09-September■DIO - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 31,2000 Davie Dateline Fund Raisers Friday. Sept. 1 M t Zion HoHiMss Church Chicken Plate Lunch & Yard Sale 11 a,m.*uniil, plates $7 includes chlckcn, pot. salad, roll, apple cobbler & drink. Proceeds go toWdg. fund. Saturday, Sept. 9 Country Ham & Tenderloin Breakfast Mocks Meth, Church. 6:30 a.m.* 10 a.m., country horn, tenderioin. eggs, grits, saus. gravey, biscuits, drink - is. Hwy, 801 S. at Mocks Church Rd. Proceeds benefit U.M. Men's Ministries. Take-Outs 998-S518. Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Sodety of Davie Co. 2nd An* nual RMe For Animals, sponsors needed. Call 751.S214for info. H s i i g i O Q ________________________ Sunday, Sept. 10 FaU Revival Services, at First Bapt. 20t Marginal Sl, Coolecmee, begins Sun. mom at 11 a.nL, Sun^Wed nighu 7 p.m. Nursery provided, special music, guest Mark Ster* ling. Smith Grove United Meth. Church Homecoming, 10:15 a.m.. Speaker: Rev. Bobhy Swalm. Singers: Pathway Quartet Bring picnic basket and join us for lunch. Reunions Saturday, Sept. 2 Howell Reunion, D escendents of Samual B. Howell, cookout 4 p.m. at 114 Bramblewood I^ne, Mocksville, Sun. Sept 3. 1:30 p.m., covered dish dinner. Center Comm. E)ev. off 64 W., please bring a picnic basket Call 998> 3934,751-0123, or 998.5122. Friday. Sept 15 5th Annual Cain Reunion. 5 p.m.<10 p.m.. físh fry. Sat Sept 16,8 a.m. -1 2 p.m., golf outing at Pudding Ridge Golf Course., 1 p.m.. reunion dinner. Center Comm. Bidg., Hwy. 64 W est Sun. Sept 17.11 a.m..wonhipat ChinquapinGrove Missionary Bapt Church. Mocksville. Call 998-3626 or 998-3222. Sunday, Sept. 10 H ie Booe Reunion, 12:30 p.m., Will­ iam R. Davie Fire Dept Sunday, Sept. 24 Reunion of Descendents of Thomas Jefferson and Matilda Smith Beck, William R. Davie Fire Dept. 1 p.m. Special Events Monday, Sept. 4 Cruise In on Main St.. Mocksville. Sponored by Redmont Cj\.R.S. Assoc. Forlnfocall 751-0313 or 751-5468. Saturday, Sept. 9 Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by Davie Co. Farm Bureau, Ccntcr Fair, 930 a.m.-2 p.m. For more info or appt call 751 • 6207. Blood supply very low, please give. Saturday, Sept 16 Charlie Waller & Country Gentlemen w/Bailey Mtn. Q oggen. presented by Davie Aru Council, 7:30 p.m.. Brock Perf. Aiu Ctr. Main S t. Mocbville. Tickets: Adul tsS15,Child, students. sr..$13,Groups ofl5orm oreS11751-3000. Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Sodctjr or Divlc Co. 2nd An- au lW d cF o r Animals, tponson needed. Call 731-S2I4 for info. Meetings M o n d a y , S e p t . 11 D trlc Co. Theatre Board Meeting. 7 p.ia. Davie Co. Public Ubraiy. AU board mendKTi urged to attend. T u e s d a y , S e p t . 1 2 Child C trt Aaaodatkn, 7 p.m. DCCC Room 116. W e d n e s d a y , S e p t . 1 3 Httmaw Society of Dtvte Co. 7:30 p.m.. at office on Yadkinville Rd., behind car wash. 751-5214. T u e s d a y . S e p t . 1 9 Davie Co. Ripiib. MMtlng. 7:30 p.m., Davie Co. Courthouse. For more information on these events, call 751-2325. Clogging Mondays, 7 p.m., Farmington Communiiy Center. Call Steve or Linda Hatley. 751- 3848. Line Dancing Farmington Community Center. Every Tuesday, Cost: $2. Instnictor$: Steve & LindaHaüey. Formoreinfo,call751-384'8. Flee Club Before (S15)or ai\er (S25)school and out of school programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons S5 per month. Volumeen for different social evenu. Contact Ethel al 998-3837. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up. M-F, 6 JO-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Moming Out Tuesdays and Thursdays. $7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sat. Call Emily Rob­ ertson. 998-5163. YMCA___________ For more Information, call751-9622or visit Davie Family YMCA. , Adult Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 a.m. Arthritis Rehab MWF, 10:30 a.m. Youth Swimming Lessons Ages 6 mondis & up. Parent/child, pre­ school. school aged group lessons & pri­ vate. Five week session meet 2 times per wk..call for exact dmes. Fee: $30 members. S60 non-members. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. $I5/month. Ages 7 &up. Tae Kwon Do Ages6&up.MeetTucs.&Thurj.Beginner 3:454 J0p.nu,Intermedlate430-5:15p.m.. Advanced 5:15-6 p.nt, Adulu 6-7 p.m. Members $2Q/mo., non-members $30/mo. Gymnastics Plus Coed grades K-6. Wed. 3:304:30 p.m., 5 wk. sessions begin Sept 13 & O ct 18. Fee: Members $30, Non-members $50. KiddleKickerSoccerProgram Boys & giris ages 4-5 & 6-7. Begins Sept I6(6wks.),Tunes: 10a.m. ages4-5,11a.m. ages 6-7. Fee: members $25, non members $35. Parent/Child 3-Wee Soccer 3 yr. old leams socer with parenu. Sat. 9 a.m.,bcgins Sept I6(6wks.)Fee: members $20, non-members $35. Massage By ai^inunent only. Tuesdays. $45/hour. $35/hidf hour. $20/chait massage. Coll Cor details. 751-9622. Seniors__________ All Senior Activities take place at the Davie Couniy Senior Center locatcd in the Brock Building on North Main Street Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 751-0611. Ongoing SllverHea]thExerdse3.SeniorCenter.M, W, F, 8:30-9 a.m. Mock Place. M. W. 10- 10:30 a.m. Sentor Nutritkm Lunch, noon M-W. 11 a.m. Thun. & Fri. Quilting, every other Monday. 10 a.m. Bridge, Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 p.m. SUver Striders & Wilklng Programs. Dally at Brock Gym6:30-9 a.m. Cooieemee Elementary, 6-8 a.m. Smith Grove Gym, 7- 9 a.m. Alzheimer's Support Group. 2nd Thurs­ day, 7 p.m.. Senior Cenier East Room. Creative Scrapbooking Class, 2nd Tues­ day, 2p.m. Report Davie Dateline Item s By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dalelloe should be re­ ported by noon Monday ofthe publication week. Call 751 -2120 or drop it by the office, S. Main St. across from the cowthouse. Annual Fall Clothing Sale At Macedonia Moravian Church ; Doyoubiveib^iwinginyour {lange - bul your biby is now 67 4T clothci from yoii'r ID year old? Carscau from your kindagutiier? I Who hai lime lo hold a garage sale? , If you're looking for a .way to sell some of yow children's cloihing and toys, Macedonia Moravian Chunh has a deal; its annual FaU Clothing .Sale. AnyoM may 'participate in Ihe 'sale, R«sdias of whstber they are '''toemben of the ciiurch. ‘ niis yur the sale will, be held FtUt];, SwL’i. 9 ajoi^-i.pjii: and ^ .'7 p.m;' «■! SaiunJay, 9,8 i.hi. ¡-noon. S ^ ly Militd iteitii will tesoldM,yfpr|cc 00 Saturday. ‘ j rfyitiM hutplam, ufidam- ^«pdMfadwiMer itemi, sizes zetD ' ' AU te ^ for toys should be in clear plastic bags. Other Items typically found at the sale include: changing tables, cribs, carscats, and baby gates. Baby Gap, Kids Gap, Gymboree, The Children’s Place and Disney arejustafewofthe brands that tend lobe on hand. The sale is the annual fund raiser for the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)program. The money raised through Ihe sale helps pay for the cost of children's crafls and teach­ers’ salary during tbe twice nionthly MOPS meedngs. Individuals willing to woric a two-hour shift either in preparatioo bf, or during the sale will , receive 70 percent of their item ticket price and are eligible to attend a pre­ view sale on Thursday. AU other par­ ticipants wiU receive 50 pereent. For more information, contact Ashlyn Montgomery (t 9404295. The Country Gentlemen will perform at the Brock Performing Arts Center In Mocksville on Sept, 16. Country Gentlemen To Open Family Delights! Series The Davic County Arts Council will kick-ofr Ils 2000-2001 Profes­ sional Iburing Season's Fam ily De­ lights! series with blucgrass legend C h arlie W aller & the C oun iry Gentlemen in concert at the Brock Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Sept, 16 at 7:30 p.m. Opening for the band arc the na­ tional and international award win­ ning Bailey Mountain Cloggers from M ars Hill College. This Fam ily Delights! concert is ju st one o f the perform ances the D avic C ouniy A rts C ouncil w ill present for the 2000-2001 season o f entertainment for the family. T h e Fam ily D eligh ts! series, which continues through M ay 2001, w ill also fealure concerts from Blues guitarist S co tt A insley and poet G lenis Redmond as they join talents in “Southern Voices: Black, W hite, and B lu e s", B lu egrass fav orite "M ountain H eart", and Springer Theatre's musical theatre production o f "A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline". N orth C arolina's favorite son David Holt will be in concert for the Davie Daniel Days festival in May. *Ib rcceive a free season calendar, call the B ox ОШ се at751-3000. l b celebrate the beginning o f an­ other year o f professional entertain­ ment, the Arts Council is planning opening nighl festivities at Clem ent Grove which will feature barbecue, desserts, and a down home pickin' jam session. Keep a look out for details for Ihis spccial event. S in cc Ju ly 4 . 1957 the nam e "C h arlie W oller & Th e C ouniry Gentlemen" has been associated with the Hnest sounds in bluegrass music. The reputation has been built on solid foundations, which have endured evolutionary changes and crcated a legend. C h arlie W alter Is a founding member who played the first date and with few exceptions, every show since. Charlie's voice has sustained the constant vocal sound o f the band, which like wine, improves with age. Som e o f the rinest m usicians in the United States have been mem­ bers, such as Ricky Skaggs, Jerry Douglas, John DulTy. Doyle Lawson. Bill Emerson. Eddie Adcock and Bill Yates, ju st lo name a Tew. Charlie Waller was indiicied In Ihe International Blucgrass M usic Asso­ cialion Hall o f Honor at Ihc 1996 IB M A Awards Show . He has re­ ceived numerous aw ards ihrough SPOM A including m ale vocalist o f Ihc year. ' W alter has made numerous ap­ pearances at the Grand O le Opry in Nashville. W aller’s band consists o f Darren Alridge on mandolin, Ronnie Davis on upright bass, and G reg Corbett on banjo. All are veterans o f blucgrass music. Charlie W aller & Th e Touniry Gentlem en are working on a new release, which will be released soon on C RFRC Records. Tickets for reserved seats are on sale at the Brock Performing Arts Cenler Box OITlce at 622 N. Main St.. M ocksville. Tickets arc S 15 for adulls and S 13 for childrcn. students, and seniors. For groups o f 15 or more, tickcts arc $12 per person. Tickcts may be purchased in per­ son. charged by phone, or m ail; arc available on a fìrsi com e-first paid basis, and arcTìon-rcfundable. lic k - els purchased by phone or mail will be charged an additional $ 3 handling fee per order. B ox ofTice hoursoare Monday- Friday, 10a.m .-2 p.m. To purchase tickets or for morc inform ation, call the box ofTice at 751-3000. If you arc interested In the open inviialional jam session at Clement G rove from 5 :3 0 -6 :3 0 before the concert, contact Dave Campbell o f. Dave's M usical 751-1934. Shiloh Baptist Church Holds Celebration The members o f Shiloh Baptist Churvh were joined by several area ministers and communiiy persons In the celebration o f ihe eighlh annivcr- saryoflhepasioraieorthcRev.Donald Ray Jenkins. АПег, Edward Johnson, chairper- sonorihcboardofdeacons, welcomed the guests. A litany tilled "G o Make Preachers" was spoken by the congre­ gation and the following ministers: Evangelist Churlene Lewis, pastor o f New LifcHoliness Church; Rev.Tlmo- diy Port cr,paslorofChinquapm Grove Baptist Church; Rev. Roycc Myers, Troutman and former pastor o f St. John A M E Zion Church; Rev, Kelly Brown, assistant pastorofCcdar Grove Baptist Church. Rev. Steven Dalton, postorof Jerusalem Apostolic Church; and Rev. Alvin Patlerson, pastor o f GenesisMission.Thislllany was based on Scriptures from Matthew 28:16- 20; John 4:35 and Romans 10:8-11. Shiloh'sChancelChoirsang"Hush. Hush, Somebody'sCalling My Name," an allusion lo the narrailvc o f Jeremiah the Prophel. Olher music was provided by guest soloists. Susan Ingram. Kemcrsville, Graduate Of Triad Leadership Network Graham Dorothy Gmham recently gradu- aied from the Triad Leadership Net­ work. an organization thal selects Indi­ viduals from each o f the 12 Triad counties lo partici­ pate in asix-monih program o f semi­ nars, retreats, and training for leader­ ship, professional development and c o m m u n ity growth. Graham was the representative for Davie County in the class o f 2000 and the graduation was held on the campus o f UNC- Greensboro. She is the founder and owner o f Graham Funeral Home In Mocksville, and is a licensed funeral director and insurance agent. She has received many awards from various organizations within the funeral in­ dustry. She is active in several community organizations, including DavieCounly Chamber o f Commea*e, Mocksville Rotary, Davie Futures Quality o f Life Task Force, Davie County H»dthy Carolinians, and board member ofthe Davie County Uniicd W ay, Davie Couniy Social Scrvicc. and Davie County Foundation. She is a volunteer for Meals on Wheels and other programs sponsored by the Davie County SeniorCenter. Blood Drive;Center Fair Davic Couniy Fann Bureau will sponsor a Red Cross blood drive at Center Fair on Sept. 9. The blood drive will run from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. For morc infonnallon or to set on appom unenl.cain51-6207.Theblood supply is low, so com e out and lend your support. VCR'S CLEANED & REPAIRED 1Явап&Тва1..^25 AU. WOM( DONE ON MUMISES 0 R a d j ^ c | k RMflo Shad DMltr MoomvUa CtoctronksSqin Boon* Plui. lAxkn«« (Next lo W*W«l) sang "Holy Ground." Catherine Myers, TriHitman, sang "Heaven Is A Beauti­ ful Place" and Steven Dalton sang "IVc Been Blessed." The Kripturc lesson was The Call- Isaiah 4 2 :1 -9 and The Resource-John 15:1-11 by Rev. Stei^cn Dalion and The Task by Rev. Kevin C . Ingram, pa.storofCedarGrove Baptist Church. The Message For God's Servant and His People was dellvca'd by the Rev. Walter Tidline, paslor o f Pleasant Hill Baptisl Church, Hamplonville. Carolyn Tidline Introduccd/prcscnicd her hu-sband to Ihe congregation. Spe­ cial gifts werc presented lo Rev. and Mrs. Jenkins by Avis Anderson and Bryce Anderson. During his pastorale al Shiloh, sev­ eral positive splrilual and physical changes have taken place: the pur­ chase o f 3-1/2 ocres o f land; renova­ tion o f the church and parsonage with G EN E’S AUrOPAKTS We Mak* Hydraulic HosM a Mix Auto Paint 766><9148 3 6 1 2 C l e m m o n s R o a d C le m m o n s special emphasis on ihe church base- nKnt; liquidation o f ihe church's in­ debtedness; and sidewalks connecling the church fellowship hall, church and parsonage. Jenkins waselectedpastorofShiloh the third Sunday In August, 1992.- Duringthiselght-yearpcriod, he taught English and African Culturc at W in­ ston-Salem State University. He is writing a doctoral dissertation titled, "Winning Yet Loslng:TheM eritM yth In Selected African-American Nov- els." A surprise highlight o f the celebra­ tion was the appcarance o f Jenkins' sisters, Marie Jenkins o f New York City and Vanessa Jenkins Jones, her two daughters and granddaughter o f August. G a.; und his brolhers, Pcrcell and wife, Elizabeth, o f Roanoke Rap­ ids, and Spencer and wife, Lillian, o f Norfolk. Va. DIRECTV. Single Systems *99 ” Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions *other charges may apply Ш D A V I E J E W E L E R S NEXTTO WAL-MART «MOCKSVILLE lUFniCESMflMSI E2 Big Brothers Big Sisters The power ie in the friendship F r e e C r e d i t H e l p S E E ---------------------------- m - XU t ¡¿teve KicCuifou^h or Can 1-8i№'702-7376 Ext 777)We specialize in placing Ihe credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! wao g e ffu W o o d A U T O c im e H H^ Uomla'Jetp'Plymouth’ChryslefKlA Loan By Phone 1-888-789-CARS Win $2,500 Cash Contest In This Issue Pages B4-B5 Home Cookin’ War Eagles Get First Win Friday Night In First Game At Home Page B1 D A V I E C O U N T Y 500 USPS 149-60 N u m b e r 3 6 Thursday, Sept. 7 ,2 0 0 0 . Our Fattier The Prayer Goes On At Game, But It’s Led By Fans Ily Ilnintlun Owens D.ivic County Enterprise Rccord They obeyed llie law, but tliey prayed, Friday night the Davic High .Scliool War I3agles made history at the Tirst home rootball game of tiic season. It was the firsl time that a tninistcr had not said a pi^ycr over the public address system, after a Supreme Court ruling tliat said such practices an: a vio­ lation of cimrcli and stale sepa­ ration. Tlic niiing did not stop Davie folks from praying. Instead of one voice over the public ad­ dress system,.tlierc wcrc hun­ dreds of voices reciting "The Lord’s Prayer" in unison. Before the game, ministers, youth leaders and youlh groups met to pray in front of tlic gym. Tyier Lynde, pastor of Faith and Victory Family Worship 'Center, was there. “Wc want everyone to know that Davic County still prays,” hu said. “It is a sad thing, bul if Ihosc who believe in prayer will pray, God will be lifted up in spite of the Supreme Court decision." Daniel Brown, pastor of Abundant Life, said; "I want to make a stand for God and wc will still pray and believe in wliat God says.” As fans entcfcd the game, volunteers handed out papers encouraging Ihem to say "The Lord’s Prayer" aflcrthe moment of silence. “They cannot take prayer away from us. It is our choice,” said student Becky Little, presi­ dent of SWAT (Students With A Testimony). Charles Hayes, announcer, started the evening by saying: "As a result of a recent Supreme Court decision, our long-stand- ing tradition of a clergy leading Please See Prayer - Page 7 A B r e a t h O f L if e Taylor Lovelace does his homework with the help of a mouthpiece, and his day nurse, Ronnie Fogle. - P h o t o b y R o b in F e r g u s s o n 8 -Y e a r -O k l N e e d s S u tg e r y F o r A C h a n c e T o B r e a th e By Mike Bamhardl Davie County Enterprise Rccord Taylor Lovclace makes a face and shakes his head back and forth when his sister tries to kiss his cheek.-He balks at doing all his homework, and his room is filled with posters of Michacl Jordan, The Rocic and Ricky Martin. He sounds like a pretty normal 8-year- old boy. But Taylor is something spccial. Just over two years ago, his life was The secorkl aniiual Breath o f. Life gólf tpum aiììerit tò benefit ; r liàylor Lovelace will be held Sept. 16 at Twin C edars in ; M bcksville. C ost;. $ 5 0 per i • player. Sponsors also needed. ' f^Call 751-7351. turned upside down. Riding on the back of a dirt bike to play basketball with his step-brother, as he had done many times, Taylor fell off the back when the brakes locked. His step-sister, driving a car behind the bike, hit him. Taylor was unconscious, and neigh­ bors performed CPR lo keep him alive until an ambulance could arrive. Para­ medics wanted lo airiift him to a Char­ lotte hospital, bul a helicopter wasn’t available. He was taken to Iredell Me­ morial Hospital. Taylor was iransfctTed lo N.C. Bap­ tist Hospital in Winston-Salem, where lie Please See lliylor • Page 4 Dam Lease Revoked By County South Yadkin Power’s lease of the dam on theSouth Yadkin River at Cooieemee will be ter­ minated Oct. I. Davie Couniy Attorney Bob Pricc sent the company a letter in mid-August stating it should vacate the premises on or before that date. The original lease in the early 1990s was for use of the dam. water rights and property froth tlie County of Davic. “The lease was modified and extended several limes, the most recent modification and exten­ sion occurring in i997," Price wrote to_tI«:.,cqiT>p^iB.,‘iThis.^^ mbdin'caVion -wa's^ ffever ex­ ecuted or complied wilh.” The county has allowed the company lo continue using the property out of “benevolence,” Price said. The company hasn't met the benchmarks as required by the lease. He questioned whether South Yadkin Power even has any right of possession lo the property. As of Monday, the county had not heard a reply from the letter Pricc sent to South Yadkin. The company has been in­ volved in an ongoing battle over use of the river wilh the Cool­ ecmee Historical Associalion. Comatzer Dedication Sunday Want lo get a closer look at Davie County’s newest school? A dedication ceremony and open house are scheduled for Sunday at Comatzer Eiemenlitry School, wilh the dedication at 2 followed by an open house. The school is located at SS2 Cor- natzer Road. Old-Tlmey Fun: Annual Center Fair And Barbecue This Weekend Folks in the Cenlercommunity have been getting ready for this weekend for weeks. For others across Ihecounly, the work has been going on for months, as they have tended their gardens, hoping to have a prize entry in the annual fair that brings thousands of area residents to this community for some barbecue and old-fashioned fun. The barbecue will be heldFriday and Saturday, with the fair tokiiig place on Saturday. Thete will be no deliveries ' for barbecue, although call-in orders of $50 and niiore will be taken at 492- •I 5177. People wanting to enter something in (he fair should have il at the grounds Friday evening from 4-9 or Saturday moming from 7:30-9. The only rule is that the item be made or produced by a resident of Davie Couniy. Upforcashprizeswilll^ cakes, pies, cookies and other baked goods, quilts and crocheted items, photographs, art, canned goods, filed crops, flowers, ar­ rangements and many more categories forchildiehandadulis. , ' The entries will be on display all day . on Saiurday after judging. ■ - 4 Alsoon Saturday, there will be booths set up by area agencies and crafters, selling things such as quilts, wooden toys and games, rocking horses, chests, wagon lamps, doll furniture, Hallow­ een and Christmas items, hand-painted decorative items, Settee's, hand-painted slate ilems, and porcelain dolls. ' Davie 4-Hers will have a face paint­ ing liooth, and give out free balloons to children. Thete will te a petting zoo and pony rides. . • Displays will be by the N.C. Sim- mental Assoc.'i Mocksville Lions Club, "PlcmCenter-rage?'T h e r e w ill b e p le n ty o f a r r a n g e m e n ts a r id h o m e m a d e g o o d s o n d is p la y ^ : ■V 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPm SE RECORD, Scpl. 7,2000 E d to n a lP a g e Effective Praying: Power In Numbers There was some praying at last week’s Davie County foolball game. On cue, some of the audience and organiz­ ers recited the Lord’s Prayer. It was all perfectly legal. Davie and some other schools across the nation have witnessed prayers at football games this season. Now that jihe United Stales Supreme Court has ruled the tradilional prayer from the public address system is illegal, parents have found someone else lo do the praying. Tliey did it themselves. From iheir seals in the bleach- irs. We can’t speak for God, but Ihe new prayer seems belter. More heartfelt. More sincere. More effective. For years, many schools have ignored court decisions on public prayers. The ruling last summer about a Texas school’s prayer at a foolball game made it impossible lo continue the pregame prayer by Ihe public address an­ nouncer. A ll of society’s ills have been blamed on the court decisions against school prayer. Schools can no longer be ■ an extension of church. But lhal doesn’t prevent us from expressing our own faith. On Friday night, some people are doing lhal. A thousand people standing up lo pray in unison must be morc cfTective lhan one guy with a microphone. I n T h e M a i l ... P a re n ts ’ F a u lt? a ‘W o n d e r f u l l y H e a r t w a r m i n g D a y ’ S t u d y B la m e s U s F o r K id s ’ B e h a v io r What’s wrong wilh kids Ihese days? , , It's their piuints. Our worst fears have been reaUzea.'lL’s really our :.?' fault. That’s the verdict out last week by one sludy of families in America. ......... - The study found thal kids weren’t so bad. But the parents are terrible. That was issued the day after 20 parents had brawled over an umpire’s call during a T-ball game in Miami. The parents stormed the field.and fought it out. Their 4- and 5- year-olds watched. That incident certainly was timed to reinforce the study. Kids are no worse, and maybe belter than usual. But Ihe parents drive them crazy. Instead of sending the kids off lo wilderness camps, the sludy suggested that the parents need to go. It found parents who live vicariously ihrough their kids. The parents have an exaggerated memory of their own childhood and try lo coerce their children into doing dangerous stunts. Remember the 7-year-old girl who died flying a plane across the country? So now that all of us parents are feeling pretty guilty and low dow n... Perhaps the study was funded... by our kids. — Dwight Sparks To llie editor: , Ttic t» n c marrow typing Jo n t on Ihc Jcricho Church u l Chrisl on AiS),, wonderfully hcanwarming day. Il is 10 know lhal so many people place value on another's life. 1 would like to Ihank those from Ihc church who organized Ihc drive, especially Ted Alien. Thanks 10 those who helped advetiise and took the lime 10 educate thcnvielves ab f ul tu ne mar- V halfal ) was a luraging a high sw cr questions, and Ihcn made appeals lo Iheir co-w otkcrs, civic gniups and churclics. Sislcrs It Florist and Ihc Enlcrprise were insininicnial in advertising the drive. My lhanks also lo the volunlccrs and sialT from Ihc Red Cross, whose Iraining und lime made a donor drive possible. And my heartrell gratitude lo those who cam c 10 be lypcd and go on Ihe national registry. There werc 349 individuals added lo Ihe National Bone V and stem celLliannilaniaH Sny o n lcrlo p n ->—ManqW tM isirv.oth ers were typed lo b e plate- Sharing Life: Davie Residents Rally To Support Others Toth ccd h on Sharing life. Thai’s whai took placc Sunday, Aug. 27. INvo issues ago, the Еп(СфП5с RcconI ran a covcr story conccrning Carol Forrest and her need for a bone marrow or stetn ccll transplant donor. That Sunday аП стооп the American Red Cross sponsored a bone morrow typing drive. The Jeri* cho Church o f Christ hosted the event, and 350 volunteers from Davie Counly and (he surround* ing area, as far away as Charlotte, W inston-Sa* lem and Statesville, cam e to offer themselves os' poienllai bone marrow/stem ccll transplant do­ nors. The previous rccurd lum out for such an event In Davie Counly was less than 80. six tests in which the donors and recipients blood must malch are required before ihc suit- ablllly o f a donor Is determined. After the six-test typing, the volunteers* names will be placcd on a national registry o f prospect! vedonoR. Currently, about 4 million prospective donors arc listed on the registry. But to this date, Carol has nol been informed lhal a suitable donor has been Idcnlb ned. In addition to Carol, 3,000 olher people across the nation arc waiting to find suitable donors. We arc hopeful lhat o f the 350 volunteers, matching donors for Carol and 349 other patients are found. W c wish to thank ihe American Red Cross, the those o f you who selilessly offered yourselves as poiential donors • for your Wood and your prayers. Your gifts arc faiTO morc lhan your lim e and a vile o f blood. Your arc olTcring to share your lives • som ething uncom m only com m on In Davie County. Thank you. Dr. Tom Tbrpy M ocksville Senior Sunnnrier Social A Success D A V IB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R E C O R D (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksvillo, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published w eekly by the DAVIE C O U N TY PU BLISH IN G C O . Dwight Sparks....Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson....General Manager Mike Barnhardt............................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow........................................Advertising Manager Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 D avie R eco rd 1899-1958 C o o lte m M JoumsI 1901-1971 Pertodk»ls Postage Paid In Mocksville, NC 27028 ■ Subscription Ratos • Single Copy, 5 0 Cents $ 20 per year in North Carolina $25 pet year outside North Carolina POSTMASTER Send address changes to: v v , ' . t}*vleCounty EnliipilseRecoid '' P.O. BoxSS, Macksvne, NC 27028' lb Ihc ediior: I would like lo thank everyone who made the second annual Senior Summer Social a greal suc­ cess. The social is a carnival held by the Davie Counly Senior Center, with assistance from the Region I Area Agcncy on Aging, for residents o f nursing hom e and long term care facilities in Davie Counly. This year's event was a Hawaiian Luau, com plete wilh gnus skirls, leis, and an au- Uicntic hula dancer. Residents enjoyed gam es, bingo and rcccived a picture lo lake home as a souvenir. Thank you to all the many volunlccrs who as­ sisted us wilh the event, including selling up, manning the gam es, helping the rcsidenls nnd cleaning up after Ihc resliviiics. Thanks also lo the three facilities who brought their residents out for the event. The sm iles on their faccs through­ out Ihe day showed the enjoyment o f Ihcir morn­ ing out. We look forward lo nem year's social. Kim Shuskey Direcior, Davie Senior Center Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers. The letters may be on topics o f local, state, national or intemational issues. ' An сПоп will be made to print all letten provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or In poor taste. Ih e editor rcserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for spacc. All letters should includc the name and address o f the writer, including a signature. Л telephone number, not to be published, is als0 requested. : Please have letters in the newspaper ofTicd by 4 p.m. Monday o f the week to be published.* What Is Your Favorite Memory Of Your Grandparents? Г Lesley McBride МоскзтШе “Going walkiog with my p«wpaw.” Samantha Hobson МоскауШе “Helping with my grudmaVpupM-route.” Danielle Russell : Mocksville “My grandparents took me on a спиве.” Matt Harrison . Mocksville “We bad Thanksgiving dinner together.” I let donors, and there were many who attempted to donate but couUl not for various reasons. The succcss o f the lx)ne iiurruw transplantation pro­ gram depends on large numbers o f people volun­ teering to be typed. Lives will be saved as a re­ sult o f the bone mam)w drive and research will move forward toward cures for many diseases and many patients will be given hope. M y family and I Ihank you from the bottom o f our hearts. Carol Forrest M ocksville ’ In The Mail РЛУ1Е COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl, 7,2000 ■ 3 Reader Sends Encouragement, Even If It’s Not Local T o the editor I have exchanged a few emails with Earl Grocc obout his rccenl letters lo the ediior. W c were in the same year at Davic High. He suggested I offer some public support, sohcrc Ispart ofwhat I wrote tohim: Although it is well aHer the fact, I wanted to applaud your three letters about the drugdog raid on students at Davic High. M oU o f that news I would not otherwise have been able to read In the "news" paper. A lot o f people do not take righLs and freedoms very seriously. As long as the situation matchcs their notions o f how things should be, or they personally are not affccted. principles and the uscof legitimate means do not malter.Espcclallyifspeak- Ing up will make them stick oui from the crowd (or perhaps offend some interests or advertisers.) Jonccworked withan EnglishmanwhoUvedfor a year in Gennany just before Worid W ar» . I asked him U’hal it was like, and didn't people know what was happening. He answered, "Yes, people knew. Dut nobody would talk about it, except one-on-one. Never In groups." So it seems appropriate to me that youcalled lhat meeting nnd wrote those letters. I hope you have had a lot o f local encouragement. Here's mine, even if It Isn't local. Joseph Jones Vancouver, Canada Prayer ShouW Be Allowed Before Football Games ТЪ the editor: 1 commcnd you for your editorial on the Su­ prem e Court ruling thal affected Davie High School’s traditions. A s a high school student who believes in in­ cluding God in all things lhat I do. I believe lhal this is one tradition that should be kepi. A court ruling should nol deter our plans to pray before the game. If everyone bans together and shouts the Lord's Prayer, or a player or fan begins to say very loudly ihelrown prayer to keep ihe leam safe and lo Id the best team win, then we arc still keep­ ing D avic H igh's tradition alive. As a Christian, I hope the fans and players that read this join me as I bow my head lo pray. I be­ lieve that the schools have gotten worse since the Bible was first taken oui o f school. Now, they want to take away our freedom lo pray. I believe lhat the Supreme Court should nol be allowed to make that decision. Their opinion Is only lhat o f nine people In the whole United Slates. Maybe therc arc morc people who agree with their deci­ sion. I am not one o f those people. The Bill o f Rights gives us the freedom o f speech and religion. Is prayer over an Intercom lo hundreds o f people not a speech o f some sort? Now that freedom has been taken away. Our free­ dom to have our own religion has also been taken away. Prayer is a pat o f religion. Il is a way for each nnd every person to talk to God. God Is the center o f ihe Christian religion. W ill the Supreme court nexl take away my freedom lo discuss God in this newspaper? It is a shame lhat in a country that is known as the land o f freedom has no freedom. Freedom begins with God. God created man and gave him the freedom to choosc what each and every ani­ mal should be called. He gave man ihc freedom lo decide .whether to eat from the tree o f knowl­ edge. God gave us the choicc as lo whether or not wc accept him. Should wc accept him and pray before our foolball gam e, or should wc con­ form lo the decision o f the court ond sit back and have our rights taken away? The choice Is ours. L cl’s make the choicc to pray. God bless. Kendra Armstrong M ocksvillc Don't Get Burned! You can be fined up to $10,000 for illegal open b urning in N .C. Smoke from on<n burning can crtuse ieriowi health problems and poUuie the air. That’s why the slate regulates open burning. Only leaves, branches or Olher plant growth can be burned. I T 'S IL L E G A L T P . B .U R N : •Garbage, paper and cardboard •Tires and other rubber products •Building materials, Including lumber •Wire, plastics and synthetic materials •Asphalt shineles and heavy oils A L S f S S g g - J M •Paints, household chem icals and agricultural products Hom eowners can burn yard trimmings - excluding logs and stumps - If Il's allowed under local ordinances, no public pickup is available and it doesn't cause a public nuisance. Other allowable burning Includes campfires, ouldoor barbecues and bonfires for festive occasions. Landowners also can open burn vegetation lo clear land or rights-oi- way, provided that: • Prevailing w inds are away from built up areas and roads • Fires are at least 1,000 feet away from occupied buildings • Burning is done between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.Remtmbtr, bum pemlti Ittutd by the N.C. Divl$hn ofForttt Retounes, it$ agenti or any heat goternmtnt do not txcutt a ptnonfrom following thrteitateairtjualltyniUt. For mart information, contact: Winston-Salem Regional Otfico Division ol Air Quality N.C. Departmont ol Environment and Natural Resources Phone: (336)771-4600 (Ttils ad paid for by a violator of tho open burning law.) Bermuda Run Should Study Annexation Carefully 1 b Ihc editor: The W inston-Salem Journal reported on Aug. 24 that B erm uda Run had been asked by Kindcrton developers to annex their com mercial section. M y letter Is nol pro or con on that issue, buia pica lo procccd very deliberately. Il Is digressing thul Bennudu Run taxpayers learned about this from a newspaper article with alarming quotes from the mayor. Properly, wc should have been told In a formal notlcc. What Is most disturbing is the Journal’s report lhal “Fergusson s a lt!... the town will have a pub­ lic hearing at its Sepl. 12 meeling to hear what rcsidenls o f Bennuda Run think ... M em bers of the U>anl could vote lhat night or they could de­ lay the Issue unlil a later meeting.” Bennuda Run taxpayers will not sii still for this rush to judgment. An annexation is an extraordinary undcrtak- ing fur any government unit, never mind a lown 14 months old. Others lowns/citles take monlhs in learning and considering. It is shocking to have our mayor quoted as saying the board could vote on Sept. 12. Consider thal: • W c taxpayers know nothing about annex­ ation. It is seriously negligent to propose one board meeling discussion (most certainly lacking good and full infonnation) as a basis for our rc- ocilons to the proposal; - - ........—........................... • You town officials have oficn admitted, and honestly, that your ore immature in lown govern­ ment. Ccnainly, you must agree that you arc in­ capable o f making a sound decision on annex­ ation without expert assistance and much study. • This proposal apparently arises from the self interests o f Kindcrton developers and thus Is not necessarily in the best interests o f Bermuda Run. Complete study is required. • How can the best interests o f Bermuda Run be determined by you? Leam about annexation from experienced persons. Study ihis requested annexation wilh expert help lo deiennlnc facts and implications. 'M e the time lo leam und sludy thor­ oughly.'Com municate all pertinent data to tax­ payers with ample lim e for us to have informed views. Cnm municaic all peninent data to taxpay­ ers wit(>'i»hip!c time for us lohavc informed views • bcforc AP"ablic hcoring; Belter than thal, hold a town rcfVrcndum on the question. Finally, what’s the hurry*? Therc is a certainly o f very serious consequences if you make a deci­ sion on this requested annexation without thor­ ough study - and com munication to taxpayers. ( Alan B . Peterson ; Bermuda Run .1 J ^ f a $ a l e ! ilin l Com e B y Tbdayl W e H ave A GREAT SELECnON! All L am ps, Sofas & C urios _ H ave B een Reduccd T his W eek Only! s a v e A ll Bedroom S uites Also Reduced! —FREE DELIVERY— M ocksville Fu rn itu re & Appliance, Inc. 5 9 C o u r t S q u a r e M o c k s v ille . N C ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 5 8 1 2 Credit Available SAVE Credit Available t r T H E S Y M B O L S A Y S I T A L L Y o u h a v e s e e n t h i s s y m b o l a t h e a l t h a g e n c i e s , d a y - c a r e f a c i l i t i e s , n e i g h b o r h o o d c e n t e r s , a n d o n a l l U n i t e d W a y p o s t e r s a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s , B u t d i d y o u l < n o w t h e s y m b o l ' s v e r y s i m p l e , y e t u n i v e r s a l , m e s s a g e ? A t t h e b o t t o m I s a h e l p i n g h a n d . T h e h a n d s y m b o l i z e s t h e s e r v i c e s a n d p r o g r a m s s u p p o r t e d b y U n i t e d W a y . Y T h e i m a g e i n t h e c e n t e r , t h e s y m b o l o f m a n k i n d . I s c r a d l e d b y t h e h e l p i n g h a n d . I t s h o w s t h a t a l l p e o p l e a r e u p l i f t e d b y U n i t e d W a y . A n d a r a i n b o w s p r i n g s f r o m t h e h e l p i n g h a n d , r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e h o p e o f a b e t t e r l i f e p o s s i b l e t h r o u g h U n i t e d W a y . i n t h e s e f i g u r e s I s t h e s u m t o t a l o f t h e U n i t e d W a y m i s s i o n — t o I n c r e a s e t h e o r g a n i z e d c a p a c i t y o f p e o p l e t o c a r e f o r o n e a n o t h e r . Sponsored by: DAVIE COUNTY UNITED WAY Helping and serving people right/lere in Davie County. Th e Davie Co u n ty Enterprise Record is proud to support Davie C o u n ty U ntted Wa y, и *.» ■» I' J ' - ‘ . л : - 4 i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 7 ,20U0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - S T a y lo r L o v e la c e B e n e fit G o lf T o u r n a m e n t S e p t. 1 6 A t T w in C e d a r s C r \ i i H - itlnucd From Page 1 Taylor anil Ibysa qualify for M edie* Her fear is that Mcdicnid, when 1 % ^ y ^ y . 1Continued From Page 1 was in a com a for two and a half ■ days. His pelvis was crushed. W ith a bruised nerve in his back, he couldn't move from the neck down. He was on life support and steroids, and spent the next three w eeks in inten* sivc carc. "W hen he woke up, he wanted to know where his arm s w ere," said his mother, Carolyn Kennedy. D octors told her that Taylor would never move or breathe on his ow n. Som e suggested she put him in a home. Taylor cuts up. That idea didn’t go over well. They traveled by critical care flight to W ilm ington. D el., where they spent eighl weeks at the Dupont R ehabilitation H ospilal. Carolyn learned how to carc for her injured son. Kennedy's life changed forever, as did Taylor’s. As a single parent, she adopted Taylor and his sislcr. Taysa, now 6, when they w ere Infants. She was born wilh fetal alcohol syndrome, and also requires special core. Kennedy had bc^n told she could never have children, but ju st over a week bcforc Tbylor’s accident, she learned that she was pregnant with her child with husband Mike. Taylor requires conslanl carc. Kennedy or a nurse must be with him at all lim es, watching for potential problems. He must have a breathing treatm ent every six hours, and his fluid intake must be monitored. At nighl, he wears leg braces lo keep his feci from turning in. He wears hand splints all night. His catheter must be changcd every six hours, and he gets an enem a every other day. The daily doses o f medicine, arc critical. He m ust be “suctioncd," bccausc he can’l cough well. And he must be turned every hour. To say the least, Taylor Lovclacc doesn't sleep w ell. Nightmares arc frequent, and sometimes he doesn't go back to sleep when they’re over. Bccausc they werc foster children. Taylor and Ihysa qualify for Medic* aid. But the system is crazy, Kennedy said. She cstiniales it costs S27.000 a month to keep Taylor at home. Her hope for her son is that her undergoes phrenic nerve stimulator surgery. Medicaid will pay for the hospital stay, but not for the S58.000 stimulator to be placed on the nerve. “ E ventually, T aylo r would com e o ff life sup* port,” she said, talking about olher children who had the surgery. “One girl is completely ofTher ven* tilator, day and night, and another is o ff the ventilator during the doy.” Raising money isn’t anything new lo Kennedy’s family and friends. Her brother, Sidney and wife Teresa, have been instrumental, and are heading a golf tournament Scpl. 16 at Twin Cedars G olf Club In M ocksvillc. Her fear is that Mcdicnid. when the $ 5 8 ,0 0 0 Is raised, w ill say, •you’ve got $58.000, why should wc pay for the surgery?” ‘i t ’s constantly something,” she said. **I will never accept Thylor the way he is. *1 prayed and I pleaded and I begged God for kids bccausc I was told I would never have kids ... so God gave me three spccial kids (Her youngest daughter, Emm a, also re­ quired surgery after birth.). I was made at God bccausc I had prayed. Now, I thank God for not inking him.” Tbyior works hard at his iherapy, and at his favorite thing, school. A second grader at Courtney Elem en­ tary School, he has learned lo write and color using a mouthpiece with a long stick. He can even use that to play video games. This fall. M akc-A-W ish is taking Ihe family to Disney World. K ennedy rem em bers w ell that They’ve remodeled the house to ' First year, when Taylor lold her he accomm odate Taylor's wheelchair, wishes he had died in the wrcck. They had to pave the drive, and re­ locate Ihc septic lank. They bought a van with a lif^. Her husband, a truck driver, is working the W csl Coast routes lo make morc money, and is rarely home. "H e asked m e when am I gonna walk? I tell him like I always tell him. I don’t know. You may be in that chair all your life. I just don't know. "N o kid should have lo live like this.” Carolyn Kennedy said her daughter, Taysa, has grown up' quickly since Taylor’s accident. i Taylor Lovelace reluctantly has his photograph made with his sisters, Taysa Lovelace and Emma Kennedy. - Photos by Robin Fergusson nited. Taylor Lovelace uses his motorized wheelchair to get around, and there are several holes In the walls of the family home off Liberty Church Road. F r e e C r e d i t H e l p S E E ............................................-i or Call 1-888-702-7376 Ext 777) We specialize in placing Ihe credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! wao Q O f f u W o o d A U T O C i N n B w - ; “ ^ Honda^Jeep*Plymoulh»ChrysUr*KIA t ^ n By Phone 1 - 8 a a . 7 a 9 - C A W S Special Invitation for EnergyUnited Customers You are Cordially Invited to Our A N N U A L M E E T IN G of M EM B ER S Saturday, September 16, 2000 7:20 a.m. -1 2 Noon at the Davie County High School 1200 Salisbury Road, Mocksville It's that tim e o f yoar again . . . lim e for EnergyUnltad's Annual (Vleeting of fVlembersI Bring out tho w hole family and enjoy a m orning full of interesting exhibits, free entertainm ent and Inform ative events. Look at all the oxcitom enl and family fun w e've planned: • 7:30 a.m . -1 0 :3 0 a.m . — Visit our health fair in tho sm all gym for FREE screenings and health-related inform ation. • 7:30 a.m . - 1 t;0 0 a.m . — Visit our len t exhibits to see the latest products and services w e'vo released for our cultom ors. Registration and voting for EnergyUnited board m em bers. • 10:30 a.m . — M usic and entertainm ent by The 82nd Airbprne Division All-Am erican Chorus. j • 11:00 a.m . — Business session in the large gym to discuss w here EnergyUnited is now and w hat exciting plans w e have for the future. . • 11:45 a.m . — A FREE drawing for door prizes will be held. • 12 N oon — Free bag lunch. BBC for the adults, hot dogs for the kids and cold drinks for everyone. Free transponation will be provided from each EnergyUnited district office. To reserve a seat on the bus. mall the "ciip o u r from the August issu e of the Connection Update or call your local EiietgvUnltod office. W e hope lo seo you therel GEHING THERE IS EASY ‘ 55 | \ y 1 ---------------------/STT^ioiUfiivai ’“-Af' a . 1 Я1 ' ' ■II 1 8 0 0 - 5 2 2 3 7 9 3 • The follow ing cases were dis­ u se d o fin Davic District Court Aug. 31. ► Presiding: JudgeG corgcT. Fuller. Prosecuting w as M ary Covington ù sistant DA. — Kelley L. Anderson, 94 mph in ^ 70 zone, reduced lo exceeding safe $pced, $100, cost. ; — R oger W. A rm strong, D W I, sentenced 60days, suspended 1 year, surrender license, not operate vehicle iinlil licensed, SIOO, cost. ‘ — Matthew Brock, taking game during closed season, unlawful man­ ner o f Inking gam e, possession o f drug parnphernnlin, m isdem eanor frassession o f mnrijuami, dismissed; possession o f drug paraphernalia, SIOO, cosl. • — Freida S. Brwiks. 93 mph in a 70 zune. reduced lo exceeding safe speed. $85. cosl. — Headier L. Brostron, 93 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $85, cost. -—Vincent M. Castillo, 80 mph in a 7 0 zon e, reduced to im proper- equipinenl, cosl. — Kcnncih D. Chandler, simple assault, dismissed, request o f pros­ ecuting witness. — Dcreck T. Daniel, assault on a fem ale, .senienced 150 days, sus­ pended 18 monlhs, not ihreaien, ha- mss, or assault viclim , participalc In psychiMiric counseling, subm it lo suhslancc abuse irealment, cost. — Ron K. Davis, D W I. sentenced (iO days, suspended I year, surren­ der license, not operate vehiclc unlit licensed, suhslancc abuse assess- menl. $100, cost.; open container after consuming, dismissed. — Jennifer D. Essick, 9 1 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $75, cosl. — Pharris R. Frank, possession ofm arijuanaupto I/2 ounce, $100, cost; manufacture o f m arijuana, dismissed. — Eleanor D . G allim ore, 58 mph in a 35 zone, reduced lo 4 4 in a 35, $10. cosl. — Anihony L. Houpe, 60 mph in a 40 zone, prayer fir judgem enl continued on cosl. — Dustin T. Hunter, two counts misdemeanor probation violation, senienced 24 months, subm it to suhslancc abuse assessmenl, D ART program. — M ark A. Jen n ett, m isde- meanor probation violation, sentenced 120 days, active. — G. T. Johnson, failure lo deliver title, dismissed, made cost. — Marisa D. Johnson. 86 mph in a 7 0 zone, rcduccd to 74 in 70; obtain­ ing properly under false pretenses, sen­ tenced 45 days, suspended I year, res­ titution. $100. cosl. — Charles W. Kooniz. failure to wear seat bell.dism lssed;driving while license revoked, sentenced 45 days, suspended 18 months, not operate ve­ hicle unlil licensed, $300, cost. — Christopher M . Lashmit. reckle.ss driving to endanger, reduced to im ­ proper equipment, cost. -D a v id S. Long. 87 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 79 in a 60. $10. cost. - S u e L. Love, 8 0 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to 7 0 in a 55. prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. — David M . Malheny. registration violation, resisting public officer. $100, cost; driving unregistered ve­ hicle. no liability insurance, aiding und abclling driving while licensc revoked, aiding and abetting im ­ paired driving, dismissed. — M ark A . M cC all, dom estic crim inal trespassing, injury to real property, dismissed prosecuting wit­ ness failed lo appear. — Donald J. M oore, com municat­ ing threats, prayer for judgem enl. — Tasha L. Pcrell, misdemeanor probation violation out o f county, D A R T program , sen tenced 12 monlhs. — Dcrrick Pciiiford. misdemeanor probation violation out o f couniy. sentenced 30 days, credit for lime served. — Jan ies M . Priestley, driving while licensed revoked, dism issed, made cost. — Carlos A. Rosa, driving while licen.se revoked, senienced 24 hours, - credit for tim e served. — Billy R . Satterfield, 80 mph in a 7 0 zone, prayer for judgem enl con­ tinued on cost. — Jim m y W. Shields, D W I, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended I year. SIOO. cosl. — Salvatore A . Terrano. 9 6 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo careless and reckless driving. $30. cost. — Julie L . Wyatt, failure lo report accidcnt. dismissed. — M ichael W. W yaii. sim ple os- sault. dismissed, request o f prosecut­ ing whncss. R o y A c k la n d T o H e a d Textile H eritage P arade Emmy winning television person­ ality Roy Ackland will act as grand .marshal o f C ooleem ee’s ;annual T extile H eritage Festival Parade. . A s F 0 X 8 's m orning ;news anchor und host of :"R oy 's F o lk s." Ackland 'will head the m ile-long parade which kicks o ff al 10 a.m. Saturday. Sept. 30 in C(K)leemce. The parade begins a day o f fesiivitics which includc boat rides on the Soulh Y adkin R iv er, a m ajor photo exhibit titled “River ' oT'Da'am s” aHiiut ilic “Bullhole.'' a '^uill exhibit, a mill village art con­ test, handmade craf^.s, f(X )d , music, and a children’s area com plete wiih a pelting zix). ■ Gates to the Zachiiry House wilt open at 11 a.m. following the parade. Day activiiics will end ut 4 p.m. Acklund This is C ooleem ee’s ninih year cclchraling ils Iw al hisiory and pay­ ing homage lo the culture and co n lrih u tion s o f Souihcrn lextile people. "W e are extremely hon­ ored to have Roy Ackland al Ihe head o f our pamde,” said festival coordinator, Renee Whitman. A s h o sl o f “ R o y 's F o lk s.” A cklan d in ter­ views North Carolinians from all walks o f life, es­ p ecially those who add special color and meaning lo the life o f our slate. Ackland began his broadcasting ca -‘ reer in 1958 in W aco. Texas, where he earned a degree in radio. T V and film from B aylor Universily. He served four years in the U .S. Air Force. “Roy's Folks” airs each M on­ day. Wednesday and Friday during Ih e F 0 X 8 6 p.m. news. NASCAR COLLECTIBLES D A L E E A R N H A R D T ’ S 75th WIN LIM ITED EDITION CAR O N L V S L F .F T _$165.00 EACH OTHER NASCAR COLLECTIBLES AVAILIBLE TOP 10 RACING C A R Y M A RTIN 99S-5639 K e iT s R e p a ir S h o p tV-.'-'.-i• Authorized Master Service Dealer on Poulani and Weedeater • Service Dealer on Shindiawa • All kinds of Mig & Stick Welding * All kinds of Small Engine Repair 2 3 0 5 A rnold R d . H am p tonv lile, NC 2 7 0 2 0 Shop (336) 468-4406 & Home (336) 468-6480 PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? A R E YOU S U C C E SSF U L A T EV ERYTH IN G E X C E P T TH A T W H ICH M A T T E R S M O ST -P R E P A R A T tO H FO R E T E R N IT Y ? Jesus said, “Seek firsl the kingdom of God and Ills righleousness...” Secure your soul’s salvation today by obeying the gospel! Btlleve Iil Christ IML llib. IJ.t) Repent of your Sins and Turn to God i l l u a A m i? jo i Confess Uw Name of Jesus im .ii. ioji;Acuiid7) Be Burled In Baptisin for tlie Forgiveness of Your Sins (At» 2:311. *JS.U :lt: Rani. iM: IIV . 12:1]; C>U:27) Be Faittiful to Jesus unto Death n jn. i:7i Rn. 2:101 VISIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST Dtdiraled to Rtilorini New T tia in e n fS in Name, OrMnlzalion, \\orjhip, and Doclnnr. Localtd al Ihe corner ot Junction and Jencho“ oads, _____________________Dr. Tom Torpy, Mintster(336) 492-5291__________ em m-im T h e D e a l E v e r y o n e Is T a lk in g A b o u t ! D IS H B U Y B A C K O F F E R ! We Will Pay You $200 To Switch To BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS igitai Cable-Servieeb CONNECT TO DIGITAL CABLE & START TO ENJOY! ■Local Channels! • Local Weather Forecast & Advisories! •Local Offices Service! •24-Hour Customer Support! •Free Maintenance on Company Equipment! •No Costly Equipment to Purchase! 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -1 3 1 3 CALL NOW TO RECEIVE! 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' STEP ^ Yourfriend gives this form to the installer at the tiriie of' their appointment. Your check will be mailed to you within one week of the installation. ! BENCHMARK FRIEN D S A R E PR IC ELESS Comphfd by Ш Btnchmêrk Coi с о 1Ш M и M I с A r I о N S Mocltsvllie, NC 336-751-1313 Your A ddnst:_________ Your Account Number: I: I«'cabtoMibtcifttr; I I ________________ I I -------------------------- I I Afler completely filling out thit form, ghre It to i friend. Your Friend will ■ I w w w - . B w ■ - ■ w . ■ w . ttiengivelttotheiniU ller.ittim eorippolnlm ent.forproceeiing^ , Thli offer It fer • Umlted-Tlml NO LONG TERM CONTRACT. Fiee •nsta.lalion indidu up to 3 outlets. ЫШ Ш ыё/ 1я| м с1мвг«1 CommuníceÜORs’ MivIctarea.SomerestTK&onsmayappV Thecaúponmuslbeg/ventolfteinsisllaral №naofit4tiM6CCi s 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 P u b lic R eco rd s Sheriff's Department The following incidents wcrc re­ ported to the Davic Sh eriffs Dcpl. - A report o f a missing/runaway juvenile was rcccivcd Aug. 28 from a residcncc cn Hobson Street, M ocks­ villc. - A m issing person was reported from a residcncc on Quail Hollow Road. Advancc on Aug. 29. - A vchicic that was scratchcd with a shar^) object was reported Aug. Arrests 29 from a parking lot at Tanglewood Crossing. - A report o f crucliy to animals was reported Aug. 29 al a home on -U .S. 64 E„M ocksvillc. . . - A bicyclc was reported stolen on Aug. 29 from a home on N.C. 801 S., Advance. - Two rcportsofdamagcd vehicles was reported from Davic High School parking lol in M ocksvillc. Aug. 29. - A chainsaw was rcportcd stolen from a residence on Hobson Drive, M ocksville on Aug. 30. - Breaking, entering, nnd larccny was reported from a residcncc on Dinks W ay, M ocksville on Aug. 30. - A report o f breaking, entering, and larccny was reported from a resi* dence on Carters Rldgc, M ocksvillc pn Aug. 30. - A report o f breaking and enter­ ing was received Aug. 3 0 from a home on Kingsm lll D rive, Advancc. - Breaking and entering was re­ ported from a home on Cockerham . Lane, M ocksvillc on Aug. 30. - Stolen Items from a vchicic were rcp ortcd from a rcsid cn cc at Rivcrvlcw Tow nhouscs.Advanccon Aug. 30. - A report o f stolen auction licms was rcportcd Aug. 30 from a home on N .C. 801 N.. Advance. - A report o f fraud was reported Aug. 31 from a residence on Green- hill Road, M ocksville. - A report o f oblalning property by false pretense was rcportcd Aug. 31 from arcsldcncconJuncilonRoad. M ocksville. - A report o f ah unplugged drink m achinc was received Aug. 31 from a business on U .S. 601 S., M ocks- ville. - A report o f a stolen drink m a-' chine was rcccivcd Aug. 31 from à ’ business on U .S. 601 S., M ocksvillc.' - Breaking, entering, and damage to property was reported from a busi- • ness on U .S. 64 W .. M ocksvillc o n . Aug. 31. - A report o f breaking, entering, and larccny was received Aug. 31 from a business on U .S. 64 E. The following wcrc aneslcd by the Davic County Sheriffs Depart­ ment. - Raul Fcrreyra Gutierrez. 25, of 120 M eta Breeze Lane. M ocksvillc was arrested Aug. 25 for DW I. Trial dale: Sept. 15. - Tony Douglas Johnston. 34. of W Inslon-Salem was arrcsicd Aug. 25 for driving with liccnsc revoked. Trial date; Aug. 31, Marriages - Pablo Santiago Estrada. 35. o f 812 W alls St.. Cooleem ee was ar­ rested Aug. 26 for DW I, open con­ tainer. and driving after consuming. Trial date: Sept. 15. - Christopher Ray Jarvis, 29. o f 2163 N.C. 801 N., M ocksville was arrcstcd Aug. 27 for domestic assault on a female. - Stephen Brian Gragg. 20, o f 622 Fork Bixby Road. Advancc was ar- rested Aug. 28 for simple possession o f marijuana, possession ofdrug para­ phernalia. and possession o f ber un­ der 2 1. Trial date: Sept. 2 1. - David Ryan Teague. 23, o f 166 LaQuinia Drive, Advance was ar­ rested Aug.’ 28 for failure to appear. Trial date: Aug. 29. - Billy Darrell Freeman. 32, o f 112 Cain Reavis Road. M ocksviilc w is arrested Aug. 28 for worthless check. Trial date: Sept. 29. - Shannon M ichacI Funderburk, 3 l.o f3 2 9 Hobson Drive, M ocksvillc was arrested Aug. 29 for possession o f schedule V I drugs, and drug para­ phernalia. Trial date: Sept. 14. - Inoccm Cisnero Jim enez. 20. o f 145 Clairmont Drive, M ocksvillc was arrested Aug. 29 fordriving without a liccnsc, givign false Information lo an officcr, and driving left o f ccnicr. Trial dale: Sept. 14. - M atihcw Cory A llen, 2 0. o f 720 W yo Road, M ocksvillc was arrested Aug. 30 for sim ple assault and com ­ municating threats. - Christopher Bryant Carter. 32, o f 183 Dayc Lane, Advancc was ar­ rested Aug. 30 forchild support vio­ lation. Trial date: Sept. 19. - Eric Dean Horn. 24, o f 724 Sain Road. M ocksville was arrested Aug. 31 for breaking, entering, and lar­ ccny. Trial date: Sept. 14. -P at5y B o u ld ln G arcla,3 8.o fll0 Lol 12 Hinkle Road. M ocksville was arresied Aug. 31 for communicating threats. Trial dale: O cl. 5. - Larry Daniel Hedrick, 21. o f 158 Hope Lane, M ocksvillc was ar­ rested Aug. 31 for probation viola-- lion. Trail date: Sept. 7. The following marriage licenses were Issued in Davic County. -David Richard M abe. 19, o f 397 Potts Road. Advancc and Erin Lee C rotls. 18. o f 603 3 N .C . 8 0 IS .. M ocksvillc. - Bobby Gray Brow n. 4 2 . and Allison TVson M cCampbcll. 40. o f 3763 N.C. 801 N.. M ocksvillc. • Harry Hampton Gulledge, 42, and Diana Faith Eubanks. 46, o f 155 Center St.. Cooleem ee. - Christopher MichacI Bishop, 27. and Lorrena Lynn Goforth. 29. of 160 Kae Lane. M ocksville. ■- R ic k / L e e G ib son . 4 0 , and M elind a Su e B cilh a rz . 3 5 , o f Taylorsville. - Johnny Ray Glennon. 32, and Debbie Gail Collins, 31, o f 164 S. Angell Road. M ocksville. - Kenneth Charies Bolin. 46, o f 625 Edwards Road, Harmony, and Judy Gray Johnson, 4 9. o f Yadkin­ ville. - K enneth Earl Taylor. 3 6 . o f NIagard Falls. Canada und LuRliunda Rencc Ketner, 32, o f 156 Drum Lane. M ocksvillc. - Teddy Ray Doby. 28. o f 388 Salm ons Road, and Tresa M ischellc Salm ons. 29. o f 327 Salm ons Road. M ocksville; - - Clyde Allen Sheets. 37, o f 1235 W oodward R d.. M ocksv illc, and Pamela K . Owen. 35. Portland. Tcnn. - W illiam Andrcw Boyter III. 34, and Barbara Ann Brooks. 29. o f 709 M illing Road, M ocksvillc. - Randy L ee C hurch. 36. and H cidt Renae Lom pa. 22, o f W all Street, Cooleemee. • Roger Quincey Funderburk, 23. u f 588 Main Church Road, and Hi­ lary Leigh Hauser. 21. o f 117 Gar­ den Lane. M ocksville. • Sam uel Lee Lambert, 42. and Bonnie Catherine Frye, 50, o f 399 Raymond St.. M ocksvillc. - MichacI Carl Porter, 20. o f 433 N. Pino Road, and Denise N icole G enlle. 18.o f 186 Chinquapin Road, M ocksville. . - Alan W ayne Sparks. 36, and C ryslll Lavon M inor. 3 3 . o f 750 Markland Road, Advancc. - Jam es Edward Watson Jr.. 26. and Amanda Schotiler, 23. o f 190 D ccr Run Drive. M ocksville. - Dennis Ray Lanning. 37, o f 131 Forest Lane N o. 13. and Johnna M arie Parnell, 24. o f 1409 Fork Bixby Road. M ocksville. |]< Robert Ronald Barber. 51. o f Uoiinglon and Schcrry Lynn Joundi, 46. o f 138 Gray Shccks Road. Ad­ vancc. • • .............................. - Brian D ale Callahan. 29, and Amy Jo Bates. 29, o f 236 Wall W il- son Road. M ocksvillc. - Clyde Eugene Trc.xlcr. 48, nnd Martha Kay Richardson. 34. o f Cool­ eem ee. • Randy W illiam Lincbcrry. 38, and Diana M ichelle Smith, 27. o f 592 Gladstone Road, M ocksville. - W illiam Leonard Collette. 50. of 3300 U .S. m N .. M ocksvillc. and Priscilla Kay W escolt. 50. o f Win­ ston-Salem. • Robert Poindexter Anderson. 45, o f 155 Fred Lanier Road, and M el­ issa Howell Focrstner. 42. o f 233 Adanw Road.M ocksville.".................. • Richard Alan H all. 37. and Judy M arie Roberts. 44. o f 152 B claire, Lane.M ocksville. - Travis Ray H edrick. 21. and Tammy Jo Sumcrlin. 21. o f653 Duke W hiilaker Road, M ocksvillc. - Billy Ray Owensby Jr.. 25. and * Roxanne Ebright Seam on. 34. o f 157 Stagecoach Road. M ocksvillc. - Brian Scolt Nichols Jr.. 19, and . V ickic Leann Cliurch. 19. o f 171 ' Correll Road, M ocksville. - M ichacI Dale Wafford. 25. and Julie Lynn W yall, 19. o f 118 Cable Lane, M ocksvillc. • Jam es Alhan Hand. 2 1. o f Salis­ bury and Julia Ann Cooper. 20. of 131 W esiview Ave., Mocksville. Land Transfers The following land transfers werc nied with the Davic County Rcgis- icK ofD ccds:' The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, wilh $2 rep­ resenting $1.000. • Daniel P. Rehmeyer and Cynthia S. Rehm eyer to D avid Raym ond Dallon and Roxanne Lee Dalton, I lot. Farminglon, S213. - Edw ard Ray H ollem an and Nadine F. Holleman to Martha A. Childress, 1.63 acrcs. Jerusalem. * - Charles P. Rutledge and Ginger Y. Rutledge lo Robcrt Kevin Grady, 1 lol. M ocksville.. S144. - Lawrcnce A. W hitaker and June Whitaker to Wanda Jean Barr. 40.450 square feet. M ocksville. $72. • John H. W hile and Josephine B. W hile (5.12% interest) lo Jeffrey C lark W hite (2.56% interest) and W icW hUe B ow en (2.56% Im crwi). 62.500 square feel. Calahaln. - Martin L. Barber and Drcama E. Barber and Richard P. Hcndricks and Carol D. Hcndricks to Elizabeth R. Norman. .58 acrc. M ocksvillc. S 198. - Geraldine M. Sm ilh to Jean S. Phelps and O scar A. Sm ith Jr.. 1 lot, Farmington. - St. Andrews G olf Villas lo Tho­ mas V. Jordan to Sylvia Jordan. 1 villa. Farminglon. $515. •Samual P. Hall and Jacqueline H. Hall to Kenneth G . Hester and M ary E. O ’Neill, 7 lots, M ocksvillc, S20. - Mark D. Krosncy to A.P. Eason Jr. and Marilyn H. Earân, I lol. Farm­ ington, $480. - Roger Allen M iller and Ellen L. M iller lo Aaron Scott Fender and^ A llison M arie Fender, 2.54 acres,. •Farminglon. I • D.ivid B . M yers lo David B . Myers and Valerie E. Trucil. I lot. Jerusalem . - D elhaizc Am erica to Bridgcll Reavis Engle. 1 lot. Shady Grove, $400. - W illiam J. Jones and Barbara A. Jones to Marshall A. Flem ing and Tam araA. Fcm lng. 2 lols. Farming­ ton. $50. • Jo h n L aw rcnce E nn is to Deborah Lynn Ennis. I lot. M ocks­ ville. -W aller B . Sh ipm an Jr. and Kendra B . Shipman to Edward F. M cC arlh y Jr. and D iana W. McCarthy. 1 lol. Farmington. $436. - Wanda Grccn Cozart and Allen L. Cozart lo Kevin R. Nunn and Jen­ nifer Nunn. 10 acres, C larksville. $130. - Vicki W right Rhodes Young and John Young lo Robcrt Lee Spry and Rose Elaine Spry, 1 lol, Jerusalem . $34. - W hip-O-W ill U n d & Cattle to Ashley Janiicson and Kris Buckles. I lol, Clarksville. $120. •Ashley Jamieson and Kris Buck­ les lo Roy R. W ilson Jr. and Martha W .W lson . I lol, Farminglon, $143. • Robcrt R . Kuhn Jr. and Catherine Kuhn 10 Kevin Crawford and Jean Crawford, 1.72 acrcs, Farminglon. • W in slon e P ress lo K evin Crawford and Jean Craw ford, .52 acre. Farminglon, $106. • K ev in C raw ford and Jean C raw ford to B ayview Fin ancial Property Trust. 2 tracts, Fanninglon. $342. - Edwin H. Reeves and Helen R. Reeves lo John H. Reeves and Eihcl C. Reeves, 2.06 acrcs. Calahaln. • • Larry Dean W hilakcr and Jay Whitaker lo M ichacI J. W hilakcr.. 16 . acrc. Jerusalem. • Ivan Earl Whitaker to MichacI J. W hilakcr, 2 tracts, Jerusalem. “ -Ivan Earl W hitaker lo Larry Dean W hilakcr and Jay Whitaker, .55 acrc. Jerusalem. • Carl Grubb, Wade Bcck. Ralph Graves, Felix W iliam s, trustees o f Jerusalem Baptist Church lo Jerusa­ lem Baptist C hurch. 4 .0 8 acrcs, Jem salem . - Carl Grubb, Wade Bcck, Felix W illiams and Ralph Graves, trustees o f Jeru salem B ap tist C hurch lo Jerusalem Baplisi Church. 5 .2 1 acres. Jerusalem . . Carl Grubb. Wade Beck.'RHlph Graves. Felix W illiam s, irustccs o f Jerusalem Bapiist Church lo Jerusa­ lem B ap iist C hu rch, 1.1 acres, Jerusalem. - B elly Sue Tucker lo Thom as G .l\ickcr and Carol H. Tucker, 3.13- acres. Farminglon. : . - B elly Su e T u ck cr to B ru ce • Steven Turner and H ilda Tucker Turner, 3.13 acrcs. Farminglon. •Christopher W. Clay and Barabar K. Clay, trustees o f the Charles Chris­ topher Trtisi 10 Paul L. Cook. 1 lol« Farmington. $253. • Sh u gart E n terp rises (o Ja y Frederick Brake and (Tlair Strickland Brake« I lol, M ocksville, $ 2 17. Highway Patrol The following iraiTlc wrecks werc investigated by the N .C. Highway Patrol in Davie Counly. Failure To Reduce Speed C harged A R ock H ill, S .C . m an w as chargcd wilh failure lo rcduce speed after a wrcck on U .S. 64 W esl al 7:30 a.m. Aug. 31. Tony Edward Adair. 3 8, failed lo <fnp tht> 1Q0Q Fnrrf pif^itp D river F aces 1\io C harges An Advancc man was chargcd wilh not wearing a scat bcU and ex­ ceeding a safe speed after a wreclc on 1-40 at 3:20 a.m. Aug. 28. Roger Dale Spry, 57, o f 847 W il­ liam s Road, was driving a 1989 Chevrolet thal hydroplaned, going out o f control into an cmbankniem to the right, reported Trooper M.T. potted Trooper A.A. Justice.. D river W recks Avoiding Bus A M ocksville teen was charged with driving left o f ccn tcr afler swerving 10 miss a stopped school busonPineR idge Road al 3:20 p.m. Aug. 28. Rusty M ark M iller, 16. o f 295 M iller Road, was driving a 1991 Dodge pickup entering a curve. A with failure lo reduce speed after a threc-vchlcle w reck on U .S. 601 South at 4:30 p.m. Aug. 30. M atlhewJasonKluttz, 19,of2347 U .S. 601 S.. failed 10 sto p th el99l Ford he was driving before ll struck in Ihc rear a 2000 Cadillac driven by W illiam Porter Harrison, 72, o f 126 E. V alley V iew Road, A dvancc, knocking il into a 1995 Pontiac stopped a llh cra m p in a l9 9 8 Toyota and started forward, striking Ihe rear o f a 1989 Toyota driven by Lois Salm ons M yers, 76, o f 447 Richlc Road. M ocksville, reported Trooper A.A. Justicc. D riv er Faces Two C harges A Advance man was charged with cxcecding a safe speed and driving with unsafe tires after a wreck on p.m. Aug. 31. G ilbcrl L ee Boger, 7 3 , o f 2 9 4 ' Clayton D rive, was altempting lo merge from the emergency lane w hen. Ihc 1991 Nissan pickup he was d riv-. ing struck a tractor trailer driven b y . Allen Den Shelton, 29, o f Benton, Miss. Th ree D eer Stru ck Three deer were struck on D avie' driving befotc it struck in the rear a 1999 Nissan truck driven by Clyde Alonzo Bullinger, 48, o f Conover, reported Trooper M .T. Dalton. D river Forced O ff Road H enry Taylor T alb ert, 4 4 , o f S ta te sv ille , lold T rooper T .S . Kennedy lhat at 6:20 a.m. Aug. 28, he was forced o ff 1-40 into the guard­ rail by a vehicle thal left the scenc. Failure To R educe Speed C harged An Advancc man was d ied for exceeding a safe speed after a wrcck at 5:15 p.m. Aug. 28 on N.C. 801. Eddie U y d Goshom , 2 4, o f 1011 Peoples Creek Road, failed to stop the 1989 Ford pickup he was driving before it struckin the rear a 1998 Ford sport utility vehicle driven by lam es Lee Martin Jr., 4 2, o f Hickory, rc- passengcrs, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. M iller's truck skidded lefl o f ccnier and struck a mailbox and fence. He talked to Ihc property ow ner and Ihcn left the scen e, Kennedy reported. Kennedy said a “school bus slop ahead" sign was visible on Ihe road. Failu re T o Reduce Speed C harged A M ocksvillc tccn was charged 7255 N.C. 801 S., M ocksville, re­ ported Trooper A.A. Justice. U nsafe M ovem ent C harged A Drexel man was chargcd with making an unsafe irafTic niovemcnt after a wreck on the 1-40 wesl o ff ramp 10 U .S. 601 at 3:15 p.m. Aug. 30. Nathan Erik Franklin, 19, was Brannon Gray Angell, 20, o f5500 N .C . 801 S ., was driving a 1998 D odge pickup, lhat went out o f con­ trol in a curve and overturned to the' lefl, reported Trooper Terrance' D. Shaw. Safe M ovem ent Violation C harged A M ocksville man was charged with making an unsafe u affic move- mcni afler a wreck on 1-40 at 12:30 • Hoyt David Robertson,.20, o f Boonville, a l.ll p.m . Aug. 29 on Madison Road; ' , _ . • M arilyn Sartaln M illcf.M i. o f, 8 2 6 C edar G rove C hurch Road, M ocksville, al 4:45 a.m. Aug. 27 on ' Cedar Grove Church Road; and • Heather Renee Johnson, 23, o f Slatesville, al 9:55 a.ro. Aug^ 29 on U .S.64W esl. Mocksville Police Fires The following incidents were re-' ported to M ocksville Police. - The larceny o f a ring was rc­ portcd Aug. 28 from an apartment at The Glen. - The larccny o f $25 was reponcd Aug. 29 from a residence on Marconi Street. - A woman reported Aiig. 29 lo receiving harassing telephone calls to her residence. Armls - Thomas Jospeh Shields. 24, o f 127 Green St., was charged Aug. 29 with Im eiiy. Trial date: O cl. 12. , 'a . ; Tlm olhy Leach; 36, o f Em i Spcnccr, was chargcd Aug. 29 wilh larceny. Trial date: Sept. 7. He is accuscd o f stealing food from Food Lion Souih. -P am claC h ristln cJo rd an ,31,ar 40 M arconi St., was chargcd Aug. 30 wilh larceny. Trial date: Sepl. 14. IV afne A ccident -Thanna Riddle Sm ith, 52, o f 111 Main Chureh Road, failed to stop the 1991 Chevrolet she was driving on Soulh Main Street at 6:45 n.m. Aiig. 30 before it struck in Ihe rear a 1995 Nissan driven by Sw ali Jayanlhbai Pafel, 2 0, o f 1034 Yadkinville Road, rcpoited OfTicer R .M . Robbins. Davie Counly fin: departments re­ sponded 10 Ihc following calls: Aug. 28: Fork. 7:58 p.m., Joe Rd., stove fire; Jerusalem assisted. Aug. 29:C ounty Line. 10:56 a.m.. Davie Acadcm y Rd., smoke detector activator. Advance, 12:27 p.m., N.C. 801 S., vehicle fire; Sm ith Grove assisted; Shefrield-Calahaln; M oll H odgson R d .. m o torcycle fire; County Line assisted. Aug. 30: County Line. 3:09 p.m., Iredell C ly.. automobile accidcnl; Jerusalem . 4:17 p.m., U .S. 601 S.. automobile accident; C ooleem ee as­ sisted; Sm ith Grove. 1 l;48p.m ..N .C . 8 0 1 S.. fire alarm; Advance assisted; Cornatzer-Dulin assisted; Farming­ ton assisted. Aug. 31: M ocksville; 5:43 a.m.. Gwyn St., structure Пге; Center as­ sisted; Fork, 6:45 a.m., N.C. 801 S.. autom obile accidcnl; M ocksville. 11:30 a.m .. Hallandcr D r., toaster firc. i r it- .'ft. i * . ^ iü- }*■ C o u n t r y C u z z i n s it- té- it- it- it- it- it- it-it- Summer ClosMut S A L E S « co n d H and C lothing C h ild rv n 's Siim m t'r C lolhitK i A d u lt S u m m er C lü íh n u j '3 - '5 S<‘< orid H.iiul Only 854 VALLEY RD, MOCKSVILIE (bnideKdchicCiNkBiluiy) ■ (336)751-7474 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTF,RPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 -7 Center BBQ Friday And Saturday, Fair Scheduled For Saturday Continued From Page 1 United Way, N.C. ForestServicc with Stnokey the Bear, Davie Do­ mestic Violence Services, N.C. Departmentof Corrections blood­ hounds, N.C. Wildlife Commis­ sion, DARE and others. - There will be a display of an­ tique tractors and hIt-and-mIss engines. Live entertainment will begin about noon, featuring bluegrass, country, Christian and gospel. Some of the performers will be Mel Jones & Friends, the Davlc (Senior Chorus, Abby Pryor, Stephanie Craddock, Priscilla Correia, Joan Cookson, Carl and Shirley Wicker, and afínale "Sa­ lute to America" by members of the Davie Theatre Company. The Red Cro.ss Bloodmobllc will be there for residents to do­ nate blood from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. P ra ye r C o n tin u e s A t G a m e C ontinued From Page 1 Invocation al the beginning o f cach home football game will have lo be discontinued. However, this court decision does not affcci your righl o f rcligious freedom. Including your right as a person lo pray in public.” Then therc was a moment o f silcnce in memory o f Jhocklon Dallon. a student athlete who died over the summer. A l the conclusion o f lhat silencc. the crowd began reciling ‘T h e Lord’s Prayer.” Dr. Linda Bost! principal, said the Su p rem e C o u rt’s d ecisio n w as wrong. *‘I w ill, as a principal, follow the laws and guidelines, bul that does nol make them right." Janie G am elt, chair o f the Davie Couniy Board o f Education, said Fri­ day night's events made her sad • and pn)ud. “I am saddened and proud wilh the events lonighl. Saddened in that the Suprem e Court ruling, a ruling Ihal our school sysiem will follow, has chipped away at the religious freedoms that werc fought and died for by dur forcfathers. *'Proud In lhat students, parents and the people o f Davic County arc willing to stand and publicly exprcss their faith and thankful in Almighty G od." The prayer started o ff light, and gol louder and louder Organizers hope to continue the "spontaneous” prayer at each home game. If fans cooperate, It will make a bad thing a wonderful thing, they said. Look Good, TSeTBetter The barbecue Is always popular at the Center Fair.Children iJecorate Iruits and vegetables for a contest. Nancy Tutterow gets cozy with Smokey the Bear.Roses are ready forjudging as part oi ihe horticultural exhibit. Hand-made quills line the wall in the community building. i^jinoimcihg òpèning of our Clèmmons office. In toJ.»y’s volaiile markel. invcsiin« ami man;iKinn your money can Iv complcx and coniusinK- now, Clemmons investors can take .iJvantaKC of PaincWehl'er’s. online c.ipaliilities combined wiih the pcrstmilizcd .Tdvice of our Financial Adviwn. Our full line of scrviccs incluJcs: government sccuriiitfs, corponue and municipal bonds, ccriificaics ofdcr^)sit, rctircmcni rliutning, t.ix*dcfcricil annuities, • miilual funds, sl«ks, ami financial planning........................................ Come visit our office at 2255-A Lewisville-Clemmons Ro;<d. W idi morc than 120 years of expcricncc, we have 5cr\-ices >x)u could benefit from. And Financial Advisors you should n>ect. PaineWebber 2255-A Lewsville-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 (comer 0/ Pcrtcchai’ci\ Road & Leutsville-Clemuwns Roiul) (336) 778-3000 (800) 884-3758 L Gray Wilson, \W Prciiiicnr-init’imicnts Portfolio Matutger, Portfolio \taiuigeinent Program Michael Zimmerman, Account Vice PresiJait Certi/icii Fnwfurifli Ptinner Thank y o u EaineVPfebber. w w w .paincw ebbcr.coin 02iXVr>>n(4'<№n MfwiriSirC S p e c i a l o S t h e W e e k Shampoo/Conditioner Vanilla, Lavender, Peach, Strawberry L i m i t 4 W h i l e S u p p l i e s L a s t Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Fdileit-Rottilt д щ Ù . 4 9 5 V a l l e y R o a d • i i o c k s v l l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 Class Starts On Sept. 19 Davie County Hospital is sponsor­ ing Look CkKxl...Fecl Belter (a pro- gram of Ihc American Canccr Socicty) for vramen undergoing canccr Ircat- mcnl. .Ию free ptogram is intended lo help women lo belter cope wilh the appeanince-rclatcdsidccfrecisoftteal- ment such as hair loss, changes in complexion and fingcniails - and re­ gain о sense o f sclf-conndence. As pan o f the program, a trained volunteer beauty consultant teaches women how to enhancc Iheir appear­ ance through the use o f a free make-up kit, wigs, scarvcs, and jewelry. Ttie program is ofTered the third Tuesday o f every other month,storting Sept. 19& <отМ р.т..в1 DavieCounty iU p iu i. Women undergoing canccr tm m in l .can nu ke Iheir reservation b y 'c tiliii'lta Hospilal a t7S l-8302. procedures in the past two years. If you arc nearsighted, farsighted and/or have astigmatism, we can help reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses or contacts. And, wc work closely with your currcnt eye doctor before and after surgery, to achieve the best long-term results. Duke is recognized as the leading provider of laser vision correction suigery and was voted the best medical center in the SouthcMl for the last two years. When you visit our state-of-the-art laser facility, featuring the latest in vision correction technology, you’ll see why. Find out if wc can help you. Alan N. Carlson, M.D., and William B. Rafferty, C.D. of the Duke Laser Vision Center of Winston-Salem, lead a free informative sem­ inar that will answer all of your questions and help you determine whether LASIK, or Phaklc Refractive Implants arc the right answer as a possible altcmative to your glasses or contact lenses. The succus of our LASIK program has rtccntly earned numerous national and International honors ai well as the interest of Time Magazine (October 11,1999 and October 12,1998). Our faculty members are tec'ognized leaders In the Vision Correction field and are fellowship trained . subspeclalists, recenlly included ^galn among the prestigious "Best Doctors In America” list. •US Newi a World report. 1998-U9» ii. Front row L-R; Chris Shuc, Brand! Barber. Back row L-R: Alan N. Carhon, MD, Debra (Dee) LaRaia, COT, Helill Campbell. СОТ VVIIIlom В. Rageny, OD. Find the answers at our FREE Laser Vision Correction Seminar Tuesday, September 12 . 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Duke Laser Vision Center of Winston-Salem 2025 Frontis Plaza Blvd., Suite 110 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 To register or for more information, caU 1^88-ASK-DUKE Duke Laser Vision Center of Winston-Salem. „ ASERVICEOFDUKBUNlVEHSmfBYBCBNTER " f»* _______________ _____ t ' 8 - DA\^COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000Adrninistrative Court T h e follow ing cases w ere dis­ posed o f in D avic Adm inistrative Court Sept. I. Presiding was M agis­ trate Ellen D rech sler. Prosecuting was Sarah Kirkman, assistant DA. — Shawn M. Alford, 89 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 79*70, SIO, cost. — Kenneth \V. Allen. 8 0 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment. SiO . cost. — Jason R. Anderson, 8 0 mph In a 7 0 zone, rcduced lo 74 In a 70, cosi. — M onica S. Anderson, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper cquipmenl, $10, cosi. . -D rew A. Atkinson, 66 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. — M ichael S. Baker, 6 9 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, SIO, cost. — Adam Darber, improper pass­ ing, reduccd lo Improper cquipmenl, $10, cost. — W illiam A. Carter, 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment. $10, cosi. . — EnriqueA .Senteno,no license, dismissed, made cosi. — Kendall N. Cham bers, 57 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd lo 54 In a 45, SIO. cost. — Steven J. Chandler, 6 0 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced to 54 in a 45, SIO. cost; expired registration, dismissed, made cost. — H ector A. Coreas, inspection violation, dismissed, made cost. — Vicki H. Dagcnhart, 65 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo im proper cquipmenl, $10. cosi. — Leigh D . Davis, 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment. $10. COSI. •— Sandra B . Davis. 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo 54-45, S10, cosl. — W illiam C. Dodd, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10, cost. ........— Robert Ü. Fender.'expired li­ censc. dismissed, made cost. — G ilberto Garcia, failure lo wear seat belt, dismissed; no license, $50. cosl. — U m m i L. Garrcll. 82 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 In a 70, cost. — M elissa M . Gaultney, failure to stop at a stop sign, rcduced to im­ proper cquipmenl, SIO, cosl; regis­ tration violation, dism issed,«madc cost. - — David B . Gentry. 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip- m eni, SIO , co sl; failure lo notify D M V o f address change, dismissed, made cost. — Lois J. G ibson, failure to com ­ ply w ilh license restriclions, dis­ missed, made cosl. — Joseph D. G obble, 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, SIO, cost. — Phillip L. Godfrey, expired reg­ istration, dismissed, made cost. — Dustin T. Greene, 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. — Steve R. Gregory, expired reg­ istration, dismissed, made cosl. — ^Johnna M . Grubbs, 68 mph In a *55 zone, reduced to im proper equipment, $10, cost. — Scotl R. Hotelier, 63 mph in a 45 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. — Sonya E , Hauser, 7 0 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. — Angela R . Hedrick, 85 mph in a 70 zon e, reduced to im proper equipment. $10. cost. — Barbara Y. Helms. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo improper equip- menl. $10, cosl. — Jam ie 0 . Hendrix. 60 mph in a 4 5 zone, rcduced lo Improper equip­ ment. SIO, cost. — Kimberly S. H icks. 6 0 mph in a 45 zone, reduccd to 4 4-35. $10. cosl. — Dorolhy Ç . Holmes, no Ijccnse. dismissed, made cost. — Jim m ie 0 . Huff, 58 mph in a 45 zone. $25. cosl. — Gwendolyn T. Hughes, expired regisiration, dismissed, made cosl. — Joseph Jones, no operator’s li­ ccnsc, S 50, cost. -T a m m y J. Jones, no license, dismissed, made cost. — Carl G. Joyner, failurc to reduce speed, dismissed, civil selilcm cnl. — Barnaby M . Keller, 80 mph in a 7 0 zon e, rcduccd to im proper equipment, SIO, cost. — Thomas M . Ladd, 83 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo Improper equip- menl, $50, cost; failurc lo wear scat belt, dismissed. — Richard D. Lynch, failure lo wear seal bell, failure lo secure pas­ senger under 16, $25, cost. — Tyrone C. Martin, regisiralion violation, dismissed, made cosl. — David L. Masiin, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo 74 In n 70. cosl. — Leonard L. M cA fec, failure lo wear seat belt, $25; inspection vio­ lation, dismissed, made cosl. — Ronald W. M cA fce, failurc to wear seal bell. $25: failure lo notify Dmv o f address changc. dismissed, made cost. — Christopher M olino. 87 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd 10 79-70. SIO. cost. -S ta c e y E. Moody, 70 mph in a 55 zone. $25, cosl. — Andrew L. M ossman, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10, cost. — Ernesl M . M ungo, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil scllle- mem. — Brooke A. Murphy, speeding in school zone, $ 10, cosl; failurc to no­ tify D M V o f address change, dis­ missed. made cost. -A n g e la C . Owens, 75 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to 64- 55, $10. cost. — Jennifer S. Pcnce. 59 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced to 54 in 45. $10. .cost: expired regislnition. dismissed, made cost. — W illiam J. Pierce. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip- ment. $10, cosl. — Dolores A. Pinela, no liccnsc, dismissed, made cosl. — Reanna 0 . Reid, no Ucense, dismissed, made cost. — Noia C. Rich, 69 mph in a 55 , zone, reduccd to 64 in a 55, S10, cosl. — D ouglas R . Rivers, failure lo stop at a stop sign, dismissed, civil scttlem cni;............................... — Leobardo G . Rodriguez, no li­ cense, $50, cost. — G w endolyn G . San ders, 7 6 mph in u 65 zone, rcduced lo im ­ proper equipment, $10, cost. — Slacy L. Scales, 88 mph In a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 in a 70, cosl. — Dennis B. Shea, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd to .54 in a 45, $10. cost. — Christopher L. Sim s, inspection v iolation , m irror v iolation , d is­ missed, made cost. — Jack R. Sm ilh, inspection vio­ lation, dismissed, made cosl; regis­ iration viotalion. driving without 2 hcadlighis, no registration card, dis­ missed. made cost. — Christopher N. Stanley, expired registration, dism issed, made cosl. — M ichacl L. Swaim , 69 mph in a 5 5 zon e, reduced to im proper equipment, $10. cosl. — Raina M . Sw eat. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in a 70. cosl. — C ryslal D. T illey, failure to com ply wilh liccnsc restrictions, dis­ missed, made cosi. — W illiam D. W ebster. 86 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in a 70. cosi. — Christopher A. W ensil, 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10, cosi. — Katherine E. W illiam s. 8 0 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10. cost. — Robin K. Bledsoe. 82 mph in a 7Ó zone, reduccd to Improper equip- ihenl. $25. cost. — Breii Sicele. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to im proper equip- mcni. $10. cosi. D a v ie F a m ily Y M C A P ro v id e s M a n y P ro g ra m s Lasl year the Davic Family YM CA provided $57,623 in financial assis­ tance for programs such as before and after school, summer day camp, youth sports, and membership activities. In addition to financial assistance the Davic Family Y M CA offers at no additionalcharsc,senlorwatcr aerobics and onc-week-lcom-to-swim water safely programs. Fmancial assistance and program funds arc made available Ihrough the support o f the Davie Couniy United W ay and contributions to our Annual Partnership Campaign. The YM C A served as many os 250 childrcn a day in the before and afler school prognun, suid scTN'cd as many as 300 childrcn during the school year. Summer day camp averaged 164 chil­ dren for 10 weeks, with morc than 220 childrcn and 100 D SS childrcn. Unfortunately, not all parents can afford good quality childcarc. Fami­ lies who arc in financial need arc en­ couraged ID apply for assistance wiih the YM CA . TTic amount o f assistance given depends on the extent o f need and Ihc cosl o f the programs. " W c want tohclp as many people as possible with the resources we said executivcdiax’lor. Joe Hennigan. In onler to see if you qualify for assislancc, the YM CA will ач|иеЯ lo see lax forms and paychecks stubs.and pow fofincom e.as deemed necessary. The Davic Family YM CA is the onlychildcarcprograinexclusivelyfor before and afler school and summer day camp in Davie County which is slalcliccnscd.nichcartoflhcYM CA's mission is lorcachoutandscr\'cpcoplc in the community. When son^cone loses a job, when mcdical bills become overwhelming. E n e rg y U n ite d A n n u a l M e m b e rs M e e tin g EnergyUnitcd will hold ils annual meeting o f members Saturday, Sept. 16, al Davie High School in M ocks­ villc. A free health fair for members will be held In the small gym between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. The health fair will offer a number o f free screenings as well as health information. Members o f the electric co-op will rccelvc a S5 attendance award when they register and cost their ballot in the b o w i o f directors cleclion. This year, members will elcct six directors. Rcg- istralion and voiine will be held In the_ lobby o f the large gym between 7:30 and 1 \ a.m. The 82nd Airborne All American Chorus will provide the enierlainmeni at 10:30 a.m. This singing group Is acclaimed for its rendition o f popular patriotic songs. Anoiher spccial feature will be a num bcrof informational booths under a lent beside the large gym . EnergyUnilcd employees will staff these booths and provide information about the coup’s new products and scrviccs. Members are invited to stop by lo Icara more about these services and tosign up for as many as they wish. There will also be spccial activities for Ihc childrcn. Including a clown, fnrff pninting, n tmin-rid<^and-a-moeib walk. The business meeting will begin at 11 o.m. in Ihe large gym. at which lime ofTlcials from EnergyUnilcd will give a report on tlic раы year's activities. Following the business session, there willbeadrawingfordoorprizcs. Afler the adjournment o f ihe meeling mem­ bers are invited to pick up a frcc bag lunch (barbecue for adults and hot dogs for children). EnergyUnilcd is planning lo offer frcc bus rides from outlying district oillccs lo and from the annual meet­ ing. Any customer who would like to ride the bus Is asked to contact Dusty Rhodes, EnergyUnitcd manager o f public/mcmbcr/communiiy relations. YIDHN TOURS a TRAWL Y l i U M I I t , №-(3881 n9-221IWB]9-289Q 2 0 0 0 S C H E D U IE Sepl.23'24 — S l 49 — Shenandoah Valley, Walton’s Mountain, Natural Bridge & Luray Caverns O ct.14 — S69 — Smokey Mountain Train, Dillsboro, NC (seethe autumn leaves vibrant colors) Nov. 1 1 — S29 — 33rd Annual Soulhern Christmas Show, Charlotte, NC N0V.24-25 — S149 — Smokey Mountain Christmas, shopping, DoIIywood,-Pigeon Forge, TN Dec. 1-3 - S585 - Christmas In New York City (FllghI, Lodging &. Shopping SOLD OUT . _ Dec. 16 — S69 — Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner -Theatre, Virginia's newest IheaUe, seating 200 p eo^ ^ tiin ner and play "Home tor Ihe Holidays." . Dec. 8-10 — S229 - Christmas at Myrtle Beach, SC . Radio City r pochettes, CaroliriaOpry, and Christmas In Dixie al the Alabama , ^■■»'ThMtrej3|)eft'shows In Myr^^^ ■ . ' \rniUit^thm4iiimU0;Lm^vat<mmoni-foodUonMLt»l$vatCormnStKfr^C«nl»r. 6 M O N TH S S A V I A S C A SH CALL TO D A Y FO R A FREE ESTIM A TE O N A TRANE XV 90 GAS FURNACE. K11200 AIR CONDITIONER or HEAT PUMP.niwmfiwff’¡m w rnrm sium m B m m uim . It’s Hard to Stop a Tane.^ Call now for details. . Musl be Installed before 10.31-2000. M o ck sv illc rcsld cn l Jo h n W . Phillips won $1,000 In week four o f C cnlral C arolina B ank’s w eekly "m yC C B Sw eepstakes." Fifteen winners, one each week, will receive a prize o f $1,000 cash. The contest promotes Ihc new C C B online banking silc, m yC C B. Th e contc.st continues through O cl. 15. Since.m yC C B .wos launched on . M ay 28, more than 15,000 people have signed up to use ihc online banking scrvicc. The silc has features designed lo make it a personal, in­ viting scrvice. “ M any p eople now co n sid er online banking part o f Iheir doily routine," said Slayton Harpe, man­ ager o f Ihe M ocksvillc ofTice. “They like Ihc convenience o f accessing their accounts from ihclr homes or from anywhere In ihe country. “Customers have access lo basic Inierncl banking features such as account infonnation and iransaclion capabilities,“ Harpe .said. “Bui cus­ tomers can also odd infonnailon Ihai Ihcy w ant to sec, such as slock quotes, news and weather, or alerts about important dates ami events." Anyone can sign on lo the new service and register for the myCCB Sweepstakes at www.ccbonline.com. No purchase is necessary. C0 UNT6 R POINT G u ita r Shop & = S tud io Music Lessons & Instrument Sales Now Open at our New Location 82 Court Square • Downtown Mocksville (Across tlic strcci from Sam iicrs) Hours: Mon-lTi 12-8 (336) 751-9390 when scponilion or divoicc bring fi­ nancial lunUhip, llic Davic I'aniily YM CA is hcrc. The Davic Family YM CA is agrval conununiiy asset for everyone - no manor your income, your handicap, your race or rcligion." Hennigan said. Thanks 10 ihc Uniicd W ay and gen- crouscommuniiy support, the YM CA is avmlablc lo cvcr>onc. T b c Davic Family YM CA isdcfinilcly where you belong. Come join ihe Davic "Family" YM CA and help us continue lo im­ prove the quality oflifc for ihc citizens o f Davic County," Hennigan said. _Qr«rat Savings fit Your Lorak laRHEELTDBfCCO g m “A Tohlwco Fn'cmlly Slore!" B ill NEWPORT.... CAMEL*. WINSTON (EXCLUDES REO/REIl) S f lL E H . V flN T flG E DORflL .............. BASIC. CAMBRIDGE MONARCH. BAILEY'S. USA GOLD , ••••••••,•tttoil T H E A R E A 'S ORICÍNÁI. LO W -PK IC K TO BA C C O O U TLET SP EC IA LIZ IN G IN H O M ETO W N . KKIKN DI.Y SE R V IC E • DISCOUNT СЮАК^ЛТКЧ • iÍANIVH)UKKI) CANDIAIS > ROU^YOUH- OWN TOBACCO A s u m ju i . m uis, ci<ov»:s & am k k ican s p ir it • CIIKWINC;, PIPK A SMOKKU:SS to b a c c o . /.IPPO U C in V J tS nHIVh т н и WINIUtW н он YOHH CONVh:Nlt:N€'H ш н Е Е ш а х ) 7 « - « ? COMING TO MOCKSVILLE Saturday and Sunday SEPTEMBER 9 & 10 B e n F r a n k l i n Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm ■ Sunday, 1 pm to-S-pin-------— — C o l o r P o r t r a i t P a c k a g e S p e c i a l 3 - в х Ю ’в 3 - 5 x 7 ’s 1 2 - W a l l e t s «13« S23S Deposit CuslomerpaysSII.OOwtaniiortrailsderiveieil ■ йамва|1(1ГОша1йум»*евкЫег. DON'T MISS IT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO NO AGE LIMIT ADULTS TOO! A ll work Guaranteed by; T R I V E T T E S T U D I O Ben F ra n k lin ' W l jl o w q a k C e h t e t - j^ k ^ ^ ^ ^ - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 7 ,2000/- B l War Eagle fans had plenty to be happy about during the home opening 52-0 trouncing of North Iredell Friday night. - Photos by James Barringer Davie Manhandles North Iredell In Home Opener Andrew Rudy (left) gets ready to block a North Iredell opponent and tuilke Clement carries the ball for Davie. By B rian puts Davic Couniy Enterprise Record Though madatthcm selves.DavieCounty’s football team look it out on North Iredell Friday nighl al W ar Eagle Sladium. In the scvenlh-largesi rout in school his-^ tory. the W ar Eagles declm atcd the wlhlcss' Raidcrsofthe W esicm Foothills 3-A Confcr­ cnce 52-0, healing em otional wounds o f two losses - to Staiesville and M oorcsv ille- by a com bined 13 poinls. "W c didn'l like being 0-2," linebacker Neil R ice said as Davie won for the eighth time in nine home gam es and dispatched North for the fourth tim e in a row. "Every­ body in school has been giving us a hard time, so we werc Just hungry fora win. First game at home, w c ju st said w c wcrc going io lake everything oul on them. They ju sl happened to be in the wrong placc al the wrong lim e." You could hear North's bus driver seven minutes inlo the game as Davic bolted to a 20-0 lead ov er a totally confu sed nonconfcrence opponent. There werc a mere 17 seconds between the sccond and third touchdowns by Brandon Gentry and M ike M ike Clement. .. ' "This fit good inourschedulc," linebacker Patrick Lowery said. "W e needed a win lo build our confidence up." The Raiders, rebuilding under first-year coach Robert Morrison, recked in every phase o f Ihe game. They never crossed their 24 yard-line in the first quarter, didn't muster a first down unlil 14 minutes had elapsed and Please S ee D avie • Page B 7 Te n n is Te a m S to rm s B a c k F o r V ic to ry The verdict was all bul sealed and deliv­ ered as W csl Rowan strolled into doubles with a commanding 4-2 lead over Davie County In tennis action last w eek. Dut just when it appeared the Falcons were going to avenge a 6-3 loss on Aug. 21, the W ar Eagles stormed back for an im prob­ able 5-4 victory. However effective, the roule D avic took was unconventic^nal. Stephanie Wodarski and Andrea Harris, the No. 1 doubles team , suf­ fered singles losses ol 1-2 bul bounced back. Deanna Sham el couldn't win at No. 4 but helped Ashley Prevette to victory at No. 2 doubles. And A llison Dowles failed at N o. S but teamed with Megan Jordan for a nail-in- ihe-coffin triumph at No. 3 doubles. "I tried to tell the giris that was going to be a lough m atch, thal they were going to be belter prepared," Coach Carol Cozart said. "W inning all three doubles wus not a small lask. Our backs werc against the wall." It's not always headline-grabbing news for a veteran team to rally in the 11th hour, but the W ar Eagles had hardly been ihcrc before. They demonstrated shocking resolve foraclub that includes one junior, four sopho­ mores and a freshman in doubles. But w hile the W ar E ag les (4 -2 in nonconfcrence), who followed upvvith armn- shortened 4^2 win over Alexander Central, ore 12-18 in singles, they arc an impressive 10-5 in doubles. 'Theircharactcrshow cd through," Cozait said. "They werc not going to let up. they were notgoing lobe beaten. And their doubles ability showed through. Our kids arc confi­ dent in doubles and enjoy doubles.” W odarski-Harris and Prevettc-Sham el put 10-2 hammers on W est to knot the match at 4- 4 . "They bolh took less than 3 0 minutes." Cozart said. "W odarski and Harris both had • ■ to»t,bulBoo^n«u.\bey w erethenntonesoTT thecourt. I mean they killed il. W odarski had som e scrvice returns that w crc absolutely awesom e. Harris went from struggling in singles to everything she hit in doubles was golden. Sh e ran down so many points." Please S ee D oubles - Page B 2 Soccer Newcomer Makes Dramatic Arrival For Davie A curious fellow rescued D avic Counly's varsilysoccerleam againstFbrbush last week. Transfer Robbie Boyd, an encm y-tumcd- ally from W est Forsyth, pulled the W ar Eagles from defeat's door with two goals in the final eight minutes to forge a 2-2 tie. Talk about making a dramalic arrival in your first match. "H e proved him self." Coach Sean Garnett said o f the newcomer. "(Team m ates) have got to be real excited. H e's going to help us oul definitely." In last-gasp desperation, Garnett moved Ihc 6-4 Boyd from stopper.to striker, a strate­ gical stroke that worked wonders. ---------:----------------Please-See-S!even»^P«ge-B2— N o rth R a llie s fo r 11-10 H e a rt-P o u n d in g W in O v e r S o u th B y B rian F ills D avic County Enlcqirisc Rccotd ' Lasl wccli's Nonli Davic-Souih Davie soft­ ball clM h ended ju sl like every ottier meeling since 1994. W itli Nortli on top. : .Even ihougti Ihe vlsiiing Tigers outhit North 12-6 and led on ihree occasions, they couldn't protect a 10-8 lead in the bottom o f the last Inning as North coach Jam ie Lyerly improved 10 8-0 against the archrival with a •heart-pounding ll-lO nonconference victory. ' rlTliis v*as the third one-tun win during Lyerly's amazing strealc. ' "It was a nallbiier," Lyeriy, 53-21 in seven years, said aher North escaped a rainy batlle. "it's always like that when you play Sotith. This one didn'l count (in the M id-South M iddle School Conference), but It doesn't matter when North and South play. You al- : ways waiit to win.” . . It looked like South would break the curse alter pouring across four tuns In the fifth, wiping out a 7-4 dcflcil and giving hard- throwing, pitcher lam ie' Duthain a two-run | t o o n for the bottom o f Ihe seventh, : N dflhgot a bang-bang call al the plate * l t w a s a nail biter. It’s a lw a y s like that when y o u p la y S o u t h * - North Davie Softball Coach Jamie Lyerly and capitalized on a throwing error lo run ils record to 2-0. W ilh runners at first and third and one out. plnch-runncr Annie Haftman broke for sec­ ond. South catcher M elissa Tallm on fired to an inficldcr cutting o ff the ihrow. coaxing Ashley C om aucr to break from third. Cor­ natzcr, for a moment, seemed to have fallen Into a trap, but she was ruled safe oh a dramatic play at the plale. Instead o f a runner- at sccond, two out and a 10-8 South lead. North was within one with the lying run at Mcond and one out. ; - "W e thought (Tallm on) was throwing to sccond,:. Lyerly s^d. "It looked like Cor- natzer w as going to bepiii. U w asclose. U was like silence for what seemed like five minutes ;,0rS0.":-. . North capitalized on two morc breaks. Haflman tied the game on a wild pitch. W ith two oul, Abby Riddle swung ihrough a third strike, but the ball was In the dirt and Caiilin Reavis scoredthewinningninwhenTallmon's throw to first sailedovct first baseman Christie Taylor's head. . Comatzer had the only hit In the three-mn inning, epitomizing North's luck in the ri­ valry. . • • "It was very, frustrating," South's second- year coach, Cindy Durham, said; *^11 was hard' for me to sleep last night. W e rcally did good ■ in the field until that last Inning." ' Carrie Sain, North's feisty pitcher, pre­ vailed in a matchup bclw ccn two o h h e pre- m lerpitchersintheM SM SC .S^ngaveup 12 hits but only walked pne, while Durham walked eight and beanéd four. ^ « ■ Sain would not stay down. Although she was limping from two hit by pitches, she fanned South's final batter in the top o f the seventh and kept North in position to steal it in the e n d .. "Shecouldn'thardlyw alk,butshe$aldshe >vas going to pitch," Lyerly said. "She was mad bccausc she had goiien hit, and she 4hrew the ball harder than she's ever thrown it (in Ihc seventh). She really should have sat oul, bul she was going to pitch that last inning; She wanted that game bad; "They hit the ball a lot better than we did,, and w c scored runs o ff walks and being hit by pilches. Yeah, wc got lucky." The drama set the stage for an. Oct. 4 ■rematch on Ihc final day o f Ihe regular Reason thal could have M SM SC championship im ­ plications. ' "It could com e down to that since w c don't have J.N . Fries, Northwest Cabarrus and K annapolis,"Lycrlysaidoftheold Piedmont Conference. "Thai would be fine with me. It would probably be that same way: Som e­ body will win bn tlw very ia si play o f the gam e."' ^ — Ptea« See N o rth - P»ge M Worth Noting... A shley C o m atzer's single uiggcrcd athree-run, gam e-w inning rally asN oith D avje'ssoftball team squeakedpasi South, D avie I t - 10. Pilcher C a rrie S a h i (2-0) led a 2 5 -2 rout o f K n ox w ith five hits, ■- South D avie Q B B ra d C orrilM rw en t: 5 -o f-7 fo r 133 yards in hlsm iddle-school'; d ebut,,R aeshon M cN eil gained 1 5 4 1№/ tal yards, and T o n y B o o e relunied i|* fum ble 4 2 yards for a sco ie. ; ,. i‘ C o o ler A rnold and Ju stin B ro w a J c o m b in g fo r iS S y a ^ (in lO catiies ti'. South D avie's elg h th -g r^ e team dls^"; mantled C orriher-Lipe b y 4 0 . ; , ■. : p Freshm an M eg an Jordan^ is 4-1 in;' singles and 5 -0 111 doublM fo r p av io 's: ien n isteam .Y 'I ■ . T ratisferR b b b teB o y ^ o fD tiiy ie'sm ;} cer team foiced 'a 2 -2 lie With Foifetuh'" with tw o lale goals, and S e ia S it v u n ; ú o red in the closing roomentsj^lo b ea^ N orth Iredell 2-1 C C k ib G o o d * Slid i u n r B f S l M T te a m e d fo rlS 3 y a id sn iih ln g ln ite № i^ D iy le eighlh-grade'teim 'i !йВ2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 7,2000 Members of the Davie High School tennis team include, (rom iaft; kneeling - Megan Jordan, Allison Bowles, Carly Balsley, Ashley Prevette, Sara Snow; standing - Coach Carol Cozart, Molly Vines, Deanna Shamel, Andrea Harris and Stephanie Wodarski. Doubles Action Leads To Tennis Win Over West Rowan C ontinued From Page B I Bow les and Jordan cappcd ihe turnaround. Aftcrwatching (heir lead dwindle lo 6-5, they roared lo I0*5 viclory.......................................... T h e ir coach was ju sl shaking her head," Cozart said. "Things like lhal ju sl build so much confidcnce. Thai was as exciting a malch as we've had this year, and actually ina long lim e." Prevette and Jordan kept Davie alive with singles victories. Carly tones from Prevciie, Harris, Shamel and Jordan. Bad weather forced can­ celation Гог doubles. T h ey'v e com e a lot further than anybody ever ihought they would," Cozart said. N oles: The W ar Eagles need lasi week's effort and morc os they face a potential rough start in Central Pied- montConfcrcnccplay.visitingMount Tabor and Reynolds on Sept. 5*6.Jordan Prcvelte They host W esl Forsyth on Sept. 13. Baltlcy,aod .SaraSnow ^ claim c4ag.^ yft.Start_as tough at it can gel." exhibition, 8-4. ' Cozart sa!dr"You know what lhifg^r"T)cstm 5(chcs:w e’rc gbHig to be there "-D av ic sustained the momentum are going to be like from the very totakcit.Ifthcyd o.thcnw c'regoing qigainslAlcxandcrCcniralbchlndvic- beginning. If they don'l play their toshakehands."... Jordanishavlnga Shamcl Bo>vles big freshman year, N0.-6,-3^- wiih Bow les in doubles and 2-0 with B alsley .... Wodarski is 3-2 al No. 1. Stevens Strikes Against North Iredell C cnllnued From Poge B I "Boyd's a prelty good target to go to on com ers, and he's goi good ball skills," G am eit said. Still, the salvaged tie coula only evoke ahaU-smile from Gameit, who lamented TOminutesofsluggishness lhat backcd Davie in the corner. North Edges South In Last Inning Continued From Page B I ;. "I was real proud o f them because they hung right in there," Durham said. "It's a big rivalry and it was a battle. I'm really hoping to win the rest o f the way until we meet them again." -Com atzer, who tripled in a five- run third that gave Nonh a 6-4 lead» and Stephanie Wendel had two hits Гот Nonh, which got a double from EiikaSm ilhandasingle from Hannah Tiem cy. ;.Durham paced South with three hits and Jen n ifer W ilson, Erin W hitaker and T aylo r added two apicce. Ashley Whitlock andTallmon had one. North 25, Knox 2 iNorm umeasned n hits and ham- mered palsy Knox into submission. The Trojan coach took the Wildcat merry-go-round persona). "W e were supposed lo play four and a half but they didn't want to play any more," said Lyerly, who got five hits from Sain, four from Sm ith and Amy Alexander and two triples and a singlcTrom Dana Vestal. T h e coach got mad bccausc she thought we were running the score up. W c were run­ ning Ihe bases. I don’t want the girls ju sl to stand there and not run." Sain struck out seven in three In­ nings« and reliever Alexander fanned the side in the founh. Soulh 9, North Rowan 5 W hitlock, Durham and Whitaker pounded out three hits and Durham struck out 12 as South pulled away from the Mavericks. But it was W ilson who provided "O urcffort level wasn't there until Ihe last 10 minuies," he said. "W c played rcally hard the last 10 min* ules. It's a lol belter than losing to them, bul w c should have fared a lot better than wc did. W e just didn't have a lot o f effort anywhere, and that hurts. "You've gol to be proud o f a team lhat can com e back like lhal and gel a tic out o f it. But if they put forth lhat effort for 80 minutes, wc win 10-0." E A R L IE R in the week, striker Sean Stevens stopped ascoring slump in lime to clinch a 2 -1 win over Nonh Iredell. Feeding o ff a throw-in from Luke Koontz. Slevens sealed a bniising balilc wilh thrce minutes remaining, his second goal In six matches after punching in 13 a year ago. Main weapon Matt M oser struck in the first half for a I-O lead, the sophomore's eighth goal. "Sean beat a defender, turned the com cr and put It in left-footed." Gar­ nett said "It was a great game-win- net." The W ar Eagles (4 -M ) resume nonconfcrencc play at East Burke on Sept. 6. at home against Nonh David­ son on Scpl. 1 1 and at home against Bishop McGuinness on Scpl. 13. breathing room with a ground-rule double that led a five-run inning. "It bounced over the line," Durham said. **11 would have been a home run if it hadn't gone over Ihe line." First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worship Opportunities: 'SiSO am - Intormal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday Scliool and Bible Study ^10:55 am - Traditional Worship Service "A caring church with a place for you." John Butero, J. Lookabill win contest By DwIghl Sparks Football Conicst D itictor Gentle Rcmlcrs, the applause Is slill echoing over Ihe hills. The shock and illsbclief still makes lhal glaiil sucking noise Ross P ciol so often predicted. And they have marched In to get a glimpse o f TH E CAP. The applause? At Ihe return o f our 15th onnual football coniesi — Ihe Joy o f Joys for our readers. The shock and disbelief? At the huge $2,300 grand prize oncred by your magnanimous Contcsl Dircclor for Ihc nrsl to submit a pcrfccl slate of winners. And Ihe cap? Ah, yes. The Cap o f Cops. A new issue, professionally designed cap thal will placc ils wearer omong ibe clilc o fth e volley. They were oil back — David Smith, Steve Lakey, Steve Jakob, Charlie Brown, Scotl Hicks, 1\xld Howell, Crystal Scrfass, Andy Everhanll, Sandra Moon. S.B . Sidden Jr., Doug Smith, Ja.ion Murphy, Vclmo M cD aniel... nnd so many more eager for the fame and fortune offered by Ihe contest. The conlcsi faithful and Ihe newcomers mixed II up to make Ihls a football season to remember. And winner o f the first cap i s ... JOH NN Y RO BER TS. CO M E ON DOWNNNI Okay, that’s John R. Butero. assistant director o f Davie 911 communlcotions, but he will always be Johnny Roberts to us W D SL llslcncrs, where he worked for 25 years. Our coll look him by surprise bccause he missed 10 gomes. "I didn't think I hod a chance," ho sold. He edged oui three olhen for the big cosh nnd the dUtlncllon o f being the firet lo win the Cap o f Cops. And the money? Butero said he plans to lake his wife oui to dinner. ''That's whai we usually do wilh lhal money." You sec, Genlle Readers. Butero may hold the Enterprise-Record for the w ins in Ihe football contest. He wins a couple o f lim es cach season. Sccond place? JEN N IFER LO O K A BILL, C O M E ON DOWNNNNII Jennifer halls from G reater Woodleaf, and our telephone connection couldn't go that far Ihis week. We regret that she wc could not lei her know personally before she read il In the newspaper. She also missed 10 games. As Ihcy Hove dniolcd over Ihe Cop o f Cops, contest ponlciponls have sought our consel about the cops. "Can I wear this one to churchT' one asked. Genlle Readers, we will consult Ihc Vatican, the Southern Bopllsl Convention, Ihe United Melhodist bishops, Ihe Episcopal priests, the Moravian ciders, Ihc Presbyterian presbytry, the Jewish robbis and St. Peter to determine if a new religious protocol is needed for Ihe Cop o f Cops. Genlle Readers, even in the fiisl week the Contest Director must begin with his npologles. Even with his new blfocol lenses, the Contest Director could nol read the fine print In the Harmon Forecast. That's why Ttm ple ' was listed as the opponent for both UNC and Navy. .................. "B o y Ihey'rc going lo be tired," one o f our players told us when he ''called. The Conicst Director w ill use a magnifying glass. How wonderful il was to sec you again. To have you bring your contest clippings inlo the o flice or to fa* Ihcm lo us wilh your cotruncnu. Now for our coveted Noncash Awards: • Baskctboll Awoid — to Pam Boger. who missed 24 games. Tli the unwashed omong our contest porticipants. Ihc Baskelball Award is given as a tribute to ihe one who missed Ihe mosl gomes on the theory that basketball must be Ihclr game. • C lose Dm N o Cigar Award — lo those who missed 10 gom es but werc edged oui o f Ihe money by die tiebreaker— Bill Scrfoss and Jim m y Lookabill. Honorable mention to Dillard Moody, Charlie Brown, Jim ; Boger, Joseph Sm llh, Moll Jom es, Nick Klsiler and Peny Cnitchfield, missing II. « Prep Genius Award — to several who gol all the high school gomes correct — Steve Frye, Jam ie Lookabill, Conrad Chappell, Jason Muiphy, Julie Lookabill, Andy Everhanll and Lester Hendrix. ' • Diploma Recall Award — for missing all Ihe high school gomes — i Betty Hendrix. • SA T Exam Award — to Pam Boger who made som e curious picks. Western Carolina to beat LSU ? There you have it G cnilc Readers. Now gel out there and enter the contest. Remember, 5 p.m. deadline Friday. Ifyou can't bring your entry in lo us, our fox number is 751-9760. School M eals W c s e r r e ( • ( Ì i n d l i d i ì c r ('r \ il(i\ Nonh Carolina’s Child Nutrition Pmxrams CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP « CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE D O U B L E R E B A T E S On All 2000 Ctuyslei Town & Counbys or Dodge Grand Caravans On All 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokees or 5,9 Dodge Durangos 2000 Dodge Caravan V6 46,988 V6» 4 doort, 4^pd. auto; A/C, 7 p atttn etr »Mtlng, tunKTM n g lu t, гм г dttroittr, AM/FM casM tt«, higm Ыск front b u cM M at«. 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 . J24J88 4.0 6 cyl, •utomatte, powtr wbidoi door loeka. UK. cruTaa, AM/FM са м , C/O player, kayltM entry, trip computar, roof f t rn ^ m 2000 Dodge Durango 4x4 «24,988 VI, 7 petaengar, power urintfowt, r boor tocke. tut. crulae, AWFM G E T T H E S T R A I G H T P R I C E IN M O C K S V I L L E 751-5948 1 И 1 4 Ц J T t l117 «мм, NO SLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP ■ CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER i W E E K # 2 - A U G U S T . 2 0 0 0 ------Ц------------iSteVíLM-íMiM______________1____ I ВЧ • ftniMsiMÍ " ‘ G-------------— ■■ ' ■ -------------------------- 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - B;l NCM SHOW DOW H OF THE WEEK Florida S t a t e ...............27 i Georgia Tecli . . . .16-i H e r e 's h o p in g t h e S e m in ó le s a n d Y o llo w J a c k e t s m ix it u p In A tla n ta lik e th e y d id a y e a r a g o .: tills w e e k In T a lla h a s s e e , R a .,'“ w h e n th e n -to p -ra n k e d F .S .U . o u t la s te d T e c h 4 1 - 3 5 a n d th e , o u tc o m e w a s in d o u b t u n til t h e fin a l 9 0 s e c o n d s . _URmüciiga_ ..ГЯПГОГ.ЙМ B iS s ! W IlHNu luim lfntoriop icam s m eet tip with rivals they've Ncen very Iliile of or iiaven'l })aii}cd in yrars. it adds a loiich o f volaiiliiy to ihe week- end lhal w e love - even If It makes those gam es harder lo pick. Гог схап ф1с. N ebraska sliouldn't have a lough lim e with N oia* Dame this S;iturday, hut anything could happen on ilic i-lghting Irlsli's turf/niey last juet the Cornlm.skers In ih c 1973 Orange lk)wl (a -((V6 Nchniska blow oui), but N otre Dame won Ihe tnattluip hef»)re lhat, 25 years earlier. W isconsin and O regon?The Itiidgers .should w in. as they have 111 their Iw o prcvlons nieellngs with the Duck.s.bui li’s been 22 years .sincc th e most recent one. Miami and W ashington? lliey 'v c faced off only o n cc, in ’‘/ i, w hen ih c Huskies m ined X th e lUirrlcancs* other* ) w lsc-perfeci (pre-Orange V liow l I0S.S) sea.son, 38-20. 'A ........ 'riiai m em ory Is ■ recent enough to moilN-aie Miami to crush W asltlngton, htii the '(lane.s may have a lotigh tim e so far from hom e. O hio Stale and Arizona have s(|uaa‘d o ff only three tim es In their long hl.storie.s,and ihe Hiiekcyes have w on tw ice - most rcccntly In '9 7 ,2K-2Ü. Hui this is far from a gim me for O.S.U.,and this may w ell l>e the gam e o f th e week. And Colorado and Som hern Cal? Heck, w e'rc crazy enough lo pick the visiting Huffaloes. w ho are 0-3 against the Trojans. W ho c~ares ■лЫ\)\ rccorvls w hen these team s haven't shared a field in 36 years? In an e-arly but ala^ady crucial Atlantic Coast C onference pairing, w c'rc hopliiB ia«rid;i State and (ieorgiaTech m ix it up In Atlanta like they did a year ago ihis w eek inTallahassee, ria.H ie Sem inóles, ranked No. 1 at the tim e,outlasted the lO thrankcd Yellow Jackets •П-35 despiteTech Q H Joe Hamilion's 22-of*25 pas.slng for I 3H7 yanis and fourTD s, part o f a • - 5()l->“ird Yellow Jackets atiack/llie. team s com bined for 9 Í5 offen siv e' >-ard5 and 53 first dow ns, and the .’, üutcom c w as in doubt until the . , final 90 seconds, w hen HS.U. rccovea'd an onside kick to seal ils elgluh win in a m w over J Georgia Tech.Tlte Sem inóles will ; m ake it nine in a row, by 11 points. , Several other striMks will be extended this w eekend. In the Southeastern C onfcrcncc Cast, ' Georgia should take Us fourth sinilght from South C arolina.O n .. llm rsd ay nlghl,VirginiaTccli will win its fifth in a row over East Carolina. Finally, In th e S.E.C.W csi, it'll b e Mississippi over Auburn again, just like last year, only this tim e it w on’t require overtim e and w on't Ik sucli a hujic Еифйьс for the Uebels, w ho from *93 to ’98 losi six siraighl lo ih ellg ers. I NFL FORECAST STAT-PAC TO TAL G AM E S P R E D IC n O , 1 9 9 2 ^ 9 : 1 ,8 8 0 TO TAL R IG H T : 1 1 7 7 1 TO TAL W R O N G : 7 0 0 1 Чл, V !' T IE S :3 - Ä . l FO R EC A S TIN G PERCENTAGE:.6 2 7 1 7 / 1 И П П OF WEEKS III M I C I M l W UM EIS \ f / W E I E > I C K E O C lilE n iY : l , ' TO TAL G AM E S P R E D IC TE D . ^ ;F IR S T TW O W E E K S . 1 9 9 2 - 9 9 :2 3 3 FO R EC A S TIN G PERCENTAGE: y \ m \ NFL FORECAST: WEEK 2 (SuitiLiy) '• • B u ffa lo...........................................2 2Of—n Bay . ..........................la Jcfcalcd only one AFC Central riv'al twicc b)i year. Can yuu guess which one? D ll— .............................. Ils l>cM when it iii>c>n't. N.Y. O la n t s ..........................................1 3 • •PhlladalD hla,................................10 asalnst the Saints sincc 73,nto»t recently In « '97. Tlie only conipeient unit un ihc Held will be S.D.'» ilefensc. 'ArltU \hc ISill-V OcfcnNC a);ain ¡ihapinK up as one of the NFI.4 sitxtnf.'csi, the Ihitkcrs* t)irensc will luve its wiirk cut out for H. Hunald leads the seríes 5-2. hut G.ll. won Ust. In 1997.31-21. C f o l i m i . . . . . . . . "..................Л 4 After four stnitUu wins over ihc l^imhcrs in '97 and ’98, there was no clearer slgn of the •<9ers* decline In ’99 llun a sweep by still- mediocrc Cawlina, 31-29 In .S.Kand -11-21 in auriotte. Tlic Hrst lutile of Ohio of the '00s marks lite debut of I’lul llrown Stadium,but li for ihc llRiwns’ good news.Tlie Ikngals Uliile the Cowbop may j-rt тоф Ь inio contenders, the weak-aU4)« r Cardinals may look nò iKtier on KTJss ilun ihcy look on paper, last j-car O1IU& won easily, Arizona won hani. 13-9. ...........................24 ................................................1У In Ihe Ail-Ume Rapid Descents caiegory. this maicliup Is the winner. It's hanl 10 hclio'c these leams la.M met in Super Uowl XXXIII. Tiui win was the ilfth straight in Ihc seríes for the Droncos. This could be ihc game of the wtrek. with one offense (the Qjlis’), one very good one (the Raiders’), and not a lot of defense gening In ihc way. Oakland won bolh meetings in the '90s. Another Giants wiri over I'hibdclphia will nuke ii seven in a r»iw, N.Vs longest sirrak in Ihis seríes sincc the ’-((h. In '99 the (¡lams edged tlic Eagles 16-15 in N.Y. and 23-171п1Я1пГ1Ш1у. т т з г VHdnca WR Randy Meea ; Wltutcn of all eight dustups wilh Ihc Ravens, the Jaguars outklcked Italiimorc last year, 6-3, ihcn needed plenty of offense - 338 passing yanis from №rk Bninell -10 ouiUsi the Ravens. 30-23. In this contest the Vikings will miss the departed Jeif George more lhan ihc Dolphins will miss Dan Marino. Miami, con* ' liniUng 10 struggle when it has the ball, b at Titan» DE Jevon Hearse Unless coach Mike Holmgren Is way ahead of schedule In solidifying his shaky Scahawks - especially the e>TiKlianglng offensive line - the Rams will be ail o r r Seattle on both sides of the baU. TTic CharBcrs ha^-c dominated ihb very, occasional rivalry, winning *»lx of seven •Tampa Bay ....................................3 0 ..» Tills should be an easy one for the,in lluccaneers, whose formitlabic D will kcepj,. the offensively cluHengcd l^ears from going' ■ “ far.Т.П. 1ш won the IxM five in the scrícs,i>H winning 6-3 and 2(M) last )-car. Wike-up call No. 2 for the Chiefs, who facc;j^ a sccond straight poiential AFC championJ^ Tlic Cliiefs lia\T won four In a ruw In this««! scries, bill these teams tuvcn'l pb)'cd sin ew s '96, when Ihc Ilians were lowly Oilers. W a th ln ^ o n ....................................... .21 11)C Red.tkins' 27*13 w iU loM ^n over theU Uons in '99 a>vnged a 33*17 reguhM loss, Ihclr nrst to Detroit sincc Washington looks better now, but 1 Icams may meet again in Ihe playoffs. (Monday) ............. New In tfew d .................................... After getting swept by tbe Jets in *96, the,*.: S I’atrlots managed a spilt Ust year, winning^*; . nrstln N.Y, 3^28, before losing at home. 24*17.A cixtcLil game in what shapes up awlktiUvtsion. ‘ " ..w S ! ' • (Open dale: PltlsbuiilO‘ K IM - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 1. Anyont can enter eicepl employe» ol the Davie County EnterpriM Record and Iheir lamd)«s. Only one entry allowed pet petton per wMk, All intrifli mull bo on orgnal ne*ip»in1 ot In to 336-75I* 97W. NAME THE WINNING TEAMS EACH WEEK AND WIN., C O N T E S T R U L E S 2. Ganws in IMS «eeh't conlest ert listed in each advertiseflwil cn Ihete rvra pages. Fill Irt the contest blanh and subml or mail the entry to the Entcfphso Rccord. PO. Boi », MocVsv«e.NC370:a. 1 The lirsi enliani coiieclly predictfig tho outcome ol all {^ es in a week win recehte a bonus o< S2S00 WccUy pnm are S25 hf hrsi (Aon and is V)t ucon) pbce. 4. In case ol t«s. the entrant wtn came close« » th« toul mjmbef ol points in the t» brcaVef wins l< a t« ' st>n eiists. awards «iH be divided equaly among tt« winners. S. Enltios must bo dekvored to Ihe Enterprise Record before 5 pm Friday each we«li. The ofiice Is located at 171 5. Main St.. Mocksvae.NC. e. Winner» Will be announced lonowlr^ each contest. Decisions ot judge« w4 be hvil A new contest w^l be announcod each w«ek. E 3 E Q ¡ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE F o r lrtP w le c lE n lr y $ 2 5 1st Prize « 52nd Prize CornE House and 5ed & Breakfast Mornings • l.iincii • Dinner 101 North Mmn Street ■ Mocksville,NG>(S36) 751-7900 S. Cincinnali V8. Clevelar)d O a k a Л/АТТ,КУ ▼ G О T. F (GOLF СЬиВ 9. Jackionvillo vt. Baltimore For Tee Times Cali 9 4 0 -2 0 0 0 Daniel Furniture 4 & Ë l c d r i c € o . , I i i c . Courteous, Dependable Service forever 60 Vears Jobnay Marklin • Melissa M. Cartner 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 4 9 2 « 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -3 9 7 5 Í " ^ ^ E A T O N F U N E R A L f f i l S E R V IC E SINCE I9.SI 325 Nurlli Main Slrect Mock.s\illc,NC 7SI-2I48 I.Davl« V9. Ledlord g K & R C l e a n e r s , I n c . 1 " \l'c 're Jii.'it /\ round the Conu'r "0 ^ Tun^lo^ood Crussin}» Clemmon« 5* US 158 & NC SOI. HlilMlaie 2636 Uwisvilic-Cienimons RJ 1 99S-7I20 766-(H50 E TunRltHood Commons Mockn lllc ^ US 15S .t H;irpcr Rd. Cicminom Valley Rojil 2 77S-I50.S 75I-I44.I A n i m a l A r k V e t e r i n a r y l i c § P i t a l -(H- W 21. Florida VI. MUtdul L Sphidcl, DVM Mi“.T.ni,st. s»19-AJomeiSt. OvmRMiu, NCI H I P 336-778-2738AS tt)0 lovo ana caro your pot noods to stay hoaithy . Woo Prt. 730o'Ti600pfTvSot.9om l200noon Vo/ir Ilv n ic -T o w ir Unuj sum F O S T E R -R A U C H D R U G C O . 10. Minnesota vs. Mismi 495 Valloy Road * Mocksvillc, NC 336-751-2141 M ^ C iie s n e y d i s s o c i a t e s Ш Y o u r I io m c to w n R e a lto r 2265-C Lewisviiie-Ciemmons Rd. < 766-0515 Cleinm onsi 35. T sia t АДМ vt. Wyoming T. Dan Womble Attorney at Law 3802 Suite A Clemmons Road P.O. 60x1698 Ciemmons, NC 27012 Phone: (336) 766-8085 Fax; (336) 76G-9145 CLEMMONS CARPET I 2711 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., Clemmons | 29 Years Expcricncc 766-8110 or 766-0166 25. LSU vt. Houston Gardner’s 5 4 2 3 HWY 1 5 8 • A dvance • 9 9 8 -1 7 2 3 • N ext to Bem iuda Q uay Shopping C en ter • m -f 8 am - 6 pm S a t 8 am ■ 3 pm O r t h o d o n t ic s A Beautiful Sm ile...A G re at Self Im ag e Call For Complimentary Consultation Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA Over 30 Yean Experience In DenUstry 336-751-2252 1 1 8 H o s p ita l S I r e e l. Good Luck, Davie War Eagles! V a k q n N qIqiIqIs Compgny 542 Farmington Road • Mocktvllla, NC 27028 336-998-3838 Good Luck, DAVIE HIGH! itvvood-Viliagi C e n tra lC a td in a B a n k Clemmons IB. Boiton ColKg« VI. A m y 766-8296 See me for innovative health care designed around you. Blue Advantage* individual health plans Dental Blue* individual dental coverage Medicare supplement insurance L a r a w - ¥ t o G d - J o h i i S G n , I n c . John ИГоосГ-Mocksville 751-6281 Harold (Vood-Advance 940-2210 2. W n t Fonyth V*. E. Forayth B iueC ross B lueShield dT N orth C arolina 4. C itolliu VI. S in Franclico YOUR CHOICE SALE! L u x u r y C lo u d M ed . F irm 1 0 0 th A n n iv e r s a r y P lu s h F ir m H e a v e n ly P lIIo w -T o p T e n s io n E a s e E le g a n t P illo w -T o p Twin Set......... Full Set............$259 King Set..........$399 Q u a lity N a tio n a l B rand M attresses a t Low Factory D irect Priccs! 1 Р 1 М И « у .ё 4 ттшМЁщт ÌU»7$U7ÌJ7 ш 1744 0 M S a tM lli Ж Ш Ш - UYAWAY •FMANCWQ M O C K S V IL L E Ш Е & A U T O M O n V E 9 6 2 Y ad kln ville R o ad Phone 751-6115 A U G N J Ü N T B R A K E S S H O C K S ' J X t i S y S L j S E R V K J E ;. 3. (NFL) Buffilo vt.Q rM nB«y . Our Prices Include Mounting, Balancing New Valve Stems & Rotation H ours; 7 :3 0 am -7 pm M -F • 7:Ì30 a m -lp m Saturday . ......■ <v. ; . B onus P rize For the First Perfect Entry! [f ’ ' you THÌNK-you Icnow FOOTBALL here's your chance to PROVE ill F o r in s u r a n c e c a l l s t a t i farm BRAD ROMINE at. Michigan vt. Rice STATE FARM INSURANCE .1770 ('Icm m o iiN K o iid • C le m m o n s • 7i)ft-.1245 |_^^tetcJ^arnH n»uronc^C om punlc^^lom ^)nic^^ k . üÇrisH's Ice Crcam & Cojfte SHop 2 llo ld o g s A ll the W ay, С h ip s. Tea $ - > 9 9 Bermuda QuayShoppInKCnttr • Ашм From Itmrnxli Run H i l l s d a l e D e n t a l 11. NV Giants vs. Philadelphia D r. J e r r y H a u s e r Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance 336-998-2427 I S t o c k s ■ B o n d s I M u t u a l F u n d s ■ IR A s ■ C D s Sherry Kochlcr UMkvilIc.NC 27023 (336)9454227 cdMiUTl>MK!Ut)ni 33. WCU vs. Lenoir Rhyne E d w a r d j o n e s 8гг>'|||ц ImiivMiiiul lnvr«ton .Sim-i* 1X71 Mombor SIPC W E H A V E M A N U F A Q U R E D H O M E S T O F IT Y O U R B U D G E T . S E E JA C E T O D A Y I 15. T enneuM v i. K a n iii City Bonanza Mobile Homes 1 700 Wilkesboro S t • Mocksviile, NC Inter H«ys.601&64N. 336<7S1-5059 Owntd Operalfti by Jack Могцап 30. Wake Forest vs. UNC M ilage Tires 2534 LcH inillc^nm unoiB Road .a cm m o iB — I lours: 7lW ojii.^S p jii. M oii.-Fri.; 7:30-1 Sul. 7 6 ^ ^ 5 0 All Major Brands o f Tires — Complete Aulo Repair Shop Betti's HaDmark 24. Inillaiia vs. NCSU New Towne Shopp'ng Center, Clennmons 766-6567 W U » SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 26. Maryland vs. Temple U.S. 158, CLEMMONS • 766-0581 C L E M M O N S D I S C O U N T S A L E S 27. Nebrask« vs. Notre Dame Great Savings Through Out The Store 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon.-Frl. 10-8; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 ¥Offw. clemmonsdlscoun tsales. com 20. Clemson vs. Missouri V O G L E R j g r S O N S Funeral Home Serving the community/or oyer 142 years. “See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans” Clemmons Chapel • 2849 Middlebrook Dr. • 766-4714 You Know Us... We Know Real Estate P r u d e n t i a l Carolinas Realty "Ser\'ing Lewisville, Clemmons á Davie Counly" 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons • 336*714-4400 S n i c i i i G I c u C o i i i i t n / C l u b N ow Open To The Public For Lunch & Dinner Lunch: T u es.-Su n. 12:00-2:00 D inn er: Th u rs.-Su n . 6:00-9:00 A-nnW Crusted Sjlmon, $15.95 Spicy BlueClitHXiccjke, S5J5 37. Mississippi vs. Auburn 1000 G lcn D ay D rive, C lem m ons • 712-0303 3 M « и и Г о г с ! Лмш., M o c t o v l l t o • 7 S 1 - 1 2 M Ш Н Е Е К Ш ) ! 22. FkKtda 8t v t. Otorgla Ttch I *vi ToiMiccotiicnaiyStorei^^ TH E AKKA*S OMtGINAL L O W -P IIC B T O BA C C O O U T L E T SP K C IA M Z IN r. IN H O M ETO W N . ra iE N D L Y S E B V IC K . • DISCOUNT C lG A U T n S • UAND-POUUD CANM J3I. ■OLL.YOltt- OWN TOiACCO * SUFPUKS • CU)VK CIG AKETnOWLAVOBKO BIDta. CLOVIS »C H BW IW C .ro«*8M 0K B U BS TOBACCO, /*A-/V / I HHt H /\/ S up e r Savings on M M_ Ron Taylor, CLU Mm 1 1 Senior Account Agent | | g l f l | K LUTC Graduate " Honor Rim 'cars 2626 Lewisviiie-Ciemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC766-1057 32. Appalachian vs. Ttoy St. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 7,2000 - B5 CONGRATULATIONS To Our 8-31-00 Contest Winners! Mr. Butero won in the tie breaker. FIRST PLACE John R. Butero - $25 & Cap SECOND PLACE Jennifer Lookabill = $5 m Como Sun.. Mon., or Tuos. â Got Double Stamas on Your Sub Club Card 50* O ff 6-Inch Sub Two Locations To S e rv e You *l“ O ff Foot-Long Sub I New Towio Shoppirg Ccrler • Ocmmons Tho Oaks Shoppii^fl Center • LcwisvilJe I • -7CC Q f^ ic 34. Calawba vs. Austin Peay o - c ’^ 766-3016 _ J G O T T H E H A T ? In ad d itio n lo th e prize m o n ey e a c h o f ou r F irst P la ce W eekly W in n ers will re cie v e a sp orty Davie County ' EEnterprise Re«or Ml Cop! ^ These versatile ca p s can be worn forward or baci(ward (depending on how cool you think you are) Enter the conlest today lor your chance to win one ol these great caps (Oh. and don 't forget the chance lo mn the S2.S00.) Tops T ra v e l] *7ofrá Oh Pxa¿c44¿o*tíU Scw tu Your Local Professional Full Service Travel Agencyl | Located in the heart of Clemmons, NC s % /<>> .s» 2 7 5 0 L ew lsv llle-C lem m on s R d. C lem m on s, NC 2 7 0 1 2 P h o n e 335-76Б -7303 vmw.topstravel.com \ 29. Virginia vs. Richmond E N T R Y B L A N K Closeout Wallpaper $ 3 9 5 j A P V E R T I S E R I 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE I 2. LAREW-WCOD>JOHNSON I 3. MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTO ¡ 4 . BEDROOM EXPRESS ¡ 5 . SAMUEL'S ON MAIN I 6. GARDNER’S X PR ESS I 7. KRISTI'S I 8. DANIEL FURNITURE • 9. OAK VALLEY 10. FO STER RAUCH 11. HILLSDALE DENTAL 12. CAUDELL LUMBER 13. VULCAN MATERIALS . 14.K & R C LEA N ER S 15. BONANZAMOBILE HOMES 16. MCCOYS TREE SERVICE 17. DAVIE TRACTOR 18. CCB I 19. DEWEY'S BAKERY I 20. VOGLER & SONS I 21.ANIMALARK I 22.TAHHbbL lUbACuU I 23. DR. NICHOLAS PENNA I 24. BETH’S HALLMARK I 25. CLEMMONS CARPET I 26. PIEDMONT FEDERAL I 27. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 28. CROWDER MCCHESNEY I 29. TO PS TRAVEL I 30. VILLAGE TIRE I 31. STATE FARM , I 32. ALLSTATE I I I I I I W IN N E R 33. EDWARD JO N ES CO. 34. SUBWAY 35. DAN WOMBLE 36. PRUDENTIAL REALTY 37. SALEM GLEN 38. MERLE NORMAN Davie VS. Ledford s i n g l e r o l l t s . CAUDELL LUMBER CO. 1 6 2 S h e e k S tre e t • M o c k sv ille • 751 2 1 6 7 ’-'i:.! :• NtQHTLI DAY PHONE I ___________________ I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I i I - r I I'I' I 1 ^ V I:' I I !:■ .1 ; Г: Л - I’i ■ VI 1I В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 War Eagle running back Mike Ciement eyes a hole in the North Iredell defense.- Photos by James Barringer Doug Snaith muscles his way past a North defender.David Wooldridge remains perfect on field goal attempts. Surrounded by his assistants, Davie Coach Doug llling ap­ plauds the play ol the War Eagles. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 7,2000 - B7 Kristin Raynor doss her part to lilt tho spirit of fans. M.D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y Curing Modicaid Prvvkfor lor 20 yoars Now O B patlonts wolcom o at any stogo of pregnancy F r e e P r e g n a n c y T e s t s W o Will assist your npplicallon for p rognancy- rolatod M odicaid coverago ot no feo. Patient may deliver ot either Statesville hospital 1216 Davio Avenue • Statesville, NC 704673-1430 - 9 o.m. to 5 p m dolly Unique Mortgage. Inc. 3 0 0 S o u lh M a in S t r e e t , M o c k s v ille (Grubb Professional Bidg.) 3 3 G - 7 5 1 - 9 9 9 8 Hours; 9ani-5pni, Mon.-Frl. i- Hm II Sccond Mortgage« V;': i V i t e f t w i K e i !•' Bin Comohdalion' ^^Cadi Out For. Any Purpose : \ • Comtniction lo a n s «> *• Comnefcial loans ;• ‘ ; ' 'l e s s If ia n P e r fe c t C re d it O .K ; entHatei’o n V C * ' ’fe’ M d e s & I M o d u la n .:v f ll You Are Cordially Invited to the 4 th Annual Sanctuary Choir Favorites Concert P r e s e n t e d b y t h e M u s ic M in is t r y o f F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h O u a r te r b a c l( D a n S u lliv a n s h o w s s o m e o p e n H eld m p v e s w h ile e s c a p in g th e d e f e n s e . , F irst Baptist Church 390 N. Main St. • Mocksville^ NC • 751-5312 (Childcare provided) ■■ Davie Defense Stymies Nortti Iredell, Offense Runs At Will Continued From Pnge B l didn't smell midfield until the 9:30 . mark o f tiic sccond quarter. As a result, Davie's first five possessions started at thcNoril) 1 8 .3 7 ,13,6and 39 yard lines. Davicflnished with I6 nrst downs to North's four, North quarterback Duran Scott misfired on 21 o f 27 pass aiicm pls, and only one Raider ninncr gained more lhan seven yards as the W ar Eagles soared lo a 37-0 halftime lead. ■*W c were wanting to be real stingy bccausc the last two weeks' the de­ fense hasn't been playing wilh any intensity," said R icc, citing the 4H6 J rushing yards Davic surrendered in the dcfeals.. ' "W e didn't show the kids nim all week," Coach Doug llling said. "It ^was morc impt>rtanl that we fw uson 'what wc were doing and gel belter. All week wc preached to be n«)re intense, aggressive and physical, und that showed." Fullback Ju slin G oode burst G iislu rso n Lo>vcry throughocean-wlde holes on Ihe way lo H8 yards on ju st four carrics, in­ cluding touchdowns on succcssivc runs that spanned 96 scconds for u 4 3-0 lead early in the third. Morris.on confirm ed the night­ mares o f orangcaflcr watching Davic produce 50*plus points for only the sccond lime since 1973. "They overwhelm ed us, over­ matched us.“ said M orrison, who dressed 27, alxmt half as many as Davie. "W e've got lo get a couple years In the weight гсюш. We're be­ hind in the weight room. They pla- looned us to death. We'd like to be able to do that, but we ju sl don't have the numbers. Our kids werc worn out. They werc loo tired." The W ar Eagles spread ihe wealth during the prolonged m op-up'tiinc, and didn't skip a b eal.A ftcr Goode and CIcm eni (10 carrics. 63 yards) grabbed a towel, backups Brandon Gentry (I W 64). Doug Sm ith (8-58) and Jonathan Drilton (6*44) pushed the ground total lo 332 yards on 44 rushes, a 7,5 average after stumbling to 69-fo r-l22 (1.7 average) In the losses. "These guys work so hard in prac* tlce running Ihe scout team for our starting defense, and I’m glad lo sec Ihem gel a chancc lo play and get rewarded forthelrefforts,"lllingsaid. L0 W ERYdeliven.4l Ihc highlight ofthcnightblockingonapunt return. Ryingdow nthelleld.thejuniorhcad- huntcrknocked Anthony W ilson inlo next year, evoking oohs and uhhs froni the audience. W ilson barely made it off the field. "His head was looking at the ball carrier," Lowery said. "I ju sl pickcd him oul and turned it on a little bit to hil him. Special icam s, you forgel how tired you arc." D efensive coordinator Devore Holman gave Lowery a bone. "To be honest with you. I ihought literally that he dccapiiatcd the guy," he said. T h e guy was able lo get back up-1 was happy about that - but Ihat brought back niem oriesof Kenny White. It was ju st unreal. He just fiat killed the guy." D efensively, Josh P faff recorded a sack, M ikey Amold gol Daviess firsl interception and sophomore Kyle Gustafson recovered two fumbles, the sccond almost resulting in a TD . Corey W eston, ihe only man wiihin a m ileof the Gustafson, tripped him up al the North 23 afler a47-yard return. "I wanted to score pretty bad." said Gustafson, who moved from rush end lo strong safety. "I thought I got it. but I looked back and saw him there and then he got my shoe. W hen I played Litlle League football I scored, bul nol sincc then," N otes: After throwing for 217 yardson 9 -o f'l 2com pletions against M ooresville, Q B Dan Sullivan went O-for-4. "W hen you get the ball in­ side thcir30, that's nol an area wc like to pass." llling said. "W c took whal they gave us." ... Sophomore Ben Allred's switch from free safety lo com crback proved effective. M ikey Arnold, normally a com er, moved lo FS while Felton M ayfield remained Ol the other com er. *:For Ben’s first night at com er, he played real good," Holman said. "H e cam e up and look a boy's hclm cl o ff ." ... Davie's only shortcoming was point-after kicks as four ccntcr-to-holdcrcxchangcs were bolchcd. "(Snapper) Lowery hurt his left hand and had problems gripping it," llling said.... Kicker David W ool­ dridge drilled three touchbacks and two field goals (2 2 ,4 3 ), making the iunior 3-for-3 for Ihe year. 0 0 0 0>0 2Э 14 9 6-52 N.lrtdtll Divic Couatjr Fint Quarter DC - Gement 2 ran (kick fail). 9:33. DC > Gentry 2 ron (Propst run), 5:29. DC ' Clefflem 13 run (kick fall). 5:11 DC-Wooldrid|e 22 FO. 1:49. Sccood Quarter DC-Goode 19 run (Wooldridge kick). II:I7. DC-Ooode 13 run (Wooldridge kick). :34. Tbird Quarter DC - Goode 43 run (kick fail). 10:58. DC-WooWrW|e43F0.1'.01 Fourth Quarter .................... DC - Dritton I run (kick fail). 7:34. TEAM STATISTICS Nl DC FJr«downi 4 16 Rushes-yard« 17-39 44-332 Passing 68 0 Comp-Att-lnl 6-27-1 04-0 Punti 8-18 1-34 Fumblcs-I^nt 2-2 l-l Penaliiet-yards 8-83 8-70 Third-down conv. 4-14 4*8 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS N. Iredell RUStilNO - Moore 2-1. Scoll 7-7. Wilton 2-3. Drown 5-27. RednwndM PASSING-Scoit 6-27-1.68 RECF.I VING- EJrown 2-33. Smilh 3-25. Weston l-IO Datie RUSmS'G-Goode4-88.Gentry 11-64.Oem- enl 10-63. Smith 8-58. Drilion 644. Sullivan 4- 23. Propst i-{-8) PASSING-Sullivan 04-0-0 'Best Quarterback In The State' Collides With Davie Friday By B rian Pitts D.'ivie County Enterprise Record Though callcd the secondary, the defen­ sive backfield is a primary concern for Davie Couniy fiw iballcoach Doug llling going into Frid ay night's no nconfcrence gam e al Lcdfonl. The W ar I-jgles (1-2) have fiirecd 30 incom plciionson46allcm pts in three games, bul Ihey haven’t faced a quarterback near the caliber o f 6-2 senior Jared Hall o f the Pan- ihers. who threw for 376 yards by going 25 o f 44 in a 35-28 double-overtime loss at 3-0 North Davidson last week. "lie's the besl quarterback in the stale." llling said of the prese.ison all-siaie honor- aWe-mcnlion selection. "If there’s better one, I haven’t seen him." The burden o f slowing Hall will fall to safeties M ikey Arnold. Titumy Redmond and Kyle G usiafson and corncrbacks Felton M ayfield and Hen Allred. Linemen Rich llunler. Sam Stovall and Josh Pfaff must apply pressure, bul Hall is also dangerous innovating and making somelhing happenon the run. "H e's very com posed." IlHng said. "He scrambles and dodges pass rushers real easy. He wantstothrowh.bul he’ll scramble enough to where he can unleash it anywhere on the ficld." Hall. whose 1.664 passing yards in 1999 would have set a record al Davie, is supple- menled by Stan Sm ilh and Sam C ecil, lethal targels who had 22 receptions for 593 yards and 2 1 receptions for456 yards, respectively, last year. Tailback Brennen Duncan can also cause iroublc. "They spread you oul, open you up, but also run the power sweep," llling said. "They give you a little bit o f everything." The Panthers, com ing o ff a draining loss in which they wiped out a 2l-0 deficit only to lose in double O T at North Davidson, will aim to settle the scorc from last year’s 27-24 triple-overtime loss al Davie. They're picked to finish second in the seven-team Central Carolina 2-A C onfcrcncc after an 8-4, 5-1 season last year. "It's going lo be lough bccausc (Coach Dick) Cline has gol a good coaching staff and they d oagoodjob with basics ond fundomcn- tals." llling said. Adam Barber, a junior offensive tackle at 280 pounds, and W esley Johnson, a senior Strong safety, remain on the disabled list. Barber could return bcforc conference play, while Johnson is likely gone for the year. JV Football Team Holds Off North Iredell Davic Counly's JV fix)iball team gol defensive in ils season opener al North Iredell. W hile managing jusl one offen­ sive touchdow n. the W;u- luiglesriKle a stingy defense to a 14*6 victory. "Bntndon Pane and Billy Riddle bad a bunch o f tackles, and Kevin Boger h;td a reul ginxl gam e.” Coach Lee Linville •iald. “Il wasn'l a real giHKl ofiensive perform ance. Our dótense is whal really played well." M cK en/ie W illou g h b y , the sophomore (juartcrback. connected on a 40-yard touchdown lo receiver U'lrry Hudson in the second quarter. W a r E a g l e F o o t b a l l S t a t l s t i G s . Record: 1 -2 ,0 -0 C P C at Statesville L21-16 at Mooresville L 25-17 N. Iredell W52-0 * RUSHING Car. Gain VPC Goode 26 163 6.2 Clemenl 32 110 3.4 Gentry 16 85 5.3 Smith g 60 6.6 Brilton 6 44 7.3 Sullivan 14 24 1.7 Propst 10 -32 0.0 Oavie 113 454 4.0 Opponents 101 525 5.1 PASSING Comp Alt Ini Pet Yds TD Sullivan 9 16 1 .562 217 1 Propst 7 11 1 .636 187 1 Davie 16 27 2 .592 404 2 Opponents 16 46 1 .347 239 0 PASSREC Ree Yds Avg.TD Tenor 8 189 23.6 1 Propst 3 148 49.3 1 Clement 2 48 24.0 0 Poplin ■l 10 10 0 0 Goode 1 7 7.0 0 J. Garner 1 2 2.0 0 Davie 16 404 25.2 2 Opponents ;,16.. ,239 14.9 0 SCORING TD Conv. Kick FG Pts Goode 5 0 0 0 30 Wooldridge 0 0 6 3 15- Clement 2 0 • 0 0 •12 . Propst 1 t 0 0 8 Britton 1 0 0 0- • 6 Gentry 1 0 0 ‘0 6 Tenor .1 0 0 0 6 Rice 0 1 0. 0 2 Davie •11 2 6 3 ■85 Opponents 7 1 2 0 .46 Tackles (through week 2) Rice 25. Lowery 24, Amold 19, Jon Goode 18, Pfalf 12 INTERCEPTIONS M. Amold, fu m b le 'rec o ver ies Gustafson 2, Hail ' KICKING PAT FG •Lg 20-29. 30-39 40-49 Wooldridge 6-7 3-3 43 1-1 1-1 1-1 . PUNTINQ Att .Yds Avg. ■Wooldrtdge 9 281 .. 31.2 and Riddle returned a punt 60 yards fo ra 14-0 lead in the ihird. North cut it to 14-6 wilh eight minulesioplay. bul Ihe defense bailcil oul a jqb-in-training offensive line. "W e’re just real ine.\perienccd on the offensive line, and it showed," Linville said. "W c didn't play real well. The’llne is going to be the key iKvause we're going to facc better team s." The offensive bright spot was W il­ loughby, who completed tw o of four passes for 4 6 yards, including a 16- yarder to tailback Derek Comat/cr. A sure 35-yard TD pass was dropped. Willoughby also gained 5 1 yards on seven option runs, although his official total slipped lo 28 yards on 10 rushes bccause o f three sacks. Scott Flowers led wilh 38 yards on si.x totes. Frcshinan Kevin W inters slaked his claim as the heir apparent lo var­ sity phenom David W(xildridge. con­ verting both extra points and just missing a ficld-goal attempt o f 45 yards. ; "H e'sgotareal good leg." Linville \ald. "(The 45-yarder) fell ju st short, tils opening kickoff, he kicked it to the one. As long as he keeps work­ ing, he's going to be pretty good. lot>." N otes: Nose guard Curtis M at­ thews, who's one biscuit from 400 pounds, showed he's morc than a hoje dogger. "Their quarterback gbl to scrambling, broke contain, und Curt.is tackled him after aboul a 2- yard gain on the sideline," Linville said, "H e about took the guy’s head o ff,"... Davic entertains Ledford in a nonconfcrence game on Sept. 7 al 7 p.m. Children's Clethina E au ip m en t Sale Friday, Sept. 8 8am -1 2 no on; 5-7 pm Saturday, Sept. 9 . 8a m -1 2 noon Maccdcilia Moravian Cliurcli Highway 8 0 1 , A dvance (1 mi. north ol 1-40) Former Davie Star Helps Appalachian Upend Wake Neil Cornat/er, a former Davie Couniy star, helped Division I-AA big dog Appalachian State upend W ake Forest 20-16 on Aug. 31 be­ fore 26,853 fans al Groves Stadium. The senior fullback caught o 14- yard pass, converted a crucial ihird- and-2 run by shredding a tackle and threw the key block on the touch­ down that established a 20-10 lead late in the fourth quarter. In an undisclosed prediction a month ago. Comutzer said the Moun­ taineers would dominate the ACC foe. and statistically they' did (386 total yards to W ake's 181). Central Piedmont 4-A Football Standings C P C O verall 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 "W c outworked them," said Cor- natzer, who has gained 40 pounds since gradualingfrom Daviein 1996. " W c were in better shape. Division I- AA doesn't gel a lot ofcrcdit, but our (Southem Conference) is tremen­ dous. This won’t be the toughest game for us." Scoll Com alzer, the sophomore brother who played on special leoms, took it a step further._________________ "I'd venlurc lo say two or three o f the teams (in the SC ) could run in the middle o f the pack in the A C C ," he said. "W c'rc nol cocky aboul it, but we're planning on going all the way.” S' 1 Ту Beanie Baby Raffle, Ту Beanies Sold Saturday |9 II Sponsored by MOPS-- Mothers ol Preschoolers О B L A C K S A M ) C o . 6 /з л т S L a n d s c a p e A /k im A is SAND ORAVEL MULCH BARK NUaOETS SAND ROCK BRICK NUOOETS COMPOST TOPSOIL KID CUSHION WHITE PEBBLES "Sincem r - MARK & CINDY SHOAF, OWNERS Hours; Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Saturday 8:00-3:00 745 W. CicmmonsviiieRd. BROWN PEBBLES DIRT 7 8 8 -6 4 1 1 (Fax) 785-3342 1-2 0-2 3-0 2-1 0-1 Davie County M ount Tabor Reynolds Soulh Rowan West Forsyth Frid ay's R esults • Davie County 52, North Ircdell 0 Kannapolis Brown 28, South Rowan 7 Rul. M illbrcok 21. Mount Tabor 10 Reynolds 4 3, East Forsyih 7 TtiU Frid ay's G am es Davic Couniy al Ledford G'boro Page at Mount Tabor, , Reynolds ot Parkland < South Rowon ol Salisbury ; ' ^ . W est Forsyth at East Forsyth . ' . F R E E Full Spinal Examination WiihThis Coupon Only 16 Danger Signals of Pinched Nerves: I. loviBock Pan J DUtnM» ». NumbHonds tj Numbfmgm 2 HeodcKhet t Sm 10 eunihs 14 Np Pon3 ShouMefPon * 1 N«(li pan )l. pondovmltgs IS nghtMuKlet 4. Artwts i lTKk9*$Jion li,W«vldSp«m» ‘ 16 Athingfe«! W hile wc arc acccp lln e new pallcnts, no one need feel any obligation. • Im m ediate Treatm ent • Insurance Accepted • W e do your insurance ' paperw ork for you. UmtMVmOOir.aai^foarnfctaUaa^ , S c t t t F « i l c r , a c ;c c £ f . ЭТ4ССк1шпап1 Rd, ‘ ^. Ommum, NC ' ' 778-22«,t i - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 The Davis United U10 soccer team members, from left: front - Sean Davidson, Jordan Kinder; row 2 - Ben Bates, Jal<e McKay, Ethan Wantuch, OmarTowfik, Zachary Stephenson; row 3 - Evan Trudeau, Sam Moser, Britannia Coach Marl< Foiiett, Cameron Tayior, Jake Moser. The Davie United U12 soccer leam members, (rom left: front - Ryan Davis, Johnathan Roesch, Max Graham, Andrew Unhart, Ross Davidson; row 2 - Stephen Pierson, Nate Lawrence, Jarrett Fleharty, Sonny Stanley; back - Chls Wantuch, Britania Coach lain Hutchison, Phillip Sneath, Michael Jolley. Britannia Soccer Coaclies Worl( Witli Cliailenge Teams Thcir acccnis were a Utilc differ* enl and ihcy used expressions like "the tellic", "aye", "siraighl away" and "jolly good", but w hcnilcam clo the universal language o f socccr, Orilannia coachcs had no trouble getting their message across. Recently, members o f the Britan­ nia Socccr USA Organization spent a week in Davic County conducting a socccr camp for Davie United, the county's new Youth Challenge team. M ark F o lletl. a 22-ycar*old W arwickshire. England native who recently graduated with a degree in Sport in the C om m unity from Britain’s University o f Durham, was the instructor for Dave Wantuch's U lO boys team. Iain Hutchison,a22*year*old resi­ dent o f Stirling Scotland -who has u Bachelor o f Education degree in Physical Education from Scotland's University o f Edinburgh, was the instructor for Carroll Davis' U 12boys team. Bolh men have extensive soccer experience in ihcir home countries. They have coached youth teams o f varying ages and have been mem­ bers o f the firsl team (varsity) for their universities. The two have also played semi-professional soccer in Europe. Every aftem oon fora week, Davie United members and their mentors gathered in Advance, receiving lips on heading, passing, dribbling and ju g g lin g . Through gam es ihcy learned many necessary skills to help prepare them for play in a com peti­ tive league. The camp provided an opportunity to leam advanced skills under pressure, lhc im ponancc of teamwork and sel offensive and de­ fensive plays. C oaches W antuch and Davis agreed It was a wonderful learning expericncc for ihcir leam s. Boih re­ ceived cvaluatlonsofiheirplaycrs as well as advice on how to improve thcir team throughout the upcoming season. W hile working the camp, the ath­ letes were guests o f Ann and Carroll Davis and Nancy and Jim M cKay. Bolh instructors thought our county was a friendly and beautiful place and arc looking forward toretum ing ncxl year for another camp. Britannia Soccer US A runs camps Cross Country Teams Topple North Iredell D avic County’s boys cross coun­ try team achieved a perfect scorc with a 15-48 win over North Iredell, and the W ar Eagle girls werc nearly as strong, breezing 20-41 in last week's season-opening race. The btiysswipcd the top five spots, as Jared Hill look lop honors with a first-place time o f 17 minutes. The sophomore was followed by Jesus C abrera. Eddie Barrier, Brandon Shore and W illiam Kerlin. Danny Stiling and Johnny Glasscock look seventh and eighth, respectively. Janel Darcy. Davie'sjunlorlcader, won the girls meet In 20:01, fol­ lowed by Samantha M urillo in scc­ ond. Carly Peeler in founh. Bridge R ob ertson in six th and K aren M cDanicI in seventh. Erika Ancuta nnd B clsy Naylor cam e in eighth and ninth, respectively. The performance gave Davic a lift heading into a Scpl. 6 Central Piedmont Conference meet al South Rowan. "I W.1S very pleased with the boys and girls," first-year coach D aric Be* iter said. T h e y ran together like I U10 lines up for “Sid the Snake,' from left, Evan Trudeau, Jake Moser, Ethan Wantuch, Jordan Kinder, Jake McKay. JVSoccer leam Gets In The Winning Column After stumbling out o f lhc blocks and suffering back-lo-back blowout losses, D avic County's JV socccr team cam c up with an answer against Rirbush last week. "They played belter than I've seen them play all year,” Coach Jeremy Byrd said after a 1-0 win over Foibush. "It gave us a big boost. It was nice lo see them stepping up and doing some o f the things we've been working on. Il look us a while to get up and ninning, but I think we're going 10 be alright." H ie deciding play occurred 20 m inules into the first half when Btyant Chavez delivered a cross. A W ar Eagle emerged from Ihc pile and knocked in Ihe gam e's only goal. Although congestion, blocked the coach's view, Byrd said the likely scorer was Carson G lass. ,'*nicre was a scram bb and there all over the place." ‘ A tU g asg o al was, Daviecouldn't h tve p tm d led withoul m idfielder' I, who supplied vital leadership, and goalie Andrew Scoll, who closcd the door on at least two serious Forbush Ihreals. "Johnson had a great gam e," said Byrd, who also cited defender Tyler K auff and sweeper Charlie Lester. "H e just dominated the m idlicld and didawesom e. He d id alol o f distrib­ uting. He started o ffa lot o f Ihe plays up front, including Ihe one where we scored." Scoll posted his first shutout wilh aulhprily. "H c had Iwo really critical saves," Byrd said. "There were several one- on-ones. Hc cam e oul and slide tack- S P O R T M A G N E T S Moeear, SseebeH, •ofttall, VoUmyhaU, TaimlB, amakmitmll, FooUmll, aoH, Lmomuu, •wimmlngf O rCiM t* roarOwal C U S T O M T E A M M A Q N E T S F O R A N Y S P O R T W I T H A M I N I M U M O R D E R O F 1 5 Darcy asked them. If you're out in Ihc open, Ihe racc goes a lol longer. Il was a great slart." T h e W ar Eagles musl build on lhc effort lo contend in the C PC , how­ ever. "The boys pack lime (one through five) was 1:24," Belter said. T h at's good bul wc need lo get )l lo a minute or less. 'The giris iwo through five was 2:44. That's pretty good but two minutes would be better for the girls. "Everybody can improve. W c need our fifth man to push up a little bit to closc lhat gap. Our conference com ­ petition will be stronger. North Ire­ dell had small numbers." Miserable Week For Davie High Volleyball lain Hutchison demonstrates some juggling. in 44 U .S. stales and has regional officcs in 10 major U .S. cities. All . .................................... ........................... Britannia coaches arc Union o f Eu- Coach lain Hutchison gIves his U12 boys instructions, ropcan Foolball Association quali- and fem ale coachcs. If you are a camp for your team , com aclthcm at ficd, cxpcrienccd icachcrs and play- youth coach and would like further 1-800-888-8076 or visit thcir web ers and ore top international male informalion or wish lo schedule a site at www.britanniasocccr.com. DavieCounty’s varsity volleyball team is in a free fall. After getting o ff to a promising slart and displaying fia-shcs o f bril­ liance againsi Bishop McGuinncss on Aug. 23. Ihc W ar Eagles suddenly showed glaring signs o f v/iliing last week in ugly losses to N onh Iredell, M(X)resville and North Davidson. Tlie empty week againsi noncon­ fcrcncc com petition didn’t bother Coach Dave Markland nearly as much as the mysterious sli ff play. He refuses to use inexperience - six sophomores and two juniors - as an excuse, contending lhal passion and intensity should prevail no matter the circumstances. T h e record (last) week is not a a)ncern becausc wc could have played our best, and had they played Iheir best, wc would still be 0-3," said a dcjectcd Markland. "They're older and better lhan wc are at this point. That's just a fact. "Bul iny concern is us knowing what it lakes each nighl lo com peic, and in two matches wc didn't show up." Even though the War Eagles never surpassed six points, ihcy put il allon the line against M ooresvillc. "M oorcsville was the best o f the three teams, and wc compctcdagainsl M oorcsville," hc said. "W c did som e, very nice ihingsand played very hard. W c played againsi them the way I hope wc would play every night." Thai wasn't lhc case againsi North Iredell and Nonh Davidson. For the week, Davie losl nine o f 10 games and got outscored 139-58, sinking to J E ' X C ' « Ш ê Ш á»ЛêOÊnlfíюn Яoaä,OшrgШÊ^ 2-4 in nonconfcrcnce. "W e look one step forward and two slcps back," the first-year coach said. "The other two matches wc embarrassed ourself - not wlih our play bul with our lack o f effort ond lack o f desire." The scores wcrc:* l5 ^ , 4-15, 2- 15. 10-15 against North Iredell, S- 15. 4-15. 6-15 against M iwresvillc and 1-15, 8-15, 3-15 against North Davidson. JV s Im prove W hile the varsity slipped inlo a serious lailspinon the doorstepof the Central Piedmont Conference racc, the junior varsity made significant strides, rebounding from a three- game loss loN orth Iredell with 15-2. 0-15, 15-3 and 16-18. 15-8. 15-13 vicioriesoverM ooresville ond North Davidsiin. "I was very pleased wilh the JV s," Markland said. "They played wilh the same intensity, gave the same effort and played with quite a bit o f enthusiasm and desire. T h e y showed a lol o f pride and a lol o f determination." Besides the customary steady- play o f Megan Dwiggins. Davic (3- 3) gol strong contributions from Alyse Bowden, Danielle Moore and ; Andrea Dwiggins. "They really picked up their play." Markland said. "Y ou could see il in thcir altitude. It looks like ihcy'rc starting lo say: 'Hey, this is fu n .'" Davic opens CPC play ol home against West Forsyth on Sept. 12, then travels to Mount Tabor on Sept. 14. September Bargain of the Month --------Hdp bJuJt Around Th*Com«r led a guy one tim e." Davic, w hich had losl lo Moores­ villc and North Iredell by 3-0 counts, resumes the nonconfcrcncc schedule at East Burke on Sept. 6, at home against N onh Davidson on Sept. 11 and al hom e again st B ish op M cGuinness on Sept. 13. C audell L um ber a n d B uilding S u p p lies ÌG? Shock Street • /Ы ?1(,/ I D.ii'v W frk d .iy . . <i: 1)1! '..i; DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - Й9 South 7th Grades Air It Out For 40-0 Win Over Corriher-Lipe This is getting ridiculous. Lineman Sam Slovall stepped in for star halfback M ike M ike Clement In the 1998 , conference championship game and rumbled for 150 yards os South Davic rolled past •North Davic 30-12, Lineman Terrell Wilson . stepped in for slar fullback D .J. R ice midway ;thraugh last year and helped the Tigers com* ,plcte on 8-0 nin. In yet another tcstamcni lo South's n:sil- lience, depth ond athleticism, the sevenlh- •gradcTlgers lost star halfback Reshaun Parks (brokcnfool) for the season before last week's opener at Corriher-Lipe and never skipped a beat. Coach Barry W hitlock simply resoned to an air attack and rode quarterback Brad Corriher and an inspired offensive line to an eye-popping 40-0 stomping o f the Yellow Jackets. "I challenged them," Whitlock said. "I told the linemen (Brcnl Abendroth, Tony Booe, Jordan Fowler, Richard C ox, Bucky Naylor) you're going to have to block harder lhan you've ever blocked, and wc stepped up lo lhc challenge. W e're going to miss (Parks) In lhc long run, but som cilm cs when some­ thing like this happens, it makes your team play a little bit harder." Corriher staged an incredible debut. A cool-headed lefty with exquisite touch. Corrihcrthrewa63-yard touchdown lospccd- ster Raeshon M cN cil on South's sccond play and finished five o f seven with two TD s and 133 yards. W ilh a26-0halftim e lead, Corriher didn't attempt a sccond-half pass. "And wc were playing in the rain," W hit­ lock said o f his signal-caller. "They werc right on the numbers. You should have seen lhat post pattern." The posi provided the halftim e margin. W ith Corrihcr-Lipc shadowing M cN cil, who reeled in three catches for 99 yords, Corriher hit Zach Vogler for an 18-yoM score. A 52- yard interception return by Tim m y Allen, a bulldog linebacker, sci up the play. "Brad waited unlil ihe free safely clcared, and ju st lobbed it right over his head and hil Zach right in stride," W hiilock said. "It was beautiful. It's tike a feather. Hc throws an easy ball to catch." A22-yardCorrihcr-to-Vogler completion led to an 8-yard T D run by Josh Godbey, who replaced Parks in the wishbone. Corriher's b<^tleg made il 14-0. M cNeil's 12-yard run made it 20-0. In the sccond half, Soulh turned to fullback Sean Wagoner, who fueled a 10-play, six-minute drive for a 34-0 lead after M cN eil's two points. ^ ..................-................ Defensive end Booe capped the cakewalk, scooping a fumble and lumbering 42 yards. Lydcn W illiam s and Anthony Gadson also recovered fumbles. Even without Parks, the Tigers looked like a contender in the M id-South Middle School Confcrcncc, although lhc favorite's role has shifted to W est Rowan, the. Sept. 6 opponent at Soulh. They play at Erwin on Scpl. 13. "This wasn't one o f the stronger (earns, but it was good to give them som e confidence going into 0 lough W esl Rowan gam e," Whit­ lock said. "W c miss Parks but il was good for the kids lo win without him. W e're not even talking about lhal now. W c'rc going wlih what we've got, and I think the people weVe got are capable o f getting the jo b done.” N otes: M cN eil gained 154 total yards, including 55 on five rushes. W agoner added 48o n iO carrics."H c'sgoi good m oves in the open field," W hitlock said o f M cN eil. "W e want lo get him the ball as much as possible.” ... The coach said N aylor was im pressive on both sides in his firsl gam e ever. Late Clip Clinches North Davie 8 th Grade Football Win Over Knox N onh Davic eighth-grade foolball coach Ron Kirk wasn't about to offer sympalhy lo Knox. W ith the W ildcats clinging to an eight- point lead in the waning minutes, a Trojans ninncr broke free for a sure-fire touchdown, bul 0 blatant clip drew a penalty fiag that negated lhc scorc and crushed Knox's hopes o f attempting a game-tying, two-point con­ version. The monumental break vindicated Kirk, who recalled a long-ago episode when Nonh absorbed a sim ilar sting. "W hen Sam B cck was coaching, wc Ihoughl a pass was incomplete." hc said after North survived the M id-South Middle School Conference season opener. 14-6. "The ball laid down on the ground for whal seemed like 15 minutes. Finally a kid from Knox picked it up, ran il for a louchdown and wc got beat 14-8. So it happens to bolh sides." Jam ar Bratcher fumbled on the heels o f a 25-yard gain, reviving Knox late in the founh quarter and leading to the Trojans' fatal clip on a 40-yard dash. "He was gone, got ihrce yards from the endzonc and somebody dipped." Kirk said. "Yeah, il was obvious." Il hardly mattered lhal the win lacked style poinls, especially for a team com ing o ff о sour 1-6 campaign as seventh graders. And the prospccis for a 2-0 start look good consid­ ering South Davie ripped Corrihcr-Lipc 46- 6. "I think II was very important w e win our first game and show these kids that they do have potential and thal we can greatly im ­ prove on that 1-6 record," said Kirk, whose leam visits the Yellow Jackets on Sept. 14. "I don't want to say wc'rc going to be playing South forthe cham pionshipon the last day o f the season, bul that would be nicc." Earlyon thcW ildcatsdidcvcrythingrighl. Zac O 'Brien capped a seven-minute drive with 0 1 -yard plunge, Ryan Boehm blocked a punt after a thrcc-and-oul stand, and Chris Goode ripped offa 44-yard run. Russ Powell's iwo-poinl conversion pass to Troy Blakley made it 14-0. T h cdcfcnse-lcdby Boehm .Tcd Randolph and Bratcher - did the rest, overcoming a suddenly stale offense. "W e hil Ihcm hard in the first quarter, bul w c were playing loo much defense In the sccond half,” Kirk said. "W e got drained physically because o f the heat and humidity. W e need some more conditioning. But we went crazy on defense. W ejust played great," N otes: Despite ihe oiTcnse's erratic play, Goode (seven nins, 77 yards) and Bratcher (6-76) averaged neariy 12 yards a pop. The backs ran behind linemen Jordan Grim es, Andrew Bcck, Boehm , Kevin Robinson, M att Rich and tight ends Blakley and Rondolph.... Randolph recovered a fumble. 'Cooter' Arnold Leads South 8 th Graders In Season-Opening Thrashing By B rian Pdts D avieCounty Entcф rise Rccord Being good wasn’t good enough for James "Cooter" Arnold, a hungry attitude Coach Barry W hiilock detected during summer break. The halfback on South Davie's eighth- grade football team traded in vacation for- intense preseason training after playing a complementary role on last year's perfect team. In last week'sseoson ope ner otCorrihcr- Lipe, Arnold unveiled his new and improved profile. Afier failing lo gain anything close lo 100 yards rushing os a seventh grader, Arnold delivered a seven-carry, 109-yard outburst that led a 46-6 thrashing. "That weight room this summer added 20 pounds to him in m usclc," W hitlock said o f the 140-pound runner. "H e came lo every - session but one,'and it's paid offrH e'S o lb f stronger, he breaks lacklcs now ond he's gotlen faster. He ran away from people." So did Justin Brown, the other wishbone halfback who somehow turned three cairics into 7 6 yards as the Tigers cnishcd any fainl suspicions that lost year's 8-0 ride crcaied lethargy. In 0 colossal mismatch, they scored on all five possessions in burying the Yellow Jack­ ets for the eighth time in as many meetings sincc 1993. Arnold piled up four T D s - a 22- yard rcccplion from Q B M ichacI Mashorc and nJns o f 4 ,6 and 26 yaWs. Brown dashed 34 yards and John Benfield returned a pick 30 yards. Dating to 1999. South's defense posted a goose egg forthe fifth straight lime, Corrihcr- Lipc's lone scorecom ingon a kickoff return. "Com ing o ff an undefeated season, you don't know how the kids arc going to react." W hitlock said. "But they stepped up lo lhc challenge. The thing about it, we didn't have the ball bul one play In the secondhalf. I don'l even think we had a founh down on offense." Fullback D J. R icc convened two two- point conversions and added 38 yards as South rolled up 223 yards on 18 runs, a 12- yard average, in a tuncup for Thursday’s home gam cagainsipcrcnniallconlcndcr West Rowan, which gave South its closcst lest last year (26-16). "It was a good gam e to get under our bcll.Tcom s are going to get stronger." N otes: M ashorc com pleted 2 o f 3 passes for 30 yards.... W esley Thom as recovered a fum ble.... W hitlock praised ofTensive line­ men Dwayne Collins. Grant Lakey, Clifford Bum s. Steven Jones. Jerem y Phillips and D ustin M organ and nose guard Chad M cCluncy. "Chad had an outstanding game. He caused a fumble and had a couple tackles for lo sses."... Anton M cN eil contributed 60 yards on two punts and a kickoff. Notes & Quotes Reshaun Parks Out For Season With Broken Foot • Celebrated seventh grader R eshaun P arks, who was touted as one o f the best running backs in Soulh Davie Middle School history, sustained a fracture in the growth plale o f his foot in о preseason scrimm age, a season-ending injury lhal could ultimately cost the Tigers the conference championship. "I haic it for him," Coach B a rry W hitlock said. "W c were afraid if he didn't get il fixed, one leg could be shorter than lhc olhcr. W e had a second opinion bccause his heallh is more important than foolball." The Tigers passed their first test withoul Parks, with Jo sh G odbey moving to halfback and Q B B rad C orrih er ihrowing for 133 yards and two touchdowns in a 40-0 wlpcoul o f hapless Corrihcr-Lipc. "One guy doesn’t moke a team ," W hitlock sold. "W e sprcod it oul, and a lol o f leam s at this age ju si don'l put enough people oul there to covcr you." • Davie tennis coach C aro l C ozart learned a lol about Stephanie W od arski's soul in, ironically, a singles loss to W est Rowan. After absorbing a 6 -0 stinger, the sophomore roared back wilh a 6- 3 win before losing the tiebreaker. "A lol o f people, if they gel beat the firsl set ai love, would nol be real excitcd aboul the sccond set," Cozart said o fh er top player. "But she hit som e shots in lhc sccond scl thal were ju st awesome. U w as unreal." • South Davie softball coach C indy D urham senses her defense Is good enough lo carry the Tigers all the way. She's mainly referring to third baseman E rin W hitaker, shortstop A shley W hitlock, sccond baseman Sloan Sm ith and first baseman C hristie Taylor. "I've gol probably the bcsi defense I'v i ever coached," she said. • W hile South Davic is grooming the third R ice star ( D J.). a third G oode is emerging for North Davic. And, w ell, he's another good one. "He's going to be bigger lhan the other iw o." football coach R on K irk said o f C hris, the younger brother o f senior Ju stin and sophomore Jo n . "H e's already bigger lhan Jon was when hc was In the cighlh grade. Jon weighed about 160 and Chris is already up to about 175. He's a pretty gixxl rtJnncr." Knox found oul the hard way. Chris handed North a 14-0 lead with a 44-yard TD rumble lhal gave him 77 yards on seven tries. North held on 14-6. "H e had one man lo beat, and I think he's still out therc trying to find his chin sirap," Kirk said o f the juke. "That guy was ju st falling all over himself. Jon would have buried him In the ground, but Chris is a lltllc bil diffcrcnl runner. But Chris will put his shoulders down and run hard." • Davie defensive coordinator D evore H olm an cursed his morning paper afler closc defeats to Statesville and M ooresvillc. "1 told Ihem I was tired o f waking up on Saturday and seeing lhc dadgum newspapers: 'D avic was lhal close. Alm ost. Coulda, woulda, shoulda,’ " hc said. The W ar Eagles, though, turned their sad faces around ogoinst North Iredell, a 5 2-0 victim . "That's the firsl step to getting our goal," Holman said. • You seldom sec the clock run through incom plelions ond everything else, bul you don't sec thisbod о team everyday. D avic coach Doug llllng and North Iredell's R ob ert M orrison agreed to push the fast-forward bultom with Davie leading 37-0 at halftim e, and the ref let the clock chum. "I don'l like to rub h in anybody's foce," said IHing, who only called four pass plays. "I fell bad scoring at the end (o f lhc founh quarter), bul those (backups) have worked hard, loo. W c didn'l do anything lo run il ^------------------------------- Knox Overpowers North 7th Grade Football Team Knox overpowered North Davie's scvcnlh-grade football team 20-0 in Iasi week's Mid-South M iddleSchool Conference season opener. Fortunately forthe inferior W ild­ cats, the Trojans had at least a half d oicn touchdowns callcd back for clipping and illegal-block penalties. N onh drove lo the Knox 15- and 12-yard lines during o scorcless sec­ ond half bul couldn't get over the hump. "H e brought his first team backon the field," said Coach G eorge New­ man. whodresscd 20 players. "I don't North Coach Hopes Volleyball Loss Will Be Only One , North D avic volleyball coach Trish King knows l>eller than lo gel too down over one loss. ' After all, history says il probably won't happen again since Ihree o f her last four teams have nnished 13 -1 ,9 - I and 13-1. ; "Hopefully, Ihis will be our one loss for Ihe year," she said after last week's 4 -1 5 ,11-15 defeat lo highly- skllled First Assembly. C hestnutG tove.w hichistnissing from the 2000 schedule, foiled the W ildcats'quest for perfect marks dur- . ing Ihe Ihree one-loss seasons. This tjm e perhaps a new nemesis handed k in g Just her sevenlh loss in SI riiatches. T w o years ago, First Assembly had a powerhouse and It was prob­ ably one o f Ihe best matches I've ever coached at Ihls level," she said o f the 1998 loss. "H e must have a real good progrom there because they arc sirong again this year." Conventional wisdom suggested the W ildcats had First Assembly right where they wanted them, but King would have preferred a bus ride over the hom c-coun setting. "Your first home gam e lo me at Ihls level is more nerve wracking than it is your first gam e period," said King, w hose team opened wilh a win al M ooresville. "Becausc iheii peers are in Ihe stands and their fam ilies are here, and I think they were a little nervous about who was there watch­ ing them play." The W ildcats, according lo King, outdid themselves in the opener, com ­ ing from behind 10 upsel M ooresvillc 1 4-1 6 ,1 5 -9 ,1 5 -9 . "They area very good leam ," King said. "It was a good match to play because Ihey werc probably belter lhan w c were. W eju st got Ihc lucky breaks and got som e good serves in, and they missed some crucial serves.” Servers M eredith Phillips and Megan Pitts, a first-year player, ral­ lied the troops and forced a decisive game three, and Phillips and Sharon Woodward carried the load in the clincher. Woodward nailed down the final six points despite a sore aim. "Sharon's probably the hardest server on my team ," King said. "Her arm was bothering her, so she kept alternating between underhand and overhead serves. "Phillips and Woodward arc my onlyrtium ing players,andl'm count- ing real heavily on Ihcm lo be the leaders form e. And Ihey have so far." Kingwasalsoim prcsscdwithnrsl- year eighth grader Palreesa M iller and sevenlh grader Sally Lackey. North is hom e against Downtown on Sept. 7 and against M ooresville on Sept. II. Meet Ttie War Eagles Stephanie Doby Sp ort: cross country W hat did you w ant to be when you w ere litlle and grew up?t color cartoons. If you could b e a certain ac- (ó r In a movie, w ho would it be a n d In w h at movie?: Ursclain in Little Mermaid. Funniest cross country story: running into a tree al Greensboro. I would like to eat dinner w ith: anyone who will pay for it. A thlete I m ost adm ire: Tonya B ergh orn , A nna M ackin tosh Bridget Robertson, W ild B ill. Biggest athletic thrill: running the Food Lion trail. M y favorite thing about run­ ning is: eating buffet at Pizza Hut. Som ething you did in one o f your classes this year th at you really liked: dccoraling Coach W ilson's window. Som ething I rem em ber my p a ren ts say in g w hen 1 w as younger: "Eat your eggs." Gatorade NFL Punt, Pass, & KlckSept. 23 blame him. He said he wanted to hold us scorcless." Newman said Logan Buchanan and Brock Flowers ran the ball hard. Jaspen Gray had an interception and a reception from Logan Joldersm a, who started al quartert»ck in his first gam e ever. "Think about having to quarter­ back your first gam e against a tal­ ented, athletic team like lhat - plus it's raining," Newman said. After a bye week, Notth plays al Corriher-Lipe - which lost to South D avic4 0 -0 -o n S e p t. 13. . A m Y o u O ld S c h o o l? Sports News From Septemt)er 1990 South Davie volleyball and bas- ketball coach Donna Ireland left lo lake a position at Atkins M iddle School in W inslon-Salem . "I have lost my left arm ," athletic director Charles Crenshaw said. "Losing her is like losing half Ihe coaching staff. You name it, she did it." Sou th Davie freshman football coach Barry W hiilock had only 17 players com e out. "W edon'thavethe athletes to run the wishbone," he s a id ._ . M em w hile, Sam B eck's N oith Davie W ildcats werc heavily favored to win the Notth Piedmont CoaSa- ence, thanks to a backfield o f TyroM M artin, Kyle Duncan and Handhon Cuthrell. C oalcem ee'ssixU i-seventh(tade football team beat defending cham ­ pion Shady G rove 12-6 in oveitim e. Josh Nail scored on third down fio n the lO-yaid line, finiihlng with 9 4 yards. Daniel B tew etof Shady Orove took a k ickoff 7 0 yaids to focce O T. • The Gatorade N FL Punt, Pass 4c Ю ск competition is com ing up. >,'11 will take place Sept. 23 at a lim e. in d ptoce to be announced. Boys and girl's com pete separately in four ago divisions: 8 -9 ,1 0 -1 1 ,1 2 -1 3 and.14- 15. The winners on S ep t.'2 3 will advance to Ihe sectionals at Groves Stadium, home o f the W ake Forest Demon Deacons. ■ Pattlcipanis musl preregister by calling Ihe M ocksvillc-D avie Recre­ ation D epanm ent by Sept. 20at 7 S I- 2325. The event is free. AdvMiceFlorirttGlftBMktti ! ¿1 0 -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 Conte Experience fhe Difference at Ihe A L L N E W F O R D M E R C U R Y 1 r., sieve Pardalcs Bobby Melton Dale Ratledge General Manager Used Car Manager Sales Consultani 4 D o o r S U V C l e a r a n c e S a l e ! 2 0 0 0 EXPLORER4Dr. $20,986 2 0 0 0 EXPLOREREddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 2 0 0 0 EXPLORERXLT 4Dr. 4x4 $29,998 $26,732 2 0 0 0 EXCURSIONLimited 4x4 $35,898 «0150 SAVE $3,524! 4.0 V6, CD, trailer low package, power windows & locks. Check it oull What a buy! >4teo SAVE S6,972! All the options, blue, leather, Incredible sound system. Incredible Savingsl 2 0 0 0 MOUNTAINEER4Dr. AWD f22S9 SAVE $4.1731 4.0 SOHO V6, CD, trailer low package, all power options. Go Anywhere! Huge Savings! '■ 2 0 0 0 EXPEDITIONEddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 •G046 SAVE $5,667! Limited slip axle, CO. all the options, loads ol room. The King ol SUV's, Unbelievable savings! All Prices $28,433 $34,889 windshield Full Line Ford-Mercury «2743 SAVE $5,866! S.O va, auto, leather, CD, all tho options. Drive it away. The one you’ve been looking fori Unbelievable Savingsl »3273 SAVE $6,476! 5.4 VB, limited slip, CD changer, leather. Luxury SUy at its linestl You won't find a better deal w/all Ihe opiionsi G r e a t V a l u e s O n P r e - O w n e d V e h i c l e s ! ,.$l5,9f5.M tr 1320/iM.* .«l3,9IS.00M$353/mo.* .$15,912.00 ««ЗИ/ш«.* 14,995.00 и $300/iiM.* (OC5443B - Low milos. bluo. ★ <99 CROWN VICTORIA.. IP I263 - Leather, one owner, all power. ★ ‘9* DODd STRATUS.. ---------------$19,945.00 or $399/mo.* * '94 FISO XI PICKUP.. #P1302 - Green. 26.000 miles, one owner, all power, aulomaiic. VB.___________________________________________IODW746A—LowmlesrileinHi *** --------........$21,900.00 *t $43S/nM.* * ‘99ISCORT M 44r..«0T416aA-Automatic, bluo, oxlra Chrome, doan, ono owner, va. --------------------------------------★ *fSF150 XL PICKUP. IP1291 - 22,000 milos, automatic, 6 cylinder, dean. ★ <97 ECONOUNI 150 WORK VAN... #P1290 - while, automatic. 37,000 milos. ★ WINDSTARGL •P1287 - fed. 22.000 milos. roar air, dean. ★‘91 Fl 50 XL PICKUP.. : IP1278 - Long bod, automatic, clean truck, whito. ★ >9» MUSTANG CT.. ........................... Was $15,995, IOC8145C-All power, miles, automatic. V8. ★ 2000 FOCUS SE 4dr................................... Was $15,998, t0C0373A-Automatic, low milos, one ownor. A- 36 mo. Red Carpel Leas«. ie% down plu* lax, Ug. doc fee* & tst paynwit at deitvety. WAC, 12.000 mile« per year. .$•,999.00 or $271/пм.» Was 59.995. «омзаэв - Ono ownor. 4 door. gray. * <99 MIRCURV MOUNT«INII~ ..$10,995.00 or $220/mo.* ..$ 19,915.00 or $430/mo.* .. $5,995.00 or $ 140/mo.» l.00or$45a/mo.*»P1242 - Only 13.000 miles, program vehicle, extra clean, all power. Ready to gol ★ '9S MAUM1250051 PICKUP..............................$a,S45.00 or,$199/mo.* Was $10,998, ffOOF3521A-Ono owner, extra sharp, low miles, groat buyl..$13,9*7.00 tr $279/mo.* ★ ‘99 TOWN CAR SIONATURI^ Was $28,800. »P1241 - True luxury, lop of the lino. Grnai Buvt $14,99*.00 or $299/mo.* ★ ‘9* Fl 50 STX FURiSIDI.. Was S16.995. »P125e-Exlra sharp. lo.| В - Prepaid 24 mo.. Red Carpet Lease, 12.000 mile» per year. аВ taie* & te ..$24,9*2.00 or $499/mo.* SOLD ..$14,940.00 or $320/mo.* ;___________________________________^ ^_________________________ALL INCEtfflVES <N0 REBATES ItiCLUDEO IH «BOVE PRICESAUD PAYMENTS. ' F O R D MERCURY N E W O W N E R S H I P Л M A M A C E M E M T ‘‘We Want Yo«ir Business . . . Let Us Earn It!” Hvvy. 601 N. (Yadkinville Rd.) • lyiocksviile, NC C 3 3 6 ) 751-2161 Davie F^ple DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - Cl Greg Lanier Helps Dominican Young People Organize B y M ike D nrnhnrdt Davie Couniy Enlcrprisc Rccord For eight weeks lliis summer, Greg Lanier wos known as "E l Largo." The Long. Th c Tall Guy. Th c Oiont. In the Dominican Republic as part o f his studies as a Morehead Scholar at thc University o f North Carolina at Chapel H ill, Lanier lived with a Tamily there, and helped a youth group organize. Each summer, a M orehead Scholar has a require­ ment to m ccl. A R crh is lirst year, it was Oulwanl Dound. This summer, hc went on his Torcign public service Irip lo Ihe Dominican Republic, through Ihc Am igos d c las A m cricos program based in Texas. N ext year, hc will work in business. His final year, he'll study abroad. Hc stayed wilh a family In Las C lavcllina. near Ihe D om inican coast, a dcsen-likc arca wilh mountains on one side and a lake on the other, near the border wilh Haiti. There were about 350 fam ilies in the town. “Every fam ily had a house made from Palm Iree bark and thatch roofs, a few with tin roofs.” Lanier shared a room wilh a 20-year-old “brother.” The m othci had tw o olher sons, 18 and 16. T h c father worked in another town, and w asn't home oflen. Comm unicating was a slight problem at first, but U inier managed. "Il's really fast and there's a lot o f Spanish,” hc said. “I like speaking Dominican Spanish. Il's a lot more fun lhan textbook Spanish. By Ihe time I left, I could com m unicate very cffeclivcly.” The family had a sm all television, and electricity. G oing lo the balhiBom m eant going to an om house. You bathed outside, in an area covcrcd by palm leaves. They had running water four or five days a week, when the government released it inlo canals. Th c weather: hoi. Hundreds were Ihc norm. No one Lanier teaches an English class to Domini­ can young people. works between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m ., hc said. "They don’t spend time in thc sun." His m eals consisted o f ricc and beans, and plenty o f “Ganoosa banana-likc fruit that thc family boiled. Hc was cxpccted to eat all o f his food, which was difficult when, bccausc hc was a guest, hc would receive enough ricc to feed a family o f six and Just as many Oonoos. O ccasionally, they would have meat such as chicken, salam i or sardines. A l six feet, five inches tall, Lanier towered over m ost o f thc local men, most o f whom stood at five foot Tive inches tall. They called him "E l Largo," or “Th c Long.” Doorw ays weren’t made for "E l Largo." "I hit my head a lot," hc said. They loved to play basketball, and loved even m orc to watch Lanier dunk. Lanier's Dominican mother was big on health care, which m ay be one o f (he reasons hc didn't get sick. Many o f the students who went on thc trip got sick, several even spent most o f their stay in a hospilal. H is jo b was to motivate young people in the com m unity to undcnake their own projects rather to go in and do projects for them. The young people he worked with decided to have a weekHong com munity festival. Th c firsl nighl, they had com cdy and music. One the sccond night, they held silly children's gam es for older m en, such as sack races. T he third night, thcrc was a basketball tournamcnl under a ncwly*lii outdoor court, one which Lanier helped rehabilitate. The fourth night was supposed to be a baseball game with a nclghbonng town, but they couldn't com e. Thc young people bought som e beer and sold it in a park. T h c fourth nighl w as m osily cultural, with drummers and dancing. The project had a budget, and the Dominican young people cam c up with several ideas beforc deciding on the festival, which was within thc budget. They ПпзПу decided to pul lights on the basketball court and hold the festival. Lanier impressed the friends he m et thcrc. and thc organizers o f the program. H c w as later approved to return to thc Dominican Republic as a field supervisor for A m igos. " I jearncd a whole lot and it was very life chang* ing." Lanier said. "W c don’t know exactly whal we’ve learned yet." Hc rem em bers the going-away party with 21 other people. "A s soon as it was over, il was like it was on cue, wc all siartcd crying " Greg Lanier: They're poor by our standards ... but they’re rich In culture and warm and loving people.” People (rom across the Dominican Republic village where Greg Lanier lived for two months came out lor a basketball tournament on a renovated court. The tournament was part of a cultural awareness week formed by young people In the village. The room was (ull when Greo Lanier of Advance gave a dental health class for children in a Dominican Republic village. part of his community service requirement as a Morehead Scholar. Lanier clowns around with his Dominican “brothers.” Students Lindsay and Izzy worked with a dif­ ferent family In the same village as Lanier. '6 r6g L a n ie r p a in te d n e w lin e s o n th e b a s k e tb a ll c o u r t, a s w a lla s th e lo c a l te a m 's lo g o . T h e c o u r t w a s a ls o lit fo r n lg h t p lay . ■i" Л-. \'V C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7.2000 Cana News By Joh n "C ain " Godwin Cana Correspondent Hey, Nick Id’s slop ihc Jeep here • I want 10 get me a Buck Eye ofTthis ircc. I olmosl forgol, ihis Soiurday wc need lo go over to Buck Eye Rldgc lo see Ole John Ray Lalham. Ron McDanicI stopped by Cana recently to do some tree trimming around the old Cana Store. W c arc workingongcllinglhc Old Store ready for our Ocl. 14 One-Day Open House for family, friends and ncightors. Lots o f cleaning up still lo do. Mr. Roy's iruck is a big help in hauling. Southcm Living com es lo Cana. Woller ond Dohlgrcn Etchison had some visitors rcccntly. Pamela Pricc, Dahl's daughler, brought her friend, Violet Kilgore n ilcry and her grand* daughler, Gwinn Marie M oss, to Val­ ley View for a visit, Violet's fothcr-in* law, Benjamin Kilgore,.started .the "Progressive Farmer," anil afterpcople started movinglntoihccilylhey started "Soulhcm Living M agazine." The magazine has sincc been sold to Tim cW amer. Gwinn Marie M oss is Marie Price's godmother. These two ladies loved Valley View. Tliey hod a lovely luncheon and enjoyed lively conversation discussing recipes for venison, silver queen com , nnd the Kentucky Derby. Following lunch ond a rest on the porch, W alter took the visitors on npcrsonnlizcd tourofVnl-. ley View, Frosilands and Big Bear Canyon in the old Jeep. NVho would o f ever thought lhat ihc previous owners o f Soulhcm Living would be louring Cana in Ihc old Jeep. Don’t forget our neighbors ol the Center Fair. There will be a blood drive there this ycor. Gel barbecue and give blood. Buzz Buzz... I hope you have vis­ ited Dahlgren Etchison and Frunccs Tuitcrpw's gift shop on the HisloHc Court Square, Bizzy Bee. M any Cana things odd to the decorations. Mrs. Harold Wayne Smilh Jr. Trivette-Smith Wed In Las Vegas G racc Elizabeth T rivclltc and HaroldW ayneSm iihJr. wercmarricd al 6 p.m. on Sept.- 2 in San Marco Square at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Nev. The bride is the doughicr o f Jack und Linda Trivette ofM ocksville. Her maternal grandparents arc the late Gmvcr and Ana Belle Elmore. Her paternal grandparents arc the lale Guy and AdclincTrivcltc. The bride gradu- - alcd from Davie High School and Pres­ byterian School o f Nursing. She is employed by HcalihSouih Surgical Ccnicr o f Greensboro. The groom is the son o f Harold Wayne Sr. and Elaine Smilh o f Ad­ vance. His m akm al grundparcnls arc Annie Davis o f Advancc and the late John Davis. His paternal grandparents arc Mildred Smilh o f Advancc and the lale John Odell Smith. The groom graduated from Davic High School and W ake Forest University wherc he rcccivcd a master’s degree in account­ ing. He is employed by KPM F, LLPin Greensboro. The bride was escorted by her fa­ ther. The Mori Lee gown she wore was a princess-line, spaghctti-strap dress o f duchess satin embroidered with sil­ ver and gold thread highlighted with bugle beads. The drc.ss extended into a sweep train. Her headpiece was a jew ­ eled tiara. The bride carried a bouquet o f red roses. The matron o f honor was Patricia Demilt, the groom's sister, o f Coral Springs. R a. Stephen Dcmilt, brother-in-law o f the groom o f Coral Springs, Fla., was the best man. Following the ceremony, the bride and groom took a gondola ride through the canal in the Venetian Hotel. Then the couple and wedding party had din­ ner and wedding coke at the Canaletto Social Events • A bridal, shower, hosted by the groom's sisters was given July 8 in Advancc. • A lunchcon was given for the bride by her cò-workers on July 14 in Greensboro. • The groom's parents, Wayne and Elaine Sm ith, hosted a dinner al Morton's Steak House in Las Vegas, Nev., on the nighl before ihe wedding. • Saturday moming a bridal brunch was hosted by Patricia D em ill at Caesar's Palace. After a honeymoon triplo Hawaii, the couple will live In Kernersviiie. Davis-Sales Engagement Announced Linda L. Sales and John A. Ijaracs, both o f M ocksville, announce the cngagcm cnl or their daughter, Valerie N ichole Sales to Rolicn Nathaniel Davis Jr., the son o f Robert Sr. and Maxine Davis o f M ocksvillc. The bride-elect is a 1993 graduate o f Davie High School. She is em ­ ployed by Sara Lee Underwear o f Advancc. ; The groom -to-bc attended Davie High School aiid is enrolled in Surry Community College for busipess and managemenl. H e is empioycd by Unifi ofY ad kin v iile., . The wedding is planned for Sept. 23 at ’ftbem acle United Church o f Christ in Yidkinvilie. / f 'i S e p t e m e r С 1 a s s e s & E v e n t s Community Programs Support Groups UabeksScraenlng— $l5icc An individual consultation with a ccnificd diabetes educator. Participants will rcccivc a fingcrstick blood glucose test and l>e assessed on their risks for developing diabetes. Tills screening is by appointment only. Screenings are held at: Education 8c Wellness Outpatient Scrviccs Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1437 for an appointment or for more inlotmalton. U g i tar U k Screening k r Ptripheral Vasalar Disease Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is a cinMlaiory condition caused by a blood vessel blockage in the leg. Eariy detection of PVD or olher vascubr diseases an M p pre\-ent or lessen llie risk of dcsrloping additional health problems. Legs for Life screening will be held: Monday, September 18 and Thursday, September 21 • 7 • 9 p.m., Wilson L Smilh Family Outpatient Ccnier, 612 Mocksville Ave., Salisbury. Call (70*) 638-1040 to register or lor more inlormalion. PoaNlnlllsclplne This educational program provides parents, gnindpatems and caregiveis of young children wilh healihy discipline techniques. Program will be held; Thursday, Seplcmbcr 14 • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Women's Health Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Call (704) 638-1040 lo register or lor тосв inlomialion.________ ProstalB Cancer Screening Ijcam about the warning signs and risk (actors for pitxiale cancer and take advantage of a scnxning by physicians from Salisbury Urological Qinic. Eveiy man over the oge of 40 should have an annual prostate examination. Do not miss this important health screening. Prostate screening will be helA Sanirday, September 16*8 a.m. • Noon, Wilson L Smilh Family Outpatient Center, 612 Mocksville Ave., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1345 to register or lor more intomial'ion.________ Sfenka Scnenfeig Participants can detennine their risk of having a stroke thnxigh blood pressure and carotid anery disease testing. Local mcdical professionals will be on hand lo discuss your results. Stroke screening will be held: Satarday, September 30 • 8 a.m. • Noon, Aggrey Cafeteria on the campus of Livingstone College, 701 W. Monroe St, Salisbury. Call (704) 6ЭМ040 lo register or for more infofmalion. Better BrealNng(Ui September 13« I p.m., Rufiy Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. lioundary St., Salislxiry_________________ Cancer Support Group September 28 • 4 p m., Girillon Assisted Living, 1915 Mooresville Rd.. Salishiry_____________ Canlac Support Group "New Tieatnienl for Diabetes" presented by Dr. Caiy Fink, Scptcmljcr 19 • 7 p m., Large Conference Room, Rowan Reiiional Mcdical Center__________________________ EpIapsySifipartGnup September 14*7 p m., Fiist Baptist Qiurch, 223 N. Fulion St., Salisbury___________________________ Ostomy Support Group Tliis group meets the fiisi Wednesday of the month during March, June, Septmilier and Dccemlxr 7 p.m., Women's Health Small Qassroom, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center_________ Women’s Health Programs All classcs mcci in the Women's i*lcalth Ccntcr. 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Mcdical Ccntcr Big Bralhv/BIg Sister- $iOcUs fee ~ • September tl * 4 p.m._____________________________________________ BraastfBedng — $I0 da« (cc ii not enrolled in Ifewan Regional's Lamaze classcs September II • 6p.m.______________________ ' Ljmna and Baby Barics — $75 clas« ice for Rowan Regional deliveries. Oasses meet oncc a week for six weeks. Lamaze classcs will l)c offered on the following dates; September 25 • Octobcr 30 • 6 ♦ 8:30 p.m. ___________ Educational Programs Mobile Medical Units Rowan Regional's mobile mcdical units will be at the following locations in September: IMMta OolmB M M Gamat September 16,23_______________________ Small group classcs and individual Instmction are offcredon a weekly basis for people who have not yet mastered the skills and concepts for the control of their diabetes. These classcs have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classcs are held at the Salisbury City Park Rcoeation Ccntcr, 316 Lake Drive in Salisbury. will be offeref1.nn.lhftfr>Hnwing riatfts, anri yrni------ must attend all three sessions: September 11,18,25 • 6 - 8 p.m. September 12,13,14 • 1 • 3 p.m. September 19,20,21 • 9 • 11 a.m. September 26,27,28 • I • 3 p.m.__________________________ A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant moihen with gestational diabetes that includes basic bets, meal plan* ning and home blood glucosc monitoring. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most Insurance plans. Gestational diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates; (Attend the date of your choice) September?, I4,2I,28*9-ll am, Rowan Regional Education& Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. September 12, 19,26 South Rowan Medicai Mall, 308 E. Ccntcivicw St., China Grove Call <7041B5S2400 lo schedule an appointmenl__________ M o o n l i g h t M a m m o g r a p h y Do you find it difficult to schedule a mammography exam dunng regular business hours? Now you can get your annual mammography exam as late as 7 p.m. Thursday evenings at Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Call (704) 6 3 6 -1 8 3 » today for an appoinlmenl. ___________ S a t u r d a y C l i n i c A t S o u t h R o w a n M e d i c a l M a ll A Saturday Qinic is open at South Rowan Medical Mall in China Grove for adults and children who need treatment after noimal physician hours. No appointment necessaiy. Qinic hours are 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.The clinic does not provide routine physicals and procedures. For more Information, call the medical mall al 1704) 6 6 » -a 4 0 tt HI (704) 638-1040 (>12 M o c k s v illo A v(îiui(‘. S a lisb u ry . N o rth C iiroiin.i 2 H M I W W W r o w a n orcj DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 ■ C3 Advance News By Edith Zim m erm an Advonce Comispondcnl Visitors nt the Methodist church Sunday w crc Jack nnd B eatrice Childers o f Mooresville. They nre the pnrents o f our pastor, the Rev. David Childeis. Other visitors were James and PatsyGriflinofW oodlnnds Court. Homecoming will be Sept. 17 at the Methodisl church wilh guest speaker, a former pastor, the Rev. Alec Alvoni, bringing the morning message. A cov­ ered dish luncheon will Follow Ihc scrvicc which will be under the pavil­ ion. Revival services will begin on Sun­ doy night, Sept. l7al7,ond go through Tuesday night, Sept. i9.Guestspeakcr will be one o f our own former mem­ bers, the Rev. Tommy Lee Robertson. Albert I\xileoiidKazleSralley have been moved to W hilakcr Can: Rehab Center. They have been hospitalized for several weeks, itayere and gct- well wishes go oul to them. Mrs. Franklin Lee Wagner R e a - W a g n e r W e d J u ly 2 9 In C h a r le s t o n Cretia Elaine Rea and Iranklin Lee \Vagner,bothofCharlcMon,S.C.,were manicd on July 29 at Middleton Place in Charleston at 11 a.m. Following the ccrcmony a brunch and reception was held at the l^ivilion at Middleton Иосе. After a honey­ moon cruise lu the ПаЬапш, the couple is at home in Charleston. The bride is the daughter оГ Linda Self Rea o f Abilene. Texas. She is the granddaughter оГ Walter S elf and the late M ynUSclfofW ichita FaIls,Tcxas. and o fth e Rev. and Mrs. Carl Rea оГ W ells IHaint, Texas. A graduate o f Cooper High School in Abilene she attended Texas Tcch University in Lubbock. Texas. The bridegroom is the son o f Marilyn and Rob W agncrof Lubbock. Texa.4 and o f Linda and Wayne Fields o f Kernersviiie. His grandparents in­ clude Pauline and Ralph Hall, the late Foster Wagner and Dot and Butch Grannaman, all ofM ocksville. and o f Joyce and Jimmy Rippey o f Hillsboro. He is a graduate o f Greenwood H.S. in Gnx'nwood. S.C .. and altended the College o f Charleston. He Is also em­ ployed by Lowes HIW. Given in marriage by her grnndfa- iher. Walter Self, the bride's maid o f honor was M eg Etobertson o f Colum­ bia. S.C . Bridesmaids were Jenny Drockett o f Atlanta. Ga., and Lana W llbom o f Lubbock, Texas. Flower* girls were Courtney and Christina Grannaman o f Mocksvillc, cousins o f the gnxim. . The best man was Bmd Davis of Colum bix Groomsmen included Jer­ emy Farley o f Colum bia and the gnxim's brother. Aaron McIntosh of Atlanta. Go. The bride's cousins, Jus­ tin and Jainie Maywald o f Wichiio Falls. Texas, werc ring bearers. The groom's brother olso was the soloist and musician. House Party attendants Included Judy Becker, the groom's aunt, Sally Becker and Amy Hunt, the groom's cousins, all o f M ocksvillc, Beth Maywald, the bride'scousinofWichita Falls, Texas, Kelly Scars o f Olive Branch, Miss., and Mindy Diehl of Charicston. The ofllciating minister was Tim o­ thy Carter, cousin o f the gtxwm. Pre*nuptial Events • A May bridal shower was hosted in Abilene by 14 friends o f the bride. * • A June engagement party was held on the bride's birthday in M ocks­ ville, hosted by Pauline and Ralph Hall, Marilyn and Rob Wagner and Judy and Melvin Becker. • In Charleston during the wedding ^’cekend. abridal lunchcon and shower was held at Middleton Place, hosted by Beverly ShaHcr, aunt o f the bride o f Abilene, and Patii Sears o f O live Branch. • Marilyn and Rob Wagner and Li nda Rea hosted a family dessert party and reception. Sue Folmar and daughter, Linda Plitl and children Alexander, Abigail and Charles Plilt. vacationed at the Folmars' cottage ot Ocean Isle last week. Pout Folmar joined his family 'ITiursday-Satunlay. "Hob" and Florence Sides cel­ ebrated their 54lh wedding anniver­ sary on Thursday Aug. 31. Hoppy Binhdoy to Naylor Vogler who celebrated his 81st birthday Mon­ day, Sept. 4. Meredith Hendrix, student ot UNC- Charlotte, spent the weekend wilh her mother, Janie Hendrix. W a l l a c e R e u n i o n S u n d a y , S e p t 1 7 The family o f Thomas Gaston and Rosa Lee Arnold W allace will hold a reunion on Sunday, Sept. 17 at the Joyner School Communily Center on Sandy Springs Church Road, Har­ mony. The meal will be served at 1 p.m. Comatzer News Porticipolns ore asked to bring food and drink. Other items wilt be fur­ nished. If more details arc needed, call Margaret W allace Myers ol 704-546- 2349. By D ottle Potts Comatzer Correspondent The Comatzer-DuUn Ladies Aux* iliary will meet at the firc station Sepl. 12 at 7 p.m. Fall Revivol Services will be hcldal Comatzer Baptist Church Sept. 10-13 with the Rev. Charles Peters, paslorof Smith Grove Baptist ChurchinColfox conducting the services. Everyone is invited. Bob Rose had surgery at Baptist Hospital lost u-eek and is now in criti­ cal condition. W illie M ay Jo n e s, M argaret Dwiggins. Sarah Zimmerman. Rev. Aaron Carter, and Rev. Whiteheart wcrc visitors o f Eva Potts last week. Doltic Potts and Sharon visited Jo Bowens Saturday, Ella Sm ilh on Sun­ day, and Bonnie McDanicI on Mon­ day. Bonnie had surgery lost week. ThcLocksFellowshipofCom otzer Baptist Church had ihcirmonthly meet­ ing late Tuesday night with a covered dish dinner at the activity building. Guest speaker wosMissionaryLe Ann Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Cartcrspent last week-end in Boston. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Winters were Mondoy luncheon guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Brent Winter in Kernersviiie.* Brady Barney was token to Forsyth Hospital emergency room Monday night after sulTering chest pains. P o t t s C o u p l e C e l e b r a t e 5 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y W esley and Janie Potts ofM ocksville celebrated their 50th wedding an­ niversary at a reception Sunday, Aug. 27 at Oak Grove United M ethodist Church fellowship hall. Hosts w ere their children and grandchildren: David and Janell Yount and Kocy and Jana; Linda G . Potts; and Lawrencc and Linda B . Potts ond Shelby and Wesley. The couple wcrc married on Aug. 2 6 ,1 9 5 0 at Ccnier United M eihodist Church. Mr. Potts is retired from Duke Power. The couple spends time babysitting their grandchildren. ■ M f г а к Е J E H B n S H B NOW IN PROGRESS!D W I I II W I I I KS Coming To Davie County... ROWAH DRIVING SCHOOL I f you have already completed classroom work, H’e offer jusl the 6 hour driving course. , The School la UcensMi By NCDMV > Rowan Driving School JU tg h o n e : s e - 2 Court S qum • Mocktvlll*: 336-7S1-9993 » Fax; 336-75Ìr9923 A MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY FROM DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL Change in services and hours at Davie County Hospital Beginning Septem bdr 18th, Davie County H ospital’s Em ergency Departm ent will becom e an outpatient urgent care center open between the hours o f 8 a.m . and 10 p.m ., seven days a week. If you need em ergency care for life-threatening illnesses or injuries, please call 911 or seek care at one o f the nearby full-service hospitals’ em ergency departm ents. However, if your doctor feels you need to be hospitalized im m ediately, four beds w ill be available at Davie C ounty Hospital for inpatient adm ission. Why become an outpatient urgent care center? C om m unity use o f inpatient and em ergency services has declined to the point w here it is no longer feasible to m aintain these services at Davie County H ospital. However, Davie County H ospital w ill continue to provide the highest level o f urgent care Services, as w ell as: . • Laboratory and diagnostic testing • , • Im aging services pC-rays, ultrasound, CT, m am m ography) • G astroenterology • O utpatient surgery -----» Fain C linic.......................................................... ——-----------------:— • O ccupational H ealth Service • R ehabilitation (physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy) • C om m unity A lternatives Program (CA P) We support your commissioners. W e understand this m ay be a tim e o f uncertainty for m any in the com munity. Please know that N ovant H ealth w ill continue to w ork w ith the county com m issioners in w hatever way practical as they explore ways to m anage Davie County H ospital in the future. If you have any questions about the hours o f operation or the services av ailableatD avieC ounty H ospital, please call 751-8100. DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL . ‘ У C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 Home Care You Can Believe In Call the staff of In Home Care at 7 2 2 -1 4 7 0 . As the population ot seniors continues to increase, a growing numt}er are choosing lo slay In Ihe security and comtort of their homes and avoid having to move into a retirement community or nursing home. In order to remain In the privacy ol their homes, there are times when they may need the protesslonal senfices of a nurse or therapist. In Home Care, Inc. was created to help meet this need. In Home Care is a not-for-prolit organization created In 1995 by the Baptist Retirement Homes of North Carolina, Inc. and the Pres­ byterian Homes, Inc. Arbor Acres, a United Methodist Retirement Community, joined the organization three years later. The agency Is growing rapidly due to its reputation of having an experienced and protesslonal staff who otter that friendly touch and go the extra mile. According to Unda Henning, RN, Director ol Clinical Services, this is the direct result of “individualized, quality, focused home care services with the client receiving a high level of care avoiding unnecessary hospitalization or nursing home placement.' A fvledicare and Medicaid certilied agency, In Home Care pro­ vides traditional Home Heallh Services, Medicaid CAPS and PCS services, assistance with Insurance and private pay services. The agency also provides free educational presentations and wor1<shops on health care topics Including group blood pressure screenings, Medicare coverage issues and various diseases. Cail (336) 722- 1470 for more Information. The agency offers a wide range of services tailored to each client's individual needs. Skilled Nursing may include Insulin ad- ministration, wound care, resplratory/cardio assessment. Psychi­ atric Nursing and patient education. The Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy programs start wilh an evaluation; then the patient, therapist and family work together lo develop a care plan specific to the patient's needs. Social Workers are available to as­ sist tha client and family wilh emotional issues and community re­ sources. Acase manager ensuring the best possible care Is being provided coordinates all ol the patient's care and services. Jane Craver, Executive Director, proudly states that the agency Is “one of Ihe largest providers of private pay services wiihin the community.“ Many people require assistance with personal care and activities of daily living; the' CNAs provide that extra help. Ser­ vices include assistance with personal care needs, meal prepara­ tion, light housekeeping, and transportation to appointments, gro­ cery shopping and companionship. Respite Care Is also available providing relief for brief and extended periods. The patient's caregiver Is assured of dependable coverage and that loved ones are In good care. Comments Irom some patients Include: “Thanks to my doctor, my Physical Therapist, and In Home Care, I have been helped physically and spiritually,“ and “All ol the nurses have been so nice to all ol us. Polite and manneriy In all aspects. We love everyone who has served us." With proven experience, In Home Care strives hard to maintain Ihe belief that adults who wish to remain at home bblh expect and deserve "care you can believe in." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 7,2000 - CS UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED K)R A UKE NEW LOOKIl Nation's largest & Oldest Roof Stain Romovcrs R o o f - B r i t e ^ 3 3 6 - 7 8 1 - 0 9 9 9 ß m o a e s w n e f i r e s t o n e »HANOCK ^ Lee Tires GEORGE’S Michelin Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clommons _______766-7862 _______ ^NGRAVING Vuiil Our New Showroom! ■ Plaques ■ Awardm • Name Plates • Badges • Qlfts 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Suite B, Clemmons m\w.QCl:nj:ra\wi!.Ci»ii ( 3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 0 6 9 5 We’re Not Jlut <SoGGer* Any More! Our New Name li m. SPORTS ETC. YOUR BPORTM ЕХРКЯТШ 3M « L«wlavlll»Ct«mmon* IM. 766-1114 Mon.-Frl. 10:30-6; Sot..9-5 Ita a d a Mini’sSelf-Storage 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24'hr Computerized Gate ✓ Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next lo Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr.. Advance S A V I N G S up С П О / . E V E R Y D A Y \ / V /0 Sen ior C itizen« D iM ounts New Shipment Of Artmdal Floweri, LcBleu Water, Cleaidng Supplies Clemmons Discount Sales IS33 Lewisville Clemmons Rd /66-4449 • Clemmons ' /66 4938 Crom kr MChesney cMssociates INDMDUAIXYYOU, Inc. S e ' S essions a t S 5 0 ~ e a c h a n d r a c a l v a I^ A S S A Q E ( $ 0 0 ~ V a lu e ) o r $ 5 “ O F F O N E M A S S A G E W IT H C O U P O N Westwood Village Shopping Center, Clemmons 7 6 6 -4 4 7 4 □ Y o u r llt im e t o w ii R e a lto r 2 2 6 5 - C L e w i s v i l l e - C l e m m o n s R d . ' 7 6 6 - 0 5 1 5 C l e m m o n s B arry Zim nternum Insurance HA ‘B uck’ PAYN E Stop by to see us Mien nam es to Insurance, we want tomake your lile easier. f^ a o ss ttie area, the Farm Bureau Insurance Companies provide drivers with Ihe peace of mind that they have adequate coverage on their automobiles. We also back up our Aulo Insurance customers wilh prompt, professional attention, and fast, fair claims service. So, If It's Auto Insurance, or Home or Ufe protection you need, call today for a no-obllgatlon review.FARM BUREAUHELPING YOU is what we do best. Ш 9 7 0 Styers Ferry Road A i k s v l t o 76M 099 M . a u «4» i) F s «7S » a i — .............................../ ' i • KiNOCMON о н га NOW OPEN lockled on Hwy 158 between Clemmoni & Advaoce _________336-940.3553__________ 888-940-8511 iMPRESSlON^ Personalize T o w els, Fash ions & M orel Team U gos • Business Shirts and Uniromis WeCunyNC-Made Afghaas *'No job loo big or too small” QUICK DEUVERY | H o m £ •c a r e A Service of Baptist Retirement Homes, The Medicare, Presbyterian Homes & Modicaid, Arbor Acres, Methodist Insurance, Retirement Community. Private Pay IIO.MKCAHI':YOUCANBEUfA'EIN Skillod Nursing Care Physical. Occupallonal & Speech Therapy Personal Care-CNA's Respite Care A ssessm enis For Home C ate Needs 722-1470 jmw.in-home-care.org \ u v : \ <>ll IN l » A I N ? FREE EXAMINATION F M O utFR C E IflC a n H e lp ìb u r: • Sock f>oln • ArttHiNs • Auto Injtjrys Heodoche • Shoulder Poln • AmtAeg Poln e Neck Poln • Kip Poln • Sport* Incurie*wùkMfrt«enli0ftikuit,atU9ltik0lita.*>^Mnn*mfernìirkuJmiMt*4 mlUe. IfUkrritHiértMnM.feui'Ulttl.iftmtJi/Mtrnai' ' jitn e y rlô o rin g RmERCill(OPiiACTICCUIHC,P.C. *1* » « ■ ■ ■ » ■ ■ IM ., И е — » и . ИС Щ Ш 7 Т а > 2 2 4 2 ■ ■ iсммбмам^мг Hours]Mon.- FM. U - S b l i o ' X S p e c ia liz in g I n Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tlie Hardwood Floors & Reflnisliing Counter Tops Laminated Floors. Cll6) 7M-07S3 Years NOWOPEN ЮТИЕ PUBUC 5919C James SL еш ииш ш ИМ у1фш p M Ieeß w ettty ЁЁаШшшшШЛЧОН ♦ W e w S e d m o e ШшНфяРЫш C a U ffM le Шиу П о т F loor Or О п Ш П о т em ta la t S a l . M l S a n . 1 0 «Local«) Inшои O e a a n a a s S d i o o l 33S0 flffitiftw i* Roêd (NextiotheOmmoMUbmyi (3 3 6 )7 7 8 -2 m The ABCs Of Flowers; Former Davie Residents New Book Is Blooming Dy Ja ck ie Edw ards Davic County Enterprise Rccord JoAnn Bow les Stoker is a native North Carolinian. She was bom in Davie County and attended W illiam R. Davlc School and graduated from Farmington High School. JoA nn has spent Ihe last three years working on a projcci that is near nnd dear to her heart. It's her firsl book, and il’s all about (lowers. The litle is AliC Hook of Flowers for Young Gardeners and it com bines pages o f catchy rhymes with beauti­ ful color photos. The book is a joint effort belween JoAnn and her husband, Gerald. She did Ihe writing and hc took Ihc pho­ tos. JoA nn is a retired teacher and Gerald is retired from thc textiles and graphic arts industry. They live on Lake Murray, outside Chapin, S.C . They have two grown childrcn, and one grandson, Pricc, lo whom Ihc ing four year olds at her church’s pre­ school. She discovered thcrc were few books available for youngsters on the subjects o f gardening and flowers. After meeting wiih a publisher in South Carolina last year, JoAnn com ­ pleted her manuscript and the book was printed. “It has been received well in Ihc education arena,” said JoAnn. _________ . .. . . *lf is a fun and educational way to introduce childrcn lo the alphabet and the world o f flowers. Thcrc arc also many ways lo use the book in school classroom s. Ac­ cording to JoAnn, “One o f the as­ pects is the longevity o f plants. Som e can live longer than people.” Olhcr ideas arc language developm ent, heallh. social studies, science, math, art, and language. The book is in loving memory o f Jo A n n ’s m other, V clna N aylor Bow les and her aunt. Sadie Benson, both o f Davic County, whose gardens are credited as a sourcc o f jo y and inspiration. : JoAnn Bowles Stoker holds a copy of her first book, ABC book is iicdicaicd. : Sooif of Flowers for Young Gardeners. JoAnn cam c up with ihc idc.i for - Photos by Robin Ferguson “ ''“I“"'“'" Speaker: People ‘Change’Around Preachers Seventeen o f the flow er photos taken by G erald w ere from the Stoker's own backyard garden. Thc photo o f an iris is from JoA nn’sAunt Sadie's garden. It was passed down from her grandmother’s garden. According to JoA nn, “This is a tim eless book lhal can alw ays be used. It’s for childn:n bul adults have received it well also.” - JoA nn told o f a librarian al a school who saved three copies o f the book. One for her mother, another for a friend in Ihe hospital who couldn't receive live flowers, and the last for a photographer friend. ”I almost have a missionary zeal for thc book. Thcrc Is so much vio­ lence in the worid wc need lo expose childrcn to thc beauty o f nature,” said JoAnn. JoA nn has begun work on a new project. This one could focus on thc abc's o f fruits and vegetables, or per­ haps it could be a story aboul a pci goat named Frisky, JoA nn's not say­ ing. Copies o f ABC Book of Flowers for Young Gardeners are available at Bits o f Brass and Carolina Christian Books in M ocksvillc, as well as li­ braries and the Internet. Page layouts combine short rhynnes with beautiful pho­ tography. . - The Ctxilccm cc Senior Citi/cns i met on Monday. Aug. 28 in thc fel­ low ship hall o f thc First Baptist • Church. • Presideni Kcbu Holt callcd the j meeting to order. She asked Noah • Plotl lo Icad Ihe club in prayer. • T h c m em bers sang thc hymn, • “Bringing In Thc Sheaves,” played ; by A lice Bam )n and led by Hannah • Jones. ’ ‘ The devotion was given by the ; assislant chaplain, Jam es “D oll” I Foster. Rcading fnm i Luke 6:2 and ; Luke 9:21, hc spoke o f Ihe Bible as I being an inslruciional guide on how • 10 live your life. Fi)stcr rcad a poem U rum the church buU cttn titled , ' “Life.” He concluded his devotion wilh prayer. Virginia Plott. substituting for Francis M iller, callcd thc m il. Tlicrc wore 24 m em bers and a v isitor present. Thc minutes o f thc last meeting were given by Secretary Nancy Fos­ ter. The thought for the day: “No one has such a big house the hc doesn't need a good neighbor.” Bcttic Sm ith and Jones gave Ihe treasury and sunshine reports. Thc club discussed old nnd new business. Nancy Foster rcad an ar­ ticle that staled the club was orga­ nized on O cl. 2 ,1 9 6 0 and was spon­ sored by the C iv ic C lub. Culhy Spargo was one o f several people who were instrumental In thc orga­ nization o f thc club. BarbaraThorm onxcad Ihc activi­ ties to be held ul thc Senior Ccnter. Tliere will be a Murder Mystery Din­ ner Party on Sept. 29 at 6 p.m. for $6 per person. Call to register. Space is limited 10 the first 40. There has been a change in the location o f fu­ ture Lunch & Leam gatherings. Call the senior center. Tlic p;islorof Liberty and concord M clhodisi churchcs was invited by B o b b ie D aniel to be th c guest speaker. T h c Rev. Phillip Park’s topic: "T hc Funny Things People Do Around Preachcrs.” Hc said ihal people will change oncc they realize they are speaking with or in fmni o f a prcacher. Som e will start apologizing for Ihcir lan­ guage, sonic start to ask questions about what denomination, how many members they h ave... and some will ju sl turn und walk away. He asked ihe following questions. “Why are preachers singled out lo be belter lhan oihers?" "A ren't wc all children o f G od?” “D oes being a prcacher give him the righl to judge oihers?” Park suid thal being a prcachcr can be stressful. Poslors are lold to help make people happy and conicnt, and if Ihey can’l, they probably aren't doing ihcir jo b . Hc asked if wc ac­ tively helped our preacher. When uskcd lo help out in thc comn>unity. what is our response? Do wc.pray for our prcachcr, pastor and m inis­ ter? Holt adjourned ihc meeting fol­ lowing thc singing o f Ihc club sons: “The M orc We G et Tbgcthcr.” Doll Foster gave thc closing prayer. Thc members will hold a yard and bake'sale al Ihc Ridcnhour Arbor Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8 and 9. The next meeting wilt be on M on­ day, Sepl. II al 10 a.m. at thc First Baptist Church. H A I JE W F P R I C E LRY SA LEI 1 NOW IN PROGRESSI GNCLiveWeU: V IT A M IN S • M IN E R A L S • N A T U R A L C O S M E T IC S • S P O R T S N U T R m O N • H E R B S • W E IQ H T L O S S • W E IQ H T O A IN • H O M E O P A T H Y • E N E R O Y 3 6 2 3 C le m m o n s R d ., C le m m o n s Bl-Lo Shopping Center {Next to Citmmens Kttehm) m /'/' rtO '9/' Mon. Sat. 10am • 9pm • Sun. 1pm • 6pm ■ s r в V SU N E S! S Soap Du Jour Now 3 Years Old Whan Cathy Baskin was inlured In a car accident lour years ago, she could not Imagine anything good coming out of it. Espe­ cially not tieglnning a business thal now sells In 49 states and over­ sees. *1 saw a program on 'Discovery' about making soap,' said Ms. Baskin. Her interest piqued, the former Registered Nurse be­ gan to experiment with all-natural blends of soap. The result Is a rapidly mulliplying business ol unique products now being mar­ keted around the world. In lust three years, Baskin's all-natural soap production and sales has outgrown her home. Soap Du Jour's new location at 704 Brookstown Avenue, beside Rainbow Cafe in Winston-Salem, fea­ tures a number qt Baskin's matchless soaps, lotions, baby prod­ ucts and massage oils. Cultivated by Cathy Baskin's careful re­ search, Soap Du Jour's soaps have a Intriguing quality: they will not cause sensitive skin to itch alter using them. ‘My husband uses my soaps to shave with," said Ms. Baskin. “If you shave your legs with my soap, you will never llch again." The soaps are'formulated using the naturai giy in soap production. Unlike regular soaps, which have salt that causes the skin to bum, Baskin’s soaps contain glycerin, without other synthetic properties. Baskin states that nine out of ten com­ mercial soaps dry the skin. Soap Du Jour soaps protect the natural moisture while cleansing the skin. Her special “Good Momlng" soap embodies a peppermint blend, which Is known to Increase circulation. This soap also con­ tains eucalyptus, which has been used for centuries to open si­ nuses and respiratory passages, and lavender, which eases the pain of Itching from poison ivy or sunburn.. Her soap “Patsy Lee," named after a dose friend, Includes lavender and oatmeal. Like her friend, “Patsy Lee" soap Is "sweet and honest, but like South­ em ladles, has enough grit to get the job done.”. Soap Du Jour soaps and lotions have no synthetic fragrances or colors. Coriventlonai lotions have alcohol and formaldehyde; but Ms. Baskin has created fragrant lotions with no harsh chemi­ cals that would aggravate allergies or other skin conditions. Cathy Baskin's husband, an electrical contractor, was expe­ riencing a problem with the skin on his lingers splitting open from strenuous use at his job. Regular lotions were not helping. Ms. Batkin created 'The Origlrial Soap Du Jour Solid Lotion Bar," a free-8tandlno Ыоск ol lotion that absorbs directly Into the skin, coat­ ing and healing. Other soaps heal and rejuvenate skin, with calendula, a mari­ gold derivative used in healing wounds. Ms. Baskin has created a soap whkih acts as an Insect repellent, whteh can be used in wa­ tersheds and on chiUren. It has no toxto ingredients. Tested on the fiekls of Little League baseball, Ms. Baskin was npt content to ad- I f i i . . ' o , . Ш vertlse its effectiveness until she was positive that It worked. “It really does keep the mosquitoes and fleas at bay," she said. Soap Du Jour features a whole line of baby products, includ­ ing diaper rash cream, massage oil, soaps and solid lotions. One massage oil, "Deep Риф1е," is named alter Ms. Baskin's grand­ mother, who was a big band singer in New Yori<. it contains an absolute rose blend, which is normally valued at $145 per ounce. Ms. Baskin says that both pediatricians and dermatologists have relened patients to her products, because ol their all-natural con­ tents. Visit Soap Du Jour's website at www.soapduJour.com, fur a complete listing of their many products, and to order on-llna. Soap Du Jour Is in the process of developing a line of pet products which will soon be on the market. Soap Du Jour's new shop Is open Wednesday - Saturday from 11-5 PM, at 704 Brookstown Avenue In Winston-Salem. Lo­ cal shoppers will want to take advantage ol this growing new busi­ ness in town. Call Cathy Baskin at (ЭЭв) 7234800 for more Infor- matton on these exciting new products. Du Jour Specializing in All Natural Baih& Body Products Available at Back to Basics, 766-6S6S locaicd beside K^Mait OR ' Soap Du Jour’s rKW retail shop at 704 Brookstown Ave,, next door to Rainbow Cafe open US Wed. through SaL 791-R R nn T h s ld e a l L iv in g A rra n g e m e n t, BnxJssbxie TERRACE BrookstoM Tetrace, a tm&ll Senior CommunUy, bringing ■ perjonal touch to a wum, exclusive liome-Iike environment for Seriior and Senior Gwplet who tteed assistance with their daily activities. OurPhihMopby Just because a senior adult may need a little assistance with tbeir dally living activities doesn't mean that they requite nuning home care. Our services ate designed to provide Broobtone Terrace residents with individualised care to meet their needs, and for their convenience, thus enabling them to lead ibe most ■ Independent lifestyle pcuibte. Our ' |Q«ItatctQpfotMie '' ‘ enhances the pbyiica). mental and BROOKSTONE 1 ТЕШСБ 1 1 BrookstoneTERRACE indimUc'iMiimpii«,^ ; R E S I D E N T I A L C A j ^ ____S S I S ä S iä S S iS S a t s S t Ç6 ■ РЛУ1Е COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 Concert This Sunday Michael Combs, a southern gospel singer, will lead a con­ cert Sunday, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at the Brocl< Performing Arts Center, North Main Street, Mocksviile. Also on the show will be Erin Carter and Malathai. Ticlcets are $5, avail­ able at the box office, Carolina Booi<s & Gifts, the BBQ House and The Corner Store. Country Sideboard Supper Sept. 9AtMt. Olive Church A country ham and chickcn cas- scrolc supper will be held Samrday, Scpl. 9 from 5-7 p.m. in thc fellow* ship building at M t. O live United Nfethodist Church. . . Country sideboard item s will be. included on the menu at thc church, on 3521 W yo Road in Yadkin Counly. three m iles from Farming* ton Methodist Church. C ost will be donations for the Nurture and Outreach ministries. “Everyone Is inviled lo com e out for good food, fellowship, and assist in thc effort for a stronger and more cffectiv c church and com m unity bonds." said Shirley G. Baity. - “Sounds of- W yo,‘‘ an -all-m ale ensemble from thc church, is lenta- lively planning to provide gospel m usic, and possibly include a sing- a*Iong.Thc Rev. Garry Foster Is pas­ tor. For morc inform ation, contact Gene W hitaker at 998-3195. A d v a n c e M e t h . H o m e c o m i n g S e p t . 1 7 Advancc Methodist Church will have homecoming on Sept. 17 with former pastor, Alec Alvofil, bringing the morning message. Dinner will be in the fellowship hall. Revival will be Sunday through 'niesday, Sept. 17-19. at 7 nightly. The speaker will be former member, the Rev. Tommy Lee Robertson. C h u r c h S p o n s o r s G r o u p F o r J o b l e s s Jerusalem Baptist Church is pro- Thc meetings will be from 8:30- viding a support group for those in 10 a.m. on Mondays. Ihc communily who have losi their For more information, call 284- jo b and arc looking for employment. 2328. C r a f t B r o t h e r s T o S i n g A t E lb a v il l e The Craft Brothers southern gos­ pel quartet will appear at Elbaville Uniled" M eihodisl Church in Ad- vancc at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10. The church is located at 2595 N.C. 801 S. H a r d i s o n P l a n s A f t e r - S c h o o l P r o g r a m H ardison U nited M ethod ist Church is beginning an after-school care program. For childrcn in grades kindergar- ten-fifth grade, activities will include daily devotions, sports, arts and crafts, gam es and more. The goal is to provide a fun, safe, learning environment, and to meet the needs o f the childrcn. For more Inform ation, call Andrea Wagner, director, at 7 5 1 -5630 or 751 • 1189. Harmon Masonic Lodge Breal<fast A ham and egg breakfast and yard sale will be held from 6-10 a.m. Sat­ urday at thc Harmon M asonic Lodge, o ff Courtney-Huntsville Road. Pino News Thc cost will be S5. Proceeds will go to Ihc M asonic children's home in Oxford. By N ora Latham Pino Correspondent WcslcyChapelwillstarthavingthc thinl Saturday breakfasts again on SepL Morgan Owens Is Finalist In Pre-Teen N.C. Morgan Owens, daughter o f Lynn andBcnO w cnsof Advance, was one o f six selected from 208 contes- lants to rcccive special acknowledgement Гог academic and { ath letic accom ­ plishments. The Pre-Teen N C isaby-lnvita- , lion-only compe- titio n . Voung women are invited to participate who have been publicly recognized for Ih iir Bcadem ic standing, pcrw nal •dileveiainu, volunteer service and leidcnMpabllilies.... " ... } . . . 16.6:30-10:00. Ham, sausage and all the trimmings. Hope to see you there. W illie and Nova Fleming returned to their home in Wichita Falls, Texas, after spending a month here visiting their friends, Bob and Louise Dill. Ervin and Peggy Angell o f Manteo visited her sister and brother-in-law, Nora and Harmon Latham, last week. Bob and Kathy Ellis and Dale Latham honored thclr parents, Harmon and Nora Latham, on their 58th wed­ ding anniversary. A small gathering of friends and neighbors joined them for icc crcam and cakc. m jDIRECTV. Single Systems *99“ C»U 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions *othar chargtt may apply A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e N o C ree k P rim itiv e B a p tis t C hurch, No C reek Church Road, Mocksville. Second & fourth Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m . Fourth Saturday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Pastor, Elder Eugene Bennett. Eagle H eights C hurch, 10:00 a.m . Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertlme, 7 p.m. Thursday Bible study. C asual dress, ccnlsm poraiy music and worship. 5 103 U .S, 158, Hillsdale, In former Village Candle factoiy. M ocksville W esleyan C hu rch: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9 :4 5 a .m . W orship, 11 a.m . W ednesday PrayerM eeting,7p.m . Rev. G eorge Troyer. 751-5595. Union C hapel United M ettiodlst C hurch: 2030 U .S. 601 N.. Wor­ ship. 9 :4 5 n.m .; Sunday School, 10:45. Pastor, Rev. Luther Grady Jr. C enterU nitedM ethodlstC hurch: U .S. 64 W . Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . W orship, 1 1. P asto r BIII W om baugh. 751-2754. Childcare diisctois; Carta Prevette, 492-5735 & Tam m y Barron, 284-4769. E lb a v ille U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch: Sunday School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Kids For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth lor Christ (ages 1 0 -1 2 ),1 st& 3rd S u n .,3-4:30 p.m. T een s for Christ m eet evety Sun. at Fulton UMC, 5-6:30 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study, W ed., 7 p.m. Disciple I Bible Sludy, Thurs., 7 p.m. Located in Advance. Paston Rev. Ja ck W allace. S t F ran cis o f A ssisi C atholic C hurch: Saturday Evening M ass, 5 p.m. Sunday M ass, 8 a.m ., Sun­ day Spanish M ass 12:30 p.m., W eekdaym ass,ga.m .e>iceplW ed. at 7 p.m., Bible Study 6 p.m. Father Andrew Draper, pastor. C o o le e m e e C h u rch o f G od;Sunday School, 9 :4 5 a.m . W oistiip Setvk:o, 10:45 a.m . Tues. Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. W ed. Fam ­ ily Training Hour, 7 p.m’. For'inlo about transpotlalion, call Brother Dale Breidinger at 284-2180. C o m a tz e r U nited M eth o d ist C hurch; Com atzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Rev. Harold Z m m em an , pastor. BethelU nltedM ethodlstC hurch: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m . Sunday School, 10:50 a.m . Dr. S.B . Warner, pastor. A d v a n ce U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch: Sunday Sch ool,9:45a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Youlh, 5 p.m. Rev. David ChiWers. Located in downtown Advance. Farm in gton U nited M ethod ist C hurch: Sunday School, 10 a.m . W orship, 11 a.m . 1939 Fannington R d. 9 9 8 -3 7 6 9 . R ev . D ian n e Marsden. O ak Q rov e U nited M eth od ist C hurch: 1994 U .S. 158, Mocksville. Sunday Sch ool,9:45 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m. C o n c o rd U n ited M e th o d ist Church,ChBnyHiltRd.,M ockffiille. Worship: 11 a.m . Sunday School: 10 a.m . Rev. Phillip Parks. H a rd iso n U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch: Worship, 9:45 a.m . Sun­ day School, 10:45 a.m . Wonderful W ednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. E p iscop al C hurch of th e G ood Shepherd,C hurch SI.,Cooieem ee. W orship; 9:30 a.m . Children's Sun­ day School: 10:45 a.m. Com m unity Baptist C hurch: Sun­ day School, 10 a.m . Sunday W or­ ship, 11 a.m . Evening service, 6 p.m. W ednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. H illsd a le U n ited M e th o d ist C hurch: Sunday Servtees, 10:30 a.m . Church for next generation: Jr. High, W ed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. S e ­ nior High, W ed., 7-8 pm . Supper/ Music, 6:30-7 p.m. Sm all group, Mon., W ed.. Thurs., & Sal. B asket­ ball, T ues., Smith Qrove Gym, 8- 9:30 p.m. W esley C hapel United M ethodist C hurch: W orship Sen/tee: 10 a.m . Sunday School; 10:45 a.m . Rev. Dianne M arsden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal P ow er o t P raise Min­ istry, Northwood Apartments 704, Sunday School: 10 a.m . Worship; 11 a.m . Sunday evening: 5. Tues­ day Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30-9 p.m. Friday Service: 7:30 p.m. P as- 'torV aleheM ayfieldPoag.704-636- 0409. Redland P en teco stal H olin ess C hurch: Sunday School; 10 a.m . Worship: 11 a.m . Evening: 6:30 p.m. W ednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Jo el Boyles. Holy C ro ss Lutheran C hurch, 1913 U .S. 601 S . Worship: 10:30 a.m . Sunday School; 9 :1 5 a.m . Paston Rev. Glynn Bell. 751-7256. W eb A d d ress; http;// www.mlndspring.conV'^iycross/ M ocksviile F irst P resb yterian C hurch, 261 S . Main St. Worship: 11 a.m . Church School; 9 :45 0.m. Su n d ay ev en in g ; C h o risters (grades 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6- 12), 5:30 p.m. Paston Neal Carter. (336)751-2507. M ocks United M ethodlstC hurch, N.C. 801 S ., Advance. Rev. Bruce Gviyn. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m . Sunday School; 10 a.m . Sm ith Q rove M ethodist C hurch: Prayer meeting, Saturday mom- ings, 9 a.m . H illsdale B ap tist C hurch; Sun­ day Worship, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m . Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 n.m. W ednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m . Children & youth activities & prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. AWemian, 910-940-6618. Faith and V ictory Fam ily W or­ sh ip C enter, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sen/tees, 10 a.m ., 7 p.m. W ednesday, 7 p.m. New B elievers P .P .C h u rch . Sun­ day School, 10 a m . Worship S er­ vice, 11 a.m . W ednesday nigtit Bible sludy, 5 p.m. Pastor Eliza­ beth Mock. A ssoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. W om en's Aux. i Brether- hood Bible Study, 1 st & 3rd Tliurs- day. L ib erty U n ited M e th o d ist C hu reh .U .S.601 S . W orshIp;9:45 a.m . Sunday School: 11 a.m . First United M ethodist C hurch o f M ocksville. Early Sunday W or­ ship Seivk», 8:50a.m . Praise sing­ ing, casual dress, contemporary fornial. Traditional servtee, 10:55 a.m .305N .M ainSt. 336-751-2503. B eliever's So n sh ip T ab ernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m ., 6:30 p.m. W ed. evening, 7 p.m. P astor Jerry L Couch, 998-3748. C ana R d -P o tte r 's Lane. Turrentlne B ap tist C hurch: Su n­ day School, 9:45 a.m .. Worship, 11 a.m .; Night Senrice, 6 p.m. P as­ to r Rev. Jo e Smith. B eth leh em U nited M ethod ist C hurch; Sunday early worship, 8 :45 a.m .; Sunday School, 10 a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . 321 Redland R d , A dvance.33e-998-50e3.Fax;940- 5502. E-Mail; bethum cO aol.com . Episcop al C hurch of th e A scen ­ sion , Fork-Bixby Rd., Sun. School, to a.m . Worship, 11 a.m . Rev. Edwin T Bailey. 284-4500. Dial A Story M inistry lo r chil­ dren. Bill and Peggy Long ol Ad­ vance. 998-7716. S erv ices a t th e O aks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T .R . Rtee. C lem ent Q rove C hurch o f G od, W ednesday prayer sen rk», 7 p.m. Saturday moming Sabbath School, 10 a.m . Q reen M eadow s B ap tist C hurch Sunday School, 9:45a.m . Worship,' 11 a.m ., 7 p.m. W odnosday Prayor ■ & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m . Pastor Rev.. M ichael W aters., 998-3022. Liberty W esleyan C hurch, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Harmony, Sunday. School 10 a.m .. Mom. W orship 11 a.m ., W ed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m., Sr. Minisl7 2nd T ues. each month 10 a.m . Call 492-2963. Bixby Prestiyterlan Church, 1806 Foik-BixbyRd.,noarCom at2erR d , Sun. School 9:45 a.m .. Worship 11 ’ a.m . Paston Rev. Carol Anne Ja ck -' son, 998-6813. Dulin United M eth. C hurch, 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksville, 998.6171,■ P astor; B ob M cLaw horn. Sun School 10:45 a.m .. Worship 9:45 a.m . Preschool/Parents' M om ing Out, B eth leh em U nited M eih od isl. Church. A ge 2 , T ues. & Thurs., 9 . a.m . - noon. A ges 3-4, Mon., T u e s.,' Thurs., 9 a.m . - noon. Readiness, Mon. -Thurs., 9 a,m . • noon. Call 998-6820 (or inlo. C oo leem ee U nited M ethodist,' KkJs Kamp every Sun. fr6:30. F o r' info call 951-0411. In H om e B ib le Stu d ies. oHered by. Randy Howell. Leam the tnjth about the rapture, olher subjects avail. Call 284-4667. B ear C reek BapL, B ear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 10 a m .. Worship 11 a.m .. Bible Study W ed. 7 p.m.. Team KMs W ed. 6:30 p.m.. C edi W etheitwit • Interim Pastor. C ooleem ee First BapL, 204 Mar­ ginal St., Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m „ Mom. Worship 11 a.m ., Eve. Wor­ ship 7 p.m ., Team Kids 6 p.m. grades 1-6, W ed. night 7 p.m. In­ terim Pastor Dr. W ayne Sterling. Have Your C hurch Included T o have your church Included in lhislisting,ortom akechanges,call 751-2120 or email us at: em ew sO davie-entetprise.com . Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 8 5 0 N. T ra d * S L W in sto n Salem, N C 2 7 1 0 2 336-723-1669 V O G L E R 2 8 4 9 iSlîddIa B ro o k Dr. C lem m o n s, N C 2 7 0 1 2 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7 6 8 2 Hwy 801 S . C o o le e m e « , N C 2 7 0 1 4 336-284-2551 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. «PM U CO M N nr 1 6 5 Tu rkey F o o t R o ad M o ck tv ille, NC 2 7 0 2 8 336-492-5565 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CAU 751-2120 FOR DETAILS Evelyn Haynes «Hci:(Uq791>)S3l Е ж а й DAVIELUMBER A LOGGING 8 7 2 M ain C h u rch R d. M o ck tv ille, NC 2 7 0 2 8 336-751-9Ш CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. U9Hwy.W 1 8, Suit* 1 Advanc«. N 027006336-940-2341SmUitdQ»aiit, Сиш Нот/фяпК tten Cni|A-C«wfttúto«MitMCCMia.VittPta. J. P. GREEN JWILUNG CO., INC. M a k ir i o f D A ISY FLO U R W e C u ito m B len d D ep o t S L , M o ck tv ille, NC 336-751-2128 E A T O N-FtJNBRtttieMB- A Tradition of Caring.... 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 FOSTER-RAUCH DRU64»MPAI 4 9 5 V allty R o ad M ocktville'; NC 2 7 0 2 8 336-751>2141 A c e ROHER HARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 15i> Advine«,NC2700e З З в - 9 9 В - 1 9 8 7 / ^ CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY i e 2 S h M k S tr M t M o e k tv lllt, NC 2 7 0 2 8 336-751-2167 GENTLE MACHINE «IDOL INC. 3 3 1 9 U S Hwy 1 5 8 M o e k tv lllt, NC 2 7 0 2 8 336-998-3350 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY 'J t r l c h o R o ad M o e k tv lll*, N 0 2 7 0 2 8 336-751-5148 "Osé' FULLER»±llsjir РгкШ оп U t t r C utting and M ttil Fabriutkm 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Ha y w o r t h-Mil l e r. Fu n e h a l H o m e. In c . KINDERTON chapel NOW OPEN .locited 00 Hwy Mi betweea Clinimooi A Advaace 336.940-33)3 Ш<940.1311 A t t e n d T b e C im r c h O f Y o u r C h o ic e O bituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - C7 Laura A. Park Laura A . P ark, 5 0 , o f Palm Harbour, Fla., died Thursday, Aug. 3 1,2 0 0 0 . She was bom in Cleveland. O hio and moved to Florida in 1988 from Silver Springs, Md. She was a fiber artist. She w as a m em ber o f St. Alfred Episcopal Church In Palm Harbour and Thc Quiltcrs Crossing, W indlasses o f Dunedin. , ! Survivors: her husband, Richard R Park; a sislcr, Linda A. Oglesby o f Durham; several nieces and neph­ ew s; and her true friend, Rosella Sm ith Inmann o f Palm Harbour. Visitation was Tlicsday, Scpl. 5. from IOa.m.-noon al St. Alfred Epis­ copal Church. A funeral scrvicc fol­ low at 1 p.m. conducted by Ihc Rev. R ich ard C . L in d sey, R ecto r. A gluvesidc scrvicc was at 2 p.m. at Chestnut Grove United M ethodist Church Cemetery in M ocksvillc on 'tl\ursday. Scpl. 7., conductcd by the K cv.Tim Starbuck. Cindy Lou McDonald ; Cindy Lou Flynn M cDonald, 40, died carly Friday al Forsyth Medl- Qil Center o f breast canccr. which she had battled for Ihc past 6 1/2 years. ! Mrs. McDonald was bom in For­ syth County on M arch 16. I960, to L. Sm ilh and thc late Anna Mary Atkins Flynn. She graduated in 1978 from East Forsyth High School and ih 1980 from Forsyth T echnical Communily College with associate (Icgrees in executive secrciaria) sci­ ence and business administration. She was employed for 14 years for Community Management Coq). as a word-processing secretary. She was preceded In death by a brother. Randy Sm ilh Flynn. ■ Sh cissurvivedb/hcrhusbandof 19 years. Alan Neilson McDonald, and 2 sons, Jcren\y Alan McDonald ojid Judson Sm ith M cDonald, all o f the home; her father and stepmother, l l Sm ith and Colene W hitten Flynn o f W inston-Salem ; 2 brothers, J. Michael and wife BIlAabeth R ynn o f Advance and Richard Allen "Dick** Flynn o f W inston-Salem ; a sister. Anna Colleen and husband Jim m y Mecum o f Walkertown; 3 stepsisters, Rosem ary Knight o f M ocksville, H olly H amplon o f Blizabethton, Ibnn. ond Andrea Knight o f W in­ ston-Salem; and nieces and nephews. She enjoyed working for John T. I^gan Jr. owner o f Community Man agemenl. M em orials: Am erican D iabetes Assoc, in honorof her brother, M ike. Funeral services were held al 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3 at Crews United M cthodisi C hurch by the R evs. W anda O gden and B rian Crudy. Burial followed in thc church cem ­ etery. Burton A. Hedrick Sr. Mr. Burton Aticc Hcdrick Sr., 82, o f Duke Wtiillalccr Road, Mocksvillc, died Monday аПспюоп Scpl. 4,2000, at his home after being in declining health. Funeral scrviccs wiil be at 11 o.m. Tliursday, Scpc 7, in Bear Creek Bap­ tist Church wilh Ihc Revs. C ecil W cthcthoilandLccChildiessornciat- ing. Burial will be in the church cem- eicry. - Memorials: Amciican Lung Asso- aalio n rH ^ y ctle-S trrW in su lem, 27101, or lo Ihe Kate Reynolds Hospice/Home, 101 Hospicc Lone, Winston-Salem 27103. ; Mr. Hedrick was bom in Wcvoco, V a.,D cc.27,19l7,tolh clateC len n ic B. andTressic М ж Smith Holrickand was retired from Gravely Tractorwith 40 years o f servlcc. He was a member o f Bear Creek Baptist Church. Mr. Hcdrick enjoyed fishing, gardening ^ camping and doing small tractor repair. ■ He was preceded in death by his w ife,Bcnyc Marie McE)onald Hedrick in June o f Ihls year; by a daughter Nancy G riffith; a brother, Jam es Hedrick, and 3 grandchildren. ; Sutviving;5daughtcts,Mts.Doney (yirginiaCarol) Sampson, Mrs. Alton "Pete" (Loretta) Smith, Mrs. Stella H edrick,'.M rs. C onnie IR Ichard) Hcdrick, all o f Mocksviile, Mrs. Bop (Brenda) Pauley o f Winston-Salem; 3 sons. Burton A . H edrick Jr. o f Wilmington, Otis Hedrick and wife lllnda, and U n y Hedrick and wife aada,aUofI№ cksvillc;21gnuidchU- 4n;Z 7gM -itandchU dR ii:abnidier, q ta rteH ed rick o f Winston-Salem. Hester Scott Hunter Mrs. Hester AnnlcLccScouHuntcr died Monday moming, Sept. 4 .2000, at her residence on 336 Wilkesboro St., Mocksvillc, following a short ill­ ness. She was a native o f puvic Counly, daughter o f the laic John and Clorena ScoU. Slw was rcttrcd from the Davie* County School System and a member o f Mainvillc A M E Zion Church. She Is su^ivcd by: her husband, W .R. Hunter o f thc home; 4 sons, 'IhomasR.Hunterand Kcnncth(Sonla) Hunter o f M ocksvillc, Jam es (Carol) Hunter o f W inslon-Salcm, and Keith Hunter o f Orlando, Fla.; 5 daughlcrs. A nnie (L eroy ) D enson, Phyllis (Cheslcr)Studevcnt. and Hazel Dillard, all o f Mocksvillc, Janice (Sherman) Sum m crsof Graham, and Linda Riggs o f Winston-Salem; a brother, W illie (Shirley) Scotl o f M ocksvillc: 2 sis­ ters, Vallic Lee Leach and Margaret Lyoi\sofWinslon*Salcm;4sisters-ii\- law. UhiIsc Scolt. Flossie Scoll, Mary LecScoitandAlbcrtaHunter. I7grand- childrcn; 4 great-grandchildren. M em orials: H ospicc o f Davie Counly, P.O. Dox 848, M ocLivillc, or Building FlindofM ainvillcAM EZion Church, 210 M ain Church Road. Funeral services will he Thursday, Sept. 7, at 3 p.m. in the chapel of Gniham Rjncral Hoinein Muckj>ville. The Rev. Robert Bailey, a.uisted by Pastor Neliye Barber, will olTiciaie, and burial will follow in Mainvillc AM EZionChurchCcmctery.The fam­ ily will rcccivc friends al 2 p.m., one hour before the scrvicc. Pauline Carter Shank M rs. Pauline Barnhardl Carter Shank, 69, o f Indian Hills RomI, Ad­ vance, died Tuesday, Sept. 5,2000, at her residence. .FunemLscrvicc-s. will he Friday al I0am .al Fi>rk BaptisKThuah with the Rev. Rusty Morrison oflicialing. Thc body will be placed in thc church 30 minutes prior tolhcservlcc.Burial will hi In the church cemetery. Ihe family will beat Eaton Funeral Home Thurs­ day evening from 6:30-8:30. Memorials: Building Fund o f Fork B aptist C hurch, c/o M r. M ike LiN'cngood.3140 U.S. M E , Mrs. Shank wasbom Sept. 26,1920 in Davlc Couniy to the late J.C . and . Bessie Hendrix Bamhanlt. She was retired from Davie Couniy Hospital, a' graduate ofShadyCrove High School clossofl938andagraduatcofForsyih Tcch as on LPN. She hod been a mem­ ber o f Fork Baptist Church all o f her life and was still activc as church sec­ retary. She had .18 years o f perfecl oltcndancc in Sunday School. She was active wilh theCAPS PrDgnunofDuvie Couniy. She was pa'ceded In death by her husband, Cloiencc Ray Cojicr, on Jan. 6, 1975; and by her sccond husband, Lloyd Dewitt Shank, on Feb. 1, 1997; a grandson, 4 sisters, and 2 brothers. Survivors: adaughter, UndaCaner (Gcoi;gc) Howard o f Mocksvillc; 3 sons: Leon (Joan) Carter, Kenneth (Jean) Carter, Paul E (Vickic) Carter, all o f Advance; 9 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren; and a sister, W ilma Smith o f Mocksvillc. Advcnisemcnt Free Hearing Tests Set For Anyone who has trouble hearing or undostanding wonts is welcome 10 have a free hearing test with modem electronic cqulpnunt. Even people now wearing a hearing aid or Ihosc who may have been told nothing could be done for Ihcm should have a hearing lest to find oul if they arc among the many a hearing aid will help. IIПЦ1У surprise you lo know that many pcopk: with hearing problems do nol need hearing aids. But they do need a hearing test as a first step in finding out exactly what the trouble Is. There's no charge for the lest and absolutely no obligatiiin. Thc free hearing tests will be given by Beltone Hearing Aid Specialists at Ihc Beltone Heoring Aid Scrvicc Center at 281 N. Main Slrect every Friday from ШОО am to 1:00 pm. Tb avoid waiting call 723-5253 for on appointment, for the free lest al our offlco or in the pri vacy o f your own home. Dallas MeWeir D allosM .W eir,82,W inslon-Sa. lem , died Friday, Scpl. 1, 2000, at Forsyth M edical Cenler. He was born M ay 20, 1918, In Forsylh Couniy lo G eorge A. and Irene Linville Wear. Mr. W elr was u member o f First Uniicd Church o f C hrist. He was u graduate u f R J . Reynolds High School and served with Ihc U .S. Army during World W ar II. He was retired from the pans department o f Frolic Cadillac Co. He was preceded in death by 3 brothers and a sislcr. Survivors: his w ife, Wilmoth L. W elr o f the home; a son. Mark W eir and w ife G ail o f M o ck sv illc; 2 daughters, Carolyn W. Beck o f W in­ ston-Salem and Martha W. W illiams and husband Jeep o f Pfafftow n; 4 grandchildren; a great-grandson; a sislcr, Marymena Flynt o f W inslon- Salcm ; and u number o f nieccs and nephews. A graveside service was con ­ ducted al 11 a.m . Monday, Scpl. 4 at Oaklawn Memorial Gardens hy Ihe Rev. Chrisla Warisc. Mem orials: First Uniicd Church o f C hrist. 1912, W aughtown Sl., W inston-Salem , 27107. Myrtle Myers Padgett M rs. M yrtle Myers Padgeii. 91, o f Advance, died Tliursday. Aug. 31, 2000, al Forsylh Medical Ccnier. She was bom Dec. 17. 1908. in Forsylh Couniy 10 W illiam Shem ian and Delia Hcgc Myers. M rs. Padgcu was preceded in death by her husband. Curtis Faw Padgett. Su rviving: u daughter, Becky Dadgcll o f Advance; a grandson; and 2 sislcn , Mabel M inor o f Advance and L u cille T in kler o f O kem os. M ich. ................................................. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m . Saturday, Scpl. I al Salem Cemetery with the Rev. G. Thomas Shellon officiating. Mem orials: Carolina At/-heimer’s Assoc., 3420 Shamrock Drive. Char- loiic, 28215. Holly Elaabelh Cable D -A ugust 22,2000 MOCKSVILLE , . ■' Adolphus C. Kurfies . 1917r2000 , MOCKSVILLE ■ ■; Addle C. RUcnliour,:' .!-.v .'i9 2 3 ..a » o - J : ; : .^ ■ -í,м o clísv Ilu '\ .‘ t912-2(M 0 •' I "r'.iM OCXSVlLLB Is.Sfw i.ro p p m g.C ffllift ,•! 1911-2000* I ’^ ^ '^ fM q atsv tL iE J.I. 1929 - 2000 ' STATiSVILlE U ' 'V [■: iVAnnie Lula Jmes 'S- — —it ^ MOCKSVILU f i; ' I- • V ''i- ’ Lillian Joj/ix Carter ■ i 19M 2000 t MOCXSVIUB ; V 'UrryJ Ware J h i 1956 - 2000 .:1 MOOMSVULE -f) J , -¡'.Dorothy McCkmrocki: 1906-2000 i: 1> M O C K Sm u ‘ I Ruby f rye Fisher )}. I V il r i'1 9 2 4 - 200a . -------------------- Puicnlt CmnixíM Fu n i:ral H o m e 6J3Wlkc!boniScircc Mocbvillo.NC (33«)7S1-I100 SELL IT FAST INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! The first 10 w ords are $5.00 - each additional w ord Is lO i. Yard S ale ad s m ust ba paid In advance. Deadline for classified ad s Is 10:30 am Tuesday. Bible Baptist Church Independent • Fundamental Pa$tor, Don Jones • ЗЗб-УбШЗ! ШттиЕЗ: Sund*y School - lOim Wof»hip8ervlct-1tifn SundiifNIflhi.epm WvdMltfiy 7:30pm __.Ckmmeni Civic C#nl*r. 2a70mddHbroo>iDf.»CHmmcni.NC The Davie County Enterprise-Record 171 South Main SI. ■ Mocksville > 336-751-2129 DAVIE FUIVERAL SERVICE LLC. •116 V.illLy Rd.. Mtxksvillc. NC 336-751-3111 "Our Гitmilff Sm’irtif Your ГатИу" m R иомьтомл п л т а iimic I'll’ 9^70 Carry (jift Items Monday - rriday 9;(X) - 5:30 CíiarÍL'ne 'Л. Cassitft/ andCiirUtine L 'Jfi'ßC ID S Associates Interior D esigns I'ull S crv icc D esign A ccc.ssorics W indow Trc.-itm cnts Bedding nnscmble.<; S ilk T r e e s * Plants F loo r C overings M ini Blinds 35r>0-C Clem m ons Kd. C lem m oas, NC (Nc.xt D oor lo L Ib ra rj ) (336) 766-9918 Cherished Teddies® j:; C o m e H o m e T o T h e C h e r i s h e d T e d d ie s * C o l l e c t i o n . .. Visit US during] Itomecominq Weekend on September 9 and 10. 2000 for some Tcry «.tciiing Ch«Hihe(fT<d(llc« «¡ventj, Including ' Ct retirement dnnouncement anU this special Limited Ediiion (i^jurinc! Beth’s Hallmar^^^^^ Tw« Cmltr, CkmntoB — 11 rtX) ШП to 1-Ü0 pm GKjGûCO 1Т395И ■Collectine Cherlihcd FrienUj Alone The Wdy* O u t l e t Thursday, Friday & Saturday September 7th, 8th & 9th Intersection 1-77 Exit 73-A and US 421 Rocky Branch Road Haniptonville, NC tDk " ÏWjlWf/Wid \m \ «UK, «1 " r YlJUli«« J S/Amoco Бпоп | 1 ■ UtM 1IalOutkt I I 1SuteifUk.;i HUGE W AREHOUSE SALE 3 DAYS ONLY L aura A shley & R evm an C om forters, . D ust Ruffles & Sham s K a ip h L a u r e n & W estp o in t S heet Sets Single Sheets A n y th in g , JUVENILE . print-D edding, cu rtain s, crib sets, etc. W ashcloths 12 For $1.99 C o tto n Backed Q uilts Fulls - $14.99 Q ueens - $16.99 2 sizes Towels All Sizes $3.50 lb. All D rapery & S heeting Fabric 20% Off S prings B edspreads, Fulls, Q u een s & K ings S elected B edspreads & C om forters $ 9 . 9 9 e a c h W oven T ablecloth & A fghans $ 4 . 9 9 e a c h WEDAREANYONETO BEATTHESE PRICES C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 M a c e d o n i a M o r a v i a n R e a c h i n g O u t Church Including Bone Marrow Typing In Sept 11 Drive The M acedonia Moravian Church Blooil Drive will also include the option o f being lypcd lo ihc Nalional Bone Marrow Registry. Th e bone m arrow typing and blood drive will be from 3 -7:30 p.m. on Monday, Scpl. II. The bone marrow drive is lo bcn- efii Carol Forrcsi. who works for the register o f deeds o f Davie County. •Three hundred forty-nine people w crc lypcd on a goal o f 300 during our previous bone marrow drive,” said Kevin Long, director o f the A m erican Red C ross fo r D avie jCounty. “There has been an over­ whelming response from ihe com ­ munity for another and M acedonia M oravian has agreed to host it." Each year, more than 30,000 chil­ dren and adults In the United States ure diagnosed wilh fatal blood dis­ eases, such as leukemia and aplastic anemia, For many o f these patients, a bone marrow transplant Is ihe only cure. W hile nearly 30 percent o f the patients needing a bone marrow transplant find a m atched donor within their family, the olher 70 per­ cent must search for an unrelated volunteer marrow donor. The National Marrow donor Pro­ gram Registry boasts 4 million vol­ unteers, although the chance lhat a patient will find a matching unrelated donor is between one in 100 and one in 1 m illion. Ordinarily, a volunleer must poy S85 to go through the typ­ ing process; however, anyone wish­ ing to participate In the bone mar­ row drive at M acedonia will be typed O l no chargc. The American Red Cross will be using a new blood collection bag thal also draws blood samples for bone marrow typing purposes. Anyone wishing to participate In both the blood drive and ihe bone niarrow drive may do so In one convenlenl step. "L ast year, 9,000 people in the United States died while waiting for a bone marrow match,*' said Ginger Marion, American Red Cross bone marrow consultant. "E very 6 0 min­ utes, a life is lost becausc a donor cannot be found." At any given time, the National Donor M arrow Program Registry Is being searched on beholf o f morc than 2,000 patients. Finding an un­ related donor motch varies widely depending on the rarity o f the patient’s marrow lype. Bccausc marrow lypes are Inher­ ited In the same way as skin, hair and eye color, and the best chancc o f finding a matching donor Is In some- one who shares the same racial back­ ground as the patient. The need for minority volunteers Is particulorly great since m inorllies make up 20 percent o f the more than 4 million people on ihc registry. If a volunteer donor matches any o f the patienUi searching the regis­ try, he or she must first agree to be­ com e a donor, the marrow is then collcclcd from the donor's posterior hipbone in a sim ple outpatient sur­ gical procedure. The donor may ex­ perience a dull ache in ihe lower back for about a week ofier the procédure, but the donor will be back to his or her everyday routine within a few days following it. Within two weeks, the donor's body naturally replen­ ishes the donated marrow. For morc informalion on ihe bone marrow drive, cull the American Red Cross Bone M am iw Dept, nt 1-800* 228-1496 during weekdays. Cousins Continue Tradition With New Gift Shop A nother shop has jo in ed the growing number o f specially busi­ nesses finding the Square and Main Slrcet In M ocksville the place to be. BizzyBeez, aglfi shop which will offer gifts for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, holidays and other special occasion s, has opened In ihe building which until rcccnlly was occupied by Sweel Lov­ ers Haven. The owners hope it will complement the Main Street busi­ nesses and will entice morc people to do their shopping in M ocksvillc. BuzyBcez will have a bridal reg­ istry, will make gift baskets to fit the purchaser’s needs, and will mono­ gram and engrave. They will carry a number o f name brand gifts such as C rab tree and E v ely n , V irginia Mctalcrafl and Arthur Court Design. D ahlgren E tch iso n , w ho has owned and operated D ahl's H all­ mark, Betw een Friends Hallmark, and Between Friends G Ifi Shops in Gam er and Siler City for 20 years, and her cousin, Frances West Tui- terow , w ill ow n and operate BuzyBcez. They will be assisted by Izzy Tülierow M cGuire. Other fam­ ily members helping arc: Margaret Godwin, daughter o f Faye Cain Rich. who owns Margarct Godwin Designs in Greensboro; Larry and Jason Tut- terow . W aller E tch ison , Tom m y Updcgrafi“ and Alex M cGuirc. •These d escen d ants o f the Etchison and Cain fam ilies o f Cana join n long line o f family members who have owned businesses In Davic Couniy. T h eir grand fath er, Jo h n W. Etchison. built and operated the first •roller mill in Davie County in the lale 1800s. he operated it with steam power along with the Etchison Lum­ ber Business in Cana. T he Eichison lumber and sawmill was operated for the next 80 years by John etchison and hy Frances’ grandfather, EvercW Frost Eichison. Dahlgren’s and Frances’ great- grandfalhcr, Jam es Harrison Cain, build and operated the Cain General Storc and the Cana Post O ffice for many years. Dahlgren, the daughter o f W aller E tch iso n o f C ana and the late Dahlgren Cam pbell Etchison, and Frances, the daughter o f Roland and Belly Etchison West o f Pino, arc fol­ lowing In the footsteps o f their an­ cestors as they open a business In Davie Couniy. Lessie York Earns Certificate From Cambridge University In a ccrcm ony Aug. 7 al the Lan­ guage School o f the Autonomous U niversity o f B a ja C a lifo rn ia , M exicali, Baja California, M exico. Professor Lessie Evona York and 12 other teach ers o f the Language S ch o o l, tcceiv e d C am brid ge University’s certificate for overseas teachers o f English. Representing Cambridge University and the Brit­ ish Consulate in M exico was Sim on H arris, B ritish representative In M cxico. Becausc o f the constant, close re­ lationship mainiained between Cam­ bridge and the Autonomous Univer- C hance A lexander H endrix cel­ ebrated his first birthday on Au­ gust 17, 2000, w ith two birthday parties. O ne at Bixby Presbyte­ rian C hurch w ith his church fam ­ ily, and one at hom e w ith his fam ­ ily and neighborhood friends. H e Is the son o f Susan H endrix. Ht< granrfpnggntftflgg/^hnm -anH - Jo y ce H endrix, and his godpar­ en ts a re G eorg e and B a rb a ra W aldrop. C hance had a w onder- M first year and Is a blessing to all w ho know him . T hanks be to G od. Í sity o f B a ja CaUform a, there are som eiim es special courses In which teachers from Cambridge com e to the U A B C 's M exicali cam pus to give classes to the teachers o f the language school. The coursc leading lo the certificate Is one o f these. York is a graduate o f M ocksville High School, and remembers with affection the teachers who were in­ fluential in giving the strong educa­ tional foundation she uses daily in her work. A s well, she ascribes part o f her success in teaching English as 0 second language to the thorough C attlem enT o M eet A t Center The Davie Couniy Cattlemen As­ socialion w ill have a m eeling on Tuesday, Sept. 12. at the Center com­ m unity B u ild in g at 6 :3 0 p.m . The educational program will deal with feeder ca lf sales, cattlc feed supplements and basic herd health. M erial Animal Health will be on hand to discuss deworming and cattle vaccinations. There will be a sponsored meal, so reservations arc requested. Call the Davie Cooperative Extension Ser­ vice office at 751-6297 before Fri­ day, Sept. 8. $ K.T.’s Beach J < Bingo ^ 5 3 5 0 Railroad S t., M ocltsville, J -5------------751-9903------------J - f • OPENTIMVSAWEn K f • IWfiOTPMUNTH. r 1 • S6MKS0IIAUIID f 4 •MVTMEMMO, ^ Á « M .1 № 3 0 *M iiiiU I á groumling in phonics she rcccivcd Jam es R. York, « h o laughl for many from her mother. years in Ihc Davic Couniy School York is Ihc daughter o f Lessie syslciii. “I Ihinic daddy would be York o f Davie Couniy. and the late pleased," she said. AFFORDABLE CARE in a residential setting D a v ie PLA C lp' RESIDENTIAL CARE jL L é A Refreshing Alternative for Older Adults tx|)ect tii& b eA l «V -^-1 Admimstrator Call 336-751-2175, For More Information ._NKt to Dane Count)’ Hospital • 337 Hospital Strwt • Mix;ks\ill(r\ D r . T o m R a t t o n • D entures • Extractions • M e d ic a id and Insurance 401 W . Center Street & W illiam s Street Lexington; N .G . (336)248-2110 , ( 3 3 6 ) ^ ^ ^ 9 G E T T H I S T H R O U G H V O U R H E A D . Àartlng^rtobér 2, m're'changing all our phone nuinben; ^ (704) 210-5000 will be our new main numbei Pleose coll it to leodi any depattment, office or patient room In the medical center. Until October 2, pleaie continue to call the some numbers you've always used to reach us. »12 Meditville Aw. • Soliibeiy/NC 2IIM • (704) 3104000 Rc w a n Re g d n a l Medical CE^ЯER - Vur Soufte Ibrlbti) HoOthaii. www.rowan.org D a v ie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 ■ D1 C oolecm ee Elem entary The citi/.cnslup charactcr trait for this monih is inidalive, the dcsirc and will ioiryonyourow n. The follow­ ing students have doinonslrnlcd this irait and were celebrated Friday, Aui*. 25 at llie citizenship luncheon: Jennifer West, M aggie Barnycastle,' Ashley Hurchess, Jam es Osborne, C and ace M ayfield , Step h an ie V elotla, A den B en iles. M elanie Dninnock, Laurcn Robbins, Slcphon Sm ool. Miranda Whitaker, W illiam Gibson. R ebccca Clcndcnin, Brandy M oeller, Sierra Ferrell, Kacy Yount. R eb ccca W est, Jonalhan Ijam es, Brcanna Snowden, Joey Ijam es. Jes- s ita W ilson. C olby Taylor. Tony D ia/, Je ssic a B o b b itt, D illan U v en g o o d , K ay la S e lf. Anna Sm ycrs, T yler H am . K elly Loy, M ichelle Hamilton. Darrel Boger. Travis Powers. Kathy Kiger. Jessica Stephens, J. R. Paris, John Briscoe. Brittany Dykes. Justin Bell. Marcus G adson, Debra Clendenin, Joseph Taylor. Z ac Shoem aker. M ichael W elch , T iffan y C o rrell. A sh ley A bsher, Tatum C rew s, G regory DcVault. Jay Waugh. Christopher Durham . Tyler M iller, and Drew SpUlmun. - Tliefiflhgradesludem sofTam m y Е »1с, Karen Fleming. Lou Suiphin. and Susie Wilcox are making a geo­ graphic terms b(x>klet. Mary Absher is a new student in Lou Sutphin's class. frott\ Central Davie. Students in Susie W ilcox's and Karcn Fleming's classes visiied Hori­ zons for two programs: Carnivorous PlanLs and Brain Busicrs. They know whetlwr they are left-brained or right* braihed. ‘ .................... Tammy Ilvsic's fifth graders arc starting a unit on the imerdepcndcncc o f plants and animals. They will be nuking terrariums and discussing owl pellets. You can als4> visit the cla.ss web site at: hitp7/www.expage.com/ essic. The studcnl.s will update tlie silc weekly. Visit often for news and a weekly quiz question. Tbe firM grade students o f Dawn Uudw ick have l>xn teaming ttuny new lelterb and stmnds in phonics.They arc beginning lo leam addition, 'hiey learned lhat cach person is a unique Individual with something special about each one. They made fact sheets about theiwsclvcsandhavethcsc hang* ing fnmi tlic ceiling. Mrs. Cu.slcr’s class finished a unit on All АЫч>1 Me, and thclr u-ork was displa)cd for open house. They are w o r k in g hard on Ih e ir A BCs. num­ bers. colors and com m on signs. Jonalhan Ijanics was Student o f ihe Month. M n. Drcssler’s.Mrs. Lowery's, Mis. Shouse's, and M s. Brown's sccond graders arc reviewing addition math facts, telling tin\c, making patlcms, and learning fractions. They arc study* ing plants and animals in science, as well as neighborhoods in social stud­ ies. Shady G rove sTIie yearly fund-raiser kicked off oii Aug. 30. The PTA Is selling wrap­ ping paper and gifts. This seems to be the most popular among the parcnts and students. Parents will have two weeks to sell the Ilems before turning - i n tlieii uidei ruim suirSepir lOr T lK r qiulily o f ihesc products is wonderful. CMIdren arc not to do any door-to- door selling. ■ ; On Ocl. 28, the PTA will hold a fall festival for Ihc childrcn and anyone else who would like lo attend, filled with carnival rides, games, horse- drawn wagon rides, clowns, prizes and tons o f food. Booths arc available for anyone who wanls to sell anything. The cosl is $50 for the space, and ihe vendor keeps all o f the profit from iheir sales. Call the schix>l und get the num­ ber for more infomialion. Tlie PT A is selling water boltlcs and bumper slickers, available in the ofllcc. On each Monday evening ihe IH'A will hosl.Venezia's Night. Don't forget lo link or rc-link your Harris Teeter V IC Caril to Shady Grove. The number is 1701. On Tuesday, Sept. 5. sludenis par­ ticipated In the W alk toCurc Diabetes during PB. T l« y will be taking dona­ tions for the Juvenile Diabetes Foun­ dation. Mrs. Ohr’scla.ss read the story T h e Three Liulc Javcllnas" and compared it to (wo other stories they had read. They have completed their unit on sublroction and regrouping. . Mrs. Mlnor’scla.ss has made shirts. "I Can" mini-books, and "M e" lubs Ihis week. They also completed a math book and created their own version of "T o Town." Citizens o f the week arc Alyssa Mossman. Joe Sink, Jeffrey Phillips, Leah Gryder.Su/anne Phillips, Kaitlyn Smilh. Mason Lesser, Max Nard, Alex Eynon, Rebccca Lard, Nicole Cniwc. Alex Keiser. M ichcllc Lucas, Costner Mcrrifield. M ichelle Phillips, Nicole Casey, Kaycec Dixon, Evan Cri^'O, Kaitlyn Jones, Dallon Vogler, Jacob Robertson, and Jessica Boger. N orth Davie M iddle Stnrs TheStars primetime scrvice project for August has been the collection of laundiydcicrgenlanddishwashingliq- uid for the Storehouse for Jesus. Sludcnls havebecn participating in Utting acquaimctl activities and self- concepl building as we start ihls new year. In Renae Ridenhour’s classes, slu­ dcnls have been learning about the e^ ly exploration o f America. They have studied A n ^ c a 's earliest set­ tlers. tlw Native* Americans. Studenis com plcled som e creative Native American art projccis, which are on display in Mrs. Ridenhour’s nwrn. D onTabal'ssclenccclassesaa'par- tklpatlng In the nationally known G LO BE projcct. Sludcnls do weekly water testing in local pondsand suuams. Students arc also studying plale tec­ tonics. and the way the land and water around us arc constantly changing. Ronda Ely'scla&ses are completing ashort story unit. Sludcnls are learning the elements o f a slory, as well as Identifying and using literary lerms. They arc also wriiing about lilcraiure Ihrough the analysis o f character and plot. Students are encouraged to con­ tinue reading their A R books and lo participate in a school-wide rcading program, "2001 : A Reading Odyssey." Chris Callison's classcs have com­ plcled a chapter on the basic keys of pre-algebra. Tbey covered such skills asorderofoperalion,distributive prt)p- erties, problem solving, variables and expressions, and equation solving. They arc learning aboul integers and Ihc coordinate plane. They will be working with integers for the next couple o f weeks. During these first few weeks Mr. Callison's algebra classes have been Introduced lo variables in problems, order o f operations, word probloms. C u t e C h a r a c t e r s Emily Evans and IVIichael Lee are There wee a lot of Marys with little iambs at Pinebrook Elementary School '^e cow ready to jump over Friday as klndorgartners dressed as their favorite storybook characters. Pic- moon, tured above, from left, Jordan Ruble, Amber Whisenhunt and Sherrill Gamble. Ann Foster has a chat with her son, Jennifer Rothberg as “The Old Kim Ellis helps her own “Little Boy Blue," Samuel. Woman In The Shoe," . Matthew.- Photos by Robin Fergusson Crosby Scholars Program Gets $1,000 From Wal-Mart and number lines and their absolute values. They arc now adding and sub- iracling negative and positive vari­ ables. Thanks 10 all parcnts who have volunteered to help the team this year. Thanks to all who sent in itenu for a "wish list." The team Is slill ih need of can drink5,smallchocolaiecandy bars, and hard candy^ M ocksville W al-M art presented the D avic C ouniy Crosby Scholars program with a $ 1,000 grant, raised with the help o f W al-M art associ­ ates and D avic residents as part ЪГ the store’s com m unity m aiching grant program . . ‘'O ur associates w erc thrilled to partner with the Crosby Scholars lo raise funds for a w orth­ w hile cau sc," said U m Stew art, store manager. ‘T h e m oney will be ulilized for program s In I the local com m uniiy ond w c arc glad to support this organization. This is ju st a sm all part o f WaN M art's ongoing com m itm ent to the com m un!- lies in which we operate." The D avie Couniy C rosby Scholars Program plans to utilize the funds in helping to m aintain its goals o f encouraging, recognizing and sup* Mocksville Wal-Mart Manager Tim Stewart (left) presents $1,000 check to inrnlirs. Crosby Scholars,directpr Alan Hyland. ing a placc at som e form o f ongoing education munlty scrvicc and im plcm cnling a drug-free after m eeting the current requirem ents for state lifestyle. Continued O n Page D 2 high school graduation, being involved in com - Davie County Crosby Scholars D iicctor Alan H yland accepted the ch cck on b eh alf o f the sch o lars and shared the latest new s on the program ’s progress. "Jam es Stew arl, one o f our scholars, played in the 2 0 0 0 C rosby and designated for us to re­ cciv e the $ 5 ,0 0 0 he earned for a day's low est score. Th e form w hich is sent to all winning players now includes an option to designate p eeifieally-io -D av ieV G rosb y-Sch olo gram . ‘T h is should prompt w inners to consider us for a portion o f their designation. Already, ice hockcy professional Stan M ikita has chosen us to receive $ 2,200. A further $60 0 has 1кеп given by Crosby Com m unity C hoice m ini-toum am ent players Larry B rid g es, B ill M oore and Jim O 'T oothe. , . “For a program that tries to focus its efforts on recognizing student achievem ent, it is good to be recognizcd, also,” H yland said. Community College Offering Internet, Nursing Assistant, Windows Classes jT h e Davie Ciimpus o f Davidson County Community C ollegc will of- fer'the following continuing educa- )i6ii classcs beginning the week o f Sept. 4 . ‘•s'' \ U sing T h e In lem et ; :VPaniclpanls will iearn Ihe history :anii potential o f the Internet as well Vi;,navigation aiid com municotion isWjls. Students will be taught e-mail, :E;tplorer, newsgroups, gopher, FTP, ;IRC and-ielnot. Each student will s l>»ie Indlyidual term lnaraccess to |the Iiiie'rneiW the duration o f Ihc class. Students will need a 3 1/2" high-dcnsity disk. Approved for D avie C oun ty S ch o o l F acu lty. Course 0001620. F, 9-tl a.m. Sept. S-Oct. 6, Davie Campus, $50. 10 hours, Instruclor; Peggy Croiberg. Lab Fee: $5.TRCs; 1.0 . N ursing A ssistant 1 Ntirsihg Assistant training is an extensive cbursc, which includes In­ struction In both classroom theory and supervised clinical experience. Upon successful com pletion o f this cbursc and skills/compelcncy cvalu- - ation, the graduale will be eligible to apply for listing as a Nurse Aide 1 by Ihe Division o f Facility Services. Conviction o f certain crim es under the law may prevent students from obtaining.clinical training and /or employment. Pre-requisite: Success-' ful com pletion o f Introduction to ' Nursing Assistant or proof o f current or previous college course work. Conlact Rose M cDaniel for pre-ap­ proval. Course 0001891. Sept. 6- Dec,ia. 136 hours. 'M.T.W, 6-9p,ni. Texibooki Approx. $60, LlabHi^n- surance; $9.25.Sal, 7a,m:-2p.m, (7 days}. Instructor: Staff. Name tog tS CPR card: $3.56. Davie Campus, area hospitals & nursing center, $65 W indow s; Introduction Studeiits leam to load software, manipulate the mouse and desktop, manage Tiles, work in multiple win­ dows, and switch from program to ’ program^ Copy, moVe,‘ dclclerand other functions will be explained. Th is coursc m ay be taught using Windows N T computers. Students will need a 3 1/2” high-dciisuy disk. I^ -re^ uisite Basic Computer Skills or equivalent experience. Cuune 000Ы65. T, 9a.m.-12noon. Sept. J- Oct. 17. Davie Campus, $55. 21 hours. Instructor: \blerie Slogick. Textbook; Approx. $25. Lab Fee; $5 TRCs: 2.0. Cpurse 0001466. T, 6-8p.m. Sept. 5-NoK 7. Davie Cam­ pus, $55. 20 hours. Instructor: Valerie Slogick. Textbook: Approx.. $25. Lab Fee; $5. TRCs; 2.0. . FlrilAldFor ChUdJCjreProvideri , This cpurse is designed to prepare ' child care providers to perform ba­ sic first aid lineastires fb i children in em ergency :.liuuiiuns including choking, seizures, bum s, bleeding',' poisoning, and bone and join t inju- / ries. Signs and sy mptoms o f child abuse will be prcsentol as well as the' legal requirements for reporting sus- ' pectedcases, Course0001665.Sai:, r 9 a.m.-l p.m. Sept. 9. Davie Com- pus, $25. 4 hours. Instructor: Staff.', DCCC offers comprehensive edii^‘V cational opportuniUes for all a d itl^ ^ . . in the conimuiiity. Foi; n ^ J n f t i - / '; ’ matioii about progratns oir d jon S ’ ^ contact DCCC DavieCam pujii” ' ; "336l7jil-2885 - ^ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 t Davie Schools C ontinued From Page D l A ndd irip will be held Oct. 20 to Stone Mountain State Pork, $3. bag lunch. Visit us al www.ndnis.kl2.nc.us, go to Academic (icanis), (when page comes up double click on STA R S) then click on the star. M ocksville Elem entary ’ Students o f Ihc W eek o f Aug. 28- Scpl. l:Hebcrt Cuellar,ShannonShort. Qruok Neely, David Hursey, Ana Bur* ton, Tichina M orrison, Elizabeth Santis, Katcra Cockcrham, Vanessa Cuellar, Joel Shuler, Joseph Marcela, .Ashton Swicegood. Catherine Brake, T>lerPaulette. Kimberly Booe, Laurcn iBailey, Erica Simmons. Annq Smith, Jessi Felts, Jordan Jam es, Kayla B ayn es. R achcl Sim pson, A lan Underwood, Katie Newberry, Noel Holland, and Ben Boger. Students o f the W eek o f Aug. 21- 25: Gerald M cCall, Savannah Taylor, Joel Cartner, Cassie Muinford, Tyler Luckey, Elizabeth Santis, Clay Cave, Erica Peebles, Ashley Cook, Philip Freeman, Brandon Toney. Kelcey Sykes, Ben Brock, M ichael Lanning, Adam M cKnight. Daniel M cBridc, A llison Cam pbell, Laurcn M ock, Zachajy Prevette, M ichael Damanski. Luke Hatley. Michael Smith,and Alex \Vilson. . Students forthe M onthofSeptem - her: Rachel Williams. Jashua Hicks. Ben Douglas, Cassandra Mumfonl. Priyanka Barad, Tichina Morrison, Bailey Douglas. McKenzie Marshall, LaceyTrivette.Jawaugn Arnold, Kellie Eizenga, Tevin Gaither, Kolby Hurt, Haley Davies, Kendell Lambert, Sum­ mer Holland, Brandon Hill, Clifton Garm on. Satonia G ray, Rebecca Hendrix. Alan Shrewsbury, Rachel Sim pson, M eghan C ollins, Caleb Creason, Magan Doss, and Jonalhan Shoaf. C ornatzer Elem entary Students, parents, facuiiy, aiid the communily werc able to sec the facil­ ity when they atiende^ an open house for students before school started. Hov.cvcr,manyoihcrshavcexprcssed an interest in visiting. Therefore, cv* eiyune is invited to attend the dedica­ tion ceremony Sunday, Sept. 10,2-4 p.m. The advisory council made a pre­ sentation to the Board o f Education TuesJay. Sept. 5, bringing them up to date on the opening o f the new school, and thanking them for their support. Advisory Council members includc: Kimbcriy Johnson, Stanley Randall, ^ 'Ifa Romero, David and Janet Tay- Ibr, and W ill Junker, chairman. » Volunteers helped to get the new school ready. Tcachcrs and students ¡^prcciateall the hours parents, grand­ parents, and communily volunteers haveossistcd in numerous projects from rátalogihgnewlibrary books to mount­ ing new pencil sharpeners, r Debbie Archer, Judi Davis, and many volunteers have worked hard lo get everything ready for sludents to use and enjoy in the media center. Sjudcnts have learned the proper way to take care o f books and other media nuterials. Two o f the most popular r ^ in g areas in the media center are tlw Reading Racer and ihe Reading Rowboat. Mrs. Archer announced thal the fírst Book Fair will arrive on Sept. 28. : Grondporents'WcekisScpt. 11-15. Invitations lo lunch have been sent home. Kindergarten grandparents will cOme Monday, Sept. 11. First grade grandparents w illcom el uesOay, Sept. 12. Wednesday. Sepl. 13 will be the s ^ i a l day for second grade grandpar­ ents. The third graders will celebrate Grandparents Day on Thursday, Sepl. 14. The festivities will conclude on Friday, Sept. 15, with grandparents of both fourth and fifth graders attending. - Everyone is invited lothc first РГА nieeiing in the gym Tuesday evening, •Sept. 12, at 7. • Cougars o f the W eek: Jennifer. A llen , D ennis A rguela, Adam Barnhardt, Bethany Bradshaw, Jose I^iaz, Quwanna Doby, Jcssc Hilton, Ш Л Johnson, Rense Joldersma, Bran- фг> Jones, Madison Junker, Jacob l|arrikcr. Austin McClahnon, Adam M iller.TonyM ycrs, Adam Ridenhour, Bianey Rogel.Marlcn Roman-Munoz, Jasmine Sales, Kelly SolovuofT, and Andrew Willard. Kindergarten Parent Nighl is sched­ uled for Tuesday, Sept. 12, ol 6. PTA will follow at 7. Liane Uliano-Smith's kindergarten class' assistant, Gracc Hilton, has been named Teacher Assislant o f the Year. She will represent the school in the local compciition. Students were busy last week learning about ihc letter " P and exploring a unit on Teddy Bears. They made bear biographies at home wilh their families and made "W here is Teddy?" books. Joanna Hairc and Debbie Allison's kindergarten class are learning the im­ portance o f numbers and Icliers and all ' ihclhingsyoucandow ithihem .They spent August reading books by a spe­ cial author, P.K. Hallinan. He has writ­ ten many books about being friends. Last week, students learned about bears. They learned aboul the kinds of bears, wherc they live, what they eat. and what they do. They have graphed gommy bears, sorted their favorite bears, and even named them. This exciting week ended with a Teddy Bear Picnic shared by Mrs. Uliano- Sm llh and M s. Tribble's classes. Tbe students in Mrs. Balsley and Mrs. Giles' sccond grade classroom have been learning aboul Australia for the last two weeks by reading the books, "M cBunglc Down Under," "The One in the Middle is a Green Kangaroo," and "Alexander and the Terrible, Hor­ rible, No-Good. Very Bad Day." Sino: the Olympics arc in Sydney. Australia, students held their own minl Olym- picsbyparticipalinginsixevenis.'nKy received medals for their efforts, and enjoycdlcamingabouicoopcralionond good sportsmanship. Ellen McDaniel’s sccond gradéis Just ilnished a unit aboul the pond ‘ habitat. Thclr rüaln focus was frogs and their life cycle. As рал o f their plant study, students grew sunHowcrs in the windows. ' lnmath,studcntsarc)caroingaboul ordinal position, graphing, and adding numbers. Cougars o f the W eek were K elsey Broadw ay and Bethany Bradshaw. "Brand New" best describes the fourth and fífth grades in ShcliaG fcirs class. In social studies, bolh groups are working on map skills studying hemi­ spheres, longitude, latitude, continents, and oceans. They made painted and labeled globes. The class mode ils flnt visit to the media centcr to sec the new books. They have begun reading logs and hope lo soon begin Accelerated Reading Tests. Malh Superstars and Math Essentials will be part o f this year's malh classcs. The fourth graders weni on Iheir first Held trip Friday lo the Picdmonl Environmental Ccnlcr when! they explored a walking map of Nonh Carolina and a nature trail high­ lighting plant and animals o f the state. Dates to remem ber Sunday, Sept. 10, 2 4 dedication ceremony; Tues­ day, Sepl. 12 ,6. Kindergarten Parents' Nlghl followed by the 7 PTA meeling; Monday, Sept. 18, McDonald’s Night; Wednesday, Sepl. 20, early release day; Friday, Sept. 22, Cougars o f ihe Month Luncheon;Thursday, Sept. 28, Book Fair arrives. South Davie M iddle New teachers this yean Tammy Irwin, speech; Cathy Riddle, EC assis­ tant; ОШ ссг Brian Jacobs, resource ofilcer, Loretta Tucker, EC tcacher. Holly Gosncll, Alex Gnibb, Reuben Ijames, Brandi Knight, Gene Melton, Carm en Paniagua, Leah Stewart, Conche Varona, and Terrell Wilson. The 2000-2001 Beta Club officers: Alyson W alker, president; Bailey M ans, vice president; Bekah Peeler, secretary; and Kourtney Hanrahan, treasurer. W illiam R . Davie Elem entary On Wednesday, Aug. 23, the scc­ ond grade classcs o f Traci Wyatt, Pam Renegar, A lycc Bagshaw, Brenda Glasscock, and Tam l Langdon trav­ eled 10 Horizons Unlimited to leam about bacteria and vlmses. They then visited the body systems cenicr. Stu­ dents also teamed about Hsh and sea animals. Branda Hernandez and Tan­ ner Bledsoe were lumed inlo fish dur­ ing the program, but luckily were turned back before they left. Th e Glasses had a picnic lunch at Rich Park before reluming to school. Kindergarten classes o f Lauren Appleton, Donna Anderson, Linda Drye, Peggy Evans. AngelaSpillman. and Mcloncy Jones have been study­ ing the letter Hh this week. They have made hats, houses, and hclicopicrbun- nies. They also made "hairy" Hs. They have already studied the letters LI, Oo, and G g.They have grown grass, made octopus hoi dogs, and studied lady- bugs. Students are learning their sounds,graphing.andpatlcming.They have^ad "Opposite Day," "Green Day," and “Hat Day." Pam Rcncgar’s class won perfect attendance award for August. August Cilizensofthe Week: Daniel Benitez, Kendal Tifft, Payton Kelly, Brooke Ball, Logan Hendricks, Jo ­ seph D avis, M adison W hitlock. Auslian Doby, Megan Beck, Aubrey Apperson, H aley Caudle. C arios Moreno-Luno, Ke'Aira Smith, Josh Potts, Emily Davis, Tyler Lee, David Myers, Dwayne Parks, Sissy Barkley. Gabricla Arcos, Alyson Jordan, Kasey Ireland. Halie Cartner, Josh Hutchins, Clark Tam m cn, Azarcly Benitez, Forrest Booe, Ashley Quelin, Jeremy Davis and Sarah Daywali. AugusiBus/CarRidcrsoflheWcck: Johathan Chaffin, Briana Guevara, Brittney Cranfill, Logan Hendricks, Evan Cave, Payton Kelly, Brillnie Conner, Lucero Casiano, Brandon G am m ons, E m ily D avis, Sissy B arkley, Luke N aylor, D uslin Rallcdgc, Emily Whitaker, Krystal Beam , Ashley Hutchins. Amber Car- ripn.NancyZlKng, Jusl|nKcaton, Eias Mojica, Ciaig Draughn, VasillkaMillo, Josh H utchins, Ethan C urtis, Sy Easling, Chelsea Monesa, W esley Andaiy, Arli n Carbajal, Casey Keaton, and Fontjsl Booe. C entral D avie Education C en ter Th e prc-kindcrgaricn class stu­ dent o f the week o f Aug. 28-Sepl. 1 was W ill Driscoll, and student o f the month was Collie Vega. The class recently went to Corrigan Farm s when: they picked apples from the tree and look a hayride. The class plans on using the apples to make snacks. They will moke their own applesauce and apple tarts. They had a picnic lunch. The Head Start I class is in a new building. Four sludents had perfcct attendance for A ugust • V ianey A larcon (student o f the m onth), Jonoihon Sm oot, Dimetri Strother and Bailey Wilson. The Hcod Start 11 class has been talking about safety. An art project was making and coloring slop signs. A guest on Thursday was G ina Collins, who shared a story obout W est A frican culture ond w ore a dress o f lhat cullurc. Th e D evelopm ental Preschool student o f the week for Aug. 22-25 was Joey Lusk, for Aug. 28-Scpt. I, student o f the week was H aleigh Som mers. Students started going to the pool this week. They are learn­ ing aboul their senses, and had a tast­ ing party, trying sweet candy, sour pickles and salty chips. Student o f the month Is Haleigh Sommers. FIRST TIME CUSTOMER SPECIALS Perms & H lghlltcs... Kn turn « »1 1« R»|. $3AOO • .*2 1 “ Re|.»l600 13“ (Includes cut & style) M e n ’s H a ir c u t... L a d ie s Sham poo, C u t * S t y l e ............ S lio m p o o S e t...... 3 1 9 3 0 P a U r a С г м к P k w y . 7 2 0 -9 6 0 7 ■=r' Product Specials ; 15% O ff (For All CuHomcr») :! Matrix, Vavoom, Nexus," Paul Mitchcll, Sabasliui AppolntmtnttAmOebU Walk-Int Wtlcome Houn: ЛГоя-До/. 9-6 pm S P E A K U P For Abttstd atul NegUcttíi Oiilärat Вс A Giuniiin Ad Utfin Volumecr Call 336-7S1-0177 T H E B L U E IC E COLLECTION" Ulu« ChikcJenr ft in \%k ind Sutlinn SiUff D A V ID Y U R M A N W I N I Ж Ж j t f f u e o a S2Q S . Stralfbni Rd., \Viruton.SaIem (330) 721-1768 .\lon..Fri. 106; S.U. IM urcnua MosKo, m usic; Kim berly Hicks;dr!una;Toii)’aFair.EC lcaclict; Frank C ard cllc. Spanish', M ary Abendroth. resource assistant; Andrew B rick cy , G r. 7 com m unications leacher, Faynita Bninnan, Gr. 8 com­ m unications teacher; and Candie ■ Arnold, custodian. The PTA projram s will include a Family Fun Night in CDctobcr or No­ vember, a holiday show on Dcc. 11 and a spring program on April 23. Fund-raisers for this school year in­ clude a pizza sale (hat's going on and the Super Saver Cards thal will be sold lalcrin the fall. Citizens o f the Month; Kenneth Boger, Jessica Bowling, Zach Eaton, IND OF SUMMER GLEARANGEI DAVIE JEWELERS NEXTTO WAL-MART • MOCKSVILLE IMF FÜGE »«MSI Liquidation Sale Save 10-30% We're closing our doors and that moans Incredible savings for you— throughout the store on some of America's favorite brands. But the great buys won't last long... quantities are limited. So come In and get great savings on: • home appliances • home electronics • lawn and garden equipment • tools and much morel s —«MO i s ■sears 1 ^ Mocksville MOCKSVILLE Houn: W I3-S.M -SA 9-6 ПН1м:7«|-б9М . THlCOOOUntTÁCntXrHKLCWmitntD. I S E A R S I f DAVIE COUNTY ENTERI'RISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - D3 iCentral Davie iBy School Systein i^By K im Ju sten Davie County Enteф rísc Reconl j When Central Davie Elementary (School closcd at the end o f school last year, the use o f the buildings was uncertain. ; If you drive by ihese days, you rnight wonder if the school closed at iill. Sure, it has a new name. Central Davie Education Cenicr. And Ihe original building, opened In 1927,looksalitilcquicl. Bul there are cars in the parking lol, people com ing and going, buses still arrive cnch day, ond children can be heard playing. , So what's going on at ihe busiest closed school you've ever seen? ■ ‘'This facility is a vital part o f the school system ," said Dr. W illiam Steed, school superintendent. "W e huvc usable, viable space and good programs lo be housed here." All the buildings are being used. !, Full-tim e classes were removed from the original building ihrcc years ago. At thal lim e, several school de- partmenis were moved there, Includ- irig: physical therapy, occupational therapy, social workers, preschool director and school health. Walking ihrough the building you can sec the waves in the fioor and places wherc the plaster has fallen o ^ the ceiling. . "W c screwed plywood down lo the original fioor and It still com es up," said Steed, referring lo attempts to improve the old audilorium/cafele- ría. "And this section o f the building lacks air conditioning." . The building has been evaluated Ihree lim es by structural engineers In the last 13 years. Each tinw Ihc recommendation has been the same: yém olish it. Once renKxIcling upgrades begin, Uie building must be brought up to to d a y 's building code standards. It Ji^outd be пюге cost effective to dc- ‘Ibolish and rebuild ihere. Now, the plder building Is being used for stor- Sge. j; Thcncw kitchenw asaddedlolhe building in 1970. This section o f the building, os wilh all the other build­ ings on the site, is functional, ond is hot in need o f removal. A lso added fn Ihe early 1960s is the two story (iuildiiig at the back o f the lot. For (he last few years lhat elem entary ^ h ool sludenls attended Ihc school, they spent most o f their tim e in this building or in mobile classroom s, ii; This building is the heart o f ihe Education Ccntcr. All the offices lhat were housed in the original building ore housed here, wherc there Is no ftreol o f falling plosier. ‘T h e pre- ^ h ool downstairs wouldn't think o f m oving," saldSieed.T hc bathrooms downstdrs w erc made handicap-ac- Cessiblc over ihe summer, and ihc rear entrance o f ihe building allows F arm Bureau Insurance offers ” a broad range of plans lor Auto, Home, or Life insurance. Plus, we’ll sit down with you and corWuct a no-obligatlon review o( your total insurance f , needs. Please give us a call. ¿NotliCl^MiFOTlUMiMAirilnMneiCa- Keou»MFimBMMUikiMi«Co. ' for covered drop-off and pick-up o f the preschool students. In addition lo the Central Davic Developmental Preschool now run solclyijy Ihc school system , there is 0 Head Start program and the pre­ school program formerly at W illiam R . Davie Elementary arc housed in Ihc building. Upsloirs, the old classroom s have been turned inlo offices with cu­ bicles. "T he downside lo cubicles is the lack o f privacy," said Steed. On Ihe olher hand, the sludent health team had been moved five times In rccenl years. Having som e spacc lo spread work out and nol worry about the next move would be a welcome change. ‘T h ey 're no longer housed on lop o f each other." The dixir that led lo ihe gym from inside the building has been bricked, allowing the gym to be used withoul the offices being open. Th e school board hopes to reach an agreement wilh the M ocksvillc Davie Recre­ ation Department lo be able lo u.se the space, keeping it a viable place for communily activities. If students walked into the media ccntcr, built in 1974. Ihey wouldn’t rccognize it. The \ran spiral stairea.se is gone. The com puter tab will be­ com e the offices o f the child nutri­ tion departmenl. A lso moving fn.)m lhcccnirarof­ fice on C heny Street is Ann Graliam. the testing coordinator, and she s thrilled. Finally she has the space she needs: a 2 9 foot file nxim to hold M the testing supplies in an orderly fashion. Child psychologists and a recep­ tionist round OUI the sia ff in the building. This building also has spacc for' staff development training sessions and m eerm gs.There are several coif- fcre'nce ax)m s in the former media ccntcr that will soon be available fo r ^ school system slafT. Additionally. Ihe room ihol was formerly the media ccntcr proper is being renovated and will becom e the board room. It is possible lhal the room will be ovoil- oble for use for the O ciobcr board meeting. M uch larger than the space used ul the central officc. there will be plenty o f room for anyone who wishes to attend. In term s o f plans for ihe 1927 building. Ihc board has yet to make a final decision. "O ur first priority has been to get Cornatzer Elem eniary open and get people settled," said Steed. And he doubts that there will ever be a full- lim e school on the site o f Central Davie again. But he Is proud o f the way 11 is being used, both for pre­ school children and for staff uses. “Il is the nicest meeting site wc have." There are more offices, and still some students at the Central Davie campus, said superintendent. Dr. Bill Steed. - Photos by Robin Fergusson 1-ois Rose stays busy filing papers In Ihe office area of Ihe Central Davie Education Center off Campbell Road. G ENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses . & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons e"“" Several offices moved from the cramped central office to Central Davie. Dr. Bill Steed, county schools superintendent, said the usable facilities at Central Davie are being put lo good uses this year. U f U M W h U Reaching Those W ho Need Help. Touching Us Л11* H I \ 1 I V 751-9400 • 998-8900 • www.penninglonreally.com 211 Parsley Lane • Davie County Private paradise on 15.27 acres. Gorgeous custom built log home. Over 3500 SF, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, full basement. A buyers dream of perfection. $369,500 S i i i u l a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 0 A native of Davidson Counly. Lisa Wise graduated from Lexington Senior High in 1985. She moved to Davie County eight years ago. She loves Davie County and now calls il home. She and her husband Kalh have Ihree wonderful childrea Matthew. Cameron, and Blake.'' She loves spending lime ™th her family -and watching them play different sports. She is a.mem lief of Blaise Baptist Church, where s(m also, enjoys teaching Sunday School,' , , . Lia is a graduate of Dan Mohr Real Estate School'She has already tjegun her career of helping others in this very important decision of purchasing their own home. She actually sold her trst home her very Srst week with the company . - ’ , ;■ “Let me helji you make aiW ISE decision when making your home purchve!” , : 336-H^2222exl206(work) • 336-75l-9072(hoine)' ' . CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK Ш By Dr. Susan Sykes Chimpractic Physician CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVES TENSION HEADACES MSms ol Americans take pain leief medcalions lo fight oil headaches. tempoiaiy reiel at tjest and sometines cause various unpleasant side effects. Why do we get headaches? Studies report there are several posSblo reoscns.' Ihese Include allergies, nulrilionof deficiencies, improper eating hoblls. homionol ImtMlances ond ol course, stress. A growing nunter ol stu(ies show that a high percentoge ol heodoche!.' especlallv those Itom tenslori. are coused by the dysfunction of nerves in, the upper regkm of the cervlcol spine (neck), these reports dsa pdnt.lo Ihe, ■ong-term elfectlveness of chkopialk:' manipulation In relieving headache;' symptonis.; If. you frequently gef headaches schedule a compretiensivs evaluation with your doctor of chkopractlc. Regtdor adjustments may- tie on elfectK« solution to you ned( and spine problem's and to , heodoches. -lAdvancè.: Chiropractic C L IN IC : Hillsdale.Profe! ’ Suite 300 D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 [Red Cross Urges Type О Donors To Give y, Tbc supply o f type 0 blood in the XiiroUnas area has rcochcd an cmcr- ♦j;cncy level. The American Red Cross ;iir£C5 (ypcO donors lodonaie immcdi- [iitcly in order to prevent the cancclla- fiiun o f clcclive surgeries at area hospi- ills . “At tiincs during ihb past week, we Jiavc exhausted our supply o f type O ixisiiive blood inChnrioUc,** staled Dr. 1cro ’Squircs,cxccutivcdlrcctor oflhe X'iuulinas Blood Services Region of Dw Red Cross. "In jusl the pasl two days, iwo critically III patients in our area have used over 150 units o f 0 positive. Such situalions completely wipe out our already dangerously low supply." Allhough the publicicspondcd well to appeals earlier In the season, blood supplies have remained low ihrough* out the summer bccause o f a sharp increase In demand for blood products across the region. "Each year, wc consistently collccl . morc blood lhan wc did ihc year be* fore. In ihlsregion.wccollcctcd 14,000 more units this past year than the pre­ vious one. Unfonunutcly. the demand is exceeding what we are collecting," added Dob Fcchncr, chief operating offi^ r o f the Carolinas Blood Ser­ vices Region. Hcattribulcs ilie Increase in demand lo ibe region's expanding population. To sthcdule u blood donation ap­ pointment or for more infonnation, call the Anwrican Red Cross at 724- 0511. You Know Us... We Know Real Estate Prudential ' Carolinas Realty A g e n t R ostor 1 P I X V irtu al T o u rs 4JS6 Clemmons Road • CUmmons, NC 336-7Ы-4400 Audrsy Fuhrmann................... Bov Supple, CRS. QRI........... Qloria Malhows, CRS, QRI... Jennifer Stroud........................ Kalhy Phillips............................ Maryiee Hester Pat KInnamon. CRS. QRI..... Peter A. Heaven Ssndra John ion...................... Sherri Coram VIckI B. Bullard........................ Vonda Leo Ruisell.QRI....... ...727-4699 ...998-2034 ...998-5062 ...714-4424 ...766-7009 714-4406 798-7722 ...7Í4-4410 ...945-4018 714-4414 714-4433 ...714-4407 www.prudentlalcarollnas.com B e r m u d a R u n OPEN SUNDAY SEPZ 10, 2-4 PM! stop By the Bermtida Rttu Country Chib for Refreshnwnts and Membership ¡nformation. lesTifton 535 Riverbend 262 Riverbend 165 Boxwood Circle 160 Bent Street 136 Bermuda Run $168,900 487 Rlvert>end Trail $399.900 192 Tilton $359,900 144 Bent Street $219,900HOVto in<rmujj ЧипТап(,1гии\1 txtl К Huy l)H t into fífmuM Кип Соиящ C7ub VMmi i lito NotBM •'& ISIM W. в h « кМ Ъ тМ la <n w« aero« h « itora ÜB «Sec» Or U} « с 1 Agite tt иншшя uiie МП. ЦП w t; Shnfoa Асгм. йм м ад»tncwif Ri и fn R»12 ri к^. 9 «1 ktrt t« 1 hrt ;сгА Pn I ni u Bffig tm n üiva&At ri(4ia Lei I Siien Urún9 • Есзетгл u.*i inrjar. »*i * ?»•, ЙЯ 2 '5Л W. irw‘ts 1МГ)ГТ^|1Ч»5 C4inrailHKsi«i7i(-uc' \ ш ш 1ШТппш01п«.к1М«|11м Gogn«W кпг*1 Orr toi «j rt oai aírp. ПЯ 0 >3 M I ec Qrtf wftotcd cxm usrm rK-ia U( Sl SMfl 2IÊA. fnuita nСЯ. PF. erw«i t ЧСЛ öu 3T t^ taoirt Mfr it f*x.-ì СэтгллM»3C«IV3^lH*ViUÌ>U-U:7 1U ItMnod • A6m • » I w t I м зп WO.hat I W« gr )Mi Im kal »n I : I л u c lot Tirtt Cimi • Оь«г елмах IO не» um SI ац. err кпо. с(№ la ммтр air? rt-'СП nri >я ttSJtt U Pi UTA rtMW 111 Variti a*CrV4 Рш nx Fr» KT« Lft»Ml I « tí Ж» И »7 tengoNdo* OrtftOmooni • rrxm ) ] I : in >ugi ^ ni гм (tura Mt S&: я Uш toicawо KR l'UZO СИ Рп4(«.mm IM3n.llM.ifcM ШШUPm»n« lot I SWïKk 1ои. inu t;t< 19ПfiViîïM Ч trt Or r »tf'j r«í ü l uxn; br r« M ni №> *« Ы «t| W rr } Utr XUS SttAl d t ГШ Uff с 11Ì XC Ш1 RoüuMod Rom * 3.5Я. 2Л ^ Tr« IM J en m nt«iiCiMril4<toHC>JTr4iai S9f«4d;mMh(imKa]ixn i 'm CtíHWttnmi [О Ul u • Man e n rm }». SKbe I uv Ka«. uk« ecus. p«T| CilJrrAi.nuu< SuanMtrI Uènkaoàtt М ктЫ егI SilHtoocfatt MLS ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 . V ia r r O U R W E B S n E V D W .h o w a id ie a lty .c o m 33 0 S . Salisb u ry S t (C o m e r H w j'S. 6 01 & 6 4 ) M ocksv ille, N C 2 7 0 2 8 ' O fflc cH o u rs:M o n d a y -F rid a y ,8 -6 .S a tu r d a y 9 - 1 2 « З и п ^ у B y A p p L 681 PInovlll« Ri)-I>nvacy on 3 80Ac.-{)nck ranch wM r.n. bsmt, ovor 2200si. up & appro«. lOOOsl. rmlsr^od down. SDR. 3DA. 2 Vitcii, Cham Imk rer^mg, corwfcto dnvo. dock. paw. $174,000 CALL CONNIE. 278 Magnolia Av-Atiordab!e lam. t«m« in Garden Valley. 30n. 2DA. tuB bsmt. lam. rm,, 2 fpic®». 2<ar carporl. deck. Nee btndscap«d lawn wlo fvitiiwod*. oul bidg & mote S162,000.CALL JANE 380 Ridge Rd- Sp.iciou8 hom«, 4DH. 2DA. 1000» sq«. on 6 ocros. 3 acfcs fcncod w.tfeek. low morihly utW'«*, cent, heal & air, p)us walor itove, lg ironi pofch. todudod. $149,900 CALLJANE. 540 Liberty Ch. Rd.- ktyOc rural 6*AAc. 4-iiail bam, 20x16 stor. bidg, 2Qx14 wkihop, 60x22 barrVwkshop; all wired. Pond. 2 fenced p'tures. open II. pianSOn.lDA, rwTw, hardwd* $139,000 CALL VICKL 175 Jack Booe Rd- Un<quo 3DR. 2DA bnck ranch w^jartial bajomcnt on 4 2 wooded acrcs w.'iircam, Cory rock tplc. sunken liv. im.. some hdwood floors, dock and ou№k)g $138,500. CALLJANE. 876 Howell Road- Under conjiruction - over UOOsq fl 30n. 2 SOA. fircpiace. pat«, tm in Kitcr>«n and baths. caiwxJral ceiW^gs. 2<ar oversized garage on 1 .Tcro A Must S«! $134.900 CALL CONNIE. 1365 PIneblutI Rd. In W-S30П. 2BA bnck гапсЛ conven, kicatod noar (kiptist Hosp t.1ariy upd.itos. row carpel. 2 rptes, basement w-slorm s^oRcr, Lirgo kilch & dock $127,900 CALL EVELYN. 173 Hickory Tree Road-Oreat spilt fo>«r - Noar scNioi, 20M square loci. 3 bcdfooms. 2 bams Qreat irvmg s[>.ico and wooded \ol $124,900 CALL MARY. 156 Uigle Lane > 1999 Cia>lon doublewido home w.tn spll bedroom fv»r plin. 3 bedrooms. 2 bams on arproi. 10 acres. $121,900. CALL MJ OR MARY. 432 Rlverdaie Rd- Rancher With 2400«sl. of lN-.ng jpaco 3GR. 3EÌA. Лп1»гчч1 bsmt w sep kitchcrcro & ba:n. 2 fp«. ig dock, fcncod dog njn. wKjhoo A more on 69Ac r'ear erxl ol rural road $109.900CALLJANE 124 Cloliler Drive - (}«t;or tMn new 1100«f, 30П ?ПА ooubi« garag«. fenced Ь^кк yjfd, pul down II.I fs for sitva^o Cc^vcnoPt $106,000 CALL CONNIE. 109 Dusty Hill Road - IfTVTVK 4P», ?PA S*y*'r'e on 1 16 acre rumi tract Pemvinent fouiVJ, »CM on plan, fircpiace. ruisipf RA w garden tub. scp sixjwer, N* and her vamties. $92.500. CALLJANE. 139 Center St- CooUwm««- 2 or 3 в а 1-S BA. w.2300*/.SF home Now roof, wwidows. г\аГ gas heat. spac«us ryjw (un rm. great rm w gas k)gs Л hrepiace. workshop & 2-car garage in bsrrt. $79,900 CALL KEN.. . 156 Jamestowne Dr.- 2wooded acres near Comaüer Eiemenu7 School $69,900 less repairwnake reajonab«« offer 1500» sq tl ЗОП.гЬОА A mirti s^ CALL LEE tor detain. - ....................... 123 Center St - Сооц>ст« 5 rm tvoui«, eiceii. согч1 Sat. gas hoai. CA. now toof. rcpfacomt windows & row siorm drs Anacned carport & partial b»mt RO ret/tg OW, ttnds S69.900CALL KEN- 154 Lagie Lane - i992 Drtgader* s<rtg'«w>de home with 3 bedrooms and 2 tavis. located on a 75 acre kX $39,900. CALL Ш OR MARY. LOTS & LAND].LotS25,000 West Churcfi SlTNl- B.Lol$19,900 MiIUngRoad----------------------33Ac.M0.OOO Hwy.MI Byposs___ -.5 Ac. M0.000 Hwy. (01N (bypais)—, -8 Ac. $40.000 Hwy.MlN_________ -..174 Ac. $22.500 _W-Ac.$t49.000 ^ Ы . Ac. $200.000 _ej4W-Ac. $50.000 -U2Ac $30.000 Câlihilnfid-- „e.76AcW. $595.000 Hwy. Ml -37.5W-Ae. $150.000 891 Yaeklnvill« Rd.„1.50 Ac. Comm. $495,000 • house. $175,000 Hwy.601 ByPasi__________1*Ac.$240.000 .57*^ AC. $205100 Cedar Сгнк Road_______U.tS Ac. $IM300 jULIAHOWARD7SI.8S67 CONNIEKOWALSKE751-6565 KtSSAIKS 75I.2W5 .M.I.RANDALL751-85M CVEIANIIA^MÜ75|.ftSM MARYHOWARD492-5513 lACKIE COI Br^FífTtl SakiAitociM lULSTON751-8562 LEE NOLAN7514572 MIKE HENDRIX75|.l(MO BEVERLY RUSS 751-8571 OraCiid« km hai SikiAnedui UetAttociut lUmHinkfi UrtAtudut IM Амй M • lie (Ml Sfk » (te dht they far . с^пожЖ 2 ta ^ М и я* nl di U l Biwwood Ditie - ».ÄAetodwi» in рМв ЫСлгк dt cam Sfirn n b m i •ЛЬясЬмпп !■ twn fa’ефПогЖм ИНЯаС^Кат .o m p a n y E A L T Y 113 Fcftir M -VArideii home saand - - xm bm famly rocrrv ЮНО woriohcp WKrtirA }ВЯ2ВА.1рп(еф«^|15Г«аС4 0<Мк |ЭМ River Rom} • Buy now vd dcantt » )or| шш! Thi bmiAJ rww han <*n Щ| w«h pstft I < 4ih or Sd) BR md }ВЛ LM« nen\ (km dov tnabia I геапчсйсс.2агрп||.А|оп I кп.|197.Ма Г nit*iiWr%|i 122 M rit Ditia - Omw nreir«!. oÿ tad tl om iaMU*iw>»»A»«idkai ñxAii Ыи Afdm f I Я.Ш ÛI Km. I 20JAM1№ .HcniknnW4MltimAn«nab -----------------------------------------1 ! ill! ‘ pouU tk«^f«iaA h.— ___________________Lots it Land ________________ Icodbey Road • 30 Acre» • Motdy wooded, yeit for hunten. K.QOO/>cre. CiM Debbie | Underpus M - Grtai bwWinj lot i^tir OakVilt« & Benruda Run joBini tommunitiM. Comer of Hw/. 801 & Urfderpm.Northbrook Dr - LoveV wooded buement lot convenient to 1-40.Crowe St - Fomully Uk^Hyd^Aw:^. Multiple pouibilities for ute. Postible owner finincirtj oclulf of property. 16.66 acret. Osk Grove • Greit acreage lou for DWKRHwy 601N Fawn Une • IIS aatt,very prrvate.pa^tt/c^par^ll/wooded, not reiuined Hwy 158 - 515 acres wiihin I mile of ci^ limiu. Meadow Rid|« - Now Aoilable for buildiof.Ncw community offerinf асгеа^е loo. Cowehlent to town, horset permitted. 15 acre» of common ares.______ 330 Ite Forar Acad - hr th» pcnon who km onW*a¿W7M» l320wtattnlU4ie.fa« h l*hm a fcw. atf*W c*B h M» B* I .«ireoit ICb2l ihd^ ti».«£.Cri И рк 132 U ni Rd • %adoui(btie«4di(AnтгО А ! md 2 or atadwd pnfi. Looted cn dad tnd roadmnactick^ ............- -_____ Щйоал room « ohw^beAraKhfitTwattWitlM^pnlm /• li IS >ñ№ КЫ - Нш hem ird «Ü t e lom ixop InшЛОтгкйНгт^.\жшгшгкк»МтмШK ^ Û ip « â *v Ji$ ia i| lH W Q iO rt« 33S BwtoA Rd - Сшит tuk brkk rmdi widi Ъмпми О м & iftûom. нmor^ « i}l dtu ' Ф иicrtt wooM tnd 0H<vU7t,M. ll4AiArana-(L«S(MiC___.•1ПМГ ikMi « «inw t m ]«I,:SA «5a Mocksville • 336-751-9400 • www.penningtonrealty.com • 1-800-539-3383 • Hillsdale/Advance • 336-998-8900 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 - D5 317 Marginal St • Great family homol Over 2700 SF, largo rooms, 2 full baths, gas heat, central air, paved driveway, 2 car gorge, public water, sewer, natural gas, $72,000 Members ot Boy Scout Troop 575 attended ttie Cherol^ee Scout Reservation in Yanceyville, , r o f I , : . ‘ I ■’ ) ,•/Ì ^ * - Ì L ' ! , - j ' 1 Boy Scout Troop 575 attended tiie Chei Local Boy Scout Troops Of America Have Been Busy DoySaMJt.sofAit)cricatnx)pstuccl yciir n)iind'io work on scrvicc pnyccLs, rwrit Kndgcs, fun anil fellowship as wcilo.scumping. ‘ Taxip575.spotiwrcdbyFir?.lDap- tlstChurchorM(KksvilIc.isnocxcc|V tion. These Iwys have been busy. ? In July, ilie Sw uts traveled lo the C herokee Seou l R eservation in Yttnccyvilk, when: ihcy wotked on .sm icc projecls and nterit bodges un­ der the watchful eyes o f leaders and a)inmi.ssioners. • ' Trotip 575 earned the HonorTroop Aw;ml for the vcf»ml con w u tiv e >\'ar. Juslin Edwards. Senior Patrol leader, rcccived the Honor Troop Awanl forllie tnwp'sixiLstandingwork during the week. T o earn this award, tbc Scouls madeatifviopcainpsilethai Intluded'a gateway, aft tLxiTyahlahd ‘ othcrinipn)veincnls.Thism{uircduse uflashingandbuiklingskilLs.Tl)Cinx>p perfonned a skit al the Friday nighl cainpfire. The Scouls earned four lo fivemeritludgeseachduring Ihc week. с о и э ш е и . B A N K ß R □ TRIAD, REALTORS • Davie County rmorsoclliin ol Hwys 156 a 601 (336) 998-8B16 R olocollon: 1-800-Э 27-439В — ‘ ^ Ш Ш 1. Doy Scoutsattcnding included Jus­ lin lilwards.ScniorPatml Lcadcr,CIay Naylor. Asst. Senior Paiml Leader. Clayton Edwards. Patrol Leader, Malt Hauser. Pam>l Leader. Juslin Pilcher, Paln)l Leaden Jason Bowles, Patrol U ader, Victor Ramirez, Assl. Patrol Leader; Aaron \ lurscy, Chaplain; Josh Hields, Phillip H ursey, Brandon Callaway. Upcoming Tenderfools at­ tending camp Гог the flr^t time were Taylor Autry, David VanAntweфJr., Dlakc London, Juslin Barker, Jordan Courtemanche, Derreck Wall, David Monsccs and Freddie Allen. Leaders included Frank A utry, David Van Antweф, Billy Fields and George Pitcher, all Assl. Scoutmasters. The Tnwp's Scoutmaster, C liff Edwards su jv r v i^ the ^ y s. ................................. A fun family camping weekend was held at Sm ilh Ml. Lake. Va., in early Augusl. Tltis is an annual rclrcal held al llic home o f Mr. and Мгъ. Bill Melds. Tho Scouls and their ramilies camped oui in tents and worked on «rawcoldoellbartlercom F e a t u r e H o m e 1013 ОШШ) DU • IIДКО • Щ • 31A • iAC • MVI£Prtytu bmk rwch in tup*r coMfiuon «rkh k»a o( r«moMW\|. ЕжсорОосч! (Wd^•d bu«n«mMb«iroom,UI bith ft IM(«ív w.BmuüU wooded lob )АШ Н АЛШ «т-|1П И11интши> ouv«un$m.m 4M )ilA DAVIECviwd ] Bar} trücSNl *« Srfcy « Igcn fd m iom -iin •f > “ ■ ■ ^ L r r r — g lUWAlNUTAVl WOOOtAMOHtKHTS inPCMIOOUUOCdWIUMftUN Siî’ï!L ÏÏ *à L l¥ ? î!L .r« т т м ш ш^ ^ .1^ r. ^ Sw«%diUC**nCU-»*nN«i*< IS T -Îio iîî-ti^С1А1Ш шл m-i IIIUAUWAUia ПИИ. ViaUFlüWC W IIÍ7 |I((.9M )M ]U OAVKС«чсплсй Mtrv^ tgiyc« m гчм ■ VICWriWNC »»IU7 2ИКЯ1МММЮ11Ш kxm« Ъг I tarj fit tCriiMUKOHKMM IMLtCO m UM OAVIE * r*x Ct*« C«lJiW KK V. IM« «»«•' **«4 ЩМ f»Mv*eetmzimwiAN m-iti7 й к т е К ш с о . « INsMmlOAir {ШМ т Ш 1UC DAVKМ>к« bñrlf«lw»M*w*«tMe4w;4 кгп На Ь>|| (»««4 tot I ГМ| Ы ^ "*^ *(3® й к А ю т И1-И» . : * s ^ v | 4 А ^ IUDAKDTAIANI 10Т2ИК_______ftlJM Ш 2IA SAC МУК, М М М 2IA МУК¿cni|« с1м М нм Нем Мч «*$№«• м М 1м « tavMlt **. 4)]IUNKMNUu>IHW 2U IIATAOUNtwùK (Ml Ьп*<«ии c*n IV|I чач #НмГ«.GAAMMJK m.|IU vi.si r riii'.si'; Ni;w h o m i; c o M M i i N r m - s . £lÎ8l}a Creek Ш уи ' №nwM)V,«nda№7l[)U(H(M»ii■ LiPUBnUOdUit аМ 1Ц1ЦкВеаЕЦр|)1«ЬпГ|«яи B Ê S t B R Ô Ô l ^ - O a k a■ШШ z : атШ ’МКапЛлН./ЮвшГАта!! . № (teM r.M «nU[ix.(,liia .1 ' . ГжщаиШтШ/Ыеи! •iikllMioM . ^ Г 1ШшМК||1а»ч'Ю$)кч>Мпп .. . OniB«.7UI>,l.íli«UI«ntl>ltai' DAVIE SALES ASSOCIATES I.AiMiHia М111вг/ш,«м998>' 'AIBanwi 998-' eAndTMSuog*- 998?' ¡SSsS' ; iS ;: ;^ В П а Ш м 1 ^ Bryan Ufflbert 998-' :9 9 в - . M ' :вв^ ^ Ш : s e t i7 e .i# 157# e i î î ' M ä i 208 Oakdale • A deal you can't beatl Privacy on 3.38 acres. Brick wilh wood shakos. Comfortable living in over 1900 SF. 3BRs, largo dcn/playroom, plus 26'x30' i delacned shop/garago with 220 wiring and sheds attached on each . side. 5125,000 330 Gwyn Street • In-lown location near hospilal. 3 bedrooms, 1 balh. Vinvl siding, heal pump, porch, deck and detached garage. $76,000 ; NeedanFHM Appraisal? Call Us! We're Ready and on HUD's approved list! Maxine Boger $nbfCiiMÁtfnliti Gilbert L Boger Broker • Certllleá Appniser' i Also Uceased in Viqfiai» Your Davie County Neighbor & Realtor , BOGER Real Estate 5M8USHwy'l58 998-8334 ОГ998-8274 0m d l0^ trIla » (M T rK (lt ' U U iFifM M IfinU various scoulingskillssuchascixiking nnd learning firM aid.Tlicy also le;imed how to use and care for such tix)ls as axes and saws. Don Bowles and Kill R eids helped the Scouts swim and mnlorboat. Charies London led up the siiiling. O lljcr activities included paddle boiil- Ing, tubing, .skiing and fishing. Those In attendance Included Jus­ lin Edwards, Clayton Edwards. Aaron Hurscy, Pliillip Hursey, Clay Naylor. Victor Ramire/, Jason Bowles. Mall Hauser, Freddie Allen, Taylor Autr>’. Brundon Callaway, David Monsees, Josh Fields, Andy Ramsbotham. Jus­ lin Pilcher and Blake London. Leaders and adults that attendc*d werc Scout­ master C liff Edwards and his wife -Cathy. A ssl. Scouim asier-G corgc- Wlcher and his wife. Lisa. Asst. Scout­ master Billy Rclds. Assl. ScouimaMer Fr.mk Autry. Tr\x)p Committee mem­ ber T im H ursey, and Belsy Ram.sbt«ham. molher. •Your Neighborhood Real Estate Professionals' 85J Vaiiev MoTKsviii» ^гг'(р<;$'г>г'г)1 Г K y le S w ic e g o o d K o th lW o ll M c c k ie M c D a n ie l S h a r o n C o h e n E llen G r u b b 7 5 1 -4 4 4 4 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 7 5 1 -9 0 9 0 4 9 2 -7 4 9 8 9 9 8 -7 Ó 9 9 . A lic ia P o rk e r 2 8 4 -6 0 1 0 E liz a b e th S w ic e g o o d 9 0 9 - 2 5 8 4 Liso W is e 7 5 1 -9 0 7 2 Larry H ay zllp 492-2311 ■ ■ | | | | ^ H | 2 1 2 S H w y 6 ( I ] S .;m SrviiancA*«iUbasement3&Rs,2 » . ■ ■ ■ B w B B W Ubair& Ugeeal-inlL’tc^eaMas;er bedroom has rice prrracy ded Cal tod3fbtrcrede’¿;is Lot 1 Feezof Rd • $9tl900 l09tSF3bedn)ori,2bati.i3ndi «ill 1 ai gaia^. Buy rtm anl ch»seixlon.Ouelciu(iyse№g. A lolof Cham in tfiscctta^sY^ her« hi'iSiQod tlocn, deacera.'xüeniLthenandapanial basenert l i • .5W50() GeatM dixiiewde on 5 aaei t;(» SF «n beiliixns. 2 baits Greal sMer liome w/3BH and lenced back yanl. Cal loday! IteVem finaiicing. c<' :;3 WÓ M onison Rd • SMOOO Se3utUdoijUewideon2,3acniThree BRs. 2BAS, hing raorn (4s den W Sreplace.Nic8newdedibfSufntnertrw m n » > $ % o p o . Situated «11.03 acres h a greal rnttioitiood. tiis 2-3 bedroom b(id( randi has a brge screened 316-^12222 140 De«t Haven Träil US MoncUir Dr. Adwnce OuÙÂi} $220,000. ftarpoiAim fnUa»iinaîgàt Ш,СтП5т9га Conveniert to WinstobSaln. Tirsi bedoons, 2bafts.i«ib3ss!ien 111 Jordan Lane kot 4 Twin Cnlar\ Coli Coiive(^toVfS.4BR,2i6Aw№ dosels, basement. 2 car attached garage. Only $225,000 ¡кШЬЫ ШгЩ1>Ляп1п- JuämlM GdcorsTMiarintolCcmouit^i ШШилШЫ91МпЫщ »IKOOSFtluiURWi QW40irtoEri%№ll>m5MlUii« 1й1*ая(КМ11« я г ..................мст олш т ■ « « у к л т » 157 C irolini Street Pepperstone Acres Spuiu In « h atneli iiunl'StSSiœ в f»nr*i m Bt 1 Amiïtn I Km noiiki-cxinsi Fotf turnßs (fen. Gnal kcv Dian 'tatoSt. Ыдаипд пе{дШ т C0rwienltiM0.SII9j№ tl2a»0. UlKAOKnrWIMniMna: Tw new imes mda coislniclian. ■itra. bedram 2 bati ft®» mtnandng. . «М Н наМ niParkw,nCt ЧосК^' wvm;reialestateIndavle.com ttocentfutainbiiM iiiM \т,ШёЬвЛ1Щ1ЁМЬЛк ЬштЛШтАЬп^Ы в Рб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 P U B LIC N O TIC E S PUBLIC NOTICE. TheJolmCommlssiononAccredita­tion ol Healthcare Organizations will ■ conduct anaccrediuitlon swvey of Oavis ' Medlcdi Center. Stalosville, NC, on Oc- lober 11*13,2000.The purpose of tho survey will be to : evaluate the organization's compliance . with nationally established Joint Com*' mission Standards. The su(vey results ; will be used to determine whether, and the conditions under which, accredita* tion should be awarded ihe organiza* tion.Joint Commission standards deal .with organization quality of care issues and the safety of the environment in which care Is provided. Anyone bellev* Ing that he or she has pertinent and valid information about such matters may re*, quest a public inforniation interview with ! the Joint Commission’s field represen* tatlvesallhetime of the sun/ey. Informa- :Uon presented at the interview will be . carefully evaluated for relevance to the accreditation process. Requests for a public information Interview must be ' made In writing andehould besent to the JolntCommlssionnolaterthanfhrework* Ing days before the survey begins. T?ie request must also Indicate the nature of the Information to be provided at the interview. Such requests should be ad* dressed to:OIv. of Accreditation Operations Organization Liaison Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 The Joint Commission will acknowl* edge such requests In writing or by tele­phone and will Inform the organization of the request for any inten/iew(s). The organization will. In turn, notify the interviewee of the date, time, and place ofthe meeting.This notice is posted in accordance with the Joint Commission's require* ments and may not be removed before the survey is completed., Date Posted: September 5,2000 8-31*2tn : NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ ’- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY ' COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOUOWINQ ZONING AMENDMENTS N0T1CE1S HEREBY GIVEN, pursu* anttothe requirements of Article 20-Bof Chapter 15Э-А of №e General Statutes of North Carolina and Paragraph 155.250 ofthe Davie County Code of Ordinances, hat the Board of County Commission­ers of Davie County will hold a Public bearing In the Commissioners Room of ;he Davie County Administration Build- ng, Mocksviile. NC on Monday, Sep­tember 18,2000 at 7:15 p.m.A) Donnie Davis has applied to re- zone approximately 2.0 acres of land from Residential (R-20) to Highway Busi­ness Special Use (H-B-S) tor a Land­scaping Material business. This prop­erty is located off the west side of Farmington Road across from Pinebrook Drive, and is further descnbed as being aportk)n of Parcel14.08o(Davie County TaxMapE-5.B) Barry R. Armsworthy has ap­plied to rezone approximately 10.46 acres of land from Residential (R-20) to Residentia) Special Use (R-20-S) lo re­strict the property lo single family site- built homes and modular homes. This property is tocated off the west side of Baltimore Road, across Irom Beauchamp Road, and is further de­scribed as being Parcel 111 of Davie County Tax Map E-7.C) Charles and Carofyn Schwartz have applied to rezone approximately 2.16 acres of land from Residential (R- 20) to Highway Business Special Use (H-B-S) for the Sates and Service ol Recreational Vehk:les including camp­ers. travel trailers, motor honDes. and related accessory iten». This property is located off tho north side of US Hwy 64 West approxinfutely 500 west ot Parker Road arid Is further described as being Parcel 13 ol Davie County Tax Map H-3.Signs will be posted on the above —propertiofrtoadvertisethePubllfrHeap- Ing- All parties and Interested citizens are invited to attend sakl hearing at which tin\Q they sh^ have an opportu­nity to be heard in favor of, or in opposi­tion to, the foregoing changes. Prk>r to the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain any additional Information on a proposal or ask questions by visiting the Planning Department on weekdays be­tween 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340.JohnQallimore planning anri Zoning NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDftORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of RAYMOND T. SANDORA, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having daims against said es­tate to present them to the undersigned on Of before the 17th day of November, 2000. being three (3) months from the firtt day of publicatkm or this notice wiD be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail 'ртопл indebted to said 'esute wUipleaee make immediate payment to the«;;{jnderslgned.■' TWilethelTthdayofAugust,2000.Mtfle 8. Rutter, Executrix Ih'Vfcfw,. Poet Office Box 189r* ' CoolMmM. N027014e*ir*4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of MARGARET LOUISE SMOOT, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate tcprosent them lo tha under* signed on or before the 1st day of De­cember, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recoveiy. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ment to the undersigned.■n\isis\he31slday ol August, 2000.Rhonda S. Grant Administratrix 219 Main Church Road Mocksviile. NC 27028 8*31 *4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BURLIE Q. MAY. late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons hav­ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 17lh day of November,2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publica* tion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This Is the 17th day of August. 2000.Shelby M. Bumette, Executor 214 Shutt Road Advance, NC 27006 6-17*4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUWTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of WYLUS EUGENE JAMES, late of Oavie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against sakl es­tate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of November, 2000. being three (3) n>onth5 from the first day of publicatton or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons ihdebted'to' kid estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned.This Is the 17th day of August. 2000.Sallie R. James, Executrix 1674 Fanninglon Road Mocksvine.NC 27028 8-17*4 tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIECREOrrORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix ofthe Estate of ALICE M. O'KEEFE, late of Davie County, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said es­tate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 24th day of November, 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned.This 21 St day of August. 2000.Patrteia O. Mangan, Executrix 373 Lakeview Road Mocksville. NC 27028 8-24-4tn CAROLINA DEL NORTE CONDADO DE YADKINENEL TRIBUNAL GENERAL DEJUSTICADIVICION DEL TRIBUNAL DISTRICTO DE: SPRINKLE. Un NifNo Menór PARA: MARTW ADORLFO VASOUEZ. OOTRO PADRE NO CONOSIDO DE UN NIÑO MACHO NACIDO agosto 1,1999, EN EL CONDADO DE SURRY. CAROLINA DEL NORTE.El respóndante nombrado arriba notará que una petición se ha presentado delante del Tribunal DIstrIcto del Condado de Yadkin. Caro­lina del Norte, buscando terminación de sus derechos paternales sobre su hijo menór nacido agosto 1.1999. en el Condado de Surry, Carolina del Norte.— Ufitéd-os-^xigldo-a-contestár-fa— ~ petición antes del 3 dia de octubre.2000. y que sobre su fracaso de hacerlo, susderechos paternales se terminarán.Este, el 24 día de agosto. 2000 RICHARD N. RANDLEMAN, P.A.Abogado para el Departamento deServicio Social del Condado de Yadkin P.O. Box 727 Yadkinville, NC 27055 Teléfono: (336) 679*2412 -6-24-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualined as Executor of the Estato of BETTY HANDEST JEPSON (a/k/a BETTY H. JEPSON). deceased, of Advance, Davie County. North Caro­lina. the undersigned does heret)y notify all persons, firms and corporations hav* ing claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the under­signed at P.O. Drawer 25008. Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27114-5008. on or before the 17th day of November. 2000. or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 17th day of August, 2000.Susanne Foothorap Vigeland. Executorc/o Blanco Tackabery Combs & Matamoros. P.A.P.O. Drawer 2500S Winston-Salem. N0 27114-5008 8*17*4tnNOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALEUnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of tmst executed by Darrell W. Norman, dated the 19th day of March. 1999. and re­corded in Book 298, page 901, and ro- TGCorded in Book XI. page 487. in the office of tho Register of Deeds ot Davie Counly. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebt* edness thereby secured, and the said deed of toist being by the terms thereof subject to Iorectesure. and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured hav­ing demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satlsl^ng said indobtod- ness, and the undersigned Trustee hav* ing petitioned theClerk of Superior Court of Oavie County for an Order Allowing Forectosure to proceed and such Order having been entered the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auc­tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of the Davie County Courthouse.Mocksvilte.NorthCarotina. at 12:00 noon on the 8th day of Septem­ber. 2000 all ol tho property convoyed in said deed of tmst. Including all buiUings and pennanent improvements alfixed thereto, which property as of ten (10) days prior to the posting ol this notice was owned by Darrell W. Norman, the same lying and being in Shady Grove Township, Davie County. North Caro­lina, and more particularly described a folk>ws:BEGINNING at an iron on East skte of Black Top Road. Cora Jotl/s comer; thenceNorth65deg.East4.75chalnsto an iron, Cora Jolly's comer, thence North 28 deg. West 2.10 chaine to an iron in George Soger's line. Cora Jolf/s cor* ner; thence South 65 deg. West 4.75 chains to an iron. George Soger's comer on Easl side of Black Top Road; thence Soulh 28 deg. East 2.10 chains to the BEGINNI NG, containing one acre, more or less.This property is being sokf SUB­JECT to any city-county ad valorem taxes and any sp^al assessments that are a lien against the premises, as well as all prior liens. Judgments, encum­brances, restrictk)ns, easements and rights-of-way of record, if any.The highesl bkider at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit of five percent (5 percent) ol the amount of his bW or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). whichever is greater, at the time of sale.This the 10th day ot Augusi, 2000.Trustee Services, Inc., Trustee 8-3t-2tn PUBUC NOTICEThe proposed Schedules, Standards, and Rules for Appraising Real Properly In Davie Coun^ for the revaluation of real property effective January 1.2001. have been submittedtothe Davie Counly Boand of Commissioners and are avail­able for public Inspectton in the office of the Davie County Tax Administrator. County Administration Building. 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, North NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIENOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estateof ALEX COREY RATLEOGE. iate of Davie County, this Is to notify all persona ha^ng claims against said ea­tate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day December, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said esute wiU please nfiake immediate payment to the undersigned. 'This Is the «7th day of September, 2000.Cv9l W. Ratledge. Administrator 1409 Milling Road - MocksviUe, NO 27028 .( 9-7*4tn The proposed use value schedule for appraising real property at present use effective January 1.2001, has been submitted to the Davie Counly Board of Commissioners and is available for In­spection In the office of the Davie County Tax Adn^inistrator.A PUBUC HEARING will be held on the proposed Schedules. Standards, and Rules tor the revaluatkm ot all real prop* erty and real property appraised at present use value effective January 1, 2001. at 8:00 p.m., Monday. September 18,2000, in the Commissioner's Room, County Administration Building, 123 Soulh Main SUeet, Mocksville, North Carolina.Mary Nell Richie Tax Administrator 8*31*2tn I : И I ■ q PUBLIC NOTICENOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ beforethe DavieCounty Zoning Board o(AdluBtmentat7:00p.m.onMonday, September 11, 2000 in the Commis­sioners Room of the Davie County Ad­ministration Building, Mocksville. N.C. Tho public is invited to attend. Business v/ill t)e conducted as follows:Qlenas McClamrock t\as appilod foraSpeclalUsePermittoplaceaClass C Manufactured Home In the Residen­tial Agricultural zoning district. Tbls prop­erty a located at 161 Dusty Hill Road, approximately 1/4 mile east ol Angell Road and is further described as boing a portion of Parcel 10 ol Davie County Tax MapF*5.M.O. Spiy has applied for a Spocial Use Permit to allow temporary parking ot campers, travel trailers, and motor homos as a private recreational use In the Residential Manufactured Home (R* M) zoning district. This property is lo* cated on Ramara Court, off tho north side of Midway Street, approximately SOO feet east ot NC Hwy 801 South, and is further described as being Parcel D*2 of Davie County Tax Map N-5-1.Brian Angus has applied tor a Spe­cial Use Permit toplace a ClassC Manu­factured Home in the Residential Agri­cultural zoning district. This property is located at 6778 NC Hwy 801 Soulh, approximately 600feot northof Oakdale Circle, and Is further described as being Parcel 78.02 ol Davie County Tax Map L*5.Brenda Combs has applied to amend the Special Use Permit Issued on May24.1999 for a Class C Manufac* lured Home in the Residential Agricul­tural zoning district. This property is k>- cated at 185 James Road, just north of Brier Creek Road, and is further de­scribed as being Parcel 60 of Davie County Tax Map H-7.Gray Potts has applied for a Special Use Permit to place a Class C Manufac­tured Home in the Residential-Agrk:ul* tural (R-A) zoning district. Tbis property is k)caled at 136 Galadrim Way, ap* proximately 600 feet north ot Granada ’ Drive and is further described as boing Parcel 25 of Davie Tax Map F-7.County Une Volunteer Fire De< partment has applied for a variance to the rear setback in the Residential (R- 20) zoning district. Tbis property Is lo­cated at 1819 Ridge Road, approxi­mately 600 feet soulh of the intersection of US Hwy 64 West and Ridge Roadand is further described as being Parcel 22 of Davie Tax Map J-1.Signs wiit be placed on the above listed properties to advertise the Public Hearing.Alt partiesand Interested dilzer» are Invited lo attend said hearing at which time they shall have anopportunlty to be heard in favor of. or in opposition to. \h^ request. Prior to the hearing, atl persons interested may obtain additional infor­mation on a request by visiting the Plan­ning and Zoning Department weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mon­day through Friday, or by telephone at (338)751-3340.John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 8*31 •2tnNORTH CAROUNA YADKIN COUNTYIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 99-J-50IN RE: SPRINKLE, A Minor Child TO: MARTIN ADOLFO VASOUEZ,OR OTHER UNKNOWN FATHER OF A MALE CHILD BORN AUGUST 1.1999, IN SURRY COUNTY.NORTH CAROLINAThe above named respondent will lake notice lhat a petition has been filed before the District Court of Yadkin Counly, North Carolina seeking to ter­minate your parental rights over your mli^or son bom August 1,1999. in Surry Counly. North Carolina.You are required to answer the pe­tition not later than the 3rd day of Octo­ber. 2000. and that upon your failure to -deeoryoufparental righls-wiltbgtermt^ nated.This the 24th day of August, 2000. Richard N. Randleman, Attorney for Yadkin Counly Department of Social Services P.O. Box 727 Yadkinville. NC 27055 Telephor^e: (336) 679-2412 8-24-3tn NORTH CAROUNA'DAVIE COUNTYEXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of the Estate ofHENRYEDWARDHARP,SR., deceased, late ot Davie Counly, North Carolina, the undersigned executor does hereby notify all persons, firms, or cor­porations having claims against Henry Edward Harp, Sr., and/or the estate of said decedent, to exhibit same to the undersigned executor on or before 24 November 2000, or this nolk^ vrill be pleaded In bar of recoveiy. All persons, firms, or corporations Indebted to sakl ' decedentand/ortheestateofsaiddece* dent wlD please n>ake Immediate pay* ment to the undersigned executor.This 24th dsyol August, 2000. ' Andrmur White. Executor for the Estate of Henry Edward Harp. Sr.- PostOffk^eBoxliei . MocksviUe, 14027028 : ‘ B*24wttn AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORE* CLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTYUNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of the power and authority contained In that certain Deed of Tnist executed and do* . livered by Dennis L. Haile and wife. Celeste W. Haile, dated April 24,1998 and recorded on April 29,1996 in the Office of tho Register of Deedsof DAVIE Counly, North Carolina, in Book 0275 at Page 0777; and because of default in tho payment of the Indebtedness se­cured thereby and failure to carry out and periorm the stiputelions and agree* n>enls contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Tnjstoe will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest tedder for cash at the usual place of sale at the DAViE Counly Courthouse, In Mocksville. DAVIE Counly. North Carolina, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, the 13lh day ol September, 2000, that parcel of tai^, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and boing in tho City of Mocksville. County of DAVIE. State of North Carolina, and being moro particu* lariy described as foitows:BEING ALL OF LOT 25. FOX RUN SUBDIVISION. AS SHOV/N ON PLAT RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 182. DAVIE COUNTY REGIS* TRY.The present record owner of Ihe fore­going real property is Dennis L Haile and Celeste W. Hallo, a/k/a Celeste Wood-Halle. The real property described hereinabove has a street address of 115 Fox Run Drive. Mocksville. NC 27028. OAVIE Counly. Al theconsummatton of the foreclosure salo. the Substitute Tmsiee resen/es the right to require a cash deposit in the amount alk>wed by law.This property shall be soM subject to all unpaid taxes, prior lien(s) and spocial assessments. Ajs required by law the sale Shan be open for a period of ten days. This sale may bq .up^ot.by placif«,. an upset bkJ within said ten day perk>d ol time. In the amount required by law.This the lOlh day of August, 2000.^Richard P. McNeely Substitute Trustee 6-31-21П NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIECREDITORS NOTICEHAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of the Estate ol MARIANA MATHEWSON. late of Davie County. Ihis is lo notify all persons having claims against sakl estate to present them lo tho undersigned onor before the 24th of November. 2000. being three (3) months from №e first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate win please make Immediate pay­ment to the undersigned.This 2tst day of August, 2000.Kent Mathewson, Executor 5220 Bermuda Village Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Von Hoy. LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUfiTYNOЛCE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor ol the Estate of CLAUDE DELMAS VANNOY. lale of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against sakl es­tate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 1st day of December, 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notk:e will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned.Tnis is tho 31 Sl day of August, 2000.BRYCE HOLDER. Executor P.O. Box 1908 Boone. NC 28607 --------:-----------------------e^4-4tfV- NOTICEOF FORECLOSURE SALEUnder and by virtue of the power ol salo contained ina cortain Deed of Tmsl madoby Anthony H. Hutchens and Julln M. Hutchens. Husband and WifotoJohn H. Komogay. Tnjstee(s), dated the 6th day of August, 1999 and recorded In Book 310, Page 811, Davie County Reglsl7, North Carolina, Default having been made In the payment of tho nolo thereby secured t>y the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA. having been substi­tuted asTmslee In said Deed of Trust by an Inslrumenl duly recorded In Ihe 01* fice of the Register of Deeds of Davio Counly, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing sakl indobtodnosa havingdirocled thal the Deed of Trust bo foreck>sed. the undersigned Substltutn Trustee will offer lor sale al the Court­house Door. In the City of Mocksvillo, Davio County. North Carolina at 1:30 p.m. on Juesday the 19th day of Sep­tember. 2000 and win sell lo the highest bkJdor for cash the folk)wing real estato situate in the County of Davio. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:BEING all of Lot Number One Hun­dred Thirty-Eight (136) as shown on a Plot enlillod *A Subdlvi8k>n for Erwin Mills. Inc.. Cooleemoo. N.C.* by Picko'i and PickeR. Engineers, dated April. 1953. and recorded in Davie County Registry in Plat Books.pages 11,12,13, and 14 to which reference is hereby made for n moro particular descriotion. Togelher withlmprovemenls tocated ihoroon; said property being tocatod at 106 Watt Street. Cooleemee. North Carolina.SUBJECTTOcertainRESTRICTlVE COVENAhfTS as lo the use thereof as set forth in a deed recorded in Book 55. page 25, Davie County Registry.Shouki Ihe property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay tho tax of Thirty Cents (30() per One Hun­dred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-3O0(a)(1).The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for salo. transfer and conveyance 'AS. IS. WHERE IS.' Neither theTnjstee nor Iho hokler of the note secured by the deed of tnal/security agroemetit, or both, being foreck)sed. nor the officers, directors, attorneys, empkiyees, agents or autho­rized representative of either the Trustee or the hokfer of the note make any represontatk)n of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely condittons existing in, on. al or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all respon­sibilities or liabilities arising oul of or in' any way relating to any such condition^ exprestiy are disclaimed. Also, this prop-' erty* is being soM si4})ect lo ail taxes; spocial assessments, and prior liens or encurr^brances of record and any re-, corded releases.A cash deposit (no personal chocks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). whichever Is greater, wid be required al the time of the sale.This 29lh day of Augusi 2000.H. TERRY HUTCHENS, P.A.Substitute Tmsteo /8/ H. Terry Hutchens, ProskJont H. Terry Hutchens. P.A.Si^titute Trustee P.O. Box 25054200 Morganton Road. Suite 103 Fayetteville. North Carolina 283029-7-2ln MARTIN SAW SHOP 75I«503SSharpenina:steel Clrele8ews,Ce^ Saws,Yard Tools, Chain Saw Chalnt, ^cUsoQi^^Sn^ G E N E T R E X LE R H O O n N GNow A Old Roofs 24 Years Exporionco ' Free Estimates NOTICE OF BRANCH APPLICATION Application of the Bank of Davlc. Mocksvillc, Davlc County, North Carolina, for authority to acquire the assets and assume the liabilities of a Branch Office of Firsl Bank, Troy, North Carolina, located at 109 Monroe Street. Carthage, Moore County. North Carolina ha.s been filed with the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks to be processed in accordance with Rule 4 NCAC 3C .0201, and the Regional Dircctor of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This application is contingent upon approval and consummation of the merger of First Savlng.s Bank of Moore Counly. Southern Pines. North Carolina inlo First Вапсоф, Troy. North Carolina. The branch ofTice will remain open and will operate as the Bank of Davic “Carthage ОГПсс." The public is inviied to submit written comments reganling Ihis Application lo the Nonh Caiollna Commissioner of Banks, 4309 Mall Service Ccnier, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4309. The comment period on this Application will end fourteen (14) days from dale of publication. The Commissioner of Banks will consider comments, including requests for a public meeting or formal hearing on this application, received within the commcnt period. Any person wishing to comment on this Application may file his/her comments, in writing, with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Софога|1оп al its Regional Office located at Suite 1600, One Atlantic Center, 1201 Wesl Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309- 3449, before processing of Ihe Application has been completed. Processing will be completed no earlier than ihe fifteenth (15th) day following either the date of the last required publication or the date of receipt of the Application by the FDIC, whichever is later. The period may be extended by the Regional Director for good cause. The non-confidemial portion of the application file is available for inspection within one day following the request for such file. It may be inspected in itie Corporation's Regional ОШсе during regulu business hours. Photocopies of information In the non-cbnfidential po^on of the application Tile will be made available upon request. Л schedule of charges for such copies can be obtained from the Regional Office. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2(H)0 - D7 nSlliiXPENSrVE p r o f it a b l e Legals IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE NORTH CAROUNA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIECOUNTY 00SP34 IN THE MAHER OFTHE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY IRENE PERRY DATED SEPTEMBER 17,1999 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 316 lAT PAGE 11N THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC REGISTRY. NORTH •CAROUNANOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of Ihe Clork of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-roforoncod deed of tnist and bocauso of default in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and fail­ure to cany out and periorm Ihe stipula- lion and agroemonls ihereln contained ond. pursuant to demand of tho ownor and hokfer of the indebtedness secured by sakl deed ot trust, tho undersigned substitute tmstoe will expose for sate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash al tho usual place of salo at the countycourthouse of sakl county at 11:00 A.M. on September 18.2000 the follow­ing described real estate and any other improvomenls whk:h may be situated thereon. siluatodinDAVlE County. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:A CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA. AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBER 28. SECTION II OF WESTRIDGE SUBDI­VISION LOCATED IN SHADY GROVE TOWNSHIP.DAVIECOUNTY.NORTH CAROLINA. ACCORDING TO A PLAT THEREOF DULY RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 5. PAGE 5. DAVIE COUNTY ■ REGISTRY TO VWICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PAR- TICUUR DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS: 165 W RIDGE DRIVE: ADVANCE. NC 27006 TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO: E811-A-5.And Being more commonly known as: 165 Westrkfge Drive. Advance. NC 27006.The record ownor of the property as relloctod on the records ol the Rogistor of Deeds, is IRENE PERRY.The property to t>o olfered pursuant to this notice ol sak) is being olfered lor sale, transfer and conveyance *AS IS. WHERE IS.* Neither the Trustee nor tho holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreemenl. or bolh. being forectosed. nor the officors. directors, attorneys, emptoyees. agents or autho­rized representative of oitherTrustee or the holder of the note make any repre­sentation or warranty relating to the tilk} or any physical, environmonta), health or safety conditk>ns existing in. on. at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such conditkm expressly are disclaimed. This sale is n\ade sub­ject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments in­cluding but not limiled to any transfer lax associated with the foroctosure for pay­ing. if any. A deposit of five percent (5%) ot the amounl d ihe bkl or seven hun­dred fifty dollars ($750.00). whkhever is greater, is required and must bo ten­dered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sate will be hold open ten days for upset bkis as required law. Fdtowing the expiration of the statutory upset period, alt remaining amounts are immediatoly due and ow­ing.The date of this Notice is August 21. 2000.Elizabeth B. Ells or Grady I. tngle Substitute Trustee _____301 S. McDowell St.. Suite 408 Yard Sales Fenturlng this wook:1920 Washing Machino • MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES &FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. It. insldo 053 Wilkosboro St.Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Vendor spaces call 751-2181. 3-FAMlLY MOVING SALE- furniluro. baby & toddler items, clothes, glassware, farm iand morel 186 Willboone Rond (off NC 801) Saturday. 8am until- cancollod If rain.__________ 5-FAMlLY YARD Sale, Salurday 8:00am, 219 Beauchamp Rd. Advance: (2) 10-speod girls bikes, tires, entertainment center, toys, kids computer software, clolhos (boys, giris. adult) baby items, Fry baddy, little ' griddle, household items, etc. 8-FAMILY YARD salo. Rotary Hut Saturday. 8:00-111-2:00_______ ALMOST RAINED OUT: Salo, Sat 8-1..64W. Powoll Rd. to Allison Ln. CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES126 N. Salisbury Stroel Mocksvillo. NC 27028 (336)751-6252 (SALE) Celebration Barbie- S34.75 Shop now for Christmas: Barbies, Holwhools, toys, porcelain dolls. Coko colloctiblos, musical globos, much moro. Lay-a-wav availablo. COMMUNITY YARD SALE: Sat.. Sept. 9. 0am-until. Rock Spring Rd. From Turkey Foot Rd. solo before Rock Spring Church. From Shoffiold Rd.. ottor tho church. Can't miss this one. FRI 4 SAT, 8-21413 Baltimore Rd.________ FRI & SAT, 8-12425 Madison RoadAdult & children's clothes, toys.filinq cabinet & much moro. FRI. & Sat.. Sept.. 8 & 9 8am • until3 family yard sate. Buck Cable’s. 214 Wúlf Lano; South on 601 to Bocktown Rd.. watch lor signs. Clothes, toys, household itoms, plants, porcelain dolls, lawn mowers, wheel & tiros & much moro. HUGE 3 FAMILY Yard Sale- Hwy 158 to Main Ch. Rd., 1 milo on rt. Lots of nice decoro, books, exercise equip., name brand child & adull clothes & much moro. SATURDAY 8 TIL 2. Nico baby , ctothes. loys. car seals, etc.. ^ furniture, clothes. 1901 Cornalzer . Rd. noar Sara Loo Planl. ] WYO COMMUNITY MULTl-family Yord Salo. Sal 7-until. Follow < signs.________________• YARD SALE: Sat.. Sept 9.8-until? 6802 Hwy 801S.Lots of numerous items.______ YARD SALE: Saturday, Sept. 9th 8:00 until Household items, large size ladies & men's ckithing, etc. 136 Main St.. Cooleemoo FREE DOG TO good family: Miniature red long-haired dachshund, good family pet, approx 2&1/2years, has shots. 751-3660' FULL-BRED COCKER Spaniel puppies availablo now. Firsl shots, dewormed. 751-5607 leave messaqe._____________ NEED A GOOD home, with room lo run, for a part Lab female, spayed, good with childron and other pets. She's a stray and really needs a home. 998-4561 Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy officlont apartment. 1 & 2 bodroom. pool, baskolball court & swings, kitchon appliancos furnishod including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washor/dryer connections. High energy olficlent heal pump provides cenlral hoat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phonos. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Locatod In Mocksvillo behind tho old Hendricks Furniluro building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. olf of Hwy. 158. Ollice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phono 751-0168. NICE 1BR FURNISHED apartment. Threo miles olf 158. 751-2967 Child Care TWO VERY EXPERIENCEDmothers would liko to koop childron agos 3 and up. Good, hot meals, Qood learning, caring, peaceful & Christian daycare for children. S100/wk. por child. Both molhors have 10 years home school oxporionco. If you nood excollont care for your childron. call anytime: 492-62 Id. Lost & Found ■ Mobile Homes/Rent 6-YEAR-OLD little girl has lost 7- wk-old Golden Retriovor. in Pudding Ridgo area. If found, ploaso contact Joo Caudol at 492- 2287.________________ LOST IN HILLSDALE area Sopt. 1, Siberian Husky, fornaio; black, gray & white markings. About 4.years old. 998-9505 Condos For Rent ■ Lots For Rent 2 BEDROOM. 2 Bath Condo- Tanglowood Farms. All Appliancos. Howard Really. 751-3538 Farm IVIachlnery A oD lÌances 1 CUB CADET TRACTOR. Model 998-8276. 416, 279 hours. Iront-ond loader.1 Micr^ollflnoni IC FOR SALE: Konmoro washer and brand-new bush-hog. novor used, 4wd. S9.50Q.■ IVIIobcliaiicuUo Dryor. Call 492-2727 before 9pm 940-5012 OLDER MODEL CHEST-typofreozor, running condition, white, price noQ. 998-4083 SAVE MORE Reconditioned and Gauranteed NEW FARM EQUIPMENTLow Prices Plows, Disc Harrows. Scoop Pans. Spreaders. Bushogs, Box Blados. Scrape Blades. Gatos. Corrals & more. Wo deliver Wriqhl Farm Gatos 998-8637 751-3545 960 Salisbury Rd. Auctions FIREARMS NEEDEDNow Accepting Consignments For September 23 Auction! www.peggauclion.com JCPeqaff5098 966-4414 Business Opportunity WORK AT HOME Up to S25-S75 hour. INTERNET Mail Order (336)463-5810 Full trainin^^ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Caro has immediate openings-ALL AGES - , (or 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibititios). Convenient houis 5:30am - 1:45am. Full Time. Part Time. Drop In - upon availability. Come see us al 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across from В & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudetto or Dobra. 751-PLAYf7529)______ CHILD CARE IN my homo, Inlant and up, before & after school. Full­time and part-time. WRD aroa: 492-2908______________ CHRISTIAN MOTHER WILL caro (or one ЪаЬу in my home. Excellent references. Leave mossaqe. 492-7279 GOOD LOVING MOTHER will koop children before and after school. $3S/week. Good hot meals. Good snacks. ExceUontcare. 492-6219 KOUNTRY KORNER HASImmediate openings lor infants thru preschoolers, discount for second child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbie.______ MOTHER OF ONE interested in keeping children at home - all ages. 492-2603 Furniture TABLE AND 6 chairs; china closot; portable dishwasher; dresser; and other funtiluro. Antique oak slop back cupboard; primitive cherry 2- piocosot. Call751-1108 Homes For Rent 2 Bodroom, 1 Bath - Mocksvillo A Bedroom. 2 Balh • Advance3 Bodroom. 1.5 Baths. Garago &Bsmt - Advance Howard Really 751-8562 ______or 751-3538______ 2 BEDROOM, PARTLY furnished.3 Bodroom. completely furnishod. Country living near town, 3600 plus deposit and references. Limit 3. no pots, no HUD. 336-284-4712 HILLSDALE AREA • Nice home.' good neighborhood. 3Br, 2.5Ba, 2- car garage. S800.00/month (336)751-2532___________ HISTORICAL HOME ON Salisbury St., 1,772 sq. It., central air. gas furnace, references and deposit required. 1-year lease. No HUD. (336)751-1108___________ US 158 EAST, 3br. Iba. large lot. S125/wk. 924-1824 Homes For Sale FOR SALE (Ownor Financing Availablo)1 1/2 story homo wilh cathodraJ ceiling in Groat Room/DR. Breakfast bar. wood stove insert, coiling fans in every room. 4 BR/3 baths. Oversized garage, lots of attic storage. 1+ acre lot in rural neighborhood. Davio counly schools/ taxes. $149,000. Call 336-940-5090. Land For Sale FOR SALE OR TRADERiver property: 15 acres with stream, no flooding, adjoining Alcoa, access to Yadkin River. Hv^ 601. $10.000 per acre. (336)751- 3666________________ LAND FOR SALE by ownen 5.01 acre Iract, heavily wooded. Cana Rd.. serious inquires only. 998-3678 Chariotte. NC 28204 (704)333-8107 0-7-2Ш NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTRIX'S NOTICEHaving qualified as Executrix of the Estate of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD. deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims againsi said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 7lh day of December^ 2000, said date being at least three months from tho date of first publication of this notice, or this notk:e will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons In­debted to said estate'will please make Immediate payment tolho undersigned. ■ This 7th day of September, 2000 tho "same being the first publicatksn date.Margaret W.Poovoy Executrbc of the Estate of : • PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD; 'Grady L McClamrock. Jr.' • Attomey the Estate of : PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD ,; 161 South Main street ‘ . MocksviUe, North Carolina 27028 - ; 'Telephofto: (336) 751*7502 ‘ 9-7-4tn, ГШЕ—Г for placing a classllied ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday FOR SALE: (^rs • Trudis titility Buildings Carports; All Siz^ All Galvanized All Size DoflUits 336-751-3442 IVIocksville, NC _ O A S f c L _ -PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLO METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE tUISECAROER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about Tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CaCi lodnyl (336) 9 9 8 -8 8 1 0 MILLER e q u ip m e n t n J RENTAL FALL IS COMINCI Bobcal. aeralot core plugger a more lor reni lodavi ,336,751-2304 2BR, 2BA, ON Shelfioid Rd.. just outside Davie County. $400/mo.. $350/doposlt. Call Joo after 8pm. 704-546-2089 Mobile Homes/Sale fINO CRED1T7II Special Govornmenl Rnance Program with only 5%dn. on now SWs or DW’s. 336-751-0503___________ ItZERO DOWNll Und/ home packages. You don't have lo have land to qualify. 336-751-0503 MOBILE HOME SPACES for rent. Shady Acros МНР. Inc. John Crotts Rd. One milo. Hwy 64 Easl ol Mocksviile. Rolandscaped. paved streets & parking. Ready 4- 5 wk. Call 998-8222, 940-6233 or ALL EQUIPMENT FROM W^o 400It. chicken houses for salo. Call 1- 336-998-2230.___________ ALMOST NEW 24,000 BTU Fodders Air conditioner (240V). Usod part of one season- cooled 1400 foot house greatl Now have cenlral air. Cost $500- Sell S380 OBO. (336)751-0183 before 9pm. COMPLETE SCREENPRINTING SETUP: 4 color & 1 color presses. 2 Hash units, light table, dryer squeegees. 100 screens, 75 buckets of ink. manuals, videos, magazines, emulsions S5000 or besl offer Call 336-751-7795, ask for Kevin. FOR SALE:K & G SALVAGEVinyl siding. 534.95/ square Adull briefs. $3.95/pk.. Insulated window sash. S4/pr. 5*4‘x8'2' hardboard, $3.99/oa.; wallboard (or mobile home 4x7, S4.95/oa.; 4x9, S5.95/ea.;bathroom sinks with facet, range hoods. S14.95/ea.;4*x12'x1/2* Sheelrock. damaged. S4.00/ea.; 4'x8'cedar closet liner. 9.95/ ea.; 5/4' treated decking bds.. 6'. S3.99/ea.: 10'. $4.99/ea.; 12' S5.69/ea.New roofing shinglos, S14.95/sq. Pergo limainale flooring, S1.99/sq. 6 panel Exterior Steel Door units, S84.00/ea.;Formica, S.50/sq. ft.Interior paneling. S5.95/oq.:Bldg. stone $140 per pallet/140 sq.ft.; ijifv'Roofing felt, $6.95/roll;We stock stainless steel in sheets & pipe.Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36' dia.We slock pumps & accessories for wells. Steel I-Beams For Sale.K & G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road)1st business on West bank of Yadkin River 910-699-2124 • IVlobile Homes/Rent FOR SALE: Almost new 5000w Coleman generator, S650 3000w Honda generator, $300 1969 Ford longwheel base van. 302 auto, SI000.492-6380______________ FOR SALE: Sony Play Station with memory card. 1 game, $90.00. Call 284-4425.___________ MUST SELL 3 arch style steel bldgs. Damaged during delivery. 25x30. 30x38. 35x56. Huge discounts to buyers. Will Rnance. No reasonable offer refused. 1- 800-222-6335.___________ WILL BUY JUNK CARS.284-4194 GALVALUMEBO YSAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors i Pole Buildings * Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS SSa. R6L Week SpsElflllll 3BR Fleolwood...Mova In TodayllM Call 1-888-211-4482.__________ ••INVENTORY BLOWOUT*Under New Management Need To Sell All Lot Models. Land/ Home Packages Avallablel All Applications Accepledl Call 888-436-2797 *3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile homo with lot ront. $450 per month. Cool Springs • Easy financing even wilh bad credit. (336)751-7734 •LAND/HOME* Davie Co. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, one acre left. 601 N. (336)751-9140 $589 per mo. •LAND/ HOME* ADVANCE - Williams Rd. Great schools. Valuable property. Good Price, $15.000 for lot. Home neg. (336)751-0115___________ •NEVER LIVED IN*'99. 80ri.. 4-bdrm. 2-bath doublewide. No Credit=$4700 down pymt Guaranteed flnar>dng. Move In Today. (3361751-7734 0 DOWN UND/ home qualified buyers.0179. to 1 COOLEEMEE AREA, recenlly remodeled home wilh 3 good ^ed bedrooms and 2 baths. $210 payments. <336)751-7439_____ 1982 OAKWOOD UKE r>ew • r>ot lived in for 12 years. 3BR & 2Bth, S4500 cash or pmts of $135 w/only $269 dn. 336-751-0503______ 1995 14X70, SKYLINE 2Br, 2Ba, new water heater, carpet, tile, counters & paint. Decks, heat pump & security sysiem included. Must be moved. $15,000.00 336-940-3119 1997 OAKWOOD MOBILE home 14x70. 2br, 2ba on Z5 acres in Yadkin Co., near Unifi on Shacktown Rd. 679-3160 or 998- 2907 ___________ 2BR, 2BA, 14X70; has refrigerator, range, washer/ dryor, heat pump, Immacualte, privately owned. One half mile from city limits. Quiet location. $600/month, one month advance plus security deposit. (336)751-3666___________ 3 BEDROOM. 2 Bath, move In today. (336)751-7439 $283 per mo._________________ ?N0 CREDIT? Automatically approved on 1991 model home. Sel-up and remodeled. Guaranteed $1855 down payment. Call (336)751-7734.________ ABANDONED DOUBLEWIDE$1,000 down & move in. Call 744- 1306.________________ Abandoned Home 111 4 Bedroom Fleetwood Doublewide on 1 acre secluded lot. Make 2 p move In 1-888-211-<________ ABANDONED HOME NEARFreighlliner. Assumable with tow downpmt. 336-751-0503_____ AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED 3bedroom singlewide, remodeled, nice. $210 per mo. $1200 down. Ready to move Into. (336)751- 7734 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORI SERVICELaying • Sanding • Rnishing FREE ESTIMATES Ownen Larry McCtonney 129 Lakewood Dftve 336-751-1721 Chase Grading Gradino • Hauling LaniTscaping Land Clearing ■ Driveways • Gravel' Mufch ■ Fill Dirt' New Lawns 336-998-1053 t New&OU Roofs •Free Estimates Perkins ReoflDg 336-998-1Í50 Lopdy, Lordy Raymond Garner is 401 Г щ tglinmlhitltawSiiillninhii Mowthiia,ywan'tMn «■ кий*,'»«-«iNdi СП iko bt wlfM by Ni lhbiiT(ntntdi|iNon)ai'llhMMiyaml ПШУ0т!Вт,Я11тт.5а«1.От1кЩ >• Dg - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 7,2000 [ X S INEXFENSaWE PROFITABLE Mobile Homes/Sale Ш Mobile Homes/Sale | \ BANK REPOBrand now-nover lived in. Tako over payments at 8.25% or rolinanco discounted selling price. Save thousands. Must see. Quail Run Homos. Inc., next to Cooks Original Rea Market, Patterson Avo., Winston-Salem._______ BANK REPO’S. Used homos. Aged Homes. Save Tons. 336* 526-31¡26-3147__________ BEAUTIFUL HOME SET up ' acre lot ready to move in. 70 2347 on 1 1-072- BRAND NEW 3BR 2000 model Floetv/ood. Only SI 89 per month. (WAC) CaH704-672»0191. NEW CREDIT REBUILDING PROGRAM now available for Rrst Time Homebuyers. Call 8D0-523* 5582.______________ private lot AVAIUBLE InClemmons. Call 744-1307. REPOSSESED AND FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR SALEHouses on our lot and also already set up on land. All are one of a kind. Don’t wait-como by today. Quail Run Homes, Inc., next to Cooks Original Rea Market, Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem. Sacratlce 510,000, Forfeit Downpayment on 2.000 sq.ft.. ■1999. Fleetwood Doublowida. Will move to your iol...CaII 1-888-211- ¡4482._______________ • SKYLINE FACTORY OUTLET1-72’x28', 5/12 rool, finished deck-64.9002-56’x28’, 38r, 2.58a, loaded-49.9001-52’x28’3Br, 2B loaded-43.900 1-80’x14’, 3Br, 2B, loaded-24,900 ■2-80’x14’, 3Br, 2B, vinyl-shingle- ■28,900. 1’44'x28’. 3Br. 2B-loaded-36.900 Call Us Toll Free 1-088-462-78O6.. .. ;We Save You Money Bonania Mobile Homes. Inc. WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN 12 and 3 bedrooms, all areas. Your Itrado in valuo will never be higher. Call 767-0140 now. BUY NOW, PAY later. No payments until 2001. Coll 704-872- 0854.________________ CREDIT HOT LINE: Got pre­approved on now home in 30 minutes or less. Call 704-872- 6389.»_______________ FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS Como learn how to qualify for government Insured lending programs. Quart Run Homes. Inc., 4270 Pattorson Ave., Next to Cooks Original Rea Market, Winston-Salom.______■ FIRST TIMEE HOME BUYERS program. No credit needed. Call 744-1308._____________ FOR SALE BY ownor: Now manufoctured house. 2200 square foot. Beautiful country location. Iredell/ Davio line. Possible owner financinq. (704)902-1968 FSBO: NEW 14x70 mobile homo, underpinned. 3Br. 2Ba. utility building. Woodleaf arca. Call (704)792-1462___________ ’’LARRY’S OPEN HOUSE” Under New Management Como In For Tremendous Savings On A New Home!Call Now 888-438-2797 74 OAKWOOD, 3 bdr. 1&1/2 bath, central air, good condition. Houso Is built; MH has to go. S3500. (336)998-0746 alter 5._______ ■95 SKYLINE HOME, 14X70. 3BR, 2BA.$12.000.00. 336-492-2535 ’99 SINGLEWIDE: Assume loan. 888-251-6790 or 751-1571 DAVE'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIESFor Sale: Clarinet, Trumpet. C Flute. Violin. Elec. Basses.- Guitars. Mandolins. Banjos, - Dolbros-S200.00 each.79 Court Square, Mocksvillo 751-1934 PIANO TUNINGilrinq & Rebuilding Solf-playors, Salos & Son/ice Wallace Barford 998-2789 Real Estate Wanted WANTED: 1 to 5 acres for stick- built house, vicinity Advanco or Fam\lngton. Hardwood trees a plus. (336) 643-3646 loavo messaqe, will return call ASAP. WE BUY HOUSES. Any condition, any location. Fast cash, quick closinq. 751-4371. Recreational FOR SALE: Honda 250X 4 whoolor. now carb.. runs groat, fast, good plastic. $2300.00 Calt Jamie 751-0663. B&DDES1GN& CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Comptoto Home Improvomont Company:Wo WoflLTo Moot Your Budpotl Bobcat Work:Wo Do Small Repairs:Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Rof. Available PO Box 424 Mocksville. NC 27028 WILL DO HOU'S^ECLEANING Dependable, honest, reliablo. Mothof & dauqhtor loam. 998-8945 DENNY’S LAWN SERVICEResidential & Commorciai mowing, fortiiizing, rosooding, coro aerator, shrubs trimmed. No job too small. (336)766-0743 or paqof. 748-6141 DISH SOO, FREE System & FREE Installinq. 1-800-984-0772 DJ SERVICELife of tho Partyl Reasonable rates. _____336-284-4682______ Dump Truck ServiceHauling-Rli Din. Sand, Gravel, Asphalt, etc. Reasonable Ratos.Call: Hunter Hauling (336)940-6808 leave messaqe HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLEon a weekly or bi-wookly basis. 284-2725 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard LInk-Ownor Free Estimates ______998-1798_______ MOBILE HOME REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTSFroo ostimatos. Wo do it all. ______492-6380_______ OSBORNE ELECTRICfor all your eloctrical needs.Free Estimates. 751 -3398. DAVIE CO. EXTENSION noods you to go with us to Nashvilto Oct. 13-15. Seo Grand Olo Opry and Stars, tour Music Row. Ryman Auditorium. Hermita^o. dinner & show at Nashville Nightlllo. Grand Olo Opry's Hotel & Sunday Brunch, much more. Call Vickie 751-6297 or 998-3260. Bailey and Howard Tours Sopt30-0ct1: Renfro Valley. Ky. George Jones In concerll Sunday Mornrng Gathering. 1 dinnOr- $185.00 Oct 13-15'. Nashville, Tn. Grand Olo Opiy, dinner & show al Wild Horse Saloon. Lunch & entorlainmenl on General Jackson Cruiso. Breakfast & Entertainment al Nashville Night Ufo Theater and Opry Mills. Motel- Fiddler’s Inn- D- S345.00. Can Early. Nov 1M2: Renfro Valloy. Ky. Lorotta Lynn In concert & Sunday '' ■■ ■ DinnerGathering Also, Nov 25th AnnualMorning$185.00. . ...Christmas Shopping and Lights In Pigeon Forgo • $35.00 Dec 2-3: Myrtle Beach • Christmas Shows. Carolina 0p7 and Dixlo Stampedo Show & Dinner. Shopping Time at "Broadway at tho Beach' D $179.00 Call- 998-4338 or 336-752-2135 Vehicles 1957 LOG TRUCK, fobuill ongino, good tiros, ready for use. 336-284-2876________________ 1978 CUTLASS V-8.5 spoed. Half •Jon vinyl top; good condition. 766- V e h ic le s 1995 DODGE NEON, 2-door, auto, ps, ac. am/(m cassette, tintod windows. $2,695. (336)284-6318 1995 PLYMOUTH NEON, 4-door,' auto, ps. pb. pw. pdl, CC, ac, tilt, $3.895. (336)284-8318______ 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER,; power windows/ locks, tilt, cruiso. air, 4 doors. CD player- $21,000.00 284-4540______________, FOR SALE: 1990 Chovrolot' pickup truck Silverado, loaded. $6700. 751-1203_________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick • Dodge 700 W. Innos St.. Salisbury704-636-1341______ ‘83 CHEV K-5 Blazer, auto, air,, good condition. $3300.00 or BO. ' Local call 972-3142________^ •86 TOYOTA CORROLLA SPORT.auto, air. $1200.00. Local call, 972-3142._____________ •go DODGE SPIRIT LE, V6, 140,000 milos, good condition. $2.000. (336)998-0746 after 5. ‘92 FORDTHUNDERBIRD U.V6. all power options, new tires, oxcollont cond., 106K. $4000. 998-3417 I <Si>\)iUage- R e n n ix Grading & Landscaping Todd Rennix - Owner 333 McCullough Rd. Mocksvillc Phone: (336)751-5178 Mobile: (336) 909-0273 RANDY MILLER &SONS295 .Miller Road* Mocks) ille.NC (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 SepiicSyiiwu Footings Loader Work ^B ennuda '^ 'V j i U a g e - --------г ^ Housekeepers Bermuda Village is accepting applications for Full-Time & Part-Time Housekeepers. Please call Connie or Kathy at Bermuda Villago 998-6703 M-F 8:00-4:00. ^B erm ud a ---------_________> Cook Experienced in all aspects of food preparation. Be a part of a unique team in a country club ■ setting. Call Bermuda Village at 998-6764 Part-time RN Position Available Please call Berm uda Viliago 998-6709, M-F, 9:00-5:00 ^ B e r m u d a O ^ ^ V i l l a g e - Bermuda Village has openings for Full-Timo and Part-Time DININQ ROOM S ER VER SBcaulKul cnvltonmcnt with lloxlblo twurs. Students/Rctlrcci^orkinf Moms wclconw. Call 998-6764 or Apply at H\vy.80i S., Advance A U C T I O N REAL ESTATE HOUSE & LOT; OLD GLASSWARE, FURNITURE, JEWELRY S A T U R D A Y • S E P T . 0 • 9 A M In case of 1^ rain, sale Hill be held under (cnL Estate o f L illie M ae Shuford (Deceased)LOCATiaS: »«liжnandSl. NV'MvvSaleiii. NC. Tim.ilTS. .\UnSL(«rpNKi\r.)th V(v-.ik*ulK>Eh fuimtySiah 1*л1 SchiiL)C<niaieltr.1li»L<&itfnni;lilin UmnJ St Salem1000*8 of Hems —Oefvession Glass, huge amount ol jowoiry. tobacco ai»raittaere,Hul Art& McCoy Pottery. Advertiser«, Occupiod Japan,100‘s of figurines, 100‘s of piecos of Old Glassware.Ms Sr***dwaanew<dscrmi^^ Attnaauamyauwitinaoneo/ ffie tilgest encj Inst cotoctoiiiofouposctnf^tissonyvficni. F R E D Q . M O C K , A U C n O N E E R 1за«| 3<M • wcAL oai E s t a t e A u c t i o n Saturday, September 16,2000 • 10 am Personal property of Truman K. Dickens (deceased) 238 Hardy Rd., Harmony, N.C. 28634^ Directions: From Mocksville, Hwy 64 W, lum right on Sheffield Rd., go S miles, lum left on Hardy Rd. ONLY A PARTIAL USTING Seo Complete Ad Next Week A House Full of Good Bedroom, Living Room and Kllchen Furniture and Collectibles. Poster Bed, Old Dressers, Curio Cabinet, Jelly Cupboard, Pie Safe, Hand Crank Telephone, Ford P.U. Truck 1978 model. Ford 8N Tractor, Over 10 pieces equipment. David Sp«r NCAL «29B4 336-998-4162 Speer Auctions Mocksville, NC Jim Sheek NCALtt924 336-998-2058 ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 9 -10:00 AM (Rain Date Sept. 16) Estate of Alice Van Alstlne 175 Lakewood Village Rd., Mocksvillo Dlractions: Sale is located just ott 601 S. just below Davie High School and the Lee plant, lollow signs. Ilems to bo sold IrKludo: Numorous ctalos of fabric and malotlal. Tasco binoculars. Polaroid Ono-Slop camora. Chlnon 35 mm. camera. RCA VMS vldoo camera, lols of sowing Ihroad, sowing nolions, alrr»st now Singor Quanlam Lock (dilforonlial food Surgor Sowing Machino), also almost new Singor Mc^el 49 fieavy duly DGSOOGA commercial sowing machino wilh stand, wood book shelves, melal shelf, saw and drill stands, lots ol ceramics, some glassware, sovoral crates of craft supplies, now Crahsman 5 hp. 22 Galk)n upright Air Compressor, Almost now RyobI 16" scroll saw with stand. Now Craftsman 8" drill press and stand. Now Craltsman 10’ 2.5 hp. tablo saw In box. Delta 5' bench grinder. New Craltsman mouse sandor polisher, RyobI Router, Router bits, vise, electric drill. Now Craltsman air drive paint tank, Othor items loo numerous to mention. Don't MÍ8S This Salel Hot Dogs, Sauiaga blicuitt, Drinki, Clilpi. etc. will b< Mnred. For more Information call: Col. Billy Seats, NCAL «32ZZ 164 Dance Hall Rd. • Mocksvllle, NC 27028 (336) 99B-3510 Tenni ol Sala: Caah or Oood Chack • (Nol Reiponilbl* lof AccldanU) J O B S J O B S J O B 3 C A R O L I N A P E R S O N N E L C O . > Assembly Operators> Ceitilled Electricians■ Stamping Machine Operator• Heat Treater, foetal Finisher • Top Sealer• Sheet Melal Mechancis/HVAC e»p.• HVAC Hetpeis/lnstalleis• Printing Press Apprentice MWLV: A U C T IO N Real Estate and Personal Praperty 2.7 acres H - In Yadkin County Saturday, September 9 -9 A.M.Real Estate sells at 11 am. Sale conducted for J.W. & Bonnie DowellFrom V77, tik« It)l n (№ry. 21) thin go touOi 1.7 miM to Hti on rtgM BEALESTATtPBOBEflTYDtSCfllRTlQN Siiatrt on W^fllc^г7W•lcm^f^ 8 niarncWttanw.fntcurTtr<i|iecop<d by iifiart-gwctfwtiyNtaiw. Tha properly cgeaiwtfi 1« N Ml u lof OMw ccapavy. Q yilm vu and room In iroew ham* b AHo luturn s)v*gt <nd irea. Farn Equipflwi ford Ol iiri trader, busWog, (fee toap« Made. 2 boom lun)) ^Coin CoBactkn IncUn aptnximaiiiy 30 Morpan Dobft. 40 Peac« DoBary. Eteitaur Ookvv FtanUn and Kirri«iy IJ2 Oolar». ПМ Ml ard M и(а. УШ1 Eipo Ш Delia V-P«cUs. Bartw Ofnei. Магму Ornn. laveral Fediral Н1Ш1г« rdis. Ctftfeatet. 1/2 e«nl pitca, 3 cert (iecM. 1/2 Dimn plut Us rat loo rwneroui b inentlan.k. HQ and *y«i rinV «hu Fnnch (W«il tedmm luta fU tin). VkrM 41 )*a)«tfüa nre), tT cu IL Ш Spot tTNW, Kcrn^ ttwng rnaiMnt. bulcM bkxk ITK7DW3V« ОЛ (iTia(M). oai gri mioDwart sund. ai«qui Kermti portiWt insh«, Karoiun haal«. Himatknl SMr tana Cunt: Rimr^ 22-250 «Я1 tul barrel fflodil 700. 1917 ErMd JOI cat. Bear VMatal HkrtM Dm I АлмOlhir Cctettin; Torni Jar. oU cew bei EiMi U. №o«t<M coiectoi рШа Gon« «r№ ÍTM WM im* Eibon Ал««о1а cyMN-lypa Vdorob IV1901* 29 ad«^ eyMia e»n tf)dv. tona capper, coal tongt, tMgui iM retoadM 12 S 20 ga. ГЙ can. wodwi duri, 3 hand Icbacœ Min. tawal 1Я*, ТЫ New Titiafneni lUy BM* on lecod 331Д CM toyt.asiorted papenreÿtt. a(f)roi. 600 old comc booài many Irom 1960 up 10 олм. casliron lUeti. I gaL md 10 gaL Qypiy pot, 10 gii «uh pet. at^ 25 Hoiday Barbie Doll ttf in boxet ktt cf c««r BatM Dol} and colector (Ml. Cabbage Patch dcAi. ortgrW Gl Joe dob. »nutartdi ol piecei ol good cotturna jtefeky and Staring S^. 6* gtau «splay сам. I rtvoMng 4s^ inelry case 2 flal-type display caMS. гмМпд watch case, Bud<rtisei Beer colector Sitm. t*one (^u^«KlOd churn,1S WMe Hous« Vne^ jart^n«^ chasL Urn arid Qartatw Sfrpicity tidng rnoim 32 to ДС* cu IS ingin«. Uic Ш tei, drap teedtr, SU ta<; Í3 taw, bel uvler. HO hanl yMer. pka lott Rwal &ЦСТШЕй5ЛИ6:Ц»-and Ug Down art геюсаич and no Bnget have need lor He atora iwa, tomate plant now to mindauctwi and be puparadtobid. Any anjtflrapicbatt that oomtue a cmtton c< tala met be madt prior to №e auctoi Al personal propiity wl U told ibscMa to N Nghest bidMInt Real Ettau buy«t>} И1 tM rei)ur*d to pul a m depos4 4wn day ol taM w«h balance (to al closng (approL 30 days)-1Ца> Pnverty W« b« offered lUiect to ccrfmaiiai c< It« telin day ol talli Pinomi properry bi;)«i can pay by bcaf ctMk, money order, bar* (heck, cash or Uasler Card and Visa, no liiit. no buyen prtrrwRi ANOTHER OOOD AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: H&W Auction & Real Hall AucUon Co. Estate Co., Inc.5729 Roby Une • Jonesville. N.C. 26642 (336)835-4845 N.C.R.E.F.L 9633 N.C.A.F.L 3253 ' Troy L.Hall/Auctionaer/NCAL 4703 • Bruce Monks/AueUoneer/NCAL6256 203 Big Bond Road • Ronda, N.C. 26670 (336) 835-5840 Home Office or 366-7363 Cell AUCTION Saturday, S eptem ber 16,2000 @ 10am lor the Mrs. Leona Bowena - eatate (dmattd) 2508 M illing Rd.***Davie Co.Mocksvllls, N.C.: Irom it«: Sq. lake Hwy. 158 Eisl (Main Si.) lo MillliiB RJ., Ihen Right on Milting Rd., first house on Ihe right afli-r you cross the rail road tracks IComatzer Community) Oak Dresser w/round mirror (old finish) ” Oak Washstand w/lwlsted post columns, towel rack, & mirror (old finish) “ old Dresser w/candle boxes & Mirror " small Cedar Wardrolie “ circa 1940s Parlor suile (3 pc) " small Victor Wood Cook Stove (white w/bread warmer) " Iron Beds ” circa 1920s small Oak Student Desk “ Wooden Mill Chesl" Homemade Tables “ Pie Safe •• Home Made Jelly Cupboard •* Spinning Wheel " Melal Porch Chairs " uph. Love Seat " uph. Reciiner " Singer Zig Zag Sewing Machine. I. Johnson 410 Shotgun (looks good) *• Oak Mantle Clock *• 1875 Hodgin Blnshaw & Co. (WInslon, N.C.) Adv. Book *' early Sanford Motor Co. Advs. (30'Cheyrqlel, Goodyear) " early Coca Cola Leather Billfold " early 1900 Piedmont Cigarette Baseball Trading Card •* Country Quills " Egg Basket “ Adv. Wooden Boxes “ Lanco Cracker Jar “ lion Wash Pot" White House Jar •" Luzlanne Coffee Cans " Horse Drawn Plows " Milk Separator *• Cross Cut Saw Wooden Chicken Coops " old small utility Trailer Many Other Items"*Restroom ' Lunch by Comatzer Church U.M.W. Club 356 Fax Hunter Rd., Harmony, N.C. 28634 704-546-2696 ••• ncal #74 ■ ________ since 19И ____________ .. ■ e L A S S I F I ] IN E X P E N S IV E РЕЮ РГГАВЬБ Vehicles Employment Employment , Employment 1 Employment 1 Employment *95 MrrSUBISHI ECLIPSE. T51 Turbo, rod/black, 5-spood, oxcollont- bolow loan valuo, $6900.00. Local call. 972-3142 LIVE IN CAHEQIVER coupio ior elderly coupio: supporlivo iomily, lovely homo. Call 7O4-055-29O8 lot 'Inlorvlow. , WANTED TO BUY:PINE OR HARDWOOD.Wo select cut or cloar cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704-638 0814 Employment Are you connected?Internet users wanted!$350 to $850 weekly 1-000-735-4405 www.lntomot-cash.nel CHILD CARE ASSISTANT NEEDED' Full-timo. must bo al least 18 yrs. old. High School Graduato or GEO.Young Children's Learning Center 184 Council Si.Mocksville, NC ______751-7118_______ CONCRETE HELPER. TRAVEL roq. Orivers license prelerred. Call 284-4369. Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for Opplkation. EOE__________ DriverATTENTION CO. &OWNER OPERATOR*Freo baso plato-permits'Scales & tolls paid*No loading/ unloading'Guaranteed homo timo•No NYC & No Canada•Groat benellt packago . . .800-925-5133www.cbts.com___________ DRIVERS NEEDED IN thoMocksvillo area (o nrn west coast, good MVR. 2 years exp.CaU 1-800-947-9983._______ ELMS AT TANGLEWOOD.Assisted Living, is now hiring for 2nd shift-Resioont Caro Assts & Mod Techs. All shifts/ Wookonds Only-Residont Caro Assts.> Possible 12 hour shifts. Ploose apply in person to; 3750 Нафог Rd. Clommons. NC Elms at Tanglewood is a dojg froo environment! AtoZPressure Cleaning• FREE ESTIMATES • I m 492*5735 rimfvcvctic-Ok\-nef EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYProcossing Assistant IV position with the Davie County Doparlmont ol Social Son/icos. Tho omi In this position provides cloi support for tho child support agents ond will serve as back-up for clerical supervisor. Will assume other duties as required.Must have tho following skills and abilitios: basic computer skills, considerablo knowlodgo of offico practices and proceduros, ability to summarize, compile, ond tabutale narrative and numerical matorial. ability to organize and effectively process and maintain agoncy records and iilos octivitlos, ability to analyze and record Information and to balance figures, and ability to apply independontly specilic laws, departmental mlos, ond regulations relating to verifying, procossing, and maintaining records and documents.Musl have a valid NC Driver’s licenso and a vehicle available lor work. Must bo a high school graduate and have two yoars of clerical oxperlenco or an equivalent ol training and oxperienco. Submit a completed StateP0107. to Lynne Provotto. Load Child Support Agent, Davio County Dopartment of Social Son^lces. PO Box 517. Mocksvillo. NC 27028. by 5:00pm on September 18. 2000. Equal Ooooctunlty employef. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weeokly w/ovortimo. Must bo dependable. No dmgs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428.______ FULL-TIME POSmON avoilablo lor individual with strong computor skills lo work with accounts payable/ receivables and inventory control. Qualilied Individual needs oxperienco in QuickBooks. Excel, Windows 98 and Microsolt Word. Salary based on experience and ability lo work in a fast paced environment:— Only • qualilied Individual need appjy. Send resumo to SCYC PO Box 819 Cooloomoo. NC. 27014 Attn: Porsonnol_____________ ASSISTANT NEEDED TO HELP manage a busy Lumber Yard and a small group ol. workers. Opportunity open lor Advancement and wage compensatkin Shaver Wood Products, Inc., 14440 Staiesville Blvd.. Cloveland. NC 704-278-9291 HELP WANTED: Horn's Auto/ Truck Plaza, 1670 US Hwy 601 North and 1-40, Mocksvillo. NC 3rd ShlU Cashier 3rd Shift Fuel Attendant Apply on tho luol side, ask for George or Jon. Benefits are available.______________ JANITORIAL-Full-lime 1st ond 2nd shKt industrial cloaners In Statesville. Excellent pay, $8.00/ hour, and bonofils available. Must have a police report and pass a dmg tost. Coll 1-877-863-7454 for appTication._____________ LOCAL SOUTHERN BAPTIST Church seeking someone to work wilh children & youth on a part-time basis. Salaried position. Please send resume to Youth Council: 335 Railroad St.. Mocksvillo. NC 27028.____________ NEEDED: WEEKEND cashlors and dishwashor. Apply in person onlv. Miller's Resturant.______ NOW HIRING ELECTRICIAN'S helper. E»p. proforrod. Appointmont only Osborne Electric. 751-3398______________ NOW HIRING: companies desperately nood employees to assomblo products al home. No selling, any hours. $500 wookly potential. Info 1-504-646-17()0 DEPT. NC-5377__________ PHARMACY TECH: Long-term core pharmacy in Clommons seeking full-time Phannacy Tech. Experience not necessary, but a plus. Send resume and salary roquiroments to: Human Resources, PO Box 1145, Clemmons. NC 27012. FULLTIME POSITIONAVAILABLE lor pest control/ termite tochnlclon. Valid NC driver’s license. $500 start-up fee at ond of 1st year of ornployment. Call (or appointmont. 751-5720 GATX LOGISTICS, INC. Is nowhlrino piece rale packers, material handlers ond order pullers tor the 916 Baltimore Road location In Advanco. NC. Paid holidays, insurance, vacaiion and 401K. Ploaso apply in person September 6th or 7th between 10:00am • 1:00pm or 3;00pm • 6:00pm. Applicants must successfully complete physical and drug scrooninq. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER NEEDED Davie County High School andShady Grovo Elementary School Beginning Hourly Rato $8.15 Applicants must be licensed to drivo a school bus or willing lo attend training sessions lo bocomo a certified school bus driver. Dependable, conscientious ^ersonnol should apply to:lent pay, $8.00/ Maureen Glldeln. Asst. Principal availablo. Must Davio Co. High School and pass a (330)751-5905(330)751-591 orCharles Markland. Assl. Principal Shady Grove Elem. School 98-5713 The County of Davie has an opening for a PART-TIME SOLID WASTE TRUCK DRIVER An individual in this class is oxpeclod to work 10-12 hours por week. Must have a valid North Carolina's driver's license. Drivers are working on a designated schedule to collect recyclable materials and transport them to tho Material Recycling Facility. They will train and supenriso Inmates In proper safety precautions, work methods and thoroughness. Monitors and reports status and noods ol tho vehicles fot maintenance and safe operation. Fills in for other employees In their absence: assist wilh heavy workloads in olhor areas of solid waste operations. Also, havo a working Knowledge of geographical areas of Davie County, wlli deal tactlully with the public.Education: Graduation from High School or equivalent with a good driving record.Mail applications to: Davie County Solid Waste Director. PO Box 937. Mocksville. NC 27028 Applications will be received until osition is filled.K>sition is filled. '¡ring Rate $9.50 por hour. The County of Davie is aCounty of Davie I Opportunity Employer.an Equal TO MEET THE noods ol our growing business we need a person with some mechanical background to (ill our General Lubo Technician position. We oKor a friendly environmont with good pay and a full compliment of benefits, to Dan White at WestsideChrysler Dodge Jeop in Mocksville, NC (336)751-5948. ГмесИап1с MECHANICS: LOOK NO FURTHER!! COMCAR Malntenanc« has openings for experienced Tractor-Trailer Mechank:s at our Mocksville. NC lonninal. Wo offer• New Pay Package• Uniform Program• Time and a hall after 40 hoursl• Isl-Day Family Medical• Company-Matching 401(k)For furttter Informalk)n. please apply in person or call: Coastal Transport Terminal 513 Madison Road Mocksvillo. NC 2702M250 800-835-9770 H A R D I S O N U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Com e and join In our excitement as we begin our afterschool care program. We will provide care for Kindergarten - Fifth grade students. Activities will include daily devotions, sports, arts & crafts, games, and m uch more. O ur goal is to provide a fun, safe, learning environment, and to meet the needs of the children. We hope to see your child in the upcom ing school year! For more information, please call Andrea Wagner, Program Pirector at 751-5630 or 751-1189. Piedmoit H e a l t h c a r e P O S IT IO N A V A IL A B L E Office Coordinator For Internal Medicine - Mocksville (Medical Office Management Preferred) Excellent salaty and benefits package. Qualified applicant apply to: Piedmont Healthcare Human Resources Dept. 636 Signal Hill Drive Ext Statesville, NC 28625 - FAX 704-873-4511 E-Mail:■ V. v8ue.Peacock0ptedinoiiUieaIlhcaie.com. Are you working in the restaurwt business? A re you a hard w orker? A re you getting the benefits you deserve? An you BiMng bwMlHi Hk* THESCr *Hlghconi|MtH(v«wagM *Firilralf«antr30day>• 4 guorantMd rabn In 15 пмпНп -PaldvocoNon *40№raHranMntplan *HMHh/D«itallnturanc*•WMklypaydMcki-Päidmoolfaiwla•Hmlbla.idMdula * Slock optfoni* PoiHlon iolaty odvoiKWiMnt (towod IrakMr, monogir, tic.) -Eoily doting hounIF (Ш VOUHC IBNO CHCMEOIII Businm Is OREATI Wto ora hMig to get raody for WIN1ER « SPMNO Busmcss. W e a n c u r t m t íy t o M n g f o n • М д М П п ф Л V V e ek e n d S e r v e n COME M ТООАГ «NO AmKWE АИ A MSHWCe>.RM pua TO WOM(.«»t<mloeking(órHIOH «М10УРМ»||«И1 ■a to woik honl and mata MONEVIU 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons. NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 ••Wtonontguoln Tho County of Davio has, an opening (oranADMIMSTRATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALISTThis position requires knowledge of offico practices and procedures. Knowledge In word procossing and specialized data baso or reporting, spread sheets, and other related soltwaro. A working knowledge of arllhmotlc and Us use In genera) offico work plus, the ability to record Informalion and balance figures. Ability to communicate effectively with tho public by telephone and In person. Must bo tactful and courteous. Accounts receivable experience a plus. Education: Graduation from High School supplemented by business and secretarial course work and consldorablo secretarial clerical, fiscal, or office management experience Including billing and/ or collection oxperienco, or other related experience In assigned work. Any equlvalant combination of education, oxperienco and training.Mail Applications to: Davie County Solid №ste Director. PO Box 937. Mocksville, NC 27028.Applications will be received until position Is filled.Hiring Range: S20.331.-$23,380. The County ol Davie Is An Equal Opportunity Employer. SECURITY FORCES. INC.Seeking custom security officers In Mockswle, NC. Wo seek alert, responsible, and mature IndMduals wilh the ability to work In a challenging environmeni. Candidates must be able to demonstrate good judgment, respond to security and medical emergencies, and provide other security duties as assigned. Previous security, police or military exporionco a plus.Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years of age. have a satisfactory work history, and bo able to evidence a criminal and drug free record.YOU WILL BE PROVIDED:•$7.50 to $9.50 pay lo start • wilh MÔ1-K retirement plan *Paid vacation 'Holiday overtime pay •Paid training'Stable full time and part time work schedulesWe need team players such as veterans, retirees or anyone who enjoys working In a professional atmosphere.Apply Immediately at Security Forces. Inc., 1410 Millgale Dr., Suite C, Winston Salem. NC or telephone 336/768/2455 lo schedule on Inlon/Iew. / H A D A N Y B R I G H T I D E A S L A T E L Y ? I R N /LPN ’s why not work for the Nation’s Leading Provider of Pediatric Home Carc & Flip the Switch to a Brighter Future?! Pediatric Services of America ofTcrs an Excellent Benents Package! 8 0 0 -7 2 5 -8 8 5 7 www.nursc'ikids.cjb.nct veoiM zic seRvi^es OF AMCy¿MN£_ WeYe Looking For You Machine/Set Up Operators Pickers/Packers Material Handlers Experienced Forklift Operators All Siiifts Weekends • Paid Weekly Apply Mon-Thur 1pm - 3pm or by Appointment Ablest Staffing Services • 129 East Depot Street Atocksville, NC 27028 • 336-751-4414 Pre Em ploym ent Drug Screen • EO E • Crim inal Background C hecks • M usl Be 18 or Older GET REAPY TO GROW Ifs a Ming lime lo be wilh Lowe's Home Improvement Wafchouse, one ol the nafon's lastest growing Fortune 200 companies. We offer great pay, 401(k) and one ol the best Employee Slock Ownership Programs In the country. I Lowe’i RagioMi Distribution C tnttr li now hiring for th* following podtion*: Full-Time & Part-Time Team Metrbers Rtetiving t Row Dopartmmli • FuMmenijhtsHt • Flexible parHim«sche(Wes lor day and ni^sMts , AMcanU ihetdd nml Iht MoalM•AMityloli(tupto70lbs.• Stable work hist«y • SuccessM diug scttenni inl crimnal bickgnml check •MuslbeatleastlSyevsoM• FoiWift experience a plus Base pay Is S8.50/1ir. FuHime night shift cn* members b*» a premiih ol $.50Ar. Р1МИ eoRM for tn 01.. 10Mn.4:)0pmM«Nfl D lb - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 7,2000 D a v ie D a t e lin e F u n d R a is e r s Saturday, Sept, 9 .Country Ham & Tenderloin Breakfast Mocks Meth. Church. 6:30 a.m.-10 a.m., country hom. tenderloin, eggi. grits, saus. gravey. biscuiu, drink - SS, Hwy. 801 S. at N!ocks Church Rd. Proceeds benefit U.M. Men's Ministries, Take-Outs 998-5518. Saturday, Sept. 16Country Hom&SausageBkfost,Wesley Chapel UM Church. 6:30-10 a.m.. Ham. sausage, eggs, grits, biscuits, coffee, Juice S5. proceeds to benefit bidg. Tund. Saturday, Sept. 23 •Humane Society of Davie Co. 2nd An* nual Ride For Animals, sponsors needed. Call 75I-52I4 for info. 'OngoingBingo, Mocksville Moose Lodge 1949, Fridays. Doors open at 6. first game at 7 p.m.Bingo,\VUltamK. Davie VFD.2nd Satur* day. Doors open, 6:30 p.m.Hardison Church, Poor Mans Supper, evtiy IslThuis.. 5*7 p.m. R e lig io n ________________ Saturday, Sept. 9Suppcr5-7p.m.Mt.OUveMeth. Church, 3521 WyoRoad.Countryhamondchicken casserole, to go boxes avail. Cost of meal to benefit Nurture & Outreach. Sounds of Wyo lo sing. For info call 998*3195. Sunday, Sept. 10Fall Revival Services, at First Bapt., 204 MargiiulSi.,CoolccnKC,beginsSun.mom at 11 a.m., Sun-Wed nights 7 p.m. Nursery provided, special music, guest Mark Ster­ling.Smith Grove United Meth. Church Homecoming. 10:15 a.m.. Speaker Rev. Bobby Swaim, Singers: Pathway Quanet Bring picnic basket and join us for lunch. Craft Brothers, Southern Gospel Quar* tet, Elbavllle United Meth. Church, Ad* vance, 7 p.m. 2595 N.C. Hwy 801 S. Sunday, Sept. .17Ad^-anccMeth. Homecoming, former pas* tor Alec Alvord. dinner in fellowship hall. Revival. Sun-Tues afternoon 7 p.m.. speaker Rev. Tommy Lee Robertson. R e u n io n s ______________ Sunday, Sept. 10The Booe Reunion. 12:30 p.m.. Will­iam R. Davic Rre Depl.Annual Bowles Reunion. 1 p.m. Oakgrove UMC fellowship hall. Cranfill Reunion, Zackery House. Cooieemee. 1 p.m.. bring your lunch. Glasscock Family Reunion. Center Comm. Bidg., picnic lunch 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17Thomas Gaston/Rosa Lee Arnold ■ Wallace reunion, JoynerSchool Comm. Cenler, Sandy Springs Church Rd.. Har­mony. Meal 1 p.m. Bring food and drink, olher liems furnished. Call 704-546* 2349. Sunday, Sept. 24Reunion of Descendents of Thomas Jefferson and Matilda Smith Beck. Wiiliam R. Davie Fire Depl., 1 p.m. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Saturday, Sept. 9Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by Davie Co. Farm Bureau. Center Fair, 9:30 a. m.*2 p. m. For more info or appt call 751 * 6207. Blood supply very low, please give. - Saturday,SepL 16 Charlie Waller & Country Gentlemen w/Balley Mtn. CloRgcrs, presented by Davie Aru Council. 7:30 p.m.. Brock Perf. Arts Ctr. Main St.. Mocksville. Tickcls: AdultsS15.Child. students. sr..S13.Groups of 15 or more $12.751*3000. Monday, Sept. 11Mucedonla Mloravlait Blo<^ DriycWa* tionai Bone Slorrow Registry, 3-7:30 p.m., lo benefit Carol Forrest who works for register of deeds in Davie Co. Saturday, Sept. 23Humane Society of Davie Co. 2nd An* nual Ride For Animob. sponsors needed. Can 751-5214 forinfo. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Ongoing Aeroblcs.'niesdays&TTiursdays.Mocks* ville Elementary School, 6 p.m.Visit CooIeemec'sMllIVillagcMuseum. 14 Church St.. Tues. & TTiurs.. 9 a.m.- noon. Sats., 11 a.m.*2 p.m. Tours also available by appu Call 294-6M0. Rec)-cllng truck at Center Communiiy Bidg., 8-11 &.m. 1st Satuid&y.Recycling truck at Union Chopel Meth­odist, 4ih Saturday. 8* 11 a.m..Recycling tnJckatJericho*HordisonRu- rilan bidg.. 3rd Saturday. 8:30*11 a.m. Prcschoolstor}time,Tues.. 11 a.m.,Davie County Library. 30-mÌnute program. For children ages 3*5. Music, read aloud, sto­ries. films, nursery riiymes. .M e e tin g s ______________ Monday, Sept. 11Davie Co. Theatre Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Davie Co. Public Library. All board memben urged to attend. Tuesday, Sept. 12Child Care /Usociatlon. 7 p m. DCCC Room 116. Wednesday, Sept. 13 HumaneSocIetyofDavleCc. 7:30p.m.. al office on Yadkinville Rd., behind car wash.751-5214. . Saturday, Sept. i6Davie Co. Republican Women. 8 a.m., Cs Restaurant in Mocksville. Everyone invited. Tuesday, Sept. 19Davie Co. Repub. MectlnR, 7:30 p.m., Davie Co. Counhouse.Kappa ExterL Homemakers. Davie Acad­emy Comm. Bidg. 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23Davie Co. Repub. Men's Fed.. 7:30 am.. Red Pig Restaurant. Monday, Sept. 25 No >Voodmen ofthe World Lodge323 meeting.Lexington DUtrict UMW Annual Meet* Ing, Memorial UMCThomasville, Dinner by reservation5-6:30p.m..progrom7p.m. in sanctuary. Tuesday, Sept.‘26Democrats meet at Cooieemee Town Hall. 7 p.m. . OngoingHumane Society of Davie Co., monthly meetings 2ndWed. of eachmomh.alonice Yadkinville Rd. behind car wash. 751* 5214.Progressive CIubofCoolccmee,2ndSun- day, Cooieemee Library, 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for info.Christian Businessmen's Committee of Mocksville,Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary HuLGold Wing Touring Association, Red Pig Daibecùe. Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 al US. 601,6 p.m'. 284-4799. MocksvllIc*Davle Jaycees, 1st & 3rd Thurs.. Samuels on Main RcstauraM. Mocksvllie, 7 p.m.Davic Couniy Stamp Club, 1st Thurs., Davie SeniorCenter, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Coolecmee Recrcation Association, ^ch:^ House, I Sl Tuesday. 7 p.m. R e c re a tio n ____________ For morc information on these events, call 751*2325. CloggingMondays, 7 p.m.. Farminglon Communiiy Cenier. Call Sieve or Linda Hatley. 751*. 3848. Line Dancing Farminglon Community Center. Every Tuesday. Cost: SI Insuucton: Sieve & Linda Hatley. Formoreinfo.call75I*3848. Rec ClubBefore (S15)or afier (S25)schooI and out of school programs. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons S5 per month. Volunteers for difiereni social events. Conlact Ethel at 998*3837. SiiverstridersWaii< CiubSeniors, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 o.m. No chargc. Mothers Moming Out Tuesdays and Thursdays. $7 per day. S40 per monih. The Dance CompanyMon., Tucs.. Wed.. & Sat. Call Emily Rob* ertson.998-5163. Y M C A _________________ For more information. call751*9622orvisit Davie Family YMCA. Adult Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 a.m. Arthritis RehabMWF. 10J0a.m. Youth Swimming LessonsAges 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre* school, school aged group lessons & pri* vate. Five week session meet 2 times per wk..caIlforexacliimes. Fee: $30 members, $60 non*members. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7*8;45 p.m. $15/momh. Ages 7 &up. Tae Kwon DoAges6&up.MeelTues.&T1tiirs. Beginner 3:45-4:30p.m.,Intermediaie4:30-5:l5p.m., Advanced 5:I5<6 p.m.. Adults 6*7 p.m. Memben $20/mo., non-memben S30/mo. Gymnastics Pius Coed grades K-6. Wed. 3:30-1:30 p.m., 5 wk.scsslonsbcglnSepi. I3&0ct. 18. Fee: Memben S30, Non-memben S50. Kiddie Klci<erSoccerProg ramBoys & girls ages 4*5 & 6*7. Begins Sept. 16(6wks.),*nmes: 10a.m.ages4-5.l la,m. oges 6*7. Fee: memben $25, non memben $35. Parent/Cliild 3-Wee Soccer3 yr. old leams socer with parents. Sat. 9 a.m.. begins Sept. I6(6wks.)Fee: memben $20, non-memben $35. Massage By nppoinlmenl only. Tuesdays. S45/hour. S35A\alf hour. $20/cbaW massage. Call for details. 751*9622. Baliet CiassesWilh Patty Harris. Begins Oct. 9 & 11. Beginngen Mondays 4:30-5:15 (ages.5* 8); Inlemtediaie Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 (ages 6-10). $20 per monih memben. Pre- rcgistmlion required. Friday, Sept. 8 Parents Night Out. 6-10:30p.m. forages 3* 12. $7 memben, $10 non-memben. Pre* register. Friday, Sept. 22FamilyNight, 6:30-8:30 p.m.Saiurday. Sept. 30 Teen Scene, 8*11 p.m. S e n io r s ________________ All Senior Aciivities lake place at the Davic County Senior Center located in the Brock Buildingon Nonh Main Streei, Mocksville unless oihervsise noled. Call 751-0611. OngoingSilver Health ExcrcUw. Senior Cenier. M, W, F, 8:30-9 a.m. Mock Place. M. W. I0*10:30a.m.Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M*W. 11 a.m. Thun. & Fri.Quilling, every oilier Monday. 10 a.m. Bridge, Tuesdays & Fridays. 1 p.m. Silver Slriders & Walking Programs. Daily at BrockGym6;30-9a.m.CooIcemee EIemenlary,6-8a.m.SmiihGroveGym,7* 9 a.m.Althcimer'i Support Group. 2nd Thun* day, 7 p.m.. Senior Center East Room. Creatlv e ScrapbooMng Cla.ss, 2nd Tucs* day. 2 p.m. R e p o rt D a v ie D a te lin e Item s B y N o o n M o n d a y Items tor DovIe Dateline should be re­ported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call 751*2120 or dn>p it by the office.S. Main St- across from ihe ct)unhouse. Vote Nov. 7: Answers To iViost-Asked Questions Come Nov. 7, voters will go lo the polls. They’ll be electing county and state officials, even a new president. The upcoming elections has brought many calls in the Davic County Elections Office, said Mar­ garet Shew, supervisor. Following are some of the most frequently asked questions. What is your malKnK address? 140 S. Main St.. Courthouse, Room 102, Mocksville. NC 27028 What b Ihe registration deadline for the Nov. 7 Keneral election? Friday, Ocl. 13 When w ill absentee ballots be available? Request for ballots lo be mailed may be filed beginning Monday. Sept. 18 How may an absentee ballot be re­ quested? By mall, in person, or by a mem* bor o f a voters immediate family or verifiable legal guardian Who Is considered Immediate fam­ ily? Spouse, parent, step-parent, child, slep-child. brother, sister, grandpar­ ent, grandchild. daughter-in-l.iw, son* in*law. mothcr-in-law, father-in-law Who is entitled io vote absentee by mall? Any voter who w ill be out of the couniy the entire period that the pools are open; any voter who is sick or disabled W hnl U the deadline for request­ ing a ballot by mall? Tbcsday. Oct. 31 for being out of the county; Monday. Nov. 6 for sick­ ness or disability W hut is Ihe deadline for absentee ballots lo be returned? 5 p.m. Monday. Nov. 6 How may absentee ballots be re­ turned? Either by mail, or by a member of the voter's immediate familyor ven* fiable legal guardian When will **one stop" voting (In Ihe оГПсе) begin? Monday, Ocl. 16 until 5 p.m. Fri- ilay. Nov. 3 for all voters except one who bccomes ill or disabled who may vole one slop until S p.m. Monday. Nov. 6 W ho may vole one slop? Anyone, no excuse is required W h e r e c a n y o u r k id f in d t h e a n s w e r t o w h y ? Caddy’s Tourn Play Golf With A Caddy From The Senior PGA Tour Page 4 D A V IE C O U N T Y e n t e r p r i / H e c o r d 5 0 0 . Charges are pending against a Mocksville woman accused of dragging a S-year-old boy alongside a school bus on Sept. I. Angela Davis Sowers, 29, of 142 Horton Lane, was driving the bus for Pinebrook Elementary School the af­ ternoon of Sept, 1 on Faimington Road. The boy, a kindergar^n student, had just lefi’^e school biis, and unknown to ftp driver, his backpuk hi^ become, lodged in the door, according to N.C. Highway Patrol Troopei; C.D. Jones. . Sowers! altention was diverted by jseveral students causing a disturbance 'in the back of the bus, and she thought the boy had crossed the road when she started the bus forward, Jones repoiled. The boy was dragged for several feet' before the driver realized whot had hap­ pened and stopped the bus. The boy y/as tak«n to Forsyth Hospital for.treatment 4 0 P a g e s Hospital Emergency Room May Stay Open Until Nov. 1 Davie County Hospit.il’s enicrgcncy room may not close Monday, the date Novant Health had set lo change it to an acute care center. County commissioners on Monday agreed lo a nonbinding agreement with Novant to keep the hospital’s emer­ gency room open until Nov. 1. On that dale, the county would take over op­ eration of the hospital from Novant. The coumy has also entered into an agreement wiih NuCent Health of Colo­ rado to take over management of the hospital. Those negotiations arc ongo­ ing, and the status of the emergency room hasn’t been defmltely decided. County Attorney Bob Pricc said that Novant is being fair in its negotiations with the county, although ihere are slill a few differences to be worked out. He estimates that about S400.000 will be len in the hospital’s reserve fund when the county takes over on Nov. I. Price expects the emergency room lo slay open, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wilh current staff, os long os the negotiations continue in "good failh.” In a proposal from Price to Novant’s atlomcy, the county wants all officers of the hospital corporation to resign in writing at the time of the change. The new trustees would be appointed by the county. “ W e are se rio u sly d isc u ss in g a n d m oving tow ard a defin itive a g re e m e n t tlia t th e co un ty w o u ld take o v e r th e h ospital o n N ov. 1 - B ob Price, County Attorney In addition to the emergency room, the proposal asks that Novant continue to maintain the level bf services pres- ' cntly offered at the hospital, Including in-patient services and admissions when appropriate. The hospital is to notify, in a manner approved by the county, residenis and state agencies lhat the emergency room would remain open. Tlie hospital should make every ef­ fort to keep employees to continue with the cun^nt services. Those employees would be offered jobs with the hospital after the coiinty takes over. Novant would make available employee ben­ efits Ihrough Dec..31 or work with the county to keep similar benefils. The letter from Pricc said that no less than $400,000 remain in cash reserves at Ihc time of the Nov. 1 closing. Novant is drawing from cash reserves to con­ tinue to operate the hospital. F o u r A rre ste d F o r C o ca in e T ra ffic k iiig J a c o b S h o re s , 5, en jo y s petting th e ch ick e n s a t a z o o se t u p o n th e b a llfie ld du ring the a n n u a l C e n te r F a ir a n d B B Q la st S atu rday. O rg a n ize rs ca lle d it o n e o f th e m o st s u c ce s sfu l fa irs ever, raisin g m o n e y fo r th e C e n te r V o lu n te e r F ire D e p artm en t a n d th e C e n te r C o m m u ­ nity D e ve lo p m e n t A sso c ia tio n . F o r m o re p h o to g rap hs from th e fair, p le a se turn to p a g e C 1 . . - Photo by Mike Barnhardt Boy Dragged Alongside School Bus Four people were nirested Sept. 7 for co­ caine trafficking. Charged by the Davie County 'Sheriff’s Department“ were: Richard Wayne VantuylJr.,40.of307 Northridge Court,Hernandez Vantuyl M. Shore J. Shore of injuries. According to Dub Potts, director of auxiliary services for the Davie School System, the boy suffered minor inju­ ries. Sowers was obviously shaken by the incident; and voluntarily tumed in her bus drivers license, Potts ¿aid. She has also been relocated tp;another school. ‘ ' ‘ , T h e re were 33 other students on the' , bus at the time.of the accideiit. ■. ■ Mocksville: James B. Shore, 20, of 203 Admill Way. Mocksville; Monica Smith Shore, 25, o f203 Admill Way, Mocks­ ville; and Pedro Montelong Hernandez, 24, of Winston-Saiem. According to Davie Sheriffs Depart­ ment Detective Chris Shuskey, theie was a investigation between the SBI, Mocksville Police Department, Davie Sheriff’s Department, and the Surry County Sheriff’s Department. “The charges came from a scries of undercover drug purchases at Market­ place Shopping Center on 601 in Mocksville," said Shuskey. Vantuyl is charged with four counts trafficking cocaine, two counts con­ spiracy to sell and deliver cocaine, pos­ session with intent to sell and deliver cocaine, possession of cocaine, posses­ sion" of marijuana, and possession of ; morphine. ^ ^ ’ • James Shore, Monica Shore, and Hernandez are each charged with two counts conspiracy to traffic cocaine and two counts trafficking cocaine. The undercover operation was in ef­ fect from the middle of, August until September, according to Shuskey. Itre- siilted in a total of 23 felony charges. ; “On Aug. 30 an undercover officer was able to purchase cocaine wilh, an approximate street value of $700. M d then again on the seventh he purcha^ - cocaine with an approximate street; value of $7,000. the total seized was ' approximately 120 grams of cocainc.”: i “Jamie Shore was on intensive pro- ■ bation for. drug charges uid his wife,' Monica, was also on probation,” said j Shuskey. ' , i A ll four ate in custody It the Dftvie j County Jail.'Hieir first cow t'if|iw incd ,i is scheduled for Sepi. 14. - .a .- il „.^■'1 ' •»’i d I с 4 - DAVIÈ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 E x iit o r ia l Р а й е Outside The Fence: Neighbors Ask Help Of Bermuda Run Life is constantly changing in the Hillsdalc-Bermuda ■Run-Kinderton triangle. The latest twist could finally vTesolve the confusion that has plagued thc area in recent yeais. Once, there was talk of three separate little towns 'clustered around the U.S. 158-N.C. 801 intersection old- limers used to call “The Comer." Once there was concern that Clemmons might jump thc Yadkin River to claim the ,. area. Those ideas or fears faded, and the problems have grown. Now, Bennuda Run has been asked to dominate the area and solve tlie problems. However, it w ill require that Bennuda Run — not yet a year old — go outside the comfort of its fences and , redefine itself. Bermuda Run incorporated to solve its own problems — cnimbling streets, a sewer system that served only half the community and for better security. Bermuda Run had only one business in its new town r - the Bermuda Run ; Country Club. Town leaders said they had no interest in ‘ expanding. But there is a leadership vacuum in Hillsdale, and only ■ Berjnuda Run — with the power of govemment — is ^ capable of leading. Problems are growing around Bermuda Run — exasperating trafRc jams and rapid growth. And rtliere’s nowhere to turn for help. ;; The Davie County commissioners handle planning and .zoning for the area, but a county govemment can’t fill the role o f ah incorporatiid town. Outsideis are tuming to ■'■Bermuda Run for help through annexation. The Kinderton development across Highway 158 now wants to be annexed. Kinderton needs more sewer capac­ ity, and it could benefit from having the protection of a town govemment. Don’t expect all the Bermuda Run residents to gladly ■accept their neighbor into the fold. Bermuda Run residents bordering U.S. 158 collectively opposed the Kinderton ; development and sued to block it. They didn’t want com­ mercial development across the highway from their homes. Those neighbors haven’t all forgotten that fight and won’t be ready to provide Kinderton any favors now. Kinderton promises to be a high class collection of offices and businesses — the commercial hub of an enor- jnous residential development on the old W in-Mock Farm ‘liorth of Interstate 40. The residential section isn’t part of '^e annexation request. Bermuda Run could certainly benefit from the tax revenue the Kinderton development would provide. But its .{¡late is full of its own problems. Some streets arc locked in a confusing mess of land titles. Some homeowners actually r'bwn the street in front of their homes. The town board has i; been bewildered and exhausted by the'work load and the ; problems. They won’t be excited about adding to their •headaches. ; But somebody has to fix the problems. Bermuda Run ; is the only one equipped to do that, f — Dwight Sparks D A V IB C O U N T Y E M T E R P m /^ E C O B P (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. .'Dwight Sparks....Editor/Publisher '.'Robin Fergusson.......................................General Manager ^iMike BamhanJt............................................Managing Editor ;;Ray Tutterow.........................................Advertising Manager Mockaville EnterprlM 1916-1958 DavieRecord 1899-1958 CooieemeaJournal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy. 50 Cents $20 per year In North Carolln« $25 per year outsWe North Carolina POSTMASTER Send oddtMS change* to::[}<v<e Couniy Enliiptli* Record y P.O. Box MoclBvi», NC 27()28 :' ’ ' ; In T he Mai Youth Football Opening Day Was A Record Breaker To Ihc editor: Salurday, Scp(. 9, was opening day Гог youih roolball and whal an opening day II was. Wc hod a rccord-brcaklng day in altcndancc, and the wcaihcr wasgival. I would tike to lhank North Davic Middle School for allowing us to use ihcir fields, und Ihc Alhlclic Dcpartmcni led by Ron Kirk for ihc great job they did preparing Ihc two fields. Yes, this year w c are playing on two fields. Wc arc using Ihc nuln field and also Ihe practice foolball field. If you have childrcn playing on the praclicc field or >-ou arc coming to watch. [ ask lhal you please take advan­tage of thc parking in ihc parking lol of ihc Davic Coumy Youlh Complex. C e n t e r F a ir A n d B B Q W a s T h e M o s t S u c c e s s fu l Tolhccdilor:The Center Volunteer Fire Dcpaiiincnl and ihc CcnicrCommunityDcvclopnientAssociaiionwish toexpressthelroppicciallontoeveryonewhohelpcd 10 make the annual Ccntcr Fair und Fall Barbccuc one of our mosl succcssful; the volunteers who gave so much of their lime in order for us lo continue this tmdiiion; to ihc ciliT^ns and busi* ncsscsof DavieCounty whosupport us financially. To all who share their various talents, thank you for your participation. Thanks to those who bfoughl antique engines, tractors and vehicles fur display and to the vendors who brought ihclr crafts and/or ' inrofmailon lo share wilh us, and especially to thc public who continue to conw and support us >’car after >-car. Thanks lo cach of you. Mark Williams. ChiefCcnlcr Volunteer Firc DcpartnKnlShirley Darron, I*rcsidcntCcntcr Community DcvelopiTwnt Assoc Davie Road Rage Is A Major Problem To the editorI think that the time has comc to address what I consider to be a major problem. This is nol only a problem in Davic County, but area wide.Thc problem that I refer lo is road rogc. There Is Q side to this that is very disturbing to me. Not only does the rage concern me but also, the anogancc of the persons thal practice this ugly habit deeply bothers me. I have witnessed first hand what diis anogancc can do. It can cause horrible accidents that all loo often seriously injure or kill others. Arc wc so controlled by our own passion for total dominance and control that wc arc willing to risk our lives and the lives of others forour sclf-gratifi* cation? We need to realize ihat the vehicles that wc sport around can be deadly. Whal has bccomc of courteous rcspcctful drivers? It is time that wc put away our pride and ear­nestly atiempt to be thc type of drivers that tcach and promote safety and consideration on our high­ways. Ihopc that lean adhere to my own advicc and make on cITon to changc my driving habits lo not worry so much about how ihc other guy is driving, but how lum driving. I must leam paticncc instead of anger. I must leam to be considerate instead of arrogant. I must leam humility ralher than pride. 1 must leam love rather than hatred.Our nasty little habits tell a lol about our beliefs. I believe that I must control tmd be responsible for my own aclions. Where theproblem occure is when I think thal I have total conlrol of a two-ton vehiclc, bul very quickly It can conlrol my destiny and me. I hope that wc cw take a look at what we have bccomc as drivers, and try to cxerciw more rc* siniint.This in not meant to point fingers at anyone, bccausc when I point a finger al anyone thcrc are three pointing back at me. I think wc need lo leam where problems originate beforc wc try to solve them. I want to be pan of thc solution.Rick Spry---------------------------Mocksville______ I uould like to take ihistimcio wclcomc our new team, thc Comal/cr Cougars, and thank everyone u ho has worked so hard and donated ihcir time and пюпсу for thc .start up of ihc team. In closing, a spccial lhank )\>u goes to tlic Davie Couniy EMS. Shcrifl’s Dept., DavieCounty Youth Football As­ sociation directors, coaches, ond thc пшу volun­teers who had nude this opening day a great suc- ccss.I kx)k forward to seeing everyone on Saturdays, starting at 10 a.m.Bill Martin, President Davic Couniy Youth Football Assoc. W e D o n ’t W a n t A P a r kTo Ihc cdiiorI recall an anicle a coupic of years ago where ClauJc Home was Irylng to sell ihc Idea of ihc Soulh Yadkin Power Plant lo thc town of Cool­eemee.\Vho are you trying lo fool? Sincc you did nol end up wilh Ihc power plani, how arc you going lo pram by Ihc park that you lalk so highly of now?We might be simple people, bul we arc not slupid.There may be some ihat arc for Ihc park, but there are a whole lot of us who grew up In Cool­eemee and wc know whal Ihc 'Bullhole' is all aboul. We don't want a park.TcnyMcCccCooleemee Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers. The Ictten may be on topics of local, state, national or inlemational issues.An effort will be made lo print all letters provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves thc right to edit letters for grammar and for spacc.All letters should includie the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A. telephone number, not to be published, is also requested.Please have lencrs in the newspaper offtcc What Is Your Favorite School Cafeteria Food? Michael Welch Kaitlin Dodd Kayla Grubb Perry James Cooleemee Cooleemee Cooleemee Cooleemee "Pizza and raviolL” "Chickcn nuggeis.” "Pizza and chicken nuggets.” . "Pizza.? O n T h e T r a il DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - 3 N ew H a m p sh ire ’s M o u n tain s Loom : 35 0 M ile s To G o Through Vermont and Into New Hampshire, John Sherden conies closer ond closer to his destination in Maine nt Ihe end of Ihe Appalachian ■Trail. Hc has only 350 miles lo go ^ but these are treacherous miles. Hc is exhausted, drained and spent. But hc continues lo put one foot in front of ihe other. The; trsiiin New Hampshire will go through llie Wjiitc Mountains — constantly up and down. And in Maine Ihe trail will bccomc narrow and hazardous for the final 230 miles. Thc Appalachian Trail groups warn inexperi­ enced hikers from slaying overnight on Ihe trail in ^aine. Snow Is likely. Cold wcalher has already hit before his winter camping gear has arrived by mail. He shivers through Ihe nighl. Sherden says only a half-dozen are left nf the scores of hikers who began last March in Georgia to assault Ihe 2,160-mile trail. Hc looks around at them and nolices they arc all in Iheir 20s. Sherdcn is 62. About 2,500 hardy souls attempt lo hike thc entire trail each year in one continuous journey. It lakes six months — from Ihe end of snow season In Georgia to Ihc onset of snow in Maine. The Appalachian Trail closely follows the ridge line of eastern America's Appalachian mountain chain from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Kaiahdin in central Maine. Thc trail winds ils way through 14 stales, eight national forests, six national parks and more stale and local parks. A Mocksvillc resident, Sherdcn is thc former owner of Eurodrawer. He is drawing on all his determination lo sec the trail through lo Ihe end. Here arc Sherden's most recent notes for the trail: August 19 — Dnnby, VI. to Mlneroa HIncliy Shelter— 12 miles No rain. Thc trail is gelling dryer. The nights and mornings arc real cold. 1 thought my winter gear was arriving in Danby. 1 sure hope it's at my next slop In Hannover, N.H. Aug. 20 — Mlnervn lllncbey Shelter to Governor Clemmons Shelter— 10 miles No rain plus sunshine. Short day today. Arrived at 4. The next known shelter is 5 miles further and 3,500 up Mt. Killinglon. 1 can't handle that climb at thc end of the day. .......... ................................. August 21 — Governor Clemmons Shelter to GifTord Woods Stale Park — 14 miles Sunshine! Today I passed the 'Tuba Man” going soulh. He is carrying a 30 pound tuba with his 40 pound pack for a lolal of 70 pounds. August 22 — Gifford Park to Wlnturl Shelter — 15 miles Sunshine! By now I have burned all of my fat and can't eat as much as I am buming. This means that I am now buming muscle. Just after ID miles my systems feel as though they are closing down. At each step my legs say, "I can't" and my brain says "there ain't no 'can’t'", and 1 take another step. The last five miles ore pure agony. Someone said lhal a 15 mile day in thc moun­ tains wilh a 45-pound pack is thc same as running two marathons in caloric expenditure. Aug. 23 — Wlnturl Shelter lo Thistle H ill Sheller — 12 miles Rain again. It got torrential by nightfall, but fortunately wc were in Ihe shelter along with evcry.olher northboundcr and southbounder. It was absolutely shoulder-lo-shoulder with four women and five men. No one was turned out into that downpour. We just kept moving closer together to make more room. Aug. 24— Thistle Hill Shelter to Hannover, NH — 15 miles We are now at Dartmouth College. Camped in thc basement of a fraternity house. There aren't very many of us left. Of the 50 or so people that I. hiked with in the first month there are only a half- dozen left. Almost everyone that is here now is in their 20s. I really feel lik^ thc old man. My feet hurt. My knees hurt. My legs hurt. My back hurts. Only my pride is intact. Aug. 25 — Hannover, NH Zero day. Next week we hit Ihc While Moun­ tains. The toughest of the six months. In Th e M ail Prayer Didn’t Bring Out The IVIessage Tolhccdilorl*rayer at sporting events, such as ihc fix)iball game in Davic Ctninty. was probably well in­tended. but il didn’t bring out thc message, which. I presume, was for the safety of thc players, etc., unless they were trying lo prove a point w hich may have been to show the Suprenw Ctnirt what they th(>ughl of t^ ruling.Thcrc are olher ways to make your point and have an orderly prayer scs.sion.Thc cicrgy slwuld have a big stake in this cndcavor.aficrall they claim lohaveacalling from tlw I^rd. to bring out his message. Il's nol just ajob or cniploynwnt. il’s a calling. In Ihc future, whal should be done to settle il)c confusion, purchase a portable P.A. system fmm a funddonaiedbytheclergyofDaviiCouniy.noioul of Ihc chua'h treasury bul by tho prcachcrs out of Interior Designs • A c c e ss o rie s • W in d o w T re a tm e n ts • B e d d in g E n s e m b le s • S ilk T re e s & P la n ts • F lo o r C o v e rin g s • M in i B lin d s .W a ll C o v e rin g s Charlene B. Cassidy and Christine L Hege IDS Associates Mon.-Fri. 9-5 3560-C Clemmons Road, Clemmons 766-9918_______ Reader Wonders If CH A Runs Cooleemee i their own iKK’kcLs. In this way they can prove how serious they take their ■’calling."I hope this unainplified prayer was well in­tended for thc safely of the players and in remem- branceofihcpas.singofalcanmialc.lhopeilwasn'1just in protest of the Supreme Court niling. That would be spite and that is not the Christian way. « Swede Jurgensen Advance To thc editorThe town of Cwlecmee has a real problein. and it’s nol a power plant. It’s thc СИЛ. Whal have they done for your lown? I can lell you the tniih, some­thing that Jim and Lynn Rumley can’l even comc close to dt)ing... a fish fry, a duck race that should be an annual cvcnl. Please don’t leave out ihc "stew" at thc mill, a lawn mower parade • I heard that people came from os far as PaPa John's Tavem to see this. What a day to remember. Still have the videos.rm not making fun ofthe people of Cooleemee. I want you to open your eyes - you arc thc voice of your lown. It’s time that you, the people of Cool- есикч;. lake your town back. From what I’ve rcad in tlw papers, the CMA nins the lown. 1 went to one of your town nwclings just lo sec for myself whal the agenda was. I was not only surprised, I was shocked. These people arc \-oting on things that affect each and every person in Ciwlecmec. No public notice until after Ihe facti.i that’s when )t)u pay. Please lake into mind this is ybiu- lown. this lady wants you, ilic taxpayer, to [Hit insurance on a park that’s not there. This lady • Lynn Rumley • has nol bought the first shovel of dirt, much less the 80 acrcs of her pro- posed plan. Chcck thc agenda • it's your righl. 1 was there. Consider this - Lynn Rumley Is nol from Cooleemee - try Maryland.You, the people of Cooleemee, need to take a real good look, and 1 mean a good look at your problem.My advicc is for you to attend every town meeting. Know whal’s going on. Know the facis. Ask yourself this • who gains from this? It's not the lown of Cooleemee.Connie G. Bush Woodleaf Л\\'\ь: 1 М , Л ( '1 н^ K IS ID IM IM ( \KI -L lì C offee Hou<se andbED & БШЛКГЛбТ Conlincnlul litrokfusl, Icc Creum, Lunches & Dinners Meet Evelyn Safley Ferebee Evelyn Feiebee was bom November 11,1926. She Is a native of Davie Couniy. Mis Fetebee was raised on the Twin Brodi Fam where her fothei was a heidsmon. Evelyn monied John Feiebee on October 23,1944. She and her husband ion a daily (aim on feilnbewHteod^til-19787At-whlel> time they moved to Angel Rood wheie Mr. Ferebee and their one son John stiil reside with their grandson and three grandchildren, Mrs. Ferebee is a member of Eaton's Baptist Church. Evelyn invites all of her friends to visit her at Davie Place where she has been a resident since April, 1997, 'Buzz W e r e N o w O p e n a t 6 7 C o c i r t S q p a r e . M o c k s v i l l e . N C sse-ysi-ifsse Open Mon. - Sat 9:30 to 5:30 N o w Si,K\ l\(. Л •MI1)-\VI ГК" lA IM N (. M i n i Salads, Sandwidtes, Maryland Crab Cakes, & MORE! Tuesday, Wednesday 8e Thursday 5-8pm Open For Iccilream, Coffee & Desserts A ll Tlie Timel Mornings are - coffees, muffms, danlsh, egg, ham, & cheese croissants and... Lunch - Monday thru Saturday A lso ... Serving our SPECIAL Fri. & Sal. nighl dinnersi 101 Nrarn MAIN Sum • Mocksviui, NC • (3i6) 751-7900 E x | ) e d 1 к Ш Ron Dodson ’ 'DTnrctor'” ' ■ , Admlnutwor If you o r so m e you know w ou ld ill® ta a p p ly to live w ith us a t th e n ew D avie Place, c a ll 336-751-2175 a n d d sk for Ron D odson. M e d ic a id & Privately Fun d ed 337 Hospital Street. Mocksvile . . : Salem Home Builders. Inc- “Сыхит Buill MiMar RiiiLHno Two Story & £Ш2£ Cod MtMkIs Constructed in cUmate^xmtroUed environment • EffldenI buikling process & material usag^.^|| —Iipplantinspections---------------— Consistent quality Quiclcer compktion than site-lxiUt a СОЛ vampmy Customized floor plans Irom 900 tq. fl. to over 4000 sq. R. Constructed to meet or exceed state local buikling codes Financed, appraised & insured just Uiie site built homes More house for your money Complete Turn Key Jobs O f f e r in g a v a r ie t y o f f in a n c e p r o g r a m s in c lu d in g e x p a n d e d r a t e s & b r u is e d c r e d it lo a n s . C o m e V is it O u r M o d e l & S e e t h e D i f f e r e n c e i n a S a l e m H o m e B u i l d e r s M o d u l a r S n M t r i l N n C l N K l l i . i Houni Mon.-Frl. 10:004:00; M . 10Я04Л0аав-ими1 4 - DAVIE COtJNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 14,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - 5 R e p e a te d F e lo n Is G iv e n S u sp e n d e d S e n te n ce A man caughl driving a vchicic stolen from a Mocksvillc resident in February rcccivcd a suspended scn- tcncc in Davic Superior Coun Scpl. 7. Darron Lee Thompson, 29, had been arrested in Statesville Feb. IS, driving a Ford Explorer stolen from a Mocksvillc man. Thompson is serving a 95* 123 month scntcncc in prison as a ha< bitual felon and was in Ihc Davic County Jail in connection with the Ihefl of Q horse al the time he was chargcd with stealing the vehicle. According lo defense allomcy Bill Baity, Thompson knows he has a bad pasl and says he had a drinking prob­ lem. He wnnis lo get out of prison In lime lo be a falhcr lo his 8-ycar-old son so lhal he might not make (he same mistakes. Judge David H. Dcord Jr. ¿aid he believes eight years in prison should give Thompson enough time lo changc and hopes he w ill do welt when he comes out. He scnlcnccd him to an additional II lo Ы monlhs In prison for felony larccny bul suspended the scnlcnce for three years, ptacing him on su* pcrvlscd probation lo includc six monlhs inlenslvc probation, a curfcw, submission to drug icsts and searches by his probation ofllccr, no posses­ sion of illegal drugs and no going lo places where illegal drugs ore used. Vic was ordered lo partlclpalo in the day reporting cenicr program, complete 50 hours of communily ser* vicc within 90 days and pay courl costs. Chargcs of breaking and entering a motor vehlcic and habitual felon were dismissed in exchange for Thompson's guilty pica. L o c a l W o m a n P le a d s G u ilty In S o n ’s D e a th Caddy’s Tourn Area Residents Can Play Golf With PGA Caddies The Davie County Chamber of 'Commerce will do its port to make * theVantageChampionshipancxclt- ing event for the PGA Senior Cad­ dies by hosting the third annual Caddy’s Toum. The Caddy’s Toum is a quality event forgolfcra throughout the Pied­ mont", stated Joan Caner, executive director of the chamber. ’*Thc cad­ dies have enjoyed being Davie County celcbritles for the day since' the tournament began in 1998.** Six person leams, Twc amateurs and one PGA Senior Tour Caddy, play a Caddy’s Choice siyk touma- menl with a 1 p.m. shotgun stan. “ Nol only do the caddies have greal stories about working wilh the pros, many o f them arc excellent golfers and can give you good ad­ vice,” said ScoU Gantt, owner of Gantt Personnel. “The tournament’s unique formal helps keep the field of players fuUcach year,” slated Gahit. “ IhavccnjoyctlcvcryCaddy’sToum and look foru’ard to meeting a new caddy in this one." The Caddy’s Toum w ill wrap up the day with a buffet dinner, trophies and awards for the first and sccond place teams, along wilh prizes for team drawings and special competi­ tions. Golfers will also have a chancc to win a Jeep Wrangler, pnwldcd by Westsidc Chrysler/Dodgc/Jecp, if they can make a holc«in-one on no. 17. Pudding RidgeOclfClub w ill host ihisycar’sCaddy’sToum.Thc 6.750 yard course opened Octobcr 1994 al a location actually named by British General Charles Cornwallis in 1781 when British troops passed through DavieCouniy. Pudding Ridgc'smll- ing hills provide a iKauliiut rural setting to challenge the best of golf- ci^.' ................................. Dave King, head golfprofessional at Pudding Ridge, w ill show off course improvements to Caddy’s Toum players and caddlcs. **We have redesigned several holes over the last two years to beticr suit golfers of all levels. \Ve think Ihe playerswill be pleased,” slated King. The coursc is localcd on Pudding Ridge Road, approximately five min­ utes from the Farmington Road exit («l?4)of40. Players o f al I levels w ill enjoy the Caddy’s Toum and the advice of the Senior PGA Tour Caddlcs. Fees: In­ dividuals -SI 25; includes golf, range balls, dinner, goodie bag, and prizes. For additional Infonnation contact the Davie Counly Chamber of Com­ merce, 107 N. Salisbury St., Mocksville. 751-33W. By Jeanne G tilthcr DavieCouniy Enlcrprise Rccord A l(Kal woman will be spending more lhan a year In prison for Ihc dealh of her son. Kimbcriy Ann Walter was sen­ tenced to 16 to 20 monlhs in prison after pleading guilty Thursday to felony death by a motor vehicle. Acardriven by Waller ovcnumed after striking a culvert on Gladstone Road early Feb. 17, according to as­ sislant district attorney Corey Buggs. Waller's son. Terry L Kimmer Jr., 22, died from Injuries sustained in the' accident. Although Waller dccllncd to take an intoxilizer test, N.C. Highway Pa­ lrol Trooper T.D. Shaw, who Invcstl- gated the accident, determined lhal she was impaired based on her be­ havior. an odor of alcohol and her own admission that she had con­ sumed two mixed drinks, Buggs said. In a siaicment made to investigat­ ing officers, another passenger in the vehicle. Donald Rash, said they had been to Salisbury to visit Waller's brother before going to a bar where he witnessed Waller consume two mixed drinks and five or six becr^ while he shol pool with Kimmer. The car was traveling al aboul 60 mph when the accident happened. Notic­ ing the speed, he said he had asked Waller to slow down. Several witnesses al the scenc re­ ported Waller seemed more con- cemcd about locating her purse and cigarclles than with her sun. us he lay dying on the ga>und near the car. In one statement read by Judge David H. Beard Jr. a witness said Waller was complaining about her head hurting and lhal her molhcr was going lo kill her for wrecking her car. Trying to get a cigarette, she had stepped over her son. as he lay dy­ ing. Another witness rcponcd Waller never oncc olTcrcd lo help Kimmer - morc concerned abt)ui her pocket- book. cigaaMics and car. A third witness said he had run lo call 911 after seeing blood coming from Kimmcr’s cars, nose and mouth and hearing him gurgling. He told Waller she had morc to worry about lhan her purse becausc he didn’t be­ lieve the other guy was going to make it. Investigators also discovered a bag of marijuana near the vehicle, Buggs said. ^ le r admits she was the driver o f HTTcar. She has expressed sorrow al the loss of her son but may not fully appreciate her role In his dcalh due to her limited emotional and Intellec­ tual capacity, according to her attor­ ney Lynne Hicks. She received a head Injury in the accident and other injuries, which re­ sulted in hospitalization and use of a walker and crutches, Hicks told the judge. Sincc her arrest. Waller has been under the supervision of the pretrial release cenicr and has done well and would do well in the day reporting center program, she said. Ovidcnce In ihe case shows that Kimmer was пюге than a willing par­ ticipant. He was the one who had in­ sisted they go out thal night, and she had been passing a cigarettc to him when she lost conlrol of the vehlcic. Hicks explained. The judge sentenced Waller lo 16 to 20 months In prison, finding as an aggravating factor her lack of re­ morse and failure to offer assistance to her son at the accident scene. Though her son was near death, she was morc inlercsled in finding her pockelbook and cigarettes. Beard said. Her intellectual limitations were not severe enough to keep her from passing the driver's license test or determine that she should not take a breathalyzer test following the acci­ dent, he added. Waller told Beard she had been concerned about her son. “ I do miss Terry. He’s my son," she said. Prison Camp Road Is Renamed FALL IS TIME TO MULCH Cooleemee Civitan President Aubrey Wensll is pictured witli youth council members Kasey Robinson, Andrw Ellis, An- gela Wheeler. Chad Courtemanche, B.G. Minor (president elect) and Kristen Lord. The Mocksvillc Board of Com­ missioners unanimously voted in fa­ vor of a request lo rename Prison Camp Road to Wcsiside Drive at the Sept. 5 Town of Mocksvillc meeting. Mocksville Planning and Zoning Director John Gallimore presented the notice to the Board lhal requested the name change. Prison Camp Road is localcd off the south side of County Home Road, approximately onc-half mile wesl of Bear Creek. A ll addresses along Prison Camp Road will be changed to Tcflecl the new road name. After maps and lists of addresses werc distributed to Board members, the public hearing was opened. Gallimore stated that the Depart­ ment of Transportation who has an office on Prison Camp Road was con­ cerned about the name changc, but no one from the dcpanmcnl was present. There was a motion by Buster Cleary to approve changing the name of Prison Camp Road lo Westsidc Drive. The motion was seconded by Jim Wall and approved by a unani­ mous vole. Cooleemee Civltans Present $500 Donation To Davie Teen Center TheCoolccnKeCiviumCIubPrcsi- ! dent, AubreyWnisil,presenleda$500 check 10 llie newly formed DavioTccn Cenlerlaslweckatlhcirmonlhlymccl- The Civiians clecied lo donate the fund.» last month lo the Teen Ccntcr ' after youth coonlinator Vicki Robinsoo made a presentation of the needs to : creale Ihe new Teen Center. The needs :>of Ihecenlerincludeseverything from I’ a suitable, safe, and convenient loca- " Uon lo computers, recieational and I educalioii^^uipaienl. , RobbuaaciiedthataiecenKuivey i Ol 2j№0-.№iitua in Davie County i \ I ■ > ■■ 1 found lhat 59percent found it boring in Davic County wilh nowhere lo go for [ccreation and good fellowship. "Unless they want to go to a fast- food parking lot or Wal-Mart lo hang out, it’s rcally stagnant lo the kids." Robinson sold. They've gol a long way to go and hopefully, wilh this donation, wc can gel more community involvement in UKirfund-raisiiigefrotts,”Wcnsilsaid, "Wcwould also Ukciochallenge other civicgroupstodolhes^.Thcseklds are our fjiure, and we are responsible forgiving thetit agood foun^tion to ; giowon." ■ BLACK SAMD Co. L / w o s c f iiK M A w m s S A N D Q R A V E L M U L C H B A R K N U O M I E T S S A N D R O C K B R I C K N U O O E T S C O M P O S T T O P S O I L K I D C U S H I O N W H I T E P E B B L E S B R O W N P E B B L E S D I R T . ^ '^ n c e M ARK ft CINDY SHOAF, OWNERS Hours; Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Salurday 8:00-3:00 745 W. Cleramonsville Rd. Winston-Salem 788-6411 (Fax) 785-3342 COMPOST 2 5 % OFF Friday, Sept. I B Л M u r d a y , Sept. 1«miltSuiiply UuHl •M EIINIUUnNI mulchhauling.com also offers: .7 'j r n m r n m ì Owners— Dean & Patsy Carter •MINI РНК NMIETS • M i u i M m -IKiU-.....I Смглепьгч Of. Cm« .■IIIM nW M I UM. M M Im ai ПИСММ1nkttinmsvrnttt" FALLHOUR& Mon.-Frl. 8:00 №5:30 pm SAT. 8:00 «№2:30 pm (3 3 6 ) 7 1 2 -9 7 6 2 EÌÌis Auto Auction Auction every Wednesday 6:00 pm SHARP Cars ■ Trucks - Vans • SUVs - Anything on Wlieeis OPEN TO DEALERS & PUBLIC Come to BUY or, SELL Great selection of vehicles - from the fishing car to __________^ r nice personal vehicle Buy at 1:ЛЛ .Ilici Blu R IC Il l' E llis Auto A uction NORTH of Salisbury, NO SOUTH of Mociisville, NC • Hwy. 601 We are not far from anywhere! Phone: 336-284-4080 10 a.m.-5 p.m.Come eariy r iooit’em over l^estaurant open for your.convenience V i f t R - f N » M O O M O K i e i o s E O U T C H E V R O L E T S U B U R B A N 4 x 4 LS Trim, Loaded. Stk. #201900 iH s c o v im s D Л 0 0 ' ш ш ш ш v iH ie iisP w e iD T O s i u i C H E V Y S IL V E R A D O T R U C K S ^2ÌMTÌ C H E V R O L E T T R A C K E R 4 D R . 4 W D ^ISCOVIHTEDVPTO ^ ,0 0 0 ” л и C f О ro SiU l Stk. #2П(ИП0 PKICED List $20,466 Disc; - 3,476 *16.990‘ C H E V R O L E T B L A Z E R 4 D R . C H E V R O L E T V E N T U R E 4 D R . SI *20375* Ляанн«.,..: aîqlijçf.f.ji ...........■ iÿ 'tl CHEVROLET INPALA CHEVROLET CAMARO Loaded, C D Stl<. #102310 List $21,271 Disc. - 2,351 а м л л п с в г ш с Е о * 1 8 ,9 2 0 ’ 11 «18,434* Tops, Aluminum Wheels ■ Stk. #101320 List $21,395 Disc. • 2,961 а х л я л п с в FlU CED $ ' CHEVROLET CAVALIER CHEVROLET PRIZN List $14,088 Disc. - 3,111 c u s j u u n a s n a c B D List $16,045 Disc. -2,549 а в л к я я с Б Р П С в о »10.977* JI »13,496* List $27,580 Loaded, Cass. & CD I Disc. -4,160 Sik. #101890 с и в А ш л я с в п а с е в List $23,105 Loaded, R Driver's Disc. - 3,115 Seat. Stk. #100390 а м я л н с в п к х о »23.420* Jl »19.999* List $45,373 Stk. #101300 Disc. -4,573 а и в л я л я с в п и с в о List $44,485 Loaded, Chrome Disc. -4,513 Wheels. Stk. #102260 а ж й й л п с в п к х о $ List $34,463 Leather, Sunroof. Disc. -3,467 Stk. #1020>)0 CLBAMNGBJnUCBD ■40.a60* JI »39.972^ J l»30.996*j g »39.990* •Rebates included. •• Discounts based on 4x4 Ext. Cab 3 Dr. Trucks List $46,900 Stk. #102260 Disc. -6,910 OJUMNCBmCBD Bell il: H oward Chevrolet O ld s m o b ile //< '//( (y /< ' 873-9094 1-77,1-40 WEST BWY.21 N. B«sid« DLd* iMp-Chvydtr-PlyawBlli 6 - DWIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 F4iblic Records Arrests The Davie Counly Sheriffs Dc- panmcnl made Ihe rollowing arrests. - W illie Edward Moore, 30, of ■ Wlnston-Salcm was arrested Sept. 1 for DWI, open container after con­ suming, and driving wilh license re­ volted. Trial dale; Nov. 11, - Creed Allen Simpkins, 17, of 131 GranlTrall,Mocksville, arrested Sept. 1 for assault. Trial date; Sept. 7. - Tltyan Reward Thompson, 16, of 416 Hobson St., Mocksville was arrested Sept. 1 for communicating Ihreals and violallon of court order. Trial dale; Sept. 7. - Rebecco Banner Doby, 26, of 4230U.S. 158, Advancc was arrested Scpl. 1 for worthless check. Injury lo personal property, and Injury to real property. Trial date; Sept. 14. - Allan Wayne Summers, 25, of 337 Hobson Drive, Mocksville was arrested Sept. 2 for assault on a fe­ male and communicaiing threats. Trial dote; Sept. 21. - Emily Gail Smith Stewart, 34, of 139 Bugle Lone, Mocksville wos arrested Sept. 2 for simple assault. Trial dote; Sept. 21. - Armando Mortinez Garela, 26, Salisbury, arrested Sept. 2 for aiding &abelling DWI. Trioldote; Sept. 15. - Curtis Russell Ijames, 29, Lokc- wood Motel, Mocicsvillc, arrested Sept. 2 for probation violation. Trial date; Scpl. 7. - Lany Stephen Davis Jr., 29, of 70 Whitney Road, Mocksvillc was arrested Sept. 2 for child support. Trial date; Scpl. 17. - Victor Hyman Rojas, 20, of Sal­ isbury was anesled Sept. 2 for DWI, provisionol DWI, ond driving with­ out a license. Trial date; Sept. 15. - John Redmond Gollhcr, 45, of 239 Bamcy Rood, Advonce wos or- rested Sept.4rordrivlngwithliccnse revoked ond driving left of ccntcr. Trial dote: Oct. 9. -LarryTravls Mullins, 17,of 428 Fairfield Road, Mocksville was or- restcd Scpl. 5 for Injury to real prop­ erty. Trial dale; Scpl. 28. - James Lee Montgomery, 24, of 144 Wandering Lone, Mocksville was arrested Scpl. 6 for domestic criml- nol trespassing, misdemeanor lar- ccny,ondh.irassing phone colls.Triol date: Sept. 21. - Kathy Brown Draughn, 37, of 259 Gun Club Road, Advance wos arresicd Sept. 6 for simple assault. Trial dale: Sept. 28. - Paula Myers Stanley, 32, of 122 Redwood Drive, Mocksvillc wos or- reslcd Sept. 7 for failure lo appear. Trial dale; Sept. 28. - Dcrrek Losli.wn Dulin, 21, of 5 Woodleof was arrested Scpl. 7 for possc.ssion of marijuana, possession of drug parophcmalla, and expired regislrolion. Triol dote; Nov. 9. Sheriff's Department The following incidents were rc- ‘ported to the Davie Counly Sherifrs Department. - Drcaking, entering, and larceny was reported Scpl. 1 fromahomeon U.S. 601 S., Mocksville. - A motor vchicic was reported stolen Sept. 3 from a residence on Baltimore Road, Advancc. - A report of gas being stolen was received Sept. 3 from a convenience storconU.S.601 South. Mocksvillc. - A dog was reported stolen from a home on Sparks Road, Advancc on Sept. 3. - A rcpoii of breaking, eniering, and larceny was received Scpl. 3 from a home on Main Church Road, Mocksville. *. - Domestic criminal trespassing and harassing phone calls were re­ ported Sept. 3 from a residence on Kae Lane, Mocksvillc. -A registration plate was reported .■itolen from a car on Sept. 4 on U.S. 601 S.. Mocksvillc. -> Several packs o f cookies were reported stolen from a business on U.S. 601 North. Mocksville on Scpl. 4. - A lost lag was reported Sept. 5 on 1*40. - A report of threat communlca* lion was rcccivcd Sept. 5 from a home on Foster Road. Mocksville. - A missing persons report was received Scpl. 5 from a home on W ill Boone Road, Mocksville. - The window of a vehiclc was reported broken Sept. S from a busi­ ness on U.S. 158, Mocksville. - Damage lo property was reported from a residence on U.S. 601 N.. Mocksville on Sept, 5. - A report of breaking and enter­ ing was rcccivcd Sepl. 5 from a resi­ dence on U.S. 601 North, Mocks* ville. - Drcaking and entering was re­ ported from a home on U.S. 601 N., Mocksville on Sepl. 6. - A racing gear and oil pan were reported stolen Sept. 6 from a home on Boxwood Church Road, Miwks- ville. - A report o f simple assault and damage to property was received Sept. 6 from a business on U.S. 601 N.. Mocksvillc. - Damage lo a yard was reported Scpl. 7 from a home on County Home Road. Mocksville. - Larceny of gas was reported Scpl. 7 from a convcnicncc store on U.S. 64 W., Mocksvillc. - Breaking and eniering was re­ ported fromalwmeon Redland Road. Advance on Sepl. 7. - Cartons of cigarettes were re­ ported siolen from a convenience store on U.S. 64 B., Mocksville on Scpl. 8. Mocksville Police The following incidcnls were re­ ported to Mocksvillc Police. • Thc breaking, entering and lar­ ceny o f Kicker amps and speakers was. reported Sept. 2 from a vehicle parked at Food Lion South. - Thc larceny of a wallet was re­ ported Aug. 31 from a vehiclc aprked alB B & T • The larceny of chccks from a purse was reported Sept. 5 from a . plant on M illing Road......................... - The larceny of S21.83 in gas was reported Scpl. 6 from Rushco, Yadk­ invillc Road. - Thc lareeny of a welding ma­ chine was reported Sepl. 11 from a site off Industrial Boulevard. -The larceny ofSlO.75 worth of gasoline was reported Sept. 9 from Fast Track, Yadkinvillc Road. - A woman reported Sept. 9 that her boyfriend threw a television at her al Thc Glen apartments. •Thc larceny of cash was reported Sept. 8 from Western Steer, Yadkin­ villc Road. -Thc breaking, entering and iar- ccny of jewelry, CDs. money, and other items from a vehiclc at United Plywood was reported Sept. 8. Arrests...............—..... . .............. - Ricky Lewis Neely, 40, of 953 Hardison St., charged Sepl. 4 with assault on a female and communicat­ ing threats. Trial date: Sept. 21. • - Amy Renee Basinger, 27, of 468 Hobson Drive, was charged Aug. 31 with possession o f marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: Sept. 28. - James Walter Rose Jr.. 45. of 379 Montview Drive, charged Sept. 2 with price switching. Trial: Ocl. S. - Dcrwood Johnson, 45, o f 243 Duke St.. charged Sept. 6 wilh assault on a female and discharging a fire­ arm onto occupied property. Trial date: Sepl. 14. He was chargcd Scpl. 7 wilh discharging a firearm in city limits. . . . Donnie SclIers.-41. of 315 Ml View Drive, was charged Sept. 11 with obstructing and delaying an of­ ficer and with trespassing. Trial dale: Scpl. 28. - Anna Marie Miller Helms, 39, of 123 Friendship Court, was charged Sept. 8 wilh obtaining a controlled substance by fraud and wiih obstruct- ing and delaying an officer. Trial date: Sept. 14. TrufTIc Accidents - Brian Keith Schucnuan, 33, of 177 Lillle Creek Lane, failed to stop the 1992 Dodge truck he was driv­ ing on Salisbury Street at 5:10 p.m. Sept. I before it struck In the rear a 1997 Pontiac driven by Curtis Lee Hill,38,of819 Hardison St., reported Officer Derrick L. Cline. ___A driver.in a.wrcck on Depol Slrect al 2:30 p.m. Sept. 5 was cited for having a fictitious registration plate. Derek Scoll Cornett, 18. o f 125 Carrie Circle, was driving a 1966 Volkswagen on Depot Street when a 2000 Buick was driven inlo ils path from an alley by Linda Reavis Doby. 62. of 229 Doby Road, reported Of- ficcr Rick Gilliland. Doby’s view was obstructed by cars parked In a nO'parking zone, Gilliland reported. - Edna Ijames Allen, HI, of 190 Homestead Lane, was driving a 1994 Buick that rolled fons ard into ihe re.ir of a 1990 Buick driven by Siacic Ellen Ann W inters. 19. o f 383 Livengood Road. Advancc. at 3:10 p.m. Sept. 5 on Lexington Road. • Two cars collided on Yadkinvillc Road at Country Lane at 12:30 p.m. Sepl. I.According loareport by Of­ ficer R.A. Donathan, Miranda Lynn Hank, 19. of 544 E Lexington Road, drove a 1998 Ford from Country Lane, striking a 1995 Honda being driven on Yadkinvillc Road by Donald Shenuan Jones Jr.. l9.ofl54 Hobson Sl. • A llam pionville woman was chargcd with failure in reduce speed alter a wicck on Soulh Main Slrect at 7:15 a.m. Sept. 7. Maxine Shaffner Wagoner. 61. flailed to slop the 1988 Ford she was driving before il struck in the rear a 1993 Toyota driven by Shannon Dawn While. 22. o f 142 Fireside Unc, Cooleemee. reported Officer J.D. Finney. - No charges were filed after a wreck on NorthMain $trect al 12:20 p.m. Sept. 8. Grady Lacy Wesiinorwland. 71. of 160 Hcmlock St., was driving a 1994 Dodge onto Hcmlock Slrcci when il was struck in Ihc rear by a 1998 GMC pickup trtick driven by John Paul Bodford. 62. of Clemmons, reported Officer R.A. Donathan. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds. Thc transactions arc listed by par­ ties involved, acrcage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Bruce E. Hill and Deborah S. H ill to Thomas Stacy Dillon and Elizabeth E. Dillon, I lot, Farming­ ton. S348. - John Gordon M cG riff lo Anasiasia A. M cG rlff, 4 acrcs, Clarksville. -Anastasia A. McGrifftoR. Eldon Metzger and Lois A. Metzger. 14.75 acrcs. Clarksville, $350. - Patsy Ruih Taylor Lanier and Ray E. Lanier to Luther Lee Taylor, 2 tracls, Clarksville. - Colonial Estates to Glen T. Baysingcr and M ary Lynne E. Baysingcr, 1 lot, Mocksvile, $60. • Dick Anderson Construction to W aller M . Zukowsky Jr. and Carolann Zukowsky, I lot, $440. - David W. Bailey Jr., trustee and on behalf of John H. Hoois Sr. lo nick Anrig^nn Cnnstnictmn, 1 Int, Shady Grove. ' - Roger Richardson and Teresa Richardson to^ena Harris, 2 iracis, Mocksville,$190. - George Rad Barnes and Doris B. Bomes to Bobby James Barnes and Lynda S. Barnes, 2 acres, Fulton. - Bobby James Barnes and Lynda S. Barnes to Amold Lee Barnes, 2 acrcs. Fulton. - Bean Builders to D. Mark Eaton and Annette M. Eaton, I lot, Farm­ ington. $471. - Donald R. Hendricks and Mary J. Hendricks to David T. Miller II and Jill L.'Mayhcw, .49 acre, Mocksvillc. $227. - Charles E. Seats and Cleo H. Seals to Norman W. Droulllard and Audrey E. Drouillard, 1.1 acres, Farmington, $270. • Dick Anderson Conslruclion to Michael Ashley Bell and Angela S. Bell. Hot, Shady Grove. $425. - David W. Bailey Jr. and as trustee on behalf of John H. Hoots Sr. to Dick Anderson Construction, I lot. Shady Grove. ____>.Michae George Davis and Stephanie Gegory Davis. 1 lot. Shady Grove, $400. • Virginia P. Taylor to Ronald Eu­ gene Taylor, Michael Dean Taylor, Cary Lynn Taylor and Jeffrey Wynn Thylor (6.3% interest), I lol, Jerusa­ lem. - James A. Sheets and Doris Sheets to Johnny Sheets. .52 acre, Jerusalem, $1. • James A. Sheets and Doris Sheets to Johnny Sheets, .31 acre, Jemsalem, $1. . Edgar T. McCain and Dolly J. McCain to Martha Jo Ferguson and Joseph J. Ferguson .92 acre, $260. - Thomas I. McCunc and Clara P. McCune lo Cynlhia Ann Toth. I lol, Farmington, $120. • Theresa A. Larson lo Donald Hendricks and Mary Hendricks, 1 lot, Mocksville, $316. - James G. Wilson Jr. and Linda C. Wilson, William C. Gregory to Frederick S. Grant and Annie E. Grant. 2 acrcs, Mocksvile, $80. • John M. Robinson and Vicki Robinson lo Annette J. Bogcr and $140. - John Johnstone to Louis S. JamesandCarolyn M. James, I tract, Mocksville. $150. ■John Ray Lalham and Damell D. Deborah B. Mace lo John N. McDaniel Jr. and Linda S. McDaniel, Mot. Mocksville. $236. • Joshua S. Lambelh and Tara H. Lambeth to Wade S. Burns and Jon Latham to Robert Lyles and Deborah ^Woodring, I loi, $210. Lyles. Hot, Mocksville, $38. • Joseph C. Shellon and Raymonda S. Shelton lo Merle Marlane Rector, 1 lot. Shady Grove, S5I9. • Amanda Paige Brown to Dorman E. Brown and Nancie P. Brown, I lol, Mocksville. • Luther Wayne Frye and Daphne A. Frye to Scan S. Walker, 1 lol, Mocksville. $163, - Harvey Lee Spaugh and Frances Spaugh to Tracy Scolt Cope and Christy M. Cope, 12 acres, Mocks­ ville. • Wade W. Reeves and Estelle W. Reeves lo Nathan C. Beck Jr., 5.12 acrcs, Calahaln. $40. - Camilla B. Thompson and Roy Lee Thompson to Vance O. Johnson and Patricia B. Johnson, 22.57 acres, Mocksville, $317. ~W im a m -H ^Q e e -4H -« n d----------M ai • Samnaz Inc. to Francisco M. Fuenlcs and Elsa Gutcres, 1 lot. Farmington. $590. • Vogler’s Construction lo Kevin Allen Long and Jane Grace Long, 1 lol. Shady Grove. • K.T. Isenhour Conslruclion to Catherine Clarkson Robertson and Mark Edward Robertson, 1 lol, Mocksville, $323. -Richard C. Short 10 KHS Lim­ ited. I lot. Shady Grove, $55. • Donald O. Smilh and Joycc T. Smith. Claunellc S. Gregory and David F. Gregory, Pamela S. Purvis and John Robert Purvis to Geneva C. Smilh, 22,500 square feet, Mocks­ ville. - Nellie W. Angell, J. Russell An­ gell and Gwendolyn J. Angell to J.C. Hutchins and Carol S. Hutchins, J9 acre, Mocksville. ward Mclnville. 2 acrcs, Mocksville. • Westview Development Co. to Glenn Johnson Builders, I lol. Shady Grove. $63. - Eugene Bennett and W illie Bess Bcnnclt, Delbert E. Bennett and Martha II. Bennett, and Gametic L Nance lo James M. Priestley and 'HimelaJ. Priestley, 1 lot, Mocksville, $41. - Ricky G. Dull and Wyonna Dull to Ray Fox. 2.29 acrcs, Mocksvillc, $184. • Larry McDaniel Builders to Bobby Ray Burton, 1 lol, Mocksville. $220. • Michacl Wall and Jerri N, Wall to Clint R. Barber and April M. Bar­ ber. 1.83 acrcs, Clarksville, $148. - Mark E. Roy and *nimmy A. Roy to David R. Courtcmanche and Mary K. Courtemanchc, I tract, Farming­ ton. - John H. Hools Sr. to Dick Ander­ son Construction, 1 tract. Shady Grove, $800. - Phil Strupc Builders lo Michacl D. Cook and Dana H. Cook. 1 lot; Fires Dovle County fire departments re­ sponded to Ihe following colls; Sept. 1; Wllliom R. Davie, 6:18 p.m.. Cop Cain Troll, fire olarm; Farmington assisted. Sept. 2; Jerusalem, 8:07 a.m., Fairchild Road, automoblleaccldent; Counly Llnc,8;56a.m.,I-40E.,auto- mohlle accident; Jerusalem, 1:34 p.m., U.S. 601 S., automobile acci­ dent; Smith Grove, 3:59 p.m., 1-40 E , automobile Occident; Farming­ ton, 4:11 p.m., 1-40 E., automobile accideni. Sept. 3; Mocksville, 8:06 p.m.. Elm Slrect, tree in road. Sept. 5: Cooleemee, Jerusalem, 3:45 p.m., U-Slop-N-Grill. automo- bileaccldent; Fork,Mocksville, 7:04 p.ra., Dallon Road, structure fire. SepL 6; Jsrusalem,7;33 a.m„ U.S. 601 S. it Deadmon Road, automo­ bile «ccldent; Mocksville aulsted; Cooleemee, 3:?4 p.m.V Stonewood , Highway Patrol Road,, Investigation; Jerusalem as­ sisted. Sept. 7; Jerusalem, 3; 19p.m., U.S. 601 S., automobile Occident; Mocks­ ville, 7:57 p.m., Fairmont Drive, fire alarm; Fork ossisted; Jerusalem, 8:05 p.m., U.S. 601 S.. cor fire; Mocks­ ville assisted. Sepl. 9: Smith Grove, 3:24 p.m., I- 40 W ., automobile Occident; Sheffleld-Calohaln; 6:02 p.m., Sheffield Road ot County Line Road, automobile accideni. . Sept. 10; Center, 2:36 o.m., U.S. 64 W7Sheffield Road, automobile accident: Smith Grove, 12:59 p.m., U.S. 158 E , business fire alarm; Advonce assisted; Farmington as­ sisted; Clemmons asslsted;Foric,3:28 p.m., U.S. 64 E , automobile acci­ dent; Foric, 3:43 p.m., N.C. 801 S., automobile accident; W illiam R, Davie, 10:32 p.m., Elmore Road, automobile accident. The following traffic wrecks were Investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol in Davie County. _ Driver Faces Two Charges A Raleigh womon was charged with driving left of center ond ex­ ceeding a sofe speed after a wreck on 1-40 ot 2:55 p.m. Sept. 3. Avery Mellsso McGrew, 19,wos' drivinga 1999 Ford thot went off the rood to the left, spun out of control In Ihc median and collided with a 1998 Chevrolet on the opposite driven by Alvin Melvin Jr., 27, of Morganton, reported IVooper T.D. Shaw. , Secklen Otlvlag Charged A Mocksville man was charged with reckless driving after a wreck on U.S. 64 East at 5:45 a.m, Sept. 1, Chrisopthcr Scott Whlsenhunt, 21, o f 734 W illboone Road, was . driving a 1986 Ibyota pickup that ' went o ff the road to the left and struck a fence. He told Trooper A J. Farmer thot he hod fallen asleep. Cars Collide A l Intersection A Mocksville teen was charged wilh following too closely after о wreck at N.C. 801 and Farmington Road at 3:40 p.m. Sepl. 5. Leslie Nicole Norman, I8,of206 Elm St., swerved a 1995 Honda to the left, striking a 1981 Mercury, which was being turned left from N.C. 801 onlo FormingtOn Rood by Woltcr Groy Hutchens, 70, of Yodk- invllle, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. RecUeu Driving Charged A Mocksville man was charged with reckless driving after a wreck on N.C. 801 at 5:20 p.m. Sept. 4. ' Chud McKinley Davis, 22, o f 2246 N.C. 801 N ., was driving a 1992ChevroletthalwemoGfthc road to the right, came back onlo thc road, crossed the center line and went off - 4- to the right, striking a ditch ond ovcr- tumlng twice, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. CarH lUTVw Justin Visoch Tliylor, 22, of 159 Lakewood Circle, Mocksvillc, was driving 0 1997 Ford at 5:45 o.m. Sept. 4 on N.C. 801 when It struck a tree that hod fallen across Ihe rood, reported TVooper M.T. Dalton. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A M ocksville womon was charged with failure lo reducc speed oftcr a wreck on U.S. 601 South ut 7:30 o.m. Scpl. 6. Potricio Merkwo Poole, 30, of 742 Fairfield Road, foiled lo stop Ihc 1988 Chevrolet she wOs driving be­ fore It struck Ihc rcor o f a 1991 Honda driven by Alisha Roberts Browri, 16, of 344 Pleosant Acre Drive, Mocksville, knocking It Inlo the rear o f a 2001 Dodge driven by Marie Bro^way ftegUter, 31, of 305 '•'V ’ ....... Singleton Rood; Mocksvillc, rei portcdTroopcr J.R. Allred. •: Failure To Yield Charged ■: A Mocksvillc mon was chargcd with failure to yield aflcr a wreck oti U.S. 601 South ot 3:55 p.m. Sept, T. Allan Wayne Summers, 25, of 4082 U.S. 601 S., attempted a left lum in a 1996 Ponliac, striking a 1976 Ford truck being driven in die opposite dircction by Billy Darrell Jacobs, 47, of4125 U.S. 601, Moclis:- villc, reported Trooper M.W. Whit­ ener. Unsafe ’Treatment Charged -' A W oodlown, Va. mon was charged with making on unsafe tr^r fic movement after d wreck at 11 a.nil Sepl. 8 on 1-40. ■: Gary Recce Wilson, 57, merged left In 0 tractor trailer, striking a 199i Lincoln driven by John D avlJ , ' doiiUiiueil d ll Page‘7 Highway Patrol Continued From Pnge 6 Shcuring, 38, of Raleigh, reported TVooper Eric T. Phillips. Vehicles Cotllde On WO • T\\o vehicles collided near an I- .40 rest area at 3:15 p.m. Sept. 9. : Thomas Henry Garreison, 28, of Marion had just exiled a rcst area in a 1986 Chevrolet when it collided with u 2000 Kia driven by Parris ¡Caprice Burns, 19. of 328 Counly Line Road, Harmony, rcporlcd Trooper A.A. Juslice. Each driver .claimcd thc other had enicrod their lane o f travel, Justice said. Lexington Man Injured A Lexington man was seriously injured when he lost control of his motorcycle on N.C. 801 In Advance at 3:40 p.m. Sept. 10. , Reginald Lee Sperling. 36, was taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital for treatment o f injury. According to Trooper T.S. Kennedy, the 1993 »Honda moiorcylc skidded o ff the road to the righl. hilling adltch, over­ turning and throwing the driver inlo a yard. Driver Faces Two Charges A Cooleemee woman was chargcd with driving left of ccnier and driving while licensc revoked aflcr a wreck on Fairfield Road at 8:05 a.m. Sepl. 2. Tina Marie Ashbum, 20, o f 186 Walls St.. was driving a 1988 Ford lhal went off the road lo the right, causing the driver to overstcer, re­ ported Tn>opcr T.D. Shaw. Thc car spun OUI of control, striking a utility pole to the left, which broke onto the top of the car. Unsafe Movement Charged A Mocksville man was charged :tvith making an unsafe traffic move­ ment after a wreck al 1:30 p.m. Sepl. 2 on U.S. 601 Soulh. Donald Ray Mairc III. 31. of 178 Mohcgan Trail, was driving a 1969 Chevrolet pickup and allem'plcd a left lum, striking a 1991 Ford being driven In the opposite dircclion by Joy Lovcilc Hancock, 25, o f Saiis­ bury, reported Trooper T.D. Shaw. Car Hits Ditch In Ratn Shawn Edward Spencer, 39, of 158 Joyner Sl., Cooleemee, was driv­ ing a 1987 Ford on U.S. 64 East at 6:45 a.m. Scpti I in heavy rain when the car skidded into a ditch to thc left, reported Trooper A.J. Farmer. He was citcd for Improper equipment and driving without a licen.se. Two Chargcs Filed A M ocksvillc woman was chargcd with driving left of center and exceeding a safe speed after a wreck on 1-40 at 3:55 p.m. Sepl. 2. Brenda Gail McKcc, 33. o f 573 Sain Raod, was driving a 1997 Chev­ rolet that hydroplaned, crosscd the median and stmck a 1997 Cadillac driven by Wiley B. Baggett. 62, of Fayetteville, reported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Driver Fulls To Yield An Advancc man failed to yield to oncoming traffic on N.C. 801 at 12:05 p.m. Sept. 1. Fred Leon Bcnnclt, 67, o f 166 Chariotic Placc.dmvea 1995 Buick from Creckwood Drive, striking a 1990 Chrysler driven by Pelko T\xlorov Pelkov, 40, of Grccnsboni, reported Trix>pcr Terrance D. Shaw. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A W inslon-Salcm man was chargcd with failure lo reducc speed aflcr aw reck on N.C. 801 at 1:01 p.m. Sept. I. Adam Hodson Pitts. 25, failed to stop thc 1991 Honda he was driving before it struck in the rear a 1988 Oldsmobilcdriven by Charles Albert Black, 45. of219 Brcniwood Drive. Advance, reported Trooper T.D. Shaw. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged ' A Spencer man was'chargcd’wiih exceeding a safe speed after a wrcck on N.C. 801 at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 2. Lorenzo Compbcll Troutman Jr., 41, was driving a 1995 Lincoln that wenl left of center, went back across the road, going off lo thc righl and hilling a sign and trees, reported Trooper M.W. Whllcner. Man Charged W ith DW I A Winston-Salem man was charged with DWI after a wrcck on the Yadkin River bridge ot 7:25 p.m. Scpl. 1. William Hoyt Kelley Jr., 52. was driving a 2000 Hyundai that crosscd inlo the left lane nut of control and struck thc bridge railing. He told Trooper M.T. Dalton that he was forced inlo thc rail by a tnjck. Dal­ ton reported lhat several complaints about Kelley's vehiclc had been re­ ceived prior to thc wreck. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A Lenlor man was charged with failure to reducc speed after a wreck on 1-40 at 4 p.m. Sept. 2. Hcrminlo Avalos Martinex, 25. failed to slop the 1988 Chevrolet he was driving before it struck in thc rear a 1998 Chevrolet driven by Della S. Sim onclll. 52. o f Pickcrington. Ohio, knocking It into the rear of a 1985 Ford driven by W hitlow William Garland. 43, of Ridgeway. Va.. reported Line Sgt. M.D. Hayes. Three Deer Struck The following struck dccr: • Kalhy Vallcnc Stewart. 17, of 228 No Creek Road. Mocksvillc. al 11:50 p.m. Scpl. 2 on No Creek Road; • Todd Philip Reavis. 33. of 346 Duard Reavis Road. Nhxrksvillc. al 8:45 p.m. Scpl. 6 on Liberty Church Road; and • Diane Hendrix Green. 35. of 840 Jack Booe Road. M(vksvitlc, at 8:45 p.m. Sept. 6 on Liberty Church Road. Piedmont Radiological Associates and Rowan Regional Medical Center Welcome Dr. Leonel Vasquez • Washington and Jcifcison College - Bacheloi^s degree in chcmistiy and mathematics • West Virginia University School of Mcdicine • Medical College of Wisconsin - general surgery internship • Allegheny General Hospital - diagnostic radiology residency • Northwestern Univeisity/Lynn Sage Breast . i . Ccntcr- breast imaging fellowship • Board certified in diagnostic radiology ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - 7 Piedmont RodlologlcalAssodatcs R Q W A N l^ G I O N A L 401 Mocksville Avenue, Suite 100 MEDICAL CenTIR Salisbury, NC 28144 Your Source For Total Healthcare. (704)633-1023 www.rowan.org EM S Excellence Aw ards Held Reprcsenlulives front the emer­ gency mcdical conununity joined for the second annual John Buruell Elx- cellencc in EMS Awards ThurMlay evening. Scpl. 7. al ihc Hawilxime Inn SycaiiHirc nxnn in Winston-Salem. nurvscll dedicated his life lo im­ proving prc-hospilal caa*. thc quality of life for ciii/cns, and ihe ovxTall regional EMS system. Recipients of the John Burwell Award exemplify tlic same qualities Burwi:ll exhibited. In menuiry of John Hurwclt of Stokes Coumy. Ihc awards nx'ogni/c onelivingundonedcccascdindividual who have madcasignificantimpocton Unwrgcncy Mcdical Scrviccs (EMS) wilhin llw ctMinlies of Davie, R)rsyth. Stokes. Surry, and Yadkin. This year’s recipients wercJohn L. Frye o f Mocksville, and James F. Nance. Frye joined Davlc County EMS shortly after ils inception until his rc- liremcnt as emergency scrviccs direc­ tor of Davie County this year. Nancc was a significant supporter and nicmhcr of tl)c Regional EMS system for more ihan 30 yeara. Thc exlMcncc of Ihc regional EMS pro­ gram is due in greal part to thc work and dedication of Nance. Thc award was presented in his n)cmory to his wife, Gamcil Nance. Nancc died in 1998. Rucker Receives Achievement Award Phil Rucker Jr., agricultural agent with North Carolina Cwpcratlvc Ex­ tension In Davlc and Yadkin counties, rcccivcd an achievement oward at thc annual meeting of the National Asso- ciatlonofCounly Agricultural Agents. Rucker was one of three agents .fromNorthCurollnatorccci\'C achieve­ ment awards at tlic association's an­ nual meetlng,held recently inJackson. Miss. AchicvcmcnlAwardsarcprcscntcd annually to thc top one perccnt of agents incach state as voted on by their peers. Recipients ore iccognized for havingdevclopcdexcellcnteducaiional programs in Ihclr couniics and having worked with Cooperative Extcn.sion for fewer than 10 years. Rucker was recognized for his de­ velopment and implcmentationofout- siondlng livestock, poultry, wostcman- agementand4-Hlivcstockeducatlonal programs. Rucker uses a variety of teaching methods to help clicnts in­ crease their subject knowledge and improve Ihelr quality of life. More than 70 ogcnis from Nonh Carolina were among thc 1.500 mem­ bers of the notional association attend­ ing the annual meeting ond profes­ sional improvement Conference. Dur­ ing thc week, agents were involved in business sesslons,scmlnars, workshops and professional improvement tours throughout the slate of Mississippi. Notth Carolina agricultural Exten­ sion agents arc employees of Nonh Carolina Cooperative Extension, a cooperative effort involving resources from the U.S. Department of Agricul­ tural, N.C. Stale University's College of Agricullurc and Life Science, N.C. A & T Stole University's School of Agricullurc and county govemments across thc state. Special o( the Week 14 oz. Limit 4 While Supplies Last . Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8;3(M« Sun 1:30-5 с * . V i 495 Vaíley Road » Mocksviile • (336) 751r2l4i> "o 3 Ф B E N C H M A R K COMMUNICATIONS NOW IS THE TIME! THE COST OF CABLE SERVICE WITH BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! TH IS IS A LIM ITED-TIM E O FFER ! If you have ever thought -about-Gable-Servici W AIT N O LO N G E R ! CALL OUR OFFICE AT: 336-751-1313 Our 24-Hour Customer Service Department Is available to schedule a convenient time for you! Call Today for one of our CUSTOMIZED PLANS! N O G i m m i c k s ! / ^MVf th e N 0 C a t c h e s ! PEST poSsibli N O H o o k s ! V DEALI ■ ....... 8 -D AVIE CO UNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 Bailey Mountain Cloggers To Perform At Country Gentlemen Siiowl |3 lStrict (Jo u it DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 14,2000 - 9 The Bailey Mounuln Cloggcn w ill per­ form al th ii Davic County Atls Council's bluegrass concert featuring The Counlrj' Gentlemen on SepL 16. Charlie Waller w ill not be able to maice the show since he is still in the hospital re- coveting from an aneurysm he sufTcreil Aug. 31. Waller didn't want DavieCounly lo lose oul on a great concert and exciting clogging Just bccause he wasn't available, so he hand- picked his son, Nashville recording artist Randy Waller, lo nil in for his tour doles. "Patrons who purchased tickcts eariy have been notified about the change o f lead sing­ ers, and everyone Is slill excited aboul a great night o f bluegrass in Davie County," said Dagmar Bardo, executive director o f the Davie Arts Council. "As one of the Arts Council's bluegrass patrons recently pur­ chased several tickcts for the season open­ ing conceit, he suited 'One monkey don'Blop tho showl*. "The Arts Council wholeheartedly agrees with lhal sentlraent," she said. The Bailey Mountain Cloggeis originally were organized In 1974 at Mars Hill College. Mars Hill Is located In the mountains of North Carolina, near Asheville. The Bailey Mountain name is derived from the mountain near the college campus. This college-based performing arts group serves as ambassadors of goodwill for the collegc and the folk dance traditions of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The 37 studenis who comprise the Com­ pany come froml4 stales and various dance iradlllons, representing a number of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Each member be­ comes a unique part o f the Bailey Mountain Family tradition, blending the old wilh the new inlo a larger mosaic for the future. Each year this long championship tradition recre­ ates ilself anew. Oppoitunities Ihrough scholarships and lalenl grants are nfforded deserving students who dance with Bailey Mountain while earn­ ing an undergraduate degree at Mars HIM College. Mars H ill offers majors In many academic Hplds In Ihe liberal arts or from various pro­ fessional degree fields. Auditions are held in the fall and spring. During their 26 year history, Ihe Boiley Mountain Cloggers have performed Ihrough- oul the United States, and inlernalionally In Canada, Mexico.England, Scotland, Austria . and Ireland. From Ihc Kennedy Center In 1996 lo the Austrian Alps Performing Arts Festival in 1997; from the worid premier of 'Mountain Legacy' in Asheville lo the Ul- ster-American Folk Park's Appalachian Fes­ tival in 1998 and 1999; the Bailey Mountain Cloggers Folk Dance Company has eslab- llshed a national ond Inlematlonol reputollon for American clog dance cxccllencc. You can read more about the cloggers and Mars H ill College at their web site: www.mhc.edu. Tickcts for reserved seals ore availoble ot the Brock Performing Arts Cenler Box Of­ fice 01622 N. Moln St.. Mocksville. Tickcts ore $15 for odulls ond $13 for children, slu- denls. and seniors. For groups of 15 or more, tickets orc $12 per person. Tickcls may be puichosed in person or charged by phone. Tickets purchased by phone or mall w ill in­ cur an oddlllonol $3 hondling fee per order. Box Ofllce hours are Monday - Friday. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information, coll 1751-3000. Join the Arts Council ol Ihc open invlia- llonoi jom session ot Clemeni Grove from 6- 7 p.m. before Ihc concert. Musicians of ali ages and all talents are welcomed - if you can pick and grin, come on down. Pock a picnic dinner for Ihc bluegrass jam. For more Informalion about Ihe jom session, conloct Ricky Naylor al Four Oaks Fumiturc at 75I-I7‘I0 or Kip Snow at Counter Point Studios at 751-9390. D a v ie D a te lin e F u n d R a is e r s ___________ Saturday, Sept. 16 Country Ham &Sausage Bkfftst, Wesley Chapel UM Chureh, 6:30-10 a.m.. Ham. sausage, eggs, grits, biscuits, co^ee. Juice $5. proceeds (o benelit bidg. fund. Yard Sole sponsored by Cana !Iome> makers Club, 7 a.m.*until, inside Cana School Bidg.,comerCana&AngeltRds.. clothing, appl., misc. treasures, baked goods. Proce^ for maintenance of Cana School. Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Society of Oavie Co. 2nd An* nual Ride For Animals, sponsors needed. Call 751.5214 forinfo. tangoing Hingt), Mocks>Ulc Moose Lodge 1949. Fridays. Doors open al 6. first game at 7 p.m. Bingo, >VUUam R. Da>ie VFD. 2nd Sanv• day. Doors open, 6:30 p.m. Hardison Church, Poor Mans Supper, every 1st Thurs., 5-7 p.m.............. B e M o n ________________ Sunday, Sept. 17 Adt-anceMeth.HonKcmnIng.fom)er pas­ tor Alec AWotd, dinner m fcUovishiphall. Revival Sun-Tues afternoon 7 p.m., speaker Rev. Tommy Lee Robertson. Revival Concord United Methodist Church. Sept. 17-20. Rev. Andy Lambett. 'Amhipot U a.m..dinnerservedai6p.m., evening service 7 p.m. Special singing by Concord UMCPraiseTeam&PhiitipPark. Mon., Tues., Wed. services 7:30 p.m. Ev­ eryone welcome. Society BapL Church Ilomecomlne. 11 a.nt scrvicc • Speaker former paslor Rev. Neal Eller, covered dish dinner following worship. Aftemoon singing • From The Heonat 1 pmRev.SteveBailey invites all to attend. JustofT64E.. exit62 near Iredell- Davie line. For more info: 7W-546-7624. Saturday, Sept. 23 Union Chapel Meth. Church, counuy ham & uusage breakfast, Hwy. 601 N. of 1-40,6:30 a.m.-IOa.m. R e u n io n s Sunday, Sept. 10 The Booe Reunion. 12:30 p.m.. Will­ iam R. Davie Fire Dept. Annual Uo'wles Reunion. I p.m. Oakgrove UMC fellowship hall. Cranfill Reunion. Zackery House. Cooieemee. 1 p.m., bring your lunch. Glasscock Family Reunion. Center Comm. Bidg., picnic lunch 1 p.m. Crlmestoppers WHI Pay Cash Reward On Aug. 25, unknown personls] went onto Ihc property at 157 Stage­ coach Rood. Mocksville. killed Ihc property owner's dog, and removed a go-cart, black wlUl black roll ban. Crimesloppers will pay up lo $ 1.000 for infonnaiion leading to the airesl and conviction of pcRonls] who com­ mitted Ihis crime. If you have Informalion. call Crimesioppcis al (336) 751 -1111. Man Charged With Taking Indecent Liberties Gets Suspended Sentence A man charged with taking inde­ cent liberties with a child received a suspended sentence Scpl. 5 in Davie Superior Court.after pleading guilty 10 Ihc lesser charge of assault on a female. Anthony Howard Tilley was sen­ tenced lo 60 days In prison suspended three years with supervised proba­ tion. Judge David H. Beard Jr. or­ dered Tdley to spend six months on intensive probation and three months on electronic house arrest. He will have to complete 50 hours o f com­ munity service within Ihe first six months o f his probation term and re­ ceive 0 psychological evaluation, re­ ceiving any rccommcndcd treatment or counseling. Beard ordered Tilley to spend one weekend In jail, pay a $100 fine and court costs and to stay away from the victims. 16 Year Old Becomes Youngest Farmington Top Eliminator Winner SIxlecn-year-old Mikey Waluis of Tysinger from Thomasville picked up ever to win a 'TOP Eliminator race Saturday night atFamiingU)n Dragway. The Nonh Davidson High School slu- deni scorcd his first 'TOP Eliminator . win over 21-year-old Andy Beal from Thomasville. This made IhelSthdrivcrU) win a ' QuaiityOilPDintsSeriesraceihisyear. : Waiters, driving the Chevy-poweied ! Dragster, rana5.01ETu 138 MPH lo ! defeat 'Gun Slinger' Beal in his : Dragsur. Wallers also ranks seventh in die IHRA division one Quick Rod I poinls standings. Mark Dudley of Walkcrtown, a two-time 'TOP Elimi­ nator winner Ihis year, drove his Dragster to a semi-final finish. - Randy WoodofYadkinvillescored the biggest win of Ids iw itig catcer in taking die Sponsmaii 'Fool Brake' division win. Wood picked up his first Farmingtni-Qualily Oil Race Series : win by defealcdlUSwaim from Win­ ston-Salem In dK finals. 'W oody' ran ,' a7.41 Bral94MPHInhlsPlyniouih Duster to stop die Chevrolet Camaro of Swidin. R otat Benge Sr. from Mt. A lly drove h ii Z-28 Canucoloasemi- finaHiiiihinSponsmui. :b lh e ife d ilM o (ia rvs.d » Worid n n ooapclUion, veteran ~ " champion, Donald Utomas from Ml. Aiiy. Tyslngcr, in his Plymouth, ran a 8,45 ET at 79 MPH to stop the Piy- mouUi of Thomas for the win. This made the first Ume in Uiree years lhat Team Moparwas victorious overTeam World. Fiflcen-year-old J.D. Melton form Ml. Airy scored his fiist Street Ma­ chines Junior Dragster win over Cecil LakefromReidsville.ThismadcJ.D.’s fin t career Junior Dragster win at the Farm. Tom DouglasofYadkinvliiedrove his Ciievy to die Pure Slock division win over Teresa Seymour of Lexing­ ton. The 20-race Quality Oii Race Se- riesatdieFormisquicklycomingtoan end, widi diis coming Saturday night's race and die following week remain­ ing. Dan Whisnant of Casar leads die TOP Ellrainator standings, while '97 Champion David Smidi Sr. leads SpoctsmandivlsionandChaseHedrick ofPfafltownhoIdsdieJunlorDragster points lead. Gates open at ID a.m. Time trials startall2;30p.m.andfinal ; elimination's begin al6p.m.Formore infonnation call (336) 993-2982 or 766-5861..... Sunday, Sept. 17 Annual Daywall Reunion. 1 p.m..Davie Academy Comm. Bidg. Spcncer and Martha Williams Family Reunion. 1*4:30 p.m.. Davie Baptist Church on Fork Bixby Road. Allen Reunion, descendents of Mary and Jacob Allen. Mt. Olive United .Meth. Church, fellowship bidg. I p.m., bring picnic lunch. Sunday, Sept. 24 Reunion of Descendenls of Thomas JefTerson and Malilda Smith Htck. William R. Davie Fire Dept., I p.m. S p e c ia l E v e n t s Saturday, Sept. 16 Cooieemee Big Sweep, join Blinky clean­ ing up the river, meet at 9 a.m., Zachary House, volunteers get T-shin, boau needed. Call 284-6(MO or 751-2325. Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Society of DaHe Ca 2nd An* nual Ride For Animals, sponsors needed. Call731-52l4forlnfo:........................... Saturday, Sept. 30 Cooieemee Textile Heritage Festival, heritage parade 10 a.m., Zachary House gates open 11 a.m.-4 p.m., music, food, quilt show, an contest, petting гоо, boat rides on Yadkin River & Blinky p«ppet show. Sponsored by Cooieemee Historical Associalion. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Monday, Sept. 18 riedmoni Cu\.R.S. /Issoclutlon's Cruise In. Main Sl Mocksvillc, 6-9 p.m. Forinfo call 751-03130Г7.М-5468. Tuesday, Sept. 19 American Red Cross Blood Drive, Davie Red Cross Ofilce, 65 Court Square, Mocksville. 3:30^:30 p.nt Must call 751- 1347 for appt. Friday, Oct. 13 Harry Potter's Hogwarts School of Maglcl 4*6 p.m.. Davie Co. Public U- brory. Main St.. Mocksville. Madame Cassandra Rose will bring magic of Hogwarts to the library. Limited to 36 people, so pre-registration is a must Lim­ ited to grade 3 and above. Cali 751-2023. All panicipanu musl bring a broom. Thursday, Nov. 2 Dr. Elliot Engel presents "The Inimi­ table Winston Churchill", 7 p.m., Davie County Public Library, call 751-2023 for more info. Ongoing Aeroblcs,Tuesdays ¿Thursdays, Mocks­ ville Elementary School, 6 p.ni. VlsltCooleemee'iNfiUVilleeeMusegm. 14 Church Sl, Tues. & Thu»., 9 a.m.- noon. Sats., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 294-60Ю. Recycling truck al Center Community DldgH8- ll a.m. 1st Satunlay. odist, 4th Salunlay, 8-11 a.m.. Recycling truck atJerlcho-HardlsonRu- ritan btdg.. 3ni Satunlay, 8:30-11 a.nu Pre«bool»loryUme.Tues., 11 a.m.,Davie County Library. 30-minute prognun. For children ages 3-5. Music, read aloud, sto­ ries, films, nursery rhymes. M e e t in g s Saturday, Sept. 16 Davie Co. Republican Women's Club. 8 o.m., CsKestaurant in Mocksville. Every­ one invited. Tuesday, Sept. 19 Davie Co, Repub. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Davie Co. Counhouse. KappaExtea Homemakers, Davie Acad­emy Comm. Bidg, 7 p.m. Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 20-21 Christians Women's Clubs of W*S, Ber­ muda Run Couniry Club. Speaker May Justice of Roanoke, Va. Meetings open lo public, bul reservations required. Free nurs­ ery. Sept. 20, 11:15 a.m. luncheon club, St 2.25. call 924-9281. Sept. 21,9:30 a.m.. bninch club, $10. call 722-7884. Saturday, Sept. 23 Dovie Co, Repub, Men’s Fcd^ 7:30 a.m.. Red Pig ResiaunuiL Monday, Sept. 25 No Woodmen of the World Lodge 323 meeting. Lexington District UMW Annual Meet* ing, Memorial UMC Thonmville, Dinner by reser>’ation5-6:30 p.m.. prognun 7 p.m. in sanctuary. Tuesday, Sept. 26 Democrats meel at Cooieemee Town Hall. 7 p.m. Ongoing Humane Society of Davie Co^ monthly • meetings 2ndWed.ofeachmonih.atofnce Yadkinville Rd. behind car wash. 751- 5214. Jerusalem Bapt Church is a providing support for those who have lost their Jobs, 8 JO-to a.m. on Ntondays, call 336-284- 2328 for more info. Progressive Clubof Cooleemee,2nd Sun­ day, Cooieemee Library, 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for info. Christian Businessmen's Committee of Mocksvllle,Thundays,7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary HuL R e c r e a tio n _______________ For more infonnation on these e> ents, call 751-2325. Thursday, Sept. 21 Special Olympia Dovie Co. Port-A-l’it. S6 per plate, 1/2 chlckcn, baked beans,slaw, roll, dessert, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 1st United Meth. Church. Place ( ^ r by Fri., Sept. 15, call rec. dept 751-2325. Clogging Mondays, 7 pm , Famiington Communiiy Center. Call Steve or Unda Hailey, 751- 3848. Une Dancing Farmington Community Center. Every Tuesday. Cosl: $2. Instructors: Ste\-e & LindaHailey. For more info,call751-3848. Rec Club Before ($15)or aAer ($25)school and oul of school prognuns. Regisiration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons $5 per month. Volunteers for different social events. Contact Eihel at 998-3837. Silverstriders Wall< Club Seniors, 50 and up, M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Moming Out per month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed., & SaL Call Emily Rob­ ertson, 998-5163. Y M C A For more infonnation.calI751-9622orvi$it Davie Family YMCA. Adult V\/ater Exercise Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 a.m. . Arthritis Rehab MWF. 10:30 0.01. Youth Swimming Lessons Ages 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre­ school, school aged group lessons & pri­ vate. Five week session meel 2 times per wk.,callforcxacitimes.Fec:$30mcmbers, $60 non-members. HALF PR IH U E U IV C i ЮЕ A l E lv E iiE U I l. 9llH U I 1 NOW IN PROGRESS!Il \ м 1 1 K s 1 Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. $ 15/mi)flih. Ages 7 &up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Mcel Tues. A Thurs. Begin- ncr3:45-l:30p.m..lntcnncdiate4:30-5:l5 p.m.. Advanced 5:15-6 p.m.. Adults 6-7 p.m. Members $20^mo., non-mcmhcrs$30/ mo. Gymnastics Plus Coed grades K-6. Wed. 3:30-1:30 p.m., 5 wk. sessions begin Sept. 13&Oct. 18.Fee: Members 530. Non-memben $50. Kiddle Kicker Soccer Program Boys & girls ages 4-5 & 6-7. Begins Sept. 16 (6 wks.). Times: 10 a.m. ages 4-5,11 a.m. ages 6-7. Fee: members $25, non memben $35. Parent/Child 3-Wee Soccer 3 yr. old leams socer with patents. Sat. 9 a.m., begins SepL 16 (6 uU.) Fee: mem­ bers $20. non-memben $35. Massage________________ By appointment only. Tuesdays. $45/hour. $35/half hour. $2Wchair massage. Call for details. 751-9621 Ballet Classes Wilh Patty Hams. Begins Oct. 9 & ll. Beginnen Mondays 4:30-5:15 (ages 5-8): Intermediate Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 (ages 6-10). $20 per monih memben. Pre- regis­ tration required. Friday, Sept. 22 n.imilyNiglil,6:.10-»:Wpm. Saturday, Sept. 30 Teen Scetie, 8-11p.m. S e n io r s ___________________ All Senior Activities take place al the Davie Couniy Senior Center located in the BriKk Building on Nonh Main Slrecl. MiKksville unless Olherwise noted. Call 751-0611. Ongoing Silver Heollh E^ercbc*. Senior Center. M. W. F. 8:30-9 a.m. M(Kk Place. .M. W. 10-10:30 a. m. Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M-W, II a.m. Thutv Fri. Quilting, every other Monday. 10 a.m. Bridge,Tuesdays^ Fridays, 1 p.m. - Silver Slriders Si Walking Programs Daily at Bn>ckGym6;30-9a.m.Cix)leemce EIcmentar)\6-8a.m.Smi(hGmveGym,7- 9 am. AUheimer's Support Group, 2nd Thun- day. 7 p.m.. Scniw Cenicr U4.\i Rtx)m. • Cmnhe ScrupbookinR Class. 2nd l úes- day, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Itenu for I)a\le Dateline should be re- pimcd by ntwn Monday of the publicaiion week. Call 731-2120 or dwp ii by the office. S. Main St. acnns fn>m the courthouse. Piedmont Says ‘No’ To Blue Cross Piedmont HealthCarc, 1» A. (PHC), a physician-owned multi-spcciulty medical griHippraclicc with iiwrcthan 90providers in and around Staiesville. Moorcsville, Troutman and Mocks­ viUc, has nwiried Dluc Cross und Blue Shield of North Carolina (UCIISNC) that il will tenninatc the fullowing agreements on Oct. 31: Prcrcrred Care Select, Medpoint, Personal Carc Plan, DlucCarc, Blue Choicc and Blue Op- tions (all HMO, POS and PPO plans). PHC has decided lo take thisaction bccausc it believes that it is no longer possible for its pfovidcis to render the quality of medical carc and personal servicc that its patients and commu­ nity expect and deserve under the cur­ rent BCBSNC managed carc agn.'c* mcnts. At this tinw, the terminaiion docsnotaffectthcBCBSNCCostwisc Plans, whichincludcthcStateofNorth Carolina Employees Comprehensive MaJorMedical Plan (Stale Health Plan) chief cxccujivc ofllccr. "Our cosls. tike those of any (Nhcr husinc.s.s, have risen dramatically over the past sev* eral years. But our Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina man­ aged carcagtcciiKnlshave not changcd sincc 1997. Our current managed carc agreements with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina arc signili- camly less attractive than most of the other managed carc plans with which wc participate." "We have not reached this decision withoulconsidcringlhcinconvemcnc? that this could causc tnany of our BCBSNC managed caic patients,most of whom have built strong long-tenn professional relationships with our physicians and other providers,,"- Matson said." Wc will work with those patients affectcd in any way we can lo make sure their health carc needs arc met and that their current carc is unin- temipted,” he said. Tm convinced that staying al the currcnt BCBSNC reimbursement rates le following eases werc dis- icd o f in Davic District Court .7. Presiding wa.s Judge Samuel Cathey. Prosecuting was Mary 'ington, assislant DA. —Valerie R. Alexander, 80 mph i 70 zone, rcduccd to improper lipment, $10, cost. —Chamiaine E. Allen, DWI, dis- ised, request of prosecuting wit- s. —Kevin H. Allen, 86 mph in a 70 e, reduced lo improper equip- nt, $75, cost. — Lucio 0. Aquilar, no license, i, cost; driving left of center, dis- .sed, Debra L. Baker, allowing dog un free, prayer for judgmcnl, cost. —Terri T. Benson, worthless ck. dismissed, civil settlement. — Ro.sendo R. Bravo. DWI, .sen- ced 60 days, suspended 3 years, render license, $ l(X), cost; imped- traffic by slow speed, dismissed. — Derrick A. Brown, 90 mph in a /one, reduccd lo cxcecding safe red, $50, cost. -Susan S. Burns, 70 mph in a 55 ne, reduced lo improper equip- :nt, $50, cost. — Joseph S. Campbell, misde- ;anor probation violation, sen- iced 45 days. — Joseph S. Campbell, probation violation, sentenced 10-12 months, DART program; misdemeanor lar­ ceny, sentenced 120 days, to be .served at the end of current sentence. — Randy Church, assault on a fe­ male, dismissed, failurc of prosecut­ ing witness lo appear. —•Randy L. Chiirch, 2 counts of misdemeanor probation violation, probation terminated; trespassing, dismissed, failurc of prosecuting wit­ ness to appear. — Maurice B. Comer, 87 mph in 70 zone, reduced to 74-70, $ 10, cost.' — Anlhony F. Cope, driving while liccnsc revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended 1 year, not operate vehicle until licensed, $200, cosl; unsealed wine/ liquor in passenger area, dis­ missed. — Mary Correll, two counts of worthless check, dismissed, civil sctilement. — Sherry M. Dewalt, simple worthless check, sentenced 10 days, suspended I year, cosi. . —Todd A. Edwards, 84 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost; no registration card, dismissed. — Buddy L. Frogge, failurc to stop for a wildlife offìccr, $50, cost. —Tammi L. Garrett, 89 mph in a 70 /one, rcduccd to e.xcceding safe .speed, prayer for judgcnicnl. — Steven J. Gitbuena, DW I, sentenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, surrender liccnsc, $ 100, cosl; open container after consuming, failurc to wear seat bell, dismissed, — Cornell E. Glover, 84 mph in a 70 /one, reduced to improper equipment, $79, cost. — Marium M. Gray, worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement. — KevinA.Grubb.no commcr­ cial driver's license, dismissed, made cosl. — Deborah M. Henderson, 87 mph in a 65 zone, reduced lo ex­ ceeding safe speed, prayer for judg­ ment; expired registration, dis­ missed, made cosl. — Jorhetta P. Hyatt, interstate highway violation, reduced to im­ proper cquipmenl, $10, cosl. — Curtis Ijames, probation vio­ lation, sentenced 75 days. — Sharon T. Ijumcs, worthless check, dismissed, civil scttleriient. — Herman C. Johnson, 87 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in a 70, $10. cosl. — Rupcrto R. Julian, DWI, open container after consuming, sen­ tenced 120 days, suspended 3 years, $KX). cost, no liccnsc, dis­ missed. — Daniel Kirby, ¡»sault on a fe­ male, dismissed, request of pros- ecuting witness. —Jason M. Kraft, failure to stop at a red light, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. — Robert H. Mann, weapons on educational property, destroy weapon, possess no illegal weapons, prayer for judgment. — Adam J. Markland,* failure'to' wear seat bell, expired registration, expired registration, inspeciion viola­ tion, dismissed; driving while licen.sc revoked, .sentenced 30 days, suspended 24 months, $100, cost; 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost. — Charles D. Martin, assault on a female, dismissed, failure of prosecut­ ing witness lo appear. — Mario T. Martinez, aiding and abetting impaired driving, dismissed. — Brenda G. McKee, 80 mph in a 70 zone, prayer for judgemenl. —Curia L. Miller, worthless chcck, dismissed, civil settlement. — Uraldo M. Navarrelc. littering less than 15 pounds, resisting public officer, exceeding game lim il. posses­ sion o f undersized striped bass. $250, cosl. — Angel R. Ortez, 61 mph in a 35 zone, rcduccd to 49-35, $10. cost. — Billy Owcnsby. simple assault, dismissed, request pro.sccuting witness. — Roxanne Ownesby, simple as- sault, dismissed, reque.<il of prosecut­ ing witness. —Christopher M. Pfeifer. 88 mph in n 70 zone, reduced to 74 in a 70, SIO, cosl. — Monica Ridgeway, 88 mph in a 70 zone, dismissed: driving while licensc revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended Í year, not operate vehiclc until licensed, $ 150, cost; driving un­ registered vehicle, dismissed. — Paula Robertson, worthless chcck, dismissed, civil settlement. — Nefiali Rodriguez, 2 counts contributing to the delinquency ofa minor, dismissed, failure of prosecut­ ing witness lo appear. — Francis P. Seats, DW I. dis­ missed, failurc of prosecuting wit­ ness to appear. — Carolyn H. Sherrill, 85 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in a 70. $ 10. cost. — Josh Smilh, taking game dur­ ing a closed season, unlawful man­ ner of taking wild. $25, cost. —James Steele, communicating threats, dismissed, request of pros­ ecuting witness. — Samantha E. Steele, simple as­ sault. communicating threats, dis­ missed, rc(tuesl of prosecuting wit­ ness. — Bryan E. Thotnpson, assault on a child under 12, sentenced 60 days. suspended 2 years, not assault, threaten, or harass victim or family, cosi; communicating threats, dis­ missed. — Harold A. Tucker. 89 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 79* 70, $ 10, cosl. — Tabalha Warner, 2 counts worthless chcck, dismissed, civil scilleniienl. — William R.W ikcl,72m phina 55 zone, dismissed; DWI, sentenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, surren­ der licensc, $100, cost. — Ameche 0. Williams, 84 mph in a 70 zone, $25, cost; driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment. — W illiam P. W ilson, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment; failure lo wear seat bell, dismissed. — ^Totnmy G. Woodie, worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement. — EswccT. Yambot, 87 mph In a 70 zone, reduccd lo 74 in 70, $10, cost. -Christopher R. Young, 86 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo 74-70, $10, cosl. — Susan D. Young, driving while license revoked, prayer for judge­ ment — Darrell R. Dixon, DWI, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, $100. cost; driving left of cenler, no license, dismissed. iPO Program H e lp s B re a k C y c le O f R epeat O ffe n d e rs Appropriate Punishment Options .PO). a Davic Couniy United Way ’. offers assistance to help of- brcak their cycle of being re- offenders. Tlwagcncy haslK\*n in operation in area since 1986. However, cffcc- [vcJan. l,2000,AP6bccan)caN(Kth Qirolina Administrative Ofllcc of the & urts Office of Sentencing Services ogram (formerly a Community Pen- lies Program). According lo Pamela avcy, executive dircctor of APO. the ogram provides scrviccs in Davic. avidson,Alexander.andIrcdellcoun- Navcy tells Ihc siory of "Joe," a Davic Couniy 16-ycar-old when he a client of APO. He was ;hargcd wilh multiple felonies. He had ^er been in trouble with the law fore. He and some friends went on a one night and the results wen: fe-changing. Joe spent a few days in Davic iiunty Jail before he was released in Davic Couniy Pre-Trial Progran\ Ihc supcrv ision of Dircctor Cl nd i ‘ripkin. A ro staff met him at Cindi's fficc in Mocksvillc. Joe went lo Su- crior Court and the sentencing plan VPO presented was accepted. Joe then jcgan attending Davic County Day cies. AsofNov. I, PHC will be an out- of-network provider for patients who continue 10 participate in BCBSNC managed care plans. "PHC has decided to lake this ac­ tion because wc believe lhal it is no longer possible for our providers to render the quality of carc and personal scrvicc that our patients expcct under the current Blue Cross and Blue Shield ofNorth Carolina managed corcagrcc- mcnls," said Lloyd E Matson, PHCs would eventually unvc us out oi dusi- ness," said Dr. Ralph Benlley, a PHC? pediatrician nnd former Statesville mayor. "I’ve built wonderful relation- shi|» with my paiienls and their fami.- lies through the years, and 1 prefer I9 keep all of my BCBSNC patients. But it makes no sense for us to continue 16 do business with BCBSNC manageil can: plans under the current agree­ ments. Wc'rc David going against the managedcarcGoIialh.hutwc'restanii- Ing on principle." SOUTHERN HOUSING _ ш м ш ш ш т т Ml 14100-593-7В1Д Reporting Ccntcr as acondition of his probation. He alsii had to write Ictlcrs of apology to all tlv: victims and per­ form many hours of community scr­ vicc work. Joe and his co-defendants also had to pay victim restitution.' While he attended Davic County* Day Reputing Center, he received a subsiancc abuse assessment and be­ gan intensive outpatient subsiancc abuse classcs and individual counsel: ing at the local mental health agency. Joe was also sent to vocational reha­ bilitation for job skills training. He was given drug scrcens at regu­ lar intervals and liad lo call in daily to the Day Reporting Center. They also monilorcd Ills grades, school atten­ dance, restitution payiiwnts, and cur­ few. APO performed a risk and needs assessment on "Joe" as it dixrs on all offenders in Ihc program. This evi­ dence-based t(X)I addresses issues in­ cluding aiminal history, education/ employment, nnancial situation, fam- ily/marilal. alcohol/drug problems, emotional/personal status, accommo- diitions, leisure/rccrealion, compan­ ions. und ailitudcs/oricnlation loward law-abiding behavior. APO's plan looked at the five inter­ mediate sanctions the Court could im­ pose on eligible offenders like "Joe" and reports why each of these wouldor would not be viable options based on the intensive intake pcrfomicd. Nothing that AIXD prc.sents to the court can be used to detcmiine guilt or inmwence. The judge only ust*d it. in the seniencingphaseafierthc court has decidcHl on a pleaor verdict. Thcjudgc may choosc louseanyofthcoptions in sentencing or may ask for more op- tions,ciihcvcotnmuniiyorcotTcciional. Tbe goal is to gel infonnation to the court thatothcrwiscmaynothavebeen available. This whole pnxess is to assist the judge in making the most effective use o f the sanctions and re- sourees to malch a particular offender like "Joe." Public safety and well-be­ ing is key to the judge’s decision. - Navey cmphasized"APOstrives lo beacommunityplaycrwiihothcrcourt services and local organizations. The program works together with the judges, district attorneys, defense at­ torneys, law cnforccnwm, DOC/Divl- sion of Community Corrections. I.e. probation, pretrial rclease programs, and day reporting centers, mediation. victims and scrvicc providers as deemed ncccssary to address the needs and risks of offenders like Joe." "Apparently the plan of punish­ ment selected for Joe was effective. He has finished high scIkx)I and la plan­ ning to enroll in college this fall," she said. ■ "APOcontinueslobccommlitcdto serving our Davie community with Uniicd Way’s help," Navcy said. For morc information, call (7(M) 873-2177, (336) 238-5(M3, or toll-free (888) 678-4670. Garden Mums Are Choice Flower For Autumn Two Men Arrested For Heavy Machinery Theft By G r^ Hoover Agricultuml Extension Agent As fall arrives, the bright and vivid colors of the summer ganlen begin 10 fade. To add a splash of bright fall color to your garden consider garden mums. Potted garden mums In full biix)m arcbecoming availablcand will provide cxccllcni color until frost. Each year It seems new varieties arc on the market with new colors, alternale forms and flower style. Coniai ner-grown garden mumscan be kept In containers and used as annu­ als or planted while in full bloom. By being in bloom ihcrc is no need lo guess what color they will be. Garden mums prefer full sun to partial shade. The morc shaded the silc the less com- pad the growth habit. Mums can be mass planted In beds and border plantings or plactHl In planter boxes lo sprucc up a deck, pallo or entrance way. Dark colored mums can some­ times get lost Ifplanlcd against a brick home. Consider colors that contrast thesurtoundings. Transplant mums by first loosen­ ing the soil al least os deep and iwlcc the area as the container in which they werc grown. Mix in lime and fertilizer basedon a soil test report. Before irans- planting mums be surc to break up ihe lower section of Ihe root hall. This will gel Ihe roots growing quickly und help prevent them from being root bound. Plant mums In a well-drained soil at the same level they were grown In the container. Add a light laycrof mulch to help retain soil moisture. Water fall planted mums two to three times each week unlil frost. Since the mums arc near the end of their growing season they won’t need additional fertilizer. Aflcrahardfrost.cutmumsbacktolhe ground. Add a light layer of mulch to help prevent winter kill. The outdoor hardiness of mums will vary by culti­ var, region of Ihc country, and season to season. Next spring during the growing .season, apply fertilizcrcvcrysix weeks and water weekly. To keep the mums compact with many fiowcring buds they’ll need lo be pinched or sheared. Do the first pinching in May when the plants are eight Inchcs tall, pinching or shearing 10 five inchcs. They will then branch out even more. Do a second pinching about six weeks later. Brian Christopher Whalen, 23, of 487 Gordon Drive. Advancc and John W illiam Yandcll IL 23. o f Statesville werc arrested Sept. 2 for the theft of heavy machinery at a con- struction site in Advance. to Grubb, “ Mr. Whalen had grease on his hands and his shoes matched the footprints at the site.” Soon after Whalen's arrest the equipment owner was notified and went to the construction site. Accord- Acconiing to Sgl. T.B. Grubb, of the Davie SherifTs Department, a rc* port was received lhat Saturday that a piece of heavy construction ma- ,chinery was in the roadway of the corner o f Gordon and Chailoitc Drive, Advancc. Depuiics responded and moved the machinery, a Dilch- Wilch valued at $10,000, o ff the road. They then set up a watch for further investigation. Within the hour a suspect was spotted near the machinery site. He attempted to hide from deputies un- a vehicle bul was apprehended placed under arrest. According ing to Grubb, the owner found an­ other plecc o f equipment missing. Deputies questioned Whalen about the missing equipment and he in­ formed them another person had taken the machinery, a Tcrramite backhoc valued at $9,000. and driven it into the woods off Gordon Drive. Deputies then proceeded to arrest Yandcll and placed him in Davie Jail under $10.000 bond. Both Whalen and Yandell have been charged with felony larccny. Injury to personal property , and felony conspiracy. Their Rrst court appearance is scheduled for Sept. 21. lOF SUMMER GLEARANGEI DAVIE JEWELERSNEXTTO WAL-MART • MOCKSVILLE ■ШПВЕиМММ Financial Workshop for I n d iv id u a l in v e s t o r s A 3-week course is being offered to assist individuals in setting financial and investment goals. This class also will provide a sumary of the most common investments used by individuals in reaching their objectives. Classes meet one night per week. Mm; September 19-October5,2000 Urn: 6KK)-8K)0PM 1\iesday8& Thursdays iDcaUoK DCCC—Davie Campus Call (336) 751-5672 to reserve a seat 820 South Main Street Mocksvüle,NC 27028 (336) 761-5672 or (800) 7Ю-2220 . www.edwanlione8.con> MmlNrSiPC Edwardjones iStoott»7i; 1 0 Ï щЛ KCi-U I l i i IO;fëod?Exit SO usзzlC)«at^^Ч 'thitjk' ; Л - 177Ex»36"..® 10 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE K H rn o n g,'cpI. 14,2000 P ie d m o n t {Healthcare To our friends in Iredell and Davie Counties, Beginning November 1,2000, all providers w ith Piedmont HealthCare, P.A. (PHC), in all locations, w ill be out-of-network providers for Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f North Carolina (BCBSNC) managed care plans, including Preferred Care Select, Blue Advantage, Federal Employee Program , M edpoint, Personal Care Plan, Blue Care, Blue Choice and Blue Options (a ll H M O , POS and PPO plans). iThis termination does not affect any Costwise plans which including M edicare Supplement Plans, State o f N orth Carolina Employees’ Comprehensive M ajor M edical Plan (State Health Plan), and NC Health Choice. Why did we have to make this difficult decision? Quite frankly, we did it to stay in business. BCBSNC reimbursement rates to PHC are much lower than other managed care carriers we partner with, despite BCBSNC reporting record profits for the previous year. Even Medicare and Medicaid have increased their rates to assist in covering increases in physician expenses. The cost o f providing quality health care has skyrocketed across the country and physician practices are ■ fighting to stay solvent. In fact, in many parts o f the nation, physician groups are going out o f business. PHC w ill never choose cost-cutting measures that w ill result in jeopardizing quality care for our patients. Therefore, seeking competitive and fair reimbursement rates remains our best option to remain financially viable. Our physicians regret having to take this action with BCBSNC, but after months o f good faith negotiations on our part, we were left with no other option. We are committed to preserving our relationship with our patients and w ill do everything we can to make sure that our BCBSNC patients' care is uninterrupted during this transition. - We would like to remind our BCBSNC patients the following.k v o u ia iiK e ю r c m m u uul ---------^ • I f your specific BCBSNC plan is not listed above, your coverage w ill not be affected by this termination.• We w ill still be considered an in-network provider until October 31,2000. • Effective November 1,2000, we w ill continue to accept you and your.family members as patients and w ill continue to file claims to BCBSNC for you. • Depending on the terms o f your managed care coverage, BCBSNC benefits may still apply. After meeting your deductible, BCBSNC managed care plans w ill pay up to 80 percent o f our provider’s charges. For further coverage information, please call your BCBSNC representative. • I f you or a fam ily member are currently under the care o f one o f our providers for a medical condition, such as a pregnancy, or have a scheduled surgery after November 1,2000, we w ill contact you in the near future about your options.«Ifvourin^irm i^± >enefits-are^^ through vour employer, we suggest that you discuss this matter with your Human Resources/Personnerf^mmpn —------------------- • I f you have questions for us, you may call our administrative office at (704) 873-4277, extension 411. We regret any inconvenience that our decisbn may cause our BCBSNC patients. The PHC fam ily remains committed to providing quality health care services to you, your fam ily and our community. t /I DAVIE СОШТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. M, 2000 - B1 Ledford Surprises Davie High Ground-jGame Hands War Eagles 3rd Loss By Brian Fitts Daviu County lintcrprisc Rccord ; W AIXBURG-'ITicUtlfoitlPan* Ihcrs proved they’re more than a one* roun show in II nonconrcrencc (boi' biall game Frid;iy. T After Jurcd liu ll lil up Nonh DavidM)rt fo r 386 yards In a bdmbumcr. visiting Davie Couniy spent the prcpara* tury hours plotting a way to diiirwpi I the Panthers'real- (leal quarterback. ■ There was one prohlcvn: Lc<lft»fd of Ihc Ccniral Carolina 2-A [►. Conference is a ___ l^vo^nsledn^hier. \VooIdriiJi>e..... trwiunujje] Brennan Duncan jabK*d Davie in thc fiut with 203 yards and two ' \buchdowns in a 38<24 manhandling j tifthe struggling War Eiglcs (1-3). I ~ Brennan Duncun? ^ "Thc pass didn’t heat us.“ Coach l>oug Itiing said. "Wc never would have Ihoughl lhal fhctrfunmnggamc YVould hurl us lilcc it did. Wc undcr- cstimaied Duncan." Duncan scorcd Ihe touchdown ihat put Ledford ahead forgood and raced to 111 yards in thc Hrst half, then a'ppiied the icing with an 81 «yard eruption 24 seconds into ihc third that ail but sealed ihe deal at 35*10. Pavie, on ihc other hand, hasn’t had a lOO-yard rusher in four games. . "ii5ctsopihcninforus,"Duncan said of liuIJ's pas.siftg. "I can’l take that much crcdii. I owe it all to my offensive line. 'Riey make me what I Ml. and my quarterback.“ ;; Ledford didn't appear lo have any tricks up its sleeve carly on. David Wooldridge launched a49-yard field goal, hitting the crossbar and bound­ ing through to hrcak his own school jvcordof48 set lost year, and sopho­ more Niikc Mike Cfcmcnt, who had his bc.si game wilh 79 yard.« on 18 carries, scooicd 18yanJs fora 10-7 lead early in the second quarter. . "We moved ihc ball down Ihe field like we thought we could, and wc c.\ecutcd pretty gwxl lo start with." llling said. I But the Panthers didn't (linch. They converted three of Ihree third ^pwns on thc first drive for a 7-3 icad. Then Duncan’s 25-yard run set up his first scorc fora 14* 10 Lcdfonl lead. I , Please See Ledford - Page B7 South Davie running back James “Cooler" Arnold tries to break Iree Irom a Wesl Rowan delender. South Lo o ks Ragged; S till W ins B y 18 Barry Whilloek didn’t aci like a rushing and scorinc on att fiv« - ---------------------- • -Ваяу Wbiilock didn’t act like a coach who hadjust won by ISpoints over perhaps the toughest test on ihc schedule, “I thought it was sloppy," the South Davic foolball coach^Ud after his eighth graders' 24*6 wlfl over West Rowan, which lost by Ш lost yearinthccloscsi decision ofSouth's 8-0 run. "Defensively we played ex* ccllcm, bul offensively wc didn’t run thcball well. Wcjust couldn’t get any momentum going for some reason.** . The first series was an omen of sorts for South as quartcrback Michael Ntashorc overshot a wide- open Anton NtcNcil on a streak pass. Ис also missed Cooler Arnold on a backdoor play that could have gone ihe distance. To Mashorc's credit, though, he’s always seemed to comc through in thc cluich while directing ) 0 siraighi wins over (wo season«. But afler ripping off 223 yards rushing and scoring on all five pos- e(\d7.oncfora2*0|cadlatcinthefirst sessions in a 46-6 wipeout of quarter.Thcsafctyiriggcredadcfcn- Corrihcr*Llpc, thc Tigers were sivcdisplayinwhichCollins.atwo- slowcd - if you cancall 24 points and way rmeman, was everywhere. 212 tola) yards slow - by a quality "He's probably one of thc best Bulldog team: 126 yards and an av- athletes on thc field." Whitlock said cragc of 4.5 a run c0mparcdTtfT2.3‘ ' ‘or’ihc” ybutigeV brother of former against CorTiher*Upc. Davic High siar Kenny Collins. "Wcjust didn't lool< real sharp on "We've even tried to work him someinse. Cnmtno r>rr n — nt •• ‘ real snarp on offense. Coming off a performance where wc scoreil every lime we had Ihc ball, we were kind of sluggish,-Whiilocic said. "But li was a beiier leam and they had some nretiy oood players.' The best player on Ihc field was Dwayne Collins, a superior alhleie who possesses n scary package of size, sirengih ond speed. Collins, of­ len overlooked during South's two- ycarsupremacy because of stars D.J. Ricc, Arnold, Justin Brown and McNeil, made fans take noticc, as- sauliing West's quarterback in thc ---- at running back. Hc may gel some camcs down thc road. He's jusl so fast He does our kicking. One timehe kickcd it to the one and tackicd him on the 8. I thought hc really stood out. He got that safety and got acoupic more tackles for losses. He's a good athlete. He'll play anywhere you put him." Although West bottled up Arnold, who had 22 yards after iorehing Cor- riher-Lipe for J09. and contained Brown, who had 41 after racking up 76 on Ihrce tries in week one. South still rolled thanks to 75 yards on eight carries from Rice, thrcc big Mashore complciions and thc stingy defense. "They probably talked lo Corri)jer* Lipc, and Cooter had a lot of yards wshing last gamp.iAV-hidock-sajd.. "Bul you can't reaiiy )cey on any­ body. Cooter was shut down, but wc still gol over 100 yards rushing and over 200 yards total. The bottom line is the wins When you comc out with a W and play sloppy, ihal’s good.** Afler gelling iwo touchdowns from Arnold (a rush and reception} and another from Brown, South held West scoreless until garbage time. "Ricc and Arnold also had good dcfcnsWc games,” Whitlock said, "We kept them pinned deep. Defen­ sively wc set thc tone on thc first series." Souih piays at Erwin on Sept. 14... 'ООП tnree tries in week one. South Soulh ploys at Erwin on Sept. 14.„.,4 ii(i|,iiig o il .- jj yards sauliiitg West's quatierbock in the still rolled thanks to 75 yards on D urham , W h itlo ck D evastate P a trio ts Those regular workouts with ones she gol the slrikcouts on." U stayed light until Ashley Whil- could have scnrcitsnm«Davie High pitcher Shannon Handv Ouitinm’. --------------■ Those regular workouts wiih Davie High pitcher Shannon Handy arc paying off in a big way for Soulh Davie's Jamie Durham. "Shcaciualiywasihrowingonew pilch Ihat Shannon taught her: the drop," Coach Cindy Durham said ancr her daughter highlighted a 9-3 winbyfanning 1-tandholdingSouth- casl to two hits in a overpowering complete game. "It was'causing more •rouble than anything. She was hav­ ing irouble with her fastball, so she threw Ihc curve and the drop ball mosl of thc lime, and ihosc were the It stayed light until Ashley Whit­lock picked up her third hit, a triple lhal sparked a sin-run sixth for a 9-2 lead. Mells,sa Tallmon and Durham complcmenlcd Whitlock with two tills and Jennifer Wilson, Erin Sincerely, / , . / Г' Ralph L . Bentley, M .D. Chainnan o f the Board Lloyd E. Matson C hief Executive O fficer i-W o r th N o t in g ... ' ' Pilcher CoiTie Salo of North tDavieslruckout l3inacoraplelc- Jagainst China Groie. ' Runner D J. Rice and swarm­ ing tackier Dwayne Collins helped Soulh Davie's eighth-grade ifMlballtcarairaprove to 10-0 over {two years. » •;QB Brad Corriher of Soudt ®avic's scvenih-grado team has Kompietcd l3of27passcs'for237 tfimis ond four TDs in two games, tflf there's any sevcnth-gradeqtiar- “ "'back in Ihe stale belter than itriher ihrowing the ball, I'll liitc iid'see him," Coach Bany Whit- yocksaitl. S^Jamle Durham of South pavIe'Vsonball 1шт threw a two- Mlterandsmicicoul l4,ohdAahley w^llock's triple broke open a 9- SjwinovcrSouthiiast.; g'^Oaalel BoUifleld gave Davie's ^ . soccer 1ешп a 1-0 win oyer ^ 1 Burki) wilh a PK goal, Ш'Запд Bin anil Jane) Daray of wiyle's crMj.coumiy icains have M ish rt iirsi in Iwlh ГОЮ ^ te y id .Vyt^dirldgc of pavie own schMl reeori, hit-_ i t n4$:yaid field goal ini a loss' ones she got the strikeouts on." Durham's dominance was critical sincc Souih found itsclfina3-l dog­ fight through five innings against an unknown in the Mid-South Confer­ ence opener. "Wc were real tentative going In bccausc wc didn't know how this (nrst-yeor) team was going to be," . otf Ihe pesky Patriois, the coach said. 'The.y ate pulling Dmhara.whosetapcrsonalrecord kids from three ilitfctcM schools, wilh WKsihalofrsetnincwalks.gol and they had a pteiiy decent pitchcr n big lift from right fielder Wilson, and a coupic girls th-ai ployed some who defused a Southeast rally with a loumament ball this summer. So I clutch catch. «'as tickled." "She caught a hard-hit ily thal could have scorcd some runs if it hadgone over her head," Durham said. That was a life saver." Shortstop Whitlock snared a hot liner for thc final out, capping un impressive defensive display. "We______ ..wuMKwi tYiiKon, i:rin Impressive defensive display. "Wc Whiiakcr, Sloan Smilh and Janna hadnomistakcsintheflcld,"Durham Seamon also had hltsos South slaved said. off Ihc ivsiro NotM:Souih(2*M-OMSC)hosts China Grove on Sept. 18 before go­ ing to Erwin on Sept. 20.... U was wrongly reported last week lhal Durham, who has 32 Ks In 21 in­ nings, walked eight i\gainst North Davic. She actually walked three........^ W«, V«, one uc\uajiywatkcd three. Plea From Quarterbacks To Checkered Flags ile^efensive-Tâekle-StayrBüsy^ni^ridarrAnctSatDiîË quarterbacks on hard wilh football bccavKc ! ------ • Transfer Eyes RevengeMomentum Building For Oct. 3 Showdown By Briirn Pitts Davic County Enterprise Rccord Although the Davic County-West Forsylh varsity soccer match is still nearly three weeks away, anticipa­ tion is raging, thanks toTitan-iumcd- War Eagle Robbie Boyd. Boyd moved up to the West var­ sity midway through his sophomore ycarand was among the leading scor­ ers on last year's team - but was mysteriously cul during August try­ outs, a strange twist ihol stemmed from a failing out wilh thc Titans coach. "The coach and I didn't really gel niong, so 1 transferred," Ihc senior said. Boyd looked at Mount Tabor and Forsylh Country Day before landing al Davic a few days before the Aug. 31 game againsi Forbush. "I was going lo go 10 Mount Tabor or Forsyth Country Day, bul it jusl didn'tworkoui,"hesaid. 'Thisschool wanted me. Forsylh Counliy Day would have worked out, but my par­ cnts didn't want to pay ail that money (to ollcnd private school)." Davic coach Sean Carnett ac­ cepted Boyd with open arms, ond with biiicmess lingering, Boyd is - counting down the days to Oct.-3,- - when West visits Wor Eagle Sui- diuro. "Oh, beck yeah," he said. 'I want 10 score so many goals against lhal leam. I want to get hack at them." Boyd'sdistastcisundoubtediydi- rectcdal West's coach. "Vvcplaycd wilh that whole team," hc said. "Thc players and I still hang out. They're cool with it. 1 mean, I still live in Clemmons." Boyd staged a magical debut against Forbush, scoring two goals in the final eight minuies to salvage a 2-2 lie. "1 didn't know anybtxiy on Ihis team," hc said. "Ii was really nice. "At West, everyone makes fun of Davic Coumy, calling them rednccks and evciylhing. but everyone on diis team is really nice. I like this team a lol bcller than Ihe West team.” Although history ison West's side - the Titans have won all eight mecl- ings since 1996 by a convincing 38: 8 margin - Boyd envisions a poten­ tial upset. Davie was closc lost year, losing 2-1 and 6-4 in easily the most competitive battles since '96. "Ithink we'll beat West thisycar," he said. "If we have a really good game, we can beat them." Last week, Davie got goals from five players - Luke Koontz, Joey Bass, Matt Moser, Zach Hanrohon and Scan Slevens -in a 5-0 drubbing Please See Soccer - Page BIO — J ~ Rich Hunter chases quarterbacks on hard with foolball bccausc 1 don't get home Fridays and chases chcckcred flags on until late and vou've mt m — i* Soturdavs.Saturdays. Hunter, a senior defensive tackle for Davic Couniy's football team, is makiqg noise in Mini-Slock racing at the speeil- way in Ashcboro. In the first nine races of his second year, he's compiled six top- five finishes. "You're real happy when you accom­ plish that bccausc it's banl to finish in Ihc top five,” said Hunter, who drives a 1985 Muslaiig. "Last year we kind of slniggled, but this year has gone a lot better. We've . won a couple heat races, and that's thc best feeling in the world.” Hunter was tom to race. He nourished . on thc go-cart circuii for eighl years before graduating to Mint-Slock. How­ ever drained he might be from the rigors of playing football, nothing keeps Hunter out of Ihe garage. "My dad (Rick) raced over at Bowman Gray Stadium, and tlut's how I got started," lie said. ''He r?n for a couple : y;cors atid Ihen I got old enough to get a ' go-cart. . I • - ■ ' "Ic's a seven-day-a-week deal. It's teal ■ ....— until late and you've got to work on it. Bccausc you leave a bolt loose, you could be in the wall. You've got to really take a lot of lime working on them and checking stuff. ''[ rolled a I ,(ХЮ bells of hay this summer just so I can race. That's how I gel my money to race (along wilh a handful of sponsors) every year. That's pretty tough in IQO-dcgrte weather." Although Hunter has been a regular contender, victory lane has eluded his grasp. He's been on Ihc brink of a break­ through at least twicc in a league that tops 100 mpH in straightaways. . "We started 42nd (in the Turkey 300, a 100-lap race)," he said. "With SÜ laps^wc were running 10th, and then a boy wrecked ill front of me and 1 iTin into his door wide open. I was like: 'Oh, no. Oh, no - this is going to hurt' " . . , Huiittt endured another near-miss on. Sept; 2, finisMng fifth despite engine trouble. , , , ' ”We finished second in Ibe heat race,'' he swd. "We vKtre miming iWrdandljWas just at»iit to pull down and pass the’ < ......... leaders - and something happened. The motor broke a rocker arm or the plug wires went bad, and it started firing off and wouldn't nm. I finished fifth skipping. " Wc'rc right there lo get il, wc Just ain't got it yet.” Hunter has five more shots in 2000, the season culminating wilh $2,000 going to thc winner. "I want to move on up,” he said. “I'd like to get a job for (Dale Earnhardt car owner) Richard Childress (in Welcome) or somewhere like that working inashop ^ going to ForsyUi Tech and take that racing Murse over there, and I'd like to run Ule* Model Stock one of these days," В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 14,2000 • W ' t » . ‘г А р ' Members of the Davie High School boys cross country team Include, from left; kneeling - Alex Evans, Matt Dalton, Brandon Shore, Jared Hill, Jesus Cabrera, Jay McClellan; standing - Michael Beck, Ricky Bentley, Memo Murillo, James Carter, Danny Stlling, Johnny Glasscock, Nick Kistler and Richard Brooks. Four Runners Lead Boys Cross Country Team To Win Jared H ill of Davic County's lys cross coun> team led a 20- '5 win a( Soulh Rowan, bul ihrcc buddies sealed it. ■ W illia m Kerlin, Brandon $horc and Danny StiTing surged S tlling down the strctch to finish fourth, fifth and sevcmh, respectively, as Davie staved off ihc Raiders. Hilicapturedhissecondnrst-placc finish in as many races - in 17:35 - and Jesus Cabrera claimed third. Shore . Kerlin "H ill ran a strong race," Coach Daric Belter said. The guy from South Rowan tried to keep up with him. but he just couldn't take him." But you can't forget the support* ing cast. "Kerlin, Shore and Sliling ran to­ gether, and Soulh Rowan had three runners." Bcilcr said of Ihc light fin­ ish. "W ilh a half-mile left, wc still could have lost the race. (In the end) there were like 10 scconds separat­ ing our three runners and their three runners. If Ihey had nip-flopped, wc lose. It was bccause o f them that wc won." Wilh a 21:14 lime, Janel Darcy took home her sccond viclor>\ bul • lhat wasn't enough lo surpass Soulh. w hich seized the second through fi fth spots. Carly Peeler (sixlh placc), Karen McDaniel (seventh), Erika Ancula (ninth) and Anna Robertson (10th) helped Davic contend. "Jancl fought off (the runner-up)," Bcilcr said. "They competed againsl cach other In track. It was a good racc." Belter said Darcy's hot start Is no fiukc, thal she could conceivably rule Ihc Central Piedmont Conference. "She's going lo have some com­ petition in conference," he said. "There’s some girls from Mounl Ta­ bor. Dul she's gol a great chancc to do il. She still has a lol of improvcmeni lhat she can do." Davie faced Mounl Tabor at Tanglewood on Sept. 13. Il goes lo Wcsl Forsyth on Sepl. 20. Members of the Davie High School girls cross country team Include, from left; kneeling: Samantha Murillo, Tanya Berghorn, Catherine Harrison, Karen McDaniel, Courtney Steed, Carly Peeler, Betsy Naylor, Stephanie Doby; standing - Ashley Gaskin, April Ervin, Emily Pettorinl, Erika Ancuta, Anna Mackintosh, Erin Grey, Janel Darcy, Meagan Clark, Tamie Potts, Bridget Robertson and Megan Graves. Septem ber Bargain of the Month y ^ n T y a û iiû Htlp b Just Around Hw Corner. CirtCtstcrilofcMy mob*v.M*-lhrouÿi «ам«! to usy vwMigoieonierU. wmvit Caudeli Lumber and Building Supplies !()/ Sheek S trc c l • /',1 ?1 Ь / 6 M O N TH S SA VE A S C A SH C A L L T O D A Y F O R A F R E E E S T IM A T E O N A TRANE XV 90 GAS FURNACE, K11200AIR00N0ITI0NER or HEAT PUMP. M s tm m e s : im w m u H m g u m B a B m a w m K n . : ^ M It 8 ¡b a d to S to p Ш Call now for deulll. Mull be liulalled befon 10-31-2000. T e a d iin g T o d ? T im o th y B b , J o s e p h S m ith W in C o n te s t By Dwight Sparks Football Contcsl Director Gentle Readers, slowly wc are coming to rccognize the value of the football contest. Il brings out the best in us. It demonstrates Ihc intelligence of our participants, their keen wil and Insight............................................ ........ Despite ail the focus on education in this political year, wc have overlooked a method of leaching our children and Hfling ihem above the dirt clods of Ignorance and inlo the spotlight of intelligence. . They should play the foolball coniest. . •;' And the teachers, too. Imagine ifihe Davie High teacher's lounge on Thursday was abuzz . with the faculty filling out the football coniest. What a difference it ;;. would make in their morale, ihcir confidence and their dctermlnalion to ;! return to the classroom refreshed and invigorated. In fact, next year wc plan to offer our contest lo the N.C. Department;; of Education as a method of keeping teachers fresh and as course credit for renewing their teaching certificates. Wc think educators w ill jump at the on*cr. Imagine the benefit lo education across North Carolina. If all teachers would enter the contest, wc would have faculties across this state on the culling edge of mental activityA Imagine the keen wits. . Ihe fresh minds, the exciiemcni they could lake into their classrooms and transform our children into thinkers, planners, organizers and morc. The contest would singularly lifi the academic achievement o f our students to < new heighis. The SAT scorcs would soar. Graduation rates would climb. Discipline problems would be eliminated. The excitement on campus would be thick. A ll thal wilhout new taxes. Bul why lim it the coniest lo North Carolina? Why nol spread II across the United Slates? If the presidential candidates only knew of this opportunity... The election could hinge on this. This week, for example, indicates how critical the football conicst can be in developing our students. '. JTI The winner? TIMOTHY ERB. COME ON DOWNNN!!! Wc reached Erb at home Monday afiemoon where he was diligently ' going about the business of his homework. He is an 8th grade student at South Duvie Middle. He missed seven games, giving him undisputed claim to firsl place, $25 and the Cap of Caps. Wc recited the list of prizes and asked how he felt. “Really good," he said with the underslaiemenl of a new 14-year-old. ; His binhday was lost week. His parents are Rob and Kalhy Erb o f Jericho Church Road. They have bright children. Timothy's sisier. Sara, also entered the contcst, missing nine games. What w ill he do wiih the money? He plans lo save il. combine it with his birthday money and possibly buy a dirt bike someday. He said his favoriic leacher Is Ibm Chaffin. 7lh grade social studies at South. “ He’s a cix)l teacher." Unfortunately, school policy will not allow Erb to wear his Cap of Caps to sch(X)l to demonstrate lo his classmates that he really Is among the Cotilesi of the Ctxil. ihe Smartest ofthe Smart, the Man among Boys. Sccond placc? JOSEPH S M m i. COMEON DOW NNNNii! ........... Smith was al Davie High when wc callcd, helping with the football leam. Even at 23 and five years removed from school, Smith still goes daily to help with Ihc team. In sch(X)l, he served as walcr boy and trainer. “ He lives, breathes and eats football," said his mother, Nancy. He r^r. lives on TUrrenline Church Road. Now for our covetcd noncash awards: • Closc Bul No Cigar Award — to those finishing closc bul just out of. the money ^ former Davie stand out Matt James, Mike Parrish. Sara Erb, Billy Brindle, S.B. Sidden Jr.. Crystal Serfass, Scott Hicks. Jason M iller and Richard Livengood. • Welcome to Davie Couniy Award — To Dr. Mike M ills o f Oak Valley, who has made a name for himself In Ihe Clemmons Courier contest, now figuring to cam some easy money west of the Yadkin. • Mr. Consistency Award — to Jim Boger. finishing again among the . elite ofthe contest. • Back To Reality Award ~ lo last week's winner, John Butero. missing 13 this week. • Best Address Award — lo Dan Stauficr o f Park Avenue, M ocksville.^ • Basketball Award — lo Pam Stocked, missing the mosl games of anyone in Ihc contcst at 19. Honorable mention to B illy Hendrix Sr. and . . Tisa Campbell. • Handwriting Award — lo Teddy McClure, whose penmanship is '' trcntcndous. • Worst Fax Award ~ lo Andrew Linhart, whose fax machine rendered his contest entry Into a black blur. • Husband-Wife Award — to Charlie and Nannclle Brown, entering ' separately bul bolh missing 11 games. Genlle Readers, our second week is In the bank. Congratulations to our winners. Good luck lo those of yuu who want to join Timothy Erb in • the rich and famous circle and the proud wearers of the Cap of Caps. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - U3 NFL SHOWDOWN OF THE WEEK T a m p a B a y ..........................2 1 * * D e t r o i t ..............................2 0 The Buccaneers have finished ahead of the Uons in the stand­ ings for the past four years, but Detroit has given the Bucs fits, winning six of elgtit reg­ular-season matchups. Call this an upset. _U*t»IClLMSi ■№*wvn &IW« .ysnei— i _.»fcreaJiU— Kemcmber—5 p.m. is the deadline Friday. Bring it in or fax it lo 751-9760. Good luck 10 all. КйМпС«у.МО * Choice of Spray Patterns * Ligjit Sets Available Serving Piedmont North Carolina Rol»ertL.WeUace Call Me For , Mocksvlll«, N.C. 2702B (336) 998-271S ¡фгтаПоп] l- e e e - A I R - O O J lT O R V'f jtuLjBfla I 1ш Г | I IH _utnaAfi!üUtL’taa_ П Е Ш О Н и В з —jiM-tnwtìKt_Liw»woe¿♦ W*breton lOhol Ж T lli-SouihiTn .Mississippi (ioltlcn liinlc.s lud a .Sat»nl.iy off after «pcniiiK the season on Ihc n>ail a^aiiisricDnc.sscc, hut Ihc a’.st won’t help ihein upset Alabama on the mad this Saiunlay. 11)c Crimson lldc have won eight in u tuNV fniiu Southern .Miss, ami Ihcy won 35-li Iasi yearilespitc l>cin}{ wilhout slartingAndrcw /ow and KB Sluun Alexander. Alabama's ninth sir.il};ht in Ihis series could he the closest sincc '95. when the'lltle won 2 i-2() - if the Magics "do u whole kit better on Ihc ground lhan they did in the ‘99 matchup. In wliich the Alabama defense held them lo minuj»-!.^ yards nishing while sacking .'^xitliern Miss QH Jeff Kelly seven limes. If not. our five- point sporad will Knik quilc con- scmtlvc. One state to the north, there’s anolher huge, nmklngs-rearrang- Ing confrontation: Florida visits Volunlccrs will ilii Ihcir seconil battle wilh the (iators in three years. In a slopp/ game la.st September In (i;lnesville. Ma.. then fourth rankfil I'loriila upset No. 2 renue.sscc,23-21, largely on Ihc strength of Ls defense, which stopped Volunlcrrs mnning hack Jamal I^wis on iliird- and fourth-down attunpts laic ''In the game to s(curc the win. Play w-a . maraud by some 25 penalties. Including IWO thal wiped ouithal wiped out Florida IDs. / Wc*d prefer ,f a this one cleaner but just as close. Visiting leams will do better in Iwo big games on the West Coast, one of wliich will he close (or so the computer says) and one of which won’t be. Michigan should have a relatively easy lime with U.(M..A..but wc’rc pickingTexas hy only two points at Stanford - which is either brave or fool­ hardy after what happened in their '99 showdtiwn in Aiistin,Te.xas. With QIl Major . . Applewhite p;iss- ing for 353 )-ards in jusl thrce (juancrs and the Uinghorns scoring TDs on each of their firsl six possessions,Tc.x:ls pounded the Cardinal. 69-17 - the most polnis given up by a Stanford s<piad sincc 'S l.llils time, a near upset. Maybe. Wc like Colorado at home over Washington - a legitimate upset - which means revenge for the Huskies’3l-2 i win last year, for­ mer Colorado coach Kick Neuheiser.s firsl victory aficr abandoning the Buffaloes. Elsewhere, Purdue will make It two in a mw over Notre Dame, and one mini-winning streak will end and another will continue In two longstanding rivalries. In the •I8ih g;ime of the lowa lowa State scries, the Iowa Hawkeycs will (just barely) end the bmgging al I- State after two straiglit Cyclones wins, and New Mexico Stale will make it a rare thrce in a row- over New Mcxico In the teams’9lst matchup. NCAA FORECAST STAT-PAC T o t a l r ig h t : 1 4 7 i T o t a l r ig h t :1 5 4 ■ T o t a l w r o n g : 4 3 I T o t a l w r o n g :5 4 li? F o r e c a s t i n g p e r c e n t a g e :. 7 7 4 ■F o r e c a s t i n g p e r c e n t a g e :. 7 4 0 NFL FORECAST: WEEK 3 B u ffa lo ........................................20" ..........................................................T f T T - l« . Offense wa* at a prcniiunj In itiii rivalry in I999:11>e iHlh won ai linmc, 17-3. then the Jcls did likewise, 17-7. liuffalo lixiks sironKcr Oc»pile luving lo»t thrce of Its UM four aiulnst N.Y. • • C w o l l n a........................................2 * ««I»"««..........................................« Lw sotoffcn« here In ’W'.TIw F.»tvoi\s un>k thclr ihlrU In a row fmm Ihc I'amlicrs, 27- 20, Ihcn Qils lieiierlcin aiiii Clundicr cum* blncd for 577 j-anls and seven TDs In arollna’iJ4-2a payback. ..................»4~ ....................T- mcl only once, thee years э}^>, when llie -ftOphfiw-ww ■- Sinslnwüb And (hen iticrc arc the one-sided palrinfVi Икс UUs one, In which almost all the offen« comes from thcJa(tuars.Thcy ran ihclr win­ ning sircak agalim the i)en(pls tn four last year,41-tOand 21-7. know: The last lime ihcy met. ihree yrars nin^li- Patrlots LB Chi • a n Mmáo , w ..........................21 After lossing four Inicrccpilons In the (Irsi ■99 K.C.-S.P. baule of ’99. a 2\M Chargers win, Q a Elvis CrtMC redeemed hlm Klf (wilh defensive help) when Ihc Chiefs spanked S.D. 34-0 In the rcnuich. ............i r ................10 W lh IWO of Ihe league'! most imptetsJve detinues butting heads, thb battle may be decided b f a Held goal.Thcsc teams have *1116 Giants,and respccilvc diviiio season, and N.Y. againsl Chicago’s year* sincc ihese ofthat Ustmeeiir ..................Ж lil;vvn as they faded from ccmicniion. ihc Hronc«» had ihc Kaidcra* nunitwr taM year, hcaiinK them for the founh and riftli Mialglit limes, 16-13 and 27-21. Oakland wiU end Ihe siaMk convincingly. P h llM M Ip h la.....................................2 2 -0. w i B . y ........................a o WUh a pawicm Ranw tlui has to Ik 1кнег lhan it wa.% In '99 - ii renlly couliln'l get any \vor>e - ihe Eagles will sneak paM the liattl- lo-gaiige I'ackcrs. (i.li. slr\Kk la&t in this series, 2 M 6 in ’98. P lttM U tg ll ..................................... .1 9 How disappoiniing were the Stcelen last year? After pounding the lupiess tiruwn» •ISO inM’cck One.they lost to Ctcxetand « home, 16-15, for the llrsi lime sincc ’93.This one's no glmnic for hltsburgh. Tlic lluccancers have finished ahead of the Lions In the standings for four straigljf yran, hut Detroit has given the Dues Ills.. winning six of eight rcgular-sca.wn games. CaU (his an upset. (Monday) ...................... And call this an upset, too. for two reasons: *Hic O)whoys have won n>v in a row from Ihc Redskins (-(1-35 and 38-20 in '99), and Ihclr Monday nighi winning percentage traUs only S.F. in itie NFC , (Open daic:Arizona, Indianapolis, Tennessee) h a.sulid ofrenw (ihc a solid dcfcn»c (ihc' and N.H. 1м\-е met only ars; the Mkcs won last, nrS'Stcp out of their for the Ilrst lime this tiould nio\-c llic ball Jefcnse. K's been live iim s met, with the result a 27*24 lia rs win. SfiQ.EEfiQ£i!£S^ Under lilg-Ttmc Reversais of Fönune, sec Rams, who not oni)' ended a 17-game losing sircak against (he 49crs in ’99, but also swept - morc like swamped - the Nincrs fui* (he nrst lime slhcc '80,42-20 and 23-7. ..........M N w » O r iM n » .......................... . . . l O - Not cxacliy the game of the w ert, but bolh • the Scahawks and Saints promise llvcUer . offenses (han last-ycar. And you never н В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 -SI N A M E T H E W IN N IN G T E A M S E A C H W E E K A N D W IN... CONTEST RULES 1. Anyena can enter eicepi employeik (A the Oavie County EnicfpriM Record and thcir brrdioi Ortf one entry «lowed per person per «eelij Al entne* mujt be on origivit rXifnti or fai to 3367St< 9760. 2. Qam«’ i this woek's contest are fc,‘*jln each advertiierrwnt cn ttwse two'pages. Fill in the contest blanh and sutrn« or miil the er^try to the Enterprise Reconi. P.O. Do» 99. U«ksviDe.NC27Ct2a. 3. The lirst entrani correctly prcdictog the outcome ol oH james In a »««>> wi!l recenre a bonus o< »500. WeekV prl»s are $35 lor fnl place and S5 lot second pttce. 4. h cas9 o( ties, the enitani wt« came closest lo the lotil number ol pants in the tie brevier wins II a t« siiH eitsls. awanJs wilt be divided equaiy a'lW i the winner». S. EmiMsmuslbedeitveredloihe Enlorprtse Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The oNice Is located al 171 S Main St.. MocksviBe.NC. (. Winners will be announced Miowlng each contest. Decisions ol judges wil be buL A new contest ml be announced eaci) week. WIN! iZSOO BONUS PRIZEFor 1st Perfgct Entry $ 2 5 1st Prize ®52nd Prize C o ffe e H cvse and Bed & B re a k fa s t MdmlusH • l.iincli • Dinner 101NORTII Main'^treet • Mocksville, NC • (SÎ6) 751-79009. (NFL) Bulfolo vs. NY Jota O a k a For Tee Times Call ; 940-2000 : G O L F C L U B9. Miami vs. DalUmore Daniel Furniture < E le c tric €0., In c . * Courteous, Dependible Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa M. Cartner 848 Soulh Main Slreel • Mocksviile, NC 336-751-2492* 336-751-3975 y ^ o f f W ITH T in s Л1) | з а . Artiona vs. San Diego S t Tanglewood 11 Commons [li'c w Shopping lO O k a l Center M ci'lc \lin ililM ‘»«commons Clommons, NC 7 7 8 -0 5 1 0 Owners Chris & Wondy Watson T R E E SER V IC E ' A 336-492-2944 Free Estimates • Insured f T i Ti i s !a . a ? H s in CLEMMONS CARPET I 2711 Lewisville-CIcmmons-Rd., Clemmons | 29 Years Expcricncc 766-8110 or 766-0166 25.M lehiQenSLvs. MIsaourl G o o d L u cky D a v ie W ar E a g le s ! ? V u lc a n Materials Company 542 Farmington Road • M o cK ivllll, NC 27028 336-998-3838 See me for innovative health care designed around you. Biue Advantage* individual health plans Dental Blue* individual dental coverage Medicare supplement insurance Larew-Wood-Johnson, Inc. John H^oo</-Mocl<svliie751-62ei Harold Wood - Advance 940-2210 2. W « tl F o re tti » P if W w id BlueÇross BlueShield of Nwth Carolina ‘Уоиг} Hometown йакеЛ t>. A laban* VI. So. M IH Tliurway Sliopping Center • Winston-Salem • 725-8321 YOUR CHOICE SALE! MOCKSVILLE I ЛВЕ& AUTOMOTIVE 962 Yadkinville Road Phone 751-6115 L u x u ry C loud 100th A nn b H eavenly PHI Tension Ease Iv c r s a y llow|ro{ E loant F irm ^ 5 » T w in S et............$ 1 9 9 P lush F irm ^ F u ll S et................$25 9 'P K in g S et..............$ 39 9P illow -Top Q u a lity N a tio n a l B ra n d M a ttre s s e s a t Cov« F a cto ry D ire c t P rice s ! М4.П1-7177 l744 0UI2lMlli m mUYAWAYeBMANqNO Mé-aas-mi. 1»Г1|М,Ю«Яй . AUGNMENT ^BRAKESæ^ jgSHOCKS^? grixHAuar;^ •/'-ycs *.Св*«г»В»у1ювÍ—^ Our Prictiliuluit Mounting, Balancbii 1 ' NtwValvtStnúiRolaám j Hours: 7;30 am-7 pm M-F » 7:30 am-1pm Satuiday DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - B5 BonusPrize -r. For the First Perfect Entry! |l|you:tH iN ^ to PROVE itI : ^ EATON FUNERAL R B ■■ SERVICE|H|» SINCE 1951 32S North Main street J i iMock.«illc,NC . 751-2148i 1. Oavie VS. Salisbury |K & R Cleaners, Inc.i1 *'V/e're Just Anmml the Corner" r ? Tun(>li‘u0u(l Cru%!>In); Clemmons “ ^ US liS & NC KOI. Hnisd.ilc 2636l.c\siivillc-CIcmmoni Rd i I 998-7120 766-W50 *: ^ TanRle«ood Commons Mocksvillc “• US H.vpcrRil.Clcmmon.'i V.illc> Rojd 778.1505 751-1444 A n im a l / ir k V e t e r i n a r i t ic § p it a l .'A'. m MftdM« L Spindtl, DVM --------- ^oSÌniSTt^'-«¡■¡P 336-778-2738Ai tho lovo one} coro your pof noods to stay hoanhy ' ' Uon-Fri 7 30arT>ó00pm. Sot. 9om-t?0Qnoon Vdiir 'H (im e-T < m r U w ij S im FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO.10. Minnesota vs. N«w England 495 Valloy Road • Mocksvillo, NC336-751-2141 1 ' Crowder ? (^ SSO C i^ S ffl f 2265-C Levi/is\ ile-Ciennnnons Rd. • Clennmons 766-0515 39. Iowa vs. Iowa SL T. Dan Womble Attorney at Law 3802 Suite A Clemmons Road P.O. Box 1698 (33gj 706.8085 Clemmons, NC 27012 Fax:(336)766-9145 6. Carolina VS. Atlanti 5423 HWY 158 ' Advo :e • 998-1723 • Ned lo Bermudo Qwy Shopping Centef fn-i8cm-6pmSol8oni-3pm O rth o d o n tics ^ A Beautiful Smile...A Great Self Image J Call For ComplimentarY Consultation 1 Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA 1 'ÍJ:¡'Í ?’jr {Ш-М-i'Jiy'jur i-ur iJvjliiJJ DxJ'jIjI 1 Over 30 Years Eiperience in Oentlstry Ц 1 336-751-2252 ne Hospital street. ; | F o r in su r a n c e c a ll BRAD ROMINE31. W. Virginia vs. Maryland .STATE FARM INSURANCE ■ "I »Slate Farm ImuranccCompanlw« Home ОГПсс« »loominRlon, III. | M i s t i ' s la Cream & Cojfu Skop 2 H o td o g s Л11 lh c W ay, C h ip s . Tea $"* 99 7. Jacksonville vs. Cincinnali Bermuda Qua; ShopplnK Ccnlcr • Arms From Bermuda Run WE HAVE MANUFAQURED HOMES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. SEE JACE TODAY!15. SL Louis vs. San FranciscoBonanza Mobile Homes700 Wilkesboro St • Mocksvllle, NC Inter MwY» 601 & M N. ЗЭв-75Ь5959 Owned Л OpfraleJ by Jack Могцап Beth'sHallmark24. Michigan vs. UCLA New Towne Shoppng Center, Clemmons 76&6567 C L E M M O N SDISCOUNT SALES37. P«nn SI n. Pill Great Savings Through Oul The Store 1533 Lewlsville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon.-Frl. 10-8; Sat. 9-5 7 6 6 - 4 4 4 9 wyvw.clemmonsdiscountsales.com You Know Us... We Know Real Estale PrudentialCarolinas Realty "Si'n'hii! Lewisville, Clemmons & Davie County" 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons • 336-714-4400 ■ 314 Sanford Av«., M o c k sv lll* - 7S1-12S4 ■ UIRHEEL1 0 № THE AREA'S ORiGtNAL LOW-PIICB TOBACCO OUTLET SPKriAl.l7ING IN HOMETOWN. raiKNDLY SKEVICE . IHSCOUrfr ClGABirrnES • UAND-rOfJRKD CANDLKS • KOIX-YOUB- OWN TOiACCO к SUITUKS. CLOVK СЮАШЛТЮтЛУОШСО ItlMS, CLOVKS • CHEWING, PIPK * SM0KEUCS8 TOIACCO ПКП ! I UHI \\ IM H I\\ / t )( >1 к i r >,V\ / V // ,v< / Super Savings on H illsd a le D ental. Dr. Jerry Hauser j Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry ■ 135 IVIedlcal Drive, Advance | 336-998-2427 I Stocks ■ Bonds I Mutual Funds ■ IRAs ■ CDs Sherry Koehler UwbvllIe,NC 27023 (336)9454227 itlMurdJoncsxnm 33. Citadel vs. WCU Edwardjones S4*rv‘iii^ Im liviiluut Inv<*«tor« Siiitt* tliyt 30. Virginia vs. Duko \1 1 1 age Tires 25.14 Lc» Ln illc-Ocninlons Road • Gcmmons I!oun:7:30iuii.-6pjn.M oa.Fri!7:30-lS at /66“5450 All Major Brands of Tires— Complele Auto Repair Shop SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 29. NCSU vs. So. Malhodlal U.S. 158, CLEMMONS • 7G 6-0581 V O G L E R О C/^TVTC* S^r'inxlhe Funeral Home I “See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans Clemmons Chapel • 2849 Middlcbrook Dr. • 766-4714 S n i c m G l e n C o u n t r y C l u b Now Open To The Public For Lunch & Dinner Lunch: Tucs.-Sun. 12:00-2:00 Dinner: Thurs.-Sun. 6:00*9:00MjrirulnlVineNipetini Tunuftui withCnimNedCkutChecie, SS.95 Low Ctvnlry Dt-'viled Cnb SI6.95 37. Tenaa vt. Stanford 1000 Glon Pay Drive. Clemmons ■ 712-0303 ■ H. Ro“ Taylor, CLU Senior Accomt Agent r t Ц З Ю Ц З L u rc Graduate Ш I l i W I M I W Honor Ring л Я - .HF-You^e-in-good-liandsr-23 Years 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 7 6 6 -1 0 5 7 32. Va. Tech vs. RutQtrt CONGRATULATIONS To Our 9-7-00 Contest Winners! FIRST PLAGE Timothy Erb = $25 & Cap SECOND PLACE Joseph Smith = $5 I I I I I SQ Œ E Œ D S Сото Sun., Man., or Tuos. i Gol Doublo Slamos on Your Sub Club Cani 50* O ff 6-lndi Sub I I I I New Towno Shopping Ccnicf • Ocrtimons Tho Oaka Shopping Certa • Lctmvìo I I______7 6 6 -^ 1 6 9 _ 4 ^ 4 5 ____, Two Locations To Serve You *l“ O ff Foot-Long S u b G O T T H E H A T ? f y [T o p s T r a v e l Oh Pwfe44iOHOi Sffwiu In addition to the prize money each of our First Place Weekly Winners will recleve a sporly V • Y our Local P rofessional Full S ervice Travel A gencyl Located in th e h e a rt o f C lem m ons, NC 'V / B e w ie C o u n ty ' ^ 3 ^ E n te r p r is e R e < o r d 3 g u ll C u o i ^ These versatile caps can be worn lorward or backward (depending on how cool Enter the contest today tor your chance to win one of these great caps, (Oh. and den t target the chance to win irte $2.500.1 27S0 Lewlsvllle-Clenwnafu Rd. 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MERLE NORMAN ' i l a . S t v s . l J N C Total Scond- IM H ILI DÁVPHOWE! В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - B7 Davie JV Drops Defensive Struggle; Botched PAT Comes BaclcTo Haunt Scott Flowers runs upfleld for the JV War Eagles against Ledford. An iconnslcd (tcrcnsi: pickcd up (he sinck for an crrattc offense in wcckonc. However, the hard-hilling "D" couldn’isaveDavlcCoumy'sJVfoot­ ball team Inst week against Ledford. Tlie War Eagles Inlcrrupted a de* fensive duel early in the third quarter with a Scoll Flowers touchdown run, und tbcy were on their way to a 6-0 victory unlil a spccial-leams turn­ over gave Ledford a 7*6 win. "Ledford is a big strong team that was bigger lhan us," Coach Lee Lin- villc said aOcr the nonconfcrcnce defeat. Theiroffensivelinewasjust huge, but our defensive guys did a greal job. The defense really should have had a shutout." Ironically, il was oneof ihe defen­ sive siars, Billy Riddle, who gave Lcdfoul new life. Clawing for cxirti yardage on a punl relum. Riddle losl the ball al Ihc Davic 25. Ledford grabbed the bonus opportunity, con­ verting a fourth down, finding the end zone and making the extra poinl todwp Davic to M . "A guy grabbed him by the shirt and held on." Linville said of the fumble.’•Dilly’sdragging him. fight­ ing for a couplc extra yards, and anoihcrguycaughthimjust right and knocked the ball oul." Linville loved Riddle's effort de­ spite the game-swinging result. T d never fault or say anything to Dilly bccausc he was fighting to gel cxlra yards," he said. "And when you fighl as hard as you can. stuff like lhat can happen. He jusl tried to make somcihing happen." Liincbuckefs Uranilon Pane and Jusiin Norsworthy. sm>ng safety Kevin Uogcr, ends Chris Hauser and Joey Davis and free safely Riddle spearheaded the dogged defensive pursuit. "The defensive coaches (Jeff Ward, John Bullins, Mike Herndon, Malachi Gentry gets ready to block for Billy Riddle. Kcilh Whilakcrand Devore Holman) have really done a good job with them." Linville said. ”l.edford‘s JV is nol like their varsity offense. They line up and try to smash moulh you. and they are very gW Hl al what ihey do. We’d punl and they'd punl." But the pressure slill wasn't good enough as Davlc failed on ils extra- point iry. leaving the dix)r crackcd. "Wc botched the snap and the hold." Linville said. "Wc could have gotten the ball on the lee. but I think wc panicked a little bit." A siralghl ahead, 57-yard drive pul Davic on lop. Kenny Gray and E>crek Comat/cr had productive runs before Flowers burst free up ihc middle from 29 yards out. Notes: Davie's defense was miss­ ing thrcc starters, including mam­ moth nose guard Curtis Malthews, who was sick.... Davlc plays al Sal­ isbury on Sepl. U at 7 p.m. Central Piedmont 4-A Football Standings СГС 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 Overall j.3 ^ 0-3 ' 4-0 3-1 1-2 .* Davie Counly Mount Tabor Reynolds Soulh Rowan Wesl Forsylh Friday's Results Page 21. Mourn Tabor 10 Lcdfoal 38. Davie Couniy 24 Reynolds 35. Parkland 13 Soulh Rowan 12. Salisbury 8 Wcsl Forsylh 27. Easl Forsylh 14 This Friday's Gomes Carver al Reynolds Mount Tabor at North Forsylh Parkland at Wcsl Forsyth Salisbury at Davic Mooresville at Soulh Rowan McKenzie Willoughby looks downfield for an open receiver in the 7-6 loss lo Ledford. Third Annual Davie County Cadd Р Ш Tuesday, Septem ber 26 Pudding mdge Golf Club • Mocksvilk, NC C l 1:00 p.m. - Shotgun Start Featuring Caddies from The Vantage Championship as YOUR Team Captain Individual Player-‘125 • 5 Person Amateur Team-*625 ...... ...... ( aroliiiii Drilling & liliistiii” I rim, liu'. Call (336) 751-3304 for more information ) E n e r g y J n i t e d Special Invitation for EnergyUnited Customers You are Cordially Invited to Our ANNUAL MEETING of MEMBERS Saturday, September 16, 2000 7:30 a.m. - 12 Noon at the Davie County High Schooi 1200 Salisbury Road, Mocksvilie It's that timo ol year again . . . tima for EnargyUnited's Annual Meeting of Members! BrinQ out tho whole family and onjoy a morning full of intorostlng exhibits, freo entertainment and Informativo events. Look at alt the oxcitomont and family fun wo've planned: • 7:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. — Visit our health fair in tho small gym for FREE screenings and health-related information. • 7:30 a.m. • 11:00 a.m. — Visit our tent exhibits to see m ' iatèài produeis ana sarvices wa'va reiaasad fùf 6Ur 5 0 % 21MD P A IR f Buy 1 pair, gel 50\ off the siicond pair of equal or lesser value customers. Rogistration and voting lor EnergyUnited board members. • 10:30 a.m. — Music and entertainment by Tho 82nd Althorno Division All-American Chorus. • 11:00 a.m. — Business session in the large gym lo discuss . vifhere EnergyUnited is now and what exciting plans we • havo lor tho luture. • 11:45 a.m. — A FREE drawing lor door prizes will be held. • 12 Noon — Free bag lunch. BBQ for Ihe adults, hot dogs for the kids and cold drinks for everyone. Free transportation will be provided from each EnergyUnited , district ollice. To reserve a seat on the bus, malUhs "cllpout" Irom the August Issue ol the Connection Update or call your local EnergyUnited ollice. We hope to see you therei GETTING THERE IS EASY SH O E SH O W Salisbury Proves That Football Foes Can't Overlook The Hornets By Brian Pitts Davic Coun^ Enlcrprise Rccord Almost no one struggled morc lhan Salisbury's football team from 1997-99 as the Hornets qualified os a virtual bye on the schedule. But how quickly things can changc. The Hornets - Dayie County's nonconfcr*. encc opponent Friday night al 7:30 at War Eagle Stadium - put a major scorc in formi­ dable West Rowan in a 7-6 week-one loss. Thcyblewout an Albemarle leamcomingoff a 10-2 season in week two lo snap a 16-game losing streak. And they stopped the presses wUh an 18-14 shockcr over another lO-win team from '99, Concord. " Wc just beat the No. 6 team in the (Char­ lotte Observer) Sweet 16," beamed second- year coach Raymond Daugherty in ihc afler- maih. "Wc beat a good team, so they can't overlook Salisbury anymore. Wc'rc here and wc'rc here to stay." Although the streak stopped, vasily-im- . proved Soulh Rowan gol all it wanlcii in Friday’s 12-8 over Salisbury, a 16-roundcr that resembled a backyard brawl. "No question they arc playing witha lolof confidence righl now." Davie coach Doug Illing said. "Every game, they've cither won or been real close." The Hornets would probably be the first lo admit Ihal ihciroffensc is less lhan stellar, bul their defense - led by linebacker-running back workhorse Ken Drye, who posted 129 tackles last year-is wickedly slrong. Just ask Concord. 'That's how they've scored all ihcir points just about," Illing said. "I mean, wc watched the Concord Tape and the defense scored two of the Ihrcc touchdowns, and spccial teams scored anolher on a blocked kick. And last week Ihey scored off a turnover. "They arc very athletic, have a couplc big guys up fronl and have two linebackcrs Ihal can fly. They try lo make big plays on de­ fense. They arc living and dying by that right now, so il's going to be interesting." Davie's defense, by contrast, has been porous, giving up 737 rushing yards in losses lo Statesville, Mooresville and Ledford and falling to 1-3 for the first time sincc 1995. Operating with five sophomores has been rough, even with stalwarts Patrick Lowery and Neil Rice swarming at linebacker. "We're going lo have to play better lhan what we've been playing," Illing said. "We've got to mold our young kids. (Inexperience) is not an excuse. We have got to do a betier job coaching Ihem and icachlng these kids how lo play emotional and with intensity. One of our big conccms is our defense." The offense has been respectable. A l­ though Ihc ninning game has been inconsis- lent and failed lo produce a 100-yard runner sincc graduated Ricky White, QB Dan Sullivan has completed 53 percent of his Ihrows (18-for-34) for 386 yards in three starts, and receivers Rod Tenor (12 for 275) and Nick Propsl (7 for 220) have averaged a fat 26 yards a catch. Notes: Adam Barber, a 280-pound offen­ sive tacklc, is practicing this week for ihe first lime since tearing a knee llgamenl in pre- season, bul likely won't relum unlil next week. "We don't have a release from the doctor yel," Illing said. They don't know if it's Slrong enough lo slart playing yel or not." ... Davlc could even the alMime series wilh a win. Salisbury leads 8-7. W ar Eagle Football Statistics R e c o rd : 1-3,0-0 C P C Ledford Uses Ground Game To Grind War Eagles at Statesville at Ivlooresville N. Iredell at Ledford RUSHING Goode Clement Gentry Smilh Britton Sullivan Propst Davie Opponents 141 Sullivan Propst Davie L21-16 L 25-17 W52-0 L 38-24 Car. Gain YPC 32 196 6.1 50 189 3.7 16 85 5.3 10 65 6.5 9 52 5.7 20 19 0.9 10 -32 0.0 147 574 3.9 141 776 5.5 Comp Att Int Pet Yds TD 18 34 3 .529 386 2 7 11 1 .636 187 1 25 45 4 .555 573 3 26 63 1 .412 399 1 Rec Yds Avg.TD 12 275 22.9 2 7 220 31.4 1 2 48 24.0 0 2 21 10.5 0 1 7 7.0 0 1 2 2.0 0 25 573 22.9 3 26 399 15.3 1 TD Conv. Kick FG Pis 5 0 0 0 30 0 0 9 4 21 3 0 0 0 18 2 0 0 0 12 2 0 0 0 12 1 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 2 14 2 9 4 109 12 1 7 1 84 PASS REC Rec Tenor Propst Clement Poplin Goode J. Garner Davie Opponents 26 SCORING Goode Wooldridge Clement Britton Tenor Propst Gentry Rice Davie Opponents 12 Tackles (through week 3) Lowery 33, Rice 32, Arnold 19, Jon Goode 18. Pfaff 18 INTERCEPTIONS M. Arnold FUMBLE RECOVERIES Gustafson 2, Hall Continued From Page B1 Ledford inaa'hed with ease all half. With Duncan's unexpected ex­ ploits. Hall picking Davie's second­ ary apart with 7-of-9 Hrsl-half pass- ingand Ledford mounting a 236-102 edge In total yards, the Panthers pro­ duced TDs on four of Iheir first five possessions for a 2«-lO lead. "What an high-powered offense they have," Illing said. "M y hat's off to them. They have a greal quarter­ back, great receivers and they give hlmtimetothrowii.Boy, they've gol n,great team." "We had a good .second quarter wherc wc werc hilling on all cylin­ ders." Ledford's Dick Clinc. a 22- year coach, said. "I was pretty im­ pressed with the way we played." The same thing that defined de­ feats to Statesville and Mooresville plagued Ihe War Eagles late in the first half. Nick Propsl. who moved from receiver to QB for a spccial play, gol hammcrcd as he pitched to CIcmeni. who never gained control as Ledford recovered al its 44. Hall • lhrcwa9-yard touchdown fourplays" l.'iterforu2 l-101cad. Seconds laicr. Ledford picked off DaviequanerKickDanSullivan.cov- ered 24 yards in three plays and sent Davieslaggering inlo the linker nwm down 18. TIicWarEaglcsfinished wilh four turnovers, giving them 10 for ihc year. They haven’t forced a lurnovcr in three losses. "They didn'l slopped us olhcrlhan us turning it over," Illing said. "You do lhat, you shoot yourself in the foot, give that quarterback four more opportunities lhan whal he deserves and pul our defense on the field loo long. Tlial's going to kill anybody no matter who you play." W ilh Davic already in deep imuble, Duncan poured sail on ihe wound on the sccond play of the second half. After stumbling on u handoff. Duncan regained his fool­ ing, shook o ff a collar lacklcr and rumbled 81 yards for the 35-10 lead. "He hil that one like a rocket," Cline said. "He's gol a lot of lalenl and he'sdefinitcly fast. Hejust hasn't been able to show it until lonighl. "We had them spread oul and people belter spread out and cover us." Illing also cited Hall's pn:sencc afler the longest night of a rocky monih. "When you have lo defend the pass like thal, you iry to do things lo ■gel’to the passcr'and'yoiTchi "iip ’ running right by the running game," he said. "If they werc going lo beat us. wc wanted them lo beat us run­ ning the ball, not throwing il. "We Ihoughl. wilh ihem playing both w.iys, wecould wcarihcmdown in the sccond half. Bul they just jumped oul soquick on us. and got us back on our heels, lhat our defense wasjusl kind ofscrdtching our heads al whal we could dologel to Hail and lo covcr these guys. We jusl couldn’t get to the quarterback enough." Slumps invariably breed skeptics, but Illing contends lhai the tough nonconfcrcnce road w ill serve Davie belter than a diel of North Ircdclls. T ills is a very athletic and tal­ ented club, like we're going to see againsi Wesl Forsylh, Mount Tabor, South Rowan and Reynolds." he said. "This Is going to prepare us." Although it's liltle consolation lo the losers, ihe statistical battle was relatively close. Davie had 20 firsl downs lo Ledford's 19. and Sullivan threw for 169 yards lo Hall's 160 as targets Rod Tenor and Nick Propsl had eight catchcs for 158 yards be­ tween them. The flip side was Ledford's 251 rushing yards to Davie's 120, the turnover differen­ tial (four 10 zero) and Ledford's 7-of- 12 success rale on ihird downs. Three more quizzes remain on the marathon nonconference schedule. Remembej;, Davic entered the 1999 Cctiinii Piedmont Conference race on a two-game losing sireak. "I think wc'rc OK." Illing said. "It's still early. We've got to leam from the mistakes, ihai's whal these nonconference games are for. We're Slill gearing for Wcsl Forsylh. Wc'rc not going lo gel down. Wc'rc disap­ pointed we didn't win. we'll have a sour lasic in our moulh until Friday, but I think the morale is real good." Davte 3 7 0 1 4 -2 4 U d fo rd 7 21 7 3 -3 8 First Quarter D-W ooldridge 49 FO. 8:11. I - Halt I run (Ctodretler kick). 2:58. Second Quarter D - Clement 18 run (Wooldridge kick), 11:31. L - Duncan 6 ran (Clodfelter kick). 5:09. L - Adami 9 рам from Hall (Clodfelter kick). 2:17. L>Rou(h3nin(Clo(ireiierkick). 1:13. Third Quarter L - Duncan 81 ran (Clodrelier kick). 11:36. Fourlh Quarter L-Clodfelter 26 FO. 10:32. D - Britton 4 ran (Wooldridge kick). 6:26. D • Tenor 13 рам Ггот Sullivan ( Woold* ridge Lick), :36. T E A M S TA T IS T IC S Fint downs Kuihe$-yanl$ I’auing Corop'All'lnl Punts FumbleS'Losi Penalitci-yanls 3rd down conv. IN D IV ID U A L S TA TIS TIC S Davte.................................................................. RUSHINO - Clement 18-79. Goode 6- 33. Britton 3-8. Smith I-5. Sullivan 6(-5) P A S S IN G . Sullivan 9.I8-2-I69 RECEIVING -T e n o r4-86. Propst 4-72. Poplin 1-11 Udrord RUSHING - Duncan 30-203. Hall 4(-3). Routh 8-29, Mycft 4*23. Sirianl t-2, Fowler 3(-3) P A S S IN G -H a m 0-I7-0-160 RECEIVING - Smith 3-63. Cecil 3-61. Adams 2*18. Massey 2*18 D L 20 19 34-I20 40-251 IW 160 9 -Ü -2 lo-no 1-33 2-31 2-2 I-O 4-SQ 8-95 3-8 7-12 Kicking PAT FG Lg9-10 4-4 49 Att Yds Avg. 10 316 31.6 20-29 30-39 40-49 1-1 1-1 2-2 es. * i Ч Come See The Mariachi Band Oct. 1 4 - 6-9Pm Buy2Soft№ ^& IDiimer Combo («1-30) And Get Another Dinner Combo f r e :e : VAUD SUN. - THUR. DINB-IN ONLY 77M S00 M edian RESTAURANT Try Our Fabulous Mfugarllas! Sim.-Thun., II am-IO pm rridsy II im -lt im StlanUy.Nooii-llpm Final LiquWation Sale Save 10-50% While quantities last! This Is it...the end. It's your last chance to snatch up incredible bargains on select in-store merchandise. Quantities are limited...and that means they'll be going fast. Come in now to save on: • home appliances • home electronics • lawn and garden equipment • tools and much more! MÒ 8 ■sears f ^ Mockiville MOCKSVILU m 9AVbdkln\«*R(l Houn; su 12-9, M-SA 9-6 Июп«:781-»9М гн[соооиплтлс1№Агтю.сиишпиа S E A R S - 1 1 Í- î:B8 - DAViE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. W, 2000 l<I! N inth G rade Team Too M uch F o r N orth E ig h th G rad ers , North biivlc’s scvcnlh-cighlh grade volleyball team tangled with a Woodland team that was Iwlslcrcd by four ninth graders. And in thc end, il showed. "I didn't think lhat would be that big of a deal," Coach Trish King said .ancrahard-fought 15*9,14*16,6«15 'loss last week. 'TTicy didn’t inakc that big of an impact until lhat lasl • game." ' Bul that last gome was all lhat mattered after Woodland rallied to ■ forcc a ihlnl game. Wilh thc match 't>n lltcjlnc, jlrodc a sizzling ninth* • grade scrvcrjC*-' "Oi^c of their girls got up and just had a power serve," King said. "She .got on a roll and served seven In a ' row. Wc had a hard time returning it. •That popped our bubble." ‘ Thclosswasmorcfrustrailngihan ■moslofKing’sprcvlousl2 dcfcals In sU years at thc helm bccausc she thought the Wildcats were the belter team despite Woodland's distinct ad­ vantage in age. They were big girls, but we actu­ ally played better than they did, skill- wise." she said after Ihc first-ever meeting between thc schools. "Even some teachers told me that. But wc jusl had a bad break at thc end when that girl gol In a rhylhm. My girls got kind of frustrated." Rebounding Thc Wildcats vented their frustra- tionsagalnsllightweight Downtown, which is In its sccond year of exist*, ence. "They'rc not very strong," King said aftcra 15-4,15-9 winthatcvcneU North's rccord at 2-2. "Wc were a little bit more organized and better skilled. They arc sllll trying to get their program developed." Star Mercdith Phillips produced II polnisingamconc.andrislngsiar Urittany Cooper had nine In thc clincher. "I can'l say enough about Meredith." King said. "She Is my most consistent server right now. That’s real unusual for a seventh grader to comc on lhat strong. Brit­ tany had a really good game." Notes: Despite the loss lo Wood­ land, King doesn't try to avoid ninth- grade teams. "Ifanyihlng, It's more o f a challenge," said King, 55-13 In six years. "I don't think It's unfair sincc they only had four ninth grad­ ers." ... Although Nonh is o ff lo a slow start, King is pleased wilh cighlh-gradc horses Phillips and Sharon Woodv/ard. "They are com­ ing through," she said. "They arc producing when I need them to. They arc being leaders. They arc going to be the key all year on how wcdo."... North hosts High Polnl Wesleyan on Sept. 14, then plays at First Assem­ bly on Sept. 19. Red Devils Stun North Softball With North Davie's softball team primed for a run at thc Mld-Souih Middle School Confcrcncc champi­ onship after edging a strong Soulh Davie team In a nonconfcrence luneup.surprislngChinaGrove dealt the Wildcats a stinging blow. 4-1. last week. The Wildcats seemed like a lock, fronsidering they've owned the pc- fennlal also-rans longer than anyone can fcmember. Bul the Red Devils' acc hurler didn't pitch like past China Grove arms, rcsulilng in a shocking upset despite Carrie Sain's overpow- .ering mound performance for Nonh ;<2-l overall, O-I MSMSC). : "Usually they'rc nol lhat good." iCoach Jamie Lyerly said; "China ;Grovc is usually kind of like Knox !and Corriher-Llpe. I told thc giris the •pltcherprobably wouldn't bclhat fast probably morc of a slow pitcher - .bm she was fast. She was not as fast ■as (South Davie's) Jamie Durham, but she was fast." Tlie sctback ruined Sain's domi­ nance. She struck out an eye-catch- Ing 13. walked two and gave up four hits while Nonh generated 10 hits againsl China Grove's best pitcher. But the scorcboard titled toward the team In red. "When I looked al the schedule, this was not like a cakewalk but one I thought we could win." Lyerly said. "1 was worried about Erwin and West Rowan (this week's opponents)." Wasting a decisive edge In of­ fense. thc Wildcats committed two throwing errors to help China Grove push across ihrcc runs In the bottom of Ihe thlnl for a 4-0 lead, and Nonh twlccsquandercdbases-loaded.lcss- •than*lwo-oul threats.' • ------- "We werc ihc belter team," Lyeriy said. "We should have won. They'rc nol near as good as South Davlc. Sain pitched the best she could pitch. We had morc hits, bul they were scattered out." In Ihc seventh, Nonh loaded ihe bagsforAmyAlexander,whorippcd an offering down thc left-neld line that wasjust foul. Dodging lhat bul­ let, China Grove retired Alexander and held on. "It rolled to the fence and would have scorcd three (game-tying) runs," Lyeriy said of Alexander's al-bat. "You could lell (somcof ihcm) played loumament ball because they have those helmets that have ihelr tourna­ ment leam name. Their pitcher was a loumament player." In Ihc founh, Kaltlin Hall singled and cut thc lead to 4-1 on a Dana Vestal single. Ashley Comatzer led ihc attack with three hits and -Stephanie Wendcl added two. Tlic Wildcats also gol one from Erika Smith, Alexander and Hannah Tiemey. They visit West Rowan on Sept. 14, then host Corrihcr-Llpc on Scpl. 18. 1 ДЯН^ВТТГИГД E . g а - .Ш Л Л Л Ш Я Л М The Deal Everyone Is Talking About! D IS H B U Y B A C K O FFER ! We Will Pay You $200 To Switch To BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS Digital Cable Service! 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BENCHMARK f I *1 ComphMbyêBênctmêrkCommunlcêtioiiu'e9bl»»ub»eribêr: i YourNtmt: COUàêüNICATIOMS Mocksville, NC Your A ddrtu;________ Your Account Numbtn. I AfMr compltltly tilling out this bmi, givo It lo • friand. Your Ftlend will ,I O n i ^ l w T w UienglviRlolholniltllar,iltlmiolap|)olntmint,lorproc«Mlng. | TM, oHw h tan Uirtid-TVMl NO LONQ TERM CONTRACT. Fm installatoi induda up lo 3 ouliili. Ollir vdd only In ImcliMik ' ‘ liMoTntMifcn. . • Erica Cave and Meredith Phillips use their team effort to return a shot. - Photo by Jim Barringer South Davie Opens Giris Tennis Season N o t e s & Q u o t e s ’ WutRowancoachErlcEppscouldn'tconlalnhiselallonashewalked on oir to the bus in Iho wake of his 14-12 win over Somh Davie's sevenih- grade foojball team. Il’s no wonder. Momenis like this ate rare for Tiger rivals, who have watched Coach Barry W hitlock and South haul o ff four conference, ;C!iamplonshlp liopliicn In four years while registering close to'a .900 '.winning percentage. ' ; *' “When you beat South Davie, you feel good," the hyper Epps said. I "When you beat some of these other teams, you don't really feel that good. V , ,"I tnean, every now and then Nonh Rowan or Kno* w ill field a good I team atid North Davio In Ihe eighth grade Is always a good game. But since ; Ihe (P ie d i^ t Conference) split and Concord and Kannapolis are gone, It's South Dnvie and West Rowan. For us to have lo play them ihis early In the ;s*eason is almost crazy," V • • • ; Even though West was heavily favored. South led early and came a hair ' from forcing overtime, an overachieving act that Epps has come to cxpect. , . t, T lie y have a great coaching staff," he said. "Everyone of them Is good, ijh is Is a class act down here. This Is a good lesson for my boys. I need to :get my boys as disciplined as their boys. Whitlock always does a good job. ; it's fun 10 come down here because I know It's going.to be a good game." . t »Epps didn't dodge Ihe fact that South nearly won without arguably the -finest talenl In tlie Mid-Souih Conference - Reshaun Parks, who Is out ' with a broken foot. , ; "rdhatetoseeh|m."hesaid.Theylostthciroiiekidthatcancutback. but eight (Raeshon McNeil) is pretty dum lough." • : • Joining the consensus around the league. Epps described South quarterback Brod Corriher's arm as extraordinary, >■ "He's the best quarterback I've seen at this age In a while." he said after Coiriher threw two touchdowns and raised the possibility of an unheard*. o fl ,000-yard sea.wn, "He's beller Ihan any quarterback In Ihe eighth grade. He is fanlastic," . . . • Perhaps by 2004 Corriher w ill be Davie's version of Jared Hnll, the explosive passer from Ledford who put up 386 yards' against North '. Davidson and completed seven of his first nine attempts to build a comfortable margin againsl Davie. . ."He's got the best arm of any quarterback I've ever coached," 22-year veteran Dick Cline said. "He would have thrown for 500 yards (against North Davidson) If wc wouldn't have dropped so many." ■ •Friday was the same old, same old for kicker David Wooldridge, who squeakeda49-yardfieldgoaloverthecrossbar.maklnghlm4-for-4 forthe ■ year and giving Davie a brief 3-0 lead at U d fo rd.. ' "I didn't think I hUU as greol as 1 could. 1 was ttjlng'to give It a liule bjow," he said. "It wasn't very prelly, but it'll work. It's still three points," On Ihe way to a 13-for-17 sophomore season, Wooldridge lied Sian. ' Blair’s 12-year school record of 47 before connecting from 48. Tie big 30 ‘ couldbenext.'* y ; "I just got a letter from North Carolina Stale, asking me aluul coming 10 watch some of tiielr gomes," he said. "They senl me a big ol’ book. It’s prettyneat.lwenltblhcitcom p.solhatkindofhelpedrae." •• . , '. ’ Oddlyenpugh.NotthDoviesoflbollcoachJamleLyerlywosn'taware of her mastery over Soulh Davie (8-0 since her first year in 1994) until_ picking up last week's paper. ■ , • j "We always want lo beat South because it's a big rivalry, but I didn't’ realize we had beaten them that many games," she said In typical sheepish; manner. "They've beaten us In foolball and they've beaten us In basketball,; and I guess you kind of get Ihem mixed up." ' ' i : . ' DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - B9 H ollifield A n sw ers The Team ’s Prayer Coach Jeremy Byrd summoned Daniel Holllfteld during a crucial stage of Davlc County's JV soccer game at East Durkc, and the sopho­ more delivered. Hollifield foiled East's goallcon a Hrst-half penalty kick, lifting Davlc to a I -0 nonconfercncc win last week. "Penalty kick Is a fìncssc shot," Byrd said. "I mean, It’s not amattcrof power, and hc‘s been placing hlsshots real well In praciicc.” Thc precise shot gave Davlc its sccond straight I *0 win and squared ils rccord at 2-2. "It was a beautiful shot in the lower right comer of the goal," Byrd said. T h c shot couldn't have been better. Il was a professional shot.” DHS Volleyball Team Building On Losses Although the Davie Counly var­ sity volleyball team's losing streak Klended, Ihe War Eagles' loss ai Kcyoolds in Ihe Central Piedmonl Conference opener was something to build on. "Wc played very hard and wlih thc intensity we like lo play with," Coach Dave Markland said aflcr Davie (2-5 overall) absorbed its founh straight loss last vvcck by 15.9-15,5-15. "We're sllll working lo maintain lhat throughout a full game and certainly throughout a match." Coming o ff a dismal stretch against North Iredell, Mooresviile and North Davidson In which thc War Eagles lacked vigor, ihey showed slgnsofsnappingout of Iheir funk despite thc lopsided scorc. "Reynolds was belter ihan us," Markland said. "I don't know if Rey­ nolds played their best volleyball, but it was a little reassuring to sec that Ihey were noïon ihc level of thc teams wc played (two weeks ago in nonconfcrence). "We'd been standing around quilc a bil. but wcdid move much better on defense and got aflcr Ihc ball." The coach identified Kirsten Durham's defense and serving. Sara M iller and Sarah Williams' net play and Ihe passlngand defense ofRandi Moorc. THE JUNIOR VARSITY, on Ihe other hand, let one slip through Ils fingers, inexplicably blowing a 14-2 lead in game one and losing 14- 16, 15-2.4-15. "It was a disappointing loss," Markland .said. "I've seen si.x*. eight* point lumaniunds before. Thai's nol uncommon ai all, but 13 Is a lot. Il snowballed and wc missed a good opportunity lo beat them." Markland said Danielle Moore. Megan DwigginsandMandy Lambe played well in defeat. Noles: Davie tries tostop the slide in CPC matches on Sept. 14 al Mount TaborandonScpl. I9al home against South Rowan.... Markland said Ihc single-match week was timely. "I think it's real good," he said. "It gives us some time togoovera lotof ihings and hopefully continue to improve our skills. A lillle rest won't hurt them at all." Davie County's girls icnnis team has been a nice surprise, bul the War Eagles couldn't pull off any stums in Ihe first week of Central Piedmonl Conference play, suffering 7-2 road losses lo heavyweights Mount Tabor and Reynolds. "You can cilhcr go through the motions and leam noihlng. or you can try everything you have, make your mental resolve stronger and Icam something from the match," Coach Carol Cozart said. "And 1 feel like lhat's what we did." ' Megan Jordan helped prevent a shutout against Tabor(4< I, I-0), win­ ning 10-7 at No. 6 singles and help­ ing Allison Bowles to a 9-7 win at No. 3 doubles. Against prohibitive league favor- Meet The War Eagles Jonathan Milles Britton sport: football W haldidyouwanltobewhen you were little and grew up?: doctor U-------you- couldbeacer- taio actor Id a movie, who would II be and lo whal movte?:DMX In Belly. 1 would like to go out for a night on thc town with: Jennifer Lopez. Funniest football story: get­ ting flipped in eighth grade catch­ ing a pass playing Concord IwouM like toeat dinner with; Jessica Joyner. ; AthleteImostadmirc:W alter Payton. Biggest athletic th rill: being bh varsity my freshman year of foolball (at North Rowan) ' lotcrettlogfactaboulm yscir: I'm dedicated to everything I do. : M yravoritethlogaboulpUy- log football Is: running people over : Something 1 remember my p a re n lt M ylng when I was 3f«Hiprhinythiog you want todo youcM doit . ’ .. ■ ite Reynolds (6-2.2-0), Davie got on Ihc board wiih an 8*5 win from Ashley Prcvcuc and Deanna Shamcl at No. 2_^ doubles and an 8-3 win from Jordan^ and Bowles. Allhough Ihc War Eagles got out-', scorcd 156-61 for the week, ihey took eight singles games from 1 Reynolds, or live more than West Forsylh, creating hopes of a third- place finish. Davie hosted West on Sept. 13. "Wo know what to expcci with these (top) teams," Cozart said. "We go out Ihcrc, play our very best, don't give up and if they have their A game, wc’rc going to appreciate the talent that goes with that and go on. If thc/don'l have it, then wc can get our foot in thc door." Mount Tabor 7, Davie 2 Stnglcf - Jilliui R iu (MT)def. Stephanie W odinki lO-l;JcniuHefb(MT)dcf.Athley I’reveiic tO-2: Caroline Woff(MT)der. An- drea Itam i l(M ; txUy lletnphlll (MT) def. t)canna Shoinel 10<l: Laurin Knight (MT) ifcf. Alliton Bowlet lO-l; Megan Jofibn(D) ikf. Shcraz Wiley 10-7. D oublet - Fina-Wotf (M T) de(. Wodanli-Hams 8-2; ilcrb-Heinphill (MT) def.l»rcvcite.Shainel8-6:l)owkvJordjn(l)) ikf. Knight.Wiley 9.7. Reynolds 7, Davie 2 Singles > Counney FleizanI (R) Jef, Siephanie W oJanki 10-0;KamWonley(R) iJef. Aihley Prcvclte 10-0; Morgan Flezzanl (R)(lei. Andreallamt 10-2:MargarctGreven Jef. Otanna Shamcl lO-l; Emily Brown (R) def. Allison Bowles 10-0; Britlney Minichb3uer(K)tler. Megan Jordan 10*4. Double* - Morgan Flczzani Grevcn (R) dcf. Wodanki-Hanii 8-1; tVevclle-Shamcl (D) der. Heather Flow-Brown 8.5; Bowlei- Jordan (D) def. Catherine McNally-Jessie Foreuef 8-3. O v e r s t o c k e d w m SOUTHERN C H O V C A S FJ ^ HOUSING Mop ly At s u e N. Pattowon Амт., WbMtoihMMn or Call: 1-800-593-7814 From Ihcrc, Cory Wood and Josh Cookson protected thc lead. "Cory had an unbelievable game on defense," he said. "I'm really ex­ cited to sec that. He was thc trigger person back thcrc. "And Josh continues to be a real strong force In thc back, too. Defen­ sively, wc played real well." Davie's offense, though, must bc­ comc morc efflclcnt for the War Eagles to sustain Ihc winning streak. "Wc still need lo fmlsh on goals," Byrd said. "W c had 16shotsongoa1. But thc guys passed the ball well." Davlc plays at home against Bishop McGuinness on Sept. 13, at Salisbury on Sept. 14 and at East Fonyth on Sept. 20. A ll three arc nonconfercncc games. A r e Y o u O ld S c h o o l? Sports News From September, 1967 John Norton was thc winncrof thc first annual Davie County G olf Championship with a 54-holc scorc o f 213. He posted rounds of 69-69- 75. Bob Foster was runner-up, two strokes behind Norton. Harry Heidel­ berg had 217 and Marshall Southern 226 to round out the championship flight. Kenny Jordan won the first flight at 230. Other first-night scores werc Ross Wands 232, Robert Allen 236, Dr. Ramey Kemp 237» Jerry Hendricks 237 and Kenny Mabe 245. Thc "Old Rebel" with his shotgun blasts and a bunch of kids with some unlawful firecrackers kept many of thc fans nervously jumping during thc Davlc Rebels' 20-0 loss to Albemarie In thc season-opening foolball game. Principal John Norton had to miss a large portion of the game in his effort to round up thc firecracker dispensers. Tennis Team Bum ps Into Heavy W eights Curious About Funeral Costs? Money is the last wony a family should have at such a difficult time. And many times, we have to encourage families not to spend too much due to emotions. We feel it is important that you fiiUy understand the costs involved. We take the time to counsel fiunilies in decisions that express individual personalities while meeting their budgetary needs. We encourage you to ask impotant questioos now, while there are no emotions involved. I lAVWOai H-MlLI.Ul FuMctiAL Mo.mc. In c. Kinderton Chapel Located on Hwy 158 between Clemmons and Advance. 336-940-5555 • 336-940-8511 j B o x m AUTHORIZED AGENT *FREE lone dislancc calling to Ihc US from covcnigc area .package minutes apply In NC, SC, TN, VA, MD, OA, AL. FL, MS & Washlnglon, DC New Regional Freedom Plans vi . . . ♦Starting as low as $29.Wmonth Щ Depot Street MocksvUle, NC 27028 . ‘NMlMcfMnlet««t13ngRlice eowieinm to MUM Cl fM cuBMiMtt, Nb tong M m Mon-Fri. 8 am-5 pm SatSMi-lpm r B IO - D A V IE c o u n t y e n t e r p r is e RECO RD, Sept. 14,2000 B u lld o g s W in O ver R aid ers ' The Shady Qrovo Bulldogs var­ sity football ieimiwontliclr first game Saturday 28-12 over the W illiam R. Davie Raiders at Nonh Davie Middle School. In praise o f the Raiders, Bulldogs coach Bull Merrineld said; "They 'went Гог a num ^r of years without enough kids lo play, and now they have fielded a good team. Charles ''Brown and his slafT deserve all the 'credit.... I feel good and I feel fortu­ nate. I feel good that the organization b growing. It's a great day for Davie Courity.-f r j : - . AfterWRDfUrabledJoshMillct's . opening kickoff. Shady Grove re- rovered and scored on a 5-yard run by MIchacI Weakley. Later after a big reccpilon by Nick O'Brien, quar­ terback Whit Merrifield scored on a ‘4-yard keeper. Quinton Faulkner ran fora two-point conversion. Weakley, iaking a long kickoff return, set up a 10-yard run for Faulkner forthe third TD. Merrifield ran In Ihe conversion. Opcningthc secondhalf,Faulkner scored Ihc fourth Bulldog TD on a kickoff return. Also contribuiing several yards were Miller ond O'Brien. Twice the WRD offense was slopped on four downs. Kevin Boehm, Adam Mcllwain, Nick Schambach, Mcrri- field. Matt Pace, Tip Powell, Adam Ridenhour, Sam Tucker and Malt Plemmons made tackles in Ihcir dogged effort. Pinebrook Cooleemee 0 (Var­ sity) Mark Huggins, Brandon Sicwart and Michacl Martin scored touch­ downs ns PIncbiook rolled. Huggins sped 46 yards for Ihc only poinls Pinebrook needed, and Sicwart and Marlin added 12- and 40-yard scores as the Trojans piled up 235 yards on 22 carrics. Daniel Gough, Siewnn nnd Taylor Ovans added Ihc two-point conversions. Coach Tim Dunn said Josh Cbcsnee, Tim Stanley, Justin Smith, Wcsicy Paul, Daniel Peele nnd Bryson Alien had great blocking games. Defensively, Huggins led Ihe shut­ out with 10 lacklcs, followed by W ill Markland wilh sevcii and Sicwart with six. W iiilom R. Davle30, Shady Grove 18 (JV) Shady Grove head coach Kenny Wood said bcforc Ihe game; "Slop­ ping No. 3 w ill be the key to victory." And the Bulldogs werc not able to do that. Despite Bulldog touchdown runs by Bret Peterson, Cody Sulicr and Zach Long, Ihc Raiders' No. 3 had four long TD runs, leading 10 the WRD win. Bulldogs QB Long was 2-of-3 passing wilh both completions going lo recclvcr Josh Freeman. The Bull­ dogs play the Comalzer Cougars this Saturday. After losing star runner Reshaun Parks to Injury and heading Into ihc season with one hand tied behind ils back, hardly anyone gave Soulh Davie's seventh-grade football a Rcc against high-powered Wcsl an lasl week. [Ill, die stubborn Tigers - led by Ijurifterback Brad Corriher and go-to man Raeshon McNeil -Jumped ahead of Mid-SouUi Confcrcnce favorilc .West and made Coach Eric Epps' well-oiled machine sweat out a breathtaking 14-12 win. : 'IluikcdtoEppsduringihewcck, w d he told me it's one of the best leams he's ever had, and they've had some good Icams," Coach Barry Whitlock said. "You've got lo Ihink when you go in wlihoul your main running back Ihal Il's going to be a siruggic, bul our guys stepped up." Wcsl couldn't exhale unlil South failed - by inches - on a final-minute, two-polnlconvcrsion that would have forccd overtime. "I think we found out we con play with anybody," Whitlock said aficr slipping to 1-1. "He feels like Ihis is one of Ihc best teams he's had, and I feel like I'm 80 percent. We don'i want 10 keep barking on (Ihc injury) bccausc we're nol going to have Parks the whole year. But If Ihcy are the Soccer Team Stymies East Burke Continued From Page B l of East Burke. Koontz and Moser had assists. ^ • ’‘Luke’s been working real hard all year, and it's good for him to finally get Q goal," said Garnett, who also citcd goalie Chris Slein for two Impressive saves that led to the first 'shutout for Davic (5«Ы in noncon­ fcrence). "Luke deserved it. He's playing real good for me right now." Notes: Davie plays at home against Bishop McGuinness on Sept. 13, at Salisbury on Sept. 14 and at East Forsyth on Sept. 20. A ll three arc nonconferencc games.... Moser leads with nine goals, followed by Bass with five. Koontz leads with four assists and Stevens has three.... Garnett faccd his old Appalachian State icammaicand roommate in East Burke coach Brian Jillings. a Canada native. "It's fun forme togettocoach againsl him," Garnett said. "He was an awesome player.". Coed Volleyball Registration У Rcgistrationisunderwayforcocd volleyball. The Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department w ill acccpt teams through Sept. 29. Tlic cost is $25 per team. Games w ill be played on Sun­ day aftcmoons. Call ree athleticdirector Joe Boy­ ette at'751-2325. Cooleemee High Football Reunion TheCooii ih School foot- ball team of 1950-51 will have a gathering to honor the accomplish­ ments of the undefeated '50 season. U The gathering w ill take placc at “ Mocksville-Davie Rec E Golf Standings -jockey---------------— Its------ David's Duffers 12 ^ocksviilc Public Works 12 .Valcnile 11 Eats/Turkeyfool No. 2 ’ 9.5 preen Meadows 8 Redland ,7.5 Jown of Mocksville 7.5 Coed Standings s Through First Round ; Open Division r. W-L S)t\e%Landscaping £ u t Above Landscaping Brater'Tnicking g & C Paint Crown Wood Yatum Music Tree Jvm m r's Grading I Rte Division l^ v id Allen Construction 5-1 noon at the Heritage Festival on Scpl. 30. This year's Ihcmc will be "Our River," wilh displays and special ac­ tivities coinciding wilh Ihe campaign to build Rivcrpark al the Bullhole. Softball Tourney -To^eHeldOctTf^ best team in the league, then wc'rc not fur from it." Although West allegedly had too much talent and depth for Soulh, the challenge brought out the best in McNcil (53 yards rushing. 89 recciv- ing),Corrihcr(l(M yards passing with two TDs), ofl^cnsivc linemen Brent Abcndroth, Tony Booe, Jordan Fowler and tight end Julian Johnson. Steadily moving the chains and keeping the ball out of West super­ star Junior Montgomery's hands. South dominated the clock and lim ­ ited West to four snaps in the first half. Ader making an amazing one- hand grab on fourth down to sustain South's first drive, McNeil turned a shon Corriher completion into a 45- yard touchdown on a day when McNcil delivered 142 total yards- Including six receptions for 89 - and Corriher lopped 100 aerial yards for the sccond week In a row. "McNcH had an exccllem game,“ Whitlock said. "(53 rushing) is not a lot of yards, but they werc keying on him. I "And If there's any 5cvcnth*gradc quarterback in the state better than Corrihcrthrowing the ball, I’d like lo sec him." After striking first blood, a South penalty wiped out a two-point con­ version pass to Johnson and Mont­ gomery answered with a 60-yard scampcr. But Zach Vogler, who made a huge reception in the waning mo­ ments, cut down West's QB on the two-point try to preserve o 6-6 half- time against a team that throttled ChinaGrovc50-0 the previous week. The Bulldogs moved ahead 14-6 but couldn't shake South from the rear-vlcw mirror. The Tiger defense stuffed a fourth-and-two when a first' down would have killed the clock, and the offense shrewdly coaxed West offsides in a fourth-and-four predicament In the final two min­ utes. Then Corriher found a slanting Vogler, who juggled the ball, found the grip and sliced 23 yards, making it 14-12 and putting the outcome on D a v i e P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - Cl CoiJy Suller scores a touchidown on a 26-yard run. The William R. Davie Raiders won the game, 30-18. Stubborn Tigers Sweat Out Breathtaking Win m j D IR E C T V . Single Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-I339Direct Digital Solutions *other charges may apply m yj: PRICE JE W E LR Y SA LEI NOW IN PROGRESS! “ Brian Williams tries to get a smile out of MadI- More than one person said “Aflac" to try to The pony rides were a popular activity for Austin Gobble, 7, plays wilh his new fishing son Riddle.get a reaction from the ducl<.children.rod. S c e n e s F r o m T h e C e n t e r F a i r ForF re e C re d it H e lp SEE I Steve McCulloui>h or Call 1-888-702-7376 Ext. 777) Hi? specialize in placlni; llw i m lil challaii;fil in new or pre-owiml velUcles! g e i f U W oodAU TOCEN TRE Homhi*Jci'p*i'l\mouth*ChrysU'r»Kl/\ Loan By Phone 1 •8 8 8 -7 8 9 -C A R S 6-0 4-2 ■4-2 3-3 3-3 1-5 0-6 ftelghtliner t Aulobody , jfombenv UniOT-*’^"”" 5-1 5-1 3-3 2-4 1-5 0-6 There is a one-pilch, unlimited- home run soflball toumamenl sched­ uled for Oct. 7 in Mocksvillc. This is open 10 any team, and any ball will be allowed. The cosl isSI 10 per leam, nnd firsl- and second-place trophies w ill be awarded. Also, a home run trophy w ill be given out. A ll proceeds go lo Ihe Jerusalem volunteer fire department. To enter eall 336-284-4116. Gatorade Punt, Pass & Kick Coming Up The Galomde NFL Punt, Pass & Kick compclilion is coming up. IlwilllakeplaceScpi.23aialirae and place 10 be announced. Boys iuid giris compeic separately in four age' divisions;8-9,10-11,12-I3and 14- 15. The winners on Scpl. 23 will advance lo the sectionals at Groves Stadium, home of Ihc Wake Forcsl Demon Deacons.' , Participants must preregislcr by calling Ihe MocksvlIIe-Davie Recre­ ation Department by Sept. 20 at 751 - 2325. The event Is free. the two-point conversion. "They were double covering McNcil and wc adjusted lo il. Wc spilt Raeshon oul and ran a skinny post," Whjilock said. Whitlock went to his workhorse with OT on Ihc line, bul McNcil was slopped a fool .shy of paydirt as Soulh almost pulled off Ihe improbable. " Wc oulplaycd Ihcm In all aspects of the game - except for the score­ board. which is Ihc only thing that ; counls," said W hitlock, who la­ mented Ihrcc trips inside Ihc Wcsl 20 that resulted In zero poinls. "We ran 41 plays and they had no morc lhan 20. Il's a game of inches." Noteai Center Abcndroih im ­ pressed the coach. "We threw 20 limes and did nol get sacked once," said Whitlock. "Every sholgun snap was pcrfccl. Abcndroih did a grcal job.” ... Corriher finished 8-of-20 wilh two TDs and two INTs, and fullback Scan Wagoner added 35 yards on eight canies. ... Vogler pounced on a short kick lo steal a possession and Josh Godbey recov­ ered a fumble.... Soulh playsat Erwin on Sept. 13 and at home against • Southeast on Sepi. 20. ■ The best of show cake (above) awaits visitors lo the fair such at Jonathan Wishon, right. - Photos by Mike Bamhardt Jacob Shores, age 5, pats a chicken, one of the many animals at the fair. - - c; John Seafoid handles the hot and smoky job of tending to the barbecued pork shotJiders. :V'.- • > Frank Holder of Lewisville displays soine.of his ah nude fivm recydad itwntfTtf. .........................." i ’V Andy Lambert To Lead Revival Sept 17-20 At Concord Methodist The Rev. Arnly Lambcrl, well- known cvanjclist ond author, w ill bo Iho guest speaker for a revival Sept. 17-20 at Conconl United Methodist Chureh. The revival will open with the 11 a.m. worship servicc, with dinner at 6 p.m. Sunday befoi« the 7 p.ra. scr­ vice. Music will be by the Concord Praise Ibam and Phillip Park. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, services w ill begin al 7:30 p.m. On Monday, Ihe singer w ill be Erin Carter.Tuesday w ill Teaturc thc Hillsdale Mcdiodist Praise l>:am. On Wednesday, The Winston-Salem Mass Choir w ill perfomi. Advance News By Edilh Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Analce M yen and her cousin, Lucinda Hauser of Winston-Salcm, and James and Helen Dinkins, spent several days last week in Indiana visit­ ing relatives at Summitville and Peni. Tracy Zeiss and baby daughter, Sophie Catherine of Raleigh, spent the past five days wilh Trocy's parents, Cathy and Rommie Baniey. Adrian Farley and friend, Kristen Sycoff of Arlington, Va., spent Wednesday through Sunday with Adrian's mother, Edilh Ziramcntian. She cnme especially to be with her mother who undeг^vcnl cur surgery at Hawthorne Medical Ccntcr on Thurs­ day. Kim Frank of Yadkin Valley Road was organist at the Methodist church Sunday in Ihe absence of our organist. Sue Fblmar, who is visiting her chil­ dren and grandchildren, David and Carole Folmar, Bailey, Paul III, and Paige Folmarin Knox ville,Tcnn. Later Sue drove on to Louisvile, Ky., to visit other childrcn and grandchildren John nnd Kcri Fblmar, and Ruth and Chole Sue Folmar. The infant daughter of Brian and Diana Brandon, Madison Renca, was baptized at the Methodist church Sun­ day momlng during the worship ser­ vice. The Rev. David Childcis oiilcl- ated. Homecoming will be at the Melh­ odist church Sunday, Sept. 17, with Ihe Rev. Alec Alvord Ihe guest speaker. Luncheon will follow the morning worship scrvice at the pavilion. Re­ vival services will begin Sunday night, Sepl. 17, Uuough Tuesday night, Sept. 19. The Rev. Tommy Lee Robertson will be bringing Ihe revival messages. Nell Poole was admitted to ForsyUi Medical Center last week for observa­ tion and ueaimcnt. She Is nowathome. Her husband, Albert Poole, remains in Whiuikcr Care Rehab. Hc has been hospitalized for quite some lime. Belly Jo Carlton has been admitted lo FbisyUi Medical Center for obser- vailonand treatment. AnMRI is sched­ uled for this week. L e a g a n s ’ O O t h B i r t h d a y H o n o r e d Mrs. Dustin Ryan Smith C o z a r t - S m it h C o u p le W e d A t F i r s t M e t h o d is t ^ [ Kelly Marie Cozan and Dustin 5 Ryan Smilh were monied al 4:30 i ;p.m: on Sept. 2 al Firsl United Mclh* odislChurch inMocksviHc.Thc Rev. Charles Turner orflciated. ThebridclslhedaughtcrorDavld f l^ndRosemaryComtofMocksvillc. 1 ~Shc is Ihc granddaughter or Charlie 2 rand Margie Cozart. She graduated E pfrom the. University of North Caro- 5 r.lina at Chapel Hill with a degree in *ix)litical science, and is attending '^Campbelt University Law School, r. • The groom is the son o f E)on and ^Maiy Smilh of Mocksville. Hc is the S ;grandson of Wilbur and Irma Smilh g Germanton. Hc graduated from * V ^ e Technical College with a de> ^ Tgree in computer Infonnaiion sys- 5 [lems. The bride wore an ivory Italian rgown.Thebodiccwas sleeveless wilh a squared neckline. The full skirt had box pleats and was detailed with a : floral embroidery design. The train was semi-calhedral. Thc back of ihc gown was laced up to complete the 'design. 2 She carried a hand>tied bouquet p of multicolored tulips. . Karen Cozart Carpenter was the f 'niaironofhonor.ShannaRacBailcy 5 'was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids j! >vere Angie Hall Bailey and Kelly C Ix a Roberuon of Mocksville: Tif- i jTany Paige Harris o f Charlotte, and I* :Carla Brook Menius of New York i Lciiy-BaileyElizabelhCarpcnier,Haley I* IMichellc Ginlher, and Christina »¡vlarie Cozart served as flower girls. Z Connor David Carpenter was ihc !S •‘ring bearer. • -The groom's fatherservedasbcsi i ’.man. Groomsmen were ErikChris- lopher Smilh o f Burlington. Jason Brian Smilh of Cullowce. Zcbulon Whitley Chamblce Jr. of Raleigh, and Tony Dewaync Smith and Kyle Wendell Bailey of Mocksvillc. Ushers werc Christopher Scotl CarpcntcrofMocksvilleandMichael Kirk Lee of Knoxville. Sarah Bailey of Mocksvillc and LlndaBailey of Advance wercspeak* crs. Thc music was provided by Mike Hendrix, organist, and Angie Blotzer, violinist. Vocalist werc Erin Carter and Kevin Tyner. Thc wedding was directed by Palsy Crenshaw. Program attendants were Heather Kiser and Jason Robertson. Following thc wedding, a dinner and dance reception was held at Ber­ muda Run Country Club. Bob and Sandy Ginlher werc reception greet- crs. Thc rehearsal dinner, hosted by the parents o f thc groom, was held at the home of Bob and Sandy Ginlher. Thc couple w ill reside in Coates, N.C. Pre-Nuptial Évents • A miscellaneous shower was given by thc aunts o f the bride on Aug. 5. hosted by Gayc Smilh. • A couplc's shower was given by friends of thc bride and groom on Aug. 12. hosted by Karen Carpenter. • A stock-ihe-paniry shower was givenby the groom's family on Aug. 13. hosted by Mary Smilh. • A kitchen shower was given on Aug. 20 by Victory Baptist Church. • A bridesmaid’s breakfast was given by Kathi Wall, Anita and Me­ lissa Cozart. Anna Wilson and Lori Frye at thc Village House Restaurant in Clemmons, the morning of ihe wedding. -ErsUJnitedMethodist-Ch 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worship Opportunities; 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study :0:55 am - Traditional Worship Service 'A caring church w ilh a place for you.‘ ^ ÍA - ift' iü- C o u n try C u zzin s i* - i*- t*' }%■ ié. it. »4> SuimiMr Closaout S A L E 8«coml H«iHi Ciothlna C h ild r e n 's lu.T C lo th in t) 1 - '3 AduU 1UT C lo th in « j 3 - '5 ixtcl H.111(1 Only aS4 VALLEY RD,MOCKSVnlE (beside KddiicCRckBakeiy) (336)751-7474 A fcceplion Saturday al Firsl Bap­ tist Church honored Dr. Paul Leagans of Mocksvillc on his 90th birtl\day. Leagans, who lives on Wilkesboro Street wiih his wife, Ihc form er Mary Louise Lakey, is a retired graduate professor with thc Cornell Univer­ sity Extension and Continuing Education pro­ grams. Throughout his career, hc al­ ways believed in the statement. “ Live and leam and pass it on." "I don’t know if I was thc first lo wriie thal staicmeni, bul il just makes sense lo me.” hc said. "Live and leam and pass it on." Thai's exactly what Leagans did. A naiivc of Davic Couniy. hc is callcd the "educator’s educator." Hc Uaincd people lo leach others. He graduated from N.C. Slate University in 1934 wilh a bachelor's degree in agricultural educalion, and look courscs for a master’s in agri­ cultural economics. Hc taught agriculture al Norwood High School in Stanly County, and ser\'cd two years as a couniy agent in Rowan and Alexander counties. Hc Ihen began work with ihe state extension office in Raleigh as assis­ lant program leader and training spe­ cialist. Hc earned his doctorate ihrough a fellowship al Ihe University of Chicago, and his dissertation was cited for excellence. In 1949, Leagans joined the graduate faculty al Comell, helping lo establish a new graduate program providing advanced training in ex­ tension and continuing education at the master's and doctorale levels.} le served as professor and chair of thc deparlinenl. More lhan 3.000 gradu­ ate students took his courses, and more than 300 of those earned ad­ vanced degrees under his direction. He is a professor emeritus at Cornell. Leagans retired from Comell In 1977, and went back to work for the N.C, Extension Service, and retired again in 1987, when he and his wife moved "back home" lo Mocksvillc. ••It’s been a grcal life," he said. ‘Tve really enjoyed it." Leagans slays active in his house and yard, and is a faithful member of the Mocksville Rotary Club. He is on Ihc advisory commiticc for the Davic Leadership program. ■■ f Stephen and Wendy Dunn of Advance announce the b irth of th e ir firs t ch ild , a daughter, Hannah Elizabeth Dunn, born August 17,2000 at Forsylh Medi­ cal Center. She weighed 8 lbs. 11.8 oz. and was 21 Inches long. M aternal grandparents are Ntikc and Shirley W iiUard of Yad­ kinville. Fhtem al grandparents arv Hubert and Norma Jean Dunn of Advance. G E T T H I S T H R O U G H V O U R H E A D . StiHIng Odoiier 2; (704) 210-5000 will bt our MW main numb« Phoie ail Hlo nodi any deportniMrt, ofAn 01 potienl loom In tlw modiai cantor. Until OchAer 2, plwHO (ontinue to all the lame numbm you'w always used to rwidi us. RCWAN REGIONAL è l i NeduviUe кщ • SeUikwY/ К M I4 4 • (Ю4) 2104000 MEOiCALCEKTER ÜW S om B vlbttl Ifakbam. www.rowafl40rg : DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000-C3 C H A M B E R F O C U S F U R N IT U R E Milling Rond, Mocksvillo, NC 7 5 1 - 5 2 6 2 Get... - Lightning Fail ConneeUoni No Buty Signal* Eaiy Stiup Haail* Free Support SUIe-oMhe*Art TKhnology G antt I реж ю м т.11кс. 965YndkinvilloRd. Mocksville, NC R. Scott Gimtt 336-751-GANT liBiephone (336) 998-2427 DR. JERRY HAUSER FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY Otllc« Houti 135 M edical Drive By Appolnlmeni Advance, North Carolina 27006 в ш Ш can täl tve m n ty o u rbusiiwss. Since 1872 ll9GaiihcrSlrccl. Mwksvilte,NC 751-5951 Willow Oak Shi>pping Center, Mocksvillc. NC 751*5956 Л Ш * ^ o e t e r ’ e > 3 ^ 3 ) e f o c lc r a 171 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336-751-2737 Margaret Foster, Owner Bank of DAVIE Member FDIC ^3661íeh»rayai^lh-MMhdisvMailí m m F u n e r a l H o m e •Funerals •Demaiions • Prc-Arraigcmcnis •Insurance • Monuments • Nouiy 635 Wilkesboro Succi Mocksvillc. NC (336)7S1-U00 Davie Comty Tuesday, September 2 6 Pudding Ridge G olf Club - Mocksville 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start “Caddy’s Choice” Format F e a tu r in g C a d d ie s fr o m T h e V an tag e C h a m p io n s h ip A s Y O U R T eam C a p ta in ____________________C l ____________________ T itan iu m S p o n s o r s Carolina Drilling & Blasting Trim, Inc. G r a p h ite S p o n so rs.Central Carolina Bank EnergyUnited • Sprint H o s p ita lity S p o n s o r s Caldwell Personnel Services Hillsdale Dental • V F Jeansvt^ear Vulcan M aterials Com pany 1 C lo s e s t-to -th e P in F u n d e r A m e r ic a , I n c . .G H o le -in -O n e W e s t s id e C h r y s le r / D o d g e / J e e p Players of all levels are invited to tee-tip for this fun cdmpetition! I n d iv i d u a l P l a y e r F e e - $ 1 2 5 p e r p e r s o n (includes green fees, cart, range balls, dinner, goodie bag and prizes) T e a m E n t r y - $ 6 2 5 p e r 5 -p e r s o n a m a te u r tea m Call the Chamber today to sign-up - 751-3304 iikelplace)-------------SdivitieS"! CHAMBER PLANNING MEETING SCHEDULED In November, the Chamber Board of Directors will meet to plan and prioritize fer^ 00 fand^ yo ndr^ o rM issron M racii^ ance1teT f?ieresisT )ftfie— j - busness community, enhance the quality o f life for the people ofD avie County, promote a strong local economy and provide services and programs form em lm . Comments or suggestions from the community are welcome. Please Identify ISSUES and/or NEEDS the Chamber might address in its Plan of AcUon for2001 and forward your suggestions to: , Davie Co. Chamber of Commerce, 107NorthSaiisbuiyStreet, Moclcsville.NC 27028 ^ O U / ’ Davie Medical Equipment 806 N. Main St • Mocksville 336-751-4Ó88 ^ A B L E S T STAFFINO В E в V I С E 8 336-751-4414 M ocksville J THE PHONE PLACE “CELLUUR SPECIALIST- (336) 751-2626 CELLULAR PHONES PAGERS m IH pol Slrect M odwville, N C 27028 ? J ï t t ïÎ B Eaton’s Funeral Home 325 N . M a in S l. M ocksviHe, N C 27028 336-751-2148 HOWARD R E A L T Y Residential & Commercial Sales Property Management ph: 336-751 3S38 fu: 336-7S1-7632 or visit our web silc at www.howardrcalty.com C C B 148 W. Wüter Street Mocksvillc. NC 27028 • 751^261 IM7 Yadkinville RoaJ Mocksvillc. NC 27028 •751^261 Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee. NC 27014 • 284-2542 121 N.Main St. Mocksvillc, N.C.27028 (336)751-3418 DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 VaUey Rd., Mocksville, NC Î6-751-3111 "Our Family Serving YourFmily" YDIIR ШМКЕГОМГМ П1Ш Ш Ю Ш INGERSOLL-WAND. АП COMPRESSORS M ocksville. NC 27028 DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRI/^ECORD WHI.COVIM>OiONNraHâM>VBHBIMO : р.авох9»' 171 South Main Sc, Modavit, NC 270U plKm(3M) 751-2129 Idc'(]M ) ni-*7<0 P>thm P iw iH ë i. Iiic¿ 68 Court Square • Suite 201 • Mocksville, NC ' Dlaiw M. Fottnr • O w iM r/lnktr Имм/fcx 33é>7SI.013l V ■ ; v , ■ ' ' I I I ' ' ■ C4-DAVIE COUNTY ЕМТЕКРШ8Е RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 Ш S 1 N i ! S S Whitney’s Flooring Adds New Store, Offers Special Fall Flooring Promotion Fall Into savings on hard surface llooring at Whitney Flooring In Clemmons. To celebrate the opening ol their new store at 1039 Burke Stroel, Winston-Salem, Whitney’s has joined with several manufacturers lo offer outstanding savings on hardwood, laminate, ceramic, vinyl and carpel llooring Ihroughout Ihe fall selling sea­ son. Take advantage of substantial rebates on laminate llooring Irom Fom ka and Mannlngton. Guaranteed lor a lull 15 years, no floor covering Is as easy to maintain or Install as plank and tile laminate llooring. Be sure to checkout Ihe award winning Ceramix® CoHectkjn Irom Formica and the rustic wood reproductions in Ihe beaulHul Heirloom® Collection Irom Mannlngton. The patterns are so realistic you won't believe that they're not ceramic tile or hard­ wood llooring. II you're in the market for hardwood floors, drop by Whitney's and sea the new line of prefinished hardwood designs in 3/4" solid wood, Longslrip, floating, square-edged hardwood floors, or Ihe new 5" wide rustic Artson Plank series from Harris-Tarkelt. Take advantage of store-wide savings on beautiful hardwood floors that feature a 25-year surface wear warranty, backed by the best in- staliation sendees around. Whitney's is also proud to announce the arrival of the new line ol Nalco 1/8" solid vinyl no wax luxury tile designs and wood grain planks. These exciling products offer a greal cost efficient altemalive to no-wax sheet vinyl with unlimited design potential. Mix together different style tiles, tiles of varying sizes, or combine grain planks with marble look tiles lo make that special design state-' ment. The new lina of no-wax luxury vinyl tiles from Nafco are ex­ tremely Indention and gouge resistant with a commercial equiva­ lent wear layer. One ol Ihe hottest new product entries In many years, these superior performing vinyl tiles run aboul what you'd expect to pay lor a better sheet vinyl floor, but offer so much more durability. Check out Whitney’s sale pricing on these products and you'll see why they are becoming so popular with consumers. Don’t forget to shop Whitney's lor the new fall colors and de- Whilney Flooring now has locations in Cllmmons and Winston- Salem signs in wall lo wall carpets and area rugs. See why people have trusted the Whitney name for professional carpet installations for over 50 years. Whitney Flooring In Clemmons is located at 5919-C James Street, off Highway 158, across from BellSouth. Business hours are Monday-Friday 1 №6, and Saturday,' 10-2. The phone number at the Clemmons store is 766-0733. Their new location, 1039 Burke Street, Winston-Salem, Is 748-8589. Drop by and see what’s new lor Ihe lail in llooring and take advantage ol all the great promo­ tions at Whitney Flooring. • Advertising Promolion ■ WeVeNot Just ‘Sooixr’ AnyMot«! Our New Name SPORTS re ®" ■ ^ ■18 ETC. VOVH шроттш EXPERTS M M la t r im llM lM iin o n a m . 7 6 6 - 1 1 1 4 Mon.-Fri. 10.-30-6;5at.9-5 .V IN G Visii Our New Showroom! • Plaques ■ Awards • Name Plates • Badges • Qlfts 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Suite B, Clemmons mvw.QCBnsmving.coin (336) 766-0695 Hum: Mon.-hn. StJO-MO 25<S50UC.lor7Kd. suiirt:ClframotB 0(Т1/«Ь«йЫЪпом1 Rl , (BduilAlVunUwUi ..........' " JJ6-77M 6W Mel«u 5<алк) • I-:uen\i«c Traxunf KridiuiùlJinjrf • II )п. i:ip.KuATraìnin| Ш|С WilvM'SoJiunm. |липч>еТп1п1п| Hu»y li>ifn4*eTfainint lliilr. N.ills. I pDd's Crowder М^Ощпеу < M s s o c i a t e s q Y o u r llo m c lD w ii R e a lto r 2265-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 IMPRESSION^ Personalize Towels, Fashiont & Morel Tcan) Logos • Bu-sincM Shirts and Uniforms WcCairyNC-Madc Afghaas *"No job too big or too smdr QUICK DEUVERY C A U JANE *712^ 3 'ШиоаетпЕ Tirestone » H A N O B K Lee Tires GEORGE’S MIchelin Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lswlsvllle-Clemmons Road, Clemmons ________ 766-7862 ________ B e h n u d a M i i i i ’ tS e lf-S to ra g e . 0 iii-9 9 S -9 6 6 t / Climale Control✓ 24 hr Computerized Gale / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security ✓ Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance EVERYDAY U U S e n io r C itize n * O iM o u n t* SlMKir'lMy c to iM N a c m s M i СиШмл СМИ Malm ■Hit, Ikm isa Mm Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clcmmons Rd /66-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 INDMDUAIXYYOU, Inc. Massage Package of 4 . / Sessions a t M O » « м и and raealv* I ^ I I U h U s s a o k («B0~ Vataal «Г «Г* OfV ONI M M SM B WIIH СОШЧЖ : WcrtvraodVlage Shopping Centa-,Clenmions 76M474 t a î.fs ïî, Italian Family Restaurant Subs - Pasta - Pizza - Win.»s TanilewocJ Shopping Cfr • HiiisJjie Oifit? In • Td(\e ÛUÎ 336 940 678/ • Fax 336 940 6786 Second Chance Consignment 223SCoingl2etllil>Ailvijntf 940-3132 fo x ¿ u z xtfo n c ft Women's Ck>lM.^i. Fumltuiie. Soull MvllMce«. Booti. U K U u n is .U C R i.T V t,flM iw tt №: Fim WIiS, L-lollimon, № ln , I/I milt • Fm B0IS,I!CniioIw,2.Sm1«oiiIÌ< DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RF.CORD, Sept. 14,2000 - CS U G L Y R O O F S T A I N S REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOKII Nation’s largos) & Oldest Roof Stain Rcmovors R o o f - B r i t e ^З З в -7 в 1 -0 9 9 9 A R K V O L I IN P A IN ? F R E E E X A M IN A T IO N F!nd Out FREE If I Can Help Your.• Ootk Poln • A»th»lt(* • Auto Injufy> MtfOdoch« • Shouldat Pain • AtmAag Poin• N«k Poln «Hip Poln • SpoitiNutlot M»«. mMU f.ai FOSTER CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC, P.C.STM Cl«— ow» M ., C lw cnoiw , NC 778-2242 0« . a. Bcon po*™«. B.C. C N A ’s Como |oln our growing homo healih agency. Home health experience preferred. Full lime/parl lime posllions available. Great work environment, competitive pay. For appointment coil: 7 2 2 - 1 4 7 0 or apply in person tO: In Home Care 1042 West 25th Street Winston-Salem In Home Care is an equal opportimity employer. IHom e *CARE Whitney Flooring H ourii M o n . « F M . 1 0 * 6 S a t . 10-2 Specializing In Carpet» Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floora & Renniahlng Counter Tops Laminated Floors 7 6 6 ^ 7 3 3 20Yeafs Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC li:sü l» ^ -l 5919-G James St. Jaiie says: m o M c g n t A nH auear' ^ : Ortmutm! Fmmttmtm Up To SO S OFF <• DfmlmgRoomu From Cmllformla U fo tty lo a > SfMiiararMjr H m ttro u 50% o n ^ K o m M r o o m MaHom From Cmttfoimlm U fo a tflo a B uy From Floor Or O rd o rn o m Cmtmlog Sal. Sun. 12:30-a Locaied In J h e O k i O en u n cx isS d io ci 3550 Oemmons Road (Next to the Qemmons Libnry) (336) 778-2700 Barry Zimmerman H.B. ‘Buck’ PAYNE S t o p b y t o s e e u s When It comes to Insurance, we want lomoiie your lila easier. J^ cross the area, Ihe Farm Bureau Insurance Companies provide drivers wilh Ihe peace of mind that Ihey have adequate coverage on Iheir automobiles. .We also back up our Auto Insurance customers with prompt, professional allentlon, and fast, fair claims service. So, if It's Aulo Insurance, or Home or Life prolecllon you need, call loday for a na-obligallon review. HELPING YOU is what we do best. 8070 Styara Farry Road Lawlavlla (О М М Г e t IM . A IM 4 S t) 76fr9099 F a a H » a i« l T " H a r r y P o t t e r ’s H o g w a r t s A t D a v i e L i b r a r y At(cmi0[i|childrcn 12 and under Scplcmbcr is Library Cord Sign Up Time. Each lime you use your library card in September your name will go into Q box for a drawing for (ickcls lo sec Thomas the Tank Engine during his vlsil lo the Spcnccr Transportation Museum in Octobcr. Enter Harry Potter's Hogwart's SchooiorMaglc-Friday, Ocl. 13,4-6 p.m. Workshopis limited to ihird grade and above. There is a 36-pcrson limit, so please call lo sign up. 751 -2023. ЛИ parlicipanL4willnecdlobringabroom. Dr. Elliott Engel will present "Tlie Inimitable Winston Churchill" ot the libraiy at 7 p.m., Tliursday, Nov. 2. Preview Dr. Engel with his video or audiocassettcs on display at the li­ brary. Some of Ihe new ixwks at Davic County I>ublic Library. 371 N. Main St., Mocksviilc; Non-Flclton ... . Tlie Blacksmilh: Ironworker and Farrier TlicCumino:AJoumcyorthcSpirit - Shirley MacLaiiJC Don't Mukc Me Slop This Cm!; Adventures in Fatherhood • Al Rokcr Ifs Nol Alwut Ihe Bike: My Jour­ ney Biick to Life • Lance Amistnjng rtfty Years of Collectible Glass, 1920-1970: Easy Idcntillcalion and Price Guide Got Milk? Ham Radio Made E;Lsy! Relationship Rescue: A Seven Step Slralegy for Rcconnecling Wilh Your Piuincr Tlie SmiUvsonian Book o f North American Mammals Word Smart Genius Edition: Era- dition al Your Fingertips Fiction Tlie Black Rose • Tananarive Due By Force of Anns - James Nelson Dovcy Coe - Francos Dowell Tlie Early Stories of Louisa May Alcott, 18S2-I860 RregolU * Dia Cullwun Tlie Fourth World - Dennis Danvers Tlie Gulbuckcl Quest - Piers An­ thony Marrying the Mistress - Joanna Тп)11оре Round Robin ■ Jennifer Chiavcrini To Kill the Pope-Tud S/ulc Tlic librar>' axx'ivcd adonat ion from Edward andJcanGriffininmcmoryof Eloisc Stephens. Donations in memory of Fred Crabb have been made by: Lester and Elizabeth Martin, Glcnna and Andrew Lagle, William and Betty Hall, Ani ta P. Long. Jessie und George Reichert, Joseph and Rosemarie Voyles, Colccn and Wayne Dull. A donation in mcmoryofMargaret Snwot - was made by Davic County Rciircd School Personnel. Dovle Counly Public Library hours: Monday-Thursday,9a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Friday 9 o.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sutur- days 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Phone: 751-2023. Coolcemi'o Dronch hours: Mon­ day noon-6 p.m.;Tuesday-Friday 10 П.Ш.-5 p.m. (Closed for lunch from 12:30-1:30); Saiunlay 9 a.m.-noon. dosed Sunday. Phone: 284-2805. Four Corners News HI, my nome Ì.i David Jncob Mabe. I cvlvhmtcd my h t blrth- day on S«pl. 6,2000. M y mommy and duddy, David and Erìn Mube, fave me a bÌRbirthdoy party at my Jiouse Saturday, Sepl. 2,2000 witli my friends and fumlly. By M iirle White Four Comers Conv.s|X)mlont Mr. and Mrs. Billy Shellon enter- laincU f;uwUy lU a cwkoul al lUclr lK)ine Saiunlay. Sept. 2. Tlmstf enjoy­ ing the ixrcasion wilh llwm were Mrs. Rolvil Crafl of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs.Ten^ Cnift and chiMrcn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe While. Mr., and Mr. Miiik White and Jessica, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith. Mrs.Ten^- Hamm. Mr. and Mr. L.S. Shellon Jr.. Mr.andMr>. Dow Pender ami Emily, Mr. and Mrs. Cimdy Beck. Greg Bcck. and Mr. and Mrs. Batry Smilh. Mrs. Kenny Smilh, and Mrs. Terry llanuii allended the wedding of Mel- iss;i Lynn Bracken and Kent Jason Womlward Saturday afternoon at Tanglewixxl. Mr. and Mrs. U*onanl Shelton and Abby I'crgerson have relumed home after spending .several days al Myrtle Beach. John Hugh Shelton is seriously ill and nectLs our continued prayers. MrTi. Johnsie Shellon altended a binhdaysuppcrforMrs. Peggy Shelton at her home Satunlay night. Othcni attending were Con and Rainada Shellon and boys, Shelby Walker. Bobby Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Nissert and William, and Ms. Sarah Owings. Porter-Nichols Engagement October Wedding Planned Sieve unti Diane Liveng(xxl0f Advancc and Junior PuncrofNorthWilliCstxiro announce Ihe cnsatemcnl of Ihcir daughler. Amy Michelle Porter Io Slevcn Chad Nichols, ihe son of Derrick and Tcn;sa Niclmis of Mocksvillc. The hridc-clcci is a 1998 graduale of Davie High Schtxil. She is employed wilh Alinosi Home Dayean;. Tlie gnxim-lii-bc is a 1 Wfi graduale uf Davic High School. He is employed willi Fa’igliilincr. Tlie wedding is planned for Ocl. 14 al lllaisc Haplisl Churvh in Mocksville. Lexington Couple Announce Birth Joe and April Bryant of Lexington. Maternal grandparents are Pat Gre- N.C.. announce the birth of Iheir firsl gory of Mock-svilleand Melvin Dull of child, Luke Marshall Bryant, on Aug. Mocksviilc. Maternal greal-grandpar- 27,2000.. ents are John and Polly Gregory of PaiemalgrandpaienLsiueJamcsand McKksvtUe. Peggy Bryant of Le.xingion. в V I s i l i i S I s F a r m B u r e a u I n s u r a n c e A g e n t s P a y n e , Z im m e r m a n O f f e r E x c e l l e n t P r i c e s , S e r v i c e When it comes lo insurance, Frederick Lee does not lose any sleep at nigtit. His cars and tiome are Insured by Farm Bureau. "I am very satislied with their service and price," said Lee, a master chel at Bemardin’s Fine Dining in Winston-Salem. He commends the excellent lob done by agents H.B. "Buck" Payne and Barry Zimmerman In their Lewisville office and states that he has had his insurance with them lor the past live years. They do a really good job,' said Lee. Buck Payne, a 29-year veteran agent, says that Farm Bureau has an A* rating Irom A.M. Best, an indepSndent insurance rating com­ pany. He and agent Barry Zimmerman, who holds a marketing degree Irom Appalachian State, write policies lor auto, home, business, lile, health, long-term care, and variable or fixed annuities. "Every kind ol Insurance that you need, we can do," said Payne. “We are a one-stop shopping lor all ol your insurance." Payne and Zimmerman write lile Insurance policies that protect lami­ nes In the event ol an untimely death. Term insurance, which does not build equity but Is Iradilionaiiy much less expensive. Is one type ol life Insurance ottered. The Fami Bureau agents also write whole lile poli­ cies, which build equity and have cash value II Ihe policy is discontin­ ued. They also do universal lile insurance, which features adjustable premiums based on the amount contributed, thal builds cash value as well. rates with agents Payne and Zimmerman. ■We have great rates lor teenage drivers," said Zimmerman. He notes that Fami Bureau waives first-time accidents less than St ,500 and speeding tickets less than nine miles per hour over the limit. "We are very competitive (with rates) lor teen drivers with good records," Zimmerman said. Agents Payne and Zimmerman offer excellent health Insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield. One package. Blue Advantage, features a $20 co-payment on office visits and includes a drug card co-payment ol $10 per generic prescription or $20 per brand name prescription. A “coinsurance” package Is also available with Blue Cross, which pays BO percent ol major medical costs alter the deductible Is met. The plan's costs decrease, depending upon which deductible is pre- len’ed. Call Buck Payne or Barry Zimmerman for a free estimate on U n iversity*A U TO SALES ^ Wash & Wax, Interior Cleaning, Motors Steam Cleaned, Full Detailing WéLook FonmrdTb Doing Business mh ibul Specializing In Lale Modei Low-MBeage Cars CameBy Tb Check OurPricesOrCat (338) 7 6 6 -3 .0 0 8 Fax 766-7004 25SS O ld a io ry Road, C lam m on* IBeslde Sagebrush! Johnny W hito, Smiom Buck PayneBony Zimmerman your health care needs. Bureau, the third largest writer ol auto Insurance In North Caro­ lina. But they say their best benefit to their clients Is their commit­ ment to service. “We will come lo your home,” said Zimmerman. "We will take time to explain all Ihe details and choices of your policy.” “We pul our clients first,” said Payne. Stop by Ihe Lewisville ollice lor a no^ost, no obligation review ol your Insurance and receive a Iree Fann Bureau hat 11 you men­ tion this article. Why pay mote lor your insurance? Visit Buck Payne or Barry Zimmemnan at the Farm Bureau office, conveniently located In the Lewisville Comers Shopping Center at the Intersection of Lewisville- Clemmons Road and Highway 421 In Lewisvilte; or call them at (336) 766-9099 for a Iree quote today. -Advertising Promotion • The Computer Solution 'The Computer Solution lias trained staff to help with all of your computer needs. SUPPORT ^ R€PAIRSUPGRAOeS Wt Do HouMteallMl ItMCpmputHSolutkxi Ma<k>vlll«,NC2702* MCodctSqu.1« (336)751-»«W D u Jour Specializing in All Natural Bath & Body Products Available at Back to Basics, 766-6S6S located beside K’Mm OR SoapDu Jour's new retail shop at 704 Brookstown Ave., next door to Rainbow Cafe open I IS Wed. through SaL 723-8800 I h e l d e a l L i v i n g A n a n g e m e n t , B io o k s to n e T E R R A C E Bfookitone Te m c e , a small Senior Communily. bringing a personal touch to a warm, exclusive home-like environment for Senior and Senior Couples who need assistance wilh their doily activities. Our Philosophy Just bccausc a senior adult may need a little assistance with their daily living' aaivUles doesn't mean ü\at tliey require nursing home care. Our scrviccs are designed to provide BrookstoneTcmcc ttsidents wilh Individualized care to meei their needs, and for their convcnictwe, thus enabling them to trad the most . Independent lifestyle possible. Our goals are to promote independence and provide a wellneu program which enhances the phytkal, mental and ц)1Нша1 needs each individual. 1-40 B lit 114 BROOKSTom TERRACE i . Ovnnont U« Brookstone TERRACE RESIDENT IAL GARE Mie свиптысьммп жгяо зж*ё^оов 33U7tá-Maa C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 S e n io r J o b S l< ills W o r l< s h o p T o B e g in I n O c t o b e r Sensor Cl^zcns who >vould like to rclum to work or Slart thcir own busi­ ness uftcr retirement should plan (o attend the Senior Job Skills Workshop on Thursday, Ocl. 12, beginning at 9 o.m. al Bermuda Run Country Club. An opening speaker will kick off the day, followed >by smaller work­ shops and 0 job fair where scnioi^ con leam o f employment opportunities. Tentativesession topics includc: "Pro* fcssionalism In the Workplace" (Inter­ view techniques and lips for a profes­ sional appcarance): "De Your Own Boss" (Start Your Own Business); Tmding YourNiche" (Assessing your skills and interests, and teaming about fmancialassistancefor training tohelp you find the pcrfecl job). There Is no charge, bur pre-regis­ tration is required before Oct. 6 by calling the Davie County Senior Cen­ ter at (336)751-0611. This Is a joint effort between the DavieCounty SeniocCcnler.lhcNoith- west Piedmont Council of Govern­ ment Area Agency on Aging and Workforce Development. V i a l O f L if e A v a il a b l e A t D a v ie S e n i o r C e n t e r The Vial o f Life provides emer­ gency personnel a mcihod of finding your medical information quickly should Ihcy need to respond to a medi­ cal emergency al your home. Extreme 2000 MusicalToBeAt Sandy Springs The Sanily Springs Singers anii Youlh will present Extreme 2000 at Sandy Springs Church on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. The musical features contempo­ rary Christian songs made famous by such artists as Steven Curtis Chapman, Point of Grace, FFH, Rich Mullins, and Chris Rice. The youlh o f the church w ill also present skits during the musical. The Vial of Life is free and may be DavieCounty Hospital,ortho Hillsdale plckcd up at the Davic County Senior Family Practice. Center, Rostcr-RauchPhamiacy, Davie The Vial of Ufe is .'¡ponsoted by; County Health Department, Bennuda Foslet-RauchPharmacy,DavieCounty Village, Cooleemee Family Practice,' Senior Ccnlcr nnd Healthy Catolin- Harris-Sanders Wedding September 16 In Mocksville Rebecca S. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. D. Eugene Harris, both ofMocksvillc, announce ihccngagcnKmofihcirdaughlcr,Renee Can»UoMichioSandcre,si>n of Y'onc Coleman OfMocksvillc and Rimald L Coleiriaii of Clemmons. The bride-elect is a graduate of Davic High and U)uisburg College. The groom-lo-bc is agnvduale of Bradford High, Kem^sha. Wisc.They Uuhown and operate Ihe Clemmons Chevron. The wedding is planned for Sept. 16, at Holy Cross Lutheran church In Mocksvillc. • Elizabeth Meyer w ill celebrate her 16th birthday September 15. Elizabelh is a sophomore ot Notre Dame Academy in I*ark Hills, Ky. Shee(\]oysiceskating,cheerleading, and the youth group ut Immanuel United Methodist Church. She b the daughter of Larry and Janice MeyerofLakeside Park, Ky. Her grandparents ore Mrs. Naida Green of Port Richey, Fla.; great* grandmother is Mrs. Walter Meyer of Marengo, Wise., and Ruth and Cecil Cartner of Mocksville. Í CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Susan Sykes Chiropractic Physician WHIPLASHES OCCUR AT ALL SPEEDS WilplQih li also kno^n os ceivicol occefaotkm/deccleraSon (CAD) Itoum a iyndrone, relwiig lo me lopid movcmeiil! Ihol con ¡fifje It« vHlebios of 11» necl ond ItwrncdeiondlgomwDIMsijrocilttiem." ocanwimieaend outomiUe cofekins «iBi It» heads of ttioss In 11» IronI ca ore suddenly snopped bock ond lorth by ItM tapocl, Peopte ollen ossoclole highei spieds wilh wtilploih, Howevet al Im« speeds con olso couupoinU domoge. Oiioptoclic lectiniqijos oi6 veiy wel-sjied lo leleving It» neck pdn ond Ota physicol edocli ol whiptoiti. Bepeolod ettcixaclic opjustmeiils tave proved to be success»! lof Ihousonds of pollenli. Chlioptoclois con leslag nwvemeni kxl afler llie ocddenl, overcome muscle weokness and enhonce muscle tone. Iiaslen lecovety, and deoeose chronic iymptomsltul con peoiil or tecu over many yeon Aifet 0 tiouiKjtlc incMail ¡udi o on outomoble acddenl. people may have considefatile emoliond stioii added lo It» physicol pdn. ki mosi instanceii cNropiactic cat Sgriiconlly reduce It» potierts' dslresi ease Ihe* menld wfleiiig ond alow Ihem lo be a№loielumlo Iheir doiyocMes -Advance- Chiropractic CLINIC Hillsdal‘; irofessional Park _^^_¿ uitt300¿ 9 9 8 ¿ 7 5 5 _ _ t ians. Fbrnrorcinfonnalion.callthe Davic County Senior Ccnlcr at (336) 751- 06U. Pino News By Noni Latham HnoCoiTcspondcnt The breakfast at Wesley Chapel church will be this Saturday, Sept. 16. Serving bcgins6:30-l0a.m.Thcrcwili be country ham, sausage, eggs, sau­ sage gravy, grits. bisculLs, and baked apples. The cost is $5 and everyone is encouraged to attend. The proceeds go toward the new fellowship hall to be built in the future. Tbe Wesley Chapel UM W had thcir monlhlymcetingonWednesday.Scpt. 6, at the home of Louise Dill, with seven members present. President Dewilla Smilh presided and also had an interesting program about living in a global village. C o r n a t z e r N e w s By Dottle Potts Coroal/.er Concspomlent Our communiiy expresses sympa­ thy to tl)c families of Aaron Carter and W illie Mae Jones in ihe death of Ihcir sisier-in'Iaw, Pauline Carter Shanks. Bob Rase is scheduled to return home from Baptist Hospital Tuesday, Sept. l2.ancrbclngcriticaUyiU forthe past ivst) weeks. Brady Barney is having ircaliiKnt forpneuiirania and other symptoms in Fbreyth Hospilal. He has slightly im­ proved. Several from our communiiy at­ tended the (lea inaikel in HtUsviUc, Va. Labor Day weekend. Among those were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fr)c and boys. Kcilh Fr)c, and Polly Lamb. Jones-Greene Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jones of MiKk.sville announce the engagement o f Iheir daughter, Kelly Melissa Jones, to Phillip Martin Greene, the son of Rex Ga'cne of Wilkesboro and Christine Grccnc of RIkin. The bride-elect is a 1995 graduate of Davie High Sch(X>l and earned a degree in child development and elcmeniary education from Meredith Col­ lege. She is a kindergarten teacher at Reedy Creek Hlementary Sch(X)l In Cary. The groom-to-be is a 199-4 graduate of Hlkin High Schotil and earned a degree in industrial engineering fn>m N.C. Slate University. He iscorporate account manager with Gateway Computers. The wedding w ill be Ocl. 7 al Holy Family Catholic Church In Clem- M.D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y CamgMod!cakiPro\idorlOf20yoafs Now OB patients wolcom e at ony stage of pregnancy Free P r e g n a n c y Tests Wo vvill assist your opplicatlon lor prognancy- . rolatod Modicaid covorago at no loo. PoHenI moy deliver ot either Statesville hospital IZteDavloAvonue' Stiitesvllle,NC 70M73-143S - Oa.m.toSp.m.dally Dr. Tom Ratton • D e n tu r e s • E x tr a c tio n s • M e d ic a id a n d In s u r a n c e 4 0 1 W . C e n te r S tre e t & W illia m s S tre e t L e x in g to n , N .C . (3 3 6 ) 2 4 8 - 2 1 1 0 (3 3 6 ) 2 4 8 -2 5 3 9 I M a n a a h 's O lo s e t ш л е я в ш а т ш е nU/WIHTER •ponsortd by Hannah Circle First United Methodist Church • Mocksvllle R o w a n O B / G Y N A s s o c i a t e s a n d R o w a n R e g i o n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r W e l c o m e D r . H e l e n M a l o n e ^ • Pennsylvania Stale UnivcRiiy - llachclors degree in chcmlsiry ' * University oi Virginia School of Mcdicinc '• Ohio Slate Univenily Hospilal- obstcirics/gynecology rcsidcncy . ■ . • Boaal eligible In obstetrics/gynecology Rowan OB/CYN Associates Kiser Medical Officc Duilding 911 W. Henderson Strcel, Suile 300 Salisbury. N0281-14 (704)636-9270 R o w a n R e g i o n a l M edical C entir Your Sourcc For Total Healthcare. s^’ww.tuwan.org The old Food Lion Building Across from First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street • Mocksville, NC Featuring good quality used fall and winter chlldnn’8 clothing, shoes, toys, books, furniture and , iMby Items, maternity clothing. % DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - C7 S c h o o l B u s S a f e t y A n d R u l e s A r e V e r y I m p o r t a n t Schools and parents ofìen stress the rules of safety for riding llw school bus. All of us who rode the bus to school can remember the drill well • do not stand lo exit until the bus comes to a complete stop, keep head and hands ln.side the bus windows,_ dó nót block the aisle or emergency exit, slay sealed, do not yell, keep your hands to yourself, and so on. But no emphasis is put on the safely rules for the bus stop before and a(\er school. Statistics from the School Bus Safety Education Unit show that , more children an; killed getting on or off the bus than when Involved In an accident while riding Ihc school bus. In fact. North Carolina is tied for the second place In these type fatalities during 1998-1999 school year. The national average n»c hy 80 perccnl over the previous scIkxjI year, making a loial of 18 fatalities last year, 13 of those were 5,6, and 7-year-old children. Just what does our school do to stress the Importance of bus safety to our children? * Pam Jewel, assistant principal at Comalzer Elementary, stales, "Wc do an entire unit on bus safety ten days into the school year with alt our sludenLv.Then In Octobcr, w c ........ participate in National School’ Bus Safely Week. It Is a nicc refresher and reinforces our previous lesson." When asked spccirically about bus slop rules and up to what age parcnts should accompany children to the bus stop, she said, "Well. I feel lhal lhc children could benefit from an adult presence at all ages • wc cncouragc parents to bccome involved as much as possible." But whal docs being involved mean? The National Highway TralTlc Safely Administration has many suggestions on several levels. Parents can stress the safety rules ‘ at home. Review what your child has been taught aboul .safely on tlw bus and add your own rules as needed. D i m m i g School bus safely is an Important part of an overall safe schools plan. For example, tell your child all items must be placcd in a book bag, this wiil reduce Ihe chance lhat Items can be dropped in fronI of, behind, and under the bus. Teach your child lhal if they cannot .see Ihe bus driver . A- il Davie High Flag Squad l^embers of the 2000 Davie High School flag team include, from left: seated - Co-Cap- taln Libby Jones, Mascot Kristin Ferebe, Captain Anna l.ee; middle - Meredith Shaffer, Shalanda Brown, Ashley Boswell, Katie Smith, Kristie Vogler, Magon Lane; back - Martha Harris, Andrea Burgio, Kristin Sauerbrun, April En/in, Kylie Poole. _____________________________________________________ - Photo by Robin Ferguson S h ilo h B a p t is t H o m e c o m in g A n d R e v i v a l T o B e H e l d T h is S u n d a y Donald R.Jenkins.|xislorofShiloh Baptist Church. 544 E. Depot St., Mocksville, announces the 115th An­ nual Hon)ccoming and Revival Ser­ vices. The homecoming ser>lce will be held Sept. 17. Dinner will be served in Smith-Groce Fellowship Hall at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Norman Dudley, pastor ofMt.NcboBaplistChurch,Harmony, . his choir and congregation will be In chorgc of the afternoon service. Dudley Is a native of Baltimore, M^Jt\.\9 fflhc flcctipictl JcsH^Chrisu ‘ os his personal Savior and received ■ Christian baptism in 1960 at Comer- ' stone Baptist Church In Baltimore. ; Aflerscrvingfourycarsofactivcduty wilh the U.S. A ir Force, Dudley con- linucd his education at theCommunity College and Coppin Stale College in Baltimore. Al Coppin he was honored for being the first student lo earn the Coppin SiaieCcrtincate in Philosophi­ cal Theology. He wasemployed for 35 yeans with Social Security Adminis­ tration. In 1992 hc was eal led to pastor Mt. Nebo Boptist Church in Hamiony. In Statesville and Ircdcll counties, Dudley is associated with several or­ ganizations. Among these are Sickle Cell and Habitat for Humanity. While Dudley has hrrn in^orth-C ^liroha- Sept. 18.22fll7;30.m.ThcRev.Bobby J. Milton, a native of Brown Summit, will be the evangelist for the week. Milton has pasiored several churches in the area: Shady Grove Baptist Church, Pelham; Rising Ebenezcr Baptist Church, Winston-Salem; and is full-time pastor at Boxwood Baptist Church, Davic County. Hc attended GrccnsboroBibicCollege.Hehasbccn married for 48 years to the former Dorothy Brown of Brown Summit. They arc Ihc parents of six children. either directly or in the side mirror of the bu.s, the driver cannot see them. Tell your child lo stand off Ihc road by at least six feet, even in housing developments, while waiting on the bus. Wait until the bus slops Judd Receives Design Degree Karyn L. Judd of Advancc re­ ceived an A.S. in Interior Design from Randolph Community College at the graduation ccrcmony August 12 at Ashcboro High School football stadium. Five hundred and thirty-two stu­ dents were awarded some type of degree, diploma, or certificate from Randolph Community College this year. Arcceptionforgraduales and thcir guests was held at the college fol­ lowing the ceremony. Local Students At Garner-Webb Garner-Webb University held summer 2000graduationccrcmonics August 5 on the GWU campus. The following students from Davie County werc awarded degrees: Kim Riley Beauchamp of Ad­ vance received an M.B.A in Busi­ ness Administration; Jeffrey MichacI Foster of Mocksville received a B.S. in Social Sciences; and Harold Loyd Rollins of Mocksville received an M.A. in Agency Counseling. Life Chain Will Form October 1 On Oct. 1, the Christian commu­ nity will participate In the 1 Olh Annual Life Chain, which will be held in over SOOcilics throughout the United States. Winston-Salem and surrounding areas will hold the chain on this date between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. on the sidewalks of Hanes Mall Boulevard, west of Stratford Road. ThcLifeChainisasilcntandprayer- ful event showing support for the un­ born and the sanctity of human Ufe. Forfurthcrinformation.call Donna Dyer, coordinator, at 940-2558. completely and the doors arc open before approaching the bus. Leave for the bus stop in plenty of time; If your child Is lale - Instnict them lo never run after the bus. And lastly, if your child must cross the street to load or unload, tell them to always cross in front, allowing ten feel (five giant steps) between the front of the bus and him/her. The parcnts can implement additional safely measures if they work together. Take the time lo go to the bus stop wilh your child on the first day, even if you have an older child. This way, you can introduce yourself to other parcnts, meet the other children, and be familiar with the bus driver and number. You may choosc 10 form a safely schedule in Which one parent can be present at the bus slop each morning and aficmooni You can break this down by day or week. Having an adull presence will benefit your child in many ways aside from enforcing safety rules. It will deter misconduct from the children. It will discourage any potential outside harm from other adults. It can also lower the opportu­ nities to skip school. If a child doesn't arrive at the bus stop that morning or get off the bus In the afternoon, the "safety monitor" can contact the parent to make sure all is well. It is aiso a good idea to designate a "safe house" within close proxim­ ity of the bus stop. This a home where an adull or oUler child is regularly home during the time the children ore al the bus stop. Coming Soon To Clemmons October 1st, 2000 ‘R e v is Institxite o f B a rte n d in g ’ 0 0 (P Register Now Contact Sherry Revis 6490 Stadium Drive Suite A Clemmons, NC 27012 766-9494 relatively short lime, hc bas earned a reputation fur being a great preacher and a dynamic soloist. Dudley resides in Harmony wilh his wife of 35 years, Dorinda Priscilla Mays Dudley. , Tbc annual revival will be held some 01 uavie (.’ountys most ex­ cellent chuich choirs have been in­ vited to provide the music throughout the week, Jenkins said. The Ihenic for Ihe week is "It Is Time To Seek Tbe Lord." Hosea 10:12. GENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic HosM & Mix Auto Paint____ I BRAD CARTNER PRODUCTIONS I Professional DJ Services Professional Sound • Lights • Wide Variety of Music Oldies • Disco • New Hits from Top 40 and Country • Light Show & Video Projection Wedding Receptions Class Reunions School Events Corporate Events Christmas Parties Inside • Outside Call Us Today 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons I keep your event hopping! (336) 751-4090 C H R Y S LE R • DO DG E • JE E P • C H R YSLER • DODGE • JE E P • C H R Y S LE R • DODGE • JE E P • C H R YSLER • DO DG E • JE E P • C H R Y S LE R • DODGE Rebatex2 2000 Dodge Intrepid 48,488 2 0 0 0 D o d g e X a r a v a n vt, V«pd. tu\o, pow« iMt, powtr windOKt, рош door locfcc, tlR, CruiM, AWni СМИМ ft CO, гмпоМ Mtry; t6* WhMl«, eHfflMi control from ft rw óutM», raffloH dNk lid тм и 14,988 7 paiMogar Mating, A/C auto, AM/FM caaaatta, povrar ataaring, powar brakaa, dalay wlpara. 2 0 0 0 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4 x4 *24,981 4 .0 « cyl, a u to in U c, pow er w ln d o m , pow tr door locke, tilt, сш 1м , AM ffM c u t . CIOphytr, ktyieu «itry, trip coni|>ular, rool reck, еипкгмп alus 2000 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4| ClubCab 49,988 ve> АЮ, Ur* « wheel ШПД cassette redlo. tinted gless, two tene pelnt,epoa tTMMlerc «.ehm on me fly I D O U B L E Y O U R R E B A T E I N I W I O G iœ V ll.L E m u irm iiiw ifntai. ' 7 S1t594 8 C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G I C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 S m i t h J o i n s F i r m A s A c c o u n t i n g P a r t n e r Ttic managing partners of Norris, Sicwart & Ralston, P.A., Ccrtilicd I4iblic Accounlanis, have announced ilial J. Bryant I Smilli, Carla R. i 'Sliarpc, Elaine S. I Nicholson andBra-[ dIcyG.Spccrhave | been admitted as I pannasinthcfinn. I The name of the I firm has not I changiil. Smith is a 1974 graduate of Catawba College. Prior to joining the : Ппп in 1992, he was employed as conUxiller for a Greensboro manufac­ turing company. He Is ihe son of Mn. Jean F. Smith and Ihe late Joseph D. Smith Smith Sr., and is married to the former Deity Ferebee and resides in Mocks­ ville. The Smiths have one daughter, Christina Luttrcll, and ans members of Cenier United Methodist Church. Mr. Smith serves as treasurer'of Ihe Farmington Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment. Norris. Stewart & Ralston, P.A., is a full servicc accounting fimi serving clients in Nonh Carolina, South Caro­ lina and Tennessee. The llim and ail partners are members of both Ihe American Institute of Certified Public Accounlanis and the Nonh Carolina Association of Certified Public Ac­ countants. The firm managing part­ ners are Keilh M. Norns, James A. Stewart and C. Douglas Ralston. Bethel To Have Special Service Dcthcl Uniicd Mclhodisl Chureh will have a spccial servicc on Sunday, Scpl. 17ai7p.m. wilh Ihc Rcv.Mlchacl A. McCray, paslor of Sl. John AME Zion Church, as ihc guest prcachcr, along wilh Ihc choir from St. John Methodist. A covenant relationship was estab­ lished between Ihc iwo churches dur­ ing Ihc ministry of the Rev. Meyer ol St. John Deihct United Methodist was rccognizcd at annual confcrencc in June as being a Henry Evans Bridge Builder congregation. As such, Bclhcl has been reaching across barriers within the communily. whenever possible, through diversity in worship and outreach.* Everyone in the communily Is invited to attend, wiihaspcclal invitation topeoplcofall races. This will be a family scrvicc with children wclcomc. ßig Sweep Needs Volunteers Volunteers arc needed lo help clean Davie Couniy waterways on Saturday, Scpl. 16 during the state* wide “ Big Sweep” efforts. Those w illing to help al the Bullh9|c on the South Yadkin River Seaford Wins Fund Raiser John Seaford was the winner of ihc tiuill in the fund-raiser sponsored by ihcUpperRoomClassofCcntcrUnilcd Mclhodisl Church. Thanks to all who made dona­ tions. The money will go lo the build­ ing fund of the new Family Life Cen- icr," said Shirley Barron. Revival At Oak Grove Methodist Re vival at Oal: Grove United Meth­ odist Church will be Sunday, Sept. 17, through Tuesday. Sept. 19. Scrviccs begin at 7 p.m. The Rev. Jack Yarbrough w ill be the visiting minister. There will be spccial singing cach evening. arc asked to meet al 9 a.m. al ihc Zachary House in Cooleemee. A ll volunteers w ill rcccive a t-shirt. For more information, call the Mocksville-Davie Recreation Dc- panmcnt at 751-2325. On Sunday, August the 20th, Summer Payton Lawson, the daughter of Andy and Sharon Lawson, celebrated her first birth* day at Rich Park w ith her family and friends. She had a W innie the Poohparty.WewouldUketolhank everyone fo ra ll the nice presents. Summer’s maternal grandparents are Joe and Monica Jordan of Mocksville and Roger and Carol ShaverofWytheville, Virginia. Her paternal grandparents are K irk Lawson of MocksvUle and Janice Lawson of Thomasville. Pine Greve Weekday School Ш Fri. 9/15 9om-lpmA 4-7pm Sat. 9/16 9am-3pm ИЗО Jontitown Rood Winiton-Soltffl, NC 27103 BibleBaptistChurch № tor, DonJoMê • 336^766^1 , зтшмм GET YOUR CAR SERVICED TODAY! & SEPTEM BER & O CTO BER SPEC IAL on A Filter ChaiHie - m i s — 29 Pelnl inspMrien Jusl M 9 ”* • Up to S Qtt. ol ol t Siw. Om «ngioM ofll/. Noffloly № pric« only InckRlM I » pL IrnpKiioa. • N OAPPOtN W EH TN EEttED •ALL MAKES A MODELS Hwy. eoi South of MO • Moclnvill*. NC C 3 3 é ) 7 s i > a i « i Hama: 8 Á ввпь4рт T Т Г A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek P rim itive B aptist Church, No Creel« Church Road, Mocksville. Second & lourth Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Paslor, Elder Eugene Bennett. EagloHelghtsChurch, 10:00a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertime, 7 p.m. Thursday Bible study. Casual dress, conlemporaiy music and woishlp. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale, In loimer Village Candle factoiy. Mocksville Wesleyan Church: Hospilal Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. W orship, 11 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rev. Gacige Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N.. Vior- ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10:45. Pastor, Rev. Lulher Crady Jr. Center United MethodlstChurch: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Paslor Bill Wombaugh. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Caita Prevette, 492-5735 & Tammy Barron, 284-4769. E lbavllle United M eihodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Kids For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth lor Christ (ages 10-12), 1 sl & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ meet eveiy Sun. at Fulton UMC, 5-6:30 p.m. Young Adull Bible Study, Wed., 7 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, Thure., 7 p.m. Located In Advance. Paslor Rev. Jack Wallace. Cooleemee Church of GodiSun- day School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Servfce, 10:45 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed. FamilyTrain- ing Hour, 7 p.m. For Info atxjut transportation, call Brother Dale Breidinger al 284-2180. Cornatzer United M eihodist Church: Comalzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Woishlp, 11 a.m. Rev. Harold Zmmerniun. pastor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Bethel Church Rd. W o ^ip , 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Dr. SB. Warner, paslor. Advance United M ethodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth. 5 p.m. Rev. David Childers. Localed in downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-3769. Rev. Dianna Marsden. Oak Qrove United M ethodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksville. SundaySchool,9:45a.m. Worship. 11a.m. C oncord U nited M ethodist Church, Cheiry Hill Rd., Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Rev. Phllllp Parks. H ardison U nited M ethodist Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sun­ day School, 10:45 a.m. Wonderful Wednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Paslor, Rev. Dennis 8. Marshall. Episcopal Church ol the Qood Shepherd, Church SL, Cooleemee. Worship: 9:30 a.m. Children's Sun­ day School: 10:45 a.m. Community BaptlstChurch: Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Sunday Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. Evening service, 6 p.m. Wednesday Bibla Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. H illsdale United M ethodist Church: Sunday Seivtees, 10:30 a.m. Chuich for next geoeration: Jr. High, Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Se­ nior High, W ed, 7-8 p.m. Supper/ Music, 6:30-7 p.m. Small group, Mon., Wed., Thurs., & Sal. Basket­ ball, Tues., Smith Qrove Gym, 8- 9:30 p.m. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church: Worship Senrice:10a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Dianne Marsden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal Power of Praise Min­ istry, Northwood Apartments 704, Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening: 5. Tues­ day Prayer & Bible Study, 7:30-9 p.m. Friday Senrice: 7:30 p.m. Pas­ tor Valerie Mayliekj Poag. 704-636- 0409. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:15 a.m. Pastor Rev. Glynn Bell. 751 -7256. W eb Address; http;// www.mindspring.com/'^lycross/ Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main SI. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristera(grades 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastoi; Neal Carter, (336)751 • 2507. Mocks United MethodlstChurch. N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Rev. Bnjce Gwyn. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Qrove Methodist Church: Prayer meeting, Saturday morn­ ings, 9 a.m. Hillsdale BapUst Church; Sun­ day Worship, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children & youth acllyllles & prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Aidemian, 910-940-6618. Faith and Victory Family Wor­ ship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sendees, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers P.P. Church, Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m. Wednesday night Bible shidy, 5 p.m. Pastor Eliza­ beth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Danlck Mock. Women's Aux. & Brother­ hood Bible Sludy, 1 sl & 3rd Thura- day. Liberty U nited M ethodist Church.U.S.601 S.Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. ^ rs t United Methodist Church o l Mocksville. Eariy Sunday Wor­ ship Servtee, 8:50 a.m. Praise sing­ ing, casual dress, contemporary fomiat. Traditional sendee, 10:55 a.m.305N.MalnSl 336-751-2503. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening. 7 p.m. Paston Jeny L Couch, 998-3748. Cana Rd.-Potter's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11 a.m.; Night Sendee, 6 p.m. Pas­ tor; Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United M ethodist Church; Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m.321 RedlandRd., Advance. 336-998-5083. Fax: 940- 5502. E-Mail: belhumcOaol.com. Episcopal Church ol the Ascen­ sion, Foik-Blxby Rd., Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Edwin T. Bailey. 284-4500. Dial A Story Ministry lor chil­ dren. Bill and Peggy Long of Ad­ vance. 998-7716. Sendees at the Oaks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement Qrove Church o l Qod, Wednesday prayer sendee, 7 p.m. Saturday moming Sabbath School, 10 a.m. Qreen Meadows BaptlstChurch Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pas­ lor Rev. Mk;hael Waters., 998- 3022. Liberty Wesleyan Church, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Hamiony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. Call 492-2963. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fori<-BlxbyRd., noar Comalzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Paslon Rev. Carol Anne Jack­ son, 998-6813. Dullh United Meth. Church. ¿97 Dulin Rd., Mocksville, 998-6171, Pastor; Bob McLawhorn. Sun School 10:45 a.m., Worship 9:45 a.m. Preschool/Parents' Moming O ut Bethlehem United Methodist Chuich. Age 2, Tues. & Thuis., 9 a.m. • noon. Ages 3-4, Mon, Tues., Thura., 9 a.m. • noon. Readiness, Mon. -Thurs., 9 a.m. - noon. Call 998-6820 for Info. Cooleemee United Methodist, Kkls Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For Info call 951^)411. In Home Bible Studies, ofiered by Randy Howell. Leam Ihetmth about Ihe rapture, olher sublecis avail. Call 284-4667. Bear Creek Bapt., Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 10a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m.. Team Kids Wed. 6:30 p.m.. Cedi Welhertwit - Interim Paslor. Cooleemee First BapL, 204 Mar­ ginal St., Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m., Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Wor­ ship 7 p.m.. Team Kids 6 p.m. grades 1-6, Wed. night 7 p.m. In­ terim Paslor Dr. Wayne Sterilng. Mocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine SI. Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School, 9:30 a.m. Rev. Roxana MebaneAlwood.751-1410 St. Francis o l A sslssI, RC. Masses: Monday, Tuesday, W ednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m. Bible ShJdy, Sunday 6 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2873. Farmington BaptlstChurch, 1835 Famiinglon Road. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11a.m. Sunday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. Tomberiin III. 998-3826 or e-mail: pasloiioetOyahoo.com. Have Your Church Included To havo your chuich included In this listing, or lo make changes, call 751-2120 or email us at: emevraOdavio-enleipriso.com. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, N0 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLERA-SONS runcru) llume 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 S P IL L M A N ’S O IL & F E R T IL IZ E R 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 2 5 5 1 SHEFFIELD LUM BER & PALLET CO. AM LU COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 PUT THIS SPACE TO W O RK FOR YOU CALL 75 1- 2 12 0 FOR DETAILS Evelyn Haynes hKlSt-Ull о м скрзо т-зш H O W A R D REALTY Е ш й DAVIE LUM BER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocktvlll*, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 601 S, Suiti 1 Advtnct,NC 27006336-940-2341 Bmlkt tOMn Cum »МГ1 fM9>,t)0ïtan J J L G R E E L M IL U N G C O .,IN C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, N0 336-751-2126 Е А Ш ]FUNERAI HOME A Trfldiiion of Carins-. 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 FOSTEH-BAUCH D RU G C O M fA N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 33 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 J C E Ш Е Й Н Л Щ А Й Е S43t Hwy. 1» • Advine«, NC 2700« 33»-998-1987 CAUDELL LU M BER C O M PA N Y ie2ShMkStrMt Mocklvlllo,NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 GENTLE M ACHINE ft TOOL INC. 33ieUSHv»y158 Mocktvlll«, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 6 - 3 3 5 0 SE A FO RD U IM B E R C O M P A N Y Jtrlcho Road . Mocktvlll«, NC 27026 3 ^ 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 6 Fellowship F U L L E R R H t e n Praclilon Lasar Cutting and Mttal Fabriutloness Salisbury Road, . Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 Ha y w o m h-Miller. FUNER.AL Ho m e, In c . KINDER.TON CHAPEL NOW OPENlocxed oa Hwy IS8 betweea Clemmoni A Advtnce 336-940-SSSS 888-940.8SII Attend The Chmch Of Your Choke Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - C9 Burton Atlee Hedrick Mr. Burton Alice Hcdrick Sr., 82, of Duke W hiimkcr Road, Mocks­ villc. died Monday afternoon, Scpl. A at his home after being In dcclin* 'ing health. Funeral scrviccs were at 11 a.m. Thursday, Scpl. 7 at Bear Creek Bap­ tist Church , with the Revs. Cecil Wclhcrholt and Lee Childress ofTi- claling. Burial was In the church cemcicry. Memorials: American Lung :Assoc„ 112 Fayette Sl., Winston-Sa­ lem. 27101 or 10 the Kale D. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hos- .^pice Lane, WInsion-Salcm. 27103. ■ Mr. Hcdrick was bom In Wcvaco, ■\V.Va. Dcc. 27. 1917, lo the lale .Clcnnie B. and 'Hessle Mae Smith Hedrick and was retired from Gravely Tractor wilh 40 years of scr* .Vice. He was a member o f Bear Creek Baptist Church. Mr. Hcdrick enjoyed fishing, gardening, camping and doing small tractor repair. He was preceded in death by his wife, Beriye M arie McDonald Hcdrick in June of this year, and by a daughter. Nancy Grifllih; a brother, James Hcdrick; and 3 grandchildren. Surviving: 5 daughters. Mrs. Dorsey (Virginia Carol) Sampson, Mrs. Alton ’’Pete" (Loretta) Smith, Mrs. Stella Hedrick. Mrs. Connie (Richard) Hcdrick all of Mocksvillc and Mrs. Bop (Brenda) Pauley of Winston-Salem: 3 sons. Burton A. ilcdrick Jr. o f W ilmington. Otis ledrick and wife Linda and Larry Hedrick and w ife Linda all o f ^Mocksville: 21 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren: and a brother, Charles Hedrick of Winslon-Satcm. .Harold Jackson Keefer Mr. Harold "H arry" Jackson Keefer, 76, o f Benniida Villuge, died Thursday, Scpl. 7.2000. • He was bom Feb. 19. 1924. in Wcstchcstcr County. N. V.. lo Reuben ;ond Charlotte Conover Keefer. Mr. ;Kcefcr served In ihe U.S. Navy’s South Pacific Fleet during World .War II. He was a graduate o f New .York Universily and retired as ovcr- Mos purchasing manager in Dra/.il for General Motors. Mr. Keefer was amembcrofKingofGloryLuiheran Church. Surviving: his wife, Marjorie Keefer of the home; a son and daugh- tcr-in-law,Thomas and Kalhy Keefer of Cumberland. Maine; and 5 grand­ children. ; A memorial service was con* ducted 3 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 10 at Bermuda Village by ihc Rev. Phillip M. Squire. A graveside service was held at 12:30 p.m. Mondoy, Sept. 11 ot Pinclawn Memorial Gardens in Southern Pines. Memorials: King o f G lory Lutheran Church, 2580 Old Glory Road. Clemmons, 27012. C la re n c e H a irs to n S r. Mr. Clarcncc "Bub" Hairston Sr., 81, o f the Fclersville communily near Lexinglon, died Tuesday, Scpl. 5, 2000, al Kalc B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home. . He was bom Sept. 29, 1918, lo William Thomas and Ruth Chorman Halrslon Hairston, who preceded him in dcaih._____________________ Thomas Clinton Bowles Thomas Clinton Bowles, 38, of U.S. 64 W.. M ocksvillc, died Wednesday. Sept. 6, 2000, at his home following a brief Illness. Mr. Bowles was born Nov. 2. 1961, in Iredell County to Nellie Ellen Messick Bowles and the late Thomas "Tbbe" Masten Bowles. Mr. Bowles was a graduate o f Davic High School and was employed by Davie Funeral Servicc as administra* lor o f opening/closing of graves. He was of the Baptist faith. In addilion lo his mother, Nellie' Bowles of the home, he is survived by: 2 brothers, James Durham and wife Debbie of Grcencville, Unn., and Ciclus Bowles and wife Pam of Midway; 2 slslers, Mary Kathryn Bowles Driver and husband Horry of Mocksville . and JoAnn Bowles Stoker and husband Gerald o f Chapin. S.C.; nnd several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Saturday, Scpl. 9, at Davic Funeral Scrvicc Chapel. 416 Valley Road. Mocksvillc. with Dr. David G il- brcaih, the Revs. Jimmy Lancaster and Darrell Cox ofnciating. Burial followed at Rose Cemetery In Mocksville. Memorials: Hospice o f Ircdell Couniy. 2347 Simonlon Road, Stalesvillc, 28625. Теп7 Dean Sain Terry Dean Sain, 31. of Stalesvillc. died Wednesday, Sept. 6. at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Cenicf. Born in 1ач1с11 County on Feb. 12. 1969, he was a son of Gary Dean Sain of Stalesvillc and Linda Bums of Ten­ nessee. He wasancmployceofOw ens- Coming. He was honorably discharged fmm Ihe U.S. Army. ‘ In addilion to his parcnts, he is ' survived by: his wife, Betsy Dallon Sain of the home; a son. Zachary Sain of Georgia; paternal grandmother. L t^ n McDaniels Sain of Mocks­ ville; father-in-law and molhcr-in-law, Dannie and Hnuna Dalionof Princeton, W.Va.; 2 aunts; an uncle; and his sis- tcrs-in law. Niki Dallon and her Пап- cce. David Akers Jr. of Princeion, W.Va.. Tammy Faniwr and her hus­ band, Jessie of Stokcsdale. and Sara DalionoriMncelon,W.Va..alongwiih many cousins and friends. He was preceded in death by h» paternalgrandfaihcr.LonnieWixxlrow Sain. Funeral services wen: at 2 p.m. Saturday. Sept. 9. ul New Bethany. Baptist Church wilh the Rev. B iliK Mason ofllcialing. Burial followed in the church cemcicry with full miliiary' riles accorded by the VFW Post 2031, The Harold Littlefield Chapter 68 of j the DAV and American Legion Posi - 217, all of Statesville. Memorials: Brain Injury Associa­ tion of North Carolina, P.O. Box 748. Raleigh 27602. I '/Л II//', Laura A. Park . 1950 - 2000 глш11лнвоин,1гл. * Cindy Lou McDonald 1960 - 2000 Bertha Spry Harris Mrs. Bertha Spry Hanis, 74, of Salisbury died Saturday, Sepiember 9,2000 at Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. She was bom June 3, 1926 in Davie Couniy lo Esihcr Broadway Spry and James Brady Spry Sr. She attended Cooleemee Schools and graduated from Cooleemee High School. She served as a legal secre­ tary for Judge Grant In Mocksvillc, was Secretary Treasurer o f Rowan Memorial Park, and lalcr worked al Cone M ills. She wos of ihe baptist failh and aiiendcd Salisbury Four­ square Gospel Church. She is survived by Iwodaiighlers, Marsha H. Clawson and Linda H. Jones o f Salisbury; iwo brothers, M.O. Spry o f Salisbury and Charles David Spry o f Hickory: four sislcrs, Shelby S. Carincr o f Woodleaf, Shirley S. Chureh and Diane S. Blackwelder o f Mocksville, and Geraldine S. Goodman of Salisbury; and several grandchildren, great grandchildren and slop great grand­ children. The family received friends Mon­ day. Scpl. 11 al Summcrsell Funeral Home from 7-9 p.m. Funeral services were held Tues­ day, Scpl. 12 at Salisbury Foursquare Gospel Church.Ornciatingwas Rev. Jim Stamp. Burial followed al Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials may be made lo Ihe Nalional Kidney FoundalionofN.C.. 5970 Fairview Rd., Three Fairway Plaza, Suiie 408, Charloile, N.C. 28210. ^ K . T . ’ s B e a c h > ^ B i n g o ^ -J 350 Rnilroad St.. Mocksville. 5 - 5 751-9903 5 ^ • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK K f • BINGO 7 PM UNTIL f f • 5 GAMES ON A CARD f / • DAYTIME BINGO. ^ C Wed. 10:30AM until J (&> D A V IE F IJN E R A L S E R V IC E L .L C . 416 Valley Kd., М(ккь%-Шс. N C 336-751-3111 "Our Serrine Гитг/у" TOIK 110«шт\ n\ER.U DOME ' He was educated in the Davidson Couniy and the Davie County pub­ lic school systems. He was retired from Ihe Hinkle Family, was a mcm- ,ber and deacon of Buncombe Bap- .tist Church and past master o f iCorinthlan Lodge No. 17 of Mocks- '.viile. ; Surviving; his wife, Arizona H. ;Halrston of die home; 3 daughters, .Rosie Bethea o f Winslon-Salem, Bver Lee Hairston o f Cherry Hill, ]N.J., and Verona (Bobby) Bell of Lexinglon; 2 sons, Roger (Linda) .Winston o f Deptford, N.J. and the ;Rev. Clarence Hairston Jr. of Win- 'ston-Salem; a brother, Ihc Rev. G.T. (Emma) Halrslon o f Camden, N.J.; 113 grandchildren, including Iwo who were raised in the home, Eric (Cassanda) King of McGuire AFB, N.J., and Tracy (Ronnie) Bevcriy of Lexinglon; 13 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. [Saturday, Sept. 9, at Buncombe Bap- Church conducted by the Rev. II Baldwin. Burial was In the :h cemetery with Masonic rites CorinUiianLodge No. 17. Burton A. Hedrick, Sr.' 1917 - 2000 MOCKSVILIE ■ ..i..;. ' Hesier ScoiiHutiler D-September 4,2000 '.M O C KS V IU E ' Pauline Carter Sliank ,1920-2000. ; ADVANCE. * ' Dallas M. Weir , '1918-2000 WINSTON-SAIEM I.. M yrtkM yers Padgett. 1908 - 2000'> ADVANCE Н.ЛМ) I.NSTRl .MI NTS am i .Л( ( l ASORll S COUNTGR 4^7-^ POINT Guitar Shop & Studio Kip Snotv - Otmcr & Instructor GRAND OPENING SPECIALS! Hand Instrument o f YOUR clioicc by special order - 4 0 % O ffL istP riccl New Clarinets, Hutes, Trumpets Just $175 ea. - luQimlii}'!- LAY-AWAYfiOVtmaillimiAS ANDKeaivHA rsmTsiimv WlW.lOCitlQn-a a Caup^SquarfrMocksvtllc-(I blockJwm the Q>uri House, took /or the tan buiUUng uitk mt auiiings) Hours; M on-Frl 12-8 »36)7519390 !Psyc£ic Üleaéin^s By Mrs. Dora O^aim Üieacfiny Darò! Gords ’Jlilernaliue Jfealinj Find Guidance and IVuth to Your Questions of Love Business, Marriage and Affairs of Life For InfoniuUoa or Appointmcnt 647-9622 2910S.MalnSi.,S8lisb«iv' Betty Hicker Brown Mrs. Belly tucker Brown. 68. of 147 Davic Sired. Cooleemee died Sunday. Sepiember 10 at Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. She was bom February 6.1932 in Rowan Couniy to the late Mary Ann Austin Tucker and Robert Cleo Tucker. She otlendcd Rowan Couniy Schools. She had retired from Cone M ills in Salisbury aficr 19 years of servicc. She wasof the Baptist faith. She is survived by husband, James "Jack" F. Brown of the home whom she married May 21.1949. Additional survivors Includc one son, Kcnncih Moore of Salisbury; one daughter, Shirley Overcash of Salisbury; three brothers, Lonnie R. Tucker p f Stalesvillc, Jimmy L. Tucker of Cooleemee. and Donald E.TuckcrorWcsl Lake, La.;and two sisters, Frances T. O 'Neil o f Coolcemee and Edna T. Kyles of Salisbury. The family received friends Tues- day.Sept. l2aiLyerlyFuncralHomc from 7-8:30 p.m. A graveside funeral servicc was held Wednesday, Scpl. 13 al Legion Memorial Park. Officiating was Rev. Danny Shore of Edgewood Baptist Church, Coolcemee. Memorials may be made to Rowan Regional Health and Hospice. 825- A West Henderson Street, Salisbury, N.C, 28144. Fhwersforall Occoslons Sister’ll! of Mocksville (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 1 7 8 2 F u n e r a l H o m e 635Wilkcibon)StiTrt MocLsvilIc.NC • Rnnli• Onruoum •П<Ал¥1(стли • Млитгш (336)751-1100 VCR's CLIANED & REPAIRED Clean &Tesi..^25 Aa WORK [>ONE ON PREMISES (§) RadioShack. Radio Shack Dealer Mooretville Ele<troniuSquff Booof PUm, (NMt to336-75HM23 E N D O F S U M M E R C L E A R A N C E ! DAVIE JEW ELERS NKXTTO WAI^MART • MOCKSVILLE HAIF PRICE Sm N GSr GNCLiveWeU: VITAMINS - MINERALS ■ NATURAL COSMETICS • SPORTS NUTRmON • HERBS • WEiaHT LOSS • WEIGHT OAIN • HOMEOPATHY • ENERGY 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons BHo Shopping Center {N»mI to Clemmons Kilchen) » Z ' / ' ^ o /* Z ' Mon. Sat. 10am - 9pm • Sun. 1pm • 6pm 7 0 0 - 2 o j O F R E E F u ll S p in a l E x a m in a t io n With This Coupon Only 16 Danger Signals of Pinched Nerves 1 loweocit Por2 >4«oitehrt1 Siw«e«Poo 4 Am*« 5 Ourreu » Sof*tt«jvrt 1 Рол 't mogevoi 9 fAimÖHoniit10 kxtirt11 Pan dOMf)IÍ Mu*c'l*SpOVTtl )3 t4wrr«rngert 14 Рол )S rigMMuKlei 1б'АсГ>г<д1««1 While wc are ncceplini! new putlcnt.s, no one need fed any ohligation. • Im m ediate T reatm ent • Insurance Accepted • W e do your insurance paperw ork for you. IJmitcd Time OiTcr. Call Гог your appolntntent toda)! . Scott Foster, ai^,ccEj>. 3746Cfcmmoiis Rd, Cfcmmorei, NC 778-2242 #7600 We Stock m s Unit In Green This unit comes with a SUPER SAG LESS unil, Ultracel foam seats, liberfiiled backs, oak frame. We can put over 100 dilferent fabrics on this unit. You can design the lay oul. Each piece is only 32' or 26' wide. 5 P c . MiY ^1,399» M o c k s v ille F u rn itu re & A p p lian ce, In c. Ь9 C ou rt S()ucire • M o ck sv ille . N C (336) 7 51-5812 S p o n s o r e d b y E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E Groups meet Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm at the Davie County Senior Cenier on the following dates: •September 21 •Octobers •October 19 •November 2 •November 16 Forjurther infonnation please contact: Rev. Mark VIcken, Chaplain at 751-2148; Furniture Drive For Hurrìcarie Floyd Victims Sept. 23 At First Methodist CIÒ - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 A fumUurc drive for viclims of Hurricanc Floyd w ill 1« licld at llic First United Methodist Ciiurct) An­ nex, North Main Street, Mocicsvillc, on Saturday, Sept. 23. Some of thc flood victims, even ones with repaired or rebuilt homes, arc still in need o f rumiture. Good, used furniture Is sought. If you need help delivering, coil the church оГПсе at 751-2503, JoeffWli- ilams at 751 -7677, or Sarah Wood at 751-2503. Money w ill be accepted to buy mattresses and bedding. Malce checics to Disaster Relief - FUMC. No clothing or food is being ac­ cepted. H o r s e s N e e d I m m u riiz a tio n A g a in s t D e a d ly E E E V ir u s The NCDA Veteritiary Science Division has issued an Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) vaccina­ tion recommendation to North Caro­ lina horse owners. Although there has not been a confirmedease this summerin North Carolina, a potential EEE case is currently under investigation. Thc Veterinary Division o f the North Carolina Department of Agri­ culture and Consumer Services is advising equine owners to ensure that their horses, ponies, mules, and donieeys are current In their vaccina­ tion status against EEE, commonly lefetTtd lo as "sleeping sicicncss". EEE is a viral disease that is trans- milted from the bite of a mosquito that has previously fed on an infected bird or rodent. The disease most of­ ten occurs in the wet, low lying areas of the eastern portionofour slate, but can be found throughout NorthCaro- lina. Signs o f infection may include fever, depression, aimless wonder­ ing, circling, abnormalities in gait, convulsions and paralysis. Infection most often leads to death, but horses lhat recover usuallysuffcr fromsome sort of permanent nervous system damage. Ownen should consult with their privote veterinarian as to protecting their horses through vaccinations. A- voccine is readily available and can be administered by a veterinarian. Equine that have never been vacci- natcd require two doses, adminis­ tered 30 days apart. In addition, own­ ers should lim it mosquito exposure for thc remainder o f the summer and fall by using repellents and stabling practices that minimize Insect expo­ sure, as well as the ciminotion of mosquito breeding areas. "Vaccinations can prevent this disease," said Agriculture Commis­ sioner Jim Graham, “ but there is no effective irealmem oncc the horse has the diseose. This wonting should be heeded to protect thc health of our horse population." There have been no connmicd cases in horses this summer, but thc NCDA ond CS Rollins Diagnostic Loboratory is currently investigating 0 suspicious ease through laboratory procedures. The slate has averaged about two cases of thc disease per year in horses over thc last four years, butconfimied 13 cases in 1995. Thc disease should nol be con­ fused wilh Equine Infectious Ane­ mia (EIA), ano'ther infectious viral disease for which there is not vaccine currently ovoiloblc, as well as rabies. A ll hones showing ncr\'ous system signs should be cxomincd by a veteri­ narian to confirm a diagnosis to pro* tcctthchcallhoftheraselvesandothcr horses............ For mote information, contact your local veterinarian or the Coop­ erative Extension Service.’ 11 -6297. United Wtou Reaching Those Who Need Help. Touching Us/yi* Advance Florist & Gift Baskets • Goods • CouniMt lu k fti We Deliver^(336) 940-8337 Mon«Ffl 9>6. Sat 9«3 Litter Hurts s rS rO U M v ild life rO U M w h o l& s ta le ' You can ease ftie pain. Join us Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. to dean up North Carolina's beaches, lakes and waterways. To get involved, call 1-800-27-SWEEP or visit our websiteatwww.ncblgsweep.org. I In Davie County, volunteers will meet at the ^ Zachary House in Cooleemee at 9 a.m. Sept. 16. All volunteers will receive a free t-shlrt. Call/Mike Gamer at 751-2325. I ■! N O R T H C A R O L I N A b i^ w e e p РОЛ L I T T I R - r R I l W A T I R S D A V I B C O U N T Y D a v ie H is t o r y Who are these people? We don't know, but It believed to be a photograph of Woodmen of the World officers In Mocksville sometime In the 1930s. The Enterprise Record w/elcomes photos depicting scenes fronii Davie his­ tory, Including people, buildings and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street across from the courthouse. V a lu e H o u s e WttnntNimtSiTSltlUII FURWITURE I inMUST еои We'd r a t h e r i^ e ll ■ ■ 'Gall 'Store for detailsfi ‘ - 3 Pk. Glass Tables Co<ktail/ 2 End Tables U vtiig llo o iiis l Bedrocjm sl Dining Roonii! D inoltis! Baddinfpl Umipf! Ikiblef! R«clinm! ELECTRONICS! APPLIANCES! Rugs! Entorfainmont Systems! E V E R V T H I M O l IS DRASnCAUY REDUCED FOR IMMEDUOE CLSmilCEl All Lamps 1 /2 Off DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - DI Davie Student’s Environmental Effort To Make A Difference Hendricks, has had an interest in environmental causes since high school. Hy Juckiu Edwurdii Davie Counly Enterprise Rccord Hully Hendricks is a Davie nn* live who has really golten in touch wilh nalurc. She’s planted trees, constructed stone steps, and built bridges. So how does a giri fresh oul or college manage all lhis> you may ask. W ell, after graduating from Davie High school Hendricks at­ tended North Carolina State in Ra­ leigh. She graduated in 1999 wilh a degree in Parks and Recreation. Instead o f taking the traditional path (0 finding a full'tim e job and setlling into a career, Hendricks chose a less conventional palh. She joined an organization known as Anjcricorps. Amcricorps is like thc domestic Peacecoqis. It engages morc than 40,000 Americans in imenswc, re- sulis*driven service each year, through more than 300 programs. According to Hendricks, “ 1 had thought about the Peacecorps, which led lo Amcricorps.” She ap­ plied, and after ihe lengthy selec­ tion process, was chosen lo partici­ pate in a program lhat teamed Amcricorps wilh The Student Con­ servation Association for 10 months of environmental scrvicc in ihe Adirondack Mountains in New York. Thc New York 'A dirondack Am cricorps (N Y A A ) recruited members between the ages of 18- 25 locally and nationally. Tlie pro­ gram focused on providing envi­ ronmental and conservation in- sysiem to conipluie ihe education part of Ihe program. wus in a kin­ dergarten class, they were awe­ some,” she said. Living conditions were the mosl her sights on leaching and wants lo j relum lo school lo pursue a leach­ ing degree. “One o f ihe best things aboul Americoфs is when you are complete you receive a $5,000 edu- • • 'i i 1 1 " Hendricks with one of the kindergartners she taught, Dzenlta, who is from Bosnia. structions and programming to public schools and after school pro­ grams within communities of thc Adirondacks. According lo Hendricks there wens three major asiwctjrof the pttH " gram: education, conservation, and community scrvicc. The conservation aspect q f thc program involved trail work in thc Adirondack Mountains. *‘We were aboul one and a half hours from New York, near Lake Placid. Thc Adirondacks are the sccond larg­ est park in thc United Stales, with a forever w ild clause,” said Hendricks. Hendricks assisted in the school inicnsive Hendricks ever experi­ enced. Winter temperatures were brutal w ilh a lecord low o f 62 be­ low zero. “Thcrc were 20 o f us In two cabins, four lo a room. Need­ less* lo say, we were very close,” Hendricks laughed. Hendricks' 10 month scrvicc wilh Amcricorps ended three weeks ago. She has returned home to Mocksville but still has morc plans for herself. “ I want to travel. I be- caitie friends w iih one of thc girls, she's from San Fr&ncisco,” said Hendricks, *‘We all still keep in louch by e-mail.” Hendricks enjoyed working wiih kindcrgartners so much s^e has set calional grant to further your edu­ cation,” said Hendricks. Hendricks says her parents were excited and proud about her deci­ sion. to jo in Amcricorps. “ They thought it was great that I was w ill­ ing. I warned to do someihing o f im|$ortancc, a communily rcs{*n- s ib ility s h e said. If you would like to find out more information about Amcricorps or The Student Conservation Association you may Inquire at your school or visit their websites: www.amerlcorps.org or www.sca-inc.org.__________ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 D a vie S c h o o ls Central Di/vie Education Center Christina Chandler was the Dcvcl- opmcnifll Prcschoolsiudcniofthc week for Sept. 4-8. Tliis week sludents learned ihc nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock." Prc-K student of ihc week is Amanda Hester. Students continue to leam about apples. They can name Ihc stem, the leaf ond ihc seeds. They ore beginning lo leam about themselves and each other. They ore finding and naming ports o f the body and making books about themselves. Their favor- ¡te songs lo sing arc The TTircc Little Pigs"und"Samba!clc."Thcy have been reading "Ferdinand ihe Bull," by Rob- ‘•ert Lawson. This week Central Davic II dis- cussed-AIlAboutMcandMySchooI.“ Student of the week is Mark Anthony •Diaz. The firsl parent meeting will be .held on Sept. 14. Cornatzcr Elementary The school ofilcially celebrated its grand openingSundayafteraoon.Scpl. 10. with a dedication ceremony foU lowed by an open house. Under the direction of music tcachcr, Beverly НетЬач;, a group of fiflh graders pro­ vided enteilalnment in ihe gym. After touringthefacility,guests were ut^otcd to refreshments by the child nutrition staff. There ore four student tcachers this year, Amy McCray is a sludem al Appalachian Slate University and is working in Hist grade with Rochel %e. There are ihree additional stu- i teachers from Salem Collegc. iShcrry Tew is assisting Joanna Hairc in kindcrgancn. Julie Holmes is work­ ing in Ellen McDaniel's second grade, ■and Rcgi na Barret t joins Nancy Terry's fouith grade class. . TbcwcekofSepL M-lSisspecial becauseiiisGrandparcnts'Wcek.Each ■ grade level designated a speci iic day to cetcbnitc with grandparents: Monday, Kindcrgancn; Tuesday, first grade; Wednesday, sccond; Thursday, third; und Friday, fouith and fll\h. Debbie Archer, media specialist, request that parents watch for Scholas­ tic Reading Jamboree infonnation lhat will be scnl home ihis week. Each child will complete о booklet with seven names and addresses, then re­ turn it to school. The people listed In the booklet will receivc an offer for discounted magazines. The school will earn Я for each completed booklet. Each child will nxeive a prize when the booklet is returned. The third Monday of every month is McDonald's nighl. A percentage of the proceeds collected that nighl will be donated lo dte school. In addition, cach Wednesday Venezia's Italian Rcslaurant has agreed lo give 10 per­ cent of your total meal purchase lo our school. In order for this amount lo be cn:dited, studenis and families must remember lo take their school coupon wilh them to the rcslaurant. Studenis will receivca new school coupon cach week. School pictures were made last Wednesday and should come home soon. The firsl PTA meeting was TUes- doy.Sept 12,al7p.m.PrcsidentJohnny Miller welcomed parents ond guests. Ann Gmham, testing coordinator for Davie County Schools, presented о program about the new standards and occountabllity in regards to testing and student pronK>lion. Davie High School students from the Freshmen Success classcs began volunteer work ihis week. They come on Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist ■ with 0 variety of activities such as tutoring individual studenu and work­ ing in the media center. Each week, teachers designate one child from cachclassroom as the "Cou­ gar of the Week." This child will cam the honor by making improvements in behavior,followingru1es,getiingalong with others, using good manners, and being responsible. Oncc a month, cach tcachcr will choosc a "Cougorof the Monlh."This child will be invited lo a special lun- cHcon hosted by Buck's Pizza and the Mocksvillc Woman'sClub.This honor is based on citizenship, ottitude, effort, social skills, and ImprDvemenls in any of these areas. Students will also be recognizcd oncc a month for being the "Bus Rider of the Month.” The bus drivers will selccl a rider who exemplifies good bus behavior. Students of the Week for Sept. 5-8: Efroin Borono, Sarah Morgan Bcauchamp, Jesse BlackN^’clder, Jor­ dan Brown, Chris Diggs. Shannon Dillard, Bclhany Gough, Xavier Howell, Quamaincs Imes, Mary Kalherine Jarvis, Angelica Loj.Chelsca Ncal, Michcllc Newsome, Corey Randall,.RaqucI RomerOrKotie Son- Filippo, Haynes Shelton. Ray Sheppard. Andrea Leigh Smiley, Amanda Smith, and Katie Trotter. Studcnlsin Debra WoodruR’sSpan- ish classcs have been busy with a vari­ ety of activities. Kindergarten begon the year learning greetings and the question, "What is your name?" They arc Icaming ihc colors and what hap­ pens when they arc mixed. First, scc­ ond. and third graders revicwcdsimplc questions and calendar skills. They continue to expand their Spanish vo­ cabularies. In addition to similar it:- view, fourth and flfUi graders mode passports that they will use lo "travel" lo various Spanish-speaking countries to leam ihcir customs. In Dawn Smith's fouith grade class, students arc exploring the three re­ gions of North Carolina, os well as Ihc slate’s physical composition and na- lure.lbccommunicationsclass is read­ ing the novel, "The Wrighl Brothers al Kitty Hawk." They w ill complete projects os they leam about the origin o f night. Thursday, Sept. 14. Third Grade Grandjjarenls' Day; Friday. Sept. 15. Fourth and Fifth Grade Grondparenis' Day; Monday. Sept. 18. McDonold's NighlforComatzer students; Wednes­ day, Sept. 20. Early Release Day; Fri­ day, Sept. 22. Cougars of the Month Luncheon; Thursday, Sept. 28, Book Fair arrives. Mocksville Elementary Students of the Week of Sept. 5-8: Brianna Biown. Hoyley Lambert. Lori Daniels, Mary Catherine Hennigan, Ashton Wise, Anne Berkeley, Heather Cortner, Daniel Moxlcy,CaitlynBrakc. Jorcd Barber. Mark Avus. Ayana Banks. Katie Taylor. Shone Butcher, London Harris, Soroh Hcync. Llndsoy Cortner. Dustin Gordon. Grady Gordncr. Lindsay Carter, Stephan Studcvcnt, and Alex Paproky. Students would like to Invite their gnmdparents tolunch. Each grade level will honor their grondparenis on a spe­ cial day. Vour grandchild's teacher will notifyyouoflhelrlunch time. The dates for cach grade level ore listed below. Wc hope cach child will have a guest on Iheir spccial day. Klndcrgor- ten/FimGradc,Scpl.22;Sccondniiird Grade, Oct. 13; Fburth/Fif\h Grade, Ocl. 27. Watching Ihrec hungry caterpillars munching milkweed is predominantly on the minds of the children in the kindcrgartcnclossofJodi Ponon-Aihcy and Lynn Zoubek. The class has read the book. The Vciy Hungry Caterpil­ lar." by Eric Carles, and know the stages Ihe coierpillars will go through before Ihcy turn into butterflies. Each child is m ^ing a book to document their observations. The children in Mrs. Beaver ond Mrs. Melton's first grade ore studying insccts this month. They read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. Tbe storicsand illustrations i n his books have helped the children use their imaginaitonsondcrcaiiviiytoproducc theirown stories and original art>^’ork. 'Ric childrcn N\-ould like to invite ihcir grandparents lo lunch on Sept. 22 ol 12:06. Wc hope cach child w ill be able to have a special guest for lunch lhal day. Mrs. Fletcher's and Mrs. Knight's sccond grade doss hove been studying ocean animals.They have leamed about sharks, whales, dolphins, and other sea creatures such as crabs, lobsters and fish. The class read "Hungry, Hungry Sharks." "Whales the Gentle Giants," and"DolphinsatDaybrcak.*Thcclass made a Vicnn diagram ond compared fish lo whales. They wTote stories about Seymour the mysterious shrinking whale. The class designed 3-D whim­ sical wholes oul of white lunch bags. This activity taught each student the body parts o f the whole. They mode Pop-Upbooks obout sharks andleamed the difference between a predator and prey. The third graders in Jeremy B rooks' class hove spent the last month read­ ing, writing, and thinking. They spent a few weeks reviewing and refreshing Iheir brains after a relaxing summer. Cursive writing, multiplication, and Nonh American countries have domi­ nated the first few weeks of study. The children hove whipped ihrough great books such os "Freckle Juice" and "Rsh Face." This week we will be staning our friendly letter unit as well os our light and heal unit. Margaret Jo Brock and her founh graders have read "The Kid in ihc Red Jockcrond have madesummary books • with red covers. They arc taking off with the "Wright Brothers" and ore looking forward to mokjng model Wrighl Flyers. They arc on ihe lookout for news aniclcs about the ccnlcnnlal celebration In December 2003. The first novel Mrs. Bnxk read aloud was the firslof the Shiloh trilogy. Evcr>*onc ogrccsitwasdeservingofthcNcwbcrry Aword. The doss is eager lo use the computer program called Acccleraied Reader. In Social Studies the class Is gain­ ing skill in using maps. They have tracked four tropical storms on their individual hurricane tracking chons, making use of coordinates. In sciencc onimol study has stoned wilh a bird unit. Ms. Brock read the "biographical" slory told by two blue­ birds, Skye and Azare, through two ne.stingseasons.Thcdass has observed bluebirds on campus and sadly found the feathers of one mole near their classroom door. The class was fasci­ nated by Mrs. Brock's sharing a pro- gramshe rcccntly took pan in ol Allison Woods near Stolesville. A naturalist weighed a mby-throated humming­ bird and encircled ils liny leg with o band. Student of the Month was Brandon Hill.TerrificKidswtrre Kayla Wilmoth and Bobby Anderson. New students ore Priscilla Norman who moved lo Davie Couniy from Wilmington ondTobilha W ill who at­ tended Pinebrook lost year. Mrs. Jonc Anderson Is Mrs. Brock's assistant. Mrs. Kirkpatrick's. Mrs. McDaniel's, and Mrs. Driggar's class has been busy getting back inlo the routine of school. They hove stoned learning oboul the lelicrs L, O, G. and H. On Friday Sept. 8, they panicipoted In kindergoncn "hat" day. Alex W il­ son and Alex Paproky ore studenis of the week. Heather McClamrock is the SeptemberTerrinc Kid. North Davie Middle The following students werc hon­ ored for Ihcir exemplary bus behavior with lunch ol McDonald's in Mocks­ ville: Kimberly Huggins. Ashley Cope, Shelley Phelps, Jennifer Hon, Morcic Dickmon^ Sabrina Quilin, Adena Hockodoy, Erica Maine, Mall McDaniel, Josh Keler. Jeffery Plow­ man. Electives Sixth grade Spanish studenis have finished with comparison of adjec­ tives and ure beginning the cultural unit on the counuy o f Spain. Scvenlh grade Spanish sludenis are working In the computer lob with their cultural study of the Spanish-speaking coun­ tries. Their next vocabulary study will be on animals which w ill coordinate with the seventh grade trip to the Nonh Carolina Zoo. Eighth grade students continue to incorporate grammatical study Into oral comprehension. Sixth grade music students have completed a study of music history by examining ihc life of Franz Schuben and listening lo his "Unfinished Sym­ phony." Seventh grade music students hove examined the life o f Wolfgang Amadeus Mozan and ore wotching the Acadcmy Award winning movie "Amadeus" based on о play by Peter Shaffer. Eighth grade music students arc writing a biography of a famous com­ poser from Ihc nineteenth or twentieth century. A ll music students sing on a regular basis. The sixth graders in Mrs. Gooding's keyboonllng doss ore working on ed- iling/prooficoding skills. During the ncxlrototiontheywillbcleamingabout databases and spreadsheets. Seventh graders in Career Deci­ sions I have been busy with vorious surveys to determine their learning styles, goals, values and iniercsl and how they relate to careers. They arc working on their sewing projects in a simulated manufocluringenvironnKnt. In Mrs. Gooding's eighth grade life skills class the sludcnls ore also mak- ingtheirsewing projects. In additionto improving their hand-sewing skills, they will also leam how to use a sew­ ing machine. Nonli Davie an sludenis entered 35 pieces of painting, drawing, collage and ceramics in ihe Center Fair. Sixth graders arc in print-nuking and weav­ ing. Scvcnih grade anists ore painting underwotcrsccncsuslngicmpcrapaini. Eighth grade s tin ts ore studying Ihe pre-rcnoissance period of an history and working on a pastel still life. Drama studenis in Mrs. McGill's class have several projects in progress. Sixth grade sludcnls arc working on puppet shows, with original puppets and design techniques. Seventh grade students arc fast at work on on original Tribute to Edgor Allan Poe" Reader's Theotrc prcseniation. to be shored w ith the seventh grade on Sept. 27 at I p.m. Eighth grade studenis working on TMusical Hits of2000,"amusic video ^o m ian cc lhal will open on Scpl. 29 at 2 p.m. Mn. Smiley's seventh and eighth grade keyboarding do-sscs orc review­ ing keyboarding skills in preparation .for the eighth grade competency lest. The sixth grade keyboarding class is teaming word processing skills. Shady Grove Elementary The yearly fund-raiser kicked off on Aug. 30. TTiis year the IT A Is selling wrapping paper and gifts. Par­ ents will have two weeks to sell the itemsbeforetumingintheirorderfonns on Sept. 13.Children arc not lodo any door-to*door selling. . On Oct. 28 the PTA w ill hold a fall ’ festival for the children and anyone ' - else who would like lo attend, filled ' ' wilh carnival rides, games. Ukc basc^' ball throw, horse drawn wagon rides. ■ clowns.prizcsandlonsoffood.Boothj' are available for anyone who wants to sell "anything." The cost is $50 for the space, and the vendor keeps all of the: profit from their sales. Imagine how many people w ill be there wilh over " 600 sludcnls, plus parenls. relatives and other people who come bccausc o f ' ' advcnislng. Call thcschool and get the number for morc information. The PTA is selling water bottles ■ and bumper slickers, available In ihc - ofTicc. " On cach Monday evening the PTA w ill host Venezia's Nighl. Venezia’s will donate 10 percent of the cost of your meal to Shady Grove. Just fill out a slip when you pay. Don'l'forget lolinkorrc-linkyoui* HarrisTcclcrVICcardloShadyGrovc. The number is "1701." Ponlcipotion * will help the PTA lo pureha.se books ' and educational supplies. Grandparent's WeckslansonMon- day. Sept. 25. Grandparents and 0ÜW "importanl people" ore invited to cai lunch in the cafeteria. Watch your children's ncwsleiten for the righl day and time. On Tuesday Sept. 5, sludenis par- ' licipated In the Walk 10 Cure Diabclcs during their regular PE lime. They ' luvc been taking donations for th¿ Juvenile Diabetes Foundotion. As a special project for the stu-' dents, Mrs. Minor's first grade has. started a garden. Tl*e sludenb w ill:., leam about plants by being actively ' • inwlvcd in planting, weeding, and* watering. Plants will be replanted and; changed seasonally. The doss opprc-^- • • dates parcms for support. ! : • CilizensofihcweckarclsaacDunn..:!-. Laura Shelton, Ashley Dowell. Sarah- • ■ Stigall.CassidyWebb.MarkGraham." Stephanie Walls. Sleriing Tkach, An-’, i - thony Ressa, Calob Howard, Donnie \\ Baker, Jennifer Milchem, Anthony! I. Capra, Timothy Bingham. Leigh j j: Honon, Brooke Williams, Andrew; ! McKoraher, Debra Wilson, ТгепГ Г Brooks, Cody Beck. John Hoftman.* ond Austin Smith. WlUiam R. Davie ElemenUry CilizcnsoflheWeckforihcwecks ofAug.25-Sep.:LcslicToylor.Shcrri \ Parks.LorenoMillo.ShellonLanning, • Junior Arcos, Noialic Ireland, Kirslen, Cockcrham.Tayk)rWcathemian,Jc^' McEwen. Amber Siddcn. Zachary; Rogers. Brittany Anderson, Allisoa' Anderson. Kendall Gobble, Mary jj] FdTcbec, Mary-Kote Back, Lucero ;• Calano, Taylor Frank, Brenda Hernandez. Tori Norris, Brandon |- Gamnwns, Ashley Malloy, Matthew Dyson, Megan Boyer, ToylorAndcr- son, David Myers (obsem last time), Alex Henry, Esmeralda Hernandez; : Krystal Beam, Sara Childress. ТуЫ '- I Jones, Briltonie Ball, Moddic Hunt; , ’ Continued On Page D3Í Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - D3 Continued From Page D2 CliiiCR Hall^ Niki^ Myers. Nathan Hujjihens, Kclll Parks. Samantha Conlus. Elias Mojica, Brandi Cockerham. Raymond Thanos, Bobby Ciassctl. Monda Godbey, Kaillin Slcvcn.s. Sy Easling, and Margaret Andcfson. Tlic first grade cla ^s of Denise Baugh;Tina Dyson' ond Jenny James lieg^n the school year with o watcr- iiK'lon theme. Tlwclasscsbcganschool Icariiing about the life cycle of water- niclu^. The studenis enjoyed many kindsofwatemiclon activities and most of ^1 eating watennelons for math lesstins. Tlie students ore researching apples and dcbatlngiheirfovorilc vari­ ety gf,apples. Just Keaton and Scott Barkley wcnl to Uuren Appleton's kindergarten cla.'vs. This is Ms. Appleton's year ut \yilliani R. Davic. She doesn't give honiqwork yet. She gives ihem three assignments a day. Tliey arc IcamIng their ,alpliabct and numbers. Tliey take their,naps in the ancmiwn for 30 mln- ,ulcs..Their favorite subject is going to ceníij*«. Tliey only have one new student. Brandon Warren and Josh Atkins wci^l^,to Linda Drye's kindergarten. 'PHiy.were coming back from lunch. When they gol back wc said, "Sur- priscl':' bul we didn'l frighten Ihem. Wc a.ski\l Ihem many questions nnd Ihcy answ^'cred all our questions Tlw firsl i)uc^Viun wc a.sked was wlut boi^k did tlwy like to read. They s;iid they like Iranklin B(H)ks. Wc wanted Id know if Ihcy do s|K‘IIing. and lltey said tliey •spell days of Ihc week. We found out lhal they like lo go outside und play. Tliey gel candy treats on Friday if they arcgood.Thcirlunchtimcis 11 o.m. In math they are adding. Tlic students shared iheirrulcs.Thcnilcsorcwalkin line correctly, keep hands ond feet to yourself, sit correctly,‘and rcspecl oth­ ers. АПег wcasked qur questions, they asked us questions. Tliey osked us if we do math and social studies. Tliey osked us If wc do centers, and wc .said "No ccniers in fourth grade." Richard Kimbrell and Johnny Stephens went on an adventure to Angela Spillman's kindergarten class. Wc thought lliey would be having rest time bul they weren't. Mrs. Spillman's classlikesiop;unt.Tlielrravoritcb(X)k is "Cat In Tlic Hal." Richard asked the sludenis wliai their favorite fo(xl wa.s. They said, "Pizzal" Johnny asked who was Iheir favoriic tcachcr. They .shouted, "Mrs. Spillman." Tlieir fa­ vorite oclivily is playing with blocks. Their favorite class is physical educa­ tion. Richard and Johnny really wanted to stay longer but it was lunch time. Two sneaky reporters, Clark Tammen and Kaley Keaton, wenl lo Mrs. Baugh’s firsl grade class. We found oul they do spelling, nwth and sciencc. Tliey have ivvo new students: Griselda and Lucero. They go outside fortenminutes.Tlieycan count money. They all do math homework. Tliey hiive eight hoys and ten girls. Tlieir favorite subject is sciena'. Tliey all like 4'hool, they like to draw, and all like art. Mrs. James' first grade class has been counting with numbers. She has anew student. They are reading begin- nerbook.s. Rcportcr.SainanthaContos. surveyed the sludenis. She asked them about their favoriic subject. Their fa­ vorite was P.E. (Physical Education). The mosl that they're learning is read­ ing and writing. ReannaSizemorcandSidney Henry went to visit Mrs. Dyson's First Grade dass. Tlic class is reading about cater- pillars. Tlic studentsgraphed how they come to school as a math project. Tliey have math and phonics assigned for homework.Theymadecalerpillarsfor an activity. Their new student is Torcnn Riv­ ers. Tlicy rcad first grade level b(K)ks. Tlic dass voted lhat "Tlie Very Hun­ gry Caterpillar" is their favorite Ixxik. Tlie class' favorite cafeteria f(xxl is pizza. Mrs. Dyson has 16 students in her class. Tlicy like to talk a lot, like us. Tliey arc really good kids. Mrs. Dyson lias taught school for three ycjirs. Tlie class has five mles. They arc really good. I om Natasha Wilson from Mrs. Judy Willie's fourth grade class. I've ken investigating things that's been going on in Mrs. Wyatt's .second grade class. I found out siinic very interest­ ing things. 1 found out that they love to rcad.Their favorite Ihing lodo in schix)l is to play on computers and have re­ cess. They love iheir teacher, Mrs. Wyatl.SometimesMrs.Glavscockwill come in and help them with reading gnmps. Tliey like U) gel treats when they arc good or get 100 on a math sheet. They like adding and subtract­ ing. 1 asked the tcadier some questions Continued On Pa^e 1)4 3 1 7 M a r g in a l S\ • G r e c i fa m ily h o m e ! O v e r 2 7 0 0 SF, la rg e ro o m s, 2 fu ll b a lh s , g a s h e a l, cenh-al air, p a v e d d riv e w a y , 2 c a r g o rg e , p u b lic w ater, sew er, n a tu ra l g a s . $ 7 2 ,0 0 0 2 0 8 O a k d a le • A d e a l v o u c a n 't b e a t! B rick w ilh w o o a shoices. C o m fo rta b le liv in g in o v e r 1 9 0 0 SF. 3BR s, la rg e d e n /p la y r o o m , p lu s 1 a c re lo L ) 9 5 ,0 0 0 3 3 0 G w y n Street • In-tow n lo c a t i o n n e a r h o s p i t a l . 3 i b e d ro o m s , 1 b o lb . V in v l s id in g , h e a t p u m p , p o rc h , aeclc a n d d e ta c h e d g a r a g e . $ 7 6 ,0 0 0 N e e d a n F H A -H U D A p p raisal? C a ll Us! W e're Ready and on H D D 's approved list! M a x in e B o g e r IntH-Mifti/lf/iiba G ilb e r t L B o g e r Broker • CcrtiHed Appraiser Abo Uceased ia VirgialM Your D avie County : N e igh b o r & R ealtor BOGER R e a l E s t a t e 5248 US H*y 158 , 998-8334 or 998-8274 OfodtOpcnttd byDm&tot)rhe;lt (olUtFer(niiMilffranb S w i c e g o o d W A L L & M c D A N f f i L 7îJDr j'JaiáiJíiíJj'iJLiíJ'J j'l-jui Î m i'à i'iu ïà ü ijV m lu ' Ш M i'J íi'J ' Î'I'JClBVlllï ?r'JÍ23Dl'jnill 'J ïlliïf Ш : Ш. 123 SuntM O rclt - Eim tcu№ 1«^ к« (ta coz; жкк rinchtr 1 hf|t (knWlntbcc Stoinu Vbw фопсп or м я Ьоии al l.4m|in.mCallW)L 1Э1 LMngiton Ro«l-Rv«lnd!ür|tfiiTri7hcm on Km Bocmtnt coUd ta Mw quvun or |ue( m il-T bt forpout ho(M boua e*tr i iaSAs.bcuSJhir<}Modindtlwt(te p ffliutr MU 1 bA. ^ t bnh«“ lrlnbaf«Lnit,eiOiCdHvf 3 2t Hikm Rosd • Loitly «ooM md ope» I* acrt lot wrnxnh (hü itK 2EA W Comtritm to Mü 0 д р а п у ■ E A L T Y i ^ I7D fw fclU v fu -tek Wa |As ссгушг n m m m or рп|ьОшС«1Мкай»|1Л1«С|1М11»ÍA Мк m hv « « 1Л « m kimote tertfto -1 I^U K Q IfW T 1 _________hcmtorl______ 3Bfl, 1ШММ hM t v M oi bed) _____________TMiGalnKttAho(««MrhaarA __________________I Lots & Land________________________^ |Go<bn>M<-3l>to4-Ho«ln»ooMF«Ml»lM»twi.K0WKi».CilPttWt] Lot2 LMs üÎm • L TimiMiM Oninh KMd • 2-S m mm. Ni Roirictiora! »HTOoch. EnimM Um ^ iouiM unmtrtod loi br p jr home, t l(.90a Conotzv Itoad - H kbn HM n • 2 bukb» loaOou to new dimnuy w iubonte lobu№ i.|l(.000 p<f lot. Ijam Ourdi lloid ■ Gn>t tuld» lo ill 7.m. CrivOMklbw400xml«ic«lwlth4ialibini.(;2x3()№000. Г М м U p - N w M h M t b r bulH N iwСо т Ынио MKUlicfHi HCitod, 15 icw ot га— и am. M o c k s v ille • 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 4 0 0 • w w w .p e n n in g t o n r e a lt y . c o m • 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 9 -3 3 8 3 • H ills d a le / A d v a n c e • 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -8 9 0 0 D4 - D\V1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000Davie Schools Conllnucd From Pajjc D3 likcwhatkidUofassignmcmshcgivcs. She gives spelling, rcading, and maih. Tliey like learning about social studies undscicncc.Mrs.Wyatl’Ssccondgrade Is a really great class. Nick White an^ Craig Draughn went to report on Mrs. Rencgai's sec­ ond grade class! Ihey have one new ' student, and his name is Dwayne Parks.- 11)0 class is doing doubles in class, nicy are rcading about giants. Mrs. Rcncgar’s class is doing bus safety in MX'ial studies. They are getting ready to do weather in science. Mrs. Rencgai's class loves to play outside. 1 am Jai%s Dumctte, and I am studying Alice Bagshaw's class. She docs give homework. She gives math sonwiimcs. M n . Bagshaw's class hi» two new students: Casey Bumelte and KeairaSmlth.Shedocsnotgivealotor Iwnwwork. She docs play games, and* itiey do have fun. Mrs. Carothers is a new teacher at our school. Brandi Cockcrham visited their class. M r. Carothere was teach­ ing them addition. Thc class seemed very good at it. They got homework the first week, unlike some other clxsscs. Most students liked gym for ilvcir favorite class. In math they were measuring inches. In rcading, thc class was rcading "Roxaboxcn." Mrs. Carothcfs’ classroom has two new stu­ dents. Their favorite subject is math. I happened to be in the same class last year, bul with a difierent teacher, und I tuive to say it's a very fun grade. Kayla Mangrum and Wesley Paugh went snooping to their Iasi year’s third grade teacher's, Kris Donley, class. They were snooping around lo see whal her stuikinLs were doing. And what do you think they were doing? They werc spelling. TTiey could spell Iwttcr than us. We werc happy lo see ilwni. Most of Ihem loved math. They loved rcading too. Some of them had easy books and others harder books. They liked to add a lot. Some even add seven rows. There were some names wc learned: Patti and John. We even got to talk to the leocherassistant, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson was the icacher assistant last year too. Wc are very, very proudofMrs. Donley’sclass. Wc hope they make it to fourth grade. MynamcisAshleyPcacock. Iwent to Mrs. Cleary's class to sec whal they wcrcdoing.Thcylikcmaih.Theywcrc counting numbers and writing num­ bers. In rcading, they arc rcading "Stone Fox." They arc doing science. They arcdoingspcllingandvocabulaiy.Mrs. Cleary is nicc. I like her bccausc she is very nice; ‘ ................................ Malcoim Walker inlcrvicwcd his own class. Не is in Mrs. Judy White's fourthgradc. Ourclass is typing potato recipes. Natasha Wilson brought a bushel of potatoes to the class for the class to cook. In Joan Mean's art cla.4s, students did potato priming and made stationary. ITie class is having a N.C. Multiplication Race and is planning a North Carolina party. Thc first winner wasDrandiCockcrham,olhcrwinners are: Natasha Wilson, Sidney Henry, Justin Keaton,SamanthaComos,Crajg Draughn, Clark Tammen, Scott Barkcley, Hannah Reavis, Kayla Mangrum, Nancy Alexander, Josh Atkins, and Wesley Puugh. The class is rcading "Stone Fox" and The Talcs of thc Fourth Grade Nothing" which theclass calls Fudgie. Tlierc's a boy In the book cal led Fudge. - In social studies, we ore studying Davie Couniy. We graphed whcrc we werc btim. We arc planning a lour of Davie Couniy. We have takc-liome readers, too. Our citi/cns of tltc week so far this year are Samantha Contos» Clark Tamtncn, and Azarely Benitc/. Bus and car riders have been Jusiin Keaton» Craig Draughn, and Elias Mojica. Our names arc Hannah Rcavis and Nancy Alexander. We went to Mrs. Meagher's fifth grade class. Wc went to see what they werc doing. They werc doing math. They have been busy. They like art a lot. They have sonw new kids in theirclass.Thcy do not like scicnce, but Ihey like lodraw. They are cnjoyingschool.Thcy have made many new friends. Some kids have a brother or a sislcr. They like to do fun stuff when they re not in sch(X}l. Some of the kids like Mrs. Cleary. Some of the kids like football. Nina Dalton went toSudie Wlialcy's fifth grade. They were doing Saxon math. They have some new students. They’re Ricky McKnighl, Chelsea Mancss, Caleb Pierce, andShca Lewis. Mrs. Wltaley'sclass isrcading "Kavik." Il is about a wolf dog. Azarely Benitez and Elias Mojica visited Jen O’Donnell's ESOL class. They went to find out what her stu­ dents were doing. Tlicy found bill lhal they were making books abóui them­ selves. They were reading books tliat help them make their Iw ks. Miss O'Donnell has 43 students in her pro­ gram. She has kindcrgaiicn through fifth grade. They like to color and read. They like to do homcworic in their class and play at thc play^und. Miss O'Donnell’s favorilc book is "Whal Came Around and Goes Around.** This year’s Teacher of the Year at WRD is Mrs. Judy White, a fourth grade teacher. Mrs. Ellen Ligon is WRD's asslstani of the year. South Davie Allddle Media specialist JulicMarklinison maternity leave and will be returning Oct. I. KarcnCrxmchaslven filling in for Mrr». Murklin. The media ccntcr has purchased 30 new biwks. Includ­ ing the new Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. This bw>k. along with several other new accclerated reader btx>ks. have been in grcal demand. Student Council officers for thc 2000-2001 school year arc: Megan Howell, prcsident; Bailey Marn», vicc president; AJ. Rogers, secretary; und Briltlnl Young, trcasurcr. The Junior Beta Club's officers for M 2000-2001 school yean Alyson Walker, president; Bailey Mam, prcsi- denl-eleci;BckahPcclcr.sccrciary;and Kounncy Hanrdhan, ueuiurer. An in­ duction ceremony was held on Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m. in the gym. All new members as «ell as those ^rcady in the club will aiicnd. Parcnis 'anJ families arcencouragcd tocomc sKare this spe­ cial evening. The sixth grade Dolptiin studenu of Teresa Santis and Steve Hamlin luve begun this school ^-ear by rcading "The PhantomTollbooth." In commu­ nications. students have reviewed ba­ sic sentence structure. Tlwir first Kx>k project Is due Sept. 22. In social stud- ics. Dolphins have reviewed basicmap skills and arc studying theanclentcivi- lizations of Mesopotamia ond Egypt. In math, students spent a day creating songs and raps that were based on multiplication. They also spent a day ns comic book artists creating "Math- Toons," where ihe cartoons they cre­ ated had mathematical plots. Dolphins áre learning about the concept of Inte­ gers and how they are used incveryday life. In Science, students completed labs on mass and volume and using scale measurements. They are study­ ing astronomy and built a Я'а1е model of the soliu* system. Zach Eaton was Citizen of the Month. On Sept. 7.28 of the Dolphins enjoyed n movie and popcorn party for ihelr good behavior and acadcmic responsibility for the fiiTit 22 days of school. Mnehrook Elementary Sccond graders celebrated Grand- parcnis Day in о big way. More than 150 grandparents visited on Friday. Sept. 8. Studcnlsin Pam Harpc, Cindy Slephcn.son. Sandy Hendrix, and Vickie Potts' classes entertained ihcir guests by singing songs ond reciting poems. Each cla.ss hosted a rccepllon and .served a variety of rcfrcshntcms. TlK'yalsogawtbeirgrandparcnLssoftic hand-made gifts lo show them how much tlwy arc loved and oppreciated. First grmlers in Usa Sutton's class have been working on their nuth skills with the help of "sorting centers." Thc students have s*ined beans, buttons, beads, und pattern bkx'ksusing siming rules. They have had fun exploring Nvays to sort these items, and were inventive when establishing thcirown sorting criteria. They have also been working on the C»ei>n'№try Ntath Keys computer program in computer lab to help with these concepts. FvHtrth graders in Sar^th Hartn\an, Angie Williams. Melissa Lynch, and Florence Simons' classes went on a field trip to thc Vulcan Materials mu­ seum in Win.ston-Salcni. Hie students enjoyed ilw obsersatory whcrc they wuld watch the activity in tlw циапу. Joe Guitcrrez, u retired geologist, explained the way a quarry works ond showed thc children samples of rocks from all over the U.S. and Cancún, Mexico. The students visited thc museum where they saw many types of rocks andfossils,includingadinosaurfemur bone. Each student was given n rock. and a poster to take home. Fourth graders in Angie Williams' class have finished reading the novel "Whipping Boy." As on extension lo Ihcir study of medieval times, the stu­ dents had Iheir cholcc of doing a re­ search paper or creating o 3-D project to present lo the class. Many students build castles out o f all sorts of materi­ als. Thcrc was also a iikmIcI of a cata­ pult, and oiIkt medieval tools. Cafeteria manager, Priscilla Dwiggins and herstafi', rvccntly hosted the first blnlnJay celebration snack of the year. More than 75 children whose birthdays fell In July and August were treated to a spccial snack during their lunch period. Mrs. Dwiggins plans lo do this cach month. Children whose birthdays fall In lhal month will cat their lunch in tIte comiiKins luva and the cafeteria will provide them with a special dessert lo celebrate ilieir birth­ day. As always, parents ;ire invited to join their children for lunch. Uwk for a notice lo come home infonning }\>u of when each cclcbratlon will be held. McdiaSpecialistSandyYounghcld a training .session for new classroom volunteers on Monday, Sept. 11. Vol­ unteers were given instruction on ihc proper use of all school equipment. Fall pictures were taken on Sept. 7. Retakes arc scheduled for Ocl. 13. ., 3YwInesdfly, Sept. 20 Is. on Eariy Release Day. STARS of the Week of Sept. 8 werc: Jonah Womblc. Casey Cranfill, Potrick Orellana, Brittanie Mitchcm, Katrina Motne, Kerri Blevins, Alyssa York. Karla Miner, Brandon Roy. Katclync Reed, Charlotte Smith, Jus­ iin Flood. Jessica Strickland. Megan Huichcns, Justin Whisenhunt, SaraJi Evans. Leroy Hairston, Samantha James, Diana Green, Kayla Newsom, Josh Owens, Cayla Sims, and Justine SoloiiKin. QrnemVMlnTbeCotatfyt StwlaokHhEasyMiti Quality Furniture &Coaectíbtes Ш 4 9 1 .Ш 4 HOMES FOR SALE Three government owned honnes in Mocksville. All 3 bedroonn, 2 both. Excellent buys. Genesis Realty Company. Call Lori. 1-888-636-2552 I P I X v irtu e ! T o u rs Y o u K n o w U s ... W e K n o w R e a l E s t a t e Prudential Carolinas Realty 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons, NC 336-7N-4400 4 g e n f R o s t o r Audrey Fuhrmann.......................727-46»9 Bev Supple, CR S, G R I...................99e-2034 Gloria M alhewi, CRS, GRI.........996-5062 Jennifer Stroud.................................714-4424 Kathy Phllllpi.....................................766-7089 Marylee H »ite r..................................714-4406 Pat KInnamon, CR S, G R I............780-7722 Peter A. Heaven...............................714-4410 Sandra Jo hnso n..............................94S-4018 Sherri Coram ......................................714-4414 Vicki B. Bullard.................................714-4433 Vonda Lee Rusielt. G R I_______..714-4407 C O L D l U e U . B A N K e R Q TRIAD, REALTORS * Davie County Inlersecllon ot Hwys 158 & 601 (336) 998-8816 , Rolocallon; 1-800-327-4398 f a F e a t u r e H o m e |15УШ )Ш ПАа‘ а£ЕШ)ООШАга-Я11.«0'3№*ИА*ШЕ ,lncK>^ hMI pwmp. Plijteom Wff, ««t'in Utth«i tnd room.hki M A matun Un4uipln(. YtauFunMC*m-m7 www.prudentialcarollnas.com . M I S Г I. 1 ,s I !•; I) Ь«-Л01|ФЛв Ufní*«мt'WlaЫ^«иt'lu«1>?1*r ' U » IT Its (»SW CM ■ ЦП с ei 1 « Ici kw ) VI i IIU »I tn «fr 11 w ^ IM i*tt |1<Ш U SwiСапГШ'ЛШ CoTtntj hrt In • Nm prtü явпм IГча ЧЛ «ълм mw« Ul чрг *cir«n cw<ÿtaUSUntormnMUt«Я SMa UndM №rt • »« M и ■ » M vnM смw tj Ir, mn И. iiar<r« iMf t| ftrj* teUS*aL>nüM№n.$bii: е««{тЕлк11в|ц ■ea ПМ w u 9M kl WK ^ ttvsaui'JidriMi:?164Э SSm UndM СИп • ln M e Uairf K» 14. CM. acai *c« i tECV« w»i h r*«»« Cctmcr |пЮ CilVry«alMlUá.nu<7Silín Unäng Oriri. irwerrweiK i Г;>7 cxqi f*Tj k/Cr m et« b|V рШИ'Ч' ^ Pw toe-лж гак « »a »Ä* ru4C Kl! Ый UndM Dm« • U w « МЦ h Navi > r Л» СКЖ a»7. im cza »l : ! !Л a » rr. tucu S.9 > 1» 6e C# wnaiM ?1W4?U( f Hvu «ма ■ c>ne M p» t te »1« ’.{*«» M É -_- iot;ouhont oaxvauxt tlH.tCO Ш LSIA 0AV1C Оч с/M tn • OiL-wc TW km Km » tuiwt «И >i1 IrtMn И*— *> lADONNAfOtTï т-ИИ leaUVnUNOM UMJOAkUN glÜCO m ^ WM hÌ Îh» Cb'vwmi .#•arM 1 <«K tal u |V«« км I «W U nOUrUNNCm-llif « h I Cjrw я П» L - ’rt.Ш-х-Л Im .j lUWUNUTAYf моосимжш т IMSrrClAUOt lUnUOAHJN 'lin.NO un UA DA«Ьм Alt« M I r*M ■ Ьгм.«Il» a* Сиччч " *I.M Vw* <1— SAUVHCCt»lEm-llUCW>vfW>aa.-i PCCC EET Program Reaccredition Approved DA.VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - DS J P U B L I C N O T I C E S Davidson Couniy Community - ^College’s Electronics Engineering „.Technology (EET) program was re- . ¡•ccntly approved for rcoccrcdltatlon -by the Technology Accreditation „ „Commission of ihe Accredltollon Board for Engineering and Ttchnol- ,,ogy(TAC/AQET). . The nationally rccognized occrcd- ,,, iting body voted at ils summer meet- ,. .ing to occrcdlt DCCC’s two-year os- jsoclate in oppllcd sclcncc degree pro- ■„'grom to Sept. 30,2006. The college's EET program was "InltiailyoccredllcdbyTAC/ADETln ; !j.i986. In recognizing the EET program’s ‘ 'excellence, the cvalualing body slated lhal its review of the program ^showed no programmatic or institu- . '7^lonal weaknesses. The group's final reporl rccog- '*7 'nizcd strengths which included “ the rapport of the staff wilh cach other, ^ with Ihc students of the program, with ‘^^ihe division managemcnl. and with . :C:thc college admlnistralion toward '"solving problems, planning for near and far-lcmi objectives, and fuirill- ing insiructional goals." Thc excellence of compuialionol and inslruciional facilities was also highlighted. Labtiratories wiihin the classrooms establish an Ideal envi- ..ronmcnl for active learning, and new ^computers werc recently installed in Ihe computer laboratory servicing the . program. A new PLC laboratory was recently completed. The EET program staff was com- iiieilded for moinlaining a close working relationship with employers who represent the marketplace for ils graduates. This relationship facili- . - lutes lheлdjuslmeлloГ-program cur-*. riculum 10 meet the needs o f local ' industry. As a result, the demand for thc graduates is high bccausc the graduates mccl the needs o f local ; employen. Dr. Patricia Akers, chair of thc engineering and manufacturing tcch- . nology division at DCCC. notes Ihe I. ' reaccredilalion process began in July * ;I999 wilh a self*sludy which exam- :■ lined college policies, facilities, and «Гасииу, as well os EET pn>gram ad- ;m l4!sions standards, retention poli- ;c4es, requircments for graduates and j [enrollment and graduate statistics. : .Graduates and employers werc intcr- I Ivlcwcd lo idcniify program strengths : {and goals for improvement. ; A TAC/ADET evaluation team I wisiicd the college In early Octobcr ' ;I999 to review thc self-study report Г -and interview various represcntaiivcs ,of the campus community as well as .members of the program's advisory commlttcc which Included employ­ ers who have hired graduates. Thc visiiing committee’s report was submitted for review In Decem­ ber, ond thc Technology Accredita­ tion Commission approved the committee’s recommendation to re- accredit thc program at its summer meeting. A list of accredited pro­ grams is published annually by ABET, ond DCCC’s EET program will be included in thot listing. **Having been occrcditcd by ABET shows the program meets na­ tional standards, and It rclnforecs thc crediblllly o f the graduates In skills and knowledge.” Akers said. Enrollment in the program is In­ creasing. During the 2000 fall scmes- ter« students in the college’s coopera­ tive high school program arc enrolled in EET day classes for the first lime. Thc seven high school studenu attend two classes in ihe moming and arc integrated with students enrolled full­ time In Ihc electronics program. In addition, twenty regular curriculum students arc enrolled in thc EET evening program. DCCC’s electronics engineering technology program was initiated in 1981, with the first graduates earn­ ing their associate degrees in the spring of 1983. Thc curriculum pre­ pares Individuals to ^ o m c techni­ cians who design, build, install, test, iroublcshoot. repair, and modify de­ velopmental and production elec­ tronic equipment, and systems such as industrial/computer controls, manufacturing sysieim. communica­ tion systems, and power electronic systems. Graduates should quali fy for em­ ployment os engineering assistants or electronic technicians. Davidson Couniy Community College— a comprehensive commu­ nity college established in 1958 — provides quality educational pro­ grams and services lo prepare people in.Davidson and Davie counties for enhanced employment and educa­ tional opportunities. During the 1998-99 academic year, the College provided 17,388 individuals with 1.7 million hours of instruction. The College Is committed to enhancing the ability of Individuals and orga­ nizations to live, cam. cope, chai\ge, survive, succeed, and prosper through pcrpciuol, lifelong Icarriir|g experiences. These learning expcn- cnccs crcatc choices and enhance opportunities for education and em­ ployment. thereby providing viable means lo improve the quality of life in the community. R E V r V A L Oak Grove United Methodist Church Ilwy. 158 cast of Mocksvillc Sunday, Monday & Tuesday September 17,18 & 19 S crviccs beg in at 7:00 P.M. Rev. Jack Yarbrough w ill be llie visiiing minister. 'Hicrc w ill be a Spccial Singing each evening. We welcome you to join us for ihcse services. NOBTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OlSTRtCT COURT DIVISION 99CV0854 County of Davio, Plaintiff,............ vs. Clllton Loo Pooplos a/k/a Clilton Loo Peeblos; Roglna Carson: Sharma Dulin; Warren Dulin; Tawanna Dulin; Joann Pooblos: Roneo Peeblos; Tho Heirs of J.V. Pooblos. known and unknown: Howoll W. Wottz: ond American Qonorot Rnonco, lienholdor. Dolondams.TO: Rogina Carson, Routo 4, Box 534, Mocksvillo, NC 27026; Joann Poobles, Route 3, Box 44, Advanco, NC 27006; Roneo Peebles, Routo 3, Box 44, Advanco, NC 27006. TAKENOTlCElhatapteadingBOok- Ing rolief against you has boon filed In Ihe obove entitlod action Tho nature of the roliof sought is the collection and/or foreclosure ol property taxes owing on property located in Davie Couniy, North Carolina, and being described and des­ ignated as follows: Tax Identification number H90000003S, H900000036, H900000038 ond 1900000005. You are requested to mako defense to such pleading no later than the 23rd day ot October, 2000, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notk:e; and upon your failure to do so. tho party seeking service ogainst you will apply to tho Court for the relief sought. This \ho7th day olSeptember.2000. /a^ Robert E. Price Jr. Attorney for Piainliff State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI­ ATES. P.A 3400 Hoaty Drive. 8to.B P.O. Box 26364 Winston-Salem NC 27114-6364 Telephone: (336) 760.2870 .............. ........................9-l4-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 00CVDS78 County ol Davie. Plaintiff, vs. The heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unknown; Bossie Cuthrell; Tho heirs of Bessie Culhretl, if deceased; Alexander Cuthrell; Robert Jurxlor Cuthrell; The heirs of Maty Elizabeth Cuthrell Pruitt Hairston, known and unknown; The heirs of Troy Hairston, known and unknown; Bertha Hairston; Lizzie H. Jordan; and Tho Davie County Department of Social Sen/ices, Guardian for Mary Pruitt Hairston, ward, Defendanls. AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PROCESS TO: Robert J.Cuthroll. t003West Fisher SUeet, Salisbury. NC 28144; Heirs of Mary £lizobethCuthrell,Pmitt Hairston, known ond unknown, 1S6 Benson Street, Mocksville, NC 27028; Heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unknown, 1S6 Benson Street. MocksviUe. NC 27028; Bertha Hairston. 156 Benson Slreel, Mocksville. NC 27028; Lizzie H. Jordan 156 Benson Street, Mocksville, NC 27028; Bessie Cuthrell, 156 Benson Street, Mocksville, NC 27028; Heirs of Bessie Cuthrell, known and unknown, 156 Benson Street, Mocks­ ville. NC 27028; Alexander Cuthrell, 156 Benson Street, Mocksville. NC 27028; Heirs of Troy Hairston, known and unknown. 156 Benson Street, Mocks­ ville. NC 27028. TAKE NOT№E that apleading seek­ ing relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief sought is the collection and/or foreclosure of property taxes owino on NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF Ihe power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and de­ livered by Melissa L Grubb, dated the 24th day ol Febnjary. 2000, and re­ corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Davie County. North Caro­ lina, In Book 327 al Page 429 and be­ cause of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and fail­ ure lo corry out and perform the stipula­ tions and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the Indobtodness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned SubstituteTrusiee will expose for sale at pubUc auction to the highest bidder (or cash at the usual place of sale in the County Courthouse of Davie County, in the city of Mocksville. North Carolina, at 3:45 o'clock on the 27th day ot Sep* tember. 2000, all that certain parcel of land, more particularly described as fol­ lows:IMPROVEMENTS: House and lot/ CondominlunVor Lot ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 373 Boxwood Church Road, Mocksviiie, NC 27028LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AH that cer­ tain lot or parcelof land siluato in Jerusa­ lem Township, Davie County, North Carcriina and more particulartydescribed as follows: BEGINNING at a PK nail at the inter­ section of the center lines of Boxwood Church Road (SR 1824) andCherry Hill Road (SR 1819), said point ol beginning being tho Southwest comer ol the wiihin described tract, and running thence from the beginning with the center lino of SR 1824 North27deg.20min.39 sec. West 563.89 feet toa point in the centerof said road; thence continuing with said center line North 28 deg. 04 min. 11 sec. West 113.84 feet to a point; thence continuing with said center line North 29 deg. 55 min. 37 sec. West 85.48 feet to a point; thence continuing with said center line North 32 deg; 28 min: 54 sec: West 72.88 feet to a point in said center line, Northwest comer of the within described Uact and lying in the Southern margin of Boxwood Missionary Baptist Church (Deed Book 23 al Page 486 and Book 1344 at Page 551); thence with Ihe Southern boundary of Boxwood Church North7t deg. 51 min. 20 sec. East 31.21 feet to an iron pin; Ihence continuing said beating with Boxwood Church 206.89 feet to an iron pin. Southeast corner ol Boxwood Church and the Southwest comer of Christopher Todd F1anagan(DeedBook134atPage550); thence with the Southern boundary of Chris Flanagan North71 deg. 51 min. 20 sec. East 123.11 feel to an iron pin in the Southern boundary of Flanagan, North­ east corner of the wiihin described tract; thence a new line with Joe B. Ranagan South 11 deg. 39 min. 26 sec. East 270.50 feel to an iron pin; Ihence with Flanagan South 24 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. East 122.00 feet to an iron pin; thence with Flanagan North 70 deg. 28 min. 41 sec. East80.09feettoaniron pin; thence with Flanagan South 33 deg. 03 min. 44 sec. East 323.71 feet to an Iron pin; thence South 33 deg. 03 min. 44 sec. East30.03 feel to a PK nail in the center tine of SR 1819, said point being the Southeast comerolthewithin described iract; thence with the center line of SR 1819 the following courses and dis­ tances: South 54 deg. 50 min. 10 sec. West 95.26 feet South 57 deg. 36 min. 35 soc. West 70.12 feel; South 59 deg. 00 min. 03 sec. West 215.29 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, con­ taining 6.00 acres. Including public high­ way right-of-way as per plat of Grady L Tutterow,RLS, dated February 29.1988. This trac( Is further Identified as 6.00 acres Irom the eastern portion of the Joe B. Flanagan tract described in Deed Book 61. Page 298, Davie County Reg­ istry. This tract is subject to a 20-foot wide easement of access and for placement of utility and water lines and area 20 feel posting tho notice are Melissa L Gnjbb and Spouso, ifony. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of thirty (30) cents per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinabove described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and that the undersigned may require the successful bidder al the sale to immedi­ ately deposit cash or certified check in the amount of the greater of five pereent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00). The realproporty hereinabove described win be sold subject to any unpaid taxes, prior encumbrances, if any, and special assessments.The sale will be hold oponfor ten ( 10) days for upset bids as by taw required. This the 6th day of September, 2000. /8/ Ronald H. Davis or Frances S. White Substitute Tnjstee 9-14-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE FILENO.OOmOOl Davie County, Plaintiff, vs. Buriey Robert Mayberry Estate. Defendant NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an execution issued on the 8th day of August, 2000, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Davie County In the above entitled ac­ tion. and directed to the undersigned Sheriff, I will at 12:00 noon on the 9th day of October, 2000, al the door ol the DavieCounty Courthouse in Mocksville. N.C. offer for salo to tho highest bidder for cosh, all the right, title and interest which the defendant now has or at any­ time at or after theidocketing of the judgment in said action had in and to the following described real estate, lying and being In Mocksville Township. Davie County, N.C. BEGINNING at a stake In the edge ol Depot Slreel. comer of Lot No. 3 and runs thence wilh line ol said Lot No. 3 South 3 degs. W. 100 feet to a stake, comer of Lots No. 3,15 & 16; thence with Lol No. 16 South 85 degs. East 44 feet to a stake, comer of Lot No. 16: thence North 3 degs. East 100 feol to a stake al the said Depot Street; Ihence with said Depot Slreel North 85 degs. West 43 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being Lots No. 1 and 2 o( the T.W Carter and L. Carter land, as sun^eyed. See ptat at the Register ol Deeds' office. Davie County. North Carolina, in Book 30. al page 137. The above described property is sold subject to any and all prior liens, encum­ brances, deeds of tnist. rights of way. easements, assessments and Ad Valo­ rem taxes, if any. TERMS OF SALE: The high bidder will be required to depo&t ten percent (10%) of his bid in cash at the time of sate and Ihe balance upon confirmation of sale and tender ol deed. This the 6th day ol September, 2000. William A Whitaker SheriH of Davie County Is/ S.D. Moxley Jr.. Deputy Sheriff 9-14-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 2000 SP 123 In Re: The Estate of CLYDE ROY WILLIAMS. SR. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND PURSUANT to an Or­ der entered by the Honorable Kenneth D. Boger, Cleric of Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina on the 7th day of September, 2000, Tamra Will- WISECARUER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about Tree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CaCC to d a yl (336) 998-8810 RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •MocbvUle, NO (336) 284-2826 property located In Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and des­ ignated as follows: Tax Identification number J5010C0011 You are requested to make defense to such pleading no laler than the 23rd day of October, 2000, said dale being 40 days from the first publication of this notk:e; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking sen/ice against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This tho 7th day of September. 2000. /s/Robert E. Price Jr. Attorney for Piainliff State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI­ ATES, P.A.. 3400 Healy Drive, Ste.B P.O. Box 26364 Winston-Salem, NC 27114-6364 Telophono: (336)760-2870 9-t4-3tn A t o Z REASONABLE RATES • FREE ECTIMATES Ttm Prevette - Owner. . . ' Д О Ц Ш ’И ! Modcsvate; NC SR 1824 across the Northern boundary of the above described tract, said ease­ ment having metes and bounds descrip­ tion as follows; BEGINNING at a point in Ihe center line of SR 1824, the North-, west comerof the abovedescribed tract, and running Ihence with the Southern boundary,of Boxwood Baptist Chureh North 71 ;deg. 51 min. 20 sec. East 361.21 feet to an iron pin, Northeast comer of the above described tract; thence continuing said bearing 243.29 feet to a point in the Southem tx>undafy of Dana Michelle Potts (Deed Book 134 at Page 549); thence South 19 deg. 01 min. 00 sec. East 20.00 feet to a point; Ihence South 71 deg. 5^ min. 20 sec. West 604.^ feet to a point In SR 1824; Ihence North 19 deg. 01 min. 00 sec. West20.00'feet to Ihe point and placo of BEGINNING, said easement being per­ petual In nature, non-exclusive as set forth in Deed Book 143, Page 158. Davie County Registry. Saving and Excepting an out-con- veyance ol, 2 acres to James H. Hayes hereinby Deed recorded 5/24/90lnbook 1&4atpagè360. . Saving ¡and Excepting an out-con- veyance ol 1 acre lo Shariene B. Will­ iams herein by Deed recorded 4/12/94 In Book 173 alpage 712. PRESENT RECORD OWNERS a* reflected oh Ihe records of the Begistor. ofDeedarjolmorethanlOdaysp^to lams and Jill Baca, the Co-Administra* _________ — lorsoUho£slateof¿lydofloy-WiHiamSí--------'f h i rrusiee.'finer salò, ¿hall require STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE OOSP115 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ol the power ot ] sale contained Ina certain Deed of Trust j oxecutedbyGIendaC.Bradley(Unmar- ried) to The Fidelity Company, Trustoe. I as recorded in Book 245, at Page 90, Davie County Rogistiy; and under and by virtue of the authority vested In the undersigned, asTrustee,defBulthaving been made in the payment of the Indebt- | edness thereby secured, and the said ! DeedofTruslbelngbythotermsthereof i subject to foreclosure, and the Holder of | .the indebtedness thereby secured hav­ ing demanded a foreclosure thereof for j the purpose of satisfying said indebted­ness, the undersigned Trustee will offer I for sate al public auction to the highest | bidderforcashalthecourthousodoorof ! the Davie Couniy Courthouse, Mocks- ] ville. North Carolina, at 11:00 o'clock I AM. on the 29th day of September. I 2000, all ihe property conveyed in said I Deed of Trust, which property as of I September 7, 2000 was owned by Glenda C. Bradley, the same lying and being in Calahan Township. Davie County, North Carolina, and more par- > ticularly described as follows:BEGINNINGat an iron pin located in the Southem margin of the wiihin de­ scribed tract, said point being the North­ east comer of Gene W. Dull DB 92, Page 175, and also being a comer with W.S. Seamon OB 43, Page 241; running thence from the point and place of be­ ginning with the Northern boundary of Gene Dull North 87 degrees 09 minutes ] 39 seconds Wesl 277.51 feet to an iron ■ pin. Southwest comer of the within de­ scribed tract; thence North 29 degrees ! 23minutes 16 seconds East 167.04 feet to an iron pin lying within the right of way margin of SR 1156 (Stage Coach Road); thence with said right ol way North 26 degrees 23 minutes 23 seconds East 154.37 feet to a point wiihin said right of way; thence North 38 degrees 24 min­ utes 52 seconds East 93.22 feet to'a point; thence North 16 degrees 42 min­ utes 52 seconds East 71.04 feet to an iron pin. Northwest comer of the within describ^ tract and being a new comer with James W. Hedrfck (DB 141, at Page 793); ihence with Hedrick South 59 degrees 45 minutes 49 seconds East 535.87 feet to an iron pin, Northeast comer ol the within described tract and tying in the Western boundary of W.S. Seamon; thence with Seamon South 31 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds West 222.76 feet to an iron pin. Southeast comer of the within described tract; thence with Seamon North B5 degrees 48 minutes 46 seconds West 300.48 feet to the point and place of BEGIN­ NING, containing 4.223 acres as sur­ veyed by Tutterow Sun/eying Services on March 11,1991, revised on August 18,1992. For back reference seeDB 158, Page 895, Davie County Registry.For back reference seeDB 165, Page 116, Davie County Registry. The address for Ihis property Is 189 Stagecoach Road. Mocksville, North Carolina 27028. This property is to be sold subject to any City-County ad valorem taxes and any special assessments that are a lien against the premises. The property to be offered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance *AS IS. WHERE IS.' Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the Deed ol Trust being foreclosed, nor the offic­ ers. directors, attomeys, employees, agents or authorized representatives of either the Tmstee or the holder of the nole make any representation or war­ ranty relating to the title, possessory rights or any physical, environmental, health, or safely conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all respon­ sibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed. Sr., will offer for saleat the Davie County Courthouse door in Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 11. 2000 and sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land, together with the Improvements located thereon, and lo- ’ catedinMocksviIle,DavieCounty,North Carolina, 27028, and more partlcularty described as follows: Being Lot number ThriM (3) of the Dorman Brown subdivision accord« Ing to a ptat th«r«o1 prepared by kJL. Bowlet, R.S., February 15,1961. and recorded In Plat Book 3, page 96, Davie County Registry, to which ref* ertnce It mede tor a mor« partkular deacrlpUon. See Deed Book 109, page 35, Davie County Regisl7. The sale will be subject to property taxesand any other outstanding liens or encumbrances of record. The highest bidder shall be required to deposit ten percent (10%) ot the purchase prfce on the day of sale in cash or certified funds. the highest bidder immediately to make acashdeposit of 5 percent of the астюиш of the bid or $750.00, whtehever is greater.The Notice of Sale hereby given is In satisfaction Ol Ihe requirements of the aforementioned Deed of Trust and the requirements contained In North Caro­ lina General Statute Section 45-21.17 with respect to posting or publishing notice of sate. ' TIME: 11:00 o'clock A.M. on Ihe 29th day of September, 2000. PLACE: Courthouse Door, Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, North Carolina. TERMS: Cash.This the 7th day of September, 2000 THE FIDELITY COMPANY, Tnjstee Jai Donnis W. McNamee. Attorney OF COUNSEL . Wombte Carlyle Sandrtdge ft Rico, р а сP.O. Drawer 84. Thisthe7lhdayolSeplember.2000. Salty W. Smith, Attorney for viflnston-Salem, NC 27102 Co-Administrators Tamra WiUiama Telephon«: (336) 721-3600 andJillBaca • Martin a Van Hoy. LLP Ten Court Square Mocktvito, N027028 V ' (336)751-2171 »-14-4tn 9-14-2tn COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Scpl. 14,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 14,2000 - 07 P U B L I C N O T I C E S .NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDrrORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of tho Estate of MARIANA MATHEWSON. lata ol Davio County. > Ihls Is to nolily all persons having clalths against said estate to present them lo tho underslgried on or belore tho 24th ol November.2000,being threo(3)months Irom the lirsl day of publicallon or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of tholr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will i^ease make immediate pay« ment to tho undersigned. Tfils 21st day of August. 2000. Kent Mathewson, Executor 5220 Bermuda Village Advance. NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy. LLP Attomoyat Law Ten Court Square . Mocksville. NC 27028 0.24-«n NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of ALEX COREY RATLEDGE. late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said os* talo to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 7th day December. 2000. being Ihree (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication or this nolice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estale will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This Is the 7th day ol September, 2000. Card W. Ratledge, Administrator 1409 Milling Road Mocksville. NC 27028 9-7-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS HavnWg qualified as Executor ol the" Estate of CLAUDE DELM AS VANNOY. lale of Davie County, this Is to notify all persorts having claims against said es> late to present ihem to the undersigned on or belore tha 1st day ot December, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publicallon or this notice will ba'pleaded in bar ol iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said eslate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 31 si day of August. 2000. BRYCE HOLDER, Executor P.O.BoxlOOa Boone. N0 26607 8-31-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Esiale ol MARGARET LOUISE SMOOT, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under* signed on or before the 1st day of De* comber, 2000, being throe (3) months from tho first day o! publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediale pay* mont to the undersigned. This is the 31 st day of August, 2000. Rhonda S. Grant Administratrix 219 Main Church Road Mxksville, N027028 6*31 *4tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUAUFIED AS Executrix of the Estate of AUCEM. QKEEFE, late of Davio County, Ihls is to notify all persons having claims against said eS' iontthum tu 11 lu uiiders)gnsd~ on or before the 24th day of November, 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. All persons indebted lo said estate will' ploaso mako Immediate payment lo tho undersigned. This 21 st day of August, 2000. Patricia 0. Mangan, Executrix ' 373 Lakeview Road Mocksville, NC 27028 8-24>4tn INTHE QENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE NORTH CAROUNA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY . . . OOSP34 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY IRENE PERRY DATED SEPTEMBER 17, 1999 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 316 AT PAGE 1 1N THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY. NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue ol the power and authority conlalnod in the above*roieronced deed ol trust and because of default in iho payment of the Indobtedness thereby secured and fail­ ure to cany out and perform tho stipula* tion and agroomonls therein contained and, pursuant to demand ol the ownor and hokier of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of tmst, iho undersignod substitute trustee will expose for salo ol public auction to the highest bidder for cash al iho usual place of sale at the county courthouse ofsakl county at 11:00 A.M. on September 16,2000 the lollow* ing described real esialo and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, situated In DAVIE County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as foltows: A CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEINQ IN DAVIE COUNTY. NORTH CAROUNA. AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOU.OWS: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBER 26. SECTION II OP WESTRIDGE SUBDI­ VISION LOCATED IN SHADY GROVE T0WNSH1P,DAVIEC0UNTY,N0RTH CAROLINA, ACCORDING TO A PLAT THEREOF DULY RECORDED IN 1ИАР BOOK 5, PAGE 5, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY TOAVHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PAR­ TICULAR DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS: -165 W RIDGE DRIVE: ADVANCE, NC 27006 TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO: E811-A-5. And Being more commonly known as: 165 Wostrkjge Drive. Advanco. NC 27006. The record owner ol the property as reflected on №o records ol the Register ofDoods.islRENE PERRY. The property to be offered pursuant lo this nolice of sale is being offered for sate, transfer and conveyance *AS IS, WHERE IS.* Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the notesecurod by the deed ot trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, emptoyees, agents or autho­ rized representative ol eitherTrustee or the holder of the note make any repre­ sentation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety condilions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly aro disclaim^. This sale is nwde sub­ ject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaU taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limited lo any transfer tax associated wilh the foreclosure for pay­ ing, II any. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of tho bkl or seven hun­ dred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, Is required and must be ten- deredin the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will bo held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiratton ol the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts aro immediately due and ow­ ing. Tho dale of this Notice is August 21, 2000. Elizabelh B. Ells or Grady I. Ingle Substitute Truslee 301 S. McDowell St., Suite 408 Charlotte, NC 28204 (704)333-8107 9-7.21П NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu­ ant to tho requirements of Aniclo 20*B ol Chapter tS3-A of iho General Statulos ofNorthCarolinaundParagrapht55.250 of thoDavie County Codeof Ordinances, thal tho Board ol Counly Commission­ ers of Davie County will hold о Public Hearing In tho Commissioners Room of the Davio County Administration Build­ ing. Mocksvillo, NC on Monday, Sop* tomborie. 2000 al 7:15 p.m. A) Donnlo Davis has applied to ro* zone approximately 2.0 acres of land lromResidentfal(R-20)loHlghwayBusi- noss Special Use (H-B-S) lor a Land­ scaping Matorial business. This prop­ erty is located oil tho wesl side ol Farmington Road across from Pinebrook Drive, and is further described as being a portion of Parcel 14.06of DavieCounty Tax MapE-5. B) Barry R. Armeworthy has ap­ plied to rezono approximately 10.48 acres ol tand from Residential (R-20) to Residential Special Use (R-20-S) to re­ strict the property to single family site- built homes and modular homos. This properly is localod oil tho west sido of Ballimore Road, across from Beauchamp Road, and Is further de­ scribed as being Parcel 111 ol Davie County Tax Map E-7. C) Charles and Carolyn Schwartz have appliod lo rezono approximately 2.16 acros ol land from Rosidontial (R- 20) to Highway Businoss Special Use (H-B-S) for the Sales and Service of Recreational Vehictes including camp­ ers, travel trailers, motor homos, and related accessory ilems. This property Is located off the north sideof US Hwy 64 West approximately 500 wesl ol Parker Road and is further described as being Parcel 13 ol Davio County Tax Map H-3. Signs will bo posted on the abovo properties lo advertise tho Public Hear* Ing. All parties and inlerested citizens are invited lo attend saki hearing al which time they shall have an opportu­ nity to bo hoard in lavor ol. or In opposi­ tion lo. tho lorogolng changes. Prk>r lo the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain any additional Informalion on a proposal or ask questions by visiting tho Planning Department on weekdays be­ tween 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336)751-3340. John GallinfKxo Planning and Zoning NORTH CAROUNA i DAVIE COUNTY ,EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executrix of iho Eslate of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD. deceased, late oi Davio County. North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estale to prosent them to the undersigned on or before the 7lh day ol December, 2000. said date being at least three months from tho dale of first publication ol this nolice. or this notco will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in­ debted to said ostato will please make Immediale payn>enl to the undersigned. This 7lh day ol Seplember, 2000 the. same being tho firsl publicalton dale.Margaret W. Poovoy Executrix of the Estate of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD Grady L McClamrock, Jr. Attomey the Estale of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD 161 Soulh Main Street Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 Telephone: (336)751-7502 9-7-4Ш GLASSIFIEDS NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol tho power of salo contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Anthony H. Hutchens and Julia M. Hutchens, Husband and Wile lo John H. Kornegay, Trusfoo(s), dated the 6th day ol August, t999 and recorded In Book 310, Page 811, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Delault having boon made In Iho payment ol tho note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trusl and the undersigned, H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA» having been subsli- tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In tho Of­ fice ol the Register of Deeds ol Davie County, NorthCarolInaandtheholderof the nolo evidencing said indebtedness havingdlrocted lhal the Deed olTrust be loroctosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale al the Court­ house Door, In the City of Mocksvillo, Davie County, North Carolina at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday tho 19th day ol Sep­ tember, 2000 and will soil to Ihe highest bidder lor cash iho following real estate situate in the County ol Davie. North Carolina, and being more particulariy described as follows: BEINQ all ol Lot Number One Hun­ dred Thirty-Eight (138) as shown on a Plat enlilled *A Subdivision lor Erwin Mills, Inc., Cooleemee, N.C.'by Pickeli and PickoD, Engineers, dated April. 1953, and recorded in Oavie Counly Registry in Plat Book 3, pages 11,12,13, and 14 to which reference is hereby made for a moro particular description. Togothor with Improvenwnts located thereon; said property being kxrated at 106 Watt Stroel, Cooleemee, North Carolina. SUBJECTTOcertainRESTRICTIVE COVENANTS as to tho uso thereol as set (onh in a deed recorded in Book 55, page 25, Davie County Registiy. Should Iho property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay tho tax ol Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hun­ dred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS §7A-3O8(0)(1), ' Tho property to be olfered pursuant to this notico of sale is being olfered lor sale, transler and conveyance *AS, IS. WHERE IS.* Neither tho Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being lorectosed, nor the olficors, diroclors. attorneys, emptoyoos, agents or autho- rizedreprosentativeoloitherthoTrustoo or the holder ol the nolo make any representation of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing in. on. at or relating to tho property being offered lor sale, and any and all respon­ sibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating to any such cor>dition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop- eriiy is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessmonls. and prior lions or encumbrances ol record and any re­ corded releases. Acash deposit (no personal chocks) ol five percent (5%) ot the purchase price, or seven hundred filty dollars ($750.00), whk:hever is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale. This 29th day of August 2000. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, P.A.Substitute Trustee /s/ H. Terry Hutchens, President H. Terry Hutchens, P.A. Substitute Truslee P.O. Box 2505 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, North Carolina 26302 9-7-2ln DEADLINE (or placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of tho Estale of FRED TOPPING CRABB, lalo of Davio County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to present tt>em to the undersigned bn or before the 14th day of December. 2000, be(r)o three (3) monlhs from tho first day of puUk^iton or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recoveiy. All persona Indebted to said estate will ,pieM* make Immediate payttwm to the undiftigrMd. • ' TNt It th* 14lh day ol SsplmlMr, 2000. Swih Scolt Crabb, Ex';.dMx 109 Lf'-.owood Oliva' Moekmill#, NO 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYEXECUTOR'S NOTICE JO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the EstaleofHENRYEDWARDHARP,SR., deceased, late of Davio Counly, North CarolIna,the undersigned exocutordoes hereby notify all persons, firms, or cor­ porations having claims against Heniy Edward Harp, Sr., and/or the estate of said decedent, to exhibit same lo the undersigned executor on or before 24 November 2000, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms, or corporations indebted to said decedent and/or Ihe estate of said dece­ dent will please make Immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned executor. This 24th day of August, 2000. Andrew Whito, Executor for the Estate of Henry Edward Harp, Sr. Post Office Box 1191 Mocksvillo, NC 27028 8-24-4tn Heating ft GooHng m i m m c i • и в и л м а ц н е т ш о м т т к ц ra |« -n 7 4 M 'ta itM 4 M HUGE AUCTION Saturday, September 23 (Rain or shine) FARMINGTON COMMUNITY CENTER (GYM) -PaFmlngtoivN( Personal Property of Linda Tucker Somo Items Include: Lots ol Aniiquo Glassware, Lols ol Antique Furniture, Oid Crocks, Stoneware, Pedal Tractor, Lanters, Pedal Fire Tmck, Childs Secretary Desk. This Is only a palliai listing!See next weeks paper for a larger listingl Don’t M iss T his Salel Mrs. Tucker has collected lor over 30 yearsi For m ote Inlorm ation call: Col. B lllv Seats. NCAL #3277 164 Dance Hall Rd. • M ocksvllle, NC 27028 • (336) 998-3510 »Cindy's 'G ro o n iln g Ж » я . « * ^^!ClllF0rA£p0lr ^ ^ New & Old Roofs • Free Estim ates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Slc«l ClrcrQ SawsTCMBtdo Sawt. Yard Tools, Chain Sow Chains, Scissors, Hand Saws GALVALUME 2 0 YGAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors i Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS L A R R Y ’S W O O D F L O O R ^ S E R V IC E Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Ownor: Larry McClenney tZ9Lnkowood O t^ 336 -751-1721 Chase Grading Gradina* Hauling Lanascaping Land Clearing • Driveways' Gravel • Mulch • Fill Dirt • New Lawns 336-998-1053 ш В Ш г ц т FOR SALE: Cars-Truclts Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galtranlzed All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksvllle, NC R e n n ix Grdiliiiff & Landscajmg TtKlt! RLMtnix • Owner m McCullough Ril. MiK-ksvillc Pilone: (3.16)751-5178 Mollili:: (.136) 9Ü9.0273 III Loving Memory of g S h a w n D e m i t r i E l l i o t t Born on Sept. 23/ 1959,-a n d '-d i^ i unexpectedly at his home on ^p(*. 9» 2000.M From hlsfritnds that hved aiid / o r W m , . . ^^ , .. • SHAWé^yoii will he artatly missed, yi)» were a himl niiin to hve wiih, and to hve, hut u r loved you in s¡tite of your imperfections, and were nol a.diamed of tli* love you and will always remendter yvu. Hrenda Waller and family. Elaine Cherry and family. Chris and Kalhy Crisp and family and many other frientis Thero will be a private memorial service on Saturday, Sept 16 at his homo. 482 Brier Creek Rd, Advance, at 1 p.m. For directions call 336-940-5249. « F A R M I N G T O N A U C T I O N S E R V IC E S 2455 FARMINGTON ROAD . MOCKSVILLE, N.C. 27028 N.C.A.L. FIRM #7155 (336)998-3075 GEORGE RAY ■ AUCTIONEER N.C.A.L, #6192 PERSONAL PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, LAN D (NO SALE TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL) HELEN CASSIDY ^ BROKER N.C.B.L. #156664 Е Ш М М К П AT L a k e IM u e rs R V R e s o r t Highway 64. S Miles W est of Mocksvllle Saturday Sept. 1 6 th 8am 111 5pm Y ou n e v e r k n o w w h a t y o u m ig h t fin d a t o u r fle a m a rk e t B rin g p le n t/ o f frie n d s to h e lp haul a w ay all th e g re a t s tu ff y o u ju s t can’t live w ith o u t! G lillia M IM 2 -7 IM H r l Open Free to the Public J T - e L A S S I F I E D S IN E X FE N S TV E P R O F IT A B L E Yard Sales Soplomber-outsido set-up Iroo. MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. It. Insldo 653 Wilkosboro SI.Sal. & Sun. 9-5 Vondor spacos call 751-2181. 3-FAMILY YARD Salo. Saturday. 8-1, 168 Edward Bock Road. '93 Colorrwn Pop-up Campon tools; clothes; household ilems; gas loas; and toys._______________________ 5-FAMILY YARD Salo, Sat, 8-1 Computors. baby items, household itoms. canning jars & moro.Hwy 158 East lo Oak Grovo Ch. .Rd.. tum right, .2 mile on loft. 6-FAMILY YARD Salo, Saturday. 8:00am lo 12:30pm. Availalbo: bikes, fumilure (including baby lurn), baby items, men's & women s clothes of many sizos (brands include Talbots. Eddie Bauer & Gap). maiTV clothes never worn, stereo & CD’s, books, household Itoms and much more.Take either Hwy 158 or Hwy 601 to Country Lane. Turn on Farmland Rd. Go approx. 3/4 mile, tum rt. on Longmeadow Rd. Last houso on rioht at end of cul-de-sac._________ BIG YARD SALE Saturday Chlldron'e clothes (intent -Syr.), shoos, loys, men’s clolhos, microwave, lool boxes, sola and chairs. 7om-2pm1211 Woodward Rd.- socond road lo right olf Cana Rd. Something for everyonel BIG YARD SALE- Friday 8am until and Saturday eam-lpm. Littlo boys clothes size 2T, kitchen labto w/chairs, comor cabinet, coffeo tablo. much morol 246 Spring 'Street oH N. Main. No early birdsll CAROLYN'S COLtECTiBLES 126 N. Salisbury Slrool Mocksvillo, NC 27028 (336)751-6252 (SALE) Celebration Baibio- $34.75 Shop now lor Chrislmas: Barbies. Hotwheels, toys, porcelain dolls. Coko collectibles, musical globes. much more. Laya-way availablo. ESTATE YARD SALEFri. & Sat., Sept. 15 & 16, S:00am both days. 249 Spring St., Mocksvillo. Just oil North Main (near Caudell Lumber).Household fumishinos. twin bods, king bedroom suite. Kitchenware ol all kinds, porcolain dolls, lots of knickknacks. lamps, linens, small kitchen ' appliancos, metal wardrobe, bookcases, stereo systems, whito bookcase bodroom suite, kitchen dinotto & much moro too much lo list (but not enough (or an auction). For moro info, 751* 5726. ___________________ FOR SALE: eloctric range, outomatic washer-492-7567 FRI 4 Sat. 7-until. 1.5/mLonWyo Rd. olf 801 near Farmington Oraqway. Cancel if raining._______ GARAGE SALE- 1111 Main Ch. Rd. Rain or Shino. Fri 8-unlil. Sal 8-2. Mon's & women's clothes, chest ol drawers, books, whal- knots, household items, misc. GARAGE SALE: Saturday, 8-12. 3189 US Hwy 158. 13* TV. compound bow. household items, baby Items, 15* tires and Toyota wheels._________________________ GARAGE/YARD SALE Sat. 8am-until~Namo brand clothing for adults and giris; many household Items; toys: CD's too much to list. 64E, 3rd brick house on riqht past Armory.____________ HUGE INSIDE YARD salo. Fri and Sat. A little bit of everything. Antique dresser with mirror. Rod bunk bed-like new, lull on botton, twrin on lop. Reg. min. Sheltie ■ -a n d -rog. white-^erman-i S Ä Yard Sales SUPER-DUPER 3-famiIyyard salo, Saturday, 8-until. Tons ol Infant gIris and boys clolhos, Infant oquipmenl, lots of collectibles, household and misc. Itoms. 032 Boger Rd. (Hwy. 158 belwoon Rainbow Rd. and Pinobrook Sch. Rd.).___________________________ YARD SALE - Saturday, 8-1. 955 Hardison St. Small appiances, household Itoms, cordless phone,' name brand clolhos, beanio babies, toys.___________________________ YARD SALE, Hwy 158, noar Farmington oxlt. Friday, 7-5, Saturday, 7-3Furnilure, clothing, glassware, linens, otc. _______________ YARD SALE. Saturday & Sunday; 264 Winward Circle. Mocksvillo YARD SALE-869 Gladstone Rd.7:30-11am 9/16/00Baby clolhos ond other baby ilems. desks, tv stands, storoo, cd player,coiling fan (still in box), othor misc. Itoms. Appliances OLDER MODEL CHEST-lypo freezer, ninning condition, while, price nog. 998-4083_____________ SAVE MORE Reconditioned and Gauranteed Appliances, service work, wo orvlce all majoiservice all major brands. Just past tho car wash on 601 soulh. PRE FALL SALE:. dryers-S75.00 wasners-SIOO.OO 8tovos~S60.00 refrigorators-SlOO.OO C a ll"' Jhepherd puppies. 1993 Ford van, $3,500; and 1989 Ford Ranger, $3,000. 601 to 801, tum right toward Cooleemee, white houso past Church of God. Or call 284- MULTI-FAiyilLY, SATURDAY 7-unlil. Men’s, women's & children’s jeans, furniture, dishes, Tupperware, and moro. 601 North Ijames Church Rd._______________ NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE. Saturday, 8-1. Northridge, off Country Lane & Campbell Road. Very nice men’s, women's, children’s clothing, exercise eculp., bikes, goll gear, furniture, toys, decorative items. NO EARLY BIRDS» ________________ SATURDAY, 7AM-12NOON Huge Churchwlde Yard Sale, Center United Methodist Church. Hwy 64 West at MO. Misc. items too numerous to mention. . SATURDAY, CANA HOMEMAKERS Club Inside Cana School, located . comer Cana and Angell Rd. 7am- until, baked goods, clothing, appliances, misc. treasures. bargain clothes by the bag. ST. FRANCIS CATHOUC CHURCH ANNUAL YARD SALE' . SlAurday,B:00tU)27 aea VaädnvIlleRd. ^ FULL-BRED COCKER Spaniel pupplos availablo now. First shots, dowormod. 751-5607 loavo mossago._______________________ HORSE FOR SALE: 8 year-old godling. flax mane and lalo. 16 hands, whito stockings, negativo coggins. A real pet. $1800 {336)751-4474__________________ LIVESTOCK: Pure bred Santa Gerirudis Bull & Hoifor calves, 4-6 months old, Certilicato availablo. Call: Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704-278-9291 Antiques ANTIQUE PIANO for salo, call 998-8741 Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick onorgy ellicient apartmonl. 1 & 2 bodroom. pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchon appliancos (urnishod including dishwashor. 1.5 balhs. washor/dryor connections. High onorgy ellicient hoat pump provides central hoat and air. Prewired for cablo TV & phonos. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchon& balh lloors. Located In Mocksville behind tho old Hendricks Fumilure buikling (r>ow Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. olf ol' Hwy. 158. Olfice hours 1-6 M-F & SaL 10-12. Phono 751-0168. Child Care KOUNTRY KORNER HASImmodlato openings lor Inlanls thru proschoolors. discount for socond child. Call 998-2220 boforo 6pm. Ask for Linda or Dobbio. STAY AT HOME mom has opening lor ono child ago 6 weeks to 3 yeors. After school care also available. Mocksvillo School District. 751-5223. Loavo message._______________________ WOULD LIKE TO KEEP children In my home on Groonhiil Rd., 1st shllL Call 492-5727 Commercial Property COMMERCIAL LEASE- Approx. eOOvSF, 2 rooms. 1 bath w/iron\ & back entrances. S450/mo. Pennington & Co. Realty 751-9400 Farm Machinery CUB CADET TRACTOR, Model 416, 279 hours, front-end loader, brand-new bush-hog, never used, 4wd. $9.500.940-5012_______________________ NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Low Pricos Plows. Disc Harrows. Scoop Pans. Spreaders, Bushogs, Box Blades. Scrape Blades. Gates, Corrals & moro. Wo deliver WriQhl Farm Gates 998-8637 Salisbury, Stalesvilto. . 751-5105 II751-3545 960 Salisbury Rd.(next to Fuller Welding) 30 day written guarantee A u ctio n s FIREARMS NEEDEDNow Accepting Consignments For September 23 Auction! www.peoQauctIon.com.............. C ard O f Thanks The lamlly ol Mrs. Annie L. Jones would IlkB lo thank Itlonds and neighbors, EMS ond Home Health Care lor each expression ol sympathy extended lo them during Ihe recent doath ol Ihelr beloved moiher. C hild Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES - for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am • 1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St. Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudette or Debm, 751-pI a Y(7529)__________ CHILDCARE NEEDED- someone to.care for 6-mo-old baby. Part- time. daytime hours, applicants will be screened thoroughly. Call 998- 7475 after 5:30pm._______________ CHRISTIAN. HOME'SCHOOLmother wilt babysit in Farmington area. Pinebrook School District. 1st or 2nd shift. 998-0972, leave message. . __________ GOOD LOVMG MOTHER will keep children before and after school.. $3S/week. Good hot meals. Good snacks. Excellent (|re. 492-6219 With lots of love fnmt. Dad, Mom, Jamie ¿ Logan Homes For Rent Ш Miscellaneous I Mobile Homes/Sale Furniture DINNING ROOM FUNITURE By appointment only. 751-5868 FOR SALE: charcoal couch in good condilion. $35.00. 751-2B64 FOR SALE: While Jenny Lind crib & changing table. $175 lor both. Call 744-6961 before 4. alter 5, 998-6875_______________________ TABLE AND 6 chairs; china closet; portable dishwasher; dresser; and olhor funlituro. Antique oak step back cupboard; primitive cherry 2- piece sol. Call 751-1108 Homes For Rent 2 Bedroom. 1 Bath • Mocksvillo 4 Bodroom, 2 Bath • Advanco 3 Bodroom, 1.5 Baths, Garage & Bsmt • Advanco Howard Realty 751-8562 __________or 751-3538__________ 2 BEDROOM. PARTLY furnished.3 Bedroom, completely furnished. Country living near town, $600 plus deposit and references. Limit 3, no pels, no HUD. 336-284-4712 COUNTRY SETTING: Large 3Br, IBa, ranch on 5 acres, pond, ‘orchard, 5 milos Irom ovorything. 15 minutes- Winslon-Salem. HISTORICAL HOME ON Salisbury St., 1,772 sq. It., central air, gas furnaco, referencos and deposit roquirod. 1-yoar loaso. No HUD. (336)751-1108__________________ Home for rent - 3Br, 2Ba In Hillsdalo area. $800/mo. Pennington & Co. Realty 751-9400 US 158 EAST. 3br, Iba, large lot, $125/wk. 924-1824 Homes For Sale FOR SALE (Ownor Financing Available)1 1/2 slory homo with cathodral coiling in Great Room/OR. Breaklast bar. wood slovo insori. coiling Ians In every room. 4 BR/3 balhs. Oversized garage, lots ol attic storage. 1+ acre iot In rural neighborhood. Davie counly schools/ taxes. $149,000. Call 336-940-5090. FSBO: CUTE COUNTRY HOME 3/4 bd., 1579 sq. It., wood floors, detached gar.outblds, U acrelot, oil hoat, CA. 998-0919. $92.000.00 FSBO: SPACIOUS 4 bedroom/3 bath ranch with basement. 2800 sq It plus 2 car garago. 2 fireplaces, built-in bookcase in both living room ond den, wet bar. large wrap­around dock, landscaped yard, 1.25 wooded acros-very private. North Davie/Pinebrook schools. Immediale occupancy. 998-5387 OWNER FINANCING New 2,000 sq ft home on 1 acre lot. Paved drivo. 3br, 2ba. 284-4247 Land For Sale FOR SALE OR TRADE River proporty; 15 acres with stream, no Hooding, adjoining Alcoa, accoss lo Yadkin River, Hwy 601. $10,000 per acre. (336)751- 3666___________________________ LAND FOR SALE by owner:5.01 acre tract, heavily wooded, Cana Rd.. serious Inquires only. 998-3678 Land/ Home for Sale $825/mo. DAVIECOJ HILLSDALE- 3Br, 1.5Ba, new сафе1 & paint, garage, $750/mo. Lease deposit, no pets. 998-5594 Suieei 16 (a J m ie a K im lz m S e p fm b e x 12. 2 0 0 0 5.7 ACRES W/CREEK plus 98 doublowido. like now. 4br, 2ba, $121,900. Harmony/ Davio County. (336)492-5601 Lost & Found FOUND: gray tabby kitten. Jack Booe Rd. 492-7610 Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME SPACES lor rent. Shady Acres МНР, Inc. John Crotts Rd. One mile, Hwy 64 East of Mocksville. Relandscaped, paved streets & parking. Ready 4- 5 wk. Call 998-8222, 940-6233 or 998-8276. AVONBuy or Sell Moro lhan a beauty companyl For Inlormation and brocriures Call Cindy at 998-2111 CENTRAL HEATING AND air condition system. $350 obo.5' Howse bush hog. $275 obo. 492-5727 FOR SALE: K & G SALVAGEVinyl siding, $34.95/ square Adult briois, $3.g5/pk., Insulated window sash. $4/pr. 5’4’x8’2‘ hardboard, $3.99/ea.; wallboard lor mobile home 4x7, $4.95/ea.; 4x9, $5.95/ea.: bathroom sinks with facet, range hoods, $14.95/ea.; 4'xl2’xl/2" Sheelrock, damaged, $4.00/oa.: 4'x8'cedar closet liner, 9.95/ ea.; 5/4* treated decking bds., 8', $3.99/ea.: 10’, $4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/oa. Now roofing shingles, $14.95/sq. Pergo llmainate llooring, $1.99/sq. ft. 8 panel Exterior Steel Door units. $84.00/oa.;Formica, $.50/sq. It.Inlerior paneling, $5.95/ea.;Bldg. Slone $140 per pallet/140 sq. Rooling felt, $6.95/ro!l;We Slock stainless steel In sheets & pipe.Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36* dia.Wo stock pumps & accessories for weils. Steel I-Beams For Sale.K & G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road)1st business on Wost bank ol Yadkin River 910-699-2124 FOR SALE: Hot Spring Spa with back massager, 5 seats, cover included.*92 Blazer wilh Tahoe Packago 284-6215 alter 5pm______________ StX PLEASURE. ROPING and culling saddles & other misc. tack. S225/UP. 492-5727______________ SUMMER CLOSE OUTI Arch Steel Buildings. Save Thousands with Factory Direct Pricing! 25x36, 30x44, 40x60, 50x110. Ideal lor Workshops/ Garages. Call 1-800-341-7007www.8teelmasterusa.com_______ WILL BUY JUNK CARS.284-4194 Mobile Homes/Rent FOR RENT: 14x80,2br, 2ba, 1996 model, heat pump, stove/ refrigerator, unfurnished, privately owned. $600/month. Security deposit required plus one month advance. 751-3666 Mobile Homes/Sale FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS program. No credit is needed, just Income. Call for pre-approval today 744-1308. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK EnergyUniled is seeking an Accounts Payable Clerk to work at their Headquarters office. Must have formal training equivalent to one year college level accounting or two years ol directly related accounting experience. Associate Degree In Accounting preferred but not required. Successful completion of the RUS Accounting Course wilhin two years is required. Applicant must be proficient In data entry and 10 key calculator and have a valid NG drivers license. Must reside within the service area, or be wilting to relocate. Normal working hours will-fae-8;00 a.m.-untihftOO-pan—Monday - Friday;'however,' some irregular hours may be required. Apply at your local NC Employment Security Commission by Friday, September 15,2000. ^ E n e r g y T nited $53. m . ffififllL SBficlfljm 3BR Fleetwood...Movo In Todayllll Call 1-868-211-4462._________________ 0 DOWN LAND/ home package to qualified buyers. Call 704-872- 0179.___________________________ 1980 MASTERCRAFT, 14X70. r cond., 3BR, 2BA, new central now hot water heater. Call after 3pm. 998-8657_____________ 1995 14X70. SKYLINE 2Br, 2Ba, new water healer, carpet, tile, counters & paint. Decks, heat pump & security system included. Musibe moved. $15,000.00 336-940-3119___________________ 1997 OAKWOOD MOBILE home 14x70, 2br, 2ba on 2.5 acres in Yadkin Co., near Unili on Shacktown Rd. 679-3160 or 998- 2907 \________________________ 1999 REDMON 14X50, 2Br, IBa, central air, front deck, lived In five months. Set'Up In Deer Run In Mocksvillo. Lot #73, Call (336)431- 9012 or (336)687-0776.___________ Abandoned Home lit 4 Bedroom Fleetwood Doublewide on 1 acre secluded lot. Make 2 payments and move In 1-888-211-4482._________ ABANDONED HOME ON private lot Nice. Call 744-1307._________ ASSUME LOAN FOR '98 3br home In Winston-Salem. Payments under $350 per month. Call 744- 1306___________________________ BANK REPO Brand new-never lived In. Take over payments al 8.25% or rolinanco discounted selling price. Save thousands. Must see. Quail Run Homes, Inc.. next to Cooks Original Flea Market, Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem.____________ BANK REPO'S. Used homes. Aged Homes. Save Tons. 336^ * 526-3147_______________________ BEAUTIFUL HOME SET up on 1 acre lot roady lo move In. 704-872- 2347___________________________ BRAND NEW 3BR 2000 model Fleetwood. Only $189 per month. (WAC) Call 704-872-0191. BUY NOW, PAY later. No p are n ts until 2001. Call 704-872- CREOIT HOT UNE: Gel pre­approved on new home in 30 minutes or less. Call 704-872- 6389.___________________________ CRUISE ON IN AND register to win aPTCnjIser. Cali for details. 744- 1305 DESPERATE-MUST SELLSinglewide 3Br, 2Ba, $350/mo. 751-1571 or 888-251-6790 FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS Come leam how to qualify for govemment insured lending programs. Quail Run Homos, Inc., 4270 Patterson Ave., Next to Cooks Original Flea Market. Winston-Salem. J O B S J O B 3 J O B S CAROLINA PERSONNEL CO. In Mocksville » Assembly Operators • Stamping Machine Operator • Heal Treater, Metal Finisher • Top Sealer • Sheet Melal. Mechancls/HVAC Exp. • HV AC Helpers/Installers • Printing Press Apprentice ------In-Wlnsion^atem-— Ceriified Electricians C N C Machine Operators • Painting »Data Entry APPLY: 9M1-C TrMiwMt Driv« W lnto n-t atom, NC 794-3283 notice o f upcom ing AUCTION Saturday, September 30 @ 10 am for tiie Mrs. Vetra W . Brown • estate (deceased) 110 Brown Dr. on Jericho Rd.***Davie Co. 8 Room House on a +/-1.10 acre lot Antiques, Household & Collectibles see next week’s paper for listing A U C T I O N S ¡ R E A L T Y 704-546-2696 —Harmony, N .C., nod #74 since 1935 ESTA TE SALE O f: G ra d y T. an d Z o la N a il 142 Daisy Lane o ff 601 S o u th on F a irfie ld Rd. (W atch for signs) Sept. 23, 2000 • 8:00 - 3:00 C ancel if ra in in g '‘« te iító íu íá K ; ! -1 - D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 g l a s s i f i e d s IN E X P E N S IV E FR O F T T A B L E Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale FSBO: NEW 14x70 mobilo homo. ' undoфinnod. 3Br, 2Ba, ьШу ' building, Woodloaf aroa. Call (704)792-1462__________________ U N D INCLUDED IN salo of nico doublowldo home. Brick :undorpInning; plus heat pump. Call MOBILE HOME, ALSO building ' 32x27*4 opflfox. 2 ocros. $55,000 (336)998-7307 5:30 to 9:30pm MUST SELL.1993 Skylino 14x80 loaded. 751-1571 or 868-251-6790 NEW CREDIT REBUILDING PROGRAM now available for First Time Homebuyers. Call 800-523- •5582.__________________________ REPOSSESEDAND FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR SALEHouses on our lot and olso already sot up on land. All are one of a kind. Don’l wait-como by today. Quail Run Homos, Inc., next lo Cooks Original Floa Market. Pa«erson Ave.. Winston-Salem. Sacraflce $10,000, Forfeit Downpayment on 2.000 saJL 1999. Fleetwood Doublowide. Will move to your lol...Call 1-888-211- 4462.__________________________ SKYLINE FACTORY OUTLET1-72'x28’, 5/12 roof, finishod dock- 64.9002-56'x28*. 3Br, 2.5Ba. loadod-49.900 1-52’x28' 3Br, 2B loadod-43.900 ,1-80‘x14’, 3Br, 2B. loadod-24.900 !2-80'x14\ 3Br, 2B. vinyl-shingle- ¿8,900T44'x28’, 3Br, 2B-k5aded-36,900 •Cair Us Toll Free 1 •668-462-7806 We Save You Money Bonanza Mobile Homes. Inc. WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN 2 and 3 bedrooms, all areas. Your .trade In value will never be higher. -C all 767-0140 now. •95 SKYLINE HOME. 14X70. 3BR. 2BA. $12,000.00. 336-492^2535 DAVE'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES For Salo: Clarinet, Trumpet. 0 Flute, Violin. Eleo. Basses, Guitars, Mandolins. Banjos. Oolbros-S200.00 each. 79 Court Square. Mocksville 751-1934 PIANO TUNINGRepairing & Rebuilding Soll-playors, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 996-2789 WONT LAST LONG3Br, 2Ba home set4jp in country.751-1571 or 888-251-6790 Real Estate Wanted WE BUY HOUSES. Any condition, any location. Fast cash, quick closing. 751-4371. Recreational FOR SALE: Honda 250X 4 wheoler, new carb., runs groat, fast, good plastic. S2300.00 Call Jamio 751-0663. DJ SERVICE Life of tho Party! Reasonable rates. _________336-284-4682_________ PumpTfwcKServICQ Hauling-Fill Dirt, Sand. Gravel. Asphalt, etc. Reasonable Rales. Cati: Hunter Hauling ■ (336)940-6808 leave messaqe HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. 284-2725 CALDWELL PERSONNEL SERVICES "WHERE EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE 'MAKE THE DIFFERENCE" A C C E P T I N G A P P U C A T I O N S 1101 Jericho Churcli Rd., Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-7447(Acro$s the road from Ccdv Ridgo Aporlmcnts) / HAD A N Y BR IG H T ID EA S LA TELY ? I R N /LPN ’s why not work for the Nation’s Leading Provider of Pediatric Home Carc & Flip tiie Switch lo a Brighter Future?! Pediatric Services of America offers an Excellent BcneHts Packagc! 800-725-^8857 www.nursc4kiüs.cjb.nci у ш м т с 5CRvi¿e5 OF АМещСЛ. INC- B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complote Home Improvement Company: We WQrk_TaMoet Your Budgetl Bobcat Work:We Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Rel. Available PO Box 424 Mocksville. NC 27028 DENNY'S lA m SERVICEResidential & Commercial mowing, fertilizing, reseeding, core aerator, shrubs trimmed. No job too small. (336)766-0743 or pager. 748-6141 DISH SOO, FREE System & FREE Installinq. 1-806-984-0772 LINK'S SEAMLESS GViTTERlNQ Richard Llnk-Owner Freo Estimates 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRICforallyourelectrical needs. Freo Estimates. 751-3398. WILL BUY JUNK cars and remove trash Irom around your home. 751-5082_______________________ WILL DO HOUSECLEANING Dependable, honest, reliable. Mother & daughter team. 998-8945 statewide DRIVERS • Need Mites/ Monoy? Wo Need Owner Operators/ Company DrivoiS. ’Plenty ol miles *Good homo time *94% No touch freight. Coll Bob at 1-800-553-2778 ext. 2839._______________________ FULL TIME JOBS • No experienco, paid training. Welding, hvac. machinery repair. Limilod openings. High School diploma - • 17-34. Call 1-800-662- Statewide ABSOLUTE AUCTION- Modom &Antiouo Firearms. September 23. “ HIII Holding Co. 1591-C Brookford Industrial Drive.10:00am Silver grad agi 7231.ll Interview availablo. Bailey and Howard Tours Sept 30 • Ocl 1: Renfro Valley. Ky. George Jones in concert! Sunday Morning Gathering. 1 dinner- $185.00 Oct 13-15: Nashville. Tn. Grand Olo Opry. dinner & show at Wild Horse Saloon. Lunch & entertainment on Genera! Jackson Cruise. Breakfast & Entertainment at Nashville Night Life Theater and Opry Mills. Motel- Fiddler’s Inn- D- $345.00. Call Early. Nov 11-12: Renfro Volley, Ky. Lorelta Lynn In concert & Sunday Kemersvilio. NC FFL# 1-56-067- 01-OH-39791 .www.poggauctlon.com JCPeqg»5096 336-996-4414. DAVIE CO. EXTENSION needs you to go with us to Nashville Oct. 13-15. See Grand Olo Opry ond Stars, tour Music Row. Ryman Auditorium. Hermitage, dinner & show at Nashville Nightlife. Grand Ole Opry’s Hotel & Sunday Brunch, much more. Call Vickie 751-6297or 998-3260. MomintS185J Gathering - Dinner Also. Nov 25th Annual Chrisimas Shopping and Lights In Pigeon Forge • M5.00 Dec 2-3: Myrtle Beach • Christmas Shows. Carolina Opry and Dixie Stampedo Show & Dinner. Shopping Time at ’Broadway at the Beach’ D $179.00 Cell- 998-4338 or 336-752-2135 Vehicles 1957 LOG TRUCK, rebuilt engine, ^ood tiros, ready for use. 336-284- 1978 CUTLASS V ^. 5-spòod. Hall •ton vinyl top; good condition. 766- 3935.___________________________ •92 CHRYSLER FIFTH Ave. New Yorker; blue, fully loaded, w/lealher interior. Great condition. Call 751- 9438. Vehicles 1995 DODGE NEON, 2-door, auto, ps, ac, am/fm cassette, tinted windows. $2.695. (336)284-6318 1995 PLYMOUTH NEON, 4-doof, outo. ps. pb. pw. pdl. cc. ac. till. $3,695. (336)284-6318__________ 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER,power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise, air. 4 doors, CD player- $21,000.00 284-4540_______________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick • Dodge 700 W. Innes St.. Solisbury _________704-636-1341 ‘83 CHEV K-5 Blazer, auto, oir, good condilion. $3300.00 or BO. Loco! call 972-3142______________ ‘86 TOYOTA CORROLLA SPORT,auto. oIr. $1200.00. Local call. 972-3142. ‘92 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX. V6, oil power options, now tires. . excellent cond., 106K, $4000. 998-3417_______________________ *95 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE- T51Turbo. red/black. 5-speod. excellent- bolow toan voluo, $6900.00. LoTJil call. 972-3142 •97 GEO METRO. 40 MPG. clean. $4,500. 751-5800 AUCTION S aturday, S eptem ber 16,2000 @ 10am (or the Mrs. Leona Bowens • estate (deceased) 2508 M illing Rd.*»*Davie Co. M(Kks\’illo, N C: fmm thcSq. take Hwy. 1S8 Hjst (MainSt.) to Milling Kd.. thon Right on Stilling Rd.. first houM? on the right after you cnns Iho rati nvid tracks (Comatzer Communily) Oak Dresser w/round mirror (old finish) •• Oak W ashsland w/lwisled post columns, towel rack, & mirror (old finish) " old Dresser w/candle boxes & Mirror " small Cedar W ardrobo " circa 1940s Parlor suite (3 pc) " small Victor Wood Cook Stove (white wrtjread warmer) " Iron Beds ” circa 1920s small Oak Student Desk “ W ooden Mill Chest ” Homemade Tables " Pie Safe " Home Made Jelly Cupboard " Spinning W heel •• Metal Porch Chairs " uph. Love Seat " uph. Recliner " Singer Zig Zag Sewing Machine. I. Johnson 410 Shotgun (looks good) " Oak Mantle Clock " 1875 Hodgin Binshaw & Co. (Winston, N.C.) Adv. Book " early Sanford Motor Co. Advs. (30'Chevrolet, Goodyear) " early Coca Cola Leather Billfold " early 1900 Piedmont Cigarette Baseball Trading Card " Country Quilts " Egg Basket " Adv. Wooden Boxes ** Lance Cracker J a r" Iron Wash Pot " White Houso Jar •• Luzianne Coffee Cans " Horse Drawn Plows *• Milk Separator •* Cross Cut Saw " Wooden Chicken Coops “ old small utility Trailer Many Other ¡tcms‘"Rcstroam Lunch by Comatzer Church U.M.W. Chib YO RK AUCTIO N S? ¡REALTY356 Fox Hunter Rd., Harmony, N.C. 28634 704-546-2696 — ncal #74 sincc 1935 COUNTRY ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPT. 23,2000 Real Estate and Personal Property ol Edwatd and Mma Janes Williams (deceased) iKlHon: 791 roA-BUiy Bold. *()nnc«.NC.OlnctlDn; Fmklockmie: Hay 64 Eist ЮТИопF«ti Baby IU. S.DeorfLeA2fflj«i PERSONAL PROPERH 9:30 Ш Е1ГШЬ11(ф 1Ш (^ataidi AuiofflitK Тг1млШ оп b o Door « «1390 D4I« • 3 Pi ButftuQ • 3 PL Cmg DiK • 3 Pi b o Boeom Plow • 3 PL SteMi Harrow • 3 PI Boom PoU • AuorM Kmd Tools • TWO Be«oom Croup* • Mihooany DMng tiM « « Sti Chain and Sidetovd • OH Bench • TruA • Quits • ОиЯ tops • Qu« framt • Hal Ctock • Slnoer Touch & Sm ki Cabinei •WVidow ТаЫе • Couch and b o Chan • OU 5<mng Cart • Two Av ConMoners • Oi L*ipi • Crvoma OHng TaM • Ptonw Music Systvn • MinBt Clock • CNna Set • Mk C tm • Brown Wart • IV • 0«j* • Tilephon* ТаЫе • Miaowm • Creks • fU>if W «a»s • CW Scatn • m Cnam Ffwtr • Lugoao* • Vacuum* • ВЫ Jars • Qasswart • Cottumt Jfwtiry • Do«et • Towds • Unms • Push Mowers • Hand SMd Sprtadcr • Cub AUF Lawn Uowir • CNcMn r«ei)ffs • Wash Pot • Cimenl no«er Botts • Mital CUer and Two Chairs • (M Boots • Iktt • M»iy Other Old and Us«M Rem. HOUSE & CORNER LOT 12:00 NOON fulofl towmh«. Map M lot 95 • 2oned R M • Ьл BeAoom • One Ban • Basetnem and Upper Storage Room or Additional Bedroom • DivIe Counijr. TIRMS: Cash or approved check.. LO. required. KAL tSUTE: 5% down day ol sale. Balvve due wttiH 30 days. Sokj sutject 10 owner conflmutm day ol sale. No buyer prmMm. Sale conducted for* Beiry Ппе, CecuttL TWS Ш SUMCr ПШМЖЛМСШСМП MAOf AT лиспом тттгилооаолошт AL*S AUCTION A REALTY Ailon í=utre», AuOtonew. tKL #1003, NCBL #163983 Loon Cury. Einploytd Auctionow. NCl#3949 4ЮSmtordRoad л л т .л т лл foodwdО** iinmgtoo.NC9mit noi ммропмм fo M I L L E R EQUIPMENT^ R E N T A L FAIL IS COMING! Bodcal aeratoccoreplugger a niore lor rent todavf Hwy 601 S . M oikw ill.. I33EI 751-2304 E S T A T E A U C T I O N Sat., Septem ber 16, 2000 • 10 am Personal property ol Truman K. Dickens (deceased) 2 3 8 H a r d y R d . , H a r m o n y , N C 2 8 6 3 4 The Dickens Farm is on Iredell Counties Historical Hegisler. Don I Miss ihe Fine Amiques A Peaceful Surroundings Directions: From Mocksvillo take Hwy 64W, turn right on Sheffield Rd.. go 5 miles, turn lett on Hardy Rd. V A L U A B L E R E A L E S T A T E A N D P E R S O N A L P R O P E R T YO F BETTY B . G LA SS - 4 1 5 M E R R E L L S LA KE RDS A TU R D A Y, S E P TE M B E R 1 6 T H • SAM Wonderful Brick Ranchcr on 2 acrcs ol land. 2 Bcdrooni. t 1/2 batli. living room, dining room, kitchen,^ 1/2 basement, attached double carport. 30'x30' outbuikJing. pino trees, ncely landscaped, and wrap aniund driveway. REAL ESTATE WILL BE SOLD AT 1:00 PM OPEN HOUSE 11:00 AM TILL 1:00 PM Personal pnsperty includes: deprcsston glass (Swirl. Madrid. Royal Ruby. Miss Amerk:a. Open Rose, Royal Lace, Windsor. Wattle. Rre-№ng, Manhattan. Open Lace, Doric, Cameo. Bubble. Fk)ral. Sandwld) and more) • lOOt Cookie Jars (McCoy. Treasure Cralt. American Bisque) • Blue Coinspot Water Sel • 14K Oiamond & Sappt\ire Ring • Pottery & Kitcher\wares • Blue & HalTs Jewel T* • Carnival Glass & Handpalnted Ctiina • Baskets & Oil Um ps • Beer Steins & Collectors Plates • Antique Guide Books Children's Books & Cookbooks • Sterling Silver & Jewelry - Pressed & Pattern Glass • White House Vinegars & Daisy Chum Advertising Hems & Frames • Occupied Japan & Barber Bottles • Modem Loveseat & Rocker • Oak Hutch -119* Color TV & Microwave • Sectional Sofa & Display Cases • Frcnch Chest ol Drawers • Much. Much Morelll , SALE CONDUCTED BY; ROY L. MARTIN NCAL#289 DAVIDSON AUCTION NCAL#238 REAL ESTATE HANDLED BY; MARTIN BAILEY-BROKER#138074 Utiing Believed To Be Corrtcl • Auction Firm Takes No Responsibility For Accidents, Additions orDeietlotu. DIRECTIONS FRO M WINSTON-SAI.EM. Exit 170 off 1-40 lum le» on 601 S.. 1.7 miles (o Rl. 64 Easl. 6.8 miics to Merrells Lake Rd. T\im U A . 0.8 Miles onlxtt. . > . D lR E C nO N S FRO M STATESVILLE • Exit HO off 140. turn right on 601 S..L6 miles to Rt. 6« E ut then same u above. DIRECTIONS FROM DAVIDSON COUNTY. Ri. W Wpsl lo Yadkin River. Then 4.9 miles on 64 West lo M em llstake Rd. ’nim Right, 0.8 Miles on Left .. WATCHFORSIGNS " ■ ': ; FOOD fROVIDED i l i JEBUSALCM BAniSTCHURCH WITH PROCEEDS.COim TO BVILDINa FUND. Household: Poster Bed w/Dresser & Armoire, Cedar Armoire, Iron Beds, Dresser, Chest of Drawers. Linens, Sofa & Chairs, Curio Cabinet, TV, Display Case, Flat Iron, Oil Lamps, Center Table, Sewing Machine, Kitchen Stove, Refrigerator, Table & Chairs, China Cabinet, Kitchen Cupboard, Dishes, Pots & Pans, Woodstoves, Porch Swings, Rockers, Glider, Fruit Press. Antiques & Collectibles: Jelly cupboard. Pie Safe, Table 2 Board Pegged, IVIantel Clock,. Waterbury Wall Clock, Hand Crank Telephone, 1940s HotPoint Automatic Elect Stove, Dazey Churn, Daisy Flour Sacks, Old Quilts, Stone Crock, Victroia Cabinet, Woodei;! Rocking Horse, Milk Cans, Oid Blue Jars, 1950's Saturday Evening Post & Progressive Farmer Magazines, Texaco sign, Gulf oil cans, Kerosene Lantern, Tob. Setter, Froe, Scythe & Cradle, Daisy Model 188 BB Gun Equipment: 1978 Ford LB St. Dr. PU, Ford 8N Tractor, Plow, Cultivator, Potato Plow, Sub Soiier, Bog Harrow, DiscHarrow, Blade, Bush Hog, Trailer, Horse-Drawn Equipment-Harness, Collar, Two-Horse Wagon (Without Bed), McCormick No. 7 Mowing Machine, Grain Drill, Air Compressor, Bench Grinder, Table Saw, Skill Saw, Drill, Battery Charger, Hand Tools, Ladders, Paint Brushes, lots more items. DavMSpwr NCAL »2984 ЗЭв-вдв-4162 S p e e r A u c t i o n sMocluville,NC Tenns: Cash or Good Check . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 - D9 e L A S S I E l E D e IN E X P E N S IV E P R O F IT A B L E LIVE IN CAREGIVER couplo for etdorly couplo; supportivo family, lovoly homo. Call 704-855-2908 for Intorvlow. WANTED TO BUY:PINE OR HARDWOOD.Wo solGcl cut or doar cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704-6380814 Employment Are you connected? Internet users wanted! $350 lo $850 weekly 1 •800-735-4405 www.lntomel-cash.nQl COME TO MY homo baby sitter. Toko caro of 2 year old & after school lor 5 year old. Must bo dopondablo. Rain, snow or sleet. Full-time. Como w/reforonces and bo prepared lor criminal background chock. 940-3380 after 6pm____________________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELroq. Drivers license proferrod. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl.. t0am-2pm for application. EOE________________ Driver«<•••••••• Attention Co. &Owner Operator *«•••••••• *Froo base plato-pomiits ‘Scales & tolls paid ‘No k>ading/ unloading 'Guaranteod homo time .•No NYC & No Canada ' ‘Groat benefit package 800-925-S133 www.cbfs.com DRIVER • GET HOMEI Top Peyl ;Oreet Benefits! Now hiring oxporioncod and Inexporionced drivers. Call Roger ot 1-800-282- 0131. EOE_____________________ DRIVERS NEEDED IN the Mocksvillo aroa to run west coast. goodMVR. 2 years exp.Call 1-800-947-9983. Employment ASSISTANT NEEDED TO HELP manago a busy Lumber Yard and a small group of workers. Opportunity open for Advancomont and wage compensation Shaver Wood Products. Inc.. 14440 Statosvillo Blvd.. Cleveland. NC 704-278-9291___________________ CHILD CARE ASSISTANT NEEDED Full-llme, must bo at least 18 yrs. old. High School Graduate or GED. Young Children's Learning Center 184 Council St. Mocksville. NC 751-7118 LOCAL SOUTHERN BAPTISTChurch seeking someone to work with children A youth on a part-timo basis. Salaried position. Please send resume to Youth Council: 335 Railroad St., Mocksville. N0 27028._________________________ MACHINE SHOP Local precision machine shop has opening for screw machino & grinding oporators as well as genorai machino shop help. No experience roquirod. Yadkinvillo. (336)463-2311___________________ NEEDED: WEEKEND cashiers and dishwasher. ApdIv. in porson onh/. Miller's Rosturant. NOW HIRING ELECTRICIAN’S helper. Exp. preferred. Appointment only Osborno Electric. Employment SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA,company has Immedlato ncod tor q Programmer wilh Visual Basic and/ or Visual Studio. Accoss, Visual FoxPro experience lo convert leaacy DOS-based xBase (dBase/ Clipper) coded programs and maintain current Visual FoxPro programs. VB/ Access programming required; prefer experience with Visual FoxPro. Experience with dBase or Clipper language a plus but not essential. Send resume and salary roquiremonts to Xonon Technological Sendees. PO Box 751-3398 iking an oj^riencod ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN to ioin our team. SPEVCO exi Qualified applicants will posess experience in tho following: Analog & Digital devices and circuís. Networking, PC upgrades and PC peripherals, Troubleshooting basic electronics and PLC. Minimum of 3 years ékpóriencó. Must bo'able to work overtime. Spevco olfors a creative work environment and excellent compensation and benefit 971. 3airsbuiy. NC, 28145-0971. Fax: 7G4-637-1023, email: dave flxenon-toch.com. Davio Counly High and Shady Grovo Elementary School Beginning Hourly Rale $8.15 Applicants must be licensed to drive a school bus or willing lo attend training sessions to become a ceriified school bus driver. Dependable, conscientious personnel should apply to:Maureen Gildoin, Asst. Principal Davio Co. High School (336)751-5905 orCharies Markland. Asst. Principal Shady Grove Elem. School (336)998-5713 SPEVCO IS LOOKING for the right team member who Is energetic and self-motivated to join our operations staff. This individual will have oxcollent data entry skills, experience with Microsoft Word and Excel, and a minimum ol 4 years experienco In an office environment. Spevco offers competitive pay and an excellent benofit package. For moro information, call Shorri at 924-8100, M-F 6-5. Employment THE DAVIE COUNTY Emergency Medical Sorvicos Is accepting applications for a full time Data Entr>' Clerk. The position requires knowledge ol office practices and procedures. Computer experience for entering Information from PCRs for billing purposes. Ability to communicato effoctivofy wilh Ihe public by telephone and In person. Must bo courteous and tactful. High school diploma wilth somo accounts receivable experience a plus.Pay grade 58 $18,441 -$28.607 Mail applications to: Attention L. Dwayne Smith-Dlrector DAVIE COUNTY EMS, PO Box 935, Mocksviile, NC 27028.The County of Daavio is an equalopportunity employer. Applications Will be g 9-25-2000.accepted until package. II inleresled in finding out moro. pleaso call Shorri al 336- 924-8100. M-F 8-5. EOE ^ e r m u d a ^ ^ y j a g e - ■7 Cook Ezperionced in all aspects of food preparation. Be a part o{ a unique team in a country club setting. Call Bermuda Village at 998-6764 Bermuda Villago has cponinRs for Full-Tlmo and Part-Timo DININGROOM SERVERS BcaulHul environment wilh floilblo Ixjura. Sludents/Betlrccs/Worklng Moms welcomp. Call 998-6764 or Apply at Hwy. 801 S., Advance ^ B e r m u d a Q ^ ^ i l l a g e - Housekeeoers Bormuda Village is accepting applications for Full-Time & Part-Time Housekeepers. Pleaso call Connie or Kathy at Bermuda Village 998-6703 M-F 8:00-4;00. ,,-Bennuda (^ ^ V illa g e - M aintenance Position M aintenance P o sitio n F u ll-T im e Eleotrioal/Plum bing / H V A C helpful. Elxcellent Environm ent. C a ll M o n -F ri, 8-4 9 9 8 -6 7 8 4 ( ()R K .I ( 1 IO N \ l. O l I И I KS W \ M I I) TIIE DEPARTMENT O F CORRECTIONS IS AN EQ UAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLO YER AND DESIRES TO RECRUIT QUALIFIED MEN AND W OM EN for ' po.sition.s available al the following corrcclional facilities: ; Davidson Com Cir., Forsylh Corr. Ctr., N. Piedmont Corr. Ctr. for Women, Piedmont Corr. Insl., Rowan Corr. Ctr., etc. Must be at least 20 years of age, U.S. citizen, high school 'graduate or equivalent. Good benents. Beginning salary $22,269. Submit Slate application (PD-107) available al Employment Security Commission, local library, or internet. Send application lo: N.C. Deparlmcnt of Cortvclion Piedmont IVIad Regional Employment Ofllcc 771 Park Centre Drive, Suite D • Kernersviiie, N.C. 27284 UNI TED ЧТЛГЬЪ РО^ГЛС SbRVICt POSTAL SERVICE JOBS (PART TIME) • EARN UP TO $13.05 PER HOUR PLUS VEHICLE EXPENSE • MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN •MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD • MUST HAVE A GOOD DRIVING RECORD • VEHICLE MUST MEET USPS SAFETY STANDARDS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICANTS AT BOTH TUB CLEMMQNS p o s i o f f ic e . 706-^^71 ADVANCP EQ SI OFFICB. aa^-4421 f f l f f l lR IM ,IN a PACKAGING -- Department —• COMPETITIVE PAY for QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Applicant sliould have stable work history and basic math skills. Applicant should reel comfortable working with wood and woodworking machinery. Applicant will be required to work with a tape measure and understand Feet-inches-16ths. Benaflts: Includa A PP LY IN PERSON eo& M F Paid Vacation Paid Holldaya Ratlrtmant Plan Haalth Insurance TRIM, INC. Bathal Church Road Mocl(svllls,NC Are you working in the lestauiant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting Uie benefits you deserve? A r a ^ g e t l k t g n ^ i ^ l K i m E S E r * High conHXtHlva wagM ’ FkitroitaaflirSOdoyi * 4 guorcmtMd rgbM In IS monltit 'Poldvacalion *401kraNniTMntplgn * Hm M i/Dm M htturanc* 'WMUypoKtwcki-PoMiDMlbnoki -FItxIbltKhadul« * Slock oplloni * PoiMlon salary odvanctnMnt (lowatd trolrar, manogtr, tic l ■Eariy doling hourtIF tlQL YOUli KWO CHEMIOIII BtMinMi is OREATI Wa era hiring to gat raody for m u ft WIMTiR BUSINESS. Ш an aiamnlfy looking fon NIGHT Л М Е & W EEKENDSERVIRS, DK W A SH ERS. O M U C O O K . CASHIER, HOSTESS, NIGHT « м м г е ш к Е COMI IH TOOAY ДНО AfW. WI ДИ A HUT-IWCB). FUN ИАатО*Ю1К.|||»ш»|.Ы*^||уНЮН ■ niw pH glattwl ■и lo wwh iM rt w d rnaha МОЯШН. 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 • (336)712-9880 ~W»«oo«|uoloKwiun»^«ntlo>». Employment EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYProcessing Assistant IV position with the Davie County Department of Social Services. The employee In this position provides clerical 1 for Ihe child support agents Will sen/e as back-up for TO MEET THE needs of our growing business we need a person with some mechanical background lo fill our General Lube Technician position. We offer a Iriendly environment wilh good pay and a full compliment ol benefits. Apply to Dan White al Westside Chrysler Dodge Jeep In Mocksville, NC (336)751-5948. fu llt im e POSITIONAVAILABLE for pest control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver’s license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year of employment. CalUor appointment. 751-5720 HELP WANTED: Horn’s Auto/ Truck Plaza. 1670 US Hwy 601 Nonh and 1-40, Mocksville. NC 3rd Shift Cashier 3rd Shift Fuel Attendant Apply on the fuel side, ask for George or Jon. Benefits are available. clerical supervisor. Will assume other duties as required. Must have the following skills and abiiilles: basic computer skills, considerable knowledge of office practices and procedures, ability to summarize, compile, and tabulate narrative and numerical material, ability to organize and effectively process and maintain agency records and files activities, ability to analyze and record infonnation ond to balance figures, and ability to apply Independently specific taws, departmental rules, and regulations relating to verifying, processing, and maintaining records and documents.Must have a valid NC Driver's license and a vehicle available (or work. Must be a high school graduate and have two years of clerical experience or an equivalent of training and experience. Submit a completed State applk PD107. to Lynne Prevette,Child Support Agent, Davie County Department of Social Senrices. PO Box 517, Mocksville, NC 27028, by ippllcatlon. providers. 9lto, Lead families. С 5;00pm on September 18. 2000. Equal Opportunity Г HORSE FARM NEEDS part-time/ weekend help. Must love animals. Apply lo Thoroughbred Training Center, Cana Road. Mocksville between 9am • 6pm Monday thru Saturday. 998-5280________ KRISTI'S ICECREAM Daytime person needed, full or part-time. 998-9993 Employment Lead Teacher, Assistant Teacher & Food Service Worker Davidson County Community College is accepting applications for the positions of Lead Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and Food Service Worker at Ihe Helen C. Gantt Child Development Center (GCOC). Each is a full-time, 12- month position wilh benefits available In September. The Lead Teacher position requires an Associate Degree In Eariy Childhood or related fieio. Progress toward an Associate Degree and substantial wori< experience in the field may susbtitute for the degree. The Assistant Teacher position requires a NC Early Chlldhool Credential or commitment to obtaining the NCEEC, The Food Service Worker requires a NC Eariy Childhood Credential or commitment to obtain the NCEEC, and experience in food sen/Ice management. Locaied on the College's Davie Campus In Mocksville, the GCOC is a child- centered learning, trarinlng, and resource center serving Eariy Childhood Education students and^------------ children and theirfamilies. College faculty and staff, and the community.For more Information about responsibilities, qualifications, and application requirements, please see the "Job Vacancies’ page on the College website: btto-.//wwLdavidson.cc.nc.upy or contact: Davidson County Communily College, 1205 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. NC 27028. Telephone: 336-751-2885 Equal Opportunity Colleqe --Bennuda 0 < S & ^ illa g e -^ Part-time RN Position Available Please c a ll B erm u da V illa g e 998-8709, M-F, 9:00-5:00 Lee "Weekend Warriors" VF jcanswcar Is acccpting applications for part-time weekend positions at our Mocksville Distribulion Center. These posllions offer flexible work hours and competitive pay. W e are seeking dependable, safely and quality conscious, associates who possess basic communication skills and a team-oriented approach. Applicants must be 17 or older and authorized to work In the U.S. Applications are accepted through the Emptoyment Security Commission locatcd In the Food Lion plaza on Highway 601 South. An Equal Oppoitunily Employer EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weeekly w/overtime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hol-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT I Piedmont Research Station Poultry Unit Feed and care for birds. Operate, maintain and clean equipment. Assist in the conduct of research trials. Requirem ents: Com pletion o f high school. Prefer one year of farming experience or equivalent. M ust have valid driver’s license. Salary Range: $16,787- S2S,S64 w ith State benefits. Send Slate application to Pied m on t R esearch Station, 8350 Sherrills Ford Rd, Salisbury, N C 28147 (704) 278-2624. EOE Closing Date: Friday, September 22,2000. b L ^ X IN G T W HOME BRANDS approach our lOOih year. Lexingion Home Bnnds' commitment lo irm lUiiuibliin jjki wumtraiH nrlm l m tu tic fwcfiuw of" the furniture industiy. Housed In over 5.000,000 iqu«e feel of warehousing, our dedicated industry professionals continue io pioneer the future of (he ftv- niture industry. Join our Lexington. NC leam in their pursuit of excellence and enjoy i rgwarding career with an industry leader. ;11;1 м а с н ш е [1Ю Ш : Ш 1 2 © • Group Leader • Tenon Operator • Moulder Operator & Set Up • Profile Shaper Operator • CNC Router Operator ,: l:.-.^:'::.;;.,.CABINET ROOMIElSlls • Group Leader • Repair Person • Case Fitter • Case Clamp Operator :i;nNisHiN& r o o m sm s® • Group Leader • Repair Person • Spray Operator • Upholsterer • Sewers • Fabric Cutters LM AlNTENM GESSra • Boiler Security Technician ■ . 1b learn inore about • rewarding CBieer In our cootCMdly |f0«iiB| C0Mp*> ny f o n ^ your resume or apply la p m » lo: I r t a g ii Н и м pio - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 14,2000 Come Experience the Difference at tlie ALL NEW FORD W r J ! !(/ S te v e P a rd a lo s B o b b y M e lto n D a le R a tle d g oGeneral Manager Used Car Manager Sales Consultant T o r ^ H o d g o Business Manager K e lly S a le s Sales Consultant M a r k W illia m s General Sales Manager 2000 EXPLOREÎI Eddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 $29,998 2000 EXPLORER XLT 4Dr. 4x4 $26,732 2000 MOUNTAINEER 4Dr. AWD $28,433 2000 EXPLORER 4Dr. $20,986 n •41 so SAVE S6.972I All the options, blue, leather. Incredible sound system. Incredible Savingsl V 6’$, V 8’s, VIO 's & 7.3 «2259 SAVE $4,1731 4.0 SOHC V6, CD, trailer tow package, ail power options. Go Anywherel Huge Savingsl 2000 EXCURSION Limited 4x4 <2743 SAVE $5,8661 „ 5.0 VB, auto, leather, CD, atl the options. Drive il away. The one you've been looking lorl Unbelievable Savingsl2000 EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 <OISO SAVE $3,5241 4.0 V6, CD, trailer tow package, power windows & hcks. Chock i( oull What a buy! All Prîtes Available F in a n c in g a s lo w a s 0 .9 % A P R HUGE REBATES! $35,898 $34,889 windshield U We Don’l Have I I ... W e'll Find It For You! SAVE $5,6671 I Limited slip axle, CD, all the options, loads ol room, The King ol'sUV’s, Unbelievable savingsl SAVE $6,4761 5.4 V8, limiled slip, CD changer, leather, Luxury SUV at Ils linesll You won’t tind a better deal w/all the optionsi G re a t V a lu e s O n P re -O w n e d V e h icle s! ★ <97T-RIRD U .. •OT2259A “ Red, 15k milos, dean, one owner. 2 0 0 0 IX g jO R M J H IjijA .« iO T 2 5 7 4 A - Black, sun rool. automatic, ono owner. ★ ^ 7 EXPIORIJI SPOIIf 4x4... «12S2A-W hite, 45k miles, dean. ★ *97 PI 50 XLT 4x4 FLARUIOI PICKUP.. »$13,945.00 or $279/mo.* ★ 2000 FOCUS SI 4rfr.. iP1302 - Green. 26,000 milos. one owner, all power, automatic, V8. "k *98 PI50 XL PICi(UP.M«...Mw..».w«»».wM..M>..w«M..>.M$15/995.00 Of $320/m#.* fP1291 - 22,000 miles, automatic, 6 cylinder, clean. • ★ < 9 t W IN M rU < 3 lf/iM .* ..........................$14,998.00 or $399/mo.* W as S I5.998. »0 C 0 3 7 3 A - Aotomatic. low mttos. ono owner. Д З Э Д 3 5 .0 в 1 * 4 4 И /т е Л -------< М М -В Д 0-Х1-И С К и Ь ти тп .л ш н ^я » ш ............7;i;;..i.;$ M 9 9 i0 fr » r $ 3 T iy n «OD T5716A - Low miles, dean truck, red. ^ '9 9 ISCORT LX 4rfr.*...*...»**..*»..«MM«..M..***M***.....*t.$10/995.00 or $220/iiio«* «ОС544ЭВ - Low miles, blue. ★ ‘99 CKOWH VICTOMA.....„..„..„.....»„...........„„...$I9,9«S.OO or $420/mo.* ..$1 •,995.00 w f 310/iM .* « fl9 ,9 4 5 .0 0 « r$ 3 9 9 /iM .* «P1263 - Cgather, ono owner, all power. ★ *9é DODOl STRATUS.. iP1287 - red, 22,000 miles, rear air. dean. ★ ^9tP150 XL PICKUP.. «P127S ~ Long bed, automatic, clean tmck. white. ★ «94 MUSTANG GT.. Was $9,995, «ot4369B - Ono owner. 4 door, gray. * '99 MIRCURV MOUNTAINEIR.. ..$14,99S.0Omrt3OO/iiM.* ,.f 13,917.00 M f3 7 9 /iM .* #P1242 -O n ly 13,000 miles, program vohlcte. extra clean, all power, Ready io gol ★ ‘9« MAZDA I2S 00 SI nCKUP. ,.$5,995.00 or $140/лм.» ,$23,880.00 or $45t/iiM .* $8,845.00 or $l99/m e.* Was $15,995, «OC814SC -A ll power, low miles, aulomaUc, VS. A-3em o.R .dC «fp*tL«w ,10% down plu»u*,teg.doc(.et41itpaym etrtttd,liv.7.W AC.1 Z.OOO mil«! per умг. WasS10,99S, «00?3S2t A -O n o owner, oxira 51\аф, low milos, greal buyl if *99 TOWN CAR SIGNATURI.....................................$24/912.00 or $499/mo.* W as $26,800. IP1241 -T ru e luxury, top ot iho lino. Groat Buyl C - CenuTwtial W u*. 60 tro., 30% mWu»>. cap tMuclton. pKi* Ux m, Ug. due low & payir»fi1 «1 doltvory, WAC. ALL INCENTIVES AND REBATES INCLUDED IN ABOVE PRICES AND PAYMENTS. В - Prtpold 24 mo.. Rod Ctrpol Lou*. 12.000 tniltl p«f ytaf. al lauti & rt^ttra lm кккк1«<). LEV $13.354,00. WAC. '■■j '***• * **' 1Э.&9Ч APrV42 mo., tO% down plua tax, Ug & doc <m . WAC. FORD s~ ___________ иняятя M B W ^ W H ER SH IP M AÌÉAGEM EM T ^ "W o Want Your Business . . . Let Usi ИГ’ 601Squ№ of Ì-40 (tadkinville Rd.) • Mck:ksville, NC ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 1 win $2,500 Cash C o n t e s t In T h is Is s u e P a g e s B 4 -B 5 The Olympics Davie Students Learn History With Their Own ‘G am es’ Page C1 vSî^.r.v.i '•! -, . -i D A V IE C O U N T Y 500 USPS 149-60 Number 38 T h u rs d a y , S e p t. 21, 2 00 0 4 0 P a g e s Berm uda Run R esiden ts S ay No To A nnexation I Love My Grandparents Caitlin Miller was joined for lunch al Grandparent's Day at William R. Davie Eiementary by tier grandparents, Judy Miller, Dennis and Mary Sine, and great-grandmother Polly Harbin. - Photo by Robin Fergusson South Yadkin Power Balks At County Demand Company Claims Lease Valid Through 2022 South Yadkin Yadkin Power was lold lo va­ cate Ihc properly ¡1 leases in Cooleemee by Oct. I. County Attorney Bob Price, in a letter lo ihe company in mid*August, questioned whelher a lease cxisis, and cited instances where the com­ pany hadn't mel it's end of the lease for produc­ ing elcctriciiy from the dam on Ihe South Yadkin RWcr. Losl week, Soulh Yadkin Power officials said Ihcy never Kceived the teller from Price, and that Ihcy have no intention of vacaling ihc property. They claim ihcy have a valid lease. **It is our understanding that your (Pricc) posi­ tion is that the lease haSi expired, and os a rcsull, South Yadkin is occupying ihc property as a ten­ ant at will.** wrote South Yadkin utiomcy. John M. Cross Jr. “ We fail to understand the basis of this posilion. If, os you claim, the original lease remains in effect, lhal lease w ill nol expire until Dcc. 31,2022.” Soulh Yadkin Power has been in an ongoing a4Uc-w4th-ccr4aitv-orgQmgm-fbf Ri^^rParfcr- planned for the area commonly known as the Bulihole Just below the dam on the South Yadkin River. Park supporters claim lhal company plans will divert too much walcr from the main river chan­ nel, leaving it dry in the park area. “ T h e H is to r ic a l A s s o c ia tio n h a s s tir r e d u p tr o u b le ... T h e s e p e o p le a re v is c io u s a n d w ill s to p a t n o th in g .” - Pearlle Bullock ______________South Yadkin owner Soutti Yadkin orflcials say they arc complying witli all required pcmiils for water flow from fcd- LTdl and state agcncics. Pcoilic Bollock, one of the -South Yadkin Power owners, claimcd in a letter lo the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, lhat Ihe Cooleemee His­ torical Association and Claude Home are trying to pul them out of business. Horne, she said, used his influence to gel the county to attempt lo in­ voke the lease. The company had to prove that newspaper ar­ ticles about Ihe river being dried up weren't tnie, -slisrsaltlr There have been problems because one of the former owners o f the power project, Steve Cook, overestimated Ihe electricity that could be pro­ duced, Bullock said. "When we bought the stock o f South Yadkin Power and requested an extension, our problems Iwgan with Ihc Historical Associaiion." Bullock wrote, “ tlvcry week Ihere werc letters put into the paper about Ihe river being dried up bythc power plant, fish being killed, no one could swim in Ihc Bulihole. "Tliis continued, and Ihc local crack heads on the river started vandalizing Ihe project. Hquip- meni was dcstioycd, gates pulled out, blades were knocked off Ibeturbine by throwing slccl into il. "Wc had to repair Ihc pump house for Davic County (This was in our contract with them, that wc would keep il lepaired for them,), morc than one lime. Wc have spent lime and a lot of money doing repairs as a result of newspaper articles Ihal swayed public opinion. Therc was no truth to the articles and finally with much correspondence to FERC from the Historical Associaiion, we had to prove thal the articles were lies. The FBI has been callcd In becausc of these threats. "The Historical Associaiion has stirred up trouble and this is their strategy in putting hydro plants out of business," she wrote. "These people ~arc viscious anu wilt stop at nothing. ' “South Yadkin Power believes that the inletcsl of Ihe community and ihc public at large arc not ' all cxcitcd about n park. Wc have no problem with a park if Ihc Historical Asosciation, American Rivers and Claude Home do not mind if wc have a power plant.” Ily Dwight Spurks Tiie CIcinnions Courier Bermuda Run residents packed a lown meeting last week to protest a rt-qucst to an- - ncx neighboring Kindertotr." TIte board callcd Гог a public hearing on the request Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. There was no doubt about how those at the meeting felt, “Why the rush? Why the tusii7 Why the rushT' Ralph L. Cornwell asked, to considerable applause. Mayor John Fergusson. slung by suggestions thiit lie was push­ ing the annexation, ieelured the audience оГтогс than 100 about following rules, " Г т serving as an official of the town," he said. “I have to follow the law. I live in this com­ munity. I'm just as interested as any of you. We are going to have a public hearing and get the facts.” Holding up a widely-circu- lated letter that he said distorted the facts about the annexation request, Fergusson said Ihe town board will weigh atl its options before deciding. He said the board will not make its decision die night of the public hearing. Kindcrton developers have asked Bermuda Run to annex 106 acres of its commereial de­ velopment betwcei\ U.S, 158 and MO. Kindcrton needs more sewer capacity and restaurants looking at the development want liguor bv the drink. Bermuda Run has only one business in its town, the coun­ try club facility. Its charter al­ lows aiinexation only by re­ quest. Sincc the Kinderton request “ I think you’re rushing the annexation without the taxpayers knowing the pros and cons;’ *...... ' - Ralph L Cornwell was ni.ide two weeks ago, board members said they have re­ ceived lots of comments, “People were assaulting me,” said board '--m cm bcT'' Ted t Titsworth. “Some of the comments 1 1 have heard is, ‘Gee, you’re hur­ rying, hurrying, hurrying," said board member Chuck Whitman. “I think we should be walk­ ing before we run," said board member A i Barnette. Four residents had signed up to speak at the meeting — Cornwell, Charles Fox and Nancy SanFiiippo and David Whelpley. Cornwell told the board he wanted “to slow you down. I think you’re rushing the annex­ ation without the taxpayers knowing the pros and cons." He said the public hearing was being held too quickly, and most residents don’t know the conscquences of annexing a commercial district. Fox said he had stood outside the Post Office that day hand­ ing out informalion aboul the meeting. “There is a risk associated with standing up for what you _helicve,Uic-said,-:%u-ean-be- labeled a trouble maker." He called for the town board to put th'e decision to a public referendum or to reject it imme­ diately. Please See Kindcrton - Page 7 Davie Humane Society’s Ride For Animals:A Fundraiser For The Future By Jackie Edwards Davie County Enterprise Record This Saturday, the Humane Society of Davie County will hold its second annual Ride For Anim als. This fundraising event's proceeds will go towards the building of a new animal shelter in Davie County. The present shelter is located at the end of Eaton Road, off U.S. 601 South in Mocksville. . According to Davie Animal Control Officer Robert Cook, the average monthlyitalistics for the Davie shel­ ter; approximately 130^150 dogs were turned in or picked up, — .... , —.... — 90-100 cats were turned tg, ...in in or picked up, and “ I hope p e o p le Will over95 percent of these p le a se Call the COUnty animals were co m m issio n e rs a b o u t the ' “ Humane Society Shelter, let them knOW I>reside'nt Jamie Smith hOW yoU feel.** ' hopes a new shelter can -Jamie Smith help chartge those sta- Humane Society President tistics, "There were — ’ over 1,100 euthanized last year, and this year it’s more than that," Smith says sadly as she looks around at the shelter. , The Ride For Animals helped raise, approximately $7,000 last year and this year the Htimane Society hopes to raise more, ; . ■ . Festivities p*lanned for ftis etude a silent auction, rafnes, games, t-shirts, and food. Musical entertain­ ment will be provided by Sweet Tooth Jones, a local southern rock band: The event begins al 9 a.m. atthe Ma­ sonic Picnic Grounds tiehind the Brock Center on Main Street, Mocksville, The length of the motorcycle ride w ill be 60 miles, beginning and ending behind the Brock Center. . “Without thé $ 1,000 donation we re­ ceived from PetsMart, this ride would not have been possible," Smith said. Other area businesses an also sponsor-', ingtheride..Please See R idé'Page 4 About 95% Of the animal? at the shelter are euthanized, : ■I : ■ 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 Editorial Paüe Opportunity Knocks; Will Bermuda Run Open The Door? When opportuniiy knocks, open thc door. That's what Bemiuda Run needs to do with Kinderton's request to bie annexed. Instead, the communily is up in arms. "Why the huny?" they demanded. Actually, there is a big hurry. The huny is that Kinderton might change its mind. The hurry is lhal Kinderton might find the answer lo ils problem in the arms of another lover across the Yadkin River. The hurry is lhat Bermuda Run could find Itself forever isolated and strapped for cash as it faces staggering debt to pay for sewer consmiction and road improvements. Bermuda Run's government is nol yet a year old, and its citi­ zenry last week showed a corresponding immaturity. You could hear the audience gasp when Mocksville town manager Terry Bralley told them that his town had never refused to a request to annex commercial property. Why? Bccause Mocksviile long ago learned the lesson ihal business and industrial property pays the bills. Residential property produces little rev­ enue, but creates big demands for service. The high valuation on industrial and commercial property brings in rich tax revenue for a town. Such is the potential for Bermuda Run. Kinderton, if the project succeeds, has the potential to be worth morc than all of Bermuda Run. And il will require very little of the government that annexes it. It is building ils own streets, installing ils own lights, ils own sewer lines. It needs only two diings: more sewer capacity and liquor-by-the- drink lo attract major restaunml chains. Bermuda Run residents - some still stinging from their at­ tempts to block the Kinderton developers' original plans - could feel smug in their refusal lo help their neighbors now. But. Kinderton has olher options. If Bermuda Run refuses lo annex, Kinderton could look to ils other immediate neighbor, Clemmons, for help. And why not? Sewer rales are cheaper. Taxes arc lower. And the people are friendlier. Clemmons residents wouldn't pack a town hall protest­ ing the annexation. Clemmons might nol have been inlerested in annexing Bermuda Run with all ils problems, but it would certainly 'We«* the plew otrich developers who necdjt.govemment's hand. Spumed by Bermuda Run, Kinderton could be foreed’info tlie arms of its easlem neighbor. The timing might not be convenient. Bermuda Run's govern­ ment is indeed immature. But some opportunities only come around once. This one won't linger for long. Kinderton developers have demonstrated the willingness and crealivity to fix their own problems. Kinderton. with others, paid for the sewer line across the Yadkin River. The developers didn't get enough capacity on lhat line lo handle bolh the commercial development and the residential part of Kinderton lhat has now been enlarged. Bermuda Run also holds tights to use that line. Why the hurry? By its charter, Bermuda Run can only annex by request. Kinderton has sold only a few lots so far. and they have all made the request to be annexed. Their unanimity could collapse. Why the hurry? Bermuda Run already levies the largest tax its charter allows, and it hasn't started road and sewer Improvements. If ils citizens were concemed about the Kinderton development two years ago, they would have more input now by including the ■ development in the lown. Why the hurry? If Bermuda Run is unwilling lo lake a leader­ ship role in Hillsdale, the Davie County board of commissioners should squeeze the $200,000 of sales tax revenue it readily turned over 10 the new town this year. Bermuda Run needs Io grow up. — Dwighi Sparks DAVIB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weakly by the DAVIE COUIifY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks.................................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson..........................................General Manager Mike Bamhardt............................ R^y Tuttorow............................... ..Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager Mocksvlll*EtitwpriM 1916-1958 Davi* RMord 1899-1958 CoolMfflM Journal 1901-1971 PaflodlcaJt Pottage Paid In Mocksville, NC 27028 SubecitpUonRatoa Single Oipy, 60 Cents $20 per year In North Carolina , $25 per year outside North Carolina ' po stm aster Send addrwe changes to; . Davi* County EnleipHte Record P.O. 9>, MocktvWe, NC 27028 œORGEWASHWâTON SLEPT HERE ТН0МЛ9 JEFFERSOM SLEPT HERE ©aaiW NEW SW y 6 E0RGEW.BUSH aEPT HERE In The Mail Unprogressive Individuals Don’t Speak For The Good Of The Community To the editor Unprogrcsslvc individuals do not .<pcak for thc greatest good of all conccmcd in the area or Cool­ eemee. Davlc Counly, and neighboring counties. Thc henents, local commcrcc and revenue gcncr- atcdby\hcRivttiPaikrarouW.cighanyfearsofiicbl oroihcrchanges'‘CoolccmecIians''andoihcrslrang- crs might incur. Everyone benefits; thcrc arc no hidden agendas. 1 am unaware of the lown council agenda which Connie Bush refers In last week's letter lo thc editor. I con only say 1 attended the lost meeting and nothing was voted upon except to adjourn and postpone thc meeting for the following week. ^ ^UU.npt exacdy dear in her letter what Bush’s point Is. Appumtljr^ however;'in hcr cycl'ihe"' CHA's contribution is so minimal and inconse­ quential lo thc town of Cooleemee os lo render her afraid that Cooleemee taxpayers exclusively will be stuck with the bill.This is nol the likely oulconv» as payment would not only be shared by Davie and Rowan couniics. bul supported by slale grants as well. A1.S0, let's nol undcrcslimatc Ihc pow er of the prívale sector. Ms. Bush is quite wrong on her "facts." I have personal knowledge that Mrs. Ruinlcy, und nov just a'tanUfuV ùf others, both ' within and outside Ihe community, have indeed raised money and bought land sel aside for thc RivcrPark dewlopmenl. Moreover, the proposed draft agnxmcnl stales categorically thai il is Ihc Cooleemee Historical Association's responsibility to make payment or reimbursement for the RIverPark Insurance • not thc Cooleemce taxpayer • as Bush incorrectly claims. For those who have any doubts, over the last ■•thrt« years every effort has been made to coexist wil thc South Yadkin Power Plant; it is they who havecontinuouslyrcfuscdtocomplywlthihclcnns of the lea.se with Iheir landlord ond those of ihcir own project development. Now the falc of the Theft From Grave Site Breaks Woman’s Heart To Ihc fditon Is a ccmclcry not sacrcd grounds any morc? My belief was that when you placc items on a relative’s grave site, you were honoring lhal per­ son. Thcrc arc people who do not think lhat way. I placed an angel and doves on my mother's grave, and thc day wc buried my father, someone stole those from ihe grave. Arc people so low and degrading nowadays lhat they have to steal things from cemeteries? I would greatly appreciate who­ ever look those items lo please put them back. I have lost both of my parents wilhin two and a haK months. The toss of both parents is enough sadness and heartache, bul for someone to steal Ihc things 1 placed on Ihc grave site lo honor them. Just breaks my heart. Carol Sampson Mocksville Cooleemee Historical Volunteers Work Hard power plant is in the county's hands. /\s an "ouisldcr" who has lived in many other places iHil dccided lo make Cooleemee rny hume, I Ihink it a big misiake lu block Ihc efrocts of oihers who iuve already Nuushl wiih Ihem f real pn«pcr-_ lly - ifijnlfmflKÍÍ№ÜWndant senworcom™^ and leadership lhal was Bcmiinalins in Ihis Юли when I firsl anivcd here nine years ago. (By Ihe way, w e ouuiders have a righl lu be here and a vole on how 10 "gireback loihecomraunily." rejanllcM of where we camc from and whelher we ate ac­ cepted by Ihe ■old-limeis" or nol.) I suggesl in Ihe fulurc lhal Ms. Bush and olhen do Iheir homework and slick lo Ihe facis instead of nunufacluring Iheir own. Raiher than resoling to personal ailacks on people such as Mrs. Rumiey. who has really helped Ihis lown. you can damn well get in Ihcre and do it youisclfor gel oul oflhe way. Lisa Bailey Cooleemee Sr. Thanks Civitans To Ihc editor. I u4)uld like to Ihank thc members of ihc Cool­ eemee Civitans for coming out lo my home and doing some much needed repair work at no charge lo myself. 1Ш a senior citizen and nol able to get things o f lhat nature done; it is a blessing lo know that we have people in ihc community willing to volunteer ihelr services for thc elderly. Thank >*ou again. Marie Carter Mocksville To the cditon Bolh of us grew up in Cooleemce ond wc volunteer our lime every Wednesday al the Cool* eemec Historical Association. Wc help with the mailing list for our organization and know that counting all the couplcs, wc have over 1,200 mem­ bers. Thcrc is a membership mecllng every January and wc elect our ofilccrs and board of directors. These arc thc people who make decisions after the membership sets its goals. Wc arc working on Coolecmcc’s 9th Textile Heritage festival on Sept. 30. Wc have worked ot and come to every one o f them. Wc have also worked Q.S volunteers wilh CHA's "Discovering Our Heritage" program which teaches our young people aboul ihe woys things were in the days when wc were growing up. Thc Cooleemee Historical Association, with all those groups and who pul their lime inlo improving our lown, have done a great servlcc. Lynn ond Jim Rumiey have done a lol for Cooleemee. Mosl of us arc nol well-off, bul we have pride. If you don't wont a park at ihe river, that's okoy. Bul don't tun down our hard work and doni belitllc Cooleemce. Peggy Kerley Hi!!, rcolecmee Colleen Shore Moorc, Woodleaf Letters Welcomed The Enierprist Reconl welcomes ietten fromiuteadcre.1helc4cnmaybeonlopicsof local, suib national or inlcmalional issues. An elfort will be made to print all letters provided Цку are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor lasle. The edilor.reserves Ihe righl lo edit letters for grammar and for space. A ll letters should include Ihe naine and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not lo be published, is also requested. Please have leilen in die newspaper ollice by 4 p.m. Monday of ihe wceklo be published. What Is Your Favorite Autumn Activity? In T h e M a il... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 -| Teacher Disagrees With Can(didate’s Plan For Competency Tests To the editor; Recenliy, I was relaxing at home watching lelevision after spending 12 hours leaching, luloring, and preparing lessons when a disturbing advertise- ment slapped me In the face. Richard Vinroot declared lhat when he got inlo office, he would make sure teachers were qualified by giving us competency exam s.-........................ ......... ' It lakes four years - five is one takes ihe normal course load - lo earn a bachelor o f science degree wilh a leaching certincale, ihe lasl six monlhs of which a sludenl Is required lo leach full lime without any source of incoroe. Before getting a license, graduates must pass a National Teaching Exgm, which entails nol only the subjectone w ill be leaching, bul also meihodology. Mr. Vinrool may think lhal teachers then wrile assignmenu on Ihe board and pul Iheir feet up, bul first year teachers spend hours preparing lessons and trying 10 figure oul how lo keep discipline in an overcrowded classroom for the first lime without a cooperating teacher's help. A ll of lhal Idealism learned in college does nol make dial kid in the back who hales himself and everyone around him suddenly lift his weary head and decide lhal he loves lo leam. In addilion. these overzealous new teachers often end up saddled wilh so many exlracurricular aclivilics lhal Ihey end up having lo spend whal should be family lime at work. Inorderlo renew Ihcir licenses al the end of Iheir finst five years, teachers have 10 prove lhat Ihcy have been educating themselves further by laking classes and workshops. By the end of iheir first five years, they must earn 15 credits which is equal lo 150 hours in these classes and workshops - 30 of those are required lo be related lo technology. Five years teaching in the , classroom counts as only five credits, desplle the unpaid hours spend before and after school poring over material they w ill leach in class, grading papers, coaching, counseling, and luloring the kid who jusl doesn't gel it. These unpaid hours never slop, no mailer how long one leaches. There are teachers who are 20 years inlo ihelr careers who spend cniire weekends marking essays, laking breaks only to do housework. And one mighl say lhal Ihe summers icachcrs lie basking In Ihe sun make up tor all lhal. For Ihose elghl weeks during the summer spent oul of school, many icachcrs, especially single parents, are forced lo get sccond jobs becausc Ihey do nol cam enough from leaching lo survive. Thus, Ihe “professional" Icacher mighl end up nipping burgers lo cam minimum wage under Ihe management of a kid who hales life. Youlh loday don’l jusl walk inlo a classroom, sll down, and lake noles. They come inlo class wilh asuilcase full o f Iheir lives at home and oulside Ihe classroom and open il Inlo Ihe leacher’s lap. Certified Icachcrs have proved Legislators Extorted Into Passing Container Law Tb the editor Thc Internet Is о greol ux)l for finding our what our government is up to. Type in www.ncga.slate.nc.us and you can read bills thai are passed and bills that are being considered by our North Carolina Legislature. Reccnily. I wenl on line to chcck on what our legislature had done on the open container low that MADD (Mothers Againsl Drunk Drivers) had op­ posed so strongly in thc news media. Well, thc law passed over ihc loud objections of MADD. TItc carccr bureaucrals al thc DepaTlmcnl of Trans- portalion in Washington told our slate leglsluturc to pa.ss a law banning open containers in an automobile or we would nol get our federal highway funds for 2001. North Carolina MADD was against the law because they felt we had a law on our books that wa.s superior, one lhal allows open conluincrs if Ihcre is a DD (Designated Driver) driving. MADD realizes that people are going lo drink. MADD wants DDs to always handle the driving when ils lime lu . go home. Our old law pcrpeiraied the concept of DDs. MADD is nut W4)r< . ried about whal thc pa.ssengers arc doing, os long as there is a sober DD. But, ihe bureaucrats from Washington told our legislature that If they did " not ¡USS ihcir'ncw law lhat North Canilina would lose close billions of dol­ lars of federal highway funds. Folks, this is our money, paid as taxes by the people of North Carolina, and taken al gunpoint, if necessary. For these bureaucrats to threaten to keep our money if we do not pass a certain law is nothing short of extortion. Extortion is illegal in all 50 slates. Well, guess what, our legislature cowed down to Ihe bureaucrats and passed Iheir law against open containers over Ihe stiff objection o f MADD. Folks, these are carccr bureaucrals. nol elected officials, mandating lo North Can)lina whal our laws w ill be. Federal elecled officials did nol try to gel this passed bccausc they know the Constitution forbids them from ■ meddling In the slates' business. Our legislators did get In two points of defiance into the law; our North Carolina legislators pul wording Inihe bill asking the Atlorney Generol to sue ihe federal govemmenl over the consti- tullonalliy of Ihls hill. And, they made the bill only apply for one year, from Sept. I.2000um il Sept. 1,2001. The exact wording pertaining lo the suit follows: "Section 19.Tlte General Assembly requests lhal the Attorney Gen­ eral (of Nonh Carolina) initiate litigation to challenge the federal governmcnifs unconstitutional Intrusion into the Stale's aulhorily to enact and enforce its own taws regarding moior vehicles and traffic safety, an particularly regarding thc section \ 54 of Title 23 of the United Stales Code." In Ihe mean time, our Governor’s Highway Safety Group is running TV and radio adds asking Ihc clll/cns of North Carolina to live by what the legislature clearly considers to be an unconsiiiutlonal law. Thc legislature Is asking Ihc law enforecmenl of Nonh Carolina lo enforce a law thai they consider being unconstitutional. Our law Enforcement officers lake an oath to uphold thc constitution and our lows. Are they supposed to enforce laws lhal are >aid lo be unconslitutional in the very wording of the law? If this is the way North Carolina Is going lo pass its lows, all wc need is a clerk in Raleigh wiih о rubber stamp lo approve these mandated laws. If we are not careful, we arc going to lose our representative form of govern­ ment to Ihe same career bureaucrats in SVashlngton that pay $300 for a toilet seat and SB5 for a simple hammer. Our legislature should have told these bureaucrats lo go sit on iheir $300 toilet seat, that we In North Carolina are going lo pass our laws. Thc legis­ lature should have told ihem lhat they are not elecled lo rubber stomp some bureaucrals idea of what North Carolina should pass as a law, that they are elected to decide what laws North Carolina has ond they, ihc governor and the Supreme Court w ill make those decisions. Until thai happens. I guess we have the best politicians in Raleigh that our money can buy. If you want a copy of this law to read, just email me al HYPERLINK "maillo:cgrocc(tiinindspring.com" cgrocc@mindspring.com Earl Groce Advancc Legal Abortions Will End When Hearts Change To the editor: Abortion has become the sccond most common surgical procedure. In •America today. Over 99 percent of all abonlon.s have rnHhlng lo do with llfcor . health o f the wotiun. They are done simply bccausc of her desire for conve­ nience, and her stHTolled happiness. Doctors pcrfonn 1.5 million abortions per . -year In Ihe United States. Stop and think, that's one forcveiy three live birtlts.or . one every 20 seconds. "1 willgive no deadly medicine loonyonclfasked. nor suggest suchcounsel." Sound fomillar? This slotemcnl is part of the Hippocratic Oalh, which doctors have token fc^ centuries as a moral standard governing their work as doctors. In recent years it has been changcd to read, "I w ill do nothing lhat is Illegal." If a strange life-lhreaiening illness were lo attack the children's ward at Fonsyth Hospital,killingSOlo IOOchildrenaday,thchospltalwouldbcquaranlinedond shut down until u cure was found or the disease ceased lo exist. Abortion clinics Ш 50 to lOOlnnoccnl children a day. Whal happened to America? Bottom line is thot much ofthe responsibility for America's obortion holocaust musi be placed 01 the feet of America's Christions. Legal abortion will end in America when enough hearts ore changcd. The reason the Bible cannot be read in public schools is not bccausc of wicked public ! education; il is becouse of weakness and complaccncy of Christians. So many Christians have adopted Satan's definition o f separation of church and state. Thc sanK is true of abortion. Complacency continues to pursue the chureh and when belicven withdraw from thc abortion bottle, wc ore threatened by oncofSutan's most potent weopons... discouragement. Even though wc have lost many major battles in ihcsuuggic lo save pre-bom childrcn, ! still believe wc will be victorious someday. My reason? Ours is a righteous causc. Thc only way to lose is lo disengage. The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing gotxl, for at the proper lime wc will reap a harvest, if wc don't give up."Thc Lord rca-ssured Joshua lhal thc battleofJcrichQ was God'sbattlc, nol ihe Hebrews; lhat they would win; lhat Cod would give results; lhal winning thc battle was God's rc.sponslbility not ihe peoples; that Ihe people were not responsible for thc outcome bul they were responsible lo follow God's clear plon. God does nol perceive us as losers. Wc never lose in His eyes if wc do what Is righl. Again, I believe with prayer and perseverance we w ill see babies welcomed Inlo a world of love. Anyone who expects government to end abortion on demand will live in frtLstralion ond surely bccomc discouraged. Ourpolilicians continue to io.ss the pru-lifccauseabonc here and there,while denyingusaplacc 01 the table. Friends, obortion is 0 spiritual problem, a grave evil that exceeds govemments ability to even understand, much less conquer. Bul God hears our prayers. God can heal our land. Psalm 34:25 says. The eyes of thi* Lord ore on Ihc righteous and his ears are altenllvc lo their cry." Our passivcness lells the world that we don't really believe what we soy we believe and wlih lhat we arc no threat to thc enemy. God says. Thou shall not mufder." Do we believe what he says? h is not too late. With prayer and pcrrtevcrancc wc con begin lo lum things around. Join liic olong with oihers os wcsuindagoinst this killingofinnoccnt lives. On Ocl. I at 2:30, rain or shine, all over America, prayer chains w ill line highways and streets. In Mocksville, wc will begin at Blaise Baptist Church and go up Highwoy 601 toword Wal-Mort. Wc will stond in unlly and prayer for one hour. Do you believe whal God soys? Are you willing to stand for what God says? It's Mike Hayes MocksvUle <*Raking leaves.” WUjie Barkley Cooleemee ' “Quilting.” Sarina Roseman Cooleemee “FaU festival at the lügh school” ' SueCorrell Cooleemee “Going to the mountains to - ' lookatthelcavei.” ' Cooleemee School The Greatest Tb the editor: Our heartfelt Ihanks go out lo all of the stoff al Cooleemce Elcmcniary School for the rccent illness of our son, Wesley Young. Your cards, prayers, ond conccms hove meont so much to us. We were rezoned, and at firsl op- prchcnsive about your school, but after this incidcni, wc know that God is looking out for us and put our sons in your excellent hands. Thanks also to the Davio EMS for your quick response. Thc Young-Graham Family T o w n S h o u l d S t a y C l e a r O f P a r k P la n s To Ihe ediior; The Cooleemce Historical Associalion has plans for a Н1¥Сфагк which is 10 be located on thc Soudi Yadkin River, near the lown of Cooleemee. The financial obligation tor this park should be handled exclusively by Ihc historical group; the town o f Cooleemee and its citizens should noi be expected to have any pan o f the financing for the park. The individuals who are so strongly In favor of the park should comc . forth and pledge Uieir own money, their own real esuile, as well as ihe future o f Ihelr children and grandchildren for the conslruclion and . maintenance o f this park, rattier than expect the taxpaying ciUzens of Cooleemee to shoulder this financial burden. .' The taxpayers o f Cooleemce can't afford this park al the river and many o f us don’l want il. ' , ., SueCorrell , : Cooleemee compcicncy in their subjccl areas. Maybe Mr. Vinroot should propose insU lhal Ihey lake compelcncics in all of Iheir olher jobs. Tliey are doclors wh an epileplic sludenl has a seizure in Ihe hall; Ihey are mentors who show kid who have a rollen home life lhal iherc is normalcy; ihcy are judges an lawyers who iry lo dispense juslice In nol only mailers of grades, bul also I mailers of discipline, and Ihey arc counselors who lisien 10 Ihe ones who coiif lo them 10 cry and ask for help. Yes, qualified Icachcrs arc becoming a rarity. New teachers comc inlo II profession because Ihey caro deeply aboul oihers and education. UnfortJ nalely, caringdoesn’lpay the bills nor docs it give Icachcrs backlhedisciplin lhat Ihey need in Ihe classroom in oider lo do ihcir jobs. Teachers ieaJ because o f the unpaid hours and ihc headaches of conslanlly dealing wiJ discipline ptobiems resuiling from overcrowded classrooms. Why pul i wilh all lhal when one could find ajob working 40 hours wiih a salary larg Ihan a leacher wilh 30 years experience. If Mr. Vinrool Ihinks lhal insullin a leachcr's inlelligcnce wilh his compcicncy exams w ill help remedy Ihis sd scene, Ihen he himself needs lo lake a compcicncy exam. Jancl E. Richards English leacher.Davie High School j M.D. O BSTETRICS AND G YN ECO LO G Y Caring Modicald Provider for 20 years N e w O B p a tie n ts w e lc o m e a t a n y s ta g e o f p re g n a n c y Free Pr e g n a n c y Tests We will assist your application for pregnancy- rolatod Medicaid coverage at no foe. PaHent may delh^er ot either Statesville hospital | 1 21 6 D avleA venue • S tatesville.N C 704^73-1436 - 9 a.m . to 5 p.m . dolly Br a d C artn er p r o d u c t io n s P r o fe s s io n a l D J S e r v ic e s Prolessional Sound • Lights • Wide Variety of Music Oldies • Disco • New Hits from Top 40 and Country • Light Show & Video Projection Wedding Receptions Class Reunions School Events Corporate Events Christmas Parties inside • Outside Call Us Today I keep your event hopplngl (336) 751-4090 Service Manager’s FALL Promotion AND Rebate lime to iitaKcauiMcrencc. For more information in the Life Chain, call Gwyn Jones at 492-2783 or Blaise Boplist Church at 751 -3639. Gwyn Jones Mocksvillc H is t o r ic a l A s s o c ia t io n ’s P o s it iv e I n f lu e n c e s To Ihc edilon I would like 10 share wilh you whal I have seen of the posilive infiuence of Ihc Cooleemee Historical Associaion and Lynn Rumiey. Cooleemee stu­ denls have learned aboul their heriiage and shared whal they have learned wilh oihers. A group of sludenis studied aboul four former Cooleemee leaders. This leam wenl 10 several schools and portrayed these leaders and told aboul the infiuence of these people on Cooleemee. This prescnialion was prior lo Ihe Cenlennial Heriiage Feslivai. '. For three years as many as 28 studenls have participated in the Summer Heriiage Camp. Sludenis sludied aboul The Greal Wagon Road, The Soulh Yadkin River and olher aspecis o f earlier Cooleeihee life. Cooleemee Hisiorical Associalion developed a curriculum lhal corre- spondswilhtheNC Standard Course of Study to benefit kindergarten through fifth grade sludenis. Mosl recendy, Cooleemee young people have presented a puppet show lhal describes the early sefllemenl of Cooleemee and ils close conneclion lo Ihe Soulh Yadkin River. A ll o f these experiences have instilled a new sense of pride In our stu­ dents, there by, ensuring fulurc leaders for our communily. Thank you, Cooleemee Hisiorical Associalion. Jennifer Godbey . Fourth Grade Hacher, Cooleemee Elementary Winterize Today O n ly V  . And debates upto3»5“ Visit Westside Chrysler Dodge Jeep/ 1 5 7 D e p o t S t • M o c k s v ille ' 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 T H E r v i o i > / v n о г к р е и е г м с е 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 Davie Humane Society President Jamie Smith ponders the thought of the number of animals euthanized each year. Many pure-bred animals end up Ihe Davie Shelter each She hopes a new shelter will lessen the plight of Davie County’s homeless animals. - Photos by Robin Fergusson year. This years Rida For Animals hopes to make a differ- Ride For Animals There are plenty of cute dogs available for adoption. Is This Saturday Continued From Page 1 Smith says she can't count Ihc nuinberof calls Ihc Humane So­ ciety receives concerning Ihc prcscnl shelter. "1 hope people w ill please ca ll the co u n iy commissoncrs about ihe shelter, lei them know how you feel." Smith also hopes the Ride For Anitnals will bring a brighter fu­ ture for the homeless animals of Davie Counly, with a new shel­ ter and a chance lo find a liome. GNCLiveWeU: VITAMINS • MINKIUI.S • NATURAL COSMETICS ■ SPORTS NUTRITION • HERBS • WBIOHT LOSS • WEIOHT OAIN ■ HOMEOPATHY • ENEROY 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons BHoShopplneCenter(А1мГЮС<#ттол#К//еЛ#п/ ■7 / ' / ' Mon. Sal. 10am • 9pm • Sun. 1pm • 6pm / 0 0 ~ ^ O j O For Ahitsfd ami CPPAK" T ГР Nt^lMniaùUm Call.V16.75t-OI77 Voter Registration In Davie Ends Oct. 13 Persons who have nol registered lo voic since moving lo Davic Counly may do so until Friday, Ocl. 13. Appli­ cations may he filed in person, or may be filed in person, or may be mailed lo Ihc officc. Requests postmaiVetl after Ocl. 13 will be ineligible for voting in the Nov. 7 General Election. This deadline also applies for per- sonswhohuvc moved within ihccounty orwhohavcchangcdtheirnaine.Tobc eligible for voting y ilhoui delay the eleclion nxords mjist show correct addresses and names. If in question abdm ywjr voter rcg- islralions you may-call the election office beiwecn tlie hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday al 751- 2027. A b s e n t e e V o t e R e q u e s t s N o w B e in g T a k e n it. i'«. t« - i'* ' i'* ' iA- C o u n t r y C u z z i n s U 't'*- Summer Closeout S A LE Second Hand Clothing f c f *//=('! 854 VAllEYRD., M O CKSVIIIE (besideKclchicCreekBakciy) Requests for absentee voting by mail for the Nov. 7 General Election may be filed with the Board of Elec­ tions officc. This request may be filed for any voter who will be out of ihe counly the entire period thal the polls will be open, 6:30 a.m.'7:30 p.m. through Tuesday, Oct. 31. Requests for persons who are sick ordisabled thay be filed through 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6. Requests may be made by the voter themselves, or in iheir behalf by a M o c k s v i i i e M a n ’ s D e a t h R u le d S u ic id e . ■ The death of a Davic man last week has been ruled a suicide. Roger U e Whitaker. 67. o f 977 was found dead at his residence Sept. 13 around 9:30 a.m., according to a Davic County Sheriff's report. member of their immediaie family or vcrifiuble legal guonlian. Imnv»Jiutc family includes: spouse, parent, child, parent-in-law. chilJ in-law, step-par- cm. slcpH:hild, grandparcnl. grand­ child. brother, or sister. All absentee ballots must be re­ turned to the election officc no later than Monday. Nov. 6 al 5 p.m. to be eligible for counting. Thcboardofeleciionmemberswill meet in accordance with the N.C. Elec­ tion Laws at S p.m. onTucsday of cach week as necessary to review requests, and on Monday. Nov. 6. "One Stop" absentee or no excuse voting will be available In the cleclions ofUcebeginning Monday,Ocl. 16and with the exception of a sickncss or disability will closc al 5 p.m. Friday. Nov. 3. Questions may be directed lo ihc tetliou u ffin at 751-2027, Uf lllayiiiT answered by reviewing infonnation found on the Internet under www.co.davie.nc.us/. Pdinled Pecan Rebin Fijurineb 2S" OFF _________________________ W iA 77.11 AJ Vintage Village Country Market Locatio«: 8 mi. n. of Yflò((ÌKDi((e on US 411 исагм1 I-77 S atH rô a ,^ & 5 и и 0 а у , 8 a m s р ж ____________ RAMSOIJ's CRAFTS DAVIE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES AND RAPE CRISIS CENTER SUPPORT GROUP -Xbis4s-an^pen-groupr Please call if you are interested. 751-HELP (4357) - 24 Hour Crisis Line Ш к и ю Ш Ш Ю M a w я U s e ilH o m B s l S O U T H E R N Stop By At 3856 N. Patterson Ave., WInctoibSalem or Call: 1-8 00-593-7814 m u l c h h a u l in g . c o m > ''И С Ш Р . '’¡ т шЙИЙЯКГ Owners— Dean & Patsy Carter \\ • AQED HARDWOOD • AGED DOUBLE OROUND HARDWOOD • ANIMAL BEDDINO • M INI PINE NUOOETS • M ILL RUN M IX POTTINQ M IX «COMPOST• SHREDDED MIX • DESIGNER WOOD (Red. lla c K ■rawn, Cheeelst») M e 9 $ tn m $ 5 r n $ ^ 0§rteH 0 (3 3 6 ) 7 1 2 -0 7 3 0 Domestic Violence Prevention Vigil To Be Oct. 2 In Mocksville Ociobcr is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. On Monday, Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m., Davie Domeslic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center w ill host a candle light vigil in honor of the vic­ tims of domestic violence in Davie Coumy. , Since beginning in November 1995, DDVS/RCC has served more lhan 1,100 individual victims of do> mesllc violence and sexual assaull. In honor u f these victims and those who continue 10 live with abuse In their homes, DDVS/RCC w ill have thevlgil. :■> Participants will meet at the Davie County Fublic Library, oh North ; M lM'Street in Mocksville at 6:30 - p.m. lo walk to the court square. Fay Howell of Salisbury, a sur­ vivor o f domestic violence and an . author, will s^ak about her experi­ ences. In the last year, Davic Counly has experienced two murders related to domestic violence incidents. “ It's lime to take a stand against . Ihis intimate abuse," said Martha L. McQueen, director. ''Please join us as wc honor all vicilms of domestic violence and let the community , know domeslic violence is wrong. ' Plan now to be a port o f this vigil. ‘Thank you for your concern and : support," McQuccn said; "We-look' ■. forward lo mccling you at the II- brary.” • ■' (ile(iïR('jf(l(‘(l^A(ii(li4ilii?Ti(k('l.s^ ™ (Inveiscali us liist 1ш aquolcl • Low down payment • Low monthly payments • Immediate SR-22 fiiingi • Preferred-AND high-risk • The single-source solution for ALL your insurance needs; • A uto • Нот » • U f» ‘ B u iln tu * fin a n c ia l Froduett Nationwide li On Your Side* For Ag«il Е Ш ! m nuM loinM fxiaii lJn(Mn«nm tiy №lkxMda М1Ш ||шш«х Coinpany in l d b lK l ooinpHiln l i m O fhc Oni tUknatdl 1 4 m Cotnibul. OH 4321S к a r w U M t « M niiit о Ш о г а М MuUI Insuwia Сопплу J )a v ie C o u n t y . ICENTER^ FAMILY HEALTH Prim ary Care For The Entire Fam ily - Acccpilng New PaiJcnis “ W c Particípale W ilh Most Major IIM 0/PI*0 Health Plans Workers’ Compensation Occupational Medicine James Evans, M.D. Bermuda Quay Shopping Ccnlcr 5391 USHwy. 1 58 -Advancc Monday - Friday Pam - 5pm { 998-9214 > D is t r ic t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - 5 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davic District Court Sept. 14 wilh Judge Samuel A. Caihey pre­ siding. Prosecutors werc Mary Covington and Crystal Sain, assistant DAs. ~ Jason Bradley Aldridge, speed­ ing 61 in a 45 reduccU to improper equipment; driving while license re­ voked rcduccd to no license, 30 days suspended one year, $100 and cost. - Lemuel Mcrrell Allen, driving while license revoked reduccd to no license, 30 days suspended one yeai; $100 and cost. -Tanya Angell, worthless chcck, 10 days in jail suspended one yeac $500 re.stilulion. cosl. - Debra Wolfe Ashbum. improper passing. $10 and cost; fictitious, can­ celled or revoked rcgisiralion, dis­ missed. - Alvin Dale Bacon, faUurc lo stop for Slop sign or flashing red light, $10 and cosl. - Donald Sieve Ilarficld. DWI. one year in prison suspended 3 yciirs wilh supervised probation lo include seven days in jail, surrender of li­ ccnsc, substance abuse assessment iihd recommended trcaiment, $5(K) and cosl; possession of alcohol by person under 21. speeding 82 in a 55. driving after consuming by a person under 21. dismissed ¡x'r plea. - Kimberly Jo Barker, assault w iih a deadly weapon inflicling serious injury, dismissed for insulTlcienl evi­ dence. - Paul Barney Jr., second degree trespassing, dismissed at request of the prosecuting witness. - Stephanie Lynn Barney, simple assault, prayer for judg'menl on cost and no assaults, threats or harassment of viclim; simple assaull di.smisscd per plea. -James Roger Beamon, failure lo wear scat belt, driving while liccnsc revoked. 22 days in jail; child seal bell violation, dismissed per plea. - Kelsey Megan Benson, speed* ing 80 in a 70 rcduced lo improper equipment, $10 and cosl. - Clyde Edward Blackburn, fail- ure to wear seal bell, open container in vehicle aficr consuming. $25 and cosl. - Anms Stewart Brown, failure to wear seat belt, $25. -ClilTord Brown, simple assault, communicaiing ihrcals, dismissed al request of the prosecuting witness. - - - Reba Campbell, simple assault; prayer forjudgmcnt continued on cosl. Ronald Clay Carson, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost; inspec­ tion violation, dismissed. -Joseph Steven Clark, possession o f marijuana, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - Cynthia Denise Dalton, speed­ ing 70 in u 55 rcduced to improper cquipmcnl. $10 and cost; driving while license revoked, dismissed. - Robert A. Dwiggins. felony fi­ nancial carvl fraud rcduccd to misde­ meanor financial card fraud. 45 days in jail suspended 18 monlhs with su­ pervised probation 10 includc 48 hours communily service, etuploy- mcnl. no contact with victim. $150 and cost. - Christopher Lee Easl. no li­ cense. misdemeatmr possession of marijuana, pmyer forjudgmcnt con­ tinued on cosl; |X)sscssion o f drug paraphernalia, dismissed per plea. - Todd Alexander Edwards, driv­ ing while license revoked reduced to no license, prayer forjudgmcnt con­ tinued on cosl. - Nancy nii/abeth Everhart, open container in vehicle after consuming alcohol, $25 and cosl. - Melissa Farmer, resisting pub­ lic officer. $50 and cost. - Roger Dale Frye, communicat­ ing threats, injury lo personal prop­ erty. second degree Irespassing. 30 days in ja il suspended one year. $475.29 rcslUuiion. SlOO ami cost; intoxicated and disruptive, disorderly conduct, dismissed per plea. - Sonnie Gordon, open container in vehicle after consuming alcohol, $25 and cosl; no license, dismissed per plea. - William Derick Grant, sjxvding 86 in 70, rcduced lo 74-70, $ 10. cost. - James T. Green, driving while Uccnse revoked, dismissed, made cost. - James Darnell Grifiln, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment conilnucd on cost. - Dudley Ellloit Hammon, speed­ ing 85 in a 65, rcduced'to 74 in a 65, SIO and cost. - Dustin Hanelinc. assaull with a deadly weapon, dismissed at request o f proscculing witness. -Timothy Scoll Harrison, posses­ sion o f marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, felony possession of cocaine reduccd lo possession of drug paraphernalia, 45 days In jail suspended 18 months with super­ vised probation, $200 and cosl; in­ jury to personal property, communi­ caiing threats, simple, assault, dis­ missed per civil settlement. - Charles Edward Vlaycs, speed­ ing 89 in a 70 reduced to 74 In a 70, open container after consuming al­ cohol. $25 and cosl. - Flavia Louise Howell, driving while license revoked reduced to no operator’s liccnsc, 30 days in jail sus­ pended one year. $100 and cosl. - David Hughs, communicaiing threats, 30 days in jail suspended one year, $50 and cost. - Terry Wayne Isgell. two counts obtaining property by false pretense reduccd lo two counts misdemeanor larceny, injury to real properly. 90 days in prison suspended iwo years with supervised probation to includc employment, mental health evalua­ tion. $50 reslilulion. $150 and cosl. - Zcnobia Ruben Jackson. Hcli- tious, cancelled or revoked registra­ tion. dismissed, made cost. . - Seth Michael Johns, possession of drug paraphernalia, 30 days in jail suspended one year with supervised ’ probation lo Includc subsiancc abuse assessment and recommended treat­ ment, no possession of illegal drugs. $100 and cost; possession of buiglary tools, dismissed per plea. - Michael Lynn Jones, speeding 86 in a 70 reduced lo improper equip­ ment. failure to wear seat belt. $100 and cost. - Cleveland H. Joyner, second degree trespassing, harassing phone calls, dismissed for Improper equip­ ment. - Clark Lee Kimbrough, driving while liccnsc revoked, fíciilious, can­ celled or revoked registration, dis­ missed, made cost. - Clinton Reese Lasher, speeding 83 in a 70 rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $25 and cosl. - Hcrmilio Pcmks Lopez, simple assault, dismissed at request of pros­ cculing witness. - Rhonda Chandler Mason, speeding 87 in a 70 reduccd to 74 in a 70. $10 and cost. -Anthony S. McBrayer. posses­ sion o f dnig parophcmalia. posses­ sion of up to a half ounce of mari­ juana. dismissed per plea. - Randy Alynn McBrayer. posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia. 45 days in jail suspended 18 monlhs with su­ pervised probation to Includc sub­ stance abuse and psychological coun­ seling. no possession of illegal drugs. $100 and cost; possession o f up lo a half ouncc of marijuana, dismissed. - Gustavo Mondragon. misde­ meanor larceny, prayer for judgmeni continued on cosl, must stay away from Wal-Mart. - Donald Moody, simple assaull, assaull wilh a deadly weapon, dis­ missed at request o f prosecuting wit­ ness. - Rodney Lane Nelson, assault on a female, dismissed for failure to prosecuting witness to appear. - Kyle Maurice Parker, speeding 88 in a 70 reduced lo 74 in a 70. $10 and cosl. -W illiam Keilh Pcningcr. spec- ing 72 in a 55 rcduced to improper equipment. $25 and cost. ■ - Tosha Lynn Pcrrcll. no liability- insurance, driving while liccnsc re­ voked, 45 days in prison; failure lo apply for new title, giving, lending or borrowing a license plaie. no reg­ istration card» cxcccding posted speed, dismissed per plea. -JuanC.Quiterio. DWI, 120 days in jail suspended three years, surren- der of license, no operation of a ve­ hicle until licensed, 72 hours in jail, substancc abuse assessment, $100 and cost; no operator’s liccnsc. dis­ missed per plea. - Treasa Ann Raines, second de­ gree trespassing, dismissed per civil settlement............................................ - Johnnie Wcsl Rcid, possession o f marijuana. 10 days in ja il sus­ pended one year, $100 and cosl. - Carlos A. Rivas, two counts simple assault, communicating threats, dismissed al request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Michael Lee Robertson, speed­ ing 72 in a 55. $25 and cost; driving while liccnsc revoked, prayer for judgment continued. - John Joseph Shea Jr.. speeding 87 in a 70. rcduced lo exceeding a safe speed, prayer for juilgment con­ tinued on cost. - Damien Lauren Smith, speeding 99 in a 70 reduccd to careless and reckless driving. $50 and cosl. - Joshua Ray Smith, possession of drug paraphernalia, 30 days in jail suspended one year wilh supervised probation to include employment, no possession of illegal drugs, substance abuse assessment and recommended treatment, $ 100 and cost; possession o f a mall beverage or unfortified wine by a person under 19. dismissed per plea. - Kathy Miller Snow, dog running at large at night, prayer forjudgmcnt continued on cosl. - JefT Stanley, worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - PaulT. Swiderski. drinking beer or wine while driving, assault on a female, simple assault, dismissed for insufficient cvldcnce. -Charles RolandThomas. felony rmancial card ihefl reduced lo mis­ demeanor financial card theft, mis­ demeanor larceny, 45 days In jail sus­ pended 18 months with supervised probation 10 includc employment, no contact vyith prosecuting witness, 48 hours community service, $302.46 restitution, $150 ond cost. - Donald Ray Tutterow, driving while license revoked, expired reg­ istration. prayer forjudgmcnt on cost. - James Tutterow. worthless chcck on closcd account, dismissed per civil settlement. - Daniel H. Velazquez, speeding 80 in a 70 rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10 and cost. -Jamie Willard Wright, speeding 88 in a 70. rcduccd lo 74 in a 70. $ 10 and cost. Failed To Appear - Frenchie H. Bamcll. resisting a public officcr. - Michael Clarcncc Cody, driving while liccnsc revoked. - Teresa Crotts, worthless chcck. - Charles James Dalton, failuoi to wear seal bell, driving while license revoked. -Tim othy Dionne, fictitious, can­ celled or revoked registration card, speeding 90 in a 55. expired regis­ tration. - Jen-y Lee Lumsden. DWI, driv- ing left o f center. - W illiam A. Montgomery, open container after consuming alcohol. - George W. Sutteriin, simple as­ saull. - Joseph K. Tuckcr, ihree counts worthless check on closed account. Campbell Student Receives Scholarship Campbell University studcniTracy Leigh Delaney of Advance is ihe re- cipicntofthc Soulheastem TrustSchool Trusl Management Scholarship. Delaney isajuniormajoringin tmst management and working towards a master of business administration de- grce. She is a Campbell university cheericader, a member of the Prcsi- dcntial Scholars Club, the Trusl Club, Accounting Club, Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fralcmiiy, and ihe Econom­ ics Club. She is Ihc daughter of Mrs. and Mr . Charles Delaney. ГП ТТТП t iii£ u u T he D e a l E v e r y o n e Is T a lk in g A b o u t! DISH BUY BACK OFFER! We Will Pay You $200 To Switch To BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS JMgital Cable-Sefvicel- ' CONNECT TO DIGITAL CABLE & START TO ENJOY! •Local Channels! •Local Weather Forecast & Advisories! •Local Olfice & Seivice! • 24-Hour Custonier Suppoit! •Free Maintenance on Company Equipment! •No Costly Equipment to Purchase! 336-751-1313 CALL NOW TO RECEIVE; FREE installation (Up to 3 Outlets)^ & $200 In Service Credit!^ BENCHM ARK C O .M M U N I C A T I 0^ N S ; ThlAoflM tofo?» Umtod>Tknil Schedule a technictanto connea to your home ctble & tie will ptd-up yoor salellile equipment and hand you b check in №e lum of $2001 In addl«n. turn in one olyour old ttalemeni9 end receive an adctbonal SIO! NO LONO TERM CONTRACT. ORer vaUd only . . InBinchtnarkCoromunlcallona'Mnflcearei.SomflrtJWcnjfMyeppiy F R IE N D S A R E P R IC E L E SS! Recommend Digital Cable Service from Benchmark Communicatiofts to your friends St receive $100 CASH I In Addition, your friends will receive $100 in cable services& *FREE Installation! ReSer as many friends as you like! S IE P JL Your friend calls Benchmark Communications ciisiomer - t ‘ • service & schedules an installation appointment. ;Youcompietethefoimbelow&giveit toyourfriend.'. | STEP 3- Your friend . gives, this form io the instailer at the time of' i " : their appointinent. Your check will be mailed to you within- one week of the installation. , ' i FRIENDS ARE PRICELESS ! BENCHMARK 1 CO MMUniC»rlOMI ! Mocksville, NC i 336-751-1313 I C om pleted b y a В вгк1т м гН С от т ип1сай0г13'сш Ы вли1исгй»г: I Your Ntme:__ YourAäär.H'._ Your Account Number;. Atter cotnpltlily lllling out thl* lomi, give It to a Wend. Your Friind v»« . ttungiv«lttotlwlntU|l(t,altlffl>ol*|ipointineot,btprac««lng. , TMt ollw to fcri UaUM-TlMl N0 LONQ TERM OONTRACT. FiM iiutallalioii Indudn up lo 3 ouHets. «Iw viM ofil» In Rtiidinrii Co■mlllk•llom'l«vln■M.Somtns№úntmayцy>V№(Xlцx»muslll•gi»пta№tinIlrilrstlnI•orilulal■fcll. . ' t í. í 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl>mSE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 P u b lic R e c o r d s Mocksville Police The following incldcnis were re­ ported to the Mocksvilie Police De­ partment. - The breaking, entering and lar­ ceny o f a CD player, amp, 70 CDs und a light were reported Sept. 13 from a car parked in the Di-Lo lot. - Л Mocksville man reported Sept. \ 4 that when he drove his car over a Arrests manhole without a cover on North Main Street, it damaged a tire and running board on his truck. - The larceny of a purse was re­ ported Sept. 15 fromavchiclc parked" at the Davic Family YMCA. - The larceny of a 1994 black TbyotaCamray was reported Sept. 14 from The Glen parking lot. Arrest - Virgil Ray “Curly" Smith. 60. of 348 Avon St., was chargcd Sept. 16 with DW I and improper license plate sticker. Trial date: Oct. 12.' Trflfne Accidents - No charges were filed after a wrcck on South Main Street at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 11. According to a report by Officer John Coley, Galen Brooks Iblar, 20, of 121 Wendell Lane, Advancc, ap­ plied the brakes 10 his 1996 Kawasaki molorcyclc, causing It to skid into a 199S Mazda driven by Renee Hamilton Hayes. 41, of 151 Hay.es Lane. -T\vo vehicles were involved in a wreck on Soulh Main Street at 6:36 p.m. Sept. 13. According 10 Officer L. Keith Gunter, a 1997 Ford w-as driven by Minor Turner Slcclc, 60, of 1577 U.S. 601 S., and a 1997 Ford truck was driven by John W. Stevenson. 46, of Winston-Salcm. - A Clemmons man was chargcd with failure to yield after a wrcck at Salisbury Street and South Davic Drivcat ll:35a.m .Scpl. 15. Kenneth F/ancls Mizell Jr. drove a 1986 Cadillac from South Davic Drive into (he path of a 1999 Dodge being driven on Salisbury Street by Rickey Dale Greenhill of Hickory, reported Officer R.A. Donathan. The Davic County Sheriffs De­ partment m.ide Ihe following arrests. - Lee Wayne William Hillman, 22, of 186 Gordon Drive, Advance arrested Sept. 8 for possession of cocaine, marijuana, and drug para­ phernalia. Trial date: Scpl. 21. -Jared Allen H epIer.3l.ofl27 Glascow Lane. Mocksvillc was ar- restcd Sept. 8 for nonsupport. Trial date: Ocl. 5. - W illiam Paul Spitler. 41, of Statesville was arrested Sept. 9 for assault on a female and communicat­ ing ihreals. Trial date: Sept. 14. - Pedro Mena Franco, 44, of 157 Main Church Road, Mocksvillc was amisted Sept. 10 for DWI. careless and reckless driving, and insurance violation. Trial dale: Nov. 9. - Charies WashinglonChambcrs. 74, l42HunllngCreekLane. Mocks­ ville. arrested Sept. 11 for harassing phone calls. Trial date: Sept. 19. - Rocky Joe Hamilton, 38, of 389 Pleasant Acrc Drive. Mocksvillc was arrested Sept. 13 for failure to ap- pcar. Trial date: Ocl. 19. - James Garner Williams. 16, of 293 Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc, ar­ rested Sept. 13forinjury to real prop­ erty. Trial date: Sept. 28. - Christopher Lee Hug. 17, of Bristol, Fla. was arrested Scpl. l3for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and felony possession of a conlrolled substance in prison/jail. Trial date: Nov. 9. - Elaine Kay Schmill, 32. of 265 Deacon’s Way, Mocksvillc was ar­ rested Sept. 14 for failure lo appear. Trial date: Ocl. 2. - Kevin Lee Harrison Sr.. 30,117 English St.. Mwksville. ancstcd Sept. 14 for assault on a female, communi- eating threats. Trial date: Ocl. 19. - Madai Reyes Bantra, 32. o f 204 Norihridgc Court. Ntocksvillc was orrcstcd Scpl. 14 for driving wilh licensc revoked. Trial dale: Oct. 5. - Slcven Dewey Mitchell. 40, of 183 Deer Run Drive. Mocksville was arrested Sept. 14 for simple assault. Trial date: Sept. 28. Sheriffs Department The following incidents were rc- {X)rtcd to the Davic Sheriffs Dept.' - A domesiic assault report was received Sept. 7 from Lakewood Motel. U.S.6Q1S., Mocksvillc. - A report of an undisciplined juvenile was received Scpl. 7 from Comat/er Elementary School. - Breaking, entering, and larceny was reported Sept. 7 from Davic High School. - A report of assault on a govern- mcni official, injury to real property, and disorderly conduct was received Land Transfers Sept. 8 Cornatzer Elementary School. - Money was reported stolen from Davic High School on Sept. 8. - A report of stolen hubcaps was received Scpl. 8 from a home on U.S. 601 South. Mocksvillc. - Breaking, entering, and larceny was reported Sept. 9 from a home on Liberty Church Road. Mocksvillc. - Property was reported stolen from a graveyard on Duke Whitaker Road, Mocksvillc. - A report of animal crtielty was received after someone taped fire­ cracker^ to an animal and til them on Sept. 9 al a residence on Cotton Lane. Mocksville. - Breaking, cnlcring, and damage to property was reported Sept. 11 from a home on Peaceful Valley Road. Advance. - A mailbox was reported dam­ aged Scpl. 11 at a residence on Pud­ ding Ridge Road, Mocksville. - A report of threat communica­ tion and assault with a deadly weapon Wtis received Scpl. 11 fromulocalion on U.S. 601 South, Mocksville. - A report of an assault was re­ ceived fn>m a residence on Deer Run Drive, Mocksvillc on Scpl. 11. - Breaking, entering, and lareeny was reported Sept. 11 from a con* stniciion site on U.S. 601 North. Mocksville. - A truck was reported stolen from a home on Gnjbb Road. Mocksvillc on Scpl. 12. - Larceny and damage to property was reported Sept. 12 from a busi­ ness on U.S. 601 North, MiKksvillc. - A motorcycle was reported sto­ len from a home on Powe Lane. Mocksvillc on Sept. 12. - A cellular phone was reported stolen Sept. 13 from a convenience store on U.S. 64 East, Mocksvillc. - A report of losl/slolen dog was received Sept. 13 from a home on Baliimore Road, Advancc. - A report of lareeny was leccived Sept. 13 from a residcncc on Forest Drive, Advancc. - Cartons of cigarettes werc re­ ported stolen from a convenience store on U.S. 64 East. Mocksville on Scpl. 13. - Breaking, entering, and damage to property was reported Sept. 14 from a location on N.C. 801 Nonh. Advancc. - Axles and lires for a mobile home were reported stolen Sept. 14 from a retail establishment on U.S. 601 North. Mocksvillc. The following land transfers werc filed with the Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreagc. township and deed stamps pur­ chased, with 52 representing S1,000, - Michael D. and Shanda S. Jones to Luis Lucero and Macrina Saucedo, 1.43 acrcs. Clarksville. Sl 16. •• • Haven Home Construction lo Kurt E. Coombs and Vickie L. Coombs. 1 lot. Shady Grove. S375. - Mary T. Beck to Naihan C. Beck Jr.. 1 tract, Calahaln. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Civil Lawsuits Partnership lo Samnaz Inc., 1 lot, Farmington, S80. - James G. Atwood Jr. and Carol B. Atwood to Bobby G. Bedford and Fannie G. Bodford, 3.6 acrcs. Mocks­ villc, S280. - Bermuda Village Rclircmcnl Ccnicr Limited Partnership to Rich­ ard F. Johnson and Elizabeth B. Johnson. I villa. Farmington. S459. - Ralph Jeffrcy Kirk and Teresa R. Underdown lo W illiam B rill Perkins. 2 parcels. Clarksville. $400. - Cherry Smith Beaver and Gary Wayne Beaver (half interest) and Christine Smith Craven and Georgge D. Craven (half interest) to Geneva C. Smith. 4 lots. • John F. Ogni and Sylvia D. Ogni lo Robert E. Nagel and Stephanie Nagel. .69 acre, Clarksville, $166. - Richard R McNcely, substitute trustee to Lucy Shaffer McClamrock Trust, 1 lot, Farmington. $125. - B. Eugene Bennett and W illic Bess Bennett, Delbert E. Bennett and Martha H. Bennett. Gamelle Nance, and Fred 0. Ellis and Marie Ellis lo Ronald p. Fqbcs and Abby B. Fobes,^.. i traci, Mocksvilie. $54. - Richard Earl Grocc and Juanita H. Grocc. Gary W, Grocc and Linda W. Grocc to San Filippo Construc­ tion. I lot, Fanninglon, $84. - Bctly S. Bowens to Robert F. Coil. .54 acre. Shady Grove, S6. • Annie Hunter Benson and Leroy Benson lo Royal Steven Howell. .5 acrc. Farmington. SIO. - Dolores S. Johnson to Ross- Mulkey Co., 1 tract, Farmington, S375. . .-•.Thc-Millcr Fan»ily Partncnhip, James A.Miller and Brenda Miller. Kip M. Millcrand Denise Miller, and Carol Dyson to James A M iller (third interest) and Carol M. Dyson (iwo- thirds intercsl), 1.71 acres. Mocks­ villc. • Ronald E. Draughn and Sylvia C. Draughn to Carl Dyson and Nellie S. Dyson, .97 acre. Calahaln. - Daniel Hendrix Wyatl and Sue T. Wyatt and Karen Elii^bcth Wyatt and Jill Wyatt Olsen and Peter J. Olsen and Nancy Wyatt Russell and Jim D. Rus4*ll to John Nelson Wyuit and Evelyn M. Wyatt, 1.63 acrcs, Fulton, $16. • Rosemary Garner, Patsy Garnet Oarrcll and Ronald W. Garrett, Carroll Garner KIsner and William A. Gamer to Mor> Susan Parker. 1.38 acrcs. Mocksvillc. S140. - Lee M. and Shiriey G. Shore to Danny Lee and Sharon D. Shore. 2.06 acrcs. Clarksville. Piedmont Properties of Lexing­ ton to Ka-La:An Enteфriscs. 1 lot. Fulton. $41. The following civil lawsuits werc filed with the Davic County Clerk of Court. ' Teddy Ray Doby vs. Rebecca Banner Doby, absolute divorce, child custody. - Sharon D. Boger vs. Woody H. Boger, absolute divorce. -Tonya Hiatt Fair vs. Tony DeWm Fair, divorce from bed and board, child custody and support. - Leslie Gene Shelton vs, Mary Ann Aiken Shelton, absolute divorce. - Sears Roebuck & Co. vs. Jenni­ fer P. W ilson, request recovery. $5,888.67. - Providian National Bank vs. Ja­ net L. Williams, request recovery, S5.264.73. * Davic Couniy HcaUhcare Corp. doing business as Davic County Hos­ pital, rcquesis judgment, vs.: Palricia S. Bunnell. S509.02; Terry E. Deaton, S352.57; Mark Allen Cnisc, S517.92; Crystal D. Tilley, S59I.97; Penny Wcsoloski. $458.29; Vivian M. Bryant, S246.49; Barbara G. Perkins, S521.10; Cecil Ray Speer and Trudy G. Speer, $326.06; Leonard K. Gunter, S332.93; Cynthia J. Baynes. $972.07; Latonya Daniels, $708.93; Tammy Casey, $637.96; Christy Audia, $356.80; Kalhy J. M iller, $185.25; Wilma Lowery. S293.ll; LisaO. Wishon, Sl ,188.44; Robin M. Myers, $665; Danny Lee Boger, S3.892.41; Waller S. Snyder and Debbie R. Snyder, $749.94; Frances C. Martinez, S405.30; Clifton E. Bates, $162.44; Thomas Tilley, $54.68; Nora Barker. $615.50; Ronald B. Watkins. S219.76. - Gary S. Williams vs. Angela D. Williams, absolute divorce. • Tausha Marie Cloud vs. Eddy Guy Miller, child support, - Bank of America vs. Conslancc M. Carison and Rachel M. Lewis, request recovery, $5,498.15. - Soulh Carolina Dept. Social Ser­ vices on behalf of Paola Andrea Si­ erra vs. Freddy Arturo Rodriguez, child support. • Mary Louise Sisk Gilliland fs. Michael Joe Gilliland, absolute di­ vorce. resume using maiden name. - Bank of America vs. Dawn D. Entz. request judgment, $936.74. • Jared A. Heplcr vs. Angela H. Heplcr. child custody. - Mocksvillc Builders Supply vs. Howard James Singleton, request judgmenl,SI0.296.25. - Jeffery Allen Ammcrman vs. Kathryn A. Ammcnnan, absolute di­ vorce. - Broadus Pharr vs. Mattie Pharr, absolute divorcc« resume using maiden name. • Mabel Elwood Laird by attorney in fact, Bobby Laird vs. Cathy Jilt Laird and Reynolds Carolina Fi^cral Credit Union, request for restraining order prohibiting defendants from making withdrawals from account. • Firsl Selcct Corp. vs. Christal L Busbee, request judgm ent, 54,507,65. - Forsyth Memorial Hospital do­ ing business as Mcdical Associates ofDavic. request judgment, vs. Glen U c Keeton, S302. - Nancy Smith Howell vs. Ronald Dean Howell, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, ha­ rass or Interfere with plaintiff. - Jeffrey Steven Long vs. Janicc Faulkner and N.C. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, request for hearing for restoration of drivers licensc. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks werc Investigated by ihe N.C. Highway Patrol in Davie County. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A Clemmons man was charged with lailurc to reduce speed after a wrcck on N.C. 801 at 5:40 p.m. Sept. 12. Thomas Gray Bodford, 48, failed to stop the 1998 Chevrolet pickup he was driving before it stnick the rear of a 1993 Ford driven by Michael Glenn Tucker, 42, of 177 Fairway Road, Advance, knocking It into the rear o f a 1996 Honda driven by Merrclls Lake Road, Mocksville, re­ ported Trooper M.T. Dallon. . Failure To Yield Charged An Advancc man was charged with failure to yield after a wrcck on U.S. 64 East at N.C. 801 at 3:25 p.m. Fires Davic County fire dcponmcnts respowlcd 10 Ihe following calls: Sept II: Mocltsvlllc, 3:21 p.m., ■ Wilkesboro Strccl, fire alarm; Cen­ ter assisted. Sept. 12: Cenier, 5:40 p.m., ShcffieldRoad.auloraobilcaccidenl: Smith Grove, 5:50 p.m., MO at 801 overpass, automobile accident; Mocksvillc, 10:52 p.m., Yadkinvillc Road, carbon monoxide detector. Sept. 13: Còmatzer-Dulin, 7:30 a.m., Drum Lane, siruclùre fire; W il­ liam R. Davie, 5:00 p.m., assist Yad­ kin Couniy, slruclure fire. Sept. 14; Cooleemee, 6:50 a.m., Marg|naIRoad,aulomobi!eaccidcnt; ■ Mocksville, I0:29p.m.,MalnSireel, firéalann/ • ' S ip t 15: Jerusalem, 10:11 a.m., U.S. 601 nearCorrell's, vehicle fire; Coolccrace assisted; Mocksville, 11:44 a.m., Salisbury Street, auto­ mobile accident; County Line, 2:09 p.m., U.S. 64 W. nearHuntingCrcek; grass fire; Center assisted; Jerusa­ lem,4:04 p.m., U.S. 601 S., automo­ bile accident. Sept. 16: W illiam R. Davie, 8:22 a.m., U.S. 601 N. at Liberty Church Road, automobile accident. Sept. 17: Mocksville, 2:30 p.m., U.S. 601 N.atI-40, automobile ucci- dcnt; Ccnter, 4:02 p.m., 1-40 E., au­ tomobile accident; Farmington as­ sisted; W illiam R. Davie, 5.06 p.m.; AUen Road, field fire; Advancc, 5:37 p.m., Klngstnill Place, fire alanti; Smith Crave, 10:14 p.m., N.C. 801 at 1-40, rekindle bum site. ' Sept. 10. Augustus 0 . Parker Jr., 77, of 299 Peaceful Valley Road, drove a 1999 Buick from N.C. 801 into Ihc path of 64 by Karen Renee Hellon, 18, of Nebo, reported Trooper M.W. Whit ener. Driver H urt, Faces 2 Charges An Advance man was chargcd wilh DW i and having an open con­ tainer of alcohol in his car after a wreck on U.S. 64 West al Shefndd Road at 2:40 a.m. Sept. 10. Kenneth Ray Davis, 26, of 1293 N.C. 801 N.. was driving a 1987 Chevralet that went olf the road to Ihe right, crossed Sheffield Road and struck a utility pole and embanknient, reported Trooper M.T. Dalton. He was taken lo N.C. Baptist Hospital In Winston-Salem for Ircairaent of injuries. Failure To Yield Charged A Harmony man was chargcd wilh failure lo yield after a wreck on Sheffield Road ai 6:05 p.ro, Sepu 9. James Lonny George, 37, of 208 Edwards Road, drove a 1988 Dodge pickup from County Line Road; siriUnga 1994 Ford Ixing driven on Sheffield Road by Betty Branson. Bumgarner, 6?, of 1714 County Line Road, Harmony, report^ Trooper M.T. Dalton. . Charges Pending Charges arc pending againsl a Mocksville teen’after a wrcck on Elmore Koad at 10:30 p.m. Sept. 10. :,lV,oTT45“ Howell Road, was driving a 1986 Ford Ihat slid out of conlroi inlo a soybean field lo Ihc righl, reported Trooper M.T. Dallon. Driver Swerves To M bs Dog A Mocksville roan wrecked Ihe 1996 Nissan he was driving on Sheffield Road at 5:40 p.m. Sept. 12. Felipe Juarez Gonzalez, 23, of 1781 U.S. 158, swerved to Ihe left lo avoid a dog in the road, causing the car to go inlo a field lo the left, re­ ported Trooper M.T. Dallon. Failure Tb Reduce Speed Charged A Mocksville than was charged wilh failure to reduce speed after a wreck on N.C. 801 ot 4:35 p.m. Scpl. 15. Scotl Alan Lester, 35, o f 1910 Farmington Road, failed to stop the 1987 Mercury he was driving before U struck the rear of a 2000 Nissan driven by Rosie Hardy Tbney, 43, of 710 Sain Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. Failure 1b Seduce Speed Charged A Yadkinvillc man was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on N.C. 801 at 11:50 a.m. Sept. 15. Dean Plolt Miller, 21, failed to Slop Ihe 1997 Toyota he was driving before il struck in the rear a 1994 Lexus driven by Maxillene Scotl Sludivcnl, 53, o f4244 U.S. 158, Ad- vance, reported Trooper Terrance D. Shaw. Failure lb Yield Charged AMocksville woman woschaigcd wilh failure to yield after a wreck on Liberty Church Road at U.S. 601 North at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 16. Ava Bcdi Myers, 21, o f335 Duard Reavis Road, sumcd her 2000 Honda forward, causing it to hit the rear of a 1985 Pontiac driven by Tamray Cox Perdue, 41, of 712 Bear Creek Chuich Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper Tetiance D. Shaw. Driving Lett o r Cenier Charged A Mocksville woman was cited for driving left of center after a wreck on U.S. 601 South at 4:05 p,m, Sept. 15. Nancy Blakely Harris, 54, of 461 Rlverdaie Road, was driving a 1987 Ford and failed lo slow in lime fo r' another vehicle making a right turn, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. She swerved the car to the left, causing It lo sideswipe s 1995 Chevrolet being driven in Ihe opposite direction by Lenaette De Anglnette Brown, 20, of Mims. ) Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A Lexinglon man was charged wilh failure lo reduce speed after a wreck on U.S. West at 11:30 p.m. Sept. 16. Aniuro lloblcs Pahuamba, 20, failed 10 slop the 1990 Plymouth he was driving before il struck in Ihe rear a 1999 Ford pickup driven by Christopher Cleveland Russ, 56, of Ash, repotted Trooper A. A. Justice. Two Deer Struck The following struck deer on Davie roads: • John Crhsilopher Builins, 33, of 193 Lakeview Road, Mocksvillc, al 8:15 p.m. Sept. 16 on Peoples Creek Road;and • Lawrence Walker Cartner, 70, of 221 Grady Lane, Mocksville, at 6 a.m. Sept. 18 on Junction Road. ;k.T.*s Beach; i Bingo i A 350 Railroad St.. Mocksville, 5 i 751-9903 К К - O N I I T M n A W in tf. имотгаит й é . а и м п м А с м о # - м ш и м м п , > ^ ''« М .11М М 1И М 2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 -1 Bermuda Run Mayor John Ferguson helps new town manager Beth Dirks begin her job. - Photo by Dwight Sparks Beth Dirks H\re6 As Bermuda Run Manager By Dwight Sparks DavleCouniy Enlcфrisc-Rccord Bcnimda Run settled a nagging l.ssuc la.st week, hiring a town manager to help the town through u quag* ii)ire of problems. The new manager will be Beth Dirks, fonnerty cm* ployed by the Town of Mocksvillc as a clerk. “She is probably as prepared as anybody I know," MiK'ksvillc tow n manager Terry Bnilley lold ihc Ber­ muda Run board. Brulley has helped ihe board for about six months during its firsl year as a town. He said the Town of Mocksvillc had considered his advisory role as a pro­ fessional courtesy between ncighKwing tv>wns. The two lowns also agrced to sharc Dirks In ihc coming months os she coniinucs lo perform some du­ ties in Mocksvillc. "Wc weren't ready lo give her up totally,'' Brallcy said. He praised her work In fixing Mocksvillc's water and sewer billing system, and he said Bermuda Run w ill benefit by having someone on staff who w ill be accouniablc for moving ihc lown's agenda forward. Dirks is Ihe daughter o f Janicc and Gary Mull of Statesville and the wife of Corbin Dirks. They recently moved from Mocksvillc lo Clemmons. She graduated from Davie High School in 1994. She received a de­ gree In business administration from UNC-Greensboro in 1997 and recently received her masten< in business adminstration from Gardner Webb University. She is Bermuda Run’s firsl employee. Her annual salary w ill be.$40,000. Reached Monday al her new officc, she said, "The phones have been ringing off the hook." Callers arc Inlcrestcd in the proposed annexation of Kinderton. The board also approved a health Insurance pack­ age, a 401(k) program and an employment agrecmcnl ‘ with Mocksvillc. "She is prepared lo be a very fine town manager for you," Brallcy said. In other business last week, the board heard a ГС; port Ihat its new barcode gate system Is working prop­ erly. Board member Charles Quinn cautioned drivers againsl tailgating through the gate and lo slow down. He said motorists w ill be required to affix the bar code io their cars or they w ill be taken away. " If you сопЧ like the looks of the bar code and don’t want il on your cor. go through the guard gate." he said. The barcode system will ollow Bermuda Run plant. John Grey, head of Grey Engineering Inc. of Mocksville. told the board that its sewer plant could be expanded lo handle alnrnt 200 homes in the original section of Bennuda Run that агспЧ on the sewer sys­ tem. He said the facility is operating at 62.7 percent of capac.ily, and the capacity could pmbably be incifiiLsed.-. Bermuda Hun has an option of linking on lo the sewer system recently extended from Forsyth Couniy to 5cr\c Kinderton. Hillsdale and the rest area on 1-40 in Davic Coumy. Grey said il would be cheaper for Bermuda Run to link the remaining homes to its own sewer. The sewer plant ha.s a capacity o f 193.000 gallons a day and uses aUvut 12l,(XH) gallons. Adding the re­ maining homes lo the system would generate an ox- pected now o f 171,000 gallons a day. "Even if everybody lied on lomom)w, there is suf­ ficient capacilj; to handle them" he said. However, tip said stale regulations require sewers to submil expansion plans when they rcach 80 percent capacity, and the added fiow would make Bermuda Run carcfully monitor its stormwater runoff. The Bennuda Run plant is two miles upstream from the Winston-Salcm water ircaiment plant. Despite the closeness, he said the state should not oppose an ex­ pansion o f Ihe Bennuda Run plant. The plant has operated with a minimum of prob­ lems, and leaky s«?plic tanks from the 200 homes pose a bigger threat to \Vinston*Salem's water quality than an expanded sewer system. However, expansion does comc with a price tag. •The lown should brace itself for considerable ex­ pense,’’ Grey predicted. The town would probably have to add three pump stations and ocquirc 50 to 60 ease­ ments from private landowners. He said that sewer would protect the property val­ ues of the homes and protect the environment. In other business, the board voted to changc Ils clcc­ tion system. Ib c board voted unanimously that the top finisher in ull its council and mayor races would be clcctcd. Last year, the town discovered that It had adopted a primary eleclion system and had to call for nm-offs In closc races. “It’s very awkword the way it Is now," said board member Ted Titsworth. "It’s an extra expense lo the citizcns to have u runofi’.'’ The board also heard a re­ port on Its street light Sludy. 10 tighien sccuruy ui tnc”gaies. The board was also told the survey of the roads is progressing. The deeds for the security gates and the Post Officc will be turned over to the town soon. • Also» the board heard a lengthy report on its sewer m e date ot the next meeting will be Oct. 17 ai~ 6:30 p.m. The date wos changcd from the regular sched­ ule. Titsworth criticized the changc, saying It confused ihosc wanting to attend. *‘Wc should slick to ihc sccond Tlicsday" he said. Thlnl Anttua! D a v ie C o u n ty Caddy Ш . uH U nH O F Tuesday, September 26 Pudding Ш де GolfCbib » MocksviUe, NC 1:00 p.m. - Shotgun Start Featuring Caddies fiom Tlte Vantage Championship as YOUR Team Captain Prescnti'd hv W h Individual I4ajer-42G • 5 Person Amateur Team-'025 C a r o l i n a D r i ll i n } » & B la s t i n g T r i m , I n c . (•raphHv Sfiinisun: (4 'iilra l C arolim i Bnnk • К тту> 1 iiiti*<l • Sprint Call (336) 751-3304 for more Information G lider Rockers by The Chair Co. Solid Wood Frame, Ball Bearing Glider Rockers A l l Rediners Have Been Reduced Wo will SPECIAL ORDEH the color you want. CBEDIT MM^iUe Furniture TERMS & Appliance^ Inc. AVAILABLE 8 9 C o u rt S q u a re 'D o w n to w n M o c k s v ille , N C . (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -5 8 1 2 P i e d m o n t R a d i o l o g i c a l A s s o c i a t e s a n d R o w a n R e g i o n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r W e l c o m e D r . L e o n e l V a s q u e z • Washington and Jcllereon College - Bachelors degree in chemistiy and mathematics • West Virginia University School of Medicine • • Medical College of Wisconsin - general surgery Internship • Allegheny General Hospilal - diagnostic radiology residency • Northwestern Univeisily/Lynn Sage Brcast \ i | i / Ccntcr-brcasl imaging fellowship • Board ccrtiiied In diagnostic radiology Piedmont Radiological Assodales R O W A N R E G IO N A L 401 Mocksvillc Avenue, Suite 100 MEDICAL CENTER Salisbuiy, NC 38144 Your Source For Total Hcaldicare. (704) 633-1023 www.rowan.org I?";: ’ Kinderton Public Hearing Sept. 25 Conllnued From Page 1 He called for Ihc lown to wail three or four years to make sure Kinderton is successful. “Let’s don’t fall for Ihe promises of Iho developer’s projections. They are only projections." '' He said the board should busy It­ self with gelling the new lown orga­ nized befon: il tackiis such a big is­ sue. ‘ Joseph SanFilllppo spoke for his wife, who could nol attend. He re­ called thol one o f the reasons for In­ corporation was so that Bermuda Kun would nol be included in an in- Coqunillon by Kindenon and Hills- “ If we were in fear of Kinderton or Advancc annexing us, why should wc consider annexing ihcmT’ He said Ihal Ihe Kinderton devel­ opers had already sold Ihe residen­ tial pan oflhe dcvciopmcnl, and they could do Ihc same with the commer­ cial phase. “W e yourselves a lot of time and Ihe people a lot of time. Your answer should be ‘No.’ Period." Anoiher Bennuda Run resident, David Whelpley, lold Ihe board that Ihe restrictive covenants adopted when Bermuda Run was built in 1970 w ill expire in December. "We are on the verge of having our covenants Ihal protect our cpm- i raunily expire," he said. He suggested that homes could be converted into convenience stores if Bermuda Run embraces coraracrcial developmenl. He said the annexation would violate those existing cov­ enant restrictions. Fergusson said Ihc date o f the hearing was chosen bccausc it was one o f the few dates the entire meet­ ing toora of the country club would be available. He anticipated a latge attendance. Mocksvillc Tbwn Maniiger Teny Brallcy, attending the mecling as an advisor, said. Mocksville had never . refused a request for voluntary an-, nexation. . ' 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 D avie C o u n ty P la n n in g B o a rd To M eet S ep tem b er 26 'nwrcwiUbcamcctingofihc Davic County Planning Boanl on Tuesday, Sept. 26, al 7 p.m. In the commission- eis room o f Ihc Davie County Admin- istialion Building, Mocksvillc. Lee Baibcr, Norman Russell, and Mcl Jones have submlllcd for Final Plat Review d 10-lot single family resldcnilal subdivision titled Mcadowood. This 11.3 one property Is located ofT the west side of Junction Road approximately 9/10 mile south of Railage Road and Is Parecls 26.01, 26.06, ad 2.08 o f Davie County Tax MopL-3. Gray Potts has submhted for Final Plat Rcview a l7-loi single family rcsidcntialsubdivislontillcd Princeton Court. This 20.7 acrc property is lo­ catcd off the wesl side of Baltimore Road approximately 1000 fcct north of Cornatzcr Road and Is Parcel 64 of Davie County Tax Map 0-7. Adams Egloff Avant Properties, . I.LC, has submitted for Final Plat Re­ view a 58-lot single family residential subdivision titled Kindcnon Village Phase I A.’niis22.954 acre property is located off the east side of Yadkin Valley Road approximately ICOO feet north of NC Hwy 801 North and Is a Davie Man Pleads Guilty To Income Tax Evasion A man accuscd оГ railing to П1с or pay state incomc lax Гог five years was granted a prayer for judgmcnl continued lasl week In Davic District Court on the condition lhal he pay taxes owed and flic all Incomc tax reports due In the futurc. Charles L. Kluttz pled guilty to five counts o f failurc to file or pay income tax for Ihc years 1989-1993. His esiranged wife had prepared the lax rclums during their marriage, and all correspondence regarding this mailer was sent lo her, according to Klutlz’s allorncy Lynne Hicks. Ten percent o f his wages arc be­ ing taken 10 repay ihe money owed, she said. Judge Samuel A. Cathey granted a prayer for judgment on Ihc condi­ tion lhat Ihc wage gamishmcni con­ tinue until the $8.200 Kluitz owes has been paid. S O U T H E R N ‘97 SW 14x80. Never Uvdd In: $ Bbrm. 2 Ba, Fireplace w/ Appliances, i Some Furniture, Excellent Condition. V' $19,995. Will Finance. 336-744-9172 B L A C K SA M ) Co. З а щ Gravo . § lA N o s c / m M A m m s é À N D in iU V E L I É Í Í L C H ■ A R K N U m E T S « A N D R O C K ■ Ü I C K N U O Q E T S e iO M P O S T C U W I I O N P E B B L E S M B B L E S '^ n c e 1927“ M A R K & C IN D Y SIIO A F, OWNERS Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Saturday 8:00-3:00 745 W. Clcmmonsvillc Rtl. Winston-Salem 7 8 8 -6 4 1 1 (Fax) 785-3342 ~GET YOUR CAR ~ SERVICED TODAY! SEPTEM BER & O CTO BER SPEC IAL Oil A Flher Change — P U IS - 29 Point Inspection Jusl M 9” * * Up 10 5 Ott. ol c« A Om angines only. Nomuiy this prica only indudn a 20 pL hnspoction. •NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED •ALL MAKES S MODELS л л ш ш ш ш я Hwy. eOlSouth of MO • Mocksville, NC ( 3 3 « ) 7 S 1 - 2 1 * 1 Hours: 1УИ^ 8em-epfn,‘8 « t eam-4pm portion o f Parcel 1 of Davic County Tax Map C-8. John Walker and others have ap­ plied to amend ihe Watershed Overlay District. Yadkin River WS-IV-PA. This amendment would move the lo­ cation of Ihc watershed district bound­ ary from being generally along Hwy 801 to 200 lo 500 fed north of Hwy 801 across ihcc properties. This prop­ erly is tocolcd off the north side of NC Hwy 801, approximately 1/4 mile west of Yodkin Valley Road, and Is Parcels 113, 114, and 1 IS of Davic County Tax Map C-7. The planning board will discuss itxrcalion fees paid in lieu of land dedication forrcsidential subdivisions. Fees arc paid when developers choosc to not set a.sidc rccrcnllonal or open spacc areas within developments. The board will schedule a subdivi­ sion process workshop. A ll Interested cilizcns arc invited to attend, and will have an opportunity lo be heard in favorof, or in opposition to ihcprDposals.Priortoihcmcctlng.all visiting ihc planning department on persons interested may obtain any ad- weekdays between 8:30 n.m. and .'*> dilional infonnation on a proposal or p.m. or by telephone at (336) 151 ask any questions they may have by 3340. I d i l l iCUT O U T A N D BRING TÓ C IR C U S B IE N VE N ID O AM IQ OS ! , A D M IT I C H IIDI F R tC I I tWCOUmilMtSOCOUllORIKOIFRaSUUCT I ! ioswKAYuusmuKiioTKimiMiTDao ¡I I U ^stjciiic U le a d in ^ s By Mrs. Dora 'P a im ^ e a J i n y D a ro ! G arcfs O J ikrn a h 'u e J fe a fin ^ Find Guidance and Truth to Your Questions of Love Business, Marriage and Affairs of Life F o r Inform atlun o r Appointm ent 647-9622 2910 s. Main St., Salisbury «CLOWNS "ACROBATS I »ELEPHANT ACTS “PERFORMING I , CAMEtS «TRAINED GOATS , I «MIDWAY OPENS ONE HOUR I I BEFORE SHOWTIME" «COME EARLY FOR ALL THE FUN" ' ^ M Ó « S V Í L L Í " S A T U R D A Y , t S E P T E M B E R 2 3 2 :0 0 & K ^ :6 0 P M ’^ ÍN A riO N A L -S í^ A R M O R Y A S P K C IA t . T H l K T t U T H A N N IV E K .S A K Y R B I.U A S H IIY "F irst L/iglii Fliglit" To commemorate the thirtieth tnni\-erwy ofDobTim bcrUke's phenomeni! career a* a profe»$ional artist, T h e DobTlinbcrtalie Gallery ttkei plea»ufc in announcing the relcaw ofonco f his mo»t significant rtproductmni to date entitled “first Light FUaht". . . a bcautifiil landKape featuring the artist s studio near Lexington, N C . This beautiful reproduction is produced in oflset lithom phy and will be oflercd ai a special time-limited release wilh orden bemg accepted from September 1 ith through Novtmber 11th, 2000. The image area of “Rrst Light Flight* is 17* x 28 V." on 100% rag pji>er stiKk measuring 22 V«' x 32'/*. The issue price of the reproduction is S2S0.00 plus tIO.OO shipping and handling. (N o n h Carolina residentt will need to add 6 % state sies t u o f 115.00).The edition siie will be determined al the end o f the rtser\-ation perioil. T o resen-e )x)ur (Krtonal reproduction of this \tr f s^c id commemorative release, please contact: Shipping fee waivcii at Collctle Art & Collette A rt & Fram ing 835 Yidktrivil)i> Rd., Mocksville, NC 336-75b2296 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR RESIDENTS OF DAVIE COUNTY Services and hours at Davie County Hospital to remain tlie same Davie County Commissioners have readied an agreement with NuCent Health Group to talce over the management and operation of Davie County Hospital beginning November 1. ' To help accommodate this transition, Novant Health will continue to provide 24-hour emergency-care, inpatient services and all other current services at the hospital until November 1. If you have any questions about the hours of operation or the services available at Davie County Hospital, please call 751-8100, or call the Davie County Manager’s office at751-5513. DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL S u p e r io r C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - 9 The following cases were dis­ posed of In Davie Couniy Superior Court the week of Scpl. 5, with Judge David H. Qeard Jr. presiding. -Shannon Michellc Allen, proba­ tion violation, 45 day sentence In« voked. - Connie Anderson, financial card fraud, sentenced to 6-9 months In prison suspended 3 years with super­ vised probation to include submis­ sion to searches and drug tests. In* tensive probation for first 6 months, no conlact wUh codcfendants, $1,116.78 restitution, $100 fine and court cost. -Gregory Benson, felony larccny reduccd lo misdemeanor larccny, sentenced to 90 days in prison, $450 attomey fee. - Lincoln Monroe Brock, proba* lion violation, probation continued following Ihrce weeks in jail, jail fees and court cost. - Joseph Shayne Campbell, pro­ bation violation, 6-8 months in prison wilh substance abuse treatment rcc­ ommcndcd. - David Franklin Dwiggins, DWI. remanded lo District Court judgment. • -G arry Wayne Evans, bill of par­ ticulars, dismissed by DA. - Gincro Hcmandc/. Fucnlcs, pos- scssion of cocainc, sentenced to 6-8 months In prison suspended 2 years with supervised probation to include submission to tests and searches, no use or possession of a controlled sub­ stance unless prescribed by a doctor, no going to placcs wherc drugs arc used, curfew, compliancc wilh rec* onuiicndations of u substancc abuse assessment, 50 hours of community scrvicc. $ 100 restitution, S525 attor­ ney fee, $100 fine and court cost; possession of stolen goods, dismissed due to insufllcicnl evidence; carry­ ing a concealed weapon, dismissed. - Dale Deray Garmon, driving while licensc revoked, remanded to Disiricl Court judgment. - Mlchacl Jerome Harding, vlo­ lalion of domestic violence protec­ tive order, dismissed by DA. - Kenneth Hoover Howell, assault with a deadly weapon with Intent lo kill intlicling Mrious injury rcduccd lo assault with a deadly weapon, sen­ tenced lo one year in prison sus­ pended two years with supervised probation to include 50 hours com­ munity scrvicc within six months, no contact with victims, curfew for first three months, $100 fine and court cost; weapon ordered destroyed. - Carl Nathan Kimbcr, maintain­ ing a place for a controlled substancc. possession with Intent to manufac­ ture, sell or deliver cocolnc, sen­ tenced to 6-8 months in prison sus­ pended two years with probation, in­ cluding six months intensive proba­ tion, 50 hours of communiiy scrvicc within six months, submission lo searches and drug lusts, no use or possession ofacontrollcd substance, no association with drug users, com­ pliancc wilh recommendations of substancc abuse assessment, curfew for six months, $ 100 restitution, 5250 fine Qnd court cost; drugs ordered de­ stroyed. - Harold Dean Larue II, two counts felony breaking and entering, two counts larceny after brcaking and entering, senicnccd to 10-12 months In prison wilh substance abuse treat­ ment recommended; 10-12monthsin prison suspended three years with supervised probation lo include sub­ mission lo scarchc!» and drug tests, no use or possession of a controlled substance, no association with drug users, $275 restitution and court cost. - Michacl Lawrence Link, pos­ session with intent to manufaclurc, sell or deliver cocainc, sale and de­ livery of cocainc. sentenced lo 10- 12 months in prison suspended ihrcc A man believed to have placed a recording device on the phone line of his estranged wife received a sus­ pended sentence last week In Davic District Court. Darren Keith Steelman pled not guilty to Iwo counts of domestic criminal trespass and iiiuking a ha­ rassing phone call, but Judge Sam­ uel A. Cathey found him guilty of the Utspassing charges after hearing tes­ timony from Steclman's wife and a Mocksville detective. Crystal Steelman said she saw ihe defendant approaching her basement door oncc at midnight and another day at 5 a.m. On bolh occasions she called 911 to report the violation. The basement is actually a cellar wilh no access lo the living quarters o f the house. Mrs. Steelman ex­ plained. During his investigation. Mocks­ ville Police Deteclive Ken Hunter said the victim told him she sus­ pected her phone line may be lapped bccause she’d learned through oth­ ers lhat her husband had information from phone conversations she's had. Following a Ilnc ninning through the window into the basement of the This is your opportunity! Join the thousands acro.ss North America who \vill be attending.thiS-SceciaL satellite presentation on Bible prophecy. This Kenneth Cox series, The Midnight Cry, will be up-linked from Chicago by 3ABN. Kenneth Cox’s public ministry has covered most of the world. He has specialized in world history, and its relationship to Bible prophecy anti current events. Y o u a re in v ite d to a tte n d th e s e in s p ir in g p re s e n ta tio n s a t th e S e v e n t h D a y A d v e n t i s t C h u r c h , M i l l i n g R o a d , M o c k s v il l e . 7 :3 0 p .m . N i g h t l y - A d m i s s io n a n d S t u d y G u id e i s F r e e years with Intensive probation to in­ clude curfew for six months, submis­ sion lo searches, no use or posses­ sion of a controlled substancc, no association with drug users, compli­ ancc with subsiancc abuse evaluation recommendations, $100 Ппс, 50 hours community scrvicc and court cost; possession of drug parapherna­ lia, possession of cocaine, conspiracy to sell cocainc, dismissed per plea. -Tracy O'Neal Lyons, probation violation, two weekends In jail, $50 fee, probation period extended one year. - Monica Byrd Phillips, DWI. 120 days in prison suspended two years with supervised probation to Include 48 hours community scrvicc within six months. $200 fine and court cost; aiding and abetting impaired driving, dismissed by DA. - Dennis Ervin Ramscur, posses­ sion with intent lo sell or deliver co­ caine. sale and delivery o f cocaine, sentenced lo 15-18 months In prison suspended 2 years wlih supervised probation to include 75 days in prison, 4 months electronic house ar­ rest, 50 hours communiiy scrvicc, submission lo searches and drug tests, no use or possession of a con­ trolled substancc. no association with drug users, participation in day re­ porting ccntcr program, $140 resti­ tution and court cost; drugs ordered destroyed; possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine, sale and de­ livery o f cocainc. dismissed per plea. - Howard Wesley Roberts, occes- sory after the fact, dismissed by DA. - Dale Shepherd, domestic crimi­ nal trespass, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Marvin Lewis Sullivan, posses­ sion wilh Intent lo manufacture, sell or deliver cocainc rcduced to posses­ sion of cocainc, .sentenced to 6-8 months In prison suspended 2 years with supervised probation io include 6 months electronic house arrest, submission to searches and drug tests, no use or possession o f a con­ trolled substancc. no association wilh drug users, curfew, $100 restitution, $500 attomey fee. - Bobby Groy Sweat Jr., proba­ tion violation, 150 day prison sen­ tence invoked. - James Ray Tbylor, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, speeding 76 in a 55 mph zone, DWI, driving white liccnsc revoked, remanded to District Court judgment. -Loyd Carter Taylor, DWI, ficti­ tious, cancelled or revoked registra­ tion, failure lo heed light or siren, remanded to District Court judgment. - Bradley Thomas Torpy, proba­ tion violation, 8-10 month prison sentence Invoked. - David Clay Trexlcr, probation violation. 4-6 month prison scnicncc invoked. ■ - Harry White,' Simplc'assault, sentenced to 45 days in ja il sus­ pended two years, $1,179.20 restitu­ tion lo victim, not lo assault, com­ municate or go on Ihc premises of victims, court cost; communicating threats, dismissed per plea. - Cleo Robert Young, felony lar­ ceny, dismissed by DA. - Oscar Lynn Young, probation violation, 120 day prison scnicncc invoked. Failed To Appear - W illie James Blake Jr.. misde­ meanor larceny, conspiracy to com­ mit financial card fraud and two counts financial card theft. - Douglas Edward Bridgman, in­ jury lo personal property. - Leonard Daniel Brown, felony possession of cocainc. - Anthony Michacl, possession wilh intent lo manufaclurc, sell or deliver a schedule IV controlled sub- Davie Man Suspected Of Phone Tapping house, he and another detective dis­ covered a recording devicc attached to the phone line. Hunter tcsliRcd. The victim also told the judge her husband had called her afler being under an order not lo contact her. Cathey sentenced Steelman to 30 days in jail for Ihc two trespassing charges but suspended the sentence one year, ordering him not to go aboul the home of his estranged wife except under conditions granted Ihrough civil court. He ordered him lo pay a $50 fine and court costs. Steelman was found not guilty of making a harassing phone call. F R E E F u l l S p i n a l E x a m i n a t i o n Wilh This Coupon Only 1 6 D a n g e r S i g n a l s o f P i n c h e d N e r v e s > lowBock Pwi ? HMxkxhe*) ShouUffPon i Di/ireM6 Sonibov« 7 NKk Pon t 9Ю Bunin11 Pwndownkfgt12 I] Hunìòrrgc'i M Hip Pon IS TigttMoKl« 1» ActwtgfMl While we arc accepting new patients, no one need feel uny ahUgatlun. • Im m e d iate T rea tm e n t • In surance Accepted • W e do yo u r insurance p ap e rw o rk fo r you. Umllcd Time OfTcr. Call for your appointment today! . Scoli Foster, ü-CnCCEj». 3746Clcrmnoas Rd., Cfemmoas NC TIS-2242 BEN C H M A R K COMMUNICATIONS NOW IS THE TIME! THE COST OF CABLE SERVICE WITH BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! THIS IS A LIMITED-TliVIE O FFER ! Ifyou have ever thought about Cable Service... WAIT NO LONGER! XfflXiOOR-DFFlCEin: 336-751-1313 Our 24-Hour Customer Service Department is available to schedule a convenient time for you! C a ll T o d a y fo r o n e o f o u r C U S T O M IZ E D P L A N S ! 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W ith HomeVantage, you've got access to the comfort, convenience and security your family deserves. • Triple Surge Guard — triple protection for your valuable appliances and electronic? against near lightning strikes. • PowerPatrol — notifies you if your power or a loved one’s power goes out. • Home Security — alerts you and the authorities in the event of a breal<-in or other home emergencies. • Propane — for all of your home's heating needs. We're excited to offer you the following HomeVantage products and services: • Appliance Plus — protects your appliances against runaway repair bills. • internet Service — fast, reliable connection to the web; It's easy, it's convenient. It's HomeVantage — your connection to the highest quality consumer products and services ' available for your home. Turn your home into a powerhoiase today! C all E nergyU nited a t 1-888-904-2279, or visit us on the web at w w w .e n e rg y u n ite d .co in. , Energy!nited YOUR LOCAL CONNECTION H O M ^ ^ N T A O E -^4 * ^ , - i ' ’ i s Î Г г ' ^ ^ t(...••л..-i> DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - B11 D e f e n s e Soccer Team Scores Down-To-Wire Win By Briim Pitts Davie Counly Ешсфпвс Rccord Robbie Boyd delivered his scc­ ond dramadcgoal In four games and Mail Moser has 11 morc goals than he had in 17gamcsaycarago,butlhe defense was ais responsible as any* one for a confidence-boosting 3*2 win at Salisbury last week. "Yeah, the guys up front get all thc crcdit sometimes and those guys in the back don't always gel thc credit, but this lime they dcflnllely deserve a lot o f credit." Coach Sean Garnett said after Davie County's varsity soc­ cer team ran its nonconfcrence rccord to 7-1-1. "Some people arc going to get thc gouts and some people arc going to keep It from going in.” Л Joey Dass-to-Boyd connection wilh eight mlnuies remaining lifted Davie past the perennial-tough Hor- 'nets, bul Boyd's founh goal in as many matches wouldn't have meant much without shut-thenloor defense from godie Chris Stein, Patrick Little, Bass, Luke Koontz and Donnie Ves­ tal. "Defensively, wc sucked it up bc­ causc wc were dead tired," Garnett said. The game was won from the midfleld back. Little played his heart oul and Doss and Koontz had great games." Siein mode one of thc biggest plays. After Davie's 2-0 lead evapo­ rated. Salisbury mounted a potential go-ahcadchargc. But Stein cancelled Please See Davie - Page 88 Kirk Wants More Despite Hot Start Doug Smith (220 blocks a Saiisbury defender while riinhing back Mike Clerrienl looks (or a hole in the Hornet defense.' Rejuvlnated, Davie Humiliates Hornets Davie 19-3 At Home Since ‘96By Brian Pitts Duvie County Enterprise Record Davie County's fmitbull team ■ hopes Ihls is a sign o f Ihings lo comc. Thc WorEagles'offcnse. plagued by 10 turnovers during a painful I- 3 nonconfercncc start, found a grip, ripped through a Salisbury defense that was billed as a show-stopper and accd an early-season, musi-win game. A Davie Tteld day seemed as unlikely as a Tish drowning, but that’s exactly what happened as the llomels collapsed like a spineless giraffe. "Their defense has really helped ihcm with the wins, and wc had to step up and make it happen," offensive'tackle Chris Nichols said after Davie whippcdSalisbury forthe fourth straight year with a 40-14 wipeout Friday al War Eagle Sladium. , “Their linebackers blitz a lol and wc worked real hard on picking up the blitz, and thal's what opened up holes." ■ Salisbury's pln*lhe-ears-bacl( aggressiveness 110-12: South Sth Team Steam Rolls Yet Again Poplin Lanning Rudy actually played Into Davie's hand as the War Eagles generated more rushing yards in the first half (IS I) than they did in three previous losses. Tailback Mike Clement, who has endured sopho­ more growing pains, churned out a career high by halftime (83 yards), and reliable fullback Justin Goode added 74 on M irics as Davie rolled up 228 on Ihe ground, 108 morc than in defeats to States­ ville. Mooresviile and Ledford. "Sometimes with thc blitz, they kind of opened up holes themselves," Nichols said. "W lih our blocking schcmcs, it's really easy when teams blitz like that. It was real good for us to beat a Lagle Nichols Wagslnff defense like that bccausc there's a lot of talk about how good their defense Is." Clement camc out of thc locker room smoking, bursting 25 yards on the game's first play, motor­ ing 28 around thc other end and putting Davie ahead for good at 7-0 from 7 yards out. "Wc know we've been a good offensive leam all year, jusl turnovers have killed us," Coach Doug Illing said. As though a defensive flop wasn’t enough, Salisbury's offense sclf-dcstructcd as well. Please See Davie • Page B7 Nonh Davie eighth-grade foot­ ball coach RonKirkdocsn't put much Slock In thc Wildcats' 2-0 stan. Even though they ripped Corrihcr- Lipe 38-8 last week lo improve their rnarklo 13-4 slncc 1998, the veteran coach is unconvinced that North is ready to talk big. citing a 14-6 cscapc against Knox in which thc Trojans outplayed Nonh down the stretch and thc likelihood lhat Corrihcr-Lipe won't win a game. "I don't think we’ve peaked ycl," said Kirk, who's been in thc coaching business sincc thc late 1970s. "We still haven't even started up the in­ cline. We've sliil gut a way& to go before wc comc to a peak. "I won't be satisfied until I see a lillle bil more enthusiasm out of Ihem." Thc 'Cats can start to dream If Ihey get pasl visiting West Rowan (2-1) this Thursday. "That's going to be a lest bccausc they got beat to Knox 16-14," Kirk said. "Wc'rc going to be playing a team like Knox again, and that one could have gone cither way." Desplle Kirk'sdown-the-road con­ cerns, thc Yellow Jackets had no answers for offensive coordinator Ronald Boger’s Wing-T attack as six different runners conUibuted lo 327 rushing yards on 42 carries, an Im­ pressive 7.7 average. Zac O'Brien led with 94 yards on 10 rushes, followed by Bratcher’s 84 on 12 carries, Millard Smith's 57 on Just four carries and Chris Goode’s 36 on six carries. Chariic Monger added 28 on four runs and QB Russ Powell had 23. " We spread II out," Kiric said. "Wc ran thc Wing-T offense most o f the day, and they had a hard lime con­ taining that." Goode, one of the primary weap­ ons, sustained a knee injury midway through and watched the second half, but Nonh rolled on as replacement Smith averaged a whopping 14 yards a pop. Before exiting, Goode scorcd onrunsofSand l5yards.andO'Bricn (6 yards), Bratcher (13 yards) and Smilh (15 yards) added scores as Nonh domtnaied the clock. "O'Brien Is coming around. He is running harder," Kirk said. "Smilh is doing a good job, and Monger ran the ball hard. So we've got balance iherc that I think is going lo help us a lot." Nonh held Corrihcr-Upc scorc­ lcss until the closing moments. Ryan Boehm recorded four tackles and a fumble recovery, while Goode, Pow­ ell, Jeremiah Raby andO'Bricn added three stops each. Goode had a sack and Paul Ferrell picked o ff a pass. Although Goode is questionable for this week’s pivotal matchup against West Rowan, Kirk doesn't consider Goode's injury serious. "I don't know about this week, but I hope he can go," he said. "I think he just got a hypcrexiended knee and he’ll be back. He may not be full steam as he was, but I think he’ll be alright." . After an 18-poim win over Mid- South Conference heavyweight West Rowan wasn’t good enough, Coach Barry Whitlock dropped a few not- so-subtle hints for South Davie’s elahih-Brade foolball team to turn it age wasn’t enough. South unveiled yet another horse against helpless Erwin: Dwayne Collins, who merely took his first handoff 30 yards for a 32-0 halftime lead. Collins is no longer the besl-kcnl The hard part is not rubbing it in opponents* faces. With the game in the bag, McNeil and Collins moved to the backfield, which is the'rough equivalent of subbing Terrell Davis for Marshall Faulk. ___________ - ,.0' up a notch. ; Soulh look Ihccoachuponillasl week ot Erwin, sicamnilling 40-0 lo Jack thc running scorc lo 110-12 for the 3-0 Tigers. .1 TThe intensity pickcci up," salil V^ltlock, who notched win No. 99 ' (iKlween two teams) against 37 de- frats In 12 years as head coach. “I iolil them after thc sluggish West Rbwan game lhal people were say­ ing wc haven't Improved that much from last year, and wc jumped on • them pretty good." ■; As though thc Cooler Arnold-Jus- llii Brown-D.J. Ricc wishbone pack- ■Tough' . *’^Thl5 mighl not be Coach Carol Cozart's most talented Davie County tennis team, biit it mighl be her toughest. ‘ •fW e’ve shown so much improvcmcni,'' she said after rocking West Forsyth 9-0 to Improve to 1-2 in the Central Piedmont Con­ ference. "You can't say enough about the fact Uui here't a group' that, did not get to play a . '^ iitin itc V la s t year with secrct in the MSC, amassing SI gome- high yards on Ihrce carries. "He’s going to be working back there now," said Whillock, who also got 44 yards from Amold, 43 from Ricc, 25 from Brown, 23 from Dylan Reynolds, 19 from Anton McNeil and 18 from Tcncll Wilson, finish­ ing with 226 yards on 27 running ■ plays. "Dwayne’s probably the best ath­ lete on thc field. He’s got good speed, he’s strong, and he can give Amold and Brown a blow here and ihere." Winning for South Is almost al­ ways like taking candy from a baby. "Whatdo you do?" Whillock said. "When we subbed our running backs, our second- and third-stringers with Collins and McNeil arc just as good as our fir^t string." Amold did it all on the first scor­ ing drive, bursting 24 yards, scoring from 2 yards out and applying the two-pointconversion. McNeil hauled Michacl Mashorc’s only pass55 yards before racing 36 yards with a fumble rccovcry. John Benfield's two-point reception made it 24-0. Collins' 30-yardcr and Rice's two points made It 32-0, and a 14-yard Rice rumble and McNcil's conver­ sion capped the fireworks - South, by the way, had two long scores callcd back - and matched the scc- ond-biggest win in thcTigers' middlc- school hisiory. South, which whipped the Yellow Jackcts 42-0 in 199S dismantled Corriher-Lipc 46-6 on opening day. "I challenged them and we domi­ nated oil aspects of the game," W hil­ lock said. "To be able to compclc with Nonh Rowan, Knox and Nonh Davlc, wc'rc going to have to pick il up a little bit." Notes: Whitlock rccognlzed de- fcndersCollins.CliffordBuras, Ben- fiield and Rice as South held ihe op­ ponent to six or fewer points for the ninth time in II games since last year.... Nick Shore recorded his firsl sack.... Southeast comcs to Soulh on Sept. 21. Jaspcn Gray ripped off scores from 60 and 35 yards out and Brock Flowers led the defense os North's 7th-igrade f<wtball team smothered rnrrihPf.T {p^ ‘'7 " ■ ........" ■ ' V-,:-- - . X- , • . ■ • r . Zm Q'BHen and Jamar Bralcher combined forl78;yard8 rushing as North's 8th-gr^e football team rolled past Corriher-Lipe 38-8. \ 1 ’' ‘ '• ' Seventh grader Amanda Lowe was 4-for-4 with a home nm in the Soutli Davie softball team's 20-8 win over Knox. W’i ; , ' Soutli7th-gcadeQBBradCorrihercompIeted7-of-7puMsfoT' 1 lOyards'against Erwin,and Raeshon McNeQ has ISneceptionsfor 2Myards m tl^ games. ' * i . Derek Comatzer jjounded uut 124 yards lusiimg. and Kevin' w in terakickedlwo field goals, inciudingone as regulation expired/: in a'doiible-OT loss to Salisbury ^ ‘ ' ^ Robbh jSoyd of Davie's varaity soccer team citnchcd a 3-2 win; over Salisbuty with a late score, and Matt M ow r alreadV has 14< goals, Andrea Harris, and she was oul sick. They have còme in with determination, and every­ thing I do is Just a llttio icing on the cake. They are a lough group." , Cozart went 0-6 against West from 1996- 98,1iiit Davie has responded with three con­ secutive wins over the Titans, Including two successive shutouts. Stephanie Wodarski rallied from a 3-3’ tiebreaker deficit for an 11-10 (7-5) win at No. I, Ashley Prevette roared to a big lead andcoaslcdI0-7atNo.2,andDeannaShamel pulled awayforo 10-4 win at No. 3. ,■ "When you tell Prevette to do something, she is going to do her best to do exactly what you tell her." Coiart Mrid. Unfazed by a move from No. 6 to No. 4,. Megan Jordan raced to a 6-0 lead in a 10-3 • win, Allison Bowles erased a 3-1 hole for a 10-4 win at five, and Carly Balsley rolled 10- 3 in her debut at six. ; "West w ill just hit you to death," Cojart s^d. "They don't hit the ball hard, Ihey just kNi) it coming back. We wen going to have to niidw good decisions u d don't get in a bump-it-back-down-the-middle rotitine, and ^ wowOTveryi)atlent.''/; :.'i\; ' .Ck. Wodaiski-Iordan (8-lj, Sharael-Preveti'i (8-6) and Balsley-Bowles (8-4) secured tliç^| shutout in doubles, ■ ï i "They were pumped,? Cozart said. "Wo? worked harden Saturday, Monday aadTUe*!'. ; day, and they were ready for dial team. T h ^ .J were menUlly ready." ■ $ ' P leiw S eeT km U i,-P it»,M ;I ' ,A ^ .V , 112 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 Members of the Davie High Schooi varsity volleyball leam Include, Irom lelt: kneeling ■ Heather Miller. Lindsay Smith, Natalie Hunckler, Tara Young; slanding -.Randi Moore. Candace James, Sarah Williams. Sara Miller and Brianna Foster. There's Still Some Time Left Coach Believes Varsity Volleyball Team Will Continue To Improve By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Outsiders probably see Davic County's varsity volleyball team as a fading also-ran. Coach Dave Markland. though, scesitdif- ferently. "I still firmly believe in their ability, and I sec the growth daily," hc said after Davie's fifth straight loss - 9-15. 2-15, n -l5 to W c M Forsyih last week. "We've got to mature as athletes when it comes game night. We're going to get better." The rough ride stems from outrageous youth: Davic has one freshman and six sophomores on schedule," Markland said. "So we're playing a JV age group against var­ sity competition, so thal is a factor. That's not an excuse, that's a fact." Although West dispatched Davic for the 10th time in a row as Davie sank lo 2-6 overall and 0-2 in the Central Piedmont Conference, the coach insists the War Eagles aren’t dead yet, that good things arc gO; ing to happen before season’s sundown. "I see the improvement.'* he said. "Wc were talking during an intrasquad scrim­ mage aboul how much im­ provement wc have seen - not just in Ihcir skill but understand­ ing the game. Where I'm not doing a an n^mah teamthai;rornowaileastr “ good job h Betting ihcm to transfer- Smith is simply overmaichcd. "With the exception of one starter (Randi Moore), six of our lop seven players inthe rotation right nowcould legally and ethically play the JV lhat praclicc play to the game." Markland identified sophomores Sara M iller and Sarah Williams and freshman Allison Schafer. "Sara and Sarah continue to im- prove," he said. "We’re getting more blocks and touches, and they're read­ ing well - things maybe only coachcs sec. "Allison is not just playing ag­ gressively, she is starling lo play ef­ fectively now. She did some really nlcelhingsagainstWcst Forsyth. She never left the floor." Lindsay Smith, a defensive spe­ cialist who got a shot at seitcr against West, made a bid for an enhanced role by displaying passion and lead­ ership. "Wc were really flat in game two (a 2-15 loss)," Markland said. "And she did a great job at setter, which is probably the toughest position. Her enthusiasm and how vocal she was I think calmed some of ihe other girls • ilown. and wc looked more in sync.". Tlic War Eagles’ match at Mount Tabor on Sept. 14 was not played because of confusion on the site, and an Ocl. 12 makeup date has been tcnialively set. .They host Reynolds on Scpl. 21. JV s Post Shutout Behind Danielle Moore, Davie’s junior varsity beat Wesl Forsyth 15* 9,15-6 lo even its records at 4-4 and l-I. "We’re Slill practicing as one team and working together, which I think is helping becausc the JVs are play­ in g agaihsrthc varsity," Markland said. "(Assistants Janice Jackson and Becky Miller) are doing a great job and the JVs are playing wiih a lot of confidence." ^ Moore, who moved up the depth chart when Schafer moved up to vax- sily, sparked the win with a strong performance in the middle. "She is playing hetier," Markland said. "She Is probably out of position for where we sec her In the future, but she played real well.She isstarting lo lake a little bit of a leadership role, along with Megan Dwiggins." Members ol the Davie High School JV volleyball team include, Irom lelt: Iront - Andrea Dwiggins. Megan Dwiggins, Amber Thompson, Amanda Lagle, Danielle Moore; back - Jessica Lagle, Alyse Bowden, Alison McNeil, Allison Schafer and Mandy Lambe. Leave The Annual Lawn Work Alone F o l m a r A n d P a t r i c k W in F o o t b a i l C o n t e s t By Dwtght Sparks Football Contest Director Gentle Readers, sometimes the lawn can wait. The fertilizer, the reseeding, the mowing. That's where we found this week’s winner when wc called Monday ancmmm wilh Ihe news of his life. Hc was outside, a slave lo Ihc lawn, as he aiiemptcd to spread grass seed before the rains camc. Genile Readers, the football conlcsi is more important. The news of winning, lhc thrill of success, lhc chancc to be the Winner of the Week, to wear the Cap o f Caps and to claims the Big Bucks should not fall on us lightly. . ’ We must seize the day. That’s why this week's winner hurried Inside lo return our call. The winner? PAUL FOLMAR, COME ON DOWNNNNNII! Folmar lives on Baltimore Road and is aiiempting lo win Yard of the Month honors. But winning the foolball contest Is an achlcvcmenl that dwarfs anything hc could receive from Yard Beautiful. Folmar missed seven games oul of 38 ~ an 82 percent accuracy rating. And gel this... This was his first lime eniering. "I only pul It In there for a joke." he said. Sitting oround Ihc Bixby Convenience Store last week. Roy Bolin challenged Folmar to enier the contest. Bolin filled out his picks and had so much fun that Folmar gol his own newspaper. Then hc spent lhc weekend watching football games on television and keeping up with his picks. "So I wonT* **Roy said, "I think I can beat that thing." I said I can beat you. “We had a good time.'* And so it goes. Folmar is married to the former Sue Browder, and they have lived on Baltimore Road for 26 years. They have ihrcc children. — • Son David fs a federal proscculor in Knoxville; John has rettimed io" ‘ school as a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, and Linda F. Plitt of Advancc is the mother of three young children. Bccause hc look the Contest Challenge, Folmar is In the money. Look for him proudly wearing our Cap of Caps. He promises lo make a charitable contribution with his contest winnings, which will pul him among America's most benevolent givers. As for Roy Bolin... He missed 12. Bul hc has the pride In knowing he made a champion. Now for second place. W ILLIE PATRICK JR.. COME ON DOWNNNII We had lo leave a message on his answering machine. Patrick lives on Tobacco Road. Residents on Tobacco Riiad ought to consider a name change. Pretty soon personal injury lawyers w ill swoop down to see if they can find some way to link the road lo cancer patients. Patrick missed eight games. Now for our coveted noncash awards: CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR AWARD: lo those missing nine — Sara EErb, Bryan Willard, Leon l^dd, Justin Winlers. BASKETBALL AWARD: lo those missing the most games, Billy Hendrix and Becky Hendrix, missing 2 1; honorable menlion to Barney Boger, 19; Belly Hendrix. 19; David H. Smilh, 19; John Polls, 18; Lester Hendrix, 18. HEART AWARD: To Dillard Moody of Mocksville, who didn't lei a little heart surgery stand in the way of the contest. Hc had surgery last week and returns this week for more. Our prayers and best wishes are wilh you, Dillard, long time participant o f the conlcst and sure to be in our Hall of Fame when ¡1 opens one day. Moody chases our delivery truck through the county, determined lo be among the first to buy the Enter­ prise-Record on Wednesday morning. Hc knows most of Ihc route, and we have considered employing him to fill in since he is so familiar with the route. HONEYMOONERS AWARD: To S.B. and Lillian Siddcn, who both entered the contest this week, demonstrating oncc again lhat the couples who play Ihe conlcst together stny together. PROFESSIONAL AWARD: To Joe Boyetle, Mr. Spom of Davic Parks & Recrcation. missing 12. FUTURE WINNER AWARD: To Rodgers D. Peoples o f Advancc. lurking just under the rim with 10 misses. FAM ILY AWARD: To Ihe Rath family, submitting four entries — Chelsea, Katie, Emily and Mary Kay. favorite despite the obvious ouicomc, picking UNC lo beat Florida Slate — Tracey Arnold, Bryan Davis, Jimmy Lookabill and Nancy Munday. Finally, Gentle Readers, you too should take the Bixby Challenge. Enlcr the conicsl. Take your placc at lhc Table of Champions. You could be the next winner. Good luck to all; ’ ' . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - B3 НСДА SHOWDOWN OF THE WEEK Michigan ..........................24 ‘ Illin o is .............................17 Last year Michigan built a 27-17 lead ovor Illinois, but tho mini responded by scoring four unanswered TDs, laying wasto to the Michigan defense and stun­ning tho Wolverines 35-29. Not quite another upset. -IJentKt. .IfsCiCniMiAl- _Le«*üEroi— _ jw i«----------- CHRYSLER « DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE 2000 Chrysler Town & Country LXi *25,98 Dual pwr. Matt, dual A/C, captain'a chaira, huted Mata, ЗЛ Ve, AM/FM caaa/CD, Hon>a-Unk,'mtmory aMta, atMrlng «уЬм1 radio controla, roof rack 2000 Dodge Caravan *14,988 7 pHungw, /uc, luto.. AlWM cm., pomr 2000 Jeep Grand Cheroicee Laredo 4x4 ? г ш R e b a te x 2 D O U В L E Y O U I t R E Ш Ш П 'Ш Е 4.0 в cyl, automaUc, power wlndowa, powtr door locka, tin, crulM, AMmi сам. СЛ) player, ktylna antry, trip computar, roof 41 ,looo%n № u, t m. 2001 Dodae Ram 1500 43,988 V-e, air conditioning. 6-apaad, Uree a whMl pkg., two tone paJnt. tintad gleaa, AM/FM caaaette, cloth tMnch 4<V2Q/40 Mit wHh puU down сопаЫа. OMiarltoMnaRibali. 751-59481-Мв-4М4 Та1 HRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSI ER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • CHRYSLER • DODGE •v-.aiu-: :. jv .;. ■----nnnuüf•Imi итля r t -ria?«- _baBMiU6Ui ;s ï. ■ 'S T ■Vi :b i : £ î SSfSir I MIS week Iticrc arc Л huiidfnl of 1>1ц. i'Uim: inini- 1чтГсп'ПСС m.uchup*» tiui . will liclp clarify lhc*I\)p 20. Nt> ic.un nuy luvc a tmiKljcr four>t.unc ^lrctch Ihis full than .Mithi^^aii: I'ollowing lj.s| week's l>atilc with tl.CLA .lhcWolvcrincs facc fel­ low ШцТеи powers lllinolH, \X'l4.’on>in and IHirdUc all in л n>w. In aumpaltui.ni...Michl^ti will пссч! no more nxdivatlon than , memories, of 1.Ы уечг’з M unninK .. 35-29 upMTt at the hands of the \\Ш. Ranked No. 9 ut the time, the Wolverines built a 27-7 lead over tmnnked Illinois midway ilmnigli the Ihint quarter, hut the lllinl responded by scoring four nnaib swea-d'IDs and 1ау1пц wxstc to Ihc Michigan defeitsc.ln wliat should Ik* u great ganic, wc like the Wolverines hy a ll). In the liig luist. .Miami at Wi*st VirKinia l(K)ks even clo4T.Wc'rc picking the I liirricanes hy «ш1у four points. In Iheir 19W .show- uown III .Miiimi. umes (¿h Kenny Kelly coMiplcted 21 of.Vi pxs^es for J6H )-anls ami two second half ’IDs to le;id Miami to a 28^20 win over the Mountaineers - after West Virjynia had held the 'Cuies scorc- levs In the first half of a home giinic fi)r Ihe first lime in 15 years, llic Mountaineers won't manage lhat feat again, hut they should .stay within upset range. We're giiing out on three Ilmhs in Ihc Southeastern Ctmferencc, the t^ieinc-IP and the Atlantic........... (j)ast Conference, calling for Arkansas to \x*at vislling Alabama, Oregon lo heat visiting U.C.I.A., and Vl[>;inia lo heat visiting Clcmson. Sure. Ihc computer thmws a few points to home timnts, tnit only Virginia will need them.Arkans;is wants some pay- l>atk ft)r last ye;ir’s .^5-28 upset loss lo the Crimson 1ldc, who not only were unranked (the lt:izorhack.s were No. I t) hut conunitied six turnovers and slill won. Oregon. me;inwhile. will get hytl.C LA .forthe first lime sincc *95 afler nearly pulling off a sh(K'ker last уе-аг.’Пю Ducks lost to the llniins 31*29 after iK'ing down .il-10. Iheir final drive ending on U.C.LA.’s onc-yard line a.s time expired hack in Ihe Hig Ten. three game's are wonhy of mention for rarious reasons. Minnesota at I4irducj)huuld be close, just ;is it wa.s last year, when l*urdue QB Drew hrecs l)ad to take a knee three limes to presene a 35-28 win.Ohio Statc-14'пп Slate, once a mar- i|uee maichnp, sliapes iip as a blowout, thougli even Ohio State fans may tie pulling forJtK* Patemo to find a way to keep his Nitiany lions In ii.l'inaily. Michigan State hosts lhc wildKrard outsider, Notre Dame.nic Spartans have won three in a niw over the rigluing Irish, making us a hit ............................................. ш ш ш ж т ________________________________ Total gam e^ieH icted, first tv i^ S iK s i 29 Total right: Total wrong: F orecastingiië ree li tage: Total games preiiîo,ted ШШ ïifeelis, *Ì9T» KFL FORECAST: WEEK 4 • i ï i h i m o r * ...................................a t .. .26 .. .21 PtillM talphla.................30 ij;Nem.PTUiini,............ Wa»hlnetofi.-lilL X d - After Г4С<пц the Sicctcrs, JJKU>r> and IXtlplilns, lhc Rjvvns msy be tempicd in fibc up, tlut ihcv сзп'1 affiinl lu. year lülUmorc Iwat ihe Iknjub Jt-3t and 22-0. lhc Utirr Rjmc tKlng the Katens' llnl-cvcr ihuiout. The CuwlM)i anil •i9era hare batiieil «niy divisional foes thus hr, so nuyt>c a brealt will do tx«h icams wmc good. S.R has won ruur or lu Lui n\-e againsi Dallas, most reccmly 17-10 In 1W7. Nu divisional rivalry was more evenly matched throughout the '90s than this one: The Druncos and Chiefs cach won tO of Iheir 20 rcgularscason meeiings. In ’99, lhough,K.Cfwepl.26-10and 16.10. i g g o i r . :.........................................a i '**Cklc«^o.................................AT Speaking of nut easing up, the Lions met Timpa Day Iasi w nk and follow ihe Dears with Minnesota and Green IUy,so this Is a must-wln. bill hardly an easy one. These ' teams liave split lUeir series ihe pasi iwu seasons. Bey...................................10 : In an attempi to make 1а;Ч season's pUyoffs, Ф Ihe Packen препсч! tip their ofTensc «¿^nstI the Canllnals. in a 49*24 season-ending : • trounclng-Thls will be ihc IMckers* founh ! straight win in the Kries. ^ Coach Dave Wannstedi may want lo remind his Dolphins before this key matchup tlut the Iniured Dan .Marino was­ n't mlucd Uu year In Nttaml's (\rv> sweep of the Pairiuts sincc '>».The Dolphin swon 31-30 and 27-17. Vl'e're not quiic bntx enough lo pick ll.bul ihb has the feel of a potrntlal upset. The lirowns have won lhc Ust ihree game« in Ihe scries, thougli they hadn't met the Raiders in se\Tn years. Hack at home after two weeks out V l^.thc Saints may lei iu(>^c on offen5« and make the Bagles follow suit. (Or is ihls wishful tWi\»iing>) In ’95 VhlHy won 1» ftwnh in a row from New Orleans. 15-10. St. UMila.....................................32**AUilrta...........................^4 IHiwercd first by Kurt >X‘arner's passing and then by .Marshall Faulk's running, the Kanu ne\rr gave the Falcons a lighting chancc In ■99. blowing them away 35-7 and 41-13. More of Ihe same ihb time? •^SanOKgo.........................lo Tills b our nomination for Game .Mosi likely to Uc t>ecidcd lly a Lasl-Second Field Coal.The only leam the AFC West-champion Scahawks lost to iwlce last year was the Chargen. 13-10 and 19-16. Here’s the second straight big-iimc defen­sive lest Atr the Jeu (afler Dun'alo),and New York won'i score much.The Jeis have ruled Ihls sporadic series, though, winning sbc of sewn, most recently In '97. TannaMaa . . . . . .7 /. . .a f ........................... Tlie best team ntoney can buy (in iheory) should enjoy Its vbil to Ihe Mcadowlands. Tlie Red.sklns pounded the Giants ihcrc In '99, 50-2t, then ftnWhed the sweep in V(^hlnKton,23’l3- Broneoa QB Brian Q r i ^ with Ihelr defense dominating both a low- scoring game and a shootout, the TIuns won their founh and flAh In a row from the Meelen last year, 16-10 and 47-36. Piltsbiinih «till can’l stop the Titans. .. .t .. . (Monday) l¿ d 5 5iw W a ............................M............... 11 ■ For whal It's worU) (wiuch b n l niuch). üx Colls won Iheir only showdown with the Jaguar^ nvt yean ICO, 41-)I. For what U*! wonh (miKli tnoTt).Jack9onvlUe has yet to loaeinflvtMonftay4)Jiht|nKt. ■ • (Open date: BuRUo, Caro) В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 W I N ! BONUS PRIZEFor 1st Perfect Entry D a n ie l F iim it iir e i i E l c c t r i c € o . , l i i c . Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa M. Cartner 848 Soulh Main Street • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 »336-751-3975 iV W W V W V W V W V V W W W V W i ^ f t V g E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E SINCE 1951 325 North M iiin Street MocksvHlc, NC . 751-2148 1. W, Foreytli v>. R Fonylh K & R C le a n e rs , In c . “ IIV 're Just Aroimd the Corner'* Tnn(>U'W(N)d Cn>ss}nR US 15S&NC KOI. Hillsdale 998-7120 Tuii)¡1c>whh1 Cummui»U.S 15Sit HaqKT Kil.Cletnnions CUmmons 2636 l.c^^ ¡uillcClemnMins RU 766-0150 MKknillc Valley Rivkl77S-1.M1Í 14. Ctevelandvt, Oakland 751-1444 I la \(> il............I ilH'Ulo o k III M ci'lc N iim iim w m i THIS Л1) Tanglewood Commons ' Shopping' Center 4148 Clommons Road Clommons. NC 778-0510 Owners Chris & Wondy Watson A n im a l Л г к | V e t e r in a r y lic s p it a l I |№ Mtdn« L Spind«!, DVM Í '/n l—A M IV. Sfiy-A Jofflei St. I Ckmtnons, NC g 336-778-2738 ^AH ttio lovo or<3 caro your pof nooOi to stay hoafthy Won 7 3Cam6COom.SQt 9orn 1?00fx>on Y o iir “ ffO n U ’-T O H tlf D r u ij s w r c FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO.10. Philadelphia v*. New Ortoma 495 Valloy Road • M ocksvillo, NC 336-751-2141 TREE SERVICE 336-492-2944 ^ Free Estimates - Insured CLEMMONS CARPET I 2711 Lewisville-Clem m ons Rd., Clemmons | 29 Years Expcricncc 766-8110 or 766-016625.MlamlV8.W.Virglnia д а Crowder M cChesney ( A s s o c i a t e s щ Your Hometown Realtor 2265-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 T. Dan Womble Attorney at Law 3802 Suite A Clemmons Road P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 35. Utahn. Alt Foica Phone: (336) 766-8085 Fax: (336) 766-9145 Gardner’s Q Ш г е з в Ш е 5423 Ш 158 * Aiknce ' 998-1723 • Ш lo Bermuda Quoy Shopping Cenler rn-i 8 Qm • 6 pm Sot 6 0Ш ■ 3 pni e. o«trolt vt. Chicago € « ir K iiiK JIv v'j4‘ W lH 'j r ù ‘ü r C í> yli'jj:í O rthodontics A Beautiful Smile...A Great Self Image Call For Complimentary Consultation Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA Over 30 Years Experience in Oentislrv 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 2 5 2 118 Hospital Street. | Good Luck, Davie War Eagles! V u k a n I Materials Company 542 Farmington Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3838 Super Savings on Wallpaper Closeout Wallpaper single roll t s C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O . ’ ‘12 S h c e k S tro e l • M o c k s v ille • 75 I 2167 YOUR CHOICE SALE! Luxury cloud Med. Firm lOOUi Anniversary Plush Firm Heavenly Flllow-Top.Tension Ease Elegant Plllow-Top Tw in Set.........$199 Full Set............$259 K in g Set..........$399 Q u a lity N a tio n a l B r a n d M a ttr e s s e s a t L o w F a c to ry D ir c c t P ric c s ! т»ЛтМщШ€ЗМ.УВ1.7177 ж т ,ш/тм*т»ноша 1744 ОЫ la tMlli 1ШШЫР9Щ MC в9*-аз1-17а| M O C K S V IL L E 1 Ш Е & Д и Т О М О Ш Е 962 Yadkinvillo Road Phone 751-6115 ie.Fon)«in.i«.nborìæXtFeniHII* Our Prices Ineladt Mounting, Balancing New Valvt Sitm Л KolaOon ' 1^ ^ Hours: 7:30 am-7 pm M-F « 7:30 am-1 pm Salurday 2.^ 3 1 4 S a n fo fd A ve ., M o c k s v illo - 7 5 1 -1 2 8 4 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,20Ü0 - US . 5 0 0 B o n u s P r i z e For the First Perfect Entry! ''K If you THINK you know FOOTBALL Keren's y o u r chance to PROVE iti For insurance cull B R A D R O M IN E STATE FARM INSURANCE S T A T E F A R M IN S U R A N C E .П70 ('Icn im o ns Road -'Clcnim on.s • 766-3245 I__ State Form In snroncc ( j unpiuik-s » H(it»c Ofílccs! Hliminlnuton. 111. | 9 Q i s t i ' s ¡ее Cream & CoJJee Sfiop 2 Hotdogs ЛИ the Way. Chips, Tea He Coupon Ntctmry 7. San Francisco vs. Dallas Btmudi .Shivppins Crntrr • Дгп>\ч \ nun Rfmiudi Kun J W E HAVE M A N U F A a U R E D HO M ES TO FIT YO UR BUDGET. SEE JACE TODAY! 15. Washington vs. NY Qbnts Bonanza Mobile Homes 700 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksville. NCIrMor Ma>s fiOl A 6-1 N 330-751-5959 Owned Л OprraUil by Jack Могцап B e t h 's Ì H a O m a r k Í New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-6567 C L E M M O N S DISCOUNT SALES Great Savings Through Out The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons27.Mich.siw.NoiriDom« mamn Hours; Mon.-Frl. 10-8; Sat. g-5 7 0 0 - 4 4 4 9 www.clemmonsdlscountsalos.com You K n o w U s... W e K n o w R e a l E sta te P r u d e n t ia l C a r o lin a s R e a lty “ .SVn’iVix’ U’wixvilU', CIt’ininon.s it Ihtvic County" 4156 Ciemnwns Road • Clemmons • 336'7I4’4400 НЕЕ1Ш Ш Tobacco Friendly Store!” THE ARKA*S ORtGlNAL LOW-PRICK TOBACCO OUTLET S PItriAIJy.IN r. IN liQMKTOWN. ERIKNULY SKRVICK • DISCOUNT CIG АНКТТКЧ * »ANI>-14)UHK1) С ANDIXS . ROLL-YOUR. OWN TOBACCO A SUPPUKS • CI.OVK CIGARtHTKiWLAVORKO BIPIS, CLOVES»CHKWINC. PIPE & SMOKELE&S TOBACCO п ы т т и п w in ih ìw io k yohh ìo n v i n ii nì i See me for innovative liealth care designed around you. Blue Advantage* individual health plans Dental Blue* individual dental coverage Medicare supplement insurance Larew-Wood-Johnson, Inc. John Wood-Mocksville 751-6281 HaroWH'ood-Advance 940-2210 ¿Davie vs. N. Davidson BlueCross BlueSliield оГ North Carolina H illsd a le D e n ta l I Dr. Jerry Hauser f Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry I 135 Medical Drive, Advance Z____________336-998-2427 I Slocks ■ Bonds I Mutual Funds ■ iRAs ■ CDs Sherry Koehler IxiibvllIc.NC 27023 (336)945-1227 cd>tunlJonttXHm Edwardjones S<*rvhig tiiilivicUiul Invreton Sintr 1H71 33.Purdu«V8. Minnesota Member SIPC 90. Ohio 8L vs. Penn SL M D a g e T ir e s 2534 U»lwllle.acnimons Road .Clcnunoils llouni:7J0iun..6pjn..M on..Fri.; 7:30-1 Sal. 766-5450 AU Major Brands of Tires — Complete Auto Repair Shop SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION | U.S. 158, CLEMMONS • 76 6-0 581 I V O G L E R & 8 0 Ш Funeral Home Senirtji thi 5 tvmmunity/or \ over N2years. I “S e e U s F o r P rea rra n g ed F u n e ra l P la n s” Clcm m ons’ChapcI • 2849 M iddlebrook Dr. • 766-4714 S a ìc ììì G le n C o u n tr y C lu b N o w O p e n T o T h e P u b lic F o r L u n c h & D in n e r Lunch: Tues.-Sun. 12:00-2:00 Dinnur: Thurs.-Sun. 6:00*9:00SiulevibUck ligvrshrimp Crillvd clJikcn bnvst wilh /h-o musUnit 37. Fumwi VS. VMl 1000 Glen Day Drive, Clemmons • 712-0303 H ш_ Ron Taylor, CLU Senior Account Agent LUTO Graduale Y ou’ re in good h ,n d s . ' S " p 2626 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 766-1057 32.0Uêhomavs.Rlet Score at Davie TVactor 1029 Salisbury Rd • Mocksville • 751-5969 Repairs • Parts • Full Service Shop ,iT.loiiiMlll»v».Rt.k New a Used Equipment . COXGRATIMTIONS To Our 9-14-00 Contest Winners! FIRST PLACE Paul Folmar = $25 & Cap SECOND PLACE Willie Patricl(, Jr. = $5 Como Sun., Mon., or Tuos. Л Got Double SlamI I 1 II No* Tomo Slicppng Coite • Ctomons 766-3016 945-6445 i Ñ É B B B S e i I I I ■n'a Oaks Shcppuig Center • Lewsviiic I J 5 0 ‘ 0 f f 6-!nch Sub Two Locations To Serve You OS on Your Sub Club Card * ro ff Foot-Long Sub GOT THE HAT? In addition to the prize money each of our First Place W eekly W inners vi/ill recieve a sporty ' Davie County ' EEirierprise Record^ . Ball e--! These versatile caps can be worn forward or backward (depending on how cool you think you are) Ef}ter the contest today tor your chance to win one of Ihese great caps. (Oti. and don l target Ihe chance lo win the S2.S00.) / T o p s T r a v e l 7 <1Л1 Он Ры^шомаС Sewüc <h^ Your Local Professional Full Service Travel Agency! | Located In the heart of Clemmons; NC j.. 29. Nebraska vs. Iowa ^ J ' 2750 Lewlsvllle-Clommons Rd.| Clemmons, NC 27012 Phone 336-766-7303 wiivw.lopslravel.com E N T R Y B L A I M K A D V E R T IS E R 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE 2. LAREW-WOOD-JOHNSON 3. 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I I I I i FJ H II I I I I I J DAY PHONE:wqhil: I L s t j J В6-РЛУ1Е COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000-B7| W hy N ot? llling Believes Friday Night Shocker Is Possible Members of the Davie High Schooi War Eagles burst through the banner before Friday night's rout of Salisbury.- Photos by James Darringer Shana Brewer and Jessica Bivins 'brace' Justin Goode goes over the lop. lor the game.Nick Propst holds tor kickor David Wooldridge. Coach Doug Illings leads his players. Eagle cheerleaders keep up the school spirit.Tommy Lagie (53) and Doug Smith (22) block as Dan Sullivan hands off. CPC 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0-0 Overall 2-3 0-3-1 4-1 4-1 1-Î Davie Coumy Mount Tabor Reynolds South Rowan West Forsyth Friday's Results Carver 31. Reynolds 6 Davie 40. Salisbury 14. Mount Tabor 21, N. Forsyth 21 (tie) Parkland 21, W. Forsyth 20 . S. Rowan 27, Mooresville 20 This Friday's Games Davie at North Davidson East Forsyth al Mount Tabor HP Andrews al Reynolds North Forsyth at Wesl Forsyth . South Rowan at NW^Cabamis ; F re e C re d it H e lp SEE .....- ■■■.................. orcaii 1-888-702-7376 Ext. 777) We specialize in placing ihe credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! (o*o, Q e ffu W o o d A U T O c m R E W .. ; ^ Honda*Jeep*Plymouih*CltryslenKiA V. Loan By Phone 1 -a 8 8 -7 8 9 « C A II8 ir Davie Couniy's fooibalt (cam is to sus­ tain ils momentum from Friday’s impressive 40-14 thumping of Salisbury, it will have to do something this Friday that hasn't been done sincc 1998: Slop North Davidson’s 20- gamc rcgular-season winning streak, that's all. "It’s going to be tough." Coach Doug tiling said as 2-3 Davie prepares for the 7:30 p.m. battle In Welcome against 5-0 North of the Tri-Country3*A Conference. "They’re riding high being undefeated In regular-season play thc last two years. And they've beaten us thc last two years, so they’re going to be playing with a lot of confidence." Davie hopes they’re also playing with dis­ tractions from homecoming, a festive occa* sion that always fires up (he visitor. "They scheduled us for homecoming, so (hat tells you (hey have confidence iha( they can beat us," llling said. "It should be a real good crowd.Thcy've been packing theirhouse and our fans have still been very loyal to us, so It should be a good game.’’ North has boasted a potent quartcrback- tailback combination in recent'years,'arid nothing Ноя changcd in 2000 despite thc toss o f 14 starters from Iasi year's II-l, TCC championship team. "They’ve gol another good quarterback," llling said. "I don't know that he’s as good as Bubba Rosenbaum was. but he's made some big plays, running a couple long touchdowns on thc option. So he's a threat to throw II and run It." Thc other dangerous element Is runner Sean Tulile (a hundred Tullles have worn the black and orange, Including Ciemson legend Perry Tuttle, who helped the Tigers claim thc 1981 National Title). ’They've gol a good running back, a run­ ning back who’s shown some bursts of speed," llling said. "So ihey'vc got two good things lo do on offense." Thc Black Knights have bounced Wesl Stokes, West Davidson, Ledford. Lexington and East Davidson. Ledford, which fell short 35-28 in double overtime. Is the lone com­ mon opponent with Davie, which lost 38-24 al Ledford on Sept. 8. Since the Dill Butts-coached Knights haven't lost a rcgular-season game sincc week seven of ’98. and sincc Davie hasn't won a road game since beating Mounl Tabor last year, Friday looks like trouble for thc War Eagles. But llling.buoyed by Davic'sslellarshow­ ing against Salisbury, smells an upset brew« ing. A ll that would do is ruin homecoming, snap a substamlal stVcak againsi a ficrcc rival and open thc possibility o f a 4*3 nonconference finish with a home win over Central Davidson on Sept. 29, Davie's home* coming. "It would be tremendous," hc said. "It would give us a big lift. Friday wc had a big turnaround. Our level of play rose tremen­ dously from the week before. Defensively, wc played a lol better. They’re going to keep us In games. Il could happen. I like our chances. I think an upset Is possible." Notes: Offensive tackle Adam Barber, who has missed all Five games wilh a knee injury, and defensive tackle Nick Raby, who missed last week, have returned lo practice but remain questionable for Friday.... North, which has won the Iasi two meetings (27*21 and 14-11) after losing five straight, leads ihc storied series 18-13, ... Directions to North: Highway 64 toward Lexington. Turn left on Old Highway 85 (29). Continue to Highway 8. Go under thc bridge and take the exit ramp. Turn right, cross over the bridge and continue to Wel­ come. School will be on your left. Jonathan Britton is tripped by an opponent. Another Heartbreaker For Davie JV Football A ll I.ee Linville could d(» .it the end was Nh;ikc his head In dislK'licf. One week after a hulchcd e.xlra- point attempt cost Davie Cininly's JVfootball teama7-6loss to Ledfo^. a scriesof mind-boggling bad hicaks and mistakes diximed Davie in a 20- 14 doublc-ovcnimc loss at Salisbury Thursd.-»y. "You couldn't ask for ihe kids to give any more effort lhan they’re giving, and they’re getting belter," the couch said after falling to 1-2 in nonconference. "Bui Tm telling you w hat. It seemed like the ball bounced their way almost every lime. "DiUy Riddle one time doesn't catch thc punt, and the dang ball hits on the 30 and rolls lo the 3." Davie was cursed on several other Twilight Zone occasions: •JusiinNorsworthyblockedapunl deep in Salisbury territory, only to watch thc Hornets scoop up the loose pigskin and racc for a Rrst down; • a low snap led to a blocked Held goal that, as It turned out, would have won the game in thc first oveitimc; • two fumbles and a dclay-of- game penalty derailed Davie’s po- end of thc second OT; • and a fumble In the waning mo­ ments of Ihc first halfgave Salisbury a short field and a 14-3 hainimc lead. The defense played well, wc just pul them in a bad silualion right be* fore halfilmc and Salisbury took ad­ vantage," adcilaiedLinvltlc said af* 1er the second heartbreaking setback In as many weeks. Freshman sensation Kevin Win­ ters, who put Davie ahead 3-0 with a 30-yard field goal, forced OT in dra­ matic fashion. With no timeouts, time running out In regulation and Salis­ bury leading 14-11,Wintersnallcda 21*yardcr as thc clock expired lo tie the game. r Sounds like another David W ool-. dridge, the vorsliy's star kickcr. Is on ihc horizon. V "Hc had fl great nlghl,"'Linville ' said of the piinter-klcker. "Hc kicked [wo Hclfji goals and had three kick* offs that were toiichbacks. You rarely see that, in JV. With Salisbury, our upbacks look the bailor our deep tacks were coming up to gel thè ball ' 01 the 20-yard line, and ho kicked them in tha end zone. He justboomed 0; He's 01^ going to get stronger." Harly in Ihe third i|uarter. Davie pulled within 14-11 on a trick play. Quartcrback Andrew McClannon, who was promoted lo starter when .McKen/ic Willoughby was lost for the year against Ledford with a se­ vere spina! injury, handed off (o re­ ceiver Matt McAnally. who heaved a strike lo Larry Hudson for a 45-yard touchdown- Derek Comal/er, who enjoyed his finest game al tailback, added the iwo-polnl conversion to make II a three-point game. "I don't think McAnally set his feel, hc threw It on the run a good 35 yards," L inville said. "When McKenzie went down, wc started working McAnally as a backup quar­ terback, and I pul that play in on Wednesday." After Davie, which got the ball , firsl in the first OT from the 10-yard line, flubbed a field-goal try, Riddle thwarted Salisbury wllh a third-down interception. Salisbury, taking first possession in thc second OT. responded with a TD pass on third down, but missed the PAT for a 20-14 lead. Comalzer fumbled on second and ihlrd down - but Davie recovered both and was at the 3 with one shot left. But a delay penally backed the ball lo the 8 and an 11^ scaled thc loss, offsetting a 23-carry, 124-yard effort by Comatzer. Scott Flowers added58yardson 11 rushcsasDavic's ground-oriented attack got on track after two lockluster perforniances. "Wc had over 200 yards total of­ fense for the first lime, had two backs with 182 yords and scored on ihrec . drives,*^ Linville said. "So I thought it wasabcttcroffensivcoulpul, butlhc ball bounccd their way when it mat­ tered." , Notes: Davlc is hurting in Ihc In* jtiry department. Along with the W il­ loughby loss, receiver Mîcah Gar­ ner, who starred on.ihc JV lost year, wlllundergo knee surgery and is done for Ihc year, And Kevin Boger, a vital cog at lincbackcr, was sorely missed against Salisbury. "Hc.was sick all week," Linville said, "That defense is playing well, but Kevin is kind uf Ihc leader of that defense. Him and Chris Hauser arc our leaders. I Ihihk they missed Kevin's leadership."... Davie pjays visiting NortK Davidson Thursday at 7 p.m.- • Davie Overpowers Salisbury's Hornets Cnnllnued From Page Ul commiiiing six turnovers, in­ cluding four that gave Davlc 24 ptiims. Goode turned a fumble inlo a 10- yard touchdown and 14-0 lead six minuies Into Ihc game, and afler Sal­ isbury dmve 12 yards to cut the mar­ gin to 14-7, another fumble led to a 38-yard field goal formoney-ln-ihc- bank kicker David Wooldridge. M<)nicnlsearller,quanerback Dan Sullivan fueled a 10-play, 70-yard march witha 16-yard scramble and a gorgeous 19-yard fade lothc danger* ous Rod Tenor, who caught five for 54 yards in the first half, pulling him within sniffing distance of Thadd Johnstin's career records for rccep- tions and yards. "A ll wc had lo do was block lhal blii/ing linebacker and there would be nobixly there, and sure enough they did Ihe same thing we practiced.. all week," Illlngsaid. "We knew we'd be able lo pick them apart righl there. Tenor’s a big receiver, and Dan likes lo go to Rod up top and challenge Ihc small defensive backs." The Hornels' woes never stopped. Jamel Alexandercoughedupthcsec- ond-half kickoff. and Goode cashed in his team-best seventh TD three plays laler for a gamc-set-match 30- 7 lead. Goode, perhaps ihc best running fu)iback in many years, scorcd twicc but his biggest moment was a founh- down rumble. With Salisbury hang­ ing within 14-7, thc leg-churning bruiser dragged Dewaync Coward a good 10 yards on a 16-yard gain on fourth-and-1, setting up thc Sullivan- lo-Tenorslrikcthalallbullined Davie to 19-3 at home sincc week nine of 1996. “One person is not going to bring him down," Nichots said. "(Line coach Chad Groover and offensive coordinator Bill Oakley) lold us whal to do to correct our problems, and il worked," offensive guard Andrew Rudy said. "This was probably one of our greatest chal* lengcs for the OL, and wc turned out big. They couldn't handle Goodie in the backfield. Hc runs hard, hc ain’t going lo gel lakcn down easy. Hc makes us look good." Sophomore Kyle Gustafson and juniors Patrick Lowery and Josh Pfaff accelerated thc Hornets' meltdown. On their first play from scrimmage In the sccond half, Gustafson slammed Alexander for a 6-yard loss. Pfaff IcvclcdQB Jerry M illerfora 10-yard behind the line. In between, Lowery Ironed ISyardswiihanintcrceplion, his first scorc sincc playing fullback at South Davie Middle three years ago. T\vo Salisbury QBs were a fbtllc 7*for*20 through the air, and five of thosccomplclionscameaflerthc fact. The Hornets went nearly 19 minutes without a first down, and Ihat drought ended becausc o f a jump-ball, dc- flceied pass laic in thc third. "I'd ralher have thc big hit, bul oh yeah, it was nice," said lincbackcr. Lowery, the all-stale candidate who made it 37*7 with 7:41 left In thc , Ihird. "Hc had been picked off every week, so I knew if I jumped on It pretty quick that I coutd gel il. Hc looks where hc throws it every time. "Everybody's been talking aboul Salisbury beating Concord and all that, bul wc showed how wc can really play tonight, thc real Davlc Couniy defense, and the offensc stepped It up." Although the defense held Salis­ bury lo 37 yards through 32 o f 48 minutes, the spirit-elevating victory was sparked by tight end Dave Pop­ lin, left tackle Justin Lanning, left guard Rudy, ccnter Carl Wogslaff, righl guard Tommy Laglc and right tackle Nichols. "They are gelling belter each week," llling said. "Coach Groover and Coach (Lee) Linville are doing a great job. Wagstaff is a rookie al center, he's making strides; Lanning Is a sophomore making strides; Nichols is starting to play like he's’ capableofplaying; and Poplin makes our power schemc work becausc hc always sets the end and the linc­ backcr. "If Ihey'll keep getting beiier like that, they're going to be righl when West Forsyth rolls In here (Oct, 6 in the Central Piedmont Conference opener)." Notes: Davie's only blemish was 146 yards on 12 penalties. "But they were aggressive penalties," llling said. "We’ve pushed them hard to be aggros* sive, and I'm going lo accept it." ... Wooldridge, who improved lo 6-for-6 wllh a 39-yarder late In the third and produced four louchbacks, jusl missed from 53 that would have broken his school*record 49. "If we're going with the wind, he makes that kick," said llling, a former kickcr al Wake Forest. "Hc hit it solid, bul wllh 8-10 mph wind In his face, lhai’s a long kick. He gave it a good effort."... Josh Stanley also had an INT, and Nell Rice, Tenor, Lowery and Jon Michael Goode re­ covered fumbles. SalbburyO 7 7 0-14 Davie 14 9 17 0-40 First Quarter D - Clemenc 7 run (Wooldridje kick), 10:32. D - Goode 10 run (Wooldridge kick). 5:20. Second Quarter S-Cowanll2run(HamiItonkick).tl;47. D - Tenor 19 pass frum Sullivan (run rail). 1:02. D-W ooldridge 38 FG.:25. Third Quarter D-Ooodc3run(Woolilridgekick). 10:52. D -L o w e ry IS INTreium (Wooldridge kick). 7:41. D-W ooldridge 39 FO. 3:18. S-Walker27paMfromMilIer(Hamilion klck).:10. TCAIS! S TA T IS T IC S l^ntdowiit 10 18 Rushes-yardi 30-94 50-228 Passing 1(M 90 Comp-Ail-lm '7-20-2 8-18-0 Punu 5-34 5-30 Fumbles-Losi 4-1 3^0 Penaliies.yards 6-62 . 12*145 3rd down conv. 4-11 6-15 IN D IV ID U A L S TA TIS TIC S Salisbury RUSHING - Alexander 6-14. Coward 6- 17. Ludwig 1-6. Drye 10-35. Miller 5-(-4). tiosch 2-26 PASSING . Ludwig t-6.1-13. Miller 6- 14.1-91 R ECEIVIN G - Walker 2-40. Hosch 1-7. Daujhcfty 3*52, Alenandcr t-5 Davie RUSHING - Clement 18-95, Goode 11- 74, Britton 9-25, Sullivan 3-20, Propst 1 • 10, Gentry 7-4, Smilh l-O • PASSING - Sullivan 8-18-0-90 R E C E IV IN G -Te n o r6-58. Hogui 1-27, Smilh t-5 ■ First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles lUmer, Pastoi Sunday Worship Opportunities; 8:50 ain - Informal Contemporary Service '9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study ^10:55 am r Traditional Worship Service "A caring church with a place for you." W ar Eagle Footba 1Statistics Record: 2-3,0 0 CPC at Statesville L 21-16 al IHooresvilie L 25-17 N. Iredell W 52-0 at Ledford L 38-24 Salisbury W 40-14 RUSHING Car.Gain YPC Clement 68 284 4.1 Goode 43 270 6.2 Gentry 23 89 3.8 Britton 18 • 77 4.2 Smilh 11 65 5.9 Sullivan 23 39 1.6 Propst -----■11- --.......■ .2 2 -0.0 • Davie 197 802 4.0 Opponents 171 870 5.0 PASSING Comp Att Int Pci Yds TD Sullivan ' 26 52 3 .500 476 3 Propst 7 11 1 .636 187 1 Davie 33 63 4 .523 663 4 Opponents 33 83 3 .397 503 2 PASS REC Rec Yds Avg. TD Tenor IB 333 18.5 3 Propsl 7 220 31.4 1 Clement 2 48 24.0 0 Poplin 2'21 10.5, 0 '• l-logue 1 27 27.0 0 Goode 1 7 7.0 0 Smilh 1 5 5.0 0 J. Garner 1 2 2.0 0 Davie 33 663 20.0 4 Opponents 33 503 15.2 2 SCORING TD Conv. Kick FG Pis Goode 7 0 0 0 42 Wooldridge 0 0 13 6 31 Clement 4 0 0 0 24 Tenor 3 0 0 0 18 Britton 2 0 0 0 12 Propst 1 1 0 0 8 Gentry 1 0 0 0 6 Lowety 1 0 0 0 6 Rice 0 .1 0 0 2 Davie 19 2 13 6 149 Opponents 14 1 9 1'98 INTERCEPTIONS 1И. Arnold, Lowery, Stanley FUMBLE RECOVERIES Gustafson 2.Inll 1 nwnn/. RIpa Tpnnr Kicking PAT FG Lg 20-29 30-39 40-49 Wooldridge 13-14 6-7 ^ 49 1-1 3-3 2-2 PUNTING Att Yds Avg. Wooldridge 15 465 31.0 [j E Dr. Tom Ratton • D e n tu r e s • E x t r a c t io n s • M e d ic a id a n d In s u r a n c e 4 0 1 W . C e n te r S tr e e t & W illia m s S tre e t , L e x in g to n , N .C . (3 3 6 ) 2 4 8 - 2 1 1 0 ; : ; :(3 3 6 ) 2 4 8 -2 5 3 9 [] В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 N otes & Q u otes iv.' • No wonder McKcnzIc W illaugliby, Davie County's JV qunitcibnclc, upm sed relief dcspiie harsh news (hat he will miss the rest of rooiball and liltcly baslceltiall and baseball after suffering a ncck inJuiy on Scpl. 7 against Ledford. . "TTie'ddcior said I was two prcssurc pounds from not ever walidng again," he said,wearing n necit brace, "ihalelm ightbcdoneforthc whole 'Vcar,buirm justluckylobcw alking.' ; , . The time o f the crash is fuzzy. They Jusl know it happened near the end of 0 7-6 loss. . . . "We're notejactly siire which play it was," Coach Lee Linvillc said! "He fln lsh ^ the game, but after the game we're meeting on the field in our huddle'^ahd Coach (Joe) E rrctl said; 'McKenzie is asking everybody why Ihey'n w ^ n g o ff the field; whai's going on? He had no idea where he was. ;Vi,'Tlw;doctbr'^d 'a concussion of a spinal cord, and possibly ii slight ' fi5ciure,io'his verlebrie." ■, ■ ' ■ ' . ' ■ , .Willoughijy scratched his head. "1 don't even remember the game," he said, n saw it on fllm , but you can't see il real good." , . • Salisbury's varsity fmtball team celebrated a revival during a 2-2 stan lhal liicluded tnonsler upsets of tradilional giants Albemarle and Concord and two neor-tnisscs. But Friday's 40-14 debacle to Davie was leminiscenl of 1996-99 Hornet teams.The alleged juggernaut defense limped home as Coach Raymond Daugherly absorbed the rap after SaHsbuiy punted or turaediloveronnlneofitsfirst lOpossessions. ' V "Idid a bad job." he said. "We weren't prepared lo play. We should have done a belter job offensively, defensively and special leams. I'll take the _blatnc. It ail comes back to me, and I've got wide shouldeii. Wc didn't "prepare Ihem well enough. Thai falls to me, and we'll leave il at lhat." , • Rod Tenor will soon bMome, al least slaiisiically, Davie's greatest receiver in 20 yean. Afier making six receptions for 58 yards against Salisbury, the senior needs eight grabs and 91 yords lo displace Thndd Johnson atop a career list lhal dates to 1931. : . "They weren't covering rae up." said Tenor, who has 58 receptions and 880 yards since 1998. Teams usually bump out the strong safety, but thal team didn't covcr rae up, so I was open most of the nighl. Wc put it on Ihoie boys." , . • Mike M ike Clcnicnl, a sophomore who has endured Uie pressure of filling cousin Ricky While's shoes at tailback, has seemingly recovered from a rocky start. The tangible evidence of Clement's gradual Improve­ ment: I 6yardsiigai nstStatesvllIe, 31 against Mporesvillc, 63 agauislNonh Iredell, 79 against Ledford and 95 againsl Salisbury.. . , , ■ ' . * ' : "Every weeki think I gel a lillle better and feel more cothfortable," he ..'said.. , ^ . •; : "We thought we'd get him over 100, but wcjust feel short," Coach Doug Illlng said. "But he's ninnlng real hard, slaying Ixhlnd his fullbock blocks and making his cuts at Ihe righl lime." ■ ' .'i , • No, M alt Moser's fotir-goal otitbursi in an 11-2 stomping of Bishop, , McOuinness'wasn'l a rccord. Davie soccer coach Scan G arncit drilled six': ■ a's'ojuniorin 1989. ' . ' ■' , , . ■ ' ' % • Oamcn ordered soccer's vekon of Ihc four comers with the ridiculous ieadoverBishop. "If we wanted lo, wc probably could have scorcd 20 on them," he sald^ "But with 20 minutes to" go, I lold them no more shooting." ' ' ' Donnie Vestal drained a shot before the stall, evoking a wave of hlgh- llves;'.\ ^ "That was real neat because all lhe guys like seeing him score.rCamel said of the first-year player’s first goal. "He hasn't really played loo much, bul he's really been doing a good job and il's nice to see him get a goal." • Frustrating Isn'l oflen categorized with 40-poiril victories, bul South Davie's siarters have grown weary of riding the second-half pine. i "It's kindof gelling frustrating lo some of ihc siarters." saidCodch Barry W hllloek.whoisseckingwinNo. 100 between two teams. "Il's good to win becausc you get to play everybody, but it could hurt you down the road when your staners archot used to playing four quarters. But iheir lime Is going 10 come." . . . , Nonh Rowan. Knox and Nonh Davie remain on Ihe schedule, obstacles lhal figure to give the Soulh squads a fight. • T e n n is T e a m C o n t in u e s T o I m p r o v e Continued From Page B I . Two revamped doubles teams rc< spondcd bcautirully. Wodarski*Jor- dan and BalsIcy*Do\vles icnmcd up for the first lime, white Prevciie and Shamcl improved to 5*3. "I felt like Stephanie and Megan's styles complemented cach other well,'* Cozart said. They both like ■ playing aggressively, and they riiake a real good pairing. Deanna and Ashley arc playingtogellM:rvcry,vcry well, it was Carly and Allison's (Irsl lime togelher and you could see ihe chemistry." Holly Vines and Sara Snow mi­ lled from 3-1 down to win 8-6 In an exhibition. Notes: The War Eagles will he a substantial underdog thisweek. host­ ing Nfounl Tabor on Sept. 20 and Shamcl Prevette • Reynolds on Sept. 25. They lost bolh matchups 7-2 in ihe first CPC lap. Davic dropped a nonconferencc matchonSept. UngainstTri-County 3-A Conference power West Stokes, 5-3. Prevette and Shamcl picked lip the only victories against the 9*2 WilJcats, winning In singles and doubles. Davie Varsity Soccer Unbeaten Shady Grove Bulldogs Defeat Cornatzer Cougars The Shady Grove Bullilogs JV football team defeated the Comalzer. Cougars 14-0 Saturday at North Davic Middle School. With touchdown runs by Cody Sulier and BtcI Peterson, the Bull­ dogs improved to 1-1. Head coach Kenny Wood cred­ ited the offensive success to great blocking by Greg Rogers, Tom Schmidt and Brandon Tester. The defense finally gol going as well, giving up only 30 yards of total of­ fense. Wood said Christian O'Connor, Josh Freeman and John Flowers had great games. Wood said the key lo winning was their ICO perccnt Improvement on defense. "(Against W illiam R. Davie), our defense was absolutely awful, but this week wc pursued lo the ball much better," said Wood, whose team mccls Mocksville this Saturday. Shady Grove 28, Cornatzer 14 (Varsity) The Bulldogs moved to 2-0 with the win. Coach Bill Merrifield said: "0ur06rensivclincsclthetonewhcn they shut down the Cougars on four downs in the first series. Vou have lo praise Comatzer for being a new team; they’re going to be good. It’s going to be fun playing them. My guysplaycd good. I’m proud of ihcm." The 'Dogs defense, coached by Walter* Ridenhour, hounded Cor­ natzer time after lim e. Big playmakers were Adam Mcllwain andChase Macaione, whose key tack­ les in the sccond half helped assure Shady Grove's lead. Earlier, a fumble recovery by Quinton Faulkner and a sack by Sam Tuckcr and John Simp­ son shut down Comatzer threats. Nick Schambach, Zach Gentry, Adam Ridenhour,Tucker,Tip Powell. Whit M m indd. Kevin BoohnuMichacl- Sulier. JoshMiller. PatrickO'Connor. Macuionc and Mcllwain peppered tackles throughout the game. Offensively for the Bulldogs, rushing TDs were scored by M iller (iwo) and MichacI Weakley. Nick O'Brien and Weakley scorcd rushing conversions. Faulkner ran backup quarterback Forrest Siced's handoff for a 33-yard touchdown, wilh the helpof Brandon Lundrelh.Mult Pace. Duslin Moon, Boehm und Drew Kakorus, who kenneled the Cougar defensive line., WRD Varsity Rollinc At 2-0 "John Uittiinore has done an out­ standing job carrying the ball, and I believe we w ill sec him become a Davic Counly slar in years lo come," W illiam R. Davic coach Rick Donathan said after beating Pine- Ьпюк. "Austin Bn>wn and Lewis Farve worked rcally hard this week getting the snap count down, and il payed off with quick movement off thJ line. Caleb Pearce had some crushing blocks, allowing Laitimore and Dillian Faulk to gain great yard­ age and score. Coach Shelton, Coach Paugh. Coach Speer and Coach Bar- neycastle have done an outstanding job with the defense. My assistant. Coach Tillery, has really helped me out, with plays, coordination and knowledge. "I think Pincbrook played an out­ standing game. They never gave up, and I have respect for their team and coaching staff." Pinebrook JV 20, WRD 8 Garret Benge ran for one scorc and ihrew to W ill Markland for an- other as Pincbrook bent William R. ahead 6-0 with a 22-yard run. and the . Tnyans vaulted ahead behind Benge, who made it 12-8 wiih a I-yard run. Jusiin Smith’s conversion pushed the lead to 14-8 w iih 1:20 left in the third quarter. Gough finished with 73 yards rushing. Benge threw for 48 and Bradly Armsworthy had a good bkvking game. Coach Tim Dunn said. Josh Chesnee had five tackles. Wesley Potts and Jusiin Smith added four each and Alex Williams had a greal second half stopping the run, Dunn said. Cnntlnucd Fn)ni I’UKC HI Ihe Hornets' plans fora monumental steal with a save against an unde­ terred dribbler two minuies l>cfore Boyd’s clincher. "Tliey had a lol of momentum right there," Gameit said. "Wc were kind of on our heels, but wc weath­ ered the storm and hung in there." Moser, a sophon\ore who has de­ veloped into a bona fide star wiih 14 goals in nine games, slruck early off a Jordan Kahrs indirect kick and Boyd's head pass. Then Koontz conc(Klcd a memo­ rable shot for a 2-0 lead. "It was just an awesome shot." Gamett said o f the Bass O-ssist. "He hit in out of the air from 25*30 yards out, pul lop spin on il and hit it over the keeper in the right side, a diagi>- nal shot. It's diflicult lo do, probably the best goal all year for us." Salisbury's stiir player scorcd late in the first half and immcdi.itcly in the second, but Davic refused to will, remaining unbeaten since an Aug. 1 (> season-opening loss to pow erful For­ syth Country Day. Sti’ln Koontz "It W.1.S a big win because Salis­ bury is one of the lop thice teams we've played." Gamett said. "To get a w in over them is key. Even though Ihey’rc 2-A, they have a real strong progran».“ Although Davie bt>asts a spar­ kling rccord. Gamcti remains cau-' lious. citing a similar start last year ’ lhal turned upside down. Davie siaricd 6-1-1 bul losl all eight Central Piedmont Conference games and tumbled to 6-I0-I. T lia i’s one way wc'rc motivating them, bccausc wc went into confer­ ence 6-1-1 last year and then lost nine in a nm ," he said. G E T T H I S I H R O U G H V O U R H E A D . Davic. Daniel Gough put Pinebrook NFL Punt, Pass And Kick Sept. 23 The NFL Punt, Pass & Kick com­ petition for boys and giris will be Sept. 23 at Pinebrook Elementary at 4:30 p.m. ^ Clcatcd shoes w ill nol be pcrmil- led. Participants must register by Sept. 21 by calling the Mocksville- Davie Rccrcation Department by 5 p.m. at 751-2325. A r e Y o u O ld S c h o o l? Davie Sports News From September, 1978 Breni Bunon scorcd three limes as Davie's varsily football team rolled over Mooresville 38-0. Quanerback Scolt Pralt ran a 42-yard TD and threw a 79-yard TD lo Bunon. Davie had 478 total yards and held Mooresville to 178. , "irabeenllconseculiycquuners sincc the only touchdown o f Ihe sea­ son was scored againsl us; and that : wassel lip by a blocked kick," Coach . i j i ^ № i^ y s a id . ' ' V'i'^taUtlieLnjtuefooiball.ihcCow- ' ' l ^ bM 'lhe Rams 14-0 with Dex-. 'W tiiK k and Karl N a ylo rW tn g TDs. The Oilers defeated the Tro­ jans 22-0. John Folmar ran for two TDs while David Gillespie had an­ other. The Fork Discount women's soft­ ball team finished undefeated in an eight-ieara loumameni al Sheffield, Members o f the teom were Faye Lanier, Bonnie Lanier, Linda Cor­ natzer, Lori Young, Kathy Hones, Cindy F. Lipler, Jane Young, Renac Jones, Ann Bamcs, Lindii Dwiggins and Cindy A. ^ h ie r They were coached by Biiri Lanier, MichacI Lanier ond Tim’ Yotfhg. Storilhg October 2, we're clihging olí w r plionen^ (704) 21Ò-SOOO will be our new main numbei Mease call it to leadi any department, office or paDent room in the medical center. Untll October 2, please continue to call the same numbers you've 'olways uied to reach us. RCWAN REGIONAL.McdicalCekthr , www.towan.ori г ■ ■ -V ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - B9 I Line Helps Corriher Enjoy Anotlier Huge Day Forthe sccond time in thrce games. Soulh Dovle's phenom quarterback. Ilrad Corriher, rccordcd an entire game's wonh of statistics by haif- liilie. ■; In an unbelievable perfomiancc t'h'at might be unprecedented for a middle schooler,Conlhercomplcled seven of seven passes - before call­ ing Il a day - as the Tigers romped past Erwin46-0 last week and showed why Ihey might not lose another game. Throwing Iwo touchdown passes was nothing new, as Corriher achieved lhat feal for Ihe third lime on the way to 5Uфasslng 100 yards for the third time with 110. but pro­ ducing 0 perfect seven was stuff lhat legends are made of. Besides, il's hard tocoinplele seven straight passes playing catch in the backyard. "His slats (20-for-34 for 347 yords) arc good, hut by being up thal much ond nol being obic lo throw the ball In Ihe second half is going to hinder him," said,Coach Borry W hit­ lock. who callcd o ff the dogs wilh a 30-0 halflime lead, just like the 40-0 season-opening rout o f Conlhcr- Lipe. Corriher liasn'l risen lo stardom without help. Money-man Raeshon McNeil had 184 all-purpose yards. Including four rcccpiionsfor76yords to give him 13 for 264 for Ihc yeor. Fellow widcoul Zoch Vogler contin­ ued his brutally efncieni ploy. He. cought Iwo for 24 yords, ondthrceof his five grabs have resulted in six poinls. And linemen Brent Abendroth. Jordan Fowler, Tony Booe and Adam Ressa (who mode his first start) have given Corriher oil day 10 find on open receiver. S. Davie Tennis Team Crushes Foes "Some teams probably don't com­ plete seven a year," said Whitlock, who turned to backup QB Jonathan Dwiggins in the sccond half. "It's a combination ofgood protection,good passes and good receivers. Nol many kids this age can catch the football like that. . . . "But you’ve got to start with the offensive line. You can't throw it laying on your back." McNeil crushed the Eagles every which way In the decisive first half, scoring on a 2-yord run, a 55-yord punt return, a 45-yard reception and a two-point conversion. Vogler (12- yard reception) and Timmy Allen (conversion run) pitched In as South responded with a vengeance after falling short, 14-12, against elitist West Rownn the previous week. It marked the biggest blowout for Ihc seventh-grade Tigers since opening day of 1993, when they buried North Davie 50-0. "I told them people were writing us o ff becausc wc gol beat, and we stepped up," Whitlock sold. South unleashed Josh Godbey and Allen in the sccond half. Allen ripped o ff a 56-yard TD on his only carry, and Godbey delivered 84 yards on just Ihrec touches, including a 37« yard TD. in his greatest hour as a Tiger. "That's the one wc needed to step up," said Whitlock, who also got a conversion run from Scnaca Dulin. "He doesn't have a lot o f weight going in there - he's a smaller guy - bul he ran really hard. If he can give us five or six carrics a game, it takes the pressure o ff McNeil." Devon Venable had three unas­ sisted tacklcs, and Whitlock also praised defenders Bucky Naylor and Booe. Noles: Corriher had a 50-yard TD pass negated by a flag.... Whitlock plans to tap into talented tight end Julian Johnson. "We're trying to get the ball to him a little more becausc Julian can catch the ball and do some- thine with it." he said. "Me could take South Davie’s tennis team wasted no time tucking away West Rowan and Corrihcr-Lipc lust week, deci- moling bolh foes by 9-0 margins. ■ With every player winning 8-0 or 8-1 in both matches, Alyson Walker. Stephanie Winters and Brittany Gailher werc 2-0 In singles, and Tammy Jones and Megan Appclt were both 1-0 while splitting time in the lineup. Walkcr-Morchead. Peclcr-Jones doubles against West, while Walker- Pceler. Morehead-Jones and Gaither- Appclttjrcczcd past Corrihcr-Lipc in doubles. South hosts Kannapolis on Sept. 21. then travels to Mooresville on They’re Back: ‘Cats Claw Back Shanna Morchead. Bekah Peeler, and W inters-Appelt cruised In Scpl. 25. Ug|y Week For North Davie Softball Hcoping more miscryon a season gone suddenly and shockingly sour, powers Erwin and West Rowan pushed North Davie’s softball team to the bottom o f the Mid-Souih Middle School Conference lost week. The fading Wildcats (2-3, 0-3 MSMSC) opened the year wilh a pair of nonconfcrencc wins bul have since failed to fulfill expectations. After getting upset 4-1 by China Grove on Sept. 7, Ihcy took a pair of 13-2 outcomes on the chin from Erwin and West Rowan, seemingly ruining hopes of a regular-scason champion­ ship. "It's jiist, frustrating bccausc in practice (Sept. 13) we hit and hil anil hit o ff Ihe machine." said Lycrly. whose team was oulhit 40-10 last week. "And they were hitting hard, line shots-killing the hall. ’The way they played their first two games. I thought wc were going lo have a good season." A good season is still a possibil- iiy, but il would require a turnaround in many areas. Not only werc the 'Cats outhit 21-4 by Erwin and 19-6 by Wcsl, ihcycommitted fartoo many errors to overcome their slumbering slicks. "(Erwin's) best pitcher wasn'l pitching," Lyerly said. "Thai's why it's so frustrating. I know we're a beticr team than what we'rc showing bccause they show me und (assis­ tant) Dot (Frcldt) in prjcticc that they can do this." Carrie Sain, Hannah Tierney, Dana Vestal and Caitlin Reavis pro­ vided the hits against Erwin, and Sain, Ashley Comalzer. Stephanie WcndcI.Tlemey(lwohit5)and Annie Huftman rcachcd safely against West. "I keep switching people around trying to find the righl chemistry to work.' said Lycrly, who brought a .708winningpcrccntagclntolheyear. "It looks like we don't do anything In practice, but ihey do good in prac­ tice. They can caich and they can hii." North plays at North Rowan on Scpl. 20 and at home against South­ east on Sept. 27. North Davie’s revamped volley­ ball team experienced growing pains early In the year while suffering back- to-back losses, or one more defcol than the Wildcats had all of 1999. Bul they retaliated Inst week. "We got buck on track and played like wc should. It was a good week," Coach Trish King said after North (4-2) rallied past Mooresville 8-15, 16-14, 15-5 and buried High Point Wesleyan 15-1,15-12. "Wc want lo keep this streak go­ ing. Wedon't want lo lose any more." Sharon Woodward doesn't plan on it. The eighth-grade standout led Ihc finest moments of North's season by hammering down the last three poinls of the thrilling 16-14 game- two win that set the stage for a domi­ nating finish. "She probably had the best serves lhat she’s had," King said. "She is one of my best servers, and she came up with some key serves at the right time. "A ll o f a sudden wc got on a roll and kept going." Fellow eighth graders Putrccsa M iller and Kami Simpson comple­ mented Woodward wilh their best play o f Ihc year. "M iller is a newcomer and that was one o f her better matches," King said. "Simpson had a good match. She has come on lately, i've changed her into a setter becausc I like her height at the net, and she's made lhal iransition real well." The momentum carried over as Sammi Frank served thc.final point o f North's shutoul over High Point Wesleyan. "She hud a rcally good game," King said. "(Scoring the clincher) cxcitcd her a whole lot. I was proud of her passing and serving." Although the Wildcats can't af­ ford to overlook anyone, they anx­ iously await the chancc to avenge their two defeats • Sept. 19 at First Assembly and Oct. 9 at Woodland. "Our goal is 10 retaliate and beat the two teams lhat beat us," King said. "We're hoping lo lake back those two and prove that we were the better team and that wcjust got some bad breaks." North hosts Salem Baptist on Sept. 22, then visits Downtown on Sept. 26. Gray, Flowers Spark Feel Good Win Davie Defeated In Cross Country Meet Mount Tubor ran wild in lost week’s cross country meet. . The Spartan men had 28 points lo Reynolds’36 and DavieCouniy's65. and the Spartan women dominated with 16tu47 for Reynolds and 85 for Davie, which was missing lop gun Jancl Darcy. ; "She was sick and went home." Coach Daric Bcilcr said. "And know­ ing Jancl wasn’t goin» to be running made it lough." On top of lhat. Samantha Murillo, w ho finished sccond In the first meet of the year, dmppcd out of the race. "She had some problems with her feet.'’ Belter said. "She’s been trying to take care of that, bul it happened again." Carly Peeler finished 25th to lead Ihc Davie girls. : Jaa'd Hill, who won races against North Iredell and South Rowan, claimcd seventh and Jesus Cabrera took 10th forthe Davie boys. "Mount Tabor is a perennial power," Bcilcr said. "They’re in the top five in the state. They’re rcally good." Davie runs ul West Forsyth on Scpl. 20, then al home againsl Reynolds on Sept. 27. Defense: JV Team Posts Third Shut Out ; Davie County’s JV soccer team is averaging less than a goat a game, but it's still winning lhanks to a fero­ cious defense. : Andrew Scolt achieved his third straight shutout at goalie and Jose Paniagua scorcd two goals as the War Eagles dispatched Salisbury 2-0 ikst week for their third win in a row. ; "I don't worry al all with our de- Meet The W ar Eagles Amon Shirley Sport: football W hat did you want lo be when yuu were lillle and grew up?: an architect I t , .iLco»ldÌK^x(daÌn.sI ^ g u s o n in te rs lo p Eliminator Finals pavic, 1 went lo jump over part of ¡the fencc before a practice. And as j was in mid-jump, my cleats taught the top o f the fence and I fell over il. A thlete I most adm ire: Michael Jordan bccause through all his world-wide fame, he has been able lo stay an upstanding person. . . BiggestathlcttcthrUI: my first .home run in baseball M y favorite thing about any ;ppoH Ut the family and team-, ^vorkalmosphcrc . ' Somctbiog you did ta om of ^our c la ittf th ii year lhat you Ulud: lenjoyclau discus- <iOM lii college survival.— H ^------------ fcnsc," Coach Jeremy Byrd said. "Our defense, as far as a JV defense, is very good. Andrew has been strong- real strong.” So have Cory Wood, Josh Cookson and Charlie Lester. "Cory has just improved tremen­ dously on defense in the last couple weeks," he said. "Josh at stopper has been rcal significant." Paniagua, who beat Forbush 1-0 on Aug. 31, has decided iwo of Davie's thrce nonconfcrencc wins. His first goal was picture-perfect. "The keeper had come out lo kick a ball back out on the field, and he kicked it righl to Jose," Byrd said. "And Jose just rocketed it over his head, upper 90.1 mean il was a beau­ tiful shot. Everyone was jusl shocked. It was awesome." Paniagua added insurance later as Davic moved over the .500 mark despite getting outscored 6-4 for the year. "I moved Jose up to striker from midfield, and I moved Corson Glass back from striker to midfield be^ cause Carson has rcal good ball-han­ dling sldlls in the middle of the field," Byrd said. "So that helps us out a lot." Davie plays at East Forsyth in nonconference on Sept. 20, then opens Central Piedmont Conference play at Reynolds on Sept. 26. Twohuge helpings of JaspcnGray and a bellyful of Brock Flowers left Corrihcr-Lipe feeling queasy in a seventh-grade football game last week. Two long runs by Gray built a 12- 0 halflime lead and Flowers spent the afternoon in the opponent’s backfield as North Davic stomped the Yellow Jackets 26-0 for its firsl shutout vic­ tory since week two of 1997, a span o f 20 games. Coach George Newman, who ob- sorbed a 1-6 season last year and watched his team stumble toO-1 wilh a 20-0 loss to Knox on Aug. 30, cherished the events, particularly from the charged-up defense. "Il was one o f the best games we've had In a couplc years for the 'seventh grade," he said." Youcouldn'i ask for a greater effort as far as the defense. The game was dictated by our defense. That was the best tack- ling we've hud-sound, fundamental and sure tackles." Flowers led a vampircpursuil thal had Corrihcr-Lipc going the wrong way morc times than Newman could count. "Morc than adozcn limes we tack­ led the ball carrier behind the line of scrimmagc, and wc blocked two punts." he said. "Flowers stood out at middle linebacker wilh a lol o f stops behind the line o f scrimmagc." Nor could Corrihcr-Lipc block Kyle Winters, Bubbo Boger, Josh Bamcs and Jeremy Gupton, who also hod their share of body-slam stops in a long-time-coming moment for the 'Cats. "They weren't worried about if they were going to win," Newman said. "They werc worried about how they won. The defense didn’t want to make any mistakes." Flowers' 2-yord run stretched the lead In the third quarter, and Logan Buchanan cappcd the roul wilh a 35- yard scamper as North overcome a substantial roster shortage. Flowers added a iwo-point conversion. "Oh, it was a big plus considering we showed up wilh 15 lo play," New­ man said, '’injuries and eligibility requirements assisted in bring[ng Ihe numbers down. I was rcally kind of worried bccause ihe tcmpcrolure was hovering around 95 degrees, and it's hot down there in that little hole at Corrihcr-Lipe. "But the kids pul that out of their mind and focussed on the task at ■heart." The 'Cats face a much tougher challenge in ihcir next game - Sept. 20 against visiting West Rowan, the Mid-South Conference favorite. They play at Erwin on Sept. 27. Lowe, Harris Get Chance To Shine Defending Quality Oil TOP Elimi­ nator, champion Glenn Faguson Jr. of Grecnsboio pickcd up Ws firel win of 2000 Salurday nlghl ol Farmington Dragwoy. . Ferguson, driving Doug Walker's Chevy powered dragster, defeated Danny Dilldinc of Kemersvillc in the TOP Eliminator finals. The fonner IHRA World Champion Ferguson has been on Ihe national tour Uiis year chasing a second IHRA tide ond hos run a limited schedule at Famiington. He ran a 5.11ET al 135 MPH to stop the Chevy powered dragster of Dilldine. Fonner champion Tommy Plotl of Winston.ialem was the lone semi-finallsl in his Fold. Two lime Sponsman champion Keith Kiger o f Y i^ n v ille aced hU sccond Quality O il Poinls Series win ofdicycarinhisDodgcDait/Kigerran I “ »ior Dragslen divUlon.will be the a6.77Bral99MPHdowntheFarm's \С1«и|с Gear Jammers Ihis Satunlay l/8thmilelncklcdefeatRobatBenge - nlghLOalcsopenal IOiim.Tiiiiclrials Sr.ofMLAIiyinhisCheviDletCanun). • .«art al 1 pjn., and Ilnal.cUmlnaliaiis Team Firm standout boin last yt»t. South Davie softball coach Cindy Durham looked to the future while odvoncing the Tigers' contender hopes for the present. UsingNonhDavic's25-2wlpcout of Knox us on Indicator of what would transpire in Ihe massive mismatch, the coach experimented with sev­ enth groders Ashley Whitlock and Jonno Seamon and utilized rcserves in a 20-8 sleepwalk past Knox last week. "I was pretty confident going into Tirgarae." uurnam saia." I nat s wny I stancd all my subs, and when I Davie Rec Department VolleytMlI Registration Registrationis underway forcoed volleyball. TheMocksvllIe-DavieRecreatlon Department w ill accept leams through Sept. 29. The cost is $25 per team. Gomes w ill be played on Sun­ day aitemoons. Call recalhlelic director Joe Boy­ ette at 751-2325. Softball Tourney Oct. 7, Mocksville There is a one-pilch, unlimited- home nni softball loumameni sched­ uled for Oct. 7 in Mocluvillc. , This is open lo any team, and any ball w ill be allowed. The cost is $110 per team, and first-and second-place trophies w ill be awarded.. Also, a home nin trophy w ill be given out. A ll proceed! go to Ihe lerusalem begin at 6 p.m. F « moie tnfoniuäc» volunteer fire dipinineM . To enter c«U336-993-2982or766-5861. ' ■ .;:.caI1336-2g4^n6. .. / TiniGceiieofLcnior, linishcdasirong diinl in his Fbrd Mustang. Iordan Wike of Wiiiston-Salem picked up his second Stteet Machines Junior Dragster division win over cur­ rent points leader Chase Hedrick of Pfafftown. SixiKn-year-old Jake Woodring from Taylorsville scored his first Pure Stock division win defeating Sherry Hutcherson of Kemersvillc. The 20-race Quality Oil Race Sc­ ries at Uw Fomi w ill finish Salurday nighli Sept. 23, for the $30,000 poinls fund. Dan WhisnanlofCaisarleadsthe TOP Ellmihator standings, while '97 Champion David Smith . Sr, leads . Sponsmandivlsion,andChascHedrick ofPfaffiown holds iheJunior Dragster points lead. Featured along with TOP Eliminator,Spon.sman,PuteSlockand subbed, I subbed for my usual stan- crs and let Ihe subs ploy the whole game." Amonda Lowe was especiallyop- ponunistic In her firsl slon, going 4- for-4 with a home mn to pace an 18- hlt attack. "She hil a hard ball into righl field ond made it home standing up. It wosn'l even a close ploy," Durhom said. "She is one o f tlie subs, bul she is real spunky. She has a lot of poten­ tial. She has been working haid, and when she hits It, she hits it hard. I loved iu" Seamon and M olly Harris, Iwo more reserves getting Ihe sum, olso copllalized wilh three hits each. Seamon tripled, Horrls doubled and tripled and Erin Whilakcr, on evcry- doy player, also had three hits as South Improved to 3-1 overall and 2- 0 in the Mid-South Conference. "I knew we'd probably hit the ball falriy well because they don't usually have a very strong pitcher," said Durham, who also got two hits from Mandi Reid and one from Kimberly Caner, Jennifer Wilson and Whit­ lock. Durham shuffied Ihe battery. Wilh ocepltcherJomicDurhamandcatcher Melissa Tollmon taking Ihe doy off, Whitlock and Seamon gained expc­ riencc lhat should pay o ff down the road. Although W hitlock suffered conlrol problems, she stmck out seven In five innings, and Seamon, husdlngon balls In die din, fiipped to WhiUock for four catcher-to-pilcher putouls at home. "Whitlock did real well for her first slan in school ball," Durham said. "Scomon was actually very scared going into the game, but she did great. We're not sure why Ihey did that (racing home dn passed balls and wild pitches), but Janna kept gelling 10 It and nipping lo Ashley.. "Even though Ashley walked! people, we were getting them out' eventually. When she throws good, she throws rcal good> It's time 10 get serious, however, as South faces a stretch thal w iil detemiine ils expenise level. After meetlngupsianChinaGroveonSept. 18, South tangles Ihc MSC favorites - al Erwin on Sept. 20 and at home against West Rowan on Sept. 25. Bolh powers pounded North Davie 13-2 last week. "The rest o f them are going lo be lough," Durham said. Cooleemee High School ‘50 Football Team To Be Hono^ TtieCoolccmccHighSchooI foot­ ball team of 1950-51 w ill have a gathering lb honor the accomplish-' nwnta of the undefeated 'SO aeason^ V Itic'githeriiig w ijl lake pike. It. n oonalibcK eriutet^vddiiS eii^'r;- 30. This y e tfi thème w ill be .’ O iv - R iv e r ,'w ilh d is ^ w lV « til№ \ Üvitlë>colKliU4 w itlilh B ctiii(ii|» , lo M U iUvcqMfkiM the Bidlhl4« < v ■ .!">■ .v,v' mo - DAVIF. COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 Come Experience the Difference at tlie ALL NEW M E R C U R Y P v ^ Loft lo righl: Terry Hodge (Business Mngr.), Kelly Sales (Sales Consultant). Dennis Wise (Sales Consultonl). Bobby Mellon (Used Car Mngr). Stove Pardales (Gon. Mngr.) Joe Mozlore (Snles Consuitanl^LelghAnn Angel (Solos Consultonl), Dale Ratledge (Sales Consultanl), Mark Williams (Gon. Sales Mngr.) 4 D o o r S U V C l e a r a n c e S a l e ! 2000 EXPLORER Eddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 $29,998 2000 EXPLORER XLT 4Dr. 4x4 $26,732 »4180 S A V E $6,972! All the options, blue, leather, Incredible sound system. Incredible Savingsl V 6 ’s, V 8 ’$, V 10's & 7.3 Diesels Available 2000 MOUNTAINEER 4Dr. AWD $28,433 2000 EXPLORER 4Dr. $20,986 n Financing HUGE as low as >.9% APR REBATES! HUGE »2259 S A V E S4,173! 4.0 SOHC V6, CD, trailer tow package, all power options, Go Anywherel Huge Savingsl 2000 EXCURSION Limited 4x4 $35,898 «2743 S A V E $5,8661 5.0 V8, auto, leather, CD, all tho options. Drive it away. The one you've been looking for! Unbelievable Savings!2000 EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer 4Dr. 4x4 10150 SAVE S3,524! 4.0 V6, CD, trailer low package, power windows i locks. Check il out! Whatabuyl A ll Priccs If W e Don't Have I t ... W e'll Find It For You! W indshield »6043 S A V E $5,667! Limited slip axle, CD, all the options, loads ol room. The King ol SUV’s, Unbelievable savingsl *3273 SAVES6,476! 5.4 V8, limited slip, CD changer, leather. Luxury SUV al ils linesti You won’t Iind a belter deal w/all Ihe opiionsi G r e a t V a l u e s O n P r e - O w n e d V e h i c l e s ★ ‘9 7 T -B IR D U ., «ОТ2259А - Red. 15k mile», clean. n n a n «ni!i_ ★ 2 0 0 0 E X P IM E R XLT 4 x4 . IO T2 5 7 4 A - Black, sun tool, aulomalic, ono owner. ★ ‘9 7 EXPLORIIK SPORT »1 2 a 2 A - While, 45k miles, doan. ★ ‘9 7 P1S0 XLT 4 x 4 rL A U S IP i PICKUP.. VP1302 - Greon, 26.000 miles, one owner, all power, automatic. V6. ★ <98 FISO XL PICKUP.. •Pt2fll - 22,000 miles, automatic, 6 cyfinder, dean. ★ ■ 9IW IN D S T U C L.. «Р1287 - rod, 22.000 miles, rear air, dean. ★ ‘9 8 F I s o XL PICKUP »P127B - Long bed. aulomatic, clean tnjck, white. * ‘96 MUSTANe GT.. .» » I8 ,9 9 S .0 0 ..$ U ,9 1 4 .0 0 » $ IS ,9 9 S .0 0 ..$ I4 ,9 8 » .0 0 ..fl4 ,9 9 S .0 0 ...1 1 3,47 7 .0 0 ★ 2 0 0 0 FOCUS S i 4dr... -»e e o 3 T a A -= w a rs ia ,9 9 8 rAiiio, ★ ‘9 4 F I 5 0 XL PICKUP.................. »OD T5716A - Low miles, clean truck, red. ★ ‘9 9 ISCORT LX 4rfr..............M »O C 5 4 4 3 8 -L o w miles, blue. . ★ ‘9 9 CROWN VICTORIA............... iP1263 -Loaihor. ono owner, all power. ★ '9 * D O D C IS TU TU S ..S I 4 .9 9 8 .0 0 »o t4 3 8 9 B -W a s i9,995. One owner, 4 door, gray. ........................................ ★ ‘99 MIRCURY MOUNTAINEER----------------------------------------------------- »P1242 - Only 13,000 miles, program vehlcte, extra clean, all oower. Ready Io aol * ‘9 8 M AZO A1 2 5 0 0 SE PICKUP.. «0 0 F3 5 21 A - Was SI0,998, One owner, extra s h "i!V (w т!|ё Гдгш "ь"у^ ★ ‘9 9 TOWN CAR SIGNATURE ..$ 1 9 ,9 7 4 .0 0 .....$S ,995.00 ..$ 2 1 ,8 8 0 .0 0 ...M $8,845.00 « 0 С в М 5 С -Was S15,995, All power, low miles, automatic, ve. . ................................. «P I2 4 1 -Й а Г$ 2 в.в0 0 ,Тги ” 1 и х и г^й ^0 пьП 1 пТс"о Тв^^^^ . AU.INC£WTIVESANDREBATESINaUDeDlNAB0VEPRICE8ANDPAYMENTS ..$ 2 4 ,1 7 7 .0 0 I ■■uuuvu. Lcv лло.*> 13 m APR/42 mo., 104 down pk» tu. tog & doc Im, WAC. ':V M E R C U R Y MEW O W N ER SH IP A MANA«5EMEMT "W 0 Want Your Business . . . Let Us Earn Itr Hwy^ eorsouth of 1-40 (YadkjnvllleRcl.). Mocksville,^ < 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 D a v i e S c h o o l s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - СЦ W illiam K. Davie Elementary Scconil grade in Alycc Dogshaw and Tami Longdon’s class cclcbrotcd Oromlparcnls Day on Thursday, Sept. 14. Eoch Sludenl wrote a story oboul a fun time they hove had with a grandparent. Thc doss shared the stories with the grandparents before going lo lunch. Thc students typed a special mcssogc with voices on the computer Гог thc grandparents. Over 20 guests ate lunch with Ihc class. The class was successrul with reaching it’s gool for the PTO Foil Fundraiser. Candice Clark was the third top salesman for the school. Pam Renegar and Brenda Glasscock's second grade class has been reading many books by Frank Asch. Italy was Ihe country the rep* resented in the Olympic ceremony ot PTO. They presented grandparents with cards. After lunch they ployed ‘tJrandparents Dingo". Mrs. Wyait’s sccond grade class has been studying obout Australia, the host country of Ihis year's Olym* pics Games. Students have discov* cred many unique characteristics about thc country and look forvs’ard to charting their medals won during the Olympics. Thursday, Sept. 14 Ihcy had several guests in celcbro* lion of Grandparents' Day. Each stu* dent created о brief biography of a grandparent. Tlic finished publicu* lions were shared and presented to thc grandparents. Judy Л. White was chosen tcachcr of the year. She is о fourth grade teacher. She has taught for 14 years at WRD. Previous years teaching were at Shady Grove. Mrs. White received as associate degree from Mitchell Community Collegte, a bachelor's from Gardner Webb Uni* versity and her AG certification. She is mairicd to Richard Л. While. They have two sons: Ken and Cindy White and granddaughter Alyssa Storm of Raleigh; and Steve and Wendy White of Chapel Hill. She is о member of Ijames Baptist Church. Cary Powers has recently joined WRD. He is a NC I»rincipal Fellow at UNC in Greensboro and w ill graduate in May wilh a masters in school administration. Powers taught social studies at Davie High for nine years and was the 1996*97 Davie County Teacher o f thc Year. He has a degree in social science from ASU and scr\ed in the US Army. Power's wife, Amy, teaches English al RJR High School in Winslon*Salem. They have two children: Emma, о 1 st grader at Pinebrook and Henry, w ho is in preschool. South Davie Middle A new rotation of sixth graders arc studying art. They ore designing Martian landscapes. . In seventh grade, students have been making prints of African ani* mats and answering questions oboul famous printmakers. . Thc eighth graders have been studying the three famous artists from the Italian Rcnalssancr; Raphael, Leonordo, and Michelangelo. The students have been creoting works inspired by these artists' conlributions and read* ing about them. The sixth grode Barracuda team had 0 successful start. Students in -М5Г study o f the geography o f Europe and ancient civilizotions. As the Olympics begin In Austrolio, stu­ dents w ill be studying their origins in onciem Greece. ' In Mr. Brunelli's science doss, students are learning about the solar system and beyond. They w ill visit the Morshead Planetarium in Chapel H ill on Sept. 29. In moth, studenls are working with okoce value and continue to be successful with thc Accelerated Moth program. In communication skills, students have been working on basic gram* tnor skills. In oddition to many stu* dents took part in the first Incentive programs to reword appropriate classroom behavior ond academic performance. The Borracudos first student of Ihc month was Carmen Foniogua. ' . Pinebrook Elementary . ' The PTA held its first meeting • Sept. 12. The budget was presented a i^ approved. The plan to raise funds for a newiglayground and fitness trail 'w w explained. Parents, teachers,. businesses, and community mem­ bers w ill be able lo purchase in­ scribed bricks and paving stones to create a walkway that w ill lead up to new playground. Brick pavers will be ovailable in two si/.es, 4- by 8* Inches and 8- byS-lnchcs, and will be priced at $50 and $100, respec­ tively. Granite pavers will also be available in two sÍ7cs, 12x 12 and 16x 16 and w ill be priccd at $500 ond SI ,000. A ll contributions arc lax de­ ductible. Contact thc school. Second graders in Cindy Stephenson and Vickie Potts' classcs have been corresponding with their pen pals at Cooleemce. Mrs. Stephenson's class has been spending time with thclr reading buddies in Mrs. Idol's fifth grade class. The reading buddies pmgrom is a great way for younger childrcn lo Improve ihelr reading skills with Ihe help o f older students. Classcs “buddy up" to read to cach other once 0 week. Thc students have been observ­ ing 0 buttcrfiy chrysalis In Ihcir class­ room. Thc childrcn have watched and recorded the stages of its devel­ opment since il started as a си1сф!1- lar. They ore anxiously »waiting it.s transformation Into a butlcrfiy. The class held thcirown presiden­ tial election, if the rest of thc coun­ try votes as they did, George W. Bush w ill be the new man in the White House. Thc Olympics have been an ex­ citing subjccl for third graders in Marie Steed's class. They have learned that Ihe games began in an­ cient Greece over 25(H) years ago. Thc lighting of the torch to begin the games is a tradition lhat began then and continues tixlay. The studenls used ‘"Sports Illus­ trated for Kids" lo learn about some o f thc American athletes. They learned about their lives and the meihods they used lo train to get ready for the games. The class's vocabulary bus gmwn through their study o f the games. They have learned new words such as Olympics, discus, javelin, gym­ nasium, chariot, and Zeus. The children are cxclicd aboul watching Ihe games to see how nuny American athletes wilt w in medals. Cindy Orsillo's ihird graders have been studying plants. They have con­ ducted several experiments lo deter­ mine what seeds need to grow. The children were surprised to leam that unlike plants, seeds do not need light in order to gcrminaie. They also ob­ served some plants for two weeks. They compared their growth under different conditions, some had no light and or no water, ond some had all three things necessary for them to nourish, light, water, and soil. ‘ Mrs. Orsillo's class is studying mops, and leoming about cardinal and intermediate directions. Thestudents in Karen Myers third grade hove been leoroing how to ac­ cess thc Internet. The students spent some lime in computer lab with in­ structor Mrs. Bridget Marrs. They obtained inform otion about the Olympics, and learned more obout thc prcstdcmlol election. They chil­ dren olso logged onto a site that let them be president for a day, and do if they were in charge of our coun- try. Karen Myers and Marie Steed's classcs celebrotcd Johnny Appleseed's birlhdoy by baking apple turnovers. Mrs, Orsillo and Mrs. Steed's classes helped the kindcrgortners w ith their distonce run for the President's Physical Fitness tests. Fourth graders in Melissa Lynch. Sarah Hartman, Florence Simmons and Angle WilHoms' classes have been studying rocks and minerals in science. As on extension to their classwork, thc students took a field trip to Hiddcnite Gem Mine In Hid- deniic. Thc classcs were divided Into groups ond attended о voricty of ac­ tivities. At the outdoor classroom stu­ dents enjoyed on Eonh Science les­ son. They learned about volcanoes, mud slides, earthquakes, and plate tectonics, and how they affect the formation of gemstoncs. At the Surface ColleciioD Site thc childrcn were able to collcct stones ; Continued on Page C2 , ■ ' I / William R. Davie Elementary sludenis recite the Olympic Oath prior lo the opening of Ihelr own games last Friday. - Photos by Robin Fergusson C a r r y in g T h e T o r c h W illia m R . D a v ie H o ld s O ly m p i c s Mark Speer carries Ihe Olym­ pic torch inlo Ihe William R. Davie Stadium. W ILLIAM R. DAVIE-Elemen­ tary sclimil siuJcms here lasl week inarchcd around thc track at thc school, proudly waving flags of countries such as the United Slates, Iho Soviet Union and Chino. Tlicy competed in events like the 50-yard dash and discus ihrow. Yes. it was the William R. Davie Olympics, as students ¡niegraled the 2000 Olympics in Australia Into ihcir studies, while having some fun. *Tlicy‘ve studied Ihe Olympics," said Principal Mary Sine. ‘They've made flags through their art teacher. Wc'rc trying to integrate it through all of our les.sons." Students have learned to spell •some new words,'ihe locations of countries, the history of the Olym­ pics. They even had to use some math skills in figuring out thc win­ ners. Dustin Ratledge said that he was looking forward to watching basket­ ball games during thc Olympics. Will he be watching thc events on televi­ sion? "Most of the things I like, espe­ cially baskclball," he said. “ Mostly, my sister watchcs it and I have lo watch il with her." Physical education teacher Ann While coordinated the Olympics. Casey Keaton and Bobby Gassett hold the Olympic flag. Assistant Principal Carey powers watches Paula Romero In Justin Tillery led the opening parade by carrying Ihe sign for the discus Ihrow. Greece. Í .-^с\ J r . William R, payle Elemenlary students compete In the 50-yard dash during an Olympic.ceremony Friday. ' . ■ ’ :• ' ' , ■ ' , ■ : C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 Davie Schools 1 Continued rrom Page C l righl o ff the Earth’s surface. The guide pointed oul areas that were roped off and explained that they were claims that miners had pur­ chased. The children wcrc surprised to leam that miners can legally shoot trespassers on Iheir stakes. At the Sluiceway cach sluJenl re- ccived a buclcet o f "orc" to be washed and cleaned in search of gems. ■ The all-around favorite activity was “ Creekln." Students learned about density, weight and gravity as diey panned for gold. The children were ankle to knee deep or higher in the creek as they searched for gems. After a picnic lunch, the fbunh graders had free time to shop at the Gem &Mineral store oprelum to the creek in search of treasures. They ali relumed to school tired, dirty and clutching bags of precious gems. STARS of die week of Sept. 14 were; Ryan Davis, Chelsea Swyers, Matthew Ballard, Alex Dickens, Holly ■nickcr, Jordan Schultz. Jade Welch, Christine Gulledgc, Kara Harvey, Bret Williams, Bridgette Hooks. Justin Atwood, Elizabeth Hartman, Erinn Lapish, Ryan Budd, Samanlha Swaim, Eric King, Jessica ■ Green, Danielle M artin, Chase Howard, Alyssa Ttiracr and Alexis Murphy. North Davie Middle Rockets The Rocket Team continues Ihcir study of spacc. Language Arts classcs arc completing a wridng unit where eachstudcnt created a new spacecolony and then wrote a descriptive paper describing the appearance of die new planet. Students arc reading short sto­ ries and non-fiction articles dealing with space or flying. In social studies each student is creating a map to show landforms and bodies of waicr on Ihis newly crcated planet. Science classcs ore studying phases o f die moon and planet exploration. This Integrated unit will have final culmination on Ocl. 5 when die classcs celebrate Spacc Day. Space projects are due by Oct. 2. In Prime Time die Rockets have just finished a unit on Gelling lo Know You. Organizational and study skills will be die next. Manysiudents brought in Storehouse food items. On Wcdncsday.Sept 13, die Rock­ ets had dieir first rally. Respect and Responsibility Awards were presented to Bryson Allen, W ill Markland, Aus­ tin Brown. KatieEllis,SabrinaQuillin. and AllysonBccson.Highcst academic averages for the first mondi of school were presented in die following areas; Language Arts, Katie Ellis, Jill Duriiam, and Patrick O'Conner, math, Chad McCann, KaylinStansbcrry,and Lauren Brown; scicncc, Michacl Murphy, Alex Snow, Kevin Boehm, and Dillion Manship; and in social studies, Jessica Burgess, Sabrina Quillin, and Lauren Brown. MockivUle Elementary Students of die WcckofSeptcmbcr 11-15; Seth Burgdofer, Kimberiy Crandall, Marissa Plagcman. Corbin Scott, Angelo Tyus, Hannah Spicer, Chelsic Endicott, Colleen Hcnnelly, Cameron Davis, Blake Wise, Ashley Joyner, Lyndsey Blalock. Kirsten Morgan, Ashley James, Jcvin Scott, Erin Desnoyers, Josh Draughn. Lind­ say Pharr, Ashley Whitcly, Amber Keenan, Thomas Seaford, Morgan Costner, Rose Goodrich, and Sonny — Stanley.- and how diey help in thclr writing, The class has been IcamingaboulThinking Maps and how diey help inreadingand wridng. In madi Ihc class has been reviewing many skills and learning about money and patlcms. Fourth graders in Marsha McKnight'sclassrecenllycomplctcda unit on animals. They learned about two kinds-vertebrate and invcrtebrale - animals. Each student did a research projcct on various animals, using the Intcrael and odicr sources. Polar bears can run up to 33 mph. Rats are more intelligent than many other animals. Bats fiy up lo 23 miles nightly to find dieir food. Scorplonscanllveupto one year wilhoul eating. In P.E, all giadcs have been inuo- duced to and making use of die new track lhal was finished dils summer. Kindeigorlcn students have bccngiven Ihe chance lo jog laps on Ihe track. while first Ihrough fifth grades have slatted Ihcir President's Physical Fit­ ness Challenge tests wlUi Ihe half mile nnd mile run. When In the gym, die kindergarten and first grade students have been practicing dicir ball-rolling skill nnd accuracy. Sccond, Ihlid, fourth, and fifth grades are workingon volleyball skills. Next week most classes will con­ tinue Ihc President’s Challenge tests which include curi ups, pull ups. sit and reach, and Ihc shutdc run. Other classcs w ill begin basic socccr skills. On next Wednesday, Sept. 20, Mocks­ ville Elemenuuy will hostthcGatoradc/ NFL Punt, Pass, and Kick competition at 4;30 p.m. A ll childrcn ages 8 and above are welcome 10 panlcipale as long as diey bring die official permis­ sion slip. Ribbons and certificates w ill be awanled. P.E. classes of die mondi for August were Mrs. Mock's fourth grade and Mrs. Vandiver's kindcrgar- Shady Grove Elementary On Ocl. 28, the PTA will hold a fall' festival, filled widi carnival rides and games, horse-drawn wagon rides, clowns, vcndois selling food and odicr products, prizes, and Ions of food. Booths ore available for vendors. The cost is up to $30 for each spacc. The vcndorkceps all ofthe profit from dieir sales. For information, call 998-3368. Grandparent's Week starts on Mon­ day, Sept. 23. Grandparents and odicr "Important people" arc invited to eat lunch in Ihe cafeteria. Watch your children’s newsletters forthcdayand time. Tuesday, Scpl. 26, die PTA will hostSkatcNightalSkatclandmClcm- raons. A ll students, siblings and par­ ents are cncouraged lo attend. The cost ls$3pcrchildoradult.Thcreareskaus louse dicre If youdon't have your own. Children may not be left unattended. Also on Scpl. 26, die children will have dieir pictures taken at school. Remember lo dress nice and smile. On Tuesday, Sept. 3. students par­ ticipated In die Walk 10 Cure Diabetes during diclr regular PE Ume. They raised $882 for Ihe Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. The lop school donors wereLaurenCaudell. Brandon Rowell, ZancDun'ncr,andShaneWinleis.The class with die most donations was Mrs. Bailcy'sclass,followedcloselybyMrs. Spach's class. On Scpl. 12, diefourth gradeclasses visited die N.C. Zoological Park in Asheboro. Students visited areas that contained North American and Afri­ can an Imals. They observed animals In dieir natural habitats and compared Mrs. SUtmes’second graders began die year widi friendship widi the story "Molly die Brave and Me." This pro­ vided a lot of "get to know you" aciivi- des as well as academic focus on citi­ zenship, story elements, and compare and contrast. Dinosaurs provided a range of high Interest materials as well as ficdon and non-ficdon materials. Life cycles were discussed. The "land down under," Australia, is die topic which has allowed for language com­ parisons and life cycle discussions of primarilydie two mosl popularmarsu- pUls, die kangaroo and dw koala. The books "McBungle Down Under" and "Alexander and dieTerrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" provided some greal expressive reading. Along widi odier su b jc^ die sludenis have alto been busy pracdcing for dieir pa- n ^ra A p co g n u n . ; Cathy Byeily an^ Diane Joyner's ^dMgnükiiháve been studying about o w tite anxuid die world and leg- n d l fin n odier OMnlries. Hwy have bten ccm|»nng and contrasdng ver- liO H ari|ie itoiy of Cinderella. The t e Iw knUDg a tnit nouns out the zoo. Students also had the opportunity to view die geological dif­ ferences between Nordi Amcrica and Africa. The fourth grade classcs watched many of die animals and rec­ ommend a visit 10 die zoo. The first graders in Mrs. Marion's class arc making a garden outside of dieir classroom. Children can be seen doing lot of digging and planting. So far, fall mums, bulbs for spring, and butterfly bushes have been planted. A butterily house and a bird feeder have been added. The children arc even in charge of garden maintenance - planB musl be watered and weeds must be pulled. PEclubs have begun meedngagain. Third grade PE Club w ill meel every fin i and dilrd Tliursday, and Fifdi Grade PEClub will meet every second and fourth Wednesday. The clubs all meet from 3 to 4. Judging by die first meetings, all die sludenis enjoyed die wide variety o f acdvldes planned by M n. Umbager. Hie PE clubs first ‘ №U trip will be a hike al Stone Moun- iainonOct9. CiUzens o f thé week arp: Jay Bowles, Haley McKnlghl, Ashley Dowell, Michacl Rowe, Brittany Andctson,AsWcyPcak,3ohnWcaWcy, Cody Coombs, Angela Arango, W ill Массу, Anna Oohccn, Roby Davis, Dillon Bycrly, Della Cranford, Alex Vogler, Jake Moser, Autumn Jones, Hayley Robertson, Cameron Peebles, W ill Duncan, A!cxMacalonc,Tcncnee Nlcdcrbrunlng, M illie Coombs, Quinton Faulkner, Zack Russell* Myers, Nicholas O’Brien, and Kasey Davis. Central Davie Education Center Central Daviellstudenishavcstud- icd the unit "Things Wc Ride." *Пю childrcn collected plcturcs оГ things wc ride and shared with the class. Cammic Walker, the Prc-K technical assistant, did storytime wilh the chil­ dren on Wednesday аПег lunch. Stu-. dent of tlic Week Is JyQuaris Dalion. JyQuaris is 4 years old and he loves to play in the block/housekeeping areas. This week,Centrallstudcnts talked aboul family mcmbcis and why they are so Importanl. Students arc excitcd obout getting new a playground; It's almost ready. Student of the Week is Ashley Lambeth. Pre-K Student of the Wcekof Sept. 1 M 5is Dakota Church.Thiswcckthe class Is learning colors. They arc also discovcringspccialthingsaboutthem- sclvcs. They have colored eyes, hair, and skin. Sludenis used Ihc apples they picked off the trees at Carrigan Farms fora spccial snack.Thcir favoritcapple is red. Development Day Smdcnt of the Week is Kayla Perros. Students have been talking about owls, squirrels and raccoons. They mode sonn: spccial owls wilh paper piales. Friday was purple day. Students ate риф1с Jcllo and made a spccial purple collage. Grandparents came forasnacklohonor them on Friday. Students made gin­ gerbread men fbr them lo eat. Comatzer Qeroentory The wcbsile isupand running. New information isbcingaddedatllhetime, and Tracy Nelson has volunteered to keep the wcbsile up-lo-dale. If parents have suggestions for Ihc website, con­ tact Netson Ol jcoikanina@aol.com. You moy log onto ihc website at htlp7 /familycducution.comNC/Comatzcr- Elemcnlary. In addition to monthly McDonald’s Nights and weekly Venezia’s Nighis, other fund-raisers orcin progress. Har­ ris Teeter sponsors a program called Together in Education.” Parents should ask the cashicr lo link their VIC cards to Ihc school's account number (4086). Oncc linked, ihc school will get at least two pcrcenl of the Horns Teeter brand purchoses. Another grocery store partnership is Bi-Lo Boosters. Each lime a regis­ tered shopper uses his Bi-Lo BonusCord, a percentage of the total purchase will be donated to Cornatzcr PTA. Parents, grandparents, and neigh­ bors may register forthc school In one of three ways. Call toll-free 1-877* 426-6783. Lolon tothe BI-LO wcbsile at www.BI-LO.com. Or simply give your name, address, phone number, and BonusCard number lo any PTA officcr. The organization number for Comaizer is 6134. The PTA also has school merchan­ dise for sole. Cornatzcr l-shirts ore $ 10; water bottles are $3; and window slickers arc $1. Ilems may be pur­ chased by contacting the school or any one of the following PTA officers: John Miller. Diana Randolph, Ann Mackintosh, Renee Bradshaw. Pam cwcr,“Janei Cyndi Shrewsbury, Anne Allen, or Down Wyait. Anne Allen announced the oppor­ tunity to participate in ihe "Celebrate wilh a Book" program, a way to honor astudent as well os help provide books for the media center. E nvele^ wenl home wilh each child. To participate, just put the child's name on the enve­ lope. and moke any notes relating to gitt (happy biitiuiay, good report card, jusl bccause we love you, etc.), and put money in the envelope. Any amount of money is acceptable, no matter how large or small. A ll monies collected will be combined to pur* chase books for the media center. The books will contain a notation Indicat- inglhenamesofthechildrcnforwhom фе books were purchased. Cougan ofthe Week for Sept. 11- IS: CieraBeam, Brian Bullins, Austin' Carler, Hannah Comatzer, Josh Crowley, Jodie Davis, Erin Deadmon, Luis Diaz,'Erica Etchison, Richard' Gibson, Y ivi Hernandez, Dillon ^ Lambe, Caroline M iller. Sbarmel Paschall, Marc Ben Secotd,' ^ Melia Sheett, Kf^Un.Wemley, Toby' Lee Williams, and Andrew Workman. First graders of Rachcl Joyce and BcltyDlakleyhavcbccnlcomingabout alligators. Tlicy enjoyed the stories, "Lady with the Alligator Purse," "A lli­ gator Baby," and "There’s on Alligator Under My Bed." In moth, the students participated in a survey to find out that pcppcroni is the most preferred pizza. They decided tliul thu ludy in Ihc Moiy should deliver their favorite selection lo help Tiny Tim solve his problem. They also designed bedspread to hide their own pet olHgaiors. These wcrc proudly displayed in Ihe hallway for open house. The highlight of this unit was a swamp party. The childrcn lis­ tened lo Mrs. Joyce tell about her expe­ riences on a rcol alligator hunt In Florida. They also enjoyed the photo­ graphs token on her excursion. On the Inlemet, they werc able to lake a vir­ tual tourofanalllgotorfarm while Ihcy sampled alligator stew and pic. Sccond grade leocher, Mary Lynn BulUns and her class, have been busy studying about oceans and oceon life. They hove learned about sharks, whales, dolphins, and otheranimals of Ihc sea. The students used their vivid imaginations lo write a slory about a lime lhat ihclr toy shark camc alive while Ihcy were playing in the bathtub. On Fridoy, the students enjoyed on ocean ads'cnturc as a culmlnoling nc- liviiy complete wiih goldfish, gummy sharks, and sand(RiceKrisp]cs)scrvcd In sand buckcts wilh shovels. Fifth grade reporters, Taylor Randall and Trey Archcr, provided school news from Angela Illing and Korcn King's classcs. Fifth grade stu­ dents arc studying ecosystcms in sci­ cncc. Tbc classcs rcccntly rmisbcd a unitonclimateand mapskillsinsocial studies. The focus in nuih is improv­ ing multiplication and division skills. Mrs. King's communications class is reading Ihe novel "Kovik Ihe Wolf Dog" and working on an Alaskan project. Mrs. Illing's communications class is reading "In Ihe Year of the Boar and Jackic Robinson." Dales 10 remember Wednesday, Sept. 20, Early Release Day; Friday. Scpl. 22, Cougars of Ihc Month Lun- chcon; Saturday. Scpl. 23, Comatzer Cougars vs. Pinebrook Trojans foot­ ball; Thursday, Sept. 28, Book Fair arrives; Saturday, & pl. 30, Comai/.cr Cougars vs. Coolcenw» Redskins foot­ ball; Saturday. Ocl. 7, Comatzer Cou­ gars vs. Wm. R. Davic Raiders fool­ ball; Monday, O cl 16. McDonalds Night. Cooieemee Elementary The fifth grade siudems of Tammy Essie have brainstormed new words for the "wom-out" word "said." They posted iheir new list of words on о pair of wom-out jeans. The doss is work­ ing on a spccial unit oboul Harry Pot­ ter. They have decorated a buUetin boordouisideofthcirclassroom.madc Venndiagroms, mode upqucsiions for a gome called "Who Wanu To Be A Wizard?", did character essays, and madea picture book for younger read­ ers. As a follow-up to a writing assign­ ment. sludcnls in Lou Suiphin's fifth grade class did a survey. The follow­ ing sludenis were selected as theclass- mate they would like to be U.S. Prcsi- deni in 30 years: Jay Waugh, Chavis Spry, and Erin Williams. , Karen Fleming's fifth grades have started their unit on weather ond cli­ mate. The students ore bringing in articles on weather. Each student is reading a book from the media center on something related to weather and climate and w ill shore what they Icom with the other students. Some of the students are creating weather instru­ ments and wilt be demonstrating Ihem lo the class. The fifth grade students in Susie Wilcox’sclassorccrcatingaclossstory based upon a trip 10 the fair one Satur­ day night. Each student Isconuibuilng their ihoughts and ideas to moke up the story. As they wrile, they are also revlewi ng how to edit thclr work. When the story is completed ihe class wonts tocxhibii whol o4.0papcr looks like so thot they ore preparé for the writing test on Sept. 26. The kindergarten childrcn hod spe­ cial guests for lemonade and cookies on Monday afternoon • their grandpar­ ents. The children did a pcrfontiance of "Oh What A Miraclc" and "Love Grows." They continued lo trad and talk about friends and families. Fourth grade students of Beth Carter, Lori Culler, Jennifer Godbey, EstherHanison.ondBeitinoMillcrare continuing their study of North Caro­ lina using a hands-on mop opproach. Students hove been using longitude and latitude and a grid to locate famil­ iar and unfamiliar placcs. Studenis are also preparing forthc Cooieemee His­ torical AsstKiation Heritage Fcslivol. Thcschool isexcitcdaboul sponsoring afloat. Third grade sludcnls of Donna Henderson, Janet Jones, Joan King, and Brent Wall went to the Zachary House in Cooieemee. Members ofthe Cooieemee Historical Association led groups of students in a lour of the museum, a dciuonstrution of family life.ond the making ofcloihonaloom. Students enjoyed gelling a first-hand look at life in Cooieemee o long time ago. Rcccntly, 49 preschoolers and tbeir parents'^aticndcd “PreschoorSlofy Night" in Ihe William R. Davie media center. This was the fii^t mcciing of the school year, and the prcschot)lcrs will continue to nKct on the firsl Tuesday of each ntonth of the school year al 7 p.m.Thlsspccial night for preschoolers bcginswithmusic ond fingerplaysthat help teoch the childrcn about numbers and the alphabet. Parents arc given a sheet wilh the words, ond they con practicc ihese ot home with ihcir chil­ drcn until tlie next meeting. The next feoture is slorytime. Chil­ drcn often take port in Ihe shoring of ihcsiory with echoesorby acting. Lost week as childrcn heard the story of "The Very HungryCatcrpillor"byEric Carle, Una Dyson allowed the chil­ dren to take lums helping constnict the story by sticking items mentioned in the story onto her apron. Following Slorytime. childrcn and their parents move lo tables and either mokeacraft lhat goes with the story,or they play a gome. Games reinforce concepts such as colors, shapes, count­ ing, or alphabet knuwtedge. Prcschool Story Night began lost year when ihe Utle I teacher, Melissa Brown, thought il would be helpful lo the community lo provide on outrcach to futurc William R. Davie students that would acquaint children and par- cnls wilh the school and lessen poten­ tial onxiclics. "I want the childrcn to hove posi­ tive experiences in a school selling so they will becomc excitcd and confi­ dent about starting kindergarten," Brown sold. "Wc hope lo provide our children with good literature experi­ ences ond age appropriate activities to help them prepare for school. Wc want our community lo know that wc core obout their children before they begin kindergortcn, and w-e wonl lo help them gel on early start on osuccessful school career." If >t)U live in the William R. Davie school district and are inicrcsted in enrollingyourcliilda*nintl)ePicscl)ool Slory Night Program, call the school al 492-5421. Be ready logivcyourchild's name, address, and binhdule. This in- formalion will be used lo send your child 0 ptKtcard cach month of cach mcciing; NOTICE OF PROPOSED PURCHASE OF BANK BRANCH ASSETS AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES Notice is hereby given that the Bank of Davie, Mocksville, North Carolina has made application to Ihc Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for its written consent lo acquire the a.s.scts o f and assume Ihe liability to pay deposits of the Carthage, North Carolina office of First Bancorp, Troy, North Carolina. Any person wishing lo comment on this-application may file his or her comments in writing, wilh the Regional Director (DO S) o f the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its Regional Office locatcd at Suite 1800, One Atlantic Center, 1201 West Peachtree Strcci, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3415, no later than 30 days after the first publication of Ihc notice. The nonconfidential portion of Ihe application is on file in Ihe Regional Office and is available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of information in Ihe non confidential ponion of the application file w ill be made available upon request. G R A S D О Р Е Ш й ^Saturday, Sept 23,1-4 pm M u s ic Lessons In stru m e n t Sales F rtt l-ihlit and In io ii with ln>tnii rchaw. Guitar Rap lo anawar your quttUona and ahow you what lo lock lor In ■ quality guitar. Join ua at our n«w loeatlonl CouNTeR POINT Guitar Shop & Studio 8 2 C o u rt S quare, M o ck s v irie , N C O ff M a in S tre e t, 1 B lo c k P ast T h e C o u rth o u se ’ (336)751-9990 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 - C3 HARD TO FIND TRUCK ACCESSORIES ON SALE NOW! Ш ^AUTOMOTIVE & ACCESSORIES Eight new Scouts received Ihelr Boy Scout ranks at the Court of Honor. S c o u t T r o o p H o ld s C o u r t O f H o n o r Boy Scout Troop 732. sponsored by the Methodist Men of Bethlehem United Methodist Church, held a Court of Honor rcccnlly. Scouts rcccivcd awards and pro- ' motions earned during the summer. A pot luck supper provided by ihe Scouts* families prcccdcd ihe recog­ nition ceremony. Promoted werc Danny Sliling lo Life Scout (one before Eagle), and Kevin Robinson and W illiam Hockoday lo Star Scout. W illiam • Hockaday and Andy Ellis were ap­ pointed lo serve Cub Seoul Pack 732 as Den Chiefs. The eight new Scouts ' whocame throughCubScoutingpro- ' gram received iheir Boy Scout rank, and 11 Scouts received 31 Merit Badges eanied during ihe summer and so far Ihis fall. The eight new Scouts receiving their Boy Seoul rank were Michael Beamon, Adam C lpcr,. Ross Davidson. Jordan Fariss. Dustin Frye. Jesse Gibson, Benncll Shipman, and , MaiihewWebb. Merit Badges earned were: Com- : municotions by Andrew Beeson. William Hockaday. Josh Linen, Jon ; Moser, Kevin Robinson, Jusiin i 'Shaver, and Danny Stiling. CitizenshipinlheCommunilywas earned by Andrew Beeson, William Hockaday. Jon Moser. Justin Shaver. : and Louis Gibson. , . . . . ; Kevin Robinson and Josh Walker : earned the Small Boat Sailing merit ! badge, and Andrew Beeson. Jon I Moser, and Andy Ellis earned Ar- ! chery. Andy Ellis was Ihc high scor- * ingarchcroflhewcckalCampRavcn 3792 S. Main St., W inston-Salem. NC 27127 336.788-2804 Hours: 7:30 am -5:30 pm; Closed Saturday & Sunday v a t # CUSTOM FIT BED MATSieooDoos(Rits Д a!,«!« fj' IvWI С I >HV>^ ULTIMA ALUMINUM TOOL BOXES 199” BARS KDOoosimcs SmolrNCXl' AKAitlMrmirnxHt'dSUVi STAINICSS STEEL/bOOOSUKS STARTINC AT SADDLE BUNKET SEAT COVERS U l» SdlCi ' Омл Sff bfncti O.V&}SCKICS RnHhVit i m 3 4 4 ^ 5 3 4 ‘’.5 Scouts enjoyed a pot luck supper at the ceremony. Knob. Andrew Beeson earned his Envl- ronmenlal Scicncc merit badge, and both he and Jon Moser complcled the Lcatherwork badge. Eamingboihlhc Emergency Preparedness and Wood . Carving merit badges wcrc Jonathan Chaplin. William Hockaday.andJus- tin’Shaver. W illiam Hockaday and Kevin Robinsoncamcdthe Wilderness Sur­ vival badge, Jon Moser corned In­ dian Lore ond Kevin Robinson com- plcied his Life Saving merit badge. Among the adults of ihe trixip, Robert Ellis, who has ser> cd ihe troop as its Troop Committee Chairperson, received a plaque honoring him for • h»s ycarsof service as he steps down. .He.will continue lo assist In several areas. James Beeson w ill takiS ovW the Troop Commilicc Chair. Hugh Lee serves as Scoutmaster. Assisi^i Scoutmasters are Ricky Hockaday and Holli Nelson. \ S O U T H E R N H O U S I N G â M E m c  M Р Ш 3BedrMni.2BittiPrtnielot Brick. lanevinlS. $4.000 Down = TURNKEY t m йашвшГёШпЁйм! 336-744-9249 S e p t e m b e r С 1 a s s e s & E v e n t s Community Programs Support Groups Diabetes Screening — Si5 icc An individual consultation with a certified diabetes cducator. l*ait»cipanis will nxeive a iinyciMick blood glucose test and be assessed on thclr risks for dcM'loping diabetes. This screening is by appointment only. Screenings arc held at; Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. C^all (704) 638-1437 for an appointment or for nrxxe infofmation. Strolce Screening Participants can detcmiine their risk of having a stroke through blood pressure and carotid artciy disease testing. Local medical professionals will be on hand to discuss your results. Stroke sca'ening will be held: Saturday. September 30 • 8 a.m. • Noon, Aggrey Cafeteria on the campus of Livingstone College, 701 W. Monroe St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1108 to register or for more information.__________ liivMtoryKi4u¿tloii¿alil % OIF SELECTED ITE M S Sil«StwtiTlHnúr4-20 ш э з а ш ш КН А И 8 Ш Ш О Н æ Slight Imperfections Compare At $35-$45 46^ L ô V P S S il v e r t a b s ^ T ^ Í CARGOS. CARPENTERS ETC starting at ^ o m e ^ s j e a n s ________________ Many Branda to ChooM From ^ S io l (B u tJ t Coot Я>иш G R E A T B U Y C lo th in g С о ж р а и у I H r .t n d N iim t*. C fo tb m y I Mon - Fri 10 am to 6 pm • Sahjrdoy 10 ОГЛ to ó pm tnitAiriMNiMfMir 1инй>й ■ ноааяш (па1В|1г(М М «(иг1Ц 1мг1ци)м>«1ш ШМ-72П ' 1т ш ЬШ ЬпЛЩ ш т M k M ltiiv iM ,. М-Ш-mr : NIUMTM «П|1В|1Т»111>Ц1И1 ттш»,шшшт>т-та^т 1АШМ |1и>НМ |1»П>Ш«0111М тшитШ м' ГОШГ-Шб ш ш и ' Educational Programs Cancer Support Group September 28 • 4 p.m., Carillon Assisted Living, 1915 NiooaNviile Rd.. Salisbury'________________________________ Ostomy Support GnMjp This gnaup meets the first Wednesday of the month during March, June, September and Dcccmbcr 7 p.m.. Women’s Health Small Oassroom, 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Medical Center____________ Women’s Health Programs All classcs meet in the Women's Health Center, 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Nkdical Center lannzs and Baby Basics — $75 class fee for Rowan Regional deliveries. Classcs meel once a week for six weeks, Lamaze classcs will be offered on the following dates; September 25 • October 30 • 6 - 8:30 p.m.____________________ Con Small group classcs and individual instruction are offered on a weekly basis for people who have not yet mastered the skills and concepts for ihc contTol of their diabclcs. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classc*s are held ai the Salisbury City Park Recreation Center, 316 Lake Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classes will be offered on the following dales, and you musl attend all three sesstons: Mobile Medical Units Rowan Regional’s mobile medical units will be at the following locations in September: Calnrfia Colege Footbal Games September 23____________________________________________ -September 26, 27.28 -» - b ^ -September 26- A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers wilh gestational diabetes that includes basic ^cts, meal plan­ ning and home blood glucose monitoring. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans.' Gestatk>nal diabetes classes will be offered on the following dates: (Attend the date of your choice) September 21,28 • 9* 11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Moonlight Mammography Do you find it difficult to schedule a mammography exam during regular business hours? Now you can get your annual mammography exam as late as 7 p.m. Thursday evenings at Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Call (704) 638-1838 today for an appointment. ____________ South Rowan Mcdical Mall, 308 E. Centervicw St., China Crqyc^.r/ Call (704) 855.2400 to schedule an appointment Saturday Crinic At South Rowan Medical Mall A Saturday Clinic is open at South Rowan Mcdical Mall in China Grove for adults and childrcn who need treatment after nonnal physician hours. No apjxiintmcm necessary. Clinic hours are 9 a.m. -1 p.m.The clinic does not provide routine physicals and procedures. Fof more intomalion. call the medical mall at 1704) I (704) 638-1040 (>12 M o c k s v illc A v (? n iM \ S .ih s liu r y N o r th C n r o lin a 2 8 1 4 *4 W W W . r o w . J H O K J S] C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 D a v ie P e o p le F r y e - L e a c h C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t G r a y ly n ; - : Л'>.> Couple Married Sept 15 At Yadkin Friends Fellowship RunJy and Beth Morris of Yadkinvillc artnouncc the marriage of their daughter, Natalie to W llic Elmore of Mocksvillc, the son of Clarcncc and the late Peggy Elmorc. The wedding tix)k placc at Yadkin Friends Fellow­ ship in Yadkinvillc Friday, Sept. 15 al 5 p.m. SINOPOLI Tony, Holly, and Nick Sinopoli announce thcbirthofthcirsecondchild and Nick’s little sister. Victoria Eliza­ beth Sinopoli. at Forsyth Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 12.2000, weighing 6 lbs. II oz., I9inchcs. Malcmal grandparcnts arc Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Andrews Jr. of Mocks­ ville. Palcmal grandparents arc Mr. and Mis. Tom Dahlcn of Ararat. G uthryAnd Younts W edding Oct. 28 Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Cutlery in of Fort MycTS, Fla., announce the en- gagcmcntoflhcirdaughtcr.JulicAnnc Gultery to Richard Neil Younts, ihc sonof Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Younis of Advancc. The bride-clccl is a graduate of Fl. Myers High School and Western Caro­ lina University. She is employed in sales. The groom-lo-be is a graduate of Davie High School and Western Caro­ lina University. He is employed by JelTerson Pilot Finonci^ as a financial • advisor. ■ . • The wqJding is planned for Oct. 28, MMlVesbyterianChuichinHickory. Heather Dawn Frye and Mark Andrew Lcach of Winslon-Salcm werc united in marriage at 6 p.m. Sept. 2 in Ihc W hile Garden al Graylyn. The Rev. Edward Ridder ofnciatcd. The bride is the daughter of Wayne and Daphne Frye of Advancc. She is a graduate of Davie High Schiwl and the Universily o f North Carolina al Wilmington, where she was prcsident of Ihe Psi Chi honor socicty She is employed by the Wake Forest Universily Babcock Graduate School. Tlic groom is the son of David M. LeacI} and Carolyn R. Lcaph of Sherman, N.Y. He is a graduale of Panama Ccniral High School, Uinghamton University and the Wake Forcsl University School of Uiw. He is un attorney with the Law Firm. The bride chosc Jennifer McClure, u friend ofFranklin, os her maid of honor, nnd Linda Shafer, a friend of Wilmington, as her matron of honor. Bridesmaids werc: Sharon Lindslom, sislcr o f the groont of Colorado; Loric Frye, sister-in-law of the bride of Mocksvillc. Catherine Nichols, friend of the bride of Ad­ vancc, was junior bridesmaid. The groom’s father was best man. Ushers were: John Maloney o f Washington. D.C., Adam Meyer of Chicago, Ken Tisdale o f Winston- Salcm. and Mark Gustafson of Char­ lotte. Program attendants werc William and Kelec Amisworthy, and Mary Tolar attended ihe guest rcgisier. Flower girl was Darbc Tolar, cousin of the bride of Advance. Ring • bcarcr was Brandon Annsworihy. cousin of the bride from Advancc. and page boy was Gray Nichols, friend o f the bride from Advancc. A rcceplion was held in the Graylyn Manor House, hosted by the bride's parents. Grcc'.crs werc Rob­ ert and Jillin Nichols. Sound Exprcss provided music for the night of cel­ ebration. The couple went on a wedding trip 10 Newport, R.!., Cape Cod and Nanluckcl. They will be al home at 3991-B Valley Court, Winston-Sa­ lcm. Social Events • A shower was given at Comat/er July 30 by the bridc-clecl’s grand­ mother, Annie Ruth Frye, and aunls Cinda Smith and Linda Bailey. • On Aug. 9, employees of Wake Forest Babcock Graduate school gove a rccipe shower. • A miscellaneous shower was given by Ihe bride elcci's sister-in- law, Loric Frye, and aunls. Kcllec Armswonhy and Mary Tolar at the home o f W illiam and Kellcc Armswonhy In Advance, • The couplc was given a shower al Smith Grove by grandparcnts. Bill and Peggy Annsworihy on Aug. 20. The groom’s family camc from New York lo meet the bride’s family. • The bridesmaids gave a bachelorcltc party at Like Nomian on Aug. 26. Saragonl’s Italian Res­ taurant was Ihc beginning with din­ ner, then 10 Charlotte for dancing bcforc spending Ihe night on a house­ boat on the lake. • The groomsmen and friends ircated the gn>om lo a bachelor’s pany trip lo Las Vegas. • A rehearsal dinner and w edding eve dance was hosted by the griHMiiV parcnts, Michael and Carol Lcach. at Mrs. Mark Andrew Leach Bridget Field I louse in Winston-Sa- 1cm on Sept. I. catered hy Mike and Francis Brenner. • Julia Nichols und Jeanette Cor- nat/er hosted a bridal brunch Sept. 2 at the hi'imc ofR oberf and JulTa Nichols. Bruch began w iih was dessert. MaMosa’s leading lo crunchy pccan chickcn. mixed green salad MÌlh vinagrclte dre.vsing and lemon ricc. along with swccl pinato nut mufTms and Salem College iccd tea. Key lime cheosccaVc and frcsh blueberry cake Tib And Bob Hoots Celebrate 50th Anniversaiy Elizabeth ‘T ib" and Bob Hoots of Advancc celcbnUcd their 50th wed­ ding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 10, with a reception from 2-4 p.m. al their home. The couple’s children and their spouses arc Bobby M. Hoots Jr. and Bevcriy. James Bradley and Bctiy Hoots, Bryan R. and Melissa Hoots. The couplc have four grandchildrcn and a great-grandchild. Mr. Hoots retired from Piedmont Airlines in Win.ston-Salcm. Mrs. Hools retired from Sarah Covcniry Jewelry in Newark, N.J. The couplc were married Sept. 1,1950 in the bride’s home. N ew Arrivals : % STROUD SteveandChrislyStroudofMocks- villc announce the birth of their first child. Paul Holden Stroud, on Scpl. 10, 2000. He was bom al 11:10 a.m. and weighed 6 pounds 10 ounccs. Patcmal grandparcnts arc Bob and Ann Siroud of Mocksvillc. Maternal grandparents are Charles and Eleanor Eaton of Mocksvillc. Patemol great-grandmother is Ailccn Stroud of Mocksvillc. Malcmal greal-grandparcnts are Helen EatojiofMocksvillcandConrad and Margie George of Westfield. Country Ham Breakfast At Sheffield-Calahain A country ham breakfast will be held at the Shcfficld-Calahaln Com­ munity Center from 6-10 a.m. Satur-; day. . Donations will be accepted for the breakfast, with proceeds going tq make improvements to the commu- nitycenler. ^ . ‘ { 4 O p e n i n g o r p u r C l e m m o n s o f f i ^ c e . In lodny's vohtiltf market, invcstii^’ and mniviging your money can be complcx and confusing. But now, Clemmons investors a n take adv.intacc of PaincWcDbcr'» online ciirabilities combined with the pcrsona(i:cd advicc of our Firuncial Auvisors. Our full line of scn'iccs includw. govcmmcni securities, corporate and municipal bonds, certificates of deposit, retirement planning, taX'deicnM annuities, mutual funds, stocU, and financial planning. Come visit our ofiice at 2255*A Lcwisviile*Clemmons Ro.'id. With more lhan 120 years of expcricncc, wc have $cr%'iccs >*00 could benefit from. And Financial Advisors you should meet. PaineWebber 2255-A Lewisville-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 (comer of Pcoce/ujven Rooi & Leuisiilie-CIemmoni Rooii) (336) 778-3000 (800) 884-3758 L Gray W ilson, Vice PTeiufent-Inivinfnenti Port/olio Mmwger, Port/olio Management Program Michael Zim m cnnan, Accoimt Vice President Certi/ieii F/minciai P/anner T h a n k y o u P a in e V if e b b e r . wu’w.paincwcbbcr.com ' iiTwW(hl<tirtuinrJ wniu miiVio/1...U r4>n(Vl’i№n IncMptMtJ. Xlrntrt Sire September Bargain of the Month Т л и Щ / а И и г . Help Is Just Around The Comer. SI-rc.l«U/MIWeMSH'Mb a axii UKftTcn c< lockm ird t tv Л Uf- S-OmwlUiHC«1C4«ir«k««*ir roC*V i»*rrcw/i ««wilo «муol ocrr«rts Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies 1 6 2 S h e e k S tr e e t • 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 Open Daily Weekdays 7:30 S;00 ; Sal. 7:30 • 12 noon AUTH0K12I 0 , 0 I N T *FREE long distance calling to Ihe US from coverage area •Package minutes apply in NC, SC, TN, VA. MD, GA, AL, FL, MS & Washington. DC New Regional Freedom Plans ♦ S ta r tin g a s lo w a s ■ $ 2 9 .9 5 /m o n th M ocksviU ^N C 27028 3 3 0 - ^ 7 5 •Nn Im Ы мпка »«) 12 mor« oonmlmtr« Md cndt «vrovd i*9*»d к(м* оШМ Ы №• pKùgi агм. Acmi оомпд* <МУ »«Y А» to I ' С «М г и М М ippV Sm и п bf M * . Mon-Fri. 8 am-S pm Sat. 9am-lpm iof4 bdwi. iw * and ind oft« Im iwy DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - CS Mrs. Michael Wayne Bailey N a y l o r - B a i le y C o u p le M a r r ie d A t T u r r e n t ln e Amanda “ Mandy" Marie Naylor and Michael Wuync Hailey werc united in marriage al 3 p.m. Satur­ day, Sept. 16 at Tunentine Baptist church. Tl)c Rev. Marvin Blackburn tifficiatcd. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Naylor of Mocksvillc. She is a 1995 graduate of Davic High School and earned a degree in den­ tal hygiene from Guilford Technical Community College. She is a regis­ tered dental hygicnisi with Jerry Hauser, DDS, of Advancc. The grix)ni is the son of Charles and Judy Bailey of Advancc. He is a graduate of Davic High School and the owner of Bailey’s Barber Shop of Lexington. The bride wore u white satin floor-lcnglh dress with u square nccklinc. The dress was covcrcd in beads with shon puffy sleeves. A long satin train connecting with three roses and beads aligning it. The headpiecc was waist-lcngth with a band of beads across her head. The bride chosc Kerri Creel as her matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Christy Naylor. Mandy Polk, and Sherri McKnight. The groom chosc his faiher as best man. Ushers werc Matthew E a s t D a v i e H o m e m a k e r s ‘G e t T h e S c o o p ’ East Davie Extension and Com­ munity Association Club mcl Sept. 12 al Fannington Baptist Church. President Jo Chcck welcomed everyone. The pledge to the flag was repeated. Devotions were by Shelby Gregory. She rcad a short story about Helen Keller and then read the lyr­ ics of the song “ His Eye Is On The Sparrow.” A report was given on the sick rclativcs of several members, includ­ ing Bob Rose, husband o f member Mary Lou Rose. “ Gelling Ihe Scoop on Sweeten­ ers” was Ihe subject of the program wilh handouts from Gregory and Bonnie Hclsabcck. Cheek reported on the Camp Caraway workshop. Davic County turned In 100 shoeboxes for Sumari- tans Purse. She gave oul leaflets with the new logo and information about the NCECA, Inc. There will be u fall educational workshop Ocl. 10, at Ourkhead Methodist in Winston-Salcm. Members club dues are $7.50 each, due in October. Quilt tickets are on sale from any club member for a $ 1 donation. Tlie quilt “ Hearts and Stars" w ill be on display al the crafl sale, Nov. 3. Tlck- cls can be bought until Dcc. I. “ Happy Birthday” was sung lo Ruby M cKnighi, a covered dish lunch was given in her honor with a birthday cake and ice-cream. Betty Sprinkle asked the blessing. After lunch, the club had a work­ shop lo make snowmen and orna­ ments for Ihc Christmas tree al the Crafl Fair Nov. 3, at the Couniy Of­ fice Building. C o o le e m e e S e n io r s h e a r A m u s in g A n e c d o t e s Naylor, Tim McKnight and Jamie Robinsim. Flower girl was Brianna Gaither, and Jake Seaford was ring l>earcr. Briltani Gaither was miniature bride and Rhetl Hellard was miniature griH)tn. The guesl register was attended hy Glenda Call of Salisbury. Pro­ grams and candles were given out hy Apiffany Gaither and Haley Cartner. After a reception al ihe fellowship hall, the couple went on a wedding trip lo Cancún, Mcxico. Tliey w iil be at home in Heritage Oaks of McK'ks- villc. Social Kvents • A rehearsal dinner was hosted by parents of the gnx)m in Ihc church fellowship hall. • A lingerie shower was hosted on Aug. 12 by Kcni Creel, wilh live entertainment. • A bridal shower on Aug. 20 was hosted by JoAnn Barney. Glenda C all. Peggy Gaither and Jane Sammons. •A bridal shower on Aug. 27 was hosted by Judy Bailey and Sherry McKnight ul Fork Baptist church. • A bridal luncheon on Aug. 30 w as given hyco-workcr^and M r^nd Mrs. Jerry Hauser. , Tlic Coolecntcc Senior Citi/ens met Monday, Sept. 11 in Ihc fellow­ ship hall of the First Baptist Church. Tlic meeting was called lo order by Rcba Holt, president. She asked Noah Plott lo lead theclub in prayer. I lannah Jones led the club in sing­ ing the hymn: “On Jordan's Stonny Banks." Alicc Barron played Ihe pi­ ano. The devotions were given by Pauline Hall, chaplain. She read Psalm «lô: I and spoke of the trouble and strife Ihat Israel and been hav­ ing. Tlieir problems were overcome because of this one verse, “God is our rcfugc and strcngth...” She said that God is there for us, Ihal Gixl is present. Sometimes when we pray and ask God lo help, wc expect him lo answer righl away. God answers when the liming is right, but often we fail to thank God when our prayers arc answered. Mabel Couch concluded the de­ votion with prayer. The roll was called by Frances Miller. There were 30 members and 2 visitors prcsenl. Nancy Foster, secretary, rcad the minutes o f the last meeting. The Ihought for the day: “ You can't con­ trol Ihc length of your life, but you can control the width and the depth.” The sunshine and treasury reports were given by Jones and Bcltic Smith. The aclivillcs lo be held at the ScniorCenterwcrc given by Barbara Thomlon. She said thai the Lunch and Learn w ill be held al diffcrcnt locations. The next one will be on Oct. 3. Those interested In attending will iravcl by van. Call the centcr for infomiation. Nancy Foster reported on the yard, raffle und bake sale held al the Ridenhour Arbor. Winners o f Ihe raffle were: Delores Deese, labic; David Jordan, ham: and Diane Snipes, shampoo. Johnny Dale Head and Judy Webb sold raffle tickets. Their work make the rafOc a success. The program was arranged by Margurcl Royster. Bessie Scchresl lold several amusing anecdotes. Mabel Couch rcad a story she had gotten off the Intcrncl. It was aboul a family who had lost a loved one. As Ihey werc getting Ihc clothing to­ gether for her burial, Ihey came across a beautiful silk slip with the price lag still on it. She had never worn il because she was walling for a ‘special occasion.’ Now she was being buried in il. Tlic moral of this slory is thai every day is spccial. Don’t pul things back for use later. Think of everyday as a gift from God. Couch, Hall and Sechrcsi sang: “ Living for Jesus,” “Precious Memo­ ries,” and several other hymns. Peggy Carter played Ihc piano. The club sang“ Hoppy Birthday” 10 Royster. James “ D oll” Foster gave the closing prayer, following the singing oflhe club song: “The Morc Wc Get Together.” The next meeting w ill be held on Monday. Sept. 25 ot 10, at the Firsl Baptist Church. Oktoberfest Downtown Winston Tlie Triad Gcnnan Club w ill host ils Oktubcrfesi at Ihc Millennium Center in downtow n Winslon-Salcm beginning al 6 p.m. Saturday, Scpl. 30. Admission w ill be $8 per person. with The Little German Band provid­ ing music. There w ill be German style food and beverages. For morc infomiation, call Bar­ bara Clapham in Advance at 998- 7418. Cornatzer News By Dottle Pott!< Ct>mat/er Corresponilent Brady Bamcy rctumed htniw from Forsyth Hospilal Monday. Lena Wall wa> admitted to ForNyth 1 lospital lasl Sunday for observation and trcatmcnl. Jill l\)tls visited her grandmoihcr in Forsyih Hospilal last week. Vanassa Carter visited Clara Mae Foster in Forsyth Hospital. She has a broken hip. Legends Salon & Day Spa !p tem b (»pecia B o J y W r a p s , H e lp w i t l i C e l l u l i t e , D e t o x i f i c a t i o n I n c k L o s s - * 6 9 ’ ® C a ll F o r a n A p p o in tm e n t 761-6122 G ospel Singing Sept. 24 A t Turrentlne There will be a s»spcl singins al Turrcnlmc Uoplisl Church on Sunday night, Sept. 24. at 6 p.m. Featurcd w ill be The Craft Brothers Quartet from I.ewisville. There is no admission, but a love offering will be received for Ihc group. Everyone is invited. Se^s-Leonard Engagement Announced Mr. anil Mrs. Harold 0. Seals of Mocksville announce Ihc engagement o f their daughter, Maria Ann Seals to W illiam Dale Leonard, Ihe son of Gary Leonard o f Mocksville. The bridc^:lect Is a 2000 graduale of Davidson àounty Communily Col­ lege and earned a degree in computers. She is employed at Kristi's Ice Crcam and Coffee Shop. ’’ .'.H ie grdom-to-be is a 2000 graduate o f Davie High School. , Imagine if everyone put the things you need all together the w ay Sprint does. Sprint Solutions^ Get your local phone service, our best calling features — including Call Waiting and . ‘ '■ . ■ Calte.lD— and 100 minutes of anytime long distance. All tor one flat •. ' - . Jusl S33.95 a monlh. , ,, ' ' , C all 1-877-ONE SO LUTIO N (663-7658|or go to eprint.com/tocai:i58|or go to eprint.com/local. ' Ж " ft ,,j ¿ SeewMwepullogelhet^you. ConrlohlC S»iini m Urighu ritnvti Noimtibit In *1 KUt, 1асЫп 1оАв «ittrKt orty. СкЫм inendad vu (ili.3 pUn«. ippl«. . C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept, 21,2000 В V i S F I N ( I S S Hair Stylist Buffy Strong Joins Talented Staff at Visual Changes Visual Changes, a Clemmons beauty salon which celebrated Iheir grand opening Decem­ ber 18,1999, has added another talented new hair stylist. BuIfy Strong left a career in sales to earn her license at the Cosmetology Institute ot Win- ston-Salem three years ago. She says that it Is the best thing she has ever done. "I have always really wanted to do this," said Strong, “The thing I like most about this profes­ sion is making my customers happy and pleased." Since earning her license. Strong has done extensive training sessions with Vidal Sasoon, Rusk, and Chadwick's at shows In Florida and Charlotte. She specializes In the latest cuts, highlighting and color treatments. “The Meg Ryan look is still In style, along wilh the Iringy, wispy cut that Jennifer Aniston has,” said Strong. She also said that discon­ nected bangs are the latest trend. Strong notes that longer, wavier hair is the style this fall. Visual Changes features the lat­ est designer pennanents, with new chemical solutions that give softer, healthier curl to hair. The newest perms also are applied with a dil- ferent style of wrap. Strong’s experience and training enable her lo offer her customers beau­ tiful perms resulting in hair lhal Is easy to style at home. Strong also has experience highlighting and coloring hair. She says lhal red and blonde are popular colors and that multicoloring is the trend. "Two to three shades give the hair a natural appearance," said Stong, adding that all colors cover gray hair. "We don't ever have to be just one color." Strong and the other stylists at Visual Changes careluily con­ sider a client's hair texture, complexion and facial shapes In reo- ommending various cuts and coloring. They carefully work with a client to create tha look which he or she is seeking. Robin Sidden Is one ol Buffy Strong's satisfied customers. •I love my color," Sidden said ol the Gold YleWs 7K Auburn Red that Strong put on her hair. “I have had lots ol compliments, and it goes with my complexion." She highly recommends Buffy as a styl- ist. Owner Kristina Eddinger Is also pleased lo have Strong as a new stylist at Visual Changes. “She Is very good wilh clients and up on all tho latest trends," said Eddinger. Currently Visual Changes Is offering a special for all ol Strong's clients: SI 0 OFF ALL HIGHLIGHTS AND CUTS II customers men­ tion this ad. Visual Changes also has Rusk conditioners and sham­ poos on sale: RUSK LITRES ARE TWO FOR $20. Come Into the shop tor more excellent values on name brand hair sprays and lexturizing balms, which add volume lor Ihe latest styles. C r o w d e r M ^ C h e s n e y c^ssociates m Y o u r H o m c lo w n R e a lto r 2 2 6 5 -C L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d . • C le m m o n s 766-0515 IMPOESSION^ Penooalize Towels, Fashions & Morel Team Logos • Business Shins anil Uniforms WcCanyNC-Maiic Afghans *"NojobtoobigortoosmMU" QUICK DEUVERY V CALL JANE *712-0943 Ш ю сЕ зт опЕ T i r e s t o n e ---------------------------» H A N O C K —Dunlop Tires Lee Tires G E O R G E * S Michelin Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lewlsvllla-Clammons Road, Clemmons 7 6 6 - 7 8 6 2 S e l f - ^ t o r a s e iT9aP966r / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes SxS up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Second Chance Consignment 223St»nilreilld<«ilvi]n(e* 9№3I32 • S o n tE l^ in ^ ^ O T <^l7ei^OIZ£ Fumilure. Small AtvUaiKcs, Books, Uacuums, WCRs, TUs, Antlwes, Men's. Women's, h Mklren's CtolMU Dll: fm WI53,1'Uiwi, IComtm, I/S milt • fiwi80IS,ICar«iiiei,2.5iii3eiC<ili* fiinM[,l-Ciml«,5iiiil«s«l IN D im U A L L Y Y O U , b e . M a s s a g e ^ P a c k a g e o f 4 S e s s i o n s a t« S O ~ M c h Н < т М | ( « И » V a liM ) o r M ~ OFF O N I M A S S M I.tV n M CO UPO N W e stw o o d V ffla g e S h o p p in g C e n te r, G e in in o iB 1 6 & 4 4 7 4 c:.s^ ■ ■■ Ita lia n F a m ily R e s ta u ra n t Subs - Pasta - Pizza - Wings Second Chance Consignment 2235Coinol»iRd*A<!voncB- 9#3I32 ^ometkin^ fox ¿ u c x jjo n z Men'iltMigincn'iCloiMu, Fimltura. Snail AtxHlMca. Booiu, Uicttimi. IXRt. TVt, AntlquM »I: FkhiWISS, M'lKin, Item , 1/8 mill •. fiw801S,IIComoliii,2imll«s(inll* FmME,l-(«notw,S№lHpiil U G L Y R O O F S T A I N S REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW UX)KI I Notion's largosi & OldosI Roof Sloln Romovots R O O f'B r ite '^ 33S -7S 1-0999 A R K V O L I I N l » A I N ? FREE EX AM IN A TIO N Rnd Out FR££ If I Can Help Your:• Bock f43ln • Arthrllli • Auto 1п|игу• HMdache • Shoulder Pqlo • ArmA«g PoJn• NMk Poin • Hip Poln • Sporti !n|url«i wukt/rtt 0nkaft^e MU.inwr»UiiialltU.é»ééi4i»m/tnunMmttrtn- - - l/Mktr ЫШ trt шЫЫ. пШ **/*« ^ FOSTER C H IR O P R AC TK C U N IC ,P ,C . 3 7 4 « C U — m . М . , C I. — OII» , N C 77»-2242 DM. ■. ■CCnrntOi, ВЛ. CN A’S Come |oln our growing home health agency. Home heallh experience preferred. Full lime/port lime positions avoKable. Greci work environment, competitive pay. For appointmenl call: 7 2 2 - 1 4 7 0 or opply In person to; In HomeCare 1042 West 25fti Street Winston-Salem In Homo Carc is an equal opportvnity emphivr.И с а к е Whitney Flooring H o u r t i M o n . - F r i . 1 0 - 6 S a t . 1 0 * 2 Specializing In Carpet 0 Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floori & Reflnlahlng Counter Topi Laminated Пооп ( Э 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 0 7 3 3 ZOYeais Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC 5919<î James St. Ш т ш J a i i e saiys: ‘М тИпгвЫ АпиаившГ'\ <> OriemtMi РШпПтгш Uß Го êO% OFF f Oimlrng Коотш F n m CmlHormla U fm ïïtflem Ф « to M w e r« * / Ы аНмаш §0% O ff * Mew Шшёпшт S a lte a From СвШтпЛт U fa a tjrto a muy ft o m П оогО г отит From Carata« a a t. M ; a«M. u :a » a Lociled In TheOkI Q e a a n o n s S d io o l S5S0 Oemmons Roid (Next to the Oemmona Ubmy) (336) 778-2700 Barry Insurance H.B. ‘Buck’ PAYNEZimmerman S t o p b y t o s e e u s when II comas lo Insurance, we wonllo make your tie easier. A cro ss the area, Ihe Farm Bureau Insurance Companies provide drivers with the peace of mind that Ihey have adequate coverage on their automobiles. We also back up our Auto Insurance customers with prompt, professional attention, and fast, fair claims sen/lce. So, If It's Auto Insurance, or Home or Ufe protection you need, call today for a no-obllgatlon review. H E L P IN G Y O U is what we do bestTWrWB— — 1^^— 8070 Styara Farry Road Lawlavlla . iM ,» ll« 4 1 1 | 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept, 21,2000 - C7Four Corners News By Marie White Pour Comers CoiTcspondeni Mrs. Johnsic Shcllon, Mr. and Mrs. Von Shelton, Amandu Hui*hcs, Mr. and Mrs, Bobby Shelton, Hanes ShcIlon, and Shirley Wall allcnded the Jim Tuckcr Reunion Sunday a( Trap Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White attended the Allen ReunionSundayatMl. Olive Methodist Church rellawship build­ ing. Rev. and M n. Elliot Smith and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith Monday. Several people of this communiiy attended the Tuneral and memorial ser­ vice for John Hugh Shcllon. Friday night servicc was at Gentry Funeral Home, and memorial scrvice was at Courtney Baptist Church Cemetery. Wc extend our sincere sympathy to the family of John Hugh Shelton in their great loss. S i l v e r E a g l e s S r . T r ip Davie High counselor Connie Little and Woman's Club Inlernatlonal Woman’s Club president Marlene Shamel (right) Ghair Linda Sechrist with exchange students Darko Jankovic and Edin and conservation chair Marjorie Atwell start a fund- ?ajmovlc. raising effort for NC Aquariums. W o m a n ’s C l u b S u p p o r t in g N C A q u a r i u m s The GFW C-NC M ocLsvllle ,Woman’.s Club met on Sept. 13 al Bermuda Run Country Club al 10 a.m. for their regular monthly meet­ ing and lunch. The meeting was callcd to order by club president, Marlene Shamel. Hostesses included Doris Carman, »ella Hsher, Madolyn Pulnam and Jbnice Schooler. ; An inspirational tilted, 'Tulfìll- iftenl" was read by Doris Cannan. Cluh members were reminded of ;tbe 250 pieces of pt)ttery that w ill l>e ;available for sale the first week in '•^iovember. This piece, a pottery \hicken di>h, w ill be the third in a jscries of pieces hy Richard Kale w ho 3.S a Catawba Valley poller. Tl)ls pot­ tery sale is a fund-raising project. Gail Kelly, arts department chair­ person. suggested the group support Ihe Davie Tlieatre Co. with spccial events in the upcoming season. SheliaTullerow. home life depart­ ment chairperson, thanked everyone . for their suppon of the Spring For­ mal for special people in Davic County, which was held in May. Marjorie Atwell, conservation chairperson, presented the GFWC- NC IVesident’s Spccial Pniject of the year 2000. which is NC Aquariums. Tlte MiK'ksvllle Woman’s Club will support this project by raising funds to “ help fill the tanks." Major expan­ sions are under way at the three NC Aquariums, which w ill double the si/c of the facililies over the next few years. Each year, the eighth graders in the Davie Counly Schw)! system visits the coastal area and tour one or more of these aijuariums. The eighth graders and Mocks­ villc Woman’s Cluh w ill work to­ gether on this project. At each monihly meeting, fish k)wls w ill be placed on the luncheon tables. Mem­ bers will be invited to contrihule lo Ihis project, monetarily. Hopefully, each eighth grade class will have a fishbowl in place, in which Ihey can pul in spare change to contrihule lo the cause. President Marlene Shamel also announced the Cornat/er Hlcmenuiry ScluKil projcct. Tlie club will "adopt” this school for a year and he respon­ sible for the Student t>f the Month luncheons. Linda Scchrisl, international af­ fairs chairperson, was responsible for the program. The cluh welcomed the foreign exchange students from Belgrade. Yugoslavia Darko Jankovic and Edin Ziijmovic, who arc attending Davic High School this year. Also attend­ ing with them were Connie Little, Davie High Guidance Department, and Kathy Gamer, one of the host parents. An informative session of ques­ tion and answers was held. Both of the siudcnts arc enjoying academics at Davic High. Both arc members of ihe Davie High b;iskctball team. Following the blessing, a lun- chcon was served lo approximately 40 members and guests. The Silver Eagle Seniors met Wednesday, Sept. 13, al the Bn>ck Ccntcr, lK)ardcd the van and headed lo Meadows of Dan, Va. Tlieir firsl stop was al Chateau Morriscttc,whichisncslledinthcBlue Ridge Mountains and produces some of Virginia's most premier wine. Tlieir guide t(X)k the group Ihmugh the plant. Tlicy sawihegrdpcsbeinghand-picked from the 234 acres, and being crushed by a22-toncrashingpad.Hc explained the pnx’cssing steps for making wine. The kegs lhal hold the wine for four years arc only used once. Ihen arc given away, but you have lo placc your name on their long waiting list. TlicgrouphadlunchatMahryMill, Ihen tixik a walking tourofthe Village. Tliey saw a blacksmith shop, sawmill, whiskey still, logcart. grist mill, and an Appalachian house. Ed Mabry first started his enterprise in 1905. Sevend from the gmup purchased a bagofold-fashionidwaicr-gniundcom meal thal is shelved inside the old weathered gray building. Tlic group wenl lo Meadows Gen- eral Store. Here the big porch was an ideal placc for a short business meet­ ing. Jo Cheek presided. Rose Caudle had devotions reading from the Upper Room.''irourthaughtsarehopc-nilcd, so will our lives be." Betty Petticord gave the treasurers report. Cheek passed oul pamphlets and lold of the opportunities al the SeniorCenter. Marylin reminded the group lhat Octoberwillincludcatripto Asheville. Guests were Linda, Lucille, Barbara and Eula. At Nancy’s Homemade Fudge and Candies ihey saw the candies being made and got free samples. As their purchases were bagged. Ihy agreed this was a (sweet) slop. The last slop was ut a fruit stand; hero they were able lo buy some of the cabbages, apples and sweet potatoes they enjoyed seeing in the fields as they traveled through the mountains. Virginia Robinson was the van driver and Marylin Potts planned the day. В V S I M S I S s Foster Chiropractic Clinic Opens Or. Scott Foster, Doctor ol Ctiiropractic, opened a new clinlcj In Clemmons on April 3,2000. Located al 3746 Clemmons Road; cn Highway 158, Foster Chiropractic Clinic offers relief to those, suffering Irom chronic pain. This month only, Dr. Foster will per-J • form a free examination, valued at more than $50, lor new pa-' ■ tients, including an orthopedic test, neurological test, and an exam. ■ lor restricted or excess motion. If further tests are needed, patients- will be informed of any costs before proceeding. Additional treat-: : ment may be purchased following the free examlnalion and con- ; sultalion.■ “Chiropractic care can take the pressure ort of joints to get ' more ot the healing process going,” said Dr. Foster, who holds a : BS degree In Exercise Physiology Irom Appalachian State, and a ■ Doctor ol Chiropractic from Ufe University In Marietta, Georgia, He has also completed a two-year certification specializing in treating ; sports Inluries, Including knee, arm, leg, leet and shoulder dam- '■ «M ore and m o re p ro fe s sio n al s p o rts 'te a m s are hiring chl- • ropractors, because it Is a non-surglcal, non-lnvaslve treatment : that gets athletes back Into playing positions sooner," Dr. Foster : said. Chiropractic medicine seeks to release muscle strains and ' 'Increase the range ol motion lor joints or spines that have been jolted out ol alignment. These Injuries can cause painful, lingering nerve damage. ■ : Injuries Irom wotk or stress can create muscle spasms ; • ■ and tension on ligaments and tendons. Car accidents are another :; ■ source of extreme Impairment. Dr. Foster says that even sleeping ; : ■ Incorrectly, particulariy on the stomach, can force spinal vertebrae ' ‘ ■ ouUI-allgnmRnt.and Into painful positions.___________________ : In cases ol arthritis, such as spinal arthritis, the human ' •; body responds to the pain signals Irom the nen/es by locking down ! : ■ movement In lhat area. "Joints get nutrients through movement,” ' said Dr. Foster. He seeks to treat these types ol problems belore I th e y worsen, by bringing non-forcelul movement back to Ihe joints, : and also giving patients an oral supplement to strengthen Ihem. i Dr. Foster also treats the agonizing jaw condition called ! TMJ without drugs, by taking pressure olf the nen/es and realign- ! Ing the jaw structure. Ha also treats disc problems, tendinitis, the i common tennis player's Injury, and soft tissue (muscle) Injury, One I therapy Dr. Foster employs Is the electric stem therapy, which uses : a low-voltage machine to repair and relax tissues to help them I heal. W W W . »oapduSour. com Dr. Scott Foster F o s t e r C l i i r o p r a c t i c C l i n i c Sufferers ol chronic headaches have also lound reliet at Foster Chiropractic Clinic. Dr. Foster has helped a number ol pa­ tients on migraine medicines to discontinue their dnigs, because ol Ihe chiropraclic treatment they received in his office. Dr. Foster Is board-certified In North Carolina, and a mem­ ber of the North Carolina Chiropractic Association. His four-year post-graduate degree in Chiropractic included more than 4,485 hours of specialized training in anatomy, physiology, neurology, orthopedics, and other suDiects. ihe NationattlBaltrFHilBrallon states that currlculums of medical schools generally Include a mini­ mum of 4,248 hours In similar subjects. Why suiter Irom excruciating pain? Visit Foster Chiroprac­ tic Clinic at their new ofllce at 3746 Clemmons Road In Clemmons, and receive your free examination valued at more than S50 today. This private consultation Is at no obligation; and on the initial visit, if you decide to purchase additional treatment, you have the legal right to change, your mind within Ihree days and receive a refund. Chiropractic care Is covered by more than 700 Insurance companies. Call 778-2242 to schedule your appointment today. Foster Chiropractic Clinic Is open Monday-Friday 8 am - noon and 2-6 PM, and on Saturday Irom 8 am - noon. Call todayl ^ o a p D u J o u r Specializing in A ll Natural B ath& Body Pnxlucts A vailabic at Back to Basics, 766-6S6S locatL'd beside K-Mart OR Sujp Du Jotir's new rvtnil shop at 704 Brookstown A w.. next door to Rainbow Cafe open U S Wed. through Sat. 723-8800 We’re Not Just ‘Soccer’ AnyMoce! Our New Name b .> SPORTS ETC.voum Mpoms e x p e r t s 2 fM U oInllM tam tlH H I. Kd. 766-1114 ■tóÒh,-frl.lfl:30-ii;Sal.9-5 Visil Our New Showroom! • P la q u e a ■ A w a r d s • N a m e P la t a * • B a d g e s • O in s 2626 Ixwisvillc-Clcmmons Road, Suite B, ClemmonsL>v^n/ m h»rr ktrlotliilet$ht KllKtl^Mng. www.QCEngraving.com (336)766-0695 llouis: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 m AdnrtlsÍKg Promotion - S A V I N G S up Г Л С E V E R Y D A Y J USuiHUf Citiionb Ol»coun(« •¡ё Ш Ш Л Ш Л Л • мсеам Раним T « Р и т Н И И Clemmons Discount Sales 2565 o u Glory Rd. .Suite Б Clemroom OffLcvfatffleClmDMe M. (MUACkMtrWitU) 336-778-06« Detvia Stanley • Eitcnsivc Trainlni Kriuina U(UiR|n. tl yn. Bxp.. RuikThitunf Jadíe WlMM-Soltmuif EileiuiveTralnint DufTy Sironi • EitenslveTWnlm The Computer Solution The Computer Solution has trained staff to help with all of your computer needs. SUPPORT BSEAiBSUPGRAOeS WtOoHousacallsI The Computer Solution Mocksvlle,NC 27028 66 Court Square (336)751«99 Wash & Vtax, Interior Cleaning, Motors Steam Cleaned, Full DetalUng U n iv e rs ity A U T O S A L E S V m u m _________________ W bL ook fd tw a id T b D o in g B u tim s WHh Ybul S p e d d U n g h ! la te M o tU L o w M ia o g e C a n C o m e B y lb C heck C ur Prices O r C d l (3«e) 7 6 6 - l O O S F a x 7 M .T 0 0 4 awa Old Okwry lloaa, CU a ;i» w IBertfc Sagebtushl I ' C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept, 21,2000 r\davie countv enterprise r e c o r d, Sept. 21,2000 - C9. Five Generations Lester Frye, 90, Is pictured with his daughter, Nellie Couch, grandson Pee Wee Couch, great-granddaughter Crissy Bral<e: and great-great-grandsons, Patrick Brake and Gavin Brake. All live in Mocksville, So Understanding wife and I pre-planned our ftincral. We wanted a service that would express our lives iind peisonalities, but wc didn't want to sp?nd a lot o f money. We were so pleased when the funeral home wc chose worked with us to met our wishes at an affordable pricc. We arc happy that wc chose the right funeral home. SILAS CREEK 765-8181 KINDERTON 940-5555 Илп»'0« |1-М|асл F u n e r a l Hom e. In c. KERNERSVILLE RURAL HALL , 993-2136 969-5593 à •l\u .V le W ^1^ ; P L A C K E S ID tN flA L ( ЛКЕ . Meet Alpha Renegar A lp h a R enegar Is bein g h o n o te d as th e New D avie P lace's Resident o f th e W eek In hon o r o f h er birthday o n S ep te m b e r 18. Miss A lpha w os b o m here in D avie C ounty, she raised a veiy s ip p o rtiv e son Burley W oyne w h o resides in M ocksville, She h as o n e grandson a n d d gughter-in-law w ho visit her d d jy . C ongratulations A loha o , 'S ittK ia y a n d b ein g o u n e id e n t o t th e w eek. W e love vp u l Ex|iecl IbBeei / If-y o u o r s o m e y o u k n o w w o u ld like to a p p ly to ’ liv e w ith u s a t th e n e w D o v le P la c e c o ll i , ,,, 336-751-2175 a n d a s k fo r R o ri D o d s o n , M e d ic a id & P riv a te ly F u n d e d 337 Hospital Street •hiocksville A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Baptist Chureh, No Creek Church Road, Mocksville. Second 4 fourth Sun­ days, ip.'30 a.m. Fourth Satuiday worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Pastor, Elder Eugene Bennelt. Eaglo Heights Church, 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertime, 7 p.m, Thursday Bible study. Casual dress, contemporary music and worship, 5103 IJ.S, 158, Hillsdale; Iri fomier Village Candle factory. Mocksville Wesleyan Church: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a,m, Wednesday PrayerMeating,7p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N.. Wor­ ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10:45. Pasior, Rev. Luther Crady Jr. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pasior Bill Wombaugh. 751-2754. Childcare dlreclors: Carla Prevette, 492-5735 & Tammy Barron, 284-4769, Elbavllle United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Kids For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth for Chrisl (ages 10-12), 1st&3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Chrisl meet every Sun. al Fulton UMC, 5-6:30 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study, Wed., 7 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, Thurs., 7 p.m. Locaied in Advance. Paston Rev. Jack Wallace. Cooleemee Church of God: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Seivice, 10:45 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Train­ ing Hour, 7 p.m. For Inlo aboul transportation, call Brother Dale Breidinger at 284.2180. Comatzer United Methodist Church: Comatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Harold Zmmemian, pastor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.in. Sunday ,S<iiD0l.. 10:50 a.m. Dr. S.B. Wamer, pasior. Advance United Methodist Church; SundaySchool,9:45a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. IDavid Childers. Located in downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodisl Church; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-3769. Rav. Dianne Marsden. Oak Grove United Methodist Chureh; 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksville. SundaySchool,9:45a.m. Worship,11 a.m. Concord United Methodist Church,Ch9nyHiimd.,Mocksville. worsnfp: It a.m. Sunday School* 10 a.m. Rev. Phillip Parits. Hardison United Methodist Chureh; Worship, 9;45 a.m. Sun- <toySchMl,10;45a.m. Wonderful Wednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B Marehall. Episcopal Chureh of Ihe Good ®.'’®Pi,®'^'CliurchSt.,Cooleemee. Worship; 9:30a,m. CWIdren'sSun- (lay School; 10;4Sa.m. Community Bap«stChureh;Sun-day School, 10 a.m. Sunday Wor­ ship, 11 a.m. Evening service 6 P.m. Wednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m. Gladstone Road Hillsdale United Methodist Church! Sunday Services, 10:30 Bsnemllon: •‘t Se­nior High, Wed., 7-8 p.m. Supper/ Mu.s/c, 6:30-7 p.m. Small group, Mon. Wed., Thurs., S Sot, Basket- tall Tues., Smith Grove Gym, 8-9.30 p.m. ' Wesley ChapelUnltedMethodlst Chureh; Worship Service; 10a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Rev. Diantie Marsden. Pino Rd. El-Shaddal Power of Praise Mln- islty, Northwood Apartments 704, Sunday School; lo a.m. Worship; 11 a,m. Sunday evening; 5. Tues- cfay Prayer 4 Bible Study, 7:30-9 ,P'‘";™dayS6ivk:e;7;30p.m.Pas- tor Valerie Maytiekl Poag, 704-636- 0409. Roland Pentecostal Holiness S'*'“ '- 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30 P-^-Wednesday prayermeelingi M e study, 7;30 p.m. Rev. Zel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Chureh, 1913 U.S. 601 S, Worship; 10;30 a.m Sunday School; 9;I5 a.m. - Pastor; Rev. Glynn Belt. 7ST-7256. ' Web Address; http;// www.mlndspring conv^olycrosa/Mocksvillo First Presbyterian Chureh, 2fi1 S. Main St. Worship- 11 am. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Si^yevening:Chorisl6ts(grades1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12), 5:30 2OT7 Neal Carter. (336) 751- M^ksUnltedMethodlstChureh.N.C. 801 S., Advance. Rev, Bnee Gwyn. Sunday worsliip; 8;4S S i ) a.m. Sunday School; to a.m. SmllhGroveMethodistCfiurcIi: Prayer meeting, Saturday morn­ ings, 9 a,m. Hillsdale BapUst Chureh; Sun­ day Worship, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Bible Study, 9:45 a.m, Wednesday Fellowship Meal, в p.m. ChiWfen & youth activities & prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor H.T. Alderman, gi0-g40.6eie; Faith and Victory Family Wor­ ship Center, 1687 Hwy, 601 N, Sunday Servtees, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. NewBeHeversP,P.Church,Sun- day School, 10 a.m. Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m. Wednesday nighl «•“«‘S'. 5 P.m. Pastor Eliza­ beth Mock. Assoc, Pasior Denick Mock, Women's Aux. & Brolher- hoodSible Study, 1st43rdThuis- day. Uberty United Methodist Chureh.U.S.601 S.Wotshlp.9;45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. First United Methodist Chureh of Mocksville. Eariy Sunday Wor- shipService, 8:S0a.m. Praise sing­ ing. casual dress, contempoiaiy rarmat. Traditional service, 10;55 a,m,305N. MainSt.338-751-2503 Believer’s Sonihip Tebemacte; Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m„ 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7 p.m. Paston Jeny L Couch, 998-3748. Cana Rd. -Poltej's Lane, Turrentlne Baptist Chureh; Sun­ day School, 9:4S a.m., Worship, 11 a.m,¡Night Seivk:e,ep.m. Pas­ tor Rev, Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodist Chureh: Sunday earty worship, 8.^Sa,m.; Sunday School, toa.m. Worship, 11 a.m.32t RedlandRd., A^nce.336-998.5083.Fa)t;940. 5502. E-Mail: belhumceaol.com. Episcopal Chureh of the Ascen­ sion, Fori<.BixbyRd.,Sun. School,10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Edwin T. Bailey. 284-4500.Dial A Stoiy Ministry (or chil­ dren. mi and Peggy tjjng ol Ad- varKo. 998-7716. ^jvlces at the Oaks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement Orove Church ot God, Wodnesdayprayerserv(ce,7p.m. SaiurdaymomingSalibalhSchool, to a.m. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer S Bible Study, 7 p,m. Pas- tjr Rev. Michael Woters., 398- Llberty Wesleyan Chureh, 2106 Shellleld Rd., Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m., Mom. Wotship 11 a.m., Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m., Sr. Mlnlstiy2ndTues. each month •10 a.m. Call 492-2963. Bixby Presbyterian Chureh, 1806 Foik-BlxbyRd.,neaTComalzetRd., Sun. School 9.45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Paston Rev, Carol Anne Jack­ son, 998-6813, Dulln United Meth. Church, 897 Dulln Rd„ Mocksville, 998-8171, Pastoi; Bob McLawhorn, Sun School 10.45 a.m.. Worship 9:45 a.m. Preschool/Parents'MomlngOut, Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Age 2, Tues, & Thurs., 9 a.m.-noon. AgesS^l, Mon.,Tues., Ttiurs., 9 a.m. - noon. Readiness,; Mon. -Tiiurs., 9 a.m. • noon. Сл»! 998-6820 for inlo. Cooleemee United Methodist.) КИз Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For Inlocall 951-0411, lnHomeBlbleStudles,offorodby' Randy Howell. Lsamthetnjthabout! the rapture, other subjects avail. 0811284-4667. Bear Creek Bapt, Bear Creek Ch. Rd, Sun. Sctvjol 10 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Team Wds Wed. 8;30 p.m., Cecil Wethertioll - Interim Pastor. Cooleemee R nt Bapt, 204 Mai; ginal St., Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m., Evo. Woi- shlp 7 p.m.. Team KWs 6 p.m. grades 1-6, Wed. night 7 p.m. In­ terim Pastor Dt. Wayno Steiling. Mockivtne Second Preebyterian, 400 Pine St Worship, 11 a m.. Church Sctwot, 9;30 a.m. Rov. Roxana Mebane Atwood.751-1410i'j S t Francis ot Asslssi, HC.|j Masses: Mooday.Tuosday.Tliuis- ^ day, Friday. 9 a.m. Wednesday. 7 ;j p.m. Saturday Vigil.Sp.m. Sunday, ¡i 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mans, 12:30 p.m. Bible Study, Sunday 0;, p.m. Rev, Andrew Draper. ТОП, > 751-2873. -................ Fannington Bsptlst Church, 1833 ^ Famiington Road. Sunday School,! 9.45a.m., Woisl4p11 a.m.Sund.iy i; Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. ¡ ' Tombertin III. 998-3826 or e-mail: pastorioetOyahoo.com. i Have Your Churcti Included To have your church included irt i ' this Kstlng, or to makectunges, call 751-2120 or email us at; emowsadavio-enteipiiso.com. ‘ Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE &C0. BSON, Trade St. W inston Salem, NC 27102 3 3 6 -7 2 3 -1 6 6 9 V(3GLER ^ S O N Sruntrui llume 2849 M iddle Brook Dr, Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hv<y e oi S, Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2551 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU GALL 751-2120 FOR DETAILS Evelyn Haynes «№751-1131 0(11ж(М1)П1-ИМ REALTY |Иш1Ё1 ЧЯЦ! OAVIE LUMBER ft LOGGING 872 M ein Church Rd, M ocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 J. P. GREEN MILUNGCO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR----W e ^ s tiín rB rg ñ a Depot St., M ocksville, NC 3 3 8 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 6 EATO N FUNERAL HOME -----iVîhritftOTTDfeirfHÿ.... 325 Nonh Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 336.751-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY -----4SfVSneyRoad M ocksviile, NC 27028 336-751-2141 A D Ê RORER HARDWARE S431 Hwy. tse> Advanc, NC27№ 3 3 8 -9 9 8 -1 0 8 7 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheelt street M ocksville, N 0 27026 336-751-2167 GENTU MACHINE ft TOOL INC. 3319U S H w y1$e M ocksviil«, NC 27028 336-998-3350 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho R o a d . M ocktvllle, N027028 336-751-5148 S t f i Contemporaiy Ц й Я р FULLERRllteir Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-3712 SHEFRELD LUMBER ft PALLET 00. А П Ш CMMUn 16S Turkey Fool Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 001 S,Sult«1 Advanc«, NC 27006336-940-2341 BmUtt CtUM tttn H a y w o m h-Miller. Funer.au Ho m e. In c . KINDERTON CHAPEL NOW OPEN locttt4 oa H w y 19B b«V««tn CUmmofi« k Advance 336-940.S35S 888>940<8SI1 Attend The Church Of Your Choice lO b it u a r ie s —„_..:Privett Whaley . Mrs. Margarci Privctl Whaley, 80, f Salisbury, illcilTucsiiay.Scpi. U . XX) m her rcsidcncc. Stic had been I declining hcaUh fortwo years and lously iU for iwo months. She was bom on Dcc, 11Л 919 in - juglas Cpumy, Mp., a daughter of ihc Jatc Lundy Lucinda Bragg and !iohri Alfred Privctl. She was cdu< calcd in Douglas County Schoots, graduating from Ava High School. A homemaker, she was employed in an а1ф1апс factory during World War II. Ihcn DiMa8glo"s Restaurant, Woodlcaf Lancs Nursery, and she also kept children in her home. She was a member o f Rethci Lutheran Church and WELCA. Her husband, W aller Wooten Whaley Sr., preceded her in dcalh on Jan.6,i992. Survivors: 8 sons, Donnie McfforU of Monroe; Wall Whaley Jr., John Whaley and lames Whaley, all of Rockwell; Charlie Whaley of Mocksvillc; Mark Whaley of Spcn> cen Scott Whaley of Sianfleld: and Paul Whaley of Salisbury; 4 daugh­ ters, ^íicI^cy Rogers o f China Cn>vc, andTrudy Rowland, Judy Hcillgand i3et(y NVilson, all o f Salisbury; a sis­ ter, Sally Jo Daniels of Salisbury; 29 grandchildren; and 17 great*grand- chiidrcn. Funeral services were held at 10 a.ni. Tridiiy, Sept. 15 ol Summerscll Memorial Chapel wilh ihe Rev. Or. Marcus B. Ilovis til afficialing. Buriat was in U.S. National Ccm- cicry, Gt>ven\mcM Road. Memorials: Rowan Regional Home llealih and Hospice, R25-A W. Henderson Sl.. Salisbury, 28144, Evelyn Thaxton Dewalt Funeral scrviccs for Mrs. Evelyn Thaxton Dcwalt, 74, fomierly of Holman Street, Mocksvillc WCTC cun* ducted Scpi. H, 2000 at 11 a.m. from thechapclofthcMorrison-Studcvent Funeral Home in Lexington. The Revs. Charlene Lewis and William Uuicrotncialcd. Ourial foUowcd in the V.A. Na((octa(Ccmc(ory cnSalis' bury. M n. DcwaUwasbofflJan.fi. 1926 in Roanoke, Va. to the (ate Exander Thaxlon and Alice IMcc Thaxlon. She died Monday, Sept. 4, 2000 at Winsion'Salcm Rehabilitation ond HcoUhcare Center after an illness of two years. Mrs. Dewolt‘s husband, Bennie Lee “Anws* Dewalt, preceded her in ’ death May 9,1998. Survivon: 5 sons. James Dcwalt, Floyd Dcwalt, and Kenneth Dewalt, all of Mocksville, Donnell Dewalt of Stonevilie, and Alex Dcwall o f Sal­ isbury; 4 daughters, Edith D. Harris of Salisbury, Mattie D. Johnson of Vadkinville, and Louise Dewalt and Mona Lisa Dcwalt, bolh of Mocks­ viUe; a brother, James Thaxton of Washington. O .C; along with scv* eral grandchildren and grcai-gnwd- children. Janus Eugetie Deal Mr. James Eugene Deal, 74, of Statesville, died Sunday, Sept. 17, 2000, at his home following a lengthy illness- Bom in Catawba County on Jan. 26, 1926, he was a son of the late Thomas Deal and Hattie Hudson Deal. ■ - He was the retired owner o f Deal Rile Feeds, and .served in the U.S. Marines ' during the Korean War. He was a member o f Calvary Communily Church and was a former Sunday School tcachcr and deacon ot Southvicw OaplisiChurchund a former Sunday School superintendent and tcachcr at Damascus Baptist Church. He was prcccdcd in death by uson, Merrill Deal, anda brother, Charles A. Deal. On Sept. IS, 1951, he married the formcrVclmaSloan,whodicdon April 2,2000. Survivors: a son, Ronald U Deal and wife, Barbara of Statesville; 3 daughters, Sharon Scaford and hus­ band Darrell of Mocksvillc, Diane WilliamsandhusbanJ, Edd/cof Union Grove, ond JudyBudgick and hus­ band, Dan of Tucson, Ari/.; o brother, Lamar Deal of Conover; a sister, Irma D. Roydof Atlanta. Ga.; 14 grandchil­ dren; and 2 great-grandchlWren. Funeral services arc scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20, at Cal­ vary Communily Churvh with Dr. Donald U ilorton and the Rev, Elmer Dayoffíciating. Burial followslnDom- ascus Baplisi Church Ccmcicry. Pall­ bearers were'. Benny Johnson. Clyde Fclkcr,Han>Sampscl,Jonathan Deal, Ja.son Lambcnh. Reginald Sherrill, JelT Coley and James Moore. Memorials: Missions Fund of Cal­ vary Community Church, 3Ü4 N. Oak­ land Ave., Statesville, 28677 or to ■ Hospicc o f Iredell County, 2347 SinKinltwi Road, Statesville, 28635. Bertha W. Beauchamp M rs, Dcriha W allace Fosicr Dcauchamp, 93, of Johp Ciolts Road, Mocksvillc, died Monday, Sept. 18, 2000, al tlic Kale B, Reynolds Hos­ pice Home in Winslon-Salem. Funeral services were at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept, 20 al Dclhel Uniled Methodisl Church, comluelcd by Dr, S.B, Warner. Burial tollowcil ¡(vthiMhuFeh-eemcieryt----------------— Memorials; Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospicc Lane. Winston-Salem, 27103. She was bom Sept. 26,1906, in Rowan County, adaughlerofthelate Beasley anil Mary Raroor Wallace. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Jessie Foster, her sec- . ond husband, Edgar Bcauchamp; a son, Jack Lewis Foster; 2 sisters; and 2 brothers. She was a homemaker and a long- liroc member o f Bethel United Meih­ odist Church. She was also a mem­ ber o f tlie United Methodist Women. She enjoyed cooking and was a mcmberof the Senior Citizens of the Advent Moravian Chureh in Win­ ston-Salem. She had also been a pri­ vate patient attendant at Davie County Hospital. Sutvivors; her son and daughter- in-law, W .L. "Bow" and Mary Lou Campbell Foster o f Mocksville; a sister, Frances W, Deal o f Kannapolis; a siiter-in-law, Elsie Wallace of China Orove; 3 grani- childrtn; 3 great-grandchildren; iuid le iii^ iiiietei and n e p h e w s .^ Gregory Allan Brown Mr. Gregory ’’Bull” Allan Brown, 25, o f Winslon-Salem, died Frid,iy morning, Sept. IS, 2000 afler being struck by a vehicle. He was horn In Keene, N.H., on Feb. 19, 1975. He was a сафстсг and an avid skateboarder and cyclist. Survivors; his parents, Ken nnd Candy Gourlay of the home; 2 sis­ ter.?, Slrcrry Johnson and husband Robert o f Tbbaccovllle and Corina HulTand husband Jlrnmlc o f Mocks­ ville; a brother, Kenneth Gouilay lit o f Ihc home; his maternal grand- mother, Gwen Brown of New Hamp­ shire; a nephew; a niccc; a number of aunts anti uncles; and a host of friends. Funeral service wcrc al 11 a.m. Monday, Scpi. 18 al \bglcr and Sons Reynolds Road Chapel, wilh the Rev. Rohah Peacock officiating. Roger Lee Whitaker Mr. Roger Lee Whittoker, 67, o f Duke Whittaker Road, Mocksvillc died Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2000, at his residence. Funeral scrvlccs were at 11 o.m. Saturday, Sept. 16 at Blaise Baptist Chureh, wilh the Rev. Clcnn Sellers ofnciating. Burial was in the chureh cemciery» Menumals: Blaise Baptist Church Building Fund, 134 Blaise Church Road. Mocksvillc, 27028. Mr. Whiitakcr was bom July 7, 1933, in Davie County lo Jessie Whiitakcr Howell of Mocksvillc and the late Duke L. Whniakcr. He was retired from Sara Lee Corp. in Win­ ston-Salem with 43 years o f servicc and was a vctcnm o f ihe U.S. Navy, ffe was a charter member o f Blaise Baptist Chureh, where he served as deacon and had been chureh trca- .surer. Survivora; his mother; his wife, Peggy Beck Whittaker o f the home; a son, Mitchell (Julie) Whiilaker of Paducah, Ky.; 2 daughters, Mrs. Roberl (Regina) T^kacs o f Berwick, Pa, and M rs. A udi (Jennifer) Dclouiscof Lewisville; 4 grandchil­ dren; a sister, Mrs. Verious (Bclty) Angell; and 2 broihcrs, Jimmy (Rciha) WhiUakcr and Gene (Bunnl) Whittaker, all of Mocksvillc. John Hugh Shelton Mr. John Hugh Shelton, 75, o f Howell Road. M ocksville, died Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2000. at Ihe Kate B. Reynolds Hospicc Home in Winsion'Salem. Mr. ShcUon was born Nov. 15, 1924, in Davic County to the lale John D. and Ha Mae Sprinkle Shelton. Survivors: 2 daughters, Christine (Wayne) Dobbins and Janice Smith o f Yadkinville; a sister, Cornelia (Batry) Smith o f Mocksville; and a brother, Tbmmy Shelton of Danville, Va.; 5 grandchildren; 5 grcat-grand- children: and a special friend, Earlene Sapp of Pfalt^own. Mr. Shelton was a member o f Courtney Baptist Church, was a rc- (in:d farmer and was retired from Advancc Security as a guard at the !ngeno{-Rand Co. in Mocksvillc. His funeral scrvicc was al 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15 in the Gentiy Fam­ ily Chapel, conducied by the Revs. John Brown, David Moynard and Curtis Gibson. Burial was at 11 a.m. e iiy 1Л1и m v iu i Saturday, Sept. 16. in the Courtney ■N1nr11c ttrto u ^ b titrW fis ra r-8‘V '« b e h u ,c l^ ^ 69.ofWinsIon-Salem,dr«ISaturday, Memorials; Courtney Bapiist Daisy Brock Tatum Mrs. Daisy Brock “ Granny" Tiitum, 100, ofWinston-Snlem,died on Salurday, Sept. 9, 2000 at Wake Forest University Baptist Mcdical Center after a brief Illness, Mrs, Tatum was horn July 22, 1900, to Liicy and Green Brock, She was a native of Farmington in Davic County, but she lived most of her life in Winslon-Salem, She was a life­ long member of Cedar Creek Bap­ tist Church in Farmington, Her husband, the Rev. Joseph Tbtum, preceded her in death. , Survivors; a daughter, Lucy Mctvor o f the home; 5 grandchil­ dren; 15 grcal-grandchildrcn; 19 greai-grcat-grandchlldtcn; 3 gtcat- great-great-grandchildren; a sister, Nellie Lyons of Fannington; 2 spe­ cial nieces, M ildred Lyons and Harriet Richanlson of Mocksville; and a host of olher nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at 4. p.m. Friday, Scpi. 15 al Cedar Creek Qapllst Church in Farminglon, with tlic l?ev, Sam Hairston officiating. William E. McClamrock Afr. William Edward McClamfock, 76, of A\-on Street, Mocksvillc, died late Sunday night, Scpi. 17,2000, al Davic County Hospital a/lcr a sudden illness, A graveside scrvicc was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20, In Rose Cemetery with Dr. David Gilbreath offìciating. Memorials: VFW.POst 1119,7722 Hwy. 801 S.,Coo!ccnKc,27014. Mr.McClamrockwasbomJan. 13. 1924 in Davic County lo the late W il­ liam Oscar and Eliza Shcok McClan\rock and was retired fr^vm IngcrsolRandCorp.wiihovcrlS ycare o f scrvice. He enjoyed ganlcning and gTowingflowcrsandwasawcll-knowi^ cake maker and cook. He was a veteran o f Ihc U.S. Army and was a Pu/pio Heart recipient. Mr. McClamrock wa^ also a carpcnicr. ! He was prcccdcd in death by q sister, Ailccn Smith, and by two broth* ers, Donald NfcClamrock and George AfcCiamrock. Surviving: his wife of 54 years, Josephine Carter McClamrock; a daughter and son-in-law, Patricia and Gene DraughnofMocksvilIc;2grand- sons;3 bnXhers, WaltcrMcClamrock, Oscar McClamrock and Charlie McClamrock, all of Mocksvillc; sev­ eral niccc&,coustns, and his many bingo friends. Mazie Elizabeth Reavis Maz}e Elizabcih Hayes Reavis, 73, died Thursday, Sept. 14, 2000, at Forsyth Aicdlcal Ccnicr. She was bom Aug. 21. 1927, in Davidson County to ihc iate Harvey and Lain Watson Hayes. Mrs. Reavis was a homemaker and a member of South Oak Ridge Baptist Chureh. She was preceded in death by her husband, Phillip W. Reavis, und a brother, Jesse Lee Hayes. Surviving: a daughter, Mary Kathryn Reavis of Yadkin Nursing C cnicr, Y adkinville; a sister, Kathleen (Nelson) Hutchens of Mocksvillc; and several nieces and -hciihcws....... ................................. Her funeral servicc was al 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. J 6 at the Gentry Fam­ ily Chapel, conducted by Dr. Phil Beavers. Burial followed in ihe South Oak Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery. Linda Carter Howard Mrs. Linda Koy Carter Howard, 57, of US 64 Easl, Mocksvillc, died Monday, Sept. 18, 2000 al Forsylh Mcdical Ccnicr. Funeral services will be Thursday .at 10a.m.at ForkBapiisl Chureh whh the Rev. Rusty Morrison officiating. Burial will be in the chureh ccmcicry. The family was to be o( Eaton Funeral Home Wednesday evening from 6:30 until 8:30. Memorials: American Canccr So­ ciety, Davlc Counly Chapter, I5I0-B Martin St.. Winston-Salem, 27103. Mrs. Howard was bom Aug. 8, 1943 in Davic County to ihe late Clarcnce Roy and Pauline Barnhardt Cancr. She was retired from Gravely Tractor and was a member of Fork Bapiist Chureh. Survivors: her husband, George Wesley Howard Sr. of the home; a daughter and son-in-law, Angela and David Pcnland of Advance; 3 sons, Gregory Eugeneand wife Bonnie Vest o f Advancc, Tlinolhy Ray Vest of Clemmons, and Bradley Cedric Vest of Mocksvillc; 2 granddaughters; 2 brothers, Leon, Kenneth and Paul Cancr. all of Mocksvillc. Vera Cave Johnson Mis. Vera Cave Johnson 84, for­ merly of Boonville, died Tuesday, Sept. I2,atYadkinNursingCarcCcn- icrin Yadlclnvillc. Bom in Sunry County, to the laie John and Cindy Freeman Cave, she wosmarricdlothejatcWilliamCarvillc Johnson for 63 years. Survivors: 3 daughters, Carolyn (Herman) Cartner of Mocksvillc, Gayncll (John)Tully ofSt. Louis Mo. JudyMillerofWins(on-Salcm,3 grand­ children, 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Sept, 14, a: 6 p.m. at Mitchell Chapel United Methodist Church in Yadkinville with Ihc Revs. Danna Woolen, Maroion Swann, and Tim Smrbuck ofTicialing. Burial follovscd in ihe chureh ccmctcry. Mcmorials;MiichellChapcl United Methodist Chureh Ccmcicry Fund. 2410 Ccntcr Rd. Boonville, 27011. -rheeib' , .Ciwadrti ' Funeral H ome 635Wilkcst)«uSücclM«kLsvíIJc.NC (336) 751»H0q D A V IE F U N E R A L S E R V IC E L .L .C . 4l6V.illi-ylW ,M («rbvllk'.NC 336-751-3111 •Our ramliy Sm'in.ç Your ramily"ТОК шшь-nm» им:«.«, иоиь Btirioti Atlee Hedrick 1917-2000 M O C K S V ILLE karold fffckson Keefer 1924-2000 B E R M U D A V IL L A G E Clarence Hairston, Sr. 1918-2000 p m R S V lL L E «> 77io»ifls Ciinton Boivles 1961 -2000 M O C K S V ILLE Terry Dean Sitm 1969.2000 S TA TE S V ILLE t£i Bertlia Spry Harris 1926 - 2000 S A U S B U R Y & Betty Tticker Brown 1932 . 2000 ' ■ C O O LE EM E E 325 N. Main Street Mocksvillc, NC (336) 751-2148 Terry McBride Aaron Spry B e tty L o u W re n n Church Cemetery Fynd, 334) Courtney Chureh Road, Yadkinville, 27055; or to the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospicc Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. H o w a r d V e lm e r G o d rre y Mr. Howard Velmer Godfrey, 64, of Walnut Cove, husband of Ramona Sprinkle Godfrey, died Sept. 14, 2000, al Baptist Hospital. Mr. Godfrey was bom In H amett County Sept. 28, 1935, to the late Earnest Howard Godfrey and Mammie Morrison Godfrey. He was a retired veteran of the U.S. Navy in 1974 and Electrolux in 1999. He was ofthe Baptist faith. Mr. Godfrey was . a graduate o f South Stokes and was a member o f Fleet Reserve Alliance. t\ ^luwatuc aviviww , Survivorst his w lfc, Ramona ducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Sept, 19at ' Sprinkle Godfrey ofthe home; 2 sis- ^ ForsythMcinorialPark bytheReys. . (ers. Doris Boiifl and husband Bine , B.A. Carroll and Tim White, i !o f Yadkinville and Mary Mildred Memorials*. Hospice o f Wlns№n- Riddle and husband Wayne of Ad- Salem/Fonyth Counly,‘ 1100^ Si yance; and a broiher, Jerry,. Blue . Stratford Road, Stc. 201, Winston- Godfrey and wife Bopnie. Hs h i^ i:Salwn.27103. . fourniecesandfottf nephew«;^' ,- Sept. 16,2000, at her home. She was born July 3. 1931, in Forsyth County to Thomas Hughes and Beulah Rector Ogburn. Mrs. Wrenn was a member o f Pleasant View Baptist Chureh and was retired from Han» Hosiery, following 20 years of service. She was prcccdcd in death by 2 broihcrs; Ike Ogbum and Maurice Ogbum. Survivors: a son; Kevin Ogbum Wrenn o f the home; 2 daughters, Suzanne Ogbum Wrenn ofthe home and Misty Wrenn Austin and hus­ band Brad b f Kernersviiie; 2 grand­ children; and 3 slsten, Sally Welbom o f Winston-Salem, Nancy White­ head of Bermuda Run; and Rachael IIookcrofKing. A graveside servicc was con- As ftjncral prices continue to increase, we aro pleased to be able lo provide quality service and merchandise at a most affordable pricc, and would like to offer these savings'lo all communities within our service area. Funeral arrangements may be compleled in Ihe privacy of your home or at our funeral home Jn Taylorsville. Visitations may be held in your local church or fellowship hall or at your residence. Price information on acme of the services and merchandise we offer IVadlllonal Church or Chapel ServiceMinimum services of funeral director and staff, transportation of deceased from place of death lo funeral home (within 50 miles of the funeral home), cmbalriilng, dressing and caskcting, visitation, use of staff and Chapel for scrvice or staff for services In another facility, funeral coach (within 50 miles of the funeral home), family limoxisine (within 50 miles of the funeral home), flower van (within . 50 miles of the funeral home), register book, service folders, acknowledgment cards, home equipment and tent for gravesile. Total Price $1,790 ImmedUte BurUl funeral home (within 50 mites of the funeral home) and funeral coach (within 50 miles of the funeral home). . ' ' Total Price $545 Direct CremationMinimum services of funeral director and staff, transportation of deceased from the place of death to funeral home (within 50 miles of the funeral home) and transportationto the crematory. Total Price S740 (These prices do nol Include casket, outer burial container, clothing^ cash advances nor any Hem dr service not specifically staled.) Casket Price Range: $595 to $3,195 Outer Burial Container Price Range: $595 to $2,650 For prices on olher services and merchandise, please call or come by our officc. • "Providing Quality Service at an Affordable Price." :■ ADAMS FUNERAL HOME 325 Main Aventie Drive, SW • . i Taylorsville, NC 28681 .. . - i 828-632-2291 ■ We honor alt pre-need contracts and buital associations made with any funeral home and w ill meet: ." i'j , ' . , any area funerat home's price on comparable scrvice and metchandlse ' ‘ , 'i- . -V ConvenlenKerrnstomeetanyfinanaalsituatlonv-, ■ ■.'-.¿■..i’.-'.;-. a ij.iiii;;,;,;,-' г Н Л \ ^ T ■ CIO - DAVIE COUNTX ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 O r s i ll o H a s L e a d I n L it t le T h e a t r e P r o d u c t io n : “H a u n t in g O f H ill H o u s e ” Mike OrsUlo of ModksvUlc w ill house may have faUil inlcnlions Гог be among ihc casi memoré when ihc LlttlcThcalrc of Winston-Salcm prc- scnis'Thc Haunting of Hill HoustC Orsillo, dcvclopmcnlot director for thc Ihcalrc, w ill play ihc leading role of Dr. Markway. Hc has appeared in pasl Liitlc Thcairc and Davic Tl\calrc produc­ tions. • Thc show opens Friday, Sept. 22 at thc Arts Council Theatre at 610 Coliseum Drive In Winston-Salem. Performances w ill be Sepl. 22-24 and Sept, 27-Oct. I. Wedncsday-Sat- urday performances arc at 8 p.m. wllh Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tick­ ets arc $14 for adults. $12 for senior cUizens and $10 for students and children. Call 725-41)01 to reserve tickets. Based on the movie ‘The Haunt­ ing.“ thc play is a study in psycho­ logical terror. “ It literally raises ihc hair on Ihc back of your neck." said Sy Syna of thc New York Tribune. Perched on a secludcd hilltop, H ill House has a long, sinister repu­ tation as a placc o f evil, possession mysterious powers which bring mad­ ness and death lo those who inhabit •it. Dr. Markway, a research scientist specializing in paranormal phenom­ ena, recruits a group of volunteers to join him at H ill House to conduct experiments, probe the secrets of thc Mike Orsillo of Mocksville will be In the Little Theatre pro­ duction of The Haunting of Hill House. house and document any supernatu­ ral activity Ihey may encounter. Their visit begins pleasant... bul they arc soon idnncntcd by mysteri­ ous laughler, loud banging, doors opening and closing and other strange occurrcnccs. As the play un­ folds. it bccomcs apparent lhal the Thc cast has been choscn for the Octobcr production of "Bedroom Farce." • This "G" rated comedy will be prc- scnieU at thc Brock Performing Arts Ccnter for two weekends beginning Ctet.20. ' The cast will be: Jennifer Barber, Chad Fbrresl, Nale Pcndlcy, Nancy Keller. Sandra Vance. Tim Kenney. Michcllc Bascam, and Bill Campbell. Freda Ramsey is the director, as­ sisted by Clint Alexander. Anna Bur­ ton will serve as stage manager and Lisa Sarvis will be in charge of cos­ tuming. The DavieThcolrcCompany needs volunteers lo assist in Ihe prrxluction of all plays. An especially great need will be for Ihe pnxluction of "The Sound of Music." Coniact Van Fagan al 751-5221 if you can help with cos­ tuming. set production, or any of ihe numerous lasks necessary for a pnv duclion of this size. Volunteers are also needed to help do an inventory of costumes and pmps stored in Fanninglon. Your help Is needed lo move, sort, clean, discard, and/or mend existing inventory. Call Van Fagan at751 -5221 to volunteer or to get more infonnaiion. ^ A 3 S r T I Q T L J 3 E S l SALE 1 T b e S t'S a t. 9 t3 0 to 4 (o r b y a p p t .) J к N e w L o a t d o n l- 2 1 0 H w y .9 0 1 J A 9 2 ~ 2 2 S A j g ^ m 1 G i f t s , P l a n t e & H o m e D e c o r S e p t . 2 2 & 2 3 Z lo a d s o f f r is li" A n tiq u is S Prim itivis froM Pa. * T a b l t s * C l i i i r i * e < t « s * C r o c k s * I r o ñ P o t e ♦ T u b e, » te . SALE-SALE-SALE In c lu d in g c r e e p in g fo rs y th ia , liy d ran g c as , d w a r f c r a p e m y rtle , p e r e n n ia l g e ra n iu m s , m a g n o lia s & m o re . ihis is a specialpunhaseo/unusual shrubs & ptants/nm aJïne Eastern miaeMm & f>artiens. its visitors. Mark Pirolo, the director, said: ‘This is one of the most technically challcnghig shows Tlic Little Tlieatrc has undertaken." While on its own. thc set will be creepy, the use of pro­ jections nnd sophisticalcd audio-vi­ sual effccis w ill make H ill House even more ominous. Comedy, “Bedroom Farce”, At Brock Center Beginning Oct. 20 C H I R O P R A C T I C O U T L O O K By Dr. Susan Sykes Chiwpniclic Physician № WATCH OUT FOR YOURELBO W I Even ii you do not ploy tennis you moy hove fe«tj ebow o« lofefol epicond^itu a rep«ritive strain ¡nji/y (RS). hnommotioo ocon mod frequeniv h о penon'j dominont am diiing middd IÍ9. As it] narre iriipíe& It is very common among tennis players, especioly Itwse о foiity boclhond гл1пд. Foty-fN« pefcent ol tennis pic^ea who ploy cr proctice doiy v»il get 0 tennis eiDow. Ы conOrfion obo offtcfs corpenfea mechcrici office wortea coshiea moiritenonce vktrten ond onyone else wtw perfoons lepetfeo bommering. grosping. end rotory toreomi motioni loteroi epiconcjyitis leods to tendemes and poin in tne foreorm ond e^ . WT^on toucfing tfì0 aea if 4Í be poinU. Ho^»evet treteuio^ is no r^eing. E«pert ociustrTwtj by 0 trained piofessionol chropioctof con help гейоге ncrmol range oi motion to joinfj Itiot hove become impoired. thereby krnproiring biood droJotion ond speedng the hecing pfocea. A tíiícproctcf ccn c!so suggest prevcntotw fi^eosues such os usrg Ihe proper sports equipment of loots, reieornhg how to pejlorm о pfiyscoi ahon, « doing the neceswry stretching eiercises before 0 strenuous oc tr.if^. — A dra n cc Chiropractic C L IN IC Hillsdale Professional Park Suite 300 « 998-0755 Rowan Diagnostic Clinic and Rowan Regional Medical Center Welcome Dr. Sean Malone ' N^rginia Commonwealth Univci^ity- Dachcloifs degree in biology and chcmistry ' Univci^ity of Virginia School of Mcdicinc ' Ohio Stale University Hospital -litlcmal medicine nsidcncy ........... * Board certified In internal medicine, ccrtificalion \t 11/ in advanced cardiac life support Rowan Diagnostic Qinlc 611 Mocksvillc Avenue Salisbury, NC 28144 (704) 633-7220 R O W A N t e lO N A L * M ED iaiC E N TtR Your Souiice For Total Healthcare, www.rowanorg DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - Dl A Final Liquidation Sale Save 1 0 -5 0 % Katya Parfenova has enjoyed her two month stay In Mocksville. From Russia With Love D a v i e V is it o r E x t e n d s T t ia n i< s Katya and Nichole Slate together at the Davie YMCA day camp. - Photos by Robin Ferguson While quantities last! This Is lt...the end. It's your last chance to snatch up Incredible bargains on select In-store merchandise. Quantities are limlted...and that means they'll be going fast. Come In now to save on: • hom e appliances • hom e electronics • lawn and garden equipm ent • tools and much m ore! ^ Jackic Edwards Davic Coumy Emciprisc Rccord ; Kalya Parfenova isa 21 year old from Russia wlio has spent Ihc Iasi 1*0 monlhs working as an intcma- Uonat camp counselor Гог the Davic Family YM CA in Mocksvillc. ; Thc International Camp Coun­ selor Program brings young adults from all over Ihc world to serve ¿1 cnunsclois and slalTin day and resi­ dent camps throughout the Unilcd Stales. ICCP provides leadership , training for young adults, and at the' same time allows camps to inter­ nationalize their programs. ICCP is an excellent way for camps lo sc- Iccl high-quality staff from around thc world, and can assist camps looking for programs specialists, kitchen and maintenance helpers, or well-rounded general counselors, and 10 identify appropriate candi­ dates. Thc cost of hiring an inter­ national staff person is similar lo lhal o f hiring a U.S. staff person. According to Katya, thc YM CA brings in almost twelve people a year. Katya's visit began in in June and she left at thc beginning o f Sep­ tember. She has stayed wilh Iwo Davic families while in Mocksvillc. A t the lime of this story she was staying wilh Mike Gamer and his family in Mocksville. “I'd like to say thank you 10 the Gamers, they have done a lot for me." Katya has also stayed with Dana and Randall Kenny of Mocksvillc. Katya found out about thc ICCP program through thc local YMCA in Moscow. "This is my first year, I didn't know about thc YM CA, I was impressed ond surprised,” she said. Katya is from thc city o f Voronezh, locaicd in the central part o f Russia. She has a sister who is 18. World travel is nothing unheard o f to Katya, her mother has also traveled abroad. Katya is presently studying lin­ guists, English, and French. She plans to find a job in Russia after she graduates. “ I'd like lo do some­ thing for the Y in Russia." she said. When asked about the cultural differences between the United States and Russia, Katya doesn’t see a great deal. ‘The life-styles and people arc the same all over the world, it's human nature," she said. One difference between here and home life in Russia is transporta­ tion. Katya doesn’t have a driver's license. “ We use public transporta­ tion in Russia, and you have to be 18 to get your license." Katya also says the food is not the same. “ Food here is fattening. itaned-gaining-weighlrMnr— Russia eating at home is coraraon- placc. The diet consists o f lots of soups, cofTcc. and tea, but Katya points out she does not drink iced tea. Her hobbies include ice skating in thc winter. During the sununer she relaxes and likes to rest. She reads and loves to leam other lan: : guagcs. -- : Before returning to Russia Katya wants to see more o f the United . States. “I want to go to Washing­ ton, and I plan to spend a couple o f days in New York sight-seeing a i^ visiting museums," she said.' “I would like to come back and visit Ihe states," she said, “and I ' would also like to say thank ypU; again to the families I've stayed with." J ■ . K aty a th in k s th e IC C P progriun'. is a g o o d th in g a n d th a t'A m e iic a n fa m ily life in D a v ie C o u n ty i l u en jo y ab le a n d g reat expoieDce D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 I t ’s 7 : 5 7 a .m . D o y o u k n o w w h e r e y o u r h o s p it ; CY This is no time to be wonilcring which emerRcncy Jepartment to visit. Whetiever you or family member neej treatment for an illness or an injury. Davis Medical Center’s emerjjency depattinent is always available to you. Whether it's pain in your chest a hii;h fever or a broken biine - our emerijcncy team is ready to provide help 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And, in most cases, patients are seen by a in less than 30 ites after arrival. Ill fact, Davis was recoj*ni:ed as beinu one of the fastest ERs. We are a neighbor you can ilepcnd on to provide the care that you need, when you need il - even if it's 7:57 a.m. DAVIS M e d ic a l C e n te r 218 Old Mocksville Road • Statesville, NC 28625 • M O West, Exit 154 • 7W-873-0281 соиэшеи. banker □ TRIAD, REALTORS • Davie CountyIntorsoction ol Hwys tse & BOt (336) 998-8816 Relocation: 1-800-327-4398 F e a t u i ' e H o m e I3J CAHDEN a • »153.ИО • ЗИ • 15W-DAVIE Cl»™ *« 2 llofy I*™ Кош. h.1 Im t pofdi» k rn m r H em h lu ro fcnrul ил»A tfnini rooms with chiirnii, crown moldlruL Brtrfn Uuh«n w/brMh/tit twok.VIOU FUMING *m iU 7 ОТ444$СОТТЮАи ОДУАШ lìiW 4M ]&A CAVIEг* См* Со4 ligi4 я pé (ятм, lltWCHWOOOD» CARKNVAUntuiooo m uiA отVWrU «tt4ar4o< Ü Cil И1tr»4ee»4* 0* -eei^ 1« Ml » *1-11 «<wy чш«»« .V4(iu.tnw:fa( t» lUHAmTONa KRHUOAftUN tiaw Ш »A OAvu - rblC»«\»ruUMlS lOTifwmoMttiruw н а м JM UIA OAVCIblil • ViaUFUKNQ m-1117 : tlMM )U UIA DAVIE Мзг«>и IS Km a 14, (m Dm 0«>«i:f>r>M hrltlr kiM blumM aAMAIAAUIN nt-ИИ lOlJDEWIElODK tlTlW m m lAC TADUNГлчм tndi rvdl il w« («.«ем Mil bu t< bttixni buM taumM w W>l кг|«и|«адМмоМ |ANETKAST»Sm-lin УюияЕш: m-iu7 12ÌCIANAQAM НШОО 2M IM IIAC DAVIEHan* k>rt UfK 11* КГН. Ьхй ac* lAOONNAfOm m-IIH Frmloer r«nr M. WKM кдм чнт «nr(ni.hrnKr(*oratfw«Kk. b-v UMrtmOMKiiaM 1ипш»т-11П тгЕтюоишсЕ юпиоА мм нош 2М ISIA OAVIE VKUfUMNG m-mi SUOAOSTONfM)ItlHNO IM IBA r.7AC(MVIE,t<lwW«wrMtlWicl>«<ct>W)«*he>n* I w»oi br ГМ № btMAi Cw4 Cojn . HcM I ■ I cewf иог| 01« « бон я tM ' UTANlAMUr m-IIS7 ||7шгаюм)ms» )U IM I.4IAC Nm. dm. mIwhw** ww m pw rM Ibi) lyp ,|ПА«гя.;мь*иа Ш DAKOTA LANE ---------: ^ SUM )M »A SAC OAVK »yoe Î1» IIAWOUNrkMleni* Acf«|idoutD»M.№W*leMei}tcmh mr ЬгМем <йп Wii now1*<»«йкм U4i иски, wy Mb*teÉeuetekfVtlei*li*ixiâfc(tet 1г«й(*а1^пк(т4гщаям«МУм GAILMWUK m-iiis rnim«. wwoger wMusa и« itfil ЧПЧbn Mm n tak ;vi 2 A *4 KTANLAMUT m-ll}7 GA)iMmJKm.iiu v i.s iT rni;.si-; n i;w i i o m i î c o m m i i n i i iI'.s ^ ^ ^ С г е е к в М у в . -------.-..—..-.n CbtlUI«.>»uti<rb>‘aWra>U F A R M м ^ ш - i O a k à i YmM '{ DiüâmHûW.iiaàaHtmiBOàVaijm М и егй п п к, - ■ulUdiimaa. . ; ■ '^шйпт.ШЛ/Шип'шига' DAVIE SALES ASSOCIATES i;M o n te W h lte /M . d 998-1164^'^ .^ a n d a M I I № M ^ ^ ; Л Barnes 998-1184№гва 8идд« 998-1171 ^ 998-1154 ; 1998-I158k 1998-1176; ^ • * ,M r tii» t’^ 9 9 t e iie z l] Cruelty Charges Against Woman Dismissed CliarBcs were dismissed Scpl. 14 in Dnvie Disiricl Court against a woman accused of cnicity lo animals. The district allomey dismissed charscs aflcr Amanda Rena Robbins signed an agreement with Davie ani­ mat cruelty Investigator Stephen Pacitio, promising to surrender her dog and possess no animals for five years. She musI also pay $777.08 for veterinary bills. If she falls lo meet those conditions, Ihe criminal chaiges w ill be rclnslaied. According 10 Pacino, Robbins' dog was found near siarvallon. Special o£ the Week Suave Deodorant Assorted L im it 4 W hile Supplies Last Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 pMim-RottcIi Dwifl Cn, 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d » M o c k s v ille « ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 275 Madison Rd - 9 к .щцоьат' 20>60 4 bey oarage & Mdftoftal 20«60 w/3 uaH lor horwi. 2 wory, 4BR. 38A. bnck home. 2 tpics. OfK garag«. боек & troni poon $259,000. CALL EVELYN. eieYadUnvill« Rd.-тгкм. horn*. SOR. ЗОЛ & 3500* ti. ЛЛв car oarage, ig irvground pooi w'al amtrbt«t. updated Weft., torni «rm . й*п. f*c rm. pdrt. b»nt zorwd NTuod C«ot $199,900 CALL JANE. eet PIfMVille Rd-PrNacywiэвадс-ьпск rtncn *ииа m.bvTt. ovtr 2200tl up & approxiooo»i. oown, зея.3QA. 2 Men. слал tnk «ertcv^. concrvia onva. d«ck. рам $174,000 CALL CONNIE. 278 Megnolla A\Mk(tordaM lam. horn* n Oanlan Vaa«y. ЭОП. гВА. ЬЛ bin«. »4) tarn, rm. 2 tplc«». 2<«r сафоп (McK. Ni:« landiceped lawn wV) hanjMxids. out bUg Д rr»r«$162.000.CALLJANE 540 Ubtrty Ch. Rd.~ Idytc rural 8*AAC 4-»tal bam, 20iie Iter, bidg, 2вя14 «Athoç, 60x22 banvSkVshop: al wVM. Pond, 2 lanced pturei. open fl, plan 2BR,1 BA, home. hardMtt $139,000 C A U VIC KL 876 Howtll Road- UndercoAStructim - ovw ITOOtq n 30a tSBA. fireplace, patia tie In luichen and baffi», cathedral ceAngt, 2«ar Overtimed garage on 1 acre. A Mu»t 8eet $134.900 C A U CONNIE. 1365 Pintbluff Rd. in W-S ЗВ а 2BA bnck ranch coriven. located near Baptist (4o»p. Marty update», new сафе1. 2 «pic*, baterreni w/norm thener. targe Men. & dech $127,900 CALL EVELYN. 120 Valky Oaka Dr-Advar>ca Greet toe. near 1-40 & 601. d e a d ^ » L 7.A clol SpM0Я ptaalM0«U.30R. 20A.gftrm »■cam. ce4. & ga» tog«, eaun Mct\. 2 car gar. pato. »tor. bidg $123,000. CAU.CONNIE. Ш Hickory Тгм Road- QfMltplittoyer-Near»chool. 2074 iquare (eel 3 bedrooms, 2 bath«. Great Iving tpace and wooded toi $124,900 CALL ИАЯУ. 141 DakoU U n «- N e e d a bttla elbow room? IM S OW leatures ieSO*»q. tl 3BR, 2BA. formai LR & DR, cozy den wrpice. più»; 5.5 AC ol open, gratted land. Priced to leiil $109,900. C A U JANE. 7405 Hwy. 801 South - Renovated 3 bedroom, t bath Wck rwKh - Hardwood ftoor», Liwng Room with hreplace, tM hm om , spacious kitcften- A ktustSMi $94,900, CALL LEE. 109 Outty HJU R o « l - Immae. 4BR, 2BA Skyline on l.te acra rural tract Permartem tound. spH BR pUn, ftrepiac*. master BA w^gaiden tub, sap. shower, his and her vantiM. $92ДЮ, C A U JANE. ■ 7Э89-Hwry.. 801-SoqttrClassic brick ranch or) loveV .89 acra comer lot. 2 bedmxns, 1 t/2 batha, den with tireplac«, storage gatort and moret $•9.900. C A U LEE. -4« “Bwht0wn»-fi0ia-OoublewUe buüi 1п199в. graat ftoor plan with 12S9 sq. IL tocated In nic« area on ciearad кеуЫ tand W adiltional асгмде avaiiabi«. 3BR, 2 ful bJl $84,90a C A U MARY. 139'CMt*r SV^ СоЫ м гп^'" 2or3Bai.5BA.vW2300W-SF home. New roof. wMows, naf gas heat, spacious п*м sun rm. great rm vt/ м toga In fUapiac«. workshop & 2-car garag« In bsml $79,900 CA ITkEN , -im SñwSrrc555S5T5 rm hous«, excel, cond. NaL g u h«ai. CA, new roof, repiacaml windowi A n«w storm (И. Attached сагроЛ A partial bsfflL a o , r«irig. OW. bkndi $69,900 C A U KEN * ■ iRd- Hwy. 15!.. Hwy:1U.. .»9ise.ooo L O T S & L A N D~«7*/^tM.900 U tSU .000 Hospital SLaxt.. ^BIdg.Lotltf,WO Waat Church StTMt....IJSAemoOO Hwy.60tByptaa____ lAe,t40.000 Hwy.N11 ~.SrW*Ac.t30ft,200 _г ,7 4 А е .$ ш оо ......................................_.,.w # i* ,»v w HiiuimniHn ........................"* Y ffYTHt II I 1tfAc.tlOOOOO ¡ M I M I 1 --------------------------------¡ Й - MIN (bypass)---------------------------------------9.7íAc»/.|iM.OOO 811 YadUnvlU.Hd-.140Ae. Comm. M «.000 ^ I A d t 2 --------------------------------SAe.t40.000 Hwy.M lH-------------------------373W-AC, 1150.000 H w y .N Ity P m___________1«Ae.l240,000 Off Chastnut Trail------------L.W4W-AC. ttO.000 Hwy.1M----------------------14Ae« houta, $179.000 CadarCrMhRoad________U,1IAc.t1U,500 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept*. 21,2000 - D3: RIaygrounds Are Important Part Of Child’s Development ' I wa.s one parent among many who was unaware that playground equipment is nol included in ihe biiiiget when a new school is built. This was brought to our QUenlion at the first meeting of thc 5omal7cr Rlementary PTA on. iucsday evening, Sept. 12, Il was . № 6 evident lhal thc planning. Rising of funds, and building is no SnVall endeaver. an endeavor that is Jui into Ihe hands of much apprcci- - ¿ il volunteers in thc PTA. V Add in Ihe fads that il is a jewly csiablishcd branch with • floitimal funds, there has been ’ Jtiall membership enroHmcnt thus Qq-, and the availability of volun- (bi;rs is not yel fully realized, and ^ ii can see how ihe lask may seem (¿possible. Out you w^uld never (mow II from speaking to Principal fpndy Poplin or I’TA President Blhnny Miller, They arc driven and ^tin iislic despite the estimated 130,000 price tag for cost of Suipmcnt and inslallation. Dawn ja il, co-chair of ihe I’TA ^m m illee that is researching ihc options said. "We are in -Skb'preliminary stages righl now. fard Sale At iillsdale United ^ Hillsdale United Methodist will g>ld Ihcir first annual Communily O i^S alcO cl.7al7a.m . Yanl sale items being donated can be dropped ofT at Ihc church located la the old Webb Heating and Air Ifiiilding at 5228 U.S. 158, Advancc. I^Thbles are also available lo rent. cost to porticipanls is $15 per u})lc. with participants retaining all iKitr profits. jT hcre w ill also be breakfast s^'cd at a minimal charge. • i For morc information or direc* iipps call 998-4020. Wc arc taking bids, and trying lo see how wc can provide the best equipment, something that w ill last, without making thc cost unrcnch* able. Wc have already determined lhat we w ill mosl likely take il in stages, buying and Installing picccs now and adding on year by year until Ihc projcct is com;^lelc." Fund raising is thc main focus. Without funds, nil other energy is wasted. "We are hoping lhal by raising communily awareness, wc can encourage private donations fiom thc communily outside the school, private and corporate sectors, Wc can lake monetary donations and even donations of time, scrviccs, or materials," said vicc-prcsidcnl Diana Randolph. "Also, understanding that we have strict guidelines and proKK'ol that wc must follow and conlacting us first will ensure nothing goes lo w.istc." Why should so much emphasis and money be pul inlo a play* ground? Il can l)c an essential part of thc curriculum, especially for children in Ihc lower grades. The play* ground is essential for burning off energy. This allows thcyoiiiigcr ’ students a venue of release so they can be morc focused during instructional time. It is also important for physical develop* mcnt. increasing strength and coordination. That seems lo be common knowledge, A playground also develops social, emotional, and thinking skills. Socially. It tcachcs children to interact Independently of thc structured environment of thc classroom anil away from the security o f mom and dad. Emotion­ ally, it can promote a positive self* esteem by letting a child see that other childrcn have the same abilities lhal they do. Ttiinking skills can be developed through the making and following of game rules and during creative play (in a sand box or playhouse arc two examples.) Remember above all that the Comatzer Elementary playground is not jusl a conccm of families dircclly associated with the school now. it touches all of us in Davie County. If you have a child in high school now. your grandchild may someday be a Cornatzcr'Cougar. Thc possibilities are loo numerous to list, bul you get Ihe Idea, Let's pull together for our children as well asTor generations' to come. Advance Florist & Gift Basiccis Bible Baptist Church D o n ’t S t r a i n y o u r e y e s l Davie County.. We’ve Got You Covered! $20.00 I I I City/Slate/Zip_____—------------ ' ■■■'------------r —-----------' --------------------------—------------I • Phone._____i ________^ ' | ■ Simply njaii this form along wilh a check in the amount Indicated above to: ■ DivliCountyEn^^tRKord^ . 0 . J You don’t need the binoculars. “ W h a te v e ry o u T irE -ia o k ln g fo ry o tt can find it just an arms length away — right here in the pages of the Davie County Enterprise Record. Each w e e k you'll find n e w s, sports, advertising and more all targeted to the people of Davie County. Don't miss a single issue! Subscribe today! DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRI/^ECORD SUBSCRIPTION FOKM | I want a subscription to the Davla County Entsrprlse RocordI | □ One Year In-Slate □ One Year Out 01, Slate | J25.00 D4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 Womble Appointed Davie Sctiooi System Attorney The Davic County school board rcccntly voted lo approve Dan Womble as the new altomey for the Davie County School System. Womble has been practicing law sincc he graduated from Wake For­ est University’s law school in 1986. When asked why he applied for the position o f board attorney, Womble Correll To Receive B.A, Degree In May 2001 Chad Correll, son of Howard and Teresa Correll of Mtxksvllle w ill be awurdcd a Bachclor of Arts degree from Catawba College In Salisbury on May 12. 2001. Catawba College was founded in 1851. and is an independent liberal arts collegc with an cnrollmenl of over 1,300 men and women. said, "I have a vested Interest.” He has three children, two boys and a girl ranging in age from 6 to I0.‘‘T1hs is a labor of love for me." Upon graduating Wake Forest University's law school In 1986, Womble began his career al Frye and Coopei; in \Vlnston*Salcm. Two years later he leO to start his private practlcc In Clemmons. As n civil law­ yer, he generally handles issues such os real estate and wills. Although he has no previous edu­ cation law cxpcricnee, he feels Ihal his civil background w ill serve him well in this position. A North Carolina native bom In Raleigh, Womble moved to Clem­ mons in 1969. In 1994 he moved his family ro Davie County His three children attend Pinebrook Elemen­ tary. Prior to law school, Womble earned an undergraduate degree In history from Wake Forcsl Univcreiiy. Womble replaced Thomas King who had served ih the position for Ihe lasl 18 months. King resigned when he accepted a position wilh the Rowan County Dlstricl Aitomey's office earlier this year. HOMES FOR SALE Three government owned homes in Mocksville. All 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Excellent buys. Genesis Realty Company. Call Lori. 1-888-636-2552 R o w a n O B / G Y N A s s o c i a t e s a n d R o w a n R e g i o n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r W e l c o m e D r . H e l e n M a l o n e • Pennsylvania State Univenity- Bachcloi^ degree in chcmistty • Univenity of Viryinla School of Medicine • Ohio State University Hospital- obstctrics^gynecology residency . • . Board eligible in obstctrici/gynecology Rowan OB/CYN Associates Kiser Mcdical Officc Building 911 W. Hendcrren Street, Suite 300 Salisbuiy. NC 28144 (704) 636-9270 Ro w a n R e g io n a l MEDICAL Center Your Source For Total Hcald>carc. www.rowan.org I P I X Virtual Tours Y o u K n o w U s ... W e K n o w R e a l E s t a t e P rudeiitial Carolinas Realty 41S6 Clemmons Hoad • Clemmons, A’C 3}6-7l4-4m) 4genl Rosier Audrey Fuhrm ann...........................727-4699 Bev SuppI«. CR S, O n i....................998«2034 Qloria Mathews, CRS, Q R I...........998-5062 Jennifer Stroud..................................714-4424 Kathy Phiillpi.....................................766-7069 Maryiee Hotter...................................7144406 P a tK lnnam o n.C R S .Q R l____ Peter A. Hoaven........................... Sandra Johnson.......................... Sherri Coram................................. Vlekl B. Bullard............................ Vonda Leo Russell. GRI.. .,768-7722 ...714-4410 ...945-4018 ...714-4414 ,..714*4433 ..714-4407 I .IDST I b i s Г К О w w w .p ru de n tia lca ro lina s.co m IKPtfT^rooURidgi t IJT3cn • Ï N yi »« • гойг^ к XC 5AX I'srsx ^ CilJ N KW M.STINCi W ! Wîoa • Слт»: I ta ж I bn# w K i I r»a u, t un M q a i B D î cu Siin Orni • cr< t.% r..^ r t) M irut« КИ fr-iW * *4КГГ) (9 HT» M И-Л-ОЧ и л !> f'íSV С ^ Л Г Г'1М С*1 S'r-Ccrr.MU-t N E W L I.Ч T I^ !И ÜXVS) Prt l« - vi iw w I iMJWî rc o r.rî »‘a w . ,>*vtî :^f<urrcr,?riu>« N KW i.i s t i n î ; 11) tbtÇW Ortti • V?ï kxxtf ca> e *:i I « ti» J Ffl i J1: 6A V-Л-! * » Я г cjrütjf M irt |M| ДС c*i ?»-Ccrr, :u«n NHW I.I.STINC m ' ri Ï Ï D Î JSü*a Uftiftj irn • (owr4 »X| > ^ev 'jTffítr. CìHic £fi;i w m m XA ru. ч iW a t'J’ SC KC№69iGci№i«- Ыклт%т-Иг.^г кЧш 4^. UmM SKrКЧХiéìgCìOfvr.TMiii 1]I2 Orttl • b I/Mr M Hrt M 1Д1Ж»: &r-i Ъп r} lU« M'.ji. an с >: f>i Л | I n ssif Crtf L'XXCUSm'UMX Ш RrmìM Or ' 11 >n» r Srvi ^H rc JM >*n » R11Î M, Vçi »n*»: jcri,-jr M V«? •!>>; i ¡W, »7 ic*p. Ua JX CjIS^jCctíTi»«! Ul Я Mn Hrçt» - Cr» 9Л a^*rW!лl^c^^r9»VL7^»'rtcrçlf. bflt }W» r I W f-J M •X" b 1С41СГiQt Bw-nrTit t'S ICC U Г& riM}4 W DrnKKiKm • п-ащ )»w. 11 ; Irt 4iii ir#i f.-«(wxe M-ts < t o) b KfW V KAI'« n C« ^»m: w r 1 • i U - m NnttgM Ditft • Отйоп • t Й t Ж. Pan C« U •« » « « to i « я 41 u?r I I M tw M t'U X U in » Seri r I Л4Щ 23 CArq Cn»iMtt • * Mm II «UK »••jrsrn.rxw m ii«K-««:í^чrя^•í W I Nw Hltspui • Слгло* BrjtiTî Gru t Imi P« 1« r С«г9 № P» fr*ie Л Бда Ах№ Wr Vra Fm Spcs t'DJX C4SnaQn.r44iX Л Ш - 1Ы Uttgni U • &ж<м ] r « и 7 K ii Ч кчжий IЖЛ M *( rt rt'àV. ] С^жгйг$п47^«м:( t\t titoogt U. • A.*imci ) bnn }teac ya npi 9 vr юм о к мhT4 I On^ Ln On fivM a:« to\ k'« ucm xwK id ;cci t »04 ,ti t nrc ПЛС4 2U Rnrrttnd Or • BtnMl ft« • Oi«i iM Hj «CM pi ал( в tar f СЯ Lt «1.'«гч» «n « с IH US see U КГ)<Я ЧЙ. n u a Q ri« o f t e • nrt Ч X If m I ucn tue *ior*J « « ••« *» a*« в ÜMI ;» •'1 viljjrw'KmrmOXic • £ a n a _ N e w s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 21,2000 - DS ; 'By John "Cain" Godwin I Cana Correspondent : Wow! Whal a great crowd John Í Ray and family had oul to Писк Eye • Ridge. Thcrcwcrcsomanypeopleand ; the BBQ and singing werc great. Wc i sal under ihc Buck Eye Tree while wc ; listened lo the music. . ....................... : Grandmom .spotted a black snake [ recently in the yard. They IxMh ran. Many Cana residents enjoyed them* I selves at tlw Center Fair. Steve Struud ; and Doug Conner brought oul the old ’ 'tractors. Many Cana people went home -•with blue ribbons. • Paul Holden Stroud, welcome to ir Cana. Steve and Chrisiy liatón StnMid •J had their baby boy this week. Chrisiy Is Charles lialon*sdaughlcr.Sicvc.dt<*.s p that little man have u iraclor ycl? Will ;; he drive an Allis Clialmers or a John : Deere? Big ilianks to Larry Tutlcniw for i llw rmd work Iw did rcccnily on Val- :;icy View Road. Every lown needs a •'Taler. ;■ ' Mow about Lloyd Urown's new -J home going up. That is really nice. ^ Okay. I am sure hy now you h;ive X all beanl about Ihe presidential debates ;’coming to Wake Forc.st, but whal j tni ЦИопЧ know is that this sch(X)l was nol ^.their first choice. That Isright. HothAI :;Jr. and George W. agrcetl lodclutc at .':il)c Cana Sch(x>l firM. Since K)lh men •Vail Iheir 1юте a fann and have John • Deeres back on ihe farm, they wanted lo have a tractor pull belween the two of Ihem before they debated. They were lo have a Tractor Pull out in the Pope's field and have Jim and Charies Eaton be the judges. After Ihc outdoor aclivities they would head inlo the Cana Sc1kk»1 where llic homemakers .would have.n*frc.shment.s for cvcry- one. John Ray Lalham was agrced upon lo be the moderator. Tlie secret service was to sel up In the lop of the old siore. Fnm» there they could spot friendly fire from neighborshuniingin a iree.siand and not confuse il with a snljKr. Tlw press was tw set up at Fmsilamls. Uirry Tutlerow and the ' Simud brothers were lobuild alanding .strip for the air imffic and Waller EichiMin was lo Ixj tlic Air traffic con- imller. What a great plan. Everything was rolling along snux)thly until Ted Turner я'Ш his CNN crew into lown. CNN reixtrted b;ickU)TedTumcrthat Cana \s asri't even wired for Cable TV and moM people here just giuilen in their.sparetime.Tedwasfurious.Tlierc was m way he was going lo show a community so well r\mndedthatdidn'l watch Cable TV. Ted Turner made a few contacts and the next thing we knew, Al Jr. and Gettrge W. werc heailcil to the big city of Winslon- Salem. Happy (vlaicd hinltday Nick Tay- li>r. AIlv Hull, anil Dalil HlchiMin, I l^ipp)' IlinlHhiy 10 Meg Hines Hill, P U B LIC N O TIC E S 6 M O N TH S SAVE A S C A SH CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON A TRANE XV 90 GAS FUBNACE. N11200 AIR CONDITIONER or HEAT PUMP. U S O m iU B iS : m iw im im T S & u iB O R s x n N a ia w iu u m . I B E S T ^ ' М г р м М м к м а н м и ! « $ Т7М 69в H e a U n g A A ir C o n d M o i * « , 896-0700 ; I l ’s H a r d t o S t o p a T r a n e . ™ Call fm \icuils. X Must 1ч; itu(.illcd before I0-.1t-2000. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FORTHE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS ......NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN, pursu­ ant to Iho requlromonts of Article 20-B of Chaptor 1S3-A ol the Gonoral Statutes ol NorthCarollnaand Paragraph 155.250 ol Iho Davio County Code ol Ordinances, that tho Board ol County Commission* or9 ol Davie County will hold a Public HoarloQ In the Commissioners Room ol tho Davio Couniy Administration Build­ ing. Mocksvilie, NC on Mondoy, Sep­ tember 18. 2000 at 7:15 p.m. A) Donnie Davis has applied to re­ zone approximately 2.0 acres ol land from Residential(R-20) to Highway Busi­ ness Special Use (H-B-S) lor a Und- scaping Material business. This prop­ erty is locatod off the west side ol FarmlnglonRoad across from Pinebrook Drive, and is further described as being aportionof Parcel 14.08 of Davie County Tax Map E-5. B) Barry R. Armtworthy has ap­ plied lo rezone approximately 10.48 acres of land from Residential (R-20) to Residential Special Use (R-20-S) lo re­ strict the property to single family site- built homes and modular homos. This property is located olf Ihe west side ol Baltlmoro Road, across (rom Beauchamp Road, and is further de­ scribed as being Parcel 111 of Davie County Tax Map E-7. C) Charios and Carolyn Schwartz havo applied to rezone approxinnatoly 2.16 acres ol land from Residential (R- 20) to Highway Business Special Use (H-B-S) lor the Sales and Son/Ice of Recreational Vehicles Including camp­ ers, travel trailers, motor homes, and related accessory items. This property islocated olf thenorth side of US Hwy 64 West approximately 500 west of Parker Road and is funher described as being Parcel 13of Davie County Tax Map H-3. Signs will be posted on Ihe above properties to advertise the Public Hear­ ing.'All parties and IrilereslGkl citizens' are invited to attend said hearing at which timo they shall have an opportu­ nity to be heard in favor of. or In opposi­ tion to, tho foregoing changes. Prior to tho hearing, ail persons interested nviy obtain any additional information on a proposal or ask questions by visiting tho Planning Departmont on weekdays be­ tween 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340. John Gallimore Planning and Zoning NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix ol Ihe Estate of MARGARET LOUISE SMOOT, iaie of Oavie County, this is to notify all persons having claints against said estate to present them to the under­signed on Of beloro the 1st day ol De­ cember. 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This Is the 31 st day of August. 2000. Rhonda S. Grant Administratrix 219 Main Church Road Mocksville. NC 27028 8<31-4tn M o c l( s v ille • 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 4 0 0 • w w w . p e n n in g t o n r e a lt y . c o m • 1 8 0 0 -5 3 9 -3 3 8 3 • H ills d a le / A d v a n c e • 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -8 9 0 0 rOnly *11** per Doubleheader Ш Ш Ш U flS E C A R U E R M I N I - S T O R A G EFor all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about rree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork GaM todaiji , (336), 998-8816 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of tho EslatoofANNIED. JONES, iato of Davio County, this is to notify all persons hav­ing claims against said estate to present thomto the undorslgnedon or before the 21st day of Docomber, 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of publica­ tion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to tho undersigned.This Is tho 21st day ol Sepiember, 2000. Bobby R. Jones. Executor 3218 US Hwy 601 N. Mocksville. NC 27028 9-21-4IP NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix o! the Estaloof THOMAS 9LINT0N BOWLES, lato of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the undersigned on or beforo tho 21st day of Docombor. 2000. being Ihree (3) months from tho firsl day ot pubik:atIon or this notice will be ploadod in bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' This is the 21sl day of September. 2000. Kristie Greene Howell, Executrix 439’Farmland Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 9-21-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BURTON A. HEDRICK SR., late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21 st day of December. ■ 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of pubik»tion or ihis notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please n^ake immediate payment to the undersigned. This is tho 21st day of September. 2000. Otis Ray Hedrick, Executor 553 Duke Whittaker Road Mocksville, NC 27028 9-21-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator ol theEstateolALEXCOREYRATLEOGE. late ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against sakJ es­tate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 7th day December, 2000. being three (3) months from the first day ot publication or ihis notice will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 7th day of September. 2000. Carol W. Ralledge, Administrator 1409 Milling Road Mocksvilie. NC 27028 9-7-4tn A+Heating & Cooling24tarSmki •ИОмкмОнци G *llikeO oM «M T odq N |«-717m i2>llM iM 0-55M R M S A L E G a n T ru d a U tility B u U d in g s C a rp o rts : AISim,AIIGalVMizM) — i K M o t t e t e 336-751-3442 Mocksville. NC GALVALUM Eso YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors i Pole Buildings * Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 M ID - S T A IE M E T A L S RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •MocbvlUe.NC ( 3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 - 2 8 2 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION Tho public will lake notice that the Board of Commissioners of the Town of - Bonnuda Run has called a pubito hear­ ing at 6:30 p.m. on Septomber 25,2000, at the Bermuda Run Country Club on Ihe question of annexing the following described territory, requested by peti­ tion filed pursuant to G.S. 160A-31: Description of Property to be An­nexed. Contiguous Commercial: BEGtNNINQBlanunmaikeopoIntin the centorofUSHighwayl5e.lhe South­ western corner of the within-described tract In the centeriine ol US Highway 158, said point being located South 08*34*35' East 60.17 feet from an iron found on the right of way of US Highway 158. said Iron being the Southeastem comer of Carl B. Johnson, Tract #1. as described In Deed Book 129, page 20; thence from the BEGINNING North 8'34‘35' West 1197.20 feel to an iron pin in the southern right ol way margin of tnlerstate 40. said Iron pin also being the Northeastern corner ot Ronald A. Joyce (DB 121. p;igo 509); thence with the Southern right of way margin of Inter­ state 40 a curve to the loft having a delta of 0«13*39*. a radius of 11589.20 feet, an arc of 46 feel, a chord distance of 46 feet, a tangent ot 23, and a chord t>ear- ing of North 69*24'48‘ East to polnl in the southern right of way margin of Inter­ state 40: thence North 20°52‘35' West 270feet to a point in the northern rlghl of way margin of fnterstale 40; thence with the noflhem right of way margin of Inter­ state 40 a curve to the left having a delta of r i 6*20*. a radius of 11319.20 feet, an an: of 251.35 feet, a chord distance ol 251.35 feel, a tangent of 125.68. and a chord bearing of South 69’56'24* West to a point In the noilhern right of way margin of Interstate 40; thence continu­ing wilh the northern right of way margin ol Interstate 40 South ig*25'26* West 10 feet to a point; thence with the north­ ern right of way margin of Interstate 40 a curve to the left having a delta of 0”09'24*, a radius of 11329.20 feot. an arc of 30.96 feet, a chord distance of 30.96 feat, a tangent of 15.48, and a chord bearing of South 70^9'16* West to a point; thence continuing with the north­ern right of way margin of Interstate 40 South 70«44‘0S*Westl217.90feettoa point; thence continuing with the north­ ern righl of way margin of Interstate 40 Nonh 19M 6'03* West 10 feet to a point; thence continulngwithlhenorthemrighl of way margin ol interstate 40 South 70M8*48* West 409.53 feet to a right of way monument; thence North 27M3*24* West 9.10 feet to a point: thence North 14»34'44' West 71.57 feel lo a stone (said stone also being a comer ol Roy L. Potts (DB 112. page 274 - Third Tract); thence with the Potts line South 86*3ff 15* West 458.42 feet to an iron pin; thence Soulh 47®29'33' West 60.58 (eel lo an iron pin; thence North 43*02*51' West 224.76 feet to an iron pin; thence South 45*53‘2rWest357.53feeltoanewiron stake, comer of Potts in the Nonhem right of way margin of NC Highway 801; thence with the Northern right of way margin of NC Highway 801 the follovring courses and distances: North 43*56*19* West 231.70 feet lo a new Iron stake; Ihenco North 44*22'42* West 69.601eet to a new iron stake: then North 43*5752* West 258.92 feel to a point; thence North 45*13'06* West 100.12 feet to a point; thence North 46*21*36' West 126.57 feet to Iron pin being located at the intersection of Yadkin Valley Road (SR 1452) with NC Highway 801; thence North 36*23'00‘ East 42.35feet toa new iron stake In the eastern right ot way n^rgln of SR 1452; thence a curve to the lelt having an arc of 198.42feet, a radius of 362.04 feet, a chord bearing of North 21 *24*38' East, and a chord distance of 195.95 feet to a new iron stake in the eastern righl of way margin of SR 1452; thence North 05*42'43' East 91.30 feel to an Iron stake In the eastern right of way margin of SR 1452; thence North ing Iron pin in the eastern right of way margin of SR 1452. said Iron pin being the Southweslem comer of the County of Davie tract (DB 157. page 22); thence with the Couniy of Davie line South 66*55'ir East 140.27 feet to an Iron pin; thenceNorth03*00'24'East 199.91 feet to an Iron pin. the Northeastern .comer ot the County of Davie in the Southem boundary line of The Hillsdale Group. LLC. (DB 186, page 303); thence South 86*55‘i r East 223.56 feet to an existing Iron pin. The Hillsdale Group, LLC, line; thence South 42*43*42* East 41.32 feet to a new Iron stake: thence South 42 "43*42* East 1384.61 feet to a point; IhenceNorth86*30*15* East16.40 feel to a point; thence South 14*34'44* East 78 feet to a point; thence North 70*3r49* East 1920.63 feet to a point; thence South 20*52*35* East 280.00 feet toapoint Inthe southem right of way margin of Interstate 40; thence with the southem right of way margin the follow- Ihg courses and distances: a cunra to the left having a delta ol 6“12‘09*, a radius of 11589.20, an are of 1254.60, a chord distance ol 1253.99, a tangent of 627.01, and chord bearing of North e6*05'B6* East to K\ Iron ptaced at a right of way monunwnt; ther)c« South 27*00Y>7* East 10 iM t to an unmaHttd point; thence a curv« to the left havino a delta of 0*55'ir. • rullua of 11599.20, tn tro of m s a , a chord distance of 186.53. a ta n M of93.27. md • efwrd bMrir>o of Nor#'62«32'l4"Ea« to an unmarked point; thonco North 27‘’55'24'* West 10 feet lo an iron placed at о right of way monument; thonce a curvo to tho lelt having a dolta ol 2® 19'57*. a radiusol 11509.20. an arc ol 471.79, a chord distance ol 471.76. a tangont of 235.93, and chord bearing ol North 60*54*38' East to an iron pin; thonco Norlh 59*44*39* East 228.72 foot to an iron placed at a right ot way monumortt; thence Soulh 30*15*21* East 10 feet to an Iron pin; thonce North 59*44*39* East 1068.92 feet to an Iron pin; thence North 30*15*21* West 10 feet to an iron pin; thence North 59*44*39* East 251.62 feet to a new Iron pin in the Southern right ol way margn of Interstate 40. comer of Burt B. Bahnson (DB 165. page 289); thence with the Bahnson line the follow­ ing courses and distances: South 56*52*17* East 58.92 feet to an iron pin; thence South 24*41'49* East 168.74 feet lo an Iron pin; thence South 89*29*59* East 301.55 feel to an Iron pin; thence South 82*03*00* East 169.64 feet to^an Iron pin; thence South 14*56*47* West 226.88 feel to an iron pin; thence South 34*34*33* East 125.33 feet to an Iron pin in the northern right of way margin ot US Highway; thonce with the northem right of way margin of US Highway 158, South 55*18*30* West 439.79 (eel to an iton at a right ol way marken thence North 34*41*30* West 10 feet lo an iron pin; thence with tho northem right of way margin ot US High­ way 158. South 55*19*58* West 1595.30 feet to a right of way marker; thonce with the northem right of way margin of US Highway 158, Soiith 55*16*54* West 1453.05feet to an iron; thence a cun/e to the right, having a della of 30*34*49‘ East, a radius of 1372.50. an arc of 732.54. a chord distance of 723.88. a tangent of 375.22, a chord bearing of South 70*35*55* West to tho POINT AND PUCE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 106.225 acres, as shown on a sur­ vey prepared by Tutterow Sun/oying Company, dated July 19.2000. drawing #20800-3. •• Both Dirks Town Clerk 9-21-lln NOTICE OF STATE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7.2000. IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA ON THE ISSUANCE OF $3,100,000,000 STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA GENERAL 0BUGAT10N BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters ol Davie County that the General Assembly ol North Carolina, by Session Laws 2000-3 (the 'Bond Act*), has called a Statewide Electtori to be held in each county of the State ot North Carolina on Tuesday. November7.2000, al whk:h the question ot the issuance ol the following bonds, constituting gen­ eral obligation bonds of the State se­ cured by a pledge ot the faith and credit and taxing power ol the State, will be submitted to the qualified voters of tho Stale of North Carolina: $3.100,000,000 State of North Caro­ lina Higher Education Improvement Bonds forthe purpose of provUing funds, with any other available funds, to pay all or pan oi the cost of \\) lenovaling labo­ ratories, classrooms, academic buikJ- ings, and woricer training facilities and provkling other capital improvements at the 59 Institutions of the Nprth Carolina Community College System and (ii) reno-, vating and replacing classrooms, labo­ ratories, and academic buildings and! providing other capital ImprovementsaU the 16campusesof theconstituonlinsti-;: tutions, and affiliated Institutions, and! the Cenier for Public Television (UNCi'^ . TV) of the University of North Carolih£ system. ; : The Issuance ot the bonds iiste<n above has been authorized by the Bond^ Act. sublect to a favorable vole of £ maiority of the qualified voters of th£ State who shall vote in said election orC The polls for said electton will bot open from 6:30 a.m. to7:30 p.m.; prbi vided however, that, in'certain cireum-S stances, the County Board ot Electlorisk may pennit the polls to remain open untiC 6:30 p.m. : Z The deadline for unregistered votersC to register In order to be eligible to vóÍch In said election shall be Friday, OctobeiS 13,2000. Qualilied voters who are noC' certairi whether they are legistered foA this election should contact the Count>S Board of Elections. л Absentee ballots will be permitted ir? said election. Absentee ballots shall Вси available no later than Monday, Sep^ tember 18,2000 from the voter's cour^'« board of elections. » S . H.P.VanHoyli.Chairmirc Davie County Board of Elections^ 9 -2 1 -^ Chase Grading D« - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2UU0 P U B LIC N O TIC E S IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 00SP34 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY IRENE PERRY DATED SEPTEMBER 17. 1999 AND RECORDED IN BOOK316 AT PAGE 11N THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROUNA NOTICE OP SALE Pursuant to an ordor of the Clerk of Suporlor Court and under and by vinue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because o( default in the paymenl o( the indebtedness thereby secured and fail* ure to carry out and perform the slipuia* tion and agreements therein contained and. pursuant to demand ol the owner ar>d holder of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee wilt expose for salo al public auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouso of sakJcountyal 11:00 A.M. on September 1B. 2000 the foltow­ ing described real estate and any other Improvements whk:h may bo situated thereon, situated in DAVtE County, North Carotina, and being more particularty described as follows: A CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LANO LYING AND BEING IN DAVIE COUNTY. NORTH CAROUNA. AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOaOWS: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBER 28. SECTION W OF WESTRIDGE SUBDI­ VISION LOCATED IN SHADY GROVE TOWNSHIP,DAVIECOUNTY.NORTH CAROLINA, ACCORDING TO A PLAT • THEREOF DULY RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 5. PAGE 5, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY TO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PAR­TICULAR DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS: 165 W RIDGE DRIVE; ADVANCE, NC 27006 TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO: • EBtt-A-5. And Being more commonly known as: 165 Weslridge Drive. Advance. NC 27006. The record owner of the property as reflected on the records ol the Register of Deeds, is IRENE PERRY. The property to be offered pursuant to this r>otice of sale b being otiered for sale, transfer and conveyance *AS IS. V^EREIS.'NeHher the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed ol trust/securityegreemen), or bolh. being foreclosed, nor the ofTtcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or autho­ rized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any repre­ sentation or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental. hea№' or safety conditions existir>g in. on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibiliUes or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made sub- lecl to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limiled 10 any iranslertax associated with the foreclosure for pay­ ing, if any. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount .of the bid or seven hun- 'dredri1tydonar5($750.00). whichever is greater. Is required and must be ten­ dered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days forupset bids as required •' law. Following the expiration of the • statutory upset period, all remaining ' amounts are immediately due and ow- ring.ThedateoflhisNotk:eisAugust21,"2000. V., Elizabeth B. Ella or Grady Lingle Substitute Trustee 301 S. McDowell SL. Suite 408 Charlotte, NC 28204 (704)333-8107 9-7-2Ш NORTH CAROUNA -O A V IK O aW Y ---------------------------— NOnCETOCREOfTORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of CUUDE DELMAS VANNOY, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the undersigned on or tiefore the 1st day of December, 2000, being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to . said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ■ This is the 31 st day of August. 2000. BRYCE HOLDER, Executor P.O. Box 1906 Boone, NC2S607 8-31-41П MILLER EQUIPMENTNS R E N T A L FALl IS C O M ING ! BiiMcnl нкгнии i:i)riMiliKJUi:r к ...... I(ir ГК1И liiilay! 751-2304 NO^CE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Anthony H. Hutchens and Julia M. Hutchens, Husband and Wife to John H. Komegay, Trustee(s), dated the 6th day of August. 1999 and recorded In Book 3t0, Page e ti. Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Default having been made In the paymenl of the nole thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, H. TERRY HUTCHENS, P.A.. having been substi­ tuted asTrustee In said Deed of Trusl by an Instrument duly recorded in the Of­ fice ot the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Caroline and the holder of the note evlderwing said indebtedness having directed thatthe Deedof Trusl be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale al the Court­ house Door, in the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina al 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday the 19th day ol Sep­ tember, 2000 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estato situate in the Cour\ty of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEING all of Lot Number One Hun­ dred Thirty-Eight (138) as shovm on a Plat entitled *A Subdivision for Erwin Mills, Inc., Cooleemee, N.C.* by Pickell and Pickell, Engineers, dated AphI, 1953, and recorded in Davie County Registry in Plal Book 3, pages 11.12,13. and 14 to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Together wiihlmprovements located thereon; said property boing kxated at 106 Watt Street, Cooleemee. North Carolina.SUBJECTTOcertain RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS as to the use thereof as set forth in a deed recorded in Book 55, page 25, Davie County Registry. ' Should thepropertybepurchased by a third party, thal person must pay the lax of Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hun­ dred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCOS §7A-308(aH1), The property lo be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for.. sale, transfer and conveyance *AS, IS. WHERElS.’ NeithertheTrusteenorthe holder of the not e secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being forectosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or autho- rizedrepresentativeoreilherlheTrustee or the holder of the note make any representatkxi of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, al or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all respon- eibililies or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition axpressly are discTalmed. Also, this prop­ erty is being sold subiect to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any re­ corded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the lime of the sale. This 29th day of August 2000. H. TERRY HUTCHENS. P.A. Substitute Tmstee . /s/H. Terry Hutchens. Presidenl H.Teny Hutchens, P.A. Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 2505 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville. North Carolina 28302 9-7-21П NORTH CAROUNA ' OAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S НОЛСЕ Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate ol PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD. deceased, lale of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having ctainfis against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 7th day of December, 2000, said date being at least three months from the date of first publication of this notk^e, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- aeoisntfsaid estate wai please maRT inrvnediate payment to ihe undersigned. This 7th day of September, 2000 the same being the flrsl publication dale. Margaret W. Poovey ExecuUlx of the Estate of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD Grady L McClamrock, Jr. Attorney the Eslale ot PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD 161 Soulh Main Street Mocksville. North Carolina 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 9-7-41П NORTH CAROUNA .DAVIE COUNTY НОТЮЕТО CREDITORS Having qualifled as Executrix of the Estaleof FREDTOPPINQCRABB.Iala of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having clalnu against said es­ tate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of December. 2000, being three (3) months from ihe flrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persor^s Indebted to said estate wilt - please make immediaie payment to the undersigned. This Is the 14th day of September, . 2000. . . ■ ' Sarah Scolt Crabb, Executrix 109 Lakewood Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 > . •- 9-14-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVISION 99CVD854 Counlybf David, Plaintiff,.................. vs. Ctitton Loo Peoples a/k/a Clilton Lee Peebles; Regina Carson; Sharma Dulin; Warren Dulin; Tawanna Dulin; Joann Peebles; Renee Peebles; The Heirs ot J.V. Peebles, known and unknown; Howell W. Woltz; and American General Rnance, lienhoklor, Defendants. TO: Regina Carson. Route 4, Box 534, Mocksvillo. NC 27028; Joann Peebles, Route 3, Box 44. Advance. N027006; Renee Peebles. Route 3. Box 44, Advance, N027006. TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek­ ing relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action The nature of the relief sought Is the collection and/or foreclosure of property taxes owing on property located In Davie County. North Carolina, and being described and des* Ignaied as follows: Tax Identification number H9D0000035, H900000036, H900000038and 1900000005. You are requested lo make dolenso to such pleading no later than the 23rd day ol Oclober, 2000, said date boing 40 days from the firsl publication of this notice; and upon your failure lo do so, the party seeking sen/k:o againsl you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.This the 7th dayof September, 2000. /s/Robert E. PrkreJr. Attomey for PlairMitt State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI­ ATES. P.A.3400Hoaly Drive. Ste.‘B P.O. Box 26364 Vi/inston-Salem NC 27114-6364 Telephone: (336)760-2870 9-14-3tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 00CVD578 County of Davie, Ptaintiff. vs. The heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unkr>own; Bessie Cuthrell; The heirs of Bessie Cuthrell. if deceased; Alexander Cuthrell; Robert Junior Cuthrell; The heirs ol Mary Elizabeth Cuthrell Pruitt Hairston, known and unknown; The heirs of Troy Hairston, known and unknown; Bertha Hairston; Lizzie H. Jordan; and The Davie County Departmenl of Social Senrices. Guardian for Mary Pruitt Hairston, ward. Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OP SERVICE BY PROCESS TO: Robert J. Cuthrell, 1003WestRsher StreeL Salisbuiy. NC 28144; Heirs ol Mary Elizabeth Cuthrell, Pruitt Hairston, known and unknown, 1S6 Benson Street. Mocksville, NC 27028; Heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unknown, 156 Benson Street, Mocksville. NC 27028; Bertha Hairston, 156 Benson Street, MocksviUe, NC 27028; Lizzie H. Jordan 156 Benson Street. Mocksville. N027028; Bessie Cuthrell. 156 Benson Street, Mocksville. NC 27028; Heirs ol Bessie Cuthrell, known and unknown. 156 Benson Street, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028;Alexander Cuthrell, 156 Benson Street, Mocksville, NC 27026; Heirs of Troy Hairston, known and unknown, 156 Benson Street, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028. TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek­ ing relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of the relief sought Is the cc^Iection and/or foreclosure of property taxes owlno on NOTICE OFSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATEUNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF the power and authority contained in lhat certain Deed ot Trust executed and de- .livered hy.Melissa L. Grubb, dated the 24th day ol February, 2000, and re­ corded in the Offlce of the Register of Deeds for Davie County, North Caro­ lina, In Book 327 at Page 429 and be­ cause of default In tho paymenl ol the indebtedness thereby secured and fail­ ure to carry out and perform the stipula­ tions and agreements therein contained and. pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder ot the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place ol sale In the County Courthouse of Davie County. In the city ol Mocksville, North Carolina, at 3:45 o'clock on the 27th day of Sep­ tember, 2000, all that certain parcel ot land, more particularly described as fol­ lows: IMPROVEMENTS; House and lot/ Condominlum/or Lol ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 373 Boxwood Church Road, Mocksville, NC 27026 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; All lhalcer- laliilotorparcelot land situate in Jerusa­ lem Township, Davie Counly, North Ceroltna andmore particutarty descnbed as follows:BEGINNING at a PK nail al the Inter­ section of the center lines ot Boxwood ChurthRoadtSR 1824) and Cheriy Hill Road (SR 1819), said point of beginning being the Southwest comer of Ihe wiihin described tract, and running thence from the beginning with the center line ot SR 1824 North27 deg. 20mln. 39 sec. West 563.89 teetloapointlnthecenterof said road; thence conlinulng with sakl cenler line North 28 deg. 04 min. 11 sec. West 113.04 feet to a point; thence continuing with said center line North 29 dog. 55 min. 37 sec. West 85.48 feel to a point; Ihence continuing with said center line North 32 deg. 28 min. 54 soc. West 72.88 feet lo'a point In'said centerline.- Northwest comer ot the withlndesoribod tract and lying In the Southern margin ot Boxwood Missionary Baptist Church (Deed Book 23 at Page 486 and Book 1344 at Page 551); thence with ihe Southern boundary of Boxwood Church North71deg.51 mln.20sec. East31.21 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing said bearing wilh Boxwood Church 206.89 feel to an iron pin. Southeast corner of Boxwood Church and Ihe Southwest comer ol Christopher Todd Ranagan (Deed Book 134 al Pago 550); thenco with the Southern boundary of Chris Ranagan North 71 deg. 51 min. 20 sec. Easl 123.11 feel loan iron pin in tho Southern bounda^ ol Ranagan. North­ east corner of the within described tract; thence a new line with Joe B. Flanagan South tt deg. 39 min. 26 soc. East 270.50 feet lo an Iron pin; thence with Flanagan South 24 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. East 122.00 feet to an iron pin; thence with Ranagan Nonh 70 dog. 28 n^n. 41 soc. East80.09teeltoaniron pin; thence with Ranagan South 33 deg. 03 min. 44 sec. East 323.71 (eel to an Iron pin; Ihence South 33 deg. 03 min. 44 sec. Easl 30.03 feet to a PK nail In the cenler line ol SR 1819, said point being ihe Southeast comer of the withindescribed trad; Ihence with the center li^ of SR 1819 the following courses and dis­ tances: South 54 deg. 50 min. 10 sec. West 95.26 feet South 57 deg. 36 min. 35 sec. Wesl 70.12 feet; South 59 deg. 00 min. 03 sec. West 215.29 feet to Ihe point arid place ot BEGINNING, con- ■ talnlnge.OOacres.includingpublichigh* way right-of-way'as per plat of Grady L Tutterow, RLS, dated February29,1988. 'Hiis tract Is further Identified as 6.00 acres Irom the eastern portion ot the Joe B. Ranagan tract described In Deed Book 61, Page 298, Davie County Reg­ istry. This tract Is subject to a 20-toot wide easement ot access and for placement of utility and water tines and area 20 feel property located in Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and des­ ignated as follows; Tax Identification number J5010C0011 • You are requested lo make defense lo such pleading no later than the 23rd dayof 0ctober.2000.salddatebelng40 days from the flrsl publication of this nolicie; and upon your failure to do so, Ihe party seeking service against you will apply to the Court tor the relief sought. Thislhe7thdayotSeptember,2000. /8/ Robert E. Price Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI-. ATES, P.A.. 3400 Healy Drive, Ste. B P.O. Box 26364 Winston-Salem, NC 27114-6364 . Telephone: (336) 760-2870 9-14-3in posting Ihe notice are Melissa Grubb and Spouse, If any. Should the property bepurchased by a third party, lhal person must pay the lax of thirty (30) cents per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) roqulrod by NCQS 7A.308(a)(1). The terms of tho salo are that tho real property hereinabove described will bo sold tor cash lo ihe highest bidder and thal the undersigned may roquire the successful bidder al the sale lo Immedi­ ately deposit cash or certified check In Ihe amount of the greater ot five percent (5%) ot the amount ol the Ud or seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00). The realproperty hereinabove described will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes, prior encumbrances, It any, and special assessments.The sale wilt be held open tor ten (10) days for upset bids os by law required. This the 6lh day of September, 2000. /s/ Ronald H. Davis or Frances S. Whilo Substitute Trustee 9-14-2tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE FILE NO. OOmOOl Davie County, Plaintilt. vs. Buriey Robert Mayberry Estate. Defendant NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue ot on oxocution issued on the Sth day ol August, 2000, by tho Clerk ol tho Superior Court ot Davie County In the above entitled ac­ tion. and directed to tho urKJeisigned Sheriff. I will at 12:00 noon on the 9th day ol October.2000, al the door ot tho Davie County Courthouso In Mocksville. N.C. otter tor sale to the highest bidder tor cash, all the right, titto and Interost which Ihe dolendant now has or at any­ time at or alter the docketing of tho judgment in said action had in and to the foltowing doscribod real estato, lying . and bojng in Mwkswllo Township. Davio County. N.C.‘........................... - • BEGINNING at a stake in the edge ot D <^l Street, corner of Lol No. 3 and mns thonce with lino ot said Lot No. 3 South 3 dogs. W. 100 feet to a stake, comer ot Lots No. 3,15 & 16; thonco wilh Lot No. 16 South 85 dogs. East 44 foot lo a slake, comer ol Lol No. 16; thonce North 3 degs. East 100 toot lo a stake at the said Depot Street; Ihence with said Depot Street North 85 degs. West 43 feet lo tho place ol BEGINNING, and boingLotsNo. 1 and2 ol thoT.W Carter and L Carter land, as surveyed. Seo plat al Ihe Register ot Deeds' offico,' Davio County, North Carolir>a. in Book 90, at page 137.p Thoabovedoscribodpropertyissoki object to any and allprlor lions, encum­ brances, deeds of tmst. rights of way, easements, assessments and Ad Valo­ rem taxes, il any. TERMS OF SALE: The high bidder will be required to deposit ten percent (10%) ot his bid In cash at the time ot sale and the balance upon confirmalton ot sale ond tender ol deed. This the 6thday ol S epten^,2000. William A. Whitaker Sheriff ol Davie County /s/ S.D. Moxley Jr., Deputy Sheriff 9-14-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 2000 SP 123 In Re: The Estate ol CLYDE ROY WIUIAMS, SR. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND PURSUANT to an Or­ der entered by the Honorable Kenneth D. Boger, Clerk ol Superior Court of Davie County. North Carolina on the 7th day of September, 2000, Tamra Will­ iams and Jill Baca, the Co-Admlnistra- msT STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE 00SP115 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ot the power ot salecontalnedlnacertalnDeedotTrust ' executed by Glenda C. Bradley (Unmar­ ried) lo The Fidelity Company, Trusloo, as recorded in Book 245, at Page 90, Davie County Registry; and under and by virtue ot tho authority vested In the undersigned, as Tmstee, default having boon made in the payment ot the Indebt­ edness thereby secured, and Iho said Deed of Trust being by Ihe terms thereol s u t^ t to foreclosure, and the Holder ol tho indebtedness thereby secured hav­ ing demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose ol satisfying said indebted­ ness, tho undersigned Trustee will otter tor sale ol public auction to the highest bidder for cash al the courthouse door of the Davie County Courthouso. Mocks- vine. North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A.M. on the 29th day ol September. 2000, all the property convoyed in said Deed ol Tmst, which property as ot September 7, 2000 was owned by Glenda C. Bradley, the same lying and being In Calahan Township. Davie County, NorU\ Carolina, ond (TX)re par- ttoularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron pin kxated In tho Southern margin of tho within de­ scribed tract, said p^nt being tho North­ east comer of Gene W. Dull DB 92, Page 175. and also being a comer with W.S. Seamon DB 43, Pago 241; mnning thenco trom the point and place ot be­ginning with tho Northem boundary of Gene Dull North 87 degrees 09 minuies 39 seconds West 277.51 feot to an iron pin, Southwest comer of the within de­ scribed tract: thence North 29 degrees 23 minuies 16 seconds East 167.04 feet to an iron pin tying within tho right ol way margin ot SR 1156 (Stage Coach Road); thence with sakJ right ol way North 26 degrees 23 minutes 23 seconds Easl 154,37 feet lo a point within sakl right of way; thence North 38 degrees 24 min­ utes 52 soconds East 93.22 teet lo a poini; thonce North 16 degrees 42 min­ utes S2 seconds East 7 V04 feet to an iron pin. Northwest comer ol the within described tract and boing a new comor with James W. Hedrck (DB 141, at Page 793); thence wilh Hedrick Soulh 59 degrees 45 minutes49 seconds Easl 535.87 feet to an iron pin. Northeast comer ot the within described tract and tying in the Western boundary of W.S. Seanx>n; ihence with Seamon South 31 degrees 05 minuies 54 seconds West 222.76 toot to an iron pin, Southeast comer ol tho within descnbed tract; ■ thenco with Soanwn North 85 dogroos. 48 minutes 48 seconds West 300.43 (eet to the point and place ot BEGIN­ NING, containing 4.223 acres as sur­ veyed by Tutterow Surveying Senrices on March 11.199t. revised on August 18.1992. For back rotereoce see DB 158, Pago 895, Davto County Registry. For back rofererKOsee DB 165, Pago 116. Davie County Registry. The address for ihis property is 189' Stagecoach Road, Mocksville. North* Carolina 27028. ^ This property Is to be sold sut^ocl to' any City-County ad vatorem taxes and> any special assessments that ore a lien* against Iho premises. The property lo be offered pursuant' to Ihis NolKo ot Sate Is being olfered for j sale, transfer and conveyance 'AS IS.~ WHERE IS.’ Neilher thoTrustee nor the ^ hokler ot the note secured by the Deed* ot Tmst being foreclosed, nor the otflc--' ers, directors, atlprneys, employees,- agents or authorizml leptesenlalives ot either Ihe Tmstee or the holder of the^‘ nole make any representatton or warr; ranty relating to tho title, possessory • rights or any physical, environmental.-; health, or safety conditions existing in.; on, at or relating to the property being; offered for sale, and any and all respon­ sibilities or liabilities arising out of or in ' any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed. G E N E T R E X L E R R O O R N G■ New & Old Roofs ' 24 Years Ei^erience • Free Estimates U S f c á i b á S Z L . SR 1824 across the Northem boundary of the above described tract, said ease­ ment having metes and bounds descrip­ tion as follows: BEGINNING at a point In the cenler line ot SR 1824, the North- westcomerottheabove described tract, and mnning thence with the Southern boundary ot Boxwood Baptist Church North 71 deg. 51 min. 20 sec. East 361.21 feel to an Iron pin. Northeast comer of the above described tract; thence continuing said bearing 243.29 feet to a point In the Southern boundary of Dana Mkihelle Potts (Deed Book 134 at Page 549); thence South 19 deg. 01 min. 00 sec. East 20.00 feet to a point; thence South 71 deg. 51 min. 20 sec. West 604.50 feel to a point in SR 1824; thence North 19 d ^. 01 min. 00 sec. West 20.00 (eet to the point and place of BEGINNING, said easement being per­ petual In nature, non-oxcluslve as set forth in Deed Book 143, Page 158, Davie County Registry. . Saving and Excepting an out-con- veyance of 2 acres lo James H, Hayes herein by Deed recorded6/24/90in book 154 at page 360. Saving and Excepting an out-con- veyance of 1 acre lo Shartene B. Will­ iams herein by Deed recorded 4/12/94 In Book 173 at page 712. • , PRESENT RECORD OyVNERS as reflected on the records of the Register ol Deeds not nx)ra then 10 days prior to Sr., will otter tor sale al the Davie County Courthouse door In Mocksville, Davie County. North Carolina at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 and sell to the highest bidder (or cash a certain tract of land, logether with the improverrents located thereon, and to* cated in Mocksville. Davie County, North Carolina. 27028, and more particularty described as follows: Being Lot number Three (3) of the Dorman Brown subdivision accord* ing to a plat thereof prepared by A.L Bowles, R.8., February 15,1961. and recorded In Plat Boole 3, page 96, Divie County Registry, to which ref* erence (a made for a more particular description. See Deed Book 109, page 35, Davto County Registry. The sale will be subject to property taxes and any other outstanding liens or encumbrances of record. The highest bidder shall be required lo deposit ten percent (10%) ot the purchase price on the day ot sale In cash or certified funds. This the 7th day of Seplentber, 2000. Sally W. Smith, Attomey tor Co-Administrators Tamra Williams and Jill Baca Martin & Van Hoy, a P Ten Court ^uere . Mocksville, NC 27028 ,(336)751-2171 • ^ • 9-14-4tn' The Tmstee. after sale, shall require the highest bidder immediately to make: acashdoposltof5percentoitheamount of tho bid or $750.00, whichever Is: greater. ■; Tho Notice ot Sale hereby given Is In:: sallstaction o( the requirements of the.'> aforementtoned Deed of Trusl and the requirements contained in North Caro-:; llna General Statute Section 45-21.17.'’ wilh respect lo posting or publishing'^ notice ot sale. TiME: 11:00 o’clock A.M. on the 29lh*: day of September, 2000. :• PLACE: Courthouse Door, Davie! County Courthouse, Mocksvilto, North 1- Carollna. !*■ TERMS:Cash. ' •: This the 7th day ot September,': 2000'• THE RDELITY COMPANY,; • Tmstee'! /8/ Dennis W. McNames, Attorney’ ‘ ' OF COUNSEL :• WombleCariytoSaridridgeftRice, ~ PLLC . '.i;: P.O.Drawer84 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Telephone: (336) 721-3600 ' 9-14-2ln::. DEADLINE I for placing a clHtlfM adi^ ; . 10;30 A.M. on DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - Ü7 G L A S S I F I E D e DM EXPEiNSIVE P R O F IT A B L E Yard Sales Soptombor-oulsldo SQt-Up troo. MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. tt. insldo 653V«/ilkosboro St.Sat. & Sun. g-5 Vendor spaces call 751-2181. 277 DOGWOOD LANE, Saturday 23rd, 6-2pm. Clolhing (adult's i childrort’s), housohold Itoms, assorted items 5-FAMILY YARD Salo, Saturday 6:00-2:00, Hwy 64 nenr Armory. Antique oak drosser wilh mirror, bar stools, table & chairs, name-brand women's & teenager’s clolhos, housohold itoms, much moro. ANTIQUE DEALERS WANTED lornew antiquo shop opening mid- October In MocKsville. Groat location. Estabtishod business. Call (336)492-6450 or 1-800-663- 4464. code 0243________________ ANTIQUES & PLANTSMums for $2.75Perennials, Shrubs Friday & Saturday. Sopt 22 & 239:30-4:00prn. 210 Hwy 901 (1/4 mile trom Hwy 64) betweenMocksville & Stalosvillo. 492-2234 BIG YARD SALE- Saturday 7am- tpm. Milling Rd. to Rolling H>lls Ln. Baby clothes, baby beds, tools, housohold items, tishing rods, and much moro. CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES126 N. Salisbury Stroot Mocksvilto. NC 27028 (336)751-0252 (SALE) Cotobration Barbie* $34.75 Shop now for Christmas: Barbies. Hotwhoels. toys, porcelain dolls. Coke colloctiblos. musical globes. much nwro. Lny-a-way availablo. MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sato. Saturday. Hwy 801 S. at Greasy Comor. Housuhotd Items, clolhos’. Beanie Dabios and much more. SATURDAY 7AM TILL 2pmMulti-tamilios. 820 S. Salisbury St. Mocksvilto Yard.Sales FRI & SAT, 536 Junction Rd.Old albums- big band, wood eaters, lawn mowers, lillor, camper Jacks, lots ot misc. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8-til 2. Groat Bargains at 1339 Baltimore Rd. Cancollod i( raining.__________ GARAGE SALE FRÍ & Sal 8-until o(( Jericho Rd. on Brown Or. Rain or Shine._______________________ HUGE INSIDE YARD sale, Thursday, 5pm; Friday, noon; and Saturday, 9am. Antiquo drosser with mirror. Reg. min. Sheltie puppies and reg. white Gorman Shepherd puppies. 1993 Ford van, $3,500; and 1989 Ford Ranger, $3,000; antique dresser & chest ol drawers; wood bunk beds; and storoo systom with large speakers. 601 lo 801, turn righl toward Cooleemee. while house past Church ot God. Or call 284- 2199.__________________________ HUGE MULTI-FAMILY yard sato: Saturday, 185 Beochwood Drive. Garden valley._________________ HUGE YARD SALE2162 Hwy 601 S. (yellow house)Friday & Saturday. 7-til.Mowors. leaf vacuum, lawn furniture sol. weldor, air compressor. Christmas itoms, cralt & sewing items, glassware, some clothes HUGE YARD SALE, Oak Valloy. 119 Woodlands Ct., Saturday. September 23. 8*2. Uttle Tykes, bikes, much more. MISSION 52 COMMUNHY Yard Sale- Hillsdale Methodist Church, 5226 Hviry 158 Advance. Ocl 7, 7am unlil. Rain or Shine. Items donated can bo dropped oil at tho church. Tables lor rent, $15 families. $25 deators. Profits used tor families In need. Breakfast availablo. For moro in(o; 998- 4020.__________________________ MOVING SALE: Saturday. 8:30-til 794 Sain Rd. Lols ol good slutt Indudinq LR suite, now mallfoss. Play Your cards Right H e r e 's t h e P la c e t o B e w e ' l l T r e a t Y o u L ik e K in g s a n d O u e e n s Northwood Apartments -iVoiii Leasing Siiidios, One iiiul 2 Bedrooms! Call Today! 336-751-4141 FARMINGTON AUCTION SERVICES 2455 FA R M IN G T O N R O A D M O C K SV ILLE, N.C, 27028 N .C.A.L. PIRM#7155 (336) 998-3075 GEORGE RAY A U C T IO N EER N .C.A.L. #6192 P E R S O N A L PR O PERTY, R E A L ESTATE, L A N D (N O S A L E T O O L A R G E O R T O O S M A L L ) H E LE N CASSID Y BRO KER NI.C.B.L. #156664 A U C T I O N The Personal Property of Linda Tucker S a tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 2 3 -1 0 :0 0 A M - Rain o r Shine At Ihe Farmington Community Building - Farmington, NC Oiroclions: Frem M o c M I. uko 158 a 1-40 lo Famioislon R l. lum lei, go apprai 31/2 miloi sale on loL Frem WlnMon-Salmi too MO W lo Faiminglon Rd. eiil. tako nghl. ato is appra<. 3 1/2 mil« 0(1 lolt. Fiom Yadkinvlll. lako 601 S. lo 601, tako lell oo lo Fanñngtm crossroad, lum rtjhl. salo la owfoi 1/2 rnlkj Ol righi. Hems lo be sold Includo: /tniqug Spring WMca. /knMii« wood OT* «ow, OM pin lull maeWrn, Old pnlal Irsctor, Old podAl trud( (bks rt«w). 2 tfvna cabimU. aeam milk can, various m№ cant, Scyttw & cradle, anbqua Westinghouso radio. Antk^M pedestal labte (Hsrp). Several 5 gaBon qIsss iuga, SUg« coach trunk, Enbury 12 air pM lanlem.Old nail kegs, SoW oak dinlnfl room Ml (tat)ie. c»iairs.China cal>ir)el). Antk|ue wash stand. Okl steamer trunk. Cast Iron Qypsy poi, Desks, OkJ lanterns. Hauser Cablnels. Prtmitive tables. Antiquo green lobi« (with drawer). OM singlo-tiees.Rocking chairs. Piano sSod. 0<d chairs. Antique banana baskst, Antkjuo chHdt Secffttsiy. na fletk and choir, drop (eat Utctwn ttoolfífonlnQ board combinatlco, Antkjue aocks, Coca-Cola coolers (oW). Aniiqua oak bed. Old snow si«d. Drink aates, M<lk bottle. Milk strainers, Anvno boxes, Antk)ue doll chairs, , Chüd'a wicker rocker. Stona 6 gal. lemonade jug with Ud. CMciun coop. Baby ' cairlage. Antique melai scooter, train tnjnk, Antiquo stools and tables. AnSque dO(fa dietter with mktor. Lunch bOMS, Blue Ridga Poneiy d>^. plates, Several •eta of dishes. Antique glassware, t928 Singer sewing machine. Old bingo set.Antique alectrio IlghU (2 sets). Hal Dishes. Golfee pots, sevaral places ol S moonstone glassware. Several piecoa ol Hull pottery. Many mor« Items lo numarflUB to mention.Mrs. Tucker has Man collecUng lor over 30 years. Many unique Items to bo sokt. Poodft Refrtshmenls Available, Sausage, ham, hot dogs, drinks, chips, nabs, candy, etc. • ' . SalecoiWuctedby: Col. Billy Seats, NCAL « З Щ164 Dance Hail Rd. • MocKtvlile, NC 2702B For more Into, call (336) 998-3510 Тип» o| Salt: Ci»h or Appcoind Ch«cli: (Nol Я«1роп|1Ы« (oc AccldtnU) Yard Sales FIRST MOVING SALE: Saturday and Sunday, 9-until. Hwy 64 Wost, boioro Lako Myers. Antiquo furnituro, piano, crafts, assorlod stuH,___________________________ FRI & SAT Sam both days. Hwy 64 wost. Couch, chs\lfs, tool box. dryor. clothos. Itoms too numerous to mention. Cancolodilraininq. SATURDAY 0AM-12.719 Greohnill Rd. Childron’s clothes, loys, lols of misc., furnituro, saddle. Cancolcd If raining._______________________ SATURDAY, 8-1,325 Whitnoy Rd. Ciolhina, homo docor, misc. SATURDAY' 8 until. Legends Salon and Day Spa. 1300 Yadkinvillo Rd. Name-brand boys & girls clothos. adult clothos, Infant- 3T, toys, housohold items, boauty shop equipment. _______________ YARD SALE- Saturday 8-1, 174 Westridqo Rd., Advance. Childron s clothing, misc. items. •92 CHRYSLER FIFTH Ave. Now Yorker; bluo, fully loaded, w/loalhor interior. Groat condition. Call 751- 9438. Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick onorgy ofliciont apartment. 1 & 2 bodroom. pool, baskolbali court & swings, kilchon appliancos furnlshod[ilchon applian dishwas s. Hig^officiont heal pump provides includina dishwasher. 1.5 balhs, washer/clryer connoctions. Animals FULL-BRED COCKER Spaniel puppios availablo now. First shots, dowormod. 751*5607 foavo mossaqo._______________________ LIVESTOCK: Puro bred Santa Gortrudis Bull & Holler cplvos, 4-6 monlhs otd. Certificalo available. Coll: Shavof Wood Products. Inc. 704-278-9291 central hoat and air. Prowirod for cablo TV & phonos. Insulalod windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Localod In Mocksvillo behind tho old Hendricks Furnlluro building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10*12. Phono 751*0168. Appliances OLDER MODEL CHEST-type freezer, running condition, white. priconea. 998-4063_____________ SAVE MORE RocondUlonod and Gaurantood Appliancos, service work, wo sorvtco all major brands. Just past the car wash on 601 soulh.PRE FALL SALE: drYerS“ S75.00 wasners-SIOO.OO stoves**S60.00 iofrlgorators*-S100.00 Call 751-3545 960 Salisbury Rd. (next to Fuller Welding)30 day written guarantee Child Care CHRISTIAN, HOME-SCHOOL molhor will babysit in Farmington aroa. Pinebrook School District. 1st or 2nd shift. 998-0972, leave mossaqo._______________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HASimmodiato openings tor infants thru preschoolers, discount for second child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Dobbie.______ STAY AT HOME mom has opening for ono child ago 6 weeks to 3 years. After school caro also availablo. Mocksvillo School District. 751-5223. Leavo messaqe. Commercial Property COMMERCIAL LEASE- Approx. 600>SF, 2 rooms, 1 bath w/front & back entrances. S450/mo. Pennington & Co. Reafty 751*9400 Farm Machinery NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Low Prices Plows, Disc Harrows. Scoop Pans, ^roadors, Bushogs. Box Blades, scrape Blades. Gates. Corrals & moro. Wo deliver Wriqht Farm Gales 998*8637 ANTIQUE DEALERS WANTED (or new ■ ar\tfquo shop ‘opariing rnld-' October in Mocksvillo. Groat location. Established business. Call (336}492-6450 or 1*800-663- 4464. code 0243. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immodiato openings • ALL AGES - for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift " possibilities). Convenient hour^ 5:30am * 1:45am. Full Timo. Part Timo, Drop In - upon availability. Como see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksvillo (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudette or Debra. 751-PIAY(7529) Furniture 5-PIECE BLUE volvet living room set.1 year old. $700.00. 998-2835 FOR SALE: Couch. Loveseal, Chair. Lift Chair. 998-8271________ FOR SALE: Whito Jenny Lind crib & changing table, $175 (or both. Call 744-6961 beforo 4, after 5. . 098-6875....... -....................... TABLE AND 6 chairs; china closet: portable dishwasher; dresser; and othor (untiture. Antique oak step back cupboard; primilivo chony 2* piece set. Call 7 5 M 108 hiomes For Rent 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath - Mocksville 4 Bodroom, 2 Bath • Advance3 Bodroom, 1.5 Balhs, Garage & Bsmt - Advanco Howard Realty 751-8562 __________or 751-3538__________ 2 BEDROOM, PARTLY fumlshed. 3 Bedroom, completely furnished. Country living near town, $600 plus deposit and references. Limit 3, no pets, no HUD. 336*284*4712 COUNTRY SETTING: Urge 3Br, IBa, ranch on 5 acres, pond, orchard, 5 miles from ever^hing. 15 minutes Winston-Salem, Salisbury, Statesville. $825/mo. 751*5105_______________________ HISTORICAL HOME ON Salisbury St., 1,772 sq. ft., central air, gas (urnaco, references and deposit required. 1*year lease. No HUD. (336)751-1108___________________ Homo for rent - 3Br, 2Ba In Hillsdale area. $800/mo. Pennington & Co, Realty 751-9400 Homes For Sale FOR SALE: Manufactured Home3Br, 28a, great room, formal dining room, scroened-in porch, wrap around deck, outbuildings, new roof, new central air. Air situated on 3.3 wooded acres, with stream, in rural area. Also has. extra septic tank and oleclrical/ water hookup (or mobile home rental lol. Asking: $94.500. Call (336)998-4994 FSBO; CUTE COUNTRY HOME 3/4 bd., 1579 sq. ft., wood floors, detached gar.,outbids, U acrefot, oil heat. CA. 998-0919. $92.000.00 FSBO: SPACIOUS 4 bedroom/3 bath ranch with basement. 2800 sq ft plus 2 car garage. 2 fireplaces, built-in bookcase in both' living room and den, wet bar, large wrap­around deck, landscaped yard, 1.25 wooded acres-*very private. North Davie/Pinebrook schools. Immodiato occuoancv. 998-5387 ESTATE SALE O f: G rady T. a n d Z o la N ail 1 4 2 D a i s y L a n e off (501 S o u lh o n F airfield R d. (VVnlch for .slgn.s) S e p t . 2 3 , 2 0 0 0 - 8 : 0 0 - 3 : 0 0 C anccl if ra in in g : Farm equipment, antiques, pianò, furniture ^ linens, bedspreads, picture fra in e sim items, kitctiiaín;áppllancra,cM^ dishes, ^ - -lamps, clocks, seiMlnig machine, sewing '' > ' ItemsriBlotKesjcblieciibl« Items'' MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 SlecI C ir f ir s im ^ C T d o Saws, Yard Tool», Chain Saw Chain», ______Scissors. Hand Saws______ A to Z Pwgsiw ggning REASONABLE RATES • FREE ESTIMATES Tim Prevette - Owner (3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 -5 7 3 5 fHoclcsv^le. NC COUNTOY ESTATE IlfS F O flO A U DAT SALE U U U U C А 1 Ю I If lM M I M A CHAIR FUmNTURE 1 1 1 1 1 л 1 l U N QUILT TOPS HOUIE A LOT n w I I V I l 1:30 AM SATURDAY, SEPT. 23,2000 Real Ettate and Рапопа1_Ргор«1у-о1- Edward and Alma Jones Williams (deceased) LMatlon: 791 Forfc-Btxby Road, A(}vanc«,NC.DiTKthNis: FromCtemmons:HviylS8orl-40WesltoHwy80I.Tal(eeOtSouthtoFVghlort Comatzer Rd Then Left on fi3rl(-6ixby Rd. Watch (or Signs. PERSONAL PROPERTY 9:30 AM PMtlilLlitlnylOMFirtfliliikAiittimiMeTtiMmiiiion^nnftorititfiaQftfngfcwtaPi Ruthhftq • 3 PI G»)o DIM • 3 PL 1Wo Bottom Ptow • 3 PL Section Harrow * 3 PL eoom PDh • Assorted Harxl TooU • IWo Bedrixirit Groups • MahoQwy OMiQ TiM «fll St^Chaks arid Skfcboard • Old Bincti • Truitk • Ouflu • GuH Tops • Quit Frarm • HaB Clock * Skiger Touch & Sew In Cabinet • V№dow Table • CotKh and TWO Chabs • (M Servlrtg tart • TWO Air CondRbners • oa Lamps • Chrort>e DMng Table • Pioneer Music System • Martfe Ctock • CNna Set • Man Glass • Brown Wara • IV • Desk • Telephone Tible • McrowM • Crocks • Ruby Red GUss • (M Scales • Ice Cream Freem • Uiggage • Vacuums • Blue Jan • Glassware • Costume Jewelry • DoKes • Towels * linens • Pusn Mowers • Hand Seed Spreader • Cub AMF Lawn Mower • CMdien Feeders• Wash PM • Cement Flower Boxes • Met^Glder and ^Chairs • CM Bodies • Advertising Tins • Many Other Old and Useful Items. . HOUSE & CORNER LOT 12:00 NOON Fulon lOMUhip. Map 17, Lol 95 « Zoned R-20 • IWo Bedroom • One Bam • Basement artd Upper Storage Room or AddlUonal Bedroom • Davl« County. TEfMS: Cash or approved cMdL. LO. requlrKL I №ai8TAlC:S«downdayolsaie.BalaiKedue wttUn 30 days. Sold subject to owner conlkmatton I day of sale. No buyer primlum. Sale conducted for I BeRy Fine, Executrtt. . m t SAU StMtfCr n AtfTMNOMCtMEKTtlUOCiVAUeTm mmmYUM aonoana AL’S AUCnOH Jk REALTY ARM RjtrM. AuctkmMT, М Х #100Э, NCBL«te39>3 Lton Силу, Employvd Аис(к]пиг, Na#3Q<9 4ЮSralordRoad |ioodand&Wi*j«iibie1илпфа^наггт- ;,в З # ? 2 4 1 ^ 7 в 1 • ме11шро«шгвгА«м«в AU CTIO N Saturday, September 30,2000 @ 10 am (or the Mrs. Vetra W. Brown • e s ta te (deceased) 110 Brown Dr (on Jericho Rd.) near Mocksville***Davie Co. from 1-40 Exit «170 Uko Hwy. 601 Soulh for 23 mil«, then Right on Salisbury St., then straighl for 2 miles to the Вгоит) homeplace 8 Room House on a + /- 1 .1 0 a c . L o t 3 Bedmom, balli, living room, den, kitchen, dining mom, slorage Oil Fttrnace***Cotmty Waler***some Hardwood Floors Terms; $5,000.00 doKu day of sale w/balance due in 30 days , Real Estate sold subject to confirmation by executor REAL ESTATE SO W @ И am open house Tuesday thru Friday wk. of sate from 12:00 to 5:00 pm Mahog. China Cabinet“ Oak modern Claw FI. Dining Room Table"set of 6 Ladder Baol< Chalrs**Wal. Lady's Desk**2 pc, modern China Cablnet'*3 po. Maple Bedroom Suite**sdlid Cedar WardrGbe“ Cedar Blani<et Chest*'2 door Wardrobe**Pot Belly Stove Lamp Table**small Wai. Handmade Floor S helfW ail Table**Goose Neck Rocker” Uph. So(a**brown uph. Recliner Rocker*‘elect. Lift Chair"Magnavox Color T,V."G.E, Refrigeiator“ Sears upr. Freezer early Wai. Wall Clock (finlal gallery)“ Wal, Octagon short- drop style Wall Clock**Wal, Viet. Mantel Clock“ Wal, Town Crier Mantel Clock"Wal. Shelf Clock w/Tempus Fugit works 3 & 5 gal. Pottery Pos."Pottery Cider Jug**some Blue Willow Pcs,**Ker. Lamp**Match Stick Church (made by prlsoner)**handmade Stagecoach & Covered Wagon Lamps**Glassware**Blacksmith Bellows**old Carpenter Tool Box**old Cotton Scale**Weli Bucket Hook**Sq. Trunk'*old Bottles**old Drink Bottles"Blue Jars“ Wooden : Barrei**Kltchenware“ Splnnlng Wheel Parts ' Mttiiy Other Itcms***Rc/TCsliments***RestToom ; 3 5 6 F t« H u n te r R d ., H a rm o n y , N .C . 704-546-2б9б>” пса1#74 V , . ■ . ' since 193S ', \ D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept, 21,2UUU DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,2000 - D9 e L A S S Œ œ D S IN E X P E N S IV E P R O F IT A B L E Homes For Sale ■ Miscellaneous ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale 3BR, 1.5BA BRICK/ vinyl ranch. 2.35 acres, 1495 sq ft. S112,000.1051 Boar Crook Ch. Rd.492-7868_______________________ GREAT IN-TOWN location, noar hospital. t650 sq U with 3 largo w. bedrooms, 2 full baths, toncod back yard, storage bldg. & carport. A lot of house (or only $107.500. Call 998-1020 to schodule showing. HOME FOR SALE • FSBO- 3Br,2Ba, beautiful manufactured homo In private country setting. Possible owner financing. $106,900. (704)902-1968 __________ HOME FOR SALE, reduced appraisal price from $75.000 to $67,000. Sold by owner. Davie Academy Rd. 2Bdrm, 2Ba. Possible rent 1 yr. and fix up then buy. 751-5200 or 909-1731 DARE TO BE THtNl Dr. Rocommondod! 100%Quarantoodl 800-790-7412 FOR SALE:К & G SALVAGE ^nyl siding. $34.95/ square Adult briofs, $3.95/pk.. Insulated window sash, $4/pr. 5’4‘x8'2' hardboard. $3.99/oa.; wallboard for mobilo home 4x7.$4.95/oa.; 4x9. $5.95/ea.;bnihrr>om sinks with facet, range hoods. $14.95/ea.; 4’x12'xl/2" Sheetrock, damaged.$4.00/oa.; 4'x8'cedar closet liner,9.95/ ea.: 5/4" treated decking bds.. 8\ $3.99/oa.: 10’, $4.99/oa.; 12* S5.69/oa.New roofing shingles, $14.95/sq. Porgo limainato flooring. $1.99/sq. after 3pm. 9'98-8657 ••INVENTORY BLOWOUr* Under Now Managomont... Nood to Soil All Lot f^odels. Land/ Homo Packagos Availablol AllApjjM rnis^ccoptedl •IN COOLEEMEE* Abandonod homo. Repaired & roady to occupy. Low monthly Installments. Low down payment (336)751-7734 •LANO & Homo^ No money down. Advance. Near New Elem. School. DouWowldo. $15,000 lor acre tot. Homeneq. (336)751-0115 0 DOWN LAND/ home package lo quarried buyers. Call 704-872- 1980 MASTERCRAFT, 14X70. Qood cond.. 3BR. 2BA. new central A/C, new hot wator hoator. Call OWNER FtNANCING New 2.000 sq ft home on 1 aero lol. Paved drive, 3br,2ba. 284-4247 Land For Sale FOR SALE OR TRADE River property: 15 acres with stream, no flooding, adjoining Alcoa, access to Yadkm River, Hwy 601, $10,000 per acre. (336)751- 3666 GODBEY ROAD-30 acres, f^ostly wooded. Great for hunters. $6000/ acre Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400________________ LAND FOR SALE by owner 5.01 acre tract, heavily woodod, ,Cana Rd.. serious inquires only. 998-3678 Land/ Home for Sale 5.7 ACRES W/CREEK plus 98 .doublewide, tike new. 4br, 2ba, $121,900. Harmony/ Davio County. (336)492-5601 Lost & Found FOUND: MALE miniature Doberman. Hamiony arca. (704)546-2133__________________ LOST LABOR DAY wookond;' black lab in area of Hwy 601 & f-40. Reward oHeted. 751-9550 or 940- .7426 Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME SPACES for lenl. Shady Acres МНР. Inc. John Crotts Rd. One mile, Hwy 64 East of Mocksville. Relandscaped. paved streets & parking. Ready 4- 5 wk. Call 998-8222. 940-6233 or 998-8276. 6 panel Exterior Steel Door units. S84.00/oa.;Formica. $.50/sq. ft.Interior paneling, $5.95/ea.;Bldg. stone $140 per pallet/140 sq. Roofing felt. S6.95/roll;We stock stainless stool In shoots & pipe.Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36* dia.Wo stock pumps & accessories for wells. SteoM-Beams For Sate.К & G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road)1st business on West bank of Yadkin River 910-699-2124 FOR SALE: Large chest-typo freezer St 25. LAe-new deluxe roll up box cover for full-size pickup, black; now S450, asking $200. 751-9161_______________________ WILL BUY JUNK CARS.284-4194 V;iNDOW UNIT A/C (ike-new. Call 909-0404 alter 5;30pm. Mobile Homes/Rent FOR RENT: 14x80,2br. 2ba. 1996 modol. hoat pump, stove/ fotrigorator. unfurnished, privately owned. S600/month. Socurity deposit required plu^ one month advanco. 751-3666 Mobile Homes/Sale $1500' DOWN GUARANTEESfinancing. •.Nonpayments lil Next Year. (336)751-7734____________ S283 PER MONTH. Move in Today. 3Bdrm-2Bath. (336)751-7734 Abandoned Home 1» 4 Bedroom Fleetwood Doublewide on 1 acre secluded lot. Make 2 payments and move in1-888-211-4482._________ ABANDONED HOME ON private lol. Nice. Call 744-1307. 1986 2BR/ 2BTH $4900- Dol & Sot on Your Lot. 336-751-0503 1995 14X70, SKYLINE 2Br. 2Ba. now water heater, carpet, tile, counters & paint. Docks, hoal pump & security system Included. Must be moved. $15,000.00 336-940-3119___________________ 1999 REDMON 14X50, 2Br. IBa. central air, front dock, lived In five months. Set-up in Deer Run In Mocksvillo. Lot »73. Call (336)431- 9012 or (336)687-0776.__________ 1ST TIME BUYERS wanted. New financing program for homes ready to move into in Davio & surrounding counties. Bad credit OK. We say VflS ovflry time. (336)751-7734 3 BEDROOM SINGLEWIDE Recently remodeled. Good starter home. Already set-up. $210 per month. (336)751-7734__________ 3BR ABANDONED HOME on wooded tot. $500 dn. 336-751- 0503___________________________ - 97 SW 14x80 Never lived In 3bdnn 2ba, Fireplace w/ appliances Some furniture. Excel. Cond.$19,995 Will Rnance (336)744-9172 S h e s u re is little S h e s u re is p e tite and now th a t sh e 's s ix te e n ... W ill sh e b e s w e e t? Vou bctchal Happy Birthday! Lin«you. Mommy, Daddy, Cirui. Ron. S{<phon<>. US. Afiiiy «1 OoflfliV $51 p cL W ae tS M clid iii 3BR Fleetwood...Move in Todayllll Call 1-888-211-4482._________________ SNO CREDIT? No problem!! With 2 yrs employment and $1195 dn pmt. 336-751-0503______________ American Plol 3Bdrm 2Ba Private lol. Brick Large Yards $4,000 Down s TURNKEY Stop Renting Yesterday (336)744-9249 ASSUME LOAN FOR *98 3br homo In Winston-Salem. Paymonts under $350 per month. Call 744- 1306___________________________ BANK REPOBrand new-nevor lived In. Tako over payments al 8.25% or rofinanco discounted selling price. Save thousands. Musl see. Ouait Run Homes. Inc., next lo Cooks Original Flea Market, Patterson Ave.. Winston-Salem.____________ BEAUTIFUL HOME SET up on 1 acre lot roady lo move in. 704-872- 2347___________________________ BRAND NEW 3BR 2000 model Fleetwood. Only $189 per month. (WAC) Call 704-872-0191. BUY NOW, PAY later. No payments until 2001. Call 704-872- BUYERS WANTED $1.2 Million Available Housing Invenlory •Trade ins Accepted •$0 down with land in Itou •Lots Availablo •Financing Available •Turn Key Packagos •••$500 Deposit 1st como 1st serve**^Appl onty 1-800-593-7014 COOL SPRINGS AREA • 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath doublewide. Owner financed property. Guaranteed financing. (335)751-7439__________________ CREDIT HOT LINE: Gel pro- approved on new home in 30 minutes or less. Call 704-872- 6389. ¿M F etFtm Pêck \ R e n n ix Grading & Landscaping Todd Rennix • Owner 333 McCullougli Rd. Mocksvüle Pilone: (336) 7S1-S178 Mobile: (336) 909-0273 ^ B e r m u d a Q < t ^ ^ illa g g - M a in te n a n c e P o s itio n M a in to n a n c o P o s itio n F u ll-T im e E lo c tric iU /P lu m b in g / H V A C h o lp tu l. E x c e lle n t E n v iro n m e n t. C a ll M o n -F ri, 8-4 9 9 8 -6 7 8 4 N ' / HAD A N Y BRIGHT ID EAS LA TELY? J —RN/ LPN ^ why not work for the Nation’s Leading IVovider of Pediatric Home Care & Flip the Switch to a Brighter Future?! Pediatric Services of America ofTers an Excellent Beneflts Package! 800-725-8857 www.nurx4kids.cjb.nei y e o iA T R ic 5£ R vi¿ e s of INC- C a ro lin a P e rso n n e l C o . In M ocksvillc: •Assembly Operators • Assembly Setup Operator • Packaging • Stamping Macfiinc Operator • tIcaiTreai/M euI Finisher ♦ Top Scaler____________ In W inston-Salcm : • Sheet Meial Mechanics (H V A C ) • H V A C H c lp c n • Priming Press Apprentice • C N C MachincOperaiors • Ccnined Electricians Data Entry Apply to: 3061-C Trcnwcst Drive, W inslon-Stlem . NC 27103 Phone: 794-3253 Fe* 794-3258 -------ШBafiSpccШit^m¡t^lHbe•Moc^»v^lk^ùяphJmaitScalritkrOn¡ct------- _________ Tbwrtdiy. Sept. 21. 2000 Гтш 10:30 шаг tìì 1:30pm.____________ Full and Part-Time Employment CUSTODIAL POSirmMS Full medical, retirement, vacation and other benefits for employees working at least 6*hours per day. D a v ie H ig h S c lio o l Starting Date: October 2 Pick-up Applieation at tlje , ■ Davie County Schools Administrative Offices 220 Cheny Street •Moeksvllle.NC or, " call thePWsonnelftcpartment (336)75l-5#21 M jn tn ^ ^ ^ n C M H I C A L FABRICS Production Operators; This is a ground floor opponuniiy with a proven leader that is cxpanaing imo M M ksvilk. This plant w ill utilize stale of thc art manufacturing equipment to produce spunbond nonwoven fabric. Qualified candidates w ill tw driven by quality, consistency, dependability, a positive work ethic, and w ill thrive in a team oriented, fast paced environment. Benelits Included: Medical & Dental Insurance • Life Insutance Paid Vacations & Holidays • 401K Retiremenl Plan Company Paid Prant Sharing Retirement Plan Continuing Education with Tuition Reimbursement We are currently looking for applicants to operate on 12-hour shifts with every other weekend off. This plant w ill operate 24 hours/7 days per week. Training will be provided. Interested Applicants should coniact Ihe Davie Campus of Davidson County Conununily College in Mocksville at (336) 751-2885 to reserve your space at one o f the Unlfi Technical Fabrics Information and Testing Sessions lo be held Thursday, .September 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 8;00 p.m. ■■ www.Unin-inc.cotn V ; Equal Opponuniiy Employer - M/P. ' X ■ CRUISE ON IN AND roglstor to win a PT Cruiser. Call for details. 744- 1305 DESPERATE-MUST SELLSinglewido 3Br, 2Ba. S350/mo. 75M571 or 888-251-6790 DOUBLEWIDE ON LAND off of 601 S. •OWNER FINANCING* (336)751-7734__________________ DW REPO ON 3/4 acre. Take up pmts. 336-751-0503_____________ FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS Come loam how to qualify for govemment insured lending programs. Quail Run Homes, Inc.. 4270 Patterson Avo.,Cooks Originai Winston-Salem. . Next to Flea Maikot, WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN2 nnd 3 bedrooms, all areas. Your trade in valuo will never bo higher. Call 767-0140 now.______________ MOBILE HOME, ALSO building 32x27 & approx. 2 acres. $55,000 (336)998-7307 5:30 to 9:30pm MUST SELL1993 Skyline 14x80 loaded. 751-1571 or 888-251-6790 NEW CREDIT r e b u ild in g; PROGRAM now availablo lor Firsl Time Homobuyers. Call 800-523-' 5582.__________________________ NO CREDIT? $1000 down: 3 bedroom, Cooleemee. Guaranteedfinancing. S298/mo. (336)751-7439 FIRST TIME HOME BUYERSprogram. No credit is needed, just Income. Call for pre-approval today 744-1308.______________________ FOR SALE BY owmen New manufactured house. 2200 squaro feet. Beautiful country location. Iredell/ Davie line. Possible ownor financing. (704)902-1966________ FSBO: NEW 14x70 mobile homo. undeфinnod. 38r, 2Ba. utility ................................... Callbuilding. Woodleaf area.’ (704)792-1462__________________ GREAT BUY for qualifiod buyer: 3Br. 2Ba & much more. ‘98 doublewido, exclusive area, country selling, almost on acre. 492-2576 LAND INCLUDED IN salo of nico doublowido homo. Bnck underpinning; plus hoat pump. Call 744-1308_________________ LAND/ HOME SPECIALISTSPackages available for all counties! Less than perfect crodit OK. Larry’s Horfios ol Winston-Salom. .Call 888-438-2797 Todav! REPOSSESED AND FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR SALEHouses on our lot and also already set up on land. All are ono ol a kind. Don't walt-como by today. Quail Run Homes, Inc., next to Cooks Original Rea Market, Pntlorson Ave., Winston-Salem. iacraflce $10.000. Forfeit Downpayment on 2.000 saiLr jaaa^ Fleetwood Poublewido!vVilt movo to your lot...Call 1-888-21f>\ 4482.__________________________. SINGLEWIDE SET-UP In Cool Springs - Ownor financing. $328 per mo. 1336)751-0115__________ SKYLINE FACTORY OUTLET 1-72‘x28‘, 5/12 roof, finished deck-64.900 2-56x26', 3Br. 2.5Ba. loaded-49.9001 -52 x28‘ 3Br. 2B loadod-43.900 ; - 1 80 x14'. 3Br. 2B. loadod-24,900 •: 2-80’x14'. 3Br, 2B. vinyf-shingle-*28.900 1'44’x28'.3Br.2B-loaded-36.900 ‘ Call Us Toll Froo 1 -688-462-7806 Wo Savo Vou Money Bonanza Mobile Homes, Inc. CALDWELL PERSONNEL SERVICES "W here Experience & Expertise M ake H ie DH fem Ke' Acccpling Applications for Industrial & Clerical Positions In: M O C K S V I I X E A D V A N C E C O O L E E M E E S T A T E S V I L L E 1101 JericlioClturch Rcl., MucLsvillo, N C 27028 t o j. 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 7 4 4 7 N w « A rn (Across №0 rodd from Ccdar Rxigo Apartments) COST AMALYST FOR GIEMMONS FIRM 3№40HoiiR/W88lLHex-tlineanllalite. Banking or accounting experience prelorred. Degree preferred. Revievii clients’ expenses, vendors, and sen/ices to determine cosl-ellective alternalives. No travel required. Musl have good computer (Excel and Word) and communication skills. We specialize In telecommunications services bul experience not necessary. We will train. Benelils Include 401K and tned. insutance. Salary based upon experience level. Send resume to: luiiunlificuti Siteiilliis, lie. PC Box 1810, Clemmons, NC 27012 or email to UIILHED@AOLCOM E jm n ^ ^ ^ n C H N I C A L FABRICS Administrative Assislant Sales & Marl<cting/Cuslomer Service This Is a «round floor opponuniiy wilh a pravcn tcaJcr lhal is Mpandlng inlo Mocksville. This plant wilt ulilijc stale ol^llic nil manufaclurins equipment lo produce spunbond nonwoven fabric. Qualified candidates will be dnvcn by quality, consistency, dependability, a positive work ethic, and will thrive in a team oriented, fast paccd environment. U enenu included: . ' Medical & Dental Insurance • Life Insurance Paid Vacations «Sc Hol[days • 401K Retiremenl Plan " “ ■ ■ ShariiCompany Paid Profit Sharing Reliremenl Plan Continuing Education with Tuition Reimbursement . . . . . . R «iu ln :m e n ls; High School Diploma and Ousine&s Administration background Computer skills (Microsoft Word. Excel. PowerPoint) f Excellent Communication Skills (telephone and interpersonal) G ood Organizational Abilities Duties Include:' Correspondence, filing, marketing mailing, lelephone duties, distribution of samples or other marketing collatéral, preparation of sales presentations, and . some customer scrvice. Interested Applicants Should Send A Resume 1b: ' U N IF I T E C H N IC A L F A B R IC S , L L C Sales Si Marketing Depi. P O Box 969, Mocksville, N (: 27028 , w w w .Unifi-inc.com . V Eqtial Opponuniiy Employer-M/p - C ',i B L A S S I F I E D S IN E X P E N S IV E p r o f it a b l e Mobile Homes/Sale WONT LAST LONG3Br, 28a homo sot-up In country. 75M571 or 888-251-6790 '93 MODEL COMPLETELYremodeled. 1st timo buyors welcome. $210 per mo. (336)751- 7734 '97 DOUBLEWIDE- Secluded land. 3 Bedroom, 2 Balh. Living room & den model. $498/mo. off Rainbow Road (336)751-7734 DAVE'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES For Sale: Clarinol. Trumpel, C Fiuto, Vioiin, Elee. Bassos, Guitars. Mandolins. Banjos, Dolbros-S200.00 each. 79 Court Square. Mocksvillo 751-1934 PIANO TUNING. 4 Rebuilding Self-players. Sales & Service Wallaco Bariord 998-2789 Real Estate Wanted WE BUY HOUSES. Any condition, any location. Fasi cash, quick dosino. 751-4371. WANTED: 1 lo 5 acres for slick- built house, vicinity Advance or Farmington. Hardwood Ireos a plus. (336) 945-2270 leave message, will return call ASAP. Recreational FOR SALE: Honda 250X 4 wheeler, new carb.. runs great, fast, good plastic. $2300.00 Call Jamio 751 0663...................... B&DDESIGN& CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complete Homo Improvement W^QN^ToAlBQL^QULBudflBll Bobcal Work:Wo Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424Mocksvillo. NC 27028___________ DISH 500. FREE System & FREE Installing. 1-800-984-0772 DJ SERVICE Lifo ofthe Partyl Reasonable rates. _________336-264-4682_________ HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. 284-2725 LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Owner Freo Estimates ___________998-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC for allyour electrical needs. Freo Estimates. 751-3398. WANTED: PRIVATE duty nursing. tocalCNA-1. 998-8043___________ WILL BUY JUNK cars and remove trash from oround your home. 751-5082_______________________ WILL DO HOUSECLEANING Dependable, honest, reliable. Mother & dauqhtor team. 993-6945 DENNY'S LAWN SERVICEResidential & Commercial mowing, fertilizing, reseeding, core aerator, shmbs trimmed. No lob too small. 1336)766-0743 or paqer, 740-6141 Centeri^nt Human Services • C O M M U N IT Y E M P L O Y M E N T T E C H N IC IA N II :.s.i.tj! SHJH0 -W I.1« l.orslion: New lluri/nni Knlrrpri«n>I>atl« Counljr ' Number of V m iik I«: I - Date 1‘intrd: Scplrmbcr 13.2000 n.aStN<i l)ATK »OK o r A1'PI.IC.\T«iS.S! ‘rr 29.2000 DI-SCKIPTION OF W ORK: Thii puiilion it leipuruible for (raining *Julu with; developntcnial diubililie» In an Adult Dcvelopmcm Utcslional I’rugram. The ' incumbenl miH pruvide vocational (raining. SMialiialion tkilU (raining and ; 1гнкрешкп( li« ing skill» training lo Ihe consumers termed. lncuniticn( panicipaici in a vanciy uf activities, including planning dJily work auignmenls. conducting lime and ' ntoiitm Mikliet lu dclcrmine pay rales, preparing weekly task tickets and client paymll. The Incumbent will alu> t« rrsponiibte for >»hliRg pm grtu notes and Irtaimeni plans for a caseitud of tS f consumers. Will cmduci coilaboraiive (earn mee(ings wiih coiuunKn. family members case managen and olhen at needed. MI.SIMUM RUQUIRf:.MBNTS: Graduation from high schotil and (wo years of experience in produclion, (rades or relaled work, preferably with adulls wi(h developmental disabilities; or an Associales degree in (he human services field: nr an Associa(es degree olher than human services and one year experience with (tevelupcnentally disabled pi>pulatiun. SPECIAL CONDrrtONS: EngtUh & Spenbh apeaktng ■ ptu«. Must роаим valid N.C. Driver's IJcttuc AI*i4.ICAT10N PKOOiSS: Submission of a copy of UrUtcnlly tnn K flp U and an original Cen(crPoinl Human Services appticalion it rei|uired; (resumes are not accepted in lieu оГ a completed application form). If in оГГег of employment h extended, оГПс1а) college tnmscripU m iul be submitted prior lo beginning work. An applicalion may be obtained from (he Center and submitted to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. CenterPoint Human Services, 7 U Nonh Highland Avenue, Winston- Salem. N.C. 27101. EOE/MF, JOO UNB (336) 94S M69 lUt. 631 or WPJ>: WWW cphs Mg. Bilingual Applicants Kncouraged To Apply GET REAPY TO GROW Ki a thnOins tn>e lo be with Lowe's Koine Improvement Warehouse, jjne of the nation's fastest gnwing Fortune 200 companies. We offer great pay. 401(k) and one of the best Employee Stock Ownership Programs in the country. I Lowa't Regional Diitrlbutlon C«nt*r li now ‘ hiring for ttn folloniiing poiKloni: Full-Time & Part-Time Team Members RectMng t Flow Dtpartmenti • Fu№, niiht shut' «Fluible part tine schedul« 1« dv m m'ght shifts «pplicaiti should HMM t)w M m k it iK)i*«iNiiti:• At>ilitytaliltiipto70lbs. • Stable worti history• Successful tlnig scieei^g and ctiminal bacligiDund checli• Musl be alleast 18 years old• foiUfl experience a tiliis Base'pay Is $8.S0/tir. FulMime ni|ht shift crew members have a premium of S.SO/hr. P l u K a p p ly In p a n o n M c n d á y -F rM a y a t tha M le w ln g location: Low«’* Dlitributlon Cantar 711 Tomlin MUI Rd. Stataivlll«, NC 2(625 ,Pti: (704) 8764500 WWw*KnVM>COfn s t a t e w id e 8 MINUTES FROM Holden Beach- For Saie by Ownof. 14x70 furnished mobile home with lot. All appliances, C/HA, excellent condition. Boat ramp access. $29,900. 910-842-6745,842-7844. BECOME A MEDICAL Billing/ Claims Specioilsl. Home sludy. Groat career opportunities or start your own business. PCDI, Atlanta, Georgia. Free Career Literature. 600-362-7070, Dept.MCK752. Drivers- Fall Into Moro Money! England Trucking* Experienced/ Inexperienced- CDL Training Available- No Money Down- No Credit Checks- Call CR England Nowl 800-668-3695. 21 Minimum Aqe. V ehicles 1957 LOG TRUCK, rebuilt engine, ^ood tires, ready for use. 336-264- 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER^ power windows/ locks, till, cruise, air, 4 doors, CD player- $21,000.00 284-4540_______________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes SI., Salisbury704-636-1341_________ '92 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX, V6. all power options, new tiros, excellent cond., 106K, $4000. 998-3417 LIVE IN CAREGIVER couple for elderly couple; supportive family, lovely home. Call 704-855-2908 for Inleoriew. WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. Wo select cut or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 nlghl 704-278-4433 or 704-638-0814 Employment ASSISTANT NEEDED TO HELPmanage a busy Lumber Yard and a small group of workers. Opportunity open for Advancement and wage compensation Shaver Wood Products, Inc.. 14440 Statesville Blvd., Cleveland, NC 704-278-9291___________________ AUTO DETAILER NEEDED- Musl be detail oriented, have Ihe desire to do quality work, and have a good work history. Exp. a plus. Excellent benefit package, valid drivers license and dmg testing Hours 8-5. Interestedrequired, candidates can api Inc. 336-751-449! IE H Irim,inc P A C K A G I N G — • D e p a r t m e n t — COMPETITIVE PAY fo r QUALIFIED APPLICANTS A p p lic a n t sh o u ld have sta b le w o rk h is to ry and ba sic m ath si<ilis. A p p lic a n t sh o u ld fe e l co m fo rta b le w o rkin g w ith w ood and w o o d w o rk in g m ach in e ry. A p p lic a n t w ill be re q u ire d to w o rk w ith a tape m easure and u n d ersta n d F e e t-ln ch es-1 6 th s. Benents: Include APPLY IN PERSON EÒBMF Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Retirement Plan Health Insurance TRIM , INC. B a t h a l Church Road Mocksville, NC VQdhlnValleq DIGITAL WIRELESS SALES Yadkin Valley Telecom, a subsidiary of Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corp., Is seeking candidates for full-time sales positions. The ideal candidate will have retail or other experience working directly with the put)llc and will be computer literate. Availability to work weekends, sales skills, and a warm and engaging personality are necessary. Internet and/or wireless telephone experience Is a plus. Yadkin Valley Telecom provides competitive rates of pay and a complete benefit package including medical and dental coverage, group life insurance, short-term and long-term disability plans,, paid vacations and holidays, and a 401 (k) plan. Applications for these positions will be accepted only at the Employment Security Commission In , Mocksville between the hours of 8:00-11:30 am and 1 ;00-4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.: . YadMnVallayTalMomlaan Equal Opportunity Employar . ; ; Employment EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crow. 40-pius hrs. weeeWy w/overtime. Musl bo dependable. No drugs, no hot-hoads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428.___________ FULL-TIME PAINTING postion. $8 starting pay. Must be dependable & hardworking with good attitude & transportation. Calf for Inten/Iew. 336-751-7346.__________________ FULLTIME POSITIONAVAILABLE for post control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver's license. $500 stari-up fee at end of 1st year of employment. Call (or appointment. 751-5720 HELP WANTED: Horn’s Auto/Truck Plaza, 1670 US Hwy 601 North and t-40, Mocksville, NC3rd Shift Cashier3rd Shift Fuel AttendantApply on the fuel side, ask forGeorge or Jon. Benefits are Employment THE DAVIE COUNTY Emergency Medical Services is accepting ^plications for a full time Data Entry Clerk.The position requires knowledge of office practices and procedures. Computer experience for entering information from PCRs for billing purposes. Ability to communicate effectively with the public by lelephone and in person. Must be courteous and tactful. High schoof diploma wilth some accounts receivable experience a plus. Pay grade 58 $18,441 -$28,607 Mail applications to: Attention L. Dwayne Smith-Dlrector DAVIE COUNTY EMS, PO Box 935, Mocksville. NC 27028.The County of Daavie Is an equal Applk9-25-:9-25-2000. / at Featherlite, CHILD CARE ASSISTANT NEEDEDFull-time, must be at least 16 yrs. old. High School Graduate or GED.Young Children's Learning Center184 Council St. Mocksville, NC ___________751-7116____________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 264-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for application. EOE DRIVER- Our Flatbeds Get You Home Every Weekend... GuaranteedI Strong miles, top benefits, great companyl Call Roqer today at 1-800-282-0131. KRISTI'S ICE CREAM Daytime porson needed, full or part-time. 998-9993_____________ MACHINE SHOPLocal precision machine shop has opening for screw machine & grinding operators as well as general machine shop help. No experience required. Yadkinville. (336)463-2311 MENTAL HEALTH TECH. for the Mocksville and surrounding area. 1 on 1 bohavorial interventions. PfV positions available. Pay varies depending on level of education and experience. HomeCare Management Corp. 1-888-601- 6934. NOW HIRING ELECTRICIAN'S helper. Exp. preferred. Appointment only Osborne Electric. 751-3398 Are you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard woricer? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Are you getting benefits llite THESE? • High competitive wages • First raise o ftBf 3 0 d o y j • 4 guaranteed raises In 15 months • Paid vacation • 4 0 1 k re tiie m e n t p la n • H e a H ti/D e n ta l in su ra n ce • W e e k ly p a ych e ck s •PaldmeolL____ -Flexible schedule • Stock opHons • Position salary advancement (toward trainer, manager, etc)• CMi4ti />lAcinn iiAimEorly dosing hours J O b Y O U T t tIF B E IN G C H E A T E D III Business is CREATI W e are hiring to get read y fo r F A U & WIKTER BUSINESS. W è a m c vm n H y looking fo n NIGHT TIME & WEEKEND SERVERS, DISWASHERS, GRILL COOK, CASHIER, HOSTESS, NIGHT MAINTENANCE C O M E IN T O O A Y A N D APPUT. W E A R E A M S T -H U E O , F U N P IA C E T O W O R K . W a a ra k w k ln g fo r H IG H e n e rg y p a o p to ttM t lik e to w o rk h a r d o n d m o k a M O N E Y III 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 I “ We ore on equol opportunity employer.OU Country Store jW lia t M atters Is W h a t NAKESA DIFFERENCE. .e u rte m ir.S « r* te » ;;te te .b :R •J Э lm n ta tlv e lЛ « гí? ;^ l& . _______________dv lOOienuiiaci/et la w m b ^ d irV :; - I W lO i.« I -С»айка|1кмироямаЦ№('оЫ«п^«гк1спа№ iam ifciB R M db«K ai«b'iU lt.K C ciP »ftO fk« . _ I , gietpt jynwak tw t' I iisMMUL PMvmti.cir«koc« in • кпгк««гЗ- I v m a i cnviiMineK • р1ш. Houn fix. iboc pod- l^^g?VdM M ’i3:90p(Mpn.nJ0im-8fiD.<na .. • /• Vv,- . DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 21,2000 D a v ie D a t e lin e F uiacI R a is e rs _________ Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Socicty of Davie Co. 2nd An* nual Ride For AnimaU, spon.sors needed. Call 751-5214 for info. Yanl Sule. Mt. Zion Holiness Church, chickeii. hotdogs, apple pic sale, 64 E. and Mill St.. 8 a.tn., rain or shine. Saturday, Sept. 30 Poor Man’sSuppcr.FultonMeth. Church. 4*7 p.m. Donations. Friday-Sunday, Oct. 6-8 Davie Q uiiier’s ¿juild First Annual Quilt Sho»v, Davic Libnuy.MainSt., Mocksvllie. Oct. 6-7 from 10 a,m.*6 p.m., Oct. 8 from I -5 p.m. Queen siic quilt "Nana's Ganlen" cafllcd Oct. 8 - donaliow %\. Adn^ssion« S2.00. For more infoordireciionscall751* 0532 or 492-7408. B £ M q o _________________ Saiurday, Sept. 23 Union ChnpcI Mcth. Church, country , ham & sausage breakfast. Hwy. 601 N. of 1-40.6:30 a.m.*IOa.m. ^■Monday, Got. 2 indie Light Vigil, Davie Domestic Vio- : to host. 6:30 p.m.. meet at Davie Co. f (0 ^alk to court square. To honor vietili of domestic violence in Davic Co. by rcser%'aiion 5-6:30 p.m., program 7 p.m. In sanctuary. Tuesday, Sept. 26 Democrats meet at Cooieemee Town Hall. 7 p.m. Dates to Remember Recreation R e u n io n s Sunday, Sept. 24 Rcunloii of Dvscendenls of Thomas Jefferson and Matilda Smith Deck. William R. Davic Fire Dept., I p.m. M e G tln ö S (¡corRc Valentine and Lou Hurlon A WVVM .M\ crs Keunlon, Elbavllle UniiedMcth. Church, I p.m. Covered dish. 'Sat.&Sun.,Sept.30&Gol.-1 Annual Dook Sale, Davie Co. Public Li« brary, Sal. 9 a.m.4 p.m., Sun. 2-5 p.m. Pnpetbacks lOi, Hardbacks 25tf, Special items 50tf. Saturday, Oct. 2 Piedmont CjV.R.S. Assoc. Cn]lse In. Main St., downtown Mocksvllie, 6-9 p.m. Forlnfocall 751.0313 or 751-5468. Friday, Oct, 13 Harry Potter's Hogwarts School of Maglcl 4-6 p.m., Davie Co. Public Li­ brary, Main St., Mocksville. Madame Cassandra Rose will bring magic of Hogwans to Ihe llbnuy. Limited to 36 people, so pre-registration Is a must Lim­ ited to grade 3 and obove. Call 751-2023. All panicipanu must bring a broom. Thursday, Nov. 2 Dr. Elliot Engel presents "The Iniml- table Winston ChunhlU'*. 7 p.m., Davic County Public Llbnuy, call 751-2023 for more info. For more information on these events, call 751-2325. Thursday, Sept. 21 Special Olympics Davie Co, Port-A-PIt, S6perplate, l/2chicken, baked beans.slaw, roll, desseit, 11 a.m.-6 p.m„ 1st United Mcth. Church. Place order by Fri., Sept. 15, call itc. dept. 751-2325. Report Davie Dateline Items ByNoonlVlonday Items for Davic Dateline should be re­ ported by noon Mond.iy of the publication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the oiTice, S. Main St. ucioss from the coiir1hou.sc.' Y M C A For more information,call75l-9622orvlsii Davie Family YMCA. Friday, Sept. 22 FamllyNlghl. 6:30-8:30 p.m, Saturday, Sept. 30 Teen Scene, 8-11 p.m. FrI.-Sun., Oct. 6-8 Scuba Class, cost members: S250, non­ members S275. Lifetime PADl cenifica- tion. Please call Lisa at 751 -9622 for more Info. Interior Designs • A o o e sso rle s • W in d o w T re a tm e n ts • B e d d in g E n se m b le s • S ilk T re e s & P la n ts • F lo o r C o v e rin g s '. M in i B lin d s • W a ll C o v e rin g s Charlene B, Qassldy and Clirisiine L Hege IDSAssociales Mon.-Fri. 9-5 3560-C CIcmmons Rnatl, Clemmons. .7fi6-99l8 _________________________ SODA^SROF RESTAURANT E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N IT IE S B e P a r t O f O u r G r e a t T e a m ! Accepling a p p llu lla iii on W ed n e sd a y, O c t. 4 & F rid a y , O c t. 6th ~ between 2 pm and 5 pm at: T A N G L E W O O D C O M M O N S 4146 Clcmnians Road, Clemmons, NC 27012 S p . £ £ M £ v S D i5 _ _ _ Saturday, Sept. 23 Humane Socicty of Davie Co. 2nd An­ nual KideForAnlnials.sponson needed. Call751-.^214forinfo. Saturday, Sept. 30 Coolecmce Textile Hcrlta{;e Festival, heritage parade 10 a.m., Zachary House gates open 11 a.m.-4 p.m., music, food, (juili show, an contest, petting 200, boat ritles on Yadkin River & Blinky puppet show. Sponsoredby Cooieemee Historical.. Association. Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 20-21 Christians Women’s Clubs of W-S, Ber­ muda Run Country Ciub. Speaker May Justice of Roanoke, Vo. Meetings open to public, but reservations required. Free nurs­ ery. Sept 20, 11:15 a.m. luncheon club. $12.25, call 924-9281. Sept 21,900 a.m., brunch club, SIO. call 722-7884. Saturday, Sept. 23 Davie Co. Repub. Men's Fed., 7:30 a.m.. Red Pig Restaurant Monday, Sept. 25 No W oodmen of the W’orld Lodge 323 meeting, Lexington DUtrict UMW Annual Meet­ ing, Memorial UMC Thomasville, Dinner Taradiddle Piayers At Brock The Turradlddle Players, a profes­ sional acting tmupc, will pcrfonn Mark Twain's The Princc and The Pauper" for the Davie Coumy Arts Council's Kid’s Night Oul! series. New this year, school matinees have been added to the line-up of performances for young audiences. TlicTarradlddlc Players will perform "The Prince and The Pauper" on Tuesday, Oct. 3 al 1 and 7 p.m. at - the Brock Performing Arts Ccntcr. Pino News Tickcts arc on sale at Ihe Brock Performing Arts Center Box OHice in the lobby of the Brock Perform­ ing Arts Center at 622 N. Main St.. Mocksvillc. Tickcls arc S8 for ailulls anil S6 for childrcn. studenis. and seniors. For groups of 15 or morc people, tickcts are $5 per person for all ages. Box Office hours arc Mon­ day - Friday, 10 o.m.-2 p.m. On the day o f Ihe performance, ihe Box Of­ fice w ill rc-opcn al 3 p.m. By Nor^ Lalham Pinoconcspondeni Wc want to thank everyone who ciune to our breakfast Salunlay. It was a huge iuccess. Our ncxi one will be Oct. 21. There will be an administrative council meeting at I2.-I5 ncxtSunday al Wesley Chapel. Please try lo attend. Peggy and Ervin Angcll of Manlco vvcic dinner guests of Harmon and Nora Uiiham Monday nighl. They came home especially lo attend tho funenU of Roger Whittaker, who re­ cently passed away. Our sympathy goes to the family. Our community was saddened by the dcadi of John Hugh Shelton, who jwssed away lasl week. Wc extend our sympathy to ihc family. John and Inez McClannan. who werc in a car accidcnl several weeks ago. arc slowly getlingbcttcr.Thcy arc very lhankful lhal Uicy survived. They would like lo thank cvoycne from the church, North Pino, and surrounding coramunitics for all the food, visits, cards,calls,and alltheothernicc things lhal were done for them. Taldng Orders FQt:J?icteüpThors:^pt.28 Fresh гг ' USD А Insi iSau \г v^Qail for Prices & ' ’fV’ Üerry&Cindy I . 4^ocksviile,NC¡ fÄ»*- 336-998-7175 L _ 1 S O U T H E R N л и щ н ш ш тти ш Ш Ш Ш Ш When A Health Plan Is Rated As Good As We Are, ^ \ z C n y o r \ 6 Should Know Medicare Satisfaction Survey said there were little or no problems in getting a referral to a specialist. 97% ‘"^'cated little or no problems In getting the care they needed. 9 5 % doctors com municated well. 9 1 % above average for the overall level of health care received. 9 1 % quickly. Tliere . are a , lol of iicaitii plans available to M edicare Beneficiaries. So how do you know wliich one is best for you? One way is to ask tlie people who use the plan. In the most recent M edicare Satisfaction Sui-vey*, Medicare benelicianes were asked to rate their plans. As the results indicate PARTNERS Medicare Choice m em bers are very satisfied customers. Arc you satisfied w ith your health plan? Call today to leam m orc about PARTNERS M edicare Choice. Call Today 1-800-665-8037 TDD/TTY PARTPŒ RS; Medicare lo in us for a free, n o -o b lig a tio n p re sen ta tio n . Friday, September 22, 11:30 a.m. Western Steer • 1580 Yadkinville Road (1-40 to Hwy. 601) Mocksville *Soun;e: Medicarc CAHPS Survey, Janunty 2000, conducted by the' Health Care Financing Administiiation. " PARTNERS Medicare Choicc is offered by PARTNERS National Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc.. an HMO with a . ■ Medicare+Choice contracl. PARTNERS does not discriminate based on color, religion, national origin, age, race, gender, ■i disability, handicap, sexual orientation, genetic infomialion source of payhwnt or health status as definiS by HCFA. All ; qualified Medicare beneficiaries may apply. You' must be entitled'to Medicare Part A and enrolled in Medicare Part B and reside in the HCFA approved service area. Benefits \villvaiy by county/- ■ '.V. :;:.-.':,:;H C FA ,M K T.O O ^279-A 5/0Q - Homecoming 2000 D a v ie H ig h C e le b r a tin g Pages B6-D3 Let’s Get Ready For Winter Davie Family Decides ‘Why Not?’ On Installation Of Home Fire Sprinkler System Special Section Inside D  V IE C O U N T Y 500 E N T E R P R I/EC O R D USPS 149-60 Number 39 T hursday, Sept. 28, 2000 48 Pages C e le b r a t in g T h e R iv e r Kaitlln Dodd, Cody Rusher and Miranda Decess think lhat a picnic Is the perfect activity on the river. Tliey will be'a part of the Cooieemee Elementary float in Saturday's Textile Heritage Festival parade. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Textile Heritage Festival Saturday In^ooleemee ByM ikeBarnKurdt Davic County Enterprise Record ' COOLEEM EE-W henlhe annual Textile Heritage Festival gels under way Saiurday moming, expect Blinky ihe Calfish to be popular. Using Ihe theme of ihe river (The South Yaditin River for Ihosc of you not familiar wilh Cooi­ eemee.), Blinky will be Ihc 'Tish" of Ihc day. After all, he’s wilnesse'd more Ihan 100 years of history at the'area that has also had names such as The Shoals and The Bullholc. The river has always played a -speeiaH Ihese parts. Evert before the town was formed, the river was used for navigation, for food (Sorry, Blinky) and for fun. When Ihe textile boom hit, the ' shoals area on the South Yadkin was the perfect spot for a dam, that provided electricity to run a huge cotton mill. That brought jobs, and the jobs brought people. Cooieemee was thriving. Folks worked hard at ihc mill, and when it camc time to play, they played hard, too. Baseball was popular, and so was swimming and Hshing and picnicking at Ihe river. Want to know more? Just ask Blinky. Blinky's puppet show will take place at about 11:15 on Ihe grounds of Ihe Zachary House, where Ihe festival w ill be headquartered. A new, life-size Blinky will roam the grounds lo whoever wants to leam. Blinky's costume was made by Boiinie Bycrly and Claudette Roberts. • The festivities begin at 10 a.m: with a parade, traveling frpm Main Street, onto Maiginal Street to the school. More than 21 entrants have signed up, and morc ore wclcomc. F0X8 personality Roy Ackiand will be the grand marshal. State , Rep. Julia Howard is also expected to ride near the front. Sludenis at the elementary school were working hard on their float last week. It features ways childrcn can enjoy the river. Beginning at 11, craft and demonstration booths will be open on the Zachary House grounds. Crafts such as beeswax candlcs, goat milk soap, rustic furniture and garden sculpture will be sold. The special photo exhibit inside the mill village museum is tilled i wilL display their handiwork. The Davie Grays Civil W ar' reenactment ¿roup will be on hand, as will some members from a primitive camping group. ■ Please See Cooieemee - Page 4 Downtown Parldng Is An Age O ld Problein By Jackic Edwnrds Davic County Enterprise Record The problem of downtown parking in Mocksville is an age old problem. It's one that Mocksville Town Man­ ager Terry Bralley will lake care of itr self. “This is not a new problem, Ihis has been an issue for some lime," Bralley said. A tneeling was held_Aug..3l .al.thc. Rotary Hut with downtown merchants to discuss parking and a possible solu­ tion. Some wanted lo limil parking to a couple of hours. Others wanted to leave it as ills. "We wanted to try in a friendly way to say, look folks if there is another place to park help us be responsible citi­ zens.” Bralley said Ihcrc arc future plans lo free up some parking behind the court­ house, but it would only consist of a icw parking spaccs. “A lot of Ihc problem is court related, probably about 60 percent, some is not,” said Bralley. One point Bralley is certain of is that there has to be a solution worked out. He has taken calls on this issue for 20 years, bul feels this problem is Ihe bel­ ter of two. "This is better than not hav­ ing enough people downtown." This issue is one Bralley hopes In clear up in.a-friendly way, Mocksville • has had parking meters in the past, then moved lo two hour parking, and finally no parking enforcement. "Il has been 20 years sincc we’ve enforced any parking downtown, wiih the exception of handicapped parking," Bralley said. “A lol of il could be as simple as if a merchant has employees parking in front of the store, be smart, don't cre­ ate a problem for yourself or your - neighbor." “ • Beware Of Third Party Telephone Calls Area residenis should be warned: there’s an apparent telephone scam go­ ing on. Il involves Ihird parly calls, where an operator calls your home asking for permission lo bill a telephone call to your number. If il is granted, lhal call could be billed lo your telephone num­ ber. Several area residenis have reported receiving these calls. Those taking ad;- vantage of people actually leam your' name lo tell Ihe operator. Anyone who suspects they may be: receiving a third party calls that aren't legitimate should call local law enforce­ ment and your lelephone service pro­ vider. Kinderton Annexation Still An Unanswered Question By Beth Cassidy Davie Couniy Entcrprise-Rccord While less Ihan one quarter of Ber­ muda Run residents attended Monday 158 and Interstate 40, primarily to gain sewer capacity and the ability to woo polcniial restaurant and shop owners who would dcsirc a liquor license. As wilh the mid-September meeling, -Bight's. public-heai4ngr4he5e-who-4id-----aboul-20(}fesidcmsfacked^n^в^thef- allcnd seemed lo be cither strongly op­ posed or strongly in favor of the pro­ posal of voluntary anncxatión of Kinderlon's commercial area. Kindcnon's developers have asked Ber­ muda Run to annex 106 acres of ils commcrcial development bclwccn U.S. facts and information' and voice Iheir opinions on whal could mean a boost to this new town's lax base. Mocksville attomey and president of the N.C. Bar Associalion Hank Van Hoy represents Kindcnon’s developers and Please See Residents - Page 7 : m Town OKs Agreement For RiverPari(; Pilot View To iUlanage Project COOLEEM EE - Another step was taken last week loward the creation of a park on the South Yadkin River when the Cooieemee Town Board of Com­ missioners unanimously .approved a three-way agreement containing the details of administering grant funds. The agreement is between the town, the RiverPark task force of the Cooi­ eemee Historical Association and Pilot View Inc. o r Winston-Salem, which will serve as park project manager. Dis­ cussion'and refinement of the agree­ ment has takeii place over the last sev- eral months. Defining duties and responsibilities of each party, the agreement places land ownership and responsibility for the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund matching grant of $250,000 awarded last June under the town’s column. While the town will carry the park lands on its municipal insurance policy, il will be reimbursed by private funds from RivcrPark - the same agreement that has .been in .effect for the last seven years with thé historical society for the Zachary House, which'this year paid more than $500 as insurance reimburse­ ment. , , The RiverPark task force is commit­ ted to raise the quaner of a million dol­ lars to match the grant. In addition to asking for donations frpm individuals and businesses, Ihc park effort has re­ cently applied for several more state grants, including an application to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund for $ 167,000 toward purchasing stream and river property and a request to the N.C. Rural Tourism fund for $25,000. ■The task force will act as primary consultant to the town in building the park, negotiating land rights and over­ seeing development. Il will also be re­ sponsible for paying an independent auditor at the close of the grant, as well as paying Pilot View lo administer the grant and act as project manager. With morc than 30 successful projects, most seem pleased lo be work­ ing with Pilot View, said Ken Sales of the RivcrPark task force. Pilot View w ill coordinate biding, contracting, design planning, financial managenunt and additional fund raising......... ......' 7 '"...‘ ' У A ll work done with grant money will ■ be governed by stale law. \ “Wc are very pleased with the coop­ eration of all panies concerned," Sales ' said. , . ' ; “We have concluded a contract with Claude Hom for his nearly 40 acres on ' the Rowan side of the river and are > hopeful ihat an agreement with Frank and Sue Earnhardt is close. . : ' “With the agreement concluded, now ; ^ we can get busy with buying park 1мЛ » and beginning the design phase' of-i.' RiverPark," Sales said. - t 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPm SE RECORD, Scpl. 28.2000 E d it o r ia l le g a l’ Shorts le rrify Students At High School Parents are doing okay, nnd grandparents are soaring in the eyes of their 14 year olds. That’s the resujt of my unscientific poll conducted last week in a Davie High classroom. : Parents were cited by a surprising number of students as the people they looked up to most — their heroes. They spoke of their grandparents with deep affection. A few cited sports figures as their heroes, but parents still count when you’re 14. More good news... Our teachers are doing their jobs well in preparing our children for adulthood. George W. Bush is the overwhelm- ■.ing favorite among the freshman class I visited, winning 18-2 in my poll, with four undecided. But these youngsters don’t follow the party line. They picked ^)like to le y for governor by a 10-7 margin over Richard Vinroot. O f course, Vinroot had just insulted ■ anyone under 6-foot-2 a few days earlier. Vinroot may indeed be “full grown,” but his social skills are not yet ftilly developed. The freshmen have survived the culture shock of high school. On opening day, helpful upper classmen directed them to the elevator, the pool, or other nonexistent land­ marks as they struggled to find their classrooms. They complain that it took too long to navigate the hallways between classcs.-They get-five minutes. Itold - them I got three minutes 30 years ago, but they quickly Jnformed the campus is much larger now, and there are more students squeezing through the hallways. Those living in the far reaches of the county com­ plained about the school bus arrivals in the wee hours of the morning. One met the bus at 6:15 am. The high school bus has replaced our alarm clock at home. It honks at 6:30 every morning. The students must be getting up at least by 6 o ’clock.“ ' - --------------------- ,........____________ ___... The girls don’t like the dress code. They can’t wear shorts that fall higher than the tips of their fingers as they are standing. The problem is fashion. There are no stylish girls shorts that long. When they get measured for wearing illegal shorts... There is a one-size-fits-all pair of black shorts in the principal’s office. Any offender of the rule must change into that pair of shorts. The students didn’t know how often that pair of shorts is laundered. They didn’t want a chance to find out. One unformnate giri who failed the measurement test said she had been forced to wear that awful garment. Only one giri in the class was brave enough to wear shorts the day I visited. One student in the class could not speak any English. How painful the day must have been for him. Another spoke broken English. Several of the students were the sons and daughters of my old classmates. They were well mannered, bright and well groomed. Some had firm opinions. They were very impressive. — Dwight Sparks In T h e M a il ■ Bermuda Run Board Should Be Patient (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 • Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLI.SHING CO, Dwight Sparks.. Robin Fergusson...... Mike Bamhardt...;..... R^y Tutterow,.,,,....... Moektvili* EnttrpriM 1916-1958 ..Edltor/Publlsher ...................General Manager ..Managing Editor ......................Advertising Manager Davi* Rccord 1899-1958 CocleemM Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals PosUge Paid In Mocksville, NC 2702S Subwtlpllon Rates Single 0^ ,60 Cents ' - $20 per y w In Noitt) Carolina $25 per year outside North Carolina '. t. ; POSTMASTER. Send tiklrest chir\ges to; Devie County Enleiptlse Record ! P.O. Box 09, Mocksvllle. NC 27028 , . . Tolhccdltor;...... - ---------------------------- I slnccicly appreciate your coverage оГ Ihc ac­ tivities in Bemiuda Run. While I do not always agree with your nlitorials, I rcspect your tight to express your opinions. The riiilowing arc my remarks at the Sept. 12 Bermuda Run meeting: I want Ю thank Mayor John Fergusson for his time, energy and сГГоп as mayor since our incorpo­ ration. The same goes to each council member. All of you have surely sacrificed your own personal . time and cfToit for the good of Bennuda Run. Tlien: Is another group of people that I would like 10 thank: • People who have stepped forward recently to «•rite letters to newspapers, to the mayor and lo the councillor have called. • People who have asked for a meeting withthcir council member. • People who are doing research on the pros nnd cons of annexation, but especially a few people who have had the courage tostand at the post olIlcc and handout infomtationrcgarding annexation and 10 publicize this meeting nnd future meetings.This takesguts.Thishasrisks associated with it. You can be subjected to verbal abuse. You can be labeled a trouble moker.. 1 have two different approaches to annexation: The public hearing should be delayed, and this is why: • A public hearing is a lightly conuolled meet­ ing. • You have to sign up to speak. • Both sides are limited timewise. • The council will not answer questions. • Most impoitant, alter the public hearing, the council can vote even at Ihe 2Jth meeting. • And just as in n trial by jury, Ihe council is not requiml to tell us why they voted the way they did. For these reasons. I feel the public hearing should be delayed. The next thing losk for is to hold public informa­ tion meetings with these guidelines: • Anyone can speak under the control o f a crator^----------—------------------------------------------- ------• Nooutsidelawycis auuld he allowed,' ‘ ' • We wtiuld invite tiK petitioners to tell ns Ixiw they would benefit from annexation. • Eiich council member and tltc mayor w txild bo nvailable lo ivspiind lo questions. • The nK*eting would only adjourn when the taxpayers agree to adjourn. The next thing I ask for isa referendum. Let's put il to a vole - a binding vote. But only afler the taxpayers have had all their questions cleared up. The sccond approach is lo vole lo reject this Immediately. Wait Ihrce orfourmofeycin. Let tho developers prove lo us that the cxsh flow to Ihc present Oetinuda Run taxpayeni wraild be very, very, very positive coming into the town from the annexed area. Let's don't fall for the promises from Ihe developed. They could beuiung.Thenuhaldo we have? More expenses for the taxpayers. I w ill suppon cither approach. I have been patient with our mayor and council. 1 have not callcd any of you lo criticisc yvur actions or criticisc you in these meetings. Ix t me read some recent commenis lhat you have made as quoted in the newspaper Alan, you said "I am confuscd about areas of responsibility and protocol. All fiveof us are some­ times working on the some project." Charlie, you said that then: .should be one chief. John, you said you were rankled about a com­ plaint regarding mower angle. Bob, you said we arc setting here not accom­ plishing a thing, (Al this poinl, I was nol allowed to finish. Following is the balance of my speech.) John, you disagreed saying that it had only been one year. Wc have gol to exercise some patience. The newspaper article slated lhal the council talked about nc^lng more olllce space and golf cansonslrecis. My poinl in referring to your comments as reported by the newspaper Is this: I am not surprised that you admit lhat there is some confusion. You arc only one year inlo this process. No one expects things to run smoothly. I appreciate your nonesty ¡a making mat suitcmcnt. ■ I understand tliat wTih all IhathaSlo be aOTilli. pliNhnl, you may feel th;it thingsare not moving fa,st enough. Wc do nci-d one chief. You should be handling large and small nmiplainls. You should be w orking on slreel signs and lights. These are the kinds of things thal a new town should be working on. We need lo hc palienl. I inlcnd lo be patient w ilh: Ihc lown boanl as w e progress towanl the goals set forth when vc bccarne a town. But you should nol be spending ytjur time working lo increa.se the value of the KInderton property at Ihls time. If you are now telling us lhal a certain project will now take four years to complete instead of Iwo years ns projccicd. so be il. Let's be patient. Let's spend our lax dollars, lime and energy and make il happen. Lei's be patient, lake our lime, and do it right. Charles Fox Bennuda Run T h e V o lu n t e e r s M a d e B ig S w e e p A S u c c e s s To the cdllon I would like lo ihank all of the volunteers thal helped with Big Sweep on Saturday, Sept. 16. A total of 95 volunteers helped clean Ihe Dull Hole' and other access areas in Davie County. We picked up around 90 bags of Irash and a lot of loose trash. I would like 10 especially lhank all of ihe Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts that helped make the clean­ up abig succcss. Everyone enjoyed the scenic view at the B ill Hole where the fuiure RivcrPark w ill be build. If anyone is inlerested in helping with ihe park, contact anyone on Ihe RivcrPark Task Force or the Cooleemee Historical Association. Michael Gamer, Director Mocksville-Davie Parks & Recrcation In T iie M a il... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - 3; It’s Time For Southern Men To Stand Up Tb Ihc editor: The appearancc of succcss in the Soulh has u dcceptivc side to II. A lol of things look great on the oulsidc. but there is something Important miss­ ing. Tb some people It is like staring at the rain­ bow. ond knowing Iherc Is nn chnncc to get there. There seems to be a lot o f things going on. bul no dear cut direction. The South was in a differcnl stage of progress oncc. and there was a sense of short and long term direction. It was being driven by people who had Q reak stake In ihe Soulh. They owned and built up companies that provided jobs for people, who in lum could make plans for their own lives. Tliey eared aboul the companies they owned, Ihe prod­ ucts they made, and they made money. That has changed. They werc raided, and that was taken away. They were the movers and shak­ ers who made things happen‘They had more than money, they also had influence. They might still have money, but no InHuence. Their wings have been clipped. The raiders make money by buy­ ing and selling the companies, and Ihcy don't carc aboul who gels hurt. During that proccss, something happens to the men in the South, and they arc slill stunned. They stood In shock and wotched as their jobs werc packed up and shipped to other countries. This Interrupted the pjans ihay had for iheir own lives, and many haven't recovered ... yet. Everything they were doing was pul on hold. Now, they have lo team how to piece out ihings anyway they can. They find themselves living life like some little old tin horn hustler, by any means they can scrapc logelher. It takes Ihc joy out of life, one man who owns a boat and used to go fishing said, ‘T still go fishing, bul I don’t enjoy it anymore. I find my mind rambling around trying lo figure out how to make a belter payday." Hc hud been known to work two jobs, trying to make up for lost income. Some people say they are doing more things than ever, enjoying it less. They were used to giv­ ing lo church and charity, Ihcn covering their own expenses, and having a little left to do something they were inlerested in. The biggest change of all, werc lhc men them* selves. The southern men used to have a reputa­ tion for fighting back. Il didn't matter if iheir cause was right or wrong, they would fight back unto the bitter end. If their j(Jbs werc taken from them, they would get together and start new ones. Not many w ill admit il, but there is an eco­ nomic war going on, because of the global mar­ ket pressure. A lol of lhc South has been told they don'l fit In anymore, and Ihey believe it. Their jobs were wrung out of ihelr hands and taken away, while they stood thee in disbelief. When that first happened, 1 thought, now you have done it, you don’t know the South, you arc in for a two fisted economic fight. Tliey w ill fight back by getting together and starting companies lo make and bring products to, the market on their own. They w ill find Ihcir way into the marketplace wihtout you. or they will create markets where there are none. When they didn't fight back. I wondered what happened to Ihe southern men. Their forefathers could break u plow shaft, and if Ihey didn't have the money or the means lo replace it, they would make One, ond sometimes improve on II. They would never stand by, and watch their livelihood go down the drain without a fight. It seems that lhc job raid on the Southdid -• -more damage to their mental outlook on life, than it did to their financial slate. The fost talking raiders stmck with such swift force, lhal the Soulh never saw it coming. It had no defense ut alt. People can say what they want, but mentally, the South hasn't picked itself up oul o f the dirt from that great fall. They lost a lot of ihings dur­ ing, and can't lock on to anything lhat has a fu­ ture with a worthwhile purpose. A lot more lhan incomc was lost. They lost the means lo shape thclrown lifeslyle, instead of being dragged along by circumstances. Out tiierc in never land, where people’s jobs have left them high and dry, can be found the talent and skill to build a whole clvili/ation. Il needs some people who know how to gather II up, and pul it back lo work. Tliis lime II had better leam to use the glo­ bal market to Its own advantage. I have a hunch, some people are studying the economy much like you study jump rope. You have 10 gel In tunc with the rotations and then jump In. and you are back. Some of them can’t stand lhal wallowing in the dirt much longer. They w ill be back. The main thing lo watch for is, can the South pick itself up and make a comcback, or did Ihe bushwhackers finish it off. Adolphus L. Urown Mocksville N O T I C E O F P R O P O S E D P U R C H A S E O F B A N K B R A N C H A S S E T S A N D A S S U M P T IO N O F L I A B I L I T I E S Notice is hereby given lhal the Bank of Davie, Mocksville; North Carolina has made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for its written consent to acquire lhc as.sels of and assume the liability to pay deposits o f the Carthage, North Carolina pffic:e of First Bancorp, Troy, North Carolina. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing, w ilh Ihe Regional D irector (DO S) o f the Federal Deposit Insurancti Corporation at its Regional Office located at Suite 1800, One Atlantic Center, 1201 West Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3415, no later than 30 days after the first publication o f the notice. The nonconfidenlial portion of the application is on file in the Regional Officc and is available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of informalion in the non confidential portion of the application file w ill be made available upon request. Taking Orders ForRickiUp~Thursrn.Sept. 28 ,^USDA Inspei^ed v | 0 'S a u s a ^ e i L o ] n s ¿ ^ | a r e ^ ^ ,\¡-No'óVder tóS’SÍíwli or^tioo L4rge for Prices & Detail^ '/\' 'jerry & Cindy Fosie\; I’ ^Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-7175 Also: Frozen Pork Products Year Round Possible 100% Financing , r r SOS Davie Académy Rd 3.4 ± Acrc • Three Bedrooms • $91,900 C all Elizabeth Swicegood for Details 336-909-2584 BRAD Cartner p r o d u c t io n s P r o f e s s i o n a l D J S e r v i c e s Professional Sound • Lights • Wide Variety of Music Oldies • Disco • New Hits from Top 40 and Country • Light Show & Video Projection Wedding Receptions Class Reunions School Events Corporate Events Christmas Parties Inside • Outside ’ Call Us Today I keep your event hopping! (336) 751-4090 )avie County Big SWaip Соопйп'йбГ W h a t I s Y o u r F a v o r i t e S c h o o l C a f e t e r i a F o o d ? Mkhael Welch Cooleemee “Pizza and ravioli.” KaitUnDodd Cooleemee "Chicken nuggets.’ Kayla Grubb Cooleemee “Pizza and chicken nuggets.” Perty James Cooleemee “Pizza.” Ip ,;i" ' J ' W e 'r e c r e a t in g a p o w e r h o u s e f o r y o u . Iiitiixlucui); HuiiieVantage-Tesìdcntia'l-procluets-afld-sefviees4 P o w erP atro l W a n t lo m a ke y o u r h om e a povverhoiise? Now you can, with HomeVantagc products anil scrvlccs from your friends at EncrgytJnttcd — North Carolina's largest elcctrlc cooperative. With HomcVantage, you've got access to the comfort, convenience afiil security yoir family deserves. T nple S urge G uard ■ A p p lia n c e Plus ■ H o m e S ecurity P ro p a n e W e're e xcitc d to o ffe r yo u th e fo llo w in g H om eV antagc p ro d u cts a n d services: • Appllancc Plus — protects your appliances against runaway rcpalr bills. • Internet Scrvice — fast, reliable connection tdthe web. • •mple Surge Guard — triple protection for your valuable appliances and electronics against near lightning strikes. • I'ower Patrol — notifies you li >’our power or a loved one^ power goesput.' ; - V • Home Security — alerts you and the authorities In , the event of a break-in or other home emergencies. , • Propane— for alj of your home's heating needs. It's easy. It's convenient. It's HomcVantage— your connection to the highest quality consumer products and services available for your home. T\im your home Inlo a powerhouse todayl, CaU E n e rg y U n ile d a t l-«8»-904-2279. , or vl5itu sa twww.cncrgyunitcd.com . Ф Energy^HoM b . ' i '4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 The South Yadkin River at Ihe Cooleemee dam has had many looks over the years, as the photos above attest to, and most (oiks who grew up In Cooleemee have a story or Iwo to tell atx]ul their time at the river. Top right is Ihe old park area where Joey Shore's concert will be held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Joanne Lester enjoys looking at photographs Textile Heritage Festival Schedule of Events 9 a.m. Parade lines up at old mill. Main Street. You may still enter. 10 Parade starts, travels Main to Marginal 81. Ends at school. ;11 Gates open at Zachary House grounds Special performance - Cooleemee Communiiy Chorus Kids Area & Petting Zoo open Craft booths. Quilt Display, Mill Village Art Contest Primitive Woodsmen & Confederate reenactors and ; displays ' River of Dreams photo exhibit Food vendors open River Boat Rides on Ihe South Yadkin 111:15 The Adventures of Blinky the Catfish puppet show, • arbor ■Shuttles-begin-tfrfiverteaMdes-aHhe-ihinction;----- The Old Mill (noon-2 p.m.) Shuttle begins for tours of Ihe Bullhole (Rowan side) M u s i c A t T h e A r b o r .Noon Southern Style Cloggers J1 p.m. Carolina Breeze - 2 p.m. Chlgger Hill Ramblers ^ p.m. Mathew Davis & The County Express 3:30 Tommy Drifter & The Lost Travelers 2 p.m. Drawing for Curtis Waller prints Prizes for Mill Village Art Contest “Guess how many fish" prize announcement 3 p.m. Kids area closes 4:30 Gates close at Zachary House 8:30 RiverPaiK Ice Cream Supper, Park Hill, Main Streiat,' Joey Shore concert Renee Whitman said Ihe variety of artists and crafts will be greater at this year's festival. Cooleemee Festival This Saturday Continued From Page 1 Several non-profit groups will have information booths. Bntcrtainmcnl will begin at noon, with the Southern Style Cloggers from China Grove, followed by Carolina Breeze at 1, Chiggcr Hill Ramblers at 2, Mathew Davis and The County Express at 3 and Tommy Drifter and The Lost Travelers at 3:30. Cuhis Waller prints will be given away, and the winners of ' the mill village art contest will bo nnnnimrf-it _______________ There will be a special area for children, including a “Guess how many goldfish (the cheesy, edible kind)arc in the bowl?" contest. Therc will be a petting zoo. Several food vendors, selling barbccue, pizza and hotdogs and hamburgers will set up for the festival. Just where in the heck is the Butlholc? Since talk began abou| estab­ lishing a park on the river, people have begun showing up in town asking the whereabouts of the Bullhole, said Renee Whitman and Joann Lester, who are heading the festival’s long list of volunteers. ‘‘We have people who show up all lhc time now trying to find the Bullhole," Lcsicr said. “This will be a good time for a reunion. A lol of the older people who used to work at the mill will be here,’’ she said. Members of the 1950 Cooleemee High football team will be therc, as • well. -------^ c -d a y ^ ll^ d A v lth ^ cream supper al 6:30 p.m. on “Park H iir off Main Street It will feature a live concert by Joey Shore, who wrote songs about his hometown and put them on a CD to raise money for the park. “Therc is so much compassion for the town in Joey’s music,” Lcsler said. • Handicop drop-oiT will be at the north gale from Marginal Street. Handicap accessories will be same as last year. Kara Dodd is trying her luck fishing, while Billy Fleming warms off after a swim In the river. The two are rehearsing for the elementary school float in Saturday morning’s parade. bEAUTlCONTROl. T eresa C o rre i! • Products • Scrvlccs • Career Opportunities (336) 492-5460 fax: {336Ì ^92-2711 corrclIS'tiiyadtcl.nct www.bcaullpage.com/tc4bc _____________Mocksvillc. N.C. M.D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o Lo q y Carfng Medicaid Provider lor го years N e w O B p a tie n ts w e lc o m e a t a n y s t ^ e o f p re g n a n c y Frie Pregnancy Tests Wa wlll assist your appHcaUon for pregnanoy- ralaled MedlcaW coveraae at no lee. PatimI may diliv«r at «Миг SMMvillt hotpM laieoavt* AwniM ■ siMnvm*,NC 704«7»14Эв-« «411.10 в pm dally S O U T H E R N H O U S I N G A M m c M M P in 3 BadroBin, 2 Bath Private let, BrlcL lanavarda. $4,000 Bewn= TURNKEY u m K a m k m Y t m m j i i 336-744-9249 D is t r ic t G ) u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - 5 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davic District Court Sept. 21. Presiding was Judge Samuel Л. Cathey. Prosecuting were Mary Covington and Crystal Sain, assistant DAs. — Paul J. Adams, 82 mph in a 70. zone, operating a vchiclc without in* surance, failure lo wear scat belt, reg­ istration violation, dismissed; driv­ ing while license revoked, sentenced 30 days, su.spended I year, nol oper­ ate vchiclc until licensed, $300. cost. — Angela S. Alspaugh. rcgistr.)- tion violation, dismissed. — Adam M. Barber. У2 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to careless and rcckless driving, prayer for judgment continued on cost; failure to comply with license restrictions, dismissed. —Candace M. Baskin, breaking and entering, rcduccd to misde­ meanor breaking and entering, prayer for judgment continued on cost; felony larccny. dismissed. — Inocente Denile/.-Kea. fictitious informalion lo officer, driving while license revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year. SIOO, cost. — Wendy J. Ib)ger, no license, dismissed, made cost; failure to ob­ tain registration or title, dismissed, made cost; registration violation, S2.S. cosí! — WilliamT.'-Bogcr, f>0 mph in a 45 /one, reduced to 54 in 45. SIO. cost; driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. — Donald Bolin. 35 mph in a 20 /one, dismissed; posse.ssion of lottery tickets. SKX). cost; rcckless driving to endanger, reduced lo unsafe move­ ment; hit and run. failure to stop for property damage, dismissed, civil settlement. — Lincoln M. Brock, misde- ineanor probation vi’olation'out o f" county, sentenced to 120 days. — Reba G. CampMl. driving left of center, dismissed, exceeding safe speed. 510. cost. —Courtney L. Chambers, 91 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in a 70. $25, cost. — Stuart J. Church, open con­ tainer after consuming, prayer for judgment continued on cost. ............. — Cornel A. Cooper, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment conlinued on cost. — Matthew W. Culler, five counts misdemeanor probation violation oul of couniy. sentenced 45 days, to be served concurrently. — Erin L. Dagenhart, 101 mph in a 70 /one, reduced lo careless and rcckless driving, $75. cost. —J.ison M. Darnell, driving while license revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended 14 monlhs. not operate vehicle unlil licensed. $200, cost. — Arthur R. Daywall, DW l. sen­ tenced 1 year, suspended 3 years, surrender license, not to operate ve­ hicle until licensed, $5(X). cost; open container after consuming, dis­ missed. — Regina D. Deadmon. 87 mph in a 70 /one. reduced to improper equipment, $1(X), cost. — Rebecca B. tXiby. worthless check, injury to personal property, Injury 10 real property, sentenced 21 days, credit for lime served. —Gregory W. Dooley, DW l, sen­ tenced 120 days, suspended 3 years, surrender license. $l(X). cost. — Scott n. Ebright. 88 mph in a 45 /one. reduced to careless and reckless driving. $50. cost. — D a vid FAerrctt. 85 mph in a 70 /one. rcduccd lo 74 in a 70. $ 10. cost. — Maria ('leek, driving while li­ cense revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost; expired registra­ tion. 30 mph in a 20 mph zone, no license, no registration card. dis> niissed. — Michael L. I'leming. 83 mph In a 70 /one. drinking \s hlle driving, no Legends Salon & Day Spa September Special B o J y W ra p s • H e lp w illi C e llu lite • D e lo x In c ii L o s s - *5 9 ’ * • 1 lio u r M a ssa g e * 3 0 • B o J y W ra p s * 4 9 ’ * C a l l F o r a n A p p o i n t m e n t 761-6122 BUYERS WANTED! М Л MIUJON W A iuw tK H ouam a ihvm itow y S O U T H E R N ■ TraM liM A oeapM ■ M Down WHh LM4 In Ltau ■ L a te A v a lM M * • ro w n e iiig A v tfla b to • Тнт Itoy Г ш Л а ф Ё » • • • $вО О В о р о ш и л е м т о Ш Ш Ф П Ф * * A ppt. Ои1у 1-800-S93-7814 I;- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Davie County is seeking profc.ssional engineering services lo cany out the following projecl(s): I) Conslniclion of 8,370 LFof 8" sewer lines wilh 55 scrvice connections. The engineer will be responsible for; I) Investigations, 2) Final design, 3) Bidding and conlract monagemenl, 4) Inspections, and 5) All other engineering reiiponsibilities related to the above projcct. The deadline for proposals shall be 4:00 p.m. October 19,2000. Copies of the RFP may be obtained from; KenWindley ' County Manager DavieCounty , . , 123 S. Main Street Moclcsville, NC 27028 . • ‘ ' (336)751-5513 : Minority and fem.^e finm are encouraged to app)y.,;^^ ., ^ liability insurance, dismissed: driv­ ing while liccnse revoked, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended 1 year, not to operate .vehicle until li­ censed, $200, cost. — Donna H. Frizzell, failure lo slop nt a stop sign, rcduccd to im- . proper equipment, $10, cost; reg-. istraiion violation, dismissed, made cost. — Nicholas F. Gampolo, 90 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 79 in 70. $25, cost; no license, dismissed, made cost. — Nisha L. Hall, four counts misdemeanor probation violation out of county, sentenced 30 days, to be ser>’cd concurrently. — Boger Hartscll, DW l, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, surrender license, not operate ve­ hicle until licensed, $100, cost. -Jason L. Hicks, 75 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $50, cost. — Beverly A. Hinesley. willfully obstructing u highway, $25. cost. — Donald M. Hollingsworth, DW l, scnienccd 6 months, sus­ pended 3 years, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed. $100. cost; driving afler consum­ ing. reckless driving, no liability insurance, carrying a concealed weapon, unsafe tires, dismissed; driving while licensed revoked. In­ jury to personal property, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year. $100, cost. — Dustin Hunt, misdemeanor probation viol.'ition, sentenced 50 days; second degree trespassing, injury lo real properly, dismissed; Iwo count simple assault, sentenced 45 days; misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced 50 days. — Kenny F. Ijames. driving while licensed revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended I'year, $300. cost; non-support of child, dis- missc'd. civil settlement. -Charles D. Jacobs, possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced 30 days; intoxicated and disruptive, communi­ cating threats, dismissed. — Donnie R. James, failure to wear seat belt, dismissed; driving while li­ censed revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year, not. to.operate ve-. hlcie until licensed, $300, cost. — Alvin F. Jennelle, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost; unsafe movement. $25. cost. — Randy G. Johnson, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, sentenced 10 days, suspended 1 year, destroy evi­ dence. $50, cost; carrying concealed weapon, destroy weapon; registration violation, operating a vehicle without insurance, dismissed, made cost. — Dean B. Jones, misdemeanor pro­ bation violation out of county, sen­ tenced 6 months. — Christopher B. Kenyon, 86 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $100, cost. — Mercy 0. Kirnanl, 90 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo exceeding safe speed. $25. cost. — Rodney S. Laughlin, driving while license revoked, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. — Sieven B. Leonard, driving after consuming, sentenced 30 days, sus­ pended 18 ntonths. surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, sub­ stance abuse treatment. $100. cost. — Darren T. McBrayer, misde­ meanor possession of marijuana, de- str»y evidence; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced 30 days, sus­ pended 1 year. $100. cost; carrying concealed weapon, dismissed, destroy weapon. — Hazel I. McCline. worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement. -Jerem y C, McDaniel, communi­ cating threats, dismissed, request of prosecuting witness. ' — Ian C. Meddings, 89 mph in a 70 /one. reduced to 74 -70. $25. cost; fol- lowing too closely, dismissed. — Carios L. Miller, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, sentenced 15 days, suspended I year, $100, cost; possession of drug parapherna­ lia, 40 mph in a 25 zone, dismissed. —James L. Montgomery, misde- - meanor larceny, harassing phone call, dismissed; domestic criminal tres­ passing, sentenced 30 days, sus­ pended 1 year. $50, cost. — Robin Y. Oliver, aiding and abetting driving while license re­ voked, aiding and abetting impaired driving, dismissed. — John E. Osborne, DW l, sen­ tenced 12 months, suspended 3 years, surrender license. $50. cost; exceed­ ing safe speed, dismissed.. — Nicholas L. Parker, 74 mph In a 55 zone, reduced to improper equipment. $25. cost; failure lo com­ ply with liccnse restrictions, prayer for judgment continued on cost. — Bruce D. Patterson. 86 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed. $10. cost. — Monica M. Perry, DW l, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, surrender license. $100. cost; driv­ ing afler consuming, dismissed. -Jeffrey K. Phipps, assault on a female, dismissed, request of pros­ ecuting witness. — Heather M. Potter. 90 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed. $25, cost. — Robert J. Racklcy. DW l. sen­ tenced 24 monlhs. suspended 3 years, surrender license, nol to operate ve­ hicle unlil licensed. $500. cost; driv­ ing while license revoked, .sentenced 30 day.s. suspended I year; no child restraint system, dismis.sed. -G a rth T. Regan, aiding and abetting impaired driving, dismissed. — Richard G. Reid. DW l. sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 3 years, surrendei’ license, $l(X), cost.......... — Margarito M. Rojas, DWl. sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 3 years. surrender liccnse, not operate vehicle until licensed, submit to substance abuse treatment, $100, cost. — Brooke E. Sanders, no license, dismissed; misdemeanor possesslpn of marijuana, prayer for judgm’cnl continued on cost. •: —Jnmes E.Smiley, pos.sessionof drug parjphernalia, dismissed; rnls- demeanor possession marijuana, prayer for judgment conlinued on cost. — Lisa J. Spinner, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10, cost. —Tony A. Stafford, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. -Robert C. Stern, assault on a fe­ male. sentenced 60 days, suspended 2 years, not assault, threaten, or ha­ rass victim, $ 100, cost; communicat­ ing threats, dismissed, request of prosecuting witness. —Travis C. Talley, 97 mph in a 70 zone, dismissed; reckless driving to endanger, $50, cost. —JamcsW.Tutierow.no license, dismissed, made cost. — Richard W. Vanluyl, simple possession of cocaine, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed. — Terry J. W aller, worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement. — Ralph L. Walscr, driving while license revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended 1 year. $200. cost. —Chadwick. K. Westmoreland, assault on a female, sentenced 60 days, suspended 2 years, not threaten, assault, or harass victim, $50, cost. — Priscilla P. White, sccond de­ gree trespassing, dismissed, failure of prosecuting witness to appear. — Roger A. Zimmerman, break­ ing and enlering. reduced to misde­ meanor breaking and entering, sen­ tenced 45 days; felony larceny, re­ duced to misdemeanor larceny, credit for time served. GET THIS THROUGH VOURHEAD. (704) 210-5000 will be our n«w main numbw PhoModilttoi^any di^iartnMflt,oin<tor|xrtMnofflinllMnwdkal(^ UnHlOclober2, piMM (onflnw to call tlw sonw nmnbm you'w ahmys utwl to rwxh us. «IlMMkwiHtAM. • M b^NCttlM • (?M)SIMNI Rc w a n R e g io n a l . M E D tC A LC & n iR Ib w S o m ftrM IW d H M . www.rowan.org. . б - D A V IE C O U N TY E N TER PШ SË REC O R D , Sept. 28,2000 P u b lic R e c o r d s DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - 7 Land Transfers The following land transfers wcrc nicd w ilh ihc Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acrcage. township and deed stamps purchased, $2 representing $1,000. • MichacI Sakmar and Stephanie Sakraar lo Wayne W. Capwell ond Calhy 0. Copwcll, I lot, Farmington, $505. • Oak Valley Associates Limited Panncrshlp to Samnaz Inc.. I lol, Farminglon, $70. • R. Wade and Martha E. Edwards 10 James and Kimberly Young, 2 Arrests iracls. Mocksvillc, S72. - Charles S. Shaughncssy to Carolyn Huggins Dryson, 1 lol, Farminglon, $306. • William Brill Perkins lo R. Jack Perkins, I lol, Clarksville. - Huldah Johnson to George W. Martin and Brook W. Marlin, I tract, Mocksvillc. • Laura Anderson Park and Rich­ ard F. Park to Richard F. Park, 10 acres. • Oak Valley Associates Limiled Panncrshlp to Water's Edge Proper- lies, 1 lot, Farmington, S150. . • Margaret H. Hilton to Gregory C. Lackcy and Jill W. Lackey, 5.13 acres. Shady Grove, $52. • Ronald B. Smock and Cecilia Ann Burleson to Derek Jbhn'Wark and Stephanie C. Wark, 1 lot, Farm­ ington, S5-10. • Wandrt Green Cozart and Allen L. Co/nrl lo Gary L. Brannon and Brenda 0. Brannon, 5 acrcs, Clarks­ ville, $66. - Ch.irlcs L. kamplon to Sonya H. Loy. 2 iracls. - Wanda Green Cozart and Allen L Cozart lo Harry V. Booe Jr., 4.81 acres, Clarksville, $66. - Wesiview Development co. to Tim H uff Builders, I lot, Shady Grovc,$63. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Puckelt Enterprises, 1 lot. Fannington. $162. -Umolhy H. Allen and Belly Jean Bowens, coexecutors o csiaie of Leona P. Bowens lo Robcrt F. Coil, 54.95 acres. Shady Grove, $480. - Perry F. Owen and Loretta Coales Owen to W illiam West» I acrc. Mocksville, $20. • Cranfill and Sons Inc. to W ill­ iam C. Scoggins IV and Stephanie McDanicI Scoggins, 1 lot. Fulion, $310. -David W. Bailey Jr. as imslce on behalf of John W. Hoots Sr. to Dick Anderson Construction. I lot. Shady Grove. . • Dick Anderson Construction to W illiam Howard Mace III and Deborah B. Mace, 1 lol, Shady Grove., $422. - James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel 10 Tom & Larry, 2^300 square feel, Mocksville, $500. , -TamaM.O’MaraioMikeHcster Building. 1 )ol. Shady Grove, $32. • Charles Albert and Linda Busli Spicer to David L. and Eileen Ballman, 1 lot, Farmington, $550. - Gary W. and Elizabeth V. Hankins to Edgar and Dolly McCain, I acre, Jerusalem, $288. - James W. McGraw and Patricia L. McGraw to B illy Fleming and Karen Fleming, .1 lot, Jemsolem. The Davie Couniy Sherifi's De­ partment made Ihe following arrests. - Cleveland Nathaniel Cockcrh.im III, 27, Elkin, arrested Sept. 15 for failure to appear. Trial date: Ocl. 19. V - Elaine York Pratl, 59, of 5376 U.S.601 N.. Mocksvillc was arrested Sept. 15 for communicating threats. Trial dale: Sept. 21. - Brandon Lee Spcnccr, 23, of 608 Greenhili Road, Mocksville was. arresied Scpi. 16 for probation viola­ tion. Trial date: Nov. 13. - Steven Dewey Miichcll, 47, of 183 Deer Run Drive, Mocksvillc was arresied Sepl. 17 for domestic as­ sault. Trial date: Sepl. 28. - Richard Erin Conyers, 39. of 120 Etchison St.. Mocksville was arrested Sept. 17 fof delay and ob* struclion. Trial dale: Oct. 19. - James Judson Booe, 19, of 316 Rldgc Road. Mocksville. arrested Sept. 17 for DWL provisional DWI, und driving left o f cemcr. Trial date; Oct. 20. - Howard Glenn Holl, 30, Br>son City was arrested Sept. 18 for failure to pay fine. Trial date: Sept. 19. - Bradley Edward Marshall, 22, of 124 Ccntcr Circlc. Mocksvillc was an:csied Sept. IH for misdemeanor larccny. Trial dale: Oct. 4. - Francisco Javier Casiro-Rcyes, 22. of 1167 N.C. HOI N.. Advancc was arresied Sept. 19 fordriving with­ out a liccnse. Trial date: Oct. 5. - Pamela Jarvis Jordan, 31, o f 40 MarconiSt.,Mocksvillcwas am:stcd Sept. 21 for worthless checks. Trial dale: Oct. 31. - Timothy Scott Smycrs. ЗЙ, of 131 Forest Une, Mocksville was ar­ rested Sept. 20 for probation vlola­ lion. Trial dale: Ocl. 26. - Tony James Sapp, 44, o f Enst Bend was arrested Sepl. 21 for fail­ ure to appear. Trial date: Ocl. 13. - Douglas Edward Bridgman. 35. o f 408 Hobson Drive, Mocksville was arrested Sept. 22 for failure to appear. Trial date: Nov. 13. - Meagan Darlann Andrade, 16. of 388 Ridge Road. Mocksville was aTTCSlcd Scpi. 24 for misdemeanor larccny. Trial date: Oct. 19. -Cunis Alfonso Jones, 35.of 702 Dodson Sl., Mocksvillc was arresied Sept. 24 for failure lo pay child sup­ port. Trial date: Sept. 26. Sheriff's Department The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davlc Counly Sheriffs Deparlmcnt. - A report of possession o f a weapon on school property was re­ ceived Sept. 15 from a school on U.S. 601 S.. Mocksville. - Breaking, cniering, and larceny was reponcd Sept. 15 from a busi­ ness on U.S. 601 S.. Mocksvillc. - A report o f cruelly lo anim.ils was reported afler a dog was shot in Ihe head at a residence on Casabclla Drive. Advance on Sepl. 16. - A cell phone was reported losi on Sept. 17 at a resi slop on 1-40. - Allempied breaking and enier- ing, and damage lo property was re­ ported from a convenience store on U.S. 64 E , Mocksvillc on Sept. 17. - Breaking, entering, and larccny from an auiomobile was reported Sept. 17 from a home on Gordon Drive, Advancc. - A suspicious vchicic was re­ ported Sept. 17 on Juney Beauchamp Road. - Breaking, entering, and larecny was reported Scpi. 18 from a resi­ dcncc on Hobson Drive. Mocksville. - A report o f a stolen vehicle was received Scpi. 18 from a car lot on U.S.601 S., Mocksville. - Assault with a deadly weapon and robbery wis reported fromaresi- dence on Village Road. Mocksvillc on Sept. 18. - I^sscssion ofdrugs and a suspi­ cious vehicle was reported Sept. 19 on Yadkin Valley Road. Advance. - A report of Irespassing was re­ ceived from a business on N.C. 801 S.. Advancc on Sept. 19. - Stalking and assault by pointing a gun was repimcd Sept. 19 frum a locaiionon Angell Road.MocksviUe. - Breaking, enicring. and lareeny was reported Sept. 20 from a con­ struction site in Advance. - A repon of assault and commu­ nicating threats was received Sept. 21 from a location on Hobson Drive. Mocksvillc. - A hubcap was rcpt>rted stolen from a vehicle al a residence on N.C. HOI S., Mocksvillc on Sept. 21. - A report of assault was received Sept. 21 from a residcncc on Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc. - Damage lo property was reported Sepl. 23 from a residence on Caro­ lina Avenue, Mivksville. - Assauli wilh a deadly weapon was reported Sept. 23 from a resi­ dence on Pinevillc Road. Mocksville. Hiiühwav Patrol The following traffic wrecks wcrc invesligated by the N.C. Highway Patrol in Davic Couniy. Failure To Rc'duce Speed Charged AMocksvillc woman was charged wilh failure lo rcducc speed after a wreck on Farminglon Road at 10:15 a.m. Sept. 21. Sophia Madalana Martinez, 18, of 2694 Farmington Road, failed toslop the 1987 Ford she was driving be­ fore it hit the rear of a tractor pulling a bushhog driven by Danicl'Ray lewis. 34, of Yadkinville, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. * Connicting Reports Given No charges were filed after con- flicting reports wcrc given aboul whal happened on 1-40 at 3:10 p.m. Sept. 17. Steven Bert Vick, 35, of 2185 U.S. 601 S., lold Trooper J.R. Allred lhat he was driving a Lexus on 1-40 when anolher vehicle hit his from the rear. Paul Donadio, 43, of Winston-Salem, told ihe trooper llval Vick drove inlo his lane of travel and applied Ihe brakes rapidly, and ihul he swerved to the left to avoid contact. Driver Faccs 'Pwo CliurKes A Lexingion woman was chargcd wilh exceedinga safe speed and driv­ ing left of center after a wreck on Fork-Bixby Road al 3:30 p.m. Sept. Tnjcy Louise Smilh, 29. was driv­ ing a 1992 Toyota al an excessive speed, causing the rear to cross ihe center line and hit a 1993 Dodge driven by Teresa Ratlcdge Booie, 32, of 120 Crikel Lane. Advance, re­ ported Trooper lerrancc D. Shaw, lioth Drivers Clled Bolh drivers were died afler a wreck on U.S. 601 at 1-40 at 2:45 p.m. Sept. 21. Kenneth Ray Hammonds, 36,of Chadbourn, drove a 1989 Dodge GMC pulling a horse trailer left ftom U.S. 601, hitting a 1998 Tuyoia driven by Matihcw Stanley Simpson, 26. of Siatesvillc. reported Trooper Hric T. Phillips. I lammonds wjls cited for failure lo yield. Simpson for an expired registnition. ' Ruin Causes Wreck Darkness and heavy rain wcrc blamed for a wreck al 124 Calahaln Road at 5:20 a.m. Sepi. 23. Kenneth Dean Chandler, 44. of 7280 N.C. 801 S.. Mocksvillc, was driving a 1999 Ford pickup truck, attempting a turn into the driveway when the truck wcnl into a dilch, re­ ported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Reckless D riving Chun;vU An Advancc man was charged wilh careless and reckless driving afler a wreck on U.S.6-1 East at 2:30 a.m. Sept. 23. Kevin Brian Boyles, 22. of 165 Tadpole Trail, was driving a 1999 Jeep lhat went o ff the road lo the right, (truck a mailbox, utility pole, cable box, fire hydrant and a tree, rejHuted Trooper T.S. Kennedy. D rlu T Churj-ed W ilh DW I A Woodlcaf man was charged wilh DWI atera wreck on Rural Un­ paved Road 1205 at 6:10 a.m. Sepl. 23. Keith Terry,. 33, was driving a 1990 Chevrolet ami went across the road from a private drive, hitting a tree on the opposite side, reported Trotjpcr C.D. Jones. D ciT llitO n N.C. 801 Seth Maiihew Phillips, 18, of 192 Fostall Drive, Mocksvillc, was driv­ ing a 1987 Chevrolet pickup on N.C. 801 at 11:30 p.m. Sepl. 23,when U struck a deer, reported Trooper M.W. Whitcner. Driver Dodges Animal Ryan Matihcw Billolie, 27, of 260 Turreniinc Church Road, lold Trooper M.W . W hitcner Ihal he dodged an animal on W ill Boone Road al 12:30 a.m. Sept. 24, causing Ihe 1994 Chcvroki truck he was driv­ ing lo go o lf the road lo the right, hilling a irvc and going across a yard. Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ ported to the Mocksvillc Police De- partmeni. • A man reported Sept. 20 he was assaulted at a residcncc on 120 Hlllcrcst Court. • Gauges lo a tractor parked on Birehwood Lane wcrc damaged, it was reported Sepl. 20. - The breaking, cniering and lar­ ccny of Ihree CD players was re­ ported from separate vehicles parked o ff Lionheart Drive on Sept. 22. -The hood of a vchicic parked at Sunset Apartments was scratched with a broom, it was reported Sept. 21. • The larccny of nine shrubs was Fires ■ DavicCoumyfircdepartmentsrc- sponded to the fbllowing calls: Sepl. 19; Mocksvillc. 12:18a.m., Howard Street, fire alarm; Mocks- Sept. 22: Mocksville, 3:55 a.m., Northridge Court, gas leak; Mocks­ villc, 9:37 a.m.. Quality Drive, fire alarm. *n itc, 3:09’irfti., Mam unuren Koaa, automobile accident; W illiam R. Davic assisted. Sepl.20:Farmington, I0:I8a.m., Farminglon Road, automobile acci-, dent; Mocksville. 5:07 p.m.. Mid­ land Street, electrical investigation. Sepl. 21: Mocksvillc. 4:15 p.m., Wilkesboro Street, fire alarm. Marriages ¡»ept, 23: W illiam R. Davie. 8:10 a.m.,'Cana Road, tree in roadway; Sheffield-Calahaln, 6:34 p.m., Calahaln Road, heat pump fire; Couniy Line assisted.' Sepl. 24: Smilh Grove, 1:06 p.m., Rainlx)w Road, bnish pile on firc; Mocksville, 4:10 p.m., Salisbury Road, propane leak. reported Sept. 22 from a site on Box« wood Village Drive. - The breaking, cniering apd lar­ ccny of appliances was reported Sept. 22 from a site off Blaise Church Road. . Arrest - Adam Gray Hutchens, 24, of 3015U.S.601 S., was chargcd Sept.’ 23 with violation o f a domestic vio­ lence prevenlion order. Trial dote: Oct.. 19, IVahlc Accidents ^ - No charges wcrc filed after a wrcck on North M ain Street at Greenwood Ave. at 3:40 p.m. Sept. 18. a.m. Sept. 21. According to a report by Officer Rick Gilliland. MandyTara Norris. 23, o f 124 Cook Trail, failed lo stop thcl994 Suzuki she was driving be­ fore it hit the rear of a 1995 Dodge driven by Bethany Ann Hoose, 20. of 172 Main St., Cooleemee, knock­ ing U Into Ihe rear o f a 1995 Ford driven by Deborah Church Durham, 30, o f 287 Ukcwood Village. • Shirley Adams Johnson, 59, of 234 Cain Reavis Road, failed lo slop the car she was driving on Yadkin- ville Road at 5:05 p.m. Scpi. 22 be­ fore il struck the rear of a 1 ^ 5 Chev­ rolet driven by Grace McDanicI Hillon, 36, o f249 Oak Grove Chureh Road, reported OfTicer John Coley. - A Lexington man reported ihal his vehicle was rcpeaiedly pushed from behind by a blue pickup truck on John Crolls Road at 3:15 p.m. Sept. 24. Marion MIchaelThomason, 17, was driving a 2000 Chevrolet and said the truck turned around and headed toward U.S. 64 East, reported Officcr Rick Gilliland. Advancc Fiorisi & Gift Baskets - ‘ W eU elivtr — (336)940-0337 t—it-FH 9^. U tt-3 Bingo ^ 350 Railroad SI., Mocksville, i 4 751-9903 2 2 • 0PEN7MYSAWEEK \f. • BIN60 7PMUM1ILf • S CAMES ON AURO фф • DAYTME BMGO, ^à Wed.10:3aAMimlll à Bobby Vincem Freeman, 40, of Yadkinville, drove a 1996 Dodge from Greenwood inlo the palti of a 1990 Ford being driven on North Main by Stephanie Lee Millec 33, of Union Grove, reported OBlcer Rick Gilliland. -Thric vehicles were involved in' a wrcck on Soulh Main Street at 8 The following were issued mar­ nage licenses by the Davic Register of Deeds. ■ - Randy Charles Athey, 39, and Susan Hanrahan Myers, 38, of 1340 N. Main St., Mocksville. : - Charlie Frank Keaton Jr., 32, and iiu ra McDowell Collins, 47, of 370 swicegood St., Mockiville. • Archie Beajjey Sariders Jr., 32, arid Amanda Leigh Johnson, 26, of » 7 Can* Road. Mocksville. Dtudn Ryàn Smith, 22, o f 306 A^Iewood Road, and Kelly IVlarie Cozart, 22, of 842 Farmington Road, Mocksville. - Kevin Howard Ficck, 43, o f 312 Deer Run Drive, Mocksvillc, and Karen Kay Farabee, 40, of Winston- Salem. - Jason Dean Hutchens, 21, of 330 Deer Run Drive, Mocksvillc, and Ana Nocml Maravilla Canales, 28, of 176 McDaniel Road, Advance. - Michael Wayne Bailey, 29, of 170 Ccdorwobd Pjace, Mocksville, and Amanda Marie Naylor, 23, 222 Brackcn Road, Mocksvillc. - Bobby Joe Partida, 22, o f , ■ .li-' ■<'.. . Autryville nnd Slacy Lynn Mazingo, 16, of 126 Buchin Lane, Advance. - Chrisoplher Scott West, 24, and Regina Claudette Wishon, 25, of 2963 U.S.601 S., Mocksville. - Jeffrey Ray Grindstalf, 33, and Stacey Elaine Owensby, 28, of : Mooresville. . - Michio Sanders, 41, of 899 Gladstone Road, and Renee Carol Harris; 33, o f473 Depot St., .Mocks­ ville. ,■ .. - Jason Thomas Green, 20, and Alislia Nicole I^n a rd , 18, of 1400 Liberty Church Rpad, Mocksvilie. mThat B«*t Complamairta Y o u r D « c o r ll««MwiUal/CsiiiiMrelal/Auto RwluM« liwrty ВШ* • Пмкмте Fadln«, H M t « Q l m • a ira n « Facloiy4ackwl Warnnty т м b U iM tM ' Y diir (H ass I iiiliiifi l ' (336) 778-1101 innOVATIVK Stirvinj; ttiu tiiliio PitxIinonI Am).I S O L A R C O N T R O ! ‘Southern Voices: Black, White & Blues’ Oct 7 At The Brock The Davie County Arts Council w ill present "South­ ern Voices; Black, White, and Blues“ featuring Glenis Redmond and Scott Alnslie in concert on Saturday, Oct. 7 ,7;30p.m. al the Brock Performing Arts Center. ‘This special evening Is all about the South - soulful Blues and Gospel music nnd passionate poetry," said Dagmar Bardo, cxcculivc of the arts council. “South Is common ground where we have lived to­ gether. oflen uneasily, but Intimately. It is Ihc place where the taboos against racial mixing, so ferociously enforced in every olher aspect of our lives, never came to be ap­ plied to (iur voices; to Iheir music, slories. and songs. The sunlight and shadow of the soulh seem to fall across every significant Black, nnd many White voices in mu­ sic, poetry and prose; whclher tooled in the rich soil of the Mississippi Delta, the Southside ot Chicago, or the hard scrabble farms of Soulh Carolina. You simply can't comprehend America without some understanding o f Ihc South." In "Black. While and Blues', the African-American perfomiancc poci Glenis Redmond and the award win­ ning Scottish-Amcrican Blues slnger-historian Scott Alnslie w ill conjure Ihc Soulh. They w ill mix Blues and Gospel songs with poetry and spoken word: slide and ragtime guitar with personal and public histories. Drawing on the musical Icgaclcs o f Robcrt Johnson and Muddy Walcis, Blind Blake and the Rev. Gary Davis. Ainslie is a master of Ihe traditional blues guitar styles including Della-style slide guiiar and Ihc complex rag­ time sound o f Ihc East Coast. Performing on vintage meial-bodied guitars, Alnslie has performed with many well-known blues performers including John Lee Hooker, ThJ Mahal, and Robcrt Johnson's common-law stepson, Robcrt Lockwood, Jr. Ainsllc studied with numerous traditional blues pcr- formerii'ih Eastern North Carolina. Although he is a Phi Bela Kappa graduate in music, il is through extensive fieid work with traditional players lhai he absorbed the true feel and history o f the music. Working with these performers, he produced and di- rtcted Piedmont Blues Tbday. an educational videotape on traditional blues in North Carolina. This project was produced with support from the Folk Life Section ofthe Nonh Carolina Arts Council and the National Endow­ ment o f Ihe Aru. He is a noted scholar of African-American music styles and has more than n decade of experience leaching the elements of the music to students of all ages, in Ihc class­ room and from the stage. Ainslie Is the author of the best-selling, dcfinilive book on Mississippi Blues Leg­ end Robert Johnson, Robert Johnson/AI the Crossroads, published by Hal Leonard, which includes transcripts of all of Johnson's recorded songs. Ainslie has released an instructional guiiar videotape on Starlicks Video's Master Sessions Scries, Robcrt Johnson's Guiiar Techniques, also distributed by Hal Leonard. Ainslie has a new release tilled Terraplanc described as "a moving nnd mature body of songs bolh new and old" and "superior to most traditional and revival record­ ings". His first CD release. Jealous ot the Moon is a highly acclaimed collcclion of traditional and contem­ porary songs, which he co-produced with Tom Chapin. He is also featured vocalist for two songs on Chapin's new live album. Join the Jubilee, available through Gad­ fly Records. Glenis Redmond is poet, educator, performer, and .counselor rolled into one passionate soul. She presents her poetry In performances that cause Ihe printed word 10 spring from Ihe page and dancc, sing, weep, and laugh. Glenis tells stories wilh poetry-from her life, her fam­ ily, her African American cullure. her sensitive observa­ tions of the worid around her. In her workshops and performance, she encourages participants to know ihemselvcs nnd Ihclr origin thereby iindiitg Ihcy arc their own Inspiration and can tell their own stories. . Redmond began writing poetry al Ihe age of 12. Af­ ter completing her masters degree, she worked for seven years as a family counselor and was enrolled In a doc­ toral program in psychology when she rediscovered her love №r poetry. Pregnancy with iwins and a serious ill­ ness helped her find the strength to follow her heart and dedicate her life to poetry. She has won numerous awards including The Carrie McCray Literary Award in Poetry, a study fellowship from Vermont Writing Ccnicr, study scholarships to the Allantic Ccnier for Ihe Arts and a week o f study wilh Natalie Goldberg. Redmond is the 1997 and the 1998 Southeast Regional Residents Fear Kinderton May Fail Continued From Page 1 spoke for over anhouronwhatthis proposal could mean to the town. "Bermuda Run has a peculiar situ­ ation," said Van Hoy, "in thal you have a limited tax ba.se and limited opportunities to grow lhat tax base. This annexation provides you one of the means to deal favorably with the pressure on your lax rate. Questions you must ask ate, is il in Ihe best in­ terest of Bermuda Run to grow its tax base? If so, whal opponunitics are present to grow that base? And whal opportunities w ill there be in Ihc fu­ ture 10 grow thal lax base? My inlen- tion is 10 help you try lo separate Ihe true from the false, the facts from Ihe ficlion...and help you make a reason­ able and informed decision." According to Van Hoy. Bermuda Run’s current tax base, in ils entirely, is $230 million. Upon build out of the commercial area o f Kinderton, Van Hoy said, their projected lax value would be $200 million. "We w ill cssenlially double your lax base, and you won't have lo do anything for us. If you annex, the im­ mediate addition 10 your lax base is $7,131,720, but that figure is grossly misleading and grossly understated bccause of whal will happen in 2001. In 2001. the tax value w ill go up. There is a 20.89 acre portion of Kindcrton (on N.C. 801) which will rcdcct u purchase pricc of $2.2 m il­ lion, which is a jump in excess of $ 1.2 million over Ihal $7.11 already lold you obout. Van Hoy predicted that in five $16 m illion from the annexation alone, adding that il would be “ for d irt What services do you have lo provide for dirt? None." . However, if the annexation does occur, Ihc town would be responsible for strccl lights, street mainlenance and snow removal and a onetime cosl to the Smilh Grove Volunteer Fire Departmenlof$139. Zoning Board TolHeet lliere will beameelingofthe Davie counly Zoning Board of Adjusmient at 7 p.m. on Monday, O a 2, in Ihc Comraialooeis Room o f the Davie Counly Administration Building, Mocksville. : . A continued public hearing on a request by BrendaCombsforachange lo the conditions for a spccial use pet- mltgniitedin.l999willbeheld.This public bnrinii W » coodnued fhxn One concern by residents at the September meeting was that Kindcrton might fail, and the coun- cll should wail a few years to see ifit is succcssful before moving lo annex. ‘'Bermuda Run gets ils tax revenue whether or nol Kindcrton fails," Van Hoy said. 'The fact is that there Is no burden to the town If Kindcrton docs not grow or grows slowly, and ihe fact is lhat Kinderton w ill not fail. They have alicady sold or have con­ tracts for sale In excess of $6 m il­ lion," Van Hoy conlinucd, adding lhat Kinderton w ill be a “high quality de­ velopment os it is planned and as It will be done.” ‘The financial twtlpm line is this: you have no olher way to grow your tax base [cxcept annexation]," said Van Hoy. “ Because this Is for a com­ mercial area only, no volers come with this annexation. Wc I Kindcrtonl w ill be placing governance of the property In your control. We arc giv­ ing you ihe opportunity lo tax and to govern bul we are not giving you voicrs. U*s baffling to think that any­ one would believe ihal Bermuda Run is better for not annexing." Bul several residents do. One of Ihem. Ralph Cornwell, was an outspoken opponent of annexation at Ihe meeting and reitcnitcd what was his main point Ihcn. "Most of the Bermuda Run resi­ dents I*ve talked wiih still believe lhat the council Is rushing them," he said. ‘The residents have had not had enough time to discuss this issue, and the residents want to vote on the is- ihan. having thcjcouncil- sion cun be made. One resident asked if a sur>cy could be taken by resi­ dents to detennine their wishes und if it would be legal to do so. Town attorney Don House lold them ihey could legally lake u sur\'cy but thul the board did not have to consider il when voting. Resident Dave Whelpley said he thought the council was "overbur­ dened," adding lhat comniunicalions from the mayor and council members had been "vague." . Joseph SanFlllippo also spoke against the annexalinn, saying, "I wonder why the council suid a while back Ihal there was enough lax rev­ enue to exist and now they say there isn't. I Ihink Ihe board should explain Ihis. And I reseni highly the meddling of outside innucncc as to what Ber­ muda Run does or docs nol want to do. These people (motioning lo the Kinderton developers) are not resi­ dents.” In response lo residents’ comments that they were lold the town had enough revenue "to exist," Mayor John Ferguson said, "Wc do, if all you want Is to exist. But If you wani to grow, we don't." Olher residents, among them Charies Kupsky, Larry Eubonks, Chariie Slone, and Frank Baker, were all in favor ofthe proposal, and urged the council to move forward to an­ nex. Resident David Eaton added, "I moved here 20 years ago bccausc It was upscale and gated and all around it was completely undeveloped. Il Blues guitarist Scott Ainslie and perfornriance poet Glenis Redmond will be at the Brock Oct. 7, individual Poetry Slam Champion. She placcd in the top lOin 1996 and 1997 for Ihc National Individual Slam Championship. She has published two chapbooks: Naming II and If I Ain't African. She has released a video of perfonnance poetry titled Moma's Magic and an audio tape titled Com­ ing Forth. She has performed ihroughoul Ihe United States, England, und Italy. ’ she has shared her poetry in performances, residen­ cies and workshops with audiences as varied as schools, juvenile deiemion centers, universities, coiïcehouses, per­ forming arts centers, and educational television. Tickets arc on sale at the Brock Performing Arts Cen­ ter Box Office in Ihe lobby of the Brock Performing Arts Center at 622 N. Main St., Mocksville. Tlckcts are $15 for adults and $13 for children, sludcnls. and seniors. For grt)ups o f 15 or morc, ilckeis are $12 per. Box Of­ fice hours arc Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. On the day of the performance, ihc box office will open at 6 p.m. Tickcts may be purchased In person, by mall, or charged by phone, arc avoilublc on a first come - first paid basis, and are non-rcfundable. For morc informa­ tion, call Ihc box olTicc at 751-3000. BibleBaptist Ciiurch indet ient • Fundamental f tjio f , Don Jones . 336-76$-03Sl WOfíSHlEJlUES; SuntfiySctvool-10am Wer»hlpS«vte«.|Utn Sundty Nighl «epin WMiMldayWiWpm CiMtmoni Civic C«nt*r at70Wdd>>biOOkDT.*CWmmor».NC GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 » 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons ^ im p s ô n LOCK & KEY Mark Simpson uctammi 12 Years Experience (33B1659-6398 Off W,lh МСЫЮП 01 Ws Aá control Ihclr destiny. The mayor and the council members would gain a lot o f respect if they would let the homeowners have this vole.” Cornweirs wish, possibly the some wish of many other residents, w ill nol come true however, because the vole lies solely with the council. By law, the council only has to have a public hearing before a dcci- was a beautiful community. I hated lo sec all the development. I did not want the town lo be a town. I start off against everything... suspicion is in my nature. But I think this w ill be a great move for us In the long run." The council Is expected to discuss Ihe proposal al iheir October 17 meet­ ing and may be ready to voie in No­ vember. Position Available The Davic County Enlcrprlse-Rccord currently has an opening on its staff. The position is part-time. Duties include serving as the company's receptionist and typist. If you enjoy meeting the public and have ateve average typing sicllls. wc invite you to apply. DavieCounty Enteiprise-Record P.O.Box99 ' 171 South M iin SUeet Mocktville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 Textile Heritage Festival Saturday, September 30th Dr. Jeffery Billings, D.D.S. G e n e ra l D e n tis t r y f o r C h ild re n a n d A d u lt s • Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee, NC 336-284-2595 ^ C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s F r o n r T ^ E v e r y o n e A t - 3 Locations To Serve You - 1) Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, 284-4141 2) Hwy. 801 N., Cooleemee, 284-2828 3) Hwy. 601 at 1-40, Mocksville, 751-7797 C o n g ra tu la tio n s O n Y o u r T e x t i l e О “‘Wi are so proud ofyour speciaC event. ‘ B e tsy C o c h ra n e PaiJfi'tbi CiHhruntf>>rSeiuue__________ 5iiant, ijou бао^елпсс S w i c e g o o d W a l l & M c D A N I E L 336-751-2222 your Davie County Neighborhood Professionals! t w ù t t a oi4/t c c m jK M V ij- лиЯ ^wi 3Lcai R o ta te Q ÌccBa. О Л %ow e i02na ^ г т д л г е г А О л ^ ! We invite you to come join the festivities in H istoric Cooleemee Spillman’s Individual Lots T "JOiU up to Acreage in LraiYQ OL llO m C Davie and Rowan Sales Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC / (336) 284-2551 or (800) 726-0724 1# S h o p p in g C e n te r Ha|»()y Та Swve Tice^ Fide V w p h ot ( M m m & Tke СошШе«! T h eC o o le e m e e B ra n c h L ib ra ry T h e perfect place to fm d o u t ab ou t C ooleem ee's p a s t a n d m orel iA V IE C O U N T Y P U B U C L m R A R Y Cooloomoo Shopping Center • Cooloomoe • (336)264'2S05 371 North Main Strool • Mocksvillo • (336) 751-2023 . J Davie Dlscounl Drags Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee, NC (3 3 6 )2 8 4 -2 5 3 7 /congratulations on youi^ Textile Heritage Festival ■ ___Jand "Thanks To You ” for your continued support. J u l ia H o w ar d N.C. House of Representatives y for hr Ktprruniaitit Julia lloi Succeed Prosper tXXX programs and services create ct»<ces and enhance opportunities tor education and employmenL . Graduates oiDCCC are In highI ripnwnrianrifrpqiipnHyhavffmiiltiplw joboppoitunltles. DCCC prepares people forthe rtgois of entering the woHc fbn» and №T the demandsof remaining competitive In a changing worid. r Call Today! 751-2885 Thanks For Helping To M a k e The Com m um ties W eServe ABetterFlaceTb liv e A n d W ork. TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Gaither Street B m W illowOak 751-5951 ibu can lell we want your business. 751-5956 SmctlSTi Serving the — G i t i z e n s ^ f Cooleemee Since 195i. Thanks fo r p la c in g y o ur trust in us fo r so m any years. We are honored to have served so m any fin e fam ilie s. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE 325 Nonh Main Street, Mocksville, NC 751-2148 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - 9 Textile Heritage Festival Saturday, September 30th Celebrating Our 37'" Year Thank You Cooleemee for allowing us to serve you lor Ihe pasl 37 years. We're proud to call Cooleemee home! COOLEEMEE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee Jn u tl/a iu z (336) 284-2234 Jffu e J/itM Congratulations On A Job Well Done! The Textile Heritage Festival is an event you cau truly be proud of. hiiJfor by JuJff Jiinmy Msrrt. W e s a lu te C o o f c e m e e a n d Р о и / S h e w ; w h o h a s b e e n a b a r b e r ¡n C o o f e e m e e fo r th e p a s t 4 3 y e a rs. 1957 - present F U L L E R № s S i We m vite you to come join the festivities in H istoric Cooleemee Get the GflS fldvontage! We Sell & Install... • G A S L O G S • G A S W A T E R H E A T E R S • G A S P A C U N I T S (Air Conditionings Heat All In One) • G A S F U R N A C E S РАЯТСРАПЧ) WSFUAeW со.тял::сй Chevron T h e C o r n e r S t o r e ofHuvi- •'^<4 J/ "Greasy Corner" “ ^ к а н к ^ jo H ' I jo m P a b u m a t ^ " Open Ktonday - Saturday 6:00 am 1U10:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am til 10 00 pm (336) 284-6230 - SiC im atu - THERMAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. ^ Gasi 4 180 Green Grass Rd., Mocksville. NC A d v S n tS g c l [3361284-2881 I Hamel It is w ith p le a s u re 1 c o n g ra tu la te C o o le e n tie e o n a jo b w e ll d o n e fo r T e x tile H e rita g e D a y . You are to be commended. Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication Phil and DaHcne Fuller 8SS Salisbury Road ♦ Mocksvillc. N C 27028 Telephone 336.751.3712 Free 1.800.448.4708 ♦ Fax 336.751.: Email; iullcr@nr.lnfi.net )ф штф ф | From Your Neighbors at A i i © n W f i i t a k e r D avie C o u n ty S he riff Paid for by Sheriff Alton W bltaker W e 'r e p r o u d t o b e a p a r t o f C o o le e m e e a n d a ls o p r o u d o f it 's h e r it a g e . Hwy. 801 • Cooleemee Shopping Center (336) 284-2777 D ll 284-2777 8lii|.5:30pm or 9«9'2486 or 284-4353 530pn>«im NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO F lU UP VOUR njEL-O IL FOR WINTER - CALL TODAYI ^ W e 'v e G o t Y o u C o v e re d C ooleem ee! D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTE ECORD FULL COVtRAGt O N NEWS fc ADViRnSING RO. Box 99 • 171 South Main Sl, Mocksville. NC 27028 phone:(336)751-2129 b e (336) 751-9760 P r o u d t o b e a p a r t o f C o o l e e m e e ' s P a s t - P r e s e n t - F u t u r e CcntralCarolinaBank -М тЬаШ С- C o o le e m c c S h o p p in g C e n te r • C o o le e m e e , N C (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 5 4 2 TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE , V 4 ‘ ‘\ - î ■ , . . N e w s U p d a t e October 2000 * . k ' , ' О Г Т ' , - . ' V . - . s , . SPECIAL DATES AND EUENTS OF INTEREST FOR MGCKSUILLE CITIZENS MRNRGERS CORNER Till* ЕРЛ Iws wt.iblishtxl niandJlory a‘gulations for the mnnagcmcnl of non-profit st)urco stormw.ilLT run-off lhat will be cffeclivc December 2003. At Ihe ра*я*п1 lime Mocksville and Davie County arc not on the list of cities and counties requiring Implementation of Ihcse new a'gulations. Curn.*nlly Ihere Is a statewide storm water managemem program being developed for North Carolina that will require nil counties and cities to participale. Cities over 100,000 population are already under similar regulations. These communities have implemented muUi-milUon dollar programs lo deal wilh this is5ue. The general tax fund or assessments to the individual property owners on the basis of impcr>ious surface have paid for these programs. This is often referred lo as Ihe “rain tax." As we develop our communities, wc must keep in mind Ihc impact lhat growth will have on our streams and rivers. In accortiancc wilh this development, Ihe Town's new zoning ordinance m^uia'S buffers for streams and morc open space. In addition we must utilize our existing resources such as the Davie Soil and Water Conservation Group lhal has workeil on Uie storm water issue for years. Key elements lo the storm water runoff program are education and public participation. Identifying illicit or illegal dischargers to the system and post construction run-off as well as maintaining good housekeeping al publicly owned facilities would be a pari of the progiam. The message Is lhat storm water is becoming more like a utility which cities and covmties will have lo manage and fund in Ihe very near future. Terry L Bralley Town Manager FALL CLEAN-UP DRV Fall Clean-up Day w ill be held at Rich Paik Suturduy. Ociober 21, from 8 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This scr\ ice is for the residents of the Town of Mocksvillc only. Items to be collcclcd w ill include rumilurc, appliances, old lumber, (ires o ff the rim, ctc. Usable items for the Storehouse for Jesus w ill also be collcctcd. Pesticides w ill be collected. A ll pcsticide.s must be in original containers with labels. Containers cannot be leaking. Aerosols, liquids nnd dry formulations w ill be accepted. This is part of the NC Dcpartmcnl of Agriculture Dls|)osal Program and coordinated wilh Ihc NC Cooperative Extension Ser\ice. For specific inforniation concerning pcslicide disposal, contact B ill Wiseman (336) 751-5500. NO PAINTS W ILL BE ACCEPTED. IT S TIME TO PLRN FOR THE HOLIDRVS! Our communiiy Is blessed wiih many gencmus people who are anxious lo help for the holidays. Oncc again, ihere will be a coordinated effort to make sure thal all families and individuals'that need assistance receive il. Represcnlalives from government agencies, churches, businesses, schwils and civic groups have been working together to help meet Ihese needs and eliminate duplication of serN'ices. The Storehouse for Jesus needs sponsors for Thanksgiving'and Chrislmas. Please call 751-1060 by Ociober 31 to if you would be interested in sponsorship. The Christmas Chapel Candielighl Ser\icc and Covered Dish Dinner will be December 9 at 6 p.m. For morc informalion call 751* 1060. The Storehouse will be closed November 22-23 and Dcccmbcr 25-26. December 27-28 wilt be opened from 9* 11 a.m. for food distribution only. The Davic County Departmenl of Social Ser%iccs will pnwide children’s names for “ Chrislmas Angels” (formerly known as the Angel Tree Project) and Christmas Oells (adult and elderly names), which will be coordinated by the Mocksvillc Town Hall Staff. Names may be picked up at the Town Hall beginning November 20. New, unwrapped gifts should be placed in a bag wiih the selected name attached. Children, aged infant to 18 will have suggestions for wants or needs. Gifts for the Christmas Bells should be wrapped. All gifts need to be relumed to the Town Hall by December 11. Recommendations from teachers, school nurses. Davie Couniy Social Services and Storehouse for Jesus determine the eligibility for the programs mentioned above. Inquiries should be directed to Davie Couniy Social Scrviccs al 751-8800. Come nnd .share (he Chrislmas spirit in Historic Downtown Mocksvillc with “ Homelown Chrislmas” Davie C0Hntv_Chrislmns_Paradc will begin at 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 2,2000. For morc infonnation or entries, please conlact the Davie Couniy Chamber of Commerce at 751 -33(M. be dedicated in honor or memory of someone by making contributions to Historic Davie, Inc., at local businesses, banks and Mocksville Tovsn Hall. shopping wilh downlOMn merchanb until 8 p.m. Nvhile enjoying stortytclling, carnage rides, caroling and visiting wiih Santa. Carriage rides will also be available on Saturdays from 6-8 p.m. For more infonnation call ihe Chamber of Commerce at 751 *3304. FALL LEAF PICKUP Fall leaf collccllon is scheduled lo begin Monday, October 21 Tlie pickup will continue through Monday, December 18. Leaves should lie raked lo ihe curb, noi inlo ihc slrecl. For ihc safely of Ihc Town crcws. do not rake any closer than 25 feel to an' interseclion. DO NOT BAG LEAVES. No brush or grass -will be collcclcd. leaves only. Any olher yard waste should be carried lo the Yard Waste Drop-off in Rich Park. CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP Christmas Trees w ill be picked up on Friday, Deccnibcr 29, 2000 and again on January 4, 2(K)1. Cut Irecs should be placed at ciirbside wiili all lights and decorations removed. These irees will be chipped for mulch at the compost site. COMPOST SITE The Compost Site will be open during ihe months of Octobcr through December on Ihc first and ihird Salurd.ny. Yanl wasic may be dropped off during ihe week by appoimnieni only by calling 751- s.sno. Please do not throw yard waste over the fencc when Ihc gale Is l(Kkcd. Residents of Ihc Town of Mocksville arc allowed lo waive Ihe dumping fee al Ihc compost site for one track load of yanl wa.stc per month. I’urcha-se: Mulch • $5 per stoop l^eaf Compost • $3 p«r scoop Drop otr fees: 1st load of yard waste per month fret (Town of Mock.svlllc residents only) Truck load of yard w aste: $5 t/2 truck load or less; $3 M O C K S U IL L E I S E N I O R C E N T E R P U B L IC O F F IC IA L S I Oauie county SeniorCenter - 622 N. M am St.. Mocksuille. NC - 356-751-0611 Town Board Dr. F.W.SIalc. Mayor J.C. ‘•Busier’* Clear)' lA* Rollins Yemon Thompson Sieve Walker James Wall Planning Board •Vena Harris,Chair LawTcnce Ray Carter Sicvie Dulin Bob Mali Ush Sanford Anilrcw White Janie Neely Zoning Board ofAdiustmrnl Lynn ll. Bycfly, Chair Alice Gaiiher Palsy Crenshaw RichanI Schooler Gail Kelly Terry Brallev, Town Manager 75h22S9 Jack Keller. Police Chief 75I-9IS6 Danny Smith. Public Hbrii Dirrclor 751-2519 Michael Gamer. Recreation Director 751-2325__________ Hhil Crowe, Fire Chief 751-Ш Bill Шпшп. Parb à Grounds 751-5500 Kim Skuikey. Senior Center Director 751-0611 75K (not for billing questions) Conlracted StnicM William Whal^. BujWing Inspeclions John Gallimore, Planning & Zoning 751-3340 Robert Cook. Animal Conlrol 731^)227 S E R U IC E D IR E C T O R V Oukt'Cuuier И 6 /^/ ПОЦ i’-iijrnHnls II ! f*piHtl ,il Uie Nuitii.im r \!|ir*' .И SllUlff HllOllf I’Ll/,* HiM\(ti(narV ( atilc . /М Ш^^ sprint /М .... „Г I’in l s.il Ibis 1 HUD /'illl OCTOBER P ltlllinnl Aniiam Ealí^^r■Д^»CliШ^lLJn^■ • OCI. 3.7pm. N«.nlion Silt lu n c h & Ig a ra . Oc». 3. Dcpan the Scni^t CtmcT at lO-.JOam. Twr Mis. Иапсч Mwravian C w Vk Plant. l.unth on )out vY*n at Venecia's Italian Rcslaurant. lYc-rcgisicr by .Scpl. 29. 1e County Stam p Club • Oct. 5 .7pm. ЕаЯ Room Griet Support fifOUD - Oct. s. 7pm. Nuirition Site Senior Centpr ОЯ tha H o a d . a t . 6 .1 1:00am. W.R. Davic area. Pre-rcgiMer fi*r lunch by Ocl. 3. C r e it lw ScraPtw okiBP - Oct. lo.^pm. Nutrition Site I S k llil W OfltillOB • Oct. t2.9am-No()R. Bermuda Run Country Club. Prc-rcgiMcr by Oct. 6. In iin w * ! Support fifoua - Oct. 12.7pm. ЕаЯ Room Sanior ContPf M l tllP K o a d . Oci. 13. ] lam. Coolcentce arcx Pre reeistcf for lunch bv Oct. 10. D a vi» Countli Q yiH ln a Sulld - Oct. 16.7om. East Room Erlet Suppo rt GfOMB - Oct. 19.7pm. East Room Sanlor Cantof on tha H o a d . Oct. 2 0 .11 am. Mocksville Library. Pre-register for lunch by Ocl. 17. q tn iH rs tim riin • Oct. 24.2pm. Nuirition Site. Call to iw-rcgis.ier. Chat N C ra ft-Oct. 2 6 .10am.CraflRoom.Fallprojccl.$5chafge.Prc-rcgislcrbyOcl. 17. Sanlor Cantof on thp Boad • Oci. 2 7 .1 lam, Center Comm. Bldg. Pre-register for lunch by Oct. 24. Senior B ra a k fa it. Ocl. 31. 8:30am or lOam. East Room. Call lo pre-reaistcr. - Nov. 2 .7pm. East Room S ria l Support B ro u p . Nov. 2.7pm. Nuirition Site Nov. 3.11 am. Fork/Advance area. Pre<rrgistcr for lunch by Ocl. 31. • Nov. 6 .7pm. Nutrition Site Restaurant. Pre*rcgisicr by Nov. 3. V alerans Proarani - (For Veterans & a guest) • Nov. 9 ,3;30pm. Mocksvillc Rrst Baptisl Church, Register by Nov, 6. Daw ot Trawal ♦ •Tlvmouth. Massachusetls" • Nov. 14. lOam. Easl Room. S5. includes on authentic Thanksgiving lunch. Limited to first23loRSVP. C h at II C ra tt • Nov. 16. lOam, Craft Room. Chalk porcelain Chrislmas ornaments wiih urtisi Lena Rcinsvold. 55. Pre-register by Nov.7. ' ■ ■ . , - G rio LS lM lO rt Bt oUB - Nov. 16.7pm. Nuirition Silc , - Nov. 17,1 lam, Farminglon Comm. BIdg. Pre-register for lunch by Nov. 13. Nov. 20.1 pm. East Room . - D E C E M B E R H«daoill »nllnui Poimr A llotllM im . Ine. • D « . 4 .7pm. Nulrillon SIlc lu n c ilX I t a n i . Dcc. 5 .1 lam. Calernl lunch at the Senior Center. $4. Cookie exchange lo follow program (call Гог details). Please prc.rcfiister. ' C hrlllm il P lltf ■ Dec, g. join. Nuirition Site. Please pre-feBiitcr. ’ I n e t r t h i » т и т • Dec. 13, 8:30am. Meeting room b f the Parks ft Rcc. Dept, for all paniclpaling walkers & Silver Health exercise panicipants. • . . , ■ -D cc. 14,7pm, Easl Room , . . . Dcc. 18.7pm, East Room • , ' M O C K S U IL L E /D flU IE P A R K S & R E C . 644 N. M ain SI. ■ MockSUllle, NC ■ 536-751 -2525 Tbe Miotting anJ «fcv'iil c«cnt% an ifionMved by MiKktville/Divic P u ii ARecrtaiion I’kaie call i4 »(np by ihc оШсс .Miwhljj hidiy. НаШ'Зрсп tu irgiilct «ч fur пкче iníivmaiíon on the li'iíJ etcmt. 3*1 Grad« la tk tttil • DcaJImc lu remitter • t(V2aw, SK). Euryone muu be p<c- trpilrrcd Пате% Mill к al ihc IlitvK П)т Л ЬпеЬпчЛ UUincnlar)' 7-10 Gradt latfcttkal • Krpuiatxm in(Xu<bcr. iVi. C u M №fn 16bcfun Jan. I. .^ 1 . K-2 iMtractlQUi Im M M I • Held ai the Ппхк Gjm & Pincbnuk Elemeiuaxy. Í20. Regi»ifaiion in Dccemkf. IIN llttol Ргв|гм • WnJncMÍa)i tuning mij Rbnuty • March tl South Da^ie. 6-7p«n foe |r>Jei 2-5 & 7:13H:.W fw|faJe»6-*. Ш RiC Oak • ПеГмс Л Aíirr School Cart. CoU: Before • SI5 per «ecL i4 S4 per momin|. Afler • $23 i<r *cel « $7 per aftcitKw«. SJ diwount if you aJtcftJ bolh. Out of «hrtJ day» • SIS per day. Orop-in'i arc welcome! Call Eimly Johiuon al 731*2323 for more 1пГ»ппа1н)л. аЛепюоп more ModHr*« Магвкц Oel • Ongoiof. Timda]'! & ThurtJa)« at the Rrcrcalion Departmenl. If )ou‘re loulifig for a loving & friendly envtnmment for vour prc4hooler. this ii wherc )ou «ani )our child. S7 by Ihc day or $20 per monih for 1 day a week or $40 per monih for 2 day» a week. Time: 9-ll:3fìam. ТЬа ИвГМ C«W M Nr б гм я И п . Thurvíayt 6:30-В:30ргп. Nov. 9-Dec. 14. S89 per репм. Call Vic Li at 731-2J25 for more informalion. Skill ft Mát • Spend your morning ЬогкЬаск tiding in hlo( Mountain and your «Лег roller tkaiing al sVaieland USA. Oct. 6. Nov. 22. Dcc. 13. S24 per dale. Call Vk Lí for infuntution. Dog Ohtdlwca О т м • Advanced off-leaih. Oaues sufling iooa. Conlact VkU for more informatitw. 0 » ^ * » ft 1 « Т и И Щ ж т Ш и - Call Kaihie Sircit Sanlor Tripi-W ed. Oct. II -Mountain Color Trip wOunchat HubertV Thun.. Ocl. 19- Stale Fair. Tiiuii.. Nov. 16 • Souihem Chfiilmas Show. Sal,. Dec. 2 • A Bam Broadway Chriitmas. Thun., Dec. 7 • A Capital Chriumu. Weil.. Dec. 13 • Sandcri Family Chriumat. Call Kaihie Sireil for info. М М Ц F hM f « ш ч И « Ш И . Moivliyi.'ocl. JO-Da. 4, 7-9рт it the Rec. Depl. S30 plui lupplies. Call VicU lo sign up. в в ^»Ш к 1 я | FrafTM • Monday-Friday. 6:30-9am, Brock Gym. No charge. Tha Daasa CaaiM<nr * <be Droek. Call,Emily Robciiion at 998-3163 for more infonnation. -..................... • lnMruclors:'Sleve & Unda Hailey. l\ieMlayi at Farmington Community Center. S2 per clau. Ongoing. ' tm i Ttaera Banca firaap - Meets on Monday nighu at Farminglon Communiiy Center. ' Contact Dhel Uwder at 998-3837 for delaili. Oavll Т ш A M W | CaaacH . if you’re a teen In Davie Couniy who would like to be involved in making some changct lo benefil Davie youlh. call Vicki al 731-2325 for details. Ta*ta V a lii M M I ra a iw JUsoc.. Sat.. Sept. 30 at the Dixie Clauic Fair at 9am Rabbit Show! iM k a tta llO in cia liC M e -If you’re inieresled In officiating baskeiball for recreation, middle or high к>юо1, come lo tbe first mcciing on Sun.. Oct.' I at the Brock Gym at 7pm. Conlact Mike or Joe for more inrormation. lao U - will be making visiti to Wat-Man and Kveral other locations around the crunty in December. A more deliiled list will be available al a laier dale. Contact Kaihie Streit for more details. ' DAViE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 -11 ‘ T h e P r i n c e A n d T h e P a u p e r ’ C o m in g T o T h e B r o o k O n T u e s d a y The Tlirradiddlc Players, a favorite proi fesslonal acting mjupc among kids, parenls, and teachers, will perform Mark1\vain's "The Prince and The Pauper” for the Davie Couniy Ans Council's Kid's Nighl Oull series. This year, school mnllnees hove been added to Ihc line-up of performances for yoitng audiences. The Tarradiddlc Flayers w ill perform "The Prince and The Pau­ per” on Tltesday, Oct. sends Edward, dressed ns Tom, oul in ihe streets, while Tom, dressed as the princc, slays in Ihe palace where he is believed to be EdwaidVI. In Ihc palace, life for Ttm becomes for­ mal and stiff. People wait on him hand and fool. He conslanlly fears he w ill say or do Ihe wrong Ihing and Iries lo tell people that he really Isn't Ihe prince, bul no one in the eouit Claire Whitworth-Helm and Travis w ill believe him. They Cres.cn Will be In the show. ^ Ä a s t CCB .Is Ihc orricial sponsor o f ihc *niiTailltltllc productions this season - which also Includes the holiday favorite" Tis the Season", and "The Princcss and ihc Pea". The Prince and Ihe Pauper is set in Lon­ don in the I6thccnlury. It is Ihcsiory of two young boys. Tom Canty, a poor boy who lived in the streets and Princc Edward VI, soon to be king of England. Tom Canty, who is forccd lo live a beggar’s life by his cruel father, is a drcanwr and spends mosl o f his days reading books aboul royally and pretending to be king. One day he manages to enter the royal court, and at the moment ihc guard Is trying to force Tom lo leave the palace, ihe tenderhearted young princc Edward VI appears and rcscucs Tom from the cruel guard. The iwb boys are the same age and begin lo bccomc friends. Tom shares wilh Edward about his life on the streets, antJ Inward be­ gins 10 wonder what it would be like lo be a poor boy on his own in ihe city. The iwo change clothes and realize they look cJiactly alike. A rain up in ihc palate his mind. Meanwhile, in Ihc streets, Princc Edward, dressed as Tom Caniy, tries lo claim his true identity only to be mockcd and scomcd and ircated cruclly. Doth young boys arc befriended by someone in their new worid who helps them survive. Tom mostly docs what he is told and adapts quickly to palace life; but Edward has morc o f a stnigglc. Fortunately, Edward meets with a former nobleman named Miles Hendon, who puls up with the fact that Ed­ ward thinks he is the king, thinking the boy has lost his mind. They travel together and have many advcnturcs, bul Edward keeps try­ ing lo gel batk to ihc palacc. While living in the "real worid." Edward sees much of the harsh side of life and he is shockcd by what he secs. He resolves lhal the poor people o f England w ill be treated more fairly when he rciurns to the throne. Evenlually the two boys meet again, just in time for Edward lo be crowncd the true king of England. ‘The Davic Couniy /\rts Council’s Kid's Travis Crestón, Claire Whitworth-Helm, Steven Ivey and Nicia Carla rehearse for upcoming production of The Prince and the Pauper. Nighl Oul! series is a great opponuniiy for all students, educators, families, scouts, and church minislries lo enjoy an evening of edu­ cational und wholesome entertainment for young audicnces." said Dagmar Bardo, ex* ecuiive director of the Davie Couniy Arts Council, Tickcls arc on sale at the Brock Peribrm- ing Arts Center Box OfTice in the lobby of the Brock Performing Arts Center at 622 N. Main St. Tickets are $8 foradulls and $6 for childrcn, students, and seniors. Forgrogps of 15 or morc people, tickets arc $5 per per­ son. Box office hours arc Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. On the day of ihe perfor­ mance, the box office w ill rc-opcn at 3. To purchase tickets or for more Informa­ tion, call the box ofllce at 731-3000. Cancer Services Meets The Needs Of Local Families R)avie domestic violence^SERVICES AND RAPE CRISIS CENTER SUPPORT GROUP By to n ! Jumey Spccial lo the Enlcrprisc United Way conlnbutions make such a diffcrcnce in the li vcsof ihosc in the Davie County community. It is through these contributions that local nonpn>niorganizaiionsan:ablctohclp those i n need throughout Davic Couniy. One such United Way Agency work­ ing 10 meet those needs is Cancer Ser­ vices. Inc. Reba Ellioii, area wide director, siateUshc "is grateful lo Davic CoutMy United Way for its support lo Cancer Services, Inc. since 1988. ’n>e United WayN-oIunteersworicdiligcnilytoraise the funds needed for all the agencies under iheUnilcd Way umbrcllx With­ out their support, wc would be unable lo meet the needs of ihe cancercllcnls in Davie." Elliotf says the agency pmvidijs cancer screenings at health fairs, indi­ vidual and family counseling and Is the process of developing additional peer support programs for those families faced wilh canccr issues. One such family is the family of Randy McDanicl. whose father, John Nelson McDaniel, died on Aug. 28, 1999, at age 72, from colon canccr. Randy McDaniel says his family was able lo receivc monetary assistance from Canccr Scrviccs lo help meet the mounting prescription expenses dur­ ing his father's battle wilh canccr." Wc weren’t aware of Canccr Services' as­ sisting abilities. Bul we were glul lo receive their support," he said. McDaniel said during his father's canccr battle» monthly prescription costs began toexcecd hisparcnls'com- bined monthly income. One mcdica Helping Right Here in Our Community. able in town, and due to a weckcnu involved, was going lo lake five losix days to get. McDaniel .says Bob Rauch "lookiluponhimsclftodrivetoShclby on hisday off to get dad’s medication." As the cancer progressed, the pre­ scription TCsis climbed. John McDaniel’s brothers and sisters began applying funds directly to the medica­ tion account at Foster-Rauch Drug Co. Tlic McDaniel family started search­ ing for options. Through John McDanicrsslster,LoraincBtackwood, whoisapastprcsidcnt,campalgn chair­ woman and board mcmbcrofihc Davie County United Way, the McDaniel fantily was coniaclcd by Reba Elliott ofCancer Scrviccs. McDaniel remem­ bers the Presidential cleclion from 1996, and all the campaign pron^lscs made by the candidates at lhal lime. "The subject that really hits home to our family is ihc talked about and nolhingdoneasofloday forlhe elderly who ore sick and need mcdicincs bul have to decide between medicine or food or even power for lights." McDaniel's parenls had Medicare cov­ erage, and had purchased supplemen­ tal insurance costinganaddilionaIS125 cach month. They discovered in their lime of need lhal the supplement did not cover any medication. McDanicl has high praise for Can- else. My family wishes in sendapraycr and a blessing to each and everyone here and their families." Canccr Scrviccs, Inc., with its main оШсс Iwatcdat 3175MaplcwoodAvc, in Winsion-Satcm, has been working ihroughdedicatcdvoluniccrs,empluy- ccs, and United Way contributions since 1955 to reach those wilh canccr and thclr families wiih counseling,' medication assistance, transportation, equlpnwnl, und educational scrviccs. In Davic Coumy in 1999, 43 clients had their medicines paid for. 1557 clients werc reached ihrough educa- lion, and 2172 people in Davic Couniy werc reached ihrough patient and edu­ cational services. Tlic Davie County satellite office of Canccr Scrviccs. Inc. is locatcd in ihcBrDckCcntcronMainStrcct/High- way 158 in Mocksvillc. Elliott, who divides hcrtlme bclwccn Davte.Slokes, and Yadkin counllcs, is in the satellite office on Tuesday. You can rcxh her at (336)751 -0313,or al the msun office in Winston-Salem at U36) 760-9983, The Davic Canccr Advisory Com­ mittee members for Cancer Services. Inc., arc Mcl/a Craven, Lee Coble, Janet Blair, Pally Harris, Bccky Wallacc, Delores Jonlan, and Wink Hendricks. The reprcscntalive from Davic County serving on the Agcncy Board of Directors at Cancer Services, Inc., is Tcrcsa Gantt. This is an open gmup. Please call ifyou are interested. 751-HELP (4357) - 24 Hour Crisis Line cer Scrviccs and Elliott. "Not only did 4iGnrX«lodareosl-evcr$3;:600fof4-3-— 6anccr Serviccs-assis m monetarily------- 1/2 month supply. McDanicl is quick but we wcrc treated by the warmest to point out how helpful Bob Rauch at heait and hands, the mosl sinccrc and Foster-Rauch Drugs was during their caring people one could expect to find ordeal. Xcloda was not readily avail- In Davie,I%rsythCouniy,oranywhcrc C h i l d r e n ' s T h e a 1 : r e W I n « t o i i - S a i l o m OPiil Q j[.! ZOOOSeuon SHOW Ramona Quimby Barefoot (al WSSU) Toying With Science (with Carry Krimky) Beauty OKI the Beast *TistÍwSÍ3son RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW ! • ’ ' C A L L 7 2 5 - 4 5 3 1 Website address: CiiihIfcnst}Kstrews,org ' ' » ц AKTS C O U N C IL John Heny Princess and Ihe fta Ballet Fblkkxico Menico *BaUctFolkIorico Mexico. ' DATES TIMES PRICE O c t W lOam&Noon S6X)0 O c t U 4 à 7pm FREE Oct 16-17 lOam ft Noon $7Л0 0cL24>26 lOamcnIy $6.00 Dcc.2 ,llamA 3pm ss&sio Jan.16 9:30 am $8.00 Jan 23-26 10am & Noon $6.00 Feb, 1-2 10am A Noon $7.00 Feb.21-22 10 tm & Noon S6.00 Mar. 1-2 lOam ft Noon . $600 11 am & Jpm 5 8 Л JiO •Mar]7-8 lOam & N oon *$7.00 Apr. 24-25 lO a m A Noon $6.00 May4 •10am • $8.00 May4 730pm $8&$10 Т О Ш М O F M O C K S U I L L E C H L E N D R R OF FU FN TS or НИИ H N U IIIM D IH lllll'v llU H Ч 1М .||1 И М Ш Т Т 1 Ш » 1 11Л . 1 М 1'11! 111И'1 В Ш 7 Т Т 1 Т ? П Т Р И К Т Т 1 П Г Т 1 Т 1 И 1|||.и !и 1 д ш п ш т | ' т ч ? т 1 т т ш т г ? ц и ! ш л ч п .| | 1 м к т а т 7 т ' ш т т т к г т т 1 » т т г | т т : ! '1 1 п ! 1 1|.|1и1,пт1ч . т 1 и в г ш т г п щ IlNMffllMlWHito • ITI Ош и Л Ц Щ , MlrtiwHi, HC п т • Пим(ЗЭЦП1-22И • N x ^ T B I - H » • ЬтЛ 29 S I“itsÿ- ■I' ■ ■[у I • ^ i 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 Cooleemee Civitans Donate $3,800 To Park Project The Cooleemee Civitan Club recently presented a $3,800 checic for the RivcrPark projcgl al the Cooleemee Dam on Ihe South Yadkin River. The funds were raised through an auction in late July. Aubrey Wensil, Civitan president, said He was proud of fellow Civitans who participated and donated a lol o f energy and lime to make thc cvcnl a succcss. Mayor Grady Spry commented on what a great organization the Civi­ tans have bccomc sincc ihcir charlcr in March. "The citizens o f Cooleemee have really noticcd thc efforts o f the Civi­ tans in recent months with.their Involvement o f thc various community affairs they have participated in," Spry said. The word is out. If you need help, call Iho Civitans. W ith membership at 85 men, Ihcy always seem to find a way to come to thc aid of their fellow citizens, Wensil said. Ken Sales, chair o f thc park fund-raising, said to cxpect morc good things from thc club. “These men arc made o f a lot of good character and that is going to help make this a better place to live," Sales said. “We're going to make Ihis the. best park in the state and I’m sure these men w ill have a lot to do with that.” : So far, thc projcct is a little over a third o f the way to its million dollar goal. “This can be a huge economic impact on Ihc southern end of Davie Cooleemee Mayor Grady Spry and RlverPark chair Ken Sales accept a $3,800 check Irom Civitan President Aubrey Wensil. County, as well as northem Rowan Counly," Sales said. “ It will also be a great place for recreation, relaxation and good fellowship. It’s a win-win situation for cveri'one involved." Flowersfor all Occqsions Sistèr’« II ot Mocksville (336) 75t-1782 F ir s t A n n u a l P a tie n t A p p r e c ia tio n D a y ! Stop by and join us for food and fun! WEST FORSYTH AMBLY MEDICINEFriday, Oct. 6th r 9:00 am to 4:00 pni . lloidPs ^ olTcring Use bone density laiting^ Cttkt blo<xi pKssuK checks, and glucose testing! Balloons 7 6 6 - 0 5 4 7 Food 105 Stadium Oaks D rive, Clemmons Edwin Owens, Jordan Howell, Bryon Kirkpatrick, Michael Kirkpatrick and Kevin Kirkpatrick take a break Irom working at the Mocksville Elementary playground. Kirkpatricks Complete Life Scout Projects ; On Saturday. Scpl. 9. Kevin and Bryon Kirkpatrick completed thclr Life Seoul service projccls. Scrvicc 10 others is an importani part oflhe Boy Scouts. Scouls carry out this tradition o f service in ihcir homes, schools, churchcs, ihc com­ munity and nation. . For ihclr projects, Kevin and Bryon planted Bradford Pear trees at thc parking lot and a playground area at Mocksvillc Elementary School. They also filled in some areas where erosion is occurring. ; Kevin and Bryon were assisted hy fellow Scouts Jordan Howell and Matt Johnson, as well as Scoutmas­ ter Edwin Owens and Assistant Scoutmaster Michael Kirkpatrick. \ ш м т Sponsored by E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E Groups meet Tiutrsdays from 7;(X)-8:30pin at tiic Davie Counly Senior Center on the following dates: • October 5 • October 19 • November 2 • November 16 Forfurther iiifonnatiim please coiilcicl: R e v . M a r k V ic k e r s , C h a p la in a t 7 5 1 -2 1 4 8 Jordan Howell, Edwiln Owens, Matt Johnson, Michael Kirkpatrick, Kevin Kirkpatrick and Bryon Kirkpatrick are ready to work. Kevin and Bryon are members of Boy Scout Troop 525, sponsored by Holy Cross Lutheran Church o f Mocksvillc. Both Scouts are mem­ bers ofthe Order of thc Arrow, a na­ tional brotherhood of honor Scout campers. Kevin, a 10th grader, and Bryon, an eighth grader, attend Davie High School. They are the sons of Michacl anil Karen Kirkpatrick. StoreliQuse to Offer FrefeMedicaLCIinfc- J i" 'S in advanced cardiac life support Rowan Diagnostic Qinlc 61 \ Mocksvi)te Avenue Salisbury, NC 28 M4 (704) 633.7220 R o w a n I ^g i o n a l M edical C E m iR Your Source For Total Healthcare. www.iDwan.org Beginning in Oclober, A Store­ house Гог Jesus will offer a free medi­ cal clinic. Thc clinic will be held the second and fourth Thursday of cach month ax A Storehouse for Jesus, 464 Depot St.. Mocksville from 5:30-830 p.m.. by appointment only. You can c^ins 1 •1060 or comc by thc clinic to make an appointment between 2-5 p.m. on ihe day of the clinic. Appointments will be made on a firsl comc, first served basis. Clients musi meet the following eligibility requirements: be a Davie County resident: have no insurance, including Medicaid or Medicare; in­ come must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Clinic dates, including holiday schedule, are as follows: Oct. 12 and 26, Nov. 9, and Dec. 14. F R E E F u ll S p in a l t^ x a m in a tio n With This Coupon Only 1 6 D a n g e r S i g n a l s o f P i n c h e d N e r v e s : l UwBockPoin. S Oiunm '7. ИкхШт A. Sort liom3. ShouldwPoki 7. Neck Pan4. Алплга 9. Nun«Hands II. Numbr»ig«r>W BgnAt U HpPomn. PondownWg* IS-VUMuKtHJlMuidtSpoifta 16. W hile we are acccpUng new pallenls, no one need feel any obligation. • immediate Treatment • Insurance Accepted • We do your insurance , paperwork for you. Dr. Scott FoiUr,D.c., cc№ 3746Clemmons Rd, Clmimoai,NC 778-2242 Rowan Diagnostic Clinic and Rowan Regional Medical Center \)(felcome Dr. Sean Malone , • Vjrijinia Commonwealth Univctsiiy - Bacltclot^ degree in biology at>d clwrmistty • University of Virginia School of Medicine • Ohio Slate University Hospital -Internal mcdicine itsidency • Board certified in internal medicine, certification S p o r t s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - Bl Penalties, Ejections Breal( Davie's Heart North Davidson Rallies For 21st Consecutive Regular Season Win By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord WELCOME - One call doesn’t usually make the differtince In ugame, bul it sure did Friday in a nonconfercncc varsity football game at Nonh Davidson. As a result, Davie County suffered an­ other whai-lf loss. 17-7. The War Eagles absorbed miserable luck in defeats (o Statesville and Mooresviile ear­ lier in the year, and their frustrations height­ ened considerably late in the third quarter when a rash of penalties revived a North possession and essentially gave the Black Knights the decisive points. An incomplction set up a fourth and 16 with the game tied at 7-7. hut a 15-yard penally made It fourth and one. Aflcr North plintcd, a belated 5-yard penalty for having too many men on the Held forfeited Davie I s T h is T h e Y e a r ? S o c c e r T e a m E y e s B re a kth ro u g h S e a s o n Histor)’ implies It’s time for thc Davie Counly boys soccer team's wheels to comc off. History implies it’s time for the War Eagles to gel on their knees and cry uncle to (lie Central Piedmont Cohference huHies. Hisiory implies it’s time forjhem lo wilt and crank up thc wuit-til-ne.\t- year chant. But that was then and this is the new millennium, and the War Eagles insisl they’re PlttS______ equipped to contend for an inside track In the CPC's fast lanes. Thc kicking cotnpeiitors dropped the green flag on Tuesday. Such enthusiasm flows from a curioui crcw, thc program lhat has produced ono winning season sincc Coach David Hayes rolled out the first ball in 1988, when Davie learned the ropes as an Indepen­ dent. when 13 freshmen and sophomores lost to Carver to snap the Yellow Jackets' 73-match losing streak. For a large part of 11 previous years against CPC rivals Mount Tabor, West Forsyth and Reynolds, the Washington Generals stood a better chancc against the Globetrotters. David stood a better chnnce.ngnin<t finlinth. M nnH ale____ possession ond handed North a first down. Thatcontrovcrsial call pushed Coach Doug Illlng’s hot button, prompting two 15-yard penalties, the first for unsportsmanlike con­ duct and thc sccondscnding the coach behind thc fcncc Into thc audicnce (Davie had al­ ready watched star receiver Rod Tenor ond Nonh's Brian Gastley get ejcctcd for an alter­ cation early In thc gome). Suddenly, the Knights were at thc Davie I l.whcretheyscttlcd fora field goal and 10- 7 lead thot ultimately settled thc Issue as Nonh won its sixth straight while Davie fell to 2-4. They callcd too many men on the field, they missed it, and camc back over and apolo­ gized to one of our assislants after ejecting me." Illing said. They made a bad call.” The Davie defense, juiced up by the con- troveny, rose to the occasion and held Nonh to three points, and North left the door open “ T h e y m is s e d it, a n d c a m e b a c k o v e r a n d a p o lo g iz e d to o n e o f o u r a s s is ta n ts a fte r e je c tin g m e . T h e y m a d e a b a d c a ll.” - DHS Coach Doug illing whcnMattCoIcmanfumbledapuntto Davie's Brandon Gentry with five minutes left. That showed a lot about how tough wc ore." star linebacker Patrick Lowery, who registered 13tocklesawcck after making 17 against Salisbury, said of ihe stand. Mike Mike Clement, the ever-improving sophomore tailback, convcrtcdacniciolthlrd- and-ninc situation with a 21-yard run to the North 18. putting Davie well within kicker David Wooldridge’s range for a poicntlal game-tying field goal. Bul quarterback Dan Sullivan, who has been steady all year while completing over 50 percent of his passes, threw an intercep­ tion In thcend zone on third down, a turnover with 1:45 left that made Davie want to cry. Wooldridge, who would have attempted a 39-yardcronthe nexiplay.hasmodc lO of 12 between 30-39 In two years. "We put ourselves in position and made a bad mistake trying to throw into double cov­ erage." Illing said. They knew Nick Propsl was what wc had left (out wide), and Don just made a bad décision. Thai's a young mistake. He knows and ncxl time down there he'll make thc right décision. We had ouropponu- nltics and just didn't take advantage of it." With Nonh running out the clock, full­ back Carl Clodfellcr broke through a huge hole for 0 72-yard exclamation mark. Mlllartj Smith runs around the end as Russ Powell prepares to block. Wildcats Really Rack Up The Points stood a better chance against Reogan. . Things were going good losi year when the War Eagles surged 10 6-I>l heading into CPC play. Before anyone knew it, though,. Davie bccame awestruck by the traditional brutes, lost all eight .' leogue gomes and finished 6-10-1, sinking to 76-13M 5all time. But ihere seems to be o renewed bounce in the program's step. Please See Is Davie • Page B12 By Brian Pitts Dovic County Enterprise Record Nonh Davie coach Ron Kirk sold Jn prc.scasnn thaUhcrc.'s.no-reason. 7-1 or 6-2." he said after Nonh im- Fullback Chris Goode pounded oul proved to 3-0. "I hope people realize 105 yards on 15 punishing carries, wc are copablc of being reckoned and Zac O'Brien added S2 and a pair with. 1 think we can be in a situation o f scores on 12 runs during the thlrd- his eighth-grade football team couldn't enjoy a good year even though his troops were 1-6 as sev­ enth graders. Little did Kirk know that he mighl have underestimated thc Wildcats, who seem determined to shock the Mid-iSouth Conference world öfter last week's resounding 46-20 win over previously-unbeaten Wesl Rowan. "1 thought we'd be about 4-4, and now I think wo've gut a chance to be at 5-0." The Wildcats came out like apack of wolves, racing ahead 16-0. Quar­ terback Russ Powell hil Troy Blak- Icy with a 5-yard scorc. and after Nonh recovered a fumble on West's first oft'ensivcploy, Powell connected with tight end Red Randolph for a 17-yard TD that led toastunnlng 16- Olcod. - The deliberate Wing-T offense was unstoppable as Nonh powered its way to a 32-20 halftime lead. middle-school history. , "I don't know if Goode was tnily . at full speed,” Kirk soid. "But when a man gets 105 yards,.you can't com­ plain. He was a key factor in the (14- 6 win over Knox) becausc he broke a long touchdown run. and he had a good first half against Corrihcr-Lipe until he got hurt. It was a good move moving him from wing back to full­ back." If Goode was thc hero, then Powell wos a close sccond. Displaying ex­ traordinary efficiency, the lefty QB completed four o f four altempts, In­ cluding three TDs. "West started sticking nine In thc jiving our offensive linemen a hard time, and the one thing that helped a lot was when wc threw two touchdown passes and made them go back to a normal defense. It really opened thc Interior up so we could run it better. "Russ only threw four, but they were key plays." However, ihc.dcfcnse was os poor as iheofTensc brilllont in thc firsl half as thc Bulldogs repeatedly answered North's clock-churning drives with Mease See WUdcats - Page BV Thc War Eagles got off on the wrong foot when Tenor, who needs only six caichcs and 58 yards lo break Thadd Johnson's career rccords, was tossed - along wilh lineman Gastley-on the game's 1 Ithplay from scrim­ mage. They said their guy threw a punch ond our guy retaliated," IlUng said. "First minute of the gome, they're playing football and they're Intense. It wasn't anything lo the face or anything like that. •TTial's a tremendous impact on our team. He’s our go-lo guy and a leader o f our club." Davie still led at the half in a defensive battle that produced a fumble ond seven punts in thc game's first eight possessions. Sullivan carried out an option and pitched to Clement, who made o deft cutback and raced 28 yards for a 7-0 lead three minutes before thc break. Please See Davie - Page B6 Soccer Team Gaining l\/lomentum S te v e n s , S te in & C o . Im p r o v e T o 8 -2 - 1 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enlcфrisc Rccord DavieCounty Issued a warning to Central Piedmont Confcrcncc rivals hy pulling nut a 1-0 confidence-in- fiating victory at lEast For&yth in a var&ity 60СССГ match lust week. "Wc scheduled this game to get ready for confcrcncc," Coach Scan Gameii said after the War Eagles moved to 8-2-1 in nonconfercncc. They wanted to see if they're really going 10 be able to compete in the confcrcncc, and now they know they can beat anybody In thc confcrcncc." After Scan Stevens broke the de­ fensive struggle wilh 18 minutes re­ maining, goalie Chris Stein took a slicc of the spotlight with a spectacu­ lar save that slammed thc door on a leam that has beaicn Mounl Tabor and Reynolds and tied West Forsyth twice - three obstacles that have al­ ways blockcd Davie's CPC path. "U was low^Stein went low with it ond it got dencctcd," Garnell said. "It popped up, and I don't know hoyv he got It. I was like: 'They're going to scorc right there.' "Bul he got up and fiicked it over thc bar somehow. It was just unbe­ lievable." ThatstirringmomcntsuppUedthc^ candlcs on a 20-save cakc. Please See Davie • Page B2 Everything Falls Together For War Eagle JV Football Team A ll thc parts finally fit for Davie County’s JV foolball leam Thursday Inan impressive 20-0 nonconfercncc pounding o f visjling North David­ son. Derek Comatzer and the offense developed a rhylhm, pul up Ihc most points in four gomes and comple- mentcdastrongdefense that has been oyehdiadqwed by two Iomcs by a. combined seyen points.' , : i .'"Ihls was the first game we didn't turn Ihe ball over and that w u our ' (liM ^ f Ihe ymr," Coach Lee Linville! said after Davlc evened hs rccord at 2-2. The defense set the lone right off Ihe bat, with a crushing Mt causing a fumble and Justin Noiswotthy Л - tuming It 42 yards for a first-quarter lead. The first of two extra points by I&vin Winters made it 7-0. ' Big hitt by Billy Riddle foreeil twoof three Black Knight fumbles as the War Eagles enhanced theirrepu- . tadonasastingydefenM., "Norsworthy banged up his knee . but Ш и made a bu|pti of t^klcs," Unville said. "Braiidoii Pane was' everywhere and those Iwo outside guys, Chris Hauser and Kevin Bo­ gcr, were in on a lot qf plays." Behind nose guard Curtis Mat­ thews, Davie foiled two North trips deep into War Eagle territory, pro­ tecting the goose egg. . "Whalcan you say about Curtis'!" Unville said. "I mean, twice they got the ball Inside the IC^yard line and .ourdefenseheldlwogoal-linestands. ‘ And one lime they were six Inchcs froni scoring, and the quarterback sneaked it and we stuffed |l. . They bowed their nccks. li was a great effort by Ihc whole sqiiad." Although the defense didn't need much help, Kenny, Gray relumed a kickoff 40 yards to set up a Matt McAnaliy 34-yard touchdown pass to Larry Hudson, Uie second time Ihe reverse pass has produced big re­ sults. This time il was on founh-and-. eight. "The corner bil up on it when he saw McAnaliy on that reverse," Lin­ ville said. "He came, up flying, McAnaliy Ihre«) it on the run and Hudson was on ihe 2-yanl line just standing there. There was nobody wilhin 20 yards o f him." Later, Five effective runs by tail­ back Comatzer moved Davie into scoring range. Then QB Andrew McClannon threw a screen to Cor- natzer, who sliced 30 yards for the Tinal margin. Davie missed a two- pqinl liy. " It was a great ran, and Trent Young made a hcckuva block to set it up," Linville said. Davlc plays at Central Davidson, in tlie Hnal noitconfirence game ’Thiirsdaynightat?.!' ' ¡ilin H a ll .and A shley C om atzer had tlirce hits e w h' in the'N orth Davie softball team's 15-3 rout over N oitli' Rowan. .. . South Davie hiirier Jamie. D urham has 45 Ks iii 28 in f liitigs, giving up'just 13 hits over her last 21 IP. , u ;; i;- Soulh Davie fo o lb ^l coacli B arry.’ W h itlo c k reachedi' a’ inilestqne w ith’ two wins I m ' -^eek, 'pushing his I2-ye’ar: record to 101-37-1, a .731 w in-, nihg percentage. 1 ' . " . C h ris G oode' gained lOS. yards^ rushing/and 'Q B 'R iiM P o w e ll com pleted 4 -o fH passes, including thice ip s i'u North Davie's eighth" g r& ifs stunned'W ei(tR qw m '^‘-2^^^^ '/Uhtey ]|tayette ciMg q ui a 6-0 hole and preyul'e^! 1 ^ 8 ' as Davie’s tennis' team .A ;:S m 'S « ^ u ^ |ip v k M ° ‘ ' q ffc m a iu lC M '^ ^ lip 20 saves tu'Davie'rymi^ ; В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 28,2000 f.'S ’’ Ü r i w i M i f 'r f iin ^ I in'" 'm You Old School? \ bavie'Sports News From Sept 1,1969 ' Craig W art [ittJimcs Ijames with V tou^dojvn ito iti of5onil70yaitls, Ttnll^slkotvlnttlitdercndjngcham - ‘rtli'tiedi:J ^lo n ó flllç^f(irtilT r_.‘’*nce,'.w«i /q,m |íc '; - |mnss w lih » « 4 < i "Rebels. Imont Confcr- --------, _ U ili lime in l i wilh • is ^ v lc lo ry over Ihe -.Rebels. ■ : ' y^,^<t)rth iifa h iln won Ihe Davic '.Couniy Irt>f(^<ti»l Sonball Tour- , hameniatSttCmldBaUt’atk.Notth, Jv which wai liuiisged hy Joe Long and W.H. Blackwelder, won all four games,beallngCarlner'sSlnclalr 11- 3, Mocksvillc Pure Oil 9-6, Liberty Concord 9-2 and Parker's Recapp 6- 3. Other Calahaln members werc M ike Hughes, Ronnie Bcnncti, Walter Hemrock, Dllly Spillman, Paul Spillman, Mack While. Dean Allen, James Bullbough, Larry Hatpc.Lulher Polls, DubPoMs, Larry Brooks and Tony Seaford. i i . South Davie Tennis Team Taylor Lovelace with members of the second place team, Doug Wall, Mike McGarrlty, Marc Dixon and John Dixon. Taylor Lovelace with memtMrs of the winnlng'team In the Breath of Life golf . P o c t Ò 'T h ì r H Q t r # l Ì n h t Q h l l t O I l t toumamern, Eric Bridges, Edwin Rob«rtson,.Jacl<sòn Hendricks and Chrto r W O lO J I III U «711Q IJ J III «71 lU IW U l Tomel. The Taylor Lovclacc Brcalh for Life golf toumamenl was held Sept. 16 at *!\vln Cedars GoIfClub. More than S8.500 was raised wilh Nomian Schwarzkopf, (o help pur­ chase a Phranic Nerve Pacer, which will allow Ibylor lo breathe again. The players received goody bags ' beginning to sound like a ^'broken rcC9hlr-Ji / ,Sau^pav№tenn)s team posted ill Ihird slrafghlVui'tou) Iasi week by pric Bridges/Edwin'- Robertson and JacksbnKendricks. . ',P kr^ awtu^^'^tzcs №. j^ht^-vipcthejl^viousweck. Second place'wen(to l>DUg Wall, loti|c5 driVe* ind clpstsf to hav<*\,’hit Oie really hard Mike McOarrity; More Dixon'ah^ ''^nparys,’ * ' . , vJi, ic«ms yeullcW s ihai arc usually Alyson W alker- Ihe No. 1 player - Shanna Morchead, Bekah Peeler, TammyJones.SicphanlcWiniersand Briiiany Gaither rolled by 8-0 and 8- 1 scores in singles, and Walker* Megan Appell, Morehead-Winiers and Jones'Galther did Ihc same in doubles. Erwin comes lo South on Scpl.• • « w ». ^ — — J ,., — w..™. ^ «u wv/uiii i/ii the help o players and sponsors, along wlih door pri?ps and barbecue. John Dixon. Third plafo wonl.to * ^ P brirp*tei^T ^> k)f’sctfmlW^^ ]jkctty strong," Jfaulioned coach 28.ihenlhcTlgersvlsllChlnaGrove which Included General and Mrs. Flrsl placc went to the team o f David Jordan, Niark Jofflan, Sb«l cill7i!'>7351. ki-i.;«»-Mclanlc Adahi¿' *'on Ocl. 2. Davie Hosts W. Forsyth In Soccer 0c!t 3 Continued From Page B l "By far Ihc player of vhc game was Sleln," Gamelt said. They gol a lot of shots off, and ihey weren't just rolling balls. They were outright saves. That’s the best I've ever seen him play, and I don't think that's a fluke. Chris^is ihal good. He really is." Midfielder Joey Bass triggered Ihc decisive attack,andSievens' 19th career goat enabled Davic to bounce backfrom a4-l loss(oElkineariier In the week. "If anything was good from ihal Elkin loss, il was probably bccause East Forsyth saw thai In the paper and thought: This is going lo be easy,’ " Garnett said. "Bul we got up forthem. Defensively, wejust played awesome. Wc fought like crazy and played our hearts out. Il might be ihc best leam we've played." - Gametl chalked up ihc Elkin loss as merely a day when Davic got up on ihc wrong side of the bed. Moser hadtheonlygoal.hlsleam-high 15lh. "It wasn'l like wc played horrible," he said. "They're good bul we missed a lot of chances that w e usually hit, and we made a loi of mistakes in the back Ihal we don't usually make. It Stevens Stdn ATYOÜR just wasn1 our (Цу.? , , . Davie hosi^SviIku ¿entrai on Sept. 28 and Wcsl №rsylh.|n CPC ■/ action on Ocl. 3. - . South Staves СЖ The Red Devils ■ -V.Л .» f/ Just when it looked like China Grove was done, the Red Devils put a score in South Davie's softball team. "After that flrsl Inning, I ihought it was going 10 be a short game," said Coach Cindy Durham, whose giris jumped oul loa7-I lead before hold­ ing on 13*11. "I thought wc had II made, and I had already put some subs in so Ihey could get some play* ing time." Thc.big lead dissipated as China Grove pulled within 10*8 behind Ihrce rans in the lop of the sixlh Inning. Bul South responded with Ihree in its half of the sixth and pre­ vailed, preserving ils pcrfccl mark (3*0) In the MId-Soulh Conference. "They werc very scrappy, played hard and never gave up," Durham said o f China Grove, which upset North Davic 4-1. "We made some errors that probably gave them four or five runs. Sincc they beal North Davic, they had ihe potential to beat us. I was thinking aboul putting Ihe starters back in bccausc I was start* "She »teppcu everything," Durham said. "She's gol an arm strong enough that she can throw it down lo third on her knees. She's unbeliev­ able." Durham callcd the posilionswitch overdue. "I hate II look me so long lo dis* cover her," she said. "Erin’s kind of our secret weapon (behind the plate). She did an excellent job for her first game." mg 10 get worneu." The coach didn't have to pull a desperation move lhanks lo the pilch* ing of daughter Jamie Durham and the hitting ofMellssdTallmon, Jen* nifer Wilson, Durham and Erin Whitaker, who had two hits apiece to' complement a 13-strikeoul, six*hlt performance by Durham, who has gone all Ihc way in four starts. Whitaker also shined in Ihe field, making a marvelous iransiUoD from first base to catcher. SDMS Boosters ToMeetOct.2 The Soulh Davie Middle School ' Alhlcllc fioostcrClub w ill meet Ocl. 2 at 7 p.m. in the school cafctcria. ' A ll parents, coachcs and,ln'ler- ested communily members arc cor­ dially invited to anend. Your iupfon Is greatly needed. Family passes to ' Ol home spoiling cvenu can be pur- chded thiough the alhlcllc depan- ; meat.MMiingtwiijbchcidthrough­ out the. y c v on the fin t Monday of : M K b |K m U )it7 i).ra .T h ^ta io lo f I ‘-A* J • . ■, Notes: This l^a idllale Wcck fcr the Tigers, who h A d VS^st RewM on Mondoy ЫГогс. playing ai< Conihcr-Lipe 6» Sejtt. 27 a n d ja l..^ Erwin on Sept. N. W ey close out Ihc' regular season al NflVlH Rowan (Ocu 2) and at home agalnu North Davie' (Oct. 4), which lost. 13-2 to both , West Rowan andErtihi. "It jusl hap- pcncd.that wcgOl the teugher teams althcend,andNe(ihDtvichadUiem ' at the beginalng,'' D irfw i said. > ___^ MART Meet The War Eágles Nick Propst Sport: football W hat did you want to be when you were little and grew up?: electrical engineer. I f you could be a certain ac* tor in a movie, who would it be and {n what movie?: Pierce Brosnan, 007. I would like to go out for a night on the town with: Tyra Banks. F u n n ie s t football story: My freshman year, when we went to Mooresville, I was biown up. 1 would like toeat dinner with: Catherine Zeda Jones. Athlete I most admire: line* men, linebackers and Emmit Smith. Biggest athletic th rill: When I threw the pass to Rod, when we FeltoiiMa^eli Sporti football.; : . ■ W hat d|d you waàl tobc you were llaly a a i 1^ upTi fooiballplayerforòil las Cowboy«. you V M «|il b'e -a •WiNlpla actor l- ik '■ noTle, ' & would It 'la LaM x-B cU y. . 'to ir., Lopez.. ■; ■" /■ H o w W wick, I wal' n<nn|ng 300 hiirdlci and fell ovtr «уП уМ ^ . Iwouldlllúl^te<biB«r>|rllb: Carmen Efeclr». ‘ Athlctel mut iHpIri! Enuiiilt Smllh’. " . (. • i Biggest atl^cUc tM i'ta k in g - played Reynolds, 10 win Ihe game, an Inierceplion fcack fdr the tb li^ - - Interesting tact about myself: down. .^j" I can play musical instruments In le m tU g ^ a b o W l^ }^ !» ) ry popular.(trumpet, drums and piano). M y favorite thing about play­ ing foolball la; the spirit to com­ pete. Somelhing you did In one o f your c la u a th ii year that you reaUyllkedtireaiiy like watching m ovi«. , Something Im n e m h e r n y p are n ti a a y ln i wheà r w u jM iogen If you CM iiy 'u y tiijilg ntee, don’t k y nlything at a ll., very popular., ^ ... Mir fa v o H la ii^ iU lM »14-1 fo iM l^ .;^ «a to «at of your cUmm you raalljrllkeeinuiliaiiAWihiinnt юу^ B e a u llfu l M i y e o n u a l th ru O c to b e r S th l . ';Vyihn9rgetsa(»OftraitPack«M4romPCA&aS25GiltCertillcate. ■. ^ 25« per \«j*:Proceed» (jb Jo ChUdran’s Miracle Network. ' ' ; Brirti í^ ц ll•t slz»-p(Miyt 6f your child lo enter. C C ^ E i F U N H _ .. „flipflnJinobyJBiieksvilltW ^ 10:00am -.-xKt' I for winners. P Stofytlittelor C^iWf<nwitl)'Befrei«i'rfl^ «10:00 am У . r«td 7;№|pm. C l^lfd tiim it talely ^«léniatlon wilh the ' H?al»rt)«it, f№ n iif% « i^lo 3 ^ )‘tef«rlng your oar ) am to 6:00 i'ám. Gifts & Call to T iiM Ir F ie iM (úmiiej aV f^vU ki, NC W a l'^ locallon only. l ^ DAVIE COÜNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - B3 , W i V i \ \ •> , NFL SHOWDOWN OF THE WEEK “ Buffalo..... Indianapolis. ,.24 ...19 Kob . Jtihnwin winners of five of their last six against the Colts, the Bills lost to Indy for the first time since '96 last year, 31- 14, then shut them down In the rematch, 31-6. The AFC's game of the week. NCAA limHUGIlTS ___ «».•игч-îcrvajîo"Cr*re*u_ С«>м ГУУвМЛ- _ iKncoftga— •-*талг*а1_ nntcaMsr №мгт£п№ T IJC Uoseíotiücr аЛсг ill matchup - ' X W c ........- In the HlrtTcn'.LÍs(t\>trck.\4tf^ «MCLlÓÍ№t3_ ■'ftílU fcrá(tv4^ »'ihl*irllii(t Fiomc яррсагдпсс of tlie , ingoimi' аь*а1пм Flurtda hi what i^s^cìdliac |1)ик.ч liktf u grcul каше• luit if »I ' ^'ç'rc as wning atx>ui ihe î\ulWo«s Г ' №'wci\x*ré tw« weeks Ugo, when ........................................d over Drigliam wIjô wc'rc pick- hirdtic. It may аП bc^im nhlll from heaMluttiRl'. fo^^Uí¿y¿lv\íc ft ';^du’ Arbt)r,Mich.,(m S^vÿuy.anü w ¿ ;¿ \v w tliink ihat'll boMV points. In ihcIr-HW . fourth ranked W oht '• c t^n g Ihc ,homc winning ' ffi>n Daynfc lo ' , t\one In ihc W ell l>c watching two big Miow- jViivi in ihc West, as Kans» Slate ....... .... Wls Colorado In Ihc nig 12 and :a,hV':s|x, ho>ti Wa.shin^«n in the ceK>ff,'tI c ,X r iJM year ihc K-Sutc * ’ ‘>tal NUi • v)^iicais,ihen ranked sixfli, made *„2*Mo,V. iif ihVod in a row over |Ke 20-14, thanluio & ‘ / i dcfdtsc' Uiat limited tnc ^ lo rid o ^/Abflcknc'td.io 10 total )'ard$.Tbc f Ducks. meanwWl^; look _0«añntiu. ■ CcwM Owgon 34-20 3S Mani»ies ’niixsoM)po threw for three ID ’s and tailback Willie Hurst ru.shed for lf>l yard-s.llils lime the HvisWcs w ill win - for only the third lime in their lasl se>rn meetings with Oregon - by only two.In iHe S.EC.,and the Pac-lO.and the nigTcn, ihcre's more. In their first matchup since Vi, LS.U. may May within scaring distance of Tennc.ssce. and Arizona State should {Цус U.C.t~A. plenty o f trou­ ble - just like last ycnr, when the Sun Devils stunned the Hniins 2& 27 on tailback Deh*on Flowers's 4‘>)ird catch-and runTD with 23 MTConds lett. Sdtiih Carolina ai Alabama? Even thougli the Gamecocks are 0-9 against the Crinkson Tide, don't ' miss this one.Thc same goes for IIIlnoI.vat MInncMita.l'he Gophers beat up on the Illlnl in '99,37-7, bul it’ll be a diffcrcnt - and much closcr - story on Saturday. C an B a rry A lvaroz c o t hl» B a d fie n b a c k to th o R o to Oovvl? ' Г II^ S íÍZ ! 5 * К ' * ti3 îS * « g A '• A' 68-yard TD 1:41 over Ttb» \nna ;l t.CvdtñtU last (lie alxjVe; the^DrorKos and (HIjw роШпя il^,ba|l up, tesiinft suspcct pas»‘ iWcnscs. LaM fV>AÍ¿4índcd ah li-Kame,k»inK ыгсак ЙТИЛг, 24.23; kíílíhM of these tcafní CoiHcrW in üít , "l ôen'tbi? Tlie peattf 14‘ 13 win over " “ i j n ‘9 9 -»n G rré n B á y -w a s ;Hri,№e sériés sIi ä ‘^3. bul G,D.¿ll1ilCWá80,'3Mí'. . . -■’.ч«" ^ lliis may Iw llic game of rtie week in the NFC, Iwi ihe Viltings appear lo liave loo miicli oTTcnsivc firepcmer for tlie Uoru to lianiitc. In *99, Dctfuil won at home, 25-2} and Minnesota did too, 2t*l7. The Kagies should run ail day on ihe Falctins, who, like last year, are weak against a good ground game. Atlanta lias wufi ilirve uf its la.M fuur agulibl riiiily, most'recently 17-J2 two years ago. The Ranu »Iioutd throw all day on (he Chargers, who, like last year, arc weak againsl a good.- make (hat great - air game. The scries is even at three games apiccc; S,D. won last, In *94, 31-17. Vlktnga Q B Danta Culpappor T.n.'s D pre\-ailed In a 14-13 dlvbional pla>-ülT win ov'iT Washington in *99. Wtillc itw Titans were Oitein, the Giants were S-0 against ihcm - until they mci in ■97, when Tennessee managed a 10-6 vie- tory. Tlie Titans riced to cona' the N.Y. lucklleld lo make thb one easier. ï-ibeie teanÿ-^iWijàguars'-.• Here's (he (ó u ^ pick' Ы ihe week, nutch*.* tnfi the Redskins' hietì-pronie оГГепэе, against the Buccin(iei^^«eli^ defeme. * l:v (Monday) Neither (tie Cliiefs nor Seahawks may Ix a threat in (he AFC Vlfcsi, but that doesn't mean thb won't be a whale of a game. Ust year, Seattle swept K.C for the fir« lime • since ■90.31-19 and 23-14. . , (Open date: .New. Orleans, N.Y. Jets,' ' Oakland) , j IM - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 Vi NAME THE WINNING TEAMS EACH WEEK AND WIN., CONTEST RULES ' 1. Anyon« can enter eicepi imployeei ol th« Davi* County Eniefprtw Reconl and Ihcif lamifco» On»y on« entry alow«d p«r person per week. Al entries musl be on ongml newspmt or lai to 336-751 • 9760 3. Oames in №is week's contest art ksted in each ativerlrsement on these tM pages. Fi m ttw contrsi bUnk and su6ml or mail trie entry lo Ihe Enterprise nccord. PC. Doi 99, • Mockjvrfle. N027028,J. The fiisl enttanl cortecily pro<k>ng Ihe outcome o> oil fames hi a ««eh «ntl recerve » bonus ol Й500 WMV prices are «5 le» W plK« and SS tor second pidce.4. In ease ol lies, the entiani wbo came ctosest to the total number ol po<its in ttw lie breaiier «nns if a I« siin eiists, awards « i b« dwided cqualy among Ihe »wers 5. entr«s nxrtt be dcKwed Ю the Enterprise Record belore 5 pm Fridjy each week The oifice is locaied al I7t S. Main SI.. Mocksv«e, NC e. Winners «>11 be announced Mtotnn) each contest Deosjons ol judges «nl be fnil. A new contetl wl be amounced exft »f«k ‘2 5 0 0 BONUS PKtZE For 1st Perfect Entry ^ 2 5 1st Prize * 5 2nd Prize CO WAR EACLES! 8. Carolina vs. Dallas C o r r E E H o u s e a n d B e d & D d e a k e a s t M onm ig.'i • l.uiicli • D in nci' 101 North Ma in Street • MocKsvnxE, NG • (S36)751-7900 5. (NFL) Arizona vs. San Francisco O a k a \ M 1 E Y ▼ G O L F F o r Tee T im e s C all 9 4 0 -2 0 0 0 G O L F C L U B 9.Denver vs. Now England Daniel Furniture e& E le ctric C o .J iic . Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years JobnnyMaikUa • Melissa Af. Cartner 848 South Main Street • Moclcsville, NC 336-751-2492* 336-751-3975 W W V y W M V W H f l r t W t f V W V W V W H ? S ! E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E SINCE 1951 325 Nortli Main Street Mock.s\illc,NC , 751-2148 1. Central Davidson vs. Davie K& R Cleaners, Inc. "We're Just Around the Corner" TttnRW>st>od Crossing US l.SR&NCSOl.milsdalc 998-7120 Tun)>Ie>«ood Commons US 158 & Haipcr Rii, Clcmntons Cttmmons 2636 Leuisvilk-Clcmmorui Rd 766-W50 Mocl^vitle Valley R(ud 778-1505 14. Philadelphia vs. Atlanta 75M444 * Г о 1 г W ITH TH IS Л1) ''■ ''S i',- « l o o k ill M c i'lc N iin n a ii Tanglewood С оглтопз Sliopping Center 4146 Clommons Road Clemmons. NC 7 7 8 - 0 5 1 0 Owners Chfis & Wendy A n im a l Л г к V e t e r i n a r y t i c § p i t a l M H d n l L Spind«!, DVM 591У-А James St. О ш лпю м , NC 3 3 6 - 7 7 8 - 2 7 3 8 21. Ciemson vs. Duke All Iho lovo and caro your pot noods to stay ttoaittiy Mon -Fri 7 30om-6CDDm. Sat. 9om-lJ00noon Yojir ~ Н (ш -Ш 1>п’‘ Drug SWrc FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO. 10. Qroen Bay vs. Chicago 495 Valloy Road • M ocksvillo, NC 336-751-2141 TREE SERVICE 336-492-2944 Free Estimates • insured C r o w d e r M ^ C h e s n e y , A s s o c i a t e s ш I Y o u r H o m e t o w n R e a lto r 2 2 6 5 -C L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d . • C le m m o n s i 766-0515 I T. Dan Womble Attorney at Law 3802 Suite A Clemmons Road P.O. 60x1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 35. T«xns ASM vs. Т««и T«ch Phone: (336) 766-8085 Fax: (336) 766-9145 & e.B*mmo™viCI«v«l«nd CLEMMONS CARPET Gardner’s Q W r e s s L u b e f 5423 H\VY 158 • Mvonce ' 998-1723 ' Not lo ВеплЛ (Зиоу Stepping Cento m'l8am-6pmSol8am-3pm ‘ù i ! h i-jy y j F 'j r 'V liJ ir ir L ir iv lu : ! i f j j i Ì'ìL'j U! ü u r ■yj'jWuJ, ■Jy'JI-JiJJ O rth od ontics A Beautiful Smile...A Great Self Innage Call For Complimentary Consultation Nicholas James Penna, DDS, PA Over 30 Yean Eiperlence in Dentistry 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 2 5 2 118 Hospilal Street. Good Luck, Davie War Eagles! Y C llC Q n I NatQrials Company | 542 Fannington R o ad *M o ckivllle , NC 27028 | 336-998-3838 - G G B Good Luck, JDAYIEJttlGHL Central Caldina Bank 18. (NCAA) Alabama vs. a Carolina Westwood Village Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-8296 Your : HnmelamL Baker’ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - B5. § ^ Я > 1 « П П B o n u s P r iz e For the First Perfect Entry! I f y o u T H I N K y o u k n o w Г ( Ю 1 Б А и h e r e 'í s ' ^ ü r c k ' á n c e t o P R O V E i t ! For insurance call BRAD ROMINE 31. Appalachian vs. ETenn St. S TA TE FARM INSURANCE .1770 C 'Ic m in iiiis R o iid • C lo m m o n s • 7 Л 6 -3 2 4 5 I Slate Farm Insurance CompanlM* Home Oflìcc»; I l O i s t i 's lu Cnam & Cojfee Sftof 7. Buffalo vs. Indianapolis 2 llo ld o {> s A ll th e W a y , C h ip s , Tea k . $ 0 9 9 Rf nnutU QuiyShoppinRCcntfr • Act«» From Bcnnudi Run A WE HAVE iVIANUFAQURED • HOIVIES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. SEE JACETODAYI IS. Sl Louis vs. San DItgoBpnanza Mobile Homes 1 700 WilliesborG SI. • Mocksville. NC Inier Hwy« 60I&&4N. ЗЗб-751-5в59 Owned A Optrattti by Jatk SiorRon ■ 19. AriwiMS vs. Oeorgla Thurway Shopping Ccnter • Winston-Salem • 725-8321 Super Savings on Wallpaper Closeout Wallpaper $095 single roll CAUDELL LUMBER CO. I()2 S h o o k S tr e e t • IV Io c k s v ilie • 7 5 1 -2 1 6 7 4. Caivarva. Parkland YOUR CHOICE SALE! L u x u ry C loud M ed. F irm 100th A n n ive rsa ry P lush F irm H eavenly P lilow -Top Tension Ease E legant P illow -Top T w in S et............$ 19 9 Full Set............$259 K in g S et............$ 3 9 9 Q u a lity N a tio n a l B r a n d M a ttr e s s e s a t L o w F a c to ry D ir e c t P ric e s ! IOI»4iHw|i.é4W. 93««7tl-7177■ . -i . |»гш>»4ал Ш Ш i B 'w a i UYAWAV*nNANCMa 1 74 4 0 M f2 lM lliIi kIh iHh,IK 3Sé-23t«l7ai MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE 962 Yadkinville Road Phone 751-6115 ^ ^U G N M E № f'B R Ä K E S l: ^S H O C K sa 3.H«ynoiaai(«.N.Focnflh ; Our PHca tncluit MouiOlHg, Balancing f Ntw ihlyt'SUmAKolallon • . Hours: 7:30 am-7 pm M:F » 7:30 am -lpm Saturday B e t t i's Н а П т а г к 24. Qa. Tech vs. UNC N e w T o w n e S h o p p n g C enter, C le m m o n s 7 6 6 -6 5 6 7 C L E M M O N S DISCOUNT SALES 27. Mlctilgan vs. Wisconsin Great Savings Through Out The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; Mon.-Frl. 10-8; Sat. 9-5 7 6 6 - 4 4 4 9 www.clernmonsdlscounlsales.com You K n o w U s... W e K n o w R e a l E s ta te Prudential Carolinas Realty "Semufi Lewisville, Clemmons á Davie Coutily" 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons • 336^714-4400 T iie ABKA'S ORIGINAL LOW-PKICE TOBACCO OUTLBT SPKCIALIZINC IN HOMRTOWN. fBIEN D LY SKBVICK• DCSCOCJNT СЮ A U nrtS • HANIKrOtmKD CAIXDLB8 • lOLL-YOim. OWN TOBACCO * SUrrUKS • CLOVK aCARmSSfftAVOKED ■IPIS. CLOVKS . CHKWPtC, ИГК * SMOKMJBS TOIACCO ПНП I I ИЫ1 \v ir^/4 >\i I I >ы ) <4 к > See me for innovative health care designed around you. B lu e A d v a n ta g e * in d iv id u a l h e a lth p lan s D e n ta l B lu e * In d iv id u a l d e n ta l c o ve ra g e M e d ic a re s u p p le m e n t Insurance Larew-Wood-Johnson, Inc. J o /in (V o o tf-M o c k s v ille 751-6281 H a ro W W o o d -A d v a n c e 9 4 0 -2 2 1 0 г «*NtVonyth V» NE OulHotd BlueCrose BlueShield of North CfindiQa , UÜ:____ H ills d a le D e n ta l 11. Jacksonvllio vs. Pittsburgii Dr. Jerry Hauser Fam ily & Cosm etic G eneral D en tistry 135 IVIedicai D rive, Advance __________336-998-2427 CONGRATULATIONS To Our 9 21-00 Contc.st Winners! FIRST PLACE Jimmy Lookabill = $25 & Cap SECOND PLACE Terry Jolinson = $5 I Stocks ■ Bonds I Mutual Funds ■ IRAs ■ CDs Г" Techva" ~i~l~ S h e rry K o e h le r U«l«illc,NC270a (.13«)М5-1227 nlxunljimcixum Edwardjones tliciivictliuj Inventor* SilHT 1H71 33. Tonnesaea vs. LSU чюг Ш Ш # Como Sun., Mon., or Tues. S Gel Double Stamps on Your Sub Club Card 50* Off 6-Inch Sub Two Localions To Serve I New 1mm Shoppng Ccnicf * Om irais Tho Oaks Shoppng Cwilcf • LCTnswlIc | 766-3016 NaValklWilhAnyahciOllor 945-6445 | »100 Off Foot-Long Sub 30. Nebraska vs. Missouri V ffla g e T ir e s 2534U*wls>Ulc^cmmoasRood*Clcmmotw ^ a &»£\. I loupi: 7:30 алп.-6 pjn. Mon.-Frl; 7:30 -I Sat. /6fr5450 All Major iirands of Tires — Complelc Auto Repair Shop S A V IN G S A N D L O A N A S S O C IA T IO N 26. Miami va. núlgara U .S . 1 5 8 , C L E M M O N S • 7 6 6 - 0 5 8 1 GOT THE HAT? In addition to the prize money each of our First Place Weekly W inners w ill recieve a sporty Davie County ' EEnterprlse Re<ordc . B a lK These versatile caps can be worn (orward or bacliward (depending on how cool you think you are) Enter itie conlesf today lor your ctjance lo win one ol these great caps. fOh. and don { forget crtjncc lo win the S2.SOO.I Tops Travel] %fi4 Oh PwfeiiùuuU S ew iu I Your Local Professional Puli Service Travel Agency! | Located in the iieart of Clemmons, NC v V / 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.| Clemmons, N 0 27012 Phone 336-766-7303 www.fops(rave/.com V 29. Mississippi vs. Kentucky VOGLER Sf/TMX the community for ovtr 142 years. Funeral H om e i | “S e e U s F o r P rea rra n g ed F u n e ra l P l a n s ^ C le m m on s C hapel • 2849 M id d le b ro o k D r. • 766-4714 E N T R Y B L A N K S a l e m G l c i i C o i i i i t n / C l u b N o w O p e n T o T h e P u b lic F o r L u n c h & D in n e r Lunch: Tues.-Sun. 12:00-2:00 Dinner: Thurs.-Sun. 6:00-9:00 Lump mbcjke uUd with rvjited tonutoa /VfUiv'/yjti withrvasloftijrlic 37.UCLAvs.Arlzorw SL 1000 Glen Day Drivc> Clemmons • 712-0303 ■ a Ron Taylor, CLU # I I | 0 v Q h 1 D Senior Account Agent j Q I j y g i l Q i y lUTC Graduate You’re in good hands. 32. Virginia va. WakaForaat 2 6 2 6 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d . C le m m o n s , N C 766-1057 -ManorRins— * ^ 23 Years I APYERTISER I 1. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE I 2. LAREW-WOOD-JOHNSON |3 . MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTO ¡ 4 . BEDROOM EXPRESS I 5. SAMUEL'S ON MAIN I 6. GARDNER'S XPRESS I 7. KRISTI'S ■ 8. DANIEL FURNITURE I 9. OAK VALLEY ! 10. FOSTER RAUCH ! 11. HILLSDALE DENTAL ! 12. CAUDELL LUMBER \ 13.'VULCAN MATERIALS j 14. K&R CLEANERS ■ 15. BONANZA MOBILE HOMES I 16. MCCOYS TREE SERVICE I 17. DAVIE TRACTOR I 18. CCB I 19. DEWEY'S BAKERY I 20. VOGLER & SONS I 2I.ANIMALARK______________ W IN N E R Score. a t D a v ie T r a c t o r ,1029 Salisbury Rd • H(^ksvllle • 751r5969 Repair* • Parts • Full Servicé Sliop ‘ N«w » Uwd Equipment t I 22. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 23. DR. NICHOLAS PENNA I 24. BETH'S HALLMARK I 25. CLEMMONS CARPET I 26. PIEDMONT FEDERAL I 27. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 28. CROWDER MCCHESNEY I 29. TOPS TRAVEL I 30. VILLAGE TIRE I 31. STATE FARM I 32. ALLSTATE 33, EDWARD JONES CO. I 34. SUBWAY 35. DAN WOMBLE I 36. PRUDENTIAL REALTY 37. SALEM GLEN 38, MERLE NORMAN 'I 1 й * , С а .1 Ь с Ь у 8 . Ш С Ä TtoUl NAME:. i j ADDRESS:. I II lü I : I : I : U . К I»и IL- IIli I : I I : Г :li I DAYPHONÉ Ь »Ш im * В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPWSE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 D avie W ill Try To A ven g e '99 U p set A t H om ecom ing By Brlnn Pills Davie County Enterprise Rccord Aficr Friday's pcnally-lillcrcd. cjeclion- raarrcd loss al North Davidson, il appeared Davic County would head into homccoroing without its top rccciver and withoul its head co:ich. ■ ■ Rod Tenor and a North Davidson player were cjcclcd for a squabble carly In a 17-7 loss, and Coach Doug Illing gol tossed for slorming Ihc ileld and vehcmenlly disputing a penally wilh the game tied at 7-7 in the second half. The NCHSAA levies a onc-gamc suspension - pcnd* ing an appeal - for gelling cjecicd, bul Illing won his appeal and is optimistic lhat Tenor w ill get Ihe green light as well. 'We're appealing his ejection," hc said as Davie pre­ pares for its final nonconfcrcncc game, Friday nighl at 7:30 al War Eagle Stadium againsi Central Davidson. "It Pfatr shows on the film lhal hc was trying to get oul o f a bad situa­ tion and wasn't trying lo slart anything. We sent the lapc in (Monday), ll's going lo be re­ viewed, nnd hopefully by Thursday we'll find something dul."' , “ Friday's signs point to ihe War Eagles with ihclr repula- lion at huinc (19-3 since the middle of 1996, Including 2-0 Ihis year), bul nothing w ill coittc easy against the Spar­ tans. who stunned Davic 21-9 Iasi year.and wenl the distance before succumbing 24-17 Iwo years ago al War Eagles Stadium. The 4-1 Spartans of Ihe Tri-County 3-A Confcrcncc losl Iheir opener 36-8 to Ledford - which beat Davie 38- 24 - bul have reeled o ff four wins since - over Easi Davidson. West Davidson. Lexington and Wesl Slokcs. Sain "Wcare confident at home, wcfcci good ahoulcoming back home," Illing said. "But Central Davidson is very conlldent playing against us, though. They beat us last year and played us very lough two yeara ago at our place, so their kids believe that they can beat our kids. It's going 10 be a dogllghl because they're a hard-nosed club." For the War Eagles lo establish momentum heading into lhc Central Picdmonl Conference opener (al home againsi Wesl Forsyih on Ocl. 6). ihey musl figure out Central ninning back Robert Williams, a junior coming off a 1,235-yanl season who ran all over Davic in Iasi year's upset. "Wc need to play good, get everything polished up and slari hilling that peak going Into confcrcncc." Illing said. Davie's defense, which won the battle up from despite tho loss al Nonh Davidson. appc.irs lo be hilling a llmely surge, limiting Ihe Black Knights lo I2S yards unlil a lale touchdown when lhc game had been decidcd. Josh Pfaff. a junior defensive tackle, had a big nighl wilh eight lackles, including four solo stops and two sacks. Hc buried four Knights for losses. ! "He's been a good surprise," defensive coordinator Devore Holman said. "He's worked realhardtogelwhcre he's al. He's nowhere he should be. bul he keeps coming righi along." , ..Nose guard Rich Hunter also had his best game, while Adam Sain made a stnong impression In his first slart at comcrback. 'Those two had solid games," Holman said. "Rich probably had his best game. Adam doesn't gel his name mentioned much, but Adam played lhc whole game al comcr and had a solid showing." The defense iried In vain to snap North's 21-gamc regular-sca,son winning streak, bul a series of disastrous penalties derailed Davie's hopes. "Our defense is starting to comc around." Holman said. “Wc warned to jell by Wesl Forsyih week, and 1 Ihoughl wc played well enough lo win." Davie leads ihe scries with Central 3-2-1. D avie L o s e s A H eartb re a ker To N. D a v id so n Continued From Page Ul Meanwhile. Davie's dcrcnsc - fueled by Josh Pfaff (two sacks and cighl cackles, including four for losses). Low ery. Nell Ricc. Rich Hunierand Adam Sain - heW North to 37 firsi-half yards. "There's been a lol of questions how wc play away - wc haven't been playing with (hc same Inienslty away - and wc camc out fired up," Lowery said. "After the first coupic series. I think they figured out they couldn't run il with succcss." But one convinclngdrivc proved 10 be cnoughfor North. Aftercomplctlng Just one ball in the first half^quarterbackZack Cmvercompleted fourin the— opening moments of the third quarter, including a 42-yard, gamc-iying touchdown to Sean Tuttle, a tailback who moved to receiver after getting bottled up in the first half. "Wc knew Craver could throw it," Illing said. That's nol their forte, but the running game wasn't working so they had to do to something else." The Black Knights' plan wasn't a mystery with Tuttle split wide, but they still found a crack in the Davic defense, even on third and 15 after Pfaff had buried Craver for a 13-yard loss. "We decided we had to do something," North coach B ill Butts said. "Wc were getting manhamlled up front. Wc had to get No. 2 CTultlc) in lhc game. You can put Scan in so many different places." Butts was braced for overtime after the Coleman fumble and Clement run moved Davic Inside the Nonh 25 late in the fourth. But the pick gave North its 2Ist conscculive regular*season win and third straight over Davic. "Thai kid's for real," Butts said o f Davie's junior kickcr, "We dropped lhat punt, and 1 knew they were going to get in fleld-goal^ge with a snap or two. But Ihe defense saved us again." . ILLIN G discusscd the tirade in the depressing aftermath. "I’m going to fight for my kids." hc said. "My job is to be on the referees' backs Ifl don'l feel likcihcy'rcdoingagoodjob.Iwastryingtogetarcsponse from them, and they weren't giving lo me. I felt like they made a bad call, and I'm going to fight for my kids. I’m going lo go down fighting." , Bulls dodged the ejection issue. ; "I was glad lo sec us comc up with a (firsl and lOalthe Davie II), I'll tell you thal." he 'said. "But I hate to talk about that. I think Illing's a classy guy and I think jhc world of him. Hc runs a class operation, he really docs." • Notes: Butts considers Davic much better lhan 2*4. "I was impressed watching Davic on film, and I'm even more impressed afler seeing them piay," hc said. "They arc very physical up front."... As fate would have It, Tuttle left the game with a lingering hamstring injury after the 42*yard TD reception.... O f North's 205 yards, 114 camc on two plays.... Sam Stovall also recovered a fumble for Davie. Davic Coualy 0 7 0 0 - 7 N.D«vIdsoo 0 0 to 7-17 SecQttd Quarter DC > Clemeni 28 nin (Wool Jridge kick). Tbird Quarter ;, ND -Tudle 42 pu$ from Craver (Walmiley kick). 7:30. /ND-W alm $1ey32FO. t:45. Fourth Quarter - ; ND-Clo(jre)ier72run(Walmsleykick).:50. TEAM STATISTICS DCRrsidowni 9 ND 9 Pa*$ing 68 .92 Comp-All-Int ]0.t9*t 5*l2-0 Punu 7-38 5-32 Fumbtcs-Losi t-O 1-2 Peiuliicf-yard* ' 6-95 6-33 . 3rd convenions 3<I2 5*12 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Davie Counly RUSHING > 18-88. Goode 8-29, Props! l(-5). Sullivan 3-(*lù). PASSlNQ-SulllvanI0-l9-l-68. - -, RECEIVING - Hogue 5-36. Davii 2-23, PopHti 1-8. Prop« 2-t № Davidson ’ ' RUSHING -Clodfeller 11-96. Tuiile 8-29. Leonard I-2. Craver iO-(l4) PASSING-CraverS-I20-92 RECEIVING -Tutile 2-57, Clodrelier 1*20, Noble 1-8. Troutman 1-7 War Eagle Football Statistics R e c o r d : 2 - 4 , 0 - 0 C P C at Statesville L 21-16 at Mooresville L 25-17 N. Iretjell at Ledlord Salisbury at N. Davidson RUSHING Car. Clement Goode Gentry Britton Smith Sullivan 86 51 23 18 11 26 Propst......-...12. Davie 227 Opponents 201 W52-0 L 38-24 W 40-14 L17-7 Gain 372 270 89' ■ 77 65 29 . -2 7 -------- 904 983 YPC 4.3 5.2 3.8 4.2 5.9 1.1 ..„..Q.O ■ 3.9 4.8 PASSING Comp Att Sullivan 36 71 Propst 7 11 Davie 43 82 Opponents 38 .95 PASSR£C Rec Yds Int 4 1 5 3 Pci Yds TD .507 544 3 .636 187 1 .524 731 4 .400 595 3 Tenor Props! Hogue Poplin Clement Davis Goode Smitti J. Gamer Davie 18 9 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 43 Opponents 38 333 221 63 29 48 23 7 5 2 . '731 595 Avg. TD 18.5 3 24.5 1 10.5 0 9.6 24.0 11.5 7.0- 5.0 2.0 17.0 15.6 SCORING TD Conv. Kiel« FG Pts Goode Wooldridge Clement Tenor Britton Propst Gentry Lowery Rice Davie 7 0 5 3 2 1 1 1 0 20 Opponents 16 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 42 32 30 18 12 8 6 6 2 156 115 Tackles (through week 5) Lowety 65, Rice 56, Pfalf 37, Jon Goode 25, M. Arnold 24, Hunter 24, Redmond 22, Stovall 22, Allred 21 -INTERGEPnONS------------------------------^ -------— M. Arnold, Loweiy, Stanley FUMBLE RECOVERIES Gustafson 2, Gentry, Jon Goode, Hall, Lowery, Rice, Slovall, Tenor Kicking PAT FG Wooldridge 14-15 6-7 Lg . 20-29 30-39 40-49 49 ' 1-1 3-3 2-2 PUNTING Att Yds Avg. Wooldridge 22 728 33.0 Prevette Highlights Shutout Victory By Brian Pitts Davic County Enterprise Rccord Il look Ashley Prevctlc of Davie County's tennis team a giK>d while to get warmed up. bul once she did. the heat was way tixi much for Soulh Rowan's Jessica Smith. Smith stag­ gered Prevette wlthab-Olead.but the War Uagtes* No.2pluycr pulled o ff an aina/.ing comeback as Davie retained third place in the Central Piedmont Confercncewitha PrevcUc 9-0 victory. "Jcssica Smith ha.<k not played a lot ot tennis, and her strokes areunorthtxiox,"CoachCan)l Co/art said. "The girl would hil the line, and would hit the lapc and full over. Ashley was hilling the tape and it would fall back. She was getting really frustrated." The most astonishing part of Preveite's rally was things got worse after talking with the coach. "I thought: 'Well, I didn't say the right thing,'" Co/art said. "I needed to focus, nol play down to her level and not let II bother me that she was hitting a differcnt style than I play," the sophomore said. "I like tosluglloul and she tikes toding il," Incredibly undaunted hy the enor­ mous deficit, Prevelle made critical ndjustments In time to prescr>;e the Mount Tabor Dominates In Cross Country MountTabor.ajel-propclledcross country program, made West For- — «ythTmd-bavIc county cat dust last week. The Spartan boys scored a 23 to West's 44 and Davie's 63, while the Spartan girls posted a 17 to a 50 for West and a 75 for Davic, ■Jared Hill finished sixth In Í7:29 to lead Davie’s boys, and Davie's Janel Darcy ran a 20:37 for fifth in the girls racc. The War Eagles w ill again be the underdog when it faces visiting Rey­ nolds on Sept. 27. they run at Rey­ nolds on Oct. 4. S O U T H E R N 336-344-9172 ForF re e C re d it H e lp SEE or Call 1-888-702-7376 Ext. 777) We specialize.in placing llie credit challenged in. new or pre-owned vehicles! tom Q e ffu W d o d A U T O n m R e Honda'jeefPlymoutlfCltryslenKIA , Loan By Phone 1^888.7e9-CAHS sccond shutout win In the Central Picdnuint Conference for Davic (6- 6. 2-3 CVC). 'I played safer instead of going for the winner," she said. "I was making her me.ss up. I was making a lot of unforced em)rs, it wasn't like she was making winners. "I was nol going to come off lhat court losing lo that girl. I didn't want lo bo the only one th.^ lost out of a shutout. 1 wasn't vcr>' pleased with the uay I played, but it'was'a yOvtd win." Stephanie Wodarskl. Deanna Shamel. Megan Jonlan. Carly Halsley and Allison lluwles also won in singles, and Wodarskl-Jordan, Prevettc-Bowles and DaMey-llolly Vines rolled in doubles. "Tliat was the highlight of the day," Co/art saldof the I*a'vclle stunt. "But for a different reason than what you usually think аЫ>и1." Notes: Vines played doubles for the first lime againsi South when u stiff low er back forced Shamel to sit out. "I don't think wc missed a beat there," Co/art said of an 8-0 win for Dalsley-Vines. ... Mount Tabor pounded Davie for the sccond time later In the w eek, 9 0. "Like I’ve said beforcnfthey don'l give you anopcn- ing. you struggle. And w e struggled," Co/an said.... Sara Snow and Vines ciaiinedanexliibitiondoubles match, 9-7, against Tabor.... Tlic War Haglcs host West Siokes In nonconference on Sept. 28. They return to league play at West Forsyth on Oct. 2 and at Soulh Rowan on Oct. 3, ending the , regular season. CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Susan Sykes Cliin>pntciic Physician № YEARS O F ■— W E A R A N ----------------------- As YOU oQe. Ol ttx3t you hovo done to your bocV over the yoon begins to leovo its motk on your spine and loints. Ihe bumps ond bnises o( high school spodv. the biko Occident you hod losl sunvn« ttw lime spent shoveing each wintet the mJes of woWng you do eoch yeor oi hove done Iheir bodily domoge. Even poor posture whae wolchlng IV or sitting 0)0 Computer lobes Its lol Ihese repeoted strains or ntinor Ir^uries may bo leflecled In orthrilic chonges In your loints. Ihe discs between your verlebfoe moy begin to dlslntegrole. And If you hovo not folowed the right diet, you may bo oi risk of tKo bone diseose osteoposis. Your doctor ot chiroproctic connot maVa oil this damage disoppeor. Howevet gentle odjustments by your chiroproclor con moke you feel more comforloble, stronger ond pofhops evon younger. A course of tioatment con dso help you become more floxlblo. By reslork>g the noturol flow of nerve energy within your body, the chifopioctof con help the body hed Itself.- — Advance- . C h i r o p r a c t i c C L IN IC Hillsdale Professional Park ' ■ Suile300» 998-B75S‘> DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - B7 ^ andy Lambe tips ball over the net as Danielle Moore watches.Mandy Lambe hits Ihe ball as Andrea Dwiggins, Alyse Bowden, and Danielle Moore look on. Davie Volleyball Stiil IHas South Rowan’s Number Assistant Coach Becky Miller dressed “country" (or the Davie Higti volleyball match against Reynolds, It was no coincidence that Davic County’s varsity volleyball team came alive againsi South Rowan. Davic made plays It hadn’t made In w ccks, and Ihe result was the eighth win in II matches against the Raid­ ers sincc 1995. a 15-9 15-3. 15-5 • shutout lustweek____ _____ "It was the first lim e- maybe they know something from the past lhat 1 don't know - I've seen them with nol just enthusiasm to play, but confi­ dence." Coach Dave Markland said after Davie broke a five-match los­ ing streak. "Tliey fell coming In they could heat Soulh. and that's the di^ ferencc." Kirsten Durham sparked Davie's firsl win sincc Aug. 23 with her best performance of the year. "She probably had her best match of the year all-around." Markland said. "She's been playing great de­ fense and passing well, bul she hit the hall very well and served ex­ tremely well. "Randi Moore had a good match and Sara M iller and Sarah Williams continued to play well." Davic didn't have that sparkle in its eye against Reynolds - which improved lo 10-1 against Davicsincc ’9 6 w ith a I5 -2 .15-10,15-3 rom p- and its towering force In the middle. "She was making it lough for us to pul the ball away," Markland said of the Demons' 6-foot-3 freshman. "More than blocks, she made us changc our swings. With her arras, she looks like (NBA basketball player) Sam Perkins out there." Moore played forcefully and set­ ter Candicc James had her finest hour. Danielle Moore digs a ball. but it wasn't enough to overcome meager serving. "Candice may have had her best match running the team. She did a much better job (being vocal), and her sets were good." Markland said. "Blit we’ve got to serve to make some­ thing happen when you're over­ matched a little." TheWar Eagles (3-7 overall, 1-3 Central Piedmont Conference) play at West Forsyth on Sept. 28 and al home against Mount Tabor on Ocl. 3. JVs Split Before losing to the best JV team on the schedule, Reynolds, Davie's JV team ripped South Rowan 15-0, 15-6. "Everyone played well against Soulh," Markland said. T h a i was one match wc obviously had the bet­ ter icam. Soulh li very young, and they don't have a feeder program right now." Megan Dwiggins watches as Alyse Bowden and Danielle Moore return the ball. GNCLiveWeli: VnAMINS • MINIRALS • NAIURAL -C O S M n iC » -^ S M N n » ^ N U HKIIM • WltOHTUMS • WIMHT OAIN • HOMIOPATMY • ю и и ау 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons Bi-U Shopping Cwtw (Nixt to OfffKnont МГсАм) Mon. Sat. 10am - 9pm • Sun. 1 pm - 6pm 7 6 6 - 2 8 3 6 2000 Chrysler Voyager 2000 Dodqe Intrepid 7 patMnger, A/C, auto, AM/FM cata., power ttMríne, powtr brakes, delay wiper«.. V6,4-spd. auto, power teats, windows & door locks, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cassétta A CD, ramota antry, 16'* whaels, climate control front ' & resrou\l«U,r«moto(laclilMr«laata. 2 0 0 0 Jeep Grand CiieroKee Laredo 4 x4 2 0 0 0 Dodae Durango SLT 5 .9 V8 _ • № , m R e b a te ' х г . D O U B I - E Y O U R R E B A T E 1 Ü I V I O C I C S V I L .L .É 4.0 6 cyl, automatic, powa door locks, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass. C/D player, kaylass antiy, trip computer, roof rack, sunscraan glasa<8t mo«. 11000 dOOT|*MlMjg^^n^ , Lasther, 7 paaaangar seating, front ft ; ràar A/C, AM/FM caasalta CO. trallar tow pkg.. tira ft whaal pkg., toylMa antf) 751-4948 C H p y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H H Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • [,O L G E • J E E P • C H R Y S L E R • D O D G E B8j;_DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 South Davie Coach Barry Whitlock, at halflime of his lOOIh win, encourages his players to keep the intensity high. Whitlock Records 100th Win During Blowout Chelsea Correll, Leah Stewart and Brittany Reynolds hold Miranda Koontz as they cheer for the South Davie Tigers. \ : Tony Booe (55) pursues Southeastern quarterback. By Brian Ph(s Davic Coumy Enlcrprise Rccord Lasi week was as easy as couming to 100 Гог South Davie's sevcmh- und cighlh-gradc football (cams. Wilh a fint-ycar program, ihc Souihcasl Patriots, in disarray meel­ ing a well-oiled machine, ihc sev­ enth Tigers took a *16;0 walk in Ihc park"while the eighth administered a record 68-0 beating. "It's hard to judge your team in games like lhal,“ said Coach Barry Whitlock, who picked up a mile­ stone win as the seventh graders im­ proved 10 3-1. The eighih moved lo 4-0. "You feel sorry for iheir team. They had some dccenl athletes and Ihc coaches arc doing the best ihey can under the circumstances. Bul before they got to Ihe game, they had lo go by fourdifferent middle scti(X)ls to pick up Iheir players, and they passed out equipment on the bus af­ ter they got here. Il's a bad situation for them. The (new) school got in­ spected the other day and il didn't pass, so il's going to be longer until Ihey gel in." The eighth Tigers' 68-point mar­ gin surpassed the 50-0 scvenlh-grade blowout of North Davie in 1993.bul that wasn'l something W hitlock aimed to accomplish, employing cv* erybody but the water boy on both days. "(Eighth grader) Dylan Reynolds scored, and he's nol even a running back." he said. "Seven (eighth grad­ ers) scored touchdowns. You don't like beating anybody like lhat. but wc didn't run il up. The most carrics somebody had was six. Wc tried to shuffle them around as much as pos­ sible." In thescvcnih-grade massacre, QB Brad Corriher achieved 100 yards through the air for the fourth week in arow. hilling Racshon McNeil twice for 74 yards. Zach Vogler caught a in a way we've got to sec if the —TD-forthc-fourttnlraight gannmnd— 51аг1етгтж1гоГ1Гйр^ТоПГЦйаг^ Julian Johnson, who inlercepted a tcrs," he said. "I've prcached to them pass, hauled in a I2-yarder. Sean aboul the next stretch, and I think Wagoner piled up 66 rushing yards thcyrcalizcthclasttwotcams(Erwin on six tries. Timmy Allen gained 18 andSouthcast)wcren'tthccaIibcrof Raeshon McNeil runs with the ball while Sean Wagoner looks to block. on his only aiicmpt and McNeil, the do-evcrythingtypcwhoamassed 160 all-purpose yards, added 49 yards on the ground. In the eighth-grade clinic. QB Michael Moshore completed all three attempts for 165 yards, including a 91 «yarder to Cooler Arnold and a7Q- yanler 10 Anton McNeil. Mark Hen­ nessey, Andrew Darcy and Jonathan Brill pickcd o ff Patriot passes, and Brilt relumed his 85 yards to cap the scoring. The blowouts were nicc. but only to an extent. Whitlock is somewhat concerned about the staners seeing limited airtion in three of four weeks as the teams have combined to siomp •opponents 322-26. an average mar* gin of 40-7. But North Rowan prom* ises to provide an infinitely stronger lest. "It can help us in a lol o f ways, but teams that wc'rc going to see out of North Rowan, Chinn Grove. Knox and North Davic. The last four arc going to be a lot tougher.* Tlic cighlh-gradc game. In par­ ticular, is cxpccied to beacage malch. As seventh graden last year, Soulh needed a lale touchdown to seal a 14- 0 win on the way to 8-0 glory. *I think one of Iheir running backs wassuspended forourgamelastyear, , ond I know they've gol a couple guys that arc supposed to be in the ninth grade lhat were held back in the sixth grade," Whitlock said. "It's going to beachallengc.and our team is ready for a challenge. We'll sec what wc'rc made of. They've gol ihc revenge factor in Iheir comcr." A LTH O U G H W H IT L O C K downplayed the feat, the sevcmh*, grade romp reprcscnlcd the lOOih win of his 12*ycar head-coaching career at South. "It's somethmgi uon’t really Keep • up with bccausc I'm not winning the game, the kids are," he said. "1 didn't even know how many wins I had unlil I read it in the paper." The program turned the comer five years ago. capturing four con­ ference championships the past four years and cntcrirtg this week with a gaudy 70*10 mark since 1995. "I don'l even pay attention to it bccausc I've been blessed with some good players." Whitlock, 36. said. "I'm glad to gel 100 - it feels like I've accomplished something and il's a good thing to remember oncc 1 get older - but all the crcdil goes to the kids. I just call the plays- they make the tackles, they catch the ball and they run it. "It goes back to Bubba Coleman, ' Josh Ward, Ricky Whiic.Jory Rankin and all those boys, up to Brad Corriher and Raeshon McNeil. Ijuslgetcrcdil for the wins.**___________________ GET YOUR CAR SERVICED TODAY! S E P T E M B E R & O C T O B E R S P E C IA L Oil & Fiher Change - P U I S - 29 Pelnl liupecrion Just »1 9 ”* • Up lo 5 Qts. o( oil & Wer. Oos engines onty-Nomuly thb only indudM a 20 pl hspKtion. • NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED • ALL MAKES t MODELS a smile while cheeKng hiar team jo yictory. м в ш ш ш ш > Hwy. eoiSouth of 1-40 • Mocksville, NC '. Hoyra: M-Fewn-B|m,8atBiun-4pffl North Davie offensive coordinator Ronald Boger gives some instruction to the Wildcats. - Photos by Jam es Barringer Wildcats Remain Unbeaten At 3-0 Continued From Page BI lightning-quick strikes, keeping the game in doubt even thmigh North TLMchcd the end /one on all four first- halfposse.ssions.A.12-poinlhalfwas supptiscd lo trigger a kmK'koui. Tve never pul 32 points on the scoreboard in one half," said Kirk, Nsho spent inlcrmission chewing out ihcarnMacklingdefense.-Wcplayed offense, but our defense liKiked like we were playing touch fiHitball. "We'd run 12 or 13 plays and .score, and they'd run one play and 5rt>re. If we wouldn't have gotten tlut fumble, wc wouldn’t have had a cushion the whole way. Il would ■ hive been baiik and forth.“......... Inspired, Ihe defense matched the offense's performance level in the second half, holding the Bulldogs s<oreless while GiKxle's 29-yard run aid O'Brien's 9-yarder polished off (^e of the biggest wins in North history. Combining sevcmh and eigViih grades, Wcsl camc in with an 8-2 rccord againsl Nonh. But the W ild­ cats started 3 0 for jusl the third lime since moving lo middle .4'h(X)l in m y The 1997 seventh and the eighth also started 3-0. "We started actually tackling." said Kirk, who praised end Ryun Boehm in panicular. "We played morc aggressively. Except for the defense in the fírst half. I was ticklcd lo dealh with the perfomunce." Notes: The triumph was reminis­ cent of 1998, when Nonh knocked off Wcsl 22-6 in a matchup of 5-0 leams.... Randolph, who had ihrce receptions for 65 yards, made a inemomble juggling calch to set upa crucial fírsi'half score, securing O’Brien's 31 -yard halfback pass while stumbling to the turf. "Like when we had Nick Raby a couplc years ago, he's just a big largel," Kirk said. "He drug three or four people in the end zone on bis Tirsl touchdown. He's so good at baseball, I knew he had to have good hands."... North convened five o f six two-point plays.... Nonh plays at Erwin on Sept. 28. Kevin Robinson DiocKs while Chris Goode churns out some of his 115 yards rushing. Jamar Bratcher runs through Ihe heart of West Rowan's defense. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - B9 West Rowan Seventh Graders i Pummel North Davie’s Wildcats Junior Montgomery and West Rowan's seventh-grade football team pummeled North Davic 40-0 last week.......... The unbeaten Falcons caught fire in Ihe sccond half, turning a 16-0 game into a runaway. "Tlial's probably the bcsl team (in the Mid-Soulh Conference)," Coach George Newman said. "Wc didn't malch up up front, and wc couldn't create a single tunning lane for our hnrks." Montgomery had touchdown re*- turns on a punt and interception. "The numbers they dressed out - they just kept coming at us and kept coming at us," Newman said. "De­ fensively, we looked decent in the first half. I felt like wc won the first half. Il's nowhere near what (West coach Eric Epps) cxpccicd from his team." Nonh (1 *2) visits Erwin on Scpl.: 27 and hosts Southeast on Oct. 4. < First Assembly Wins - Again For a team determined to cxaci revenge, the result was surprisingly brutal. Highly-skilled First Assembly, which shut out Nonh Davie's volley* ball team on Aug. 31. baffled the Wildcats again in lost week's rematch, 15-1. 15-12. "1 feel bad lhat wc didn't gel them back bccause I always like to beat the leam lhal beat us, and we didn't get Ihem either malch," saidCoachTrish King, whose girls fell to 4-3. Il was an awful day for the W ild­ cats, who did nothing right against probably the best opponent on the schedule. "Thai was probably the worst malch we've had all year,*] King said. "We weren't menially there. They weren'ithinking. letting blocked balls drop in from of them and not being aggressive. Wc were tentative the whole game." Although the Wildcats had .won three straight, they didn't fare any - bellerlhanthcAugustloss(4*15, II* 15). "It didn’t matter whot I said to : them in the huddle," King said. "For ■ some reason wc didn't serve well. • That kills you when four or five in a : row don'l get the serve over," On the bright side, seven matches: remain for North to achieve ils sixlh' straight winning season. ' "I was kind of disappointed, but ‘ wc'rc not as talented as wc have been ' in the past." said King, whose 1999; team finished 13-1. "But lhat docsn'l. mean wc'rc going to have a losing ; season." Nonh entcnains Calvary on Sept.' 28,lhenplaysatForsythCountyDay' on Oct. 3. Another One Gets Away From North Davie Softball Team Allhough North Davie's sofiball leam hanimered Nonh Rowan 15-3, the first win in five games couldn’t erase the siigma of letting another one slip through ils fingers. Eariier last week, Corrihcr-Lipc camc from nowhere to steal a 5-3 win from North, which led 3-0 going into the top of the sixth inning. "It was just like the China Grove gamc(a4-l loss on Sept. 7)," Lyerly said. "We werc the better team and wc should have won." Pilcher Amy Alexander had con­ lrol of the game for five innings as Nonh mustered enough offense to build a 3-0 lead. But the Yellow Jackets pulled a reversal in the sixth, geiiingfourofiheir five hlls inafivc- run inning that kept Nonh in last place in the Mid-Souih Conference. A hil batter, a mental error and a throwing cnt)r attributed to the col­ lapsc. "We should have beat Corrihcr- Lipe and China Grove, so our con­ ference rccord should be 3-2 (instead of 1-4)," Lycrly said. ErikaSmiihhadtwohitsforNonh. which stnick out 13 times to ruin an: cight-sirikcout, nvc-hiltcr for Alex*' ander, who pitched all seven. ; Lyerly hopes the blowout over North Rowan is the stan of a strong < finish forthe Wildcats, whoclose the' regular season against visting Soulh-: caslonSept.27.agajnsivisitingKnox' on Oct. 2 and at South Davic on Oct. 4 "We need lo win the rest of them so wc can slill end up 4-4 in the conference," Lycrly said. "Wc can if J wc play like we know how and hit the : ball. We need to hit because the dc* 4 fense was a lot better (against N onh« Rowan)." S Alexander left with a 5*2 lead." and Carrie Sain pitched the final three ^ frames. : ' KaitlinHallandAshlcyComalzcr ^ hadlhrcehitstopacea 16*hitattack, I andSmithandAlexanderaddedlwo. NonhgotonefromHannahTiemcy, “i Caitlin Reavis, Sain, Stephanie Wen* ; del, Annie Haftman and Dana Ves* - tal. . • Coed VolleybalL Registratlon Open Rcsistration is underway forconi volleyball. Tlic Mocksvillc-Davic Rccnation Department w ill accept teams through Scpl. 29, The cosl is $25 per teom. Games w ill be played on Sun­ day ortcmoons. Call rcc athletic director Joe Boy­ ette al 751-2325, Godstock Softball Tournament Set the Coilslock SnriKill Toiima- • meat - open to men's church teams only - w ill be Oct. 7 in Landis. Teams must have sljned rosters. Each team Is allowed up to thrce nonmcmbcrs. Four home nms will be allowed per game. This is a bcncni touraamcnl for local i;hlldren and Ihcir fimilies. All funds raised w ill be matched by LuUieran's Associaiion. For niote in- fonnallon or to sign up your team, contact Jimmy Greene at 704-637- 03,94(hotiB)or704-636-2923(work) or John Bouk at 704-857.-7011, N O T I C E O F B R A N C H O P E N I N G Application o f Southern Community Bank and Trusl in Winston* Salem, Forsyih Counly, North Carolina, for authority lo establish a bmnch facility at 2755 Lewisville-Ctemmons Road, Tax Block 4230, Lot 047A, 047E, 047F in Clemmons, Forsyth County, to be known as the “ Clemmons Branch.” has been filed with the Commissioner of Banks to be processed in accordance wilh Rule 4 NCAC 3C.0201 and has been filed with the Fedeml Deposit Insurance Corporation. The public is invited to .submit written commenis on this application to the Commissioner of Banks. 4309 Mail Scrvicc Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4309. The comment period on ihis application w ill end 14 days from date o f publication. The Commissioner of Banks w ill consider comments, received within the contment period. Any person wishing lo comment on this application may file his or her comments, in -writing, wilh the Regional Direcior of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation al ils Regional Office located al Suite 1600, One Atlantic Ccntcr, 1201 West Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3449, before processing o f the application has been completed. Processing w ill be completed no eariier thal the 15th day following either ihe date o f the last required publication or the date of receipt o f Ihe application by the FDIC, whichever is later. The period may be extended by the Regional Dircclor for good cause. The nonconridential portion of the application file is available for inspection wiihin one day following ihe request for such file. U may be inspected in the Corporation's Regional OfTicc during,regular business hours. Photocopies of informalion in the nonconfideniial portion o f the application file w ill be made available upon request. A schedule o f chorges for such copies can be obtained from the Regional O fficfi , Special oS the Week A s s o rte d L a n c e P ro d u c ts C rackers, C hips & etc. Limit 4 While Supplies Last All Cards In Stock Regular Hours; M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun V.30-5 ' 495 Valley Road • Mocksville * (336) 7&1-2141 TBIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 28,2000 - Bll Embroidery Impressions Of Clemmons Offers Custom Afghans At Great Prices A lone airplane swooping over Killy Hawk. The windswept shores ol Cape Halteras. Delicale dogwoods blooming In North Carolina. All these and many more colorful scenes decorate the beautilul alghans sold by Jane Ring ol Embroidery Impressions. These soil alghans, woven In North Carolina, come in a variety ol themes and sizes; and can be customized with Individual names, dates or lamlly mottos. They are 100 percent cotton and machine washable, wilh Iringed edges. Choose Irom an animal, outdoor, floral or nautical theme. Or select an Inspirational alghan, personalized with a pastor's name, which leatures the "Lord's Prayer." Psalm 23, or the “Serenity Prayer." Sports' alghans come In baseball, football and sailing themes. Goll alghans in hunter green, navy, black or cranberry host a con- tempprary golfer, or in selected colors, a t920's style goller. Staie alghans feature the special characteristics ol each geo­ graphic regPon. One line ol alghans displays North and South Carolina lighthouses. And perhaps most popular of all are Ihe holi­ day and special occasion alghans. wilh Santa carrying a Christ­ mas tree, surrounded by watching rabbits and deer. “Several families ordered an alghan with Santa unloading his bag ol toys by the fireplace, with their family name on Santa's bag," said Jane Ring, owner and operator ol Embroidery Impres­ sions. The catalog of afghans also offers angels, singing bears, Iha Jewish star, and Kwanza celebrations. Ms. Ring says that even with the customized names on her alghans, she can olten beat prices elsewhere. ..................... “Our alghan prices Include 8,000 stitches ol embroidery," she said. Compare the competitive prices at Embroidery Impressions: and give a customized gilt that is sure to please. Embroidery Impressions also does custom work lor sports' teams and businesses. Golf shirts, hats, medical labcoals, zlp- pered clolh brielcases and tote bags are just a few ol Ihe many items customized in a plethora ol colors. Customers who bring a cameta-ready picture can have tlieir special logo ttanslerred onlo the Barudan two-head industrial machine, used by Embroidery Impressions. Businesses such as Goslen Printing have been very pleased with the high quality ol work performed for Ihem by Em­ broidery Impressions. “1 would certainly recommend her lo anybody who needs em­ broidery work done," said Robyn Goslen. owner ol the Winston- Salem printing company. "She Is extremely professional, and Ihe work for us was done on a timely basis." For a clever, unique baby gill, browse through Ihe Lovie baby blankets In Jane Ring's “Applause" catalog. The soil blankets are topped by a perky Dalmatian puppy, cream-colored teddy bear, white lieecy lamb with a pink or blue ribbon, a pudgy blue elephant or a cuddly pink bunny The baby's name and date ol birth per- sonalizes this adorable baby gift. Many mothers who have re­ ceived Ihem as gilts order them for others as well. Many customers love Ihe oil-white embioidered alghans, v;hich they order for a speclel wedding present, emblazoned wilh the bride and groom's names and wedding date In a lone^on-tone thread or taupe color. . "They sell like hotcakes," said Jane Ring. Whether it is monogrammed terrycloth robes, towels, kids' bookbags, gym or sports' bags, Jane Ring delivers whal she prom­ ises. “If I can'l get II done, I won't lake il," she said. Embroidery Impressions is open Irom 9 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday; but Jane Ring works with customers who need an ap­ poinlmenl at other times. All phone messages are returned promptly For a unique customized creation, call Jane Ring at Embroidery Impressions at (336) 712-0943 today. UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOKII Notion's largosIS Oldest Rool Slain Romovots R o o f - B r ite ® 336-761-09B9 A R K V O U I N P A IN ? FREE EX A M IN A TIO N Find Out FREE Ifl Can Help Youn• ncKk Poin - Allhimt - Aulo Inluit• Hoodathtt • Should«» Polfi »AiroAtoPoln• N«k Poln • MIp Poln • Spofti mtuil«»■ ««ambfKW f<U. ««J «■ <i«m/•» ftifri, W iv rtixi FOSTER CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC, P.C.3748 CUtMnons Rd., Clammon«, NC 778-2242 C N A ’S Come ioin our growing home heollh agency. Home health experience preferred. Full Ilme/porl time positions available. Greal work environment, competitive pay For appoinlmenl call: 722-1470 or oppSyin porson to. In Home Care 1042 West 25th Street Winston-Salem In Home Core Is on cquol opportunly cmphycf IHome •c a r e IMPHESSICNS, Personalize Towels, Fashions A More! Team Logos - Husincss Shirts and Unirorms WcCanyNC-Mailc Afghans **No job too big or too smair QUICK DEUVERY ^ CALL JANE • 712-0943 Crowder М ^О щ п еу dissociates щ Y o u r llo m c lo w n R e a lto r 2265-C Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 Whitney Flooring H o u ri: Mon.* FM. 10*6 Sat. 10*2 Specializing In Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floor* & Reflnlihlng Counter Tops Laminated Floori (336) 766-0733 20 Years Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC I I 5919-C James St. ______Шшт ______ Antiguear i- Orieutm! Fmrmttmf U0 To »OK OFF Olmlag Яовтш From Cmllfornlm UfmmtyImM < Mlmmpwortky W a tfrw M M X o n t Hmm Beéroom SmHmêFrom C a lffo n fa U H etyloB B u y F to m H o o t O r O rO m F ro m C m tm log S al. »-Bi « u n . 1 а :Ю -* LoM led In TheO d O e m m o i s S d i o d 3550 Qemmons Road (Next to the Oemmons Ubrary) (336) 778-2700 Stttwaesmne T'i*e*tone ^ Dunlop^res Lee Tires GEORGE’S Michelin Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons 766-7862 BcimiMlaMiiil’t S e l f - S t o r a g e j ^ 998-9661 / Climate Control ✓ 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up lo 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next lo Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance INDMDUALLY YOU, Inc \ \ Massage o f 4 Sessions M ÌA M A a i($ IO ~ v a h w ) o r p r r o m M A S M M W IIH м и н т '.......W e $ tw a o d V iita g e S H Q |^ C e n t^ : : 7 6 1 Ш 7 4 : - ' ■ Italian Family Restaurant Subs - Past! - Pizza - Wings Second Chance Consignment 2!35Coinfll!eilU • AJvonce • «0-3I32 cSomtlkln^ fox SvEx^one. ncn'iftUtomeii'tClolMu. FUrMliire, Sntll AtvUincei, Books, U ^ i,U C R i.TV l,nitiw u . Dii: Fim WIS8, l-SoltilnoI^ l-Comtn, 1/8 mil • ■ FioneillS,litoinolw,2.ipl(soiill* FnME,l-(mi№,SnilHonl Barry Zimmerman Insurance H.B. ‘Buck’ PAYNE S t o p b y t o s e e U S Mien II comes lo Insurance, we want lo make your lito easier. A c r o s s the area, the Farm Bureau Insurance Companies provide drivers with the peace of mind that they have adequate coverage on Iheir automobiles. We also back up our Auto Insurance customers with prompt, professional attention, and fast, fair claims service. So, If It's Auto Insurance, or Home or Life protection you need, call today for a no-obllgallon review/. ' F A R M B U R E A UH E L P W G Y O T ^ ^ a M j ie d o t o 6070 Sty^r« Fanry Road LawlMlIf 766^099 ГМ 1Т— - m é F a m ily T m d it io n : J im m y L o o k a b ill W in s , J o h n s o n S e c o n d By Dwight Sparks Football Contest Dircclor Gentle Readers, sometimes there just isn’t enough time. Some­ times we’re in such a hurry we forget to smell the roses, to taste the coffce, to touch Ihe silk. Sometimes wc forgcl lo pul a telephone number on the contest form, and we miss the Call of Calls — the congratulatory call from the Contest Dircctor telling the winner his ship has come in, his ticket is up. he is at the front of the line. This is the L0U9. Publisher’s Sweepstakes. The l.R.S. U’s not a call to miss. Everyone wants to hear us announce... J m iY LOOKABILL COME ONDOWNNNU Since time began, Jimmy Lookabill has entered the football contest. He has won many times, and Ihe contest has become a family tradition. Jimmy, Jamie, Julie and Jenni­ fer— tlie Four J’s — all play tlic contest. Jimmy finishes First this week, missing seven games. Jennifer missed nine; Julie, 12, and Jamie, 14. ■ . Indeed, Oentle Readers, re­ member our old axiom — the ■ family thal plays the football ' contest together stays together. We have hu^batids and wives playing, sons and dads, fathers and daugh­ ters, brothers and sisters. It has become a favorite family pasttimc on Thursday night across Davie County to clear away the supper dishes from the table and fill out the football contest while eating dessert. Apple pie and the contest. Chocolate cake and the contest. Ice cream and the contest. Gentle Readers, the world would be a better place if more people did that. Crime rates would fall. The children would do better in school. Fathers could take again their position as the rcspccted voicc of authority in the home if they would guide their children though the difficult task of picking the winners. Fathers may not be able lo help the children with algebra, but they can still demonstrate iheir wisdom of the pigskin. This week’s winner, Jimmy Lookabill, is a man who knows his football. He frequently enters the office . on Friday with generous predic­ tions about the weekend winners. This time, he was right. He earns the huge $25 winner’s chcck and the Cap of Caps, apparel that will set him apart as a man of distinc­ tion, a sports wizard, a man for all seasons. He lives in Greater Woodlcaf. He earned first place with his tie­ breaker prediction, narrowly edging out second place finisher TERRY JOHNSON — another contest stalwart. Johnson also was not at home when our call was made. He was bravely outside in the terrible rainstorm protecting our electrical service and making il possible to retire our candles and depend on Duke Power for heat and light and a warm supper. For lhat, dear Terry, we thank you. We conferred the news, instead, on wife Sandra, who took the news wilh great excitement. “What does he win?” Five dollars, we told her. “You’ve got to do better for second place,” she said. “It’s as close as you can get to winning.” Aids, dear Sandra, second placc is first among losers, and the sportsman in Terry w ill not be diminished by the challenge of finishing firsl — claiming the big bucks and earning the right to wear the Cap of Caps. 'This w ill be real exciting. This w ill make his week,” she lold us. Week? Finishing in sccond place is enough to make, someone’s month. Finishing first is worthy of mention on one’s tombstone. And now lo our coveted non­ cash awards — designations for outstanding performance in the execution of the contest for the week. • B A S K E T B A LL AW ARD — to B illy Hendrix Sr., missing 23 games. Honorable mention lo Greg McEwen, 20 games, Becky Hcndris, 21, and Sandra Moon, 22. •CLO SE BU T NO CIGAR AW ARD — To Sara Erb, also missing eight games but bumped from the winner’s circle by the tie­ breaker. Honorable mention lo the those missing nine games — Charlie Johnson, Nick Kistler, S.B. Sidden, Cluis Bolin, Pam Stockert, Leon Ladd, Steve Frye, Dan Stauffer and Dillard Moody. •M R. CONSISTENCY AW ARD — to last week’s winner, Paul Folmar, missing 10 this week, demonstrating his contest prowess. •FATHER-DAUGHTER AW ARD — to Rodgers Peoples and Corey Peoples, missing 13 and 14 repccllvely. • FATHER-SON AW ARD — to David Weakley and David Weakley III, missing 10 games each. • M O ST IM PROVED AW ARD — lo Betty Hendrix, trimming her losses lo 12 this week. There you have il. Gentle Readers. Another week’s contest in the bag. If you haven’t yet entered the contest, this could be your week to join the ranks of the rich and famous. Enter the contest with your children, wilh your wife, with your barber. Improve the quality of entertainment al your home. And if you have lo buy six newspapers in the process, the Contest Director w ill be forever grateful. Watch some football, and good luck to all. N I E I S I S Bedroom, Dining Room Suites, Sofas On Sale At Unique Gifts, Clemmons Unique Gilts ol Clemmons Is proud to announce a new line ol lurnlture In Iheir location at The Old Clemmons School. Ulostyles Calitornia, which owner Janie Ruiz discovered al the High Point Furniture Markel in April, features bedroom and dining room suites In contemporary and southwestern styles. Choose irom pine, : oak; maple or cherry lor your new dining room table ensemble, or selectadesignwith Inlaid ceramic tiles upon which to set hot diehas straight from the oven. Lifestyles California also leatures beautiful computer : armolres which will fit Into a lormal den or office and complemeni a ; wide range of decorating tastes. Come In and browse Ihrough Ihe lloor and catalog samples of entertainment centers and bookcases. Enleitalnment centers can be purchased as a unit or in Mparate pieces, with centers for a television and VCR. or audio towers with adjustable glass shelving for stereos. Cds and other items. Ask owner Janie Ruiz about the additional discount spe­ cial on a purchase ol an entire entertainment center. Unique Gltts Is also offering a special on dining room table grduplnga on floor displays only. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to purchase name brand furniture at sale prices. ----------------LlfestyiesGal¡fomiaha8«xqulвlte^)edrooпvfumiture^rtoakг cherry, pine, and In single pieces or by grouping. From ,carved wooden sleigh beds dressed In a creamy while to tour poster cherry beds trimmed In antique metal designs. Unique Qlfts has Oreat furniture at great prices. . ' They're gorgeous," said Janie Ruiz, of the antique cherry bedroom suite that echos the Intricate melal work on the dresser, nightslands. chest of drawers and the high headboard'imd footboard. - . Currently on special at an additional discount, a$ long as supplies fast, are a queen-sized mantel bed lor S399plus tpi, and a solid wood Cambridge siefgft bed for $599, pfus lax. Made by Modus International. Ihe heavy Cambridge bed comes with head­ board. footboard, slats, side rails lhat bolt together for a sturdy, long-lasting frame. Queen and king-size units also Include a cen- The Computer Solution The Computer Solution has trained staff to help with all of your computer needs. SUPPORT RCPAIRS UPGRAOeS We Do Housecallsl The Computer Solution Mocksvtlle. NC 27028 66 Court Square (336) 7S1-9499 iViNG VisitOurNewShowToom! • P la q u o a ■ A w a r d s • N a m o P la te a ■ B a d « o a - a in a 2626 Lcwisville-Oemmons -RoadrSuib^BrClemmoos-in tfir kntt lectio/ Mtight Ы1кг tuiUmf.www.QCEngnving.com (336) 766-0695 Hours: MonÆri. 8:30-5:30 Janie Ruiz SAVIN G S up Г Л О EVERYDAY 3 U I '• Small CoMiiatiea Bae, 80« • Hair Dryara • CHrilng Iron Clemmons Discouni S<ilos »AdftrtisiMg Вгш9ёош ■ «ПяМЫЗммМ•.(MÉâAOwrWW гзбш ш ■ B«nyftn>m>EtHwivfTWi^r7" ' tar support, pre-drilled lor easy Installation. Choose from solid wood color* thaf range from buttermilk, natural wash, cordovan or black. . il Unique Qlfts combines quality with durability In the solid oak ccnstmctlon of their upholstered sofas by Edgecombe. Made tn North Carolina by Cotton Belt (In business tor more than 65' years), Mrs. Ruii Includes two free sofa plltows. 12” X 12" with ' . 'each loveseat or sofa sold. These high quality sofas offer three . ohoibes In cushions: extra firm, fimi or soft. . • Loveseats begin at $400. One floor sample sofa at Unk]ue Qms Is currently on sale for $610. Slee^r sofas are also avall- able, from loveseat size up to full or queen sizes. Come In and' ^saladthe perfect fabrictoimtchyourhomedecor.Mlvery Is within , leui: W'ilx weeks, and each piece comes Irom the factory wrapped /wfttihMvy dear plastic to protect ycurnewhimlture. • v ■'5i'll.}*. ' U n iversity« A U T O S A L E S « ' W n h & VMcDg Intarior Cleaning, Motors Staom Cleanwt Fu« Detoiline & D E T H I I - I N G Wfttaok FonmlIbOaingBialnmWÊh Mu/ SpedeÊdngIn tmv MÊeqgeCcn ОютвуТЬатекОигйктОгСай с а м ) : 7вМ 008 л И » Ч , с н а — и » АМ Н* SanÊbnahl : B12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 Is Davie Soccer For Real? Find Out Tuesday Against Visiting W. Forsyth Continued From Page B l Really. Thc War Eagles (8.2-1), . jusl three wins shy of breaking thc lO-win rccords set ¡n 1993 and matchcd in 1995, beat Reynolds for - the sccond time In 23 games'during ' an August tournament and pulled out a 1-0 win over the seventh- ranked icam in the state's 4-A poll. Host Forsyth, last week. Inflating Davie's image. East Forsyth beat Mourn Ttibor 3-0. Thc Fighting Eagles have also beaten Reynolds and tied West Forsyth twice. ''If we're going to do it, this is thc year to do it bccause we've beaten Reynolds already one time and we're ready to do it again." said sophomore strikerMatt Moser, who took his 15 goals into Tuesday's league opener at Reynolds. "I don't Ihink we'll be intimi­ dated bccausc East Forsyth is just as good," senior center midfielder Joey Bass said. "We came ready for lhat. so I think we can play with anybody." "I don't think we're intimi­ dated." junior outside midfielder ■ Luke Koontz said. "This year I jusl feel better aboul it." A fresh environment has sparkedlhe open-ended opiimism. Teammates are reading from the same page, sensing a new chapter around the curve. Coach Scan Gameii employs four sophomores and 10 juniors on thc 19*man roster, suggesting lhat it's only ihe beginning. "We lost a lot of seniors, bul wc work together a lot betier this year,".Koontz said. "Lasl year we had greal players in the middle, but I think Joey Bas^ and Patrick Little ' are working better." "1 iliink lliis year we've got a belter team." Bass said. "Lust year we hud more individuals, but now we've goi morc unison." Erasing the inramdiis'disappear- ing act o f'99 bccame the '00 theme, and the War Eagles vow to make u historic siaiemeni. "We had a downfall last year in conference, and we talk about that at practice," Moser said. "We definitely don't want lo do that again. We have some leadership wilh Joey. He's deflnitely our leader, being a senior and stepping up. He gets on us." "Al thc beginning of the year, wc set a goal for how many wins wc warn to achieve," Bass said. "Fart of it is beating those three teams (Tabor, West and Reynolds). So we dennitely plan on beating them." With South Rowan also promis­ ing compciitiveness, Wesl Forsyth coach John Cochranc buys ihe theory that anything cun happen. He brings his Titans, who arc 8-1-3 and ranked fifth with its lone blemish against No. 2 Southwest Guilford 2-1, lo War Eagle Stadium Ocl. 3. ____ Playing it diplomatically, Cochranc said he expects a struggle based on ihe past, even though by past newspapers' best knowledge thc Titans are 22-0 and have outscorcd Davie 99-13. "I think it’s a huge match," said Cochrane, who has finished second, first and ihird in thc CPC as head man. “I think Davie's a very good team. I've been follow­ ing them in the paper and I've been vety impressed. We've alwiiys had a lot of respect for Davie. We usually have fairly close matches. We don't have ony problems ; getting up for them. . .."IhavcalotpfrcspecLforlheir , coach. I knew Scan would make il happen." Sideshow They say you don’t have o rivalry when the same teanit wins every lime, but Robbie Boyd has foiled lhat notion. In a decision Cochrane dreaded, he cut Boyd in August after a year and half of varsity duty. Boyd landed In • Mocksville, all of places, creating quite a sideshow. "The coach and I didn't really gel along," said Boyd, who has five goals in six games since joining Davie. "This school wanted me. I want to score so many goals against that learn. 1 want to gel back at them." Cochrane, feeling no bitterness, said he's happy Boyd landed on his feet. "I have read that he's doing well." he said. "He's a really nice kid. Robbie's a good person and a good player. I'm glad he's doing well at Davie. He's gotten a new start now." • • . Still, the Tiiun*turncd*Wnr . Eagle hcightens.ihehy4>e^_.. that. I've been putting too n\uch . pressure on myself. Me and Coach ^ had a talk about that, taking it ' gan\c by Bnme’and don't try to score five before you scorc one That kind of attitude." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept 28,2000 - Cl "We'll handle it like any olher mulch," Cochrane said. "From a coaching standpoint, 1 don't build ■ thai stuff up with my players. Wc try to address every match as an important match regardless of any distractions and other issues. Wc .want to focus on what we're trying 10 do." Holding Key To Rccord? Moser has the finest chance in years lo break the school's scoring record. Gamett accounted for 20 of Davie's 27 goals in 1990, and Josh Bamhardt lied the mark in 1996. Moser, though, prefers discuss­ ing the team's record. "People have been giving (Garnett) a hard lime about that, . bul il's the time of year where you've got to work for them a little bit morc," said Moser, who has at least seven games to collect six goals. "I've got to ir>’ to downplay 5 Win PuntrPass & Kick Competition Morgan Wyoii, Brian nullins, Jcssc Gibson. Louis Gibson and Kevin Winters were winners »1 SalonJay's NFL Piint, Pass & Kick compciiiion. Wyali won Ilie girls 8-9 age divi­ sion, Biilliris Ihe 8-9 Imys. Jesse Gib- sonlhc 10-11 buys.LoulsGlbsonlhe 12-13 boys and Winiers thc Ijt-I5 boys. Zach Prcvclie and Evan C^sco rinishcil second and Ihird, re^'c- llvcly, InIhe lO-l I boys, while № d Corriher and Colin Ferebee look •lec- ond and third In thc U-13 boys, —— Davie County Enterprise Record— F a l l H o m e I m p r o v e m e n t Basketball Referee Meeting Oct. 1 If you're inicresied in officiating basketball for recrcalion, middle school or high schiMil, come to the first meeting Oct. I at thc BrvKk Gyn» ni 7 p.m. Contact MikcGarnerur Joe Boy­ ellc ut 751-2325 for more informa- tion. Unlimited Homerun Softball Tournament Here On Oct. 7 ÜÜ E. Forsyth Thumps Davie JVs There Is u one-plich. unlimited- home run sofihall lournanicm sched­ uled for Ocl. 7 in M<H.'ksviIle. This is upcn lo any leam. and any ball w ill be allowed. Thc cost is S110 East Forsyth, a stout JV socccr icam. ended Davlc County's three- game winning streak wiih a 4-0 poundingoftheWarEiagles last week. "We were outplayed." Coach Jer­ emy Byrd said. "They were a beller leam at ihls point in the season • bigger and faster. 1 wish wc were playing them again laicr in the sea­ son bccausc 1 think wc'rc gelling Ihcre." Acomeback was still realisllcdcep Into thc sccond half, but East pulled away with two goals in the Iasi 15 minules. Stopper Josh Cookson sus­ tained an injury and had to leave. •"That hurt us," Byrd said. "It wasn't a runaway. 1 really feel opti­ mistic aboul things." Midfielder Josh Boyle, who in -. jured his knee ihree weeks ago, should be back this week as Davie (3-3) hosls WilkesCcntral on Sepi. 2S and West Forsyth on Ocl. 3. per ic.iin, anu tirsi- and second-place iri>phics will W awanled. Also, a home nm tn>phy will K* given oul. All proceeds go lo ihe Jerusalem volunteer fire dcpanmenl. To cnler call 336.2K4-II16. Cooleemee High 1950 Football Team Reunion Is This Saturday The Ci>i)leemee 1 ligh .Schixtl Iihh- ball leatn of 1950-51 will have a gaihering lo honor the accomplish­ ments üf the uHdefeated ‘50 season"' The gaihering w ill lake place al Huge Selection of Quality PPè<4 #wned Уewcles li : : - : 2 0 0 0 C H E V . IM P A L A,С»1.Л'',ГОиг.«.С>«|»е.АМТМ Ctn. CO. Л-М» Sii *roii?o *ìw 9 5 NOW * 1 7 ^ 4 8 2 S A V tS Z 5 13 _____ 2 0 0 0 C H E V . C A V A L IE R 4 C Y L . V;lo. ЛЧ1М 2.IS4 MIfl, Cold SlL (Г01!« n o w4 2 , 6 1 3 ______ ’ 9 9 C H E V . T A H O E L T Tan, lealher. Slk. #202971 sÏî:^s n o w ’ 2 6 ,9 1 3 ’ 9 4 P O N T IA C F IR E B IR D Red. SH. illO l'J I s;üí?s n o w * 7 , 6 4 4 • 9 7 F O R D E S C O R T Di-isi'. Slk. »200451 s î ; : , t s N o w * 6 , 8 9 7 ’ 9 8 O L D S IN T R IG U E /■ Creen. SU. #701070 $15да NOW 4 4 , 0 0 8 SAVSS1.987 • 9 7 C H E V . 3 5 0 0 C R E W C A B 4 x 4п,*и .тж » » м Ciu.itj! i l 1М)ш $2W95 NOW M 9,288 S A V f 53,207 ’ 9 8 C H E V R O L E T S - 1 0 6Cil.,Au4> ,ACWbK.Slk #rail90 N o w n 0 ,4 8 2 SAVf 52.513 : 9 9 O L D S A L E R OradoiyWdiTânty.Slk. #701030 5Î^:î ,s n o w M 4 , 0 3 9 2 0 0 0 D O D G E S T R A T U S Æ s N O W * 1 3 ,0 1 6 SAVE fJ ,982 '9 6 H O N D A A C C O R D L X 2 D R .S Spd^ PS, m, PDL. Crcen. Slk. #202492 su%5 now M 0/384 '9 2 B U IC K R E G A L White. Slk. #701051 ' $6¡^5 N O W * 5 ; 0 2 7 ■SAVtSI.968 9 7 C H E V . 1 5 0 0 X - C A B 4 x 4 Beige. Slk. #701010 $ ri!M S N o w ^ 2 0 ,1 4 2 S S > W ,a s3 ’ 9 8 C A D IL L A C D E V I L L E CokJ, Factory Warrtnly. Slk. #700690 i] S t« N o w * 2 3 ,7 2 7 SAVE СГ9АЯ '9 7 O L D S A U R O R A 33KM.HSihff. fJcl.Wly, Slk #102331 ,:^:^5Now n8,213 '9 6 P L Y M O U T H N E O N Red.Stk. #192131’ NO W ^ 5 ; 2 1 2 _ S A V tf 1,783 • 9 9 O L D S M O B IL E IN T R IG U E cab4MMif;oi4oo S1M9S NOW *14,983 2000 СНБУ. LUMINA Till,Cnji!e,MlFM Ciil.CD.VVhifc, Ck)lh, full PflwwStk. #701330' N o w n 4 ,6 1 3 s A V tS isa i 2 0 0 0 C H E V R O L E T I4 A L IB U L S Ado.. CO, SlvK Full h » « . Slk ITDHSO ïï^ » n o w n 6 , 6 6 2 S A V t$ Z 3 3 3 • 9 6 F O R D C O N T O U R While. Slk #202791 ^ ^ 5 NOW * 6 , 6 9 2 sAve$z303 Bell & H o w a r d Chevrolet O l d s m o b i l e iW< ■■ 8 7 3 - 9 0 9 ^ l i - 7 7 , N. B é s t i e t t b d e l e e p - C h r j ^ , г ? *s G e t R e a d y ' ’ V "’'i.'îс .'> Il ^ ^ i n t e r l V:: V , .............. J ¡ J \ Let’s Get Ready For Winter ii*age 2 PAVm COUNTY BHTERPRI/^ECORP Why Not? Family Installing Home Fire Sprinkler System By Mike Barnhardt Davie Couniy ЕШСфпве Rccord Charles and Lynne Lee are building a new house. One lo finish raising their family in, maybe even enjoy Iho grand- 'children that may come along someday. :: They’re talcing their lime, doing much of the work themselves, adding spccial touches such as the curved brick front steps with an “L" laid out in Ihc brick pattern. Spccial touches as a sprinkler system. That’s right, the Lees may be Ihe first family in Davic Coumy to build a home wiUi a sprinkler system. Their reason was simple. “Why not?" Charles asked. “I thought it was chcap protection. We've had three fires in my family in Ihe past 15 years." Luckily no one was at home during any of Ihosc fires, bul houses were destroyed. .. 'This will protect our house when we’re not at home," Lee said. "When building a house, it’s jusl a litllc more pipe, so why not? "I don't understand why more people don't do it," he said. "It should be a standard for all new houses. Why nol add a little protection?" : When Ihe couple made the decision to include a sprinkler system, they didn’t know where to start. They callcd Uie Davie County Rre Marshal’s office. Tony Collins was working as assistant fire marshal at that time. He and Fire Marshal George Fiye Jr. contactcd the Pinehurst Fire DcpartmcntHntemational award winners in the promotion of home fire sprinkler systems. : A few weeks ago, Pinehurst Chief Pinehurst Fire C h ie f G lenn O ’Ferrell talks about hom e fire sprinkler sys­ tems. Olcnn O’Feriell and Iwo of his men were at Ihe Lec home west of Mocks­ villc helping lo install the system. They did it 10 promote fire safety O’Fcrrcll estimated dial installation of a home fire sprinkler system costs about Sl per square foot in new construction. Homeowners should be able lo save the cost in homeowner’s insurance premi­ ums, he said. The chief is quick lo point out that most myths about Ihc systems aren’t ime. For one, they’re nol ugly. The sprin­ kler heaib that dispense up to 13 gallons of water a minute can barely bie iletecled ... when you’re looking forUicm. Secondly, they don’t causc more damage. The heads aclivale when Ihe lempcratun: reaches F. Only the heads that reach thauempcralure start dispensing water. Usually, one or Iwo heads control a fire before it gels out of hand. “The whole idea is for one or two heads lo get Ihe Пге under control," he said. “Almost all fires unless arson or an explosion start wilh a small amount of flame." O’Ferrell is quick to praise the volunteer firefighters that serve most counties in Nonh Carolina, including Davie, but they can only do so much. The firefighters have to go from their homes or jobs lo Uie fire dcpaitmcnl, get on the inicks and go to the fire. And Ihe situation is rarely under control when they get there. “A fire don’t call timeout and wait for us lo gel there," O’Fcrrell said. “It continues 10 bum and usually, it’s already out of control before we even get the call.” When that happens, firefighters arc fighting a larger blaze with more water. “If you can use a little hit of water whilo Ihe fire is still small, you’ve got less damage. You can protect all your stuff. This will pay for itself because you should be able lo get a Ipwer insurance rale... and il will still bo here 50 years from now," Tho home sprinkler systems have a 98,5% success rate. Most failures are caused by human error or Ihe home­ owner blocking one of Ihe sprinkler heads, O’Fcrrcll said. But according 10 the Lee’s, the main reason is lo protect Ihcir drcam home, “Why not?" ;; Home Sprinkler Myths ' When one sprinkler goes otf, all the sprinklers activate. False. Only the sprinkler over the lire will activata. The sprinkler heads react to temperatures In each room individually. Thus, fire in a bedroom will activate only the sprinkler In that room, A sprinkler could accidentally go off, causing severe water damage to a home. False. Records, which have been compiled for well over 50 years, prove the likelihood of this occurring Is very remote. Furthennore, home sprin­ klers will be specifically designed and will be rigorously tested, to mini­ mize such accidents. Water damage from a sprinkler system will be more extensive than nre damage. False. The sprinkler system will severely limit a fire’s growth. There­ fore, damage from a home sprinkler system will be much less severe tharkthe smoke and fire damage if the fire had gone on unabated or even the Water damage caused by water Irom firefighting hose lines. Home sprinkler systems are expensive. False. Current estimates suggest that when a home Is under constnjc­ tion, a home sprinkler system could cost less than 1 % of the total building price. Residential sprinkler systems could use standard piping and hard­ ware with domestic plumbing. Residential sprinklers sre ugly. False. The traditional, commercial-type sprinklers as well as sprinklers for home use are now being designed to fit in with most any decor. Charles and Lynne Lee help put a fire sprinkler system in their new hom e near M ocksville.• Photos by Robin Fergusson Let’s Get Ready For Winter Pagc3 Leaky Toilets T h e y N o t O n l y W a s t e W a t e r , T h e y W a s t e M o n e y • People can boost Ihcir water con- scrvalion cfTorts.Find leaks and fix (hem. Explore clever ways to cut back on 'kntcr usage. Even when drought isn’t an issue, conserving water saves money and protects a precious resource. . According to Fluidmaster, Inc., Ihe world's largest maker of toilet repair parts, a leaky toilet Is one of the most flagrant sources o f water 'waste. In observance oribilet Repair Month each Oclober. they remind us (hat even weil-tuned toilets account for thc single biggest use of house* hold water...but when they’re nol ran- ning effcclively, ihey're guzzlers. In just one year, a leaky toilet can lose enough water to fill a swimming pool. : ТЪ quickly and easily idcniify toi­ let leaks, Fluidmaster offers free Leak Detector Tablets at most home (jnpmvemenl retailers. These ea.sy- lo-use tablets reveal a leak in min­ utes. Almost ail toilet lank icaks can be fixed by replacing ihe tank's flap­ per ond/or fill valve-both easy do-it- yourself projects. Here are other tips for saving waier • Replace regular loiie ts with low- How (1.6 gpO models. (Saves up to 350 gallons weekly.) • If you have a pool, use a covcr lo stow evaporation. Bonus: a covcr also keeps pool water cleancr and culs the need for cbcmicais. (Saves up lo 250 gallons weekly.) • Replace old-fashioned showerheads with low-fiow (2.5 gal­ lons per minute) models. (Saves up to 230 gallons weekly.) • When taking a balh, make it a shallow one with no more than three inches o f water. (Saves up to 100 gallons per person weekly.) • Don't use a running hose to ’•sweep" your patio, driveway or side­ walks. (Saves up to 100 gallons weekly.) Visit www.Fluidmaster.coni and 1(юк for Water-Wise Tips under Ihc Tbilet Know-How section. A-^ Heating & Cooling 24 Hour Senice • No (heitiiiie Clurges Call Mike Donovan Today Pajef-717-4892 • Horn« MO-5590 ^ a n d ^ Interior Designs • A o o e s s o rio s •W in d o w T ro a tm o n ts • S o d d in g E n s o m b lo s • S illc T ro o s & P la n ts • F lo o r C o v o rln g s • IV Iln i B lin d s • W a ll C o v o rln g s Charlene I). Cmsiily tiiul Cliriiline I. Hege IDSAmiciales Mon.-Fri. 9-5 35(iO-C Clemmons Road, Clemmons 18 R e n n ix Griiilmn Ss Latulscaping Todd Rennix • Owner 333 McCullough Rd. Mocksvillc Phone: (336) 751-5178 Mobile: (336) 909-0273 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■I . / « ' i s . Trailer Sales UiLshhogs Scr.ijvs, Plows, Discs, FiiVLsh Niowcrs, SpaMcior?, Iiot.iry'Tilloi?>, Aerators. Rtx'k Uakes,otc., C.iles, Corrals, Ft44lers All l]/ju's o/lYtiHiTS ¿V /\m 'S5onVs 8555 VVitodlcaf Kd,, W u od tcjf, N CJ/,iV Л'1 f.i Тип»hit IVtoí.'i’iií’K./, kW r'i- I/I rni.V Hanes Adult Sw eat StiiPts Anchor Hocidng ivy Bow! 4' Clear Clan Bo~l Spice Classics Vouf Chs'i# ol S»cwn.ng» ond Sp'te 1>л112 bct^» p»» cu»‘5<nv B rass Gandoliep 7hCord&On/0({Sw,kh Ul Litted MOUfS Mon-Sat 9am 9 pm Sunday I pm - 5 pm B e n F r a n k lin Ills rsdklnvlll« Rd M e c lu v lli« . N C Ж7018 »6-751*5488 f l o r o l D e s i g n C u s t o m F r a m i n y L l v o P o l D o p t P a t D f lc C r a f t s A n d M o r o LIMITED TIIVIE OFFER Pinehurst fircfi^ ter Jimmy McCaskell instaib pipe. M ocksville fiie fig h le r Tony C ollins explains how the system works. ftimls «M’t let friends September Bargain of tiie Montii (Шпий _ Chase Grading lin g L.ind Ciennng ■ Driveways' Giiivol • Mulch • Fill Dirt • New Lawns 336-998-1053 Ж а Ш х й а г . --------H e lH s J u *^ ^ i« u n < > ^ n ie X o m e r. Cauilell Lumber anil Buililing Supplies 16? Shcek Strc(!t • 7Ы ?16/ J * ’« 4 9 ^ 2 5 4 MilM MMth of 140 oa Ml> Mock^^ V'.,: ..vi' Sign up for Cable TV today and we’ll give you $100! Here’s how it works: Vbu sign up to be a cable subscriber. W e give you FREE installation. You pay for the first month. W e send you a check for $1001 Some rtstrictions miy ippV^ $100 check will be mailed within 10 d^ys o((Able in serviceable areas only. Imtiiiatioo mun OCCU by Cctotv 31,2000. H<n • dilli? Aik ibotil our Incrwllbli Dlih Buy Back (Mtr. Call Today 336-751 -1313 BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS NOW IS THE TIME! THE COST OF CABLE SERVICE WITH BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS WILL NEVER BE THIS LOW AGAIN! THIS IS A LIM ITED-TIM E OFFER! If you have ever thought about Cable Service... WAIT NO LONGER! CALL OUR OFFICE AT: 336-751-1313 Our 24-IHour Customer Service Department is available to schedule a convenient time for yout Call Today for one of our CUSTOMIZED PLANS! NO Gimmicks!/^OHVf the N0 Catches! (best POSSiBLi N0 Hooks! V DEAL! ТМл o th r (»tor a Lífflí(stf>rAne/ No Long U rm C ontnctl C ttU in nttrictíon» »ppiyt O tiérltvéU d o n tyln tìfB a n ch m èrkC o i ■ vi , Let’s Get Ready For Winter Page 4 OAVIB COUNTY E H TERPBW ^ECO nO Regular H om e M aintenance A M ust For Successful Ownership : Your home can'i lake caro of it­ self. Your monthly budget should in­ clude money for routine maintenance and repair for Ihc house and yard. Plan to set money aside for the large, irregular expenses that occur normally os a house ages. Large cx- ■ penses includc intcrior and'exterior painting, repairs or replacement of heating and air conditioning units and appliances, floor coverings, and roof surfaces. Housing experts recommend set­ ting aside 1 lo 3 perccnt of the mar­ ket value of your house cach year to pay for maintenance and repair costs. While all o f these funds may not be needed if your home is new, the ac­ cumulated amounts will help you pay for large future expenses, such as re- roofíng or replacing a heating unit. Home maintenance helps provide a healthy, safe environment as ll pro­ tects your growing Investment. It is easier to prcvent ihe development of unsafe, unhealthy conditions and structural damage than to pay medi­ cal or repair bills or both. - W ho Is responsible for home maintenance? The home owner Is responsible for what is owned. (Chcck your owner agreement ifyou live in a condo or townhousc.) Why<shouId you do regular home molnlemuice? • To maintain the value of the property. • A well-maintained home usually sells morc readily and usually brings a higher price. • A well-maintained house is morc comfortable. • Regular care minimizes unex­ pected repair woTk and expense. - •Regularsmallrcpairskcepcosts from becoming larger. . l.rtSlcp.(|cr'_sagr<icaicniusually,r?-.. quires the owner to maintain the property to protect the lender’s Гшап- clal Interest. ; W hat ts involved In home main* tenance? Cleaning roof and gutters, cleaning or painting outside wall sur­ faces, cleaning floors and walls, vacuuming carpet, keeping sink and shower drains running freely, cic. W hal Is Involved In home re­ pair? Replacing broken glass In win­ dows or doors, replacing warped or worn shingles, repairing a crackcd or heaved sidewalk or driveway, reploc- ing worn out fauccts, repairing a bro­ ken stair rail, etc. How often should you do main­ tenance and repairs? Maintenance and repairs should be done as soon as the need appears. This sooncr-thc- better practicc helps prevent further damage and keeps repair costs down. At least once every 6 months, inspect your house and yard thoroughly to identify items needing work. Who should do the maintenance and repairs? The home owner who does his or her own maintenance and repairs saves money. Use the following sources to leam how lo do your own maintenance and repairs; • Manufacturer's use and care booklet and carc guides from repair and cleaning products used. • Extension leaflets on mainte­ nance and repairs. • Do-it-yourself^(DlY) publica­ tions onen available frcc in builder supply or hardware stores, • Home maintcnance/repair books and videos In the public libraries or stores. • An experienced neighbor or friend. Ifyou are not able to do the work, hire a qualincd, experienced repair person. Ask friends for personal rec­ ommendations. Chcck Ihe telephone book, newspapers, or special advcr- tisemenls to find a n^tuiablc repair person. Ask for writicn estimates, and do not pay in advancc for malntc- .Ofljicc.oc repair scrviccs.,. . Include a maintcnance/rcpalrcat- egory in your monthly budget. If you do not need the money in a particu­ lar month, put it in a savings account for the periodic, expensive repairs that w ill happen as a house ages. Inspect your house regulariy. Dc- velop a system where you inspect one area per month. Start at the founda­ tion of the house and work upward and Inward. The following list of ar­ eas to check may help. Foundations, Bnsements, Yards • Water lhat strikes the house or tirips"down from the roof should drain away from the foundation walls. The gutter and downspout sys­ tem should keep waicr from pooling around Ihe foundation where it can create a moisture problem. Be sure gutters and downspouts are kept open and In good repair. • Trim shrubs and bushes aw*ay from the foundation walls. Clearance space should be at least one foot. • Chcck masonry foundation walls for cracks or weakened, crumbling mortar. • Examine main support beams, support columns, and Поог joists for evidence of bowing or waфìng. • Chcck wood stnictural members, such as joists, beams, and columns, wilh a screwdriver or pocket knife to be sure wood is solid and free from decay. • Chcck the inside and outside of all foundation walls and piers for ter­ mite lubes and damage. You may choosc to have an inscct-conirol company to do this cach year. • Chcck lhat the crawl spacc va­ por barrier is In good condition and placed correctly. A vapor barrier Is usually a polyethylene material (6- mil) that covers 70 to 100 percent of the crawl spacc. depending on the severity of the moisture problem. • Examine the Inside of basement walls for dampness or water stains indicating seepage or a leak. • In most of North Carolina, wa­ ter lines and outside faucels need some freeze protcciion or winter drainage. In addition, garden hoses should be drained and stored for the winter. • Clean leaves and debris from around an outside heating/air condi­ tioning condenser and trim back shrubs lhat may block air movement around the house. • Yard carc power equipment should be drained of fuel in the lale fall or carly winter and serviced ac­ cording to manufacturer's instruc­ tions. • »Doorways, below grade window wells, and stomi drains should be cleaned of debris or leaves. • Driveways and walks should be checked for cracks, breaks, or ero­ sion thot may damage them. If as­ phalt surfaces need repairing, be cer­ tain you have the equipment and skill to do a lasting repair job. Otherwise, choosc a reputable controctor. Unrepaired cracks In concrete can lead to further damage. • Clean and repair garden equip­ ment after the last use nf the season. Remove dirt and rust, ihen store in dry arca. Winter Is a good time to file rough spots on hoes and shovels and to apply linseed oil to handles of gar­ den totils. Thoroughly rinse pesticide and herbicide sprayers lo prevent clogging, and rinse fertilizer spread­ ers to prcvent corrosion. • A septic lank needs periodic at­ tention. Learn how to check for sludge and scum accumulation in the tank, and have solids pumped out of the lank as needed. • Fences, gales, and reialning walls should be chocked for ease of operation, condition of structure, and materials. Make repairs as needed. Exterior Walls, Windows, Doors • Check bricks or blocks for crocked morlar or lotwe joims. • Check siding for loose or miss­ ing pieces, lifting or warping, or any sign of mildew. • Check painted surfaces for paini failurc (peeling, chipping, blislcring. chalking), water damage, or mildew. • Examine all ttiin for lightness of. fit, damage, or dccay. • Chcck the condition of caulking wherc two dlffereni materials meet, such as wherc wiK)d siding joins ihe foundation wall, at inside corncrs. and where window and door trim meets the siding. • Check Ihc windows for cracked or broken glass, loose putty around the glass panes, holes In screens, and evidence of moisture between pane and storm windows. • Chcck lhat windows and doors ' closepropcrly Examine all hanlw.ire on winiiows and doors, and lubricate Locally Owned S Operated moving parts. • Chcck weatherstripplng on win­ dows and doors for damage and light­ ness of ni. • Make slure thal all of your window nnd door locks work properly. Each Continued On Page 5 Are You Confused About Which Mattress To Buy?? COME TO THE ONLY FACTORY AND BUY DIRECT * Royal Sleeper -Our Best Seller * Tw in Full Q ueen K ing ‘255‘295‘375‘520 Set Set Sel Set SERVING YOU FOR 95 YEARS 1029 S. Main Street Salisbury 633-4072 Noun; Msn-Ftt 8am • Spin; Sd Ian • |]pm MENTION THIS AD., D a v ie T r a c t o r Starring S T IH L Leaf Blowers & Baggers ■11 Be Back! 1029 Salisbury Rd • Mocksville • 751-5969 „ <1; ■ ^ . I - a t Q О а Ь к е ш States! ir : . ' S to p in to d a y fo r c o m p e titiv e p r ic in g o n fe r tiliz e r , lim e , v a r io u s la w n s e e d s , g a r d e n s e e d s , p in e n e e d le s , s tr a w , m u lc h , p o w e r e q u ip m e n t , a n d m a n y o th e r p r o d u c ts fo r la w n a n d g a r d e n a s w e ll a s fa r m r e la te d m a te r ia ls . fipeciai P in e N e e d le s • 1 0 o r m o re $ 3 .7 5 4 0 # P e lle t L im e 1 0 o r m o re $ 2 .5 0 P a lle t q u a n titie s • $ 2 .2 5 • ( 7 0 p e r p a lle t) Don't Be Fooled B y B a r g a i n P r i c e d F e s c u e s ( K 3 1 ) VVt' o lliT iiiilv ckMn (u i'i'J Irt'i') I I'si IK'S .iiu i U londs. I iKlk .It till' SI’I'J l.lg .lll.ulloi.1 111 till' li.ij;. It w ill list pUJJIy .liu l IH>\llHls w i'i'd s fi'd piM' p iiiM id it .u n pri'slM lt. t iiKul I k'.in si'i'J \\ ill ^ i\ (' ri'sulls most d i'siivti >1 N e w P r o d u c t - M ilk y S p o re G ra n u le s A ll N a tu r a l G r u b C o n tr o l NEW ITEM We alM offer bulk fertilizer ft lime spreading services as well. Gall for pricing. Proudly serving area residents for over 45 years. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-Noon SOUTHERN STATES Oavie Farm Service Inc. 3 0 3 W ilk e s b o r o S t. • M o c k s v ille , N . G . 2 7 0 2 8 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 0 2 1 V I S I T U S O N T H E W E B ; w w w is s c o o p . c o m Let’s Get Ready For Winter Page 5 OAVIB eouNTr EHTERPRU^ECORD Regular Home Maintenance Checks Important Continued From Page 4 exterior door stiould liavc 0 one-tncti deadljoli lock for safely. Roof • Trim back tree branctics that scrapc against or cvcrliang tlic roof. Keep branctics away from chimney lo avoid fire hazard and allow proper draft for safe and efficient opcmiton. • Chcck for curled, damaged, loose, or missing shingles. • Chcck Ihc lower edge o f roof sheathing for water damage. • Examine all roof flashing and the flashing around chimneys,' vcrit stocks, edges, dormers, and skylights. • Make sure that the chimncy cover (cap) is In good condition, and that it is tall enough to prevent creo­ sote build-up. • Chcck vents and louvers for frcc dust. • If there arc wind turbines on the roof, check ball bearings. Clear gable vents of bird's nests and other ob­ structions. Check for damaged gutters. ■ % Make Your Home More Energy Efficient Any time can be ihc right lime to test your home's energy I.Q. Making a home more energy effi* clem can help you save money and contribute to a more reliable electric­ ity system for consumers. Here are a few lips on how lo make your home more, energy effi* cient. coynesy of the experts al Edison Electric Institute; • Make sure your house has ad* equate Insulation as well as caulking and weatherstripplng around doors and windows to stop or slow down leaks and drafts. Storm windows and doors can help too. • When buying or replacing appli­ ances look for the most efficient equipment you can afford, especially when it comcs to cooling, heating and watcr-hcating equipment. Energy ef- Hcicnt appliances tend to have lower air movement. Clean screens and re- downspouts, hangcre, and strainers, move bird nests, spidcrs. lrisccis, and If needed, clean out gutters and downspouts. Make sure they are free from leaks and rust. • Chcck the condition of paint on gutters. F ir s t U n it e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Ucv. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worsliip Opportunities: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study ^10:55 am - Traditional Worship Service 'A caring church with a place (or you." energy bills. • Have cooling and heating equip­ ment cleaned and scrviccd by a li* censed representative before the months when demand w ill be heavi­ est. Don't forget to clean and repair air filters and keep outside units clear and clean. •Take control of your energy use. A set-back or programmable thcnno- stat is a great place to start. Town & Country Hardware is your place for. S T I H I l P oin ter® C lothing & À Rocky® Boots & ^ Shoes N ow In Stock! • Gutter Guards • Paint • Stihl® Leaf Blowers & Chain Saws ^’W & ^S K U IP P E R . Great for leaves! Pius - Everything Else You Need For Fail Home improvement Town & Country Hardware ()4t; W ilk e s b o ro S tre e t. M o c k s v ille (336) 751-1414 L e t u s g u i d e y o u t o I y o u r n e w h o m e . II T i > e q u e s t f o r a n e w h o m e c a n b e a f r i g h t e n i n g a d v e n t u r e f o r t h o s e w h o h a v e n ’t g o t t h e i r s e a le g s . O u r s e a s o n e d s t a f f a t H o w a r d R e a l t y c a n c h a r t a c o u r s e t h r o u g h t h e s t o r m i e s t o f s e a s a n d d e l i v e r y o u s a f e ly t o t h e h o u s e o f y o u r d r e a m s . C a l l u s t o d a y a n d l e t t h e a d v e n t u r e b e g i n . HOWARD R E A LTY 330 s. Salisbury St. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) ' Mocksville, NC 2702B (336)751-3538 J ' > ■EVBLYN MARY , VICKI lEEi ■ IMIKE IEVEU.Y ' ' ■HAYNES HOWAKD STOVALL ' NOLAN ' HENDRIX RUSS- - ■ Let’s Get Ready For Winter Page 6 OAVII COUNTY GNTERPRIf^ECORD Fall is the time for BULK SPREADING on Lime & Fertilizer Spillman’s Fuel Service and Lime & Fertilizer Hwy. 801 • Cooleemee, NC <336) 284-2551 (800) 726-0724 I t ’s A F i r s t Randy Brawley and his crew harvest sod at River Bend Nursery & Sod Farm on N.C. 801 in ihe Fork Church community llie sod cut that day was laid the same day at a local fast food restaurant. Brawley has about 30 acres of fcscue sod rcady for sale. N.C. Cooperative Extension Agent Greg Hoover said It’s the first commercial sod harvest in Davie County. Miller Building & Remodeling <i Ply Gem Windows... and For the best in beauty, en ei^ efiiciency, maintenance frecdom.Jook to Ply Gem Windows, ofiering you the best in high performance without sacrificing style. Ask fo r the best. ' //Á : 336-998-2M0 PLYGEM PREMIUM WINDOWS Ply Gem Windows offer you more, •Hi R+P1us 5 - high performance glass. •More styles, colors and options •Lifetime transferable warranty •Optional Easy-Clean Glass forwindcws you'll clean half as ofter 30% OFF Entire Stock For A U m ited Tlmo Only (Except Pansioft & Mum s) Bett Selectiotíj OfPertnnialt & Herbs I hj The Triad M U M S 4 fo r ‘Ю "“ PANSIES 'lO/flat В1АНШ CREEK NURSERY 1 6 2 0 L e w ls v ille -C le n im o n s R d., C le m m o n s (B e tw e e n 1-40 & H w y . 421) 778-0303 m u lc h h a u H n g . c o m Owners— Dean & Palsy Carter w • AQED HARDWOOD • AQED DOUBLE GROUND HARDWOOD • ANIMAL BEDDING • MINI PINE NUGGETS • MILL W H MIX• POTTING MIX - COMPOST PINE STRAW «WHEAT STRAW• SHREDDED MIX • DESIGNER WOOD (Red, Black, Brown, Checolat«) Meulnn$&"uS1S" 0tfSC$$0 FALL HOURSMon.'Fri. 8:00 am*5:30 pm SAT. B;00 Bm-2:30pm (336) 712-0730 !i I i B LA C K S A m Co. S ilA ^ 6 К А Ш & b \N 0 3 C A F t/1 /1 а Т В Ш 5 S A N D f B R A V E L MUIjCH B A R K N U O a B T S SANDIIOCK ■MCK NUOaEfS 6 0 М 1 Ч Ю Т K I D С и в И Ю Й v m m P iB B L U PII9W N Í _ •Ы псе 192Г £.é'í MARK & CINDY SHOAF, OWNERS Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Saturday 8:00-3:00 745 W. Clemmonsvillc Rd. Winston-Salem 788-6411 (Fax) 785-3342 IfS h e P r e -Q u a lifip s F o r A M o r tq a q e A t ( ( B , C o u ld U p q ra d e T o A S iz e lZ D . You may tliiiih prc-iiii:ilil'\iiirt for ¡i niortfrific In iKitlitioii to .-I variety of I'hiaiicinrt option.s. tliiioUly ant! without any has.sic.s was, well, as .lust pru-i|unlify ovor the plume or in person imhelieMihle ¡is an elderly woman residhijj in a ¡md vim'll be prep:ired up-front with ¡ill the C C B shoe. But at Ccntnil Caroliiiti ¡nlbrm¡ltion you need to close the I lotm. Ii¡ml^, htippy eniliuiis ¡ire our speeiiilty. So If you thought own Whether you’re ¡i I'Irst-tinie buyer or w¡uu to inS your dre¡ull home up(^r¡lde to ¡1 liiriier home, we ejin pre-quitlify only e.\isted in some you tor ¡1 lo¡m, iiuielily ¡md free of ehiirjie.sort ot biziirre If you’re into oversized boots with tiny bed- fiiir>’ tale, stop by your ! rooms, that’s fine with us. But you should know that we e¡in ■ ¡liso help you purchase ¡I rciil house. With considerably more room to boot. ;Vnd you’ll find we offer fully competitive rates C e n t r a.i, C a r 0 I i n á B a n fc . W e ' I I h e Ip ..you f i n tl a w a y .® Ú Í Quick &'Easy Pn-Q iiallßcation • CoiiipctUlye Rates ' - Let’s Get Ready For Winter Page? OAVia C O U N TY EHTEnPW/^^ECORP ‘Special Effects’ P ain t Finishes B eco m in g M o re P op ular Imagine a wall ablaze with a bril­liant, golden mctoMIc nnlsli. Piclurc a mantel awash wilh a bronze palina. ir you've laken a "shine" lo Ihc lalesi dccoraling trends, you may know thal a desire Гог these mclattic '■ cfTects doesn't have lo t« "foiled" by' high prices and impossible-to- achieve oulcoraes. In fact, these unique elTecis can adom your house in Just a few easy steps. And nol jusi walls. Consider "brushing up" on architectural ac- ccnls nnd dccorative accessories such as lamp bases, picture frames and vases. MctalMc glazes can be used lo create a number of erfccts.Here's how lo create a brushed metal effect from McCloskey, maker of Spccial Effcels paints and gtozcs;• Before starling, mask wood­ work, floors, ceiling and comcrs.• Apply a base coat In a color of yoiir choosing. Follow label direc­tions to ensure Ihe besl results. Be­ gin by cutting In comcrs and edges with a high-quality nylon-brlslle bnish. Palm large areas wilh a hlgh- quatily short, 3/8" nap roller cover. Finish each area by rotting full length from ceiting to floor lo eliminate lap marks. Allow lo dry for a minimum of four hours, or overnight. L e a rn T o D o It Y o u rs elf If you'd rather pick up a hammer lhan pick up the phone when it comes to home improvement projects, there's another helpful gizmo you may want to add lo your toolbox: a computer mouse. The Do II Yourself network, a new cable network from the creators of Home & Garden Ttlevision, Is full of creative ideas, helpful hints, de< tailed instructions and how-to infor* mation^n gardening and landscap­ing, home repair and remodeling, decorating, design and crafls.lb enjoy the rewards of doing it yourself, consider these safety lips: • Hang Hme: Afler applying sol- venls or nnishes, rinse and hang rags outside to dry. Rags soaked with such chemicals may spontaneously com­ bust if piled logeihcr. ..A S )».K C IA L T H I K T I K T H A N \ S 4 V K R S A K V . K H l.K A S li ] \\ " F i r s i L l g l i i F l i g k " To commemonte the thirtieth innivcnanr of Bob Timbcilakc** phenomenal • cartel at a profestional artitt,The Bobiimbeflakc Gallefy lakes pleasure in announcing the release of one of hit most lignificani reproductions to date entitled rmt Light Flicht*. . . a beautifu Umltcape featuring the artiit'i ituJio near Lexington, NC. 'This bcautiiul rerrtxiuction is produced in oiTKt litho^phy and >vill be oitered,as a spccial time-limited release with orJen being accepted from September llth through Novtmber 11th, 2000. The image area of Tint Light Hight* is 17* x 28 V ' <vi 10096 ra^ paper stock measuring 32 V/ x 32 V/. The issue price of the reproduction is S2S0.00 plus tlO.OO shipping and handlins;. (North Carolina reiidentt will ne^ to add 696 state sales taxof tllOO).The edition size wiU be determined at the end of the reservation period. To reserve your personal reproduaion of this very special commemorative release, please contact: Shipping fct mivcit al Collette Art &Franiins / f t Collette Art & Framing 835 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksvillc, NC 336-751-2296 • Reapply tape, if necessory.• Using a premium-qualily nylon brush or a roller wilh 3/8” nap. ap­ ply an even coal of metallic glaze in gold, silver, copper or bronze. Ap­ ply glaze in a four- lo six*fool-squarc area, using natural breaks such us doors,' windows and comcrs os slop­ ping poinls. • While the glaze is slill wcl, lake a wallpaper smoothing brush and sweep il over the surface in large overlapping arcs. Glimpses of base color will show through, creating the glowing, lustrous look of brushed metals. Remove lapc and allow glaze to dry overnight. For a richer look. • More Power: Don't assume that an exiension cord is heavynluty sim­ ply hecausc it's bright orange or yel­ low. Chcck the cord's amperage.• Climbing lo the Top: Before climbing a ladder, read the safety sticker to determine the maximum weight load for the lop step.• Smart Shades: Protective eyewear, from gc^ggles to face shields. Is important for not only the do-it-yourselfer but also for bystand­ers and spectators. • No Horror Movies: Chainsaw blades can be hazardous even when they're not running. Get a blade guard and a carrying case lo trans­port your saw safely. For more do-it-yourself tips, projects and instructions, visit www.DIYnct.com. 0 6 a le W р и тетлстл т'14ГР Й 1 С |-» Й Т Л С Т Л Т ■149'’ H a n d -H e ld P o w e r B lo w e rs К Л0У>1^С\/11 I с 884 S. Main Street Mocksvllle, NC 27028 AUTOMOTIVE (336)751-2944 Y a rd & Garden Supplies 7060 Hwy. 601 North • Salisbury (Just Across Tho River From Davio County) W e have your yan) and ganien supplies. Come take a lock at what we have to offer. Bringyour truck or trailer and W6 will bo' glad to load you. Family owned and operated for 2 0 yeara ■ by Mona Spry Brown, Hcniy Brown and M.O.Spiy. . • M u lc h • B a r k • S a n d • S to n e • T o p S o il • n u i H r t • B r ic k C h ip s • F lo w e r B e d M ix • N e w P in e S a w d u s t andmorei. Bulk Delivery Available In Davie County or Haul Your Own. (704) 636-5949 Kansas Oty. MO B e a u t y Y o u r L a k e \ . I w i t ì i a ‘ " F í o í O in g F c n m t a in * Choicc of S pray Patterns * Light Sets Available . Sal98 Reprcsgntallvg R obert L. W allace Piedmont M ocksvllle, N.C. 27028 North Camlim (336)998-2715 Call Me For Free Information 1-866-AIR-O-LATOR QqI the QflS fidvantage! add a second coal afler the first has dried, using the same technique.This is just one of the palming projccls that arc possible with the new Special Effects line of glazes and painls from McCloskey. The glazes comc in iranslucenl, opal and ■ pearl colors,"mclallics; crackles and aging glazes. The manufacturer also offers a pair of textured paint collec­ tions called Suede Impressions and Sand Tones, a tintable line of latex base coals and a collection of pro- fessional-quality brushes, sponges and tools.• For more informalion. call 1-800- 345-4530. We Sell & Install • G A S LO G S • G A S W A T E R H EATERS • G A S P A C U N IT S (Air Conditioning & Heat All-In-One) . G A S FU R N A C ES - S iU m a U i - THERMAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. 180 Green Grass Rd„ l/ocksviilc, NC w (3361284-2881 G^PUA&NGif€A7N3 CONTRACTOR -Щ Gas A m a ta s e •ftOn the farm the estate... on the job site Boomer compact diesels are designed for hard work from the ground up.They provide letter maneuverability, versatility, and ease of service. ■ SuperSteer™ FWD axle reduces turnaround up to 50% ■ Innovative styling means great visibility and easy operation ■ Comfort-Plus™ deck delivers greateroperator comfort I Flip-up hood makes service simple See Boomer now!& №WHOLLAW SceTH-County For AIIYour Parts & Service On Ford/New Holland Equipment. S i f f 1 ]. T r i- C o u n t y T r a c t o r powerToot. / ' ^ a I m p le m e n t . I n c . rt, 340 Rabbit Hwy.. Harmony, NC (7 0 4 ) 546-5358 HELP! Don't feel disgusted when you get into a home repair project and find out that it's more than you can handle. It happens to all of us. Luckily, there are experts out there who do all types of work for a living. They're professionals, arid they do the job right. Many of these pros advertise in the Enterprise Record. Whether you need plumbing, electrical, roofing, trees trimmed, something pres­ sure washed or your yard cleaned, you just might find the person for the job here in the Enterprise Record. M viB eouNTV M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L Ä Mofi fn 8 <irn S pm S.it H.iit» 12 noon othtM tiiiH's by 2038 Hwy. 601 South Mocksville, NC (3361 7 5 1 -2 3 0 4 Ш ' - / DAILY, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY RATES • aUTgpu oTUlwk ' (Ouotor, Cote'Plii^, t)un|i Troilu, Straw Bkwu, etii.) • SexifloUing • Bobuits • Trtiusiim • 9ocUvau •Troetw • BnuKCIilf|Kts • Chain Sawt • Busk №9 • MoJillcl^iMttanekwMaitklM • 'RotaiyTUlcf • CemuaMixus • Co>|»tSttttel<«r • S'M onTM -M oU Digger ■ ____ • Ulet/Dti|1U»Sow • OUTj|»t o ftm o a iw ToeU OND MOHEI S E E U S F O R A U ^ y O U R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L № E D S II SU M M E R C LE A R A N C E i HUGE CLOSEOUT SAVINGS on outdoor seating collections by Henry Link including; ___Walden Pond, Soutlicm-Li] 5 Piece Southern Living group:Was $2,214 NOW $1,456. GET HERE QUICKLYl Supplies won’t last long at these priccs! Other indoor & outdoor seating and dining groups marked down an additional 1 0% plus many odd pieces at cost or below! Includes Henry Link, Braxton Culler, Lane Weathermaster & More! C h e c k O u r Pr ic e s B e f o r e Yo u B u y A n y w h e r e E l s e !1 БНефы; W icktr • КаЧая • W ooJFunilureA ctesioriu u!wu!.€tteHburgt.com 800-841-1420 (704) 873-2900 FREE DEUVERY WITHIN 45 MILE FWDIUS StamsyFamRd. Д О в ® -. ■'Statesville. ;8.JU-s,dO i .. Î C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 Davie People Mrs. Archie B. Sanders Jr. Johnson-Sanders Couple Married At Oak Grove Amanda L. Johnson and Archic B. (AJ) Sanders Jr. were married al 3 p.m. Sept. 9 at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. William E. Wood offici- aicd. The bride is the daugthcr of Jim and Bessie Johnson orAdvancc. She graduated from Davie High School.The groom is the son of Archie B. Sr. and Hattie Sanders of Mocks­ ville. He also graduated from Davic High School. The bride wore a formal gown of white Duchess satin. A pearl edged sweetheart neckline led to a fitted bodicc encrustcd with hand-beaded, embroidered lace. Short sleeves ac­ cented wilh lace werc trimmed in pearls. The back featured a V-cul design. A basque waistline c.xtended into a full bouffanl skirt of satin which swept into a cathedral length train. The skirl and train were dccoratd with Daltenburg lace adorned with pearls and sequins. The edge of the gown was trimmed with beaded scalloped lace. She wore a headband of beads and pearls with a blusher and fingcnip veil of illusion adorned wilh scaucrcd seed pearls. She earned a bouquet of magno­ lias and crepe mrytles. Kim Driver was maid of honor. Dcby Lakey was matron of honor. Bolh are from Mocksville. Brides­maids were Deanna Lowder of Ml. Gilliam, Lesley Garwood of Durham, and Sandy Cox. sister of the bride of Charlotte.Кассу Wilson and Karlcy Bcck served as flower girls. Chad Cox. nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. The groom’s father served as bcsl man. Groomsmen were Howard Sanders of Mocksville. Dean Lowder of Ml. Gilliam, ScoU Myers of Advancc and Greg Butcher of Mocksville.Ushers werc Andrew Sanders of Mocksvillc and Stephen Sanders of Welcome. The music was provided by Mary Ann Swisher. Vocalists werc Erin Carter and Jason Swisher.A wedding prayer was given by Chase Cox. nephew of the bride. The wedding was directed by Ann Cline. Program attendants were Su­ san Wilson and Crystal Myers. A reception was held at the church following Ihc wedding.The rehearsal dinner was caicrcd by Reni\y HoUon of Slaicsville. The couplc will reside in Mocks­ville after a trip lo Tennessee. Mocksville High Class of '47 members at the reunion Included, (rom left; row 1 - Lynda Dunn Gilley, Elva Grace Carter Elam, Ethel Lou McClamrock Myers, Dorothy McAllister Williams, Elnora Bowles Luper, Frances Atkinson Beck, Geneva Naylor Renegar, Frances Tutterow Livengood; row 2 - Louise Armsworthy Wilson, Christeen Barneycastle Wyatt, Opa Lashmit Masten, Billy Green Hendrix, Billie Griffith Yountz, Ramona Hoots Hill, Gladys Whitaker Griffith, Estelle Allen Smith, Floy Tutterow Gobble; back - Ralph Bowden, Nancy Ann Ijames Myers, Jack Pennington, Carl Green, John Hartman, Lonnie Ray Whitaker, Clarence Elam, Charles Smith, Fred Long, Janie Naylor Cozart, Ben Powell, Martha Mason Brown and Madeline Sparks, teacher. Mocksville High Class Of ‘47 Has Reunion Members of the Mocksvillc High School Class of 1947 held ihcir 53rd class reunion at Smith Grove Ruritan Club on Salurday. Sept. 9 stoning al A p.m.Class President Jack Pennington was master of ccremonies. Ben Powell gave the in vocation, after which 28 class members, iwo fonner class members and three teochcrs had .dinner preparcti by Ihe Rurilans. The planning commillec was composed of Manha Mason Brown (chair). Janie Naylor Cozan and Nancy Ann Ijames Myers. Opa Lashmit Masten was in charge of decorations and memori­als. She read the names of the 11 deceased members, after which a moment of silence was observed.Martha Mason Brown entertained wiih a skit aboul “keeping in touch." She took classmates visiting with each olher and excursions were hi-' larious.Members were also treated lo some commenis and tales from teachers and other classmates. Martha Mason Brown also led a re­view of past reunions. Classmates voted to hold ihe enxi reunion in 2001 with the same plan­ ning commillec. They then posed for a photograph taken by Ralph Bowden. The meeting was adjourned by holding hands which Jim Wilson led in singing “Blessed Be The Tie Thai Binds.**Those attending were 28 class members, spimses, two former mem­bers wilh spouses, three leuchers and spouses Teachers werc Helen Crenshaw-. Leo Williams and wife Ann. Madeline Sparks and husband John. Class members: Martha mason Brown and husband Conrad. Charies Smith and wife Ima-Jcan, Lyitda-* Dunn Gilley and husband Sam. Billie Griffith Yountz. John Hanman and wife Belly Jo. Estelle Allen Smith, Ralph Bowden and wifeTirzah. Jack Pennington ond wifeLcttie. Dorothy McAIHsicr Williams, Christine Barneycastle Wyall and husband Virgil, Nancy Ann Ijames Myers and husband H.C., Janie Naylor Cozart and husband Leo, Billy Green Hendrix and wife Lear. EWa Grace carter Elam. Clarence Elam. Louise Armsworthy Wilson and husband Jim, Carl Green and wife Dora, Fred Long and wife Glenda, Ramona Hoots Hill, Geneva Naylor Renegar and husband Carlic. Gladys Whilakcr GrilTrth, Ben' Powell ond ‘ wife Marie. Ethel Lou McClamrock and husband Hayden, Floy Tlillerow Gobble and husband Clarence, Lonnie Ray NVhilaker and wife Lena, Opa Lashmit Masten and husband Lorry, Elnora Bowles Luper and son Stephen, Frances Tutterow Livingood and granddaughter, Lorie. Program Oct 5 For Breast Cancer Awareness Month Every woman is at risk for breast cancer. According to Dr. John Fans. “Early detcclion of breast canccr means a better chance for successful ircatmcnt.*'On Thursday, Ocl. 5 a Davie Counly “Breast Cancer Awareness'' program wilt be held in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The program will be held al the Davie Counly Public Library on Main Street in Mocksvillc from 6:30- 9 p.m.One in eight American women will develop breast cancer during her _ l i T f hnt hggn gstinntp/t ihnt np. proximately 1,325 Nonh Carolina families will experience the loss of a woman they love because of breast canccr Ihis year. Mammography is the best known method of early detection for breast canccr. Monthly breast sclf-examina- tion and regular clinical breast exami­ nations by a health care professional are also important. The recommcndcd screening guidelines are: beginning by age 40; every I to 2 years between the ages of 40 lo 49; every year for ages 50 and over.Dr. John C. Faris. Clinical Assis­ tant Professor of Radiology al Bow­man Gray School of Medicine, will explain the benefits of mammogra­ phy as an early method for detection of breast cancer on Oct. 5. Dr. Faris completed his residency at N.C. Bap­tist Hospital and is certified with the American Board of Radiology. Approximately 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women 50 years and older. Detection of breast cancer al an early stage provides a greater chancc of cure and morc ircat- ment options. It has been shown that the cure for brcasl cancer can be as high as ninety percent in women who have a tumor that is smaller lhan half an inch in diameter. If detected carly, ~^ggsi~cimccf cun oiten be ifgaicd cf- feclively with surgery that preserves Ihc brcasl. followed by radiation Iherapy. This local iherapy is some­times accompanied by systemic chc- molhcrapy and/or honnonal iherapy. Five year survival aficr ircatmcnt for early stage brcasl canccr Is over ninety-seven percent.Researchers arc uncertain as lo the cause of breast cancer, bul they do know some factors lhat may increase a'women’s risk for the disease. These include: a family history of breast cancer, age, started menstruating be­ fore 11 years of age, never giving birth, started menopause late in life, obesity, and race. . DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNUAL BOOK SALE Saturday, September 30, from 9amw|pm Sunday, October 1, from 2pm-5pm In the Multi-Purpose Room at the Library 371 N. Main Street, Mocksville Pi»jitei!lH IOC HmMwcla28« Sptdilin— 50C Im agine if everyone put th e things you need all to g e th e r th e w a y Sprint does. Sprint Solutions^ ■ Gat your local plione service, our best calling (eatures — including Call Waiting and' V ;i'r :iCalierlD — andlOOminulesofanytimelongdistaiicB.AIIforoneflatprice. ' , Just $33.95 a month. , CaU 1-877-ONE S0LUT10N(663-7.65B)or go to aprint.com/tocal DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - C9 Caudle Reunion Hosted 70 Descendants The descendants of William Caudle (1795-1874) met Solurday,. Scpl. 9. for a rcunion ol Mt. Nebo Church Of Christ.About 70 Caudle descendants were present. Tlie oldest was Rozcllu Caudle, 87, dcsccnding from Henderson Caudle (1844-1924) the . son.orWilIlam...Tljc youngest .was . Lincoln Scott Rcavis. 31/2 months, descending from Jackson Cuudlc (1826*1927) the son of William. The descendant who camc the furthest WO.S Diana Davis Cook and her husband Charles С(юк of Ban­ ning. Culif. Diana is a descendant of Nancy Jane Caudle, the daughter of William. William Coudle married firsl Grade Broadway, ТЪ ihis mumage seven children werc born: Richard. Thomas Franklin, William, Evelyn, DIca, James, and George Annual. Gracic died and William married Nancy Brown. To this marriage 10 children werc born: Jackson. Lewis, Jacob. Plca.sant. Ellis, Amos, Nant'y, Mary Polly, Emma, and Henderson. The child of William wilh ihe mosl dcscedanis present at Ihc re­union was Jackson. Descendants fmm eighl states (CA.TX. MO. GA. VA. TN, NC. SC.) who rcprescnl seven of’WilHam and Nancy Brown Caudle’s childna» werc present. Also prcscnl was a descendant of James Caudle the brother William. Everyone shared family informa­ lion and fellowship. William Caudle was a vetcron of the War 1812. He was a private in the 5th Regiment, Atkinson's N.C. Militia. He is buried ol Cenler United Melhodist Church in Davic Counly. For the past 126 years, he has had no headstone.On Sunday Sept. 10, William’s 16 X 40 while marble headstone was installed on Friday Sept. 8. The ceremony opened with VFW rc-enactors John and Lony Gardner in dress uniform.Larry Gardner played the National Anlhcnj on the bugle. Eugene Caudle ihen |wcscnted a tribute and prayer lo William. TItc descendants were.wclcomcd by ihe - eeremony-cndcd with. the. Vugler congregation of Center Methodist, playing laps.Following church service William’s The descendants, of William descendants honored him with a war Caudle recognize his dcdica’.iun lo memorial ceremony al his grave. A his country and family. Descendants of William Caudle pose for a photograph at his memorial ceremony. The youngest a! the reunion was Lincoln Scott Reavls, held by his great-grandmother, Evelyn Moxley. The oldest was Rozella Caudle. Larry Gardner plays taps at the grave site of William Caudle for the family re­ union. A(dvance News By Kdllh Zimmerman AdyimavCorrespiindenl. CaRiin Spr>’ of Anclwnige, Ala.sku is spcnding.some lime wiili his iiK>thcr. Allwnc Spry. Maybclle Om;ll was admilicil lo K>fsyih Mcdical Ccnlcr on Friiby for obscnation and trcannent of a stom­ach ulccr. She was able lo return home for recuperation on Momlay. Sept. 25. Brcnd;i Zimnwmian of Glen Cove. Umg Island. N.Y.. and friend Maxine Glcnn of Bayvilio, N.Y.. spent FriiLiy thnnjgh Sunday wilh Brenda's iiH)tl)er. lutith Zinmwmun. New Arrivals SMITHHaylcigh Kaihryn imide her early arrival on Aug. 25,2(XX). She weighcil 2 lbs. 11 oz. and was 14-1/2 inches long. I Icr bnithcr and parents are Aus­tin and Erik and Kalhy Smiih of Mclwne.Haleigh*s grandparenls arc Shelia Thompson of Buriinglon and David Thompson of Germany. Paternal grandparents arc Don and Mary SmithofMocksviile. Great-grandparents are Wilbur and Inna Smith of Genmnton and the late Louise Campbell. Biibby Cluii-s hiLS undergone sur- 'gcry un his nock. He is at home'and doing well. Sympiithy is expressed lo Pal Jones in the dealh of her motlicr, Matvl Minor.Tlie Rev. Marion Fulk’ and wife. Lucy, of Kannapolis were Sunday af­ternoon visitors of Frank and Margie Markland.Meredith I lendrix. student at UNC- Charlotie, spent the weekend wilh her nK)tlKT. Janie Hendrix. Meredilh was a Friday night supper guest of her grandmother. Pauline Hendrix inFiHk.I. Ediih ¿mimcmian, would like to express lhanks and appreciation to Ihe 25 visitors wlu) have visited me\lurlng my surgery recupcraiion. and for ihe dozens of gel-well canis In (he past three weeks, ami for all the gtxxl ftxHi and fiowers. Jonath;m and Kiven Nhuiin are the pn)ud parents of a baby daughier. Kerigan I'aith M;inin. bom on Sept. 11. Kerigan Faith has a big bnnhcr. Tanner Martin. A rosebud was placed on Ihe Methixlist chureh altar last Sun­ day In honor of the new kiby. Nell l\x)le is home fmm Forsyth Meilical Center and is recuperating satisfactorily. R.C. Athey has relurnetl home afier undergoing back surgery-last week-. - • Get well wishes go out lo him. Kaz.ie Smiley has relumed home afier 29 days of hospilali/ation and rehab at Forsyih Medical Cenler. Congratulations to Mrs. Gladys Jones wIh) cclebraied her 95ih binh­ day Sept. 26.Tlie all;u- fiowers at llw Mclhtxlist chureh Sunday were in honor of Nell IHxile’s binhday which falls on Sepl. 28. Tlie fiowers were given by Paul and Sue Folmar. Salem Home Builders. Inc. Haticli, Two Slnrv ■ fimll M.Mii' th'm • Coiistructcd In climalc-controllcd environment • ICfTlclent liuildlni' proccss & mnterlal • In-plunt laspectlons • Consistent quality • Quickcr completion than site-built „ om • Customized floor plans from 900 sq. n. to over 4000 sq. II. • Coastructcd to meet or exceed stale local building codes • Financed, appraised & insured jusl like site built homes • Morc house for your money ■ Complete Turn Key jobs Offering a variety of Tinance programs including expanded rates & bruised credit loans. C o m e V i s i t O u r M o d e l & S e e t h e D i f f e r e n c e i n a S a l e m H o m e B u i l d e r s M o d u l a r From MO Bypasa (Now 40) 4 1/2 mil«« South on Hwy. ISO (P«t«r'« Creek PHwy.) Comer of Frl«db«nt___ Church Rd. ak Hwy. 150 511 Friedberg Church Rd. Winston-Salem Regular Business Hours: M o n .-F rl. 1 0:00-6:00; S a l. 10:00-3:00 336-785-7711 Cepyiietn С SpdM Ш M f>«hu titmtd. Not niiiblt ki a itiit IntUn domtlje len« dttUiKt oaV- C«i i i' HI, I'm Joseph Karl Osborne, liul you can cull me Joey. I lurned 2 years old on August 19lh, and I had Tunll My daddy and mommy (Karl & Joanne) gave roe a fun party ul my Mom-A-Rle's (Marie Jones) house, and my big sissy (Amanda), aunt & uncle, (Lela & John Butero), nnd cousins, (Johnny and Paula Butero) were all there. I had a Winnie the Pooh cake, and got so many wonderful pre­ sents. Thank you everybody!! I also want lo thank ray heigh* hors - the Bass family - and my church family at Calvary Baptist Church for all the cards, gifts & phone calls. Since I’m the youngest ul ray church I’ve been Ihe church baby since I was bom & it’s fun ‘cause everybody loves & spoils me Ihere too! Can’l-wait to be 3... Parlies & prescnb are funll il X l- R - r o r w r • SE R IE S 120 S. Swiford Rd. WmlonSalcm (330) 721.1708 ,SW Frl. 100; & L lOJ P i e d m o n t R a d i o l o g i c a l A s s o c i a t e s a n d R o w a n R e g i o n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r W e l c o m e D r . L e o n e l V a s q u e z • Washington andjeiieivin College - Uaclielors degree in chemistry and mathematics • West Virginia UnivcRity School of Medicine • Medical College of Wisconsin - general surgeiy internship • Allegheny General Hospital - diagnostic radiology residency • Northwestern University/Lynn Sage Breast . i . Center-breasi imaging fellowship • Board certified in diagnostic radiology Piedmont Radiological Associates •101 Mocksville Avenue, Suite 100 Salisbury, NC 28144 . (704)633-1023 Rowan RegionalMedical CenterYour Source For Total Healthcare. www.rowan.org ii 1 , . j SELL IT FAST the drat 1 0 words are ÎS'OO •each additional wotd It 10«. YaidSaliadtfflUilba paid In advance. o M S i F i m i IN THE The Davie County Enterprise-Record сю - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,200Q The Dosses At Calvary Calvary Baptist Church on Davie Academy Road, Mocl<s- ville, will host a gospel singing with The Dosses (rom Den­ ton on Sunday night, Oct. 1 at 7. there will be no charge but a love offering will be taken. For more information, contact Pastor Edward Mitchum at 546-7345 or 492-7286. Center Methodist To Celebrate ¡Homecoming Under The Arbor Center Uniied Meihodist Church. HM7 U.S. 64 West, will cclcbratc ht)mea)ming on Oct. I, under ihe his­ toric Ccnter Arbor and will begin wilh u niemorfal scrvicc at 10:45 a.m. The Rev, George Auman will be the guest speaker. Auman ser\ed as pastor of the Davie Charge from 1958- 1961. He is retired from the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Meihodist Church and he and hiswifc,Nuncy.n»ideatLakeNcMman. The names of Inductees for this year's Hall ofFamc will be disclosed during Ihe Heritage Day segment of the scr­vicc. The church choir will provide special music. Come join In celebrating Center’s Itomecomingund hringa covcrcd dish for lunch on the grounds following the service. All arc encouraged (o vlsii ihe chua'h ccmetery and look over ihe major cnhant;cmenls which have been made ihls year. Old copings have been removed; leaningorfallcn tombstones siralghlened; and ihe entire cemcicry plotted. Cleaning of lombstones will be done ne.xl spring. Anyone desiring lo make a donation to ihe ccmetery fund may send il to Linda Owings at 728 Wilkesboro Sl.. Mocksville. Om yax »go. Scptembir aqih, aooo, k&t our lo\'^ on« Jinie Kftley i'ofjer, bul.no nutter how long it's been, vit still lo^e }ou and }'ou Mill iIm)s remain in our hearts.•Tom, L)Tine. Gjt)'& LvTin, Amy Ic Shane Don’i priav for me, for noiy fnj fw, /’m /ol/ouinj t/ie pfllA God /ÍÍ for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call, / funjtti mi; fcocl: and /eji i( a//. / couW noi s(ay onot/icr (/ay, (o íoug/i (o /oiv, fo uvrj; or play. Tasks left undone must slay that uvy, Fi« found that pcace at the close of the day. If void, then fill it uilh rememi s/iored, a laugh, a loss, d/i, yes, these ihings I too miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you f/ie suns/line of fomorrou’. .Vy /i/es fccen/iid, Í Mixjr«/ miic/t, ffooc/^'cnds, good times, a h'cd one's loud Pcr/iapj my time seemed oil fo 6ric/ don’l Ifngl/icn if noiü U'íí/i undue grief Lift up you /icort ond s/iflrf u'i//i me. Cod u<flnfed me nou», i/e sei me fm. ‘FoundinJanie'sBible /.//myporííng/iQs/ejía mbered joy. A ^Vndsfi^ yes,(/iese(/imas/ioouiï/ A FFO R D A B LE CARE i n a r e s id e n t ia l s e t t in g П А У Ш P L A C ip .L J ^ RESIDENTIAL CARE J L A R e fre sh in g A lte rn a tiv e fo r O ld e r A d u lts -.............Id illi in I!) is s a E xpeci Ы b u l Call 336-751-2175, For More Infonnation ¿Next to Davie County Hospital • 337 Hospital Street • Mocksville _ A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Baptlet Churcti, No Creek Church Road, Mocksville. Second & fourth Sun­ days, 10:30 a.m. Fourth SatunJay worship and conference, 1:30 p.m. Paslor, Eider Eugene Bennett. Eagle Heights Church, 10:00a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertime, 7 p.m. Tliursday Bible sludy. Casuiil dress, conlemporaiy. muslcandworship.5103U.S. 158, Hillsdale, in former Village Candle factory. Mocksvillo Wesleyan Church: Hospilal Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m, Wednesday PrayerMeeling,7pm. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Mettiodlst Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N.. Wor­ ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10:45. Paslor, Rev. Lulher Crady Jr. Centerllnlted MethodlstChurch: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Paslor Bill Wombaugh. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carta Prevette, 492-5735 & Tammy Barron, 284-4769. Elbavllle United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Kids For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youlh lor Christ (ages 10-12), 1st&3rd Sun., 3-1:30 p.m. Teens lor ChnsI meet every Sun. at Fulton UMC, 5-6:30 p.m. Young Adull Bibla Sludy, Wed., 7 p.m. Disciple I Bible Sludy, Thurs., 7 p.m. Localed In Advance. Pastor Rev. Jack Wallace. Cooleemee Church ot God: Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Sennce, 10:45 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed. FamilyTrain- ing Hour, 7 p.m. For inlo about transportation, call Brother Daie Breidinger al 284.2180. Cornatzer United Methodist Church: Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11 a.m^ Rev. Harold Zimmerman, pastor, Bettiel United MethodlstChurch: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Dr. S.B. Warner, paslor. Advance United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youlh, 5 p.m. Rev. David Childers. Located in downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-3769. Rev. Dianne Marsden. Oak Grovo United Methodist Church;1994U.S.158,Mocksville. ’ Sunday School,9:45a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Concord United Methodist Church, Cheny Hill Rd., Mocksvilie. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Rev. Phillip Parks. Hardison United Methodist Church;.Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sun- -- day School, 10:45 a.m. Wondertul Wednesdays Children's program, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev, Dennis B, Marshall. Episcopai Church ol the Good Shepherd, Ctiurch St., Cooleemee, Worship; 9:30 a.m. Children's Sun­ day School: 10:45 a.m. Community Baptist Church; Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Sunday Wor- . ship, 11 a.m. Evening service, 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hiiisdais United Methodist Church: Sunday Se№k:es, 10:30 a.m. Church for next generation: Jr.High,Wed.,5:30-6;30p.m. Se­ nior High, Wed., 7-8 p.m. Supper/ Music, 6:30-7 p.m. Small group, Mon., Wed., Thurs., S SaL Basket­ ball, Tues., Smith Grove Gym, 8- 9:30 p.m. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church; Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Dianne Marsden. Pino Rd. Ei-Shaddai Powor of Praise Min­ istry, t^orthwood Apartmenis 704, Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m. Sunday evening: 5. Tues­ day Prayer & Bible Sludy. 7:30-9 p jn. Friday Servtee; 7:30 p.m. Pas­ tor Valerie Mayfield Poag. 704-636- 0409. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church; Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rev. JoelBoyles,.............................. . Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Paston Rev. Glynn Bell. 751-7256. Web Address; http:// www.mindspring.com/'tiolycross/ Mocksvilie First Presbyterian Church, Z61 S. Main SL Worship; 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sundayevening;Chonslers(grades 1-5) & Youth (grados 6-12), 5;30 p.m. Paslon Neal Carter. (336) 751 ■ 2507.' Mocks United Methodist Church, N.C. 801 S., Advance. Rev. Bruce Gwyn. Sunday worship; 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Grove Methodist Church: Prayer meeting, Saturday morn­ ings, 9 a.m. Hillsdale Baptist Church; Sun­ day Worship, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Bible Sludy, 9:45 a.m, Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children & youlh acMUes & prayer meeling, 6:30 p.m. Paslor R.T, Alderman, 910-940-6618. Faith ond Victory Family Wor­ ship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Seivtees, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers P.P. Church, Sun­ day School, 10 a.m. Worship Ser­ vice, 11 a.m. Wednesday night Bible sludy, 5 p.m. Paslor Eliza­ beth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. Women's Aux. & Brother­ hood Bible Sludy, 1 sl & 3rd Thurs­ day. Liberty United Methodist Church.U.S.601 S.Worshlp:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Early Sunday Wor­ ship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise sing­ ing, casual dress, contemporary format. Traditional servfce, 10:55 a.m.305N.MainSL33e-751-2503. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7 p.m. Paslon Jerry L Couch, 998-3748. Cana Rd.-Potter’s Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church; Sun­ day School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11 a.m.; Night Servtae, 8 p.m. Pas­ tor; Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodist Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45a.m.; SundaySchool, 10a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 336-998-5083. Fax; 940- 5502. E-Mail: bethumcOaol.com. Episcopal Church ol the Ascen­ sion, Fortt-Blxby Rd., Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Rev. ..EdwinXBaiiey.284-4500........... Dial A Story Ministry lor chil­ dren. Bill and Peggy Long of Ad­ vance. 998-7716. Services at the Oaks, Apt. 7A, Milling Road, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Bishop TR. Rice. Clement Grove Church ol God, Wednesday prayer sendee, 7 p.m. Saturday moming Sabbath School, 10 a.m. Green Meadows Baptist Churcti Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wor­ ship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pas­ tor Rev. Michael Waters., 998- 3022. Liberty Wesleyan Church, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Hanrony, Sunday School 10 a.m., Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m., Sr, Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. Cali 492-2963. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fort(-BlxbyRd.,nearComatzerRd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Pastor; Rev. Carol Anne Jack­ son, 998-6813. DuIIn United Meth. Church, 697 Dulin Rd., Mocksville, 998-6171, Pastor: Bob McLawhorn, Sun School 10:45 a.m„ Worship 9:45 a.m. Preschool/Parents' Moming Out, Bethlehem Uniled Methodist Chuich. Age 2, Tues, & Thurs., 9 a.m, -noon. Ages3-4, Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9 a,m. - noon. Readiness, Mon. -Thurs., 9 a.m. - noon. Call 998-6820 for Info. Cooleemee United Methodist, Kids Kamp every Sun. 5-6:30. For Intocall951-0411. in Home Bible Studies, olfered by Randy Howell. Leam Ihetnjihabout the rapture, olher subjects avail. Call 284-4667. Bear Creek Bapt., Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 10a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m.. Team KWs Wed. 6:30 p.m„ Cedi Welhertioll - Interim Paslor. Cooleemee First BapL, 204 Mar­ ginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 10 a.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Wor­ ship 7 p.m„ Team Kids 6 p.m. grades 1-6, Wed. night 7 p.m. In­ terim Paslor Dr. Wayne Sleriing. Mocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine SL Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School, 9:30 a.m. Rev. Roxana MebaneAlwood.751-1410 St. Francis ol AsslssI, RC. Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thurs­ day, Friday, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, .. 8 a.m.r10:30 am. Spanish Mass, 12:30 pm. Bible Study, Sunday 6 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2873. Fannington BaptlstChurch, 1835 Farmington Road. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Worship 11a.m. Sunday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Rev. Joseph b. Tomberiin ill. 998-3826 or e-mail: paslorjoalOyahoo.com. Have Your Church Included To havo your church included In this listing, or lo make changes, call 751-2120 or email us at; emewsOdavie-enlerptise.com. S u p p o r t T h e s e L o c a l B u s in e s s e s W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLER A-SONSТшШШТшшГ 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 2 5 5 1 S H E F F IE LD L U M B E R & P A L L E T CO . А Р Ш Х С О М Ш П 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 P U T T H IS S PAC E TO W O R K FO R YO U C A L L 7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 FO R D E T A ILS Evelyn Haynes R«:7S1-]I31 0HICK(3U) 751-MU D A V IE L U M B E R & LO G G IN G 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksvilie, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 CRAIG GARTER BUILDER, INC. lie Hwy. 601 s. s u it ti Advanc«, NC 27006 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -2 3 4 1iaiUir of Quiitj Cum Hamrt fxcstriO inn Chi|A.Cmlfato'^tittiaCCmVKtPia J . P . G R E E N jy U L U N IL C O .^ J N C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON Í0ME-I A Tradition of Саппц.... 325 North Main Strccl Mocksvillc. N C 27028 F O S T E R -R A U C H J IR U IL C O M P A N X 495 Valley Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 J C E ROREH HARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC 27008 336-998-1987 C A U D E LL L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 G E N TLE M A C H IN E & TO O L IN C . 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road , Mockivilie, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 I B " Uodmli.N(rtiCvs(ni ' POBniratnidilMUornirM lfjwMtWudt>l|[th(M]mevthtQ FULLERK«llSllsiir Precision Laser Cutting and \ . MeUi Fabrication855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville. NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 HAYWOR.TH.MILLER. FUNER.AL H o m e, In c . KINDER.TON CHAPEL NOW OPENloctiedoa Hwy IS8 beiwecD CUmoooi & Advance 336.9<0-5555 888-940-BSll A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o k e I O b i t u a r i e s DAVIE COUNtY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - СП Ben C. Ellis Mr. Ben C. Ellls,8l,ori631Yad- kin Valley Road. Advancc. died Fri­day, Sept. 22, 2000, at ihc Kate B. Reynolds Hospicc Home. He was bom on Feb. 24,1919, In Davic Couniy lo William Albert and Nancy McDridc Ollis. He was a U^. Army veteran of World War 1!, a dairy farmer, and a member of Mace­ donia Moravian Church. He was preceded in dealh by his wife, Ella M. Ellis; a son, Flclchcr Eugene Ellis; and 3 sisters. Louise Bcnneti, Ruth Shock and Calherinc Ellis. He is survived by: a daughter, Cindy Michael; 2 granddaughters; former son-ln*law, Jim MIchacI of Mocksvillc; 3 sislcrs, 0011)- Fry of Advance, and Nancy Dinkins and Palsy Sheets, both of Yadklnville; 6 brothers, Gilmer Ellis of Farmington. Luther and Ausbon Ellis, both of Advancc, W.A, "Al" Ellis, Gene Ellis and F.R. "Shorly" Ellis, all of Mocks­villc; and a spccial companion, Betty Bcachamp Polls. Funeral scrviccs were al 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23 ai Macedonia Moravian Church by ihe Revs. Greg Llltle and John Kapp. Burial fol­lowed in Ihc church graveyard. Memorials: Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Hoinc,«<10l Hospicc Lane, Winston-Salcm. 27103. Adam Ellgah Summers Mr. Adam Ellgah Summers. 82. of Cross Sireei, Coolcemee, died Sunday moming Scpl. 24, 20(X) al Rowan Regional Medical Ccnter fol­ lowing a period of declining health. He was bom July II. 1918 in Davie County lo the late Cappic Os­ car and Lundie Lowdcr Summers. He was educated In Davic County •schools and was a retired carpenter. He was a veteran of ihc U.S. Army serving during World War II and was a member of Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee.In addition 10 his parents he was preceded in death by his first wife, Pauline Gailher Summers, in 1977 nnd by a slcp-granddaughier« Kim­berly Smith Tillolson. Surviving: his wife Ha/el Sheek Call Summers of the home; adaugh- ter, Patricia McBride and husband Terry; a grandson; 2 stepsons, Randy Call and wife Judy. Tommy Call and wife Annie Lee. all of Mocksvillc; 3 stepdaughters. Yvonne Norris anil husbandDeanofYadklnvllle. Carol Smith and husband Rodney of Thomasville. Phyllis Smith and hus­ band. Norman, of Mocksville; a sis­ ter, Ola Poplin of Mocksville; and a number of siep-grandchildrcn and step-grcal-grandchildrcn.The funeral was conducted Tues­ day, Sept. 26 at Victory Baptist Church by the Revs. Shelby Harbour and Rodney Smith.A graveside servicc was con­ duct«! al 2 p.m. Wednesday, Scpl. 27, al Legion Memorial Park In Cooleemee.Memorials: Victory Baptist Chun:h Building Fund, P.O. Box 686, Coolcemee, 27014. Ruth S. McDaniel Mrs. Rulh Swiccgood (Dcanic) McDanlci, 68, of Woodleaf, died Thursday, Sepl. 21, 2000, at Rowan Reslonai Medical Ccnicr after a pc- riod of declining health. Mabel Myers MinorRoy Starr James Roy Slarr. 84, o f Lexlng- Mrs. Mabel Myers M inor, 96, o f . londied Tliursday,S epl.2i,2000 « 228N .C .801S.in Advancc died Sal- SunbndgeNurslngHomeaflcrabricf „^day, Scpl. 23,2000, al Ihe Kale D. Reynolds Hospicc Home. Mr. McDanlei was bom Ocl. 6, 1931, in DavicCoanlytolhcialc Kelly A. and Siclla Williams Swiccgood. ‘ Mrs. McDaniel was preceded in dealh by a broihcr, Wyalt Swicegood. Mrs. McDaniel was a member of Ncedmore Bapllst Chureh, and was also a pan of ihc Womens Mission Union and the Rulh Bible Class, edu­cated In Iredell Coumy Schools, re­ tired from Rowan Memorial Hospilal, and was a homemaker.' She Is survived by; her husband of 49yeai5,(Mack)WilbumJ,McDanicl; a son, Roger McDanlci and wife Mary of Woodleaf; 2daughlcrs, Kalhy Rcep and husband Michael of Wo^lcaf, andCatoiynAreyaad husband Tim of Salisbury; 4 brothers, Paul Swicegood ofChinaGrove, UiweranccSwIccguud ofSlatesvilie,ReidSwicegoodofaiar- lolie, and Bill Swicegood of Banner Elk; and 4 grandchildren.Funeral scrviccs were held Sunday, ^L24,al2p.m.atNecdmoreBaptist ChurchwllhlheRevs.JoeNewtonand Howanl Wagoner ofnciating. Burial follow^ in Dm church cemelay. ‘ : Menwiials: National Hemophilia Foundation, Chapel HilL,> ■■■ V > illness. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Satur­day, Sepl. 23 at Sheets Memorial Bnpiisi Church, where he wasamem* ber, by the Revs. Franklo Maithews and Frank Puiierson. Buriol was in the Lexington City Cemetery. Mr. Starr was born April 4,1916 in Davidson County to Thomas Franklin Starr and Fanncy Mac Owens Starr. He was retired from Proctor Schwartz and served in the U.S. Army during World War 1!. He was a past deacon and member oflhe Men’s Evangelistic Sunday School Class. His wife. OdessaTaylorStarr, died May 26.1981. Surviving are a son, Jimmy Starr and his wife. Darlene, of Mocksvillc; a daughter, Cathie Tripp of Lexing­ ton; three grandchildren, Leslie Starr Williams and husband, Scoll. ofTrin- ily, NIcolc Craver McLemorc and husband. Michael, and Jesse Tripp. allofLcxingion; two brothers, Ralph Slarr and Willie Starr, both of Lex­ ington; and iwo sisters. Lucille Starr Frye and Rulh Star Owens, both of Lexington. Virginia Home Garrett Mrs. Virginia Home Garreu. 77. died Thursday. Sept. 21. 2000. at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center afler a period of ill­ness. She was born June 6. 1923. In Wadesboro to Catherine Home. She had lived in Winston-Salem for morc than 30 years. She was a member of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, and a former employee uLCamel City Laundry and Winslon-Stcam Laundry.She Is survived by: 2 brothers. James L. Horne of Mocksville and James Oscar Leake of Wlnston-Sa- Icm; an adopted granddaughter; an uncle; 3 nieces; a nephew; 2 cous­ ins; and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held al 12:30 p.m. Monday. Sept. 25. from Galilee Missionary Baptist Church. Lester Eugene Frye Mr. Lester Eugene Frye. 90. of U.S. 601 dj£d Monday. Scpl. 25. 2000 at his residence. Funeral services were Wednes­ day, Sepl. 27 at 5 p.m. at Eaton Fu­neral Chapel with Rev. Jim Gryder and Mr. Kyle Swicegood officiating. Interment will be in Calvary Baptist Church Ccmetery. The family were at the funeral home Wednesday from 3-5 p.m. They request memorials be considered for the Cemcicry Fund of Calvary Baptist Church. 1663 U.S. 601 Soulh, Mocksville, N.C. 27028 or to the charity of donors choice. Mr. Frye was bom March 1,1910 in Yadkin County lo the late John Lewis and Rhoda Potts Frye and was relircd from Buriinglon Mills. He was preceded in death by his wife of 64 years, Naomi C. Frye, four broth­ ers and two sisters. Survivors In­cludc: seven daughters. Mrs. Nellie Couch, Mrs. Annie Call, Mrs. Betty Trivette, Mrs. Ruth Smith, Mrs. Sue Caudle, Mrs. Linda Gailher. and Mrs. Bonnie Lambert, all of Mocksville; four sons, John L. Frye and Calvin E. Frye of Mocksville, Robert L. Frye of Myrtle Beach, and Roger D. Frye -of4^liWeIli-33-gfandchildrcnr23— great grandchildren, and six great- great grandchildren. Charlie Franklin Hanes Mr. Charlie Franklin Hanes, 73, of Jack Booe Road, Mocksvillc, died Wednesday, Sepl. 20,2000, at For­ syih Medical Center.He was bom May 10, 1927, Ihc son of Mike and Celiic Falrclolh Hanes. He relircd from Drcxcl-Heri- lagc Furnllure Plant In Mocksville. Mr. Hanes was preceded In dealh by his wife, RuU) Renegar Hanes; his parcnts; and a grandson, Matthew Kyle Willard. Surviving; a daughter, Charlene (James) Hanes Willard of Yadkin- ville; a son, Mike (Jan) Hanes of Mocksville; a sister, Louise Hanes York of Clemmons; a brother. Bill Hanes of Advance; 4 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were al 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23, al Gentry Fam­ ily Chapel, with the Revs, Marvin ' Blackburn and Michael Waters offi­ciating. Burial was in Green Mead­ows Baptist Church Cemele^. ; She was bom on Feb. 20, 1904, in Davic County lo Sherman and Deiilia Hege Myers. Slie was Ihe old- - esi living mcmbcrof Dailey's Chapel Uniled Mclhodisl Chureh, where slic was Inslrumcnlal in organizing a youlh group.She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Minor; a son, James Minor, 3 sisters, Betty James, Lou Shuler, and Myrtle Padgcil; and 4 broltiers, John, Lenny, Jake and Sam Myers. She Is survived by: a daughter. Pal and husband Cokle Jones of Ad­ vancc; 3 grandchildrcn; 4 grcal- grandchildrcn; a sislcr, Lucillc Tinkler of Okemos, Mich.; a dear friend, Emmie Billings of Mocks­villc; and several nlcccs and neph­ ews.Funeral services were conducted al 11 a.m, Monday, Sept. 25 at Hayworth-Mlller Kindenon Chapel, with the Rev. Harold Zlraincmian of- flcialing. Burial was in Fork Uaplist Church Cemetery.MemoHais: Hospicc of Winslon- Salem/Forsylh Couniy, Bailey’s Chapel Uniicd Mclhodisl Church, or 10 Ihc Fork Baptist Church Ccinelery. Carl Coyt O'Mara Mr. Carl Coyl O'Mara of Yodklnvllle Road died Sunday. Sept. 24.2000 al Forsyth Medical CenterFuneral scrviccs were Wednesday, Scpl. 27, at 2 p.m. at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Eade Wright Phillip Ralph Hall Phllllp Ralph Hall,75,ofTurren- llne Church Road, Mocksvillc, died Friday moming al Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winslon-Salem. A memorial service was held al 7 p.m. Saturday, Sepl. 23,2000, at Tur- renllne Baptist Church, wilh Ihe Rev, Joe Smith olficlaiing. There was a private graveside scrvicc al Rose Cemcicry. Memorials: Turrenlinc Daplisi Church Cemcicry Fund, c/6 R. V. Spry, 953 Deadmon Road, Mocks- vil(e, or Kate B, Reynolds Hospicc Horne, 101 Hospicc Lane, Winslon- Salem, 27103, Mr. Hall was born Feb. 24,1925, in Davidson Couniy lo the lale Lewis Reid and Nona Everhart Hall. He was retired from Davie Aulo Parts and a memberofTurrcnline Bapllst Church. He was a veteran of Ihe U.S. Marine Corps, serving during Worid War IL He was prcccdcd in dealh by his first wife, Katherine Kelner Hail, in 1991. Survivors; his second wife, Pauline Hcllanl Hall of the home; 3 children, Lewis (Sandra) Hail of Mocksvillc, Rebccca Parker of Co­ lumbia, S.C., and Michael Hail of Mix:ksville; 4 grandchildren; a grcal- grandchild; a broihcr, Wilson Hail of SVinslon-Salem; 2 sicpchlldren, Rob­ ert (Marilyn) Wagner of Lubbock, Texas and Judy (Sonny) Beekcr of Mocksvillc: 5 slepgrandchlidren; anti a slcpgreal-gnindchlld. James Franklin Wishon Sr. James Franklin Wishon Sr., 70, of Duke Street died Monday. Sepl. 25, 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center inofTiciatlng. Burial wOs in South Oak""'Vln5lori-Salcm. Ridge Baptist Chunrh Cemetery. Mr.O'MarawasbomDec.2.1909, in Ircdell Couniy to tlie late Rulh Viola Wright O'Mara. He was a retired farmer. Survivors: his wife, BcmiceMundy O’Mara of the home; a son. Terry O'Mara and wife Kay of Yadklnville; and 3 gmndchildrcn. Mr. Wishon was bom June 4.1930 in Davie Couniy to the laic Josie McBride Whitley. He was preceded indealh by one sister Sarah Reynolds. Mr. Wishon was a retired self- employed retail merchantand wasof the Methodist faith. He is survived by his wife of 49 years. Belle Bosl Wishon; one son. James F. Wishon Jr.; one loving granddaughter, Emily Beth Wishon, all of Cooleemee; and'one half- , brother C.W. Whitley. Funtfral services were held Sepl. 27 at 8 p.m. at Davie Funeral Scrvicc Chapel with Robert Creason offici-.aling. __________ The family received friends Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 6-8 p.m. at Davic Funeral Service Chopel prior lo the servicc. Memorials may be made to Cooleemee United Meihodist Church c/o William R. Gales, P.O. Box 428, Cooleemee. N.C. 27014. Nelle Honbarrier Perry Mrs, Nelle Honbanier Perry, 74, of Salisbury died Monday, Sept. 25, 2000 at Genesis EldctCarc of Salisbury. She was bora February 19,1926 In Davie Couniy lo ihc lale Loula Williams and John William Honbarrier. She gradualed from Woodleaf High School and aiiendcd Rowan nurses training at Rowan Memorial Hospilal. She had been employeed wilh Singer Sewing Co. in Winslon-Salem and Salisbury as a sewing inslrocior before her retire­ment. Amembet of Cooleemee Ptes- byicrian Church, she was co-lrca- surcr and helped with Bible School, was active with the Women of the Church Circle, She and her husband look chlldrcn to their fann to see bald eagles, and she was an avid gardener. Her husband, Everette D. Pcny, preceded her in dealh January 18, 1993. Surviving are: two brothers, James E, Honbarrier of Wilmington, and Donald E. Honbarrier of Belmonl; nnd several nieces and nephews. Funeral scrviccs were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Scpl. 28 at Summerscit Memorial Chapel. Rev. Robert Goforth of Cooleemee Pres­ byterian Church officlaled. Burial followed al Rowan Memorial Park. C a r in g F o r T h o s e W e S e rve Terry McBride Aaron Spry As funeral prices continue to increase, we are pleased to be able to provide quality service and merchandise al a mosi affordable price, and would like to offer these savings to all communities wiihin our ser\'ice area. Funeral arrangements may be completed in the privacy of your home or at our funeral home in Taylorsville. N^silations may be held in your local church or fellowship hall or al your residence. Price information on some of the services and merchandise we offer: Tradlllonal Church or Chapel Service Minimum services of funeral director and staff, transportation of deceased from placc of dealh to funeral home (within 50 miles of the funeral home), embalming, dressing and casketing, visitation, use of staff and Chapel for service or staff for services in another facility, funeral coach (within 50 miles of Ihe funeral home), family limousine (within 50 miles of the funeral home), flower van (within 50 miles of the funeral home), register book, service folders, acknowledgment cards, home equipment and tent for gravesite.ToUl Price $1,790 Immediate BurialMinimum s “îuneral Í home).Total Price $545 0 miles of the funeral . Direct Cremation Minimum services of funeral dlreclor and staff, transportation'of deceased from' Ihe placc of death to funeral hom e (w ith in 50 miles of the funeral hom e) and transportallonlo Ihe crem atorv. • ' 'Totatrrice$740 ’ . . ' ' ' . IThese prices do not Include caskel, outer burial container, clothing, cash advancei nor any Item or service nol specifically slated.) Caskel Price Range: $595 to S3,195 ' ■ Outer Burial Container Price Range; $59510 $2,650 For prices on other scrviccs and merchandise, please call or come by our office. "Providing Quality Service at an Affordable Price." . ADAMS FUNERAL HOME 325 Main Avenue Driv;e,SW i ■ ' ‘ Taylorsville, NC 28681- ' 828-632-2291 We honor all pre-need contracU and burial associations made with any funeral home and vvfll.inwi : any area funeral home's price on comparable service and mercluuidlse. . :Convenient terms to meet any fínanclal 'situation. ’ , ; Beulah Vestal Groce Mrs, Beulah Lillian Vcslal Grocc, 96, of Joncsvillc, died Thursday, Sept. 21, 2000, at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospilal.She was bom Nov. 9. 1903, In Yadkin County to the laic Jumcs and Flòra Haynes Vcslal. She wais a homemaker and a farmer all of her life, and was a mcmbcrof Fall Creek Baptist Church. She was.prcccdcd In death by her husband, Joe Richard Croce, on Sept. 1,1994, and by2slstcrs,Miner Scou and Mynle Nance. Surviving: her four children, LucyC. (Earl) Carter of High Point. Louise G. (Donald) Hutchens of Yadkinvillc, Matlic Jean B. (Dock) Brown of Mocksvillc and James R. (Pat) Grocc of Jonesvllle; 4 sisters. Grace Collins and Mallle Weather­man of Elkin. Jessie Lee Chappel of Joncsvillc and Angie Groce of; Boonville; a brother. James Vestal Jr. of Joncsvillc; 14 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; several nleccs and nephews; and her Sharc-A- Home family. Funeral scrviccs were at 11 a.m. Saturday, Scpl. 23 at Fall Creek Bap­ tist Church by the Revs. Don Hudson and Lurry Thompson. Burial fol­lowed In the church cemcicry. ^ »Rincfil.yC? . «Отхим Fur^ERAi Home MJWiUœboroSticcI •'*“ > MKlivnic.NC (336)751-1100 "Margaret p. Ylhatey: , 1919-2000 J . f - SAU SB U R V V , * • ■ ■ EvclytiTlmxton Dewaltt f . , , l926.’20(io ' * <1 M O C K S V IL L E - I jBertltaW. Beauchamp. ■; 1906'. W 0 & : ' € мoa($vцJJI^ ^ ' 1 ■ I fm e sE i^ieD ei\^^ S , ' a926-¿»0 C12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 Sons Mioah and Christopher help Jackie Robertson with the palm trees. Irccs^Some even ask questions. Neighbor have Joked that his drive­way Is Rodeo Drive, after the palm- lined street in Beverly Hills.“They look good and il looks like the beach,” said Christopher, 4. Mieah, 10, agreed lhat Ihc trees allract a lot of attention. "Whenever you want to feel like you're at the beach, just go on down Underpass Road to Jackie Robertson's bcach in „Ailvancc.^----------------------^ VCR's CLEANED & REPAIRED ®25C le a n & T e s t.. ■ д а WORK DONE ON PREMISES © R a d io S h a c k . Radio Shack Dtalcr MoorttvU* a«<tranksSquife Boone PUm. Mocknile (Neit to V/iMtn) 33<.7St.0433 __________ Сот Ш 1$Ы П*Сот 1п1 НшШ кшиЫе/НМщ О ш М уП т Ш ы г»ЛСЫксМкм ---------- P H O l ^ l l T C r AUTH0«l2tP *FREE long distance calling to Ihe . US from coverage area ; : , New Regional Freedom Plans : , wiishingion,Dc *Starting as low as I $29.95/month IVfocksviUe^NC 27028 i - : 2 < 5 : Z 0 *N»> t2 nn^ Mon-Fri. 8 am-5 pm . Sat. 9,am-lpm «. No long Mwin ctHigM арйг и to t« SMM. A lownirie tM Ы t-SIMU» if(in b à•quÿfflM QivoH tof <кма(» «Attw*. kMwkyid taig М1ГМ. iMnl. MM «4 lou^ Dr. Tom Ratton • Dentures • Extractions • Medicaid and Insurance 401 W. Center Street & Williams Street Lexington, N.C. (336)248-2110 (336) 248-2539 [] 3 No Brá’dlord Pears here. Jackie Robertson went with a different look with a palm lined driveway to his Advance home. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Palm Trees In Advance? J a c k ie R o b e rts o n G o e s F o r A D iffe re n t L o o k A t H is H o m e By Bm ndon Owens Davie Counly Entcфríse Record Jackie Robertson visiicd Ihc Isle of Pairas, S.C., a resort area near Charleston! He camc back lo his Advance home with an idea. Looking around the neighborhood, he saw Bradford Pear trees, one after another. He decided lo gel some palm trees.Six weeks ago, he planted eighl palm U-ees - thc Palmetto variety - along his driveway off Underpass Road. It was different, and suitable for a swimming pool man such as himself. The trees came at up to 16 feet Ull, and were quite espcnsivc. They weigh ISO pounds per foot. "I wanted to bring the beach to Advancc," Robertson said. "All we need now is the sand and ocean." He docs have a swimming pool oul back, and the Yadkin River is a little fur­ ther out back. Robertson joined the SPEPS (Southeast Palm and Plant Society), a club for people with trees and plants such as palms. : This winter, he's going to line his trees with Christmas lights, notonly for looks, but to add heat to help them live through Ihe colder winters in these parts. He'll also wrap them in buriap.The trees are basically dead ex­ cept for the roots and lops. A core carries water from the roots to the lops. Most are chopped all thc way to the lop to aaa to the decorations. Il is the furthest north the trees have been planted, he said. Robertson said lhal quite a few people have stonneri m InnV m ihi. Haxtm um Colltg* Fooiball Coiicfc iootbjii Fans let m on the action Ofdcf CSPN GjmePijn on Глг-Pff’Viei» Окгг IOÜ Fttrj ijmrt ttiis hil Crrat ¿imes' îcptonlefencps’ ESPN Gameplan Doubleheaders B E N C H M A R K C a ll To O r d e r T o d a y ! 336-751-1313 Saturday, Sept 30 ESPN Doubleheaders C hannel 251 C h a n n e l 252 12 noon Oklahoma Slate tf Toani 3:30 pm Kansai StatD w Colorado 12 noon Norlhwe«tern e Michigan St 3:30 pm Purdu* О Penn SI Only *11” per Doubieheader ТЕВЕШ Э C offee Houôe and bED & bDEAKFAÔT ConUncnlal Brcflkfasl, Icc Crcura, Lunclice & Dinners 15.41 X : H i . a U h is l N O W 0 1 *1 N Now .S l.R \ 1 \ ( . Л • M iD - W i 1 K " K \ i: n in ( . .\Iim Bürgin, Salads, Sandwichei, Maryland Crab Cates, &M O REI Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 5^pm Open For Ice-Cream, Coffee & Desserts A ll The Time! Mornings are - coffecs, muffins, danish, egg, liam, & chcese croissants and, Lunch - Monday lliru Saturday A lso..! Seryihg our S P K IA L FrI. & Sal. hlghl dinners! 1 0 1 N o io H M A m S i^ • M ocK syi^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 - Dl Teen CenterRetreat Held Sept. 23-24 For Iwo days, a group of Davie lecn- ngers got lugelher lo be inspiied, to be challenged, and lo have fun. Panicipaling in the Davlc Teen Ccnier Relrcal sponsored by thc Davie Leader­ ship 2000 Class, they stayed together for two days, hearing Inspirailonal and motivational speakers, having fun, and attending challenging training at Camp Mcrriwood in Clemmons. ■'■‘ii: 'J Ê The swinging finish was a thrili for Katherine Harrison maneuvers her way across the high ropes course. Edward Johnson.Edward Johnson was the first to complete the high ropes course. ‘i i i - y i• !r - • лЛ , • ‘ f The teens learned to work together by pass­ ing each other through a rope spider web. Davie teen-agers work their way - blind­ folded - through the maze at Camp Teens get some advice for completing the H/lerriwood._____________________________high ropes course.______________________ rules (or a relay. Lolt, right. Left, right. Emma Jakob leadsliiar team in leamingHo w o* together In tht -*?-Photoi by Mike Bamhardt railroad tie race. V o - ~ D2-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sepl. 28,2000 Г 'í''’''' V ' 'í • 'Davie Schoob S : Ж Pinebrook Elementary The media ccnicr has rcccivcd a $10,000 EX-LSTA School Libtary Collcclion Development Grant to be itiatchcd by $10,000. The collection development plan Is In the third year ofthe nvc, in cooperation with Karen Lowe from Northwest RESA. Staff, members ate selecling needed boolts to meet curriculum needs. ■'This project Is 50 percent sup­ ported with federal LSTA funds made possible through a grant from the In­ stitute of Museum and Ubrary Ser­ vices. administered by the State Li­ brary of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Re­ sources. Cafeteria manager Priscilla Dwiggins and her staff provided a birthday celebration snack for stu­ dents with September birthdays. Each month the smlT bakes a cake and chil­ dren along with their parents share their lunch in the commons area. This month 38 students took part ‘ Kindergartncrs In Margaret Rogers, Pam Cope, Debbie Crutchfield and Cathy Hockaday's classes have been learning aboul life ' Cycles. The students have been ob­ serving the sages in the growth of a inonarch butterfly. - The c\illdren arc being introduced to their letters wilh the help of the new “AlphaTime" letter people. Dancing with Mr. Dazzling "D" and Frolick­ ing with Mrs. “F’ with the funny feet has been an experience for them all to remember. First graders in Leigh Anne Davis and Lisa Sutton’s classes have been learning about Johnny Applcseed. They tasted apple products. There were many samples available for them to try Including chunky and' smooth applesauce, baked apples, and homemade apple pie. They tasted red, green, and yellow apples. Mrs. Davis' class had a take home project which required them to sur­ vey 10 people to determine which color apple they liked best. Students in Wendy Brown's first grade class have been working on an "About Me" uniL The children cre­ ated paper plate self portrtuts using yam, buttons, and household items. Healhcr Blank’s first graders com­ pleted their 'Tree Reports”. Students were asked to choosc a tree in their yard and observe the changes it was going through. They were also re­ quired to draw pictures of their tree and look for evidence of any animals living in it, as well as bring in samples of its leaves. Students completed a written rcpon about their findings and presented it to classmates. Students will continue to observe thtir tree Uiroughout theschoolyearanddotwo follow up reports on It. Second graders in Pam Harpe's class have been studying apples. They incorporated math into Uieir study by weighing their apples and measuring each opple’s circumference. The chil­ dren then hadsomefunuslnga crank apple peeler in class. They enjoyed seeing how long a strand of apple peel they could make using üte peeler. The students also wrote apple poems and did apple drawings. Tliey ñnlshed by making apple pics in class. Cindy Stephenson's second grad­ ers tooic a walk on the Pinebrook __Naliire Trail In help themJearoroore- Sarah Hartman, Rorence Simmons, and Angle Williams’ classcs partlci- pateil in an "Orienteering" aclivhy hosted by Mrs. Patterson of Alterna­ tive Outdoor Activiili« Inc.................. ^>tudcnls used maps of the Nature TVall to navigate their way and locate hidden controls. Each of the controls (flags) contained a letter. Once they had orientccred their way around the trail and collected the letters from' each of the controls they had to un­ scramble them to spell "Pinebrook El­ ementary". At the end of the day a drawing was held In each class for T-shirts. Winners were Katie Walker, Cameron Diylor, Megan Brown, Josh Disher, Whitney Chilen, Jetton Watson, Jen­ nifer Kelly, Justin Campbell, Brandon Sowcn, Ryan Carter, Trevor Recce, and Jordan Tliylor. Tills activity was made possible through parental donations. STARS (Students ThatAre Really Spccial) for the week of Sept. 22 were; Marissa Williams, Lauren Dixon, Darbe Tolar, Danielle Mar­ tin, Emily Gardner, Brittany Toney, Nicole Vaughn, Zachary Cranfill, Jimmy Barron, Kaitlin Martin, Jacquelyn Dionne, Brandon Richardson, Carla Harris, Tabltha Hicks, Nathalie Marroquin, Daniel Merritt. Brian Williams. Zachary Stephenson, Brandon Smilh, Nolan Allen, Jay Whiteheart. and Jonathan Rocsch. Davie High Check out happenings at the website: www.dhs.davie.kl2.nc.us. Seniors should know that the best chance to get scholarships and ad­ missions to colleges is to apply early. Chcck with Ihe guidance оШсе. The Oct. 21 PSAT will be given at 9 a.m. Sign up in the guidance of­ fice through Oct. 21. Sec Ms. Hobbs. Someone just south of Davie High is looking for a student lo gel chil­ dren off the bus around 3 p.m. and help them with homework until about 5 p.m. Children area ages 6,8 and 9. Contact Mr. Hobson. Ms. Meschan (940-6822) in Ihe Hillsdale area is looking for a stu­ dent (preferably a junior who can work two years) who can do light housework, medical niing, and er­ rands for her two afternoons n week from 3:30-5:30. She is retired from the medical profession and would prefer someone who has a good sci­ ence background to do the mcdical niing. Call Ms. Meschan. The new Bojangles in Hillsdale is looking for employees. See Mr. Hobson. Davie High needs bus drivers who are 18 years old or older. Sec Mrs. Gildcin, assistant principal. James Thompson (712-9392) is looking for high school corespon­ dents lo write articles for a beginning intcmet newspaper about what is going on at DHS including athletic and academic events. This is a vol­ untary project. Call Mr. Thompson orMclis.s.1 Bl.-ick at 345-3553. MocksvUle EkmenUiy Students of the Week of Sept. 18- 22: Shelby Potts, AlcxChurch, Sydney McBride, Summer Scardino, Cody Brittain, Mitchell Miller, Carmen Kimmcr, Ashley Shrewsbury, Rachel Hoffman, Elizabcih Heyne, Tyler Laymon, Eric Schoonover. Will Mans. SuidcnUinthWgfStlfijusinnUliea, ; . '6ch 6«ml 9 aff Iciicher wofkdavli^ u« brffehl ycfldw'tnd blue table with aprojcc(oncons(bllationiA9Bninmv': aiul ijt^tnt^w ill nol be attbMiijff *o(|me^cd.b<;!)clb ducUoniQthcconcqii^^begartr^ad*/ ing Ihc book TtjpoW Gourd," which d young slayp boyi^uHife bmlly mitA ningfromSoua)0i^atoCana|aln," .Thc'Knightteiuriiwnrty he^. searehoffnitSi^.IniiJ{fiill"<llhelF liijt« ^tU lyf*trt20 ()l> ^l'5< *tl>nunnrthlhafiiA!lufntWu<wtlK<«KInr<4t' Ji'l ■ ten c|ass will« ^'ji{lliiie,andiA Ши. S'tuiients 1Я wayhorthlhefiiÀilyroljQwedtÌKN'oitti Star. ThU liicfatute lead tä a dlscus-•. Stitdcnls Weft.fccog«lr.tö'l IlMc for a period rwjth the next (he'tablt| for many In' jiasi years la­ in for library t’itiorts equipment Mi jh'ácademicj^lí JoM cltlKnil^. J, jijdc sion on slais and,(hèlr formation of > TMso'itiiiÍBn'tsjiicyvíng awardsftij йЬаШ ЬауЙ» «Л adapüitions to Culler's founh Up Ihclr study of McCuiston, Kristen Dray. Kiran, Dhlllon. Tommy Dillon, Krisieif; McKaraher, Uliutbcth C5b6nc. Pelerà Rclds.CelllcComaBcr, Ashley Rowe.: Morgan Rowe. Kyle Macey Kelley : Walton.TaylorShelinn.lJiiin-nTe.sh ; bakom Oamblil, Catherine Nichoisi^. Mary Beth Godlcy, Sarah Bniebaka, ■ and Jason Cibelli. Comatzer Elementni7 The first Cougarof Ihc Mondt Lun; '—..................................«»»1 «Mij'ujiivuM w incinsi VI constellations. In ortlor to makti this ; iop«adeèkpctftntlanc(!ta'cdi;ticli^, ni^r envltbnnai£ Each student has cheon was Friday, Sept. 22. Marlcno lcssonmon!colicrcto.thcyeachmnde wtrci.stlenek-,,. Megan-Bo«ch»w‘/*oscn.an alfmAJo research and is shamcl nnd Sheila Tuttcruw of the their own constcllawoOnWlwncdiU. ,AsWc» lfi*^n „A li Russ««, BelSilt^j'*ró»lijgabO(«»boultheirnnimal. TWs lesson splllcd,o«rinIo'trath by_v, Shiiftniif, 'MargB Masi, B rpa^^,TÌA ,.ÌooliÌ^ 3pK!ln5 Infortnatlon using line segtnem-n conn«« thiL Ajinnwcnhyi tihd Jcnny.Mann; la tÌÌ,»jyiiiihennimift(i*bilai,dict.unique formationofthestanlAscachconslcl. jua|c mis, Taylor Boyles, Maltfiew. .M,avlors,andÌn«tlncls.Mi5.Culler's lation was formed, sttfdcnis look pen-. . Webb, Jtnny Mnnn, Maiihew Spaclii, ¡j «ut^ng u» groups that cils and purftM out Ite psttems on All Risicll. and Richard Price; math,' iscwlcd North Caielitm. A class field black construction pupa. To explain AliRussell.KarlaWoodward, Whilney iripio Old Salem In Octobcr will help each of the constellations they had Williams, Matthew Webb, Ashl'i;a 'the past come àllw for the students, stories aboul existing to*i«ellations Prcstoii,-»nd Taylor Boyles; and sodai' .iinekindèf|iit6i cl4sscsof Janeil andcreatedthelrowrylnbnlertosh« „« i« , Wchan) P«l:c, All, Russili, . Vounl,^JaIlcy!W:,ShcmRoblnson the creations, Studmu put cach con<. BiyanKiig,JiB|lnLci,1aiTctiFlihaii^, ¿'antUanoFtiritìvebccn finishing up sldlationupiothenihtaildcreaiedi andìiridley Anmwohhy. , r'iuiiil0nfrtcntll«^famlly.T1teyhavc nlghtscc№ifullofc(»tolIatioits.Each . Soveril stiidenBatso were ren^.^JenjuyMiheHitomieLittlcBcar's child had Uwtippoiluify ID read Ihcir. ilznifordiowingfcafcctalidmi«!^ !t^y'ind''*«istiim ily.''Thcyhavc story aoud to tlie tl» * and show o(f ' siWjty loftnow #tidchfi nnd starti'AH ■ ^ .tout w ta if takes to be a good Uieir creations. ; 'Rmu'tCMarhtu/w!^ M vsnU itl Mocksvillc Woman's Qub provided drinks, desserts, and favors. Mrs,^ Shamel, Linda Sechrist, and Elclle, Owen hosted this event. Buck's Pizza; provided pizza. Cougars of Ihe MonOi ; for September nre; Anna McBride,: Elizabcih HowanI, CaUicrine Joyce, Caroline Cozart, Shannon Dillard. Jodie Davis, Amber Vandall, Erin Dcadmon. Haynes Shelton, Salvador' Bcniliz.Romero, Adam Barnhardt. Casey Blackwclder, Shelby Hendrix. Paris Page, Xavier Howell, Jennifer. Allen, AyonnaLcach, Andrcw Wlllanl.: Amber Sclvcrs, Rense Joldcrsma, and'¡Ircreations ,'Ru5Scll,MalhéwWe»*,MatgoMa$l „ j y¿*bd,at Uie similarities Qua,„Une Imcs. TluswcektheclassUlcammgabwt and Q M in Mótales. Vid difercnl« W fahiilies. Students Bus Riders ol die Olympic САце» 1« Sydney, Aus- ThoWd«i4 "-i« themost Accelir- s.^rtirtg в uni» on.ihe OInjertiread tcmbcrnrc: JohnPfalT. Anna\Vhiiiakcf, :J P____* ___■'tralla. Students ait reading about the. «ícdRc*derPdnlswAJoshCtiesne<#.'. :^,5„fadaIi!lobkin»fotwardloaUip Travis M «n. Sham Dillanl. nnif' histoiyofthegamcsnndlearningoboul HemcivcdanawirditcognizinghU.’(¿the Dixie d to ic Fair to sec some - • - Uie various aUtletes Uiat hove cOm- • accomplishment. '-i Jfarm'iMimais’ On Wednesday of Inst peled in die past. &veral students ari ^ ^ HidnéxltcamraltywillbeinOclo-‘’,í \»«;kUieygoluji>cistnneaninialsUut r-% Ron M c D Ìftlln il Jiresearching рая Olympic games and ber, nt Uic end ofthe firsl quater. !■Jan Ledford a c tiv ity day,0ct.3,from6:30.8:30,wiihsomcto compete. (Viso. Uw 1Í72 ^n all tXKclasses. • •^3Íioi¿eyrii»iirf*Wi)dcs,elow™,«n- special book characlcrs , О ш ^ w to 11 \ l ^ r fii P artei sludctils.wil|,V ';áo’rs SelUrtg other products. Acccleralcd Reader Program' in histoiy as the firA AiHctm American woman Munich, athletes utrc held hiTSta^ and loter killed. ’ ' Studenu are aIio‘kcc(4n'6 up \Mth the Olympic gantes on the Internet. The class has crcated a pktogniph in order (0 rcconl the number of gdld, silver, and bronze medali th« US A has been awarded. Students havfe learried many simh Driltany Oaiicy. The first Dook Fair will arrive at: school on Sept. 28. Students will have a chance lo view our materials on Friday. Siudcnts may purchase mate-' rials on Monday*Wednesday. Family • Nighl oi the Book Fair will be Tbes- - .itudyiogtlitrtTirinevaVrc^iwtfot^ and i(MdHb6d: Admiwion is •riod i^.wOfld Wslofy. .Three days Booflw ^•'w ilable fof all vcn- « spem'foaWng on'ilils period. AH .'’ dop.lbradonfionfWmSSSioWOfor claMCS will be panidpaling 1» activi-. tachspact:Tli*veodockcepsallDfihe- Ucs dealing with life-styles, culture, profits. BxInformation about spaces andniMlb of this period. On Oct. '»«, for vendors, c i (»8-3368. studcitts will attend the Renaissance Grandparents Week started on Festival in Mooresville to better ctl-' Monday, Sept Grandpartnts and h.itu-»t)iiiunil ' '^bdicr'imponaiil^ktple'arelnvitcdto - ’lUyttfeier“- , . . ^ sialhgra^buddrcs'prinmimcclasM'.s iibhl on Twsdiiyi.. 45lud«niidliri^4»cquainlcd\typ^£i: - Wr». (jj^'5 |*ih a « been reading '»¿liVllW iftd litie»s IQ ont first (ibttrfrtiihef. 'ilic Boxcar othcf telling themselves M C W M itn.-n*j^v^M cittdoboui laritiesanddilfctbieUwiihneighboni И С « ; - ' «''cidlunchiiiUeSl'eieria. down under. • AiifrtraeU tiicctoseim elw ltK;;; Kccp*icyc(iiitf»r»tiitureKrisii's SylviaSmlth'slouiAgtidelsread- si«thgni*buddres'prini»iimcclasicC.s idgf ing "Owls in the miily;^* They have put togctherapuzzleofsntíwyúwís. In their reading groups tfeyiJId webs of owl facts. IV y didlid a^study of bam aboht rftiddk scSool'Jifc. Nexi; AiAi ‘J .reiidlng cKapSrApoii. owls. . I * « ^ * iii* * i* “ nitsdn5tudy^iall^ ..in w u n ic y c ic ^ ^ ^ 'nwyarealsoi&tfta^aFiwrBoj'/ .. Wid# n6riiii«,oa “tiafning A h ^ ^ ^ i ^tek: TVnJ rfc about 40 mem- While nptding Ihe book, the siudeiU c^ihe l^S ciioo l" . Voters and rhor^^kl»ing oddcd. The ...in.----------------------' t t l A«s are oW a quarter ofwill leoffl to umiüTstW Itf in Program' is in full swing. Students in the second* (IfUi grade have goals set to cam &pe*! cial recognition and incentives. Kathy CouncmuKhe's third grade studenu are u-orking on reading and writing skills daily. Tltey recenlly fin«' Ishcd the book, "Miss Rumphls." Sincc Miss Rumphls visited a tropical isle and enjo)-cd coconut milk, the class dccidcd to get a coconut and break it open. The class discovered how hard the outside of a coconut is and how! white the coconut looks on the Inside. The class recently celebrated Grand* parents* Day by having lunch wiih 18' of their grandparents. Tbc grandpar* ents were invited back to the class* room after lunch to talk oboul whal school was like when they went to school. They teamed that Comatzer zons Unlimited lit Salisbury for two woq^ forhcokl winter’s nlgbt d ^ alW oDi., prognmu: "RocU «nd MincnOs* and ^ r M p Minor's eMs has been study- "S l" Stealers." ; W o c iilri^ 'ti)il№ ,''w lih '#«'cObmy^'ef Italy. TT«y have AmcliaEtchinsanaiiJoBbnJamei • Tljey tM tWnks (br rejding p r i* . oiodputcmM^iodeslgnUKirown hadblnhdtyijhbmi*i||i. V • ;:\V y fa iilJ 9 a r # d S & Miss Day's n iM ^ c U s s bfgait' f. i S tui№ W t ' Uk yearstudy^i^^gloiipsthal -^iiid lR ^iM h iV e b fM jtid yi^ '■■tteWtau*lA«dgelatoondhavc havesenlcdinUiepnlfcd^lei'IT« ,lioui Michlelango and students had to qnd,people, placei,; ik«11ifiny«^ofite'1^(^l6i^1^"'i;gtnti«>()aV lK i. Uiings.andidcM(tnnlhiirculiufeuid ^Iw ilsbkM niifticul *, ■ • Uic,neii 20dB-200l Chorus has creatcacollaiewlUifictunsaiiddraw- . ' car* will be coming homi begun ftheanal.piipa^nslopcri'orm , ■onOci.3andpatWWcollferenced.yi .fo,UieD«emhiiPMmeeilng.Mem-ings. Alter ÜW g ro ^ tharcd ilitir col­ lages. each studoil n i^ .ih ^ own personal collage to ài^w lviculluiM willbe>iJonday.Oct,9. , -ibera ofUiechohu are MysUe Pollock, .. ^ siudínlj laí^bee« leairilnfe ■' Katie Jotuisoif, KtUy Allgood, Shay about plants, seeds an die water cycle. Students explored Uie difference be­ tween living and nonliving Uiings, gathered seeds and watched a large writing spider spinning its web. WiUi die help of parent volunteer Susan Newman, each child planted their own terrarium, which are on display in Uie hall outside Uieir classroom. Third graders in Cindy Orsillo, Karen Myers, and Marie Steed’s classes have been continuing Uieir study of the Olympics. The children . read the Magic Tree House book ‘ : HourofUieOlympics.Thebookgave :. Uiem some insight into die ancient Greek Olympics. The classes have been discussing the modem Olympics, and |hey have vyatched some of Uie gaiiies in Aus- '; Iralla in class: Using Uie Internet In j: ' computer lab Uie siudenB have vis- j ' il^ Uie Sports Olustrated web site i. > wY(W.sikids.com to leam more about j:' t ^ games and American athletes. Tlie classes have been studying Uie ' ' continents in social studies: They ■ ;' leimctl where the continent of Aus- _: m il is and the locatibn of the Fft- ■ cific Ocean, where trials for die, ‘'l'-1^ Olynpict'swiniiiicn were |ieldfe. Garrett Cookson. Patrick Mandarano. Briiumy Freeman. KenneUi Sirotber. Maggie Keeble, Jorge Lopcra, David Pniltt, Jeff Nucicols, Jamie Keegan, Christopher Davis, and Stephanie Jamie. Snidents in Chris Kares' and Sonja Russell'sciasshavebeenleamingabout caterpillars and butterflies. They ob­ served a caterpillar turning into a chrysalis. Soon Uiey will have andUier caterpillar dial will form a chrysalis. Tlie students have enjoyed woriting wiUi die students from the Freshman Success class at die high school. Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Cook's first graden have been‘buggy" aboutbugs. Students have studied and looked at lots of insects. They ate expecUng a baby butterfly to “pop* out into Uieir room soon. Students are reading and learning about apples and trees to celebrate Uie arrival of fall. Yummy apple treats have been enjoyed by all. ■ , KerriWallandDianeJoyner'ssec- . ond graders have been reading 'Daniel's Duck' and learning about charat»n and setting. In social stud­ io they have been com|»iing and coatnsttag today ^ tiroes kiiig ago. . Ill tiiathi Ihe secoo^vi’'* I*"’'*' in die' media 2-9. A book' : iirfimiMion füim r^ ittili|^7 ' list highligMMg''nla;|[ii)f die books ,«ndeiityc|o|iédias:WkM3'ih(nf^ povytH.« feanired at the'fatMvjtl te tent home InfortiMioa ((¿it r^ejcnç* 1№ n !y ^ with studenu llext wwfc Parenis are- ttam eatfcejip.'so-lhilfSim ilayty encouraged to (evle# the book lisl tfO yltfliÉ ftiiriva riÎlyo riiiitè rilli/.i''-^^ D t ^ f wiUi Uieir chUdrtn ' ‘ " ' ^ evcnl by helpii books to read. be open during laidKtcadier çoofAf opportulty'to^'!^Sl^|<1mllJie^ Uit^lüdïeaniiklUioU; and to tnaké fBR^M^^tutUlus iidUdiBit)^,' beabletopreiileivanitùlïhiiebbfllti" •A^’l _ , . fair itenu diiiiii|.iMfr(joiiirauniea- ilgckniVdetbmjiw tionsclassesandbéfoMof^e^school. i|umbejtJHilis vfâ№ 'illiey are The book fair'wiimiildiildrendlt- stdvi.>i(^Utiansi4^ covcrlherlchrrtwhhofttidlngwhile proceeds wilj help itilÿjUixls for Uie media center. nrâitfVAo would likç to voltmteer to.wixli: f« Uié book fafr should conuict (jiris'Ctlahan duriiy BcnSlewart, Taylor Hewett, lyssa Delong, Coty ih-Russell-Мусгг- jtiMurray.Hannah completed Uieir study I map skills, using relative and absolute locaUons. Each student designed Uieir own personal city and communily us- ■ Ing Uiese tenns. Their study now fo- cusesonthcinleraclionoriivlng Uiings in science.Sludenls created foodchains as a part of three ecosystems - Desert, i*rairie and Arctic. They discussed how producers and consumcn share feed­ ing relationship with food webs. In : communications, some sludcnls inle- gralcd Uicir knowledge of arctic eco­ systems by creaUng animal or human , habitats of Alaska. The novel,'Kavik, die Woll'dog,' a fictional narrative,. takes IhcmUiroughAlaskaandCanada. Studenu have related how Uielr com­ passion of animals can sometimes be influenced by die bruul forces of m^' lure and Ihe need to survive. classiMes.i|uniig ttKfrAmei í¡¿ ' A i^ llb e ft A m eric^.' CiUieni«« íyr¿íC(ajirill, I. Una Fernandez, , »Hoover. -, 9''\«nk are Sarah (.ICcIIy, Katherine Cougars of Uie week are Taylor, Lankford. Shana Crolls, Roger Barona. Jordan Ncal. Mike Lewis. Logan < ■Wilkinson. Patrick Whaley. Tyler.' _Kurfecs. Shelby Johnson. Lauren Marshall.JoshPecler.BryanMarkland^l CoDlIaued On Page D3' ■: school hours.. ' ^ 4 '■. ' ^ali^tie'fiinoefpès'ofiiirpoptiil^J P/iomoA, ■: , -, . ':V V ’’ 'V i'.ílC > 'í® Í4 V « ra tie ^ j9 ^ ^ "Studenls 0^ JitoftT & . M ' J D a v ie C o u n t y ___ > FAMILY HEALTH ' V h'i^i^:Care. For The Entire Family ¿NílHÜnipliita,;:.. ¡MUnl'ttine-wcek'^ íklWay;,Óct.13. ' MÍfdiátfing in an gust: Justine MkihaelBIñgH^'] Lauren ВмгСС’ Henning^ áed Rcwitdtiniéi'c giadlnt'päaditft Stiidóits лйП.ЬС ' African "WorttiSt,-.________ Thetearoiwl|lliive>ftKeiinMmest*: . colncklei^ lM ti«É»or/^ to* > l* c ^ ráialstu^.Súlni^.'«láqoitJi» -------------- ills and 1Ю >П'А(1 pniod willbe ' '- Auciptliig Niw Patlcma- ¡6 ^ith Most Major HMO/PPO Hcaltli Hans i^'.'Wotkcrs'CoiBpcnsaiion ' , t ’ ' )i>OclnipationalMixIiciiie • — E v a iis , M .D . ^ 9 2 1 4 )... ;'VV> TTTni 1 ì: 1,‘Л i Í у ! il ИЦ j .ìiKRÌ;. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Sept. 28,2000 - D3^ Candidates for homecoming queen at Davie High SChpol and their sponiibrc, ffpfp lòtti’ Candidates for homecoming queen at Davie High School and their sponsors, from ieft: Catherine Harrison and Ricky Bentley, Amy Campbbil ahd Rich Hunter,'fAelÌsg^^Cok-'ànd Jessica Smith and Tommy Watson, Nicole Davis and Benial Davis, Tonya Berghorn and Robert BoytJ, Susan Delaney and Alex Vonsialsky, Kijsten Raynor and And.teyf^udy, ètiÌ9en_a James Carter, Ashley Hanes and Car! Wagstaff, Heather Miller and Justin Dyson, Iris Jimenez Smith and Justin Goode, Stephanie Hepler and Adam Dallànger. '.'j! , ■ ■ 'j - and Tommy Lagle. JenniferWhiteheart and Jason Proctor. Candidates for Davie High School homecoming quiort apd th^lr spi3ii«ji-?,'frofii lelt:'A'riiy. . Candidates (or Davie High School homecoming queen and their sponsors, from lelt: Betsy Sink and Matt Dalton, Telisca Penn and Nick Prppsi.' |<;aylyn Smith anct Jusiln Sirii()sori|' Naylor and Mikey Arnold (not pictured). Kaitlin Callahan and Tripp Hall, Sara Jackson and Christen Gryason and Amon Shirley, Tara Snow and Shayvri Lavan. Tara./jJuilg iind f^lck Wesley Johnson. Lauren Brogdon and Richard Brooks. Sonya Tailmon and Jeremy Link. Kistler. Casey Smith and Andrew Needs. ' ' T -V 1 , ' ■V‘ i,’'‘ '!■'Shelby Michael and Rod Tenor (nol pictured). Ti Cain and Felton Mayfield (not pictured). ' /■ -' ■ ■ !-* ■ - . " ' ■ ' Friday Homecomh ■estivities At Davie Higii ..It's homccoming time at Davic High . LunchcompcUlkinsinilMdcdawalcrbal-,^ 'dccQratidn'slWiUititevUicstadium.followed School, and siudcnts have been celebrating loon toss on Monday,‘ijhdcolaie cream pic,l .by jprei'alcntmnics by tcigtiing queen Emily this week, getUng ready for Friday night's eating conlcst on Tui^ay, a hug calling con;. .'Uiixic:i>a|l.thVlidniccomlng queen nominees., football game and the crowning of a new ' (esron Wcdnesday,!in.drange pass relay o'nT l|ieiBi^cUigh^.Mishlng Band show, and queen among 28 candidates. , Thursday and a.tu^<of-i(xr fill Friday. , ,. ,(.^^№ NaiiMlil'Aftlicfnj^iltig4)'y2honisclas^es. ; All sludcnls will get to vote for their fa- ,, . Th« pep rally on^day will fcaiurc'Uii,^^ ,'i(i!))bajid wllljpli^'tlhe iheijie from The voritc choice for queen, with senior mem- '‘F^ntastlcTea^ich«eiS^uad.''Thcho^'-^ij(ip(i,i(|ing.a^'il|(]n()en'i^bminccs are inti» bers of die football, cross country and soc' cer teams each nominaling a girl. ■ The'festivltics began on Monday. Ihe start of "Spirit Week." ■ Dress-up days included pajama day on Monday, tacky/decade day on Tbesday. coun- Iry-ucslem day on Wednesday, twin day on Thursday and school color day on Friday. Each class - freshmen, sophomores, jun­ iors and seniors - competed throughout the week for spirit points Ihrough hall decorat­ ing. lunch acliviiics, dressing in Ihccosiumes for the day, floats, posters and a cheer con­ test at the Friday pep rally. cbmiiig court teams will also "ThchoBiii.'.i,L _________________ i '^'№e'Wltinir, will be aS- publicity for Uie PTS^ fdnd raiser, a raffi'e-liB.ra^eliyj^h^crpwnjBcaMpandprcsen- that'includcspt^iw'^li u a Honda t^^ of Uie year whceler(ticket»willliipnsideatthegan«)._, .l6 fljk'r{iip,St^walii\fhe Ciavie High alma . The pep rally wilt influde a surprise iug-:.''i n|iil*#,v^VI>it'l«^'8y Ihe chorus, of-war, IntrodufUon 6f ^gar Ihc War Eagle,yf.X^n'g\Ving'tfe’iit^,'llie Student Govern-; Judging for hotaptdjjirii class floats, club, itif»»'wi(l‘,f|iD^ydwce;widi a DJ until b'^tierconipeliIloM,VN|№atatii1gjudging,: ' Mj№ifdmiujl^lb|for'tifigle and S5 per a'checroffandoUn.^rprius. , . Those attendli^tiM-gline Friday night, >'Y'Iiitl№uoml№7epo^^ Kristiite should arrive earlj\f3''f«alh(ities will begin,'il{ola6j)ii'ia|dlliftilbiJlhgWl!providing iii- -4t7p.m. .. . ■,■5^' The winning ^^^^(lo'olt for some witj ,';®№’itli ^ a k lij Homecoraini( Suzanne Thomasson. Jean White and Carol Roberson, assistant coordinators; Elizabeth Bustle, student government advi- , sor; Jeremy Byrd, leadership instructor. Karen Ferrell and floraculiure classcs, flowers; i . Bob Patillo and Kathy Fercbee, insim* ■ mental music; •; Kothy Ferebee, flag squad; Elaine Snow, vocal music; Isl Sgi. Jones anii the JROTC, escorts; Fuller Welding, helium; . Holyfield Studios, formal group pholog- ■ raphy: Jim Moore, candid photography; Lynn Roy and Shanon Allred, chccrlcad- efs; Susan Wall and Colleen Pitts, dance en- rscmblc: Craig Johnson and carpentry classcs, props; Janell Healy. props; Wayne Harp, ferns; PTSA, fund raiser nnd publicity and do-" nation of a Honda four wheeler, Judy Miller, financial secrciary; “ Matt Johnson, student government prcsi-"' dent; Buddy Lowery and Keith Whitaker,'" grounds; Darryl and Nancy Wooldridge, DHS Alh-’'' Iclic Boosters Club; Jon Oveiby, nnnounccr; DHS math department; Library media assistants, coordinator sup-': port; Frank Luper, school support; Toni and Roger Taylor, Silver Mitsubishi ' convertible; MatdicW Miller, orange Mustang'- convertible; Nahal Patel, black Mercedezl - convertible; Christin Grayson, white BMW ' convertible (Bob Kokoski driver); Rex Allen, Maureen Gildeln, Tbni Taylor;'' Dr. Linda C. Bosi, principals. Continued From Page D2 SamanUia Caudill, Drew Slanaland, PtkIous Hancock, C.J. Doby, Adam Wdenhour, Rose Robertson, Jeuvanal Mkrcial, Richard Gibson, Yescnia Montoya, and Tony Myers. Cenlral Davie Educathm Center Developmenlal Preschool student of die week is NaUianicI Bartlett. This 'teeksludcnts talked aboutbears.Thcy tirought special bears from home. The lj»irs sang and danced. Students read lits of slories about bears. • Thisweek,CentralDavlcIstudenls Цlked about car safety and why it is so important to always be buckled into lÿr seals and scat belts. Student of die ijeek is Renca Shrewsbeny. The Pre-K class has been learning ijxiut each oUier. They have seen pic- t ^ of Uie différant families dwy live liiUi and discovered some ftin Uiings liat families do togcdier.Theclass has also done a lot (if 'hopping' around. iJiey are learning balance, cooitlina- № . and ihyUun. They love to hop iiKl jimpeverywhSBUieygo. • vpenHalDtiviellstudentsiuvalieeo taiidiv •boo* fvnlly niembet^ Each', cMId was asked lo bring a pictun of iM CHdynKM bcntoiha^ class. Som of the cinidiiii ; 'w iU iiip“ family,pictuics. ShideltUij№e' fkik' Ellen'' is Ashe№ Brown, the dapktfk^ ^IfMs/ ■' Tcachcr Helnef,UibtMcherofCi!lyi]^aivi(I. . worked , Ashton fs'4 years old a A i^ itv u lo '• yean. She 1^^' play in1ifcuMkeeping'diit'nli||llp«r^ ' gn^s one tivcaM ^7).’ploymínfa S a v e o i l d i i i o i i i . s m ( Н И о Vw .e? lb*¿WBoflef 0 -' _ ___^ _.#g our muili-cqr drivtr!ohÍEoliiif,Taimg ij|KoiihlOnu Coll us^iHtliA^tfavIng money 19^ Ú at^w iS'lf On Your___ ...........V-Æ icR»l Vi^umter. , 'ÇivfcarRidcrs()tiie Wcckof Aug. 14* ^ 22: Shbiby JH»t, Chcsnce ¿ tí. ^ЙиЬаг, pddy Boi(t,.1vicr Woolen, e^.'ÎM laltàiii .Uriostc(l4ii Cody White, ,Mh,,>-NaU|e Ireland, Ш Bates, Brooke , (tó;''Éí*;-,iBall,Seád¿rksóti',,Ú'ánlel Bcnite/. LeslieTaylor.Naúian Pearce, Jennifer Jordan, Cruz Keller, Logan Brown, Bere Patino, Courtney Moore, Mary KateBeck,GriscldaMarceIino.Carlos Moreno, David Myers, Alex Henry, Mary Beth ShcrilK Matthew Dyson, Nick Cilufto, Paula Romero, Brittany Draughn. Dylan Ratlcdge, Brittany'' Draughn, Clint Mast, Allison Wood"’ Nancy Zheng. D.J. Everhart, Megan * Medford, Tiffani Boger, Brittani Ball,^''[ Clark Tammcn, Azarcly Beniiez, Nila;; Bledsoe, Joel Metz, Bobby Gassctt," Cassie Shoemaker, Brian Fuenles. 5 0 % W B ■ PA IR I ; s b t a t e a D r e x lite . Е/Г’-'ЧЯй* 1НГМММ lS ¡V MMMí v :.. “S ' " AIRWAY • « м м-St.'* SHOE SHOW - H i ' ','u l D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28, 2000 Antique Car Show October 2. Comc out Ю Ihc square, North Main Slrcct, in downtown Mocksvillc on Oct. 2 and 16, the first and third Monday of the month, for.an antique and classic cor and truck show from 5-7:30 p.m. Collectors of these cars and trucks comc'from all over thc Piedmbntr Some of Mocksvillc's downlown shops and restaurants stay open late on these nights In conjunction wilji* thecarshow. Alt activities are free and operi ta. thc public. This event Is sponsored by| thc Piedmont Cars Associalion. For' more infonnatlon, call Sam or Nancy, ■RcUmahal75I-54b8. Germ an Club To Host Oktoberfest Tyier, Amanda and Steve - Ttie Wilkinsons - perform their Brandon Owens with The Wilkinsons, Steve, Amanda and show at the Chili Cookoff al Tanglewood Park, Tyler on their tour bus. T h e W ilk in s o n s T r y T o B e G o o d R o le M o d e ls Tlic Triad Gennnn Club will host itsOkloberrcstatthcMillenniumCen- ter in downlown Winsion-Salcm be­ ginning at 6 p.m. Saturday. Sepl. 30. Tlw Uwlc Gcn\v.»n Band will pnv vide thc music, tliere will be Genmn^ style fcxxl and beverages. Admission will be $8 per person. ' Fiir more infomiation.call Barbara Clapluwu in Advancc al 998-7418. ' C o m a tz e r N e w s By Brundon Owens Davic Couniy Enterprise Rccord Thc Wilkinsons, one of thc most popular country music groups around, performed at the Chili Cookoff to support MarchOfDimes aj Tanglewood Saturday Sept. 16. TheWilkinsonsareafamilygroup made up of father Steve, daughter Amanda (18) and son Tyler (16). Originally from Canada, thc Wilkinsons now live in Nashville. T^ey recently won four Canadian Country Music Awards and have songs rising on Hie country charts., ' They started out singing in their home because Steve was writing songs. *‘We have always been singing,” Amanda said, ^ylcr and I listened to the radio a lot. my dad was always song writing and it evolved from there to what wc arc doing now." Thc Wilkinsons sang songs from Ihcir first big hit '’26Ccnts" to newer hits like "Jimmy's Got A Girlfriend". "I love being on thc road and seeing all the different places, like just two weeks ago. wc were just outside of Phoenix and there were huge canyons, und it was so beauti­ ful." Amanda said. Steve added: "I do not know toii many jobs you can l^ivc where your bcdriHim wakes up in another state". The Wilkinsons can travel around doing concerts, have family lime, and still get ihcir schooling in. "I just gradualed in June and am planing to go 10 Ihe University in thc near future." Amanda said. " I am now in grade 11 at high school." Tyler said. Thc Wilkinsons try to be gwd role models. , TlicPeacock-Brjcken-Headannual rcunion wilt be held in Mocksvillc on pct.7.attlieCcnlcrCommunity Build­ ing at Center Nfcthodist Church on U.S. Wat l-W. • Thisreunionwasbeguninl991by descendanis of Levi Betts Peacock His childrcn were: Andrew, William. Columbus. Yancey and Louisa(Jamcs) Bracken and Sarabei (Tom) Head. All descendants of these ore invited to join ihc Levi Belts Peacock Association for q covered dish lunch. Registration will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch to follow. For further information, contact DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 Valley Rd,. MiKkivilU*. N C 336*751'3111“Our ramify Sm-irt.? Your fdmiVy*m i ноишн.>' п л т и home tP c o m B iìiin ì Special Notice L im ite d to N o C redit! B u y a m a n u fa ctu re d h o m e to d a y!! L a n d A vailable!! G ovem m ent Financing G uaranteed W ith As Little as 5% D ow n P aym ent Call866-348-3100 Toll Free Free TV with Select Models 1 LAND, LAND, LAND 191 acre Farm, Lots of Creek & River Frontage 90 acres on jericho Rd,Water/Sewage, N Gas 69 acres on Wiiiboone Rd, lots of water! 40 acres off B/pass, good development pot. $360,000 35 acres Ralph Ratledge Road 32 acre^ n Milling Rd, fronts 2 state roads iO acres on Paso Ln 28 acres on Liberty Ch Rd - Under Contract 8 acres on Ralph Rd - Under Contract 3.5 acres on Bypass 3.44 acres on Bypass, $450,000 Lot of frontage 1.2 acre Commercial Corners 5 Shopping C t out-parcels I D W lot in restricted area 29,000 SF retail space $650.000 New 24,100 Warehouse and office. For Sale or Lease 4890 SF Former Doctors Office $319,900 . Beautiful Golf Course Lots - Call About Incredible Prices South Arbor Community - Call About Prices Charlestown Grant - Acreage Tracts - Call For Prices ■ Whether you’re buying or selling, there’s only one man to call K y l e S w i c e g o o d The Davie County Land Man Call about a Tax Deferred Land Transaction Today r'S jJs Kyle Swicegood, CCIM 3 3 6 - 9 0 9 - ^ 3 / 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 ^ ^ "Advice I would give lo young people today would be sing, sing, sing every chancc you get. Do noi be shy." Steve said. “If you have an anniversary or someone's wedding lo sing at, jump at the chance." *'ti di>cs not mailer if you're a singer, baseball player or a dancer or whatever jusl believe in yourself and you will make it," Tyler said. By Dottle rotts Comal/er Convspondent Mrs. Rohih(Marnie)Nailisundcr* going ircalment in Fors>lh HoNpiial. Homer Pt>iis and Bobby Barney visiled Br.uly Baniey last Tuesday. Una Wall reiumcil home fmm Forsyth Hospital last WvMncsd.iy. Uist week visitors of Eva PiMis were Ruby Jones. Janie Carter, Debbie Coins, and Lucy Pharr. Mr. and Mrs, Homer Polls and Shamn visiled Mr. and Mr . David Barney in Mtvksville Salurday night,' lx*na Wall and liva l\»lls werc Sun- d.iy guest of Belly Bov'.cns, Brenda Templeton at (7(W) 54(S-7682 or 289 Gantt Horn Road, Staiesville. 28625. Come See The M ariachi Band Oct. 14-6-9pm Buy 2 Soft Drinks & 1 Dinner Combo (#1-.10) And Get Another i Dinner Com bo M cxianis RESTAURANT il F R £ K ! ! V A LID SUN. - U IU R . DINH-IN O N LY \H Not V alid w ith Any O th«r tp M la l |I Ixplr«» 10/7/00 I*O f fq u k lo rts M a rV a lu * J 2«a0 L « w i» v ill« -C I« m iR o n s Rd, 778-0300a«30 ftlgMi Hill M*M. «iilatvll»« • ITMtSO IMG S. atratfont Rd. w a. таааоаа Try Our Fubulous Marfiaritus! S im .'Tliu n .. I I am >lOpm F ritlu) U um >ll pm .Saturday, N<wn>l 1 pm DIRECTV. S A T E L L IT E S Y S T E M O N L Y A T ^ MOCKSVILLE R a d i o S h a c k . D E A L E RVhi'*t k«i< Ur’*r Kt>l «iMwrn.* NEXT TO WAL-MART • 336-751-0423 PACKAGES FROM $21.99 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - DS S e n io r T r o t t e r s M e e t in g H e ld S e p t 1 4 Groundbreaking At Edgewood Edgewood Baptist Church, Cooleemee, held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new parsonage on Sept, 10. Pictured is Paslor Danny Shore (with shovel), and lo his left, chair ol the deacons, Otis Cannup, deacons Bill Link, Terry Correll, Jim Lytle, Contractor Greg fvlinor; to the pastor's right, chair of the buildign committee, Larry Cox, chair of the trustees, Steve Myers, trustee Ron Eudy and Sunday School Director Jerry Correll, M o c k s v ille G a r d e n C lu b H o ld s F i r s t M e e t in g O f T h e S e a s o n planters, Afler that, thc club will again set out pansies for Ihe fall und winter. Topic ofthe next meeting. Oct. 5, is "Fealhercd Garden Friends" presented by Diane Bell of Wild Birds Unlim­ ited. All meetings are Iwld at the First Baplisl Fellowship Hall beginning at 7 p.m. unless oihenvisc noied. Visiiore arc welcome. Tlic Senior Trotters met for their monthly meeting Sept. 14 at theCenter Community Building. There werc 15 members and one visitor present. Nancy Tutlcrow, prcsident. wel­ comed everyone and Bill Seaford had devotions. MinuicsorihcAugustmcel- ing were read and approved und the ireiLsury report given. Tlic group sang "Happy Birthday" loBill Seaford. Other membershaving September birthdays are: Ma/ic Merrcll. Sarah Anderson, Bdith Bamhardt and Melba Williams. A report wus given on the sick and shut-ins in the club and community. Miiry Forrcst thanked everyone for remembering her with cards and good wishes, and a thank you note was rend from Nannie WiI.son. It was good to have them and Paul Forrest back. Tlic president appointed thc fol­ lowing to serve on the nominating committee topresent aslaleofofficcrs at iIjc Octobcr meeting: Novella SaRcy, Ella Phillips, Pcarline Seaford and Jo Wliiie. Barbara Tliomton from the Davie CoilniyScniorCcnlcrgavcarcporlon upcoming aclivilies at the Center for September and Oclober. Thc group voted lo have a catered meal for ihe December meeting. Pcarline Seaford rcad a poem about thc "dash" In our life. Members talked about the Center Fair and who might have won Ihe most ribbonsand money. 'NdvcllaSancyandNanhie Wilson ran u closc race for prize money. Tlianks was expressed to all lhal participated In the fair and barbecue in any way. The group had lunch at Hutch's on 601 South. Thc next meeting will be (}cl. 12 a(> 10 a.m. Pcarline Seaford explained to- Uie group whal wc will do for the, meeting. Each person Is to decorate pieccof fruit, vegetable, gourd, pump­ kin. ctc.Thcsecrcaiions wil! bejudgcd ‘ and prizes given for first, second and Ihird place. BAR-B-Q CHICKEN DINNER S a t u r d a y , O c t . 7 , 2 0 0 0 SHEFFIELD^-CALAHALN V O L U N T E E R F IR E D E P T . 1 2 : 0 0 N O O N U N T IL ! TAKE-OIJTS ONIYÜ! *6 .0 0 A PLATE SLAW WAKED Ub\NS UOl.l^ BAR-B-Q CIIICKHN DESSERTS - Nhxksville Garden Club Iwld ils fir^l nK*eiing of ihe 2(XX)-2()()I se;iM)n ThurMlay, Scpi. 7 al tlic FirM Baplisl Ix'llowship Hall. Bnxtkc Rixlgcf^ -spoke on "Crcal- ing a Rixmi in Yinir Garden." Rodgcr^ is owncr of A Secret Garden in I*fafftown.Shecnlighiencdclubmcm- ben* on seiiing up an iuea of a yiud or a deck for cnjoymeni, dcpcnding on ihe funciion of thè 'rooin." Ròdgeri gave examples wiih various props or plants U.44J lo set an almospherc to match the desire of the homeowner. On Salurday, Sept. 16. the club made ihe first step in Ihe overliaul of the downtown planters. All planLs were removed. The next step is re­ moval of Ihe trees and soil. New soil will be brought in and the smaller trees rcpkmled. using just one tree for the •Now Activations Only. Activation Socunly Coposit Roquiicd 1874 Junction Rd. • Elands»« vtj fcr A этсу »fit ЬвЛогг! md a ftit к"« в« — - - ...........«хсаЛг> ’ P e n n i n g t o n C o m p a n y 386 MkhMls Rd • Ыят n mmaiuf ccnteon miny exm MJa M d«d A pod ft КГ04139.Wa Cd or U na Ì I/:»!. rd tk «TDtkit U,tmwwi Wcsn pnfc i arat/ квЫЛ n . 4QOO jr<t » Ü to » A* S ЯП о WfswvS^Tv j| oibxmnilWaCallMte. D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 C a n a N e w s By John "Cain" Godwin Cana Correspondent So much to do ЬсГогс the Oct. 14 Cana Store and Post Ofllcc oncnJay open house for family friends and neighbors. • Uz ntchison Updcgraff and Benny' wcreinlownovenhc weekend. Benny helped with some yard work. Benny is the clutch rcpalniion for a professional drug racer. I got him to work on our Murray lawn mower. Faster starts olT the line could really help with lhal gruss cutting... Ha Ha. - -- MywifeCailworkswithiheAmcri*- can Red Cross. Lately she has worked a few days in Davic County. If you sec her at the blood drive, (ell her Hi. She has spccial needles that don’t hurt. Tlwt's what I'm saying. Funii City Day was a big hil again at the Clement Grove Fairgiounds. Mr. Childress' tnums looked great on- the stage. Tlial good Cana soil makes a fabulous bloom. Jimmy and Kim Summers' new home is looking great. TTiey arc build­ ing beside Charles andEleanor Eaton’s home on the Big Eaton Farm. Eatons make good neighbors. Have you seen Little Paul Stroud yet? This is Charles nnd Eleanor’s new grandson. Litllc Paul's dad, Steve, told me that the little man's (Irsl tractor is not going to be a John Deere. We will know ihai ifLitile Paul starts looking at John Deeres l\c mighl be staning to rebel. Ha Ha. Happy tK'lated liirlhduy Natalie Cnin Pulliam. Happy Birthday toCliff Ritchie. B B Q C hicken Fork Fire Department Davie Man Completes Marine Corps Basic Training MarineCorisPfc.WchaniV.Cartcr Jr., sonof Becky and Richard V. Carter of Advancc. rwently completed basic training at Marine Corps Recruit De­ pot, Parris Island, S.C. Carter successfully completed 12 weeks of training designed to chal­ lenge new Marine lecniits physically and mentally. Carter and fellow recruits began Iheir training al 5 o.m., by running three miles and performing calisthen­ ics. In addition to the physical condi­ tioning program. Carter spent numer­ ous hours in classroom and Held as- signmcntswhichincludedlcamingfirsl md, unifonn regulations, combat wa­ ter survival, marksmanship, hand-to- hand combat and assorted weapons training. They performed close orJer drill and operated os a small infantry unit during field training. Carter and other recruits also re- ceivedinstruclionontheMarineCorps' corc values - honor, courage and com­ mitment. and what the words mean in guidingperiwnaland professional con­ duct. Cailcrand fellow recruits ended the hourtcamcffon.problcm-solvingcvo- lution which culminated with un emo­ tional ceremony in which the recruits were presented the Marine Corps Emblem, and were addressed as "Ma­ rines" forlhe first timesincel^ootcimip began. Carter is a 1995 graduate of Davic High School. Saturday'Oct. 7, 2000 12:00 Noon til Sold Out MENU: 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Slaw, Roll, Dessert Eat In or Take Out • '6.00 per Plate BBQ Dinner To Heip Local Cancer Victim The Men's Ministry al Jerusalem Baptist Church will have a barbecue dinner to raise money to assist Wayne Parker, a local cancer victim. Parker is the father of Stuart Parker, an officer with ihe Davic Couniy Sheriff's Depanment* serving os school resource oflicer at Davie High School. Parker has been diagnosed with canccr and is unable to work due to the illness. Money raised from the barbecue on Oct. 7 will go towards helping Mr. Parker with his financial burdens. The barbecue fund-raiser will be held at Jcrtisalem Baptist Church, lo­ cated on U.S. 601, about six*miles south of Davie High School. Barbe­ cue dinners will be serN'cd staning at 5 p.m. Eat in or take oul is available. The menu is barbecue, baked beans, slaw, roll, dessen, and a drink. Baked goods will also be available. Donations will be received for the meal and baked items. Parks A nd R ec D epartm ent O ffers Adventure Don't gel bored on your day off from school - join the Mocksville/ Davie Parks & Recrcation Dept, and shore in the adventure. Spend your mornings trail riding in Pilot Mountain and your afternoons roller-skating at Skateland USA. We will leave the Recrcation Department at 9 a.m, and return at 3:30 p.m. each day. A fast food lunch stop will be madcbetwecnadventurcs,atyourown expense. Pick your day soon, they'll fill up fast; Oct. 6. Nov. 22. Dcc. 15. The fun is limited to len panici­ pants each day. ages 9-15. A $24 pre­ paid registration fee is required at Nlocksvillc^avie Parks& Recreation. Dept. Registration is being taken until spaces arc full. Registration fee includes: adult Hawks Fam ily Reunion Oct. 15 Descendants of Newell Washing­ ton and Julie Maude Marion Hawks will have iheir annual reunion on Ocl. 15, at I p.m. at South Oak Ridge Baptist Church Fellowship Building. chapcrone. transportation, trail ride, roller^kating and skate rcnial. ftran.additional feepf.SJOj your, child may arrive al the rccreation de­ part nwnl as early as 6:15 a.ti\. and slay as late as 6 p.m. 1332 Lone Hickory Road. Yadkin- ville. Bring a picnic basket, family pho­ tos and stories lo tell. Call Judy at (336)4h3-2102. Y o u K n o w U s... W e K n o w R e a lM s t a t e P r u d e n t i a l Carolinas Realty 4156 Clemmons Road • Clemmons, NC 336-7J4-4400 A g e n t R o s t e r Audrey Fuhrm ann..........................727-4699 Bev Supple. CR S. GRI...................998-2034 Gloria M a the w f.C R S .Q R l..........998-5062 Jennifer Stroud.................................714-4424 Kathy Phillips.....................................766-7089 ,..714-4406 Pal Kinnamon, CRS, G R I...........,788-7722 Peter A. Heaven...............................714-4410 Sandra Johnson..............................945-4018 Sherri Coram................................... Vlckl B Bullard ...714-4414 714*4433 Vonda Lee Russell, G R I...............714-4407 Hi, my name U Amandu Rose AhdetTion. My dud und mom urv Mickey and Pam. I also have 2 broihers, William and Alvx. My birthday was Sept. I3lh. I wus 1 year old, hut I hod my party on 'Satui^ay the i6th. I hud u Winnie the Pooh cake and a cookout with all my friends and family. My pu> temal Rnindmama Is Nell Ander> son. My maternal nana Is Susan Phibbs. I had a grvat lime. Every­ one was spoiling me. I gut some rvally nice Rilts. Thank you, every­ body. COLDUJGLL B A N K ß R □ TRIAD, REALTORS • Davie Countytntorsocllon ol Hwys 156 & 601 (336) 998-8816 Relocation: 1-600-327-4396 CDBG ADMINISTRATIVE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DjvIc Couniy is Nolicitin(! qunlirii'il conMitiing llriiit to provide alllniní^lrali^c scrviccs for its 2(KK> (M)IKÎ liifrasiruciiifv Projcci. Hk* Projcci will consi>j of tlic cvivndUua’ of S552.ft2H of jitatu futut\ and St77.672 of oilwt funilv.n»« project NS ill inciuilc: 1) 8..Î7U l.l-of 8" sower lines ssilh Î5 scisicecontieciions 2) Acquisition of 9 iluelltngs Cleanince of ilvscltint;s 4) Uaihtixim addition Thcsclccird rum vsilllvrvsponsitiic for insurtfl{; compliancc Miih all rcitcral rcqliiwmcnis, carryinj; nut pn>pcr ailscrtisinj:. l^idding and contracl administration on »11 prujects, record keeping, ovcrsitthl of work by cor^lractorv a.s>isiancc to Couniy s^iilt financial nunagenwnl. and all iHlicrresponsibiliiies asv»clatc«l witli nunaginj* a ConiiuunUy IVsclopnwnt lllocl. Cuani IHojcci. Minority and female fimis arc cncouraged to submit a pn>posaI. The deadline fi*r siil>niittal of a piop*Ts;il iv 4'.tH) pin ‘mrltKXirntc Rcijuesi for l*roposal I’ackapc ituy be obtained faim: Ken Windley CiMinty Manager DavieCounly 12.1 S. Main .Street Mocksvillc. NC 270:X (J36W 5I.5513 F e a tu r e H o m e Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 - D7 Fund Raissr-s Tliursday, Sept. 28 P(H»r Miin's Supper, Coolccmcc United Mcth. Church. 5-7 p.m. I'or the conunu- .. nity. Donations................................- Saturday, Sept. 30 PoorMun'sSuppcr.rulionMcih. Church, 4-7 p.n\. Dswaiiws. Chlckcn Slew hy llrvml ot l.lfc Hapt.. 45571 iw. «01 N.. 4-6 p.m. Hvcryonc wcl- come. Рпк-ccds lo support missions рпь gram. Thursdaty, Oct. 5 Г(юг Man's .Supper at llardisrm United Mclh., Jericho Ch. Rd., pinto beans, poia- 10C.S, cahbagc, combrcad, ham. 5-7 pm. Music: Poonnan's Band. All donations for bidg. fund. Friday-Sunday, Oct. 6-8 UavlcQullUr'sRulliinnlAnmialQulll Show. Davic Ubnuy..Main St.. MiKksville. Ocl. 6-7 from 10 a.m.*6 p.m., Ocl. 8 fn>m I -5 p.m. Queen si/c quilt "Nana's Ganlen" raffled Ocl. 8 • donations SI. Admission- S2.00. Tot more it\foordircctionscaU75W O5.i2or4';2-740S. Saturday, Oct. 7 Ilur-U-Q Dinner,Shcfficld-Calahaln Vol. Пгс Dept. 12 ntwuuntil. lake ouls only. S6 per plate. Slaw, baked beans, rolls. UUQ chicken, desser>. Country Hum likfusl. Ccntcr Unilnt Mcth,. 6-10 a.m.. couniry ham, sausage. eggs.nlUhclrimmings.Prwccdsgotoncw l amily D'rt Or. Ongoing - HliiKo. McKTksville .Moose 1.(kIkc 1‘>49, l-ridays. Dixus open ai 6. fir\t game al 7 p.m. HlnBo. Willlnm K. Dih It VFD. 2nd Satur- day. 1>ч>гъ open. 6:30 p.m. liunlixm Cimrcli, Poor Mans Supper, every |\t Tliurs.,5-7pm. Relltlion _________ Sunday, Ocl. 1 Cenler United .Mclh. Hnmccomint!, un- dci Center Atbor beginning w/Mcnwrial .Scrsicc I0;45 a.m. Rev, George Aunun. Covered dinner on groundv lIomecnminK Hrst liupl. Church, .1‘Д) N. Main St.. .MiKksville. I0;.S5 a.m. Wor­ ship, 12:15 p.m. dinner on ihe gn>unds, please bring basket for jiHir family. CIvmmotu Church of (JtKl, off Stratford Rd. on Hryn .Mavvr Lane. 10:45 a.m. jcr- vice with Living Waters from Troy. Reunions__________ ilellurd Kcunlan. at the Arbor. CiHilcernec Cir. St. cxi.. dinner 1 p.m. come join ihe fellowship, bring a basket. S oecial Events Saturday, Sept. 30 Cuolcemcc Textile HeritURc Fc>lival. heritage pankie 10 a.m.. Zachary Mouse gates open 11 a.m.-4 p.m., music, fixxl. quilt show, un contesi, petting boat rides on Yadkin River & Ulinky piippet show. Spi.4\s4HCsl by Coolccnwe I listvwcal Associalion. Monday, Oct. 2 Cundic Llijhl Vijjil. Davic Domeslic Vio- lenec to luist. 6:30 p.m., meet at Davic Co. Library to walk to court square. To honor victims of donieslic violence in Dav ie Co. Saturday, Oct. 7 ConccrC Southern Voice: Dlk, While, & lilues. Southern Blues, gospel, poetry. Davic Arts Council. 7:30 p.m. Впкк Perf. Arts Ctr. Main St., MiKksville. Oo\ Of­ fice: 751-ЗООО. Dates to Remember Sat. & Sun., Sept. 30&0ct.1 Annual Uook Sule, Davie Co. Public Li­ brary. Sal. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 2-5 p.m. Paperbacks lOe, Hardbacks 25c, Special itenu 50e. Saturday. Oct. 2 Piedmont CwV.R.S. Assoc. Cruise In, Main St, downioNsn Mocksville. 6-9 p.m. For info call 751 -0313 or 751-Я68. Thursday, Oct. 5 Da>icCo.HrcaslCanccrAwarencssSpe- cial Candle LlghtingScr\icc, in recogni- IVISECARUER MINI-STORAGE For till your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CnCC todnijl : (396) 998-8810 lionofsurvivorsandnon-survivorsofbrcflsl canccr, 6:30-9:30 pm., Davic Co. Public Library. Friday, Oct. 13 Harry Poller's HoRunrls School of Mn8Ící‘4-6 p'.mr. Davie'Co. l*ublie Li- hrnry. Main St., MiKksville. Madutne Cassandra Rose will bring magic of Hogwarts 10 Ihc library. Limited to 36 people, so pre-rcgisiraiion is a musl. Lim­ited to grade 3 and above. Call 751-2023. All participants must bring a broom. Thursday, Nov. 2 Dr. Elliot EnRcl prracnu "llic Inlnil- tabic Winston Oiurchlir*. 7 p.m.. Davic Couniy Public Library, call 751-2023 for more info. Ongoing Acnihlcs, Tuesdays &TI)ursdays, Mocks­ ville Elementary School, 6 p.m. Visit Coolcemec's Mill VlllngeMuscum. 14 Church Si.. Tues. & Tliurs.. 9 a.m.- mxm. Sats., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 294-6040. Rpcyclins Iruck at Center Communiiy üldg.,8-11 a.m. Ist Salunlay, KecycllnR Iruck at Union Chnpel Mcih- odisi.4ih Saiurday. 8-11 a.m.. HecyclinüIruckulJcríclHxnunlLstm Ru­ritan bidg., 3rd Salunlay, 8:30-11 a.m. Prcschoolslory llnic.Tues.. 11 a.m..Davie Couniy Library-. 30-mtnuic ptograin. For childrcn ages 3-5. Muyc, rcad aloud, stiv ries. films, nursery rhymes. Meetings__________ Tuesday, Oct. 10 ChrislinnNcls»orkforlheNcedy.7p.in., A Storehouse for Jesus. Depot St., MiKksville. Questions? Call 998-2660 or 998-5387. Dusic Co. Kcpuh. Party. 7:30 p.m. at Davie Courthouse. V»s Will He The Unt For 2000. Saturday, Oct. 28 Das ie Co. Kepuhilcnn I*arty Men's Kol- cratlon,'?:30 a.m.. Red Pig Re.staurani. Ongoing Humane Swltly of Dasle Ct)„ nHinihly meetings 2nd Wed. of each month, at office Yadkinville Rd. behind car wash. 751- 5214. Jcru^lcm llupt. Church is a providing support for those who have lost iheir ji>bs. 8-.30-10 a m. on Mondays, call 336-284- 2328 for morc info. ProKrc&.sl>cCluhorC(M>k‘cniee,2ndSun- day, CiHileemee Library. 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for info. Christian Uaslnessmeii's Cummlllee of Miickss IHe.Thurviays. 7 a.m. MiKksville Rotao’HuL «old Wing TourinR /Usociation, Red IHg Uarbccuc. Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 ul U.S.60l,6p.fi^284-i799. •' Mocksvllle-Davie Jaycees, Isi & jrd Thurs., Samuels un Main Restaurant, MiKksville, 7 pm. Dusie County Stamp Club, 1st Tlmrs., Davic Senior Cerner, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Coolecmce Recreittlun Associalion, Zachary Hoiisc, Isi Tuesday, 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous. Sundays. 6 p.m. and NN’ednesdays. 8 p.m.. Second IVcsby te­ non Church basement. I*ine St. Call 751- U90or75l-7786 for info. Ilomeschool 4-11 Club, 2nd & -Ith Tues­day. Call 998-8925 for more info, lledmont Triad Rahbll Fanclcn. Iasi Sundayofcachmonih. 2:30p.m. All rabbit ovvnenwelcome.Call336.998-9858orvisil tt ww.piedmonltriadrabbil.com or e-mail Under New Management Shady Grove Consignment 1979Hwy001 South »Advance Hmir»;- T-F-H Sat10am-3pm ptrf2000@aol.com for more info. Help YourScir Support Grnup, Cancer Services, Inc.. 2nd Tuesday, noon-1:30 p.m. Davic County Library. Uring bag lunch ifyou wish. For more info, call 751-0313 or 760-9983.-............................. MOPS(MothcnorPrcsch<)olvrs),Miia'- donia Moravian Church. Support, fellow­ ship, crafts &. Гшч1. Childrcn guided in own program M01»PLTS,9:30-11:30 a.m. Reg- isinition fee flexible lo ft of childrcn oiieiid- ing. Scholarships available. For more info, call 998-1394. Ist & 3rd Fridays^ The ArlUt Group, Davie Couniy Li­ brary. 7p.m. lasiTues. Call Bonnieai 998- 5274. Ccntcr Community Ucvclnpmcnt. .3rd Mon.. 7 p.m. Communiiy UIdg. Coolecmee Town Hoard, 3rd Tuesday, Town I fall. 7 p.m. unless oihcr\visc noicd. North Cooieemee und Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friend­ ship Uapiisi Fellowship Hall. Davie Domestic Violence Sen Ices. Sup­ port gmups for victims. Sessions free, confidcniial. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. and Fridiiy, 10 n.m. DDVS Ofllcc in Davic Coumy Office Dldg.. 751-3450. Family Violence Prevention .Services of Davie Couniy. Free counseling for vic­ tims of violence and iheir children. Sepa­ rate groups. Tuc-sdays, 6-7:30 p.m.Ftr^i United .MethiHlist Church of MiKksville. Call |.8(X)-728-3413. DasicCouniyScluHd liusDriscrs Asso­ ciation, 2nd Thupi., 7 pm. Davie Couniy Sr. Center. Впкк Uldg. ConcrntcdllikcrsAM>ciali4m,F(xjihili4 Chapter. 2nd Wedticsday, Wcstcrtt Siccr. U.S. 601 at 1*40.7 p.m. IHthlic welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tucs., 9 a.m..MiKks U.MC. 998-2111. Mockss illcGanlenCIuh,lsi Tliurs. l-'irst Baptisl Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Visitors wclcomc. Sons nf Confederate Veterans. I si Mon­ day, Ci4)lecmcc Historical Building, 7p.m............. . .. .Mocksv ille Rotary Cluh,Tuc4lay s. 12:10 pm.. Roiary Hul. Take ОГГ PouiuLs Seasllsly. Ucihlchct« UnitcdMcihixlisiChuah.6:45pm.lluiR. Farmlnglun .Ма.мт1с 1.дк1кс No. 265, 2nd .MoiHlay. 7:30 pm. ai ihc lixlge. Cancer support gmup, 2nd Tuesday, 7 pm.. Davie Library, for cancer patients, ftiend. family. 1-Ш)-22Н-7421 or 751- 0313. Mocksvillc Llims Cluh. ist. 3rd lliurs- days. 7 pm.. Roiary Club. MiKkssillc-Davle Homebuilders, 4ih Пшгч1ау, 7 p.m.. Captain Slcvcn's. Davie HlRh Athletic Uonstrrs, 3rd Mon­ day. 7 p.m., schix)l cafeicria. Dlsuhled American VeleransNo. 75 and Au.siliary. 3rd .Monday. 7 pm.V chapter home. U.S. 601 south of Mocksville. Farmington Ruritan Cluli, 2nd 1Ъип>- day, 7:30 p.m.. Famiinginn Methixlisi church. IIELI*S .Minbtrles, Chrislian nrcovety program fi4’ women se.sually abused a.s childrcn. Mondays, 7:30 p.m.. 41 court Si{uare. RiK)m210. Golden Age Club. 1st Monday, East Room. Sr. Center, Впкк Bidg., 10 a.m. AUhcimers Sup|)ort Group, 2nd Thurs- day, 7 pm., East Room. Sr. Center. Brock Bidg.. N.MainSt.75l-8770or 751-0611. Hrcast-feeding Support Group, 2nd Tuesday, Davie I icalth Dept., 6-7:30p.m. Parents Resource Orgnnization (PRO) - supportgruupfurfan'iilicscfcluldrcn wlih disabililies,2ndTucsday.7p.m.CatlRosc- imiry Kropfeldcrat 998-3311 forlocation. JeHcho.Hardlson Rurllan Cluh. 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays, 4:30-7 p.m.; Teen Health Promotion Clinic. 8:30 a.m.-noon. 2nd. 4th Satur­days. Recreation_________ For more infonnation on ihese events, call 75I-232.V Thursday, Sept. 21 Special Olympics Davic Co. Porl-A-Pil, $6perplate,l/2chicken. baked beans, slaw, mil, dessert, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.. 1st Uniicd Meih. Chuah. Placc order by Fri., Sept. 15, calln.-c.dcpl. 751-2325. Clogging Mondays, 7 p.m., Fanningion Communiiy Center. Call Steve or Linda Hatley, 751- 3848. Line Dancing Farmington Communiiy Center. Every Tuesday. Cost: S2. Insiniclors: Sieve & Linda Hailey. Formoreinfo,call 751-3848. Rec Ciub Before (S15)or afler (S25)sclux)l and out of schiK)! pnigrants. Registration open. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons 55 per month. Volunicers for different social events. Contact Ethel at W8-3837. Silverstriders Walk Club Scniorii. 50 and up, M-F. 6:.30-9 a.m. No clurge. Mothers Jvlorning.Out. Tuesdays and TlnirMkiys. S7 per day. S40 per month. The Dance Company Mon .Tues.. Wed.. & Sat. Call Ennly Rob- eitson,998-5l6.V YMCA____________ Formoreinfnmiaiion.call751-%22orvisii Davie Family YMCA. Adult Water Exercise Tuesday & lliursday, 9;I5 a.m. Arthritis Rehab .MWF. 10:30 a.m. Youth Swimming Lessons Ages 6 months & up. Parent/child, pre­ school. school aged group lessons & pri­ vate. live week session meet 2 limes pci w k., call for e\aci limes. Fee: S30 members. $60 non-members. Karate-Carucado Style Tue.sdays. 7-8:45 p.m. S15/monih. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6& up. .Meet Tues. &'rhurs. Beginner 3-.454:30p.m..lmcnnediaie4:30-5:15p.m.,. Advanced 5:15*6 p.m., Adults 6-7 p.m. Members S20/mo., non-members $30/mi». Gymnastics Plus Coed grades K-6, Wed. 3:30-1:30 p.m.. 5 S e n iO P S wk. sessions bt Jin Sept. 13 & Del. 18, Fee; ------------.Members $30, Non-members S50. P o s it io n A v a ila b le The Davie Couniy Enlerprise-Record currenlly has an opening on ils staff. The position is part-time. Duties including serving as tlic company's receptionist and lypisl. If you enjoy meeting the public and have above average typing skills, we inviie you to apply. Davie County Enterprise-Record P.O. Box 99 171 South Main Street <ock5villcrN€—27028----------------- (336) 751-2120 Kiddie Kicl<erSoccer Program Boys & girls uges 4-5 & 6-7. Begins Sept. 16 (6 wks.), Times! 10 a.m. ages 4-5, 11 a.m. ogcs 6-7. Fee: members S25, non members S35. Parent/Child 3-Wee Soccer 3 yr. old leams siKcr wiih parents. Sat. 9 a.m., begins Sept. 16 (6 wks.) Fee: mem­ bers 520. non-members S35. Massage By appoiniment only. Tuesdays. S45/hour. S35/half hour. S20/chair massage. Call for details. 751-9622. Ballet Classes Wilh Patty Harris. Begins Ocl. 9 & 11, Ueginncn Mondays 4:30-5:15 (ages 5-8); Intermediate Wednesdays4:30-5:15 (oges 6-10). S20 per month members, Pre-regls- trailon required. Saturday, Sept. 30 Teen Scene, 8-11 p.m. Fri.-Sun., Oct. 6-8 Scuba Class, cost members: $250. non­ members S275. Lifetime PADl certifica­ tion. Please call Lisa at 751-9622 for more Info. All Senior Aciiviiies lake place ol Ihc Davic Couniy SenjorCcnierlocaied in the Brock Buildingon North Main Slrcet. Mocksvillc unless olherwise noted. Call 751-0611. Ongoing Silver Health Exercises, Senior Center, M, W. F. 8:30-9 a.m. Mock Place, M, W. •10-10:30 a.m. Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M-W, II a.m. Thurs. & Fri. Quilling, every other Monday. 10 a.m. Bridge,Tucsdays& Fridays, I p.m. Silver Slriders & Walking Programs. Daily at BrockGym6;30-9a.m. Coolecmee Elemcnlary, 6-8 a.m.SmiihCruveGym.7- 9 a.m. AUheimer'sSupport Group. 2nd Thurs­ day. 7 pm.. Senior Center Easl Room. Creative Scrapbooking Cla.«, 2nd Tues­ day, 2 pm. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be re­ ported by niH)n Monday ofthe publication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office, S. Main St. across from ihe courthouse. Homecoming At Couilney Baptist Courtney Baptist Church in Yad- kinvillc will cclcbnitc homecoming Sunday. October I. Sunday school will begin al 9;45 a.m.. and worship will begin at 11 a.m. There will be a sermon by Rev. John Brown, pastor at Courtney Baptist Church. Acovered dish supper will follow Ihe scrvicc. and at 2 p.m. there will be greal music from many talented folks at Courtney. A nnual O ak Grove Students And Spouses Gathering Oct. 7_ The fifth annual gathering for the Oak Gmvc stitdcnls and spouses will be Saturday, Ocl. 1, from 10 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. al the Oak Grove United Meihodist Chua'h fellowship hall, lo- catcd approximately three miles c;ki of Mocksvillc on U.S. 158. Bring a picnic lunch and drink. Plates, cups, napkins, Ice, and eating utensils will be provided. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie White Four Comers Contispondcnl Homecoming will be Sunday, Oct 1, at Courtney Baptisl Church. Wor­ ship scrvice will be at 11 a.m. with ihc Rev. John Bruwn, pastor, as speaker, wilh dinner immediately after the ser­ vice and singing in the afternoon. Ev­ eryone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh, Mr. atul Mrs.Grady Beck, and Mr. and Mrs. LS. Shelton Jr. attended the golden wedding cel­ ebration of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Laymon Saturday evening at the Civic Center in Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith visiied Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamm and girls Sunday afiem(№n. ^ Cindy A to Z Pressure Cleamng ж , я ц ; ц н «1» REASONABLE RATES • FREE ESTIMATES lim Prevclte - Owner (336) 492-5735 Mocksville. NC GENETREXLERHOOFING Now & Old Roots 24 Years Екропопсо • Froo EstifTialos 336-284-4571 О A S H PAID FO R A N TIQ U ES . PARTIAL O H W HO LE ESTA TE S . ' C O LLEC TAB LES, O LD M ETAL TO Y S . A N TIQ U E FU R N ITUR E RANSOM'S CRAFTS UnpainteJ Petan Resin FigurinesI lyui <ri&a O F F Ш Thii Ш Vintage Vidage Country Marl^et Locdtion: 8 mi. h. of Y díitinviííe ok US 411 nearest I-77 ---------------SatuTtay^g-SHgòay, 8 am-s pm H i he— A ~ H u b b y . P ro fe ssio n a l H ^ n d y rn ^ n S em ces 3 3 6 ' - 9 4 0 ~ 5 6 6 9 Do you neecl help with... Cleaning, Painting, New Tilework & j!.epair, Wall­ paper, Bathroom Remojellng, Kitchen Remo4eling, Assembling Store Bought Items & Furniture, Har4woo4 Flooring, Basic & Extensive , Carpentry, Gutter Repair fit Cleaning, Chimney Sweeping, Pressure Washlrig; Carpet Cleaning, Light Fixtures, Basic Plumbing Repair, Moving Furniture, Hanging Curtains, Home Decorating, Carpetltig, Christmas Decorating & Take Down, Shopping, Sheetrock Repair an4 more... Not to mention a very well e4ticate4, great conversationalist that doesn't talk about sports an4 racing, but rather you an4 your home. Ariy size |ob large or small! • Cailforafreeestlmate&brochure!,Slnce1995i[losure4 ; li; Fall Chimney Sweep Special... teS.OO Pgr FIrfplaf.». Com ing Soon To Clemmons October 1st, 2000 ‘Revis Institute of Bartending’ 0 0 (9 Register Now Contact Sherry Revis 6490 Stadium Drive Suite A CIemmons,NC ' ^ 2 7 0 1 2 :. " v ’ ’- , D8_- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000PUBLIC NOTICES CERTIRCATE OF APPROVAL for an INDUSTRIAL PROJECTTh« Davie County Indualrial Facllltle» and Pollution Control Financing Authority (Cycle Group, Inc. Project) The undersigned, cn behalf of tho SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE of the Stale of Nonh Carolina (tho ‘SGCfotaiv*). pursuant to Section 1590-7 of tho General Statutes of Nonh Carolina and the regulations prescribed by the Secretary thereunder, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, FIND AND DETERMINE as follows: (a) The Davie County Industrial Fa*, duties and Pollution Control Financing Authority (the *Authority*), a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State ol Norih Carolina created by resotution adopted by the Board ol Commissioners for the County of Union, in accordance with Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina (the *Acf) has tiled wilh the Secretary pursuant to Section 1 S9C>7 ol the General Statutes ol Norih Carolina (the *Act*) has Ned with the Secreia^ pursuant lo Section 159C-7 of tho Act and the regulations prescribed by the Secretary thereunder, an application for approval of its proposed Industrial project (the 'Project') to be operated by C^le Group, Inc. (the'Operatof*).The Project is lobe financed. In pari, by the issuance ot tho Autt^onty's Industtial Dev^(^ ment Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed S7.500.000. (b) The Project^consists of the acqui­sition. improvement, renovation and equipping of a laciiity to be used In the manufacture, packaging and distribu­tion ol feline litter and animal bedding products hxated at 166 Industrial Bou-. levardinMocksville.DavieCounty,Norih Carolina (Ihe Trolecf). The Project will create or save jobs for approximately 30 people. (c) Public notices ol the Authority’s submissionofitsappHcationfofapproval and ol a puttie hearing held by the Davie County Board of County Commission­ ers were duly published in the manner required by the regulations prescribed by the Secretary and all comments re­ ceived in accordance with such notices and the hearing have been considered by the Secretary. (d) As required by G.S. 159C-7(d). the Depariment of Environmeni and Natural Resources has ceriified lo the undersigned thal the project wiil r>ot have a malfiriaily adverse effect on Ihe envi­ronment Upon due consideration of the Authority's application for approval and the comments received with respect thereto, the Secretary hereby luriher CERTIFIES, FINDS AND DETER­ MINES as follows pursuant lo Section 159C*7 of the Act and the Regulations ol the Secretary prescribed thereunder 1. The Project Is an industrial devel­opment project for industry. 2. The Project will nol have a materi­ ally adverse elfect on the environment.3. The approximately 30 jobs lo be created or saved directly by the Project will be large enough in number to have a measurable Impact on the area Imme­ diately sunounding the Project and will be commensurate with the sl2e and the cost of ihe Project4. The Operator ot tho Prt^ect has demonstrated Hs capability lo operate the Project. 5. The financing of the Project by the Authorily win nol cause or result In the abandonment of an existing Industrial or manufacturing facility of ihe operator or an alfiiiale elsewhere within the State of Norih Carolina. 6. The Project Is hereby approved and this Ceriificale of Approval shall become effective as provided in Section 1590-7 of the Act IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the un­ dersigned has executed this Ceriincale ol Ap^oval, on this 21 si day ol Seplem­ber, 2000. THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA /8/ Stewart Dickinson for Rick Cartisle, Secretary ESTOPPEL NOTICEThe above Approval Is revlewable as provided In Article 4 of Chapler 1SOA of the General Statutes of Norih Carolina only by an aclk}n filed, wilhin 30 days alter the date ol this puWicatton, In the Superior Court of Wake Counly. If no such action Is filed wilhin such 30-day period, the validity of such Approval shall be conclusively presumed, and no court shall have authority lo Inquire Into Buch Approval. 9-26-1in NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUrm NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified a& Executrix ol the Estât* ofTHOMASCUNTON BOWLES, late of Davl« County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said es­ tate to p ^ n t them to the undersigned on or before the 21 st day of December, 2000. being three (3) months from the flrat day of pub(icatk)n or thla noUce will. b* pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estale will pfease make Immediale payment to the unM gned. TMl it the 21st day of September. 2000.: Krttfe (ireene Howell. Executrix : 439FanT)landRc ‘Mockaviile.NC: ■ 9-2MIP AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AMENDED NOTICE OP SALE IS TO REFLECT ONLY THE THIRD AND FOURTH TRACTS IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION.Under and by viriue of Iho power and authority contained inthatcoriain Deed ot Tmst executed and delivered by Charles L. Ashley and wife, Judith Ashley, dated May 9, 1997, and re­ corded in the Office ol the Register of Deeds for Oavie Counly. Norih Caro­lina. in Book 255 at Page 396, and because of default having been n>ade in the payment of tho indobtedr^ess se­cured by said Deed of Trust and failure to do and perionn the stipulaltons and agreements therein contained, and pur- suantto demando! iheOwnerandHolder of the Indebtedness secured by saM Deed of Tmst, the undersigned Subsll- luleTmsteewillexposeforsalealpublk: auction tolhohigheslbkidorlor cash the properiy therein described, lo wil:THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING al an Iron pin in the lino ol Mrs. Willie Daniels (Deed Book 50. page 246), the same being the Southeasl comer of John T. Lamb (Deed Book 110, page 626) and running thence with the linos ot John T. Lamb and Joe Wayne Dillard Norih 35 degrees Ot minules 32 seconds Wesl 258.22 feel lo an iron pin In Iho Southern right-ol-way margin ol a 30 fool ease­ ment, Noriheast corner of John Wayne Dillard; ihence wilh Ihe Southern right- of-way margin ol saU easement North 51 degrees51 minutes 56 seconds East 113.12 feel lo an iron pin. Northwest comerol Clarence Sieven Dillard; thence with Clarence Steven DiUard South 36 degrees 20 minutes 24 seconds East 229.66 feet to an iron pin. Clarence Sieven Dillard's Southwest corner in Mrs. Willie Daniers line; ihence wilh Daniers line Soulh 47 degrees 57 min­ utes 15 seconds West 119.12 feel TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­NING, containing 0.622 acres, more or less, and being a portion of those lands described by deed recorded In Deed Book 63, pago 451, Davie County Reg­ istry. TOGETHER WITH THE ABOVE LANDS there is conveyed a perpetual easement ol ingress, egress and re­gress 30 feet in wkJth as set forih by a deed of easemenl from Clarence C. Dillard and wife, Louisa R. Dillard, lo Joe Wayne Dillard el al duly recorded in the Davie County Registry. FOURTH TRACT: BEGINNING at an iron rod. the Norihwestern comer of Mrs. Willie Daniels in the eastem right- of-way margin of US Highway 601; thence with the eastem right-of-way mar­gin of US Highway 601 North 35 degs. 40min.21 seerWest 163.69 feet to an iron rod. the new comer of C.C. Dillard; Ihence with a new line of C.C. DUIard North 58 degs. 22 min. 06 sec. East 199.03 feet to an iron rod; Ihence with the new line of C.C. Dillard South 35 degs. 46 min. 21 sec. East 125.00feello an Iron rod, the new comer ol C.C. Dillard In the line of Mrs. Willie Daniels; thence with the line olMrs. Willie Daniels South 47 degs. 11 min. 06 sec. West 200.00 feel to a beginning, being 0.656 acres, moró or less, according lo a sur­ vey by Francis 8. Greene, K.LS.,daled July 17,1979. Present Record Owner(s): Charile L Ashley and Judith C. Ashley Thelenns of the sale are thal ihe real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and lhal the undersigned may require the successful bidder at the sale lo Immedi­ately deposit cash or a ceriified check In an amount equal to the greater of five , percent (5%) of Ihe high bid or S750.00.The real properiy hereinabove de­ scried will be sold 'as Is,* *where is,* subject lo any and all superior liens, and subject lo taxes and special assess­ments. ThesalewillbeheldooQnfortBn(iQ)_ lays for upset bids as by law required. Dale and Hour for Sale: October 13, 2000 at 11:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Davie Counly Court­house Date ol this Notice: Seplember 20. 2000. /s/Stephen A. Lamb Substitute Tnjsiee .NORTH CAROLINA • DAVIE COUNTY- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as ExecuUix of the Estale ol FRED TOPPING CRABB. lale of Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons having claims againsi said es­ tate lo presertl them lo the undersigned on or before the 14lhdayof December, 2000, being three (3) monlhs from ihe first day of publfcallon or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estale-will - please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. . vThla Is the I4ih day of Seplember, 2000. Sarah Scoll C'rabb, Executrix 109 Ukewood Drive Mocksville. NC 27026 9-14.4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INTHE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION ■ 99 CVD 654 Counly of Davie, Plaintiff, vs.Clifton Loe Peoples o/k/a Clifton Loe Peebles; Regina Carson; Sharma Dulln; Warren Dulin; Tawanna Dulln; Joann Peebles: Renee Peebles; The Heirs of J.V. Peebles, known and unknown; Howoll W. Wottz; and American General Rnance, lienholder, Defendants.TO: Regina Carson. Roule 4, Box 534, Mocksville, NC 27026; Joann Peebles, Route 3, Box 44, Advance. N027006; Renee Peebles. Roule 3, Box 44, Advance, NC 27006. TAKE NOTICE lhal a pleading seek­ ing relief againsi you has been filed In the above enlitlod action The nature ol the relief sought Is the collection and/or foreclosure ol properiy taxes owing on property k>caled in Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and des­ ignated as follows: Tax Identlllcalion number H900000035. H900000036. H900000036 and 1900000005.You are requested to make defense lo such pleading no later lhan the 23rd day ol October,2000.saiddatobeing40 days from Iho first publicallon of this notice; and upon your failure lo do so. the party seeking service againsi you will apply to the Court for the reliel sought. This lhe7lh dayof Seplember, 2000. /s/Robert E. Price Jr. Attorney for Plalntitl Stale Bar Na 9422 OF COUNSEL:ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI­ATES, PA 3400Heafy Drive, Sle.B P.O. Box 26364 Winston-Salem NC 27114-6364 - Telephone: (336) 760-2870 9-14-ЗШ NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 00 CVD 576 Counly ol Davie, Plaintiff, vs. The heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unknown; Bessie Cuthrell; The heirs ol Bessie Cuthrell, il deceased; Alexander Cuthrell: Roberi Junior Cuthreli: The heirs of Mary Elizabeth Cuthrell Pruitt Hairston, known and unknown; The heirs ol Troy Hairston, known and unknown; Bertha Hairston; Uz2le H. Jordan; and The Davie County Department of Social Seivices, Guardian lor Maiy Pnjitl Hairston, ward, Defendants. AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PROCESS TO: Roberi J. Cuthrell. t003West Fisher Street. Salisbury. NC 26144; Heirs of Mary EiizabethCuthreil.Pniitl Hairston, known and unknown. 156 Benson Street Mocksville. NC 27026; Heirs of Roosevelt Cuthrell, known and unknown. 156 Benson Street, Mocksville, N0 27026; • Bertha Hairston, 156 Benson Street Mocksville, N0 27026; Uz2ie H. Jordan 156 Benson Street. Mocksville, NC 27026;Bessie Cuthrell, 156 Benson Street. Mocksville. NC 27026; Heirs of Bessie Cuthrell, known and unknown, 156 Benson Street Mocks­ ville, N0 27026: Alexander Cuthrell, 156 Benson Street Mocksville. NC 27026; Heirs of Troy Hairston, known and unknown, 156 Benson Street Mocks­viile, NC 27026.TAKE NOTICE lhat a r^leadin^i SBok. È G utter Cleaning Call Rusty Tucker L*wn Care ; Todqr for a FREE Quote 284-6501 ing relief againsi you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the reliel sought is the collection and/or foreclosure of properiy laxes owing on property kxaled in Davie Counly, North Carolina, and being described and des­ ignated as follows: Tax Identification number J5010C0011 You are requested to make defense lo such pleading no laler lhan the 23rd dayof 0ctober,2000, said dale belng40 days from the firsl publication ol this nolice; and upon your failure lo do so, the party seeking servk:o against you will apply lo Ihe Court for the relief sought This the 7lh dayof September. 2000. /s/Robert E. Price Jr. Allomey for Pialnliff Slate Bar No. 9422OFCOUNSEL ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCI­ ATES, P.A..3400 Healy Drive, Sle. B P.O. Box 26364 Wlnslon-Salem. NC 27ri4-6364 Telephone: (336) 760-2870 9-14-3tn MARfIN SAW SHOP 751.S03S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE .................... 2000 SP 123 .............In Ro: The Eslate of CLYDE ROY WILUAMS. SR. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND PURSUANT lo an Or­ der enlerod by the Honorable Kenneth D. Bogor. Clori< of Superlor Court of Davie County, Norih Carolina on lha 7lh day of'Soptomber, 2000, Tamra Will­iams and Jill Baca. Iho Co-Administra­tors ol the Esiale ol Clyde Roy Williams, Sr.. will olforforsalo altho Davie County Courihouso door In Mocksville. Davio County.NorthCarolina at 10:00 a.m.on Wednesday, October 11. 2000 and soil lo the highest bidder for cash a ceriain tract of fand. together with the Improvomonls localod theroon. and lo­cated In Mocksville, DavieCounty, Norih Carolina. 27026, and more pariiculariy described os follows: Being Lot number Throe (3) of tho Dorman Brown subdivision accord­ing to a plat thereof prepared by A.L Bowlot, R.S.. February 15.1961, and recorded In Plat Book 3, page 96. Davie County Roglstry, to which ref­erence Is made for a moro particular description. Soo Dood Book 109, page 35. Davio Counly Registry.The salo will bo subject to properiy taxes and any olhor outstanding lions or encumbrances of record. Tho highest bidder shall bo roquirod lo deposit ten percent (10%) of iho purthaso prfce on the day of sate in cash or cortiliod funds. This the 7lh day ol September. 2000.Sally W. Smith, Attorney for Co-Administrators Tamra Williams and Jill Baca Martin & Van Hoy. UP Ten Court ^uare Mocksvillo. N0 27026 (336) 751-2171 9-14-4ln NOTICE OF SERVICE OF . PROCESS BY PUBUCATION IN THE QENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION nLEIOOSPdS STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY SUZANNE MICHELLE WYSE. Peti­tioner and RALPH ALVISWELCHJR.. Petitioner vs. GARY WAYNE WYSE, Respondent TAKE NOTICE lhat a pleading seek­ ing relief againsi you has been filed In the above enlillod action in the District Court QtOavie Counly. tile number 00SP95. The nature of the relief being sought is the name change ol the pelf- tloner, Suzanne Michelle Wyse. You are required lo make a defense to such pleading no later lhan Novem­ ber 6,2000, and upon failure lo do so, the. pariy seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought TWs the27lh dayof SeptombOf,2000. Wade H. Leonard Jr. Attomey lor Petittooers 34 Town Square Mocksville, NC 27026 (336)751-5020 9-28-3lnNORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAViE• CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUAURED AS Executrix ol the Esiale ol ROGER LEE WHITTAKER, lale of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claln\s against said esiale lo present them lo the undersigned on or before the 26lh day of December, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publicalkm or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediale payment to the undersigned. This 19lh day of Seplember, 2000. PEGGY BECK WHITTAKER 977 Duke Whittaker Road Mocksville, Norih Carolina 27028"Mamri&Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 9-26-41ПNORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUhHY NOTKE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of the EstaleofANNIED.JONES.IateolDavie County. Ihis is lo notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said eslate lo present them to the undersigned on or before Iho 21 SI dayof December.2000, being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publica­tion or this nolice will bo pleaded In bar. of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estale wilt please make Immediale paymeni lo the undersigned.This is the 21st day of September, 2000.Bobby R. Jones, Executor 3216 US Hwy 601 N. Mocksville, NC 27026 9-21-4IP NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY INTHE QENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE • • RLENO.OOmOOl Davio Counly, Pialnliff, vs. Burioy Robort Mayborry Esialo, Defendanl NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by viriuo of an execution Issued on Ihe 8th day of August, 2000, by tho Cleric ot tho Superior Court ot Davio County In Iho above enlillod ac­ tion, and direclod lo the undersigned Sheriff, I will at 12:00 noon on the 9th day of Octobor,2000. at tho door ol the Davie County Courihouso in Mocksville, N.C. offer for sale lo Ihe highest bidder for cash, all tho right tillo and Inlerosi which the defendanl now has or al any­ time at or after iho docketing ol the judgment in said aclk>n had In and to iho following described real ostato, lying and being in Mocksvillo Township, Davie Counly, N.C. BEGINNING al a slako in thoodgo oi Depot Stroot, comer oi Lot No. 3 and njns Ihenco with lino of saU Lol No. 3 Soulh 3 dogs. W. 100 fool to a slako, comor olLols No. 3.15 & 16; thonco wilh Lot No. 16 Soulh 85 degs. East 44 feol lo a slako. comer of Lol No. 16; thenco Norih 3 dogs. East 100 fool lo a slake at Iho said Dopol Slrool; thonco wilh saki Depot Slrool Norih 65 dogs. West 43 feet lo the placo ol BEGINNING, and being Lols No. 1 and 2 ol tho T.W Carier and L Carter tand, as surveyed. Soo ptal at tho Register ol Deeds’ ofTice, Davie County, North Carolina, in Book 30, al pago 137.The above described property is soki sutHect lo any and all prior lions, encum­ brances, deeds ol trust rights of way, easements, assessmonls and Ad Valo­rem laxos, il any. TERMS OF SALE: Tho high bkkier will be required lo deposit ten percent (10%) ol his bid in cash al tho timo ot Sàio and the balance upon confirmalion of sale and tender of dood. This the 6th day ol Seplember. 2000. Vfilllam A. Whitaker Sheriff of Davie Couniy /s/ S.D. Moxley Jr.. Deputy Sheriff 9-14-410 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of iho Estate of BURTON A. HEDRICK SR., lato ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said es­tate lo prosent them to Ihe undersigned on or boforo the 21 st day of December. 2000, being three (3) monlhs from the first day ol ptAlicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons lr>debled lo saM estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 21sl day of Seplember, 2000.Otis Ray Hedrick, Execulor 553 Duke Whittaker Road Mocksvine. N0 27026 9-2t-4tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIENOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate ol ALEX COREY RAUEDGE, late of Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons having claims against saki es­ tate lo present them lo the undersigned on or before the 7th day December, 2000. being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publicallon or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said esiale will please make Immediale paymeni lo the undersigned.This Is the 7th day of September, 2000. Carol W. Ratledge, Administrator 1409 Mining Road --------------------• Mocksville, NO 270g0" NOTICE OF STATE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7,2000, IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA ON THE ISSUANCE OF »3,100,000,000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA QENERAL OBLIGATION BONDSNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the qualified voters ot Davio County that the General Assembly of North Carolina, by Session Uws 2000-3 (the 'Bond Act*), has called a Slalewldo Eleclton to be hold in each county ol tho Stataot North Carolina onTuosday, November7,2000, al which the quoslton of the issuance of the following bonds, consltluling gen­eral obligation bonds ot iho Stale se- curod by a pledge of the faith ond credit and taxing power of the Stale, will be submitted lo tho qualified voters ol the Stale ol North Carolina:$3.100.000,000 Slato of Norih Caro­ lina Higher Education Improvement Bonds (ot tho purposool providing (unds, wilh any other available funds, lo pay all or part of tho cost of (i) renovating labo­ratories, classrooms, ocadomic buiki- ings, and wori^er training facililies and providing olhor capital Improvomonls ol Iho 59 inslilulions ol Iho Norih Carolina Community Collogo System and (ii) reno­vating and replacing classrooms, labo­ ratories. and acadomic buildings and provkling othor capital improvements al tho 16campusosolthQconstituonl insli­ lulions. nnd affiliated institutions, and tho Center for Public Television (UNC- TV) ol Iho University ol Norih Caroiino syslom.Tho issuance of tho bonds Nstod above has boon authorized by the Bond Act. subject to a favorable vole of a mojonly ot the qualified voters ot the State who shall vote in saki ok>ctk)n on each bond queslk>n.The pons for sakl oloction will bo open Irom 6:30 a.m. lo 7;30 p.m.; pro­vided however, that, in certain circum­stances, the County Boardof Eloclk>ns .. may permit iho polls to remain open \mt«l 6:30 p.m.The deadline for urvegistered voters to rogistor in order lo be eligi)le to vote in said election shall bo Friday. October 13.2000. Oualified voters who are not certain whether they aro registered lor Ihis election shoukf contact tho Counly Board ol Elections. Absentee baUots will bo pormittod in said eloclM)n. Absentee ballots shall be available no laler than Monday, Sep­ tember 16,2000 Irom tho voter's counly board ol elections.H P. Van Hoy H. Chairman Davie County Board ol Elections 9-21-4in NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX’S NOTTCE Having qualified as Executrix of the Esiale of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD. deceased, late ot Davie County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said eslate lo present them to the undersigned on or beloro the 7ih day ot December. 2000, said dale being al least threo months from the date ot first publicaUon of this ' nolice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. AH persons In­ debted lo said estale will please make Immediale paymeni to the undersigned. This 7ih day ot September, 2C00 tho same being the firsl publicatton date. Margaret W. Poovey Executrix of Ihe Eslate of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD Grady L McClamrock, Jr.Attomey the Estale of PATSY T. CONINGSWOOD 161 South Main Street Mocksville, North Carolina 27026 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 9-7-4ln PUBUC NOTICETho Town ol Bermuda Run's regu- lariy scheduled Towr» Board mooting lor OctObflLlOi has bocn changod to--------- g.7^tn 0<«ober 17, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bennuda Run Country Club. 9-26-tin DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 - D9 E S T A T E A U C T I O N и ш ю и т iândûm5M5MoiinU/ii VIemRoad, Wlngton-Sêi HC Yvd UtllHyl Carporti: AISbñMfiahMM J Ü ëIüÜË. 336-751-3442Moctovlll«. NC S a t . • O c l . 7 • 9 ; 3 ( ) a m Dlrectloos: From Wlnston-Stlem, take Dus. 40 Wesl, (hen New 421 NorUt lo Pcacchaven Road Exit, lum right. Follow 2 Miles (cross Country Club Rd.) and turn left onlo Mouriialn View Rd. Follow I Mile to sale al dead crjd. (Watch for signs). PARTIAL LlBi!1979 Chevrolet, 28,000 Miles; Metal Tat)lfl w/Chockactxu/d; OFt Suito (9-Pc. w/3 Leavoa); Lealt>er Top Coffeo & Etvl Tobies; Sofss (1 Duocan Phyio); Choirs: Walnut Serving Carts;e Choirs w/Uced Cane Seats; Assorted Tebtes; Mehocany Chesl & Vanity; Mople QuUor's Chesi w/Malchino Vanity; Walnut Cortopy Bed; V/)cker Choir; Old Chests (1 Ce( Booki^ses; Lamps; Oak File Cabinets: Trunks; Cherry Oesk; Earty Empiro Style Cl (Cherry); Bookcases (1 4-Steck Oak): CM Redk>s; Ladies Hots; 72-Pc. Set Chino; OkJ Prints; Gilbert Windup Clock: lSPcs.Occ. Japan; Okl Ukulele; Oil Lamps; Sinoculars: OU Cameras; Sleiling Silver: Record Players & Records; OkJ Books; Post Cards; Buggy V№eets; Gorden Duster w/Oepression Glass; Handmade Doilies; Okl Glass (Depression, Ruby, Shawnee); Ortenial Tea Set; Miniflliite Sleriir»fl Silver Sen^tee; Cotor TV; Rclrlg«rator, Mk»owave; Leal Vacuum; Leafbtower; Weedeater; Sewing Machine; Vacuums; ' Ulensils; Tools; and much, much more.листюмгеача№ A**. Berftrhuirwtau MnAukt*aUw^Faoif(. S M tu rd a y - O e t . 7 - a.2 N o o nMAL ISTATI TO И MU) МЯ1ССТ TO СОМПНЫАТКМ l4MfAA0M-lnduMeiiaBHnarttHBuM.«e*«n(M|f1MOSr.4.tManlS.li.|.A9M. 1юМсЛС01/»у ....... *Md*4K«4iea4w«riwEM«MTMleaMouitr«h«A«w«mii.«.AaH-uii(lEM«n, T.. „)А«ю9.69*/-Ас--------------------- MiW.V«l«PniMe RIAL CSTATC.TinUS. I ttlll9»rM4M0«Ktn K«rw«S)M4>4lll. For Info/Brochuie comici: Kenneth G. Ketner NCAL 3268 ^ First<< C hoice A iictiòn . . PO B o x335,Lewisville «(336) 945-4118 e L A S S I F I E D S I N E X F E N S I V E Р Е Ю Р Г Г А В Ь Е Yard Sales Soptombor-outsidoSGl-Up froo.MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET25.000 sq. ft insido 653 Wilkosboro St.Sal. & Sun. 9-5 Vondor spacos call 751-2181. 3-FAMILY YARD Snio, Friday & Saturday. 0-until. 550 Junction Rd. Follow signs. Somo antiques, lols of misc..too much lo list________ 3-FAMlLY YARD Salo. Sloroo syslom, drosser & chost of drawers, tablo & chaits; wood bunk bods. Couch and lovo soal, a littlo bit of ovorything. 601 to 801 toward Cooloomoo, while houso past Cooloomoo Chutch ot God. Call 284-2199_________________ 5-FAMILY YARD salo 2626 Farmington Rd. SopL 29-30. Tablos A chairs, household itoms. mon’s suits, shirt nnd shoos. Now IX to 3X women's wear. Children's clolhos A toys, flowor bulbs. ANTIQUE DEALERS WANTED fornow antique shop opening mid- Octobor in Mocksvillo. Groat location. Esloblishod businoss. Call (336)492-6450 or 1-800-663- 44Q.1. cyio 0243_______________ BIG CARPORT-SALE, Sat. 8.00-? Computers, clothos-all sizos. whal nols. TVs. 601 N lo Fostall Dr. watch for siqns! Rain or Shino! CAROLYN’S COLLECTIBLES126 N. Salisbury Slrool Mocksvillo. NC 27028 (336)751-6252 J Colobration Barbio-$34.75 Shop now for Chrislmas: Barbies. Hotwhools, loys, porcolain dolls. Coko coltociibtes. musical globns, much moro. U y a way availablo. FIRST TIME YARD salo. Saturday 8 till 3. 996 Comatzer Roaa. Fumilure, coiling Ian. electric fireplace logs, men's clothing and many othor Items.______________ FR) & SAT 153 Chatloslon Ridge Dr.. off Rt. US 64. oast of Mocksvilllo. 2 rds boforo Armory al city limit Just moved in. Nol ugh room. Furnituro. now ains, docoralivo itoms. kitchenware, glasswaro. loys, tools, good buys on lots of nico things. Rain or shinol (SALE) I Shop no SATURDAY 8-2 Clothes, baby Items, walkor, playpen, diaper Genio. misc. household items, oil heater. Take 801 S. through Advance, approx. 2 miles R. Inlo Covinolon Croek. Rrst street lo left. If rain, sale followinq Sat SATURDAY. 6-t. 325 Whitnoy Rd. SATURDAY, 8-2. 501 Salisbury St., household items, bedspreads, drapes, lamps, books, tadies clolhos (sizo 6&10). ladies shoos size 8; olhor items. Nordic Track Exerciser. likonow. Yard Sales FRI AND SAT 8am, 5 milos south ol Mocksvillo al Groasy Cornor, turn right, follow sign.Girls clolhos sizo 6-14; mon's clolhos women's plus sizos, houso plants, greatly reduced Avon products, household itoms, Shadowlilno sloepwoar. FRIDAY & Saturday 8-2, 482 Brier Crook Rd. olf Fork Bixby Rd.. Advanco. Baby clothes, misc. air conditioner. FRIDAY & Saturday; 8-3, 0 915 Groenhill Rd.. Household. furnituro, clothes._______________ FRIDAY S-UNTIL: & Saturday. 8 til- 3. 2074 Hwy 64 West. Lots ol household Items & lurnituro.______ FRIDAY, 8-UNTIL. Hwy 64 wost Items loo numerous lo mention. Evorylhlnq must qo._____________ GARAGE SALE. SATURDAY. 8-2. Woodland Development. Clothing. household ilems. lumiture._______ GARAGE SALE; Rain or Shine on Saturday, 7:00-noon. Lots of loys and boy clothes (size 4-6). NEW 8’ sliding board still In plastic. Littlo Tykos boat sandbox. Hardoos' cartoon Pepsi glasses. Ladies' clothes sizos 6-8 and accessories. Odds & Ends, few old itoms. somo tools. Hwy 60IN, Richio Road, house» 091.__________________ GARAGE YARD SALE: Fri. 27th 8-7; Sal. 8-12. 801 S. lirsl houso on rt. on Noodmoro Rd. Children’s A adult’s clothing (name brand). Old dishos. Jowot T., Homer Laughlin. doptossion pottery, kitchen, bathroom & bodroom accossorios. lots of Christmas & Hallowoon.____________________ GIANT YARD SALE: Saturday- all day. 121 Guinevero Lane________ LARGE 2-FAMlLY Yard Sate: Fri & Sal. 8-3. Furnituro. women's & men’s clothing, variety ol misc. items. 221 Dreamscapo Lano olf Four Corners Rd. which lies belwoon Courtney Rd. and Hwy 801 S. Raindale: 10-7._________ MISSION 52 COMMUNITY Yard Salo- Hillsdalo Molhodisl Church. 5228 Hwy 158 Advance, Ocl 7. 7am unlil. Rain or Shine. Items donated can bo dropped off at the chuich. Tablos ior lont, $15 families. $25 dealers. Profits usod for families in need. Breakfast available. For moro info: 998- 4020. YARD SALE • Saturday, Sept 30 8am until. Union Chapol UMC on 601 N. Household, ctolhes. tiller.living room & bedroom furnilure, lamps, doors, dishes, crafls & Avon collectibles.___________________ YARD SALE SAT, Sept 30, 1034 Fork Bixby Rd., 7:30am -12nocn. ^00 much qreal stuff to menlion. YARD SALE. SAT 8:00-?Baby clolhos, loys. women's clolhos. C/A unit. 601 N past WRD s ^ ^ l, 1.5 mites on lolt. Animals CHIHUAHUAS FOR SALE: males. $150 (noqoliable). 998-0468 FOR SALE: adorable Cockor Spaniel puppies. Ready nowl Cal) 751-5607. leavo messaqe._______ FREE KITTENS. 940-5866 FREE TO GOOD home: 6 yr old lovable female cat, spayed, all shots, titter box, scratching post, cat condo included with cat. Moving, musl lind homo soon. 996-5387_____________________ UVESTOCK: Puro bred Santa Gertrudis Bull & Hoifor calves. 4-6 months old. Certificate availablo. Call: Shaver Wood Products. Inc. 704-276-9291__________________ POMERANIAN PUPPIES AND onomale adult, min. Collie puppies, whito German Shepherd pupplos. Call 284-2199. Appliances OLDER MODEL CHEST-lypofroozor. running condilion, whito, prico noq. 998-4083 SAVE MORE Reconditioned ond Gauranteed Appliances, son/ice work, wo son/lco all major brands. Just past the car wash on 601 south.PRE FALL SALE: drYorS“ S75.00 wasners-SIOO.OO 810VOS-S60.00 ro(rigoratorS“ S 100.00 Call 751'3545 960 Salisbury Rd.(next to Fuller Welding) 30 day written guarantee Card Of Thanks WE WOULD LIKE lo express our sincere heartfelt gratiludo lo all thoso pooplo who sent cards, food, flowers, made donalions nnd most of all kept us in their thoughts and prayors during tho illness and passing of (our lovod one). Your kindness will forever bo romomborod.The family of: John Huqh Shelton Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Caro has immodialo openings - ALL AGES • for 1st & 2nd shills (3rd shift possibilities). Convenienl hours 5:30am - 1:45am. Fuil Time, Part Timo, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us al 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Dobra. 751- PLAY(7529) ____________ CHRISTIAN. HOME-SCHOOLmolhor will babysil In Farmington area. Pinebrook School District 1st or 2nd shill. 990-3609, leave message.________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HASimmodialo oponings lor infants Ihtu preschoolers, discount lor socond child. Call 998-2220 before 6pm. Ask for Linda or Debbie._________ STAY AT HOME mom has opening for ono child ago 6 weeks lo 3 yoars. Aftor school care also availablo. Mocksvillo School . District 751-5223. Loavo messaqe. Farm Machinery FORD GOLDEN JUBILEENew lircs, live lift, looks and mns qreal. $3800.00 492-5509 JD 770 LIKE now. 102 hours, front Iqndor, 4pt hitch, mower & more options. 336-4Q3*2t00 Homes For Sale ■ IVIIscellaneous MASSEY FERGUSON 35good tiros, live lift, live PTO. $3000.00 492-5509__________________ NEW FARM EQUIPMENTLow Pricos Plows. Disc Harrows. Scoop Pans. Spreaders, Bushogs. Box Blades. Scrape Blados, Gatos, Corrals & moro. Wo deliver Wriqht Farm Gates 9 98-8637 Antiques YARD SALE, SATURDAY, 7-noon. 209 Eari Rd. Udies clothing, shoos, housewares and morel YARD SALE: Fri only, 8-5 681 Gladstone f^all cleanIng-4 families. ________________ YARD SALE:' Neighborhood sale, Saturday, Seplember 30th 8:00am. Preview sale (or furniture and appliances only on Friday, September 29lh 5:30-7:3(). Covington ' Creek Development, Hwy 601 Soulh in Advanco. For Inlormalion, call 940-6016._______ ‘92 CHRYSLER FIFTH Avo. New Yorker; blue’, fully loaded, w/lealher Interior. Groat condition. Call 751- 9438. SAT. 8AM-12NOON, 719 Groenhill Rd. Childron's clothes, loys, miscellaneous items, (urnllure, saddle. ■ANTIQUEDEALERS WANTED lornew antique shop opening mid- October in Mocksvillo. Great location. Established business. Call (336)492-6450 or 1-800-663- 4464, code 0243. Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE:. All biicK enorgy olliclent apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, Ellis Auto Auction Auction every Wednesday 6 pm SHARP 300450 Vehicles Every Week To Choose From Coine to buy or sell - OPEN to Dealers & Public S P E C IA L 4 X 4 A U C T IO N WED., OCT. 4th • 4:45 PM Regular Auction To Follow at 6 PM Ellis Auto Auction ■ Hwy. 601 North of Salisbury, NC South of Mocksville, NC --------Plioner-336>2844O80-------- pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished Including dishwasher. 1.5 balhs.washor/dryor connections. High energy efiiclent heat pump provides central hoat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kltchen& bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furnituro 'building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158, Offico hours 1-6 M-F A Sat 10-12. Phone 751-0168. Arc you looking Гог a new and challenging carccr? Have you ever ihoughl about working in lhc Health Carc Field? If you Uo nol have experience or have worked as a РСЛ and have the desire lo work with people, wc can give you the opportunity. B R O O K S T O N E T E R R A C E |j«jm ill$ cn iorco m ra u n liyloca in lln Clemm oni. W c can pmvidc you wlih ' on-ihc-Jnb training 10 cxcel 10 Ihe Mcdicai icchnlclan or Supervisor level. Ifyou believe Ihl« U for you, and you are a peoplc-pcnon wlih Ihe desire,' ' comebylhefttllUyai;\ 4430 ClinwdRoid, Clemmboa li: . , OB Mondiy-Fiidty Гсою 10 un lo 4 pm. A U C T I O N The Personal Property of Charlie A. Wishon S aturday, S ep te m b er 30 -10:00 AM - Rain or Shine 455 Old Mill Farm Rd., Lexinglon Diroctions: From Uocksvllle take 64 E. to Hwv. 150 towards Winston-Salem, take kit onto Hampton Rd., then tott on Old Mill Farm Rd. Salo is on loti From Lexington take &4W to Hwy. ISO take rigtit to Hampton Rd on Left, then left on Old M.B Famt Rd. Sale is on IciL llama lo be sold irviiude! Cask) CT638 keyboard. New Harmony Guitar, Polio s«l wilh un\bte«a. W atch«», Rings, NocWacet, Bai\ks, Qtass Compote bowls, Avon bottles. Milk Glass, Amber Glas«, Clear depresskin. Salt dish, Lols of Cobalt Blue gtossware, Blua willow. Old dolls. Cups, Mugs, Pkites. Art Gtoss. Fruit bowls. Etch cut glass, OkJ composilton dolls. Poland dolls. Sugar & CrQamars, Old vas«8, KaUMt Tobl«, display casts, bocrf^s, Occuptad Japan, Jaweliy bones, A/C unit Glass baskets, pink, coball. Several butter dishes, Oki punch bowl set Hand painted vases. Hen on Ihe nest Buttermilk Pitchers, Coke glasses. 2 oil heaters. Barbie dolls. Trisha Elltol porcelain dolls. Slemwore glasses, Okl butler Mokis, Cast Uot\ fry pans. Color TV , Tea Pitchere, Coaeclor plates, AnUqua U m ps, Some Blue Ridge plales. Ruby Red glassware, green depression McCoy Planters, Antkiiie dishes. Glass coOeclor shoes, glasa bells. Satin glass, baskets, trinket dishes. New bread maker, MIrrore, Popcorn Popper, Ponery, a J. Reynokis lamp, Appliancos. bias« spittoon. Bluo |a>8, Ughl llxtures. Enamel wore. Griswokl fry pan. Shoe lash, Milk etialneie, Okl tobacco collectibles. Metal sliolves, Oit lan^s, Electilc heaters, & many more Items too r}umerous lo.mentlon. ' Don’t MIeaThli Selal Retmhmenls AvalloMi, Hot degs. kwsa0i biscuits, chips, drinks, etc. For mort info. Of dirtetlohi call: Col. Billy Statt, NCAL #3277 164 Dane« HaU Rd.-MoektvUU.NC 2702B (336) 998-3510 Anytinw Terms of Salt: Casftor ApprowdChtck«(Hot Rttpona»>la for AccMtnts) HOME FOR SALE, roducod appraisal prico from $75,000 to $67,000. Sold by ownor. Davie Acadomy Rd. 2Bdrm, 2Ba. Possible rent 1 yr. and lix up then buy. 751-5200 or 909-1731 MUST SEE, 3BR house outside of Cooloemoe, IBa. hardwood floors, rof, stove, washer/dryer can stay. Central heating and air. Almost 1 acre. Has lots of trees, has some Furniture S-PIECE BLUE volvol living room so tt yoarold. $700.00. 996-3825 CHINA CABINET, MATCHINGtablo (hexagon); custom lablo pad; 6 chairs. 751-5418_____________ TABLE AND 6 chairs; china closet; portnblo dishwasher; drosser; and olhor funlituro. Antiquo oak slop back cupboard; piimilivo cherry 2- piccosot Call 751-1108 Homes For Rent COUNTRY SETTING: Largo 38r. IBn, ranch on 5 acros, pond, oichatd, 5 milos Irom ovorything. 15' minulos Winston-Salem. Salisbury, Statesville. $825/mo. 751-5105_____________________ HISTORICAL HOME ON Salisbury St.. 1,772 sq. ft., central air, gas furnace, references and deposit required. 1-yoar loaso. No HUD. (338)751-1106_________________ LIKE NEW! 3Br, 2Ba w/garage. $750/mo. Pennington A Company Roallv 751-9400 Homes For Sale 3BR, 1.5BA BRICK/ vinyl ranch. 2.35 acres, 1495 sq ft $112,000: 1051 Bear Creek Ch. Rd. 492-7866_____________________ FSBO: 3BR, 2lull ba, dock, sunroom, largo bodrooms. $87.500.00. 751-3124 FSBO: SPACIOUS 4 bedroom/3 bath ranch wilh basomont 2800 sq U plus 2 car garage. 2 fireplaces, built-in bookcase in both living room and den, wel bar, largo wrap­around dock, landscaped yard, 1.25 wooded acros-very private. North Davie/Pinebrook schools. Immediate occupancy. 998-5387 GREAT IN-TOWN location, near hospital. 1650 sq it wilh 3 largo bodrooms, 2 full baths, fenced back yard, storage bldg. A carport. A lot of houso for only $107,500. Call 996-1020 lo schedulo showinq. larae dog lols on proporty. Good neighbors. Call only if serious. $70.000.060. Call 336-284-2199 OWNER FINANCING Now 2.000 sq U home on 1 aero lot. Paved drive. 3br. 2ba. 284-4247 Land For Sale 5.649 ACRES OFF of Ijames Church Road In Daive Co. $7.200 an acre. Call (336)463-5710 6.83 ACRES, $7,500 per acre. Four Corners A Mortgage Way. (336)751-2061_________________ FOR SALE OR TRADERiver property: 15 acres wilh stream, no flooding, adjoining Alcoa, accoss to Yadkm Rivor. Hwy 601. $10.000 per acre. (336)751- 3666_________________________ LAND FOR SALE by owner:5.01 aero tract heavily wooded. Cana Rd.. serious inquires only. 998-3678 Land/ Home for Saie 5.7 ACRES W/CREEK plus 98 doublowido. liko now. 4br, 2ba, $121,900. Harmony/ Davie Counly. (336)492-5601 Lost & Found FOUND: Ferret ploaso call lo identify. 492-7148 Farmland Vet. Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME SPACES for rent. Shady Acres МНР. Inc. John Crotts Rd. One mile. Hwy 64 East of Mocksvillo. Relandscaped, paved streets A parking. Ready 4- 5 wk. Call 998-8222, 940-6233 or 998-8276. 1992 BLA2ER, 4-wheeI drive wilh Tahoe Package. Nice. Call 284- 6215 after 5:00pm._____________ DIAMOND WEDDING RING guard, let tolal wt., 14K yellow gold. 751- 9751________________ FOR SALE:K & G SALVAGEVinyl siding. $34.95/square Adult briefs. $3.gs/pk.. Insulated window sash, $4/p 5‘4’x8‘2’ hardboard, $3.9a wallboard for mobilo homo 4x7, $4.95/ea.; 4x9. $5.95/ea.;bathroom sinks wilh facet, range hoods. $14.95/ea.;4'x12'x1/2‘‘ Sheelrock, damaged, $4.00/ea.; 4'x8'cedar closet liner, 9.95/ ea.; 5/4" treated decking bds., 6', $3.99/ea.: 10'. $4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/ea.New roofing shingles, $14.95/sq. Pergo limalnate flooring, $1.99/sq. ft 6 panel Exterior Steel Door units, $84.00/ea.; Formica. S.50/sq. ft.Inlerior paneling. S5.95/ea.; ’Bldg. stone $140 per palIel/140 sq. Rooling leU. $6.95/roll;Wo slock stainless steel In sheets A pipe.Corrugated culvert pipe up lo 36" dia.We slock pumps A accessories lor wells. Steel I-Beams For Sale.6' Landscaping timbers. Si .99/ea. Ecomy 2x4 study, $1.79/ea.K A G SALVAGE (Reynolda Road)1st business on West bank of Yadkin River 910-699-2124 FOR SALE: Largo - chest-type freezer $125. Uke-new deluxe roll up box cover for full-size pickup,. black; new $450, asking $200. 751-9161_____________________ FORD C-6 transmission for a big block, high pertormance' transmission kit rebuilt by professional -never used. Over' $400 Invested, asking $200. May be used for street 336-940-6196 or 336-918-3690. HOT SPRINGS SPA. seals 5, with back massage. Call 284-6215 after S-.OOpm A U C TIO N Saturday, September 30,2000 @ 10 am for Ihe Mrs. Vetra W. Brown - estate (deceased) 110 Brown D r (on Jericho Rd.) near Mocksville***Davie Co. from Ы0 Exit »J70 take Hwy. 601 South for 13 m il». Ihcn Right onSdli»bur)'St4 then Mtjight iot 2 miles to the Druwn homepbce 8 Room House on a + /-1 .1 0 a c . L o t 3 Bedroom, balh, living room, den, kitchen, dining room, storage Oil Furnace***County Waler***some Hardwood Floors Terms: $5,000.00 down day of sale M'/balance due in SO days _______Heal Esiale sold subject lo conrirtnalion bv executor REAL ESTATE SOLD @ 11 am open house Tuesday thru Friday svL of sate from 12:00 to 5:00 pm Mahog. China CabinefOak modern Claw Ft. Dining Room Table"set of 6 Ladder Bacl< Chairs“ Wal. Lady’s Dask*‘2 pc. modern China Cablnel**3 po. Maple Bedroom Suite"’soiid Cedar Wardrobe*‘Cedar Blanket Chest"*2 door Wardrobe**Pot Beliy Stove Lamp Table*‘small Wal. Handmade Floor Shelf-'Wall Tabie**Goose Neck Rocker*’Uph. Sofa**brown uph. Reciiner Rocker‘"eiect. Lift Chair**Magnavox Color T.V."G.E. Refrlgerator’*Sears upr. Freezer early Wai. Wail Clock (finial galiery)"Wal. Octagon short- drop styie Wall Ciock**Wai. Viet, lulantel Clock**Wai. Town Crier H/1antel Clock**Wai. Shelf Clock w/Tempus Fugit works ' 3 & 5 gal. Pottery Pcs.**Pottery Cider Jug**some Blue Willow Pcs.**Ker. Lamp"lv1atch Stick Church (made by prisoner)**handmade Stagecoach & Covered Wagon Lamps*’Glassware“ Blacksmith Ballows**old Carpenter Tool Box"oid Cotton Scaie"Weil Bucket Hook**Sq. TrUnk**old Botties**oid Drink Botties**Blue Jars**Wooden Barrel“ Kllchenware"Spinning Wheel Parts M any Other ltem s‘ ''RefresUinents'*'Restroom '' 3 5 6 F a x Hunter R<L, Harmony. N .C 28634 . 704-546-2696 - ^ n c a l # 7 4 ! ' since 1935 mo -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 G L A S S IF IE D e I N E X P E N S I V E F R O f T T A H L B Miscellaneous I Mobile Homes/Sale H Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Public Sale NICE SWING SET, make olfor. 940-5814_____________________ POULTRY FOR SALE. Call Jerjy or Anno. 492-5569_____________ STANLEY PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: To ordor call Alico ________Ellis 996-B990.________ WILL BUY JUNK CARS.204-4194 ' Mobile Homes/Rent FOR RENT: 12x64 20r mobile homo. Nico private lol, no pets. 2 poopio limit. References. S300/mo. plus S300 deposit. 204* 2200________________________ FOR RENT: 14x00,2br, 2ba, 1996 modoI, hoat pump, stove/ rofrigerator. unfumished, privately owned. S600/month. Security deposit required plus one month advance. 751-3666____________ IN COUNTRY SETTING, quiet, all electric, all appliances Included. S360/month plus deposit. 998- 6235________________________ LOVELY SETTING ON a farm. 2Br, 2Ba. atl appliances. C/A/H. deck, garage. 998-3636_________ MOBILE HOME FOR rent. 14x80, 2000 model. 3Br, 2Ba. $350/mo. Penninglon & Company Realty 751-9400 Mobile Homes/Sale ;$1500 DOWN GUARANTEES•financing. No Payments til Next ;Year. (336)751-7734___________ :S283 PER MONTH. Move in ;Today. 3Bdrrn-2Bam.; (336)751-7734_________________ :S5i PfiLtffifilL SpfitiflJIl! 3BR .Fleetwood...Move in Todayllll Call : 1-088-211-4482._______________ >NOCREOrr? No problem!! With 2 yrs employment and S1195 dn pmt. 336-751-0503____________ ;IN COOLEEMEE* Abandoned ;home. Repaired & ready to occupy. Low monthly inslallments. ;Low down payment (336)751-7734 ;*LAND & Home* No money down. Advance. Near New Elem. School. Doublewide, $15,000 for acre lot. Homeneg. (336)751-0115_______ 0 DOWN LAND/ home package to qualified buyers. Call 704-872- 0179. H ORSE BOARDINC AVAILABLE • Kncl<)«d Thrtrf Slall Uarn • Rquipped H'ilh VVash l‘ii. Tackroom. Kidtiii* Kin»*. A Acr«-» iii ■ Mail & i'a»IUTv K jU « Xvatbhlf l.Mtuteil on Junction RJ to \jdkin Hiver Call Mikv for Dvlaih 284-4988 L A R R Y ’S W O O D F L O O R S E R V I C E Laying • Sanding • Rnishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney MILLER equipmentnI RENTAL FAU IS COMING! Bobcat aeratoi core uluyger & more lor rent lodayl H w y 601 S r t o n *Mockwiik* 13361 /ul-Z o 04 RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road • MocksviUe, NO (336)284-2826 1986 2BR/ 2BTH $4900- Del & Sot on Your Lot. 336-751-0503 1993 MOBILE HOME, 2Br. 2Ba. slnqlowido, deck included. Excellent condition, $11.000. 751- 2317________________________ 1999 REDMON 14X50, 2Br, IBa. central air. front dock, lived In five monlhs. Set-up in Deer Run in Mocksville. Lol #73. Cat! (336)431- 9012 or (336)687-0776._________ 1ST TIME BUYERS wanted. New financing proqram (or homos ready to move inlo m Davie & surrounding counties. Bad credit OK. We say VfiS every timo. (336)751-7734 3 BEDROOM SINGLEWIDERecently remodeled. Good starter home. Already set-up. S210 per month. (336)751-7734__________ 3BR ABANDONED HOME on wooded lot, $500 dn. 336-751* 0503________________________ ____III 4 Bodroomlublewido on 1 ocro secluded lot. Make 2 payments and move In 1-008-211-4462.________ ABANDONED HOME ON private lot. Nice. Call 744-1307.________ ASSUME LOAN FOR '98 3br home In Winston-Satem. Payments under $350 per month. Call 744- 1306________________________ BANK REPOBrand now-novor lived in. Tako over payments at 8.25% or refinance discounted selling price. Save thousands. Must see. Quail Run Homes, Jnc., next to Cooks Original Flea Market, Pattersor\ Ave., Winston-Salem.___________ BEAUTIFUL HOME SET up on 1 acre lot ready to move in. 704-872- BRAND NEW 3BR 2000 model Reetwood. Only Sl89 per month. (WAC) Call 704-872-0191. BUY NOW, PAY later. No payments until 2001. Call 704-872- 0854.________________________ COOL SPRINGS AREA • 3Bedroom. 2 Bath doublewide. Owner financed property. Guaranteed finandng. (336)751-7439_________________ CREDIT HOT LINE: Get pro- approved on new home in 30 minutes or less. Call 704-672- 6389.________________________ CRUISE ON IN AND register to win a PT Cruiser. Call for details. 744- 1305 GALVALUME s o YSAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors S Pole Buildings Metal Rools & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MiD-STATE METALS DOUBLEWIDE ON LAND olf of 601 S. ‘OWNER FINANCING* (336)751-7734_________________ DW REPO ON 3/4 aero. Tako up pmts. 336-751-0503____________ FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS Come loam how to qualify for government Insured lending programs. Quail Run Homos, Inc., 4270 Patterson Avo.. Next lo Cooks Original Flea Market. Winston-Salem. FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS program. No credit Is needed, jusl income. Call for pre-approval today 744-1300.______________, FSBO: NEW 14x70 mobile home. uпdeф]nned. 3Br, 2Ba, utility building, Woodleaf area. Cafl (704)792-1462_________________ LANO INCLUDED IN sale ol nice doublevtride home. Brick undeфinning: plus hoat pump. Call 744-1306_____________________ MOBILE HOME. ALSO building 32x27 & approx. 2 acres. $55,000 (336)998-7307 5:30 to 9:30pm NEW CREDIT REBUILDING PROGRAM now available lor Firsl Time Homebuyors. Call 800-523- 5582.________________________ NO CREDIT? S1000 down: 3 bedroom, Cooieomeo. Guaranteed financing. S298/mo. (336)751-7439_________________ REPOSSESEDAND FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR SALEHouses on our lot and also already set up on land. All are ono ol a kind. Don't wait-come by today. Quail Run Homos. Inc.. next to Cooks Original Flea Market. Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem. Sacrance $10,000, Forfeit Downpayment. on_. sq.ft..1999. Fleehftfood Ooublewide.Wi[| movo to your lot...Call 1-888-211- 4482.________________________ SINGLEWIDE SET-UP in Cool Springs • Owner financing. $326 per mo. (336)751-0115 DONT LET DEALERS tako advantage of youl 1994-14X80 Skyline 2bod/2bath sot up on ronlod lot. $14,977.00 or $500 down/take over payments. 336- 940-5236_____________________ SKYLINE FACTORY OUTLET1-72'x28’, 5/12 roof, finished dock-64.9002-56’x20\ 3Br, 2.5Ba, loaded-49.900 1-52'x26'3Br. 2B loadod'43,9001-0O’x14', 3Br, 2B. loadod-24,9002-BO’xU', 3Br, 2B, vlnyJ-shlnglo-28.900 ^ V44‘x28*, 3Br, 2B-loadod-36.900 Call Us Toll Free 1-886-462-7006 Wo Save You Money Bonat^ia Mobile Homes. Inc. WE NEED YOUR TRADE-tN2 and 3 bedrooms, all areas. Your trade in value will novor bo highor. Call 767-0140 now._________ WELL MAINTAINED 2BR. 2Bn 14x70 Oakwood Classic w/bldg. Set-up in Doer Run. Assumable loan OBO. Cat! Jason 0336-655- 3223 or 75M604.______________ ‘93 MODEL COMPLETELYremodeled. 1st time buyers welcome. $210 per mo. (336)751- 7734_________________________ ‘97 DOUBLEWIDE- Secluded land. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Living room & den model. S49a/mo. olf Rainbow Road (336)751-7734 DAVE'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIESFor Sale: Clarinet. Trumpol, C Flute, Violin. Eloc. Basses, Guitars. Mandolins. Banjos.Dolbros-S200.00 each.79 Court Squaro, Mocksvillo ............... 751-1934 ......... PIANO TUNINGRopairino & Rebuilding Sell-playors.Sales & Son/ice Wallace Barford 990-2789 Mocksvilto Mini-Slorago to soli contonis ol tho following units (or unpaid ront and oxponsos'.#261 Tanya AngoH $145.00 #106 Elsie Jones $235.00 #54. #57 Edgar Joyner $565.00 #225 Glena Graham $155.00 #114 Derrick Nichols $325.00 #78 Losa Parks $145.00 #72 Jennifer Parks $155.00 #299 Phyllis Studovent $220.00 Salo dato; October 13. 2000. No personal chocks. 2;00pm. 017 Salisbury Rd. (336)751-2483 Real Estate Wanted WANTED: 1 lo 5 acres for stick- built house, vicinity Advanco or Farmington. Hardwood trees a plus. (336) 945-2270 loavo message, will return call ASAP. WE BUY HOUSES. Any condition, any location. Fast cash, quick closinq. 751-4371. B&DDESIGN& CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complete Homo Improvement Company:We^or^To^^Qt Your Budgotl We Oo Small Repairs:Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424Mocksvillo. NC 27028 DENNY'S LAWN SERVICERoskiontial & Commercial mowing, lonilizing, roseoding, core aerator, shrubs trimmod. No job too small. (336)766-0743 dr pager. 748-6141 DISH 500, FREE Systom & FREE Installinq. l-eOO-984-0772 Service DJ SERVICELife of tho Partyl Reasonable ratos. 336-284-4602 HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE on a weekly or bl-weekly basis. 284-2725 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUHERING Richard Link-Owner Froo Estimates __________998-1798__________. OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor all your electrical needs.Froo Estimates. 751-3396. WANTED: PRÍVATE duly nursing. local CNA-1. 998-6043__________ WILL BUY JUNK cars and remove trash from around your homo. 751-5062_____________________ WILL DO HOUSECLEANINGDependable, honest, reliable. Molhor & daughier team. 998-0945 statewide BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC-Rontals. Exclusive getaway. Accessible only by boat, quiet, peaceful, natural paradiso. Boach. golf, dining, fishing, canoeing, biking. 888-603-1956. www.iackcox.com. BUY A GIFT lhal will last forever. Mountain Land. $100 Down. Owner financing up lo 10 acres. Good roads, beautiful views, very private. Near Boone (NC). Blue Rkigo Parkway. Call owner 336- 035-2261.____________________ DRIVERS- NO NYC. Pay foi exporienco 31c lo 33c/miJe. 61c/mile Owner Operators. Call Today! • 1:000-846-4321. AnrokJ" Transportation. FREE DEBT CONSOLIDATION, One monthly payment reduced up 10 50%. Slop collection calls. Aviod bankruptcy. Alliance Credit Counsolinq. (088)995-7056. FARMINGTON AUCTION SERVICES 2455 FA R M IN G T O N R O A D M O C K S V ILLE , N .C. 27028 N .C.A.L. FIR M »7155 (336) 998-3075 GEORGE RAY A U C T IO N nE R ■ N .C .A .L. »6192 P E R S O N A L PR O PER T Y, R E A L ESTATE, L A N D (N O S A L E T O O L A R G E O R T O O S M A L L ) H E L E N CASSID Y BRO KER N .C.B.L. »156664 ESTATE SALE O f; Gvm ly T. iin d ■/.»1« N ail 142 Daisy Lane . I ' o ff (iOl S m ith on I'nirfic-ld ltd. I (Wiilch for sijjns) I Sept. 50, 2000 • 8:00 - 3:00 Hain u r S liine Farm equipment, antiques, piano, {umttur*, linens,'^« J bedspreads, picture frames, seasonal itemt/kltchen ' appliances, cookware, dishes, lamps, ctocksi.setiiring machine, sewlng.ltems, clothes, collactlbl^ltemi 'i. . . i (too; many other Item* to llst). > .t|)iii^ C o u rtn e y C o D sie m e D t mtflieHidioryRd NwilMdlttaa> BoòJcMiri • lacttti • Ftfniin • Ooffia • Sm • HcwfiloU Coeds • Cbscicfa 33M63-49I4 P la y Y o u r C a rd s R ig h t Here'S the Place to Be ~WgU Treat YOU liKe Kings and Queens Northwood Apartments • Now Leasing Studios, One and 2 Bedrooms! Call Today! 336-751-4141 E M P L O Y M E N T ^ O P P O R T U N IT IE S SOMiSEOF R E S T A U R A N T Be P a rt O f O u r G reat Team ! AcccplioK appHcatiou oa W e d n e s d a y , O c t . 4 & F r id a y , O c t . 6 t h I betw een 2 pm an d 5 pm a t: T A N G L E W O O D C O M M O r 4146 Clemmoni Road, CIcm m ou, NC 27*12 M O C K P L A C E A P A R T M E N T S 401 N o rth M ain Street M ocksviUe, NC 27028 Now taking applications. IBR apts. for the elderly, with accessible units available for persons with mobility impairments. Rent based on income; For information/application, call 336-751-2005 or write P.O.Box 1056 Mocksville, NC 27028 TDD# 1-800-735-2963 À lual Housing Opportunity^ ^ Precision Concepts, Inc., a twenty-five year old high precision metal stamping, insert molding and assembly company has an immediate opening for an Account Executive. This detail-oriented professional will work closely with established and newly acquired customers. Responsibilities include processing orders, tracking Inventory and daily shipments, constant monitoring of customer's production and contract figures, spreadsheet development/update and extensive customer communication. Excellent pay and compensation pad^age. If you feel this opportunity meets your , capabilities and interest, please remit your resume with salary history and requirements to; PRECISION CONCEPTS/INC. ______ 3 9 3 6 W e s t j p o l n t B o u l e v a r d ■ ■ ■ B A W l n s t o n - A l a i n , N C 2 7 1 0 3 A t t n : S h a r m l n B . A r r i n g t o n ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ E - m a i l : f h M i h l n . a r r i i ^ o n * K l - l n c . n a t P h o n e : 3 3 « - » 1 - 8 5 7 2 u t 1 2 5 ■ F a x : 3 3 « - 7 2 2 - « 0 0 4 V i s i t o u r w e b s i t « a t p r e c l i l o n < » n c a p U . c a m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Scpl. 28,2000 - Dll e L A S S t F E SI i n e x p e n s i v e Р Е Ю Р Г Г А В Ь Е Statewide Employment Employment Employment Ш Employment В Employment ' 1 FREE [)IRECT PROFESSIONALinstallation with oqulpmont purchQso. Tolai prlco $99.00 Inslollod by cortiliod tocnlclanslt IB" satollito dish. No crodit ciieci<. No contract. Limltod timo. 1*800> 659-0440. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELroq. Orlvors license preferred. Call 284-4369. Mon.-Fri., 10ат-2ргл for application. EOE DAVIDSON COUNTY Vehicles 1989 FORD RANGER, $3,000 OBO; 1992 Ford mini van. $3,500 OBO. Call 284-2199.___________ FOR SALE; 19Q1. Old's 98 Rogoncy. automatic. Asking $500. Can 751-3743_________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick • Dodgo 700 W. Innas Si.. Salisbury ________704-636-1341_________ ‘69 FORD RANGER si>ortbod. 302-V8. auto. ps. pb. wido wheels, dual exhaust. $1600.00 492-5509 •72 MONTE CARLO- now paint, hew tires, new vinyl top. 350 V8. buci(Ol seats, auto w/floor shift, black. $6,000 or trade. Call Rodney e 751-2304 w) or 998- 02B6(hV______________________ •84 CHRYSLER NEW Yorker. 4dr., 40cyl. auto., tully loaded. Runs good. $d50.00 492-5509 ‘66 CHEVY SH.VERADO pickup. $1.200 OBO. {336)492-5436. after 5om. UVE IN CAREGIVER couple for elderly couple: supportive family. k)vely homo. Call 704-855-2908 for WANTED TO BUY:PINE OR HARDWOOD.We select cut or clear cut.........Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 or 704-638-0814 Employment CHILD CARE ASSISTANT NEEDEDFull-time, must bo at least 18 yrs. old. High School Graduate or QED.Young Children's Learning Center184 Council St. Mocksvillo. NC 751-7118 COMMUNITY College is accostingapplications for positions. Teacher, Assistant Teachsr, and Food Service Worker at Iho Helen 0. Gann Child Development Center (GCDC). Each is a full-time. 12- month position with benefits available In October. Tho Lead Teacher position requires an Associato Degree in Earty Childhood or related field. Progress toward an Associate Degree and substantial work experience In tho fiekJ may substitute (or the deoree. The Assistant Teacher posilion requires a NC Earty Childhood Credential or commitment to obtain the NCECC. and experience In food service management. Located on the College's Davie Campus In Mocksville. the GCDC Is a chikJ- centered loarning, training, and resource center serving Early Childhood Education students and providers, childron and their families, College faculty and stall, and the community.For moro infortnalion about ASSISTANT NEEDED TO HELP manage a busy Lumber Yard and a small group of workers. Opportunity open for Advancement and wage compensation Shaver Wood Products, Inc.. 14440 Stalesviiie Blvd.. Cleveland. NC 704-276-9291__________________ AUTO DETAILER NEEDED- Must be detail oriented, have the desire to do quality wori(. and have a good work history. Exp. a plus. ExcelienI benefit pacbge. Valid drivers license and drug testing required. Hours 8-5. Interested candidates can apply at Featherlite. inc. 336-751-4499_____________ AUTUMN CARE OF Mocksvillo requires now hiring dielarv department, lential or Apply In person. Need cooks 4 NCECC. aues. first & second shift. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weeekly w/overtime. Must be dependable. No dnjgs, no hot-heads. 336^67- 7061 or 336-998-7428.__________ FULL-TIME PAINTING poslion. $8 starting pay. Must be dependable & haro^rking with good altitude & transportation. Calf for Inten/iew. 336-751-7348.responsibilities, qualifications, and application requirements, please see tho "Job Vancles' page on the College website: contact: DavWsci Community College. 1205 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028.Telephone: 336-751-2885 Equal Opportunity Colleqe CARPENTER & helper needed for framing crew. Pay b a ^ on knowledge and work ethic. Log home experience a plus. - After 6. 492-6208. FULLTIME POSmONAVAILABLE for pest control/ termite technician. Valid NC driver's license. $500 start-up fee at end of 1st year of employment. Call for appointment, 751-5720 HORSE FARM NEEDS part-time/ weekend help. Must k)ve animals. Apply to Thoroughbred Training Center, Cana Road. Mocksvillo between 9am • 6pm Monday Ihni Saturday. 998-5280 DRIVER- Our Flatbeds Get You Home Every Weekend... Guaranteed! Strong miles, top benelits. great companyl Call Roger today at 1-800-262-0131. DRIVERS NEEDED: Clean driving record w/CDL's. hauling bulk commodities. Percentag guaranteed minimum.3210_________________________ INTERNET USERS WANTEDI $1K-5K per mo., part-time, full-time, work al home. 888-373-7764 www.athomebuslness.com/work LEGENDS SALON A DAY SPANeeded: Licensed Cosmetologists & Nail Tech.751-6122 _________or 998-5026_________ LOCAL INDEPENDENTINSURNACE agency has open position with flexible hrs. Business office experience preferred, but will consider training right person. Compuler and math skills and ability lo work wilh others as a team a must. Calt Alien Gamer, Larew- Wood-Johnson e 751-6281. MENTAL HEALTH TECH. for the Mocksville and surrounding aroa. 1 on 1 behavorial Intervenlions. P/T positions available. Pay varies depending on- level of education and experience. HomeCare Managemont Corp. 1-888-601- 6934.________________________ SATELLITE INSTALLERS MAKE more $. Install bonuses, trip charges. Materials fumlshed. Fun company. Clean truck & hand tools requVed. Experience preferred. Full-time & part-time, retirees welcome. Call 800-295-0609. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYProcessing Assistant III Position with the DavIe County Department of Social Services. Serves as suppport and backup to tho agency's receptionist and data entry personnel. Greets the public and receives and routes Incoming calls. Must be willing to acquire general knowledge of agency programs and be able lo gather ana give basic Information. Other duties Involve date entry, typing, filing, and record keeping. Needs general knowledge of office procedures with ability to correctly use grammar and spelling. Ability lo type 50 wpm and have efficient computer skills. Other duties as required. Must be flexible and able to handle stressful situations In a calm manner. Work Hours: Monday through Friday. 8:30am to 5:00pm. Must have a vehicle . available for work. Prefer high school graduate wilh at least one yoar of working with people In a clerical setting. Computer experience preferred. Send completed state application, PD- 107 to Jennifer Collins, Davie County Department of Social Services. PO Box 517, Mocksville. NC 27028 by October 13. 2000 at 5'.00pm. Telephone: (336)751- 6600. Davio Counly does nol discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employmeni or the provision of services. determining/ applicant/ Families ai INCOME MAINTENANCE CASEWORKER IIposition with Davio Counly Department of Social Servicos. The employee in this position is responsible for the total process of reoeterminlng___ client eligibility in•amilles and Children's Medicaid, Healih Choice, and In Work Rrst Family Assistance. Work Includes such tasks as the Inten/lewIng of clienls to obtain required information, completing Initial application, verifying the Information obtained, delermlnlng ellgiblility and completing scheduled program reviews. Applicants must have good mathematic reasoning and computational skills and have the ability to read, analyze, and Interpret rules, regulations, and procedures. Ability lo communicate with clienls and lo explain and Interpret rules. Ability to perform caseworiter functions within structured time frames. Must have a valid NC Driver's License. One year ol experience as an Income Maintenance Caseworker I; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Submit a completed State application. PO- ^07 to Tamnw Myers, Income Maintenance Supervisor. Davie County Department of Social Sen/Ices, PC) Box 517. Mocksville. NC by October 13, 2000. Equal opportunity employer. Home (ÍMnlng people In Advonce S Clemmons oteo needed call 940-6728 GESIPA FASTHNERS USA, INC, ActUn Tool DivUion Nenl fincricncnl personnel PRODUCTION COOTROL EXPEDITOR MAailNlSTS, TOOL MAKERS AUTOMATED FASTENER ASSEMBLY WORKERS METAL STAMPING/SETUP COLD HEADING OPERATORS SHIPPING/RECEIVING WRKERS TSaTOhlifl) Multi-Shift Opcratioti Apply New Plant loaned it I26QuilityDri>T,Mock!ville,NC 27028, or call 1.336-75I.1555 rmuda iUage- M aintenance Position M a in te n a n ce P o s itio n F u ll-T Im o E lo o trlc a l/P lu in b in g / H V A C h e lp fu l. E xc e lle n t E n v iro n m e n t. C a ll M o n -F rl, 8-4 998-6784 : r m u d a illa g e - Driver Needed For B orm uda V illag e R etirem ent Rosort. Full-tim o. Safe d riv in g record w ith a b ility t c o b ta in fu lly endorsed CDL. F lexiblo day sh ift. A b ility to m aintain records and assist at fron t desic. C all 998-8112 Carolina Personnel Co. In Mocksvillc: • Assembly Opcraton • Assembly Setup Operator• Packaging • Stamping Machine Operator • UcaiTrcaUMclal Finisher »Top Scaler _______ In Winston-Salem: • Sheet Metal Mechanics (HVAC) • HVAC Helpers* Printing Press Apprentice *.CNC Machine Operators * Ccnificd Electricians ____• Data Entry Apply to: 3061-C Trcnwcst Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 794-3253 Fax 794-3258 HAD ANY BRIGHT ; IDEAS LATELY? s RN/LPN’s why nol work Гог the Nation’s Leading Provider of Pediatric Home Carc & Flip the Switch lo a Brighter Future?! Pediatric Services of America ofTcrs an Excellent Benefits Package! www.nurse4kids.cjb.net »E o iW R iü a e ftv ic e s o f A M tttiC X IÑ g ' GOSTJINUYST FOR OlEMMONS FIRM 3 I M 0 H « i r s y M M L l t e x « i M a i n i l a l i l ^ Banking or accounting experience prelerred. Degree preferred. Review clients’ expenses, vendors, and services to determine cost-ellectlve alternatives. No travel required. Must have good computer (Excel and Word) and communication skills. We specialize In telecommunications services but experience nol necessary. We will train. Benelits Include 401K and med. insurance. Salary based upon experience level. Send resume to; idHiiMMMtiM s p w M m t . IM. PO Box 1810, Clemmons, N0 27012 or email to UTILRED@AOL.COM Full and Part-Time Employment CUSTODIAL POSITIONS FIR S T A N D SECOND SH IFTS Full medical, rctircmeni, vacation and olher benefits for employees working at least 6 hours per day. Davie High School Starting Date: October 2 Pick-up Application at the- Davic County Schools Administrative Offices 220 Cheny Street • Mocksville, NC or call the Personnel Department (336) 751-5921 'TMCMHIML M M IC « Administrative Assistant Sales & Marketing/Customer Service quality, consistency, depefKiubilily. a positive work cthle, and will thrive in a team oriented, fast paced environment. Benefits included: ■; Medical & Dental Insurance • ure losunuice' Paid Vacations & Holidays • 40IK Retirement Plan; Company Paid Profit Sharing RetireitKnt Plan .., . Continuing Education with'niitionReimbiffsement v ‘ Frei menti:I High School Diploma and Business Administration background Computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, PourcrPoInt)) Excellent Communication Skills (telephone and Interpersonal) ! - . Good Organizational Abilities. ■ • DuUet indudc:Correspondence, fìllng, mariceting mailing, telephone dutirs, distribution of samples or olher mariceting collateral, preparation of sales presenuUoni, and : ; , . . sòme customer Krvice. . > ; Interested Applicants Should SetwS A Resume To: •' • UNIFI ■fecHNICAL FABRICS. LLC '.... Sales* Marketing Dept. . . ■ ' PO Box 969, MocksvUle. NC 27()28 ' ' • • www.Unlfi*lnc.com ., V • «V ^. . V • .'EquiJOpponunilyE^ • A r e y o u w o r id n g in th e re s ta u ra n t b u s in e s s ? Are you a hard worker? ' Are you getting the tjenefits you deserve? A m y o u galM ng b w M fH s H lw THESEf •HUhcomiNHNMWiigM 'H n tra iM a lM rM d ^* 4 guarantttd raiMi ki 15 nwmhi •401krallranwntplan* HMMi/Doitol kauranei ‘ IMMdypoychackt •РсМ пмЫ Ьгмка .* WtHftrft tthttMf * Stock opftoni * PpriNon Mlaiy odvoncdiMnt (toward tralnt( monogir, alc.1 ‘ EeriycMnghoun V HQLVOtni U N O CHIMB>III • u li m n i t OREATI W k m M fin g to g a t ra o d y fo r M U « W M T B I BUStNESS. Ш Ш1Ш еит пН у hoU ng for: N IO H T T IM E Ш W E B C M O S B tV n S . D tS W A S H C R S . O m iL C O O K . C A S H IE R . H O S riS S . M O H T M A IH T E N A N C E COM M T O I W АРНЖ «W Ш A M s m o b , FUN П Ш Т О w o t i o — it> iiS ^ H W H 6420 Sessions C t .Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 j (336)712-9880 ,,“ W| dri on n t OM Country V a d h in V a lle u DIGITAL WIRELESS SALES Yadkin V alley Telecom , a su bsidiary o f Yadkin V alley Telephone M ennbership Corp., is seeking candidates for full-tim e sales positions. The ideal ca ndidate w ill have retail o r o th e r experience w o rkin g d ire ctly w ith the pu blic an d w iil be com puter literate. A vailability to w ork w eekends, sales skills, and a w arm and engaging personality are necessary. Internet and/or w ireless telephone e xp e rie n ce is a plus. Y adkin V alley Telecom provides com petitive rates o f pay and a com plete ' be nefit package includ ing m edical and dental coverage, group life insurance, short-term arid long -term d isa b ility plans, p a id va ca tio n s and holidays, and a 401 (k) pian. A pplications fo r these positions w ill be accepted only a t the E m ploym ent S ecurity Confim ission in M ocksville betw een the hours o f 8;()0-11:30 am and i;0 0 -4 ;0 0 pm , M onday throijgh Friday. . ; Y ad id n V allay T tta ^ o m i t an : j^ E q iM lO p p o itu ^ E m R lo y tr D12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTEKI’RISE RECORD, Sept. 28,2000 A \ # % ^ 4 . Come Experience the Difference at the ALL NEW **A b s o l u t e l y T h e E a s i e s t W a y T o G e t Y o u r N e x t V e h i c l e ” All Prices Marked In Windshield L -R : Terry Hodgo (Ouslncss Mngr.). Kelly Sales (Soles Consu'lant). Dennis Wise (Satos Consultant). Gobby Mellon (Used Car M ngr), Steve Pardales (Gon. M ngr). Joo Mo^ioro (Sales Consultant). LelghAnn Angell (Satos Consultant). Dale notledge (Sales Consultant). Mnrk WllIJnms (Gon. Satos Mncjr.) Full Line Ford-Mercury 2 0 0 0 E X C U R S IO N L im ite d 4 x 4 $34,777 *3889 - S A V E S7,1681 VIO. all power, hmiiedslip, CD. white letter all terrain tires 2 0 0 1 EXPLO R E R S p o rt $21,927 I «9598 Vft aulo, allpovtvr, CD, Spoñ group. Conv. group, much пюге. 2 0 0 0 F IS O S u p e rc a b X LT $22,926 ^ 1 •8297 XÍ.7; 5.4, all power, auto, trailer iow. pkg 2 0 0 0 F 2 5 0 S u p c rc a b XLT $24,998 »BS74 XLT. 7 3 destV. all power. CD. trailer fokv. pkg. rvuch more. 2 0 0 0 R A N G E R S u p e rc a b 4 x 4 $18,925 »2668 SAVE S5.065! V6. auto, -fdr. all power. XLT, CD, limiteo slio axle. 2 0 0 0 E X P LO R E R 4 d o o r $19,986 rn »0150 SAVE S4.524! V6, trailer low. pkg., ali power, white lei' 2 0 0 1 F 5 5 0 C R EW w / 9 ’ F la t B e d $34,983 of tORieierclel у SAVE S4,867i 7.3 diesel, auto. Im tod slip aile. a^r. fp c e d corìtr^. much i 2 0 0 0 E X P E D IT IO N XLT $29,998 »5558 SAVE S6,022! 5.4, allpower, hmitedshp axle, lealher, Conv group. CD chan 2 0 0 1 FO CUS LX 4 d o o r $13,998 ciufo. air. FM cassette. S^il-OR 2 0 0 0 M U S T A N G C o u p e 2 0 0 0 C O U G A R C o u p e 2 0 0 0 TA U R U S SE W a g o n 2 0 0 0 F 6 5 0 w /1 4 ’ F la t D u m p $41,064 ■2903 SAVE $10,1181 Cummins ISB. auto, 26k GVWR. air. duel 50 gallon, airbmkes, much more. ★ 2000 DODGE RAM 1S00.. •OC2I41B - Blue, extra clean, ono owner, factory warranty. 7k miles. * ‘89 CROWN VICTORIA.. ..$1M «3.00 ....$8,945.00 .$26,995.00 I9C1519A- Loaded, ono owner, extra doan, 37k miles. ★ ‘96F350XLT.. «1T5923A- Power strolce, ono owner, 33k miles. ★ ‘97 r-BIRD IX..................................................................................$12,866.00 «OT2259A - Rod, 15k milos, doan, ono ownor. ★ 2000 UPLORER XIT 4x4____ #012574A - Black, sun roof, aulomatic. ono ownor. ★ *97 EXPLORER SPORf 4x4..^».....»....................».......................$18,995.00 #1282A-W hite. 45k miles, dean. ★ <98 P150 XL PICKUP.......................................................................$15,995.00 #*98 M50 XI PICKUP.. •P127B - Long bod, aulomatic. clean truck, white. ★ ‘96 MUSTANG GT.. N0081450 - Was $15.995, All power, low milos, automatic. V8. ★ 2000 FOCUS SE 4dr.. «0 C 0 3 7 3 A -Was $15.998. Automatic, low miles, ono ownor. ★ *94 FI SO XL PICKUP., •P1291 - 22,000 milos. automatic, 6 cytirider, clean. ★ *98 WINDSTAR GL. ЯР1287 - red, 22,000 milos. roar air, doan. ..$14,986.00 #ODT5716A - Low milos. clean truck, rod. ★ *99 ESCORT U 4dr.. «OCS443B - Low miles, bluo. ★ *99 CROWN VICTORIA.. ffPt263 - Leather, ono ownor, all power. ★ ‘98 MAZDA B2500 SE PICKUP.. »0 0 F 3 5 2 U - Was S10.998, Ono ownor, oxtra sharp, low milos. greal buyt ‘99 TOWN CAR SICIUTURi.. •P1241 - Was $28,600, Tm o luxury, lop ol Iho lino, Gioal Buyl ..$14,995.00 ..$12,477.00 .$14,998.00 »..$8,999.00 ..$9,986.00 ..$19,974.00 ..$8,845.00 ..$24,877.00 'Prtceaandpayin.nlsfltf«iwolhfulO-2-00. An rebata, a.aign«! 10 dmtor. AUpflyiTWnl>fellacno%downplullja.lag&mpayiTWTIil^ilte.bl..ld.liv»fy. OAC. Bed Carpal Lease; гг.ГХЮгтШва per yaar. Ctjmth. laaia: No mileage railrlcllone. «MMriN - WiniletbSêltmt 4^ WO m S m i . ‘ IÌ U xla vlllm ^f FORD M E R C U R Y N E W O W H E R S H I P & M A N A C E M E N T “We Want Your Business . . . Let Us Earn Itl^ H v ^ . 601 S o u th O f 1-40 (Y a c ik ih v ille Flci.) * M o c k s v ille , N C ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 . 2 1 6 1 W in $2,500 C ash -.. ' Contest Details ' Pages B6-B7 Q u il t e r ’s G u ild D a v ie ’s F irs t Q u ilt S h o w T h is W e e k e n (j A t P u b lic L ib ra ry P age C l D A V IE CO U N TY 5 0 0 ENTERPRI/ENI RECORD 49-60 ! .. .. Number 40 t f > Tax Bills Go Out; Re-Evaluation Notices To Follow II) DwIkIiI .Spiirks D;ivic Ctmiuy [inlcrprisc-Rcctml Davie Ciiimly laxpaycrs gol lellcis fniiii llic lax office last week, anil aiuiiher is coming that inijilii pack a sluK'k. Rcvaliialinn — ilie once-iii- ciplii-years appraisal of (тцктпу values — is CX|KCICI| lo hike lam! ami home lax values significamly. ‘•They can ex|Kcl an increase," said lax ilireclor Mary Nell Kiichie. ".Some, iliie lo llte neigli- iHuhiKHl Ihey are in, can expeci more Ihan oihers. Vacant laiul val­ ues are going up coiisiilerably be­ cause of Ihe ilevelopmem anil ur- bani/alioii." •She saiil il was Uki smm lo pre- (licl Ihe amount of the increases. Taxpayers will be getting the no­ tices ill December. Counly Manager Ken Windley said liic county will no longer wait eight years for the next re­ valuation. Il will be done every four years in Ihc fulurc, and the lax olTice will do ils own rcvulu- alion. WIT Inc. of Concord is doing this revaluation for about S.1(K),(XX). Windley said it is gelling hard lo find lirnis 10 handle revalua­ tions for small counties, and the counly will be able to handle the service lor about the same cost. ■|\vo extra employees arc ex­ pected, and the county already has Ihe compuier programs to perform the servlcc. Doing the revaluation every four years should lake some of thc sling out of increasing properly values. "Over an eight-year pe­ riod, things get out of whack," Windley said. "You have people paying an inonlinalc share of what they should be paying. I’roperly goes up in one area and down in another." Windley and Ihe tax office handled a lol of calls Monday aboul Ihe lax bills mailed last week. Thc design of the bills changed drastically, including an infornialion corner aboul how the couniy spends ils money. Windley said callers warned to know whelher lax money sup­ ported the county’s waler depan- menl. It does not. "It’s self sus­ taining," he said. Ritchie said 22,00() bills were mailed. On Monday, Davie County commissioners, after much hesi­ tancy. approved a rate schedule for the revaluation. The county's tola! value for taxation is about S2 billion. Ritchie said thc new base value for rural agricultural land will range from S3,000 to $ 10,000 for parcels of 20 to 25 acres. A ll the values — for land and homes — are based on recent priccs of real estate sales. Tax valuations for homes often lags the actual markel value, pri­ marily bccausc the revaluation is done every eight year.s. Ritchie said the revaluation tries lo match thc tax value wilh thc market value. The lasl revaluation was done in 1994, She predicted Ihc biggest im- p,icl of the revaluation will be land valucii. “Large parcels arc being di­ vided, and Ihe land values arc in­ creasing considerably. Land has bccomc a very valuable commod­ ity," she said. ..Л. ' S . % e r ÿ ; d o g , |ia iih lk  a ^ ^ ii: .'seven ?r pértntó SfeplKi^ 'enforcement, ■ ;Thut^y.;Se^;28í^éf|^íj^ a well^ieívW^^ prootvesf • ^Nòrth'Davi? /V.buHeí:propf'^ : équiiipèd'^iÀil^èiâi^ ' p¿besj^re,rteciij^^ л make KiltfprectieiüíxtavU^tó^^^ î. would ’,v;.hoòìu on ..^{^lôwfcirïuy iiif^ngjMiditó ^V'.ingofkiloifiÎieÎMweKÎén^â'^'^l^ to'anle. V гД : "i ■ fim Ä ttg V ' ::,idraof 1.ТМ-ГТ1П ■■«-'-I - "I got the:idea'tÿoin'АпкпсшОШ 'I:.,., magizlne, t saw tiiie stoiÿ (ibojít kjQ (c w r~ 7 8 W ü» New J e t4 Íí'w h 0 li*(b « tt^ já № .r'íf: ГТШ ï ii Humane Society Buys 15 Acres For New Animal Shelter By Mike Barnliardt Davie County Enterprise Rccord An out-dated, out-of-sighi building al Ihe end of a narrow gravel road isn’t the best place for an animal shelter. U’s not inviting to people who may consider adopting one of the dogs or cats before it had to be put to death. And it smells bad. Members of the Davie County Humane Society have taken it upon themselves to build a new animal shelter, a modem facility where the animals could be kept longer, a facility that would be ............ morc inviting to the public. They took their plan to county commissioners, hoping to lease half the building for Sl per year 10 the animal control office. , County commissioners balked. They didn’t say no to the plan, but tliey didn’t say yes. There was some concern about control of the facility, and the Humane Society’s ability to maintain its financial obligations. One said that the pro­ posed 80 dpg runs were too many. Members of the Humane So­ ciety only had a few weejts to raise the approximately $70,000' needed to biiy some 15 acres on Eaton Road lo build the new shel-, ter. They had been hoping the county would help pay for that land. But they backed off. The county released the money it held for a new shelter that was raised by the society. The group dug a little deeper into its pockets, and came up. with the money! They bought the land (P^ was donated.), and are raising the funds to build the shelter. They expect Ihe cost to be $600,000 to buiid the 90- by 100-foot build­ ing. They jiod asked the county to pay $2 0 0 ,0 0 0 of ttat cost. The building would be split be­ tween the Humane Society and the animal control office, with the humane society handling pet adoptions. ' If the county doesn’t want to join in the effort, Ihe project could be scaled back if funds aren’t available, said Dr. Robin Brock, the Humane Society’s assistant treasurer. If the funds are raised, the Humane Society can use the building. The group appears to be ahead of schedule. They had set 2002 as the date to buy land, with five years to raise the money for the building. The 15-acre site is on land zoned campus business, which would allow an animal shelter. Part of the land can be used as pas­ ture for large aliimals taken in abuse and cruelty cases, Brock said. Please See Future - Page 9 K inderton W atershed D istrict To Be D iscussed A t O ctob er 16 M eeting The public hearing of a re­ quest to increase the acreage in thc spccial watershed overlay district in the new Kinderton development in Hillsdale will be conducted by county commis­ sioners Monday, Oct. 16. , If approved by the board the V.г request by the Hillsdale Group would allow higher density d^, velopment on an additional 3S acres.' . , The coiinty has already granted use of the 10-70 rule,. which allows 10 percent of the Please See HiUidalt.-l^f