12-DecemberDIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 30,2000 Davie Dateline F u n d R a i s e r s _____________ Wed. - Fri., Nov. 22-Dec. 8Tuppcnt-are Fundraiser, Humane Soci­ety of-Davie County selling Tuppcrvare. Mokes great Chrislmas gifts. Call the Hu­mane Society olTlce at 751-5214 or Fann* land Vet at492-7148toplaccoidcrorview catalog. Order must be place by Dcc. 8. Fri.-Sal., Dec. 1-2MncedonIaMora\innChurchMcn'sFcU lowship Chlckcn & Rib Dinner. 11-7 p.m.. Comer of N.C. 801 andU.S, 158 Saturday, Dec. 9CnnaIIomemnker’s31slAnnual Christ* mas Uaiaar, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.. at Cana School comer of Angell & Cana Rds., bake sale, handmade crafts, yule logs, wreaths, fresh cut greenery, complimentary Christ­mas wassail & cookies. Proceeds to Cana School Dldg. Snow date: Dec. 11.6-9 p.m. OngoingIlingo, Mocksville Moose Lodge 1949, Fridays. Doors open at 6. first game at 7 p.m. *Dingo. WllllamR,DavleVFD.2ndSatur- day. Doon open. 6:30 p.m.HanlLson Church, Poor Mam Supper, every 1st Thurs., 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2Christmas program "Wclcome To Our \Vorld"& "Happy Birthday Jesu9".Ub- cny Wesleyan Church. ShefTield Rd., Har­mony. 7 p.m. Refreshment to follow pro­gram. Direction? Call 492-2963. Sunday, Dec. 10Rev, Suzanne B. Northcran, to speUc during Morning Prayer at the Episcopal Church of Ascension. 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 16Lovcfcasl. Dublin United Meih. Music by New Philadelphia Moravian Church, 7:30 p.m. Questions? Call 998-2020. Wednesday, Jan. 3 CandlellghtSeniccXedar Grove Dapt4 p.m. Rev. Mauris Leak to speak. Public invited. Questions? Call 940-5631 S pecial Events Saturday, Deo. 2 Mocksvllle Hometown Christmas Pa­rade, 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5TbThe Season presented by Davie County Arts Council. 7 p.m.. Brock Pertbrming Ans Cir., Main St. Mocksville. Adults S8. Child/Studcnt/Sr.$6,Group$ofl5ormore S5 all ages. Call box office: 751-3000. Saturday, Dec. 10Christmas Cruise In. begins ЗЮ0 p.m. Sponsored by Piedmont C.A.R.S. Asso­ciation. For info call 751*5468. ,Dates.to Rem^mb^r Thursday, Nov. 30American Red Cross Blood Drive, Davie Red Cross. 65 Court Square. Mocksville3- 6 p.m. Mast call 751-1347 for appt Saturday, Deo, 2 American Red Cross Blood Drive. Shady Grove Elementary. 3179 Comatzer Rd. Advance, 8:30 a.m.*2 p.m. Thursday, Deo. 14 Davie Co. Republican Parly Christinas Party, 6:30 p.m. Center Comm. BWg. All Republicans invited. Catered meal. For further info call 998-2341. Ongoing Aerobics,Tuesdays &Thursdays. Mocks­villc Elementary School. 6 p.m.VUit Coolcemcc’s Mill VIlUgeMuscum,14 Church St., Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.- noon. Sau.. II a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 294-6(M0.Recycling truck at CenUr Community Bldg.. 8-11 a.m. 1st Saturday.Recycling truck at Union Chapel Meth­odist. 4th Saturday, 8-11 a.nt. Rec)cllngtnickatjericho-Hardlson Ru­rilan bldg., 3rd Saturday, 8:30-11 a.m. Prcschoolstorytlme,Tues., 11 a.m..Davie County Library. 30-mmute program. For children ages 3-5. Music, read aloud, sto­ries, films, nursery rhymes. Meetings__________ Monday, Dec. 11DaWe Co. National Little League, board meeting & election of officers, 7 p.m., S. OavieMiddleSchool.QuesUons?Call998- 86Я . Wednesday, Dec. 13HiimaneSocietyorDa>1eCo,ChrIstnus Gathering & Meeting, annual holiday . meeting. Must call for reservations and ' direcUons. 751-5214. OngoingHumane Society of Davie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Wed. of each month, at of* ‘ fice Yadkinville Rd. behindcar wash. 751* 3214.Jerusalem Bapt Church is a provtdmg support for those who have lost their jobs, 8:30-10 a.m. on Mondays, call 336-284- •: 2328 for more Info.ProgrcssivcatAofCoolccmce,2ndSun*.. day. CooIeeiTiM Library, 5 p.mi Call-284-' 2975forinfo.,--. ’L > ChristiaoBuiIiMiiiDen's Committee of MockivUkilbursdBys. 7 a.m. Mocksville RotaiyHuL-' ' ' ■ • -GoM Wli« Touring A^sodalion, Red ^ Fi| Barbecue. Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at - *UA60i;6p.m.284-»799. ...................... T Mocksvllle-Davle Jaycecs, 1st & 3rd Thurs., Samuels on Main Restaurant. Mocksvillc. 7 p.m.Davie Counly Stamp Club, Ut Thuts.. Davie Senior Center. 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation Association. Zachary House, 1st Tuesday. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymou-S, Sundays. 6 p.m. and Wednesdays. 8 p.m., Second Presby­terian Church basement, PineSt. Call 751- 1490or751*7786forlnfo..Homeschool 4«I! Club, 2nd St 4th Tues* day. Call 998-8925 for more Info. Piedmont Triad Rabbit Fancien. last Sunday ofeachmomh,2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners welcome. Call 336-998-9858or visit www.piedmonttriadrabbit.com or e* mail ptrt20009aol.com for more info. Help Yourself Support Group. Cancer Services. Inc., 2nd Tuesday, noon-1:30 p.m. Davie County Library. Bring bag lunch if you wish. For more Info, call 751 * 0313 or 760-9983.MOPS(MolhersofPreschoolen). Mace­donia Moravian Chureh. Support, fcllow- ship,crafls&food.Childrengulded inown programMOPPCTS,9:30-l l:30a.m.Reg-' istratlonfee llexlble lo #ofchildren aiiend* ing. Scholanhlps available. For more info, call 9984394.1 St & 3rd Fridays. TheArtlstGroup, DavieCounty Library, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Cenler Community Development. 3nl Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tuesday. Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted North Cooleemee and Gark Road Coun­cil, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall.Davie Domestic Violence Sen ices. Sup­port groups for victims. Sessions frce.con- fidemial. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. and Friday, 10 a.m. DDVS Office in DavieCounty Office Bldg., 751-3450.Family Violence Pre\ entlon Services of DaHe Counly. Free counseling for vie- dms of violence and their children. Sepa* rate groups. Tuesdays. 6-7:30 p,m.First • United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Call I-800-728-34I3. Davic Counly School Bus Drivers /\sso- clatlon, 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m. Davie Counly Sr. Center. Brock Bldg.Concerned Bikers Associallon, Fooihills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Western Sieer. U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 a.m..MocksUMC.998.21ll. MocksvllleGardcn Club, 1st Thurs., First Baptist Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome.Sons orConfederale Veterans. 1st Mon- dayiCooleemceHisloricalBuilding.7p.m. Mocksvllle Rotarj-Club.Tuesdays. 12:10 p.m.. Rotary Hut.Take OIT Pounds Sensibly. Bethlehem UnhedMelhodistChurch.6:45p.m. Thurs. Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265. 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cancer support group. 2nd Tuesday. 7 p.m., Davie Library, for cancer patienu, friend, family. I-800-228-7421 or 751- 0313.MocksHlle Lions Club. 1st. 3n) Thurs­days, 7 p.m.. Rotary Club. Mocksvllle-Davle Homebuilders. 4th Thursday. 7 p.m.. Captain Steven's. Davie High Alhielic Boosteis. 3rd Mon­day. 7 p.m.. school cafeteria.Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliary, 3rd Monday. 7 p.m., chapter home, U.S. 601 south of Mocksvllle. Farmington Rurilan Club. 2nd Thurs* day, 7:30 p.m.. Familngton Methodist church.HELI*S Ministries, Christian recovery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210.GoldenAgeClub. 1st Monday, East Room. Sr. Center, Brock Bldg., 10 d.m. Alzhelmers Support Group. 2nd Thurs­day, 7 p.m.. East Room, Sr. Cenler, Brock Bldg.. N. Main St. 751-8770 or 751-0611. Ureast-fecdlngSupport Group. 2ndTUes- day. Davie Health Dept., 6-7:30 p.m. ParenU Resource Organization (PRO) support group for families ofchildren widi di$abjlities.2ndTuesday,7p.m.Call Rose­mary Kropfelder at 998-331 I for location. Jericho-Hardison Rurilan Club. 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club building. HcalthDept..clinlchours:Mon.-Fri..8:30- 11:30 a.m.. 1-4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays. 4:30-7 p.m.:Tecn Health Promotion Cilnlc.8:30 a.m.-noon, 2nd. 4ih Saiunlays.Davie County Board ofSocIal Services. 4ih Tuesday. 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Mocksvillc AA, Thurs., 7 p.m. • closed mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. * open mtng. Call Chnstlneat998-9885orTerry 940-5944. Cooleemee American Legion Post 54. Legion Hut. Gladstone Road. 7:30 p.m.. 1st and 3rd Mondays except holidays. Advance Masonic Lodge No. 710. 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksville-Davie rccreaiion. 751*2325. AA and AUAnon. Thursdays. 8 p.m., Eaton’s Baptist Church.Nar*Anon for families of drug addicts. Sundays. 6p.m. DavleSenlorCenter. Brock Building. Main St.. Mocksvllle. 998*2657. Davie County Youth Football League Directors. Tues..7p.m. Courthouse.Grand Jury Room.United \Vay board of directon. 4th Mon­day. 5:30 p.m.. Brock Bldg.. Room 208. Mocksville VF\V Post 4024. Post Hut, Sanford Ave., 7p.m., 2nd Tuesday. Advocates for GIRed Children. 2nd. 4th Thursdays. 149 Lakeside Drive. 751 *2194. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds GrDup.Sundays.6p.m.,Thursday.s.8p.m.. Room 208, Brock Btdg. Drug Problem? Helpline. 910*785*7280.Mocksville American Legion Post 174. ‘ VFW Hut, Sanford Ave.. 2nd Thursday. 7 p.m.Mocksvllle Civitan Club. 6:30 p.m.. 2nd. 4ih Monday, Weslem Steer.Davie Scrtoma Club. 1st. 3rd Thursday. 6:30 p.m.. Captain Steven's.Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary, 4ih Tues., T30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road.Dav le County RighI To Life, 7 p.m.. 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723.Cooleemee Memorial VFW Prnt 1119. 2nd. 4th Thurs., 7 p.m.. VFW Hall. N.C. 801.Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM. 2nd. 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksvillc Lodge No. 134.1st, 3rd Tues* days. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge.Davic I)us. Women's Assoc. 1st Wed. each month. Davie YMCA. nwn.ToRS VP call 751-5672.Cooleemee CIvItnn's Club Meeting. 1st and 3rd Mon. each month. 7 p.m.. U*Siop* Grill, Hwy. 801. Cooleemee.CiJb Scout Pack 504. sponsored b Fulton United Meih. Chureh. 1st and 3nJ Tues. nights each month. 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-Sgradeswhowouldliketobecome a member are welcome to attend. Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 a.m. Arthritis RehabMWF, 10:30 a.m. Youth Swimming LessonsAges 6 monlhs & up. Parent/child, pre* school. scIkx)1 aged group lessons & pri* vale. Five week session meet 2 limes per wk.. call for exact limes. Fee: $30 mem­bers. S60 non-members. Karate-Carucado Styie Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. S15/month. Ages 7 &up. R e c r e a t i o n Dyappolmmemonly.Tucsdays.S45Atour. Sii^alf hour. 520/chair massage. Call for details. 751-9622. For ntore infomiation on these events, call 751*2325. Line DancingFarmington Community Center. Every Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instructors: Steve & Linda Hatley. For more Info, call 751- 3848. Rec ClubBcfore(S15)oralier(S25)schoolandoutof school programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square DanceDance Lessons $5 per month. Volunteers for different social events. Contact Ethel at 998*3837. SilverstridersWall<ClubSeniors, 50 and up. M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tucsihyi mul Thundays, S7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance CompanyMon.. Tues., Wed.. & Sat. Call Emily Robertson. 998-5163. Y M C A _________________________ For more information, call 751-9622 or visitDavie Family YMCA. Aduit Water Exercise S e n i o r s AllSenlorActivltlesiakeplaceal the Davie County Senior Cenler located in the Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocks* ville unless otheiwise noted. Call 751* 0611. OngoingSilver Health Exercises, Senior Cenler, M, W, F, 8:30-9 a.m. Mock Place. M. W. 10*10:30 a.m.Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M-W. II a.m. Thurs. & Fri.Quilling, every other Monday. 10 a.m. Bridge,Tuesdays* Fridays. 1 p.m.Sliver Striders & Walking Programs.^ Daily atBrockGym6:30-9a.m.Cooleemec ElenKntary. 6*8 a.m. Smith Grove Gym. 7-9 am.Alzheimer's Support Group, 2nd Thurs­day, 7 p.m.. Senior Center East Room. Crealls e Scrapl)OoklnR Class. 2ndTucs* day, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Hems for l>a\ie Dateline should hc re­ported by noon Monday of the publication wtek. Call 751*2120 or dn>p it by the office,S. Main St. across ftum the courthouse. Win Christmas Cash Play The Football Contest Details, Pages B4-B5 Cooleemee Christmas Tour Of Homes Second Annual Event To Showcase Six Sites This Saturday Afternoon Page C1 D A V I E C O U N T Y 500 ENTERPRI/ECORD USPS 149-60 Number 49 Thursday, Dec. 7, 2000 40 PAGES Flu V accine Shortage H its Hom e Health Depailment Frustrated By Problem внб1.1А JO dsy'â R6»£i^e№ii^Tk>»iWAS uo Piece oe ¿аШ. euf i| i6 w ay дМё THANKer Ul$ FOR If When Shelia Josey first appeared at oup Elizabeth C. Stanbaci< Rehabilitation Unit, she wasn't just a potient. She was o project. She couldn't walk. She couldn't use her arms and hands. She had difficulty talking. Blit one thing Shelia hod going for her: She had come to the right place. \\\\|;A / That's because here, In this state-of-the art inpotient facility, specialists from' So our speech therapists, physical therapists, and nurses went to work on Shelia. And soon her words come bock. And then movement in her arms and legs. And along with oil that, her spirit. Meanwhile, our occupational therapists had been retraining her in the skills she would need when she returned to work os a coke decorotor at Food Lion. And soon those skills returned, too. many different oreos combine their knowledge to literoily put'shottered lives boclt together agoin. Rc w a n Reg io n a l MEDICAL С Е Ш К ÜJurSóuroFDrlbtalIfaihhcait. ■ www.rowin.org To prove it. Shelia baked us a coke and put all our names on it. It wos the sweetest •thank yau" we’ve ever hcfd. 6ia Mockiville Avenue, Salisbury * 704*310*5308 “Davic County Hc.iltli Doparlmenl, may I help you? No, the llu vaccine isn’t available yet..." To many Davie residents, this con­ versation is all too Tamiliar. Historically, the health department has provided flu vaccination clinics to the public by mid-November. 100 Names Still On The List For Christmas Angels There are 100 people who need someone to adopt them this Christmas. Sixty children, and 40 adults arc left in the Davic Christmas Angels project, .headed by Ihc department of js^gcial scrr viccs and town of Mocksvillc. There are names available at the town hall, which includes age, sex, sizes and desired presents. Wrapped gifts arc due back lo the town hall by Dec. 11. Go to town hall and adopt an angel, and make someone’s Chrislmas a bit brighter. A d va n ce Parade S atu rd ay By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record ADVANCE - This Saturday. Dcc. 9 everyone is invited to attend the Ad­ vance Christmas Parade. The holiday event begins al 10 a.m. wilh the starling poinl being Shady Grove Elementary School. From there Ihe parade will proceed down Comatzer Road, turn jighi onto N.C. 801, then left on People’s Creek Road. Parade Committee Member Linda Carter said, “Everyone is invited. You can ride in it or you can watch il.” The Grand Marshall this year is Rich Brennci', sports anchor for Fox8 News. l\vo sisters will represent Miss Ad­ vance, Elizabeth Carter and Sudie Howard. And there will be an Advance Chrislmas Parade Queen, Mary Letha Robertson. Other guests will include Davidson Counly Sheriff Gerald Hege, and dig­ nitaries firom Davie Counly and Ihe sur­ rounding area. And, of course, WTQR’s Aunt Eloise will be there. The history of Ihe Advance parade began seven years ago. According lo • 'P le a M te Advance-Page 4 "Unfortunately, such clinics arc not likely lo occur anytime in the foresee­ able future due to a nationwide siiort- age of flu vaccine,” said Davie County Health Director Barry Bass. "This situ­ ation is very frustrating to both the pub­ lic and health department.” The health department oidered 2,100 doses of flu vaccine from Wyeth Labo­ ratories in April. “Bccause of difficulties in growing one of Ihe strains in Ihis year's vaccine and one of the four vaccine manufac­ turers ceasing production, the vaccinc Please See Health - Page 4 8 2 Y e a r O ld W ith l-le a rt P ro b le m s A m o n g T h o se W ho C a n ’t G e t V a c c in e Davic County Health Department. They were nicc, but told him they didn’t have enough vaccine. The first shots went to Dr. Bob Foster’s patients al the health department clinic. His own doctor didn't have any vaccine, cither. Please Sec Vaccine - Page 4 Homer Nichols fits the criteria as a candidate for a flu shot. He’s 82 years old. He had open heart surgery in 1990, and several other heart operations since then, the last one just over a year ago. But hc can’t find a place to get a vaccination. Nichols was turned down at the S m i l e s O n C h il d r e n ’s F a c e s Josle Piper, 6, of Advance, enjoys one of the balloons given out by the Davie Chamber of Commerce at the Hometown Christmas Parade Saturday in Mocksviile. For more photographs from the parade, please turn to page 01.- Photo by Robin Fergusson County OKs Internet Use Policy Dav\e comnussVoncn have adopted, an internet use policy for counly em­ ployees, who are being trained on lhal policy this m.onth. Although use of email and the internet for personal use won’t be pro­ hibited, those uses won’t be guaranteed private, either. Employees who use such services for personal reasons must gel permission from their supervisor, and must be done on their own lime, such as during a lunch break. Neal Smith, director of the county computer services department, said lhal while the computer age brings “tremen­ dous benefits” in the ways lo do busi­ ness, it also brings some liabilities. The policy is designed to limit those liabilities, and let employees know whal is and isn’t allowed. “We do stress thal no one should ex­ pect privacy on anything they do on county resources,” hc said. Among Ihe highlights of the policy: • use cannot interfere wilh any other county employees; • use for a personal business is pro­ hibited; • prohibited are uses that violate any law, for-profit aclivilies, solicitation for religious or poliUcal activities, sexually explicit images, derogatory racial or religous content, downloading of pi­ rated software. The counly computer services de­ partment will nol routinely monitor w employee’s internet access history or content of e-mail messages, but regu; larly monitor performance of Ihe sys^ lem. ■ i They can. Smith said, check those messages when asked by a supervisor; S ile n t A u ctio n Sunday For C an cer S ervices! By Jackie Seabolt Davie Counly Enterprise Record A silent auction will be held to ben­ efit Cancer Services, Inc. Sunday, Dec. 10 between 2 and 5 p.m. al the Dayie Counly Library, Main''SUeet, Mocks- -------— —--------------------------------------------- ville. ' The purpose of the fundraising auc­ tion is to raise money to meet the dras­ tic iieed for funds to purchase drugs for cancer patients in Davie County. All monies coliected al this fundraiser will stay in Davie County. '----------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Despite that approximately $500,000 dollars has been collected over Ihe past Ihree yeors in support of Relay For Life, there is still a shortage of drug purchas­ ing assistance funds. Dollars collected through Relay For Ljfe do not pennil using such monies lo address the ex ”------------ lent of Ihis need. Monies raised through Relay For Life allows a sum of SISO : - , dolían per j/eu, per cancer patient in ' Davie County^ to be'used to offset the cost of side ifTMt médical piescriptioii .i, : drugs. ■t. í.í.i.í , >h m See Cenctr 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 Editorial Райе Dung Beetles: Fortune In Davie’s Hidden Treasure? Pan Robinet returned to Davie County last month seeking her fortune. There may not be gold here, but there could be some­ thing just as rewarding. She is exploring a method for easing the burden on the nation’s horse owners. Her grand­ daughters have horses at her home in E! Paso, Tex., and she lives in the heart o f horse country. There’s a major drawback to horse ownership. M ucking the stables and disposing o f all that manure. I f only there was a better w a y... It has now occurred to Patt Robinet that there is a better way, and the national headquarters o f the solution Is right here. The dung bettle. Laugh if you wont. But fortunes have been made on stranger things. No dung beetles in Texas? That’s what she says. In fact, her research on tlie Internet discovered two major centers for dung beetles in the world — A frica and the area around Davie County. “ It would be so cool if 1 could take a couple back with me," she said. Patt Robinet lived in Davie County for four years, .1981-85, renting from Jessie and Keith Hodson on Redland Road. She returned to visit them recently and recall old times. Back then, she was impressed with the vitality o f kudzu. She was bom on the Navajo reservation and has spent most o f her life in the arid territory around El Paso near the Mexican border. Dung beetles have become an obsession for her and her sister. They have thought and thought about the possibili­ ties o f transplanting dung beetles to Texas. Dung beetle entreprenuers. If she could take a few dung beetles back, provide them the warm environment o f some fresh horse droppings, watch them m ultiply and then .,. Sell them. Advertise them. Ship them across the nation. Around the w o rld ... ......___ If there’s money in portable tbiiets, think o f the cash that could be made in dung beetles. "A ll these people wouldn't have to shovel this horse poop," she said. She had one major problem. Where do you find dung beetles? Keith Hodson, with misplaced confidence, called the editor o f the newspaper, remembering his childhood on the dairy farm. We did not rely on dung beetles. M y dad's cows could overwhelm even the hungriest beetles. He relied, instead, on his sons and pitchforks to clean the calf stables in the spring. We emerged w ith the odiforous bouquet o f decaying calf poop imbued in our clothes and skin and hair. TTiose were the good old days. The newspaper business has always seemed like child’s play in comparison. A ir conditioning. Vacations. Holidays. Regular hours. Dung beetles had plenty o f fun in our pastures, quickly devouring the delicious cow patties scatttered about. I directed Patt Robinet to a horse bam near the Hodson’s in search o f some illusive dung beetles. Sort o f like panning for gold. “ We can make m illions," she said. “ Don’t tell anybody.” — Dwight Sparks D A V I Ü C O U N T V ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks.. Robin Fergusson, ..Editor/Publisher Mike Bamhardt...................... R^y Tutterow........................... ..General Manager ......................Managing Editor ..............Advertising Manager Mocktvlll« EntMrpriM 191в-195в Davie Record 1899-1956' Cocleeinee Joum il 190V1971 Pwlodlulf PoM gi Paid In MocksvUle, NC 27028 SubacilpUon Rates Single Copy; SO Csnts $20 per year In North Carolina , $25 psr ysw outsld« North Cardins POSTMASTER Sand addresa changes lo; ' Davie CounlyEnlstpilaeRaconl PO.BoxW,Modisvae, NC 27024 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 - 3 In The M ail... Mocksville A Charming Christmas Village To the editor As wc go through the holiday seasons, wc have so much to be thankful Гог. W c live in the best country on earth and have a loving Father who watches over and carcs for cach o f us. As I took a walk in our little town the other night, I couldn't help but realize we have such a beautiful placc to call home. The streets were so neat and clean. The flowers in the planters and all the beautiful Christmas décorations seem ed to make our town look like som ething out o f a stof)b(4)k talc. I want to thank the gentleman (Albert Moore) who cleans our streets. He works so hard for so Storehouse Sends Out Thanks To the editor: A Storehouse for Jesus would like to thank those famlUes, chu icho. and organtuUotu that have already callcd to sponsor children and elderly thisChristmas. 0ver400childrenand45 elderly that wen; needy sponsors have been "adopted" this Christmas. Many children arc needing to be sponsored. A Storchou:>e fur Jciius will be receiving names of children and elderly that wilt need sponsors right up until Christmas. The children and elderly on A Storehouse for Jesus list arc NOT the same children/elderly that are on the Town Malls Angel tree. If you as an individual, or your church or organisation would like lo sponMX chilUrcji or ádcriy this Christmas, please contact me at A btorehouseforJi’sus75UI060(M onday through Thursday). There is always a nciti for volunteers at A Storchouse for Jesus. With the holiday sca.son upon us. we have an urgent need for volunteers. If you or your church/organization can help, please call the Storehouse at 751-1060. Marie Collins Mocksville / '-----------^f LOOKIHG FDRWMPLEP Щ LOOPHOLES! HA«»- little praise. \ want to thank all involved with deco­ rating our town. A ll o f these people have helped make our tow n the beautiful little Christmas vil­ lage that it has become. Rachel. Caleb and DwighI Crca.son M ocksville Reader Disagrees With Sentence For Sex Offender T o the cditon Concerning the onicle in the Nov. 23 edition, regarding guilty sex offender Thomas Glenn Ford, 59 o f 156 Laglc Lane." Merc you have a guilty п ш . by his own odmis* sion. a sex offender, a pedafile. He's the one with the serious problems (right) supposedly. Yet, after entering his plea o f guilty • Judge Michael E. Beale sentenced Ford to (for 24 counts of sexual exploitation o f a child) 12 months to 16 months tlien suspended it for 3 years probation. 1 say Judges like that need not Ы elected or rc*clccted. \ believe judges like Beale arc the ones with no con* science (no common sense) and make a mockery o f the system. ’ Ford rcjected the supervised probation (He's the only one whois now doing the right thing) maybe this is his cry for help • I'll pray that he rcpents (to turn and . go the other way). But, tlie article also said U . J. Phipps said they had no evidence that any local children werc involved - Do they know every child In Davie County or sur­ rounding counties for that matter? It's nol his first time • except nl getting caught. The rcst o f you parcnts, think. W e must protect our children. Lorn Smith Frank Advance What Professional Sport Would You Play? OmarTowflk Advance “Soccer." Diaa Towfik Advance “Basketball.” Amira Towflk Advance “BasebelL” Jennifer Booth Advance “Soccer, the USA team.” W e i n v i t e y o u t o a t t e n d t h e Advance Christmas Parade Saturday, December 9,2000 • 10 a.m. ■ Downtown Advance W h e r e C u s t o m e r s M e e t F o r F u n " Л L&S GROCERY IfáppyHolid^s _ P lM tebH ngyour ' Î ; ,''5С«ппвЙ Goods to be provided for the Stc^house For Jesus HWV 801 AT CORNATZER ROAD ADVANCE • 336-998-73« TflRHEEL ВЯНЯНЯ СОМРЯНУ Меррц Clipistmas Highway 801 Advance 998-8202 I ^ ................... V Congratulations on your Advance Christmas Piarade ond " T h a n k s T o Y o u " f o r y o u r c o n t i n u e d s u p p o r t . Ju l ia H ow ar d N.C. House of Represenliilives Paid ft<r hf RrpfTirnkilixf Juha IhniirJ Merry Christmas & Happy New Millennium to the people of Advance & Davie County. Judge Jimmy Myers Pali for by JuJgt Jimmy Myers. M e r r y C iiris tm a s fro m D r . F ra z ie r & S ta ff ^ J34 Medical Dr • Advance • 908-8750 ^ H o l i J a y ' S f r o m K r is t i s loc C ream & ColTcc S I top •s' (•■irfB’wn* tOpoiT-F •«•im- lOpra Sjl • IO|«i Sun It is with pleasure i congratulate Advance on tlieir Ciiristmas Parade. Happy Holidays! i^D0©in3 W Ü D O üîm ktB r Davie County Sheriff . Paid 1er by ShorttI Alien WT«lakor ______________ . MetTy CInisinias! I lun honored lo support tlic luinual Advancc Christmiis I’imidc luid would like lo lake Uiis opportunily lo Kiy lliank You lo everyone who supported me in my e;uiip;ugn for Register of Deeds. B r e n t S h o a f D a v ic C o u n iy R e g is te r o r rS ceds V by lire,,! Shoaf 'HILLSDALE DENTA!> D R . J E R R Y H A U S E R FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY ; i M ie r r ii & in stm a s O F F IC E H O U RS B V A PPO IN TM EN T ^ 9 9 8 .2 4 2 7 O R 9 9 8 -24 2 8 1 3 5 M E D IC A L D R IV E SU IT E 20 1 ^ A D V A N C E ^ J ^ ^ ^ W e've C5 o t Y o u C overed A dvance! D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD FUU COVIKAOi ON NiWS Ik ADVIRTI5INO P.O .B<»«'17! SouthMalnSt,Mod<ivllle,NC27028 L phoi»;(33t)751-1129 &x;(336)7SI-9760 Best Wishes for a Safe & Happy Holiday Season! JD a v ie C o u n t y ___ [ C E N T E R / . . F A M I L Y H E A L T H Primary Care For The Entire Family J a m e s E v a n s , M . D . IkTinmla Quay Shopping Center • 5.WI IJSIIwy. 158 • Ail\~tncc MoiuLiy - FriiLiy yam - 5pni \________998-9214________^ M e r r y C h r i s t m a s ! B U iU D lN ie ^ т г Е м с о е и м е ^ г г ^ aaí^ t2:/eai3,since 1960 3Í6-998-2140 We invite everyone in the Advance area to come Experience the Difference at the ALL NEW... UNDCR NEW OWNERSHIP & MANAGtMENT Hwry. 601 S o u th o f M O (Y ad kln vlllo Rd.) M o c k s v ilie , N C (336)751-2161 H o lid a y G r e e tin g s fromington ompany E A L T Y 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Health Department Offers Tips For Preventing Flu Outbreak C ontinued From Page 1 is in short supply and w c'rc experi­ encing delays in delivery " Dass said. The health departm ent has re­ ceived the flu vaccine in two. 200 dose shipments over the past three weeks and the vaccine allocation is problematic, he said. Initially, the patients enrolled In the prim ary carc program at (he health departmenl are receiving the available vaccine, with those nl a higher risk getting the vaccine first. "T he health depariment regrets any inconvenience resulting from the lack o f vaccine,” Dass said. 'T h e public’s understanding is requested until the health department receives vaccine in sufficienl quantities to be­ gin offering it to high-risk individu­ als on a first-come, first-serve basis.” High risk factors Include: • age 65 or older. • residents o f nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities that house persons o f any age who have chronic mcdical problems: • people o f any age with chronic diseases o f the heart, lung, blood, kidneys, who have diabetes, sup­ pressed Immune systems or severe anemia: • child ren and youth age 6 m onths-l8 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy: • women who will be in the scc­ ond or third trimester o f pregnancy during fiu season: • healthcare workers, personnel and volunteers, and people who live in a household with a high-risk per­ son. Flu Facts • Infiuenza. commonly callcd "the fiu,” is caused by the influenza vi­ rus, which infects the respiratory tract. •The virus generally spreads from person-to-person when an infected person coughs or sneezes. • Compared with other respiratory infections like the com mon cold, the fiu can cause severe illness and lead lo serious, and life-threatening com ­ plications In all age groups. •IVpical flu symptoms Include fe­ ver, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, and extreme fatigue. Children may experience gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea but such symptoms arc not common In adults. Although the term "stom ­ ach fiu” is som etim es used lo de­ scribe gastrointestinal illnesses, this is caused by other organisms and is not related to fiu. W nys To Avoid T h e Flu • Avoid crowds during the fiu sea- son. The more people you com e in contact with, the more likely you’ll be exposed (o an Infected person. • Eat right, and get plenty o f rest and avoid stress. • Practice good health and hygiene by covering the mouth when sneez­ ing and coughing: use a single tissue (disposing after one use) rather than a handkerchief. • Wash your hands thoroughly and often. • Stay away from anyone who is sick and may have the fiu. • Stay away from others should you becom e ill, reducing the risk o f transmitting the fiu. The Davie Couniy Health Depart- mcnl will continue to provide updates on the status o f the availability o f flu vaccine. For more information, call 751-8700. i i Continued From Page 1 Cancer Services, Inc. Is a local non-profit organization dedicated to patient services and community edu­ cation primarily concerned with help­ ing those being treated for cancer. They address the immediate needs o f the rcsidenls o f Davic Couniy al the grassroots level. Cancer Services, Inc. receiv es m oney from th e D avic Couniy United W ay: however, the need for Iheir scrviccs farexcecdslhc amount o f the allocation. There is an urgent need for additional contribu­ tions. over and above the D avic County United Way allocation to en­ able Cancer Services, Inc. to expand their Medication Assistance Program lo meet the needs o f the residents o f Davic Couniy. As an example, for the year end- ing 2000, the Davic County United Way allocated S38.925 to Canccr Ser­ vices, Inc. in support o f their various Davic County programs. As you can imagine, with the high cost o f medi­ cine, even if Ihe enlirc $38,925 was used to subsidize medication, the pre­ scription drug needs o f the commu­ nity would still not be m et. The $38,925 may cover the prescription drug needs o f one person. Randy M cD aniel o f M ocksvillc knows firsl hand the tragedy o f can­ cer. H is fath er, Jo h n M cD aniel (Scooter) was diagnosed with colon cancer in January 1996. Despite ag­ gressive chemotherapy treatments the cancer returned around June 1998 and M cD aniel’s father lost his battle wilh the disease on August 28, 1999 at the age o f 72. During his father's treatment bills began to escalate. Doth M cD aniel’s parents com bined incom e was not enough to pay for prescriptions. Il was his dad’s sister who worked for the United Way that referred the family to Cancer Services, Inc. "W e were treated wilh warm hearts and caring hands,” McDaniel remembers. M cD aniel recalled one incident that showed how much caring spirit there is in Davie County. There was a sp ccial prescription his father needed. The drug had to be special ordered because the local pharmacy, Foster-Rauch Drag, did not have it on hand. However, it was the weekend and delivery would not be possible until the beginning o f the week. "M r. Dob Rauch drove to Shelby to get the medication. He drove all thal way on V a c c in e S h o rta g e H its H o m e F o r S o m e E ld e r ly R e s id e n ts Continued From Page 1 Nichols hopes the reason isn't money. He and his wire don't have insurance, and arc broke from past heahh problems. He qualifies for Medicare,.but his wife doesn’t. "We have to go to a doctor for her care and toke it tho best way we can. If you can afford this high-priced insurofice, you can get any kind of mcdical can: you want." . Nichols is further frusuiitcd by news reports of large corpora­ tions having the flu vaccine for select patients. “The surgeon general comes on television on he news and says there's not a shortage," he said, "and all the old people should be able to get it." In the meantime, he'll continue to check with the health department... and hope that lie doesn't catch the flu. I_________________________________________________ Advance Christmas Parade Kicks Off At 10 Saturday a Friday so lhat Dad could have his medicine,” McDani<:l said. "D avie Couniy needs all funds available to assist other moms, dads, brothers, and sisters." M cD aniel’s mother-in-law Polly Seager learned about C ancer Ser­ vices, Inc. through M cD aniel’s loss. " I’m sure there’s a lot o f people thal could use Cancer Services, but don't know aboul it. W e’re trying lo spread the word." In addition lo the Medication A s- ‘ sistancc Program, other Canccr Ser­ vices, Inc. programs include: home health equipment, support groups and counseling, transportation, ostomy and home care supplies. Pink Broom­ stick Program, library and a monthly newsletter. PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? ME YOU SUCCESSrUL AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT WMM MATTERS MOST-PRErARATMNI FOR ETERNITY?Jesu] said, “Seek ^ kbgdom of God and His rjghteousnes.s...” Secure your sours salvation today by obeying Ihe gospel! M t o H h i G M it (Mk. IfclS-U; Hcb. IM RtpMi Of yiw SiM aid TM to M (Uu ud ¡AculTdO) CMfm Um NlM It JMW (MW. 10:3]! Acl. M7) M mI II lipliMi iirtiM toikNMn gf Vmr Siu I««. 1 Cor. I2:U; GaL 3 J7) !• HBtM Ii km IWtl Dtltfl g Ja. l!Ti R.y.l;10) visir THE JEmCNO CHURCH OF CHRIST SSSSiSiZ PORT-A-PIT BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN $6.50 Mocl<svllle Wal-mart Friday Oeccmber 15,2000 llam >4pm Proceeds go to Cliildren’s Miracle Nctworic CaU 751-12«« To Kcacrvc A Dinner Continued From Poge 1 Carter, who owns L& S GriK'cry in Advance. "Aunt Eloisc on W TQ R played a joke and said there would bo a parade in Advancc thal would start al the post office and end at L&S Gnvcry. Pet>ple w ere calling the ston; lo enter. So. 1 called Shirley at Ad­ vance Florist and in three weeks we hud urgant7ed a parade.” Years before the theme o f "W hat Christmas Is All Aboul" was estab­ lished. ‘Th ere was a young woman who died o f cancer. She had two kids. There was also another gentleman who died who also had two kids. We liK)k a fire truck and visited ihc fami­ lies. Eight years later we’rc still do­ ing this. Lasi year wc had a list o f 80 people. We had lo use Iwo fircirucks. "T h is year w e’rc also going to send out two firelrucks and see as many o f them as wc can." says Carter. "It’s a giXHlwill gesture." In keeping with Ihis theme. Carter Is urging everyone who attends the parade to bring a can o f food or non- perishable fixx] item lo be donated lo The Storehouse For Jesus. Dclween four fire departments, Fork. Comai7er. Advance, and Smith Gmve, the parade is directed and ran sm oothly. "T hey do a great jo b . There’s limited parking and we’re asking lhal people be understanding o f property owners." "This Is a big parade. Last year we had over 200 entries and wc cxpect lhal many this year,” Carter said. "W c have an unofficial committee. Ever) - one d w s Iheir jo b and it all comes together. It’s ama/ing how many people are Involved in a small way. It jusl all com es together." Carter said. ffóyifnjoraH OecasTans S M a d s l i : ' ofModanrille (338)75M782 Christmas Cottage A place to find unique gifts mode by local crofters Now open at 1121 yadkinville Road In Mocksville across from Pier 601 Seafood Restaurant. Polly Seager and Randy McDaniel look at the invitations Seager handcrafted for the Dec. 10 fundraiser. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Cancer Services Helps Davie Residents Open Until Saturday, December 23rd Hours WcdiKsday 10:00 am-9:30 pm Thundo/ 10:00 iun-9:]0 pm Frldoy 10:00 on- 7:00 pm Sahrday 10:00 am- 3:00 pm Slenda Beard will be available to sign ttie 2000 Historic Davie Christmas Ornament on Saturday, December 9. D irections from W inston-Solem : 1 -4 0 w est to ex it 170/Hwy 601. Turn le ft. Christm as C ottage is 1 mile on th e left. NOW OPEN UNIQUE DREAMS 1370 HWY 601 South IN THE FOOD LION SHOPPING CENTER MOCKSVILLE, N.C. 27028 . 336-751-4223 AIX OCCASION CARDS PRICES AS UTTLE AS 23 cents UNigUB GIFT ITEMS GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS NEW-USKD BOOKS NO TRADE-IN'S TAKEN AT THIS TIME TA N N IN G B E D S NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY AT THIS TIME CALL ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICINO TUE8DA7-FÌUDAY 9-e SATUROiUr 1 0 - 2 » 'ijk District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - 5 Th e follow ing cases w erc dis­ posed o f in Davie District Court Nov. 30. wilh Judge Jam es M. Honcycuu presiding. Prosecutors were M ary Covington and Carlton Terry. - Evercit Anderson, probation violation, modified to includc day reporting cenler program. - Michael Shane Aycock, speed­ ing 101 mph in a 7 0 /one, reduced lo careless and reckless driving, sen­ tenced to S 2S and cost. - Ronald A. Darr Jr., underage driving alter drinking, sentenced lo 30 days in jail suspended one year, no driving unlil licensed. $100 and cost: D W I. no probable cause found; driving while liccnsc revoked, using foreign license while driving while license revoked, dismissed per plea. - Reynaldo Dartolo. assault on a fem ale, prayer for judgment contin­ ued two years on condition he nol threaten, harass or assaull victim and pay cosl. -Ju stin O nly Derrier. speeding 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd to Im­ proper e(|uipment. - Frankie D. H olln Jr.. three counts o f sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. -J.nm cs Joseph Dono, speeding 72 mph In a 55 /one. dismissed per plea; DW I. sentenced to M)days In jail sus­ pended two years, no driving unlil licensed, subsiancc abuse assess- iwcnl. 24 hours community scrvicc, SlOO and cost. - Robert Allen Dridgeman, In- ‘ spcclion violation, sentenced to cost; driving while license revoked, pos­ sessing or displaying an altered, fic­ titious or revoked driver’s license, no insurance, dismissed. - M.inda M . Drooks, 3v o u n ts worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Kenneth Wayne Drown, com ­ m unicating threats, dism issed per plea; assaull wiih a deadly weapon, prayer for judgm ent continued one year on cosl and consent lo domestic violence protection order. - A dolfo C adocllero, speeding 101 in a 7 0 , scnlcnccd to 30 days sus­ pended l.year, $30 and cost; no li­ cense, dismissed per plea. - Dclinda Lou Calhoun, aiding and abetting driving while liccnsc revoked, dismissed. - Michael David C arbajal, speed­ ing 84 in a 70 reduced lo Improper equipment, sentenced to $50, cosl. > Aletha V. Carson, fictitious, can­ celled or revoked rcgisiralion, fail­ ure lo rcducc speed, dismissed for failure o f prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. - Algen Vondrc Carter, speeding KO in a 55 reduced to 64 In a 55, sen­ tenced to cosl. -Ja m e s Edward Carter, speeding 90 in a 70 rcduced lo 74-70. sen­ tenced to cosl. - Rebecca Sloan Carter, speeding 76 in a 55 reduced lo 64 In a 55, sen­ tenced 10 cosl. - Andrew Jerfrey Cohen, speed­ ing 91 in a 70 reduced to exceeding a safe speed, sentenced to cost. - Edgar W illiam C ole HI. two counts resisting, obslrucling and de­ laying an officer, driving while li­ cense revoked pemianenlly reduced 10 driving while license revoked, sen­ tenced lo two years in prison sus­ pended one year wilh supervised pro­ ballon. no driving unlil licensed, S400 and cosl: speeding 83 in a 6 5 ,' driving while liccnsc revoked, speed­ ing 95 in a 65, driving while liccnsc revoked permanently, dismissed per plea. - Jim m y Ray C ook, obtaining property by false pretense reduced lo misdemeanor larceny, sentenced lo I20d ays in prison. - Mary Corrcll, 3 counts worth­ less check, dismissed per civil settle- ment. - Sharon R . C urry, w orthless check, dismissed per civil selllement. - Kevin Dwayne Day. sccond de­ gree trespassing, sentenced to 10 days in jail suspended one year dur- Charges Dismissed In Court Charges were dismissed against a man accused o f injury to personal properly following testimony Nov. 30 in Davie District Court. Mona Martin presented pictures o f dam age she claim ed had been done 10 a m obile home she owns u hile il was rented by Anthony Stan­ ley. Among ihe damages were carpel burns to Ihe carpel, paint splattered M .D . O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y Caring Medicaid Provider lor 20 years N e w O B p a tie n ts w e lc o m e a t a n y s ta g e o f p re g n a n c y Free Pregnancy Tests Wo will assist your opplication lor prognancy- relaled Iklodicald coverage at no lee. Patient may «Wlw at eitiwf SHileiville hospital IZteOavlaAvenua ■ Stateovllle.NC 704473.1436 - 08.m. to 8 p.m. dally December Bargain of the Month J ñ m i/ a £ w ¿ . IMp b JIMI Around-Пм Сопмг. Caudeli Lumber and Building Supplies Ш2 Sheek SI 0iieiiWeekilavsI30 5 00 Sail3U i;!iiuoii ing which he is not lo threaten, ha­ rass or assaull victim , cosl. - Billy Heilm an D ollar, sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil selllement. - Homer M ichael Frye, speeding 88 in a 7 0 rcduced lo 74 in a 7 0, sen­ tenced to cosl. - Rosemary H. Gadson, allowing accum ulation o f irash, dism issed, corrected. - M arilyn J . G aith er, sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil selllement. - Wade Tyrone G arm on, noise ordinance violation, dism issed for insufficient evidence. - Darry Leroy Gary, speeding 93 in a 70 rcduced lo 79 In a 70, sen­ tenced to cosl. > William A. Graham, speeding 80 In a 70 reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, sentenced to S10 and cost; fail­ ure to wear seal belt, dismissed per plea. - A nthony Green« tw o counts sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil selllement. - Timothy Ray Green, threaten­ ing phone call, sentenced lo 3 0 days In prison. -Jam e s Stanford Greer, assaull on a female, prayer for judgm ent con­ tinued 2 years, not lo threaten, ha­ rass or assaull victim , lb enroll in do­ mestic violence ircatmcnt program. - M onica Groce, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Johan D. Gudmondsen, speed­ ing 87 in a 7 0 rcduced to 74 in a 70, sentenced lo cosl. - Aaron Harrison, Injury lo per­ sonal property, dismissed by judge. - Tam m y H arrison, w orthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Jam es Drandon Head, speeding 89 In 70 rcduced lo 74 in a 70, scn­ lcnccd to cosl. - Wesley L. Holcom b, speeding 94 in a 7 0 reduced lo 85 in a 7 0, sen­ tenced to cosl. - Matthew Ryan Holt, probation violation, 90 day sentence activated. - Phyllis R . Hudspelh, worthless check, dismissed per civil sclllcmcni. - Donnie Jam es, assault on о fe­ male, dismissed for failure lo pros­ ecuting witness to appear. - Jill Jcnnctl, sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Mark G. Judy, sim ple worthless chcck, dismissed pcrcivllscttlcm cnt. - Matthew Daniel Luper, speed­ ing 86 In a 70 rcduced lo exceeding a safe speed, failure to com ply with liccnsc rcsiriclions, scnlcnccd lo cosl. - M ichael Thom as Lux, failure to exhibit or surrender license, prayer for judgment on cost; no rcgisiralion, dismissed, corrected. - Gary Lee Marcum, sim ple pos- scssionof marijuana, sentenced to 10 days In ja il suspended one year, $50 and cost; paraphernalia lo be de­ stroyed; possession o f drug parapher­ nalia, dismissed per plea. -C hrislopherM ilis,driving while license revoked, sentenced to 120 days suspended two years wiih su­ pervised probation, $500 and cost. - Dryan Zachary M isc. D W I, sen­ tenced to 120 days in ja il suspended two years, substance abuse assess­ ment, no driving until licensed, 24 hours communily scrvice within 30 days, $250 and cost; failure to notify DM V o f address changc. driving 1еП o f cenler, dismissed per pica. -E sicv an M .M orcn o.n o liccnsc. dismissed. - John S . Sanford, probation vio­ lation. continued on probation with sentence modified lo include eight days in jail. - Vanessa Scott, failure lo relurn rental property, dismissed per civil sclllcm cni. -Ja m ie M ichael Sheets, speeding 79 in a 55 reduced to exceeding a safe speed, prayer forjudgmcnt continued on cost. - Crystal Cloricc Steele, driving while license revuked reduccd to no operator’s license, sentenced lo 30 days in ja il suspended one year, no driving until licensed, $50 and cosl; no insurance, dismissed. - Erick Warren Slraney. DW I. 120 days in ja il suspended two years, no driving unlil licensed, subsiancc abuse assessment, 48 hours com m u­ nily service. $200 and cost; driving while liccnsc revoked, speeding 69 in a 50, speeding 65-55, dismissed per plea. - Kelly Andrews Stroud, speed­ ing 78 in a 55 reduccd lo 64 in a 55, sentenced to cost. - Wayne Allen Suggs, probation violation, 90 day sentence activated. - Adrian Demard West, speeding 80 In a 7 0 reduced lo improper equip­ ment, sentenced to $25 and cost. - Elizabeth H. W ilson, sim ple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - David Allen Winebargcr. driv­ ing while license revoked, sentenced to 30 days in ja il suspended 1 year, no driving until licensed, $25 and cost. - Joseph W oods, coramunicaling threats, sim ple assaull. dismissed for failure o f prosecuting witness lo ap­ pear. Foiled T o A ppear -Jo sh u a Daniel Crolis, Inspection violation, no operator's license. - Mark S . Everhart, simple worth­ less check. - Y osef A m lcl Handy, sccond de­ gree trespassing. - Joy W ebb Hopkins, speeding 7 1 in a 55. driving while license re­ voked. - K aren F. M cG ow n, sim ple worthless check. - R aqucI Peterson, w orthless check on closed account. - Jon Jay Tanouye, driving while license revoked, no liability insur­ ance, expired registration, inspection violation. - Joseph K . Tuckcr, three counts worthless chcck on closed account. - Dobby Wayne Wagoner, simple assault. -C ed ric D. W hite, driving while license revoked. on the walls, the drain chiseled out o f the bathtub, a broken window, bro­ ken locks, a broken refrigerator and trash left throughout the residence. Without evidence thal Stanley was responsible and had willfully caused the dam age. Ju d ge Jam e s M . Honeycutl said he could not bo con­ victed o f the crime. Damages like these are the reason for security deposits, he said. P la y tim e £ o r P in e b ro o k Please join the students at Pinebrook Elementary School In their quest for a new Playground and Fitness Trail. Honor or memorialize your special "someone” or buy a "lifetime” ad for your business with the purchase of an inscribed brick paver in the new Pinebrook playground $50, $100, $500 o r $ I ООО gift levels Contact Ft^nk Hinman @ 725-9970, E xt 4 or Pinebrook Elementary School @ 998-3868 for details. f N THANK YOU FORYOUR fr ■ 1SUPPORT! I C-' 1 Monday.s ‘til Chri.stmas STOREWIDE SAVINGS UpToSn^fOff $ M illio n s $ L o o s e D i a m o n d s U n iq u e L i m i t e d E d i t io n C r e a t io n s r i i I 6 - DÄVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Public Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7, 2000 - 7 Mocksville Police The following incidcnis were re­ ported to the M ocksvillc Police De- partment. • An Advancc man reported Nov. ■ 27 his vchiclc was damaged in lhc - Wal Mart parking lot. • The breaking, entering o f a car was reported Nov. 28 at Kaydon, U .S. 601 South. • The breaking, entering and lar- . ceny o f C D s, and a C D player was : reported N ov. 28 from a vehicle : parked on Eaton Road. - The larceny o f money from a cash register nt H ardee's was re­ ported on Nov. 29. • The breaking and enlering o f Western Steer was reported Dcc. 4. - A M ocksvillc man was aiisauUcd at a house on 253 Campbell Road, it was reported Dcc. 1. • Power lines and a meter box was broken on Sanford Avenue, il was reported Nov. 30. A rrests - Patricia M crkina Poole, 30. o f Salisbury, was chargcd Nov. 29 with possession o f 13 rocks o f crack co­ caine. Trial date: Dcc. 14. - Carl Stacy Johnson. 37, o f 248 Mill St., was chargcd Nov. 29 with sim ple assault. Trial date: D cc. 14. - Jonalhan David M cDowcU, 42. o f 208 Gwyn St., was charged Nov. 29 with assault on a fem ale. Trial date: D cc. 14. - Betty Jo Unger. 28. o f 127 Le­ gion Hui Road, C ooleem ee, was charged De<;. I with Intimidating a state witness. Trial date: Jan. 25. -D onn ie Sellers. 41, o f 315 Ml. View Drive, was charged Dcc. 2 with assault with deadly weapon. Trial date: D ec. 14. - Brandon Lee Sandy. 18. o f 203 Delano’s Way, was chargcd Dcc, 4 wUh larccny. Trial date. Jan. 18. - Phillip Richard Hdward. 30. o f Midway, was charged D cc. 4 with larceny. Trial date: Jan. 18. TV ofncA cddenls • Antonio Asceno Comacho. 22. o f W inston-Salem , backed a 1993 Ford from a driveway at 3:57 p.m. Nov. 24 when il struck a 1985 BM W being driven on Montview Drive by Flora Jeanette H ancock, 24, o f Sal­ isbury. reported O fficer John Coley. - Both drivers were cited after a wreck on South Main Street at 3:50 p.m. Nov. 30. According to a report by OITiccr R .A .D o n a ih a n .. Jn n el Sh ore Roberson, 34. o f 622 Ijam es Church Road, failed to stop the 1987 Ply­ mouth she w as driving before it struck the rear o f a 1996 N issan driven by Jycnno Pcroz, 25. o f 255 M ounivlcw Drive. Roberson was cited for failure to reduce speed. Perez with driving without a license. • A M o ck sv ille w om an w as charged with driving while license revoked after a wreck on Campbell Road at I p.m. D ec. 2. Jenna Lynn Brittain, 27, o f 268 M illing Road, was driving a 1992 Buick that had stopped running when it was struck in the rear by a 1989 Buick driven by Sara Joy Frank, 17. o f 169 Ralph Road, reported Officer Rick Gilliland. Brittain was cited. Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported to Ihe Davie Sh eriffs Dept. - A report o f breaking, entering, and larceny was received Oct. 22 from a home on U .S. 64 E.. M ocks- ville. -* Perfume was reported stolen from a business on U .S. 158, Ad­ vancc on Nov. 22. -T h e w lndshicldofa vehicle was reported damaged Nov, 23 from a home on County Line Road. M ocks­ villc. - A truck was reported stolen and Arrests damaged Nov. 23 from a location on Yadkin Valley Road. Advancc. - Larccnyofgasolinc was reported N ov.24from abusincsson U .S. 158. Advance. - A report o f an assault was re­ ceived Nov. 24 from a residence on LaQuinta D rive, Advancc. - Assault was reported Nov. 25 from a business on U .S. 64 East, Mocksville. - An assault was reported Nov. 26 from a location on Roy Davis Road. M ocksvillc. - A report o f threat com munica­ tion was received Nov. 26 from a detention center In M ocksville. - A cell phone was reported lost/ stolen Nov. 27 from a school on Cor- nalzcr Road. Advance. - A report o f vandalism was re­ ceived Nov. 27 from a schiwl on Salisbury Street. M ocksville. - Money was reported stolen Nov. 27 from Soulh Davie M iddle School. - A report o f breaking, entering, and larceny was received Nov. 28 from a business on U .S. 601 North. M ocksvillc. - Larecny was reported Nov. 28 from a home on Alam osa Drive. Advancc. - An attempted house break-in was reported Nov. 28 from a home on Lisa's Lane. Advance. - Larceny, breaking, and entering was reported Nov. 28 from a resi­ dence on Underpass Road. Advancc. - A report o f trespassing was re­ ceived Nov. 29 from a home on Peoples Crcek Road. Advancc. - A report o f breaking, entering. and larceny was received Nov. 29 from a home on Hayes Si.. M ocks­ villc. -T l» e larccny o f a fireami was reported Nov. 29 from a home on N.C. 801 North. Advance. - A report o f cmbc/-/lcmenl was received Nov. 29 from a business on U .S. 158. Advance. -Jew elry and money was reported stolen Nov. 30 fm m a homeon County Line Road. Mi>cksville. - Breaking nnd entering o f a ve­ hicle was reported Nov. 30 from a residence on Keswick Drive. Ad­ vance. - Breaking, entering, and larceny was reported Nov. 30 from a busi­ ness on U .S. 601 North, M ocksvillc. - A garden tiller was reported stolen D ec. I from a location on Campbell Road. M ocksvillc. - A report o f threat com m unica­ tion was received Dec. 2 from a home on Dog Trot Uine. M ocksville, - A ptKkel book was reported found Dec. 2 on Gordon Drive. Ad­ vance. The Davic County Sh eriffs De­ partment made the following arrests. - Syronia Danielle Hallman. 27, o f 2375 U .S. 601 S.. M ocksville, arrested Nov. 23 for dom estic assault and possession o f drug parapherna­ lia. Trial date: Dec. 14. - Debbie Diane Stanley, 36, o f 413 W ill Boone Road, M ocksvillc, arrested Nov. 24 for misdemeanor larceny. Trial date: Dec. 14. - Katrina Dawn Pow ell. 17, o f : 147 Franklin Lane, M ocksville was : arrested Nov. 2 6 forcomm unicating threats. Trial date: D ec. 28. -Jo h n Ashley W ilson, 18, o f 1146 Godbey Road, M ocksvillc was ar- rested Nov. 26 for domestic assault. Trial date: D ec. 14. - Richard J. Burr, 29, o f 6916 N.C, 801 S,. M ocksvillc was arrested' Nov. 26 for domestic criminal tres­ passing. Trial date; D cc. U . - Anthony M ichael Cardenas. 21. o f 111 W . V alley View Road. Ad­ vancc was arrested Nov. 27 for pos­ session with intent lo manufacture, sell, anddislributc schedule IVdrugs. Trial date: Jan. 8. - Abel M arcias G arcia. 3 3. o f 505 Fairfield Road. M ocksvillc was ar­ rested Nov. 27 for failure to appear. Trial date: D ec. 14. - Donald Gene Daily Jr., 34, o f 197 LaQuinta Drive, Advance was arrested Nov. 27 for assault inflicting serious injury. Trial dale: D ec. 14. -K en n eth Aubrey Draughn, 19, o f 128 W eslvicw St.. M ocksvillc was arrested Nov. 28 for driving with license revoked, failure lo register vehicle, and fictitious lag. Trial dale: Dcc. 15. - Rodney Sam uel Harpc 111, 27. o f W inston-Salem was arrested Nov. 28 for failure to appear speeding. Trial date: D ec. 11. - Jared Alien Hepier. 31. o f 132 Glasgow Lane. M ocksvillc was ar­ rested Nov, 28 for failure to file re­ turn. Trial date: D cc. 21. -C liffo rd Green Hanes, 40. of 125 Livingston Road. M w ksville was arrested Nov. 29 for failure to pay support. Trial dale: Dcc. 11, - W ayne Franklin Beaver III, 39. o f 311 N ollcy Road. M ocksville was arrested Nov, 29 for failure to return rental property. Trial date: Dcc. 7. - Thom as Irvine A llen .49.o f 159 Calvin Lane.M ocksvillc was arrested Nov. 29 on a hill o f indictment. Trial date: Jan. 8. - Larry Shawn W est. 19, o f 168 Lancelot Lane, M ocksvillc. arrested Nov. 30 for violating release order, and probation violation. Trial date: D cc. 7. - Mich.icl Lee Luffm an, 29. o f 154 Mcadowview Lane. MiK'ksvllle was arrested Nov. 30 for assault on a govcm m cm ofnccr.andinjury to per­ sonal property. Trial date: D a\ 15. - Frankie Dale Bolen, 20. o f 126 Sunset Drive. M ocksvillc w.is ar­ rested Nov. 30 for failure lo appear. Trial date: Jan. II. - Y osef Amiel Handy. 24. o f 356 Pincvillc Road. M ocksville was ar­ rested Nov. 30 for second degree trespassing. Trial dale: D ec. 7. - Karen Floyd M cGown. 35. o f 151 Charon Lane, Advancc was ar­ rested Dec. I for worthless check. Trial date: Jan. 4. - John Ervc D cllo Russo, 32, of Kem crsville was arrested D ec. l for DW L Trial dale: Dec. 15. - ScottyJam csO N eal.29,of4471 U.S. 64 W est. M w ksvillc was ar­ rested D ec. I for true indictment. Trial date: Jan. 8. - W illiam Darrell Lam b. 44. o f 1725 People Creek Road. Advancc was arrested Dec. 2 for second de­ gree trespassing. Trial date: D ec. 14. - Randall Dean Johnson. 41. of 1977 Liberty Chureh Road. M ocks- ville was arrested Dec. 3 for failure lo pay child support. Trial date: Dcc. 12. Land Transfers The following land transfers were n icd w ith the D avie R egister o f Deeds^ listed by parties Involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 representing $1,000. - Sam naz Inc. to Frank Bradley Beo) and Helen R cbecca Beal, 1 lot, Farmington, $890. • Paul S. W alker and Louise M. W alker to W illiam Ray Wolker, 1% Interest, 1 tract, Farmington. - Paul S . W alker and Louise M. Walker to Paula Louise Spillman, 1% interest, I tract, Farmington. - Jam e s D avid G arw ood ond Carolyn M oore Garwood to W illiam Law rence Page and D eborah M . Page, 5 acres, $70. - Westview Developmem C o. to David S . M allard Construction. 2 lots. Shady Grove, $126. - Yvonne Calder to Tom m y H. Allen, 5 acres. M ocksville. $83. • Jam es C . Bow les III and Penny Sue Bow les to Tim othy E . Bow les and Tanya C. Bow les, 4 .4 4 acres, Farmington. - Dana I. Triplett and Deborah Sh elton T n p letl lo Josep h M ark W hite and Jeanna Baxter W hite. 3 tracts, Farmington, $256. - Larry M cD aniel Build ers lo Cynthia R Creason, 1 lot. Calahain, $242. - Edward M arsh and Kathleen Marsh lo Bermuda Village Rctirc- m cm Center Lim ited Partnership. \ villa. Farmington. $460. - Berm uda Village Retirem ent Center Limited Partnership to Bar­ bara C. Jackson. I villa. Farmington. $460. - Thomas H. Price and Linda S. Pricc to Jerry P. Patterson, I loi. M ocksvillc. $40. • Bobby G. and Fannie G . Bodford to Kevin W. and Debra L. Jean. 3 tracts. Jerusalem . $230. - Richard D. Poindexter and Linda S. Poindexter to Paul Wayne NVill- lams and Diane Dressier Williams. 1.55 acres. Shady Grove. $526. • Gary Lester Riley and Sandra Kay Riley lo Ronnie J. Hendrix and Angelia Barrier Hendrix. .008 acre. Fulton. $1. - Frank A . Hardcaslle and Julie E. Hardcastle lo Frank A. Hardcaslle and Julie E. H ardcaslle. Frank V. Hardcaslle and Vera Hardcaslle. I lot. M ocksvillc, - W illiam C lark Fairchild and Tamara T. Fairchild to Roger Lee Hill and Carol J. Hill, I lot, Farmington. $480. • David W. Bailey Jr.. trustee and on behalf o f John H. Hoots Sr. to Dick Anderson Construction, 1 lol. Shady Grove. • Dick Anderson Construction lo Jerry M . Sm ith and Su/onnc Smith. 1 lot. Shady Grove. S410. - Dale Brown, cxecutor o f eslate o f Vctra W. Brown lo Jam es Ronald M cC lam rock. 1.19 acrcs, M ocks­ ville. 580. - S t. A ndrew s G o lf V illas lo Tamara T. Fairchild. 1 villa. Farm­ ington, $389. - June W. M inor lo R obert T. Lauw crs Jr. and C h ristin e A. Lauwers. I lot, Jerusalem . $150. • Ann S . Courtenay lo Ann S. Courtenay Revocable Trust, 1 villa, Fam ilngton. • Harold W ayne Sm ith and Elaine Sm ith , and E lm er G . A llen and G erald in e A llen to T im m y Jay Keaton, 13,27 acres, Farm ington. $107. - A .J. Barker Construction to A .J. Barker Construction and M ichael K. D ufncld .3 lots. C larksville, $44. • Custom Homes o f Advancc to Norman Building & Remodeling. I lol. Shady Grove. • Shugart Enterprises to Randall 0 . Mayberry and Selena I. Mayberry. H ot. M ocksville. $235. • Thom as Channing Poplin lo RasicToney. Charity Tbncy and Tho­ mas Channing Poplin, 2.08 acrcs, M ocksvillc, - Lawrencc M. Ahem and Kim ­ b erly T . A hern to Jo sep h B . M cD on ald and C arolyn N. McDonald. 1 lot. Farm ington,$910. Highway Patrol The following iraffic wrecks were investigated by the N .C . Highway Pairolin Davie County. F ou r Vehicles In W reck I A M o ck sv llle w om an was . ; charged with failure to reduce speed i ; after a four-vehicle wreck on U .S. . 601 Soulh at 7:25 a.m. Nov. 28. Kelli Brown W allace. 3 1, o f 1366 ' Jericho Church Road, failed lo slop : lhc 1996 Ford she was driving be- : fore it struck the rear o f a 1987 Chevrolet driven by Holly Dianne . W illiam s, 16, o f 164 D ots Lane, j M ocksville. knocking It into the rear 1 o f a 1990 Buick driven by Michael : D aniel M cCoy. 17. o f 868 Wood­ ward Road. M ocksvillc, knocking II in lo the rear o f a 1994 M ercury driven by Joseph Randall Sim mons, 19, o f lOOI M illing Road, M ocks­ ville, reported Trooper T.D . Shaw. Both D rivers C ited Both drivers were cited after a wreck on Yadkin Valley Road at 5:50 p.m. Nov. 27. David Ralph Graley Jr., 25. o f 234 M errell’s Lake Road, M ocksvillc, was backing a tractor trailer from Ihe KInderton entrance onto the road, when a 200 0 C adillac, driven by Faye Riddle M organ, was driven olT the road lo the right to avoid a colli­ sio n , reported T roop er E ric T, Fires DavieCounty firedepanm cnls re- spanded (0 Ihe following calls: N ov.27:A dvancc,4:4l p.m .,Polls ' R oad , autom obile accident; C or- ' natzer-Dulin assisted. N ov. 2 « : SmiUi Grove, 1: 18 p.m.. - Fum ington Road, field fire; Farm- - ington assisted. • N ov. №t Jerusalem . 1:58 p.m., - Boxw ood Church Road, automobile - ic c id e n i; C oo leem ee assisted ; : M ociu v ille, 9 :2 9 p.m ., U .S. 601 ■ Soulh, automobile accident; M ocks- L ville. 10:28 pjn..-W indw ardCirele, > uBolielevenigaiion. ‘ N ov. 3 0 : F o rk . 3 :1 0 p.m .. V ircasd eli Lane, structure fire; M ocksville assisted. D ec, 1: County Line, 12:08 a.m., Cranfill Road, structure fire; Jerusa­ lem. 5:44 p.m .. Holy Cross Church Road, grass fire: M ocksviile, 7:32 p.m., Yadkinville Road, automobile accident. • Dec. 2: Farmington, 12:00 a.m., Pinto Road, sinicture fire; W illiam R , Davie assisted. Dec. 3 : M ocksviile, 4:24 p.m.. Long M eadow Road, residential fire alann; Sm ith Grove assisted. Phillips. It struck a m ailbox. Graley was charged with making an unsafe trafili movement, Morgan wilh having a fictitious rcgistraiion plate number. Reckless D riving C harged An Advancc teen was chargcd wilh rcckless driving after a wrcck on N.C. 801 at 4:40 p.m. Nov. 27. MichacI Paul Fattalch. 18, o f5 1 7 Gonlon Drive, was driving a 2000 Ford lhat went o ff Ihc road lo Ihc right, came back onto the road, cross­ ing Ihc ccntcr tine and striking a 1999 Ford drivenb y Matthew Scott Davis, 21, o f East Bend, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. C a r W recks O n 801 A M ocksville man said hc was avoiding an animal on N.C. 801 at 3:10 p.m. Nov. 30 when he lost con­ trol o f Ih cl99l Pontiac he was driv­ ing. Richard Blakley Hall, 16, o f 401 M illing Road, was driving the car that went off tho road lo the right, struck an embankment and culvcrt, bccam c airborne, and overturned onto its lop, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. T h ree D rivers C harged , Three drivers were chargcd wilh failure lo rcduce speed after a wreck on 1-40 at 6 p.m. Nov. 29. Donald H ubcn Boles, 58, o f 480 Georgia Road, M ocksvillc, failed № slop the 1984 M erccdcs Benzhew os driving before il struck Ihe rear o f a 1998 Chevrolet driven by Mark Van Der, 25, o f The Ncthcriands. Joshua M ichacI Lubcr, 26, o f C harlotte failed 10 stop Ihe 1993 M azda hc was driving, and Robert Glenn Russell 111, 27, o f Slalcsvilic, failed lo stop Ih el989 Plymouth he was driving before join in g the w rcck. B oles, Russell and Lubcr were each cited. Failu re To R educe Speed C harged A M ocksvillc man was chargcd with failure lo reduce speed after a w reckonU .S. 601 South at 9:25 p.m. Nov. 29. . W illiam Savannah Piercc, 76, o f 522 Gladstone Road, failed lo slop Ihc 1978 Buick hc was driving before il struck Ihc rear o f a 1998 Ford driven by Wanda Lee B (O oks,56,of 288 M ichaels Road. M ocksvillc, re­ ported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. D riv er F aces T h ree C harges A M o ck sv ille w om an was charged with hit and run, driving without a license and failure to re­ duce speed after a wreck on U .S. 64 West at 12:15 p.m. Nov. 29. Deedra Home Bright, 30, o f 208 Powell Road, failed to slop the 1992 Chcvrolel she was drivmg before il struck Ihc rear o f a 200 0 Dodge driven by M orlenc Ann U ngcrich, 42, o f 122 Deer Run Trail, M ocks­ ville, reported Trooper J.R . Allred. , Failu re To Y ield C harged A M ocksville man was chargcd with failure lo yield afler a wrcck on U .S. 601 North at 7:30 p.m. Dcc. 1. Larry Stephen Davis, 48. o f 70 W hitney R oad , d rove a 1980 Oldsm ohilc from the W endy's park­ ing lot into the path o f a 1990 Dodge being driven on U .S. 601 by Alisha Ann M cCann, 26, o f Harmony, re­ ported Trooper M .T. Dalton. U nsafe M ovem ent C harged An Advancc woman was chargcd with making an unsafe traffic m ove­ ment after a wreck at Ihe'Englewood Crossing entrance al 11:25 a.m. Dec. 2. N ancy M ikels Parks. 63. o f 306 Bingham Parks Road, was driving a 2 000 Lincoln Inlo the shopping cen­ ter when it struck a 1999 Ford driven by M arnic Chavay Lewis, 24, o f4 l I M orse Si.. M ocksv iile, reported Trooper J.R . Allred. D river C harged A H arm ony man was charged wilh careless ond reckless driving after a wreck on N.C. 801 at 1 p.m. D ec.3. . Dvorresi Waylon W allacc, 19, o f 357 Counly Line Road, was driving a l9 8 7 H o n d a lh a iw en lo ff the road 10 Ihc left inio a yard. A D M V of­ ficer was alieihpling to catch iip lo the vehicle after seeing it speeding. reported Trooper T ,S. Kennedy. D river F aces 1\vo C harges An Advance woman was chained with driving left o f center and hav­ ing an expired registration plate af­ ter a wrcck on Jolly Road at 3:45 a.m. D cc. 2. Rita Hutchins U w s, 48, o f 182 Baileys Chapel Road, was driving a 1996 Ford that wenl o ff Ihe road to Ihe right and struck two m ailboxes, went o ff the road to Ihelcll into a yard. She loldTrooperT.D . Shaw she was sattcmpting lo answer and re­ trieve her cell phone. Five D eer S tru ck Five deer were stnick or struck vehicles on Davic roads: •Jason M elton Kcpley. 25, o f Sal­ isbury, at 6:35 a.m . Nov. 27 on U .S. 601 North; ' • Adrian Trent C lem ent, 18, o f 519 Gladstone Road, Cooleem ee, at 5:55 p.m. Nov. 28 on Country Lane; • Tracie Scchrcst Everhardt, 24, o f 156 N orthbrook D rive, at 6 :3 0 p.m, D cc. 1 on U .S. 64 East; • W illiam R oosevcll Allen, 2 2, o f 138 Charon Lane, Advancc, al 6:30 p.m, D cc. 3 on C om atzer Road; and • Kevin Delano Hendrix, 31, o f 122 Sunset D rive. M ocksvillc. at 8:4 0 3m. D cc. 4 on C a m p a li Road. шштш ■— **> ' . « WyttrntêlÊm MO Mi-IMilCIW^ ' ш т я .liêoekêviaê MERCURY MEW O W N ER SH IP S t M AN AG EM EN T “We Want Your Business . . . Let Us Earn It!” Hwy. 601 South of 1-40 (YadidnvilleRd.)* Mocksviile, NC 1 - 8 T 7 - 8 2 9 - 0 1 8 7' ' __________■' AlpricMfrtI«tryrib«i«*talgntodMiw.‘C h K * w i l h f o r , 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 P la n n in g D e p a r t m e n t T o C o n d u c t T r a n s p o r t a t io n S u n / e y Tlie Davie Couniy Pliuining Dc* partmcnt, inconjunction with the N.C. Dcpartmcrn of Transponaiion, will be conducting a transportation sur>’cy of the residents o f Davie County. Tliis survey is intended to receive comments and information from the pubUcaboutraodwaysandoilicrtranS' portation in Davie County. Those completing the survey may also com* ment on traffic problems, specific road interscclions, and other tireas for im­ provement which need lobe addressed G r e e n R e c e iv e s M ilit a r y P r o m o t io n ■-Ц » MajorBryanD.Grcen.sonofDavid and Jean Green o f Mocksvillc, was promoted to Lieutenant colonel o f the United States Army, on Dec. 1. Green is a 1979 graduate o f Davic HighSchool;o 198! graduatcofRowan; Technical College. Salisbury; and a 1984 graduate of Appalachian State University, Boone. H eisagraduateof the United States Army Command and General Staff College, Tnwsportation OiTlccr Advanced Course, and holds a master’s degrce In business organiza­ tional management from the Univer* shy o f LaVem e, Anchorage, Al. . Greenisasslgned to the BattleCom- niand Training Program at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as a combat ser­ vice support O bserver controller/ trainer. Orccn’s previous duty assignments Included: Combined Armed Support Command, Ft. Lee, Va., 1st Armor . D ivision (forw ard), B osn ia- Hcrzegovlna, Military Trafilc Man- BBQ Dinner At Mainville Zion There will be a bar-b-que and chicken dinner Saturday, D ec. 9 at M ainville A.M .E. Zion Church. The dinner will begin al I \ a.m . with a $5 donation for plates. Orders may be eat-in or you can call for delivery, 336-751-9146. Hoiv Ttie G rouch Fo u n d Christm as This Sunday, Dec. 10 at 11 a.m. Ihc Hillsdale Baptist Church “Kids Khoir” will present the musical How The Crvucb Found Christmas, . In Uiis musical the character Marty ha.s quite un altitude aboul something he’s not gelling for Chrislmas. Tlien he meets somebody who reminds him whal Chrislmas should be all about. Attend Ihis event in the new facil­ ity on U .S. 158, one mile w esl o f in- tcrseclion 158 and 801. For more in- fonnaiion you may call 940-6618. Unemployment In Davie Is Up ; Davie County’s unemployment rate increase from September to O c­ tober, according lo figures released lasl week by the Employment Secu­ rity Commission o f North Carolina. : The October rate was listed at 6.5 percent, up from 2.8 percent in Sep­ tember. O ctober jo b less rales for sur­ rounding counties: Davidson, 2.9% ; Forsyth. 2.6% ; Iredell, 5.2% ; Yadkin. 4.7% ; and Rowan, 9.5% . agemcnt Command. Alaska, 24th In- fantiy Division (Mechanized). Fort Stewart, Ga., 34tli Area Support Group, Yongson Anny Garrison, Korea, 4th U.S. Army Readiness Group, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., and the 197th Infantry Brigade (M echanized/ Seperate), Fort Denning, Ga. His awards Include the Merilorous Serv'lce Medal (5th Oak Leaf Cluster), the Anny Commendation Medal (4th Oak Leaf Cluster), the Army Achieve­ ment Medal (2nd Oak Leaf Cluster), National D efense Service M edal, Amied Forces Expeditionary Medal, Anned Forces Scrvice M edal nnd NATO Service Medal. GreenrcsidesinLansing, Kan., with his wife, Blair, daughter o f Cecil and Melva Hutchinson o f Salisbury-, and his childrcn, Dcrck, Lauryn, and Tay­ lor. GRAND OPENING j H i l i s J a J e A n i m a l H o s p i t a l | a2 0 M o n t h l y H e a r t i v o r m P r e v e n t a t i v e (Call far Deiuils) Hillsdale Animal Hospital №irla Frazier DVM 134 M edical Drive Advance, N C 27006 336-998-8750 Advance Florist & Gift Basitets — WeDtltvtr— (ЭЭЦ94(МЭЭ7 I Xeipreoyoiio|workinf. Bnyreejreled. “REMEMBERING” by Sue Moser Boggs L im it e d Ed it io n Pr in t s JL his m an stood alone In fr«nl o f llic W ar M etnorial on the Square. Im agining h b thougliis can still m;ike m e cry as I did. that day. Through this painting (.nicli vic\s'cr also stiuids before th e g n n iic \>'all as he d id ... rcm enilx'ring and honoring the people who s e r m l in our A nn ed Forces. To o n ler call Su e Boggs at (336) 998-1218 o r c*mail s. m.boj^p^H voriH net.att.n et. A print o f ih c painting is o n view at the W oodworks G allery on M ain Street in M ocksvillc. A n order fon n is available there also. - Lim ited Ed itig n of 250 - N um bered iind Signed l>y th e artbi Siie8"xir Co«t-$40 by the Davic County Thorougbfare I^ gtam . All comments are wclcomc, said John Galllmon:, Davic Piiinning and Zoning Director. Surveys will be mailed to randomly scleclcd households throughout tbe county be^nnitig in early December. Approximately 1.000 surveys will be mailed and rccipicms arc asked tocom- picic Ihc entire stiri cy and rutura lo tbc Davic Coumy Planning Department by Ja n .I. Anyone who docs not reccive a survey by mail, but would like to corn- plelc one, may request a fomi from the Davic County Planning Department, the County Managers OITicc, or Ihc town halls o f Bermuda Run, Cooi­ eemee, or M ocksville. Copies o f Ihc forai may also be printed or downloaded from the Davic C ouniy w ebsite al www.co.davie.nc.us. Qucstionsregardingtlicsurvcymay be diicctcd to Gallimore. Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. or by tele­ phone at 7 5 1-3340. O O ^O O O O O i »KNIAM IN JOHNSON lU . "B .J.l'O ltS llO K T " ON UKC. 8 T II YOU i i (• ? I YU S. 01.1)1 llapiiy lllrtliilay U)vc, MOM & DAI) o o ^ < t J a t u r e ' y Q i f t ' ¡0305аиЛшуМ ‘ M «IU V <U .,W C 2W Íазбш-*г» H i^ in b e r 2 0 0 0 l7 D .n .tC V < rtm » S il« ' VeOySptclalf ¡0to-30foff ■Gifts Certificatráíl W e D 0 4 m B á ÍM i5 Hours will t» ; exleiKiedtofDio • holiday. Please walch our ?t)oanl lor details Have a Veiy I Meny Christmas ' and a Happy New Year ! from your (tionds ■alNaltira'sQlli ? W ol be moving ^ inlo nr new building sooni Ы "шт '1m M Ы M ta 1 Им S mri 1 4 оояео 5 mrfkailut 6 » .7 « .8 .»taOnn 9 « -«NOm* I I hwbMtaKIPUa 1 2 » 1 3 ... U » .15.W 1 6 ;;rMmwTmÍM.ILMOM 1 11»иёитшл.штшшш 19«- 20 .w - ‘j r 21».22».2 3 » .МКЛНМ) 1 S6 01 27 )sed M 29 30 B e n F r a n k l i n H o l i d a y S a v i n g s We are your locally owned, nationally known, craft & variety store Sole Ends I7/I7//000 Acpyllc Easel 24" Balsam WreaUi Regular & Icicle Bingo: S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 9 t h W m R D a v i e F i r e D e p t . * H w y 6 0 1 N o r t h D o o r s O p e n a t 6 : 3 0 • P l a y B e g i n s a t 7 > o o IB Game Program $IBB payout each game $25 per person to play 2 Bonus Games payout $2SB each Cost $5 per game Doors Open at «во r Ptay Bogi^ at 1x90 Ben Franklin lib --? « ;! S4NN DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - 9 Call Larissa Harper lins 909-2471 • 751-9400 û Thursday, D ec. 14, and on Thursday, Dec. 21, as part o f the Hometown Christm as Celebrallon. Anyone interested in the volun* leering in the Big Brother/BIg Sis­ ter program should contact Graham al 751-9906. Davie Program Director Regina Graham smiles with some Little Brothers and Little Sisters. Agency Hires New Director Regina Graham is the new coor­ dinator for the Davie Couniy Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Graham is looking forward to her new jo b o f m atching children o f single parents with adult mentors. “Il Is a rewarding feeling lo give a child a B ig Sister or Big Brolhcr," she said. ‘T h e impact o f their rela­ tionship can do so much more ben­ efit than a toy or game could ever do for a child. “Гш thankful for the blessings God has given m e, and 1 feel he con­ tinually places me in positions lo help others." Graham has an extensive record o f working with childrcn. She has been a foster parent for two years. guarUian ad litem court «advocate for child ren , a m iddle school teachcr for four years, and a collegc Instruclor for the past two years. She also works with the youth in her church ond community. Graham works in the family busi­ ness, Graham Funeral Home, and is a doctoral candidate at the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina al Greensboro. Working at B B B S , she’s provid­ ing children with a mentor so they can have a better future. *• I would say lhal 1 work for the betlerm ent o f Davie County In as many ways as my lime will allow," she said. ‘tTommunlly involvement is very important to me, and 1 enjoy everything that I’m doing." Graham has already made two B ig S ister and three B ig Buddy m atches, an аПег-school mentoring program for elementary school chil* dren. “Many days after I’ve gone home, I reilect on what I've done lhat day lo help som eone's child and it brings a sm ile to my face. "I look back on my childhood and rem em ber the family, friends, and others that helped m e in various w ays.Their influence made a differ­ ence in my life. M y jo b at B ig Broth­ ers/Big Sisters gives me ihe oppor­ tunity lo match childrcn with some­ one who can make a difference in their lives, also,’’ she said. ’'Just a little tim e eoch week is very valuable to a child.V Graham said, “i’ve dedicated my life to help­ ing childrcn and the elderly." Big Brothers/Big Sisters has been in Davie County for the past year and has recently m oved to 41 Court Square, Su ite 4 0 3 , in downtown M ocksville. There will be an open house on CARTER'S E O D 121 Cirtir’t RI^H U - 38R. 7BA Орм ioor pin on I i ton viiti room Im tipcmion In tewwrt. îw îirtîi439,900 Peocelui living Plus Convenience Come See For Yoursell! 145 Cirtir's ÎMi г 6R, Ш tiKuiiT( lendwr */ beuiMKl. FP wltn logi tnd popgter >141,900 Hny BOISto leh on Riveiview lo leh on Seolord lo feft inlo Carter's Ridge Building Lois Availablel 0.92 - 2.37 ocres Bring your own builder or choose oneofoursl Peiuiington Company Highway Patrol Gets New Sgt. A former N .C. Highway Palrol line sergeant inM ocksville has been promoted, and a Hooper piclicd us his replacement here. Line Sgl. M .D . Hayes was pro­ moted to flrst sergeant, stationed In Lexington. Trooper H .B. King Jr. had been working In Concord, and was pro­ m oted lo tine sergeant in D avie Coumy. “These troopers have worked hard to earn these promotions, said Col. R.W. Holden, palrol com- rnander. “rni confident they wilt continue 10 do good work at their ■lew duly slailons." : “Tlie Highway PMiol It a proud . organization with a rich history,” laid David E. Kelly, seeielaiy of Ihe De- pamnent of Crime Control and Pub- - lie Safety./These officers hive the lUlli, Itaining, and experience to the patrol al he forefioal of pn>- fmlond,liW;eafmei^nt u we iMo Ihe pexrcisiitufy.” Davie County Hospital 8^ Urgent Care Center Essential Health Care For O ur Community Over the last few months, there has been considerable discussion about the future of Davie County Hospital. During this time, residents have heard or read a lot of information about this issue. Some of this information is accurate. Some of it isn’t. What is important, is that it’s going to take all of us, working together as a community, to develop a desirable health care services plan for the future. The situation we are facing is not uncommon among small community hospitals across the country. With reductions in insurance payments. Medicare reimbursements and declining usage, small hospitals are having a tough time making it without the support of county tax money or other subsidies. The need to reorganize services at Davie County Hospital is hot something that’s just happened in the last few months. The'Healthy Carolinians Task Force of Davie County recognized this almost three years ago and recommended a consolidation of county health care services to improve efficiency and maintain quality of care. Yes, it’s true Novant Health has been successful in consolidating many functions at Davie County Hospital to achieve significant operational savings. In fact, Novant Health has loaned the hospital nearly $500,000 in equipment including laboratory, x-ray and operating room equipment. But the fact remains that 98 percent of those seeking care at the Davie County Emergency Room over the last year did not require emergency level services or inpatient admission. However, by maintaining comprehensive inpatient services and a fully staffed emergency room, the hospital was losing more than 575,000 every month. By working with the county EMS and local physicians. The Urgent Care Center and . outpatient services now available at Davie County Hospital will meet the demonstrated iieeds of the community and provide excellent care. The medical services offered at Davie County Hospital include: • The Urgent Care Center, open 8 a.m, to 10 p.m. seven days a week . , ii • Full outpatient surgery facilities . • Laboratory and diagnostic services . • X-ray services ^ . л-,. i Gastroenterology services . ; ' v • ' , • Pain clinic ' " ' 1 ■ ' • Occupational health services ;; . ■ • Occupationaltherapy ' ч ■. • Physical therapy ’ ’ : , . • : - . • Speech therapy , • Community Alternatives Program (CAP) . ■ . ■ Davie County Hospital and the Urgent Care Center are àn impc)rtMt j ^ of our community ’s health care. As important, Novant Health is committed to supporting the county commissioners, staff and county health officials as they develop a health care services plan for the fütiire. Should you have questions about Davie County Hospital’s Urgent C ue Center, please call . Davie County Hospital at 751-8100. ' • , . , ; j, bAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL . « U R G E N T C A R E C E N T E R ■1Î 'm ' — r -я д а W r r 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Woman Uses Baseball Bat During Fight By Jean n e G aith er Davic County Enterprise Reconl A woman accuscd o f assaulting her nclghtjor was found not guiity Nov. 3 0 in Davie District Court. M elissa Bartlett, 22, o f Boxwood Church Road, Mocicsviilc, was ac­ cuscd o f simple assault, communicat­ ing threats and sccond degree tres­ passing as the result o f adlspute with Laurie S elf July 19. A ccording to S elf, Bartlett had pushed her and grabbed her arms, leaving them bruised. She presented pictures o f her injuries. S h e told Ju d ge Jam es M . Honeycutt she had grabbed an alu­ minum bat lo protect herself during . Ihe attack. Oartlell grabbed Ihe bat, but S e lf's husband, who had been asleep in n recliner in the room , stepped betw een Ihcm lo end the fight. Self said Bartlett had com e onto 'her property "iiice a crazy woman" accusing her o f yelling al the Bartlett ch ild ren . S e lf threw a ch air in Bartlett’s path, which she had kiclied out o f the way as she followed her onto Ihe front porch and into Ihe house, she testified. Prior to this incident, the children from Ihe two families had played to­ gether, and Bartlett dropped by oc­ casionally, according to Self. ';She wanted to be nice," Self said. “I wanted lo be left alone." S h e said she discou raged Bartieu’s friendship, telling her she's, nol a people person, ct Follow ing Ihe scufHe, while on ithe porch, Bartlett had threatened to assault her again. S e lf said. Becau se she testified .that she w asn't sure whether to believe the tlireat, prosecutor Carlton Terry dis­ m issed Ihe com m unicating threats charge againsl Bartlett. Self's husband Ray said he had not heard or seen anything prior lo be awakened when Ihe front door was yanked open. He saw B anlcu grab his w ife. W hen he saw his w ife pick up a baseball bat. he stepped between them. Though they had no uespassing signs posted, Bartlett had stopped by ' on prior occasions. His w ife said she Republican Holiday Party Dec. 14 T h e Davie County Republican ChtisunasPartywiiibcThuisday.Dcc. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Ihe Center Commu­ nity Building. The meal will be catered al the cost o f $10. All Republicans ore invited. This will be the last Republican l ^ y meedng for the Year 2000. For further information, call 998- 2341. CfflROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Susan ■ Sykes Chiropractic Physician TIME TO PLAY SANTAThe hustle and bustle of the holidays are here once again. It's lime to run from place to place, checking your shopping lju oncc...twicc...Sania, where are you when you're needed? Il’s a very joyous period, but a stressful one as wcll-espccially when waiting 10 the last minute to plan a party, gel the boss a gift or see a child's special holiday play. No wonder so many people begin to suffer from a stiiT neck, an aching shoulder or a pounding headache. It also doesn’t help to lilt packages that are way too heavy for your body build. That’s why Santa has elves helping him. It’s much more practical lo pul presents in a shopping cart, carry smaller loads to your car or pick up packages at the loading dock or warehouse. If any aches and pains persist after the holiday, do yourself a big favor. See vour chiropractor for the gentle. haM^n treatment Ihat can put your spinal segments into proper position and ease those holiday acnes am p^nt. You will be giving yourself a well-deserved holiday present. Brought lo you as a communily service ‘ —Advance Chiropractic CLINIC -- HiUsMe Ftofessioaal Park; didn't wont to see her but had never (old her nol lo com c over, he said. Follow ing Ihe Selfs* leslimony. Honcycutl granted a molion by de­ fense attorney Rob Ralsbcck lo dis­ m iss the trespassing chargc. Bartlell’s story from Ihe witness stand was much different from ihe S elfs'. She said she had walked lo their house after her 5-year-oId son camo in crying, claim ing Laurie Self yelled at him. He repealed ihe curse words S e lf allegedly used. After being unable to gel through when she attempted lo reach S e lf by telephone, she decided to walk lo her neighbor's house lo discuss what had happened. W hen she airived. Self, who was standing outside, told her they had nothing 10 lalk about. Ranting and rovmg, S elf threw a chair at her. she said. On the from porch Bartlett was turning lo'leave after S e lf went in­ side when Selfopened the door hold­ ing a baseball hal. Bartlett grabbed the bat, which was also grabbed by Ray .Self as he stepped bclwecn them. She and Mr. S elf fell againsl Mrs. S elf pushing her into a com er, which is how Bartlell ended up inside the house and her explanation for Ihe bruises on Self’s arms. She had never grabbed the alleged victim. If Ihey could afford to move, her fam ily would leave to cscape ihe unpleasant situation with iheir neigh- Iwrs. bul they don’t have enough eq­ uity in their home, she added. Raisbeck argued that what Bartlett had done was probably unwise but not criminal. The jiidgc agreed. Tind- ing Bartlell not guilty. He said the bruises on S elf's arms looked more like ihey were acquired from falling against something lhan from being grabbed. When Self argued that Bartlell had grabbed her arms, Honeycuti ordered her to be quiet and scolded her for her demeanor throughout the trial, which had Included giggling while Banlett was on the witness stand. He suggested II was her mouth that had caused the problem s and recom ­ mended the two women slay away from each other. VCR% CLEANED & REPAIRED Clean &Test..^25 A ll WORK DONE ON PREMISES ©RadioShack. Radio Shack D«alef Mooresvfll« Ele<trenla Squn Boon« (Wi, MockniiX (Neil to WjIMjiiI 336-7St-0423 ll-STOP^N-GRILL Welcomes you to come dine with usi • D a i l y S p e c i a l s • F r e s h S e a f o o d o n F r i d a y N i g h t s Open Mon., lUes. > S al 5:30 AM - 2:00 PM • W ad, Diura. a Fri 5:30 AM - 0:00 PM 7647 Hwy. 801 South, Cooleemee, N0 • (336) 284-6166 ‘V Stop — We Grill" F R E E Full Spinal Examination With Tliis Coupon Only 16 Danger Signals of Pinched Nerves: 1 lowftxk Pen Ì H(0()0(twi 9 VmAlerPoM S Dutreu « Sortltwwi J N«(k Pon S InAgMhon 9 Nu№bl4cnh 10 Bun*ti11 Pon dc<i«n IfQt12 hVjictoSpovni 13 Нигт«Ггд«п14 Ир Pon\i rgNMuxIn 16 Д(ЪгдГм< W hite Mc ore ncccpllnR new pnlicnLs no one need feel any abligallon. • Im m e d iate T reatm ent • Insurance A ccepted • W c do your insurance paperw ork for you. IJmltcd Time OlTcr. Call for your appointment today! Dr. Scoli Foster. d.c, ccej. ^ 46C k m n w m Rd., G em m ons NC m - im C O U P O N S A V E R S FROM la m r ) jm m w DIAMOND Ó ^ /C O L D C A L U R Y ГнаГрРВ1СеГ| Men’s I W e d d in g Uands I ^ _ | $450 Diamond Wnip Ring 149 I__^_______I ГнАиРВ1СЕ1~| I Group of Diamond I С1ш1ег| Rings j I _______________I |SALE$¿|^¡ Black Onyx Kings '______I FREEMFREE! FREE! jjCharms Put On FREElJ 1 Silver 1 1 Chains 1 Gold 1 Chains 1! 10% V DOWN I LAYAWAY 10% ¡ DOWN LAYAWAY 1/2 Carat ì Diamond ! Hoop Earrings I $337» I HALF OFF-tttttS675j Г Т П Л ! Diamond П Anniversary Rings \ FROM 30-50%! Wb S750 j Blue Topaz j & Diamond ■ Ring J D I A M O N D E N G A G E M E N T ¡ R I N G S A L E !I LayawayTodavl J 4 Carat Diamond Tennis Bracelet Wb $3995 1888 4 0 №10% DOWN Fim"'jEmLERS SINCE 1960 751-.П47 751-?21<> Christmas Layaway! It’s So Easy NEXT TO WAL-MART MOCKSVILLE Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 - B l Davie Wrestlers Back With Dominating Win Over Tuscola By B rian Pllt.i* Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Tliis was the Davie County wrestling warn that has averaged 24 wins since 1992. This was the Davie wres­ tling team that has made five siale-dual championship appearances in eight years. This Davic team learned from ils King o f ihe Mot inistakes. dismissed ils series o f hard luck with injuries and defections and regained ils aura as a vaunied pro­ gram, upending the highly-regarded Tuscola M ounlaln- eers 43-21 here Saturday. The marvelous recovery from a 53-poinl loss to East Gaston at the King o f the M ai kept the Davie Duals trophy where it seemingly belongs for the ninth lim e in lOyears. Davie ihumped Norlh Rowan 74-6, South Mecklenburg 75-6 and Northwest Cabarrus 5 9 -1 1, but those triumphs paled in comparison lo the convincing win over adefend- ing stale 3-A runner-up that returned clghl starters. "Il gave us a loi o f confidencc because Ihey finished .second in the slale. and bccause u bunch o f guys wanted to win bul Ihey didn’t quite believe wc could do as gtxHl as w c did." slar 125-pounder Josh Stanley said. "Every- bixly Is always expecting us lo win and we've always won, and this gels us over a hump. W e needed to win our own loiimamenl just lo get everybody's hopes up." Hverybixly's hopes werc sagging bccause o f an un­ foreseen avalanche o f adversity. Offse.nson injuries lo W esley Johnson and Adam Barber robbed Davie o f two Nirong stiiriers: Andrev^^Rudy, Chris Nichols and Nell R ice didn't return for vanous reasons; Larry Hudson, a 30-m atch winner and state (junliner .\s a freshman, quit aroundThanksgiving:andCassidy M cM ahan, aslarler at 189 who was ptiised fora breakthrough year, tore an A CL the previous week­ end and Is finished. "Il seemed like things weren't go- ingourw ay before tod ay ." 125- pounder Ja co b G arn er said. "D avie is always supposed lo win Davic Duals, and Koontz K u h rs it's good to gel a lough win at the beginning and show everybody whal we can do." Coach Buddy Lowery acknowledged the W ar Eagles were already at a crossroads com ing inlo Saturday. "W e ju sl tw)k the aiiiiude that we're going lo go with whal we've got, roll up our sleeves and go to work," he said. "W hat arc wc going to do. forfeit the season'?" His uneasiness faded when Ihe W ar Eagles marched out o f Ihe locker nH)m. "You could sec the mindset." Lowery said. "Tlierc wasn't any goofing around. W c stepped il up. W e've still got the altitude, 'W e're going lo win. we're going to win, we're going lo win,’ and that helps." Tuscola jum ped ahead 12-3, bul three straight pins by Stanley. Jordan Kahrs and Gam er put Davie In the driver's seat. Tuscola (4 -1) bounced hack lo cut Davie's lead to 24-21, bul Tyler Black (13-6 decision) and Jon Gotxle (ihird-period pin) put ihe Mountaineers on Iheir knees al 33-21 with two matchcs to go. GihkI. a sophoiiiDrc who missed the King o f the Mat with a sirctchcd rotator cuff, couldn't have picked a belter lim e for his first varsily victory. "I wrestled Patrick (Lowery) in practice, he man- handled me, and it didn't hurl," the 189-pounder said. "So I knew it was better." Lowery, the 215-pounder who has ripped o ff 47 o f 49 wins sincc last year, clinched it with a 15-7 m ajor deci­ sion. and heavyweight Trent Young padded the margin with a pin. "He's (Coach Lowery) real solid just like he always is." said Tuscola coach Steven Atwood, who is coming o ff a 17-2 year. ''They do things right and they don'i make big mistakes. He's got a few young kids that he's got to bring on, but they've got a very good team." For the day. Luke Koontz (103), Stanley, Kahrs ( 130) and Lowery were perfect in five tries, and many others made big impacts. Andrew Scott (119). Gam er, Billy R id d le(152)an d B lack (l7l)w cre4-l.an d G am er would have been 5-0 if not for a disqualification for an illegal hold. And Davic got 2-O efforts from Sam Stovall (H W T) and Tony Angelí (140), who stunned an opponent ranked N o .2 in S u p er3 2 fo rl-A / 2 -A . The biggest Hfl cam e from Koontz, who started the year weighing 116 bul reached his magic number in lime to overwhelm the 103 combatants. "I can overpower people more, nol ihat I can all of them, bul more al 103 than 112." said ihe junior who is back after silling out two years. "I'm a big 103-pounder and I'm wrestling som e freshmen and sophomores." Dropping lo 103 is a mighty accomplishment when you consider Koontz's mother runs a bakery. "That's a big plus, nol saying that (undersized fresh­ man) Zac Morton doesn't do a good jo b ," Lowery said. "Me works (al Kctchie Creek) and helps cater and stuff Please See W restlers - Porc B 6 Sam Stovall, wrestling at heavyweight, won two matches for Davie. ' - Photo by Robin Fergusson l\/lt. Tabor Barely Escapes Against Upstart Davie Giris Swim Team War Eagle Fans show their support as the boys beat Lexinglon at home.- Photo by James Barringer Hogue's Quick Recovery Spurs Varsity Boys By Brlun P itb Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Without point guard Jason Hogue, Davic County’s varsity boys looked like an average basketball leam at best. W ilh Hogue running the show here Friday against Lexington, the W ar Eagles looked likc'a leam that could fulfill m osi. if nol all, ofC oach Jim Young's goals. . . Hogucwenldown.withaspruined nnkleearly in the second halfagalnst Norlh Iredell on I Nov. 29, and the Raiders promptly look conlroi o f a tight gam e and upset Davie 69-60. T h e ju n io r re­ turned tw o days later, restoring or­ der, creating open shots for gunners Sean Stevens and Edie Zajnovic ond helping the W ar Eagles lo an entertaining 86-79 non- Stein conference win over the quick Y el­ low Jackets (2-3). "Il was nice lo have H ogue al the pi>inl," Yoim g said. "H e really gut­ ted il up because he lumed it pretty bad. He was gimpy and he wasn'l as quick." Altitough he sat niorc than usual andw aslessthan 100 percent, Hogue still delivered 14 points, three assists and two steals, connecting on five o f eighl field goals as Davie improved 104-1. "W hen he had the ball in his hands, il didn’t seem to bother him ," Young said with a laugh. "D efensively, it seemed lo bother him." Maintaining a lead from the 4 :26 mark o f the first through the final hom , Davic erased the awful taste from the first nonconrcrencc regu- lar-season losssinccad efeatloW est Rowan in ihe paiavyba C hristinas' Toumamenl final in 1998, a span'of 20 gam es. ^ _ Please See W ar E agles • Page B 8 No Need To Pity S. Davie Wrestling Team By Brlun Pitts Davic Couniy Enterprise Record . All the preseason hype that D avie County's girls swim team wouldcon- tend in the stoui Central Piedmont Conference was only spcculalivcl The experience, the talent, the depltt - it all appeared lo be in order, bul who could really tell after years o f also-ran status? New coach M alt M echam raved about praciicc .limes and promised com petitiveness, biil how many really believed the W ar E;igles would hold thcirow n against the league giants. Tho.se honest folks wilh their hands up were proven right last week.; No. the visiting W ar Eagles didn't • knock o ff Mount Tabor, falling short, 137-120. But they led most o f the way and won the respect o f a Sparlaii leam with siaie-championship aspi­ rations. South Rowan was Iasi with 45p oin ls. . , . ' "Thai’s the closest we've ev ei swam Mount Tabor," Mecham said) "W c actually had the lead through most o f Ihe m eet, so they werc real happy. They werc ecsiatic." -,■< Davie ran ahead o f ihe big dogk. for a good while lhanks lo Meagaii’ Clark, Kaylyn Sm ith, Em m a'Jakoij' and Ashley Gaskin. That fabulous foursome ruled the 200 medley rcr lay. as expected, and took a close second in the 200 free relay. Clark won the 200 individual medley and the 10 0 breaststroke^ Sm ith was first in the 100 freestyle and second in the ' ,100 backstroke, and Jakob grabi ; 'second in the 200 and 500 freestylci "M ount Tabor is one o f the top five teams in the state, so we’re veiy thrilled wilh that score," M echam, a Davie alum who coached last year al Bishop M cGuinness. said. "If I had to guess, I would say Tabor probably did nol expect il to be anywhere near that closc. Hopefully this lets other people know that we’re serious about it. (Senior) Jakob told me they're doing things they've never done be­ fore. They're working harder than they’ve ever worked, and now they see that they’re com petitive with the best in the confcrencc." Becky Call (100 back), Gaskin (50 and 100 free) ond Alison Alex^ ander (100 fiy and 200 IM ) claim ed third in fw c individual events, and Davie look third in three relays - C all, Natalie Hunckler, Alexander ond Kate Pellorini in the 200 medley; Jo n e l D arcy , Je n n ife r M oore; Courtney Steed ond Megon Russell in the 4 0 0 free; ond Coll, Hunckler^ Darcy and Alexander in the 200 free; And the W ar Eagles arc only g(> ing to gel better. They were missing M ichelle Hunckler, who is formi­ dable in three events bul was sick last week, and Darcy, whose availability wos lim ited bccause o f missed prac­ tice tim e, should bolster ihe 5 0 free. "M ichclIe is one o f my beller breasti butterfly and frcestylcrs, so I had lo pull som e people out o f events they would normally swim In and put ihem som cw hcrcelselocoverspots,'; M echom said., They get another crock ot Tabor on D cc. 6 at the Davic YM C A . Souih will also be on hand. "W e’re tinkering with the lineup a litlle bit,” Mecham said. "W ilh a three-team meet, all wc hove lo do is gel nine points and take away eight Please S ec G irls • Page B 2 By B rian Pitts Davie Couniy Enteqirisc Record ^ Coming into the season, contend­ ing for 0 fourih conference chompl- o ^ h ip In five years seemed almost ludicrous after losing 12 o f 15 start- e b , including four blgguns who didn't return for various reasons. I; Right'? ’ W ell,aSouih Davie wrestling pro- ¿rnm ihal's supposed lo be rebuild-' ifig gained a head o f steaiit Iasi week and prodiiccd winning morgins simir lirlo Ihc previous iwounbealen yedn. - j *< Despile the unforeseen personnel losses. CiAich Howimt Riddle refused iojh ak e excuscs.H e grew ,w e ^ o f, lolkingaboui who wasn’t here, grace­ fully accepted the hand ihal is here and vowed lo lum o bunch o f no- nomcs inlo big names. A nd in iw o n o n co n fcren ce matches, the Tigcrsm adeilpainfully clear lo West Rowan nnd China Grove Ihal Ihe Suuih cupboard is hardly bare, stomping the Bulldogs and Red ' Devils by Identical 72-18 scorcs. , "I thought we had enough (fit«- .power lo survive)." R lddlc.saldafier; .perhaps his most gralifying week a s : a head coach. "I don’t think \vhol we,' ': lost iihurtlng us. Ii’soverw iih. W hal . ;№e’re working with is doing a good jsny.'iharago|n;;Jiicoh • Snow, DusiyJohnson,Ti'm my Allen, Dylan Reynolds. Andrew Darcy, Jay Brill,! Brent Abendrólh. bew ayiie \ Collins, Andrew Lam b and Daniel Baxicrnlla'cordcd two pins as South pr<;yailcd for the 46ih lim e in 50 mal'chcs, including 25 straight since 1998-99. ■ ‘ ■ "W e proved wc hove a chance to have a good year," Riddle said. "The elTqrl was grcal. Icouldn'l hove been any happicr'With the effort. ; - •' "The reluming guys with some experience liad a good week. Dusty, Dylan,' Daivy, Brill and Dewayne - Ihal's w haii expect from them. They arc going lo b e leaders.” ■; ;• Aaron Hollifield. Weslcj; Thoipavj Travis Phelps and Steven Jones split two matchcs. "W c'regoinglotryioco'm pciefor the cham pionship," Riddle said. N otes: The Tigers have o busy week. They faccd Corriher Lipe on Dec. 5, visit Southeosi on D ec. 7 and facc Southeast Randolph on D ec. 8 at North Davie.: "That will tell the story a little bit." he said. "W e’ve got Ihrcc matchcs in five days, and this is wh’ot counls." ... Anthony Gadson and Ryan M ichael were 2-0 in pre­ liminary bouts, Bryson Brow n, Russ Hilton, Josh G odbey and Garrett Parks were 1-0 and Jam es Yonker ‘w a s ! l - i . . Reshaun Parks has reached 20 points in two of South Davie's first three games., ' th e ^ t h M vie w ^ U n g leam pushed its wmning streak to 25, and North Davie's wre^lers ran their streak to 17. A ll their wins have been blowouts.:, Kierston Kahrs of Davie's JV girls delivered 12 pointe and IS rebounds in a 49-37 wino^erLexinglon, .i:-: M att Moser of Davie's JV^boys had 61 points and 10 3-poihters in three wins, including 17 pplnts, nine rebounds, seven steals and six assists against Lexingtoii/f It was the Matt Moser Show," Coach Derek Kuntitsky said.' ; BrittaayW alkerofDay(e>varsitygi[lshit)2 o fl4 frcethxow»/ made eight steals and scored 21 points in a 46-34 win over N oitli Davidson. . ’S-' . , Wrestlers Luke Koootj^f Joah S U nky; JordM i K a lm and; D^vlc A В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 Members of the Davie High varsity swimming leam, from left: sitting - Michelle Hunckler, Megan Russel, Kaylyn Smith, Meredith Bridgewater, Jessica Brown, Jessica McGowan, Jennifer Moore, Natalie Hunckler, Libby Jones, Meagan Clark; middle row - Janel Darcl, Ashley Gaskin, Alison Alexander, Kate Pettorini, Megan Graves, Courtney Steed, Aletnea Riddle, Matt Wise, Emma Jakob, Becky Call; standing - Coach Matt Mecham, Linden Cartner, Jeff MIghlon, Austin Powell, Chariie Lester, Rick Helntzman, Zack Jakob, Brent Gaither, Jay McClellan, and Assistant Coach Brooke Parlse. Davie Little League; Meeting Dec. 12 Tlic Davie Counly National Lllllc League will hold a baseball meeting^ on Dcc. 12 at South Davie Middle School at 7 p.m. J Those interested in helping with' the orgnni/ution need to attend. Гог. questions, contact Larry Anderson at* 998-865-1. :■ Seven Davie ^ Players On All- Central Team i D avie County's Toothall team placed seven players on the nll-Cen* iral Piedmont Conference team. ;• K ecciver Kod Tenor, tailback! M ikc-M ikttC km cni. tight end DavcJ Poplin and lineman Andrew Rud/ got the П(ч1 from ihe offense; line­ man Sam Stovall und linebackct Patrick Lowery were recogni/ed from the d efen se: and D avid WtHildriilge. who is best known for' his kicking exploits, was selecled as a punter. Girls No Longer A Pushover Continued Trom Pu(;c U l from Tabor to make thal ground up. W e think we're going to close the gap this week." .. The near upset resulted insix Mid­ west Regional berths. Clark. Jakob. Sm ith and Gaskin qualified in the 200 medley and 200 free relays,Clark in the 100 breast and 200 !M . Jakob in the 500 free and Sm ilh in the 100 free. "W e had the best practicc we’ve had all year(lhe nexlday)." M ccham said, "and 1 think U's a direct result of them seeing how much we closed the gap. They want to get over lhat (hump). Before I think it was: 'W e don't really have a chance o f win­ ning. so we're just going to do the best we c a n .'" Davie's boys (44) absorbed third place behindTabor's 128 and South's 103. Their best showing was second G a sk in C la rk in the 200 medley, a relay thal in­ cluded Brent Gaither. Austin Powell. Zach Jakob and Je ff Mighion. A r e Y o u O ld S c h o o l? Davie Sports News From December, 1975 Rhonda Sm oot had 16 points and MargarelGoodlett added ISasC oach Bill Peeler's Davic varsity girls bas­ ketball team whipped W est Rowan 5 4-36. Debra Howell and Cathy Hutchens had nine points apiece. Dwayne Grant had 30 points and Kevin W ilson added 15. but W esl Rowan edged Coach Bob Henry's Davie boys 55-54. Bobby Lookabill killed an eight- point deer on a farm in Grange County. Lookabill pointed oul that a hunter's insulated underwear can be used for more lhan keeping warm. "They make a good 'You-haul-it' for dragging deers." he said. M eet The W ar Eagles Steplianie Hepler S p o rt: Basketball W h at did you want to be w hen you w ere little and grew up ?: A hairdresser. Favorite song to sing In Ihe show er: Build M e Up Buttercup. iry o u could be a certain a cto r in a m ovie, w ho would it be and in w hat m ovie?: Darla in Little Rascals. 1 would like lo eat d inner w ilh: Adam Dellinger. I f I had to give up all my possessions but one, I i wouW keep: M y pillow. Funniest baskelball story: In the ninth grade, I was standing righl before half court. Som eone threw me the ball, I spun around, shot it, and il went in. A th let^ I m ost adm ire: Sarah Jackson, Austin Powell. Biggest ath letic th rill: The music used for pre- game. Interesting fact about m yself: I like John Denver. M y favorite thing about playing baskelball is: The long Saturday practices. Som ething you did in one o f your classes th is year th at you reaUy liked: W e got a free day in weight lifting. Som ething I rem em ber my parents saying when I was younger: Treat others how you want to be treated. A Unique Gift • Holiday Special ^ 3 H alf hour lessons (or $ 6 0 C ustom ized G ift C ertificate 3 3 % Sow ngs-Expires 5-3.1 -2 0 0 1 Call 998-1868 D onH aflm an S r PG A Teaching Professional Looking for that perfect present for the man, wonian or youngster in pur lifd D ecem ber Olasses & Events Community Programs Diabetes Screening— $ 15 fee An individual consullation with a ccnificd diabetes cducator. Panicipanls will rcccivc a fingcrstick blood (¡lucosc test and be assessed on ihcir risks for developing diabetes. Tliis screening is by appoinlnient only. Screenings are held at: Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1437 tor an appoinlmenl or for more informalioa Educational Programs Comirelienslve Dbbel Small group classes and individual instniction arc offered on a weekly basis for people who have nol yel mastered the skills and concepts for the control of their diabetes. Tliese classes liave a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classes are held at the Salisbury City Park Recreation Center, 316 Lake Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates, and you must attend all three sessions; Dcccmbcr 11,13,14 • 1 - 3 p.m. Decemberl9,20,2l *9-II am. _________________ A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers wilh gestation,M diabetes that includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucosc monitoring. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Gestational diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates; attend tlie dale ol your ctxiice. Dcccmber7.H,2t,28»9-tl a.m., Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury.' ______ ___ Support Groups continued Epiepsy Support GnxiV Dcccmlvr 14 • 7 p m,, Fin,t Baptist Church, 223 N. Fulton St.. SjIIsIhiq' Ostomy Support Group This group meets the fin*t W'cdticsday oi tlic moiitli during March, June, Sepieml>cr and DcccmlxT. 7 p.m.. Women's Health Small Classroom. 3rtl door, Rowan Regional Medical Center _ Women’s Health Programs All classes meet in the Women’s |-lealth Center, 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Medical Center Lamaze and Baby Basks — $73 class fee for Rowan Regional deliveries. Classes meet once a wixk for six weeks. Ljma:e classes will be offered on the following ilites: January 2 • Pehniary 6 • 6 • 8:30 p m ___ Mobile Medical Units Rowan Regional's mobile medical units will be at the following locations in DeccmlxT: Support Groups AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping Energetic) December 14*6 p.m., Wilson L' Smith Family Outpatient Center waiting area, Rowan Regional Medical Center BedgrBmMngGU December 13* 1 p.m., Rufty Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Boundary St., Salisbury ’____________________ CancarSiniort Group December 28 • 4 p.m., Carillon Assisted iJving, 1915 Mooresville Rd., Salisbury ___________________ CvdbcSuivart Group "Annual Christmas Patty," December 19*7 p.m., Large Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center December 12,13,19 South Rowan Medical Mall, 308 E. Centerview St., China Grove Call (704) 855-8400 lo sctiedule an appointment Moonlight Mammograpliy Do you find it difficult to schedule a mammography exam during regular business houre? Now you can get your annual mammography exam as late as 7 p.m. Tliursday evenings al Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 210.5838 today for an appointment. ______ Saturday Clinic At South Rowan Medical Mall A Saturday Clinic is open at South Rowan Medical Mall in China Grove for adulis and children who need treatment after nornial physician hours. No appointment necessaiy. Clinic houre are 9 a.m. • I p.m.The clinic does not provide routine physicals and prrcedures. For more information, call trie medical mall al 1704) 8a5-a«oa Nurse-On-Duty For routine, non-emergeng' medical problems or tor answers to Vour mi call Nurse-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week — It _________ 1-80»33S4921 medical questions, ' 's free. ■l)l . I V, Ifll 'Tv . >1 f'K lilh ,11 ‘llfttJ'.S f'tllK .llKtfl t 1,1-,M", iips < ttl ( 7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 - 5 0 4 0 612 Mocksvillc AvcM>Lie. S« ilisbijry. N o rth C iiro im n 28144 W W W rowiin.org S.fi Sidden, l^ary Kay Rath Winners By Dwight Sparks Football Contest Director Talk about being on opposite sides of the football. This week's winni:r is S.B. Sidden. This wt:ek's winner of the Basketball Award — the one who missed the niost games — was his wife, Lillian. They picked opposite teams on just obout every game — cxcept for the NBA games mixed into the bottom of the slate. On those, they agreed and got most of them right. So, S.B. and Lillian, the money's yours— $25 big ones and the Cap of Caps to wear in glory through the byways, and highways of Davic County to prove that you have what it lakes. No recounts here. The whole country is going crazy. "I want a recount of every week that I was 'Close But No Cigar,' which has been about every other week," one of otir contest players wrote this week in an Al Gore impression. Gentle Readers, some of us are winners and some of us are AI Gores. Al Gore is this week's winner of our CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR Award. Closc, but not enough for a trip to the White House. , Second place? M ARY KAY RATH, COME ON DOWNNNNI!! It’s another Revenge of the Rath Giris week. Katie Rath won last week. We have a whole team of Raths playing — Mary Kay, Katie, Chelsea and Emily — Clemmons giris inspired by W XlI’s sports broadcaster Dan Rath. Mary Kay picks up $5 this week. It was a difficult week. Wc mixed in a bunch of obscure games from the high school and small college playoffs. If the prep games and the Division II playoffs— Bloomshurg vs. UC Davis— were hard to pick, this week gels better. Only the ball is mis-shaped. This week we mix half football, half basketball to make a full slate of games. Next week wc wrap up the contest for 2000 with our annual listings of the college bowl games. That means there are only two more chances to win the Cap of Caps. Now to our coveted non cash awards: CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR AWARD: To others missing 12 games — Ronnie Peoples and Colby Scaford. BASKETBALLAWARD(honorabIe mention)— to Lester Hendrix, Chelsea Rath, Chariie Brown,TVIer Scaford, Becky Hendrix, Billy Brindle and John Lingle, joining Lillian Sidden at the other end of the contest. There you have it Gentle Readers. Another week in the rccord books. And only two morc to go for our football contest — the event of the week that lifts your spirits, brings hope to your soul and courage to your heart. T\vo more chances to win our handsome and shapely Cap of Caps. T\vo more chances to score our $2,500 grantl prize and ruin our Christmas spirit. Don't forget, you can't win if you don't send it in. D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , D cc. 7 .2 0 0 0 - B 3 Hall The Hero In South’s i Thrashing Of China Grove R csh au n Parks and John M cDanicI putting up big number^ isn't a surprise. After all, they've scored 13 or more in two or South Davie's three games. Evan Hall com plcm cnling his fel­ low guards with 15 points, nol to mention his customary blanket de­ fense. Now, that’s morc than most M id’South M iddle School Confer­ ence opponents can swallow. "H e's been playing the best de­ fense, and (against China Grove) Evan hit a couple big outside shots from the (shooting-guard) spot," sev- enth-grade boys basketball coach Steve Hamlin said after a 66-36 thrashing o f the Red D evils. "If Evan can score six or eight points a game and play good defense, I would be happy. Out hejust busted out and had a lot o f points.” The sam e little man who scored a com bined eight against Knox an^ W est Rowan offset Parks' early foul trouble, delivered 10 first-quarter points and sparkeda 19-8 game-open­ ing run as the Tigers wiped out the painful m em oryofa62-27beating at the handsof virtually invincible W esl Rowan. Hall finished with IS, in­ cluding two 3-pointcrs. "Evan w asabigsparkplug," Ham­ lin said. "H e gol things going. U was his breakout gam e." Although the damage hud been done, Parks applied the finishing« touches with all o f his 20 in the; second half, when Soulh outscored! the gasping Red D evils 39-20. • *’H ccertainlym adeupfor(ascore-| less first halOv" Hamlin said ofPark^^' who also posted 20 against KnoxV; "H e can run and he's a good othletc;: but he's gol to cut oul the silly fouls." * M cD aniel nailed two 3s for 14; points, and Devon Venable, the 6-1 center, had u 3-pointer and 9 points •; including seven when South seized; control in the first quarter. Raeshoh • M cN eil had six and Brad Corrihcr.; three. J "It was good to get that (winning) • feeling again," Hamlin said. : The second win in three gam es ‘ came on the heels o f the 35-poim-i blowout to W est, the undisputed, cream o f the crop in the M SM SC . | Hamlin will be shockcU if the Bull*' dogs don't run the tables. "They have two kids over six feet,' and one could put the ball over the cylinder," Hamlin soid. 'They've got two high risers, and their point guard Is just incredible. *. "Our kids were wide-eyed an J intimidated. W est looked like an eighth-grade team.'’ South got eight points from Parks, seven from M cDanicU six from Hall' and two from M cN eil, Venable and' A lex B ald w in .. South plays at Erwin on Dcc. 14. WEEk#IS - DECEMBER 10, 2000 NFL FORECAST: WEEK 15 (Similay) llic CharKcrs aren't K<)inK anywhere agaln.st the Ravens defense, but ll.iltiuu>re lives l>y Ihc run, w hich S.l). is ailepi at slopping. So the Havens’ first win over the tniargers will Ik* a close one. - и г - jN o w E n g la n d . . . . 1 3 H ag;iinst the Cardinals, w hose slats are e<iual to iltclr reconl. Л r.\re Ni'l. occu rrence’, a Пгм- llm c meeting. ^ « K a n s a s C it y . . 2 9 C a r o l i n a .........................2 3 KUnsxs City and C;irolina have met only once, three years ago. and the Chiefs donilnaieil. 55- H .llte ir offense could do m> again, but llie ranthers can keep it closc by putting the ball hi the air. N e w O r l e a n s . . . . 2 7 m m - - S a n F r a n c is c o . . 2 1 NFl SHOWDOWN OF THE WEEK Minnesota................................34 **St. Louis...............................28 For lovers o f o ffen se, h ere’s the gam e o f the w eek. The Vikings, who lost to the Ram s in last y e a r's p la y o ffs a fte r six straight serie s wins, have the better defen se. An NFC title gam e preview ?__________________ loo weak to take advantage o f Phllly’.s hole- filled dcfciisive line. They haven’t m et in six years. Opening up a 2K'() hahtitne lead and going three <iuarters without a puiit, the Saints cruised over the -iyers la.st m onth, 3 M S. How long tuis it lu*en since N.O. tasl swept S.U? ’l\venty-one years. IkJth offenses rank in their confca*nces* Ыи- tom ihiril.4, and the defenses aren't much Ik*i- ter, w hich makes for an unpredictable mix. Tlie I*airlt)is w ere 51-3 w inners the la.st time they met, in 1997. * * M i a m i .........................1 9 T a m p a B a y .................1 7 lovers o f defense, herc’.s the game o f the w eek. Thl.*i ts almost an Im possible pick, i)ccause the Buccaneers can punish the DoIphins''all-nin,no'passorrense.T.n. w onlasi, 31-21 In ’97. This pick is a m inor upset, because the Je ts’ passing attack is superior to the Raiders' pass defense. We think Oakland, w hich heal N.Y. in a thriller last year. 24-23, will win on the ground. In their O ctober matchup, the Titans' Hddic Cicorge piled up 214 total >'ard.s. outgalning the entire Hengais offense, as Tennessee beat Cincy 23-I4 A third straight series sw cqp for th e ’IHans. W a s h ln g t c I 1\vo weeks ago the Broncos did what we expected against the Seahawks, scoring lots o f point5-3H-and winning. W c didn't exp cct Seattle to scorc 31, however. Wc don't expcct another clo.sc one. 'Hikiiig advantage o f Packcrs QB Brett Favrv’s nvc turnovers, Detroit got by G.B. 31*24 In Week Six. H ie Uons will sw eep the Pack for the first tim e sincc '91— the last tim e they won in G.B. W hen the Redskins lost their sbcth straight to the Cow boys in-W eek Three, 27-21, they looked like the year’s biggest disappointm ent. 'Hiey've since hit stride, and they'll finally beat Dallas. (Monday) Colts QB Peyton Manning led a solid drive to the winning field goal-and Indy's first victoiy in Buffalo in six years-^10 w eeks ago, 18-16. 'Hie keys arc the Colts offense and the Bills defense. m¡* * N .Y . G i a n t s P i t t s b u r g h •rs RB Miktt A lsto tt W ith stats that look better than their record, the Jaguars should be able to open It up Fd/lovers o f offense, here's the game o f the w cek.The Vikings, w ho lost to the Hams in last yijar's nlayuffs after sbc straight series wins, haycttne belter defense. An NFC title game .. pitvlew ?- A crucial game for both clubs, w hich haven’t faced o ff since '94. Rushing, both offenses' strength, will be the difference:TIie Giants can stop Steelers runners but Pittsburgh can't stop N.YTs. P h i l a d e l p h i a * * C io v o la n d B ills W R E ric M o m M s look world-class here, w hile the Brow ns arc (O pen (late:AtIanta) The Eagles have an O.K. running gam e, but It'll NFL FORECAST STAT PAG В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7.2000 ?v 7 Щ Г - tti h ¡ AMAAAAAMVVVWVV»P1 _ 8. San Diego 1 O i SI D a n ie l F u n ; i i Kllcctric Co. ■ЫЫ^^ СО WAR EACLES! I i Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Yem \ f i Jobnny ^arklin • Melissa M. Cartner k ! j 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC ! fj 336-751-2492 • 336-751-3975 J ^ Г о л I la \C a look'!,'.'" M e r li- N o n i i l l l l W IT H T H IS Л1) 38.D «lrollvs.U U kota Tangiewood Commons Shopping Center4148 Clemmons Road Clommons, NC 778-0510Ownofs Chris & Wondy Watson TREE SERVICE 3 3 6 -4 9 2 -2 9 4 4 F r e e E s tim a te s • In s u r e d •I 16. Ga. Southern vs. Delaware » XT CLEMMONS CARPET 12711 Lew isville-C lem m ons Rd., Clem m ons | 29 Years Expcricncc — Christmas Rugs In Stock 766-8110 or 766-0166 25. Fla. SL V8. Vanderbilt G o o d L u c k , D a v i e W a r E a g l e s ! ■■ ■ 13. New Orleans vs. San Fran. V a lc a n M Q t e r i a l s Company 542 Farmington Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3838 Super Savings on Wallpaper 12. MlnnuMa n. вГШГа Closeout Wallpaper $ 3 9 5 single roll IZ CAUDELL LUMBER CO. Slieek Street • M ocksville • 751-2167 ComG House and Bed & Вйелшйт Mornings • l.\inch • Diimcr 101 North Maw Street « MooisvtLLE, NC • (M6) 751-7900 ^ e. Tampa Bay VS. Miami O a k a For Tee Times Call 9 4 0 -2 0 0 0 GOLF CLUB 11! 1. (NFL) Arlzonn V». JockKinvnlo, EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North M uin Street MocksTil!e,NC ; 7S1-2148 K & R Cleaners, Inc. "We're JustAroimd the Corner" T»nKlc\V(H)(J Crussing us ISKANCHOI.HIIIwyc 99S-712Ü TungteMood Commons US 158 it Harper Ril. Clemmons Ciemmons 2636 l.cwijvillc-Clcmnwns Rd 766-ÍM50 Л!оскя111е Valley Road 77«. 1 MU 14. NY Jels vs. Oakland 751 • 1444 A n im a l Л г к21. MA) Northsid« у». Graham V e t e r i n a r y l - i o § p i t a i MitdiellLSpind«l,DVM 5919-AJameiSt. demmont, NC 336-778-2738 AU tho fovo and caro your pot noods to stay hcarihy Von. Fn 7 30am Ô 00 pm. Sat. <?om-l?00roon Yolir Hmc-Town" Drug SWic FOSTER’RAUCH DRUG CO. 10. Seoul« V». Denv«t 4 9 5 V alley R o ad • M ocksv lllo, NC 336-751-2141 28. Charlotte vs. IndianaC r o w d e r M c C h e s n ^ ' dissociates ш Your H o m e to w n R ealtor 2 2 6 5 - C L e w i s v i l l e - C l e m m o n s R d . • C l e m m o n s 766-0515 Salem Glen Country Club Now Open To The Public For Lunch & Dinner l.uiich: Tuc^.-Sun. I2:00-2:(X) UimiL'r: T hurs.-Sun. 6;lX)-y;tK) • .\ffinl\'r>hif' • Kt\il • Fine Uininfi 37. Houston vs. Seattle 1000 Glon Day Drivo, Clemmons • 712*0303 G a r d n e r ’ s Ф Ш г е в э и Л е 5423 Ш 158 ' Mrance • 998-1723 • Nal lo Betraudo Quoy Shopping Ceniet m-l8ora-6pmSol8om-3pra O rth o d o n tics23 O a.t«chv».Km luckvA Beautiful Smile...A Great Self Image Call For Cowplimentary Consultation Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA Over 30 Year« Sipertence in Dentistry 336-751-2252 118 Hospital Street. CCB I /-1 f n I S h o p p in g C e n le r ,Central Carolina Bank ciemmons Good Luck, DAVIE HIGH! W e s tw o o d V illa g e 18. (4A) South Vlaw VI. Inilependenca 766-8296 19. (3A| Bertie vs. Ragsdale ‘Гоиг Hometown Baker' . Thurw ay Shopping C enler • VVinslon-Salcm • 725-8321 YOURCHOICESALE! L u x u r y C lo u d M ed . F ir m 1 0 0 th A n n iv e r s a r y P lu s h F ir m H e a v e n ly P llIo w -T o p T e n s io n E a s e E le g a n t P illo w -T o p ' Twin Set.........$199 Full Set............$259 King Set..........$399 Q u a l i t y N a t i o n a l B r a n d M a t t r e s s e s a t L o w F a c t o r y D ir c c t P r i c c s ! 1 0 lt-A Nw/. é4 m аМ-711-717У o B w a i UYAWAY FMANCWQ MOCKSVILLE ШЕ&ДиТОМОШЕ 962 Yadklnville Road Phone 751-6115 9.С1ПС1 Our Prias ¡псЫе Mounting, Balancing SêwVatvt Sum t Rotation S i Houfs:'7:30 áro-7 pm M-F « 7:30 am-1pm Saturday DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - BS B o n u s lP riz e F o r tH e F ir s t P e r fe c t E n tr y ! m m é k ì t know FOOTBALL here's your chance to PROVE it! For insurance call ST AT I M R M BRAD ROMINE 31. MIlMUkee vs. Washington IN S U R A N C I S T A T E FA R M IN S U R A N C E M U ) Clcmmims koiid • ('lemiiions • 766-.1245 L^^^^SlatcJ^armJniUMncc^rompanlMM!ome(^ r X r i s i i ' s Ice Cream & Coffee Shop 7. Pittsburgh vs. NY Giants E n te r to W in Come in to register Гог a year’s supply оГ ice cream B<rwuda Qujy ShopjdmCfnlir * Ати* Frwn Birraudj Run WE HAVE MANUFAQURED HOMES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. SEE JACETODAYlIS. (|.AA) Appalachian vs. Montana Bonanza Mobile Homes 1 700 Wilkesboro St • Mocksvlllt, NC inier itwvs 601 &MN. 33&*761*5959 Owntd «fi (iprrattd hy Jack Morgan B e lfa 's H a llm a r k 24. Clemson vs. S. Carolina New Towne Shopp'ng Center, Clemmons 766-6567 C L E M M O N S D ISCO U N T SA LES 27. (NBA) Atlanta vs. Cleveland Great Savings Through Out The Store 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon.-Frl. 9-7; Sat. 9-S 766-4449 ¥nvw.clemmonsdlscountsales.com You K now Us... M.PWII» vs. Vancouver We K now R eal Estate PrudentialCarolinas Realty "S fm 'n j; Lewisville, Clemmons li Diii'ie Counly" ■II56 Clemmons Road • Clemmons • 336-7¡4-4400 3M*«itatiiAv», Mocksvllla • 7B1-12M m m t m o22.[BMk tlim lO in m ) UNCv«.TausA«M __________j a a H "A Tobacco Friendly S lo n r^ m s. THE VuA'S aaiGINAI. LOW-PKICE TOBACCO OUTLET «PI1CIAI.IZING IN HOMKTOWN. raiKNDLY SERVICE .nlraUNTCWAJUrrrn OWN TOUCCO • S U n U IS • CLOVE C IC A U rn!S/nA Y O U !D ■ins, C LOvm • aatW D W , m e A SMOKXLISS TOIACCO See me for innovative health care designed around you. Blue Advantage* individual health plans Dental Blue* individual dental coverage Medicare supplement Insurance Laraw-Wood-Johnson, Inc. John Wood - Mocksville 751-6281 Harold liVood - Advance 940-2210 2. C n ilm n ; K a n in city BiueCross BlueShield o f N orth C arolina H illsd a le D e n ta l11. Washington vs. Dallas Dr. Jerry Hauser Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance 336-998-2427 S t o c k s ■ B o n d s M u t u a l F u n d s ■ I M S m C D s 33. Boston vs. Donvor Sherry Koehler Uttls»IIIc,NC 27023 (336)W 54227 mnv, itlttardjonaxom Edwardjones Servili}; Intlivitliiiil hivt'dtim SiiK-r 1H71 30. Detroit vs. Portland \1 D age T ire s 2534 Ifw isTillc-acm nions R ood. acm m on s ^ , llo u r5 :7 Jfliu n ..« p jn .M o n .-F ri.:7 J0 -lS a t. 766-5450 All Major Brands o f Tires — Complete Auto Repair Shop SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 29. Maivland vs. CenL Conn St. U.S. 158, CLEMMONS • 766-0581 V O G L E R jgrSONS Servinfi ¡he amtmunityfor ___________________________over 142 years. F u n e ra l H o m eÌ0. (2A) Onslow vs. Newton>Conover I “See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans” \ Clem m ons Chapel • 2849 M iddlebrook Dr. • 766-4714 35. NY Knicka vs. Denver T. Dan Womble Attorney at Law 3 8 0 2 S u ite A C le m m o n s R o a d P .O . 0 0 x 1 6 9 8 C le m m o n s, N C 2 7 0 1 2 P h o n e : (3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 8 0 8 5 F a x ; (3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 5 M B B a M_ R o o T a y lo r, C L U M M 1 1 Senior Account AgentAIIIOlClIC Gratoe Y ou’ re in good hands. i Q ; 32. Toronto v*. Portland 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 7 66 -1 0 5 7 1029 Salisbury Rd * Mocksvill« • 751-5969 Repairs « ParU • Ftill Service Shop ' New > llMtl Equipment ' CONGRATlMnONS To Our 11-30-00 Contest Winners! FIRST PLACE S. B. Sidden, Jr. = $25 & Gap SECOND PLACE Mary Kay Rath = $5 ^UBUUPV' 34. Miami vs. Sacramento 5 0 ‘0 ff 6-Inch Sub New T(7«№0 Sbopping Center • С1ол1гтшз Two Locations To Serve You Foot-Long Sub TM Ctìks SNjpping Center • Lcwisvino ^ 766-3016 N01 VaUWm Anther otter ^5-6445 J GOT THE HAT? In addition to the prize m oney each of our First Place Weekly Winners will receive a sporty ' Davie County ' ^ EEnferprise Record^ - . Ball Cap! - These versatile caps can be worn forward or backward (depending on how cool think you are) Enter itie contest today tor your сЛалсе ro lyin one ol ttiese great caps. (Oh. and don i torgel Ihe ehanee to w/n the S2.500.) ^ 29. Chicago vs. San Antonio Tops travel] Ok Рч0^лл10нл1 Scwicc I Your Local Professional Full Service Travel Agencyl | Located in the heart of Clemmons, NC % ^ 2750 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, N 0 27012 Phone 336-766-7303 www.topatraveLcom E N T R Y B L A N K W INNER 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE ____________________________ 2. LAREW-WOOD-JOHNSON ____________________________ 3. MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTO ___________________________ 4. SL E E P -R IT E M A H R E SSE S ____________________________ 5. SAMUEL'S ON MAIN ____________________________ 6. GARDNER'S XPR ESS ____________________________ 7. KRISTI'S ____________________________ 8. DANIEL FURNITURE ____________________________ 9. OAK VALLEY ____________________________ 10. FOSTER RAUCH ____________________________ 11. HILLSDALE DENTAL ____________________________ 12. CAUDELL LUMBER ____^_______________________ 13. VULCAN MATERIALS '________^___________________ 14.K & R C LEA N ER S 15._BONANZAMOBILE HOMES ____________________________ 16. MCCOYS TREE SERVICE ____________________________ 17. DAVIE TRACTOR ____________________________ 18. CCB ____________________________ 19. DEWEY'S BAKERY '__________________ 20. VOGLER & SONS ____________________________ 21.AN1MALARK 22. TARHEEL TOBACCO ____________________________ 23.D R.N ICH O U SPEN N A 24._BETH’S HALLMARK • ___________________________ 25. CLEMMONS CARPET ___________________________; 26. PIEDMONT FEDERAL ' 27. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT ___________________________ 28. CROWDER MCCHESNEY ■ 29. TO PS TRAVEL __________________ 30.V IL U G E T IR E ^ ___________________ 31. STATE FARM ■ ' ' ■ 32. ALLSTATE • ■ 33. EDWARD JO N ES'CO . . J __________________________ 34. SUBWAY ___________________________ 35. DAN WOMBLE ‘______________ 36. PRUDENTIAL REALTY ■ _________________ 37. SALEM GLEN ' ' 38. MERLE NORMAN ' ' ' '_____^ Breiter: A S IIV S . f f i t e S E S L NAME:. ADDRESS:- DAY PHONE-.MOHIL. * ' ' *** ■ I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I: 1 = li I’i 1“ ' l i ­ l i 1^ I: I: 1 = Г; LI m ; ï î В6 - РЛУ1Е COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Davie High Assistant Wrestling Coach Matt Wilson and Coach Buddy Lowery watch during the 10th annual Davie Duals Saturday in Mocksvllle. - Photos by Robin Fergusson THE TRUCK STOP OF THE TRIAD гш ш ош инмаЕАВШ ! 2 WHEEL DRIVE SLT STARTING AT V8 • Ain CONOmONINQ • POWER WINDOWS & LOCKS • TILT • CRUISE • CHROME WHEELS 4 WHEEL DRIVE SLT STARTING AT ____ »27.645 Trald Cltcount..S3essReb«tt________t2000 PAYONLY«IП) Ш Ш &•-« HTUII} cn <4 H> ГМГ Ъа I 111JK «мм I'i Ml u » ЮГИ4 cm 2001 DURANGOS G R E A T ALL NEW 2001 GRAND CARAVANS IN STOCK! 2000 DODGE DAK< CLUBCAB^ 4x4 S tVe*Ttlt*CmlM • ARoy Wheels 2001 DODGE RAM lY M E N T S ^ 1500 4x4 .«C o n d to ln g Andrew Scott fights off a hold. Wrestlers Are Back Conlinui'd From PuRe lU like thal. He’s husllcd and worked to get there." There was liitie e.xcitemenl in Davie’s drubbings o f North. Soulh and Norlhwest, wlih thecxceptionof Lowery’s chish with Norlhwesl. Ig­ noring the orficial'.s ou(-or-bounds whistle, theTrojan (lung Lowery onto an adjacent mat. a terrible mistake. After Duddy stonuedout o f his chair and e.Kchanged words wilh ihe offi* d al, Patrick imrnediaicly pul down the sl.\-point hammer. "If the kiddocsn'l stop in a regular match. Ihcy go through the chairs and onto the hardwwxl floor." lhc coach snid, "I needed to work on takedowns and stuff like that.” the son said. "1 don'l like just going out there (and pinning quickly). I wanted to work a little bit • until lhat happened." N otes: Davic com petes in a 12- leam individual tournament D cc. 9 al South Stokes, which nipped Davie 192.5-191 last year. .„ Den Allred (160) and Goode were 3-1, Young was 2-1, Malachi Gentry (112) and Adam Sain (145) were 3-2 and Nick Pan e(l60)and K ylcG uslafson(IK9) were 1*0. Ben Allred (right) battles for control Tony Angell tries to spin from opponent's grasp. . Davie WJ'/ inn GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH THIS HOUDAY SEASON G iv e som eone you love n YM C A M em bership. Th ey w ill love o u r beautiful facilities w hich includc N autilus & C ybex Strength Equipm ent, Param ount Free W eight Equipm ent, Treadm ills, Eiyptical M achines, Stationary Bikes, and featuring Fitlinxx, the interactive fitness netw ork. G reat program s such as A erobics and A qua-aerobics are also included. W e'll evCn w rap up y ou r gift and include a YM C A T*sliirt. YMCA W e build strong kid5, strong rumitlcs, strong communities 12th Annual 5 K R E S O L U n O N R U N & Pancake BreaMast Saturday, December 30lh 1.5 Fun Run/W .ilk 0 8 :3 0 A M 5K Resolution Run 0 9 :0 0 A M Registration: 510.00 Pre-Registration 515.00 R ace D ay Registration 56.00 Fun Run/W alk Sp on sored by: Page K itchens & Batli, M cD onalds, BB& T Bank, Pennington & C om pany Real Estate, L eB lcu Bottled W ater. YMGA Teen Scene Saturday, Dec. 9lh, 8-11 PM O pen to 5 ih -8th C rode, E njoy a live D], Sw im m ing and gam es. YMCA Swim Lessons New session begins week of Jan. 15 A ges 6 m o3. and up Davie Family YMCA "Helping people reach their Cod-given potential in spirit, mind and bodt/.'' 21S Cemetery Street • Mockavllle, NC • (336) 751-9622 H o u is:M o n -F ri6A M -9P tv l;S at8A M -6F I»lieS u n lP t»I-6P M DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7.2000 - B7 Lexington Towers Over Varsity Girls By B rian Pitts Davic Counly Enlcrprisc Rccord : Davie C ounl/s varsity girls bas­ ketball team learned here Friday night that size really docs matter. lU nbcaien Lexington (5*0) was taller and stronger Inside, most par­ ticularly the Yellow JackcLs' gigan* tic 6-3 ccnlcr, and the paint advan­ tages produced a 7 2 *43 nonconfcrcncc wipeout. ■ "They're quick lo gel around and they're big," Coach Carol Co/.art said after Davie tumbled lo 1-3. "(The 6- 3 ccnlcr) didn't have lo Jum p, she could just reach right over us." Fourm lnulcs Intothc game, trail­ ing 10-2, il had bccom e painfully obvious lhal lhc W ar Eagles need .suKstantlally belter boxing-out ef­ forts to have any hope against strong competition. Sarah W illiam s' jum per pulled Davie within 17-I4.b u l the rest was downhill for the W ar Eagles, who endured a 27-4 Lexington run over the next 10 minules for a 44-1R dcH- cit in Ihc third quarter. Virtually all the Jackcls' points were polnl-blank shots and fasl-brcak layins, Oflcn limes Ihcir best shol was a missed shot bccause Davic couldn't buyia rebound, "W c were gelling one shol. and then they had a layup. We'd get one shot and then Ihey had a layup," Cuzari said. "ll's hard. W c tried lo nm kea lillte run. but they would tum it on and do whal they needed to." The m ajor mismatch peaked at , ?5-25 late in Ihc third, and the W ar Eagles lacked the resolve to avoid Ihcir w ont defeat slncc a 76-43 loss tolSouih Rowan In 1999. ^ "You lake away that iransiiion game, running and those layups, and life Is a lol more even," Co/art said. "They arc just really, really fast, and we didn’t react to It very w ell." W illiam s led 10 scorers with II poinls and four rebounds, Drillany W alker(lw o3polnlers)and Heather M cDaniel had six each and Shelby M ich ael, D aw n S In g lelo n and Ryannc M cDaniel contributed four apiece. Coach Carol Cozart offers encouragement to her team. But lhc most assertive W ar Eagle was reserve Sarali Merlau, who amaz­ ingly compiled two poinls. eight re­ bounds, five steals and three assisi.s in roughly a quarter o f play. "She missed som e lim e In prac­ tice for Ihe holidays, so I'm glad lhat wc had an opportunity for her to get in there;" Co/art said. "She boxed out well, got a lot o f rcbound.s and put Ihe ball hack up." Ashley W illiam s had two points, sK boards and five steals, and Lauren Comat/cr and Em ily Morton also had two points. Beating N. Duvldson T1]C threc'gam e week started on an upswing as Davic pulled away fmin Nonh Davidson 46-34 l>chlnd 21 poinls and eight steals from W alker. T h e sophom ore point guard drained 12 o f 14 free throws in her Pincst nK)mcnls since siarringat Soulh Davie Middle. "Shespoiiedupandhillhecleanc.st 3 In Ihe world,** Co/an said o f Walker, whoorchc&tralcd a game-ending 13- 7 run. "The ncxl lime she dmvc and hit il. and then at the end they kept fouling her." Davie also got seven points and five steals from M ichacI, four points fmm Morton and SInglelon and three points fmm Ashley W illiam s. Cor- nat/cr, Sarah W illiam s and Ryannc M cD aniel had two and Heather M cDanicI one. Com atzer also had six boards. Losing to N. Iredell A 50-47 loss 10 North Iredell spoiled u sparkling performance by Morton, u senior forward who hit fivcofsevcn field goals for 11 poinls and yanked down 10 rebounds. "She had an aw esom e night," Co/urt said. "She may nol always make the headlines, bul she makes such g(HHl decisions on defense, talks to the rest o f them, and nobody boxes better lhan she does," M orton, Ashley W illiam s and M ichacI sparked a big fourth-quarter com eback. W illiam s gol hot in lime toscoreelghlsccond-hulfpoinis,and M ichael's ihrce-point play on a 16- fixiicr sliced a 10-poinl deficll to iwo In the waning minules. M ichacI fin­ ished with II. "Il shows thal wc can do il. we just have to gel lhat same intensity at the very first and not wall until the end." Co/an said. Davie gol seven poinls from Ry­ annc M cD anicI. five poinls and four steals from W alker, three poinls from Sarah W illiam s and two from Singlc- ton. Davie's next two nonconfcrcncc games are at home - D cc. 11 againsi Forbush and Dcc. 15 against A lex­ ander Central. Foi^ T h e in Your Life Includes: Tractor Seats Umbrellas Oil Filter Fuel Filter Tractor Baskets Touchup Paint Linchpin HItchPin Tuneup Kit Something for Everyone Chain Saw Cases Chain Saws Trinimers Sprayers Blowers For the Little Tractor Man New Holland Ford Tuff Trax Tricycle New Holland Ford Toy Tractors Collectors Sets Unit Tntw lie. t 0 2 9 S a l i s b u r y R d • M o c k s v i l l e • 7 5 1 - 5 9 6 9 Sarah Williams dribbles the ball through the defense. - Pfiotos by James Barringer Freshman Serve Payback To Charlotte G elling loose before the game made a huge difference for Davie County’s freshman girls basketball team. The W ar Eagles showed up late, started Ihe game cold and spotted Charlotte Christian a 22-S lead in a 38-30 season-opening loss on Nov. 20. ’ B ui in last week's rematch at Soulh Davic Middle, Charlotte didn't have a chance againsi a wanned-up Davic leam, which bolted to a 25-9 half- time lead on the way lo u 53-43 victory. " W c gol them back," Coach Daniel Brown said. "W e prclly much had the game the whole way. W e just weren't loose the last time." Andrew Dwiggins led the way wilh 14 points, eight rebounds and three steals. Jenny Fcrrcll had 11 poinls and four steals, and Ashley Peoplc.s added 10 points and seven rebounds despite foul trouble. Davic, which hosts Alleghany on D ec. 16, also got six points from Alyse Bowden, five from K elli York, four from Brandi Harpc, iwo from Jcssica Nelms and one from Heather Boger. Bowden also had five boards. Need Casli for tiie Holidays? Seii Us Your S atellite Dish! Order cable TV by December 31st and we’ll give you $200 $100 for your dish and smart card. $100 credit tbv^ard pro- “If those little dishes are so great, why do so many people want to sell them?" gramming And that’s not ail.,.. Free Installation \ 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Call Today: 751-1313 B EN C H M A R K VDUR. HOMETOWN'CABLE С О Ш Ш ГТТТ! ; Som e Restrictions M ay Apply .i' , В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7.2000 ■ Davia High Varsity Boys Coach Jim Young shouts instructions during win over Lexington. - Photos by James Barringer Jason Hogue handles the bail tor the War Eagles. War Eagles Rebound From Dissappointing Loss, Beat Lexington Continued From Page D1 T h a t told me a lol aboul the young kids bccausc w c lost a game lhal w c thought w c should have won." Young said. "I’m very pleased becausc Lcxinglon is a very alhlctic team and they're well coached.” The huge difference In Davie's play was Immediaiely evident. Lcading-scorer Sean Stevens fueled a phenomenal 31-point first quarter with 13 o f his 30 poinls, including a 3*pointer, a rare four-point play, two layups >^off steals and a buzzer-beating jum per fo ra 31-20 lead. "H e made some good culs and rmished inside as w ell," Young said o f the junior mighty mite. "H e's been kind o f relying out­ side a lol. and Duane (Phillips) was that way his Tirst year. He's always wanted lo just shoot oulside, and he's learning to take it in. W e need him to Hnish inside and out." Scottie Crump raised the margin to 41-22 with 6:13 le(\ in the second, but fouls saddled the balance o f Davie's starters and Lexington capitalized with a 16-1 run lo pull within 42- 38. Davie needed a serious boost, and lillle- uscd ccnlcr Chris Slein delivered, converting a rebound into a ihrcc-point play and taking a charge before Stevens' ihrcc-point play produced a 52-38 halflime lead. Despite limited minutes, Stein contrib­ uted ihree poinls and a teani'high eight re­ bounds. "Sieln did a very nice jo b . and 1 congratu­ lated him afier ihe gam e." Young said. "He was doing that this summer, and he backed offaliltle. H egotkindofhesiiam . Tonight he got boards, made some passes and was a l(ey." Every litnc D avic seemed lo be cruising, the scrappy Jackets would find an answer and rcvivcsuspense.StcvcnsandZajnovicopcned the fourth with beyond*ihe«arc buckets for a 72-56 lead, but the W ar Eagles left the door unlocked. A 13-4 Lcxinglon spurt closed the gap to 80-75 wilh 4 5 seconds remaining. "W e'rc a young team ," Young said. "You'vcgoltorcm cm bc^excepl Rod (Tenor), these kids were on JV last year and they haven't been in thal siluaiion. It's new. They gel excited and ihen forgel what ihey'rc do­ ing. They gel a 12-point lead and take a Alspaugh Receives A Winning Debut breath. They haven't learned lo suck out the blood. W e're nol burying lliein, we'rc leaving fingen and tw s hanging v>ul." Dan Sullivan, the football team's quar­ terback, and Hogue, a wide a’celver in ihe fall,dniveihedaggerlhm ugh Lexington's heart. Sullivan heaved an inbound pass all the way to the other end. and Hogue's layup seated it at 82-75. "W c put the quarterback in." Young said. "W e really appreciate ihe football leam around here, and Dan worked on his passing for next year. Plus, his dad (Tim ) keeps m y book, and if \ don't throw some football stuff out there. I'm in trouble." Zajnovic hit two 3s and posted double­ figure points (17) for the five straighl lim e.Tenorhadeighl poinls, five rebounds and four steals, Sullivan had seven points and five boards, and Crump chipped in five points. Jonalhon Dritlon scored two. "They're agood club." Lcxinglon ctwch Don Corry said. "They've gol good shoot­ ers. their big men can shoot and they're quick and can pcnetrale." Davie com mllled 19 turnovers and got outrelHnindcd .12-31. but prevailed by drill­ ing 27 o f .10 free thnnvs. an Incredible 90- pcrccnt accuracy. Stevens cannwt nine v>f 10 foul shots, Hogue and Z;ijnovic four o f four each, Sullivan ihrcc o f three. Tenor two o f two and Crump three o f four. "W e've been shixuing, nol extra, bul triple extra." Young said. "Because our percentage hasn't been good." Beating N. Davidson If Slevens has an empty first quarter, look out. After firing a first-quarter blank in the season opener, he responded wiih 22 o f h is40 points in the second quarter in Davie's 90-56 win over Alexander Central on Nov. 21. Thepailem resumed against North David­ son. After going scoreless in the opening eight minuies. Stevens poured in 15 o f his 22 in the sccond, including all four o f his 3- pointers, to stake the W ar E*agles to a 39-30 lead on the way to a 67-59 win. "A fter Scan, our next seven players werc on the bcnch in foul trouble," Young said. "They were sh(M)ling the iwo-shoi bonus in the first quarter. Il was crazy. It was a lough win." Zajnovic canned four 3s for 16 poinls, Sullivan. Tenor and Crump added eight cach and Hogue had four. Losing to N. Iredell nvcr>’lhing went wrong in the loss lo the lowering Raiders, w ho trailed 19-8 after one period bul Ux)k advantage o f Hogue's third- quarter Injury, a staggering 40-16 edge on the glass and horrid W ar Eagle shooting In the second half. "It was a deadly com bination." Young .said. "W e lost our point guard, wc shot 20 percent In the second half and they gol № many pulbacks. U you go cold and you're npi getting secondshots, It's pretty tough tom aln- lain a lead. • "This Is North’s year. They're senior- laden." Davic placed four players In double fig­ ures - Zajnovic with 19 on five 3-poiniersi Crump with 11 and Stevens and Sullivan with lO .Tcnor(fivc). Hogue (four) and Slein (one) also scored. Davic leaves for a three-day tournament in Pennsylvania on D cc. 7 , then returns to host Alexander Central on Dec. 15. Davie County's freshman boys baskelball team gave E ric Alspaugh a win in his high-school coaching debut. David Orslllo had 12 poinls and visiting Davie extended a ¡4-13 half- time lead to 33-28 in the ihlrd quar- ler, holding o ff North Davidson 47- 42 last week. "W e could have played better, but w e gol the W and that's the main thing," Alspaugh, a 1997 Davie graduate, said. Maurice W ilson and Kevin W in- ters had nine points each; Brandon C apw ell, Justin Norsworihy and Cody Stephens had four apiece; David Schw elt had two; and Derek Foster, Travis Howell and Jacques Lyons chipped In one each. "O rslllo is our man," Alspaugh said. "Howell didn't have the poinls, but he had a good game at both guard spols." . Evan Beam and Matthew Bur- chctie com plete the rosier for the W ar Eagles, who host Mount Pleas­ ant on D cc. 16. T h a n k s f o r y o u r s u p p o r t ! I look for\v:inl lo serving the people of Davie Couniy :ls your Register of Deeds. B ren t Shoaf D a v ic C o u n ty R e g is te r o f D cccl.s Paid for hy limn SImif ,ys 1 - 6 p m ★ im ir K U u y «с 1' Leather Pocketbooks $ Q 9 9 r u iu y l u « : u u Men's Leather Belts 5 0 M o n 's S W o m cn *S (tMmouM bmndM) у у д щ Polar Fleece Vests ^ Q Cheapest Price ¡й Токкл! f a m o u s b r a n d f r o m Kid’s Clothes $2’’ to p s - J o a n s - s w o a ts All Ladies B r u t P in t ln m (Гштоиж brmnd$i ШЭЭЖЙЗ t K H A M S 41* '9 9 Slight Imperfcctkms Com pere At S35-S4S JfiREAT BUY Clothing СомраиуDiscounted Brand Name Clothing l\^on - Fri Ю am lo 6 pm • Satuiday 10 am to 6 pm • Sunday 1-6 prt £г«|8иге1оШЧМ"|«Ч 1МИИ.П ззб-7Я^пзз НО£ШШ . Norik Pi«« WíTíliaKiOirtUt т ш 1ш л,ы 7М-И7И54 а и я и Ail dinners include a forty item cold salad bar, bakery and dessert. FR EE I FR EE All you can eat Dessert and Salad Bar. with the purchase of our Sirloin Ups Dinner$5 .9 9 All you can eat Dessert and Salad Bar. with the purchase of our Chicken Breast Dinner$5 .9 9 STM .STEER FR EE All you can eat Dessert and Salad Bar. with the purchase of our RIbeye Dinner $8 .9 9 'M’vdMn STEER FR EE All you can eat Dessert and Salad Bar. with the purchase of our Regular sirloin Dinner$7 .9 9 STEER . Come See The Mariachi Band Dec.9'6-9Pffl Buy 2 Soft Drinks & ,,| IDumei Combo (m-30) 11 And Get Another M Dinner Combo Jl F R £ £ S ! VALID suii. - TiniR. OINB IN ONLY MC^^ICIMi RESTAURANT I; I 1ШШ0 UwIsvIIMImimmi» M, 771-0300 1И 0 s. M , 4M • Try Our Fabulous . Margaritas! Sun.-Thun., II im -IO pm ' Friday II im -l 1pm Salu ñU y.N oM -llpin DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - B9 Justin Phiipps, 4 year-oid grandson of Jimnny Phipps is seen here wilh his first deer. This was Justin's first hunt­ ing trip with his grandpa. JV Girls Playing Well Davic County's JV girls basket­ ball team won two of three last week 10 improve to 3-1 in nonconferencc. C oach Jan ice Jack so n 's W ar Eagles beat North Davidson 38-25 and Lcxinglon 49-37. Sandwiched in the ihree-gamc week was a 36-33 loss to North Iredell in which the R aidcn produced the decisive piilnts in the closing 15 seconds. Against North Davidson, Klerslon Kahrs paced seven scorers wilh eight as D avic turned an 11-9 halftim e lead into a 28-16 cushion in the third quarter. Savannah Kowalski had seven and Alison Schafer and Deanna Shamcl added six each. Schafer und Kahrs had 11 and 10, First Deer Zach Green, 0-year-oid son ol Diane and Doug Green of Mocksville, killed his first deer on Monday, Nov. 20. He would like to thank his dad for taking him hunting and Uncie Ray (or tracking the deer after it was shot. Notes & Quotes C a s s id y M c M a h a n S u f f e r s A C L I n ju iy • It docsn'l seem like it's mcani to I» for w resllcr C assidy M cM nlion, whose junior season weni down thetubcsat North Davidson's King o f Ihc M at. i The A C L Injury was a txxurrlng nightmare. After ripping his knee apart lalc last season, M cM ahan fought back, regained his form and envisioned a stellar year at 189 - only to suffer Ihe sam e injury on Nov. 25, becom ing tlic IhlrU lost starter to injury. W e sle j John son (back) and A dam B a rb er (knee) were ruled out before the season. "I thought he was going to have a real good year," D avie coach Buddy lo w cry said oftheform erN orth Davie Middle star. "H e’d been wrestling hard and he's gotten stronger In the weight room. The boy's ju st got some bad luck. I know he's disappointed and w c wish w c had him. He's agood kid and good to have oround." • D avle-Tuscola Part IV failed to live up to the previous three dramatic meetings In Saturday's Davic Duals. The W ar Eagles pulled out 38-33 and 39-30 victories in 1997 and '99, and surrendered the Davie Duals for the only tim e In 10 years in '9 8 ,3 9 - 27. But they w ere in no mood for a nail-bitcr this tim e, capturing nine o f 1 4 m atch esfo ra43-2l win. "It's always good lo com e down here and wrestle them ," said Tuscola coach Steven Atwood, whose Mountaineers traveled six hours round trip. '"They've always got a real good team, and it's a real good gauge for us. W e see where we ore and find out what w c need to do." , ■ The giant leap from middle school to varsity hasn't been a liig deal to freshman Billy Riddle, who is 6-2 at 152 after a masterful 2 9 -0 South Davie career. Including three pins last weekend. "(A t Soulh), 152 and up you get som e little (wim ps) or som ething, bul up here everybody's stronger ond m ore physical," b e said. "Eighth grade wasn't that hard, but now I'm having to work for every single m atch just 10 win. Il's a whole lot harder. "I'm doing alright, I guess. I'm o ffto a good start." • Although Z ae M orton Is experiencing bard tim es (1-3 record before becoming Luke K oonlz's backup), the little freshman Is d estin y lo get Ihc last laugh. W eighing Ihc minimum requirement (88 pounds), M orton has little hope against guys 15 pounds heavier. But his day will com e because h ell certainly wrestle 103 next year ond likely as 0 junior. ' "H e wrestles oggresslvcly ond he knows whol he's got lo do, but he's ju st nol big enough right now," Low ery said. "Ith e weighs under 88, he con'l wrestle. That's 15 pounds and he's wrestling people that drt)ppcd from, say, 107. I'm nol disappointed In him." JV Boys Take Lexington’s Best Shot, Win Again A thing o f beauty. It was not. But som etim es merely surviving is good enough. So it was with Davic County's JV boys baskel­ ball leam, which needed a huge defensive effort lopullawayfrom a halflim e dead­ lock and prevail 53-40 Friday at Lexington. "Thai was beller lhan all ihree o f the wins before com bined, because It was one o f those heart, guls and soul w ins." Coach Derek Kum ilsky said. Thisaffairw asaradicaldepanurc from the first three nonconferencc gam es In which Davic rolled by an average margin o f 28, Including 85- 43 and 75-45 cakew alks past North Davidson and North Iredell earlier In the week. Believe it or not, the W ar Eagles Moser found themselves tied 23-23 al Inier- mission. And believe II or nol, Kur- nllsky did nol grab anyone by the neck in the locker room. "I didn't yell, I didn't scream ," he said. "W c played lerrible In the first half, bul that was nol the lim e lo yell and scream . I just sat in a chair, crossed my legs and we talked. W c'rc not going lo beat everybody by 40. This was one o f those gut-check type gam es. T h is is exactly what wc needed. W e needed a close gam e." The W ar Eagles switched lo a 1- 3-1 defense and responded wliha 15- 3 third-quarter run for a lights-out 38-26 lead, foillngLcxIngton'ssIow - down tactics. M alt M oser capped a huge week In phenomenal fashion: 17 points, three 3-poinicrs, nine rebounds, seven steals and six assists. For the week Ihe shooting guard had 61 poinls and 10 3-pointcrs. raising his team-lead- ing average lo 19.2 points. "His confidence is really high," Kurnllsky said. "I mean, hecan score as good as any young kid I've seen. He's nol only a jum p shooter now, he finds other ways to score. He's really worked on his ball handling, ond he lakes It to the hole and gets easy layups." Kun M cN abb, perhaps the most improved player from last year's 18- 0 freshman leam, collected 12 poinls, five rebounds and four blocked shots, and the consistent Brian Hunter had sevenpoinisonfive-of-sixfoulshoot- Ing despite a hurt ankle. "He sprained his onkic and gulled il out Ihe whole sccond half, kind o f llke(varsllyguanlJason)H ogucdld,'’ Kum ilsky said. "Hunter had a great game." Davic also gol six poinls from M icah G am er and Luke Phelps and five from Josh W allace. The siaroflh e42-polnt onslaught over North Davidson was M cN abb, who recordedacarecr-hlgh 23 poinls and douhle-figurc rebounds, and M oser added 18 and three 3-point- ers. " W c w crejust clicking on all cyl­ inders," said Kumitsky, who got eight poinls from Zach Hanrahan and Hunler, seven from G am er, six from Patrick Law and Phelps, five from W allace and two from Ian M acBrydc and M all Jam es. "It was one o f those fun gam es where everybody gets in." M oser drained four 3s and pro­ duced a season-high 26 against 30- poinl loser N onh IrcdcU. Hunter had 10 points, two 3s and five steals and Phelps had six poinls and eight re­ bounds, followed by M cN abb with eight points, Gam erw ith seven, W al­ lace wilh six. Jam es with four, Dustin Carter with three and Donnie V estal and M acBrydc wilh Iwo. "W c ju sl played fabulous ball," Kum ilsky said. "W e're nol playing down to our opponents.” Davic p hy s at Alexander Central on D ec. 15, Ihen hosts Bishop M cG ulnnessonD ec. 16. Two More Easy Wins For N. Davie Wrestlers respeciively. In the loss. Em ily Pel­ torini and Sham cl added four apicce as Davic squandered an 18-13 half- time advantage. Davic staggered Lcxinglon in the first quarter wilh a 14-3 spurt and finished o ff Ihc Jackets in the third, using an 18-9 run fo ra 4 1 -2 7 lead. Kahrs keyed the win w ith a double-double (12 points. 15 re­ bounds). Schafer had 13 points and foursteals, Kowalski had six poinls, Sham cl had six points and six re­ bounds, Peltorini had four poinls, six boards and three steals, ond Ashley W illishad fourpointsond fourslcals. Alison M cN eil and Kisha Parker chipped in two poinls cach. Davic cnienains Forbush on Dec. II. W rcsilingopponenishaveenough problems without having to worry abt)ul the middle o f North Davie's lineup. Josh Johnson (83 pounds), Tho­ mas Landen (93), Dennis Mendez (103), Jerem iah Raby (112), Chris Goode (171), Ryan Boehm ( 189)and Ted Randolph (heavyw eight) are strong enough to carry the W ildcats all the way without much help from iheir nilddlc-weighi buddies. If Poul F errell (1 1 9 ), Jared Shrew sbury (1 25). Troy Blaklcy (135), Kevin Robinson (145) and Zac O 'Brien (152) continue lo thrive in the middle, nobody Is going to touch the 'Cats. They gave Erwin's new coach on old-fashioned whip­ ping, 7 2 -1 8 , and handed N orth Rowan an even harder pounding, 84- 3, lusi week lo run ihcir record lo 3- 0 overall und 2-0 In the M id-South Conference. "M y boliom four and lop three weight classes ore preuy tough, and som e o f these guys from 119 lo (160) have com e around and started toshow some Improvement," Coach Ron Kirk said. "This Is o fun group to work wilh becausc I've gol five first-year wrestlers (starting) and they're learn­ ing so much. W c'rc gelling better every match." Aftcrpulling up 25 pins last week, it looks I Ike Soulh Davic, which hosts the 'Cats on Jan. 11. is the only team lhat can give North a decent fight. Jo sh Jo h n so n , M en d ez, R aby, Shrew sbury, B lak lcy , Robinson. Goode, Boehm and Randolph ore all 3-0, and Lunden Is 2-0. "Il looks like il's going lo be be­ tween me and (Soulh coach Howard Riddle)again."Kirk said ofthe coun­ try rivalry lhat has decided ihrec o f the past four confcrcncc races. N onh and Soulh didn't meet last year, shar­ ing the Piedmont Conference title. "M ost o f (the 10 unbeaten wres- llers) were here last year, and you con ju st .sec the smoothness and the flow thal they have," Kirk said. "W hen Ihey get in cenain situations, ihcy know cxactly what to do." Millard Sm ith,al40-poundcrw ho has yet to suit up, will provide even more punch to the attack. If the 'Cats maintain ihclr Intensity, don’t look fon h clr 17-mutch winning sircak to end anytime soon. ' Millard's got the credentials to bco good wrestler," Kirk said. "I ju sl stress to them lo take it one day at a lim e, because It wouldn't take but one time lo lake somebody forgrantcd and slip up." N otes: T he W ildcats host Souih- east Randolph on D ec. 8 and W est Rowan on D cc. 12. ...G reg Sim pson and Jake T ulilc also picked up wins. ...PhillipScoii.Tom m yPulIcn,Felix Carbajal and Brandon Pcacock won preliminary matches against Erwin, and Sim pson. Jerem y Gupton and Wade Gough claimed prelims against N onh Row on.... Ferrell, O 'Brien and Tuttle arc 2-1. S. Davie Girls Dig Early - Season Hole In MSC * CoachClndyDurhamhopcsSouih Davie's girls baskelball leam hil rock bbtiom lost. week. If nol, the Tigers ;ire really in trouble. : The scvenlh-grade Tigers put to- Xcihcr a quality firsl hal f against both .West Rowan and China Grove, but •got outscored 55-19 in the sccond Jialves combined for a 51 -26 setback Jo W est and a 39-29 defeat to the visiting Red Devils. 'I was really hoping we'd win our first home gam e," Durham said aiier Soulh sank to 0-3 overall and 0-2 in the Mid-South Conference. "0-3 Is a prciiy deep hole." Against China Grove, Shanika Brow n ledw ith I \ points and Ashley W hitlock added eight as the Tigers built on 18-13 halfllm c lead. Bul China Grove ripped o ff 13 o f the gam e's next 17 poinls to continue South's woes. "They don't have lhat many good ball handlers or dribblers, they just oulhusllcd us," Durham said. "W e quit hustling and didn't keep our in- tensiiy up." Soulh also gol four poinls from Jenna Hendricks and two from Sloan Sm iih, Bailey M ans and Releiihia Gadson. Soulh ran out o f gas in the third quarteragainsiW esl,whlchcxtended a 2 2 -18 hainim e lead to 35-26 in the ihird before closing the gam e with a nasty 16-0 mn. "W c hung in there until hal ftime," Durhamsaid. "M y girls justlaidback too much on defense, and we ju sl couldn't get anything working (of­ fensively). Vm nol gelling the pro­ duction I'd like to sec." Sm llh led wilh eight poinls, fol­ lowed by Hendricks wilh six, Heather Fosterand Brown with four and Marrs and W hitlock with two. Soulh plays at Erwin on Dec. 14. First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Woiship Opportunities: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study ^10:55 am - Traditional Woiship Service "A caring church with a place for you." Gamble Pays Off For Girls; Boys Woes Continue ; tJuslineG am blehlllhcgam c-w ln- ning shot with 43 seconds left as N orth Davie's gIris baskelball team beat Erwin 2 3 -2 1 last week. G am ble staked the W ildcats to a sccm lnglysafc 11-4 nret-quartcr lead .with seven o f hcrnlne points, but the Eagles rallied lo take a 21-20 lead. ■ That's when Abby Riddle made her one point for the game count, a gam e-tying free throw with a minute remaining. Then Onm blc gave North Its second straight win to start the scvcnih-gradc season. I Carly Booth also had nine and JJannah Tierney added four. .T h e etiphoria o f a 2-0 start disop- pcared obtuptiy later In the week Ina 40 ,1 5 loss to North Rowan. Sophillo Hlpps tormented North wilh 24 poinls as the M avericks raced to a (gulp) 22-0 halftim c lead. "She was everyw here," Coach Jam ie Lyerly said o f the magnlilcent Hipps. "She’d pick o ff a pass and go down fora layup. That's what she did on about 18 o f those poinls. Even If they were guarding her, she would ju sl fake them out.She'splayedA A U boll and she was so much quicker and faster. Nobody could keep up wilh her. "This was our first away game, ■ and they were a llllie nervous and ' scared and intimidated." ' KuraSeafordandGamblohadfour points, Riddle three and TIem ey and Kena Gentry two. Boys Fall Tw ice Coach M att M cPherson's boys fell to 0-3 with 27-23 and 6 3 -15 losses to Erwin and North Rowan, respec­ tively. "Expcricnce-w ise, they're on a whole different level," he said o f the M avcricks. "I'm Intcresled lo sec this W esi Rowan leam (Ihotdrillcd South Davie 62-27). W e're going lo have to beat Ihe China Groves, the Knoxs and Ihe Corrihcr-Lipes." M ich ael B in gham had seven points, and Jonathan A y m , K y le, W inters, Jonathan H utchens and Drew Ycogcr two each. The W ildcats had a shol lo break through the win column against Er­ win. Jonathan M ayfield stole a pass with the Eagles clinging to a 24-23 lead, but a fast-bieak turnover foiled their hopes. "I was going to call timeout, but I said: 'No, we've gol ihe fast break, lets push it ,'" McPherson said. "W e turned Ihe ball bock over, and ihey h lto 3 ." , Bingham led with 10, followed by Yeager with six. W inters with five and W illiam Goad with two. The W ildcats play at Downtown on D ec. 7 and al W est Row anon Dec. 12. ^Attention All Diabetics^ Baskets! Baskets! Baskets!. Just in time for the Christmas Holidays Gift Basltets for Diabetics We have a great assortment of pre-made baskets or we will custom make to order. Wfe also have gift wrapped box chocolate candy.. Hurry in now for the best selection. BANNi Tbe Diabetes Shoppe. 3478 EKt BnMd StitM • StMesvilk, NC 28623 • (7W) S T M ill - огм111-80(Ш М 690 - , ; . BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 Ш C H A M B E R Ю С 1 1 8 F U R N IT U R E M illing Road, Mocksville, NC Get... 7 5 1 - 5 2 6 2 Lightning Fait ConntcUonk NoBuiy SIgnili Eaiy Satup Haul* Frta Support SUIt-ol-(h(-Art Tachnology Ciiwdfut P Omputer G a n t t I iP E B Sow w iB u m ic. 965 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville, NC R Scott Gantt 336.751-GANT Telephone (336) 998-2427 NDR. j e r r y HAUSER FAWLY AND COSMETIC QENEHAL DENTISTHY OdlM Нош» 135 Medical Drive ByAivoMment Advance, North Carolina 27006 Ш Ш YMcantdlm umtymrbusitiess. Sincel872 119 Gaither Strcci, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5951 Willow Oak Shopping Center, M ocksvillc, NC 751-5956 « J f o B t e r ’ a 171 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 . Phone: 336-751-2737 Margaret Foster, Owner B a n k Off D A V IE Member FDIC lantigNiyeoi Soilh '(InMocksvilleMaikelplace)№155 \ •Funerals •Cremations ' * I^AfTangcmenls F uneral H om e 'J Z Z . •Nolaiy 633WilhsboroSircet Mock5ville.NC (3 3 « )7 S 1 -U 0 0 i ■ 4 i Г/Л */> •f.v •, y'-;aVs И'-’> '%■ 1 Step Back in Time during... special Holiday Activities in December on the Mocksville Square Jolly Ole (St. Nick Thursday and Friday Evenings 6:00 to 8:00p.m. Carriage ßides Thursday, Friday & Saturday Evenings (In front of Four Oaks Fumilure ■ S5.00 per person) Caroling I Story Telling Thursday, December 1 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #831 7;D0PM Shady Grove 5th Grade Chorus Friday, December 8 6:00 PM Cooieem ee Elem. 4th Graders Thursday, December 14 6:00 PM Bethlehem UMC Praise Team 7:00 PM Davie High Chorus Friday, December 15 6:00 PM Rrst UMC Hand Bells Thursday, December 21 7;00 PM Davie Ecumenical Choir Friday, December 22 7:30 PM Rrst Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir Thursday, December 14 7:00 PM Hank Van Hoy How the Grinch Slole Christmas Friday, December 15 7:00 PM Freda Ram sey àCIirialmas Blesslna Friday, December 22 7:00 PM Judge Jlmn)y Myers If your group is interested in participating during the festivities, please call the Chamber 751-3304 IÍD Davie Medical Equipment -T í '0\ —V• v' V.-T' 806 N. Main St • Mocksville - 336-751-4Ó88 ^ A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES 336-751-Ш4 Mocksville ÿ - . I •‘'I THE PHONE PLACE ‘ CI:LLUb\R SPECIALIST" (336) 751-2626 CELLULAR m O N E S PACERS m iir p o is i,« ! Mock«llle, NC 270ÌH *Л » r ИЕ* E a t o n ’ s F u n e r a l H o m e 325 N. M uin St. M oclisvillv, NC 27028 336-751-2Ы8 HOWARD REALTY Residential & Commercial Sales Property Maiiagcinent ph: 338-751-3538 tax: 338-7B1-7632 or visit our u cb site at wHw.lx>wanlrcally.coni C C B l48W.WaicfSircel Mocksvillc. NC 27028 • 751-6261 I(M7 Yadkinville Road Mocksville. NC 27028 • 751-6261 Coolcctnee Shopping Center Cooieemee. NC 27014 • 284-2542 121 N. Main Si. N u p p l Mocksvillc, N.C.27028 (336)751-3418 D A V IE F I M R A L S E R V IC E L .L .C . 416 Valley Rd., MocksviUc, NC 336-751-3111 I "Our Family Serving Your Family" YOUR HOWnwm niNEHAL HOME INGERSOU-HAWD. AR COMPRESSORS Mocksville, N C 27028 D A V I ! C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD HiaCOVBI*OIOWNiWS*ADVlitroiHO RaBoxW 171 So<xhMainSt,Modavlli,NC]70U р1ю«:(ЗМ)7!1-212У 1к:(33«)75|-97Ш Davie People D^VVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - 01 ■- II Cooieemee Christmas Tour Of Homes T h e m e ’ T r e e s A d o m T h e S n i p e s R e s id e n c e By M ike nnrnhiirdt Davic Couniy Enterprise Rccord C O O L E E M E E -A b ll o f M yrtle ncach will be here Saturday for the anniial C oolccnice Chrislmas Tour o f I Ionics sponsored by The Colion Club. There’ll be plenty o f sand and scasbells. bul don'i wear your bathing suli and sunscreen. DIanc Snipes hiLs crcated a “mini beach" on a labic top in ihc home .she shares with husband Allen on Junction Road, one o f sU sites on the noon-5 p.m. lour. The bcach. on a table top. includes sand from Myrtle Bcach. and shells from beaches In North and South CanMlna. Georgia. Florida and the Bahamas. Decora- Wiiat: Cooieemee Chrislmas Tour of Homes When: Saturday, Deo. 9, Noon-5 p.m. Where: • Zachary House, Old No. 14 Church St. • Eaton-Boswell Hosue, “Old Company Farm,” 162 Admill Road •Trexler-Myers House, 186 Center St. • Crawford-Brittain House, 146 Ruffin SI. • Snipes House, 2076 Junction Road • Cooieemee Presbyterian Church, Watts & Cross streets. Tickets: $6 (al Ihe homes), $5 advance at Cooieemee Town Hall, Zachary House, Davie Discount Drugs, Davie Chamber of Commerce. live Sanla Clauses, cach dressed for the bcach, are on ihc sand sur­ rounding a Christmas tree with ornanienis also from Ihe bcach or depictions o f bcach scenes. On the wall, there’s a wreath made from shells. If It sounds like there's a bcach theme here, il's bccause it is. Throughout the Snipes home, the 14 or IS trees all have a iheme, from the "homem ade om am enr tree in the from room, lo a family tree, to a nature iree, to a snowman tree, to a gingerbread tree... Snipes collects Santa's, and those figurines arc scattered through the house as well. Snipes collected most o f the ornaments, and many o f the irees . were put logelher by her daughter, Belsy Faulkner. She is especially fond o f a “Carolina" room on the lower level. N.C. Stale and Duke fans be warned, this room is blue, very blue. In between pictures o f Kenan Stadium and the Sm ith Center, Please See T hem e • Page C 4 Diane Snipes makes sure all the Tar Heels are in the proper place on the "Carolina" tree. It’s appropriate the sun is shining on Snipes The kitchen is busy when Snipes' fam- Sports Santas dress up a table, with her “beach" tree, with Myrtle Beach sand, ily visits for the holidays. - Photos by Robin Fergusson O l d C o m p a n y F a r m B r i n g s B a c k C h r i s t m a s M e m o r i e s By Ja ck ic Seaboll Davic County Enterprise Rccord Som e o f M eg Bosw ell's earliest memories Involve her grandfather, H ulxrt Eaton, on the farm o ff Pine Ridge Road. "Everyone In Ihe county knew my grandfather. He cul the limber 10 build the barn,” she said. “This Is Ihe old company farm. It was originally Ihc old Morris plantation lhat went up for sale around 1898- 1899. T he mill had problems buying property from families. So they sent an Individual in lo buy property from Morris som etim e in the tale ‘SOs. M y grandfather bought Ihis part, it was over 600 acrcs." On Saturday, Meg and Gary Bosw ell will open their home as part o f the C ooieem ee Chrislmas Tour o f Homes. Today, Ihc Bosw ells enjoy living oh Ihc farm. Meg has one story she remembers well. "M y earliest rccollcciion o f Ihe farm was when I visited my grandfather and he put a bucket full o f sweet feed down and said, ‘Alright, gal, sit on this and don't lei the cows get it’. O f coursc I was knocked around and couldn't keep the cows away," Meg laughs. Part o f Ihc Bosw ell's old home was originally a feed storage area which they have renovated into living quartcni. They have lived at the farm for three years. They sold Iheir home in Richmond, Va. and moved wilh ihclr two childrcn to Coolecm ee. “ W hen wc first moved here the children slept in bunk beds In what is now the kitchen area,” said Meg. On display in the old farmhouse stands a large tin pineapple. “When I lived in Virginia I lived near w illiam sbure. The pineapple Is a sign o f hospitality. 1 want people to feel w elcom e," Meg said. This Saturday, Dec. 9, from noon-5 p.m. the Cooieemee Christmas Tbur o f Homes will lake place, Ihe biggest fundraiser for the Cooieem ee Colton Club. Meg and Gary Boswell stands amid the holiday decorations lhat adorn Iheir home. - Pliotos by Robin Fergusson * P - f i MX . ü . . Í) Пешс ^ СоЫмпие - Page C4 Bo-Bo the cocker spaniel ilstes while Meg and Gary discuss plans for serving cider and gingerbread In the decorated barn, - . Thiis decorated tree repreMnts the county clwtn;yaiM see at the Boswell Farm. ■ 1 C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Adveince News Martha Todd M ay o f Winston-Sa* lem was hosted to a 90ih birthday reception at Bethcsda M oravian Church on Sunday afternoon, on Dcc. X She was bom Dec. 25. 1910 to M ary Jan e (M ollie) R eavis and Comelius Houston (Nealie) Todd of Yadkinville. Hostesses and hosts were her chil­ dren. Maxie M ay Poindexter and hus­ band Bob o f Clemmons. Dr. Hemy E May Jr. and wife Bobbie o f Winston* Salem. Joan May Cress and husband Ray of Advancc. Carole Clopton o f Lewisville, her granddaughter, was in charge o f re­ freshments and decorations. Laven­ der, green, and yellow were used as the color theme with live pansies and As­ sorted candles. A three-tier cakc was decorated with a small white church, live pansies and cherubs. Approximately 75 attended. She was presented an apron deco­ rated with pansies and signatures o f all attendees, a memory book that included pictures and stories o f her childhood, her career at Western Electric (where she retired in 1975). and her travels thatincludedvisiling49states(includ- ing Hawaii and Alaska), District of Columbia, Palestine, Holland, Egypt, Canada including Newfoundland and Four Corners News Dy Edilli ZIm m cnnnn Advancc Correspondent Wayne and Bcisy Holbrook, Ben and Sherri Boutin, anil son Nicholasof Atlanta, Ga. were weekend guests of Ihe Rev. David Childers and wife Sharan. Theyallendcdlhesamechutcli in Georgia wilh the Childers, Tucker Rrst United Methodist Church, before David went inlo the ministry. During the weekend the Childers nnd guests went 10 Ihe Candle Tea in Old Salem on Saturday and also Ihc Festival of Lights al Tanglewood. The Holbrooks nnd Boutins were among the visitors at Couple Plan Januaiy Wedding Ronald and Tonnie Baumgardner o f Mifnimown, Pa. announce the engage­ ment o f their daughter, Wendy Ann Baumbgardner to Timothy Shane Mauldin. son of John and Becky Mauldin o f Mocksvillc, Thcbride-clect Isa 1996 graduate of JuniataHigh School InMifflintown. She is a senior Airman In the U .S. Air Force stationed at Luke Air Forcc Base in Arizona. The groom-to-be is a 1992 graduate o f Davie High School. He is a staff sgt. in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Luke Air Forcc Base. A Jan. 6,2001 wedding is planned in M ifnintowu W o m a n C e l e b r a t e s H e r 9 0 t h B i r t h d a y B y M arie »Vhlte F ou r C om ers Correspondent M r. nnd Mis. L.S. Shellon Jr. have returned home afler spcn tog several days at Myrtle Beach. Ollive Burgess and BaioiSm idi are chureh Sunday. A lovely cut llower anangement was on Ihe altar Sunday in honor of John Hnftman's birthday and his par­ ents Don and ChristineHaflman's ISth wedding anniversary. Also a white rose bud was on the nliar. Brian Bmndon's parents David and Amanda Graham have bought a house In Ihis area nnd plan to move in the fiist o f the year. They are from Florida and were weekend visitors o f llieir son and family Brian and Diana Brandon and children Bailey nnd Madison. The .Graham's were church visitors Sun* day. Quincy nnd Faye Comalzer, "Bo" and Mona PotlsspcnlTuesdny ihiough Sntuiday in Florida. They look a load ofbullstoW achulaforsalc. Thecow s were from W hip-O-W ill farm for which Quincy works. Afierirmsport- ing tlie bulls they left Iheir trailer nl Wnchula nnd traveled lo olhcr pinces. They went lo Cape Coral where ihey visilcd Allon Markland, a former Ad­ vance boy, and ihcn visiled Bill nnd Marie Arnold. The Amold'sgavcthem a variety of fruits which grew in Iheir yanl consisting o f grapcfrait, oranges. lemons, lim es nnd tangerines. Leav­ ing Cape Coral they drove lo Key Largo and on down to Key West, Coming back through Jacksonville on Friday Ihe group visiled Mona's aunt Council Hendrix Alexander and hus­ band Curtis Alexander. In Iheir 5 day irip Ihey drove J.Z W miles. Sympiilhy iscxlended to David and Dean Joyner in ihe sudden deaih of Iheir mother Mary Rose Frye Joyner.. TheAdvancc Christmas parade will bcSatunlay, D ec.9beginningat 10;00 C o o le e m e e S r . C it iz e n s N e x t M e e t in g D e c . 1 1 The Cooleem ee Senior Citizens Club met Nov. 27 in the First Baptist Church fellowship hall with 21 mem­ bers aiiJ visitors present. Tlic meeting was callcd to order by the president. Following prayer the group sang "Count Your Blessings." The chaplain gave the devotions. Her IC.XI was from Psalms 11 8: How good it Is to trust in God. "Givethanks Pino News unto the Lord; for he is good; because his mercy endurtth forcvcr. Always trust in tlic Lofti. no matter what the situation, he is always there." The roll was callcd, the minutes read and the sunshine report given. The Elementary Chorus will enter­ tain the club Dec. 11 with Christm;« Songs. The Cooleemee Historical Asstv ciation is presenting a puppet show" the Adventures o f Blinky Catfish:" in theschools. The club members gave a donation for River Park coloring books that will be distributed to the school children. .The Christmas itieeting and plans for the lunch were made. Tlie meeting will Stan at 10. The lunch will be 5cr>edat 12. . Everyone Is asked to bring plenty u f fuixl us we ill be having a s|vcial guest. Events taking place at the Brock Ccfiicr wen? announced. For the program, Aylisa Gross dis­ played her crufts, which were many. She also read poems, toldjokes. played the piano and s;mg a number o f songs. Tlie meeting adjourned with prayer and the singing of the club song. Tlie next meeting Is Dcc. II. Nova Scotia. She was next to the youngest of 13 children. Only one sister, Minnie Styers, 91 and a half, and one brother Leslie, 96. o f Yadkinville are still liv­ ing. She has 35 descendants. She still drives, is active in her chureh where she Is renowned for heading up the Joy Circle that makes chicken pies by the hundreds due to the demand. In the year2001 she will be serving on the Board o f Elders, one of several tours during her life. B y N ora Latham Pino Correspondent The monthly breakfast at Wesley Chapel will be Saturday, December 16. Serving begins at 6:30 a.m. and continues until 10:00a.m . Everyone is invited. There will be a Christmas Candle­ light service at Wesley Chapel Sunday night, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Spccial guests will be the Bell Choir from Farmington UMC. There will be poinsettias placed in thechureh'InH onorOror'InM em ory Of.' Each nower will cost S25. If you would like to buy a flower in Honor O f or Memory O f someone, please con­ tact Kathy Ellis or Betty West no later than December 15. All proceeds from the sale o f flowers will go to the build­ ing fund. Visiting W esley Chapel last Sun­ day was Sarah Eure. Pat, KathyandA!a(thewMil{ertrav- eled to Boone last Sunday to spend the day with their daughter, Suzanne Lakey. Betty and Roland W est spent last week In Myrtle Beach. New Arrival Adaughter, Lily Tenese. was bom to Bill and Rita W hite o f Salisbury on O ct. 28,2 0 0 0 , at Rowan Regional M edical Ccntcr. She weighed 3 lbs. I oz. She has two brothers, Anthony G ood n ig h t, 2 2 , and M atthew Goodnight, 19. M atern al grand parents are K ath erin e P rev ette and A rvil Prevette. both o f Cooleem ee. on our sick list. W e arc wishing them a speedy recovery. Courtney Bapdst Choir will present a musical "K ing Forever" at 7 p.m. on D ec. 17. Eveiyone Is invited. BibleBaptistChurcli . Indfpendent • Fundamentat fiiitor, DanJonte • 336-778-8737 Sunday Scbool-IOM) Wor*fc(p' ■ ■■»SwvlM-llam -'ïM -flf-7;; "e u o Stim Fmy R d • CiMiunont. NC H e lp Y o u r N e ig h b o r s a n d E n jo y C a b le T e le v is io n t h is H o lid a y S e a s o n Order cable TV by December 29th and your installation is only $5! Plus, pay only ^9’^ for our Limited Basic service and oil other channels are FREE for 30 days-including premium movie channels! But that’s not all.... Your $5 installation fee will be donated to the Storeliouse for Jesus Call today for more details 751-1313 B EN C H M A R K VOUR HOMETOWN CABLE C O M R W $5 fee covers Inslallatlon a to n e o u tle t C onvertgrs tor a d d itio n a l outlets a re $4.95 e a ch . O ffe r do e s n o t Inclu de p a y-p e r-vie w chan nels a n d Is v a lid to r n e w custom ers only. C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • JE E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • JE E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • JE E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • JE E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E 2000 Do( Intrepid M 7,988 0.0% APR rontOMONTMt V 4 , M jlo ,A I« n i M M /C D , p ow tr wintfowt, p o iM f door lo clu, p ow tr M tt, tut, erulM , iMa] clolh tow iM ck bue to l М4Й0. 2001 Dodae Ram15(№ M 5,688 Э.9 V 4, auto, alt, IIH, cn ilM , AIVFM casM tt*. Ura ê chrom a w hatl pkg., two tona (Mint, 8outhaa§t Ragionai Pkg. 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 *25^588 0 .9 < } Г а Р Н ron t o м ом т н а e су!., auto, PW, PD U tilt, crulsa, AM/FM •unacraarralaas. roof rack, ‘ TMck4x4 8yi alu m .w tm la , Salact mirrora. 2000 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab *18,988 О . В % А Р Л г о я ao MONTMa v-e, auto, UILcruIsa, AM/FM CO, lo g lampa, 4<V2Q/40 apllt banch aaat »port pkg., alum inum w haela, tintad glaaa. dalay w lpara I GET THE STRAIGHT PRICE IN MOCKSVILLE 751-5948 1 - 8 8 8 w ie a ^ 7 e i , ’ч я и г в а й я ь * ; DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dee. 7,2000 - СЭ Levan Honored As Automobile Tech Of The Year At a ccrcniony held in Scotsdalc, Ariz. Rick Lcvanof Advance wa.shofj* orcd as the DaimlerChrysIcr/ASE Master Auloniobile Technician o f the Year al ASE's board o f directors’ in­ dustry awards dinner. U'van is an A SE master certified technician and employed by North Point Chrysler. Plymouth, Jeep, Win- ston-Salcm. He was selected for the award aitcr meeting Ihc crifcrin set by DaimletChryslcr and excelling on the A SE automobile ccnification exams. Levanw asoncof31 ASE-cenificd technicians, nationally rccognizcd by segments o f the automotive scr\ice and repair industry. Each o f these elite technicians was presented with an in- dustry specific award recognizing his achicvcnienl. The National Institute for Automo­ tive Service E.xcellcnce (A SE) was founded in 1972 as a non-profit, idcpendeiit organisation dedicated tn improving the quality o f automotive servicc and repair through voluntary testing and certification o f automotive professionals. Almost 420,000 A SE- certificd automobile, truck and colli­ sion repair technicians, engine ma­ chinists and parts specialists work in dealership independent shops, service stations, auto parts stores, fleets, .schools, and colleges. From left, Bill Boyd, DaimlerChrysler, Rick Levan, Daimler Chrysler ASE Master Automobile Technician of the Year, Wendy Levan and Ronald H. Weiner, ASE president at ‘È b T ÿ ie s f GiftSkof. Taking Orders For Pick-up Tf]úrs7, D ^ 4lh Afíer^2 noon G IV E A G IF T A S SP E C IA L A S T H E SEA SO N Tlwtes tioOang tiko ilitf Rlfi of i»rt rJcRiiiH Rnlcx Uttiepicco to nwVo llili n Uuty s|a‘clit lioluliiy Ait<l iiu nuitter wlilcli itylu of Holcx you cliooso. youll Im giving ft gift of l-istlng qunlity. Iwnuty on«l tleslrnblliiy. Tlili ycnr. give a gift as »pccLtl ns tlic scnscn. Wr»]> up n Hutc-x. And All Day Frl., Dec. 15llf f-arm Fresh Pork Sausage^ l-oihs, Sparer^ y No Ordor too Small or too Largì / \ Call for Prices & Details , Jerry & Cindy Foster Mocl<sville, NC 27028 A lso : F rozen P o rk P ro d u c ts Y e ar R o u n d R O LEX •JÎU a . . "— .......... J E с 6 521] S . Strattoni П(1.. Wnslon-S^ïlcm (,И0) 721-1708 M oa l rl. 10 0; S.«. 10 ,5 H R Y S L E R Unique Christmas Gifts Davie County Public Library m STORV OF DAVIE COUNTV (lllird làlilion. updated lO'M-Q.'i) James W. Wall ' 250 years ol political, business, social, religious, and educational history, with 7,000 names ol early selllers, elected oHicials, and militaiy veterans. 450 pages • 140 pictures T I I E H I S r O R IC A R C IIIT fc C T U K E O K D A V IE C O U N T V (Reprinted 1986 edition) Kiik F. Mohney 250 pages - 600 pictures ol stmctures and drawings with descriptive arctiitectural narrative and biographical accounts of builders and residents. Cost ol each $26.50, Mailing $3.00. Main Desk Davie County Public Library All proceeds accrue to the Davie County Library. DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 183« -1900 Nancy K. МифЬу A record ot 4,600 marriages ot Davie County people. $22.50 DAVIE COUNTY CEMETERIES Davie County Historical & Genealogical Society Approximately 18,000 gravesites with inscribed biographical Inlormation and dates. TWo-volume set $45.00 DAVIE COUNTY M AR RUG ES, 1901 -1959 Nancy K. МифЬу $ 2 0 .0 0 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. МифНу and Everetts G. Sain $15.00 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. МифЬу and Everette G. Sain $15.00 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY . Nancy K. МифЬу and Everette G. Sain $ 2 0 .0 0 All proceeds accrue to the Davie County Historical and Genealogical Society. Purchase price Includes mailing. . Available Martin-Wall History Room, Davie County , Library.,Mon •Tues«,Wed,«9:00 am •4;00ptn C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 Cooleemee Christmas Tour Saturday Conttnued From Page 0 1 There are six houses on Ihe lour: Zaehary-H olt House, Eaton Bosw ell “Old Company F a m ", Trexlcr-M yers House, Crawford- Brillain House, Snipes House, and Ihe C oolcem ee Presbyierian Chureh. Tickets arc $6 the day of, or SS in advance, and arc available at Cooleem ee Tbwn Holl, The Zachary House, Davie Discount Drugs, and Ihe Dovie Cham ber o f Commerce. According lo Cotton Club President Joanne Lester, the club continues 10 gel support Гог ils projects lo beautify Cooleem ee. “People in Ihls county are amazing. T his shows how much Ihcy support everything we do." The holiday cheer of this l<itchen table wiil greet tour visitors as they enter the Boswell's home. The renovated kitchen area used to be used for feed storage. T h e m e ’ T r e e s T o B e O n D is p la y In H o m e A table adorned with seasonal treasures Is one of the features at the Boswell Farm. - Photos by Robin Fergusson C ontinued From Page C l (here arc Carolina Blue bedspreads, lamps, rugs, an autographed basketball poster with Dean Smith ... and a Carolina Blue Christmas tree filled with Tar H eel ornaments. There's a snowman and a Santa dressed as Carolina fans, even Carolina Blue soap. But don’t question the color o f blue in the bathroom. It's just a litlle bit darker, “Everybody says that looks like Duke. I say no. uh-uh." A friend who is a Wolfpack fan is volunteer to help in the home on tour day • on one condition. That she didn't have lo go (o the “bram ble" in the basement. Snipes, who retired from Central Carolina Bank in Cooleem ee in November, said she plans to stay activc in the community. Getting the house ready for the tour, after a trip with her husband, keeps her busy. “I thought this would be good therapy.” H IÉ Friday, December 8th 6:00PM- 8:00PM O f Pf У Ca' Cooleemee Mayor Grady Spry holds one of the Christmas ornaments on sale to help buy more decorations for the town. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Christmas Ornament Proceeds Set Used For Cooleemee Decorations B y M ike B am h ard t Davie County Еп1сф п$с Record C O O L E E M E E • Folks around here have been decorating for Christ* mas for a long time. Il only seem s fitting that the town now has its own oiTicial Christmas ornament. The ornaments • with a drawing o f the old wooden school by Glenda Beard and the town seal on the other • arc selling for $10 each. They arc available at the town hall and al other sites around town. M ayor Grady Spry said the pro­ ceeds will be used to buy more deco- hitions to sprucc it up for the holl* days. He hopes to make this an an­ nual project. The school was located on Duke Street, and according to Spry. “All o f us older ones started lo school there." The mayor thinks the omaments would not only look good on local trees, but on those from people with ties to C ooleem ee. "W e’ve already had people to buy ‘them and send them to their children .o u to f town ” he said. The town also raises money by: ¡'"selling” lights on the town tree at ¡ ihe Zachary House, with Ihe $1 do- i nations g d n g in memory o f or honor '^ p fato v cd o n e. _ ; Th e idea for a town ornament ac- Start C h ris tin a s ^ p p ^ ii^ ljj!^ ^ ^ Handmade sweatshii^ etc‘ ‘ G u n te r 's C o u n t r y Store Hwy. 801 & Redland Road - Near Farmington Call 998-4250 for directions E y e A s s o c ia t e s o f R o w a n a n d R o w a n R e g io n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r W e l c o m e D r . J a m e s H a r d i n • University of North O rolina-Chapcl Hill - Uxhclor's de«rcc in chcmiMry and zooloay • Mcharry Mcdical College in Nashville, Tenn. • Rivcnidc Rc({ional Mcdical Center in Newport News, Va, - Internship • Kansas University Medical C cn icr- » i y OphthalmoloByrttidcncy • Board certified in ophthalmology Eye Associates of Rowan 800 W. Cemcicry Sirect Salisbury.NC 28144 (704)633 0345 Rowan Regional MliDlCALCEfirtR Your Source For Total Healthcare. wwwrowanofK Cooleemee's first Christmas ornament features the town seal on one side, and a drawing of Ihe old wooden school by Glenda Beard on the other. lually cam e from a visitor lo town. A m em ber o f the C huck W agon Gang, who performed here, was a collector o f om aments arid wanlcd one from Cooleem ee, Spry said. "It’s sqmeihing else we can do to create Christm as spirit and draw awareness to the town.” Residents o f Cooleem ee arc also known for their decorating, and on D cc. IS -I7 . judges will be picking what they think are the best. To par* ticlpatc, ju st have your C hristm as' lights on those nights, Spry said. Other than the "M ayor’s Award’’ presented by Spry and his w ife Dot, (he awards are given by judges w ho, don’t know the people in the houses being judged, he said. The winners will receive a sign for their yard. TWs Holiday • Season give the gift of hope... , T^epûvw erûfÜ ' . l(800)Hll.UW AY, . . http://wwwIunitC(lwa)r.org‘ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - C5 llislii Advertising Siipplemciil Fu rn itu re M arket Item s O n S ale A t U nique G ifts Unique Gifts once again brings the finest from all over the world directly to their showroom at the Old Bargain f^all in Clemmons. From the International Furniture Market held in October In High Point, Unique Gifts has acquired exquisile armoires made of solid alder wood, with dovetailed joints. Some armoires, perfect for entertaining, have wineracks, immense stemware displays in the ceiling, storage drawers and pull-out trays. Other armoires blend beautifully into a liv­ ing room, bedroom or den, with hidden television cabinets, cralted In colors ranging from mixed bronzes and auburns to dark or light honey-colored woods. Unique Gifts offers these furniture market samples at in­ credible wholesale prices, following owner Janie Ruiz's policy ol passing along savings to her customers. She is also thrilled with the many decorator pieces she has found. Homeowners or businesses with large foyers or sunrooms will love Ihe ten- foot iron vase containing a huge pineapple with a palm tree at the top, again at wholesale prices. Metal ironwork fireplace screens are another item of elegance at these low prices. Unique Gifts is receiving new upscale lines ot computer desks and cherry bedroom suites from Lifestyles, California. New dining room furniture has also been ordered, at prices much less than anywhere else for these upscale lines. Beechbrook of Atlanta's lines of dining room suites are on sale in black and honey pine. Each dining room table has a drawer at each end, to store napkins or silverware; and Ihe table, chairs and china cabinets can be purchased separately. Currently all Oriental antiques are 50% off. Come In and browse through the 100-year old Chinese bridal chests, with delicate butterfly hooks that close Ihe two doors, un­ locked by a key on a chain. Popular with decorators are the lunch and rice baskets, which can be used to display maga­ zines or floral arrangements. Another fabulous feature are Ihe Chinese shutters, in handcarved two-inch wood, translu­ cent enough to see Ihe wall underneath the shutters. All amber, sterling silver and malachite jewelry Is cur­ rently 1/3 off. Lovely earrings, bracelets, brooches, rings and necklaces are on sale just In time for Christmas. Nourot vases are also 1/3 off. These hand glazed bowls and vases come In many shapes and sizes. In magnificent reds, golds, and other colors. Each piece Is signed and num­ bered while the glass Is still wet. Buy from the floor or order from Ihe catalog for a gift unmatched anywhere. Edgecombe sofas from Ihe reliable manufacturers in Plnetops, N. C. (in business for 65 years) are currently on sale for S699. These solid oak upholstered couches feature extra firm cushions on Ihe seats and back cushions. Shop eariy for the best selection. "We have very low prices on everything," said Janie Ruiz, owner. The obsidian collection of handmade volcanic rock is of- Janie Ruiz \ fering a special ol 50% off any item of S500 or more. These ailistic sculptures come in all natural colors, formed when Ihe lava hits Ihe cooling waters of the river below. Jasper, pinks, reds, ebony and other colors reflect highlights of gold or silver; and are hand-sculpted in masks, eggs, or animal shapes. Another artistic offering are the hand-sculpted busts of malachite, based on Mayan or Aztec cul­ ture. They look very similar lo African or Egyptian art. Only a few of these beautiful sculptures are left at Unique'Gifts. Hurry to Unique Gifts for the finest selection Ihat is sure to please those on your Christmas list. Unique Gifts is located at 3550 Clemmons Road (Highway 158), in Ihe Old Bargain Mall In Clemmons. Hours are Saturdays 9-5 and Sundays 10-5. Call Ihem today at (336) 778-2700. UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOK! I Nolion's largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite® 336-761-0999 L O C K & K E Y Mark Simpson locksmim 12 Yoars Enporionco (3361659-6398 ■ibUt: 87S-20210/ Tht Ao rCOUNTGR po in t ! I Guitar Shop & Studio | I Sti>^*Vp;n;tgtj.lnq M ml I I 25% O FF ■ I All Accessories I I and Instruments I- K2(:oiirlS(|iure. Moi.k>vllk’ ^ I 336-751-9390 I,\t-r NtKiiiHjtni Jiiit .Sji. Kbm-lpm Hail studio I5 Ô • P ed icu re '*^'1 «A cry lics • M a n icu re • Scu lp tu red Tips • Fill-Ins Lori Hill 3818 OewfTionsRd. Clemmons766-9001 Crowder mChesney ( A s s o c ia t e s ш Your H o m e to w n R ealtor 2265-C Lew/isville-Clemmons Rd. • Cleinmons 766-0515 INDMDUAIXYYOU, he. Acrylic Nails •eo~ «et *ae~ nii-ins • Massage & Bodywork Can Promote Better Sleep • A Designated Rcdkcn Ambassador Salon. Westwood Village Shopping Center, Clemmons C.save ■ 766-4474 SAVINGS up r Л 0 / EVERYDAY '» 3 1 / '0Senior Cltl/an* OUcoiint« B e r m u d a M in i* ! S e lf- S to r a g e • M U M M C IIS •C M M tllP M irn itM •Q ifiT iis a U iM i m x i 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 3 Climate Control 3 24 hr Computerized Gate 3 Fenced wilh 24 hr lighting 3 Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 3 Video Camera Security 3 Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Clemmons Discount Saleslb3J Lewibvditf CliMntnonh (<d /66 4449 • Ск-тшопъ ' /66 49J8 Д п ш аезп п е T***e*tone L ee T ire s' ' Н Д М Ш О К ' М Ш 1 п T ires George's Village Garage 2570 Levi/lsviile-Clemmons Rd,» Clemmons^ 766-7862 I C > _______ Italian Family Restaurant Subs - Pasta r Pizza - Wings <!'' (Mental FmimUmrm Uß Тф 40% Off ОШшаКФвтш fit— CmUHaäM Ufmmtylem КтШ тш шШ 9% 0Н ^ N e w M t a M е а т в а Л в и м П Ф Ш Buy П о т ПаогОг Oidmrnom Cmtmtog • • t . M ) « m i. U i M « Located In т о й Ç feaanoasS dioal ISSOOatunoiaRoad (\atlolheCkmnHimUbmy) (336)7^ 2700 Whitney Flooring H oura Mon.- FW. 10-6 S a f c lO -a S p e c ia liz in g In Carpet »Vinyl Cerandc Tile Hardwood noon & ReHnlihliig . Counter Top« Laadiuited Floors ( 3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 ^ 7 3 1 20 Years Experience NOW OREN TO WE P10JC: S91»C James SL IsaJ 1—^ C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 A S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s G e t s H e l p F r o m J r . G i r l S c o u t s OnOct.31,JuniorGirlScoulTnM p 88 (Macedonia Moravian) went lo ' Storehouse for Jesus. TWs was the girls sccond time vol­ unteering their services here. They chose this as their service projcct lie- cause Ihey hud so much Tun last time. They sorud food and clothes donated by others, as well as filled orders for customers. They will be sponsoring a Parents Tim e-O ut." On Friday, Dcc. 15, from S - 11 p.m., they will Ix al Macedonia Moravian Church on N.C. 801 Nonh. On Sanmlay, Dcc. 16, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Uiey will beat Farmington Baplisl Church on Farmington Road. They will mke ages 3 years (potty-trained) - third grade. The cost will be dona­ tions. Proceeds will go to fund the Sum­ mer 2001 Trip to Savannah, Ga., Ihc home o f Ihe founder o f Giri Scouting. Therc will be movies, games, crafts, and face painting. All activities are adult supervised. For directions or more dciails, call Heidi at 998-9466, Bcliy at 998-7371, or Lisa at 998-9588. New Arrival Girl Scouts posing In front of tlie Storehouse for Jesus, from left: front - Cindy Cohen, Annie Shrewsbury, AmaniJa ReavIs, Brittney Cass, Kayla Newsome, Samantha Judd, Alex Dickens, Ashley Shoaf, Hannah Speight; second row - Jordan ReavIs, Erica Wentz, Paige Carter, Gina Holder, Katie Ellis, tbiarie Alspaugh, £llen Carter. Robert and Jcannic Trotter o f M ocksvillc announce the birth o f their • sccond daughter, Caroline Anna, on Thursday. Nov. 30.2000 ot 10:25p.m . She weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Caroline has a big sister, Katie, age Paternal grandparents arc Tniman and LcAnnTrottcrofKnoxville,Tenn., and Shirley Lewis o f Statesville. Pa­ ternal grcfll-grondparcnts are Ray and Anna Trotter o f Knoxville and Char* lotie Summers o f Wailburg, Tenn. Maternal grandparents ore Cynthia Nabors o f High I^lnt, and Thomas Nabors o f Statesville. Maternal great* grandm other is Jean M lnnlsh o f Statesville B i s h o p I s H o n o r e d F o r Y e a r s O f P a s t o r i n g On Saturday, Nov. 11, members and friends of the Nonh Carolina Area o f the Northwestern District o f the Holiness Church o f God Inc., came togethertohonorBishopJamesIjanies and his wife, Sister Josephine Ijames. Ijames received recognition for his many years o f pastoring and service in the NCANW D. The celebration in­ cluded a formal dinner at Catered Af* fairbyRum acinW lnston'Salcm . The them eofthcevening: “A nnvcnlngof Elegance • Celebrating lhc 20ih Pasto* ral Anniversary o f Bishop and Mrs. Jam es Ijames." Ijam esisknow nforhism otto: "It's just right 10 do right and wrong lo do wrong." This was also lhc theme cho­ sen by the featured speaker o f the evening, Overseer Roy Alston, pastor o f Miracle Temple Holiness Church. Ijames has a love for the word of God as well as a love for God's people. Ilwasnotedbyseverallnaltendanceof his desire to see the church grow, not only in number, but also in spirit and love. He was honored for his presence at all functions presented by the district. Hc attends district quarterly and mis­ sionary quarterly meetings, the educa- tiondcpartmcnland the Young Peoples Holiness Assoclallonmcetings. Ijames travels from Mocksvllle to Winston- Salem and High Point on a regular ba-sls, overseeing ihe many and vari- ousactivities. Hewasalsorecogni7.cd for his faithful scrvice to the members in the district, as well os his faithful­ ness to Christ. Ijames Is pastor o f Mt. Zion Holi­ ness Church in M ocksville, Bishop of the North Carolina Area o f the Nonh- weslem District and vice bishop o f the Holiness Church o f God, Inc. The follow ing chu rches are In the NCANW D, under the direction and guidanceofBlshopIjames: Bctlilehem Holiness Church. Beulah Tabernacle Holiness Church, Kimberly Park Ho­ liness Church, Miracle Temple Holi­ ness Church in High Point, Mt. Cal­ vary Holiness Church and Mt. Zion Holiness Church In Mocksvllle. Ijames is an anointed man o f God whose life speaks for himself. Hc is revered throughout die Mocksviile and W insion-Salem communities. His ministry touchcd people other than the church members and district members over which hc presides. Hc Is chairman o f the Community Easter Sunrise Scrvice and the Com- munityNight Watch Scrvice inMocks- vlilc. He works continuously with other mlnisiers from the Presbyterian, Methodist. Hotinessand Baptist faitlis. Sister Ijames was honored for her gentle spirit and dedication lo her hus­ band and the district. She also attends all the many activities prcsenicd by the district'sorganlzationsandisconstantly byhcrhusband'sside. Shccncouragcs others to attend through her presence. Bishopand Sister Ijames have ihrce childrcn-Jam esJr.Jason.andValeric. Tlicy olso have six grandchildren. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 -_C7 II I Bishop James Ijames and his wife. Sister Josephine Ijames. CLEMMONS CARPET OLIDAY SALE Featuring All Types Of Carpet, Laminates, Wood Floors & All iypes Of Blinds. WE HAVE rT ALLIi INCLUDING CHRISTAMS RUGS! Clemmons Shopping Center Lewlsville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons 7 6 6 -8 X 1 .0 All Art, Frames & Mirrors At CONTEMPO GRAPHICS MONDAY-FRIOAY9-6; SATURDAY 10-2 6338 Cephis Drive, Clemmons (336)766-7311 GRANDOPENING 20* Off! All Window I Products Ig shiitters) j iK /31/O O............j •Vertical Blinds • Custom Made Mini Blinds • PleatedShades «WoodBlinds • PUnlalion Shutters • Window Tinting • Fabric Window Toppers RipairMottMMjor BnmlMoiBUndM ’ FREE In Home Qmsullation! A/ter Houia Appointments Invites You To Stop By And Fill All Your Gift-Giving Needs At One Convenient Location • Unique cm Items • Cooking Essentials • Toys • Pet Supplies/Gifts • 2/$r Greeting Cards • Gift Bogs > Jewelry • Holiday Decorations o o u jiam ffw lU ? lm M ua«in«ni U . Onmora778-8430 Houn; Sua H-6: Moa-Ttign. rd-Sot. 9-9 DOLLAR SAVER COUPON FREE $1°° ITEM (FOR BVERV $10** PU RC H ASI) Cntiéitc0 Yovr Fartit$ÉMlCoaouttWilhmmhmr0oa$AI Ihrtti Sion Pnc*t. | »Amishiomia Belihei »Shnhtw* • PwniYKQnIaDutch Bcms Ì• AnwtdBfeod • nxxTx» Muflini •N ei^(lj«rKuaCA «& Canian3 :• Bobol Puronemi • tntw om i Bok«<J Goodi , Prppertdoe forrm CooU« 4 5oocki •• Ch<« • Vbortmon Cookies # Mrs OxT^»beH Chow-Chow ; Discounts To Churches S Olhor Groups \ Localod Convoniontty Across From Iho Village Candle Factory • 2668 Lowisvillo-Ciommons Rd. • Clommons • 766-3080 : OPEN: Mon.-FrJ. 9-0; Sat. 0-«; Sun. 12-5 isai BAurrnatMCwfBUY ANY ARNOLD BREADA GETl FREE! [QUAtMlliyiVWUI Or* CfltQon (Vmtm wiooo UKIITTHVtSrOtl BUY ANY EfitMimann'« G E T l FREEI tOUUOAKUdVAlU On* CoLpcn FW (>noi\ iipm tj/juaw C»»fT»nort IW* S«or* W I M«rr TM»T VOffBUY ANY BoM i Product * Q E T l FREEI {QUAlO)USS«VMU( a« Cfwcn I>pt«lll/]UW00 Otrrvnor« t)vA itort THOMAS: m M I UüUfrn«n»CMBUY ANY ThomM Entflih Mufllm*acri- FREEIIQUJUOtUSUtVUm№.CoconFWPv«n ' 5 , r i O n C u s to m F ra m in g A A A 1 a c lo ry ■^Cqmfortex 1 la THB MioK or TiiiB B o x o d C h ristm a s C a rd s 3 & up - In d iv id u al C h ristm a s C a rd s 3 fo r 1~ Is o to n e r G lo v e s — M e n s & W o m o n s B a th & B od y G ift S e t s S le d s — T o rp ed o . S a u c e r & W o o d en R e c lin e r s . S o f a s & L am p s L a d ie s S w e a te r s - S w e a ts h ir ts ■ L arg e M en C lo th in g - N am e B ran d C h ild ren C o a ts - B ran d L a d ie s S h o e s Clemmons Discount Salest 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmoni Rd., Clemmons • 76S-4449 (•; Hours: Mon.-Frl.9-7i Sat. 9-5 LACROSSE IS HERE FOR YOUR HOUDAY SHOPPINO! Lotmof Chrimtmmm am Idmmmt • Warm-Ups • Bean Baigs • Pitching Machines • Mum-Sport Play Back 26«8 LtwMMMnnara toad Ctammonf 766-1114 S M ^ O R T S iu mi E T C ^ Clem m ons Shoe Shop Headquarters fon Wolverine Shoes & Boots Carolina Shoes, Georgia Giant, Minnetonka Moccasins, Hiishpupples (WM* Widths In Stoch) Located Behind 1st Union Bank Mcross fnm 'SogebivshI 8 AAA-6 PM AA-F; 9-1 Saturday 766-8470 314 SmfORl Av*. moctovllto ■ TBIOIM ^ a n d 9 ^ Interior Designs NoH th ru D i’C fn itu T S t o r e w id e 3 0 % O f f 7 \ In cU u li's ( iilliT llh Ji'v llv n is \ i/V\J ( IvuriHUo M crchiuicllsv liihio S/n»/» / «iWv / or Hr\t Sflt-t'lhni ( harlfiif II- ( ami ( hn\fiiif I.. Ilfne IDS \vv.Ki.Uc* I.U fO 'Get Your Little Red Wagon' ^Western AutoAuto Sgppty Comply & SM 1 Im (336) 766-9109 Gift Certificates Available G ive The G ift O f R elaxation — ¡Passage Therapy From Individually You 766-4474 or 766-8047Pcdlci MinlcurcsAciyllc HjlU^B^Weslwood Village Shopping Center Hitr Styling Clemmons Musagc TheraRjr Utw Une of H«lr Products r v w w w w w w w ^ r v w w w ^ r v w v ^ n / ¡ p u p A 0 4 J t e d ß if , I .¡•i; Q i r r s T H A T L A S T ! Months O ' lIM mInterest Visit our website at New Towne Cenler Clemmons 766-3443 OPEN MON.-FRI.10-8 _ Saturday 10-5 '.80uthemtouch.com Give A Perfect Gift. This Holiday Season! Riding Lessons From Cash Lovell ^ Stables & Riding Academy Sol», StiuctundEnglWi Hdkig lesHns - Al AgM «>'^Parker Lovell — 373-2 Locotad bttwMn Clemmons & Hanes Village HoUdav .(ande&Giftsy ^ Shopping with Villa«« Cendie •hould iM on your IlctI Candles Silk Florals Wteathi Gift Baskets Bath& Body Mirrors & Prints Gourmet Sweets Hours; M-Th. 9-8: F.&Sot. 9-9; Sun. 1-6 2671 lewisvUle-Cleininons Rd., Clenunons 76S-2080 C o u n t r y S t o r e 2690 Lewisville-Clemmons Road • 766-8988 FRESH cur CHRISIMASIREES WREAIHS & GARLANDFruit Basi(sts & Specialty Baskets Decorative Flags • Handmade Crafts & Quilts • Hoop Cheese • Country Ham • Produce • Local Honey & Molasses • Handmade Chicken Pies * Jelly & Presences • Apple Butter • Mixed Nuts & Candy • Oak RocWng ChJrs ‘Come Experience Hometown Customer Service' -■ - i C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 à i. The Bishops will be among the gospel performers for a Camp Manna benefit Thursday night. Thursday Gospel Sing To Benefit Camp Manna Southern Gospel Music is gain­ ing populariiy wi(h ihc advent o f (he Gahhcr Homecoming Vídeo Seríes und interest from national tetcvision networks. One group that has found them* selves in the forefront is The Bish* ops, who will perform a benent con­ cert for Cam p M anna at 7 p.m . Thursday, D ec. 7 at First Baptist Church in Cooleemee. Tickets arc free and available at Carolina Chnstian Books & G ifts and by contacting Lynn Vogler at 284-4397. Those wilh tickets w ill be seated first. A lso appearing w ill be Erin Carter, Gateway, Father’s Four, and Kevin T>ner. A love offering will be taken to benefít Camp Manna. The Bishops were named South­ ern gospel M usic's Trio o f the Year by the Singing News Magazine and the Southern Gospel Music A ssocia­ tion. The father and sons trio recently received a Dove award for their Ken- lucky Blucgrass recording, and have appeared on Gaither Videos. TNN, TON, IN SPand the John H agcc M in­ istries in San Antonio, Texas. "A fter 16 years o f traveling and recording it still amazes us that w e're able to do what we do, meeting the people we’ ve been able to m eet, people wc grew up listening to and admiring ourselves,” tenor singer Kenny Bishop said. “Our passion is the gospel and to be counted among the nubmers who can actually stand and share It with a song is a tremen­ dous thrill for us." The W aco, Ky. group is made up o f father Kenneth Bishop and sons, Mark and Kenny, along wilh utility musician Carl W illiams Jr. They have been singing for as long us they can remember, but formed as a group In 1984 when they made their first re­ cording. They have more than 20 re­ cordings and have traveled across the United States, inlo Canada. M exico, and the Bahamas. They've had sev­ eral top 10 and No. I songs. Cedar Grove Candle Service Sunday Tlic Candle Liglit Scrvicc al C c- Torecosis. dar Grave Baplisi Chureh, Fork com munily, will be held Sunday, Dcc. 10, al 4 p.m. The scrvice was cancclcd from Iasi weekend bccause o f w calhcr The Rev. Mauris Leak, pasior o f Friendship Baplisi Chruch in H ijh Poinl, will be Ihc euesi speaker. The public is inviied. For morc infonnation call 940-5632. T ü e x J t a o г G k r i s t m a s G i f t B a s k e t s O t ie t U û u t s К r i s t l s loe C rea m & СоГГсс S ko p Jicf-iJd Qmj- SI>oj>pi«gCrilcr- ВЪт • topm TF • 8"im • lOpra Sil • 3pra ■ lOprn Sui M ille r B u ild in g & Rem odeling a n d P ly Gem E ndow s... t^pefvmimglML •M ate^eotetnd *UHiratmfak!kwininijt * № n i EayCteiCte fíyCmWMmMh M MlaglMaiDaCY SUIqm»dYcuiV CcmHMomvjih# bNwyow hating and aoÉngOBMidiMÉi ycwlnntnnt ^ lai b .BtoK гшкшшп tMkai... bot u % Cm VVMm. Ü« 1 « In 1 ^ |Я|пш>а Mhcu iKlldni ц к. ï ? a a s : s 5 Attend The Church Of Your Choice N o. C re e k P rim itiv e B a p tis t C hurcti, No Creek Church Road, Mocksville, Second & lourlh Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m . Fourth Saturday vrorship and conlerence, 1:30 p.m. Pastor. Elder Eugene Bennett. Eagle H eights C hurch, 10 a.m . Sunday vrarship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Poviertime. 7 p.m. Thursday Bible study. C asual dress, contemporary music & worship. 5103 U .S. 158, Hillsdale. M ocksville W esleyan C hu rch: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9;45a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . W ednes­ day Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rev, George Troyer. 751-5595. Union C hapel United M ethodist C hurch: 2030 U .S. 601 N„ Wor­ ship, 9:45 a.m .; Sunday School, 10:45. Pasior, Rev. Luther Crady Jr. C enterU nlted M ethodist C hurch: U .S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . W orship, 11. P asto r Bill Wombaiigh. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevette, 492-5735 & Tam my Barron, 284-4769. E lb a v llla U n ited M e th o d isl C hurch: Sunday School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Kids For Chiist (ages 3-9) & Youth lor Christ (ages 10-12), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Chiist m eet every Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, W ed., 7 p.m. Disciple III Bible Study. Thurs.. 7 p.m. Located In Advance. Paston Rev. Ja ck W allace. C ooleem ee C hurch o l G od: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m . Worship Ser- vk:e, 10:45 a.m . Tues, Prayer M eet­ ing, 7 p.m. W ed. Family Training Hour, 7 p.m. For Inlo about trans­ portation, call B roth er D ale Breldlnger at 284-2180. C o m a tz e r U n ited M eth o d ist Church: 1244 Com atzer Rd. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Bible Study. W ednesday. 7:30. Rev. Harold Zimmerman, pastor. Bethel United M ethodist C hurch: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m . Sunday School, 10:50 a.m . Dr. S B . W am er, pastor. A d v a n ce U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Worship, 11a.m . Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. David Childers. Located In down­ town Advance. Farm in gton U nited M ethodist C hurch; Sunday School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . 1939 Fanninglon Rd. 9 9 8 -3 7 6 9 . R ev . D ianne Marsden. O ak G rov e U nited M eth od ist C hurch: 1994 U .S. 158, M ocks­ ville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. C o n co rd U n ited M eth o d ist C hurch, Cheny Hill Rd., M ocks­ ville. W orship: 11 a.m . Sunday School: 10 a.m . Rev. Phillip Parks. H a rd iso n U n ited M eth o d ist C hurch: Worship, 9:45 a.m . Sun­ day School, 10:45 a.m . Wonderful W ednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B. M arshall,»'. E p iscop al C hurch o l th e G ood Shepherd.CH urch St.,Cooleem ee. Worship; 9 :3 0 a.m . Children's Sun­ day School; 10'45 a.m . C om m unity BaptlstC hu rch: Sun­ day School, 10 a.m . Sunday Wor­ ship, 11 a.m . Evening service, 6 p.m. W ednesijay Bible Study, 7 p.m. G ladst6ne Road. H illsd a le U n ited M eth o d ist C hurch: Sunday S e n ice s, 10:30 a.m . Church lorpextgeneri>lon:Jr. High, W ed., 5;30-6:30p .m . Senior High, W ed., 7-8 p.m. Supper/Mu- ste, 6 :30-7 p.m. Sm all group, Mon., W ed., Ttiuris., & Sal. Baskelball, T ues., Sm ith Grove Gym, 8-9:30 p.m. W esleyC n ap el United M ethodist Church: Worship Seivice: 10 a.m . Sunday School; 10:45 a.m . Rev. Dianne M aisden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal Pow er o l P raise Min­ istry, Northwood Apartments 704, Sunday School: 10 a.m . Worship: 11. Sunday evening; 5. Tuesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30-9. Friday Servtee; 7:30 p.m. Pastor Valetie Mayfield Poag. 704-636-0409. R edland P en teco stal H oliness C hurch: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m . Evening: 6:30 p,m. W ednesday prayerm eeling&Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Jo el Boyles. H oly C ro s s Lutheran C hurch, 1913 U .S. 601 S . Worship; 10:30 a.m . Sunday & ho ol: 9:15 a.m. P as­ tor Rev. Glynn Bell. 751-7256. W eb A d d ress; http:// www.mlndspring.com/^olycross/ M ocksv ille' F irst P resb y terian C hurch, 261 S . Main Sl. Worship: 11 a.m . Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening;Chorisleis(grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paston Neal Carter. (336) 751 - 2507. M ocksU nlteiJ M ethodist Church, N.C. 801 S ., Advance. Rev. Bnice Gwyn. Sunday worship; 8:45 & 11 a.m . Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sm ith G rove M ethodist C hurch: Prayer meeting,Saturdaymomings, 9 a.m . H illsdale B aptlstC hu rch: Sunday Worship, 11 a.m ., Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 a.m . W ednesday Fel­ lowship M eal, 6 p.m. Groups ior all ages, 6:30 p.m. Pasior R.T. Alder­ man, 940-6618. 4815 U .S. 158. Faith and Victory Fam ily W or­ ship C enter, 1667 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sen iices, 10 a.m ., 7 p.m. W ednesday, 7 p.m. New B elievers P .P . C hurch. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m . Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m . W ednesdaynightBible study, 5 p.m. Pasior Elizabeth M ock A sso c. P a s io r D errick M ock. W om en's Aux. & Brolherhood Bible Study, 1 St & 3rd Thursday, Liberty United M ethodlstC hurch. U .S. 601 S . W orshlp:9:45 a.m . Sun­ day School: 11 o.m. First United M ethodist C hurch o l M ocksville. Eaily Sunday Woishlp Sen/ice, 8:50 a.m . Praise singing, casualdress.contem poraryfonnat. Traditional service, 10;55 a.m . 305 N .M aIn SI.336-751-2503. Believer's Son sh ip T abernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m ., 6:30 p.m. W ed. evening, 7 p.m. P astor Jerry L Couch, 998-3748. Cana R d .-P o tter's Lane. Turrentlne B ap tist C hurch: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m ., Worship, 11 a.m .; Night Service, 6 p.m. P astor Rev. Jo e Smilh. B eth leh em U nited M eth od ist C hurch: Sundayeaiiyworship, 8:45 a.m .; Sunday School, 10 a.m . W or­ ship, 11 a.m . 321 Redland Rd., Ad­ vance. 336-998-5083. Fax: 940- 5502. E-Mail; bethum ceaol.com . E piscop al C hurch o l th e A scen ­ sion, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . 9 9 8 0 8 5 7 . Dial A Story M inistry tor children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. S erv ices at th e O aks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T.R. Rice. C lem ent G rove C hurch o l G od, W ednesday prayer sen/кя, 7 p.m. Saturday Sabbath School, 10 a.m . G reen M eadow s Baptist C hurch Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m ., 7 p m. W ednesday Prayer 4 Bible Study, 7 p.m . Pasior Rev. Michael W aters., 998-3022. Liberty W esleyan C hurch, 210 6 ShelliekJ Rd., Hamiony, Sunday School 10 a.m .. Mom. Worship 11 a.m .. W ed. Bible Adventuie 7 p.m.. Sr. Minlstiy 2nd T ues. each month 10 a.m . Call 492-2963. BlxbyP resbytertanC hu rch . 1806 Foik'BlxbyRd..nearC om alzerRd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m .. Worship 11 a.m . P astor Rev. Carol Anne Ja ck ­ son, 998-6813. Dulln United M ethodist C hurch, 897 Dulin Rd , IHocksville,99e-6171. P asio r: B ob M cLaw horn. Su n School 10:45 a.m .. Worship 9:45 a.m . Preschool/Parents' M orning Out, B eth leh em U nited M ethodist Church. Age 2, Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m . • noon. A ges 3-4, Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9 a.m . - noon. Readiness, Mon. -Thurs., 9 a.m . - noon. Call 998-6820 lor Inlo. C o o leem ee U nited M ethodist, Kids Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For Inlo call 951-0411. in H om o B ib le Studios, oBored by Randy Howell. Leam the tnilh about the rapture, olher subjects avail. Call 284-4667, B ear C reek BapL, B ear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 10a.m ., Worship 11a.m .. Bible Study W ed. 7 p.m.. T eam Kids W ed. 6:30 p.m.. Cecil W etheihoit - Inlerlm Pastor. C ooleem ee First BapL. 204 Mar­ ginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m .. Mom. Worship 11 a.m .. Eve. Wor- shlp7p.m .,Team Kkls6p.m . grades 1-6, W ed. night 7 p.m. Interim P as­ tor Dr. W ayne Stalling. M ocksville Secon d Presbyterian, 4 0 0 Pine SI. Worship, 11 a.m .. Church School, 9 :3 0 a.m . Rev. Roxana M ebane Atwood.751-1410 SL Francis ol A sslssI.R C . M asses: Monday, Tuesday, Ttiuisday, Fri­ day, 9 a.m . W ednesday, 7 p.m. Satuiday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 6 a.m ., 10:30 a.m . Spanish M ass, 12:30 p.m. Bible Study, Sunday 6 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2873. Farm ington BaptlstC hu rch, 1835 Famiinglon Road. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m .. Worship 11 a.m . Sunday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. Tombertin III. 998-3826 or e-mail: pastO(|ool®yahoo.com. B laise B aptist C hurch, U .S. 601 North across Irom Horn's Tnick Stop, Mocksville. 751-3639. Wor­ ship & Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m . Sunday .vening, 7. W ednesday servk», 7 p.m. P astor Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist C hurch, 544 E. Do- pot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45a.m . Morning worship: 11 a.m . P astor Rev. Donakl Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton United M ethodist Church, 3895 N.C. 601 S ., Advance. Wor­ ship: 9:45 a.m . Sunday School, 10:45 a.m . Fulton Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor. Rev. Jack W allace. H eav en B o u n d F u ll G o sp e l C hurch,U .S. 64 W., Mocksville. (be­ side Center R ie Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m ., Worship, 11. Sun­ day night praise & worship, 6. W ednesday night praise & worship, 7. Pasior, Ja m e s Ward. 998-6394. First B aptist C hurch. 390 N. Main St., Mcoksville. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m . Worehip: 10:55 a.m . W ednesday Prayer Seivfce, Noon. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0. 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLER & S O № ruiknii llume 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmcnt, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2551 SHlFRELDlUmiBER &РАи£Т1Ю.дмш сампшт 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 put THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 FOR DETAILS Evelyn Haynes k c n i-a u t 0№|:(Ш)Л1-Ш1 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336<751-9144 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suita 1 Advance. NC 27006336-940-2341¡4iUef ef Qujkj Cum Ho/vtfMotttK »an Cni|A.C«VT.ftnkkal»Minia C C*in. V« ftn. J. P. GREEN MIUINGCO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend - Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON FU N ER A L H O M E A Tradliion of Caring..,, 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 •336Л 51-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 H ¡ № RORERHARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 1Se> Advine», NC 27006 336-998-1987 М Н П И ! LUMfeEB COMPANY 162 Sheek street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 Ha y w o h t hM iller. Fu n e r a l H o m e. In c. KINDER.TON cha pel NOW OPEN located od Hwy 138 , between Cletnmoai & Advtnce 336-940-55SS ■ 888-940«8Sn SEAFORD LUMlE|C0MPANY ileriehoRoad I, N C 2 7 0 2 a 1-5148 F U L L E R m s i r Pre<lslon Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication - 855 Salisbury Road, , V Mocksville, NC 27028 ' 336-751-3712 Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 - C9 Mary Rose Joyner Mrs. M ary Rose Frye Joyner, 67, o f N.C. 801 S., Advancc, died Thurs­ day morning, Nov. 3 0 ,2 0 0 0 at For­ sylh M edical Ccntcr аПсг a short ill­ ness. • Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dcc, 3 in (he Old FuKon Methodist Episcopal Church, South, with Ihe R evs. Rusty M orrison. Kermit Dailey, Mark Denton and Sue Northcrafl om dating. Burial was in the church ccmctcry. Mem orials: Emergency Food and M edicine Fund, Davie Social Ser­ vices, c/o Karen Sm ith, P.O. Box 517.M ocksvillc.. M rs. Joyner was bom in Davlc Counly on May U , 1933, to the late Sam uel David and Amanda W aller Frye, and was retired from Ingersoll- Hand with 18 years o f servicc. She was a graduate o f the Shady Grove High School In Advancc. class o f 1951. M rs. Joyner was a lifelong member o f Fulton United M ethodisl Church; she attended the Episcopal Church o f the Ascension at Fork. Al Fulton Church, she was the church m em bership secretary for many ycar%. She was a member and coor­ dinator o f the Food Closet Com m it­ tee. Mrs. Joyner was a community volunteer, and was instrumental In the restoration o f the Old Fulton Methodist Epiwopal Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Glenn H arlcs Joyner on July 3 0 .1 9 8 5 . Survivors: 2 sons, David Joyner o f the hom e and Dean Joyner o f Clem mons; 3 grandchildren; a sister, M rs. Jam es (M ildred) Ryan o f Ad­ vancc; and a niccc. Charlie Hugh Lakey Mr. Charlie Hugh Lakey, 69, o f Horse Shoe Trail, M ocksvillc, died Thursday. Nov. 30, 2000 at Davie County Hospital. Funeral services w ere at 11 a.m. Saturday. D cc. 2 at Eaton Funeral Chapel, with the Revs. Darrell Cox and Glenn Sellers ofnciating. Burial was in Blaise Baptist Church Cem - cicry. Mr. Lakey w as born April 14, 1931. in Davie County to the lute Hiram Austin and M argaret Todd U kcy. He served in the Korean con­ flict. was a retired tool and die maker with A M P Inc.. and was a member o f Blaise Baptist Chureh. Survivors: his w ife. Dot Hilton Lakey o f the hom e; a daughter, M arsha L . D ayton and husband George o f M iam i, Fla.; 2 sons. Dou­ glas H . L akey and A n g ela N. Law rence, and Charles M . Lakey and wife Scarlett, all o f M ocksvillc; 4 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; 6 stepchildren, Ronnie W. Hilton o f the home, L. Keith Hilton o f M ocks­ ville, Donna H. M orrison o f Mount Ulla, Brenda H. Howell. Robert A. H ilton. Bonnie H. Brow n, all o f M ocksvillc; 10 stcpgnindchildrcn; 2 brothers. C ccil and Clyde Lakey; and 2 sisters, Ruth Lakey and Dorothy Walker, all o f M ocksvillc. He was preceded in death by a brother. Wayne Lakey. William Anderson Harpe M r. W illiam A nderson "B ill" Harpe. 60, o f Sunset drive, M ocks­ v ille, died W ednesday afternoon, Nov. 29, 2000 at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill. I Funeral scrvlccs were ot I p.m. Saturday, Dcc, 2 at Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh the Revs. Charles Bul­ lock and Danny Shore offlciatins. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. M emorial?: Davie Chapter o f the A m erican Red C ross, 65 C ourt Square, M ocksville. M r. Harpe w as born in D avie County June 19, 19<10, to the late Elbert H. and Hazel Anderson Harpe and had been a salesm an w ilh M ocksviilc Builders Supply for 31 years. He was n member o f M ocks­ ville First Baptist Chureh. He had coached Little League Baseball and was a champion skcet shooter, Mr. Harpe was a member o f Ihe Home Builders Association, a fom ier mem­ ber o f M ocksville Downtown Revi­ talization and a graduate o f Davic High School class o f 1958, Surviving: his w ife, Brenda Day Harpe o f the home: a daughter. Mrs. Preston (Jennifer) Neely o f M ocks­ ville; a son. W illiam Jeffrey HariK o f Mocltsville; a granddaughter; and a sister. Judy Harpe o f M ocksville. James Franklin Phelps Mr. James Franklin Phelps, 75, of Main Street, Cooleemee, died Friday, Dcc. 1,2000 at Meadowbrook Manor in Clemmons. A graveside scr> icc was hctd Mon­ day, Dcc. 4 at 1 p.m. at the National Cemetery in Salisbury with Cliaplain A.G. Parker officiating and with M ili­ tary Rites by the VFNV, Disuict 11 Memorial Honor Guard. Mr. Phelps was bom Jan. 3,1925 in Davic County to the late Frank and A lice Hutchinson Phelps and was rc­ tired from Erwin Mills. He scr% ed in the U S Navy during World W ar II and in the National Guard during the Ko­ rean Conflict. He was a member of Cooleem ee First Baptist Chureh. He was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret Cherry Phelps, and a son, George PhcJps. Sun.’ivor& include: 3 grandchil­ dren. 4 great-grandchildren. 2 great- great grandchildren, and asister, Rosie M ac Mayers o f Cooleemee. Lorraine Howard Scott M rs, Lonaine HowanI Scott, 70. died Friday morning, Dcc. 1 ,2000, at Forsyth M edical Center. She was born D cc. I, 1930, in D avic C ounty to Tom and Dora Howard Howard. M rs. Scott was preceded in death by 4 sisters. Ruby Bryant, Lona Howard, Ruth M cKnlght and Mary Howard. Surviving: asister, Helen Holder, o f C lem m ons; a brother, Thom as Ross Howard, o f Advancc; 2 special friends, O dell D ixon and N ellie Scott; and many nieces and nephews. A funeral scrvice was held at 2 p.m. Saturday, D ec. 2. at Wsstlawn G ardens o f M em ory M ausoleum C hapel by the R ev. H arold Zimmerman. Burial followed in the ccmctcry. Sarah Juanita Gregory Sarah Juanita Whitaker Gregory. 69, o f Claude Ratlcdge Road, M ocks­ villc. died Sunday, Dcc. 3, 2000 at Davis Mcdical Center in Statesville. Mrs. Gregory was bom Oct. 13, 1931 in DavicCountytothelatc Maude Whitaker Ratlcdgc. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Gre­ gory, in 1988. She was a member o f Zion United Methodist Church. She is survived by: a step-brother Jerry Ratlcdge;’ 2 step-sisters M aiy Reavis and Bonnie Mayhcw, all of M ocksville; 3 special friends Phyllis R. Allen, Josephine Ratlcdge and Lucille Sharcr all o f Mocksville. G raveside services w ere held Wednesday, Dcc. 6 ,2 0 0 0 at 3 p.m. at Zion United Methodist Oiurch Cem­ etery with tlie Rev. Billy Jarrell offici­ ating. Nfcmorials: Zion United Mclhod- ist Church Cemetery Fund c/o Ray Cleary 1535ShcfncldRd.M ocksvillc. John Richard Shcek Mr. John (D ickic) Shcek, 62, of Cleveland, N .C , died early Wednes­ day itioming, Nov. 2 7 ,2 0 0 0 In Rowan Medical Center in Salisbury. Funeral services wcrc al 2 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 1 in Edgcvvood Baplisi Chureh in Cooleemee with the Revs. Danny Shore and Billy Honeycutt of­ ficiating. Burial was in the Cleveland Tow n Cemetery. M r. Shcek was bom in Davie County. Aug. 17, 1938, to ihe laic Thom as Franklin and M ary Ruth Angell Shcek and was a retired inspec­ tor with Cone M ills in Salisbury. He was a member of the Edgewood Bap­ tist Church and a veteran o f ihe U.S. Amty. He was prcccdcd in death by a brother. Franklin H. Shcek. Su rvivin g: his w ife. W anda Dcloach Shcck o f the home; 3 sons. David and wife Jay Greenwcll o f Salisbury. Richard C. Shcck o f Cleve­ land and Darby K. Shcck. Sr. and wife Beth o f Troutman; and 2 grandchil­ dren. Virginia Dorsctt Beaver M rs. Virginia Dorsctt Beaver died Tuesday morning. D cc. 5 . 2000 in C artersvillc. T h e body is being brought to Eaton Funeral Home for services with burial to be in Rose Ccm cicry. She was the w ife o f the late Kenneth Lee Bcavcrw hodicd in 1993. Johnny Newton Lowery Mr. Johnny Newton Lowery, Sr.. 92, o f Sunset Circle, M ocksvillc, died Sunday, Dcp. 3,2 0 0 0 at his home. Mr. Lowery was bom D ec.2 0 ,1907 in Davie Counly to the late Cyrus Watson and Elvira Richardson Lowery. He was preceded in death June 3, 1990 by his wife Ruby Mae Brackens Lowery, after 52 years o f marriage; and a sister Shirley Tate. Mr. Lowery graduated from Cana High School in 1924 and rctired in 1972 from F&H Motors. He was a m cm berof Eatons Baptist Church and the Men's Sunday School Class. He is survived by 2 sons, Johnny N .’ Lowery, Jr. of Mocksville and Grover W . Lowery and wife Cindy o f Madi­ son; 4 daughters, Alice L. Zalascek and husband James o f Spring Lake, RcbaL. Law tcrof Mocksville, Norma L . Long and husband Herman of Chatsworth, G a„ and Shirley L. W ingler and husband Johnny o f Mooresville. Funeral services were held Wednes­ day, D cc. 6 at 3 p.m. at Eatons Baptist Church with Dr. David Gilbreath offi- ciadng. Burial followed in the church ceineicry. Memorials: Eatons BaptislChurch 495 Eatons Church Rd. Mocksville. .............. Ad>-cniMment EVee Hearing Tests Set For Mocksville Area Anyone who has trouble hearing or un^tonding words is welcome to have a free hearing lest with modem electronic equipment. Even people now wearing a hearing aid or those who may have been toM nothing could be done for them should have a hearing test to Hnd oul if they are among the many a hearing aid will help. It may surprise you to know that many people wilh hearing problems do not need hearing aids. But they do need a hearing test as a first step in finding out exactly whal the trouble is. There’s no charge for the test and absolutely no obligation. The free hearing tests will be , given by Beltone Hearing Aid SpecialUls at the Beltone Hearing Aid Service Center at 281 R M ain Street evciy Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00pm. lb avoid wailing call 723-5253 for an appoln&nent for the free test at our office or in the privacy of your own home. ■<’. ///, /!//’( '/ ///. I 7 Madge Danner r i f 1922-2000 «.WINSTON SAUM - ; 4-V Jmes FnuiUlttCaim < 1 9 0 2000 ,■MOCKSVllU'.'-''-., ¿James A> Alexanders 19U-J000 > ' , i’ , STONY rO liiT ' 1 . L ' * 19S6-2000| I KBmufaPofbC/meJ’ r Uaovanci Charles A. IVoxler Mr, Charles Alexonder Troxier. 92. o f W inston-Salem , died Monday morning. Nov. 2 7 .2 0 0 0 . at Forsyth Medical Center after a short illness. He was bom June 27. 1908. In G reensboro to Alexander M onroe Troxier and Ann W illiam s Troxier. He married Ethel Brandon o f Win- ston-Salem in 1929. She preceded him in death in 1993. His parents; two sisters; a brother; and a grand­ son, Jeffery T, Clubb also preceded him in death. He had worked as a ste- reotypcr In the pressroom o f first ihc High Point Onterprise, then the W in­ ston-Salem Jo u n at and Sentinel be­ fore moving 10 New York, where he worked for the Herald-Tribunc and The New York Tim es. Mr. Troxier was a member o f Calvary Moravian Church and the W inston-Salem Odd Fellows Lodge, active in both as long as his health pennitted. Survivors: his daughter. Shirley T. Clubb and her husband Charles V. Newman o f Bermuda Run; a grand­ daughter. Robin C. W hitley and her husband D avid o f C lem m ons; a grandson; 2 great-granddaughters; and 2 sisters. Elizabeth Crawford o f Kernersviiie and Frances Chniel o f High Point. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday. Nov. 30 at Calvary M ora­ vian Chureh by the Revs. Lane Sapp and David M enitt. Burial followed in the Moravian Graveyard. M em orials: C alvary M oravian Chureh. 600 Holly Ave.. Winston- Salem . 27101. Mary Hairston Carter Mary Hairston Carter, 75, o f Lex­ ington died Nov. 30, 2000 ut the Davie County Hospital after a sud­ den illness. She was bom on July 17.1925 in Davidson County lo Ihc late Mable Hairston. She was a life member of Yadkin Star Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Codell C artcrof the home; Ihrcc sons. S.M . Jordan Jr. o f N .Y., Sam uel Jor­ dan o f M ocksvillc, and Keith W ilson o f Lexington; six daughters, Mary Em m a T h rca d g ill, D aisy J . M cCandics, Joyce Ann Carter, 1 lelcn Eloisc Carter, Sylvia Carter Neal, all o f Lexington, and Kathy Cater o f W inston-Salem ; one brother, J.C . Hairston o f Lexingion; one sister, Geneva H. W inslow o f Lexington; 20grandchildrcn;and lOgreal-grand- childrcn. Funeral services were conducted Sunday, D cc. 3 ,2 0 0 0 al Yadkin Star Baptist Church. Reverends Tliom as B oiscr and J.W . Cade officiated. Burial followed in the church cem ­ etery. Mildred Cline Constable ’ M rs. M ildred C lin e C onstable died Saturday, D ee. 2 , 2 0 0 0 . at M eadowbrook Terrace o f Davie. She was horn April 2 . 1922. in Forsyth Counly to L illie Cline. Mrs. C onstable was a m em ber o f Har­ m ony G rov e U nited M eih od ist Church. Precising M rs. Constable in death was her husband, Jam es W. Constable Sr. Survivors: 2 daughters. Josephine "Jo" Martin and husband. Jam es, and Darlene Sheets and husband, Keith, a ll o f M o ck sv illc; a son, Jam es W esley Constable Jn o f East Bend; 7 grandchildren; lOgreat-grandchil- dren; and 2 great-great-grandchil- dren. A graveside scrvice was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. S, at Wcstlawn Gonlens o f Mem ory with the Rev, Ken Furches officiating. M em orials: Am erican Diabetes A ssoc. Forsylh Chapter, P.O. Box 571146, W inston-Salem , 27157. George W. Wilson M r.O corgeW .W ilson.87.ofaem - mons. died Satunlay, Dec. 2 .2 0 0 0 at The Elm s at Tanglewood. He was bom July 4. 1913 in Davidson Counly to Eli W . and Bessie W eaver W ilson. Mr. W ilson was a memberofCentcnaiy United Mcdiod- istChurch of Clemmons where he was chief usher for many years and a mem­ ber o f die Medtodist Men. He was a member o f the Clemmons Civic Ciub and foraier owner o f Wilson’s flower Shop. , Surviviors: Opal Biiw er W ilson; a son,CeoigcE. Wilson and wifeEieanor (Jeep) o f Advancc; 2 granddaughters; 2grcatgrandchildren,asislcr,Gerttude K idnerof California. Funeral services were at 2 p.m., Tuesday, D cc. 5 at Centenary United Mediodist Church by the Revs. Bairy . Lemons and Greg LitUe. Burial fol­ lowed in die church cemetety. Girie Hill Martin G irie Hill Martin, 72, o f Lexing­ ton died Monday, Nov. 2 7 ,2 0 0 0 a t' High Point Regional Hospital after a one week illness. She was bom in Com m erce, G a. on Sept. M , 1928 to the late Hoyt Eugeneand Ora Estelle Sanders Hill. She was educated in (he Davie and Davidson County school system and was a member o f New Hope H oli-. ness Church. She is survived by two daughters. Diane Manuel o f Soulhm onl. and Wyvonne Calhoun o f Port Chester, N .Y.; two sons, Franklin Martin of Georgia, and Jim m y Martin o f Lex­ ington; two brothers, Dewey Hill and R .E. Hill, both o f Lexington; four sisters, Alm a Bailey, Elnora H. R ob­ erts. M agalcne Hill, allo f Lexington, and M ary Ann W hite o f C ooleem ee; 10grandchildrcn;and I6great-grand- childrcn. Funeral services wcrc conducted on D ec. 2. 2000 al 3 p.m. at New Hope Holiness Church. Bishop S.T. Greene and Rev. Rufus W yatt offici­ ated. Burial followed Monday. Dcc. 4 at 11 a.m . at the V .A . National Cemetery in Salisbury. *Q t«ae Fu n era l H o m e 635Wilk«boroStitel M«bville.NC (336)751-1100 GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 -9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons <0) DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 Vjllcy Rd.. MocksvUle. NC 336-751-3111 "Our Family Saving №иг Family'ШЯ «тЕптн а^талию мв She’s Living in Anotlier World “Bu»by4Ufe~ There w« a lime she worieil all diy. Dawn tocfusJc uai theonty way. Anolher week a bill was p ^ . barely l>y and il июк all the made. Helping othen Гог ten yean in nuning home, RaUing nowen and a ganien. мете ha way io make a home. But of herwirand what little »he had. the would giv« To whoever came by wilh a ncighboriy >11 or lend a hand at han-esting lime. TAeniy-lhree years ai Ct Restaurant early each day Cobbkn and lalads made just her way, dishes and pans washed and pul away. Gave her a геа.чх) to go on in ihu life.Now ihai’i all gone those years of »tire, replaced by lonely and long days and nighi». “She‘1 Uving in Anothcf Vfofid“No one comes to visit except family now and ihen Anger, loneliness, sadness and pain have stepped in. All her yesterdays still retruin Vivid at times, then a few minutes later, they’re hanl lo chain. ••Mima do yoo reiTKmber mcT* It’s hanl to get Ihrough Uiese bad days now. t guess we’ll get past it somehow. To a better place one day she’ll be, bul I wonder will she ever lemember me? Now I wonder, »meday could ihis be me. In an empty shell, begging to be free7 Each day when I leave, lean I ery asking myself and my Lord, Why? Why? Muti she stay so far away yel she’s all to near.Wondering where her memories have gone not knowing who or what to fear. We seem so far away in her mind’s eye. She’s all alone now. today <he didn't say ‘liye.” Another door she’ll toon go through, A better place her mind and body renewed. I hope to lec her there some day, in Heaven’s garden or a little cafc. See you later "Mama.- ИККШ In trihat lo Mary Л и л с я Buibf (Mama) Dictated 10-3{Ш By: Mary Jane Smih Specials o( the Week Welch’s Juice Grape,Apple, Grapefruit & Orr a n g e 7.5 ог 'each Limit 4 . W h i l e iS u p ^ í ie i í ; L * » t : . SILEMTAUCTIOli on Wild Turkey print 'numbered and signed by artist, Jesse Ray $400.00 Value Bid closes at 11:00 AM on December 15 W Items Christmas Cards Raaulár Hours: M-f 8:30^ • S&i 8:304 • Sun 1:30-5 495 yàlleÿ.Roàd M<»k8vllle » (336) 751 -2141 r с ю - DAVIE c o u n t y e n t e r p r is e r e c o r d , Dcc. 7,2000 ^ Yoi| arc invited to the . V ^ I N G W E N O E L tC H R IS T M A S C O N C E R T presented by the DHS Chorus M onday, D cc. I Ith at 7:00 PM N orth D avlc M iddle School J^FourthAnftual■W NBCT Meem Cindy Orslllo from Pinebrook, Elizabeth Vogler from Mocl<s- ville Elementary and Belinda Garner from South Davie at­ tended a recent conference for national board certified teach- ers. Three Davie Teachers Attend Conference Three local educators from Davie County 'attended the fourth Annual Conference for National Board Certi­ fied teachers In Orlando, Ra.atDisncy's Coronado Springs Resott. B elinda G am er, South D avie M idd le S ch o o l, C indy O rsillo , Pinebrook Elementoiy, and Elizabeth Vogler, M ocksvillc Elementaiy, rep­ resented Davie County. The confer* ence was attended by over 700 educa* tors from 4 9 states. The theme o f this year's meeting. The M agical World o f Accomplished Teaching, brought lo mind the won- ■ilcrful things that National Board Cer­ tified Teachers are doing both Inside A Port-A*Pit barbccue chicken meal will be sold Friday, D cc. 15 to benefit the Children’s M iracle Net­ work. Sponsored by M ocksvillc Wal M art, the $6.50 plates will be sold from 11 a.m .-i p.m. Call 751-1266 to reserve a meal. Duke C hildren’s H ospital and Health Center is an affiliate o f the C hildren's M iracle N etw ork, and provides com prehensive m edical care for children from birth through young adulthood. Each year, Duke cares for more f-1 AFFORDABLE CARE in a residential setting A Refreshing Alternative for Older Adults t NOVM Expeet lke Ш c k 336-751-2175, For More Information Cto Davie County Htspitd • Hospital Street • Mocksville _ SELL IT FAST w mCLASSIFIEDS! The Hret 10 words are $5.00 - each additional word Is 10». Yard Sale ads ШУИ be . paid In advance. Deadline for classified ads ls10;30am1Uesday. The Davie County Enterprise-Record 171 South Main SI. • Mocksvlllo ■ 336-751-2129 and outside the classroom. Keynote addresses were provided by U .S. Secretary o f Education Rich­ ard W . Riley, and Florida's Lt, Cover- norFrankBrogan. LceShulman, presi­ dent of the Comegie Foundation for the Advancement o f Teaching, spoke on leaching as a profession- in particu­ lar, how teachers ore members o f learn­ ing communities. Support o f BB & T , Davie Chamber ofCom m erce, Davie Counly Schools, Duke Power, Fuller Architectural. Inc., Gary Prillman, DDS, Parker & Parker, Attomeys at Law, Scott Gant, and Vulcan Materials enabled these edu­ cators to attend. BBQ Chicken Sales To Benefit Children’s Miracle Network Ihan 80,000 children - providing ev­ erything from routine immunizations to the most advanced medical care available for child traumas and ill­ nesses such as leukemia and cystic fibrosis. A s the largest charity health care provider for children in North Coro- lina; Duke Children's provided more than $ 4 2 m illion in unreimbursed care fast year. D uke's Children’s M iracle N et­ work annually raises more than $3 million to support patient services, research and education. Х Т Н Ж Р Н О Ж P L A C E C H R IS T M A S S P E C IA L JÜlIXEt Hjo'Uiimoj-mmm • 66CS-0IC (»"OZ) • 'эчизлу э|ЦА81|эоуу C I9 'рооз |33J Ul|l| эрсш X||C3J )El|] p u y •)coq Э ф u o qs|j jsa S S jq эца зцЗпсэ D|UJDg ‘jed X s|m o sn c ia g '>|ЭП| рэЗисцэ иэлэ эм ‘aq р|поз p u y 'd jJi Зи|Ц5Ц jcnuuc S|l| JO j ]sco 3 ЭЦ) o ] >|3i!g 'ц1|сэц o ] >|3i:g '>|3i:q tuji) )i|3nojq эд^ 'сэле /anqs||CS эц з u| m c jS o jd q tq 3 J 3C|pjE3 p 3| jH J33 X||euoheu X juo ЭЦ] 'u ie j3 o j^ qEi|3>j 3E|pjE^ uno U| рэ|{олиэ ЭЦ и эц х •=Jninn=>H l» U .J4 » n » )S - •S33|AJDS X30|0|PJE3 ЦЗЭЗ-цЗщ jnO JO эЗЕЗЦЕАрВ MiiiNaD T O iciJW I V N C H ^ 'M IW / Ю Н |Еио|Зэу UEMOy OJ ЭШЕЭ ЭН U E o q sjij jo j s3u|ij] зцЗр ЭЦ] ||E PIP 3|uj3g ‘Х|Э)сипмо; jng 'IjE IE d u i 31{]'3U|>|EU1 WOJ) 3|U JSg ld3>l JSOmiE >|3E3JE JJE 31) E 'JEsX sjq j p u y ('P|03 E SEM 1ЦЗПЕЭ J3A 3 ЗЦ Зищ) ]S333¡q эц } э>||| р з ш э э ;);и п ; Jo j s e m 3| s e Suiqsij J0 | цзпш OS J.USEM S3|ppnq siq ц)!Л' d u j Зищзц |EnuuE s,ue3jo h 3]U J3g A U T H 0 R I Z E P AGENT DID YOU KNOW VOU CAN CALL ANYW HERE IN THE U.S. WITH NO LONG DISTANCE FEES FOR AS LOW AS $19.95/MONTH?* 121 Depot Strcet ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mon-Frl. 8 am-5 pm Mocksville, NC 27028 - 3 - 3 C > — Sal.9 nm-Noon t* in« kx« Iti*«, md сеч« i**t r<4j С*п«а rtttnctom Kf*l Sm v á ü e H o u s e F U R N IT U R E Dear Friends and Neighbors, W e would like to personally invite you, your friends, and fam ily to our open house this Sunday, December 10th from 1pm until 5pm. We w ill be serving refreshments along wilh FA N TA STIC SAVIN G S of... ...33% to 57% OFF our original price! Every item in our store including living room, recliners, bedroom, bunk beds, dining room, curios, electronics and M O R E w ill all be on sale for this one day only S H O U R E V E N T ! W e look forward to seeing you this Sunday, December 10th! Bring a friend, and remember to bring in this letter lo receive these special prices below. Happy Holidays, Your friends at ValueHouse Furniture 5 Drawer Chest Oak Lighted Curio Leather Match Recliner $4 8 . 8 8 $9 8 . 8 8 $2 9 8 . 8 8 5-drawer chest - #634233 Available in 3 finishes THIS SUNDAY ONLY Leathermatch Recliner • Й633804 AvailaWe In 4 colors V a lu e H o u seFURNITURE 142 North Mala St, Mocksirille, HG (338)751-5739 1 PM ‘til 5 PM " — г Z l-8 'IBS рчи S -8 Л-IV •■SJ'IOH t?:0S-ISi-9BG • 8Z0Í2 ON ‘0П!.\зчэ01М . 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ЭЩ П icuopo^j -03 а|.1в(Г u-osa'^Epuoiflj § ? й р э э Щ ■IKÍ-866ll“ 4 “! “ 4unj JOJ чсэш pai3iü3 ‘p íiw ui sucanqnda)! IIV -Spia ШШОЭ JO W O l i li 0E:9 ‘ÍU O d sum lsljqa Xw» j um||qndi)| •03 3t\i¡a t-1. 'оэа ‘Лврашц. j a q u i a u i a y ■ e g ts - is i^ o ju p o d 'u o n 'p •ossy 'S y V’D luouipay Xq paiosuodg ' -uid Offe suiSaq *ui asinJ3 SBU i^qO 0 1. 'оэа'/^epuns •■lu-B OI ‘э р ы в а SBUiispqo и ш л р у . 6 'оэа ‘AspjnjBS s ( U 3 A g | в р э <1§ 7£9S-0t « i r a ¿suopsant) -paiMi' aiiqn«! *:^ads oi ?(cri suno)^ *лэ)1 'ui'd t^idcgaAOJO л р э э ‘м|.и»81Ч>Л^Л>и*Э e 'UBp ‘ABpssupeM W 0Z-866ITO¿n»>!W ’ "O -“id Ol"i 'ЧИЛЧО »¡лыок ЧЧ<1|»рт№ *5N 3isn W 41JW l»l!“n “ !l4 "a U M JM O l ' , 91.-оэа‘ABpjn¡es •uit 11 ‘uojsuaosv JO Ч^*пчэ |cdo3S{(l3 Эф jaXBJj 9uiiuoi^ Suurp :{Cdds 01 'fl M iunns *лэ| OI 'oaa ‘ABpung ------- и б в д •OJUJ worn JOJ 0901-lSt \Ю ■ш-d ¿ ro ЛмХиуи SI íq n w a uo!mu9S9jd,s.uupi!43 ^ou'd 9 ro лмцЛ qsia р ш о э *nS9f JOi ^MÑfMOir} '9p6Jü({ smin$uq3 ээивлру 8uiM0|t0j X|o -130$ J93us3 иэшу :$рэмШ(1 *ojui шош •»OJ 0 K H 6 6 ie U31IV aiW ^lW P « « o •spoo3 p35jcq ‘s\pii3 ‘n(uup5 йорюч - ТЙ ' щ шрэу ‘6U8 К«У M JA мивлру fui-a г - ’ш'щгтш^атщпощзшлш JO i $ап\ш/А Ш1» х 9Л1 M i •uid 6*9 *11 ‘» a :эцгр MOOS «ивэ 01 $рэээ^ 'sspfooo'y ц т м 'п щ •)$ицэ <(rò)uэш!|dшoэ^iÜ9K^,^'ф *$ ф в^ *$8о( э(пХ '5){вЬ9р1ш|мря'^ . a^cqi'sp-aBU BO VlPiuVJO J?»!«.]«^ BOT0 1«;‘w d I ;• « « 6 'O SQ '8 ’ЭЭС1 Xq 9Mid aq isnui japjQ 'Sopnn M3IAJOJ9pjOWBldO}8frU*?6VWpAPUÌÌ -uuBj Jo f l Zff'l S¿ W м щ о Л э р о § w d i •пн Эф 11^3 *s\)i8 STtuis{J43 road ‘3JBAU9ddt\j. 8ищэ« Xiunop 9{aiq|o Xtt ‘J n q u ^ u t i u Ñ K h g 8 0ea-^A0N‘'Md--pe/\g Ш ш ш т ooot '»a ‘акоэз« ^sradvajja _________________________^___ì w 1 . ~ CIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 __ •niftfrnrl fKn ^Fourth Annual • « ’NBCTMeetog Yoyiare invited to tlic X A m G WE NOEL ^^dHRISTMAS CONCERT presented by the DHS Chorus M onilay, D cc. 1 1 th a t 7 :0 0 P M N o rth D avie M iilillc S ch o o l SELL IT FAST m THE CLASSIFIEDS! Tho flrsl 10 words are $5.00 • eachaddlUonalwordlslO«. YanI Sale ads must be paid In atlvance. Deadline (or daisllled ads IslOiSOamTbesday. The Davie County Enterprise-Record 171 South Main SI. ■ Mocksvillo • 336-751-2129 Cindy Orslllo trom PInebrook, Elizabeth Vogler from Mocks- vllle Elementary and Belinda Garner from South Davie at­ tended a recent conference for national board certified teach­ ers. Three Davie Teachers Attend Conference Three local educators from Davie County attended the fourth Annual Conference for National Board Certi­ fied teachen in Orlando. Fla. at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort. Belinda G arner, South D avie M iddle Sch o o l, Cindy O rsillo, Pinebrook Elementary, and Elizabeih Vogler, Mocksville Elementary, rep­ resented Davie County. The confer­ ence was attended by over 700 educa* tors from 49 stales. The theme o f this year’s meeting. The M agical World o f Accomplished Teaching, brought to mind the won- .«lerful things that National Board Cer­ tified Teachers arc doing both inside and outside the classroom. Keynote addresses were provided by U.S. Secretary o f Education Rich­ ard W . Riley, and Florida's Lt. Cover- norFrankBrogan. LccShulman,presi- dent o f the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, spoke on teaching as a profession- in particu- lar.how teachers are membersoflcam- ing communities. Support o f BB& T. Davie Chamber o f Commerce. Davie County Schools, Duke Power, Fuller Arehilectural, Inc., Gary Prillman, DDS, Parker& Parker, Attorneys at Law. Scotl Gant, and Vulcan Materials enabled these edu­ cators to attend. B B Q C h ic k e n S a le s To B e n e fit C h ild re n ’s M ir a c le N e tw o rk than 80,000 children - providing ev­ erything from routine immunizations to the most advanced medical care available for child traumas and ill­ nesses such as leukemia and cystic fibrosis. As the largest charily hcaUh care provider for children in North Caro­ lina, Duke Children’s provided more than $42 m illion in unrcimburscd care last year. Duke’s Children's M iracle Net­ work annually raises more than $3 m illion to support patient services, research and education. A Porl-A -Pit barbecue chickcn meal will be sold Friday, Dec, 15 lo benefit the Children's M iracle Net­ work. Sponsored by M ocksvillc Wal M art, the $6.50 plates will be sold from II a.m .-4 p.m. C all 751-1266 to reserve a meal. Duke Children’s H ospitol and Health Center is an affiliate o f the C hildren's M iracle Network, and provides com prehensive m edical care for children from binh through young adulthood. Each year, Duke cares for more lì- AFFORDABLE CARE in a residential setting in A V IE F L A C lR.LJ^ RESIDENTIAL CARE - I L ^ A Refreshing Alternative for Older Adults Shelia Sammons DIrccior Cail 336-751-2175, For More Information Nsdi'to Davie County Hospital • ^ 7 Hospital Stmt«Mixiisville j T T flE P H O IE PLACE W m CHRISTMAS SPECIAL j a n j m AUTHORIZED AGENT DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN CALL ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. WITH NO LONG DISTANCE FEES FOR AS LOW AS $ 19.95/MONTH?* 121 Depot Street ^ ^ ^ Mon-Frl. 8 am-S pni Mocksville, NC 27028 -3-3C »— X .S A — ^ C> ^ C* Sat. 9 nm-Noon krt o< MAV« »«112«nr*It ol s 8S>wut* to Ul«Il0r«l0(4tt*<lt ••TMo<t»»HrciughTNPiw*PUc*,lnc.cWi >»TN«nt w] Ptdt trvrovtl rtquipfd *0« Sa kcog *rc^ b («>• C4cU}« I SobV) K r* l>Nt*d Sum« A rumMluiuv* •‘t«-n*!«WkargiMur<ct. >M| ttttncio*« Sm Feature DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - D1 , , , ■v Johnny Benlield gives candy to spectators at the Davie Hometown Christmas Parade Saturday In downtown Mocksvilie. Members of New Shepherd Baptist Church make sure people The Davie High Marching Band and Dancing Boots got the remember the meaning of Christmas. parade started with seasonal music and friendly smiles. Santa Clause greets a happy youngster at the Hometown Christmas parade. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Hometouin Christmas Parade Ushers In Holiday Season Iv svas coM and wet. windy and threatening. A foot o f snow was on the way. It was enough lo put M ocksvillc into the Christmas spirit Saturday evening for the annual Hometown Christm as Parade. A day that started out raining and cold turned out to be ju st cold in time for the 4 p.m. start. Som e o f the more than 100 entries in the parade didn't show, others had decorating problems because o f the weather. But those who did participate kept their spirits high for the annual event sponsored by the Davie Cham ber o f Comm erce. Winners were: school. Shady Grove Sizzling C yclers; single, Jam es Hendrix; business. Sw icegood Wall M cDaniel Realtors; civic. Cub Scout Pack 503 and Humane Society o f Davie County. The town o f M ocksvillc police and public works departments, M ocks­ villc Davie Jaycces, judges M ike Bamhardi, Sue Boggs and Dan C agle, D J and announcer Brad Cartncr, and Santa all helped to make the day work, said Joan Carter, cham ber executive director. The Shady Grove Sizzling Cyclcers unicycle team dazzled the crowd and judges, taking first place in the school category.A member of the middle school band plays music. Young people wore Iheir Santa hats and heavy coats to keep warm.The Cornatzer Cougar players and cheerleaders rode In their first parade. .Swicegciod Wall McDaniel Realtors vvon tlrstplac« In the bu^ categwy. , “ u D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 Davie Schools D avie H igh The M ocksviUc Woman’s Club is acccpting applicaiions for the Salty So u th all G otten S ch o larsh ip , awarded to a senior (male or female) who is ranked in the upper fourth o f the class and is planning to attend a four*year collegc or university in North Carolina. See M s. Bratton in guidance. • M ocksville Elem entary Students o f the week o f Nov. 27* D cc. I: Bradley B cck, M iranda W il­ liam s, Anthony Angle, Andrew Aus­ tin. B a ile y C arpenter, T ich ln a M orrison, Collin Capuson, Adonis Sm oot, Erica Peebles. Kevin Jordan. C ayla Kimmer, Meredith Dinkins. Natalie M cBride, M ia Isaac, Sarah Ja co b so n , K ath erin e Q u ijad a, Marian Hunckler, Jessa Ren, \^ill* lam M assie, Jake Sanders. Brittani Grubb, Apiffany Gaither, Meghan Collins, Erika Miller, Justin Leonard, .Jonathon Shoaf. First graders in M rs. Beaver and M rs. M elton’s class are preparing for the holiday season. They arc read­ ing C hristm as sto ries, studying Christmas customs in various coun­ tries, ond decorating the room for the holidays. They arc m aking orna­ ments for the tree, while listening to favorite Christm as songs. M rs. M cKnight’s class has been discovering the wonders o f the N .C. coast. Students have placed an air­ plane on their class state map to rep­ resent the W right Brothers first flight. They arc making lighthouses to place on their map for the five ^lighthouses on the North Carolina coast. The map is com ing alive as the students make their trek westward across the state. In math, students are learning about perimeter. Students have done hands on activities to ex­ perience this theory first hand. Re­ cently, the class began the novel. The W hipping Boy. w hich tells o f a young prince w hocan'l be whipped; thus, his punishments are imposed on a young pauper. The class will com - I I plctc a vocabulary/comprehcnsion packet, develop charactcr analysis and complete several writing assign- ments for this novel. Jessica Sm ith and Mrs, O ’N eal's class did a unit on fire safety and vis­ ited a fire station where they got to sec a puppet show and the fire trucks before going out for pizza for lunch. At Thanksgiving they decorated their room and cooked a Thanksgiv­ ing meal for their grandparents. They are learning about the letters “F,” "G ” and “H,” talking about how to be good boys and girls and learning about C M stm os. They arc learning the shapes square, round and triangle and have used som e o f these shapes to make Christmas decorations. The class plans to go to the mall to sec Santa Claus. C om atzer E lem entary Reading teacher Duane H anscll invites everyone to the second fam­ ily reading night Thursday, D cc. 7. from 6:30-8 p.m. for reading time and opportunities to lake acclcreated reading tests. Students should be ac­ companied by adults. D A RE graduation for fifth grad­ ers will be Thursday, Dcc. 7 at I p.m. in the gym . Fam ily m em bers arc cncourgaged to attend. The Davie County Board o f Edu­ cation visited on Friday, D cc. \ to have lunch, tour the facility and talk with students and staff. On Friday. D cc. 8, second grad­ ers plan to visit Davie Village to sing, visit, and celebrate with the resi­ dents. Pamela Jew ell, assistant principal, said the next PTA meeting will be Tuesday, D cc. 12. at 7 p.m. Students in grades 3. 4 and 5 will entertain with a Christmas program. First graders’ Christmas program will be in the gym on Wednesday. D cc. 13 at 10 a.m . Second graders will entertain parents in their class­ room at 1 p.m. that day. Students will celebrate the up­ com ing holdiays with parties on the afternoon o f Thursday. D cc. 14 in their classroom s. Cougars o f the week Nov. 27- D ec. 1: Dylan Andrade, Shavonnc B arn es, C h elsic B row n , Adam C arter, T y ler C orn atzcr, S ie rra D o u ccttc, S ara H andy, E ric Hernandez, Brittany Hoosc, Kathryn M cM illan, Kristin M cM illan, A ll M yrick, D estiny Pearcy, T iffan y R obertson, A lexandcria Rom ano, TVler Scafcrd, K ellie Sexton, M ella Sheets, Kelly SolovtzolT and Adam Ward. As part o f their Christmas Around the Worid unit, third graders partici­ pated in a M oravian Lovefcast on Monday. D cc. 4 . The Lovefcast, held at the public library, has been a tra­ dition with the third grade at M ocks- ville Elementary, with Comatzer also invited this year. The program was organized by Linda Giles and hus­ band, Don. They explancd Moravian traditions, led students in caroling, and gave them each a candle for the candle lighting. Another treat was getting to try the sweet coffee and M oravian buns. Courtney Rom ine’s third graders arc getting into the holiday spirit with a Christm as Around the Worid unit. They are ’’traveling” to other coun­ tries to learn about holiday celebra­ tions, try a food from the country, and make a craft. Destinations have in­ cluded C hina. Italy, France, G er­ many, and Sweden. Students have learned ab ou t H anukkah and Kwanzaa. Third graders are partici­ pating by rotating through the class­ rooms. M rs. R om in e's students have been w orkingon multiplication facts and w riting num bers in different ways, like standard, expanded, and word form . They are reading some Christm as novels and listening to •TTie B F G " by Roald Dahl. Students in June Johnson's class have used the Jeopardy style game format to study for analogies tests, practice math facts, and respond to comprehension questions from Jun­ ior Great Books. Several students attended the Kids’ Night Out perfor­ m ance o f “T is the Season" at the ' Brock onTUcsday, D cc. 5 . sponsored by the Davie County Arts Council. D ales 10 rem em ber: Thursday. D cc. 7 , D A RE graduation, I p.m., Fam ily Reading Night in Ihe media center, 6:30-8 p.m .; Friday, D cc. 8, Spart: Change campaign ends, sec­ ond graders v isit D avie V illage; Tuesday, D cc. 12, PTA , 7 p.m .; W ednesday, D ec. 13, first grade Christm as program, lO a.m ., second grade program , 1 p.m .; M onday, Dec. 18, M cD onald's N ight; D cc. IS-Jan. 1, Christm as holiday. C entral D avie Education C enter Andrew Ashby is the student o f Ihe week and student o f the monlhy for the D evelopm ental Preschool class. Students are cxcllcd about Christm as, and put up a tree and ore making ornaments and decorations. O n Wednesday, Nov. 29, Ihe fol­ low ing students participated in a song and dance program for the other children: Ebony Cochrom. director. K atcra C och ram , C C C lem en t, M alcia Stephenson. M yshia 1\imer and Jasm in e C lem ent. Students heard a solo performance by Sharon Sm oot. Th e children pined in for Chrislm as songs at Ihe end. Shady G rove Elem entary Shady Grove was honored Nov. 29 as a Piedmont Triad Signature School at the annual meeting o f ihc Piedmont Triad Consortium at the Orandovcr Resort in Greensboro. The Signature School Award is presented to schools that have made significant, positive change in the last 18 months. Receipt is based on improvement in student achievement and innovative programs and practices that impact the overall school environment. Shady Grove sets high standards lo ensure students get the knowledge and skills they need. They provide pro­ grams that help students reach high academic goals. Parents and the com­ munity are involved in the school life of their children. Those acccpting the award were Barbara Owens, Cammic Walker, Mitzi Carter, and Sue Tucker. During the week o f Nov. 13-17, every one celebrated Children's Book W eek. This year’s theme was "Fuel YourM ind.” SiudcnU participated in several contests. The uivia winners were; Joey Turman. Ashley Fulp, Darren Colboum e, Alyssa Com e, Casey Zakamarck, Josh Carter, Ben Glowku, and Preslon M cGum. Amy Gmbbs won the mystery book scaven­ ger hunt by identifying the mystery book as Knights o f the Kitchen Table. Students in grades 1-2 made "pet rock characters." Winners were: Best All Around, W esley Myers; prettiest. K risten D ray; funniest, Hannah Keeney; most creative, Joe Sink; most likebookcharoctcr,(fcmalecharacier) Ellie Carter, (male character), Ryon Foster. Students in grades 3-5 made book charactcn out o f soda pop cans. Tlie winners were: Best All Around.Chase Macaionc, presttiest, Morgan Long; funniest, M icah Robertson; most cre­ ative, Kaysec Dixon; most like book character (fem ale) Megan Norman, (male) Nick Schamback. Winners o f the "Teacher Portrait Contest" were Mrs. Hobson. Mrs. Foil, and Ms. Ireland. The PE Club sponsored a jump-a- thon for the American Heart Associa­ tion. Thelhirdgrade.fourlhgradc.and fifth gradeclubmembcrsraised money to help fight heart disease as their community scr%’lce project. The thin! grade raised $2,199.77, the fifth grade raised S2.23I.39, and the fourth grad­ ers raised $2.401.18. The total amount raised by the 140 club members was S 6 .832.it. LeBleu supplied bottled water 10 club members. Lowes Foods of Clemmons supplied a juice treat for the fii\h graders. Top students raising donationswercCalebHoward, Patrick Keeney, Michelle Lucas, and Austin Baiiy. Students in grades 3-5 participated ina mock election onTuesday, Nov. 7, organized by Linda Barnette, AG teacher, and carried out by parent vol­ unteers Shawn Duncan. P ^ Keiser. Patti Boehm. Debbie Burford. Kerri Lard, and Lucia Schmidt. George Bush won In the presidential race, and Richard Vinroot was the choice for governor. OnTuesday. Nov. 2 1, the fifth grade students in Mrs. Ale's. Mrs. I^il's, Mrs. Howell's, and Ms. Ireland'sclasses listened to LTC Scoit Ciluffo speak about the anny, Honduras, .and other Latin American countries. LTCCiluff6 is stationed nt Soto Cono Airbasc ii) Honduras and came to speak with tlid classes. Earlier in the month tlie 5th grade students made Veteran’s Day cards for the soldiers stationed in Hon­ duras. Also. 15 students in Ms. Ireland's' homeroom have become pen pals with some o f tlie troops in Honduras. ТНе students renlly enjoyed LTC CiluffoV visit, and we hope he will be able (6' return at the end o f the year for our Latin America Day. Did you sec that? Right foot bluc^' shoe, left fool red, hat with pencils growing on her head. OnTuesday,* Nov. 21, there were some "wacky“ ' dressed students and teachers. Everyday you can shop at Horns'; Tee ter and use your V 1C Card, number 1701; each Tuesday Is Kristi’s Day;-; each Monday is Venczia'sNight; and^ the iaslTuesday ofeach month IsSkate* Night in Clemmons. Skate Night was Tuesday, Nov. 28, at Skateland in Clemmons. The chil-' dren played limbo. Tlie PTA Executive Board met on Wednesday, Nov. 29, in the media center. The budget was reviewed and; opproved for the remainder o f the school year. On Nov. 29, the IT A did student ID'S with "Ident-A-Kid." These iden­ tification cards can be used in case of ’ emergencies. Saturday, Dec. 2. was the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. Mrs. Minor’s class has been busy' Icaniingaboutthefoodpyramid. They have weighed food, counted money for food, and have made neat food' prints. They also lasted spinach from* the vegetable garden outside their room. They will soon begin their unit on’ Santa's workshop. Citizens o f the week are Katie B ar-' ber. Jcft’rcy Phillips. Davis Whhney.- Впинк)п Barrons,Carolina ZokamoTtk, DrewTaylor Heuitt, Landon Wbitaker. David Howard, Vance Greene. Will Ram sey. Rrianna H all, Jen n ifer .lominger, Ashley Mooneyham. Chris Uarrans. Kaitlyn Ducote, Sam Tucker. C ontinued O n Page D3 275 M aditon Rd - 0 .Wstreaml 20x€0 4 bay garag« & additional 20x60 W3 stab tor horses. 2 stocy. 46113BA, bdck home. 2 tplcs. den. garage, deck & front porch. $259,000. CALL EVELYN.iAMLSi H O W A R D S18 YedUnviil« Rd.~ Tr»dt- homo son. 30A Л 3500* db* cal garage, ig. Irvgrouid [w< ««/al amorM«*, updated Mch. hxm. aieav dea roc im. part Ьут« nncd NTiúOd Cent $199,900 еда JANE. 1 T ^ T 7 A T ■ - 1 ^ - 1414 Mocksvllie Hwy. - Poultry Farm, 300x40 bulding with up-todat* macMrwy (A» 2000 sa ft. brtcfc hom« on 6.5 acres. Bam on 2 lenced acres. S225.00a CALL EVELYN. REAT j l 1 .1.10 s . S ,ilis b u r \ S i. (C ’o r n o r H v v y s . Ы11 & Ы ) M o c k s v i l l e , \ C ' 2 7 0 2 H Olliic H «)u rs: \l«>ml.i\ 1 uJa\ • S .U u n i.iv 12 • S iim i.u И\ Appi J 104 FelAviy Or. Berm udi R ufb AfcnoU 2000SF tov«V home, spacious nm, pertact tor ertefturtng. targa dee* сЯ ?Э5Св6 LHOn OMrtocUng tBthgr«ea $185,000 C A U MtKEorUE eei Hnevillt Rd-Prtvacy on аввАе.Ч)пск iWKti miul fn. Ь«тй. ZSOOti. up â approx. lOOOil. M s M dCMì. m ЭвА, 2 Uch. chén mk twidng. co x ite drfv*. deck, paba S174^X)C A U . CONNIE. 276 HUgnoHt Av-AKordable lem. home in Qardert VaBey. ЭВа 2BA. fui bsmt w)g. lam. пл.. 2 rpices. 2<ar carporl. deck. №c* lartdscaped lawn мЛд. hardwoods, oui bkJg. A irm $159.90aCA LLJAN E 175 Jtc k B oot R4< Onique 9 8 a 2BA brtck rarvt) basemtni on 42 wooded acm M^sirMm. Cory rock Iplc.. •unkan Iv. mv. some hdwood floors, deck and outbktg. $134,000. C A IX JANE. 173 Hickory Тгм Ao«»> QtmI spH toyw - NMT sdttoL 2074 equara teal 3 b«»oania. 2 batta. Great Mng » te a and wooded tot S12M 00 C A U MART. 15« Lagte 1лп9 - 1999 Clayton doublewide home with щт bedroom floor plan. 3 badtooms. 2 baths on approx. 10 ше$. $121,900. CALL M JO eH A R Y .В 141 O ik o ti U n t - Ne«d a ttia aCiow room? 1995 DW fMkvas teSO*Sq. fL 3BR. 20A. knrtf LR a D a cory den wTplce. plus: 5.5 AC o( open, gnsaad land. Priced to sell $100,900. C A U . JANE. 124 CkA%i»r Drtv« - Botier new t100s.t.. 30a 20A. douM gantga, lonced tuck yard, pul down stairs lor storage. Convenoni locatioa $10$.OOOCAU CONNIE. 23i7 US Hwy. 601N- Na« nvxkiar homo on .613 асгм. - F eM ra irKkjde: З В а 2B^ catwdral celmg. deck, m okn »Me on tot. great landscapSng, pMddrK*. $99.900 C A a CONNIE. 29$ Gtadstorw Ro mJ,Hechsville - laoo sq. fi aea 2BA. targe eat-)n4Jttf).. great mi wilipte., al appfiances md. W&D remain. Addtion only 7yrs.young. $99.900C A a KENor LEE for Showing. 112 R . Short R otd *naat ranch style home. 3Ba 1.seA. electrte haot purrp, deck, porch, poss. 100% Dnarting to quolifled buyer. $ »,0 0 0 C A a JANE. 7406 Hwy. 801 South - Renovated 3 badroo(^ 1 itoth brkk rwKh - HardiKiod floors. tJv ^ Room wtt Irepiace. toed suniDom. ipadous Uthen- A Must Seat $N,900. C A a LEE. 10$ Dusty Hill ROMI - клтк. 4ВЯ. 20A Shytna on l.ie aaa ГШ11 tract Fermarmi ta m . spM ВП plan, InptK«. ma«er BA w<garden tub. ^ sho««r, his and her vailtos. $•7,900. C A a JANE. m Btcktownt Road - PouWawide buR in 1996. great noor plan with 1289 sq. fL locMd in nk» area on deared law«tl«idN/addrtional acreage . w tiatie. 3Ba 2 ful 8A. $ H $ o a C A a MARY. 166 BrocUand Drtvt, A dvtnct - Better than iww 1998 doublewide with 4Ва г в ^ al major applances. lane«) back yant. 14x10 deck. kmacUatel $79,900 C A a CONNIE. 313 R M g t Road - Single wide home on 5 wooded acres wilh stream. 20x20 storage building. Selling as is. $74,000. C A a EVELYN. M S h e ffie M R d - U k e n e « homal Immaculatol Located on 1 aot. ЗВП. 20A. on corri» w«n LR, deck, port^ storaoa teMng. Amust soel $ 7 4 JM . C A a KEN. 1045RkfotR o«]>D oubla wUa home kxaled on 1 «acres wilh storage building. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, prfcad to sel. $•6,900 C A a EVELYN 123C«)tarSt-Cooleem ee 5 rm house, excel, cond. NaL gas heat. CA. new roof, reptacaml wirxtows & new staim drs. Attached carport & рапы bSfflL №0, refrtg. DW, bttvls. $69,900 C A a KEN 241 Avon Strati - Great for first t)m« owner/or Investment property. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, hast pump, storm doors & windnrs, deck, porch, tireplac« h Mng roora $59,900. C A a JANE. 1 «4 H a ln S t- C o o la a m n Afodibie 1800» sq. fL one leval home • 3Ba 2DA. w№ a M e U C IMS house woukl be periect for a growing lam»y. Ptkad as is for only $5S.00a C A a LEE. 243 Main S t C o o lttm tt- Qmat lor a starter homa or retirement homel 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, vinyl skfing, rww windows. Al this for only $»,900. 193 Watt St. C o o lttm tt-Qood stanef home! 2 bedrooms, 1 bat^ heat pump, insulated wktdows & storm doors. $49,900 C A a JANE 139 Hwik L ttttr RoK(-Ooubie vMa mobile home, graal tocalton on 1.6Ac_ 30a 2BA, forc«d air heat cent air, al applances. caing farts, kits ot buR-ira. bonus' room! $49,900 C A a KEN. 154 Loglt Lant - 1992 Br^gadore slnglowtoe home with '3 bedrooms and 2 baths, kicated on a .75 acre tot $39.9oa C A a M J o r MARY. ■ I Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - D3 C onllnued From Page D 2 Jennifer Bell, Josh W ood, Wesley M yen. Celeste Long, Taylor Heweit, Leroy Hairstcm, and Jarred Patton. 'W illia m R . Davey Elem entary . Tlie third, fourth, and fifth grade students will present a program of (^ristm as music onTuesday. D cc. 12 teginning at 7 p.m. in the school gym. The program will be a part o f the December meeting o f tlie FTC . Stu* dents will sing seasonal favorites in« eluding "Silver Bells", '’White Christ­ mas", "Jingle Bells", "Rockin' Around the Chrislmas Tree", "Have a Holly Joily Christmas". "Jingle Bell Rock", and others. Selected students will play hand bells, also. The chorus is under thedircctionofM ikeH endrix. Princi­ p é M ary Sine invites the community. The fifth grade students will present aconcert forthc Davie County Retired Educational Personnel at Bermuda Run Country Club on Dec. 7. Students will sing songs and play hand bells. D A RE graduation for fifth graders will be Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Students will sing the D ARE song "M y Mind Is M ine." Selected students will read personal essays regarding their prom­ ise lo resist drugs. M iss North Caro­ lina will be present to address students on the importance o f living a drug free life. Parents and significant others arc invited. On Wednesday, Nov. 15, Sharon Nail presenied second graders a pro­ gram o f her Indian artifacts and trea­ sures. She shared hercxtensive arrow­ head collection, a basket, large work *-sl6nes, and other Indian wares. Traci Wyatt. Pam Renegar. Alyce Bagshaw. Tomi Langdon. BrendaGlasscock. and all the second graikrs enjoyed Mrs. Nail's presentation. The art classes have been exhibit­ ing art at Western Steer restaurant. The exhibit features artists o f kinder­ garten through fifíh grades. The ex­ hibit theme is "Harvest Reids." C ol­ lections include Crayon collage, na­ tive com . waicrcolor paintings and paper relief designs. The exhibit will be open through November for the Thanksgiving season. During D ecem ber,' W iiliam R . Davey joined M ocksville Elementary ond other county elcmcntafy schools in an exhibit ot the Brock Audiiorium ' in Mocksville for the play "Tls the Season." Bus/Car Riders ofthdweekforOct. 30-Nov, 17: Tyler Wootcni Taylor W eatherm an, Lazaro San chez, Y aqu elin Boron-R u ano, T y ler Shoffner, Zach Carrionj Rickey W il­ son,TylerMyers, Kevin Powell,Carlos Nava, Lorena Millo, Jodi Gregory. Dcrck Danner, Ciuz Kelier, Ashley Ibarra, Lauren Oulen, Haley ¿audle, Zach Doby, Esmeralda Herhandez, Torri Norris, Mogi Bflr6li-Ruano; Miranda Myers, Samantha Tarleton, Miguel Ramirez. Lionel Cabrera, Ryan Bameycastle, Brandy Sands, Travis Norris. Hannah Hendrix, D j . Everhart. Yuli Nava, Nina D alton. Nathan Huichens, Halie Cartner, M artika Lattimoro, Jennifer Romcro,Stcphanie H inson, Edith R am irez, M anda Godbey. North Duvie M iddle The follow ing students w ere awarded for exemplary. buS behavior with a trip to M cD onald) in Mocks­ ville for lunch, compliments o f that establishment: Chris Cottrell. Chris­ topher M oxley, Colby kinder. Kelly Martin. Alisa Parks. Avanli Dalton, Jill Durham, Eliud Baiiolo, Andrew Beeson, Jennifer Mann, aiid Omar Al- Sweiti. . A Explorer students have w en col­ lecting money throughout the.month for Storehouse for Jesus Little Lambs. The team has adopted eight children ’ for the holiday season. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Simmons will b6 taking stu- derits shopping. In Prime Tim e groups, students arc making holiday ornaments. The Explorer team will be having a Thank-you/Reading Rally" oii Dec. II. Students who have been reading for Reading Odyssey 200| will be awarded with prizes. Tho'gifts pur­ chased for the Little Lambs will also be shared at this rally. Explorer studenU have been busy in their core classes. Science classes have been researching body systems in the computer lab and preparing Power Point presentations. Math classes arc reading the novel, The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Social Studies classes are studying Central Africa. Students o f the Month for Novem­ ber are B rittany C ooper, K elly Low derm ilk, K yle Sm ith and Stephanie Vines. R& R students o f the month arc Danielle Billups. Kena Gcnuy, Oscar M artinez, Stacey Statham , Chas Jefferson, and Matthew Kimmer. The Mariner Team has been busy reading books for the 2001 Reading Challenge. The team has logged over 10 books per day each day for the last 10 school (lay^. In Social Studies, students have begun their study o f the people and cultures o f the Mediterraneaji region o f Europe. Maps arc being drawn and projects will soon be under way. Stu­ dents continue to work with grammar and lest taking skills weekly. In Lan­ guage Arts students have bixn work­ ing with adjectives, nouns, and prepo­ sitional phrases. The Door in the Wall is the Mariners'current novel. Classes have been honing their writing skills with a variety o f essays and with an original fable. Mathcla-sscshavcbccn workingon prime and composite numbers, prime factorization, and greatest common foctors. Siudentswillbegintheirchap- ter projects for this quarter next week. • Som e students arc welling their feel widi a bit o f algebra. They have also worked w ith integers and the coordi­ nate plane system. All math classes will begin their semester rcview ses­ sions before Chrislmas break. Sciencc classes arc studying a vari­ ety o f topics-from erosion to geology. Students arc learning about various eroslonal agents, the difference be­ tween creep and slump, how glaciers move, and how to slow the natural process o f erosion. Students will soon be building volcanoes, looking at plaie tectonics, reading different types of maps, and finding a suitable location to build a dam and lake using a topo­ graphical map. All Mariners continue tocnjoythclrpanicipationintl№ "Voy- oge o f the M lm i" film series. If you hear them making strange vocaliza­ tions at home, they may be simply uying out a humpback whale song. On Nov. 29, the Slars'icom at­ tended the Moravian Candle Tea at Old Salem. Students'walked through the colonial village, stopping at Winkler’s Bakery to have treats baked in the colonial brick oven from rcclpcs ofthe 1700s. They walked through the historic cemetery known as "God's Acre" and were able to pump water at dieoldwatcrpumpinthevillagegrccn. This trip was a part o f the colonial unit that Mrs. Renae Ridenhour’s social studies classes are currently complet­ ing. Stars parents arc reminded that the team is participating in a reading con­ test. They arc a little over halfway to their goal o f 1,001 books by Jan. 2, 2001. Each student on Ihe team has a reading log to turn In weekly. Draw­ ings and prizes ore held for those par­ ticipating. The reading logs need lobe signed and turned in each Friday. Stu­ dents can also use these books for AR points. The current team total is over 800 books read. In November, students participated in Thanksgiving activities relating lo being grateful. They filled "bags" wilh lists or pictures o f things for which they arc grateful. The December ser­ vice project is to fill shoeboxes with small items o f clothing and toys for the ncedychildrenofDavieCounty. These boxes arc to be completed by Dcc. 6. In Mrs. Ronda Ely's classes, stu­ dents arc studying poetry. They arc composing and illustrating original poems. In the advanced class, students are participating in an innovative read­ ing activity known as "Literature Circles." Studentshavechoscnbooks such as Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, Ellen Foster, and Lord o f the Flies, to read and analyze in small groups much like a "book talk." In Chris Callison's algebra class, students arc learning the importance of factoring. Incom ing weeks, factoring applications will be applied lo equa­ tion solving and word problems. Pre- algebra classes are busy wilh rational numbers and an introductory unit to algebra icrminology. Rotional num­ bers are being used in equations and students arc converting tetw cen dif­ ferent rational forms. Don Tabal's science classes arc learning about how things move. They arc doing experiments with water bal­ loon launchers, marble launchers, roll­ ing adding machine tapes downhill, andfriction. Students havebeen learn­ ing about Isaac Newton and his contri­ bution to physics. Students arc work­ ing on their physics projects which will be presented to their classmates during the week o f D ec. 1. Coolecm ce Elem entary The fifih grade students inTam m y Essie’s class conilnue to follow the electioncovcrage. Ttieyarcbeginnlng their study o f the United States rc- gions. In science, they have finished a study o f weather and climate. They presented reports on weather books diey had read. The students have started to work on persuasive writing. They arc holding debates in class on such topics as school uniforms. On paper they have chosen between Tom the Turkey and Pat the Pig for their Thanskgivlng dinners. The students in Karcn Fleming's fifth grade classarc starting their study o f the stales. Each student will com ­ plete a float al home to represent their slate. The floats will be displayed in the media center. During class time, each student will be creating a stale booklet. Fifth graders in Lou Suiphin's class read a story tilled "You Be the Juiy." Since they had studied three branches of government, it was decided to hold a mock uial. After courtroom proce­ dure. the jury found Goldilocks guilty of breaking and entering. ThestudentsinSusieW ilcox’sclass are hard al work on their D ARE es­ says. They will present their essays lo the class and then two students will be choscntoprcsenltheirsalDAREgradu­ ation. Miranda Sprouse performed with Ihe C oolecm ce H istorical Society’s presentation o f the Blinky puppet show. Tiffany Correll was a winner in the essay contest from the Forsyth County Senior Services. T if­ fany had to write on essay about her> grandparents and the influence they have had on her life. The first grade students o f Dawn- Ludwick, BeverlyStewart, Jeri Fisher;' and Jan Dyer celebrated the Thanks-- giving holiday with a traditional feast: ‘ The students rotated through centers', where they made Pilgrim and Native American costumes, pumpkin pie, and fivitsalad. Parents,grandparents,and' friends helped serve and enjoyed th e meal. November was a busy month for' students in Miss Brown's second grade’* class. Students read Candy Com C o n -‘ test by Patricia R. G iff and followed up' with a candy contest o f their owrl.' ChelseyReinhardtwasthewinnerwith* aguessof222piecesofcandycora. A " unit on Native Americans o f die P a -' cific-Northwcst, Plains, Soudiwcst,and' Woodlands was studied. After learn-' ing about each region. Uiey drew te- pecs, made animal masks, wrote sto^” ries, and made turqouise medallionsl ’ Mapping skills were reviewed by trac-.‘ ing the Pilgrim's route from England to ' Plymouth. They also compared the’; Pilgrim’s houses, chores, clothes, and'* transix)rtation to present day life. ^Third grade students o f Joan King * and Donna Henderson presented sev­ eral Thanksgiving plays to ihe fourtH" gradeclasses. Theydidam odem play" about a Chinese family celebrating'* iheir first Thanksgiving in America^ called Tlianksgiving Feast" and " P il-' grims and Indians" which was about ] the traditional Thanksgiving. They " also presented a fun play called "Greedy ' Henry" and a play based on the book'' "How Many Days T o America" abour’* a family in the Caribbean who came to America in a small fishing boat and '* arrived on Thanksgiving Day. ' ’ l South Davie M iddle T h e O ilers T eam o f S ca rlcl“' Holleman and Belinda Gamer com -' • pleted an integrated unit around the " Mediterranean Region o f Europe.' ^ C ontinued O n Page D 4 ‘ Pennington C o m p a n y R I-: Л L T Y In Mocksville 336.751.9400 111 Adv,ince/Hi Iisdnic 336.998.8900 ToiiF,ce 1.800.539.3383 i n f o @ P e n n i n g t o n R c a l c y . c o m www.PenningtonRealty.com • noMm lu ngu« iwjf гики usui lutfcM lOio wn'te ctjT cot-mnci It«jni«7 d 17 Km « Gout)* sm m O i Oettot 335 Burton Rd • CiAUffl budi Ukk rudi «nh bucmcm Open A iMooui, lunroom. 40i32 dcOcM.............................. SnWilkciboro St-Gc ben i pa ky m b u ii. . . _ .___,______J fanÂomprdsxM 2 or впм. lowi ponn u iaW SIim úlD <i¿ Km woòed íwJ opei. im.tOO. «78 Dudmon Rd - WW me S^R-ЕЛО ou U « r»y 4BfV 2BA heme h ^ г а vwhl 746i t( Scfcnanmnvirijtlme. SffiJOOGIljnm ^ Ctmk Ch M -1« N * Itu p lÉ t Q . < W i ■ tom *11*130 H ipkr Rd ■ On IOun.3BI(.ini01>h>ii. OTW h couicry i<oi«! T>ra stnge buUro & rod rmoce on 2 ton nvrained r;k Cd Rodv)t $в9ДЮ S36 Junofcn Rd - arw loiW fUy ifitedSill ut « d hn pidi irf c n M tr In n d d n i 1 Ilk a b A 2 cr M N B w LISi IN fiS Ю id-Ai F. |n.1«llElb3U. ^ D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 D a v i e S c h o o l s ConClnucd From Pu(*c D3 Scicncc focuscd on acid rain and ils cffccts on ihc region p;irticularly ihc devastation to monuments and ancicnt architecture. A lab was coniluctcd to demonstrate the effects o f acidity on limestone. T o create a deeper under* standing o f pH levels students tested several substances including local rain* foil. Students produced projects using a variety of medium to report rc.scarch conducted on the causes, cfTects, and plans for solving the acid rain produc­ tion in the region. Attending the Greek This holiday season the Pine- brook Elem entary School PTA is selling raffle tickets with proceeds going towards the purchase o f new playground equipment and possibly new books for the media center. The fund-raiser is titled Baskets 2000. Each class at the school was given a theme which (hey used to create and package a gift basket for the rafile. Som e o f the themes the bxskets followed were: nature lovers, handy­ man, Christm as, baker's delight, sta­ tionary, chocolate lovers, and couch potato. Built l l l l l l l l l l l l l l h l i i J i h l i i i l i i i l i i i l i i i l i N l i i J i i i L i i l i M i i i l i i i l i i i l i i i L i .l i i i l i i i L i i K 5109,500 • 2016 sq. ft ■ 598,500 « 1715 sq. ft и ! .'i r-' ‘Щ Festival in Winston-Salem allowed students to experience the culture of the region. Tlie students wercexposed to the food. costume.s, language, and religion o f the Greeks. Pincbrook Elcm cniar}' Tlie spirit o f the season and the gift ofgiving have begun. Fourth graders in Melissa Lynch's class participated in Carnival Book Club's Class-To- CliLss Card Connection. Students cre­ ated holiday greeting cards and sent them tocamival Book Club. Carnival, in turn will donate one book per card they receive to needy classrooms across the country. Mn«. Lynch’s little elves created 61 cards which will accom­ pany the donated books lo be given lo dcscr\’ing classrooms in need. Tliefollowingstudentshaveeamed enough Accelerated Reader points to piirticipate in the AR lunch: Kayla Ncwsom.MicaliWomble,SeanRousc, B o'ce I lauser, Katelyn Manspile, W il­ liam Miner, Jordan Reavis, Logan Dc ^lart. Jessica Dionne. Christopher Fletemier, Ryan Hutchinson. Rebccca Church. Johnathan Roesch, Hannah Speight. Chelsea Sw yers, Trevor Reece. Diana Green, Jordan Schult/. Zachar>’ Stephenson, Vincent Ciive. Caitlin Tutterow, and Ashley Green. A R weekly drawing winners were: C orrie Phelps, Bridgette Hooks. Jonathan Hupp, D rew l^van, Brianna Sheets, M egan H utchens. Justin Sample, Malcom Hawkins, Christine Gulledgc, Sarah Evans, Sam Frye, Brandy Rogers, Austin Frank, Amber Rogers, Ethan W antuch, Zachary Stephenson, Brandon Smith, Steven Potts, Logan D c Hart, Cayla Sims, Zcb Cope, Emily Tierney, Morgan Lynn, and Anna Bailey. STA R S o f the week ending Dec. Iwere: P.iuln Beauchamp, l.nurcn Boyter, Megan Bradslier,' Conrad Campbell, Annelise Chesnee, Tori Clontz, W il Cope, Tiffany Devore, Ashley Estep. Victoria Greene, Rickey G reer, A lexander H am m , Chad Howard, BethLoshmit, Morgan Lynn, Joel Martin, Sara Rampersad, Winson: .Scott and Jake Sheek. Mâke this your New MsirH resolution: №kea(iuirrence! TWfi>*«roru H«00)4Hm*'AY htip//www.uniirdwiy.ori W E B U Y H O U S E S A n y C o n d i t i o n — A n y L o c a t i o n F a s t C a s h — Q u i c k C l o s i n g L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ie s Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-4371 ' / é For Rent Almost new 3BR, 2BA home in South Arbor Subdivision 751-2222 A Possible n o m oney dow n. 2 0 0 0 G esllin e hom e with p * ov er 1 6 0 0 sf. $ 8 4 ,5 0 0 ^ P L U S -3 m obile hom e lots lo b e sold with or w ithout im provem ents. ^ Priced $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 • $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 . G ill D eb bie today. ^ P e im in g to n ^ ^ ^ o n i p a n y w w .h ..i.ii.. ^ 751-9400 • 9№1284 • vmw.pennlngtonrealty.com Olivia Lee, age three, stands between two of tfie baskets for the school raffle. The bas­ inet on the left is a for a young artist and on the right is a baby basket. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Pinebrook Conducting Basket Raffle The gift baskets, some standing more than 3 feet tall, are displayed in the school’s media center for curi­ ous browsers to see. You can visit anytime before Dec. 12. That evening the winning ticket will be drawn at the schooPs PTA meeting. You Know Us... We Know Real Estate V P ru d e n tia l Carolinas Realty A gent R oator I P I X V lrtunl T o u fs 4 156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons, NC 336-714-4400 -•М-Ю4 _ГМ-ГШ _ri«4ie ^»4M0U Shwncer VtckI B. www.prudentialcarolinas.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 - DS Y o u t h C o u n c i l C o n t r i b u t e s T o F u t u r e T e e n C e n t e r (DBW A). B.C . Minor, u senior at Davie High School, and the sponsorship and dona- tionsdircctorofthcDYC(Davie Youth Council), spoke 10 Ann Dyson, o f the DBW A. He discussed the D Y C s past events such as the Halloween Carni­ val, the present progress the D YC Is making with the community as a new group, and their plans lo develop a safe, dnJg-free teen activity center for By C hum rcccc Diggs U avlcYnuth Council The Davie Youth Council has re- ceivedoverwhelmlngsupportfromlhc community through donations and partnerships. All the help that wc have acquired has contributed lo the teen programs and to the future Teen Center. Our • most recent donation came from the Davie Business Women’s Association Davie Youth. M e n A c t i n g L il< e K id s . With familiar words o f warning, the judge sent two former business partners from ihc D avic D istrict courtroom Nov. 30. "D on’t say anything to each other if you can’t say som ething nice.” Judge Jam es M . H oneycutt told Christopher East, who faced two charges o f communicating threats to 'M ichael Spaugh. After hearing both men testify, Honeycutt said this was a case o f a couple men acting like kids. The men had been partners In a construction busin ess for a few months before E ist said he wanted to go his own way. Angry bccausc he didn’t get all his tools back, Spaugh said he had tipped law enforcem ent officers where East could be found driving without a li­ cense. Upset about what he had done, East had threatened him on two sepa­ rate (Kcosions, he said. East admitted he had gone to con'> front Spaugh but denied making any threats. Honeycutt found East not guilty o f either count. B.C .. and all o f the D YC members are appreciative and thankful o f the DBW A member’s interest and will­ ingness to be an ongoing pan o f the D YC cffons. Al a recen\ DBW A business meeting. Ann Dyson pre­ sented B.G . Minor and Adult Advisor, Vicki Robinson with a donation check forS250. Minor said'Tlie D YC and I wouldliketoexpressourdcepestthanks to the D BW A for their generosity. Wc hopceveryonecontinues to support us in bur ongoing efforts to keep the teens inDavieCountyoffthestreetsand into something safe." Tlie D YC and the recreation de­ partment partnering with the Davie Family YM CA and the Cnasby Schol­ ars to start teen nights called "High School Hysteria Lock-Ins." Tlie first one will be Dcc. 16. from 8 p.m. • midnight, and will offer the teens in grades 9 - 1 2 everything from music and dancing to swimming, open gym, pool and foosball tournaments, mov­ ies. games, contests, prices and more. The admission will be S4, or 52 and 2 LEONARD REALTY 34 Town Square 751-3650/751-3875 201 Neely Street *3 Bedroom, 1 Bdlh remodeled coUagc in M ocksville. Som e hardwood П оап. Investors take note. ^ S57,000. O PEN H O U SE S u n d a y D e c . 1 0 th 2-4 p.m . 1 1 5 F o x R u n D riv e M o c k s v illeFealurlng: 4-5 BR, 2 1/2 BA; 1+/- aero lol. D IR E aiO N S;M O to ExiMSG. left on 801. Right on 158. 3-4 m iles lo Right on Fox Run Drive, first house on Icfl. M A R T H A R O L L IN S (3 3 6 ) 7 6 5 -6 6 3 3 (3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 -7 5 0 5 A nders Real Estate c o L D m e u . B A N K ßR □ TRIAD, REALTORS • Davie County tntorioctlon ol Hwys 158 A 601 (3 3 6 ) 9 9 6 - 8 8 1 6 R olocatlon: 1 -8 0 0 -327-4398 1 ш д 1 ■— ‘ ^ и ™ .wwwcold»«llbonli«rcom F e a tu re H om es IN4 UVIUINO DK UUfUDA HUN }]UJ00 06)U4ilAOAVU VKUFiüUNGm-m: k ü o J ЮТГГАШМССШКГААПtM).mOO)UUU(MVl£^xtial kr ts6rf uct!n feor ^ n еч o( Огп Ce«ii p « ч« itWi Do^itpnp Lc-cun,mivt«bii K^oolt ммАшнт-ии .JT ИУЛМНПШ lAxns lin.m.N 4 lit U lA ] ACTADUN 1Г2 mn аИШ OA ^NAA «Its iho-v I nr^ tA pnn n кд. h bMi m ™ ■ wrt bi B?wennd bo 0Í JANfÍMAnOUm-IIU SiaNOOO 4 U ] IA2A:TADUN mtxi krck rvth Й to0<frnDdttrt [km -08« bt JANÍTHASnUfM-IIH HaUt In ЧГ7 (3o4 cento«) ■'ятоп I ктг(4 ÿorcK lAOONNAKTn m-llif Mt KINCmL D« OAK VAUn |INJ0aN4HUaADAV1E KiIli t diti u m put Urn btr« n Oak ViM KMT3 ky lAI Dll.dn i IrmttnAti her« W hvtfMOii loorvnJujci^YlmorL VKU FUHINGm-IIU Mowuuuoko smntlIUMOOlMIUDAVIE Quw tl Wk t Wi Mir Ы т te-rcwi Hocb«<t U((<f M Im4t iwm. > |H Wttbcn. wcirtf ij«*nv prtf(flpcÀlUçùiu4 CA)LMWUKm-l(Ü LOTSEUSHA CUEK KtOCEiuiM tam uvim iJ/tOkTd ««ml и салг7 cerfcri Horn« hu irtiif hieint kU m пил W П9 ьи.««1очг lUlH^teMn K^ltm pOftHlaOoMblCAn.rAWUK m-IIU lOT INKnUMLK tU.100.M]UllAOAVTE АЪгЩ| hem irwh u oAtr. Сйпчгщ Ю kM i 1 OewfOMUUOKI. DM» НШОМХ УИ-111) IMCAOVliTUnm m ooiu iiAOAVtfhuMimttorlMMbaud tati« nvC*.W4‘ uh\ NIKE ZlWIEIlNANm-1117 L u N c h i s O N i s ! Come out ani! joÌN us. Meet Santa T o o ! SATURdAy, DcCEMbER 9,2000 1 2 : 0 0 NOON<’2 : 0 0 p M (Riqhr aFter tIie AiJvance ChRisTMAS ParaiIe) He(p us hElp kids Nave a Merry CIirìstmas BRÌNq AN UNWRAppEd TOy FoR OUR TOYS FOR TOTS UMpAÌ<iii And iiqitt» io wIn a wiik's AccoHnodAtloM af AN RCI «Ito»! Wi AT ColdwiU BANkll TiUd RiaUois Wmt To SAr ThANk You FoK Yovr BusÌmsi And Filindiliip Jojii u» Al QUI Coldwfill BAnkii offici AT liti coMii ol Hwy 1S8 A 801 ^MARINE CORPS RESERVE 998-1165 Monte V№He/M« 998^11М 998-1182' Amanda М111вг/ш./м.д98г:118в :998-1163 AIBinws' 998-1178. Andraa Suggs 998-1169 ' BaitMra<AÌIen QiU Pawlik ‘ ^Jahet Matten. JIH Atkins № S t M d ( U D o r i n a ^ ..ж гтп ж та п '998-1187 iKirtman■ .998-1173 ' ,B«a L|kei|k|#^99№11SSBCIaudia Ellis, ii^ ï^ à ^ 9 9^ 11 57 |ïD i|m Card 99вз1Ив§1 998-1184 99H171 ; 9 9 8 r 1 1 S 4 ;: 998r1158j; 998r1178V : 9 9 f t i i e i s ^ coLoiueu B A N K G R □ TRMD, REALTORS Ш М г М Е й О ц М ! canncd goods. To start, wc hope to offer these on the 3rd Saturday night o f cach month. W c would like everyone in the com- munily lo keep watch in the Davie Enterprise and on the Community Channel on Benchmark for upcoming activities and events. Tlie Davic Youth Council's nc.xt business meeting is Dec. 5. from 6:30 - 8 p.m.. in the meeting room at the Mocksville/Davie Parks & Recreation Dcp.'irtmcnt. Any teen ages 13 to 18 interested incrcating positive things to do for teens in Davie County are wel­ come. Formore infonnaiion.call Vicki Robinson, our adult advisor, at 751* 2325. Home For Sale By Owner 2,275 Sq. Ft. Conlofrporay Split Foycf 108 Wills Rd-Creekwood IIIDavio County Convoniont 1-40 (tMiy Winston- Salem (10 Ml.) 3BR- 2BA- Formal Oin- tjrgo Great Room Uv Rm has Slono Fircpiace with Moatolator 2 Car Garago- Now Heat Pump &R00I si20.000wittis3.000 Carpet AHowanco $10.000 bolow MarVot with no Realtor Foes!! CALL 998-2397 lor moro Into or to V>cw 185 Liberty Church Rd - Why pay rent when you can own this home. No closing costs for qualified buyers. I acre, large outbuildings. Call Larry or Sharron 751-2222 ( ; p ^ | A N i í W l i O M l í ! . p ^ Û . % Owning your own home Is a reolity! Make you; money work for you...paymenis os tow os $¿^00 with little or no money down. This brand new home olfers on open floof ploa 2 cor 3 beds/2baths end much nxife.Excellent location on Hwy 601 South. Cci EllzoboJh SwicoQOOd at 336-909-25M anytime for more infofmatioa SWICEGOODWALL&McDANlEL D c a t t/-^d c * 2205 us Ш ' $85000 l 225NewHonipiliireCI-S14aS00 l/idalJ к н home wlh gteal i i i л w tnu tm s 31 nr< «* зва w 1 и оп ат») ii w tm » tim /n Ikjorplan. Miiules (ram l-iO 3BR «»«itol s'. . Cow»«« ao nn rajmtmi ш ï ^,0,*^ toeirg. paM. open Их» fee и brj от 1»ti «5nlncrtCdbncnrtxniSon JU^rMhs hm te tap аг;ШгrtTQúíi»! Nei rd. pirt. a;«, 2tcm ar3i]njj<rTrj«tts(}ioe 6itì tandi in wc« established ûeai Wick tani.K conpieieiy Gieal mini farm w5 acres. I neiohtahood oleis lanlaslic (“ í*™ slytehome, 1 yiddGas»ood «to art 4 t o Ajia sto^^ back^ Ы Bams, Greal hoir,e on over ал acte ol land. 4 BRi. 3.5BAS, with hil basement Perfect lor laije lamily l5?CfflolinaSI-SI5«i)00 Loads ol room n Ihis great bák home on large comer lol in wel established neÿtaliood. 525ClQdslone‘ SI(M900 Tliree bedroom, 2 bath ranch, convenient to Winston-Salem, gasl09s,2car9aage. BeauMijI 2 stoiy »iti baseroent Greal Ita plan. 4BBs Л »al-in dosils-WUST SEE И tiy »11 и to Î ; r«ra, rici iras» bedrom ind tail, ш[т Ala d hw In III nin Cute collage. In historio Tío of 38R brick ranch »/Ih Cooleemee. 2 bedrooms, I bath, tsseral. Cairi a; gs lei. retiti gas heel and tsrtral air LargescreenedMrdi BeHerhurrylorthisone! n n U M U i ^ Ws brjil im hiK <ln >1 qsi №or pian, 2 car gange, 3 beds/ 2 № I5Í Pepperslone Di • SIM I 149 Cantei Ci • S%900 Great brick ranch home on over Greatn6io№o(bool3 be<ta,2 Ih's Anri dSna cn 1 91^ «ofej kt an acre. 2 or 3 bedrooms and 2 Idh tridi rsriA ratoiled 3BRs. 2 BAs, screened porch and 2 ThrMBRs,2BAsanduMnkidiiaCii balhs.AII afdiances and meh Refinehedhardwodfioori car garage In (asl growing to$eihshcmitta)( , more rieighbotoMinloMCalio&y! ^ All ЬЧ it! ihiiriew golf cornirwnily reduced to 520,000^ olirnit« < ^atS reiífvotíoni wiD be occepfed ot éiij price! OjI lo reierve yourlol todoy! Beautiful ocreoge Iroch ovoiioble. Pick you loi for $24,900 for a limiled time ONIYI aujP Wejfesitej ftt WWW,re.alçs;tate.(n.(l.a4 i,ej.ço,tn, I' ^ D6 - D avie c o u n ty e n te r p r is e r e c o r d , dcc. 7,2000 Administrative Court T h e follow ing cases were dis*- posed o f Davie Administrative court Nov. 17. Presiding was Judge Ellen D rechsler. Prosecuting was M ary Covington, assistant DA. — Jaim e A. Almazan, 55 mph in a 4 0 zone, reduced to improper equip* m €n t,SlO ,cost. — Enrique R. Alvarez, 83 mph In a 7 0 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $50. cost. — Jose M. Alvarez, 83 mph in o 7 0 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment. $50, cost. — Joshua B . Anderson, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil settle* ment. — Amy M . Angell, 74 mph in n 55 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment, $50, cost. — Christopher M . Angell, 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost. —>John D. Babbit, failure to re­ duce speed, dismissed, civil seule* ment. — Angela M . Bamhardt, 88 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74*70, cost. — Mary P. Beal, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to im proper equip* ment. $10. cost. — Aurelio C . Beiza. 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment, $10, cost. — Danile M . Benitos, failure to wear seatbelt, no license, dismissed^ insufficient evidence. “ N orm a J . B ishop, failure to . wear seatbelt, dismissed — Sheila L . Blanton, inspection violation, dismissed, made cost. — G ilbert L . Boger. unsafe move* ment, dismissed, civil settlement. — Telitha M . Bostian. 86 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed. $25, cost. — Darisse D . Bowden. 85 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. — Mark E. Bridges, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — JeanneS.Broadw ay.51 mph in a 4 0 zone, reduced to im proper equipment. $10. cost. — Lucy M . Brown, 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — M ichael S. Burdict, 84 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to im proper equipment. $50, cost. — Harold E. Buttkc, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed, civil settle­ ment. — Stephen E. Capuson, no li* cense, dismissed, made cost. — Gregory A. Carpemter. 64 mph in a 50 zone, reduced to improper equipm eni.SlO , cost. ' ‘^K ennetfi D. Chandler, unsafe m ovem ent, reduced to im proper equipment. $10, cost. — Victorino R. Chavero. 87 mph in a 7 0 zone, reduced to 74-70, cost. — Hope M . Christian, 69 mph in a 5 5 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $ 10.co sl. — Nicholas PC ianciosi. failure to stop at a stop sign, reduced to im< proper equipment, $10, cost. -G re g o ry A. C lary, failure to notify DM V o f address change, dis­ missed, made cost. — Auburn B , CofTey, 71 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, $25, cost. — Kenneth A. Cohen, 84 mph in a 7 0 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $50. cost. — Deanna M . Cole, 80 mph In a 70 mph zone, reduced to Improper equipment, $10. cost. — Sean V. Costabile. 83 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. cost. — John J. Deangelo, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — Rebecca H. Denton, 80 mph in a 7 0 zone, reduced lo im proper equipment. $10, cost. — Graciel R. Diaz, no license, dismissed, made cost. — Luis F. DioA no license, $50- cost. — Tom cP.D laz.no license, $50. cost. F F E C T S Let us do your holiday shopping. F raleigh's# ! A Woman’s Best Friend 1616 LtwlsvJlle*Cltmmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 766-7440 Mon.<Frl. 10-9 Sjt. I(M llolidav Trash Pick­ up SGUedule ; Customers who would normally have trash pick-up on Monday, Dec. 25th will have pick­ up on Tuesday, Dec. 26th along with our regular Tuesday pick-ups. No other holiday changes will occur. G.D.S./DAVIE 131 Industrial Blvd., Mocksvllle, NC • 751-1585 Even if your driving record has laken d few detours, you can still gel good dulo insurance. Notionwldo* Injuranco can got you boclc on iho road. Wo cifor a wido rango of covoragos for drivers with records ihol are loss than perfect. All or which are available al compotillve prices wilh convenienl paymeni pfani. Call todoy for a free quotel Satianu iJt h (hi YourSiJt* Insurance & Financial Services For Agtm E-hUII «nrwntllonwMt.com NalœMlt Uufud Imurtnc* СогГ(Чпу tnì ёПЛЛлЛ Сот^шма Нолч Ofhc«; On« N4inr«tici« Plwa. Cokjn«ut. OH 432tS*2220 N»tcrwtidt« a ■ woaigml Ы»>«1 «тис« m>rt» el NOwn»»!« Сагушуу Cana News W B j Joh n "C o in " Godn-in Cana Correspondent I think that the weathennen are gcltinglheirmforaialionfromihesame people that Dan Rather gels his elec­ tion results from. Not veiy accurate. TheW oolyW onnisabcltcrprcdictor. I had the honor o f attending the North Carolina Faim Bureau Conven- tionii)GreensborowiihDavieCounty ' FamiBureau'sPiesidentEdwtnBoga. M r.Bogerwasavolingdelegaleatthe convention. Look for Mr. Bogei's picture in a few weeks in the paper. The Cana Bazaar is coming this Sanirday. Don't be late. Don't be late. The baked goods and crafts will not be around forlong. Fust come Hist serve. Don't be late. The Wassail is great. The doors open at 10 a jn . this Sanir­ day and you had belter be in line before that. Don’t te late. Did I mention the ’ food is great? Nowforastoty... Therelwas,deep in' the Cana Woods as a p x k o f wild coyotescameuponme. Ihadnowheic togo:briersoniheleftandbriersonthe right, coyotes in from and Big Bear Canyon in back of me. All 1 had was . my multiple use pockel knife. I pulled out the schraded blade and sumed swinging. Fur and fangs were flying everywhere. Then the Alpha Male W olf lunged at me, I hit the ground as I ducked and he fell to his death in the vastcanyon. Thesmallercoyotestheii realized they were dealing wlihasupe- riorwoodsmanandianaway. O KO K, t figure you would not believe that so Ihis is what really happened. Nick Taylor and myself were in ihe woods clearing a trail. He radioed to me that he was surrounded by howling coy­ otes and did I hear them. I said I heard themloudandclearaslranintolhecab -. of the tnick. He chased after Ihein but when the coyotes realized it was a person, they disappeared as quickly as, ’ ■ they arrived. Jimmy Taylor tells tne that coyotes are naiutally scared of huraahs. / Happy belated birthday to Jeailiiie : \ Cajn'Briggs- ¡9i Rilchie, Carol AlUi i; M oditqo, Happy binliday lo 6 u l ; ' BlV^bp»feIr.,Rich»aEsl«Etchl8< A i'^ , , ..;'^iài^E«ton;aiidPiytonFro«^^ ^ n e i i A .ïoéev'â RéHAeibìwioM WAâ MO ршее oe ¿мсе. e u f таё wav днё тмАМКёр up il т ш в ш ш т т ш ^ т , ' When Shelia Josey first appeared at our Elizobeth C. Stanback Rehabilitation Unit, she wasn't just a patient. She was a project. She couldn't walk. She couldn't use her arms and hands. She had difficulty talking. But one thing Shelia had going for her: She had. come to the right place. '^\\l/// So our speech therapists, physical therapists, and nurses went to work on Shelia. And soon her words come back. And then movement In her arms end legs. And along with all that, her spirit. Meanwhile, our occupotlonal therapists had been retraining her In the skills she would need when she That's because here, In this stote-of-the . returned to work as a cake decorator at Food Lion, art inpatient facility, specialists from And soon those skills returned, too. many different areas combine their R C W C A N R E G I O N A L To prove it, Shelia baked us a cake and knowledge to literally put shattered lives itos^'teiSiiSihcut. back together again. ' „ww.tow.n.org ' ‘thank you" we've ever had. 613 Mocliivlllc Avenue, Sallibuty • 704-310-5308 PU BLIC NOTICES DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 - D7 eLA S S IE lE D S North Carolina ,Davie CountyIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE : DISTRICT COURT DIVISION : 2000 CVO 679' NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S•SALE OF REAL ESTATE lOeborah B. Renn, iPlanliff ^V9.!r^ark L. Renn,:Oefendanl::; UNDER AND BY virtue of an Order dt the Honorable Jack E. Klass. District iCourt Judge ot Davie County, North ;Caro1ina, entered on the 21st day ol November, 2000, made In this proceed­ing. the undersigned, who were by said Order appointed Co-Commissioners to sell the lands described In the Order will on Wednesday. January3,2001 at 11:00 a.m. at the Davie County Courthouse^140 South Main Street, Mocksvllle, North Carolina. 27028 sell that certain tract or parcel o( land tying and being in Farmington Township, Davie County, North Carolina and being more particu- lariy described as follows on the at* leched Exhibit A which consists of three ^ges hereafter and is hereby incorpo- foaled by reference as if set in full.The sale shall be made to the highest bidder for cash and an earnest money deposit equal to ten percent ot the bid price will be required from the tu^est bidder in the form of cash or check with approved letter ol credit. The sale shall be subject to upset bids as by law pro« vided and confirmation by the Court.The property shall be sold a& is. whore is without warranty, express or implied and subject to alt taxes, liens, restrictions, defects or er>cumbrances of record, if any. The property shall be S(^ in seperate tracts or lumped to­gether as the Commissioners seefit and additional terms ot the sale shall bo announced at the lime of sale.This 28th day of November. 2000Grady L McCfamrock, Jr NCSB #7866Co^Commlssloner 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 Sally W. Smith NCSB« 10528 Co*CommItiloner Martin & Van Hoy. L.LP.Ten Court Square Mocksville, N027028 Telephone: (336) 751-2171 EXHIBIT *.V TRACT 1:BEQINNlNQatanlron In the south- westcomerotTetesaRichardsoftlOeed Book 163. Page 610): thence with Richardson's line South 86* i r 07' East 352.75 feet to an iron in the northwest comer of Ricky Stanley (Deed Book 162, Page 330, and Deed Boook 164. Page 132): thence South 04* 56* 47* West 125.25 feet to an iron: ther>ce with Stanley’s line South 85* 01‘ 40* East 259.78 feet to an iron in the tine of Sue ComaUer Tucker (Deed Book 152, Page 701): thence with Tucker's line South 16* 21* 26* East 5.33 feet to an Iron: thence with Tucker’s line South 06* 00' 00* West 130.69 feel to an Iron; therKe with the northern line ot James W. Lederer, Jr (Deed Book 171, Page 811) North 63* 46’ 58* West 313.97 feet to an iron: thence with Lederer's western line South 15* 08‘ 38* West 72.0 feet to an iron; thence with anew line for Thurman Tucker (Deed Book 111, Page 434) North 64* 33' 40* West 308.37 feet to an Iron; thence with the line ot Eugene C. Foster (Deed Book 96, Page 682) North 05* 54' 07* East 210.00 feet to the point and place of Beginning, containing 2.957 acres, more or less, assurveyed by Julia E. Cherry, Registered Land Surveyor, on January 26,1996.TRACT 2:BEGINNING at an iron slake, the southwest comer of Kenneth B. Fleck (Deed Book 133, Page 69) in the east* em line of James W. McCulston; thence from said point of BEGINNING and with McCuiston's easier line South 4* 32' 56* West 49.89 feet lo an Iron stake; thence with McCuiston's southern line North 77* 26* 25* West 181.30 feel to an iron stake, the southwest cornet of James W. McCulston Is the easier right-of-way line of a 30 fool wide private easement: thence crossing said easement North 77* 26‘ 25* West 30.85 feet to an Iron slake in the western right-of-way line of the 30 fool wide private road easement: thence conlinulngNorth77*26'25’Wesl 131.42 feel lo an iron stake In the easier line of Tax Lot 38. MapC-7, as presently shown on Davie County Tax Maps; thence with said easierm ;ome Spitj 5* O'0* West 135.36 feet to an Iron stake 135.36 to an iron slake, the northeast corner of Thurman Tucker; thence wilh Tucker’s northern tine South 64® 49; Ot’ East 309.66 feet lo an iron slake in the southern right of way line of a 30 fool wido private easement; thence continu­ing South 84* 49' 01* East 65.87 feel lo an Iron slake in Stanley's northem line; thence a new line with Stanley North 5*19' 23* East 140.23 feel to an Iron stake in the southern line of Kenneth B. Fleck; thence wilh Fleck's southern tine North 83* 23* 03* West 36.15 (eel to an tron stake, Kenneth B. Fleck's soutwesl cor­ner. the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 1.0002 acres, more or less.In accordance with a survey made by John Richard Howard, R.L.S.. dated January 30, 1992 and bearing Job 89038A. Forfurtherreference see Deed Book 152, Page739of the DavieCounty Registry.Together with a non-exclusive per­petual easement for the purposes of Ingress, egres, regress over and upon the easement roadway described in Deed Book 90, Page 78 ot the Davie County Registry, which, extends weslwardly from Redland Road (S.R. No. 1442)along the linesof Keith Hodson and Lillian Smith (now or formerly) ap­proximately 860 feel to a point also conveyed herein as a non-exclusive easement for roadway and utility pur­poses over an existing roadway leading to Redland Road, a part of which does not lie completely within the above-de- scnbed 60 fool wide easement. The existing road Is approximately 15 foot in width. The 15-foot vtride roadway is conveyed for so long as the portion lying outside of the 60 fool right-of-way exists.To^lher With and subject to a non­exclusive easmenel for ingress, egress and regress and for the installation and maintenance ol utility lines over a 30 foot wide strip of land descnbed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake located at the southeast comer of the above-de- scnbed trad conveyed herein; ihence from said point of BEGINNING and with the easier line of the above-described tract. North 5* 19' 23* East 30.0 teet lo an iron stake;thencecrossing the above- described tract North 64* 49' 01* West 59.65 feet to an iron slake; thence North 61* 06' 24* West 167.81 feel to an iron slake; Ihence North O' 55’ 44* West 17.11 feet lo an iron stake in the north­ern line of the above-described tract, said iron also being James. W. McCuiston's southwest comer; ihence across the landsol Rick A. Stanley North 0* 55' 44* West 73.44 feel to an iron stake; thence North 8” 59' 10* East 57.10 feet to an iron stake; ihence North 70’ 10* 03* East 31.37 feet to an iron stake, the northwest comer of James W. McCulston; thence wilh James W. McCuiston's nolhem line North 70* 10* 03* East 166.55 feet to an iron slake in the weslem line of Kenneth B. Fleck; thence with the weslem line ol Kenneth B. Fleck North 04*32' 16* East 141.68 feet to a stone in the northem line of the 60 fool wide easement. North 82* 39' 15* West 30.04 feel lo a point; thence South 4* 32' 16* West 123.81 feet to a point: thence on a tine 30 feet from'and parallel wilh the northem line of James W. McCuiston South 70» 10* 03* West 198.31 feet lo an iron slake; thence South 8* 59' 10* West 77.44 (eel lo an iron stake: thence South 0* 55' 44* East 68.84 feel lo an iron stake in the north­em line of the above-described tract; thence entering ihe above-described tract South 0* 55' 44* East 41.70 feet lo an Iron stake: thence South 61* 06' 24* East 191.49 feet to an iron slake In the northemtineofThurmanTucker,Ihence wilh the northem line of Thurman Tucker and falling In with the northem line ol Stanley. South 84* 49' 01* East 65.87 feet lo an iron slake the southeast cor* ' ner of the trad herein conveyed and Ihe pointand place BEGINNING. Saidease* ment extends from the southwest cor* ner of the tract herein conveyed across said trad northwardly across a portion of Rick A. Stanley's land'and turns eastwardly across Stanley and falling in with Ihe northern line of James W. McCulston to a point where the existing ISfool wide roade enters and then turns northwardly to reach Ihe 60 fool wide easement described In Deed Book 90,. Page 76 of Ihe Davie County Registry. Said description is In accordance with a . sun/ey made by John Richard Howard, R.LS., bearing the same dale and Infor* matlon as the tract above described. North Carolina Davie CountyNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of Ihe Estate of Oltis Lee Gobble, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons hav*. Ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before ihe 1st day of March, 2001. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This Is the 30lh day of November, 2000.■ John Odell Gobble. Exec 481 Ralph RatledgeRd ; Mocksville, NO 27028* ’ ’ V ' 11*30*410 North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITOR'SHaving qualified as ^eculor of the Estate , of Roberta Donaho Goodwin, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said es­tate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 16lh day of February, 2001. being three (3) months Irom the first day ot publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persor^s Indebted to said estate will ' please make immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 16th day of November. 2000, Edward Kevin Goodwin, Coex . 14935 Oxford Hollow Huntersville. ,N0 28078 Susan Goodwin McCollum. Coex 130 East Lake Drive . MoCksvUI«. NO. 27028 The easements conveyed herewith are non-exclusive and рофе1иа1 and shall run with and be an encumbrance upon the title lo the land over which the easements cross.Rick A. Stanley and wile, lor them­selves. their heirs and assigns, resen/e and retain a permanent easement for Ingress, egress and regress and for the installation of utility lines which do not interfere wilh the access easement over and across that portion of the 30-foot wide roadway which crosses the land herein conveyed for the benefit of their remaining land to the east and south of \ho property herein conveyed and any land they may purchase lo the south of the property herein conveyed.11-30-41П North Carolina Davie CountyCREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix of the Estate of Ben 0. Ellis, lale of Davie County, Ihis is to noWy all persons hav* ing claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 23rd day of Febmary, 2001. being three (3) months from the first day of publica* lion or this notice Ш be pleaded in bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immedi* ate paymeni lo the undersigned.Cynlhla Ann Ellis Michael 1631 Yadkin Valley Road Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & VanHoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ton Court Square Mocksville, NC 27018 11-23-41П NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DAVIE COUNTY WORK FIRST PROGRAM YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on December 18. 2000 at 5:15 o’clock p.m., in the Commissioners' Meeting Room in the Davie County Administra­tion Buikfing, 123 South Main Street. Mocksville, North Carolina, the Davie County Board of Commissioners will holda public hearing regarding the Davie County Work FirstProgramlorthoyeaTS 2001 through 2003.The intent ol this Hearing is to re­ceive public comment on the Davie County Work First Program. A copy of the Work First Plan is available for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk. Davie County Administration Building. 123 South Main Street. Mocksville. NC 27028 and at the Department of Social Sen/ices. 226 Hospital Street. Mocks­ville. NC 27028.12-7-21П North Carolina Davie CountyCREDITOR'S NO^CE HAVING QUALIFiED AS Executor ol the Esate of James Nathaniel Richardson. Jr.. late ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to iheundersignedonorbeforetheeihday of March, 2001, being three (3) months ' from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay* ment to Ihe undersigned.This 7lh day of December. 2000. James Chartes Richardson 111 Winchester Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attomey at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27026 12*7*4ln North Carolina Davie CountyADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Administratrix of the Estate of* MAE BOGER McCLAMROCK. tale ol Davie County. -North Carolina, this Is to notify all per* sons having claims against the estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 8lh day of March, 2001. said date being at least three months from the date ot firsi publication of this notice, or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned.This 7th day of December. 2000. Ihe same being the first publication dale. Jane. M. Bowers and Dorothy M.Boger.Co^Admlnislralrix for the Estate of• MAE BOGER McCUMROCK Grady U McClamrock. Jr.. Attomey at Law NCSB«7866 161 South Main Street Mocskville, NC 27028 12*7*3tn RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road* Mocksville, NC(336)284-2826 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING AMEND­MENTSNOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu­ant to the requirements of Paragraph 94.140(A)(3) of the Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Board of County Commlsslonersof DavieCounty will hold a Public Hearlngln the Commissioners Room of the Davie County Administra­tive Building. Mocksvillo, NC on Mon­day, December 18,2000 at 5:30 p.m.The following road names are pro­posed to be oiiiclally adopted on Ihe Enhanced 911 Addressing Map for the purposes of street naming and house numbering. Alt roads have been peti­tioned by the property owners and meet the minimum requirements lor naming.1. Nicholas Way Located at: 2407 Farmington Road. Mocksville2. Workman's Way Located at: 142 Klickitat Trail. Mocksville3. Gray Carter Lane Located at: 168 Uvengood Road. Advance4. Bluegrass Trail Located at: 1341 Davie Academy Road5. Stacee Trail Located at: 453 Michaels Road. Mocksville6. Pine Cone Trail Located at; 131 Terrace Lane, Mocksville7. Davie Farms Trail Located at:1185 Godbey Road. Mocksville8. Raccoon Trail Located at: 926 Wyo Road. Mocksville9. Hartman Lane Located at: 2005 Farmington Road. Mocksville10. Happy Trail Loâaled at: 2884 US HWY 601 N, Mocksville11. Mohegan Trail Located at: 4116 US HWY 601 S. Mocksville12. Ashley Lane Located at: 822 Angell Road. Mocksville13. Trill Une Located at: 6608 NC HWY 801 S. Mocksville14. Hidden Passage Located at: 221 Fox Run Drive15. Brooke Rose Lane Located at: 2905 US HWY 64 E. Mocksville16. Paradox Lane Located at: 3192 US Hwrreot s. Mocksville17. Gibson Way Located at: 620 Pine Ridge Road. Mocksville18. Elnoras Lane Located at: 457 Cedar Creek Road, MocksvilleAll parties and interested citizens are invited lo attend said hearing at which lime they shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the foregoing changes. Prior to the hearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional information on a proposal or ask any questions they may have by visiting the Planning Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340.John Gallimore Planning and Zoning 12-7-2tn North Carolina Davie CountyCREDITOR’S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED asExeculrix of the Estate of Billy Gray Laird, late ot Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 2001. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 7lh day of December, 2000.Donna E. Laird, Executrix T. DanWomble Attomey at Law P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 ,12-7-4tn North Carolina Davie CountyCREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVINGOUALIFIEDASCo-Admin- Islralors ol the Estate of MAMIE HOWARD NAIL, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the underslgnedon or before the 6lhday of March. 2001, being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate pay­ment lo the undersigned.This 7th day of December. 2000. James W. Nall, Co-Adm. 247 Howardlown Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Ann N. Rich • 158 Nail Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 . Martin & Van Hoy. LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 12-7-4ln Yard Sales A TO Z CONSIGNMENTS & ALTERATIONSHolon Bogor 974 Farmington Road Mocksvillo. NC 27028 _____(910)998-3013_____ CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES(336)751-6252- BarblQS. now lino of Ashloy BqIIo dolls, furnituro; tea sets, assorted Hot Wheels, porcolain dolls. Cricketl dolls, etc. Shop now and lay-a-way for Christmas! LARGE SALE: Everything must go, cheap: wood & glass coffeo tablQS, table & chairs, coucti. glasswaro. tools, household goods of all kinds, full-sized boa and drosser with mirror and box springs and mattress, 3150. Old weighing scale with light. $100. L-shaped wood computer desk wilh seven drawers, SIOO. new artificial (lowers (or weddings and funerals and other things, toys. Call 284-2199, ask for Louise.___________ Last 3 days of Moving & Closing Sale- Fri. Sat & Sun. Everything Must Go... Doors Closed Mon, 12th.. 25%lo75%offl M DONT MISS IT. Tilo Wl table, $30 30 chairs S5.S10&$15 Coffee & end tables, from 310 Did ringer washer, $50 Dining room crendonza, $150 Camel box collocliblo, S5 Drosses, from $25 Dolls display case. $125 Lamps, from $5 B/W television, $10 AT&T telephones. $7 Bed ruffles, SI Cat mittens. SI Sewing machines S25 & 335 King, queen & double bed 50%2 Tables ol .25 items Thousands of other items. Bob Myer moving lo Yadkinville, Hwy421. For Mike & Madeline.call 751-2271 to deal with remaining itoms in warehouse. MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES 4 FLEA MARKET653 Wilkesboro St. MOVING SALE: Doc 6-9 8:30-? Corner of 801 & Riverview Rd. Late 1600 oak china cabinot,Q-bed. quilt top, old money & more. O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL O R WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Arthur Bostick 336>492-5992 WISiCAHUiR MINI-STORAGEFor all your storage needs, choosc us! Come by to inquire about Tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CaCC lodaij! (336)'998-8810 Animals 7 YR OLD Bay Gelding, $1200. 998-0836 after 5pm.________ AKC BLACK & brown .Cocker Spaniel, 1&1/2yrs. old, male. $150 080; rogislorod poodles: 2 females. SI 50 each, 1 male, $350 OBO 1-2 yrs. old. Female, brown and while CKC registered Cocker Spaniel 1&1/2 yrs. old. $150. Call 284-2109______________ AKC REGISTERED FEMALE boxer pups (or sate. Just in time (or Christmas. Call 998-6296 after 5pm.________________ CHICKENS FOR SALE: Buff Cochins Banthams. S3-$5. Call Jerry. 492-5569__________ FOR SALE: Rat Terriers with papers. Two 7*week old puppies. 1 female- 1&1/2 yr. old. $100 each. Call 336-463-5228._________ FREE CAT to good home. 9 yr old male, do-clawed and neutered. Call after 5pm. 996-4663_____ SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES. Black & while. Mates. $300/ea. Females. $250/ea. AKC registered. Day 751*9280, evening 909-2402. Leave messaqe. FREE TO GOOD HOMEBrown terrier mix female puppy 5 months ola; has had first shots. Call 751-7795. Apartments FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM duplex. North Rowan area. $375 & deposit and ref. No pels. 336-284-4712 MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished including dishwasher. 1.5 balhs, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heal and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kilchen& bath floors. Located in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks FunRure building (now Carolina Precision MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Saws.Yard Tools, Chain Saw Chains, ________Scissors. Hand Saws GALVALUME so YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors s Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS i LARRY’S I ¡W OODFLOOR SERVICE j] Laying • Sanding • Rnishingg FREE ESTIMATES g Owner: Larry McClenney n 129 Lakewood Drive g 336-751-1721 s New&OM Roofs • Free Estimates Perkins Rooflng 336-998-1150 MachirTery) on Sunset Or. off ol Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 ."W-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. Appliances SAVE MORE Reconditioned and GauranteedAppliances, service work, we sen/iceali major brands. Just past the car wash on 601 south. PRE FALL SALE: drYers~S75.00 washers-SIOO.OO stoves-SSO.OO refrigeralors-SIOO.OO Call 751-3545 960 Salisbury Rd.(next lo Fuller Welding)30 day written guarantee I Щ М М .T U E ß Q 'A m 7:OQ|;l IHM SALE: Gars-TriKks Utility Buiklings Carports: All Sizes, AH Galvanlzad AHSIiePoaimi 336-751-3442 Mocksville. NC MILLER EQUIPMENTNj RENTAL FALL IS HERE! B o liciii a a ra to t c a re Dliiuuer & m ore lor rent luilay! 751-2 3 0 « Warning Signs ol Heart Attack Whin hiiit attiU occuri, mry mlnuti coants. Don’t Wilt. Oil hilplMt. • Uncomloitabia pressure, fullness, squee:ing or. pain In the center ol the chest lasting more than a tew minutes. • Pain may spread to the shoulders, rieck ot arms. • Chest discomtoil with light headedness. tainting, sweating, nausea or shortness ol breath rruy ' alsooccur. . , . Somillmti INti tym^lomi go nray aM IhM ntwi <TafciliitmMrioatly,M4f«liM«(alM9. y - D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 G L A S S IF IE D S INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE Building for Rent ■ Homes For Rent ■ Miscellaneous •Rfltail Sp ace fo r Rent G reat storofront for ront in downlown Mocksvilto. 700+ sq. It. $450/month. 704*278.1717 Child Care K EEP CHILDREN MY home. 492* 5727_________________________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HAS immediate openings for Infants thm preschoolers, discount for second child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbie.____________ LOVING GRANDMOTHER WILL do babysitting in my homo Mon thm Fri. Please call 264-2199. ask for Louise. Farm Machinery 245 M ASSEY FERGUSON diesel tractor. P/S, front end loader & forks. Approx. 2400 hrs. S7.400.00 492-5169_______________ KOBOTA B 9200 TRACTOR, new H dv.stat. C all336-940-6156. FOR RENT: 2 bodroom. 1&1/2 bath stove & refrigerator. Free Furniture BABY RO C KERS FOR CHRISTMAS in a variety of colors and mattress sale. 492-7780. 492-5466____________________________ CHILDREN'S WHITE WICKER . bedroom suite (twin bed, dresser & mirror, night stand and lingerìe chest). 492-7335___________________ USED FURNITURE O F all kinds/ in good condition. For more information, call 492-7780 or 492- 5466. Homes For Rent 3 BEDROOM. 2 Bath home. Farm location with 3/4 acre field that can be fenced for one horse. Beautiful, fireplace, wet bar, Jacuzzi tub. walk- in closets, sep. laundry facilities and full screened front porch. S800/monthly. 996-3678___________ 4BR, 2 bath- garage/bsmt Advance- SSOCvmo. plus sec deposit 3BR , 2 Bath- garage. Advance- $900.m o. plus sec deposit 3BR , 2 bath- garage- new construction. Mocksville- S900/mo. plus sec deposit 3BR 1 bath- nat gas heat, central air, $475/mo. pms sec deposit Pennington ft Com pany Realty BRICK HOME, Jericho Church Rd. 1150 square feet. All appliances, storage building, and carport. References required. Available Jan 1. No HUD. $650.00 7 5 M 1 0 8 FO R RENT WITH option to buy: 3 ¡bedroom, 2 bath brick house on ; large lot with appliances, storage • building & fenced dog lot. blacktop ¡drive. Off Milling Rd. Call 751- 17358 or (7041872-5565 water & garbage pick-up. Very pretty instde. Farmington area. $415.00 704-873-5426_____________ HOUSE FO R REN T: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2400 square feet. Executive homo. Upscale Mocksville neighborhood. $1,000.00 month. Will consider lease to purchase. 336-75M 203. LARGE 2-STO RY log homo with acreage, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage, wrap-around porch. Rent mo. to mo.- 31500/mo. plus sec deposit. Pennington & Company Realty, 751-9400 Homes For Sale #1 IN LAND/HOME SERVICE HOME ZONE 1-(800)866-8874 FSB O : 3 bodroom. 2 bath, fireplace. 2-car garage, 1266 s()uare (eet, on a 1-acro partially wooded lot. $129,000. 155 Camden Court. Advance. 998-1799 HOUSE FOR SA LE 1462 sq ft on approx 1 acre. New thermal swing windows. Location: 601 S. Call 336-492-5116 or leave m essage. Price: $94.900.00__________________ PO SSIBLE NO MONEY downi Almost 1800 sq. ft. lor St 19.900. Pool, corner lot. only 4 years old. Call Rodney or Debbie 336-909- 3803 or 336-909-1284. Pennington & Company Realty. Chase Grading | Gradino • Hauling Landscaping Land C leartng • D rivew ays ■ G ravel * M u fch ' Fill D ill • New Law ns 336-998-1053 A senior citizen complcx. now taking applications for IBR units in Mocksville. Have one vacant unit now available. Rent t)ased on income, for info, call 7SI-200S or write: Mock Place. PO Box 1056, Mocksville. NC 27028.Equal Housing Opponuniiy. TDD 1-800-735-2962 5 0 0 to rc c lo sc d H om es 1л6мг|1а.1оПкС««ши, SeMlliCmiM ft Тамтам CIIKCK ОШ-TtlHSE LOCAL PHOrtKTIHS MOCKSVIl.LE (556) 285 C leary Road 2B R ,2B A ,600S q. FI. p СЫ11 ec a I'm. •NotUrkTam AlAKxlAUj ВпикикЦЦЬ •rUr« ОГТСХАЯ MunDtUibAиГТХХАЯ pboiuiOfW« w w w . h - m t e x a s . c o m Broker Piiliclpalion Invited!! 8 0 0 441-9401 Land For Sale 1-5 ACRE lots starting at $.5000 per acre. Owner financing available. Call Mr. F. L. Wood at 1-888-21M 482.____________________ SECLUDED 30 ACRES S5300.00/acre. Call Rodney Bailey at 336-909-3803. Pennington & Company Realty. Lost & Found BLACK LAB MIX, female wtiite marking witt) a red collar. 492- 2086________________________________ FOUND: DALMATION: older, gentle, helty male. 998-3607 or 751-5544 after 5pm.________________ FOUND: IRISH SETTER 998-6750____________________________ FOUND: RED & wtiite Jack Russell mix 998-8750_____________ LO ST CAT: Hillsdale area, solid black, missing tiis right front leg. answ ers to New Moon. 940-5426 Lots For Rent FARMINGTON HEIGHTS Mobile Home Spaces for Rent. Call 998-5462. S5.69/ea. 4’x12'1/2‘ sheetrock, $6.99/ea. New roofing shingles. $14.95/sq. Porgo limalnate flooring, St.99/sq. ft.6 panel Exterior Steol Door units, S84.00/ea.; Formica, $.50/sq. It. Interior paneling. SS.95/ea.; BIdg. stone S140 per pallet/140 sq. It.; Roofing felt. S6.95/roll: W e stock stainless steel In sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36’ dia. Wo stock pumps & accessories for wells. Steel I-Beam s For Sale. 6’ Landscaping timbers, $1.99/oa. K & G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road) 1st business on W est bank of Yadkin River ___________910-699-2124___________ FOR SA LE: Sharp counter top microwave. $150. Computer desk. $150. 751-7415ord av766-6473 FOR SALE: 1* Leonard camper top. S250 1- G E pot scrubber dishwasher (never used). $100 492-5223____________________________ KENNELS FOR SA LE: 10x10x5. $175.00: 10x10x6. $195.00. Full price. 492-5855 MULCH FOR SALE: hardwood or ccdar, $100.00 dump truck load deliverod. 492-2381.655-3173 NEW BEDLINER FOR late model Dodge Ram L.B. Also, rail caps. Call 336-940-6156._________________ 2 CT. DIAMOND 18K bracelet. $1200.00. 14K bracelet watch, $500.00. 751-3125_________________ 360 C.I.D. V8 Dodge Eng. Low miles. C all336-940-6156. 4X8 TILT TRAILER C ali336-940 6156._________________ ARCH STEEL BLD GS. End of Year Scratch & Dent Sale. Savings Up To 60% . 20x28, 25x38, 35x64. Will Finance. No Reasonable Offer Refused. Call 1-800-222-6335. Beal the Now Years Resolution LO SE WEIGHT Dr. Recommended Guaranteed! 910-949-2288 888-822-3428 www.v-herbmall.com/ option4u FR EE SAM PLES Are You Getting Older? Ht^ppy 60th Btrthd4yl From: D ic k, Fa m il y AND Fr ie n d s GENE TREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Roofs 24 Yoars Expofionco Froo Estimates 336-284-4571 Miscellaneous ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale FOR SALE: K & G SALVAGE 2x4 studs, $1.25/oa. pkg.; 4’x7‘ x 5/16* sheetrock. S3.99/ea.; 4’x9‘, S4.99/ea. Vinyl siding, $34.95/ square Adult briefs, $3.95/pk.. Insulated window sash, $4/pr. 5’4’x8’2* hardboard. $3.99/ea.; 4x9, $5.95/ea. bathroom sinks with facet, range hoods. $14.95/ea.; 4 ’x8’cedar closet liner. 9.95/ ea.; _ : 5/4” treated decking bds., 8', ^ S3.49/ea.: 10'. $4.49/ea.; 12‘ USED RAILROAD C R O SS TIES- from $2-$9. Delivery available. Limited amount froo. 336-699- 2006 or 699-8593___________________ WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284-4194 Mobile Homes/Rent 2B R . 1 BATH, central air & heat on irivalelot. 601 north. 3 miles from locksvillo. $350.00 month plus deoosil. 336-751-2532 READY TO MOVE IN 2Br mobile home, nice, private lol, near Leo Jean s. $395/mo. 751-1218. (704)872-3367___________ READY TO MOVE in. 2 bodroom upstairs apartment, fully furnished with utilities. S450/mo. 751-1218 or (704)872-3367___________________ READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick apartment. Fully furnished, electricity furnished. 751-1218 or (704) 872-3367. Mobile Homes/Sale M 1ST TIME Buyors Program: No Credit Needed. Call for Free Qualification. Homo Zone. 1-(600)866-8874____________________ ICREDIT HOTLINE! 1-800-866-6874 Froo Approval by Phono in Minutos Homo Zone ITRUE MODULAR HOMEI 3B R .2B A . 7/12 PITCH ROOF DRY WALL. ALL THE OPTIONS SE T UP ON YOUR LAND FOR $59,900. HOME ZONE 1(800)866-8874_____________________ S NO CREDIT? No Problem!!- Homo only. Land/ Homo, all areas starting at $ 1 2 0 0 .dn. 336-751- 0503________________________________ 55Э. RfiL WcqK Sn cclfljlll 3BR Fleetwood...Move in TodayHI! Coll 1-888-211-4482. ALREADY SE T UP, never lived in. 1038 sq. ft. of living space only $500 down. Call 744-1306. ASSUM E PAYMENTS ON homo In Clemmons area. 744-1308 BAD CREDIT OK. Guaranteed financing w/1500 down. 751-7734 BAD CREDIT? Gov. approved loan program guaranloos you will get financed. (336)751-0115 Beautiful 3 BR . 2 Bath homo already sot up on 1 acre lo t Too many options to list. Call 1-704- 872-2347. Hablamos Español. Brand now 28x80, 2001 sq . (t. 'FO RECLO SED * '98 MODEL doublowide only 60 payments loft. 751-7734___________ 0% DOWN. $487 per month. 4 bodroom 2 bath. 751-0115 1 ACRE LEFT. Eaton's Church Road, valuable properW. $0 down. Land and Homo. 751-7734_________ 1986 2BR , 2BTH - noods minor repairs. $2900 del & set*up. Will finance. 336-751-0503 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath, liko now. Owner financed. 751-0115_________ 4BR/ 2000 SQ ft. Tako over payments. Already sot up. Call 744-1307.___________________________ ? LAND/ HOME Packages? Yes. You Canlll Why ront when you can own all? Land. Homo. wolf, septic, brick, etc. Paym ents starting at $500. HOME ZONE. 1-600-866-8874 AUCTION Em ry Friday & Saturday 7:00p.m . Hwy.ISSJuttWMt ol tlw 1M and 801 InttrMctiofi In Advance (HlllKtali) BMid* Hlllsdala MMIwdlit Church Attention Chrlstma» Shoppers»Friday DEC. •, 2000- DMltr* R.L Hedrick, All new merchandise-toys, tods. Rgurines eic. ^ 8MuirdayDEC.9.2000* 2 Dealers. New Merchandise-lots of great T2 Come do Christmas shopping the easy way. 2 ■ . Do.VtmlMthl»ofWll______________ 5^.. FWftddMoMldktclloraorlnfornMtion :Cati(336)74»-1576. Oyctlori— .tricHooH NCAUUS7 A n O l d F a s h i o n C a n d l e L i g h t . C h r i s t m a s O p e n H o u s e PUue JilK Ut VecMcltt 9Ui.2000 el Dee'« Aiilii|ttc4 w ilw Guw liitt 733 GuKclOtt fiwt Nbduiiitb. KC 27028 CejWn) ai 11:00 AM m GiOOPW owl Suubm, Decemiet 10,2000 M Du't H»Unm m Rim HijIwKi IMwutiiiHe. KC 28117 itftmkt >l l:OOPW Ut 6i00 PM C o m e c eleb rate a part a f y ou r C tu istm as w ith usi "a little so m eth in g fo r ev ery o n e" G oodies from persim m on pudding to egg nog Brand now 3 BR , 2 Bath Doublewldo, Only $274.00 per month OAC. For Into, call 1-704* 672-0843. Hablamos Español. COOL SPRIN G S AREAslnglOwido bad crodit OK. S320 рог month. (336)751-7439 DON’T LET A crodil problem slop ou Irom owing your now homol :all 767-0140 lor moro details. FHA LONAS...AS LOW as 7.87% APR. C alltodav.704-872-0191. FHA M anufactured Homo Loans 08 Low o s 7.5% Interest rates. For moro Info, call 704-872-0191, Hablamos Español. PIANO TUNING Ropniring & Rebuilding Soll-players. Sales & Service T-up г ; takoMocksville. $500 dn « tako up p m tsof$278. 336-751-0503 ADVANCE- 3 bodroom. 2 bath. D.id credit OK. 75 f-7734___________ FIRST TIME HOME buyors program. Little or no crodit is noodod. just income. For info, call 744-1305.___________________________ GOOD CREDIT, BAD crodit. no crodit. 3 bodroom. 2 bnth. $750 dollars down. 751-7439____________ HAMPTONVILLE- DOUBLEWIDE owner financod. living room/ don model. 751-7439 Wallaco Bariord 998-2789 Office Space OFFICE SPA CE FOR ront with a storage room/showroom, located in downlown Mocksville. Availablo in Feb. Call alter 7pm. 998-0280 PRIME OFFICE SPACE available immediately. First month’s rent froo. 1200 sq ft S900/mo. 336- 996-8055 4B R . 2 Balh Home Only $405.00 per month WAC. For info, call 1- 704-872-6389. Hablamos Español. - s © f L o r d y , L o r d y ^ f M o n i c a is 4 0 ! 4 LAND/ HOME PCAKAGES as low as zero down on approved crodit. Plus, groat rates, groat value. Call 744-1308.___________________________ LONE HICKORY RD. Singlewide owner financed. 80 ft. homo. 751- 0115_________________________________ MOVE IN FO R Holidays Ready Now. 3Br. 2B a OW on private lot. Call (336)751-1571. MUST SELL- 3 bedroom. 2 bath on private lol. Country Lane. $400 per month. 751-0115_______________ Only at Floctw ood H om es ol Staiesville. Have C hristm as and a now hom o too. $1000.00 Shopping Spree Mrith purchase of a now home. Call 1-704-872-0179. H ablarros Espa/>ol._________________ RECENT BANK FO RECLOSURE Never lived in, 3 Bodroom Fleetwood.,Doublewido. on 1 acre lol, Assume monthly payments under $600. with No Money Down, includos land...Call t-888- 211-4482.___________________________ SINGLEWIDE- $210 per month. Bad credit OK 751-7439___________ TRADE-INS NEEDED. 767-7782 ••BARELY LEGAL” - 1976 Connor- needs minor repairs- will owner finance w/ bad croditll 336-751- 0503 Personals In Loving Memory ol Our Papa- Arthur L. Scott To P«ipa. On Friday. November 3rd. you would have celebrated your 74th birthday with your friends and family. Although you aro not physically with us. wo can still feel your prosenco and know that you are celebrating in heaven while wo celebrate your Ilf0 on oarth. Happy Bidhday. Papal W o love you. Your Grandchildren Recreational 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 30' camping trailer with all the whistles and bolls. Ext. clean. Call 336- 940-6156 RV/Motor Home $1000 DOWN, LAND/homo. Wm. R. Davie School District. 751-7734 D J SERVICE Life of the Party! Reasonablo rates. 336-284-4662 You're still m aking a difference and so are we... TbepOvvef'orU 1 (800) 41 l-U W A Y • lutp://w\-w.tmitcdway.org Lovr. Kevin, Sluriin, AihI)' & SumnuT Leaf Removal Gutter Cleaning Pruning, & Landscaping Call Kuity Tucker 2 8 4 - 6 5 0 1 9 SßoKe, S iio o Á « V » ¥ YADKIN COUNTY ABSOLUTEA U C T I O Nof FARM MACHINERY S A T U R D A Y - D E C . 9 - 1 0 A M RAIM O« «M U I Un*« of rain. Ml* «III bm MM mmIm Im I ntfuiyЛ by WUII« (Mill r. BMm LO C A TIO N : From coutnouie m YK»unvUi«. go «eil on Мал S(. lOid U S. H«v. 42t) («2 1/2 mW turniighion Center Rd. Sa'« on L«n. C O N S IS T S O F: 410 Mieo«yFereu»on combine A-rm com h««d & IS ft. flrain 1250 OlNvr tractor; 2 Powell 12втас1е («о toi>«cco bim;e Ford 4-p<ow turning plow iHth n^h Iwim: 16 In. 5-plow Ford tumlne plow, 14 In. Ford ^plow turrUn« рСом*. 2^dl»k h^drtuilc dlok bsrrow: front-end iosJer for 60i Ford UMctcn A-m/ A/C com pljuiUn Ccie 2- row lleten 2-row rotjry ho« 2 2-row trenepUnter* 24 Mjeeey Fwflueon 2-row com h « * 5 choppere for 900 Mjee«yFer0ueon сотЫм; fine old DtM Bredley ^urAtn trjKtor vHth cuWvAtor: 4 tobacco tnilere turn table: 2 chain hotete: tobacco rach tobacco «trinfen 5 ft. X10 ft. trailer; he»v d u ^ e<\ulpmenc trailer, old one-cyde Maytag ^aa moton 3-pt. New , Hollafid larae com ehellep. tractor «Лее! epacer*; 3-pt. Garden tracttr attachment« (S-pt. Cuttlvator. dlek. one-row plow, harrow): HuflV Ь hp. rUIn^ (awn mowen many more ашаН farm iteme. PMVmW : » 0 0 ДАМОгОО A M OM М Г О Г MALM, FRED a. ПМЖК, ДисИопмг(аэб)б99-а<^ _ ncal «а DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 7,2000 - D9 G L A S S IF IE D S HSIJbaLFiiiNSlVE РЕЮБТГАБЬЕ B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Vour Complete Homo Impfovoment Company: Bot>cat Work; W o Do Sm all Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Availablo PO Box 424 l^ocKsviWo, NC 27028 Bill L W yatt. (910)998-7216 Interior-Exterior Painting Metal Roofs Painted Shingle Roofs- Now or Reroof Storage Buildings- Docks Driveway Sealing- Parking Lot Stripping- Gutters Cleaned Roforencos Froo Estimates 36 Years Exporienco CRITTER SITTER S O F Davie County. W o care lor your pots In il)o comfort ol your own homo. 402-5542 or 751-0106______________ DISH 500, FR EE System & FREE Installing. 1-800-984-0772 D J E X P R E SS- Quality sound. Parties. Birthdays. All O ccasslons. 940-3656____________________________ HANDYMAN SERVICES Plumbing, replacement windows, general maintence. Joo, 704-546- 2089_________________________________ ‘ HOUSE CLEANING, low prices, Mocksvillo, Advance, Clemmons. CalUulio. 998-9278.________________ LINK'S SEA M LESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates _____________998-1798______________ MIKE'S WOODCRAFT 336/751-5165 •Trim carpentry . ’Deck/dock repair or build. clean & seal \ ■ 'Experienced, insured.Courteous____________ O SBO RN E ELECTRIC for atf your olecthcal needs. Froo Estimates. 751-3398. TREE REMOVAL, tots cleared, general cleanup. Insured. Ireo csiim alos.Tflad Tree, Inc. 78S-2323 _____________399-1468______________ WILLING TO SIT WITH elderly, daytime only. 492-5649 statewide 1 980'S C J7 JE E P new paint, hard top, exc SE C U R ITY/ FR O N T D ESK Part-tlms 2nd & 3rd shuts. Bermuda Village Is aoceplng applioatlons for mature Individuals with good communication & organizational skills. 998-6112 ABSO LUTE AUCTION- Coins & Collectibles, Monday, December 11, 6.00PM . Airport Holiday Inn- Greensboro. 500*- Lots Gold/ Silver/ Exotic Can/ings. www.peggauction.com Free Brochure. JC Pegg «5098. 336- 996-4414 ____________________ CONTRACTORS/ TRADESMEN- This O no's Ju st For You! U se Your Skills. Build Equity in Your New Homo. Plans, Materials. 100% Construction Fainancing, Including Land. 1-888-839-6975, www.cobshomes.com______________ DRIVERS- MAKE A Career Move. Tractor purchase program. Late Model 377 Peterbuilt, $1000 down, 2 yr warranty. 1 yr experienced O TR. Call Bob 1-800-553-2778. FR EE D EBT HELPII One monthly payment reduced up to 50% . Stop colloction calls. Avoid bankruptcy. Alliance Crodit Counseling. Toll Free....(888)995-7856. 304 4-speed, , .jw paint, hard top, exc condition. $5,000, OBO. 998-8730 Vehicles 1986 CH RYSLER CONV. Most every now. Call 336-940-6156. 1987 DODGE RAM ISO L B . Good Cond. Call 336-940-6156. 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 30' camping trailer with all tho whistles and bolls. Ext. clean. Call 336- 940-6156______________ 1993 KDX-200 VGC, $1500. - 998- 0836 after 5pm._____________________ 3 60 C.I.D. V8 Dodge Eng. Low miles. Call 336-940-6156.__________ 4X 8 TILT TRAILER Call 336-940-6156.__________________ FO R SA LE: 2-lon dump truck, 16 It. tandem trailer & *91 New Holland skid steer. $15,000.00 forali. 492- 2 381.655-3173_____________________ NEW BEDLINER FOR late model Dodge Ram L.B. Also, rail caps. Call 336-940-6156._________________ SA LISBU RY MOTOR CO. Buick • Dodge 700 W . Innes St., Salisbury . 704-636-1341____________ '86 MAZDA PICK-up runs out good, very good truck, straight drive, priced to sell. 751-6371 •87 DODGE C a r a v a n, 4-cyi. $600. 284-4211_____________________ •93 FORD AERO STAR van. runs great. $2600 0 8 0 . 1989 Ford Ranger tmck, runs aroat, $2600 OBO. 284-2199, ask Гог Louise. •96 HONDA ACCORD EX. 4dr„ 1 owner, all records, exc. condition. 751-1181____________________• •97 POLARIS TRAILBLAZER 4- wheeler, 250 aul. good condition. $1.200 O BO Tara at 998-8238 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. Wo select cut or clear cut. Shaver W ood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704*638-0814 Employment APPLY IN PERSON only for waitress & cashier. Mifrer's Resturant. No phone calls._________ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Accounting Technician Ill- Responsible for the accounting functions of the agency which include payroll, personnel records, agency receipts and expenditures, purchasing and inventory control, and maintencnco ol checking account. Responsible for supen/ision of tho agency's clerical unit. Responsible for much of the preparation of tho annual budget for the aoency by gathering neeeded inlormation, calculation estimated revenues and expenditures, and preparing budget booklets for presentation. Provides clerical support for the Director. Responsiblo (or meeting dally, weekly, and monthly deadlines for bills, payroll, and other reports to county finance. Resonsible for meeting monthly deadlines In submitting reports to the State. Must have a vehicle available for work and must have a valid NC Driver’s License. Must be a high school graduate with supplemental basic courses In bookxeeping or accounting and four years exporienco In bookkeeping or accounting clerical work or an eculvafent combination oí education and experience. Submit a completed State Application, PD -107. to Karen Smith, Director. Davie County Department ol Social Services, PÓ Box 517, Mocksville, NC 27028, Telephone: (336)751-8805. Application deadline 5:00pm on D ec 15.2000. Davie County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability In employment or the provision ot services. -pQsitions Available W illo ^ v b гo o k • Healthcare Center Is Offering A Sign-On Bonus For Second and Third Shift Nurses. Excellent Riy & Benefits. Apply In person al: 33 East Lee Street B YadkinviIle,NC i ^ ■ • a Employment ACCOUNT EXP. IN G/L, mthly Fin. St, Fixed Assetts, A/P, sales tax, P/R tux, and Prop. tax. At least 2 yrs exp. and an Assoc. Degree and salary history req'd Exco. Benefits and work environment. Pos. In Clemmons area. Send resum e to: VP of Finance, PO Box 241, Clemmons, NC 27012. • AGflicULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTAN T 1- Will milk, feed and care for dal^ cattle. Operate, maintain and clean equipment. Requirements: Completion of high school. Prefer one year of farming experience or equivalent. Must have valid driver's license. Salary range $16,787- $25,564 Hiring range $16.787-$20,744 Sen d Slate application to Piedmont Research Station, 8350 Sherrills Ford Rd., Salisbaury, NC 28147 (704|278-2624. EOE Closing date: Friday, December 15.2000. ARE YOU TIRED of working to secure som eone else's future? Tired of working for com panies that pay you whaf THEY think you are worth? Now Is the time to secure your future with a company that Is expf -------------------- and - . __________ _ would like to work from tho comfort of their own home. Set your own hours, and experience the freedom and financial security that you have only dared to dream ofl Our Company is debt-free, publicly traded on the N YSE, and wo have been In business for over 28 yoars. This is your opportunity to make a change in your life! To give your family security, and more importantly- your time! Are you ready for FREEDOM and SU C C E SS? If so......please contact Wanda at (336)463-4739 C£ (336)463-4759, or visit my website at www.homebusinoss.to/wktrivette Please fill our the questionnaire at the end. and I'll get back to you as soon a s possible. ixperiencina phenomenal growth, ind is looking for individuals who Employment EMPLOYMENT POSITION AVAILABLE TAX CUSTOM ER SERVICE SPECIA LIST REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL DIVISION Salary Grado 59 Hiring Range $19,363-$22.267 Brief Description; Work involves clerical support to the real esiale appraisal staff, which includes data entry of appraisal information to achieve real estate values. Applicant must have good math skills, and be able to read and Interpret deeds, land descriptions, and tax maps. Work Involves organization of • mobile home permits and building permits to route the new construction file for the appraisers. Applicant needs the ability to understand and' use various comuter applications. Applicant should have a general knowledge of modern office practices, and skills In operating office machines such a s personal computers, calculators, printers, fax m achines, and copiers. Good math skills and good data entry skills required. This position has heavy public contact and requires tact and courtesy In dealing with the general public a s well as maintaining an effective working relationship with other departments. Graduation from high school or equivalent required. Applications will be received until the position Is filled. Davie County is an equal opportunity employer. Contact:ntact: lary h Davie County Tax Administrator Mary Nell Richie . . ____jn ^ T -.......... 123 South Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 Э36-751-3416 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT Company is hiring for line clearance tree trimmer. Start 9.37- 12.68, depending on exp. Driving license required. 704-638-4016, Iv. msq._________________________________ CHILD SU PPO RT AGENT II TOsition with Davie County Department of Social Services. This position is responsible for the organization, preparation. Initiation, and enforcem ent of child support orders In the Child Support Enforcement program. The agency Is Involved in location of absent parents, establishm ent of voluntary and Involuntary paternity and support orders, enforcem ent and distribution of payments. Minimum educ3tional requirement Is graduation from high school and three years of experience in eligibility, investigative, judiciary, or legal work that provides the knov/ledge, skills and abilities needed to perform work. Strong computer SKills preferred. Must have valid NC Driver's License. Need to have vehicle available for work. Send completed NC Application (PD 107) to :Lynne Prevette, Lead Child Support Agent. PO Box 517, Mocksville, NC 27028. Telephone (336)751-8800. Applicatin deadline Is December 22, 2000, by 5pm. Equal Opportunity Employer.______________ Driver АТТЕНЛОН OWNER OPERATOR *No k)ading/unloading *Free satellite- trip- рак *Free base plate- permits •Fuel taxes paid •Terminal Fuel *No NYC & No Canada! *Toll and Fuel Cards 800-925-51ЭЗ www.cbfs.com Beautiful Tanglewood Pari< in western Forsyth County. 40hrs a week, S9.80/hr, Mon-Fri 7am- CenterH^nt H u m an S e rv ic e s STAFF PSYCHOLOGIST II S<UrillM,4l2-$55,999 Locatkm: Davie County N um bcrorVacM ckt:l b tic Posted: December 1,2000 CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APTUCATIONS: OPEN ПШЮ DESCRIPTION OF W ORK: Adult ihenpist and ouipaiient psychologist Гог ill age groups for Davie County clinic. Provides individual and group treatment for Adults . wl)ile providing limiied assessment and evatuaiibn Гог ctiildren/adolescenis. Wock IwutY 8:00 am to 5:00 pm itiough some evening work is necessary. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Masters degree in Psycttology from an accredited insiiiutiun and 2 yean of professional experience in counseling and testing individuals with mental illness an^or duat diagnoses. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Licensed psychological associate with mandatory adherence to the provisions specilled by the Practicing Psychologist Act (O.S. 90-27). Troined/certiried sexual offender treatment. Spuilsh/Eaglbh preferred. Mui| have valid N.C. Driven Lkeue. APPLICATION PROCESS: Submission of a copy of Uraveraily traiucripU and an original CenterPoint Human Services application is required: (resumes are not accepted in lieu of a completed application form). If an offer of employmciil is extended, official coUege iramcrlpU must be iiibmlttcd prior (o betlnalnt woriu An application may be obtained from the Center and submitted to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. CenterPoint Human Services, 725 N. Highland Avenue, Winston- Salem. N.C. 27101, Е0ЕЛ1Р, WEB: ш щ св Ь ш Е . BUingudAppUcaeUEM M rHedlbApply . Employment EMPLOYMENT POSITION AVAILABLE REAL PRO PERTY APPRAISER Salary Grade 66 Hiring Range $27,246-$31.333 Brief Description: Work involves real estate (or ad D RIVERS NEEDED: Clean driving record w/CDL's, hauling bulk commodities. Percentage pay, guaranteed minimum. 336-788- 3210________________________________ HOME MANAGER NEEDED RHA Health Sen/Ices, Inc. Is looking for a reliable person who has the veiy best of people skills. W e are searching for som eone who is experienced In ICF/ MR procedures and regulations. The position requires responsibility for the supervision of operations in a ICF/ MR group home. Must work split shifts, have a telephone, and reliabre transportation. Please apply at RHA. 211 Rosem en Lane. Cleveland. NC 27013, or mail a resume._____________________________ LET EXCEL STAFFING MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYS HAPPYI NowRecnjiting: CNA'sS11-Sl2/hr LPN's S17-S23^ r, RN'sS20-S29/hr Staff relief needed for the Advance. Clemmons & W inston-Salem area. W e olfen *$250 Attendance Bonus, *DIrect Deposit, ‘Flex Schedules, ‘Travel, Holiday & Weekly pay. *Referral Bonus 1-800-883-9235, ext. #326__________ PARK MAINTENANCE ilorem lax purposes using the Davie County Schedule of Values. Work involves measuring and listing new construction, and researching to determine appropriate real estate values. Work Involves heavy public contact, and requires considerable tact and courtesy to the general public. Requires condiserable knowledge of the procedures and standards for apprising residential, commercial, and Industrial real properties. Knowledge of current construction costs and materials, general knowledge of the laws and reguallions regarding ad valorem taxation Is needed. This position may require work In other areas of the Tax Department a s assigned. This position requires the ability to use various computer applications Involved In the appraisal process. Possession of a valid NC driver's license Is required. Graduation from a two-year college or business school with specialized courses In real estate appraisal or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Must be able to obtain certification from tho NC Dopartment of Revenue as a Real Property Appraiser within one year ol employment. Applications will be received until the position is filled. Davie County is an equal opportunity employer. Contact: Ma7 Nell Richie Davie County Tax Administrator 123 South Main St. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-3416 EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weeekly w/overtime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428._____________ FULLTIME POSITION AVAILABLE for pest control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver's license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year of employment. Call for appointmenL 751-5720 Driver- Company/ OTR G uaranteea Home Policy! Earn competitive w ages with excellent health benefits. No NYC, no Canada & no unloading. C lass A w/hazmat, 9 mo. experience, and good MVR. 800-925-5133 www.cbfs.com Driver- Our Flatbeds G et You Home Every W eekend... G uaranteed! Strong M iles, G reat Benefits, th e B est People! Owner-Operators* New Pay Package! School Graduates W elcome! Costal Transport, Since 1928. Call Roger Today! 1-800- 282-0131. E O E Employment EARN 2nd. incom e without 2nd job $200-$500. sparetime 1-800-686-4201 www.athomebuslness.com/ optlon4u SECURITY FO R C ES, INC. Seeking custom security officers in Mocksville, NC. W e seek alert, responsible, and mature individuals with the ability to work In a challenging environmpnt. Candidates must be able to dem onstrate good judgement, respond to security and medical em eraencles, and provide other secunty duties as assigned. Previous security, police or military experience a plus. Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years of age. have a satisfactory work history, and be able to evidence a criminal and drug free record. YOU WILL B E PROVIDED: ‘S7.50 to $9.50 pay to start- with regular increases *401 *K retirement plan ‘ aid vacation ‘stable full time and part time work schdeules W e need team players such as veterans, retirees or anyone who enjoys working in a professional atm osphere. Apply immediately al Security Forces, Inc., 1410 Millgate Dr., Suite C . W inston-Salem, NC or telephone 336-768-2455 to schedule an inten/Iew. SH O RT ORD ER COOK wanted. 998-7290____________________________ TEAM MEMBER NEEDED: The Davie County Schools Child Nutrition Department Is seeking to add a fulltime team member at Davie High School Cafeteria. Seeking an individual with custom er service experience In addition to foodservice experienra. Great benefit package. Great hours. Call 751-592? to inquire more about the position. /Vsk for Child Nutrition Department. Trem endous S ates Opportunity ING Life of Georgia, member of INC Group, Is seeking a highly motivated sales Indivlaual. Full benefits package. Taining provided. Guaranteed starting rate of pay at least $500 per week. Prefer applicant with 2 years work experience after college. Call for an interview with: Frank Pait 2245-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Clemmons, NC 27012 336-712-0410 ING Ufe of Georgia An Equal Opportunity Employer WAWTED: CUSTODIAN- Rrst Baptist Church- approximately 20 hours per week. Call 751-5312 or 751-5334 to set up inten/iew. 3:30pm . Duties include mowing, weedeating, pnjining, removing leaves and trash/ litter, maintaining restrooms and picnic shelters. Also assists with minor repairs to buildings, and performs basic electrical, caipentry, plumbing and H/VAC/R. HS graduation with one year of experience in building or grounds maintenance. Valid NCDL. Apply at Tanglewood Welcome Center or Forsyth Counth Human Resources, 8W 3rd Street, Suite 525, (between Libeit)' & Main) W inston-Salem. www.co.forsyth.nc.us 727-2851 EO E ________________________ PART-TIME HELP needed every Wed. night at Ellis Auto Auction, C ooleem ee. Office & Drivers. Please apply In person Mon-Thurs 10am -fpm . 284-4080 RN/LPN’sBe the nurse you always wanted to be! Make a positive impact upon the life of a special child TODAY! Pediatric Services of Amerka b hiring In (Ite Pkdmont TriMl are«. Call PSA today for avallabUlty nearest you! We offer SIfn-on Bonuses, Benefits packace; lutUon reimburaemest, shift dlt’s and morel Call PSA Today! 8 0 0 - 7 2 5 - 8 8 5 7 T tw A T n ie s e K v i ^Of AMCmCK IMPwww.nurse4kids.cjb.net Are you woridng in the restmnmt business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Am you gMing bMMlHs Mm THBEV * Hgh csmpaMtw wogM -F ln tra lM g A irS O d Q y « . • 4 guarantaad taint in U monlhi *40№гаИп1мп»р1ап ■ HMilh/DtnM haurann •Paidnwaii) * (МЫ*idwdul* •StadiopHont * PoMon к*му odvanc* -Eartir doling hounir HSKVOUli o g w i* t | C H w a n m ii BMhiM b OREWI m on hiring to gtl raady formuawMTBi iuswies. -m aim eumnMif looking Hon MGHTTIME& WraCENOSBIVEIIS. x DISWASHERS, OmLCOOIC CASH«t^ mSTESS, NOHT MAMIBIANCE CONE m JOOKf AMD Am KM iMi A MSH«Cn,niN n m TO MKNK. Mte on loaMMjw MM Ito to «Mik kwi OMd iMlitMQMVlll 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 .rw>onaliqudt|vai1un>iiirvlg)«. "'i V-Í DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,2000 Davie Dateline F u n d R a i s e r s SVed. - Fri., Nov. 22-Dec. 8 JfuppcnmrcFundraiser, Humane Socl- fiy of Davie County selling Тирреглагс. Vakes great Chtislmas gifts. Cali ihe Hu­mane Society ofllcc at 751-5214 or Fann- ta(IVeiat.492-7148loplaceonlerorview catalog. Older must be place by Dec. S. Saturday, Dec. 9 CanaHomembker's31stAnnual Christ« mas Ваш, 10 a.m. • I p.m.. at Cana |:hool согёг of Angcll & Cana Rilbake 5^!e, handmade craits, yule logs, wrcaihs. fliesh ci>i grctncry, rompllmcmaiy Qrist* fias wassail & cookies. Proceeds lo Cana School Bldg. Snow dale: Dec. tt.6-9p.m. flelay For Life Team Walking For Mlraclcs Christmas Oazaar, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Advance VF\V Posi 8719. Feedmill Rd. • holdogs &(Irinks.cniAs, baked goods. Contact Michelle Allen at 9984240 for more info. Proceeds: Amer. Cancer Socl* «У following Advance Christnm Parade. {.AorthouM For Jesus Covt^ Dish Qliuter at 6 p.m.. children's presentation .Vho's Birthday Is U Anyway at 7 p.m. Call 7SM060 for more Info. DavieMiddlcSchool.Qucstions7Call998*8654. Wednesday, Dec. 13 Humane SoclctyorDavteCo. Christmas Gathering & Meeting, annual holiday meeting. Musi call for rescrN-alions and direction.s, 751-5214. Tuesday, Dec. 19Kappa Extension Homemakers. 6:30 p.m., at Davie Acadcmy Comm. Dldg., annual Christmas party with family mem­bers as guest. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be re­poned by noon Monday of Ihe publication week. Call 751-2120 or drop It by the office.S. Main St. across from Ihe courthouse. I N T H E O L D W E S T , SECURITY W A S M A I N T A I N E D W ITH RIFLES & SHORT TEMPERS. §unday, Dec. 10Bev. Suianne B. Northcran, to speak «luring Morning Prayer at ihe Episcopal Church of Awnslon. 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 16Lovefeast. Dublin United Metk Music by New Philadelphia Moravian Church. 7:30 p.m. Questions? Call 998-2020. Wednesday, Jan. 3CandlellghtScn1ce.Cedar Grove Bapt.4 p.m. Rev. Nfauris Leak to speak. Public invited. Questions? Call 940-5632. S p e c i a l E v e n t s Saturday, Dec. 9Advancc Christmas Parade, 10 a.m.. Sunday, Dec. 10Christmu Cruise In. begins 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Piedmont C.A.R.S. Asso-' ciation. For info call 751-5468. D ^ t ^ s tQ R e m e m b e r Thursday, Dec. 14Da>ie Co. Republican Party Christmas Party, 6:30 p.m. Center Comm. Bldg. All Republicans invited. Catered meal. For further info call 998-2341. ■ M e e t i n i l s _____________________ Monday, Dec. 11Da>ie Co. National Little League, board meeting & election of officers, 7 p.m., S. VHial You've Been Wailing For! Visit DIRECTV.com for more Local Channel ¡п1огглаНоп. TODAY WE HAVE A MORE C IVILIZED APPROACH. Aifliioble b)f suburiptiofl* with the OIRECTYPtUS'-System. CHS® WXIV WFMÏ Л к . NBC WXII ■ Access to m ore than 225 popular channels • Access to 32 prem ium movie channels — 7 HBO*, 4 STARZI*, 5 SHOWTIME, channels and m ore • Access to every m ajor pro and college sports subscription directv. THE PHONE PL ACE З З б - Т Б 1 - 2 6 2 6 1211>гр<И.Ч1т{.M ixknm «.NCro» CHRISTMAS SAFE SALE N o w a t D a v i e F a r a i S e r v i c e , I n c . Your LocM.SouTiit:nN States De,\u:h i Stop in todny and view our Inrgo solcction o f W in ch ester F ire lin t« ! G un and Homo S afes. V arious m odels, sizes, colors and in teriors to choo.se from , a t roasonahle, com petitive prices. T lie gift o f security for your hard earned vnluahlea, guns and fam ily heirloom s th a t a qu ality constructed W in chester S a fe can provide for a lifetim e. /\s a rcmhu/cr — Octtcr to he SAFE now than SOHRY latvr. G j SOUTHERN STATES Davie Farm Service Inc. 116 W ilkosboro St. • M ocksville, N C 27028 • 336-7,';i-.‘502l H ours: M -F 8 -5 nnd Sat. 8 -1 2 Bemle Morgan's annual fishing trip wiith his buddies wasn’t so much for fishing as it was for fun; (Seemed lll<e the biggest thing he ever caught was a cold.) And this year, a heart attack almost kept Bernie from making.the trip at all. But fortunately, Bernie did all the right things for his heart. He came to Rowan Regional Medical Center to take R C W ftN R K K D N A L advantage of our high-tech cardiology services. - ïw S ou ra'fe'toSiW A c« 6 I 3 .M o ck sv ille A v en u e, S a liib u r y • Then he enrolled in our Cardiac Rehab Program, the only nationally certified cardiac rehab program in the Salisbury area. We brought him back. Back to health. Back to the coast for his annual fishing trip. And could be, we even changed his luck. Because this year, Bernie caught the biggest fish on the boat!. And that really made him feel good. ( 7 0 4 ) a ,ip - 5 3 9 9 f w w w .ro w a n .o rg , , . . r Last Chance For Cash Play The Football Contest Details, Pages B4-B5 Taking The DARE Fifth Graders Vow To Be Drug And Alcohol Free Page D1 D A V I E C O U N T Y 500 T E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D USPS 149-60 Number 50 County Still Facing Tough Decisioon s On Davie Hospitals By M ike nnrnhnrdt Davie Counly Enterprise Record The future of Davie County Hospi­ tal keeps getting blcal<er and bleaker. Negotiations with Novant. which has a lease on the facility through 2001, fell through, ending the county's immedi­ ate hope of breathing life Into the fail­ ing hospital. Now. county commissioners face the task o f making sure that when the Novanl lease ends, the county doesn’t gel stuck with thousands, maybe hun- dreds of tliousands of dollars worth of debt. Dan Mamman, a consultant with Nucent Health Group, told commis­ sioners last week that they need to de­ cide - and soon - what direction they want to see for health care in Davie County, as well as the amount o f county involvement. They also need an exit plan from Novant, so they can be sure that assets left when the lease ends can cover the liabilities. W ith Novant basically in competition with itself, he doesn’t think “ There are things you can do to buiW your community hospital... but you have to want to do it.” - Dan Hamman Nucent Consultant the company w ill want to keep services at the hospital In fact, in state regulator’s eyes, Davie County Hospital ceascd being considered a hospital in mid-Septem- bcr, when Novant notined the state it was closing the emergency room. The county has about a year from that date to come up with a plan for the hospital beds, or it could lose them, Hamman said. Use of the hospital has continuously declined since the Novant lease in Ihe early 1990s, Hamman reported. Then, there were nearly 5,000 inpa­ tient admissions and 12,000 outpatient visits per year. As of October this year, there had been no inpatient admissions and 20 outpatient visits. P o o p e r S œ o p e r s Yes it was your newly elected county commissioners at the end of the Advance Christmas Parade on Saturday, doing the job that had to be done after horses went down the street. That’s Richard Poindexter to the left, shouting out the orders, Dan Barrett in the middle with shovel In hands, and Ken White pushing the wheelbarrow filled with... horse poop. For more photos from the annual parade, please turn to Page 01. " Fergusson F lu V a ccin e A rrive s: C linic Friday Afternoon M ike Kimei. hospital administrator, said the problems are typical o f what’s happening around the country, with stricter insurance and Medicare rules and payments. Hamman reported that part o f the problem was also lodai doctors, mostly Novant doctors, who refenrcd patients to other hospitals. He said that the county has virtually no control o f what Novant does at DCH, other than to request the return to the Please See Counly - Page 4 Drug n c is Found In Davie Two Men Face Drug Possession Charges By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record Tw o men were arrested Friday evening for felony possession with in­ tent to sell and distribute the drug ec- stacy. Timothy Dwayne Brockwell, 25, o f Cleveland, N.C. and Ross M iller Spry, 27, of 1950 Junction Road, Mocksville were arrested Dec. 8 around 9 p.m. at Spry’s home near Cooleemee. “We had information they were hav­ ing big parties there and there was ec- stacy used at these parties,” said D avie S h e riff’s D etective Tony Leftwich. Authorities obtained a search warrant and with the aid o f SBI'agents they raided the home that Friday evening. They seized 31 dosage units o f ec- stacy. Eighteen of those dosage units were found in Spry’s bedroom, in a gun safe. Authorities also found Vick’s inhalers and Vick’s Vapo-rub, products used in combination with ecstacy lo intensify the drugs effect. Please See Two-Page 4 Flu vaccine is here. ' The Davie Counly Health Depart­ ment has received partial shipment o f the flu vaccine and w ill administer to high risk persons from 1-4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. ;The vaccinations w ill be given in the conference room o f the Davie County Health Departeient. Persons wishing to receive the vaccine should park in the back of the health department. Signs w ill direct you to the lower level con­ ference room. The vaccine w ill be administered on a first come, first serve basis. A ll residents age 65 and older must bring their Medicare or Medicaid cord. Those considered high risk are: • age 65 and older; • any age person who has chronic medical conditions; • any age person with chronic diseses of the heart, lung, blood, kidneys, who have diabetes, suppressed immune sys­ tems or severe asthma; • children and youth age 6 months to 18 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy; • women who w ill be in the second or third ttimester of pregnancy during flu season; • healthcare workers, personnel, and volunteers and people who live in a household with a high-risk person. For more information, contact the health department at 751-8700. District Judge Attempting To Start Juvenile Court Program Here ;A new juvenile court program in Davie County got support of the local board of educaUon last week. . District Court Judge Jimmy Myers describe the goal to board members. —-------if/------- ~ The first program in North Carolina was started in 1993 and has grown to 32 courts. It students who fit the crite­ ria to be judged in a court run by their .peers, Myers said. The attorneys and jury are students, supervised by attorneys and court coun­ selors. The program is designed to stop first time offenders from becoming re- see what real court would be like, he said. My^rs is in the early stages of find­ ing an advisory board and raising the I t - peat offenders by offiw ng a chance to necessary funding for the project. N e w s fa p e r T o PuW/s/j E a r iy Deadlines w ill be early for adver­ tisements and news items for the Dec. 28 issue o f the Enterprise Record. A ll news and ads for the paper should be in the office no later than noon on Friday, Dec. 22. The newspaper w ill be printed and distributed in news racks on Dec. 27, w ith local mail subscriber* receiving their copies on Dec. 28. Superintendent S earch Should Include P u b lic 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 Exiitorial Райе HELP WANTED; Superinlendeni (or the Davie County School System, Mocksville, NC. Candidate must possess a doctorate in pubiic instruction and tie capabie ol ACCU­ RATELY predicting the weather. General contractor’s li­ cense would be heiplul because the school system faces a variety ol building needs. Must be a certilied teacher and have experienced the agonies and joys ol teaching. Must be a parent and have at least two children, including one that has been a troublemaker so that the candidate will have empathy with parents who share the same prob­ lem. Must be well versed In all the rights and privileges ol the citizenry — the 1 st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, Equal Protection and so on. Must be q savvy politician — capable of chamiing the county commissioners during budget time each spring and keeping the Board of Educa­ tion out of trouble. Must have a strong sales background — capable of selling a muitimliiion dollar bond package for the eventual construction of schools needed to handle burgeoning growth. Must have a working knowledge ol home schooling's impact on pubiic education, sex educa­ tion, literacy, the abilily to reach Spanish speaking chil­ dren, bus routes, drop outs, media centers, teachers unions and PTAs. Must be able to spot winning coaches and good teachers during the hiring process. Must be able to Inspire teachers and students to do their best and achieve their highest goals. MUST be able to stay out ol trouble. Please apply to the Davie County Board of Education, Cherry Street, Mocksville, NC. Sounds like a relatively easy job. The pay is decent. The w ork is steady. And you get lots o f free advice. Before the Board o f Education gets too far in its plans for hiringj a replacement for retiring Superintendent B ill Steed, it needs to dust o ff the procedure it used 15 years ago when Steed was hired. Then, the board used a sophisticated method often lim ited to much larger school systems. It narrowed its search list to three candidates and paraded them in firont o f the public. Three receptions were held for the public to come and feel out the candidates — to see what they looked like, hear them speak and detetmine theit commitment to education.,^,,. Candidates m ight be hesitant to do that. Am bitious people don’t want their career tarnished by being passed-over for a job. That was obvious during the Carolina's recent search for a football coach. Before the school announced its pick, other candidates withdrew their names. Ironically, Steed was the final candidate most reluctant to participate in the public process. But the interview gave him an automatic approval he would not have enjoyed otherwise. It might have seemed like a beauty contest or a trial sermon, but the public got the chance to join in the decision making process. And look at what they got — a long and pleasant tenure for a superintendent who filled the criteria for the job. He even excelled at the weather predictions. The Board o f Education should brace for a flood o f applications. No longer do ambitious school administtators covet the big city school systems. This is the ideal school job — a cohesive, growing system where a candidate can sink in roots and stay. Our problems are generally good problems — growth and recruiting teachers. The superintendent selection is critical. The school system’s reputation w ill be tested by its ability to meet growth. The new superintendent w ill need a wealth o f public support. — D w ight Sparks DAVIB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 MocksvIHe, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIbCOUmY PUBLI.SHING CO. Dwight Sparks...... Robin Fergusson... Mike Bamhardt..... RayTutterow........ ..Editor/Publisher ...........General Manager Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager ModavIM EnttrpriM 1916-1958 Davit Ftoeord 1699-1958 CoolMmM Journal 1901-1971 l u . Pwkxltoalt PotUg* PM In Mocksville, NC 27028 SulMcitplion RatM Single Copy, 60 Cmtt $20 per yeir In North Carolina . $25 per year cutikle North CaroHn* POSTMASTER Stndeddriiediiingeito: ■ DnleCaunlyEnlMpilMRecaRl 4 _____M.BM9ftMoetavie, N0 27028 In The Mail Seasonal Thoughts Of Reader Echo Thanks To Davie Schools T o ihc editor This Christmas, when we hang up the stockings. I will be thinking not just about my own three children, but the children here in Davie County who »attend our schools. As the parent of a college sophomore, a high school senior, and an eighth grader, I ihoughl lhal I kf>cwalotaboutourschooIs. But in the six months that 1 have been on the Davie County School Board, I have discovered a new depth to the conunitinent and caring that goes on in our schools. I have discovered that our Central O ffice staff, likemany o f our teachers and principals, work long "past iKclr cxpecied hours lo wppon cumculuins, teacher shortages, vocational programs, cafeteria shipments, malfunctioning computers and heating systems. I have discovered that secretaries will go out o f their way to track down staff and finish repom and call parents for sick childnrn. I have seen our superintendent make a point to speak personally to every stafT member when he vjsits a school, whether they are a principal or a custodian. I ha\-cscenanewschoolopcntl«s>-car. Comatzer Elementary is a symbol o f the love and caring that Davie County commissioners and taxpayers dem­ onstrate for our children. I encourage j-ou (o walk down the halls o f this beautiful new school. As in every school across the county, it is easy to see • we care about our children. This morning, I was driving home from taking my eighth grader to school, when I got behind a Shady Grove bus. The driver o f Bus «145, Debbie Hcdrick. stopped, tuming her wheels into the on­ coming lane. She deliberately blocked the truck in the other lane, lo make sure that the truck stopped. The little tow-headed boy, w hocould not havebeen more than, six or seven years old. smiled as he crossed thcroadsafelytogetontohis bus. He knew that the driver was protecting him. # ftO O TICKETS,L Ш О Р О Р Ш ! f 3.00 SODAS.'.. ^ sw c m w L w 6REEPÌ ■ ы т и My stockings this Christmas are full of Thanks* giving. W e live in a great county with wonderful schools. Tell a teacher or a principal or a bus driver this Christmas that you appreciate what they arc doing for our children. Debbie B. Pullen Advancc Reader Counts Her Blessings To 11« ediior; On Dcc. 101 jusicm nplcicJ S.S >’c.irs in ihisgrcal (own, a iKticr place coulJ not t)c found. I believe my business Is ihc longest continuing one in Mocksville. Clyde Taylor, now deceased, stoned in business the saine year. As I reuiKlhappcningsof the pasi, I slatted in the old John Sanfonl building, livery officc on the second floor w is occupied, a post office and cafe were downstairs. On the third floor, M r. Plowman,Chief o f Police, lived. Aller being up^ stairs for several yean, 1 moved on M ain SUtet lo the building owned by Mr. Knox Johnstone and ' si.i>'cd there until it was sold. Searching for a new location was hanl. I nnally moved on Depot Strcet. This place was too hard lo heal and loo large, so I moved lo Avon Street where I am still located. Som e oflhe special things that stand out in my mcmoiy and I think o f every lime I go to Rich Park - is The Planting Ceremony M ay 2 1. 1972 in honor' of Major Samuel Edwin Water Jr.. listed os missing in Vietnam since Dec. 13, 1966, When I was PresidentofDavicHairDrcssersAssoclationstands out. Iw antloihankcveiycuslom erfortheirfailhful: patronage for all the,« years. Several I still irg u -' larly do lhal I have done for over 50 years. My blessings are certainly more than 1 can name, and I haven't risen lohigh fame but I say ihanks with - love and praise and I thank God for so many ■ working days, ■ Marie White Marie's. Beauty Shoppe ; What Is'Your Favorite Christmas Memory? Deborah Anderson Clemmons “Five years ago I was having a hard time. The school pitched in and got. my Idds Christmas.” Marii Vaughn Smith Grove “When I was growing up I . got a iittie red wagon.” Matthew Tite' East Bend “The first snow day oi school. It made for a long Christmas break.” Heather Van'niyl Mocksville “Sitting in my grandma’s house around the Chrislmiis tree, wrapping presents and jv a t c h l n | e v e Q ^ ^ . V 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 District Court Judge Jimmy Myers (right) issues the oath of office to new Davie County Commissioners, from left: Richard Poindexter and wife Linda, Ken While and wife Karen, and Dan Barrett and son Daniel and wile Kathleen. . photos by Mike Earnhardt New Commissioners Take Oath; Michael Allen Elected Chairman T\vo new members look Ihe oath o f office as a Davie County Commissioner last week, and a tliird was sworn into Ills second term in office. Joe Long and Carl Boon were honored for tiicir years of service at liie beginning o f tlic commis­ sion meeting on Dec. 4. Botii re­ ceived plaques and watclies from Ciiairman Bobby Knight. * Afterwards, Richard Poindex­ ter was sworn into his second term as commissioner, and Ken W hite and Dan Barrett were sworn into their first terms by District Court Judge Jimmy My­ ers. County officials and members of the commissioner's families were on hand for a ceremony, and forabrief reception that followed. When the meeting resumed. Michael Allen was unanimously elected chairman for the next year, with Dan Barrett getting the nod for vice chairman.Davie Commission Chairman Bobby Knight (right, both photos) gives plaques and gifts to out-going commissioners Carl Boon (left photo) and Joe Long. County Needs To Make Decision Soon On Hospital’s Future C ontinu ed F ro m P age I couniy o r 10 provide operating sup­ port Tunds. H am nun oflcrcd several suggcs- (ions, none o f which will be easy or cheap. T h e co u n iy cou ld m ove the health departm ent there w ith its own doctors, but ju st as Novant is In со тр егШ о п w ith its e lf,'th e ■ county would then be in com peti­ tion with local doctors. The county could consider alter­ native uses for the building, such os for a nursing hom es, but because o f new building codes, at leo stSl m il­ lio n in ren o v atio n s w ou ld be needed. O ther county services could be moved to the building. He estimated it will cost about $ 100,000 annually to maintain the building, even if it is empty. H am m an said that the county could also try (o maintain a critical care hospital, but that would require support o f the county, and the medi­ cal com m unity. N ucent had five doctors committed to supporting the hospital, had the county gotten the lease. Davie Couniy Hospital could ex ­ pect to get 40 -5 0 percent o f the S25 m illion market in D avie Couniy. a figure that new lyrscalcd commis%. sioner K en W hite contested. M arketing is im portant in the cu rren t h ealth ca re m ark et, Ham m an said. W hen asked how Novant had marketed Davie County H ospital, Hamman replied: “Other than to announce the closing o f the em eigency room ... nothing." W hile called Novant “a bull in the woods” that would not sit qui­ etly w hile D avie County attempted lo lake part o f its m arket share. Hamm an said his Hgures were based on promised support o f the local m edical com munity (doctors). and that is critical to any chance for success. H e acknow led ged ih at D C H wouldn’t be a place for m ajor sur- gerics. but those patients could do folloW'Up visits then:. •*A lot o f M edicare patients go out o f town for follow ups and re- hab that could be done here.” he said. ’‘Health care is a U xal com ­ munity issue. “There are ways and things you can do 10 build your com m unity ho.spiial • but you have to want lo do it. You’ve got a gwHl ground work, you still own the Ix^ds.” 'In M em ory' Light A Candle For Christmas W esllaw n G ard en s o f M em ory invites you to d ed icate and ligh t a cand le in m em ory of a loved one F rid ay / D e c e m b e r 2 2 fro m 4 to 6 p .m . Westiawn Gardens of Memory 6)35 Ridgvcrcitl Kojd, Clemmons 3?6.766.4731 W alters Buildings A gri - C o m m e r c ia l F R E E Q U O T E S Lexinglon, NC ( 3 3 6 ) 7 6 4 - 3 8 2 9 o r 1 ( 8 0 0 ) 2 2 5 - 2 5 9 0 ‘More Value For Your Money" Two Men Charged With Possession Of Ecstacy Continued From Page 1 Ecstacy is an analog o f M DM A, called "Adam ," "ecstasy," or "X T C " on the street. It is a synthetic, psy- choaciive (mind-altering) drug with am phetam ine-like and hallucino­ genic properties. It is most often used by young adults and adolescents at clubs, raves (large, all-night dance parties), and rock concerts. Its ch em ical stru ctu re (melhylenedioxymethamphetamine) is sim ilar to tw o other synthetic drugs. M D A and methamphctamine, which are known lo cause brain dam­ age. Once taken it induces a (Ive to six hour euphoric effect characterized by increased activity, mood alter­ ation, and altered perception. B e­ cause it has no medical use It Is clas- JA(£vance Soaps & SuncCries w isñ e sy o u a jo y o u sC ñ rístm a s QivetkemñamC-craJiecCsoaps & fine toiCttries this Ciiristmas, design tHeperfect g^Basitt or give a gÿt certificate. U 4 y /.J}tj> otS t ,i . . MocisviOk, 3«: 27oia Э 3 б 7 5 1 -Э в « 4 Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOKD, Dec. 14,2000 - 5 а Л r i . l J i - t v - > Ù Л Th e follow ing cnses were dis« posed o f \\\ Drtvic AdminisirvUivc court.. — Lowell T. Adnnis. fi7 mph in a '55 zone, reduced lo itnproper equip- mem, $10, cost. — Kim W. Uiillnrd, 55 mph in a .15 /one, rcduccd tt> improper equip- mem. $10. cost. — Diann H. Biillanl, 60 mph in a 45 /one. reduced lo Improper c(|uip- mem, SIO, СПЧ1. — M ichael R. Uerghorn, unsafe m ovem ent, reduced to im proper equipment, $10. cosi. — Ryan M . nillotte, failure to slop al a stop sign, reduced lo improper ctjuipm cnl.SIO , cosi. — Penny Л. Попег, 50 mph in a .15 /one, reduced lo improper equip­ ment« SIO, cosi. — R obert 0 . Boyd, im proper passing, reduced to improper equip- mem. $10. cost. — Naomi M .H uelin. 6K mph in a 55 /one. reduced lo im proper equipment. SK ). cosi. — Joseph A. Hurcklialtcr, 6 7 mph in a 55 /one. reduced lo improper c(|uipmenl. $10. cost. — Conlon D. Cambine, 87 mph in a 7 0 /one. reduced to e.^cecding safe speed, $15. cost. — П//лгИ J. Cheaton. 87 mph in ■A 70 /one. rcduccd to 74*70. $10. cost. — I’cdro C . Ciriaco, reckless driv­ ing to endanger, reduced lo unsafe movement. $25. cost. -C h a r le s T. C orriher, e.xpired regislr.ilion. dismissed, made cost. — Amy R. Debord. 70 mph in a 55 /one. reduced lo 60-55. $ 10. cost. — German A. Dia/, no operator’s license, dismissed, made cost. - J o s e П. Domingue/. 85 mph in a 7 0 /one. reduced to 74 in a 70. $ 10. cost: window tinting violation, dis- ntissed. made cost. — Stephen \V. Donaldson, failure lo wear seal belt, S25: no registra­ tion card, no liahilily insurance, dis­ missed. nude cost. — Anna \V. Elliot, failure to slop at a slop sign, reduced to improper equipment. $10, cost. — Richard D. Hrving, Я6 mph in a 7» /one. rcduccd to 74*70, $10. Ci'Sl. — M arc A. I'attigati. B5 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to 7У-70. $25. cosi. — I-ric D. I'ortune, inspection vii>- laiion. dism issed, made cost. — Brian T. Full/, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil .settlement. — Anna M . G abrielle, Ж) mph in a 70 /one, reduced lo 74-70, $10. cost. — John l‘. Galloway. 82 mph in a 55 /.one, reduced lo exceeding safe speed,$25, cost: expired registration, dismissed, made cost. — A drian 11. G a rcia , un safe movement, cost. — A ndrea J. Garner, failure to stop at a Slop sign, $25, cost. — Heather A. Geer. 7 0 mph in a 55 mph /one, reduced to Improper equipment, $10, cost. — Jam es L George, failure loslop at a slop sign, reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cost. ' — Joshua W. Gobble, inspection violation, dismissed, made cost. — Deborah L . GuUedge, unsafe movement, dism issed, civil settle­ ment. — Jennifer C . Harris, failure to stop at a Slop sign, dismissed, civil settlement.' —^Chrisiy Haujbrook, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil setile- meni. —-Emunue! R . Hesier, 51 mph In a 4 0 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $10, cost. ' — Danny R. Johnson, 80 mph iii q7P mph zone, reduced to impro[)er equipment, $10, cost. ; — M ichelle L. Johnson, 67 mph ii) a 55 zone, reduced to. improper equipment, $ 10, cost; inspection vio- ' lallon, dismissed, ,' v, — Sabina С . Johnson, 85 mph In a 7 0 zone, reduced to 74-70, $10, cost. ■ ,— NVilliam A. Johnson, inspection violaiion, no licen se, dism issed, m adecosl, ; Elizabeih A . KazakosiÌO mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced.to Im- i proper equipment, S 10, cost. , Robert H-'Kennedy-80mph In a 7p mph zone, reduced to improper eqUipmem .SlO, cosl;^. ■. fi^ h eirry A ; Keichle, operaiing a v eh icle w ilh oul In sm an ce, dis- , missed, made cosi.' ■ .;)^Riclm rd D. Kistler, failure to stop at a stop sign, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, cost. — Gunter Klais, 82 mph in a 70 mph /.one, reduced to Im proper equipment. $10. COSI. — W illiam S. Lance, 85 mph in a 70 mph /one. reduced to injproper equipment, $50, cost. — Linda H. Lane, 64 mph in a 50 mph /one. reduced lo im proper equipment. $10. cost. — C andice L . Lesperance. ex ­ pired registration, dismissed, made cost. — Frankie S. Long, failure to stop al a steady red light, dismissed, civil settloment. — Joshua A . Marion. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $10. cost. — Faye S . Muitin, 6 2 mph in a 45 mph /one, reduced lo im proper e<juipment, $25. cost. — Leonard L. M cAfee, iujproper use o f dealer tags, dismissed, made cost. — Dennis C. M cBrayer. failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil seUle- meni. — K elly J . M cD an iel, unsafe movement, dism issed, civil setlle- mcnl. — Tommie L McDonald. 86 mph in a 7 0 mph /one. reduced to 74 in a 70. $10. cost. — Ryan T. M cM illan. 70 mph in a 55 mph /one. reduced lo iniproper equipmenl, $10. cost. — Calvin D. M errill, 80 mph in a 70 mph /one. reduced lo iiuproper equipmenl. $10. cost. — Pastor L. Miranda, failure lo wear seat l>eli. $25; no liability in­ surance. dismissed, made cost. — Dennis G. Phillips, 8 0 mph in a 70 mph /one, reduced to improper equipment. $10, cost. — Kyle P. I’olk. exceeding posted speed, reduced to improper equip­ menl. $10. cost. -M a r g a r e t S . P otts, unsafe movement, dism issed, civil .seille- mcnl. — Kairina D. Powell, exceeding posted speed, dismissed, civil settle­ ment. -D eb iira h A. Rawls, registration violation, reduced lo expired rcjiis- tration. $50. cost. — Clifton C. Richardson, 60 mph in a 45 mph /one, reduced it) im­ proper equipment. $10, co.si. — ^Toby B. Richardson, inspection violation, expired regisiralion. dis­ missed, made cost. — Cheryl R. Russell, 80 mph in a 70 mph /one, reduced to improper equipment, $ 10. cosi: inspection vio­ lation, dismissed, made cosi. — Kevin D. Scarberr)’. 9 0 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd lo exceed­ ing safe speed. $25. cost; license not in possession, dismissed, made cost. — W'anda J. Shirley, interstate highway vioLilion. dismissed, civil settlement. — Keiih L. Stephens. 70 mph in 55 mph zone, reduced to 60 in a 55, $10, cosi; failure lo notify DM V o f address change, dism issed, made cost. — Jennifer L. Stewart, 78 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to 64 in a 55, $ 10, cost. - B r i e B. Strickland, 72 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. — Shelly J . Swaim , 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipm ent,SIO ,cosl. — Ricardo L . Thom as, 87 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd to 79 in a 70, $10, cost. — Dewey L . W allace Jr.. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone,'reduced to im ­ proper equipment, $ 10 , cost. — Adam S . W ilhelm. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost; inspection vio­ lation, dismissed, made cost. — Randy D. W illard. 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipmenl, $10, cosi. , — Benjam in F. W right, driving left o f center, reduced to improper equipmenl, $10, cosi. -. -T-David B , Wyscarver,‘80m ph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper cquipm cnt,.$10,cosi, . •— Maxwell E. D iehl, 84 mph in u 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $50. c o s t., : — Jason . R . Duckworih, possés- sion o f open container, $25, cost. • — Billy J. D uggin sJr.,80m ph in a 70 zone, reduced, lo 74 jn 70, cost. ErncsfW . East Jr., 69 mph in a '55 zone, rcduccd io impix)pér cquip; n ]cn t,$l0.'cp sl.'.. , ’ . : ¡ — Emanuel J. Edwards. 84 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to 74-70, cosl. — Claudia J. Edwards. 68 mph in a 55 /one. reduced to 60 in a 55, cost. — Daniel E. Englebcrt. 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo im proper equipment. $10, cost. — Sonra Esperunzq, no license, dismissed, made cosl. — Eli/abcih Faulweltcr, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil settle­ ment. — Albert D. Floyd, 83 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to improper equip­ menl, $50, cost. — Gladis Y. Fuenles, no license, $50. cosl. — W illiam L. Fulton Jr., failure lo reduce speed, dismissed, civil setile- meni. — David Garcia 85 mph in a 70 /one, reduced lo 74 in a 70. cosl. -N a ta sh a S. Gcdson. no child restraint .system, dism issed, made cosl. — Brandon D. Gentry. 68 mph in a 55 /one. reduced lo im proper equipmenl, $10. cost. — Anianda L. Gillespie, expired registration', dismissed, made cosl. — Mac D. Greene. 80 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to improper equip­ menl, $10. cost. — Donald E. Grogan. 8 0 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to improper equip­ menl. $10. cost. — Sieplien W. Hartis, exceeding posted speed, reduced to improper equipmenl. $10. cosl. — Anthony P. Hauon. 84 n^ph in a 7 0 /one. reduced lo im proper equipment. $25, cost, — Maria C . Hatton, no operator’s license, dismissed, made cost. — Tliomas C. Hawed. 90 mph in a 70 /one. rcduccd to 74 in a 70. cosl. — Paul L. Ha/el, 85 mph in 70 /one, reduced lo improper equip­ menl. failure lo wear seatbelt, $75, cosl. — Jesus O. Hernande/., 8 0 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to im proper equipment. $10. cost. — Jose G. Hernande/. 89 mph in a 70 /one. reduced to 74 in a 70. — Joshua S. Hilion, failure to stop at a slop sign, reduced lo improper equipment, $10. cost. — Susan B. Hinsdale. 87 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo 74 in a 70. cosl. — Anthony L. Holnian. 6 0 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo 50-45, cost; inspection v iolaiion , dism issed, made cost. — Charles 1. Howe, failure to slop at a stop sign, reduced lo improper equipment, $10. cost. — Tiffany R. Howell, expired reg­ istration. dismissed, made cost. — Sliaron T. Ijam es. 77 mph in a 55 reduced lo 64 in a 55. $10. cosl. — Shannon C . Jackson. 88 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo 74 in a 70, cost. — Zenobia R., Jackson, registra­ tion violation, dismissed, made cosl. — AngelaO. Jarvis, following too clo.sely, dismissed, civil sclilemenl. — Harold D. Johnson, 82 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to im proper equipm cnl,$IO . cost. — Joseph F. Johnson. 80 mph in a 65 /one, reduced lo iu ^ rop er equipment, $10, cost. — Zach A. Johnson, failure to wear seatbelt, no license, dismissed, made cosl. — Edward E. Jones. 83 mph in a 70 /one. reduced to improper equip­ ment. $50. cosl. — Mark E. Justice, 62 mph In a 45 zone, reduced to 54-45, $ 10, cosl. — Willian» L. Klapp, 86 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. — Eric G . Knight, 8 0 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to im proper equip­ menl, $10, cosl. — llene S. Knox, failure lo yield al a slop sign, reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cosl. — Steve M. Lakey, no operator’s license. disn>issed. made cosl. — Joan M. Lasicki. 54 mph in 35 /one. reduced to im proper equip­ ment. $50. cosl. — Tony F. Layne. 85 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo im proper equip­ menl, $75, cost. — Kim K. Lundberg, 50 mph in a 35 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10. cost: inspection violation. dismissed, made cosl. — Sherry C . M abe, 63 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. — David A. Maddex, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. — Anthony J. M arciiccio, 83 mpli in a 70 /.one, reduced to improper equipmenl, $50, cost. — Maria A. M artinez, no license, dismissed, m adecosl. — Benjamin L. M ays, no license, dismissed made cosl. — Jason L. M cCoig, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, cost: failure lo reduce speed. $25. — Scon H. M cD ow ell, 8 0 mph in a 7 0 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $10, cost. — Michael R. M cGovern, license not in pos.session. dismissed, made cosl. — Frankie L. M cKinney, failure lo reduce speed, dism issed, civil sclilemenl. — Charles W. M cLam b. unsafe passing, reduced lo unsafe move­ ment. $10, cost. — Amanda F. M cLean, driving left o f cenier. reduced lo improper equipment. $10. cosl. — Brian K. M iller, 88 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 In a 70. cost; failure to wear seatbelt. $25. — Stephanie R. M oncus, failure to stop at a slop sign, dism issed, made cosl. — Juan H. Müssen, expired reg­ istration. inspection violation, dis­ missed. made cosl. — Terry L. M yers. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — Aaron M. Nichols, 85 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo im proper equipmenl, $50, cost; driving while license revoked, dism issed, made cost. — Ivan M. Olea, no license, dis­ m issed. made cosl; unsafe m ove­ ment. rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10. cosl. Continued on Page 9 F e e l i n g A L i t t l e L e f t O u t ? Yadkin Valley Telecom can now meet ALL YOUR COMMUNICATION NEEDS. W hether it's Internet access, mobile phone service, paging services, or just plain old telephones, w e have it all at Yadkin Valley Telecom, And, you can receive all these services on one easy bill. That's right, w e've just gotten into the paging business and have a wide selection ol pagers to select from . C h o o se fro m lo cal to n ation w id e cov erag e plan s a s low a s $ 1 0 a m o n th . This is a perfect gill for that teenager and you can surprise her with a pager that plays Christm as music w hen she opens the package. СШЕНЕ_______________i m __________ Thinking of getting the family a com puter for Christm as? Be careful o f packaged Internet offers th at m ight result in long distance charges w hen you log on . O ur In tern et serv ice p ro v id e s lo c a l n u m b e rs fo r In tern et a cce ss an d a 24-h o u r tech nical su p p ort serv ice. Just give us a call and w e can activate your account and mail you the software. There's no activation fee on selected BellSouth Mobility DCS service plans and w e have two phones priced at only $1 with an 11-month service com m itiTienl. The Ericsson 7 8 8 is selling fast and the M otorola 3682 is a slender flip phone that fits easily into a purse or shirt pocket. W ith m o n th ly plans b eg in n in g a t $ 1 5 , you can p rov id e so m eo n e w ith th e security o f staying In tou ch. Call or visit any o f our Telecom locations: ' M O C K S V IU i • W/al-Mart Shopping Center • 751-0528. JONISVIUi • Riverview Village Shopping Center • 525-0080 YADKINVIUf • 9 1 9 South State St. beside CVS Pharmacy • 6 7 9 4 6 4 8 ' YAOKINVIUI • 1421 Courtney-Huhtsville Rd. • 463-5012 A w ide sele ctio n o f n o v elty p h o n es, In clu d in g Elvis, T h e L ittle M erm aid, W in nie th e Pooh and H arley D avidson. VadhlnValleu C h r is t m a s S T O R E W I D E S A V I N G S U p t o 5 0 % O f f $ M illio n s $ L o o s e D ia m o n d s m 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 Public Records Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with (he Davie County Regis­ ter o f Deeds. The (ransactions are listed by par­ lies involved, acreaje, township and deed slamps purchased, with 5 2 rep­ resenting $1,000, - W illie M , Howard (oKcnnc(h\V, Howard, 9,18 acrcs. Shady Grove, - Soulhern Showcase Housing (o R obert Paul D onald son, 1 lo t. M ocksville, SI78. -Joseph D. E(chisonandTouloup P. Etchisnn 10 Leobardo R, Diaz. I lot. M ocksville. $140. • Howard R, Hohnian and Diana K , Hohman lo Dorman H, Caudle and Sara Anne C, Pell Caudle. I lot. Farmington. $520, - M ichael W ayne Myers lo Kitt A, Watkins and M arcine A, Wotkins, I lot. Shady Grove. $424, - W achovia Bank under irusi agreements with Anne Hanes Willis and Frank Borden Hanes lo Dwighi L, M yers. 265 acres. Jerusalem and M ocksville, $1.578, • Tamra W illiams and Jill Baca as co-adminislralors o f cslale o f Clyde Roy W illiam s Sr„ and Clyde Roy W illiams Jr. 10 Dorman Braw n. 1 lot, $ 1 0 0 ,' - Sheila M iller lo Doanid M iller and Scollie M iller, 2 tracts. Jenisa- lem. - Fu rch es Farm to H elen R, Aneskewich. 38,01 acivs, Farming­ ton, -533, - Furehes Farm to Gregory Lillie MI and Elizabeth A. L illle, 35,09 acres. Farmington. $492, - H enry L ee C am pbell Jr, and Elizabeth B , Campbell lo Guadalupe G , M artinez. 7 acres. Farm ington, $70. • Marian Virginia Morgan lo J,D , Shields C orp,, 1 lol. Farm ington, $235. ■ David B . Crolls and N icolc R, Crolls 10 Brad D, Ellison and Thl L, Hayes, 1„53 acres. $220, - Nancy J, M yers to Burr D, M y­ ers and C hristina L, M yers. 7.98 acrcs, Shady Grave, - Gregory K , Cone and Jennifer l i e Cone toJeannelte Cormier. I lol. C alahaln.$230, - M ichael Arcari and Sandra J, Arcari lo Jeannette Corm ier, revised lot. Catahaln, - R ov erd a E llis Ja rv is and Sherm er G, Jarvis, Brenda Ellis G ra­ ham and Thom as H, Graham, Judy BHI> Thom pson. Robbie Lee Ellis and Julia H, Ellis to Luther R, Davis Jr.a nd Donna H, Davis, 5 acres, Ful­ ton. $80, - John Thom as Pollard and Caral A , Pollord lo Linda H, Pollard, 3 tracls, Farmington, - Mary Margaret Daniel Seam on, Earl D ean Seam on , L in d a C , Seam o n , L arry G en e Seam on , C ynlhia S , Seam on lo Robert M, D aniel and Velm a D aniel. 3 lots. M ocksville. $162, - Rosemary Gam er, Palsy Gam er G arrell and R onald W , G arrell. Carroll Garner KIsner and William A, Kisncr to M.Try Susan Parker. 1,38 acres, M ocksvile, $140, - W illiam Glenn Bogcr Jr, lo Julie Riddick, 12.5 acres. Calahaln. $344. Mocksville Police Tlic Tollowing inciilcnis were rc- pt)r(cd lo M ocksvillc PoUcc. • A DD shoi was nrcd into a win­ dow to u huusc on M agnolia Avenue, U was rcixirted Dcc. 10. • The breaking, entering and lor* ccny o f a pisiol, speaker box and tool hags wiih UHils was reported Dcc. 10 fmni a vehicle on a parking lot at Marriages 1500 Yadkinvillc Road. • Salisbury Post newspaper racks were damaged Dec. 10. A rrests - Bryant Patrick Cody, 20, o f 269 Montview Drive, was chargcd Dcc. 7 with failure lo appear in court. Trial dale: Jan. 3. • Larry Darnell Brown. 44, o f 164 Hollow Hill Court, was chargcd D cc. 7 with assauli. Trial dale: D cc. 21. -R ob ert Ellison M cC lurcJr.. 24, ofC cdarR ldgcA pt. 17, was chargcd D ec. 9 on an order for arrest from Forsyth County. - Shirley Lee Ijam es, 57, o f Yad- kinville, was charged D ec. 8 with D W i. Trial date: Jan. 5. IV afn c A ccidents • A M o ck sv illc w om an w as chargcd with driving while llcensc revoked atk r a wreck on W ilkcsboro Street ai 4:21 p.m. D cc. 4 . Latonya Alicia Daniels, 24. was cited by Of- Hcer L. Keith Gunter. Daniels was driving a 1985 Chevrolet that was struck from behind by a 1998 Ford driven by Randy Lynn Sm ith. 45, o f 519W ilkesborbSt. - Becky Sm yers Porter. 36. o f 264 Shuler Road, failed (o stop the 1991 Pontiac she was driving on Salisbury Street at 4:30 p.m. D ec. 4 before it struck the rear o f a 2000 Ford driven by Tammy Wallers Blackwood. 34, o f 169 Foster Road, reported O fficer John Coley. • A M ocksville icen was cited for running a red light after a wreck at N onh M ain and Depot streets at t -.07 p.m. D ec. 9. The 15-year-old girl was driving a car that went through a red light and struck a car driven by Der­ rick Lashawn Dulin, 22, SVix^Ieaf, reported O fficer R.A. Donathan. Tlie following were issued mar­ riage licenses by the Davie Register o f Deeds. - W aller Payne Elchison, 28, and Jam ie Su/annc EZddings, 24, o f 356 Morse St.. MiKksville. - Keiih Graves W ilson. 4 0. and M ichelle Nanette Heaven, 34, o f 118- Camden Court. Advance. - Joel Lynn Edwards, 4 9. o f Den­ ver. N.C., and Linda Leone Jones, 53, o f 2 18 Pine Valley Road. M ocksville. - Jackie Ray Breeden Jr.. 30, and Alicia Marie Smith. 2 6 .o f 14‘( Mattie Lane. M ocksville. - Ronald Brent Dodson, 49, and Tina M arie R n e, 36, o f337 Hospital St.. M ocksvillc. - M ichael Dale A llen . 4 3 . and Karen Victoria Flynt, 44, o f 1350 .C gm au cr Road. M ocksvillc,. - Jerry Wayne' Drake, 42, o f 163 Cable Lane. M ocksville, and Shiriey N^rginia M inor, 31, o f754 Markland Road. Advance. - Priest Christopher Dalton. 27, and Sylvia Denise McNeil. 30. o f 373 Winward C ircle. M ocksvillc. - Bobby Joe H olland, 33. 237 Gordon D rive, and Denise N icole Doss. 261. o f W 5 N.C. 801 N.. Ad­ vancc. - D anny L ee U lcry, 5 1 , and Daneille M . Gauthier, 50, o f W in- slon-Salent. - H enry R oss Baker, 3 7 , and Patricia Ann Koontz, 4 6, o f Lexing­ ton. • Troy N eil S p ee r, 2 4 , and Josephine Carol Poplin, 21, o f 177 Everhart Road. M ocksville. • Johnny Lee M cClannon, 30. and M aria Isabel Estrada, 22, o f 1351 Fork Bixby Road, Advancc. - Ricky Jcryl Bostian, 4 6. o f 114 Eden L an e, and B elin d a G ail Stephens. 39. o f 1326 Junction Road, M ocksvillc. • Dwight M oses III, 37, and An­ drea Denise Clark, 33, o f Winston- , Salem . - O tis Anthony^N eèly 732ran d ‘ Faye Ann M oore, 35, o f 223 M ocks­ villc Ave., M ocksville. - Kenneth Ray Potts, 41, o f 629 Beauchamp Road, and Beth W iles Norsworlhy, 37, o f 147 Quail Hol­ low Road, Advancc. - C ecil Todd Corvin, 24, o f 457 Tot St.. and Shelly Lynn Allen. 22, o f9 7 6 W y o Road. M ocksvillc. - M eade Edward W hite M cCook, 3 0 , o f C h in a G ro v e, and L isa Michelle Wall, 30, o f 1399 Dcadmon Road. M ocksville. • Junnic Ray Edwards. 33. and Candic Dawn Vanhoose, 25, o f Sal­ isbury. • Thom as Allen Lcon^ml, 28. and Julia Roberson Absher. 30. o f 153 Wilson Lane, M ocksvillc. • Bobby Lee Winters Sr.. 65, and Linda Kathryn W ells, 59, o f 343 Beauchamp Road, Advancc. . David Theodore M iller II, 25, o f 145 Powell Road, M ocksvillc and Jill Lynelte Mayhcw, 23, o f 809 S. Sal- isbury St., M ocksville. - Sam uel Valentin Figueroa. 28, and Jessica Lynn Turrenlinc, 24, of Lexington. " " v A lan Brent B ogcr, 25, o f 495 Cana Road, and Christy M ichelle Beaver, 2 8 ,o f249 Spring St., M ocks­ ville. • David Matthew M arion. 28, o f 3 32 D aniel Road. M ocksville and M elissa Dflwn W estfall, 3 0, o f King. - Gerardo Ruiz Gutierrez, 19, and Sherry Jean Hanshaw, 38, o f Charles­ ton, W.Va. - Billy M ichael M clntyrc.48, and G inger G riffith G rissom . 3 5, o f Woodleaf. - Michael Thom as Pollard. 26. o f 249 Baltimore Road. Advancc, and Grctchcd Louise Warren. 2 7. o f W in­ ston-Salem. • Franklin Noah D rye. 23. and E llie L ain e B row n . 19. o f 882 Wagner Road. M ocksvillc. - Steven Chad N ichols, 22, and Amy M ich elle Porter, 2 0. o f 148 Westsidc Drive, M ocksvillc. • David Jam es O liver. 24, and Robin Denise Barnes, 2 0,ofL exin g- ton. • Craig M ichael Longwonh, 21, and Amanda Rachelle Short. 21, o f W inston-Salem. , - Jeffery Allen Ammerman, 34, •and Holly Fclishia Bell, 29, o f 297 Fulton St., M ocksville. • Kevin Jam es Brow n, 30. and Ramona Lee M iller. 28, o f 3090 U.S. (A E.. M ocksville. • Harold W elling Parker Jr., 43, o f S ta tesv ille and Tam m y Lynn Howard. 40, o f Yadkinvillc. - Todd Stephens Mendenhall, 30, o f King, and Rhonda M ichelle M y­ ers. 27, ofStaiesvillc. - Daren Lavon Young, 34, of New­ ton Grove and Martha Jane Rhodes. 31. o f 2670 U .S. 158. M ocksvillc. - Brian M ichael M ayen. 25, o f 711 Baltimore Road, and Janis Renee Barney. 22. o f 201 M ajor Road. Ad­ vancc. - Larry Eugene Barney. 30. and M elanie M ichelle Henry. 30, o f 136 Station Lane. M ocksville. - Luis Fernando Araniva Diaz, 23. o f 100 W indsong R oad , and Cam crina Bentter. Alonso, 23. o f 132 Stony Lane, M ocksvillc. - Lester Jonathen Frye, 2 1, o f W in ston -Salem and N ico lc R ae M onsecs, 21, o f 112 Sunset C ircle. M ocksvillc. - Jaim e Mena Hernandez, 19, o f 152 6 M ain C hurch R oad , and D io sclin a R om ero, 18, o f 2 0 6 Murphy Road, M ocksvillc. • Ronnie Lee Bare, 33, o f 131 C oventry Lane, M ocksv illc. and Ruth Ellen Porter, 36, o f 163 Joyner S t., Cooleem ce. - Anthony Joe Raby, 41, o f 107 P ow ell R oad , and San d ra B are Henry. 39. o f 131 Coventry Lane. M ocksvillc. - Zachary Taylor Jack.w n. 22. and Catherine Lynn M cKay. 31, o f 292 Blaise Church Road, Nlocksvillc. - Shaun Gabriel Sherrill. 24, and C rystal L cigh L ogan , 28, o f 150 Sherrill Lane, M ocksvillc. - Robert Glenn Hall, 41, and VitVi Lynn Stapleton, 45. o f Lexington. - Benny Thom as Shaw, 42. o f 150 Fred Lanier Road, and Belinda Can>l S lu tts. 3 9 . o f 145 Parker Road, M ocksville. - Vurail Delton Cooper Sr., 73, o f M ay sv ille, and L u cy M axine Huffman. 74. o f New Bern. • Gary Wayne Clcndenin. 38. o f 775 Cherry Hill Road, and Lo/ena G ail W illiam s. 37, o f 1000 Hardison S t., M ocksville. - Keith Benjam in Hiatt, 41, and Patricia M arie Hcplcr, 3 5, o f 155 Koras Lane. M ocksville. • M arvin Giovani Lopez. 21. o f M l. Ulla and Paula Annette Cranftll. 24, o f 834 Wagner Road, M ocksville. - M ichael C arl H icks, 24, and Sherrie Lynetic Hurt, 27, o f 166 Cen­ ter C ircle, M ocksville. Fires Sheriffs Department DavieCounty fire departments re­ sponded to the following calls: D ec. 4 : M ocksvillc, 12:44 p.m.. Long Meadow Road, fire alarm ; Sm ith Grove assisted; Sm ith Grove, 12:54 p.m., C C B at Hillsdale, ve­ hicle Hre; Advancc assisted; Farm­ ington, 5:01 p.m.. N.C. 801 North, woods fire. D ec. 6 : Sm ith Grove, 2:14 p.m., Juney Beauchamp Road, woods fire; Com atzer-Dulin assisted; Farming­ ton assisted; Farmington, 4 :40 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident; Smith G rove assisted; M ocksvillc, 6:47 p.m., Valley Road, electric fire; Farm­ ington, 7:13 p.m ., N.C. 801 Nonh, woods (Ire; Sm ith Grove assisted! D ec.8 : Center, 1:49 p.m., U .S .64 W est, grass lire; Shefflcld-Calahaln assisted; Farmington. 4 :13 p.m., N.C. 801 at Spillm an Road, automobile accident. D ec. 9 : Advancc, 9:55 a.m .. La Quinta Drive, car fire; Comatzcrf Dulin assisted; C nler, 10:59 a.m .. U .S. 64 W est, automobile accident; M ocksville, 1:07 p.m .,Court Square, autom obile accident; C ooleem ce, 2:02 p.m., M idway Street, grass fire; W illiam R. Davie, 7 :3 0 p.m., Cana Road, woods fire. D ec. 10: Sm ith Grove, 4 :00 p.m., 1-40 W est, grass fire. Cooleemee Police The following were arrested in recent weeks by the Cooleem ee Po­ lice Department. - Lloyd Redmond Johnson, 53, o f 164 Riverside D rive, was charged Nov. 22 with DW I, failure to slop for a blue light and siren, failure to change address on driver’s licensc and failure to display headlights. Trial dale: Jan. 5. Police C hief Tim Woolen said lhal ofdccrs were called to ihe A BC Store/shopping center area for a report o f a drunken driver, and saw a vchicle driven by Johnson Arrests leave the parking lot with no head­ lights. He refused to stop for the of­ ficers until several m iles into Rowan County on N .C. 801, W oolen said. - Тепу Wayne Connell, 36, o f 160 Green Grass Road, was chargcd Nov. 25 with possession o f marijuana. Trial date: D ec. 14. - Jam al Phillip Dawson, 23, o f 1474 M ain Church Road, M ocks­ villc, was charged Nov. 25 with car­ rying a concealed weapon, driving without a license, Improper equip­ ment. Trial date: Dec. 14. • Gary Leonard Daniels, 38, o f and Shcrita Waller, 30, both o f 128 W esiview S t., w ere each chargcd Nov. 29 on Rowan County warrants for four counts o f breaking, entering and larceny. They were placed in the Rowan County Jail in lieu ol $50,000 bonds. T Thom as A dam m osky, 4 4 , o f M iam i, Fla, was charged Nov. 24 with D W I. Trial dale: D cc. 14. - M ichael Todd Klutlz, 37. o f 259 Sunburst Lane, was charged D ec. 6 on Salisbury Policc warrants with common law robbery. He was found steeping in Ihe closet o f his brother's trailer. C hief Tim W ooten said. • Randy Jam es Reich, 18, o f 148 Westview St., was charged D ec. 7 ’ with damage to real property. He is accused o f shooting a pellet from a gun into his neighbor's window. Trial date: Jan. 18. - M ichael Ray Self, 46, o f 3569 U .S . 601 S .. M o ck sv ille, w as charged with assault after a fight at the H andi-C up board in Row an County. The following incidcnls were re­ ported to Ihe Davie Sh eriffs Dept. - A report o f an assault was re­ ceived Nov. 3 from a hotel on U .S. 601 South. M ocksville. - Larceny was reported D ec. 4 from a construction site on Yadkin Valley Road. Advancc. - A report o f child abuse was received D cc. 4 from a home on Fan­ tasia Lane, Advance. - Items were reported stolen from a m ailbox on M r. H enry Road, M ocksvillc on D cc. 5. - A report o f an undisciplined ju ­ venile was received D ec. 6 from a sch o ol on Farm in gton R oad , M ocksville. - Tw o deer stands were reported stolen D cc. 7 from a location on Bal­ timore Road, Advance. - A report o f an assault was re­ ceived D ec. 8 from a school on U .S. 601 South, M ocksville. - Breaking and entering was re­ ported D ec. 8 from a home on Junc­ tion Road, M ocksville. - A missing person was rcported D cc. 9 from a school on U .S. 601 South, M ocksville. - An armed robbery was reported D cc. 9 from a parking lol on N .C. 8 0 1 North, M ocksville. - An assault on a fem ale was re­ ported D cc. 10 from a hom e on L ib -, cny Church Road, M ocksville. -- A paper rack was reported sto­ len D cc. 10 from a location on U .S. 601 South, M ocksville. - Larceny o f gas was reported D cc. 1 1 from a convenience store on U .S. 64 W est, M ocksville. , - A reportof larceny was received D ec. 11 from a location on N .C. 801 North, Hillsdale. - Christmas lights were reported damaged D cc. 11 from a hom e on Redland Road, Advance. Highway Patrol The Davie County Sh eriffs De­ partment made the following arrests.’ - M ichacl Bryan Freeman, 30, o f 199 D og Trot Road, M ocksville was arrested D cc. 4 for com municating threats. Trial dale: D ec. 21. ' - Shannon Davis Link, 24, o f 148 Creason Road, M ocksvillc was ar­ rested D ec. 5 for failure lo appear. Trial date: Jan. 4. - Jonathan David M cDowell, 4 2, o f 208 Gwyn Strcet, M ocksville was arrested D ec. 5 for child support. Trial date: D ec. 7. ,• • • ; ~ W illiam Eugene Ray. 65, o f 717 L^ew oA d Village Road. M ocksville. w b arrested Dec. 6 for assault on a ............' j _ 4 — court official ond injury lo personal property, ' - Daniel Harold French, 37. o f 620 Bailey's Chapel Road, Advance was arrested D ec, 7 for violation o f release order. Trial date; D cc, 14, - Danny G len M oss, 43. o f Kings Mountain was arrested Dec, 7 for obtaining controlled substance by fraud and habitual felon. Trial date: Jan, 8, -N ik k i Rajenda Sm ith. 19,o f329 Hobson D rive. M ocksvillc was ar­ rested D ec, 7 for public disturbance, . Trial dale; D ec, 14, - Julyn Joyce Everelte, 36, o f 504 North Ridge Court, M ocksville was arrested D ec, 7 for failure lo pay. Trial date; I3ec, 14, -D avid E u gen e B o les,3 1 ,o f5 0 4 Nonh Ridge Court. M ocksville was arrested D cc, 8 for failure lo pay. Trial date: Jan, II, - Arias D iaz Ricardo, 35, o f 195 Deadmon Road. M ocksvillc was ar­ rested D ee, 9 forno operators license and D W I, Trial date: Jan, 19, - K enneth L ee Byrd. 2 9 . o f Statesville was arrested Dec. 9 for em bezzlcmeni. Trial date; D ec, 21, - Randy Alynn M cBroyer, 18, o f 149 Baltim ore Roodi Adviince was arrested D ec, 10 for contributing to the delinquency o f a juvenile. T r ia l. date: Jan, 4 , '■ - Amanda Gayle Bamhardt, 25. ofSalisbury was arrested D ec. lO for failure 10 appear. Trial date: Jan, 8, -Ja s o n M ichael D am ell, 21, o f 220 Benjam in Trot Lane, M ocksville was arrested D ec, lO for driving with license revoked. Trial date; Jan, 8, - Virginia Vance Penland. 4 4, o f 132 Pineville Road. M ocksville was arrested D ec, 11 for failure to change address, altered registration plate, and no insurance. Trial dale; Jan, 4, - Brandon G eoffrey Oliver, 18, o f 226 Ralph Road, M ocksville was anestedD ec, 11 for failure to appear. Trial date: Jan, 4 , The following IrafTic wrecks were investigated by the N ,C, Highway Patrol In Davie County, F ailu re To Y ield C harged An East Bend man was charged with failure 10 yield after a wreck onN,C, HOI at Farmington Road at l;25p .m , D ec, 4, Larry Allen D oub,-49, drove a 1980 Ford truck from Ihc Farming­ ton Road Slop sign, striking a 1995 G M C being driven on N.C, 801 by Eunice Gough Gonzalez. 48, o f 1294 Eatons Church Road. M ocksville, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. Vehicle Hit In C urve The driver o f a tractor trailer ac- ciiu d o f crossing the center line on U ,S ,6 4 a t ll;3 0 a ,m , D cc, 4 is un­ known. The tractor trailer itniclc a 1983 -------------- f . - - ------------------------------------ Ford pickup being driven by Paul Archie Polls, 75. o f 264 Polls Road,' reported Trooper Eric T, Phillips, Failu re 1b R educe Speed C harged A M o ck sv illc w om an w as charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on U ,S, 601 N onh a) 3:25 p.m. Dec, 5, Nelia Elizabeth Bracken, 75, of 303 Boozle Lane, failed to stop the 1992 O ldsm obile she was driving before It suuck Ihe rear o f a 1992 Eagle driven by M atthew Robert Wallner, 17, o f 606 S . Salisbury St.! M ocksville, reported Tirajper T .S ,. Kennedy, Georgia Mon CUed A C arlersv ille, G a, m an w as charged with making an unsafe U af-' fic movenient alter a vnreck on N ,C, ConlkiitdoaPiip? Henry Shore Is Honored Brent Shoaf Takes Over As Davie’s New Register Of Deeds H en ry S h o re , retirin g a flc r •serving as D avie C o u n ty ’s R e g ­ ister o f D eed s fo r 12 year.s, o f­ fered som e sim p le ad v ice fo r his rcp laeem enl. R em em b er that you w ork fo r Ih c p eo p le o f D a v ie C o u n ly . Treat them with respect, a hand­ shake and a smile. U re n l S h o a f, w h o w o n a crow ded R epu blican nom ination for the jo b ln.st M ay and w on un­ opposed in the N ov em b er e le c ­ tion . wa,s sw orn in to o ffic e on M o n d ay , D c c . 4 . H e said he hoped lo be as elTective as Sh ore. C le rk o f C o u rt K e n B o g c r cond u cted the sw earin g-in cer­ em ony, nllended by co u n ly em ­ ployees and fam ily m em bers. H ie p rev iou s Friday, a recep ­ tion w as held in S h o re ’s honor. R eg isters o f d eed s from o th er co u n ties, fam ily tn cn ib ers and co u n ty and sta le o ffic ia ls a t­ tended lhal ev en t in the cou n ty co m m issio n er’s rootn. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - 7 Slate Rep, Julia Howartd congratulates Henry Shore, shown with w/ile Sarah, on his retire­ ment as Davie County Register of Deeds, County Commissioner Richard Poindexter wishes Shore a happy retirement. Shore hands Ihe key to the office to Brent Shoaf soon alter he look the oath of ollice Monday, Dec. 4. К and A Antiques and Trading Post W E ’ V E L O S T O U R L E A S E O N T H E B U I L D I N G S O W E ’ V E G O T T O M O V E A O N E D A Y 1 2 H O U R S A L E E V E R Y T H I N G I N T H E S T O R E W I L B E 5 0 % O F F S a t u r d a y D e c . 1 6 F r o m 9 a m t o 9 p m D o n ’ t M I S S T H I S C H A N C E T O G E T A G R E A T C H R I S T M A S P R I C E , E V E R Y T H I N G M U S T G O 6 4 9 W i l k e s b o r o S t . M o c k s v i l l e . N C Clemmons Village Assisted Living Centers w a n t s t o w i s h y o u a Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year T h i s H o l i d a y S e a s o n 6441 Holder Road, Clemmons 336.778.8548 T H E М О Ж P L A C E CHRISTMAS SPECIAL jo u r a A U T H 0 R 1 Z E D A GENT DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN CALL ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. WITH N0 LONG DISTANCE FEES FORAS LOW AS $19.9S/MONTH?*121 Depot Street ^ ~m Mon-Frl. 8am-5pm’ Mocksville,NC27028 X JL Sat. 9am-l:00pm cmtomw«. № tong e«UK« cMrOM iM M CIU Mvrwa Mi<M\ M pidig« IfHlNwlti t Smoi CvohM) to trw Unilid SUIM. A iChVBHl3«rwlory uMUnu. initmibenal long 4tUncfMt<tl.iUlitnd Meal UwiindoMrfHimiy apply. Cwttnrwincaoniipply.nl wider«« approvai r«)w*d lor M le cala mtda euttUa Ы №• package мим araaSaa am tor МЫа. !*TNi oIN« tmgrt The Piwna Placa. Inc. orl|r. Taking Orders For Pick-up ((л/ÁndÁII Day Fri., Dec. í5 f/^ 4 ^ , Eaim^Fresh P o i ^ ^ L l i S p A J n s p e c t e d i ^ i l ^ '^ ^ H , Sausage,-<Lcins, Spareribs■ . f ‘ I' ^ \ I\ - .//N o Order too Small or too Large / \ ICall for Prices & Details V Jerry & Cindy Foster ,V ; ! ‘ ,'jMocksville, N0 27028 '336-998-7175 Also: Frozen Pork Products Year Round Nowly elecled Register ol Deeds Breni Shoal with Ihe slall. which lool< Ihe oalh ol ollice on Dec. 4, from lell: clerks Martha Smith, Cathy McClamrocl<, Carol Forrest and deputy register ol deeds Doris Williams. Trash PicK- Up Schedule Customers who would normally have trash pick-up on Monday, Dec. 25th will have pick­ up on Tuesday, Dec. 26th along with our regular Tuesday pick-ups. No other holiday changes will occur. G .D .S ./D illflE 131 Industrial Blvd., Mocksville, NC • 751-15B5 Notice of TAX LISTING FOR DAVIE COUNTY Ail property on hand January 1,2001 both reai and personal is subject to taxation regardless of age and sex ol owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are currently LICENSED with the North Caroiina Deparlment ol Motor Vehicles, These vehicles will be biiied by the County alter the current registration is renewed or an application is made lor a new registration. About three months alter your registration renewal you will receive a bill from the Counly You will have 30 days lo pay the biii belore interest is added at the rale of 3/4 of 1 % per month,- Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on January 1, 2001 DURING THE REGUUR LISTING PERIOD, there Is no change in the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required to be listed In Januaiy include: mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis, aircraft, farm equipment, tools used by carpenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new buildings or any improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator's Office will be sending listing lorms to everyone that listed personal property in 2000. If you need to list personal property as indicated above or report changes to real property and you do not receive a form in the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator’s Office for the proper lorms. tXEMPnON FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED North Carolina excludes from property taxes the llrst $20,000 in assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose income does not exceed 815,000, If you received the exclusion in 2000, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence. If you received the exclusion in 2000 and your disposable Income in 2000 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor. If the person receiving the exemption has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who falls to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be subject to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. If you did not receive the exclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application from the Assessor. It must be filed by April 15. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin January 2, 2001 In the Tax Administrator’s Office in the County Administration Building. Office listing help is available Jan. 2-31, 2001. Hours will be 8:30 А.ИЛ. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday The deadline for listing Is January 31,2001. Completed forms must be postmarked by the U.S. PostRl Sen/Ice not later than January 31,2001. All late listings are subject to a 10% penalty Please make your return early to avoid a late penalty.^ Davie County Tax Administrator' Mary Nell Richie 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 ■ Taylor Lovelace still needs about $15,000 to buy a machine to help him breathe on his own. Members of Knights of Columbus from SI. f=rancls of Assisi Church In N/1ocksville spent a recent Saturday building a ramp for Taylor Lovelace. Shown, from left, Phil Diehl, Paul hoke and Vince fVlannino. Hoping For A ‘Breath For Life’ C h u r c h , O t h e r s C o n t in u e T o H e l p B o y W h o N e e d s S u r g e r y W hen V ince M annino lio arJ llie story o f Taylor L ov elace, his hean w as louched for the young m an nnd his fam ily. Taylor, 8 , needed S 6 0 ,0 0 0 for a surgery that w ould giv e him his only chan ce to breathe on h is ow n. A bout S 1 5 ,0 0 0 is still needed. Taylor has tw o sisters, T aysa and Em m a, w ho also have m edical problem s. M annino put that concern into actio n , and w ith the help o f fellow m em bers at St. Francis o f A ssisi Church in M ocksville, raised m oney fur the phrenic nerve stim ulator surgery needed to give liim a chan ce to breathe. T h e w eekend o f D ec. 9 , m em bers o f Ihe K nights o f C olum bus at S t. Francis w ent to T ay lo r’s hom e o ff L iberty C hurch R oad to install a w heelchair ram p, w ith m aterials donated by M ocksv ille Builders Supply. D onations can be sent lo : B reath F o r L ife, c/ o T eicsa L ov elace, 125 E , C hinaberry C t., M ocksv ille. Advance Man Arrested With Large Roclcs Of Crack Cocaine C O O O LEEM EE - An Advance man faccs cocuinc chnrgcs oflcr his arrest al a traffic slop here Saiunlay. John Lewis "Chub” M ayfield Jr., 29, o f 530 Underpass Road, was charged with possession оГ cocaine with inicnt (0 sell and deliver, main­ taining a vchicic for the .sale and dc> livery o f cocaine, driving while li­ cense revoked, and expired registra­ tion. Bond; $ 15.000. Trial dale: Dcc. 21. Police C h lem n i Wooten said lhai upon driving upon a license check, M nyfield stopped his car in (he middle o f the road, then drove It into a driveway where he attempted lo dispose o f rocks o f crack ciKaine. O fficers co n fiscate tw o large rocks o f ccK*aine, ones large enough lo be broken Into sm aller ones for resale. Woolen said. Planning Board [Meeting Dec. 19 Tliere will be a m eelingofthc Davie Counly Planning Board on Tuesday, Dcc. 19 at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners Room o f the Davie County Adminis- iralion Building. Mocksville. Calvin and Vertie Ijaincs have ap­ plied to rezone approximately 2.267 acres o f land from Residential (R-20) 10 Highway Business (H -B). This property is located o ff ihe north side of U .S. 64 W esi approximately 500 wcsl of Porker Road and is Parcel 13 of Davie Counly Tax Map H-3. Adams EgloiT Avant Properties, IX C has submitted for Rnal Plat Re­ view a 38 lot single family rcsidenllal subdivision tilled Kindcrton Village Phase IB . This 13.783 acre property Is locatcd off Ihe cast side o f Yadkin Valley Ro.id approximately 1000 feet nonh o f N.C. 801 and is a portion of Paivci \ ofD A vicC oum yTaxM apC - 8. EarleneTltomas.ofllieNorthCaro- limiDepartinenlofTransportationwill iiwke a prc.sentalion regarding the 2030 Transportaiion Plan for Davie Counly. Tliomas has been collecting inift'ic and road infomwlion and will present pre­ liminary infomiation al this time. Tlic' surN’ey fonns have been mailed to the public, and responses arc expected in e.'irly Januar)'. All parties and interested citi/cns arc invited al which lime tliey shall have an opportunity to be he.'ird in favor of, or in opposition lo. tlie pro- poStMs. Prior to the meeting, all per­ sons interested may obtain any addi­ tional infomiation on apn>pos.il or ask any questions they m.iy have by visit­ ing Ihe planning department on week­ days between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. or by telephone at 751-3340. State Insurance For Children Freezes Enrollment State health officials have an­ nounced lhai N orth C arolina's children's health insurance program, NC Health Choice for Children, will Ггееге enrollment Jan. 1.2001. After Jan. I. families wishing lo enroll children in the program will be placed on a wailing list. > "When w e created HcaWt Choice, we estimated that 71,000 children would be eligible for the program," said State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. David Bruton. T h at ■ 7\.00Qngureca«\cfrom theUS.Cttw- sus Bureau and was ihe best number we had for estimating need. W e now have over 69.000 children enrolled and are enmlling new children at the rate o f 1.000 a week," North Carolina will continue lo coverall children enrolled as of Jan. I, as well as children whose families submit an application for enrollment priortoJan. I. The stale will condnue to reenroll children already in the pro- Library Closed For Holiday The Davie County Public Library w ill be closed Saturday, D ec. 23 through Tuesday. Dec. 26. gram if they remain eligible, so no child already In the prognun will lose benefits as a result of the freeze. As of Nov. 3. Davie County had 169 cases and 251 children on NC Health Choice program Children qualifyingfor new enroll­ ment after Jan. t will be placed on a svaiiinglisl. AseMStingenrollccsleave dieprogram,childrenfrom the waiting list will be enrolled into the program in the order they appear on the waiting list. I, • .NonhC^Uwi&oneoClO&taie&lo. have spent Its full federal allotment during theprogram'siniiialyean. Since it began enrolling children In October 1998, Health Choice has established itself as a national leader In iheeffort to insure children. The Children's De­ fense Fund has ranked NC Health Choice as sixth best In die country, and the Health Care Financing Adminis­ tration, which administrators ihe pro­ gram. has also recognized North Carolina'seffonstosimplifytheappli- cation process. NorthCarolinacreated a simple two-page application form that is used for both Medicaid and Health Choice. NC Healdi Choice forChildren was created in a 1998 special legislative session. Unlike Medicaid, it is not an eniitlemcnl program, which means Utat it only ensures children as long as funds areavailable. The program scr% es eligible participants up to 200 percent ofihefedcralpovcrtylcvel,or$34,100 a year for a family o f four. Nonh Carolina provides 26 cents for every 74 cents it receives from the federal govcm m crn.' Health Choice Is a comprehensive health insurance program patiertied aAer the healdt insurance offered to the children o f state employees and teach- . CCS. ' Since Health CHolce began enroll­ ing children. Ihe program has covered everything from well baby visits to a heart/lung transplant. In its first two years, the program has paid for more than 120,000 physicians'office visits and 20,000 pairs o f e )c glasses. In addition lo those benefits, NC Health Choice offers vision, dental and hear­ ing insurance and extra coverage for children with special healdi care needs. Families making below 150 per­ cent o f the federal poverty lc\el pay no out o f pocket cosis for health insur­ ance. Families making aboye 150 percent of poverty pay S50 once a year to enroll a child or S100 once a year to enroll two or more children. In addi- lion, they are asked to mukc copaymonls of S5 for each doctor's visit, S6 for each prescription dnig .nnd $20 for each non-emcrgency emer­ gency room visii. For more infonnation about the NC Health Choice program, contact the Davie Counly Department o f Social Servlets al 336-751 -88(X)or the Davie County Health Dcp;utmcnl al 336- 751-8700. You niay apply for the program at the Davie County Depart­ ment o f Social Ser>’ices at 228 Hospi­ tal St., Mocksville. A , A U n i q u e G i f t • H o l i d a y S p e c i a l 3 H alf hour lessons for $ 6 0 C usjoinized G ifi C ertificate 3 3 % Sovings-Expires 5 -3 1 -2 0 0 1 Call 998-1868 ^ D on Hoffman S r PG A Teaching Professional Looking for lliat pcrfccl present for the m a n ,'^*' woman or youngster in your life? ★ T h u r s d a y & F r i d a y 6 R E A T B U Y a O T O D ISC O U N T E D F A M O U S U / IN D i 3 0 % T O 7 0 % O F F D E P T i T A K E . A N A D D I T I O N A L ^ J ^ - A L L T i l 8 : 0 0 ★ } & C 0 . 1 0 T H I N 6 S T O R E P R I C E S M en 's L E A T H E R B E L T S 5 0 ^ V f ...............A L L B r a s & P a n t i e s 4 0 h ( f o m o u s b r a n d s ) Q M M R ? ) ( U 9 9 K H A K I S 3 i 0 m m i e m C o m p a r e a t $ 4 2 f a m o u s b r a n d F r o m K i d s C l o t h e s T ’ to p s -je a n s ’ s w e a t s j ^ l ^ M e n 's b y R A LPH U U R E N 0 ^ Щ Ё и \ M en 's a n d L a d ie s « ¿ 1 4 " 2 5 f e Ш Т 0 В L O N G S L E E V E l E E S * ' ! ” l ( H A i a S * 9 ^ ’ ’ M on - W ed 10 cm to 6 pm • Thurs & Fri 10 a m - 8 pm • Saturday 10 c m to 6 pm ■ G r e a t B i i y e l o t h i i i g c o M i ^ « * 3 3 6 7 5 1 - 4 ^ ^ ^ I M n w W in t w H ( U M > m J á it e * r M .70«»7-3«6*5*1В8(Ю Davie JJ EwentSj “WiKttf Wartti-ufs" • V M C A W c build slm ni! kULs, slronK fumillcst slniiig communiiU's 12th Annual 5K RESOLUTION RUN & Pancake Breakfast Saturday, Dcccmbcr 30tli 1.5 Fun R u n / W .ilk ® 8:30A M 5K Resolution Run ffl 9:00 AM Rcgislriilion; 510.00 Pre-Iicgistration 515.00 Race D ay Registration 56.00 Fun Run/W alk Spon sored b y: Page K itchens & Bath, M cD onalds, BB& T Bank, Pennington & C om pany R eal Estate, l^ B leu Bottled W ater, GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH THIS HOUDAY SEASON G ive som eone you love a Y M C A M cntbership. They w ill love o u r beautiful facilities w hich include N autilus & C ybex Strength Equipn^ent, Paran^ount Free W eight Equipmer^t, Treadrttills, Elyptical M achines, Stationary Bikes, and featuring FilUnxx, the interactive fitness net^vork. G reat program s such as A erobics and A qua-aerobics arc also included. W e'll even w rap up you r gift and include a Y M C A T-shirt. Red Cross UfegiMrd Certification Saturday, Dec. 16lh - Friday, Dec. 18th ' M ust be age 15 or older to attend. C all the Y M C A for details, : YMCA Swim Lessons New session begins week of Jan. 15 A g es6‘m os. an d u p Davie Fam ily YNIf^ 'Helping people reach their God-given potential in spirit, mind and body," 215Cemetery Street • Mockavllle, NC *(336)751-9622, H ouxs;M on-Fri6A M -9PM ;Sat8A M -6P M icS u n lP M 7 6PM , A d m in istra tiv e C o u rt OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14^ 2000 - 9 C ontinued from Page 5 — Charles L. Page. 69 mph In a 5 5 , rcduccd lo Improper equipment, SIO. cosl. — John Pupanikolnou, 81 mph In n 7 0 zone, Tcduccil to im proper equipment, $25, cost. — Charles L. Parsons. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to Im proper cqulpmenl. SIO,cost. — Himanshu B . Patel. R4 mph in a 7 0 zone, rcJu ccd lo Im proper equipment, S50, cost. — Lamyra V. Pearson, 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to im proper equipm ent. SIO, cosl. — Randy L. Peck, 8 0 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced lo im proper equip- m enl.SH ). cost. — Keith E. Pcnncr. 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcUuccd to improper equip­ ment, SIO. cosl. — Heather M. Pcrc, ii5 mph In a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 in a 70. cost. — Jose N. Porlillo, 55 mph In u 35 zone, rcduccd to 44 In a 35, SIO, cost. — C rystal D. Purdy, cxccedlng — Raymond I. Slurgell, failure to slop at a stopsign, rcduced lo im ­ proper cqulpmenl, SIO, cost. — Sandra J. Suthers, 68 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd lo 54-45, $ 10. cost. — Michael W. Swisher, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed, civil sellle- mcnl. — Raymond Szynal, 88 mph in u 70 zone, rcduced lo 74 in a 70. — Lindsay B. Tedder, 61 mph In n 4 5 zon e, rcduced to im proper equipment, S25, cost. -C y n th ia A. Tharpc. 89 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo 74 in a 70,'cost. — Robert B. Todd, failure lo ic- ducc speed, dism issed, civil scitie- menl. — O scar B . Torres, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo Improper equip­ m ent, $ 1 0 . co sl; no licen se, dis­ missed, made cosl. — Crystal N. Trivetle. failure lo stop at stop sign, reduced to improper cqulpmenl. SIO, cost. — M arc A. Tu/enew, 65 mph In a 45 zone, rcduccd to Improper equlp- m cnl, $50, cost. — Raul II. Vargas, 76 mph In a'55 posted speed, rcduccd to improper zon c,rcd u ced to64ln n 55,SI0.cosi, — Richard H. Zclickson, 84 mph in a 7 0 zone, rcduced lo improper equipment, S50, cost. — David Grady, 69 mph In a 50 zone, rcduccd lo 54 In a 50, cost. — Robert Cline, 85 mph In a’^70 zone, rcduccd to Improper equip- nicnt, $50. cosl. Advance Florist & Gift Baskets — WeDiliver—(336) 940-6337Mon-ffi9-6. s jt a - 3 flo y ie n fó r a ll O ccasions Sister’s II ' of Mocksville (336)751-1782 Hiühwav Patrol equipment, SIO. cost. — M ickey A. Radford, following loo closely, rcduccd to im proper equipment. $10. cosl. -S a n tia g o A. Ram irez, unsafe passing, dismissed, civil seulement. — M elissa D. Raper. 58 mph in a 45 /one, rcduccd lo 50 In a 4 5, cosl. — Jessica J. Riddle. c:^plrcd reg­ istration. dismissed, made cost. — Danene L. Roby, 70 mph in a 55 /one, rcduccd to Improper equip- mcni, $10, cost. - S c o t t B. Rodgers, rcduccd lo improper equipment. $10. cosl. — Torri B. Rumple, 80 mph In a 70 /one. rcduccd lo improper equip* mcni. $10. cosl. — MichacI D. Sain Jr.. driving left i)f ccnicr. rcduccd lo Impmpcr equip- mem. SIO, cost. — Ahmed A. Salvador Jr., 82 mph in a 7 0 /one, reduced to improper cquipmeni. S25. cost. — M IchacI D. Schm iii, ei^plred registration, dismissed, made cosl. — Jason E. Shrewsbury, failure to slop at a stopsign. rcduccd lo im ­ proper equipment, SIO, cosl. -A lb e r t J. Siem ens, 80 mph In a 70 /one. rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — John W . Skeen, 85 mph in a 70 /one, rcduccd to Im proper equlp- nicnl, S50.cost — C cm enihlaT. Sm ith, no liabil­ ity insurance, dismissed, made cosl. — Jennavcr M . Sm ith, 84 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd to Improper equipiuenl. $50, cosl. — Larry K. Sm ilh, 8 0 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo Im proper equip­ ment, SIO , cost. — Thom sin Smuthcrman, 89 mph in a 7 0 zone, reduced to 7 4-70. cosl. — Mary A . Sm yrc. failure to stop at Slop sign, rcduccd to im proper equipment, SIO, cost. — Ralph D. Stanley, 85 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $50. cost. Land Exchange Gets Resolution Of Authorization The Tbwn o f M ocksville plans lo convey exchanged property to the M ocksville-Davie Cham ber o f Com ­ merce so that it can be used as a part o f a master plan that will involve ad­ ditional town parkinB and a commu­ nity meeting lucUity 10 be built by Energy United. Follow ing the M ocksvillc’s Tbwn Meeting on Dec. 5 a resolution an­ nouncing the authorization o f the ex­ change o f Ihe property was passed. Th e properties that will be ex ­ changed arc the com er lot diagonally across from H orn’s C onvenience Store on South Salisbury Street, a .646 acre tract valued at $71.000 owned by the town, and Ihe tract be­ side die Cham ber of Comm erce on North Salisbury Street, a .275 acre ' tract valued al $51,600. ' A ccotdingtoTbw nM anagerlirty ' Bralley the transaction Is a kind ex- change. “W hatw c'u jgoingtogctout ; o f it is parking for the town and a ‘ meeting facility." ' , H el})iiu| R m|I O ut Cmni — Sim on Vargas. 69 mph In a 55 /one. rcduced to Improper equip­ ment. SIO. cost. — M arine S. Wagoner, failure to rcduced lo speed, dism issed, civil settlement. — Sandra H. Walker, 67 mph In a 55 zone, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. — John D. Weaver. 80 mph in a 70 /one, rcduccd to Improper cquip­ meni. SIO. cosl. — Randy D. W illard, 68 mph In a 55 /one, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment. SIO, cosl. — April C . Yount. 8 6 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to 74 in a 70, cosl. C ontinued Ггоп) Page 6 801 at 5:40 p.m. D cc. 5. R og er W illiam P alm er, 6 6 , merged a 1994 Oldsm oblle from the straight to 1еП turn lane, striking a 1988 Plymouth driven by Glenda Allcen Grant, 67, o f W inston-Salem, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Failu re To R educe Speed C harged A M o ck sv illc w om an w as charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on N.C. 801 at Spill­ man Road at 5:15 p.m . D cc. 8. Teresa Byerly Crolls, 39, o f 1465 Dcadmon Road, failed to slop the 1994 Pontiac she was driving before ll struck the rear o f a 1995 Mazda driven by Erin Ann Grey, 16, o f 149 Lakewood D rive. M ocksville. re­ ported Trooper A.A. Justice. Vehicles In H ead-O n Collision T\vo vehicles were In a head-on • collision on U .S. 64 West al Godbey Road at 10:57 a.m. D cc. 9. Faye Strickland M artin, 47. o f 202 Powell Road. M ocksvillc, had driven a 1997 Ford from a parking lot and was turning It onto Godbey Road. She failed lo yield for a 1992 Chevrolet pickup driven by M elanie Bell M arlin, 31, o f 122 Oak Ridge Lane. M ocksvillc. reported Trooper M .T. Dalton. Faye Martin was cited for falling to yield, M elanie M artin for failing to wear a seal belt. D riving L efI O f C en ter C harged A Lexington man was charged with driving left o f center after a wreck on Pincbrook School Road at 4 p.m. D cc. 8. Bradley Scoll M ichacI. 33. was driving a 1989 Ford truck lhai slid on gravel, striking a 1996Jccpdriven by Daphne Armsworlhy Frye, 4 5, o f 4 I1 0 U .S . 15 8 ,M ocksvillc,reported Trooper C .D . Jones. M on Faces T h ree C harges A W in sto n -Salem m an was charged with D W I, making an un­ safe irafflc movement and failure to carry his driver’s licen se after a wreck on U .S. 158 at the Bermuda Run enlronce at 10:45 p.m. D ec. 9. W allace Lee Sm ith, 30. drove a 1977 Chevrolet from Bermuda Run, striking a 1997 Honda being driven on U .S. 158 by Sarah Heath Koontz, 6 9 , o f 2 8 6 K ennen K rest Road, M ocksvillc, reported Troiiper J.R . Allred. Five D eer S tru ck Five deer struck or were struck by vehicles on Davie roads: • Lawrence Keith H ilton. 43. of 242 No Creek Road. M ocksville, at 7:10 p.m. Dcc. 4 on N.C. 801; • Tam ara Leigh LIngle, 2 1, o f 1401 Baltim ore Road. Advance, al9 p.m. D cc. 6 on U .S. 158*, • Tanya Sherrill Presnell, 24, o f 2 7 6 T u rren tln e C hurch R oad, M ocksville, at 6:30 p.m. D cc. 7 on Main Church Road; • Joseph Scon Luckadoo, 2 5. o f Salisbury, at 5:35 p.m. Dec. 8 on U.S. 601 North: and • M ark Edward Barnes, 32. o f Clem mons, al 6:45 a.m. D ec. 11 on 1-40. Whal You've Been Waiting For! m S civ Visit DIRECTV.com (or more Local Channel information. Available by subsuiplion* wilh the DIRECTV PIUS- Syifetn. C B S ® WFMY Ш NBC WXII r f ts - * Access to more lhan 225 popular channels * Access to 32 premium movie channels — 7 HBO’, 4 STARZI*, 5 SHOWTIME, channels and more * Access to every maior pro and college sports subscription directv. Here’s Just One More Reason To Leave Your Cable Company! THE PHONE PLACE Mon-Fri. NiRfjpcn ntlkpoisiml}Ml.9am-lptn 3 3 < » - 7 S 1 Motk«lllf.NC270M uvt-cmtmKN:^ моч*« S H B U A J O ^ B y 'Ú ЙВНАв1ШШГ10Ы W A ^ MO PIBCB O f Ó A H B . Ш Г д Н б THAM № I7 u p F O R 1^ IB W A V w - W hen S h e lia Jo s e y f i r s t ap p eared a t our Elizabeth C, Stanb ack Rehabilitation Unit, sh e w asn't ju st . a patient, Sh e was q p roject. Sh e couldn't woli<. Sh e couldn't . use her arm s and hands. Sh e had difficu lty tolking. Biit one thing Shelia had going fo r her: Sh e hod - com e to th e right place. v\\I;/// That's because here, in th is sta te-o f-th e — '.a r t Inpatient fa cility , sp ecia lists from m any d iffe r e n t a re a s com bine th e ir knowledge to literally put sh attered lives back to g eth er again. ,JSI' S o our speech th ero p ists, physical th era p ists, and nurses w ent to work on Shelia. And soon h er words com e . back. And then movement in h er arms and legs. And along with all th a t, h er spirit. Meanwhile, our occupational th erap ists hod been , retraining h er in th e sitilis sh e would need when sh e , returned to work os a cake d ecorator a t Food L io n .' And soon th ose skills returned, too. R C W A N R e g i o n a l . To prove ¡t, Shelia baked us a coke and i t a s i S t a ' S S t h a « . put “" O'"'O" I t WM th e sw eetest ■ www,,ow.n.orB ‘ thank you" we've ever hod. 61Э Mockiville Avenue, Salisbury • 704-Э10-5Э08 > 1 0 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , D cc. 1 4 ,2 0 0 0 M a s t e r G a r d e n e r C l a s s e s 2 0 0 1 A c c e p t i n g A p p l i c a n t s . Coopcralivc Extension is acccpl- ing applications for the 2001 Master Gardener Volunteer class. This will bclhe third Davie County MastcrGardencrclassunderthcdlrec- l!on o f Greg Hoover. Agricultural Ex­ tension Agent. Classes will meet Thunday mornings from 9 a.m. • noon beginning in early February. Inter­ ested candidates should contact Hoover at751-6297 for additional information and on application. Class size is lim« Ited and a fee will be charged.. The Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program is an educational and volunteer service program. Par­ ticipants recelvc 4 0 hours o f in-dcptlt training on topics such as lawns, fruits, vegetables, soil fertility, propagation, ornamentals andmuch more. Training sessions lake place a^the Davie Exien* sion Center, 180 S . Main St.. M ocks­ ville. Selected candidates arc expectcd lo complete the training and pass a test. Then, within a year perfomi at least 40 hours o f Extension related volunteer service. After the initial year, master gardeners perform at least 20 hours of volunleer servicc annually. Master gardener volunteers teach children about gardening, beautify llie community, help the public with plant problems and much more. "Ourmastergardenergroupissmall but growing. We're looking to expand our educational outreach efforts by adding another One class o f dedicated, horticultural and community minded individuals. W e work hard, but we also have a lot o f fun," Hoover said. W o m a n F o u n d N o t G u i l t y O f I m p a i r e d D r iv i n g T h e jud ge found a woman not guilty o f impaired driving following testim ony in D avie D istrict Court Nov. 30. Sherry Bryant had been arrested at a driver's license checkpoint on the 1-40 west bound exit ramp at N.C. 801 at 2:30 a.m. Aug. 22. 1999. ac­ cording to N .C . H ighw ay Patrol Trooper J.R . Allred. Noticing a moderate odor o f al­ cohol and that her spccch was some­ what slurred, and after examining the limited driving privilege she handed him. Allred said he administered two alcosensor tests at the scene before placing her under arrest. In his opinion Bryant was im ­ paired. Allred said, but she had re­ fused to submit to any further tests after contacting an attorney. Honeycutt said he believed the trooper had collecied all the informa- lion he could but agreed w ith Bryant’s attorney that there was not sufTiclent evidence to prove impair­ ment. He also found her not guilty o f driving while license revoked. By refusing to lake an Intoxilizer test to determine her blood alcohol conient, she had auiomalically sur­ rendered her license for a year. She has also spent a lot o f money as a result o f the charges. Honeycutt said. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 - BI M a n A c c u s e d O f A s s a u l t R e a l i z e s P r o b le m s H e C a u s e d F a m ily A man accused o f assaulting his daughter and shooting out the tires o f the vehicle in which she was at­ tempting to escape received a sus- iv»nded sentence Nov. 30 in Davie strict Court. Derwood Johnson pled no contest assault on a fem ale for which dge Jam es M. Honeycutt sentenced m 60 days in ja il, suspending the ntence 18 months during which he ill be on supervised probation to :lude participation'ln the day re- irting center program , continued bstance abuse treatment and alten- ince at AA or NA meetings. He is )l to threaten, harass o r assault the ctim or use or possess any alcohol, oneycutt orderal him to pay a S200 ne and court costs. He also ordered .at the weapon used in the crim e be :stroyed. According lo his allomcy Michael Parker, Johnson had backhanded his daughter after she sassed him. He shot out a tire on her car when .she attempied to leave. He was extremely intoxicated. Johnson is an alcoholic who has been sober since the night o f the in­ cident. He has enjoyed working with him. witnessing how treatment and attending AA and NA meetings have, been helping him. Parker said. Johnson has realized the negoiive impact his drinking problem has had on his family but has seen the posi­ tive impact he can have on others through A A and N A. he added. Johnson’s daughter told the judge she would like lo get back into a lationship with her father, who had been ordered lo stay away from her. Charges o f discharging a weapon into an occupied property and dis­ charging a fireann within the cily limits w’ere dismissed by ihe district allom cy in exchange for Johnson’s plea. H illsd ale C h u rch "Live N ativity" H illsdale Baptist Church will present a "Live Nativity" Dec. 16-17 from 6-9 p.m. The church is located 1 mile west of U.S. 158 and N.C. 801. The public is inviied to stop by for some hot choco­ late and view the nativity scene. There will also be hot dogs roasting over the bonfire. For more information call Brenda at 940-6618. I f I p r e - p l a n m y f l i n e r a l , h o w d o I k n o w i t i s s e c u r e ? I-or gL'iierations, we have main­ tained the iiiglicsl .standards and have oflercd tiie most innovative services at the best prices. We phin on continuing this tradition o f exceilcnce lor generations. W h a t h a p p e n s t o m y p l a n s i f T m o v e o u t o f t h e a r e a ? , Your arrangements can be transferred to tiie funeral home o f your choice, with no questions asked. We can even assist you in finding a reputable firm K IN D I lU O N 410 5555 К11КЛ1 И ЛИ >)h‘) 5 5 0 1 k lK N i:ilS V It.l.r .Sll.AS C IU X K ')‘H > IJ 6 765-8181 P l e a s e call a n d r e q u e s t o u r f r e e P r e - P l a n n i n g b r o c h u r e . Give S a n t a a B r e a k ! I his is Santa’s busiest time of the year. His feet start getting tired and he could use a couple weeks at some remote island resort with plenty of sun arid sand. You can help take some of the load off the poor guy. This year give a gift subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record. The one you give it to will say “thank you” and so will Santa. Simply fill out and return the form below and put the Enterprise Record elves to work for you! r * I I want a subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record! I □ One Year In-State Q One Year Out Of State I Name— I Addr@^^ $20.00 $25.00 I City/State/Zip--------------------------------------------------------------^ ^ ----------| I Phone___________________ . I I Simply mail this form along with a check in the amount Indicated above to; . ■ Davie Master Gardeners celebrated a successful year at a covered dish lunch In the Exten­ sion Center. Shown are, from left: seated, Marie Miller, Meg Boswell, Jennifer Medwin, Rebekah Brown; and slanding, Sarah Wood, Judy Chandler, Jo Ann Lesler, Extension Agent Greg Hoover and Eunice Gonzalez. Duo Fuels Salisbury Blowout Uy Drion Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Just when it looked like Davie County and Salisbury were bound for a down*to-ihc-wire nailbiter, a sophomore guard sparked the W ar Eagles to their biggest offensive ex­ plosion since the 1998*99 season. After five lies | and seven lead I changcsstirredthe | opening 10 min- ulcs, Saruh W ill* iam sconcocledsix points in 70 sec- : onds for a seven* point lead that steadily grew to S .W illlu m s blowout proportions in a 65*46 nonconference win last week. W illiams, who finished with IÜ points, four rebounds, four steals and three assists, drained an IH-fooier, l(x)k a steal all the way to the bucket and converted another layup o ff u rebound and quick outlet to turn a 20* 19 lead to 26-19. Salisbury never recovered as Davie generated the most offense since a 67-26 whipping over West Forsyth In l99 9 ,a sp a n o f 31 games. T h e kid has wonderful instincts," varsity girls basketball coach Carol Co7art said o f the wiry W illiams. "W e tease her about her long anus and legs, but would you like lo have toget a pass around her? Lightweight as she might be, Uxik how she boxes out. And she's just intense." ricu sc S ec Duvic • Puj*e H8 Kirk Not Satisfied Yet Not everyone from the winning com er was cclebraling afler a 68-18 slaniininsorSoulheasiRam iolphFri- day. Y es, North Davie's w resllcis im ­ proved to 5-0 and slrelehed their win­ ning sircak to 17. And yes, they con­ tinued a trend in which they've rolled by an average score o f 75-12. But Coach Ron Kirk wasn't con- lcm,characlcrizinglhc50-polnlbulBC as less than slellor. He keeps chal­ lenging the wrestlers to raise their performance to ycl another level. Sound familiar? 11 was typical Kirk, who ror21 years has refused to flash a hair-sm ile - much less a big sm ile - until the jo b is com plete. However tough to please, you can't argue with a career .884 winning percentage. "W e sal oroundand watched South Davie wrestle too long," he said. ; ."T heir m atch (w ilh S o u th east Randolph) took an hour and a half, and t felt like we were real sluggish. ] 11 should have been a lot worse, but w e did well enough and did whai wc needed lo do." ; Kirk.w hohadnosuchcoroplaints with a 75-10 pasting o f Knox earlier in Ihe week, was referring to iwo o f North's three losses. One W ildcat raced to a 5-0 lead before gelling ^sluck in overtime, and another wasted 'a 7-3 lead before gelling pinned, i i Please See W restlers • Page B 2 , К 'Л i " ^ i u t 'r- Sean Stephens goes up for a basket against Lexington. He scored 39 against Salisbury. - Photo by James Barringer Stevens Puts On A Show Guard Breaks Three Point Record As Boys Go To 5-1 By Brian Pitts DavieCounty Enterprise Record Never give Sean Slevens room to pull the trigger, not even from the parking lot. Salisbury did and the Hornets paid a stiff pricc last week. Stevens, a 5-7 junior guard for Davie County’s varsity boys basket­ ball team, pulled from N BA range with the greatest o f ease and put up breathtaking numbers for the ages. pouringin39points,nailingaschool- record nine 3*pointers and fueling a 105*84 nonconference victory. "W hen you know iheir best player will shoot it anywhere, you have to get out there, and wc didn't do that,'' Salisbury coach Drew Matthewssald. M anyofStevens'attem pts looked like ill-advised rockets when they left his fingers, but 14 o f his 21 tries tickled the twine. Assistant Derek Kumitsky shook his head. "I was like: .'No, no, no. no. ... Nice shot. Good jo b , Sean.' ” he said, "He has the green light." Coach Jim Young said. ’’Tlierc isn’t a shot made that he doesn't like. W hen he's locked in, there isn't a limit on his range." The remarkable di^play. includ­ ing 9 -fo r-l3 from behind the arc. m uffled any rem aining skeptics. Stevens rung up 20 or more in 19 o f 30 gam es for the freshman and JV teams, but som e folks ngured he'd com c down to Earth against taller, stronger defenders on the varsity level. W rong. A fler reaching the 30- point plateau for the third time and lifting his avenigc to 25.5. Stevens has, at least through six gam es, filled ' the scoring shoes o f graduated su­ perstar Duane Phillips, who produced at a similar clip the past two years. "I've had a lot o f people tell me that he would never be able to score on varsity like he did on A '," Young said. "W hat's he done? It's kind o f a set shot, but he has aquick release, he runs o ff the screes well and he never quits moving. He does a lot o f things ' Riverside No Match For Davie Wrestlers Stanley, Kahrs, Angell, Lowery Undefeated In 10-Team Tourney By Brian Pitts Davie County Enteфrise Record Tangling wilh the likes o f River­ side, South Stokes and Northwest Guilford in Saturday’s IO*team Jo ­ seph C. Via Memorial Tournament in Walnut Cove, Davie County's wrestlers never thought they'd have to squint their eyes to find a pursuer in their rearview mirror. Despite Riverside’s power repu­ tation and the physiological blow o f losingtotheSauras in the sam e event last year, there wasn't even a com ­ petitive race to the finish line as the W ar Eagles piled up 203 points to 161 by Riverside, 1.18 by South S to k es and 100 by N orthw est Guilford. Several years ago a W ar Eagle runaway was quite routine, but with Davie lacking polish and significant experience in a few areas, this cruise was news. Forbush was fifth wilh 84, fol­ lowed by East Surry with 7 5, West Siokes wilh 59, Northeast Guilford wilh 43. Mount Airy with 37 and North Stokes wilh one. "W e wrestled like Ihe daysof old, I guess you could say." Coach Buddy Low ery said. "R iverside, South Siokes and Northwest, they’ve all gol g(4Kl programs so I figured it was going to Iw a dogfight. Riverside has a real good program." Making noise from lop to bottom and all but sealing the outcome in the sem ifinals, the W ar Eagles placed 10 o f 14 in ihe finals and continued to iitkc giam Mcps slncc a distant sec­ ond-place showing in the King o f the Mat al North Davidson on Nov. 24. "A fter the North Davidson tour­ nament, everybody thought that wc weren't going to be as strong," junior T y le r B la ck said . "B u t now everybody's stepping up and every­ body knows how we've gol to do in praclice." Josh Stanley added: "W c thought it was going lo be d ose, and we ended up beating them pretty good." Stanley (125 pounds), Jordan Kahrs (13 0 ),Tony Angell (140) and Patrick Lowery (215) were among the cream o f the crop; Andrew Scott (119), Jacob G am er (135), Adam Sain (145) and Billy Riddle (152) away from the ball lo gel him self open." Stevens went crazy in the first half, connecting on 10 o f 13 field goalsoverallandsixofseven3-point shots. Although Davie's raucous stu­ dent section was going nuts. Stevens considered it no big deal. "I just gol set up from Dan (Sulli­ van), Rod (Tenor), (Chris) Stein, David (W ooldridge) and all the other big men." he said. "I jusi shoot it when I'ni open." Stevens' mind-numbing perfor­ mance obscured a brillianl night from Ihe supporting cast. Rod Tenor, a 6- 2 center whose high was 11 points in 57 varsity appearances, fiirted with an unthinkable triple-double wilh 18 points, 14 rebounds and eight assists - not to mention four steals and 4-for- 4 shooting from ihe line. "I think he was watching (North Carolina's Brendan) Haywood be­ cause he took control ju st like Haywood did," Young said. Please Sec Davl« • Page B 6 B la c k A ngell were second; Black (1 7 J) and Jon Goode (189) settled for third; and Ben Allred (160) and Sam Stovall (275) finished fourth. "Everybody contributed and won key matches, even som e o f the ones that you didn't expect," Lowery said. "W e’re gelling beller. W c took that blue-collar philosophy and rolled our sleeves up." Stanley, who is among the stale's most underrated wrestlers, delivered ihe loudest win. getting a takedown for a 5-3 overtim e win over Forbush's Chance Norman, who finished sec­ ond in the IA -2A slate last year. "I knew I could beat him. I just had to wrestle good." the N o. 2 seed said. "It helped me out a lot with confidence and everything, and it'll probably hclproo with my stalo rank­ ing, too." Tw o other W ar Eagles knocked o ff No. 1 seeds. Angell, an innocent seventh seed, pulled o ff an incred- iblestring o f upsets, tripping the third, second and top seeds. And Sain squeaked past No. 1 Steven Stanley, a form er teammate at North Davie and D avie w ho tran sferred lo Forbush. "H e moves and doesn't sit still,"' Lowery said o f Angell. who is a cool 23*6 the past two years, including 5 -' 0 this year. "A ll his matches are go­ ing to be 10-9 or 11-10. He makes: som e mistakes, but nine out o f 10 times he’s going to com c out on lop .", Please See D H S - Page B 9 W o r th N o t in g ... Thomas Landen, Dennis Mendez, Jeremiah Raby, Kevin Robinson, Chris Goode, Ryan Boehm and Ted Randolph are a combined 34-0 for North Davie's unbeaten wrestling leami Center Kierston Kahrs has been an overwhelming force for Davie's JV girls, piling up 26 points and 28 rebounds againM l.exington and Salisbuiy. •>:- Raeshon McNeil pulled down 20 rebounds against Southeast and Reshaun Parks and John McDaniel are aveiaglng 13 and i Vj points.respectively, for 4-1 South Davie. ; ! In two monumental routs, South's boys led Coniher-Lipe 35-5; at halflime and Davie's JV boys led Salisbury 70-18 going into the’ fourth quarter. ; .'.'i J Josh Stanley of Davie's wrestling team is 12-0 with eight pin^| Patrick Lowery is 12-0 with 10 pins and Jordan Kahrs is 14-2,' over the past two yeais. ■ ' In a 103-84 win over Salisbury, Sean Sievens of Davie's varsiti^ boys had 39 points and set the school record for 3-pointers with! nine, and Rod Tenor just missed a triple-double with 18 jwuits, rebounds and eight assists. . , , ;Even though they hud won 22 straight on 1 )hi; freshman and junior varsity levels, a lethargic allUudc during warmups will not be tolerated. , ' ; ;JCoach Derek Kumitsky made that abso- ' luiely clear before Davie County's JV game ' at'^alisbury last week, and the W ar Eagles ’ iem n d ed in unbelievable fashion, 78-33: If I b m was ever a perfect gam e, this was it., ‘ f ^ I t w a i actually the fin t g f ^ I b a rk ^ at ^tHTO," Kumitsky said afler the 45-point blitz ' - ' r . f : ‘ . ■ raised Davic lo S-0 in nonconfcrcnce. "I didn’t think they were very focuscd in ihe locker room or com ing out for warmups, and I let tnem know it. 1 don't care who we're playing, when wc play we're going to be focussed and play to our level - not down to our opponent." Davie's efficiency reached new heights in the middle quarters, a 4 9 -6 run for a 70-18 lead. M att M oser scored 18 team-high points in three quarters o f action as Davie jacked its average victory margin to 77-48. "Ii took me until December to bark at them, but they needed it," Kumitsky said. "W e don’t need to get too cocky. W e’re cocky but wc don’t need lo get loo cocky and think we can just walk in and beat everybody." Forw ardKurtM cN abbproduccdl7poinls , and six rebounds, and center Luke Phelps had 13 points and eight boards for a team that hit 15 o f 19 free throws. "W e got Ihe ball inside, which my big guys like," Kumiisky said. "M y big guys don't like me all Ihe time because 1 love that 3-point shot and go crazy over it." Josh W allace (8 poinls), M all Jam es (7) and Donnie Vestal (6) supplemented the of­ fense. M icah Garner had jusi Iwo poinls but eight assists to zero turnovers. Patrick Law (four), Brian Hunter (two) and Ian M acBryde (one) also made Ihe scoring column. . ■ "M icah gels everybody else involved like apoint guard should," Kumitsky said. "It was ^ V ' '• just good, old-fashioned halfcourt nuui-tot. man defense. W e don't go a day withoul' pm clicing halfcourt man." • ‘ N otes: S ix W ar Eagles are averaging at' least six points: M oser at 19, M cN abb at ISi; Phelps at nine. G am er at eight. Hunter ; seven and W allace at s ix .... They play at AlexanderCentralonDec. 15,athomeagaii«|t; Bishop M cGuinness on D ec. 16, at home, against G reensboro Day on D ec, 18 in d U: Lexington on D ec. 19. ^ - • -.1.4 В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 C ontinued From Pu}>c B1 When ull was done, nine W ildcats protected unbeaten records. Dennis Mendez. Jeremiah Raby, Kevin Rob* inson, Chris Goode, Ryan Dochm and Ted Randolph arc 5-0, Thomas Landcn is 4*0. Greg Sim pson is 3-0 and Millard Sm ith is 2-0. Better yet. Landen, Mcnilez, Sm ith, Robinson. Goode and Randolph have produced nothing less (han pins. The only sad news so far is an injury to seventh grader Jake Tutllc, who suffered a broken ankle while competing against Andrew Beck in practice. Although it’s heartbreaking forTultle, there's virtually n odiffer' encc in the 160-pounders. A fter get­ ting pinned against Knox. Beck re­ sponded with a first-period pin against Southeast. "Beckisafirst-ycareighth grader, but h d l be alright." Kirk said. "In fact, they arc about the sam e." N otes: It's highly unlikely that Tuttle will return. "H egot hislegtied up under (Beck), and it snapped his ankle." Kirk said. "So he's out for several weeks. I don't know if he'll be able to com e b a c k ."... Paul Ferrell, Zac O 'Brien, Jared Shrew sbury, Shane C offey and Troy Blakley also picked up wins for North. ... Josh Barnes was 2-0 in preliminary ac­ tion, while Phillip Scott, Christian Johnson. Jordan Grim es and Shane Baker were 1 -0 .... North visits China Grove this Thursday. M o c k s v ille - D a v ie P a r k s & R e e B a s k e t b a ll Mocksville\Davie Paiki & Rec.Basketball Sat. D e c ..2 _ ._ ,_______________ G ris 5lh Grade LA D Y D EACON S (12) Meisha Fowler 6 Anunda Slew an 2 M aiy Kale Frisby 2 Taylor Wheal 2 Boys 5th Grade W ILD C A TS (14) Jensen Sales 3 Austin W ood 3 Alex Williams 6 Daniel Peele 2 SP U R S (38) Zach M yers 19 M icahW orable 13 Ryan Hutchinson 2 Chase M acaione 2 Justin Burton 2 DRAGO N S (18) Michael Domanski 2 Eric Lowery 8 D aiuisH all4 M ajor Collier 2 JeefetyN uckols2 Boys 6th Grade D EA CO N S (21) Tyler Baity 5 Tyler W ooten 1 Shawn W atkins 1 Christopher Brow n 2 John M ichael G roce II SPURS (28) Jack Rooney IS Biair Steelnian 1 Justin Whitaker 4 ' Chad McCann I . A diraC loer3 Stephen St. John 4 Girls6ih Grade M A V ERICK S (7) Alicia Allen 2 Nora Smith I Tyara Wagner 2 Cierra Clement 2 LA K ER S (I I) Quinton Faulkner 1 Jeffety Loos 4 JohnH añm an2 Will Clevenger 2 C .J. D w iggins2 TA R H EELS (31) № h Schambach 5 EvanC risco II Brent Beam 7 H arkonK ieyS Patrick Harris 4 BU L L S (13) Matthew Vanhoy 3 Colby Seaford S W iU ByeriyS Luke Ray I C EL TIC S (20) Travis Dellinger I David Pitts 10 Tristian Hairston 2 Jared N einu 7 HEAT (23) Tucker Ren 6 JackW om bough7 Matthew Pennington 10 CAROLINA M YSTIC S (23) COM ETS (12) Brittini Young IS Lauren Paricn6 Vanessa Didenko 8 RachalOoins2 Morgan Owens 2 Rebecca Riddle 2 Boys 3rd Grade C E LTIC S Bradley G aither6 BU L LS JackPow eU 2 W ill Rooney 4 G regN uckols4 Garrett Cookson 2 3\4 G lide Giris LA D Y C ELTIC S (18) CailyPratapas 10 Rachel Mackintosh 6 Maleia Stevenson 2 CO UGARS (16) Sydney Crav^oi^ 12 Sara Handy 4 L A D Y V 0 L S (1 6 ) Brittany Cass 10 Kelsey Taylor 6 Boys 4th Grade BU LL S (16) Joshua Crowley 8 Michael Burford 2 Joshua M cDaniel 2 Clint Slater 4 TA RH EELS (17) LandenHarris 12 Ryne Carson 2 Nathan Vernon 3 Wed. Dcc. 6 Girls 5th Grade C YC LO N ES (14) A yannaLeach4 Samantha Judd 6 U ureii W alker 2 Sarah Alexander 2 G ills 6th Grade C O M ETS (17) Lauren Parker 8 Rachel Goins 6 Morgan Owens I Rebecca Riddle 2 TA R H EELS Tyler Seaford 6 Tanner Holden 4 RA PTO R S BretW iIU am s2 Jared Barber 8 Jacob B arter 4 Zach Green 2 W ILD CATS (17) Amber Parrish 6 Crystal Lester 9 , Costner Merrifield 2 SPA RK S (13) Jess« Ren 8 Hannah Stroupe 2 Kayla Cornatzer 3 TA RH EELS (10) Andrea Giant 8 Amber Mashore 2 TIG E R S (9) Brandon W aUsS JesscRaU edge2 Pent Jam es 2 L A K E R S(7) Jacob Robertson 4 Stephen Perkins I JoshD isherZ KN ICKS (12) Lauren Hauser 2 Camille Kimbrough Ii RED D EV ILS (16) Jenny Mann 9 Ashton Grubb 2 Jessica W elch 2 Kristie Widener 2 AnitraM ock I LAD Y M AGIC (18) Whitney WiUiains 8 - Jod ieH arp«: AoiaiidaBlackwca4 A ntd4iR uaa(U 2 ' MigocieLandcaZ RED D EVILS (12) Jenny Mann 4 A sboaG nibbZ JM ica W ck h 4 A iiln M o d i2 C A RO LIN A M Y ST IC (3 1 ), LA D Y M A G IC (13) Brittini Young 18. ' Whitney W illianu 5 M a>goM asi6 Jod ieH aip eZ ’ G race Didenko 3 Taylor B tq lea 2 Y ao cu a Didenko 4 Amanda BUckweU 2 M ^iorit.Laii<leii2 г S id d e n , S p illm a n W in; C o lle g e B o w ls H ig h lig h t C o n te s t’s F in a l W eei( War Eagle Football Awards Davie High School football awards went to, from left: kneeling - Rich Hunter, most Im­ proved defensive player; Felton (vlayfield, Coach’s Award; standing - Carl Wagstaff, most improved offensive player; Justin Goode, most outstanding running back; Andrew Rudy, most oustanding offensive lineman; Josh Pfaff, most outstanding defensive lineman. Not pictured: Patrick Lowery, most outstanding defensive player. Wrestlers Challenged To Raise Performance By Dwight Sparks Football Contest Director Gentle Readers, time is short. Only one more chance to win the grand prize and sail to Bermuda at Entcrprise-Record’s expense. One more opportunity to reach fame and fortune this year — one last grasp to suddenly reverse the woeful year that has socked our ‘101(k)'s and reversed our plans for early retirement. All you have to do is pick every single college bowl game correctly and this week’s N FL games. Not Q small accomplishment, but $2,500 is not a small chunk o f change. On lop o f that, o f course, if the opportunity to wear the Cap o f Caps and forever emblazon your name in the Entcrprise-Record’s Contest Hall o f Fame along with such notables as Charlie Johnson and Jim m y Moon. This week wraps up our contest. It seems only days ago we started this epic journey to lavish cash upon our readers and delight them with the weekly contest that rivals Las Vegas. Only a few brief days ago that wc unveiled our new designer caps and promised to make our winners the envy o f the community the fashion leaders o f this generation. But now it's com ing to a close. Oh, Gentle Readen, how we have enjoyed this time. And for this last time together, we still have to award last week's winner and praise him for this huge accom * plishment. S.B . SID D EN JR .. C O M E ON DOWNNNNNI!! No, this is not a rc-run o f last week’s contest story. Sidden merely won again — a repeat winner — giving him two caps — two checks. Double the cash. Double the caps. Double the pleasure. Sidden claim ed his cap and cosh from us Friday, detailing his winning strategy. And he used it again this week, missing only seven gam es in a diftlcult week. Sccond placc? DAVID SPILLM A N , C O M E ON DOWNNNII Spillman lives on Junction Road and moves into the cash circle os the contest winds down. He also missed seven but surrendered Ilrst place bccause o f the tic breaker. No rccount, David. This Is not Rorida. Now for our coveted won cash awards: C LO SE B U T NO C IG A R AWARD: lb those finishing closc to \he money — Charlie Johnson, Lillian Sidden, Steve Lakey, Jim Atwell. BA SK ETBA LLA W A R D :Tb Becky Hendrix and Dylan Livengood, missing 22. Honorable mention to Billy Serfass, Sandra Moon, Bessie Sechrcst and \Vill Junker. M O ST IM PRO VED AWARD — Tb Donna Carter, missing only 12 this week аПег flirting week after week with the Basketball Award. M ARYLAN D DASH ER AWARD — To Stephen Serfass and Barney Boger, picking woeful underdog Central Connecticut Stale to beat Maryland. W HO A RE TH O SE G U Y S? AW A RD — To Cathy Reinier, who struggled with the obscurc small college playoffs and North Carolina high school championship games. She missed all six. And there you have it. Gentle Readers. No obscure high school playoff games this week. Just the linest college bowl games and the N FL. O f course, that means wc can’t determine the winner until after New Y ear’s. In the meantime, wc will be assembling onother all-star cast o f advenisers to sponsor the return o f our basketball contest — the event that always ushers in the New Year with outrageous proportions. Tim es Square and the Basketball Contest. We go together. Finally, wc owe a debt o f gratitude to our football sponsors who made it all possible — coughing up the cash to lavish on our winners, to buy the designer cops, to pay for the Наглюп Forecast, to Tmance the Contest Director’s lavish lifestyle and to cover the cost o f printing, com pos­ ing and distributing the Contest o f Contests each week. To them, we offer our humble thanks. Shop from them, Gentle Readers. Buy life InSurancc policies, cigan , sandwiches, carpet, greeting cards, feed and stocks and mattresses and tires. They arc the finest merchants and professionals In all the land. And to you. Gentle Readers... Parting is such sweet sorrow. The Contest Director will miss you and this time we have shared each week. Your cards, cookies, poems and drawings have made life special here for this season. In a few weeks, we will return. The shape o f the ball will changc. But the contest will be the same great fun.. Until then. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year, and may God bless you with good health, good fortune and the jo y o f the laughter and hugs o f your family gathered around a warm health. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. Ы, 2ÜÜ0 - »3 g U I R G I N I A T E C H t i K A H S A S ST A T E g H IC H lG A N f l l G E D R G I A T E C H f l l O R E G O N ST A T E ( g T E X A S C H R IS T IA N (irîtNHESSEE ( E T W A S H I H G T d N ( g O H I O S T A T E f l i H G T R E D A M E ( g P U R D U E ( U t e x a s A & H ■ 'V i v j , g l C L E H S G H 6 I H D R T H W E S T E R H rii:' like lo help the co lk '^c l'{Hilt);ilt world ik'cidc on an iiiuli>piilcd n.nioitat cham pion, hut w c'rc not Mia’ w c can .'llic ara- son? A co)nlinn to our r.it* In p . I'lorida .State and Miatni are iK iicr itian O klahoni.1, w hich m eans that the Senilnoles will Ikmi tfic S<M»iiers in the ()r.ui|;c lk>w'l and oiir like* ly Sugar tkm l winner, lite I iiirricane.s, will end up hav­ ing lo make the frustrât* ing cl.iini that they'a* at least co ch an ip io n s.(ls this l'(K)thall o r presi- Uejiiial liolUlcs?) HS.U. w im ld Ih.* t)ur clear nve {>oini favorite over Ntiainl if they w ere m atched up. tint that info pn>h.il>ly w on’! niolUfy I liirricanes fans. O ne other st.ii.tlm uf;h.is signilìcam : O klahoma and tloriita Slate each had lour wins over team s on the se.isim 's (in.«nbp list, w hile Miami had only two. So ...th eS em in iik -s and SiMMiers— m eeting lor the first lim e, rather str.mgcty, since the l‘JHt Onm ge Itow l.w on hy O klahom a— will k i Пу w ith the nation's Ilrst-and I.Mh-rmked passing olfenses. Helween llient, QW's Chris W einke and Josh llen p el have thn»wn for m ore than tour m iles this season. As w e see it. the fact tliat Oklahoma has the No. ^) pass tiefensc while l-lorida State Is a ways clown the list, at No. 3H. w ill Ik‘ m ore than offset by recent ma|or-l>t)wl cxp crien ce: n ic Scntlnoles arc playing In the natlonal4;hampi- onship gam e for the third straight tlmc.VC’einke Is an old hand at this. In the Stigar lk)w l, mean­ w hile, Florida and Miami will m eet for th e lirst tim e in 13 yean*, and our sectnul Ix-st team In the country will even Its rival- Г)’ against our siM h hest hy eight |xiinls. riie (ialors, w inners of their lllth .Souiheastern C onference chanri>it)nship since ’92. currently have 25 wins In the series to th e'C m es’ i f . Ч1ю l iesta am i Hose IxiwLs 1(И)к even cloH^r’Ilie Oregon State IkMvers com e lo Ihe I-'iesta looking lo add to the tlrst 10- win .season in their history, w hile N otre Dante has made It back to a m ajor l>ow I for the fip>t tim e since *95. In l\is;idena, \V;Lshlngton will eke nut a one- point w in <>ver the Ik)ilerm akers o f i^m liie, wIiom: only other appranuicc In the Kosc Howl wxs 33 years ago.And the sad lx)wl Г(Н)1по1е o f the year l*enn State will miv( th e postseason for th e first tim e since 19НЯ. W e’a* pR)iid o f t)ur pn)gnt)v tIcatUmal stats, as always.'Hiis 5С05ОП w c w ere right on . . 1,825 gamcj» out t)f a n>tal of 2,-l31. a foa-casting per- *ccniage o f .7 5 1 — our ' fourtli-l)csl mark in the pa.st nliieycars.A nd linally. w e’ve avengeil our ctim- puter-gencrated pow er . qim tients for every team In ever)' conference to com e up w ith our annual . ILsi o f the lb|i 21) confer- cnces.W ith four o f »mr Top 2 0 — Michigan. O hio State, 14inlue and N orthw estern-lead in g thew -ay.the HigTen takes th c titlc fo rth c flAh tim e In nine years. LOSERS W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 0 M O B I L E A L A B A M A B O W L s Chfistinn 20 Soulhorn MiRslssinni 14 T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 L A S V E G A S B O W L Aikonsas 21 Nevndnlos Vpcns S u n d a y , D o c o m b e r 2 4 O A H U B O W L 27 Vircinia M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 5 A L O H A B O W LBoston Colief.o 20 Arizona State W e d n e s d a y , D e c o m b e r 2 7 M O T O R C IT Y B O W LCincinnati 21 _____Marshall O A L L E R Y F U R N IT U R E .C O M B O W LTexas Tech 16 East Corolina 13 T h u r s d a y , D o H U M A N IT A R IA N B O W L Bplso^Stmo__________28___________Tcxas-EI Paso_________2_1_ M U S I C C IT Y B O W L M I C R O N P C B O W L Minnesota___________24___________North Carolina State 19 I N S I O H T . C O M B O W L17 Iowa Stnte 1. Big Ten ........ 2. Soutlieastern . . . 3. Big 12 ....____ 4. Pacific-iO ' ..... 5. Big East .... 6^ Atlantic Coast .. 7. Conference USA . 8. Miwntain West.. 9. Western Athletic 10. Big West .. . 11. Mid-American . . . 12. Atlantic 1 0 .......... 13. Gateway Atliletic 14. Big S k y ............... 15. Southland.......... 16. Southern.......... 17. North Central... 18. Ohio Valley . . . 19. Ivy League . . 20. Patriot............... NFL FORECAST: WEEK 16 F r id a y , D o c o m b e r 2 9 Louisville L IB E R T Y B O W L 21 Colorado Stale 19 Wiscorisln S U N B O W L30 U.C.L.A 24 Georgia Tcct) P E A C H B O W L 27 LS.U.17 Tenas H O L ID A Y B O W L28 Oregon 19 (Saturday) ô® ü *ô3™ 7T 7r77r7T T 77T T T T 5F y s e t t i eWilli WIICJIIC)- мтышв for 156 ) jnl<i uih) Kkii <!inn«in ilin>win|t for ihrrc 11)4. ihc Kjlilc'r% ilini4>u-d (hr 4-Jtuw\» in Wrrk will nm o(cr llic Sratilc ОсГсач’ oiicr apiu. W ashington..................................24^ p m s b u r g » , . . , . , . . , Д7_1lir Мсск'гч srcomUr)' nuichc^ up well tlic Kribklii^‘ ihcir pasMn|( uiuck. hut Wj\hiii}:t<m'» dcfniK; will pru- vikir tlic wIimliiH tilÿic ill ihcNC icumV fìr>l íacc4)íí4incc 1‘» 7 . S I L I C O N V A L L E Y C L A S S I C Air Force 28 Fresno State 27 IN D E P E N D E N C E B O W L Texas A&M 20 Mississippi State 16 M o n d a y , J a n u a r y 1 O U T B A C K B O W L Ohio State 23 South Carolina 17 C O T T O N B O W LKansas Stnte ' 26 ’ Tennessee 21 B A T O R B O W L - Virilnin Tech 35 Clenrtson "2 8 F L O R I D A C I T R U S B O W L■ Mirhlflan ^ 20 - Auburn 10 R O S E B O m n . WashinEfnn 21-. ■ '' ■ Ptjrdue 20 F .1 E S T II B O W Lnrnflon state 23 • - Notre Dame 19 T u o s U a y . J a n u a r y 2 j ftftli will in it» Um <>ix IUIIIC4 with N B. won'i be ал llll^c. * • C a r o lin a......................................28.................... ,20_ 1ÍIÍ4 contcM iiuy niii nii'an nuaii. Imt it uuy t>c cnicnjiiiiiiK minciliclcM, with O.K. air jwmw faciiiK |нн>г pa-.> dcícn4-\ n»c hjuilicn. hcJt the ClurKin. ihc only time ilicy4c met.in '97. D e n v e r ...............................................21_C lty .............................19In ScpicmlKrr. Inr (hr Idth мглк1>1 Hmc In ill!« >crlrs. lIic ctiih ihJt M'nml 1дч Won at Ihc Chlcb liMik Ihcir third in a nm- fn>ni tiir Dntiicov 2.V32. t)cn>cr4 ticcn the much ticiirr icani &incc. . wcck% apt. ihc IUn>uN n>> deeper tluit j4ckMfnvHle4 J7-)-jrd line. Hie J jp will Mop CInc) niiuirr> and win (heir ^l\lh MrjijUn in Ihc M-riev • r M la m i..........................................24~In d lo n a p o tle.............Daiimn IliurdS ITyariin) pa^^ lu Onmde Ciad>den with I:t0 lo play k^vc Ihc l)(ilphinsa 17't lWcck 13 vkliiry o\cr ihc Ihev: tluhV ihird ihn-e poini rjiiic In a rtiw.Vl'c \siiii t hiak the irtnd. four Mni^ht Iroint liicjpi.hiil they hiveii'l fam i oll wnie ‘Д. •»C le v e la n d ......................................2 8 ' .14 1‘aikcr r In n a s o t«............ S x u .....................29 ’ rccci\rr Antonio Frecimn's tninclc OTjianic-wlnninRcaich aRiinM thcViklnn« Um monili nilitla'vc turned the l‘ackcn anmnd, but they liavcn’l lo«>kcd like It- and llicy won't in .Minneapolis. that can exploit ihc CtardiiijK’ weak defensive tint and Ihc leagues l>e»t dcfen>c. ilie Raven» »hould make >hun work of Ariiona. llirce years yi;o tlie Cards werr l6-t.) winners. ................................23 N «w »ii«i»iw i.. iilx wrckn llulfjio's SlctT ClirLMIc rd the HrM DilM'airluis itanic lnii> OT. then won It with anoilter kick. 16-I.V Hiifblo’s S U B A R B O W L 4 2 9 ^ ^ ¡ ^ l o r | d ^ ^ F I E S T A ^ O W i : , Ä 34 - V y . Ohiahoma.. 24 Chiefs Q l Elvis Otbme D strolt............................: ..................20Jsts .. ., . . . .. ,17_ Given Ihc tt-ay the llims Uavr been, per­ forming on offenw—poorly—this pkk h an upKl, but weVe koi a rcelinit the Jets ‘ aren't nearly as good u their rcvord.Tlic teams li.1t met three yean URO.: : ■ ' J ikW«m vUU 1» In theJaJuara^rstVhHimllVwrVlMi *N sw O rle ln vtvck I i Ihe 1'iiaii4 mriu'i) ihe lull over seven iimc<> ami Mill p>t рам tlic lln»tns 2110—Ihc ino4i iurn<tvir% by a vtinning leam ^incc. H7. Oticc a^ain, mlMakes w im't COM them Ihe game here. (Monday) S t. L o u is ............................................19 *^Taq;i x .r.i.». Л7.. Л niiMJkr might COM the Kan» this game. ' iKcause the lliKX-aiiccrs have Ihr pa« defcnM; to >Iow tlicni up and enough olfeiisc—on llic gniiind—Id keep llirm lioneM. A rcmaich uf the ’99 NFC title innie. (0(icn dale: I'hilailclphia) Scky WimaniV'MS^^ yVrd’s of n»ti- ^ ini; and three Tl)4 eight W4rcks ll'c Saints ended я lOganie lovInK Mreak agalnM Ihe Falcons. 2M9. I'or N O. ii'i^ cIcar.There's mi рИпк hack. ^ . N .v .o U n ts ........................тл т * « D a | la s _ .._ ^ ,.,V ..------,Л4_ ‘The rilanu Intercepted 4.'owb»))-> уИТп)у Aikman a career-high Uve times un the way toa l'>14 win inUctubcr.N.Vsbacksavrr aged 6.2 jardi per carry In that game. and. , that's how they'll sweep; ; « « M n ^ a n c T s c o .....,> ,..2 3 C h icaáoVl'ith all the oflen>c they need against ihe- tlears. Ihc 49ers will go tip by a win In a MTfies nuw tied, at 2) ap|ecc, S.K ha\ wnn Kurt WMlwr QB В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 W I N ! BONUS PRIZEFor Is« Perfect Entry Ф -Щ Ol. VS. I«n>Daniel Furniture ii l]lodric€o.,liic. Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny M a rklin • M elissa M . C artner 848 South M ain Street • M ocksville, N C 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 4 9 2 • 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -3 9 7 5 WgWBWPggVWHIVWH * r o f f I la\(‘ a I | 4 ‘‘" look al M e r le \(inii:ii W IT H T H IS AD Tanglewood Commons Shopping Center 4148 Clommons Road Clomnions, NC 778-0510 Owners Chris & Wondy Watson TREE SERVICE 336-492-2944 Free Estimates • Insured nie.ineighl Oowl ' * pm V9. Iowa SI. CLEMMONS CARPET I 27!! Lcwisville-Clcmmons Rd., Clemmons |29 Years Bxpcricncc — Christmas Rugs In Stock 766-8110 or 766-0166 23. Moblla. Ala. Bowl Seuihem M lu v». TCU Good Luck, Davie War Eagles! Vakan ,, M a t e r ia ls C o m p a n y i>! 5 4 2 F arm in g to n R o ad • M ock sv ille, N C 2 7 0 2 8 i I 336-998-3838 Super Savings on Wallpaper Closeout Wallpaper $095 , V single roll CAUDELL LUMBER CO, 162 Sheek Street • M ocksville • 751-2167 EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 N urtli M uni Street Motk.s'villc,NC , 7SI-2I48 l.Orangt Oowl Oktahom« vt. Fla. St. K& R Cleaners, Inc. "IVi’ 're Jiml Around llw Corner" TimRlcwootl Crossing US 15S&NC 801. Hillsdale 998-7120 Clemmoni 2ft36 l.cttiivillc-Clcmmons Kil 766(M5() TatiRlewood Commons Mocksville U.S 158 & Harper Ril. Clemmons Valley Ro.»d77S-1505 VflKonam V». UCLA 7M-1444 A n im a l À r k Veterinary ticspital MttdMN L Spin<M, DVM 5919-A Jam«i St. CtamnMns, NC 336-778-2738All tho lavo and caro your pot noods to stay twatttiy Mon fn 730orr>6 00pm.Sol 9am l2 00noon Y oiir Driuj Siorc FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO. 4 9 5 V alloy R o a d • M ocksv illo, NC 336-751-2141 Crowder M ^ C f w s n e y c M s s o c ia t e s Y o u r H o m e to w n R e a lto r Ш 2 2 6 5 - C L e w l s v i l l e - C l e m m o n s R d . • C l e m m o n s 766-0515 Salem Glen Country Club Now Open To The Public For Lunch & Dinner Lunch: Tues.-Sun. 12:00-2;lXI Dinner: Thurs.-Sun. 6:00-9;lX)• .Sfembi'mhip • Kt\tl EsUlc • Fine Dining; 37. NY Otants vt. DaUa« 1000 Glen Day Drive, Clemmons • 712-0303 G ardner’s Ф ' ^ p r e s s L u b e O r t h o d o n t i c s ii A B eautiful S m ile...A G re a t Self lm a g e || Call For Complimentary Consultation ^ | 5423 HWY 158' AJvonce' 998-1723 ' Next lo Bemudo Quoy Shopping Center m-{ 8 om • 6 pfn Sot 8 GUI • 3 pm 1 Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA^ d a 8i3? » 3 d ®iaD33 ou :Cl.mt<invt.v«.T«:ri * . , 1 Over 30 Y fa n Experience In Dentistry ' 1 1 336-751-2252 lie Hospital street. 'm i l l Good Luck, 1 1 r x D A V IE H IG H ! Westwood Village /-< 1 n 1 Shopping Center,Central Gaidina Bank ciemmons IB. Muile city Bowl 766-8296 W .Va.vi.OMM Iu H iurw ay Shopping C enter. W insion-Sulcm. 725.8321. Y O U R C H O IC E S A L E ! Luxury Cloud Med. Firm 100th Anniversary Plush Firm Heavenly Pillow-Top Tension Ease EKgauit Pillow-Top Queen Set $ 2 9 9 0 0 Twin Set.........$199 Full Set............$259 King Set..........$399 Q u a li t y N a t i o n a l B r a n d M a t t r e s s e s a t L o w F a c to r y D ir c c t P r ic c s ! 10t•-AИw^é4WтшЛичШщШС ■ ж т ш UYAWAY - FMANCMQ MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE 962 Yadklnvllle Road Phone 751-6115 AUGNMENT » B R A K E S ^! •S H O C K S ^ ш а ш ш т тits3.Fi**ta ____Notra DiRM vt. Oivgon tt. I Our Ысе> Include Mounting, ^lakcInB New Valve Stems A Rotation ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - B5 If ywpiINK you knAw P iB o n u s ^ P n z e ‘ M-F o r th e F ir s t P e r fe c t E n tr y ! your chance to PROVE it! For insurance call BRAD ROMINE 31. Naw England vt. Ourtalo STATE FARM INSURANCE .1 7 7 0 C I c m iiK iiiN U (tii(l • C l e i i i n i o n s • 7 Л 6 - .1 2 4 5 I . Stale Farm Insurance Companies «Home б ГПси; HloomlnRlon, in. | H illsciale D ental, Dr. Jerry Hauser ¡I Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance ____________336-998-2427 _____ X r i s H ' s lee Cnam & Cojfu Sftop E n te r to W in Com e in lo register for a year’s supply of ice cream BfnnuiU Quay Shoppini CetiUr »Arrou From Bermudi Run A I Stocks ■ Bonds I Mutual Funds ■ IRAs ■ CDs Sherry KoehlerUwisvillc.NC 27023 (336)945-4227 ww. cdMurdJonoxum U. TtnnauM vs. Clavaland Edw ardjonesServing Imliv'iiliitil Invrtton Siiii'c itiyi W E H A V E M A N U F A a U R E D H O M E S T O FIT Y O U R B U D G E T . S E E JA C E T O D A Y !IS. LlbartyOowt ICiihvlll V». Coiofido 8L ,. __Bonanza MoDilG Homes i 700 Wllkaaboro 81. • Mocksvllla. NC inter H««Y9 601 &64N ЗЗв>75Ь5В59 Owntd tfi Op<raltd by Jack Storunn V illage H res 2534 LcwlniUe-acmmons Road. Oemnions ^(Ua^onviirt v^c^^nail »ours: 7:30 iun.^pjn.Mon..Frt; 7:30-1 Sal. /66"5450 AH Major Brands o f Tires — Complete Aulo Repair Shop 314 Sanfonl Av«., Mocksvlll* - 781-12S4 ».«loliaBcvl «tUuwSl.v>.B<i«(HiColl.g<> “A Tobacco Friendly store!” THE ABBA’S OMinnHAL LOW-PIICK TOBACCO OUTLET SniC IA LIZiN G IN HOMKTOWN. m g N D L V gKBVlCE .INSCOUrrrCIGAUrnB.HANIMmnUDCANDUDI.nilL.YOUI- OWN TOIACCO 4 s u m m . CUIVI CreAirmSALAVOUO ■mu. CLOVI8-CH«WtNG,rPK*8IIIOmj3S TOBACCO в m Ron Taylor, CLU ж 1 1 1 0 Т О « О Senior Accoutit Agent A l l l a l f l l t S LUTC Graduate L U In T o S r n 'S . 0 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. ■ Clemmons, NC 7 6 6 -1 0 5 7 32.8anDI«oovt.Carolln« - S e e m e f o r i n n o v a t i v e h e a l t h c a r e d e s ig n e d a r o u n d y o u . Blue Advantage* individual health plans Dental Blue* individual dental coverage Medicare supplement insurance L a r e w - W o o il- J o lin s o n , In c . John Wood - Mocksville 751-62B1 Harold (Vood*-Advance 940-2210 a.tu^iowiFlorMivt.Mliml BlueCioss BlueShield of North Carolina Score at Davie IVactor Go Big 1029 Salisbury Rd • MoiAsville • 751-5969 R e p iin • P ifU • FuH Sanrice Shop N # w *U M d E q u ip m e n t. COIVGRATIMTIOIVS T o O u r 12 7 0 0 C o n te st W in n e rs ! FIRST PLACE S. B. Sidden, Jr. = $25 & Cap SECOND PLACE David Spillman = $5 5 0 ‘0 ff 6-lnch Sub a^Chlcago vt. Sen FrancUco Two Locations To Serve You Foot-long Sub I New TowTia Shopping Ccnlcf • Clemmons ^ 7 6 6 - 3 0 1 6 ШУаМтп Any Ofher Offer Tho Oaks Shopping Centcf • Lcwiswllo I 9 4 5 - 6 4 4 5 _ j B e t h ' s H a U m a i k i4. Lm V*9«< B<mt UNLVvt-ArlianuS New Towne Shopping Center, aemmons 766^7 S A V IN G S A N D L O A N A S S O C IA T IO N 20. AtUnla vt. N«w OrlMnt U .S . 158, C L E M M O N S • 766-0581 C L E M M O N S D I S C O U N T S A L E S 27. Dtnvtr V*. Kanm City Great Savings Through Out The Store 1533 L e w ls v ille -C le m m o n s R o a d , C le m m o n s Hours; Mon.-Frl. 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 wvtw.cltmmonidl3Counaale3.com || V O G L E R P ( ^ . S O N S “ S li;. F u n e r a l H o m e 1 “See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans” \ C le m m on s C hapel • 2849 M id d ie b ro o k D r. • 766-4714 You Know Us... — We Know Real Estate | P r u d e n t i a l | Carollnas Realty | "Sen'ins Lewisville. Clemmons & Davie County" i 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons • 336-714-4400 T . D a n W o m b l e A t t o r n e y a t L a w 3802 Suite A Clemmons Road j,, P C. Box 1 £38 Phong. (3 3 6 ) 766-8085 Clemmons, NC 27012 Fax:(336) 766-9145 GOT THE HAT? [lops Travel 7<vfi4 Oh pvi^44io*uU Scufcee In ad d ition to th e prize m o n ey e a c h of ou r First P la ce W eeidy W in n ers will re ce iv e a sp o rty Y o u r L o c a l P r o fe s s io n a l F u ll S e r v ic e T ra v el A g e n cy l L o c a te d in th e h e a r t o f C le m m o n s , N C ^ № a v ie C o u n f ^ ^ S ^ E n t e r p r i s e R e « o n l 3 B a l l C a jt ! These versatile cap s can be worn lorvrfard or backward (depending on how cool Enter lt)e confesf today tor your ctjance to wiry one of these great caps (Oh. and don t forget the chance to win the S2.500 ) 2 7 5 0 L ew isv llle-C lein m on s R d. C lem m on s, NC 2 7 0 1 2 P h o n e 336-76G -7303 rnm.topstravel.com \ ».QrM nBayvi.M lnnssota / E N T R Y B L A N K II 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE I 2. UREW-WOOD-JOHNSON |3. MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTO ¡4. SLEEP-RITEMAHRESSES ¡5. SAMUEL'S ON MAIN I 6. GARDNER'S XPRESS I 7. KRISTI'S ■ 8. DANIEL FURNITURE I 9. OAKVALLEY W IN N E R 10. FOSTER RAUCH 11. HILLSDALE DENTAL12. CAUDELL LUMBER 13. VULCAN MATERIALS14.K&RCLEANERS I I I I I 15. BONANZA MOBILE HOMES • 16. MCCOYS TREE SERVICE I 17. DAVIE TRACTOR I 18.CCBI 19. DEWEY'S BAKERY ¡20.VOGLER&SONS I 21.ANIMALARK , I 22. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 23. DR. NICHOLAS PENNA I 24. BETH'S HALLMARK I 25. CLEMMONS CARPET I 26. PIEDMONT FEDERAL I 27. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 28. CROWDER MCCHESNEY I 29.TOPSTRAVEL I 30.VILUGETIRE I 31. STATE FARM 32.ALLSTATE 33. EDWARD JONES CO.34. SUBWAY 35.DANWOMBLE36. PRUDENTIAL REALTY 37. SALEM GLEN Oklav&ilaSt 38. MERLE NORMANI jie _(Orange ^1) I Breaker: ■! NAHE!_ I Address;. I ToUlPoint! 8cond_ I DAY PHONEi NKIHTL U EnMMMinlKHwitlwdMmiMMday I I II 1II I I I II I I I I I I I": I ” liiirI' i:: li . I:! i.'i 1:^IS I'SIS: Ish IE I • i l I i l ; I E I': I li I ¡■'‘SÈ'a В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 M e e t The W ar Eagles ' Drew Beck 'i \ ‘ ' i S p o rt: W restling. . ' ; W h a t d id y o u w a n t to be w h e n y o u w e re l i t t l e ' a n d ^ w u p ? : Diesel m echanic. \ : \ F a v o rite son g to sin g in th e sh o w e r: She T hinks M y Tractor's Sexy. ' ' r / I f y ou c o u ld be a c e rta in a c to r in a m o v ie , w h o w o u ld It b e a n d In w h a t m o v ie ?: C lin t Eastw ood in U nforgiven. ‘ ’ * ■' I w o u ld lik e to ca t d in n e r w ith : D aisy D uke, i n h a d to give u p a ll m y possessions b u t o n e , I w o u ld keep: M y truck. F u n n ie st w re stlin g sto ry : , : 7 A th le te I m o st a d m ire : M r. Q u a lity , W esley Jo hn son, " . B iggest a th le tic th r ill; W h o o p in g up on T ony A n ge ll. In te re s tin g fa c t a b o u t m y self: I'm obsessed w ith trucks. M y fa vo rite th in g a b o u t w re s tlin g is: Listening to C oach L o w c ty la lk . S o m e th in g y o u d id in one o fy o u r classes th is y e a r th a t y o u re a lly lik e d : F ix ing all tlie Icachcrs' vehicles in auto tech. S o m e th in g I re m e m b e r C o a c h L o w e ry sa y in g In pra c tic e : H ubbn bubba, i f you don't w ant 10 w ork - go hom el Chris Stein goes high for a rebound for Davie. Edie Zajnovio and Rod Tenor fight for the War Eagles. Davie Record 5-1 With Win Over Salisbury Continued From Page B1 M r. Consistency, small forward Edic Zajnovic, hit four o fslx 3s Гог a season-high 24, point guard Jason Hogue had 12 points, 12 assists and Five rebounds, and Sullivan hit five o f eight shots for 12 points and pulled down 12 boards as Davie seized com­ mand ancrSalisbury (2-4) controlled ^ihe lead for four minutes for a 27-26 advantage early in the second. It was a shootout from the open­ ing tip, the last thing Salisbury needed. Tenor gave Davie the lead for keeps, and Hogue culminated a 25-7 second-quarter run on a steal- and-layup play for a 51 -34 lead. T h e y like to run up and down (he floor, and wc don't mind playing that ganjc," Young said. "Like we said al the beginning o f the year, we may surprise some people." Davie banged hom c4()nf 76 field goals and 11 o f 14 free throws. "This is one o f the best shooting teams in the slate." Matthews said. "W c went over what we needed lo do to contain them, but as you saw wc didn’t. You can'l give a icam like lhat W ils o n S c o r e s 1 7 In L o s s T o S a l i s b u r y Last week’s Davie County-Salis- bury freshman boys basketball game was strange lo say the least. The Hornets ambushed Davie 20- 4 in the first quarter. Then Davie turned around and did the same to Salisbury in Ihe sccond quarter, 21- 6. But the mountain was too high to clim b in a 61-56 loss. "I have no explanation (for the cbb-and-flow first halO,''CoachEric Alspaugh said after Davie fell to 1-! on the young year. "We made some personnel chanccs, and they just de­ cided to come out and play a little bit." Maurice W ilson overcame a slow start to lead with l7points,and David Orsillocanncd two 3*poimcr5 for 10 as Davie closed within 26-25 at half- time. T h e y were looking for David a lot popping out to the comer after he made a couple 3s," Alspaugh said. "And when we started dumping it to Maurice, he finished well." Travis Howell, who also con­ nected from deep, and Justin Norsworlhy contrihutcd nine points apiece, followed by David Schwcit with five. BrandonCapwcll with four and Jacques Lyons with two. "H ow clldidantixcellcntjob han­ dling the ball, and Schwcit and Nor- su-orthy gave us some good minutes inside." Alspaugh said. Davie's next two games are at home. Dcc. 16 against M t. Pleasant and Dec. 18 against Greensboro Day. E xtra R u n n in g s M ean B etter R e su lts F o r S . G irls It's amazing what the h ill over­ looking the football field can do for a struggling basketball (cam. Sou(h Davie scvcnth-graclc girls coach C indy Durham had seen enough after an 0-3 start that in­ cluded losses o f 46 points to Knox and 25 to West Rowan and sent the players to the hill for dreaded extra running. The desperate Tigers responded with wins o f 35-26 over Southeosl and 28-24 over Corrihcr-Lipe last week. "I made them run football sui­ cides the Friday after w c lost (lo China Grove)," Durham said. "It's been a real big modvadonal factor since we've done that. A ll wc have to say is: 'If you don’t start hustling, you're going to do some more sui­ cides.' That really peps (hem up be­ cause they don’t like that at all." ShahikaBrown triggered thcturn- around against Southeast with a sea­ son-high 15poinls,and Ashley W hi(- lock connected on two long jumpers and drained four o f four free throws for eight. Drown had scorcd 16 in the previous three games. "I definitely am happier," Durham said. "I’m defin itely happy (hat Shanika stepped up and got some good scoring. We did better at get­ ting the ball inside to her, and she had a tot o f nice inside shots." Sloan Smith added seven points, Jenna Hendricks had three and Bailey Marrs two. South rallied late against Corriher- Lipc. W hitlock hit (wo game-tying free throwsandSmith and Hendricks converted press-killing layups to square its Mid-South Conference record at 2 -2. "W c started beating their press and getting easy layups,” Durham said. "Sloan and Ashley got it down to Hendricks, who was waiting un­ der the basket." Smith led with a season-best 10 points, followed by W hitlock with eight and Hendricks and Brown with five. South w ill try to make it three straight at Envin thlsThursday. "They did step up and plav well, but they're still not where 1 want them to be," Durham said. "The last half they’re still kind o f slacking up a little bit, so we'll continiic to work on keeping the intensity up in the second half." M i s s i n g S t a r t e r D o e s n ’t F a z e S o u t h D a v i e B o y s Soulh Davie's boys baskclball team losi Evan Hall lo sickncss a few hours before m tcling Soulhcast last ; week. Thai was Ihc only thing lhal '• wcnl wrong. Soulhovercamcihcabsenccofils • shoollng guard, w lih Zach Voglcr ; rislnglolheoccasionwiiiidghlpoinu and Ihc TIgcre revving Iheir jels in Che sccond half for a 53-33 win. They clubbed Coirihcr-LIpe 47-13 lalcr in j the week lo raise Ihcir impressive j records lo 4-1 overall and 3-1 in Ihe M id-Soulh Conference. "This was Ihe defining momeni I for us so far because we were m iss-' Ing a key player," Hamlin said o f Hall, a dogged defender who aver­ ages 7.6 points. "H all was a big loss becausc he has been oar best de­ fender and he also puu poinu on ihe <; , boaid." j , , Besides Ihc llm ely lift from Vo- 1 V. 'gier, whoiiad not scorcd before get-' I ' ^ I tin g the usexpecled y a rt, , John McDaniel hil a .3-polnler and led w ilh 10 points, Rcshaun Parks had nine and Devon Venable eight as Soulh broke open a 16-16 game w ilh afrighlcning2l-4lhlrd-quancrblilz. "Zach came in and really lo o k , ovcral Ihc two guard," Hamlin said. "He's been steady o ff the bench and he played a very nice game. He dis-' Iribulcd the ball well, scored some points and Just played a good, smart game. "Hall is a lot o f offense and de­ fense, but they came together and showed |hat wc can win with great team baskclball." Brad Corriher (four points) and Raeshon M cNeil (two) made their livingon the boards. McNeil snalchcd an incredible . 20 rebounds and Corriher controlled eight. "M cNeil gets position, he's a th -. letic, he can juinp and he just Tinds a way to get,|lhe ijd l. He wants the many open Uxiks." Noles: Davie hil theccnlury ni.nik w ilh 3:28 ten, the fifth time in 2S games.... Behind Stevens' 2S.S average Is Zajnovic at 17.3, Sullivan at 11.5. Hogue at 10.3 and Tenor at 7.8.... Davie plays visiting Alexander Central on Dcc. 15, then at Ixxing- ton on Dcc. 19. GENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ' ^ 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons I C A R O L I N A MIRROR FACTORY STORE 1539 HANES MALL BLVD. (Mur/oni's/oivn Ktud) Winslon-Salcm, NC (In frani o f Super \V,ilm.trO 336-794-1102 Stratford Road________ Store Mours: Mon.-S.1t. 10:00-6:00 Sunday \m -6:00 A ll Nfajor Credit Cdi^s Acceptod Large Selection Of Prints In Stock H o lid a y S a le 2 0 " O f f Anir 1 llam In tt«r« With TM»M f a p lf ia.KH)0 lUnn ICAKOLINA M«H M IRROR ^W ALM ART Jonwtown Road ball." Hamlin said. Soulh didn't wait until the sccond half to blast Corrihcr-Lipe, boiling to a mind-boggling 35-5 lead before settling for a 47-13 win. "W e couldn't ask for a better nrsl half," Hanilin said. "Up 35-5, we tried some new halfcourt offenses, sat in a zone anil ran some four cor­ ners. W c could have easily scoreU70 or 80 points." McDaniel paced Soulh with, 13 paints and six rcbouiids, followed by Parks with IO points,H allw iiheighl points, M cNeil w ilh six points and eight rebounds, Venable w ith four points and nine rebounds and Corriher with fotir points. "Reshauntookbvcr(wilh lO firsl- h a lf points)," H am lin said. "He showed what a true point guard has 10 do.” ■ Soiillt w ijl try to make it four straight at Erwin t^ls Thiinday. ij THE TRUCK STOP OF THE TRIAD гопвмкпнгаюЕишЕ! 2 W H E E L D R IV E S L T STARTING AT > ve • Ain CONDmONINQ • POWER WINDOWS LOCKS • TILT • CRUISE • CHROME WHEELS 4 WHEEL DRIVE SLT STARTIHQAT LItl------137.845 o nTrald Dl*counl»iaeS5 ЛТЛR>b>U______»2000 W YONLY-.•••M l’UBUklHi -MiuogiataiMtaii 2 0 0 1 DURANGOS GREAT SELECTION! ALL NEW 2001 GRAND CARAVANS 4.9%'"” “ '" 2000 DODGE DA№ CLUB CAB^ 4x4 SL' 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 4x4 Ve«Titt*Cfuit« • Atloy Wheel* 7 2 3 -0 5 0 4 N . D a v ie B o y s S t o p S l i d e itii B a c k T o B a c k W in s North Davie's boys baskclball tcuin ilcnuinsiratcd iiiiK urily la.st week. Tlic W ildcats, who fell short in tight affuirswiihSoulheaslundllrwin earlier In tlic year, finally figtircd oul how 10 play hiy at winning lime, staviny o ff Knox 36-3-1 and Down­ town 24-23 to hall an 0*3 starl for nrst-year coach Matt McPhcrson. "They've been in ihc game in ihc fourth (juartcrof almost every game, and Uicy pulled ihmugh." the scv- enlh-gradc coach said. ’"Tliai's a .sign ofagixKl team, knowing huw lo play in Ihe fourth quarter.*' livery quarter was close against Knox, hut Ihc Wildcats displayed poise against the Trojans' full-courl press and got It and eight points from Michael Binghaniand Jonathan M ayfield, respectively, lo hand McPhcrson his first-ever w in at North. ; ■ "I think Kyle Winters. M ayllcld, «¡nghain. Drew Yeager and W illiam Cm u iI did an excellent job o f han- Gamble Does It i<\gain; N. Davie Girls dling their prcssurcandbreakingtheir press," he said. Yeager added seven points, fol­ lowed byTylcr Hayes with five. W in­ ters wilh fournnd Jonathan Hutchens with one. Tlic only thing pretty about the road win against Downtown was the scorc. Neither team cuuld find a groove, shooting pcrccntnges dipped below frec7.ing on the unforgiving baskets and Nonh almost frittered away u five-point lead with Ihtcc minutes to piay. But the Wlldcnts made enough plays (o improve to 2« 3. . .'TTiisgame wasugly," McPhcrson said. "The rims w erere allytlghl.lflt wa.sn’t aswish or a layup. Il didn't go. Nothing bounced o ff the rim and raitlAl in." Mayfield led seven scorcrs with six, followed by Yeager with five, W inlersandDinghamwithfour.John York w ilh three and Jonathan Ayers and Hayes with one. "We're on a winning sireak and cveryb(xly’s happy," said McPherNon, whose icatn hosis China Grove this Tltursday. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RKCORD, Dcc. 14,2000 •• B7 N o t e s & Q u o t e s Stevens Burns The Nets, And Plays Tough Defense • Scan Stcvcn.s, a junior who is on pacc to bccotnc one of Ihu mo.st prciiilc shooters in Diivie basi<clbaii iorc, disrobed Mike Whcian and became tiic new 3-point king last wcci< against Saiisbury. Chnrlie Crcn.siinw set lite ptice witii six 3sat Parlciand in i990, llnid Vnnlioy banged seven of .seven against Soulii Rowan in i993, and Wlieian nailed eigiit against West Forsytii in 1998. Stevens joined the fraternity witii seven against Alexander Central on Nov. 21, tied Whelan's record three minutes into Ihe fourth quarter against Salisbury and rewrote Ihe record witii 2:06 left. "I don't Ihinic about that stuff during tlie gatne," Ihe iow-ltey Stevens said after the 105-84 win. "I didn't even thinl; about it until they came in and told me about it." • What makes Stevens iispeciaiiy unique is lhat he combines high-octane offense (25.5 ppg) with in-your-sliorts defense. On llte satne nigiit lie scorcd 39, he disarmed Salisbury's 23-point scorer, Rnndnll Jones. "He scored 12 off our zone (in tile first quarter)," Coach Jim Young said. "When Sean was guarding iiim lie scorcd zero. His last four points were (late) layups after wc subbed. "He's as good as any I have defensively, maybe our best. Tiie last three games I didn't even sub for him and he barely broke a sweat." • Young threw Ihe mythical game ball to the student section after Ihe win. Matt Hud.son, Justin Goode and Seth Cotre!!, the biggest mouths among tlie Agent Orange section, have created a sixlh-tnan monster. "Tiiey did a great job," Young said. "(In Pennsylvania) we had what we called the Bleacher Bums. Tlicrc would be 300 students underneath a basket - faces painted. Our crowd was considered Ihe best sixlii man in Pennsylvania at one lime. There were write­ ups about them, and we'd like to get lhal growing." • Davie's wrestling team defined going Ihe extra mile Saturday in a iO-tcam tournament at Soulh Stokes. The troops cranked up at 6 a.m and put in 17 hours. "(Assistant Matt) Wilson got here at 5:55 that morning,” Coach Buddy Lowery said. "Seventeen hours, that's a long day. it's hard 10 gel up and go lo Sunday School Ihc next moiling." • A prerequisite for leadership evidently doesn't include expe­ rience. Although Rneshon McNci! of South'Davie is in his first year of organized basketball, he's quickly become an indispens­ able part of Ihe Tigers' 4-i Icam, getting six points and eight rebounds against Corrihcr-Lipe and two points and 20 boards against Southeast. "He's our vocal man," Coach Steven Hamlin said. "This is his first year but he's got Ihc aura of someone that's been around for a long Ume.''__________________________ Climb Past .500 » .' ; A month ago. Justine Gamble couldn't have imagined uhat has Iran- spited the p.isi two weeks. Alter laking Mime early lumps, the scvenih-grade guard o f North i)avie's girls baNketball team is the main reastin Ihc W ildcats arc 3*2 instead o f 1 -4. hilling Ihe gamc-win- ning shot against lirw in on Nov. 2K and rei>caling the stunt in an 18-17 nonconfcrence w in al I^m ntown last ucek as North overcame the loss of Carly lUnith. who sustained a stress fracture Jo heranklcand missed tvso pm es last week. "Since Ihe Ivginning o f the year, wilh her hall handling, dribbling and ' bringing the lu ll down, you can lell she’s iujproved e\ery game," sev­ enth-grade coach Jamie Lyerly said. "Tlie llrsi game she had a lot o f 'traveling and bad passes, hut she's doing a lot heller with bail handling. . driving to the basket and scoring." Gamble went from zero to hero in a inatier of seconds against Down­ town. Her turnover set up a Dt)wn- bucket and 17*16 deficit with ■ less ihan a minute on Ihe cliK'k. "She made a had pass." I.ycrly said. "She knew she had lo do some- • ihing alH)ui it. and she did." Gamble aloncd for the turnover with 30 seconds' left. After a w ild .scramble, the ball somehow rico- : cheted right toa lonely Gamble, w ho ■ produced alt her team-high eight points in the second half. • ; • T lie ball was on the fliw r. and they were rolling around fighting for it," Lyerly explained. "There was a . lot o f scrapping, and Ihe ball just : happened lo roll lo her. And she was wide open under the ba.sket.'* . Downtown had a chance lo snatch : Ihe game from under North's nose ' w ilh 10 second!» left, but missed the ; front end o f a one-and-one. Not only did Gamble deliver her . second game-ctinching shot in 10 ; day.s and account for eight o f North's 11 second-half points, she gave a ; beautiful assist lo Kristen Fronwl. ! ; "She crossed halfcourt and made ! a pass all the way into Kristen Fromal ! under the basket fora layup," Lycrly ' said. "Usually they just try to throw lo one side ~ the wing - and always . the same side Dut she has really ' improved and built up her confi* ■ dencc." ■ • , , ; North got three points from Han- • nahTlcm cy, two from Kena Gentry, ■ Dana Woodard and Fromal and one ^ from Abby Riddle. T W O M ISS IN G STAR TERS ' (Qoolh, who is out until January, and > Tierney) erased any hopes o f slaying ; remotely close to juggernaut Knox, ; which belled South Davie 60-14 on ; Nov. 16 and breezed past North 40- I 16 earlier in Ihe week. ? , "W e missed Booth’s rebounding, ’ scoring ond defense, so we could ; have really used her here," Lyerly ' said. ”Bul I’m proud qfthe way they . ' ployed bccause they did the best they . ; - io u ld wiihoul two starters; A t least il ; * Vosn'l 60*5 or spmeihing." , Gamble had Ip'polnts, Fromal • ‘ Jour and Riddle two. , ‘ : j . Gamble ond Booth both averogc •*scven;polois a gomc.'.Noiih pbys ; ly iu jlin g Cfeina Grove ihis Thursdoy. - Davie County Hospital 8 ^ Urgent Care Center Essential Health Care For Our Community Over the la.st few months, there has been considerable discussion about the future o f Davie County Hospital. During this time, residents have heard or read a lot o f information about this issue. Some o f this information is accurate. Some o f it isn’t. What is important, is that it’s going to take all o f us, working together as a community, to develop a desirable health care, services plan for the future. The situation we are facing is not uncommon among small community hospitals across the country. With reductions in insurance payments, Medicare reimbursements and declining usage, small hospitals are having a tough time making it without the support o f county ta,x money or other subsidies. ...... The need to reorganize services at Davie County Hospital is not something that’s just happened in the last few months. The Healthy Carolinians Task Force o f Davie County recognized this almost three years ago and recommended a consolidation o f county health care services to improve efficieiicy and maintain quality o f care. Yes, it’s true Novant Health has been successful in consolidating many functions at Davie County Hospital to achieve significant operational savings. In fact, Novant Health has loaned the hospital nearly 5500,000 in equipment including laboratory, x-ray and operating room equipment. But the fact remains that 98 percent o f those seeking care at the Davie County Emergency Room over the last year did not require emergency level services or inpatient admission. However, by maintaining comprehensive inpatient services and a fully staffed emergency room, the hospital was losing more than 575,000 every month. By working with the county EMS and local physicians, The Urgent Care Center and outpatient services now available at Davie County Hospital w ill meet the demonstrated needs o f the community and provide excellent care. The medical services offered at Davie County Hospital include: • The Urgent Care Center, open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week • Full outpatient surgery facilities • Laboratory and diagnostic services X-ray services • 'Gastroenterology services . ' , ’ ^ i v , • Pain clinic ' - ; ■' - ' • Occupatioiial health services, ;....... . v.; . . , • - ■ • Occupatiohaltherapy ' 7 ' ............. • Physical therapy ' ^ ‘ ''’I ' ' \ ■ • Speech therapy ' \ , ^' , • 'Community Alternatives Program (CAP) :'i‘\ ' Davie County Hospitaland the Urgent Care Center are an important part o f our community’s health care. As important, Novant Health is.comhiitted to supporting.the county commissioners,- staff aiid county health ofFicials as they develop a health .care servicies plati for the future, . ■ Shpuid you have questions aboiit Davie County Hospital’s Urgent Cai'^ Center, please-cali , Davie County Hospital at-751-8100. ■ : ^ ^ \ DAVIE C O U N TY HÒSPITAL & URGENT CARE CENTER В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 Davie Varsity Girls Produce IVIost Points Since 1998-99 Lauren Comatzer holds onto Ihe ball in between Lexington defenders. D a v ie V a rs ity G irls B a s k e tb a ll T o u rn Davie County's varsity girls w ill host a basketball loumainenl oti Dcc. 19-20 al the high scluwl. On Dec. 19. Charlotte Chrislian »nd Day w ill nwcl al 6 p.m.. followed by Davie and Bishop McGiiinncss al H. On llic 20lli, a consolation game w ill pil the fir^l nighl’.s losers al ft p.m. T lic wituiers w ill play for the championship al 8. "W e have real stiff com pelilioii. Charlolle Chrislian and Bishop in pariicular.'’ CoachCarolCozarisaid. "1 think Charlotte has got sonic Divi- sion-I prospects, iheir point guard in particular." Central Piedmont 4-A Bnskctbnll Standings HOYS Conf. Ovt-ndl W -L W -I, Davie 0 0 5-1 Mount TalHir 0-0 ft-1 Reynolds 0 0 4 .| .S. Rtuvan 0 0 y-\ W. l-orsyth 0 0 6-0 GUU.S Davie 0-0 2-.^ Mount Tal»or 0 0 A A RevnoUU 0 0 S. Rowan 0 0 l-ii W. ror>sil\ O-U O-S Continued From Fuge HI Two bt>nibs priivided a feel-giKxl halfiim c lead. Ryannc M cDaniel broughi rain with a 3-pointer for a 29-21 lead w ilh 2:08 lefi in the half, and liulc-uscd Sara Erb struck from downtown w ilh 10 seconds left for the 32-23cushion. The .selfless Erb . did not gel o ff ihc pine in Ihc first three games and w’cnt scorcless in the fourth before contributing six points againsl Salisbury (3-3). Those 3s were real good for us," Cozart said. "Erb tries so hard. She Is always scrapping and busting il. E v -. erything atN3ui her is posllive. and the kids recognize that and support lhal." W illiam s got Davie going, and Shelby Michael did the rest. After entering the nighl with a modest 5.5 scoring average and gening held to three firsl-halfpoints, the seniortiwk charge right out o f the gate in the third and crushed any notion o f a Salisbury rally. She stuck in six o f Davie's ilrsl eight poinls in Ihe third, and fed Oritlany W alker and Lauren Cor- nalzer for a 44-25 quarter-ending lead. She added icing in Ihe fourth, scoring 12poinlsina 13-minute rush and finishing with a season-high 15 points, four assists and two steals - her hotiesi outing since scoring 16 against West Forsyth late last year. "She picked up her play in the second half," said Cozart, who sal Michael for an extended stretch of Ihe second quarter. "Shelby tikes lo play, and when she has time out, she's going lo make it couni when she gets hack in. "And Shelby is also kind o f a groove player. She's getting better on penetration and lhai spin move." It's been a long lim e since ihc War Eagles, who have for several years suffered from extensive cold spells, looked any belter than ihcydidinlhe second and quarter frames, rocking . the Hornets w ilh a 30-9 spurt. "W e slaned out with Ihc man (de­ fense). but ihey got toodaggonc many cuts o ff that," Cozart said. "Theihing I was mosl pleased with was the defense was so lough in the third (a 12*2 Davie run), and some o f ihose passes were awesome." Although her shot someiimes be­ trayed Davie's leading scorer, sopho­ more point guard W alkerpiled up 10 points, five assists, three steals and even a bkwked shot. "She had her usual heads-up game." Co/art said. "She jusi plays so smart even if she's not scoring 50. She gels frusirated when she misses ihings. She doesn't liH)k at whal she's done well, which I like, because I think you can hurt yourself if you start palling yourself on ihe back uh> much." Another sophomore, reserve cen­ ter Dawn Singleton, embellished her repulallon as a human eraser by re- jeciing six shoisiogo with fourpoinis and Hvc rebounds. "Her tim ing and insiincls are just so giXHl." Cozan said. "She's noi looking lo gel (Ihe bliK k) up here, she's looking lo gel it as they come up. And she doesn't lei her body get loo closc. "She had numerous blocks on the JV team. In fact, It got to where you coumcd Dawn's WiKks and then you counted Ihc points." Ashley W illiam s collected seven points, six rebounds and three steals and Comaizer had four pt)lnis and three steals. Ryannc M cD aniel, Heather McDaniel and Sarah Merlau chipped In three points apiece. "Look at the depth." Cozan said. Noi«s: Cozart expects a tougher tesi when Davie goes to Salisbury on Jan. 5. "They had two players out, so we're going lo have lo be aware o f them next time," she said.... W alker lsavcraginglO.2 points. Michael 7.4 and Sarah W illiam s 6.2.... The W ar Eagles host Alexander Central on Dcc. 15 before holding a iwo-day lournamenlon Dec. 19-20. Freshman Girls Beat Size Disadvantage Brittany .Walker looks for an open passing lane. Davie C iutnl>\ Ireshnian jilrls basketball icain chopped Salem Acadctny dosv n losi/e and impn»vcd lo 2-1 w iih a47-39 victory l.»sl week. - nicy had aboul (our or live girls Ihe hcighl o f Ashley Peoples." Coach Daniel Brown said. "Bui we hung in there, pul them in a press, and we ran ihem." Alyse Bowden prixluced a sea­ son-high 12 |xiinis, Andrea Dwigglns hii double ligures for Ihe ihird lime with 10 and Ihe eiiually consislenl Jenny l-crrcll added eight as D.>\ie pushed a five-p4>inl hait'linie lead K' as many as 20. "W e pressed them the \shole game," Bn>wn said. "I’m noi kid­ ding. they were laller ihan me. Bui I told ihem: 'Don'i l(H)k at their height, jusi run 'em .'" Davie alst) got six from Healher Boger. five from Kelli York, four from Peoples and iw o fmm Telsha Penn and Jenni Horlon. Davie faces visiting Alleghany 4>n Dec. 16. Kahrs Keys Emphatic Win At Salisbury Davie County’s JV girls baskcl- ball team oul4 ored Salisbury 29-7 in Ihe second half Гога 49-21 pound­ ing lasl week. Kiersion Kahrs. who was coming o ff a 12-point. 15-rebound perfor­ mance againsl Lexington, was over­ powering again w ilh 14 poinls and 13 rebounds. Savannah Kowalski also scored 14, and Ali*son M cNeil piled up nine poinls, six sicals and three assists. The War Eiagles, who have won four o f five nonconference games. were only up 20-14 al halflim e. But a blistering 16*4 run in ihe ihird de­ cided Ihe outcome. For gtHKl mea­ sure. Davie lacked on a 13-3 run lo end il. Em ily Peitorini had six poinls and six rebounds, Deanna Shamel had iw o points and nine board.s, Alison M cNeil had two ptiinls and Five boards and Ashley W illis hud iwo poinls. Davie plays al Alexander Central on Dec. 15. then al home againsl Bishop McGuinness on Dec. 16. Ryanne McDaniel wrestles the ball from Lexington opponent. SEUITFASr Tlie flrst 10 words are $5.00 •each additional word Is 10c. Yard Sale ad« must be paid In advance.CLASSIFIEDS! Is10:30am'njesday. IN THE The Davie County Enterprise-Record 171 South Mam St. Mucksville J36-751 Л 29 M .D . ________ O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y Caring Modicaid Providor h r 20 yoars N e w O B p a t ie n ts w e ic o m o a t a n y s ta g e o f p r e g n a n c y Free P r e g n a n c y Tests We will assist your appllcallon lor pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage al no lee. Potient may deliver at either Statesville hospital IZISDovIe Avenue ■ Slalesvllle,NC ' 70«a73-1436 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally CHRYSLER - DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER - DODGE - JEEP » CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE - JEEP • CHRYSLER - DODGE 2 0 0 0 J E E P C h e ro k e e S p o r t 4 D r. 4 8 , 9 8 8 0.9% APRFOR M MONTHS 4.06 cyl., automalie, power window«, powtr door locks. h^lM t tntry, tun lerMfn elan, AM/FM cast., tilt, cwiw. «port Itf * whaal phg.________ 2 0 0 1 D o d g e R a m 1 5 0 0 4 4 , 9 8 8 0.9«Ì"a PRFOR M MONTHS 3.9 V-6,5-spd. air. AM/FM casMttt.chroma wheel & lire pkg., two tone palnl, Soulheaat Regional Plig. 4IV20/40 cloth bench seat 2 0 0 0 D o d g e G r a n d C a ra v a n S E 4 9 , 9 8 8 3.3 v-6,4 speed automatic, frpnt & rear A/C, lilt, cruise, power windows, power door locka, keyless entry, 7-paasenger seating, roof rack, ^ ^ ^ ju y c re e n ^ la s S jA W F M c a s s ^ ^ ^ ^ 2000 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab 4 8 , 9 8 8 0.9% APRFORM MONTHS V-6, auto, till,cruise, AM/FM CD, (og lamps, . 40/20/40 split bench seat sport pkg., aluminum wheels, tinted glass, delay wipers I Ш ® Ш О о о о © ® ' П Ш 'П 'Ш ®7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 1-888-469-3781 ’•’-•W ÄÄSStb"“ ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - B9 P u n t, P a s s & K ic k Morgan Wyatt finished in third place among 8-9 girls In the reglonals o( the NFL Punt, Pass & Kick. Morgan competed at Ericcson Stadium at halftime of the Carolina- St. Louis game on Dec. 3. A re Y o u O ld S c h o o l? Davie Sports News From December, 1967 D avid Poplin and Dianne M cDanicl ted the Mocksville W ild­ cats to a sweep over Coolecmee. Poplin had 12 poinls and Robert Anderson added eight in a 35-25 win, and McDaniel o f Mocksville's girls had 17 in a 31-10. Jenny Born- hardi had seven for M ocksville, and Palsy W ilkins led Coolcemec's girls w ilh five. Fred Bailey and Davie High's boys beat East Rowan (53-41) and Tho- masville(47-45). Bailey had 13poinls against East and 15 against Thomas- ville. Jingles Ijames added 13against Thomasville. The Mocksvllle-Davie Recreation Department Is accepting regisiration fonns for its Instructional Basketball Program. This program Is designed to leach basic baskeiball skills. This is noi a league, but on the last day the chil­ dren w ill divide up inloieamsjust for fun. This program is for males and females, grades K-2 and w ill be held at Cornatzcr Elementary School. The dates arc Jan. 13, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17. Each session w ill last 50 minutes. Kinder- ganncrs w ill start at 9 a.m., while first and second w ill start at 10 a.m. and i I a.m. Prc-reglstrotlon Isrcquired. Ashirt w ill be Included w ilh ihc S20 fee. The rcglslralion deadline is Jan. 5. For questions, call Ihc rcc at 751* 2325. S o u t h D a v i e W r e s t l e r s A r e S t i l l H o t Maybe ihcMid-SouthConfcrencc .should forgcl the resi o f ihe schedule and fast forward lo Jan. 11 when South Davie and North Davie bull heads. Don't mention lhal around South wrestling coach Howard Riddle. He was around in 1998 when Ihe Tigers were 8-0 before falling 43-42 lo Mooresvillc and stumbling lo 9-4, Ihc closest ihing lo n struggling sen* .son sincc Riddle's rebuilding years o f 1995-96. "You never know," said Riddle, who.sc leam collected ihrce more wipeouts lasl week to move to 5-0 overall and 2-0 in the MSC -69-18 over C orriher-Llpc, 72-15 over Soulhcasi and 59-28 over Southeast Randolph. In stru c tio n a l H o o p s S ig n U p s Luigi's Pizza Italian Restaurant 185 North Salisbury St. * Mocksville, NC 11;0a)m-10.00pm M-Sat.; I l:00am-9:00pm Sun. (336) 751-0358 EAT IN or TAKE OUT "Youcouldhave injuries and sick­ ness. You've gol lo slay focussed and wrestle everybody one al a time, be­ cause we've slill got Erwin who's gol .four or five good wrestlers. I think there's slill some good teams out there, and other teams w ill get bet­ ter." Everyone knew Dusty Johnson, Dylan Reynolds, Andrew Durey, Joy B rill ond Dewaync Collins were go­ ing 10 be lough to handle as experi­ enced eighth graders, arid ihey'vc lived up 10 the billing with an accu­ mulative 23-1 mark. But the rapid growth o f seventh graders Tim m y A lle n , Aaron H o lliflc id , Brent Abendrolh and Travis Phelps and ihe unexpeclcdjoli from firsl-yeareighth graders Andrew Lamb and Travis Phelps arc perhaps the biggest rea­ sons South has remained a power and sustained a winning sireak o f 28. Tliose four scvenlh graders are a combined 17-2, and Lamband Phelps are a solid 7-3. In fact, Allen posted the most impressive win lost week, a pin over adefending conference run­ ner-up. 'Tim m y oulwreslled (the Souih* east Palrlol)," Riddle said. "He wos in better .shape. If you work hord in practlcc, il’ll poy o fr And ihol showed becousc they hod some better olh* letes in some places. "Allen ond H ollideld have done a real good job, Lamb and Jones ore dolnga tremendous job for nrsl-year eighth graders, and I've been really happy with Abendrolh and Phelps. Abendrolh has wre.stlcd 140and 145. and he'scome from behind in a couple matches. I'm real tickled w ilh him." No one has found the solution lo slopping Johnson (5-0), Allen (4-0), Reynolds (5-0), Darcy (5-0), Aben- droth (5-0) and Collins (4-0), and H ollifield, B rill, Phelps ond Lamb have triumphed in four o f five out­ ings. T m happy," Riddle said. "We're slill improving." Notes: B rill's lone loss come against a foe who finished third in the conference lost year. ... Jomes Yonker, Tomm y Hand, Jones ond Gorretl Porks also picked up w ins.... In prelims, Josh Godbey was 3-0, Anthony Godsen and Justin Morgan were 2-Oond Russell Hlllon and Parks were I-O. Ryan Michael split two prelims. ... Erwin comes lo Souih ihis Thursday. Q M S W r e s t l i n g T e a m S h o w s O f f D e p t h Continued From Page B1 Angcll Is hardly ihe only War Eagle making believers. Kahrs is 10- I after appearing in just five varsity matches last year, and Goode, a re­ serve until Cassidy McMahan suf­ fered ascason-ending knee injury, is a solid 7-2 after coming out o f the bushes. "Kahrs is a pleasant surprise," U)wery said. "GikhIc is realizing how giHxl he can be. He's real aggressive. I'd like to have McMahan to sec what he could have done, but G(xxlc has H llcdlnpreliyg(XH l." Kahrs saidoperallng In ihc shadow o f Brad Pack, who was 125-29 all­ lime, accelerated his developmeni. "W restling Pack everyday in prac­ tice and gelling to wrestle in the slate dualloumamenllasiyear has helped," he said. "And then I wrestled all summer, freestyle and Greco. I was kind ofhoping 10 be beller than mosl o f the people I wrestle, and 1 have been." Low ery, the celebrated 215- pounder, was his usual self wilh three pins. "He'd whether not be seeded (No. I)," his father said. T h a i’s a lot o f pressure for a young man. bul he's handled il preiiy gixxl." Notes: Stanley and Lowery are bolh 12-0. "You can always count on their wins no mailer what," Black said.... Other records: Luke Kooniz 9-5, Scoll 8-4, Garner 9-3. Sain 8-4. Riddle 9-3, Allred 7-5, Black 12-3 and Stovall 5-2.... Davie didn't field anyone al 112 because freshman M alochi G enlry foiled lo moke w clg h i.... Scon lost in the finals to Riverside's Brandon Palmer, a de­ fending stale runner-up who was honored os the toumamenl's most outstanding wrestler.... Gamercamc 0 hair short Iri the finals, losing 7-6 after falling behind 4-1.... Although they're on aroll, the W ar Eagles, who visit North Davidson on lliursday. w ill discover how ihey slack up againsl some o f ihe best competition around Saiurday in the Mustang Stampede, an 18-lcam louroameni that includes Fuijuay V orino, Watauga, Mounl Tabor and Tuscola. Lasl year Davic was third behind Fuijuoy Varina and Tuscola. "It'd be nlce(lo win), bul there Isn'l any weak si.slers in this one,* Lowery said.... Michael Simmons, Armand Vonsi- alsky and Kyle Gustafson achieved Hrsi place in ihc JV tournament al South Slokes. Tanner W ilson , Zac M onon, Scoil M axwell, N ick Pane, Curlls Boiler, Tyler Lowe, Trent Young. Carson Glass and Michoel Bcck also placed for Davie. F a r m i n g t o n D r a g w a y S e a s o n C o m e s T o A C l o s e 'rhe 2000 Farmington Dragway racing season came lo a closc this past weekend. Featured was Ihc rain delayed Fool Brake Nationals and the special Race o f Champions races for all 2000 class winners al Farmington. Taking home Ihc S3.500paycheck, out o f the 160Sportsman "Fool Brake" Nationals compelllors on hand was James Young o f Parsippony. N.J. Young in his '69 Chevrolet Camaro defeated Farmington Sportsman divi­ sion regular MicliaelTrivetleofBoone. Vie lumed the Ш mile drag strip in 7.05 seconds al 93 MPH lo stop the former Farmington Rookieof the Year Trivcitcby IS.OOOthsatlhcfinlshline. Steve Alford o f Angler, was llic lone seml-nnalist in his Ford Pinto. Veteran racer Sklpp Briggs o f Lex­ ington look home the lop honors in ihc TO P Elim inator division in his Chevrolet Nova. Briggs ran a 6.13 ET 01 H O M PH 10 scorc his first Farmington win o f the year over 2000 Quolily O il Poinls Champion Don Whisnoni of Casor. The newly crowned champ whisnanl was beat out by less than 3,000ihs at ihe finish suipc in his Chcvrolci Monte Carlo. Mopor ace Skip Martin o f Winsion-Salem, fin­ ished a close third in his Plymouth Duster. Taking the first o f four doss "Race ofChompions" wins wasTercso Kiger ofYadklnvlllc In her Plymouth. Kiger defcoied 2000 Pure Stock Showdown winner JeffSchimmeckofMocksvillc for that doss win. Fineeh yeor old M all Robinson of Swonnanoa drove the Baker Moiorspons Dragster lo Ihc Junior Dragster Race o f Champions title. Robinson a second generation racer defeated 10 year old Travis Varner of Stanley for the win. Four speed racer Chad McCreary o f Cano, Va. shifted his way lo the Spoitsmandivlsion "Roce o f Champi­ ons" win in his Copperhead Graphics sponsored "Killer Pumpkin" Chevrolet Ш н \ Ч he high on n o w ^ Comoro. McCrcory defeated a busy Michael Trivetic In his Ford powered Mercury for Ihc Sportsman class win. A pair o f Mount Airy racers, Terry Fulk and Doug Ramsey squared o ff In the finals of Ihc "Race o f Champions" in TOP Eliminator. Fulk in ihe Ralph Manuel "Fasiech" Roadster edged out Ramsey in his Chevrolet Camaro for ihe 2000 TOP Eliminator lille. Farmington Dragway w ill reopen in 2001 onSunday,Jan.21 forTesl-N- Tunc from noon - 4 p.m. The onnual Farmington Rocers Awards Bonquet is scheduled for Saturdoy Nighl, Feb. 17, at the Elks Lodge In Winston- Salem. Formoreinformationcall336- 993-2982or 766-5881. IN T H E O L D W E S T . SECURITY W A S M A IN T A IN E D WITH RIFLES & SHORT TEMPERS. TODAY WE HAVE A MORE CIVILIZED APPROACH. M a il- I n R e b a te s A v a ila b le u p t o $10 0 “ CHRISTMAS SAFE SALE Now at Davie Farm Service, Inc. Yo u r L o c a l So u t h e r n S t a t e s D e a l e r stop in today and view our large selection of Winchester Fire Rated Gun and Home Safes. Various models, sizes, colors and interiors to choose from, at reasonable, competitive prices. The gia of security for your hard earned valuables, guns and family heirlooms that a quality constructed Winchester Safo can provide for a lifetime. . A s a re m in d e r— Better to be S A F E now than SO RR Y later. SOUTHERN States Davie Farm Service Inc. 116 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksville, NC 27028 • 336-75175021 Hours: M-F 8-5 and Sat. 8-12 CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 S i l M i l s Advertising Supplement For A Musical Christmas, Visit Counter Point Guitar Sliop Do you have a budding musician In your family? II so, Counter Point Guitar Shop & Studio has the perfect Christmas gift for you. For only S119, purchase a beginner package that Includes an acous­ tic or electric guitar, a gig (carrying) bag, guitar stand, strap and picks. Counter Point also Includes a free t-shirt and lesson from owner/instructor Kip Snow, who has more than 20 years' experience as a musician and teacher. Kip Snow, a native North Carolinian and former traveling musi­ cian with the Gospel Voices' singing group, teaches guitar, banjo, mandolin, and standing and electric bass for all ages, from begin­ ners up to advanced students. His casual, relaxed style of teaching does not require an ability to read music. In fad, Vicki Berkeley, who began as a guitar . student at Counter Point, says that those who play by ear will feel right at home with Snow's teaching style. "He develops their love of playing," says Berkeley, who now works at Counter Point with Snow. "By having them repeat after him, they leam al a faster pace, and are able to retain It.’ Vicki Berkeley calls Kip Snow a natural bom teacher and excel­ lent musician. 'II It has strings on it, he can play II," she says of Snow, who teaches 30-mlnute Individual lessons weekly. Lesson slots are almost lull; call Counter Point at (336) 751 -9390 for more Information lo sched­ ule a private lesson today. Counter Point has thoroughly researched the quality guitars on the market today; and Is proud to offer Tacoma Guitars. ‘Acoustic Guitar fHagazine" has rated Tacoma's OM10 guitar as "Best Value," "Most Fun lo Play," and "Best Price" In their six-guilar shoot-out against Tacoma, IHanin, Larrivee, Guild, Washburn and Taylor. Vicki Berkeley says that they sell Tacoma because of the high level of customer satis­ faction. i . "These guitars are so well-made, and thoroughly checked by the company before they are shipped, that most of them carry a life­ time warranty," said Ms. Berkeley. She also says that Tacoma's precision manufacluring and quality assurance has established Tacoma as Ihe fastest growing guitar company in history. Come and visit Ihe Mocksville shop's array ol guitars, mandolins, banjos and bass guitars and Investigate how easy these line Instruments are lo handle and play. Packages are also available with Counter Point's high quality mandolins, banjos, basses and violins. Prices range from inexpen­ sive starter instruments and accessories, up to the most advanced styles. Counter Point has a great selection of Sabine tuners, Levy's straps and gig bags, strings by GHS, Marlin, D'Addario, Ernie Ball, Elixir, Rocklron Amps and Kustom Public Address systems. Counter Point has recently Installed pub­ lic address systems for local churches. Call (336) 751 -9390 lor more details. Why drive oul ol town for band Instruments, contemporary or church sheet music or other music accessories? COUNTER POINT IS OFFERING A25% DISCOUNT OFF LIST PRICES ON ALL SPE­ CIAL ORDERS. If your child needs drumsticks, a reed for a band Instrument, or other accessories, stop by Counter Point and save 25% on your special order. "We want our customers to come back, and to be happy," said Vicki Beri(eiey. Have Counter Point wrap your glHs for free. Gilt certificates and layaway are also available; and MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Fill your Christmas wilh music. Visit Ihe Iriendly lolks at Counter Point for all of your musical needs today. Counter Point Is located at 82 Court Square in downtown Mocksville. Hours are Monday- Ftlday Irom Noon - 8 PM, and Saturday Irom 10 am-1 PM. SAVINGS up Г Л О / EVERYDAY '■> O U '0 • J liia n llls * S leds • С п щ и м w iik S M lt s t S - Clemmons Discount Sales l l i i I Clfmmons Rd/hb 444'j Cloinmons ■ /66 493Й L O C K & 12 Years Experience13161 B«HIM C r a w d e r 'О щ п е у o cu U es Ш I 226&C Lewbville-Clemmons Rd, • Clemmons 766-0516 i i, H ttw aesm ne rire«tone Lee Tires ttH A N O D K Michelin Tires G e o r g e 's V illa g e G a r a g e 2570 Lewisvllle-Cleinmons Rd.» Clemmonsw - 766-7862 О Hair Si Noil Studio 158 • Manicure• Pedicure • Aaylic» • Sculplurad • Tip« • Rll-lni UtWtilek ЫНИ Ho« Ml 766-9001 Гсоиг1тбн5 0 !т -Т I Guitar Stiop C'SStudlo ■ ! Beginner Packages ■ I startingil,$1l9A0 ! • 1 Inchhlo^r.liJ a iti Sunil. srjp .\ ■ I V ' №kv TAliln & FHI.K J I n a e n w u p e iih is tm w rts . ■ I , O ftto lin u lM iM M it I I" p HJCiMia^)(Utc.Mock»illc _ S E ) ‘^336.751-9390 C 8 I N(M>n8p(iianJSil lOini Ipm B e r m u d a M in i’s S clf-S to ra gc ^ 998-96613 Climate Control 3 24 hr Computorized Gate 3 Foncod with 24 hr lighting 3 Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 3 Video Camera Security 3 Next to Bermuda Quay M6 Commerce Dr.. Advonce W h i t n e y F l o o r i n g Hour« M on.- FrL 1 0 - 6 Sat. 1 0 - 2 S p e c ia liz in g In Carp«tevinyl Ceramic TU* Herdwood noon & RrtlnUhIng Counter Top* Laminated Floors ( M b ) 766-0733 20 Years Eipenence NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC 5919-C James St.■Clsmiiiflns J a n i e s a i y s : Ф- Oriemtel ПтМш/т Ир T»êü% Orr С Ш щ п а т и Н в Л Ц м 0 «мрягмМ|Г ЛкМгам MX АЛГ ^ W o w S e d r w e «■Mo* AwM е а ш ы т ш и м г шBuy П о т n o òrO r Ontm rnom emtmlog •at. M l «УП. laiMMLocated In T h e O d X k tton an sS d ióal ISSOgémmaiaRaid (Stato АгСкттаииЬшу) (336)778-2700 D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUN'rV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - Cl Young members of Yadkin Valley Baptist Ctiurchi sail tiielr way through tiie Advance Christmas parade on Saturday. C h r is t m a s P a r a d e I n A d v a n c e Santa Claus waves from his sleigh high atop an Advance Rre Department truck. Tim Smith was one qf many Harley Davidson riders to add some flash and noise to the parade. That's Sparky the spotted fire dog, with a spotted Dalmation, and a "spotted" spectator. P i After narrowly avoiding a legal scandal prior to the parade, local officials needed security guards as escorts.Chamreece Diggs leads members of the Davie High Danc­ ing Boots strut their stuff on N.C. 801. ..■> г . i 'Ч ll LeBleu, appropriately, had a drop of water riding on its truck. Members of the Shady Grove Bulldogs wave to. spectators at the parade. '4 ■ Photo« by Robin FMguMon C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 N e w A r t s C o u n c il E x e c u t iv e D ir e c t o r S e n d s C h r is t m a s W is h e s Tuesday. Dcc. 5, Ihc Taradiddle Players rcluincd to ihc Brock Perform* ¡ng Arts Center to present the Christ­ mas Program o f Davie County Arts Council’s Kid's Night Out Series. The Tairadiddlc Players, from the Children’s Theatre o f Charlotte, pre­ sented. "T is The Season," a scries of seasonal stories and poems from vari­ ous traditions and cultures centered around a holiday theme. Tlie players ended with nhilarious version o f "Tlie Twelve Days O f Clmstmas." P i n o N e w s Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shawn,Parker Howell-Patker Couple Married In Charlotte Tara M arie Howell and Ronald Shawn Parker were united in mar­ riage al 6 p.m. Nov. 23 al Fim United Methodist Church of Charlotte. The Rev. Ivan Pedan officiated. The bride is the daughter o f Ricky Howell o f M ocksville and Cathy M e rritt o f Greensboro. She is a graduate o f Davie High School and attended M itchell Comm unity C ol­ lege. The groom is the son o f Ronnie and Barbara Parker o f Canadaigua, N. Y He is a graduate o f Canadaigua Academy and is employed by Roush Racing as car chief for NASC AR «W ver-M w lcM w leaw i-w titottw e* Ihc bride chose Jcannie Hewitt as maid o f honor and Tonya McRae as matron o f honor. Bridesmaids were Karen Baysinger, Bonnie Thomas, Jaime Dunn, Megan How ell, and M ysti Howell. JelT Paxton was the groom’s best man. Ushers were Shane MacMillan. Bob Thomas, Jason Burdette. Ray Osian, Jason Shapiro, and Jonathan Davis. Flower girls were Hannah Dull and Allison Thomas. Guest o f honor was M elvin Dull. After a reception at Founders Hall in Charlotte, the couple went on a ngarip^io^CharJcsionwSiC.., Given in marriage by her father. They arc at home in Cornelius. :'C т т ш .v.v-t Santa made a surprise visll prior to the perfonnancc to hear the special Christmas wishes. Gleaming-eyed children and laughter filled the lobby. W inter art work from Cooleemee, Comalzer, W illiam R. Davey and Mocksville elementary schools also filled the lobby. Everyone was greeted by Jane Simpson, (he new executive dinxtor o f the Davie County Ans Council. A total o f 273 audience members Included groups from Mocksville and Coraatzcr elenicniaty schools, Davie and Rowan home schools. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts ofDavie County, and thcYM C A. • Special thank.? to these groups and their leadeis for attending the perfor­ mance and to show sponsor, CCD, Simpson said. Tlie community is reminded that tickets for the remainder o f the 20СЮ - 2001 Professional Touring Sc,ison, which Includes "Tlie Princess AndTlie Pen," "Freedom Train," "Mountain Hearl, "A Closer W alk W ith Patsy Cline," and David Holt, ate available. They would makegrcatCluisUnas gifts for someone on your list. For ticket information, call the box office at 751- 3000. "Tlie Davie County Arts Council wishes everyoncasafeandhappy holi­ day season. Communitysupportofthe arts in Davie County is .sincerely ap­ preciated," Simpson said. Dulin United 'Metliodist Cliurcfi Saturday, 'Dec, i6 y:oo pm V uliit 'Rond Яну. i^ á beliiven^inebrvoíVr, and fTanniiytoii ‘Rd. By Nora U U m m Pino Corresponded Don'tfoigetourbrc.'ikfastai Wesley Chapel is this Sat. Dec. 16. Ham and sausage with all the trimmings. Scr^•- ing begins at 6:30and lasts until 10;00 a.m. We hope to have a good crowd. There w ill be a Christiaxs Candle­ light servicc at our church on Sunday night, Dcc. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Special guests w ill be Ihc Bell Choir from Farmington U.M.C. Our U.M.W met at the home of Marchetto Williams on Wed. night with Coleen Dull asco*hostess. Presi­ dent Dewilla Smith presided. Marie M iller gave the devotions and intro­ duced our guest, Kim Shuskey. from the Davie County Senior Center, who toldusaboutalltlicopponuniticstherc. ТЬегс is a spccial need for people to help with the Meals On Wheels in this county. Ifanyone is intcrcsted in do­ ing this plca.se contact Kim at the cen­ ter. At the end of the meeting, deli­ cious refreshments were sen cd by the hostess toDcwillaSmitli.M arieMillcr, Betty West, Nora Utham , Kathy F.llis. Joanne Borsdale, Louise Dill. Johnsie Shelton and twoguests.TcrcsaCorrell and Virginia Smith. The fellowship class had their Christmas party oti Saturday night a t, the home o f Roland and Betty West in Cana, with a delicious covered dish dinner. Those attending were Coleen Dull, Gene and Dewilla Smith. Bob and Louise Dill,Gcne.'uidMarieMillcr, Hamion and Nora Utham. Vcmon Dull and Ruth Davis. Clyde and V ir­ ginia Murry, Johnsie Shelton and Sam Kure. Our guests at church Sunday were Mac and Sara Eure and Vcmon DuU's little gmndson, Alec Gobble. Kathy and Bob Ellis attended a Christmas dinner in Roanoke on Sat­ urday with Bob’s family who lives in and around that area. Norn Latham's brother-in-law. Er\’in Angell, o f Mantco had open heart surgery last week al Norfolk Gcnenil Hospital inNorfolk. Va. Heis getting along well and went home on Tuesday. Ourthoughisandprayers go out to)iim fora speedy recover)’. Couple To W ed In Salisbury Benjamin Jarvis and Roxanne Gibbons announce the engagement o f their ' daughter, Tina Renee Jarvis to Randy Scott Howell, son of M r. and Mrs. Douglas Howell o f Mocksville. Thcbride-clectis a 1997 graduate o f West Rowan High School and the groom- to-be is a 1995 graduate of Davie High School. The wedding is planned for Dec. 30 at Gays Chapel United Mcdiodist Church in Salisbury al 2 p.m. W h a t's it lik e to liv e w ith D o m e stic V io le n c e ? W ATCH: “Family Focus: Domestic Violence Hits Home” Aiii^Tu ,1 ! flow il ( ,ii) I)** 1 ,iiK H iyfîK )u;.ly VI.I .iikI tfu* Inlcnn ‘t N\S()( • 1 \ D ecem ber 20, 9-10 p.m . D ecem ber 22, 10-11 a.m. R )\\ \ N R l ( ,|( )N A I G e t H e l p . G e t O u t . 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 9 9 - 7 2 3 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000-C3 Ridenhour-Davis W edding In Mocksville A m y A leigh R idcnhour and Michael Scott Davis, bothof Advance, were married at 3 p.m. Dec. 2 in Fork B.nptist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. Rusty Morrison officiated. Tlie bride is the daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Steven R Ridenhourof Advance. Her maicmal grandparcnts arc Sarah Seaford o f Advance and the late Lee M. Seaford. Her paternal grandpar­ ents arc Bud and Jeanette Ridcnhour of Cooleemee. Tlie bride ottended Torsyth Technical Community Col­ lege and works at Hawthorne 0 В / GYN Associates in Winston-Salem. -The groom is the son o f Mr. and • M rs. W illia m H. Adams И o f Tobaccoville. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davis, Jr. o f Lewisville and the late Larry E. Peddycord. His maternal grandparents arc Margaret and Jack King o f Advance and the late Ned Fowler. The groom attended Lees McRae College in Banner Elk and Forsyth Technical Community Col­ lege. He is a sales representative for Pepsi Bottling Ventures in Winston- Salem. Tlie bride was escorted by her fa­ ther. Brooke Sherec Ridcnhour of Advance, the bride's sister, was the mad of honor. Tlie bridesmaids were Anna Elizabeth Seaford. Brett Kristen Seaford, both of Advance, the bride's cousins; Anne Spencer Peddycord o f Winston-Salem, the groom's sister-in- law; Megan Elizabeth Keller, Rebecca DcllDavisandTommiWagnerBoger, all o f Mocksville. Kara Katherine SeafordofAdvancc.tliebride'scousin, was tl)c junior bridesmaid. David Christopher Peddycord of Winston-Salem, the groom's brother, wos the best man. The groomsmen were Steven Drew Ridcnhour of Ad­ vance, the bride's brother; Brian Chris­ topher Acri o f Wesl Palm Beach. Fla.; Scott Edward Dunning and Bryan Scot Bradlcy,bothofWinston-Salcm;Shad Alan Kirley o f W rightsvillc Beach; and Timothy Christopher Moutos of King. Dwight Jacob Allred o f Mocks­ ville, the bride's cousin, was the ring bearer. Haley Michellc Qinihcr of Mocksville was ihe flower giri. Tlie wedding direcior was Jane Foster. M olly Dec Kooniz was llie guest*rcgistcrattendant. The program attendants were Am y H uff and Rianne Adams, both of Winston-Salem. The honorary attendants were: Bethany W all Carter, Kena Leigh Stone, Terra Lynn Johnson, Tracic Scchrest Everhardt and Anna W all Wilson. Wedding music was provided by soloist Amanda Sparks o f Virginia Beach, Vn. and pianist Jenny Yost of Mocksville. Birdseed bags were given by Bethany Foster, Savannah Yost, and Logan Wilkinson. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held In the church fellowship hall, Aftera honeymoon trip to Cancún. Mexico, the couple w ill reside in Ad­ vance. Social Events • On Sunday, Oct. 22, a miscella­ neous shower was given by Gloria Allred, Debbie Ward, Teresa Corrcll, Kathi W all, Susan W all and Shelby Holt at tlie home of Jeanette Ridcnhour. • On Sunday, Nov. 12. a miscella­ neous shower was given by Paula Seaford. Jenny Ledford. Jean Carter, Melody Morton, and Jane Jones in the fellowshiphallatForkBaptistChurch. • On Saturday, Nov. 11, a lingerie shower was given at ihe home of Tommi Bogcr by friends o f the bride, • On Saturday, Nov. 25, a miscella­ neous shower was given at Fork Bap­ tist Church by Susan, Brett, and Peggy Seaford. • On Saturday. Nov. 25. u bridal breakfast was given by V icki Wilkinson at her home. • On Saturday, Nov. 11, friends of the groom honored him with a bach­ elor party. •OnFriday,Nov. 17,friends ofthe bride honored her with a bachelorctte party at the home o f Megan Keller. • On Friday, Dcc. 1, the groom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Samuels on Main in Mocksville.Mrs. Michael Scott Davis New Arrivals HURT Kit. Christina. Daniel, Christopher, and London Hurt announce the birth of a daughter and sister, Abbegail Jaime (Abbe) Hurt, on Nov. 28 at Forsyth Medical Center. She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches in length. Maternal grandparents arc Mrs. Lucille Furches of Farmington and the late Fred Furches. Paternal grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hurt of Smith Grove. HORNE Wendy and Jason Home, o f Ad­ vance. announce the birth o f their son, Nathan James, on Dcc. II, 2000 at Forsyüi Medical Center. He weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 inches long. Malemal gnmdparenis cMBnui and Betty Hoots o f Advance and Paternal grandparents are B ill and Edith Home o f High Point. F o u r C o m e r s N e w s By M arie NVhlle Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck attended the Golden Wedding Annlver^aiy Cel­ ebration o f Mr. and Mrs. John Seaford Cana News Sunday afternoon al Center Fellow­ ship Building. M r. and Mrs. Joe W hile, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ramey, and Mr. and Mrs. Ollle Wood had supper Monday night at Golden Corrall in Mount Airy. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and Jessica who have recently moved to our commu­ nity. FamilyNighiChristnusatCourtney Baptist. The entire church family and friends are invited to join us Sunday evening Dec. 17 beginning at 5:00 p.m. for our Christmas Celebration and covered "Dish Supper." Our preschoolers, children, choir, youth praise team and worship choir w ill all be leading in this Christmas celebra­ tion. Bible B aptist Church Independent • Fundamenrof Pastor, Don Jone« • 33б>77в-в737 SufldBV School-10am Woftólp-pS*rviet-1tam ./NIeM-epm WMinMd«v-7:90pfl "MSO Stytn F«rry Rd. • Ciemmoot, NC By John "Cain** Godwin Cuna Correspondenl The Cana Bazaar was a big success. There was a huge crowd. We had to park can out in our overflow parking section,-Ihe ditch. The Cana commu­ nity comes together every year lo do­ nate so many things. Gail bought a Christmas Deer from the Homcmak- 5 0 Y e a r W e d d i n g A n n i v e r s a r y I think my cousin Chip Pulliam and his M o c k s v i l l e C o u p l e C e l e b r a t e M r. and Mrs. Chatlcs G. Polk of Mocksvillc celebrated their 50th Annivcr- un Nov. 1>) M tlw Coolccnwc VF\V from 3-5 p.m. llosK were ihcit six children and spouses: Carol (Howard) Kelly of Rockwell, Charles D. Polk of CIcvchuid.KaUiy (Carl) Hicks ofBooncvillc,Pliillis(Teny)KnightofSalisbuiy ; and Leo (Lynclie) o f Mocksville and Sandra (Mike) Pennington o f Nonh . Wilkesboro. ; : Tlie couple has seven grand-children and six step-grand-childrcn. Ttie Polk's ■ were ntuTied Dcc. 2,1950 in Ashe County. Mrs. Polk is Ihe former Ada M iller of West Jefferson. Mrs. Polk is retired from Davie Co. Hospital and M r. Polk is td iicJ from Crown Wood Products. family have pcrfccl attendance at the Cana School. Not bad for someone who has to drive in from the Big City ofWinston-Salem. Happy Birthday Buddy Eaton, Peyton Frost Briggs. Ah'cc Blackmore Hicks, Bob Hannah, Henry West, Jr., Eleanor Cain Blackmore, Margaret Rich Godwin, and Nancy Pulliam Sullivan. 2000 Christmas Services First United Methodist Church 3 0 5 N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t , M o c l t s v i t l e You arc cordially invited to the Sixty-Sixth Annual Candle Lighting Service and Christmas Concert by the 40-voice Chancel Choir. T h re e Id e n tic a l Services 5 : 0 0 p . m . , S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 7 7 : 3 0 p . m . , S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 7 7 : 3 0 p . m . , M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 8 Christmas Eve Servives Christmas Eve Celebration for the Family Dec. 24th at 4:30 p.m. Carols, Readings & Candle Lighting Service, Spccial M usic by the Chancel Choir, Hand B ell Choir, Live Nativity, and Nursery Care Provided, Christmas Eve Communion Dec. 24th at 11:00 p.m. Carols,Communion & Candle Lighting Service, Special Music, Uve Nativity, No Nursery. .J Il. H e l p Y o u r N e i g h b o r s a n d E n j o y C a b l e T e l e v i s i o n t h i s H o l i d a y S e a s o n Order cab le TV by DeceiTiber 29th and your installation is only $51 Plus, pay only *9’* for our Limited Basic service and all ottier ctiannels are FREE for 30 days-includlng premium movie channels! B u t t t i a t ’s n o t a l l . . . . Y o u r $ 5 i n s t a l la t i o n f e e w ill b e d o n a t e d t o t h e S t o r e t i o u s e f o r J e s u s Call today for more details 7 5 1 - 1 3 1 3 BENCHMARK■ rrs T T T T T s rrm '■ $5 te e .covers Inslallatlon o f o n e o u tle t C onverters fo r a d d itio n a l outlets a re $4.95 e a c h . O ffe r ‘ d o e s n o t In clu d e p a y-p e r-vie w ch an nels a n d Is v a lid fo r n e w cu skxnersorU ^ . “ 4*- C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - CS Karaoke Couple Keep Singing By Jackie Seabolt Davic County Enterprise Rcconl Donald Doyd and Ruthic Jones o f Advance iovc to sing. They love to sing so much they do it just about every minute o f their spare time. Doyd and Jones arc known as the Dixieland Perrormers and their first CD it titled Country Lives On. The duct recorded the CD in Nashville at a place,called Big Mama's Studio. “ It's the biggest recorder o f karaoke style CDs," said Boyd. They also have their own karaoke business and perform locally. “Wc*rc from Georgia,’* said Boyd. ‘T o make a long story short, I’m a retired professional auctioneer aiid Ruthic’s a nurse. Wc looked around and when wc saw M ocksville, we knew this was it." The coupic have renovated their home to include an entire karaoke stu­ dio. th e set-iip includes a library o f over 3,000 songs and is equipped with monitors. “ Wc have a little bit o f any- thing you want to hear from country to rock," said Boyd. Boyd says that when he was younger he wanted to pursue singing, but marriage and children put his dreams on hold. Since his retirement he has begun to pursue that dream once again. The couple enter talent contests and offer their karaoke services at parties and other functions. “ Wc do it for the fun and enjoym ent" said Boyd. They hope to eventually make a CD o f their own songs they’ve writ* ten. Boyd is taking guitar lessons, and Jones is studying bass. “ Wc cut up a lot. but when we’re on stage we’re serious,” Boyd says, “ Wc take our music very seriously when we’re on stage.” Boyd and Jones have been sing­ ing karaoke for three years. “ It’s fun bccause the crowd gets to participate in it. There’s a lot o f undiscovered talent out there. That’s how wc got into it.” P IIT IF The Dixieland Performers CD Country Lives On is available at local businesses like Tatum’s Music Tree and Counter Point Studios. There are no plans to slow down at this point. “ Wc love this. This is our baby, our sidekick. This Is what we live for," Boyd smiles, "The first time is hard because o f stagefright. The second time is easier. The third time you’re hooked." B e a u t iC o n t r o l . Holiday Open House F r id a y , D e c . 1 5 t h • 1 2 - 6 P M S a t u r d a y , D e c . 1 6 t h • 1 0 - 5 P M Comfort Inn of Mocksville In the Conference Room (Hwy. 601 North, near MO) 1 и яti я fí й í) Boyd at home in his studio. Door Prizes • Refreshments • Gift Baskets Teresa Correli. B eautiC ontrol C onsullanI For m ore in fo n n n llo n слП (336)492-M60 it.'V.UV.'V.UÏ.V.WV.-V.ainXWV.-WUK.-WWV.UI.-.'V.VIV.-V.UVnr.WTV.UW.ti Boyd and Jones sing a song, l<araoke style. Boyd hopes to increase the popularity of karaoke in this area. ^ >1. . . . . . - Photos by Robin FergussonO rn am en t S a le T o B e n e fit New A d o p tio n C en ter A nd W ildlife (9 C to v D C te te (9 С Ш м О б Ы & ihr&íeCblfíñCA IHil Ihi.s at ihc lop of your \vi.sh lisl! A YMCA membership ofTers fitness, fun and rellow.stiip for all ages. You'll enjoy the gift of health all year long. YMCA of Greater Winston-Siilcni UtrryiK SuA ri, IXivie, Yiklim CnuiUirs Ccmral: 721-2100 • KcmcRvillc: W6-223I Wcij ron>th: 7I2.2(K)0 • WinMon tjkc: 724-‘>:»5 Davic: 751-9622 • Stokes; 985-9622 • Wilkcv: (336) 83S..VWI AnJ opening in the lummer or 2(X)I - i'ullon l-iimily YMCA (Northern I'unylh County) and ihe Yatlliin I'amily YNtCA (Vsdiiinville) i>urA/uih«: Helping pfiipU m uh ih firC tx ix h m pfiifiuial in spirit, m inJ anJbtiJy. AVtMVmyAsnQ This year the Humane Socicty o f Davie County is doing something dif­ ferent to help raise funds to build their new adoption center. They arc sell­ ing holiday ornaments that help feed the w ildlife at the new adoption cen­ ter property site. A tree w ill be displayed on the property and w ill be decorated by or­ naments purchased from the Humane Society. These handmade ornaments w ill be made o f pinecones and w ill be covered in edible treats for wildlife. If you would like to purchase an ornaments in memory or in honor o f a beloved pet or fam ily member the cost o f each is $3. You can call the Humane Society at 751-5214 or pur­ chase youromament by mailing your donation to P.O. B ox 153, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. This Holkiay Season give the gifl of hope.,. ^ Oisabillty'and Long Term Care are wrilien through other fine companies. * Securities oifered through Sunset Financial Services, Inc., 3520 Broadway, KansAX City, MO 64111, (вl6)75^7000 (OSJ), Member NASD/SIPC. SFS Is л whoiiy«owned subsidiary of Kansas Cily Ufe Insurance Company. Sunset ■ FIrHndal Services, Inc. Is not afflllafed wilh Soulh Atlantic Broljerage Croup. -И -------------- D A V I D Y U R M A N 520 s . S lrátord R d. W lnatonSakm (330) 721-1708 M on Fri 10-6. Sat. IOS COMING TO MOCKSVILLE Sunday & Monday Decemlier 17th & 18tli B e n F r a n k lin Sunday, 1 pm to 5 pm Monday, 12 pm to 7 pm C o l o r P o r t r a i t P a c k a g e S p e c i a l 3-8x10’s 3 - 5 x 7 ’8 12-Wallets $ 1 3 9 5 <233 Deposit Custonter pays $11.00 when portraits delivered] at store approiimalely one weeic taler. DON'T MISS IT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO N0 AGE LIMIT ADULTS TOO! All work Guaranteed by; TRIVETTE STUDIO Ben Franklin Willow Oak Centar • Mocksville, NC Pies Are A Favorite Holiday Dessert From Ihc North Curollnn Depurtment of Agriculture Some o f the most heavenly aro­ mas that ilrin from the oven and nil our kitchens during this holiday sea­ son comc Tmm crusts niled with rich smells o f butter, sugar, spices, and Tniit. No wonder pies happen to be rated as one o f our most favorite des­ serts. . Making pies and piecrust cun he easy by follow ing a few tips. With just a little heap o f flour and a lump o f butter or shortening, then a ’ .sprinkle o f water, you can make a plecru&t that w ill bring smiles o f de­ light. O f course, there are the refriger­ ated piecrusts that come from the gn)cery store. A ll you have to do Is just position the rolled dough into the pie plate. Tliis kind o f dough losie pretty good and for the sake o f time and energy are great. Making a crust doesn’t have to he hard at all. It's important to gather all o f your ingredients and ct|uipment first. Tlien measure the dry ingrcdi- ’ ems into a m illing bi>Nvl. When cut­ ting the fat into the flour, which is usually about marble*sl/.e pieces (about 1/2 inch slices), use a pastry blender, a fork, or your fingertips. Larger pieces o f flour and fat make a flaky, crisp pastry that shatters wlicn you bite inlo it. Smaller crumbs make a tender pastry that crumbles when you bile. When you add the liquid (which is usually ice water) udd only two- ihirds o f what the recipe calls for. Sprinkle il evenly over the Hour mix­ ture. M ix quickly with a fork and try to gather the dough inlo a ball. If it crumbles and won't hold together, add more water a leaspoon at a time. It's always a good idea to chill the dough before rt)lling. T liis trick w ill make the dough easier to handle, less likely to shrink and the crust w ill hake up flakier. Make sure that you preheat your oven when baking a crust. Putting the cruNt into a hot oven causes the fat particles to explode. This priKess ca'ales sleam that lightens and crisps the pastry. A l lower oven tempera* tures, the fat just softens and melts. For some perfect pies that arc sure to get u repeat perfomiance regard­ less o f whether you make or buy your crust, try one o f the following. N unny’s Apple IMe Pastry for two 9-inch crusts 6 cups ihinly sliced, peeled, cored tart apples 3/4 cup sugar 2 lahlesp<rans а11-риф05С llour $ 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teasptran allspice 1/4 teaspoon sail 2 tablespoon huitcr 2 teaspoon lemon Juice I egg white granulated sugar, us a garnish Preheat the oven to 4(K) degrees. Fit first piecrust into a 9-inch pie plale. In a targe bowl loss the apples llghlly with sugar, flour, and spices ' and salt. Sp(K)n Ihe mixture inio the pie shell. Dot w ilh butter and sprinkle w ilh lemon juice. Spread remaining pasiry over pie and turn edges under, Rule to seal. Cut slits in the crust for steam to escape. Brush w ilh egg while and sprinkle the top with granulated sugar. Паке al 400 degrees for 50 minutes or un* til the pastry Is golden and juices bubble u jtin the slits. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. C herry-B crry Pie 2 prepared piecrusts 2 (21-0/.) cans Cherry pic filling 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries I cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 3 tablespoons butter SG V FD Sellin g B B Q , T u rkeys The Smith Grove Volunteer Fire Depariment is .selling barbecued iw rk shoulders and smoked turkeys for Christmas. Turkeys cost $3 per pound, and barbecue is sold for $4 per pound, including slaw and dip. Tlie food is lo he picked up on Dec. 23. To make an order, call Woody Hales at 99K-324I, Junior Smith al 940-3182 or Benny Riddle al 998- 0379. Place 1 piecrust In a 9-inch pie pun. M ix together pic n ilin g and blueberries, sugar and cornstarch. Pour in piecrust. Dol w ilh butter. Top w ith second piecrust and seal. Bake at 325 degrees F. For I hour or until golden brown. Makes 6-8 servings. THOM RUTTER Painting & Wallpapering Home Repairs & Improvements Faux Finishes САОПвшИитгpOBoim гтитштез (»1)2844211 G A L V A L U M E30 YSAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors * Pole Buildings * Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS r oe. С ir is tm a s Gift J d s k e ts O t 2 e i u ts Q ^ d a if ! K r is li S I c c Groam & GofTcc SI o p (J*i, SUi|.|«-i«C.-.i. r B"jm-ti’i'tnIF '«"лп- lOpmSjl • Jpm-IOpniSun t o d C e l e b r a t i o n Л C h ristm as M usical b y C i n d y Б е г г у From advcnL lo iialivil)’, Noel Cclebralion cnplurci llic spirit ol' Ciirislmns will) all Ihc favorilc carols o f Lhc season, compelling new songs, and inovlng narraUon. Presented by the The (SoncLuar)' Choir and Chamber Oi'chesl.ra From The North Carolina School oF the Arts (S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 7 t h , 6 : 0 0 p .m . F ir s t B a p t is t C h u r c li 390N,Mmn6lMoclavillo.NC 7 5 1 - 5 3 1 2 (Childojrc Till be provided) E y e A s s o c ia te s o f R o w a n a n d R o w a n R e g io n a l M e d ic a l C e n te r W e lc o m e D r . J a m e s H a r d in • Univctsity of North Carolina-Chapcl l-litl - liachclor's degree in chcntistry and zoology • Mcharry Medical College in Nashville, Tcnn. • Rivcrtide Regional M edial Center in Ncwpon News, Va. - Internship • Kansas University Medical C enter- \il#/ Ophllulm ology residency • lloard certified in ophthalmology Eye Associates of Rowan 8(X) W. Cemetery Street SaliUxiry, N C 211144 (704)633-0345 R o w a n R e g i o n a l M e d ic a l Centter Your Source For Total Hcallhcat«. www.rowanotK N O W OPEN! I n t o u c h W i r e l e s s 3570 Clemmons Road, Clemmons _ — o o > f •! (At the comer of James street) / 0 0 " 0 5 J X X • C e l l u l a r P h o n e s • P a g e r s & S e r v i c e • S a t e l l i t e S y s t e m s • A c c e s s o r i e s CHRISTMAS PECIALS Jim Hodges & Bill Foster, Owners .^SIliCEl •Free starter Kit Cor Cold a teoltter Cose Or *i'TOO noooser WHh Any Cellular Phone Purchase & A Nmv Line of Service Soli ExpkM Dec 31.2000 $3995 Vblue $ 4 9 9 5 V kikM UmiiedTo Slock On Нам NEXTEL «BUY ONE PHONE, GET ONE PHONE FREE WITH SERVICE Roqi^res 1 Year Contract : M a r a n o L A u COUPON Um ltm d Timm OHmrPager Service Only ^ 8 * * per шеи« •10 Aetlvlatloh ©BEUSOUTHMobility . •Buy A Motorola Digital Pra-PaM CoHular Phono A Rocotvollw Following: • $ 2 5 R e b a te • Free AcHvcrtion ras VbIm ) • $30 WorthOfiMinulw Offer Expirés Dec. 31, 2000 •SEE STORE FOR COMPLETE SALE DETAILSI >'• i C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 Mocksville Civitans Hold Christmas Party DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - C7 The Mocksviilc Ctviian Club held its annual Chrisimas party at the home o f the prcsldcnt,Tim Stewart, on Mon* day evening, Dcc. !1. Members and guests were wcl- comcd by the president, after which David Heafner gave the invocation for the meal. Following a few announce* ments pertaining to Civitan business, ihegroupenjoycdanexchangeofgirts. Pam Curtiss presented each mem* ber with a blown glass Icicle contain­ ing some object particularly suited to that individual. Happy Birthday was sung to Jessie. Hinkle and Joann Cookson, who have December birthdays. Pam Curtiss and GigiMcClwwockcaehlotdofftmcmo* rable Christmas in their lives. The party came to a close with the group joining hands and singing Silent Night. Approximately 30 members and guests attended. Rent-A-Teen Program In Davie Would you like a teen age baby- siiter that's Red Cross certified? How about some help around the house, or with the yard? Maybe you could use a litilc help with fann chores, or even . {Kt-sitting. The Mocksvllle/Davle Parks & Recreation Department, and the Davie Youth Council have started a new Rent* A-Tcen program to benefit teens in need of work as well as those adults who are in need o f semces. Teens Interested in being a part of the program must fill oul an applica* lion (for S1) Including their name, age, work interestand references. The Davie Youth Council compiles a quarterly list of teens interested in working odd jobs from the applications. Prospective employers can obtain the Rent-A-Teen list from the MocKs- ville/D avIe Parks & Recreation Department's ofiice, for SI, cither by picking it up, or sending a self-ad­ dressed stamped envelope to: Rent-A- Teen, Mocksville/Davie Parks & Rec­ reation Dept., 644 N. Main St., Mocks­ villc. Prospective employers can call any one o f the individuals on the list de* pending on the services they arc in need of: baby-sitting, yard work, pet- sitting, house cleaning, assisting the elderly, form help, moving assistance, etc. The work lobe done, hours, rateof pay are to be negotiated between the teen and the prospective employer. • The Parks & Recreation Dept, also offers a Red Cross insinictional baby* sitting course, and a notation is made for those teens who have completed that, or another Red Cn)ss course, and are certified. This is an Informational service only. The Mocksville/Davie Parks & Recreation does not guarantee the workmanship or provide liability insurance for the teens listed in the program. A lloflheS l fees collcctcd from Ihe Rent-A-Teen pfogmm benefil Ihe Davie Youth Council's efTorts for a future Teen Center and tlie program­ ming o f teen events for Davie County. If you have any questions regard­ ing this prognun, call Vicki Robinson at 751-2325. First Place Cheerleaders The Pinebrook Competition Cheerleaders took first place In the Champion Regional Holiday competition In Raleigh on Deo. 2, their (irst competition. The team was formed In early October by tryouts, and the girls will go on to the next competition on Feb. 10. Members of the team include, from left: front - Brlanna Sheets, Laura Tierney, Bridgette Hooks, Sarah Watts, Emily Tierney, Alex Dickens, Avery Lutz, Brandy Smith, Natalie Martin, Corey Phelps; back row - Coach Cindy Tierney, Kristie WIdener, Lauren Brown, Courtney Stephens, Samantha Judd, Sarah Evans, Kayla Boyles, Samantha James, Paige Carter, and Coach Karen Dickens. Ш Ш Ш C L E M M O N S C A R P E T O L ID A Y S A L E FeoluringAll Types Of Carpet, Laminates, Wood Floors & All Types Of Blinds.WE HAVE IT AUll INCLUDING CHRISTMAS RUGSI Clemmons Shopping Center UwimttW-ClMnmons Rood, Clemmons 7 6 6 - 8 1 . 1 . 0 ‘T h e T ria d ’s P re m ie r D o lla r S to re ’ WHEREYOUR DOLLAR BUYS YOU MORE EVERYOAYI Invites You To Stop By And Fill All Your Gift-Giving Needs At One Convenient Location • 2/ST« Greeting Cards • Gift Bags • Jewelry • HoUday Decorations > Unique Gift Items • Cooking Essentials > Toys • Pet Supplies/Gifts MIM MUAf n fOW ■< 2M9 LtwMkOtnmoM Ihi, Ovnnom 776-8430 Heurt: Sun. 12-4; Moa-Thur«. t-l; frL'Set. 9-9 DOLLAR SAVER COUPON FREE $1°” ITEM(готлпятU 0 ~ PURCHASI) rOREГп А м тГм и м ^ РаЛЁФ$шлаСвоИ»и1$1йПа1РгтЛ1т FcoOi At ТМЛ Store • An^shiam}& RHibM • Arnold • Bobo* PUiO • 5fty«itr Prtiittt A Chi)» • Steth Ttes• Tbomoi Muffins• Cnt«mann) 6oà«} Goodt• VoofimooCooU« P*nnj>Ktinia Dutch n*mi Nüÿtxn Ouolrii K3UM CoAn & Copcucro PtpprU0f forms СооШ$& Snocis Mf» C<xr©b#ri CNwr-CN?» Discounts To Chufx:hes Л Other Groups Located Corivenientty Across From the Village Candle Factory 2668 Lowisville-Clemmona Rd. • Clemmons • 766^060 OPEN: Mon.*Fri. »-в; 8«t. O-tf; Sun. 12*6mbMrrTMtfTStCttBUY ANY ARNOLD BREAD ak QETl FREEIlOUAtOtUUllVAlUl O« C««an Nnoi\ Jip w ttOlW» tMtTTHVTSTOMBUY ANY tn tM im a w 's Q E T l FREEIIQUUO)l£SSilVUL< №• Свфоп taСЛ1Л10СОOwTvimTMStw« |^ с ^1к : > | | ÍA«»í rt«fT iro« BUY ANY OETl FREEI louMOiusuavuuiCr«Ca.^tata«3rvJigrti »/il/WOO Oi^№ont TtvA Жг9 THOMAS.’ M Ü e Murrn«fT stoai■UV ANY Thomas Entflsh Muffln» ft QEri FREEItouMcauu(ivMij(On* Ca«cn ta tavrx All A rt, F ram es & M irro rs A t CONTEMPO GRAPHICS M0NDAY-FR10AY9-6; SATURDAY 10-2 6338 Cephis Drive, Cleminons (336)766-7311 2 0 % O F F On C u s to m F ram in g óaSA-AWAY Düalíla vaa aioa or т т в Bo xed C h itstm as C ards 3 ' & up Individual C hristm as Cards 3 for 1 Isotontir Glovus — M ens & W om ens Bath & Body Gift S e ts Sled s — Torpedo. S au cer & W ooden R ech n ers, S o fa s & Lamps Ladies S w e a te rs S w e a tsh irts - Large M en C lothing - N am e Brand Children C o ats Brand Lad ies S h o e s C le m m o n s D is c o u n t S a l e s 1533 L tw liv llM iltffln H in s Rd., C ltfflim n s • 7в<4449 Hours: M on.-Frl.e-7; S it »-S t L A C R O S S E IS H E R E FO R YO UR H O U D A Y ] S H O P P IN G I Lotm of Chrimtmmm i C r n M m m m t • Warin*Ups• B«an Baigs • Pitching Machines S P O R T S •Mum-Sport =Play Back26MlMiM»ClinmiitRoad _ _ O im m c n i* 7 4 6 - in 4 E T C f i ■ A C o m f o r t e x Д Д A Blind F a c to ry G RAND O P EN IN G Ж О Щ All Window j Products I .pitaiedShadB -WoodBlind. FREEln Home Consultatkml Bands oi Blinds After H o u a Appointments I •Vertical Blinds Custom M4de Mini Blinds i - O l I -MSS S I I \| --i— Clemmons Shoe Shop Haadquartars fon , Wolverine Shoes & Boots Carolina Shoes, Georgia Giant, Minnetonka Moccasins, Hushpuppies(WMaWMthsIn ftoeli) Located Behind 1st Union Йапк lAaossfmm Sagebnish! 8 AM-6 PM M-F; 9-1 Saturday 7 6 6 - M t O Ш Н ЕЕШ О О „ W » « fM A v a .I I W n H i b A W W / M o c t o v i i t o . T M . i o a A ш щ т ш т Ш Ё Ш Ё ш т “Plum Pudding Purple” Is Newest Addition To Poinsettia Colors •llic names o f poinsettia varieties - C undy Cane, Jingle B eils, Silverslar, Jolly Red, Nutcrackcr W hile - evoke thoughts o f the holi­ day season. More than 115 variations or the Hower most closely associnled with Chrisimas were recenlly on display III North Carolina State University's llorticuluire rield Lilx>ralory odja* cent in the JC Kaulslon Arboretum. The plants come in a da/^ling variety o f colors, from red lo salmon tu pink lo yellow to white. Some are pink with while spcckles; others arc white with pink splolches. A recently developed variety is violet, w ilh an appropriate name: "Plum Pudding Purple.* Another - called "Carouser - is Tcil ami green. A lt the varieties arc included in NC State's annual poinscitia "trials." which Dr. Roy Larson, professor cmcrilus o f horticultural sciencc, has overseen fordecadcs. l^irson,apn>- fcssor from 1961 im lil he retired in 1^96. is renowned inlernaiionally as a poinscitia expert. Growers from throughout tlw na­ tion and world send poinsettia cut* tings to NC Slate during ihe hot and muggy days o f Augusi, when they’re planted in the poinsettia greenhouse. Larson and research technician Ingram McCall then keep track o f when the leaves, called bracts, on cach o f llie HOOpoinseltlos turn color. "One o f Ihe primary reasons wc do these trials is lo sec which o f these varieties w ill do best under NtTih Carolina conditions," Larson ex­ plains. Tliat's no small niatter« since North Carolina annually produces more poinseitias than any state ex­ cept California • 4.5 m illion in all. More than 100 poinscitia growers from North Carolina and beyond at­ tend Ihe open house every year. Larson notes that poinscllias are the nation's most popular potted plant, even though they’re only sold one .season each year. T liis is a pres* sure-packed crop. You have to time it pcrfcctly. Nobody wanis ihesc on Jan. I," he says. I’oinscitias are actually small irecs lhai belong lo Ihc Huphorhia plant family. They arc native to tn>pi* cal regions o f .southern M exico, where they bloom naturally in Dc* cemher and have been placed in churches at Chrisimas forcenluries. Joel Poinselt, the first U.S. ambas­ sador to the new ly independent M cxico, introduced the plant to ihe United States in Ihc IR20s. Poinseitias have become increas* ingly popular in Ihc United States in ‘the 20ih century, almost entirely cl* bowing out two other plants fomierly associated with the holiday season: azaleas and begonias. When Larson started w orking w ilh poinseitias in the l95Us, only four varieties were popular. The two red varieties accounted for more lhan 90 percent o f the poinseitias sold. One pink and one while variation divided ihe rest o f the sales. Now. he says, only about 65 percent o f Nonh Camlina poinseitias are red. Throughout his carccr. Larson and his research colleagues at NC Siale have c.\pcrimcntcd with fertili- /alion techniques, planting and wa­ tering limclablcs. and chemical treat- mcms. As recently as the 1960s, most poinsetlias died a few days after bkxim ing. But work by Larson and other poinsettia researchers has re­ sulted in plants that keep their color into the summer months. "W c have some varieties that could be around in July or Augusi, and people thnnv them away because they’re gather­ ing dust," he says. "People feel like they’re gelling iheir money's worth If they can Ihrtnv lliem away when they want to rather than when they have to." Uirson notes lhai it's fairiy simple lo prolong a poinscilia's beauly: It should be kept in a location with ad­ equate light at a lemperalurc near 70 dcgrccs, and it should not be placed on lop o f a television set, because Ihc T V gives o ff tiH) much heal. A poin- seltia should be watered when ils soil logins 10 dry; if Ihe leaves begin lo w ill, it's too tale, ll is possible lo coax. a poinscitia into (lowering the fol­ lowing holiday season, he says, hut the chance o f getting a nice-l(M)kin^’ flower is less lhan 5 percent. "1 say be nice lo whoever gives you ihc poinsettia this year - maybe they'll give you one next year tw i." Following the trials at NC Slate, many o f the iwinsetlias arc donated 10 paticnls at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh. Courtney Baptist Musical, Supper Sunday, Dec. 17 Sunday. Dec. 17. Courtney Daplisi Church have a family night Chrisimas celebmiion. Tlic fesiiviiios w ill begin at 5 p.m. wilh a pmgram prescnied by the pre- sch(X)l clioir: "A Singing Christmas Tree.” Tills w ill Ik* followed by a musical skit. "Love Is The Creates G ift" pre­ sented by Ihe Children's Choir. Featured next w ill bo the Youth group; "Point of Praise" singing tnidi- lional Christmas Carols. Tlie congregation w ill then adjoum to Ihe fellowship hall for a covered dish supper. After supper, at 7 p.m.. in the sanctuar)’. w ill bo Ihe presentation by the worship choir o f "King For­ ever." a Christmas musical by ilie lale Joe E. Piirks. This ser\ ice has been planned with the family in mind. Courtney Baptist Church is located on Courtney Church Rd. jusi off Courtney-Huntsville and RayT. Moore Roads. V O C K IIIG lM FFE R № C I A L S ^ a n d ^ Interior Designs N o « th r u l)i'i4 4 iih iT S t o r e w i d e > 3 0 % Off In cliu ics C'olli4'tilili>s. Il»ll(hi> Iu>im i4; ( Iciira n cf M crch m u lK e Т»Ы е Sho/t t.a rlx to r Нем S rlcctiini ( h o rifn r It. ( a w iify a m i ('h risiiiu - h 1.Ш » 7 66.9918 V ' V W V W ’W W W W ’W ^ o r V W W ’W ’W W V ^ ß i f y V ’W V N 'G et Your Little R ed W agon' nyer« W a g o n s & T r i c y c l e s Western JUito ^ 4 ^ Tn* Auto Suppfy Comp*fty 1Э0В Lawiavlll*>Clammo«a Rd. Lawlavllta, NC (336) 766-9109 Q irrS TH A T LAST! 12Months 0*Interest • lo ir d d M n ’ YaakMCudhi ' А п а м ц м OPEN MON.-FRI. 10-8__ Saturday 10-5 Vlsil our wobsllQ at www.80uthorntouch.com G iv e A P e r fe c t G if t T h is H o lid a y S e a s o n ! Riding Lessons From Cash Lovell ^ Stables & Riding Academy Sofe, StruclurwiHnsllih Riding leaons-AH Ages Porker Lovell — 373-7071. Located between Clemmons & Hones Moll G if t C e rtific a te s A v a ila b le I’cdlcuici' Manlcuics Лс^Пс Hills llair Staling Give The Gift O f Relaxation — Massage Therapy From Individually You (and e fr Gifts. Need H o lid a y G ift Ideas? Shopping witli Vlllag* Candle •hould b* on your listi C o u n t r y S t o r e 2690 Lewisville-Clemmons Road • 766-8988 FRESH CUT C H R IS IM A S TREES W REATHS & GARLAND C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000"The Sweetest Story Ever Told" AtMocksville Seventh Day Adventist "Tlic swixiest story ever told" Is Uie ihcme o f the program to be prescnteil at the M ocksville Seventh Day Adventist church. 407 M illing Road, at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. The program willlncltide scriptural readings, vocal and insttumentai mu­ sic, followed by a candlelighting ser­ vice. “Christmas Gifts" At Mt. Olive Church A t 6 p.m. on Siinday, Dcc. 17 at M l. O live United M etliodist Church, "Christmas Gifts” w ill be presented by thechildren. "It'sstillihcgrcatcststory ever told" caniaia/play. w ill be pre* scnted by the sanctuary choir and con- j;rci;ation members. At 6 p.m. on Sunday. Dcc. 24, a Christmas Eve ser\’icc Is scheduled. For more iiiformationcontact Gene Whitaker 998-3195. The Rev. Gary Foster Is Mt. Olive pastor. Christmas Cantata Dec. 16&17 combined choirs o f First Bap­ tist Church o f Cooleemcc and Blaise Hiiptist Church o f Mocksville w ill lircscwacamataofpnxisc and worship forthe Christmas season. A ll iscalnj. A ll is bright, under the direction of Regina Chandler, the music dircclorof First Baptist Church o f Cooleemcc. w ill be presented for two nights. On Saturday, Dec. 16at7p.m.,the combincdchoirs w ill singat First Bap­ tist ofCoolcemeeandonSunday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m., the service w ill be at Blaise BaptisKlimitedscatingatBlaise Baptist). The scrvice w ill include a display of worship banners. J e ru s a le m B a p tis t L iv e N a tiv ity F rid ay, S a tu rd a y The congregation o f Jerusalem Baptist Church. U.S. 601 S. w ill con­ duct special events in celebration of this Christmas season. Tliis Friday and Saturday nights, there w ill be a Live Nativity, spon­ sored by the youth, from 5-7 p.m. Drive into the church parking lot and remind yourself o f that "First Christ- HKLs" when all o f creation sought to announce the birth o f the Christ-child. T lic Sanctuary- Choir’s Christmas Cantata. ” 1 Have Seen die Light" by Deborah Craig-Claar, w ill be this Sun- daynightató. "Thesearchforancvent that commemorates how God sought us hits never been stronger, and the need for hope has never been greater. There promises to be something for eveo’one in the effective combination o f exciting new music and well-loved Christmas songs and hymns," said the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster, p.istor." The Children's Christmas l*rogmm • I low the Grouch Found Christmas - w ill be on Wednesday night - Dcc. 20 at 7 p.m. "Sometimes Christmas brings out the worst in us • especially when wc forget the reason we celebrate," Lancaster said. The main character, Maity.hasquiieanaiiitudeabouisome- thing he's not getting for Christmas. Then he meets somebody whorcminds him what Christmas should be about. God's gift o f Jesus to the world is why we celcbrate the scason...and our giv­ ing to others Is just a way to say thanks lo God for loving us enough to send His Son." There w ill be a nursery for infants and toddlers at each service. For more information, call the church office at 2^-2328. TIw F am ily o f N on n a F ow ler w ill h o ld a C a u d le L ig h t vigil ill fr o n t o f D av ie C oun ty C ou rth ou se. Guest Speaker Rcv.JimGrynder 7-9pm Dec. 19th GRAND OPENING I H t l l s J a i e A n i m a l H o s p i t a l | o ff M o n t l i i y . H e a r t w o r m P r e v e n t a t i v e (C a ll fo r D e ta ils) H ills d a le A n im a l H o s p ita l Karki FKizier DVM 134 Medical Drive Advance, NC 27006 336-998-8750 A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e N o C reek P rim itiv e B a p tist C liurch, No Creak Church Rood. Mocksville. Second & lourth Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Pastor, Elder Eugene Bennett. Eagle Heights Church, 10 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertime, 7 p.m. Tliursday Bible study. Casual dress, coi\tomporaiv music & worship. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale. M ocksville W esleyan Church: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Wednes­ day Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Methodist Church; 2030 U.S. 601 N.. Wor­ ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10:45. Pastor, Rev. Luther Crady Jr. Center United M ethodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. W orship, 11. Pastor BUI Wombaugh. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevette, 492-5735 & Tammy Banon, 284-4769. E lb a vllle U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Kids For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth lor Christ (ages 10-12), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens (or Christ meet every Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, Wed., 7 p.m. Disciple III Bible Study, Thurs., 7 p.m. Located in Advance. Pasión Rev. Jack Wallace. * Cooleemee Church of God: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Ser- vtee, 10:45 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meet­ ing, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Training Hour, 7 p.m. For Info about trans­ portation, call Brother Dale Breidinger at 284-2160. C o in a tze r U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: 1244 Com atier Rd. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m.BibleStudy,Wednesday,7;30. Rev. Harold Zimmerman, pastor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50a.m. Dr. S.B. Warner, pastor. A dva nce U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth,5p.m. Rev. David Childers. Located In down­ town Advance. Farm ington United M ethodist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Famiington Rd. 998-3769. Rev. Dianne Marsden. O ak G rove U nited M ethodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocks­ villo. SundaySchool, 9:45a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. C o n co rd U n ite d M e th o d ist Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocks­ ville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Rev. Phillip Parks. H a rd is o n U nite d M e th o d ist Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sun­ day School. 10:45 a.m. Wonderful Wednesdays Children’s program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Episcopal Church ot the Good Shepherd, Church St.. Cooleemee. Worship; 9;30 a.m. Children's Sun­ day School; 10:45 a.m. C om m unltyBaptlstC hurch:Sun-, day School, 10 a,m, Sunday Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. Evening service. 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. H illsd a le U nite d M e th o d ist Church; Sunday Services, 10:30 a.m. Church fornexlgeneralion:Jr. High, Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Senior High, W ed, 7-8 p.m. Supper/Mu­ sk:, 6:30-7 p.m. Small group, Mon., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. Basketball, Tues., Smith Grove Gym, 8-9:30 p.m. Wesley Chapel United M ethodist Church: Worship Senrice; 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Dianne Marsden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal Power ot Praise Min­ istry, Northwood Apartments 704, Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11. Sunday evening: 5. Tuesday Prayers Bible Study, 7:30-9. Fiiday Servfce; 7:30 p.m. Pastor Valerie Mayfield Poag. 704-636-0409. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening:6:30p,m, Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. H oly C ross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30 a m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Pas­ to r Rev. Glynn Bell. 751 -7256. Web Address; http:// www.m lndsprlng.com /'^lycross/ M ocksville F irst P resbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship; 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening; Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Neal Carter. (336) 751 - 2507. M ocks United M ethodlstChurch, N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Rev. Bmce Gwyn. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. SundaySchool: 10 a.m. Sm ith Grove M ethodlsl Church; Prayermeellng, Saturday momlngs, 9 a.m. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Fel­ lowship Meal, 6 p.m. Groups lor all ages, 6:30 p.m. Paslor R.T. /Uder- man, 940-6618. 4815 U.S. 158. Faith and Victory Fam ily W or­ ship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Boiievers P.P. Church. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m. Wednesday night Bible study, 5 p.m. Paslor Elizabeth Mock. A ssoc. Pastor D errick M ock. Women's Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty United M ethodlstChurch. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45a.m. Sun­ day School; 11 a.m. First United M ethodist Church ol M ocksville. Early Sunday Worship Senlce, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casualdress, contemporary lonnat. Traditional sen/ice, 10:55 a.m. 305 N.MainSl.336r751-2503. Believer's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday worship. 10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7 p.m. Pastor Jerry L. Couch, 998-3748. Cana R d -P o tte r's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11 a.m.; Night Service, 6 p.m. Pastor Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem U nited M eth odist Church:Sundayearty worship. 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. 321 Redland R d, Ad­ vance. 336-998-5083. Fax; 940- 5502. E-Mall: belhumceaol.com. Episcopal Church o l the Ascen­ sion, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story M inistry lo r children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. Services at the Oaks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road. 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T.R.Rtee. Clement G rove Church o l God, Wednesday prayer servtoe, 7 p.m. Saturday Sabbath School, 10 a m. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters , 995-3022. Liberty W esleyan Church. 2106 Sheffield Rd., Hannony, Sunday School to o.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month to a.m. Call 492-2963. BIxby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fod(-BI*by Rd., near C^maUer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Rev. Carol Anne Jack­ son. 998-6813. Dulln United M ethodist Church, e97DullnRd.,Mocksville,998-617l, Paslor: Bob M cLaw hoin. Sun School 10:45 a.m.. Worship 9:45 a.m. Preschool/Parents' M orning Out, Bethlehem U nited M ethodist Church. Age 2, Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m. • noon. Ages 3-4, Mon., Tues., Tliurs., 9 a.m. • noon. Readiness, Mon. -Thurs., 9 a.m. • noon. Call 998-6820 lor Info. Cooleem ee United M ethodist, Kids Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For Info call 951-0411. In Home Bible Studies, ottered by Randy Howell. Learn the tmlh about the rapture, other subjects avail Call 284-4667. BearCreekBapt..BearCreekCh. R d, Sun. School 10 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m.. Team Kids Wed. 6:.T0 p.m., Cecil Wetherholt ■ Interim Pastor. Cooleemee First BapL, 204 Mar­ ginal St., Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Wor- shlp7p.m.,Team Klds6 p.m. grades 1-6, Wed. night 7 p.m. Interim Pas­ tor Dr. Wayne Steding. M ocksville Second Presbyterian, 400' Pine St. Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School, 9:30 a.m. Rev. RoxanaMebane Atwood.751 -1410 SL Franclsol Asslsal, RC. Masses; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fri­ day, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass. 12:30 p.m. Bible Study, Sunday 6 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper. TOR, 751-2873. Fam iinglonBaptlstChurch,1835 Famiington Road. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. Tomberiln III. 998-3826 or e-mail: pastotjooieyahoo.com. Blaise Baptist Church, U.S. 601 North across from Horn's Tnick Stop. Mocksville. 751-3639. Wor­ ship & Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday evening. 7. Wednesday sen/k:e. 7 p.m. Paslor; Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. De­ pot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship; 11 a.m. Pastor Rev. Donald Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton United M ethodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Wor­ ship: 9:45 o.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor Rev. Jack Wallace. H eaven B oun d F u ll G ospel Church,U.S.64W ., Mocksville. (bo- side Center Rre Dept.). Sunday School, 10a.m., Worship, 11.Sun­ day night pralso & worship, 6. Wednesday night praise & worship, 7. Pastor, James Ward. 998-6394. R rst Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9.30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a m. Wednesday Prayer ServKe, Noon. Fork Baptist Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45, Worship servfce, 11 a.m.,6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 998-8306. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R ¿ S O N S runcrul tinnii: 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 ■ 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2551 SHIFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO.«гдих cowtm 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 FOR DETAILS Evelyn Haynes h«:7St-3M1 Offiwi]U)ni-3»t iLQWARPw-:a l it ."ititi Coi4u.\¡iii DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 601 S, Suite 1 Advance. NC 27006 336-940-2341 Craii A Ciiitt fVtiiJnt * Mida C Ctrtff. We hn J. P. GREEN MIUING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 33S-7S1-2126 E A T O N F U N E R A L H O M E A Tradiiion o f Caring.... 325 Nonh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-75I-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 ~ S № ñORER HARDWARE 5431 Hwy, ise> Advance, NC 27006 336-998-1987 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N027028 336-751-2167 GENRE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 M0ckavme,NC 27028 336-998-3350 H a v w o m h -Mil l e r FUNER.AL H o m e. In c . KINDER.TONCHAPEL NOW OPEN loctted OD llwy 158 btlwccn CUminoni & Advance 336.940*5535 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jéricho Road Mockivlllt, N0 27028 336-751-5148 FULLERKtlteir Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication ' 855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville, NC 27028 . 336-751-3712 O b i t u a r i e s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. Ы, 2000 - C9 Eva Pauline Potts Miss Eva Pauline Potts, 90, o f Homer Potts Road, Mocksville, died Monday morning, Dcc. II. 2000 at her home. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13 In Cornalzer Bapdst Church with ihe Revs. Rich­ ard W hhhcon, D.A. Carrol). Ш тсг Day and Aaron Carter ofnciating. Burial was In the church cemctcry. Memorials'. Rowan Vocational Opporiunities, 2728 O ld Concord Road, Salisbury, 28 Ы6 or Davic Horae Health Care, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. Miss Poits was born in Davic County May 18, 1910. to the late Luther and O 'tclia Potls and was employed with Erwin M ills in Cool- cemcc Гог 4S years. Later she wsu with Home Health Agcncy for 13 years. She was a fulihful member and the oldest living member o f Cor- natzcr Baptist Church where she had sang in the church choir and was a member o f the Bible class. She en­ joyed quilling and gardening. She was preceded in death by 2 sisters. Leona Bowens and Pearl Frye and 3 brothers, Ray Potls, Harvey Potls and Worth Potts. Surviving: 2 sisters, Mac Laird of M iK'ksvillc and Lena W all o f Ad­ vance and a hmther, Homer Potts. Fred Henry IVoutman The Rev. Fred Henry Troutman, 63, o f O llic Harkcy Road, died Sun­ day, Dec. 10, 2000. at Baplisi Hos­ pital in Winston-Salem. He was bom March 2», 1937. in Iredell County to the lalc Henry and Atha York Troutman. Troutman was a former Baptist pastor w ith Bethel Baptist Church in Yadkinville; M id­ way Baptist Church in West Jefferson; Union Baptist Church in Hamptonville; participated In volun­ teer mission work and with agricul­ ture missiot\s with the Southern Bap­ tist Convention; and was Involved with the Spanish missions In Ihc Yad­ kin Baptist Associations. Troutman was a m em ber o f F irst Baptist Church o f Yadkinville and a veteran o f the U .S.Am iy. Surviving; his wife. Bonnie Shaw Troutman, o f ihe home; 2 daughters. Cindy (W esley) G regory u f Har­ mony and Christ! (Nelson) Cowden o f Advance; 5 grandchildren; his mother. Aiha York Troutman; 2 sis­ ters. Becky C artner and Sandra ■ W alker o f M ocksville; and 4 broth­ ers, Ed Troutman o f M ocksville, Cecil Troutman o f Slatesvillc, Ralph Troutman and Dwayne Troutman o f Hamptonville. Funeral services were at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12 at the Rrst Baptist Church o f Yadkinville by the Revs. D allas Prcstw ood and M onuel , Urieta. Burial followed in the Har­ mony Cemetery. Memorials: First Baptist Church o f Yadkinville, for Ihe Spanish M is­ sion Church or to the Agriculture Mission Fund, Yadkinville. 27055. Ethel Smith Irvin Mrs. Ethel Ozcll Smith Irvin, 88, o f Railroad Street, M ocksvillc, died Saturday at^cmoon, Dcc. 9,2000 at Ihc Hugh Chatham Nursing Center in Elkin after several months o f de­ clining health. Funeral services were at II a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12 at Blaise Baplisi Church w ith the Rev. Douglas Irvin officiating. B urial was at M ount : Pleasant Baplisi ChurehCcmeleryin State Road. 'M e m orials: B laise Baptist ■ Chureh, 134 Blaise Church Road. . M ocksville, or lo the M ount Pleas­ ant Baptist Chureh Cemetery Fund, : 109 Mount Pleasant Chureh Road, 'S tate Road, 28676. ' :M rs. Irvin was born In Davic ■ County Oct. 28, 1912, to the late .: Charlie and Josic Swairagen Smith ; and was retired from MonleighGar- ; m'ent Co. She was a member o f ; Blaise Baptist Church, when: she had taught Sunday school In the cHlldren'sdepaitmcnL ■ She was preceded In death by her husband, James F, Irvin, to whom she was married forneaily 70 years and '. also by a son, James David "Jimmy" Irvin.Surviving: her daughter, Josie I. Miller, of Mocksville; 5 gnuidchil- drcn: ID gteat-grandchlldicn; a sls- : ter, Juanita S. Waid of Clemmons; and a special friend, James 0. > Shores. .....------------------------------------------ Nina Smith Cochrane Mrs. Nina Smith Cochninc, 86, o f Rulherfordton, died Friday, Dcc. 8, 2000, at Mcadowbrook Terrace o f Davic County. She was a native o f Spartanburg County. S.C.ithe doughterof the late O.P. and Emma Brooks Smllh. She was the wife o f the late J.O. Co­ chrane. She was a former resident in the communities o f Oak Springs t№d Mountain Creek, Rutherford County. She was a member o f M ountain Creek Baptist Church. Surviving: a son and daughter-in- law. Joe K. and Sen. Betsy Cochrane o f Advance; a brother, Lyles Smith, o f Spartanburg; 2 sisters, Irene Pruitt o f Spartanburg and Ella Cabe o f Sac­ ramento, Calif.; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-sramlchlldrcn. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dcc. 10, at McMahan's Fu­ neral Chapel by the Rev. B illy Honeycutt. Burial was in the Moun­ tain Creek Boptist Church Ccmeicry. M em orials: M ountaii\ Creek Baptist Church Lottie Moon Offer­ ing, 710 M ountain Creek Road, Rutherfordton, 28139. Dorothy B. Dimmette Ms. Dorothy Button Dimmcuc, 68, died Thursday, Dcc. 7, 2000, at her daughter’s home in Elkin. She was bom Aug. 26, 1932> in Forsyth County lo Leroy Burton Sr. and Gertrude Pcgram Bunon. Ms. Dimmette was a member o f the First Assembly o f God and was retired from General Motors. Surviving: her mother o f W in- ston-Salem; e son, Philip Hamby, of Winston-Salem; a daughter, Shem Lynn Coc, o f Elkin; a sister. Phyllis Wiles, o f Winston-Salem; 4 brothers, Leroy B urlón Jr. o f Lew isville, A lbu rn Burton o f W alkcriow n, Wayne Burton o f Pfafftow n and Larry Burton o f Advance; 5 grand­ children; and a greal-grandchild. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Monday, Dcc. 11 at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. Burial followed in Wesllawn Gardens o f Memory. Nina Sizemore Gough Mrs. Nina Sizemore Gough, 89, o f Hamptonville died Wednesday, Dcc. 6, 2000, at Hoots Memorial Hospital. She was bora Feb. 5, 1911, In Yadkin County to the late Bamet Sizem ore and M ary Sizem ore Shermer. Mrs. Gough was retired w iih 27 years o f scrvice from West Yadkin Elementary School Cafete­ ria and was a member o f Rat Rock Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, John M . Gough, on March 31,1994; 3 sisters; a brother; a great- great-gmnddaughtcr. Lauren Brown; and a daughter-in-law. Shirley A. Gough. Surviving: 2 daughters, M ary (J.C.) W ilmoth o f Boonville and Lois (Carlic) Parduc o f Hamptonville; 5 sons. G ilbert (P hyllis) Gough, o f M ocksvillc. W.L. "Buddy" (Ellen) Gough and Paul Gough o f Winston- Salem, Jerrell C ough, o f Hamptonville and Bobby (Jackic) Gough o f Mount Pleasant, S.C.; a sister, Hatlie Beck, o f Yadkinville; 19 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchil- dren; 6 stcpgrcat-grandchlldren; and 2 great-grcal-grandchildfcn. Her funeral service was at I p.m. Saturday, Dcc. 9 at Flat Rock Bap­ tist Church by the Rev. T\m Cannon and Reid Lowder. Burial followed in the church cemctcry. M em orials: Flat Rock Baptist Church B uilding Fund, P.O. Box, Hamptonville, 27020. Virginia D. Beaver Mrs. Virginia Dorsell Beaver, 73, o f Cartersvllle, Ga. died in Ihe Maplewood Ridge Health Cate in Canersville Tuesday, Dec. 5,2000. Funeral services were held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dee. 4 in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Um ny Aikins oITiclating. Burialwasat 10a.m.Tues- day in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Beaver was bora April 19, 1927 in Davidson County to the late Charles A. and Eva Leonard Dotseit and was a homemaker. She was o f the Baptist Faith. She was preceded in death by her husband,Kenneth Lee Beaverinl933. Surviving; 3 sons, Michael Lee Beaver o f Marietta, Ronald Hedrick of Dallas, and Roiy Hedrick o f MarietU; 7 sisters; and S gtan^luldtni. Robert Howard Munday M r. Robert Howard Munday, 71, o f Gladstone Road died Tuc.sday, Dcc. 12. 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. M r. Munday was bom Sept. 15, 1929 in Davie County lo the late W illiam S. and Beulah M cssick Munday. In addition to his parents he was preceded in deoth by three broth­ ers: S anford M unday, H enry Munday, and James Munday; and one sister, Kathleen M . Bunch. fie retired In 1987 from Crown W ood Products after 13 years o f ser­ vice. He was a member o f Liberty United Methodist Chürch and sang in the chureh choir; he also sang with Cooleemee Community Chorus and Mocksville SeniorChoms. Hescrved our country with the U.S. Arm y. He is .survived by his wife o f 48 years, Lois Spry Munday; one son, John D. Munday and wife, Julie, o f Salisbury: iw o daughters. Bobble M. Tutterow and husband. Robert, o f M ocksvillc, and Donna M . Hoots and husband, Richard, o f Lewisville; tw o sisters, N e llie B aile y o f Woodlcaf» and Carol Wagoner o f Advance; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nicces and nephews. Funeral services w ill be held Thursday, Dcc. 14 at 11 a.m. at Lib­ erty United M clhodisl Chureh with Reverends Phillip W. Park and Mark S. Denton officiating. Tlic body w ill lie in state 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial w ill follow in Ihe chureh cemctcryi The fa m ily received friends Wednesday, Dcc. 13 from 7*9 at Davie Funeral Service Chapel. Memorials may be made to Lib­ erty United Methodist Benevolence Fund, 141 LibcrtyCirclc, Mocksvillc. N.C. 27028 or the donor's choice. Ethel Walker Reynolds Mrs. Ethel Walker Reynolds, 80, o f W inston-Salem , died Sunday, Dcc. 10. 2000, at Ihc Springwood Care Center o f Forsyth following o short illness. She was born June 2, 1920, in Opelousas, La., to Bertha Ne/at W alker and Simon P hillip Walker. Her early life was spent In Davic County. She was married to Dennis G. Reynolds in 1947. Mrs. Reynolds was preceded In death by her parents and 2 sisicn. Surviving: 5 sisters, Dorothy W. Spainhour (husband Ernest) o f Co­ lumbia. S.C., Elsie W. Robertson o f Advance, Agnes W. Rector, Margie W. Buckner and Norma O rrcll (hus­ band John), all o f Winston-Salem; 2 brothers, M elvin Walker and Wilson W alker (w ife Virginia) o f Winston- Salem; and several nicces, nephews, greal-nleces and great-nephews. Funeral services were at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, at Hay- w o rth -M illcr Silas Creek Chapel w ith the Rev. Vic Robertson o ffici­ ating. Burial followed in Crestview Memorial Park. Harry Preston Sides M r. Harry Preston "Hab" Sides, 91. o f Advance, died Sunday, Dec. 10,2000, at Mcadowbrook Manor o f Clemmons. He was bora Oct. 2,1909, in For­ syth County 10 Augustus and Mary Bodenhamcr Sides. He milked cows in Davic County for seven lo eight years. In addition to his parents, Mr. Sides was preceded in death by a brother, Jim Sides. S urviving: his w ife, Florence W alker Sides o f the home, who he married Aug. 31,1946; a son, David L. Sides o f the home; a sister-in-law, M argaret Fishel; a niece; and a nephew. Funeral services were at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dcc. 13, at Hayworth- M ille r Silas Creek Chapel with the Rev. Charles W. Fishel officiating. A private burial was Thursday. M em orials: Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Hom e, 101 S. Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Sandra Alley Clodfelter Mrs. Sondra Alley Clodfellcr, 49, died Thursday, Dcc. 7,2000, at her home. She was born Jan. II, 1951, in Davidson County lo Robert Paul and Inez Wilson Alley. Mrs. Clodfcllcr was a member o f Unity Moravian Chureh in Lewisville, where she was a member o f the Higgins Sunday school class. She was formeriy pia­ nist and organist at Oakdale Baptist Church in Spencer, Shilow United M clhodlst Church in Reeds and C hurchland Baptist Church in Churchland. She wos a graduate o f West Davidson High School and ihe U niversity o f N orth C arolina at Greensboro. She received u master's degree in education from Appala­ chian State University and a master’s degree In administration from North Carolina A & T University. She was a member of the National Board of Certified Teachers and the North Carolina Association o f Educators. Formerly she taught school at W ill- lam.R. Davie Elementary School In Davic County and Churchland E l­ ementary School in Churchland. She was a teacher ai Marvin Ward El­ ementary School in Clemmons. Survivors', her husband, H. Brown Clodfelter Jr.. o f the home; a son, John Zachary C lodfelter, o f ihe home; a brother, Robert Paul Alley Jr., and wife, Kaye, o f Churchland: .2 nieces; 2 nephews; 2 aunts; her m oiher-in'law, Selma C. Clodfcllcr. o f Winston-Salem; and a sister-in- law, Diana Graham and husband, M oynard.ofW intslon-Salem. . Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10 at Unity Moravian Church In Lew isville by the Rev. Cari Soulheriand. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Roy Lee Meadows Mr. Roy Lee Meadows, 76, died Sunday, Dcc. 10, 2000, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was bom A pril 22. 1924. in Buncombe County to Hardy and Nan Cox Meadows. M r. Meadows was a veteran o f W orld War II, serving in the U.S. Army. He was retired from the city o f Winston-Salem and was 0 member o f Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Surviving: his wife, M ynlc Sludcr Meadows, o f the home; 2 daughters. Pal "S ally" M oney and husband. Gene, o f M ocksvillc and Virginia "Jenny" Jarvis and husband, Ronald, o f M ocksvillc; 4 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Malene Bailey o f Old Fort. Funeral sen'ices were at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Dcc. 12 at Haywor\h-Miller Kindcrton Chapel with the Rev. Gary Blolock and James Percival officiat­ ing. Burial follow ed in Westlawn Gardens o f M emory in Clemmons with mlHliiry rites by Districi 11 M e­ morial Honor Guswl. Memorials: to Hosplcc o f W in­ ston-Salem, 1100-C S. Stratford Road, 27103. Virginia Hutchins Evans Elnora Foote Eaton Mrs. Virginia Dorman Hutchins Evans, 89, o f W ilkcsboro Street, M ocksville. died Thursday morning. Dec. 7, 2000 at Mcadowbrook Ter­ race o f Davie. Funeral services were ot 2 p.m. Saturday, Dcc. 9 In Center United Metliodist Church with the Rev. W il­ liam Wombough, paslor, ofllclaiing. Burial was in the church cemetery. M em orials: Center M clhodisl Building Fund, c/i> Linda Owings, 728 W ilkcsboro St., M ocksvillc, Mrs. Evans was bora In Glenvillc, Ga.,Oci. 19,1911,10 Ihe luic Waller B. and Blanche Strain Hutchins. She was a practical nurse and a graduate o f the Old C ity Memorial Hospital School o f Nursing in Winston-Sa- lem . She retired ^om the nursing profession after 49 years. She was a member o f Twin-C ity Eastcm Star in Winston-Salem and a member of the Camel C ity Chapter o f ihc White Shrine o f Jerusalem, where she was also a past Worthy High Priestess. She was one o f the original seven charter members o f the M ocksvillc Women's C lub, a member o f the M ocksvillc and Center Senior C iil- zens and a member o f the Mocks- villc Senior Trotters Band. She was an active member o f ihe Center United M clhodlst Church, where she was a charter member o f the United Mclhodisl Women. She was an award-winning artist in me­ diums o f pencil and chalk. In 1990. the Davie County Commissioners appointed her to ihc Senior Center Advisory Board. Her hobbies In­ cluded crocheting and cooking and benevolences extended to her com­ munity through her gifts o f food and fellowship. Her husband, the late E.P. "Fuzzy" Evans, preceded her in dcalh In July I984.’niey moved lo Davic County in 1960 from Winslon-Salcin. Surviving: 2 daughters, Laura M arkland o f W inston-Salem and M rs. Russell (Nancy) Hodges o f N orfolk. Va.; a granddaughter; 3 grandsons; and 4 grcat-grandchil- dren. Jcttie Oakley Chunn Mrs. Jcttie Oakley Chunn. 89, o f U.S. 601 South. Mocksville, died at her home Dcc. II. 2000 following a period o f declining health. She was bom in Davic County, was a member o f New Bethel Baptist Church, and was a member o f Rose Dc M oll Chapter 531 Eastern Starr. Survivors: 2sons,GcorgeF.Chunn of Winston-Salem, and Danny Andre’ Chunn o f die home; 3 daughters, Bar­ bara Chunn Brown o f Grccnsboro, Phyllis Chunn Duncan o f Statesville, and ZcttieChunn Phillips o f Charlotte; 11 grandchildren and 11 grcat-grand- childrcn. Funeral arrangements w illbe made by Graham Funeral Directors. &F u n e r a l H o m e Ì 633 Wilkeboro Street Macksvilte.NC Decem ber Bargain of the Month НЫр b JiMt Around Им Сопмг. -1 .“ Caudeli Lumber and Building Supplies l62SheehSl-IbUl6l П11.М) Ujpplirl'iu«; ] Hi h (in S:il ) :tll Г/ imnn Mrs. Elnora Foote Eaton, 100. died in Mcadowbrook Tcrrace o f Davic Monday night, Dcc. 11,2000, follow­ ing a period o f illness. She fomieriy lived in the Cedar Creek Community, where she wa.s an active member o f Cedar Creek M is­ sionary Baptist Church. She was a member of Rose Dc M oll Chapter .531 Eastern Star. Survivors: 2 sons, Hcniy Eaton of AlbcmarIc,andOdellEatonofMocks-. villc;4daughtcrs.Wil!icMacWi.'«nian o f Waliway, N.J., Bessie Eaton of Advancc, Queen McKnight o f Win- ston-Salcm. and Detty Jean Eaton of Mocksvillc. Funeral arrangements w ill be made by Graham'Funcral Directors. David E. Morris Sr. Mr. David Edward Morris S r. 53. died Friday, Dcc. 8,2000, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. M r. M orris was born A pril 27. 1947, In Chattanooga, Tenn., a son o f the late Edward M . and Doris [)can Morris o f Chattanooga. 1 Ic was a 1970 graduate o f the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and served in the U.S. Araiy and Arm y Reserves until 1977. Mr. Morris was employed by Holt's Bonding Co. in Winston- Salem. Surviving: a daughter, Amanda M arie M onis; áson, David E. M or­ ris Jr. o f Kcm ersvillc; son Clinton J. Head o f M ocksvillc; a sister, Cathie M orris Maync; a granddaughter, and 2 nieces. Funeral services were conducted al II a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, at H a yw o rlh -M ille r-C a in Funeral Home. Burial was in the Mount Cjur Cemetery. V ^ n iA iiá :r3 o n H o y c > f 1940-2000 , MOCKSVILLE . . " r ^ 1925-2000 •- 'coO L E EM n -i ‘ bmm Him rd Scoli: '* 1930 - 2000 , , DAVIE COUNTY i * Ì ' ; ’Í Sünh JuamtttCregory- 'г,1931-‘аюо ' ' MOCXSVIUE t '’^JolmRк¡àr^SÍuek ; >' ' ^1938 - 2000 ^< ' ,’(ii,C U V B lA N D J(C -.'> YtrgiimDoheitBeavi \i.;r-V ,a)oot.„í¡v,> C A K M SV IH E - с ю - DAVIE COUNTY RNTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 STOREWIDE CHRISTMAS SAVINGS 65% O FF A L L D IA M O N D S! A l l D il a m o M S o l i t a i r e s ( i i M D ia m o n d E a f r i n g s a . A l l C o I o r e J S io n e s * i I A i l M e m ’ s . D ia m o im ls l l J i a m o i i d l e i m i s B r a c e le is 1 c t . t o 1 0 c t . i» 9 s e a o a o ® ® ® ^ 00 Л : Gold Mcn'fl AII(1 L aJiCS W a i c l i e s H kt. & 10 ki. ' 0 0 All 10 k. and 14 ki. Gold Cliains s lÌS Ìffe ìilÌÌ* t 'C Ç-W ’ ' - Ь ' ' C o l i b r i L i g j k i e r s , M o n e y C l i p s , K e y C L a i n s & P e n s Engraved Free M i c k e y M o u s e & P o o L B e a r C l i a r m & E a r r i n g s <1 L a d i e s C l u s i e r s & D i n n e r R i n g s P l a t i n u m I AH Seiko, Citizens & Wiitnauer Watclies <•> S t e r l i n g S i v e r j ~ s s a ^ s e 0 s № x s m » y. r o . X X Î у : > х х х у л ' ^ ' т . i K i M k i , C b a n n s O F F ^ H O L I D A Y H O U R S 1 4 k t, G o M E a r r i n g s ê f i H М 1 № М Ж « ш ш ^ » № к | « M o m d a y - S a i u r i L y l 9-9 S u n J la y 1 - 6 I b d T ' m e, ж N e w T o w n e S h o p p i n g C e n t e r • C l e m m o n s , N C 7 6 6 . 8 5 0 5 M |L -t D avie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 • Dl t / " - ' Central Davlc Education Center Prc-K student o f the week is W ill Driscoll. The class has been learn­ ing Christmas songs and preparing Гог a spccial program. Students are talking about what it means to give. They read ‘The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstcin. Developmental Day student o f the week is Kayla Perras. Students made cinnamon ornaments and decorated Ihe room. They are learning new Christmas songs. Cenirai Davie II students talked about pets • cats, dogs, birds, gold­ fish and tunles.The children brought ocn o f ihcir stuffed pets to class ol share. Student o f the week Is kevin Arreola. He is 4 years old and speaks Spanish and English. Central Davie 1 students fcKused on w riting letters to Santa Claus. They told him everything the wanted, and then drew a picturc. Student o f the week is Brittiany Wilson. Davie Hi}{h Dcc. 6 is the deadline for tuming in applications fo the ЛРР program. See Connie Little. Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics Is a legislative sup* ported summer program for talented rising juniors and seniors. Students live and study at one o f six univer­ sity campuses cost-free fo r four weeks. Sec Connie Little. M n . Ray had a Bible Career Day onNov.21 for Bible history students. Rex Hobson, career development coordinator, led a discussion on the caiecrs that use the Bible. The fo l­ lowing speakers also spoke about w hat th ty do in their careers: Aa'hie Jones, retired m issionary: W ally Dccker. WBFJ Chrisiion Radio; and the Rev. Jimn\y Lancaster, Jerusalem Baptist Church. College scholarships and open houses continue to take place. Check with guidance. Coolccmc« Ekn\cntar>’ The fifth graders in Lou Sutphin's class have been busy making Christ* mas surprises for kindergarten bud* dies in Janell Yount's room, Plowcr bulbb have bcew planicU in indoor con- talriers. Students are hopeful they'll have Christmas blooms soon. Tammy Essie's class is watching theelectioninfonnation. Thcyhopeto fmish the electoral college map before Jan. 20. Susie Wilcox's fifth graders are working on Christmas treats for their kindcrgarien buddies in Jane Ferree's class. They would also like to wel­ come Stephen Stellon from Rowan Counly. A ll o f the fifth graders have been hard at work getting ready for DARE graduation. The graduation ceremony and reception was held on Dec. 4. The graduation had to be moved to the gym. The essay winners were: Isaiah Stevenson, Mary Absher, Nicholas Potts, Lauren Stephens, Matthew WiN Hams, Tyler Miller, Ashley Absher, and Ashley Perkins. StudentsoftheMonthforthechar* acter trait "respect" participated with their families at a special luncheon: Megan Carter, Rebecca Mickalowski, Justin McQueen, Kacy Goodin. Alex Anderson, Katie W ilson, M ary W hitndd, Retha W illiams, Emerol Gadson, Justin Spillman. Daniel H ar*' ris (1st grader). Kaytlyn Shoemaker, Megan Barnett, Lateashia Gadson, Keenan Moien, Mariah Dobbins. Jer­ emy Edwards, Kinsey Miles, Julie CHurch, Tony Gadson, Craig Young, A J. Ouien, Mutthew Punturi, Brad Riel, Miriam Granodero, Halle Bur** ton. Becky Boone, Thomas Mezie, Jamie Smith, Joshua Bracken, Bran- donComatzer,JcssicaGreene,Tyreese Blackwell, Tommy Chandler, lyeshia Overton, Amber Beck, Zachary Tay­ lor, Joseph Spry, Jeremy Harris (4th grader). Perry. James, Meghan Matthews, Korcy Riel, Trent Ranney, Jesse Cousins, Sarah Bishop, Ashley M ullins, M ary Absher, M ichael, Hastings, Brandy Robbins, and Ron Alexander. ■ Thckindergartcnclasscshavebeen busy getting ready forChrisuiias. Stu- ' iiehtswenltotheSantashopprovided by the PTA and bought some gift for thelrfamilies. Theyhavebeen making ornaments to decorate the tree at the Zachary House. They walked over anddecbrBtcdthetreconFriday. Stu­ n t s have been singing and listening , ib Christmas stories. V , ), OnD!ec.8,tbeNatipna)Geogra BeCiVas held. Participants who were classroom winners: ColcBlake.Jamcs Davenport, Mcisha Fowler, Alex Gar­ ner,MaddisonMcDanicl.TylcrMillcr, Paul Slants, and Sam W hillcy. Tliird riinncr-up wos Tyler Miller, and scc­ ond runner-up was Mcisha Fowler. Spccial congratulations goes lo Ihc Cooleemee Elcmcniary National Geo­ graphic Bee Champion, James Daven­ port. North Davlc M iddle Pharaoh students o f the month for Novemberorc: Kayla Wilson. Kathryn Smith, Amber Blake, Andrew Beeson. Erin Robertson. Wendy Fulk, and Rebecca West. Eight o f the students of the month from August through No­ vember w ill be randomly selected lo attend a holiday luncheon on Dec. 12. Students in Mrs. Cline's math classes w ill need personal calculators for classtime use beginning on Jan. 2. Calculators should have a square root function. Students in Mrs. Dyson’s soci.M studies classcs have been collecting money lo purchase socccr balls lo be sent lo Ghana. Rev. Bernard As.ire of Accra, Ghana spoke with students in November and cited the love o f socccr •' students in his homel.'ind and the need for b.\sic school and nihlclic sup­ plies. Pharaoh students have donated money, soccer balls, and a pump lo be senl wilh Rev. Asare when he relurns 10 Ghana. In Prime Time, students w ill make holiday omsunents in December and contribuic to the shoebox campaign for Storehouse for Jesus. Pharaoh students w ill be rewarded for reaching Ihcir 10 book goal in Reading Odyssey incentive prognun wilh soft drinks in class on Dec. 8. Accelerated Re.idcr points for ihe ч‘с- ond grading period w ill close onTucs- day.Dec. 12. As of Dec. 8 Aces students have read977 books in Ihe "iOOl AReading Odyssey“ challenge. Tlic team goal is 1001 books by the end of this semcMcr. Aces students enjoyed a day in ihc North Can)lina mountains on Friday, Oct. 27 al Stone Mountain State Park. They hiked, picnicked and had a great tinw, PiciUTcs from the trip arc view­ able on the Aces website at "www.ndms.davie.kI2.nc.us." Then click on Academic Teams and click on Aces heart. Also students and parents can chcck iKimevvork assignments on the websiie. Prime Time classes enjoyed a spe­ cial program honoring our nation's veterans on Monday, Nov. 13. Stu­ dents are preparing shoeboxes full of giftsfor needy children lobe delivered to the "Storehouse for Jesus" in Mocks­ villc. They had a spccial Prime Time progrmn Friday, Dec. 8. Siudcnlswill be participating in a Moravian Love Feast and Candle Tea and learning about Hanukkah. On Tuesday, Nov. 14, Aces and Stars eighth graders enjoyed a visit from local disiricl court Judge Jimmy Myers. He encouraged sludenis to be law abiding citizens and taught them about the judicial system. Theclasses continue loneed drinks, candies, and Kleenex tissues. Check the website for more information about team needs and concerns. In science, the Aces have studied geologic time. The sludenis created graphsof dinosaurs. They determined the correct scaleandeach siudeni drew a portion o f the graph. These graphs were assembled as a group project. Students in Algebra continue to practice variousapplicalionsof factor­ ing. Pre-Algebra sludenis are apply* ing proportions and pen;ents to a vari­ ety o f problem solving situations. V/Ш лт H. l>av»: bttm eiit.iry The fourth grade class did some* thing that our nation has not been able to do. Students held an election and have a president o f the class, and they didn't even have lo lake it to the Su­ preme Court. M the conclusion o f a govenunent unit, ihey held a class election. Students nominated candi- dales for offices. Each nominee was provided with a campaign manager or nmnagers so each student parUcipaied. Banners ond flyers were made and put on display. Then students and their campaign managers gave.speeches to- the class. After speeches, the election washeld. Newofficerswhowillassist In providing a democracy, (up to a point); president; Brandi Cofckerham; vice president, Sidney Henry; secre- tary, Justin Keaion;and monitors,(\vHo Fifth graders al Cooleemee Elementary accept their DARE graduation certificates. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Cooleemee Students Take The DARE Pledge By Jackie Svubult Davlc Counly Еп1сф г1нс Record U ist Monday, Occ. 4. al C(x>lccmce Elcmcniary Schi4>l, over 80 fifth graders rcccivcd ihcir completion certificates for ihc DARE Program. Principal Jeff Albarty asVcd vhc audience to jo in In cclcbrating whal IS a fine group o f students in the schools fifth grade classes. "W e’re proud o f the DARE program and the way the students have conducted themselves al Cooleemee.” Frances'I\)tterow introduced Ihc guest speaker for the awards ceremony, M iss North Carolina 2000, Lom a M cN eil from Lumberton, "Substance abuse crosses all borders and can destroy a com m unity. I have dedicated my year o f service as M iss North Carolina to substance abuse and prevcnlion,” said M cNeil. M cN eil told how being goal oriented helped her slay away from drtigs. She t.iways wanted lo sing as Q career. "Let your passion be your natural high in life," she said, "Y our future belongs to you, to cultivate, lo nurture it. You can find a natural high in life so you don't lum to drtigs lo stimulate you." 'Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for n;alizing at this age how detrimental it can be to your life. Thank you to parents for supporting your childrtin. And thank you to the D AR E officer for support,” M cN eil said. The purpose o f D AR E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is a Dare officer Joey Reynolds announces essay winners as they read highlights from their DARE papers. - Photos by Robin Fergusson collaborative effort by DARE ccnitlcd law cnfonrcmcnl olTiccrs, cducalors, sluilems, parcnu and coinraunlly to oiTcr an educational program in the classroom to prevent or reducc drug abuse and violence among children and youth. The emphasis o f DAR E is to help students recognize and resist the many direct and subtle pressures lhal influence them lo experiment w ith alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, inhalanu, or other dnigs or to engage in violence. The D AR E program offers preventive strategies to enhance those protcclivc factors • espe­ cially bonding to the fam ily, . school and com m unity - which appears to foster the development o f resiliency in young people who may be at risk for substance abuse or other problem behaviors. Rcscarchers have identified cenain protcclivc and social bonding factors in the fam ily, school, and com m unity which may foster resiliency in young people, in other wottls, Ihe capacity o f young people for healthy, independent growth in spite o f adverse conditions. These strategics focus on the develop­ ment o f social competence, comm unication skills, self-esteem, empathy, decision making, conflict resolulton, sense o f purpose and independence, and posilive alternative activities to drug abuse and other destructive behaviors. . The piogram content for D AR E is organized into seventeen 4 5 10 60 minute lessons to be taught by a law enforcement olTlcer w ilh suggested extended activities lo be integrated into other instruction by Ihe classroom teacher. A specially trained officer is assigned lo Ihe school one day a week for one semester to conduct weekly lessons in grades 5 or 6. Student participation in the D A R E program may be incorpo­ rated as an integral pan o f the school's curricular offering In health, science, social studies, language arts, or other subjects as appropriate. The classroom teacher maintains a supportive . role in classroom management ;; w hile the officer is leaching and : incorporates D AR E program participation by students as an : integral part o f the student's Hnal evaluation. In conclusion o f her speech, M cN eil sent a challenge to all the ' students. "Just as your program is ^ tilled DARE, I dare you lo dream .: Dream to be different. I f you can ” : dream it, you can achieve it, drug ; free." A fter M cN eil’s speech D A R E ■; essay winners spoke. They eoch . gave highlights from the essays they’d written: " I’ve learned how to make the right choices and much more,” said Ashley Absher. "D A R E is something eveiyone needs at an early age so Ihey w ill know what drugs can do lo them,’’ said M ary Absher. “ I ’m taking a suuid 10 be drug and violence free. W hen doing , Please See D A R E - Page D2 ...............................Miss North Carolina was the ................... . , ,Contiffled on p«te D i P A R E guest Shaker, ' ol*'®*®'® ‘o Miss hiyrth Carolina at Codym— gnriutlon: • ■ - D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, D«. 14,2000 Davie High Grad Now Serving In The Navy Navy P clly O fficcr 3rd Class Jonathan D. Sparks, son o f Carol W. and John \V. Sparks o f 900 Spillman Road. Mocksvillc. rcccntly reported for duty aboard ihc submarine USS Norfolk, home poncd it\ Norfolk. Va. Sparks is a 1994 graduate of Davic High School of Mocksvillc and joined the Navy in November 1998. He is a 1998 graduate o f Noith Carolina Statu University, with a bachelor’s degree. W ho’s Who Among Davie High Students Parents and other family members tilled tlie gym to watch Cooieemee filth graders graduate from the DARE program. - Photo by Robin Fergusson D A R E T e a c h e s Y o u n g P e o p le T o R e s p e c t T h e m s e lv e s C ontinued From Page D1 drugs you don’t gel u sccond chancc," said TVIcr M iller. ‘T his is how I feel about the DARE program. I have learned to \)c drug free becausc o f the conscquences. Always be drug free,” said Ashley Perkins. " If you don’t use drugs you can live a longer, healthier life," said Nicholas Potts, “ When I grow up 1 want to be u professional football said Isaiah Stevenson. player and an artist.” “ Drugs don't make you coiil or pretty. Drugs can do damage (o everything,” said Ljiura Stephens. “ Drugs can affect my dreams,” "You have to learn how to say no.” said M alihew W illiam s. AOer iho ess;iy rciidings the students were presented their D ARE certificates. Tlie follow ing is a list o f students in Davic County who are featured in Ihe 34th annual edition o f Who's Who Among American \ ligh School Students 1999-2000: Advance • Betsy Dobbins, Leslie A. Ellis. Ben­ jam in J. Fulk, Jennifer L. Grout, J.P. Kaper, Heather N. Lanning, B.G. M inor, Em ily E. Morton. Rebecca E. Potts, Ian D. Scon, Ashlee E. Ellis, Heriberto J. Pebus, Justin Gacli, Emma K. Jakob, Joseph P. Kaper, Rachel A. M cCorm ick, Christina .Mischinski, Kate E. PeKorini, Stacy M . Queen, and Rebccca L Stocken; Cooieemee - 1 Hilary Ledford, Laura Spry, and A nthony M cD aniel: M ocksvillc - Linna R. Agne, Adria K. Austin, Jessica Benfleld, Wesley K. Carter, Brandy N. Diggs. Justin 0 . Edwards, Robert A. Gillenwater, Ashley E. Hanes, Kevin Hendrix. Elizxibcth Hom. Wesley Johnson, Khrisien M . Langdon, Patrick T. Lowery, Aaron M. McClajmon, Sa­ rah T. Monger, Telisca V. Penn, Angela M . Potts, Jessica Riddle, M ark Rouse, Am y E. Sink, Sarah M. Stein, Kristin E. Towell, Kendra L. Amistrong, DianaB. Balmson,Shana D. Brewer. Lauren A. Davis, Ezekiel J. &irlc, Ellen E. Foust, Lynne M. Grey, Caroline K. Hauser, Ashley E. Holmes.Stephen D. James Jr.,Stacye R. Joyner, Anne E. Lee, Gloria A li­ cia M anning, Kcllen A . M ille r, Jacquclyn P. Naylor, Edford D. Phillips 111, Candacc Pruitt, Greg Ricd, Carrie A. Shamel, Andrea Speer, Andrea J. Stone, Christopher A.W ensll;Hanm >ny-Christy Allen. I lanna R. Gaither, Adam M . I loward. Joshua A. Kiser, Andrew Mayhew, Gina M. Purise, Sabrina Turner, Hannah T. A nthony, Rocky L. Hefner, Stacey. J. Keller, Lisa C. Mann, Lindsey N. M ullis, Rhonda D. Rohinettc. Energy United Awards Bright Ideas Grants To Four Davie Teachers Four Davie County teachers have received Bright Ideas grants from EnergyUnitcd totaling S I.587. Bright Ideas is a program o f HnergyUniied and the electric coop­ eratives in North Carolina to enhance ' classroom instruction while recogniz­ ing and encouraging innovative teach­ ing initiatives. Grants o f os much os S2.000each are awarded to teachers in grades K -I2 iA the annual competi­ tion. Thlsyear,EnergyUniledawardeda total o f S29.35S in Bright Ideas grants to 32 teachers throughout its service area. These funds arc used lo pay for instnictional projects that could not be funded by conventional sources. Teachers in the Davic- County School District who won Bright Ideas gnmts this year include: • Janet Jones o f Cooieemee El­ ementary, S300 for Science Explora­ tion Day. • Georgina Lucas o f South Davic Middle School. SSOO for Team M u­ rals. • Susan Tucker o f Davic High School, S529.36 to recreate Gregor Mendel's genetic research. • Lynn Moore o f South Davic Middle School, S25S.58 forCrcatinga Team Quilt of Geontetric Designs. "W c established the Bright Ideas grant program in 1994 becausc our board o f directors recognized that a strong public school system is a firm foundation for our community togrow on," said R.B. Sloan, Jr., EnergyUnited‘schicfe.xecutivcofncer. "Teachers do so much for our chil­ dren and can do even more using the extra resources o f the Bright Ideas grant program," he added. "We’rcglad to help school teachers and applaud all those who submitted Bright Ideas ap­ plications to EnergyUnited this year." EnergyUnitcd received 136 appli­ cations from teachers for the year 2000 Bright Ideas grants. An independent panel o f judges recently selected grant recipients based on criteria including the proposed projects* instructional creativity, benefits to students, and number o f students alTecied. Sincc 1994,EnergyUnitedhasprt>- vided rttorc than $182,000 for 205 projects, benefiting 60,000 students. Statewide, the electric cooperatives of North Carolina have awanled more tlian $2 million in Bright Ideas grants for more than 2,250 projects sincc 1994, reaching more than 500,000stu- dents. 275 Madlton Rd - 9 ac.W«ream! 20xG0 4 bay garago & additional 20x60 w/3 stalls tor hOfWS. 2 etocy. 4ВП, 30A, bnck homo. 2 fpic*. (ten. garage, deck & front pofch. $259,000. C AU EVELYN. 195 Sugar Creek Rd - 10acre hofse larm with JSSO»!.. 3BR, 2.SBA. capo Cod irvdular. horso bam is 38x40. tractor shod, turn out s h ^ riding ring, pastures. frxnoNamont loncir>g. $249,000 CALL CONNIE H O W A R D REALTY 330 S. S a lis b u n S t. (C o rn e r И w y s . 601 & b4) M o c k s v ilk - , N C 27028 O ttic i- ll()UP>: \b n u l.i\- l rui.iN H-(> • S .itu rd j\ ‘i-1 2 • S u iu l.iv B \ \p p t. 14t4 MockiviUe Hwy. -PouRiy Farri). Э0(Ь40 bwking Mth up-kHlai« machinery pbs 2000 sq n. tvck home on ftS aa*s. Eiam on 2 lencod ocres. $225,000. CALL EVELYN. SieYadUnvill« Rd.-Tr«M. home. 50Л. 30A & 3500« »1. dbte cai girage. ig rvgnxn] poo< w/al amenbes. i^daied kjlch.. lorm. amas. den. rec rm. pan bsrt<. rcncd NTiood Cent SI99.900 C AU JANE. 164 Fairway Dr. Bermuda Run> Almost 2000SF tovoV home, spadous rrns. perfect lor entertair^. bvgtt dock oA 23.5x26.6 UVOR oveftoohing IBthgroea $165.000 CALL MIKE or LEE 661 PInevllle R(H>rrvacyon ЗввАа-bíick ranch w.1u9 Im. bsmt, ovof 2200SÍ. op & approx. lOOOst. rrnhed down. .lOR. ЗОЛ. 2 kilch. chain Imk loncing. conaete dnvo. dock. patx). $174,000 CAU CONNIE. 276 Magnolie Av-Aflordabie tom home In Garden VnBoy. 30П. 2QA. M btmL wAg. (am. rm,. 2 tptes. 2-cof carport deÀ. Nee londscapcd lawn wig. hardwoods, out bidg. & more$159,900.CAUJANE 1365 PIneblufl Rd. In W-S son. 2BA brick ranch convea tocated new Baptist Hoap. Many updates, new cwpet, 2 rpics, basement wAlorm sheBer. large kjtch. A deck $135,000 CALL EVELYN. 175 Jack Booe Rd-Unkue 30П. 2ЭА brck ranch w^artial basement on 4 2 wooded ooos w/sl/oara Согу rock rplc., sunken iv. rm. some hdwood floors, dock and outbldg. $134,000. CALL JANE 173 Hickory Tree Road- Gnwit split loyer - Near school 2074 square (ceL 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Great living space and woodMj loL $124,900 CALL MARY. 156 Lagle Lane - 1999 Clayton doubkrwide home with split bedroom noor plan. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on approx. to ocres. $121,900. CAU MJ OR MARY.Ш 141 Dakota Lane - Need a ItOe etXM room? 1905 OW features IBSOtsq. IL ЗОЯ 2QA. format in & DR. co/y den wЛ'plc•. phjs; S.S AC ol opea issed tand. Pnced to sellgrassed tai S109,90aCAU JANE 124 Cioltter Drive - Boner thart new IIOOs.1.. ЗВП, 2BA. double garage, fcnced back yard, pul down stairs lor storage. Corwenient location. $106,000 CAU CONNIE 2367 US Hwy. 601N< Nevr modiiar homo on .613 aaes. Features indude: 30R, 2DA. cattwdral coding, deck, mature trees on lot, groat landscaping, pavod drive. $99,900 CALL CONNIE 256 Gladstone Road, Mocksville - 1800 sq. a SOR, 2BA. large oAt-in-Utch.. groat rm w/lrplc.. al oppiane«« ind. WSO romaia Addition onty 7yrs.young. $99,900 CAU KENor LEE for showing. 109 Dusty Hill RokJ - immac 40R, 26A Sky«n« on Vt6 acre rural tract Permanent lound, spM OR plan, firvptac«. master EM Wganten tub, »ep. shower. Ns and her wMtes. $67,500. C AU JANE 464 Becktowne Road -Doublewide buN In 1998. great noor plan vrith 1289 sq. ft knted in nice area on dearod level land w/additional acreage available. 38a 2 ful DA. $84,900. CAU MARY. 166 Brockland Drive, Advance - Better than new 1999 doublewkle with 4 0a 2&A. afl major apoiances, fenced back yard. I4xt0 deck. ImmacUalel $79,900 C A U CONNIE 313 Ridge Road - Single wide home on S wooded acres wilh stream. 20x20 storage building. Selling as Is. $74,000. CAU EVELYN. S9tShetfleklRd-LfcenM honwl IrTvnaculatel Located on 1 aci«. 3DR 2BA. OR conte Mth 1Л. dedi, porch, storsQa buMng.Amustseel $74,900. C A U KEN. 1045 nidge Roed - Ooubte wide home located on Uacres with storage building. 3 ' bedroom. 2 baths, pricwi to sol. $69,900 CAU EVELYN 123 Center S t - Cootoemee 5 rm house, excell. cond. №L gas heat, CA, new root, repiacemi windows A now storm drs. Attached carport & partiri bsmt №0. relrig. DW, binds. $69,900 C A U KEN 241 Avon Street - Great lor first time owner/or Investment property. 2 bodrooms, 1 bath, heat pump, »torm doors & wvidows, deck, porch, fireplace In lying room. $59,900. C A U JANE iM M alnSt-Cooteem MAlordsbie 1800> sq. ft one level home • 3BR. 2BA, w»i a Юа UC Ms house would be perfect lor i growing tamly. Pric«leslsloron»y$55,00a C A U LEE 243 Main SL Cooieemee-Great lor a starter home or retirement homel 2 bodrooms, t bath, vinyl skSng. new windows. Allhi5foron»y$53,90a 193 Watt St, Cooleeme»-Good starter homel 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, heat pump. Insulated vrindow# A slomi doors. $49,900 C A U JANE 1 ' 139 Hank Usser Road- Ooubie wide mobile home, groat location on I.eAc.. 3BR, 2BA. lorced air heat, cent air, al appliances, ceiling Ians, lots ol buSt-ins, bonus room! $49,900 CALL KEN. 1S4 L»gk Lvte - 1992 Bngadere singlewide homo with ’ 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, kicated on a .75 acm lot. $39,900. C AU MJ on MARY. D a v i e S c h o o l s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 - D3 Continued fn im Pngo 1)1 w ill act as representatives for the siu- dcnLs)JoshAlkins,ScoitBarklcy,Nick White, and Samantha Contos. Stu­ dents w ill participate inclass meetings and create melhods to create a more positive learning environment. Mrs. White's class w ill not have a Clmsimas party this year. Tliey are planning a suфrise birthday party for Paddington Bear. After one group of students read the book A Bear Called Paddington, the students decided il wotild be fun to have a birthday party for Paddington. Tlie group divided into committees (refreshments, deco- r.»tions, treat bags, invitations and en- tcitaii\ment) and began plai\ning their pany. A birthday cake w ill be pro­ vided for Paddington and special treat bags w ill be given to each student. Bach child w ill bring a sm.ill gift to Paddington but don'I tell Paddington that they arc going to use those when they play bingo. The hrsi graders in Mrs. DysoiVs, M p. Baugh's and Mrs. James’ clas.ses had a treat onTlmrsday. Nov. 30. Tltey traveled to War Memorial Auditorium inGrcenslxirotosee Tlie Elvesand the Shoemaker. The musical rvndition of this well known faiiy tale was pre- senied by Arts for Students. Tlie chil­ dren really enjoyed ihc prcscntalion, especially the musical numbers and the comical elves. After the play they traveled back lo Mocksville to eat at McDonald’s. Angela Spillman's ckiss won the box lop contest for November. Kristy Turner, Elizabeth Hall, Carlos Nava-Lopez, Trinidad /\lvarado-Ran>ire7, Ashlee Trivetie, Daniel Gonzalez. Sanih Conios, Tyler W oolen. Noeml Morales, Taylor Profilt, Jom; Sancliez. Toren Rivers. Derek Danner, Lindsay Sanders, Nathan Pearce. Alex Britt. Gi.vela Guiierre/, Gaela /\lvarado, Kelsey T iffi. Josh Potts. Cailyn Hyde, Mat- ihewTïusbce (аЬячП). Evelyn Alaa-on. C hasiiiy Spry, C arolina O liva- Hemandez, Andrew Olson. Ashley Shrewshuty, Travis Norris, Courtney W illiam s, Heather Scherer, John Wcalhemian. Pallie Kurfecs. Tiffany Boger, Amber Wagner, Chris Fishel, Trey Preston, Reanna Sizemore, Sidney Henry, Nina Dalton, Tasha McKlnncy, Brian Fuentes. Becky Chrislian, Chelsea Maness, A riln Carbajal. Ricky McKniphi. M ocksvillc Elementary Studenis for the month o f Decem­ ber: Gerald McCall, Nicaylo Slate, Lori Daniels, Alexandra "A lii" Dyer. Ana Burton, Logan Ren, C ollin Capuson, Brandon Casey, Erica Peebles, Kevin Jordán, Philip Frj^'- man, T yler Luym on, Samanlha l*restwo(^, Hannah OrrelUevlnScott, Dcvaron Scott, Marian Hucklcr, Anna Smith, Andrea Gram, Jack Evans, ' Michael Wainwright, Lauren Hauser, Michael Domonski, Maria Nail, Brit^ lany Harris, Stephanie Jamie. Student o f the Month Luncheon held at 11:30 In the media center on Dcc. 8. Special guests: Mrs. Coults. M r. Cartner, M rs. Hedrick, M r. Johnson, Mrs. Pruitt, Mrs. Whitaker. Terrific Kids for December: Aus­ tin Keaton, I layley Lambert, Ben Dou­ glas, Haley Ginther, Jordan Hedricks,. Anne Berkeley, Karcn Boger, Bran­ don Casey, M aiy Ann Kiser, Trevor Silvia, Kristen Stiller, KenyaltaBrand, Courtney Wilson, W ill M am , Kelsey Bryan,Greg Nuckols, Erica Simmons, Amber Harpe, Ashley W hitley, Jusiin ‘sharpe,Crystal Heaggins.TaylerCrtve, Je ff N uckols, Kaile N ewberry, Candance Chunn, Alex Paproky, I lope Suttcriin, Savannali Taylor, Syndey McBride. Brandon Kooniz. Mar\'in Quijoda. Lindon Hurt, Cody Helms, Colleen Hennelty, Daniel Moxley, Lalricc Stevenson, Rachcl Howell, Tiffany Cox, Rakcem Alexander, Laurtn Strickland, Ben Brock, Brit­ tany Shaver, Aaron ft.4)ples, Michael Lucas. Kenneth Strother. Kyle R.'indall, M odi Mellon, Joey Eizenga. Tori Karlek, Sonny Stanley, I’atrick Shore, Jonathon Shoaf. Student o f the Week o f Dec. 4-8: Chelsea Ellis. C;urie M iller, Barry Etchison. Culin Moyd, Christina G rif­ fin. Ers’in Conyers. lulwin Velez. Casey Vicrs.JJ. Morrison. Jacob Bar ber. John Davies, Andrew Allen, Brittany McCrain, Raheem Alex.ander, Sieven NVilliams.TabilhaWili.Tori Kennedy, Coiy York, Rebecca I lendrix, Kanisha Angle, Lauren Hauser, Jr. Payne, Jus­ tin Phillips, Joshua Greer and Kevin Sides. TTic third graders In Miss Swoin's class have leamed quite о lot In the last week about Chrislmas customs and traditions, Christmas aroundthc worid trip began in Isreal last Friday. Stu­ dents learned about traditions cel­ ebrated as a pan o f Hanukkalt. Tlic journey continued on Monday as they travcledtoGcrmanyand leamedabout the Moravian lovefcast. The children have been full ofqucstions and c.xciie- ment as they continue to travel around the world. Tliejouraey w ill continue fortlie ncxttwo weeks ihruugh Mexico, Sweden, Italy, and Great Britian, and Africa. Mrs, Mocks's 4ih grade class is particip,nling in a tradition: Christmas Angels. Students adopted two young children to sponsor this Christmas. As o f Tuesday. Dec. 5. studenis have do­ nated almost S50 to the fund. Tliey have given their snack money, allow­ ance money and some have even looked in the "nooks and crannie.s" in their home for spare change to pul in the jar. Tills activity has brought out the Christ­ mas spirit. "I have personally been very moved by these children giving ofihemselveswiihoulhesiiaiion,"Mrs. Mock said. I am very blessed to have these special children in myclass. Due to their generosity, two children w ill have a very Merrv ChriMmas. Com atzer Elementary Students participated ina variety of activities in anticipation o f the holiday season. TTic sccond graders visited Davic Village Dec. 8 lo share songs, smiles, cards, gifis. and Chrislmas greetings with ihc residents. Third, fourth and fifth grade stu­ dents entertained parents and guests with a Chrislmas program Tuesday nighl at the IH'A meeting. Under the directionof Van Fagan, Duane Hartsell. and Beverly Hembree, studenis per- fonned the original musical drama. "Sama's Shop.” Tlirough story and song, lessons emerged. When you do something nice for others, you feel happy. And. broken things should be fixed instead of thrown away. Third, fourth, and fifth graderspar- tlcip.ited in the chorus. Tlic following students were characters in the drama: Trey Archer, Tyler Braddy, Jordan Brown, Cierra Clement, Jonathan Creekmur, Luis Diaz, Precious Hancock, Miranda Head. Am y Lanier, Ayanna Leach, Angelica Lot. Jaci Marshall, Sarali Moore, Daniel Peiucy. Adam Ridenhour, Jodi Robertson. Arturo Rodrigues, Blaney Rogcl, Lauren Steele, Daisy Varona, Kaillin Wensley,ScottyWest.andJake Wyatt. First graders entertained parents with a program in the gym Wednesday momingand second graders welcomed parents to their classrooins Wednes­ day afternoon. DAREgraduationcercmonicswere held Thursday, Dec. 7, for fifth grad­ ers. Miss North Carolina, Loma McNeil, was special guest speaker. DARE Officcr Joey Reynolds con­ ducted the classes which enlightened students about the dangers o f drug abuse and gave them information to help make responsible decisions. A ll studenis wrote essays as p.in of the course requiremenis. The follow­ ing students were selected to share Iheir DARE essays: Jordan Brown, Eden Cassidy, Amy Lanier, Ayanna Leach, Amber Seivers. and Adam Ward. Students received certificates and congratulations for successful course completion. December bus riders of the month included: Briseida G.ircia Abarca. Eden Cassidy, B illy Jo Grcer, Leah Johnson, Elizabeth Peeler, and Lydia Jane Smith. Cougars o f the Montli for Decem­ ber included: Drew Andrade, Chan­ dler Archer, Jordan Autry. Lucy Chavero, Tyler Comatzer, Tiffany Davis. Jose Diaz, Oscar Flores, Tyler Gaddy, Sara Handy, Stacy Hendrix. Kora H iatl, Jana Hughes, Jacob Karriker, Haley Lamb, Cassandra McClannon, Sabrina Murray, Josie Piper, Katie San Filippo, and Toby Lee W illiams. Cougars for the Week o f IX’c. 4-8 included: Brittany Bailey. S.nlvador Benltez-Roinero. Cody Bostick. Nora C row , Caroline Cozart, Chelsea Curtiss. Robbie Dotson. Basy Gonzalez, Reece Hannon. Mirand.'i He.'id, Brian Hicks, Catherine Joyce. Ben Lagle, Patrick Lyon. Jessica McLclland. Tyler Neely, .Michellc Newsome,CorcyRandiill.GlennScolt. and Kelly Solovtzoff. Joanna Haire and Debbie Allison’s klnderganen class has enjoyed getting into the holiday spirit. Tliey began their celebration with a week studying the "Gingerbread Man." They read mjiny versions of ihe classic story and talked aboul ways they were alike and different. They used iheir five senses throughout the unit and described ways that gingerbread smells. i.istes, looks, feels, and sounds. They concluded their unit by baking gingerbread men. which cscpated from the oven and ran all around the school. Fonunaiely; they left clues, and Mrs. Haire's cl.\ss finally discovered them...right in their own classroom. Mrs. Haire's class also celebrated the holidays by visiting countries around the world and le.iming about ihc ways they celebrate December .■tolidays. They visited Italy, Mexico, Israel, I^pland, Holland, and Africa. 'Htcy leamed how the United States adopted many o f their customs. The children made passpons, which al­ lowed ihem to come back lo the U.S. aficr visiting each country. Tliey con­ cluded Iheir Chrililmas Around the W orld unit by discussing the special ways Ihe people in the U.S. celebrate. They also had iheir own Chrislmas Festival wherc they played Chrislmas games, made Chrislmas crafts, and had a special Christmas snack. Mrs. Haire's class also celebrated ihe lime they had with their student teacher. N^rs. Tew. They made gifts forher.'Mid hada reception tohonorher and their time together. Vicki Balscy .said all second grad­ ers havcbeen busy makingcrafis which they look torcsidents at Davie Village. They also look cards and sang carols. Parents o f second graders arc invited to their child's classroom Wednesday, Dec. 13. lo hear holiday songs and enjoy refreshments. In the holiday spirit; Sandi Robinson's sccond grade class has read ihe books. "Anhur's Christmas Cook­ ies,**'"M erry Christmas, Am elia Bedclia," and "Arthur's Chrislmas." Tliey made omainents for ihe class­ room tree and sent cards and surprises 10 iheir pen pals at Shady Grove. On ■, Tuesday, Dcc. 5 Lyndon Bray, an art­ ist from Winston-Salem, visited the class and helped make tiii-punch oma- incnis and bent wire ornaments. Sheila Gfell's founh graders are busy preparing for the slate W riting Test, which w ill be given in March. Tliey completed tlic .second praciicc test and students are improving their skill. In communications class, siu- denls arc studying Uie Grcal Indian Chiefs, Tecumseh. Osceola, and Cochise. Upon the completion of the': Native American unit, students will beginaVirtualFieldTripioAnianica • whilercading"Mr.l*oppcr's Penguins.” Dales lo remember: Monday.Dec. 18,McDonald’sNigih;Dec. I5-Jan. I , . Chrislmas Holiday; Tuesday. J.in. 2,’ classes resume. South Duvle M iddle Students in social studies arc work­ ing un North African countries con­ centrating on geography, history, cul­ ture, and Ihc people o f ihe region. llie Ph;u“.ioh team went to the 1 ligh Point 'Hieairc for the drama produc­ tion o f A Christmas C-irol on Dec. 6 Students in communications .ire read­ ing theclasslc story by Cluirles Dickens. Students in scicncearc studying tlie human bcxly. 'Flicy are working on compiling a booklet on the various body syslems. Tlie media center and computer lab is assisting with this project. .Mrs. Davidson, school nurse, spoke with studenis about the impor­ tance of proper numiion for a healthy body. In October, sludcms loured FOX 8 television studios in High Point and the Winston-Salem Journal newspa­ per facility in W'insion-Salem. Studenis in .Ms. Salyers nuih classes have just conipeied there sccond quar­ ter projects. In general maih. students used Ihe concept o f visualization to createthree-dimensionalnwesorthey created a m.iih magazine. The ad­ vanced m:ithcl.iss students wcrc given C tm iituicd an Page 1)5 S98 WAabore Som - Согкол *ЬЯ botr^icon i Ml lof FP fteiiAWpfWKy ItKt. 22*20 «kocM 2 tv ftnft, !07 fox Run Dr. WeU decorated home m о nof^Kborhood üut il convenient ю I 19ф if with 18Я. IS BA. New urpet P e n n i n g t o n C o m p a n y r e a l t y In Mocksville 336.751.9400 In Advance/Hillsdale 336.998.8900 Toll Free 1.800.539.3383 t l 54.900. Calli r r : ! 4J9 Bint Ctd^ BM - BeuáJ hsri men hcnc <w7 ЯОГТ mirtii kyv â kn c«n Iím^ Ьзосп oí кЛ canà ЬЬгхЗ l«f*n wtfe coran i Мхюд fcx» €lt Slbkcft* 4 . ü 231 НасгюКа Ave - Leu oí room for )юиг íamily in ihit home. 4BR. ЗЬа. PrniifOut & comnxjnity ictìvitiei. 9143,900. Call С Ш M o n U • Tht II tni 11/] №г) t n ^ ta prta b 1 nitr%]№] Л Ь>42НкпЬ7Ршш.ЬМЬиг»1 12ог|пр.а«га1вИ]$1Ш а01№7 532 East Lake Dr krvmoiite сохЬхипс»« rlgk n! fcof [fan 9 (cAnp, famd drw^ w«h furrbood Ьвгь roonl м rmte joir utioe ecrfoontfr kxA nut uc. $144.900 Cal ОсЫм f fl í ' г а щ ! ' 3W Hm eolS-UMiifCceœàwdNjeRirilîlflW л , Arft^Wcn^lмЛpr1to1ЬbJrd<Ы^I*«n*)lCcÄr>^ <• ninJrDcrra,r««rarpc(.2ps1o(R3204dtxh(dprw 4 ni 14x10 (tek. Gtw Ь й ^ baoax Л ‘1^ ■ a J D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Doc. Ы, 2000 Maurice Awarded Golden Key Membership Ron Philip Maurice of Mocksvillc has accc^tcd membership In Goltlcn Key National Honor Society and was individually honored during a canipus cercmony this fall a( Tlic University of North Carolina at Charlotte. "It is only fitting that a high aca­ demic achicverlikc Ron be recognized by Golden Key,” said Jim Lewis, Golden Key founder and ewcu\ivc director. "Our members arc inspired and motivated by the challenge not only to be rccognizcd for their out* standing accomplishments but also to make a positive impact on our worid through the Society’s commitment to service.” Golden Key National MonorSoci* eiy is a non-profit, academic honors org;mization that provides academic recognition, leadership opportunities, community service, career network­ ing and scholarships. Tlic Society has more than 300 chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Australia. Canada, Malaysia, South Africa and New Zealand. Membersliip into the Society is by invitation only to tlic top 15 percent of juniors and seniors In al|, Helds of study. Ron is the son o f Don and Bevcriy Maurice o f Mocksvillc Advance News Teen 4-Her Megan Jacobs helps workshop participant Sharee Knight at last year’s workshop. Davie 4 -H Christmas Celebration Dec. 2 0 By E dilh Zim m erm an Advuncc Corrcspondcnl Tlie Chiuicel Choir o f the Method­ ist Church w ill present a Cantata en­ titled "A Great Day" on Sunday. Dec. !7 al the 11:00 a.m. worship,ser\ icc. The choir w ill go Christmas caroling on Wednesday night. Dec. 20 at 7:00 p.m. This is agreat time forall o f us to be able to sing to thchomc bound o f the community. Brenda Zimmerman o f Glen Cove, Long Island, N. Y. and friendofMaxine GlennofBayville.N.Y.spemthc week­ end with Brenda's mother Edith ^ m - merman. Tlie girls c;mic especially to participate in the Advance Christmas Panidc in which Edilh rode in a sail boat with caption "Sailing into the New Millennium." Brenda and Maxine drove the float.. Tlie Howard reunion was held Sun­ day night at the VF\V building with 75 relatives attending. Tliese arc the de­ scendants of the late Joe and Matt Howard. Johnny Howard and his haml furnished music for the occasion. Tlic "Over The H ill G;uig" enjoyed a trip Monday to the N.C. mountains. Leaving Dulin Church at 11:00 a.m. they drove to Statesville to the K&W Cafeteria for lunch. From there they went to the Blowing Rock Shopping Plaza for a few hours. A l 5:00 p.m. they mei at the Daniel Boone Restau­ rant in Booneforsupper. From Boone they went to Todd where they saw the Christmas lightson Sam Chaplins cov­ ered bridge and shopped at Tixld's general store until 8:00 p.m. 'fliey then drove into Wilkesboro and stopped at Hardees for a late snack. It was after 10:00 p.m. when the group got back to Dulin Church. Tlie trip w as under the direction o f Sam and Janie Chaplin. Forty-Five people enjoyed the days trip. Sympathy is expressed to the fam­ ily o f Harr)' "Hah" Sides. He died al Meatlou hnx)k Nursing I lome inClem- mons on Sunday. LEONARD REALTY 34 Town Square 751-3650/751-3875 201 N e e ly s ire c l *3 Bedroom, 1 Bath remodeled collagc in Mocksville. Some hardwood floors. Investors lake note. l » i 557,000. 185 L ib e rty C hurch Rd • W hy pay rent when you can own this home. N o closing costs for qualified buyers. I acre, large outbuildings. Call Larry o r Sharron 751-1222 Call Larissa Harper 909-2471 • 751-9400 с Crafis. songs, games ;md Christ­ mas ccH>kies-what better way to cel­ ebralo the holiday? Tlic D.ivie County 4-H Teen Asso­ ciation is phmning just such acelcbra- tion. On Dcc. 20, ihcy w ill be liolding a holiday workshop from 9 a.m. • 12 noon in the County Office Building Auditorium. A ll Davie County youth, grades 1-5. regardless o f past 4-H par­ ticipation. are invited to rcgisier. To request a rcgistraiion flyer, orto receive more infonnation akiul 4-H, contact ihe Davie Couniy Cmiperaiive Bxtcnsion OtTicc a\ 180 S. Main St.. 210 County Office Building or call 336/751-6297. Davie 4-H is a United Way Agency. Home For Sale By Owner 2.275 Sq. Fl. Corlefrporary. Sp'n Foyer 108 Wins Rd- Crcckwood III Oovio County Convcnicfli MO (IUiV W>mton- Salem (10 M.,) 3BR- 2BA- Formal D«- Largo Great Room Uv Rm has Stone FircpUco wth Hcatolalor 2 Car Garage- New Heat Pump ARoof $120,000 Witt) $3.000 Carpet Allowance StO.OOODclow Market with fx) Realtor Fees!! CALL 99&-2397 for moro Inlo or lo View Til.c of the rtenKt rat« a.'id start ihc Nca Year o'! m ;cry c.Nn NEW horc* as кгл as $630.CO a'vj ro tTvyiC;^ dossn It's )Cu mcf>c> to 'Ait any Great kxatior^ and qui'ty (0П5:гШюп m ie ’J'-s hony; 1 ICO цшд! 3 bcd^txiths. open Гоэг pJrv. 2 cir mai-^icfunce frw c»tcria and much nxxr. Gf.î E'l/abcth SAV<^ood i c i todi/ I'yJ frxJ hw EASY a ferre cantó 336-909-25B1 riu jixib SwhtrihhI 336-909-2584 C A R T E R j m cin ir't lid ti и ■ 361. m Optd Rw pim oa Ij ООП «ttfi (ООП loi tipermoa tu >139,900 Peaceful living Plus Convenience.. Come See For Youfselil MS Citl«r'i M gi К м Г ]IÏ. JU iiKui'it ra-ibi* 1/ 2IV 1»э}«П48.900 Building Lois Avoitoblc! lo ll - t.3oc>cs lol 21 • 1.7 0(10»lot 6 • Rcit'fvpd lot 2 2- 1.7nctct Lot,7. ,ftjgft)dcret Lo»23 -2 3ocie» Lotu • 0.V2 acfcs Lot ?4 . Reic>i>cd Lot 20- 1.4o{tc» . o m p a n y • -A .J Г X Wvvy SOISfQ left on Riyefy<ey> fo left on Seah/d fo left mio Coder's Ridge Pennington SWICEGOOD W ALL& M c D A J S i l E L R e a l t o r s - д а 0 5 ^ ) ä l^ № lM l} 3 3 a ä s ä ) ä l( 8 3 i( iä ? - All Lois in itiis new golf communily reduced to $20,OCX) for a limiled time. (Pric« reg 532,000- 'd a t S $39,000). Only 15 rcicrvations will be occepted oi ifiis price! Call lo reierve your lot todoyl Бетьи oaeog« Iroch ovoiloUe. Pkk )оо loi for $24,900 br о limiled time ONIYI С Н и1Ш 1Л Е С Ш Т .■'.0 : ч ;л Ißt 41 Pepperstone • $1299001 Bunkei 1л • S169000 " S ! WcoòcriJ new home with ст?о1 Яосг pian. Mrfiuteî frcm 1-40. j3íí, floor pu îhs ¿ tfd toit toiás 9ft f * « hc»r< wA 3BRi «J i И GfWl mini Ùffli w5 âOEi Log sl)te ^ai*íne*»I>e here hu tm (onçfetiy (^sswcnlabçjicnfe boiiJhrih iwv hiwg an ra спг4 rm Ccrtrrçtfjf) d tak‘crt n rrjri£e lÉCDl J (w hd Co%rerttoKI W U r cid Gas wxd flae is tfe 7« (iln (& {огтпл> 33Pa '¿54 5?^ W» p¿o.^cr*ffííte*col l60QSr.ç«L% ‘ --------- ,9?r^r CJfarrmrírrtíf.bacfap to t Bams,259 SunbutsI Ln ■ $99600 l89DovieSI-S49000 Brick ranch in MÜ estabbhed ÑéT(biifeiidew ,if\)ss№ 100% finartinq on fe Cutetott^ytfh3.bokcn^i*J 1И9 Cut» сооц# ирль.^ w«hi tata Tic,rara imi 5 (3^ ------------------------ andltatamiAriathu)! ‘Ч '» . ' S S reUeilœlIofadiil«^ ta iíisijub i/ Natutal п Г heat. 3 window ¿r uniû vutfertbttmtmMhonwbunrornWcapint -------------imcstor. IBA Cooi««fflec. I Joidon ln • 225000 1108 Metabieeœ • S94900 ■9 ? ' ’ Greathomecncman^creoiland i BRSi 3iBA^ wth fui basement № ktibr larje^)t 157 Carolina SI-SI» T>iree W rw n 2 bath rancK 2 jtcry wAh bisernert Grea c o rr-^ to Wfistoo-Salan ^ '¡«¡¡^«tw thw A-hdoîâsA 149 Ruffin-96000 I I/! I») »il сиг IM ï, Smm b«» iîiu^ « i TwT'liKh itjl« Poss№.100% linanX» IO 0U3№ d ^ G itim ilm vM Î№ ÎM Û râd 1ШТС na iwar tedran hom# hu 3B^ 2BAj. )««<) tub, hwfciwn йпллМиЛ Thàn«fешипкйол »ecíW № jlam hítf»t)»lklw ram A U iítajttlkirm ral 3 íídnKIll, feiceí bacK d , o™,a i, ' . yaid *liw»l«f. b u d n br Ö» «mdmt homebujnr. , i Iwds of foom in this ^ brick honie; Chifiwg cttt^ con^i rencwted .liifl 0- 38R . brick Thfi brand nw home cfe an c^en Griat brick rindi home cn ovw aft ’ Great f«Si)orfi(wl3bedtx«4 2 b«h IKi be^ ApeitfwMcnipwwMoWlot• on^cowlotinMflesiabliihed .acre.2cf3bedrooTO3fj2baiF&AI' néÿtohood ü a b m û riM ttB i^ M Î -¡(етеароЛ .i 'appíances and much more..hv^kodSoon .fan«in¿ g ^ n e ^ ¡ c ^ tthonetodjn- ШВЕА1ЮЙ* Ï _ Ï.., : : ВЕА1ЮЙ* ' C Ä a - ' . 336-751-2222 yisit Qur IWe.fesite; At u/ww.realestateindavie.cc D a v i e S c h o o l s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 - DS Continued from D3 Л monthly budget and had (o go and locaic n car ihnt fit within ihc given budget. Stucicnls pretended to buy cars ranging from a 2001 Aurora to a 19951'ord Mustang. ■ Pinebrook ElemenUiry • if you walked into the s c ti^ l Fri* day afternoon and followed the aroma оГЬ оте made cookies baking you would have ended up In ihe firet grade cloUroom orLeigh Anne Davis. Par« erll volunteer Gwen Smith spent the afternoon helping students mix and ' roil out dough lo cut Christmas cook* ics. Tlie children had a great lime decorating their lreat.s, and an even belter one ealing ihem. i SccondgradcгslnPamHaфc'sclass h;wcbccn working on iheirChristmas joumaN this week. Students wrote about iheir family Christmas tree, what they would do if they could be Santa's helper, their favorite Christmas food, and silly Santa stories. Tliey also look part in a listening activity which required them to follow directions and answer questions. Stii* di'uls responded lo a variety o f ques­ tions such as whether they open pre­ sents Christmas EveorChristmas Day, prcfcrtorollerW adcorridcihclrbikcs, shared a room or had their own, or enjoy making or eating cookies more. Ba.sedontheirrcsponsesstudentsg(K’C their ginger bread man different at­ tributes. The finished products arc hanging in their classroom. Students recently look part In the T h in k First Art Coniesi" sponsored by Novant Health Triad Region. Stu* dentscreated pictures or posters show­ ing the importance o f safely and think­ ing first before acting in various silua* lions. Winners were: First. Austin Slonn, Sarah Johnson, Jacob Wood. KaihcrincJohnson,AdamMcCa]1isler. Sara Beth Watts, Amanda Robinson: sccond, Jessica Green, Katie Sells, Orianna Sheets, Amber Rogers: third. Am anda B ell, Blake Simmons, Bridgelte Hooks, Hannah Campbell. First place winners werepresenlcdwiili Q bike helmet, second and third placc winners received ribbons. Acccteralcd Reader Weekly drtvw. ingwinnerswere: Kristie Davis, Kerry Hutchins. Kelley Cundiff, Melissa Nichols, Jessica Strickland. Courtney Sim s, Brandon Sowers, Ashley M cCallister. Sarah Evans, David Oakley, Mitchell Boles, Ashton York, Daniel Spaugh. Spcncer Logan, CJ. Dwiggins, Samantha Judd, Kayla Newsom, Sarah Walts, Anna Bailey, Graham Morrison, and Chris Flctemicr. S.l.a.r.s. for the weekending Dcc. 7 were: Connor Bodenhamer. Kiisten Boger, Matt Boger, Kayla Bowles, Samantha Chandler. Clayton Chilen, Teri Cope. Em ily Dcmarcst, Ashley Estep, Kayla Hendrix, Benjamin Homer, Wilson Land, Jay Lawson, Andrew Linhart, B illy Martin, Katie Van Niman, Elizabeih Riddle. Katie Schlueter, Brian Solomon, and Kelly Woodard. N ew Books Available A t D avie Public Library Davie County l*ublic Library w ill be closed for the holidays Saturday, Dec. 23,-Tuesday. Dec. 26. Some o f the new books at the library, 37| N. Main St., Mocksvillc: Nan-Flctlon: Two New Video Scries: A 5*volume collection on New York, by PBS Hlms A 9-volumc collection on ihe C ivil War. by Ken Bums A Delusion ofSatan:7he Full Story o f the Salem W iich Trials The Hinge I'aclor: How Chance and Stupidity Have Changed History Home-Based Business for Dummies In a Sunburned Country Me and Hank; A Boy and His Нспэ, Twenty-Five Years Later Never Die Easy: The Autobiography o f W alter Payton PItenomenal Woman- Maya Angelou The Playful World: How Technology ь Transfonning Our Imagination Singing M y Him Song - Malachy McCloud Student Coinpimion loChailcs Dickens NN’dlands Where Ihe Water Hits the Wheel: Fif­ teen Sennons on the Orcat Beliefs of the Christian Faith Fiction: He the One • April Smiili Tlic Carpenter and the Unbuilder - David Gricbner MashmanandthcTigcr-Gcorge Fraser *\ 1-riend o f the Earth • T. Coraghessan Boyle The Fl. Lamed Incident • Mardi Medawar A Hint of Witchcraft • Anna Gilbert In the Evenl o f my Death • Carlenc Thompson Only W ith the Heart • Sherri Sizeman Street Level - BobTmluck Temporary Husband • Patricia Areltine War Memorials - Clint McCown Graham Funeral Home made a dona­ tion lo the library. The Social Studies Department at Davie High School made a donation in honor o f Judge Peter Hairston. Davie Couniy l^lblic Library hours: Monday-Thursday. 9 a.m. • 8:30 p.m.; Friday. 9 a.m. • 5:30 p.m.: Saturdays 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. inicr,c: 751-2023 Coolcemee Branch houn: Monday noon-6 p.m.:Tuesday-Friday I0a.m. -5 p.m. (Closed for lunch from 12:30- 1:30): Saturday 9 a.m. • noon, closed Sunday. Phone: 284-2805 W E B U Y H O U S E S A n y C o n d i t i o n — A n y L o c a t i o n F a s t C a s h — Q u i c k C l o s i n g L i g h t h o u s e P r o p e r t i e s Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-4371 You K n o w U s... W e K n o w R e a l E state C H I R O P R A C T I C O U T L O O K _____ By D r. S usa n S yke s Chirvprdclic Phyxidan Good Posture, Qood Spinal Health Ono way to keop your spino proporly oliQnod Is to practice good postufo hoblts. HOfO OfO some fecommondatlons;• When walklno. koop youf spino pfopeity allaned is to proctice Qood posture habit, t^ero are soma rQcommGndatlons:•Whon walking, keep your head up and youf shouldors back.• Bond at Ihe l<neos. not at the back when litttng.• Whor> carrying, hold objocts close to you. If carrying in one arm. switch arms, ospoclally when using a shoulder bag.• If you are standing for a long timo, shift your welgW frequontly, bend slightly at the knees, and keep your spmo straight.• Koop your weight down: Excess weight, especially around the middle, pulls on (ho bock and woakons stomach muscles.• Have your eyes examined: A vision problem can affoct tho way you ca r^ yourseU os well as cause oye strain,• Even whon following this odvice. you are still at risk o f subluxating vertebrae, Regular chiropractic check-ups can koop your spine, norvous system and organs functioning to thelf tx)st ability. Brought to you as a community sen/ice by A tte n tio n A ll D ia b e tic s^ Baskets! Baskets! Baskets! Just in lime for the Christmas Holidays Gift Basinets for Diabetics We have a great assortment of prc-made baskets or ' we will custom make lo order. We also have gift wrapped box chocolate candy. Hurry in now for the best selection. B A N N Щ и ( The Diabetes Shoppe. 3478 tiasl Broad Strccl • Sutcsvillc, NC 28625 • (704) 87S-6681 or call I-800-878-6690 — A d v a n c c - Chiropractic C L I N I C . J t i i ï ; : : ; : H illsdale Professional Park Suite 30() * 99X-0755 ( « у » A rvUf.u of Davie Couniy, Brooke graduated from Davie County High School in 1995. She continued her education at NC State University and received her Bachelors Degree in 1999. She and her husbarxj, Jake Cashioa married in 1999 and welcomed \heir new daughter. Madeline in July 2000, She loves spending lime with her family and spending long weekends in the moonUins. B(W)te. Jake and Madeline attend Gospel Ughl Baptist Church in Walkerlown. She received her broker’s license from Dan Mohr Real Estate School. Broote is looking forward to assisting others with this very important investment You can reach her at th«' following numbers: M o cksville O ffic e 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 C le m m o n s O ffic e 7 7 8 -2 2 2 1 C O L D U U G L L B A N K ß R □ TRIAD, Davie CountyIr>t0r80cti0n of Hwys 158 & 601 (336) 99 8 -6 6 1 6 Relocation: 1-800-327-4398 ÍDA.NT’ 1 « n .coldwillbonktrcom COLDWELL BANKER TRIAD REALTORS salutes ’ V ic k i F lem in g ш Ш ror her Щ Ё Ж . O utstanding ' Æ êP erform ance Aw ard. Vicki Fleming 998.1167 Ш Г М М Х М Ю О К Е O A K VAlU r $4M JN ■■■ .DMIE s S ' s S i S S . Ä : ||н |п в т .||п кы/J Мяч M |в( (OtfU hM M h»tdW ш М anct. MW M m>4 1X4 (4>> pf im W ГКППМ. lAUAMAUEN m-IIS4 H01.w 4Ц )J1A IACDAVÍ t* Wt M -0rt4 tewi lAMAKAAUIN m-IIH Ш4.П0 IM U U DAVIEk04 kr T«n HJ lUrv he taitw >«A<4 рил Шн мек. ivmtl M » L«. hinii n* .гщ lep, ei h<4 |w rt purw- YIOUniKING m-IU7 lîT ^ îî mCOlfVKWD« ШМЮАММ tin.OM 4M Ш OAVIEiNsaûBifAWiiK.HiooENai£a шнАШ Тока. umuoaiujn|m .W Ш UA OAVK HHNO Ш »A OAVIE .......... ............ . .ÍmAí mk WfMtlji ImM кштм ürfc Ык и» (Мгг% t й м Ы n»*t CeWwww* liu уюапшмс m-iU7 VIOUniHlNG tft-1147 п ои ск KO. Ю10Т HOOK 1 3M UA 0МЛ1: Mreen «MOT и !«№• «*^ _i ■« Itilf «Kk. bvyleen mcM pni L Ot, <«4M DONSIHENOUX m-IIU tOTlNHYEUMUt }S S iS i^ ÿ !iS S Î.c ^KM) I Omt« CM HHWKi. ItlIATHOND ISlWESTVSWAVEWJE I7LM ]M »A OAVIE IU.W Ш UA DAV»C«w 1мем bcm* м br|i опт Im ««h 1м«шг ifrat ям« 'ПС* W< M r tern* ц^1дг»|П1 DENSEHENOMX m iin lAMAUAUENm-MH HIKE 2imUHANm-ltl7 VI.Sl I I Ill-sr. N i:w HOMI' COMMUNl I lli.S Скек Sldyu il; ¡ÿi- DiMl« SiliAuocIttii ‘ Ш м Ш ^ Г м ; Г ’ 9 П -1 1 И А т м Ь М Щ к Г и .« » m - I I M làe£hAiOt(lX«ÿ( BENTBRQQK- D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 • D is a p o in t m e n t O v e r P r e s e n t s C a n B e R e a l “L o s s e s ” F o r K id ä By Steve G illiam UNCG News Bureau G R EE N SBO R O — A crisis is brewing under lhc irce w ilh lhc other prcsenls. Thai Ideal loy, lhc one thal was advertised almost hourly slncc Hal­ loween, isn't there ‘ despite the most wide-ranging searches and lhc most earnest picas to Santa Claus. So now it's Christmas Morning and the tears or tiie tantrum have just started hecausc lhc Play Station 2 Isn’t there. Don't panic. White lhc waits may be loud, ihe tears w ill be shortlived, says Dr. Craig Cashwell. a faculty member al The University o f North Carolina at Greensboro who teaches and prac­ tices fam ily counseling. “ Children arc very resilicm ," he said. 'They feet emotions like anger or sadness very inlcnscly, but briefly, and then ihcy'll ntovc on." Christmas is an emotional lime o f the year, and young children arc no diffcrcnl from adults, Cashwell said. Thoscdisappoinimcnts over presents thal never made it under the tree con­ stitute real “ losses" for lltllc kids. W hile the tears may be short-lived, they still constitute a small-scale grieving process for the children. Little children arc sclf-ccntcrcd. CashweU said, and don’t have the capacity to understand why a present they want - something ihey might be craving because o f cxccssivc T V advertising • isn't there on Christmas morning. The kids think Santa Claus can do anything and they don’t un­ derstand why he didn’t leave it for them. Parents can help return the mood to happiness, Cashwell said, by keep­ ing a few simple do’s and dont’s in mind: • Be in touch with your own emo­ tions ond w ilh your child's feelings. W hile the ruckus may be Inappropri­ ate on Christmas morning, lhc child C h ris to p h e r and A m y Boardvi'lne o f Advance proudly announce the b irth o f th e ir first child , Juslln Bailey Boardwine. Ju stin a rrive d at 1:42 a.m . on Monday» Nov. 27,2000, at Forsyth M edical Center vteighing 7 lb. 01 oz. and was 21 inches long. M atem a! grandpar«nls are Joe and Judy B ailey o f M ocksville. M ate rn a l great-grandm other is Louise York o f M ocksville. Paternal grandparents ore the lafe Sherry Lee Boardwine N ull and th e la te H e rb e rt Lee Boardwine of M iddleton, M D . Pa­ te rn a l g re a t-g r*id p a re n ls are Sadie and M arga ret W atson o f Tazwell, VA. and Ret. Sgt. M ^io r R obert and June C leary o f V ir­ ginia Beach, VA. is entitled to fed whatever he or she is feeling and as a parent you might feel responsible for the abscnl-toy crisis. • Fight lhc urge lo say “ Don’l be sad" or "D on't be mad.’’ Small chil­ dren deal with their emotions os best Ihcy can and whal they're feeling is a reaction to a situation that they didn’t creatc.Try lo empathize with them and don't set lim its on ihcir emotions. • Acknowledge whal the child is feeling. Agood thing to say is some­ thing like *'I know you’re really sad (or angry) right now" in a support­ ive, nurturing lone o f volcc. Don't sound angry or aggressive or try lo match their emollonal levels. This process is called "emotional valida­ tion" and il lets the child know that • you understand that they arc sad. • Don’l use whal Cashwell calls “defaults,” the kinds o f sayings on which many parents automatically fall back. Here's a coupic to avoid, "W ell, look at all the presents you do have’’ or ’Therc arc a lot o f chil­ dren who don’t have as many prc- sctusas you have." This doesn’t help matten bccause it invalidates what they wanted and whal they're feel­ ing. • Set lim its on bad behavior, li's time to step in if a child Is having a tanimm and gets ready to throw a loy or break som ething fragile. A c ­ knowledge the anger and try lo be gentle by saying "1 know you want to ihrow that loy. bul thal toy’s not Land Exch an ge G ets Resolution Of Authorization The Town o f Mocksvillo plans lo convcy exchanged property to the M ocksvillc-Davie Chamber o f Com­ merce so that it can be used as a pun o f a master plan that w ill involve ad­ ditional town parking and a conmiu- nity meeting facility lo be built by Energy United. Following the M ocksvillc's Town Meeting on Dec. 5 a resolution an­ nouncing the authorizalion o f the ex­ change o f the property was passed. The propcrlies that w ill be ex­ changed are the comer lot diagonally across from Horn's Convenience Store on South Salisbury Sueci, a .646 acre iract valued at S71.000 owned by the town, and the trad be­ side the Chamber o f Commerce on Nonh Salisbury Street, a .275 acre tract valued at $51,600. According to Town Manager Teny Qrdlley the transaction is u kind ex­ change. “ Whal we’re going to get out o f it is parking for the town and a meeting facility.’’ T h is H o lid a y S e a s o n g iv e U ie g i f t o f h o p e ... T h e p O ^e l'o f U' 1(800) 411-UWAY httpJ/www.umtedw4y.org Ü ^sycfiic d ie a Jin p By Mrs. Dora GryslafO^eaciinp DaroiGarcfs Oiiiernaliüe Jfeqlin^ Find Guidance andlVutli (o Your Questions of Love Business, Marriage and Affairs of Life : A fo ttM tfo rftm ln r For iDferáulkn or Appotalaml 7(M-M7-9622 »10 ¿ Main Stj & for throwing." In his counseling, Cashwell re­ minds parents. ti\at young cl^ildren don’t have the ability lo communi­ cate how ihcy are feeling, they just react lo situations. ’*Thcy don'i re­ ally start lo vcrbali/c, to talk nl>oiil their emotions until prc-adolescencc. maybe 11- or 12-years-old," said Cashwell. "Tliey can’t tell you how they' re feeling, so parents have lo try to understand and reflect those feel­ ings and help them get over the trouble." A native o f WInslon-Salem liv ­ ing in Kemcrsville, Cashwell joined N O W O P E N ROWAN DRIVING SCHOOL - N 58-2 Court Square • Mocksville Telephone: 336-751-9993 1-866-260-0470 Office Hours; 8am-11am, M-F Christmas i Hours Available i Doris ¡.ovcii Noble i Beginning : i December 18th ' NC BriviT's l.iccnsi' K M inilncT In ___Diivic Ciimity Play it safe Ih is holiday. D o n i d rin k and d riïe . Kirtn Bennett Asuxúte Aqt4it IIIIYAdUnvie Hwy,ModtvileC/« 33^751-6131 4M«»>wtcm>Oraiii Nationwide' Insurance & Rnancial Services For Agent wwwj\aUonwide.com incfl Company and «nàaltd Солч»п*е1____ _ Г~Ч- к —' Home Ofhc«; One Nat«n«i(iePiua.Colifnbus. ОН 43215 K«tiony*<di* to â tepittwed todfil wnice martt ol Nalionwde Mutual lt»urance Company Specials o£ the Week S a t h e r ’ s Assorted Candies each Limit 4 Wijiie Supplies Last C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o T r a c y F o s t e r o f M c C a l l p u g ; h R d . o n w i n n i n g t h e S n o o p y D r a w i n g ! ■ # Selected Christmas Items 25% Off Regular Hours; M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:304 • Sun 1:30-5 . the UNCO faculty this year and tcachcs fam ily and child counseling In tlw Department o f Counseling and Educational Development. He pre­ viously taught at Mississippi State U niversity. A graduate o f UN'C- Cliapel H ill, he holds the M.Ed. ond Ph.D. degrees from UNCO. I E P L A C i RESIDENTIAL CARE Meet Lucille Taylor The N e w D a vie P la ce w o u ld like lo re c o g n iz e Lucille Taylor a s o u r re sid e n t o f th e m o n th . Lucille h a s b e e n a re sid e n t o ilv lo c k s v ille o ilo i h e r lite, a n d says th a t she w o u ld n 't h a v e h o d it a n y o th e r w a y. S he lo ve s th e p e o p le o f D a v ie C o u n ty a n d th e h o m e to w n a tn n o sp h e ie , L ucille h a s b e e n h e re w ith us a t D a vie P la c e fo r 10 w o n d e rfu l years! S he is p ro u d to le t e v e ry o n e kn o w th a t sh e Is 8 2 years o ld a n d still g o in g stro n g , (vis Taylor re c e n tly m o v e d to ro o m 407 o n o u r n e w w in g , a n d says th a t sh e lo ve s her n e w ro o m a n d h e r n e w ro o m a le . S he invite s e v e iy o n e to c o m e a n d p a y h e r a visiti a tu lo tio n s L u cille Taylorl ïxpecl (ite B eat Sllcll.1 S.lllinU'UN Ditalor If y o u o r s o m e y o u k n o w w o u ld III® to a p p ly to liv e w itti u s a t t t ie n e w D a v ie P la c e c a ll 336-751-2175 a n d a s k fo r R o n D o d s o n . M e d ic a id & P riv a te ly F u n d e d 337 Hospital Street • M ocksville DAVIE COUNTY ENTERI>RI.SE RECORD, Dec. 14,2000 - D7 ^Valley Road ■ Mocksville » (336) 751-2141 U n iq u e C h r is t m a s G if t s Davie County Public Library ms rORY OF DAVIE COUNTY (llutil Hdilioii. upd.ilcd James W. Wall 250 years ol political, business, social, toligious, and educational history, with 7,000 names ol early settlers, elected ollicials, and military veterans. 450 pages -140 piclures T IIE HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE OF DAVIECOUNTY (Reprinted l ‘J8 6 cilition) Kiik P. Miilincy 250 pages - 600 pictures ol sirucluros and drawings wilh descriptive architectural narrative and biographical accounts ol builders and residents. Cosi ol each $26.50, Mailing $3.00. Main Desk Davie County Public Library All proceeds accrue to the Davie County Ubrary. DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1836-1900 Nancy K. МифЬу A record o( 4,600 marriages ol Davie County people. $22.50 DAVIE COUNTY CEMETERIES DavlB County Historical & Genealogical Society Approximately 18,000 gravesites with Inscribed biographical inlormalion and dates. Two-volume set $45.00 , DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1901 -1959 Nancy K. Muiphy $2 0.0 0 I860 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everelte G. Sain $15.00 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everelte G. Sain l] $15.00 ’ 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE CÖUNTY Nancy K. МифЬу and Everelte G. Sain $2 0.0 0 All proceeds accrue lo the Davie County Historical and Genealogical Society. Purchase price Includes mailing. Available Maitln-Wall History Room, Davie County Library; Mon • Tues • Wed • 9:00 am - 4:00 pm P U B tIC N O TICES .North Carolina Davio County IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE .; DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2000 CVD 679 ■: NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S . -: SALE OF REAL ESTATE '.DebofahB. Ronn, .Plantilf ;vs. . ;Mark L. Ronn, .'Qofondant : UNDER AND BY vinuool an Order .of tho Honorflblo Jack E. Klass. District Court Judge ol Davie Counly. Nodh Cnroltna, entorod on the 21st day ot Novombor. 2000. made Ir^this proceed- mg, Iho undersignod, who wore by said Ordorappointed.Co-Commissionors to solllho lands described in Ihe Order wiil on Wednesday. JanuaryO. 2001 at 1 1:00 a.m. al Iho Davie Counly Courthouse. 140S0uth Main Slroet. Mocksviile, North Carolina, 27028 sell that certain tract or parcel ol land lying and beinQ in Fnrminglon Township. Davie Counly. North Carolina and being more particu- l.irly described as follows on the at* tached Exhibit A which consists ol throe pages herealier and is hereby incorpo­ rated by releronce as il sol in lull, Tho sale shall be made lo the highest bidder for cash and an earnest money deposit equal to ton percent ol Ihe bid price will be requited from ihe highest bidder m tho form ol cash or check with approved lottor of credit. The sale shall bo subioct lo upset bids as by law pro­ vided and confirmalion by the Court. Tho property shall be sold as is. where is without warranty, eipress or implied and sutjjoct to all taxes, liens, rosinctions, defects or encumbrances ol record, il any. Tho properly shall be sold m seperate tracts or lumped to­ gether as the Commissioners see fit and additional lotms ol iho sale shalt bo announced at the lime of sale. This 28th day ol November. 2000 Qrady L McClamrock, Jr NCSB •7868 Co<CommIssloner t61 South Mam Street Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Telephone: 1336)751-7502 Sally W. Smith NCS8» 10528 Co-Commlssloner Martin A Van Hoy, LLP. Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-2171 EXHIBIT ’.V TRACT 1: BEGINNING at an iron in tho south­ west corner of Teresa Richardson (Deed Book 163. Page 610); thonco with Rtchardson’s line South 86* H ' 07* East 352,75 feet to an iron in the northwest corner of Ricky Slanloy (Deed Book 162, Page 330. and Deed Boook 164. Pago 132): thence South 04* 56' 47’ Wost 125.25 loot loan iron; thence with Stanley's line Soulh 85' 01' 40* East 259.78 feel lo an iron in the Ime ol Sue Cornatzer Tucker (Deed Book 152. Page 701); thence with Tucker's line South 16’ 21* 26* Easi 5.33 feet to an iron; Ihence with Tucker’s lino Soulh 06* 00' 00* Wosi 130.69 loot to an iron; ihence With the northern Imo ol James W. Ledoror. Jr (Deed Book 171. Page 811) North 83^ 46' 5B* West 313.97 feel loan iron; thence with Lederer's western tine South 15" OB' 38* West 72.0 feel lo an iron; thence with a new line for Thurman Tucker (Deed Book i n . Page 434) .North 64» 33' 40* Wost 308,37 feel to an . iron; Ihence with the line of Eugene C. ' Foster (Deed Book 96, Page 682) North :05» 54' 07' East 210.00 feel to Ihe poini ‘and place of Beginning, conlaliiing 2.957 ' ;acres,moreorless,assun/eyedby Julia ‘ E. Cherry. Registered Land Surveyor, .on January 26.1995. ' TRACT 2: , • BEGINNING al an iron stake. Ihe ; 'southwest corner of Kenneth B. Reck ;(Deed Book 133. Page 69) in Ihe east* em lino ol James W. McCuiston; ihence .from said point of BEGINNING and wilh ; McCuiston's easier line Soulh 4* 32' 56* West 49.09 feel lo an Iron slake; thence 'v^ith McCuiston's southern line North .77® 26' 25’ West 181.30 feel lo an iron .slake, the southwest corner ol James .; W. McCuiston is the easier right-ol-way ' line ot a 30 fool wide private easement; * ’thence crossing said easement North .•77“ 26' 25* West 30.85 feel lo an.iron ’ stake In the western righl-oi-way line of the 30 loot wide private road easement; •ttienceconlinuingNorth77*26’25*West '131.42 feel lo an iron slake in the easier • lline of Tax Lot 38, Map 0*7, as presently *, North Carolina Davie Counly. ’ • * • NOTICE TO CREDITORS >! Having qualified as Executor of Ihe ; i Estate of Otlis Lee Gobble, lale orOavIe - * Counly, this is lo notify all persons hav* ' ' ing claims agalnsi said esiale lo presehl ; - themtolheunderslgnedonorbeforelhe 1st day of March, 2001, being three (3) • ’ monlhs from the first day of publicallon , or this notice will be pleaded In bar of * (heir recovery, All persons indebled to . ^ said estate will please make immediate ;; paymeni to the undersigned. ' {^ ' This is Ihe 30lh day of Noveniber,' -2000. John Odell Gobble, Exec A ‘- V- !' s ’ V ' 481 Ralph Ratledge Rd r i/ • • Mocksville; NC 27028 *1 ^ •; , 'VV ■ 1 l-30-4)n shown on Davio Counly Tax Maps; thence with said easterm ;ome Spitj 5” O' O' West 135.36 feet to an Iron stake 135.36 to on iron stake, the northeast comer of Thurman Tucker; thence with Tucker's northem line South 84* 49; 01* East 309,66 feet to an iron slake In the southern right of way line ol a 30 loot wide private easement; Ihence conlinu* Ing South 84* 49' 01* East 65,87 feet lo an iron stake In Stanley’s northern line; thence a new tine with Stanley North 5’ 19' 23' East 140,23 feel to an iron slake in Ihe southern tine ol Kenneth B. Fleck: thence wilh Fleck's southern line North 83° 23' 03* WosI 36.15 feet lo an iron slake, Kenneth B. Fleck’s soutwesl cor- nor, the pointand place of BEGINNING, containing 1.0002 acres, more or loss, in accordance wilh a survey made by John Richard Howard, R.LS., dated January 30, 1992 and bearing Job 89038A. For further reference see Deed Book 152, Page 739of Ihe Davie Counly Registry. Together wilh a non-exclusive per­ petual easement for tho purposes ot ingress, egres, regress over and upon tho easement roadway described in Deed Book 90. Page 78 ol the Davie Counly Registry, which oxiends weslwardly from Redland Road (S.R. No. 1442) ak)ng Ihe linesof Keith Hodson and Lillian Smith (now or formerly) ap­ proximately 860 feel to a poinl also convoyed herein as a non-exclusive easement lor roadway and utility pur­ poses over an existing roadway loading to Redland Road, a part of which does not lie completely within the abovo-de* scnbed 60 foot viride easement. The existing road is approximately 15 feel in widih. The 15-foot wide roadway Is conveyed for so long as the portion lying outside ol the 60 lool right-of-way exists. Together wilh and subject lo a non« exclusive easmerwt for ingress, egress and logiess and loi the InstaHalion and mainlenance ol utility linesover a 30 loot wide slnp ol land described as follows: BEGINNING al an iron slake located al the southeasl corner of the above-de- scnbed trad conveyed herein; ihence from said pomi of BEGINNING and with the easier Ime ol the above-described trad. North 5* 19' 23* EasI 30.0 feel to an iron stake; thence crossing the above* descnbed trad North 84* 49 01* West 59.65 foot lo an iron stake; thence North 61*06' 24* West 167.81 feet lo an iron Slake; thence North 0* 55’ 44* WesI 17.11 feol to an iron slake in the north­ ern Ime ol the above-descnbed tract, said iron also being Jam os. W. McCuiston's southwest corner, ihence across Ihe landsol Rick A. Stanley North 0’ 55' 44' Wost 73.44 foot lo an iron slako; Ihence North 6* 59’ 10* East 57.10 feel to an iron slake: ihence North 70* 10’ 03* East 31.37 feel to an iron slako. Ihe northwest comer of James W. McCuiston; Ihence wilh James W. McCuiston's nothem line North 70=* 10' 03* Easi 168.55 feel to an iron slake in the western Ime of Kenneth B. Fleck; Ihence with Ihe western line of Kennelh B. Fleck North 04* 32' 16* Easi 141.68 feel to a stone in the northem line of the 60 lool wide easemenl. North 82* 39' 15* Wesl 30.04 feet to a poinl; ihence South 4* 32’ 16* Wesl 123.81 feel lo a point; Ihence on a line 30 feel from and parallel with the r>orthem line of James W. McCuiston South 70* 10' 03* West 198.31 feet lo an iron stake; thence South 8* 59’ 10* West 77.44 feet to an Iron slake; thence South 0* 55' 44' Easi 68.84 feel to an iron stake in Ihe north* ern line ol the above-described iracl; thence entering the above-described trad Soulh O' 55‘ 44* East 41.70 feol lo an Iron slake; thence Soulh 61*06' 24* East 191.49 feel lo an Iron stake in Ihe northem line of ThunnanTucker; thence w^lhlhenorthemlil^eolThum^anTucker and falling in wilh tho northem line ot Stanley. Soulh 84* 49* 01* East 65.67 feel lo an iron stake the southeasl cor* ner ol Ihe Iract herein conveyed and the poinlandplaceBEGINNING. Saidease* ment extends from the isoulhwest cor* ner of the tract herein conveyed across said tract nonhwardiy across a portion ol Rick A. Slanley>.land and turns eastwardly across Stanley and falling in wilh the .northern line of . James W. McCulston lo a point Where the existing 15 fool wide roade enters and then lums northwardly lo reach the 60 fool wide easement described in Deed Book 90,' Page 78 ot ihe Davie Counly Registry. Said description Is in accordance with a survey made by John'Richard Howard, Ri'.S., bearing the same date and infor* malion as ihe tract at^ve described. ■ North Carolina DavieCounty . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ernost M. Godbey, Jr., having qunll* f ied as the Administrator of ihe Estate of Alice Loe Winters Godbey,' Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina,’ .hereby notifies alt persons havingclalms .against the estate of the' doceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befqro March 31,20Q1 or this Notice will ' be ptoadod in bar of iheir right lo recover ’ against the estate of the said deceased.' All persons Indebted lo said estate wi' ' please mako Imrnedldte payment. This. Ihe 14th day of December, 2000. IE. E ^a rd Vogler, Jr.. r. , . Attomey for Administrator , • I 10.1 SoulhMalnSlreet' ' Mocksville.NO 27028 .IV.) (336) 751-6235. .-V : - ■■■ ■ .12-IH th The oasemonls convoyod horowith are non-exclusive and perpetual and shall run with and bo an encumbranco upon Iho lille to Ihe land ovor which tho oasemonls cross. Rick A. Stanley and wife, for them­ selves. Ihelr heirs and assigns, reserve and relain a permanoni oasemonl lor ingress, egress and regress and lor the installation of utility lines which do nol interfere wilh the access easement over and across Ihal portion of iho 30-fool wido roadway Which crosses the land herein conveyed for Ihe bonelil of their remaining land to Ihe east and south of Iho property herein conveyed and any land ihey may purchase lo tho soulh of the properly herein conveyed. 1l-o0-4in Nonh Carolina . Davie Counly CREDITOR’S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix ol Ihe Estate ol Ben C. Ellis, lale of Davie County, this is lo notify all persons hav* Ing claims againsi said esialo to present - Ihem lo Ihe undersignod on or before Ihe 23rd day of February, 2001. being throe (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day ol publica* lion or ihls notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immodi* ale paymeni lo the undersigned. Cynthia Ann Ellis Michael 1631 Yadkin Valley Road Ten Court Square Mocksvillo, NC 27026 Martin & VanHoy, LLP Altornoy at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27018 11-23-41П NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DAVIE COUNTY WORK FIRST PROGRAM YOU ARE HEREBY NOTlFtEO that on December 18, 2000 al 5:15 o'dock p.m., in Ihe Commissioners' Meeting Room in Ihe Davio Counly Administra* lion Building, 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, North Carolina, the Davio County Board ol Commissioners will hold a public hearing regardmgihe Davie Counly Work Firsl Program lor Ihe years 2001 inrough 2003. Tho inlenl ol Ihis Hearing is to re* ceive public commoni on Ihe Davio County Work Firsl Program. A copy ol Iho Work First Plan is available lor public inspection al ihe Olfice of ihe Clork. Davie Counly Administration Buildmg, 123 Soulh Mam Street, Mocksville, NC 27028 and al Ihe Department of Social Servicos, 228 Hospital Slrool. Mocks­ ville. NC 27028. 12-7-21П North Carolina Davio Counly CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of the Esale ol Jamos Nathaniel Richardson, Jr.. lale of Davie Counly, Ihis is to nolily all persons having daims againsi said estate lo present ihern lo Iheundersigned onor before Ihe 8lh day of March. 2001, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom Iho lirsl day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate pay* menl to Ihe undersigned. This 7lh day of December, 2000. James Charles Richardson l i t Winchester Road Advance, NC 27006 M artini Van Hoy. LLP. Allomey at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12*7*4ln North Carolina Davie Counly ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE ' HavingqualifiedasCo-Adminislralrix of the Eslate of MAE BOGER McCLAMROCK, laie of Davie Counly, North Carolina, Ihls is to notify all per* sons having daims against the esiale lo present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before Ihe 6lh day of March, 2001. said dale being al least three monlhs from the dale of first publication of this nolk:e. or this nolice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said eslate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned.’ TWs 7lh day ol December, 2000» Ihe same being the firsl publicallon date. Jane M. Bowers and Dorothy M. -Boger, . Co-Adminislralrix for Ihe Esiale of MAE BOGER McCLAMFiOCK ■ • Qrady L. McClamrock, Jr.. Attorney el Law NCSB»7866 161 Soulh Main Street Mocskville, NC 27028 12*7*31n NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING AMEND­ MENTS NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN,pursu­ ant lo the roquiromenls of Paragraph 94.140(A)(3) of Ihe Davie Counly Code of Ordinances, lhal Ihe Board ot Counly Commissioners ol Davie Counly will hold a Public Hearing in Iho Commissioners Room ol Iho Davie Counly Administra­ tive Building, Mocksville. NC on Mon­ day, December 18.2000 at 5:30 p.m. The following road names are pro­ posed lo be officially adopted on the Enhanced 911 Addressing Map for the purposes ol slreel naming and house numbering. All roads have been pell- lioned by Ihe property owners and meet Iho minimum requiremenls for naming. 1. Nicholas Way Located al: 2407 Farmington Road. Mocksville 2. Workman's Way Located al: 142 Klickilal Trail, Mocksville 3. GrayCarter Lane Located at: 166 Livengood Road, Advance 4. Bluegrass Trail Located at; 1341 Davie Acadomy Road 5. Slacee Trail Located al: 453 Michaels Road, Mocksville 6. Pine Cone Trail Located al: 131 Terrace Lane. Mocksvillo 7. Davie Farms Trail Located al: 1185 Godbey Road. Mocksville 8. Raccoon Trail Located al: 926 Wyo Road. Mocksvillo 9. Hartman Lane Located al: 2005 Farmington Road. Mocksville 10. Happy Trait Located al: 2884 US HWY 601 N. Mocksville 11. Mohegan Trail Located al; 4116 US HWY 601 S. Mocksville 12. Ashley Lane Located at; 822 Angell Road. Mocksville 13. Triti Lane Located al: 6608 NC HWY 801 S. Mocksville 14. Hidden Passage Located al: 221 Fox Run Drive 15. Brooke Rose Lane Located al: 2905 US HWY 64 E, Mocksville 16. Paradox Lane Located al; 3192 US HWY 601 S. Mocksville * 7. Gibson Way Located al: 620 Pine Ridge Road. Mocksville 18. Elnoras Lane Located al: 457 Cedar Creek Road. Mocksvillo All parties and interested dlizens are, invited to attend said hearing al which lime they shall have an opportunity lo be heard in favor of or in opposition to the foregoing changes. Prior to Ihe hearing, alt persons interesled may obtain any additional inlormalion on a proposal or ask any questions Ihey may have by visitmg the Planning Department on weekdays belwoon 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, or by telephone al (336) 751-3340. John Gallimore Planning and Zoning t2*7*2m North Carolina Forsyth Counly NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Melinda Joy While Plaintiff, vs. Gabriel Allen White Defendanl Take Nolice lhal a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in ihe above enlilled action, wherein ihe plain* liff is seeking; An absolute divorce based upon Ihe grounds ot one year’s seperatlon. You áre required lo make defense lo such pleading not later than 40 days following the 14lh day of December, 2000, and upon your failure to do so. the plaintiff will apply lo ihe Court for ihe relief sought This the 14lh day of December, 2000. MELINDA JOY WHITE: Plaintiff By: Bryan Gales Allomery IN . Marshall SI. Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336)724-0062 12-14.31П North Carolina Davie Counly . CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVINGQUALIFIEDASCo-Admin* islralors of the Esiale of MAMIE HOWARD NAIL, late of Davie Counly. this is lo notify all persons having claims against s^d eslate to present them to the undersigned onor before the 6lh day of March. 2001, being three (3) months from Ihe first-day of publication or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of Iheir ' * recovery. All persons Indebted to said eslate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned.. ' :. / i TWs 7lh day’ol.Oecember, 2000. James W, Nail, Co*Adm. 247 Howardlown Road SlgNlBCAHLIMPACLQN-THE ENVIRONMENT AND NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF REQUEST FOR Counly of Davio 123 S. Main Street Mocksville. NORTH CAROLINA 27028 PHONE: 336*751^513 TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS: On or about 1 -2-01. the above named Counly will request Ihe North Carolina Department of Commerce lo release Federal funds under Title I ol the Hous­ ing and Community DevelopmenI Acl of 1974 (PL 93*383) for the following projed: North Cooleemee Infraslrudure Project * Install 8370 LF of 6* sewer line and connect 55 dwellings • Acquire nine (9) dwellings ■ Clearance of nine (9) dwellings • Rehabilitation (one balhroom addition) Total Project cost S740.000 Total CDBG Cost S562.628 CDBG/Total Percent 76% Projed location; Counly ol Davie, North Caro­ lina North Cooleemee area on Nealy Slreel. Wall Slreel, and Jerusalem Av­ enue This notice is intended lo meet two separate procedural requiremenls of 24 CFR Part 56: (1) To provide notice lo Ihe public that the County has determined thal Ihe request tor release of funds for Ihe above named projed will nol have a signilicanl impact on Ihe environmeni, (2) To provide notice to the public lhal Ihe Counly is requesting Ihe release ol lunds lor Ihe above-named project. Finding ol No Significant Impact Il has been determined that such request for release of funds will nol consitute an aciion significantly affect* ing the quality ol the human environ* menl and accordingly Ihe above-named County has decided not to prepare an Environmental Impad Stalemenl under Ihe National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL 9 M 90), The reasonsfor such decision not lo prepare such Slalemeni are as follows: • CDBG funds will not be used to construct water and sewer projeds capable of supporting 2,500 dwelling unils. * The proposed project is nol located in a flood plain and does nol involve wellands. > The proposed project will have no delrimenial effecis on air and wafer quality and will cause no adverse effects on natural, ecological, cultural or scenic resources. An Environmental Reviovy Record respecting the within projed has been made by the above-named Count/ which documents tho environmental review ol Ihe project and more lully sets forth the reasons why such Staloment is not re* ■quired. This Environmental Review Record is on file at ihe above address and is available for public examination and copying upon request at the Davie County Manager's office behveen the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. No further environmental review of such projed is proposed to be con* duded priorto Ihe request for release of Federal funds. All interested agencies, groups, and persons disagreeing wilh ihis decision are inviied lo submit wriiten comments for consideration by ihe County lo the office of Ihe undersigned. Such wrilien comments should be received at the address specified on or before 12-30* 00. All such comments so received will be considered and ihe County will not request the release ol Federal funds or lake any administrative action on Ihe within project prior to the dale spedfled in the preceding sentence. The Counly ol Davie will undertake the projed described above wilh Block Grant funds from the North Carolina Department ol Commerce under Title I ol the Housing and Community Devel­ opment Acl of. 1974. The Counly ol DavieiscertilyingtoDOClhalthe County of Davie and Bobby Knight, in his official * capacity as Chalrmari, consent to ac- ceptthejurisdidionoltheFederalCourts if any action is brought lo enforce re­ sponsibilities have been satisfied. The legal effect of the certification is that up9H its approval ihe County ol Davie may use the Block Grant funds and 'North Carolina DavieCounty ' CREDITOR'S NOTICE . HAVING QUALIFIEDasExecutrixof . • Mocksville, NC 27026 \ the. Eslate of Billy Gray Laird, late of ' Ann N. Rich DavloCounty.thislstonotifyallpersons DOC will have satisfied its responsibili* ties under Ihe National Environmental Policy Ad ol 1969. Qb}eettong to DOC Release of Funds DOC will accopl an objeclion lo its approval il il is one of the following basis: (a) thal Ihe certification was not in fad executed by the certifying officer or other officer of applicant approved by DOC, or (b) lhal the applicant's environmental revieiiv record for the project indicated omission of a required dedslon. finding, or step applicable to the project in the environmental review process. Objec­ tions must be prepared and submitted in accordance wilh the required procedure (24 CFR Part 58) and maybe addressed to DOC alPO Box 12600, Raleigh North Carolina 27605. Objections to the release of funds on basis other than those stated above will nol be considered by DOC. No objec* lion received alter 1-16-01, will be con­ sidered by DOC. Comments must spedly whether Ihey concern the linding ol no significant impad or the intent lo request release of funds. Davie Counly CDBG Program c/o Gary M. Wilson Benchmark, Inc. P.O. Box 430 Kannapolis, NC 28082 12-14-lln LEGAL NOTICE On December 1,2000 Certificate of Need review began for tho following projocl: G-6307-00/Dova of Bermuda Village, LLC (lesser) andSEPC - Davie, Inc. (lessee) d/b/a Bermuda Village Re* tiremenl Center/Relocate two existing nursing facility beds irom Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie to Bermuda Village Retirement Conter/Davie County. Any person may file written com* monls and exhibits concerning this pro* posat. Comments must be submitted lo tho Certificate of Need Sedlon no later lhanJanuary2,2001. PursuanttoG.S. 131E-165(2), Ihe Certificate of Neod Sodionhasnotscheduledapubllchear- Ing for Ihis project. However, if an af­ fected party submits a written request for a public hearing one wilt bo held no more than 20 days from the conclusion of the written comment period. Re­ quests to condud a public hearing should be submitted as soon as possible, bul no later than January 2,2001, to Ihe: CERTIFICATE OF NEED SECTION DIVISION OF FACILITY SERVICES 2704 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-2704 12-14-ltn North Carolina Davie County ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE • TerryLynnKlmmer,Sr.,havingquali* lied as the Adminislratorof the Estate of Terry Lynn Kimmer. Jr., Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, hereby nolifiesallpersonshavingclaimsagainst the eslate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before March 31. 2001 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against ihe esiale of tho said deceased. All persons indebled to said eslate will please make Immediate payment. This the 14lh day of December, 2000. E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Administrator 161 South Main Slreel Mocksville, NC 27026 (336) 751*6235 12-14-4ln North Carolina Davie County EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Charile Hugh Lakey, de* ceased, lale of Davie County. North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 14lh day of March. 2000, being three (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymeni lo the undersigned. This the I4lh day of December, 2000. ; Douglas Hiram Lakey , ,166 Horseshoe Trail Mocksville. NC 27028 . . . ■ And Charies Matthew Lakey 180 Horseshoe Trail Mocskville. NC 27028 •; Piedmont Legal Associates. PA ’ Lynn Hicks, Attomey • ' ,124 West Depot St, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751*3312 ■ . ’ 12-14-4tn GENE TREXLER fl ■156Nai(Lane having claims,againsi said estate to ' Mocksville, NC 27028 ' présent them to the undersigned on or; • Martin &'Van Hoy, LLP . before)he7thdayof March,'2001,being ' Attomey al Law . three (3) monlhs from Ihe first day o t. Ten Court-Square i publication or this notice will be pleaded ROOFINGNow & Old Roofs 24 Yoars Exporionco Free Estimates 336-284-4571 C h a se G rading . . Mocksville, N C 27028. ' In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons ' 12-7-4tri.-' indebledlosaldestatewillpleasemake'' 1 ■ fmmaHtalci na\>monl«niha.inr4a#e1npta^Grading • Hauling This is Ihe 7th day of December,; ^ . , 2000.Landscaping MARTIN SAW SHOP 7 5 1 -5 0 3 8Sharpening: StMl C frcle^w rC arfilat Sawi,. Yard Tools, Chiin Saw Chains. Scistort, Hand Saws Ï O A S HPAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES.' • - COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL - TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Donna E; Laird. Exqcutrix , '. T. DanWomble- ■. . Attomey at Law; P.O.BOX 1608 . Clemmons,NC 27012,. . .-V . < ■' 12-7-4ln: Liind Clearing * Drivew ays • Gravel • M ulch ■ Fill Dirt ■ Now Livsns 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 1 0 5 3 \ D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. Ы. 2000e L A S S m E D S IN E X P E N S IV E FB O FE TA B LB Yard Sales A TO Z CONSIGNMENTS & ALTERATIONSHolon Bogor 974 Farmington Road Mocksvillo. NC 27028 __________(910)998-3013__________ GARAGE SALE: S atB - Hwy 64 E, numerous itoms, Christmas, glasswaro, fumituro, other LARGE SALE- Everything must go. cheap: wood & glass coffee tables; table & chairs, $20; couch (free); glassware; tools; household goods of all kinds; tull*sized bed and dresser with mirror and box springs and mattress, S125; antique weighing scale with lighi, S100; L-shapod wood computer desk with seven drawers, ¿100, other misc. and toys. Call 284- 2199, ask (or Louise. 7 YR OLD Bay Gelding. $1200.. 998-0836 after 5pm.______________ AKC B U C K & brown Cocker Spaniel, 1&1/2 yrs. old, male. Female, brown and white CKC registered Cocker Spaniel 1&1/2 yrs. Qld. S150 pair or sell seperale. Male CKC Chihuahua, S200 OBO. Call 284-2199____________________ AKC REGISTERED FEMALEboxer pups <or sale. Jusl in time fot Christmas. Call 998-6296 after 5pm._____________________________ CHICKENS FOR SALE: Buff Cochins Banthams, S3-S5. Call Jerty. 492>5569__________________ FOR SALE: Rat Terriers with Apartments FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM duplex. Norih Rowan area. S375 & deposit and ret. No pots..336-284-4712 FURNISHED ROOM FOR sober workingman. Call Juno 751-0645. MOCKSVILLE S U N ^ T TERRACE: All brick e n ^ y efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bodroom, pool, baskotball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished papers. Two 7*week old puppies, 1 female- 1&1/2 yr. old. S100 each. Call 336-463-5228.________________ FREE CAT to good home. 9 yr old male, de-clawed and neutered. Can after 5pm. 998-4663_________ MALE COCKER SPANIEL puppy 5 mo., all shots. Will make a great gift. $100 751-5607_____________ SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES.Black & white. Males, $300/ea. Females. S250/ea. AKC registered. Day 751-9280. evening 909-2402. Leave message. DEADLINE for placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONI^ENTAL MANAGEMENT COIMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT . On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statute 143.21 Publiclaw92.500and other law- ful standards and regulations, the Nonh Carolina Environmental Management Commission pcoposes to issue a Na­ tional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPOES)wastewaterdischarge permit to the person(s) listed below ef­ fective 45 days from the publish date of this notice. Writtencommentsregardingthepro- posed pemiit will be accepted until 30 'days after the publish date of this notice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in the final determina­ tions regarding the proposed pemiit. The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide to hold a public meeting for the proposed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public Interest. Copies of the draft permit and other supporting information on file used to determlneconditions present in the draft permit are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. Mall cornments and/or requests for in­ formation to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above address or call Ms. Christie Jackson at (919) 733-5063 ex- fension538. Please IndudetheNPDES permit number (attached) in any com- . munication. Interested persons may alsovisitthe Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to revlewinformation on file. NPDESPermitNumberNC0021491, Town of Mocksville (WWTP) 171 Clem- . ent Street, Mocksville, NC 2702i» has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located In Davie County discharging treated-wastewater Into Dutchman's Creek In the Yadkin-Pee Dee Rtver Ba­ sin. CurrentV BOO, ammonia nitrofltn’ and cyanide are water quality Umlted.. This dischargt may aff«d f utur« alloca­ tion» In'this portion of,the,recehrfng. stfiam. ‘ ' ' ' t ' ' • ^2-140tn including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washor/dryor connections. High energy eificiont hoat pump providescentral hoat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchQn& bath floors. Located in Mocksvillo behind the old Hendricks Fumituro building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunsot Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phono 751-0168. Appliances FOR SALE: Hot Point stovo. 3 ;. old. Groat condition. S150. 1-9825 SAVE MORE Reconditioned and Gaurantecd , Appliances, sorvico work, wo service all major brands. Just past Ihe car wash on 601 south. PRE FALL SALE: drYers-S75.00 wasbers-SIOO.OO stoves-S60.00 refrigerators-$100.00 Call 751-3545 960 Salisbury Rd. (next to Fuller Welding) 30 day written guarantoo Building for Rent BeiflilSpflM fQr.Bgnt Groat storefront lor rent in downtown Mocksvillo. 700'i- sq. ft. $450/mornh. 704-278-1717 L e a f R e m o v a l Gutter Cleaning Pruning, & Landscaping Clii Ru.lrTucker 2 8 '4 -6 5 0 1 Home Cleaning people in Advonce S Clemmons aiea needed coll 940-6728 LARRY’S WOOD FLO O R f SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner. Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drivo 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 1 7 2 1 New & Old Roofs • Free Estiniates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Caro has immediato openings - ALL AGES • for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convoniont hours 5:30am • 1:45am. Full Time. Part Timo, Drop In - upon availabilily. Como see us al 571 S Main St.. Mocksvillo (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Dobra, 751- PLAY(7529)______________________ KEEP CHILDREN MY home. 492- 5727_____________________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HAS immediate openings for infants thru proschoolors, discount for socond child. Call 998-2220 boforo 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbio. Condos for Sale BERMUDA RUN. 3BR, 3BA 2100 sf condo w/ 20K momborship. 2 car garago. now carpot, roof, etc. S157K. 940-2226 Farm Machinery 1965 FORD 4000 Industrial gas tractor for sale. S4500.00 336- 940-6328_________________________ KOBOTA B9200 TRACTOR, now Hdv.stat. Call336-940-6156. Homes For Rent ■ Homes For Sale •••EXECUTIVE HOME*“Largo 2-story log homo with acroago. 4BR. 3BA, 2-car garage, wrap-around porch. Ront mo. to mo.- S1500/mo. plus socurity deposit. Pennington & Company Realty 336-751-9*400 4BR, 2Bath- Garage/Bsmt Advanco- $800/mo plus sec deposit 3BR, 2Bath- Garago Advanco- $900/mo plus sec deposit 3BR. 2Bath- Garage- Now Construction, Mocksvillo- S900/mo. plus sec deposit Pennington & Company ReaUy BRICK HOME. Jericho Church Rd. 1150 square feol. All appliancos, storago building, and carport. References required. Available Jan 1. No HUD. $650.00 75M 108 FOR RENT- Immaculate 3Br. 1.5 bath brick rancher w/full basement. no pots. 1 yr lease. $750.00/mo. and soc. deb. Call Pennington & Co Realty- Mary Hendricks. 336- 751-9400_________________________ HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bodtooms, 2 baths. 2400 square foot. Executive homo. Upscale Mocksville neighborhood.$1,000.00 month. Will consider lease to purchaso. 336-751-1203. Homes For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE 1462 sq It on approx ) aero. Now thermal swing windows. Location: 601 S. Call 336-492-5116 or loavo mossago. Prico: $94,900.00________________ POSSIBLE NO MONEY down! Almost 1800 sq. ft. for $119,900. Pool, corner lol. only 4 years old. Call Rodney or Debbio 336-909- 3803 or 336-909-1284. Ponnlngton & Company Realty. Land For Sale 1 ACRE, part woodod. water & septic in Farmington. 998-33*16 1-5 ACRE lots slarting al S,5U00 por acre. Owner financing availablo. Call Mr. F. L. Wood al 1-888-211-4482._________ FOR SALE OR TRADE River property; 15 acres wilh stream, no flooding, adjoining Alcoa, access lo Yadkin River, Hwy 601. S10.000 por acre. (336)751- 3666_____________________________ FOR SALE; 2 1/2 acres* Wilkos County. Borders Kerr Scott Lnko. $17.000.00 (336)751-3*106________ Furniture MATCHING COUCH AND love soat. Loss than 6 mo. old. $175.00. Call 998*2682 FSBO: 3 bodroom. fireplace, 2-car balh, . - . . . 1268 squaro feel, on a 1-acro partially wooded lot. $129.000. 155 Camdon Court, Advanco. 998-1799 USED FURNITURE OF all kinds/ in good condition. For moro information, call 492-7780 or 492- 5466. FSBO; HWY 801 S. 2Br. IBa. LR, DR. kit. approx. 1100 sq. ft. 1.89 acres. Noods cosmetic repair. $65.000 Call 998-5779. U/iSECARUER M I N I - S T O R A G E For all your storage rivL'd.s, ciiousv us! Come by to iiKitiirc about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CnPf (odnyl (336) 998-8810 1 1 ^ OFFICIi] Ч • Кх}х.'г1епа.ч1 • lltîferencos • M other & D aughlcrTVam Call Maria Uult«r к (33(i)28-l-í211 £ 1 ( 1 ^MILLER EQUIPM ENT RENTAL fnu IS HiHEI Bobcal. aeraloc core piugger & mors lor rent lodayl IXISI 7 5 1 -2 3 0 4 A scninr cili/cn cornplcx. miw uking iipplicajiim» for I HR units in MiKks\illc. Ila\c one vacant unit n<m availaMe. Kent based on incomc. for info, call 751-2005 or \snic; Mi*ck riacc. 1*0 Hox M)5f). M(K-ksvillc,NC270:H. Iii]ual Housing Opportunity. TDD l-WKJ-735-2%2 A U C T I O N Advertising Sales Representative The Davlc County Emorprise-Rccord has a position available on its advertising sales staff. We are sccl<ing a career-minded person to represent the newspaper in soliciting, designing and creating advcniscmcnis. The person must be friendly, courteous and put-going and capable of calling on a wide variety of customers throughout Ihc county. An understanding of advertising and design is desired. The position Is full-time ahd Includes salary, commission, health insurance . benefits, 40l(l{), vacation and other benefits. To apply, please contact: ■, ■ ,RoWn Fergusion, ^ ‘ Divie County Enteiprite-Recoid ; V P.O. Bo»99, Mock*ville,NC 27028 ■ L 336.7iSt.2120 i 1 SECLUDED ACRES S5300.00/acro. Call Rodnoy Balloy at 336-909-Зв0Э. Ponninglon & Company Roaltv. Lost & Found FOUND: DALMATION: older, gontlo. hofty malo. 998-3607 or 751-5544 after 5pm._______________ FOUND: MEDIUM sized (Coon dog typo) black & white w/brown face, rod collar. Found on County Uno Rd. 492-5282 or 492-5370 LOST CAT: Hillsdale aroa. solid black, missing his right front tog. answers to New Moon. 940-5426 LOST: WELCH CORGI, black. Ian and while. Real short logs. 4 while fool, whito chest, small white spot on back of nock, while on muz2le & vory taint while slnpo up fact. Namo is Pepper. Last soon at tho end ol Buck Seafoid Rd. Reward. 751-4362 Lots For Rent FARMINGTON HEIGHTS Mobilo Homo Spaces for Rent. Coll 998-5462. Lots For Sale FOR SALE: 1/2f aero building lot. Twin Cedars Goll Courso. Water motor in placo. Forked. Mako offer. (336)751-3406 Miscellaneous 2 CT. DIAMOND 18K brncelot. $1200.00, 14K bracelet watch. $500.00. 751-3125_______________ 360 C.I.D. V8 Dodge Eng. Low milos. Call 336-940-6156._________ 4X8 TILT TRAILERCaH336-940-6156.________________ 55 GALLON FISH lank, comploto sol-up. Solid wood stand. 492- 2600_____________________________ Boat the Now Yoars Reso|gti5Q LOSE WEIGHT Dr. Rocommondod Guaranteodt 910-949-2288 888-822-3428 www.v-horbmalf.com/ FRE0pti0n4u :E SAMPLES RANDY MILLER &SONS 2V5.Milli-rKujü*M(H:k.s>ÍIIr,NC ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 2 8 2 6 S#pí«cS/lf«ni Feotíngí Louder WoA CHRISTMAS SHOULDERS 3.25 lb. HENDRIX BARBECUE __________(336)998-8230__________ FOR SALE; K & G SALVAGE2.14 studs. $1.25/oa. pkg.; 4'x7' * 5/16' sheetrock, $3.99/oa,: 4’x9\ $4.99/ea.Vinyl siding, $34.95/squaro Adult biiots,$3.95/pk.. Insulated window sash, $4/pr. 5'4“x8'2* hardboard. $3.99/'ea:AA & AAA batteries 8-pk. .99oa.; bathroom sinks with facot. rango hoods. $14.95/ea.: 4'xB'cedar closet liner. 9.95/ oa.; 5/4’ treated docking bds., 8'. $3.49/oa.: 10‘. S4.49/ea.; 12' $5.69/oa.4’xl2 'l/2 * shootrock. $G.99/oa. Now rooling shingles. $14.95/sq. Porgo limainato llooiin^, $1.99/sq. fl. 6 panel Exterior Stool Door units, $84.00/oa.; Formica. S.50/sq ft.Interior paneling. S5.9S/oa.: Bldg. stono $140 por pallot/140 sq. ft.;Rooling felt, $6.95/roII; Wo slock stainless sieol in sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipo up lo 36' dia. Wo slock pumps & accessories for wells. Steol I-Beams For Sale. 8* Landscaping limbers, $1.99/ea. K & G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road) 1st business on West bank ol Yadkin River 910-699-2124 I Every Friday & Saturday 7:00p.m. - ^ Hwy. t58 lust west of the 1i8 and 801 Intersection In Advance (Hillsdale) ^ ' Beside Hillsdale M ethodist Church Attention Christmas Shcppersll Friday DEC.15.2000-Two Doalofs From Eostom NC. Lots of good Christmas Buys Saturday DEC.16.2000-Tad McClamrock- LOTS & LOTS ol good deals: Tools, Toys, figurines. Scootors.curio's, small furniture, and moro. Door prizes given away al 7:00 sharpi ________________________Bring a Friend. For additional direclions or Informallon : Call (336) 749-1576JP iii, kucHomtr. Efie Book NCALl W57 AUCTION SALE F R I D A Y D E C . 1 5 a t 7 :G 0 P !V I ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, ADVERTISING HOUSEHOLD AND GLASSWARE ONLY A PARTIAL USTING Southern R.R. Case • Nice 10 gallon Grapette Syrup can • icans* _ '"Old Mountain Dew bottles • Benmn Briquets sign • 1970's RJR CIgrette signs • Dixie feililizer sign (Statesville NC) • Old milk bottles • Tiger Chewing Tobacco lunch box • Union Leader Cut plug lunch box • Case XX butcher knife • Old pocket knives • Our advertising box • Old wood store Coca Cola display • Tools • Seven-Up wood case • McCoy Pottery • Old Esso cans • Old oil cans • Straioht sided Pepsi bottles • Full carton of 12 Velvet Tins • Coca Cola one gallon syrupjugs • Diet Pepsi clock • old baseball cards, 1940 s and up • Old Baseball photos «Comic books • Old store billheads • Nice wide crosscut saw • NASCAR posters • Old frames and prints • Skil tool clock • Nice old silver dollars • Straight sided Coca Cola botties • Old lem stands • Old tables • Showcases • Old medicine bottles • Old scrap books • Over 100 old Coke collectibles • 4 Volume set of “ The Horse Soldier 1776-1943" by Randy Steffen • Barbie dolls • Full cartons of soft drinks • Lots of household items • Many more items • Tonight as our Christmas Special at the end of the Auction we will be giving away $300 In Merchandise, This is our way of saying thanksi For More Information call 336-998-7183 or 751-7322 PAUL G. CARTER NGAL#6532 Advance N.C. 27006 AUCTION IS TO BE HELD AT AUCTION GALLERY at 649 WILKESBORO ST, MOCKSVILLE, NC BMlde BieMoctovHI« Antk|ue & Rea Market DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 - D9G L A S S I F I E D S IN E X P E N S IV E РЕЮ РГГАВиВ Miscellaneous ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Motorcycles FOR SALE: Sharp counlor top mlcrowavo, $150. Computor desk, $150. 751-7415 or day 766-6473 KENNELS FOR SALE: 10x10x5, $175.00: 10x10x6, $195.00. Full prico. 492-58S5 MULCH FOR SALE: hardwood or codar, SIOO.OO dump truck load deliverod. 492-2381,655-3173 NEW BEDLINER FOR lato modol Oodgo Ram L.B. Also, rail caps. Coll 336-940-6156.________________ SONY PLAYSTATION: momory card. $80.00. 284-4425___________ TRAIL BLASTER GO-cari, 8hp. eloct.-slart, livoaxol, roll cago, now tiros (at) $500.00 336-751 -3935 USED RAILROAD CROSS TIES- (rom $2-$9. Delivery availablo. Limited amount froo. 336-699- 2006 or 699-8593_________________ W ILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284-4194 Mobile Homes/Rent EXCEPTIONAL 2BR, 2BA, all appliancos, central air/ hoat. dock/ garago. Non-smoking adults only, no pots. $550/mo. plus deposit. 998-3636_________________________ FOR RENT: 14x80, 2br. 2ba, 1996 model, hoal pump. slovo/ refrigerator, unfurnished, w/slorago bldg., privately owned. $ 5 ^m onth. Socurity deposit roquirod plus ono month advanco. 751-3666_________________________ FOR RENT: 2 bodroom. 1&1/2 balh stovo & lelrigoralor. Froo water & gart)ago pick-up. Vory pretty inside. Farmington aroa. $415,00 704 873-5426 NICE 3BR DOUBLEWIDE. private tot. $525/mo. 751-2304. (night) 751-5291_________________________ ONE 3-BEOROOM mobilo home and ono 4-bodroom mobilo homo. Each rents for $650.00 por month. Call Swicogood Wall & McDaniel Realtors at 751-2222. References roquirod.__________________________ READY TO MOVE IN 2Br mobilo homo. nico. private lol, near Loo Joans. $395/mo. 751-1218, (704)872-3367_________ READY TO MOVE in, 2 bodroom upstairs apartment, fully furnished wilh utilities. $450/mo. 751-1218 or (704)872-3367 READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick Xrtmont. Fully furnished, ;trlcity furnished. 75M 218 or .(704)872*3367. Mobile Horлes/Sale II ABANDONED DOUBLEWIDE II On largo lol w/slream. Bank liquidation negotiable credit conditions, small transfer foo & tako overpmts. Call (704)528-6228. $ NO CREDIT? No Problomll- Homo only, Land/ Homo, all areas 'starting al $1200 dn. 336-751- 0503_______________________. S$ LEASE PURCHASE $$ Singlowido on 1.2 woodod acres. Will sign over (or deposit and 1st months, pmt. Call (704)528-5667. ISS. PfiL SOfi«iA]lli 3BR Fleetwood...Movo in Todayllll Call 1-688-211-4482.__________________ •FORECLOSED*.‘98 MODEL doublowide only 60 payments loft. 751-7734 •RANCHSTYLE* Largo homo & land al) sotup. $500 deposit, torms nogotlabto, offortiess financing. Hurry, call (704)528- 0848._____________________________ 0% DOWN, $487 per month. 4 bodroom 2 bath. 751-0115 I 1 ACRE LEFT. Eaton's Church Road, valuable property. $0 down. Land and Homo. 751-7734 1986 2BR. 2BTH- noods minor repairs, $2900 del & set-up. Will finance. 336-751-0503____________ 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, liko now. Ownor financed. 751-0115________ ABANDONED HOME SET-up noar Mocksvillo. $500 dn & la b up pm lsof$278. 336-751-0503 ADVANCE- 3 bodroom, 2 bath. Bad crodil OK. 751-7734 BAD CREDIT OK. Guaranteed financing w /1500 down. 751-7734 BAD CREDIT? Gov. approved loan program guaranloos you will got financod. (336)751-0115 Beautiful 3 BR, 2 Bplh homo already sot up on 1 acre lo t Too many options lo list. Call 1-704- 872-2347. Hablamos Español. 'B rand now 28x80, 2001 sq. ft. 4BR, 2 Bath Home Only $405.00 per month WAC. For Info, call 1- 704-872-6389, Hablamos Español. Brand new 3 BR. 2 Bath Doublowide, O nly $274.00 per month OAC. For info, call 1-704- 872-0843. Hablamos Español. COOL SPRINGS AREA singlewido bad crodit OK. $320 per month. (336)751-7439____________________ FHA Manufactured Home Loans as Low as 7,5% Intorosl rates. For moro info, call 704.872-0191, Hablamos Español._______________ GOOD CREDIT, BAD crodil, no crodil. 3 bodroom, 2 bath. $750 dollars down. 751-7439___________ HAMPTONVILLE- DOUBLEWIDE ownor financod. living room/ don modol. 751-7439_________________ LONE HICKORY RD. Singlowido ownor financed. 80 ft. homo. 751- 0115_____________________________ MOBILE HOME FOR salo, lol for rent. 998-7307___________________ MOVE IN FOR Holidays Ready Now. 3Br. 2Ba DW on prtvaloloL Call (336)751-1571. MUST SELL- 3 bodroom. 2 bath on private lot. Country Lano. $400. por month. 751-0115___________ Only at Floctwood Homos of Statesville. Have Christm as and a new home too. $1000.00 Shopping Spree wilh purchaso of a now homo. Call 1-704-872-0179, Hablamos Español. RECENT BANK FORECLOSURE Never lived In, 3 Bodroom Floolwood Doublewido on 1 aero lol. Assume monthly» payments under $600, with No Money Down. Includos fand...Cal] 1-888- 211-4482. BadcroditO K 751 tIO por •7439 PARTS WASHER/MATERIAL HANDLER IVrwn needed for general labor In production and assembly ' manufacturing pl^nt. Must be able to lift 5CH- pounds. You may apply at 126 Quality Dr, in Mocksvilic, NC, or call 336-751*1555 for interview. YAMAHA PW 80 motorcycle (or sato. Excollont condition. 99B- 6436 or 816-9099 $1.000 or reasonable offer. DAVE'S MUSIC Layaway Now Everything on Sale Until Christmas All band Instruments from Duncan Music for sale or ront. Lessons: guitar, banlo. mandolin, bass. Toachor: Chris Ward. Call Dave. 751-1934 Ropakln^^ PIANO TUNING & Rebuilding S oli-pl^ors, Sales & son/ice Wallaco Bariord 998-2789 Office Space OFFICE SPACE FOR rent with a storago room/showroom, located In downlown Mocksvillo. Availablo In Feb. Call aftor 7pm. 998-0280 PRIME OFFICE SPACE availablo Immediately. First month's rent froo. 1200 sqft $900/mo. 336- 996-8055 Recreational 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 30’camping trailer with all the whistles and bolls. Ext. clean. Call 336- 940-6156 Ш $1000 DOWN. LAND/ homo. Wm. R. Davie School District. 751-7734 FREE DEBT HELPIt Cno^monthly payment rQducod up lo 50%. Slop colloction calls. Avoid bankruptcy. Allianco Crodit Counseling. Toll Froo.....(888)995-7856 SOUTH IREDELL REOP DOUBLEWIDE Already set up. Mortgago company can finance for $51(gmth. 0011(704)528-0932 “ BARELY LEGAL" - 1976 Connor- needs minor repairs- will owner finance w/ bad credilll 336-751- 0503_____________________________ ‘99 3BR.2BA Take over pmts. Call (704)528- FOR SALE: Gars • IhKks UtitttyBuHdings Carports: AH Sizes, AN Galvanizad АИ Size Dog lots 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Comploto Homo Improvemonl ‘ [any: Bobcat Work:Wo Do Small Repairs; Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Availablo PO Box 424 Mocksville, NC 27028 CRITTER SITTERS OF Davio County. Wo care for your pels In the comfort of your own home. 492-5542 or 751-0106____________ DISH 500, FREE System & FREE lnslallinq.,1-600-9B4-0772 DJ SERVICE Life of Ihe Party! Reasonablo rates. __________336-2SM 682__________ DREAM BUILDERS 336-4(^2-6208 .'Framing- convonlionai & • tog homes.'Garages, docks, roots, etc. ‘15 yrs. exp. woricers com. and general liability ins.Providing quality wori< wilh intergrity. 'References upon request.Call atlor6 pm. DJ EXPRESS- Quality sound. Parties. Birthdays, All Occasslons. 940-3656 HANDYMAN SERVICES Plumbing, replacomont windows, general mainlonco. Joe, 704-546- 2089_____________________________ HOUSE CLEANING, low prices, Mocksville. Advanco. Clemmons. Call Julie, 998-9276.______________ LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard LInk-Owner Froo Estimalos _____________998-1798___________ MIKE'S WOODCRAFT 336^51-5165 ‘Trim carpentry •Deck/ dock repair or build, clean & seal 'Experienced, insured, ____________Courteous____________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs.Froo Estimates. 751-3398. TREE REMOVAL, tots cleared, general cleanup. Insured, freo estimates. Triad Tree, Inc.788-2323 ____________399-1468____________ WtLLING TO StT WITH eldotly. Davtimoonly. 492-5649 statewide HILLSBOROUGH'S HISTORIC COLONIAL INN - one of thoUnited States' oldest inns • accommodating many famous guests. Convenient lo Duke, UNO and RTP. $749.000, Jack Jordan 919-732-7781.____________________ REPORTER NEEDED- LOCALassignments, good writing skills, some novrspapor exporionco, college degree preferred. Submit resume lo: Managing Editor, PO Box 1636, Winston-Salem, NC 27102.____________________________ SELL YOUR HOME- quickly tor Full Value. Don't lower your price, uso our Easy Morgage Money system al no cost or commitment. Call John (800)632-4109, ext. 26. 360 C.I.D. V8miles. СаИЗЗбИ 4X8 TlLTTRAiLERCall 336-940-0156. Call 336-940-6156. SALISBURY MOTOR CO. BuIck • Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 R N /LP N ’s Be Ihe nurse you always wantCiltobelMakea positive impact upon the life ofa spccial child TODAY! Pediatric Smices of America Is hiring In the Piedmont Triad area. Call PSA today for availability nearest you! WeoRerSIgn-onBociusef, Benefits package; tullloa reimbursement, shift dir.*s and morel Call PSA Today! 800-725-8857 ___________www.nursc4klds.cjb.net__________ TtoiMmc seKvie.es OF AM C JU C AJN C T O O L M A K E R S , M A C H IN IS T S , M E T A L ST A M P IN G - We need experienced, dependable people to work in a new facility located in Mocksvillc, NC. We offer competitive pay, benefits and 401K ijcnefits. You may apply at 126 Quality Drive in Mocksville orcaH336-751-1555„ ( ()KRi;( I lONAl. Ol I U I- u s W \ M I 1) THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DESIRES TO RECRUIT QUALIFIED M EN AND W OM EN for positions available at the following correctional facilities: Davidson Coir. Ctr., Forsyth Corr. Ctr., N. Piedmont Corr. Ctr. for Women, Piedmont Corr. Inst., Rowan Corr. Ctr., etc^ . Must be at least 20 years of age, U.S. citizen, high school graduate or equivalent. Good benefits. Beginning salary $22,269. Submit State application (PD-107) available at Employment Security Commission, local library, or internet. Send application to: N.C. Department of CorrccUon Piedmont'Mad Regional Employment Oilke 771 Park Ccnit« Drive, Sidte D . KcmcnvlUe, N.C. 27284 Veiiicies ■71 PICKUP SPORT custom longbod. V8. auto., $1000.00. Also, *88 Nissan Pulsar auto., T- lop. $850.00492-5509_________________________ *86 MAZDA PICK-up runs out good, vory good truck, straight drive, priced loselL 751-6371 '87 DODGE CARAVAN, 4-cyl. $600. 284-4211___________________ ‘96 HONDA ACCORD EX, 4dr., 1 owner, all records, exc. condition. 751-1181 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cut or clear cut. Shaver W ood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704-638-0814 Employment ACCOUNT EXP. IN G/L. mlhly Fin. St. Fixed Assetts, A/P, sales lax, P/R lax, and Prop. lax. At least 2 yrs exp. and an Assoc. Degree-and salary history roq’d Exco. Benefits and work environment. Pos. In Clemmons area. Send resume to: VP of Finance, PO Box 241, Clemmons, NC 27012. APPLY IN PERSON only lor waitress & cashier. Miller’s Resturant. No phone calls,________ ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT Company Is hiring for line clearance tree trimmer. Start 9.37- 12.68, depending on exp. Driving license required. 704-638-4018. Iv. msq._____________________________ CABINET SHOP FINISHING PERSONNEL NEEDED Several years experience in custom finishing, stain, and color matching. Direct contact with customers required. Apply in-person lo 2625 S. Slrattord Rd., Wlnston-Satom, 27103. M-F 8:00-4:00. 338-760- 4336_____________________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for application. EOE ___________ Employment EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crow. 40-plus hrs. woeekly w/ovortimo. Must bo dopondablo. No drugs, no hol-hoads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428.____________ FULLTIME POSmON AVAILABLE for pest control/ termite lochniclan. Valid NC driver's license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year ol employment. Call for appointment. 751-5720 LET EXCEL STAFFING MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYS HAPPY! NowRocruiting: CNA's$11-$12/hr LPN's S17-S23/hr, RN's $20-$29/hr Staff relief noedod for the Advanco, Clemmons & Winston-Salem area. Wo offer: *$250 Attendance Bonus, 'Direct Deposit. 'R ex Schedules, 'Travel, Holiday & Weekly pay. 'Referral Bonus 1.800-883-9235. ext. ff326 LOOKING CLOSERS. Vehicles 1986 CHRYSLER CONV. Most every new. Call 336-940-6156. 1987 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 492-2600_________________________ 1987 DODGE RAM 150 LB . Good Cond. Call 336-940-6156._________ 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 30'camping trailer wilh all tho whistles and bells. Ext. clean. Call 336- 940-6156_________________________ 1993 KDX-200 VGC, $1500. 998- 0836 after 5pm. je^Eng. LOW FOR SALE: 2-ton dump truck. 16 ft, tandem trailer & '91 New Holland skid steer, $15,000.00 for alL 492- 2381,655-3173 ____________ NEW BEDLINER FOR late model Ram LB . Also,-rail caps. Driver ATTENTION OWNER OPERATOR'No loading/unloading 'Free satellite- trip- рак 'Froo base plate-permits 'Fuel taxes paid 'Terminal Fuel 'N o NYC & No Canadal 'Toll and Fuel Cards 800-925-5133 www.cbfs.com____________________ Driver- Company/ OTR Guaranteed Homo Policyl Earn competitive wages with excellent health benefits. No NYC. no Canada & no unloading. Class A w/ hazmat, 9 mo. experience, and good MVR. 800-925-5133 www.cbfs.com___________________ Driver- Our Flatbeds Get You Home Every Weekend... Guaranteed! Strong Miles. Great Benefits, the Best People! Owner-Operators- New Pay Packagel School Graduates Welcomel Costal Transport. Since 1928. Call Roger Today! 1-800- 282-0131. EOg. ____________ EARN 2nd. Income w ithout 2nd }ob S200-$500. sparelime ' 1-800-686-4201 www.athomebusiness.com/ optlon4u FOR ONE-CALL Window, Siding. Swimming Pool, Vacuum Cleaner sales a plirs. Please call Ric al 704-872-0179 for Info.Fleetwood Homes of Stalesvillo PART-TIME SECRETARY atAdvanco Church. Cali 998-4352. 11 no answer, loavo message. SECURITY FORCES. INC. Seeking custom socurity officers In Mocksville, NC. We seek alort, responsible, and mature Individuals wilh tho ability lo work (n a challenging environment Candidates must be able to domonslralo good judgement, respond lo security and medical emorgoncies, and provide other socunly duties as assigned. Previous security, police or military experience a plus. Applicants-must be a minimum of 21 yoars of age. have a satisfactory work history, and be able to evidence a criminal and drug free record.YOU W ILL BE PROVIDED:'$7.50 lo $9.50 pay lo start- wilh regular increases'401-K reliromoni plan 'paid vacation 'holiday overtime pay'paid (raining 'stable full limo and part time work schdeules We need team players such as veterans, rolirees or anyone who enjoys working In a professional atmospVrare.Apply Immediately at Security Forces, Inc., 1410 Millgalo Dr.. Suite C. Winston-Salem, NC or telephone 336-768-2455 lo schedule an Intenriew._____________ TEAM MEMBER NEEDED: The Davie County Schools Child Nutrition Department is seeking to add a fulltime team member at Davie High School Cafeteria. Seeking *an Individual wilh customer sen/ice experience In addition lo foodservice experience. Groat benefit package. Great hours. Call 751-5921 to Inquire moro about the positton. Ask for Child Nutrition Department.________ Trem endous Sales O pportunity ING Life of Georgia, member of ING Group, Is seeking a highly motivated sales Individua!. Full benefits package. Talning provided. Guaranteed starting rate of pay at least $500 per 'week. Prefer applicant vinth 2 years work experience after college. Call for an Interview wilh:Frank Pait 2245-0 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Clemmons, NC 27012336-712-0410 ING Ufe of Georgia An Equal Opportunity Employer ~i— A r e y o u w o r k in g i n t h e r e s ta u r a n t b u s in e s s ? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Ara you galting ЬммМ* Him THESE? * High comptlHiv* wogas *Fktt raba aflw 30 days * 4 fluofont— d rains In IS months -Paid vacation *401krallnmantplan • -HaaHli/Dintollnsuronca ' - -naxiblaichadula -Stockcptora * PotMcn iokxy odvoncemant Itoward trainar, manogar, ate.) ‘ Eariy dosing iMun IF ш а Y O im BONO CH«TB>III BusiiMss is OREATI We ara hirinfl to got raody for m u a WINTER BUSINESS. We arm cw m ^ looking for NIGHT TiiME & WEEKEND SERVBS. DiSWASHERS, GRILL COOK, СА5НЮ . HOSTESS. NK3HT «MINreiANCE COMi M TOOAY ANO АРКГ.ИК МК A М П Ч М П ,М И : H i« TO «1ЮИС (Mi ora loeUM «w НЮН MNii» май* Яи* ■NtowoikhwdaiidmatoMcilntli. 6420 Sessions Ct. . Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 O U C w n k y Л,—■s DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 14,2000 D a v i e D a t e l i n e Fund Raisers Friday, Deo. 15 P orl-A .P It, BBQ Chickcn, $6.50. Mocksville Wal-Maxt 11 a.m.~4 p.m. Pro- cccils to Children's Miracle Network. Saturday, Dec. 16 Ham & Sausage Breokfasl. Wesley Chapel UM Church. Pino Road. 6:30-10 a.m. Ongoing Uingo. Mocksvtlle Moose Lcdge 19^9, Fridays. Doors open al 6. first game at 7 p.m. Bingo,WllllamR.Da\1eVFD.2ndSatur- ^ y . Doors open. 6:30 p.m. llnrdlson Church, Poor Mans Supper, every 1st Thurs., 5-7 p.m. Reliüion Friday, Dec. 15 The Sweetest Story Ever Told, program presented by Mocksville Sevenih Day Adventist, 407 Milling Rd. at 7 p.m. In­ cludes: scripture kading. music, candle­ light service. Please come vsorshipwiihus. Saturday, Dec. 16 Dulln United Meth. Love Feast, 7 p.m. Music by Dulin United Meth. Choir and New Philadelphia Moravian Church Band. SaL&Sun..Dec.16&17 Christmas Drama, Redland Pentacostal Holiness Chureh. 6:30 p.m. ЛИ Is Calm, Л11-Ь Bright, combined choirs: First Bapt. & Blaise Bapt {«sent cantata of praise & wonhip. Sat. at First Bapt., Cooleemee at 7 p.m. Sun. at Blaise Bapt. at 7 p.m. Public is invited Sunday, Dec. 17 Installation Service of Pastor Nettyc Ijames Barber, 3 p.m.. New Jemsalem Apost. Church. 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Call 751-7356 for more Info. Wednesday, Jan. 3 CondlclightStniM.Ccdar Grove Bapc.4 p.m. Rev. Mauris Leak lo speoL Public invited. Questions? Call 940-5631 Dates to Remember Thursday, Dec. 14 Davie Co, Republican Party Christmas Party, 6:30 p.m. Center Comm. Bldg. All Republicans invited. Catered meal. For further info call 998-2341. Sat.&Sun.,Dec,16&17 Humane Society of Davie County Adop> tion Days. Sat at Animal Shelter on Eaton Rd., Mocksville from IOa.m.-I p.m. Sun. at PeuMart in Winston-Salem from 10 xm.-2 p.m. Lots of animals need good homes! Ongoing AerobicSfTuesdays ¿Thursdays, Mocks­ ville Elementary School, 6 p.m. VUIt Cooleemee's МШ VUlageMuseum, 14 Church Sl. Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.- noon. Sats., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt Call 294*6040. Recycling truck at Center Community Bldg.. 8-11 a.m. 1st Saturday. Recycling truck at Union Chapel Meth­ odist, 4th Saturday, 8-11 a.m.. Recycling truckatJerichu-HanlisonRu- ritan bldg.. 3rd Saturday. 8:30-11 &.m. Prescfaoolstor)tiroe.Tues., 11 a.m..Davle County Library. 30-minute program. For children ages 3-5. Music, read aloud, sto­ ries, films, nursery rhymes, _____________ ____ Tuesday, Dec. 19 Kappa Extension Homemaken, 6:30 p.m., at Davie Academy Comm. Bldg., annual Chrisimas party with family mem­ bers as guest Ongoing Humane Sodety of Davie Co., monthly meedngs 2nd Wed. of each month, at office Yodkinville Rd. behind car wash. 751- 5214. Jerusalem Bapt Church Is a providing support for those who have lost their jobs. 8:30-10 a.m. on Mondays, call 336-284- 2328 for more info. Progressive Qub of Cooleemee, 2nd Sun­ day. Cooleemee Library, 5 p.m. Cali 284- 2975 for info. Christian Businessmen's Committee of Mocksville,Thursdays,? a.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut Gold Wing Touring AsMciatioo, Red Pig Barbecue. Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601,6 p.m. 2844799. Mocksville-Davle Jaycees, 1st & 3rd Thurs.. Samuels on Main Restaurant, Mocksville, 7 p.m. Davie County Stamp Qub, 1st Thurs., Davie Senior Center, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation Association. Zachary House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. AlcohoUa Anonymous, Sundays, 6 p.m. , and Wedncsdays,8 p.m., Second Presby­ terian Church basement. Pine St Call 751 • 1490or751.7786forinfo. Homcscbool 4-H aub, 2nd & 4th Tues-' day. Call 998-8925 for more info. , ' Ptedmoot Triad Rabbit F andc^ last Sunday of each momb, 2:30 p.m. AUrabbit pwoen welcomei CiU 336-998-9858or Visit www.piedroonttriadtia)biLcom or e- r inail pcrf20009aolxom for more info. H dp Y o m d r Sepport Group, Cancer Services, Inc., 2nd-IWsday; noon-1:30 j}.hL'Dayie County Libmy.:Bring bag Ituicbif y9U wish. For more info, call 75I> 0313 or? donia Moravian Church. Support fellow* ship.crafts&food.Chi!drenguidedinown programMOPPETS.9:30-l 1:30a.m. Reg- htniion fee flexible to H of children attend­ ing. Scholarships available. For more Info, call 9984394. lst& 3rd Fridays. TheArtislGroup, Davie Counly LIbraiy. 7 p.m. Iasi Tues, Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. Cooleemee ToH-n Board, 3rd Tuesday. Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Coolccmeeand Clark Road Coun­ cil, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall. Davie Domestic Violence Services. Sup­ port groups for victims. Sessions free, con­ fidential. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. and Friday, 10 a.m. DDVS Office In Davie Counly OlTice Bldg.,751-3450. Family VIolence.Prevention Services of Davie County. Free counseling for vic­ tims of violence and ihelr'children. Sepa­ rate groups. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.Fint United Meihodist Chureh of Mocksville, Call 1-800-728*3413. Davie County School Bus Drivers Asso­ ciation, 2nd Thua, 7 p.m. Davie County Sr. Center, Brock Bldg. Concerned BlkersAssocIatlon, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Western Steer, U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 a.m.,MocksUMC. 998-2111. MocksvilleGardenGub, 1 si Thurs., Rrst Baptist Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Visitors uelcome. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Mon- day.CooIeemee Historical Bui!ding.7p.m. MocksviUeRotaryClub.Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m.. Rotary Hut Take Orr Pounds Sensibly. Bethlehem United MethodistChurch.6:45p.m.Thurs. Farmington MasorUc Lodge No. 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cancer support group, 2nd Tuesday. 7 p.m., Davie Library, for cancer patienu, friend, family. 1-800-228-7421 or 751- 0313. Mocksville Lions Gub. 1st, 3rd Thun- days, 7 p.m.. Rotary Club. Mocksvlllc-Davic llomchulldcrs. 4th Thursday. 7 p.m.. Captain Steven's. Davlc High Athletic Boosters. 3rd Mon­ day. 7 p.m., school cafeteria. Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliary, 3rd Monday. 7 p.m.. chapter home. US. 601 south of Mocksville. Farmington Rurilan Club. 2nd Thurs­ day, 7:30 p.m.. Fannington Methodist church. HELPS Ministries. Christian recovery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays. 7:30 p.m.. 41 court Square. Room 210. Golden Age Club. l&lMonday.EosiRoom. Sr. Center, Brock Bldg.. 10 a.m. Alzhelmers Support Group, 2nd Thurs­ day, 7 p.m.. East Room, Sr. Center, Brock Bldg.. N. Main St 751 -8770 or751-0611. Breost-feeulngSupporiGroup.2ndTues* day. Davie Health Dept, 6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Organlialion (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities,2ndTucsday.7p.m.Call Rose­ mary Kropfelder at 998-3311 for location. Jericho-Hardlson Rurilan Club, 2nd Tuesday. 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept.cllnichours:Mon.-Fri..8:30- 11:30a.m.. 1-4:30 p.m.;Tucsdays, 4:30-7 p.m.;TcenHeallhPromotlonClinIc,8:30 a.m.-noon. 2nd. 4th Saturdays. Davie Counly Board of Social Services. 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Mocksville AA. Thurs., 7 p.m. - closed mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. • open ming. Call Christine at 998-9885 orTerry 940-5944. Cooleemee American Legion Post 54. Legion Hut Gladstone Road. 7:30 p.m., 1st and 3rd Mondays except holidays. Advance Masonic Lodge No. 710. 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. .Mocksville-Davle recreation, 751-2325. AA and At-Anon. Thursdays, 8 p.m.. Eaton's Baptist Church.' Nar-Anon for families of dnig addicts. Sundays.6p.m.DavleSeniofCenter.Brock Building. Main St, Mocksville. 998-2657. Davie Counly Youth Football League Directors.Tues..7p.m. Counhousc,Grand Jury Room. United Woyboanl of directors. 4th Mon­ day, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Bldg.. Room 208. Mocksville VFW Post 4024. Post Hut. Sanford Ave.. 7p.m., 2nd Tuesday. Advocates for Glfled Children. 2nd. 4ih Thursdays. 149Ukesidc Drive. 751-2194. Niircollcs Anonymou.s Against All Odds Group.Sundays.6p.m..Tl)un>days,8p.m., Room 208. Brock Bldg. Drug Problem? Helpline. 910-785-7280. MKksville American Legion Post 174. VFW Hut Sanford Ave.. 2nd Thursday. 7 p.m. Mocksvillc Civitan Club. 6:30 p.m., 2nd. 4th Monday, Western Stetr, Davie Scrioma Club. 1st. 3rd Thursday, 6:.^0 p.m.. Captain Steven's. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary. 4ih Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road. ; Davlc County Right To Life. 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VF\V Ptost 1119. 2nd. 4th Thurs., 7 p.m.. VFW Hall. N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. I7F&AM. 2nd. 4th Fridays. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mock.s\IIle Lodge No. 134. lst.3rdTues- days. 7:30 p.m. ai the lodge. DaHe Bus, Women's Assoc. 1st Wed. each month, Davie YMCA. noon.To RS VP call 751-5672. Cooleemee Clvitnn's Club Mecllng, 1st and 3rd .Mon. each month. 7 p.m., U-Stop- Grill. Hvsy. 801. Cooleemee. Cub Seoul l*ack 504. sponsored b Fulton United Meth. Church. 1st and 3rd Tues. nights each month, 7-8;.10 p.m. Young boys I -5 grades who u ouU like lo bccome a nwmber are welcome to attend. Reo Ciub Bcfore(S15)orafler($25)schoolandouiof school programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons $5 per month. Voluntecn fordifferent social events. Contact Ethel al 998-3837. SiiverstridersWaii<Club Seniors. 50 and up. M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdays. S7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed.. & Sat Call Emily Robcrtson.998-5163. YMCA Recreation For more infonnation on these events, call 751-2325, Line Dancing Farmington Community Center. Every Tuesday. Cosl: S I Instructors: Steve & Unda Hatley. For more info, call 751- 3848. For more information, call 751-9622 or vlsil Davie Family YMCA. Adult Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday. 9:15 o.m. Arthritis Rehab ■MWF. 10:30 a.m. Youth Swimming Lessons Ages 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre­ school. school aged group lessons & pri­ vate. Rvc week session meet 2 times per wk., call for exact times. Fee: $30 mem­ bers. $60 non'mcmbers. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. S15/month. Ages 7 &up. TaeKwonDo Ages 6 & up. Mcci Tues. & Thurv Begin- ncr3:45-4:30p.m.,lmenncdiate4:30-S:l5 p.m.. Advanced 5:15-6 p.m.. Adults ¿-7 p.m. Members S20/ma, non-members $.XV ItK). Gymnastics Plus Coed grades K-6. Wed. 3:304:30 p.m.. 5 wk. sessions begin Oct 18. Fee: Members 530. Non-members S50. Karen Umberger's Basketball Bouncers Program Boys & girls ages 4-5 & 6. Begins Satur­ day, Nov. 4 (6 wks.). Times: 9 o.m. ages 4- 5.10 a.m. ages 6. Fee: members $25, non memben S35. YBA Youth Basketball League For ages 7-8. Program meets for 11 weeks beginning Nov. 4. Gomes on Satunlays. practices on weekdays. Fee: S25. Mem­ bers: $35 non-membere. ' Massage By appointment only.Tuesdays. $45/hour. S35/Iialf hour. $20/chalr massage. Call for details, 751-9622. Seniors_____' AllSeniorActivitlestakeplaceal the Davie County Senior Center located in the Brock Building on North Main Street. Mocks­ ville unless otherwise noted. Call 751- 0611. Ongoing Silver Health Exercises. Senior Center. M. W, F. 8:30-9 a.m. Mock Place. M. W.' 10-10:30 a.m. Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M-W, 11 a.m. Thurs. & Fri. Quilting, every other Monday, I0a.m. Bridge« Tuesdays Fridays. 1 p.m. Silver Striders Л Walkins Programs. DallyaiBrockGym6:.W-9a.m.Cooleemee Elementary. 6-8 a.m. Smith Grove Gym. 7-9 a.m. Althcimer's Support Group. 2nd Thurs­ day. 7 p.nt. Senior Center East Room. Creative Scrapbooking Cla.«s, 2nd Tues­ day. 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Hems for Davie Dateline should be re­ poned by noon Monday of die publication Nseek. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office, S. .Main St across from the courthmise. I When Estelle Hawkins j she had a mallsnant tumoi; J her spin shot was the last thing on her mind. “Piittlns the Bis C In the same sentence with your name tends to chanse your priorities,” she says. .. But then her doctor referred her to the specialists at Carolina Oncolosy Associates, the only oncolosy sroup in the area with three tjoard-certified oncologists on staff available 24-hours a day. These highly trained cancer specialists are usually able to see new patients within a week. Plus, they're assisted by nurses with special training In oncology nursing and backed by the full resources of Rowan Regional Medical Center. , ; As a result, Carolina Oncology Associates Is quickly able to provide patients like Estelle the kind of quality care they need - not only to fight the terrible disease of cancel- - but to beat It. “And believe me," Estelle sa^'that kind of care was'right down my alley." • ; ; "------------------------------— ‘ ' ' ' ''" " '' R c w a n R e g i o n a l ; M edical Center’ Ibur Source Borlbtal Healthcare. . www.rowan.org C a r o lin a O r \ c o lo g y ASSOCIATES .825 W. Henderson St. Salisbuiy, N C 28144 (704) 636-5542' She Gets An A-Plus D a v ie ’s N u m b e r 1 T e a c lie r A s s is ta n t N a m e d T lie B e s t In T lie R e g io n P a g e D1 DAVIE COUNTY 500 EN TERPRI USPS 149-60 Number 51 Thursday, Dec. 21, 2000 32 PAGES Santa Claus Is Coming... Klersten Nlchols,4, of Mocksville, Is happy as she sits on Santa's lap during his visit to Gunter's Store. For more Information on Santa's visit, please turn to page C l. - Photo by Robin FarguMon X" Middle School Districts Could Change After Study By K im Justen Davlc County Enterprise Record Tlic middle school redistricting com- miltee reviewed its objectives Dec. 12: to clarify the wording of the plan and determine If the lines need to be re­ drawn. and if so. how. The new plan w ill be created look­ ing at numbers for the next three years. The student assignment plan in use is confusing, members said. For ex­ ample, it reads: “Those students whose residence is locatcd in the Shady Grove School district (with the exception on those students who live east o f No Creek and on or south o f Highway 64)...” Sections like the one quoted raise questions about where the lines are. For instance, is that No Creek, or No Creek Road? A few roads such as Sain Road have students on one side attending North Davie Middle School white students across Ihe street attend South Davie, causing two buses to have routes on the same road. Last year the elementary school lines were cleaned up in the pro­ cess of creating the Comatzer Elemen­ tary School district, and this commit­ tee hopes to clean up situations like this as well. D uring the m eeting, the group looked at a timeline for creating their plan and presenting it to the school board for approval. W ork sessions would be held through January, with a public meeting scheduled for late Janu­ ary or early February. The presentation would be made to the board in Febru­ ary or March, then the board would have a month to review the proposal before voting on it in March or April, with an effective date o f Aug.' 8, the first day o f the next school year. Although the board is reviewing a five year facility plan. Dub Potts told the committee, made up o f two board Please See New Middle - Page 4 Flu Vaccine Here: Clinics Planned The Davie County Health Depart­ ment has received sufficient fili vaccine to offer Immunizations to all persons wishing to receive the vaccine. Flu clinics w ill be held on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 and Friday afternoons from I -4 p.m. Appointments are not required. Persons 65 and older must bririg their Medicare or Medicaid card for billing. The charge for others w ill be $ 10 for Ihe flu immunization and $20 for pneumonia. Luminary, Church Services Part Of Celebrations Davlc residents w ill celcbratc Christmas with traditional services at churches celebrat­ ing the birth o f Christ, and al other events in communilies. A Chrisimas Eve Lovefeast and Candle­ light Service w ill be held at Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C. 801 N., Ad­ vance, on Sunday, Dec. 24, at 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Call 998^394. M ocksvillc First Presbyterian w ill host a Christmas Eve Communion service at 8 p.m. Sunday. It is open to the community. Call 751-2507. The community o f Hickory H ill w ill line their streets and drives with luminaries be­ ginning at dusk on Saturday, Dec. 23. "The Hickory H ill community invites you 10 jo in us as we lake time from our busy schedules to refresh our spirits with a few moments o f peace and serenity," said M ary Lou Musselman o f Ihe Neighbors' Associa­ tion. "It’s the pcrfccl lime to relax, enjoy and remember the true meaning o f Christmas." The community is located o ff U.S. 64 cast o f M ocksvillc. Deadlines Early; Closings Announced Deadlines for the next issue o f the Davie County Enterprise Record w ill be at noon Friday for all news and ad­ vertisements. The newspaper w ill be distributed to news racks on Wednesday, Dec. 27, while local mail subscribers should re­ ceive their papers on Thursday. Local government offices, including the Solid Waste & Recycling facility, w ill be closed Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 25 and 26, and Monday, Jan. 1. ' Customers o f CDS who normally receive garbage pickup servict on M on­ days w ill get that service on 'Hiesday, along with regular Tuesday customers. Water Meters, Higher Rates, Being Considered In Bermuda Run By Beth' Casstdy Davie County Enterprise Record People living in the old sanitary dis­ trict o f Bermuda Run might see a few changes in the future, including water meters in their yards and a possible in- ciease in their bills. ■ O r they might not. ; ; Towii Manager Beth Dirks and the cbuncil'«re in the process of exploring ^option«, following the recent receipt of a letter by the county informing them that their bulk water rale w ill soon in­ crease from $2.43 to $2.99 per thou­ sand gallons. That figure represents a 23 percent increase. i Dirks told the council about the in­ crease at iheiriiieeting Dec. 12. “They are justified in going up on their rates," Dirks said, “ because built into the contract is [the understending] that they cannot increue rates for capi- , ,Ud improvements, but tlKy e ^ fàr'op- efating expenses, and their operating expenses have gone up." . ■ The contract Dirks defers Ip is one forged between the old sanitary disuict and the counly in 1998, for a period of 10 years, in which water is purchased from'the county at a bulk rate, aiid then the town bills residents for the'water. Residents pay $30 a month for water. The remainder o f Bermuda Run that; was ,not originally part of the sanitary, '' district is billed dii;ectly by thi: county. based on individually metered water consumption. Prior to receipt of Ihe letter, the coun­ cil had already been looking at increas­ ing rates, tecause of two areas flagged during Iheir recent audit. Auditors noted that Ihe council had not incorporated overhead into the util- ' ity rates portion o f their budget and had not been building a reserve fund with their utility rates. “ With, that iri mind,” said Dirks', "we had been analyzing rales lo account fo r: Ihpse two flagged areas, and now w ilh ' Ihe county's rate increase, it w ill go u p : even more. Council member Bob G riffin noted ^ , during the meeting, “ Davie County is ; not the only supplier o f watq',” and said; ; it might be time for the council to'kx>k ] to other sources. . j , - . .. Mayor John Ferguson reminded Ae i :■ council that the increase w u ViMt i p: .9 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 E x J i t o r i a l Р а й е T h e B i b l e ' s S t o r y O f C h r i s t m a s And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was govern­ ing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out o f the city o f Nazareth, into Judea, to the city o f David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was o f the house and lineage o f David, to be registered with M ary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, becausc there was no room for them in Ihe inn. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel o f the Lord stood before them, and the glory o f the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for be­ hold, I bring you good tidings o f great joy which w ill be to all people. For there is bom to you this day in the city o f David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. "And this w ill be the sign to you: You w ill find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was w ith the angel a multitude o f the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in Ihc highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men!" So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us." And t]iey came w ith haste and found M ary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. Now when they had seen Him , they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. ' BuTMary ke ptlill these tKiiigs aiid pondered them In her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. And when eight days were completed for the circum ci­ sion o f the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. (Luke 2:1-24) Now after Jesus was bom in Bethlehem o f Judea in the days o f Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been bom King o f the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship H im ..." W hen they saw the star, they rejoiced w ith exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child w ith M ary His mother, and fell down and wor­ shiped him . And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him : gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (M att.2:l-2,lO -ll,N K JV ) DAVIB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE.COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks..............................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson.......................................General Manager ..Managing EditorMike Bamhardt... RayTutterow....Advertising Manager Moektvlllt EntirpriM 1916-1958 Davia Record 1899-1958 CoolMmM Journal 1901-1971 Periodical« Postage PaM Iq Mocksville, NC 2702S Subw rlptkxiR atn single Copy. SO Cmts . $20 per y u r In North Carolina $25 per year ouUkle North Carolina POSTMASTEH ' \ Sand addreu change« to:■ V Davlc Counly EnlwpilM R«x)rd j . P.O.Box9B,Moctovie,NC ?— I---; (ïlftp Ê I n T h e M a i l Advance Parade Was Another Success Story Toihc editor: Saturday. Dcc. 9, Advancc cclcbrnlcd iis 6ih or 7ih Annual Christmas Parade. Tliank you lo every- one whocame. who participated and all whohelpcd wilh Ihis big event. A special Uiank you to Rich Brenner, Advancc V R V. Julia, Judge Jimmy, Mr. Relcr Hairston, Mr. Sutler, Cooleemee town ofncials, Mocksville town oHicials, Davie Counly ofllcials. our current and past Ms. Advance, our Christmas Parade Queen and all our olher guesls. We feel honored that you look lime to ride in our parade. Thank you Bert, for sending your hog with ihc prclty red ribbon. Our parade is full o f jokes, so much so. wc somelimes have trouble filling Ihe posiiions. Thank you. Richard. Ken, and Dan fordoing your job with elegance and style. Wc cannot begin to name ex eryone we need lo lh.mk. So many people have inpui in ihis parade. This year ihe spotlight shines bright on Danny and Judy Chandler, also on the volunteers who handle Ihc floats al LcBIeu. Some o f these people have never seen the Advancc Chrislmas Parade. When they osk "W hal parade." they arc not kidding. Commissioners Promises Need To Be Remembered To the edilon . , Nonh Carolina at one lime was in third place in road conditions in the United States. Now its 35lh. 1 guess we in East Davie w ill have lo pul four lanes on 1S8 and 801 on the back burner again, and we had such high hopes for a solution to this irafllc gridlock. The commissioners have been promising us. for IS years, they would slow down development and expansion. Let's hope the new commissioners lake their promise seriously ihis lime around. Il took 15 to 20 years for diese developments lo ovcrninihcavailablefaciliiicsintliecounly schools. police protection, trafile problems, eic . If the commissioners can straighten oui all ihe problems that exist. In the near future, they ore going to need bigger equipment than they used in the Christmas parade. There is one bright spot in all this expansion, with the annexing of Kindcnon by Bermuda Run, we w ill gel an ABC store, a fine restaurant, liquor by the drink. Then at least wc con drown our sorrows in strong drink. Heniy "Swede" Jurgenson Advance Our Storehouse for Jesus food drive did not go as well as we wished. We'll be doing il again, and again, until we get it right. Wc try lo plan for anything that could go w rong, but a fire-call al parade time. Thanks to the firemen who responded, and our volunteers who kept a cool head. We ask for your prayers for Maryann, w ho fell before our parade and broke her leg. She’s had surgeryandhasalongroadiorecovery. Thisyoung mother is an Inspiration to all o f us. On Dec. 23rd. we’ll wrap up anodier year In die Advance area wilh "W hal Chrisunas is all about." W c invite anyone who wishes todo so, tocome and sec first hand how this works. Santa w ill be riding wilh Advance Volunteer Hi re Depart meni lospreod goodwill through-out the Advance nredisirict. Our list is long, we’ll get to as many stops as possible. If we miss you. you w ill still be in our heaiu and on our minds, being human, wc can only touch a few but hopefully those few can reach oui and touch a few more, and on and on. Oh yes, the winners arc yet lo be known. A ll entries arc winners, but special recognition w ill go to die entries our panel o f judges picked as out* standing. Harold, help me out here. Linda S. Carter Advancc Fire & Rescue Senator Sends Out Thanks To die ediion Ilhasbccnmyprivilegetoreprcsenldicciiizcns o f die 38Ü1 Senate District. As o f Jon. 2.2001, my tenure w ill come lo an end. I want lo diank die voters o f Davidso:;. Davie. Forsyth, and Rowan counües for supporting me and allowing me lo represent them in die N.C. Senate. Throughout my lernis inofficci have aiiempied lo be accessible and responsive lo my consüiuents becausc Üiey have cninisted me wiüi the responsi­ bility o f being dieir voicc in Raleigh. TTiat voice has been consistent over the years in support of die rights of individuals and limited government in dieir lives and business. As a former teacher, education has beeno priority forme along widi the elderiy, die cconomy, and adequate supplies of clean water. It has been an honor for me to represent dtis district and be supportive by its cidzens. i pray for continued success and good govemmenl for die citizens o f the 38di District and congratulate Sena* lor*Elect Stan Bingham on his successful cam* paign for diis seal. •I inily apprcciaic die people who have sup­ ported me, worked with me, shared ideas widi me, and assisted me lo meet die wonderful challengeof being a North Carolina Slate Senator. Betsy L. Cochranc Bermuda Run Letters Welcomed I b t Enterprise Record welcomes Icttqs from its readers. The letters may be on toplcs o f local, state, national or international issues. An effort w ill be made lo print all lelien provided dtey are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves dw right to edit tellers for gromimr and f(^ space. A ll letters should include die name and oddress o f dw writer, includ^g a signature. A telephone number. nOi lo be'published, is also requested. PÍCOSC have Idlers in the newspaper оШсе by 4 p.m. Monday o f dw week lo be published What Is Santa Bringing You For Christmas? Jonathan Tise John Potts Savannah Yost Katherine San Filippo Mocksville Mocksville Mocksville Advance A dirt bike, a motorcycle, “Remote control four-wheel “Clifford Computergram, a “A doll and a dog.” andaBBgun.” drive.” computer program.” DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 - 3 Schools Christmas Project Huge Success To die editor Once again, the W illiam R. Davie School's "Christmas Project" was ahuge success. This Is our diird year assisting families widiin our school lo have a Christmas. Each year die list grows and die enormous efforts o f this community make ihis project a success. The requests of diese families are simplc...food, hats, gloves, clothes, and school items like note- bookpapcrandcrayons. Wc provide these items as well as Santa's "Wish List" soctuh child may have a Chrislmas. A spccial thanks lo Bear Creek Church and their Sunday School groups. Center Methodist Church, p.-irticipating businesses, W illiam R. Davie Fire Department. Sheffield Fire Department, parents of W illiam R. Davie school, andcilizcns. Toall of you and ihose 1 may have ovcriookcd we could not successfully do this project without your support and efforts. A coinmitice works two weeks, long after die school day ends, on this project. A special thanks to Linda Dryc, Peggy Evans, Mary Ava Johnson, Ellen Ligon.JenniferO'Donnell, Ruby O'Neal, and Barbara Weaver. And o f course, the staff and faculty donated gifts and money as well as long hours packaging the gii\s. When these families come to our schools to pick up their Chrislmas packages, their words say diank- you, but their hugs and handshakes ore sincerc gratitude. Thank*you DavieCounty for your gen­ erosity. Tami Garwood Langdon Mocksvillc Advance Florist к Gift Baskets — W íD íH v ír— (3 3 6 ) 9 4 0 -6 3 3 7 Mon-rfI 0-6. Sat 0«3 W i s h i n g Y o u T h e V e r y M e r r i e s t o f H o l i d a y s ^ — DRIVE SAFELY — ^ Davie Discount Drugs Cooleomeo Shopping Conler 284-2537 Closed Christmas Day & New Years Day Tlie World’s Largest Women’s Fitness and Weight Loss Franchise! Now Open In lakes onlrJO minutes ✓ bums hikfyfat, not ksin tnuscio t^slrvnglbctts muscles 6 canliouiscuLir s)slein ✓ begins iiben )vu arritv ^ is designed fo r mmen C unes Weight Loss Program TIm islk'Jirstnvigbt lossfinigmm desigtieti ып)ши! e.wrcise. * / / Г . This¡in^rmnjinkluces • ^ J j f ¡к'пштеп! results. Ity * -*- * ¡miUxting lean muscles ytmhiselxxiy fa t u bile ’ - incre<Lsing . . * metakMsm. • . *. \ ^ • /)'> Permanent results, . ¿ Х ч n itlxnit permanent A i 1-336-766-7370 Vurves, f o r w o m e n "30 wimileJitmss & uvighi loss ceiilers" 6490 Stadium Dr. Suite 3 Clemmons, NC 27012 C H I R O P R A C T I C O U T L O O K By Dr. Su.san Sykes Chiropractic Physician № Back Beits Are Questionable An oslimatod BO porcent of poopio will oxpottor^co nock Of bock poin al jom o polnl In Ihoif livGs; only fho com m on cold occounti for moro miMod days of woik. Many ol Iheso alim onij aro co uio d by impropof wofVploco lifting, such Oi lianjlorring files, corrying bo*oi. movtog suppfcei oi putilr>g malofkaU In a supply clojot. Did yoo ovof bond down quickly lo O'Ob o fa:Kng liom? Of. did you slip wtillo caitying a hoavy w eight? ihoio situations con couso accidonfs and inlutios. ospocioiiy In high- risk oiocs such as a wofohouso. lum bar bock bolls ofo popular In mony (ndujifloi. ond monu/ocfufofj moikof ino bolls os reducing muscio latKJuo, prolocting ogoinsi low back Inlutios and sovirvg money. Howovot. inoto is no scientific ovkJonco that tho bolls work. Many chiiopfociots worn thoif potionis not to dopond too rnuch on bock bolts foi proloctkjn; wilh a boll, peopto aro n w o opt lo work or pkay in ways that put unusual stfolm on tho lowor bock. You can dopond on yout doctor ol chlfopioctic to tioot kjwof bock Injufios ond show you how lo ovoW such ptobiems In Iho furturo. Brought lo you os a community sorvico by Contaci our office lor s eomplimentary consultation S »lamination ¡ д р Ш m — Advance. C h i r o p r a c t i c CLINIC H illsdale Professional Park Suite 300 • 948-0755 WAS MO Piece op ¿Aké. eu|r we wav дМЁ тнАшер up РОЯ Ц Ш 4 . ? щ щ с 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 Bermuda Run Studying Sewer System O is t T ÌC t C x M iV t Г»__r*___________n____• USII^.I it..' it... I(<nninr« ifit кл /'кллппг fnrnttw ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21.2000 - 5 Continued From Page 1 arbilrary anioum," adding, “ This is nol a *ncw deal.* The Increase Is based on Iheir cost.” Options the council arc beginning to explore, said D irks, include amending the bulk water contract and being billed the same as the other section, based on consumption. But Dirks Is quick to point out that everything Is In the prelim inary stages. *‘\Ve*re trying to pinpoint a per­ centage o f overhead and trying tode- tennlne If It would be cheaper for our residents lo be billed directly by the' county. W hat wc want to do Is figure out how we can make this fair, how- we can equalize this," she sold. The council took no action and ex­ pects to have more Information at- their January meeting. The driver of this car was cited after wreck on Country Lane last Thursday. - Photo by Robin Fergusson V eh icles W reck At C am p bell R o ad , C ou ntry L an e A M ocksvillc tccn was chargcd w ith driving left o f ccntcr after a wrcck on Campbell Road at 1:05 p.m. Dec. 14. Tommy Daniel Browning. 16, o f 256 W illow Creek Lane, was driv­ ing a 1984 Ponliac, making a turn onto Campbell Road, and attempted the turn too fast, striking a 1998 Chevrolet pickup being driven on Cam pbell Road by Gerald Lynn Tomberlin, 50. o f 3189 U.S. 158, M ocksville, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Jerusalem Plans Christmas Eve Service Jerusalem BaptistChurch. U.S. 601 South, w ill have its annual Christmas Eve Scrvicc Sunday beginning al 6 p.m. The dress is casual and the scrvicc is informal with Christmas carols and partaking in the Lord's Supper. Erin Carterwillsinghernew song. "Dare to Be a Candle" a.s everj onc shanis in tlie lighting of candles. On New Year's Eve. a "Watch Night Celebration" w ill get underway al 7 p.m. with John llelmuth in Concert, followed by Erin Caner, as well as several other members of the church sharinginsong. Helmuthusesaunique Dlend o f Christmas Country. R&B, and gospel. There w ill be an inspira­ tional message to help prepare for an­ other year. There w ill be a lime of fellowship with some finger foods. For more information aboul these events, call the church ofTlcc at 284- 2328 Advertising Sales Representative Tht: Davic County Entcrprisc-Rccord has n position available on its advertising sales stiiff. We arc seeking a carccr-ntindcd person to repiiscnt the newspaper in soliciting, designing and creating advcrliscmcnls. The person must be friendly, courteous and out-going and capable of calling an n wide variety of cuslomcrs throughout the county. An understanding of advertising and design Is desired. The position is full-time nttd includes salary, commission, health Insurance benefits, 40l(k), vacation ond other benefits. To apply, please contact; Robin Fergusson Davic County Entcrprisc-Rccord P.O. Box 99, M ocksvillc, NC 27028 336.751.2120 1 6 Year Old Gets Suspended Sentence According to assistant district at­ torney M iiry Covington, a female stu­ dent al Davic High School reported Ibdd Wayne Smith had assaulted her Sept. 19 by grabbing her breasts, which caused bruises. Two other fe­ male students reported Sm iih had grabbed ihcir brcasls Scpl. 22. When questioned about the accu­ sations. Smllh said he had been play­ ing games with ihc girts, said school resource ofTiccr Stuart Parker. “ 1 think he realizes it was inap­ propriate." Parker said. Judge L. Dale Graham sentenced Smiih to 30 days In jail but suspended the sentence one year.-He ordered him to have no contact with the vic­ tims. Sn^iih was also ordered to per- fonn 16 hours o f community scrvicc within 60 days and pay a $50 fine and court costs. O iu e ^ (■ ft t l i i s C h r is t c O ' i n e v f j f y / - . .. B ro o l< rid3e R e tire m e n t C o m m u n ity • d premier continuinj cate letirem enl nelshborhood * Independent gdrden-home and apartment livinj * assisted livln j and nursing care • over a decade o l providins residents freedom and secuiity //j G a rd e n H o m e s A v a ila b le T b e jo y s o f g ra cious re tire m e n t livin g last all y e a rl ИевГе Send Me More Inlorm^tion QiW out and (cturn to the «ddicii below) N o w O p e n ! 4 7 „ ° ° F U L L S E R V IC E C A R W A S HО о A 16 year old received a sus­ pended sentence Dec. 7. in Davic District Court after pleading guilly lo three counts o f simple assault for grabbing the breasts o f three teen girls while at school. New Middle Districts Considered Continued From Page 1 m embers, school o ffic ia ls and communily. reprcsenialiyes, nol lo cunsidcr a third middle school in their planning. The capacities o f ihc school, os determined by the state, arc based on permanent buildings. North Davic can hold 696 students, while South Davic can hold 660. The stu­ dent populations as o f November were 666 students at North Davic and 674 at South. The solution lo cleaning up the lines al Hrsl glancc seems simple. Just split the districts su ihrcc el­ ementary school districts go to North, and three to South. Bui population in Ihc couniy isn'l equal everywhere. The W illiam R Davie district is large . but has the fewest students, while the M ocksville Elementary districl is relatively small but heavily, popu­ lated. Following the elementary dis­ trict lines across the board would sec a 100 student difference between the schools, depending on how you split them up. It’s 100 early yei for ihe commit* lee to say how they w ill solve the problem. For the next meeting they have requested inform ation on ihc numbers o f students who arc split up on either side o f ihc same road in order to see how many students would be effected by cleaning up those areas. Their next meeting has been scheduled for 7 p.m. on Janu. n al the Davie Couniy Schools main office on Cherry Street. C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E Addtett ' Qiv ___ Siale Zio Pbone# - CL IP.IfMX) I'm:10.J4 n>|<> 1 1 \M ' 1 X 1 Dkim , Wins 1 (is S u t \i. : -loi. Stop in and see us today at 922 Yadkinville Rd. in Mocksville Across from All-American Ford Mercury Keep your car looking clean inside and out with one of our great wash packages. 0 Open Monday-Saturday '0 1 8:00 am-6:00 pm 0 o . WASH PACKAGES *16’* Full Service Wash Double Polyprocess Underljody Wash tire Gloss & Fragrance *14” Full Service Was!) Double Polyprocess Undetbody Wash * i r * Full Setvice Wash Polish & Wax $995 Full Setvice Wash Inside & Out 2000 JEEP Cherokee Sport 4Dr. M 8 , 9 8 8 0.9% APRFOU во MONTHS 2000 Dodge Durango « 2 4 , 5 8 8 0.9<А Р НFORM MONTHS 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo > 2 3 , 9 8 8 . 0.9% APRFOR M MONTH* 2000 Chrysler Voyager 4 5 , 4 8 8 4.06 cyl., Mitomatk, powtr w I locks, keyltat tntry, tun tcrten g iaii, AM/FM cM t., | tm. crulM, врог! tin A whMl pkg. 5.9 V-8,7 pattengtr MtUrtg front« rtar air, power windows, powtr door locka, Uit, erulM, AM/FM casMtte, tire A wheel pkg., roof rack. e ccyl., auto, PW. PDL. titt crulte, AM/FM сам , •unicreen glass, roof rack, alum, wheels, power mirror« i n ® О О О 4 dr., аиЮ, Aie, AM/FM c u i., №1Ю g im , 7 1 p ili., Hating roof ttck, itolty «dptrt, m y f out totlw w a ll, und«r m l »toragt d m 751-5948 № 1-88iB.4e9.3781 J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L The follow ing eases were dis­ posed o f In Davie Districl Court Dcc. 7, with Judge L. Dale Graham pre­ siding. Prosecutors were M ary Covington and Melanie Holt. - Edgar Jesus Adame, driving while license revoked, scnlcnccd to 30 days in ja il suspended one year, SlOO and cost: speeding 63 in a 45. dismissed per pica. - Melody Allm an, simple worth­ less check, sentenced to five days In ja il suspended one year, $35 restitu­ tion and cost. - Wade Beaver, four counts fail­ ure lo rclurn rental properly, dis­ missed per civil scttlcmenl. - Oclavlano Bravo Bello. DW I, sentenced to 60 days in ja il sus­ pended two years, substancc abuse assessment, no driving unlil licensed, 24 hours comm unily scrvicc. $100 and cost: no operator's liccnsc. open container after consuming alcohol, dismissed per pica. - Sebastian M . Benitez, driving while liccnsc revoked, resisting pub­ lic оГПссг, scnlcnccd to 30 days in ja il suspended one year, nol to drive unlil licensed, $ 100 and cost; speed­ ing 83 In a 70, dismissed per pica. - Adam Dale Broadway, posses­ sion o f drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed. - Donald Lee Burgoon. speeding 90 in a 70 rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment, scnlcnccd 10 $100 and cost. - Carmina Canton, speeding 80 in a 70 reduced lo 74 in a 70. sen­ tenced 10 $ i 0 and cost; no operator's license, dismissed. - Jason Daniel Charles, speeding 86 in‘a 70 rcduced to 74 in a 70. sen­ tenced to $10 and cost. - Karin A . Chunn, worthless ch«:k, dismissed per civil settlement. - Kathy Cook, communicating threats, prayer for judgment contin- \icd on cost and condition she nol threaten the victim . - James Lindsay Cox. probation violation, continue on probation one year, substancc abuse assessment, communily scrvice modified. - Lynn Doby. simple assaull. sec­ ond degree trespassing, prayer for judgment continued on cost. . - Pablo S. Estrada, DW I. rtsist- irig public оГПссг, scniericcd to 60 days in ja il suspended two years, substance abuse assessment, no driv­ ing until licensed, 24 hours commu­ nity service. $100 and cosi; driving while liccnsc revoked, scnlcnccd to 60 days in ja il suspended one year; $100 and cost; no operator’s liccnsc. dismissed per plea - Loshonda Gaither, failure lo re­ duce speed reduced lo Im proper equipment, sentenced to $10 and cost. - Tim othy Scott Harrison, open container after consuming alcohol rcduced to open container in passen­ ger area, sentenced lo SIO and cost. - Jason C. Hawks, driving while liccnsc revoked, renr'lamps viola­ tion, scnlcnccd to 45 days in ja il sus­ pended one year wilh supervised pro­ bation, no driving unlil licensed. 16 hours community service within 60 days, $100 and cost. -Travis Lee Hcalh, failure lo slop for Slop sign or Hashing red light re­ duced to improper equipmcni, scn­ lcnccd to SIO and cost. - David Eugene Henry, speeding 62 in a 35 rcduced to 44 in o 35, scn­ lcnccd to $10 and cost. - Donald Lee H uff, DW I. scn­ lcnccd lo 60 days in ja il suspended Iwo years, no driving until licensed, substancc abuse assessment, 24 hours community scrvicc, $ 100 «nd cost. -Sanford Brent Jones, two counts breaking and entering, dismissed at request o f prosecuting witness. - W illiam Matthew Jones, driv­ ing lef) o f ccntcr reduccd to improper equipmcni, scnlcnccd to $10 and cost; exceeding a safe speed, unsafe tires, dismissed per civil sclllcm cni. -T e rry Brad Joyner, probation violation, probation period extended one year upon immediate payment o f$550. - Juhir Lemni. expired registra­ tion, no operator's liccnsc, dismissed forinsufncieni evidence. - Ronald Wayne Leonard, driv­ ing while liccnsc revoked, sentenced 10 30 days in ja il suspended one year, no driving until licensed, $100 and cost. - Gilberto M arline/. DW I. driv­ ing while liccnsc revoked, sentenced to one year in prison suspended two years w ith supervised probation, seven days in ja il, subsiancc abuse a.sscssmcnl, no driving unlil licensed. $500 and cost; speeding 86 in a 70. open container after consuming al­ cohol. dismissed per plea. - Felipe Medrano, failure to wear seal bell, sentenced to $25; driving while license revoked reduccd lo no operator's liccnsc. prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. - Kellie Lavonda Quarles, speed­ ing 84 in a 70 reduced to lmpn>pcr equipment, sentenced lo $50 and cost; driving while liccnsc revoked rcduced to no operator’s liccnsc, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Rajcsh U. Rau, speeding 88 in a 70 reduccd lo exceeding a safe speed, sentenced lo SIO and cost. - 'Hibitha Swink Rowland, driv­ ing while license revoked reduced lo no operator’s liccnsc. prayer for judgment continued on cost; failure to sccurc passenger under 16, dis­ missed per pica. - Chavez Jorge Santos. DW I, scn­ lcnccd lo 60 days in ja il suspended two ycaris. substancc abuse assess­ ment. no driving unlil licensed. 24 hours comm unily service, $100 and cost; no operator's license, open con­ tainer after consuming alcohol, driv­ ing after consuming by a person un­ der 21, dismissed per plea. - Saldana Vega Saulo, DW I, scn­ lcnccd to 60 days In ja il suspended Iwo years with supervised probation, no driving unlil licensed, substancc abuse assessment, 48 hours commu­ n ity scrvicc. SlOO and cost; no operator's liccnsc, correctcd. - W illiam Robert Sills Jr.. misde­ meanor larceny, scnlcnccd lo 45 days In ja il suspended one year with su­ pervised probation. $500 restitution. -T odd Wayne Smiih, three counts simple assault, scnlcnccd to 30 days in ja il suspended one year, no con- ta d w ith prosecuting witness, 16 hours comm unily scrvicc w ithin 60 days, $50 and cost. - Derek Raymond Snider, speed­ ing 80 in a 70 reduced to improi)cr c(|uipnicnt. - Jonathan M . Soots, probation violation, 90 days activated. - Paula Myers Stanley, speeding 72 in a 55 reduced lo 64 in a 55. driv­ ing while liccnsc revoked, scnlcnccd to45 days in ja il suspended one year with supervised probation, no driv­ ing until licensed, SlOO and cost. - Robert Daniel Toibush, DW I, sentenced to 60 days in ja il sus­ pended two years w ilh supervised probation, substancc abuse assess­ ment. no driving unlil licensed, 24 hours comm unily .service. S100 and cost; driving left of ccntcr, dismissed per plea. - Edwin Alfred Walter, speeding 92 in a 70 reduced to exceeding a safe speed, sentenced lo SIO and cost. - W illiam Paul W ilson, failure to wear seat belt, driving while liccnsc revoked, sentenced lo45duys in ja il suspended one year, no driving until licensed, $100 and cost. Failed To Appeur - George Edward Brown, driving while license revoked. - W illiam Ray Douglas, speeding «0 in a 70, driving while liccnsc re­ voked. - Randy Alynn McBraycr. con­ tributing to the delinquency o f a m i­ nor. - Brandon G. O liver, m isde­ meanor possession o f marijuana, possession o f drug paraphernalia. - Dennis James Ratllcr. driving while liccnsc revoked, n^iivgistra- lion card. '' - Randall Lee Sm ith, unsafe movemcni. - Stacy Alien Strickland, speed­ ing 95 in a 70, failure to wear scat belt. igioyienfôrall Oceasiahs (3381751-1711 VCR's CLEANED & REPAIRED Clean & T e s t..^ 2 5 ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES (g) RadioShack. Radio Shack Dealer Mooretvaie Electronics Sqtxe Boor* Makwi« (Ndt ta WjI Mut) 336-751^)423___________ H A L J E W E F P R I C E L R Y S A L E I 1 wow IN PROGRESS! “S i , NOWOPEN!ERIE INSURANCE GROUP H o m e O f f ic e • E r ie , P A 1 6 5 3 Q TRIANGLE INSURANCE GROUP GARY BOWDEN • AGEIUT/IVIANAGER Auto • Home • Business • Life We offer a full line of commercial prociucts with the most competitive rates in the industry. 806 North f\/1aln Street • f^ocksviile, NC 27028 Bus: (336) 936-0023 Fax: (336) 936-0027 Cell; (336) 650-4833 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat. by appointmont only AFTER HOURS CLAIMS: 1-800-367-3743 i M e r r u C f i r i s t m a s To Our Sfwiy ValiieiTuistomers We’d like To Extend Our HeartfeltWe'd like To Extend Our Heartfelt ApprecUtlion. May All Gooil Things Come Your Way This Holiday Season. Collectibles Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Cherished teddies, MCK Biinnies, AH God's Children, Precious Moments, (Excluding Gnomes)n am e s J I GIFTS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 121 N. H/lain St.Mocl<svljle, NC Phone:751-3418 Open Thursday. Dec. 21 & Friday Dec. 22 til 8 pm Closed Christmas Day & Monday. Dec. 26 Closed January 1&2. 2001 Memories never fade...they seem to glow. Like a cozy fire when the w orld’s white w ith snow. и ш и ш в в ш ш Б Е )T H I N b C O M P A N Y 129 N Main street 336-7SI-9733 MocluvHIc OU/t EVERY DAY PRICES ARE 3 0% T O 7 0 % O F F D E P T S TO R E P R IC ES U W T H E R B E L T ^ ^ ^ $ S O ^ ’ f f X k h a k i s y Long SleeveTees famous bi $ - 1 РШШРЕ1 ж Compare iat $60 ^ TAKE AN A D O ITIO N A I^ f ie e c e ftW S ^4 9 famous brand Fronj^ K i d s C lo t lie s '2tops-jcons-swaats J f t E t Men's iamoM brand F U N N E L SHIRTS yarn dyed $ ^ 9 9 Compare at $34 Ш Ш М Ш K H A I U S $ i Ì T 9 9 т я т к п о и 1 1 1 Compare at $42 J L A L L Men's and Ladles S W E A T E R S 2 5It. lO:00AM to 6:00PM M ay your holidays be filled w ith beautifiil memories to w arm the year ahead. M EED Y C H D IS T M M & H A P P Y H O U D A Y& I from the Staff of SW ICEG O O D W ALL & M cD aniel R E A LT O R S 854 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2222 • 3802-D Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC Agent on call 84 hours a day, 7 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 P u b l i c R e c o r d s Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Dc- panmcnl made the following arrests. - Michael Ale.xaniler Kackl. 26. o f W alnut Cove, was arresied Dcc. 12 for failure lo appear. Trial dale: Jan. 11. - Timothy Mack Wagoner, 30, of 875 Liberty Church Road. Mocks­ villc. was arrested Dec. 12 for do* mestic assault on a female. Trial date; Jan. 4. -C edrik Dewan White, 20. o f 200 Avon St., Mocksville, arrested Dec. 12 for failure to appear. Trial date: Dcc. 14. -CalllcrincCampbcllCaг^vilc,47, o f 1137 Comatzer Road. Mocksville. arresied Dcc. 12 for breaking, enter­ ing, liirceny, felony aiding and abel- ling. Trial dale: Dec. 21. - Robert Edward Turner, 33, o f 22 IFanlasia Lane, Advance, arrested Dcc. 12 for assault on a female. Trial dale; Jan. 4. - Stephen Ray Callaway, 28. o f 605 Main Church Road. Mocksville. arrested Dec. 13 for failure to pay fine. Trial date: Dcc. 28. -Clarence Eugene Potts. 51, o f 416 Siroud M ill Road, Harmony, ar­ rested Dcc. 13 for order for arrest. Trial date; Dec. 19. - Charies W llbom Koontt, 22, of 3002 U.S. 64 E., M ocksvillc; arrested Dec. 14 for harassing phone calls. Trial date: Jan. 10. - Larry Delvon Doulin, 22,o f 193 Dalton Road, Mocksville. arrested Dec. 14 for failure to pay cost/fines. Trial dale: Jan. 4. -Lau ren U. W ilkins. 17, o f 232 Dalton Road. M ocksvillc was arrested Dcc. 14 for no operator's license, failure to stop for stopped bus, and speeding. Trial date: Jan. II. - Derrick Lamar Smoot. 22, o f 243 Cedar Grove Church Road. M ocksville. arrested Dec. 15 for fail- urc to wearseatbell,and driving after consuming. Trial date: Jan. 11. - Douglas Edward Bridgman. 36. o f 2248 Lois Lane, M ocksville, ar­ rested Dec. 15 for failure to pay fíne/ cost. Trial dale: Jan. 8. - Michael Alexander RackI, 26. o f 215 Baltimore Road, Advance, arrested Dcc. 15 for driving with li­ cense revoked. D W L Trial date: Jan. 12. - Robin Crolls Lundy, 36. o f 146 Moore Trail, M ocksvillc, arrested Dec. 15 for operating a boat without changcof ownership. Trial date: Jan. 10. - Dennis James Rattler, 20, o f 1464 N.C. 801 N.. Advance, arrested Dec. 15 for order for arrest. Trial date: Jan. 4. - Bryant Patrick Cody, 20, o f 269. M ontvicw Drive, M ocksville, ar­ rested Dec. 16 for probation viola­ tion. Trial date: Dec. 21. Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ ported to the Mocksville Police De­ partment. - The larceny of a change purse was reported Dec. 11 from a restau­ rant on 1374 Salisbury Road. - The larceny o f a pocketbook from a vehicle parked at Blaise Bap­ tist Church was reported Dec. 12. - A vehicle was damaged in the Wal-Mart parking lot, it was reported Dcc. 12. * The larceny o f gasoline was re­ ported Dec. 13 from a business on Yadkinville Road. - ASalisbury man reported that he was assaulted by an acquainlcncc Dec. 16 at a residence on W hitney Road. Arrests • Sheree Bowling W illiams, 44, of 349 Spring St.. was charged Dec. 11 w ith shoplifting and possession o f drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: Jan. II. - Jamie Dawn Griffey, 18, o f 1301 Ridge Road, was charged Dec. 13 w ilh larceny. Trial dale: Jan. 11. She is accused o f taking a pack o f ciga­ rettes from Bi-Lo. - Benjamin McCoy Hendrcn, 33, o f 268 M illing Road. Apt. 3A, was charged Dcc. 13 with assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping on warrants from Broughton Hospital police. - Peter Vaughn Hadley. 22, o f 253 Farmland Road, was charged Dcc. 14 w ilh speeding to elude arrest, driv­ ing while licensc revoked and corelcs and reckless driving. Trial date; Dec. 14. - Jammy Ray Dancy, 20, o f 307 Northridge Court, was charged Dec. 18 w ilh obstructing and delaying an officer. Trial dale: Feb. 8. Traffic Accidents - Tonya Crolise Overby, 33, o f 126 Ashley Brooke Lane, started the 1994 Ford she was driving forward, striking the rear o f a 1990 Dodge driven by Sharon Leigh Sutierlin, 37, o f 163 Lakewood Village Road, at 8;(M a.m. Dec. 11 at the South Main Street stoplight at Lexington Road, reported Dciective D.T. M iller IL - A M ocksville man said he fell asleep jusl prior to losing control o f the 1995 Dodge he was driving on M illing Road al I ; 12 p.m. Dcc. 11. Hector Azael Rcvelo Coreas, 22, o f 501 W hitney Road, was driving the car that went o ff the road to ihe right, came back across the road. striking a tree to the IcH, reported Detective D.T. M iller IL • A Dry Fork. W.Va. woman was charged with failing lo carry her li­ cense after a wreck on U.S. 601 Nonh at 6:12 a.m. Dcc. 13. Doris L. Evans. 36. drove a 1996 Jeep from a side drive, causing it to strike a 1992 Dodge pickup driven by W illiam Anthony Bcck, 60. o f 248 Liberty Church Road, reported O f­ ficer J.D. Finney. - Kelly Roberts Jonlan, 26, o f 141 Davie St.. Cooleemee, failed to stop the 1998 Ford pickup (County o f Davie truck) she was drivin g on South M ain Strccl at 9:20 a.m. Dcc. 14 before it struck in the rear a 1989 Ford driven by Sally Rasmussen Byerly, 30, o f 139 Foster Road, rc- ported OfTicer R.A. Donaihan. - A M ocksvillc man was chargcd with failing to change the address on his license, exceeding the posted speed and failure lo reduce speed af­ ter a w nxk.on Duke Street at 4;4K a.m. Dcc. 18. Luis Oriando Garcia 01ivan:s. 27, o f 1773 U S . 601 S.. was driving a 1992 Ibyoia and failed to negoiiate a curve, causing the car to go o ff Ihe road lo the lefl, reported O fficer J.D. Finney. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed w ith the Davie Register o f Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, w ith S2 representing SI.ООО. - M ichacI J. and Elizabeth A. Niorang to James J. and Nancy L. Юепч:1у. I lot. Shady Grove, S268. ; - James Alexander Eaton and Brenda S. Eaton to Paul Mason and Tama B. Mason, 2 lots, Clarksville, S60. - Martin Lee Barber and Dreama Barber, Mel Jones and Denise Jones, and Russell Smith and KImberiy C. Smith to Angela Stevenson. I lot. Civil Lawsuits S50. • Thomas H. Price and Linda S. Price to Craig S. Johnson. 1 lot, M ocksvillc. $40. - Virginia P. Taylor (93.7% inter­ est) to Ronald Eugene Taylor. NJichael Dean Taylor. Gary Lynn Taylor and Jeffrey Wynn Taylor, 1 lot. Jerusalem. - Lorene Hinshaw lo Logra H. Dhonnhok, 11 acrcs. -G ail S. Hutchens and Howard W. Hutchens to Household Realty Corp., 10 lots, Fannington. S334. - Jane P. Lewis to Bermuda V il­ lage Retirement Center Lim ited Part­ nership. I villa, Farmington. S630. • Bermuda V illage Retirement Center Lim ited Partnership to Dor­ othy Lolhrop. 1 villa, FArmington, S630. - Nathan C. Beck Jr. to Janice Neville, 1.87 acres. Calahaln. ■ Roger R Spillm an lo Herman W illiam s and Bonnie NVilliams, 1 lot, Jerusalem, $44. • LSB Properties lo Douglas M y­ ers and M isti Myers, .96 acre. Shady Grove, S145. • James M . Summers and Bonnie Summers to Forrest W hitaker, Joe T aylo r, Lew is R olhro ck, Sarah W hitaker, Charles Brewer, Dwighl Cassidy. Bob Brannock. Patsy Younts and W ilm outh Brown, trust­ ees o f Oak Grove United Methodisl Church. .18 acre, M ocksvillc. $5. - Ramey Developmenl Corp. to BV West, 7 lots. Farmington, $546. • Ramey Developmenl Corp. lo BV West. 9 lots. Farmington. $702. - Ramey Development Corp. lo B V W est, 27 lots, Farm ington. $2,106. - Ramey Developmenl Corp. to BV W est, 27 lois, Farm ington, $2,106. - Ramey Development Corp. lo BV Wcsl, 44.68 acrcs, Fannington. - Barry S. Tompkins to Brigctle Lyn Parson, .95 acrc, Jerusalem. • B. Eugene Bennett and W illie Bess Bennett, Delbert E. Bennett and Martha H. Bennett, G.'uneite Nance. Fred 0 . E llis and M arie E llis to Rachel Maxime, 8.15 xrcs. Mocks­ ville. $96. • Irene Shore Marshall lo David D. Motley and Lisa R. Bryant. 1.88 acres, Fannington, SI 26. • Farmington Volunteer Fire De­ partment lo Central Carolina Bank U Tnisl.l trustee o f Francis H. Bahnson Jr. Revocable Trust, 2,100 square feel. Farmington. - Central Carolina Bank & Trust as executor o f estate o f Francis H. Bahnsori Jr. to Farmington Volunteer Fire Department, 4,365 square feci, Farmington. • Joann Frye Blakeley and robcrt U. Blakeley lo Susan B. Anderson (20.5% interest) and Janila D. Speight (20.5% interest), 1 tract, Farmington. . Lloyd D. Jolly to P hyllis J. Altgood (.02% inlcrcst), 3 tracts. Clarksville. • Keith F. Sparks and Dale D. Sparks to The Archaeological Con­ servancy, 17.72 acres, Calahaln, S170. • Michael Linn M ilter and Dixie T. M iller to Thomas l\iggle and Ruby Tuggle, 1 lot, M ocksville, S174. • The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk o f Court. - Davie Counly Hospital, requests for judgment, vs.; Ronald Joseph Woodruff. $667.17: Allen Landon Wyse. $483.58; Uwe Horst Zahel and Opal Elaine Zahel. 3708.90; Marco A ntonio Alm azan and Asm inda Lueza Almazan. $407.64; Beverly Price Lapish.$506.9l. - G loria D arnell Strother vs. Janoris Eugene Hudson, request de­ fendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere with plain- 'tiff. , - Gloria R. M iller vs. Grady L. McClamrock Jr., administrator o f the • estate ofVeola Smith M iller, request judgment, $37,320. - Mark Allen Dellinger vs. Caro­ lina Boat doing business as Dixie Land Boats and Cars, request recov­ ery for breach of warranty, implied warranty o f merchantability, fraud, punitive damages, damages for un­ fair and deceptive trade practlccs. - Shannon J. Lambeth vs. Mitchell D. Lombelh, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, ha­ rass or interfere with plaintiff. -Davie Social Services on behalf of; Miranda D. Dillard vs. Michael D. Medvcs. voluntary support agree­ ment; Debra P. Barnett vs. Carlin L. Barnett, voluntary support agree­ ment; Am ic H. Allison vs. Bruce C. Isaac, voluntary support agreement. - Deanne A lllcc Baughcum vs. MichacI Steve Baughcum Jr., child custody. - Debra Pearson vs. M ichael J. Passmore, request defendant not as­ sault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or Interfere with plaintiff. - Caudle Distributing doing busi­ ness as Kitchen V ision vs. Andy Monk Building. W illiam E Lee and Tammy C. Lee. request recovery. SlO.O ll.72. • Ford M otor Credit vs. Cicero H. Jones Sr. and Peggy L. Jones, request judgment. S9.902.3I. • A lyanna Shyte D o u lin vs. Jermeil Tyress Cockerham, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or inierfcre with plaintiff. - Ford M otor Credit vs.Allcn E. Bobbitt, request recovery, $8,428.22.. • Rebecca S. Cartner vs. David L. Cartner, absolute divorce. - Carol D. Flelemier vs. Scott C. Flctcm ier, d ivo r.c from bed and board, child custody and support, possession o f marital residence all all furnishings, equitable distribution o f marital prpcrty, alim ony; counter­ claim . that p la in tiff’s suit be dis­ missed. joint child custody, posses­ sion o f separate property and mari­ tal property to allow relative comfort and continue employment, greater than equal share o f marital property. - Rusty Grover Godbey vs. Teresa Ann M ullís Godbey, absolute d i­ vorce. - Barbara W. Bowles vs. M arvin Wayne Bowles, more than 50 percent o f marital assets. - Carla A nn M ille r vs. Diane M iller Carter and Edward Clarcnce Carter, child custody. - Sears, Roebuck & Co. vs. Jimmy E. Robertson, rcqust judgm ent, $4,767.61. • Erin McGee Dinkins vs. Randy D. Dinkins, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, ha- rass or interfere with plaintiff. - The Town o f M ocksville and W illiam O. Whaley, director o f in­ spections vs. James F. Dobson. Hugh Lee Dobson. Joel Lcazer and Ha Ung Lcazer, Roberl H. Raisbeck Jr.. trustee, Fallie SIddcn and Grady L. McClamrock Jr., trustee, request for order o f condemned build ing at South Salisbury and South M ain streets to be removed, and lien on property for cost o f removal and judgment against defendants cxcept for Raisbcck and McClamrock. - Denise B. K irb y vs. Daniel Kirby, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or in­ terfere with plaintilT. - Janet Holleman Smilh vs. Ken­ neth Aburey Draughn and N ikki Rejendra Smith, child custody. - Kim E Jackson vs. Venita Renee Jackson, absolute divorce. - Thmani m. Dragon vs. Frederick Scott Dragon, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow , ha­ rass or interfere w ith plaintiff. -Estate o f Vclpo Dudley Ward Jr., by udministrator, EEdward Vbglcr Jr. vs. W illiam G. Ijames Jr. and West­ ern Surety Co., request recovery, $137,208.19. • Louie Stephan Beauchamp and Dorothy Ann Beauchamp Barney vs. W illiam Larry Beauchamp, request that certain bank accounts be de­ clared as not being jo in t accounts w ith right o f survivorship, but the sole property o f Edna Florence Beau­ champ and should be part o f her pro­ bate estate and distributed to her es­ tate; counterclaim, that court enter judgment determining true owner­ ship o f accounts. Highway Patrol The following wrecks in Davie County were investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Advance W oman Cited An Advance woman was died for making an unsafe traffic movement after a wreck on N.C. 801 at 6:45 p.m. Dec. 13. Brenda Kay Chan'ller, 2 /, o f 113 Lazy B Trail, drove a 1994 Mazda from N.C. 158 onto N.C. 801, and it hit a 1996 Toyota driven by Louise Sheriff's Department . The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie SherirPs Dept. - A report o f larceny was received Dec. 10 from a home on Somerscl Court, Advance. , - Assault on a female and domes-, tic criminal trespassing was reported from a residence on Pineridge Road, M ocksvillc, Dec. 10. - CD's and a CD case holder were reported stolen from, a vehicle on Oaktree Drive, Mocksville, Dec. 12. - A report o f larceny was received Dcc. 12 from a home on Bingham and Parks Road, Mocksville. - Breaking, entering, and larceny was reported Dec. 13 from a home on N olly Road, Cooleemee. - Jewelry was reported stolen from a home on Pudding Ridge Road, M ocksvilleonD cc. 13. -Breaking,eniering, larceny, and damage to property was reported Dec. IS from a residence on Oakland A v­ enue, Mocksville. - A purse was reported found Dec. 15 in a wooded area on Patricia Way, M ocksvillc. - A report o f found property was received Dec. 15 from a business on Kaydon Drive, Mocksville. - Larceny, forgery, and uttering was reported Dec. 15 from n location on Broadmoor Drive, Advance. - A diamond ring was reported stolen Dec. 16fromahome on Calvin U ne, M ocksville. - Breaking, entering, and larceny was reported Dec. 17 from a home on Jasmine Lane, M ocksvillc. Fires ■j DavieCoumyliredepanmentsrc- spondcd 10 the fbllowing calls: Dec. 11: M ocksvillc. 11:04 a.ni., Madison Road, gas line cut at con* stiucllon site; County Line, 2 :18 p.m „ Counly Une Fire Dept., power oui- T D e c.l2 :W illia m R .D a vie , 12:15 am ., TiuticyrootRoad, sinicture fire; Center assisted: Sm itli Orove, 9:S7 a.ni., Cieeliwood Drive, woods fire; Farmington assisted; Fork, 10:32 a.m.. Thousand Trails, automobile ' accidcnl; Shefrield-Calahaln, 2:02 p.m., Counly U ne Road, grass fire ;. County U ne assisted; Smith Grove, S:38 p.m .„U .S. 158 at Farmington Road, automobile accident. Dec. 13: Advance, 9:27 a.m., N .C ., :801 South, fire alarm; Comatzer- D ulih assisted; Jerusalem, 4:05 p.m., Deadmon RoajI, auipmobile accidcnl; Cooleemee assisted; Mocksville, 5:36 p.m., fire alarm activation; Jerusa- .lem assisted; Advance, 11:18 p.m.. Fork Bixby Road, automobile acci­ dent. Dec. 14: M ocksville, 1:06 p.m., Campbell Road and Country I^ e , automobile accident. D k . 15! Sheffield-Calahaln, 8:38 a.'m;, ' Sheffield Road,' auloihobile wclden't; Smith Orove, 8:12 p.m., I- 40W esi, automobile accidcnt;Jerusa- lem, 9:29'p.m „ Cherry H ill Road, automobile accident. Dec. 17i Cooleemee, 8:44 a.m.. Legion Hut Road, tree In roadway; Com atzer-Dulin, 3:09 p.m., Cor- natzcr Road, grass fire; Advance as­ sisted. ; Dec. H i Center,'9:51 a.m;i 1-40 East'; tractor trailer on fire; Farming­ ton assisted. ' Poole Parrish, 58, o f 127 Lakewood Drive, M ocksvillc, reported Trooper M .W .W hltencr. D river Faces Two Charges A M ocksvillc teen was chargcd w ilh driving left o r ccntcr and ex­ ceeding a safe speed after a wreck on Dcadmon Road at 4:1S p.m. Dcc. 13. Amanda Brooke Slyc, 17, o f 740 N. M ain St., was driving a 1988 Chevrolet that went o ff the road lo the right, came back on the road and went o ff to the left, overturning onto its top, reported Trooper M.W . W hlt- ener. Fog Contributes To W reck A M ocksville woman reported she couldn't see a stop sign bccause o f heavy fog, causing a wreck at 6 p.m. Dcc, 14. W illie Shutt Bennett, 70. o f 107 Nail Lane, was driving a 1999 Buick that went into a ditch on Redland Road, reported Thioper M.T. Dalton. , F a ilu n T o Reduce Speed C to rp d . A M ocksville man was charged w ith failure to reduce speed aHcf a wreck on U S . 601 SoiJth al 1 p.m. Dec. 15. -' ■ ■■■ ■•'■■i';.-'."- ■ Jason Scott T^dor, 20, o f 117 Aubrey M crrell Road, failed to stop ' the 1998 Honda he was driving be­ fore it struck in the rear a 1988 Ford , pickup driven by Donald Ray Spicer, 46, o f2769 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Salisbury Man Charged A Salisbury man was charged w ith D W I after a wreck on Cherry ' H ill Road at 9:30 p.m. Dec. 15. Jeffrey Wayne Smith, 37, o f 428 Cherry H ill Road, M ocksviIle,was' driving a 1996 Oldsmoblle that went ’ left o f center and parked on Ihe o p -' posite o f the road, reported TYooper M.W . Whltencr, It was then struck by a 1993 Chevrolet pickup driven: by Faustino Soto Vanegas, 33, who was chargcd with DW I. Failure Ta Reduce Speed C haried ' . A M ocksville teen was chai;ged ' with failure to reduce speed aftw a w reckonU ,S.60ISoulhal4:40p.m .' Dec. 16. Esther Orace Podunavac, 17, of 135 Old Farm Lane, failed toslop th e ' 1989 Buick she was driving before it struck the rear o f a 1996 Geo driven by Angela Faye Wheeles, 17„- o f Concord, knocking it into the rear' CooiinuedooP^iiT Bad W eather C au ses W recks Ice on roads contributed to at least ihrcc wrecks the morning of Dcc. 15. • Joshuo Allen Fouse, 19, o f 1414 M nln Church Road, wos driving a 1988 Mercury on ShefTield Road ot 8:35 a.m. when It skidded o ff ihe road to the left, overturning onto its top, reported N.C. Highway Patrol Trooper J.R. Allred. Fousc was cited for failure lo carry his driver's liccnse. • Wayne Richard Hamilton, 56. of 144 S. Claybon Drive, was driving 1994 Mitsubishi pickup on N.C. 801 near Claybon Drive when it slid on ice, crossed the center line and over­ turned to the right, reported N.C. Highway Patrol TTooper T.D. Shaw.. • About five minutes later. Ismael Serrano Valentin. 27, o f Winston- Salem, wasdrivinga 1993 Ford trock near the same spot on N.C. 801 and it skidded o ff the road to the right nnd ovcrtumcd, reported N.D. High­ way Patrol Trooper T.D. Shaw. Highway Patrol Continued fn m i Purc 6 o f a 1991 Dodge driven by Alice Nash Godbey. 70. o f 2372 U.S. 601 S.. MtKksvillc.reportcdTroopcrT.S. Kennedy. M ocksvillc M an Charged A M iKksville man was chargcd w ilh failure to reduce speed after a wreck on U.S.601 South al3:20p.m. Da*. 16. Baxter M elvin Gregory, 87, of l27.H inkle Drive, failed to slop the 1987 Ford he was driving before it struck the rear o f a 1999 Ford driven by Tangee Young Johnson, 37, of 7247 N.C. 801 S.. M ocksville. re­ ported Tnxx>pcr J.R. Allanl. t D river Faces Three Charges A M ocksvillc man was charged w ilh driving while licensc revoked, cxcecding a safe speed and posses­ sion o f marijuana afler a wrcck on U.S. 601 Nonh at 12:40 a.m. Dcc. 15. Derrick Lamar Smoot, 22, o f 243 Cedar Grove Church Road, was driv­ ing a 1979 Oldsmoblle that went off the rood (o the right and hit a m ail­ box, driveway and ditch, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. D rive r Faces Three Charges A M ocksvillc man was charged w ith reckless driving, driving while licensc revoked and leaving the scenc o f an accident after a wrcck on Country Lane at 9:09 p.m. Dec. 14. Peter Vaughn Hadley, 22, o f 253 Farmland Road, was driving a 1990 Ford and alicm plcd lo turn from Country Lane onto Farmland Road, when it went o ff Fannland lo the right, went down an embankment and struck several trees, reported 'Trooper Eric X Phillips. Cooleemee M an Charged A Cooleemee man was charged w ilh failure to yield right o f way af­ ter a w rcck on Country Lane at Campbell Road at 2:30 p.m. Dcc. 14. Jeffrey Allen U gle, 32, o f 235 D ccrhavcn T ra il, drove a 1989 Nissan from Campbell Road, strik­ ing a 1989 Dodge being driven on C ountry Lane by Jacinda Leigh Koontz, 20,o f 136t Davie Acadcmy Road, M ocksville, reported N.C. H ighw ay P atrol Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Damage to Laglc’s vehicle was estimated at $2,800, to Koontz’s. $3,500. Seven Deer Struck Seven dccr were struck or struck vehicles on Davie roods; • Clarencc Gene Elmore, 63, of 4279 N.C. 801, Mocksville. at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 on U.S. 601 North; • Janet Rudisill Dinkins. 53, of 1266 Liberty Church Road, Mocks­ villc, at 6:15 p.m. Dec. 14 on N.C. 801; •D avid Jason Ward, 23. o f 1511 County Line Road, Harmony, at 5:45 p.m. Dcc. 15 on 'nirkeyfool Road; • Angeila Phillips Swoim, 34, o f 508 Duke W hitaker Road. Mocks­ villc, at 9:20 p.m. Dec. 15 on M adi­ son Road; • John Christopher Sparks. 50, of East Bend, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 14 on U.S. 601 Nprth; .• W illiam Gray Keaton, 55, o f Yadkinville, at 5:15 p.m. Dec. 14 on N .C .8 0 I;a n d , , • M ichaelTinm as Anderson, 25, o f 269 \^a lt. W ito n Road, M ocks^. vi|le, at 10 a.m. Dec. 17 oii U.S. 601 South. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE REeORD, Dec. 21,2000 - 7 Holidav. Trasli PICK­ U P S c h e d u l e Customers who would normally have trash pick-up on Monday, Dec. 25th will have pick­ up on Tuesday, Dec. 26th along with our regular Tuesday pick-ups. No other holiday changes will occur. G .D .S ./ D A 1 I I E 131 Industrial Blvd., Mocksville, NC » 751-1585 N.C. Highway Patrol troopers, Davie EMTs and Smith Grove firefighters survey the small car after It collided wilh a tractor trailer. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Man Killed In Fiery 1-40 Crash A MiK'ksville man was killed Fri­ day night when his car cn>ss the I- 40 median and struck a tmclor trailer head on. Aaron Van U ll. 43. o f 150 Fred Lanier Road Lot E-24 (U k c Myers), was dead on the scene. N.C. Highw ay I’alrol Trooper M.T. Dalton reiH)rtcd that the 1985 Plymouth driven by U iil, traveling at an estimated 65 mph. went o ff the road lo the lefl. crosscd the median and struck head on the truck, driven by Curtis Solomon Jr., 30. o f Louis­ ville. Ky. The trooper estimated that the small car was traveling at estimated 45 mph. Ihc truck al 50 mph. when the two collided. The car caught fire and was ex- linguihhed by bystanders, Dalton re­ ported. There were reports o f reckless driving by Lail prior lo the wrcck, and a witness said ihat Ihe truck driver saw the accident about lo hap­ pen and tried to avoid the collision. B a n k R o b b e r I s S c a r e d A w a y An alarm apparently scared o ff a would-be thief al the Bank of Davie on Friday. Dec. 15. I*arly that morning, responding to an alarm at ihc McK-ksvillc Market- The next m orning, a hole was placc branch. O llla-r J.D. Finney and f„und in the rixif, where .someone had a hank manager searched Ihc bank apparently cut tn gain entry into the and didn’t milice anything nut o f the Nothing w.xs rcpiirtcd missing, ordinary. W is h in g Y o u T h e B e s t T h is H o lid a y S easo n riim iks for Shiipping Yintr Local W al-M itrl. f Open 6am - 6pm Christmas Dav Closed New Year's Eve Open 6am - 6pm New Year's Dav Open 6am-11pm VUAL*MART Yadkinville Road • Mocksville The Necklace with a Legend While the Sand Dollar is one of the most widely known and popular of all shells, few people are aware of the pretty little legend attached to it. Legend has it that these strange shells tell the story of Christ's suffering and his glory. The five holes represent the five wounds of Christ. On the front of the Easter lily • it's center, a five pointed star representing the star of Bethlehem which led the shepherds from afar. On the back the outline of Ihe Christmas Poinsettia reminds us of His birthday. When the shell is broken open, five Doves of Peace and Good Will appear. Because of this religious legend, this fascinating creature of the sea is often referred to as the Holy Ghost shell. A beautiful story, beautifully told and crafted in sterling silver by OJ & C Ferrara Co.. Inc. Legend of Sand Dollar on Parchment Paper with each purchase. S tarting In S terlin g S ilve r a t....»29- Next To Wal-Mart in Mocksvillc Year P J .A C T T K lS ID l.M IA I ( A K t -L ■/ Meet JB Wilson The New Davie Place would like to recognize JB Wilson is our resident of the week, JB has m ode his hom e here at Davie Place since M arch of 1996. JB loves everything ctX5Ut Davie Place, the staff and residents. He recently celebrated his birthday, Sun D ecennberl7th.Eveiyone likes JB and enloys him as their friend. He Is always pleasant and always has a smile JB welcom es all of his friends an d fam ily to com e see him a t his hom e Davie Place, Expect ОмЪеи If you Of some you know would like to apply to , live with us at ttie new bovle Place call , 336-751-2175 and ask for Ron Dodson. : . Medicaid & Privately Funded .: ., , 337 Hospital Street • Mocksville . - 'I л' H i . 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , Dec. 2J, 2000 - B1 / H O W A R D R E A L T Y D u r i n g t h i s s p e c i a l s e a s o n H o w a r d R e a l t y a n d a l l o u r e v e n t s w o u l d l i k e t o e x p r e s s o u r t h a n k s t o t h e m a n y p e o p l e w h o a l l o w e d u s t o b e a p a r t o f t h e s a l e , p u r c h a s e o r r e n t a l o f t h e i r p r o p e r t y i n t h e p a s t y e a r . T h r o u g h y o u r c o n f i d e n c e i n o u r s e r v i c e , w e h a v e h a d t h e b e s t y e a r e v e r i n o u r 3 0 y e a r s o f d o i n g b u s i n e s s i n D a v i e C o u n t y . To each of you we wish a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 330 South Salisbury St., Mocksville, NC . (336) 751-3538 C o z a r t , D a v i e G i r l s G e t L a n d m a r k W i n By Hrlnn Pitts Davic Coumy Enterprise Rccord Davie's varsily girls basketball team was on the verge o f a collapsc Dcc. 15 againsl visiting Alexander Central. AHer surging to a commanding 27-12 lead. Ihc W ar Eagles lost con­ trol, ran into a ditch and found them­ selves in jeopardy o f falling to 0-S in games follow ing back-to-back wins under fourth-year coach C arol Cozan. But they survived a honld IN minute strctch and refused to let the Cougars stand In the way o f a three- game winning streak for the Ttrsi lime since 1996, avenging a 43-28 season-opening loss In which Davic missed 45 o f 54 shots. "It was a whole lot harder than It needed to be, bul I fell like we would (prevail) becausc \he girls have vowed that they arc not going to shoot that low (17 pcrcenl) again. So il was just a matter o f us keeping our cool," Cozart said after Davie, which rallied past Forbush and former Davie coach Laddin Lakey 52-48 earlier in (he week, im proved to 4*3 in nonconference with a 51-37 win. "We don't want to take one step forward and one step back because you’re noi gaining any ground. W c warn this to just build, lo snowball. I think this group has some confidence ■ and some composure In these light spots, and we have more than one or two people who have that.** The W ar Eagles looked as if they had the game put away when Shelby Michael made it 27-12 In the first minute o f the third quaner, but they mustered only six points over the next 11:15 and watched Central (4- 5) pul! even at 33-33 w ilh a 21-6 run. Please See Several • Page B6 Stop The Presses Monster Streak Comes To End For JV Boys By B rian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The theory that nothing lasts for­ ever became a stinging reality last week as two remarkable runs came to an end. The sophomores on Davie’s JV boys basketball team lost for the First time in their high-school career - after going 18-0 on the freshman team and staning 5-0 this ye a r- and Coach Derek Kum ltsky’s streak o f 31 consecutive wins was snapped whenvisitingDavlesufferedanlght- marish scoring drought and Alex­ ander Central played a near-pcrfcct game. ^ "I knew It wasn’t going to last I forever." Kurnilsky said after a 59- 43 nonconference defeat, his first sincc a 55-51 loss to M ounl Tabor in the 1998-99 season. "I just feel blessed we won 31 straight. I might never win 31 games in a row again.” Dating to lost year, only three opponents had stayed within single digits o f Davie, but the Cougars did what 23 previous opponents couldn’t: They held Davie to zero fleld goals In Ihe founh quaner, blew open a 46-42 lead with a 13-1 game-closing run and lim ited Davie to the second-few- est poinls under Kurnilsky, whocame in with a gaudy 41-1 record in two- plus years. Central held Kurt McNabb 13 points under his 15-polm average, Luke Phelps finished eight bclowhis average and Josh Wallace’s free throw accountcd for Davie's lone point in the fourth. T h e y sat in a zone and did what they had to do to beat us," said Kur- nitsky, who declined to make ex­ cuses after Central avenged a 94-81 Davie w in on Nov. 21, "W e missed and they made every shot. \ "It wasn’t Iheir fault. W c didn’t play for a week and it was coaching. 1 got outcoachcd. He'coached better than me and I lost the game. They didn't lose; I lost and I'll take all the blame on my shoulders." Central's feat set o ff a w ild scene» Please See Alexander - Page B5 Rod Tenor goes high to grab a rebound for Davie High against Alexander Central.- Photo by Robin FerflUMon Box-ln-One Ineffective As Davie Scores 105 By B rliin P ills Davio County E nlc^risc Rccord Davie's vanity boys basketball team flaunted its potent 1-2 punch until oveimatchcd Alexondcr Central frayed at the edges and came undone here Dec. is. The Cougars, who watched Sean Stevens bomb seven 3-pointers and pour ln40polntsonN ov.21,' deployed a box-in-one defense on the 5-7 guard, but Ihe strategy proved ineffective. V, Stevens still had 26 points ond Edie Zajnovic overcame a rocky stort to matched Davie's top gun with 26 as the dub'propelled the W ar Eagles lo' their 23rdrcgular-season nonconfcrence win in 24 tries, lOS-71. That's nne," Coach Jim Young said o f the defensive tactic. "We just used Sean as a decoy and let somebody else shoot. It was Edic'sturn and he picked it up." T h e y , don't know me, so I just pump it in," Zajnovic, a Yugoslavian exchange student, said. ' Forwards Dan Sullivan and Rod Tenor also reached double figures as Davie surpassed the century mark for the third lim e in a row, a remark­ able achievement for a team that's supposed to be rebuilding after losing every starter from a 21-6 lia itl.""'' ■■'••'I',.': "I've had some teams score 100 Iwo or three times a year, but I've never had a team score 100 back-to-back-lo-back - and that's w ithotil fiill- coun pressure. It was halfcourl stuff In all three games," Young said after raising his28-year record 10438^196. ■ ■ A memomble night didn't seim to In the cards In the early going for Zajnovic, who miMcd 'v six o f eight firsl-quaner shots. Including all five 3- ' point tries, as Central forged an 18-18 tie. But Zajnovic recovered in time to connect on four o f flve second-quarter fleld goals and eight of Please See War Eagles-.Page B 411 Wo(th Noting... Jann a Seam on scored her first seven poinls o f Ihe year in the fourth, and A shley W h itlo c k had a season-high 14, including six o f eight free throw s, as Souih D avie's g irls parlayed a lale 18-2 tun in lo a 45-37 w in over E rw in. M a tt M o se r has scored between 16 and 26 poinls in a ll seven games fo r Davie's 6-1 JV boys baskeiball team ; L u k e Phelps (14 points, 11 rebounds) and K u ii M cN a b b (1 1 points, ID rebounds) achieved double-doubles in a w in over Bishop M cG uinness; and Coach D e re k K u rn its k y 's personal 31-game w innin g streak was broken in a 59-43 loss to A lexander Central. Shelby M ich a e l o f Davie's varsity girls has averaged 14.6 points during Davie's three-gam e w innin g streak, inclu ding 18 paints and six rebounds in a 51-37 revenge w in over A lexander Central. , . , Sean Stevens o f Davie's varsily boys is averaging 31 poinls the past fo u r games, E die Z ^ n o v ic poured in a season-high 26 against A . Central and R od T e n o r ju s t missed a triple-double in the same game w ith 10 points, 11 rebounds and seven steals. P a tric k Low e ry's stranglehold continued in a 19-team tourna­ ment nt Parkland,'The stip e rsta rw re stle rfo rp a yiiim ljro ve d to 18- 0 and w on one o f tw o m ost-outstanding awards. , ' By B rian P ills jia v ie County Enterprise Rccord ; ^.'Although the showdown is s lill almost a j№ nth away, it became unquestionably clear that Davie has a long way to go to catch up '.with overhauled Mount Tabor. ! rF o r Central Piedmont Conference wres- 'tiing followers, Ihe 19-tcam Mustang Stom- : i^ e at Parkland High served as a preview for .■■whal w ill almoslcertainly determine theCPC Championship - and if Saturday was any .'Indication, il w ill require ii big upset for jp'avie 10 achieve an eighth straight title and extend a 40-match league winning streak. ;.';:Thanks partly to Ihe Influx of at least five ,'l^ fe rs /ro m nearby schools, Tabor w ú far ;in d rt than'anyone could handle with 267 points. Fuquay Varina had 182, Bandys 137, Davie 133,Tuscola 124, Independence 1 ISand Watauga l(M. "It's Ihe best (tournament) we've been In so far, and you've got to wrestle'In those kind to get better," Davie coach Buddy Lowery said. Six ofthe W ar Eagles' I2partici- pants - they were missing Malochi Gentry a lll2 a n d J o n Goode at 189 due lo sickness - nnishcd 4-1 or better onil tO hod winning recpt^. B u t'it wasn't enough to make things intcresiing! ^ . L o w e ry andone hard one. It was pretty much four or five hard ones." W Ith'few homegrown weapons in the staning lineup: ^ e Uaditional way to build a power - Tabor has taken fu ll advantage o f Forsyth County's open-door policy, curi­ ously loading up with one wrestler' from South Stokes, two from West Forsyth (the C lint and Colt Stanley twins who came through North Davie M iddle) and two from'Reynolds. The much-anticipated collisloii between •■"Now we can do one o f two thingsr . Davie and Tabor is Jan. 1 Sal Davie al 6 p.m. - Lowery sold. "We're going to busl'oiir butts ' "(Second-yewcoiichJoson Hooker) had a and get iKtler, or we're going lo (roll over), good team befote all the whatever... before c m 'a il o t them decbted'.'Hey, we wantto be on a 'There wasn't too much talking on Ihe bus the way home. It wasn'tllkefoureasy matches gooi) team,'," Lowery said. "They were going to be good anyway, and now they're real ■good.'They're at Tabor now.They'ns not dping anything nobody else is doing. / , i "We've, just got to buckle ii up, try, to iraptbve and work on some little things,. We didn't wrestle bad." ' 'Althdiigh 'Tabor stole the CPC thunder, no ; one could keep up with Davie's 215-potiiid junior, Purick Lowery, who roared to S-0 to cam the tournament's most outstanding award 'iim ongthe 14.5-275classes. ■ •" ’ '■ ■- ' ''"He'just pifys with them," Buddy said o f ;sqnPairick, who Is 18^0 with lip in s ; "He's . a whole lot stronger than a lot o f them, and he . .khbws:what'sgolngon." Josh Stanley fell for the Tirst time in 18 ■ niaichesinlhie.l2Srinal.'Davie'got4-l pet-r.- foimances fioinlcitdan Kahh^ JacbbGanwr,;,; Adam Sain and Tyler Black. B illy Riddlej Luke Koontz, Andrew Scott and Tony A n -' geli were 3-2 for a team that started o m senior (Angeli). ' , ! . ■ . ' !' i " "B illy's going to be good," Lowery s là r t the elite freshman. l'He goes 100 m ilii per hour." ' N otts: Davie Is Idle until a dual tourai^ mem at East Gaston on Dec. 2 9 - 3 0 . Beò . Allred and Sam Stóvidlvvon once ^ h f « Ihe which remained unbeaten in d iu i ■ com pelitioii at 6-0'w ith a 47-18'.wln at_N^' . Davidson Dec. 14.... Davie s w ^ ^ l7 J V matches from the Black K nigh¿ .''nie w iit> ■ ners were Scott № w elli,M ichaeÍ S inunou, M ichael Beck, ,T>W ú W M M W i l i ^ ' ‘ ■ N lc k 'P Ó M Ìu iò A Ìm ^ '.V a n liù l9 .,’ n ^ - В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 Davie Girls First In Three Team Swim lUleet; Boys Show Progress . Davie's girls grabbed first place in s U o fl 1 events and beat Salisbury and Bishop McGuinness in a non* conrercncesw im m ecthercD cc.il. Behind Emma Jakob, Mcagan Clark and Ashley Gaskin, the War Eagles rolled up 132 points (o Salisbury's 105 and Bishop’s 69. Jakob won the 200 Tree, Clark the 200 individual medley and 500 free and Gaskin the 100 fire, and w in­ ning relay (cams included the 200 medley and 200 free. Kaylyn Smith, Clark. Jakob and Gaskin made up both relays. But the big surprise was Michelle Hunckter, who finlshcd third in the 100 butterfly toqualiry for regionals. T h is is only the sccond lime she’s swam lhal in a meet," Coach M alt Mccham said. "She swam II the first time bccause wc just needed her and camc real close (to making regionals). Wc talked about il, worked on a few minor adjustments w ith her strokes and she went out and qualified. ‘ "She's just a natural. I mean, she probably had just never swam It be­ fore, never thought about II, but she's good. She about pulled me in the water. She really wanted il." Davie got runner-up times from Becky Call In the 200 free. Smith in thc50 free and lOObackandJakobin the 100 fiy. The 200 free relay icam o f Call, Alison Alexander, Natalie Hunckler and Jancl Darcy finlshcd sccond,and Megan Russell, Meredith Bridgewalcr,M ichellc Huncklcrand Kate Pcliorini finlshcd sccond in the 400 free relay. "W ewcreactuallycxpcrimcnting w ilh Ihe lineup," Mccham said. "So we didn't have everybody like wc would normally swim M ount Tabor, Reynolds and that group, and W’c still went oul and won pretty handily." . Clark has qualified for regionals in four events, Jakob In three, Smith \ind Call in two each and Alexander, Gaskin and Michelle Hunckler in one apiccc. Three relay teams - two 200 medleys and the 200 free - have also qualified for regionals. "That’s a lot for this school," M c­ cham said. D A V IE 'S R E B U IL D IN G BOYS couldn't produce their first win o f the year, but ihey showed significantimprovcmcnl. Bishop was first at 128, followed by Davie at 79 and Salisbury at 70. Austin Powell and Drcnt Gaither claimed first in the 100 fiy and 100 back, respectively, and Ricky Hel- ntzman took sccond in the 200 free and Jeff M ighion placed third in the lOOlM. "Before this season (Heintzman) had never swam 200 yards consecu­ tively, and he pulled in sccond in only his third swim In lhat event (200 free)," Mccham said. "He’s just gel­ ling better and belter. He didn't even finish in the scrimmage against Bishop, and now he’s laking sccond place. "A nd this is the firs t tim e (M ighion) swam the 200IM In com- petition, and he took third." Gaither was sccond In the 50 free, and the 200 medley and 200 free relay teams were sccond. Gaither^' Mighion, Powell and Danny Stiling,, made up the 200 medley, and Powell, ZachJakob.SlillngandGalthcrmadc . up the 200 free. Davie's next meet Jan. 3 at home against Reynolds. ' Paul S^rks Wrestling For Academy Paul Sparks o f Advancc is wres­ tling for the icings Point (N.Y.) Mer­ chant Marine Academy. The 1999 Davlc High graduate is a backup sophomore in the 174- pound weight class. Sparks has yet lo appear in a match for a Mariner leam that is 1-3. HiHiimg Right Нкги in Our Community jsl u.“ттгт: l ì - -■лЛг ^ . t % DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 - B3 P a r k s , R e o B a s k e t b a l l S c o r e s Boys 3rd Grade Sot. Dcc. 16 RAPTORS Bret Williams 4 Jared Barber 4 Jacob Barber 8 TylerSpiy2 TARHEELS Devaron Scolt 4 Bradley Gaither 13 Kendall Tatum 2 Kinston Tatum 2 TarlorFiyc2 Boys 4th Grade GOHERS (20) Zach tiling 6 Alex Marion 4 Vince Cioce 8 Calab Rominger 2 TIGERS (14) Brandon Walls 2 Jonathon West 2 Pcfty James 10 Girls 3\4 Grade WILDCATS (II) Amber Parrish 2 Costner MerriBcId 4 Jennifer Russell 5 SPARKS (19) Jessa Ren 9 Hannah Stroupe 6 Cecily Reynolds 2 Kayla Comauer2 BLUE DEVILS Ryan Bameycastle 2 Austin Bell 4 Josh Carter 2 Andrew Denniston I BULLS Jack Rooney 2 TARHEELS (10) Landon Harris 2 Ryne Carson 6 Nathan Vemon 2 LAKERS (7) Jacob Robertson 4 Stephen Perkins 3 TARHEELS (8) Andrea Grant 2 Amber Mashore 6 LADY VOLS (26) Brittany Cass 12 Kelsey Taylor 2 Meghan Matthews 4 Lindsey Blackwell 2 Boys 6th Grade , CELTICS (37) Andrew Boswell 4 David Pitts 2 Josh Eder8 Tristian Hairston 4 Jared Nelms 19 HORNETS (26) David Stovall 6 Christopher Brogdon 7 Ben Pawlik 7 Jamie Reavis 6 Giris 6th Grade COUGARS (16) Sydney Crawford 10 Chr?ty Myers 4 Sara Handy 2 SPURS (25) Jack Rooney 17 Travis Williams 4 AdamCloer2 Stephen St. John 2 DEACONS (17) Tyler Baity 8 Tyler Woolen 3 Shawn Watkins 2 Christopher Brown 4 CAROLINA MYSTICS (34) RED DEVILS (12) Brittini Young 11 Margo Masi 2 Grace Didenko 12 Vanessa Didenko 6 Jennifer Beck 4 LADY CELTICS (16) Carly Praiap« 10 jodieHarpe4 ^chel Mackintosh 4 Amanda Blackwell 4 Maleia Stevenson 2 Amanda Russell 2 Jenny Mann 2 Jessica Welch 4 Danielle Russell 2 Jaclyn Smith 2 Anitra Mock 2 COMETS (14) Lauren Parker 6 Rachel Goins 4 Rebecca Riddle 4 I L A R R Y ’S 1 il W O O D F L O O R Í . S E R V I C E Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Lany McClenney 129Ukowood Drtvo 336-751-1721 New & Old Roofs • Free Estimates P e rk in s R o o fin g 336-998-1150 MILLER equipmentN? RENTAL FALL IS HERE! Bobcal aerator core plugger a more lor rent lodavi MiKksvlllv 13361 751-2304 NOW OPEN ROWAN driving SCHOOL-N 58-2 Court Square • Mocksville Telephone: 336-751-9993 1-866-260-0470 Office Hours: 8am-11am, M-F ...................‘« i t f i W d e i Doris Lovell Noble O wncr/lnslruclor 20 Years Experience NC D river’s License Examiner in Davie County 'JL. n*. . D o c H o ld a i^ If you need to see a doctor during the holidays, it's good to know that the.Urgent Care Center at Davie County Hospital Is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No appointment necessary. Most insurance plans accepted. DAVIE COUNTTHOSPITAL 223 Hospital Street IHocksvllle 'ТЗЬВЮО Free Deluxe Continental Breakfastl NOT VALID ; DURINO SPECIAL \ EVENTS *SUPER 8 CLEIVIIVIONS 6204 RAMADA DRIVE, CLEMMONS (336) 778-0931 ■■ Specials of the Week S t o c k i n g S t i i f f e r s C A N D Y B A G S A s s o r t e d C a n d i e s each Limit 4 While Supplies Last OFF Selected Christm as Item s Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F M ie n -R o iic Ii D u n g Cui. 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d • M o c k s v ille • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 THE TRUCK STOP OF THE TRIAD 2001 RAM QUAD-CAB CLEARANCE! 2 WHEEL DRIVE SLT STARTING AT •ve* AIR C0NDIT1ONINQ* CHROME WHEELS HLT»CRUISE 4 WHEEL DRIVE RAM STARTING AT 437.7M AB TftldDiicount.M.eOO « ■ « t « .Rtbatt____.S2.ooo PAY ’^ # 1 1 4 For ^ T .T ji ONLY 4 w d 2 0 0 1 DURANGOS ALL NEW 2001 RAND CARAVANS IN STOCK! B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Die. 21,2000 W a r E a g l e s R o m p T o 1 0 5 - 7 1 W i n Continued From Page D1 hisfinal 12.incluilinglhrcclrcysand an assortment o f poctic Inside huck- CIS. "I ju.sl figured nul I’ve gni 10 slop thinking about missing." Zajnovic said. "Coach said just keep shooting like always and it'll comc back. They pushed on (Slevens). so Coach called the plays for me. and it really worked ou( well when I slsjrtedhiuingsome." Stevens and Zajnovic combined for 33 points in the first 16 minutes, hut Aaron Mayes hit nine o f 10 free throws for 19 poinls first-half points as Central stayed close at 46-39. "W c were coming o ff two big wins, so wc thought it was going to be easy," Zajnovic said. "W e talked about playing some (expletive) defense because wc weren't playing any," said Young, who undressed the troops at half* time. "We allowed them (39). and they should have had *10 in the game. "But 1 was very pleased w ilh the way they responded and took over defensively. They really refocused." The W ar Eagles responded by hit­ ting 13 o f their ne.xt 23 shots, they shut down Mayes the rest o f the way (two points and no field goals after halftime) and they received impres* sive contributions from Tenor and Sullivan while breaking the game open with an 18-5 third-quarter run for a 64-44 lead. Sullivan had IS points and s\x rebounds, hitting nine o f nine free throws for a team that cashed in on 29 o f 39 from the charity stripe and 35 o f 6 1 from the field, a blazing 57 percent. And Tenor came tantallz- ingly close to a triple-double for the second time In three games with 10 poinls. 11 rebounds, seven steals and six assists. ^ "(The triple-double) won’t comc together, but I'll takeadouble-doublc every night. I'm not picky," Tenor said. "I'm going toget me one before this year's out." "Sullivan andTenor kept us In the Sean Stevens goes to the hoop. game in the first quarter because wc were cold," Young said. "Their rc* bounding and putbackskept us in the first quarter." Young unloaded his bench with , five minutes left, and N ick Propst put Davie over the 100-point hump with a minute left on two free throws. Notes: Stevens, who is scoring at an Incredlblc 3I*polnt clip the last four games, was 7-of*7 from the line and had four steals.... Point guard Jason Hogue had four points, seven assists, five steals and four rebounds. Jonathon Britlon and Scottie Crump had seven poinls, Propst five, Darko Jankovic three and D avid W ooldridge two. ... Davie w ill be one o f the top three seeds In the Sam M oir Christmas Toumamcnl at Cat* Makc'Up * Skin Care Bath fit Body Products • Spa Products • Perfume • Cologne 1 h o u r a w e e k c a n p u t t h e o t h e r 1 6 7 in to p e r s p e c tiv e . SuruIaySclioolforatlages9:I5am Worship Service at I0:30am H o ly C r o s s L u t h e r a n C h u r c h lulheran 1913 US Hwy. 6G| South, in America Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751.5419 Edie Zajnovic fires a shot for the War Eagles. Stevens hit six treys for 29 points. Zajnovic added four 3s for 19 and Chris Slein enjoyed a season-best 15,12 above his previous high. "M ystartersonlyplaycd about 16 minutes, and evcrytH>dy played in the firsl half." Young said. "Stein, his Iasi three games, has been steadily stepping it up like he did this sum­ mer." Davic also got eight from Hogue, seven from Jankovic, Propst and Sul­ livan, four from Tenor, and three from Urilton and Crump. Davie only played one game because inclement weather abbreviated the loumament. awba College on Dec. 27-29. Burning A Path Through Pennsyl­ vania Young andTowanda (Pa.) waged many great battles during his years in Pennsylvania, but Davic made the Knights look lost In the return to Young’s old stomping grounds. Davie raced lo a 28-3 lead and beat Towanda to a biller pulp. 102* 41. "W e put on a clinic defensively, and we banged a 3 our firsl four times down the floor," Young said. "They kind o f got intimidated and never recovered." N O T I C E O F P U B L I C H E A R I N G The Tbwn o f M ocksville wlU conduci a public hearing on January 2.2 0 0 1 ,7:00 pm lo receive com m enis (rom Ihe public concerning the subm ittal of a Com m unity Economic Development Grant Application to the North Carolina Department o f Commerce. The purpose o f Ihe hearing w iil be 10 explain how such a gram can be uliiizecl by Ihe Ib w u if Mocksviile. Citizens are welcom e lo comm ent. The liearing w ill be conducted al Ihe M ocksville Tbwn Hall, and all citizens o f the com m unity arc inviied lo attend. Hearing im paired persons desiring additonal inform ation or having questions regarding Ihls subject should call Ihe North Carolina Relay Number for the Deaf al; 1-800-735-8262 D A V I D Y U R M A N niua Chilcfdnnr Jr IXamoudiln IHl (IvIJ anti Sltiling Silver T H E B LU E IC E C O L tE C T IO N " S20 s. Siralfotd Rd., Wlnslon.Sali!m . (336)'72i-l768 M o a iri. ICWiSal. lOÆ Sun. 1-5 W a l t e r s B u i l d i n g s Agri - Commercial FREE QUOTES Lexington, NC (336) 764-3829 or 1 (800) 225-2590 "More Value F or Your M oney' Give Ihe best gifl 0 al- buckle up for a safe ho idaj. Jim KeiVJr- 28t North MainStrM Moduv«« 336-751-2937(Dm i f ' * « ) Nationwide* Insurance & R nandal Services For Ag«nl E-Mail wwi«.n«tlon«rid« com Horr« Oflc«; Or» Njtonoito PUn. CoKjr>t>uS, Off 4321S NatnfMrid«* is ■ r0gat«(«d tettocal lervK« nu'tk o( N.itcoMnto Insuranca Con^pary Decem ber Bargain of the Month J h u zl/a là ü i. Hdp 11 Just Around The Comer. Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies I62stieekst-ist-2l67 Open Weekilays ]:30 - 5:00: Sal 1:30 ■ 12 noon Seasoa C en tral C am lin aR an k Your Financial Advantage. 4 Davie County Locations . Beo Yadkinville Rd.. Mocksville • 148 Water SI.. Cooleemee Shopping Center, Cooleemee & 5361 US Hwy. 1 iMQi Alexander Central Win Over Davie Sparks Big Celebration DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21.2000 • HS Continued From Pogc D1 n reaction seldom seen in a JV game, ns funs flooded the court to cclcbratc the glunt's Tall. "W c were In shock that wc got beat," Kum itsky said. "They had a nicecrowd and they rushed thccourt. Players and coachcs were running all over the place like they won the na­ tional championship, which was grcat.That'sthegrcatestcompliinent in the world when somebody heats you anil rushes (he court and goes crazy." Matt Moser hit three 3-poinlers and had 19 points, but the haymaker was held scorcless In the Tourth. Micah Gamer had .seven, Patrick Law and Wallace five, Drian Hunter Tour, McNabb two and Phelps one. K ctaliallon' Twelve hours after digesting the unfainillar feeling o f defeat, the humbled W ar Eagles took out their bitterness on v is itin g Bishop McGuinnesslnathorough72*56vic* lory. "EvcrylHxly loses bul the key Is how you came back the next game." Kum itsky said. "Are you going to pout and cry, or are you going to. comc out and play well? And wc cameout and played very well, which makes me proud." Moser, who seems to never have an o ff night, hit four 3*pomters. handed out six assists and lopped his average (19 ppg) with 20 points. He has 19 ireys in seven games. Phelps scored 14 and pulled down 11 re­ bounds, McNabbcollccted 11 points. 10 'reboundit and four assists, and Gamer scored lOand dished out eight assists. "We were very mad," Kum itsky said. "W e’re not used to losing, nol used lo gelling knockcd around, and wc wanted lo gel our pride back." Davie also gol eight points from Hunter, three from Law and Carter and two from big man Kenny Or- sillo. who missed the first fivegamcs. "Luke really set the tone inside and did a great job, and Kenny com­ ing hack helped us out on the boards." Kum iisky said. Davic returns to action Jan. 3 against visiting North Iredell before hosting Salisbury on Jan. S. H A L F J E W E L R P R I C E Y S A L E I 1 ilOWIM PROGRESS! H Glenn KiDOAGElCi TheR. Glenn Kidd Agency is located nl 4219 Lcwisviiic-Cicmmons Rd., Suite ff4. Ownwlby It. Glenn Kkld.Opcraledby R. Glenn Kidd ntul MiJty L M.ir^erine. officelwursnruMoa, Wcd.,Frl.,9*5;Tucs., Tliurs., 10-4. Phone 766-5728 Fax 766-5732 Median RESTAURANT ' Buy 2 Soft Drinks & | ij 1 Dinner Combo (#1-30) il And Get Another \ ;! Dinner Combo f i F R E E ►¡¡VALID SUN.-TOUR. DIND-IN ONLy Iy I Not Valid With Any Oth«r SpM lal |J I ixpir«* ia /s o/00 I \ L J 2 8 3 0 L aw lsvllls-C lam m on a Rd, C lam n o n a 778-0300 2130 tlCMl N111 M«ll, ttaU««»!« • aTM»30 IMO t. Stratford Rd. w # • 7«a-to«a05 Try Our Fabulous Margaritas! Sim.-Tliur!«.. I i om-10 pm Friday U um-II pm Salurduy, Noon-11 pm B IV S I HIÏISIS store Your Homes Winter Clutter At Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage ilW l • ; 998-9661 Alter Christmas, homeowners will again cram boxes ol lights, wreaths, decorations and dis­ plays into overloaded attics and closets. Join the smart planners who choose Bermuda Mini's Sell-Storago lo clear out living space lor the new year. "It always gives you a Iresh leeling to have a house or olllce uncluttered,’ said Jessica Deiendorl, manager ol the 296 units al Ber­ muda Mini's. 66 ol these unils, which range In size (rom 5' X 5’ up to 10' X 30’, are climale-con- trolled. The careluily controlled temperature in these special units Is Irom 55 lo 78 degrees: and the building in which they are housed boasts an additional security code Irom the Ini­ tial security clearance around Ihe perimeter. Businesses lind that Bermuda Mini's Is the perfect spot to store inventory or extra office lumiture not currently in use. Wiley Stanford has stored his business samples at Bermuda Mini's lor more than three years, and loves the lact that he can swing by Ihe convenient facility on his way out cl town on trips. ”1 can't alford to sit In traffic,” said Slanlord, a sales representative lor several hardware and building supply stores nationwide. "Convenience Is a big Issue lor me." The Ad­ vance businessman also cites the cleanliness and accessibility as additional factors for his patronage at Bermuda Mini's. Customers also appreciate the state-of-the- art security system protecting the facility, includ­ ing computerized access gates, with an ' Individual code lor each customer. Computers monitor the time ol entrance and exit Irom the property: and video surveillance Is continuous. Six-loot high chain link lencing is topped wilh barbed wire; and spolilghls Hood the perimeters at night. "We go out ol our way to make arrangements lor customers,? said Jessica Denzendorf. Cli­ ents are olfered access to a trailer to move Hems lo the storage unit, at no cost. Call Bermuda Mini's lor more details on Ihls fantastic benefit. Free keyed security locks are also provided to Bermuda Mini's customers. Realtors have long urged sellers to remove clutter lor a quicker sale, giving the property a spacious appearance. People selling their home love the convenience of storing furniture, clothes and other Items In the attractive units. Owners ol mopeds, motorcycles and four-wheelers enjoy keeping their valuable machinery out of freez­ ing rain and sleet during the winter months. Families caught In the throes of moving or building a house depend on the steady protection which Bermuda Mini's provides. Businesses enjoy customized offers for long-term rates and consecu­ tive unit rentals. The elficlent, cooperative staff will also work with commercial clients to design personalized access times and other ben- elils. Call Bermuda Mini's at (336) 998-9661 for more inlormalion today. Why start the new year with a disorganized mess? Clear out the clut­ ter wilh a spacious unit at Bermuda Mini's Sell-Storage. They are lo­ cated al 146 Commerce Drive in Advance, next to Bermuda Quay Shop­ ping Center on Highway 158. Customers may also email Bermuda Mini's Sell-Slorage at: bmlnis@holmail.com. Advertising Supplement SAVINGS up r AQ, EVERYDAY to / S e n io r C Itlia n s D is c o u n ts Merry Christmas! • Mem a Ladies Jackets • Sleds • New SMpment of Ladles Clothing Clemmons Discount Sales t533 Lewlsvilie-Cietnmons Rd. 76M449 • Clemmons • 766*4938 ^imfsen LOCK & KEY Mark Simpson u c k tm lth .12 Years Exporionco (3361659-6398 MMto: 171-2127'0«t Off tv. W Of ThsAfI Hair & Nail Studio 158 I Uz Wyrick Sfyiist Lori Hill Naii Tech 3818 OemmonslM.. Oommons 766-9001 B e r m u d a M i n i ’ s Self-S torage ^ 998-9661 3 Climate Control 3 24 hr Computerized Gate 3 Fenced wilh 24 hr lighting 3 Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 3 Video Camera Security 3 Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance rCOUNTeR^SlNTT I Guitar Sti'op á ^ tu d lo m I I I ■ ■ H %2Cqúrt^uárefWocksvnk“~ ¡ | [ № ^ 3 3 « ^ 9 3 9 o m I HrNotm-8f)inandSit. lOim-lpcn Croi^r M^^Chäney c^ssociates m Yoiii I iom cliiwii iic.illoi 2265-C Lewlsvllle-Cleminons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 SmODeSTOne I F i r c a f o n c Lee Tires t t H A I K O D K Michelin Tires G e o r g e 's V illa g e G a r â g e 2570 Lewlsville-Clemmons Rd.« Clemmons^. 766-7862 Whitney Flooring Houni M o n . * f M . 1 0 * 6 S a t . l O « a S p e c ia liz in g In Carpct& ^ayl Gcramlc TUa Hardwood noon & ReHnlshlng Counter Topa Laminated Floora (3 3 6 ) 766^733 20 Years Experience NOWCPBi TO THE PUBUC 581»C James SL t a Ê à e s a y s : m i Ê â M m r v ^ F m rm ttm n u p T » $ o % o r r ^ K m lm g lt t m m * fim m C m H fm rm lm U fm a ty l^ M ^ S f M ^ w o r t t r H m t t r m M § 9 % 0 ir ♦ « ■ f iM n < M C a llftr m lm U fm tty tm u M u y F to m n o o r O r OrdmrHom Catata« Located In TheOld OanmcMisSdKxl JSSBaeawmultaid(NeailothtCkmmoimlJiimy) (3 3 6 ) 7 7 8 ^ 2 7 0 0 - 1--' Вб - DÀVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 Brittany Walker and Sarah Williams battle for a loose ball for the War Eagles. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Sarah Williams eyes the basket while teammate Sheiby Ivlichaei blocks an oppo­ nent. S e v e r a l W a r E a g l e s H a v e B r i g h t G a m e M o m e n t s Dawn Singleton shoots for Davie High. ConHnued From Page B1 "1 fell like thai-halftimc lead (25- 12) was not enough with this icam,’* Co/art said. "Thcydid the same thing in the first half that wcdid over there. They probably shot ihe same 17 pcr- cetit, but I iricd lo tell Ihc girls that theyaregoingtorunintoahcl streak. They started raining baskets, and all o f a sudden wc went cold. Every­ thing that we had been making, wc were missing." Michael, a classic streak shooter who has been on a tear, nailed a long jum per for a 35-33 lead that Davie never relinquished, and Sarah W ill­ iams pushed the lead to 37-33 on a steal as Davie rode a 17-3 burst lo victory. Ntichael, who is averaging 14.6 points the last three games afterscor- ing 22 in the first four outings, and W illiam s, who is averaging 8.5 the past four games after a spultering stort.accountedfor H o fth c 17 points in the decisive run. Michael finished with a season- high.18 points and six rebounds, and W illiam s added 10 points and five .steals. "They came up with some clutch baskets, and slopping that momen­ tum was huge," Cozart said. "The Л е м е A V e ^ e ü à d é im a i! FmmAII Of Us At: B&B Glass & Mirror 702 Statesville Road • Mocksville 336-751-3966 Closed Dec. 25tti&26tti & also Jan. 1st D o n Ì L e t Y o u r W o r ld C o m e U n w r a p p e d C o n s e r v e O u r N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s . Happy Holidays From DAVIE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Room 313 • County OffinBuW ing' tsA’Soulh Mlln Sirs« • Modovllla, NC 27028 • (336) 751 -5011 thing is, once Shelby gets one, you know she's got the touch going and she'll be O K." Several other W ar Eagles had bright moments. Ashley W illiam s, who had seven rebounds, pnxluced fiVR o f her six points in a span o f 1:39 fora2 0-l I lead, and reserve Heather McDaniel popped a 3‘poinier to in­ terrupt Central's third-quarter come­ back. "She was as cool as a moose out there." C o/arl said o f sophomore McDaniel. "I was glad that worked good for her bccause I know she’s been working hard. Il's hard playing behind (starting point guard Brittany W alker) because Brittany is a tough player." Sophomore center Dawn Single­ ton, who took advantage o f un unex­ pected start, provided the highlight o f the game while com piling four points, nine rebounds and three blocked shots. "One time she went up, bkKked it. caught it and fired an outlet pass nt the same time,” Cowart marveled. | "That was awesome. Awesome. They ended up picking llic outlet pass off. hut iliut was almost highlight stuff. Notes; W alker had six points, lim ily Morton and Lauren Cornal/cr had two points, and Sarah Mcrlau had Ihtx'e rcKumds, two »snIsis and one steal o lf the bcnch. '"MctUm h«d a lot o f good things, rcln^unding and helping control the ball when she neeiled to." Co/arl said. "She d^xis things that kind o fg o unnoticed, but I thought she did an e.xcellcnt jo b ."... Central was not the .same leam that dominated Davie on Nov. 21. Mary Allison I.ee tore an ACI.and w as lost for the year after scoring 17 in the first m ecling.... A fter hosting a tour­ nament on lX*c. 19-20, Davie plays in the San» M oir Chpstmas Tourna­ ment on Dcc. 27-29. C om ing From Hvhtnd W alker came through with Ihe game on Ihe line as Davie overcame a substantial deficit to bcal Forbush 52-48onDec. II. W alkerdclivercdnineofherlcam- high 19 points in the fourth (juarter, including seven o f 10 free Ihrow s, as Davie dropiK’d the Falcons to 4-2. S e a s o n 's G r e e t in g s We wish to thank the families that we have served during the past years for your confidence and trust in us and our establishment. We wish each of you a peaceful and joyous holiday season. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE L.L.C. R dvrt D. W ckh.lcw fC . Rmvis. R olvtlS w lt W'ckh. Kris HotivU. Cruhb, Jolm Sikxfuut. Cmluim / h u lrix, Ccoi^e \\'ahini}> and /.'*/ Iky^cr ■116 Valley Rd., Mocksville, NC 336-751-3111 “ O ur fam ily Scn'iitu Vi)»r CV" M O C K SV IU E IfflEftAUTMMmVE 962 Yadklnville Road ^ 7 5 1 4 1 1 5 Closed December 23 & 25 and on January 1 "We kept the hall in Brittany's hands because she's a gmnl foul shiH>ier, a gtKxl ball handler and a goiKl pressure player," Co/art saidof W alker, who hit 12 o f 14 foul shots to slave o ff North Davidson on Nov. 2«. Ashley W illiam s had four steals and Ihc game'.s biggest rebound, and M orton compiled 10 piiints and eight rebounds, her finest moment since puttingup 11 points and lOrebounds in a tough loss North Iredell. Davie survived the tost .ngainst l-akey. w ho led Davie lo one o f the best records in schixil history, 25-2 In 1995. Only the 1979 (26-4) and'82 (27-2) teaujs under Hilt Peeler had more wins. MIchacI added 11 ptiinls. Ryanne McDaniel had five. Comat/er four and S;rah W illiam s three. M . D . ________ O b s t e t r ic s a n d Gy n e c o l o g y Coring Mediaiid Provider tor 20 years Now O B patlonts w olcom o a t a n y s ta g o o f p re g n a n c y Free Pregnancy Tests W e will assist your npplicallon for prognancy- . rolatod Modicald co'/orago at no foe. Patient moy delhrer at either Statesville hospital 1216 Davie Avenue • Stotesvitle, NC 70«73-1438 - 9 o.nv to 5 p.m. dolty I 1 A Unique Gift • Holiday Special 3 Holf hour lessons for $60 Cuslomized Gift Certih'cale 33% Savings-Expires 5-31-2001 Coll 998-1868 Don Hoflmon Sr PGA Teaching Professional L o o k in g fo r th a t p c rfc c l p re s e n t fo r th e m a n , w o m a n o r y o u n g s te r in y o u r life ? I S W F, 30 - 50% ON Л1.1. DIAMOND.S IN .STOCK! 1/4 CARAT $QQ of diamonds ^ SIO DOW N K ) 1,A\.WA\ Next Ib Wal-Mart in MocksvUle DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 - B7 I n s t r u c t i o n a l B a s k e t b a l l A c c e p t i n g A p p l i c a n t s .ThcMocksville-DavIcRccreation Department is accepting registration forms forits Instructional Basketball Program. Thi.s program is designed to leach basic basketball skills. This is not a league, but on ihe last day the chil­ dren w ilt divide upinlo teamsjust for fun. T ills program is for males and females, grades K-2 and w ill be hcki at Cornatzer Elementary School. The dates arc Jan. 13. Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17. Each session w ill last 50 minutes. Kinder- gartners w ill start at 9 a.m., while first and sccond w ill siart at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Pre-registration is required. A shin w ill be included with the $20 fee. The registration deadline is Jun. 5. For queslions. call Ihc rcc at 751- 2325. k r e Y ou O ld S c h o o l? Sports News From December, 1971 Co-capiam Paul Dcavcr had 21 poinls as Davie's varsily boys bas- kclball Icam bcal North D.ividson 64-53. Doug Quarles had 16, co- caplainTerrySmooi l3andJeffW ard 12 as Ihc War Eagles s(|uarcd their record al 2-2. Smoot C.1IT1C in ranked third in scoring in the North PiednionI Con­ ference with 53 poinls in threegaraes. a 17.7 .iveragc. Nancy Reavis o f the 3-1 Davie girls was averaging 9.3 through three 6iC Co., ^9nc. and fiwpioijGes al: /IhU P U fa Highway 601 North J liM 'l& iiu itu fK iiJ u n Highway 601 North Goh*)4mJ»mo€ Stoft. Comer Salisbury St., & Hwy. 601 South • want to wish everyot\e a S p e c i a l a n d W o n d e r f u l C h r i s t m a s S e a s o n . t90 N. Main SUeel • Mockivilit, NC 27028 • 336-751-2I81 'G e tY o u r I L M e R e d W a g o n ' Largo S to c k o f R a d io y j F ly o rs W agons & Tricycles W e s te rn A u to Auto Suppty Compiny 1308 Lawl»vlll«>Ci«m mQn* Rd. U w U v llia , NC (336) 766-9109 <» . . . Л . » > You Are Invited To the Special 2000 Christm as Eve Services First United Methodist Church .305 N orlh M ain S tn 'il, M w ksvllle ■for.lln! yiim to Dec. 24th ut 4:30 p.m. Carols, Readings &. Candle Lighting Service. Special Music by the Chancel Choir, Hand Hell Choir, Live Nativity, and Nursery Care Provided O m inm nlon Ove. 24th nl ll:(Wp.m. Carols. Communion Л Candle Lighting Service. Special Music. Live Nativity. No Nursery. CAROLINA MIRROR FACTORY STORE 1539 HANES M A LL BLVD. (NcnrJonestown Ro*id) W inslon-Salcm , N C (In front of Super WiilnhirO 336-794-1102 .Stratford Koud Store Mours: Mon-Sat. 10;00-6:00 Sunday l:00-6:00 A ll Major Credit Cards Accepted Large Selection Of Prints In Stock Holiday Sale 20’‘ Off Алу 1 Item In itor* With This Ad Сжр1г«« 12 24-00 /V O IV OREN! li3 .T o iJ L c : h L 3570 Clemmons Road, Clemmons _ _ _ ^ (At the corner of James Stnietl 7 G o -8 S l ! L C a ll A b o u t O u r C iiris tm a s S p e cia lsI wSllltEl NEXTEL ©BELLSOUTH Mobility MS' COUPON Pager Service Only p « r m o n th •10 Activiation Fee *29* li'TbiedT*meOil«' O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR VmOLE ESTATES. COLLECTAOLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE ■ ^ - C o m fo r t e x GALVALUME so Y6AR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors s Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STA1E METALS IVe R epair M ost h fa fo r Brands o f B lind s G R A N D O P E N I N G •Vcrticjl Uliruls •Custom Made Mini Ulimi!i •t’lealcdShjdw •Wood Blinds • I’ljnUtion StiuUi’rs • Window Tinting • Fabric Window Toppers FREE In Home Consultation! A fte r H ours A p p o in tm e n ts For holiday sprains, strains, bumps, bruises, sniffles, sneezes, cuts, aches and pains It's good to know that the Urgent Care Center at Davie County Hospital Is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No appointment necessary. Most insurance plans accepted. D A V IE C O U N T Y H O S P IT A Lft UR G ENT CARE CENTER 223 Hospital Street Mocksville >751-8100 herapy, G e t FR E E C a b le for th e H olid ays & H elp Your N eig h b o rs O rd e r S ta n d a r d T ier o r a V isio n P a c it a g e fo r 6 0 d a y s . W e’il g iv e y o u FREE s e r v ic e fo r 3 0 d a y s a n d FREE B u t t h a t ^ n o t a l L . r M e n t i o n t h is a d & w e vi/i d o n a t e $ 5 t o S t o r e h o u s e f o r J e s u s Call today for more details 7 5 1 - 1 3 1 3 . V O U R T O M E T C W N C ^lE C $5 fee covere Installation of one outlet Converters for additional outlets ate $A95 eacti dffer ■ does not Include pay-per-view channels <xKl Is v tM tor new customers onlyi v :■» B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 H a p p y J É p u d a y s I F r o n i ^ ^ H A i e A t F O R D M E R C U R Y Come See Us Soon! Keep looking for SANTA Coming Soon! PRE-OWNED STOCKING STUFFERS * ‘9 8 Lincoln Town Car S ig n atu re ■k '9 9 Crow n V ictorio LX * *9 9 Escor« 4 dr * '0 0 Focus SE 4d r * '0 0 M ustang C onvertible '9 9 M ustang GT * '9 8 B la ic r 4 dr. 4 x 4 * ‘0 0 D akota Sp ort * '9 7 FI 5 0 PicUup * ‘9 6 S a b le 4 dr * '9 9 S 1 0 E xten d ed Cab * '9 8 Taurus W agon * *9 9 Taurus 4d r * '9 9 C ontour 4d r * *9 8 E xp lorer Sp ort * '9 9 E xp ed ition XLT 4 x 4 * '9 7 R an g er 4 x 4 « 0 0 F 2 S 0 Su p ercab XLT •99 R an g er Su p ercab XLT 4 x 4 • -9 8 FI SO XLT 4 x 4 * '9 9 FI 5 0 4 x 4 '9 8 FI 5 0 S u p ercab 4 x 4 '9 9 f 1 SO Lorial S u p ercab 4 x 4 '9 9 Plym outh G rand V oyager SE • 9 9 GMC Su bu rb an LT 4 x 4 t '9 9 C ougar 2dr 8 9 Bronco II XLT 4 x 4 * -71 F 1 0 0 Pickup '9 7 R an g er XLT Su p ercab 4 x 4 C o m e E x p e r i e n c e I h e D i f f e r e n c e a t t h e A L L N E W FORD MERCURY NEW OWNERSHIP A MANAGEMENT "We Want Your Business . ;. Let Us iarn It!” Hwy. 601 South of 1-40 (Yadklnville Rd.) • Mckiksyille^^^ 1 - 9 7 7 - 8 2 9 - ^ 1 8 7 •WAC. SM<iMWr for (Maut. D avie P eo p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 - Cl Pictured with Santa are three year old Katie, daughter ol Jon and Amy Bolmer (above) and Hunter, lour month old daugh­ ter of Richard and Joy Bowles (far right), - Photos by Robin Fergusson Jolly Old Si. Nick look a short break from his holiday work last Friday, Dec. 8. He slopped in for a snack at Gunter's Country Store on the comer of Redland Road and N.C. SOI in Advancc. W hile there he visited wilh many Davie County children who were anxious to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Each one patiently waited their turn. As they approached and sat on his lap, each read, or pre­ tended to read, their list of what they wanted Santa Claus to bring them for Christmas. Here's what some of them had to say; Dear Santa, My name is Katie. I have been a very good girl this year. I want a lol of sniff for Chrislmas, Some o f the things I would like lo have are a Barbie airplane. Dancing Debbie, a ring, a guitar, a red Jeep, and some cool clothes. My brothers are Lane and Luke. They are too little to lell you what they want, so I will help you wilh someihing for them. Red Jeeps, some trucks that talk, Snap'On tools, and toyflashliglus. That is all. Thank you, Santa. Dear Santa, I want a bike and an Extreme Cycle and a dirt bike. I would also like a football, a football helmet, and a mountain bike. Thank you, Kenneth Chrislmas List Boots, tyke Bike (a big one),$1000dollars, toys, clothes, a mini- bike, and skates. Zachary's Christmas List Grinch Getaway car, dinosaurs. Nut­ cracker, Pokeman, Golden Santa sleigh, fhiffy elf Grinch Who Stole Chrislmas - the movie, Reindeer Robot wilh shining nose, a bow and arrow. Casey's Christmas List Power Ranger gun. Power Ranger bow-n-arrow, Grinch Who Stole Christmas - the movie. Power Rangers In Space, train track, Grinch Getaway car. Jordan's Wish List; I would like a model police car please.j! H’fl/if a remote control car, please. Get me an Army G .I.: Joe, please. I need a North Pole car. so / can run away with you. Tim and Tanya Bowles daughter, Lindsay, Isn't happy about Santa's candy oflerlng. ‘Atex, four year old sort ol Jim and C|ndyUwrence,talKs to . ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ pnd store owner Betty Gunter. Santa stops by Gunter’s' ‘Meredith, daughter ol Tim and Tanya Bowles, gets a loving hug frorn Santa before he heads back to,TTte North Pde^o C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 YMCA Celebrates Best Year In Mocksville April Wedding Planned Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bodrordof711 Willboonc Road. Mocksvillc, announce the engagement o f iheir daughter. Jennifer Dawn Bedford to JoshuaScolt Hilton o f673 Joe Road, MocksviUc, son of M r. awl Mrs. Kcilh HiUon of 242 No Creek Road, Mocksvillc. Thcbridc-electisa 1998 graduate ofTrinity Baptist Academy. She attended Hyles-Anderson Collegc in Crown Point, Ind. The groom-to-be is a 1995 graduate o f Davic High School, and a 1997 graduate o f Forsyth Technical Community Collegc and Bowman Gray School o f Medicine, with an associate degree In nuclear medicine. He Is employed by ADAC Laboratories where he works as a nuclear applications engineer. The wedding is planned for April 7, 2001 al Trinity Baptist Church in MocksviUc al 4 p.m. H e ating A ssistance F unds D o n a te d The Duke Energy Foundation has presented a check for $3,345.09 to Davic County Department o f Social Serviccsforihcagency’shcatingassls- lance program. The funds are ihe first disburscmenl from Duke Energy's Share the Wannth initiative. The Share the Warmth challenge grant was crcaled 13 years ago. Dona­ tions to thcannuol program are matched by The Duke Energy Foundation dol­ lar fordollarupto $50 percontribudon using shareholder funds. The overall matching lim il is $500,000. "I'm always pleased with our cus- lomers’responseioSharcihcWarmth," New Arrivals SHOOK David, Lena. Ashley, and Luke Shook announce the birth o f iheir son and brother, Zachary Isaiah, on Dcc. 5, 2000 al Davidson Medical Center. He weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.• Maternal grandparents are Brace and Phyllis James o f Mocksville. Pa­ ternal grandparents are Gene and Shelva Shook o f Clairemonl. HORNE Wendy and Jason Home o f Ad­ vance announce the birth of iheir son. Mason James, on Dec. 11, 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. He weighed 7lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 inches long. ' MatemalgrandparentsareBradand Belly Hoots o f Advance. Paternal grandparents^ B ill and Edith Home o f High Point. said Randy Britton, Duke Power dis­ trict manager. "It's gratifying to sec my neighbors and my company work together to support less fortunate resi­ dents of this community." TwomoreSharclheWarmthchecks w ill be presented lo member agencies in January and March. Donations to the fund arc still being acceptcd. To contribute, send a check payable lo Share the Warmth to Duke Energy Foundation, P.O. Box 35469, Char- lone. N.C.. 28254-3429. To ensure their contributions helps their neigh­ bors, donors may specify ihc couniy in which their funds are used. To apply for funding in Davie Couniy, contact Davie Couniy De­ partment o f Social Services. Appli­ cants must follow member agency guidelines. Those who qualify for donations w ill receive only one check per heating season. The Duke Energy Foundation is the independent organization through which Duke Energy and Duke Power Co. distribute donations to communi­ ties they serve. The Davie Faniily YM C A held its annual Board/Staff and Volunteer Chrislmas Banquet on Tuesday, Dcc. 5. Tlie YM C A celebrated its best year in the brief history in Mocksvillc. "W ith continued support from busi­ nesses, members, volunteers, staff and community at large, the Davic Faniily YM C A completed a successful year. Our Partnership Campaign exceeded ihc $33,000 and wc have a new rccord number o f members with jusl under 3,000," said Joe Hennigan, executive director. Hennigan went on to say that the Y M C /\ completed the community track and field, installed a new dehu- midiflcation in the pool and pul in state-of-the-art Rtlinxx Personal fit­ ness partners. "In 2000 wc have sen'cd more par­ ticipants than at any time In our his­ tory," he said. Tlie YM C A Volunteer o f the Year was presented to Phyllis Potter, who has served on the Y board o f managers for 12 years, serving as chair o f Uic board and representative lo the Metro Board o f Directors. Crcy Engineering was presented the Small Business o f the Year for continued support o f the Y M C A ihroughdevelopmenlof the expansion lo the facility, track and field John Grey and Gary Bullard were recog­ nized for their countless hours during the design and implementation. Vulcan Materials was prcsented the BusinessoftheYeorfortheirdonation o f product used on the contraction of the community track and field. Recognized for completing their volunteer commitmcnl on the board of managers were: JefT Balscy, Perry Call, Dewey Hunt, B ill Long, Phyllis Potter and Lash Sanford. Board o f managers beginning their lenns in 2001 ore: Lee Barber, Mac Crisco, Jamie Grant, Mark Jones, Bob Rauch and Dan Simon. Special recognition went to David Barnes, who sen ed as chairperson of the Annual Partnership Campaign. Also recognized for being host fami­ lies for a summer intern from Russia werc M ike and Cathie Gamer and Randall and Dana Keeney. David Baroes,chairpcrson for2001, commended Wanda Bowles, outgo­ ing chairperson, for her dedication lo • Ihe Davie Family YM C A during the past year. Enlcrtaitunenlwasprovidcdbyslair ■ in the YM CA childcare program. De- lithia Patterson and Misty Weather­ man. ADVANCED CUSTQ.M rO O TAPPUANCES Need a nxxivaied (kpend^ble individual for a tnanufacturing position in Davie Co. Plaster Mvrk. grimling, and leather utxking are invohvd. Need good hand-eye coorditulion. Staning pay $8.00. Salary increase as you leam. tlralth Imurance ofTertd. Serious Inquiries Only!! 998-8177 < TboDus Franklin Brown, son of George Thomas Brown and Linda K. Brown of Mocksville, was bom Nov. 24, at 12:07 a.m. The baby weighed 6 pounds and was deliv­ ered by Dr. Mimms at Forsyth Hospital. The baby*s grandmother is Louise Mise of MocksvUle. M r. Brown owns and operates D w it F v m Serviccof Mocksville. M n . Iraw D Is • boBcmaker. G iv e H e r a K is s f o r C h r is t m a s This beautiful Kiss is crafted from sterling sitver, solid 14 karat gold or a combination o f the two. Available in several sizes with or without diamonds. Its the perfect gift for any occa­ sion when you want to show affection. ' How about wrapping it with a package o f real Hershe/s Milk chocolate Kisses to satisfy her sv/eet tooth? Then... a kiss o r tw o o f your own wouldn't be bad! Kisses starting at» 1 9 “ Next To Wal-Mart in Mocksville Davie Family YMCA Volun­ teer of Ihe Year Phyllis Pot- Davle YMCA director Joe Hennigan (center) congratulates ter receives her award from Gary Bullard and John Grey from Grey Engineering, the Y’s joe Hennigan, executive dl- small business of the year. rector. Joe Hennigan presents plaque to Connie Danner from Vulcan Materials, which received tlie Y's business of the year award. K r i s l i S loc Crc.im & ColTcc Sliop ^ . lOrm T F • e-jm - ICyn ^ii • Ipm • tPfm Th€ Staff of Foster-Rauch DrugWish You A... Ktwy CIviiftfm Ucitiduy llu urs; Sunday, I)cc.24 Ih 1:30pm - S pm . M onduy. Cliiscd C lirisliiias Day, 'l\ic-,sday, Dcc.26th 8:30n.ni.- 4:0flp.ni. Sunday, DECEM BER 26th A l l C h r i s t m a s M e r c h a n d i s e 50% o ff F M t e > ( r R a « c l i D 't u g C » . 495 Valley Road • Mocl<Sville « (336) 751-2141 Rtgulir Hour»! M F8:3M .S a l6:3(M .S un 1:30-5 'Tls the holiest season of the year. May you be touched by its magnificence. M e rry C h ris tm a s fro m th e S ta ff & R e s id e n ts o f A u tu m n C are o f M o c k s v ille SioSSm E 1007 Howard StrMt Hockivlll*, NC 2702« 751-3535 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson Hendricks O ’B rien-H endricks C ouple M a rrie d A t First M eth o d ist Kiitherine M arie O ’ Hricn und Robert Jackson Hendricks, both of McKksville, wcrc amrried at 7 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 8 In FirM United Meth­ odist Church in MtJcksville.Tlic Rev. Charles Türner officiated. The bride is the daughter o f Mr. and M rs. Ruberi J. O 'H rlcn o f M anusquan, N.J. H er m aternal grandparents arc Rose Rirnmele o f Manusquan. and ihe late George Rlmiticle. ile r paternal grandparents arc Darw in and Ruth O 'B rien o f Succasuna, N.J. The bride attended Catawba College ami Is employed by Universal Solutions in Winston-Sa- lem. The groom is the son o f M r. and M rs. Jerry M arlin Hendricks o f M ocksvillc. His maternal grandpar­ ents arc Ann Jackson o f Canton und 4he late Jack Jackson. His paternal grandparents are Robert and Helen Hendricksof MocksviUc.The gnxMn attended Forsyth Technical Commu­ nity College and is employed by Carolina D rilling in Mocksville. Tlie bride was escorted by her fa­ ther.' Holly Hendricks, sister o f the groom , was the m aid o f honor. Bridesmaids were: Patricia Schucht o f Ocean, N.J., sister o f Ihc bride; Jennifer Robertson o f M ocksville; Tiffany Gulledgc o f Advancc, cousin o f Ihc groom ; Janna Robcrtsn o f Greer, S.C.. cousin o f the groom; M argie Allen o f Manasquan; and l^u ra Smith ofNVinslon-Salcm. Tlic groom's father was bcsl man. Groomsmen werc: Seth Grooms, i’rcslon Robertson, l:dwin Robert­ son. Jason Robertson, David Owens, all o f M ocksvillc; Andy Robert.son o f Grcer, S.C.. cousin o f the grv>om; and M alt Jones of Greensboro. The wedding director was JoAnne Robertson. Megan Jordan was ihc guest register attendant. Soloists Am y nnd Shane Young provided music, accompanied by [)ftnna Jordan on the kcylxnird. Or- ganisi was M ike Hendrix. A fter a Clwistmas honcym iwn cruise lo the Bahamas, the couple w ill reside in M ivksville. I’ollowing Ihe ceremony, a recep­ tion was held in the church fellow­ ship hall. Social Evvnt.s • On Saturday, May 27, Patricia Schuchi and Margie Allen gave a miscellaneous slower al tlw Ihhmc of Ihe bride's moiher in Manasquan. • On Sunday. Nov. 19, a miscel­ laneous shower was given hy Amelia Lillie. Vicki hleming, Giggi Marion. Palsy Crenshaw, Linda Jordan. Sandy Howell and I’atsy Brewer. • On Thursday, Dcc. 7, the groom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner al Sutuuel's on M ain in M ocksvillc. • On Friday. Dec. 8, H olly Hendricks and Jean Snead gave a bridal luncheon at Jean Snead's home. Interior Designs / / o / ü / a ( y í ir t / é ' N o w th r u l) i4 4* n ih iT S t o r e w i d e 3 0 ® / o O f f ^ I olK H ih lis . llo liih i> lU -m s \ I« .11 .MU г \U -i4 h.iiM Ü M ' la b il' s/i.'/» / 1и 1\ / .*/ tu N/ Si lf t llin i [ И а р р / H o lid ä /s , Гюш A b l e s t S t a f f i n g Thank You for a Wonderful 2()0() & we're looking ¡orwará lo ihe year 2Ò0i. Open Dec 22nd until noon Closed Christmas Da)^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Die. 21,2000 - C3 Cozy nights and joyful days are our wish for you this holiday season. Shores Plumbing & Heating MÖ5 N o rth M nin St.. M o cksvillc • 75Í-S6S3 'u ring this joyfu l season we w ish each o f you safety and happiness. F U L L E R K l № ? Mocksville, NC (336)751-3712 A N D Е Д Г E l V e t , ^ " ★ГАЕШШИ.а ^ A ll d in n e rs in clu d e a fo rty Item STEER i c o ld salad bar, bake ry and dessert. F R E E A l l y o u c a n e a t D e s s e r t a n d S a la d B a r. F R E E A l l y o u c a n e a t D e s s e r t a n d S a la d B a r. F R E E A l l y o u c a n e a t D e s s e r t a n d S a la d B a r. F R E E A l l y o u c a n e a t D e s s e r t a n d S a la d B a r. wilh the purchisc of our S irlo in T ip s D in n e r $ 5 .9 9 S T E k MSOt E«cncoKvng>xidЧу lou 4 PK(M. C*nnol «• ccrt<«w<J other with the purchase of our C h icl< e n B reast D in n e r $ 5 .9 9 S T M EacncouicnoaoijlorKilo 4p«op« C«vwtMCDir«r)«ij««1 ovw vilih thti purchase of our R ib e ye D in n e r $ 8 .9 9 S T M 0>tr «ipm 1/1 SOI Etch свкмп good l« u 4 piorte Carro b* COTtwwd »ту o0w oflar with the purchase of our R e g u la r S irlo in D in n e r $ 7 .9 9 •uv.«»... S T E R W e re open 'round the d o d c for your holiday shopping. ( V i s i t a n y o f o u r n r io r e t h a n 6 5 0 A T M s . ) iewic.bbaiuit.com Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season. BB& a^ ■ Tibii can tell ivemnt your business. ■ i : ' ■ . ■ '' '119 Gaither S ti^ '751-5951 . . ^ ' Willow Oak Shopping Center • 751-5956 : ; Afc«i»rrac ciwsffliir C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 S p re a d G o o d N e w s May you he touched by the law Christmas spirit. M e r r y C h r i s t m a s F r o m A l l O f U s A t D iv ig g in s M e ta l M a s te rs 122 W ilkesboro St, NC 3 3 6 7 5 i 2379 Closed Dec. 2 4 lh 25tU, 2000 ATcM» IVrors D ay Hark The Herald Angels Sing Bethlehem Angels are seen here performing their Christmas program. The presentation took place last Tuesday, Dec. 12. at the church. T|i-u Through each moment, big and small, may the holiday bring you peace and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year FORMAC 1484 US Hwy. 64 West Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -3 3 7 2 Chail Forrest Norman Forrest l\D.AUen Allen Bowles Closod Doc. 251h & 26(h I - Pliolo by Robin Fergusson W e w o u l d l i k e t o w i s h a l l o u r c u s t o m e r s a n d f r i e n d s t h e h a p p i e s t ' o f h o l i d a y s . And We Look Forward To Serving You In 2001. ^THE PHONE PLACE, INC. - J iR 121 Depot Street • M ocksville, NC I’lione: 336-751-2626 Open Til 5PM Dec. 23rd Closed Dec. 25lh. 26th S Jan. 1st Ш W is fi O ^otiÄ iM ^erry C hristm as Ä n d Я iH a p p y 9 {г г о У е а г Keep recycling working. Buy recycled. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Every day's о celebration when you volunteer. ^ \ cdcbmtion Ш Ш ofthcspiritof % Ш generosity. Of kindness. O f the miracles that can happen when « people care. * Thanks lo your Hmc and talent, we are able lo keep our fund­ raising costs low, so nearly alt monies donated go straight to local charities. National Volunteer Week Is A pril 21-27. And while we arc proud to celebratc this official recognition of your efforts, please know that you have our deepest gratitude alt year long. Л OAVtS COUNrt UMTED MAY, INC PO 0Я 424 M o cktvilU , HC 27038-0424 703/134-0313 Reaching those who need help. Touching us aü.* G if t C e rtific a te s A v a ila b le G ive The G ift O f R elaxation — M assage T hera py F rom Individually YouPcdlcurcS'. M jnlcutcs 766-4474 or 766-80<17 A c^llc H ills • . W estwood Village Shopping Center H jIrS ijflin j Clemmons M iH jJC Thctapy ‘ i, . ... ,.Ji Larne line o f Hair Producb' ‘ EATON FUN ERAL SERV IC E, INC. "A Caring Tradition Since 1951” 325 N. Mitin Street • Mocksrille, North Carolina __________cm 751-ms ^ D A V IE JICW EI.ER.S .NKXTTO«,M..M,\RT (CHRISfflAsN CUARANCE^ D A V IE JE W E I.E R .S NKXTTO\V,\I..MART NOWIN PROGRESS HAlf PRICE SALE! sssss HALF PRICE JEWELRY LIQUIDAIIONSALE! DAVII-JKWKLKRS NK.\TT()\VAI.-MART | U fP R I^ INCREOIBU VALUES, CRAZY PRICES, WHILE THEY LASTI DAVIE JEWELERS NE.XTTO WAL-MART YESI OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS CUARANCESALEI DAVIE JEWELERS NKXTTO\VAI.-MAKT ONLY A FOOL!... ...WOULD MISS THIS SALE... YOUR FRIENDS ARE SHOPPING AT... DAVIE JEWELERS You’d think from this simple picture tliat Monitor heaters fit in any room, heating your home quietly for pennies a day, virtually trouble-free... ...andyou’d be right Monlior healing s)'sicms are keeping folks wami from Maine to Florida, Alaska to Califomia, Arizona to Minnesota. Homes of ocry size, deccr and st)’lc ima^nablc. A Monitor will not only make jour liWng space w'arm and comfortable, but j-ou'U like It in (here \^1ili you. too. See your local dealer lor a look at a Monitor today. H o rn O il C om pany MONITOR IHEATING PWODUCTsly, P.O. Boi 3408 • Prinoton.N} 08S43 190 N. Main St • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 - 7 5 Ì- 2 I8 I Ч. erarim aO ot Run Over ByAReindeer Because you never i<now when you'll need immediate care It's good to know that the Urgent Care Center at Davie County hlospital is open seven days a weel< from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No appointment necessary. Most Insurance plans accepted. D A V IE C O U N T Y H O S P IT A Lft U R G E N T CARE C EN TE K ' 223 Hospital Street Mocl(sv|lle-751-ai00 Ttie Urgent Care Center Is part of Davie County Hospital's services that Include full outpatient surgery, ■ laboratory and diagnostics, x-ray, pain clinic, gastroenterology, occupational iiealth, occupational therapy, physical thprapy, speech therapy and the Community Alternatives Program (CAP). ' " " I ■...........■ ....'..... ' ■ ....j r - ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 - CSl C hristm as In Cooleem ee Cooleemee residents celebrated tiie iiollday season Sunday, Deo. 3, with fellowship, singing, the reading of The Christmas Story and refreshments at the VFW Building. Above, Regina Chandler leads the community chorus In a Christmas song. Below left, Ruth Harbour plays piano for the music. At top, bottom right. Mayor Grady Spry welcomes guests, while at bottom right, the community choir sings a holiday song. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Humane Society i Tree Honors Pets The llum aiic Society o f Davit County w ill ilecorati: a tree al Ihc fu ture site o f a now adoption center foi homeless animals on liatón Ko;id, jusi o ff U.S. m South, M ocksvillc. Wednesday, IX*c. 20 is Ihe date foi hanging Ihe w ild life ornaments. Tlie.se edible treats w ill ser\c as fw xl Гог birds und other animats on Ihc property. TIwi tree w ill кпулт on dis­ play and can be viewed from luilon Road. Irach ornament purchased was named in honor or in memory o f a spccial pci or loved one. The follow ing honors and memo­ rials ore remembered this Christmas season: ‘ • Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Atwell n w iw ry o f Rosie. • Jane Hrock - in memory o f Tho­ mas, and In honor o f Prissy and Noth­ ing. • Joe Diamond • in honor o f Mr. B igglcsw orth, Prissy. C allie, und Bandit. • The Hdwurds I'a m ily • In memory o f С(Н)к1е and i*rincess. • tie iti M azic - In memory o f Sandy. • M ary-L ou M usselm an • in memory o f Misty. • Lisa l»rim - in memory o f Lucy and Brownie. • Jackic ScaboU • in nxcmory o f Greiha. my beloved Saint. •TheSeuboll Fam ily* in honorof St. Bernard Rescue. ■ • Lxnora Secor • in memory o f Lucy. Boy« Coco« and Jim Dandy. ; • Linda Secor • in memory o f all o f Linda's animals. ; • Jamie Sm ith - in memory o f Jesse, in honor o f Brandy. Andy, and all foster cats. * • In honor o f all the Smith's ani­ mals, • In memory o f all the animals who have died at the shelter. Ben F ra n K lin Extra Holiday Savings We are your locally owned, nationally known, craft & variety store Open Chfhtm os b o \ to 6 Acrylic Easel ^ liite Adult Sweat Sfll include»: Syttom 3 S O t Acrylic PainI S«l Rob«rt Simmoni Bruih Set Wimboma ArtisI Eoiel, 2 Canvat Paneli. Alio Oil Sett Large Bag^ P r e C h r i s t m a s C l e a r a n c e B ible B ap tist C hurch Indtpendtnt • Fundamental Ptiitor, DonJoncM • 33&778-8737 tt/ORSHiP TtM£S: Sunday School-10*.<n Wonh.fcs«vle*.tl*m tssasTfSssn **вЗМ Slyora Ferry Rd. • CtMWiwm, NC • Chrisbnas Decor Figurines •Trim a Tree • Floral Bushes • Boxed Cards •TreeSkhts • Floral Stems • SticheryKits •Wreaths • Garland blight Sets • Christmas Fabrics oif regular price • Christmas Dried Flowers • Christmas Floral Picks • Stockings • Santa Hats • Gift Boxes • Gift Bags •Ribbon Candle Rings • Trees • Swags • Woodcraft We w ani lo be your one stop for custom ftom es, flo ra l, crofts, pels, need lew ork, varie ty Ben F ra n k lin ( Y jJkin>illr Kd M«ckkViflc, NC 170 » 3 6 -7 5 1 *5 4 8 8 M on Seit ‘Л и п V p m S u iu kiy Ip m 6 p m ТИЖ РН О Ж PLACE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ^ U IE C A u T H 0 n I z e D AGENT DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN CALL AN YWHEREINTHEU.S.WITHNOLONG DISTANCE FEES FOR AS LOW AS $19.9S/M0NTH?* 121 Depot Street —- Mon-Fri. 8 am-S pm Mocksville,NC27028 V . S A — Sat. 9am-5:00pm *Nm M ef MvW II rw« comMMni tnd end! tppiwal w^irtd tot rw« tutlom No tor« «tunc* ci«gn 10 cUi MigiMlina «nn l^• pwi>a9< mMU vM(HwVi 15 i^' roar*« rM el MMWUiicvIm la caiitnMoulktoolMpaeiuoimifM*«rM.CA«r9H to «TKtocy W4tVK«,inMmibor>al tons «tune«. I^«t.iuii and lout 8MiMta>diMi.*T>iiioaMlvovghTh«Pner«Piic«.ticonly. J lc iv a n c e S o a p s & S u n d r ie s w isfies yo u a jo yo u s C firistm as Qive them RaniC-craftecC soajis & fine toiCetries this Ckristmas, design tHeperfect gift Basket or give a gift certificate. ti4 "W. V ejjot St. M ocisviO i, m : 2702S 33S 751-3684 N ext To Wal-Mart In Mocksville Notice of TAX LISTING FOR DAVIE COUNTY All property on hand January 1, 2001 both real and personal Is subject to taxation regardless of age and sex of owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are currently LICENSED with the North Carolina Department of Ivlotor Vehicles. These vehicles will be billed by the County after the current registration Is renewed or an application Is made lor a new registration. About three months after your registration renewal you will receive a bill from the County. You will have 30 days to pay the bill before Interest Is added at the rate of 3/4 of 1% per month. Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on January 1, 2001 DURING THE REGULAR LISTING PERIOD, there Is no change in the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required to be listed In January Include; mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis, aircraft, farm equipment, tools used by caфenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new buildings or any Improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator’s Office will be sending listing forms to everyone that listed personal property in 2000. If you need to list personal property as indicated above or report changes to real property and you do not receive a form in the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator's Office for the propei forms. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED North Carolina excludes from property taxes the first $20,000 In assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose Income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose income does not exceed $15,000. If you received the exclusion in 2000, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence. If you received the exclusion In 2000 and your disposable Income in 2000 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor. If the person receiving the exemption has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who fails to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be subject to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. II you did not receive the exclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application from the Assessor, it must be filed by April 15. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin January 2, 2001 In the Tax Administrator’s Office in the County Administration Building. Office listing help is available Jan. 2-31, 2001. Hours will be 8;30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thm Friday The deadline for listing Is January 31,2001. Completed forms must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service not later than January 31, 2001. AH late listings are subject to a 10% penalty. Please make your return early lo avoid a late penalty. Davie County Tax Administrator Mary Nell Richie C6 - DA\1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 Christian singer Erin Carter wiil sign her CD Thursday. Erin Carter To Sign CD Thursday Erin Carter w ill be at Carolina Christian Books & Gifls at the Bi- Lo Shopping Center for a sign­ ing of her latest CD, “Dare To Be A Candle." She will be there from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. and from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 21. For more information, coll 751-1321. G rouch A t Hillsdale Baptist The Kid’s Khoir o f Hillsdale Bap* tisi Church presented ihcir musical prcsemalion "How ihe Grouch Found Ouislmas'* on Dec. 10 at ihc H a.m. worship scrvice. Kids Khotr 1 and Kids Khoir II combined to make a 54 voice choir directed by M errillyn Helton and Sharon Adams. Their assistants were Charise Falls, Beverly BufTaloe, Jodi Gough, and Erin Anderson. M iirty (the Grouch) was played by 5tli grader Andrew BulTaloc o f Clem­ mons. Julia was played by 5th grader Ashton York o f Advancc and Amanda was played by 5th grader Jamie Stancliff o f Advancc. Anthony (the comedian) was played by 4th grader Zach Nantz o f Advance. The soloists were M olly Hagood. Kayla Martin. Joslyn Thomas, Tyler Chilen, Chelsea Ledford, Jordan Tay­ lor. and Counney Robertson. The program was about two home­ less children - Pete and Annie • played by Brcanna Dalton andTaylorTonozzi. F^te and Annie were caught on the churehbus looking for food to steal • so M any decides that his Sunday School class should take upacollectionforthe needy families at Christmas. The church fam ily at Hillsdale brought canned food on Dcc. 10 to be , donated to "Storehouse for Jesus." Worship is Sunday at 11 a.m.» w lili me.ssages, music, and a friendly and casual atmosphere. The new location is 4815 a s . 158 ( I mile w. o f Hwy I58&80I)Ca!1940-66I8.CallBn;nda if you would like more information aboul Ihe chutx;h. Four Corners News By M arie W hile Four Comers Correspondent A large crowd attended the Christ* ^mas program Sunday nighi at Courtney Baptist. A Communion Sen’ice w ill be there Sunday night Dec. 24 at 9 p.m. Evei^'onc is inviicd lo aucnd. We extend our sincere sympathy to the fam ily o f Mrs. Alice Dixon Hedrick...shc is the sister of Mrs. Nannie Davis and Howard Dixon. M r. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton and Abby Ferguson have relumed home afterattending agmduation In Atlanta, Ga. Pino News By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Again our breakfast at Wesley Chapel was a big success. In spite of the cold rain we had our regular people plus several first timers. Thanks to everjone. Someofoutoftownguesis w ere B ill and Nancy Benson of Char­ lotte and Jim and Chinera Latham of Newport News. Va. A special thank you goes to the Bell Choir from Farmington U M C They .•made Ihe annual Christmas program at Wesley Chapel a special success. Lindsay 'hiomas, daughter o f Ray and Daca Thomas arrived home from N.C. State University on Saturday for Chrisinm break and Rian goihoroeon Tuesday from UNC-Wilmington. Bihan and A lliso n Boger o f ReidsviUc spent the week-end with his parents Bob and Kathy Ellis. Hannon and Nora Latham had an early ChrisUnas dinner Saturday for Jim and Chinera Latham anddaughter, Audra, o f Charleston, S.C., because they win notbe able locomeonChrisl- Gucss who’s wishing you a wonderful Christmas season! May Ihc festive spirit be yours throughout the holidays and after! Closed Monday,Dcc. 25th •'Hiesdiiy Dcc.26th; Clo.scd New Years Day Phone 751-2126 J.P. Green Milling Co. 'A tte n tio n A ll D ia b e tic s .® Baskets! Baskets! Baskets! Just in lime for the Christmas Holidays Gift Baskets for Diabetics Wc have a great assortment of pre-made baskets or we will custom make to order. We also have gift wrapped box chocolate candy. Hurry in now for the best selection. B A N N Щ иThe Diabetes Shoppe. 347S East Groad Street • Sutcsville. NC 28625 * (70}) 878-6681 Of call I-800-878-6690 Mocksville. NC i 27028 Congraiulaiions to Mrs. Batty Smith on receiving a plaque at the Ruritan Christmas Pany Thursday night at the 601 Pier Fish Camp in Mocksville for outstanding volunteer scrvice for the club. M r. and Mrs. Grady Beck attended the Wake Forest ball game in W in­ ston-Salem Monday night. M eny Christmas and Happy New Year...as wc celebrate the season let us not forget Jesus Is the reason. Now we give thanks to God above and worship him in spirit and love. S P E C IA L P R O M O T IO N S (S a la c t S ty la a W h ila S u p p lia a L a a t) W IN STO N /SA LEM /C AM EL 12 P acka $19.89 ■ D ORAL C o lle cto r Tin $14.89 r m : a k / :a s o k i c i n a i. i.o w г к к к г о и л с с о (п т . Е т s ì 4 : c i A i j / . i m ; i n ì ì o m ì-t o w n , I K IK N IU .Y S K K V lC h ! mas. Others helping to celebrate were Ethan and Allison Boger, Bob and Kathy Ellis and Dale Latham. James and Lelia Essie were dinner guests o f Neal and Brenda Essie of Rock House Road December 10. The occasion was Neal’s binhday. A deli­ cious meal wasserx’cd to them, Forrest, David and Tammy Essie and Heather Schenk. Betty West and oil her family uav* eled to Siler City Sunday to celebrate Chrislmlis with her brother, Johnny Etchison. James and Lelia Essie celebrated their 57th Wedding Anniversary on December 13. The Pino-Famiington Homemak­ ers held thelrChrisunas meeting at the home o f Toby Hawkins. Toby served adelicious meal to the president. Marie Miller, Janie Dixon, Louise D ill, Jean Smith, Carolyn Boger, Nora Latham and special guest, Pastor Dianne Marsden. After lunchtheyhadacookie exchange o f cookies each o f them had made and brought to the meeting. к ш ш с о о 314 Sanford Ave. Mocksville • 751-1284 What You've Been Wailing Fer! Visit DIRECTV.com for more Local Channel Information. Aniloble bpubsoipHofl* with thi D1R£CTV PIUS'" Srtíim. ® CliS«) I S nI c m • Access to moro than 225 popular channels • Access to 32 premium movie channels — 7 HBO*, 4 STARZI*, 5 SHOWHME. channels and mors • Access to every major pro and college sporls subscription □ i r E c t v. Here’s Just One More Reason To Leave Your Cable Company! T H E P H O N E P L A C E Moa-Fri II am-5 pm 111 l)»p<X SiravtSat. «Bm-9 pm S S C i- 'T S 1 Motki«»«,NC Mcrv l*M. *• MCTV ni■w»« «*■ »■ baa.attMilCaNMixJMU « W U. CMCTV • «ШО OMCTV к с«ач te Вацр Ц. cario* я.4. aVCT«. k.. • ^ J h M . с«» *1 м*—4. »a. «.I k. . A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 8S0N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V C X 3 L E R 2S49 Middle Brooti Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 , 336-766.4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 601 S. CoolMmet, NC 27014 336-284-2551 SHtFnELDUWIBER ft PALLET GO. к м ш м и г т 165 Tbrlity Foot Road Mockivllle,NC27p2e 336-492-5565 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-212Ò FORDETAILS J. P. GREEN MILUNGCO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 Evelyn Haynes • » n t- w t 0mccDM)7St-)9)l [Ш ж ? ) ^ DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main CtiurchRd. Mocktvlllt, NC 2702B 336-751-9144 CRAIG GARTER BUILDER, INC. 11BHwy.M18.8ulte1 Advanet.NC 27006 338-940-2341 B»UttefQ,iLi, Cu m HmtsfoiemX im Crii|A.Cinaltaidttt»MgMCanttV«ftn. EATON F U N E R A L H O M E A Tradiibn o f Can/15,... 325 North Main Street Mocksvillc. NC 27028 •ЗЗб-75Ь2Ы8 FOSTER-RAUGH DRUG COMPANY 495 Villsy Road Mocksville, N027028 336-751-2141 M l i n P I I LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek street Mocksville, NO 27028 336-751-2167 GENRE MACHINE A TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 156 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 H aYWOR-THMILLER. Fu n e r-a l H o m e, In c . K1NDER.T0N CHAPEL NOW OPEN lOGaltdOO Hwy 191 beiweea Cltfflmoai * Advancc 336-940-S93S SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocktvllle, N0 27028 336-7514148 FULLERRtiÜlSlsiir Precision LaMr Cutting «nd Meui Fabrication• 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 ’ 336-751-3712 O b i t u a r i e s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 - C7 Clinton C. Cornatzer M r. Clinton Coolidgc Cornatzer, 76, o f Baltimore Road, Advance died Monday, Dcc. II, 2000 at Forsyth Medical Ccntcr In Winston-Salem. The funeral scrvice was at 1 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 15 at Bixby Presbyte­ rian Church, w ith the Rev. Carol Anne Jackson ofllciating. Burial fol­ lowed In the church cemctcry. Memorials: American Diabetes Assoc., 1820 E. Seventh St., Char­ lotte, 28204 or 10 В ixby Presbyterian Church, c/o Brenda Robenson, 688 Howardtown Road, Mocksville. Boro in 1924 to the late W illiam Pinkson and Augusta Voglcr Cor­ natzer, he served os first sergeant in Ihc U.S. Arm y during W orld War И. Later, he was a foreman w ilh Hanes Dye and Finishing Co. in Winston- Salem and enjoyed farm ing. Mr. Cornatzer was a member ofBixby Presbyterian Church, was a member o f the Advancc VFW Memorial Posi and a member o f the Davic Couniy Cattleman's Association. He was preceded in death by his wife, "Dorothy" Carolyn Durchclte Cornatzer and by a sister. Frankie Cornatzer Curtis o f Denton. Survivors: 2 sons, Ken and Fran Cornatzer ofW allacc and Robert and Deborah Cornatzer o f Advance; a brother, Eugene and Margaret Cor­ natzer o f Huntington, Ala.: a sister, AnnTruIll ofSacramento, Calif.: and 2 grandchildren. Joyce Tipton Ball Mrs. Joycc Tipton Ball. 53, for­ merly o f Advance, dietl Thursday, Dcc. 14, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem аПег being In declining health. A graveside scrvice was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dcc. 16 at Blaise Baptist Church Cemetery In Mocks­ ville, conducted by ihc Rev. Glenn ^Sellcrs. She was born Dcc. 28, 1У46. in Richmond. Va., a daughter o f the late David J. and Hilda Chandler Tipton. She had been employed with Davie County schools as a teacher's aide and was a member o f Blaise Baplisi Church. i Siir>‘ivors; a son and daughter-in- law, Brad and Janet Ball o f Mocks- viHe; a daughter, Mrs. Michael (Lisa) Dowell o f Advancc; a sister. Carol Hendrix o f Richmond; and 4 grand­ children. ' M em orials: M ultiple Sclerosis Association. 2211 W. Mcadowvlew Road. Suite 30. Greensboro, 27407. Frances Ogle Fulford ; M is.FranccsO glcFulfonl.lH .of Advancc, died Friday. tX-c. 15,2000, ai Forsyili Mcdical Ccnlcr. : She was bom Jan. 12. 1922, lu Sadie Hall O jle and Fred Ogle. Mrs. Fuironl was a m cm lxr o f Itie Cen- iral Ctiurcti o f C lirist In M iam i, Fla. SIk was roanied lo Raymond Joseph ■FulfordonAug. 12.1948.01 Ihe Ply- m ouih Congrcgallonal Church in Miam i. Mrs. Fulford graduated from Cenlral High School in Nashville, tcnn. and Ihcn alicnded Ihe Univer­ sity o f M iam i. She retired in 1976 us an оГПсс manager for the U.S. Secu­ rities and Exchange Commission. I Surviving: her husband. Ray- inond J. Fulford o f the home; a son. Michael Raymond Fulford and wife G indi; 2 grandchildren; a sister, Evelyn Borman o f M iam i: 2 broth­ ers, Fred and B ill Ogle o f M iam i; 2 nieces; and a nephew. • Memorials; А1гЬс1тсЛ Assoc.. 3420 Shamrock Drive. Charlotte. ?8215; or Davic Co. Home Health ?ate & Hospice. 158 Hospital St.. M ocksvillc. Aaron Van Lail Sr. ; M r. Aaron Van Lail Sr.. 43. o f M ocksvillc, died Friday, Dcc, 15, loco. ^ He was bom Sept. 12. 1957, in froraylh Couniy lo Donald and Lucy (lonakcrLail. Survivors: his w ife. Donna 0 . i.a il o f W inslon-Salem ; 2 sons. Aaron V. Lail Jr. and Gary Lail of W inston-Salem ; 2 stepdaughters, k a ii Colter and Ashley Benson o f kcm ersvillc; a daughter. M isty Lail •of Clemmons; his mother, Lucy H. Jeffries and husband Kennclh ot West Virginia: 2 brothers; and 4 sis­ ters. ■ ; Funeral services were al 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 20 al Gardens o f M em ory M ausoleum Chapel in ^ a lk e rto w n w ith D r.; Bobby R bbenoliaHicialing. Ola Martin Foote Mrs. Ola Martin Foote died Tues- ilay, Dcc. 12, 2000, at Silas Creek Manor. ' Mrs. Foote was bom Jan. 2 ,1915, in Lawsonville. She was the third child o f 13 bom to the late W illiam G entry M artin and Flora Pearl Hylton Martin. Survivors: her husband o f more than 60 years. Sylvester P. Foote, o f Silas Creek Manor; 3 sons, Buford S. Foote (Claudia) o f W alkcnown. R ickey W. Foote (L in d a ) o f P fafftow n and E arl Lattlm ore (P h yllis) o f W inston-S alem ; a brother, Elder Richard H. M artin (Glinner); and 2 sisters, Essie M . Linvillc and Patricia A. M artin, all o f Winston-Salem; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Clara F. M a rlin o f Greensboro, Patricia Martin o f Kemersvillc, Mary S. Martin o f Winston-Salem, Mary (Dobble) M arlin o f Philadelphia, Naomla Frost and Elizabeth Dalton o f Mocksville and Cleo F. Palmer o f New Y ork; btothers-ln-law , C al Foote and H enry Lee Foote o f M ocksvillc: and many nieces, neph­ ews, cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by her son. Ralph H. Foote. Funeral services were al 2 p.m. Monday. Dec. 18 at Bethlehem Bap­ tist Chureh with the Rev. l.L. A n­ thony omcluling. Burial was in Pied­ mont Memorial Gardens. Alice Dixon Hedrick Mrs. A licc Dixon Hedrick, 85, died Sunday. Dcc. 17. 2000, al her hi>iwe. Mni. Hedrick was bom in Davic Couniy Oct. 9. 1915. to W illiam Keonard and Mary Frances Foster Dixon. Funeral services were conduclcd al 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dcc. 20, al Vo- gler and Sons Reynolda Road Chapel by the Rev. KathieC. Sherrill. Burial followed al Loves United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Hedrick lived mosi o f her life in Winslon-Salem. She was a member o f Burkhead United Meth­ odist Chureh. Mrs. Hedrick was re­ tired from Hanes Hosiery after 42 years o f service. : She was preceded in death by her firs t husband, W illia m H enry Vanhoy, and her second.husband. John G. Hedrick. Survivors; a sisti;r. Nannie Davis; a brother, W illiam Howard Dixon; and a number of nieces and nephews. William Kurfees Click Mr. W illiam Kurfees "B ill" Click. 69. Concord, died Saturday. Dcc. 9. 2000. A memorial scrvicc was held at 4 p.m. Friday. Dcc. 15 at A ll Saints Episcopal Church, w ith the Revs. B ill Ibdd and iRoger Butler o ffici­ ating. Mr. Click was bom May 25.1931. lo the late Rowan Relcher and Mac Kurfees Click. He graduated from M ocksvillc High School and Cat­ awba College. and was a retired sup­ ply officer with Ihe N.C. National Guard after 30 years. He was preceded in death by a daughter, M ari Angela Click. Surviving: wife, Marinelle Owens Click; son, Marcus W illiam and wife Gena Johnston Click o f Davidson: a sister, A . Jane C lick o f Winston-Sa- lem; and a granddaughter. Memorials; A ll Saints. 525 Lake Concord Road, Concord, 28025; HospiccofCabanus.PO Bo:^ 1235, Concord, 28026.1235; Nlghl Shel­ ter, Salvation Army, 216 Patterson Si. S.E., Concord, 28025; CYAN, P.O. Box 1749, Concord, 28026- 1749; or Meals on Wheels. 212-102 Lephillip Court, Concord. 28025. Jettie Mozclle Chunn M rs. Jettic M ozclle O akley C hunn, 89, o f U.S. 601 South, M ocksville, died Monday. Dcc. II, 2000 al her home after a period o f illness. She waso memberof New Bethel Baptist Church, where her funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 15w lth the Revs. Thom as W hite, Rufus W yatl and Dennis Bishop officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Survivors: 2 sons, George F. (Doris) Chunn o f W inston-Salem and Danny Andre' Chunn o f the home; 3 daughters, Barbara Chunn (Roymond) Brown o f Greensboro, Phyllis Chunn (Carl T.) Duncan o f Statesville and Zciiie Chunn Phillips o f Charlotte: 11 grandchildren: and 11 grcat-grandchildrcn. Memorials: New Bethel Baptist Church Building Fund, 585 Box­ wood Church Road, M ocksvillc. John Bill Smith M r. John B ill Smith, 73, o f Har­ mony died Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2000 al Iredell Memorial Hospital. Bom in Iredell Couniy Aug. 10, 1927. he was a son o f the late James Paiker Smith and LUty Mac Dove Smith. He served in the U.S. Anny and was a retired truck driver for Roadway Express. On July 6.1945, he married the fom icr Lois Moore, who survives. A lso surviving: 2 sons, John Michael Smllh o f ihc home and Tun A. Smllh o f Salisbury: 3 daughters, Sharon Johnson o f N orth Wilkcsboro, Elaine Hughes and Joan Swicegood, both o f Lexington; 3 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Glenn Smith o f Concord and Leroy Smith o f Harmony: and 3 sisters, Bondelia Woolen o f Hamiony, Jo McClam- rock o f M ocksvillc and W ilma Smllh o f Dobson. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers, J.W. Smith and W illiam Smith. Funeral scrviccs were at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dcc. 14 al Clarksbury United M clhodlst Church w ilh the Rev. Donnie Durham officiating. Duriul followed in the church ccm- ctcty. Pallbearers w w Glenn Camp­ bell, Jerry Campbell, M ark Johnson, Tom m y Ladd, Carl Ladd, Jr. and James Ray Ladd. M em orials: ccm eicry fund o f Clarksbury M clhodisl Church, 924, W . M e m o iia l H w y., Hanw ony, 28634 or to Hosplcc o f Iredell County, 2357 Simonton Rd., Statcs- vUlc.28625. Elnora Foote Eaton M rs. Elnora Foole Ealon. 100. died at Mcadowbrook Terracc o f Davic Monday, Dcc. 11.2000 after a period o f illness. She was a m em ber o f Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist Church, where the funeral scrviccs were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16 with the Rev. M ichael L in villc officiating. Burial followed in the church ccm- cicry. Survisors: 2 sons. Henry Eaton o f A lbem arle and O dell Eaton o f ■ M ocksville; 4 daughtere, W illic M. Wiseman o f Rahway, N.J., Bessie Eaton of Advance, Queen McKnight o f W inslon-Salem and Betty Jean Eaton o f M ocksvillc; 21 grandchil- drcn; 30 great-grandchildren; 25 greal-greal-grandchildrcn; and a grcal-great'grcat-grandchild. M em orials: Cedar Creek M is­ sionary Baptist Church, 711 Cedar Creek Road, M ocksville. Barbara Ann White Mrs. Barbara Ann White Thomas. 64.ofW oodlcaf.died at her home Dec. 12,2000. She was l» m in Davie County, daughter of the late W ill and Fnuikie White. Survivors: her husband, Ruben Thomas o f the home: 2 sons, James (Brenda) W hite and Kenneth W te . both ofWoodleaf;2daughtcrs. Sylvia Ann W hite o f Cooleemcc, and Tetesa (Vinccnl D.) Ramirez o f High Point; 3 broiheis. James L. W hile and Ray E. W hite, both o f Mocksville, and John W hile of Cooleemee. Shewasptecededindeaihbyason, Joseph Loggins, 4 brothers. Jessie L. White. Robert L. White. Sr.. Joseph W hite and W illie L. White. Funeral services were held on Sun­ day. Dec. 17 al 3 p.m. in the chapel o f Cleo G. Dedmon Mrs. CIco G. Dedmon, 84, for­ merly of Emerald Isle, where she was a resident for 25 years, recently came back to Mocksville lo be with her family. Mrs. Dedmon died Saturday, Dcc. 16,2000 alher family's home on Pine Ridge Rd., Mocksvillc. Mrs. Dedmon was bomJan.3,1916 in Davic County to ihe laic Male and Hattie Copley Grcgoiy. In addition to her parents she is preceded in dcalh by herhusband of 56 years LC . Dedmon. Shewasahomemakeraftcrretlring from Erwin M ills with 11 years of scrvicc. Mrs. Dedmon attended the Chapel by the Sea In Emerald Isle. Survivors: 2 sons, Delano Dedmon and wife Mary o f Cooleemcc, and TenyDcdmonofCooIccmcc;2broth- ers Baxter Gregory o f Cooleemee and J.P. Gregory o f Cooleemee; 4 grand­ children; and 4 great-grandchildren.. Funeral services were held Mon­ day. Dcc. 18 at 11 a.m. al Davic Fu­ neral Scrvice Chapel with the Rev. Clarence SIfford officiating. Burial followed at Legion Memorial Park. Memorials: Hospice o f Davic County/Cancer Services P.O. Box 848. Mocksvillc. Chales Lewis Lutz Mr. Charles Lewis Lutz. 72. o f Newton, died on Saturday, Dcc. 16, 2000, at Catawba Memorial Hospi­ tal. I.c was born in Catawba Couniy on Feb. 27. 1928, a son o f I.O. Lutz and Essie Propsl Lutz. He was a life­ tim e member o f New Jerusalem Lutheran Church and a dairy fanner. He earned the master breeder award from the Am erican Jersey C atllc AsstK, and in 1984 was inducted into the Livcsuxk Hall o f Fame. In 1991. he was awarded the M a rvin E. Scngcr Distinguished Dairy Farm Award. Mr. Lutz received the NCJA Distinguished Breeder Award, was dircctw o f Ihc Catawba County Fan« Bureau, a director for the N.C. Jer­ sey Brceders Association and was a prcmier breeder at the N.C. Stale Fair for 22 consecutive years. A funeral scrvicc was held at 11 "a.m. Tuesday, Dcc. 19aiNewJenisa- Icin Lutheran Church, conducted by the Rev. Randall Caublc. Burial was in the church cemetery. In addition lo his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Ethel Compton Lutz. Survivors: a daughter and son-in- law, Brenda Lutz-Kiser and John o f Charlotte; 3 sons ond daughtcrs-in- luw , W ayne and Karen Lutz o f M ocksvillc, Corey and Bridgette Lutz, and Kevin and Shelley Lutz, all o f LIncolnlon; 2 grandsons; 5 granddaughters; a slcp-grandson: arid 3 step-granddaughlers: 2 broth­ ers, J.B. Lutz o f Newton and Rich­ ard Lutz o f Florida; and 2 sisters, Violet Hollar o f Hickory and Dor­ othy Sigmon o f Newton. M em orials: N ew Jerusalem Lutheran Church B uilding Fund, 2120 Startown Rd., Newton, 28658; Charles and Ethel Lutz Scholarship Fund, Catawba County Fam i Bu­ reau, 802 Conover Blvd. E. Conover, 28613. Rachel T. Goodman Mrs. Rachcl Tliompson Goodman, 62, o f Statesville, died Monday. Dec. 18,2000 ot Iredell Memorial Hospital. Bom in Iredell County on Nov. 2, 1938, she was o daughter o f the late Nick Walter Thompson and Mrs. Car­ rie Nonce Thom pson M ille r o f Statesville, who survives. She was a rclircd textile worker and a number of Eufolo Baptist Church. Survivors: her husband. Johnny Goodman of Statesville; 3 sons, Rickey W alter Fox of Clevelond, Jack Lamar Whitaker and his fiance Tina Story of Albemarleand Bryant Keith Whitaker and his wife Lisa o f Mocksvillc; 2 daughters, Joy Fox Bamettc and her husband M ike of Cleveland and Renee Whitaker Bailey and husband, Joey of Fork: 2 brothers, Thomos Nick Th­ ompson o f Blythewood,S.C., and Jim Thompson and wife Brenda o f Stony Point: and 2 sisters, Mary Scitenfodcn ond Kathy Faust and husband Richard, all o f Statesville: 14 grandchildren: 4 grcat-grandchildrcn. a step-father. Cccil M iller o f Aiken. S.C., and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded In death by o daughter, Rachcl Lcono Fox, her first husband. Draper Leon Fox, and a brother, Sanford Wade Thompson. Funeral services were scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 20 at Eufolo Baplisi Church with ihc Rev. Otis Johnson, Jr. oftlcloling. Burial followed In the Concord Prcsbytcrian Church Cemetery. Memorials: EufolaBoptistChurch, P.O. Box 5026 Statesville, 28687. DAViE FUNERAL SERVICE L.L.C. 416V.ilk7Rd,MiKbvilli-,NC 336-751-3111 “Our Famitv Sm'inx Гamí/y" ТОШ HOUb-nmX n^tRA L HOME 7 s t j c f i i c O ^ e a J i n p By Mrs. Dora G r y s la iO ^ e a J in ^ s D a r o l G a r c fs ^ i l e r n a h 'u e J i e a f i n y Find Guidance and T^ulh to Your Questions or Love Business, Marriage and Affairs of Life AvaiU^Ufor Partits For Inrormatlon or Appointment 704-647-9622 2910 s. M ain St., Salisbury Irene Shore Marshall Mrs. Irene Shore Marshall, 80, o f Farmington Road, Mocksville. died Friday, Dcc. 8. 2(XX) at Rowan Re­ gional Medical Center in Salisbut>'. A graveside setvice was held Mon­ day, Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. at Enon Baptist Church Cemetery in Yadkinville with Dr. David Gllbreaili ofticlallng. , Mrs. Marshall was bora Sept. I, 1912 in Davie County to the late John HerajondRoslicSleetaan Shore. She was a homemaker and a member o f Huntsville Baptist Church. She was preceded in di»lh by her husband, Charles W ilford "B ill" Marshall. ' , ■ Survivors: a sister Reta Godtiey o f Graham Funeral Home. B u riii fol- Salisbury; 0 niece; and a nephew. ^ lowed In Palmetto Ceiiietety. M ay your hoMays be filled with Joy... and m ay the coming year bring you health & happiness , S t q f f : Teresa Smiley • Caroi Snyder Kris Kalish • Shirley Wright Bobby H. Knight 346 So. Sallibury St. Mocksville, NC 27028 INIUIINC^ 336-751-5908 , sjjjg Insurance Companies Home Offkes: eioomlnfton. lilinote Like a д Ш neighbor, State Farm is theiv. . C lm d D ti.3 M A 2 U h ■ ^ Coy Isaiah Crowe | Rev. Coy Isaiah Crowe, 96, o f j Howard Street, Mocksvillc. fomicrly ofGreensboro.died Sunday, Dcc. 17, ; 2000 at Autumn Care o f Mocksvillc. : The funeral seivicc was 11 a.m. ^ Wednesday, Dcc. 20, at Danielsvillc • Evangelical Methodist Church in '■ Danielsvillc, Ga.. with the Revs. Tim Peck. Max Allman, and B illy Carey - officiating. Buriol followed in the chureh cemetery. ' Memorials'. Charily of choicc. A memoriol scrvicc w ill be held later at Community EMC in Thomasville, N.C. Bom Oct. 8, 1904 in Madison County, Ga. to the late John Patton and Tishie Graham Crowe, Crowe was a : retired pastor with the Evangelical MethodlstChurch. His pastorales in­ cluded Danielsvillc, Ga., Glen Alpine, ' Old Richmond EMC, Portland. Ind., i Keysville,Va., and High Point. ’ He is preceded in death by his first wife, Sodie Lou Evans Crowe, by 7 children ond by a grandson. Survivors: hiswifc.MargaretEvans ' Crowe o f Greensboro; 2 sons, Marks ' Crowe o f Royston, Ga.. and Phil and ' Brenda Crowe o f Mocksville; a sister. Iva James o f Concord; 15 grandchil­ dren; 21 grcal-grtmdchildren; and 3 great-grondchildren: and3 great-great* grandchildren. •Rnnh • CmnjDini• Ptv-Arnn|cmnu •liWStCFu n i:ral H o m e • Mnemt 635 Wllkcilx«) Si/telM«k«iHc.NC (336)751-1100 R c n ie m h c -rin ;^ Eva P n iilin e P o tt’s.- 1910 - 2000 MOCKSVILLE ■ / Fred H enry T ro u tm n 1937 - 2000 ' : . - MOCKSVILLE ■ E D iel S m ith Irv in * 1912 - 2000 ., MOCKSVILLE.,«.^- & N buS nulhC cdm je_ \ : 19W.2000 . ‘ RUTHERFORDTON *■ Dorothy ' 1932 - 2000 . . FORSYTH COUNTY 7 ; ¡< N w aS ize rtjore Gough>\ 1911-2000 HAMPTONVILLE V ‘ 5^1 ; Vtfgima D. Befluer;:v^[ ‘ 1927-’2000 „ ' ^CARTCESVILLS. I ¡Robert H o w u d M u n ^ : ^ C8 - DÁVIE COUNTY ENTERPM SE RECORD. Dec. 21,2000 jiDavIe Family YMCA after school child care participants are •OTown with Joe Hennlgan, left, YIHCA director, and Mocks- ralle Bl-Lo Co-Manager Brian Witt. lo c a l B i-L o D o n ates $ 5 ,0 0 0 To jfM CA P artn ersh ip C am p aig n The DqvIc Fam ily Y M C A rc- a top cvcnl in the groccry indusiry, ccivcd a $5.000 chcck from Bi-Lo Markets in support or the VM CA's ant\ua\ PaitncTship Campaign. The money comcs Trom the Bi- Lo Pro/Am C harily Classic G o lf 'Ibumament held each June near Bi- Lo hcadquaners in Mauldin. S.C. The Pro/Am. among the nation’s largest onc-day benefìt g o lf tourna­ ments. raises more than$!.5 m illion annu ally fo r charities in the company's four-state trade area. U Is and represents an ongoing commit­ ment to give back to the communi­ ties where il docs business. The Partnership Campaign at the Y M C A has raised over $33,000 Ihis year. It gives financial assistance opportunities for children and adults to participate in Y M C A programs and m embership. This year, the Davie Family YM C A has given more than $70,000 in financial assistance and free programming. Mocksville Wal-Mart Donates To Davie ARC Mocksville Wal-Mart Associates presented ARC o f Davie County with acheckforS1576.15. On Saturday, Dec. 2. Wal-Mart stores held a nationwide promotion to donate a percentage o f store sales to a local charity. This marks the lOth holiday season the stores are assisting charities within the local communi­ ties. Mocksville associates selected the ARC o f Davie County as the benefi­ ciary o f their annual holiday fund­ raiser because o f the positive impact the organization has on the local com­ munity. Advance News By E dllh Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Jack and Beatrice Childers of Mooresviile were Sunday guests of their son and family, the Rev. David Childers, wife Sharon and children Kiisien, Sarah and Logan. M r. and Mrs. Childers were among the visitors at the Methodist Church. The altar flowers were given in memory o f Налу Sides by his son David Sides. The choir and members o f the con­ gregation w ill go Christmas Caroling on Wednesday night Dcc. 20. We have many shut'itis who look foiwarU to this each year. The Sallie Sue Peebles S.S. Class and The Men's Bible Class had their Christmas dinner/party Thursdaynight at Dockside in Clemmons. Approxi­ mately 28 people enjoyed the festive occasion. StellaMaeVogler has taught the ladies for many years, she retired last week, now Richard Roberts is our teacher. Frankie Hackett Is the Men’s class teacher. These people are to be commended for a job well done. December 24 the children o f the Methodist Church w ill give their Christmas play at 5:00 p.m. on Christ­ mas Eve there w ill be a service at the church. Eveiyone is invited. Paul and Sue Browder Folmar cel­ ebrated their 39th wedding anniver­ sary Sunday Dec. 17. Congratulations go oul lo these dedicated church work­ ers. Toby Comatzer Is in rehab in Whitaker Care in Winston-Salem after suffering a stroke two weeks ago. Albert Poole has been transferred to The Elms on Harper Road, Forsyth County, aflcr a sever stroke many months ago. Sympathy is expressed lo the fam­ ily o f Clinton Comatzer. He died last week ai\er a lengthy illness. Sam Chaplin, director o f Over The H ill Gang, is working on getting up a bus load 10 go to Washington, DC in January for the presidential inaugura­ tion. Anyone interested can call Sam 31336-998-4220. This reporter would like lo wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with love, joy and peace. Feeling A LlHle Left Out? Yadkin Valley Telecom can now meet ALL YOUR COMMUNICATION NEEDS. whether it's Internet access, mobile phone service, paging services, or just plain old telephones, we have it all at Yadkin Valley Telecom, And, you can receive all these services on one easy bill. CEB3E Thai's righl, we've just goUen into the paging business and have a wide selection o l pagers to select from . Choose fro m local to natio nw ide coverage plans as lo w as S10 a m onth. This is a perfect g ilt lor that teenager and you can surprise her w ith a pager that plays Christmas music when she opens Ihe package. Thinking of getting the family a computer for Christmas? Be careful o f packaged Internet offers that m ight result in long distance charges when you tog on. O ur Internet service p ro vid e s lo ca l nu m b e rs fo r Internet access and a 24-hour technical support service. Just give us a call and we can activate your account and mail you the software. A w ide selection o f nove lty phones. Inclu ding E lvis. The L ittle M erm aid. W innie the Pooh and H arley Davidson. Vadhin Valley ^Telecom I I ( I I F I I I I ( I Call or visit any of our Telecom locations: MOCKSVILLE ■ Wal-Mart Shopping C enter. 751-0528 JONESVILLE • Riverview Village Shopping Center • 5260030 YADKINVILLE -9 1 9 Soulh State St. beside CVS Pharmacy • 679-4648 YADKINVILLE • t421 Courtney-Huntsville Rd. • 463-5012 There's no activation fee on selected BellSouth M obility DCS service plans and we have two phones priced at only $1 w ith an 1 1-month service com m itm ent. The Ericsson 788 is selling fast and the Motorola 3682 is a slender flip phone that fits easily into a purse or shirt pocket. W ith m onthly plans beginning at $15, you can provide som eone w ith the security o f staying In touch. The other thing that did Bernie’s heart good. BemIe Morgan's annual fishing tiip with his buddies wasn’t so inuch for fishing as it was for fun, (Seemed like the biggest thing he ever caught was a cold,) And this year, a heart atuck almost kept Bernle from making the trip at all. , s. But fortunauly, Bernle did all the right things for his Then he enrolled in our Cardiac Rehab Program, the only nationally certified cardiac rehab program in the Salisbury area,We brought him back. Back to health. Back to the coast for his annual fishing trip. D And could be, we even changed his luck. Because heart. He came tp Rovwn ,Regional Medical Center to take ‘his year, Bernle caught the biggest fish on the boat, »thontageofourhlgh-tech cardlolp^seiTlces. , ^ . t o And that really made him feel good. ■ 6 1 3 M o c k i v l l l e A v e n u e , S a l l i b u r y • ( 7 0 4 ) ' 3 I O - 5 3 9 9 WWW, rowan.org ‘ I- D a v ie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 - Dl Cornulzcr Elementary Students ore enjoying Christmas holidays. Classes w ill resume Tues­ day, Jan. 2. The semester ended Dcc. 14, and report cards w ill go home Jan. 4. ; The Cougar o f the Month Lun­ cheon was held in the media center Friday, Dec. 8. Mocksvillc Woman's Club president, Marlene Shamel, wilh the assistance ofPeggy Pageand Linda Scchrist, decorated tables with Christ­ mas trees and other festive dicor. They served students p iiia provided by Buck's Pizza of Mocksvillc. Students received Christmas rocking horses as favors and gingerbread reindeer as treats. Cougars o f the Month for De­ cember included: Drew Andrade, .Chandler Archer, Jordan Autiy, Lucy Chavero, Tyler Comatzer, Tiffany Davis, Jose Diaz, Oscar Rorcs, Tyler Gaddy, Kalcy Lamb, Cassandra McClannon. Sabrina Murray, Josie Piper, Katie San Filippo, and Toby Lee Williams. The second graders had a Christ­ mas program for Ihcir parents Dcc. 13. They sang Christmas songs and en­ joyed hot chocolate and cookies. Stu­ dents heightened theirChrisimas spirit by readingihe novels "Arthur’sChrist- mas" and "M criy Christmas, Ameila Bcdelia." They also enjoyed a visit with nisidcnt's at Davie Village where they sang carols and delivered cards. Cougars o f the Week for Dec. 11- 14 included: ShaloddraCuny, Jordan Durham. Corey Gordy, Josh Hash, Brenton ] loose, Jonathan Mason. Jus­ tin McClannon, Daniel Pearcy, Corey Rominger, Jensen Sates, John San Filippo. Kristen Scarlett, Haynes Shelton, Lauren Taylor, Megan Walker. Siephanie Wal ker, /Чппа Marie \\Ъ11Аег,Сп»у Whitaker, and Nicolc : White. Coole«mcc Elemenlar)' An Accelcraied Reader Breakfast o f donuts and juice was held on Wednesday for students making the point clubs: 23 Point Club-James Davenport, Steven Diaz, Travis Pow­ ers, Heather Bogcr, Ryan Hellard, Blake Br>'ne, Courtney Church, Keila Privell, Justin Belt, Jonathan Fox. MaddisonMcDaniel.JesslcaSiephens, Kevin Whitley,' Breir Cook,’ Joseph' Taylor. Brittany M a l^ James Cous-j^ .'¡ns,OmarGranadero,i:acShoemaker,i [Ron Alexander, Hannah Hursey, •Kelsey Taylor, Dustin Bush, Wayne . 'C om ll, Kayla Gnibb. Mary Absher. I Matthew W aller, M anus Gadson, - Travis Glenn, Bradley Key; Cody 'В г)ш1, Jessica Linger,‘ Josh'Ijames, Debra Clcndenin, Ericka Ashley. Konishd Blanchard, Jess Cartner, ^^ickola!^ Boger, Jeremy H arris, ^L^onda I^eynolds, and first graders {й с у Youni and Jansen McDaniel; 50 :R )inldub-M althew W illiams, Anna jiinyers,TylcrHam,CalebHumphrey». '_Цгатк)п Ashley, Jasnune Dalton, Jon ;Fente, and TifTany Gibson; 75 Point l^lu h - Cody Rusher. Nicholos Wilson, :Sarah Bishop; 125 Point Club * Tyler ;ш с г . Students in Donna Henderson and Joan- King’s third grade classes en­ joyed learning about Chrisunas cus- •tbms in other countries. Students trav- ■ eled to Ьгш1 to leam about Hanukkah, iand.to Gem uny to leam about the 'Christmas tree and other things. The furiii ended with a celebration o f food. ‘ Studenu assisted with making latkes, '.which'.arc potato pancakes, and ate :them with apple.<;auce. Other favorite 'things in Israel Included playing with • diridels and lighting the special Jew- ; ish caiidleholder called the menorah. jin Germany^students' loyeij eating iM im vian sugarcookies and drinking' ‘Hotapple cider. Students made a Ger- ; Ш l^ouse and on advent wreath. ; The third graders inJonet Jones and jShirleyW est'sclassfinishedtlieirunit - ¡op.'^„Gingerbread man. .The class rUsed literature circles to compare and different stories about the gin- :j«bread man. They read six tales yi^iuding Jan Bren’s The Gingerbread ifiaby, Richard Egeilski's The Ginger* fbicad Boy, which lakes placc in New jjYork City, an old English Folktale 'lliustroted by John A. Rowe, and the jMusubi Man, Hawaii's Gingerbread jM an. One spccial book, this Cajun fcingerbread Boy was presented to the ‘clau by high school French teacher Wall. Mrs. W all thrilled the with her French Canjun accent French lesson. On Wedtiesday, 35ec, 13 the class peifomied the musi- ^ pU yThe Glngcrt)read K id Caper ^ 3& theirpaienu, third graders and kin- dcrgartncrs. Mrs. Hembree, the music teacher, helped thcclass team llic music and accompanicd them on the piano. Parents were treated to gingerbread cookies made by the students. Each student also made aclnnamon ginger­ bread man and wrote their own ver­ sions o f the story. One o f the high­ lights o f iheunit was the opportunity to take "Gingerbread Fred" home for an overnight visit. Each student wrote a journal page about Fred's adventures and had their picturc taken with him enjoying their visit. Mrs. West sur­ prised the students by prcscniing each one with a copy o f Fred's adventures with the whole doss. South Davlc M iddle The 8th graders arc awaiting the results o f their computer compcicncy test, which should be sent from Ra­ leigh by Jan. 3. In the meantime, Mrs. Tribble's 8th grade officc technology class has completed their class project utilizing the digital camera, scanner, and sound for ihcir power point pre­ sentation. The 6th and 7ih graders have completed their work on data­ base, sprcadshcel. word priKc.ssingand muliimedia presentations. Tsunami communications classcs continuetoworkonwriiingstratcgics, building vocabulary, improving spell­ ing. and increasing reading levels. Sludenis also worked hard to achieve Accelerated Reader goals, earning a total of more than 2000 points for ihe nine weeks. On Pec. 1, students en­ joyed their first field trip to see A Christmas Carol at the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival in High Point. The Tsunami teajn enjoyed a treat when Sandra Vance shared Christmas stories wilh ihem on Dcc. 11. Students explored the inlcmei will) Mrs. Murklin to leam how to effectively use the compuier for research. Social studies studenls have com­ pleted their study o f Africa and have begun lostudy Asia starting with South­ west Asia. M r. Chaffin’s social studies classes have had the opportunity sccond quar­ ter to work with Doug Smilh, intern from Davie High. In appreciation of his hard work, students presented him wilh a football signed by Tsunami students and a South Davie Tigers I- shirt along with wishes for much sue*- cess in his college endeavbrsl Science students continué to study body systems. This is a very lengthy^ unit covering seven chapters in our ncwtextbooks. Siudentshdveenjoyed several hands-on activities including the measuring o f their bodies and cal­ culating the total surface area o f skin. Students ihen worked in small groups and made paper dolls from newspaper to show their results, Classes also worked wiihcereal boxes andavarieiy o f food labels in studying nutritious foodsand theirdige5iive system. Color- coded graphs were done to depict the amounts of, vitamins and, minerals fouridih various fW s . Scienceclasscs arc pnMcntly exploring the cireulaiofy - system. Classes had theopportunity lo view and touch a deer heart brought in and shared by Callahan Koontz. Students also participated in an activity outside • Involving pulse rate and the Increascof heart rate during various activiiies like walking M d doing timed jumping jacks. , . MathstudcntsontheTsunanuteam, com plel^ a math project involving translating common phrases contain­ ing numbers Into what ihe sayings realty mean. Additional credit was given forsubmiiiing additional phrases containing malh terms but they had to accompany a literal translation and sources. Students also watched the riltn,"SlandandDeiiv«r." Preparation has begun fortheirthlrdquarterprojcct involving toothpick stnicturcs. Progress reports for,the third quar-' ter w ill be sent home Feb. 1, 2001 unless inclement weather should change the school calendar. Parents can call between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. Monday - Friday with questions re­ garding their child’s progress. Shady Grove Elementary The 1st Reindeer Romp was run on Monday, Dec. 11. During Ihc physical education classcs, students poriicipaled In the campus "fun run." The .Reindeer Romp was a cross country course run around campus. Studenls who participated received aMcDonald's orange drink, a certifí­ cate, and a Blow Pop treat. ConlinucdonPagcD} Mrs. Hiiton ' '" ' 4 ‘i t Mrs, Hilton helps Ashleigh Scarlett with a class project.- Photos by Robin Fergusson An A-Plus Teacher Assistant Of The Year Thinks Every Child Should Have A Chance U yJuckiu Si'ubolt Davie County Bntcrprisc Rcciird C iiicc Ifilio n is a kindergarten teaching • assistant at C om a ticr E U ^ n t ^ SchoolViho , has been named Davie C oiiniy Teaching ' Assistant o f the Yciw. S hcd eflnilcly deserves a w ell earned A -t for her five years o f hard ' work, H ilton was a stay at home mom for eight years. She has tw o boys. 13 year old Russell and eight year old Jesse, who is a third grader who allows me lo be a leaching assistant. Wc ^ share all Ihc responsibilities in Ihc classroom,” H ilton also made m cnllon o f the wonderful staff al Comatzer Elememary, "Candy Poplin.“My faith is what at Comatzer. "That's when I decided 1 wanted ‘ : g u id e s m e t h r o u g h our principal, is to go into the school system.” ‘ i 'e a c h a n d e v e r v wonderful. She’s She started volunteering, took classcs at' • i ' ------------n— . i-.i.. the Davie campus o f Davidson C om m unity ,. College, and ¡hen applied for a teacher’s , assismnl ppsilibri, Sbe was at M ocksvillc ' ^ X..cfncient also.” |:E lc m c m iy prior lo Cbrnatzer, "B olh an: ,v p '.H ilton is a fam ily oriented person ' cxccUent;schM ls,’’ H llion said,. .'who loves spending tim e w ilh her fam ily. She ftiilo h says she loves leaching kindergar-' ifi'and her husband Robert,'along w itK Iheir two an excellent lady. The staff is ". excellent and and I ’m very excited about four ESL (English as a Sccond Language) students in m y classroom, they are w onderful." .................... H ilton credits cach and evciy day as being different. “ Each day brings a new challenge, I f l tried m y best, then m y day is complete,” H ilton was chosen by her peers for the Tcachcr Assistant Award, "W ithin the school system teaching assistants vote w ithin," A fter learning in September Uiat she had been named C om atzcr’s Teaching Assistant, she then proceeded onto the county level and won. "F or Ihe county level you have to subm it a twenty page portfolio and an inter­ view ." H ilton shared a part o f her portfolio that she said sticks in her m ind, “ A chance. Sim ple words, yet so pow erful words. Every child should have a chance at different things.'A' chance to read. A chance to discover, A chance to be iieard. A chance to nu ke m is -. ten." ( truly love niy jo b ," H ilton ».ssists M rs, ' cj)i|dien, live in M ocl(.svilIe."This has been a takes, A chance to succeed.” Uliano-Sm ilh w ith 24 students in her kinder- ; challengihg ^ a i; W e’re building a licw hom e ,;.' P ™ "' H ilton w ill advance to the ' i gartcn class, "P m very luciey 1 have a te a c h e r.th e new schdbl'mcans learning new things, : I f o f die , ' : ■ t - -Y e a r there she can go on to the state level. • ................................Ш ' : - S . ■ - Í г » ' . л D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 N.D. B and, C h o ru s C o n ce rt Members of the North Davie Middle School chorus (above) and band (left) re­ hearse for a holiday concert they performed for an audi­ ence recently at the Brock Performing Arts Center In Mocksville. M erry C h ristin as And A H appy New Y ear To All Our Friends And Customers Open lor Breaktasl only on Sal. Dec. 23til and closing at 11 '.Mara. We will be closed until Hon. Jan. 1st when we reopen at TiOOam. M illers R estaurant Kwys60U64 é é é é é é é é é é . é H o rse R io ik g JlE ssoK s é ' Mary Rosser Earns Degree Mary Bartlctl Rosser o f Pelham, Ala., earned a bachelor’s degree wilh honors in healih promolion Friday night from the U n ive rsity o f M onlevallo (Alabama). A graduate o f North Rowan High School, she is the daughter o f Joe and Linda Bartlett o f Salisbury and the granddaughter o f George and Mary Barnhardt o f M ocksvillc. She is married to Todd Rosser. Library H as D avie A n n u als DavieCounty High School has pro­ vided yearbooks lo be used for refer* encc in Ihc MaitinAVall History Room j^t the Davie County Public Library. Some of the yearbooks are missing. If you have any o f the following years and would like to donate it to the libraiy, it would be appreciated. Call 75l-2023andaskforElly. Theyears missingarc: 1979,1985, 1990. 1991, and 1992. What choices do I have if • I want cremation? When choosing cremation, you have several choices, including ■ a memorial service, a time of visitation, and even a Tull service funeral prior to the cremation. We can explain all of your choices to you. I Im u v'h im Mh iik lllM K M IK n il.lN i K 1 N D 1 .IU O N 'H O -5 5 5 5 S II./VS I lU l К 7{ì5-.SI81 K l U N I n s v ii.i.i: 0 ' ) )2U b lU lllA l. 11Л1.1. 4 W 5 5 0 3 P le a s e c a l l a n d r e q u e s t o u r f r e e C r e m a t i o n b r o c h u r e . à à Ь т п оичдга] Ко«« Гди< к И к и и ш WV оппшо niM ic итко nssou. Sioij(i(ns гашен шдксл). О т ts т ю rem iiK t. Out sniiitins ran v u t m xiutirn Sun Chakpiokkips. Com joi« cun пдм ot ms«i«o дко tu». Дпп sc«oo: nOCRAKS Д1'Д|ШГ1, CHKISIMAS С1П СП)Ш|САП1 AiSO ДИД11ДВГС. é: é 336-998-7457 é é é é é é é é é à Davic County Board of Coniniissioncrs 2001 Meeting Schedule Dale Tuesday, January 2 Tuesday. January 16 Monday, Fclmiary.S Monday. I-chmary 19 Monday. March 12 Monday, A pril 2 Monday. A pril 16 Monday, i\Iay 7 Monday, May 21 Monday. June 4 Monday. June IK Monday. July 9 Monday. August 6 Monday, August 20 1'ucsday. Scptenilwr A Monday. September 17 Nlonday. October I Monday. October 15 Monday. November 5 Monday, November 19 Monday. IX’ccmbor 3 Monday, IX'cernber 17 Ni^icc^ill ly given iif catlcd Time l;(X) pm ■ 7:(X)pm I:(X) pm 7:(X) pm 7:(X) pm I :(X) pm 7:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:(X) pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 1 ;00 pm 7:00 pm I :(X) pm 7:00 pm 1:00pm 7:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm •ftcv mfchnc» I «__________ ,.....................к lurreunds this 3 BA. 2BA home. U rn Irrintrooni I uxj kiithia ftrtiWe fto mooev öown. CillSuua 671 VVM Boone FU»d • hki 3BR. :SA <bbc««l 24i24 «QcM anxvt on IS кга (тЫа iha brpnU9;t».10aCdlloih«)i IIIOSottCoid>M.>*h.CflMKy.,hT«ÌM 1727 Uhdcrptu Rd- Inrracubu on 2» xres ргкху! Нш bid fTBRer firáhed basenteЧ room » 1 U biih Ь сЫ fami/M « )169.9a 1И Стам 1л - BeudU срсл ЬсГ Qihehl ctârjk hvT^MQodt ki гост nJ I ' Ш !« dak ft« ponh. Quct md dei rKÿtofnod coTMrin to Иа il 7000 Cil )vit IM R M rfld - BkttncwnJdeantatomroaa !>■ boudul rww her« ОЙП )&Я| pcesbi 4(h a 5 Bft and 3BA i W roonv d r n dcrv traída room 0 ^ 2 a-pry. Al ai I a n sTf7.Wa Cal M ta o n ompany T Y In Mocksville 3 36 .751.9400 In Advance/Hillsdale 336 .998.8900 Toll Free 1.800 .539.3383 i n f o @ P e n n i i i g t o i i R e a U y . c o i n www.PennmgtonReaity.com ^ f b a J L i t i i n t f S r h lv e ^ ^ O t v 'Í Í ^ C * n O b í / t ^ r & 0 0 e> Q e t c i x a O t f U v e / ли Coflvrancbt Dr • № e offer! (Im n l««tl & (Irarrd icrtt. Home íeatixci aburvluxe ol Irvrf JM<e. H»rd»wodi in p rii room mlTttfAut Grr» for bonei £ convtntnt to prnnte iirpon tîTS.OWCillSvMo >71 Dcidmofl ltd • WW fM ^-А-еЛО oul* Li* rw» 4BA. 2M rm h пж^ ra Mh 174&Ы Iid n an ПЖМ «YVTK. Cil Lvsu $6BJ00 ’ 4P on 4 $] Km Butffwn (OvU b« n-U* ajirun or Mtl tk«t( ]ût. l&AiWñ Brmu. Hnutn U 1^40. сасыгвгскт. lU/t w Lvn bmfc henc 2Stf Hwr И Eâit • 3i i pmuBt fenced acm. ---------- 3BR. 2BA. Miture Joe hoae^ 2 m l2BA. Miture K. -------- ---------------:ed v>mh-n lut 2 yean with oew roof.vtml i.|l24JOd7Calbmu 53( ÿjvtion Rd • Сгш n « MdV «Oid ТЬЬ S S o K K îS ft S ÎÎS tt^ IM ] Junokn Rori • 0 % A ccHon n inn n rm trb nnd« faHrn M,raw orM A «vdcMinpi« t№ I CBvd « Ol ii Km «Axttt & .4 QUO d b4Vi dart coo dhr i t e Cri »^7 m M AodMT Rd . Ready to ttluf Com юте to an Inrround poo) then lome indoor« tc e« in the 6 perwo hot tub! ML hai 3BR. 2BA. I )ffiUhas2BlClBAdenw/{ailotFPrcfriMravx Iкш к-и Ш О Ш Ш ^ * r » O m li Rd* Lease punhaie pottlble' L Cuitom buih by R-AnelL IMO SF w/ kin« chair front porth Д an above^ ^ ^ АЖА . ^ ■ »4* . к .dpool$n4,90Û /aiD ^ Davie Schoofe DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 - D3 ConllnuctJ from Page 1)1 The Tive fastest girls and five fastest boys in each age group re­ ceived ribbons. F ifth G rade: girls • lam lc StancUff, Brooke Pnilgctt, Marycttc Collett, Kalelyn Jones; Boys - Zack.RussclI*Myers. Jeffrey Loos, John H affm an, (ju in to n faulkner, Jason C ibelli. F ourlh Grade: girls - Carly Comatzer, Carly Pralapas. Hannah Slroupc, Kelsey Shipman, Slacy Jolly; boys - Michael Rowe. Alex Marion, Bret Peterson, Christian O’Conner. Evan Trudeau. T h ird Grade: girls • Autumn Jones. Clare Moser, Alex Macaione, Jenni­ fer Booth, Sarah Ducote; boys - Tyier Shelton, Anthony Capra. Benji Bur­ ton, Omar Tow nk. John Flowers; Second G rade: g irls • Lyndsey Ruble, Tara Carter. Cellie Comatzer, Kayla Comatzer, Alex Kclser; boys - Calob Howard, Jimmy M iller, An­ drew Buchanan. Jay Slanclirr, David I toward: First G rade: girls - Bailey Ogle. Kaitlyn Smilh, Laura Shelton. Brooke Ziglar, Katie Barber; boys - Ryan Foster. B.J. Spain. Sergio Fernandez, Tom m y D illon , Jake W hitley; K indergarten: girls • A ll Slabach, Kristina Parrish. Lauren Thurm ond, Drew Taylor Hewitt. Kayla Revelle; boys - Wilson Rowe. Ryan Trtideau. Nick Boswell, Jack Hynon, Andrew Thomasson. • On Tuesday, Ronald McDonald performed a program about good character iraits for the kindergarten. H rsi grade, and second grade siudcnts. He taught them about trust- vvorthiness. responsibility, respect, and fairness by using playacting, pjippcts, magic, and hunior. Students and stafl* were called on to be audi­ ence participants. : The follow ing books have been tlpnaied to the media center Maya apd the Ibw n that U)ved a Tnrc pre­ sented by I lannah Jakob in honor o f \hc principals, leachcrs. and staff o f Sjiady Grove; A ll Hyes on the Pond id honor o f Linda Barnette presented b^ Hannah. Emma, and Donna Jikub; Fa Mulan presented by Emma Jakob in honor o f Mrs. Unibcrgcr And Mrs. Sm ilh; The ABC Bix)k o f Flowers and A Gardner's Alphabet presented by Zane and Jill Duffncr in honor o f their Grandma. Mary Polak: The Fabulous F lying Fandinis, In o T ill, Nol. The Night 1 Followed'Hixi Dog, and The Mitlen presented by Cassidy Webb. These books were presented as part o f the PTA's Celebrate with a Book program: O livia, Shoo Fly!, The Tim bertoes 1,2,3, Pumpkin Heads by Mrs. P. Johnson's Kinder- ' garlen Class; This Is the TUrkey. The Rain Came Down by Ms. Tucker's Kindergarten;MissSplder’sABC by Mr. Nance’s Kindergarten; Chickcn Chuck, The Timbertoes 1,2,3 by M rs. ElH s’ K indergarten; The Emperor's Egg by M rs. Marion's First Grade; Pumpkin Circle, M ail­ box Magic, Wemberly Worried, Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car by M rs. M ino r’s First Grade; Little Teddy Bear Left Behind. W hoTook the (Cookie from Ihe Cookie Jar? Haniet’s Horrible Hair Day by Mrs. While's First Grade; M onk Camps Out by M rs. Rogers'First Grade Hcdgie's Surprise, Tacky and the Emperor, A Pic Went By, Bitter Ba­ nanas by M rs. H endrix Second Grade; Jubal's West. How the Grinch Stoic Christmas by Mrs. Spach Sec­ ond Grade; Madeline in America, The Brand New K id by Mrs. H ill Second Grade; Jane vs. the Tooih Fairy by Mrs. KaufTs Second Grade; Squanto's Journey.The Rainbow and You by M rs. Davis' Third Grade; W oodrow for President. There's a Zoo In Room 22 by Mrs. Hobson T hird Grade. The G irl W ho Spun Gold by Mrs. Ohr's Third Grade; G oldilocks Returns. How Rabbit Lost His Tail, W izzil by Mrs. Susan Johnson's Third Grade; Absolutely A ngels, B i/a rre B irds, M am m alablliu. B ew ildered for Three Days by Mrs. Siddcn's Fourlh Grade; N ight Before Christm as, Abbic Against iheSomi, B ill Pickcll. Rodeo-Ridin' Cowbt>ys. The Spy Glass by Mrs. Young's Fourth Grade; W orid Almanac, Kids 2001, Rain­ bows. Head Lice. & Pca-Green-Tile by Mrs. Rowe's Fourth Grade; The Janitor's Boy, M y America: A Poetry Allas o f the United States, Tlirough M y Eyes. The Midnight Ride o f Paul Revere by Mrs. Ale's Fifth Grade; F rig h tfu rs M ountain, N ew bery Giris by Mrs. Howell’s Fifth Grade; Spacc Station Science, Sec You Later, Gladiator by Mrs. Foil’s Fifth Grade; The Subtle Knife, Great Boy Slones by Mrs. Ireland's Fifth Grade. Students w ith December birth­ days celebraied on Monday with u birthday party in the media center. Fifth grade students recently de­ signed conservation posters in sci­ encc. The winners were Maryelte Collett. Ian Dowdy, Alyssa Corne. Chase Macalone, Megan Norman. Jamie Stancliff, Zachary Poller. Ben Turman, Lauren Walker, Coty Lee. Hannah Jakob. N ick Schambach, Lauren M itchell. Brooke Padgetl, Alli.son B radley. Ja.son C ib e lli, Daniel Wendel, and Ashley Shoaf. Don't forget the daily and weekly ways to help your school. Everyday you can shop at HarrisTcelcrand use your VIC Card, number 1701; all day on Tuesdays is Kristi's Day; each Monday is Venezia's Night; and the last Tuesday o f each month is Skaie N ight in Clemmons. The PTA W interfest Spaghelii Supper w ill be in January. This is a comm unity service to benefil Store­ house for Jesus. More information w ill be sent home later. Citizens o f the week are Lexie A rm in i, C laire W hitaker, Taylor W elch, H arley G unter, B rody M cC ool, Daniel Barrett, Rachel Goheen, Amanda Hughes, Harley Siroud, Slacy Jolly, Ben Turman, Brandon Jones. Lauren Osmond. Jonalhon Graham, Tiffany Tripleit, and Ashley Pragar. On Wednesday, Santa stopped by on his busy travels lo vlsil with Ihe kindergarten students. He visited each o f ihe four kindergarten classes, talking with each child and finding out what they wanted for Chrisimas. On Friday the staff celebrated w ilh their Chrisimas party al Mocks Methodist Church for a meal and auction to raise money for the Store­ house for Jesus. LEONARD REALTY 34 Town Square 751-3650/751-3875 201 Nccly Street-3 Bedroom, 1 Balh remodeled cottage in Mocksvillc. Some hardwood noors. Investors lake note. 557,000. C A B I N E T M A K E R S CRAFTSMAN'S CORNER • 521 MILLING ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27028 Both Facilities Closed Dec. 25th & 26th and on Jan. 1st. ■b J-. ;/ У J: У У У y é pr У У У У y é У У У У А У A S W I C E G O O D W a l l & M c D A N l E L R l: Л L Ц ) K ^ iMaffifâ Ш з (¡й S a î â Шй акшйМ ш а з » й э й Ё и й И з P íK M íffl- iíi © з ш W golf coRvnunity redum b $20,000 br o limited h'me. (Pricn reg 532,000-139,000). Onfy J5 reiervtJhoM will be occepied ot tfu'j price! _______________Coll breter»eyovf lot bdoyl _________ Beoutiful ocrcoge Irocts ovoiloble. Pidi you lot (or S24,900 (or a limiled time ONIYI Aesrnoge • > № ) г Ь • *1 Deadmon Dd • ' " i W . . », ii. m 1 ui »>■. '■ 1^7 «^ 3 battmim. 1 1/2 balli bncli midi 13M sl hlliis 3 tiedmom t)(ick 3 bedroom txicli ranch home with ffis 3 BR bnck ranch home i«1h CaIl0(Jayl0seelhis3talram,n/ Oa aats ton! Jiadied gatap VtDded W. randi home. Just minutes Irom I2«s)situaledonawi0(iedlol. basement also has 11/2 tialhs, 2 taihb«* ranch hoi*. Great slaitet M.. UV « bo,* N» Mocks*. tog room, (finiig room andBchen. lawirithatBchedcaiiat. 4nnjnM«,i*tmCalloiiayloseelhis!»». A peat home ь> a treat tomriwnitu Bfxk fïxh П « I csüblßW )ÄUire-'ffe hctre te ten (crpttf, New corgjttm ^ ka ¡Hfí. sppsstle 100% frandiig СЛ this biick (iie cottage W<h3l»kcmijnj 1149 ^ 'O bceDenttoorp^vtreyeedi^ioaof ^ ^ Ы Щ SF of Kw SfÄt DeÜíW gm.Tfecefrt^rlrdruhrrol!A Jfticnc^fflaatgg!>«««к^в^^yinJ^дJe¿çJ,(g^ toneisjpçitu/ . Ths 3 tetocn brid Cfaming c._,.aw. .»0«» . 1/2 baih, hTQ loorn. Nth 6 aTes, outuldrçs, in . drtng room, lütchen and ШсМсафсЛ. area. Great ior trri tarin-addl a Feezoi Rd • SPWOO , , I I lev** «Wl Uil liwcnt VQIHbetoTiAgreatkx,y oiWCdfcr*iito«iörtÄ .........._. I« CcrteTporji>altfxkknelnn(i4n<£etetot. tM ЫЧ пкЮТа pM here l'e{^¿or^ood 1(00 SF. çxcus ht Sira gä loM On ty r i H al bt^indKirvrnmlir¡edKkindrrottD>(2sy(ant»tmat<hs)afnnbai«. C ^irirot^äon Wytderlul r>ew home v4h great ‘ floor [Aja Minutes (rom í-40. ¿BR, . 2BA RntK:)<e k rt Ш жЛ \ ÍK Cbn«MitoW '11 jvTdon in • ?2h000 1 108 MefoDíee/e • W4900 sœ Boutíl 2 Say Ä bKmrt Gral I Й ю» »* <w I« Ï Sobm Ь м г ih» та. nnch 14I. possibly Ш li borpbv4îüw № w A h to.A 4 e rs.3 bedroom, I ■ftwiWe lOOXIirundnioothiiJBR. Ссгйпд<пЬи4«^ясп1Ы toiMihorneh 2 Bith home. ТЫ1 new comtniction tfe Cidn Gc¿ ссггшГц Ш Й Ч ind«fdes the ovtn, nn{« and oitribcrurocrabTivIdrÿirDCnwijisürrie diihwaiher. Excellent for the firn hr^«odlocr\Afpe 1911 i time homebuyer. lojikolrtiomhttisgtallKktaiie ол Ьгр tomer lot ¡л И estatbbed néÿtohood № il liid hom tniQ Й ccirn llraiÿ«ul ilOOi si «Hm I . Iw lröllloeijpÄ qm to^iin Tw (r- ЗВЯ trélc nnch «ilh teemeil Centrai ait; gas beat lïje scrwiedpoiih Ttiilm ilM totedfcnintfraGrealirin t a w5 a re lo îs t* - 11» ЬаШ гм tosídá* cftn ктЫ ЛЛоаачрю мжаИИ.b o f p ln 2 a r | in jt 3 b e d ^ r S r r Ï Ï : S S 1ЛгйТо111/п™ Ш 1Ш й 3B(ti2 EA^midpcrthird- hnk»)l(OT ------1,1- u;. lliteetofakkfhcálBarn^MxUiop.tlis horre todÿ ш U i s i t O u r W e b s i t e A i w w w .r e a le s la le in d a v ie .c D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,2000 - DS P U B L I C N O T I C E S B ria n and A m y CaUahun o f M ocksville ^vouI(] like (o nnnouncc the b irth o r th e ir son, Shune M ichuel. He was born at Forsyth M em o rial H ospital on Nov. 24, 2000 at 3:35 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 9 ounccs and was 20.5 Inches long. He has one sisUr, Am ber Keenan. H is m aternal grandparents are Carlos and Joyc^ Cook o f M ocks* v ille and a great*grandm other, M yrtle Cook. H is paternal grand* p a re n ts are R oger and Lana C allahan o f Beckley, W esl V ir­ ginia. Aleeyah Jordyn Siddcn, daugh­ te r o f James and Jennifer Siddcn o f Rock H ill, S.C., celebrated her 2nd birthday Dec. 1,2000, w ith a p a rty at P ark B aptist C hurch, Rock H ill, S.C. H er grandparents are Jeannle Nichols o f Rock tlill, Furm an Nichols o f Spartanburg, S.C., Floyd and Pam R itchie o f Rock H ill, A ndy Siddcn, Land o f Lakes, Fla. G reat*grandparents arc M r. and M rs. Sumptee Brown o f R ock H ill, E rvin and C laire H u tch in s o f M o ck sville , O pal R itchie o f S alisbury and F aille Sidden o f Clemmons. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be conducted on Jjiukity 2,2001 ¿it 7:00 p.m . by Ihe Tbwn of Mocksville concerning the am endm ent to the CDBG Scallered Site Project (Grant bOO C-0660). The am endm ent w ill include the following: . The transfer of excess of funds to allow an addliional lhn?e families lo receive relocalion assistance. The hearing w ill be conducted at the Mocksville Town Hall, and all citizens of ihe com m unity are invited to attend. Hearing im paired persons desiring additonal information or having questions regarding this subject should call the North Carolina Relay N um ber for the Deaf al: 1-800735-8262. North Carolina Davie Counly PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Article 11. Section 11.3.2 of the Town of MocVsville Zoning Ordì* nanco Ihere will be a PUBUC HEAR* INQ betöre №e Zoning Board of Adjust* moni on Thursday, January 11,2001 al 7:00 p.m. in Ihe Mocksville Town Hall. Tho following Horn is scheduled to be heard: Appofachlan Outdoor Advertising Company has Hied an appeal, pursu* ant to Article 11. Section 11.3 of the Town of Mocksville Zoning OrdI* nance, from an order Issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. The matter Involves an off^premise ad­ vertising sign located on property off the west side of Yadkinville Road approximately 1/4 mile soulh of MadI* son Road, and further described as Parcel 106 of Davie County Tax Map H-4. A sign will be posted on the above listed property to advertise said hearing. All parties and Interested citizens are Invited lo attend the public hearing al which lime they shail have an opportu* nity 10 present any facts or testimony on the above matter. Prior lo the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain any additional infomiation on this proposal al the Planning Otfice, Davie County Administration Building. 123 S. Main St., Mocteville.NC 27028betweenthehour8 of B:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele* phone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Qflllimore Planning and Zoning 12-21-2tn North Carolina Davie County PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • BEFORETHE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE • FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho Town Board of Commissioners will hold a PUBLIC HEARING In the Town Hall. Mocksville. NC. at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. January 2,2001. Thef ollowlng are requestslor new private roar•• within theTown ol Mocks* ville Addressing Ordinanco Jurisdiction. Each road name has been roquesled by the property owner(s) and meets the minimum requirements for naming; Cooper Creek Dr located at 1720 US Hwy6Qt N. Pleasant Ln located at 107 Green SL Park Hill Ln located at 123 Green SL TarueLn located a ll 085 Salisbury Rd. Single Ln locatedat1125 Salisbury Rd. Residents who live on these private roads will bo assigned a new street address upon approval of the new road names. All parties and Inlerested citizens shall havo an opportunity lo bo hoard in favor of or In opposition to the foregoing changes. Prior to Ihe hearing, all per* sons Intereslod may obtain any addl* tional infonnatlon on tho proposal by visiting Ihe Planning Department in the Davio Counly Administration Building. Mocksville. N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751 • 3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 12-21*2tn North Carolina Davie County IN RE: PERRELUaminor child bom January 15..2000 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN FATHER TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek* ing relief against you has been filed In the above*entitled aciion. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: THE PETITIONER. DAVIECOUNTY DEPARTMENTOFSOCIALSERVICES SEEKSTHETERMINATIONOFYOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TOAMINORCHILD.PERRELL,BORN JANUARY 15. 2000 IN FORSYTH COUNTY. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than the 30th day of January, 2001, said date being forty (40) days from Ihe first publication of Ihis nolice. and upon your failure lo do so. the party seeking service against you vtnliapplytolheCourlfortherelielsought. Thislhe21stdayofDecember.2000. MARTIN 4 VANHOY. LLP. BY; SALLY W. SMITH ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER TEN COURT SQUARE MOCKSVILLE. NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 12-21-3TN North Carolina Davio County IN RE: PERRELL,amlnor child born January 15,2000 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS . BY PUBLICATION TO: DEREK TAKE NOTICE lhal a pleading seek-, Ing relief against you has been filed In' the above-entitled action. The nature ol the relief being sought is as follows: THE PETITIONER, DAVIECOUNTY DEPARTMENTOFSOCIALSERVICES SEEKSTHETERI^INATIONOFYOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TOAMINORCHILD.PERRELUBORN JANUARY 15, 2000 IN FORSYTH COUNTY. You are required to makedefense to such pleading no laler lhan the 30th day. ol January, 2001. said dale being forty (40) days from Ihe firsl publication of this notice, and upon your failure to do so; the party seeking sen/ice againsi you vtrillapplylolhecourtfor Ihe relief soughL This the21 St dayof December, 2000. MARTIN & VANHOY. LLP; BY: SALLY W. SMITH ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER TEN COURT SQUARE MOCKSVILLE. NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 12-21-3TN T h is H o lid a y S eason s lv e th e g ift o f hope ... U n ta d M y O A V IB CD W IY Ш Ш Х )> Л ¥ , INC. W E B U Y H O U S E S Any Condition —Any Location Fast Cash — Quick Closing L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ik s Mocksvillo, NC • (336) 751-4371 Wishing you joy and peace this holiday season. Merry Christmas! ‘T fia n d yon fo r yo u r business, jú a c k ie C M dV aniel 275 Madison Rd - 9 oc. «.■stream! 20«60 4 bay earago & oòcMonal 20xC0 м/Э staSs (or rwfsos. 2 story, 4ВП. 3QA. brch Гюгтю. 2 fptcs, ()en. garage, dock & iront poah. $259,000. CALL EVELYN.'¿MLSl 195 Sugar Crcek Rd - io acro horse (arm wth 1850il.. 3ea 2.5QA. cape cod modular, horso barn is 3ei40. tractor shed, tum oul shod, rking ring, passufos. fnonotoniefll londng. $249,000 CALL CONNIE H O W A R D REALTY 1414 Mocktvllle Hwy. -PouR/y Гагтл. 300i40 buld«ig i№ilh up-h>dala гтисГ«г>сгу plus 7000 sq. n. bnck temo cn 6 5 ocr«t Oam on 2 fenccd e a tt. $225.000. CALL EVELYN. 330 S. S a lisb u ry St. (C o rne r H w ys. bOI & Ь4) M o c k s v ille , N C 27028 O ffic e H ours: M o n d a v - l rida\ Н-Ъ • S jlu n la v ч-|2 • S u m l.n Ih A p p i. 818 Yadkinville Rd.-TnkU. homo. son. 3ßAÄ 3M0. si. übte cor oarago, Ig »-ground pool w.'ol amervbe«. updated Men., kxm anus, den, rec rm. part bsmi roncd ffhood Cent. $199.900 CALL JANE. 1 184 Falnvay Dr. Bermuda Run- Atmosi 2000SF lovofy homo, spacious rms. pcrfoct foir entertainng. targe dock on 23.5*26.6 LRDR ovoriooking lOthgrocfL $185,000 CALL MIKE or LEE 661 PInevllle Rd-Prvacyoo 3 88Ac.-tonck ranch w-1ul Гл bsmt. over 2200si. up & approx. tOOOst. fnshed dovm. 3QR. 30A. 2 kjtch, choir) bnk (oncir)g. conaele drNo. deck, palio. $174,000 CALL CONNIE. 270 Magnolia Av-AflordoMe ’ tom. homo in Garden Vnley ЭОа 2fJA. lui bsmL M.1g lam. nn. 2 Ipices, 2-Ш cnrport dock. Nce tandscopod wig. horufMOds. out btdg & moie $159.900.CALL JANE 1365 Pinebluff Rd. in W-S ЭОП, 2EM brick ranch convea kxalod rwar Oapbsl ^4osp. M.viy lodato«. ne«v сафс(. 2 nptes. basemoni *Л1опл shcllof. large krtch. & dock $135,000 CALL EVELYN. ,175 Jack Booe Rd-Unique 3BR. 20A brick ranch w ^rtal basomont cn 4.2 wooded oaes w/streom. Cozy rock sunken iv. rm.. some hdwood Ooors, dock and ouibMg. $134,000. CALL JANE. 173 Hickory Tree Road-Great spirt foyer - Near school 2074 square leeL 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Great living space and wooded loi $124,900 CALL MARY. 156 Lagle Lane - 1999 Claylon doublewide home with spM bedroom floor plart. 3 bedroorrts. 2 baths on opproi. 10 acres. $121.900. CALL MJ OR MARY. 141 Dakota Lane - Neod a kttlo eftxM room? 1995 DW leaturos ia50«sq. tl 30П. 20A. lomul Lfi A on, a u f den w/Tpico, pkis: 5.5 AC ol opea grossed lortd. Pncod to sdl $109.900. CALL JANE, 124 Cloister Drive - Benor than now 11009.1.. 3 0 a 2BA. double garage, lencad bock yard, pul down stairs lor stortige. Convenient kxation. $106,000 C A U CONNIE. 2387 US Hwy. 601N- New modula; home cn .613 acres. Features indude: 30R. 2QA. cathedral ceiUng. dock, mature trees on tot. great landscaping, paved drhre. $99.900 CALL CONNIE. 256 Gladstone Road, Mocksville - laoo sq It. 3BR. 2BA, large eal-ln-k«:h.. great rm w/frplc.. al opptonces incL m o remala Addition onV 7 yrs. young $99.900 CALL KENor LEE for showing. 109 Dusty Hill Road - 2ВЛ Skfk» on)usty liTwnac. 4DR.1.16 acre ruraJ tracttound. spW DR piaa Iwepiace. master DA w/ganlon tub. sep. shower, his and her vondtes. $87,500. CALL JANE. 464 Becktowne Road - Doubtowide bu« in 1998, groat floor plan with 1289 sq. П. kxated in nice area on cleared level tand w/ eddrttonal ocreage available. 38R. 2 (ul BA. $84,90aCAa MARY. 166 BrocUand Ortv«, Advance - Belter than new 1999 doublewide with 4BR, 2BA. ol major sTr'bances. fenced back ya'd. 14x10 deck, fmmoculatel S79,900 CALL CONNIE. 313 Rido« Road - &ng>o wide homo on S wooded acres with stream. Z0i20 storage building. Seffing as Is. $74.000. C A U EVELYN. 598 Sheffield Rd-LAe new home! Immaculatof Located on 1 acre. 30R, 2BA, DR cotrto with LR, dock, p c ^ . storage buUng. A must seel $74,90a CALL KEN. 1045 Ridoe Road - Double wkle home kwated on ttacies with storage building. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, priced lo sei $60,900 C AU EVELYN 123 Center St > Cooleemee 5 rm house, excel cond. NaL gas heal, CA. new rool, replacemi windows & rww storm drs. Attached carport & partial bsmt. RO. rclrig. OW. blinds. $69,900 CAU KEN 241 Avon street-Great lor Rrst time owner/or investment properly. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, heal pump, storm doors & windows, deck, porch, lireplace in iving room. $59,900. CALL JANE. 184 Main St-CooleemetAHordabie IBOOf iq. ft. one M home • 3DR, 2B^ w«i a htae TLCiMs house would be perled lor a growing lamay. Priced as Is lor only $55.000. CALL LEE. 243 Main S t Cooleemee - Great lor a starter homo or reliromont home! 2 bedrooms. 1' bath, vinyl skfing. new wMows. Althistoronly$S3,900. CAUKEN. 193 Wan St, CooleemeeGood starter homet 2 bedrooms, t bath, heat pump, Insulated windows & storm doors. $49,900 CALL JANE 540 Uberty Church Rd. - HORSE LOVERS OREAM- Charming 1240 sq. It. larm home. 8.73 acres ol picturesque proper- ty, singlewido with 3DR, 2DA. Potential rontol income wittt separate septic systera Horse boms & numerous out buiUings. Fenced pas­tures vrith stocked pood. Fiuit trees & more for onV $149.000. C A U U E . Comer Wlkesboro A YedUnvllle R d _ 1.4 Ac. W- Comm. $239,000 OuklWhlUkerRd------------------------12*f Ac. 172,000 S. Р м т H m n Rd---------1----9.B8ACJPIUS House $253,100 t .Ulus .4(336) 7 5 1 -3 5 3 8 . vv \v\v. It 0\va i d ro.i 11 v.i'i)m шилHOWARD . 7S1*SM7 /^ PU BLIC N O TICES North Carolina Davie County IN THE GENERAL COURT OF • JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2000 CVD 679 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Deborah B. Ronn, Plantilf vs. Mark L Renn. Defendant UNDER AND BY virtue of an Order of the Honorable Jack E. Klass, Distrk:l Court Judge of Davie Counly, f^orth Carolina, entered on the 21st day of November, 2000, made In this proceed­ ing. the undersignod, who were by said Order appointed Co-Commissioners to sell Ihe lands described in the Order will onWednesday, January3,200l at 11:00 a.m. al the Davie County Courthouse. 140 South Main Slreel. Mocksville, North Carolina. 27026 sell that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Farmington Township. Davie County. North Carolina and being more particu­ larly described as fellows on the at- lached Exhibit A which consists of three pages hereafter and is hereby incorpo­ rated by reference as if set in full. Tho Si^e shall be made lo the highest bidder for cash and an earnosl money deposit equal to ten percent ot tho bid price will be required from Ihe highest bidder in Ihe form of cash or check with approved letter of credit. The sale shall be subject lo upset bids ns by law pro­ vided and confirmation by the Court. The property shall bo sold a& Is, where Is without warranty, express or Implied ond subject lo ail taxes, liens, restrictions, defects or encumbrances of record, if any. The property shall be sold in seperate tracts or lumped to­ gether as the Commissioners see fit and additional terms ol the sale shall bo announced al the lime of sale. ' This 26th day of November, 2000 Crady L. McClamrock, Jr NCSB . 17666 Co-Commlstioner 161 South Main Street Mocksvillo, NC 27028 • Telephone: (336) 751-7602 ' Bally W. Smith NCSB110526 Co-Commissioner Martin & Van Hoy. LLP. Ton Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-2171 EXHIDIT'.V TRACT 1: BEGINNING at an iron in tho south­ west comer of Teresa Richardson (Deed Book 163, Page 610); Ihence wiih Richardson's line Soulh 86* 11 '07' East ; 352.75 feol lo an iron in the northwest ■comer of Rk:ky Stanley (Deed Book : 162. Page 330, and Deed Boook 164. .Pago 132); Ihence Soulh 04* 56* 4 r : West 125.25 feel lo an iron; Ihence with Stanley's line South 65* 01' 40* East ■' 259.78 feet lo an iron in the line of Sue : ComatierTucker (Deed Book 152, Page •701): Ihence with Tucker’s line South • 16* 2 r 26* East 5.33 feel to an iron; ! thence vnih Tucker’s line South 06* 00’ : 00* West 130.69 (eel lo an iron; Ihenco - with the northern line of James W. • lederer, Jr (Deed Book 171, Page 811) : North 63’ 46' 56* Wesl 313.97 feel lo an ; iron; Ihence with Lederer's western line ; South 15* 08' 38* West 72.0 feel lo an • iron; thence with a new line for Thumian :tucker (Deed Book 111. Page 434) North 64* 33' 40* West 308,37 feel to an ' iron; Ihence wilh the line ol Eugene C. Foster (Deed Book 96. Page 682) North 05* 54'07* Easi 210.00 fe6lto the poinl and place of Beginning, containing 2.957 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Julia E. Cherry, Registered Land Sun/eyor, on January 26,1996. TRACT 2: BEGINNING at an'iron slake, the southwest comer of Kenneth B. Reck (Deed Book 133, Page 69) in the east­ ern line ol James W. McCuiston; thence from said point of BEGINNING and wilh McCuiston's easier line South 4’ 32' 58* Wesl 49.89 (eel to an iron stake; Ihence with McCuiston's southern line North 77* 26' 25* Wesl 161.30 feel lo an iron stake, the southwest comer ot Janies W. McCuiston is Ihe easier right-of-way line of a 30 foot wide private easemenl; Ihence crossing said easemenl North ■ 77* 26' 25* Wesl 30.85 feel lo an iron stake in the western right-of-way line ot the 30 foot wide private road easement; Ihence continuingNorth77*26‘25*Wesl 131.42 feel lo an iron slake in Ihe easier line ot Tax Lot 36, Map C-7. as presently North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the ; Estate of Otlis Lee Gobble, lale of Davie - County, this Is to notify al) persons hav- : Ing claims against said eslate to present ' them to the undersigned onor before (he 1s( day ot March, 2001, being three (3) • monlhs from ihe first day of publication or.this nolice will be pleaded in bar of , Iheir recoveiy, All persons indebted lo ' • said estate will please make Immediale Daymenl to the undersigned. ;. '. This is the 30th day ot November, : -2000. John Odeii Gobble.. Exec 481 Ralph RatledgeRd Mocksviile, NC 27028 11-30-4ln shown on Davie Counly Tax Maps; Ihence with said eastenn ;ome Spitj 5* O' 0* Wost 135.36 feol lo an Iron stake 135.36 lo an Iron stake, the northeast comer of Thurman Tucker, ihence with Tucker's northem line South 84* 49; 01* Easi 309.66 (eel to an iron stake in the southern right of way line of a 30 fool wide private easemenl; thence continu­ ing South 64* 49' o r East 65.67 feel lo an iron stake in Slanle/s northern line; Ihence a new line with Stanley North 5* 19' 23* Easi 140.23 feel loan Iron stake in Ihe southern fine of Kenneth B. Fleck; thence wilh Fleck's southern line North 63* 23' 03* Wesl 36.15 feel lo an iron slake, Kenneth B. Fleck's soutwesl cor­ ner, the poinl and place otBEGINNiNG, containing 1.0002 acres, more or less. In accordance with a survey made by John Richard Howard, R.LS.. dated January 30. 1992 and bearing Job 69038A. Forfurtherreference see Deed Book 152. Page 739 ol the Davie County Registry. Together wilh a non-exclusive per­ petual easement (or the purposes of ingress, egres. regross over and upon the easemenl roadway described in Deed Book 90. Page 76 of the Davie Counly Registry, which extends westwardly from Redland Road (S.R. No. 1442) atong the tines of Keith Hodson and Lillian Smith (now or formerfy) ap­ proximately 660 feet lo a poinl also convoyed herein as a non*exclusive easemenl for roadway and utility pur­ poses over an existing roadway leading to Redland Road, a part of which does not lie completely within the above-de­ scribed 60 foot wide easemenl. The existing road is approximately 15 feet In vridth. The 15-foot wide roadway is conveyed for so long as the portion lying outside otlhe60foot right-of-way exists. Together with and subject lo a non­ exclusive easmenel for ingress, egress and regress and for the installation and maintenanceof utility linesoveraOO fool wide strip of land described as follows: BEG\NNING at an iron slake located at the southeast comer of the above-de- scribed Iracl conveyed herein; ihence from said point of BEGINNING and wilh the easier line of the above-described Iract. North 5* 19‘ 23* East 30.0 feel lo an iron stake; Ihence crossing the above- desctibed uacl North 64* 49' 01* Wesl 59.65 feet to an Iron stake; thence North 61*06' 24* West 167.61 feet loan iron stake; Ihence North 0* 55* 44* Wesl 17.11 feet to an iron stake In the north- orn line of tho above-descnbed tract, said iron also being Jam es. W. McCuiston’s southwest comer; Ihence across the lands of Rick A. Stanley North 0’ 55' 44* Wost 73.44 feel to an Iron Slake; thence North 8*.59; .10* East 57.10 feet lo an iron slake; Ihence North 70* 10' 03' East 31.37 teet to an iron stake, the northweslcomerotJamesW. McCuiston; Ihence with James W. McCuiston's nolhem line North 70* 10' 03’ Easi 166.55 feet lo an iron slake in Ihe western line of Kennelh B. Fleck; - thence with the western line of Kennelh B. Reck North 04* 32* 16* East 141.66 feel to a stone in the northern tine ol the 60 fool wide easemenl. North 82* 39' 15* Wesl 30.04 leel lo a point; Ihence South 4* 32' 16* West 123.81 feel to a poinl; Ihence on a line 30 feel from and parallel wilh the northem line of James W. McCuiston South 70* 10' 03* Wesl 198.31 feel lo an iron stake; ihence South 6* 59' 10* Wesl 77.44 (eel lo an iron stake: ihence Soulh 0* 55' 44* Easi 66.64 teet lo an iron slake in the north­ ern line ot Ihe above-described Iracl; thence entering the above-described tract Soulh 0* 55' 44* East 41.70 feel to an iron stake: Ihence South 61** 06' 24* East 191.49 feet to an iron stake in the northern line otThurmanTucker; Ihence with thenorlhem line otThurmanTucker and falling in with the northem line ol Stanley. South 84* 49' 01* East 65.87 feel to an iron stake the southeast cor­ ner ot the tract herein conveyed and the poinlandplaceBEGINNING. Saidease- menl extends from the southwest cor­ ner ol the iracl herein conveyed across said Iract northwardly across a portion of Rick A. Stanley's land and turns eastwardly across Stanley and falling in with the northem line ot James W. McCulston to a point where the existing 15 fool wido roade enters and then turns northwardly to teach the 60 (ool wide easement described in Deed Book 90, Page 78 ot the Davie County Registry. Said description is in accordance with a sun/ey made by John Richard Howard. R.LS., bearing thesame date and fnfor- . mation as the tract above described. North Carolina Davie County . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ernest M. Godbey, Jr., having quoli- fled as the Administrator ot the Estate ot Alice Lee Winters Godbey, Deceased, iala of Davie Counly. North Carolina, herebynotifiesali persons havingclalms againsUhe estate of the deceased to exhibit ihem to the undersigned on or before March 31,2001 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their right lo recover against the estate of the said deceased. All persons indebted lo said esfnte wil please make Immediate paymeni. This the 14th day of December, 2000. E. Edward Vogler. Jr. . .. Allomey lor Administrator : 181 South Main Street . • . . . Mocksville. NC 27028 (336)751*6235 . 12-14-4ln The easements conveyed herewith ore non-exclusive and perpetual and shall run with and be an encumbrance upon the title to Ihe land over which Ihe easements cross, Rick A. Stanley and wife, tor them­ selves. Iheir heirs and assigns, resewe and retain a permanent easemenl for ingress, egress and regress and for the installation of utility lines which do not inledere wilh the access easement over and across that portion ot the 30-fool wide roadway which crosses the fand herein conveyed for the benefit of their remaining land to the east and south of Ihe property herein conveyed and any land they may purchase lo the south of the property herein conveyed. ^ 11-30-4tn North Carolina Davie Counly ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Tony Lynn Kimmer. Sr., having quali­ fied as the Administrator of Ihe Estate of Terry Lynn Kimmer. Jr., Deceased, lale of Davie County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons havingclalms againsi the estate of the deceased lo exhibit Ihem to tho undersigned on or before March 31. 2001 or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their right to recover against tho estate of tho said deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will please mako immediate payment. This the 14lh day ol December, 2000. E. Edward Vogler. Jr. Attomey for Administrator 181 South Main Street Mocksvillo, NC 27026 (336) 751-6235 12-14-4tn NOTICE OP PUBUC HEARING DAVIE COUNTY WORK RRST PROGRAM YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIRED that on December 18,2000 al 5:15 o'clock p.m.. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room in the Davie Counly Administra­ tion Building, 123 South Main Street. Mocksville, North Carolina, the Davie County Board ot Commissioners will holda public hearing regarding the Davie County Work Firsl Program for Ihe years 2001 through 2003. The Intent o( ihls Hearing Is to re­ ceive public comment on the Davie County Work RrsI Program. A copy ol the Work First Plan is available for public inspection al the Office of the Clerk, Davie County Administration Building. 123 Soulh Main Slreel, Mocksville, NC 27028 and at the Department of Social Senrkres. 228 Hospital Slreel, Mxks- ville, NC 27028. . . ........................ 12Д -21П ^ North Carolina ... Davie County ‘ - ' < ■ CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of the Esale ol Jam es Nathaniel Richardson. Jr., lale ot Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned onor before the 8th day of March. 2001. being three (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication or this notk:e will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to sakJ estate will please make imrnediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 2000, James Charies Richardson 111 Winchester Road Advance. NC 27006 M artini Van Hoy. LLP Attomey al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12-7*4tn North Carolina Davie County ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Administratrix ol Ihe Estate of MAE BOGER McCLAMROCK, late ot Davie Counly, North Carolina, this is lo notify ail per­ sons having claims against the eslate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of March, 2001. said date being al least three months from the date ol firsl publica'.ion of this notice, or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said eslate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 2000, the same being the firsl publication dale. Jane M. Bowers and Dorothy M. Boger, Co-Admlnlslratrix for the Eslate of MAE BOGER McCLAMROCK Qrady L. McClamrock. Jr.. Attomey at U w NCSBK7868 161 South Main Street Mocskville, NC 27028 12-7-31П WISECARUER M IN I-S T O R A G E For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to Inquire aliout Tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E In Fork CaCC loday! (336) 998-88I0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING AMEND­ MENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu- anl lo Ihe requiremenls ol Paragraph 94.140(A)(3) of Ihe Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Board of County Commissioners of Davie County wilt hold a Public Hearing in the Commissioners Room of the Davie Counly Administra­ tive Building. Mocksville. NC on Mon­ day, December 18,2000 al 5:30 p.m. The following road names are pro­ posed to be officially adopted on the Enhanced 911 Addressing Map tor the purposes of street naming and house numbering. All roads have been peti­ tioned by the property owners and meet the minimum requirements for naming. 1. Nicholas Way Located at: 2407 Farmington Road. Mocksville 2. Workman's Way Located al: 142 Klickitat Trail, Mocksville 3. Gray Carter Lane Located al: 168 Livengood Road. Advance • 4. Bluegrass Trail Located at: 1341 Davie Academy Road 5. Slacee Trail Located at: 453 Michaels Road. Mocksville 6. Pine Cone Trail Located al: 131 Terrace Lane. Mocksville 7. Davie Fanns Trail Located at: 1185 Godbey Road. Mocksville e. Raccoon Trail Located at: 926 Wyo Road, Mocksville 9. Hartman Lane Located at: 2005 Fanninglon Road. Mocksville 10. Happy Trail Located al: 2884 US HWY 601 N, Mocksville 11. Mohegan Trail Located at: 4116 US HWY 601 S. Mocksville 12. Ashley U ne Located al: 622 Angell Road. Mocksville 13. Trill U ne Located at: 6608 NC HWY 801 S. Mocksville 14. Hidden Passage Located at: 221 Fox Run Drive 15. Brooke Rose Lane Located at: 2905 US HWY 64 E, Mocksville 16. Paradox Lane Located at: 3192 US HWY 601 S. Mocksville 17. Gibson Way Located al: 620 Pine Ridge Road. Mocksville 16. Elnoras Lane Located al: 457 Cedar Creek Road, Mocksville AH parties and interested citizens are invited lo attend said hearing at which time Ihey shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor ol or in opposition to the foregoingchanges. Priortolhehearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional infomiation on a proposal or ask any questions they may have by visiting the Planning Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 , p.m. or by telephone al (336) 751-3340. . John Gallimore '■ Planning and Zoning 12-7-2tn North Carolina Forsyth County NOTICE OP SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Melinda Joy While Plaintiff. vs. Gabriel Alien White Defendant Take Notice thal a pleading seeking relief againsi you has been tiled in the above entitled action, wherein the plain­ tiff is seeking: An absolute divorce based upon the grounds ol one year's seperallon. . You are required to make defense lo such pleading nol later than 40 days following the 14th day of December. 2000. and upon your failure lo do so, the plaintiff will apply to Ihe Court tor the relief soughL This the 14th day of December, 2000. MELINDA JOY WHITE: Plaintiff By: Bryan Gales Attomery 1 N. Marshall St. Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336)724-0082 12-14-3tn North Carolina Davie County CREDITOR'S NOTICE ■ HAVING QUALIFIED AS Co-Admin­ istrators of the Estate of MAMIE HOWARD NAIL late ot Davie County, this is lo nolily a)) persons having claims against said estate to present them to the underslgnedon or before the 8th day of March. 2001, being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this nolice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said eslate will please make immediale pay­ ment lo the undersigned. This 7lh day ot December, 2000. James W. Nall, Co-Adm. 247 Howardlown Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Ann N. Rich 158 Naii Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attomey at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12-7-4tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In lhal certain Deed ot Tnjst executed by Dennis Powell lo John M. Mercer, Truslee(s), dated March 5, 1999, and recorded in Book 229, Page 25. Davie County Registry. North Caro­ lina. Default having been made in the payment ot the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed ot Trust and Ifie under­ signed, LAWRENCE S. MAITIN, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Tmst by an instnjmenl duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County. North Carolina, and the holder ot the note evidencing said in­ debtedness having directed thal the Deed ot Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Tmstee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in the city of Mocksville, Davie County, North Caro­ lina. at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, Janu* ary 4,2001, and will sell lo the highest bidder for cash Ihe following described property situated in Davie County. North Carolina, lo wil: Lying and being in Jemsalem Town­ ship, Davie County, North Carolina and beginning at an iron pin placed, said iron Dlaced being the Southwest comer of the within described property and being located Ihe following two calls and dis­ tances (rom a reference poinl rebar found, said reference point rebar fourid being the Northwest comerof Gary Allen. Deed Book 117. Page 651 and Book 115. Page 218. Parcel 34.07; thence from said reference rebar placed; South 68 degrees. 22 minutes. 50 seconds East282.20feet to an iron placed; thence North 05 degrees. 59 minutes. 30 sec­ onds East 100 feel lo an Iron placed; thence South 66 degrees, 23 minutes 00 seconds East 303.63 feel lo a point, said poinl being located in the center ot US Highway 601; Ihence wilh Ihe center of said highway South 05 degrees, 59 minules. 25 seconds Wesl 220.00 leel to a poinl; thence North 88 degrees, 22 minutes 50 seconds West303.63 feel lo the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING andcontaining33.335square feet as surveyed by C. Ray Cates, Septem­ ber 1.1994. Said property Is commonly known as 4128USHighway601 S.,Salisbu7 .NC 28147. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hundred Dollars (SI 00.00) A cash deposit (no personal checks) ot five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or Seven Hundred Rfly Dollars ($750.00). whichever is greater. . will be required at Ihe time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and ow­ ing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Nolice of Sale is being offered tor sale, transfer and conveyance 'AS IS WHERE (S.* There are no representa­ tions ot warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, al or relating lo Ihe property being olfered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special as­ sessments. and encumbrances ol record. To the best ot the knowledge and belief ot the undersigned, the cur­ rent owner{s) of the property is/are Den­ nis PowelL Lawrence S. Martin, Substitute Tnistee 7330 Chapel Hill Road. Suite 104 Raleigh. NC 27607 12-21-2tn MARTIN $AW5H0P 7S 1-5038 SlMl Circit6iiwt,Car6Me Sawt. Yard Toolt, Chain Saw Cturtna. North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Eva Potts, late ot Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of March. 2001, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recqvery. All persons Indebted to . said estate will please make immediate paymeni lo the undersigned. This is the 21st day of December, 2000. . Homer Potts, Executor 186 Homer Polls Road Mocksville, NC 27028 • 12-21-41P North Carolina Davie County . . CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Executrix of the Estate of Billy Gray Laird, late of Davie County, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them' to the undersigned on or before the 71hday of March, 2001, being ' three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. All. persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymeni to the undersigned. This is the 7th day ot December, 2000. Donna E. Laird, Executrix ‘ ' T.DanWomble AttomeyatLaw ' • P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, N0.27012 12-7-4lri North Carolina Davie County EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Sarah Juanita Gregory. De­ ceased, late of Davie Counly. North Carolina, this is lo nolily all persons having claims against said estate of Ihe deceased to exhibit them to the under­ signed on or before April 1,2001. or this Notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery against said estate ot the said deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment. This Ihe21 st dayof December, 2000. Phyllis R. Allen Executor of the Estate of Sarah Juanita Whitaker Gregory c/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for the Eslate ot Sarah Juanita Whitaker Gregory 161 Soulh Main St. Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone: (336)751-6235 12-21-4tn North Carolina Davie County ERNEST M. GODBEY, JR.. Adminstrator of the Estate of Alice Lee Winters Godbey. Deceased, Petitioner vs, GARY F. GODBEY. and DEBORAH GODBEY HORTON, aetendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO DEBORAH GODBEYHORTON, tho above named defendant: Take nolice thal a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above enlilled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Emest M. Godbey, Jr.. as Ad­ ministrator of the Estate ot Alice Lee Winters Godbey, of whom you are an heir, has tiled a petition for sale of real eslate inorderto make assets vtrith which to pay estate debts. You are required to make defense to such pleading nol tater than the 29th day of January. 2001, said dale being 40 days from the first publication of this notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking senrice against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 21 St dayof December.2000. E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attomey for Petitioner NC State Bar #8069 161 South Main Street Mocskville. NC 27026 Telephone: (336) 751-6235 12-21-3tn North Carolina Davie County EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Charile Hugh Lakey, de­ ceased. lale of Davie County, North Carolina, Ihls is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 14th day of March, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publicationof this nolice. or this nolice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to ihe,.* undersigned. . This Ihe 14th day of December, 2000. Douglas Hiram Lakey 166 Horseshoe Trail Mocksville, NC 27028 And . Charies Matthew Lakey 180 Horseshoe Trail Mocskville, NC 27026 Piedmont Legal Associates. PA Lynn Hteks. Attomey , 124 West Depot St. Mocksville. NC 27026 • • 336-751-3312 12-14-4tn North Carolina Davie County . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Esiale ol MARY ROSE FRYE JOYNER, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agairist the estate to present them lo the ' undersigned on or before the 21st of March, 2001, said date being at least ’ three (3) months from the date of firsl publication of this notice, or this nolice . wiil be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sa.d estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ^ This 21st day of December, 2000. thesame being the first publication date. ■ - : , Glenn David Joyner Executor ot the Estate of MARY ROSE FRYE JOYNER • . : Grady L McClamrock, Jr., Attomey al Law NCSB47666 161 Soulh Main Street Mocksviile. NC 27026 ‘ Telephone: (336)751*7502 12;21*4tn RM SALE: C m • iñ ite U tm ty W ld h u t .Carports: A IStaes,AlfiihM ini и ш ш » 9 т и ы з щ ’б ^ - з м гWteclavHle^HC - S .- W-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21, ÌOOO e L A S S I F I E I D e IN EiXFEN SIVE F R O F IT A B liE Yard Sales A TO Z CONSIGNMENTS & ALTERATIONSHolen Boger 974 Farmlnglon Road Mocksville. NC 27028 __________(910)998-3013__________ CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES (33в)751-6252- Barbies, new line of Ashley Belle dolls, furniture, tea sets, assorted Hot Wheels. E lain dolls, Crlckett dolls, etc. now and lay-a-way for [mas! Child Care KOUNTRY KORNER HASImmediate openings for infants thru preschoolers, discount for second child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbie. Condos for Sale BERMUDA RUN, 3BR. 3BA 2100 sf condo w/ 20K membership. 2 car garage, new catpet. root. etc. S157K. 940-2226 Land For Sale 1 ACRE, part wooded, water & septic In Farmlnglon. 998-3346 M O ACRE lots starting at $4,500 per acre, owner (inanciny available. Call Mr. F. L. Wood al 1-888-211* 4462._____________________________ FOR SALE: 2 1/2 acresf Wilkos County. Borders Kerr Scott Lake. $17.000.00 (336)751-3406 LAND FOR SALE by owner, 8 1/2 acre, Cooleemee area. 284*4368Farm Machinery A>^'nials Lost & Found 7 YR OLD Ba'99e-Q836aHei I, $1200. AKC BLACK & brawn Cockoi Spaniel, I&1/2 yrs. old. male, Fomalo, brown and wtiila CKC registered Cocker Spaniel l& t« yrs. old, $150 pair or sell seperale. Male CKC Chihuahua. $200 OBO. Call 284-2199_____________________ AKC ■ REGISTERED FEMALE boxer pups lor sale. Just In time lor Christmas. Call 998-6296 altar 5pm._____________________________ CHICKENS FOR SALE: BuH Cochins Banlhams, $3-$5. Call Jerry. 492-5569__________________ FREE 6 MTH. female small dog, •great w/children’ vacc. current. 998-3131 FREE PUPPIES (336)492-5687 SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES. Black i while. Males, $300/oa. Females, $250/ea. AKC registered. Day 751-9280, evening ^909-2402. Leave messaqe. Apartments FURNISHED ROOM FOR sober workingman. CallJune751*0645. MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, basketball court & swings, len appliances furnished Indudng dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy eKtdent heat pump provides central heal and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchenA bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Fun^ture building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751*0168.I Building for Rent Great storelront for rent in downtown Mocksvillo. 700. sq. II. $450/monttl. 704-278-1717 ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES • lor 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am - 1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availability. Com e see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751- PUY(7529)_________________ KEEP CHILDREN MY home. 492- 5727 GENETREXLERROORNG New & Old Roots 24 Years Experience Free Esiimates 33S-284-4571 C h a s e G r a d in g Land Clearing • Driveways ■ Gravel ■ Mulch ■ Fill Dlrl ■ New Lawns 336-998-1053 RANDY MLLER «SONS 295M«trRMd*M«fciTile,NC (336)284-2826 1965 FORD 4000 Industrial gas tractor for sale. $4500.00 336* 940-6326_________________________ KOBOTA B9200 TRACTOR, newHdy.stat. Call 336-940-6156. MF-3S DELUXE W.6’ RTS bush hog tiller, windmill spreader, 6' box blade. $8100 336*492*7835 Furniture MATCHING COUCH AND love seal. Less than 6 mo. old. $175.00. Call 998-2682___________ USED FURNITURE OF all kinds/ in good condition. For more information, call 492*7780 or 492* 5466. Homes For Rent •••EXECUTIVE HOME*^*Large 2-story log homo with acreage. 4BR.3BA, 2-car garage, wrap-around porch. Rent mo, to mo.- $1500/mo. plus security deposit.Pennington & Company Realty __________336*751*9400__________ 2 BR, 1 bath in Advance, $350 + deposit. No pets, no HUD. 336- 751-7910_________________________ 3 BEDROOM HOME for rent. Advance area. S600/mo 909*1731 4BR, 2Bath* Garage/Bsmt Advance- S800/mo plus sec deposit 3BR, 2Balh* Garage Advance- $900/mo plus sec deposit 3BR, 2Bath- Garage- New Construction, Mocksville- $900/mo.plus sec deposit Pennington & C o n ^ n y Realty BRICK HOME, Jerteho Church R d, - 1150 square feet. All appliances, storage building, and carport. References required. Available Jan 1. No HUD. $650.00 751-1108 M w u / ¡ í « : * 4 0 i I m im ü C N m I, b w lU . _ _____uilding l( Twin Cedars Golf Course. Walcr meter In place. Perked. Mako offer. (336)751-3406 FOR RENT* Immaculate 3Br. 1.5 bath brick rancher w/full basement, no pets. 1 yr lease. $750.00/mo. and sec. dep. Call Pennington & Co Realty- Mary Hendrteks. 336- 751-9400_________________________ HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2400 square feet. Executive home. Upscale Mocksville neighborhood. $1,000.00 month. Will consider lease to purchase. 336-75M203. Homes For Sale FSBO: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, 2-car garage, 1268 square feet, on a 1-acre partially wooded lot. $129,000. 155 Camden Court. Advance, 998-1799 FSBO: HWY 801 S. 2Br, iBa, LR, DR, kit approx. 1100 sq. ft. 1.89 acres. Needs cosmetic repair. $65,000 Call 998-5779.___________ HOUSE FOR SALE 1462 sq ft on approx 1 acre. New thermal swing windows. Location: 601 S. Call 336-492-5116 or leave message. Price: $94,900.00 PLAYSTATION,SUPER NINTENDO, games. Small piano. $150. 492-2154 THOM RUTTER Paialiil&WiUptpcrliij Ноли R ^M ln * ImprovertHnt, Flux FinithM c S S S i"«nnnmuTM (»>2844211 ■Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale FOUND FRIDAY AT Bl-Lo store in Mocksvillo: golden mix (Lab or Retriever possibly) fomalo, approx. t 1/2 yr. old. 751*5403____________ FOUND: YOUNG FEMALE BEAGLE on 1-40 near Mocksvillo. 704-577*9883 Lpts For Rent FARMINGTON HEIGHTSMobile Homo Spacos lor Rent. Call 998-5462. Lois For Sale 5 ACRES IN Oavio Couniy. Doublewido OK. $42.900 Loavo message at 998-2721 Miscellaneous 2 CT. DIAMOND 18K bracolcl, $1200.00. 14K bracelet watch. $500.00. 751*3125_______________ 360 C.I.D. VS Dodge Eng. Low miles. Call 336-940-6156._________ 4X8 TILT TRAILERCall 336-9406156.________________ Boat the New Years Resolulion LOSE WEIGHT Dr. Recommended Guaranteed! 910-949-2288 888*822*3428 www.v-horbmall.com/ . . oplion4uFREESAMPLES CHRISTMAS SHOULDERS 3.25 lb. HENDRIX BARBECUE __________(336)998-3230__________ SONY PUYSTATION: memory card. $80.00. 264*4425 FREE SATELLITE SYSTEM. Call 1*600-441-6408 (or more inlo. HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO New Year’s Eve Trip. Sunday. Dec 31st, $20/person. Also. Catawba Bingo trips/Dec: 22.23,26,30 EZ Way Travel- Call 99M 732 John & Evelyn Wyatt KENNELS FOR SALE: 10x10x5, $175.00; 10x10x6, $195.00. Fultprice. 492-5855 LOSE WEIGHTI Feel Greatl Stay Siimi New Years Speciali Get in Controt Nowlllll Donna Tkach, RN 336-940*5693_____________________ NEW BEOLINER FOR late mode) Dodge Ram L.B. Also, rail caps. Call 3^*940*6156. FOR SALE: K & G SALVAGE 2x4 sluds, S1.25/oa. pkg.; 4‘x7* x 5/16' shoolrock. S3.99/oa.; 4’x9', $4.99/on. Vinvl siding. $34.95/ square Aduli briols, S3.95/pk.. Insulalod window sash. S4/pr. ' 5'4’x8’2 ' hardboard. $3.99/oa;AA & AAA battctios B-pk, .99oa.; bathroom sinks wilh facet, range hoods. $14.95/oa.; ■ 4'xB’cedar closot liner. 9.95/ oa.; 5/4* tioatod docking bds., 8‘. S3.49/oa.: 10'. $4.49/oa.; 12* S5.69/oa.4’xl2 ’1/2' shoolrock. $6.99/oa. Now rooting shingles. $14.95/sq. Porgo limainato flooring, $1.99/sq. fl.6 panel Exterior Steel Door units, S84.00/ea.;Formica. $.50/sq. ft.Interior paneling, $5.95/oa.;DIdg. stone $140 per paIlet/140 sq. Roofing felt. S6.95/roll; Wo slock stainless stool In sheels & pipe.Corrugated culvert pipe up lo 36' dia.Wo slock pumps & accessories for wells. Stool l-Doams For Salo. 8‘ Landscaping limbers. S1.99/ea.K & G SALVAGE (Roynolda Road)I St business on West bank of Yadkin River 910-699-2I24 STEEL BUILDLINGS. new musisoil 40x60x12 was $17,500 now $10,97150x100x16 was $27,650 now $19,990 80x135x16 was $79.850 now $44,990 100x175x20 was $129.650 now $84.9901-800-406-5126___________________ USED RAILROAD CROSS TIES-from $2-S9. Delivery available. Limited amount free. 336-699- 2006 or 699-6593_________________ W ILL BUY JUNK CARS.284-4194___________________' WOOD & MULCH for salo. You haul or wo haul; and Bobcat work. 319 W, Maple Ave. 751*3766 Mobile Homes/Rent EXCEPTIONAL 2BR, 2BA, allappliances, contrai air/ heat, deck/ garage. T Non smoking adults only, no pots. S550/mo. plus deposit. 998-3636_________________________ FOR RENT: 2 bedroom. 1&1/2 bath slovo & relrigorator. Free walor & garbage pick-up. Very protty inside. Farmington area. $415.00 704-873-5426___________ READY TO MOVE IN 2Br mobile homo, nice, privale k)t. near Lee Joans. $395/mo. 751*1216. (704)872*3367__________ READY TO MOVE In. 2 bedroom upstairs apartment, fully fumished with utilities. $450/mo. 751-1216 or (704)872*3367 ,_____________ READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick apartment. Fully furnished, electricity lurnlshed. 751-1218 or (704) 872-3367. II ABANDONED DOUBLEWIDE II On largo lot w/slream. Bank liquidation negotiable credit conditions, small transfer fee & take overomts. Call (704)528-6228, ICREDIT HOTLINE) 1*800-866-8874 Free Approval by Phono in Mlnulos Homo Zone ITRUE MODULAR HOMEI 3BR, 2BA, 7/12 PITCH ROOF DRY W ALL, ALL THE OPTIONS SET UP ON YOUR LAND FOR $59,900. HOME ZONE 1(800)866*8874___________________ I t IN LAND/ HOME SERVICE HOMEZONE H800)866-6874 $ NO CREDIT? No^ProblernlT* Home only. Land/ Home, all areas starting nl $1200 dn. 336*751* 0503 VERY NICE 3-bedroom doublewido. Also, 1998 4-bedroom singlewido mobile. Call SWM Realtors at 751*2222. Mobile Homes/Sale IM S T TIME Buyers Program: No Credit Needed. Call for Free Qualification. Home Zone, 1 *(800)866*8874 C L E A I M Ì V » • Experienced • References * M otlier & Daughter Tbam Call Maria Rutter (336)284-4211 $$ LEASE PURCHASE SS Singlewido on 1.2 woodod acres. Will sign over for deposit and 1st months, pmt. Call (704)526-5667. •FORECLOSED* '98 MODEL doublewido only 60 paymenls left. 751-7734__________ •RANCHSTYLE*Largo homo & land all setup. $500 deposit, terms negotiable, ettortless financing. Hurry, call (704)528- 0648.____________________________ 0% DOWN, $487 per month. 4 bedroom 2 bath. 751-0115 1 ACRE LEFT. Eaton's Church Road, valuable property. $0 down. Land and Home, 751-7734 1986 2BR, 2BTH- needs minor repairs. $2900 del & set-up. Will finance. 336-751-0503____________ 1988 OAKWOOD MOBILE homo 3 bdrm, 2 bath, w/appl. washer/ dryer, dishwasher, frig, stove, on rented lot. Call (336)492-5399 leave messaqe. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, like now. Ovimer linanced. 751*0115________ ? LAND/ HOME Packages? Yes. You Canlll Why rent whon you can own oil? Land. Home. well, septk:. brick, etc. Payments starling at $500. HOME ZONE. 1*800-866-8874 ABANDONED HOME SET-up rwar Mocksvillo. $500 dn & take up pmts of $276. 336-751-0503 ADVANCE- 3 bedroom. 2 bath. Bad credit OK. 751*7734__________ ASSUME PAYMENTS ON 1993 Fleetwood 3BR. already set up. owner is being transferred. Will sacrifice, only 47 payments left... Call 1-888*211-4482______________ BAD CREDIT OK. Guaranteed financinqw /1500 down, 751-7734 BAD CREDIT? Gov. approved loan program guarantees you will get financed. (336)751*0115 Beautiful 3 BR, 2 Bath home already set up on 1 acre lo t Toomany options to list. Call 1*704* 872*2347, Hablamos Español. Brand new 28x80, 2001 sq. ft. 4BR, 2 Bath Home Only $405.00 per month WAC. For Into, call 1- 704-872-6389, Hablamos Español. Brand new 3 BR, 2 Bath Doublewlde, Only $274,00 per month OAC. For info, call 1*704* 872-0843, Hablamos Español. COOL SPRINGS AREA singlewido bad credit OK. $320 por month. (336)751-7439____________________ DON'T LET A crodit problem slop you from owning your own homo. Como by and talk to us* you'd bo surprised at iho number of families wo have helpedll 767*7782_______ FHA Manufactured Homo Loans- as Low as 7.5% Interest rates.; For more info, call 704-872-0191.-; Hablamos Español.____________ GOOD CREDIT, BAD credit, no- crediL 3 bedroom. 2 bath. $750 dollars down. 751-7439__________!•: HAMPTONVILLE- DOUBLEWtDE: owner financed, living room/ don model. 751-7439_________________ LONE HICKORY RD. Singlewido owner financed. 80 ft. home, 751- 0115_____________________________ MOBILE HOME FOR sale, lot for rent. 998-7307___________________ MOVE IN FOR HolidaysReady Now. 3Br. 20a DW on. privato tot. Ca«(33G)75t*157t. MUST SELL- 3 bedroom, 2 balh on • private lot. Country Lane. $400 per month, 751-0115_____________ Only at Fleetwood Homos of Statesville. Have Christm as and a new home loo. $1000.00 Shopping Sptco with purchase of a now home. Call 1-704.872-0179, Hablamos Español._______________ RECENT BANK FORECLOSUREnear Mocksvillo. 3QR Fleetwood Doublewido on 1 aero lot. turn on the electric and move in. Assume paymenls of $549 per month (V/AC) on homo and land... CalM- 888-211*4482____________________ SINGLEWIDE- $210 per month. Bad credit OK 751*7439__________ SOUTH IREDELL REOP DOUBLEWIDE Already set up. Mortgage company can manco f $5l№mth. Call(704)_________. Call (704)528 0932 THE STAFF OF Quail Run Homes. Inc. Uiank you lor your past, business and support arxl reminds you they are of senirice to tho entire' area. 767-6381 ____________ **BARELY LEGAL” • 1976 Connor- needs minor repairs- will owner finance w/ bad creditH 336-751- 0503_____________________________• ‘99 3BR.2BATake over pmts. Call (704)528- 6228. DAVE'S MUSIC Layaway Now Everything on Sale Until Christmas All band Instruments from Duncan Music for sale or rent. Lessons: guilar, banjo, mandolin,, bass. Teacher Chris Ward. \ Call Dave. 751-193. J PIANO TUNING “ ’• Repairing & Rebuilding ! Seli-players. Sales & Sen/ico Wailaco Barlord 998-2789 Office Space OFFICE SPACE FOR rent with a storage rooni/showroom. located in downtown Mocksvillo. Available in Feb. Call after 7pm. 998-0280 '^ 1 t г г A U C T I O N Every Friday & Saturday 7:0ep.m. Hwy. 158 Just west o f the 15B and 801 Intersection In Advance (Hillsdale) _________Beside Hillsdale Methodist Church Still not finished Christmas shopping? ...no problern! Frldsy 0EC,22nd, 2000*Two Doaler's Bill Aokins- all now merchandise. Darlena Hacklor* all new merchandise. Saturday OEC.23rd,2000-AJI now lots oilast minute ' ■ ' Christmas gifts available. MvvKiuncM<M«itolet4utotftk»prK«kflctov«ranyprint*diralt^ . ^ For MMItional dirsctlons or information : Cali (330) 749-1S76 *•-*'----^ErieBoeto NCALIM97 © (К Ы м О б ^ Г й (9 C k e fw O ß to ® Put this al the lop of your wish list! A YM CA membership olTcrs fitness, fun and fellowship for all ages. | You'll enjoy the gift o f health all year long, j Y M C A or Greater Winston-Salem StrvingFonytKSok^Dade^WusikYaJkinOmties Central: 721-2100 • Kcmcrsvllle: 996-2231 West Forsyth: 712-2000 • Wiruton Lake: 724*9205 Davic:751-9622 • Stokes:985*9622 •W ilkes:(336)838-3991 And opening in the lummer of 2001 - Fulton Family YMCA (Northehi Foriyth Couniy)-and the Yadkin Family YMCA (Yadkinville) I O w M iu io n : Ш Ш р е о р и reach ih e ir G o d -iiv tn p o u n tìd in s p ifii.m S ^ a n d b o d ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 21,2000 - D7 e L A S S I F I E D S IN IiiX H IiiN S lV E F E K )F n A B L E Office Space PRIME OFFICE SPACE available immediately. First month's rent free. 1200 sq ft S900/mo. 336* 996-8055 Recreational 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 30* camping trailer with all tho whistles and bells. Ext. clean. Call 336* 940-6156 RV/Motor Home $1000 DOWN, LAND/hom o. Wm. R. Oavio School District, 751-7734 B A D D E S IG N & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY ^ u r Complete Homo Improvemont Bobcat Work:We Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO 80X424 Mocksville, NC 27028 CRfTTER SITTERS OF Davie County. We caro lor your pets In the comfort of your own homo. 492-5542 or 751-0106____________ DtSH 500, FREE System & FREE Installing. 1-800-984-0772 OJ SERVICE Life ol tho Partyl Reasonable rotes. ___________336-284-4682___________ DREAM BUILDERS 336-492-6208•Framing- conventional & log . homes. •Garages, decks, roofs, etc.•15 yrs. exp. workers com. atxl gor>eral liability ins. Troviding quality work with Intorgrity. •References upon request. Call after 6 pm.___________________ HANDYMAN SERVICES Plumbing, roplacomonl windows, general maintenco. Joe, 704-546- 2089_____________________________ HOUSE CLEANING, kiw prk:os, Mocksville. Advance. Clemmons. Call Julie. 996-9278. MIKE'S W OODCRAR 336/751-5165 •Trim carpentry •Deck/ dock repair or buik). dean & seal ‘Experienced. Insured. Courteous LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERINGRichard LInk-Ownor Free Esiimates 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRIC (or all your electrical needs. Free Estímalos, 751-3398, TREE REMOVAL, lots cleared, general cleanup. Insured, free estimates.Triad Tree, Inc. 788-2323399-1468 statewide $1,000 SlGN-ON bonus, natbod Drivers. Good Pay. Excellent Bonoiits with Retirement. Pete Conventionals, Air Ride Flats, Specialized Hauling 1-800-831- 0870_____________________________ ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS, Grads. College Sludenis and Prior Sen/ice Personnel* You can havo alt of these benefits with the North Carolina Army National Guardi For about hvo days о month and hvo weeks a year, you can make a difference. Youll bo eligible for oducatlonal benefits like Ihe Montgomery Gl Bill, Tuition Assistance, and you'll gel an extra paycheck. Call tho North Carolina Army National Guard today! 1*800* GOGUARD EXPERIENCED CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT, Minimum of 5 years experience. Mail Resume; PO Box 156, Mocksvillo, NC 27028. Fax (336)751*4259 Hendrix & Corriher Const. Co., Inc. INSURANCE- 4 w o rk ^ e k . Advances, $1,000/ week potential, statewide opportunity. 5 people maximum. Call ASAP: 1-800*252- 2581. American Republic._________ MOUNTAIN LAND FOR SALE: Lots, 2*4 Acres near Boone, Blowing Rock. Blue Ridge Parkway. Paved Road. Beautiiul Views, Utilities Available. $1000 Down. Owner Financing. (828)396*3491. www.mtnproperties.com SEEKING REALTOR for professional builder. 8*10% commission on all sales, commissions paid within thirty days of contract. Contact Builder Network for details: 1*800*795* 7061 1993 KDX-200 VGC, $1500. 998- 0836 after 5pm.___________________ 360 C.I.D. VS Dodgo Eng. Low miles. Call 336-940-6156. 4X8 TILT TRAILER Call 336-940-6156. NEW BEDLINER FOR lato model Dodge Ram L.B, Also, rail caps. Call 336-940-6156,_______________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury __________704-636-1341__________ ■77 CHEVROLTE CAPRI Classic (350) $550. 492*2154____________ '86 MAZDA PICK-up runs out good, very good tnick, straight drive, priced to sell 751*6371 '96 HONDA ACCORD EX, 4dr., 1 owner, all records, exc. condition. 751*1181 Employment A WORKING MOM'S Dream: Earn up to $1000,00/monlh part-time FROM HOMEIIII Make money whilo at home wilh your chlldreni 336-940*5693_____________________ AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT I *Will work at Ihe Crops Support Unit with duties involvino production and care of crops. Operate, maintain and clean equipment. Assist where needed In tho conduct of research trials. Requirements: Completion of high school Prefer ono year of farming experience or equivalent. Must have valid driver’s license.Salary range $16,787* $25,564 Hiring range $16,787- $18,270 wilh State benefits.Send Stato application to Piedmont Research Station, 8350 Sherrills Ford Rd, Salisbury. NC 28147 (704)278-2624. EOE Closing date: Friday. December 29.2000. ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERTCompany is hiring for line clearance tree trimmer. Start 9.37- 12,68. depending on exp. Driving license required. 704-638-4018, Iv. msg. WANTED TO BUY: Standing Timber. Top Dollar Paid. Will cut lots, Seloct cutting OK. Call Paul at P.T. Timber, 704-637*9097 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cut or clear cut. Shaver W ood Products 704-278-9291 night 704*278*4433 or 704-638*0814 Employment ATTENTION: WORK FROM HOME! $500* $2.500/mo. PT; $3,000* $7,000/mo. FT. Free booklet. (800)657*0112 www.livevourdreamscontral.com CABINET SHOP FINISHING PERSONNEL NEEDEDSeveral years experience in custom finishing, stain, and color matching. Direct contact v^th customers required. Apply in person to 2625 S. Siratford Rd.. Winston-Salem. 27103. M-F 8:00-4:00. 336-760- 4336 Vehicles 1966 CHRYSLER CONV. MosI every new. Call 336-940-6156. 1987 DODGE RAM 150 L.B. Good Cond. Coll 336-940-6156._________ 1991 DUTCHMAN C U S S IC 30'camping trailer with all the whistles ar>d bells. Ext. clean. Call 336* 940-6156 T O O LM A K E R S , M A C H IN IS T S , M E T A L S T A M P IN G - VVc iic ttl cxpurienccd, dependable people to w o rk in a new fa cility located in M ocksville, N C . W e offer com petitive pay, benefits and 401K benefits. You m ay apply al 126 Q ua lity D rive in M ocksville o r call 336-751-1555. A D V A N C E D CUSTO.M 1-OOTAI’PUANCF.S ------------------------------------------------------- Ned a motivalcd depenihblc irkliviJual for a manufacturing position in Davic Co. Plaster Viork. grinding, and leaiher v.«Vingarcitft-olvcJ. Need good (und-eye coordination. Stoning pay $8.00. Salary increase as you leoni. Health Insurance orTervd. Serious Inquiries Only!! 998-8177 Como See US! Mon.-Wtd., DM.ieth,19th. «rnJ ZOtti 9:00 am-2:30 pm (Evenlng* by appt. oniy) CTL4:h*fÌQtt*T«fmlM»1201 Eichang* Stml Charlotte. NC 28206 Fof mw* info. e«a ТЪ* RecnrfUng С«Я Cenitr: 1-888-JOINCTL (1-888-564-6285)Or Cali and ««k Гог Frank at; 1-704-394-7777 PARTS WASHER/MATERIAL HANDLER tVrson needed for general labor In production and assembly manufacturing plant. Must be able to lift SO«- pounds. You may apply at 126 Quality Dr. in Mocksville, NC, or call 336-751-1555 for Interview. R N / L P N ’ s Be the nurse }-ou always wanicd 10 bt,! Make a positive impact upon the life of a special child TODAY! C a li P S A T o d a y ! 8 0 0 -7 2 5 -8 8 5 7 www.nurse4kids.cjb.net Pediatrie Services оГ America Is tilrlng in the Piedfflonl Triad area. Call PSA today Гог availability nrartst you! We oITer Slgn-on Bonuwe, Bencdtf package; lulllon reimburMment, ihift dif.'s and morel HTE oiA T itu: s e B v iü e s 0F A M 6W C M N £ _ C e n t e r H ^ n t Human Services COMMLNTIY EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST I StU rji SM,S«2-U2,IM Leeatloat Datle County Number ofVacandci: 1 Dale PoMd: December 12,2000 CLOSING DATEFOR RECEIPTOFAPPLICATIONS: December 29,2000 OBSCRIPTION OP WORK: Job coach lo a»ieii clicnl needs, job development, placement and inlensive irainins. Vocational counseling, initruction, education of public and caretakeri may also be needed. Recordkeeping, developing goals. : coordinating contracts, filling out monthly billing/reports to Vbcaliunal Rehabilitators, ; MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Gradu: \ yeari иГ ex[ierience in production, or trades wilh the )l or equivalent and two ■ n 10 t< served; or an ............ „ in Ihe human service» field; or an associate degree in a field otherthan human services and one year of experience working with mentally ill/developmentally disabled clienu. SPECIAL CONDmONS: We prefer Individual with prior experience as job coach and job procurement. UtUlzaiion of communily may require some physical activities. Must pQam valid N. C. Driven Lktni(. APPUCATION PROCESS! Submission of a copy of University irwttcripU and an otiglnal CemeiPolnt Human Services'appllcailon Is requlied; (resumes ait accepted In lieu of a completed application form). If an offer of employmcnl Is cxlMide«!, official coUetc truMcrlpta nuat be Nbroltled prior to beglonljif worit. An application may be obtained from the Center and submitted to: PERSONNEL DEPAKTMEKT. CentetPolM Hunvtn SetvUet. 72S N. tilgt\lind Avenue. WvMan- Salem. N,C. 27101. EOB/MF, WEB; www.Cpta.flf».ApfHmM EaceiiraH T» Apply C e n t e r H ^ n t Human Services COMMUNTIY EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST II S.I«ri!$22J06.$35W Location: Davte County Number of Vacancies: 1 Date Posted! December 12,2000 CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: December 29,2000 ‘ DF.SCRIPT10N OF WORK: Provide vocational services for DD clienls; work adjuttment, skllt building and job coaching wilh quality, cost effective and timely subcontracting services in our business community. May also fill in on work floor, communily encalves and any other activities provided within New Horiions. PRN. Setting schedules and recordkeeping In client chans. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Graduation from a4-yeiir University with a degree in Ihe Human Services field; or graduation from a two-year a.tsociaie program and two years ofexperience with developmentally disabled clients. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: lob development and job procurement required. English^panish speaking a plus. Must pone» vaUd N.C. Driven LkcMC. APPUCATION PROCESS: Submission of a copy of Unlvenlty tnnKripU and an original CcnterPoini Human Services application is Required: (resumes are not accepted in lieu of a completed application form). If an offer of employmcnl Is cxtemM, official coUete inuiicripU must be subnttled prior to betlnalBg work. An application may be obuined from the Center and submitted to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. CenterPoint Human Services. 72S N. Highland Avenue. Winston- Salem, N.C. 27I0I. EOEMP. WEB: ttmiVblfitg.BlUafual AppUeanM EM ovaiN 1b Apply. Employment EARN 2nd. Income without 2nd job $200-$500, sparetime 1-800-686*4201 www.athomebuslness.com/ option4u ELMS^AT TANGLEWOOD Is now hiring for a FT 2nd shift mod tech and all shifts/ weekends only- resident care assistants. Pleaso apply In person to: 3750 Нафог Rd, Clemmons, NC. Elms at Tanglewood Is a dmg free environment. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROCESSING ASSISTANT III:' Position with the Davie County ‘ " with Employment CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284*4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for application. EOE__________________ Driver- Company/ OTR Guaranteed Homo Pollcyl Earn competitive wages with excellent health benefits. No NYC, no Canada & no unloading. Class A w/ ha2mat, 9 mo. experience, and good MVR. 800-925-5133 www.cbfs.com Driver- Our Flatbeds Get You Home Every Weekend... Guaranteed! Strong Miles, Great Benefits, the Best Peoplel Owner-Operators- New Pay Packagef S ch ^I GraduatesWelcome! Costal Transport. Since 1928. Call Roger Todayl 1-800* 282-0131. EOE. HIRING EVENT! Department of Social Sen/ices with the primary purpose ol performing clerical duties to support the agency's Child Day Care Subsidy Unit. Will perform other related duties as required. Completion of High School education preferebly wim business or technical school training and one or two years of clerical experience. Salary negotiable based upon experience. Submit a completed stale application, PD*107, and a copy of school diploma or transcript to Becky Finney. Social Wori( Supervisor, Davie Couniy Department of Social Sen/lcos. PO Box 517, Mocksville, NC 27028. Telephone: 336-751*8800. Application Deadline: December 29, 2000 before 5:00 PM, Equal Opportunilv Emplover. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40*plus hrs. weeekly w/overlime. Must be dependable. No dnjgs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. FULLTIME POSITIONAVAILABLE for pest control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver's license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year of employmenL Call for appointment. 751*5720 HAND FOR GRAIN & Cattle farm- 4 room house + bath can be provided. Call (336)998-8303. Charios L. Williams_______________ PART-TIME SECRETARY at Advance Church. Call 998*4352. If no answer, leave message.________ SECURITY FORCES, INC.Seeking custom security officers in ' Mocksville, NC, We seek alert, responsible, and mature individuals - with tho ability to worit in a challenging envlronmenL Candidates must be able to ' demonslrate good judgement, respond to security and medical emergencies, and provide other: security duties as assigned.: Previous security, police or military experience a plus. Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years of age, have a satisfactory work history, and bo able to evidence a criminal and daig free record. YOU WILL BE PROVIDED: •$7.50 to $9.50 pay to start* with regular Increases i*K retirement plan •paid vacation •holiday 0-......overtime pay•paid training 'stable full time and part timo work schdeulesWe need leam players such as veterans, retirees or anyone who enjoys working in a professional atmosphere. Apply Immediately at Security Forces. Inc., .1410 Millgate Dr.. ' Suite C. Winston*Salem, NC or telephone 336-768-2455 to schedule an inten/lew. Tremendous Sales Opportunity ING Life of Georgia, member of ING Group, is seeking a highly moth/ated sales individual. Full benefits package. Tainlng provided. Guaranteed starting rate of pay at least $500 per week. Prefer applicant with 2 years work experience after college. Call for an Interview with: Frank Pail 2245-C Lewisville-Clemmons RdClemmons, NC 27012 336-712-0410ING Life of Georgia An Egual Opportunity Employer In s p e c to r / P a c k e r M e c h a n ic a l T r o u b le -S h o o te r TENSION ENVE1X>PE CORP. 11 AS OPENINGS TOR INSPECTOR PACKERS. THIS POSITION IS RF^SPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTING, COU iinN G, LABEUNG, AND PACKtNG ENVELOPEa WE ALSO HAVE AN OPENING FOR MECHANICAL TROUBI.E-SHOOTER/ADJUSTOR. QUALIHED INDIVIDUALS WILL HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR EQUIVALEIS. WE OFFER YEAR ROUND STEADY WÜRK, ON THBJOB TRAINING. COMPETITIVE WAGES PLUS FUU DENEFTT PACKAGE INCLUDING HEALTH/ DEISAL UFE INSURANCE, PENSION PU N , PAID VACATION, 10 PAID HOLIDAYS, 401 K PLAN. APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED MON.- FRL, 8:30 A M - 4.00 Human Resourcea Dept. * Tension Envelope Crop. Ktmwett Dilvc, Winston Salem N.C. 1710) Are you working in the restauiant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Am you galting banaftts Hka THESET* t n —»- -----I Ngn coni(M iiiiM W II0H F k H ro iita n trS O d a y t •4 tgiiM lnM m onlhi ■ M IknIkw M ntplan t • Н м т о м М к т т п с » ’ ’ -М иЫ ураусЫ ск* * Paid т м 1 briQkt •FMblcichMM* -StackopHoni• l4>«ion Mlay odvonMn«« Itownri IrainMi tnonog« -E ariycM naheun IF N a i V O U li U N O c w x n o n i ButinMt i> GRfATI Wa ora hiring to gt» raody for m u ft WINTER mSMESS. maimaiinnllylookiugfoK MOHT TIME ft wracEm s « m c o M M T a o w i W « p m w i M A . K ^ ^ . H A S т я т щ ^ т ш 6420 Sesiioiu'Ct. u Clemrooiu, NC • Exil 184,1-40 ; (336)712-9880 i; i F f D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21.2000 D a v i e D a t e l i n e J I P ii Reliüion Sunday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve CandlcllRlU Commun* Ion Scnice A scrvicc Id maic yourholiday worshipcomplcle. 10p.m. atMocks United Mcih. Church. Call 998-5518 for more info. Sunday, Deo. 31 New Year's Eve Walch • Night Scnicc, 11:30 p.m.. begin New Year in wonhip. praise, singing and fellowship. Mocks United Mcth. Church. 998*5518. Wednesday, Jan. 3 CandlcllghtScnIce,Cedar Grove Qapt.4 p.m. Rev. Mauris Leak to speak. Public invited. QucsUons? Call 940.5632. Special Events Saturday, Deo. 23 Hickory Hill Luminaries Lighting, off U.S. 64,east of Mocksvillc. weather per­ mitting. at dusk. Join us as we lake lime from our busy schedules to enjoy peace .& serenity. Sponsored by Hickory HiU Neighbors' Association. Dates to Remember Deo. 20-Jan. 24 Flu Shot Clinics, Davie Co. Health Dept., Tues. i:30-ll:30 a.m., and Fri. 14 p.m. Appts. not needed. Persons 65 and older must bring Medicare or Medicaid card. Charge for flu shots S10 and S20 for pneu­ monia. Recreation •.yVii’VV J, Home For Sale By Owner 2.275 Sq. Ft. Contempora^. Split Foyer lOeWillsRd-Creekvreod 111 Davie County Convenient 1-40 (IMiy Winston- Salem (10 Ml.) 3Bfl-2BA- Formal Din- Large Great Room Uv Rm has Slone Fireplace Heatolator 2 Car Qarase- New Heal Pump KRoof . .1120,000 «№$3,000 Carpet ABowarKO $10.000bekNvMu1(etwith ' noReatlorF^il CAU M -2n7 lor more Info or 10 View Silverstriders Walk Club Senion, 50 and up. M-F. 6:30-9 a,m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdays, S7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tucs.. Wed., & Sat. Call Emily Robertson. 998-5163. YMCA___________ For more information, call 751-9622 or vish Davie Family YMCA. Adult Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 a.m. Arthritis Rehab MWF, 10:30 ira. Youth Swimnning Lessons Ages 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre­ school. school aged group lessons & pri­ vate. Five week session meet 2 times per wk., call for exact times. Fee: S30 mem­ bers. $60 non-snctnbcrs. Karate-Camoado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. Sl5/momh. Ages7 &up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs. Begin- ner3:45-4:30p.m.,lntermediate4:30-5:15 p.m., Advanced 5:15-6 p.m., Adults 6-7 pm.McmbersS20/mo..non-membersS30/ mo. Gymnastics Plus Coed grades K-6. Wed. 3:304:30 p.m.. 5 wk. sessions begin Oct. 18. Fee: Memben S30, Non-members S50. Karen Umberger's Basketball Bouncers Program Boys & girls ages 4-5 & 6. Begins Satur­ day. Nov, 4 (6 wks.). Times: 9 a.m. ages4- 5,10 a.m. ages 6. Fee: members S25, non members S35. YBA Youth Basketball League For ages 7-8. Program meeu for 11 weeks beginning Nov. 4. Games on Satunlays, practices on weekdays. Fee: S25. Mem­ bers*. S35 noti-racmbcrs. For more information on these events, call 751-2325. Line Dancing Farmington Community Center. Every Tuesday. Cost: S2. Instructors: Steve & Linda Hatley. For more info, call 751- 3848. Rec Club Dcforc(SI5)oraficr(S25)sch(-oliindouiof school programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons S5 per month. Volunteers for different social events. Contact Ethel al 998-3837. .« ^Thauh^Yoii F o r Y o u r ■^4 '^ § É Blísiness.' Edg.u Л Rcbcccti Osborne Л f,titu/y Osborne Service & 24 Hr. Towing i i К D,iy ^777 /V/gfil 28J JJ5J 1» 909 Ш 6 » й F r l t > p u ; n n d O i l Г п . Dny 284-2777 NigM 28-Ì-4353 o> 909 24S6 Edgewood Oil Co. ph 284-2777 H w y . e o i, C o o ie e m e e . N C lOSI Bar Cretk Church Koad Gflit bfxV rvKhff W bmmtrt on M i ura4oaI;r updiird Ntw orpct. piBX. I rrr/i Яоопп{. N«W fxii. htiwtj' AC 1Я wd in lut J Jim.Quwt runl vta in hem o< Or«« Caroti. ¡Ha C J. M yers celebrates his 1st bli4h- day. O n Wednesday, December 6,20001 celebrated m y first birthday. M y fam ily tool( me to Western Sleer for supper then back to m y house wherc 1 opened my presents and received m y own Barney cake. O n S aturday, December 9, my M om m y and Daddy threw me a big Barney Party. They sen ed hotdog.s fo r m y smaller guests and chicken stew fo r m y bigger guests. Then my M om and Dad surprised me w ilh a special visU from Barney himself. M y cousins J.J. M yers, Blaine Tutterow and myslef really enjoyed seeing him . Then I had two Harney cakes,onetosharewIth my 32 guests and one fo r my very own. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did. M y Daddy and M om m y are C liff "Brad"andM lchelleM yersorSm ith G rove. M y M aternal grandparents are L in d ^ y and Joyce Fishel of C om atzer. M y Paternal grand­ m other Is Faye M yers o f Smith Grove. M yG reatgrandparentsare M ae S tarr o f Com azter and Rob and Blanche Fishel o f Advance. T^vo spcdal aunts Carolyn Atwood of Com atzer and Nancy Hayes ofAd> vance and four uncles. A special thanks to my Daddy for m aking all four o f m y Bamey cakes. They were so delicious. U v e ,C J . ll7Af|>l<wood 'fas pmit SkIuM I KTt wooM lot il ptrto Ktsry br tht кЫм» ìiK lifiA hotiw. FWfpbci in fMt room •'tí* heinK I740tsl. DKk h rur. il Ippbtncn 107 Ntv Omim »yt fortftfi Самим You're 5ГШ m aking a difference and so are vfe... TbepOvvehof U’ 1(800) 411-UWAY“ http://w%^v.uniicdwa)'.org A s I look back at my first year as a real estate agent in NC, selling well over a million dollars worth of property, I want to extend my heart felt thanks to all who entrusted me with their real estate needs. I wish you and your loved ones a Blessed Holiday and a Happy New Year in 2001! Sincerely, Lee Ami Nolnii o i s e l o v ' o r sN i: V V 540 Liberty Church Road inciudcs ciunniiig 12м sq. ft. i m home, 8.73 aocs of pictunsquc property, slnglwide 3UR, 2UA, polential rental Income— has separate scplic system, horse bams к numerous outbuilding?. Fenced pastures wilh stocked pond, fruit trees and more for Only $149,900 Massage Dyappointmentonly.Tuesdays.$45/hour. $35/halfhour. S20/chair massage. Call for details. 751-9622. Seniors__________ All Senior Activities lake place at the Davic County Senior Center located in the Brock- Building on North Main Street, M(Kks- ville unless otherwise noted. Cali 751- 06И. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Itcnis Гог Davie Dateline should be re­ poned by noon Monday of the publication week. Call 751-2120 or drop il by the office. S. Main Si. across from the courthouse. DEADLINE for placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday Л N I ;w iiOMiii — k J J 1 TaJ-e ac^antagc of the great interest rates and stiT the New Year off in )Our \tfy own NEW home! W.ih pajTnenti as low as $68000 arxl no money down it's costing )og money to wait any loogcr. Great kxatlon and Quality construction make this home. 1100 squirt fcct. 3 bed^batK open door plan, 2 car garage, tmintcnancc frrc extcnor and much mort. GKti Ek^abeth Swxcgood a call today and fnd out hchv EASY bu)-ng a home can be! 336-909-2584 We a t P ru d e n tia l C a ro lin a s R ealty w ish yo u a i á P P F ñ i P S á F I HOLIW 4156 Clemmons Koatl • Clemmons, NC 336-714-4400 You Know Ux... IVf Know Real Estate P rudential Carolinas Realty wwwprudentlnlcarollnas.com с о и о ш е и . B A N ^ e R □ TRIAD, REALTORS • D jvlc County lnttri«ctlon of Hwyi IS8 ft 801 (336) 998-8816 Relocation: 1-800-327-4Э98 ■*' CtN^.ST- m wwwtoldwellbonkif t< F e a t u r e H o m e 300WlUt£SeOK)STMI33^004Bll.2BA.WVIEOuik «9 brick Itîffi bunctlow MW httteric do»t«wwn McxiuvO«. Upp«r room. J p t lo| KrtplKti, tanrtt)’ irtttnvurdwi рогЛ Updit«! ШГ»И1кт-|14$ P R E V I E V K .ис»т1о»д1 M ortm iiy^ ( т т т 'т у ю о о и н лOAKVAUEY 9415,000 4 M 3ÍB A DAVIEB(|M tei« fatom nd як hv4M04, n r 0 * 7 krte Rook. ^ dcc LOTOSSCOTTSOAU OAXVAUÍT »74.M 4M UIA DAV1{К . ftfi »MM jiiimto ПИ171 1в1Ш Ш 11Ш011 }in.ra 4U lU lAC TADKMw« ШК* m 14V c*<«ee< hn 1мы tu«*«« M w v U М> I hrt »m Im U ю М lANnKASmSIN-im niCMNAOADAHUM Ш ilA 12ДС DAVICНоп«Ьчг1 )]•I m korw w* ■«> •«» I lAOONNArom m-mi tl»,NO 2M UIA DAVIEimon he* MИ 1 ]4*r ИПЛ, YIClUFlEHlNGm-ll(7 JANET KASTtUm-lin с м м т ж т -iiu ( и м я ш " « DAVI m i r a ' IH МП ж Э » - - b s . ’sbW üï.T OCNOEHENDUX tM-IIU НОНАШХНАНт-ИП уюигшйнст-п(7 HKfzneM N m-iii; vi.srr riiii.sií Ni;w h o m i: coM M iiNi riii.s [al)a Creek Bldyu üwm M « « I « rmiv* lU tu Í, W., Ш i МЛг/Jli Аяш (-ei’iiVijefMúntfMAhMt« O a k a Ш Ш 1 ^ l%ñDÜIIKf4i»K ùaam /-I] »' end о №> «I. HiUaii Ont JU ityil Boxíup » Н'йЬп KtB я tfA DemmH}V,H»}4UùUM^Fie^mAfUMni BuJiSUny HonttWhiti/M« AmudaHillir/uctai AlBtniM BirbtnAlita ^ M y C o o k „ _____________ Ол(«жМЯГ.Г|.. M x^r^R trk«iRUimoni Moti. H appy B irthday, P a d d in g to n S t u d e n ts E n h a n c e A n A p p re c ia tio n F o r R e a d in g W itli A P a r ty F o r A S p e c ia l B o o k F rie n d P a g e 8 D A V IE C O U N T Y U S P S 149-60 • Number 52 Thursday, Dec. 28, 2000 24 PAGES 1 7 Y e a r O l d C h a r g e d W i t h S e l l i n g C o c a i n e B y J a c k ic ScaboK Davie Couniy Enterprise Rccord Erica Danielle Lyons, l7,of227W att St., Coolecmce was arrested Tuesday, Dec. 19 for the sell and delivery o f crack cocaine, possession with intent to sell and deliver crack cocaine, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, and main­ taining a residence to keep and sell a controlled substance. According to Coolecmee Police Chief Tim Wooten, police received a tip through Crimesloppers that a crack house being operated on Watt Street. Anundercoverofficerwassenttothe home on Saturday, Dec. 16 shortly af­ ter midnight. The officer purchased one rock o f crack cocaine from Lyons. Based on the undercover officer’s op­ eration and observance it was believed there was more drugs in the house. Wooten said. Officers went back to the house later that Saturday and seized 40 rocks of crack cocaine that were hidden in vari­ ous places in the home. Lyons was the only one at the home at that time. Officers did not arrest her immediately in an attempt to locate her parents. “One is in New York, and the other is in drug rehab somewhere in this area,” Wooten said. On Tuesday, Dec. 19 Lyons was ar­ rested and placed in ja il in lieu o f a 525,000 bond. She is being held at Burke County Jail because Davie County does not have a facility to house female offenders. “W hyisa IVycaroldrunningacrock house? She has no prior crim inal record." “We want to know who set her up,” Wooten said. Police Looking At Possible Connection Between Arrest And Home Invasion Christina Chandler plays wilh a ball at her Advance home. She has numerous birth defects and has under­ gone multiple surgeries, and this week will meet some of her heros when she goes to Disney World with her family, courtesy of the Make A Wish Foundation. - Photo by Robin Fergusson A Special Girl Birth Defects Have Trouble Slowing Christina Chandler By Mike Barnhardt Davie Couniy Enteфrise Record ■ ADVANCE - Christina Chandler loves lo run and play just like any preschool age child. . • She loves lo fighl for toys - and attention - with her older sister, Jackic. She goes lo gymnastics, and to Developmental Preschool classes in Mocksville. She appears to be a nonnal and happy little girl. Yes, Christina is happy, but she's far from normal. She’s special... very spccial. Christina was born with multiple birth defects, and a brain condition called Opitz Syndrome, so rare that only 250 people have been diagnosed. Please See M a ke A W ish - Page 4 B y J a c k ic S eabolt Davic County Enterprise Rccord Davie County Sheriffs Department is investigating a home invasion that happened shortly after 12 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 20. There may be a connection between il and the arrest o f a teenager from Davie County charged wilh selling crack cocaine. Shortly after Erica Danielle Lyons was arrested Tuesday nighl three armed suspects entered the home o f 46 year old David Hart, Jr. al 412 Boxwood Church Road, jusl outside o f Cooi­ eemee. Hart’s two roommates, Marvin Jones and Barshae Young were at the home al the time o f the incident. According to Davie Couniy Deputy Tony Leflwich, “ Mr. Hart went outside and saw a black female standing at ihe bottom of his porch steps. He spoke to her and then a man in a mask ran onto the porch and grabbed Hart.” The sus­ pect grabbed Hart by the collar, threw him down, and pul a gun lo his head. W hile this was taking place, two other suspects in masks entered the home through the front door. "The guy who had Hart on the porch then look him inside and sat him on the couch. Hart asked what was going on, he was then hit in the head wilh a hand­ gun,” Lcftwich said. The two other suspects proceeded to Mr. Jones room, one was armed with a ‘ shotgun. They hit Jones on the left arm and on the left side o f his head wilh the shotgun. According to Leftwich, while one o f the suspects remained at Jones’ bedroom door the other continued through the house. One o f the victims reported overhearing one of the sus­ pects say, “We’re running out of time. We gotta get oul of here.” A fte r K arl and Jones heard the people leave they looked oul their win­ dow to make sure the suspects were gone. They then went to a nearby resi­ dence to call 911. According to Leftwich, “The third victim, Barshae Young, his bedroom was ransacked. The two other victims never saw him during the assault. Somehow he got to his girlfriend's house and she took him to the hospital (Rowan Regional). He was treated and released before the other two victims ever gol to the hospital.” Hart and Jones were intc'viewed at Rowan Regional Hospital that day. However, Yoiing cannot be located for an interview, and his girlfriend has not spoken to authorities either. According lo Leftwich, all Ihe vic­ tims were treated and released that day. Most had only superficial wounds, Please See Three - Page 7 CCB Opens New Mocksville Office CCB has opened a new 15,000 square foot building on Yadkinville and Valley roads in Mocksville. i The new building houses the main offices for Mocksville, wilh the Water ISlrcel location remaining open, i When Mocksville Savings merged iw ilh CCB, it left three branches in iM ocksville. The branches on:South - r - - ^------r i'---------------—----------------------------- Main Slieet and in the Squire Boone Plaza have been closed. The new bank, with entrances from both roads, boasts a large lobby wilh five teller witidows and acustomer ser­ vice deskr' ; Offices are located off the lobby and in a different part of the lower level. A — Pieaiie See CCB - Page? CCB has opened »8 hew Moctevllle oftica at Valley aiid Ya^|dnvllle roads, '• PtittiB tiy Hobfci'l T :2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 E d i t p r i a l P a ^ DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000-3 W o n d e r f u l C a r e , B u t D a v i e H o s p i t a l B a t t l e s D o u b t e r s In the middle o f supper, our table exploded. An unguided missile fell right on the salad bowl. Or maybe it was the green beans. It was like eating in Baghdad during the G ulf War. We have one o f those decorative shelves on the wall over the table. A glass pitcher managed to jum p o ff that night, and bedlam followed. A ll o f us jumped in surprise. Robert, 10, screamed once in shock and then again in pain. A tiny shard o f flying glass had hit his eye. The glass had broken right in front o f him. He was barefoot, so I had lo carry him away from Ihe broken glass. Then I had lo hold his arms lo keep him from rubbing his eyes. The baby had started wailing. Robert’s eye needed attention. There was nothing visible. W c flushed it repeatedly, but U demanded someone more professional than us to take a look. I packed him up and carted him lo Ihe emergency room. We live in Advance in that geographical profile o f people who by reflex always go lo Winston-Salem for medical treatment. I turned west instead and headed for Davie County Hospital. We parked within 50 feel o f the door. Tim e spent in the wailing room: less than five minutes. Tim e spent supplying medical and insurance informa­ tion: less than Five minutes. The physician looked all around the eye. He added a dye attempting to find something. He found nothing, but he gave ; us a prescription for eye drops lo help heal Ihe scratched eye. We drove a few blocks to Fosler-Rauch Drugs, filled it and went home. ■ The entire trip look 75 minutes. N o parking fees. Excel­ lent care and professional treatment. Had we gone to the big city hospitals, we m ight have waited for hours. ....... It has always batlfled me why Davie Hospital isn’t . flooded with patients. W hy the emergency room isn’t the first choice o f people who suffer m inor accidents. But the hospital’s troubles have fed on themselves. Fixing one problem has created more. Cutting back on the hours saves money, but it makes accident victim s worry that it won’t be open when they arrive. Despite m y long years o f fam iliarity w ith the hospital, 1 still had to battle a lack o f confidence as 1 left home that night w ith Robert. I called to make sure they were open. To make sure a physician was available. The emergency room closes at 10 p.m. now. We’ve written about the hours and published ads about the hours. And still I had to c a ll... to make sure. The service and care were outstanding — equal to any we could have found elsewhere. But the hospital — after years o f cutbacks and cost-cutting measures — has created a public doubt that it w ill be open. The hospital has been victim ized by economic perils, quarreling physicians and politicians. The furor has hidden the excellent care patients can receive there! We certainly did. — Dwight Sparks D A V IB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D ' (USPS149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIB.COUMTY PUBLII3HING CO. Dwight Sparks....Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson.. Mike Bamhardt........... RayTutterow.............. ..General Manager ...............................Managing Editor ...........i.............Advertising Manager Mocluvill« EnterpriM 1916-1958 Divl* Record 1899-1956 CooletmM Joumil 190M971 Periodlc«ls Postage Paid In Mocksvili<, NC 2702B Subscription Ratei • SInaie Copy, SO Centi $20 per year In North CarDUna $25 par year outiide Noi№ Ca^na POSTMASTER : ' ' SandaddraeachangMto: ; Divi* Counly EnlwpriM RKOid PO.Bl)iH»,MoctevlH,t<G 27026. r I n T h e M a i l C o p i n g W i t h G r i e f S u d d e n D e a th O f A L o v e d O n e S f ia k e s U p O u r L iv e s By M arc L . W illiam s Special to the Enterprise One o f the most difficult experiences in life is grieving over the death o f a loved one. Whether a friend, relative or spouse, the slow or sudden death o f someone close to us is always a jo lt to our lives and reminds us o f how fragile and precious life is. We can feel shaken lo our bones and unsure how to steady ourselves. After the funeral, there tends to be a let-down once all the condolences have been said and the flowers and food arc gone. The busyness o f making funeral arrangements and receiving visitors eventually gives way to a sense o f feeling sad, lonely and lost. We think about the deceased every day, seemingly all the time. It is difficult to concentrate at work, we cry in the evenings, and wonder about why our lives must now be changed forever because o f such an unwanted loss. Grieving begins to feel like what is commonly called depression: sadness and crying spells, loss o f appetite, fitful sleep w ith dreams o f the deceased, sometimes guilt or anger, a sense o f helplessness, and longing to talk to the deceased, to touch them, and say good-bye at least one more time. W hat you must understand is that such depressive feelings are normal under these circumstances. Do not feel that you have to "cheer up" because others might tire o f your sad face and tears. W ith time, Ihe sadness w ill become a little less frequent and a sense o f normalcy w ill begin to return, but do not expect this quickly. Six to twelve months, or longer, is a common period o f grieving over the death o f a very close loved one, such as a parent or spouse. What is most important in grieving is two things. First, do what yoii need to do each day, especially in the first days, weeks and months alter the funeral, to steady yourself on a : daily basis. Let other things go until there is time, and do not.: get drained by unimponant matters. Secondly, after months ;: have passed, it is time lo address your grief more directly, : since it w ill not go away complelely by itself. You can write in a journal, visit the cemetery, look at photograph albums, or write tellers to the deceased. Il is important 10 say what is in your heart, over and over again, until you feel better. You know your grieving is coming to a ' close when Ihc future interests you more than the past. You w ill not forget Ihe deceased, but life awaits you nevertheless.:; Williams, M.S., a licensetlprofessional counselor, praclicet ■_ ill Mocksville (492-5065) anil Salisbury. L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d I The Enteiprise Record welcomes letters from its readers. The:' letters may be on topics of local, state, national or intemalionalj: issues. An effort w ill be made to print all letters provided they arc not; libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to; edit letteis fro grammar and for space. ' i A ll letteis should includc the name and address ofthe w rite r,i including a signature. A telephone number, not lo be published,; i is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m.’; : Monday o f the week to be published. What Is Your New Year’s Resolution? M ercury u I V e LI p e IN YOUR OWN LANE DEC. 2 7 t h - D E C . 3 0 t h 4 D A Y S O N L Y ! FINANCINC AS LOW AS 0,9% APR!’ We have a huge selection of over 275 new and quality pre-owned cars, taicks, vans, and sport utilities to choose from. Selection has never been better. Every vehicle has been marked with the lowest possible price! Act Now! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! USED UR nWUICIIK tS LOW AS 5.9% AHtl* In addition, because we are in need of quality pre-owned vehicles, your trade-in will never be worth more. Additional appraisers will be on-site to give you maximum trade-in value. Please bring your title or payment book with you! A L L F I N A N C I N G W I L L B E P R O V I D E D T H R O U G H F O R D M O I O R C R E D IT C O R P O R A T I O N ! FORD MOTOR CREDIT CORPORATION REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE AVAILABLE! Jonathan Burch MocksvlUe "To do a lot better In schooL Get straight A’r.” JohnPfafr Mocksville “To try and do better in school, mal(e better grades.” IWy Archer Mocksville ^To save money, then spend iL” Taylor Randall ;>v MocksviUe : “To do really good in school^ijS C o m e E x p e r i e n c e I h e D i f f e r e n c e a t l l i e A H NEW F O R D M E R C U R Y MEW OWNERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Want Your Business • • • Let Us Earn Itl” IMiCUftY / Ucektvm H w y . 6 0 1 S o u t h o f 1 - 4 0 ( Y a d k l n v i l l e R c l . ) ft M o c k s v i l l e , N 0 , 1 - 8 7 7 - ? S 2 . 9 - 0 1 8 7’ ’ *W»)approv«tcrt<«.PIinu«.tntiJicenMsnddoc.lMLlnitrtslràlMandrM)«iHonse)ecty«hictciSM(M«kHord«UUt.PrtwHlMt3KUa4.stn№a9.iunÌNlML>73e '"V -r> f 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 Jackie Chandler (left) gets out all the toys to play with little sister Christina.■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Make A Wish Sending Family To Disney Woríd Continued From Page 1 Ray and Brenda Chandler began to realize (hat Christina had problems at age 5 months. They were changing her diaper, and she turned blue. She had quit breathing. Luckily. Ray is an EM T with the Advance Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment. and kept his little girl alive until the ambulance arrived. It turned out that one o f the birth defects was in the throat, and the food and drink Christina was taking was going to the lungs instead o f the stomach. Many times, she threw up. but the fluid that did leak into her lungs caused her to aspirate. Before age I, she had quit breathing twice. And that was just one o f her life threatening birth defccts. The other, pulmonary valvular stenosis, caused blood to back up into her heart instead o f going to her lungs. Not even age 5 yet, Christina has had five lung surgeries and a heart surgery. Another heart surgery Is planned for next month. Hope­ fully, that w ill be the last heart surgery she'll need as a child. When she's an adult, it w ill have to be repaired at least oncc more. Now, Christina takes eight medications daily, and has daily physical therapy and nursing care. Her mother graduated from nursing school ot Forsyth Tech this month, mostly to be officiolly qualified to core for Christina, but also to help bring some more money into the house. • The money issue Is one the Chandler’s have had to deal with sincc Christina’s birth. Ray works for U nifi, and although insurance pays for 80 percent o f the costs, the bills added up to more than his Christina Chandler shows her affection for her parents Ray and Brenda. salary, at times. And bccause o f how regulations work. Chandler has had to turn down promotions because he would make too much money to qualify for a government medical program. Taking the promotion would take even more money out o f the fam ily’s pocket. That part o f the situation is aggravating, but il really isn’t that important, they said. The most important thing is keeping Chris­ tina happy and healthy. This week, they’re going to Disney World, compliments o f Ihe Make A Wish Foundation. They're trying to raise money to go to Utah in the summer us a family, to a convention with Dr. John Opitz and other families with loved ones who suffer from the same defect. Christina reached a milestone recently when she weighed in at 30 pounds. She’s eating regular food at times, and has food added into a tube Into her stomach al nights. She’s on a m onitor at night because o f her difficulty breathing. There are a lot o f problems with Christina, but they don't seem to affect her attitude. Expect to sec her smite, and run around and play. It may make her brealhing labored, bul ihc smile makes It al! worthwhile. Therapist Lavonya Joyner plays with Christina al home. ш ^ т Christina Chandler will have a few surprise visitors when she goes to Disney World this week.Christina Chandler practices motor skills by kicking a ball. <^MiniglVN a ЗД МЦ ori, the cheek. ; ■ : A, D istrict C o u rt DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 - 51 ; ■ The follow ing eases were dis­ posed o f Dcc. 21. in Davie District Court with Judge L. Dale Gniham presiding. Prosecutors svcre Mary . Covington and Melanie Holton, as­ sistant DA3. - Mary neamer, misdemeanor lar- ccny. dismissed for insufficient evi­ dence. - Heather Nicole Bledsoe, prayer for judgment continued on condition she complete a GED program, fol­ low mental health recommendations and commit no criminal offenses for one year. Man Convicted Of Assaulting Jailer A man was sentenced to another 90 days in the Davie County Jail for assaulting n jailer. Michael Harding \v;is convicted o f assault on a government official Dcc. 21 In Davie D istrict Court after Darrell Burch o f the Davie County [Sheriff’s Department told Judge L. Dale Graham that the inmate had shoved him during a routine search o f the ja il Nov. 27. Inmates are asked to step out o f their cells, leaving personal property in the cell during the searcli. Hard­ ing had taken a bag containing his personal property Into the hallway with him. When Durch asked him to put the items hack. Harding shoved him into the cell, the officer ex­ plained. Harding told the judge lie didn't understand how the jailers could search his property outside his pres­ ence. “ When you’re in custody, you don't have much choice.” Graham told him. He was in ja il awaiting trial on a charge o f being intoxicated and dis­ ruptive. Two Plead Guilty To Failing To Pay State Taxes T^vo Davie resiilenis pled guilty Dcc. 21 to failure to nie and pay state income ta.x. Jarad Heplcr told Judge L. Dale (iraham that he had intended to pay his taxes, but it has k'cn a had year. Heplcr Is the t)inccr responsible for paying taxes for J&M Express Inc. He has failed to file or pay taxes for the fir^t three quarters o f this ye.Tr and has failed to pay taxes during the past three years. Based on Heplcr’s rec»)rds, the amount owed is $6. KX). according to a representative from the N.C. Departntcnt o f Revenue. Heplcr has failed lo rcNptmd tt)dc- lintjuent notices, phone calls and vis­ its frcnn the revenue department, he added. Graham sentenced Ilepler to-60 days in ja il hut suspended the sen­ tence I year, placing him on super­ vised probation during which he is lo pay back taxes, file and pay re­ quired state taxes and pay court costs. If he pays all money owed In less than a year, his probation w ill no longer Ik' supervised, said the judge. Angela Hendrix was granted a prayer ft)r judgment ciuitinued on payment o f court costs alter plead­ ing guilty to one count o f failure lo nieandpay incom ctax. Though the tax number was in her name. Hendrix's mother was actually owner o f the restaurant for which the taxes had not been paid. Hendrix Iw- lieved her mother had been taking care o f the accounting for the busi­ ness. according lo her attorney Lori Hamilton-DeW iti. A ll money <nved has been paid, she told the judge. In e.xchange lor her guilty plea, as- sisiani district attorney M elanie Holton dismissed seven additional charges o f failure to pay lax againsi Hendrix. - Larry Darnell Brown, assault on a female, sentenced to 10 days in jail suspended one year. $50 and cost, not to assault prosecuting witness. - Lutisa Denise Campbell, failure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Rocky Henson Cannon, open container in vehicle, sentenced to S10 and cost: littering, dismissed per plea. - Paul Edwin Carter, speeding 70 in a 55 reduccd to improper equip­ ment. sentenced to S10 and cost. - W illiam C. Cockcrham. under­ age driving after consuming, prayer forjudgment continued on cost; driv­ ing left o f center, dismissed per plea. - Bryant Patrick Cody, probation violation. lOdays; mlsdcmcanorpos- scssion marijuana, sentenced to 15 day.s suspended I year. SlOO and cost: possession drug paraphernalia, dismissed. - Jack Randall Elledgc, driving while license revoked, dismissed. - Mich.ael Bryan Freeman, com­ m unicating thre.'its, dismissed for failure o f prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. - Joshua G olliher Lackey, im - A Davie teen receiveil a prayer for judgment for his involvenjcnt in a brcak*in at the county youlh athletic complex on i*annington Road. Adam M ichael Johnson pled guilty lo breaking and entering and larceny. Charges o f contributing lo Ihe delinquency o f a minor and In­ jury to real property were dismissed by the district attorney in exchange for his plea. Ji»hnsun was one o f f(uir y<ujths responsible f(»r breaking into the ctimplex and concession stand from w hich S215 worth o f candy, gum and ilrinks were stolen, according lo as- sisiant district attorney M elanie Holton. Judge L. Dale Graham granted a prayer for juilgm cni continued on the ct)ndiiion Johnson pay his share o f Ihe $5*>.l restitution owed and court costs anil that he not assiKiate w ilh hisciKlefendants. Johnson has iliuie so well on the pretrial release program that those working u iih him recommended he receive a prayer for judgment, said his attorney Rob Raisbeck. Since Ihe incident. Johnson has done well in schiKil, written letters o f apology and has a job. Raislvck added. A woman chargcd w ith improper passing claimeit she had swer>ed into the luming lane in an attempt to avoid an accident when the car in fa^nl o f her stopivd to suddenly to make a turn. IVnny Vernser Quarles told Judge L. Dale Ciraham she doesn’t come to MiK'ksville often ami had gotten lost. She was following an unmarked po­ lice car while liHiking for a gas sta­ tion on U.S. 601. It Imikcd like the ofl'iccr was talking on a cellular phone before braking suddenly to make a turn. M (Kksville I\)lice Assistant Chief Wayne Sloneman said he was prepar­ ing to make a right turn into a park­ ing lot when a vehicle passed him in the turning lane. W hen he stopped the car, Sloneman .said he discovered the lag on the vehicle belonged on another. M o w i n g M a n B a c k I n C o u r t A man accused o f trespassing ar­ gued he had done nothing wrong in Davie District Court Dcc. 14. Jeff Jones told Judge L. Dale Gra­ ham that he had told his neighbor Darrell Lamb to stay o ff his property. A fter Latnb had come onto his land w ith u tractor to mow his field in Octobcr, Jones had posted no tres­ passing signs. He reported Lamb for trespassing in November. Lamb said he had never been told to'stay o ff Jones' property prior to the day he was charged with trespass­ ing. ; When he look his tractor onto his neighbor's property, he had only been trying to help Jones, who was at­ tem pting lo mow three and a half ^ .ncres with a push mower, Lamb said. Lamb said he had also spent four hours weed eating around Jones’ fenfe for which his neighbor had thanked him. On the day he Is accused o f tres­ passing. Lamb said he didn’t know he wasn’t to be on Jones' properly and had left as soon as he was told lo B«- Lamb said he would never go onto Jones' property again. The judge found Lamb guilty of second degree trespassing but granted him u prayer for judgment continued upon payment o f court cost. T\vo counts o f second degree tres­ passing against Lamb were dismissed Nov. 9 by Judge James M . Honeycutt. NOW OPEN! ERIE INSURANCE GROUP Home Dffice • Erie, PA 1B530 TRIANGLE INSURANCE GROUP G A R Y B O W D E I U • A G E I U T / M A ! \ I A G E R Auto • Homé • Business • Life We offer a full line of commercial products writh the most competitive rates in the industry. 806 North Main Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 Bus: (336) 936-0023 Fax; (336) 936-0027 Cell; (336) 650-4833 ■ Office Houre; Mon.-Fri. 9:00 am Io5;00 pm Sal. by appointment onlyi AFTER HOURS CU\IMS: 1-800-367-3743 proper passing, prayer forjudgm ent continued on cost; reckless driving to endanger, follow ing too closely, dismissed per plea. - Reginald Lyons, probation vio­ lation. five to six month sentence aclivntcd. - Kenneth Lee Nichols, driving while license revoked, sentenced lo 45 days in ja il suspended one year, no driving until licensed, SlOO and cost: inspection violation, cost: no liability insurance, expired registra­ tion. dismissed, correctcd. - Derrick U. Pettiford, resisting an officer, dismissed per waiver o f prob­ able cause. - Kevin Pettiford, probation vio­ lation. sentence modified to 120 days In prison and activated. - Joshua Ray Smith, probation violation. 30 day sentence activated. - Robert Edward Turner, driving while license revoked, sentenced to 45 days In ja il suspended 18 months, no driving until licensed, SlOO and cost: assault on a government o ffi­ cial reduced to resisting, obstructing and delaying an officer, sentenced to 30 days suspended 18 months and cost: DW L dismissed for Insufficient ' evidence; driving left o f ccnter, dis- i missed per plea. - James Derek V ltioc, reckless | driving to endanger reduced to un- safcmovcmcnt,sentencedtoSlOand ] cost. - Bennett P. W illiam son, speed­ ing 68 In a 45 reduced lo improper ] equipment, sentenced to $100 and | cost: driving while license revoked, ' correctcd. Failed To A ppear - Robert Dean Amos, assault on a female. - Jessie J.Charelte, driving while j license revoked. - Floyd J. Gore, five counts fail­ ure to file or pay Incomc tax. - Tina M ontgom ery P oplin, j simple assault. - Keith W illiam Propsl, driving ; while license revoked. -T odd Lee Propsl, driving while license revoked. - Anita D. Ramirez, worthless | check on closed account. - Tracy Lynn Spillm an W clch, | misdemeanor larceny. Teen Pleads Guilty To Larceny W o m a n C h a rg e d ; Im p ro p e r P a s s in g A n d N o R e g is tra tio n Quarles told him it belonged to a fam ily member. Quarles said she had depended on her sister to get registration for the car. but il had never been done. Four days after the stop, the motor burned up. Judge L. Dale Graham found Quarles guilty o f improper passing and no registration. He granted her a prayer for judgm ent continued on payment o f court cost. In that case Lamb was accused of mowing the grass on the property o f another neighbtir, Terry Falls. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 -9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Who would want over 100,000 school children visiting their office? Senator Jesse Helms visiting with North Carolina 4-H students W h e n f i r s t e le c t e d , S e n a t o r J e s s e H e lm s m a d e a c o m m it m e n t to tr y to v i s i t w it h e v e r y y o u n g p e r s o n a n d s c h o o l g r o u p t h a t c a m e b y h is S e n a t e o f f ic e . S in c e t h e n , S e n a to r H e lm s h a s v is ite d w ith o v e r 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 s c h o o l c h ild r e n fr o m a ll a c r o s s N o r th C a r o lin a . Jesse Helms believes our country's leaders have a responsibility to serve as role models for young people and to inspire them to learn how government works and become first-class citizens. Senator Helms's hope is that a visit with a U.S. Senator will help educate and inspire young people to become leaders in their own communities. Senator Jesse Helms with students from Wingate Elementary School, f\/lonroe, N.C. Call Jesse Call Senator Jesse Helms and tell him you agree that good role models. and educating young people about government are issues important to the future of North Carolina's children. (202)224-6342 I ’ lo u d ly s ( i( iiis i) i( '( l ,iiu l p .m l II N n ilh c .i i d Iid .i K’ i'iiu h lii .in I ’ .i l^ i l l С д ) Ь о у , e l i d i m i . I l l - - . i l 6-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 P u b l i c R e c o r d s Mocksville Police The follow ing incidcnls were re­ ported lo the M ocksvillc Policc De­ partment. - A pager was lost at W al-M ari.'il was reported Dec. 18. -A counterfeit$20 bill was found al BB&T, Gaiiher Strcet. il was re­ ported Dcc. 18. Arrests - Charles Thomas Poole Jr., 28, o f 742 Fairfield Road, was charged Dcc. IS w ilh possession w ith im eni lo mnnufacture, sell and deliver drugs. Trial dale; Jan. II. - Laura Poole, 30, o f 4234 U.S. 601 S., was cahrged Dcc. 18 w iih accessory aflcr the fact and filing a false police report. Trial dale: Jan. 11. « Jennifer Colleen Simmons. 18, o f 109 N orlhridgc C ourt, was chargcd Dcc. 20 with possscssion of crack cocaine and possession o f marijuana. Trial dale: Dcc. 4. Trofite Accidents • M arla W right K night. 43, o f 2163 U.S. 64 W , drove a 1995 Ford pickup from Water Street onlo Clem­ ent Slrcci at 8:55 a.m. Dcc. 20. hil­ ling a 1997 Chevrolet truck driven hy Kennon Alexander W hile. 50, o f 179 Wesiridge Road, Advancc, re­ ported O fficer R.A. Donalhon. ■ Four vehicles were In a wreck on Yadkinvillc Road at 11:35 a.m. Dec. 20. TcrcSQ Durham Johnson. 30, o f W oodleaf, to ld O ffic c r R .A. Donaihan thai she passed out, caus­ ing Ihe 2000 Ford she was driving to hit the rear o f a 1991 Geo driven by Christopher Lynn Simmons, 28; o f 839 Hardison St.. knocking il into ihc rear o f a 1993 Ponliac driven by Dor.* o\hy Calloway Holmes, 26, o f \J \ Wall S i„ Cooleemce. knocking It Into thcrcarofa 1991 Ford driven by Sile Smilh CulhrcII, 66, o f 148 Center Si.| Cooleemce. • ■ • Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed w ith Ihc D avlc Register o f Deeds. The transactions arc listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, lownship, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Kristie Greene Howell (os ex­ ecutor o f estate o f Thomas Clinton Bowles) and Kenneth Howell Jr., 1 acre. Calahaln. $112. - Vena Harris 10 JH Johnson Hold­ ings. 3 lots, M ocksvillc. - Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 8 lots. M ocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings, 2 lots, Mocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 1 tract, Mocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 2 tracls. Mocksvillc. - Vena Harris to JC Harris Hold­ ings. 1 tract. Mocksvillc. Arrests - Vena Harris to JH Johnson Hold­ ings. 4 lots, Mocksvillc. - Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 2 lots, M ocksvillc. * - Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 2 lots. Mocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris lo JH Johnson Holdings, 3 lois. M ocksvillc. - Vena Harris lo JH Johnson Hold­ ings. 7 lots. M ocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings. 1 tract. Mocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JH Johnson Holdings, 1.67 acres. Mocksvillc. • Vena Harris lo JH Johnson Hold­ ings. 2 lots. M ocksvillc. - Vena Harris lo JH Johnson Hold­ ings. 4 lots. M ocksvillc. • Vena Harris to JH Johnson Hold­ ings, 1 iraci, Mocksvillc. • Vena Harris to JC Harris Hold­ ings. 75 acrcs, Jerusalem. • Vena H. Harris lo JC Harris Holdings, 1.7 acrcs. M ocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris to JC Harris Holdings. 4 tracls. Mocksville. - Vena H. Harris to Harris Family Holdings. 2 lots. Mocksville. • Vena H. Harris lo Harris Family Holdings, 2 lots, Mocksvillc. • Vena H. Harris lo Harris Family Holdings, I lot. Mocksvillc. - Vena Harris lo JC Harris Hold­ ings. Itracis, M ocksvillc. • Vena Harris to JC Harris Hold­ ings. 1 tract. M ocksvillc. - Vena H. Harris lo Harris Family Holdings, 1 lot, Calahaln. • Vena H. Harris lo Harris Family Holdings. 2 lois. Mocksvillc. - Vena H. Harris to Harris Family Holdings, 127 acrcs, Jerusalem. - St. Andrews G o lf V illa s to Samuel P. Bogcr and Patricia A. Bo­ ger, I unit. Farmington. $550. - Ronnie W. Lambcih lo Joshua The Davlc Counly Sheriffs De­ partment made ihc follow ing arrests. - Slpllano Trejo, 22, o f 187 Joe Myers Road. Advancc was arrested Dec. 18 for DW I. driving after con­ suming. and driving with license re­ voked. Trial dale: Jan 19. -Steven DalcG untcr.53.of2328 Sandy Springs Road. Harmony was arrested Dec. 18forfailurclo appear. -Trial date: Jan. 11. - Frank Allen Darga. 25. o f Con­ cord was arrested Dm . 18 for non- support. Trial date: Jan. 15. - Ricky Carlo Durham. 32. o f 119 Eden Lane. M ocksvillc was arrested Dec. 18 for worthless chcck. Trial date: Dcc. 18. - Nujuana Riley Pebbles. 28. o f 287 Mason Drive. M ocksville was arrested Dec. 18 for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill infiicting serious injury. Trial dale: Jan. 4. -LisaTuIlosM arusak.40.of2328 Sandy Springs Road. Harmony was arrested Dcc. l,8forfailurcto appear. Trial dale: J a n .ll. - Jose Gomez Rodriguez. 26. o f 137 Red Oak Trail. M ocksville was arrested Dcc. 19 for no operators licenseand failure lo hum headlights. Trial date: Jan. 19. • Rogcllo Portillo Zapotitla, 19. o f 668 Pineville Road. M ocksvillc was arrested Dcc. 20 for assault on a female. Trial date: Dcc. 2 1. - Jeremy Frankin Harden. 17. o f 184 Fox Run Drive. M ocksvillc was arrested Dcc. 20 for failure lo appear for possession o f dmg paraphernalia. Trial dale: Jan. 9. Fires DavieCounty fire departments re­ sponded to the following calls: Dec. 18; Comalzcr-Dulin. 3:49 p.m.. Falcon Lane, grass fire. ■ Dec, 19: Center. 9:21a.m.. Davie Academy Road, fire alarm; Mocks­ ville assisted. Dec. 20: M ocksvillc. 11:35 a.m.. Yadkinvillc Road, automobile acci- denl;'Farmingtonlon assisted. Dec. 21: W illiam R. Davlc. 6:55 a.m.. Liberty Church Road ai Bear Creek Church Road, automobile ac­ cident. ^ B ib ie B a p t is t C h u r c h Sheriffs Department /ndrpendent • Fundomcnfal Paitor. Don Jone* * 336-778-8737 Sun(iavNi9ht-6«n ......... f-7:30pni 4lS0 Sry tn Ftrry Rtf. • CtMiimon«. NC The follow ing incidents were re­ ported lo the Davie Sheriffs Dept. - A report o f a state wanted person :was received Dcc. 18 from an un- known location. -L o s t property was reported Dec. : 18 from a home on Salisbury Road, ; Mocksville. ' - A report o f vandalism was re­ ceived Dec. 20 from a parking lol on U.S. 64 West. M ocksvillc. - Larceny was reported Dcc. 20 from a residence on Wetstone Drive, Mocksville. - A stereo, speakers, and an amp were reported stolen from a vehicle at a business on U.S. 158. Advance on Dcc. 21. Specials o£ the Week A s s o r te d N a b is c o S n a c k s each Limit 4 While Supplies Last O FF A l l Christmas Items Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8;30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Fufet-lbudi Dwg C». •. ,495 Valley Road « Mocksville « (336) 751-2141 - S. Lambeth. I tract. M ocksvillc. S250. - Woodle Herman Bogcr lo Bobby G. Cope. 2.5 lots. Jerusalem. $24. - H & V Construction to Pedro M crcclin o Pasion and A n g clita Rucda De Mareelino. 1 lot. M iKks- vilIc.S l76. - Oak Valley Associates Lim ited Partnership lo Franklin Brent Smilh and Gina M . Smith. I lot. Farming- lo n .$ ll3 . - Anthony P. Vohar and Jancl L. Vohar to W ilfrcdo T. Paniagua and Crcscncia R. Paniagua. 2 iracls, Jerusalem. $158. • B. Eugene Bcnnclt and W illie Bess Bcnncii. Delbert E. Bcnnclt and Martha H. Bcnnclt. Gamelle Nance. Frtd 0 . Ellis and Marie Ellis to Dou­ glas R. Ivcsicrand BarbaraC. Ivcster. 1 lot, Mocksvillc. 556. - LaRhonda Kctner Marshall Tay­ lor lo Kenneth E. Taylor. 5 acres. Fulton. • Jennifer W. Phillips and Huw R. Phillips lo Danny W. Paterick. I lol. M iKksville. $254. • W illiam C. Daniel and Eleanor C. Daniel lo John Grose and Candy Grose. 2 lots. MiK-ksvillc. $30. - Jerry F. Swicegood and Judy G. Swicegood. and T. Kyle Sw IccgixKl and Elizabeth S. Swicegood to Larry Dale Freidt and Pamela Denise Freidl. 21.61 acrcs. Calahaln. $217. - Robert E. Price Jr. as cotnmis- sloncr appointed by district court for heirs o f A lexander N ichols, to Ernesline Hoke. 2 acres. S3. • Piotr TruszkowskI and Iwona Truszkowski to W illiam Robert Fa*e- man. .64 acre. Jcrasalcm. $170. - W illiam R. Clement and Jcanic Clement and James E. Clement and Louise Ctemenl to Clyde E. Scoli II and Heather b. Scott, I acre, Cala­ haln. • Wanda H. M iller (half Intercsl) to Danny M iller, 10.19 acrcs. Fami- ingion. - Kenneth L. Foster and Gail F. Foster lo Bradley Todd Jones and Metanic Malcy Jones. I lot. SR5. • Rallón Eugene Lee and Laura, Smith Lee to Neal Htigene Lee. 2: tracts. Famiinglon. • Northbnx)k Carolina Hydro lo! Bobby K eith C om er and Rindy! Comer. 12.03 acrcs, $29. • Rudolph V. Naylor to Eric S.: Naylor and Nanellc M. Naylor, 5,986! square feet, M w ksvjllc. - Frances V. W illiam s lo M arilyn! W. Rcdfem, 1 tract, Jerusalem. - Sound Mountain lo Ronald H. McCuision and Gail W. McCuislon, .53 acre, Famiinglon, N O W O P E N ROWAN DRIVING SCHOOL - N 58-2 Court Square • Mocksville Telephone: 336-751-9993 1-866-260-0470 Oflico Hours: Sam-tlam, M-F r '•^‘Driver’s Mucatìoiì^fp For Sludenis Age 14 ^ : i -Ymìts and Olden : v ' I -Call Tor mòre ' !. . i".C irtlfledbyisiC D !^ Doris Lovell Noble O w n iT /Iiis ln ic lo r 20 Years E xp c rlo n cf N C D riv e r's I.icensc E xa m in e r in |)a vle C iiu n ly IV IA T C H P O IN T When putting out a campfire, drown the fire, stir it, and drown it again. REMEMBER, ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES. $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 REWARD FOR RETURN & CONVICTION OF WHOEVER STOLE THE FOLLOWING FROM MY RESIDENCE THE NIGHT OF DEC. 14"< 2000. R I F L E S ,30 Gal. Winchester M-1 Carbine * ,223 Gal, AR-15 Colt Carbine (Sliding Stock) 7mm Magnum Remington 700 w/scope (3-9) ,223Cal. RugerMini14 .30-06 1903 Ruger Springfield Bolt Action .35 Gal, Mariin Lever Action Carbine P I S T O L S .45 Gal, Colt Commander Chrome Finish, Dixie Flag ,45 Gal, Colt Commander Grey Finish 9mm iVlauser (Broomhandie) Pistol w/Stock .22 Gal. Ruger "Singia Six" Revolver ' .38 Gal. Smith Wesson Model 60 Stainless Steel Revolver .30 Gal. AMT Automag 44-40 Colt Frontier Six Shooter w/Hoister 4 Guage Flare Pistol with Gase/Hoister .221 Firebaii Remington XP-70 .357 Gai. Deberti Cattleman Revolver S H O T G U N S 20 Guage Remington 870 26'' Barrel Pump 12 Guage Winchester Mod. 59 Automatic ' 12 Guage Drum Fed Shotgun (Preban) ,■ BERT BAHNSON (336) 998-5482 or 998-3160 DAVIE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 1751^5547 m m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 - 7 The lobby at the new Mocksviile CCB is spacious, with room for live teiiers and a customer service representative. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Branch Manager Slayton Harpe works in his new office. CCB and town officials, community members and board members take part in the ribbon cutting ceremony. CCB Opens New Branch In Mocksville Luvada Howell and Charles Dunn talk in a lobby area. Continued From I’aRc I bt>ard and "cotnnum ily" rixmi. equipped for computer luH)kups for abtnil 35 people. Is also on lhat level. : The downstairs also houses safety dept»sit bo.\es. Upslalrs otriccs could be rented, and may l>e used for future expansion, Said Slayton Harpe. branch manager. ‘‘We’ve gol plenty o f nxim for expan­ sion and gm wih.” he said. • ! CCB opened ihls newest branch In early November, and had an open house last week. Assistant manager is .Susan Barnhardl. Charles Dunn is cily e.xecuilve. Luvada liowell is loan privessor. Held! Andrews and Cynlhia Dinkins handle customer sales and service, and John Bmggman is the In- vesiineni representative. There arc 14 employees at the bank. The new branch is open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, although drive up busi­ ness can he conducted until 6 p.m. every day. Harpe said. CCB also has branches in Ctxileemee and Hillsdale. J M o c k s v iile M a n is A r r e s t e d F o r D ru g P o s s e s s io n Derrick Ulandus Pelliford, 23. of 268 M illing Road. NUKksvllle was arrested Dcc. 16. He was charged with felony possession with intent lo manufacture, sell, and distribute со- cainc. feUmy possession o f cwaine, and felony possession o f marijiiaiia. Petilford WU4 arrested Saturday around 3:45 p.m. on U.S. 64 Wesl at the la'dell Counly Line. According to arrest reports 3 grams o f cw alnc .and 1.7 ounces o f n^atijuana wen: seized. ; P elliford was place in Davie Counly Jail in lieu o f a $25.0(X) bond. HIs'trial date is set for Dec. 21. Three Beat In Home invasion Continued From Puge 1 \ Cooleemce P olicc C h ie f Tim Woolen is considering a possible con­ nection between this incident and ihc arrest o f Lyons. “ We’re looking at all [»ssiblc angles to determine if there ^as Q connection. This may be .some M rt o f retaliation action." ~ According lo Lcftw ich. the only «nncction he sees between Lyons and the viclim s is that afier Lyons ^ n d was set she atlcmpled to call Hart lo make bail for her. Authorities w ill continue further investigation. “Maybe there’s a con­ nection. Maybe not.” said Wooten. ¡F a m ilie s P la n K w a n ia a E v e n t ;ÌT Iic Dakcr-M cm tl fam ily w ill iiolJ Ihcir annual Kwanzoa ciflebration on ^un()ay, Dcccmbcr 31 at liic Davie (iounly Public Libraiy al 3 p.m. Tlic symbol Гог Ihe sixtii day оГ Kwaiiiuia |s К и и М В Л (crealivity). ;y Kuumba means Ip do alw ay; a.« Inuch as we can, in Ihc way wc can, ill Older lo leave our cominunily mote tKaujiful and bcneilcial Ilian we in- ticrilcd il. The communily is invited to Join us ili this celebration. Should ^ u have any questions, please con­ tic i A v ii Anderson (751-3651) or P rillila ^llia m s(7 3 !-l6 5 5 )V . , / Asst,Manager Susan Bamhardt shows safety deposit boxes. W A d M piBCB Of CPMB. e u ir w a vГНАШВР u p F4>R So our speech therapists, physical therapists, end nurses went to work on Shelia, And soon her words came back. And then movement in her arms and legs, Atid along with oii that, her spirit, . ,■ ■■ Meanwhile, our occupational thei;apists had been retraining her in the skills she would need when she. That's becouse here, in this state-of-the returned to work os a cake decorator at Food Lion, . art inpotient facility, specialists from, ^ : And soon those skills returned, too, ■‘ many different areas combine their ; ■ '■ RCW AN REG IO NAL To prove it, Shelia baked us a cake and knowledge to literaiiy put shattered lives put oil our nomes on it. It was the sweetest » . When Shelia Josey first oppeared at our. . Elizabeth C. Stanback Rehabilitation Unit, she' wasn't just _!a patient. She was a project. She couldn't walk. She couldn't use her arms and hands. She hod difficulty talking, . But one thing Sheila had going for her: She had - come to the right place. , , back together again.www.rowan.ofg 61Э M ockivillc Avenue, Salisbury • 704-310-530S '.I 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 H a p p y B i r t h d a y P a d d i n g t o n w illiam R . D a v ie S c h o o l K id s C e le b r a te ^ By Jackie SeaboU j Davie County Enterprise Rccord » i On Thursday. Dcc. 14, students In \ Mrs. W hite’s fourth grade class at I W illiam R. Davie Elementary School ; celcbralcd Paddington Dear’s birth­ day. ‘Л/г. and Mrs. Brown firs t met : Pmldhif^ion on a railway platform. In fact, that was how he came to have ' such an unusual name fo r a bear, fo r : ■ Paddington »va j the name o f the sia- .■ tion.' These arc the opening words o f Л ^ Bear Called Paddington, which was the very first book w ritten by ■; Michacl Bond In 1958. The story goes on lo te ll how V; Paddington arrived in England from ‘ Darkest Peru after stowing away In a ship’s life boat. He had been sent out into the world by his Aunt Lucy who'had gone to live In the Ноше ; for Retired Bears In Lima. Since then there have been 10 fur- One of the birthday cards for Paddington made by a student. iher novels, two collections o f short stories, and dozens of picture books. board books, novelty and activity books. Ntrs. W hite’s 28 students opted to celebrate the lovable bear's birthday Instead o f a traditional holiday party. Their party followed a complete Paddington theme. There was a bear birthday cake served with vanilla Ice cream and crackers with marmalade • Paddington's favorite food. A game o f Bear Dingo was played, and win* ncrs had to shout out marmalade in­ stead o f bingo. Students also submitted papers they had w ritten on the topic o f whether or not the Drown fam ily should keep Paddington or send him back home. AHer carcfuI tallying o f the papers the m ajority ruled that Paddington should stay with his fam- ily. To end the festivities the students settled down and watched a video. W hat else but a Paddington Bear movie, o f course. A birthday cake with a picture ol Paddington provided refreshements for tho students. ■m m * — Mrs. White’s sister, Ann Appel sen/es Nancy Alexander. Kaley Keaton, Brandi C ockerh^, This giant banner was made by the students as part of the Padding Boar Birthday celebration. I and Hannah Reavis party refreshments. Students played Paddington Bingo in celebration of Ihe cuddly bear’s birthday at William R. Davie.- Photos by Robin Fergusson C H R Y S L E R * D O D G E • J E E P » C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E » J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E 2 0 0 0 J E E P C h e ro k e e S p o r t 4 D r. *1 8 ,9 8 8 0 . 9 % A P R rOR eo MONTH« 2 0 0 0 D o d g e D u ra n g o <2 4 , 5 8 8 0 . 9 оГ а Р НFOR 60 MONTHS 4.06 cyl., automatic, po 2 0 0 0 J e e p G ra n d C h e ro k e e L a r e d o ^2 3 ,9 8 8 .. 0 . 9 % A P RFOR 60 MONTHS 2000 Chrysler Voyager M 5 ,4 8 8 I lock«, ktylasaanlry, aun icrMnslaM, AM/FM can., I titt. CfulM, aport lira 6 whaal pkp. 5.9 V*8,7 passenger sealing front & rear air, power windows, power door locks, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cassette, tire ft wheel pkg., roof rack. 6 ccyl., auto, PW. POL, liil cruise, AM/FM cass, sunscreen glass, roof rack, alum, wheels, power mirrors I 4 dr., aulo. A/C. AM/FM cass., tinted glass, 7 1 ] pass., seating rool rack, delay wipers, easy i ' out roller seals, under seat storage draw Ш ® Ш ® о о о © ® 3 K Ì 7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 i ; e e e ^ 9 . 3 7 8 i C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E D a v i e P ^ o l e L e g e n d s S a l o n & D a y S p a G R A N D O P E N IN G DAV1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 - 9| Cynthia H. Hanes Roggio Bowman Ronco Hayos Ujtug« Tt««ra(Ml FonrtM Putform Art>tt, Coior Cc*» Specutil & (Ы DMigrt«« NEW YEAR'S SPA PACKAGE Includos: 1/2 hour Mossago, Doslgnor Haircut, Doop Conditioning and Styling, Paraffin Thoropy for Dry Hands & ^ , ¿ "V J A C StOGiltCortificatow/Purchaso U l l l y v f 4 B 9 v C4LL FOR OWER PACKAGBPRtCeS (Gomih'ouoh 1-iSOH 1300 Y adkinville Rd., M ocksville, NC • (336) 751-6122 Wùlk‘fns Wo/como • Massage Therapy by Appointmont Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversary Coupie Wed 50 Years Celebrates James and Tc.xola Tucker celcbratcd their 5()lh wedding anniversary on D iv. 16 wilh a recepiion at Ihe Davie Couniy Public Library, hoMcd by the cnuplo’s three children: Peggy and U rry Presnell and family. Clay and Elaine Tucker and family, and Gale and Henry Jones and family. Tlie couple has .si.\ grandchildren and five great*grandchildrcn. They were married on Dcc. 24.1950 al Liberty BapliM Church.Frcd and Detty Gentle of Mocksville celebrated their 50ih wedding anniver­ sary Dcc. 23 wilh a reception at the Davie Couniy Public Librajy in Mocksvillc. The hosts were the couple's children and their spouses: Elaine and David James, Jimmy and Melinda Oentlc and Lynn Gentle. Tliey have four grandchildren. Aubrey and Kayla James. Adrian Gentle and Denise Porter, and one grcai-grandchlld, Austin Genlle. M r. Gentle is retired from McLean Trucking Company. Mrs. Gentle is a homemaker. Tlwy were married Dec. 23,1950 al the Firsl Baplisi Church in Yadkinville. New Arrivals DUTY Shannon and Jean Duly announce the binh of their flrsi child, a daughter, Taylor McKcn/-ic. Dcc. 12 at Davis llospilal. She Is the first grandchild and great-grandchild on hoih sides of the family. Maternal grandparents arc Jim and Teresa Smoot, and grcat-graiidparents areJC.andLucillcSmool.allofMocks- villc. Paternal grondparcnts are Jeanette and Dennis King o f Cooleemee and RogerDutyofZebulon. Great-gmnd- parents are Bobbie Cranford of Cool- ccmee and Virginia Duly o f Asheboro. ALLEN Evcreil and Lisa Allen o f Apex announce the binh o f their daughter. Caitlin Marie, on Dcc. 13, 2000 at Wake Mcdical Cenler. She weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz, and was 21 1/2 Inches long. Paternal grandparents arc Elmer • Allen and the laic Nancy Allen o f Mocksvillc. ' Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Omcr King o f Cary. •Hepowerof U' 1(800) 41 l-UWAV hitp://w-vs’w.uniicdway.org J u n e W e d d in g I s P l a n n e d Han'cy Ray and JoAnnTultle o f Clemmons announce the en­ gagement o f their daughter, Sally M ichelle Tuttle, lo Jimmy Eu­ gene M ize Jr., the son o f Jimmy and Patricia Mize o f W inslon- Salem. Tlic bride-elect graduated from West Forsyth High School and received an associate's degree in arts from Forsyth Technical Community College. She is a teller services supervisor w ith the .. State Employees’ Credit Union in Clemmons. Her fijince graduated from North Davidson Senior High School. He is the owner o f Mize Construction. ■V' The couple plan to wed June 30,2001, at Pinedale Christian ;-:^hurch in Winston-Salem. Luigi's Pizza Italian Restaurant 185 North Salisbury St. • Mocksville, NC 1t:00dm-10:00pmM>Sat.; l1:00am>9:00pmSun. I (336) 751-0358 EAT iN or TAKE OUT W h a t Y o u 'v e B e e n W a ilin g F o r ! & V isit D IR E C T V .c o m for m ore Local C h an n el in fo rm atio n . Availoble by subxriplion* with the DIRECTV PLUS’" System. ® CBSO Ш №C • Access fo more Ihon 225 popular channels • Access fo 32 premium movie channels — 7 HBO*, 4 STARZI*, 5 SHOWTIME. channels and more -a • Access to eveiy major pro and college sporls subscription o i r e c t v . CONVERSION KITS IN STOCK as low as $79.95 THE PHONE PLACE Mon Frl. Sam-Spm ____Ul DrpalSlittlSal.9ain.lpni 3 3 < » - 7 S l - 2 6 2 < i ModurWr, NC r s il S P E C I A L P R O M O T IO N S (S a la c t S ty la a W h ila S u p p lia s L a a t) W IN S T O N /S A L E IM /C A M E L 1 2 P a c k s $ 1 9 . 8 9 • D O R A L C o lle c t o r T in $ 1 4 . 8 9 r ilh : A R K A S O R ia iN A I. I.O W Г И 1 С И T O IIA C C O O im . K T S r iiC I A I . I / . I N G IN H O M K T O W N . i-r i i:n i)i . r s iiK V K i i i ШНЕЕШССО 314 Sanford Ave. Mocksville ■ 751-1284 Ite I * » i - J ' KlSIDIM IAl ( ЛК1 1 / Meet JB Wilson. The New Davie Place would like to lecognize JB Wilson Is our resident ot the weel<. JB has made his home here at. Davie Place since March of 1996. JB loves everything about Davie Place, the staff and residents, He recently celebrated his birthday, Sun December 17th. Everyone iilces JB and enjoys him as their friend. He Is always pleasant and always has a smile JB welcomes ail of his friends and family to come see him at his home Dcvle Place. ïxped Ih bal Shelia Sammons.' Director If you or some you know would like to apply,to live W ith us at ttie new Davie PlqcQ call 336-751-2175 and ask for Ron DOdson. \ Medicaid & Privately Funded . ■ , - :' ', 337 Hospital Street • Mocksville ' ' . N io - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 tommy Guy and Archie Guy, Davis Regional employees, wilh tne ultrasound and furniture donated to the Storehouse for Jesus. Davis Donates Equipment to Storeiiouse For Jesus I Davis Regional Mcdical Ccntcrin Stutcsvillc rcccntly donated an ab* dbniinal ultrasound and medical fur- niturc 10 The Storehouse for Jesus in M tKksvillc. < The Storehouse li>calcs and refur* bjshes out-of-use mcdical equipment and placcs It in areas where there is a! need. The abdominal ultrasound donated by Davis w ill be scnl to South America to assist medical mis­ sionaries in the diagnosis und treat* mem o f abdominal abnormalities. Dr. Frank Tolbert and his wife, Sharon, volunteers in the Storehouse, were instrumental in bringing this need lo the attention o f Davis orfi* clals. New Jerusaiem Apostoiic Cliurch Installs Pastor On Sunday. Dec. 17. at 3 .m., Pastor Ncttye Ijames Bar­ ber was installed as pastor o f New Jerusalem Apos­ tolic Church on 291 Campbell Road in iNtocksville. • B a rb e r New Jemsalem was previously led by Pastor Barber’s brother, the late Bishop Robert E. Ijames. ‘ Tlie installation was performed by presiding bishop of the Apostolic .-\s- semblies o f Christ. Bishop Paul Jones Jr. of Pontiac, Mich. Priortohcr installation service. Bar­ ber ser>'cd as interim pastor o f New Jerusalem, was pastor o f Keys of Faith Ministries in Hickory for five years and had been a member of New Jerusalem for 18 years. She attended Davie County Schools. Vintage Bible College, and is a gradu­ ate o f Barbizon Beauty College in W in­ ston-Salem. She is the daughter o f the late Elder John C. Ijames and Katherine Gregory Ijames. Holiday TiasHPtek- U p S G t a e d u le lilchliig u p ______________ RecycUbl« Mattrlilf. # (PiMM dttlgrwtt thtM У arweyetlngt We win be on our rejgular schedule for Newiyears. 131 Industrial Blvd., MocksvlllCi NC * 751-1585 December Bargain of the Month 7пиЩ /а£и&. Halp b Just Around Th* Contar. % “1 A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No C reek P rim itiv e B a p tis t Church, No Crack Church Road, MocksvlllB. Second & fourth Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saiurday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Pastor, Elder Eugene Bennett. Eagle Heights Church, 10 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Povrartlme, 7 p.m. Thursday Bible study. Casual dress, conlemporaiy music & worship. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale. M ocksvllie W esleyan Church: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Wednes­ day Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United M ethodist Church; 2030 U.S. 601 N.. Wor­ ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10:45. Pastor, Rev. Luther Crady Jr. Center United M ethodist Church: U.S. 54 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. W orship, 11. Pastor Bill Wombaugh. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carta Prevette, 492-5735 & Tammy Barron, 284-4769. E lb a vltle U n ite d M e th o d ist Church; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Wds For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth lor Christ (ages 10-12), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-1:30 p.m. Teens lor Christ meet every Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, Wed., 7 p.m. Disciple 111 Bible Study, Thurs., 7 p.m. Located In Advance. Pastor Rev. Jack Wallace. Cooieemee Church of God: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Ser- vfce, 10:45 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meet­ ing. 7 p.m. Wed. Family Training Hour, 7 p.m. For Into a t ^ t trans­ portation, call Brother Dale Breldinger at 284-2180. C o m a tze r U nited M e th o d ist Church: 1244 Comatzer Rd. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30. Rev. Harold Zmmemian, pastor. Bethel United M ethodist Church: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:S0a.m. Dr. S.B. Wamer, pastor. A dva nce U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. David Childers. Located In down­ town Advance. Farm ington United M ethodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Familngton Rd. 998-3769. Rev. Dianne Marsden. O ak G rove U nited M ethodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocks­ ville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. C o n co rd U n ite d M e th o d ist Church, Cheny Hill Rd., Mocks­ ville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Rev. Phillip Pari<s. H a rd iso n U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sun­ day School, 10:45 a.m. Wonderful Wednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Episcopal Church o( the Good Shepherd, Church St., Cooieemee. Worship; 9:30 a.m. Children's Sun­ day School; 10:45 a.m. C om m unity Baptist Church; Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Sunday Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. Evening seretee, 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. H ills d a le U n ite d M e th o d ist Church: Sunday Sendees, 10:30 a.m. Church fornextg6neration;Jr. High, Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Senior High, Wed., 7-8 p.m. Supper/Mu- sto, 6:30-7 p.m. Small group, Mon., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. Basketball, Tues., Smith Grove Gym, 8-9:30 p.m. W esley Chapel United Methodist Church: Worship Senrfce; 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Dianne Marsden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal Power o l Praise M in­ istry, Northviood Apartments 704, Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship; 11. Sunday evening; 5. Tuesday Prayers. Bible Study, 7:30-9. Friday Senrice: 7:30 p.m. Pastor Valerie Mayfield Poag. 704-636-0409. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church; Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worshlp;11 a.m.Ev8nlng:6:30p.m. WednesdayprayermeetlngS Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. H oly C ross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School:9:15 a.m. Pas­ to r Rev. Glynn Bell. 751-7256. Web Address; http;// www.mindspring.com/^olycross/ M ocksville F irst Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sundayevenlng:Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paston Neal Carter. (336) 751 - 2507. M ocksUnlted M ethodist Church, N.C. 801 S., Advance. Rev. Bnice Gwyn. Sunday worship; 8:45 4 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sm ith Grove M ethodist Church; Prayermeeting.Saturdaymomlngs, 9 a.m. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Fel­ lowship Meal, 6 p.m. Groups for all ages, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alder­ man, 940-6618. 4815 U.S. 158. Faith and Victory Fam ily W or­ ship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Servtaes, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers P.P. Church. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m. WednesdaynlghlBlble study, 5 p.m. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. P astor D errick Mock. Women's Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty United M ethodist Church. U.S.601 S.Woг8hlp:9:45a.m.Sun- daySchool; 11 a.m. First United M ethodist Church of M ocksvllie. Eariy Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary fomiat. Traditional service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 338-751-2503. Believer's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7 p.m. Pastor Jerry L Couch, 998-3748. Cana R d.-P otter's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m., Worship, 11 a.m.; Night Service, 6 p.m. Paston Rev. Joe Smith. B ethlehem U nited M eth odist Church: Sundayeariy worship, 8:45 a.m.| Sunday School, 10 a.m. Wor­ ship. 11 a.m. 321 Redland Rd., Ad­ vance. 336-998-5083. Fax; 940- 5502. E-Mail; bethumceaol.com. Episcopal Church o l the Ascen­ sion, Fork-Blxby Rd., Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story M inistry lo r children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. Services at the Oaks. /Vpt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T.R. Rk;e. Clement Grove Church o l God, Wednesday prayer servtee, 7 p.m. Saturday Sabbath School. 10 a.m. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters., 998-3022. Liberty W esleyan Church, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Hamiony, Sunday School 10 a.m., Mom. Worship 11 a.m., Wed. Bible /\dventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. Call 492-2963. BlxbyPresbyterlanChurch, 1806 Foik-BlxbyRd.,neatComatzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Rev. Carol Anne Jack­ son, 998-6813. Dulln United M ethodist Church, 897Dulin Rd., Mocksville, 998-6171, Pastor; Bob M cLawhorn. Sun School 10:45 a.m., Worship 9:45 a.m. Preschool/Parents' Morning Out, Bethlehem U nited M elhodlsl Church. Age 2, Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m. ■ noon. Ages 3-4, Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9 a.m. - noon. Readiness, Mon. -thurs., 9 a.m. - noon. Call 998-6820 (or info. Cooieem ee United Methodist', Kids Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For info call 951-0411. In Homa Bible Studies, offered by Randy Howell. Leam the truth aboul the rapture, other sub|ects avail. Call 284-4667. Bear Creek Bapt., Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 10 a.m.. Worship 11a.m., BlblsStudyW ed.7pm ., Team Kids Wed. 6:30 p.m., Cecil Wetheriiolt - Interim Pastor Cooieemee First Bapt., 204 Mar; ginal St., Sun. Bible Study 10a.m., Mom. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Wor; shlp7p.m.,ToamKkfs6pm.grades 1 -6, Wed. night 7 p.m. Interim Pas­ tor Or. Wayne Sterting. M ocksville Second Presbytertan, 400 Pine St. Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School, 9:30 a.m. Rev. Roxana MebaneAtwood.751-1410 SL Francis of AsslssI, RC. losses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fri­ day, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m. Bible Study, Sunday 6 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2873. Farmington BaptlstChurch, 1835 Fannlngton Road. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship 11a.m. Sunday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. Tomberiin III. 998-3826 or e-mail: pastoijoetOyahoo.com. Blaise Baptist Church, U.S. 601 North across frcm Horn's Tmck Stop, Mocksville. 751-3639. Wor­ ship & Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday evening. 7. Wednesday senrice, 7 p.m. Pastor Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. De­ pot S I. Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Moming worship; 11 a.m. Pastor Rev. DonakJ Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton United M ethodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Wor­ ship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 pm . Pastor Rev. Jack Wallace. H eaven B o u n d F u ll G ospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (be­ side Center Rre Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Sun­ day night praise & worship, 6. Wednesday night praise & vmrship, 7. Paslor, James Ward. 998-6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main SL. Mocksville. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Seivk;e, Noon. Fork BapUst Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45, WorshipsenAM, 11 a.m.,6:30 p.m. Wednesdays,7p.m. 998-8306. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 650 N. Trad! St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R Æ-^ N S 2S49 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 601 S. Cooleemaa, NC 27014 336-284-2551 PUT THIS SPACE TOVVORKFORYOU CALL 751-2120 FOR DETAILS E v e ly n H a y n e s luint-lllt 0Mcc|UI|ni-3S]l REALI |И ш | ñ DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 SHlFFIELO LUMBER ft PALLET GO. Д М Ш И И Р Ш tes TUrkty Foot Road Mockivllli, NC 27028 336-492-5565 C R A IG C A R TE R B U ILD E R , IN C . 110 Hwy. 601 8. Suits 1 Advtnc«. NC 27006 336-940-2341 t^elQ»ih:,CnmHom,ifHMr30rnn Oij|A.CmfttuJea»MyiaCCKttf.VtoPrtt J. P. GREEN MILUNGCO., INC. Makers ol DAISY FLOUR We Custom Bltnd Depot St., Mockivllle, NC 336-751-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tradition o f Caring.... 32S North Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 ■336-7SI-2I48 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocktvlll*, NC 27028 336-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek street Mock»vlll*,NC2702S 336-751-2167 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mockivlll*, NC 27028 33fr-998-3350 H a v w o r t h-Mille r. FUNER.AL H o m e. In c . KINDER.TON CHAPEL N O W O P E N b c iliil on Hwy I SI beiWeen Clemmoni &,Adviace 336-940-SS9j к III-940-ISI1 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY , Jtrloho Road Mooktvlll«, N0 2702$ 33в^81-б148 F U L L m m is iir Prtclsion User Cutting and MtUlFabríutk>n , 8SS Salisbury Road. .Mocksville, NC 27028 . 336-751-3712 O b i t u a r i e s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 - II Mollic W. Binkley ;; Mrs. M ollie Whitaker Binkley, 87, of US M W.. Mocksvillc, died early Tuesday moming, Dec. 19, 2000 In Autumn Care o f Mocksville. « I Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tliursday. Dec. 21 In Liberty Baptist Church with Revs. Miuvin Blackburn oiidAlbertBmckcnofriciating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Î Memorials: American Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawthorne Road. Winston-Salfim,271D3ortoUicBuild- mg Fund o f Liberty Baptist Church, Libeny Church Road. Mocksvillc. ■ .Mrs. Binkley was bom In Davie County, Nïay 12, 1913 lo the late thom us and Zennie Beck Whitaker and was a retircd fumiturc factory Worker. She was a long*llmc member o f Liberty Baptist Church, was on. dvid gardener and enjoyed traveling. ■ She was preceded in death by her husband. Howard N. Binkley, in 1973.ondbya daughtcr.JanctW hitakerllallinl9% . ; Surviving: a daughter. Carolyn Binkley of Mocksville; a grandson; 2 granddaughters; 5 grcat-grandchil- drcn; a sister. Lila Adams o f Mocks* vijle; several sisters-in-law, brothers- in-law; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Hazel M. Gobble Mrs. Hazel M. Gobble,93,or Ad- vaiiccdicd\Vcdiic.5day,Dec.20,2000 al Elms atTanglcwood Clemmons. Mrs. Gobble was bora June 13. 1907 in Rowan Coumy to the lale G.B. McDanlcI and the late Ivy Comatzer McDaniel. Slie is survived by her husband of 69 years Han'cy Gabble. Mrs. Gobble .spent ber life os a homemaker. She was a member of the Episcopal Church o f Ascension in the Fork community. In addition to tier htisband, Mrs. Gobble is survived by a son Jeny Gobble und his wife Sylvia of Over­ land Park, Kan.: a grandson; and a brother, Bobby McDaniel o f Mocks­ ville. The funeral service was conducted on Salunlay, Dec. 23 at the Episcopal Church o f Ascension with the Rev. Kennit Dailey olliciating. Duriai fol­ lowed in the church cemctcry. Donations; Alzheimer's Associa- lionSoulhemPiedmontChapler.3420 Shamrock Drive, Chorlotlc, 2821S or the Episcopal Church of A.scension lluilding Fund, 183 Fork-Ilixby Ro.id. Advancc. Emma Hall Miss Emma Hall, 64,of Davic Place in Mocksville, died Dcc. 18, 2000 in Forsyth Mcdical Center. She was a native o f Davic County, daughtcrof the late John and Savannah Hall. She is survived by: 5 sisters. Eliza­ beth (Cleveland) Uowe o f Brooklyn. N Y . M ildred (W illia m ) Kemp, Josephine (Bishop James) Ijames, oiid Ola Mac Ijames, all of Mocksvillc. and Dorothy (Jerry) Graham o f Winston- Salem; 3 brothers, James Henry Hall of HighlPoim.JohnllallofBoston.Mass.. and W illiam Hall of Kemcrsville; and a companion, Melvin Whitlock. Funeral services werc held Satur­ day, Dec. 23 at 3:30 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home. Bishop James Ijames ofllciatcd and burial fol­ lowed in Rose Cemetery. Happy 25 th Anniverary December 20,2000 O ranEiaG ot R u n O v e r B y A R e in d e e r Because you never know when you'll need Immediate care it's good to know that the Urgent Care Center at Davie County Hospital is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No appointment necessary. Most Insurance plans accepted. D A V IE C O U N T Y H O S P IT A L & U R G E N T CARE CENTER 223 H ospital S treet M ocksville -751-8100 The Urgent Cate Center Is part o f Davie County Hospital's services that Include full outpatient surgery, laboratory and diagnostics,x-ray, pain clinic, gastroenterology,occupational health, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and the Com m unity Alternatives Program (CAP). Fence Jumping Cows Damage Tobacco Patch 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ L E X I N G T O N G U N A N D K N I F E S H O W ^ ★ I January 6-7,2001 ^ J ★ / Sat. 9-5 • Sun. 10-4 I ★ / I.ocalcd Itiis 85 nnd Ilw y 64 E. (hchind W ufllc House) I Adul(s $5.00 • U nder 1 2 1'rcc «'/ iid u ll I rROrEB-CArERWORK Hr.QLI|RF.D FOR AIL TR,\NS,\CT10NS By Jeanne G aither Davlc Coumy Enlcrprise Rccord The judge found a man guilty o f allowing livestock to run at large fol­ lowing testimony In Davic District C ounD cc.7. Harold Latham's cows getting out o f the pasture that adjoins her tobacco patch have been an ongoing problem for Margaret Bracken. The cows go through the fcnce and over it. Brackcn testified. She presented a picture o f a cow going over Ihc fence. A fter they reported him to the sheriff’s department, Latham added an extra strand o f wire In Ihc area the ' cows usually pass through, she said. Bracken told the Judge she knows o f no other effort by Latham to keep his cows o ff her property. Though she had no estimate o f damages, Brackcn added that her S ta m p P r ic e s A re G o in g U p J a n u a r y ? The price o f mailing a First-Class M ail letter w ill incrcosc a penny on Jan. 7. 2001, from 33 to 34 ccnts • about 15cenuamonlh for the average ' household. "And while we’re talWng cenis," says M ocksville Postmaster. Joan Holyfield, "it makes good cents for customers to purchase 34-cent stamps or I-ccnt stamps before (he new rate takes effect." "When you’re dropping o ff those holiday cards and packages al the post ofTicc, pickup some new rate stamps," said HolyHeld. One-cent stamps are always available and can also be pur« chascd through lobby vending ma­ chines in packets of 50 stamps. New' rale 34-cent stamps were available nationwide Dcc. 15 in three stamp designs: Statue o f Liberty, and Flow­ ers stamps (both sold In books o f 20 and coils o f 100) and the Fann Flag stamp (sold in a pane o f 20 self-adhe­ sives). Vending machines w ill also stock the new 34-cent stamps. For customers who prefer the con­ venience o f letting their fingers do the shopping, the 34-cent stamps as well as the one-ccnt Kestnsl stamp can be ordered on the internet through the Postal Store at www.usps.com, through Stamps By Phone at 1-800-STAMP24. or by calling a local post officc for a Stamps By M ail order form. ’ Attached is a summary o f postage rote and special service fee changes to takeeiiectonJan.7. Additional infor­ mation Is also available at the Postal Service Web site, www.usps.com. N EW POSTAL RATES Here is a sampling o f the new rales. • First class leiters, first ounce 34 cents, up 1 cent; each additional ounce. 21 cents, down 1 cent. • Post cards, 20 cents, unchange(J. • Priority mall, establishes a new rale of S3.50 for up lo one pound and $3.95for2pounds. Oldmtessiaitedal S3.20foruplo2pounds. ’ •Expressmail.uptoone-halfpound .S12.25, up 50 cents; one-half pound to 2 pounds. S16, up 25 cents. . •IniemationalairmailloCanodaand Mexico, 60 cents for the first ounce. Old rate was 48 cents to Canada and 40' cents to Mexico for the first half-ounce; 55 cents io Canada and 46 ccnts to Mexico for up to one ounce. •International airmail tooiliercoun- tries, 80 cents for the first ounce; old rate was 60 cenis for first half-ounce and $ 1 for up to one ounce. ; • International post carils; Canada and Mexico. 50 cents, was 45 cents to Mexico; other countries, 70 cents, up 15 cents. •Certified mail. $ 1.90, up 50 ccnts. • Dome.silc money order, 75 cents, own 5 cents. Insured mail, up to S50, S l. 10, up ¿5 cents; $50 to $100, S2, up 20 cents. fam ily business had suffered because o f Latham’s cows. The fencc around his pasture has five strands - three barbed wire on the bottom and two clectric fencc wires on top, Latham told Judge L. Dale Graham. T ^ s and growth around the fence make it difficult to keep the clectric fence operating, he said. There arc other options for con­ taining the cattle if he wants to go to that expense, which he estimated at $2 per foot for the one quarter to one half m ile perimeter, he said. He tries to keep his cows In the pasture and doesn't like for them to get out, he said. Latham said he suspects that deer have stretchcd the fencc in the area where the cows seem lo be going through to the Bracken property. Since Ihe Brackens reported him in July, he has sold about IS cows that were in the pasture around their property, he said. He has several other neighbors and gels along with all o f them, he testified. Graham denied a m otion by Latham’s attorney Rob Raisbcck to dismiss the two counts o f allowing livestock to run at large. This is a mailer for small claims court - nol a criminal case, Raisbeck argued. The judge found Latham guilty o f one count, granting him a prayer for judgment continued on payment o f court cost. He found him nol guilty o f the second count. ★ I Located Bii.s 85 and Ilw y 64 E. (behind W ufne House) i ★ j A d u lts$5.00-U n d e r 121'rccw /adult I -jlr I rROrEB-CArERWORK Hr.QLI|RF.D FOR AIL TR,\NS,\CT10NS * tAt Fircamis, Knivc.s. Ammo. Non-Lclhat Weapons. Hunting. Camping, ^ Coins. Mititnry Supplies. Cell Phonc.s and lots more!! ^ ★ O H ic O ! ( 3 3 6 ) 7 8 7 - 4 2 5 8 • F R E E P A R K IN G l ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ M .D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y Caring Modicald Provider lor SO years N o w O B p a líe n la w e lc o m e a t a n y s ta g e o f p re g n a n c y Free Pregnancy Tests W e will assist your opplicatlon tor pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage al no fee. PoHonl m ay deliver at elHier Statesville hospital IZiaO avloAvonuo • StatoBvllls,NC 704.873-143B - 9 am . to 0 p.m. dally DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 - B1 D o n 't g o th r o u g h life 's jo u r n e y w ith o u t a c o m p a s s . Ex-angelical Lutheran Church in America Suntlay Schooif o r a l i 9:1 Sam Worship S enh r at 10:30чт Holy Cross Lutheran Church 1913 U.SIIwy. 601 .South Mocksvillc. NC 271)28 (3.16)751-5419 Charting a Financial Course i SetSaiLfori Financii S O U T H A T L A N T IC -R O K E R A G E GROUP, IN C . SpKU IIllnjt In; • Rctlrcnicnl Pl.innietj; • Life Insurance Pl.innin); • Incomc Proloction' • lo n g Term Care* • Invcslmcnt services, sccurllics (slock and lionilsl and over 2,1)01) mutual ftiiiilv wilh more lhan 711 I’unil families available Ihrounh Sunsi'l Financial Sc'r\ iics.’ JAM ES D. A R N O LD ■ C IU , LUTCf ^ÍÍ^VVimlon-Salrm, NC 271H1 1311.72:1.102'; ’i «im.B49.7i(.-> t t)i4.ihililv .UKÍ tim g Ii'im (im* com p.inif4. • Sttiifilii-i o tifrril Ihm iigh SuiiM-t Si-tvin's, Ini.. I'iio К.1пч.ь Cuy. М О Ы 11 1 , (ttlbir.J :(ию lO b li, Mi-mhi't N.\St)/Sll’C. SFS it à wbolly-tmnctl suliMtti.Mv Ы \»!,' Insm .im «• Ct>mpany. Suiisol fin.u»i.il Si‘t\iu4. Im . io mil .illili.ii'ccluiih Sniiih Ail.tnrir Gioup. Advance Florist & Gift Baskets ^ — W iD tllv ir— • „ Ralph Benson Isn't just ^ an Optimist He’s an optimist >tou see, even thoush Ralph has cancer, he also has ^ care of Carolina Oncolosy Associates soins for him. (jipllna Oncolosy Associates Is the only oncolosy 3 foup In the area w№ three board-certifiecj oncoloslsts on staff available 24-hours a day. Hiese hlshl)i trained cancer specialists are assisted tjy nutses with special tralnlns In oncokjg/ ■ nmslns and are usually able to see new patients within a week. Plus, they’re tiacked by the comply resources of Rowan Resional Medical Center. • As a result; Carolina Oncolosy Associates Is quickly able to provide patients like Ralph with , the kind of quality cate they need-not only to fisht the tenibte disease of cancer-but to beat It . ,, SolfyourphyslclanthlnksyoushoukJs«acanarsped«llst,askhliTi i ' Otcdogy Associates. Because chances are, ttjey can make an optimist out of you, too. Rowan Regional M E D ia U CnNTHR % u r S o u m F o rlb m l H cU lliQ irc, w w w . r o w a n . o r g Carolina Oncology A S S O C I A T E S 8 2 5 W . H e n d e r s o n S t. ' S a lis b u r y , N G 2 8 1 4 4 : ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 6 - 5 5 4 2 ■ ■ South Davie's Jacob Snow goes for the pin against Erwin.- Photos by Jim Barringer S u r p r i s i n g D o m i n a n c e A b e n d r o th , T ig e r W r e s t le r s C o n tin u e T o W in M a t c h e s UrcniAbcndroihofSouth D.ivic's wrestling team was supposed lo get knocked aruund, experience gn)w- ing pains and pay his dues before playing a starring role in 2001-02. instead o f taking the aniicipalcd long rood, the astonishing seventh grader finished the first half o f the season among the elite 145-pound- ers in Ihe Mid-South Cunfcrence, siontting to 6-0 and nailing down one o f 11 pins in South's 79-6 shred­ ding o f Br>vin on Dcc. 14. "He's been a real plca.sant sur­ prise," Coach Howard Kiddle said. ” 1 ihoughl he'd be a pretty gixxl wres­ tler, but I don't think Brcnl or me thought he’d be 6-0. It's bccause he's worked hard and got good technique. He listens in practice and he hasn't quit." Abendroth had every reason tu roll over on a few (Kcasions during South's drive lo 6-0, bul he fought back for dramatic victories. Five o f his six wins arc pins. "He's been in some bad positions," Riddle said. "Probably two or three o f his matches he was behind, came back and got pins. He's aggressive, he's not going to give up, and that's something you've got to have." Abendroth has plenty o f unde- Coaching assistant Brian Murphy epcouriages a wrestler,'while coach Howard Riddle watches Intently. P e t t o r i n I P r o p e l s J V s P a s t B i s h o p Fulling Em ily Petioriniof Davie’s JV girls basketball team back on the floor made all the difference against Bishop McGuinncss on Dcc. 16. A fter scoringonepoinl in the pre­ vious game and going scoreless through three quarters against Bishop, Pellorini regained her form jusl in lim e to prevent a third straight loss. Bishop lim iled leading scorer A l­ lison Schafer to two points, but Petlorimdraineda3-po)nter,erupted for nine o f Davie's 10 fourth-quarter points and gave the W ar Eagles a 28- 26 nonconference win. "PettorinI went back in for the last two minutes and basically won the game," Coach Janice Jackson said. "She went w ild." Kierston Kahrs added six points, followed by Savannah Kowalski with five. Laura Riddle w ilh four and . Deanna Shamel with two. The W ar Eagles couldn't come through in the clutch against Alex­ ander Central on Dec. 15. Schafer hit five o f six foul shots, scored 13 and grabbed six rebounds, Kahrs registered seven points, 10 rebounds and three blocks, and Davie had a chance to take the last shot in a tie game. But a turnover cost Davic, which blew a 17-8 halflim e lead be­ fore losing 31-27. K ow alski, Shamel and Kisha Parker had two points, and Pettorini one. The W ar Eagles ran out o f time against Forbush on Dec. 11. Behind 12 points and seven rebounds from Pettorini. they outscored the Falcons 16-5 in the fourth, but a 33-17 third- quarter deficit proved to be loo much. "The whole team has been sick, and it's just been a bad week," Jack­ son said after Davlc slipped to 5-3. "Three o f my starters were sick w ilh n stomach bug or fiu, but wc should be O K after the Chrisimas break." Against Forbush, Schafer had 6 points and 5 rebounds, and Shamel snatched 7 boards and hit 3 o f 5 field goals for 6 points. Kowalski (4), Alison M cNeil (2), Kahrs (2) and Ashley W illis (1) also scored. Davie's nexl game is at home on Jan. 3 against North Iredell. feated company. Dusty Johnson (6-0 w ilh six pins) and Dewayne Collins (5-0 w ilh five pins) have been ex­ traordinarily efficient, Dylan Rey­ nolds and Andrew Darcy are 6-0 and Tim m y Allen, another sensational seventh grader, is 5-0. Twoofthemclearedhuge hurdles against Erwin, w ilh Reynolds edg­ ing W ill Moose on a 7-6 score and Please Sec South - Page B3 McDaniel Does It All In Tigers' Fourth Consecutive Win John M cDanicI pulled out his textbook and gave Erwin instruc­ tions on how lo play an all-around game. The reliahic guard for South Davic'sboysbaskctbaUtcamburacd the Eagles from deep, banged buck­ ets o ff the dribble, dished to open teammates and most im portantly, harassed Erwin shooters on thcother end. "He stepped It up huge," Coach Steve Ham lin said after M cDaniel dellvctcd 13 points and triggered a 49-38 win on Dec, 14. "W c were setting great screcns for him ,, and when they came out on him , he was making some nice little head fakes and going 10 the basket. Then he distributed the ball, and John prob­ ably played his best defense o f the year. He came to play." W hcnHam lm waichesthc4-foot- 11 M cDaniel go to work, he visual­ izes another Sean Stevens, Davlc High’s sparkplug and 26-point scor­ ing iTtachmc. McDanicI, who anchors the small forward spot, struck for eight points to help South forge a comfortable 26-17 halftim c lead, and made three 3-point shots to give him eight through six games. "He lem inds rae o f a mini-Sean Stevens," Ham lin said o f the 11.6 scorer. "He’s just a little guy, and when they sec him , they don't ex- pccthim todow hathc docs. And he makes our offense click. "They tried to adjust lo him and he was still hitting his shots. In the second half, their coach was saying; 'Watch 11, watch 11, watch 11.'" Although Erwin paid dearly for not respecting M cDaniel out o f Ihc blocks, it was actually just another day al the o fllcc for Ihe seventh gr^ec, who has provided stability with point totals o f 13, seven, 14, 10, 13 and 13 as South (5-1, 4-1 M id-South Confcrencc) carries a four-game winning streak into the holidays. "In.m y four years here, he’s the most consistent shooter I’ve seen," Ham lin said. W arrior Racshon M cN eil com ­ bined a season-high 14 points with 13 rebounds, Rcshaun Parks main­ tained his team-leading scaring av­ erage (13 ppg) with 11 and Evan H all hit a3 and chipped in six points. Devon Venable had tw o points, bniiscr Sean Wagoner provided two points and four rebounds and Brad Corrihcr, whoeantcd a surprise start, had one point and five boards. "T he unsung heroes were C orrihcr and W agoner,’* H am lin said. "They didn’t give us scoring punch, but they got us the rebound­ ing that we needed.Sean just bangs. A ll Ihe little things you ask him to do, he does." Although South has carved oul an impressive record, Hatnlin re- mains.cautious. 'It’s nice but we still have a lo t o f work cut out, because we’ve got North Rowan coming up (at home on Jan. 4)," he said. "A l this age, If they’re learning, understanding the program and liU n g Ihe game, that makes me happy." . Virtually every coach in middle-school •vVreslling would give anything to have Ron Kirk's problems. • • The W ildcats have manhandled seven opponents by 28 or more points, they're marching toward a ninth unbeaten season in 13 years and have reeled.off 21 straight wins. ' Bul you would have thought K irk was mired in a victory famine after hearing last week's poslgamc analysis. The Wildcats al- io\ycd58 points in two matches - 58-30 over'' W est Rowan on Dec. 12 and 60-28 over China Orove on Dec. 14 -o r three fcwerlhan .Itey permitted in Ihe first five matches. It's ‘ ilm e to go back lo square one for a team that Iw n ’j^tasted defeat since Ihe 1998-99 cam­ paign. "W c wrestled like (crap) against West Rowan." the North Davie coach said. "I was upset because West should have never scored 30 points against us. Idon’t know if it was the last week o f school before Chrisimas or whal, but we have eight days over Christmas to practice, and we're starting back at Ihc basics and starting all over Jtain." AlUtough there was hardly a doubt which. team would prevail, the W ildcats were in­ deed uncharacteristic, losing fivis weight classes in each m uch as Chris Goode and Thom as. Lan d e ri'fe ll from the land o f unbealens. In foci; China Orove grabbed five o f Ihe fTnt nine matches and p w n ^ leads o f l()-6 and 28-24 before Ihe relentless Kevin Robinson ignited a string o f six straight pins at 145 to propel North to 7-0 overall and 5-0 in the Mid-South Conference. The reiuon for the slump - If you can portray blowouts o f 28 and 32 points as a slump - is simple. North can’t wait to meet feljow unbeaten Souih Davie. The only prob­ lem Is there are three more dates between now and Ihe Jan. 11 showdown at South. "I think (we were looking ahead), I really do," K irk said. "W e need lo go back to look­ ing at each match again; That day ^ c did that doii1)leheader(p^. 8 when N o la n d SouUi took on Southeast Randolph), they were fo­ cussing on, ’I can beat jijm and I can’t beat hIm.'They are nol looking at whal they've got right in front o f them." North wasn't missing focus and Intensity from al leastone W ildcat, eighth grader Jared Shrewsbury, who posted pins on both days. The first-year wrestler is 6-1, his lone blem­ ish an overtime loss that could have easily gone the other way. "He did a great job," K irk said. "He was continuouslymovingandusingdifferenltech- nlqucs and things. So he's Improving. He had a bad match against Southeast Randolph, bul • he's turned it on the Iasi two matches." N e t« : North was hot quite as deadly because Ihe dynamic Dennis Mendez, who is . 5-0 with five pins'at 103; Was on protation ' and missed both matches. Mendez w ill be back for Ihe next match, Jan. 4 against visit­ ing Corriher-Lipe. "You take him oul and that's a 12-point difference," K irk said. ... Five olher W ildcats remain unbeaten; Gteg Simpson at 5-0, Jeremiah Raby at 7-0, Robinson at?-0 w ith seven pins, Ryan Boetmr al 7-0 and Ted Randolph at 7-0 w ilh seven pins. Others w ith just one toss are Josh ' Johnson, Landen, Paul Ferrell and M iiia id - Smilh. ...T ro y B l^ le y , ,Zac O'Brien in ii: Andrew Beck split against West and C h iu G rove.... North claimed alt seven p n O la n ti* last week'-tw o from F iilx C i^ ja l and , from JoshBam es,№ skTlKker,M lllpScatt, I J Jetem jr^ilplbn a n d Jo ih U ttM . , ' r——if— ■■■ B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 P a r k , R e c B a s k e t b a l l S c o r e s Sat. Dec. 9 Boys 6 th Grade SPURS (26)DEACONS (23) .Jack Rooney K Tyler Baity 10 Blair Steelman2 Chris Brown 2 Justin Whitaker 2 John Michael Groce 7 Stephen St. John 8 Biyan King 4 HEAT (28)HORNETS (23) Tucker Ren 1 David S ti vali 6 Jack Wombough 6 Christopher Brogdon 1 Matt Pennington 21 Nate Lawrence 12 Ben Pawlik 4 Boys 5th Grade TARHEELS (27)BULLS (17) Nick Schambach 6 Zach Prevette 4 Brent Beam 9 Colby Seaford 9 Harkon Krey 2 Brian Gaither 2 Patrick Harris 8 Adam Cox 2 Luke Ray 2 SPL’RS(16)W ILDCATS (14) Zach Myers 8 Jensen Sales 4 M icahW om hle4 Austin Wood 2 Ryan Hutchinson 2 Alex W iliam s 4 . Jake Koontz 2 Daniel Peele 4 DRAGONS (26)LAKERS (17) Eric Lowety 6 Nick O'Brian 2 DaniisHall 8 Quimon Faulkner 2 Major Colliers Jeffety Loos 3 Jeffny Nuckols 4 Nathan Budd 6 W ill Clevenger 2 Randall Burchette 2 Girls 3\4 Grade Girls SP.\RKS(14)W ILDCATS (9) Jessa Ren 8 Amber Parrish 7 Hannah Stroupe 6 Katrina Hollar 2 LAD Y CELTICS (18)LA D Y V 0LS (14 ) Cariy Pratapaa 8 Anna Smith 2 Rachel Mackintosh 2 Brittany Cass 9 Hannah Hursey 2 Kirsten Hatley 2 Morgan Wyatt 3 Lucy Freiberger 4 COUGARS (17)TARHEELS (10) Sydney Crawford 11 Mariah Lyons 2 Christy Myera 2 Andiea Grant 6 Sara Handy 2 Liniy Carson 2 Amber Mashore 2 Boys 3rd Grade CELTICS T yItrS M ford4 Tuaier Holden 6 G regRodgct»2 RAPTORS Jared Barber 4 Jacob Barber 2 Girls 5th Grade LAD Y DEACONS (10) Metsha Fowler 4 Amanda Stewart 6 M AVERICKS (10) Alicia Allen 4 Nora Smith 4 Cieira Clement 2 Boys 4ih Grade TARHEELS (16) Landon H a n ij 7 Jess Canner 1 Ryne Carson 6 Nathan Vernon 2 B L tL S (1 6 ) Joshua Crowley 4 Michael Burford 9 Clini Slater 3 Thurj. Dec. 14 Boys 5th Grade• ■ SPURS (28) ZachM yen 11 M icahW om ble2 Ryan Hutchinson 4 JakeKoonuS Justin Bim on 4 Sonny Stanley 2 TARHEELS (17) Nick Schambach i EvanCrisco4 Brent Beam 4 Kaikon Ktey 2 Patrick Harris 4 DRAGONS (24) E ricLow eiy 12 DaniisHall 4 M ajor Collier 4 JefTeiy Nuckols 4 S LU E DEVILS Austin Bell 3 TARHEELS Devaron Scott 4 Bradley Gaither 2 Kendall Tatum 4 CYCLONES (9) AyannaLeachS Samantha Judd 5 TARHEELS (7) Chanella Gaither 7 TIGERS (8) Jonathon West 2 Joey Taylor 2 JakeSheek2 Репу James 2 GOPHERS (15) Zach llling 8 . '1ехМ алоп2 Vince С1осеЗ CaiabRominger2 BULLS (16) Zach Prevette 2 Colby Seaford 8 W illB yeily4 Joshua Holcomb 2 LAKERS (15) Nick O'Brian 4 Quinton Faulkner 5 JeffeiyLoo5 2 Nathan Budd 2 John Haftman 2 W ILDCATS (22) Jensen Sales 2 Dylan Cheek 4 Austin Wood I . Alex Williams 15 G e t F R E E C a b l e f o r t h e N e w Y e a r ! Order Standord Tier or a Vision Pacl(age for 6 0 days. We’ll give you FREE service for 3 0 days and FREE Call today for more details 751-1313 B E N C H M A R K,T . ¿t ; I . . VOUl? HOMETOWN CABLE C O M ^ -.•i ,ñ e e ln s la ll< ^ n ф р /les to p rim a ry o u tle t , S om e les^lcltorts m a y ap p l^: ] , ; ' G irls Sth Grade C V C i;0 N E S (16)TAR H EELS (6) Ayanna Leach 10 Chanelle Gaither 6 SanunthaJudd2 Sarah Alexander 4 LA D Y D E A C S (2 0 )K N IC K S (9) Meisha Fowler 14 Lauren Hauser 4 Amanda Stewart 6 Camille Kim brough I Brittany Logan 2 Jordan Reavis 2 Boys 5th Grade BU LLS (27)W ILD C A TS (19) M atthew Vanhoy 12 Jensen Sales 4 Colby Seaford 7 A lexW ilU anu9 W iU B yerly4 Daniel Peele 6 Brian Gaither 2 Luke Ray 2 SPURS (33) Zach Myers 13 M icahW om ble3 Ryan Hutchinson 2 JakeK ooittz4 Sonny Stanley S Andrew Linhart 4 Justin Button 2 DRAGONS (20) Michael Oomanski 3 Etic Low eiy 7 D aruisH all6 M ajor Collier 2 Jeffeiy Nuckols 2 LAKE R S (16) N ick O’ Brian 2 ; Quinton Faulkner é;. Jeffery Loos 4 John Haftman 4 ' TARHEELS (18); I; NIch Schambach 4' : EvanCriscoS Brent Beam 4 : . Nichols DUIard 2 D o c H o ld a f If you need to see a doctor during the holidays, it's good to know that the Urgent Care Center at Davie County Hospital is open seven days a w/eel< frond 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. No appointment necessary. Most insurance plans accepted. DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITALt UnCENT CARE CENTER 223 Hospital Street Mocksville •751-8100 The Urgent Care Center Is part o f Davie County Hospital's services that Include full outpatient surgery, laboratory and diagnostics, x-ray, pain clinic.gastioenterology, occupational health, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and the Com m unity Alternatives Piogtam (CAP). THE TRUCK STOP OF THE TRIAD ШШИНИШВаЕМАМХ! Jacob Snow slaps the palms ol his teammates (lelt to right) Dillon Reynolds, Andrew Darcy, Jonathan Britt, J.L. Lewallen, and V^esley Thomas. I Ì ()ur Exclusive Quickfll C inuit... С Г 2 WHEEL DRIVE SLT STARTING AT 4 WHEEL DRIVE RAM з т ш т о д т •T56U *2UN • V8 • AIR CONOmONINQ • CHROME WHEELS • mT*CRUISE LUI-------127.790 O RTrild Dltcountl3,»00 Rabatt----------M.000 WAJ <299 MO For 4W 0 2 0 0 1 DURANGOS ALL NEW 2001 iRAND CARAVANS IN STOCK! ■ Ì г '{ 4 > . Uikt’S unir Jthninules b^hunti h kly fit, noi Ьчт m isck ✓ slrvnfilhcns tiiuicles Л caniim iscuhr system ✓ Ыут% u fri'n n rriit : y'Isdt'sifint'tifuruvm en This ¡>n>f^ant pniduces • У M L fvTmnneuttvshUs Яг , * /»ni/íY/í«/; leiin mmclcs iou l(ue IxtJyfiit ilClUitHy incTi'itsing m cliM ism . I'rrmwciil rvsultK., u ilh<mt fvnmnent 66% O ff liíefíng \ и *. minuteJt!ness & uviì'ÌA loss a'nivrs" 6490 Stadium Dr. suite 31 -3 3 6-766-7 370 V.V.V.-. ' О.. '-i- ■■ ■ ■ Л-, '~.'.v a.4, T .;.i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 - B3 South Davie Wrestlers Continue Winning Ways Continued From Puge П1 Collins slicking Kevin Brucc in (he third period. Motisc nnd Brucc were hoih flawless before visiting South. "Dylitn wrestled a smart match.” Riddle said, "becausc that kid (Muose) was pretty tough. "I think Dewaync was a Ilttie ncr* vous. He doesn't know how good an athlete he is. luil that shoutd give him Л lol o f eonfidencc. It was his first IC.SI um) he pa.sscd it.” The 112-pound match evolved into n slreel light, but a bloody nose didn't fa/e the blue-collar Allen, who failed lo post a pin for the first time but siill managed a major decision. "He'll do whatever you ask him ,” Riddle said. "He's hard-nosed and tough. He was a manoger last year, and he wrestled this summer and went to camp with us." Complemcntingsixperfcctionisis ' are 5*1 performers Aaron Hollineld, Jay Britt, Travis Phelps and Andrew Lamb. H olllfield and Phelps arc sev­ enth graders. "I'm real happy with where we’re at," said Riddle, who ulso got wins from Jacob Snow, Wesley Thomas, Slevcn Jones and Daniel Baxter. "The Vids have worked hard, and we're seeing improvement every day." Josh Godbey and Anthony Gadsen had prelim inary wins for the Tigers, whose next match is Jan. 4 at Nonh Rowan. Dusty Johnson shows his opponent some moves. Notice of TAX USTING FOR DAVIE COUNTY All property on hand January 1,2001 both real and personal Is subject to taxation regardless of age and sex of owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are currently LICENSED with the North Carolina Departinent of Motor Vehicles. These vehicles will be billed by the County altf r the current registration Is renewed or an application is made for a new registration. About three months after your registration renewal you will receive a bill Irom the County. You will have 30 days to pay the bill before Interest is added attheraleof3/4of1%per'month. • Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on Jantjaiy 1, 2001 DURING THE REGUUR LISTING PERIOD, there is no change In the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required lo be listed in January Include; mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis, aircraft, farm equipment, tools used by carpenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new buildings or any improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator's Office will be sending listing forms to everyone that listed personal property in 2000. if you need to list personal property as indicated above or report changes lo real property and you do not receive a fomi in the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator's Office for Ihe proper forms. ЕХЕМРШМ FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED North Carolina excludes from property taxes the first $20,000 in assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose Income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose income does not exceed $15,000. If you received the exclusion in 2000, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence, if you received the exclusion In 2000 and your disposable income in 2000 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor, if the person receiving the exemption has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who falls to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be subject to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. If you did not receive the exclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application from the Assessor. It must be filed by April 15. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin January 2,2001 In the Tax Administrator’s Office In the County Administration Building. Office listing help is available Jan. 2-31,2001. Hours will be 8:30 A.M.' to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. The deadline for listing is January 31,2001, Completed forms must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Seivice not later than Januaiy 31, 2001, All late listings are subject to a ,10% penalty. Please make your return early to avoid a late penalty. Davle'County Tax Administrator Mary Nell Rif hit В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 Jonathan Mayfield (15) goes up for a shot. Matt Singleton (21) battles for the ball while Jonathan Hutchens (23) looks on. A N. Davie players looks for a chance to pass the ball. N. Davie Boys Basketball Turn The Tables Nearly a motiih ago. North Davie's ; boys baskclball team was floundcr- ; ingatO*3and heading (owardaJrcail- ! ful year. But aDer losing two ctoscs ones, the W ildcau have lumed ihe tables and developed fourth-quarter poise, rallying past China Grove 43-39 on .Dec. 14 for their third win In Tour games. AM three victories have been decidcd by four points or less. "W c know how to play in the fourth quarter," scvcnih-gradc coach M att McPherson said aflerNorth im ­ proved lo 3-4 ovcral) and 2-3 in Ihe Mid-South Conference. "If it's closc in the fourth quarter, there isn't a doubt in our kids' minds that we'll w in the game. They've figured out how to win now," Jonathan Mayfield scored 11 and Michael Binghum added 10 as North wipedout anine-point, first-halfdcfi- cit. The duo leads the squad in scor­ ing, Bingham at 7.4 a game and Mayfield al 6.8 . "They've learned how to keep themselvcsundercontixil in the fourth quarter," McPherson said. "They do a better job o f keeping ihemselvcs under control than 1 do." Nonh also gol nine poinls from Drew Yeager, flve from Jonathan Ayers and Kyle Winters - whonuiled a 3 - and two from Matt Lee. A l­ though they made little impact In scoring. W illiam Goad. M ati Single­ ton and Lee. in particular, contrib­ uted In oihcr ways. "1 got gtxHl play from Singleton and Goad. W illiam iscoming around really well." McPherson said. "Lee did a great job. I wanted him to play scrappy defense, and ihe firsl two seconds he was In lhc game, he got a steal and turned it Into a layup'. And he was diving all over Ihe floor. The minules he was in there in Ihe third, he did exactly whal I wanted." G iving W esl A Run SlarJuniorMontgomery and West Rowan dealt North a 52-30 setback earlier in the week, bul the W ildcats left the floor with their chins up. The same unbeaten Bulldog team thal led South Davic 3S-10at halfilme - in a 62*27 win over the 5-1 Tigers - needed a lale ihlrd‘quarter run to shake North, which trailed by six with two minules left in ihe third before running out o f juice. "They had heard all ihe rumors. but they weren't inlimidated by this leani." a proud McPhorson said. "To be down sh (lale) in the th ird ... we had a cham-e lo really give ihem a scare." Ten W ildcats found the boiiom of Ihe net: Blnghant w iih sh poinls; Mayfield. Jonathan llulchens and Yeager with four; Uee w iih ihree; Andrew Beeson. Singlelon. Ayers andTylcr Hayes with two; and Goad w ilh one. A w inning season, ihe coach said. Is there for the taking. When play resumes afler the holidays, the ‘Cats close the regular season at Corriher* Lipe on Jan. 4, at Southeast on Jan. 9 and al home againsi Soulh Davie on Jan. II. "I ihink we can go on a m il." McPherson said. Kena Gentry of N. Davie prepares to pass the ball. C h i n a G r o v e D e f e a t W i l d c a t s S . D a v i e G i r l s R a t t l e O f f T h r e e W i n s Those who wrote Soulh Davie's girls basketball leam off after its dis­ mal siort mighi havespokenloosoon. Sloan Smith and Ashley W hit­ lock have become an outstanding backcourt tandem, the Tigers have learned lo withstand fourth-quarter pressure and they've rattled o ff ihree straight wins after stumbling oul o f the blocks 0-3, including a pulsating 45-37 victoryoverErw inon Dcc. 14. "1 told them before the game that it sure would feel a whole lot belter going into (the holidays) with a 3*2 (Mid-South Conference) record than a 2-4 record," seventh-grade coach Cindy Durham said. There was nothing conventional about ihcTigers'latesi triumph. They gol outscorcd 15-5 in the third quar­ ter and faced a 35-27 dilemma head­ ing into the final stanza. "I just sat them down and told them: 'If 1 sec anybody not hustling on defense that I was going lo sit them on the bench,' " a seething Durham said. "And ihey stepped up." A fter the coach turned up the vol­ ume, Smith and W hiilock turned up the defensive intensiiy, forcing turn­ over after turnover and orchcstnillng an amazing 18-2 game-ending biti/. "Sloan and Ashley are finally start­ ing lo work really well logeihcr," Durham said. W hiilock did most o f her damage at the line, sinking four o f six free throws in Ihe fourth and six for eight overall. She scored six o f her season- high 14in the fourth,more lhan dou- blingheraverage.whileSmiih scored half o f her lO during crunch lime. "Ashley is just tremendous on the line," Durham said. "I can always count on her lo hit most o f her foul shots. She's probably gOperccni. li's like I told the girls: Games are won or lost on ihc foul line, and she came Davie’s Freshman Boys Defeat Mt. Pleasant Cluich free-throw shooting by Travis Howell o f Davie’s freshman . boys basketball team iced a 62-53 win over Mount Pleasant here Dec. 16. > The point guard hit II o f 12 foul , shots in the fourth quarter for all his . 11 points as Davic overcame a 14-6 •Mount Pleasant run in the third quar- , ler that sliced the W ar Eagles* lead lo .41-37. • "He really came through in the ' clutch," Coach Eric Alspaugh saldof •Howell, who scored 10 foial In ihe 'firs t two.games. "(11 o f 12) says it J Davie mounted a nicc working ; margin in the second quarter behind : David Orsillo, who drilled four 3- ’pointersanddeliveredlSofhisteam- :high 19 points in the first half as Davie seized a 35-23 lead. "He was hilling everything he threw up." Alspaugh said, "1 didn't start him . so ihey didn't get oul on him until he hit two or three. Bul he was already hot by then." Kevin Winters added seven poinls, followed by Brandon Capwell and Maurice W ilson w ith six. Matthew Bua'hetie w iih five. Justin Norswor* ihy and Cody Slcphens w iih three and David Schweit with two. "Burchette did a good job on the boards," Alspaugh said. "He needs lo be recognized." The W ar Eagles are idle until Jan. 5 when they visit Salisbury. through when we needed her." Epitomizing the second-hulf cra­ ziness, the same Janna Seamon who failed lo scratch in lhc previous five gamescame oul o f now here for seven critical piiinls. There has never been bctier tim ing foracom ing-out party. "That was a big boost," Durham said. "One o f her foul shots pul us up five In the closing seconds, so uc knew it was out o f reach. She siepped up and really husllc\i. She juM weni out there like a tiger." Shanlka Drown had a nice ganie with nine poinls and six rebounds, Healher Fosler had four points and Bailey Marrs had one polni and five boards. "She is an excellent re- bounder," Durham said o f Marrs. Notes: South's next game is Jun. 4 at home against high-powered North Rowan.... South is a ihrcc-pronged attack, w ilh W hitlock averaging7.6. Brown 7.5 and Smith 7.4. W ilh lhc conic.sl tied 27-27 and four scconds left in regulalion, Ihe condilions were all-or-noihing for Hannah Tierney o f North Davie’s girls basketball team. Hiiher she would connect on al least one o f two free throws and become the hen>. or she would missandgiveChinaGmve new life. As cruel faie would have il. she missed both allempis.' China Gntve scored five o f ihe seven overtime poinls for a 32-29 w in and ihe W ild­ cats - who were 3-0 in competitive games - fell to 3-4 overall and 1*4 in the Mid-Souih Conference on Dec. 14. Nalurally, Tierney, who sc*ored u season^high eight points, fell like she Ici her (cainmalcs down. Jamie Lyerly, a veteran coach who has ex­ perienced Ihc bcsl and uorst o f limes, put an arm around the tonncnted .seventh grader and reminded her lhal it happens to the best o f them, lhal there w ill be another day. Even m il­ lionaire players would aliest thal an open shol is often the hardest shot. "She would have been the hero, bul it's a team thing," Lyerly said. "She was all upset and said she lost the game for us. bul you have lo tell Ihem: 'No, it wasn't your fault be­ cause if wc would have hit the 10 shois before that, it wouldn't have comc down In that.' It doesn’t come doun to one shot. N<t one pcr>on loses a game." li alim »! cerl.iinly wouldn'l have boiled down toTierney free throws if North would have had Carly Booth lo shadow China Clmve's Tiffany Tliomas. who scored ei^hi o f her game-high 16 jxiinis in the fourth quarter and overtime. The hig girl, who missed her fourth game w iih a sirevs fracture, is expccled back w hen North resumes play on Jan. 4; at Corrihcr-Lipc. : "If we would have had Carly. \se would have won for sure." LyeHy said. "W e had a hard lime relx»und- ing, and Carly could have played defeniieon (Thomas). AndCarly had been scoring U). 12 poinls e\ery game." Justine Gamble, who hit gaiiw- winner.« against Erwin and Down­ town to give the Cals hope for, a winning .season, led w ilh lU poinls. Tltey also got five from Kena Geh- iry. four from Dana W ixnlard and two from Abby Kiddle. \VI-:ST R O W A N , smarting from lough losses lo frontrunners Knox and North Kuwan. pul on a 21 -0 first- quarter clinic on the way to a 40-15 romp over the helpless W ildcals. Riddle (six poinls). Gamble (five). Tierney (two) and Jessica Moore (two) did Ihc North scoring. TREE SERVICE 336-492-2944 F r e e E s t im a t e s • in s u r e d ;i* 4 3 í/?líPíPr í/íEW YÜEflíR! F r a * D « lu x « C o n tiM n ta l B ra a k fa s tI S U P E R S C L E M M O N S • 2 0 4 R A M A D A D R IV E , C L S M M O N S ................................................. NOTVAUO : DURINO 8PCCIAL I IV tN T S; ••••■■•••■•■■•••••«■•••I Christmas f^or holiday sprains, strains, bumps, bruises, sniffles, sneezes, ^ cuts, aches and pains it's good to know that the Urgent Care Center at Dayie County Hospital is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. . No appointment necessary. Most insurance plans accepted. D A V IE C O U N T Y H O S P l l A L : A U R G E N T CARE CEN TER ;; ■ ^ ’ . 223HospitalStreetMtK;ksville-7S1-8100 Í The Urgent Care Center Is part'of l¿vie County Hospital's services that Include full oulpallent surgery, > .laluratory and dlagnostli;s,x-ray,pain cllnlc,gastroenterology, occupational tiealtti,occupational tlierapy,:. pliyslcal tt)erapy,'sp«c(ittterapy and the Community Altenatlves Program (CAP). DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 - BS F i s h i n g F o r G r e a t D e a l ? I f you're "fishing" for the best price on an autoinobile, some new furniture, or maybe a new home near your favorite fishing hole you're already trolling in the right pond. Whatever you want you can find it in the Davie County Enterprise Record. Each week you'll find plenty of great deals thoughout our pages. Our advertisers are ready to guide you to the best deals on just about anything. Check out the Classified pages filled with auctions, yard sales, and many miscellaneous items for sale. The Davie County Enterprise Record is a sure keeper. Wet your shopping line with us each week and you'll be amazed at the bargains you find when you fish in the perfect spot. " " " " " " s u B s e R i S o N S S " " " " " " T I I want a subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record! | I □ One Year In-State Q One Year Out Of State ■ ! $20.00 $25.00 I ■ Nanne-----------------:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------■ I Address------------------------------------------------^ ^------------------------I I City/State/Zip_____________^ ^__________^ ^ ^-------- | I Phone__________________‘ I ■ Simply mail this form along with a check in Ihe amount indicated above to; ■ ^ Davie County Enterprise Record • P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 J DAVIE COUNTY E N T E .^^vE C O R D . W e 'v e G o t Y o u C o v e r e d ! Г- 1) \ В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2 S a l v a t i o n A r m y T o y S t o r e H e l p s N e e d y Tlic Salvalion Am iy t>0Ban Ils an* nual holiday (oy and fixxJ dl.sirihiillon on Friday. Dcc. 15. Seven liuiidrcd families, ri'prc.scnting 1,767 cliildrcn, visited The Salvalion Arm y's Toy Siore. Patents rvccived gifts frwrnTIic Salvation Arm y’s Angel Trees which have been locaicd at llancs M all and 29 eshcr local buslnc.sses for the past two monllw. Tlircc hundrcd and fifty- four new bicyclcs and thousands o f new clothing iicnis and toys were donated through the Angel Tree pro- gram this year. On Tuesday, Dcc. 19 parents o f cliildren who were not seicctcd from Ihe Angc] Tree visited the toy store and seicctcd tlia*c new toys for each child in their family. M ajor Dan Proctor, Area Com- They’ve Got Heart Members of the Explorer team at North Davie Middle School made Christmas a little brighter for 10 children, raising $1,075, and shopping (or clothes and toys. The program went through Ihe Storehouse for Jesus. Teachers are Kim Stewart, Tina Simmons, Bill Carothers and Josh Jenkins. - Photo by Mike Bamhardt DHS Students Earns Campbell Scholarship Lauren Ashley Brogdon o f Ow>l- ccmee is ihc rccipicnl o f a Campl>cll University Prcsidcmial Scholarship for the fall semester. Drogdon, who attends Davie High Schix>l, is a cmmhcr o f ihc school band, the DclaClub and the ycarb(X)k staff. A vailability O f N ew C o m m e rce S e r v ic e s O n W orld W id e W eb The Fanm Service Agency. Natural Resources Conservation Scrvicc and Rural Development Agencics has an­ nounced the availability o f a new c* commercc scrvlce on the World Wide Web. The address o f the new web site is http:www.sc.cgov.usda.gov. The new web site was available on Dcc. 18 and w ill rcplace other sites for these agen­ cies lhat provide electronic forms. Your PSA. NRCS. or RD scrvicc ccntcr оП1сс w ill be available during normal business hours to provide any assistance you need and w ill continue to be your point o f contact for any questions you may have. Technical assistance on using the web site is available Monday through Friday 5 a.m. to midnight and from 7:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday by calling 1-800457-3642. 115 Fox Run Dr.. Dovlo — 4-5 BR. 2 5 185 Sunny Ocll In . Davio ~ 3 BR. 2 BA. Ffeshty painlod inside & out lorgo BA Greol noighlxjrhood' Poved dnw. mcstw bedfoom wth gotdon tub, bonus stotage byitding. fenced bocli yord. ScWcr room, over 2500 sf. $199.900. will poy up to S3.000 in Closing CostV SI24.900. W4 togion Ccmolory SI.. Oovlo — 1 768t »w. flOI S. Dovfo — 3 BR. I BA BR. 1 BA. Greet investment pioperty Hugo greol room, over >300 sf. lo « of Within wolking distonco ol shops, porcnttol lor investors $28.900. sthools. rcstouronts. churchos S35.000. ca/j Anders Real Estate Martha (336) 765-6633 or 492-7505 Ъ<а>еапд Expectations' mandcr. commented. 'T h is Is a won­ derful time o f year to show tho.se who need held lhat someone cares for them. The tesidcnis o f our commu­ nity have responded so generously lo , Ihe a'quests o f Tlie Salvation Army. As a result, we are able to demon­ strate love and compassion to thou­ sands o f children, senior adults, and families through our actions.” Tlie Salvation Anny began takhig applications for assistance in Octo­ ber 20(X). Applicants w-erc qualified based on need. Tlie Salvation A nny luw been pro­ viding Chrislmas assistance lo the residents o f Forsyili County since 1907. In Ihc mid I980*s its scrviccs were extended to include Davie and Yiulkin Counties. Store Hours: Mon.-Sjt. 10;00fi:00 Sunday l;00-6;00 ЛИ Major C rcilitC uds Acwpteil CAROLINA MIRROR FA CT O RY STORE 1539 flANUS MALL BLVD. (Ne.\rJtmi'fUmn Kiuif) VVin.slon-Snlcm, NC (In fnmt 4 ÍSuper IViilnuTl) 336-794-1102 «itralfurd Kcuid Large Selection Of Prints In Stock 275 Madison R d - 9 oc WsUtrairt 20iQ0 4 t)Oy QOniQO & odddiorul 20x£0 wO $tal$ lor horses. 2 story. 4Ba3BA.b<ick home. 2 (ptcs. den. garage, dcck & front porch. $259,000. CAU EVELYN. С И ^Я И Ш 195 Sugar Creek Rd - to9crs hoTM fiUTTi with t BSO91.. 30R. 2.SaA. cape cod RWluUr, hOTM bam a 38x40. tractor shod turn oul tNsd. riding rina pastures, monoMament forcing. $249.000 CALL CONNIE. H O W A R D ^ REALTY 330 S. Salisb ury SL (Com er H w ys. 601 & Ы ) M tK'ksvilk*, \C ' 2702S O ffic e HourN; .M onday-f riday H-h • .S.iluni.iv ‘»-12 • Suiid.i\ lt\ Apj>l t4l4 Mocksville Hwy. > Poumy Farm. 300i40 tx^kirg 'Htn up-iCMlate pioi2000 S4 II bnch homo on 6S acres lijfn co 2 fcnced acres. $225.000. CALL EVELYN. 818 Yadkinville Rd.<- Tracti. hcrtw bon. ЭОА & аьоо. *¡.ОЫа cor garage, lg in'grourd pod w/al amenrtxn. upOiioO Kflch.. torni Dioat. Oon. rcc rm, part, bsml nrwd N^rtood Cent. $199.900 CALL JANE. 184 Ffllrwsy Dr. Bermuda Run- Almost 2000SF toveV home, spadcus ma. porlo« tor entertairwtg. large dcck ofl 23 5x26.6 LfVDR ovortookirtg tSth groen. S1BS.000CALL MIKE or U E 661 Pinevite RiH'rtvacy on 3eaAc.4>nck ranch w.iul in bsml. over 2200s>. up A approx. tOOQ&l. down. ШП.30A. 2 Mch. cram Ink lonong. concfcte dnvo. dock, pato $174^00 CALL CONNIE. 278 Magnolia Av-AffordoM(am h0№0 in Garden Voloy 30a 2DA. ful temi. »«Ig tarn, mt. 2 fplces. 2-car carport dock. N«:« landscaped 1а<мп wig. hantwoods. out Utg. & more $159.900.CALL JANE 1365 Plnebluff Rd. In W-S30П. 2DA t>nck ranch convea kjcated near ОарЬМ Моц>. Marv updates, new carpel. 2 tptcs. basement ««/siorrn theAer. large клсП. A dock $135.000 CALL EVELYN. 175 Jack Boo« Rd< Unique 3BR. 2BA brick nvKh w/partial basomonton4.2 »«oded aaes w/stream. Coiy rock iplc.. Stfikpn Sv. rm.. some hdwood floors, dock and outbklg. $134,000. CAU JANE. 173 Hickory Tree Roact-Groat split loyer • Near school 2074 square tool. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Groat ifwng space and wooded toL $124.900 CALL MARY. 156 Ugle Lane > 1999 Clayton doubicwde t«me tfXH spl‘t bedroom (toof pian, 3 bedrooms. 2 bams on appro*, to acres. $121,900. CALL MJ OR MARY. 141 Dakota Latm - Need о Wo elbcw» rtwm? 1095 OW ieaturestew*sq.tL30n. 2QA. lormol LR A бп, cory den wt'plce, piu»: 5.5 AC oi grassod tand. Pnced io sell $109.900. CAU JANE. 124 Cldater Drfve - Better than new llOOs.1.. ЗОЙ. 2BA. dout)le garage, fenced back yard, pul down stairs for sioiage. Ccnvenieni location. $106,000 CAU CONNIE. 2387 US Hwy. 601N- Nowmodular home on .613 oc/cs. ’ Features ircKide; 3BR. 2QA, cathedral ceiling, deck, mature trees on tot, great landscaping, paved drive. $99,900 CALL CONNIE. 256 Gladstooo . Road. MOCktVille - tOOO sq. K. 30R, 2BA. largo eat-irvknch.. groal rm wflrpte.. al apptances ind. WAD remaia Addtion onry 7yrs.young. $99.900 CAU KENorLEEforihowlng. 109 Ousty Hill Road - ImnVK. 4 0a 20A Skybno on l.ieocrerwaltmct Pennaneni found, spbl OR plan, f<replaco. master OA w/gardon tub, sep. shower, his and her varMes. $87.500. CALL JANE. 4S4 Becktown« Road -Doublewide bun kt 1998. great Root plan with 1289 sq. ft. located in nic* area on beared level land w^eddMnol a ivaiable. ЗЭП. 2 . $M.900. C AU MARY. 166 BrockJand Drive, Advance ^ Better than new t099 doublewde with 4BR, 2BA, al major appbancos. fenced bacA yard, I4xt0 deck. Immacuiatel $79,900 CAU CONNIE. 313 RIdflt Road - Sinÿe wide home on S wooded aoM with stream. 20x20 siorage building. Selling as Is. $ 7 4 ^ . C A U EVELYN. 596 Shem eM Rd-Like new hornet Imnaculatel Located on 1 ш е, зая. 20A. DR coftbo with LR. deck, porcti. storage b u * ^ . A nxnt seel $74,900. C A U KEN. 1045 Rftfga ROMl - Double wMe home located on Ifaaes with storage building. 3 bedroom. 2 baths, priced le seO. $6*.900 C A U EVELYN 123 Center St - Cooieomee 5 rm house, excel cond. Nat. gas twai. CA. rww root, replacemt windows A new stonm drs. Attached carport A ponial bsml n o , reltig. OW. tXntt. $69,900 C A U KEN 241 Avon Street > Great for first lime owner/or kwestment property. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath.' heat pump, slomt doors A windows, dock, porch, fireplace lying room. $59,900. C A U JANE. m Main St-CorfeeiTtM AJIotdable leoov tq. П. one level home • 38R. 2BA. with a M e n C this house wouU be perfect lor a I. Priced as is lor onfy $ GAU LEE 840 UlMrty Cfiurch Rd. ~ HORSE LOVER'S DREAM- Chamiing 1240 sq. ft. (arm home, 6.73 sues o< picturesque proper* ty, eingiewide with 3BR, 2BA. Potential reniol income with separate eepbc system. Horse bams A numerous oul buiklngs. Fenced pas* tures with stocked pond. Fruit trees A more lor only $149,900. C A U LEE Capital Credit Funds Distributed By Energy United STATESVlU-l* . EncrgyUniicd. an clectric cooperative serving central and western Nonh Carolina, distrib­ uted S2.6 m illion in capital crcdits to its membcr-customcrs this year. Tills amoum iiK ludcs refunds made to ihc'estate o f dcccascd customers. Most o f EngergyUnited’s more tlian 99,000 customers rcccivcd capital crcdit refund chccks in December. EngcrgyUnitcdisanon-proritclcc- trie coopcralivc, meaning lhat its cus­ tomers own the company and receive the profits lhat il produces. The cooperative's earnings arc invested in spccial accounts, allow ing EncrgyUnitcdloretirelong-tcnndcbLs. build ctiuity and have a ready rescr\-e for emergencies such as severe stomi damage. "EncrgyUnilcd's foniuila for capi­ tal crcdit distnbuiion allows new cus­ tomers and longtime customers alike lo share in the success o f the cwipcra* liv e ,” said R.B. Sloan, Jr., EncrgyUnhed’schicfcxccutiveoniccr. "U nlike investor-owned utilities, EncrgyUnitcd is not in business fo create camìngs. We arc here to pro­ vide superior customer service in the distributionofclcctricily and, in doing so, to cover expenses and generale a reasonable level o f earnings. "Instead o f calling our excess cam- irigs ‘profii,' wc call them ’margins.’ When apublicly traded business makes a profit, that profit is returned lo stock­ holders in the forni o f dividciuls. Ours isasimilarprocc.ss. Tlic amount ofanindividual'scapi- tal credit chcck depends on how long the person has been a customer of the cooperative and the amount o f the cuMomer's monthly clectric bill.s. Tlic amount of the average capital crcdit chcck Issued by EncrgyUnitcd in 2(XX) was 29. n . Energy United's Michael Daniels, manager of business de­ velopment/sales, presents a captial credits check to Faron S. Baughman (right), site manager (or Thomson Crown Wood Products in Mocksville. At leit is Clyde 0. Barbour, plant fa­ cilities engineering manager. ^Clemmons Village | Assisted Living Centers w a n ts to u 'is h y o u a Prosperous N ew Year T h is H o lid a y S e a s o n 6441 Holder Road, Clemmons 336.778.8548 S r . T r o tte r s M e e tin g s M o v e T o W e s te rn S t e e r ThcSenioiTrottersmclat the Senior Center Community Duilding on Dcc. 14. TTicre were IH members and two visitors present. Tliis was the last nice ting the group w ill have as a Senior Club. Nancy Tuticrow. president, wcl- comcd the group and Rill Scaford h.id devotions. Jo White, sccretar)’, read Ihc minutes o f the November meeting and Iu)uisc Tuticrow gave the ireiLsiiry report. The group voted to give the balance on hand after all bills are paid to the Center Community Develop­ ment Association. Tliis is one way to show appreciation for the use o f the building over 11 1/2 years. Happy Birthday was sung to John White and Tom I’tiillips. A much loved and faithful member o f the club. Virginia Evans, died re­ cently. Tliere was a moment o f silence in her memory. Tliepresident thankcdcvcr)'one for their faithfulness and support in ihe past iwo years. It was a sad time for all the members who have been faithful in their attendance throughout the years. I'or the program. Sheriff A llci\ Whitaker gave a rept)ri on his office and Ihe new technology that is being uvcd. liegave.somee.xamplcsofscMiis be i ng u scd e vcr>' day i n Davie County. e.spccially lo senior ciii/cns. Tlie members exchanged Christ­ mas gifts and presented Whitaker wilh a big can o f popcom for he and his >iafT. A meal prepared by the Club mem­ bers was enjoyed following the cx- chat^gingof gifts. Plans are for any of ihc club mem­ bers as well as other senior ciii/cns who would like to п кс1 at the Western Siccr.on ihe sccond Tlmrsdny of the moiiih for lunch. Tlicrc w ill not be a program, just have a meal together and visit with cachmhcr. The time around 11:30 a.m. W E B U Y H O U S E S A n y C o n d i t i o n — A n y L o c a t i o n F a s t C a s h — Q u i c k C l o s i n g L i g h t h o u s e P r o p e r t i e s Moclisville, NC • (336) 751-4371 o w i u t u u u u W A L L & M c D A N IE L R e a l i o r s - Я5 Westndge • S I M 227 Oeodmon Bd • SBiSOO , rii p i'ii Ml » m МП KricM n/2 bath biick fandi 13« si in Itiis 3 bedmm bnck 3 bedioon brck lanch tae with TIis 3 BR biick ranch home mih Call»!aylose6il«s3l«)TOn,n( oa sjta taiiHis 3 bo»im w ¡(asteiiroen W I. w wlh siadBi maga ttobl W. tandi home. JusI mimles liom )244slsilualcdonawoo()edlol basement also tias 11(2 baits, 2taihbiitranchl«x«.Gralslarte! »»* 1CaltodayloseTttoW. MnrWo tvmrrwm (»«»illiaJadiedcwl d»giom№a,ilaiacWcai«»t ratom te oim, Ira) J A.jreji, horn* in s jrt« ton«wny. Excrlltf floor рЦл, u tj СПГ)П{, k)U of • > WûwJerfuI rVÿr home wth grcJt ............. B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 D a v i e D a t e l i n e F u n d R a is e r s Ongoing Ulncn, Mocksvillc Moflsc LoU^c 1949. PriiJays. Doors open al 6. flnl game ol 7 p.m. BlnKO, Wllllnm R. Ouvlc VFD. 2ml Satur­ day. Door open, 6:30 p.m. llurdlson Church, Poor Mans Supper, every lstThuni.,5-7 p.m. B d ig io Q _____________________ Sunday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Walch • Mshl Scnlcc. 11:30 p.m., begin New Year in worship, praise, singing and fellowship. Mocks UniieilMcih. Church. 998-5518. Wednesday, Jan. 3 CandlcllRhl Scnlcc.Cedar Grove Bapi.4 p.m. Rev. .Mauris Leak to speak. Public invited. Questions? Call 940-5632. S p e c ia l E v e n t s Friday, Dec. 29 Christmas Piann Rcciiat. students of ilcather Blank, Rejiina Chandler, and Shawna Callaway. Al 7. p.m.. Davjc Co. Public Library. General public invited.' D a t e s t o R e m e m b e r .Dec. 28-Jan. 24 Flu Sliiil Clinics. Davie Co. Ilcullh Dept., Tues. 8:30-11:30 a.m., and Fri. M p.m. Appts. not needed. Persons 65 and older muM bring Medicare or .Medicaid card. Charge for ilu shots S10 and S20 for pneu­ monia. Feb.6&20,Mar.6&20.Apr.3 Lei's Talk About It Scries. Topic: Tor Heel Fiction: A Second Look. Davic Li­ brary. .371 N. Main Si.. 7 p.m. Hope to see you there! Ongoing Acrohics,Tuesdays&Thufsdays,.MiKks- ville Elementary School. 6 p.m. Visit Coolcvmcc's Mill Villasc.Museum. 14 Church St.. Tues. & Thurs.. 9 am.* mwn. Sals.. II a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appi. Call 2‘M-6040. Rrcyclint; truck al Ccnlcr Community BIdg..8*ll a.m. 1st Saturday. HccyclInK track at Union Chapel Meth­ odist. 4th Saturday, 8-11 xm.. RccyclinRlrackalJcricho-HardlsonRu- riian Wdg.. 3nl Saturday. 8:30-11 a.m. IVcschool story llmc.Tues.. 11 a.m..Davic County Library. 30-minutc program. For children ages 3-5. .Music, read aloud, stiv ries. films, nursery thymes. M e e t i n g s Ongoing Humane Soclcty оГ Davic Co., monthly meetings 2nd\Ved.of each month, aiofficc Yadkinville Rd. behind car wash. 751* 5214. Jerusalem Bupt. Church is a providing support for those who have lost their jobs. 8:30-10 a.m. on Mondays, call 336-284- 2328 for more info. Pn)Krcs.sb с ClubufCoolccmcc, 2nd Sun­ day. Cooleemee Library, 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for Info. Christian Businessmen's Commltlcc оГ Mocksville,Thubdays.7a.m.MiKksvilIc Rotary Hut. Gold Wing TnurinR Assoclullon, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601,6p.m. 2844799. Mocksvllle*l)avic Jaycccs, Isi & 3rd Thvirs.. Samuels on Mam Resiaurani, Mocksville. 7 p.m. Davic County Stamp Club, b i Thurs.. Davic SeniorCcntcr. 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recrvation Association. Zachary House. 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Sundays. 6 p.m. and Wednesdays, 8 p.m.. Second Presbyte­ rian Church basement. Pine St. Call 751- 1490 or 751-7786 for info. Homeschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th Tues­ day. Call 998-8925 fi»r ntorc info. Piedmont Triad Rabbit Fenders, last Sundayofeach month. 2:.30p,m. All rabbit owner5weIcotne.Call336-998-9858orvisii wvs w.piedmonttriadrabbit.com or e-mail ptrf20(X)@aol.com for n«>re info, ilclp Yourself Sup(Mirt Group. Cancer Scrsices. Inc., 2nd Tuesday, noon-1:30 p.m. Davie County Library. Bring bag lunch if you wish. For more info, call 751* 0313 or 760-9983. Davic County Board of Social Senlces. 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Mocksville AA. Thurs.. 7 p.m. • closed ming. Sun.. 8 p.m. • open mtng. Call Chrisiineal9*>8-9885orTerry 940-5944. Coolceme« American l.cRlon Pvvvi 54. Legion Hut. Gladstone Road. 7:30 p.m.. Isi and 3rd Mondays except holidays. Advance .Masonic Lodjje No. 710, 2nd Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksville-Davie recreation. 751-2325. AA and Al'Annn. Thursdays. 8 p.m.. Uaton's Baptist Chuah. Nar*Annn for families of drug addicts. Sundays.6p.m.Da\ ieScniorCcntcr. BnKk Building. Main St..M(vksvillc. 998-2657. Davic County Youth Football League Directors.Tues.,7p.m. Counhouse.Grand Jury Room. United Way board of directors. 4th Mon­ day, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Bldg., Room 208. Mocksvillc VFW Post 4024, Post Hut, Sanford Ave., 7p.m., 2nd Tuesday. Advócales for Glflcd Children, 2nd, 4th Thursdays, |49Lakeside Drive. 751-2194. Narcotics Anonymous Against Alt Oilds Group. Sundays.6p.m..Thursdays.8p.m., Room 208, Brock Bldg. Drug Problem? Helpline. 910-785-7280. Mocksville American Legion Post 174. ■ VFW Hut. Sanfoid Ave., 2nd Thursday. 7 p.m. Mocks> illc Cb Itan Club. 6:30 p.m., 2nd. 4th Monday, Western Steer. Davie Scrtoma Club, 1st, 3rd Thursday, 6:30 p.m.. Captain Steven's. Advancc Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary. 4ih Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road. Davic Couniy Rlfihl To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-52.35 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119. . 2nd. 4th Than., 7 p.m.. VRV Hall. N.C. 801. Corinthian I.odgc No. 17F&AM. 2nd. 4th Fridays. 7:30 p.m. at (he hxlge. Mocks\iilc Lodge No. 134. lst,3rdTues- days. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Davie Bus. \\'otnen's Ass«k. 1st Wed. cach month. Davic Y.MCA.noon.ToRSVP call 751-5672. Cooleemee Cbitim's Club Meeting. 1st and 3rd Mon. cach monih. 7 p.n\„ U-Siojv Grill. Hwy. 801, Cooleemcc. Cub Scout Pack 504. sponsored b Fulton United Meth. Church. 1st and 3rd Tues. nights each month. 7-8:30 p.m. Young U)ys I -5 grades vs ho w ould like to become a member are welcome lo aiictul. R e c r e a t io n _________________ For пюге information on these events, call 751-2325. Une Dancing Farmington Communily Center, bcry Tuesday. Cost: 52. 1п%1шс1ог>: Stese Л Linda Hailey. For more info, call 751* 3848. Ree Club Bcforc(SI54uaftcr(S25)4:hi4>landouiiif schiwl programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dunce U>«ins $5 per month. Volunteers fordifrerentsocialcvcnls. Contact Ethel at 998-3837. SilverstridersWaikCiub Seniors, 50 and up, M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdays. S7 |vr day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon.. TuM., Wed, & Sal. Call Qiiily Robertson. 998-5I63. YMCA For more information, call 751-9622 or visit Davie Family Y.MCA. Aduit Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday. 9:15 a. in. Arthritis Rehab ,\IWF, 10:30 a,m. Youth Swimming Lessons Ages 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre­ school. sch(wl aged group lesmns & pri­ vale. Use \seek session meet 2 limes per wk., call for e.xaci times. Fee: S30 mem­ bers. S60 non-members. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. S15/month. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & TJuir>. Begin- ncr3:454:30p.m..lntennediate4:.^-5:l5 p.m.. Advanced 5:15-6 p.m.. Adults 6-7 p.m. Membepk S2lVmo.. non-mcmbcr* S.^tV mo. Gymnastics Plus Ci44l grades K-6. Wed. 3:.^0-4:.^t) p.nt. wk. sessions begin Oct. 18. Fee: Members S30. Non-members S50. Karen Umberger's Basketball Bouncers,Program Boys girls .nges 4-5 & 6. Begins Satur­ day, Nov. 4 (6 \s ks.). Times: 9 a.m. ages 4- 5.10 a.m. ages 6. Fee; memlvrs S25. non members $35. YBA Youth Basketball League Forages 7-8. IVogram meets for 11 weeks beginning Nov. 4. Games on Satunlays, practices on weekd,iys. Fee: $25. Mem­ bers: $35 non-members. Massage By appointment only.Tuesil.iy5.$45/liour. $35/half hour. S20/chair massage. Call for details. 751-9622. S e n i o r s _____________________ All Senior Aciiviiicslakc placcnUKe Davic CtJumy Senior Center livated in the BriKk Building on Nonh Main Street. MtKks- villc unless otherssise noted. Cal! 751- 0611. Ongoing Silver Health Ii.4crcLscs. Senior Cenler. M. W, F. 8:30-9 a.m. Mcxk Place. M. W. 10-10:30 a.m. Senior Nutrition Lunch, nos)n M-W. II a,m.Tliurs.& Fri. Quilting, every other Monday, 10'a.m. Bridge.Tuesdays Fridays, I p.m. Silver Strident & Walking Prognims, Daily otBrockGym6:30-9a.m.Ct4ileemee Elementary. 6-8 a.m. Smith Grove Gyn>. 7-9 a.m. Alzheimer's Supiwrl Group. 2tid Tliurs- day, 7 p.m.. Senior Center East Riwm. (Trcath cScniplMHikliig Clavs. 2nd Tues­ day, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Dttvlc Dateline shoidd be re­ ported by П(Ч1|| Momlay of the publication sseek. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office. S. Main St. acn>ss from ihe courihouse. B tA liriC O N T R O I. Teresa Correli • Pioducts • Sftvlcos • Career Opixjrtunities (336) 492-5460(ХЩ -192-2711 corrclir)i^y.idld.iK'l wvvw.l4Miitl|\>go cotn/lcdln: M.Kksvilli*. N С LEONARD REALTY 34 Town Square 751-3650/751.3875 201 Neely S ire d-3 Bedroom, 1 B jlh remodeled coltjge in Mocksvillc. Some hardwood floors. Inveslors Uke nole. l= i $57,000. A N i- w h o m i; fo r T in ; N i'W y h a k i 2 5 5 W n s ît r ic l^ o . A ílv a n c x T ^ ^ ♦ 1Д5.900 V ►xi'c-' \сл c.urct.Urgeòì.'n л t“ la'fi Cjtf*.4!'.il pn.atc r-i r-r s-, 'XT', r :c ti.к'. r.l 'uiti/v liTuJí jprg .Гл1 r-rv’ ÎKs IS Ì rtri ‘л\-' 336 909-2S81 I lizjiKih SMlcrfiiNHl 336-909-2584 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 - B9 M o re O r n a m e n ts P u r c h a s e d F o r W ild life T re e The Humunc Society o f Davic County has rcccived addillonul w ild­ life omuinent purchases in memory or hopor o f loved ones and pets lo decorate a holiday iree located on Ealon Ro.id. Mocksville. The tree Is currently on display and can be viesved from Ihc road. • Jane tind Dcc Drock • in memory o f White Toe Brock. • Keith and Jessie Hodson • In memory o f Jitterbug. Pug, Peanuts. Scotty, Yvette, and Freckles, • Ellen Schugnm • in memory o f Rudy and Sebastian, and in honor o f the staff at the Davic County Public Library. • David and Rhonda Taylor • in honor o f grnndparents Baxter and Ruby Boger. Local Students ; Receive Degrees North Carolina Stale University ; Chancellor Marye Anne Fox con- ; ferrcd degrees on aboul 2,300 sum­ mer and IX'cemlwr gniduales when Ihe university held ils 2000 l*all Gniduatlon on Wednesday. Dec. 20. at the Raleigh (:nterlaim enl and Sports Arena. M ark R ichard Beuler o f Miscksvillc received n Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Citnneii Nicole Comat/er o f Ad­ vance received a Bacliehtrs degree in Electrical l-ngineering. PU BLIC N O TICES N E E LY . P ri'slnn und Jenn ifer H urpe- N i’vly o f M ucksvtlle announce Ihe b irth o f ih v ir first child, n duugh- ter, Duyunnu Nicole, on December 14,2000, ut 9:49 p.m. Duyunnii weighed 7 lbs. 2.4 oz. und wns 20 inches long. She was delivered by Dr. Tho- , inns Brow n nt Forsyth M edical ; Center. Duyunnn viua bom Jusit 2 duys . iK'fore herpurvnt.s 5lh wedding un- ■ nlversury. M u te rn u l g ra n dparents are . Brendu Diiy llu rp e o fM o clu vd l« und the lute W llliun i ‘^ B iir Ander­ son Harpe. Fulernul grandpurents are Su- sun Duvis Neely o f Advance and . Thunius Neely o f M ocksville. G reut-grundpurents ore Ted and Irene Davis o f Advance. North Carolina Davie County ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualitiodas Co-Admlnislratrix of Ihe Estate of MAE BOQER McCLAMROCK. late ol Davie Couniy, North Carolina, this is lo notify all per­ sons having claims against the eslale to present them to the undersigned on or beforo the eih day of March. 2001. said dale being al least Ihree months from the date ol first publication ot this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 2000. the same being Ihe first publication date. Jane M. Bowers and Dorothy M.Boger. Co-Administratrix for the Estate of MAE BOGER McCUMROCK Grady L McClamrock. Jr., Attorney at UWNCSBN7666 161 South Main Street Mocskville. NC 27028 12-7.31П North Carolina Davie County ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ToriyLynnKimmer,Sr.,havingquali- fiod as tho Administrator ol tho Estato ot Terry Lynn Kimmer. Jr., Deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, hereby notifiesall persons having claims against tho estate ot tho docoased lo exhibit them to tho undersigned on or before Match 3\, 2001 or U\ls notteo wiH bo pleaded In bar of their right to recover against tho estate of tho said deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will ploaso make Immediate payment. This the 14th day of December. 2000. E. Edward Voglcr. Ji. Attorney for Administrator 181 South Main Street Mocksvillo. NC 27028 (336) 751-6235 t2*14-4tn North Carolina Davio Couniy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ernest M. Godboy, Jr.. having qu-*«!i- lied as the Administrator ot tho Estate of Alice Loo Wintors Godboy. Deceased, late of Davio County, North Carolina, hereby notifiesall persons having claims against tho estate of the deceased lo exhibit them lo tho undersigned on or beforo March3l, 2001 or this Notcewiil bo pleaded in bar of their right to recover against Ihe estate ot the said deceaseo All persons indebted to sakl ostato wi' ploaso make Immediate paymenL This tho 14th day of December. 2000. E. Edward Vogler. Jr. Attorney for Administrator 181 South Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 (336) 751-6235 12-14-410 North Carolina Oavie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Eva Polls, late of Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day ol March. 2001, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 2tst day of December, 2000. Homer Potts, Executor 186 Homer Polls Road Mocksville. NC 27028 12-21-4IP Д Ä Ä b a c io AComfortex▼ »rvoitwM GRAND OPENING •Vertical ttllnds • Custom Made Mini Blinds • lUcalttd Shades • Wood Blinds • Planlalion Shutters • Window Tinting • Fabric Window Toppera FREE In Home Consultation! A fte r H ours A p p o in tm e n ts W alters Buildings Agri - Commercial F R E E Q U O T E S Lexington, NC (3 3 6 ) 7 6 4 4 8 2 » o r 1 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 3 5 - 2 5 9 0 "Mare Value For Your Money" North Carolina Davie County PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Article 11, Section 11.3.2 ot Ihe Town of Mocksville Zoning Ordi­ nance there wilt be a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING before Ihe Zoning Board of Adjust­ ment on Thursday, January 11,2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mocksville Town Hall. The following item is scheduled to be heard: • Appalachian Outdoor Advertising Company has tiled an appeal, pursu­ ant to Article 11, Section 11.3 of the Town of Mocksville Zoning Ordi­ nance, from an order Issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Tho matter Involves an off'premlse ad­ vertising sign located on property off the west side of Yadklnvllle Road approximately 1/4 mile south of Madi­ son Road, and further described as Parcel 106 of Davie County Tax Map H-4. A sign will be posted on the above listed property to advertise said hearing All parties and Interested citizens are Invited to attend the public heating at which time they shall have an opportu­ nity to present any facts or testimony on Ihe above matter. Prior to the hearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional information on this proposal al the Planning Ollice, Davie County Administration Building. 123S. MainSt., Mocksville, NC 27028 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at (336)751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 12-21-2tn North Carolina Forsyth Couniy NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Melinda Joy White Plaintiff, vs. Gabriel Allen While Defendant Take Notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in tho above entitled action, wherein Ihe plain­ tiff Is seeking; An absolute divorce based upon the grounds ol one year's separation. You ate required to ntake defense lo such pleading not later than 40 days following the 14ih day of December, 2000, and upon your failure lo'do so, the plainlitf will apply lo Iho Court for the relief soughL This the 14th day of December, 2000. MELINDA JOY WHITE: Plaintill By: B^an Gates Atlomery IN . Marshall SI. Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 724-0082 12-14-3tn North Carolina Davie Couniy CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of the Esate of James Nathaniel Richardson, Jr., late of Davie Couniy, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to theundersignedonorbeforethe8thday of March, 2001, being thtee (3) months from Ihe first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sakl estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This 7th day of December, 2000. James Charles Rk:hardson 111 Winchester Road Advance. NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12-7-4tn North Carolina Davie County CREDITOR'S NOTICE ' HAV1NQQUAL1F1ED as Executrix ot the Estate of Billy Gray Laird, late ot Davie Couniy, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate tO' present them to the undersigned on or before the7lh day of March. 2001, being three (3) months tiom the first day ot publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 7lh day of December. 2000. Donna E. Laird, Executrix T. Dan Womble Attorney al Law P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 12-7-4ln RNtSfUEtCm • ïïiKks UtiHtyBiiiMiiigs CarportK A IS im ,U S a h m iite d AISlMDMUIt 336-751-3442 _ _ J * o g l« v ille ^ N C _ _ North Carolina Davio County PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho Town Board of Commissioners will hold a PUBLIC HEARING In tho Town Hall. Mocksvillo. NC, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. January 2.2001.. The following arorequesta for new private road» within IhoTownof Mocks­ ville Addressing Ordinance Jurisdiction. Each road name has been requested by the property owner(s) and meets the minimum requirements for naming: Cooper Creek Dr located at 1720 US Hwy 601 N. Pleasant Ln located al 107 Green St. Párk Hill Ln located at 123 Green St. Tarue Ln located al 1085 Salisbury Rd. Single Ln located at 1125 Salisbury Rd. Residents who live on these private roads will be assigned a now street address upon approval ot tho new road names. All parties and Interested citizens shall have an opportunity lo be heard In favor of or In opposition to the foregoing changes. Prior to tho hearing, all por- so(\s Inlorestod may obtain any addi> lional Information on Iho proposal by visiting the Planning Department in Ihe Davie County Administration Building. Mocksvillo, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by lotephone al (336) 751- 3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 12-21-2ln North Carolina Davie County ERNEST M.GODBEY, JR., Adminstrator of the Estate of Alice Leo Winters Godboy, Deceased, Petitioner vs. GARY F. GODBEY, and DEBORAH GODBEY HORTON, defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO DEBORAH GODBEY HORTON, the above named defendant: Take nottee that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Ernest M. Godboy, Jr., as Ad­ ministrator of the Estate of Alice Lee Winters Godboy, of whom you are an heir, has filed a petition for sale of real estate Inordertomakeassets wilh which to pay estate debts. You are required to make defense to such pleading not lator than the29thday ot January. 2001, said date being 40 days from the first publication of thic notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking sen^e against you virill apply to tho court for the relief sought. Thisthe2tstdayof0ecember,2000. E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attornoyfor Petitioner NC State Bar «8069 181 South Main Street Mocskville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336)751-6235 12-21-3tn North Carolina Davie County EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Sarah Juanita Gregory, De­ ceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this iá lo ncti^/ ell persons - having claims against said estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the under-, signed on or before April 1,2001, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery against said eslale of the said deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imrñediate pay­ menL This the 21 slday of December, 2000. Phyllis R. Allen Executor ot the Estate of Sarah Juanita Whitaker Gregory c/oE. Edward Vogler. Jr. Attorney for the Estate of Sarah Juanita Whitaker Gregory 181 South MainSt. Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-6235 12-21-4tn North Carolina Davie Couniy CREDITOR S NOTICE . HAVING QUALIFIED AS Co-Admln- Istrators ot the Estate of MAMIE HOWARD NAIL, late of Davie Couniy, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersignedon orbef ore the Bthday of March, 2001, being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay- menV to the undersigned. This 7lh day of December. 2000. James W. Nall, Co-Adm. 247 Howardtown Road Mocksville, NC 27028 ' Ann N. Rich '158 Nail U ne Mocksville, NC 27028 • Martin & Van Hoy. LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court ^ u a r* . • Mockivlllt, NO-97028 12-7-4tn North Carolina Davie County IN RE; PERRELL, a minor child bom January 15.2000 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO; UNKNOWN FATHER TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek­ ing relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: THE PCTITIONER. DAVIE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOFSOCIALSERVICES SEEKSTHETERMINATIONOFYbUR PARENTAL RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO AMINOR CHILD, PERRELL, BORN JANUARY 15, 2000 IN FORSYTH COUNTY. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than the 30th day of January, 2001, said dale being forty (40) dayslrom thelirst publication of this notice, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you willapptytotheCourtfor the relief sought. Thisthe21stdayofDecember,2000. MARTIN & VANHOY. LLP. BY: SAi.LYW. SMITH ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER TEN COURT SQUARE MOCKSVILLE. NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 12-21-3TN North Carolina Davie County IN RE: PERRELL, a minor child born January 15,2000 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS] BY PUBLICATION TO DEREK TAKE NOTICE that apleading seek-! ing relief against you has been filed in i Ihe above-entitled action. The nature of | the relief being sought is as follows;thepetitioner.daviecountyIDEPARTMENTOFSOCIALSERVICESlseekstheterminationofyourI PARENTAL r ig h ts WITH RESPECTI TO AMINOR CHILD, PERRELL. BORN I JANUARY 15, 2000 IN FORSYTH I COUNTY. You are required lo make defense to I such pleading no later than the 30th day I of January, 2001, said dale being forty! (40) days from thefirst publication ot this I notice, and upon your failure to do so, I the party seeking sen/ice against you I willapplytothecourt forthe relief sought. I Thisthe21sldayofDecember,2000.1 MARTIN & VANHOY. LLP. I BY: SAlLYW .SM iTHi ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER I TEN COURT SQUARE I MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 ] (336) 751-2171 I 12-21-3TN I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Underand by virtue of the power and authority contained In the Deed of Tmst executed of Farmers Home Administra­ tion, U.S. Department ol Agriculture, . recordedinDeedBook0169,Page0834 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Davie Couniy, North Carolina, and due to debtor's default In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and fail­ ure lo perform the terms and agree­ ments there In contained, and pursuant lo the demand of the owner and holder ol the Indebtedness and order of the Clerk of Superior Court, the following described propertywith all improvements thereon will be sold at public auction on the gth day of January, 2001, at 12:00 noon at the steps ot the Davie County Courthouse in Mocksville, NC; BEING all of Lot 17, Craftwood Subdivision, Section I, as appears (lom a map thereof recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 112, Davie County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said lot. This conveyance Is subject lo restrictive covenants described in an instrument recorded in Deed Book 87. at Page 323 and 324, Davie County Registry. Sale Is subject lo the current year property taxes and special assessments, restrictions and easements of record, if any. The record owner of the property is: Pamela S. Day (now Pamelas. Cox). The property address Is SO Whitney Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. The property will be soldas one tract. Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Slat., Section 45-21.10, the successful bidder is re­ quired to deposit cash, cashier or certi­ fied check wilh the Substitute Tnjslee in an amount nol lo exceed five percent (5%) of the amount bid wilh a minimum deposit of $750.00, to be held by the Substitue Tmslee until the sale Is con­ summated, or an upset bid Is filed and deposit made with the Cleri« of Court within the len-day upset bid period. Each property filed bid vnll be held open ten days for further upset bids. • The successful bidder shall be re­ quired to pay the full balance of the purchase price as a bid, In cash or ' certified check, at the lime the deed for the property is delivered, or attempted to be delivered. Should the successful bidder fall to pay the full balance ol the purchase price, said person shall re­ main liable on the bid as required by North Carolina law. William R. DeGraw, Jr. was substi­ tuted as Trustee by that Instmment re­ corded in Book 350 Page 397 on No­ vember 3,2000. This the 26th day of December, 2000. William R. DeGraw, Jr. Substitute Trustee 3911 University Parkway Wlnston-Satem.NC 27106 (336)759-0900 12-26-2ln North Carolina Davie County EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARY ROSE FRYE JOYNER, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st ot March, 2001, said date being at least three (3) months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wiil please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.' This 21st day of December, 2000, the same being the first publication date. Glenn David Joyner Executor of the Estate o f. MARY ROSE FRYE JOYNER Grady LMcClMirock. Jr.. Attorney at Ltw NCSei7e6e ie i South № S tfM t ^ Mockavill«. NC 27020 , (336) 751-7502 - , » M im n PUBLIC HEARINa NOTICE This Is to Inform the public ot the I opportunitytopartkiipatelnapublichear-1 ing on Ihe proposed Community Trans­ portation Plan for fiscal year 2001-2002.1 Applicationsare tobe submitted by Janu-1 ary 17,2001 to the North Carolina De- 1 partmentofTransportationbytheYadkin I Valley Economic Development District, j Inc. The hearing will take place in the I Davie County Administration Building. I on January 16, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in I Mocksville. North Carolina, by the Davie I County Public Transportation Authority I andtheDavieCountyBoardofCommis- ] sioners. The projected funds for Administra­ tive. Operating, and Capital Assistance 1 for July 1,2001 through June 30,2002 I Includes $51,405 In federal funds, I $11,015 in state funds, and $519.833 in | other funds. A plan summa7 may be reviewed at I the County Managers 0№ce, YVEDDi j District Officer or at Ihe Couniy Trans­ portation Office from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 | p.m. Monday - Friday. Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Incorporated P.O. Box 309 River Road Boonvill. NC 27011 Telephone; 336-367-7251 Monday-Frtday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Charlie Walker, Transportation Director Jo Ann Snow, Executive Director Ddvie Section 5311 Rural Public Transportation 622 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: 336-751-2187 Kim Doby, Couniy Coordinator 12-28-1tn North Carolina . Davie County CREDITOR’S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Exocutor of the Estate of Kay Frances West, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 28th day of March. 2001. being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. AO persons indebted to said estate wriil please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' Thls28lh day of December, 2000. Cathy Tatum. Administratrix 317 Strickland Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27127 Martin & Van Hoy. LLF? Attomey at Law Ten Court Square ’ Mocksville, NC 27028 12-28-4tn North Carolina j Davie County EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 1 Having qualified as Co-Executors Of the Eslale of Chariie Hugh Lakey,- den ceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all personf having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of March, 2000, being three (3) monlhs from the first daj' ofpubllcatiQnof thlsnotlce, orUilsnotlce will be pleaded In bar of their recover)^. All persons indebted to said estate win please make immediate payment to the undersigned. • This the I4lh day of December, 2000. Douglas Hiram Lakey 166 Horseshoe Trail Mocksville. NC 2702^ • And Charies Matthew L a k^ . 180 Horseshoe ~ ’ Mocskville, NC . -Piedmont Legal AtsodatM. Lynn Hicka. 124-WMtDtpot V Moei»vyit.NC — I,- д .. 1}10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000€ Ь А 8 8 Ш Е 0 в I N E X P J i i N S l V E P R O F I T A B L E DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,2000 - Blle L A S S I F I E D S I N E X P E N S I V E P R O F I T A B L E . W IS E C flR U E R M INI-STORAGE For ill! your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about Tree rental. 297511wy.64EinFork G n C i to d a y ! (336) 998-8810 L A R R Y ’S W O O D F L O O R Gradina* Hauling Landscaping Land Clearing • Driveways < Gravel • Mufcli • Fill Dirt • New Lawns 336-998-1053 S E R V I C E Laying • Sanding • Rnishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drivo 336-751-1721 20 YSAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors i Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS MATH Ф POWER Algebra Geometry Calculus. Call 1-800-97NACME. Words on piiper. Tliey will alftays be the most powerful tools human beings use to communicate. They place no limits on liow much we can say, and the furthest reaches of the imagination are the only limits on what we can show. They have the power to niake complex Ideas simple, and simple ideas powerfuK We do more than read them, we hold them. And, fibm the adyenising we see in publica­ tions to the letters we recelTC in the mall, the things wc hold inour'hands have the quickest routes to our hearts.' Yard Sales A TO Z CONSIGNMENTS & ALTERATIONSHolon Boger 974 Farmlnglon Road Mocksvillo. NC 27028 __________(910)998-3013__________ CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES (336)751-6252- Barbies, now lino of Ashloy Bello dolts, rurnlture, tea sols, assorted Hot Wheels, porcelain dolls. Crlckett dolls, oto. Shop now and lay-a-WQ/ for Chrlstmasl Homes For Rent I Miscellaneous I IVIoblle Homes/Sale Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Office Space 7 YR OLD Bay Golding, S1200, 996-0836 after Spm.______________ AKC REGISTERED FEMALE boxer pups for sate. Just In lime fot Christmas. Call 998-6296 after 5pm._____________________________ FREE- PART BEAGLE/ Bird Dog Pupgios. Call after 6:00pm. 492* SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES. Black & white. Males. $300/ea. Females, S250/ea. AKC reglsterod. Day 751-9280. evening 909-2402. Leave message. Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE: Al) brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & sv^ngs. kilchen appliances furnished Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy effidont heal pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phonos. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Located In Mocksvillo behind the old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Or. olf of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. FOR RENT- Immaculate 3Br. 1,5 bath brick rancher w/(utl basement, no pots. 1 yr lease. S750.00/mo. ana sec. dep. Call Pennington & Co Realty- Mary Hendricks, 336* 751-9400_________________________ HOUSE FOR RENT; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2400 square feet. Executive home. Upscale Mocksville neighborhood. $1,000.00 month. Will consider lease to purd^ase. 336-75t-t203, Homes For Sale FSBO: 3 bedroom. 2 bath, fireplace. 2'Car oarago, 1268 square feet, on a 1-acre partially wooded lot. $129,000. 155 Camden (¿ourt. Advance, 998-1799 HOUSE FOR SALE 1462 sq ft on approx 1 aero. Now thermal swing windows. Location: 601 S. Call 336-492-5116 or leave message. Price: $94,900,00 Land For Sale 1-10 ACRE lots stahing al $4,500 per acre, owner financing available. Call Mr. F, L Wood al 1-888-211- 4482._____________________________ FOR SALE: 2 1/2 acres* Wilkes County. Borders Kerr Scott Lake. $17.0()0.00 (336)751-3406 LAND FOR SALE by owner. 8 1/2 acre. Cooleomee area, 284-4368 Lots For Rent FARMINGTON HEIGHTS Mobile Homo Spacos for Rent. Call 998-5462. Building for Rent ■ Lots For Sale Great storefront for rent in downtown Mocksvillo. 7СЮ+ sq. ft. $450/monlh. 704-278-1717 Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Caro has Immediate openings • ALL AGES - for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibililios). Convenient hours 5:30am - 1:45am. Full Time, Part Time. Drop In - upon availability. Come seo us at 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751- PLAY(7529)______________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HASImmediate openings lor Infants thru preschoolers, discount for second child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbie. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home. Before and after school care available. $60 per week. 492- 6219 C ondos for Sale BERMUDA RUN, 3BR, 3BA 2100 s( condo w/ 20K membership. 2 car garage, new caroet. rooL etc. $157K. 940-222C Farm M aciiinery 1965 FORD 4000 Industrial gas tractor (or sale. $4500.00 336- 940-6328_________________________ MF-35 DELUXE W.6' RTS bush hog tiller, windmill spreader. 6’ box blade. $8100 336-492-7835 FREE SATELLITE SYSTEM. 1-600-441-6408 for more into. Furniture MATCHING COUCH AND love seaL Less than 6 mo, old. $175.00. Call 998-2682 __________ USED FURNITURE OF all kinds/In good condition. For more ^formation, call 492-7780 or 492- 5466.< Homes For Rent 3 BEDROOM HOME for rent. Advance area. $600/mo 909-1731 A 3-BEDROOM brick home oH ot Hwy. 64W. And a 3-bedroom brick home on Deadmon Road, Call Swicegood Wall & McDaniel Realtors al 751-2222. StMl Circle Saws. Carfiide Saws, Yard Tooli, Chair) Saw Chains, Scltaora, Hand Sawa Boat tho New Years B0&QlUt[Q0 LOSE WEIGHT Dr. Rocommended Guarantoodl 910-949-2288 88в-в22-3426 www.v-horbmall.com/ optlon4u FREESAMPLES FIREWOOD FOR SALE 336-751-2472_____________________ FOR SALE: K & Q SALVAGE2x4 studs. $1.25/ea, pkg.; 4'x7' x 5/16" sheetrock. $3,99/ea.; 4’x9\ S4.99/ea.Vinyl siding. $34.95/square Adult briefs. $3.95/pk,. Insulated window sash, $4/pr. 5’4'x8‘2- hardboard. S3.99/ea; AA & AAA batteries 8-pk. .99ea,; bathroom sinks with facet, range hoods, $14.95/ea,; 4'x8'cedar closot liner, 9,95/ oa.; 5/4’ treated decWng bds., fl’. S3.49/ea.: 10\ $4.49/oa,; 12' $5.69/oa.4'xl2*l/2* sheetrock. $6,99/ea. New roofing shingles. S14.95/sq. Pergo limainato llooring, $1.99/5q. It. 6 panel Exterior Stool Door units, $84.00/oa.: Foimtea, $.50/sq. U.Interior paneling. S5.95/oa.; BIdg. stone $140 per pallot/140 sq, ft.:Roofing felt, S6,95/roll: Wo stock stainless steel in sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36* dia. Wo stock pumps & accessories loi wells. Steel I-Beams For Salo. 8' Landscaping timbers. $1.99/ea. K & G SALVAGE (RoynokJa Road) 1st business on West bank ol Yadkin River 910-699-2124 M 1ST TIME Buyers Program: No. Credit Needed. Call (or Free. Qualification. Homo Zone. 1-(800)866-8874__________________. II ABANDONED DOUBLEWtDE II On large lot w/stream. Bank' liquidation negotiable credit' conditions, small transfer foe & lake. over pmts. Call(704)528-6228. ICREDIT HOTLINEI 1-800-866-8874 Free Approval by Phone In Minutes ■ Homo Zone ITRUE MODULAR HOMEI 3BR.2BA, 7/12 PITCH ROOF DRY W ALL, ALL THE OPTIONS SET UP ON YOUR LAND FOR $59,900. HOME ZONE «1 IN U N D /H O M E SERVICE .• HOME ZONE 4800)866-8874 S ACRES IN Davie County. Doublewido OK. $42,900 Loavo message at 998-2721_____________ FOR SALE: 1/2* acre building lot. Twin Cedars Goll Course. Water motor in place. Petked. Mako offer. (336)751-3406 Miscellaneous Call WILL BUY JUNK CARS.284-4194___________________ WOOD & MULCH lor solo. You haul or wo haul; arxJ Bobcat worit. 319W .M aploAvo. 751-3768 YEAR END CLOSEOUTl Arch Stool Buildings. Inventory Clearance) 2000 Stool Prices. While Supplies U s il 25x30. 40x58. 50x110, Workshops/ Garages Call 1-800-341-7007. www.sloelmastorusa.com Mobile Homes/Rent HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO New Year's Eve Trip. Sunday. Doc 31st. S20/person. Also. Catawba Binoo trips/Dec: 22.23,26,30 EZ Way Travel- Call 998-4732 John & Evelyn W yatt KENNELS FOR SALE:10x10x5, $175,00: 10x10x6. $195.00. Full price. 492-5855 LOSE WEIGHTI Feel Great! Stay SlimI New Years Speclall Get in Control NowMlll Donna Tkach. RN 336-940-5693_____________________ ROCK BOTTOM PRICEStll Three Repossessed Arch Type Steel Buildings. - One Is New. 25x30. 30x40. Take Ovor Payments. No Refused.CallReasonable Offer I Today 1-800-222-6335.___________ USED RAILROAD CROSS TIES- from $2-$9. Delivery available. Limited amount free. 336-699- 2006 or 699-8593 «IARIIN SAW SHOP 7S1-5038 FOR RENT; 2 bodfoom, 1&1/2 bath stove & refrigerator. Free walor & garbage pick-up. Very pretty inside. Farmington area. $415.00 704-873-5426___________ READY TO MOVE IN 2Br mobile homo. nico. private lot. near Loo Joans. S395/mo. 751-1216. (7041872-3367_________ READY TO MOVE in. 2 bedroom upstairs apartment, fully furnished wilh utilities. $450/mo. 751-1218 or (704)872-3367_________________ READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick Qt\t. FuUy tumlst^ed, :tricity fumishod. 751-1218 or (704) 872-3367.___________________ VERY NICE 3-bedroom doublewido. Also. 19984-bedroom singlewido mobile. C^II SWM Realtors at 751-2222, $ NO CREDIT? No Problemi!-. Homo only. Land/ Homo, all areas starting al $1200 dn. 336-751- 0503 $SLEASE PURCHASE$$ Singlewido on 1.2 wooded acres! W ill sign ovor (or deposit and l& t. months, pml. Call (704)528-5667. , $1000 DOWN. LAND/homo. Wm. R. Davio School District 751-7734 . 'FORECLOSED*‘98 MODEL doublowkJo only 60 payments left. 751-7734__________^ •RANCHSTYLE*Largo homo & land all setup. $500 deposit, terms negotiable, effortless finarKirrà. Hurry, call (704)528- 0848._____________________________ , 0% DOWN, $487 per month. 4 bodrpom 2 bath. 751-0115 1 ACRE LEFT. Eaton's Church Road, valuable property. $0 down. Land and Homo. 751-7734 1986 2BR, 2BTH* fwods m inor ' repairs. $2900 del & set-up. Will : linance. 336-751-0503____________ 1988 OAKWOOD MOBILE homo 3 bdrm. 2 bath, w/appl. washer/ dryer, dishwasher, fng. stove, on rented lot. Call (336)492-5399 loavo message.___________________ 3 BEDROOM. 2 balh. like new. Owner linarKOd. 751-0115________ 7 LAND/ HOME Packages? Yes, You Canlll Why rof\l whon you can own alt? Land. Homo. well, septic, brick, etc. Payments starting at $500. HOME ZONE. 1-600 866-8874 ABANDONED HOME SET-up near Mocksvillo. $500 dn & take up pmts of $278. 336-751-0503 ADVANCE- 3 bedroom. 2 l>ath. Bad crodit OK. 751-7734__________ ASSUME PAYMENTS ON 1993 Reotwood 3BR. already set up. owner is being transferred. Will sacrifico, only 47 payments left... Call 1-888-211-4482_______________ BAD CREDIT OK. Guaranteed financinqw /1500down, 751-7734. BAD CREDIT? Gov. approved ; loan program guarantees you will • qot financed, (336)751-0115 A U C T I O N - A N T I Q U E S A D V E R T I S E R S C O L L E C T I B L E S S A T U R D A Y , D w s . 3 0 , 1 0 : A M Ю САТЮМ! C M tra l Соям аияН у Cm Iw , U O O k M щоай, P fa m o w n , NC. From Winslon-Salm, lollow Roynolda Road (Hwy. 67 WesI). Bear loll on Yadklnville Road (Old US Hwy. 421), Sale approx. 6 miles on lelt, C O N S ISTS O f! Old RJR Items (Ind. Old Camel Bulletin Board liom Reynolds BIdg.; Old Camel, Salem & Winston Christmas cartons; old advertising signs; Camel lighters ,& other lighters, Incl. Salem table lighters a other table lighters); variety ol old bottles; oak washstand; Kripsie Kteme items; old solt drink bottles; Salem (NC) boltle; old tobacco tins & tobacco lags; old Pepsi & White House bottles; lout old train sets & other vintage toys; Fenton glassware; old pottery; old rods & reels; old cardboard sholgun shell boxes; old NC automobile license plates: 1927 trolley motor; assorted racing items; old axes & halchels; mini Case knives (red & green bone & others); large collection ol polllcal buttons; old US coins Incl. Silver sets, gold pieces (S5.00, $10.00 & $20.00), sliver dollars, Canadian coins & ptool sets; lighted beer signs; old Elvis phonograph lecordlngs & other long-play recordings; glass showcases; many Joe Camel Items; old lln advertising sings (Incl. Coca-Cola, Cheerwine). П М М , а м и o n д т о п » ви а а к. , eVEnVTHII« «010 M II t WHCRl IS IW »«««ЯПЕв EXPRESSED 0ЯIMPUED). -NOr ПЕВРОтШЕ IN CASE OF ACCIDENT. FOOO SERVED ON OROUNDS.Enn In. |ш ««.|1Ч1Ш а оМош M l IM пап пЫШикеш Им. IM ЬромЛ. iQfMMIf--------------- ----------------Л Ol dêMie AnwrlCMt. FRED Q. 1МЮСК* АисИопмг . 07210ыив HMV.421EM»0«Ml,NC27DtO(99e)eee- : Ъ42е NCAL «2t. Beautiful 3 BR, 2 Both homo already set up on 1 aero lot. Too many options lo list. Call 1-704- 872-2347. Hablamos Espaftol, Brand now 28x80, 2001 sq. ft. 4BR, 2 Bath Homo Only $405.00 per month WAC, For info, call 1- 704-872-6389. Hablamos Espaftol, Brond new 3 BR, 2 Bath Doublewido, Only $274.00 per month OAC. For Info, call 1-704- ' 872-0843. Hablamos Español. COOL SPRINGS AREA singlewido bad credit OK. $320 per month. (336)751-7439 DONT LET A crodit problem stop you from owning your own homo, Como by and talk to us- you'd bo surprised at Iho number of families wo havo helpedll 767-7762 FHA Manufactured Home Loans aa Low as 7.5% Interest rates. For moro Info, call 704-B72-0191. Hablamos Español._______________ FOR SALE BY owner. Advance area. 1997 Oakwood dream homo doublewido. brick foundation. 2 decks. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, groat room, 16'x24' stick built detached building wilh electric & phono outlets. On 1,7^ secluded ac. $119.000.00 336-766-5377 GOOD CREDIT. BAD credit, no credit. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. $750 dollars down. 751-7439___________ HAMPTONVILLE- DOUBLEWIDE owner financed, living room/ den model. 751-7439_________________ LONE HICKORY RD. Singlewido owner linanced, 60 It. homo. 75t* 0115_____________________________ MOBILE HOME FOR salo. lot for rent. 998-7307___________________ MOVE IN FOR Holidays Ready Now. 30r, 2Ba DW on private lot. Call (336)751-1571. MUST SELL- 3 bedroom, 2 bath on privato k)t. Country Lane. $400 por month. 751-0115 TITLE CLERK/ PAYABLES CLERK •Full lime • All lifiicflts •W ork here III Davic Co. • Experience helpful • l^iy based on experience Apply To; Andrea I'urrow 7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 187 D*pol SirM t, Meckavlll«, NC ' OFFICI] • Ехрепспссч! • licfervncca • M other & Daughter Tbam Call Maria Rutter (336)284-4211 Only al Fleetwood Homos of Slatesvillo. Havo Christm as and a new homo too. $1000,00 Shopping Spree with purchase of a new homo. Call 1-704-872-0179, Hablamos Espai^ol, RECENT BANK FORECLOSURE near Mocksville, 3BR Fleetwood Doublewido on 1 aero lot, lurn on tho electric and move in. Assume payments of $549 per month (WAC) on home and land... CalM- 668-211-4482 ____________ SINGLEWIDE- $210 per month. Bad credit OK 751-7439__________ SOUTH IREDELL REOP DOUBLEWIDE Already set up. Mortgage company can finance for $51(gmth, Cair(704)528-0932 THE STAFF OF Quail Run Homes. lOCi thank you for your past business and support and reminds you they aro of son/Ice lo tho entire area. 767-6381___________________ "BARELY LEGAL" • 1976 Connor- needs minor repairs- will owner finance w/ bad credilll 336-751- 0503 ‘99 3BR .28AToko ovor pmts. Call (704)528- 6228, DAVE'S MUSIC Layaway Now Everything on Sale Until Christmas All band Instruments from Duncan Music for sale or rent. Lessons: guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass. Teachor: Chris Ward. Call Dave. 751-1934 PIANO TUNINGRopalrinq & Rebuilding Soll-playors. Sales & Sen/ice Wallace Bartord 998-2769 APPRENTICE TECHNICIAN I'llll tim e Tools &. I3rivcr’s Ucense Ncce.ssary A ll bcncfil.s I'ay based on c.xpcriuncc A pply To: Robbie D ilm ore 7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 1ST D*pol SlfM l, Mocki«m*i NC MILLER EQUIPM ENTNJ RENTAL FAIL IS HEREI Bobcat. aeralQC core ulugger a m o re lo r rem lodavi Mrk^i'ie' 1336,751-2304 In s p e c to r / P a c k e r M e c h a n ic a l T r o u b le -S h o o te r TENSION ENVELOPE CORP. HAS OPENINGS FOR INSPECTOR PACKERS. THIS POSITION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTING, COUriTlNO. LAHELING. AND PACKING ENVELOPES. WE ALSO HAVE AN OPENING FOR MECHANICAL TROUBLE5HOOTER/ADJUSTOR. QUALIHED INDIVIDUALS W ia HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OK EQUIVAUNT. WE OFFER YEAR ROUND STEADY WÜRK, ONTHE-JOD TRAINING, COMPETITIVE WAGES PLUS FULL DENERT PACKAGE INCLUDING HEALTH/ DENTAL, LIFE INSURANCE, PENSION • PLAN, PAID VACATION, 10 PAID HOLIDAYS, 401 K PUN. APPLICATIONS W ia BE ACCEPTED MON.- FRL, 8:30 A.M • 4K» jm N a iO N E N V M tJO P M C O Ê № O a A n O if ircei Dicp(. • .Tcation Envelope Crop. 3800 KliDwc» Drive. WIrm m S tk « N.C. 2710Э PRIME OFFICE SPACE available Immediately. First month's rent free. 1200 sqft $900/mo. 336- 996-8055 B & D D E S IG N & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complete Homo Improvomonl Company: Wo Work To Moot Your BudqoM Bobcat Work: Wo Do Small Repairs:Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424 Mocksvillo, NC 27028 CRITTER SITTERS OF Davio County. Wo caro for your pels In the comfort of your own homo. 492-5542 or 751-0106_____________ DISH 500, FREE System & FREE Installing. 1-800-984-0772 DJ SERVICE Life of the Party! Reasonable rates, 336-284-4682 DREAM BUILDERS 336-492-6208 ‘Framing- conventional & log homos.'Garages, decks, roofs, etc.*15 yrs, exp, workers com, and general liability ins.^Providing quality work with intergrity. 'References upon requosL Call after 6 pm. HANDYMAN SERVICES Plumbing, replacement windows, gonoral maintenco. Joe, 704-546- 2089_____________________________ HOUSE CLEANING, low prices. Mocksville. Advance. Clemmons. Call Julie. 998-9278. RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Milltr Road •,M«k»ille,NC (336) 284-2826 ADVANCED CUSTOM lO O T A l’PMANCES -------------------------------------------------------Need a moJivaied dcpcmbblc inJiviJual for a nunufaciuring position in Davie Co. Plaster work, grinding, and leaiher working ore invulved. Need good hand-eye coordination. Starting pay $8.00. Salary increa.« as you learn, lU'allh Insunincc ofTered. Serious Inquiries Only!! «8-8177 Service LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Ownor Freo Estimates ____________998-1798____________ MIKE'S WOODCRAFT 336^51-5165 mhgIIowlcz@ aol.com Finish Carpentry. Hardware Install Cabinets Install. Docks & Railings Repair/ Punch Work Stucco RepairTreated Wood Seal Doors & Windows, Consulting Freo Estimates. Insured, Prompt Courteous NEW SERVICES OFFERED J & J Home Improvements, ono of Davie County's oldest lawn son/ices, is now offering housekeeping as part of its business expansion. Now, In addition lo excollenl lawn care you can receive quality interior sen/ices. These general cleaning sen/ices will be available through J & J Homo Improvemonts beginning In January 2001.We offer quality sen/ice at an adordablo price. Our number ono goal is customer satisfation. Wo are insured and bonded.Contact John Leach, owner, to receive more information about our sen/ices.Some of the sorvices offered: 'Private Rosidontial Cleaning 'Business/Olfico Cleaning •Builder/ Contarctor Cleaning 'Special Events 'Gutter Cleaning 336-751-5790 OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398. ROOTER, DRAIN CLEANING Plumbing Repairs, Installation Lowest Rates, Winterize 284-4076; cell. 813-6928 TREE REMOVAL, lots cleared, gonoral cleanup. Insured, free estimates. Triad Tree, Inc.788-2323 399-1468 Vehicles 1993 KDX-200 VGC. 31500, 998- 0836 after 5pm.___________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.BuIck - Dodgo 700 W. Innos St., Salisbury __________704-636-1341__________ *96 HONDA ACCORD EX. 4dr., 1 owner, all records, exc. condition. 751-1181 Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Standing Timber. Top Dollar Paid, Will cut lots. Select cutting OK. Call Paul at P.T. Timber. 704-637-9097 WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cut or clear cut. Shaver W ood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704-638-0814 Employment A WORKING MOM’S Dream: Earn up to SlOOO.OO/month part-time FROM HOMEIIII Make money while at home with your children! 336-940-5693_____________________ ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT Company Is hiring for line clearance tree trimmer. Start 9.37- 12.68, depending on exp. Driving license required. 704-638-4018, Iv. msq._____________________________ PART-TIME SECRETARY al Advance Church, Call 998-4352, If no answer, leave message.._______ PRODUCT ASSEMBLERS NEEDED!!! Fasl-growing Industry in Mocksville is now recruiting full­time product assemblers for 1st and 2nd shifts. Temp to perm with pay starting at $7.50 per hour! Apply In person at SRS Personnel Staffing, 1326 Ashley Square, Ashley Brook Lane. Winston- Salem. NC 27103. (336)760-7111. Employment ATTENTION: WORK FROM I HOMEI $500- $2,500/mo, PT:1 $3,000- S7,000/mo. FT. F reol bookloL (600)657-01121 www.iiveyourdreamscentral.com CABINET SHOP FINISHING I PERSONNEL NEEDEDSeveral years experience In custom 1 finishing, stain, and color matching. { Diroct contact with customers ] required. Apply In person to 2625 | S. Stratford Rd., Winston-Salem, 27103, M-F 8:00-4:00. 336-760- | 4336___________________________ CONCRETE HELPER. TRAVEL I roq. Drivers license preferred. Call 1 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for I application, EOE_______________ ^ Driver- Company/ OTR Guaranteed Home Policy! Earn competitive wages with excellent health benefits. No NYC, no Canada & no unloading. Class j A w/ hazmat. 9 mo. experience, and good MVR. 800-925-5133 , www.cbfs.com_______ EARN 2nd. Income w ithout 2nd lob $200-$500. sparetime 1-800-686-4201 vrww.alhomebusIness.com/ _____________optIon4u_____________ EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weeekly w/overtlme. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428.____________ FULLTIME POSITIONAVAILABLE for pest control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver’s license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year ot employment.- Call for appointment 751-5720 HAND FOR GRAIN & Cattle farm- 4 room house + bath can be provided. Call (336)998-8303. Charies L. Williams_______________ NEEDED: MARY Poppins lor single molher, help wilh 2 children, 6 years & 2 years. Advance area. 940-3380 Advertisii^ Sales Representative The Davic Couniy Enicrprisc-Record has a position available on its advertising sales staff. We arc seeking a career-minded person to rt;prcsent the newspaper In soliciting, designing and creating advertisements. The person must be friendly, courteous and out-going and capable of calling on a wide variety of customers throughout the county. An understanding of advertising and design Is desired. The position Is full-time and includes salary, commission, health insurance benefits, 401(k), vacation and other benefits. To apply, please contact; Robin Fergusson Davie County Entcrprise-Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksvillc. NC 27028 336.751.2120 GENETREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Roofs 30 Yoars Experionco Froo Estimates 336-284-4571 Are you working in the restaurant business? A r e y o u a h a rd w o r k e r ? A r e y o u g e ttin g th e b e n e fits y o u d e s e rv e ? A n y o u g e ttin g b e iM fits lik a T H E S E ? ■ High compatHlv« wages * Flnt rolsa ofMr 30 do^ * 4 guoranlMd raises In 15 months •Paid vacation * 401k rettrement plan * HeoHh/Dental Insurance -WMMypovdiecks •PaM meal breaks * Flexible schedijle ■Stock options * Position salary advancement (toward trainer, monager, etc.) -Eaity dosing hours IFNSbVOiniE BHNO CHEATEOIII B u iin n « Is G R E A T) W * o r a h ir in g t o g o t r o o d y f o r r « U & W IN T E R B U S IN E S S . Wê an eunmnily looking fon NIGHT TIME & WEEKEND SERVERS, DISWASHERS. GRILL COOK, CASHIER, HOSTESS, NIGHT MAINTENANCE C O M M TODAY AND A m r . WE A K A M ST-FM CO , R M 6420 Sessions Cl. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 i ; :;(336)712-9880 ; _ - on equol opportunilv Wiyloyr' ^ O U C ounlry 1 0 : 3 0 A.M. TUESDAS’ Remember that time and day. It's the new deadline for classified ads to be placed In the Davie County Enterprise Record. Advertisers know that The Clcissifieds In The Enterprise really work. Whether It’s a yard sale or a house for sale. The Classifieds can help bring your product to thousands of potential customers. $5forthejirstl0w ords, and 10 cents for each additional word. Rim the same ad for three weeks, and get thefowih week free! All yard sales must be paid til advance. Come by the office on South lUin Street acToee from the couithouse, or call Kaien at 751-2120. and let The Claaaifleda ga to woA for you. P A V I B C O U N T Y E N T E R P R U ^ E C O ^ D ^ I О B12 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 28,2000 N e x t M e e t i n g F o r C o o l e e m e e S e n i o r C i t i z e n s T o B e J a n . 8 111000010011100 senior citizcns met on Dcc. 11 in Ihc sanctuary o f the First Baptist Church. Rcba Holt, president, began the meeting by asking Noah PloU lo give Ihc opening prayer. The club sang the hymn: "Silcni Night, Holy Night," led by Hannah Jones and played by Alicc Barron. . Dr. Wayne Sterling, interim pastor ofR rst Baptist Church, gavcthcdcvo* tion. He read from Luke 2:8-20. Fol­ lowing prayer, he spoke o f the baby lying in the manger. He asked: "What can we learn fromihc Chrisimas story ?" He said that the shepherd learned to be saved. Sterling also read scriptures from Matthew 1:21 and Romans 5:12. He said that the shepherds relumed glori­ fied in all that they had seen. Tlwwisc men valued Jesus very much bccausc o f all the expensive gifis they gave lo him. Mary and Joseph lauglit us how to ser\ c the Lord. Thcrollwascallcd by Pauline Hall, substilutingforBessleScchrcsi. There wore 23 members andSvisiiorsprcscnl. Nancy Foster, secretary, read the minutes o f the last meeting. The thought for the day: "The best gifts arc tied with hcan strings, yours." The sunshine and treasury reports were given by Jones and Beitio Smith. The money collected from the mem* bcrs was given to the Cooleemee His­ toric Foundation to help in the cost o f coloring books to be disuibutcd to local schools. Fifth graders from Cooleemee El­ ementary conic to the church to sing for the club. They .sang several songs with a Chrisimas ihcinc. Guest speakers were: Shelby Hmbour, Pastor o f V icioiy Baptist; Joe Smith, Pastor o f Turrcniinc Hap* tistiJimmyUmcastcr.PasiorofJcmsa- lem Baptist, and Dr. Sterling. Sterling played the piano while Harbour, Smith, and Lancaster sang the hymn: *'Down at the Cross." A ll joined in singing; ”0 Come A ll Yo Faithful,'’ "Joy to the W orld! Tlic Lord is Come," nnd "Silent Night, Holy Night." Tlie closing prayer and blessing was given by Sterling. Following the singing o f the club song. cvcr> one gathcrcdinthefellowshiphalltocnjoy ncovcrcd-dishmcal. Tho next meeting w ill be held on Monday. Jan. 8 at 10 a.m. in the fel­ lowship hall o f tlie Hrst Baptist Church. A B u ll O f A H o r n e t’s N e s t Carol Sampson holds a hornet’s nest in the shape of a bull's head (The photo is looking toward the top of his head), found inside the wall of an old trailer on family property. Luckily, it was abandoned. She’s giving It to her sister. “She collects them. She said she was going to make a tongue sticking out of it." - Photo by Robin Fergusson л»-;BIVI SI I I N 1 Щ SI S store Your Homes Winter Clutter At Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage Alter Christmas, homeowners will again cram boxes ol lights, wreaths, decorations and dis­ plays Into overloaded attics and closets. Join Ihe smart planners who choose Bermuda Mini's SeK-Storaga to clear out living space for Ihe new year. "It always gives you a fresh feeling to have a house or ofllce uncluttered,' said Jessica Dezendori, manager of the 296 units at Ber­ muda Mini's. 66 ol these units, which range In size Irom 5' X 5' up to 10’ X 30', are climate-con­ trolled. The carefully controlled temperature In these special unlls is Irom 55 to 78 degrees: and the building In which they are housed boasts an additional security code from the Ini­ tial security clearance around the perimeter. Businesses lind that Bermuda Mini's Is the perfect spot to store inventory or extra office lumllure not currently In use. Wiley Stanford has stared his business samples al Bermuda Mini’s for more than Ihree years, and loves the fact that he can swing by the convenient facility on his way oui of town on trips. "1 cam afford to sit In traffic," said Stanford, a sales representative for several hardware and building supply stores nationwide. "Convenience Is a big Issue lor me." The Ad­ vance businessman also cites Ihe cleanliness and accessibility as additional factors for his patronage at Bermuda Mini's. Customers also appreciate the state-of-the- art security system protecting the facility, includ­ ing computerized access gates, with an individual code for each customer. Computers monitor the lime ol entrance and exit from the property; and video surveillance Is continuous. . Six-foot high chain link fencing Is topped wilh barbed wire; and spotlights flood Ihe perimeters at night. "We go out ol our way lo make arrangements lor customers," said Jessica Denzendorf. Cli­ ents are offered access to a trailer lo move Items to Ihe storage unit, at no cost. Call Bermuda Mini’s for more details on Ihls fantastic benefit. Free keyed security locks are also provided to Bermuda Mini's customers. Realtors have long urged sellers lo remove S t o r a g e , , 998-9661 clutter for a quicker sale, giving the property a spacious appearance. People selling their home love Ihe convenience ol storing lurnlture, clothes and other Items in the attractive units. Owners ol mopeds, motorcycles and four-wheelers enjoy keeping their valuable machinery out ol freez­ ing rain and sleet during the winter months. Families caught in Ihe throes of moving or building a house depend on Ihe steady protection which Bermuda Mini's provides. Businesses enjoy customized olfers for long-term rates and consecu­ tive unit rentals. The efficient, cooperative staff will also work with commercial clients lo design personalized access times and other ben­ efits. Call Bermuda Mini's at (336) 998-9681 for more Information today. Why start Ihe new year wilh a disorganized mess? Clear out the clut­ ter wilh a spacious unit at Bermuda Mini's Seil-Slorage. They are lo­ cated at 146 Commerce Drive In Advance, next to Bermuda Quay Shop­ ping Center on Highway 158. Customers may also email Bermuda Mini's Sell-Slorage al; bmlnls@holmall.com. Advertising Supplement SAVINGS up СЛО/. EVERYDAY '« O U /0Senior с т с в п в D lscoant* Happy New Year! iro m o u r staff Clemmons Discount Sales ISM lmrli*UI».ei«mmiins Ril. 7вв-»Ч« • ClimmoM • 1М-49И LOCK & KEY ^^^MarliSimnson iDcksmiUi 12 Years E*pcfionco (3361659-6398 S S L ■•««« «»Mi7 Hair & Noil Studio 158 ■ u - j B / L o ri Hill ■ / 1 : 1 ■ Nail Tech w T ' . ' B 38I8 acnvnonslid.. :■ ' S Ocmmons|1L m 7 6 6 -9 0 0 1 Bermuda Miid’s S c l f - S t o r a g c ^ 998-9661 3 Climate Control 3 24 hr Computerized Gale 3 Fenced wilh 24 hr lighiing 3 Sizes 5x5 up lo 10x20 3 Video Camera Security 3 Next lo Bermuda Quay 146 CommetcB Dr.. Advance rcOUNTERjoiNr’i1 G uitar S hop 1■ Bcnlnncr firikiBM ■ 1 starti^:ai,$it9:M :■ ltiduUcs:(iigait/Sl2nd,»bn.\ ■1 VHcb.r<hlJlA№EET^V 1 Z\’ WQiurt&iuirc.-'Motksvillc Z 1 [flSi '^336.75}-9390 m 1Nwtn Mpm and Sji. lOjm-lpm Cmvder ^^Chesney Associates щ Y < m r 1 lo r tufo wn K<.‘ .tlt< it 2265-C Lewisvllle-Cleinmons Rd, • Clemmons 766-0515 Зтосшвгопе Lee Tires ttH A N O D K Michelin Tires G eorge's V illage G arage 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons lîd.» Clemmons^ 766-7862 0 < W h i t n e y F l o o r i n g H o u r « M on.* F ri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In Corp«t& Vinyl Cnfsmlc Tile Hardwood Floors & Reflnlahlng Counter Tope Landnated Floor* ( 3 3 6 ) 7 Ь 6 Ц > 7 3 3 гоУеага Experience ÁNOW OPEN TO THEPUBUC \ [ ^ \ IWM-H*.! 5919-C James St. Clemmons Jairie saiys: m s Ê à ÿ m ïÊ Ê à i - I O r f w r t a i n m M i i « U 0 T * M X o r r 'p W M lf lf ilM N M n w a С М Ы п 0 а Ш 9 Л г 1 т » U 4 M tm h B § 9 % O H »JW eerSedrw e ашНтшПот CafffiemtaUftoetfiM B u y № e m n o o r O r O n tm rF m m C a tm lo g S a t. » « i S u n . 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