español. Or visit yo ur local City Ticket Office or travel consultant. 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I irLcls nm>t In- |)urcli.Hc-ii within 7’ liDiir^ of m.iLin}: fi'cmti<jnv. I ii'kvi' 1кчч11по nmirLruiui.ililc 21 .ilu-r ni.il.uij; iriiii.il ri-scn Jtinn, ami may 1ю cluiigi-ii jtrmr m ilic ({cii,imirc ul'i jili |1|ц1и vc^nu'ut Inr 4 umiuiuim SllM> tcc, .»rc u«*t m.ulc jvritvr to tlju ilcjunmc iiV cjili rtij;)it. tlic ciuire rcin.iinm^; ikkti « ill li.nc im iiirihtr wiliic. '1 iiU'ts imin lie |iiiri'baMil liy 10/i/ll’. Гг.иcl nniM bt- itinijili-icil by 12/1’/02. m Ik-li/f, (ircn.i>i.i, PrnviiiL-iii i.ilcH, |'iiiu.i ( .iml Si. Kitts must mvur liy 2/7/(IJ ami nm>t be completed liy .’/2 i/o*. lH.ickiiin »ljti-4 Ilf I ]/.’ i/02-11/21/02 liir If.IVel hi ibe (!.inbbejn J|'|>ly. Illjik<iut il.ue\ ul 11/<0/02-12/2/1*2 lur tr.iu-1 from ilic(ijriblie.m ii|ij)ly. Ill.u'ki)iit »Lite". i{i> not npply for lleli/e or I'rtividemiiile^. Isires valiil I'nr travel to tbe C^jrilibeun .\lunilj)s- riiiir«l.i> > .nul l.ires \ .iliil fur tr.i\el liom the (..inlilie.ni (ием|.|уч-1г1|{а>л; Ijres for travel otlier i1,ivn m.iy be liijjiicr. l or (i.in.i and I’roviileiiei.iles miil-ueek travel ;i|>|)lie\ .Vl<miUy-'rbut4tl.iy. Л »итншш .Unijjlu May U ami Л iiuYiimim Ul tI.iy su) !•> .illo«eii. I'jre> do not iiulmle n|i K* SlH 111 airimrt passenj;cr laiility ch.ir^ev (I'l (л) «here applicable, ami the Sepieinber 11 ih ,Seciirit) I'ee of up to SlO per itinerary. l-'.ires tio not iiicKule ){ovcrnment-im;K)sed inieriuiioiul tatcs/liLs/Mifcharjjes of np to Seals are Iimiieil or iii;iy be void om durinj; very biivy tr.ivcl limes or boliiliy periods. Seats for Antigua and Co/iimel are cvircmely limited in Ociober. St‘.us for Antijnu arc c»tremcly limilcd in November. l.o»er fires may be av,iiljlilc in ihese markets. I'ares may n<;i Iw available m all markeis, ()ther lomliiiotis may apply, Seliediiles are snbject to еЬапце. 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I'ares to (irenada valiii lor ira\el beginning 12/21/02 anti valid lor travel to St. Kills beginning 12/7/02.1'or Providcitcialc^ and Puniu Oiu: I'ares to I'rovidenciales valid for travel beginning 11/2/02 and valid for travel tu Pimta Cana beginning 12/Ы/(»2, Senice to Pimia Cana ts subject Ю foreif-n governmciii approval. »Dividcmi .МИсч Olier: Unroll in Dividend .Miles and earn 2.500 miles on your lirst llight to the Caribbean ifyou purchase your ticket by 10/3/02 ami flyby WU/»,'. ’lo enn>li in Diviilen.l .S\iles, visit »»alrway».cmn or emoll .w cluik-in, 'Hie enr«»lbnent bonus cannot be applied relroaciively and is not valiil Air cnrreni Dividend -Miles members. I'kase allow up t«i 2 weeks afier travel is complete for miles (o be posted. All Dividend .Miles terms and conditions appi). Special enrollment tillers are subject to change \kilh or without noiice. US AlHWAYS VACVflDNS ’14-‘K.\!S AND C.DNUll'KINS; Rates .»e per peis«»n. I».»sed on double mvup.nn7 from <‘li,iTlotie, N assau rate is valid lor .Mond.iy departures '^/И)/02-12/'//02. (lanciin fate is valid fi>r Sunday ihrough I’licsdiy s'//2'WI2-l2/l7/l)2, .Montego ll.iy aiitl Aruba rates are valitl for .Momlay ami 1'uesd.iy ilipartures 'V10/02-12/K1/02. Atlditi<inal vacation rates are available. Iloiel rooms are limited and may not be available at these rates throughmit thetlep.inutt entire travel period, Seals e Inniletl ami are 1 available at these fares on all lliglits. Airline scheiliiling is Mihjcii to change with or wiihout notice. Substantial restrictions apply for refunds, Uates do not include hotel charges typiwHy paid by the customer iliiectly 10 the hotel (e.g„ mom serv ice, teleplioiie charges, etc.), govermiient-impiiseil iuteruatiuual tr.»vel t.»\es of vvp t«> isl.ind dcp.irmie taxes <iiSlS in Nassau, airport passenger facility charges (I'FCs) of up lo Sl8 and the .Seplemher 1 Ilh Seciiriiy I'ee of up lo SIO per |)eison. Other ccmilitions apply; please refer 10 tlie US Airways \auiions hrochure. US Airways \acaiions is a regisiered trademark of US Airways, hic. (;SI’2li()'í2IH-20 9/24/02 H» - DAVIK COUNTV KNTKRPiUSF, Ri:CORD, Sept. 26, 2002 It rained buckets during the Norlh Davie eighth-grade football team's game against West Rowan. Stewart Runs Wild For 119 As North Whips stewan gains a big chunk of his 119 yards. West Rowan Coaches and players watch from the sideline in less-than-ideal conditions. Michael Weakley tries to beat a Bulldog to a fumble. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Brandon Stewart (1) and two teammates pull down West's big lunner. In te rio r D e sig n s C ontinued Krom ['аде III S icw iirl nnd Ciough Гогсхч! Wcsl lo pick ils poison, scoring on nms o f 50 :md 4 1 y:irds, rc- spcclivcly. Josh M iller, who has moved I'rom cenlcr to fullb:ick because ol' Mark Huggins' in­ jury, added cfllcicn l yards on seven carries. "W c led llie game o il' w iih Stcwan," Boger said o f ilic play- calling. "W c csiablislicd llic toss w ilh him , and he made a couple X-yard runs. Then wc ran llic same coiinlcr play thal Quinton Faulkner was successful w ilh (in Ihe scvenlh-gradc gam e) to Gough, riiey jumped down on Slewart and Gough was o ff to the races (for a 6-0 lead)." Quarterback W hil M errifield was his nonnal cool self under ccnter Deep in West territory on N orth’s sccond drive, he callcd an audible and threw a pop pass to his big Iighl end, 1'oni Kuell. That made il 12-S and il only got worse for Wcsl. M e rrifie ld attem pted ihrcc passes and completed Iwo, bolh lo Kuell for 28 yards. "W e've got a couplc audibic.s when he sees something because W h il's so sm arl." Boger said. "A nd we've got a really good light end. Kuell works real hard on his game. He w orks a flcr practice, Everylhing you want him lo do, he does a lillle extni. Same way w ith M errifield. "A nd M e rrifield saved our bacon a couplc times on defense (at safely)." Defensive linemen M ichacl M u rph y. K e vin Boehm and Chris Ange harassed the B u ll­ dogs all day, holding them lo zero offensive points. Gough not only blocked a punt, he gol up and tackled the Bulldog who re­ covered the block at Ihc West 5, "W c had an awesome dcfen- ■sivc game," K irk said, "W c re­ a lly messed up their blocking schemes and caught ihem in Ihc backficid several times." Note,4: Gough and Slewarl owe thank-you cards to Ihc OL, Tlic blockers arc tight ends Kuell and Juslin Sm ilh and linemen Josh Di.4on, Boehm, M urphy, Josh Chesnee and Wesley Potts. ... Nonh grounded Wesl 27-6 last year.... North plays at Erwin on Scpi. 25. al home to Soulheasl on Ocl. I and al North Rowan on Oct. Ц. Fall Sale! September 23-30 ♦ /’mils 1 •f-iiiiii/s l/ii/ii/nv hails I'i'Ai ()//iliiu end nf ilw ynir Sluip liiiilv fill Hi-sl Si-Ii(li()ii.' Clutilciu- II. Casiitly C h ihliiir !.. Псцс in.SAs.s«i lates 3560-C C lem m ons Rii., Clem m ons, NC (.NV.xl i/iwr III I’lihlU L ih iiiy i 336-76(1-9918 M -F 9 a in -5 p m f I TREE SERVICE A iMfirmMfiMfT 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 2 9 4 4 TOLL FREE 1-866-896.7711 Free Fsiimates • Fully Insuied • Serving Forsylh & Davie Counly BiaidenlLal St Commercial Work Selective Trimming & Pruning • Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Оатлде • Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing • Trained Arbodst (Complete Clean Up) A West Rowan runner slips down trying to get away from Tom Kuell. Brandon Slewart tries to pick up the slippery ball. Ron Kirk (left; and his staff have directed North fo 10 straight victories dating to last year. c h e c r I H C A S H I N G ^ P A R T N E R ’S Office Ofo;B’s Mini Mart ^klnvlll© Rd. • Mocksville Cashing A ll Types m k o f Checks Fees!! DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - B9 North Soccer Team Remains Perfect At 5-0 N orth Davie's socccr team doesn’t panic under pressure. The W ildcals pulled out a pair ol 2-1 ilccisions lasl week, beal- m g Forsylh C ountry Day and High Point Wesleyan to remain pcrl'cci at 5-0, North has won three one-goal games, including a t -0 win over FCD in the first meeling on Sepl. A. In thc rcniatch w ith FCD. Ryan Davis provided a 1-0 lead on a beautiful delivery. G o-to guy Tyler Baily slipped past ev­ eryone to make il 2-0. “ Wc played ihc bcsl socccr we've played in ihc firsl half,” Coach John M arshall said. FCD scored lalc in Ihc firsl half but failed to complete Ihc comcback in a scoreless seconil half. "W c hung in Ihcrc even though wc knew they were bear­ ing down on us," M arsliall said, "The sccond h a lf was a purc fight for us." Laler in the week, the game w ilh High Point Wesleyan was up for grabs lale in the second half, lied at 1, Chris Wanluck pul N orlh on Ihc board before HPW answered. Then, w ilh 10 minutes re­ m a in ing , M ichacl S ulier e,x- icnded N orth’s unbcalcn record w ith liis fir.st goal o flh e season, S ulier’s hcroics w ouldn't have materialized without ihc dcfcn.se o f M arshall Jefferson, John Michael Barlell, Ross Davidson and Max Graham, "Tlie defense played really, really w ell," Marshall said, "Thc Forsylh Couniry Day game was close bccause wc made il close. Wc dominated (H P W )." Notes: Thc W ildcats have ycl 10 yield more than one goal. ... Baity and Wanluck have five and three goals respectively.,.. They host Summit Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. M a n n K e e p s N o r t h V o l l e y b a l l A b o v e . 5 0 0 ^ As usual, Jenny Mann carried North Davie's volleyball leam to victory. A fter Ihc W ildcals (4-3) suf­ fered their seconil slmtoiit loss 10 unbeaten Firsi Assembly in the firsl o f Ihrcc matches lasi w eek, M ann sparked a tw o- gamcs-lo-onc comeback over Si, Stephens, which won game one 15-11 but lost the next two 15-1 and 15-12, M ann served 14 poinis in game two. "W c a ll feel co m fo rta b le when il's her lurn lo serve, and she played really w ell at Ihe net," Coach Trish King said. "A gain, she's just my sirong player this year." How dominate was Mann in a 25-11, 2 5-12 w in over Forsylh Country Day in the third match o f the week',’ King pulled Mann during a service rtin so thc match w ould lasl long enough fo r North lo gel ils m oney’s worth. Ashley Boger eanic in and pol­ ished o ff FCD. The week started w ith a 2-15, 12-15 loss 10 First Assembly, which wenl 26-0 lasi year and stands 8-0 this year, "(Its coach) gels a lol o f help from Wake Forest," King said, "H e does a lot o f camps in the summer and it shows," W hile King expected Mann lo overwhelm the nexl two op­ ponents, against St, Stephens she got pleasant surprises from Jen­ nifer Hart and Jamie Slancliff, one o f four sevenlh graders on the 14-girl rosier, "H art really impressed me," King said. "She h il some crucial serves when wc needed them. She knows she needs lo improve lo play more, and she re ally proved herself a little b il that game. "S lancliff played real w ell at the net. She’s rc.illy been w ork­ ing hard to be a good setter and she stepped up al thc net," North's next tw o matches are away, against Sum m it on O cl, 1 and Forsylh County Academy on Oct, 2, Sue Allen fires a hook shot over Rachel Howard in an exhibition game at Lawrence Joe! Coliseum, Nine Senior Basketball Teams To Play Saturday North Davie 7th Graders Push To 3-0 Quinton Faulkner's running was impressive. Zack Russcll- M yers's defense was clutch. Thc tw o p la ye rs helped N o rlh D avie's seventh-grade football team remain unbeaten w ith a heart-pounding 8-6 win over vis­ iting West Rowan last week. Faulkner collected 74 yards on .seven rushes, but the credit for North's third win begins wilh Russcll-Myers, who sucked the air out o f two Bulldog drives, starting w ith an interception at the North 25. But Russcll-Myers' real dam­ age came in the fourih i|uarter. A flc r N orth's offense failed lo deliver the knockout punch by stalling al the Wesl 2, ihe Bull- dogs marched lo Ihe North 40. Jusl w hen N o rth ’s coaches would have given anything for a big pull from a bottle o f Pcpto- Bismol, R usscll-M ycrs sniffed oul a bootleg, whacked Ihe ipiar- terback and dislodged the ball, Ethan Curtis jum ped on the fumble lo seal the verdict w iih 1:40 on the clock. "He knocked the (you-know - what) oul o f him ," Coach iton K irk said, "H e stuck his head righl on the ball." North's offense clicked on the first series o f thc game. N ick O 'Brien finished the drive w ilh a 12-yard run. and Garret Benge provided whal proved lo be two critical poinis by h illin g O ’Brien on thc conversion for an 8-0 lead. "Garret threw several passes thal were right on the money," K irk said o f his Q B ’s deceiving 2-for-8 com pletion rale. " If our receivers would have been hus­ tling a little more and running Iheir pallenis like they should, he w ould have come oul iKtter." Faulkner turned in liis second glow ing perfoniiancc, follow ing up a four-carry, 67-yard effort againsl Corriher-Lipe with a sea­ son-best 74 yards. Trent Brooks added 4 1 yards on seven carries and Myers was money on two carries (24 yards). Brooks (eight tackles) and Taylor Evans (six) accountcd for N o r t h S o f t b a l l T e a m L o s e s T w o N orth D avie’s softball team fell from the lop o f the standings last week, losing to perennial M id-South Conference fronlrun- ners Erw in and West Rowan, Erw in ripped North 11-0 and West Rowan scored in thc bot­ tom o f the 11 Ih inning to hand North a gut-wrenching 3-2 loss. However, history suggests thal the W ildcats w ill bounce back w ith a vengeance, becausc last year they wcnl 0-3 againsl Er­ w in and W csl Row'an anil 8-1 against everybody else. M e a n w h ile , South D avie breezed pasl hapless Knox 15- 0, Although N orlh stayed close to Erw in for four innings, trail­ ing just 2-0, the Eagles battered N onh in the fifth and sixth in­ nings and slaked their claim as the M S C ’s team to beat. W h il­ ney W illiam s pitched all six in­ nings for North. "E rw in . West Rowan and us all have comparable pilchers," Coach A m y Speckin said. "E r­ w in is just quick-lhinkcrs. They saw the play before it happened. We were getting the ball and try­ ing to think where lo go next. where they anlicipalcd what they were going lo do," Againsl Wesl Rowan, North, which oulscored opponents 50- 15 lo open 3-0, gave up Iw o er- ror-induceil runs in the bottom o fth c firsl Id slir memories o f a 12-1 loss lo Wesl in lasl year’s conference tournament. The W ildcals trailed by the same margin entering the sev­ enth, meaning they had gone 12 innings without a run. Yel ihey had Ihe grit lo manul'aclure Iwo game-lying runs. W illiam s, llie ir star pitchcr, produced nine con­ secutive goose eggs u n lil the lllh , when Wesl jum ped on a changeup and socked a game- winning gapper. Despite Ihe heartbreaking fin ­ ish, Speckin couldn’l help bul admire N orth’s performance. " I l’s the be.st game they’ve ever played," .said Speckin, who praised the h ittin g o f K ayla Bowles, Breanna D alton and Stephanie Hinson, " ll was very exciting. Everybody W’as on Ihe edge o f Iheir .seal." ll wasn’t Ihc first lim e West denied North in extra innings. In lasl year’s regular season, Ihe S a m a n t h a M u r il lo T r a n s f e r s T o K a n s a s S t a t e U n iv e r s it y Patrick Cunninyhaiii Patrick Cunningham In Tennis Tourney P a trick C unningham was om itted by error from a list of names and mug shots o f tennis players who participated in the M ocksville-D avie Junior Tennis Tournament Aug, 3-4. Cunning­ ham competed in the boys 12 division. Samaniha M urilloan, an 800- and 400-meter runner, has trans­ ferred lo Kansas Stale University in Manhattan, Kansas, from the Universily o f Georgia as a mem­ ber o f Ihe women's track and field program, M urillo, a 2001 Davie High graduate, is expected lo run the 800n\, 400m , and 4?i400m evenls in Ihe outdoor season. The Kansas State U n ive rsily women placed fifth at ihe NC AA outdoor track & field champion­ ships in 2002. M u rillo was an N C A A O ut­ door Q u a lifie r in 2002 in the 4x400 relay. Her personal bests include 2:08.22 in ihe 800 and 52.8 as a splil in the 4x400 re­ lay. M u rillo was the N .C . 4 A champion in the 400 meters in 2001. u F u r n it u r e M o v in g & D e l iv e r in g Mocksville, NC 15 Years Experience home (336) 492-2120 cell (704) 968-4776 14 o f North's 31 tackles. Wesl closed to 8-6 in the first half. It crossed the goal line in the sccond half, but the go-ahcad touchdown run was erased by a fiag. Given a .second chance, the defense d id n 't let West loose again - thanks to Russell-M ycrs, "(W est's highly-succcssful coach, Eric Epps) always has his team ready, bul Ihey seemed to he a lillle overconfident. W e're not too im posing." North assis­ tant Ronald Boger said. "The best kid wc had was Russell- Myers. He was there for us on defense. He was pretty much the man on defense. H im and Evans and Brooks." North (3-0) plays at home against Soulheasl on Oct. 2 and al North Rowan on Ocl. 8. There w ill be nine senior bas­ ketball teams participating in games on Sept. 28 at the Brock Gym . The wom en’s teams arc from C harlotte, R obbins and Davie County, as well as South Carolina and West Virginia. The D:ivie Silver Spirits, ages 60-64, and Ihe Davie Silver Spir­ its 11, ages 55-59, w ill be play­ ing. The m en’s S ilver Sparks w ill play againsl teams from Forsylh known as the W inston- Salem Smokers and a leam from Lee Counly known as the Charg­ ers. Games w ill be played on halfcourt and there w ill be tw o played al the same time. This is 3-on-3 basketball fo r senior adulls but is usually fast-paced. There w ill lie no charge for spec­ tators. Games begin al 9:45 a.m. and w ill be finished after lunch. Old School Davie Sports From September, 1974 • D a vie ’s va rsiiy fo o lb a il team tied South Iredell 6-6. The W ar Eagles oulscored Soulh 6-0 in overtim e on a 10-yard pass from iiuarterback Craig Michacl lo M ark Hendricks. In case the leams w ind up in a lie for first in the North Piedmont Conference D iv is io n II standings, Davie w ould be awarded the playoff berth (In those days, overtime was used only as a tiebreaker). Davic scored firsl in the firsl i|u a rle r, goin g up 6-0 on a M iclniel pass to Ron Anderson. • Charlie Barnhardl defeated C.B. Smilh on a playoff hole lo capture thc Firsi Annual Seniors Tournament C ham pionship at H icko ry H ill. B arnhardt and Smith each had a two-day net score of 140, The closesi-to-the- pin contest winners were Fred Crabb and P.M. Johnson. Bulldogs prevailed 8-4 in eighl. "W e knew West was a very good team, and we were pleased we did as w ell as we d id ," Ihe second-year coach said. “ What we practiceil (for tw o days afler facing E rw in) really paid off. Both pitchers did a good job. W hitney was upset hul she look it well. Everybody did the best they could.” S O U T H D A V IK o n ly needed six hits to mount 15 runs againsl feeble Knox, which has been a punching bag for years. South’s ace, Lauren Parker, did Ihe pilching, going three innings. "It was ugly," assistant coach Jane W hitlock said after Soulh improved lo 3-1, its lone loss lo North Davie 11-0, “ Knox never has a sirong team. They sort of have a pilching shortage, ll was boring.” N o te s: Lasi year E rw in pounded North Davie 16-5. ... North w ill be favored at Norlh Rowan on Sept. 25 and al Soulh- casl on Oct. 2. Soulh w ill be un­ derdogs at Erwin on Sepl. 25 and at home against West Rowan on Sepl. 30. It plays at Corriher- Lipe on Oct, 2. C i v i t a n C l u b s o f M o c k s v i l l e , C o o l e e m e e < fi D a v i e Jo in in th is c o m m u n ity e ffo rt to c o lle ct fo o d fo r A S to re h o u se fo r Jesus Sat., October 5th • 9am-5pm B ring Your N o n -P e rish a b le Foods o r Cash D o n a tio n s To These Locations: MOCKSVILLE- Wal-Mart • Food Lion (bothlocations) • Ben Franl<lin • Bi-Lo HILLSDALE - Food Lion & Lowes Foods COOLEEMEE- Cooleemee Super Market CLEMMONS AREA — Harris Teeter (Tangiowood) • Bi-Lo (ciommonsRd.) . • Lowes Foods • Food Lion SUGGESTED ITEMS INCLUDE: JU IC E • PANC AK E MIX • S Y R U P • SP A M • B E E F ST E W • SA LM O N • SPAG H ETTI SA U C E • M UFFIN MIX • G R E E N S • YAM S • B E E T S • C A R R O T S • INSTANT PO TA TO ES • S U G A R • TO ILET P A P E R • SH A M P O O • BA R SO A P • D E O D O R A N T • D ISH D E T E R G E N T S • P E A N U T B U T T E R • JELLY • SPAG H ETTI N O O D L E S • C A N N E D F R U IT S • M A C A R O N I & C H E E S E • O ATM EAL • OIL • S O U P S • FRUIT • TUN A • C E R E A L • FL O U R • C O R N B R E A D MIX • C A N N E D PIN T O S • DRY P IN T O S BIO - RAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26. 2002 T H E Y H A V E T H E S A M E N O S E, TH E S A M E L A S T N A M E A N D TO TA LLY D IF F E R E N T C A L LIN G H A B IT S . At AT&T, we help you choose the right long distance calling plan. Whether you want the same rate all the time, a no monthly fee plan or the freedom of unlimited calling, AT&T has something for everyone. So get in touch with us. And we'll help you choose the best way to help you stay in touch with everyone else. Even if you don't share the same last name anymore. Call 1-800-ATT-4YOU or visit att.com/4you. А Т ь Т RIGHT NOW' 02002 AT&T D a v i e P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RKCORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - Cl ‘ Q u i t t e r s ’ A P o r t r a i t O f P i o n e e r W o m e n l$y .liickii- St'Uboll Diivic Ciuinly linlorprise Kccoril Allencl (inc dl' ihi; live sliinv- iiig s o f the p e rfo riiia iic e o f Qiiilicis nexl iiio nlli at tho Brcick P errD rm iiii! A rts C onlor and y m i'll Iiiul Vdiirseiriakini; a slep back in time lo llie pioneer ilays 1)1' loni; ai;o, Tho show is a story o f a pio­ neer w om an am i her seven ilaughlers. “ It's an iinfoUrnii: of the slory o f thoir happiness, their harilships. anil their life - tokl throui;h the i|iilll si|iiares." says Van Tauan u lu i plays the part of Sarah. Ihe molher. Thrinigli story anil sons; each i|u ilt square w ill represent a lalo o f the harilships anil ehalleniies Ihe women I'aoeil as they starteil their lives in the okl west. The enilini; o f the play w ill show ihe sixtoon various i|u ill Mliiaros m ifoUloil into one as- lounillng qtiilt. This is ilireotor Moyan livans W hile firsl experk'nee w orkiiii: w ilh a ooniiiuniily llicalie. "It's boon a yreal oxperionoe." W hite nioveil lo the com im m ily about a year ayo ami lias worketl w ilh other larger proiluotiim eonipa- nios. She feels the play w ill speak to the pioneerspirit in each o f us, ''It looks ohalleniies in the face anil says we're gninji to yet throiiyli this," W hile says. The play's opening receplion w ill iiieUiile foods o f llie lime servoil by The Ilom oniakers Cluh anil a Steak and Show spe­ cial tickol purchase w ill get pa­ trons a slcak ilin iicr al a local rcstauranl before ihe show. I’erfornianccs w ill bo Ocl. 4, 11, and 12 al 7:,M) p,ni. and O cl. 6 al 2:.^0 p.m. Ticket prices are S8 for adulls, S(i for .seniors/ students, and S.'i for ¡¡roups o f I .“i or more. Cast and crcw : D irector - Megan Kvans W hile. M usical D ircclor - Cheryl llalver. Van I-agan (Sarah). Kristen Campbell (L is a ), A ndrea C orn a lze r (Jessie), Tara Calhoun (Jane), Becca D oak (Jenny). Sara I Ianiilton (Dana). Tara Jeffries (Jo d y), and D aw n L u d w ick (Mary;arel. (Pictureij front to back) Andrea Cornatzer (Jessie), Becca Doak (Jenny), and Tara Jeffries (Jane) act out a scene about windmills. (Pictured left to right) Van Fagan (Sarah) and Dawn Ludwick (l^argaret) rehearse one of their scenes from the upcoming play Quiiters. (Left to right) Van Fagan, Andrea Cornatzer, Tara Jeffries, and Tara Calhoun portray a baptism. ¡[Pictured left to right) Kristen Campoeii, Tara Cainoun, Dawn Ludwick, Sara Hamilton, Director Megan Evans White (standing) talks to actresses Kristen Campbell, Andrea Becca Doak, and Tara Jeffries make innovative use of some wooden spoons during Cornatzer, Dawn Ludwick, and Tara Calhoun. I dance sequence. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26. 2002 Barnette-Vetter Couple Married In Georgia Arm ce A licia Bam elte and P h illip A n d re w V c tlc r were united in marriage at 2 p.m. Sat­ urday, July 20 al First United M ethodist Church in Marietta, O a. The R evs. T im o th y W. S ta rb u ck o f B o o n v ille and Samuel A . Storey officiated. The bride is the daughler o f Ronnie and Linda Bam elie o f M ocksviUe. Grandparents are W illie Mae Bracken o f M ocks­ v ille and W oodrow and Iva Barnette o f Harmony. She is a 1997 graduale o f Davie H igh School and eamed bachelor's degrees in special educalion und psychology from The Univcrsily ofN orth Carolina at W ilm ington in December 2001. She is em­ ployed by the C obb C ounly School D islricl in M arielta, Ga. as a teacher and head varsity cheerleading coach at K ell High School. The groom is ihe son o f Pete and D ebbie V etter o f Barnesville, Ga. Grandparenis arc C lay and Judy Oehlert o f Warner Robins, Ga. and W aller and Jane Fletcher o f Greens­ boro. He is a graduale o f Hou.s- ton C ou n ly H ig h School in W arner Robins and earned a bachelor's degree in building construction from The Georgia Institute o f Technology in May 2000. He is employed as an as­ sisiani project manager al Wood Partners, L LC in M ariclla. In honor o f her parents' 30ih wedding anniversary, the bride chosc lo wear her mother's wed­ ding dress. As slaled in 1972 in the Davie Counly Enleфrisc, the bride wore a "sleeveless gown o f w hile organza and lace. The gow n was fashioned w iih an empire waist and an A -line skirt trim m ed w ith pearls and scal­ loped C hantilly lace imported from France. Her chapel length detachable train and veil were edged w ith matching lace and pearls." The bride carried a bou­ quet o f w h ite roses and steplianolis ornam ented w ith pearls. She w ore m atching >■ itephanolis in her hair. The bride chose H illary Lee Brickey o f Chapel H ill as her m aid o f honor. B ridesm aids were: E m ily Renee Hunter o f M ocksville, Carrie Lee Johnson Mrs. Phillip Andrew Vetter o f Chapci H ill. K e lly K risiin Johnson and Susan R ussell M ctius o f W ilm ington, Jessica Lynnca Smith o f Chicago. Ill,, M eghan Em m a S ie ffie o f Frcnchtown, N.J., and Adrienne N ic o le V etter, siste r o f Ihe groom , o f M ille d g e ville , Ga. H onorary bridesm aids were H olly Lynn Forghetti o f Raleigh, Haley Beck H ill o f Charlotte, and A ngela C arol Peck o f W ilm ington. Tlie oroom chose James John T rich in o lis o f M arietta as his best man. Groomsm en were; C hristo p h er K ent B arnette, brother o f Ihe bride o f Mocks­ villc, Corey Dale Bram lctt and Jamcs Franklin Nichols o f A t­ lanla, Alex W inger Chen o f Las Angeles, Ira W illiam Franklin of M illedgeville, Ga., M ark Ethan Prevclte o f Cullowhee, and M at­ lhew Brady Vetter, cousin o f Ihe groom o f Greensboro. Honorary groomsmen were: Christopher Earl Geiger o f Augusta. Ga., Jack W illard W hitener III o f Seneca, S.C., and David Patrick W ilson o f Sparkill, N.Y. F lo w e r g irl was B riana Overby, cousin o f the bride, o f P innacle. R ing bearer was W aller Bcmard Fletcher, cousin o f Ihe groom o f Car>’. Honored guests were Dou­ glas and Lynne P revette o f M ocksville. The register attendant was Helen Keleigh Canter, cousin o f the bride o f High Point. The pro­ gram attendant was Thom as Colby Reece, cousin o f the bride o f Hamiony. The wedding was directed by Susan Morgan M ar­ tin o f First U nited M ethodist Church o f Marietta. Music was provided by O r­ ganisl Arle Tubb Molschman. S o lo ist was A m y C h ris lin e Bareilher, friend o f the groom of Philadelphia. John and Rebecca M yers Buzzell o f R osw e ll, G e orgia read I Corinthians. The couple dedicated the sanctuary flowers lo the memory o f Wesley Tilden Prevette, friend o f the bride and her fam ily. Tliey also placed single roses on the altar in memory o f Fred W illiam Bracken, g reat-unclc o f the bride, and M urray and Pearl M inear, great-grandparents o f Ihe groom. A receplion followed at The O ne N in e ty One C lu b on Peaclilrce Street in downtown Atlanta. The couple had ih e ir first dance to " ll Had to Be You" by Harry Connick Jr. A flcr Ihe reccplion the couple spenl th e ir firs t night in the Presidential Suite at The Atlanla R itz Carlton before leaving for a honeymoon sailboat cniise to Ihe Grenadines. They are now at home in Kennesaw, Ga. Social Events • On Jime LS Sandra Monroe and CeCe Morgan, cousins of Ihe bride, hosled a linen sliower at Ihe home o f Sandra Monroe in Winston-Salem. • On June 16 The U nited Melhodisi Women o f Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church hosted a shower in the church fellowship hall. • On June 4 The Kell High School Cheerleaders hosled a suqirise shower for the hride at the home o f Palsy and Morgan M ackm ull in Kennesaw. • On June 22 Lynne Prevclte, Linda Harpe, and Tanwi Mason hosted a recipe shower. • On June 28-30 H illa ry Brickey. Carrie Johnson, Em ily Hunter, Haley Beck and olher bridesmaids hosled a shower and bachelorette party in W ilm ington. • On June 12-1.“) Jim m y Trichinolis and other groom s­ men treated the groom lo a bach­ elor party in Las Vegas, Nev. • On July 19 Ihe brides' par­ enls hosted a brid esm aid 's brunch al Ihe home of the new couple. •O n July 19 the groom's par­ ents hosted a rehearsal dinner at "S hilling's on the Square" on the historic M arietta Square for the members o f Ihe wedding party and iheir families. H arris-F oster C ouple M arried Elizabeth M iche lle H arris and Bryan Christopher Foster w ere united in m arriage by Stanley A llen al the Elizabethan Gardens in M anleo. Roanoke Island on Aug. 3 at 4 p.m. The bride is the daughter o f M ichael and Susan H arris o f Roper. The groom is Ihe son o f Spurgeon and Sherry Fosler o f M ocksville. The bride chose her sisier, Am y Harris, as maid o f honor and Heather Henderson o f Co­ lum bia as bridesmaid. The g roo m 's fa lhe r. Spuigeon Fosler, was best man. W esley Fosler. the groom 's brother, served as groomsman, w hile Scott M cLellan o f P ly­ mouth served as usher. K risly Bundy o f Roper was Riley Scoll Jenkins Scolt and Tam m y Jenkins o f H u n ie n v llle announce the M rth o f Ih e ir daughter, R iley S co ll, on A ugusi 26, 2002 a l C aro lin as M ed ical C e n le r in C h arlo lte. T h e baby w eighed 7 Ib i. 10 .9 oz. a n d w as 20 tachci in length a l b irth . W ayne and E laine S m ith o f A d va n ce a re Ih e m a te rn a l graadparen ls. D on and Becky Jim kln * o f C h a rlo tte are the j^ le m a l grandparents. R iley ia the couple’s rira l child. i the gucsl register altcndanl. Lisa Foster o f M ocksvillc and Haley M ille ro f Advance were prognun attendants. V ic k i H arris and Jackie Price, both o f Roper, served as w edding directors along w ilh the help o f Renea P rice o f C re sw e ll, C aro lyn G ooden o f R aleigh and Ray Price o f Roper. The music was provided by Roy M urray playing the flute and trum pet accompanied by Stacey Wallers on the violin. The bride, escorted by her father, wore an ivory off-thc- shoulder em broidered gow n. She carried a fresh floral bou­ quet o f light pink and cream-col­ ored roses accented w ilh slepha- notis and orchid sprays. Follow ing Ihe ccremony. the bride's parents hosted a recep­ tio n al 108 B u d le ig h St. in Manleo. A buffet was served. The six-tier wedding cake was adorned w ith fresh roses. Music was provided by the Carolina Beach Club. The groom 's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner for the bridal party. Friday, Aug. 2 at Clara's Seafood G rill on the Waterfront Downlown Manleo. The couple celebrated their wedding w ilh a honeymoon lo Niagara Falls. They w ill reside in Columbia. W edding Events • On June 2, Teri M ille r, Nancy M iller, Su.san Rolhrock, Judy Musgrave, and Cindy Fos­ ter hosted a bridal shower at the Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Christopher Foster Yadkin Valley Baptist Church fellowship hall. • On June 8. Lisa Phelps hosted a bridal shower at her home. • On June 30, the women o f Zion's Chapel Church o f Chrisl hosted a bridal .shower at the church fellow ship hall. • On July 20, the bride's fam­ ily hosted a bridal luncheon at the M cA llister's Academy Inn. • On Ju ly 27, a lin g e rie shower and a bachelorette party was given by Brooke Womble and K ris ly B u n dy at the W o m b le ’s Beach Cottage in Nags Head. Anderson-Horton Couple Speak Vows Josephine Thomas Anderson o f M ocksville and Joseph W ill­ iam H onon o f H ills v ille , Va. were united in marriage in a pri- vale ceremony Sept. 14 on the porch o f Iheir future home. The Rev. David Comer ofnciatcd. Close friends and fam ily at­ tended. A fter a wedding trip to Tennessee, they w ill make their home on Calahaln Road, Mocks­ ville, Mrs. Chris IHorton Chambers-IHotlon Couple Married K ris ty G ail Cham bers o f W in slo ii-S a le m and C hris H o rlo n o f M o c k s v illc were united in marriage al I p.m. Sat­ urday. Sept. 21 al A rdm ore U nilcd M e tlio d isI Church in W in slo n -S a le m . The Revs. Rcinona Clapp and Jamcs Albert officiated. The bride is the daughler of Linda Chambers o f W inslon- Salem and the lale Jerry Cham­ bers. She is a graduale o f Parkland High School and is at­ tending G u ilfo rd Technical Com ntunity College. The groom is the son o f D avid and Lavan M orion o f Winslon-Salem and Ihe grand­ son o f Doroihy and the lale Bob Hayes o f C orn a tze r R oad, Mock.sville. He is a graduate of Parkland H igh School and is employed by C V Products in Thomasville. G iven in m arriage by her brollier-in-law, Jonathan W oo­ druff, Ihe bride cho.se her sister, Sheila W oodruff, as her matron o f honor. B ridesm aids were Sherri lla g w o o d and C hasily Marbaker. The groom 's falher was best man. Groomsmen were D avid Morckel, Richard Boyd II,T a y ­ lor Mayo and M ichael W illard. Flower g irl was Ashlyn W oo­ druff, Ihe bride's niece, and ring bearers were Mason W oodruff, the bride's nephew, and Jonah Mayo, Ihe groom 's cousin. A fie r a re ce p tio n in the church fe llo w s h ip h a ll, the couple wenl on a wedding cruise to The Bahamas. They w ill be at home in M ocksville. Mrs. Robert Glenn Bakies Jr. Ammons-Baf<ies Coupie Married Amanda Dariene Am m ons and Roberl Glenn Bakies Jr., bolh o f W inston-Salem were married al 2 p.m . Sepl. 21 in BelhanyBaptist Church in W in­ ston-S alem . The Rev. Don Harvey officiated. The bride is the daughter o f W illiam Am m ons o f W inston- Salem and Ariene Ammons o f Greensboro. She gradualed from Davie High School and is em­ ployed at C olfax Furniture in W inston-Salem . Her maternal grandparents are Bobby and Frances Bullins o f Winston-Sa­ lem and the late Buddy Pilcher o f M o cksville . H er paternal grandparents are Lucille Ivesler o f Franklin and the late W illie Ammons o f Highlands. The groom is the son o f Rob­ ert Bakies Sr. o f Cleveland, Ohio and Christine Gay o f Winston- Galem. He graduated from M t. Tabor High School and is em­ ployed al Four Brolhers in W in­ slon-Salem. His maternal grand­ parents are Carol K icielinski and the lale Vincent K icielinski of Cleveland. H is paternal grand­ parents are the late Elm er Fin­ ger and Beveriy Finger o f Jack­ sonville, The bride was escorted by her father. Tam m y M ashburn, the bride's sisier, was the matron of honor. The b rid e sm a id was Wendy Logan, the bride’s sisier. Henri "R ed" Hicks was the groom's best man. Brandon Gar­ ner, the groom 's brother, was groomsman. Follow ing the ceremony, a reception was held in Ihe church fellowship hall. Flowers were designed by Ariene Ammons o f Greensboro, Ihc bride’s m olhcr, and Diana E lliott of Lexington. After a honeymoon al Holden Beach, the couple w ill reside in Winston-Salem, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002^. M cD aniel-B roadw ay C ouple U nited In M arriage Jolm na Ann M cD aniel o f Cooleemee and M ickey Poole Broadw ay iif R ockw ell were unilcd in m arriage Salurilay, Aug. 10 al 6 p.m. al Grace Lower Slone Church in Rockwell. The Rev. Kevin Gilman officialcd ihc double-ring ceremimy. The bride is Ihe daughler o f Johnny and Cindy McDanicl of Cooleemee. Her grandparents arc Jackie Soois o f Cooleemee and Ihe lale Janel Link Sools, 1 ler grcal-grandmolhers are Ihe lale Lola L in k anil the late Essie McDaniel o f North Cooleemee. The bride is a IW 7 graduate o f Davie I ligh sehool and eamed an associale degree in nursing from Rowan Cabarrus C onnnunity College in 2001. She is employed as a registered nurse al F'arringlon M edical Cenler in Salisbury. The groom is the son o f Buddy atul Candy Broadway of Rockwell. 1 lis grandparenis arc A lv in and M ae Poole o f R ockw ell and Lois Broadway and the lale Robert Broadway of F a ilh . The groom is a l ‘)')2 graduate o f Easl Rowan High Sehool and is allending Calawba College. He is employed as a s:iles representative for Silver Eagle Disi, in Salisbury. Escorted hy her falher and given in marriage by her parenls. the bride wore a slrapless gown of candleliglil salin w iih appli- qued flowers and seed pearls. The full skirt Icaiured a delach- able Irain. The veil o f lulle was elbow length and leatured a pearl tiara. The hride carried a cascading boui|uel o f slarga/er lilies and ye llo w roses made by Susan Meadows o f M ocksville. The bride chose her sisier. Mrs. Mickey Poole Broadway Julie McDanicl ofCoolceinee. as her maid o f honor, liriilesinaids were Lorie 1-rye o f Adv;ince. Christina Shiiffiier of ShelTiclil. and Leslie Kepley and llealher llcilcg. holh o f Rockwell. Minialure bride was Mailalyn Ann M cDaniel of t.'oiileeinee, daughter of ihc bride. The groom chosc his father. Huilily HriKuhvay. anil his granil- falhcr. A lv in Poole, bolh o f K o c k w e ll. as his best m en, G roonisinen were W ill McDaniel orCooleemee. broiher ofthe bride, Cayle Drye of Rimer Town. C:isey Broadw ay o f Rockwell, brother o f the groom, anil Alan lu iilv o f Rockwell. Dan and Pal I lolshoiiser o f Rockwell allenilcil the gucsl reg­ ister. W edding m usic was p re ­ senled by Avicc Hosl. organisl for Ihe church, and soloist. Jan W righl o f Cooleemee, The wedding was directed by Palsy M yers o f Cleveland, Itnm cdialcly fo llo w in g the wedding, the receplion was held al the I'ailh Legion Building in I'ailh hosted by the bride’s par­ enls, I he w edding cake was made and d eco ra lcd by the g roo m 's g ra n ilm o lh c r. L ois Uroailway. and served by the groom's ain\ts. Brenda Garilner anil Barbara Kilby, bolh o f Failli. Couple Celebrates 50th A nniversary D orothy (W est) and James Rhynehardt celebrated Iheir.“iOih w edding anniversary Aug. 11 w ith a dinner at the Columbus Fish M arket and a reception al Ihcir home. They were married Аиц. 11. IW ^. They are Ihe parenls o f Brenda. Regina Harper. S;indra Ragland and Kennelh o f C olum ­ bus and Deborah Pickens o f Sagamore H ills. They have iwo grandchildren and tw o greal- granilcliildren. Mr. Rhynehardt is employed Artist Frank Saunders To Teach Watercolor Class In Cooleemee C alling all aspiring artists. Do you want to bring out the B otticelli in you? Release the I R e u b e n s Liberate the Lautrcc'.’ О r m aybe you just want lo ll a b b I e around w ith a paintbrush and sec whatSaunders There is a fa ll w atercolor painting class starling soon in Cooleem ee. The instructor is Frank Saunders o f Salisbury. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Western Carolina U niver­ sily and a master's degree from East C arolina U niversity. For more than 30 years, he laughi art and coachcd al Salisbury H igh School. In his retirem ent, he leaches w atercolor classes al Queen’s C ollege, C harlolle, Covenanl Presbylerian Church in Char­ lolle and al the M ooresville A rt G uild. He has laughi fo r Davidson C om m unily College in M ocks­ v ille and Lexington and has staged num erous dem onstra­ tions and workshops. In N o­ vember, he w ill be a portrait demonstrator for the M int M u­ seum A rt G uild in Chariotle. H is classes in Cooleemee are m ore inform a l, and have been running successfully for three years. They start on Tues­ day, Ocl. 8 and run fo r eighl weeks belween and p.m. Saunders w ill inslruci water- color painting and lcchiiii|ues to coverall ability ranges from be­ ginner to advanced. No expen­ sive malcrials are necessary. 1 le w ill show new studeiUs how lo set themselves up to enjoy a hobby in w ale rcolo r fo r less than S20. The classcs w ill be held in the Zachary House M ill M u ­ seum at M arginal and Church streets. Cost is $4.^. To register, ca ll Elizabelh H inkle at 7.“il-3 3 8 l or Gracia Lillaner al 284-2033. W om en vs. O s te o p o ro s is Advance Flurist & Gif! Baskets •ietodOoe* — U't' Deiivcr — (336) 940-6337 Mon-Fri M , tal M If y o u r a g e is b e tw e e n 4 0 a n d 75, y o u r h e a lth is g o o d , y o u r la s t p e rio d w a s m o re th a n 5 y e a rs a g o , a n d y o u h a v e n o t h ad a h y s te re c to m y - jo in o u r s e a rc h (o r w a y s to tig h t o s te o p o ro s is . Learn more about this clinical research trial of an investigational drug. Call 1 -8 6 6 -8 6 0 -6 2 9 9 L y n d h u r s t G y n e c o lo g i c A s s o c i a t e s 2 9 2 7 LyiK lhurst A ven u e W in sto ivS atem , N C 2 7 1 0 3 w w vv.lyndhurstgyn.com A DivisKxi ol tlw Wuiim:ii4 AUumcu ol Umj PluUniunt. PA A flcr a wedding trip. Johnna. M ickey and Maddie are living in Faith. Social Events • A rehearsal d in n e r was hosled by Ihe groom's parenls al Ihe Grace Lower Slone {•'cllow- ship B u ild in g . Guests were served steaks g rille d hy Ihe groom's uncle. Lonnie Poole of Rockwell, A ll the trimmings and a large army o f desserts were pre- p:ircd by Ihe groom's mother. • On May .“i. a bridal shower was hosled by Ihc groom’s aunts, Brenda Gardner and Barbara Kilby, in Ihe fireplace lobby at Shiloh United Church o f Chrisl in Failh. • On June 21. a cookout hosted by the couple's Sunday School class was held al the Grace l.owcrStonc Sports Com- ple,\ in Uockwell. • On June 30. a bridal shower was hosted by the bride's fam ily and friends al Edgewood Baplisl Church in Cooleemee. • On July 7. a bridal shower hosted by the groom 's fiunily was hckl at Grace Lower Stone Fellowship Hall in Rockwell. • On July 21. an llali:in din­ ner parly was hosled by the g ro o m ’s aiMit. C arm e lila A n io se k, at her hom e in Salisbury. Blackwelder-Harris Engagement Announced Doug and Mary Blackwelder o f M ocksville announce the en­ gagement oflhcirdaughler. Nicole Lynnelle Blackwelder lo James W'arren Harris III. the son o f Janet and J;unes Warren Harris 11 o f Charlolle, The bnde-elecl is a gnuluale o f Davic I ligh School and the U ni­ versily o f Norlh Carolina at Cliarlolte.where she was a member of Alpha Della Pi Sorority. She is employed as a llig h l allcndant w ith USAirways, The grooni-to-bc is a graduale o f Wesl Charlolle High School. I le is employed by 1 larris Mustang o f Charlolle. The wedding is planned fiirO c l. 12 :U Back Creek Presbyterian Church in Charlolle. by Value C ily Furnilure. M rs. Khynehardt. the daughler o f ihe late N o ra E aton o f D avie C ou n ty, is re tire d fro m the Franklin Coim ty Program for the M entally Ret:irded and Develop- m enlallv Disabled. C a l l a n y t i m e WITHIN THE STATE OVER STATE UNES THROUGHOUT THE REGION INTO Ali TIME ZONES ACROSS THE COUNTRY f o r 6 ( / m i n u t e SPRINT SOLUTIONS” Local Seivice CaiiWaiiiiialD Call Forwardino 60/minute Long Distance W illi S prinl Solutions, you get everylliing you need lo r one fla t m onthly rate. Anil by getting it all logellier, you save at least 40% versus ordering separately. Visit us a t S p r i n t .c o m / l o c a l or call 1-877-ONE SOLUTION S p r i n t . tiitid 111 miiibli II lit nut fliiidiiiiil. tititt dill tiNiii lilt laiiiitiioail iiiti mu шккпдк •<( iSPlf Imcliifiag tirctiiigii ti iitidcniiil tillt iidi ti loiiiii iiIJi rMmI (III I 111 ;i))l loi laiiiniiioail imt Aitili iitluiM Ad<iiiml ii iiüi lut m ip»li (iiilii piopiiii iii il 1114 ia( Ciiiiii Uaiiiiiil Sinica скип mil i|»l| .‘A/iiiK miiiK calli md nil liai/cilliie (iid ciiK iidi tiai рц йовп la tha U ] mllka aiiinid i ivictiiiga All tiirj^tobiait la chimi. Ritiaciiati ipili - tia uiit. mat ltd ctidiumi\ ttimiUl CiwtMOUitu 1Ш M ll u t h t i lim w i it» » « \t\\ duiti iit ttiD U iiliiid iiИ Spmi {»■iiuiiim tiipni I f i C4 - DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRPRISK RKCORl). Sepl. 26, 2002 M yrtle B e ll S n id e r w ill turn 101 y e a r s o ld th is S a tu r d a y . - P h o t o b y R o b in F e r g u s s o n 101 Years Old Davie Woman To C elebrate B irthday Ity J iii'k ic S i'iihdlt Davit- Cminlv linlcnirisc Kccoril Uavie resilient M yrllc Hell S niilcr w ill lurn 101 Ihis Sal­ urday and she has some fond memories o f lim es yone by. l5orn Sepl. 2S. 1'Л)| at home in Kowan C oim ly, she remem­ bers going to the Masonic Pic­ nic DM the back ol'a hay wagon her lather drove, w ith a picnic lunch packed by her molher. "D addy w ou lil gel up in Ihe morning and fill the buggy w ith hay so the horses could eal laler and mama w ould Ihrow a c|uill over il lor us to ride on," she Cana News says. Snider is Ihe next lo the o ld­ est o f her olher siblings and she remeinlTers some fun antics she shared w iih her o ld e r sisier L i//.ie . She lo ld a story alxnit L i//ie playing a Irick on her by giving her some lobacco when Ihey she was aboul y years old. W hen S n id e r asked l,i/,z ie what to do w ilh the lobacco her sisier told her to chew it like il was gum . N eedless to say Snider got very .-.ick and never chewed lobacco again. She m arried her husband Cieorge Snider in l ‘) l') when she was IS years old. Beiore lhal Snider’s inaiilen name was Sain. She met her husband al the Cooleemee M ill where Ihey both worked at the tim e. Her lirs l car ride was in a taxi her luisbaiul Cieiirge calleil lo come pick them up alter they said Iheir I do's. They were m arried 10 years before having the first o f Ihree children. Snider is a grandm olher U> five grandchildren and is the great-graiulm olher o f three. " I ’ve had some good lim es and some rough tim es", says Snider. H ow ever she credits eating good and sleeping good to a wealth long life. Ity Jiihn "C a h r’ (io d u h i Cana Correspondent This year’s Cenler f-'air had many entries. Ciail won a ribbon w ilh their peppers and Cilwina Harney won a ribbon for the pret- liesi llow cr arrangement. rum m y and Shannon UpdcgralT were married al his fa m ily farm . V a lle y View . Dahlgren l-lchison and Walter IHlchison had ihe place looking beauliful. There were so many llowers and planis in bloom. Smell Ihose persimmons! The eim m on iree is d rop p ing cimmons. I bet Ihe fruii Ilies they Ihey are in heaven. B ig wave lo M r. lid d ie Leagans as he navigates the big Iraclor w ilh Ihe precision o f a N ASCAK champion. Cousin Belty Smilh over on Pudding Kidge had her home painled lasl week. Vou can’l beal a fresh coal o f painl. I M ill miss Cousin Abb. Do you rememlKT 1949 S hady G rove C lass R eunites ■ The 144‘) grailualing class of Shady Grove llig h School held ils annual reunion al 6 p.m. Sal­ urday, Sepl. 21 al the l-ork Bap­ lisl Church fellowship hall. They held llie ir firsl reunioii in iy.“i4 and have mel annually since, m aking this their -tSiii consecutive gathering, A meal provided by M ary W alser^of Davidson Counly and her hus­ band was served. F ollo w in g the m eal, class president, Jimmy Bailey, was in charge o f the progran) which consisted ofseveral o f his jokes, some o f the songs he has w ril- len and are recorded hy known arlisis. lie played and sang a song he had w rillen by rei|uesl ahoul Ihe class. H ailey also displayed his wood car\ iiigs. including many birds, which had won pri/es. Those pveseiil included all 17 class members and spouses: B illy and Peggy H.iilev. Bohby and Maxine Bailey. Jimmy and Bea Hailey, Koherl and Jean Bailey. Lucy Harney, Cieorge and .Лпм llarlrnan Barnhardl. M aiy .Лпп Barnhardl. .Ada Mae Pallerson Carter. Jack and Dol Polls Carter. Sallv CornaUer. Seabon and L o is H old e r C’o rn a l/cr, M argarel BovVens Dwiggins, Glenn and Vac Jones l-verhail, A lvin and Annie Ruih Luper H ow ard, Irv in (C okie) and Pal Junes, Raym ond and D oris Myers accom panied by son Brad and T ina. B ill and Peggy J o lly S eaford, Leona McC’u llo h . form er classm ale Mary Lou l-airclolh W ike and husband Dewey. A l Ihe closc. B a ile y gave each classmale a casselte o f the song. "Am erica Is O ur Refuge," which he composed aboul Ihe •Sepl, ll.2 0 ()l.a lla c k s . Cooleemee Senior Citizens Leam From Scriptures The Cooleemee Senior C iti­ zens met at Ihe I'irs l Haplisi Church on Monday. .Aug. 2(v The m eeling was called lo order by President Reba llo ll. l-li/a b e lh Shepherd gave the opening prayer. The members sang ihe hym n: "'rriis i and Obey." led by Hannah Jones Chaplain Pauline I lall gav e Ihe devolion. She spoke o f fam­ ily and friends and how ihey can keep in contact, simply ihrough the use o f an answering ma­ chine. H all said lhal lellers, cards, or jusi a push o f a bullon can help you can keep in loueli w ilh those close lo you. She read I John , i : l l in w hich (im i stressed love, " l or ihis is llie message lhal ye heard from llie beginning, lhal we should love one anolher," In M ark 12: .M t-.il. Jesus gave a new message u h ic h reads: ".Anil thou shall love Ihe Lord ihy Ciod w ilh all lliy hearl, and w ilh all Ihy soul, and w ilh all Ihy m ind, and w ilh all Ihy sirengih: Ihis is die firsl com- mandnienl. And Ihe second is like, nam ely ihis. Thou shah love thy neighbour as ihyself. There is nime olher eotun\;mil- mem grealer lhan Ihese." Hall concluded her devolion u ilh prayer. The roll u as called h> ,\ssis- lanl Secrelary Mabel Coueli, I here were 2-t memhers and lu o visiiors present, IloU v'.elcinued N ikki Blake, a sisier ol Couch and Teresa Johnson, a graiul- daughler o f Louise "(ira n n y" Durham, Secrelary Nancy K, T'osier read Ihe ininules of ihe lasl meel­ ing, The ihoiighls lor ihe day: "H aving a child fall asleep in your arms is llie mosl peacehil feeling iu the w orld," "Jum ping al the firsl opporlunily seldom leads lo a happy landing," Jones. T reasurer Bellie Smilh. and Bar­ bara TTiornlon gave Ihe sun­ shine, ireasnry, and Senior Cen­ ler reports. Ruth Beck, I lall, and Smith were selected to be on Ihe noniinaling com inillce for llie year 20(12-200.^ The bus Irip lo Ihe N orlh C arolina niouniains was d is­ cussed. ll w ill include a slop al Ihe Moses Cone Memorial Park, rial'Top Manor. I-Tal Rock Over- look, ,’\very Counly H islorical M useum . and ihc Boh Timberlake Ciallery in Boone. The bus w ill dcparl Irom rhe chureh al 7:.^0a.m, on Ocl, 7 and reluin approximalely :u 7 p.m, 'I'hose inlcvesied in going on Ihe Irip ueie asked lo bring S.'.s lo Ihe nexl meeling. The closing prayer w as gi\’en hy Janies "D o ll" l osier, T'ollow- ing Ihe m eeling, niembers re­ grouped al ihe recrealion shel- ler for a walermelon feast, T he watermelons were doiialeil lo ihe club by C,W, (iiiib b . ( In Sept. Ihe senior eili/ens niel again al the Tirsi Haplisi Church, llo ll opened ihe meet­ ing hy asking Shepherd lo give the prayer, Jones led the mem­ bers ill sing in g the hym n: "Blessed ,Assuiaiiee," The devotion was given hy Hall, She spoke o flh e Sept, 11 aliack on .America. She said thal some have asked: "W here was (iod.’ Why d ill he lei ihis hap­ pen'.’" The lei rorists thouglil lhat .America would fold up in fear. They were wrong, because the ■American people prayed and slooil logelher. Hall read John 10; 10. "T he thiefeornelh nol.bin I'orlosleal. and lo kill, and lo desiroy: I am eome dial Ihey mighl have life, aiul lhal Ihev niiglil have il more ahundaiilly," She concluded the devolion vv ilh prayer. Couch called the roll. T here were 22 members and Ihree visi­ tors present. The club welcomed M ildred B yrd’s son-in-law, W il­ liam " B ill" Drdaniek; Margarel Koysier’s daughler. Susan W all; and guesl speaker, A u b re y Wensil. Nancy I'osler read Ihe ininules o flh e lasl m eeling. The Ihoughi lor ihe day: "W hen il seems you can’l forgive, remem­ ber how many limes you have heen forgiven." Jones and S m ilh gave Ihc sunshine and lre:isury reports. T'hornlon read Ihe acliviiies lo lake place al Ihe Senior Cenler. She said lhal ihe name o f the cenler has been changed lo Davie Counly Senior Services. T he names o f Ihe ollicers and ihose agreeing lo serve on com- millees were read and approved. The program was given by Koysler. W all had recenily heard Wensil speak al a meeling for Ihe R elircd Teachers A ssoeialion and was very impressed w ilh his knowledge o f evenis relating lo C orn w allis’ Trail. She invited Wensil to lell how settlements beg:m in this area and o f the evenis lhal have occurred since. "D o ll" rosier gave Ihe clos­ ing prayer. T he m eeling was ad- - joum ed I'ollow iiig ihe singing of Ihe club song: "The M ore We del Togellier." The ne.xt meel­ ing w ill be al 10 a,III, Monday, Sepl. 2.1, al ihe Tirsl H aplisi Chuieh on M arginal Sireel in Cooleemee. McClamrock Reunion To Be Sept. 29 The McClamrock family reunion w ill be held al Bakers Creek Park behind Big TTm Nursing Cenler on A Sireel in Kannapolis al niton on Siiiidav. Sepl, 2‘), Bring musical inslriimenls and a covered dish. Tor more inlorm alioii. c;ill lilhel Myers al 7.‘>1-2'Я)7. Potts Reunion Sunday At Bread Of Life The Polls fam ily reunion w ill be held Suiulay, Sept, 2У at Bread o f Life Haplisi Church. N.C. SOI just o ff U.S. 601 N orlh, M ocks­ ville. Doors open al 12:.10 for a I p.m. meal. l-ainilies and friends of Henry. Charles, Jesse, Jim , A ndy and Tom Polls are welcome. Fork Fire Dept. Plans Dinner A barbecued chicken and pork dinner w ill be held Salurday, Ocl. al Sheffield-C’alahain Volunleer Tire Deparlmenl. Take-oiil plates w ill be sold starling al noon, w ith dinc-in din­ ners sold from .T-S p.m. Barbecue sandvviches are ,S2 each, barbecue plates S7, ineluding polato salad, baked beans, slaw, biscuits, barbecued chicken or pork, and desserl. his old beagle Bulch'.’ Friends, fam ily and neighbors - Salurday, the .Sth we w ill have an open house for Ihe C’ana Siore from 2-.^:.l(lp.m. A l 2, Jim lialon w ill give a dcdicalion speech and we w ill unveil die new plaque lhal priK'laiins ihe Cana Slore and Posi O ffice as being lislcd on Ihe N alional R cgisler o f H islo ric Places, I lope lo see you Ihere for il good scA'ice. Happy birlhday to N atalie Cain Pulliam. !-m^ 3570 C le m m o n s Rd * C le n in io n s g M. ^ T ^ ^ on the Wl ham Levtisville Ciemmom, Rd '/>/(*< %<•( hon (336)766-8911 See Store For Complete Details CLEARANCE SALE!!! FACEPLATES SI SELECT GASES, HANDSFREE. & ACCESSORIES *5 OR LESS ALL REGULAR PRICED ACCESSORIES BUY ONE GET ONE 1/2 OFF (EXCLUDING BATTERIES) 10% OFF ALL BATTERIES CARCOROS 44.95 LEATHER CASES ‘9.95 N E X T iE L ■54,99 National Rewards Plan 3000 (Mlular/2500 Dlred Conned Free Caller ID ft Voicemail Bonus'40 oft any phone (tuludliigl99«) cingular All plans '39.99 i Higher 1000 Night & Weekend Minutes Free Long Distance Free Rollover on Anytime Minutes Phones Starting al '19.99 Prepaid Phones ■99.95 to <129.95 Include: •30 Prepaid MioutM EtlciunR300ZorNokb339S No AcUntton Fee - >50 HUH In Rebate Free long DliUnce, Voicemail t Caller 10 ^ L L I E L Total Freedom Plans '39.99 & HigherIti month ol Service Free 2500 Night & Weekend Minutes Waived '35 Activation Fee Free Phone 2 Mas Free Roadside Assistance Boomerang Plans starting at ^24.95 Nu Credit Checks No Contracts ^AlbT Nokia 5165 ‘49.99 M ail In Rebate '5 0,00 = Free Phone w ith New Activation ^ ^ S p r i n t *34.99 - 3500 Minutes '100 ofl any phone Pagers Activatioir and 3 Months of N0 Coverage ‘39.99 Mo Contract or Credit Check Prepaid Mastercard No Credit Checks No Bills No Interest or Late Fees DAVIK COUN TV KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Sept. 26, 2(102 - C5 J a i m e F u s a r o O n D e a n ’s L i s t Jaime Fusaro, the daughler of Laura and Thomas Powers o f M ocksvillc, has been named lo Ihe dean’s lisl for academics for Ihe sp rin g sem esler at Southhamplon (N.Y.) College of Long Island Universily. Home For The Holidays Peter Perot walks into the Brock Performing Arts Center last year before a performance for Davie school children by the Winston-Salem Symphony. Perot wiil be a model for a "Home for the Holidays” luncheon and fashion show Saturday, Sept. 9 at Bermuda Run Country Club, Admission to the 11:30 a,m, event is $30. Proceeds will benefit arts in the schools programs sponsored by the Davie County Arts Council. For more information and tickets, call the arts council at 751-3112. MOPS Clothing Sale This Saturday The M o th e rs o f P re scho o lers p rog ra m al Macedonia M oravian Church w ill hold ils annual fall clothing sale on Salurday, Sepl. 2S. 8 a.III.-2 p.m. at the church on N.C. SOI north o f 1-H). T'his o ne -d a y o n ly sale allows w orking moms an equal chance al Ihe c lo lh in g and ei|iiipnienl olTered al Ihe sale. Items typically found al the sale include: changing tables, cribs, carscals, and baby gales. Baby Ciap. KidsG ap, G ym boice, The C h ild re n ’s Place, Osh K osli IVgosh and Disney are ju si a few o f Ihe brands lhal lend lo he on hand. C lolhing is checked fo r stains and holes hefore being pul out for sale, and no s p rin g /s u m m e r c lo lh in g is being accepted. The sale is Ihc semi-annual fund raiser for the M others o f Presclioolers (M O PS) program o ffe re d al M a ced o n ia . The m oney raised from Ihc sale helps pay fo r ih c cosi o f children's crafts and leacliers’ salary during the Iwice m onlhly MOPS meetings. Specially marked items w ill be sold at h a lf p rice on S a tu rd ay b e g in n in g al approxim ately noon. Paul Sparks A Regimental Training Officer Assistant Midshipman I’aul Sparks of Advance is serving as a regimen­ tal training officer assislanl al Ihe U.S. Merchanl Marine Academy in Kings Poim. N.Y. In Ihis sludcnl officer posi­ tion, Sparks is responsible for supervising Ihe cooperation, morale, and training o f supho- more and junior sludenis as ihcy fu lfill the academy’s rigorous regimenlal reiiuiremenls. As part o f the program, se­ niors are given assignments as midshipman otficers lo provide Ihem vvilh experience in leader­ ship. responsibility and human relations. A graduale o f Davie High School, Sparks is a logislics and inlermodal Iransporlalion major. He w ill graduale from ihe fed­ eral m arilim e college in June 20(U w ilh a bachelor’s degree, a merchanl marine license, and a U.S. Naval Reserve conim is- How many limes have you heard lhal you should be ealing a eom binalion o f five I'ruils and vegclables each day'.’ U nfi)rlunalely. the average fruit and vegelable inl:ike for mosl people is only .V4 servings per day. Women lend lo have a higher inlake lhan men - vvilh age m il being a fa e lo r. I lowever. ihe inlake o f I'ruils and vegclables seems lo increase w ilh age fo r Caucasians and Hispanics. hul nol for A frican- Americans. O nly one in five ch ildren consume five or more servings o f I'ruils and vegclables a day. 18 Earn FTCC Honors A lolal o f IS Davie sludenis al I'orsylh Technical Communily College earned academic honors for Ihe sunuuer semesler. Named lo ihe presidenl’s lisl w ith 4.0 grade point averages w ere: H ealhcr A shley Swaringen. Jennifer L. Hunier. Jennifer Denise Carier and Fu- gene Franklin Branlley. all o f Advance; and K yle Bradley Nichols, Leslie Anne Chandler, Healhcr Nicole Laxlon, Kayla Fli/.abelh James and Huong Ly Tran, all o f M ocksville. Named lo ihe dean’s lisl w iih m inim um grade poini averages o f .1..“! w ere: W ill B oyce H u n e ycu ll, C h risla A lle n - Rucker Reavis, C lin lo n John Head. M ichael A lv in M oran, Jean Panaccione Sansone, l.inda Kobinson Hicks, Jonalhan Kyle Tulierow, Chad firic Lane and Jason Allen Winlers, Their lolal inlake oT fruils and vegclables /is low compared lo Ihe A D ay" recommendalion. A lm o s l o n e -fo u rth o f the vegetables consumed hy our children and adolescents are French fries, high in fals. The Nalional Cancer Insiilute developed Ihe "5 A D a y" program because researchers have proven lhal by ealing a e o m b in alion o f .“i fru ils and vegclables daily, we can: • decrease our risk o f cerlain cancers; • decrease our risk o f hearl disease and stroke; and • help prevent cataracts, h ype rten sion , b irlh defects, diabetes, d iv c n ie u lo s is , and obesity. What can we do lo assure our diets include "5 A Day"'.’ The fo llo w in g exam ples suggest simple ways lo add fruils and vegetables lo your daily meals: • Iry fru il on cereal or C O M IN G Saturday, O ctober 26, 2002 REBEL RECO RDS RECO RDING ARTIST "LO U REID AND C ARO LIN A" AND HAY HOLLER RECORDS RECO RDING A R TIST BIG COUNTRY BLUEG RASS" ALO NG W ITH “TO M M Y D R IFT E R A N D T H E L O ST T R A V E L E R S " COMING TO DAVIE COUNTY’S BROCK PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 6 2 2 N. MAIN ST., MOCKSVILLE TEL. 336-751-3112 -ГКТЗ AVAILABLE AT FURCHES COUN'rRY STORE, FARMINQTON, N.C., PO-rHAN'S RESTAURANT, MOCKSVILLE,N.C., BATTLE BRANCH CAFE, HUNTSVILLE,N.C., OUNTERS GROCERY., ADVANCE N,C, AND BROOK PERFORMINQ ARTS CENTER, MOCKSVIUE, N,C. TICKETS. $10,00 AT DOOR $12.00 FOR MORE INFORMA-nON. СОНГАСТ WE ТОММУ DRIFTER STUDIOS, 326 PINO RO.. MOCKSVILLE, N.C 270M. TEL 35вИ> 3110 EMAIL TOMMYORIFTEReAOLCOM T he M ocksville-D avie H om ebuilder’s A sso cia tio n Congratulates W illia m W haley Davie County Building inspector for being named North Carolina Building Inspector of the Year Keep up tlie Great Job you are doingl The honor is given lo slu­ denis who achieve a semester average o f ^.25 or higher oul of a possible 4 poinis. Fusaro, a graduale o f Longvvood High School, is ma­ joring in law at Ihe college. Oktoberfest Is Oct. 5 Okloberfesi 2(H)2 w ill be held Oct, .“i in W inslon-Salem. Fealuring music by The L illle German Band and German slyle food and beverages ficing sold, il w ill be held beginning at 6 p.m. at die M illennium Cenler, 101 W. F ifth S l. (at Trade Sireel ¡.A d m issio n is .S.S ad- vance, .$10 al the door. For advance tickets, contact Dagmar Belch in M ocksville at 151 or Barbara Clapham in Advance at ‘jy8-7418 or 725- ^524 or Inni Bcnil in W inston- Salem at ,'Í9.S-42,’Í8. ll is sponsored by the Triad Gemían Club. Four In ‘Who’s Who’ Sports Four D avie students are among Ihose selected for the 2 0 0 1-2002 editio n o f W h o ’s W ho A m ong A m erican H igh School Sludenis - Sporls l-di- lion. Frederick A. Harris, M arquila Marehelle Pallerson, Kyle Sand­ ers and Samni Slovall are among the studenis recognized for aca­ demics and alhlelics. Athletes are nom inated by coaches, teachers and sports organiza­ tions based on athletic achieve- menl and participation in e,\tra- curriciilar acliviiies. Kirkpatrick Attends Naval Seminar C iv ilia n K e v in M . Kirk’palrick. son o f Karen B. and W illia m M . K irk p a lrie k o f M o cksville. recenily p a rlic i­ paled in ihe U .S. N aval Academ y’s week-long summer seminar in Annapolis, Md. Kirkpalriek was inlroduced lo academy life ihrough a regi­ men o f academ ics, p hysical Iraining, inlram ural sporls, sail­ ing and seamanship as w ell as leadership training and social activities. ll was designed by the U.S. Naval Academ y’s office o f ad­ missions lo give sludenis a lasle o flh e challenges and benefits of a Naval Academy educalion. K irkp a lrie k is a student at Davie H igh School. Sparks was nominated to the academy by Sen. John F.dwarils. The academy, which trains officers for America's merchant marine and leaders for the m ari­ tim e and transportalion indus­ tries, is operated by the Marilim e Adm inislralion oflhe U.S. Dept, o f Transportation. Elliot Engel To Lead Poe Discussion A t The Library Try ‘5 A D ay’ For M ore Healthy Lifestyle pancakes; • Iry raw vegetables with dip; • Iry baked potatoes w ith broccoli and cheese: • have yogurl vvilh fruit; • microwave vegetables with cheese; • try a gelatin fruit salad or marinated vegetable salads; • keep a bo.x o f raisins on hand; • m ake fru it and m ilk smoothies. Spread Ihe imporlance o f ".‘i A D ay" - eal your fruils and vegclables. Children, especially, ofien do as ihey see, so be a ",S A D ay" adult. Set the e.xample. care for your own heallh while inspiring those around you to do Ihe same. For more infom ialion aboul ".‘i A Day" and olher nulrilional subjecis, conlaci your fam ily p hysician o r ca ll Ihe D avie County Heallh Deparlmenl al 751-8700. Dr. F.lliol F.ngel w ill return to M ocksville on Thursday, Ocl. 10 lo preseni The Tortured Genius o f F.dgar A llan Poe. There w ill be programs al 4 p.m. and 7 p.m . in the Davie Counly Public Library audito­ rium. The program is described as a lighl and enlightening look al Poe’s e.xiaordinary and tragic life and how it influenced his liaunling fielion and poelry. Fngel’s programs lasl year were lo fu ll houses. l-ngel uses humor and enler- tainmenl, as w ell as delail. His presenlalion slyle has been com­ pared to lhat o f Andy Rooney and Paul Harvey. Gel more in­ fo rm a tio n at www.aiillitirs'nik.com. CTick on find oul more, and Ihe review ­ ers are la lkin g . C lick on "In Plain A N G F L-ish." For more inform alion aboul Ihe library program, call 751- 2(123. ■X PUBLIC HEARING C o m e lo a p u b lic h e a r in g a b o u t th e new / s tr a te g ic b u s i n e s s p la n fo r C e n te r P o ln t H u m a n S e r v ic e s . T h e r e o r g a n iz a tio n o f th e N C b e h a v io r a l h e a lth s e r v ic e s s y s t e m w ill h a v e a s ig n ific a n t e ffe c t o n C e n te r P o ln t H u m a n S e r v ic e s , its c lie n t s a n d its s e r v ic e p r o v id e r s . Y o u c a n s e e a d r a ft o f th e S tr a te g ic L o c a l B u s in e s s P la n a t y o u r lo c a l lib rary o r a t w w w .c p h s .o r g . W h e n : T u e s d a y , O c to b e r 8 a t 7 : 0 0 P .M . W h e r e ; D a v ie C o u n ty P u b lic L ibrary 3 7 1 N . M a in S t r e e t M o c k s v ille , N C CenterR^nt Human Services Sterling Silver Costum e Jew elty Show A Jew elty Show You Won't Want To Miss! Sund^, Sept. 29 • 2-5 pm Mond^, Sept. 30 • 11-2, 5-7 lOOs o f n ew item s! Fall and Holiday Jewelry, Beaded Watches, Bracelets, necklaces. Slides, Beads and a Huge Selection of Jew elry 5 0 % OFF Location: Behind Dockside Seafood in Clemmons inside tiie Portrait Gallery. (lictwccn Hew Horizons Daycare and llic ЗкаИпц Шпк) Г ог m o r e in fo r m a tio n , c a ll H e a th e r C h e e k a t 9 4 5 - 9 0 7 5 o r K ristin a P r y sla n z n iu k a t 9 4 0 - 2 8 9 9 S p e cia l O ffe r F ro m T h e P o rtra it Q a lle ry W ith P u rc h a s e C6 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRl'RISK RKCORD, Sept. 26. 2002 DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Sept. 26, 201)2 - C7 l l /vn^' tn о Festivities Begin at 11:00 am Saturday on the Zacliary House^ Grounds Parking available at First Baptist Church, the empty lot behind Good Shepherd Episcopal Church’s parish house and along Church Street. Handicapped Parking inside the fence of the Zachary House and handicapped drop-offs allowed before 1 pm at the old hotel site. r T e x tile H e rita g e D ay Saturday, September 28th Walking Parade to the River at the old Riverside Hotel site starting at 1 pm from Zachary House Rep. Julia Howard will be the Featured Speaker at the Hotel site Traditional Native American ''Blessing of the Land lead by Liz Singing Butterfly J J j J T h e C O R J V E R S t o r e Iitft rsfi lii>n Í»/ //u v\, iC SOI nt “(ireasi/ C orner" / * 'Thank You For Yout Patronage!" Open Monday - Saturday 6 00 am iil 10:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 'lil 10:00 pm ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 6 2 3 0 ^ e ' r e 4 4 a |jf)ij To» S e r v e R n e P e o f jle o f C o o ie e m e e S T k e S u r r o iW i n g C o u n tie s ! 't ) A v iE D i s c o u n t D r u g s î Dr. Jeffery Billings, D.D.S. G e n e r a l D e n t i s t r y f o r C h i l d r e n a n d A d u l t s V Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee, NC. 3 3 6 -2 8 4 -2 5 9 5 re proud to be a part of Cooleemee and also proud of it’s heritage. Osbotra^Sei^&lbviAig a n d E d g e iw o o d O i Hwy. 801 • Cooleemee Shopping Center (336) 284-2777 Call 284-2777 8am-5:30pm or 909-2486 or 284-4353 5:30pm-8am NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO FILL UP YOUR FUEL-OIL FOR W INTER — CALL TODAY! ЧCooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2537 /^№вм1181св()гвамам11)вГ\ Specializing In Homemade Sandwiches HERSHEY'SI 1е£/Сл£4ШЬ It’s PremiumI Hours: Mon-Fri, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sat 5-9 p.m. 284-6541 (Inlerseclion of 601 & 801 al Greasy Corner) We salute Cooleemee and Paul Shew, who has been a barber in Cooleemee for the past 45 years, 1957 - present niLLERKSeuan Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication Phil and D arle ne F u lle r 855 S a lisb u ry R o a d ♦ M o ck s villc, N C 27028 Telephone 336.7SI.37I2 ♦ To ll Free 1.800.448.4708 ♦ Fax 336.751.2215 Em ail; fullcrtSnnlnfl.net C e le b ra tin g O u r 39*'' Y e a r Thank You Cooleemee (or allowing us to serve you (or the past 39 years. W e’re proud to call Cooleemee & the United Slates home! C O O L E E M E E T R U E V A L U E H A R D W A R E Cooleemee Shoppina Center • Cooleemee ^иЩ /Ь Л и 284-2234 / í I t is with pleasure 1 congratulate Cooleemee on your Textile ¡Heritage Day. You a re to b e c o m m e n d e d . Ч Davie County Sheriff ^ (336) Paid for by Shenfl Al'on Whilakcr i O C B ^Individual Lots' I up to Acreage inLoncl & НОПИб Rowan Sales C o n g ra tu la tio n s O n A J o b W e ll D o n e ! The Textile Heritage Day is un event you am truly V be proud of. J u d g e J i m m y M y e r s Paid for by Judge Jimmy Myers Proud to be a part o f Cooleem ees Pa st - P resent - F uture Central Carolina Bank - M U M IiH Il l-U IC - C O O L E E M E E S H O I’ I^ IN C C E N T E R • C O O L E E M E E , N C (336) 28 4-2 54 2 fp'ey. P h i l C a r A u t o m o t i v e F O R E IG N & D O M E S T IC . A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G W O R K C V A X L E S B R A K E S T IM IN G B E L T S G E N E R A L M A IN T E N A N C E 1628 Hwy. 601 S. (bosiclc Lakewood Motel) M o ck sv ille • 7 5 1 -1 8 0 0 N O W O PEN М Ш к М т ш Ё Ё т Cooleemee Shopping Center (bosido ihe laundromat) Cooleemee, NC • Ph. 284-6670 JO IN THE FUN! ST O P IN TODAY! • 10 Pool Tables • Air Hockey • Driving Games • Pinball • Juke Box & (WORE! Snacks & Drinks Available open AT 3 pm daily T h e ■ F ' X C o o l e e m e e B r a n c h L i b r a r y y The very best place to start... / Books, Internet, Pre-School Story Time ( and MORE! К D A V IE C O U N T Y P U B L IC L IB R A R Y Cooleemoo Shopping Cenler • Cooloemeo • (336) 264-2805 371 North fvlain Street • Mocksvillo • (336) 751-2023 C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n T e x tile H e r ita g e D a y ctncl “ T h a n k s T o Y o u ” f o r y o u r c o n t i n u e d s u p p o r t . J u l i a H o w a r d N.C. House of Representntive.s i'litilfi'r hy Julin Honitril ' R o b e r t 's 'B o r b e q u e Hwy 801 Proud to be part of the Cooleemee Textile Heritage Day ^ ^ ^ ^ O p e i^ o n ^ a t ^ a r r ^ p r r W e 'v e G o t ^ Y o u C o v e r e d C o o l e e m e e ! D A V IE C O U N T Y IT E N T E R P R I / E ^ I I E C O R D FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERHSING 4 P.O. Box 99 • 171 South Main Sl, Mocksville, NC 27028 phone:(336) 751-2129 fax:(336)751-9760 C o m e b e a p a r t o f t h e c e le b r a t io n a s w e r e m e m b e r t h e h i s t o r y a n d c o m m u n i t y s p i r i t t h a t h a s m a d e C o o le e m e e s o s p e c ia l t o t h e m a n y w h o h a v e l i v e d a n d w o r k e d h e r e . Congrofulotions From tveryone At 3 L o c a tio n s To S erve You 1) Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, 284-4141 2) Hwy. 801 N„ Cooleemee, 284-2828 3) Hwy. 601 at 1-40, Mocksville, 751-7797 Л1с.\ I>;ltton Store .\1:1п;|цст Bi-Lo sidulcs Соокчптч’ Tc.vtile Ilcritdfie Оац and our Cooh’cmee Cnslotncrs. Ч . r 796 Valley Road • Mocksville New Store Hours; 6 a,m.-l 2 midnight V _________________________________________________ ^ D a v i e ^ M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t All Your Home Healthcare Needs... Customer Service is the most important part of our business T h a n k s F o r H e lp in g T o M a k e T h e C o m m u n it ie s W e S e r v e A B e t t e r P la c e T o L i v e A n d W o r k . TWO LOC/VnON.S TO Sl-RVli YOU G aither Sireel D l l j P ' T ' W illow Oak y.SI-.VJSI j D l j C i ^ i 7.51-.“5956 » \bii am li’ll W l'mint your husiiicsx. M, ml', r FDIC SilU f I N72 salutes Cooleemee and Textile Heritage Day ip29 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksville • 751-5969 Ч . /\ccmlll.iliun Conimlÿsiun for llom r C arr. Inc. 959 Salisbury Rd. 751-4288 Serving the Citizens of Cooleemee Since 1951. Thanks fo r placin g you r trust in us fo r so tnany years. We are honored to have served so m any fin e fam ilies. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE 325 N o n h M ain Strccl. McK-ksvilL-. N C 751-2148 I) \ \ I n S () N ( C) I N M ( () VI M I \ I I V (Oil I (, ^ Your, Comiection to the Future Davidson Qmpus 336.249.8186 Davie Campus 336.751.2885 Equal O pportunity College Library Fanatics Residents Try To Drum Up Funding Help H v B cih C iis s id j Uavie Counly Fintcrprise Uccoril CS . DAVIK COLN I Y KNTKRPKI.SK RECORD. Sept. 26. 2002 In an effo rt to lei the p u b lic kn o w how Im p o r- lani lib raries are. and that fttnding fo r those libraries has been d rastic ally ctit. Fan A p p reciatio n D a y w as lie id at the D a v ie C o u n ly P u b lic L ib rary. "Q u eet) o f tlie D ay ," Lois G reen and h er loyal ser%'ant, Z y G o ld w o o d , appeared at the lib rary A u g . 20. G reen is a n ietn- ber o f tlie S ilv e r S pirits, a sen io r c itize n s ’ b askelball team , and G o ld w o o d is on a ir at W D S L and is also a tnusician. G re en , w ea rin g a long blue g o w n and "d ia tn o n d " cro w n , w as escorted to iier “ th ro n e" in the lobby o f tiie lib ra ry by R o b in R obbins, an o fftc e r w ith the M o c k s ­ v ille P olice D ep a rtm e n t, M s . R u b y fro m W D S L and som e lib rary s la ff m e m ­ bers. T iie re . lite Q u een had G o ld w o o d g iv e oul in fo r- in aiio n as to \s liai books can be found in tlie library, b y p ro m p tin g h im w itli ver.ses she recited . “ B ab y natnes. O il baby nam es, m y kin g d o tn fo r • som e bab y n am es." w as fo llo w e d up by G o ld w o o d te llin g the assem bled group tlial lie found a book in ilie r lib ra ry w ith m ore tlian 7.(KX) baby nam es in it, in clu d in g tw o o f his favo rites. K a in , w liich m eans am bide.xtrous. and Z e l. a Persian sym bo l. “ I w ant a dog just for m e. btii th e re ’s so m any types and breeds," said the Q ueen. G o ld w o o d iield up a book called T h e Perfect M a lc h . a book about ilogs lhal helps potential ow ners fig u re oul w h ich one is right fo r them . G o ld w o o d also read the poem s. Trees, and Touch o f the M a s te r's H an d , from tw o books o f poetry lliat can be fo und at the library. “T lie lib rary is such a g real place. It ’s a sham e fu n d in g has been cul fo r it.” G o ld w o o d said. “ A t the lib rary, in ad d itio n to books, yo u can find videos. C D s . tapes to leam fo reign languages, books to help m ake up a sim p le w ill. DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD. Sept. 26, 2(102 - C'J D avie M an R ecovering From R are D isease Children are treated to a puppet show at the Davie County Public Library. books on c o o kin g , in c lu d ­ ing one ca lled C o o kin g w ith F rag ile H ands, lhal has in it a list o f utensils and pots and pans that are easy to g rip . M y g ran d ­ m o th er cou ld have used that. “ T h e re are costiniie and fashion books - m y w h o le w ardrob e jtis i in ig lil change, books on eticiuette. so you can fin d out ify o u need lo ctirtsy before the Q ueen, s o n g b o o k s ...If you c a n ’t iin d it. ask. Y o u 'll get frien d ly help at the li­ b rary." G o ld w o o d said. Q ueen L o is ' last c o m ­ m and w as " fo r everyo n e to support th e ir p u b lic lib ra r­ ies." R uth I lo y le . director, said i'unding has been cut. and tlte biggest thing th ey're w a itin g i'or is fo r the state to adopt a budget. "W e gol hurt w hen the state w ith h e ld the last paym ent o f state aid in the last fiscal year. W e 're receiving that right now , but at a 14 percent reduc­ tio n ." slie said. In an elTurl to cut spending, the lib ra ry ’s iiours w ere cut a le w m onths ago, b u l m an y o f those w ere recen tly re in ­ stated. T w o positions are frozen, one p art-tim e and one fu ll-tim e . H o y le said those w o n ’t be fille d any tim e soon. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Zy Goldwood fans library queen for a day, Lois Greene, under the eye of Mocksville Police Officer R.M. Robbins. "W e have good c o m m u ­ n ity support, but w lien it conies to o n g o in g o pera­ tions. it's im p o rtan t to keep re m in d in g the g o v ern tiien - tal bodies that lib raries are im p o rla n l.'G ift m o n ey is good I'or one lim e , as in m em o rial o r g ift c o n trib u ­ tions, and it certain ly enriches w hat w e do, but it’s the ta.\ m o n ey that funds o u r o n g o in g o p era­ tio n s." Young cliildren watch the free puppet show.Goldwood serenades the queen in an effort to gain her favor. B y Anj^elia W ood Spccial lo the Enterprise It was a typical I'riilay wticn Ronnie Boger started experienc­ ing a tingling sensation in liis fingers anil toes. L ittle iliil he know, liis lile was about to change. He had been diagnosed with G u illa in -B a rre S yndrom e (CBS). Pronounced (gliec-yan hah- ray). GBS is a disease ihat many people u\ay have never heard about. The usual first syinptoni is varying degrees of weakness and numbness in Ihe legs. This may spreatl lo olher parts ol'lhe body, then to the anus and hands. Il can interfere w ith blood pressure, heart rale, and breathing and may become life threatening. It may occur w ilh a gradual onset or suddenly, causing pa­ ralysis o f the body, possibly death. Occasionally, surgery, preg­ nancy or vaccinations w ill trig­ ger the syndrome. It may de­ velop over a course ol' Iiours or days or even up lo ihree lo I'luir weeks alter the initial virus lhal caused the body's immune sys­ tem lo go haywire. Most patients w ill e.vpcrience the stale o f greatest weakness w ithin Ihe first Iwo weeks al'ler onset o f .symptoms and by ll|c third week. percent of all pa­ tients arc al iheir weakest. Most fu lly recover, some are lelt w ith m inor impairments and some die. Boger. 49. e.xperienced sud- ilen symptoms alter never being sick w ith anylhing other lhan a cold or regular virus anytime in his life. “ This is a disease that can pul you out of work, not to mention out of even walking or caring I'or yourseir." he said. "W e lake il for granted all of the Ihings wc are able to do every day until we can't do these things any more." When Boger went to the iloc­ tor w ith the tingling sensation, Ihc physician's assistant I'irst thought it was an allergic reac­ tion. He was placed on allergy m edicine and sent home. That night, the symptoms he- came so severe ihat he went to the emergency room , and the physician's assistant there also diagnosed an allergic reaction, prescribed steroids, and sent him home. The sym ptom s progressed Ihe next day. On a Sunilay, he called his iloctor and describeil Ihe progressing numbness. "I was fortunate. When 1 talked lo my fam ily doctor, right away he suspected Ihat il may be GBS. From w hat 1 have read and beard, sometimes it can be hard to diagnose.” By Sunday nighl. he could no longer w alk. He called his fam ­ ily doctor and told him he was going to the ho.spital. By M on­ day m orning, his whole body was paralyzed. The long recovery process began w ith ailmission to Forsyih M edical Center's acute care unit A p ril 14. For Boger, treatment began under a neurologist's care, firsl w ith high doses of steroids. N ext, he underwent many tests: an M R I, a swallowing test and a spinal lap Ihat showed high levels o f protein indicating GBS. A fter the diagnosis, he received the most common treatment for GBS, Plasmapheresis. He had this blood plasma ex­ change for four hours, one time a day, for seven days. Plasmapheresis, in layman’s lem is. is the process o f taking out plasma from the blood ofthe person affected by GBS and re­ placing it w ith someone else’s plasma. T lie proteins lhal are acting strangely in the person's body w ith GBS are replaced w ith noim al ones, which halt the body’s faulty imnuine response o f .ittacking itself. In GBS. a virus or some lype o f illness such as a stomach bug or a cold, is usually experienced prior to the onset to GBS. “ I had u m ild sore throat and a lillle bit o f an ear ache at the beginning o f Ihe week." Boger said. Tbe liody's iniim ine systeni responds in an abnormal way by attacking Ihe m yelin sheaths o f Ibe nerves. M yelin is Ihe suh- stancc Ihal encases Ihe nerves. When Ihis covering o f ilie nerves is attacked, the nerves are no longer coaled w ith whal makes Ihe nerve im pulses tra ve l i|uickly. This quick traveling o f Ihe nerve's impulses are needed to make the muscles work. Plasmapheresis usually re­ verses the process. Boger re­ sponded well w ilh Ihis treatment and began Ihe recovery process. W hile halllm g Ihis nearly fa­ tal disease. Boger quickly dis­ covered that Ihe niajorily o f Ihe body's muscles could be a f­ fected and paralyzed. " Il slarled in my legs and moved up lo niy arms and also alTected my facial muscles." he said. In many case, even the lungs arc alTeclcd. rei|iiiring Ihe pa- lient to be placed on a respira­ tor. This is Ihe point lhal the pa­ tient may die due lo Ihe involve­ ment of the lungs. "M y lungs were never in ­ volved and 1 believe this is be­ cause o f Ihe many people who were praying for my recovery and G od’s sparing me Ihis as a re s u lt." M any o f B o g e r's muscles were all'ected. leading to a long road o f in te n sive therapy. The disease is nol conimon. Il afiliéis one in lOO.OdO. Boger said the disease had affected three other workers from his company. Workers al M artinat O ulpalient R eh a b ilita tion o f Davie told Boger he was Ihe sec­ ond palieni Ihey had treated ihis year w ilh Ihe disease. Among the survivors o f GBS is Andy G riffith. Among Ihe sur­ vivors who visited Boger while he was al Forsyih were Cindy Green ofAdvancc. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy K em sof Clemmons, and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beauchamp o f llam plonville. " I am th a n kfu l fo r these people taking time out o f their husy schedules lo visil me. It really gave me hope lhal I was going lo recover. It's depressing when you are .someone who is used lo being very aclive and Ihen you are stuck in a beil and you can'l move or even feed yourself." Me received support from fam ily, cxlended fam ily, friends and neighbors. "M y w ife and my sons were always there for me. M y w ife changed her work schedule to w ork weekends, ju s t so she could be with me "W hen 1 couldn’t feed m y­ self, my youngest son woulil get up real early and come to feed me breakfast," Boger said. “’M y oldest son would Ihen come and feed me lunch and my wife would be Ihere lo feed me din­ ner. "I know Ihis has been hard on them, because ihis is an illness lhal lakes a lol of lime lo recover from. It can really strip one’s independence. M y sons have been a great help with assisting me while I have been going ihrough rehab to regain m y bal­ ance and slrenglh. "Others in my extendeil fam ­ ily have pitched in and helped oul around the house. Some o f my neighbors even pressure washed my ileck and stained it. They have kept my yard mowed. Everyone has been so supporl- ivc while 1 have been sic. I ’ve really appreciated il. I couldn't im agine what people do that don’l have supportive fam ily, friends and neighbors," he said. A supp o rtive fa m ily and friends is necessary to overcome a prolonged illness such as GBS. Boger has always been in ­ volved in his children’s lives, volunteering w ilh school sports activities. The guys on the foot­ ball leani could abvays count on him to bring Popsicles to cool them o ff afler a bard practice. He volunteered in sports booster clubs and attends nearly every game. He even wenl to the away Davie High football game this year. " I bave lo sit at the lowest bleachers. I slill can'l clim b those.'.' he said. "1 also have my wife drop me off. so I don'l have quite as far lo w alk." He reccnily fixed peanut butler and jelly sandwiches for the loam lo have after one of Ihe games. "M y son and 1 fixed some sandwiches for the guys on the team because 1 knesv they were nol going lo have time lo eal." He told his occupational thera­ pist al M aninat the fixing the sandwiches was good physical therapy for his hands. Boger is still in therapy. He lacks his strength, balance, en­ durance and coordination w ilh his arms, legs and trunk. 1 le has progressed to w alking w ithoul a cane and has just discontimied w earing his b ilateral custom ankle foot orthoses. which kept him from stumbling over his feet wtien his muscles were loo weak to keep his feed from dragging. "Ronnie is not one lo be over­ come by his situation." said B ill Stasiak. LP l'A , Boger recently changed the o il in one o f his ve­ hicle. w ilh .some assistance. "S om eone s ta b iliz e d the creeper, w hile I laid down on il, so I could roll up under the vc­ hiclc. M y w ife and olher fam ily members really don’t think 1 should lo some o f llie Ihings 1 do. bul how am I going to get beller if I don't iry and see if I can do them ?" Boger praised Ihe slaff o f Reha­ bilita tio n M edicine Centers of Forsyih. "I was in acute care for one month and do nol remember ev­ e rything thal happened ihere because I was in a lol o f pain and on a lol o f pain medicines. I do know lhal 1 received occupa­ tional and physical therapy for movement o f my exirem ilies,” he said. "1 can't remember if I had speech therapy or nol." Occupational therapist Janell M a rlin and physical therapist C hristy M illsaps wenl oul o f Iheir way lo help, becoming like fam ily. Boger said. "The extra lim e and efforl that Ihey bolh gave really impressed me. The Icainwork aspect really amazed me. Everybody Ihere treated me more like fam ily lhan a patient." A l M arlinel, the aggressive approach impressed B oger "1 am glad there is a place in M ocksville Ihat is not far from hom e, w here I can go fo r therapy, since I have to go two lo three limes a week." R ecovery can la lk a long lim e. Boger is slill out o f work and under a re h a b ilita tio n physician's care. He's been oul o f w ork for five monihs. "1 went lo my prim ary doc­ tor Ihe olher day and be tested my refiexes in my legs and my rcllexes were still nol w orking." he saiil. Current therapy focuses on balance, clim bing stairs, hand c o o rd in a tio n and o ve ra ll slrenglh and endurance. He has to use his upper body and a stable object to pull him ­ self lo standing after gelling on Ihe lloor. His shoulders are still weak and his hands slill tremble when he goes to brush his teeth. " I have made remarkable progress. They say 1 had a mild case.” ho said. "1 would hate lo see a .severe case of Ihis sluff." He hopes lo return lo work as an airline mechanic. Mis goal is lo be al У0 lo 100 percenl soon. He works four lo six hours each week in intensive therapy and does the home exercises pre­ scribed by bis therapists every day. Boger works hard to speed up his recovery process. He still has to lake neurontin for the pain in his feel. “1 have really come a long way since A p ril, when 1 couldn't even feed m yself or gel up out o f bed and walk. M y recovery w ill never seem fast enough for m e.” Part o f Ihe recovery process is having the patience to wail for Ihe m yelin to regrow over the Ronnie Boger gets some physical therapy in his recovery from Gullain-Barre Syn­ drome. nerves. He has a son who is a senior at Davie High School. Anolher is a sophomore at Appalachian Stale University. Like most parents, he worries about ihe nuances and is eager lo get back to work. "1 have always been a very independent person and Ihis ill­ ness has made me learn lo de­ pend on others." Boger said. "I have had lo depeiul on my fam- ily and frieiuls move than ever. I am thankl'ul lo have such a sup­ portive fam ily and friends. "1 have also had lo learn io depend on heallb care profes­ sional." The experience was new. since Boger bad never been a palieni in a hospital. He d id n ’t know lhal people like Sharon D oncclle. social worker al W hilaker w ho coorili- nated and planned for his care, existed. "I'v e also learned that illness is no respecter o f persons and jusi bccause you are liealtby now or because you have never been sick, doesn't mean you are in ­ vincible lo a prolonged illness." Good heallh and d isa b ility insurance have preventcil Ihe ilisease froni being even more financially calaslrophic. he said. Block P arty F or Jesus This Saturday A Block Parly for Jesus is scheduled from noon-6 p.m. Sal­ urday on the square in ilow n- Imvn M ocksville. ers and musicians from different I he evenl w ill feature free eilinic backgrounds. For more food and drink, as well as speak- inform alion. call 7.^ 1-445.1. u n v w .e n te r p r is e -r e e o r d .c o m с ю - DAVIF. COUN TY KN TKRPRISK RKCORI). Scpl. 26. 2002 Obituaries A r le n e S ta n d is h L e c lo iix Mrs. Arlcnc Horyl Staiulisli l.oiloux, SO. o f 141 C ri-slvifw Drive. M(KkNvillL’, dicil Tuesday. •Sopì. 17. 2()()2, al F-iirsylh Mcdi­ cal Ccnicr. .■\ inciliorial scrvicc was licUl al 2 p.m. TIuirsday. .Scpl. 1') al I'irst Unilcd .Mcllindisi C liiircli with the Rev. Crystal Ale.xaiulcr Dfficiatini:. Mcrimrials: Buildini! Fund nf Tirsi .MetluidiM. .ill.S N. Main St.. M w ksville. Mrs. Ledmj,\ was horn Dcc. IS, 1921. in Ayers ClilT. I’rovi- dence of Quclicc. Canada lo Ihc late Ervyn Hawkins and Klsic Robinson .Standish and was a homemaker. She was preceded in dealh by her husband. Jcan-l’aul Lcdoux. and a son. Richard I’aul Lcdoiix. .Survivors; 5 children. Patricia Ledoux of Mesa. A ri/.. Robert A. I.cdoux of Castle Rock. Colo.. Paula Ledoux Aubin of Orlando. Fla.. Brenda Hardman of .Mocks­ v ille and Barbara Ledoux o f Y adkinville: a brollier. C yril Standish o f St. C atherines. Ontario; 7 grandchildren; and greal-grandchildren. E lo is e H a ile y D eese Mrs. Eloise Hailey Deese. S>). a fonner resident o fllie Oaks of Thomasville. died late .Monday evening. Sept. 16. 2002. al the Graybrier in Trinity. She w as born in the Fork com­ munity of Davie Couniy March 1. 191.1, lo D cw iti M. and May LivengomI Dailey. She had made her home in Thomasville since I W.“i, coming from Fork. She re- lireil from Thomasville Furniture Industries after .V'i years. She w as a member of Southgate Baptist Church and the senior citi/cns Sunday school class. She was preceded in ile;uh by her parents; her husband. Mr. Jas- |icr A. Deese. in Oclolicr I'W l; a son. Mr. Mickey I;. Deese. also in l'J91; a sisler; and 7 brothers. Surviving: a daughter. Linda O. Varner and husband Donald of Arehdale; a son. Don Deese and w ife I’ansy o f 'I'hom asville; a brolher. H ill Bailey o f Fork: } grandchildren: and .1 grcat-grand- cliildren. The funeral sen ice w as al 11 a.m. Friday. Sept. 20 at Ihe chapcl of J.C. Green A; Sons Funeral Home w ith Dr. .-Xiidy Royals offi­ cialing, Burial followed al Holly H ill Memorial I’ark. (iitiiier Howard Kllis Mr. Ciilmer Howard Hllis. SO. of Farmington Road, .MiKksvillc. died Wednesday. Sept. IS. 2(H)2. al Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was born Ocl. 21. 1‘I21, in Davic Couniy lo William Albert and Nannie M cBridc Fliis. Mr. F.llis was a nicmK'r of Farming­ ton United M elhodisi Church, w here he served as treasurer. He was the co-owner of Bennetl and Ellis Hardware in Fanninglon. Mr. Ellis was aclive in the Rurilan Club and also the F'annington Vol­ unteer Fite Depannienl. where he served as co chicf. A brother. Benjamin Ellis and 4 sisters. Kaiherine Ellis. Louise E. Bennell. Ruth E. Sheeks and Betty E. Fry. preceded him in death. Survivors: his wife. Frances Spillman Ellis of the home; a son. W illiam Alphon/o Ellis and wife Anne; a daughler. Nancy E. Holmes and husband M ark; 4 grandchildren: fi brothers. Lulher G. Ellis. Ausbon Ellis and wife Dorothy. W.A. Ellis and Belly Gail, Eugene Ellis and w ife Myra. F.R. "Shorty" Ellis and wife Lcla Gray; 2 sislers, Nancy Dinkins and husbaiul Nelson and I’atsy Sheets and husband Richard; sev­ eral nieces, nephew s and cousins; and niecc and caregiver. Sandra Gail Bennell. Thc funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Salurday. Sept. 21 al H a yw o rth -M ille r Kinderton Chapel w ilh Ihe Rev. Melinda "M in d y ” Snyder o ffic ia lin g . Burial followed al Farminglon Communily Cemclery. Memorials: Hospicc/I’allialive C;ircCenier, IIOO-C S. Siralford Road, W inston-Salem, 2710.1; Hospice o f Davie Coumy. P.O. Bo.x 848, Mock.sville; or Fanning­ lon Methodist, IW J Farminglon Road. Mock.sville. W illia m R ii.ssell F e rjiu s o n W illiam Russell Ferguson. S9. d id Salurday. Sepi. 21. 2002. al Wilkes Regional Mcdical Cenlcr. Mr. Ferguson was born on Oct. 1.^. 1‘II2 . in W ilkes County lo Roby Smilh and Julia Peiniell Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson spent his life in Wilkes Couniy and w orked in lim ber for several years. He managed ihe ice planl aiul workeil in conslruction before retiring from Holly Farms Poultry. He was a m cnilicrof Frienilly Grove Bap­ tist Church. He was preceded in death hy a son. Horace Ray Ferguson: 2 brothers. C arl Ferguson and Horace Ferguson; and 4 sisters. Ile llie Boone. Ruby Braswell. Nell Walsh and Jewel Davis. Survivors; his wife <if 67 ycars. Zena of Ihc home; a sister, Evic Russell of Norfolk. Va.; 4 chil- dien. Georgia F. Johnson of Ber­ muda Run. John II. (Earlencl Ferguson of Bennuda Run; Betty F. I Don) Si/einore of King, and W;iyne (Betty) Ferguson of M ill­ ers Creek; 7 grandchildren: 4 grcat-graiulchildreiv. and several nieces and nephews. The funeral servicc was held al 2 p.m. Monday. Sept. 2.1. at Friendly Grove Baplisi Church in M illers Creek. Burial followed al Mountlawn Memorial Park. North Wilkesboro. Memorials: ..\nierican Diabe­ tes Assoc.. 1S20 F. Seventh St.. Charlotte. 2S204. S e ll it F ast! with an F.ntcrpriic classltlcd .tli C /// '/¡iinniy tndiiy 751-2120 Helen Phelp.s Matthews M rs. Helen Louise I’hclps Matthews. S6. of Winston-Salem ilied Monday. Sept, 16. 2002. She was born Feh. 26. l ‘)16. in Clemmons, lo the late James Conrad and Bertha .Mae McDaniels Phelps, In 1447. she married Thomas Walter .\lallhcw s in York. S.C. He preceded her in dealh in 1970. Mrs. Matthews was a longlime member of Ouklawn Baptist Church. She was rclireil from Roses Dcparlmenl Store. She w as a memher o f the Triangle \ ’olunlecr Fire Dcparlinent's La- ilies Auxiliary. She was a gar­ dener. and enjoyed laking long walks. Along with her parents and husband, a brother. Roy L, Phelps Sr.. preceded her in death. S urvivors: a son, Kenneth W aller M atthew s and w ife P airicia o f W inslon-Salcm : 2 granddaughters; a sister-in-law. Ha/.cl M. Phelps o f Advance: a nephew; and numerous relatives and friends. The funeral service was al II a.m. Friday. Scpl. 20. al Oaklawn Baplist Church. Burial followed al Oaklawn Memorial Gardens, The Revs. Kevin K ilbrcih and Paul Riggs officiated. DAVIE FUlVERAL SERVICE |ПС0Г]»П11и1 •IK. V.illev lid., .Mivksville, \ C 336-751-3111 “Out гiimi/y Scn’inii I'timili/' VDiR номшил плкк,а номе AMeaningfiil Funeral Service VVülrli t'uneral Udine, Inc. 556S<iuth M .iin S l. • M ocksville, N C • (336) 751-3725 — l.ociiìUi Owitcìl & Operated — C a rin g F o r 6 ,9 6 0 Y e a rs o f P re c io u s J e w e ls . Ciill UxLiy litr inl'oniiMioii. IuikIi iuiil :i ItHir... . ^ P o l o R i d g e ' ^ ^ Assisted Living Coinm unily 2SX> Polo Ridge Coun. Wiiision-Salcin. N'C 27106 ' 336.722.7118 B&J TRAHSMISSION & TIRE SHOP FOREIGN & DOMESTIC • ALL MAKES & MODELS CÌMii 2 0 Y ea rs E x p e rie n c e 197 W hetstone Dr. • M ocksville 3 3 6 -2 8 4 -4 1 9 4 Moftgage rates are the lowest they have been in 40 years! Let us help you with the purchase or refinance of your home B A N K o /i N O R T H f é / Р У Ю Ш А MORTGAGE K d itli P o tts .F u lian Mrs, Edilh Louise Potts Julian. 66. of I lannony. died Friday. Scpl. 20. 2002 at W'ake F'orest Univer­ sity Baplist Medical Center. She was born Ocl. 4. ly i.“! in Davie Couniy lo Ihc late Thomas Noah and F'allie Bell Spry Polls, She was rclire d from Davie Couniy Hospiiai and was of the Baptist failh. On Dcc, 24. 19.'i4. she married Everelle Julian, who survives, Mrs, Julian was preceded in ilealh by 2 sislers. Survivors: a son. Everelle Ray Julian and w ife Lynn of Harmony: a daughter. Donne Faye Pcacock ;mil luisb;uiil Ted of Harmony: 4 grandchililren: a brolher. Thomas Greene Polls of Harmony: a sis­ ter. Carolyn Bernice Polls of Har­ mony; several nieces and nephews and loved ones. Funeral services were con­ ducted al 2 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 22 al Rock Spring Baplisi Church, with Ihe Rev. Steve Hedgecock ofllcialing. Burial followed in Ihe church cemclery. Pallliearers were D w'ighl D avis. James Polls. Donald Potts. Earl Trent. Jason Smilh. Scoitie Taylor. No:di Potts and Janies Seamon. ( Ч ’ ///, У//A ////., Virginia B. Slockard 1914 - 2002 UALEIGH (¡a Frank S. Bales 1929 - 2002 W INSTON-SALEM Ha Bcltie B. Swisher 1 9 1 9 -2 0 0 2 MOCKSVILLE & Grady L Hill 1914 - 2002 M o o re s v ille Cedric V. S/nool 1916 - 2002 m o c k s v ille iS Bessie O. Whitley 1910 - 2002 W INSTON-SALEM 325 N .M a ii\ Street Mocksville, NC (336) 751-2148 Fall & W inter Children’s Clothing Sale Sponsored hy Advance MOPS (Mothers o f Preschook’i's) W h e n : S a t u r d a y , S e p t . 2 8 • 8 a m - 2 p m 1 / 2 O f f S a le 1 2 - 2 p m W h e r e : M a c e d o n ia M o r a v i a n C h u r c h 7 0 0 H w y 8 0 1 N , A d v a n c e MOPS For more information call Jean Snyder at 998-1866 or Kim Crotts at 998-4567 885 SulLshurv St. • Mocksvillc (,Ш )’751-2495 ()p«n Mnn-Sat 5am-9i)m. Sun fiam-jpni "Roberts B o r b e ^ i u e ilwy. 801 • CooliMimcc Open Mim-Fri 5am-2iim The Best In Barbeqiie Footlong Hot Dogs 990 Bar-B-Que Sandwich ^1.50 Bar-B-Que Plate w/2 sides Ч.95 Country style 8Д Qc steak Plate „w/2 veggies Good Every Day! Specials Good Through October 10, 2002 ■4 D/WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - C ll JERRY KAPP Managot/Loan Officor Tolephooo: (336) 774-2944 Mobilo: (336)462-3932 w w w .e n te r p r is e -r e c o r d .c o m S i n g e r s A t R e d l a n d The Jaystone Singers from Hope Mills will be at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church, Baltimore Road at U.S. 158, Advance, at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29. For more information, call 998-4226. Fall Revival Starts Sunday At Cooleemee First Baptist Revival services w ill begin Sunday. Sept, 29 al 11 a,nt. and con­ tinue through Wednesday. Ocl. 2 al 7 nighlly al Cmileemee First Baplist Church. The Rev. M ark Sterling, pastor al Ihe North Roxboro Haplisl Church, w ill be Ihe guest speaker. He is the son o f Dr. and Mrs, Wayne Sterling. Dr. Sterling is the inlerim paslor at Coolcemee. There w ill be special singing cach service and a nursery w ill be provided. The church is al 204 Marginal Si. For inlorm alion or trans­ portation. call 284-2626. Life Chains Oct. 6 A life chain w ill be held in M ocksville on Sunday. Ocl. 6 from 2: l.‘i-.1:3() p.m. on U.S. 601 Norih al 1-40, Headed by Gwen and M ark Jones, the chain w ill include prayer ami a m em orial to those who lost their lives to abortion, and a pub­ lic oulreach to slop abortion. The 12lh annual life chain w ill be held from 2:30-3:30 that af- lenioon on Ihe north side o f Hanes M all Boulevard. Hand-held signs may be obtained ihere. For more inl'omiation. call Donna D yer al 940-2.‘).‘i8. Teen Challenge Walk For New Life Oct. 5 Teen Challenge o f Ham iony w ill hold ils eighlh annual W alk for New Life Salurday, Ocl. 5 through downtown Slalesville. Registration for the 11 К (almost seven m ile) w alk begins at 8:30 a.m. at M itchell Community College’s Broad Slrcel entrance. Walkers get pledges to support Teen Cliallenge. and those who don 'I ■ walk can help by gelling pledges for those who do. There w ill be prizes ami a free luncheon follow ing the w alk, when panicipants w ill get a chance to meet some o f ihe young women they are helping. Teen Challenge offers free services, w iih an 86 perccni success rate. It is a faith based Christian program lhal does not take any federal or stale money. A ll walk proceeds w ill be used to combat drug and alcohol abuse, provide support for women and their families lo restore Iheir lives, and raise funds to provide exp:inded services for Icen Challenge sludents and their children. For more infom ialion. call 7()4-.‘i46-2.S31. A n n o u n c i n g T h e O p e n in g O f T h e L a w P r a c tic e O f P a t t i D o u b D o b b i n s General Practice, Including Wills, Estates, Adoption, Separation and Divorce, Minor Traffic Offenses Life/ong Forsyth County Resident UNC Chape! Hill School of Law 2002 Undergnnluate Nursing UNC-CH Graduate Nursing l/NC-Greetuboro Nurse Anesthetist 3447Robinhoad Road, Suite 207 Winston-Salem NC 27106 Photte: 336-794-7940 Em ail: pattidobbim @ tua,net j The Episcopal ChuiDh of the Ascension at Fork Welcomes You (and уош‘best friend) r iu ' lili's s in ji 1)1' till' \n in i; ils ,S iitiin l;i\. ( 5 . 20(12 ill 2:01) I ’ M Attend The Church Of Your Choice N o C ro o k P rim itiv e B a p tis t C h u r c h ,N o C ro o k C h u rc h R d .. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 10:30 a .m . Fo urih S aturday w orship and ccnforonco.1:30 p.m . Paslor. Eldor Eugone Bonnolt. E a g le H e ig h ts C h u r c h ,10 a .m . S u n d a y w orship . 7 p .m . Tu osd a y Pow ortim e. 7 p .m . Th u rsd a y Biblo study. C asu al dross, contem porary m u sic/ w o rs h ip . 5 1 0 3 U .S . 158, Hiilsdalo. M o c k s v llto W o s lo y a n C h u r c h : H ospital S t.. S un d a y Schooi. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11. W ednesday Prayer Mooting, 7 p.m . Rov. G oorgo Troyor. 751-5595. U n io n C h a p o l U n ite d M oth o d lst C h u rc h : 2030 U .S . 601 N . Worship. 9 :45 a.m . S unday School. 11 a.m.. Pastor. Rov. Brad Holliman. C e n te r U n lto d M etho dist C h u rch : U .S . 64 W . Sunday Schooi. 9:45 a.m. W orship. 11. Pastor. Stophon Blair. 751-2754. Childcaro diroclors: Carla Provollo. 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753. E ib a ville U n lle d M othodlst C h u rch : N .C . 801. Advanco. Followship. 9 a.m. S unday School. 10. W orship. 11. Kids For Christ (agos 4 -1 1). 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m . Teens for Christ (agos 12- 18) m eol S un.. 5-6:30 p.m . Pastor: Rev. Neville Sloroy. C o o le e m ee C h u rch ot G o d : Sunday School. 10 a.m . W orship Sorvico and C h ild re n 's C h u rch . 11 a.m . Tuos. Prayor M ooting. 7 p.m . W ed. Famiiy Sorvtco. 7 p.m . For m oro info, cail pastor Robert Hulollo at 284-2180 or visit www.coolcog.org. C o rn a tz e r U n ite d M o th o d is I C h u rc h : 1244 Cornatzor Rd. Sunday Schooi. 10 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m .. 7:30 p.m . Bible Study. W ednesday. 7:30. Rev. Harold Zim m orm an. pnstor. B o lh e l U n ited M o lh o d lst C h u rch : Bethel Ctiurch Rd. W orship, 9:45 a.m. S unday School, 10:50 a.m . Rov. Ed Carler. pastor. A d va n c o Unltod M olhod lst C h u rch : Sunday School. 9:45 a.m . Worship. 11 a .m . Youth. 5 p .m . R ov. Harry D. Sam m ons.Dow ntow n Advance. F a rm in g t o n U n lto d M o th o d ls t C h u r c h : S un d a y S choo l. 10 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m . 1939 Farm inglon Rd. 998-3769. Rov. Melinda Snydor. O a k G ro v e U n ite d M o th o d ls t C h u rc h : 1994 U .S . 158, Mocksvillo. S unday School. 9:45 a.m . Worship. 11. C o n c o rd United M ethodist C hurch. C herry Hill Rd.. Mocksville. Worship: 11 a .m . S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10 a.m . Paslor. Jo hn Androws. H a rd iso n U n lle d M elho disi Church: W orship, 9:45 a.m . S unday School. 1 0 :4 5 . W o n d e rfu l W o d n o s -d a y s C hildren's program , 6 -7:30. Paslor, Rov. Donnis B. Marshall. C o m m u n ity Baptist C h urch : Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m . S unday Worship. 11. Evening service. 6. W ednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m . G iadstono Road. H illsdale Uni ted M elho disi C hurch: 5 2 2 8 U .S . 1 5 8. A d v a n c o . C onlom porary worship Sunday 10:45 a .m . S un d a y Schooi. 9:35. Casual dress. reUeshm onts. Jr. High Youth S un d a y night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth S unday night. 7. M idw ook@Hiilsdalo prayer sorvico. w odnosday 6:30 p.m. Bibto stu d ie s, m inistrios such as d ra m a , w o rsh ip , m isio n s, singles, w om en's, m en's. Pastor; Jerry W obb. 998-4020. W o s le y C h a p e l U n ited M o lh o d lsl C h u rc h : W orship S ervice : 10 a.m . S u n d a y S c h o o l: 1 0 .4 5 a .m . R ev. M indy Snyder. Pino Rd. R e d la n d P e n te c o s ta l H o lin e s s C h u rc h : S u n d a y S ch o o l: 10 a.m . W o rs h ip : 11 a .m . E v e n in g : 6:30. W ednesday prayor m eeting & Biblo study. 7:30 p.m . Rev. Joel Boylos. H o ly C ro s s Lu the ra n C h u rc h , 1913 U .S . 601 s . W o rsh ip : 10:30 a .m . Sunday School: 9:15 a.m . Pastor: Rov. Robert Kasling. 751-5419. htlp://www.mindspring.com/*hoiycross/ M o c k s v ille F irs t P ro s b y to r lo n C h u rch . 261 S. Main S I. W orship: 11 a,m . Church Schooi: 9:45 a.m. S unday ovoning: Choristors (grados 1 -5 ) & Youlh (grados 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Noal Carler. 751-2507. M ocks United M ethodist C h u rch , off N .C . 801 S. al Mocks Church/ B e a u ­ cham p roads. Advance. Rov. Donnio Durham . 998-5518. S unday w orship: 8 :45& 11 a.m. Sunday School. 1 0 a.m . Sm ith G ro vo M othodlst C h u rch : 3492 U .S . 158. M ocksvillo. Pastor: C h ris C to n lz. S u n d a y S c h o o l: 10 a .m .. worship, 11. Children's ministry. Boforo and alter school program s. 940-5296. H iils d a lo B a p list C h u rc h : S u n d a y W orship and Biblo S lu d y 9 & 10:30 a.m .. W ednesday Fellowship Moal, 6 p.m . Children's youth activilios. prayor m o o tin g , 6 :3 0 p .m . P a slo r R .T . Alderman, 940-6618. Ministor of M usic. Bront Holton. 4815 U .S . 158. A dvanco. Fa ith and V icto ry F o m lly W o rs h ip C o n to r, 1687 Hw y. 601 N. S u n d a y Sorvicos. 10 a,m ., 7 p.m . W odnosday. 7 p.m. N ow Bollovors P.P. C h u rc h . S unday School. 10 a.m . W orship Sorvico. 11. W odnosday night Biblo study, 5. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Paslor Dorrick M ock. W om en's Aux, & Brotherhood Biblo Study. 1st & 3rd Thursday. L ib e rty U n lto d M e th o d is t C h u rc h . U .S . 601 S. W orsiiip:9:45 a.m. S unday School: tl a,m. First United M ethodist C h u rch of M o ck s villo . Early S un d a y W orsh ip S o rvico . 0:50 a.m . P raise sin g in g, casual drtiss. contem porary form at. Trndilional sorvico, 10:55 a.m . 305 N. Main St. 751-2503. Pastors. C rystal Alexander nnd Chnrlos Tum or. B e lie v e r's S o n s h ip T a b e rn a c le : Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m . & 6:3 0 p.m . W o d . ovo nin g. 7. P a sto r: Je rry L. Couch. 998-1324. C ana Rd. - Potter’s Lane. Tu rren tine B aptist C h u rc h : S unday School. 9:45 a.m.. W orship. 11; Night Servico, 6. Pnslor: Rov. Jo e Smith, B o lh lo h o m U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h : Sunday oarly worship, 8:45 a.m .: Sunday School. 10 W orship. 11 a.m, 321 Rodland Rd.. Advance. 336- 9 9 8 -5 0 8 3 . F a x : 9 4 0 -5 5 0 2 . E -M a il: bothumc(a)aol.com. E piscopal C h u rch of Ihe A sce n sio n . Fofk-Bixby Rd,. Advanco. Sun. School. 10 a.m . W orship. 11 a.m . 998-0857. Dlot A S lo ry M inistry lo r children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advanco, 998-7716. C lom ent G rovo C h u rch of G od , B o d y of C h rist. 159 Parker R d „ Mocksville. 492-5125, Saturday Servicos: Sabbath S ch o o l. 10 a .m .. W o rs h ip . 1 1:45. W ednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m . Pastor: Eldor Ernosl ijamos. Radio Broadcast: Tho Bibto is Righl. Tuesdays. 5-5:3 0 p.m .. W D S L 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m .. W S T P 1490 AM . G re e n M e a d o w s B a p tis t C h u r c h Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11 a.m .. 7 p.m. W ednesday Prayer & Bible S lu d y. 7 p .m . P astor Rov. M ichae l W aters. 998-3022. L ib e rty W e s le y a n C h u r c h , 2 1 0 6 Sheffield Rd.. Harmony. Sunday School 1 0 a.m ., Morn, W orship 11 a.m .. W od. Biblo Advonturo 7 p.m .. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tuos. each month 10 a.m . 492-2963. Pastor: Ronald Loo. B ix b y P ro sb yto rlo n C h u rc h , 1806 Fork-Bixby R d.. near C ornalzer R d.. S un. School 9:45 a.m .. W orship 11. Paslor; PelOT Peterson. 9 9 8- 6813. D u iln United M elho disi C h u rch . 897 D u lin R d .. M o ck s ville . 9 9 8 -5 4 0 9 . Pastor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m .. W orship 9:30 a.m . C ooloom ee United M othodlst. M ain St., Sunday Schooi. 10 a.m .. W orship. 11. Kids Kam p Sun. 5 -6:30. Pastor: Rov. Porry Bradshaw (284* 6135) In H o m e B ib le S tu d io s , by Randy Howoll. 284-4667. B e a r C re o k B a p tis t C h u rc h , B oar C rook C h. R d.. S un. School 9:45 a.m .. W orship 11 a.m .. Biblo Study W od. 7 p.m . Rov. William Leo C ook lil. pastor. C oolo om e e First B aptist C h u rch , 264 M arginal St.. S un . Bible S tu d y 9:45 a .m ., M orn . W orsh ip 11 a .m ., E ve . W o rs h ip 7 p .m .. Y o u th . 6 p .m . W o d n o s d a y sup p or, 6 p .m . M usic minister, Rogina Chandler. M ocksville S econ d P resbyterian, 400 P in e St. W o rsh ip . 11 a .m .. C hurch S c h o o l, 9 :3 0 . R o v. T h o m a s M. Loach.751-1410 S t. Fra n cis of A s s is s l, R C . M assos: M onday. Tuosday. Thursday. Friday. 9 a.m . W odnosday. 7 p.m . Saturday Vigil. 5 p.m . Sunday. 8 a.m . and 10:30 a.m. S p a n is h M ass at 12:30 p .m . R ov. A ndrew Draper. T O R . 751-2973. F a rm in g to n B aptist C h u rch . Sunday m orning B iblo study, classes lor all a g o s . 9 :4 5 . W o rs h ip : 11. 1841 Fa rm in glon R d ., 5 mites from 1-40. Pastor; Jim m y Hinson. C hurch: 998- 3826. Hom o: 751-3492. B la ise B o p llst C h u rch , U .S . 601 North a c ro s s from H o rn ’s T ru c k S to p . M o c k s villo . 7 5 1 -3 6 3 9 . W o rs h ip & S unday Schooi. 9:45 a.m . and 11 a.m . S u n d a y o v o n in g . 7. W o d n o s d a y servico. 7 p.m . Pastor; Glenn Sellers. S h ilo h B aptist C h u rc h , 544 E . Depot St.. M ocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m . M orning worship: 11 a.m . Pastor: Rov. Donald Ray Jenkins, 751-0597. F u lto n U n lle d M e th o d is t C h u rc h . 3895 N .C . 801 S .. Advanco. W orship: 9:45 a.m . S unday School. 10:45 a.m . Fulton Youth In Christ. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m . Pastor; Rev. Jack W allace. H o a v o n B o u n d F u ll G o s p e l C h u rc h .U .S . 64 W .. Mocksviiie. (bosido Center Fire Dept.). Sundny Schooi. 10 a.m .. W orship, 11. Sunday nighl praise/ w orship, 6, W ednesday night praise/ w orship. 7. Paslor. Jam es W ard. 998- 6394. First B optist C h u rch . 390 N. Main St.. M ocksvillo. 751-5312. Sunday Schooi. 9 :3 0 a .m . W o rs h ip : 1 0 :5 5 a .m . W ednesday Prayer Sorvico. Noon. Fo rk B aptist C h u rch . 3140 U .S . 64 E.. M o ck s villo . S u n d a y S c h o o l. 9:45 . W orship sorvico. 11 a.m .. 6:30 p.m . W ednesdays. 7 p.m . Aw anas. Sunday 6 p,m .998-8306. C o rn a tz e r B a p tis t C h u r c h . 1372 C o rn a tzo r R d ., M ocksville. S un d a y School. 10 a.m .. W orship. 11; evening, 6 :3 0 ; A w a n a 's W o rs h ip . 7 p .m . W ednesday evening. 7:30 p.m . N ow U n io n M ethodist C h u rc h . 1869 S h o lfio ld R d ., a l C o u n ty Line Rd. S e rvico s: 8 :3 0 a .m .. contom porary v/orship w ilh ca s u a l d ro s s a nd rolreshm onts; 9:45 a.m, Sunday School assem bly. 10, S unday School for all agos. 11 a.m .. W orship. 492- 5367. Ijam o s B a ptist C h u rc h . Shollield Rd,. M ocksvillo. S unday School, 9:45 a.m ., w o rs h ip . 11. S u n d a y e ve n in g , 6, W e d n esd a y. 7 p .m . P a slor, To m m y Faust. S t. J o h n A M E Z io n C h u r c h . 145 C a m p b e ll R d .. M ock sville . S u n d a y School. 9:30. M orning w orship, 11 a.m. Rov. Anthony Freem an. A d v a n c e First B aptist C h u rch , 1938 N .C . 801 S . S unday School. 9:45 a.m . W orship. 11. W ednesday Bible Sludy/ m ission groups. 7 p.m . Paslor:M arlin Kastnor. 998-6302. C h u rc h o f G o d of P ro p h e c y . 2323 U .S . 601 s .. M o c k s viiie . S u n d a y Schooi. 10 a.m ., w orship, 11. Sunday ovoning. 6 ; W e d n esd a y ovoning, 7. Pastor; Rov. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. V icto ry B a ptist C h u rc h , M idw ay St., Cooleem ee. S unday School. 10 a.m., w o rs h ip 11. S u n d a y e v e n in g . 6; W ednesday Awana/Youth, 6:45 p.m .. Prayer & Bible Study, 7. Rov. Shelby W.G. WHITE &C0. 850 N. Trade St. W inston Salem , NC 27102 3 3 6 - 7 2 3 - 1 6 6 9 VOGLER Ä-SONS I'Uiicral Monic 2 8 4 9 M id d ie B ro o k Dr. C lem m o n s, N C 2 7 0 1 2 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y J e ric h o R o ad M o c k s v iiie , N C 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 J E R R Y ^ S M E A T P R O C E S S IN G We C ustom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 692 Ralph Ralledge Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 DOWNUNDER ROCK & TILE Brûlt & Slacoy Lavory (336) 9 9 8 -8 2 8 7 or 998-4771 Ceramic Tile liisiallaiion www.aussictilc.com D A V I E L U M B E R & L O G G IN G 8 7 2 M a in C h u rc h R d . M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 J . P . G R E E N M I L L I N G C O . , I N C . M a k e rs o f D A IS Y F L O U R W e C u s to m B len d D e p o t S t., M o c k s v iiie , N C 3 3 8 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 6 E A TO N F U N E R A L H O M EA Tniililion of Curing.... ,125 North Main .Street Mocksvillc. NC 2702« 336-751-2148 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 4 9 5 V a lle y R o ad M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 16 2 S h e o k S tre e t M o c k s v ille , N C 27 028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 c l ^ s r AUTO HURTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 3 3 6 -7 5 1 - 2 9 4 4 G E N T L E M A C H I N E & T O O L I N C . 3 3 1 9 u s H w y 158 M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 Æшлшиижк 5431 Hwy. 158« Advance, NC 336-998-1987 PirriHIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 F U L L E R tta s ^ ir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, N C 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 F - 3 7 1 2 Harbour. 284-2077. S e v e n th D a y A d v e n tis t C h u rc h , Milling Road, M ocksvillo. S abbath School, Saturday. 9:30-11; W orship. 11*noon. Pastor, Ron D avis. 7 5 1- 3886. M acedonia M oravion C h u rch , 700 N .C . 801 N ., A d v a n c e . S u n d a y School, 9:30*10:45 a.m . W orship, 8:45 and 11 a.m . 998-4394. Pastor; Rov. G reg Littio. Y a d k in V a lle y B a p tis t C h u r c h , 1324Yadkin Valloy Road. Advance. Pastor; Ronnio Craddock. 998*4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m ., worship, 11 6 6. W e d n e s d a y N ig h l P ra y o r meeting, 7:30. Live Sundays, W D S L 1520AM, 11-Noon. M l. Z ion H o liness C h u rch of G o d , U .S . 64 E. al Mill Slroot. Mocksville. S un d a y School. 10 a.m .. M orning W orship. 11. Pastor; Bishop Jam es Ijames. M l, S lnal A M E Z io n C h u rc h . 488 P o o p lo s C ro o k R o a d , A d v a n c e . Sunday School. 9:45 a.m ., worship, 11 a.m ., W ednesday night Biblo study. 7. Dr. Otis B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 998-6231. B ix b y C h u rch of the L iv in g G o d , 2121 Cornatzor Rd.. Advance. Pastor, R ev. P e rry H a w k s, 7 6 8 -1 6 0 6 . W orship, Sunday 10-11 a.m ., 6 p.m . S alem United M ethodist C h u rc h , S ale m C h u rc h R o ad otf D a vie A ca d e m y R d ., 8 m iles w o s l of Mocksvillo. W orship, Sundays al 9:45 a.m . S unday S chool. 1 0:45.U M W , s e co n d W e d n e s d a y, U M M lirst S u n d a y broaklast at 7:30. U M Y F Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair, pnstor. P in e y G ro v e U n lto d M e th o d is t C h u r c h , 376 U n d e rp a s s R d ., Advanco. Sunday School, 10 a.m .. W orship, It. Pastor: Rev. Kendall C . Glover. 998-7316. N ow Je rusa lo m Ap o stolic C h u rch , 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksvillo. Pastor, Nottyo Ijames Barbor, 751-0049. Sun. S c h o o l. 10 a .m .. W o rsh ip 11. W odnosday night: Bible class. 7:30. Inlorcossory prayor. 6 p.m. Tru e Light C hristian M inistry. U .S . 601 N .. Dannor Rd. to Cam olia Lano. Mocksvillo. Pastor: Stovon W. Dallon. Sunday School. 10a,m ..w orship. 11. E p is c o p a l C h u rc h of th e G o o d S h e p h e rd . C h u rch & C ro s s sts., C o o lo o m o o . W o rsh ip , 9 :3 0 a .m ., lollowship hour alter church. Bible S lu d y 2nd and 4th S un d a ys after church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Je s u s Life M ission, Liberty Church R d ., M ocksville. S u n d a y S ch o o l. 10a.m .. morning worship. 11. Sunday ovoning al 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis. M ocksville C h u rch of G od . 862 U .S . 64 E . (bosido A rm ory). 7 5 1-0 8 17 . P a s lo r: La rry H o iiiiio id . S u n d a y School. 10 a.m .. worship, 11.Sunday evening. 6, W ednesday ovoning. 7. Jerusalem Baptist C hurch, 3203 U S 601 S ., M ocksville. 284-2328. Rev. Jim m y Lancaster. Sunday sen/ices; 8:15 a.m ., praise and worship; 9;45, S u n d a y S ch o o l for all a g e s ; 11, morning worship: 7, evening worship. W ednesday sorvicos: 6 p.m .. lamily followship m eal; 7 p.m ., Te a m K ID , Youth 4 Christ, Adull Bible Study. Nursery for infants and toddlers. F o llo w s h ip B a p lls l C h u rc h , 1084 R ainbow R d., Advanco. 9 9 8-6544. Sunday School. 10 a.m .. worship. 11. Sundays. 6 p.m . W odnosday service. 7 p.m. Thursday visitalion. 7 p.m . S m ith G ro v e A M E Z io n C h u rc h , 3707 Hwy. 158. Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip. 11. Sunday School. 10 a,m . Rev. M organ Glonn. pastor. E atons Baptist C h u rch . 495 Eatons C h u rc h R d ., M ock sville . S u n d a y S c h o o l. 10 a .m ., w o rsh ip . 11. Wednesday prayor mooting. 7:30 p.m . Pastor: Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. SHEFFIELD LUiWBER & PALLET GO. А РШ Х COIWPANY 165 T u rk e y F o o t R o ad M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 BmlJirfofQuilii}, H/'fi’/n//iW>/timer.V) Vfjn Cfiii: A Ciner. PrcMjcni • Miniii C. Cin<f, Vkc Ptev H a y w o r t h - M il l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K i n d e r t o n C h a p e l L o c a t e d o n H w v 158 B c Tw u tiN C l e m m o n s & A d v a n c e 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -5 5 5 5 8 8 8 -9 4 0 -8 5 1 1 -Í: C12 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD. Sepl. 26, 2002 Bits & Bridles 41-lers Attend State Show Six 4 -II liorsir lovers from Dnvie C oim ly went lo ihe Stale 4-11 tiorsc Show in July al the James B. Hunt Horse Complex in Raleigh. 4-1 lers from all over Ihe state competed in this five-day anmial evenl. The kids competed in di­ visions from English and West­ ern. to Gaming, Jumping, and Dressage. L in d se y G oode, A m ber Kennan, Kam i E llis, Chrissy M ischinski, Katie Jacobs, and Susie M ischinski were the six from Davie who showed. In onler lo be eligible lo com­ pete at slate, all the riders had to qualify at a dislricl level. The district show was held in May, more than aa hour away for the Davie young people. They were fortunate enough to show on a cool and overcast Saturday, sav­ ing them from the blistering hot days common w ith horse shows during summer. Everyone quali­ fied in Iheir separale divisions. Going 10 Ihe slate horse show wasn’t cheap - Ihere were haul- ii\g, boarding, and entry fees, and hotel, allire, and lack ex­ penses, The 4-1 lers o f Davie County earnetl money by doing fundraisers and asking for spon­ sorship from businesses. W ith the money they received Ihey were able to pay the majority of thc expenses. Lindsey Gootle and Chrissy M ischinski attended N.C. Stale Ihe year prior lo the show, but were able lo spend enough lime lo get Iheir horsesinlo shape. Thi.s was Ihcir lasl slate show in 4-H sincc they’re aging out Ihis year. These Iwo 18 year olds showed Westem and English and were D avie’s only senior com­ petitors. Lindsey rode O A B 's Sugar Shock and C hrissy rode l.C. Approval in Westem Pleasure, Slock Type llunler, trail, Versa- lilily , and Equitation classes. Susie, Kam i, Katie and Am ­ ber were ju n io r com petitors. Hargrave Senior Johnson Susie and Kami also rode west­ em in pleasure, equitation and trail classcs. Susie shared a horse w ilh her older sisier, Chrissy, Kam i rode her ow n Q uarter Horse gelding. Tender Invest­ ment. Katie and Kami were the only English riders this year. Katie rode her Thoroughbred mare. Time for Tea, in jum ping and fiat classes where she com ­ peted againsl her friend, Kami. A m ber was the only gam ing rider this year. Am ber rode her Q uarter Horse, Cheyenne, in barrels, pole bending, and stake niccs. Although she was Ihe only gaming rider from her county, her friends were there lo cheer her on. Everyone was in the ribbons. Two monlhs after Ihe show, Ihey arc s till Ira in in g Ih c ir horses, p rep a ring fo r o ther shows and riding for enjoyment. They are progressing in horse­ manship and grow ing and shar­ ing in Ihcir knowledge o f horses. Next year Ihcy hope lo compete in Ihe horse show, but also in other horse events such as Hip- pology. Horse Bow l, and Judg­ ing, B lu e b e rry T im e Lauren Elizabeth Grooms enjoys a Sunday afternoon picking(and eating) blueberries on her Great Aunt Joyce and Uncle Wellman's farm in Sheffield. Her mom, Teresa Shuler Grooms, took the picture," ilN MYNATT m m Earns Honor A n A dvance se nio r at Hargrave M ilitary Academy has been commissioned into a posi­ tion o f le a d -. ership. Z.icharyT. Johnson, son o f Jan and Glenn Johnson, has been named second lie u ­ tenant in A l­ pha C o. Lsl Platoon. The com ­ missions were awarded afler an intensive, competitive one-week o ffice r candidate school Aug, 18-23. "O ur senior officers play an im porlanl role at the acadcmy," said Dr, Wheeler L, Baker, acad­ emy president. "W hen they as­ sume Ihe responsibility o f lead­ ership, they leam how to handle people with respect and concern. They leam how to delegate their aulhorily effectively. " I often think il is one o f the most rewarding experiences a cadel can earn at H argrave," Baker said. "It teaches Ic.ssons thal w ill .serve cach individual their entire life ," Cadet.s went through an inter­ view process w ith Commandant Dallas Campbell and their adull laclical officers Aug, 24, The interview examines how each officer candidate sees his or her role o f leadership. They also question thc integrity o f each in d ivid u a l, w hich many high school aged students have never experienced. 'оггтштлжшА Was 29.753 Bear Disc • 3,756 Rebate - 100(1 (¡16)1 BOSE 6 Dlic CD, Sunrool, Leatlier. Wind Oetleclor, Splash Guardi A More... ‘P'Uccct ^ 2 1 , 8 8 6 ' 0 2 m s M i f E!> imn V-e, Automatic, Keyleii Entry, Power Windowt S Loclit, CD Player, & Mucti More.,, w m i ^ 5 0 0 16fd97 '02 т Ш кШ P o .« W.MO.S 1 LKkí. a tOulie. CO noci Mats. Spta&n Guard). Ke)t«ss Entry. Spilt Folding Rear Seat. Ka Cory].tioning, Rear Defogjer ^17,846 ' 0 2 m s s 4 M s c i m u "putì ét^.^% 60 7fí» 11,987 60 W m *WMo«nu)ncnK97>«]crtaULl4,«KW(tfiX3i30irttCi u>t№rt Псипп17*.«гка1длппаг^ 0 2 G M C m s ie r r a EXT Was 31,336 ; Bear Disc -3,339 MÜ Years ^ < n a l 2 l l l 2 i i i s l s > u „ ^ ^ ^ 2 0 ) ^ 0 7 K jy ijjj д|ц|„ pí( j PL j ^ il GÜic sierra i 0 2 емс Sonoma SM6560 Z-71, AVID Pkg, 5.3 V-8, Auto, CD, Fog Lamps, More... ш м с : ' ;WI AM PROFIUIONAL ОЯД01 Was 19,939 Bear Disc -1,543 Rebale -2.500 Was 18,891 Bear Disc -2,003 ■ S I R ^ s«»,7 . II HP »U(CU m LT 1, i l l i O l l O ' iS'fiil ButkelSeals,SporlsiileBody,4,3LV-6,TInleil Automatic.AC, AM/FM, Work Truck h w j i w « » ; Glass, CD, this Cruise, Spoil Suspension Pkg. ^ 0 2 P o n t ia c G r a n d A M V - 6 Was 20,515 Bear Disc -1,617 Rebate -3.000 '$■ Powir Windowt & Locit,‘Aluffl Whiils, CD Player, Cruiss, Keyless Entry, Auto. 02 ftM lw BoMsvllla "SU " Was 3t,635 Beat Disc -2,738 Tim '02 Pomiac Grand Prfx Was 22,420 Bear Disc -2,423 : 7U ^nis, : Л ы (?/шсе (a a defend i ^ e ^ 1 l 2 N n t l i c “TransAM á \ Rim Mr" ^ SIU3l62t V-6, Aulomallc, CD, Keyless Entry, Power Seal, 16” Alum. Wheels, Cruise PiU ate Om Dual Powtr a Healed Sealt, Sunrool, Leallier, CO, Keyless & Much More Ram Air Pkg, 12 Disc Changer; Tiacllon Conltol, 17" Pollslted Wheels, T-Tops, DuelEihausI ИНС OF FIRE SilNENilEiNf Sif. Hot Savings on ÍÍot Wheejs^ Prices CÍearly MaifM^ т»Ш inw nifwnimf■ 4WF » — ■у> 7Р4г633^270 F e a t u r e DAVIK COUNTY KN I'EUPRISK RECORD, Supl. 26, 2002 - Dl M e m b e r s o f th e D a v ie H ig h S c h o o l J R O T C u n it g iv e a h isto r ic a l a n d p a tr io tic (lair to th e h o m e c o m in g p a r a d e la s t S a tu r d a y o n M a in S tr e e t. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Davie High Getting Ready For Homecoming Davie High School’s celebra­ tion ofllom econiing 2(X)2 began Saturday w ith Ihe first home- coining parade in years, and is conlinuing Ihroughoul Ihc week w ith a host o f events before Ihe football game againsl Freedom High School. Friday, Sept, 27 al 7:30 p.ni. The highlight o fth e evening w ill be Ihe presentation o f the hom ecom ing co urt and the i|ucen‘s crowning at halflim e. On Aug. 20. the senior class nom inated 1‘J young wom en through a prelim inary ballot. This ballot w ill he presented lo the student body al-large on Sept. 2(i to select the miecn. Sludents started the week with a series o f dress-up days lo show school spirit. Monday had hundreds o f .sets o f twins w alk­ ing through the halls. Tacky Day had sludents plow ing Ihrough parent’s closets and v is ilin g thrift shops. Wednesday brought oul Ihe counlry-weslcrn outfits, whileThursday students dressed See ll(iinecomht)’ - I’iikc UIO Charity Bostick, Ben Boger, Candis Carter with Lul<e, Lane and Katie Bolmer, Ryan Johnson, Charity Kiger, baby HOSA Club member Tiffany Shrewsbury gives a "Pa- Faith with Cassie Petticord and Andrew Becl< are featured on the Future Farmers of America float, triot" some medical attention. D2 - DAVIE COUNTY FÍNTRRPRISE RKCORl), Sept. 26. 2002 Davie Schools Pinebrook Klcmentjiry Mrs, Gragg’s thirti prailc sin* dcnis have ciigagetl in many aclivi- lies during Scplcmbcr. Classes arc studying soil, phases of the earth, and communities. On Sept. 11. stu­ dents rcmeml>cred those who lost their lives last year. They look for­ ward to celebrating Johnny Applsceds birthday al the end of the month. On Scpie. 10 the lourt!\ grade recognized Grandparents Week. More than I (X) grandparents joined their grandcluldrcn for Ivmch fol­ lowed by a short program of patri­ otic songs. Sludents and leachers celebrated Sept. U by wearing rod. white and blue clothing. The chil­ dren discussed whal it meant to K* an American und why they were proud of their countr)’. They w role and illustrated shorl essays on be­ ing an American and these arc dis­ played in the fourth grade hallway. Social Studies studenls of Mrs. Ilanman have compleled projects featuring well-known landmarks of North Carolina. Studenls shared Iheir finished projecls with their classmates. These can [>o seen in Ihc media ccnter. Mrs. Davis' sci­ ence sludents arc completing animal projects. Characler Kids for the week of Sept. 16-20; Corrie I’helphs, Kara Sinallnian. Sam Cassidy. Melissa Nichols. Mike Delucia. Kali Whitaker. Juslin Atwood. Catlin Hauser. Gray Watts, Felisha Dalton. WiU Ikcson. Jcssica Allacon, Trey Thomas, Chelsea Whitaker. Jarette Hutchens, Alex Hamm. Megan Haninger. Kayla Thornsberry. Lisa Trill. Keith Mckay. Kaitlyn Redd, Jesse McDaniel. Jeannie Mullies, Will Perkins and Austin Horne This week’s Box Top Champi­ ons were Mrs. Potts’ 2nd grade class. Principal Mary Sine prcsenled Ihc class with a certificate and the traveling apple irophy for collect­ ing 79 box tops. This week’s school w ide total was 391 box tops or $39 tow’ard new books for Ihe media center Skatenighl is Oc. I from 8:30. William K. Duvie Klementiiry The Math Club for grades A-5 y met for the first lime Sept. 19. Tony Norris, parent volunteer, sponsored the first meeting with aw enthusiastic group. To join the club a fourth grader must pass al 100 percent a four minute math fact test. Students in fourth grade who have made the club are Jordan Mayo. Heaven Shoffner, Brenda Hernandez, Alex Henry. Zachary i’augh, Jourdan Hlakley. Taylor Anderson, Andrew Olson. Tori Norris and Kelsey Tifft. In fiftli grade a student must pass the same lest at KK) percent in three minutes. Fifth grade participants arc Micheál Tilley. Spencer Lanning. Krystal Hearn, Ryan llarneycastle, Paltie Kurfees, Jcssica Hlackburn, Hoyd Johnson, Clint Masi. Dylan St umbo. Urooke Wagoner. Rigobcrto Uriosicgui, Alccia Harmon. Miguel Ramirez. CJ Myers. Allison Wood, Courtney Williams. Hannah Hendrix, and Kasey Ireland. Fifth grade students in Diane Ireland's, Jen Meagher’s and Sudie W'haley’s classes went on Iheir first field trip Sepl. 17 lo Horizon’s Unlimited in Salisbury for two hands-on classes. In the ’’Brain Buster's class, sludents found out if Ihey used their right side of their brain more or their lefl side of their brain. If you like to read more than dr.iw pictures, lhat you probably use ntore of Ihe left side of your brain. If you are not organized and messy lhan you probably use your righl sitle of your brain more lhan the left side. The students also participated in the "Heartbeats” class. Students leamed the intportance of keeping their hearts heallhy along with the rest of their body. Students were able to w ork in centers to leani more aboul heallhy bodies. On Sept. 19. fifth gratlers had a "Famous Person" stop by lo cbal with Ihcm. Lanie Pope, lead meteorologist, from News Channel 12 stopped by lo speak lo the sludents aboul wealher. Pope along with sludent volunteers explained Ihe reason for tornadoes. Studenls were able lo ask tjucstions and leam mcjrc aboul weather. As a thank you to speaking to classes, the fiflh grade leachers presented Pope a special bumblebee pin from the school principal, Danny Carlner. The buniblel>ee theoretically should not bc able to tly. bul it can, just like the special ¡Hrople in children’s lives help them Hy. Fiflh grade students in Uiune Ireland’s class had an erupting week. Sludents have been reading about Nature’s Fur>’. and this week read the book.Volcanocs. Students crcated volcanoes and erupted them . Students were creative in making volcanoes. They are on display on Ihc slage in Ihe lunchroom. Students have been learning about wealhcr. Students created clouds, learned about hurricanes and tornadoes, researched wealher on ihe inleniet. and will be doing some weather experiments. New officers for Ihe Sludenl Council for the new school year have been elected. On Sepl. 13. students in grades 3-5 had an opportunity to hear candidates’ speeches and later in the day voted in voting booths thal Mr. Cartner set up for Ihe sludents. The presentation began w ith a welcome by sponsor. Jen Meagher. AIcx Dooley and Derek Danner led the studenls and staff in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Carlner. principal, spoke w ith the group. Tracy Dyson, sponsor, introduced speakers. Speeches were given by nominees. Treasurer nominees were Caiilyn Hyde. Tori Norris. Chelsea Ledford, and Taylor Aiidrson. Students making speeches for secretary were Ziichar)’ Paugh. Kr> sial Heam.Torri Rogers and Brittannic Ball. Vice President parlcipants were Peyton Blackley. Tyler Lec. Cameron Sheppard, and Alex Henry. Nominees making speeches for president were Spencer Lanning, Travis Norris. Samantha Tarlelon. and Michacl Tilley. Closing remarks were given by Jen Meagher. The officers to serve the school for the school year of 2002- 2(K)3: president. Spencer Lanning; vice presideni, Peyion Blackley; secretary. Ziichar)’ Paugh; treasurer, Taylor Anderson. The second grade leam of Alyce Bagshaw. Pam Renegar, Danielle Shepherd and Brenda Glasscock welct)mes Meloney Jones as a new assislani. The new sccond grade Sludents are Madeline Cagle. Chris Calloway. Alice Haskins. Jessie Ramirez, and Aniw Tullerow. The sludents began ihc year with a reading unit on “Silly Stories." They reail books hy author’s Dav Pilkey and Kevin Henkes. They are studying a unit on wealher and arc hoping lo have a special surprise guesi. Third grade classses of Crystal Donley and Gaye Carolhers have started off the year scientifically. Gaye Carolhcr’s class is studying w hat plants need lo grow. They are observing planis in different environments. Third Grade reading clusters arc going smoothly. Why Mosquitws Buzz in People’s Ears. Tree of Birds, Wolf's Chickcn Slew, Arturo’s Baton, and Educating Arlhur are jusl a few books l>eing read. Students started the Accelcraicd Reading program. Each student will need to have at least 5 points by Ihe end of September. Patterns, fractions. measuring, addilion. subtraction, and menial computation are a few of the math topics. Upcoming cvenis: Oiis-Lennon School Ability Test Ocl. 1 2. field Irip to Horizons. Ocl. 22. Cilizens of Ihe Week of Sept. 24: Sonia Ramirez. Jacob Booe. Chase Prim.Chiw Siliva, Kristan Ramsey, Brittany Cranfill. Jessie Ramirez. Brooke Balt. Johnny Kalish. Sadie Lagle. Jennifer Gucrcro. Ty Curry. Brenda Henandcz. Hannah Hendrix. Matt Speer, and Caitlin Tuticrow. The Citizenship Luncheon was held Sept. 24 for Ihe weeks of Aug. 26-Sepl. 24. Those students inviled are Jacob Beauchamp. Nicholas Hilton. Colion Prim. Sonia Ramirez. Christina Grannaman. Megan Scarlett. Renee Bryant. Jacob Booe. Jesse Hendrick. Yoana Alvarado. Ramirez. Vidor Gutinx'z. Chase Prim, Levi Boger, A lly Cregar. Cody Bunch, Chloe Siliva. TannerCall. Rel>ecca Ferebee.Tcnld McBride. Kristan Ramsey. Kolin Andrews, Misly McEwcn, Justice Childress, Brittany Cranfill, Chesnee Barber. Cody Barber. Karen Diaz. Jessie Raittirez, Lupita Casiro. Payton Kelly. Anna Tullerow. Brooke Ball, Natalie Ireland. Autumn Church. Johnny Kalish, Aubrey Apperson. Logan Brown. Jessica Buchanan. Sadie Lagle. Courtney Grannaman, Brittany Anderson. Kendall Gobble. Jennifer Guerrero. Magi Barron. Alther Dyson. Miranda Myers, Ty Curry. Carolina-Olivia Hernandez. Emily Davis, Alex Henry. Brenda Hernandez. Panic Kurfees. Boyd Johnson. Leticia Patino. Hannah Hendrix. Jamie Morrris. Ashley Hulchins. Josh Polls. Malt Speer. Luke Naylor. Alyson Jordan, and Caillin Tullerow. North Duvie .Middle The Mariner leam is focusing attention on nrspecl and responsi­ bility (R&R). This is a large part of North Davie’s philosophy lhal cov­ ers every aspect of school life. Language Arts classes have been busy studying a unit on growing and changing. Sludents have read sev­ eral stories on Ihis topic and how ii applies lo their lives and the changes Ihey are going through. They will bc starting Ihe novel The Door in the Wall al Ibe beginning of Oclo- l)cr. The novel goes along with their study of the medieval lime period in Social Studies. Students will travel to Huntersville on Oct. 22 lo IMense I'urn I’o l*ui»e D3 Elise W h a t’s H a p p e n in g A t D a v ie H ig h Future Business Leaders Help Start New Club The Fulure Business Leaders ol'A m erica C lub has accomplished a lot already this school year by helping The Bank o f the C arolina's serve food for their appreciation day. M r. Jim M oore, 4-year leader o f the club says. "W e learned how businesses do appreciation days." "Last year, our goal was to start and fund another club. We paid for a .^5 mm camera and scanner for Ihe photography club ." saiil Moore. By the tim e the students leave the club. M oore wants them lo know how to w ork together in team work and accom ­ plish projccis. "Since I came from the business w orld I Ihink it's nice lo leach students practical experiences. I really have a greal bunch o f sludents lo do stuff Q jQ U m gnn w ilh." _________________ The club has also ordered and sold F B L A 1-shirts and are in the process o f selling com patibility sheets, known as dalamatches, to Ihe school. They participaled in the hom ecom ing parade w ith a lloal. M oore has many more projects planned for the club. They w ill have a float in the Christmas parade in M ocks­ ville . ofllcer/niem ber Iraining in O ctober and some .sort o f school project such as the bulletin strips Ihe club placed around the school lasl year. "T h is year w c arc going to more regional and slate com petitions," said Moore. I’ resident o f the club, senior anil four-year member, Stephanie W odarski, said: "W e haven’t done many club projecls and com petilions in the pasl years and I Ihink a lot o f people in the club w ould do really w ell, w iih whal the com petitions have to offer. We shoulil Iry to be more involved w ith Ihc regional club." W odarski was looking forw ard lo the homecoming parade, officers training, and com petition. She joined F B L A as a freshman because she wants to m ajor in business adm inistration. W odarski fin a lly decided to run for presideni her senior year. "I'v e been in F B L A fo r three years and 1 love the club and Ihis w ay I am more involved." She has many responsibilities as president. “ 1 make sure w c gel projects in order and everyone gels equal treatment. I also make sure everyone who can parlicipale in Ihings, does and everyone's ideas are heard." A ilam O le ja rc/yk, senior and four-year member o f F B L A dccided to jo in the club becausc be w ould like lo ow n his ow n business one-ilay. “ I wanl to be able lo make professional decisions and have a good com m unity service record lo go into collcge." He looks forw ard lo club dinners and Ihc Chrislm as float. O lcjare/.yk thinks F B L A benefits the com m unity and D avic H igh. " It provides a m edium fo r the business leaders o f tom orrow lo manage their ideas and dreams. It also produces better business leaders lo help Ihe com m unily." "W e make sure people know we have fun even though we arc a business clu b ," W odarski said. -£ 70Ó Riverben^Dr • $349,000 1 325 Buck Seaford • $339,000 262 Lakeview Dr.. • $315ДОО|9Т7 Duke Whittaker Rd • $249900 3229 Hauser Rd. • $255,000 245,000 hpes»«horehaemuilftn.4400»Ascv Beju^3Ba.3.5BAhonKon5«/-a (t.wdi5eRs,«AiGdfa>i5e«!w. 3000*/Sf.Louof (muxm. 404 Pine Ridge Rd • $240Д00 I 184 Stoneybrook Trail • $214.950 LokefronU 293 tl. shoreine on 92 ac lake. 30001 sq ft. 3BR. Z.SBA. w/hJ bsmt.- ytXTid pqgU^t Seet 207 Rc#Dh HdledgeRd • $1в21ХЮ1 2477 Hwy 801 S • $169.500 I 112 Parkway Ct. • $164,900 '.'4 Restored fami house situated on 40 Acres w/landng stnp Lot 17 Northbiook Di • $163,000 Т Г New home on 5+ ac. 2400+ sq. ft. Beautiful ^ honw w/ over 1800 SF й ла тр а у ranch in А Л в1сеhrd«) (Vs.cefamicUe,coyen!d porch and a U on 3.S ac 3 ^ 2b5S fS íto S S t' ' Beautiful home on comer Ы in Immacuiate Condition! 3BR/3BA fnshd bsmnt 232 B arrington • $142,900 i|ii con m -m liU I Wall ISI-!222 Nxkii NtDaiil ISMOiO Eliiibtib Wiccfiiil'GII lii-K il 397 W ilkesb o ro SI. • $119900'ЯВИ ftki - Charming in downtown MocksviBe. Under new hMttx*rp.stofapet)iAings.fTtxn mere, cofnpteterenowitioa 3BRs, 2.5BAS. 4 2 5 Mr. H en ry R d* $109 9 0 0 Ш г . . jÍ K ! ’ Great home with 1 2 00 t/S F, ^ 3BRs,2BAs 184 Fulton St . $95,000 Great home w/bts of room for growing 2?«, 2^ Eniw “f J » ™fnmK/ 4RR PRAc owncfshp w/out the burden of yrd woik &idrnuy. «ton. cD/v. rountine ext, m^tence 29 D utchm an Hills • $146,432 Impressive 3BR/2.5BA bome with large on nvw an no-P i qoo+AViMng room. sep. breakfast and dming. ^ O” over an aae. 1500+/-SF, unfinished bonus room, tots morel 241 Sheffiekd Farms • $119900 | 379 W, fvlaple Ave • $119,900 Stream & deared land. 3BR, DWMH w/ Spacious ftoor plan W/2000+/- SF, extra m i for office or nursey. 4BRs & 2BAs. Great dovwtown locatioi 2565 Davie/^ca d e rr y $108500 1 42 2 P leas an t A c • $99,900 'I .J *1 Otrit ShOf t 3BR. 2BA, Ranch styte home in csunuy settrg. ?H*2222 Fenced tiack yard, carpoa w/stooge. 1455 Junction Rd« $86,000 |2 9 2 P te a s c riAü^eDt» 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath, 1451 Sq. Ft., C o m ^te ty Uf^atedl 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Cute brick ranchón 1.68 aaes 3BR/2BA brick home on 1.20 aaes with Spacious 3BR/2BA home, large open ftoor plaa Jusl Ike newl 3BR, 1.5ВЛ. brid< home. Un 1+ •ann юл u • 'nice wodcshop, concrete dnveway. srnafl laroe back beck, beautiful L«fecapng on over ac. tot. Corroletety remodekxl tirouohout 3BRs,l BA home Ш great cofxiuon. backporch. • 1 асте Sefcr to pay $2000 in ckjsngl Urge tot 135 D alto n Rd. • $82,500 I 2 6 8 C le a ry Rd. • $64,900 ll ' • -C a ll F o r M o re G re a t R esidential & L a n d Listing! W e т к Е l ì 1 а г г е м .^ ^ У о 111 И Mocl<sville: 336-751-2222 • Clemmons: 336-778-222 Mocksville Office; 854 Valley Rd. Suite 1 OC Clemmons Office: 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., M E Et i ;i • www.SWMR ), Mocksviiie,N( Unit 1, Clemn o m e I ealtors.com lons.NC * j Sk ííí V e iy Nice doublewide with lots of room!3BR,2BA dorm ir' UJcft^Rvatcardsecljdedanl acre. ■ Davie Schools DAVIE COUN I’Y KNl’EUPRISE RKCORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - D3 Ctmtinucd Krom D2 visit Ihe Renaissance Festival for games,Jousting, rock climbing, and other aclivilies of this lime period. Math classes finished sludying graphs, and will he leaniitig ahoul decimals aiul place values in late Seplcmber. Explorer studenls held a "stu­ dent council speech rally" l-riday. Sept. 20 to listen lo the 10 siudenls running for leam representative for the student council. The following students gave speeches: Nick Schambach. .Ashley Shoaf. Chelsea Hordner. Tracey Colton. Leslie Gray. Shammu-a Coggins. Urillany McGee, Garrett Taddeucci, I’eylon Murray, and Coty Lee. Prime Times have been making Bus Safety posters lo display aro\uul the school promoting follpwing the rules on Ihe bus. Also in Prime Time. st\idents nvade red. white and blue hands to display around the school in memory and honor of those who died Sept. 11, 2001, Names of all victims were wriltcn on Ihc hands. Students will be bringing in bags {)!' candy to fill decorated hags they are making lo send lo Samaritan Inn. a soup kitchen in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Cline's and Mrs. Gustafson's language arts classes have been working on wriling bi­ ographies on people they know. Mr. Carolher’s language arls class uti- li/ed a "time machine" in order lo go hack in history lo change one evcnl affecting the fulure in a posi­ live way. This activity was an ex­ tension of the short story. "The, Third Level." Studenls in math classes have heen leaching concepts lo the class.Calc\ilators will not I'c used until afler firsl semesier. so studenls must be show ing all work. Social Studies classes are con­ tinuing Iheir study of Africa with Ihe introduction of Islam into tradi­ tional culture. West Africa will be the nexl area of sludy. Science classes have finished up a unit on microscopes. All students have prepared Iheir own slides and arc prollcienl al focusing them un­ der the microscope. Cell processes is Ihe nexl area of sludy. Cooleemee Klemenliiry Studenls in Karen Fleming and Mike McDougall’s classes have completed a unit on geographical lerms. Each sludenl created a geo­ graphical lemis booklet. The stu­ denls are learning about Thinking Maps and how they can be used in all subject areas. In math, some stu­ dents are learning lo use Acceler­ ated Math. Gus Meloy and Jessica Hutner are Ihe represenlalives for Sludent Council from Mrs. Fleming's class. Kinilergartners have been w’ork- ing hard on letter recognition. Wilh Ihe help of their friends. The Letter People, they have been learning let­ ters and Ihe sounds. Students in Miss Uoddy and Mrs. Stokes's classes have heen sludying apples this week. They have graphed their favorite apple snack, made applesauce, made apple mosaics, and apple prints. On Monday. Sepl. 2.V siudenls in Mrs. Saville and Mrs. RolK*rtson’s classes will be going lo llori/ons. On Tuesday, students from Mrs. Stokes and Miss Boddy's classes will be going to Horizons. Firsl grade Is full swing into reading groups. The children are exciied lo be reading. They arc be­ ginning a unit on Johnny Appleseed and apples. They will look at the wealher and the changing of the sea­ son. Mrs. Wall's second graders have been working on wriling para­ graphs. Each sludenl wrote about a trip Ihey wcnl on wiih their family. In math, they have been studyiiig addition fads and learning aboul graphs. PTA News; Fall Festival. Oct. .V .S-8 p.m. Keep sending in Canipbell's soup labels and Box Tops for Education. Cooleemee School l-shirls. long-sleeve l-shirls and sweatshirts are for sale. Mocksville Klemenliiry Studenls of the Week. Sepl. 16- 20; Stephanie Jamie. Alex Wilson, Oscar Quinianilla-Trejo. Katie Koont/. Hannah Anderson. Aleah Spicer, Brianna Moore. Morgan Bangharl, Cameron Cassidy. Brianna Johnson. Kaykeel Dillard, Maura Isaac. Amber Villansenor. Corbin Scott. Travis Sullerlin. Hunler Sales. Cameron Davis. Collin Capuson, Dixon Gome/. Allison Lambert. Ashley Joyner. Logan Jan)cs. Cara Hendricks. Natalie McBride, Hannah Orrell. Whitney .Short, Katherine Sims. Student of the Monlh. Sepl.: Alex Wilson. Daniel Forrest. Brock Allen. Mia Byers. Da'Kyus Scoli. Summer Smart. Shanariel Spease. Taylor Nelson. Dakota Bishop. Dylan Bright. Amanda Burgan. Haley Ginther. Alii Dyer. Morgan Will­ iams. Phillip Freeman. Krista Smith. Justin Lanning. Tyler Laymon. Ashlon Swicegood. Emily Smilh. Ryan Dyson. Molly Lankfortl.Cristi Stockner. B.J. Plummer. Will Rooney. Terrific Kids for Septemlvr; Jen­ nifer Jamie. Michelle Newsome. Kelsey Cheeks. Quin Holcomb. Caleb Tranlham. Dc'Jah Joyner. Zachary Frye. Shawna Wiley. Jes­ sica Rebbe. Ashley Sheets. Melynda Nelson-Shrout, Christopher Abbott. Amber Hunler, Nicholas Dowell. W'il Scamon. Alyssa Thomasson. Lazaro Sanchez. Abbey Pharr. Gerald McCall, Haylee Hardin. Arturo Moure-Garcla, Lori Daniels. Zachery Jenkins. Shelby Polls, Tia Clement, Colin Floyd. Hainiah Spicer. Brandon Casey. .Ashlon Wise. Ashlyn Byerly. Katrina Nelson. Adam Smilh. Anne Berkley. Jeremy Whitaker. Joel Shuler. Rachel Hoffman. Kevin Jordan. Chase London. Jake .Seaford. Caleb Oswell, Lacey Trivette, Steven Jt'nes. Josh BerrN'hlll. Summer Hol­ land. Zen Ramsht>lham. Katie Tay­ lor. Kirsten Hatley, Kaleb Koont/. Shane Butcher. Eve Crook. The kindergarincrs in Kaye Vandiver and Jodi Walker's class are adjusting to the school routine and learning Important ndes. They have been busy making new friends, learning about family ilifferences. and doing ’*all about me” projects. Nexl week, the class will begin lo learn about the autumn season and w ill ilo several apple projecls as a lead-in lo the sludy of Johnny Appleseed. They welcome our grandpaenls for lunch. Friday. Sepl. 27. Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Cook's firsl graders read aboul and studied hut- tcrllics and insects. They made bul- icrfly gardens that arc colorful and attracting lots of attention. The class snacked on fruil all week just like Ihe hungiy caleq)illardld In the slory Ihey read. Susan Wall Smith and Gloria PrullTs second grade class packed llielr station suitcases and look a trip around the room visiting learning centers with an .Australian iheme. Station tickets lake them lo areas that encourage Ihe following studies: maps, continents, oceans, marsupi­ als. hoonierangs. great litenuure and more. In Mrs. Strickland’s ihlrtl graile class the students are beginning lo learn ahoul the solar sysienu The class Is focusing on the stui, moon and stars. They will find oul why stars shine, why there are Vo\»v sea­ sons and much more. Mr. Strickland’s class is finish­ ing up their SSU project. The class had ihe opporlunily lo make read­ ing pillow s. These pillows are inaile fronl old i-shirts that ate brought in by llie students. They have assisted In siidfing and sew lng their personal self'selecled reading pillow. Afler the pillows are made, ihe students wil! design a scene from one of the five books Ihey have read this year. This scene will alsolv accompanied by lilies of books lhal will be added ihroughoul the year. Mrs. Pristas’s fifth graders are studying immigration. I'hey learned how Immigrants helped make the Uriiieil States what It is Uulay, bolh physically and culturally. They are wriling personal essays on whal ll means to be an American, discuss­ ing their tVeciUMUs and valr.es. Next week. Ihey will begin llie novel. "A Family Apart." which involves an Irisli family thal luis immigrated to the U.S. and Ihe siruggles they had 10 face.-The class learneil lhat Ihe most common reason )>eople inmii- graie are lo be free and lo have a more productive life. No one Is truly nalive to America, even the Native Americans. Mrs. ( ‘ri)sby and Mrs. O ’Neal’s class have done a bus unit w here stu­ dents made and decoraled a school bus cake. I hey have been working on an apple and farm unit. I'hey painteil l-shirls wiih apple prints and fann anunals and made an Individual farm scene lo go In fronl of their desks. At the end ofthe monlh. they will visit Carrigan Farm and La/y ft ranch. The class participated in bowling through Special Olympics. Sludents in physical educalion have s|>ent the last few weeks dis­ cussing fitness and ileveloping heallhy lifestyles. During this lime, Ihey compleled several parts ofthe Preslilent's Challenge Physical Fit­ ness 'lest. The lltness lest includes: pull-ups. sit-ups. sit and reach (tlex- ibility), shuttle run and mile walk/ run. Along with Htness testing. Ihcy playeil several games such as jail bail, frogs and ants, scrambled eggs and dead bugs, octopus, knock oul. elimination. I sec, all aboard, name game and bumper cars. Sludents have heen Introduced lo centers/stations iliat ilevelop throw- ing and catching skills, hand-eye coordination and balance. Kinder­ gartners and first graders have fo­ cused on space awareness and co- o|)eralive play. Sccond Ihrough Ullh graders have focused on calching, ihrowing and cooperalivc play. Each class begins their PE lime with a tlve-minuie fiiness warm-up. Exer­ cises in the wanii'iip include: sii-ups, push-ups. arm circles, jumping Jacks, windmills and jogging. The faculty and staff arc also working towanl better fiiness. They have Joined olher schools across ihe counly in DavieCounty .Schools Fit­ ness Program. riiere is a lot ofnew ei|uipment tn the cafeteria • oven, sleamer and combi oven. There are new serving lines. New fiices are Mildred Killer, N'Icki Devoid. .Amy Nickols aiul Betty llarjK'rUen^pK Returning this year are Penny Moxley. Rachel En­ gland. Sandra Walker, Belly Smith, M arilyn Ferguson and Yvonne Ijames, manager. Cornatzer Klemenliiry The second and third graders |>erformed at the IT A program. The “Singing Through Ihc School Day” program allowed cach ofthe classes to sing a song lhal related to an area ofthe school curriculum. In the third grade, Ms. Byerly’s class sang about language arts, Mrs. Balsley’s class sang aboul PE, and Mrs. Hayes’s class sang ahoul social studies. Sec- tmd graders followed with Mrs. Robinson’s class singing aboul malh. Mrs. Moore’s class singing aboul science, anil Mrs. Bullins's and Mrs. McDaniel’s classes singing aboul arl. All classes joined for the finale lo sing ahoul guidance and music. Pauline Eancs and Janie Cozart helped In preparing the program. The I’TA fall fund raiser has 1к’сп a success. Sludents and their fami­ lies sold 522.000 worth of catalog Items which will rcllect a proHl ol $10,000 for the FFA. The proposed PTA budget of SI 6. 1 HO for this school year was also anrmunced. Kindergarten classes paid tribute lo the victims ofthe Sept. 11 trag­ edy by celebrating their country and learning about good citizenship. Stu­ dents made Hags and learned ahout the United States and llie symbols thal represent their country. They gathered at ihe flag pole on Sept. 11 lo recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing patriotic songs. Kindergarten sludents visited ihe Brock Performings Arls Center to see “ Harry the Dirty Dog.” They enjoyed the slory of Harry the dog who haled to bathe and the adven- lures he had unlil he finally relumed home and reali/ed thal being clean is nol so had afler all. Kindergarincrs In Mrs. I lain: and Mrs. CamplH-'ll’s class leamed ahoul iransporlalion. looking at whal a ve­ hicle Is. ahoul which vehicles travel on Ihe land, in the air. and on the water. They discussed seasons anti whal vehicles w oidd Iv good in each season. They learned the letter "T.“ made their own vehicles from shapes, wrole about their favorite vehicles, and made train snacks. Lasl week. Students learned about plan­ ets. stars. hi»w the sun and moon UKike day and nighl. and aboul space travel. They also practiced ihe sight words they have learned ihis year aiul read nighlly In their take-home readers. Mrs. Balsley ami Mrs. Giles’s third graders are studying life in Ihe Midwest during the 1 SOOs w hile Ihey read "Sarah, Plain and Tall." They all agree thal life was much harder then lhan ll is now. The science fo­ cus for the lasl two weeks has Ikcii planis and seeds. In math, sludents arc working on counling money, us­ ing fnictions and regrouping tens and ones. On Sepl. 27. they will travel to llori/ons in Salisbury for lessons (m Indians and ihe earth, and explor­ ing the moon. Please Turn To Рпце 1)4 231 Beechwood Drive 207 North Carouna Ci. 5ВП. 3.1 BA. 3505 sq.ft.. loo many amonitios to list! $3^,950. C A U CONNIE @ 7 5 1 -8 5 6 5 1428 Ведя Creek Ch. Rd, 2777+/-sq. It.. 4BR. 3BA. 1.5 story. $269,900. Cena Cine oWap«« @ 751-8569 HOW ARD REALTY Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at w w w .h o w a rd re a lty .co m t £ r MLSl 330 s. Salisbury St. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Office 1 lours: Monday-Friday H-6* Saturday 9-12 • Sunday By Appi. 176 Hamilton Court 4BR, 3BA. 2 stofios, 3406 Sq. ft., on 10.24 ac„ 2 FP. $267,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 4BR, 3BA. on 9.3 acres with stream $249,000. еда EVEiyN® 751^563 Mltsi SM to be<«ve! IS story. Ш 2BA. perfect hun№g lodge. 37 97 ac $219,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 YadkjnvLkJ. 3BR, 2BA, 1.5 Ac. pal. bsmt, FP 2 ponds. 2176 sf. $209,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Histwcat 6ВЙ. 2BA. homo on 2.7G acrcs. with immaculaio landscaping CAU JANE @751-8560 13f/- acros. 1.5 Slory homo. 3BR. 2.5BA $194,900. CAU MARY @751-8566 Betmuda Run - 3BR, 2 5BA. sunioom, Lg М0Я, ovcisaed grg $185,900. CAU MARY or BEVERLY 4BR, 2BA plus 2BR, IBA homes PLUS additional 3.34 acres In Famiington, $185,000. CAU. MNE or MJ. @ 751-8560 222 BYERty CHAPtI Ro«D 3BR. 2BA, 2 stofios. 1568 sq. (I.. 2 car garago. FR $179,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Hafmony-3BR. 3BA. part, bsmi, 2 FP s, 33 ac.. add. ac. avail $169,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, spacious rooms, largo lot. $162,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 2 story. 2200 sq. ft. tremendous value! FP. ga^etx). $154,900. CAU KEN @ 751-8564 401 Salisbury St. Brick rancher on 1.39 acros. quiet neighborhood. $144,900. CAU GENA @751-8569 107 МПАВВЕИЕ Lane 2 Bedrooms, t Bath, groat mini tarm on 4.81 acres. $139,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1990 dbtewide on 16.03Ac.. 3BR. 2BA. t^. pond w/rnir^ ponds $139,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Near Wako Forest, 3BR. 2BA, FP. sociuded neighborh’d $124,900 CAU U E@ 751-8572 157 SHEiiitiD Road Garden Valley, 2Bfi. 2BA, S2.000 redecorate/ remodel aSow. w.'accepl crfter. $118,500 CAU JANE @751-8560 S153 US Hwv. 601 N. ЗВП, 2BA, 1853 sq. It. mobile homo w/5.5 acros. $109,900. CAUJANE@ 751-8560 672 ABBcrDAiE Rd. 3BR, 2BA. Historic District. 1.5 stories, basomonl. $104,900. CAU LEE ® 751-8572 Immaculale starter. 1122 s l.. paved drive, 20i20 fm out bldg. $99,900 CAU JANE or M J. @ 751-8560 Now Const.. 3BR. 2BA cottage, Conv. in-town location $98,500 CAUJANE@ 751-8560 ISO Lexincion Road 3BR, 2BA, cathedral coilings 2002 Skyline MH. $89,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3BR, IBA, new carpel, paint, vinyl, full bsmt. $89,900. CAU MARY @751-8566 Cozy 2ВП, IBA, cottage, in ground poolwitt^lerwing. $82,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1997 Skylino on 1.76 Ac. 3BR, 2,5Ba,t500sq It. $79,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.5 acres, 3 BR. 2 BA, 1552 sq. ft. mobilo homo $79,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3 Bedrooms, 2 Balhs, with wirod shop/garags. $74,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.69 Town Centor zoned district land. 2BR. IBA. $74,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 Lexington. NC. 2BR, IBA, hardwood lloors, .67oc. $69,900. CAU LEC @751-8572 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, renovated. $68,900. CAU CONNIE @751>8565 newly Ready to movo ini 2BR, 1BA. room lor 3rd BR. $59,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 3BR. IBA. Icnccd backyard, ondoscd porch, rcceni updates $59,900 CAU JANE @751-8560 2 Bedrooms. 1 Bath, Irosh paint and new carpot. $49,900. CAUJANE@ 751-8560 Great t -f/- acre lot, maintained. $44,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 well ]UL1A HOWARD 751-8567 Bur CiM« Ch. Rd, WILL NOT DIVIDE... ofíÍBtSichTHX"!“-------------.By*rly Chipel JANE WHITLOCK 751-8560 ..91.97 Ac. $41Э,Bes ,.в.7вАс*/-Ш5,000 LEE NOLAN751-8572 • r , у LINDA BAILCY 751-8562 H/i44is ,\ \ M l Mill I.l ) I S ANI ) I ANI ) ANI ) K in I/M I’ lU H M Kills ...........v.twnbTT- wiw,ww____J7.5W.AC. 1150,000...14Ac«houM.St7S,000 ...e.MAc.Seo,000 2.19AC. 127,000 Mf.HtnryRd......Thompton Lan«... M tsIKiydor> Or(v« cofflm«rclal)... CtderRidQtRd.______L ..1.49 Ac. $22,000....8 Ac. $56,00015 6 Kr«f $140,000 ...2.tS«crt«St6Q,000 ..гасгм $45,000 Sanford Ave.15*/*Acrti....................Bear Creak Ch. Rd...........Edward! Rd..Madlaon Rd (commercial)... At)baydalerd...........»..... 1.4 aerea $134,900 Hwy. 601 $107,250....40.02 aerea $257,000 .9.fi acres Ш,500 ...2 aerea $425,0003.05 aerea $18,500 MIKE HENDKIX75MW0 RENTAL PROPERTIES 252 Avon Street....................t36MoitlaonRd..................В8Э7 Cenler Grove Church Rd. 295 l}ames Church Road......... UEVEULY KUSS 99M156 ...$625 P/M 1)4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 26, 2002 Davie Schools Allison Bradley proudly displays her family photos to Monson and fellow students. Researching Family Trees Guest Helps North Davie Students Learn How To Find Out About Their Ancestors Carl Monson. a relired tech­ nical writer, was excited when he was approached about talk­ ing to .seventh grade .students studying Alex llaley and his fa­ mous book Rools. , "W c would like our suulems lo hear aboul liow you have rc- searcheil your fam ily tree, w here you look for names and dates, and what steps tho students might lake to slarl researching their own fam ily trees," asked M onson’s step-daughter, l.ynn M oore, and teacher H ill Carothers. NUinson also talked about his restoration o f a C iv il War era graveyard in Clemmons and his book. The People o f the ficcles Fam ily Cem etery, w hich d is­ cusses the research to identify the persons buried there. For his first visit, Monson talked to more than 2(K) students. He shared his ow n 24,(XX)-name fa n iily tree and spoke aboul Bygm l Eggleston, a nine genera­ tion back relative who im m i- graled from England to Massa­ chusetts in 16.10. He encouraged the students to "la lk lo Ihe old folks because ihey arc the ones ■ w ith ihe stories." Monson re­ grets never asking his father more about their fam ily tree. Л direct fink to Charlemagne is one o f Monson's links to the past but he warned, "you also might find a horse thief or a bum as you lean) aboul your fam ily," M onson lold the students how he found his father's fam ­ ily in .Sweden. His father had sailed for Am erica as a young boy and no one from home ever knew what happened to him . Through the help o f an interna­ tional genealogist, located over the Inlcrnct. Munson reached a Monson shows his family tree to Robert Gassett, Anna Bailey, Allison Bradley and Katelyn h/lanspile. firs t cousin, sent e -m ail for w eeks, and eventually took a trip with his w ife to "meel Ihe cous­ ins," "W hen m y 8 7-ye a r-o ld cousin. Helga. held my face in her hands and kept saying “ hallo, hallo, hallo,’ we all had tears on our faces," .Students completed projects about their fam ilies including picture collages with copies or original fragile photos o f their "furthest back" people, as Alex llaley called his fam ily. Many stories were shared aboul fire- men. fanners, business people, and young married couples thal lived before us. R em arkably clear photos, birth certificates and letters were displayed, Monson relumed for a sec­ ond visit lo provide more assis­ lance to in d ivid u a l students. Anna Bailey knew her fam ily, the Riddles, had lived in the area for years, and Monson found many Kiddles in his research of the Yadkin River settlers. One name matching Anna's w as o f an infant who only lived a year, "I wonder if I could be named in her honor." said Riddle. A nolher student's name is Manspile, but Monson explored the Gennan version Manspiel. "The name means man who speaks." Monson lold her. Hy using Fam ily Tree Maker on the In le rn e i. he fo u n d m any M anspiels bul w ilh o u l a first name, more queslions musl be asked to trace the family. "1 always enjoy helping oth­ ers Iuid iheir fam ilies. The stu­ dents are welcome to e-m ail me and I'll give Ihem any help 1 can." said Monson. ('(lulinuvd I'rom I’uRC l).< Each week, several students in Mrs, Parroiic’s fourth gnulc class try- preparing ami presenting a news sho«' based im the Iheine ol'ihe class weekly liierature. Chris Oiggs. Laua'ii Marsliall. Nolan Johnson and Ana Deysi Urioslegui-Arreola cre- aleil a show on Mexican cooking. The following week. .Shelby Johnson. Anilx;rNiclioKon anil Mall llow^er used Ihe book. "Seal Jour­ ney" by Kicliard Sol'd as ihe basis of Iheir report on Antarctica. This \\cck. Drew Aiulraile ami Jennit'er Rolierlson reporteil on a giioil olil- fashioneil Wesiern rounil-up. as- sisieil by Taliab llollanil on camera, Anolher activity involved hands- on science e\(KTiinentalion as Jas­ mine Sales. Kelsey Broadway and olher students simulated sonar sig­ nals and graphed the results to find oul how scieinisis measure the bol­ lom of Ihe ocean. One of Ihe most popular activi­ ties in Mrs. Parrone's room is her weekly cooking spol which is used to connect math and iiteralute. Class chefs in recent weeks have included l.eonel Rodriguez-Salgado, Jusiin Jones. Dillon Lambe. Ciabriela Ignacio. Omar Heiza and Leigh Smiley, On the menu last week was "Jusiin anil the Bcsl Biscuils in the World," After reading the hook anil then baking the biscuits, ilie class created word problems based on Iheir culinary creations, Mrs, I’arrone's students have iK'en learning about the a'gions of Norlh Carolina and Iheir project work is on display in the hallway . Mrs. Citurtemanclie’s tll’lh grade class has stiiilied the theory of plale tectonics in relation to tlie lomiation of various lanilt'onu'.. They learned the way valleys and mounlains are formed, as well as the causes of eanhi|uakes and volcanic eniplions. Her communicalinns class is enjoy­ ing reading v arious tall tales. They have read aboul Paul Bunyan. Johnny Appleseed and Pecos Kill, During their sttuly of tall tales. Ihe siudents are learning about e.xag- geralion. similies. metaphors and personification, Mrs, Courlenianches's malh class is do­ ing well with Saxot\ math lessons, Siudents are working lo master mul­ tiplication facts and lo learn the cor­ rect algorithms for multiplication and division problems. Cougars of the Week: Andre Hernande/. Sherri Harney. Chad rrcnch. Morgan Smilh. LauraTa|iia- Amara. Kaillyn Viars. Dylan Andrade. Richard Salgado. Jr.. Si­ erra Doucette. Corey Randall. Jonathan Mason. Marlen Roman. .Matthew Ihnvser. Tyler Thomas. Christopher lloke, Brian Bullins. Shannon Triplett. Zachary Spaugh. Caleh 1-oote.Travis Davis. Caroline Miller. Cougars of the Month: Andrew McHride. Jamie Longworth. Carrie Harney. Holly Link, Sigifredo Acevedo, Kristi Burton. Nalhan Carter. Jordan Lagle. Kimmie Crandall. Daniel Benitez. Brittany Money. Melinda Obando, Megan ington ompany R E A L T Y In Mocksville 336.751.9400 In Advance/Hillsdale 336.998.8900 m Havedie Но1пеБ>г\Ы N E W L I S T I N G 1956 Hwy. 64 Ка.ч1 $79,90« 142 Hickory Drive $169,900 465 Gordon Drive $129,900 256 W indw ard Circle $85,500 278 MuRnolia Drive $154,900 2197 H w y. 64 Wc.st $94,900 217 Pepperstone Drive $ 124.9(H) 257 Madison Road - All brick, basement, abundance of storage, new windows, large rooms, 2 minutes to 1-40. $157,900 144 Hlcl(ory Tree Road $83,900 151 Hayes Lane $179,900 Walker. Tiffany Davis. UeJhany liradshaw. Ana Dcysi Uriosicgui. Anthony ik'iiver. Brian Bullins. GernUl Slakciy, Zncliary Spaugh. Wctlncsday. Sept 24. \'cno/ia*s Nighl: Thursday. Sept. 2fi. Early Re­ lease Day ami Book Fair starts; Thursday. Oct. 3. School photo* graplis; Thursday. Oct. 17. Early Re­ lease Day. C'onlni! Davic Developmental Day I Student of the Week, Sept. Ат1кт Myers. The siudents 1еапкч1 the color red. They painted red apples, tore red pa[K*r to glue on apples, and made stained glass apples for the windows. Ihey reail hooks about apples and made their own “ 10 Apples Up on Top" tike the Dr. Seuss book. They had their grandparents visit and have a snack. The class will iK'gin talking about scarecrows, squirrels, owls ami raccoons. Studeni of the Week. Sept. 16-20: Sammy Annini. The cla.ss has been learning aboul owls, squirrels and raccoons. In art. they made owls us­ ing pine cones and cotton, and painted squirrels and raccoons. The class Was л spccial visitor in tlic room and hi.s name is Mr. Scarecrow. The class enjoyed stuffing Mr. Scare­ crow. Ue is part of circle lime. The children also colored crow.s to visit \s ilh Mr. Scarecrow. Next week, they will iKgin learning about fall. Developinenlal Day П Student of the Week. Sept. If>-2(): Zachary Cartner. Ms. Brandi’s class is grow­ ing up fast. They are doing mucli l>etter with listening ami following directions. They finished up with Ivars and the letter "И.” They have actively discussed safety this week. They learned about strangers, what to do in an emergency, and they arc working on learning their phone numl>ers and addresses. They have 1ч*еп doing fairly well with the tasks and games .set iK'fore them. Ms. Sue. .Ms. Jo Jo and Ms. Amanda’s class spent a busy week learning aboul Ihe letter “B.” They made brown bears with button eyes, blue noses and \>eary’ happy smiles. They read the stor>’ "Brown Bear. Brown Bear. Whal Do You See?” and they colored their own hooks. They heard a new version of “Goldilocks and Ihe Three Bears” and nuule popsicle puppets of the four characters. They each painted a foot and j)ut it on a bear paw prim lo compare sizes. They counted and sorted gummy l>ears and had Ihem for a snack. They also used buttons to deconUc the letter "B” on blue pa­ per. They had a numl>er of grandpar­ ents and other family members share lunch with them on Friday. They made s[K*cial cards and shared a s|xi- clal song "Dog’s Breath.” All in all, il was a “beary” special week. Stu­ dent ofthe Week is Austin Freidt. The children in Ms. Sue Tucker’s pre-K class missed her ihis week while she has been out sick. Ms. Amanda and Ms. Jo Jo have kept ihem busy learning aboul Ihe letter "C." They continue lo practice their tracing, coloring and culling skills wh ile being introduced to new skills. They have read "The Curly Caterpillar.” ‘The Runaway Cook­ ies,’’ and "ABC. I Like Me." Their favorite books are "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie..." and "Percival, ihe Very Plain Caterpillar." Many activities and art projecls centered around cookies and »>lher "C" words. Chocolate chips, cotton balls and cracker crumbs made our work in­ teresting and tasty. The children crawled around like caterpillars and fonnedthe letter "C” with their bod­ ies. They enjoyed getting to know Mr. Andy Ashby when he was a "sub" in their room. Thanks to Makayla Hesier and Tom Cowden for sharing si>ecial books wilh the class from home. Ctnly Sleele is Stu­ deni of Ihe Week. Cody participates well in class and is a friend lo ev­ eryone. Real Estate Facts by: Peter A. Heaven, rk a i.io k ® HOIWES ARE HOT! W ilh all the lalk about ou r uncertain ecoiu>my. yo u m a y think hom e sellers are vulnerable lo lo w purcluise offers. I f yo u 're planning lo buy. Ihink tw ice and gel the facts. Som e hom es are selhng for m ore Ihan the asking price. yo u heard righ l. W ilh inleresi rales al their low est poinl in decades, the housing m arket is HO T! B u yers arc often surprised lo Iind that one o r m ore in he r purchase offers are being considered al Ihe same tim e. W h a l's m ore, Ihere m a y even be a bidding w a r in progress al prices above the asking level. A s a buyer, lio w should vou approach the pricc issue? W ha t queslions should be asked. Before indicating thal yo u have m ade yo u r choice, ask the agenl lo pro vide factual data lo support the asking price. W h a l other sim ilar hom es in Ihe same area have sold recenlly. and al whal price? Is ihe owner considering any other offers al the presenl lime? Once you have the answers, you can move for\vard with a price decision. If comparable properties support the asking price, consider offering full price and no more. If olher offers are pending, you may have to adjust vour siglus and offer more. If you Jo offer more, add a short .deadline for acceptance to your offer. 'Fhis may induce the seller to accept promptly so as not to lose a quick sale. fU'ter Heaven ix a KeiiUar' wilh Penniiifilon i& Company Keahy. he noiihi he pleased lo assist you in your ne.xl realty iran.saclion of huyinf,’ or sellinf' a home. He can he reai heii at 336-99S-1047 for any real estate quv.stions you may have. I ^tu rd a y , October t 6 p.Ni. until r â GUaSliairj PritrIIem « Bn||fllF»mU JicUí CobIiIm йвтмР»м!«|Ю* ■ KfW « W.12*r ____ Ш-ian 90».J>03 »».73Ц 971H7I7 65(K5I7i' we.|M7 ¿55.»» 731.МЮ 73t-»400^ ч: lusic • F o o d • P rizes Lots o f F u n Mocksville Office f ' 127? YadkiNville RoadJ 7 5 1 -Я 4 0 0 ( л к % Bring Your Yard Chaij ‘ ' ». и «ж® Peryiington ^ ^ ^ o m p a n y ■IIM I I r ip i ^ ^ i i ^ How ard G ets Business Nod DAVIE COUNTV KNTKRPRISK RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - D5 N F IB . Ihc sta le's largest small-bttsiness advocacy group, applauded state Rep. Ju lia H ow ard fo r b ackin g N orth Carolina's small employers and w o rk in g fa m ilie s by vo tin g againsl Ihe w h ite -c o lla r incentives b ill (H B-17.14), a proposal designed lo spend m illions o f taxpayer dollars lo buy the favor o f out-of-state corporate executives. N FiB charges ihal the b ill is a spccial-inlercsl w hite-collar lax break being rushed through Ihe legislature by p oliticia n s seeking to lake away m illions in lax revenues that w ou ld otherwise fund educalion. heallh care, and o lh e r governm ent programs which are being cut in Ihe curreni budgel debate. H B -17.14 creates a new co rp o ra te w e lfa re schem e designed lo hand o u t cash g ive a w ays lo o u t-o f-s la le conglom erales. w hile slicking N o rth C a ro lin ia n s w ith Ihe check, said i’erri Morgan. N FIB stale direclor. "T his is no longer a deb:tle over economic developmenl and job creation, but a battle over p u h lic in te g rity and fisca l responsibilily for Ihe laxpayers ofN orth Carolina. Rep. Howard has show n courage and leadership, w h ile d efending w orking fam ilies in this state." M organ said. “ D espite Ih e ir failure to elim inate the marriage penally and pass a child-care lax credit, the m u lti-m illio n dollar in ce n tive s package e a sily survived House scrutiny and continues to threaten the future stability o f our slate's economy. “ W e're now preparing to battle Ihe Senate and we hope to impress upon our senators lhal N orlh C arolina's M ain Sireel businesses and w orking fam ilies should come before oul-of-slate coф oralions who want m illions in cash giveaw ays from Ihe taxpayers o f North C arolina." Morgan said true economic developm ent musl begin w ith reform ing the oppressive tax structure on businesses and individuals. "N orth C arolina's marginal income lax rale is S.25 percent compared 7 percent in Soulh Carolina, 6 percent in Georgia, and 5.9 percent in V irg in ia . Business taxes are also higher. S u rp ris in g ly , o u r elected officials are raising taxes and incre a sin g sp ending, yet w o n d e rin g w hy businesses a re n 't co m in g to N orth C arolina." Morgan said. M o rga n ackno w led g ed concerns over the stale's curreni unemployment. “ There is zero evidence to indicate that .schemes like ihis one have positive ly impacted employmenl rales in other states where cash hand-outs are used," .she said. “ Despite claim s thal the hand-ouls w ill be awarded only to busines.ses who w ouldn't com e lo N o rlh C a ro lin a oth e rw ise , businesses d o n 't creale jobs becau.se incentives C O L D l U e U . B A N K e R Q TRIAD, REALTORS' are available. They creale jobs because there is opportunity and a need for those jobs. Then the business evaluates the state governm ent's attitude toward lo n g -te rm econom ic developm ent, w hich should recognize affordable living for employees and lower costs of doing business. "N orlh Carolina is no longer competitive w ilh its neighboring states in these factors. Rep. Howard wants somelhing better for our home stale's businesses." M organ expressed further concerns over the impact o f IIB - 17.14 on the recent downgrade of the slate's bond ra ting by M o o d y 's In ve sto r S ervice, w hich recently low ered the rating from A A A to A A 1 for the first time in four decades. Special Needs Children Davie Civitan Presiijent Ctiarles Markland (left) pre­ sents a (donation to Shady Grove Elementary Principal Larry Lanier and teacher Ann Bailey to be used for stu­ dents with special needs. The Davie Civitan Club also made donations to Pinebrool< and Cornatzer elemen­ tary schools, North Davie Middle School and Davie High School. Dm.*-»-^ ^ ^ 1 4156 Clemmons RoadJTI U U c llllr ll Clemmons, NC 27012 — ' Carolinas Realty T s?7) (3 3 6 ) Call to d a y to g e t th e a n sw e rs to even y o u r to u g h e s t real e sta te q u e stio n s. Check Out These Listings 1 5 3 H O X W O O D C I R C I .K - B e r m u d a R u n - $ 2 4 4 ,9 0 0 T liis d ia m o n d in th e r o u g h h a s g r e a t c u r b a p p e a l. 4 B R . 4 B A . 3 2 0 0 + sq ft. M a k e th is y o u r d r e a m h o m e ! C a il B e v S u p p le o r G lo r ia M a t t lie w s 1 1 7 K A S T R in C .K - A d v a n c c - S 2 2 4 ,0 0 0 C h o ic c lo c a t io n n e a r 1 -4 0 . 3 B R 2 .5 B A b r ic k h o m e o n 1 a c r e lo t. T w o B R s lia v e b u d d y b a th . M str h a s T r e y C e ilin g . C a ll G lo r ia M a tth e w s o r B e v S u p p le 2 8 0 R I V E R B E N D D R - B e r m u d a R u n - S 2 7 9 .0 0 0 G r e a t g o l f c o u r s e lo t. E n tr a n c e Iras A tr iu m w /tb u n ta in . S u n r o o m w /b r ic k flo o r . R o m a n tic c o u r ty a r d o f f K itc h c n . C a ll G lo r ia M a tth e w s o r B e v S u p p le . 3 4 2 S . S A L I S B U R Y S T - M o c k s v i ll e - S I 6 9 ,9 0 0 H is to r ic D is tr ic t, h d w d s , 1 0 ft c e ilin g s . W o n d e r fu l 3 B R , 2 B A h o m e . D e e p lo t! C o m m c r c ia l P o te n tia l. C a ll S u s a n P a rk er 6 9 3 0 B R I D G E w o o » R l) . - C l e m m o n s - $ 2 2 9 ,9 0 0 W o n d e r fu l F lo o r p la n . O p e n k itc lie n , m a ste r B R o n M L , B o n u s R o o m w /f iill b a th in D a y lig lU b s m t. P r iv a c y in b a c k y a r d . C a ll S u sa n P a r k e r 5 8 1 D E P O T S T - M o c k s v ille - S 1 9 0 .0 0 0 C o m m c r c ia l P o te n tia l, G r e a t V is ib ilit y , H ig h tr a ffic c o u n t. C ity U t ilit ie s , Z o n e d H C , G r e a t I n v e s tm e n t. C a ll S u s a n P a rk er n o T I E T O N S X . - B e r m u d a R u n - $ 3 1 9 ,9 0 0 S t a t e ly 2 - s t o r y b r ick 4 B R h o m e . F a n ta stic s u n k e n d e n w /lu ir d w o o d f lo o r 7 .sto n e F P & B u ilt - h is . M L M a ste r , M L p la y r o o m /o f t lc e w /w e t /b a r . S u n k e n L R w /S t o n e F P . fo r m a l D R , b s m t. W a r ra n ty . C a ll C h e r y l F in k 6 9 1 8 B R I D C E W O O l) D R - C l e n i m o n s - $ 1 6 9 ,9 0 0 W o n d e r fu l h o m e in d e s ir a b le C le m m o n s lo c a tio n , r o o f r e p la c e d in 1 9 9 7 , n e w d e c k o v e r lo o k in g la r g e b a c k y a r d & L L B o n u s r o o m w /f ir e p la c e a n d o f f ic e /p o s s ib le 4 th B R . L o ts o f sto r a g e a n d s p a c e . P o o l & T e n n is a v a ila b le . 2 5 0 5 I N N I S F A I L L N - C l e m m o n s - $ 2 4 6 ,9 0 0 Q u a lit y 2 - s t o r y a ll B r ic k T r a d itio n a l H o m e o n 1 /2 a c r e le v e l lo t. I m m a c u la te h o m e . N e w in te r io r / e .x te rio r p a in t. L a r g e r o o m s , m o v e in c o n d it io n , f e e ls lik e h o m e . C a ll B e th A tk in s o n . T a n g le w o o d A g e n ts АиФ«) f I EMhUnvyi ' Вл5сда..СП5.СЛ1 BoeCiw»jínn ' DctW 1Д»«ЛгЛ*1 Cíwrirr* n<44lt M4-44I6 УЛ-.-ОЯ /144412 ri4 44U 7I4-44IS /14-44» GlO(4 CAS. GRl trEgCuM &trou> Kirwl Utr«4it|rKifflyPoW Pii Kjm4'njn.CflS.0ril 7144418 »«•KM 7t4-44:6 /U-44^4 91Я1?? /14-440//ЙЙ-//?г P«fW Sârxt* »WJrct Sindri jcfvHcn . élirai Ihcnui SuvMiPirt« V.i.B BuUrj Wrtontcftn /1444Л rtS44tO 945-4018 /14-4409 714-44И rt444U .М444;3 m:i73 /14-4 4.'6 1 Indep«nden(lv Owned jnd Operated Member of the PrudenUal Red! Estate Afflltdte», (nc • Equal Houting Opportunity DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Flwys 158 & 801 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -8 8 1 6 R elocation 1 800 327 4398 WHATEVER IT TAKES J i t ó t a m o u s e - c l i c k a w a y . . . www.enterprise-record.com 3 Building tots For Sale In Ihe Fork C hurch C om m unity Locaied o n /o ff o f C edar G rove C hurch Road OK for doublewide, modular or sile buill homes • Lot 1 • UNDER CONTRACT • 40,000(-Asf wilh toad front,igc, wotct tnetef & septic syilein-525,000 • Lot 2 -UNDER CONTRACT• 1 + herewith roadffonfogc.well & septic syslem - $25,000 • Lot 3 • 1.2 acres recent survey & perked. Greal view. Price includes county water & septic syslem • $25,000 *All aacagc iubjoct to final survey' Contacl Robert Slone (Owner/Broker) ol Riverfork Properties336-998-4733 Oak Haven (336)751-2055 9uyp.C*! 1% credit of final purchase pnco back at closing on any home m Tnad Areai Commission as low as 3.9X1m m M iwrvt commission as low as .».уты H o u s e 2-4pm Sunday Sept 29th 263 Dublin Rd - Biic* * slono, 1829 SF, 3l)r 2,5ba. Ivmtwoods t ccramic tilo throughout sunroom, coramic lile & glASS block shower, stixkicd walls in unfinish baserTH^t • $204,600 DIrtctfons: From Winston. U O west (o exrt 180. at ramp take left onto hfwy 801, go approx. 6.2 mtos. tako tefl onto 2nd Pociies Crook Rd. taVe ten on Oubim Rd (Shamrock Acros). houso on left at erxl. 184 East Maple Ave - 3483 s f . 4br 3.5ba, Hstoric - Built 1911, Huge foyor & staircase. Updated and restored. Hardwoods throughoul. 600 SF cottage. 4 bay garage. Must Seo! • $269,900 Directioru: From Winston. 1-40 west lo exit 170, loft at bght onto Hwy 601. go approx, 4-5 miles to tho 6th Iqhl. nght al light lo continuo on 601. then go VÒ mite and tako teft onto Easl Mapte. houso on nght Com e (o these Open Houses and sign up to w in $5000 on yo ur purchase of a home in the Triad area, see Sunday's W inston Salem Journal for detallat www.OakHavenRealty.com S w ic e g o o d Wall a n d M cD an iel R ealtors Is Proud To Introduce their newest Sales Associate Megan Renegar A native o f Davie County, Megan & her husband, Tony Renegar live on Tot St. Mocksville. They have one son Jake. A graduate of Dan Mohr Real Estate School, Megan received her sales license in August 2002. She has joined the staff of Swicegood, Wall and McDaniel as a full tinne sales associate. Megan feels that the purchase o f a h o m e is on e o f the m ost im portant decisions a p e rson w ill m ake in Ih e r lifetime and looks fo w a rd to assisting people w ith that decision. Give Megan a Call at 336-751-2222 (ext.2 II) 336-751-9684 (home) or 336-909-3485 (mobile) Ш w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r .c o m ui DAVK 46Я, 3 5BA All bmk home on мххЗеО lot Mjin levH master Open kit й/лиИ 'm IjfOe den i»ifP *Ло« of mfxkws »aii«»ood nrs A œtiTuc tile Unlmtsiieil bvrt foi eitunsion AsMevAnlervy>-N6S3l2 SM I.W So^txulji vie«, 36i]tj p A (jL-eto, kitcien ff--‘ Я7 MVIIWND (MVI MMHlOa WN OAVK <ПЯ. ? 58A Ore st(/y U>a l;ad.i.cful on lioon, lepixed Kinüc*?. 80 c^i *iter ^ea:c4 'buii. tamul iit^ng & i].n pool (tlw i ajnip arxj тисЛ moie. WüfxWuilv k;iOitn1jri-l|( га Wjrrjnty VtC*iF№ing-SW8-tl6? $ЗИ,000 bwlt tra ÄkifltSTiing-iiS llC? ..ri,ng looiTij roorn лТР irti nil.OOO ter I um m rm i acres cavis2ibk lOYtiif liiicl vtne« home on laige W. niì'jei Ville «iir) siFting (oom on mjm bH, open 1100/ pi^. tioiius lootn ind lots oi sicijge Co-itU *ith Cfiiii diide Cirvi( Johnson ll?/S2S3.9Q0 lOr В rcnST GUI DAVII38R ¿8Aone level dewyi hke none othef lejtunng ZmJ tc^tl finijhett bcnus rocin, solid surtxe couniefiops. rmii«iod rioofs A eitensivt cio»n mQiOiim AOlborul (U( sKuagt loom шШ öoofs falo» ciíurt $рке VicJii Fleming 998- Пб;Ш4.в10 13« uiiv Mim УАям 4UH ^ IЬАСlike ne* Click local« on 15 aue. nei» dnwwjí, locXfM fifwiKe. 1-IÚ0 ifcck, cjc»fl moidinq- Ifl. Kll. MBfl, tf3/ wltng MBA, «им Keatmert lOr 4U MOnsOAU OAR VAUiT ОДПЕ 3üñ 2.1>вА consimclion t)ome »iin ortice. Main level mjsier suite. дгел room Mitn Slone liieplace, tuföwiods on trum leyel U'ge tarn VWei, loimji d.mno tUun! 51s commuftfy ViCki fteming 998-II67$229,ON '•‘¿¿Hi I WAT BAVK 4BR 25.6A LOT « ММШМ PAMS BAVK1Г6АС 2 «Of) tf3dit)onal, finiaied room tn tijseoKrt, jflxfed oirj«. e^’in kitchen, larje ling, Me, HC BjftariQfbJl foom, Quiii^ moTdifi ккл 90»'HS4tt1S,«eS 25ЙА Ming couririf jlffioschefe Siiofl dtsance 10 l <0 Cul deЛХ W Im siofy, eipinsj« living room, Uroe ei tn kiichen, icon m taseffterf tnti'octó MOOiMarfi3Bdrtur2Ajien-993-llM |201,«Ю LOT 17 пиатяа cawr bavh збя 2 seAAnotfw tiufimng idtJ.tion lo fnncdon Court, ^ ruce П00Г pim Uuninf t« *itn bedtooms I01 xuni Odinite mm мя Cile 996 П ^$Ш .И В ш cavMTM MVI dVHT« ш а OAVK 38Я М Cru/mifig one l«l, low horn m popuUr subd^ision Open Root СЫШ tot Mw« sui«- ■ sftwef. bnghl kiiciien ChiU C11« Wa- LOT 51 KSUH WAT OAVK 3DR.2<£A C2nyen<fii ne* dewiopmeni locStxl in OJ.ie СаЛу Mjin levft çiijœ. ftmihed toom in tmvnt VVI ctritíjc tile iioois tocm b tíeülW to* U30№j fm ■ттрмт ut lOOIVAV OAVK ЗСЯ 2BA 3SAC VefY nice teme situx'ed on 3 punte icin Ucúiieil iltc^eл, all nem jpptiincei. ne^.c/wry cjtuiets. spjEious loortft »'tii c«t A iTiua (bGnjU)93d'1l8ât138.m lOTAQCtVKTOaOKflOAVK 3BH 2SAl«i)èing you need on one level, spiil bedioom üik now lo cusionwe thu cformtng 2 ctin Iw iJttiTu:e msir iii'ie privacy FtmiW »tin tmished bonus room. ButltJef bo(4rt room om guage. Lvi^ kiictien trd ttup-'e tile biJisplish Johnson-S ...i дизде. ..... ly, sepûiïelûiïïül dining toom. CirsS ilU/|19I.IOO lor II K O U n WAT OAVK 3SR 2 58A“ siorifp'in ptarw lor . biJisplisii, ctcnm1 »nt4t li^ )гИ rtiLil la miflM OT 31 Я Ш Ш WAT OAVK 3BR 2^BA h'j kntly heme Ms a luge mam level rmsier suile. (ininj im »лгеу caimg. spxious ktlc^ea.....jiconijfy tiedfcom, storigie. lull basemtrt fliW^caigirage Cintiy JcJinscn-9M-lU7 Ш MUCaEST MVE DAVIC зея IBA2 ЗЗАС Oo vou dream ol олшпд a log iKime? Ihis Heaithslone log home ÿts on 2 3 aaes in eastern tüvie. lull unfinished basemeni. Co;y Iront porch and a Н1ЗО side porch Cintjy Johnson wa-lU7 $175.000 OAVIOUI3ÜR 2BA Su№b location й/guick ■ I Salem, ' 135 аоам UUK «SOSUI OAVK 36П 2BA Bnck and vinyl rancn sÑie home 2 car bsmi. . . . . - .... . d viftyl rancn sNieacce» IO Winsion Salem, Itiinaon A oaraoe. Fitusfied healed loom in basemenl. CienvTfini liìis ver* »ili miirtaired I «t< is Fiitpxe m ùen and tasemenl. AliS home wcety decora!«! */lull bsni A musi se« luf Ihij »arfirily Ha yrd. Fterue Jc/nson • W8-lt5?GRiAf VAIU[< Co lisi Cirxt/ Juivisoii Chris $114,Ю Gl:deW4 H5a $124.900 lOT 41 Mme PAM OAVK 2QR IBA Gel a(Тюишзш Ы In this adoijbte cottjge. GR *1 vi>/ted ceiling, gas log FP kii n/tVand. Pnvaie deikW^yuckyaid lum Ihose tent p into an irvtsimei! Baky Cook $77,9« lOT IN МГШ PAM OAVII26R IBA Щ lert *hen yog can buy cheaper? Fie« conslruclion subdivision fuepijce and utility foorn. Close 10 sclKiols and stioppmg lailonnj PotlsW8ll69$74.900 ^ 02001 Coldwell Г viki:> Real Etlale Coipoulioti. Coldwell U.inkei t is.) leijisteiud KüdoriMik ol (oldwcll U.ii)ker Cuipor.itiui). An Equal Opiioiludity Cuiii|Mny. (((u-il huusiog Oppodunily. (лс1| Ollicc Is inJepeiidcrilly Owned <1(м10(ierj|c<l, Oé¥Í«Oftk9Ag€fíU ВаАюДМм ' tf|-nS4Мг1Шк : m -iiu < srttypom Mo-im «Utatm t9l-n7idirisM . m\m Й Й Г ■ S íliSoiitawik m*mi imílkaiity т> 1 Ш m*uu,NMqrItonM m -tlllАмышим m-iiM.uootMWii m iiM MbtUwriraM-tM-IIOf :н«»1Ммкм m-nTiоммммм fN'im;. UHflkMln fM-nUSImüWNt HS'IIMvkurkoH D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26. 2002 E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h O f A s c e n s i o n C e l e b r a t e s S u n d a y S c h o o l Y e a r The Episcopal Church of the Asccnsion .al Fork cetcbralcil the beginning o f the new Sunday School year on Sunday, Sepl. 8. The Church also chose this d.iy to honor local cancer survivor Dustin M yers by holding a fundraiser for his family. A ll the Sunday School classcs met in ihe Parish House at 9:30 a.m. for a light breakfast and fellow ship which afforded all an opportunity to “ get to know " one anolltcr. The day was an intergenerational event where bolh the adults and children panicipaled in the many planned activities. The Church provided a “ m oon-w alk" that was shaped as a caslle for tlie children lo play in (although several adulls joined in). There were also several games that facilitated interaction between all ages. The events sought lo promote Ihe very aclive Christian l-omiation program at the Church which includes four different classes for all ages each Sunday m oniing and a Centering Prayer Group on Thursday evenings. A t va rio u s lim es throughout the C hurch year there are "Celebration Sundays" where all the Sunday classes meet together. The.sc events seek to establish a climate ihat promotes active learning Ihrough the interaction of all age groups. D uslin M yers and his fa m ily were present fo r the various activities. Dustin recently spent Iwo months in Washingion state undergoing special radiation treatments for the cancerous tumor located al the base o f his spine. He and his fam ily live in Ihe Fork com m unily. Dustin is 18 years old and a sludenl al Davie High School. Events also coincided w ilh the continuation o f a building campaign at the Church. The Church o f the Ascension has a goal o f raising S4.‘iO.OOO for the e.xpansion o f our currcnt Parish house. The addilion w ill give Ihe church much needed Sunday School and fellowship spacc. To date, appro.ximalely S.IOO.IXX) has been pledged from w ilh in Ihe congregation. Sunday School is held weekly al 1():(K) a.m. and the Worship Scrvice is held at 11:00 a.m. The Cenlering Prayer group meets each Tltursd.iy evening at 7:(K) p.m. in the parish house. The Reverend Kay Rackley is minister and invites all to attend these services. The Church is located al 183 Fork Bixby Road in Ihc Fork community. Feel free to visit us anytime al www.ascension- fork.org. A "moon-walk" that was shaped as a castle for the children to play In was part of the activities ttiat took place at Episcopal Church of Ascension in Fork as part of the new Sunday School year celebration. D a v ie D a te lin e Fundraisers Saturday, Sept. 28 Country Ham & Sausage llrcak- fasl. Union Chapel Mclh. Chuivh, U.S. 601 (N. or 1-40). 6:30-10 a.m. Yard .Sale, 8 a m. - 12 noon. Firsl United MclhodislCliureh. Mocksvillc. old rellowship hall. Saturday, Oct. 12 Spaghetti Supper. Cooleemee Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary, 5-K p.m.. al ' Cooleemee VFD. Tickcls: S5 (avail­ able in adviuicc). Contact Auxiliary or Fire Depl. menibeti. Religion Sunday, Sept. 29 Jay Slune Singers, at Redland Pcn- lecostal Holiness Church. Advance, 6:30 p.m. Corner of Baltimore A: U..S. I.<18. Info: Wii-4226. Rev. Chris Cantrell, guest speaker at Hope Uapl. Tabernacle, 11 a.in. ser/ice and 6 p.m. service. Sun.-Wed., Sept. 29-Oct. 2 Revival, begins Sun. 11 a.m. and continue 7 p.m. nightly. Rev. Mark Sterling guesl. Cooleemee Firsl Bapt. Church, 204 Marginal St., Cooleemee. Info: 284-2626. Sunday, Oct, 6 Center UM C llumccuminK, in lUe historic Center Arbor, Scr%'ice of Remembrance I0:.I5 a.m. Covcrcd dish dinner on grounds. Ongoing Preschuol/Parenl.s .MurnInK Out, Bethlehem United Meth. Time: 9 Teachers Attend Seminar Two Davic County teachers recently altended a seminar at the North Carolina Center for the Advancem ent o f Teaching in Cullowhee. Julie F, Hedrick of W inston- Salem . a grades 3-5 reading leacher. and Nancy P. C lark, a K -2 grades reading leacher, both at M o c k s v ille E lem entary School, participated in Ihe .semi­ nar “ K-3 Reading Success."The seminar was also sponsored by Ihe Mebane Charitable Founda­ tion in M ocksville. Part o f the U n ive rsity o f N orth C arolina. N C C AT pro­ vides a year-round series o f resi­ dential seminars and leacher- scholar program s fo r teachers and professional developm eni acliviiies fo r teachers and slaff in selected school systems. At .the center, teachers engage in ;schoIarly activities and profes- ' slonal networking to renew their v iu liiy fo r teaching and learn­ ing. a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M,W or T. Th. Age 3 - M .T, Th. Age 4 & l>rc- K - three or four days per w eek. Call 998-6820. I’reschool/l’arents Mornin); Out. Center Unilcd Mclh., Ages 3 it 4 Mon., Wcd., Fri. 8:31) a.rn. - 11:30 a.m.. Call 940-37.53 or 492-573.S. Kevclallun Sludy. cach Sun. nighl, 6:30 p.m. Al Shefrield Music Hall, intcrseclion of .Sheffield Rd. Л: Turkeyfool Ril. Evcr>imc wclcomc lo allcnd. Ilefure School Program for Shady (¡rove Students, available Mon.- I'ri. lieginning 6 a.m. al Ailvancc UM C Community Bldg. School bus arrives 8 a.m. to lake cliildren lo Shady Grove lilcmcnlar). Call 998- 0199 for fees and info. Awana & lllhle Study, Wednes­ days al 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Tal>er- naclc. M O I’SlMothiTS of Preschoolers), 1st & 3rd Fridays tlmi sc)>ool year, at Macedonia Moravian Church. N.C. 801 N, 9:15-1 l:4.‘i a.m. ChiUtcate provided for snvall fee, info: 998-4394. НеГоге Scho<il Program, Advancc UMC Hldg, N.C. 801 S. for Shady Grove students, drop off 6 a.m.. school bus pick-up 8 a.m. Registra­ tion required. Call 998-0199 for inlo. Reur\ions Saturday, Oct. 5 ()ak Cruve .^-liuiil Reunion, at Oak Grove Fellowship Hall. U.S. I ,S8( I'oniK-r site of old scïtoolhouse), I0:.^0 a.m.- l :.Wp.nv Reunion ft4 fonncr sïmlenls ¿с spou4.-s. liich и к is asked to bring coveaildisliandilrink fordinncr. Plaies, cups, napkins, & i « fumislK-d. Sunday, Oct. 6 Barney Reunion, I p.m., Bixby l*ivs- b>icrian ОшгсЬ, Advancc. Bring cov- eivd dish & drink. Plaies, cups. U;v. furnished. Questions: 998-7757. SpedeJ Events Thursday, Sept, 26 Pour Man’s Supper, 5-1 p.m., Cooleemee UM C, donations :ic- cepled. Saturday, Sept. 28 .Senior .Men and Women's lluskethall Games, no cliaigc, lc;um from Davic, S.C., W.V. und oilier cities in N.C., public invilc4l, games begin 9:4.‘i a.m. River Wulk, 11 a.m. join al Zacluuy Hoase for food & visiting, 1 p.m. dedi­ cate land and cclebnitc developmeni of RiverPark at Cooleemee Fidls 'Tlte Bullhole". 2 pjn. Bles.sing of tlu UukI - Iniditional Native Aniericiui ceremony led by Liz Singing Bulierfiy of Oiemkce Bear Qan. Spoiisoied by Ciwlcx-ince Historical As,socialion. Thursday Oct. 10 I)r. Ellfcnt Engel, relunis lo Mocksvillc lopre.senl The Toituaxl Genius of Edgiu- Allen 1410. T wo prognuns: 4 & 7 p.m. in Davie Co. Public Ubnuy Auditoriiun, prognun free and open to public. Saturday, Nov. 9 Home Kor The llullduys, 11;3() a.m., lunclteon & lioliday fashion show,'Ber­ muda Run Countty Club, S.W, all pn>- a<d.s lo benefit Davie Arts Council. For into Ä tickets call Ans Council 7.SI- 3112. Dates to Remeinber Oct. 4, 5,6,11 & 12 QuNliTs. al Нпкк iVrlonniiiu Ans Ccnicr, Main St.. Mi4.ksvillc. Oct. 4. 5.11 cS; 12at7:3l)p.m..0cl.6al2:30 p.m. Contact 751 -3(XK) foriickcl into. tvlon.-Wed., Oct. 21-23 Cle;in-l-p Dny**, in town of C(H)lcctncc. Call 2S40 MI I'or sched­ ule tor s|4*cillc starls. Ongoing visit C(M)leemiT's Mill \ illage .Mu- scum, 14 Church .St.. Tues. iV: Thurs.. 9 a.m.-ncHm. Sals.. 11 a.m.*2 p.m. Tours abo availatile by appt. Call 294-ЫИО. Pruschend sidryllnic, Tues.. II a.nj..I)a\ ieCouniy LibnirN'-.^O-minutc pro^:nun. I'or children aj:es .V5. Mu­ sic. read ali)ud. slories. Ilhns, nurserv' rhymes. .Mocksville Cruisc-ln, Main Slreel. 1 St л ,Vd Moiulays. April ihm Oct., ft p.n>. PiednuMH CAKS Assix:iiUu>n. for more info 751-3770 or 284-2079 or 492-5715. Meetings tylonday, Sept. 30 PuhlicHearini».TownolCi»leemee. 7p.m..TovvnHall.on proposedTown Ordinances. Tuesday, Oct. 8 Davie Co. Civil War Ruunluble, 7- 8:15 p.m.. at Davie Co. Uibniry. to discusslimeperi(Kl of Anierlca’scon- Hid liolh blue Ä gniy are welcome. Ongoing Humane Sociely nf Davie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of each monlh. ill office Yadkinviiie Ril. Ixr- hindcar wash. 751-5214. DavleRepubllcanMcnsCluhnneels 4th Salurday ofeacli monlh. 7:.^0a.m., Red BHQ. Celebrale Recovery, w eekly support group for ihose siruygling with bad habits, addictions, and victims of abuse. Meels Fridays, 7 p.m.. at Hillsdale liapt. Church. Hwy. 158. Adviuice. Call 940-6618 for more info. DavleCounly Horse Kmerjicncy Res* cue Team, 7:.K) p.m.. tiovsnstairs at ilw Agricultunil Building. NUxksville. Gv- ei>' 3niTucMby each month. For inlo: ‘MO-2111. Davie C«. Band BcHWlers, meets 2nd Tuesday of monllu 7:30 p.m., Davie High Band Room. Shefneld'CuluhalnSuppurUiruup, 2ndiuid4th Tues., 7 p.m.. New Union Meth. Church. Meeling o|x*n lo com­ munily. Christian Businessmen's Cununii* lee оГ Mocksville, Vhursdays. 7 a.m. MiKksville Roiar>’ Mui. (iold WinK Touring Assuciallun, Red Pig BiirlKCUc. Greasy Con>er, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davie County Stamp Club« 2nd TIjurs., Davie .Senior Cenier, 7 p.m. 751-0611. CiM)leemee Recreation Assuciutiun, Ziichary Ноиад, Isl Tuesdaj-7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous. Siffidays, 6 p.m. anil Wednesdays. 8 p.ni.. Sec­ ond Presbyterian Church basement. . Pine .St. Call 751-14W or 751-7786 for info. Homeschool 4<)1 Club, 2nd lK: 4th Tuesday. Call 9‘J8-S925 formoa* info. Piednmnl Triad Rnhhil Fanciers. List Sunday of each nivMUh. 2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners welcome. Call 336- 9‘)8-9858 or visit w w w.piedmonllriadrahbii.com or e- mai 1 pirt2i X KKrt'aol .com I or more info. Help Yoursi'irSupporl (iroup. Can­ cer Sers'ices. Inc.. 2nd Tuesday, noon- 1 :.^Op.ni. Davie Coiuity Librar). Bring bag lunch ifyou wish. For more info, cali 751-0313 or 760-9W . MOPS (MiHhers nf Presclumlers). iMacedonia Moravian Church. Fel­ lowship. Io<hI. sup(H)il. and creative activities. Chikhen receive excelleru care in the yuided MOPPFTS pro­ gram. Rcgislration fees are nominal and scholarships are available. Mcet- ingsaa'the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each monlh Ixrginiiing Aug. 16. from 9:15- 11:45 a.m. Davie SchcH)l Schedule is followed. Questions call 99H-4394. The Artist (iroup, Davie Counly Li­ brar)’. 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie al 9U8-5274. Center Community Development. 3rd Mon.. 7 p.m. Connnunity Bldg. CiMileemee Tow n Board, 3rd Tues­ day. Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted. North Cmileemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall. Davie Domestic N’lolence Services. Supp(»n groups for victiius. Sessions fa-e. contulential. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. and Friday, 10 a.in. DDVS Olllce in Davie Counly Oft ice Bldg., 751-3450. Fumily Violence Preveniion Ser- vice*sof Davie Counly. Fa*e counsel­ ing for victims of violence and iheir childa'n. Separate groups. Tuesdays. 6-7:30 p.m.First United Melhotlisi Church of Mocksville. Call 1-800- 72K-3413. Concerned Bikers Association, Foothills Chapter. 2nd W'ednesday. Western Steer, U.S, 601 al 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance (Jardcn Cluh, 1st Tues., 9 a.m..M(K-ksUMC.‘)98-2Ill. MocksvilleiiardenChib, 1st Thurs., First Baptist Fellowship Hall. 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sons of Confederale Veterans. 1st Monday,Cooleemee Historical Build­ ing. 7 p.m. M(H;ksviUe Rutury Club. Tuesdays. 12:10 p.m.. Rot:u>'Hul. Take o rr Founds Sensibly. B«;th!ehem United MeihiKlist Church. 6:45 p.m. Thurs. Farminglon Mas<»nlc Lodjie No. 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cancer support yroup, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m.. Davie Library, for cancer piWicnts, friend, family. l-8t)0-228- 7421 or 751-0313. Mocksville IJons Clul). 1st, 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m., Koiar>’ Club. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m., Brock Center Annex. Conf. Room 208. Mocksvllle>Duvie Homebuilders, 4thThur>day. 7p.m..Captain Steven’s. Davie Hi^h Athletic Itoosters, 3rd .Monday. 7 p.m.. school cafeteria. Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliary. 3rd Monday. 7 p.m.. chapter home. U.S. 601 south of Mocksville. Farmington Ruritan Club. 2nd Thursday. 7:30 p.m.. Fannington Melluxlist church. HKLPS Ministries. Christian a*cov- ery program for women se.xually abused as childa*n. Mondays, 7:30 p.m.. 4 1 court Sc|uaa*. Room 210. Al/helmers Support (iroup. 2nd Thursday. 7 p.m.. Easl RtKiin, Sr. Cenier. Brock Bldg.. N. iMain St.. 751-(Kill. Breast*feedlngSupporl(iroup.2iul Tuesday. D.ivie Heallh Dept.. 6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) sup|H)rt group for families of children w’ith disabilllles. 2nd Tues­ day .7 p.m. Call Rosemar>‘ Kropfelder at 998-3311 for Iwallon. ,lericho*Hardison Ruritan Club. 2nd Tuesday. 7 p.uK, club building. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-1 l:3i) a.m.. 1'4:.10 p.m,: Tues­ days, 4:30-7 p.m.; I'eeii Health Pro­ motion Clinic. 8:.30 a.m.-ncH)n. 2nd. 4th Saturdays. Davie County Board of Social Ser- vices,4thTuesday. 5:30 p.m. at DSS. MocksviBe AA. Thurs., 7 p.m. • closed mlng. Sun., H p.m. - open mtng. Call Christine al 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, Sundays, 6 p.m.. Thurs­ days. 8 p.m.. R(H)m 208. Brock Bldg. Drug Problem? Helpline. 910-785- 728(1. MiKksville American Legion Post 174. VFW Hul. Sanford Ave.. 2nd Tlnirsday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Civitan Club. 6:30 p.m., 2nd. 4ih Munday. Western Steer. Advance Memorial PosI 8719 Vcl- enms of Foa*ign Wars and Ladies Au.xiliary. 4th Tues.. 7:30 p.m.. post home. Feed Mill Road. Davie County Risht In Life. 7 p.m.. 3rd Thursday, grand jury room.court- hou.se. 751-.S235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee AA,l>ehind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal. Tues. & Fri.. 8 p.m. Recreation Fonnore infomiation ontheseevenis. call 751-2325. Line Dancing Panninglon Communily Ccnicr. Ev- cr>' Tuesilay. Cosi: S2. Inslraclors: Sieve & Linda I lallcy. Fonnore info, call 7.‘il-.3X48. Rec Club Hefore (Sl.Sjor afler ($25 )school and OUI of .school prognuns. Rcgisiralion o|x:n. GoodTimersSquareDance Dance Lessons S.'S |icr monili. Volun­ teers for dilTerenl social events. Con­ tact Elhcl at 998-3837. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, .“iO and up, M-P, 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Oul Tuesdays and Tliursday.s, S7 jKrday. S40 [x;r nionlh. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed.,& Sat. Call Emily Roben.son. 998-5163. 3 On 3 Basketball Toumamcnt. .Sept. 2K al Kcc. Depl. $2.“; reg. fee. Trips Wed. & Thurs., Oct. 9 & 10 Indian Summer/Pigeon Рогце/ Cherokee. SI 2S per |x;rsondbl. Reg. deadline 9/27. YMCA For nioa' infonnalion, call 751-9622 or visit Davie Family YMCA. Swim Lessons Choose one week, four week, and Sat. a.m. sessions. Pre-regislralion re­ quired. Call forcosls.dates,and limes. Water Exercise Class Easy enough for Ixrginners, challeng­ ing enough for the experienced. All ages welcome. Call for class ly()es Л times. Gym & Swim Thurs. 9-11 a.m. (ages 3-5). A ga*at Stan for any child. Conildence & sell esteem stressed. Monthly sessions. Л/eiv Cheerleading Sat. 12 noon-1 p.m. (ages 5-14). Whether you aa* a cheerleader who want to enhance skills or lieginner who wanl lo leam cheers, siunts, or chants this class if for you. New Tumbling/Gymnastics Mondays 4-5 p.m. (ages 6-12) class ilesigned to prepare young clicerlead- ers/gynmasts wilh slrong foundation in strength, llexibilily. and teamwork. Gymnastics Plus Wedne.sdays 3:30-4:30 p.m. (ages K- 6) Leant gym skills cV: aiutines, as well its tllness/lieallh skills, al ettd of each class a drink & snack served. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 Л up. Tae kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 4:45, (1.00,6:45 p.m. Pee Wee/Kiddie Kickers Soccer a*gisiralion begins Aug. 1 for 3-H yr. olds. Session nm Sepl. 14 • Oct. 19. Please call for times and details. Parents Night Out Oct. 11, 6-10:30 p.m.. Ages 3-12. Take the nighl off & allow Ihe YM CA to care for your child. AiClivilies in­ clude swinuning, arts & crafts, games &amovie. Dinnerservedaround6:30 p.m. Cost $7 members, S1 Onon-mem- bcrs. Family Night Out Oct. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come lre:ii your family to evening al Y having dinner, playing gmnes, swimming, ami much more. Cost S2 per person (5 & under free.) Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon iVlonday lltms for Duvle Dulvllne should lx; reponed by noon Monday oflhe pub­ licalion week. Call 751 -2120 or drop il by the ofl'icc, at S. Ivhiin Sl. across from the counliouse. • ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - D7 P U B U C N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE 02 SP178 By aulhorily contained in those certain Deed ot Trusl executed by Bruce 1. Gholson and wile, Amy P. Gholson, as recorded in Book 262. Page 486, ol the Davie County Public Registry (see Appoiniment ol Substitute Trustee as recorded in Book 431, Page 492. ol Ihe Davie County Public Registry); the record owner ol Iha property described in the said Deed ol Trusl being Bruce I. Gholson and wile, Amy P. Gholson, delault having been made in payment ol the Promissory Note secured by said Deed ol Trust; Ihe said Deed ol Trust being by Ihe terms thereol subject lo loreclo- sure; the present owner and holder ol the Note having demanded lore- closure lor the purpose ol satlsly- ing said debt; and by authority con­ tained in Iho Order Allowing Fore­ closure ol Deed ol Trust signed on the 6th day ol September, 2002, as Ihe result ol a hearing in the lore- closure belore the Clerk ol Supe­ rior Court (02 s p 178): and al the request ol the owner and holder ol the Note secured by Ihe aloremen- tioned Deed ol Trust, Blanco Tackabery Combs & Malamoros, P.A., Substitute Truslee. will oiler •V : lor sale to the highest bidder at i;; public auction at the courthouse i door ol the Davie Counly Court- I house. Mocksville, North Carolina. I on Monday. September 30. 2002, I at 11:00 a.m., the real estate lo­ cated in the County ol Davie, be- ! ing more particularly described as lollows: BEGINNING al an iron set in the Northeast corner ol the wilhin-de- scribed tract, said iron lying South 20"30'38" West 62.9 leet Irom an axle lound in the south side ol a creek, said axle being Ihe North­ west corner ol Paul G. Hendrix (DB 95, page 580); thence Irom the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING Soulh 20"30’38" West 175.69 leet lo an iron. Southeast corner ol the within-described tract; 'i thence North 83"00'23" West 50.37 leel lo an iron; Ihence conlinuing I north 83"00'23" 204.63 leet to an 1 iron, the Southwest corner ol the a' within-described tract; thence North P 20"30'38' Easl 175.69 leet to an f iron; Ihence Soulh 83''00'23" East ' , 255.00 leet lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contaln- ¿/ ing 1.00 acre, more or less, as sur- , ‘ veyed by John Richard Howard, I ,. RLS, and being a portion ol the May j! Renolds (Kooniz) property (DB ' 128. page 600). TOGETHER wilh Ihe above- described tract is conveyed as a perpetual, non-exclusive easement ol ingress, egress and regress, which easement has its weslern j. boundary the lollowing courses t j and distance: Beginning al an Iron, I said iron lying North 13“23'53" Wesl 32.89 leet Irom an iron in Ihe Northeast corner dl T.E. Tinsdale (DB 126, page 643); thence Irom the POINT AND PLACE OF BE­ GINNING with the western bound­ ary ol the easement, North 15»40'29" East 253.54 leet to an iron in the boundary in Ihe one-acre tract described above; thence with the Northern edge ol the easement North 83"00'23” West 50.37 leet to an iron, the Northeast corner ol Ihe within-described easement; thence with Ihe Eastern boundary ol the easement, South 20»30’38" Wesl 219.51 leet to an Iron set In the edge ol the cul-de-sac known as Camellia Lane; thence South 52»05'27” West 52.71 leet to Ihe POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING, said easement to be appur­ tenant to the lands conveyed herein and to run with the same through the hands ol all persons whomso­ ever. Also conveyed herein being a 60-loot wide strip ol land leading Irom Ihe Southeast corner ot herein described property ol NCSR #1412 and being described as lollows; Lying and being in Clarksville Town­ ship. Davie County, North Carolina and beginning at a point in the cen­ ter ol NCSR #1412, said point be­ ing located South 82 degs. 04 min. East Irom an iron pin, said iron pin being located In the eastern line ot Tillman Dull and being the North­ west corner ol Baker thence Irom said point in center ol said road North 4 degs. 41 min. Easl 419.55 leet to an Iron pin; thence North 0 degs. 11 mln. East 430 leet to an Iron pin; Ihence North 1 degs. 12 min. Wesl 337.05 leel to an iron pin, said Iron pin being located at the southern point ot a cul-de-sac; thence to the center end ol said cul- de-sac 72.92 leet in a northeast­ wardly ditection; thence Irom the cenier end ol said cul-de-sac in a Southeastwardly direction 72.92 leel to an Iron pin; the arc on said cul-de-sac being 91.74 leet; thence South 1 degs. 12 mln. East 357.27 leel lo an Iron pin; thence South 0 degs. 11 min West 220.00 leet to an Iron pin; thence Soulh 0 degs. 11 min.West181.16leettoapolnl; Ihence South 4 degs. 41 min. West 38.09 leet to an iron pin; thence Soulh 4 degs. 41 min. West 200 leel to an Iron pin; Ihence South 4 degs. 41 mln. West approximately 200 leet to a point In Ihe cenier ol said NCSR #1412 and being 60 leet in width and being conveyed to Ihe grantees Irom the grant­ ors as is hereinabove set lorth with each Individual tract ol property adjoining said 60-loot wide strip ol land and the owners thereol hav­ ing in perpetuity rights ol ingress, regress and egress to NCSR #1412 by way ol this 60-loot wide strip ol property, wilh the exception ol the two tracts ol land being located on the southern end ol said strip ol land and having access to NCSR #1412. The sale shall be made subject lo any and all laxes including taxos which are a lien against the prop­ erty though not yet due or payable, and any special assessments, easements, rights ol way. restric­ tions ol record, and prior deeds ol trust. The highest bidder at the sale may be required to make deposil by cash or check ol up lo live (5%) percent of Ihe bid, or $750,00, whichever is greater, at the lime the bid is accepted, and the remaining balance upon conlirmation ol the sale. The sale will be reported lo Ihe court and will remain open lor ad­ vance or upset bids lor a period ot ten (10) days. II no advance bids are liled with the Clerk ol Court, Ihe sale will be conlirmed. This the 6th day ol September, 2002. Blanco Tackabery Combs & Matamotos, P.A., Subsitute Trustee By Bowen C. Houll, Attorney 9-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Administra­ tor ol the Estate ol EVA LEE CRANFILL, lale ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo preseni Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 26th day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the Iirsl day ol publicalion or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery All persons indebled to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 26th day ol August. 2002. Disa J. Caudle, ADMN 1520 Union Grove Church Rd. Yadkinviiie, NC 27055 9-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execulrix ol the Estate ol LAWRENCE E. MOBERLY, SR., late ol Davie County this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 26lh day ol De­ cember, 2002, being three (3) monihs Irom Ihe lirst day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day ol August, 2002. Sandra M. Hadley EXEC 400 Tot Street Mocksvilie, NC 27028 9-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as the Execu­ tor ol the Eslale ol JOHN FRANKLIN PENRY, JR., late ol Davie County this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe un­ dersigned on or belore Ihe 19th day ol December, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery All persons Indebted to said eslale will please make Immediate payment to the un­ dersigned. This 19lh day ol September, 2002. James Anihony Penry, EXEC 1111 Haynes St., Sie. 205 Raleigh, NC 27604 9-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol salo contained in a certain Deed ol Trusl made by Robert T. Lauwers, Jr. and wile, Christine A. Lauwers (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Armando Garcia-Cruz and Pedro Garcia-Cruz) lo Michael L. Riddle, Truslee(s), dated the 22nd day of November, 2000, and recorded in Book 352, Page 457, Davie County Registry, North Caro­ lina, delault having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens. PA, having been substi­ tuted as Truslee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice ol the Regisler ot Deeds ot Davie County North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed lhal the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at Ihe Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina al 11:30 A.M. on October 4, 2002 and will sell to Ihe highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate si'uate in the Counly ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lol­ lows: Boing all ol Lot No. 288 as shown on map entitled "A Subdivi­ sion lor Erwin Mills, Inc.. Cooleemee. North Carolina. " pre­ pared by Pickell and Pickell Engi­ neers. Greenville. S.C.. in April 1953, which map is recorded in the ollice ol the Register ol Deeds lor Davie Counly, North Carolina, in Plat ВоокЗ, Page 11, 12. 13 and 14 to which relerence is hereby made lor a more particular descrip­ tion. Together with improvements located thereon; said property be­ ing located at 317 Marginal Street, Cooleemee, North Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party thal per­ son must pay Ihe tax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance -AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor Ihe holder of Ihe note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, ol bolh. being loreclosed. nor the oflicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either Ihe Trustee or the holder of the note make any-represenla- tlon ol warraniy relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions exisling in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating lo any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all laxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. This 11th day ol Seplember, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee PO. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 9-19-21П NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ lrix ol the Estate ol MARY BOGER SEATS, late ol Davie County, this is to nolily all persons having claims against said eslale to present them to the undersigned on or belore Iho 5th day ol December, 2002, being Ihree (3) monihs Irom the lirst day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 5th day ol September, 2002. Rebecca S. Allen, EXEC 917 Farminglon Road Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5- F O R S A L E : Cars • Truclts Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All S iz e D o g L ots 336-751-3442 Mocksviile, NC UilSSCORVgR MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E In Fork Cod. todayl (336) 888-8810 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, R. Gregory Tomchin, Substitute Truslee, gives notice that Ihe herelnalter de- . scribed real property will be sold at public auction, and wilh respect to such sale, allirms the lollowing lads: The herelnalter described real property will be sold under a power ol sale contained In that certain Deed ol Trust executed and deliv­ ered by John Q. Steele, Sr. and Alice A. Steele, both deceased, dated June 10,1999, and recorded in Book 305 al Page 475 in Ihe Davie Counly Registry and be­ cause ol delault having been made in Ihe payment ol the indebledness secured by said Deed ol Trust and lailure to do and perlorm Ihe stipu­ lations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant lo the de­ mand ol the owner and holder ol the indebtedness secured by said Deed ol trust, Ihe undersigned R. Gregory Tomchin, Substitute Trustee, will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder lor cash Ihe real property, together with Ihe improvements thereon, which is located in Davie County and is described as lollows: All that certain parcel ol land situated in CITY OF MOCKSVILLE being known as 'BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS E7-12, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS METES AND BOUNDS PROP­ ERTY AS SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK 111, PAGE 382, RE­ CORDED ON 8/4/80," and being more lulty described in Deed Book 111 Page 382 recorded on 08/04/ 1980 among Ihe land records ol Davie County, NC. The property subject to loreclo- sure includes all improvements lo­ cated thereon. The address ol the real property is: 116 Laird Rd„ Advance, NC 27006 The preseni record owner(s) ol said property are: John O. Steele, Jr., Alice L. Steele, Florence S. Steele, Terry A. Sleele, and Dorothy E.S. Barker, the heirs at law ol John Q. Steele, Jr. and Alice A. Steele, bolh de­ ceased The lerms of the sale are lhal all ol said property will be sold as a whole or in such parts or parcels thereol as are separately described in the Deed ol Trust, lor cash, and Ihat Ihe undersigned R. Gregory Tomchin, Substitute Trustee, may require the successlul bidder at the sale to immediately deposit cash in Ihe amounl ol live percenl (5%) ol the amount bid or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00). II the re­ quired deposit is not made by the highest bidder al such sale, Ihe bid ol such delaulling bidder shall be rejecled and Ihe property shall im­ mediately be resold at public auc­ tion at the same time and place. DATE OF SALE: September 30, 2002 TIME OF SALE: 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF SALE: Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, North Carolina The property hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold subject to any and all prior liens and encum­ brances, including taxes and spe­ cial assessments. The'sale will be held open lor ten (10) days lor up­ set bids as required by law. Date ol Notice ol Sale: Septem­ ber 6, 2002. R. Gregory Tomchin, Subsli­ tule Truslee 2813 Collsgale Road, Suile 200 Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 442-1010 9-19-21n Ш Ш I T U E S D A Y I I 7 :0 0 ÍPM ¡j Yadkin Mooát Lódy j I Clip 'm M iF o r i m f t d r I A fiMnd for TWO J MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL FALL IS COMJNGI Bobcat, aeratot cote uluuaet «I nior« lor rem lodavi i > > . 7 51 -2 3 04 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapter 160A, Article 19, Section 160-A-364 ol the Gen­ eral Statutes ol North C arolina nd pursuant lo Article 11, Seclion 4, ol the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, that Ihe Town Board ol Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING in the Town Hall, Mocksville, NC, al 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Oc­ tober 1, 2002. The Town ol Mocksville will con­ sider rezoning approximalely 25 acres ol land to Campus Business (CB) II approved lor annexation into - the town ol Mocksville corporale limils. This property is located oil the north side ol Allen Road across Irom Soulhpoini Industrial Park, ap­ proximately 1/2 mile west ol US Hwy 601, and is lurther described as Parcel 84 ol Davie Counly Tax Map G-3. All parlies and interested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to be heard in lavor ol or in opposi­ tion to the loregoing changes. Prior lo Ihe hearing, all persons inter­ ested may obtain any additional inlormation on the proposal by vis­ iting the Planning Departmeni in the Davie County Administration Build­ ing, Mocksvillo, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by lelephone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning NORTHCAROLINA 9-19-2m DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol RONALD C. McKNIGHT. late ol Davie County this is to notily all persons having claims against said eslale to present them to the undersigned on or belote the 12lh day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publication ot this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to Ihe under­ signed. This the 12lh day ol September, 2002. June P. McKnight 393 McKnight Advance. NC 27006-6640 NORTHCAROLINA 9-12-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE As required by lederal and state laws, this notice is to inlorm all workers and building occupants and/or their legal guardians about asbestos in school buildings. Any­ one who wishes to see the asbes­ tos liles may conlaci Ihe school or call Tom Evans, Davie Counly Schools Maintenance Department. 336-751-1991. This the 12th day ol September, 2002. NORTHCAROLINA 9-19-2tn COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ tor ol the Estate ol SHIRLEY S. SPRY, late ol Davie County this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 5lh day ol December, 2002, being three (3) months Irom Ihe lirst day ol publicalion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 29lh day ol August, 2002. Jellrey Sealord Lambe 5655 NC Highway 801 South Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 9-5-4tn GENE TR E X LE R I ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 G A L U A L U M E 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 HUID-STATE METAIS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol HARLEY J. KIRKPATRICK, late ol Davie County, North Carolina, Ihe under­ signed does hereby notily all per­ sons, lirms and corporalions hav­ ing claims against the Estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the un­ dersigned al the ollice ol her attor­ ney, 3325 Healy Drive, Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27103, on or belore the 13th day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, lirms and corporations In­ debted to the said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day ol September, 2002. Edith M. Kirkpatrick, Execulrix ol Ihe Estate ol Harley J, Kirkpatrick; Scolt K. Tippett, Attorney lor Executrix, House and Tippett, PLLC 9-12-4ШNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Administra­ tor ol the Estate ol JAMES F, BRACKEN, deceased, late ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, this Is lo notily all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or belore Ihe 191h day ol December, 2002, said date being at least Ihree months Irom the dale ol lirst publication of this notice, or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 19th day ol September, 2002, the same being Ihe lirst pub­ lication dale. Billy Weatherman, Administrator ol Ihe Estate ol James F Bracken Grady L. McCiamrock. Jr., NCSB #7866, Attorney lor the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 9-19-41П NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE -Д CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ tor ol the Estate ol ALICE D. HINCKLEY AKA ALICE DEPASS HINCKLEY lale ol Davie Counly, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to preseni them lo the undersigned on or belore the 19th day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the Iirsl day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to Ihe under­ signed. This 19th day ol Seplember, 2002. Robert M. Slephenson, Jr. 46 Beacon Hill Road Columbia, SC 29210-5663 9-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as the Admln- Islratrlx ol the Eslale ol JOHN F. SPARKS, late ol Davie County, this Is 10 nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 19th day ol December, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months Irom the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This 19th day of September, 2002. Madeleine S. Sparks, ADMN СТА 466 Spillman Road Mocksville, NC 27026 9-19-4tn C A S H PAID FOR ANTIOUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road-MiKksville (336) 284-2826 Skid steer Work Trencher Work Hauling Lotder 1)8 - 1)ЛУ1Е COUN I'Y ENTERPRISK RECORD. Sepl. 26. 2002 Public Notices NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 02 CVD 342 Davie Counly, Plaintill. vs. Thelma Norman Culhrell, Delendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PRO CESS BY PUBLICATION TO: Thelma Norman Culhrell TAKE NOTICE thal a pleading seeking reliel againsi you has been filed in the above entitled aclion. The nature ol Ihe relief sought is the collection and/pr loreclosure ol spocial assessments owing on property localed in Davie County, North Carolina, and being de­ scribed and designated as lollows: Being Inlormally known as Tax Parcel J501OC0010 pursuant to the current Davie County Tax f»1aps. You are requested to make de- lonSQ to such pleading no later than Ihe 29th day ol October, 2002, said date being 40 days Irom Ihe lirst publication ol Ihis notice; and upon your failure to do so. the party seek­ ing service against you will apply to the Court lor the reliel sought. This the 9lh day ol September, 2002, Robert E. Prico. Jr. Attorney lor Plainlill State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL; ROBERT E. PRICE. JR. & ASSOCIATES. P.A. 3400 Healy Drive. Suite B RO. Box 26364 Winston-Salem. NC 27114-6364 Telephone: (336) 760-2870 Facsimile; (336) 760-2479 9-19-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CLOSE A PORTION OF CLEMENT STREET AND MAKE A PORTION OF CLEMENT STREET ONE-WAY TAKE NOTICE lhat Ihe Board ol Commissioners ol the Town ol Mocksville will hold a public hear­ ing on the 17th day ol October. 2002, al 7;30 p.m. at the Town Hall. . Mocksville. Norlh Carolina, to con­ sider a petition lo close lhat por­ tion ol Clement Sireel running Irom US Highway 64 lo Ihe common corner ol that property ownod by Mocksville First Presbyterian Church (USA) and Central Carolina Bank. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that .11 the hearing Iho Board ol Com­ missioners will consider the clos­ ing ol tho southbound lane ol Clem- ont Street running Irom US High­ way 64 to approximately the middle ol the property owned by Mocks­ ville First Presbyterian Church (USA), and to permit northbound one-way trallic only over the present southbound lane ol thal portion ol Clement Street running Irom US 64 to a point approximately in the middle ol the property owned by Mocksvllle First Presbyterian Church (USA), as an alternative to the dosing ol lhat portion ol Clem­ ent Street abovo described. This 24th day ol September. 2002. TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE By Terry L. Bralley 9-26-4tn ’ H U G E G A R A G E SALE S a tu r d a y ; S « p t 8 a m - 4 p m 2 4 1 6w y n (near hospital) • Ram or r t . 2 8 > " ES t. [ or shir.Q ^ ★★★★★★★★★★★★ I M onth Free Rent W ith 12 M onth Ia u .s c 1/2 M o iith Free W ilh 6 M o nth Lease SPANISH AR M S SALISBU R Y SQUARE FOREST V IL L A G E W EST V IE W COURT 1 .2 & 3 Itedroom G urden & Tawnhou.se U nits •Swim m ing Pool.s •Washcr/Dr>'cr Connections • 1,2 & 2.5 ButhriK)ms •Excellent Location.s •Laundry Facilities On Site •E.xccllcnt Maintenance Slaf Available 24 Hr.s. "C all for Infom iation" (740)633-6124 www.fishcrrciilty.com H appy B irtn aay 277777 • ••••• Fred G rant \ 4'c Love You, Vickie, Pairick, Jamie ct Slephiiiiie GLASSIFIESDS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power and authority contained in that certain Deed ol Trust executed and delivered by BARRIE S. PUESCHEL AND JAMES M. PUESCHEL. dated October 15, 1997. and recorded on Ociober 21. 1097 in the Ollice ol the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davie County. North Carolina, in Book 0264. at Page 0318; and because ol delault in Ihe payment ol the indebtedness se­ cured by said Deed ol Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place lor sale, al public auction, lo Ihe highesi bidder lor cash al the usual place ol sale at the Davie County Courthouse, in Mocksville. Davie Counly. Norlh Carolina, at 11.00 o’clock a.m., on Thursday, tho 10lh day ol October. 2002. that parcel ol land, including improve­ ments thereon, situated, lying and being in the City ol Advance. County ol Davie. State ol North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as lollows; BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lot Number Ono Hun­ dred Twenty-Five (125) ol Block ■B." Section One (1) ol LaOuinta Subdivision as the same appears on a plat thereol recorded in Map Book 4, al Page 125. Davie County Registry to which relerence is hereby made lor a more particular description. Tho present record owner ol tho loregoing real property is Barrie S. Pueschel and James M. Pueschel. the real property described herein­ above has a street address ol 256 La Quinta Drive. Advance. Davie County, North Carolina 27006. At the consummation ol the loreclo­ sure sale, the Substitute Trustee reserves Ihe right to require a cash deposit or a certified check not to exceed the greater ol live percent (5%) ol the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars (S750.00). In the event that the Owner and Holder is exempt Irom paying the same, the successlul bidder may also be required to pay lor revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, any Land Trans­ ler Ta*. and Ihe tax required by N.C.G.S. Section 7A-308 (a)(1). This property shall be sold sub­ ject to all unpaid taxes, prior lien(s) and spocial assessments. As re­ quired by law. the sale shall be open lor a period of ten days. This salo may be upset by placing an upset bid within said ten day pe­ riod ol time, in the amount required by law. This the 12lh day ol September, 2002. William Wall Petlil Substitute Trustee 9-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Co-Ex- ecutrixes ol the Estate ol CEDRIC V. SMOOT, late of Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 26th day ol Decem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said esiate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 26th day ol August, 2002. Hazel McDaniel Smoot 627 Duke Whittaker Road Mocksville. NC 27028 Mary Lou Coley 271 CV Smoot Lane Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Marlin & Van Hoy LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 9-26-4tn Yard Sales 324 CEN TER ST, Cooleemee Sept. 27lh & 28th, from 7-2:00. Under carport-Rain or Shine! 3 FAMILY YARD Saie-Saturday 8-unlil. Lots ol girls and boys in- lanl and toddler clothes, housewares, NASCAR, Camel collectibles, kitchen table w/ 5 chairs, women's clothes, toys, slulled animals, and much more. Rain Cancels! 302 Boger Rd. (at dead end). Hwy 158 between Rainbow and Pinebrook School Rd. 315 R0LLINC3 HILLS Lane. Sep­ tember 28th. 8am until. 820 FARMINGTON RD. Friday & Saturday. Sept. 27 & 28,8-2 tiller, airstepper, air conditioners, cloth­ ing, household and more. Rain date October 4th & 5th. BIG YARD SALE, Friday & Sat­ urday. Womens clothes 16-22, Household furniture, what-nots, lamps and much, much more. Com e rain or shine. 951 Farminglon Rd. 1 1/2 miles on Farmington Rd. from 158. BIG YA RD SALE, Friday and Saturday. Sept. 27lh & 28th. Big­ gest sale ever 138 Kinder Lane off Howardtown Circle. Watch for signs. Beenie Baby Collection awesome just lo see, plus furni­ ture and appliances, ends up liv­ ing room couch. 2 chairs, TV, washer, chairs, clothes; Men woman & children, toys, pickup truck, 1980 Eldorado Cadillac. Motor home good condition, to many items to menlion. Come & see! No early Birds. 8am-unlil. C ARO LYN 'S CO LLECTIBLES Highway 601 SOUTH 336-751-6252 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTM AS C H IL D R E N 'S CLO TH ING , B O YS and Girls, Baby and Tod­ dler sizes and sizes 4-8. Lots of toys, kids lurnilure. lawn mower, bicycles, household ilems, etc. Rain or shine. Saturday, 7am- 12:30. 403 Kingsmill Drive. Oak Valley. C REEKVIEW CONSIG NM ENT Bait & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10;00am-6:00pm, Now accepting lurnilure. 1430 801S beside 4th Creek. 336-751 - 4507. Dee's Antiques on Iho Greon...hlll 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 Labor Day Sale Now In Progress. Great pricos thoughout the ShopI New Items arriving dailyll "A little something lor everyone" Wc buy Estates...one Item or alll We also buy "your unwanted" Items. Just give us a callll Sell it fa.st unci earn some profit-s in the L'la.s.sirieds! Plca.se place ad by 10:30am Tue.sday. Call Tammy at 751-2129 to start running your ad! G A R A G E D O O R S METAL WOOD INSTALLATION ■ PARTS ACCESSORIES • SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Bobby GIntlMr (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 9 8 6 Mocksville. NC Yard Sales FRIDAY & Saturday, 27th & 28th, 8:00-1:00, 916 Hardison St. 9th house past S. Davie. Ladies size 12 Levi's, girls large snow bibs. Childrens & Adult clothes, bed­ spreads, curtains, sheets, chairs, tables, sink and cabinet, jewelry, lot of baskets and more. FRFd AY 8:0d-67ob & SAT U R ­ DAY 8;00-12:00, Gun Club Rd. olf Hwy. 158. Lots & Lots of Bar­ gains. Priced to Go. GOT TO S E E this one. Huge Multi-Family Yard Sale, Friday & Saturday. 27th & 28th, 7;Q0am until. Furniture, lamps, appli­ ances, greal stuff, no junk. 144 Montclair off of Baltimore Rd. living room & dinirig room suils, baby items, boys & girls clothes, petite womens, silk llowers, wed­ ding decor. Rain Cancels. SATURDAY, 9/28,1935 junclion Rd. near Jockey. Collectibles, clothes, furniture, sports cards, toys & much more. 7am-1pm. SATURDAY, KIDS CLOTHES, 6 months-7 years. Ladles Clothes. Toys, Furniture, Misc. 881 Shellield Rd. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 8 T 7:00- 2:00, Huge 4 family garage sale, 174 W oodburn Place, Creekwood. SEPTEM BER 28,^ 1948 & 1951 Angell Rd. (across from each other). From Mocksville, take 601 north, 7 miles. Turn right on Angell Rd. (just pasl Jim s Fruit Market) and go 1.2 miles (look lor sign). 14' Jon Boat. 2 truck tool boxes (1 melal. 1 liberglass), gun rack, women's clothes, shoes, candles, olfice chairs, tools, jew­ elry, bedding, ski bibs. Christmas decorations, canning jars, and lots more! Some "free” items. Rain or Shine! SEP TEM B ER 28-fH S’TARTS at 8 o'clock. Baby Clothing, girls age 0 to 18 months, furniture, etc. 150 Oakland Ave. Mocksville. SEVEN FAMILY YARD SaTi Fri­ day & Saturday, Sept. 27th & 28th, 8:00am. Rain or Shine. 5 miles Soulh ol Mocksville at Greasy Corner turn right. Men's clothes, household items, women's plus sizes, girl's clothes all sizes, houseplants, lurnilure, books, toys, and Christm as Decorations. D E E 'S ANTIQUES ON THE GREEN...HILL 733 G REEN ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 336-492-6450 OR 800-234- 1393. Fall is upon us and it's time to Redecorate! Check out Dee's...we have furniture and accessories made to last a lifetime!!! GREAT SA LES throughout the shop!!! "A little something for everyone" We buy Estates...one item or alll! We also buy "your unwanted" items. Just give us a call!! J&J SERVICE Onsite Forklift Repair Mocksville, NC 336-751-5372 C ell 3 3 6 - 4 0 6 - 6 7 5 4 J o e T ulb erl/O w ner 3 B u i l d i n g L o t s F o r S a l e In Ihe Fork C hurcli C om m unity Localed o n /o ff o f C edar G rove C hurch Road OK for doublewide, modular or site built homes • Lo tl-U N D ER C O N TR A a - 40.000t/-sf with road frontage, waler meterS, leptic system-S25.000 • Lot J - UNDER CONTRACT ■ 1 + acre wilh rood fiontage. well & septic sysiem - $25,000 • Lol 3 -1.2 acres receni survey & perked.Great view. Price includes coumy water & septic system - $25,000 ‘All acreage lub/eci lo final suivey Contact Robert Slone (Owner/Broker) ot Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 Abortion Alt. Call Tammy Kowalski by Tuesday i0:30am to place your ciassiliccl 751-2129! D AVIE P R E G N A N C Y C A R E Center offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, supporl ser­ vices. and referrals. Make a healthy choice for your life! Call 753-HOPE for appointment. H U G E M U LT I-FA M ILY yard Sale. Friday 9/27 & Salurday 9/ 28. 8am-until. Furniture, lots of baby equipmenl. Clothes, Toys (crib & changing table-like new). Women's clothing, lots ot miscel­ laneous. 221 Dreamscape Ln, off Four Corners Rd. & 801. HUGE y a r d " S/Tl E^ Saiurday; Sept. 28, 8:00am-until, Camel items, Winston, New Furniture, from tools to baby dolls. Some­ thing for everyone. 1136 Beauchamp Rd. off Baltimore Rd. MULTI-FAMILY YA RD SALE, Saturday, Sept. 28th, 7am-1pm, Clothes, Furniture, Baby items, loys a more. 145 Beauchamp Rd.. Advance. SAT U R D A Y 9/28, 8-12. First United Methodist Church in Mocksville. old Fellowship Hall. SATURDAY 9/28,8:00AM. High­ way 64W to Center Circle (2nd Road on right pasl Center vFD) Animals RABBITS-ALL COLORS, Regu­ lar or Flopeared, great lor pets, eating size or training dogs $800. 336-751-5587. THREE FREE POT Bellied Pigs, 492-5424. _________________ Apartments 2BDRM APT lor malure adulls who enjoy 24 hour security, yard maintenance and paid utilities. Quiet & peaceful. Mocksville. Convenient. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. Cedar Rock Assisted Liv­ ing Community LARG E 1 BEDROOM Apt. Wa­ ter/Sewer, Trash, Furniture, Downtown Mocksville. No Kids. Pels, or Hud. 704-278-1717. M O C KSVILLE SU N SET T E R ­ RACE; All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball courl a swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy eldcient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV a phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchena bath floors. Located in Mocksville behind Ihe old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunsel Dr. ofl ot Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10- 12. Phone 751-0168. VIN EYARD BRO O K, H A N ES Mall Area, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes with screened porch & $495 mo, Hubbard Rlty, 723- 4306. Card Of Thanks CONGRATULATIONS TO JIM and Ann King who recently cel­ ebrated their 50th Anniversary on September 7th. The Kings reside in Oak Valley._________________ Child Care STAY AT HOME Mom willing to watch Belore/Afler school chil­ dren in the Cornatzer School Area. 998-9504. STAY HOME MOM will babysit in my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rates - 940- 6664. WILL KEEP KIDS after school in the Mocksville Elem. School Dis- tricl. 998-1681.________________ Condos for Sale CONDO-2BR, 2BA, New Carpet a paint, off Peace Haven Ro in Winston. $79,900. 940-5306. Construction Equip BO BCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Health Homes For Rent 3br, 2ba-Mavance-!tit)UU/mo 4Br, 3Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 2Bi, lBa-Advance-$750/mo 2Br, 2Ba-Winston-Salem Condo-$750/mo 3Br, 2Ba-Winston-Salem-$800/ mo 4Br, 2Ba/w Bldg-$800/mo 3Br, 2Ba - Mocksville-$800/mo Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 101 sd F L E Y A V E .4 B a i.5 B A i Big Yard, No pets, no HUD. $600/ mo w/$600 sec deposit, Mocksvllle Town Limits. 998- 4616. 2BR, IB A , CEN TRAL Heat & AC, Fenced Yard, outbuilding, NO HUDl 704-278-1717. 3BR, 'lB A IN Cooieerrie^^^ HUD accepted. 998-9242 or 336-749- 8387. 3BR, 2.5BA, G A RA G E plus 2 outbuildings. No Pets, Non- smoker, $800/mo., 998-3636. 4BR, 2 FULL Ba'lhs,' luirBase- ment with ponds, rent with option to buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FO R A LiSTlN G of available rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Estate Seclion- Howard Really- 751-3538 M Y E R S PA R K IN Mocksville, New Construction, 1,2 and 3BFt homes, several floor plans to choose. $495-$750 mo., 10% off rent special if move in by 9/30/ 02. Hubbard Realty, 723-4306, Homes For Sale 1 ST TIME HOME BU YERS gov­ ernment finance program. Low. Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. 1 ST TIME HOME Buyers, I have Government finance program with Low Down Payments. I can help you own a new home. Call Mark Everhart. 336-751-1571, pager 336-238-8602. A SSU M E A B LE G O V T LOANS, Many homes to choose Irom, Get approved by phone. All Apps. accepted-plus 1st time buyers. Call 704-883-9997. BEAUTIFUL 3BR, 2BA on acre lot. Small transfer fee and move in. Call 704-878-0147. ' BILL'C O N SO LibA TiO N WITH the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. C APE CO D HOME, 1930 sq. It., 3BR. 28a. Normal Building Cost $125.400.00. September Only $75.000.00. Built on your lot! Call 1-866-624-7457 or 336-751- 7340. FO R SA L E ...B Y bV\iNER, $99.000. 1900 sqft, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ place, lg living room, den, cov­ ered front porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basement with work area, brick with central air. Call for appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. H ELP SAV E“MY“ c7edi’t,'3BR, 2BA, Nice neighborhood. A s­ sume payments. Call 704-883- 9997. M O D U LA R HOME, 7/12 roof, insulated windows, much more! Normal Cost $75,000.00. Buill on your Lot $57,950.00, September Only! 336-751-7340 or 1-866- 624-7457. M O DULAR H O M ES ON your lot shipped direct- Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356. M O DULa F h O ^ E S STARTiNG at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. LO SE 2-8 LBS. EVERY WEEK! 100% Sale-100% Guaranteed. Joe Tulberl-Herbalife. 336-751- 5372, 336-406-6754. www.HerbalifeEarth.com "FO R SING LE PARENTS Only!" Special financing for you and your family 2 ,3 ,a 4 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per monlh. Only 7 units lell. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179. Bank - Ordered A M С T I О И S 170+FO RECLO SU RE H O M ES Selling By Order OfThe Mortgagee’sThru » Out NC & SC * Many InThlt Area W*dne»d4y, Octnbcr 9 Q 7:00 PM • Aihford Suitet h40 >«U l»210. Hwy 4B. 3901 S«dgebfool« Dr. » HIGH POINT. NC Mo6<avAi.NC Proa« «405. 266IUS Hwy ¿01 So Across from the Auto Auction • Mobile Home co .66 ♦/• acre LOCAL AGENT; BrvndaGtiwm GotdKcyRealty.336.249-8l00or336.22SW)9 OF TF.XAN Open For Н1ЛШ& MARSHALL INSPECTIONГом«« SATÍSUN.0CT 5ii-lrom I IO l.CilltordcUili ¡m¡S!, _______w w w . h u d s o n a n d m a r s h a il, c o m 800-441- 940! A U C T IO N YADKIN COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY 15 VEHICLES * OFFICE EQUIPMENT UX.'A'nOM-'KO.MVADKlNVll.lJ-:: Кплп C<iuithiKM>,Kti>icKtiinMuin St.(Oldilm.42l). I l/2niUi^sbr^ildt(AliiUI>ukelHmvrBuflilini{)TEfìMS CiSHOfìA/'moVTDatCCK iiocutcf»u/ifcfìK*jJ АиЛпмгм япу (âxnfWOM or ПХП#ЖМ ri «A«rter о V ir dry AUurB or cbMuis F R E D G . M O C K , A U C T IO N E E R # 2 1 ____________<336) в9»342в . ----- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 - D9 Ï naEXEEWSIVE FBOFTEABLE Homes For Sale Lots for Rent Mobile Home/Sale Recreational Travel Employment MUST SELL 3BR a 2BA. Credit No Problem. I can help. Low monthly payments. Call Mark Everhart. 336-751-1571, Pager 336-238-8602. NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4BR, 2BA, 3 to choose from, $600 down/move in today, no pay­ ments unlil January, 2003. Call 704-883-7706. SPLIT FOYER, SBR, 2.5BA, 2 acres, near qoll course, $135,000 FIRM. 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. 751-5614. SPLIT LEVEL HOME-Beaulifu! 3BR/2BA split level home, over 1 acre, rent 2 own-or sale. Moving now, can't make payments of $600 per month, (iail 704-928- 2066. TAKE OVER PAYm W s Home is ready lo move in. Call Mark Everhart. 336-751-1571, pager 336-238-8602. TR U E M O D U L A R H O M E S- Huge Savings! For Lilerature. Call 1-800-322-8679. M H L0T$160/month. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, olf Hinkle Dr. (off Hwy 601 South) Mocksville, 697-1482. N EW A D D IT IO N TO Shady Acres MH Park. Re-landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces left. 998-8276/ 998- 8222.________________________ Miscellaneous ANTIQUE DOORS, LIGHT Fix­ tures, stove, picture, books, misc. small items for sale. Call 940- 2895. Messages will be returned. 14X80 O W NER FINANCING , 3BR, $267 pmt. 336-240-8415. 1 ST TIME buyers prog. No credit needed, free qualilication by :ONE, (704) 857-phone. HOME Zi 0157. D EER A PPLES $4.50/BUSHEL. 336-945-3874. $157MONTH. 3Br/2 Baal!ap­ pliances, furnished. New heal pump. 767-4319 ?B A D CRE^Dlf? With reason^ able deposil loan approved in minules. Will do what others can't. 767-4319 W E SAY YESI ABANDONED H0M E.“¥ F r7 2 ba. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some owner financing. 336661-1163 LO CAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Directv. Single System $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. ST E E L b uTl d Tn g s s u ^ ¥r Clearance, 25 x 32,35 x 56,50 x 224. Lowest Prices Guaranteed from Americas Best. Financing. - - .................. 1-800-222-6335.______________ --------------------------------- Mobile Home/Rent Land For Sale 2BR, 2Ba, Flre--------------------------------------- place. Just remodeled (carpel, vinyl flooring, paint), no indoor pets, 3 occupant limit, $500/mo plus deposit, water Included. NO HUD. 998-2931. MODULAR HO M ES on your lol. Shipped direct- Save $$ For free literature, call 1-888- 689-6356. 1.09 A C R ES $12,900. Near 140 exit 162 olf Highway 64. Left Battle Rd., Lelt Paved Garden Valley Rd. Manufactured Home OK. 704-528-9593. Please Leave Number. 2 7 A C R E S 'o F F 'B u cirS e llo rd Rd. $10,000 per acre. 772-260- 3451. LÀ ND FO R“sÂLÈ-2.53racresTn Yadkin Co. Forbush Elem School District. Private all wooded 15 min. from Winston-Salem. Prime Properly Location. $16,000/ per acre. 336-961-6296. Lawn Care C AM ILLE G A R D E N S & signs Pansies, Mum s, Pum pkins, Planis, house signs. From Mocksville take hwy. 601N lo Ijames Church Rd then left on Grannaman Dr. E J MOW ING SERVIC E Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedeating 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 LET M E GET UP your leaves. CHEAP!!!!! 284-4381.__________ Lost & Found FOUND FEM ALE CHIHUAHUA. Call lo identify. 284-6386. Lots For Rent D O U B L E W ID E S A N D SINGLEW IDE LOTS tor rent in Farminglon Heights. Nice large lols and quiet Communily. First month's lot rent FREE. Call 769- 0755 or pager 208-3203 or 998- 5462 2BR, 1BA JU ST oul of Davie Counly, $375/mo, $350;deposit. 704-546-2089, call alter 6pm. 2B”r,1 BA M O BILE Home on V 2 acre lot near Lee Jean. $425/ mo plus deposit. 492-5897. i2B R ,T e a ,“m o b il e Ho^^^ private lot. $375/mo security de­ posil required 336-399-8084. 3BR, liSB A s in g l e w id e , hear Jockey. $400/mo. $400/deposit 284-4877 alter 5pm FURNISHED, '2 B R , private lot, no pets, 3 people limit, $400/mo plus deposit a references. 284- 4986. LA RG E LOT VN^uleTPark7Se- curity Lighting, paved streets a parking, cable TV available. $150/mo. plus deposit. 998-4588. NICE 2BR, 2BA, on 1 acre pri­ vate lot. Cenlral heal and air, washer/dryer. $400.00/monlh plus $400.00 deposit. 336-751- 2532. Pr FVW E LOTrSB^R, 1.5BA, Lo- cal 918-4111, Home 828-478- 9416, Leave Ivlessage. R EA D Y f o lf l^ Y ln : '2br up­ stairs apt. furnished w/ furniture, all utilities. $550/month. 751- 1218 MORTGAGE CO HAS SW S AND DW ’S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. P ^ $485 and lees and move in. Ciall 1-800-750- 4588. OW NER Fl N A NCTN G AVAI l^- ABLE. 3br/2bahom e. 1800 sq fl. 450/ monlh. Reasonable Dep 661-1163_______________ W ELCO M E AREA. R EA D Y to move in. 2000 Redmon 14x72, 2BR, 2BA, Stove, Refrig., Heal Pump. Candlewood Mobile Home Park behind Food Lion. $13,500, 828-632-5265. PIANO TUNING a Rebuilding Self-players, Sales a Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 RepaWn^^ Pets to 8pr SOON TRAILERS IN COURTNEY area. Let a single or couple family lo work 3 hours a day. No Drugs or Alcohol! NONE AT ALL to work with me 3 hours a day! More than 1 trailer. 336-463-4995. PUBLIC AUCTION 122 Acres REAL ESTATE 122 Acres SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5,2002 AT 10:00 AM Directions: From Mocksville - west on 1-40 to North on 1-77 - Exit 65 (Hwy. 901) West 6 1/2 Miles to Left on Souther Road - 1 Mile to Auction Site. Watch for Auction Signs. 1 2 2 A c r e s S u b d iv id e d 5 to 2 3 A c r e T ra c ts County Zoning - Residential & Agricultural - No Deed Restrictions - M ostly Wooded - Tw o Streams on Properly - 2,293 ft. o f Road Frontage on Morgan Ford Road - North Iredell Schools - New Hope Township Term s: Successful Bidder shall deposit 10% o f Purchase Price Day of Auction - Cash or Good Chcck - Balance Due Upon D elivery o f Deed (30 days) - Property w ill be sold "A S IS " - Property W IL L N O T be Sold Subject to Financing! Buyer Must Have Financing Arranged. F in al b id W ill K cniuin Open fo r 10 Duys Гог Upset Bids a.s A llow ed by the C o u rt (C om m issioner’s Sale). This property owned by the T.R. Dowell Estate (died 1999). Commissioner’s Sale ordered by Iredell County Clerk of Court. All bids must lay open for Ten (10) days as provided by the Court. Col. Lonnie Troutm an, Auctioneer Ш 232 Davic Avenue, Statesville, NC 28677 (704) 873-5233 NCAL No. 649 REAi.ion* iroutrnan®i-america.nct FAX (704) 873-2723 REAL ESTATE BROKERS LIQUIDATORS AUCTIONEERS 1998 4 W HEELER, Kawasaki 400CC. 2 Wheel Dr, Many Extras, Exc Cond, $3300.00 -998-7381. Rooms for Rent FURNISHED RM F, Reasonable Rates, Call June 751-0645. Service B&D DESIG N & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COM PLETE HOME IM PROVEM ENT COMPANY • We work to Meel Your Budget! Specializing in additions, renovations, baths, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone a lile work, lighl painting a small repairs. We also do Bobcal work. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workmanship. References available. Free estimates. HARRAH’S CHERO KEE CASINO TRIPS (New) Sat-Day Sept 28th $20/ PP Tues-DayOct 1st$10pp Fri-Day Oct 11th $20/pp Atlantic City Trip-Nov 28th-30th $219pp I/ay Tre Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Vehicles D ILLAR D 'S PAINTING-HATE To Paint? Lei me do il! Call Danny 284-2169. Free Estimates. YADKIN CO., nice Ige lots, sngl. a dblwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, owner finance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 Music DAVE'S MUSIC-EVERYTHING On sale! Layaway now for Chrisl­ mas. Lesson's and repairs avail­ able. Any size guitar and 1 monlh lesson $99.99. 751-1934. NEEDEDi PIANO TEACHER for 3 beginner students. Lessons In my home. People's Creek Area. 998-6597. HERBALIFE INDENDENT DIS- TRIBUTOR-Call me for products and/or Business Opportunity. 336-751-5372, 336-406-6754. www.STulbert@msn.com HONEST, bEPENDABLE, AND CARING Chrisiian woman will sit with elderly 1 st shift. Short or long term assignment. Mocksville Vi­ cinity. Valid Driver's License and own transportation. Character references. Please call 336-751- 1122. 1989 CHEVY S-10, 4 Cyl. 5-sp. nice $1500. 336-751-5007. 1996 CHEV. L U ^ N À L S , loaded, 156k, one owner, good condition. $3400. Call 998-7117. , SÀLlSBU RY M Ò fO R CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ■62 BUICK ELECTRA, all origi­ nal. 998-6097. Call after 5pm. ‘93 CADILLAC FLEETW OOD, 88,000 miles. Black w/ Grey Leather, 1 owner. 998-3636. Wanted LINK’S SE A M L E SS GUTTER­ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 b ^ B ^ R N E ELECT Ric for all your electrical needs. Free tstimales. 751-3398. PERFECT TOUCH CLEANING Service. 998-3533. SIM PLY CO NTENT AT Home Pel Care Service. In your ab­ sence giving you peace of mind allowing your pets to be simply content in Iheir own environment. Service for large a small animals. Bonded, Insured. Glenda Will­ iams 998-8125. FlSH-N-TAILS moved to 740 Yadkinville Rd. to better serve you. Plenty of parking. Hours 10 to 8pm. G R A N D O P E N IN G TIRED A FTER W O R K ? Need someone lo help oul with the cleaning, shopping a errands? Call me! 1 have excellent refer­ ences and excellent rales. 492- 6262. F R E E P U P P IE S! TO good homes. Friendly, mixed Black Labs. About 6 months old. 304 Georgia Rd., Mocksville. 336- 492-5669. w h iTe b o x e r 1=e m a X e ^ppV; Shots, wormed a Regisiered. $250.00. 284-6121. Leave Mes­ sage. TRACTOR W ORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading lor driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loaderwork, field ripping, 6ft. trac­ tor tiller, posl holes 336-492-5174 before 9;00pm. W RIN KLES T^ГYÖUR Carpet? We'll re-stretch or new carpet in­ stallation. Free estimates. (336)998-8402________________ Travel BAILEY AND HOWARD TOURS October 11-13 Nashville, Tn Double $325/pp November 9-l0 Pigeon Forge, TN Annual Holiday and Shopping Trip includes one show, one din­ ner, continental breakfast at mo­ tel, picnic lunch on Salurday, drive thru Winterfest lights, lots of shopping time and baggage lock Assisted Living. 191 Crestview Dr., Mocksville, NC. Phone 751-1515. ATiI M o^nT GROW ING COM ­ PANY needs help. Work from home. $$$ FT/PT. Full training. Free booklet. WWW.adynamilelile.com. 888- 709-8331. handling, double $175/pp, Iriple -------- ---------- , Call$165/pp, quad Helen at 998-4338 OR 336-752-2135. loris at we re- you above the competition in fact, you're eligible for up to th re e p a y ra is es your first year! Our extensive training program provides you with the skills you nood to succeed, plus lols you docide whon you are ready tor more pay/benelits ond more responsibility. And Ihot's just Iho beginning. As a member of our dynamic loam, you'll also benefit from the following: 401K savings plan contribullon - we'll match 25% of your contribution, up lo 6 % of your salary (availoblo after one year of service of at least 1000 hours, must bo at loast 21 years of age. Medical proscription, dental, life and AD& D berMjfits (availablo oUer 120 days oi employment, with at least a 32 hour/ weok average) Employeo assistance program. • Weekly paychecks • Flexible schodutlng • Paid vacations • Employee maal and gift discounts • Slock purchase plan (available lo those at lest 21 years of ago who have completed 90 days of service) Wo aro truly committed to your success as a dodlcatod mombor ol our ionm. At Crackor Barrel, wo iiston io what you 1шуо to say and uso trial (oodback lo make posllivo changes lo your work environment. Whal more could you osk »or?If you are motivated and enthusiastic, witli a passion lor customer sorvico. corr>o In and soo a Managor lodayl We an currently hoUng ton PART TIME HELP COMI IN TODAY AND APPIY.Wf ARf A FAST-MCEO, RJN PIAU TO WORK. W* ora kxMng for НЮН owgy рмр1* Itnl Им to wolfc hard ond moln MOMYtii 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 o w C o u n try s to r e JW o^rem i^quaUpportunit^n^^ C N A N EED ED FO R 3-11shlft. FT/PT. Call Bermuda Village (336) 998-6775, M-F 9-5. C O igCREfE HELPER, T R A M ! req. Drivers license ¿referred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- 2pm for application. EOE E A R n Tn m M E FR O M home. Your own business! Mail-order/ Internet. Full training a Support. Free information. www.123easylife.com 888-240- 2142. D O ES YOUR HO USE Need a facelift? Call 751-3385. Experi­ enced in all areas of home re­ modeling, free estimate included. E L D E R iy LA b W EE D Slive T n caregiver, every other week. Light housekeeping and cooking. Ref­ erences Required. Courlney area in Yadkin Counly. Phone 998- 3017. PA STU R E LAN D & Barn for Horses. Lease or Sale. 768- 1514. W ANTED T O B U Y: PINE OR HARDW OOD.We select cut or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BUY standing tim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. Employment ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, IDEAL Candidate to have com­ puler, typing skills. Schedule is Mon-Fri 9-4. Competitive pay. Ap­ ply in person to Shelia at Cedar Rl EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- time. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hol-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. E X P E R IE N C E D t Ir E CH ANG ER needed. References and drug test required. Send re­ sumes lo; Human Resources, PO Box 1332, Mocksville, NC 27028. GIFT SHOP/PART-TIME (SEV­ E R A L O P E N IN G S) TANGLEW OOD FESTIVAL OF Lights stock merchandise, pro­ vide customer service lo patrons ($6.58/hr. lor Park Asst. 1) or op­ erate cash register, assist w/ daily revenue, vendor reports, and bank deposits ($6.91/hr. for Park Asst. II). Work 25-30 hrs per week, 5;00pm-11 ;00pm. Must be able to work nighls, weekends, and Holidays. Temporary em­ ployment thru January 5th. Req. ability to follow oral and written instructions lor PA 1, plus 6 mos. exp. for PA 11. Apply Forsyth County Human Resources, 8 W. Third St, W-S, EOE or visil on­ line at www.co.forsyth.nc.us. in b ^ E R FU RNlfURE~CO R^ PORATION seeking experienced furniture manufacturing employ­ ees for all departments in Ihe Kernersville plant. Starting salary based on experience and pasl work history. Interested appli­ cants should apply al Hooker Furniture Corporation, 210 N. Main Street, Kernersville, NC 7;30 to 4:00 Monday thru Thurs­ day, 7:00 to 12 on Friday 336- 993-2196. LOOKING FO R W O R K ??? Call Spherion Today!!! We are recruit­ ing lor the JC Penney Dislribu­ lion Cenler, Statesville, NC. SHIPPING/RECEIVING MATERIAL HANDLERS ( O RD ER PULLERS 1st, 2nd a 3rd Shifts. 704-881- 0465. ATTENTION: W O R K FR O M home! Mail Order Business. Needs help immediately. $$$ PT/ FT. Full Training. Free booklet. www.pourondreams.com (888) 219-2278. BMT, LEV EL III, Girls Group Home in Mocksville. Must have High School Diploma. Full or Part time. 336-936-0029. Lordy, Lordij Ur's füuiUy made it to- Forbj! N o w H irin g/ S e v e ra l P o s itio n s •F ork lift O p era to rs •M aterial H andlers •P ro d u ctio n M ech a n ic •B a tc h M ixers A ccepting Apps. this Thurs. Sept.26"' 1 -3 p m a t Employment Security Office OlstenStaffing - Services MATURE EXPERIENCED Farm Worker needed, full time Job on cattle farm in Northern Davie Counly, Must have experience and driver's license. Send age and experience to: Blind Ad, P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028. PA R T -T IM E S IT E M anager needed for elderly apartment complex in Mocksville. Must en­ joy working with people. Duties include, snowing and leasing apartments, processing applica­ tions, contacts with vendors/con­ tractors and rent collections. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume to; GEM Manage­ ment, Inc. 2021 Cross Beam Dr, Charlotte, NC 28217. W ANTED: EXPER IEN C ED IN­ DUSTRIAL Spray Painter pow­ der coaling a wel coaling) tor lo­ cal business second shift. Must be dependable and able to pass drug test. Call 998-2931. 1)10 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 26, 2002 Members ofthe Davie High School homecoming court include, from left: Katherine Marie Smith, Sheena Tanae Smith, Brittany Leigh Walker, Chelsey Marie Smith, Sarah Elizabeth Williams, Megan Suzanne Dwiggins, Ashley Marie Lee, Ashley LaVonna Willis, Nicole Davis Miller, Kristie Vogler. Members of the Davie High School homecoming court include, from left: Jennifer Marie Bokeno, Jennifer Paige Broadway, Shalonda Brown, Candace Nicole Green, Tiffany Lauren Hendricks, Candice Marie James, Sara Eliza­ beth Miller, Vanessa Yvonne Nichols, Kimberiy Dawn Singleton. Hom ecom ing 2002 Q u e e n T o B e C r o w n e d A t H a l f t i m e F r i d a y C ontinued From Page D l as th e ir favorite celebrity or dres.scd for a specific decade. Friday, as tradition dictates, w ill be school color day, w ith seas o f sludents donning orange and black. Spccial activities, including wa­ ter b a llo o n toss, som e guy m akeovers, eraser obstacle coursc and newspaper fashion fling, went on cach day during lunches. Spirit banners made by clubs and sponsored by the Stu­ dent Government Association, dccorated the cafclcria, and the banners w ill be moved Friday to the stadium. Data M atch, spon­ sored by F B LA , was an added treat fo r the students. Spirit competitions happened all week between the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, w ilh spirit points awarded for participation in hall decorating, banners, lunch activities, dress- up days, and class floats, culm i­ nating in a cheer-off at the pep ra lly on Friday. Each student who participated in the dress-up days and registered at the library was entered in the SH AD ES drawing for the car (donated by the DHS P TSA) to be given away at the end o f the school year. An added th rill came from the morning news broadcasts fealur­ ing puppets Homecoming Hank and his new girlfriend. Home­ coming Harriet. M aslcr puppe­ teers were Jeremy Byrd and Su­ san Shortt. The puppets were on loan from the Sonshine Puppet Team from Redland Pentecostal Holiness C huirh. The pep rally on Friday w ill feature a rousing opening num ­ ber performed by the DHS cheer squads, the Dancing Boots, the DHS Steppers, and the DHS Band Flag Squad and w ill in­ clude introductions o f all fall sports teams, the banner parade, games, and a last look al queen nominees. Prior to the football game, queen nominees w ill be honored al a reception hosted by the PTSA under the direction o f Carol Leflw ich. Parents and es­ corts are also invited. Fans planning to attend the game arc rem inded lo arrive carly to gel a seat and to see the arrival o f the homecoming court. Robby D ilm ore w ill provide PT Cruisers for the 6:50 p.m. en­ trance. Reigning queen W hilney Lutz w ill lead the motorcade. Follow ing the cnlrance, the Marching Band, under the direc­ tion o f R oberl P atillo, Kalhy Ferebee, and Jason W hilaker w ill present iheir halftim e show early for the enlcrtainment of the crowd, w ith a performance by the Dancing Bools, under the direction o f Colleen Pitts. The Davie Choral Ensemble, directed by Elaine Snow, w ill perfonn the “ Star Spangled Ban­ ner" follow ed by the band tun­ nel fonnalion for the loolball team's entry as w ell .-is the triple high banner presented by the cheerleading squads. H om ecom ing queen nom i­ nees w ill be presented w ith bou­ quets as Ihey are inlroduced. The JR O TC cadels w ill form an honor guard as a salule lo the nom inees, and the M arching Band w ill o ffe r a serenade of "Is n 't She Lovely?" The crown bearer Ihis year is Morgan W illiam s, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Ben W illiam s. Pre­ senlalion o f the queen's flowers w ill be by Regina London. DHS Teacher o f the Year. Principal Linda C. Bosl w ill preseni the sashes lo Ihe queen and her court. Emma Powers, daughler o f M r. and Mrs. Car)’ Powers, w ill be sash bearer. A fle r the crowning, the queen and her court w ill lour the track in cars owned by Josh Jenkins, M alt M iller, and Judge Jim m y Myers. The Honu'coming Dance w ill be held im m ediately afler the game unlil 11 p.m. A DJ w ill pro­ vide m usic, and refreshmenls w ill be available. Adm ission is S3 for singles and S5 for couples. K ristine Kokoski and Jean W hile, homecoming coordina­ tors, acknowledge the follow ing people who have contributed: Dr. Linda C. Bosl, M ike M or­ gan, Ben W illiam s, Cary Pow­ ers, Lynn Ray, Rexanne Russell, Wayne Harp and the library as­ sistants, Judy M ille r, Buddy Lowery, Keith W hitaker. M ike Hemdon, Elizabeth Bustle and the Student Government, Karen B u y i n g L o g s Church & Church Lumber Company 798 New Browns Ford Road Wilkesboro, NC Price List ($ MBF) International Rule Ash - Paying Up To $600 Red Oak - Paying Up To $900 White Oak - Paying Up To $700 Chestnut Oak - Paying Up To $225 Poplar - Paying Up To $400 Soft Maple - Paying Up To $215 Hard Maple - Paying Up To $600 White Pine - Paying Up To $225 ALSO WANTING TO BUY TIMBER 10 acre minimum Call Us At 336-973-S700 or 336-9S7-0783 GRILL E A T -IN O R T A K E O U T 2203 Hwy. 601 N.,Mocksville.NC P h o n e (3 3 6 )4 9 2 -7 0 6 6 NEW HO UR S! GRILL OPEN Saturday/Sunday / AIIYou Can Eat Breakfast ' Mon.-Sat 5:30 aiii'9pin S t in .7 a in > 9 p m W ' F e rre ll and the flo ric u ltu re classes, Jonathan Frye and the leadership class, Robert Patillo, Kathy Ferebee, Jason W hitaker and Ihe M arching Band, the Flag Squad, C olleen P ills and the Dancing Bools, Elaine Snow and the DHS Choral Ensemble, the DHS P rS A (Christie Schafer - presidenl), Carol Leflw ich, the DHS JROTC, Donna Henderson and the Varsity Cheerleading Squad, Colleen Neace and the JV C he e rle a d in g Squad, Lateisha Sm ilh and ihe Sieppin' Eagles, Angela Stauffer, Bran­ don Owens and the Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church, David Dwiggins, Charles Hayes (pre-game announcer,) and John Campbell (student halftim e an­ nouncer), Jansen V ick, Sonya Talhnon and the Tallm on Fam­ ily, Basil Reed, Pete Ressa, Josh B oyle, Judge Jim m y M yers, M att M iller, John Jackson, and area businesses. WANTED 15 H O M E S T H A T N E E D P A IN T IN G 15 Hotn«own«i», will be glvsn «n opportunity to have the N»w AM» SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their home at special Oitcount prices. No inore costty repair bills or constant Painting costs. . Alvli Spray On Siding CAN EASILY b* appliad over any typa aurfac* Including wood, ttucco, block, or brick. . Alvla Spray On Siding WILL NOT (ad*, crack, pMl, or chalk and carriM ■ LIFETIME WARRANTY, No money down and tarma to (It yourbudgat Why wait? FREE ESTIMATES www,sprayon8iding.com Contact Distinctive Exterior Ci Call Now (336) 774-3852 Helping you get back to the things you enjoy in life. Rehabilitation Center ot Forsyth Martinat Rehab Center At Medical Associates of Davie County 485 Valley Road, Suite 102 Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336/751-8003 Whitaker Rehabilitation Center 3333 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/718-5780 Martinat Rehab Center At PrimeCare 600 Highland Oaks Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/774-0746 Martinat Rehab Center 109 Gateway Center Drive Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: 336/996-7001 Martinat Rehab Center At Hawthorne Medical Plaza 1903 South Hawthorne Road Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336/718-6700 Martinat Rehab Center 865 Westlake Drive Mount Airy, NC 27030 Phone: 336/719-6165 Forsyth Medical C enter n o v a n tHea o Ì ^ ; ..............t •-