04-April• ilà V IK CO UNTY E N T ER FIU SE R EC O R D . M w «h M , 1998 a ¡h / Ì : G a r d e n C e n t e r G R A N D O P E N I N G I^EIIRLY BIRD SPECIALS • • С г\.{ flM fl« S ix S | »««M f (Bood S «t. M arch 2 8 6 A M - 1 1 A M 0 N L Y 6-Pack Bedding Plants reg.a*iO» FREE Coffee & Donuts Sat. 3/28 6 AM Iil 11AM 1 0 -1 0 -1 0Fertilizer 10 Lb. Bag$ 3 » rog. *3- Cow Manure/ Top Soil $ • 1 1 8 Hanging Baskets гед.2Л10* Z i . ^ Pine Needles гед.2Л7” Pellet Lime 2 i« i5 F i l l T h e ir B a s k e t s w it h S o m e t h in g S p e c ia l. And m ’U ianste the pnfflts to help tìttse tn tttti. \ «MUBUNOWAT gunnMI)bringimlNtom<ym«toMN№eiiil Ви^По(|1умШ()агЕ|Шгт1№«1,к С Ь Ш к п 'а ' Mirad* Nctw M fc 1 2 .5 h p > 3 8 In c h Murray® Riding Mower Evmyday •799“ Pine Bark Mulch2^*3 Pine Bark Nuggets & Mini’s 2 i.* 3 1 Gallon Sprayer Everyday $^^86 Black Edging SROO Everyday m V. Round Up Q uait ЗЫа Runt March 25, t996 thm March 31,19M tt Mockfvi«, NC Wat-Mtn only. 1Miracle GrowSb. „ * в " 5/8x60 Garden Hose SW rag .V Ш 1 Gallon Potted Azaleas 2 f.r«3 A Helping Hand Davie Sends Help To Tornado Victims Page 4 Camp Manna C h r i s t i a n Y o u t in C a m p T a lk i n g S l i a p e N e a r C o o l e e m e e S e c t i o n C l DAVIE COUNTY 50« ENTERPRiii^ECO RD USPS 149-160 NumlierM 36 PAGES Move Clocks Ahead 1 Hour Daylight Savings Time be­ gins at 2 a.m. Sunday, so re­ member to lum your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday night. You’ll get that extra hour of sunlight each evening,but you’ll lose one in the moming. Don’t be late for church. We’re Sorry P re ss P ro b lem s C à u se L ate D elivery O f N ew sp ap e rs • It’s nice to have loyal cus­ tomers. Last Wedne.sday, readers of the Enterprise Record began lining up in Ihe newspaper or­ fico well before noon. They drove to newspaper racks, only to nnd iliem empty. A press breakdown meant that only a few hundred of the newspapers made il to Davie Coumy l)efore late afternoon. Some weren’t delivered until the next day. Wc apologize for any incon­ venience the delay caused for our readers; but we appreciate your loyalty. Most people re­ tumed - some of them several times - wanting to get a copy of the week’s news. Thank you for your loyalty; and hopefully, you Wednesday buyers will be reading this a few hours earlier than last week. An Advance man driving ttie white car died when It crossed the center line and struck this van on Tuesday morning. • Photo by RoMn F^ U M on Eklerly Advance lUlan Dies In HeadOn Colllston Mocil An elderly Advancc man died Tuesday morn­ ing when the car he was driving crossed the center line and suiick a van head- on on U.S. 158 in front of Smith Grove Volunteer Fire Department. GeocgeFrankMockSr., 80, wholivedinalog house he built at 749 Ballimore Road, was pro­ nounced dead at Ihe sccne. Investigators think he may have had an­ other medical problem before Ihe wrcck. A witness told N.C. Highway PaUol Trooper A. A. Justice Ihal it appeared Mock had passed out before the accident. Thai wiincss also said dial Mocks' vehicle had almost caused him to run off the road. There wen; no skid marks, and the Ply­ mouth Acclaim driven by Mock had not gone off the road. Justice estimated that each ve­ hicle was traveling 50-55 mph when Ihcy collided. The driver of die van, Billie Manin Allen, 39, of 1973 Angell Road, Mocksviile, was taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salem for treatment of injuries. Botfi drivers were wearing a scat belt. Jus­ tice said. Bullhole Power Plant May Change R e s id e n ts W a n t A s s u ra n c e T h a t R iv er W o n ’t B e D ry By Jcunne Gaither Davic Counly Enterprise Rccord For generations The Bullhole has been a place where folks from Coolcemee and all over the counly went to swim, fish and havc fun wiih friends. Thu area below the dam on the South Yadkin Rivet is an undeniable part of Cooleemee's heritage. But some fear thal oive of Davie County's best known landmarks is about to be taken away. Coolcemee residents became upset several months ago when South YadkinRiverPbwerCom- pany, whichleaseddiedamfrom Ihe county for operation of a eleclric power plant, drained so much water from the river that Ihere was none coming over the dam, Couniy Attomey Bob Price told county commissioners at a meeling March 23. Now local businessman Claude Hom Jr., whoownsmost of the land around the dam, is asking the county to transfer its contract for power generation from South Yadkin River Power to him with the county receiving five perccnt of the net proceeds See Commissiooers - P»g» f F o llo w Y o u r N o s e Dean & Roscos Traddng Their Way To Sucœss ByJearnwGalUier Davie County Enterprise Record , For mote than two years the par of friends has spent several hours each week training. All that hard wotk has started to pay off for die county. Dean Myers and his tracking dog ' Roscoe, a two and half year old ' bloodhound, have helped local law ' enforcement ^encies widi searches about 30 times with a 75 percent success rate, according to Myers, ' But Dean's Tracking Team only ' recendy stepped into die spodight when il was Roscoe's nose Oiat led officera to die hiding place of die man - iwho had stabbed S.W. Brown during a robbery at his wholesale store on . Depot Street March 9. The dog found . Jidtiyah Al-Bayyinah biding in the diicket off Walnut StrMt. , A contribution from die town of Mocksvilie for assisting die police department that day is the first mon­ etary compensation Myets has re­ ceived, he said. But Myers didn't buy a tracking dog to make money. He saw a need in the community ihat he wanted to fill. He diought Davie County needed a tracking dog readily available. Dale Robertson of die N.C. Depart­ ment of Corrections Fugitive Squad, a Davie resident, helped Myers get started. With Robertson's encouragement, Myers bought a puppy from Bedt and David Plolt and natned him Roscoe. In die early stages of Roscoe's training, Myers talked to Robertson every day to find out what he needed to do. Training consists primarily of having a person lay a track for several hundred yards and sometimes up to more than a mile across grass, woods, roods and creeks, Myers explained. When the weather permits, he tries to run Roscoe every day. Training sites have included Rich Park and Farmington Dragway. The tracking team has'received a lot of support. Myers, who works for Davie Animal Control and Davie Communications has been able to borrow a dog box from Animal Control Officer Robert Cook to transport Roscoe. Myers’ wife and several of his friends have spent a lot of time laying tracks for them; Those who have helped the most might be seen wear­ ing a hat widi Ihe logo "Dean's Tracking Team". In addition to those hats, Myers said he had enough shirts made for him to wear one every day of the week. He has also received support for his efforts from N.C. Rep. Julia Howard, County Commissioner Diane Foster and Mocksviile Town . Commissioner Buster Cleary, who have donated dog food for Roscoe. The team recenlly won a first place trophy in die K-9 division of the Rowan County Multi-Agency Re­ sponse Trainin^anhunt competi­ tion. And they were called on to help Yadkin County law enforeement last month. But Myers counis Roscoe's greatest accomplishment as finding S.W. Brown's killer. "If he didn't ever do anydiing else. I'd be glad he helped put S.W.'s murderer in jail," he said. II was two hours later when he realized how dangerous the situation had been for bodi of them. Roscoe was about 30 feet ahead of Myers, who was unarmed. Both were several yards ahead of die closest law en­ forcement officer when the dog discovered Al-Bayyinah. Please See Dean's - Page 8 Roscoe, trained by Dean Myers, found hiding murde( suspect in Mocksvilie. • Photo by Roblit A rs u n o h .2 - DAVI^ C O l^Y ENTERPRISE RECOM, April 2,1998 EditprialPa^ Campus Crime; Honor Courts Hiding Criminals ParenK once sent their children off to collcgc with the assurance that ihcy would be safe. Crimc just didn'l visit collcge campuses. The only thing approaching criminal behavior was a panly raid. That may no longer be Ihe case. But the true dangers of collcge life are sometimes kept secret by the colleges. Some colleges are keeping their reputations pure by keeping crime private. In a twist of jurisprudence, the old college honor courts have been expanded to include smok­ ing marijuana, assault on a female, criminal mischief, drunk and disorderly... ' "Everything but murder," said Kevin Schwartz of the Daily Tar Heel in Chapel Hill. He took a delegation of his student writers to Washington, D.C., recently to lobby for a bill Ihat would open campus courts. "Wc feel we have a responsibility to the 39.000 people that read our paper." said Laura Godwin, one of the student reporters for the Daily Tar Heel. Honor courts once decidcd cases about cheating. But their jurisdiction has expanded with an act of Congress years ago. The studenls asked D.M. "Lauch" Haircloth of Nonh Carolina for help. "We're talking about adulls here — 18 and older?" Faircloth asked. Indeed, so. The honor courts can't imprison. The maximum sentence is expulsion from school. But they handle cases as serious as rape. ■ ■ Rapists are often sentenced to sensitivity training— watching movies, the reporters said. I. ' 'That's not a bad idea — if it's in Central Prison," Fùrcloth said. "Honor Courts have changed," Godwin said, adding that the universities may not report the crimes that arc handled in the honor couns. Unaware students may walk the campus at night not knowing that rapists have attacked other girls. "You're made to believe it's safe and it's not," said Jennifer Markiewicz, a law studenMt Catholic University. 'The universities are fearful i| the news gets out the parenls won't let their kids go there. The children are igno­ rant. The parents are ignorant," said Lockwood Phillips, prcsident-elecl of the National Newspaper Association. "If you eliminate anything that's a crime, you have no criminals." . "If you're smoking pot in Canboro, is it still a crimc?" Faircloth asked. "I am surprised. I didn'l know such a thing existed." Faircloth told the students he would talk to the Secretary of Education about the problem. But he gave the students little hope for changing the law this year. 'Tliis Congress has 65 days left," he said. "We're the only oiganization ihat takes 30 days off for Ground Hogs Day." He also told the students it would be easier to discuss the merits of the changes in the Senate rather than the House. 'There are only 100 fools here," he said. The students button­ holed other congressmen about the issue and Attorney Gen­ eral Janet Reno. They spread out across the capitol looking for suppoit and impressing everyone with their zeal. — Dwight Sparks D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksvllle, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING GO. Dwight Sparks....Editor/Publisher Robin Fergu -MikeBamhaidt.. '■•cky Snyder.... .......General Manager ........Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager Davie 1916-1958 1699-1958 PwkKjical« PoM gt Paid in Mocksville. NC 27028 SubKilptionRtlM StogtoCopy.SOCwHs . (20 per y*tr In Nomi Ctiolina . $2S per умго(1|аМв North CvoHtia / , P0STMA8TER : . 6«ndiddrM(chingMlo: DnIe Couniy Entwpitst Ricatd P.O. Box sa, Mocksv«*, NC 2702S Journal 1901-1971 In T h e M a il... Sheriff's Claim Of Savings Misleading To Ihc editor: A rcccnt polilical acJvcniscmcnl by Sheriff Allen Whilakcr claims lhal his adminlsirallvc expertise saved ihe clilzens of Davie Couniy up­ wards of $200,000 by his uccepiancc of federal surplus equipmeni under u program which is of­ fered to every law cnforcemcnl organlzalion in Ihc country. Some departments have acquired armored personnel carriers and hcllcopicrs and ll would seem lhal our sheriff has an opportunity to save us upwards of $2.5 million with addi­ tional acqui.sliions. The equipment, no doubi, exists, but the savings do not. Any rcsideiii is free to visit the tandnil and view si'iiu- o| ihe equip­ ment. However, despite the convoluted accounl­ ing meihixl used. I do not believe that any sav­ ings are evident bccausc if it werc not free, the commissioners would never have allowed it in the budget. The fact that the sheriff’s officc has a truck and J pcnerator has not raised the department up cveti lo ilic k’vel of our poorest volunteer fire W o m e n S h o u l d H â v e C h o i c e ’ To Ihc editor; There has been a lol of talk aboul a woman’s right 10 choosc In the last few years. I want lo approach this subjcct from a different angle. I would like to choosc the oplion to have my ba hies at home with assistance. Do you reali/c that in North Carolina that it isn't againsi the law to have a baby in your home? Ii‘s only against the law when you have assistance. I would like to ask another question of your readers: What did women do years ago before doctors were available in every direction when they were in labor? Whal do women do now, on mission fields and in remote places where doc­ tors aren’t able to be? Has anyone considered thal having a baby for most women is not a medical cmcrgcncy? For the majority of women birth is a natural proccss that God has provided us with lo have our children. May I please choosc whom I would like to have with me when I’m in labor? Not be forced to have only the option of going to the hospital? I would like to have the option of making the decision for ray own body when Гш ill and when I’m carrying a child. This Includes staying at home with my family to give birth. I assure you (hat I am responsible in choosing whom 1 would like to take care of me. Someone who will educate me in my nutrition for myself and for my baby. Someone who wiil listen to me and get to know my body for myself - not just compared to numbers on a chart. Someone whom 1 know will be thcrc when I’m In labor and I know who il will be and that she’ll not take a shift change In the middle of the process and leave me wllh someone lhal I haven't bonded wilh. I want her lo be someone who has learned lo carc for me over the whole priK'css and will continue to do .so during labor. To know me better than I know myself when Pm in pain. I want someone who has gotten to know my baby while! am still carrying him Inside. That way. my baby is known for who he is. 1 want options before I would have lo have a C-Scctlon. I want lo know lhal if lhal person rec­ ommended thal we go on to the hospital, that I can walk in with confidence and not worry about being questioned or treated like a criminal. 1 want to seek medical help in this situation without being afraid of being tullccd to roughly or accused of being irresponsible. When all along I have accepted responsibility for my child and myself. Port of that responsibility should be lo have the option of going to the hospilal if a problem did arise. Mosl women who choose lo have their babies at home are taking responsibility for themselves and their children. Wc, by no means, take having babies lightly. In our society. Isn’t that a fresh approach? I’m not asking you lo pay my bills, Tm not asking you for special programs to pro­ vide for me and ray baby' I’m just asking you to allow me to choosc whom I would like to have with me when I’m in labor. Freedom lo make heallhy decisions for my family. Sandra G. Wallace Harmony department. They have three things lhal the sher­ iff docs not have, hoses, rapid response lo all calls regardless of the nature, and all volunteers arc acilvc and wanl to serve. If they don’t respond and serve, ihcy are weeded oul. The sherin'also has some 15 or so volunteers, or special depu­ ties. most of whom never serve the county in any way. I would venture to say that some specials (deputies) arc not personally known lo the sher­ iff and he would nol know mosl if he mcl them _ on the street. The residents of Davie Calmly who are ai^ '' who vole are inlclligeni enough to recognize when smoke is being shoveled. Perhaps the sher­ iff should lake note of this and lout only rcal and meaningful things that impact law cnlbrccmenl matters. Afler all. that Is his real job. nol stock­ ing the landfill. Floyd Fausell Advancc Judy Webb Helpful To the editor: I would Икс to thank 3udy Webb for the Tine scrvice she provided to my son-in-law and my­ self In planning asuфri sc birthday party for my daughter. She was so helpful and knowledge­ able with her attention to every detail. Every­ thing was perfect. Judy helped make it a very special occasion. Mrs. Denny Creason Cooleemee Letters Welcomed ^ The En urp rist Record wek»mes IcKeis from iu readers. The letters may 1» on topicsof local, stale, national or inlemaUonal issues. An effort will be made lo prim ail letters, provided they are not litwlous. vulgar, or in. poor tasle. The editor reserves the tight to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should includc Ihe name and address of ttie writer, including a signature. A telephone numtier, not lo be published, is also: requested. Please have letten in the newspaper ofTice by 4 p.m. Monday of ttie week to be published. W o u l d Y o u V o t e F o r A B o n d T o B u i l d A N e w E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l ? ■ J'S I ■/ , ^ j f _ !/■ ''I t i M David Bcck Ph ielU d i^ R o M i •VM.Iwould.» KatbyBttcUn YadkinvUk •Yea.' PamebBnKlu МоскпШе 'Yes.' Carla PopUn Mòcksvme •Yefc* In T h e M a il D A V IE CO UNTY EI4 T ER PR ISE REC O RD , AprU 2,1998 - Э . I J a m e s N a n c e T o u c h e d M a n y P e o p l e W ith K i n d n e s s A n d U n s e l f i s h D e e d s ■ Also.wewerercmindcdovcrandoverogainofhlslove dedicationtothcARC.HefellthatwasaministrylhcLord ofihlslssocomfortlng.Allimcs.wc may feci our failh is W ow arc never adequate to express feelings of love, for the many students he had taught for 20 years. James had given him. wavering, but It is at times such as this that you will find • gratliudeand^kfulnessforthemonyhundrcdsofpeoplc enjoyedsomuchleamlngaboutfomwrstudentswhowere Again, lhank you for every visit, every thought and failh beyond all belief. God bless all ofyou that hove been wh«haredwilhusinthedeathofourhusband,faiher’and excelling In their chosen field-nwst especially if il hap- every wordofkindness, but much more, wc lhank you for a part of James’ life. : g™father.Wewcremadcawareofmanyacisofkindncss pcned to be In the construction trade. your prayers. Knowing wc were being lifted up to God by The James Nance Family and many unselfish deeds he had done for people. He loved life and he loved peopIe,as was evldeni In his so many others and knowing that God has a purpose in all Advancc Charles Fox The People's Candidate Against Uncontrolled Growth To ttM editor: Fm wriling on behalf of Charles Fox, the Republican candidate for Davic Coumy coramisiiloncr In the May 5 primary. If you feel lhal ttie lifestyle Davie people enjoy is ttireatened by unconlrolled growth, Ihen Charles Fox Is your candidate. If you believe ttiat protecting our watershed land Is essential to ttie healtti and well-being of not only cunent Davie people, but future generations, let me suggest that you vole for Charics Fox. If you agree lhal many decisions made in recent years by the commissioners have been in conflicl wilh the wishesof the majority of Davic pocple. lake this opportunily lo let your opinion be known. Vole for the people's candidate. Charles Fox. During Ihc last 19 monlhs. Charics Fox has worited virtualy rull-lime on behalf of ttie people in Davie County rcganllng ttiese and ottier issues. He has repeauxlly stood before ttic couniy planning board, the county board of commissioners, and various cllizcn groups urging lhal the will of Ihc people msut comc first as decisions are made. As a commissioner. Charics Fox will not be dislracled by any personal agenda. He is retired, belongs lo no special interest groups,does notown any busines.s,owes no favors, and has made no promises other lhan to represent the people of Davie Couniy. If you feel ttiat ttiis brief inuoduction 10 candidate Fox describes someoneou would likeas your representative on Ihc Davic Board of Commissioners, you musl lake action on May 5. Sincc there will be no Democratic opposition for couniy commissioners In ttie November elections, our couniy commissioner will be elected al Ihe primary on Mays. I urge you 10 votcfor Charles Fox. Ihe people’s candl- dale- Janicc Tomlinson Advancc Editor Used Brazen, Unqualified Generalizations About DHS : To the editor I wish to address a concern ihat you broached in last week’s editorial. I am not writing to argue the merits or . faults of the block system. Far too many have done so : already, and many, I am certain, will conlinuc lo do so. Neither am I responding lo the Issue of part-time students’ leaving school, although no student Is allowed to leave the Davlecampus without the written pemilsslon ofhis parent/ guardian. I was most disturbed by yourcomments concern­ ing English classes and assignments. I am an English teacher, completing my 23rd year in education, Including 16 years at Davie High School. * Please allow me lo tell you a little about my classes so that future editorials conccming English classes at DHS will not Include such brazen, unqualified generalizations. Moslof my English classcs have concentrated on the junior and senior high school years. I have never taught a coursc on these levels without requiring signficanl rcading and multiple writing assignments. Surely, students who have been in my English classes over the past years will concur. Last semester I taught one section of English 111. The • required rcading list for these sludenis included the foHow- ' Ing books: The Crucible. The House of the Seven Gables. Billy Budd. The Night Thorcau Spent In Jail. The Adven- the Sun.ThisdId not include additional selections In poetry (Poe, Whitman, Dickinson, Frost. Sandburg, and others), nonfiction Edwards. Emerson, Thorcau and othere, and shon stories. Please bear in mind lhal this was a one semester coursc. Additionally, my sludenis wrote several out-of-class essays, all of which werc based on elctncnlsof literature. Yes, most certainly, I do incorporate films Into the classroom. I find them to be a valuable tool Ineducallon • one. unfortunately, that was not available to me when I was a high school student. However, films do nol take the place of rcading these literary masterpieces. They only supplement the cumculum. This semester, in addition to two sections of Spanish. I am teaching one scclion of senior English. My studenls are rcading Ernest Heminjiwav'sThe Sun Also Rlses*ln the seven weeks of school af\cr spring vacallon, they will read the following works: Shakespeare's Hamlet and The Mor- IS. Ibsen’s Hedda Gablcr Ghosts, and Лп [fi, Shelley's Frankenstein, and Blake’s Ifi. This abbrc- viaied lisi docs nol include any of ihe world of literature which they have already studied this year. They, like my juniors, have wrillen a variety of essays - some on literary topics and some on topicsof their ownchooslng. Presently, Ihey are wc^king on a documented critical review of Aim. Pertiaps now you can understand my Incredulity when I rcad your editorial. I have nol allowed the block system to affect either Ihe reading or the wriling assignmcnlsof my sludenis. I have been fortunate during my tenure at DHS to leach some of the brightest young people I have ever encountered. I am proud of their accompllshmcnis~nol only In my classcs bul also In all facets of their lives. I hope lhal those studenls who woriccd hard to cam their grades in my classcs were furious when Ihey rcad your comments. I also hope that the parenls of those sludenis. knowing how hard their sons and daughtCR woriced to eam iheir grades, were outraged wlih your unqualified generalizations. As a tcachcr of wriling, one of the most fundamcnlal concepts thal I demand of my students Is thal they support all generalizations wilh details and examples. This is nol optional; it Is mandatory. Failure lo support topic sen- lenccs, thesis statements, or any generalized comments always results ina failing grade. That is why I am stunned by your failurc lo support your claims. The most dinicull lask that my colleagues and 1 face Is the teaching of effective writing. We strive for organiza­ tion. suppon. unity, coherence, and grammatical correct­ ness. Naturally, we welcome any help thal weean gel from the community at largc. IN^rhaps 1 could appeal to you for help. When ourstudcnts take Ihe state wriUnglcsts,lhey arc graikd on what Ihey say and how they say il. Basle sentence fomiation Is essential. The stale department frownson poor sentence structure - especially sentence fragments. Al­ though I am aware that sentence fragments arc stylistically accepiabic in journalism, perhaps you could forego your frequent use of sentcncc fragments in your editorials ( 10 In last week’s editorial and 20 In the editorial of March 12) for the sake of the cducalion of ourstudcnts. Wc all know that what might be acccptablc and stylish in aculturc may. in fact, not be righl for the edification of our youlh. I have written my rcsponse as apcrsonol reaction loyour commcnis. I do know, however, that I am not the only English tcachcr who assigns books to read and essays to write. There arc others outside the English dcpartmenl who also assign books and essays. I encourage you lo talk with some of Ihe icachers at DHS. Whal you leam mighl pleasingly enlighten you. I Include one last note lo you as a parcnt. The courscs thal I teach arc open for the enroll­ ment of any student. If you demand Ihat your child read books and write essays, register him for my class. The choice of courses, just like the choice of leaving school early, is yours as a parcnt. Two guarantees I promise you; your child will reodbooks, and your child will write essays. Teny Hoyle EngUsh/Spanish TeKher Davie High School Block Schedule Gives Students A Chance For More Variety tdlheedilor:‘ lamwriUng in response toyoureditorial tilled “Part- . Time Sludenis Leaving School Half-Educated. “ In my opinion, you got your chancc lo voice your opinion as a parent; now I would like to voice my opinion as a student. I read and reread your article and was very displeased with what I read. You wrote, and I quote you on this, ‘‘students dop't take their educalion seriously." I know quite a few studenls who are having to woric very hard just so they can graduale as part of their class. I'm very sorry ihat you arc dissatisfied wllh the way the high school icachers arc tithing us studenls, but I don't see you out therc-trying lo niake a difference. I can’t speak for those kids who leave Khool alter they have all the classes that they need, but lean speak for those who arc working hard to get good grades just so Ihey can get into the school of their choice, and get the career they are seeking. lnmyEnglishclass,wedon’iwatchlhemoviesbecause we don’ I have time; instead, we read the books not only to get Ihe full version, but to improveour rcading skills. As for as essays nol being assigned bccause we can't wrile. whether we can write or not. essays are assigned. 1 haven’t been In a class yet where Ihe teacher has s lo {^ lo let us do our homeworic 30 minutes before the end of class; we slop five minutes before the bell and it is our choice ihen if we want to. lo start on ourhon№wofk.The rcst is to be done at home. Most students have a minimum of an hour and a half of homework a night The block schedule doesn't let us get away with lessclasses; it lets us have more of a variety. Lasl year, kids took only seven classes and had the whole year lo leam the curriculum; this yeof we have eight classes, four in each semester, and only ihat semester to leam the curriculum. As far as athletes winning, and winning big. Ihat’s true. A lot of emphasis is placed on athletics, but no more lhan at mosl olher schools In the couniry. And where do you think these alhletes got the idea that winning is every thing? Some of next year’s alhletes got their schedules “doctored” so they could lake welghtllfUng Instead of a real class that you could actually fail. Talk about a strain on the brain. Mostof the teachers 1 know don't like the block, because they don'l have time to leach the curriculum, which I might Jonesboro Murders Wake-up Call For Christians, Churches To ttie editor Whal if tomoiTow morning we woke up u> ttiese head- : lines, ‘'Two MocksviUe Middle School Children Shoot : Teachers and Friends at School.” Unbelieveable? Not ' anymore. Before ttiis past week it woukl never have ' entered my mind, hut now ttiis is ceruUnly a possibility. AsIlislencdlastweeku>ttiepcopleof]oncsboto,Atk. :taUdng, ttiey reminded itieofoursmall town of Mocksville. :That community Is stunned. They couU never in a million :years have conceived of this hanening in ttKir commu- : nity, let alone to children of ttils age. Maybe 16,17,18 year loUs, not I I and 13 year oUs. And killing ttielr leacher and ' friends so coU bkxidedly and wittiout any mercy. How far ^wehavefallenasasocietyto have alkiwed ttiis to happen. I Yes. we an all guilty. Think aboul it my Christian Iriends. ; • • I wouM never have believed in my time I would live U) ;see ttiese ttiings become common place and all of us so. 'complacent about ll wittuut much outrage and shame. ;v rl) Prayer removed from our schools, workplace, and about anywhere ttiere is a peison you may be around M t woukl uke you U> coutt because ttiey ate oRended by the word God Of anything pertaining u> Him in ttieir {xesencc. And fraidy cats ttiat we are, we keepquiet and let ttieie builys gel away wittiil.Asusual,ttunkingthatifyou )«eep quiet and don'l stir up trouble It will go away. It just gels woise. 2) Bibles not allowed to be passed out to chiklem in schools, but ttiey sure can read all ttie ponK^raphk books and gel all ttie wiong typesof sex education including how 10 get condoms and nextttiey will be letting ttie kids ttiat ace on drugs get free hypodermic needles al ttie healtti depart­ ment and. may 1 add, at the taxpayers expense, whether ot not it ofTends us as Christtans. I'm offended. I wouM hope it offends all Christians, but I'm afiraid it just isn't happen­ ing. People are offended if you mentton Ood in pubUc. Well, I'm saying a lot of ttie supposedly new OK conduct in public is ofTcnsive tt> me as a believer in ChtisL 3) NoUiing isheklbackonttieTV,coupleshavingsex on just about every program and if ttiey aren't having sex ttiey ate talking about iL Lots of vk)Ience even in ttie eariy hours when mosl children ate out of school by ttiemselves unUI ttieir parents get home andin ttie evenings before ttiey go to bed. Now since ttie While House sex scandal, all ttie . major newschannels are trying to keep up witti ttietabkiids and it embarrasses me. I've worked in hospitals all my life and have seen allttieanauimyparts at some ttmeor another, tHU ttiis typeof news is nol facchildren. They leave nottiing out in describing any situatton. I ttwught one nighi as I was watchingavWeotitted,‘TomandHuck,"wittimy lOyear old grandson, dial I wouldn'l have any proMems, tut k>w S t u d e n t s C h a lle n g e d , W e ll E d u c a t e d .To ttie editor; : ^;l amwridng in regaid» U) ttie article in ttie March 26 lo^tton on ttie students of Davie High. Asastudent.Iknow UA students ate carrying full load, and being challenged. B J word of moutti and first hand experience we do have :tiiw to read a novel and watch die movie in Ihe hour an a ttiat we have in a class period. Some students learn Rafter ttuough watching a movie. What if a student reads a « ^ 1 , lakes ttw test andfails7Butwhatifttiat same suident 'teids ttie book and watches ttie movie? Any sHident will probably do better.Neverinttienrslhalfofttieyeardklanyofmyleachets s lo p my of my classes 30 minutes early for us to do our hoiMwoik.lfaay timewaiaikiweditwat lSminutes,and, ttiat was on occasion. In ttie fitst semester of ttie year 1 had homework every night in algebra. The sludenli write essays and ottier papers. We ate constantty woiUng on prcjccts and papers. Yes, 1 ttUnk block schedule gives sudents die full benefit of a day. Instead ot sU classes a day we have four. Weare given ttiechanceformoteclasses.Itttii^ttiefaculty and adm ini^on is doing a fiuuisttc job of eiiucating the students al Davie High. Studenu are leaving achool chal­ lenged, well educated, and carrying classes U) ttie ftdlest ttm is. lonattian Lewis, Advance . DHS Sludent and behold right smack dab in ttie middle of the program ttiey put in a cuss word ttial used God's name in vain. It made my skin crawl. It was only one time in all of ttie movie, but what was ttie purpose of putting it there at all? Becausc ttwse subtle little cuss words are lo get our children and adulls accusuimed to ttiinking ttiese things are now acceptable in our society. And peopte, cussing and using bad language now seems to be acceptable. Where is our shame and embairassment anymore? Instead of reaching for higher idealsweseemtobeOK witti kiwering ourseivn and our society. I get sick of hearing,‘TfoushouIdn'tjudgepeople.''lbelieve God gave us brains 10 use common sense and I just know from experience ttial people and society are better off listening lo God and His teachings insleadof man andhis teachings. History has proven ttial. 4) Did 1 forget u> mentton ttie Darwin ttieory? That's anottier ttiing ttial our wonderful courts and communities allowed and we are paying witti our children being taught lies ttiat man came from monkeys instead or from God. I wasn'l ttiere U> suuid up but I'm guilty uxlay for nol slandingup.WeasChristtansaieall guilty. Firsl,aboriion in ttie eariy stages, now murdering babies as ttiey are ready to be bom. Fint Dr. Korvorkian, now docton being al­ lowed to dispense dhigs u> ttie patterns so ttiey can kill ttiemselves and ttieir families standing ttiere watching or helping andsayinghislovefot the oldctfaimlymenibct or ttie member ttiat has a fatal disease ttial cau^ ttiem to make ttie decision to help diem to (lie. Isn't ttial still called murder ttiese days? Say ttial ttiese family membeis are too busy witti dieir lives to be bothered widi grandma or grandpa behig stek and so die ald t^ is, let's kill diem quickly to we can get on widi our busy lives. First gay rights, now bombanlnient widi gay and lesbian beliefs on die TV, teachings in some schools and churches ttial same sex marriages and same sex families are normal. Fust ttiere was righl and wrong ttien it was gray areas, now nodiing is wrong aad whatever makes you happy, do it, wtedier it hurts anyone or noL And hoyv awful if someone speaks out againstdieselerribleatracities.IttUnkitiscalled"polittcal cofrectncss" cr you are accused of “gay bashing" if you speak OW agaimt homosexality. 1 uy "amen" to Reggie add. is nol decided by teh teacher, but is mandated by the N.C. Depanment ofPublic Insttuctkxi. (You should know ttial. Mr. Sparks, witfi Iwo sisters who an leachen, and a mottier who is a fonner teacher.) You menttoned ttiat studenls are registering for next yeat's classes. Why didn't you suggest ttiat parenls get involved in helping Uieir teenagers make good decisions about ttKir schedules for next year? Maybe wcaien'ldoingexacttywhalour parents wantus 10 do. bul what do you expect, we're teenagen: and someUmes we'regoing to have to leam fromourmistakes, just like your generation did. Lauren Grimes Advance While forspeakingout.butyousce where it got hha Even if a lol of people believed what he said only fcny Jones spoke out in his defense. CBS, ttie mosl liberal statton for gay programs, now will not consider Reggie for die job he appliedfor.IhaveafcelingOodhasagteaterjobfor Reggie somewhere. Docs ttiis sound like il was during ttie Kotocaust? People afnud lo speak up against wrong. All diose human lives destroyed because of hate for a people of a different race. Does ttiis strike a familiar note in America and our small town of Mocksville? Can we even believe some Christians are guilty of ttiat sin in our chuches?Churches, Ihis is our wake-up call. If ttiis letter is offensive to you, 1 do not ap o li^ . No one is wittioulsin, including myself,bul ills ttKcontinuing. 10 sin that is ttie problem. Let's not continue lo let our children and grandchildren grow up in ttiis type of society and ttien wonder what happened when we have anottier. Jonesbono, Aril, murder spree. Mocksville, ttiis is our- wake-up call. ; Connie W. Young Mocksville Family Thankful For Help! Tbttieediton . ' ' On behalf of ttie S.W. Brown Ir. family, I would like to thank everyone who visited, hugged us, stood in ttie, visitation line, brought food, sent cards or offered; prayers. This has been a very trying time aad your concern; and love has meant a great deal lo us! Please continue, to pray fot us as we struggle to aijust to Ihe many, changes in our lives. ; Also, we would encourage you to donate Mood at ttK next blood drive, so that supplies will be adequate; when someone else needs blood. Rcbecca S. Brown Mocksville M pnU tttn-Pagti 4 : D A V IE CO UNTY E N T E R P R IS E REC O RD , A p ril 2,1998 Butch Beading and Denell Burgess prepare to drive trucks loaded with building materials to tornado victims In the Madison/ Mayodan area ol Rockingham County. - Photot by Robin Fergusson In T h e M a il... R e c e n t E d i t o r i a l s O f f e n s i v e , U n p r o f e s s i o n a l To the editor I don'l know whclher lo laugh or (o cry when 1 rtad Ihe edilorial cach week in (he Enlerprise* Reconl I can’t Icll ir ihc editorials arc a rechle atiempl al satire or If the nM)rc likely answer is inie • pure "tabloid" Journalism. Each week I spend a dollar fifly at the supermarket to buy my grand­ mother a copy of The Weekly World News. Il would be great to know thal I could still provide her with all the hearsay, gossip, and innuendo lhal she can handle and still save a dollar each week. Who arc your sources • students? When I was a high school student, I was convinccd that niy sci­ ence teacher was an alien and my calculus teacher, on escaped lunatic. I rcspcct my students' opinions, bul I would hope lhal they are not your only sources. Are Ihey parents? Most of the parcnts I know don’t always agree with what wc do at the high school but al least they have always treated me with courtesy and respect. I can’t believe thal any parent who isgenuinclyconcemcdwithhischild's welfare would resort to nameless accusations on Ihe edito­ rial page. Whal will lhat solve? Whom in any posilion of authority have you talked to nl the high school to verify your “facts” or to discuss your conccms? Inquiring minds want to know. An anonymous author oncc wrote, "Criticizing oihcR is a dishonest way of praising ourselves." Shame on you. I can’t believe thal you would so carelessly belittle ihe reputations of almost 100 hard-working public servants at Ihc high school just so lhat you can create controversy and sell more papers or scorc points with some personal vendetta you have against u few teachers or administrators. As a decorated veteran, a magna cum laudc collcge graduate, an “honore" student teacher, and a former “Davie County Tcachcr of the Year,” I find your recent editorials lo be personally olTcnsive and completely unprofessional. Dowcihinkihehighschoolispcrfcci?orcoursc not, bul at least wc arc working hard lo make it the best placc possible for students lo prepare them- selves for the fulurc. I feel that you owe me and many others at ihe high school an apology. Even belter, I challenge you to spend a day with пю and do my job: Ihcn you can feel free lo "prcach" to the masses to your heart's contcnl. I usually gel up at 5 a.m., so I'll be glad to pick you up on my way lo school around 6:1 S. I can’t guarantee when ihc day will end though. Teaching is nol an 8 io4 job. It’s 10 p.m. right now, and I'm taking a brcak fromgrading research papers to write ihis letter. I guess I should get back to work. The challenge is real, Mr. Sparks; arc you up for it? Inquiring minds want to kQow. , Cary M. Powers Davie High Educator Record Proves State Legislators Greedy lb the editon The 1997 Drunk Driving Legislation is ados- sic example of legislators greed for money. To Justify the above statement. I will use three morc pteces oi legislation, one of which was approved befon'our current legitlaton were elected. I t e food tax legislation was approved before our cuntnl legitlatora were elected. The purpose of the food tax was to support the public school system with the lax revenue. It did nol happen b^ause the legislators diverted the lax revenue to the general fund and spent food tax revenue on other projects. The 1989 massive highway construclion project that added five plus cents lax per gallon of gasoline and oihcr automobile rclatcd fees was approved to construct a four lane highway sys­ tem within 10 miles of 90 percent of the resi­ dents of North Carolina wiihin 13 years and upon completion, the additional lax would be rcmoved. It will not happen bccause the legislators needed more money lhan ihey could raise by increasing other type taxes in 1990 so they diverted $170 million from the highway trust fund to balance the budget. To date, they tuve diverted more than $1 billion from the highway trust fund.lhe high­ way construction projcct is now 18 years and counting with no end In sight. f In 1996, the legislators needed money to re­ place the money they had diverted from school and highway projects. Voters werc complaining about the condition of schools and highways. Rather than de-fund ihcir pel projects to get Ihe money they had diverted , the legislators asked for and the majority of voters gave them the au­ thority lo issue school and highway bonds. In 1997, the legislators used iheir intlnitc knowledge of iheir voters to get money for schools without raising laxes. They knew that almost everybody dislikes a drunk, especially a drunk driver. Very few people would complain when a drunk's cor was confiscaied and given to the public school system. Uke roost get rich quick schemes, the legislation has not and will not achicvc Ihc desired effect ... easy money for schools. Simply pul, our legislators have an in­ satiable desire to use other people's property or money to increase ihcir governing power. Limit­ ing the size and scope of government is nol high on their priority list. Hold on to your wallets; our legislators arc working on a lax paid Kiddy Care health insur­ ance plan for children. B. Frank Everhart Advancc E d it o r M i s i n f o r m e d A b o u t W h a t T e a c h e r s D o Totheedilor In response to the two editorials conceming Davie H i^ School, I refuse to elevate such absur- ditiesby coromenlingon them; instead, 1 would like lo give my opinbn conceming the education ofour young adults al DHS. 1 have taught school for 28 years, have woriied in four school systems, have been supcfvisedby eight principals, and have taught mmy wooderftd you^g people. For 20 years, I worked in one school system, and when my hus- band was transferred, I thought lhat I would never find asituation that 1 loved as much as I did that one. I was wrong. Davie County is a wonderful place lo live and to teach. Mrs. Bost is, without question, the best principal under whom I have had the ¡mvilege to woric. I support her 100 percent. It is quite easy to be on the outside and find fault, but it is quite a different ^ory when one Is insldeaschool with the myriadof problems that she must face each day. No person Reader Left With Questions Ibtlw edilor . I read wiih inieresl your anicle in Ihe March 11 iuue of the Enteiprise concerning the airest of > YadUn Counly midwife. I had lo reread il a few tiinej. and still had Ihe feeling thal I did not know the full stoiy. Afew unanswmd questions remain. Were the coinpUcatioas fcfetred to by U . Phipps due lo uxne lack on the pan of the midwife, or would ihiipnMcin have wcined regardless of her pces- attc^ Alto, do ohstetiiclans ever encounter such complications? Do doctors’ degrees of cenifica- tion ensure lhat they will never encounter prob­ lems? Were Ihe parents forced, in any way, lo hire this woman to deliver Ihis baby? Did Ihese folks exercise their God-given libeity to choose whom they would lo assisi at their binh? How is the health of Ihe mcther and child at this lime? Has there ever been a midwife to Oliver a baby on a Davie County farm before? Just wondering... and without a full story. Anne Barron Mocksville who is not involved in Ihc day-to-day operation of a school can possibly undcistond and, thcrcforc, may be tempted to make uninrormed sialcmcnB concerning that operation. In addition, the English Department at DHS is one of the best in this state. Yes, I am an English teacher, bul I have some basis for my opinion since lhave taught inanumber of schools and have many friends who uach elsewhere and from whom I get infonnation. Would you like us to send you a our essay asslgnmenu lo read? Would you also like the essay tests? Would you like lo grade essays while your car is being repaired, while you are waiting for ahalrcut, while eveiyone else is enjoying a Sunday afternoon of leisure? Do you gel to woric at 6:S0 eveiy momingjusi to gel all Uie other work you have u> do completed because your home life is con­ sumed wiUi grading papeis? You seem to be vciy misinfotmcd aboul whal the English icacheis ( or any odier teachers) do. As for your odier negative comments, may I offer some advice for you? Even though the edlto- rialsareyouropinion, your readers would be better served if you would uy U) gain some undeismndlng about a matter befoie you expound upon it. Rito Floyd Advance " M i d w l v e s P r o v i d e S a f e A l t e r n a t i v e F o r l\^ o t h e r s DtOe editor ;ia n wiidiV il refifdi 10 an article which was ictsMly puUiihed concerning Emily Medwin. SI» w n c h n «> w»li pncUcing mid- W0Hy. ’ :n n i of all, I wa> disgusted lo see that dieie w follow up done on Ihe mothers and ba- bMi K> lee whM conditton Ihey are in now. Are * tjr a y wane off fur having chosen to use a n ^ ^ 7 If you were to invesUgale, I'm sure you w4rti tM t ^ doing well and in good condi- !^^KiMdly, your aiticle made II seem as if Ms. w u mpoMlble for almost killing a a mUwife or a doctor can kiMW M m :« b i^ it bon bow big IhM child wOl a ^ ' ' ^ t bt Md wliethv ii will have dinicultiei coming oul. Did Ms. Medwin cause Ihe compli­ cations? Have you investigated to see if her lack of skill created Ihe problems? Here In N.C. we are amiss in Ihinking lhal midwifery is unsafe, ll is In fact a very safe Ihing to do. In many olher countries, such as Sweden, Finland, and Holland, which use mainly midwifes, no) doctors in the delivery of babies, ihelr infani moitalily rates are amazingly low. The book‘mieFiveStandaidsforSafeChikl- bearing” puls forth many tables of sla(islk:s, in­ cluding ones that show Ihe USA ranked 22nd , among the countries of Ihe world in infani mor­ tality rales. (Our rate is 8.5 per thousand live births.) Interestingly enough, the countries lhal have Ihe lowest rales an die motl ofien lo the m of midwives. Midwiyes an imimtaM be- Butch Beeding: “It could've been my house as easy as any­ body else's." A H elp ing H and Davie Rallies For Tornado Victim s Tornado victims in RcK'kingham Counly have been receiving some help from Davie residents. From Girl Scouts in CiKilccmce to builders across the county lo Mocksvillc town workers, all have pitched in to help their neighbors In need. Coolccmec Girl Scouts collected items all week, which were delivered hist Thursday. The Town of MiK'ksville, which had rcccnlly entered into an agrce- mcni with other towns, sent a crew of workers lo do whatever was needed. Butch Deeding and Ann Bogcr. Sunday School classmates at Smith Grove United Methodist Church, began talking ihc day afler the tor­ nadoes aboul how they could help the people. By Monday, they were busy on the telephone, calling building sup­ ply companies, contractors and olh­ crs seeking donations. Bccding, who works for Mocks- - ville Builders Supply, said they got roofing materials and olher things • that homeowners would need. He (^xpecied the total value of donated ilems to cxcced $8,000. . . > “We dccidcd to Iry lo get some materials together, and It all started al the church,” he said. "We got con­ tractors and Individuals intercsted In our program. I haven’t had a soul to ■ lell us no. We’ve had good response, we rcally have. “These materials will do some good for individuals.” Neighbors helping neighbors is - whal being a good Christian is all aboul, Bccding said. “ It could have been my house as easy as it anybody else's.” cause they make it dieir job lo not only assisi a women in delivery, but lo provide prenaui care, 10 suppoit here, lo infoim and cducale her, and 10 encourage her lhal the can birth this baby her­ self, the way God intended. I would not wanl my child lo become a statis­ tic. 1 would choose a midwife over a doctor any day. II is unfortunate lhal midwifery Is Illegal in N.C., bul peihaps diis latest charge agalnsi Ms. Medwin will bring aboul Ihe change thal is needed In diis'state. Pertiaps we can make die Slate legislature aware of the safely and beauly of mktwifeiy • to make il legal once again. I cer­ tainly intend lo stand behiiid any efforts to bring Ihisabout. „ Amy Becker - ■ ' King CaHnev’sPaánl& Body & DesloMiáon С а м Cortnw/Owmr SU V M C A U V O tJI COLUSION& М Л О ■ O D VHM M NIED S •U Y in n E xp w tan c* •AIIVW )riiGuinnM «i •MtaCwtNMShop •FMEirnHATH 3741 Hwy. 64¥fett, Moclaville. N C (bMld* C arm rt larvlM CMtMT at Dm HwyiM a N l iMMMtkn)492-5299 District Court D A V IE CO UNTY EN T ER PW SK REC O RD , A p ril 2,1998 - 5 . ■ The followingcases werc disposed o^ in Davie District Court March, 26. ; I^iding was Judge Jack Klass. P(ewccuting werc Alan Martin, and Lèigh Bricker, assistant DAs. : —Wllfredo M. Albino, DWI, sen­ tenced 2 years suspended 2 years, 30 days in jail, not operate vehicle umil licei^,comply with substance abuse o^umcnt, $ ^ . cost; driving while license revoked, .sentenced 45 days; fmlure lo dim headlamps, dismissed-. I -T-ThcresaD. Bouchard, 86 mphin a70;zonc. reduccd to 74 in 70, $10, c(ist; ! -4-Sara A. Carrara, 87 mph in a 70 /.one, rcduced loexcccding safe speed, $10 fine, cost. i —Jennifer E. Cash, 80 mph in a70 zòne, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cosi; following too closcly. dis- nnssed. ; —John C. Crcpps, assault on a fe­ male, sentenced to 75 days suspended 2 years, not assaull wife, complete domestic violcncc program, go lo day reporting centcr, cost. —Judith S. Crcpps. injury to rcal property, sccond degree trcspass, sen­ tenced lo 45 days suspended 2 years, no conlsict wiih prosecuting witness; assaull by pointing a gun, sccond de­ gree trcspass, allempied arson on mobile home, dismissed. —Larry S. Davis, misdemeanor probation violation,probalinnrcvokcd, 20days in jail; simple assault, injury to personal property, communicating ihrcals, dismissed. —David S. Denny, driving afler drinking by person under2l. 85 mph in a 70 /one, following to closely, sentenced lo 30 days suspended 1 year,notopcrate vehiclcuntil licensed, not operate vehicle in North Carolina for 30 days, complete substance abuse assessment. SlOO fine, cost. —Wayne A. Dcsprcs. 87 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to 74 i n 70, $ 10, cost; 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $10 fine. cost. —Mark A. Dixon, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, dismissed, insuffi- cienl evidence. —Thomas L. Dyson, misdemeanor probation violation, pmbationrevoked. —Nancy B. Fry. DWI, sentcnccd to 60 days suspended 1 year, complete substance abuse assessment, not oper­ ate vehicle until licensed, 24 hours communilyscrvice.$100.cosl;77 mph in a 65 zone, rcgistralion violation, dismissed. -Terry L. Grant, driving while iiccnse revoked, prayer forjudgmcnl continued on cost; rcckless driving lo endanger, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $100. cost. -Ernest Hamilton.74 mph in a 70 zone, prayer forjudgmcnl continued on cost. —Joshua R. Hendrix, non-support of child, dismissed. —JamesN. Holmes, 80mphinn70 zone, rcduced to improper cquipmcnl, $10 fine. cost. —Paul 0. Hurt, DWI, sentenced lo 24 moniKs suspended 2 years. 14 days in jail, nol operate vehicle until li­ censed, complete substance abuse as- sessmenl, $400 fine, cost. —ShcmianJ.Johnson.91 mphina 70 zone, rcduced lo carelcss and reck- lc.ss driving. $25, cost; driving without a license, dismissed. —Cedric H. Jones, misdemeanor possession marijuana, sentenced to 15 days, suspended I year. 24 hours com­ munity scrvicc. submit to drug chccks, $100 fine, cost. —David R. Kern. 73 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improperequip­ ment, $50 fine, cost. —^Terry L. Kimmer, DWI, sen­ tenced lo60dayssuspcndcd 1 ycar,24 hours community servicc. complote substance abuse asscssmcm.$100.cosi; 96 mph In a 70 zone, dismissed; driv­ ing after drinking by person under 21. prayer forjudgmcnl continucdoncosl. —George L. Link, failure lo wear seat bell, open container añcr drink­ ing, dismissed; carrying conccaled weapon, $50, cost; 87 in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd lo 74 in 70, $10, cost. —Micheál T. Lux. failurc lo wear seal belt; no license, $25 fine. cost. -Evelyn C. Marr, sentenced lo 30 days suspended I year, cost. —Leesa W. Masten, 2 worthless chccks, dismissed, civil senlement. —Wade J. МифЬу, driving while liccnsc revoked, failure to wear scat bell, sentcnccd to45 days, suspended 2 years, 24 hours communily scrvicc, $400 fine, cost. —Brcnda B. Myers, driving while license revoked, senlcnced lo 30 days, suspended I year, not operate vehicle unlit liccnscd;noinsunincc.dismis4'd. —Jamcs C. Nettles, no license; ex­ ceeding safe speed, dismissed; DWI, exccedingsafcspeed,no license.sen- lenccdto2years.crcditforlimc served; no license, dismissed; DWI, sentcnccd to 2 years; drivng while licensed re­ voked, sentenced lo 120 days. —Mark P. Ovanen, exceeding siife speed, $10 fine, cost. —Christopher R. Payne, misde- meanorlan:cny,conccnlmcnlofgoods. prayer for judgmcnlconlinucdoncosi. nol to go aboul Wal-Mart. —Edwin A. Peirce, open container aficrdrinking alcohol, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. —JohnnyD.PIumlcy.drivingwhilc liccnsc revoked; unsafe movemcni.no liahility insurance, sentenced lo 180 days suspended 3 years, 24 hourscom- muniiy service. $400 fine, cost. —Ch;irlottc L. P(X)le, registration violation, dismissed, corrected. —Tommy L. Riddle, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $ 10, cost; no license, dismissed, corrected. -Robert P. Salmon, 85 mph in a70 mph zone, rcduccd lo 74 in 70. prayer forjudgmcnl continued on cosi. —Brucc Sanders, communicating Ihrcals, no contacl with prosecuting witness, prayer forjudgmcnl contin­ ued on cost. —Johnny D. Shelby, misdemeanor larceny; misdemeanor possession mari­ juana, sentenced to 10 days suspended 2 years, 24 hours communily service, not to go near Wal-Mart. cost. —James M. Shepard, communi­ cating Ihrcals, sentenced to 75 days, suspended 2 years. 24 hours commu­ nity servicc, $1(X) fine, cost. —EricS. Simmons, 84 mpli in a70 mph zone, rcduced lo 79 in 70, prayer forjudgmcnl continued on cost. —Harlan W. Soulhem, driving while licensc revoked, senlcnced to 120 days, suspended 2 years. 24 hours communily servicc, noi operate ve­ hiclc until licensed, $2(Ю fine, cost. -Daniel R. Spcnccr, 85 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd to improper cijuipmcnt, $10 fine, cost. —Brcndon G. Siccle, 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to 64 in 55; open container аПег drinking. $50, cosi; ex- pircd registration, no insurance, dis­ missed. —Shcrlcy C. Sludcvent. driving w hile liccnsc revoked, rcduccd lodriv- ing without a license, prayer forjudg­ mcnl continued on cost. —Ronald P. Tabor, giving ficli- tious informalion to an officer. rc.sist- ing a public officer, driving while li­ ccnsc revoked, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 2 years, 24 hours commu- nity scrvice, nol operate vehiclc until ; licensed, $200 fine, cost. - —Daniel J. Vaughters. DWI, no s license, sentenced lo 60 days, sus­ pended 1 year, 24 hours community service, nol operate vehiclc until li­ censed. complete substancc abuse as­ sessment. $150 fine, cost. —Billy A. Ward. DWI; no liccnsc. misdemeanor possession marijuana, possession drug parjphcmaiia. sen-, tcnccdlo60day.s,suspendcd 1 ycar,24 hours community service, complete subsianccabuseasscssmcnl,$l50,cosl; 2 counls regislralion violation, dis­ missed. —Frederick D. Watson, exceeding safe speed, rcduccd lo improperequip­ ment. $10, cost; no Insurance, dis­ missed. —David V. Wilson. DWI, sen- • lenced to 24 months, suspended 2 years, 30 days in jail, nol operate ve­ hicle unlil licensed; driving while li­ cense rcvoked.sentenced to I20daysv $2(X); 65 mph in a 55 zone, open con- ■ laincr after drinking, dismissed. ' —Ocsar L. Young, driving while ■ licensc revoked, prayer forjudgmcnl continued on cosL —Hubert E. Freeman, 2 counls of probation violation, 90 day sentence- placcd intocrfecl. Administrative Court The following cases werc disposed ofinadminislrativccourtonMarch20. PresidingwasMagisiratcRobcrtCook. Prosecuting was Leigh Dricker, assis­ tant district allomey. -Leigh A. Austin, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10 fine, COSI. —Sandra D. Barber, 80mph in a70 zone, rcduccd to Improperequipment, $10 fine, cost. —Calvin C. Barker, 3 counu of no ap«ntanUcense.dismissed.cocTcctcd. —Quinlln D. Blue, 83 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 In 70, $5, cost —Bobby 0. Brandon. 70 mph In a 55 «one, reduced to improper equip- ment,$l0 fine. cost. —Tara L. Britton, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduccd to improper equipment, $10 fine, cosi. —Darrell L Brown, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 74 in 70, $5, cost. —Willard Brown Jr.. 74 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to 64 in 55. $5, cost. —Robert W. Brown, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. ilDavid C. Bush, 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. —Ricky M. Byrd, 69 mph in a 55 zoiie, reduccd to improper equipment, $10 fine. cost. j-Steven R. Byrd, 80 mph in a 70 zoije, rcduced lo 74 in 70, $5, cost. ^Thomas A. Caitncr, ZI mph in a 7 0 ;^ , reduced to improper cquip- mern, $25 fine, cost. r^teven S. Casper, failure to wear seat belt, $25; liccnsc nol in posses- sion^inspection violation, dismissed.. ^Anthony S. Cockerham, failure to «tar seat belt; $25. inspection vio- la l^ , dismissed. «^^farie D. Crotts, 70 mph In a 55 zoiie', reduced to improperequipment. $lQfine. ^Harold L. Davis. 80 mph in a 70 zode, reduced to improper equipment, $IOfine,cost. H4Jnda R. Dewitt. 80 mph in a 70 zooQ reduced to Improperequipment. $10 fine, cost. f-Mitchell 0. Faircloth, 76 mph in a 50zone, reduced to 59 in a50; fail to wear seal belt, $50 fine, cost. —John D. Frank. 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improperequipment. $10 fine, cost. —Ashley C. Gardner Jr., 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to Improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Arvino K. Garg. 86 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 In 70, $5, cost. —Boyd R. Gamer, commercial li­ cense not in possesion, dismissed. —John A. Gilvey, 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to improper cquipmcnl, $10 fine, cost. —Christina D. Goodman. 80 mph ina70zone.rcduccdtóimpn^equip- ment.$10fine. cost. -Rodney D. Gordon, 67 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $10 fine, cost. —Ronald C. Grubb. 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper cquipmcnl. $10 fine. cost. —Marcia B. Hardin. 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo improperequipment, $10 fine. cost. —Marcus A. Hauser, inspcclion violation, dismissed. —Jonna M. Hcndricks, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Richard N. Holloway, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper cquip­ mcnl, $10 fine, cost. —Joy M. Houston, 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improperequipment, $10 fine, cost. —Lillian M. Ijames, 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $IOfine, cost. Timothy A. Jewett, 80 mph in 70 zone, reduced lo improperequipment, $10 fine, cost. —Carnegie B. Johnson, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to improperequip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. —DeborahA.Johnson,80mphlna 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip- ment,$10fine,cosl. —Johnny M. Johnson, 70 mph ina 55 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Micheál N. Johnson. 80 mph in a 70 zone; reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —James H. Jordan, 86 mph In a70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 in 70. $5. cost. —Shanta S. Kimbrough, 50 mph in a 35 zone, rcduccd to40 in 35, $5, cost. —Elbert E. King, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo improper equipment. $10 fine, cost. —Wesley I. Krause, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced lo improper equipment, failurc lo notify DMV of address change, dismissed, corrected. —Shania S. Kimbrough, 50 mph in a35 zone, rcduccd to 40 in 35, $5. cost. —Elbert E. King Jr., 80mph in a70 zone, reduced lo improper equipment. $10fine,cost. ,, .1, ,. —Robert E King, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo Improper cqulpmcnl. $10 fine, cost. —Charles R. Kullmann. 66 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10 fine, cost. —Margarct R. Lakey, 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Roy L. Lictz, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to improperequipment. cost; failurc to wear scat belt. $25 fine. —Scolly L. Limerick, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $10 fine. cost. • —Chrislophcr J. Long, 86 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 74 in 70. $5, cost; expired rcgistralion card, dismissed. -Patrick A. Marck. 69 mph ina 55 zone, rcduccd to improper cquipmcnl, $10 fine, cost. —Bridgete S. Marrs, expired rcgis­ tralion, dismissed, corrected. —Clyde R. Martin, 55 mph in a35 zone, reduced to 44 in 35, $5, cost. —Ralph V. Martorelli,75 mph ina 55 zone, reduced lo 64 in 55, $5, cost. —Amanda R. Matthews, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Brian A. Mayhom, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to Improper cquip­ mcnl, $10 fine, cost. —Jeremiah S. McCluncy, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduccd to 74 in 70, $5, cost. —Shania R. McCormick, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in 70, $5. cost. —Phillis R. McCrary, no opcrato» licensc, dismissed. —Jon J. McIntyre, 54 mph in a 35 zone, rcduccd to 44 in 35; failure lo wear seal bell, $25 fine, cost.. -Danielle M. Meacham. 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to i mproper equi p- mcnl.$lOfine. cost. —Barbara J. Mertz. 80 mph in a70 zone, rcduccd lo Improperequipment, $10 fine, cost. —Carla L. Milter, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost; expired rcgistralion, dis­ missed. — Justin p. Miller, 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduccd to improper equipment, registration violation, dismissed. —Cynthia R. Minier, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 in 70, $5, cost. —William G. Mooney, 80mph ina 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 In 70. $5, cost. - Rudolfo. Mueller. 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost. —Hein Nguyen, 84 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo74 in 70. $5 fine. cost, regislralion violation, dismissed. —Rhonda N. Nichols. 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to improper cquip­ mcnl. $10. cost. —Shu-Hsvan Nsieh, 80 mph in a70 zone, rcduced lo improperequipment. $10 fine, cost. Joseph J. Chare, exceeding safe speed, rcduccd 10 impropcrcquipmcnl. $10 fine, cost. —Rupcsh D. Patel, 57 mph in a 35 zone, reduced to44 in 35, $5 fine, cost. —Charles S. Peterson, 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduccd to 50 In 45, $5, cost. —Elizabcih A. Pruitt, 65 mph in a 50 zone, rcduccd lo 55 in 50, $5. cost. —Chcri D. Ramsey, 88 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70, $5 fine, cost. —Raymond Rodriguez, 69,mph in a 55 mph zone, rcduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost. —Kimmie R. Ross, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to iinpropcr equipment, $10 fine. cost. ^ —Randolph Russell, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo improper cquip­ mcnl. SIO fine, cost. —Brandi N. Seaford, failure lo wear scatbcll,drivingleftof centcr, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. —Jesse D. Stepard, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced lo improperequipment. $10 fine. COSL —Chrislophcr M. Shcrran, 83 mph ina70zone.rcduccdtoimpropcr cquip­ mcnl. $50 fine. cosi. -Jerry W. Sigmon, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost. —Heather L. Smith, 80mph ina70 zone, rcduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost —Jeny W. Smilh, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper cquipmcnl, $10 fine,COSL —Linda K. Smilh, 87 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to 74 in70, $5, cosi. —Nicholas P. Smith. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 iri 70, $ 5. cosL —Richard L. Smilh. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo impropcrequlpmcnL $10 fine. COSL —Rol)crl G. Solomon, speeding in highway work zone, rcduccd to im­ proper cquipmcnL$IOO fine. COSL -U ura M. Sialts. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to 74 in 70, $5. cost. —Bob H. Siilp, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improperequipment. $10 fine. COSL —DilliardM.SliItncrJr..78mphin a 65 zone, rcduccd lo improperequip- mcrn,$ 10 fine. COSL -Beau J. Slough, 84 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo excccdingt a safe speed, cost. Kenan G. Swain. 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improperequipment, $10 fine, COSL —Tammy P. Swift, 60 mph in a45 zone, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $10 fine, COSL —James R. Taylor, fail lo wear scat bell, $25 fine; fail lo slop al stop sign, rcduced lo Improper cquipmcnL $10 fine. cost. —Charles R. Thomas. 70 mph in a 55 zone. rcductM lo improper equip- mcnL$10fine, cosL —Mark R. Ticklc, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced lo impropcrcquipmcnl, $10 fine, COSL —Jamcs L. Tilley, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper cquipmcnL $10 fine. COSL —Albert G. Tkach, 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced lo impropcrcquipmcnl. $10 fine. COSL . - —Payton K. TriplctL 66 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo improper equip; menL$IOfinecosL -MichcllcL. Wagner, faillo wear ' seat bell, $25 fine; foUowing to close, rcduccd to improper equipmem. $10 fine. cost. —Sandra E. Wcaiherman, inspec- . tion violation; no operators license,. . dismissed, corrected. —Dennis W. Wege, licensc nol In possession, dismissed; driving left of. ccnier, rcduccd to impropercquipmenL $10 fine, COSL —Joanne N. Wells, no operators liccnsc, dismissed, corrccted. - Nancy C. WhisehunL 69 mph in a. 55 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip- mern, $10 fine. COSL —Mathew A. White. 78 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced lo 64 in 55, $5. cosL —Peggy S. Whittaker, failurc to stop at Slop sign, rcduccd to improper cquipmcnL $ 10 fine, cosl —Scoll L Whittaker, failurc lo wear _ scat belt, unsafe movemenLdismisscd.. —Gary N. Willis,opcrallng vehicle, without insurance; noregisiraiion card, dismissed. —Kevcn A. Wilson, 69 mph in a55 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment. $10 fine. COSL —Charles E. Wishon. Inspection violation, dismissed, corrected. —Vemice C. Wollz, no child re- slrainl system, dismissed, corrected. -Melinda N. Young. 84 mph in a 70 zone, exceeding safe speed, cost —Roben T. Young, fail lo report accidcni, driving left of ccnier. dis­ missed. —Windy S. Young. 80 mph in a70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70, $5. cost -Wendy M. Zimmerman. 59 mph in a45 zone, rcduccd to impnspcrcquip- mcm.S10fiine.cosL Fhw m for alt Occasions S b le rs H cf Mocksvllle ОЭЦ78МТШ dct the QfiS edvantagcI We Sell & Install... ;• GAS LOGS GAS WATER HEATERS GASPAC UNITS (Air conditioning & Heat AMivOne) V GAS FURNACES ’m tU u — ?iHIHL1ICMOIOIY,ll6. ]80 Gntn Grass Rd., Modisville, NC OM I2M -2M 1 À (WnCMM ШП1МЮ 1№Ш№ -o m m A BEAUTIFUL SM ILE... A GREAT SELF-IMAGE • ChUdicnfc Adults • CaUFor Complimentaiy 4 R n Consultation AbeautUuLhealttvyunileissoimportanttoa # dUld'ft self-confidence. Tlut's why Dr. Penna andstaffwanttomakebraoaanaifbcdable / put of your iamily'8 monthly budget NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA. D.D.S., P.A. Exclusively OtilKKkinllc!) ft Dentofadal Ontiopcdlcs Ikltphom t (704) 633-5942 FactloiU« (704) 639-0137 1819 Bwtmer Avenue S»llibuiy,NC281«t-ai9 NHritMawEbÉÉkbB 2S11 NMidorf • CiMnffloni, NC • (336) П М а вТ * SpKUMnglntheOulm, Sinfletoh • Hoim TlitihrftTiltvliion •BvrgivAiirinSyitiffli •RnAlM nSyHM M •Autom UonSyitim • M ilH o o in S lN io S yitim •CNrinlVteuim Syilim i (10% OFF) «MilhliiagtonywIMpimliiiír г я е Е Ш / и ш Е в а Ё П Е г f f ! . « i D A V IE CO UNTY EN T ER PM SE REC O RD , A p ril 2,1998 F4iblic Records i Mocksville Police ; The following incidents were rc- ; ported lo Ihe Mocksvnie Police De- ; partment. • Claudia C. Dunlap reported March 27 an unknown person threat­ ened her by telephone. - Patly Lynn Keller reported : March 29 a car parked on Morse ; Street was scratchcd and the hubcaps : were attempted to be removed. - Larry Richard Vcrmeulin re­ ported March 26 the breaking, enter­ ing. larceny and safecracking at N.C. Farm Bureau, Yadkinville Road. • Latarsha Brown Robinson re­ ported March 24 the larceny of $ 11.63 in gasoline from Rushco. Yad­ kinville Road. • Tammy Lynctle 0 ’ Neal reported March 23 the larceny of a 1986 Ponliac Grand Am from ihc Oca mar­ ket parking lot off Wilkesboro Street. • Linda Grey Wood reported March 23 the breaking and entering of a house on Raymond Street. - Juan Francisco Araniva-DIaz reported March 23 a vchicle was damaged while parked on Windsong Drive. .. Flora Wilkes Hancock reported March 23 a vchiclc was damaged on Windsong Drive. - Karen Flynl Athey reported March 23 a vehicle was damaged in Ihe Davie County Jail parking tot. Arrests • Robert Ralph Runyan Jr., 34, of Yadkinville. was arrested March 26 for oblalning a controlled substance by forgery. Trial dale: April 16. -ChristopherTodd Brown, 17,of Woodleaf, was arrested March 25 for larceriy. Trial date: May 7. - Kenneth Lee Hardy, 19, of 1302 Liberty Church Road, was arrested March 28 for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: April 23. Traffic Accidents • No chargcs were filed after un accidcnl on Wilkesboro Street at 2 ^ p.m. March 28. v _ According to a report by Officir D.T. Miller, James Franklin [WUf- iaras, 60, of 1373 Shcfricld RoaJ, failed to slop Ihe 1978 Chevijilit truck he was driving before il siruc* in Ihc rear a I99S Duick driven by Bernice Cave Howell, 66, of Yadk- inville. Sheriffs Department The foltowing incidents were re­ ported lo the Davie Sheriffs Dept. -■ Kenny Smilh of Mocksvllle re­ ported flnding a trail bike inlhe woods near N.C. 801 March 19. - It was reported March 23, lhat mailboxcshad been damaged at Davic Oil Company and Fork Bixby Con­ venience Slorc on Comatzer Road in Advance. Two Winslon-Salem Jour­ nal newspaper racks werc slolen also. - Marcus Anthony Hauser of Candl Lane. Mocksville. reported March 24. that a prowler had dam­ aged his 1990 Mitsubishi truck. - Brandy Hawks of Milling Road, Mocksvillc. reported March 25, that someone had broken Into her resi­ dence and stole two television 5cls and four video tapes. - Belsy Witherspoon of North Davic Middle School reported March 25, that a student had threatened lo kill another student. - Lynn Groce Doby of Deadmon Road, Mocksvillc, reported March 26, that a window al her residence had been broken. - Patricia R. Wiseof JessicaTrail, Mocksville, reported her residence and trash can had been hil with what appears lo be paint balls. - Tummy Jo Jones of Casa Bella Drive, Advance, reported March 27, she had been given a false address and phone number on an account. - Bill T. Smilh of June Way. Ad- v.ince. reported March 28. someone had entered his home, stealing coins, jewelry and a bell buckle. - Michael Folds of Advance'rcr ported March 28, that someone had entered an outbuilding al his resi­ dence on N.C. 801. / - James Whisonanl III of Mocks­ ville, reported March 28. that he had; seen someone entering an oulbulld-; Ing nt his rcsidcncc on Bowman Road. Land Transfers The following land transfers were nied with Ihe Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds. The transactions arc listed by parties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps pur­ chased, with S2 representing S1,000. • H&V Construction to William Austin Hubbard. 2 lols. Mocksvillc. SlOl. - Clelus Ray and Mildred A. Miller to Eddie R. Miller and Karla B. Miller. I acre, Jerusalem. • Clelus Ray and Mildred A. Miller to Denise M. Powell and W il­ liam L. Powell, .76 acre. Jerusalem. • Beatrice Inez Hendrix by power of attomey Yvonne Hendrix Slroud to John R. Hutton and Kimberly C. Hutton. .48 acre. Fulton, S156. - Rudi Faak and Gisela Faak to RGRAssociates. I acre. Mocksville. - Davie Tractor and Implement Co. to James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel, .44 acre. Mocksville. - James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel to Davie Tractor and Imple­ ment Co.. .3 acre, Mocksvillc. • Gary A. Sensel to Mary H. Sensel, 1.5 acrcs. Calahaln. - Brian Powell and Danctte Pow­ ell to David Fetherbay Jr. and Abigail Fctherbay, I tract. Shady Grove, S59. - James F. Grady and Linda D. Grady to Michael D. Robbins and Melissa C. Robbins, I lot.S^ I. - Jo Myers Shoaf to Mark E. Walser. 7.46 acres, Mocksvillc. - Buster and Hazel Phillips lo Aníbal Cruz. I acrc.Clarksville.Sll. - Busier Phillips and Hazel Phil­ lips to Teresa W. Justice, I acrc, Clarksvi]|c,Sli. - Ethel E. Jones to Thomas C. Meadows Jr. and Tun Stanley, 7 acres. Shady Grove, S65. - Ethel E. Jones to Douglas L. Bullard and Vicki B. Bullard. I tract. Shady Grove, $27. - Estelle S. Allen to Jon Tony and Susan Bolton Whitesides, 15.95 acres, Cl.irksville.SIOO. - Jane G. Tultcrow and E. Milton Tultcrow to Marshall E. Glasscock. Jr. and Brenda C. Glasscock, I lot, Calahaln. $14. - Everette Gray Allen and Lisa King Allen lo Marshall E. Glasscock Jr. nnd Brenda C. GlassciKk, I lot. Calahaln. SI4. . • Mandy Liz/le Beck Reeves lo Willian) Howard Reeves Jr.. Phyllis R. Williams. Edward Eugene Reeves, tract. - Norman G. Schumaker’.and Mary E. Schumakcr lo Ronnlc;E.; Ayers and Betty J. Ayers, 1 lol, Shady! Grove, S20. ; , • Allan R. Buros lo James 1. Bateman III and Lisa M. Bateman,' | IOI.S266. - Alice Cockerham to Linda' Hudson Nash, I traci. Hiühwav Patrol The following traffic accidents were investigated by the N.C. High­ way Palrol in Davic County. TWo Hurt On Point Road A driver and passenger were in­ jured when the ctr they were in was , i ' «Twked on Point Koad at 2:45 p.m. March 26. . John Edward Cover. 26, of Cross Street, Cooleemee, was driving the 1990 Ford at an cslimated 45 mph on the gravel road when it went off the road to the righl. It skidded back across the road, left the road to the right again and came back on the road in abroadslide, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. It overturned into a gravel parking area lo the right. Kennedy reported lhat witnesses said the car was traveling al a high rale of speed and lhal construction signs were posted. Cover and Grady Lee Lynch, 25, of Main Street, Cooleemee, were taken to Davie County Hospital for treatment of injuries. Car Wrecks On Main Church Rd. The driver ofa 1987 Honda losl control of the car on Main Church Road at 9:25 p.m. March 26. Jennifer Lee Basseii, 16, of3l40 U.S. 158, Mocksville, told Trooper T.S. Kennedy lhal she met anoihcr vehlcic without headlights in acurve. and atlcmplcd to apply the brakes bul hil the accelerator instead. The car went off the road to ihe right, crossed a ditched and skidded against a tree. Deer Hit On Junction Road Patricia Tutterow Harris, 41, of 604 Junction Road, Mocksville, was drivinga 1991 Chevrolctal7:55p.m. March 27 when a deer crossed her path on Junction Road, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Unsafe Movement Charged .An Ohio man was chargcd with making an unsafe tralTlc movement after a wrcck ou U.S. 601 at Main Church Road Extension at 7:45 a.m. March 26. Calvin Coolidgc Barker, 73, drove a 1990 Ford fromaprivatedrivc into the path of a 1994 Oldsmobile being driven on U.S. 601 by teenager driv­ ing on a learner's pennit, rcportcd Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. Exctedtng Safe Speed Charged A Woodleaf teen was charged with exceeding a safe speed after a wreck on Godbey Road at 11:10a.m. March 26. Dcrrck Lashawn Dulin. 19. was drivinga 1996 Nissan at an estimated 70 mph and lost control of the car In a curve. The car went olT the road to the righl where il struck several trees after ovcrtuming, reported Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. Cars Collide In Hillsdale A Lewisville woman waschargcd with failurc lo yield after an accidcnl at U.S. 158 and N.C. 801 in Hills­ dale al 2:18 p.m. March 26. Elizabeth Wall Scales. 56, at- tempted to turn the 1990 Plymouih she was driving from U.S. 158 onlo N.C. 80K turning into the path of a 1984 Ford driven by JefTrey Charles Smith, 30, of Clemmons, reported Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. Both drivers were taken to Forsyth Hospilal for treatment of injuries. Car Hits Debris On 1-40 Eloisc Turner Cockerham, 64, of 196 Grover Road. Mocksvillc. was driving a 1991 Lincoln from Ihe Arrests The following arrests were made by the Davie County Shcrifrs De­ partment: - Otis Vince Booc. 22, of 3811 U.S. 64 W.. Mocksvillc, was arrested March 25. for stalking. Trial date: April 9. - Joey Lee Benson, 18, of 3516 U.S. 601 N.. Mocksvillc. arrested March 26. for misdemeanor larceny, felony financial transactioncard theft, misdemeanor rmancial transaction card fraud and 4 counts of forgery tuidullcring. Trial date: April 16. ; -LeeAllenMasierson,27,ofI35 Sioney Lane, Mocksvillc, was ar­ rested March 27, for assaull on a female. Trial dale: April 9. - Michael Bryan Freeman, 28. of 199 Dogtrot Lane, Mocksvillc, ar­ rested March 27, for failurc to appear in court fora probalion violation and trespass. He was arrested again March 29forsimplcassault. Trial dale: April 2. - Brian Eugene West, 20. of 168 Lancelot Lane, Mocksvillc, was ar­ rested March 29, for assault on a female, injury to personal property and resisting, obstructing and delay­ ing an officer. Trial dale: April 16. Farmington Road ramp onto 1-40al. 9:30 алп. March 23 and was unable- to avoid hitting debris that had bcen- droppcd onlo 1-40 by an unknown; vehicle, reported Trooper David; R. McCoy. ■ I Towed Vehicles Conics Loose': A vehicte being towed 'qn' Witlboone Road at 7:90 p.m. M hM i ' 25 camc loose. ; •; According to a report by Trooper T.S. Kennedy, Brian Dennis Hand^ 25, was using a tow dolly lo puirilie vehlcic when It came knise, causing; him to lose control of the 1996; Toyota pickup truck he was driving.: The truck wcnl off the road lo the! right and overturned in a ditch.; ! EASTER W H IT E , BO N E, N AVY, R ED , B LA C K , A N D B L A C K PA T EN T . | (Color availability m ay vary.) M A T C H IN Q i 8 , ^h a n d b a g s W savings FOR ÿ12 £ ¡ 1 £ S . - DavicCounlyfiredepattmentsre- sponded to the following calls. M«nh23:Mocksville,4:44p.m., grass Пге, Mcdical Associates of Davie. M irth 24: Smith Grove, 7:40 a.m., sinicuin Пге, 119 Rock House Road; Fannioglon assisted; Smith 'Grove, 7:08 p.m., fire alatra, 1018 kivobend Drive. ; M«rdi25:Mocksville,6:33a.m., fire alarm, 189 Fairmont Drive; Mocksville, 6:31, p.m., fire alarm, ]89Fainintt Drive; Mocksville,6:39 p.m., firea]ifm. 218 Farmland Road; Smilli OtDve assisted, i ' M u tb 2«: Center, 11:33 a.m., juio accident, off U.S. 64 al Godbey fUnd and Cenier Church; Farming- , ion, 12:32 p.m., fire alatm, 341 |(амеа Crest Road; Stnilh Grove yniiled;SinitliGiDve,2:t8p.iii.,aulo )ccidnl,U.S,i38alN.C.g0l;Jenua- i^ , 2:48 p.m., auto accident. Point Mocksville, 7:08 p.m., light |ole on fire. Subway; Mocksville. 1:42 p.m.. direct traflfe, 924 Main i CkurebRoad, , M v c h » : Advaace; l2:Mp.m., ft|i, l y l " " 'Y.-V:''- t e woodsfin:,221 Montclair Drivc;Cor- natzer-Dulin assisted. March 28: Comatzer-Dulin, 9:02 a.m., woods fiie, 252 Howardtown Road: Smith Grove assisted; Farm­ ington, 2:21 p.m., woods lire, 119 Hummingbird Lane, William R. Davie and Courtney assisted; Jerusa­ lem, 3:39 p.m., field fire, N.C. 801 at Michaels Road; Cooleemee assisted. March 29: Smith Grove, 12:59 p.m., woods fire, S39 Gordon Drive; Farmington assisied; Cornalzer- Dulin, 1:06 p.m., woods fire, 141 Butterfly Hill Trail; Foric assisted; Center, 1:12p.m., woods fire, Castle Lane; Sheffield-CalahalnandCounty Une assisted. March 30: Fork, 7:51 a.m., auto accident, N.C. 801. LADIES'$(|y|98 CHOICE 1 4 W H IT E , B O N E. U L A C A N D B L U E SHOE SHOW DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - 7 County attorney Bob Price and County manager Ken Windley unveil the plaque. - Photos by Robin Fergusson . Richard Marx speaks to the crowd gathered for the ceremony aboul Jesse Boyce's character. Planning Department Dedicated To Jesse Boyce ora Boyce thanks her husband's friends for this honor. County Briefs ubdlvision Plans Reviewed By Board Commissioners reviewed and unanimously approved plats for thrce lubdivisions: Rooster’s Run, a five lot subdivision on Deadmon Road; Pine 'rce, a four lot subdivision at McCullough and Daniel roads off U.S. 601 Brownsione Valley, a thrce lol subdivision on South Angeil Road near lain Church Road. fork First Amendments Adopted The board volcd lo make amendments lo the county's Work First plan, which was adopted Jan. 20, as rccommcndcd by the Department of Social Scrviccs to meet state requirements. Changes Made To Sewer Agreement The county entered into an agreement Nov. 4,1996, lhat staled that Ihe Harrison companies, The Hillsdale Group and Carl Johnson would be reimbursed for Ihcir investment in the sewer project. The total agreed upon was $518,100. According to County Attomey Bob Price, the actual cost for the sewer project was $604,324, and it is Jeff Harrison not Red Harrison, who is to be repaid.Tliis money will come from sewer fees. The projcct will cost nothing 10 Davie taxpayers, he said. County Approves Medical Supply Bid i :a bid from Southland Medical Supply Inc. to provide supplies for Ihe Health Department was approved by the board based on the recommenda­ tion of Health Director Dennis Harrington. The board also agreed to allow other county-based home health agencies lo piggyback on this bid. transportation Resolution Adopted •Commissioners adopted a resolution requesting the N.C. Department of Transportation to receive funds for the Work First program for providing transportation for participants and thal all money will be properly spent, Tax Collection Report Approved The board approved the report of lux collections, releases and refunds preiented by tax administrator Mary Neil Richie. She reported that 93,38 ipcrcent of 1997 county and fire taxes and 83.79 percent of 1997 vehicle taxes have been collcctcd. Appointments Made To YVEDDI Board ' Commissioners Carl Boon and Joe Long and altemales John Barber and Sak Daywall werc reappointed to three year terms on the YVEDDI Board of Directors;EllemanAppolntedTo Workforce Board Dee Dee Elleman of Thomson Crown Wood Products was appointed by the board as an industrial representative to the Workforce Development Board.Riden On Adult Care Committee iNoncy Riden of Advancc was appointed by the board to a one year term on the Nursing Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. , Wrecked Patrol Cars Declared Surplus The boanl voted lo declare two SherifTs Department patrol cars, which hive been wrecked, surplus for insurance purposes. TTie 1993 Ford and iW 4 Fold were total losses, according to Counly Manager Ken Windley. By Jeanne Gaither Davic County Bntcrprise Record "Friendship, generosity and love of family were the hallmarks of his character." Nearly a year after his life ended in a boating accident on the Soulh Yadkin River, Davie's first planning director Jijsse A. Boyce Jr. was hon­ ored March 23. with the dedication of the Davie County Planning De­ partment in his mcnmry. Jesse Boyce served Davic County well for 21 years, said Counly Man­ ager Ken Windley. When Davic Ct)unly decidcd to develop a county-wide zoning plan in 1973, il was critical that a capable person be placed in charge, said MiK'ksvilleTown Attorney Ilnnk Van Hoy. "andjust the right person was hired." He had an Intuitive ability for working with pcoplennd the uncanny ability to dctcrn)ine whni was in the best interest of the counly, he said. Boyce helped to see lhat tlie tools were In place to allow county gt>v- ernmcnt lo mold and shnpe develop­ ment for the good of the people. Van Hoy said. "His integrity and professional­ ism Icnl dignity to this olfice," he said. "It is entirely fitting that his memory be honored by the dedica­ lion oflhc planning departmeni In his name, for Jesse was lhat department." Van Hoy said. Jesse's wife Nora thanked those present on bchairofthc Boyce fam- iiy. "That you would honor him this way speaks cicarly of your love for him.” she snid. Her husband nurtured and pro­ tected the things he loved, and he loved Davic Couniy and Its people, she said. He believed in living life to the fullest, said Dr. Richard Marx. He assured those present at Ihe ceremony lhal Boyce is alive in heaven nnd "ready to greet us with a warm smile." County Denies Rezoning Request For Wood Shop By Jeanne Gallher DavieCouniy Hnterprise Record A request lore/one .KI К acres on Willb<K>nc Road from residential-ag­ ricultural to highway business for expansion of a cabinet and wtnxl- working shop was denied hy Davic County conuiiissioncrs following a public hearing Mareh 23. Charies and Gerald Hoosc sought the rezoning forcxpansion ofa back­ yard workshop, which is pcrmilled under present zoning. The Hmises submitted plans for making a 40- by 60-foot addilion lo the 40- 40-foot work.shop. "Il is nol our goal to bccomc a furniture factory or majcT manufac­ turer." Charles Hoosc lold commis­ sioners. Neighbors have expressed con­ cern about delivery trucks entering and exiling the property. The busi­ ness receives one or two deliveries cach week. Work hours arc7:3Ua.m.- 5 p.m.. and only 35 perecni of their work takes place in the shop. Buffers would be added tocul down on noise, he said. It has been suggested that they seek land elsewhere for the expan­ sion. bul lhal's not financially fea­ sible, he said. His father and brother live on the property, so Ihey don't want lo do anything that would harm property values, Hoosc said. Trees planted as a buffer won't grow quick enough to slop the noise. argued Willboone Road resident Andrea Cornatzer. Anoihcr resident of Ihc commu­ nity, Fred Hellard. told commission­ ers lhal a petition signed by many of llie residenlsof Willboone Road had been prcscnicd ut the Davic Counly Planning Board meeting. The amounl of opposition on the two mile road should be all thal is needed, he said. ’The people .should have a say so." Based on Ihe information pre­ sented. county allorncy Bob Pricc said he. is conccrned lhat granting this rezoning would constitute a spot zone. Commissioner Richard Poindexlcr made a moiion to deny the request, which passed unani­ mously. The counly needs to attract all the business il can bul nol in a heavily rcsidential area, he said. Л THE PfiOIffi PLACE, INC YOUR LOCAL FREE Now Riprogrammlng for tho Now 331 Ana Co m Cellular through April 4 ,19M Dealer DHimactr Sign up now on $24.95 Rate Plan and get 120 cellular minutes eacli montli for 12 montlis* @ M O T O R O L A F L I P P H O N E O R P R O F I L E 3 0 0 with home charger, cigarette lighterl adapter and carry case. $■ ¡00** G o o d th ro u g h A p r il 4 ,1 9 9 8 w ith c o u p o n . Mon-Fri. 8шп-5рт Sat. 9 ШП-1 pm 121 Depot Street Mocl(svUle,NC 27028 Every new Une of service we sell from March 15 Uiru April 19, $10.00 wiU be donated to the RonaU McDonald House Charities. • - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 Myers sports one of Ihe shirts he had made with the logo for Dean's Tracking Team. Dean Myers uses a long leash for his bloodhound Roscoe when he's tracking.Myers lets Roscoe out of Ihe box he rides in so lhat he can ride along wllh his master. Dean's Team Provides Tracking Continued From Pase 1 Som e people have told M yers lhat he should have trained Roscoe to bite, but he said that wouldn’t work. Roscoe should be trained for every situation. He is just as lik ely to be callcd on to help find a m issing child or Alzheim er's patient as a wanted crim inal, he explained. T o M yers, his dog is a 90 pound baby. And Roscoe thinks just as highly o f his master. W hen M yers leaves home, Roscoe isn't happy unless he can go w ith him . A fter a ll, they are a team. Myers congratulates Roscoe, showing him the trophy they won recently for tracking. Death Ruled Suicide The body of an Elkin man, who died of an a|i|iirem suicide, was dis- covcnd ili a icsMeiKc on Fanning­ lon RokI March 23. Ihoniai Preilon Stanley, 32, had UMd electrical wire to hang hinueir, accocding lo Davie Couniy SherifTs Detective John Stephens. fc iT T in И я г к о м с м и чМ 81ш СШ т'$С1М пдIcd n'a n a l- W O K fitv __Л О а *г:к М Н ш у YO U B ET IT W O R K S ! Т Ш т т Ш л Ы т Ё Х Ё т ф Ы Ы Ш ш Л т • NO Costly Contracts • NO Membership Fees • NO Weigh-Ins • NO Lab Work • N0 Dangerous Dmgs 643 Wilkesboro Mocksviile x m W l- w ii tr Elect A . C . ‘ ‘A n d y ’ ’ S T O K E S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For \ D a v i e C o u n t y S h e r i f f it’s time wc get tough.... It’s time we go to work.... It's time we send • message.... We will not tolerate drags in DAVIE COUNTY Ifs time to ELECT A SHERIFF who wiU make a “difTerence” A PLAN ! A PROMISE ! A DETERMINATION ! Over M years ехмНмке as a Nortb DuroliM Highway Palrolaun, Davfe Comty MaglMnite and Conccmcd Parcat. ^ NM MM »AC. »»МУН DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - 9 M o c te v ille P la n n in g B o a r d S tu d y in g A p a r tm e n ts By Mike Barnhardt Davie County Еп1сфп:с Rccord Mocksviile planners say they're not against aparimcnts, they Just want time to sludy the best locations in town for multi-family dwellings. While lhat proccss could lake up to a year, builders arc slill inlercstcd. The ialesl developer lo request a rezoning change was Rudi Faak, whq.rcqueslcd lhal 26 acres off of Madison and Evans roods be rezoncd from residemlal lo residcniial mulll- family overlay. • Tbwn planners, afier hearing from several residents who said lliol Faak had promised lo build houses on Ihc site and fearing he was seeking re­ venge againsi a neighbor, denied the request unanimously. Town planning board chairman Vena Harris said Ihe board is “work- Ing very hard" lo find suitable slies for apanmenls. The only current ar­ cas zoned for apartments are be­ tween Northwood and Sunset Ter­ race apartments off Milling Road. Planner Bob Hall said Ihe town Isn't against apanmenls. "There arc young couples that don't have a lol of money... and Ihcy need a slan. This planning board rec­ ognizes lhal. We ore Irying lo find places where Ihey could bc localcd ... wilh as liltlc disniptlon of neigh­ borhoods as possible," Hall said. Lawrence Ray Carter made Ihe motion 10 deny lhe request. “The people were expecting sitigle-family dwellings Ihere. Ican'l see putting In 26 acres. You could have 375 multi family places out there. I don't think Madison Road can suppon lhat kind of traffic. It needs lo bc looked al real closely before we slick our neck oul," Caner said. Faak's allomey, Andrew While, said Iherc were no plans lo build apanmenls, Ihey jusl wauled the op­ tion. "A lol of Ihis will probably .still be developed as single family." The mailer will nol be volcd on by Ihe lown board soon, bccausc Faak rescinded the rcquesl. A mailer Ihc lown boanl will de­ cide Tuesday nighi will bc whelher 10 allow another drive for a new shopping ccnicr. Jerry Swiccgood requested a change to a special use permit lhal would allow a Ihird drive for Valley Ridge Shopping Ccnicr, being buill al U.S. 64 Wesi and Valley Road. The exira enlrance would bc closcr lo the Inicrscclion, a "righl in, right out" only entrance, Swiccgood said. Vchiclcs coming from Mocks­ villc could lum righl inlo lhe cenicr. bul those licadcd towards Mocksvillc could not make a lefl turn. Vehicles leaving the ccnicr would have lo lum rigiil. Swiccgood said lhal none of Ihe oulparccis, or places for other busi­ nesses in the shopping ccnicr, would have a private drive. If nol granted, Ihe developers may lake oul one of the oulparccis, and who buys lhal land could ask for a drive, lie said. Hanis pointed out lhal Ihc shop­ ping ccnicr already had an enlrance from U.S. 64. and cnirances on Val­ ley Road and North Mocksvillc Court. She volcd lo recommend lhe rcquesl nol be granlcd, as did Sieve Dulin, who said the area was too congcslcd for another entrance. Board members Hall and Carter volcd 10 allow the entrance. The town board is expecled to make Ihc final decision Tuesday night. 1 0 4 0 A to Z . No one know Itie lax code better lhan lhe prolesslonals at HSR Bloch. Our »peiienced piepaieis can help you pay less or get moie back. Out rales are reasonable, we stand behind our vrork. Sound like someone you can use? tle itre n li т ш § мимошиM K llfS n■ШМИ HMlBtOCIt 0|xni « ЛМ-Ч I'M Wnkdays V ЛМ-S I'M Saiurday c o ttra e uПшк 214.272« COOIHMEC C o m m i s s i o n e r s T a b le D e c is io n O n P o w e r P la n t Continued From Page 1from Duke Power monthly. In ils contract wilh Souih Yadkin, the couniy has been receiving six pcrcent, earning $77.32 sincc Sep­tember 1997. I^bably the only commissioner on Ihc board at the time the dam was originally leased, Diane Foster said, after the sccond or third year, she began to think it might have been a mistake. She reminded Horn thal he had then been opposed to the county's lease of the dam for a power plant. Operating a power plant ai the dam is in the best inicrcst of the public. It can make money and help save Ihc cnvlronmem by reducing the amount of coal lhal is burnt lo produce power, Hom said. In the pasl no one wilh any real interest or knowledge has been be­ hind the projecl. It will take six to eight months logel it up and running, but it can make money, he lold com­ missioners. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has issued alicensecall- ing for the release of 20 cubic feel per second lo be released over the dam. That's over 12 million gallons a day. The rest of the walcr can bc diverted and released downstream. The entirc diversion would lake placc on his propeny, Horn explained. • Cooleemce Town Commissioner Lynn Rumley has asked the county torcquircanowofatleast I50cublc feel per second as part of any new agreement. Price suld. Jim Rumley presented pictures of The Bullhole wilh a steady flow of water coming over lhe dam and one on Ihc day when ihc lurblncs from the power planl had drained all Ihe water. One picture showed fish lay­ ing dead wherc they had been trapped in t y P u r c h a s e s E l e c t r o n ic V o t in g E q u ip m e n t , Next time ihey head to the polls. Davic County voters will be using electronic equipmenl. Tracking dog Roscoe looks up at his friend. I - Photos by Robin Forgutson; I ThcDavieCountyBoardofCom- mlssloners voted unanimously March to accept a bid from Election ttodiicu Inc. of Virginia for jU tt. 100, to provide the counly wilh electronic direct record voting equip* pient. : This bid was recommended by the DavieCounty BoardofEleclionsovcr a lower bid made by United for $251.900. According to Board of Elections Chairman Hank Van Hoy, Unilect did not meet bid speciftcalions. Its system has not been approved by the State Board of Elections and there* fore cannot bc recommended by the local board.Unileci could not comply wilh delivery date for all the equipmenl, has nol bidenough machines to serve the county's voting population and maintenance rcquiremcnts arc nol met. Van Hoy explained. Located in Virginia, EPI should be able to meet service needs belter lhan CalifumiabasedUnilect, he said. A rcprcsentatlve from EPI will he traveiing throughout Davic County April 21. to demonstrate Ihe new equipment, according lo Board of Elections Director Margaret Shew.A voiing machine is also set up in the Board of Elections office \,\ the Davic County Courthouse for any­ one who would like lo sec how ii works. Show said. Shew is available lo make presen­ tations on the equipment loclubsand organizations. To contact her. call 751-2027. r i i t f lllilt f n t it tft ahar* your faHh thto Eaatwr. When lallh Is an Integral part ot your dally life, ■ you want to send Easter messages that share faith, fun and fellowship. These caids do |ust that. . You'll find them under the "Youis In Christ" sign. Easter is 4 p ril 12. Katharine’s Shop Salisbuiy MaU • Salisbuiy • 704^7-2280 N atural H ealth S h o p p e & S u p p ly % C linical Quality - Htrbs Л Herbal Campountb/Formulas Vitamin / M liural Supplimtnis - D lg tillvt Л M ttabollc En^ymii Homtapalhic R im d lis Phylonulrlllonals <( Nutractutlcals Many R tlaltd Books in Slock plus Hundreds Direct from our Ifanhouse to Гои Consultants ~ R tla ll ~ Wholtsalc Manufacturer's Representatives SB-4 Court Squar* MocKavllle, NC 27028 ^ Woodworkê Gallêry»n^i fttmlly Pin t Mòrtgag» (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -0 0 8 2 iunong the rocks wlih no water. The Bullhole is spiritually impor­ tant to Cooleemce, he said, "h is a part of what wc arc." The Coolecmec Historical Asso­ ciation has a dream to restore Cool­ eemee and, as part of thal effort, wants to sec The Bullhole becomc a pork, Rumley said. CHA is upset about possible use or building over of the grist mill, which may date back as far as 1780, he lold the board. Foster made a motion lo table the matter until the hoard's nexl meel­ ing. "I think there arc some strong issues that need to bc looked at." she said. Her concern is not about switch­ ing ownership but whelher or not it's appropriate lo have a power plant there, she said. « W o r k i n g F o r Y o u ! ” 214 Arrested For Onigsl v t - » ' S h eriff Allen W hitaker The Sherl№ ORice has arrested 214 J criminals since December 5,1994 for drug violations. This has resulted in 493 criminal charges, of which 231 have been felonies, and the remaining I 262 charges have been misdemeanors. S P R IN G F E V E R S A LE ! CHEVROLET FULLSIZE CONV. VAN sik. #263230 Hiah Top Conversion, V-8 Engine, TV w/vCR Rear Air SPECIAL PRE-SEASON PRICE ^ 9 0 0 1998 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE Full Power, AM/FM Cass., And More .^ 9 9 •Bassd on 36 mos GMAC lease, 12,000 mlles/year, $700 cm cost reduction, plus tax & fees, OAC. CADILLAC DEVILLE Leather, Full Luxury At Its Best ' **Smaitlease based on 36 mos, tax, tag, . doc fee, 1st pmt., sec. deposit, $2,000 down due at lease signing. OAC. CHEVROLET CAVAUER CPE.. MSRP $13,600 Ml ft Howard mscoumjISli 1 Ш 9 1 ^ h77. 1-40 W IST, HIOHWAY I t NORTH • •7S«»004 ■■HIND tA O ^ ^ R U SH ft N ^W YORK CA RPKT W O RLD '’,1 : '\ kUUU 4 »P« W • I 1; i m I Ymkttom,üieyreaüyhaoe I thing going here."a f ir m Our experienced nurses average 8 years on our slaff, and all are certified in neonatal nsuscilalion. If babies could talk, they'd tell you; This is a great placc to come into the world. All of our birthing rooms arc actually suites that allow you to go tiirough labor, delivery, rccovcry and postpartum in one location. Which means instead of being shuffled from room to room, you can relax in a home-like setting that even features a private shower with a shower massager. Plus, you can choose the type of delivery you want. And you'll have input into medical decisions. So if you’re even thinking about having a baby, check out our facilities. We’ll give you a free gift just for stop­ ping by to see for yourself why there’s no better placc to have your baby. rom ■■ -J i ”''* ■■ Il ;• Ifyou want, you can clioose lo have your imliy ill your room u iilli you all Ihe lime. We hme a special Level ll nursery capable of airing fbr sick or premature babies. The Women's Heallh Educator al the Ri'soiirce Cenler provides valuable informaiion fbr nav molhem. Our birthing suites even include a bed fbr a family guest or the dad. Because having a baby can be really tiring. II .(< Jfi Rcw an Regdnal M ed ic a l Cen ter\bur SouTGC For ToC*ü Hcahhcarc, 612 Mocksvillc Avenue • Salisbury, NC • (704) 638-1000 or toll-free 1-888-55-ROWAN • www.rowan.org O il your last night with us, you and a guest can enjoy a gourmet dinner fbr two, right in your room. ROWAN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER WOMEN’S SERVICES Wc acccpt all forms of Insurance, mcluding Mcdicaid.ib i! DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - B l D avie H igh T raci( Team S u rp rise s A/It. Tabor, 87-85 I B yB riu P ltti I Davle County Enleiprise Record I There were no trap doors and no sleight of ] hand involved wllh ihe Davie boys Irack I team's 87-85 victory over Ml. Tabor Thurs- I day in Ihe Spartans' backyard. There was no 1 nugic involved In quile possibly Ihe biggest I upsel the Central Piedmoni Conference has I witnessed in receni memory. 1 "We wanted It more,” Coach Scolt Young said. The War Eagles went wllh a mission in mind. Tlie stnitting Spanans, whose five- year conference unbeaten streak came lo an unexpected halt, approached Ihe meet half­ heartedly, acconling to Young. "When we walked in over Ihere, they didn't Ihink there was a chance that we'd beal them, and you could see Ihem scratching Ihelr head a liltle bit about halfway Ihrough the meet. By thal time, they had lei us gel into iSoccerI • i Coming Of Age I № Eagle leam Expects To Win I B][ Brian puti I bavle Counly Enlciprisc Record ' Davie's soccer icam, now talking j Ihe talk, will Iry lo walk the walk I wKen ll hosts North Forsylh Ihls Fri- ;d»y.I i CcMM:H Peta Ou^fKon I ;i.b il more of a|: s^ t In the War : Eagles'slep-one ; he says Is belll- : ting a leam that : haa mashed Ihree : op^nenlslnrive I malches by a lo­lal score of 21-0. ; Gustafson said he ; is certain that his : War Eagles arc acquiring a trail that has longbeen : present al lop programs such as Ml. : Tabor. Davie players now expcci lo win ^ every mulch. They showed il Friday when Ihey ; defeated North Iredell 2-0, after go- ' ing scoreless during an uninspired : first half. ; "Weareheavenonearlh,nodoubt ; aboulil,*Guslafsonsaid. "Thesegiris ; expcci 10 win, lhal's all ihere is to It. ¡They've gotten Inlo that swing." ' luslhowhardcanlheseglrlskick? iThe facu will come to roost soon. ; definitely by the end of next week, i when Cenlriil Piedmoni Conference ; aciion opens. ; "This week we'll find oul whal ; we'rc nude of," Guslafson said. "Ob- I viously, we're made of prelly good I stuff, but we're going lo Tind oul how Igood prelty good is. Nonh Forsylh willbe our toughest(nonconference) i gaiiK of Ihe year. That w ill be a teal I eqiial malch. We've got a big week." I ;TheWarEagleslenthedaofopen ;for'40 minutes against Ihe Raiders, ; who failed to take advantage. I ' ^Wewerealillledisappointedwilh ; that,' Gusufson said of the scoreless inm half. "We camc out flal. We didn't like whal v«e saw. We wetc a I liltle lelhargk;. I "W e were leiUng North Iredell I win Ihe ball. Wc probably won 10 ' perceni of Ihe 30-30 balls, they were I getting some allacksjusl because Ihey. ^were more aggressive Ihan we were, iaildlhat'snol Ihe slyleofDavie High." 'The second half, though, was pat- ‘ enled Davle. The Jackson sisten, se- ;nibr Kalhryn and freshman Sarah, :fed Caroline Sleed and Hannah : Woodward for goalsthat nailed down .Dwie'afinhvlclacy. : ’W fiH ive d il lip in Ihe second :tilfMdlllrted pounding them.* ' llH iB N lM W - lt« il4 . it." Ironically, West Forsyth, which sputtered home with 14 last-place poinis, stood be­ tween a Tabor triumph and a Davie dance in Ihe second-io-lasi event, Ihe 1600 relay. The War Eagles had lo beal West or Irudge home wllh yet anolher ciose-bul-no-clgar defeat lo Tabor.DaviegirlscoachCaryPowcis, watch­ ing the drama unfold from Ihc press box, sent the must-win message to Young. "I was real worried about Wcsl bccausc Ihey had a good-looking group of alhleles in Ihat relay and I said; 'We've gol lo beal them,’ " Young lold Ihe relay leam that Included Billy Jones, Scolty Cramp, Mikey Arnold. Kenny Collins and Chad McBridc. They delivered, sealing a victory that will linger for lifetime. "I was elaled," said Young, who now has his eye fixed on bigger and belter ihings. "That's the happiest I've ever been coaching track. It almost makes our season. *lt was the most intense track meet that I've ever seen. It was just so competitive.” - Scott Young, Coach "The thing is. wc don't run Tabor again unlil the confcrcncc meet. I'm not sure that wc have the athletes to win the confcrcncc meet, but now we've got a great shot at being Ihc rcguloT'Season confcrcncc champions. Some people don't think that means a whole lot. but that means a whole lot to our program if wc can be ihc regular-scason champions.” While Davle launched into an impromptu celebration, the Spartans tried to fight back tears, sometimes unsuccessfully."There were some of their kids crying and everything," Young said. "It was the most Intense track meet that I've ever seen. It was jusl so competitive. They took it very hard, but that speaks of how well ihcir program is. They've got an excellcnl program and they're so accustomcd to winning." Young's next move is to somehow control the War Eagles' potentially swelling heads. "Wc werc happy," he said. "I hate lo say wc were over happy but when you havc a great accomplishment like thal. you know. I cxpcct Ihcm to be happy. AHcr all the hard work, they deserved il. But I don’l want them lo get the big head. I don't wanl them becom­ ing overconfident." Davie's winning performances: Oarick Hill.Greg Lanier. JohnCievengerandAarron Elwood. 3200 relay; Kenny Collins, 110 and Soult) Oavie pitcher Dave Poplin checks first base before throwing home In his team's 6-5 loss to county rival North Davie. - Photoa by Jamaa Barringar North Davle Rallies Past South Team &5By Brian Pills Davle Counly Enlciprisc Recoid Jimmy Brunelli had never coachcd abasebail game before last week. He already knew one Ihlng; Take viclo- rics any way you can gel Ihcm. Hie North Davic Wildcats didn'i do much lo bcal Souih Davic In lasl week's season opener, with the cx- I Ä ' 1 ' i " ' г Г . ' ,. . ' - ' ’' “'"I* ^ itr's Ш il;:! í •, • J P Tiger second baseman Kellen Miller awaits a throw. ccption of keeping the bal on their shoulder and watching ball four 14 times, free passes that led to a 6-5 North Davic comeback win. Coach Grimes Parker, a 30-year coaching veteran, knew what ihosc walks meant. "Wc definitely gave il away," he suid. South pitchers Dave Poplin; Cody Wright and Andrew Daywall held North to one measly hil, but ihey seldom found the plate."Thai's the way ihey gol their runs,” Parker said. "Ourpiichcrs were nol ready. They acted like ihcy werc in another world. Nol only the pitch­ ers. the bailers loo." Brunelli ordered offensive pa­ tience."Their pitchers had some prob­ lems finding the plate and I jusl told the guys 'If we don’t have lo do much, just stand there,'" be said. Strangely enough, a hit basically won the game for North. South relircd (Iw first two Nonh hiitcrsln Ihc sixth before walking the bases loaded, bringing up Dan Sullivan. Ahead 5-3 and one strike fn)m escaping Ihc jam. South surrendered a two-run. game-tying single lo Sullivan. Moments later, the game- winning run scored on a wild pitch, adequately describing South's day. "TTial (Sullivan hit) was huge," Brunelli said. "He fought a coupic off and Ihen hit one righl up the middle. That’s whal wc needed right there with iwo ouis." On the other hand, South, which stormed ahead S-3 after spotting North a 3-0 lead, failed lc deliver the knockout punch againsi North pitcher Jon Dull, who calmly cscapcd sev­ eral potential game-swinging jams by simply throwing strikes. "We struck oul with men on base, just sitting there and watching ihe ball go by." Parker said. "We weren't Please See WOdcata - Page B7 300hurdles:HilI,1600and3200:NickPropsl. high jump; D.J. Kiser, pole vauli:-and Darien Brown. 200. Hill, who withstood a furious Tabor chal­ lenge, turned in an Incrcdiblc 9:59 lime in the 3200."That is excellent for this point in Ihe year," Young said. "Ididn't ihlnk Ihcrc would be anybody in the confcrcncc Ihat would push him that hard. But (Tabor) had been training that boy to try to knock off Garick, and Ihcir aucmpl failed. Garick just stepped up like the competitor ihat he is and showed him he wasjust a liltic bit better."Hill, who also dominated the league in cross country, is a marked man. "They are after him." Young said. "They were unable to beat him lasl year, unable to beat him in cross county, so that sort of sticks in (the Tabor coach’s) mind and he's coming for him."Please See Track Team - Page B2 F r u s tr a tin g Davie Baseball Team Loses By Score Only By Brian Pitts Davic Counly Enterprise Rccord WINSTON-SALEM - Some days. Coach Jerry Walscr feels like bealing his head In. and Friday was oncofihoscdays. Mostfoikslcfi Ihe Davic-Mi. Tabor baseball game talking aboul how Davie’s Victor Patti outduelcd Tabor's Curtis Moncusandhow Davic was belter than Tabor. The scoreboard be­ yond the righl-ficld fcnce lold some! ■ thing else: Tabor 3, Davie 2.Thai frustrating final was wrilleri • all over Walscr's face. He desper-' ately wanted logei a leg up in the firsl • game of Ihe Ccnlrul Piedmont Con-- fcrence race."I was very disappointed in the' way it came oul because I thought we • were the better team," he said. "Ir didn't divide out like I wanted ll to. but I'm slill proud of the kids. They played hard and gave an effort ihat was good enough to win. Things just ■ didn’t work out for us." Coach Ed Weiss’ Spartans es-- capcd. and he knew it. "Wc were fortunate today." said Weiss, whose unbeaten teamclinchcd ihcwinwitharun inthe bottom oflhc seventh. "I fell like weallowcd Davic to completely outplay us. U was оЫ vious Davie wanted this game a lot more than wc did, and I know this is a tough loss for ihcm." In a classic pitcher's duel bciwecn crafty left-hander Patli and hard- ihrowingnght-handcrMoncus, Davie carried a 2-1 lead inlo ihc boliom of ihcfinh. That's when Palli wishes he could haveonepitchbock.Thcpitchlanded : somewhere in ihe football stadium. . over the concrete center-ficld wall : off the bal of No. 3.hitter Wes Miller» : who forced a 2-2 tie with his third home run of the young year. Plene See CampbeU - Five B2 Pätti Mew Faces, Same Results: Golfers Win The faces have changed, but this year’s result could be Ihe same for Coach David Rondcslvedt's Davle golf leam. "We slack up,” Rondestvedi sakl, fallowing the team's second nonconfeitnce malch. "We'tedeflnilely right in Ihehunl. We are going lobe 1- 2 with allot Ihem."Kondestvedl's unmistakable con- ildence stems'from Ihe War Eagles' opening-dayperformanceal Pudding Ridge, where Ihey fired a 3-over-par 147, lopping Mt. Tabor (131), West Forsyth (13S) and Reynolds (163). "The kids played awesome," he said, referring mainly to lames Slewan and Gary Bialobneski's evcn-par 36s, Shawn Brooks' 37 and Josh Lackey's 38. "They really showed what we can do. We were teal strong." Erase one horrid hole and Lackcy owned the course. The freshman closed al 2-over, despite an eight on one hole."He would have bcen2-undcrwlth justapor," Rondestvedi said. 'I mean, he wasjust tearing ll up." ■ Later In the week al Grandview, Rondestvedi shragged off a thlid- place showing simply bccause he insisted that the course slunk. West Fbrsyth won wllh 159, followed by Ml. Tabor's 163, Davie's 164 and Reynolds' 171.' "ll wasa nighlmare," hcsaid. "The course Is in terrible shape. Wc were only nve shols oul, bul we jusl had a lol of lough breaks, ll is one of those courscs where you can hil a good shot, end up in a wash somewhere and get totally screwed." The ragged conditions didn'i rock Rondcslvedt's spirits. "They are really working hard," he said. "They are playing well and they weren't loo shaken by Ihe score Ihcrc" John Landon led Davic wllh a40, and Stewart and John Habegger shot 41s. FlM HSM G oHtn-FwBI Who's Hot... BUly Jones, ScoMy Crump, Mikey Arnold, Kenny CoUlm and Chad McBride of Davie's track team came Ihrough in t pressure-packed situation, taking runner-up in the I600re1ayan< clinching a major upset over Mt. Tabor. After tossing a dazzling in a lough loss to Tabor, Davie pitchei Victor Paul lowered his ERA to 1.61. Brian Campbell powered Davie's baseball team past Statesvllk 11-8. He stroked a pair of homers, including the game winn« immediately following Jonathon Creaaon's game-tying hom«:;; Hits by Jeremiah Creason and Andy Boger erased a two-nlr deficit in Ihe seventh inning and propelled Davie’s JV basehal team to a much-needed 4-3 win over Mt. Tabor. ; South Davie's Lonnie Banies pulled off one of teiebalVi mo* : hollowed achievements, throwing a no-hitter against Knox. ^ Kim Hilton's I -hitter guided Davie's unbeaten J V soflbalt tean : to a S-0 win over Alexander Central. " : I I ...\— rrr-: ■Л DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RÉCORD, April 2,1998 ;^ htln un l From P»|« Bl "He's a good pfaycr. ihcrc’s no r qticstion," Walscr said of Tabor's tal- cedlcd Junior catchcr. 'Thai happens. a pitchcr. you're going (o gcl hit." Paltirarclydid.Thcjunlorlimilci) ^Thbor's high-octane ofrcnsc to three ^hitsNvhilcstrikingoutscven.Moncus ; wasn't cxactly throwing inarshmal- ^¡ows, tuming in a nvc*hit, eight* 'strikeout pcrfonnancc. ^ ;* Patli bccamc the hard-luck loser J When the Spartans settled the issue In 'tt>eir final ut-bal. Mark Porter, the • ninth hittcrwho struck oul looking in '■his prcvious two trips to the plate, ;AmglcdtorlghllabringinRyanUllel, , Creason Homers Highlight Davie's Win Over Statesville who walked nnd stole sccond lo lead off the inning. Tm very thankful our team was able lo do whatever it was that gol us through today's game," Weiss said. "I give a lol of ca'dll to Duvic. They were prepared today." Paul Is rapidly earning a reputa­ tion as a prominent pitcher. Wilh iwo oulings In the hook, Palti has held opposing offenses to jusl nine hils In 13 Innings while striking oul 14 against only four walks. His earned- run average is a gaudy 1.61. "Bolh perlbrmances he's had have been very Impressive," Walser said. Palli made a strong first Impres­ sion on Weiss. Tennis Team Falls In Third Straight v’',Thc Davic tennis team's losing ; streak grcw lasl week as the War ; Eagles losi 10-0 to superior Ml. Ta- : bpr and 6*2 lo Northwest Cabarrus. : >: The War Eagles have lost three tsli^lght, falling lo 1-3 overall and 0- : i;in the Central Piedmont Confer* :cijcc.; *; Russell Sengcr played a role in ; both wins against Northwest, laking :hls singles malch and then helping :jOstln Long In doubles. "Russell played cxcclIcnl." Coach Denise : Bioyd said. ; : Mike GuscfskI won over Boyd's 'heartinan Il-iOhcarthreakingloss. : '■One of the best games that was ‘ played was by Mike," she said. "He .* played excellent. "It was a very emotional thing bccause they both wanted to win. bolh werc very eager lo have il. and Mike played his heart out. Il was good lo see thal he kept going and didn't give up." Boyd also complemented Jon Rowe, who broke into the lineup and fought valiantly with doubles part­ ner Gusefski. "He had nol been playing but he played very well." Boyd said. "They didn't win but ll was a good leam effort. "Long Is slill working hard on his game. He just has some things lo workon. the same wilhT.J. Tesh and Payton Triplett." i G o l f e r s O p e n S e a s o n W it h W i n ^ CfHitlnued Froin Page Bl •' J The six starting slots remain wide ' o^n. competition that Rondestvedi ;tonsiders extremely healthy as the • War Eagles drive loward possible ; b»:k*to-back Central Piedmont Con- • fercncc championships. "I can conceivably have about 10 (fighting for starting roles)," he said. "Il depends on who's playing well. We've got a lol of depth and that's our strong point. They arc fighting to get Ihosc top spois. which is good." i^ a r m ’ R a c in g H e a tin g U p FARMINGTON - More than 100 •; TOPElimlnatorcompetitors were on ; hand this past Sunday at Farming* ; ion Dragway lo batile for the S3.000 ; pi^t prize. ; , Darrell Collins of Kernersviiie : scored his first win In his new Chevy : powered Dragster over Ray Williams ; of Yadkinville. Collins In his Buck : powered dragster ran a 4.98 ET at ; 132 mph to defcal the veteran Will- : iams in his Ed Hudspeth Motorsports ; Buick. This made only the fiflh time .in the history of Farmington ; Dragway thal a four-second machine : had won a TOP Eliminator race, i; Terry Anderson of Advance fin* iished a strong third In his rcar cn* !gine dragster. ! What made the win spccial for Cqlllns was that this was ihc first ' time out for the new car on the eighth mile track. '' ;Darrcll Kiger of Mocksvillc cai>* •ttwd the Sportsman division win ovjer Allen Carpenter from Cfossnofc. Klgcr,a“lbp 10” finisher ■tSSg"mñSSS jflRk áBk ш ш т я * 'iSSrslSÛ Ti ■ a Addkkaaloaitiftlaborexin.>,iommM.cuir«4VL AddkkiailpiittftUnr^u» lf'* V w iü ñ .iU M T i! « P LSiKSMSf*- ! ; g o o d /y e a r pio«lúville T ire Cf A ntom otiv« , ^«•sY adklnvU tolld. Moekavill«, N.C. a 70M i HOUBS: We,«cc.p»[»»7t3*.5d* _ щ т ш Good3wr,VISA,Dlic. "I thought he did a very glюd job of changing speeds," he said. "He wus able to go Inside nnd outside. He had confidencc. He gol stronger as he went on during the game. He was sneaky fast. Ho mixed in a decent liltlc offspccd pitch." Davie struck first on Shane Allen's sccond-inning double, then Tabor cnnic 10 life with single runs in the fourth and fiflh. Davie retaliated in Ihc sixth, tying Ihe game on Scoit Cornal/er's laser single lo right that brought In leadoff man Charles Miller, who started the inning with a line-dri ve single to Icfl. The War Eagles lost, bul the big picture wasn’t losl in one afternoon. "Wc'rc still in contention for lhe confcrcnce championship, becausc there's 10 (league) games lhat go into lhat and only one's gone," Walscr said. "Wc had lo go to iheir placc, now they've got to comc to our placc. We've got lo come back and win the other nine, ihal's whal we've gol to do." Davie's Jeremy Hcllon and Drew Ridenhour had one hileach for Davie, which hosts North Davidson on Wednesday and travels to Reynolds on Friday. Davie Sweeps Statesville The War Eagles bruiall/ed Stales- ville pitching all afternoon in Saturday's nonconfcrcncc double- header, grindingthe Greyhound huri* ers for 27 runs. Visiting Davie won 11-8 and 16-9. "Wc swung Ihc bal as good as we've swung Ihc bat probably sincc I've been al Davie." said Walser. whose icam needed some iherapy after losing three straight, including a 9-4 setback to Glenn eariy last week. "Wc really picked up a lol of confidence. We werc able lo shake some cobwebs off. The kids were disappointed wilh the way things di­ vided out Friday and il gave them an opportunity to vent frustrations, gcl hack out there und have a good lime." No one had a better lime lhan Brian Campbell, who swung a Ken Oriffcy Jr. bal for one memorable aftcmoon. All lold, Campbell deliv­ ered five hils In nine al-bals, includ­ ing IWO home runs in Ihc firsl game. Jonalhan Creason also homered twice, launching one In each game. "I don'l know (whal bccame of Campbell), but everybody over Ihcre in Ihe dugout was rubbingonhimand trying 10 gcl thal (power) on them," Walscr said.Staring a possible rourih consccu- tive loss in the face, Creason and Campbell powered Davie back, cranking back-to-biick homers in liie seventh lhal rescucd their team from a 6-5 deiicil. Miller, in rclicfof Ja.son Desnoyers, pickcd up Ihc win. Davie didn’l delay victory in Ihc nighlcap, burying Ihc Greyhounds with a 10-run sccond inning.Millcrrlppcd three hits and Steven Nail, Campbell, Hcllon, Paul Sparks and Ridenhour had Iwo each. Allen, who walked Ihrce times, and Creason had one apiece.Crca-son's sccond long ball nearly beat the bus back home. "Thai one almosl gol back to Mocksviile," Woiser said. "Il had a lockci on ll." Nall joined the power parade un­ expectedly, blasting a deep double. "He almost wenl out of Ihe yard," Walser said. "I said: 'Holy cow.' Il one-hoppcd the fcncc in left-ccntcr field." Brlon Grout, the sccond of four pitchers, gol lhe win. • In a stiff non-lcaguc tcsl wilh Glenn, lhe War Engles (4-3 overall, 0-1 crc) watched an early 4-1 lead swirl down Ibe drain in a 9-4 defeat. A three-run homer from Comatzer staked Davie to the early edge. "Wc made Ihcm go to the bullpen and bring in Ihcir best plicher," Walser said. "Evcrylhingwaslooklngup and then Ihclr (top butler) absolutely shoved it. He was good. They arc probably one of the lop thrce or four 3-A teams in the .stale, and I think we are equal ability as they are." Starter Ryan Desnoyers was tagged with the loss. Track Team Upsets Mt. Та1юг In Only Meeting Of Season Continued From Page Bl Brown displayed some coura- geousdelcrminationin the 200. Com­ ing off knee surgery. Brown was un* able lo lower inlo a siarting-block stance, evoking laughter from ihc other competitors'. "He's standing up. Mt. Tabor is laughing at him and he jusl goes by and wins it," Young said. "He's going to bc all righl when he gets his knee totally healthy." » • Young sang praise loward olhcr instnimcnial performers. "Matt James and Clifton Redmon were a big pari of our relays," hcsaid. "Collins was outstanding in both hurdles... Kenny While is our bc*all and do-all kind of guy. He throws, he hurdles, he sprints and hejumps. He placed in all four... J.J. Rice had two personal-best In shot pul and discus. That was big ... Marshall Pitts was big. He’s going to bc our Garick Hill next year. If he continues to have the work elhic he has, he is going lo bc the man next year... Elwtwd (2:08 in the 800) had an outstanding time." .... Young couldn’t leave oul his helping hands. "Along with Devore Holman and Coach Powers, I have two volunteer coaches (Rufus Cuihrcll, Ted Kiser) lhat were instrumental in the win." Spartans Spank West, Davie Girls Davie's girls finished third, but they rank much higher in their coaches' hearts. "They're mediocre, but bless their hearts wc rcI a lot of effort out of them." Young said afler Tabor romped with 79 points to West's 54 ond Davic's42. "They're against some tough competition. We've just gol to continue to plug along and gel bet* 1er." Samanlha Murillo hascmergcd as the crcam of the crop for Davie. She breezed in the 400, winning with a spectacular time of 1:01. "Murillo is Ihc highlight." Young said. "She is a freshman and she is Icgitimutc.Shcblew every bodyaway. Her closcst one was (teammate) Tif­ fany Peoples and ihc third closcst wasn't closc to her, ‘ Surah West, Murillo. Peoples and Slacyc Joyner look Davie's only olher first in the 1600 relay. Davie placcd in six other events: Tisa Campbell, high jump; Lauren Poplin. 800; Laurie Desch. 800; Laurcn Wilkins and Marie Gadson, shot; Brooke Gravall. long and triple jump; Jerrinc Peeler, 3200. in last year’s FARM Points, was also a three lime season winner last year in his Mason Grading sponsored Ply­ mouth. He ran a 6.98 ET at 98 mph to stop the Chevrolet of Carpenter. Five time Sportsman champion Donald Thomas was the lone semi- finalist in his Plymouth. Nine year old Jordan Wike of Kcmersvlllc pickcd up his firsl Jun­ ior Dragster win of the year over last week's winner, Randy Williams of Asheboro. The FARM’S $25,000 Poinis Sc­ ries w ill start up Saiurday night, April 11; $5,000 w ill bc lhe champion’s take In TOP and $2.5000 In Sportsman. David Foster of Winston-Salcm is the defending TOP champion and Steve Taylor of Raleigh is ihc de­ fending Sportsman champ.Therc will also bc a spccial Pro Mod match race between Scotty Cannon and Ed Hoover lhat Satur­ day nighl. Gates open al noon. Rac­ ing starts at 6:30 p.m. A Storehouse for Jesus Food Drive J o i n i n t h i s c o m m u n i t y e f f o r t t o c o l l e c t f o o d f o r S t o r e h o u s e f o r J e s u s SnMMTVHLM-tai-Sp Bring Your Non'FtrlMhabh Food Donatlom To These Locotlon« MOCKSVILLE—Wal-Mart • Food Lion (bo№ kjcmono • Ben Franklin HILLSDALE—Food Uon CLEMMONS AREA — Harris Teeter (Tanglewood) • BI-LO (Clemmons Rd.) IV/MSrOA/-5ALEM - Wal-Mart Supercenter VWMaitIngwMlRvid FoodLk>n Davi* County EmwpriMRKÒnl J.P. Gntn Miing Co. HairiaTtMr QinllPmanwl BonFruiUIn ModovioStvinetBink liloditvioClvlUnCki) Comtdd* Sporti BI-LoSuMmwM 8ша1мСоф. Davie High Basetiall Statistics Record: 4-3,0-1CPC HITTING AB R H RBI AVG. 2B 3B HRAllen16633 .188 1 0 0Campbell23775 ,304 ‘0 0 2Collins0000 .000 0 0 0 .Comatzer 19 8 6 7 .316 I 0 1Creason16445 .230 0 0 2J. Desnoyers 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0R. Desnoyers 6 2 2 1 .333 1 0 0Grout7012.143 0 0 0Helton21585 .381 2 0 0Melton21 1 2 .500 0 0 0B. Miller 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0C. Miller 19 7 10 4 .526. 4 0 ‘ 0 0Mitchcll100 0 .000 0 0Nail19431.158 1 0 0Patti14242.286 0 0 0Ridenhour2165 4 .238 0 0 0Sparks522 0 .400 0 0 0Earle100 0 .000 0 0 0TOTALS191545641 .293 10 0 5 PITCHING W L IP H R ER BB so t ERAJ. Desnoyers 0-0 4 5 5 4 3 2 7.00R. Desnoyers 1-1 10 10 11 4 5 14 2.80Groul0-0 2 5 4 4 1 1 14.00C. Miller I-l 9 7 5 3 4 7 2.33 Mitchcll 1-0 5 6 5 5 2 4 7.00PattiM1293 3 4 14 1.75 Ridenhour 0-0 2 1 0 0 1 4 0.00TOTALS 4-3 40 38 28 19 17 44 3.33 STOLEN BASES;Collins 2. Comatzer 2, Campbell, Creason WALKS; Allen 8, Ridenhour 7, Comalzer 5, Miller 5, Campbell 3, Creason 2, R. Desnoyers 2, Groul 2, Hcllon2, Nall I, Palli I,Sparks I, Earic I 3 D a v i e M e n A m o n g R a c e r s A t C o n c o r d M o t o r s p o r t s P a r k •; Three Davic CoUnty men per- ' formed well in the season opener at ^ iConcord Motorsports Park in the I mini-stock division. The racing began with Archie : Zanders surprising everyone by sit- : ling on the pole. Sanden received a Z atanding ovation from the fans for hU pole position run. A.J. Sanders finished second. Archie Sanders third and Glenn Mixon was eighth. Archie Sanders olso won the firsl ever Pro-Blend “Cool Move of the Race” oword voted on by the track onnouncers. H O A / \ € f O i ^ TUEHOUPÁyS Readting those who need hetp. Tbuehing us oU.9 I(e00)4ll-UWAY http://www.unltedwBy.org p ic tu re IS w o r th a th o u s a n d w o rd s /^ F088ALË 1995 Buick RIverla Supercharger Uke New, One Owner. 15,000 Miles Loaded, New Michelin 'Tires, Grey Leather Inside. Crey Outside CaU Alter 6:30 p.m. 336-751-2411 FORSALE 1993 Lincoln Town Car Excellent Condition Leather Interior, Fully Equipped Mocha Color, $13.275 Call 998-4737 H eoiM abo be worth moMV il your pocket! L e t o u r n e w u s e d c a r p h o t o a d s p u t s o n n e c a s t i I n y o u r t i a n d s . Advertise your used vehicle with a photo and let ttie picture do the tdkinO' Just Ixino In a photo of your cor along with 0 t)(lef deiolptlon and we'll ninit In the DovIe County Enterprise Record for a fontoitlclow price. Please— No Dealers. 8 WEEKS... $20.001 DAVIB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D 171 South Mom Sf. • МоскауШе, NC • (336) 751-2120 A LL AM ER ICAN ORD-M ERCURY L o o k A tT h e ^ ^ Ford Choice G e t A L o t M o r e - F o r A L o t L e s s I f Y o u A re L o o k in g A t - L e x u s L X 4 7 0 - L a n d R o v e r - R a n g o R o v e r - H o n d a C iv ic - N is s a n S e n tr a - S u iia r u im p re s a - H o n d a A c c o rd - H la id a 6 2 6 - N is s a n U H im a - V O iv o V 7 6 - S u iia r u L e g a c y - T o y o ta C a m ry - T o y o ta A v a io n - C a d illa c - B u ic k L e S a b re - H o n d a O d y s s e y - N is s a n Q u e s t - T o to ta S ie n n a - T o y o ta 4 R u n n e r - M e rc e d e s M L 3 2 0 L o o k A t T lM F o rd C iM ic e - E x p e d m o n H ra c e r - E s c o r t C o n to u r - M y s H q u e T a u ru s - S a b io Ik o w m V k : - G ra n d M a r q u is W n d s t a r - V iiia g o r E x p lo r e r - M o u n ta in e e r FOR TRUCKS THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS FORD . v;.!C|jeTOM c iiu j e r ^,. 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WC - TWO ш т ш m 3 3 6 - 7 8 1 - 2 1 6 1 • * 1 - 6 6 0 - 2 6 4 - 6 2 2 1 “О вгО Ш Ё т т Л пО чгЁ пШ ф пш пГ ’ d a v ie c o u n t y ENTERPIUSE RECORD, April 2,1998 Soccer Team fMes Past Norih liedell Fbr m m Th(B Davie High varsity soccer team, from ieft; first row: Erin Baldwin, Kathryn Jaeltson, Hannah Woodward, Elise Whital<er, JuRe Agejew, Caroline Steed; second row; Emily Harpe, Rebecca Stoclterl, Haley Queen, Sarah Jackson, Shannon Bokeno; third row: Coach Pete Gustafson, Katherine Phillips, Meghan Callahan, Jodie Stone, Anna Riddle, Meredith Hendix, Megan Mlik and assistant coach Jeremy Byrd. - Photot by Robin Ftrgutton Continued From Page Bl Aciually, North did most of the pounding, wilh Ihc exception of on (he scorcboard. But Davic brushed olTNonh’sbruisingtaclics and moved on. "Even during an extremely physi­ cal game, wc kept our composure and actually channeled It toward vie* lory," Gustafson said. Likewise. Davie delayed inevi­ table ylctory against Northwest Cabarrus, wallowing in a 0-0 game until Jodie Slone started u 3-0 ava- lanchc with a smoking long-range goal. "Jodie hil a banger uboui 30 yards OUI, just a bullet," Gustafson said. "It was a great shot.” Then Julie Agejcw sent a Stone carbon copy through one defender’s head, over another, and thmugh the net. "That was ik good 25 yards out," Gustafson said. "It hit the sweeper's head and wentoverihckecper’shead.''Meredith Hendrix seldom misses oui on the fun, scoring the final goal und raising her leam-leading total id ' six. The routs have helped Gustufsoii improve his math. Counting two . scrimmages, ihe War Eagles have. fired 219 shots to iheiropponents' 31* and oulscoa*d the opposition 34-o!, And his mutltalcnied defenders have been In every equation. "That’snotbad,"hcsaldofDavic's ‘ dominating play. "The neat thing is, a lol of the (goals) are coming from the defense, too, and any coach will tell yod it's hard to guard when your defenders comc up. "That's the next skill level up. That's called getting numbers, when your defense comes up ami overlaps, bccause nobody marks them." Davie is also at home Ihis Thurs­day against Southwest Randolph. "MUGGSY” BOUGES BOYS a GIRL’S BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 ----------- rorAgts8-ie Jum22nd-2eth Session IV; 1:00pm-4:30pm BOYS ONLY For Agtt 6-13 JumlStMMh Session I: 8;30am-12:00pm Session II: 1;00pm-4;30pm Jimo22nd-2eth Session III: 8:30am-12:00pm Ш i й гМю Мп иНи СК:■A«**** ClСатрПгасЮгЛтТаЫм SchoofcMM1St,E>t324 Th* Davie High JV soccer team, from left; first row: Leah Snow, Kaitlin Callahan, Sara Pullen, Kirsten Clement. Lauren Cozart, Heather Boger; second row: Tanya Berghorn, Tiffany Walker, Candace Whitaker, Samantha Walker, Jennifer Carter; third row: Brooke Watson, Sue Reichel, Shawna Spry, Hollie Potts, Stephanie Helpler, Emily Morton and Coach Jeremy Byrd, July 20th-24th BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 1520 Lewisvillc-Clemmou Id Clcmmoiu OR 2llimtrsCrctkP«kway WiMtoa-$*lcm Drive Thru 1423 Lewisville-Clemnnons Rd Oennmcns • Near Hwy 421 I ) ( ) ck S I (I (' S c (I ¡ood l\c\ I d I I r a n i ■ Now FtatMrimg Itow Com bliM rtlon S p a c la ls ra w M M « C m * « M m • T h w a S8 .aa M »«a l«a M S 8 .S « Baby Flounder . White Fish Bay Scallops Pop-Shrimp Trout Clams Chicken Tenders Deviled Crab SmtdwUicaltiltw, Im lifiip ^ a d choke of pouto M soAm um Ím S V e m * U m V 0 m »ü m S m 2 S ^ LewisvHI*4:iwninon« Rd HOURSMon-Thur4-eFri^4-10 Х)аЧс\1ек,‘Л ^ 'п ж Щ ш А ofm íxjttiífaoaeritfbryjuw if bxausetònotgreae^ i T b e RE/ìL I ìMEALDEALI : :• 1Pc.Chlek«n,«wo ; ■ vegatableak«rMlroll • I $1.99 I • NMHUiMiavMlariflivvMarin) ■ ¡ am m om MerieiiV ! D L Q /ilt a a s , c J Ìo u ± £a g s & ^ i n n s . ' Under New Ownership TuM-Thar 10am-9pm Fri-Sat IOam-llpm Saaday ВпшсЪ IOam - 2pm 5 7 Z Ì CCtmmoni e f ii. t3S)C[tm m oni 7 б 6 - г д 6 6 AmMÌOTiaminEVifc|eMJt»oiru>MwfcClmTOi»Rd « S fIwClwwimm w nw CwMfBfiil 7 в в - э а & 1 ■ •■ ■ •••••••■ ■ ••■ •■ •a l ■ У B ig H it JV Team Overcomes Mt. Tabor The Davic JV baseball team struggled out of the gate when the regular sca.son opened three weeks ago. but the War Eagles arc quickly righting themselves. They bounced back from almost certain defeat in Friday's Central- Pi cdmontConference opener ogalnst Ml. Tabor, rallying for three runs in the final Inning to steal a 4-3 viclory and relieving Coach Lee Linville from the early-scason stress test. "We're building some confi­ dence." said Linville. whose team followed up Friday's thriller wilh a doublehcader split with Statesville on Saturday. "Wc’vc been getting better little by little cach game. So to get two wins.out of three games was a big confidcnce booster.... Being 1-0 in the confcrcncc is also good.” One out separated the Spartans from viclory when JcremlahCreoson stepped up wilh the bases loaded, two out and his team trailing 3-1. Crca.son came through, singling In the tying runs, und Andy Boger de­ livered Ihe game-winning hit. "It wiis a big win,” LInviile said. "The lust few years Tabor has won thevarsityconrcrencechamplonshlp, so we'rc going lo measure our pro­ gram against theirs. Tins is a big step." Creason was big everywhere, picking up the win in two innings of relief. Brad Willard went 2 for 3 at the plate. Drama permeated the sccond game oflhe twin hill wilh Stalesville. which came up short in un cnieriain- ing 7-5 decision lhat wasn'l decidcd unlil the nnal out. HoWingarragi1c7.51cad,Linville lirtedThadJohnsonlnfavorofRicky Benlly wilh two out and the bases loaded in the final frame. Benlly slammed the door, preserving the viclory for slurier Boger, who rolled Ihrough four Innings before encoun­ tering trouble.Davie led 4-0 beforc Slatcsvillc closed Ihc gap lo one run on one .swing. "He ctuiscd tlirough the first four innings und then gave up a Ihrce-nin homer in the fiflh," Linville .said. Davic got one hil each from J.C. Willlard. Chris Seaford, Andrew Jones, David Nail. Malt Dallon und Willard. Duvie never led and dropped the llrst game 9-7. Nail and Bailey ripped threchltscachandJohnson and Boger gol two upiecc. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - SINCE A I R P U R I F I E R £ o r S n o r i n g , A l l e r g i e s & A s t h m a t i c s Helps control bacteria, mold spores & dust. M Демр1 A l M aior Drug C irts iB d u J iw f a r t w r i Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r 'R a u c h D r u g C o . 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d * M o c k s v ille « Q 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2141 « m r a m Blue Seafood CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY E very M onday Baby Shrim p..» Baby Flounder» • $ * .9 9 .$ * .9 9 Each dinner served wilh slaw, hushpupples and choice offitnchfrtes, baked potato or onlwt rings. UMITED TIME ONLY! AB Afn, DliM-lB or Cwir-Out No Saior C U M Dhniiml on TMi SpvU 2050SlatMvlllo, BhKl., Sallabury, NC (704) 6394590 ' F r r s M A D N ESS! Wal-Mart and the Davie County Enterprise Record have teamed up to CHALLENGE WXLV-TV ABC Channel 45 to a C H A R ITY BA SK ETBA LL G A M E n*ldaylliglil, Apri 24,1998 • 7 :3 9 PM atlheDawloFaiiilyYllliCA All proceeds go to ChUdnsn’s Miracle Netwofli Bring your lamUy, your friends and your neighbors to support tbe “home team” while helping raise funds for this great cause. m u - - --^ ^ w ith M o c k s v ille SSB Ttme To Spruce Up Your Home? We can help you finance your Spring renovation projects or even build the home of your dreams. G i v e u s a c a l l t o d a y ! 232 s. Main St. МоскетШе (336)751-5936 5361 U.S. Hwy. 158 Advance (336)940-2420 •Т г ь Т Г Т Т ^ Г Г Т Т Т Т Г Г Г Т Т Т Т Т Т Т Т Т Т Т I - D A V IE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD» A p ril 2,1998 ;tî3DHS Varsity Softball Wins CPC Opener ;> ! Kim Reich'mode every swing count In Ihe game Ihol coumcd most, ^ Ing S for S and leading Davie's : varsity sonball team past Mt. Tabor 14-S In Wednesday's Central Picd- : riiont Conference opener. ::: Thanlis to Reich's bat nnd a com- : tnittee of others, the War Eagles, who split a pair of nonconference games last week, now stand 1-0 In the league and 4-3 overall.. Ashley Saniicrs anil Dana Smilh each went 2 for 4 for Davle, which gol solid pitching from starter Shan­ non Hnndy and closer Jessica Whit­ ley. They combined for lOslrllieoms. Davle seized opened the flood gates with a si>-nin third Inning, turning a two-run game into a com­ manding 8-0 lead. Reich, Leann Spillman, Handy and Sanders had singles in the inning and Dawn Williamson andSmlthropcd doubles. The Spartans tried to climb back, scoring two in Ihe top of the fourth, bul Smith cDuntered by singling home two more In the bottom half of the inning.Afler a nonconference contcst at North Davidson on Wednesday, the War Eagles travel to Reynolds for another CPC gome on Thursdoy.Powerhouse Alexonder Central administeredo 12-0 beotlng one day loter.Ashley Brockcn had the lone hit for Davie, which sent just 17 hitters to the plate in five gome-shoricncd Innings. The War Eagles hung amund through two innings, when they trolled 1-0, but the Cougars accclcr- Dawn Williamson ot Davie's varsity softball team races to first base. ated Ihc rout with five nms in the (hini and six morc in the Tounh. JV coach Bill Meadows has wit­ nessed this barrage before."They’re jusl like Nonh Davidson." said Meadows, whose vaunted JV cluh shocked Alexander Central 5-0. "When we got up there, they werc like a machine, jusl like North Davidson. They had three or four coachcs hi«ing. U reminds you so much of North Davidson. They were 4-A stnte champions in slow- pitch four limes und one lime in fast- pltch." Davie’s varsiiy bombed North­ west Cabarrus with a nine-run third inning and coasted loan 11 -6 victory in the first of three games in three days. ThcTrojansenjoyedashorl-lived 3-0 lead in the sccond. momenls be­fore Davte answered wiih RBI singles from Spillman and Williamson. Then Ihe War Eagles buried Northwest. Or did Northwest bury itself.’ The Trojans walked nine in the big third, and Williamson und Bracken made them pay with RBI hits. For Ihe game, Davle received 13 walks. Whitley and Sanders silenced Norihwcsi’s offense, combining for n 5-hitler. Whitley left the final five ouls for Sanders. JV War Eagles On Long Hot Streak •y Brian Pim Dtvie Coumy Enlerprise Rccord ■; :^,Davle*»hlg)vpowered]V softball bM cm a tcasoft-VMig hoi :• may have> UwRueWet Thurtday ai' AkxMder Central. : -:The War Eagles put togelher ihelr Hnesl performance of (he season as the rolled pasl the iradltionally-rlch Cougan 5-0. The Cougars, who have produced fivevarsilysiaicchamplonshlpteams this decadc, have lived in a titanium bubble when it comes tosoftball. For one day. though. Davic punctured their bubble. Thai game was the best game Tve ever coached. I was so pleased," long-titTH! coach Bill Meadows said. "This is probably ihe besi team we'll see."The Cougars reekeU of overcon- (idence before the game. They wanted to enforce a one-hour time limit, presumably becauae they fig­ ured Davic would be dust hy then, bul Meadows refused to pack up early. They didn'i wanl to play but an hour and 1 told them we drove over an hour on a bus to get here, so we'rc goingloplaya 10-run rule orascven- inning ball game," said Meadows, who won the argument. "Il was about iwo-and-a-half hours." The Cougars needed morc lime than thal to (Igurc out Davic pilchcr Kim Hilton, who was overwhelming in a one-hil, ll-strikeoul perfor- mance. Take away a menial break­ down on a bum, and the Cougars wouldn’t havc smelled a hit. "They didn'i get a hil off her re­ ally." Meadows said. "Ember Spillman fielded the bunt but no one covered sccond, and it would havc been on out. It was a mental error bul actually it was a hit." Hilton’s only blemish was control problems that created two bases- loaded opponunitles for Alexander Central. No harm done. Meadows allowed Hilton lo pul out her own fires, with help from her defense. "I left her in there bccause of her speed," Meadows said. "She’s a very good piichcrand Brandi Cornat/er Is agood pitcher, loo. Hilton’s got morc speed bul Orandi has got a lot of control. Wc switch them up. Notes & Q uotes Freshman Shows Courage In Hurdles Race FreshnunFellonMayfielddidn'lwinlhehurdlesforDavie'strack leam last week, and he may never, bul he won more cheers than anyone. Coach Scott Young was touched by Mayfield’s courageous effort. '^yTield's not the most lalemed athlete in the world," Young said. "He ran the hurdles for the first lime and fell twice. But I wanl you 10 know he got up and finished those hurdles. And I mean he was gassed, knees scrapped up from falling, bul he finished and thal fired up our team, fired up Mt. Tabor and fired up everybody there. "Everybody in thal stadium was pulling for him. A lot of them were taughing, but it spoke well that he got up and finished thal thing.” Young's mood changed a lot in one day. On Ihe eve of Davie's bi^est day yet. Young was fuming when several team members airived late for praclice. "I was very angry and very unhappy with our practice Wednesday." he said, long afier cooling ofT. ”I had a number of guyt helping with that cheerleading send-off and all that. I lold Лет dial cheetleadiag diing is greai. bul they need to be focused on (lying to bcal M l Tabor. Thai should have been our primary goal. I jomped them pieuy hard, you know, basically aired whal 1 feh.” ■ He feh like partying one day later, when Ihe War Eagles shockedI Tabor leam dial hadat Ion a leajp« meet in five years. ”They ieip(»bla«ldidw ta«they hadlodo.-Young said. They deserve аШЬестнШ.’ M l Tifecr ЬмеЬаП coach Ed W eiu enviiioas a bumper-car Jo«neyllnn«blkeCeMralPiedmnuCaafeience.He could berighL It e d e M 4 champioB Spartan collided hard with Davie lasl Wday,h>»Mvived3-Z "I told Coach (Jerry) Walser before the game thal I felt like each team in Ihe conference would pretty much beal on each olher." Weiss said. "Whoever wanls to rise to the top is going to have to get acouple breaks, and jusl for one day this is our break." Weiss expected nothing less than a dog fight from Improving Davie. "There’s someihing aboul Davie County," he said. "I think Coach Walser does a great job gelling his players ready, especially for the bigger games," he said. "They've done a lot of work and ihey're irying lo gel Ihemselves lo where ihey want to be. They’re righl on." Walser credits all of his baseball knowledge lo Glenn coach Dale Ijames, considered by many as Ihe state’s greatest teacher of the game. "Jusl aboul everything I know, he uughi me." said Walser. a forther assistani when Ijames coached the Mocksville-Davie Ameri­ can Legion leam. "He’s helped me tremendously.* Walser absorbed mote lessons last week, when Ijames' Bobcats bombed Davie for eight unanswered runs in a 9-4 win. 'We made acommitmem after the Glenn gan>e Ihat we were going to gel belter at the offensive part.” Walser said. "Even though we only had one day (of practice between games), we broke it down to some things and tried some new ideas that, lo be very honest with you. I slole from Glenn. I saw what diey were doing, saw silualions dial we could brush up a little bit on, and I thbik it worked a litUe bit” Somediing worked. Davie hammered Statoville for 27 runs in Saturday's doubleheader sweep. ’D 'fcanb c y o u f t woidafld 10 have fHeadilike aU of you. I kaow with your help I will ka аЫе to Mr yw ia t e of leed, like you have helped me. Special t a b to WUIiia R. Davie Fin Ihyt, Oivie Сооиу EMS, Rescue Squad iid Otnfe Com^calioBf. I anieciale those who paiticipaled in Uk «Ш Г (w yow «te doMBd Ikdr tiiae ad k)ve. DiiaaU'Tirebar 1ЯИ ia « кям ^ doiai attoBely weO. He b oa Ike road 10 recoveiy. i| lii!» « M Wii**M tyq»dM |ily,(M ' ' ' JohnqraadHatelJcoea C a U C a r o U n a IKlMESik’ parAqr TheM iniD iab S atem tc S c rv k c ‘ SS-si, NoEqdpmenlTaPunhaaa . i 'PrlniiSlvSunitatMaMalneMEiiulpinenl'уоияолшеоитгяштшгля отлит The War Eagles' Jessica Whitley unieases a pitch. 'We've got agood little ball team. (Assistant John Wiiiiams) and 1 werc ver>’ well pleased." • The score wasn’t indicative of Davie’s dominance. The War Eagles had four runners thrown ouHry ing to steal home.. ..Spillman led with two hits and Hilton, Slacy Queen, Amanda Bailey and Amy CampK'll had one each. Campbell laccd an insidc-the-parkhomcr."ltwasaline- drive down the third-base line," Meadows said. "No doubt aboul it, it was by her.".... Earlier in the vseek. the War Eagles (6-0 overall. 1-0 Cemral PicdmomConfercnce)rouied Northwest Ciibarrus 24-2 and Mt. Tabor 17-4. Queen's torrid hitting started then, when she combined for four hits in ihc two games. Spillman loiallcd three hits. Jerri Ann Angell, Ashley Bracken Is safe, just beating the throw home. - Photos by James Barrlngsr COMING TO MOCKSVILLE SatarAqraMlSMMbqf __ Aprl4SS,19M Ben Franklin Saturday, 10 am to S pm Sunday, Ito 5 pm C o l o r P o r t r a i t P a c l i a g e S p e c i a l 3-ax10'a 3-5KTa 12-WalMa *13“ *2M D ^ n m H iiilMaKinalrawym«MM,. DON'T Miss IT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO N0 AGE LIMIT ADULTS TOOl All work Giiarantecd by: T R I V E T T E S T U D IO Ben Franklin WWowOrtiCanlar«MoclcavHH. NO DAVJE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 : iSouth Davie's Nell Rice slides safely Into third base In the Tigers' 6-5 loss to neaiby rival North Davie. ^^Idcals Ovenx)n№ Tigeis; Win Iv ^ I Continued From Page Bl ; aggressive und ihcir pilchcr threw ; strikes nnd ours didn'i. That was about ; the limit of it." ■ Dull’s resiliency imprc,sscd his ; coach. ”Hc pitchcd excellcnl,” Brunelli ! said. "He got into n liltle trouble in ! the fifth - he walked iwo and then /ended up hilling two guys - but he / fought his way oul and our defense played rcally well. Wc didn'i make too many errors and he wasjust plich- : ing very consisleni, throwing a lol of strikes." >: Nell Rice and Jason Hogue, two lalentcd all-around athletes who skipped last season, paced South wiih iwo hits each. Poplin had one hil. Barnes Baffles Knox Parker has maintained time and iiagain that if the Tigers find quality ipilching, the outlook will brighten 'considerably. >■ Lonnie Barnes promplly went a 7s!cp further, throwing a no-hittcr in 18-0 romp over Knox last Thurs- r<Ja'y. "He did good," Parker said. "He Jhrçw the ball across the plate. "I feel like if our pitchers can let •the guys hit the ball, we'll be able to •;ficld it and make the plays. But i f we •Ji^p walking them, wc’rc going to ••jM.in trouble. Our pitchers have got :: Ifli work on Ihcirown some, too. You !‘know, the coaches can’t do it all. '•■;Thcy have lo work on Ihe weekends :ihrowing." Outfielders Wright und Rice made ioinning catches to preserve Barnes' gem performance. Rice shined ihe plate ns well, stroking Ihrcc hits, including a home nm. Hogue, who moved from the bolUJm of Ihe order lo leadoff, and Daywalt had two hits apiecc and Poplin, Robbie Dove, Willoughby McKenzie, Barnes, Kellcn Millcrand Greg Br(K)ks had one each. There's room for morc produc­ tion ul the plalc, however. "Some of the guys arc stilt nol hilling Ihe way they should he hit­ ting," Parker said. "Maybe it’ll come along lalcr In Ihc year." Norih Wins Again North Davle and High Point Wesleyan traded punches for most of the way Thursday. But il was Ihe Wildcats who were standing In Ihe end. outlasting High Point 15-11. After five wild innings, the Wild­ cats pul the game away wiih a thrce- run sixth inning thal stretched their lead lo five runs. ’’They played really well," Bninclli said, "becausc they jumped om to a 5-fl and our kids didn't put their heads down. They didn'i think Ihc game was over. They rcally showed me alnt.They rcally stepped up." Ironically, the slugfest was de­ cided by North'sdcpcndabledefense. RclievcrClint Stanley relied on con­ trol and the fielders made the routine plays. "Hejust put il over, let them hit il, and I don't have any problems be­ cause 1 know our defense will do well." Brunelli said. "Clint did one heck of a job, He came In, threw nothing but strikes and had a lol of grounders that our infield just ale up." Outncldcr Brandon Gentry made u spectacular play on a hil that squashed a High Polnl rally. '•iSouth Davie's Dave Poplin fires a pitch. "He caught it, gunned It into the infield, ended up catching Ihc guy n>unding sccond kk) far and gol him in a run down." Brunelli said. "Thai was a big play becausc thal was the Ihird oul and they had a little rally going." Josh Golding led the offensive attack with two hits. North gol one each fromCollStanley,Clinl Stanley, Doug Smilh, Sullivan. Dull, Sain and Justin Dotson. North Davie's Jon Duii follows through on a pitch. He got a , complete game win over South Davie. - Photos by James Barringer HOMA SAVMGS • н(ш SMmes • YOU THOUGHT YOUR ir s o H L Y m m a N K M e im im a a ia iH O N D A O u is i •MwSP f id a li cwutoDan it b uiko n In n t and raliobilHy - ond thoft.w hol v m hoM in YOU. So, if you're о TAX REFUND toon, odino and la t u il W i* hara to Ь ф you. lè v » Ih * M M it o f Я ю и h e r .Whan youpimhaw о MfMM It up to $1,9 0 0 . YOUR TRADE IS WHiCOME AT GBUCr WOOD HONDA. PUSH IT, DRAG OOWIT. WE W il Allow YOU $1500 ON ANY PRE-OWNH) HONDA TOR YOW TRADE. '• T W O M B â MuitS«alVlilMMI^ NOW Л Ш Л U M B A M I t t L N O W * Ü & 0 0W SSBfiSSr —w ---- P I R S T T I M I ■ U Y I R f P K O 0 R A M Ju<oulolHi|jhSd«x^l8-25wQn<ili»T^ttwn*senioMI«Crarm i^(jiMplAoul»wti'»*«pi»wmiJcottCglouttoatiwiyiaitDwiiCab».| j j e a g u e S o f tb a ll S ta r tin g S’ ThcLoncHlckoryRecreatlonDe- a limit to the number of teams, and partment is accepting leams Гог the tcamswlllbeacceptedonrirst-came, iQimmer softball league. nrst-serve basis. 4 ; Men, women and church coed To enter, call 336-463-4S32. taas w ill beaccepted.Thet«wiUbe Deadline for enteiingwillte April 3. CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • JEEP EAGLE • KIA • HONDA g e r r y W o o d AUTOCENTRE 525 Jake A le xa iid o i Blvd. S. • 1 85 E xit 75 SAUSBURY • 637 9090 1 800-296-W O O D i - IM V IK c tN jm y KN TKKPKisi!; k k cu k u , April 2, v m News :ï3> April 1998 SPECIAL DATES AND EUENTS DF INTEAEST FOA MDCKSUILLE CITIZENS Compost Site ChangesMflNHGER’S CORNER On behalf of the community I would like to welcome the Kaydon Corporation. Kaydon designs, manufactures, and sells custom-engineered products for a broad and diverse customer base. Kaydon's principal products include anti' Ion bearings, bearing systems and components, fillets filler housings, specialty retaining rings, specially balls, custom rings, shaft seals, hydraulic cylinders, metal castings and various types of siip-rings. These products are used by a wide variety of customers for medical instrumentation, material handling, machine tool ilioning, aerospace, defense, construction and other ilrial applications. We are extremely excited to have Kaydon opening Iheir 20th plant ia«out'communily. We look forward to a good Itl*dp4p W with out newesi corporate citizen. ................................................ ,f Mocksville Council took steps on February 3rd (jMenter inlo a Mutual Aid Agreement with olher ‘Silht state lo assist each other during a natural I did,we know lhal we would be called upon to wn. Public Works Director Danny Smith and his vé.days in Mayodan helping that communily lo 1 the tornado lhal became one of their worst №We «te proud of our crew and Ihe leadenhip the ei^lii adopting this aggreemenL We would like :e low fortunate we are to have a man like Danny irii^ in his job and conHnues lo work day ‘aa4!,(orjiur5omihiuilty, M l fQrothfts as well. g 'i Terry C^rftlley. Ttpvn Manager KEEPING MOCKSUILLE SAFE In the event of an emergency, visible street atldress numbers aid ambulances, police, and other rescue teams in the easy location of your residence or business. The Town of MocksvUle Addressing Ordinance requires the address number to be posted and maintained within a three foot perimeter ofthe fhmt door ofthe residence or business in a place that can be viewed easily from the road. For your safety, please mark your designated area, curb, and/or both sides of your mailbox with numbers that can be clearly identified from the road in both day or night. Community Spring Clean-Up The Ibwn of Mocksville is sponsoring a clean up day on Saturday, April 18, from 8 am -1 pm. The Town will provide dumpsters at the Rich №rk ball field. There are certain items that will not be accepted in the dumpsters. These include: chemicals, paint, ofl, tires on the rim (tires not on the rim will be accepted). If you have any questions, please call the Town Hall at 751-2259. The Compost Site will be open every Saturday, except Holiday Weekends, during Ihe months of April, May, and June. Yard waste may be dropped off durii« the week by appointment only by calling 751-5500. Please do not throw yard waste over the fence when Ihe gate is bcked. Residenis of tbe Town of Mocksville are alkmed to wahe the dumping fee at tbe compwt site for one truck kiad of yard waste per month. Purchase fees: Mukh - $5 per scoop Leaf Compost - $3 per scoop DnpOltfits: IstkMdofyanlmsteptrioillitimfTon R«idNtsOil]i) Ihck load of yard waste - $5; 1/2 tmck kwd or kss - $3 VtaiH»roi,CIuif liwiniceRayCmerJ,- Smie Dulin T o iy jo h is o n i'-' ШСооШу BobHall Randy Ciràier RidudScMct Gail Kelly TtrryBniUey, Гон'п Manager 7SI-2259 RkMSiii.filiuChitf 751-906 Dmy SmA. Public WbHa Dinoor 7SI-2SÜ Mietei Garnir, Semiuion Oirtctor 75I-2J2S Ш Osborn, FlitChiif 7SI-m mViunm. Paria àCmiidi 751-5500 ÜMShuifjt SmorC(MtrDirtc№r 751-0611 «Шш «Шеу, ВшШч Inspcttion 751-2791 Ш 0 а1||ап.риш11|&2(ш1| 751-3340 RchftCooi Animal Coanl 751-0227 -ш ч uiM Гог iigion.MunUy, Afra 2S, Гпма an tavH«<,to put « thilr diKlai alMu. A Ш Grther up .« your lu^kalloiu (pmcrìplloa ft «n-prticriHIoa) tod Ы1ч «юн lo Wit-Mut oa AprU » , fh>n МО.Ш - JìOOpm, и Ihe Mnkir Center ft Wil-Ubul Ы Mockiyfflt арошог • Iro n Вч McdioUoa Check. Mark White, pharmaclil al Wal-Mart. wUI euunhii aU умг amUcalhMi шшЛ Hivlit you of aay polenllal pnklemt or duplkalloiu. There will abo be infoniiuiogal brochum м atdkalio* lu u iim it intUlria. So laUiar lU you pilb mod tel your qucstiOQs answerfd. Il cottU Mvt your UJtk Р1ВП1ПД ^ D lo r (bheraeo ft vomeii m laviled to Iha НоокИ « ПаЫч ItenuMM n Mniay, 1ши И, biÿmlii al 4:00pm al Lake Myen Retort. Prim wilt ho fhtei (ar Iha hineal ft aaMriM flak cuiiht, la wall at olher orinairm ai a.«»« {tijcis nnwn« rnm WUI M §l -----^hrioi Ihc hoi dog topper, you hrii« your ICeoler al 751-0<ll for Ihc delaila or lo rtfitlarl! For noit loromalloa 0« atnriia aad I M ill K M iii 1 1 iim m 1’никч г, m i Pleate feel №к lo call Ihc Rec. Dept, al 7JI-UU for lafiirmalk» ou Iht roUowtngpromau and special evealt. >- yрИсе hooit! Monday -Friday Ian - Jpm '- Before - SlS^r week or S4 hy the day.ABer • S25 per week or S7 hy Ihe day. lioor chUd lo have a Ain and ncMhtf ааашегм Ihc Rk. Depk $<0 per week or SIS 1^ Ihe day. flmSqVthanilay • Трш, Salnrdayt • tOaaCoal! S IS p e r i ^ ^ 2 dap a week or $M per moolh Ibr 3 dayi a week orS3 DfT СП Я. Ой|М М |! wt art looUeg fcr volutotn to bt ■ мсШ fttead. СаД КатИнШтш H 7Si-2xSr* ^“ ■ MaylMi*2M«Lo - -• Sat. May U • tW Brack Gm fte Wifc • 9MÌ.I. Sat, May M t ihi 1 YaiUi Acmi.12Ж Su per pmw It |й a hw uMit Vw шу гчИ» ÜKiuyortiMraetferSU.СМШквШММ1'5а&, April 19HorMtsn.Mi(k C<M:$7pcrtkbi 'Æd M U B ttltÉ K lH H - SoMnlbe deadliat ■ Tii, April № оГ35огоккг,7шссоа1вП11мщк.1)ер1. abon Daria Conaly S« laaia соиЫ of nnu ia baikMbal, nrlüiadat, fH, Irack, Shenашскшоп. 4 ky Ita Diiila Саму Scalar СаМаг, or ta raflalcr thr any ofГ1И» «W wnm «7 (Ш MTW Vtwiy atMNf tIho akon пгама, cal Un SeriMT Cadar al m-7SI4iU SERUICE DIREtlORV IMPORiflNi PHONE NUMBERS HoeknfflalMw/ltiitvPNblMM: llM im iaaH lfw 7S14m Alt* HWis * P l* * * : 7 M 4 W BUMiHtfAacoMt OmtloiMî7»mw This ia the bnsiiMs nuiabw tor EmBigcocy Communicatioiu. Fleaae do not Call.with qutiticaa abiMt your bill. М ка|>ИиЯМ 1еа1]к»11 ^wШЬcawкk¿flмtêtaìÿIÏl«ШaalnalnorcШ lamMon! Liiioa Coach, GewitDaynk; Die Caach,J(fty Waken GkaaHiih S(haolCoKk,IMeI)ainta;andAÌkltllcDlnclar,JMBoTtllt.■ Jaac21-U*Macfa«llbMlddlaSchaolWlidby!Cabi>baCaech, ]-7,1ааЫ]«т-Се«|$75 iM*Coft SIM ' А|Н:Ы5 Soulh Daria Middle School: siatliai in lane. Dalit ft Tri,AprilU.Uyou'naiealor ' ~ ' Scalar Сааиа. Tha 'Aiti,aadanKh, ___ Monday-Triday,fc]lnahtaai Bradi CytL No chaifc.Wa prtKonchackiaadiaceallYalnatM atreiylkeaaHalta. Co«! Sl perd» ■ Uttmoct Воие-ТМат, April 1«, CmI! S4I; linihaaka Zoo, М 1 « а Ы М И |М М Е |а 1 |-BMaaft taaaTIA _ . _ MUIipaBSacnMaiyoniEaaltrlaakalauliaM jJ||«lig||flüblM -A >railtbballb NEllJ EHCHRNGE HNÜ RREfl CODE II you live la MocksvUle, your new exchaofc b751AromthcpaitU4. " i* f t o 33«. Thfa change took place on M arcliM .lW . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - C Ì «We've set the camp Up to be a fun place, a place to have a ball. But our main concem and desire is to reach as many young people as we can with the gospel of Jesus Christ.* - Stan Riddle C a m p M a n n a Christian Youth Retreat Taking Shape Near Cooleemee “Behold I will rain bnad from heaven for you. ’’ Exod»tt6;4 By Mike Bamhardt Davie Couniy Enterprise Record COOLEEMEE-The Lord miraculously supplied the Israelites with manna - or nourishment - on Iheir trip through the wilderness. A Oavie man is hoping, with the help of the Lord, to provide some spiritual nourishment lo young people from across this part of the countiy. Already, Sum Riddle has received help from numerous individuals, churches and businesses. And when Camp Maiuia оре1ц on Pine Ridge Road пеш here, it will be a place for young people to get away from the pressures of the world and come closer to die Lord. “Kids have so many pres­ sures ihese days. This can be a place where they can get away and relax,” Riddle said. A seven-acre lake has been built for swimming, canoeing, and other water sports. A long road has been built (With a donation of SSO loads of dirt) into tbe property. Plans include bail fields, a gymnasium. outdoor basketball court, tennis court, miniature golf course, waler slide, cable slide, hiking trails and archery range. “We've set the camp up to be a fun place, a place to have a ball. But our main conccm and desire is to reach as many young people as we can wllh the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want youth everywhere to know lhat there is hope for tomorrow, thal life Is worth living, and help can be found in none other than our Lord Jesus Christ." Riddle is familiar to the problems and needs of young people. He's youth pastor at Victory Baptist Church here, but stresses that while tlie church has helped in the efforu to build Ihe camp, that it will be nonde- nominational. “ At age 16, Riddle accepted Christ into his lifel By age 19, while in college, he was serving as a youth pastor. ’ “I’ve seen the trials kids go through, and Ihe heartaches they have, and I have a special burden for them,” he said. The construction of the camp, which will be able to house 200 young people a week, is at a point to where monies are needed. Riddle has made the circles, telling people and churches about the plans. He's contacted foundations, seeking funding wherever possible. The goal is to build the camp without debt. “We don't want lo charge on arm and a leg for kids lo come here,” he said. “It's our heart's desire not to turn a kid away because they can't afford it." Riddle and another man started looking for a site for a camp several years ago, search­ ing Ihe mountains of North Carolina, Virginia and Tennes­ see, and other siles. Every time it seemed that a site was ready, something would happen. They had almost decided the Lord didn't want them to build the camp when a friend ap­ proached Riddle in 1994 about a farm for sale on Pine Ridge Road. The site was perfect. More land was purchased, and most of the major grading has been completed. “We're really just getting started. Our vision is to run it year-round, to meet a lot of needs of the family... nnd reach people with the gospel," he said. "The Lord is Ihe greatest power of all... and we're tmsting him." The Camp Manna boaid, which also includes Bud Riden­ hour, Phil Franklin and Dr. Leonard Aldred, sponsors several fund-raising events during the year, including a golf touniament. Steve McCullum of Old Mill Studio near Mocksville has See Christian-Page €3 Stan Riddle has a display of work In progress on Camp Manna, and renderings of wtiat Ihe log buildings will look like when (XMTtpleted. Адут1Цн1шп, cafttarla and bunk houaaa are among the bifMnga to go up at Camp Manna. A seven-acre lake haa been conatriictad, with watar apofts sik^ aa swimming, boating, fishing and a water aUde in №•; camp's future. • Plwtoa by RoMn FWgMaaon ‘ 'Ll C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 penniston-Hendrix Couple Married Paige Lynnctlc Dcnnislon and ^ Kevin Dcluno Hcniirix were united ^ in marriage on March 28 at 4 p.m. al ^Hardison Uniietl Mclhodist Church. ¿The Revs. Jhimiy Myers and Sandra ^ Manin ofriclQicd the double-ring •¿eremony. r ' The bride is Ihc daughter or Pee rWce and Emily Couch or Mocks- ^viltc, and (he granddaughter of Dol jPowc and \hc idle Bob Powc of {Mocksvillc, and Nellie Couch and phe lale George Couch. She is u ^gpjduate or Davie High Schw)! and employed by Autumn Care of ‘ Mocksvilte. .- - The bridegroom is the son of • Delanoand Amy Hendrix ofMivks* • ville. and ihe grandson of Florence ■ and Eckerd Hendrix of Mocksville j and Lois Kelly of Salisbury. He is a I graduate of Davie High School and • Mitchell Communiiy College, and is employed wiih ihe Mocksvillc Po­ lice Departmeni. ! N The bride was csconed by her fa­ ther and given in marriage by her parents. She chose a while satin and laL'c bridal gown, designed wiih u . high neckline. The filled princess ‘ bodice was enhanced wiih handbeaded .Schifft embroidered medallions wiih iriple sirand pearls acccnted wiih a keyhole back, ll had Icg-o-multon salin sleeves accented with sequins, lace and pearls, filled to a bridal point, a dropped basque waistline with a bow at ihe back waist, wiih u full shirred skirl and cathedral irain wiih beaded embroi­ dered medallions. Her Tmgertip veil of silk illusion was altachcd to a headband with lily of the valley and pearls. The bride carried a cascading bouquet of fresh while roses, pink siargazcr lilies and frasicr. Crissy Drake, sisicr of ihe bride, served as matron of honor. Brides­ maids were Christina Cundiff, friend of Ihe couple: Tiffany Vandall. friend of ihe bride; and Rencc Blackburn, sistcr-in-law of Ihe bride. Aulumn Denniston, ihe bride's daughter, was the llowcr giri. The groom chose his falhcr as bcsl man. Groomsmen were: Bryan Hendrix, bnithcr of Ihe groom;. Mike Cundiff, friend of the couplc; and Daniel Malthcws. friend of ihe groom. Eddie Blackburn, brother of Ihe bride, and Bryan Hendrix were acolytes. Andrew and Ryan Dennlslon were Ihe ring bearers. Allemling the guest register was Teresa Ebrighl, sister of the bride. Kalhy McCulloh directed the wed­ ding. A program of wedding music was presented by Kay Payne and Pal Campbell, pianisi, and Beth Camp­ bell. soloist and flutisl. Following a honeymoon to Pi­ geon Forge, Tenn., the couple will make their home in Mocksvillc. Receplion The bride and groom’s parents hosied a reception following the ccr­ cmony. Guests were served wedding cake, cheese ball and crackers, meat­ balls, cocklall wienccs In sauce, pi­ mento cheese and chicken salad, croissants, fruit salad, sausage balls, miniature quiche, cheese biscuits, chicken fingers, peanuts, pickles, vegetable iray and dip, ham and uir» key roll ups und punch. Assisting wiih serving were Billie While, Sissy Kimrey, Kay Payne, Rita Tutlle, and Jennifer McCiamrock. Rehearsal On Friday. March 27. the bride and groom’s family hoslcd a re* hearsal dinner.Guests were served country slyle steak and gravy, grilled chicken and rice, green beans, mashed potatoes, green pea casserole, slcamcd veg- eiables,, baked bans, rolls, banana pudding, chcesccake, chocolatc cups and a groom's cake. Social Events • The bride was honored on Jan. 24 with a lingerie sliower hosted by Crissy Brake, slsier of the bride, • On March H the couplc wus hon­ ored with a miscellaneous shower given by Renee Blackburn, Tiflany Vandall, Christina Cundiff and Nellie Couch. • On March 26. the bride was hon­ ored wiih a shower given by her friends and co-workcrs al Aulumn Care. • A bridal dinner wus held on Maa'h 25. The bride chose Ihis time to present gifts to her allendants. The groom was also given a dinner on March 25, at which lime he prcscnicd gifts to his attendanls. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - СЭ Mrs. Kevin Delano Hendrix Cana News By John "Cain” Godwin Cana Corrcspondenl The Cana Homemakers family nighl was a big hil. There werc aboul SOpeopIe present and picniy of good food and deserts. There was a band lhat played some bluegrass music thal everyone enjoyed. Those home­ makers do a fine job of keeping up the old Cana Academy and giving Ihe communiiy a placc to mcel and enjoy fellowship. A salemuns was in casicrn Norih Carolina and saw a big farm. The farmer happened lo be oui working on his fence, so the salesman pulled over and said lo ihc farmer, 'That's u lot ofcows,Ho\vmanydo you have?” The farmer said, "About 600." Then Ihe salesman said, "That is one big bull. How many bulls do you have? "The farmersald. "Only ihalone." The salesman said, "Can one bull keep up with 600 cows?" The fanner said. "The Vet gave mc these pills arc they?" The farmer said, "I didn't know bul Ihey taste like pcppennlnl."The Ealons have some kind of big .scale on ihcir fann. It is big enough for a farm tractor. I wonder if lhal is for weighing corn or bass? Thai Is one big honking fish. Spring has Sprung, The Choir has Sung, And the fun has just Begun, Put up Ihc Gun, Nexl year we wili shool One, Nol like Ihis year. None, Whal do Ihc neighbors Say. Hey, Faye, Whai’ya plantin Today. Faye will say with a Straw hat on her Head. Comc help in ihe garden Bed, And you can find oul when Ihese Tomatoes turn Red. Happy belaled binhday to Eugcna Myers. ‘H o p e F o r T h e H u r t in g ’ W o r k s h o p S t a r t s A p r il 1 8 C ro s s S t it o h B o o k s , S im p lic it y & B u t t e r io k P a t t e n u Inquln about OUT CLASSES FOR BEWDjg *i QUll.TlNO L o n g - K o llin s E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d ■t- Mr. and Mrs. Mavihcw B. Long of Chailonc announce the cngagcmcm Ihcirdaughlcr, Amy Carolyn, 10 Scoli HadcnKollins of Kalamazoo, Mich. |;-,TIic bridc-clcci is a graduate oflhc Univcisily of Nonh Carolina al Chapci ; WII. She is a manger wiih Ernst & Young LLP.Dr. Kollins is the son of John and Barbara Kollins of Mocksvillc. Ho is a •^^uatc of Duke University and earned master's and PhD. degrees from ■Twibum University. He is a member of the slaff at Western Michigan Uni- [fiirsily in Kalamazoo. [t^mie couplc plan an August wedding in Charloiie. È e n io r B r e a k f a s t P la n n e d Dr. H. Norman Wright's “Hope for Ihc Hurling” video series is scheduled lo siarl al ihc Davie Counly Public Library April 18. The 13 sessions w ill continue each Saturday 4-5:30 p.m. Make-up sessions will be provided al other dales and places for ihosc who cannot ailcnd one or iwu of the scheduled sessions. Have you ever wondered what to say or what lo do to help a bereaved friend. i\ relative who encountered a tragedy, or u neighbor coping wiih a disaster? Several local civic and religious leaders arc presenting ihese spccial "Crisis Care'* workshops to leach fellow citizens how lo deal effeclively wiih people who are Hillsdale News hurting. Each Iniercsicd individual will be rcquircd lo register with a $9 fee for his or her copy of Wright’s 136-page workbook. Registration must be completed by April 6 lo be tissured lhat workbtwks are available for the firsl meeting. Call the individuals below for more informalion, or mail name, address, and phone number wllh rcgislralion fee ($9) payable to Professional Scrviccs. P.O. Box 832. Mocksville, NC 27028: Calvin Ijames, 492-2371; Marilyn Moll. 751 -5332; David Owens, 99«-5373: Dorolhy Graham, 751-1100; Mark Jones, 492-2783; or Carolyn Beaver, 99K-4470. Р И С Е SlWINOClNTIIIакаии.т1я'>НАУ1н ll9SilM»]fySliK<.MockivlH. (336)751-5417' >i.TIic Davie Counly Senior Cenier be hosling a Single Seniors :fl%ikfa5t on Wednesday, April 8 at a.m. in Ihe East Room of Ihe ;,tThe breakfast is opened lo all se­ niors who are widowed, divorced, separaicd, or never married, and will include entenainmenl and company of old and new friends. Space is lim­ ited 10 Ihe first 50 register. RSVP by calling Ihc SeniorCenter at75l-06l I. By Benila Brandon WyatlHillsdale Corrcspondenl- The Hillsdale communiiy ex­ presses our sincere sympathy to Ihe family of Alice Potls who passed away last week. Brenda Hanes jusl relumed from a week of resland rclaxalion al Myrtle Bcach. Ken joined her for the week­ end. Please join us nexl Sunday nighl April S at 7 p.m. for our Eastcrdramu at Hillsdale BaptisiChureh. Wc have lols of exciting Ihings prepared for this nighl, and refrcshmcnls will be served afterwards so lhat wc may have a lime of fellowship.Happy Binhday to Loi esa While, Koixn Cook, and Shayna Turner. Pat^s Haircut & Curls 1050 Salisbury Road * Mocksville, NC 27028: 336-751-1031 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 6 pm Hairstylist Needed (Rent a Booth) Nail Technician Needed A p r i l S p e c i a l Save*25** J S S f tS b Save *5“ Perm i:, ' ------------------- Save^** H aircuts w* I M O U E S flO M S ! 1. Should I get a ROTH IRA? 2; I>61 need an Education IRA? 3. Which IRA is Right for Me? IBA ANSWERS! MOCKSVILLE SAVINGS B A N K ,.« 232 S. Main St. MoclcsvUle (704) 634-5936 i s r a k 5361 U.S. Hwy. 158 Advance (336)940-2420 C fir ls t ia n Y o u th C a m p B e in g B u ilt N e a r C o o le e m e e Cl VhuaCiJiuibl'uj C U .H iU .'iu u lio : Continued From Page Cl sculpted a limiled-cdition piece for Camp Manna, which will be given lo the flrst Individuals who donate $ 125 or more. ■ The camp Is locatcd in a rural, isolated atia, but conve- ;nient to people from across the [Southeast, he said. He’s already ^bought a home near the sile, nnd ;there ore good candidates for camp director, he said. For more informalion, contact Riddle at 336-284-2709, or wrile to Camp Manna, P.O. Box 795, Cooleemee, NC 27014. The name manna was cho,sen because organizers knew they would rely on the Lord. "Mention less of me and more of the Lord," Riddle said. "We thought the Lord would have to supply for us daily. The Lonl is that powerful, and we’re trusting him. He’s called us to help the children.” 1 ,^ "...Ш Ш Ш к 1'./ II.«f.., K.l.J/..,., . . • 1 ..'r.i > A ,,i .. . ^ , .....;..............-'■■■■/...I ■ • f " ....... ...................... /f !• nUf .......I l U . f , , ,"•<11 influii,, ,n„( tn, ''■••Im.-,,... Davie sculptor Steve McCullum created this piece as a benefit for Camp Manna. - Photo by Robin Ftrgutson Why Дя11 HumHiig For The School Board? I want to continue the tradition of excellence in education for which our ' schools are linown. Working together, I am convinced we can make Davie County schools the best in North Carolina.V t [0VOTE May f for Martin Craig Carter M a y o r A d d r e s s e s C o o le e m e e S e n io r s .The Cooleemee Seniors Citizcns . Club met March 23 with 32 members and three visitors present. The meet­ ing was callcd lo order by the vicc president. Ralph Hail. Prayer was said. The group sang "Tliere Is A Name I Love To Hear.” The chaplain gave the devotions, taken from St. John 2: 5. "Jesus' Miracle." Grady Spry. Cooleemee mayor lold of some improvemenls to be made in the lown. Chief of Police Tim Woolen and Richard Charles spoi(c on crime prevention. The minuies were read, The sun> shine and treasurer's reports given. The meeting adjourned with the group singing the cluh song followed with prayer.The next meeiing will be April 13. Performance Planned At Church H i. O rtal O f f n ... eíee»uníii • ^(oo\ Covt\ln^i ^buJwOuabmdt StJJUtÿ £num£tn <Wairdovt\biÿi íS tíS 0 \tn & (PCanli tSfiaei iPtannlng (910)766-9911МММ lUW • В«14« at—Ш llki Hop into Easter Easter Sunday Is April 12. Give someone a Spring to remember with Teleflora's Peter Rabbit”Spring Bouquet fresh flowers in an enchanting ceramic basket featuring a sculpted Hgurine from Beatrix Potter's" legendary story. Complementing the design are the author's classic illustrations.— ALSO — • Blooming Plants • SluffidRavbits• Cut FItwm • Sil* Flouw• Cemetary Amngments.ttc. D A VIE FLO R IS T 613 Wilkestx>ro Street, Mocksvllle {B B 'M (336)761-2264or 1-eiM344e21 a m , "We W lK Worldwide' Ï . C|é - D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPM SE RECORD, April 2,1998 riiV'rtv' .'I- ЧЧ, Ç o u p l e M a r r i e d A t E a t o n B a p t i s t C h u r c t i 'Betty Sue Mculows оГ Mocks- ■ Ville and John'Anlliony Holmann of Uninglon WCTC manied al 2 p.m. № ch 28 al Eaton Baptist Cliurch In MÌDcksviile. The Rcv. David Oilbieolhomciatcd.i The bride Is thè daughter of Bcity G; Wiles of Mocksville and thè lato James RogerWilcs. She isagniduatc ofi Forbush High School and is a secretary for Vocational Rchabilila- t¡o|i of Mocksvillc. The groom Is Ihc son of Rose LasWcr of Allania, Ga. He Is a grodu- olcofSoulhemGullford High School and Is In sales wilh Driycllne Joint and Clutch of Greensboro. The,bride was escorted by her daughter. Maicia Meadows. Karen Klrarcy of Mocksvllle was the maid ofhonor. Bridesmaids were Rcbccca Canner of Mocksville and Judy Par- A 'J t'í'.'í.'j sons ofStmcsvillc. The groom chosc Olll Robertson of High Point as his bcsJ man. Ushers werc Virgil Barker of High Point and Dylan Wiles ofMocksville.Kacic Watts, cousin of the bride, was Ihc flower girl. Tammy Spry was the gucsi register attcndanl. The wedding was directed by Janel Gordun of High Poinl. who also de­ signed the nowers. Wedding music was provided by Kristen Geyer, soloisi, and Usa Malhews, pianisl, both of M(K*ks- ville.Recepllon A reccplion was held following tljc ceremony in ihc church .‘cllow- ship hiill. hosled by the bride's mother. Heavy Ijors'd’wuvres wcrecatcrcd by Carol Pendergrass, cousin of the bride. A four lier wedding cake wilh Iwo sntellile cakes adorned wilh ihe bridal color of burgundy was m»dc by Ihc bride’s aunt, Mnrlc Hanes. Following Q iioncymoon trip lo Gailinburg, Tenn., ihe coupic will make Iheir home in Mocksvillc. Social Evenl» • On March 20. the bride was given a household and lingerie shower al Sagebrush in Slalesvilie. Hosted by friends. • On March 26, the bride was honored with a breakfast hosled by co*workers. • On March 27 a rehearsal dinner was held In the church fellowship hall hosted by the bride and gnxim,' along with members of their fami­lies. L o c a l A r t i s t T o B e F e a t u r e d Ш Hitchcock of Mocksvllle will be a featured artist at "Spring for Art/Art for Spring," a fund-rals- Ing event for Wcalherspoon Art Gal­ lery that will feature an auction of works by Souihcastcra and tiational artists.The event will he Saturday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m., and will include u silent auction and raffle. The gallery Is on Ihc campus of the Univcrsliy of North C.irollna al Greensboro. Tickcl-s are $50 and include a so­ cial hour, gourmet dinner and dcs- •scrt. Cull Ihe Wcalherspoon office al 334-5770. Mrs. John Anthony Holmann C o o le e m e e C lu b T o M e e t A p r il 2 7 The Cooleemee Homemakers Cluh mcl March 23 In Ihe Cooleemee Library wilh four members present. Exicnslon Agent Peggy Nuckolls gave Ihc program, "Moisture in Ihc Home." She explained Ihnt mold Is a living organism. She told where mold is mosl likely to be found and whal to do lo gel rid of ll. The meeting adjourned wllh Ihc club collect. Tlie next mccling will be April 27. C o m a t z e r N e w s J o r d a n - E n g e l E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d ^Me\v)n and Palikla Iordan and Clyde and Vicky Fahnestock announce iMl Mpiement of their daughter, lennifer Fahnestock Jordan of Salisbury. W m ick D n kl Engel of Chariotte, the son of Daniel and Catherine Engel Chariotte, Fla. ' The bride-elect is a 1990 gnuluatc of Davic High School, and in 1994 earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications from (he University of North Carolina al Chapel Hills, where she was a member ofthe Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity. She Is creative director for The Jordan Group, an advertising/marketing/publtc relations firm, and a feature writer for Inside Carolina, a monthly Tar Heel sports magazine. <The groom-to-bc is a 1987 graduate of Catsktll High School (N.Y.). ami earned a bachelors of business administration degree from the University of North Carolina in 1994. where he was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. He earned a master’s of business adminlsiraiion from Duke Uni­venity in 1996. He Is an Investment banker with First Union's Capital Mar­kets Loan Syndications Group. The wedding is planned for April 25 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Salisbury. M a in v ille Y o u th R e v iv a l A p r il 1 9 -2 2 By Dottie Pott3 Comatzer Correspondent The Comatzer-Dulin Ladies Aux­ iliary will meet Tuesday. April Hat the firc department at 7:30 p.m.. Revival services will be held at Comatzer Baptist Church April 5 through April 8 with the Rcv. Phil Stringer from Florida holding ser­vices cach night at 7:30. Everyone Is invited to attend. A cottagc prayer mccling will be at the home of Pastor David Hudson Friday. March31 at 7 p.m.. Everyone is wclcomc to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, Clara Barney and Ella Smith made several visits last week Including Mr. Charlie Williams. Mrs. Louie and NelHc W il­ liams of Smith Grovc. Bertha Carter Tucker of Ccntcrclairc rcst home in Lexington and Helen Jones on Comalzcr Road. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Marla Smith Jr. in Freemont and attended the Daffodil Festival Saturday. Eva Potts visited her sisler, Mrs. Leona Bowens and Lena Wall Sun- day afternoon.______ i l B L E B a p t i s t C h u r c h D A V IE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, A p ril 2,1998 - CS P i n o N e w s Nora Latham Pino Correspondent ' Saturday, April 4, at lOa.m.. will be the annual clean-up al Wesley Chapel. The yard nnd Ihe cemetery will be cleaned. All Ihe Christmas nowers will be thrown away In prepa- lation for Easter, Upcoming events for Ihc Easier season are Maundy Tjiursday, April 9, a charge-wide service at Farmington UMC al 7:30 p.m. presented by the women of Farmingion tilled "The OlhcrTwelve Disciples," on Good Friday, April 10, a servlco at Wesley Chapel at 7;30p.m., Saturday, April 11, and an egg hunt lhal day al Wesley Chapel al 10 a.m. On Easier Sunday Ihe schedule has changcd from our nor­ mal Sunday schedule. Moming wor­ ship will be al 8 n.m. wilh breakfast following at 9 a.m. At 9:30 wc will have a special music program and at 10 a.m. we will have Sunday School. John Gaither is not feeling well. Wcsurelymlsshlmatchurchandwc hope he’ll be feeling bctler soon. The Pino Communily Cenicr is having a meeting In Ihe old Orange Hall on Monday, April 13, al 6:30 p.m'. Everyone, who Is interested In the restoration of the building, is urged to ullend. Leila Essie relumed home Sun­day night from a mosl enjoyable lour of Washington D.C. with three other mcmbcrsofihc Mocksville Womans Cluh, Slella Fisher, Doris Ruby and Gall Kelly. While there, Ihcy visited Mt. Vemon, Arlington Cemeiery and atlended the play "Sheer Madness," amongalherlhings.Thewealhcrwas great and the cherry blossoms were heauiirui. H a d l e y P a r t i c i p a t e s I n T r a i n i n g E x e r c i s e Marine Pfc. Peter V. Hadley, son oiSuc Hadley of400Tot St., Mocks- vltlc, rcccmly participated in a train- X exercise in the Arabian Desert Ic on a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), eipbarkcd aboard the ships of the USS Guam Amphibious Group (ARG). ^Hadley's unit participated in sev­ eral days of weapons training which entailed small arms fire, light ar­ mored reconnaissance tiring, and automatic grenade launchers train­ ing. }n addition, Hadley rcccivcd Clemmons C m c C enter A pril 6-10*^ 7pm Guest Speaker: Chris Hazelip Special singing each night V Don Jones, Pastor :Malnvllle AME Zion Church will Iuw a youlh revival April 19-22. lilie Sunday afternoon speaker, wai he the Rcv. lames L. Hunt of St. John AME Zion Church In Thomas­ ville. The program statu at 3 p.m. Nightly programs will begin at 7 p.m. Speaken wilMnclude: Monday, 10 be announced; Tuesday, Ken Furehes, youth minislcr at Blaise Baptist Church In Mocksvllle; Wednesday, Ihe Rev. Carilon Will­ iams, pasior of While Rock AME Zion Church In Granite Quarry. Pastor of tbe chureh is the Rev. Robert H. Bailey. O a k & T h is t le G a rd en s (a ip is a Featuring ★ 60+Varirti«orPerenniai9 ★ A ll Locally Grown ★ Priced Below W holeule ★ Free Plant w/’lV P u rc h iM ★ AialeasSforSS (Mtm-iMi q м м ц с м м 'м т к я м I J'" l/ 'Ж / -Ч. FREE GIFT WRAP B e th ’s H a llm a rk imining in squad maneuvers and de- .fensivc posturing. Hadley's unit is an expeditionary Intervemion forcc wilh the ability to rapidly organize for combat opera­ tions in virtually any environment. MEUs are composed of more than 2.000 personnel and arc divided into an infantry battalion, an aircraft squadron, a support groupand a com­ mand clement, Wilh the combina­tion of these teams. Hadley's unit supplies and sustains itself for cither quick mission accomplishments of clearing tlic way for follow-on forces. The 1996 graduate of Davic High School joined Ihc Marines Corps in August 1996. A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Sue Folmar celebrated her birth­ day March 27. She is our church organist and choirdirector. The choir gave a surprise party for Sue on Fri­ day night at the fellowship hall with 30 people attending. Sympathy is extended tothe fam­ ily of Mrs. Alice Polls. Also sympa­ thy 10 the family ofMarkland Potts. He resided in High Point but has many relatives In this communily. Karcn Comutzer Robertson was honored with a Siork Shower Sun­ day afternoon at the Babtist Church fellowship hall with an unusually large crowd allcnding. A summer Day Care program will be at the Melhodlst Church fellow­ ship hall beginning June 8 to July 31. Anyone inlcrestcd can contact the dircctur Dian Hackctt at 998*4872 (home)oralchurch998-OI99. Plenty of activities an; planned. Mrs. Gladys Jones had the mis­fortune lo fall at her home sustaining injuries. Fortunately no broken Iwncs. just bruises and soreness. H a le s - H e lt o n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Col. (Rel.) Terry L. nnd Maryielcn Hales of Clemmons announce Ihe engagemenl of Ihcir daughter, Camilla Eliiabcih Hales of Clemmons lo Chad Merrill llclion of Advance, Ihe son of Brenl and Mcrrillyn Hcllon of Rlvcr- bcnd Drive, Advancc. The bridc-clcct Is a graduate of Parkland High School and attends Meredilh Collcge, majoring in heallh scicncc. In Ihe fall, she will atlcnd Ihe Wake Forest School of Medicine physician assislani program. She was Miss Forsylh Couniy In 1994. The groom-lo-bc is a graduale of Davie High School and earned a': bachelor's degree in Indusirial rclalions from the University of North Caro-- Ilna at Chapel Hill. He is management associale al Ccnlral Carolina Bank in- Mocksvillc. C- The wedding is planned for 3 p.m. June 20 al Ardmore B:ipilst Church in ' Winslon-Salem. D a v i e F a m i l y Y M C A D a y c a m p R e g i s t r a t i o n a n d H e a l t h y K i d s D a y S a t . A p r i l 4 y 9 : 3 0 a m - 2 : 0 0 p m Job! us from 10 am -1 pm for KMM MtoMAy Oay. We wrill haw lots of fun activities and free prizes for ttie icids. All chlldron ages 5-12 are Invitedllll (Children can participate while parents register for camp.) Daycamp fees: $75.00 for YM CA members per week $100.00 for m>n-members per week Daycamp ages: Rising Kindergarten tlirough age 12 in order to reserve a space in camp, you must pay a deposit of 1 week and pay for your first week of camp on the day you register. Come early, we are expecting a waiting list, only 120 spots are available. The YMCA is a State licensed Daycamp program. Daycamp ThwnM: Week 1 - June 8-12 Disney Days Week 2 - June 15-19 A ll S U r Sports W eek3 - June 22-26 A ll Around the W orid W eck4 ■ June29-July3 SUrs and Stripes Week S - Ju ly 6-10 Holiday Week Week 6 - Ju ly 13-17 Spllsh Splash W eek? - July 20-24 P arty Week W rakS - Ju ly 27-31 Pol of Gold Тип ЛЛШУП Camp Is available for ages 13-15. In this camp, campers will learn leadership skills and win take exciting Held trips! Also, register Гог YMCA Summer Sports camps! Ш "Helping People Reach Their God-Given Potential in Spirit, Mind And Bogy" ■ f .. ! H o ld e r C o u p le C e le b r a t e s S O t h W e d d in g A n n iv e r s a r y On Sunday. March 22, Mr. and Mrs. John E Holder Jr. celebrated their I 5Mh wedding anniversary at the Clemmons Masonic Lodge from 3-S p.m., welcoming friends and relatives with many from out of town.The reception was given by their children and grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Home, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Faroham, John and James Home and Amber and Austin Farnham. •‘preparing D .C . M ortgage le ................... ..Here FO R Y O U ! ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS!! A f* Y m B i i r M In D « M ? 95% nnanctng for first time honwbuyers • 2nd MoTt|>m up to 135% of home value • 125% Debt Consolidation plus Cash Out • Doublcwides & Single wides wilh land - good rates • Home Improvements • Good Credit or Skiw Credit • Previous Bankruptcy • 1st Mortgages flxed rates as low as available • High DelMiUtios • Quick Pre-approvals • We want to help, give us a call! D.C. Mortgage, Inc. Ask for Cathy. Toll Free 1-888-441-2772 Local 336-492-2772 or Fax 336-492-9110 S P V r U G H T A Cut Above: Salon lives up to Its name ; Tammy Tucker loves hor woiV. If» challenatnj. Lots ol people coming and going. Each day brings a new challenge.- -ifsalllVeevervrantedtodo.'shesald. < She pours herself Into her business. A Cul Above, dally at her Advsnco Milon; -I lust enjoy r she said. "I lllie the dllferance In people. Everyone Timmy TuckerandMetlndaAngsll. BoiiolthemwockedtogelherlnalarBe VWneton-Saleni salon aaily In their careen. Tammy branched out on her o*nlhreeyeei*ago.andMellndaha»rece(illylolned#iesalon. Theyhave 1iyear«olhalr»tyllnge»peitencecomblnad.T Tammyttoughllongandhardaboutanamefaflhebuslnees.’Ona o( my friends started ttilnking of names and came up Mth a IM. ‘ACut A W was seleotedaahaf standard. , . ,: Both Tammy and Melinda are Davie County natives, graduatee of » v ie High and Bart)lion Beauty College. Tammy Is married to Jamee Tpcket. Her pararits are Polly and Jimmy My«» ol Advance. M d lnjrt hiisband Is Chris Angell, and they have a son. Chase. Her mother Is Katie OunpbcV«- ACutAboveencourageewalk-lntralflo. TammyandMeHndacutthe halrolwomen,menandchlldren,allatt»a»onableprice»: Theialonalso oSenaiwlltechnlclanandtwotannlnflbed».: ThesalonlsopenTuesdaythroughSaturday.AndltlsopenMonday n^ihlfofthetannlngbeduseonly. The salon offsr» a line olprofeselooal hfelrDroduoti.-: CaliT«minyarKlM«Un(to«IACiitAboveat99M673fofyouf nwl or tanning vWt l-.Jl ■,•^1 f e " " ! T^MyTectafsadMillidaAHMIofACiitAliowSalMilaAJwac». (iet \ ()iir Hti.sincss III I hc ( a l l 76 6 -4 1 2 6 ш А и т A M D c m m A ю л и т IMXConsoNdoNon* Rallnanclng*M8i2nd MoilgagM • Bockruplcy • Hiwciasuf« Progianw faf' H0MEBUYERSand12S% UVm olkibi« Щ и^птткт типШщиеяШ! jCHASEl I MORTGAGE I IfilH usqvam a Pine Needles •3.99 О т т а и н т ж ' Houn M-F 8-7 S*t.84Sun.l-& Seeds • FeitUiier • Beddine Plants H ^ E h a b d w a b e 998-1987 MO West to 801 Exit U ft Acnw from Bennuda Run 64Э1 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC s T f H i : Choin Sawstorts ' otimt $ 1 9 9 9 5 NoikheliMtUkeADfrrt ilC E s e U s V 1-5 « . D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPW SE RECORD, April 2,1998 S P O f L K H T Hinshaw Sand & Dragline ready to help your lawn lool( beautiful Spring Is here, and Logra Dhonnhok Is ready at Hinshaw Sand & Dragline In Hillsdale. Mulch, sand, topsoll, dirt, pine needles and straw.... just about anything you need to Improve your lawn Is available. And best of all — they deliver. Logra Dhonnhok and her father. Gray Hinshaw, opened the business In July 1997, completing a dream they had for working together In the lawn and garden business. It's located just off MO at NC 801 and Yadkin Valley Road. He had spent a lifetime In the dragline business, something Logra's husband Jimmy, and brother Dan Hinshaw have continued. Logra's father died soon after the garden center opened. Despite the loss, she has continued the business wilh a warm reception In the Advance community. But her the bumps for the business hadn't ended. In (November, someone stole her tractor that she used for loading. She had to close In January and Febnjary until she acquired a new tractor. "I don't know whether I was hurt the most or mad. it was the oniythingmy father taughtme to run.For somebody to steal it and threaten my business... it hurt. They took a part of me and my daddy." But she has resolved to keep the business going for herself and her dad's memory, 'They say if you start off bad, you will end up good. I'm hoping that wiil happen," she said. Hinshaw Sand & Dragline Isgeared upfor the spring planting season—sand, gravel, vrtifte took, brick chips, top soil, dirt, sand rock, creek sand, four kinds ol mutoh, potted plants, perennials amdmore. Straw. Plneneedtos. Logra Dhonnhok of Hinshaw Sand & Dragline has mulch, dirt, sand, pine needles and more. Hinshaw dredges and pumps its own sand, screens it and cleans It. "I’m just building steadily. I'm trying to get a little more as I go," she said. She can order boxwoods— English and American according to size. She also has concrete staturary and birdbaths. Hinshaw Sand & Dragline is also available for dragging and cleaning lakes. And their trucks are tor hire. Hinshaw Sand Is at 110 Yadkin Valley'Road, Adbvance, 996-0688. The hours are 8 to 5 Monday-Saturday. V OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 2 4 HOUR S E ftVIC E гоиш ипи I м я в OAS • Oli • lUCTwe • НШ punr iMciutm cmtmìàL*nwnMìki 766-2043 CLIHIMNS И.С. COUeiON CONNECTION ■OOYSHOP foreign Л Domestic Free tsHmales 20 years experience 7 M - 4 0 3 9j»»dsoa*2«h^_ f S o a p D u J o u r Spedalitlng In aromatherapouticbaiti'&fYii tjody pfoducts. Wo have soaps designod to] Mt you up In Ihe momings, piotJycjs * i òes»fl«d lo pfomoie rosi al night. We ovon; havo a soepto help you calch rish. But/ best of all. U ol (tf products «a 100% natinL' Cathy Baskin 766-7056 ^ Patsy Movwry 766-9024 R e p l a c e m e n t W i n d o w s , tney Flooring H oun: Mon., Tuc«., Thurs. flfF r i.lO ^ Ш с А Ю -!; Sat. 10-2 S p e c ia liz in g In ... G M p c tf ir V in y l C e m n f c H e H M d w D o d H o o w Ы к в а к Ы в ш О а и а й я Т о д л ( » 1 0 ) 7 6 6 4 ) 7 3 3 20Умга ' HomOtm П То Tht PubHc ij n * lS 3 5919*C J a m e s S t C lon^ w ons IjOsv Ì9eii*hi • ^<м в 2 л wetA • S t e n t & ^ e it c u n o H t “T a a t U • “D o e t o n A V ie U e ia M , M ocksville 634-1423 Caff^afi^coMu//a/ion Winston-Salem 659-1364 D O R O r a r S m I д с с о ш и ш б s u n a , n c . & AeeoMnttng, В м а п еи & Ш Ш Л м яг -ШЛиТ— -■ms i' MA' '• V * • 3770-B Clemmons Rd Hwy 158 • Clemmons (3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 - 5 5 7 2 951 Hwy 66 South Suite 3-B • Kemersville (3 3 6 ) 9 9 3 - 7 8 2 8 •Add Beuity & Comfort • QuMar • Roduca Malntanance • Naw UKra-EHkMant lOyplon Qaa t Four-Coat Low-E . .,• Woodgraln Finliha« • tinulatad Frames• Replacement Doort a Hrd Vinyl SMIng "MilUr Building A Remodelingpeace of mind." 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 ,, '» ¿ » r M . D a vid M ille r, O C R Sincc 1980 Ifyou have no time lo cook, then try my stress- free, personal culinary services E x p e r i e n c e Dining In Customized Menu Complete Grocery Shopping • Meal Prepamlion In Your Home '• Variety of Healthy Meals • Finest Vegetables • Top Quality Meats • Freshest Fish Yonr personal cbetf, Tbomas Ptrro, has over'. Iweni^j/eara qfexperlence tn Ibe culinary .: arlj; it two week service, tnchuHngfoodfttr: '■ two, is regularly SlfOLNtmmifySMSOfir . flrsl Mme etutemtrt. Call nowjbryour personal reservation. '■ TuHE F or Dinner^ 778-298^ roi ikU YOUR AUTO NUOSComeS— Om M12 Ctwmom Rd., Оюпшш —I t W I H _______ П'.: HsettM, Air СмДЯоЫщ* RdHntmM ; .\\(^»8«||»А!1М акв«АпИМ о0Ы ^ J. \ ^ ..... a m o a e s w n e r i r e s t o n e ttHANOBK „ , ^Dunlop Tires Lee Tires G E O R G E ’S Mlchelln Tires VILLAGE G A R A G E , INC. C O M P L E TE A U TO M O TIV E REPAIRS 2570 La w lsvlll«.C I«m m ons Road, Clam m ons 7 6 6 - 7 8 6 2 ( iC ‘( \ ( ) u r l U i s i n c s s I n r iic (all " / . ( . - 4 1 2 6 BloekPiien*jm.vi(e1 turn the I conplex tax law dariges tojssssjair'“ OwGuinnIss helps eiminale concerns you might have abou changes In your retumasatesultoftaxlaw . IntoinlatioaShouldlhelRS audt your return, vw w l pay any penally orirterest you mighl owe (alllioughwedo not assume teeporeUity for addttmel taxes). VifrllenL.. o(thisin*dguatEnleaare avaaaUeatanyPremiuii oMoa Count cnHW Block attention you deseive. 2511 DNeudorf Rd C teftim on 8 ,N C (936) 7 6 6 ^ 2 7 a n ■ n 1 . - PREMIUM,: D A V IE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, A p ril 2,1998 - C7 S P O f L K H f uim^ R o m e n e ,(336)7^1000 /•SSStSIn UMtfloeeb » EuropMH ^StyltCakM HandMadeIce Cream ___ 778000IFrauenhofers Ice Cream & Bake Shop Now Open For Business B E R M U D A . r A R P E T C E N T E R■ ^BERMUDA QUAY SHOPPINO CENTtR ouc prDrctilonal lUif help you with ail your floor comini mdL • Inifflof decociior on »«afT.• Ovrr40yetftconitiincdciperl(nce! •C a rp a l* V in y l* T lla Hardw ood • W allpapar!rl.»«!V«pm; S«.9im-1pm S411 USHi>y1B(,AdvMe« W IDI 998-0300 Swim Gear: N.C's largest selection of Speedo, TYR swimwear is here Swim Qearof North Carolina, located at 6300J2 Ramada Drive in Clemmons, is a lull line competitive and recreational swimwear and accessories company. They provide suits, caps, goggles, fins, bags and Speedo beachers, etc. Swim Qear of North Carolina opened October 10,1997, with the primary focus of meeting swim gear needs of swim­ ming clubs, league teams and high schools In North Carolina. They carry the Speedo andTY R full lines. Swim Gear can outfit the beginnig boys and girl swimmer, youth and adult aquatic fitness swimmers. Their retail suit selection is probably the largest In the Winston-Salem area with well over 200 suits on display of various sizes, styles and colors. They also make special orders on Speedo and TYR merchandise that their customers want. Swim Gear In its short history has outfitted the Winston- Salem YMCA swim team with swim suits, caps and warm-ups and provided suits and caps to area high school teams includ­ ing West Forsyth, R.J. Reynolds and Davie County. Swim Gear is also working with a number of summer league teams Including Clemmons West, Jonestown, Peace Haven, Old Town Country Club and Hickory Hills. Swim Qear Is also a traveling vendor and plans to work swim meets in all parts of North Carolina. Thus tar they have been vendors al high school meets/conference champion­ ships In Winston-Salem, Burlington, Hickory, Greensboro and Rockingham County. SwlmOearisalsoscheduledtobeatlhe Stokes County YMCA Healthy Kids Day on Saturday, April 4, 1998. Swim Qear also plans to work many summer swim Swim Gear ofNorlh Carolina is q u ickly cstabli.sliing itse lf a.s Ihe sw im w ear headquarters fo r Speedo and T Y R products, m eets In the local area. Whether you are a beginning swimmer or a mature person in water aerobics, please come by Swim Gear to see their great selection and prices on Speedo and TYR swimwear. Swim Qear is currently open on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. and each Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and other times by appointment. Swim Gear wlll have an open house later in the Spring and will change their hours for the Spring and Summer seasons. Custom Mirror Installations Cr Shower Doors Precision Glass Works, Inc. 3810 Hwy. 158 W. • Clemmons. NC 7 6 6 - 6 4 3 3 E n te rp rise So ftw a re & A cc e s s o rie s New 4 Used PCs • ЗоПтшп! AocMsoriM • Upgrade/Repair • PC Trainino • Wab Paga Daalgn • Custom Programs » NetwofWng W f Custom Build Computer SoAwart <g Accessories 6431-D Cook Ave • Clemmons, NC(Behind First Union) 712-0471ea>con>p#mindsprino.com IN T E R S T A T E S H E L L M M O N S 2397 LcwUvilleClemmons Rd. Clemmons, NC 27012 (910Ì766-1S93 /I( Cma W A m п ю ш ш тI WecairyafulGneof'saitrUeatincrt system & suppfies L W ATER W ORKS 7И-Э34» ■Lanier’s Auto flr Towing 2вУмгвЕкр«1м1С« Pormarty Johnny 8mlth*aOaraga C^blMkttf CoET. (tSOvalua) ^jSSSL. 910-778-0610 I |^^ рЭ 4в Baaparl-m46l-7»l3 WItoart Laniar Cantanary Chureh M . danmona, N027018 Mon-Fri 9jffl-5pm 3732 IbttDUn Rd*Yadklnvillr, NC Ш4М63-5938 l-eOM924S39«ail forDlrrrtiont ALAN4» ELECTRICSenAigAIYcjEleclrical Needs Swim Gear ofNorth Carolina вЗООй RaiadiMM^P.a BnHMCtnimm 7 6 6 - 3 0 0 6 v m Retail Л Team S ile i Providing competitive and recreational swimwear and accessories for children, youth and aquatic fitness SUITS ■ GOGGLES •CAPS-BAGS i SANDALS 10в»«ИМ*1 ‘ 3728 Ctenmant Rd. ' : (Hwy 158) aenunóns. 766-2966 R c c c s s C O M M U N IC nilO N S F R E E E S T IM A T E S N oJobtoB ^orSnuU Coll 71S-000S or Poqe 726-0040 СеШпдГт ОШШЛЦуШпд Firn Box НерИвшптЛ 7 в 4 - 9в 1 80 Н 1с « л C L T A c e v c “iO aiA-lnifO eU em e" WenouiHavce Tanning Beds for ' ConvenitfK:«!! V(4‘IK IIM 'II V < i l i l l l l r l l М М М I • m iiiiiL ' I rilN M I S I M 4 |4< \ la m m y luckM T a. M rtim la /имам. M M M t 1624 tiny SCI S.. Advance. NC 9 9 8 - 4 С И Y a d k in v ille P aw n & J e w e lry Alt Loans Contidentlat No Amount Too Large^lnstant Cash Open Mon-Fri 9A-5P Sat 9A-2P •GokKlowol[Y*TVs<VCR'8*Anliques«Jewelry RepainOuns •lnsiruments*SiereosK:ameras •Tool3,elc.»Watch Battortos PO Box 1236 Yadl(invllle. NC 27055 3 3 6 ^ 7 9 - 4 9 9 8 E x c e lle n c e . . . i n G a r J e in in ij • Year Round Container Qardening • Courtyard Landscaping • Complete Patio & Deck Design •Patk) Furniture »Accessories .crnimimtanm• Perennial Gardens -Uaim uim itevt N a t u r a l S e l e c t i o n s Clemmons. NC 778-2616 iHaÙan ^a^ltaxlui ¿kaitan ^(uelaÙjf ^toi* Audicniie Italiaa Meab Cf — __и аи «P naii В а Ы Italian BnaJ Italian Fails *Italiaa BaJ СГ ÌT liita V in a . »A iid im iB oO ilaffViiiatan Party Trays, Gift Baskets', Gift Ccrtincatcs, Gourmet Kllchen Items — (336) 768-1305 UGLY STAINED ROOF.Jtw n a d Hoof Can look Uke ^ i Na»Asiin\IMKw(llsplaeti4 R!M I ARMthi NatlOM OMsit and LsfgestWool Him Hswiowlng l i p e f t s ____ R o o f - В г Ш ^ ^ ( 9 1 0 ) 7 6 1 4 1 9 9 9 C r c M P d e r Sl w a ite ■ R ealtors® Your Home Town Realtors Full Servlc« • Full Tima z se sc Lewlsville^lemnions Road 766-0515 ‘“ • S S » СоаГмПомгу F lu CU>l.t. CinJi... P J«.. CoJlKt. Px. C.U. B~Ji.Gfi Bmltaii. PiMUn, Ti"i. C.n*WTiic*i &. Р..Г*, (V-Ui-. - -F-iJi,). , jelli Belli JJIt Bmai, CeFf*"* __________ÌAVlÀ tlÒ N TTN C 1105 Fork Bixby Rd»Adavance*336>998-8101 We Deliver ftSliIp VIiaMCPmonal A Corporate Accounli PRESSURE WASHING Vbu'va got If... VMiwaihitl F r e ^ E ^ t l m s ^ . ResUential & Commercial Deck Restorattons Staining, Cleaning & Repair WORKMANSHIP QUARANTEEDI Annuals«lOO Hr Inspc^on«Gencral Rcpairs«Call for Free Estlmatcs*Hangars*Tie-Downs«Fast Courteous Servicc»No Overnight Parking Fees*15 Minutes from Winslon-Salem^^^^Parking^«M5Mlnut«fromW^^ Rides*AeriaI Photography*Aircraft Rental (C-172RG-$80/hr* . C-172.$60/hr»C-152^$50/hr) ЭЭв-492-7вЮ 888-492-7610 1Ш ШЕШ! Ym Birt*8iN a'laeM M l4 BtntHMWiOiiMi Г 1 и ( U d i i \ i r l * ( iii>lt G iia lity Air,";.":,,,. D I S D II 4 1 i П *: . C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 blew Books Arrive At Library ’ ' New books at Dalvc Couniy Li- : bniry,371 N. Main Sl., Mocksvilk; Non-Flctlon ' Amazing Spaccfucls: Solar Sys- • Icm, Slafls, Spacc Travel Be Careful What You Pray For - • You Just Might Get ll Dl.scovering Ihc Unknown Land- ' scape; A Hislory of America's Wcl- - landsThcOinsofliie Jews Helpmates. Harlots, and Heroes; Woinen'sSlorics in Ihc Hebrew llibic Tlic Job Ilunler’s Wonl Finder Leases & Rcnial Agrvcntcnls A Man',s Ouide lo Coping with ^ DisabllilySecond Act (Juan Collins biogra- : phy)Songs of My Soul; Dcvolional Thoughts fnmi llie Writings of W. Phillip Keller FictionTlie Bohemian Murders; A Fre- nionl Jones Mysicry-Diannc Day Tlic Disappearance of Lyndscy Harrati; A Psychological Tliriller- John WilsonDonncri.nck-Rogcr Zcla/ny Tho Escnpe Artlst-Diane Cham­ berlainaiinLawalBrokenSpoke-Terrell Bowers Tlie Riddle of Alabaster Royal- Patriein Veryan Shadow Moon-George Lucas & Chris CianemontThe Stuff of lleroes-Miguel DelibesTlie Upslart-Calherine Cookson A Scollsman's Kiss-Frances G. WilsonA doiialiim in memory Mary Nelson Anderson Slye was made by ColenndElvaGraccTomlinson.Do- naiions in memory orTliomasl’resion Stanley have heen made hy S. Jean Harpe. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman, and William and Cecile Ппк'к. A donation in memory of liin ily Rodwell Carimeli was made by Roland and Deny West. Children's Storytirae for pn:- schoolers is onTuesday at 11 a.m. at Ihe Mocksville Itwalion and at Ihe CiKilccraecDranch.Mnnday&Tucs- day, April 20 Л 21; Donna Jakob, A p ril 3 L a s t T ax A id e D a y children's book author, Is eoming lo the library to share her books and writing cxperiencc.s during two spe­cial sloryllmcs.CoplcsofMs. Jakob's books will be available at Ihc dis­ counted price of $10 e,ich. She will also personalize and autograph each purchased hook the day of her visit. We have brochures from Ihc Slate Library titled "Library Service to Visually and Physically Impaired Readers" which include an applica­ tion for frcc.service.s including books and iiKigaziiics recorded on long play­ ing ii'cotds und cassette tapes, and spccial record and tape players. Any­ one who cannot use regular primed materials hecauseofa visual or other physical handicap iscligihle, includ­ ing nursing homes and other institu­tions serving people with these dis­ abilities. Davle Counly Public Llbi^ry hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m - 8:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m • 8;30 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m,-4p.ni.; Sundays 2 p.m.- 5 p.m. Phone 634-2023Cooleemee Blanch houn: Mon­ day noon - 6 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. (Closed for lunch frxim I2;30-1;30); closed on Satur­ days and Sundays. Phone 284-2805 The Grsgg Gelh Swing Band will perform at the Brock Perfomnlng Arts Center Friday, Arpril 3.' Swing Band To Perform At Brock Friday, April .1 is Iht* last chancc for Ihc Ta.x Aide for seniors. If you haven’l had your '98 tax ruuirns filled out bring Ihcm In hclwccn 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. for lax pa'parcs to help. Brin^ all Ihc imporiaiu docimicnls lo aid ihc prcpa^’r.If you have tiiie.slion.s, call ihc SeniorCcnier ill 751-Oft 11. New Revolutionary Liquid Spray Relives ib H iritis Paini N ew unique herbal .spray reiicvc.s your pain w ithout the bum . Just spray it on and tlie pain is gone! 100% Guaranteed. Pharm acist Recontm ended! E xtra Relief! Available at: M ocksville Cooleeniee Foslti^Rauch Drug Co. D avlc Discount Drug 495 Valley R d , • 751-2141 141 M arginal S t, • 284-2537 For mart Jeiaileil mformilion call I (SOO) 695-6960 tnw-Mm Ш W te sa A H \N T H E P a s s o v e r presented by Sam Nadler President, Word of Messiah Ministries The 'Messiah tn ihe Passover' is a visual message lhat illustrates not oniy Israel's freedom from slavery in Egypt, but how irtdividuals can be redeemed from the bondage ol sin. Afler seeing the program, one pastor enthusiastically responded, "Every single person who heard this teaching was overwhelmed by a deeper underslandlng ot both the Passover and the Communion Table. What a Wessingt’Be sure lo invite your friends and neighbors to this specialservicel Place:Calvary Baptist Church5000 Country Club RoadWinston-Salem, North CarolinaDate:Sunday, April 12Time:6:15 pm C r e a t iv e In t e r io r F lo r a l D e s i g n s "One of a Kind" Designs CmledBy: Juanita AMd U 9 E D q » tS tS u ilc lO Z .. ModavUk,NCrD28 . The Gregg Gclb Swing Bond will perform Qt Ihc Brock I^irfonning Art.s Ccnicr, 622 N. Main St., Mocksvillc, on Friday, April 3 at 8 p.m.Thiscvcnt is sponsoredbyihc Davie County Arts Council with advancc tickets available for $5 or $7 the day of show. The Gregg Gclb Swing Band is a lillle hand with abig sound (4 homs, 3 rhylhm ond vocalist). Sincc 1989, Gclb's band has Iwcn pt)pular at fcstl- vals, concerts, danccs and oihcr spe* cial events throughout NorlhCorolina.The swing band plays GclKs inno- valivc anangcincnisamitninscrìpiions of jazz classics from the early jazz, swing, blues, BcBop.and modem jazz periods. "Bring your dancing shoes," said Nancy Norton, executive dircclor of the ans council. "Wc will have floor spacc available for dancing."Gclb is a winner of the 1997-98 NonhCarolinaSlatcAilsCouncilJazz Composers Fellowship. The evening will contain music from Duke EIUng\on, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong, Count Basic, Charlie Parker and John Colirane. For additional information or io purchase advancc lickcts, call the ans council olTicc at 336-751-3II2. ■ • Spiritual Resources: Aœountability B y B illy Ja rre tt Our society has a protjlom with personal responslblity. No one wants to accept responsibility lor their own actions. W e see this displayed when w e hear news of people who are charged with various crimes, and whose defense points Ihe blame lo others or lo society In general. Today, people try to avoid responsibility for Iheir actions by placing the blame upon past evenls ol Iheir lives. People have mistreated them, so lhat when Ihey go out and kill someone, il's not Ihelr laull, Ihey suffered Irom abuse. Look at a newspaper and see how many people charged with murder or child abuse try lo use this In Ihelr delense. They are not responsible for what happened, the people who abused them are. To be sure, we musl admit thal our society encouragos much ol this behavior. Today, il seem s lhat this irtesponsibility increasingly Is becoming a ma|or problem with Ihe younger generation, not just teen-agers, but people in Ihelr 20's, 30's and 40's. Young people listen to lha promises ot the world, only to realize lhat this world will t\ot deliver on Us promises. They are led to believe lhat this world owes them every opportunity lo gel whatever Ihey want. When Ihey realize lhat Ihis world does not care for them or Iheir desires, Ihey turn lo whatever means necessary to get what Ihey want... all because Ihe world has mistreated them... because Ihey were never given Ihe luxuries of lile at home. W e do not have lo look far in the Bible before we encounter Ihe denial ol responslblity. In Ihe third chapter of the Bible, Ihe very lirst book ol the Bible, lolls us aboul Ihe tendency In human nature lo place the blame somewhere other than ourselves. Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command not lo eat ol Ihe tree In the midst ol the" garden. W hen God confronts them with w hal Ihey have done, Adam responds -The woman whom you gave lo be with me, she gave me o l Ihe Iree and I ate'' (Gen. 3:12). Eve Iheri responds T h e serpent • deceived me, and I ate" (Gen, 3; 13). Adam tried lo place Ihe blame ■ In two places; First with God; the woman you gave. Secondly, with • Eve: she gave. Eve also tried placing Ihe blame elsewhere; Ihe serpent deceived. Only God knows how many years II has been since these evenls happened, bul w e sliil try these same old, tired, worn oul excuses lor sin. Today w e live In Ihe '’age ol denial and irresponsibility.” W e live In an age where guilt is not politically correct, where accountability lor one's own actions seem to be a ’ thing ol Ihe past. The motto for life today Is 'pass Ihe buck,' 'pass Ihe blame," T h e devil made me do il." Each lim e w e hear o l anoiher tragedy, each time w e hear ol someone else being successful In placing blame somewhere other than Ihem selves, w e wreslle with whal Is happening In ouraociely. W hat can we do? W e must once again place value upon personal responslblity. W hile we must recognize abuse and mistreatment ol Individuals, our society must also recognize accounllbllity. Qod help Adam and E ve accountable, and we, as a society, must hold one anoiher accountable. Parenis need to teach children lhal they are responsible lor Ihelr actions. Aduils once again must accept responslblity lor Ihelr actions II children are lo leam responsibility. Support These Local Businesses W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SL Wiiitton Sal«n, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V C X 3 L E R funeral nume2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmont, NC 27012 336-766-4714 S P ILLM A N ’S O IL f t FER TILIZER7(82 Hwy 801 s. Cooleemw, NC 27014 336-284-2551 M N K tV M lE ■ U K D E M S Iim Y 'Together W* Do H Bettor* South МЫп StreM 3 3 t-7 5 1 -M 1 5 1 ■(■»илотимIftHSUHANCE 1кпЫ>0ту ниш» M V K U IIIK II ilM C M G 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 3 3 I-7 S 1 -I1 4 4 “ T iiT ire T f , f f f f Макета of DAISY FU>ue WoCueUmBtond Depot SL,MockevUle,MC з м -т п -» » E A T O N и ш л и к ш F O flü H IM IG II DRIW COMPANY 416 Valley Road MockavHlo,NC 27028 3N -7B 1-2141 HMedrie PfolMeloiMl ffeifeН1|1яму 1И a iOl, AtfvMiee Ш Ш Ш Ё ШЁШ Ш ЁШ штт тш ш н ёшим«мм»,ме>г«м т ш ш г в л и м ftlA M IK A IM SM .lo iin i Ht«y.eoit.fie il/vcS 3 N -7 IM I1 2 a Í C E я о ш ш и ш Ё ш ииицци.мямкиеям 1 1 М М -1 1 1 1 MPOTMUIIVi PPÇ T flli m w - w m С Я А М С А И га ! ш и п . M C . «4«. (•!«.№< tal S N E F F K L O U IM K R f tM lL E T G O .«м ш с м м м íes lUrfcay Foot Road Mocktvill«, NC 27028 3 3 M t2 -5 5 6 6 сюсвпвкпис P.O.BoxSOe Moek*vill«,NC 27028 3M >7S1-2138 с в т Е И М Я Ш к anoLMC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Hoeto«HI*.NC 27028 33S-7S1-3350 Attend The Church OfYour Choice. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - C9 ^fnnle W. Morrison ^t;ttinnie Williams Morrison of )(^|nston-Salcm> died Saturday, March 28, 1998, at Wake Forest ^liivcrsity Baptist Medical Centcr. j t ‘A resident of Forsyih Counly for 7^i^cars, she was born in Davle ^(Wnty Dcc. 9, 1912, to Ihc late j^kwzo "Lonnie" Williams and Bcr- pid Ann Talum Williams, She was n g^uaie of Alkins High School nnd fiBlircd owner and operator of Morrison DcRocco Club. She was a niember of Gracc Presbyterian C^hurch U.S.A. where she served in the United Presbyterian Women nnd The Woman's Bible Sludy Ctrclc. She served as past Worthy Patron of Beauty of Ihc Wesl Chapter 36 Order of the Easter Star and niember of GNCC Communily Club. ■ ^hc was preceded in dcalh by her husband, Lester D. Morrison; und a daughter, Leathia Morrison Spcas. • She is survived by 2 daughters, Valeria M. Gregory of the home and 'Augdcnc Thomas of Greensboro: a brother, Arthur L. Scotl of Mocks­ villc; 4 grandchildrcn; 4 grcal grand­ children; asistcr-in*!uw, Hattie Scolt of Charloltc; ond a hosl of nieces, nephews and cousins. . ^Funeral scrviccs werc conduclcd > at I p.m. March 31, at Grace Presby- i terian Church with Dr. Samuel ’. Stevenson and the Rev. Nancclla ; Mycrsofficialing. Burial followed in • Piedmont Memorial Gardens. Mittie Weisner 1\icker • ■MitticWcisncrTuckcr,78,of547 • Gordon Drive, Advance, widow of • Marvin M. Tuckcr, died Monday, • Mirch 30, 1998, al Forsyth Memo- • rial Hospital in Winston-Salcm. • 3orn June 8, 1919, in Forsyih I County,loWilliamEugcncandDaisy i Tilley Weisner,shewasamemberof ¡1 Macedonia Moravian Church.,Surviving arc a daughter, Sheila I T. Beaman of Advancc; 2 grandchil- dren;asistcr, Blanche Moorcof King; and several nicccs. She was preceded In death by a y granddaughter, Kathryn E. Beaman.Funeral services were held at 10 j; a.m. April I, at Macedonia Moravian '•Church by the Rev. Greg Lillle with j burial following in Forsyih Memo- prial Park. I Memorials may be made lo the ; Alzheimer's Ccnicr, 920 W. First Street, Winston-Salcm, N.C. 27101 IT or lo Macedonia Moravian Church : Mission Fund, 700 N.C. Hwy. 801 - North, Advance, N.C. 27006. fEiva Julian ; Mrs.ElvaBninoDavlsJullan,85, 'of 165 Wall St., Cooleemee, died i Sunday Match 29 at her home unex- : pectedly. ' Bom in Rowan County on Nov. ; 27,1912, she was the daughter of Ihc laic Crate Davis and Amanda Allen :■ Davis. She was a homemaker. ; On Jan. 25,1934 she manied Mr. : Hubert E. Julian who died April 17, :i99t. : Sunlvors includc; 2 daughters, : Mn. Maggie Julian Essick of Lex- ^ ington and Mrs. Mary Emma Julian TBrown of Unellnton; 8 gnuidchil- Idren; ond 15 great-grandchildren, t Funeral services were 4 p.m. ■"I W^nesday, April 1 atWesunoreland CCIupel of BuiKh-Iohnson Funeral ^Hqmc with the Rev. Glenn Sanford ^officiating. Burial followed in the ^South River United Methodist jClmrch Cemetcry ClifTord Evans Clifford Evans, 81, of Scenic Drive, MocksviUe, died Friday, March27,1998.at N.C. Baptisi Hos­pital in Winston-SalciTi. He was born Jan. 3, 1917, in Morristown, Tenn., to the late Joe and Ida Evans. He was rctircd from Heritage Furniture with 40 years uf scrvicc and was a member of Mocks­ villc Wesleyan Church. He enjoyed gardening. He was preceded in dcalh by his first wife, Ollie Gibson Evans, 1995; nnd a stepson, Allen Evans. Survivors includchissccond wife, Faye Riddle Evans of the home; a * son, Jerry Evans of Macon, Ga.; 5 stepdaughters, Gladys Dorkis of Mocksville, Helen Curtis of Marion, Betty Dob.son of Nebo, Jean Pyatt of Rulherfordlon and Pearl Hoffman of Candor; 2 stepsons, Doyle H. Evans of Foresi Cily and Raymond Evans of Marion; 2 grandchildren; 2 grcat grandchildren; 22 stcpgrandchildren; 32 step greal grandchildrcn; 2 broth­ ers, Lee Evans of Newport, Tenn. and Jimmy Evans of White, Tenn.; and 2 sisters, Rhoda Marshall of New­ port, Tenn. and Beatrice Jones of Morti.slown,Tcnn. Funeral scrviccs werc held al 11 a.m. at Ealon Funeral Chapel with the Rev. George Troyer officiating. A graveside scrvice was held in Oak Grove Cemetery in Marion al 3:30 p,m. Memorials may be made lo Mocksvillc Wesleyan Church, 836 Garner Sirect, Mocksvillc, N.C. 27028. MaryWilliard Mary Vestal Gough Willlard, 73. of Yadkinville, died unexpectedly ut her home Sunday. March 22,1998. Born Nov. 10. 1924, in Yadkin County, to the late John Blum and Elizabeth Long Gough, she was u member of Bethel Baptist Church where she placed the organ for sev­ eral years. * Survivlngarcherchildrcn,Waltcr G. Willlard ofJacksonville, Fla., Jean Collins, James H. Willlard und Sue W. Joyner, all of Yadkinville, John F. Williard of Mocksville and David R. Williard of Winston-Salcm: 3 sis­ ters, Ila Stillwell of Huntersville, Gertrude Whicker and Betty Miller, both of Yadkinville: and a brother, Paul Gough of Yadkinville. Grand­ children from Mocksvillc arc Laura, Jonctte and J.C. Williard, She was preceded in dcalh by 2 brothers, Walter and Hugh Gough. Memorials may be made to Hos­pice of Yadkin Counly, P.O. Box 1267, Yadkinville, N.C. 27055. Frank Wilburn Eller Frank Wilburn Eller, 67, of Mocksvillc,dicdTucsday,March 17, 1998, al Seagrave Carc in Jefferson, where he had resided Гог the past five years. Bom Sept. 16, 1931, lo the lale John Dawson and Florence Holder Eller of Salisbury, he was an em- ployecof Coble Dairy for many years. He wasolsoamemtwrofMi. Carmel Freewill Baptist Church. He is survived by 2 brothers, John Robert andClifford Floyd Eller, bolh of Salisbury. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers and a sister, Albert Dawson Eller, Hulee Eller and Hazel Eller Miller.The funeral was conducted at 2:30 p,m. March 20, al Davie Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Jeff Voglcr. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Park Cemetery in Salisbury. Buy INrcct From The Foetory/!ПМШУ11мМ|«м10иш1И CIMMIX . IMSBLE . aitONZB M any sfyks & aUes to select from with custom designs & sandblasting ЧшвквЫа ■ tal«Ш Ы * withover20 243MaibleRoad.Steta>vffle,NC :n « МосШШ, lüa 1-40 « M lo H«)i ea'Ibb H iv 90 tamid ПуЬтШе Donnie Lee Barnes Donnie Lee Barnes, 62, of Salis­ bury, died Wednesday, March 25, 1998, al his home afier an illne.ss of six weeks. He was Ihe brother of Ruby John.son of MiKksville, Funeral scrviccs werc conduclcd at 11 u.in. Marc'h 28, al New Hope Prcsbylcrian Church with the Revs. Cary Hnlbcrt and Mark Walton offi­ ciating. Burial followed in thcchurch ccmelcry. Ruby Beam Plummer Ruby Beam Plummer, 71, of Sal­ isbury, died Saturday, March 28, 1998, al Rowan Regional Mcdical Ccnier after four years of declining health and three weeks of serious illness. She was Ihe mother of Pamela Plummer Hancock of MiK’ksville. Funeral scrviccs were conduclcd at I p.m. March 31, al Summcrseii Funeral Home Chapel hy ihe Revs. Mark Anders and Christopher O'Quinn. Burial followed in National Cemetery. FOR A ll YOUR AUTO NIEDSCom Set вин 3612 ClmvncHn Rd., CMmmora Attéiitionl! Netd Affordable Health Insurance? Blue AdvanUge* Gives You The Benefils You Want Most: ■ *20 Doctor’s Office Copay • Drug Card • Preventive Services • >5 Million Lifetime Coverage ■ immunizations •Youth Plans •Affordable Rates • 24-Hoiir Nurseilne For C o niplelgD e tiils, Call Your A u H ioiizid B C B SN C Agent Today: Mocksvllle • 336.7SI.62SI Harold W<md Hillbdalt •336.940-22I0 BlueCioesBlueShield ofNorth CaroUna »■ ■ ни» Sw eet Lover's H avenDowntown Mockivillc P IZ Z A — P I Z Z A — P IZ Z A WHO is Davie Funeral Service? W E aie your next-door n eig h b o is . . . K ris H ow ell — Farmland Acrcs, Mocksvillc John Sheehan—Comatzer Rd., Mocksville C herie C ook—Cardinal La, MocksviUe Roby Luffm an — Hickory HUI, MocksvUle We pledge to treat you with neighborly care k compassion in your time of need. D A V IE F U N E R A L S E R V IC E L L C . 416 Valley Rd., MocksvUle, NC 336-7S1-3111 "Our Familif Serving Your FamHy With Quality Service at an Ajffoniable Price’' We pledge to tiea S o m e b a n k s e n t i c e k i d s w i t h c a n d y . We prefer cx)ld, hard cash. At Suuihcm Cummunit); kids profil os soon us thiy »{ки ал acniunl. Пссаич’ ue'll deposit ¿ic flrsl $2 «hen the)' opm й Minor Account* VllA this frw nw Mocey M A Sasinjp accouM, kids сап-. • Earn Interest «n chocking • .Make up to sU external wiilidrattuls • Leum ho«’ lu sskc and nunoge m«ne)' We'll »ID throM’ in Л spccial kid's pack^ ju.M for opening the account So jour kids the chancc lo nuke some major monty uith ihe Minor Account from Southern Community'- Cell 7Ш500 lo slp$yotir ШШ wpjor Ike Minor Леамн! /«%. HANK AND TRUST*Small Enough lo Core t*ui Ginn Oublbal U «К nmr ofCosO} Oub SmJ IJm'kxn Ш) ■ Vn«n-Sikin • __________«Vi minimum huluKt fi’qula’il. Mtmkr I'DIC__________ - IPOHIORS -VkkmMäkriäUlite.DmkCm»tyArttCm»cUSmlkCenílMArttCmKtí For fflon MoinilÉOn eornd M DM! County Ara Cound al ЗЭб-751-3112 Would you entrust your loved one to anyone other than a C o m m u n ity F r ie n d ? .^otring a loved one - wbelhcr suddenly or expectedly - is the moat difficult ordeal we face. Ils a frier-trtricken, confusing and emotional period. Yet, hundreds of decisions must be made in preparing to say goodbye. It’s a time when you rely on someone outside the family to help you make arrangements. Because you place you trust in lhat person, shouldn’t it be a community friend with a traditkm of senrice? Eaton Funeral Service 325N. Main stmt . Mocksvillt, North Carolina (33f)T5t-2148 _ ELECT CHARLES FOX Rcpubliciin for D.ivic Counly Board or Coniitiis.sioncrs • Dedicated lo prewrvlns Ihe Davle County lirestyle that Me cherlih * £st continued (¡ivwth In s te a d o f p o o rly conceived development and spraw l. •Pelerm lned lo represent the people, nol .«pecial Interest groups, ‘ Educated and skilled in p lan n in i;, Im plem enling and contro llin g com plex business program s, »W lllin p to serve In an open, honest & conslstenl n-71 VOTE ! j ^ F O X - M a y s РаИ Pdiltcal Ad by Charloi Foi T h e G re g g G e lb S w in g B a n d (jo n c c 'l't at tie Brock Perfonning Arts Center 622 N . M a il S t , Mocksville y F r id a y , A p r ils , 8 :0 0 p m TttMKlUOInatfvaw« Billy Summers Sr. 1924*1998 WINSTON-SALEM m Robert Lee Holmes •1998 STATESVILtE Nancy Wlkes Crimes 1925-1998 STATESVILLE m James Clyde Taylor 1920-1998MOCKSVILLE V Í» -IW iV IE COÜNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Apri» 2,1998 f ' Worid War II buddies from the 504th bomb group reunited last week In Mocksviile, from left: ^ B a ile y and Art Tomes. - Photo by Robin Fetfluwon Reunited: War Buddies Visit Davie l\/ian ByJMOMGailhcr Davie Counly Enterprise Rccord World Wot II is an unforgettable pan of world history, especially for those who werc part of it. Mocksviile’s Sheek Bowden was just a boy then, so were roost of his fellowsoldiers in the Army AirForce 5(Mth Bomb Group.Bound by 0 common experience, friendships formed quickly, as mem­ ben of that group learned to trust and rely on each other. U's been over SO years since they fought together, and those friendships remain strong. Bowden recently hosted areunion for members of his crew. Visiting ihe\r сетпй Пгс control gunner were. ■Air Craft Commander Art Tomes of •Bumvllte. Minn., pilot Bob BtUey •oC Waycrou{ Ga. and. gunner ';G«or|a Barg of Onuife Paifc. Fla. : Members of the crew have been getting together every year since the firsireunionofthe entire504th Bomb .Group about eight years ago. Afíer the war. ihcy all went their separate ways, rcaU?.ing40 years later how close they rcally were. Tomes soid."We re.ilrze what a piccc of his­ tory lhi*l was." said Bailey. Thank God thcrc w ill never bc another war likeil." The uniqueness of the expcricnce made them closc. he explained. Bowden said his longest mission was on the night he found out his friend from Davie County. Clay Markland. had been shot down. They were all young boys seared lodealh thrown inlo the war;ind jusl did what they had to do, he said. It was heading home from a mis­sion lhal thecrewbecame most frighl* ened.Berg said, imagining whatcould have been. A lot of factors went into the friendship they* ve share after all these years, according to Bailey. When they meet at a reunion, Bailey said, they arc so closc they can pick right up where they left off. "Wc act like we just saw cach olhcr yesterday,*' he said."There's a feeling there," said Bowden, whoscrvcdthcshortcsilitnc in the war - just over Iwo years. Tomes was i n the Army five years, while Berg and Bailey returned to military carccrs afier the war. Berg served 20 years while Bailey served 28 years In Korea and Vicl Nam. Uailcy wroica book "Solitary Sur­ vivor" in 1995 about his expcricnce as the first American prisoner of war mSoulhcastAsia.Hespcnt l7months in captivity before his release and wasawardcdlhc Bron/.eStarby Presi­ dent John F. Kennedy. The Bowdens donated a copy to the Davie Couniy Public Library. According to Bailey, his friends were supportive of the projcct.Now that they are reunited they keep in close contact, according to Louise Bowden.The wives have bccomc friends, too, staying in touch and looking forward to the reunions, she saM. "It's a close relationship and has i North CaroHiuans feadiheir local newspaper. When North Carolinians turn through the pages of their newspaper they've turned their attention to nnding infomution,entettainmem and prices. . So, if you're looking for customers, we know a place where your customers are looking for you... In iheir newspaper. You can count on us. been since we started this." she said.They owe the renewing of old friendships and the start of new ones to Tomes, chairman of the 504ih BombGroup Ass(K’ialion, according to Dailey.He began trying to relocate mem­ bers of the 504ih in 1985.Sofarmore than half of the 2,500 men have been located. Tonics said. He has localcd many of them through the Veteran's Administration. There have been several reunions of the larger group in addition to yearly visits among Tonies’ crew. It was at the first reunion of the 504thlhalthccrew realized how much they missed cach other and dccidcd to get togclhcr more oftenThere was a long period of time when they didn't sec cach other, Tomessaid, but they have since made up for it. V ’m i: '¿-t Outside their air craft during the war, this Is how Berg and Bowden looked then. Advanc« VoluntMT Fir* Dapi B e e f C » P M l i B B Q Chopped > Sliced • Sandwiches • Pounds • PlatM > F r id a y , A p r U 3 , 1 9 9 8 6 a m ■ u n t il E a t I n o r C a r r y O u t Hwy. 801 s. 5 miles from Hwy. 158 C a ll 998-8181 O G L E R S Ц1 P r e P l a n m n g P r o g r a m Second To None! k ;4 W h y V O O L E R ’S ? l b A F F O R D A B L E T E R M S ! Uu to seven >-car Insluilmcnl k i* proflnun nvnllable with N O F IN A N C E C H A R G E . no«»iblv saving thoueunds over otiicr iirograms. PHcc g u a r a n t e e d wllh f ir s t InBlaliment, unlike other ^ programs thnt require full payment berore freezing price! | H W O R L D W ID E C O V E R A G E uvulluble in ease death occurs out of town, possibly saving thousands morel A N O A G E L IM IT ot H E A L T H Q U E S T IO N S ! Anyone can qualll>'l e T R A N S F E R A B L E If you arc relocated, Ihls program may bc relocated as well. ^ Q U A L IT Y S E R V IC E - G U A R A N T E E D ! A D IS C O U N T P A C K A G E S A V A IL A B L E I t ! ' WRomsiAmmQVAim&SEimcEWiTH i NOmDDmOOBTS,PLEASEOONTACF: i V o g l e r a n d S o n s F u n e r a l H o m e — 766-1688 — IT D a v ie S c h c y J s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - D l ; , . i; Soulh Dtvie MkMk !■! ; Studcnu in Kallc Bogle's Spanish 1:,, classes rcccnily recclvcd recognition : of "Super-Esiudianie" for Ihcir woric ! during Ihc Ihinl grading period. To ! merit “SupcT-Estudianle", Ihc student ! hadlotumincvciyhomcworitasslgn- i menlontimc,dlsplaygoodclasstoom ! participation, and have oil test scores • anAorB.Scvcnihgradctsrccognizcd I for Ihis were Atison Alexander, Jcs- fis ic a Benfield, Michael Clement, ; Kinten Duiham, Megan Dwiggins, ; Kevin Kiriipatrick, RyanncMcDaniel, Danielle Mocre, Steven Polk, Ashlee p ;^velte,aiidTreySiames.Eighlhgrad- ; i , éis recognized were Jennifer Bamey, Janel, Darcy, Nichole Fullerton, 1 Christin McClamrock, Cariy Peeler, I ^ B ra n d i Taylor. : Faicoamalhsludentshavcageom- I etiypcojectdueonMaylS.Inscicncc. I snidenlsarecomplelingaunitonsound, ! heat, and light. Units of Sludy for last ; quarter include the solar system. In ; socialstudies,studentsarebcginninga ; unit on Cenual Europe which w ill in- ; dude an inMiepih look al Genmuiy ; beforeandanerthereunilication.lhey : will also sludy lhe Holocaust as a pan ; of this unit. In communications, slu- ' - dents will focus on descriptive and ■ .clariflcation writing this quarter. They willbe readingshonstories.ihe novel, , Number lhe Stan, and novel exceipis ; ; ftom Uie literature book. Students are ; jwriiinglyiicsforamusiewritingcon- rjlest sponsored by the pop group, r •Hanson.E>tracredhworkorlatewori( r ] will be accepted this quarter. The only : ;lote work occcpted w ill be due lo ab- • ;sences related to sickness or excused j;b y Ihe administration lhat does not • ^include sickness. Upcoming events • ;includealtendanccthepcrfonnanceor play, “Swiss Family Robinson", ; Ion April 22 at Cauwba Collcgc and a ^•trip to the N.C. Zoological Paric in ; -Asheboro May 22. r | .'Falcon studenls arc collecting .'•boxlops o ff the foiiowing: Eggo ; I Wadies, Puplans (8 count or larger), I'Kelloggs Frosted Flakes (IS oz or .. larger), KelkiggsCocoaliroslcd Flakes t (l5 oz or Isger), and Fruit Loops (11 ;.oz or larger). In the regional Algebra I competi- : tion at Appalachiiu Stale Univenily ' on March 25, Trevor Anderson quali­ fied for die slate linals al UNC Greens- ; boro. C cotnl Dtvie ElementaiT : atizensofthemonthofMarchare ; Robert Conley, Daniel Baxter, Bnui- don Tilley, Abbey Conner, Bailey ' Mam, Falecia Shedrick, Ben Sbego, ; Billy Serfass, and Joey Gibson. : Citizens of Uk Week of Match 27 ; are Karen Seamon, Fhillip Hursey, ' Callahan Kooniz, Jew EI Darbone, f Clayton Edwards, Michelle Pawlik, - AntonMcNeil,AmbetBlackwell,and ; Joey Gibson. Bus Riders of Uie week are Brent AbendniUi, Sean Wagoner, Amber ^Blackwell, Rebekah Bnick. Nicole . Roie, Chad Dalton, Sean Phillips, Jes- :iic a Bowling, and Falecia Shedrick. ; rStudents recendy completed dw . M ve to collect changc for die Amcfi- -cin Red Cross. U iey coliecled over : $150. Rachel Raddle's and Fayniu : ' Brannan's classes were die top con- . -Bibuon. Two classes had a UKo party ; itarehai forpointi earned in Spanish '.cluses. The classes were Nancy : Tcny's foudi graden and Stephanie ':№ r s fifth grade». > ; TWanewstalfniembenanBevcily : Skiver, who will serve die remainder s oftheyearaiatulcrforindlvidualsand ^ in a ll groups, andCaml Radedge, who f wiUbedieclassnxxnassislantinSatah - Covington's homeroom. ; - W lliia B .D ivh n fa M la i]t ' BfthgndenoIMelissaBnwnhave ; been busy studying fotms of energy r'anditscoutancy in our lives. Siudems ' have cooducted expâ&nénu ilTtliè - clH iKnm 10 le n about energy. Dt. > NpU Cofer Rkh visited Uk class and ';«qilaiM d how idenlisls gaUier and ¿nçonldM a. Student! tried UiU as diey boiled water and poured il inlo a con- ;;:tidatr filled with h». H w y recorded ;(d in (e i hi die walerlempetalura ev- .-ecy dme minutes and ptoned the Tt- irnksonaiinegi^ih.M ts.'nicyCaiter, ;'D tvie Coumy Exienskm Agent, vis- .[ilBd die dais aod discusied chenUcal ^ >eâwgy,acMiBndbaies.Sliidemiwm :iiYen cootainen of cnnge Juice, but- ;;M m illi, and waurMdpndicted whal ;:wauM h a n « if baking powder waa ::iu n . N n l, day added dw baking çixM dcrlo dieae ikjuMs and lecoided : 'M ntukLlM iacdvilyw M rBplkaled andstudenlsaddcdbaltingsoda. Randy Britton, a Duke Energy executive, ex­plained how hyiiroelectric power Is generated. Sudic Whaley's liflh grad­ ers joined the class. Students engaged In convenatlon with Mr. Britton and learned new things. Students are read- inganddiscussingKavik,anovci about a sled dog that is part wolf They are integrating a study of Canada and Alaska, as well as animals of Ihis re­ gion. Students are corapleting discov­ery packets on Canada and will de­ velop slideshows to share with Lori Latham omt Dona Foster's kindcigar- ten dass. In math, students arc explor­ ing the area of measurement. Students are engaged in acUvities where they must measure things. They ore plan­ ning a spring Olympiad for Uicir kin­ dergarten buddies. Sludenis are de­ signing lhe couise and will measure and lay out each event. Citizens ofthe Week of March 27 arc1>ier Jones, Dylan Ratledge, Emily Whitaker, NicholcReinhaidt, Natasha Wilson, Jeremy Davis, AshleyBuclin, Tilfany Miller, Ashlea Preston, Sabrina Sholfncr, Serena VanCuren, ond Judy Dclao. Bus Riders of the Week of March 27 are Pedro Bartolo, Jessica McLelland, Forrrest Booe, Kelly Lowdermilk, Austin Brown (3rd grader). Amber Carrion, Dustin Ratledge, and Stephanie Hinson. On March 30, Bus Riders of the WcckduringMorchwcrelrcatedtoan ice cream treat.Thefollowingstudcnts were rewarded: Tyler Jones, Alyson Jordan, Amber Carrion, Jacob Draughn, Brittnie Wagner, Aaron Doby, Kasey Inland, Duslin Ratledge, Amber Wagner, Brittany Freeman, Kayla Mangrum, Jessica McLclland, Ethan Cunis, Casey Keaton, Justin Swaim, Caleb Anderson, Bobby Gassctl,StcphanicHinson,SyEasling, Forrest Booe, Brandon Jones, Gabriel Mendez, Tiffany Miller, Shaun Baity, Pedro Bartolo, Austin Brown. Joscfina Maninez Ramirez, Kelly Lowdermilk, Wade Gough, Cbasiiy Poindexter, Jackie Barber, and Ashley Cope. Fourth grader Dustin J. Honis vran aSlOO savings bond in dieN.C. Asso- ciaUonofEducatonNCAE/CTCCall- ing Card Contest. Fourth and cighlh graden were asked todrawapicturcof ”What Nonh Carolina Means to Me". PlacbnokEleinenluy K-3 Star Writen are Sam Cassidy, Chelsea Parish, Diana Grccn, Vincent Ciocc, Jade Welch, Erika Wentz, Jes­ sica Dionne, Tiffany Riddle, and Jus­ tin Smith. Students of die Week of March 27 are Ian Lambert, Daven Gray, Corric Phelps, Rhiana Smilh, Katie VanNiman,MollyMiles,Hekli Kinder, Austin Woodmlf, Austin Frank, Allic Hendrix, Toni Blake, Terrence Niederbraning, Bryan Armsworthy, Ten Cope, Ginna Bateman, Anna Bailey, Tiffany DeVore, Sean Rouse, Goncn Benge, AshieyBiackbum, Sally Coleman, Bryce Hauser, Ashton Stansberry, Ben Law, Laurcn Kirk, andTonv SteeleMcDonaM'sNighlandSkateNighl will belliesday, April 7. McDonald's Night begins al 5 and Skate Nighl begins at 6:30. Shady Grave Elcncntaiy Students are taking part in die Win­ ston Salem Warthogreadingpngram. When a student reads ten books, he/ shecansendinhisWarthogbookmaric forlwofteeticketstoa baseball game.Thursday, March 26. students it- ceived information conccming Ihe Spring Celebrate wiUi a Book Pm- gnim. Students in each class ate asked to nuke a donaUon towanl Ihe pur­ chasing ofabookforUie media center. A book plate will be placed on die insUe cover of Uie book. Each chiU lhal nukestdonatk» w ill sign hisflm name insMe Uie book. ChiUren get exdted when Ihey sec a book in die media center Uial didr class has do­ nated. Students in gnde 2-5, as vrell as aU leachen, have received instnicUon on how lo use the on-line catatog in the media center. MotknllleEkBialtty Kinderganen Registratkm for next year's kindergarten students is Ihun- day, April 28. Paienls ate asked lo come to Uie school wiUi dieir chikl and (ill out focms including signing up foe screenijig doles: Parents and chiMren will lourdiekindctgaitenclasses. Reg- Utratkm is icheduléd using the begin* ning l^ofyourchiU's last name as ; CiMtfkiMdOnPliiDa EWR's David Wanucha tells Pinebrook fifth graders what will happen when he pours water into a plastic container of <»l(rfum oxl^. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Fifth Graders Get Hands-on Training By IMlke BamhardI , Davic Counly ЕшсфП5с Rcconi Pinebrook Elementary studenls an: getting some "hands-on" experience in science. And they're learning how their cur­rent scicncc classes can help them In fulure carecrs. Three fiflh grade classes have sci­ entists in Uieir classrooms. They come from Ingersoll-Rand in Mocksvillc, from Environmental Waste Recycling (EWR)inAdvancc,UicFbnythCounty HealUi Depanmeni and from Wake FoccstUmveniUy. The scientists - Steve Robinson, David and Donna Wanucha, and John Dackow- visil ibcelasscs oncc a week for eight to 10 weeks. At the end, Ihey will accompany sludenis and their projects to a regionai event. "I think it has a lot of educational value," said teacher Linda Harris. " It's nicc Uiat Ihe companies allow them Ihe time olf to comc, and tlic kids love it." The projects are related to the fifth grade science curriculum, Hanis said. "The educational value is thcrc, but die relationships are even better. They see Uut what Uiey'rc teaming in Ihcir fifth grade cuniculum can bc used out Ihere in the world." Lasl week, Robinson wos discuss­ ing rotational symmetry with hcrclass. Andy Page said lhat working with Robinson wasfun."He'samaUi teacher at Wake Forest. I learned how to do pattems like Ihis." Next door, John Dackow, an engi­ neering manager at Ingcrsoll-Rand, was leaching students how to save ciectridty. They learned how to read Uieirelectric mcten at home,andjudge usage by what appliances were being used. Appliances arc rated for high, low, very high and very lowclectricity usage. "We're learning a lot and having some fun,"Dackow said. The kids are great. They really try haid and panici­ pate. I get Uie satisfaction of maybe Uiey're leandng someUnng Uiey may not have learned." HeisurgingUiestudentstopanici- paleinacontesttoseewhocansave die most energy.MerediUi Phillips Icamed quickly whal uses up dieekctridlyather home. The washer and dryer and die kitchcn slove. Her kleas for conserving energy including only washing full kinds of ckidies, and not cooking OS many big dinnen, whkh couU mean eating out more often, she saU. Sue Howanl's students were busy dial same day widi David Wanucha of EWR, who was teaching diem aboul biosolids and die ditferences between alkaline, acid and neutral soils. His wife, Donna, an inspector widi die F^yUi counly HealUi Department, is conducting bacteiia experiments widi die smdents. Wanucha look die students' lo die Pinebrook patUng lot, and widi dieir goggles on 10 protect dieir eyes, diey saw what happens whcnyou odd water 10 limestone (calcium oxide)."They mine the limestone out ofthe earth. How do they make lime?" he asked. "They bum it," students repsondcd. "Al what tempcraturc?"'Two thousand degrees," they re­ sponded. He poured water into a plastic con­laincr of Ihc lirocsiDne. At firsl, litlle happened. Then U surted to bubble. Thenitstartcdtosmoke.Thcnitspuned oul оГ lhe conuiiner as the heal melted the conlaincr. "Ii'sahydrimicrcaclion," Wanucha said. "You can take Ihis and mix ft wiUi Ihe biosolids from die waste treatment plant, and il will kill Uu bacteria"His wife led the experiments of bacteria. The students tested desks, Conlinued On Page D2 Andy Paige cuts patterns as he leams new uses for math. Meredith Phillips goes over appliances and their category of energy consumptton. Stew Robinson, a ЖЫш Forest math teacher, teaches rotational symmetiy with filih gmJsñk ;Ш - DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 ■ Pinebrook Elementary students react to the reaction of water added to calcium oxide. FifttiGtBdeis jOeftHandfron -Sctance Lessons Cohttnued From Page D l ' ^ h c n utensils, bathroom sinks, com- keyboards. J ; 151110 result? "W c all wash our hands more often now," said Howard. ;*tea ch cr. ; : J JTlic Wanucha's - who are using Ihc v lw . and Mis. Scicnce" approach 10 SIhe class - have a Uaughlcr in ihc fifih ;erade al Pinebrook. They hope Io rc- ;tum even after she moves 10 North ;Davie. ^ "This is a greal opponunlly 10 gel ¿oulsidc of work and be wiih sludenls," •he said. They can leant more aboul w jo b s . I hope we can come back nexl jcarand do Ihis again."John Dackow tali<s atx5ut energy users with Megan Gamble, ^Uoh Church Plans :Holy Week Services Shiloh Baplisl Church al 554 E. i .Depol Sl. in Mocksvillc will hold iis : fourth annual Holy Week scrviccs ; April 6-10, beginning cach nighl al :7;30. S; The Rev. ^Donald Ray vJcnkins,Ihc pas-1 'lo r al Shiloh,will ¡bring Ihe mes. !^ge cach nighl. L o s e W B ig M , L o o k a n d F e e l G r e a t l New, all natural dietary supplcmcnl lets you lose weight without diet or exerci.se. Try now! 100% guaranteed. Pharmacist Recommended! Extra Trim! Available al; Mocksvllle Cooleemee Fostcr^Rauch Drug Co. Davie Discount Drug 495 Valley Rd. • 751-2141 141 Marginal SI. • 284-2537 For more dtlaileJmfomalion call I (800)695-6960 e b w ; ; » ! ?M usic for Ihe «Sveckwillbcren- q'dercd by visiling ifhoirs. Various •Wixiliariesofihc ^Chureh w ill con- Jm ld » ^ IK I Ihc dcvolional scrvice. % On Maunday Tliursday, Jcnkin's •Jncssagc w ill be lillcd "The Meaning 4>f Communion." The L.asi Supper f e ll be observed after ihe sermon. ¿^ Friday's' message w ill be liilcd p h e Meaning of the Cross," The :^usicalseleclions w ill include Iradl- iMoiul'Negro spiriluals. i The public is Inviied. jh t i la .ilK i Itta l twiodril«« iiM r tkM MW, tachrfa ■ im w wkMt UWkM w/Mw irp U u ctf, a n h r ca rin i b a i • air, kirb(r каа4 lin k carf)«. ( « if M i mw |Ы а1,1Ыш«^«1цг1,4мгЫ«|а ■ ri к а л ь к е . Mmi ш1 Off Bw j. HI « l ä i i M. « M I t m I t M « ■ lU IM aM ilM rfad - IX)ANS ON HOMES Excellent Rates Available Credit Problems Understood W E O FFER • BiUConaoIidation • Home Improvement • 1st & 2nd Mortgage •Rsfioance • Fixed and Variable Rates •16&30 Years • 2nd MottgacH up to 100% Equity • Excellent rttM OD DouUe Wdes and Modulais with Good Ciedit • • • Lo ca l P tn o n a l Service • • • MUTUAL MORTGAGE Jeff C M -P resident E U ia b iu y S S S - lS O O l- 8 0 0 4 № 5 5 7 5 AivUoatim iaTikM i by Phone 9M n-6iiin t Davie Schools Continued From Page D l follows: A-H fi p.m.; I-R 6:45 p.m.; ami S-?. 7:15 p.m. Kimlcrgurlcn Mudcnis of Angelina Eticrnnd Gmcc llillon have been Icam- inj» about the letter “Qq” and also about spring. Tlicy have been doing lols of art projc*cts to cclcbnitc the spring season. Kindergarten students of Kaye Vandiver and Jixli Walker arc flying high in March with many fun and lively aclivilies. Tlic lepnx'haun has iKcn playing tricks on them, and some students have made tnips In the Make- ll Center to catch him. Students aw tnicking the daily weather on their wcalhcrchitn.s nnd llnding many windy “ lion days, with a few "lamb” days. Tlicy have also been leaming abuot their Kxlics and money values. PirM gniders of Jane Oeaver, Eli/a- k ill Flynn, and Judy Whitaker en­ joyed listening to original stories writ­ ten by eighth grade students from South Davie Middle Sclux)l. Eighth gmdcrs visited the students und shared their stories in conjunction with ucelcbm- tion of Dr. Scuss’ birthday. They were accompanicd by Pat Cambell. Lynn MtKire. and Maa'c Trenchard. First graders are hu.sy reading and wriling alHiui bunnies as they prepare Ihe Annual Hunny Brunch which will 1« held on April ^) al 12:30. Each student may invite 2 adults to attend and .share lunch with. Students lun: preparing thcirclassriKims and polish­ ing their manners as they aniicipatc this festive spring p;iriy. SccondgmdcrsofJulicFIctchcrarc Winking for two weeks on Pond Life and Friendship. Tliey iK'gan their unit hy learning whal makes up a pond. Tlicy have .studied plani life, insects, turtles, frogs, snakes, and nicciwns. Tlicy are Iciirning the dinerences in fmgs and lo;uls. Tliey arc learning about Ihe lifecycle of a frog and some students Imnighl tadpoles to the cla.vs toohserve.Thcyarealsolcamingabout fricndship.StudcntswillrcadFrognnd Toad arc Friends to go along with this unit.Theyorcgoing tolcamhowfriends help one another and can he dilTcrent. Theannual reading program Is inlo its third week. The Brown Bears with 7.(M6 arc slill ahead of the Polar Bears with 6,512. The brcak down for the Brown Bears is: Kindergarten • 753, Ist grade - 682,2nd grade - 618,3rd gnidc *339, and Spccial Education - 64;andforlhcPolarBcars:Kindcrgar- len - 693.1st grade • 675.2nd grade - 558.3rd grade - 351. and Special Edu­ cation - 43. Sludcnts meeting Ihcir weekly goal werc awarded a Beary Spccial Trcal from Mr. Bear, himself. scgh9 Students of the Week of March 27 arc Christopher Rose, Chase Slcelc, Lauren Strickland. Tyler Jewell. An­ thony Beaver, Gracc Williams. Erica Simmons, Jordan James, Joseph Tay­ lor. Kimbcriy Cook.Tori Harris, Haley Allrcd, Chris Hill, Noel Holland, Alex Appell. Lindsay Carter, Lea B(X)c, Jon Ferebce. Justin Sheppard. KcnnciK Brown. JasmlneGaither. Jessie Bailey, James Mighion. Dcrreck Wall, anil Xavier Dulin. Class Teaches Skills, Answets Career Questions Fbr Students By Amanda Dwiggins, CNA Davie High School Sludenl Allied Health Sciences U. one of Ihc many classes Duvic High has to olTcr, leachcs students many Ihings and answers carcer planning ques­ tions. During the firsl few weeks of class, sludcnts prepare lo go to the clinical sites. Students practicc skills in Ihc classroom und learn such Ihings as CPR, procedures for tak­ ing vital signs, feeding patients, bath­ ing patients, and making beds. Wc leam procedures lo keep us safe in the clinical areas such as pro- icctive cquipmcm for bluodbornc pathogens, proper operation of fire extinguishers, and about hazardous chcmicals. The tcmiinology of the medical community is also studied. The clinical siles include Aulumn Care, Davic County Hospital, David Couniy Health Departmeni. Dr. Gary Prillam an's o ffice, Dr. Kevin Arm brccht’s o ffice. Dr. Sieve Laymon’s ofllce. and Foster-Rauch Drug Co. Sincc Ihc clinical internship is a “ hands on" activity, students have the opportunily lodccldc if the mcdi- cal Held is a field they want to go into. Throughout the class, guest speakers comc in an talk lo students aboul jobs in the mcdical field und give llrst-hand descriptions ofa typi­ cal day. By taking Ibis class, I learned many Ihings and made mosi of my importani carer decisions. I know what carccr I want bccausc of study­ ing in this particular field. The things that made the biggest impression on me were the patient carc skills (hcdbaths. shaving and feeding patients, taking blootl pres­ sures) and all of the clinical sites. Aficr completing all of the require­ ments for the coursc and for Nurse Aide I certification, I am now a CNA and Ihis w ill benefit mc as I conlinue my education al Rowan-Cabarrus Communiiy Collegc. The A llied Health Scicnccs classcs w ill be helpful to anyone in­ terested in a medical career. TRIAD, REALTORS Making Stratford Road 91V7254506 Real Estate Davldion County 910/764^ Real Easy.™ Dtvl« County 9KW9S4S16 m RMeatlon jVi "w tm ri'i gniirt rn bmww iiHnttf »1 ftnimi wmt nm eiim a >mnип.ш ВИ M UOcm tiku tho 6Mi ol a hfetrTwl RoOuced belo« tpprftul • 4S76 SF e«autiMlo(.MbnciL JENNlfEnSTOOUO Юв-117в MUM la tcta u M MMi i n U U « к• HofM loveil drum e Kt* mWt»rm• Pnrn* 0«v»o loc; cviMom яЛои oí extrai• (mAMhrt* Mr <мП«; Э «al twn BARBARA ALLEN 9»ХП и т е ш м и т с м п u i i m l u v » * « is t f jM tm I J U MML«FnthUL c(ttii*r)0№t№yourlik*4t « Prtvtou* orvKt* tain kM at-ii • avail; tar« Ofi^rartuntylCINOYXWNSON 9M-2389 .............— I САИОШШШiu ia« im «jm ìmРг«(ти( Mockivd« rtthd «/ÿoai yard Саре Cod with Ul tnnvit tun by naturt ML tnni iurtiNAuxBA;grtrmwbay««>VICKI FLEMINQ We-116r • Mro-dn ranch In coucuy atmotpheta• VIry mMom. гкаш 2 tana N purr«• Suwm. Mek flr In lui. Mtt ol t0Nd JANET MASTERS М»-ИВ2 U T iM iM Pua11м.ме i n M U• Naw opan plan on a laroa M• Loeaiad In a tmal comnunty• Pnmiat OavM Courfy locaMn CMOYXMNSON 9W-33N ----щиш т т ш ш амк ■г7|Ут^1П1т„Т, ш м т I « шлы *Alotolhouaa«anMon»Mp«<e« JENMFERSrnOilO Ш-\\ПBARBARA ALIEN в6в-Э09Э • w|30A0l>* updMat арат on U caMnuniart,• cwpM. «Мо«а. rool, N puiip, pan. WR2 oaa log • VKMfL£IIM0S»1ie7 — m*Min‘conMon1«OI«miheuee VlCWFlfMtjirSÄVieT^ S f f i * — K f f « и — У Я•Coiort«en.9acrtlnTbaHMMaS S ,» * “— l)A\ Ii;(Ol МЛ I.OTS AM) LANDS mn. M l 1иМММП.М*> Rural «егаам tract loi raUdartiiai bidQ Woodtd iritf) aiopa^ i Eatimca п м т «mmmi ОАЯ. PAWUK 9М-ПЮ CIMt CUIK n.. ММ-МММ- 7* acraaUNRESTRICTEO. Naar Puktrto RMga QoM Соши. Laval, partly wootM. Na«r 1-40. Davta County BARBARA ALLEN 9М-Э09Э im «П МИ. МММ • МММ-Ежмаг( bu«*4 lol in Eadam Yadkin 1.M aerM hatvily woodad. Qraat »chooit and convaniani to Winaton-Siiam «rat. Ratirtdiona.JANET MASTERS nS-tlB3 t МПГ. MMW. li«MM> iteraaga iraei doaa to town 2c(«d n-90. pdarM tanna, cornar lol Adtocart .M acralndtSI.OOa VtCNFLEMWQ 9М-11в7 m iwiMMi MwiiMMMi MMMMi* itm mLg. woodwl tot. 34 hi ncurlty. Counlry Club nalurt gitora. Chooaa yoiw «m UMai tM ictwhemaaM.WS-|66«0.01 tuidai*! «MO tm*. - - -- s ! r r ?iïïï2î.*sa'v1 U.V«UCI WWM МВ-117Э _______________|.» » IM M JENMFEH8TROUOMB-1178 Л TRIAD. REALTOfliOanl ^« ■MMWi Wpoogand rtterhoimandpMoaelmi HwnbaraNp io BR Couttlry Club IrtduMd-AnwNlaa go«, ivrti. амп. dub hat. 8ГМ JENNrsn STROUD BM-1I7B-----J U — MWU fBM» 7.7SACRES iQirino Yaddn RK«r and nth P*wy. End ol itraat locaboa Counlry aanng m №• Cttrtry CML 24rv.McufHy:BETTY pens вМ>11М CORNER LOT «tu*> tnjÊÊ^? Ifl Bamiuda Run ivaiiabit. Огам lof »»yarnaiHWa |7ДХУас»а^ МММ M M M i s s s T Ä i 3 i i . ; M K s ; i U -------------Э Д К - Г ' »IM VICNFLEMNO M-1117 ^4MM»ae SAUYMCOUMIM-IIH eMXYMC0Utf«MB>11M ^ttdgM coM tMMMf).clatf 4ам1. In in - e o .i^ a S S Ïr® *’'^ “ “ к 1м м « п » ш м 2 и |2 2 ? "^ ’'“ ‘COUNTOYCUIBBiniNQIorlarM-O^ I LADONNAPbTT89M.|1M- •WMIUMIAST LOT h Fei oomMaM to 1^. Gouty iiaa.DaMa«tf«d«. tVCK>nCMMQMB.tll7 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998,-D3 Mocteville Teacher Eams PRSE Certificate Margaret Ann S. Miles, a special cducalor from Mocksvllle, was re­ cently awarded the Professionally RecognizcdSpccinlEducalor(PRSE) ccrlificatc for Spccial Education . Tcoching by The Council for Excep- tional Children (CGC). ' ■ ThePRSEdcslgnationisawarded jo special educators who have dem­ onstrated they meet professional stan­ dards for practise in the fields. PRSE recipients must have earned profes­ sional degrees or endorsements in special education, have al least three years experience in their area of ex­ pertise, nnd follow CEC's code of ethics and standards of practise. "CEC is proud 10 award Ihc PRSE designnlionordcscrvingspecialedu- cators," said Richard W . Main/cr, CEC's assistant executive dircctorof Professional Standards and Practicc. "TIk'sc spccial cducatorsdcmonsirate their commilmcnis lo ihcir profes­ sion and their sludcnts by mccling professional standards thal result in effective practise in Ihc field." CEC's PRSE pmgram w ill pliiy a major role in ensuring students with disabilities rcceive quality instruc­ tions. Through the PR SE program, principals and other in hiring posi­ tions can identify ihosc individuals who have mcl professionally recog- ni/.cd standards, thus lhat they have the knowledge nnd skills to provide erfective instruction lo the student in Ihcir chargc. In addition, the PRSE program pnmiotcs quality special education practise throughout the nation by standardizing the knowl­ edge umlskillsapmfcssional spccial cduciuor must have. PRSEs are available in spccial education leaching, special educa­ tion administration, and educational diagnosis. Classes To Be Offered At DCCC Davie Campus The Davic Campus of Davidson Counly Communiiy College w ill of­ fer the following Continuing EEducu- iion classes beginning'April 14. Pre-HomeOwnemhlp Training course has been designed as n coop- . erativc cffori of the community col- . Icgc syslcm. Lcxinglon Board of Realtors, financial institutions, and local housing assistance programs. This coursc for firsl-timc home buy­ ers and low to moderate income fami­ lies. (Tuesdays &Thursdays 6-8 p.m.. April 14-28, $20 fee). . M Icrason Office 97 coursc is a powerful integrated software pack­ age that includes Word. Excel, Ac­ cess. and PowerPoint. Time w ill be spent on each .software components as well as Integration features and lcchni(|ues. This coursc is not for beginners and requires proficiency in Windows. Students need two 3 1/ 2" high density disks. (Tuesday & Thursdays. April 14-June 30, 6-9 p.m., $35 fee plus approximately $50 for lcxlb(x)k und u $5 materials fee) I Know Nolhing About Com­ puters is u hands-on coursc which gives novicc computers users the op­ portunity to leam basic computer op­ erations nnd functions. Students will create, save, print, manipulate u mouse, und Icam basic Windows manipulation. This coursc is a pre­ requisite forallsoflwarcclasscs. Stu­ dents nccda3 1/2” high density disk. (Thursdays. April 16-Muy 7 5:30- 8:30 p.m.. $35 I^l'c plusn $5 malerials fee). Introduction to Quantity Food Service coursc is design for ftKHl scrvice workers and prospective fixKl scrvicc employees to increase iheir knowledge and skills in planning, preparing, and scrvlngquanlityfo(xls. Topics includc: different types of food service, sanitation, basic skills, menu planning, Го(к1 preparations, job survival skills, and carcer explo ■ ralion. (Tuesday & Thursday. April 14-May 21,6-9 p.m., $35 fee plus u $20 supply fee. Location: South Davic Middlc School W indow s 95: Introduction course w ill leach sludcnts how to loud software, manipulate the mouse and desktop, manage files, work in Land Rezoned ForMot)ile Home Parle The Davic Counly Board of Com­ missioners has rczoned 15.8 acres on Farminglon Road for a mobile home park. Commissioners volcd unani­ mously March 23. to grant a request by Stan Henson of Winston-Salem lo rczone the property, which joins 1-40 Trailer Park, followingapublichear- ng. Henson plans to bring the 4.77 acre trailerpark with 22 mobile homes up to snulT and could add 49 addi- lonal units on Ihc 15.8 acrcs. his attorney. Hank Van Hoy, told com- missioners. This w ill not devalue surrounding property, which is zoned for com­ mercial and industrial use. No one would build a permanent house on the property surrounded by industry. This is a non-permanent use, Van Hoy said. A set of rules and regulations will be imposed for the community, in­ cluding no trash or junk cars in the yards and no illegal activities. Henson w ill install new underpinning on all Ihc older homes and have ull steps, decks and storage sheds brought up to community standards, be said. The back portion of the property w ill be reserved forrccrcational use, he added. Shirley Smilh of Bobbitt Road spoke in opposition to the request, expressing concerns about over­ crowding inschoolsand enforcement of the restrictive covenants for the communiiy. Commissioner Diane Fosicrmadc the motion lo approve Henson's re­ quest. Therc is a lack of land in Davic County for mobile home parks. Ш гтп H O W A R D (7041 634 353H RKAi:i\N(iw 11)( al I- rom VVinsloti s.llrm I Mb. . II....... МммИ.п I < Ml.14 ' T IP 1B7 Asm Dr.- ktocktvM t InML UpljaM CML home m Qvden Vtfeu 4700 hMlBd iq. R. on 1.7 wooded ac. 4-5 Br. 2 (iplc. Э-car gir., ICC. pordi, new OM Kim.Prtoed below amiisei.ш т с д и м и З . m i DtvltAeadtmyM.-WtmJerM place to enjoy country IMna 42*/' ee. (ann, \936*b houM. Dam. rtdmo arena. Me. Mitad 24х4в bUg. coutd be gueet house. i^O O aH A nY O R IU . 732 UndtrpM« Rotd - s acre hoTM wm. Convenient to eoi & 140. Immactiale home* ЭВО. 2BA. 2 car gvaga. lg. DOKti, deck, patio, раМигм le M croM lenced. Musi aee. 1179,100. CAU CONMf. 1t1Pm#VMeynd.-Sit»m MeveL 480. гбВа on double lot at Hdtfxy Hi CC. Swim, pool, window timtf. 3>zone heat w ^ 2SI4 8F. HMoiy M golf 4 CC tmatmMQ IncludedtIH M O C A aKEN . 1S1 Jueiln 1л ^____End ol cUKtTMC. 4Вг,Эва modular, »car garaoi. Lg. pond, 4 gazebo«, amai om. ponds, 1пл нем, on app. 3 AC, IMftiiM to MO Pmebtook ac«v (tot|14l.00aCAUJANi. 231 MtomltaAvt-*Qieen Lawn* eecton ol the «у -perfect tmrii envlronmend A reel eye opener. 4/S6r. Эва, den.on,l!Rr2lrple. 2500teq. n. ol Ivina spece. Low--tir io S c A u JfanBMMTd«Ж 1 3 O M isftm liie lM i 7114Ц. 7lt4W т ^ в М х M U tO N U m«Ы117 118 Carrto Chcto - Ntoe wnwy neovomooo. jof. • bet) ranch w№lo(sol storage, large becK ywd. 2<ar garage, gM heat and oent^ air. 1113.100. CA U MARY. 237 ИМЙМП ПШ - 3bedroom, Brldt home w№ lui beeement tn^jround poot. fenced beck yard, oonvenieni to toMiandMO.HOI.900. CAU сонме. 901 lain RetdЧкеnewsbedreom, 2 befi-mMDsname liee Rendi home In miai aiM . yet coovertert to Ma Large rr«slar siile. МжШ ш жиш ш Ш Ш ____________Clclm r Ortv* - New neigrtemood-new eompieiw sevetai under conetwdorv ЭвЕ.28А,1Ьер1ме«^дм1т doUM m e-PrietdlntS 990^ CAU I 1.3m. Mtaet pump, vtoyl siding, replaoemL windowa,.... 2<tfjoveA more. tMienilrt piBM. New vinyl aid, OmPk wiCA, wMer heeler.bMemenlonqiiel_____Mng ream. UiBhen, dea Ouw ___may tftoOM new rod 00& RewM tortowmaint R m ______ ._я-аьевa ben 18N eieiing r tiome. In емеваш oo LOI rant 1100 per $11.090 CAU Ш . L O r a A L A N D 4 M IH 7 II U4Ae*lie>Mkl17MII OiMm ì inibii.... »fti4tMtN(bypaaa)---li7Mc4^l3lMll mmttm сш»¥лтЁВЯВШ ш ш л9^%т сшшышшшп 9 т ш т .т ш , т IlLalilllkM «саашитме H«»HIN-------:.~.7UAeн т м— 9М»М1М11 А1мМ-9гае1мм---bM|.ielt10ii99.tlMoiolBllMIMa. ONUNrtyOkM----Orile»М<--------------------ItAaW-IIIMIIЛ Ш М тЛ Л OaUMtfCMe-. multiple windows, and switch from program lo program. Copy, move, delete, and other functions w ill be explained. Sludenls w ill need a 3 1/ 2" high density disk. Prc-rcqulsitc: 1 Know Nolhing About Computers or equivalent experience. (Tuesday & Thursdays, April 16-May 19, 10- noon. $35 fee plus approximately $30 for textbook and a $5 malerial fee). Mechanicul Level I I Slundurd Inspection course is for individuals inspecting up lo 60,(M)0 sp. ft. and up lofinirstorics. Thccoursc provides a working knowlcilgc of the code ap­ plicable to medium si/cconsiruction and fulfills rciiuircmcnls to lake Ihc ipialifying exam for level li or level I. Volumes Hi. V I & V II needed. (Friday. Salurday. Sunilay, April 24- 26,8 a.m.-5 p.m.. $35 fee). I Know Nothing AlM)ut Com­ puters coursegives novice computer users the opportunily to learn basic computer operations and functions. Students w ill crealc. print, and .save documenis. manipulate a mouse, and learn basic Windows manipulation. This coursc is a prc-rcquisitc for all softwarcclasscs. Sludcnts need a 3 I/ 2" high density disk. (Monday. April 20 May 11,5:30- 8:30 p.m.. $35 fee plus a $5 materials fee). These classcs w ill mcel at the Davic Campus locatcd at 1205 Salisbury Road in M(x:ksvillc. To pre-register or obtain additional in­ formation, call the Davie Campus ai (336) 751-2885. Rewards For The Teacher North Davie Middle School teacher Trina Jackson, Davie County teacher of the year and region middle school teacher of the year, talks atwut business and school cooperation with Mocksville Wal-Mart Manager Jerry Snyder. Wal-Mart gave $500 to North Davie in honor of Jackson's awards. “It's great that businesses are honoring and supporting our schools," Jackson said. "It's also nk:e that they give rewards to stu­ dents." -Photo by Robin Farguaaon Public Hearing On Electric Sen/ice Planned The Commission on the Future of Elcclric Scrvicc in North Carolina will hold a public hearing from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, A pril 8 at the Ircdcll Agricultural Cenier. East Water Slreel. Statesville. The commission is taking public comment on issues sunt)undlng de­ regulation of the cleclric service In­ dustry. XXZZZZIZIXZZZZZZZZZZZXZZXXZZZ Bethlehem Angels Preschool/Parent's Moming S ^ B e th le h e m U n ited M ethod ist C huich 321 Redland Road • Advance, NC (336) 998-6820 *(336) 998-5083 Enrollment Bexins March 23'' ^ FALL'98 PROGRAM Ages 12 months througii Pie-Kindergaiten' Applicationsßr teachers are also being accepted. (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 — г--*.',!--# • I M i DAM E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD» April 2,1998■ >.i> V l i o c k s v i l l e M a n G r a d u a t e s F r o m H i g h w a y P a t r o l S c h o o l RALEIGH - Forty-clghl new troopers recently graduated from the 98th Basic School of thcNorth Can>- lina State High­ way, Patrol and w ill report for duty across the state on April I. Larry James Staley Jr. of Mocksvillc is a member of the class and has been assigned to Troop CIV, _________ Vance. His Slaley cousin is Daniel Mathews with the Mocksvilie Police Department. "We arc proud to welcome the 98th Basic School graduates us mcm* hers of one of the nation's finest law cnfoTccment orgatiizatians," said Richard H. Moore, secretary of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, of which the Highway Patrol is a division. "These new troopers have proven that they havc the right stuff lo do the job." said Colonel E.W. Horlon. Pa­ lrol coniimmdcr. "They have Joined a proud agcncy thal has been making our highways safer since 1929." The Highway Puirol class includes Ihree women. They will bring the lolal number of women on the Palrol to 19. from a toial if 1,380 troopers. Eleven members of ihe class are col­ lege graduates nnd 10 have associate degrees. Twenty eighl have prior law enforcement experience, and six arc related tooihcr members of the High­way Parlol. Chiss members comc from 32 counlies in Norih Carolina. The new iroopers mastered 1.114 hours of instruction in 71 Jaw en­ forcement subjects, including acci* dent invcsiigalion and criminal und constitutional laws, firearms train­ ing. and precision driving. A P R IL 5 , 1 9 9 8 S u n d a y S c h o o l 10:00am W o rs h ip S e rv ic e 10:50am D e d ic a tio n S e rv ic e 4 :00 pm Come and visit our chuixh on thb spKial day. Come expecting lo be blessed by Ihe Lord. We will have old-fashioned singing and preaching In Ihe services. In Ihe anemoon service we will dedicate our new building unto Ihe Lord. Don’l mbs Ihls special day. S p r / n y O U e o i o a f A pril < - 1 0 , IM S 7:30 p a Blghtiy Guest Preacher! Bro. Conard Hatfield Pastor of the bland Ford Bapllst Church Come praying and begging God for an old fashioned rtvivai meeting. We will have special singing nightly and a nursery is provided for all of the services. TURNERS CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 321« COURTNEVHUKTSVILLE ROAD > Y AOKtNVILLE, NC 270SJ PASTOR ALLEN BARKER , 4t3-55M.4«3-5Mf4«M9M . ^ t í x í t l t t s 171 N. Main Street • Mocluville, NC 27028 • 704-634-2737 We'd love to have you visit us weekly. Catch up on the news. Find the bargains. Relish in the accomplishments of students. Follow our sports teams. S ubscribe N o w ! Send check for $20 (In N.C.) with your address to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99 Mocksvilie, NC 27028 Л-u: ;Ь:. t ' DÀVIE COUNTY TT" Y o u th T a le n t , F a s h io n S h o w P la n n e d ; The youth of Molnvlllc AME ZJon Church w ill sponsor n children's and youth rushinn and tal­ ent show ot 3 p.m. Suturday, April 4. > Julius Suiter, principal ut Mucii.s- muslcr of ccrcmonlcs. For nitorc Inrormnllnn, call the church at 751-9146 on Sundays be­ tween II) a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Paslor of Ihc church is the Rev. Robert H.^llc Elementary School, will be tlic Ballcy, «• Kyle Swicegood COIM Candidate t The real estate firm of Swicegood ft Wall Realtors announced today tiTal T. Kyle Swicegood has received axandidatc mem-| bcrship lo thcl dbmmercial !n-l vestment Real Es-| t^c Institute purs-1 i(jg the Ccrtificdl Commercial In-I vestment Memberl (CCIM) dcsigna-| lion. i Upon complc-l lion of a graduatcB __ __ lovel curriculum Swicegood aiid attainment job a level of qualify­ ing experience, Ihe CCIM designa­ tion is awarded to certlHed profes­sionals in commercial real estate, bro- keiage. leasing, asset management. valuation and investment analysis. Swicegood has completed the coursc in financial analysis for com­ mercial investment real estate. The courses for market analysis for com­ mercial invesimenl rcal estate and decision analysis for commercial in­ vestment real estaie will be required before silting for the final exam in November 1998 in Anaheim. Calif.He is a member of the Western Piedmont Association of Reallors. the PiedmonlTrlad Commercial List­ ing Exchange und Ihe Internalionul CouncilofShoppingCcnters(ICSC). Swiccgood plans to attend the ICSC International Convention in May In Las Vegas where forums will he discussed regarding regional na­ tional and inlemational retail real estate development and management. Four Corners News By Marie WhiteFour Comers Corrcspcndent ^Mr. and Mrs. Lu Wall, Mrs. Johnsie Shelton had lunch Sunday at a ivstauranl in Clemmons. ;Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith had supper Saturday niehtinYadldnvUle. ■Mr. and Mrs. Mark While and Jc,HicawereSunday dinner jueslsof Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton and Abby Fergerstin have returned home after spending the weekend at the beach. Mrs. Inez Rcavis Is on our sick list. Wo are wishing her a speedy rccovcry. Water Safety Training To Be Offered ■The Davie County Branch ОГПсе of] the Red Cross will offer water safety Instnictor training at the West FmythYMCA April 14-21. '.Classes arc scheduled Tuesday at?l Thursday evenings from 6-iO. The coursc requires attendance to all clisscs for completion. Participants mlist be 17 or older. Cost; $80. :To register or for more infcrma- tidn, cail Jane Long at 7SI ■ 1347 bc- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday- Friday. Deadline to register is Mon­ doy, April 13. "It is very gratifying totrainpcoplc to be safe in and around the water," Long, dircclor of the Davic oIRcc, said. The Araericon Red Cross is a United Way agency serving Dovie. Forsyth, Stokes and Yadkin coun­ties. :HomcMax, a manufactured hous­ ing retailer and a subsidiary ofZaring Notional Corp., has opened its model home village on Blaise Church Road (U.S. 601 at 1-40) in Mocksvillc, the second village HomcMox plans to develop over the next two years.;Thc model home village, a con- Erln Carter To Perform April 5 The congicgation of Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 U.S. 601 S. invites you to come and hear Erin Carter in conccrt Sunday, April S at 6 p.m.;"Erinisavcry gifted and tal­ ented 14 year old wlM is presently an-j8th grader at S l«ts Memorial C№stian School m\jl an aclivc mbmber of the Victory Babtist yt^th and missions teams. She has b«n singing since the age of S and released her first tape just last year unjler the guidance & direction of Tim Greene of "The Greene's," said the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster, pastor.;This wiil be a free concert with n loje offering being rcccivcd to help support Erin in her ministry. Brian HtKkabee will be singing along with Etin. A nursery will be provided for toUiera-3 years old. -W more information, cail Ihe diiiich at 284-2328. Carter V i r 0 1 'J,V 1\ \\ a l k t г 1 lo i is l 1 lU '. ( ;ill 7í)í,-K -()-S.I f / И / r \ \ ¡ H t ll ll t t h ¡S t h t n n 4 III I I >f \ It m / 1 Boxed Ж Red R o s e s i # UA VlK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - D5. P U BLIC NO TICES HomeMax Village Opened In Davie cept unique to HomeMax, features a welcome cenler and 17 decorated, fumished model homes displayed In a landscaped environment.Designs range in pricc from S20.000-$75,000 and contain up to 2,000 square feel. "Cusiomcrs can relax and shop in a beautiful retail environment and select their homes from our exclu­ sive designs,” said HomeMax Ex­ ecutive Vicc President Malt Massarelli. “Our attention to cus­ tomer satisfaction is a practice nol commonly found In the industry." HomeMax, headquartered in Ra­ leigh, is engaged In the retail distri­bution, installation, and servicing of manufactured housing. Plans are to open additional distribution locutions throughout the United States deploy­ing modem merchandising and rc- lailingiconcepts in line with super retailers. Champion Enterprises de­veloped a HomeMax brand of single and multi-section homes. The prod­uct line is designed to reach segments of the market previously untapped, and incorporates “Z-Craft." HomeMax’» propriety system of ex­ terior architectural detailing. NGFTTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTORS NOTICEHaving qualifiod as Executor of the Estate crt Robah F. Spach. dKaased, late of Davle County. North Carollr>a, this la to notify aH persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the under­signed on or before the 19th day of June, 1998, belngthreemonthsfrom the first day ol putUcation ot this notice wiH be pleaded In bar of their recoveiy. All persons in* debted to said estate will please mako immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 19th day ol March. 1998.Dwight W. Spach, 985 Cedar Creek Rd.. Mocksvilte. NC 27028, Executor ot the Estate of Robah F. Spach. deceased. BROCK & HAMILTON Attomey for Estate 151 S. Main SI.Mocksviile, NC 27028 3*19-4tn NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICEHaving qualified as Executrix ot the Estateof Perry J. Roberts, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having daima against sakl estáte to present them to the under­signed on or before the 12th day of June, 1998, being three months from the first day of pub)k»tton or this rwfice wlD be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona in­debted to sakl estate will please make immediale payment to the undersigned.This the 12th day of March, 1998.Jerllee H. V^lllams, 903 Short St., Stellacoom, Washington 98388, Execu­trix of the Estate of Perry J. Roberts, de­ceased. MARY BLANTON, ATTORNEY PO BOX 2327 SALISBURY. NC 28145-2327 3-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS H0T1CEHaving qualified as Executor of the Estate of Allan B. Satteiwhlte, a.k.a Allan Satterwhite and Allan Bentiy Satterwhlte, deceased, late ol Davle County, North Carolina, this b to notify all persons having daims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of June. 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recov­ery. Ail persons Indebted to aakl estate wUI please make immediate payment to the undersigned.Thisthe 19th day of March, 1998.Dorothy J. Satterwhlte, Executor of the Estate of Alian Bentiy SatterwNte, de- T.DANWOMBLE PO Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 (336)766-8085 3-IMtn Y Love You ~ fila-Maw Шгу & hi-fìiw Cary hvcock NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTRIX NOTICEHaving qualified as Executrix of the Estala ot Kathleen S. Rogers, deceased, iateof Davle County, North Carotina, Ihls Is to notify all persons having dalms against sakl estate to present them to the under­signed on or betore the 19th day of June, 1998, being three months from thefirst day ot pubilcatlon orthis notice will be pleaded In bar ol thfllr recovery. Ail persons In­debted to said estate will please maice immediate payment lo the undersigned.This the 19th day of March, 1998.Teresa Rogers Smoot, 2146 Davle Academy Rd.. Moclisvillo. NC 27028. Executrix of the Estate of Kathleen S. Rogers, deceased.3-19-4tp STOCKHOLDER MEET1NQSTONE STREET BANCORP. INC APRIL 21,1M» 6:00 P.M. DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC UBRARY Stone Street Bancorp will hold its an­nual stockholder meeting in the Multi-Pur- pose Room at the Davle County Public Library. All Interested parties are Invited to at­ tend Slone Streers annual meeting.Stockholders ol Record Date March 2, 1998 are encouraged to attend and lo submittheir proxy votes. Proxy votes can­not be counted unless si(pied and re­tumed. You are asked to maik your proxy and, thereby, to Uke part In the voting process. Failure to return your proxy means that it cannot be voted for or against the nominees and proposals. The Davle County Public Ubrary Is located at 371 North Main Street, Mocksvilie. NC 27028.3-2e-4m NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator ol the Estate of Roger Houston Mellon, de­ ceased, late of Davle County, North Caro­lina, this Is to notif/ all persons having claims against said astikto to ptesont them lo the undersigned on or belore the 19th day of June, 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this notk:e will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recov­ery. Ailpersonsindebted to sakl estate will please make Immediate payment to U\e undersigned.This the 19th day of March, 1998.Paul Rustln Harpe, 397 Qreenhill Rd., M>ck8ville, NC 27028, Administrator of the Estate of Roger Houston Melton, de­ceased.3-19-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORSHa\^ qualified as Executor of the Estate ol Jannette M. Brown, deceased, late OfDavie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corpora­tions having claims againsi sakl decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at the offkses of Bell, Davis & Pitt, P A , 635 W. Fourth Street. Winston-Salem, North Caro­lina 27101, on or before the 19th day of June, 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this ootk;e will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Ail per­ sons, firms and corporations indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate paynwnt to the undeisigned.This the 19th day ot March. 1998.WACHOVIA BANK OFNORTH CARO- LINA, N.A., Executor of the Estate of Jannette M. Brown.BEa, DAVIS & PITT, P A 635 W. Fourth Street P.O. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, N0271013-19-4ln Blaxlityn T. Cook la f i r n C al toh«lph«r celebrate tNs \mileslor)e in her life. ^ 336-751*2624 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTORS NOnCe Having quaMed aa Executor of the Estate of Francee Shermer Jarvis, de- ceaeed, late of DtvIe Couniy. North Caro­lna. thia le to notify a l persona h»Hng daima against aaU estate to presem them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of June, 1996, being three monthe from the first day of puMcatkm or thia nottee will be pieadedlnbar of their recov­ ery. AlperaoneindeMedtoaaidestatewi piease make immediate payment to the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIDSON COUNTYIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DlVlStON FILE NO. 97 J 283,284 IN TH EI^H ERO R DWIQHT WESLEY STONE JR. AMANDA NICOLE STONETO: Dwight Wosloy Stone, father of a male child, (Dwight Wesley Stone, Jr., t>om on or about Juno 9,1988 in Forsyth County, Noiti) Carolina, and father of a female child, Amanda Nicole Slone, bom on or aboul April 23,1987 In Forsyth County, North Carolina, Respondent;TAKENOTICEthotapleadingseeMng rellel ogalnst you has been filed In the District Court ol Davidson County, Lexing­ton, North Carolina In the above-entitled action. Tho nature of the relief being sought Is as follows:Termination ot your parental rights to the above-captloned children.You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than the 11 th day of May, 1998, said date being forty (40) days from first publication of this notice and upon your failure to do so your paiental rights lo sakl children will be tennlnated. This Is the 2nd day ol April, 1998. Charles E. Frye 111 One Weaver Drive Professional Building Suite Two Lexington, North Carolina 27292 Telephone; (336) 243-1122 Attomey for DavWson County, North CarolinaDepartment of Sodal Seo/lces 4-2-3tn PUBUC NOTICE NOT№E OF PUBUC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOL­LOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR* SUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS of Chapter 160», Article 19, Section 160-A- 364 ol the Qeneral Statutes of North Caro­lina and pursuant to Article 10, Section 5, of the Mocksviile Zoning Ordinance, that the Town Board ol Commlsstoners will hold a PUBUC HEARING al tha Town Hall, Mocksvilie, N.C., at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7,1998.Mocksvilte Land Associates, LLC has submitted a request to amend the original Speda) Use Permit Issued bythe Town ot Mocksviile on Febmary 4, 1997. The permit was Issued for the new shopping center at US Hwy 64 West and Valley Road and restrk:ted the street accesses to one access from Valley Road and one accesslromUSHwyMWest TWaprop- erty is located at the northwest comer of Valley Road and US Hwy 64 West and is hjrther descnbed as being Parcel 64.03of Davle County Tax Map 1-4.A sign vril be posted on the above listed ptoparty to advartlse tt^a PUBLIC HEARING. Ali parties and interested citi­zens shall have an opportunity to be heani in favor of or In oppc^tfon to the foregoing changes. Prior lothe hearing, all persons interested may obtain any addittonal infor­ mation on tha proposals by visiting ttw Planning Department in the Davie County Administration BulUing, Mocksvilie, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340.John S. Galiimore Planning and Zoning 3-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Walter TiQman Dull, deceased, lateofDavieCounty,NorthCaroiIna,thiala to notify ail persons having daima against sakl esUte to present them to the under­signed on or before the 12th day of June, I998,being three montha from the firstday of pubik«tk)n or iNa notk:e wiN be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons In­debted to sakl estate will please makeImmediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12№ day of March, 1996. lylarie D Woolen, Executor of the Ee- tale of Waiter Tilman Dul, deceaaed.W iiam E.Hal AttomayetUw 1818.Mab)St Mod(avie.NC 27028 3-12-4tn Thia the 12№ day of Mardi, 1906. Shenner O. Jante, 3442 US Hwy. 64 East, Advance, NC 27006, Executor of №e Estate of Francee Shermer Jarvis, de- 3-12-4tn M a r, Jtae/ма* • Д¥-7ШЦ151 g s s r ruiinrtiiir«»t r t n w ’i f "* i "1»ч’г у Л ' E S T A T K A U C T I O N # / Ы 4 Sat,itprii11-1K»rJI. 1SS1 i« i7 s a t « M M iiM i AvM EeHipu a PmMMi Pnpflfty flf Vm liiB SBhi L BIWM EMali, BrtMm NC D inclkxu : From the intersection of Hwy. 601 & Hwy. 268, follow Hwy. 601 S. I mi. to sale site on the lelt. Auclion signs posted. Partial List Includes: M assey Ferguson 13S D iesel, Inlem ational Cub Farm Traclor (G as), Cub Low -Boy Ports, Large H ydraulic Wood Splitter 3-Point Hookup, Cub Cadet 3 B " Law nm ower Hydro 1320, M cCorm ick Farm all Cub w/Side M ow er (G as), Traclor M ower T u ffB iif M odel, New Holland Square Bailer Model 273. M any other shop and farm related implemenis Including discs, blades, bush hogs, plows, and more. 10% Buyers Premium. For more iitfdrmatiott, Call 800^2-7906 or 336-789-2926 Hwy.601 I ML Airy, NC ; NCALMSS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYC («XEC lfrO n» NOTICE Having qu^ified as Co-Executors of theEstateolMlmaGotus.deceased.lale ' of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is tp .. notify afl persons having daima agalns't' sakl estate to present them to the undef- signed on or before the 2nd day of July; - 1998, being three months from thefirst day ^ ot publication or this notice win be pleaded , in bar of their recovery. All persons lr\- debted lo said estaie will please maki Immediate payment to the undersigned.'This the 2nd day of April, 1998.Dennis J. Gotus, 136 Leslie Court, Ad­vance, NC 27006:orMaryA.Morrm,104 ' Shenandoah, Winston-Salem, NC 27103,- Co-Executorsof theestato of WilmaGoius,'' deceased.4-2-4 tn. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having qualified aa < Executor of ti\a Estate of Holland %■ Smith, deceased, late of Davle County, • North Carolina, this is to notify all persbhs'' having claims against sakl estate to pres^ them to the undersigned at 1W1 West' Fourth Street. Winston-Salem, NC 27101, on or before U\a 2nd day of July, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in ' baroftheirrecovery. Ailpersonsindebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned at the above designated addresss.This the 2nd day of April, 1998.C. Lamar Seats, Executor of the estate of Holland W. Smith, deceased.Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.Kllpatrk:kStod(ton LLP Attorneys at Law 1001 West Founh Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 4-2-4tn PIERCE A U C T I O N S E R V I C E Cary R. Ragland, Estate (Deceased) 6:30 THURSDAY APRIL 2 Wl con« w/ srarwiB M vtr new. ital design MilUten njg. Limooes I plates. BuHera tray stand. TM pie I. Comer cabinet Smal 3 drawer Quean Anne DR table, 6 chairs. Sola table. Dropfront aecretary. Hanging comer cupboard. Miniature houses. Walnut cane w/ a te i^ siver head.Oriental desl ....china plates.stand Come . . ______chest Beautiful ftoral pattern cNna lamp. Two cushton sofa. 4 distinctive wingbeck chairs. Victorian arm chair. Smoke stand. 5 x 9 Karastan rug. Karastan 2 x 4 area mg. ChippendM style camel bad( sofa. Sofa table. Pair brass lamps. R.S. Prussia bowL Leather inlakl mahogany table. 3 drawer cherry chest Shanghai hooked rug. Unique antique radto cabinet Coo Coo ciodc 'Salem Square* haH table. Leaded glass lamp. Statuette by ‘Heath King*. Statuette’s by Austin. Numerous limited edition prints, framed, matted & under glass. Varkxjs aiUst: Joe King, -Vlndata’ E. Lewia. ‘Spring Basket, and others by DeBa Roberts. ‘Eliaa Koner Huff House-, Palsy Faires. ‘Creamers’, Shenrie Wolf. Lonaine Veto. OH, ‘Kemer House*, H.t. Jam>an, 74. EtixMwth Cahill Vendet & othere. Numeroua china plates. Chocolate pot C ^ dishes. Colecttbie cupe & saucers. Bob Timberlake cMTa chair. Wicker chair. Wtokar basket Several lampe. Phia a large aasortment of very nice ilema not mentioned here. immiellen/mbmnmovtdfor 1 « - Op$nfoflnS!SmS:m 'Terms: cash, check. MC/Visa. m buyer premkim. AacUeeisr КВПН 1.ППСВ.1134 ,jk “ЩиЛы ikOuf getmm/e CMUet, 7ле. P.O. SuSO f, a tO tS U im lltU .tm m U U .'K e tlO n Pt»M. 9tO-3t7 m t • T n : ft0-367-3«3? TkYidlüaVillqrEn cvthfKH DUriit be. «rm fw Sdi tk ГоаШч SmiibisVddili».-Aib-C(»dilliiii^lbl»tictv»>ldt.»Mop(ih|Aygl7,»M. Nítífeír Bid 30«“ 2*7ltB3)W3GIÜH976 20737 ИОО.ОО 2I2Í43 $400.00 303 1 ЦГгЫ ll=BHS3IH6FHa73M 297Л! ИОО.ОО 105 314 (IM аШи) 1П-Ю5СХ1>нвба|ов HN.7(U ssoaoo 405 ¡S &ЩЛ ¡ипупошк! 2IÍWBJ1WIDI074I36 2ta770 $40tt00 Isos! mSSí |inHS}iHXIW2IJIl|l69JI7| Stmoo 1 1 Vun bt ImKtMl fhwi ItOMM tiU 4:3* ГМ Mnriiy-rMnt. IM ikMtt •Mi vdSli a ^ tlc d U Forwr Dib hnnr М Ш « О М Щ ^ 411 Wat, YadUmll., NC Пом hiyiMal hr nU cto^bt « tktсагуин» «Htob»ooHvHi.TMnwl»>«|lwt»y»«wiH**«>l ' M • UAVIK L'UUM 'Y KN'I'KKPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 С Т А Я Я Г Р П Ш Я I N E X P E N S I V E PROFITABLE M M POOLS POOLS $549Ntw 19X31 Itmlly a in pool. IndudM dwK. m tr, liner i h«aUng 'C a ll nowl 1-eÔO-MeîpoOL Í). CLOSIOUT SALE: ‘»7 Above Ground Pods, 15X24 oval only $12951 Many olher tizat. Call 24 hn. ■ day. 1 ■800-243-6688. Hurry limited aupplv._______________ FROM NC TO Ra & Mid-West. Qood pay & benefits. CIss-sA CDL ■ ■ IHners. Please call 1-Qood pay & beni reo. 98 FretahlUm 80í)-804-08fS. PIWSSURE WASHERS Cal Direct Equkxiient lor Irte catalog. в**-7Й*24 Toll free 24 hn.______________________ SOUTHWUTERN ГОЕЮНТCARRIERS A new division of Burtlnglon Motor Carders, Inc. Is In need o( OTH Drlveis & Owner Openlon lor our Conventional Kenworth Fleet. Premium pay, updMsd benefit*, ЮЮе to get уш home-wodi with the best-w* r ^ HhaoMnforour driver*. Call 800- 9eM743,Ext.141or12S. "BUYINO CLOTHES"lOe per pound We can lie^ you wWi spring cleaning and yard sale lenoveis. Value Clolhing YadMnville _______336-679-7728________ 2 FAMILY YARD SALE-843QIadstone Rd., Sal. 8 am. Riding mower, walerbed, reciiner, TV, Princess House, end tables, morel » FAMILY YARD sale, 8-untll. Baltimore Road, near Hwy. 158, cancel If raining.______________ 4 FAMILY YARD sale. Sat., 7 a.m., 801 In Cooleemee. Lot's ol ladles A children's dothes, shoes, large sl» women'a clothes, sixes 9.10A11 shoes, lewelry._______________ 4 FAMILY YARD sale-4/4, 2618 Sandy Springs Ch. Rd., 7-unlil. Newbom-2T Sothes, adult clottws, household Hems, various olher items. Somettilng lor everyone. 4 QROUP YARD sale-Thurs.-3pm. Fii.-8-e, Sat.-8-3. 216 McDaniel Rd.. Advance. Plus sizes._______ WO YARD .SALE-April 3&4, fumiture. ciothes, bed linens. treadmHi, oil stove A oil tank, many other Items. H«v. 158 A Dulln Rd. |:»!rWA«6^ G R O O M IN G S H O P k*< 33 < H H ^ S 0 W '¿ Ü fíR Y lS WQODFLOQR S E B S Û G E . OHMR \МЁЯ$ШЛШвЯ$ — х т т ш т т i l ^781-1721 II PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOVS. ANTIQUE FUHNITUBE ВЮ YARD SALE; Thure.. Fri.. Sat., 7 until, off Milling Rd., follow signs. FRLiSAT., 8-5. LARGE 2 family. Junction Rd.. 3/4 mi. on right. HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE-Saturday. April 4, 8 a,m,-until. Hickory Tree developm«l-H64 E. past country club to No Cn Rd.-on left. 1/2 m. to Hickory Tree Road-on left. Lots & lois lo choose Irom Including: baby Items, clotties, household Items, toys, ftehli poles, comloiter set, lamp, bike much morel TWs Is one you won't want to missi________________ MOVING SALE: EVERYTHINQ MUST GO! Fumlture-sofa, reciiner, end tables, kitchen utensils, storage units, draftsman table, ciothes, toys, more. 8 a.m. Saturday. 384 Park Ave., Mocksville.__________________ YARD « BAKE SALE, Sat. tar. 4. Hardison UMChureh, 8-2. Baked goods, hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks. Proceeds to benefit various projects.___________________ YARD SALE (RAIN or Shlne)-Fri., Apr. 3, 8-4; Sat., Apr. 4, 8-noon. Vvood cook slove, camcorder, ciothes, Easter goodies and much more. 2523 Comalzer Rd._______ YARD SALE 4-4-98, many misc. items, 521 Pudding Ridge Rd., Mocksville, 8 am. YARD SALE-216Cooleemee.Duke St., YARD SALE-FRI. i Sat., Apr. 3&4, 202 Edgewood Clr., 7-unll. Avon bottles, old green jars, clothes, coolers, dishes, silvenvare, canning jars, lots ol good buys. Don't miss ■ ils one. Cancel II raining. MMIMIB' tSMS »5MilltrRoad>Mo(kivillt,NC (336)284-2826 stpucsyimn FMtvUMtohM YARD SALE-MULTI family. Sat., April 4, Garden Valley. 7am until. Boys and Infants clothes, loys, matemltv, more.______________ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/4 at 2137 Milling Rd. New & used items. Rain date-Sat.4/11._______________ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/4, 7am-noon, rain or shine. Center Community Shelter, Hwy. 64, Sharp camcorder, tsMos, VCRs, guns, small tiller, electric grill, new Sears Craftaman acrol aaw, houaehokl Hems, and kits, k)t* more._______________ YARD SAU-SAT, 4/4, Bam-noon,3362 Hwy. 601 S., 2 ml. south of Greasy Comer. Y A R D S A I tll Apr -1 • Н.ИП 1 pm Brere/se Me, luggage, snare drum, girls bike, dolhes S MORE 112 Oiarlooe Plw. Crcekvtrxxl Dmlopmem 801 Nonh actOM irom lln Hanti nlml YARD SALE: SAT., 4/4. all day, 601 S., past Greasy Comer on left. Bedroom, dining room & living room hJmlture. Lawn mowers, tillers, lawn fumiture, old tools, glassware, collectibles, household BARN HELP WAKTEO inexchange for board for 1 horse. Ntee small ahow bam In Davie Co. w/large turnout, riding rings, tralla & round pen. 998-8007 or 7&-3407. BOXER PUPS4 mo. oM, ears and tall bobbed. Needs a good home. $150,996-2344 alter 6om, FREE TO 0000 home. 1 yr. part German Shepherd. 998-9:^ 8- 11am>3-7pm._______________ Lovma HOME needed torAuetrallen Shei^rd mix puppies. 492-2169. A p n i tm i- n ts 1BR FURNISHED DUPLEX, $300, ■ "'5 ^ ' pl“» reference, 52 COURT SO., large 1BR, Iba., downtown Mockaville, perfect fot single or couple, security door, $^m o. (704) 278-1717. FOR RENT - Studio Apartment. Lovner level of log cabin on 7 acres. Private entrance. Quiet A secluded. North ol town limits. Fully furnished. Includes utilities. No chlklren, pels or smokers. $450/mo. on 1 year lease. (910)665-2818._________ MOCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 4 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court &' swings. Kitchen appliances himlshed Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths. JANET DEAN'S Limited edition art prints now available at Serendipity Shops. 41 Court Sq„ dovmtown MoiSisvllle. C nrcl O f T h n n k s WE WOULD LIKE to thank everyone lor all they have done following Ihe death ol our loved one. Thanks fot the flowers, visits, phone calls, food, cards and mosl of all, thanks for all the kive and prayers. Words cannot express how much we appreciate all your thoughtfulness and every act of kindness lhat waa shown to us. May God bless you all.The famlhr of Howard Sherrill. C h ild Слге CHILD CARE IN my home minutes away Irom Jockey and Lee. Have references. 1st A 2nd shift. 492- 2685.______________________ CHILD CARE IN my home, low rales, any ahlfts, Mocksvllle area. 751-0502.___________________ IN HOME REGISTERED day care has openings on 2nd shift. Inbusiness for S yrs. Call 492-7851. KOUNTRY KORNER HASfor toddler-school age. NEED CHILD CARE?Jockey. Call 492-5331.Near WILL BABYSIT IN my home. Rrst shift. Newbom-5yrs., CPR A Rrst Aid Lteense. Aisk lor Paula 751- 2119. C o m in e rc in l P ro p e rty washer/9ryer connections. High_____I heat pump provides____heat and alt. Prewired lotcable TV A phones. Insulated windows A doors. No wax kItchenA bath fk»rs. Located in Mockaville behind Hendricks Fumiture on Sunset Dr. ofl ol Hwy. 158. Otfk» hours 1-6 M-F A Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. B u s in e s s O p p o rtu n ity LOCAL ESTABUSHED AUTOparts business. In business over 20 years. Large Inventory (includes line of DuPonl Paint). Business only, will negotiate building. Serious Inquiries only. Call Roger or Debbie for appointment to view. 336-284- 2551. SHOPPiNO CENTERspace available. 1,200 sq. ft.-3.600 sq. ft. Shopping/office. 336-996- F a rm M a c h in e ry 1M2 9N FORD tractor. GC, $4500, 492«7601.___________________ 3000 FOBO TRACTOR &equipment for &ale. (336) 463-2082 Of (336) 463-4749.____________ BUSHOGS: SCRAPE BUDE8$125; Box Blades $235; Spreaders; Cariyalls; Boom Poles; Scoop Pans; Post Hole Diggers; Disc; Gates; Corrals; Feeders. Wright Farm Gates & Equip 998-8637. KING SIZED WATERBED. Solid dark knotty pine. Huge mirrored headboard, deluxe waveless mattress, new heater. $150 FIRM. 75M 549. leave message._______ URGE UFT CHAIR, Queen s(^e, EC. $400.492-5165._______> NAVY BLUE RECLINER, GC, $№. 996-0356 after 5pm. H o m o s F o r R e n t 193 SPRING ST.. ntee. clean, freshly remodeled. 2BR, IBA, pet OK $500/mo. 704-278-1717. . 125 BINGHAM ST., 3BR, 1 ba., fenced yard, large master BR, pet OK. $4^mo. 7^278*1717. ’ 2BR, 1 BA, total electric, central heat & air, no HUD. dep. & ref. required. 75M108. H o m o s For S a le 2BR, IBA, APPROX. llOOsq.ft., 2 acres off Hwy. 801, $65,000. 998- 5779.______________________ CUSTOM HOME FOR SALE: 4BR, A 3 full/2-1/2 ba., many bullt-lns, wooded lot, 2039 Milling Rd., $239.900, 998-3540.________ FOR SALE: 4BR, 2BA house In Mocksville. Locaied In Historic area. $78,000. Leonard Realty. 751-.'»50 or 751-3875. NOT LIVED IN since totally lemodeled, everything Is new. Must see, near Clemmons, 2600 sq. ft., $139,900 OBO. 998-0297-owner. L a n d F o r S a le IS ACRES, 2BR mobile home, bam. wori<shop. fenced pasture In westem Davie. Call Red Foust, Davie Farm A Land Sales. 751- 0757. L a w n C a re CAM SERVICES: We provide all types of lawn senrice, mowing lawns. trimming, shnjbbery, ESTflvSTES*' COMPLETE UWN CARE SERVICE Mow, trim, edge, fertilize, mulch, pine needles, aerate, gutter cleaning, tree estimates. Call-leave message, Mabe's Mowing 492-5452. В €f D , DM ign C» C oM trnctioii " ^ e <W oH k ЧТо íM e e t <ÎJouA ¿Burfgetl" ml Windows. Sun HooiM • Sidbig • Миолгу • UsM Exeavttting. RMMtMliOM • Dtein • TV* Woik • SimN Ri^ra • U|M CoMNieW WflA • lo b CM t Вмк Hm SmvIm, ---- ИМогГиНОц. RO. 10X424 O o M t t a l l • Long-Lasting Qalvalunw •3 Foot Coverage •Cut to the Inch •ManyCotofs • Screws, Tiim to match C * 1 - « I- 2 7 8 « B 0 N M n R N E D U S К П . Э С Ж Ю И ! iam i-tknNaraJÊon. Ьтттштш^ IVISECARU ER M N M I O R A G E For all your stonifle needs, choose us! Come by to inquire alMMitme rental 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Foric Catt todayl (336) 998-8810 ЩШШШ РШ дтю том втРиом U r t f » L e r d i i P e r l ^ FnmyourkUi— CvidmftMMhMi: т н д с п мM US ft SERVICE SINK n t iM i n im m iB iii е и м «,- «PU е.тен 4 4 0 mo « i!5 ' U e k jrM e R O M R m IT МОЯООГТ Call C ro w to y Rooting;:: ForAUYourRooJutStulstii Reasonable Rates In Unreasonable Times C o m m e r c ia l FREDDY’S ROOnNG 3 3 8 - 4 9 2 - 5 9 2 3 R e s id e n t ia l FOR LEASE S T O ^ E TRAILERS (Long o r Short Тепл • RENTALS) m U C K IN O C O M P A N Y , IN C . M7t Ut Htwy. И1 N. • Mocksvme, NC Э 3 6 Ц И - 7 7 1 е .(а 0 0 )2 4 7 а ^ я DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 - D7 e L A S S D B l E D S PROFITABLE Ж L n w n C n ro H M o b ile H o m e s/S a le 11 M o b ile H o m e s/S a le H S e rv ic e 11 V e h ic le s 1 E m p lo y m e n t 1 YARDS MOWED A TRIMMED$5 service fee Over 60*5% discount Qo enywhere 492-2327 L o ts F o r S a le LOTS AVAIUBLE IN Mocksville. Advance A Cooleemee for new .-.tiomes. 751-7734, M is c e lla n e o u s 1(1X55 2BR, Iba, VGC, set on private lot. $2000 OBO, 99B-9633. 14X70 MOBILE HOME 2BR, Iba., 492-5090.___________________ 1971 FISHER 12X55, 2BR, Iba, veiy liveable, must be moved. $1500. 704-637-7939.__________ 1996 14X80 EDGEWOOD BYFleetwood, 2BR, 2ba. 751-5722. ■ 1»77 SPOR MOTOR home, 21 ft., GC, $1600/060.492-7118. '4 SOUR PANELS, 4'x10', $800/OBO, 998-5249.__________ FOR SALE-K A Q Salvage:4'x8' Cedar Closet liner, $l2.95/ea.; 5'X12' premium flooring llberboard, $9.95/ea. Grade Marit, 2X4 studs, . $2.49/ea. bldg. stone $140/pr. ■;i)tllel/140 sq. Tl.; 4'X8'X1/2‘ thick ISulation bd. $7.95/ea.; 3,000 Ib. cap. warehouse carts, $49/ea. . prehung exterior steel doors,- $69/ea.; Roonng felt, $6.95/roll: We stock stainless steel In sheets A pipe. Super savlnga on carpet A linoleum aa low as $3.95/yd.;- Corrugated culvert pipe up to 24' dia.; We slock p u i^ & accessories for wells. Fonnk», $.50 sq. ft.; Steel I-Beams for sale. K & Q Salvage (ReynoWa Rd.) 1st business on West bank of YadkinRiver. 910-699-2124. MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES A FLEAMarket 25,000 sq. ft. Inside. 653 Wiikesboro St. Sat. 8-5 A Sun. 9-5. Vendorspacescail 751-2181. MOTOR HOME-ALLEQRO'<8 4S4"ohevy, 31', low ml. If you're :-lhterested in a motor homo, it s like •'newl Spilt BA, new, roof AC, air ride, brakes, 12 ply tires. Cen. Vac., Ice maker, Ig. refVfreezer, conv. . oven, awnings frt.Arr. driver’s door. Doni pass this upl Shown asking $29,500 OBO. 751 NEW 1S.S CU. ft. refrigerator w/lce bed, $15; extra-maker, $300; -large industrial vise, $150;new-nevef used 1 hp. water. - _ cast Iron w/bronze Impeller, $175. .751-4268. ____________ MT. ZION H0UNE88 CHURCH 64 E. and MM St.. Mocksville Poor Men's Dinner April 3A4 11 a.m.-8p.m.Tumlp greens, pinto beans, deviled - eggs, fried chicken, combread, choice of cake or pie.Plates: $54at In or take out. Come and bring a friend. -: RALLY 12 HP lawn tractor, $425.;Lowes 11 hp lawn tractor, $225; '■ Homelite hedge trimmers, $40; weed eater leS blower, $40. 492- 7926.______________________ SEASONED FIREWOOD FOR sale. $60 for 1/2 ton; $100 for 1 ton. ' Stump removal. Jake Miller, 998- -0846.______________________ : WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE-492-.6950 ONLY $800 DOWN,New3BR, 14x80 Redman 1-800-593-7814 Accent Mobile Homes 3856 N. Patterson Ave. W/SNO 'Where the Accent Is on value* $500 dwnV12.00 APR/240 moa. QUALITY HOMES SUPERSTORE Free Satelllle Dish with any new home. Saliebury Only 704-637-6650 IN btd iM llliy hM positions on 2nd Dim fuN tkiw tar CNA'S. Apply In pwson to Carol Cnwtord or M il 33»751-3535 «or mon IntarnuMlon C M it benefits and competitivi H liiy . 1И 7 Ito iM rt tt. • И м киМ а, IX . m n m-711-м я '95 14X70 FLEETWOOD. 28R. 2BA. all upgrades, white vinyl siding, shingle roof. 12X16 deck. Can Linda. 751-2568 after 6pm. POR SALE-UPRIGHT piano In eat condition, will take best offer 3BR SPEC HOME set-up In nice Never lived in. fumished. 761- ABANDONED HOME ON private lot. Just off 601; $695 down & payments of $225.751-7734. HUQE DISCOUNTS OH show modei Fleetwood Homes. Come & save thousands. Accent Mobile Homes. Winston-Salem, NC. 1- 800-593-7814._______________ USTONEI14X80 3BR, 2ba. must liquidate. Save nowl Accent Mobile Homes 1-800-593-7814.________ LEE’S MOBILE HOMES-Norwood, NC 800-777-6652. Bargains, close outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52. $27,999; 28X80. $39.999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X56. $25,999; 14X60. $19,999. incl. 4' hitch. Open 7 davs. LQS HOMES: DOUBLEWIDES.Buy Nowl Get central air at no additional cost. 3995 Patterson Ave.. Winston-Salem. 336-767- 7565.______________________ MOVING TO FU. Will sacrifice $3.500. New 3BR. 2ba. mobile home. Call (704) 795-3772. NEW 14X80 3BR only $185/mo. 1-800-593-7814 Accent Mobile Homes 3856 N. Patterson Ave. W/SNC "Where the Accent te on Value." ONLY $1000 DOWNNew Fleetwood Doublewide 1-800-593-7814 Accent Mobile Homes 3856 N. Patterson Ave. W/SNC “Where the Accent Is on vatue.”$1 ООО down/11.25 APR/360 mos. ONLY $25IMONTHLY-190eFleehvood celebratton. 2в'х52' doublewtde Including rtnge. refrigerator, microwave, washer, dryer, dishwasher, A/C, delivery & set-up! Accent Mobile Homes 1- 600-593-7814. 10% down/7.75 APR/360 mos. PIANO FOR SALE, $450 OBO. 998-3006 W IU BUY JUNK cars. 264-2859 or 751-4335.RENT TO OWN, 2 & 3BR. Call 704-647-6650. Quality Homes ol Salisbuiy.•IS SHASTA CAMPER, sleeps 6,QC, $1500.998^5.WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF M o b ile M o m e s /R c iit 1 VALUE1-800-593-781^Accent Mobile Hotnes 3656 N. Patterson Ave. W/SNC ■Where the Accent le on value.' TRAILIRS FOR RENT. Walerfurnished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leavemeeuH*.‘IS OAKWOOO HONTCLAIR, M obik.' H om os/S < ile 1 14X70,3BR, 1 1/2 BA, $7600. 940- 2213. «THE THRILURt New 4BR. 2BA mobil* honM. $163.9e/mo. Call 704-637-6660... Quality Honwe Superstore. ‘N FISCHER 14X71 Mobile Home, solk), weli-bullt, $9500 «tm. Refrigerator, stove, Rheem central air unU Included. 2BR w/ wak-ln ck)sets, 2 full belha, real wood buming nreplace. Buyer responsible for moving and set-up. Home le presently In Mocksville. Call Kelly Carter (603) 329-6160 (Rock Hill, SC). •lONLY*•94 mobile home set-up on lot $776/down.$117.03/mo. 704-637-6650 L F ^ I M ’ S IN b id IM U ly Dm lu ll tim i opMiIng for li>N's on 3rd shHl Apply in ptrson to C irol Crmrford or M il 33«-7S1-3S35 lo r п к т MonrnOon. Grwrt bMMms in d cotnpMltlw salMy. с ______ m im iH r t it • im iiw iM i, H X . m M t^ ü ia e m c x ЗЭ1-П1-ЭШ o r s i A ’ S PIANO TUNING& Rebuilding Self-pliers, Sales & ^№ice Wallace Barford 998-2769 SCHAEFFER PIANO, $300. GC,492-7118. AAR BUILDERS, over 8 yrs. exp. Decks, porches, patios, storage bidgs.. additions, remodeling. Call 492-2255 for Free Estimate. Or Pager «910-717-2566. ABC PAINTINQ AND WALLPAPERINQ15 years experience "Our commitment Is quality through experienced teamwork." 751-3813 DRIVER A SON PAINT CO.Roof Tops & Mobile Home Tops Free Estimates Interior & Exterior 25 Years Experience Mocksville, NC _________492-7118_________ HONEST, DEPENDABLE. CALLus. We have a few openings lo clean your home or small office. Free estimates & references. 998- 3066.______________________ HOUSE CLEANING WANTED: several homes in MocksvDle or Hillsdale area. Have references. 492-7205.__________ KEVIN GRUBB BUILDERSBuilding. handyman PRIMESTAR $09INSTAUEDFree 1 mo. programming 4 free HBO's 1-600-984-0772_______ RILEY TRUCKING A GRADING •stone^and^ravei* •skid-steer work* •driveways rocked*Gary Riley-9M-5766 (home) ___________940-7954 (mobile) TATSERVICESGarages, bams, basements, etc. Cleaned & hauled away.Reasonable rates. 492-5060 or751-6110. TREES R US998-1986 BAILEY A HOWARD TOURS April 24-ae. Dollywood-(Pigeon TN)-lncludes: Admission lo ìd-2showsiFri.&Sat.nIghts)- _ motel-D-$225. May 2-3, Renfro Valley. Ky.-4 seats left. D- $145. July 1-4, Ohio Amish Country-step on guide, buggy ride- train ride-Sugar Creek Swiss Village-WaHher Carvings, Amish Farms Tour, 5 meals included, 0- $299. Driver: Gene Livengood. 998-4338. 52 A 54 Willis Jeeps. $750/OBO. 940-6328.___________________ M JEEP CHEROKEE URAOO,low miles, auto, a/c & more. Was $19,895. Now $15,988. Gerry Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090. SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick • Podge 700 W. Innes St.. Salisbury _______704-636-1341________ '68 BUCK MUSTANG 289, new engine, new trans. (auto), new braxes, new tires, new dual exhaust, new front end, new shocks. car is In perfect mechank:al condition. $750()OBO. After 6pm, 751-3666. MAN WILL PAY cash for junk cars, and remove trash from around homes. 751-5062._____________ OSBORNE electrk;for all your electrical needs. FreeEsHmates. 751-3398. PAINTINQRemodeling - Home Repairs Large or Small Free Estimates JAMES MILLER 998-8340 PRE^URE CLEANINO: All T ^ s siding, clean and waterproof decks.paUM^7driveway8 and walkways. PRIME iTAR SATELLITEInstallation Specials $50 Rebate, free programing, free Disney watch. 1-800-583-1339. TELEM ARKETING SUPERVISOR ! p«it-tlme work - Good Componaatlon Hours: Mon-Thurs. Night* (S-9) Good Bonuses. EOE M/F М С П Я м м п М м м г М N f k r.0. I n CM - m U fcMty, N.O. SS14B « n iin fiM i.li» « !. » e w ie m i Customer Service IVIanager Perform in houw liairan with indurt customer base, person sought. VP Sales Eurodhiwer, Inc. P.O.BOX849 Mocksville, N.C. 27028 SALES IVIANAGER TRAINEE * Do you want a secure career - Instead of a Job? * Do you want lo nuke a dilTerence In your life? Needed two people for sales • will train lo become a Sales Maiuger. This is the Death Care Industry, and Ihis means our products will be purchased by 100% of the popubllon, bul nearly 75% do not yet own. Please call 639-1005 anytime. Leave a number and 1 will personally call you back. EOE - M/F 'M CHRYSLER STH Avenue. 318- ve, auto, loaded, burgundy Inside & out. GC. 998-2707. '§3 2 « O MERCEOeS BENZ ,te9,000 mile«, blue. 4 dr.. auto, nine great. $3.900.996-4292 W ISIOT TROOPER, 4wd, nwtor 492 ^ 7 ^ mliea. $2.600 OBO. ;»7 NISSAN SOOZ, low miles, t- tops. and more. Was $8995. now ""I" $6.986. Qerty Wood itie. 637-9090. _______ •as CAVAUER, $Sfl0, 492-7926. •92 ACURA 2.5TL, white, real nice. Was $25.995. Now only $23,968. Geny Wood Autocenlre 637-9090. •92 NISSAN MAXIMA 4dr. Gold. ¡¡¡'Si $12,995, now only $9,968. Geny Wood Autocentte. 704-637-9090._______________ •n UNCOLN TOWN car. executive, local owner, leather ^•rtor, EC, mocha color. $13.275. 89o-4737. ‘93 OLDS CtiTUSS convertable. red. loaded. Was $13,995. Now only $10.088. Gerry Wood Autocentre 637-9090.__________ ‘94 CAVALIER, red andready. Was $6995. Now $6988. Gerry Wood Autocentre 704-637- ‘94 CHEVY BERETTA, 2dr.. red. Ihe price Is right. Was $9,995. Now 3. Geny Wood aire 637-9090.__________ ‘94 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER.Was $13,995. Now only $10,988. Geiiv Wood Autocentie 637-9090. ‘94 CORSICA. LOW miles. Family car. Was $9,995. Now only $6.988. Gerry Wood Autocentre 637-9090. •94 HONDA MAQNA v-4 cruiser motorcycle, showroom condillon, backrest & cover included. $^00. 998-7615.___________________ ••5 FORD FI 50,4x4 p/u. long bed. Was $14,995. Now only $12.988. Gerry Wood Autocentre 637-9090. ‘»S HONDA ODYSSEY EX. lowmiles, loaded. Don't buy till you see Ihis onel Was $2t,995. Now $18.986. Gerry Wood Autocentre. 637-9090.___________________ '9S HONDA PASSPORT EX. 4x4. ireen. Was $22.995. Now $19,995.' Wood Autocentre. 637-9090. ‘95 HONDA PASSPORT, 4dr. blue. See this one todayl Was $19.995. Now only *16.988. Geny Wood Aulocentre. 637-9090.__________ ‘96 JEEP WRANGLER, red. Want to go 4-wheellng? Lei's gol Was $14,995. Now only $11.988. Gerry Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090. ‘9S TOYOTA 4-ninner. While, best price In town. Was $21,995. Now $18,988. Geny Wood Autocenlre. 637-9090.___________________ ‘9« PLYMOUTH NEON, blue, this car is priced with you in mind. Was $10,995. Now $6 m Geny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090.__________ ‘97 CAVAUER. 2DR, Sham., straioht drive, $27,000 miles, $11,000.996-1691.____________ ‘•7 DOOOE 15 pass. Maxle van, loaded with rear air & more. Was $22,995 now only $13,968. Qeny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090. ‘97 GRAND CHEROKEE Umlted. 4x4. Loaded w/Tactory equipment. Was $26.995. Now $25.968. Geny Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090. APPLICATIONS NOW BEINGACCEPTED (or summer lobs In the snaoli bar at Hickory Hill Countty Club. 998-4067.____________ BERMUDA VILLAQE NEEDSmaintenance person. FIT, experience required. Excelleni working conditions. Apply „ In person, Hwy. 601 S.. M-F. 8-4. , CNA POSITIONS AVAILABLE.Brighlmoor Nursing Cenier. -pO Box 2187. Salisbury. NC 26144.- COMPUTER TECHNICIAN; EXP.teq, In PC repair & networtiipg. Professional attitude A appearance a must, certifications a plus. Sejid resume lo: 23 Court Square, Mocksvllle, NC 27028._______ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license preferred. Cell 284-4369, Mon.-Frl.. 10am-2pm for applteatlon. EEO.__________ DISHWASHER NEEDED. APPLYIn person lo Millers Restaurant. 751-2621. 1-3 ACRES of land zoned fot doublewide. 751-3520 after 3pm. BUYING PINE a hardwood timber, delivered logs & long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704- 276-9291.___________________ HOUSEWIFE WANTS OLDAntk)ue Items to sell at fee mad<ets lor extra Income. Wlll pay cash & help you clean out your attk;, basement, etc. 336-788-5735. Employment 2STH FASTEST GROWIIKl Co. Inttw US need* seH-motlvated. energetic peo^ to devote 8-10 tire./M(. in nenie. Training provided. 336-9094)229. ■ хгам тсю P A IH T E IW N U O ID MoeUy new worit, Tranapoitatkin a must. Pay baaed on experience 3$$-7BU772$ GROUP HOME WORKERSneeded: 7 days on, 7 days off; On duty 24 hrs., overtime paid, excellent salary & benefits, ^ ‘or PT. Exp. in worWng w/developmentally disabled adults a plus. Requires good dfivihg record, drug screening, bacitgrour^ check, high schoo) diploma, colteoe graduate preferred. Send resurrw to; 765 Sanford Ave.. Mocksville. NC 27028.________________ HELP WANTED FOR mobile home setup. Drivers license req. 999- 542eor998-2479.__________- HELP WANTED; EARN up.-to $^/w k assembling products'at home. No exp. Info 1-504-646-1700 Dept. NC-5377.____________ KOUNTRY KORNER IS now hiring pA & IA. Call 998-2220 for appt. Must be high school graduate. UFEGUARD A POOL STAFFpositions available for May-Sept. at Lake Myers RV Resort.Taking applications now. Apply in person, Hwy 64W. 492-7736. PERSON TO CLEAN private homes, FT, Mon-Fri. Qood ^a^j^nefits. Cloverfield's. 760- POUCE OFnciS il TheMocksville Police Dept, is accepting applications for the position'>ol Patrol O^er. All applicants must have NC Certification & pass :« physical, psychological & drud tests. Apply In person al: .17t WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL carrier needed, p/t, eariy morning hours, 7-days/wk. Hickory Hiil-ftm Church area, Hwy. 64. Need reliable transportation. If intere^ed cail751-4486. • 1 SALEM MORTGAGE |iXioM lC N Vi,LI№ Ш ЬгяикЪИи T DELA ROBBINS lo a n Officer 336-768-1996 En. 1Ю; 24 H o u r Voice M e iT i t e 768-2947 Pager 607-5589 :s CNA’S To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 3 3 6 - 7 6 8 - 1 1 9 7 P i e d m o n t H o m e H e a l t h , I n c . Winston-Salem " n t hanelown company, we’ll treat you lihe you'd aapect." il- í. • b À V IE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1998 ie D a b d in e ■Bind Raisers IFfttay, Aprils ;1 н Г * M Ы Л к м , Advance Vokrn- :;1Нг№|Оер1нЫ.С801 S..6am.-umil Eat- ' in dr tafcesxiL Chopped, sltcc, snnilwichcs, “ H,p»afcs. »A p ril 3& 4 ; ¥ m M m 'i Difliier, MU Zion HoUness '•CInrch, 11 a.m.*8pm. Turnip grvcns.pinio !.beans,devilcdcggs,frici]chicKcn.conibrc:Kl. :.ca|ce or pie. Eat-in or lakcoui $5. ; Saturday, Apiil 4 ; Diadtoe fcr ordering Barbecued Ham : fronfW miiiiionRiuiUnClubrurEiistcr. Whole Нал»: W iO per Ib. Chopped. ШЬ.• WllIbecookedFriday.AprillOandwillnccd ■ to be pickcd up by 3:30 p.m. at Farmington : FlreSiatlon.To|^aceanoalcr.callW8-37l8. •J98-3W4 or 998*3286. YanlABAeSalr.HardbonUnitedMeth- odirt Church. 8 am.-2 pm. D:ikcd good.<i. hot dogs, hambufgcn, dnnks. htKccds lo beneni various projects. Saturday, April 11 СошМгу Ham A Teoderlofai BreakfM. Mocks Methodfat Chiurh. 6:30-10 am. For пюге info or tai(C4)ut.s cull 336-998- 3218. Sakiiday,Apnl18 M K R tala Mm vtan Chunh Annual BIQ . {О-ЭОат'Зрт. Dine inixiiikcoui. Hates: adults, $6 and chiMnrn 6-12. $3.5a By Ib..$7(includcs meal, slaw, wlls). Pn>nts for home & worid missioiu. CMd(caPleSupper,Coole«mee\W.S6. Eat in or Ысе OUL Proceeds to ЬспеГи Cool­ eemee Centenail Celebniiion. N(X)n-7 p.m. Saturday. April 25 Rumni^a № MockniOe Fir^ United Mrthodbt Church Fellowship Mall. 7:30 o.m.-nooa Friday.M ayl Giant Biofo Night to Benefit Cooleemee Э^Латкщ FboL 7 p.ni. VBV IIoll. Cash prizes. Ongoing Ш|«о, Modevffle Moose Lodge 1949.Fri- ’days. Doors open al 6. Tint game at 7 p.nt. B i4iN WOtaffl R. Davie VfV . 2nd Satur­day. Doon open. 6:30 p.m. Satuiday, April 4 CkUraikVajUirriiKliTUntSIn« M M b AME ZiM Ctanh. 3 I>.m. Sunday, April 5 «М М М Ошск. R o ll« l Rd. 11 am. Easier Canaia.7 pm. TTiwsday.Apriig H l^ 11lliniliVS m iR ,IM IilrlnnU nkid MMbodM CbuRli. 7:30 p m. Redland Rd. MillMl]r11ainda;Sinin,KladciUni(cd MiM>iilklChuRli.7:30p.m. Fijday, April 10 М Unito) ММЪШУМ Chunh. 6 o.m.-9 p.m.* Sunday, Apnl12 ЕШег Sueri* Service, Bear Creek Bap. iktCburcfaCcme(eTy,7am.SundaySchaol. 9:4S am. Worship, 11 am. Special Eaucr ReejcUnglnickalJirkho-IIardinnKuri- um bidg., 3ni Saiiiolay, 8:.30-l 1 am. Ihftschooliiloi^lime.Tlics.. t l am..I>avic Coumy Library and Cooleemee branch. 30- minute piognun. Fbrchildrcn ages 3-5. Mu­ sic, read atoud, stories. HI ms, nursety rhymes. M e e t in g s , >Sorvltt,ModaUiikfdMdhadisl L 7 am. Cantínenlal Bicakfasl Го1> kw ii4.SundaySchool, IOam.Wonhip. 11 am. E M r Sm fei S tn te Dnnu, ndlon иМ М йкд*|СЬипЬ,7ат. Го|1о»п1 ^ obflce ¿t dughnuu. Eosia сш ш & «(лМркпкх,9-11ап1. ГК1Г»ЧИ<Г|П|Г1,«Н1*||ЯП Unite) ы м ы и C tw d l Redini Rd, 7 am. EMi<nnhiplniancluaiy,8:4S&II am. . ^ 1 » 2 2 I Vm Hi M n l. Ш т Ш , AME Z In C la tk Sunliy, 3 pim. Niihily. 7 p.m.Onooing Cii(NMtClHtliafGod.SundaySchoot, id im Wonhip Senioe, 11 am. E\tning Woniiipi6pjn.Moa RayerServ)ce,7p.m. Wed Fanly Toining Hour. 7 p.m. Von ■nice to n d from dtoch avuilable for ÌMÌAgiminÉi|Knkt;FIMoKìaiyFliilljps. И Ш п а ш г ч о . ÏM I,0»lccm i.v Scmhysctvin!,9:30am. ■ iq « )h | M iü U ita iC liw d Method- ' ti.«iSauR liy,a.|lam .. Wednesday, April15 Luncheon Chib. Christian Women's Chib of Winston*Sakm, UcninKLi Kim Ctxmiry CluK Ii:l5am.$10.15.940-5719. Thuisday, April 16 Brunch Club, nvrm iulii Run Country Club, 9:30 am. $8.75.4М-2(М5. Saturday, April 18 Davie County RepubUcan Womcn,N tixks- N ilie Kilchcn. 8:15 n.m. GucM speaker Rep. Julia Но\\ж). Tuesday, April 21 Davie County RepubUcan Party, Court­ house. 7:30 pm. Saturday, April 25 Davie County Republknn Men’s Federa* tkm. F&F BiuKvuc. 7:30 a.tn. Ongoing AkohoUcs Апоп)1Лош1, SuixLiys, 6 p.m. and Wedncsd;iys. 8 p.m., Sivinx) Prcsb)ic* rim Ouia-h Kvviikiii. Píik* St. Call 751* 1490or 751*7786 for info. MOPS(MothenofPreschooWn). M;jcc- donia Ntoravlan Chuali. Support, fellow* ship, crafts Л fwxl. Children guiilcd in own program MOrPETS.9:30-11:30a,m. Rcgis- muHm fee nexiblc to « of childn:n allcnding. Sclwlarbhips urailal>lc. Fur more info, call 998-4.194.1st Л 3rd Fridays. Historie Davie Ine^ 2nd T\icsd.ty. Ditvie Coumy Public Librar)'. 6:30 p.m. Emtoxmw welcome.The Artist Group, Da\ic Qxmiy Libnuy. 7 p.m. last Tues. СЫ1 Bonnie al 998-5274. Center Community Devilopment, 3rd Mon.. 7 p.m. Communily Bidg. CookemeeTuwnBoard.3nlTucsd.iy,Town 1Ы1,7 p.nt un!tf«Ai4lKwisc noted. North Cookvrnee and Clark Rood Coun* cU, 2nd Wednc-sday, 7 pm. Friendihip Bap­ tist Fellowship Mall. Da\1e Domest к Укйепсе Sen kes. Suppon groups for victimsofdomestic violence. Ses* si«w free, confidential. Tuesda)'s. 6 p.m. DDVS OfTicc in Da\ ie Couniy Counhouse, 751*3450. Family Vtolencc Prcvtntioo Servkes of Davfe County. Free counseling for victims ofvtolenceondthctrchildreaSeparategroups. T\te3days.6-7:30pm.FubtUnitedMethodist ChurehofMocksviItc.Call 1-800-728*3413. DavkCountySchoolBMDrivTn Associa* tkm, 2nd 'Diurs.. 7 pm. Davic County Sr. Cemcr, Brock Bidg. Concemcd Bikers Associatkm, Fuoihills Chapter. 2nd NS’cdncMtiy. Western Steer, U.S. 601 al 1^. 7 p.m. IHiblic utlcomc. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues.. 9 antAlocks UMC, 998-21! I. MocksviUe Garden Club, 1st TIuirs.. Пгы Baptist Fellowship i kill, 7 pm. MOPS, Motheif ofPreschoofers, 1st, 3rd Fri.. 9:30-11:30 am. M.iccdonia Moravian Church. $15 registration plus .siaill weekly fee. 998-4394. Sons of Confederate Veterans, l&t Mon- day.CooleemceHiMorical Building, 7 pm. MocksviUe Rotai7 Chib, Tuesdays, 12:10 pm.. Rotary Hul. Take Off Pouad.4 Sensibly. Beihlchcm United Meiltodist Chureh. 6:45 pm. Thurs. Farmingion Masonk Lodge No. 265.2nd Monday. 7:30 pm. at ilte lodge. Cancer support group. 2nd Tuesday, 7 pni, Davic Library, forcmcer patients, friend, family. 1-800-228-7421 or 751-0313. MocksviUe Lkms Ckib. tsi,3rdThursdays. 7 p.m., Rotaiy Cub. Modttv»-Din1eHonebuadm.4ihlhurs-day, 7 pm.. Captain Steven's. DavieHiibAllrictkBQQ«en.3nlMonday. 7 p.m, school cafeteria DiaBbkd American Vetetam Na 75 and Auxiliary,3nlMonday,7p.m..chapterhomc, U.S.601 south of Mocksvilk. FamUoiton Ruritan Chib, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm.. Farm ing Methodiu chutch. H EU SM Iafaliki. Christian recovery pro­ gram forwomensexuallyabusedaschiklrea Mondays. 7:30 pm., 41 court Square, Room 210. GoUea A fl dub, I St Monday, East Room, Sr. Cenier. Brock Bklg., lOam. AfaWmm Support Gnwp. 2nd Tburs* day, 7 pm.. East Room, Sr. Ccnler. Brock BUg., N. Main St 751-8770 or 751-0611. Humane Sodcty of Davk,Davic Couruy SenkvCditer, 2ndT\iesday,7pni. BnMt*MBgSupportGrQup,2ndTWs. day, Davk Ikalth Depl., 6-7:30 pm. FaRntsReaurceOrpniatk»(PRO}sup- poit group for families of children with dis- ribilities,2«lTy)esday,7pm.Call Rosemary Кп)рГсккг nl 998*3311 for locatkxi.Jerichi>-Ilafdi«»RuritanCbb,2nd’nKs* d.iy, 7 pm., club building. Health Dept., clinic hours: Мш.-Fri., 8:30- 11:30 am.. 1-4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays. 4:3(>-7 pm.; Teen Health Promotkn Clink. 8:30 am.-noon. 2nd. 4ih Satunhys. Davie County Board of Social Sen kes. 4ih Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS, Mocksvilk AA, Wed., 8 p.m. • closed mlng. Sun., 8 pm. -open ming. Call Chris­ tine at 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. СоЫгепк« American Ugkm ГПМ Я Le* gk>n Hut, Gladstone Road, 7:30 p.m.. I sl and 3nl Mondays except holidays. Advancc Ммопк Lodge No. 710, 2nd T\Ksday. 7:30 p.nt at the lodge. Mocksville-Davk recreatkxi. 751*2325. AA and Al-AnoQ.Thufsdays.8pm.. Eaton's B^iisi Church. Nar-Anoa for families of drug addicts. Sun* days, 6 pm. Davk Scnkir Ccntcr. Brock Building, Main St., Mocksvilk. 998-2657. DavkCoiffity Youlh FootbaO League Di* rcct«5, Tlics., 7 pm. Courthouse. Grand 'Jury Room WilUam R. Davie Boaster Ckib. Shelter at Wm. R. Davic Schot)!. 3rd Thursdiiy. UniledWayhoardofditrctor5.4thMonday, 5:30 pm., ВгоЛ Bidg.. Room 208. Mocksvile VFW Pbst4024, Pbsi llul,San* fonl Ave., 7pm.. 2nd Tuesday. Mocks>1le*Davk Jaycccs, 1st. 3rd Mon- dlnys. Jaycce оПке hcskk Mom Oil Ca, Main St.. 7 pm. Advocates tor GHM O M m u 2nd. 4th Thursdays, 149 Lakeskk Drive. 751-2194. .Narcotks AfMoymous Againsi A ll Odds Group. Sund.iys, 6 pm., Tliursdays, 8 p.m.. Room 208, Brodc BUg. Dmg Problon? Helpline. 336-785*7280 Mocksvile American Legkm Poet 174, VFW Hul. Sanford Ave., 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. MocksviBe Civitan Cbb. 6:30 pm., 2nd, 4th Monday. Western Steer. Davie Sertoma Ckib. Ist, 3rd Thursday, 6:30 pm., Ca|)tain Sievcn's. Advance 5femorial Pbst 8719 Vctcnuis of Foreign Wars.'uxlUdicsAuxlliiuy,4thl\ic.s., 7:30 pm.. pasi home, Feed M ill Ra-kl American AssockUkm of Retired Persons. D;»vk Chapter. 2nd Wcdncsdiiy. 10:30 am.. East R«)m, Brock Bidg., Senior Center. Davk County Right To Life. 7 pm., 3nl Tbur5day,gnmdjuty ioom,courthousc. 751 * 5235 or 492-5723. CookcnKcMemorialVFWPDsi 1119,2nd, 4lh Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW IWI. N.C. 801. Davk Arts Coundi. 4tli Tbursd.iy. 7:30 p.m„BnKkGym Ofllcc. C o rk ith ia n L ^ N a 17F&AM,2nd.4th Frkbys, 7:30 pm. nl the lodge. Mocksvile Masonk Lodge Na 134,1st. 3rd Tuesdays. 7:30 pm. at the kxlge. Fiecnaation For more inftxmaiton on ik.sc cvcnis. c-.il! 751-2325. RecClub Before ($l5)or alter ($25)school and oul of school programs, Rcsiarukin open. Good Timers Square Dance Group meets al Fannington Community Ccntcr, 7 pm. e\Tty Monday. Senior Line Dancing Mondays al !Oam.$l. step Aerobics Mondays, Thursdays 7 pm. Satuiday. Ш am. $ 15 per monlh for 2 days a week, $20 for 3days. SilverstridersWall(Club Senion. 50 and up. M-F. 6:30-9 am. No chaisc. Mothers Moming Out Tbesdaya andThursday S. $7 perday. WO per month. YMCA_________ Karate TUcstlay, 7-9 p.m. $l5/monlh. Swim Lessons A p ril 20-May 22,5 week session. Mem* bers: $25. Non-members: $50. Summer Camp Registration AprU 4.9:30 am.-2 p.m. Memben: $75. Non-mcmbcn SIOO. Gymnastics A p ril 20-May И. Members: J25. Non- mnKbcrs; $50. Tae Kwon Do Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Members: $25.Non-mcmbers:$50.5virceksession. Seniors Call75l-06t I formoreinfaLncationlsBrock Center unless noted otherwise. Thursday, April 2 Lundl & Leam 'B uttnfly Сапкю', Wcsicm Steer, noon. Senk)f Chorus, Е.ъ| Room. 3 pm. Stamp Club, East Room, 7 pm. Friday, A prils Bridge. East Room. I -5 pm. Tax Akk. Ег>1 Rrom. 9 am.*l p.m. Bring )twr 1996 \ax return & any importanl docu* nKHts to aide the tax preparer. Monday,April6 G<iklai A fl Chib. East Room. lOam. OMonUlvtPaiMln»EastRoom,6:30-9:^ p.m. c Tuesday, April 7 Bridge, Eftft Room, I -4 pm. -•! RSVP Nuning Home Party. 2-4 pm. Wednesday, Aprii 8 > Wal*Mac1SeniorMomkig.8*10am. > SingkScnkr'iBreakbil.EasiRoom.Mim RSVP,8:30-10am. C Variety ArtsClass,CninRoom.8:30*l 1:9 am. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30- 4:30 pm. RSVPSrwkig *B*. RSVP0rTKe,9am^i pm. II- Thursday, April 9 i SenkrChorus. East Room. 3 p.m. SUvcrEa^Club.CaliJoCkeekrorlime3k localton. V Senkir Trotten Chib, Cenler Comnninify Bidg., 10 am. I- Afahefauer's Support Group, East Room;? pm. *r Ongoing Silver Strldm, Brock Gym, 6:30-9 arò:, Moa**FH. i S ih tr Stv1den,CooleemeeSchool,6-8am. Silver Strider», Smith Grove Gym, 6-8ani. D i^k SnterCcstcrSenkirNutiitkntunch, noon M-W, 11 am.Thurs.*Fri. ChairEicrdaci.MWF,SenkrCenter.8:3()- 9 am.; Mondays and Wednesdays, Cool* eemee gym, 7:30-8 am. I Report Davie Datetlné Items By Noon Monday ItemsfbrDavkDatcKneshoutdbeicported by noon Monday of Ihe publkatkn vreek. Call751*2l20ordtopilbylheoiricc,S.Mata St. acnMS from the counhouse. 360’Bundled Value Pack Sign up Гог our Bundled Value Pack — ccllubr scrvicc plus residential long distance » Гог just $28.95 per monlh. Yuu’ll get 120 cellular minutes a monlh fur 12 monlhs. And interstate long distance calls from yuur home or cellular phone are per minute. 24 hours a day. CEULUURSfRVKX p«r month inducing midwrtial long М а к » ^ A graat phona, a graat prica. $1 Motorala Prafila"* 300 • Emergency one-touch dialing. • 2-line LBD display. • Memory for 20 phone numbers. • 9 ringer styles. Л Join us for golf axcltamant. 360* Communications Is proud to be the title sponsor of Pro-Am Day at the Greater Greensboro Chiysler Classic on Wednesday, April 22, 1998. Pick up a brochure for tickets at any 360** location or participating iMcDonald's restaurant In North Carolina. F a m i l y R r s t M o r l g a g e C o r p . — ESTABLISHED 1979 — “TOhae ifota jatnlbf am es jlts t” Ommd onJ Sm(|M tyPovfe County teldenn •taltwvia/FMtCMnii •О м О ц гА р р гап ! ■ пИ ом С им- t —^ л »_____I ----* rV K ■ м т ю nonpi|N P u rd iM M o r IM n a n o M dlCDfrnOIUMS UNDOSTDOO MOQÙMSAWLWfraR МОШНОШ •M CMMf МММ • МОСКМШг NC ( 3 3 é ) 7 S I - 2 t 9 t ви аШ П тф ш ТЫ Scutum Your $10 activation foa дом to КмиМ McDonald Нота. Sign Up now Гог cellular service and help Tamllies who must iravel away from home lo seek medical treatment for their children. From March 15 through April 19, 1998 In North Carolina.your entire SlOoctivalion Гее will be donated lo the Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ф C riM w , M lln i, l« 4 М м а ь liflMdoiMillwtlraM.’ Gieenstoio: 1312-105 Bildloid Pkwy., Undm atk Crossing Shoppinj Cenler, Kroger, 1206-B Biiilord Pkwy.. High Point 2620 S. Main St„ Suite 145 Winslon-Salem: Pavilllon Shopping Cenler. 536 Hanes Mall Blvd.. Burlington: Blocklusler Plaza. 2475 S. Church St Asheboro: 1510-A E. Dixie Dr. • Sam's Club (Members Only) In Greensboro; 4418 W . Wendover Ave., (910) 854-8102 Winston-Salem: 930 Hanes Mall Blvd.. (910) 765-8276 > Wal-Mart: A l selected locations 1-tOO-8S9-825S • liMaivca« in* ^ wwninviiwwTk new lint of игуке wWi • 12-month conunltmtnt tnd credit spprovsl teqvired for ctiluUr offer. The 1.01 per minute cellular and rtiirtinilil cellulsr lenke. Long dM«Kt offer «vsllabl« to flnt time c^tomen of MO* long Olitsnct. Cuttomen mutt twitch leMMUsI lorvgM^ ^ ^ 1 « ^Oth#r refUktioni ipphi: Offer end! April JO. 1 m. iuprtone ll s lefvke (iwt of J40* CemmunicMloo». WOnu h • uedemwfc ofMeterol* IftT^ ^ ^ ........i' Your Turn R e ad e rs H ave Opinions, Too Pages 2-5 Best Of Friends N o r t h D a v i e E i g h t h G r a d e r W i t h C a n c e r A n d C l a s s m a t e E n j o y S p e n d i n g T i m e T o g e t h e r Page D l DAVIE COUNTY so« E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D USfSMMW Number IS County Hires Architect To Study Jail Prc^ By Jeanne Gaither Davie Couniy Enletprise Rccord An architect has been hired to determine how Ihe abandoned prison facility in Davie County may be converted Inlo ajail. County commissioners voled Monday to accept a bid of $16,914 from Hemphill Associ­ ates of Charlotlc to study the prison camp and make recom- nKndations for a newjail. • The firm plans to examine Ihe existing facility with profession­ als in each necessary discipline, - iacludingplumbing. mechanical, electrical and'fire protection. A thorough invesligation will determine any potential struc­ tural problems. All existing buildings will also be surveyed to see If they are in compliance with current codes. Where exist­ ing conditions are not in compli­ ance, recommendations will be made on how to modify the fa­ cility to meet codes, Hemphill explained in his proposal. : Utilities will be investigated for suitabilily wilh the county’s future needs, and Ihc kilchcn will be reviewed for usability even though the couniy plans lo con­ tinue contracting oul jail food services. This informalion will be pre­ sented lothc county in a prelimi­ nary report after which Hemphill Associates will meet with all couniy personnel involved wilh the projcci. At completion of the sludy, county commissioners will be presented wilh various options, according lo Hemphill. County Manager Ken Windley recommended Hemphill Associates over J.N. Pease Associates of Charlotte, which made a bid of $7,700. The Hemphill proposal was more comprehensive, and the firm has been involved in a project like this one before, he said. Chairman Joe Long said the jail committee had reviewed four proposals before narrowing il lo the Iwo considered by commis­ sioners. Candidates Fonim Planned : A candidates forum will be held on Wednesday, April 15 at the Brock Auditorium, North Main Street in Mocksvllle. Sponsored by the Mocksville- Davie Jaycees, the forum begins at 6 p.m. Members of the audi­ ence will have a chance to ask questions following comments from the candidates. All candidates for the Davie County Board of Commission­ ers, Davie Board of Educalion and Davie County Sheriff have agreed to paiticipate. State leg­ islature candidaies are also ex­ pected to be on hand. For more information, contact John Bridgets at 751-0077. Daniel W agner,astudentat Mocksvllle Elem entaiy School, givesasoccerbailhis best kick during the 1998 Davie County Special Olym pk» to t weelt at Davie High Schooi. For ntore photos and a story, please see page C l. -Photo by Jamas Barringer Town Stands Behind COOLEEMEE - Town com­ missioners here arc standing by their police chief. Forsylh County Sheriff Ron Barker camc under fire by the media Ihere for money that was losl five years ago. Barker’s son was involved in thal case, and Tim Wooten, now the Cooleemee police chief, was in charge of evidence. Barker at riitt implicated Wooieii, but 1MCT lecuNed H«e" allegation, saying he didn’t think Wooten had anything lo do with the missing money. Wooten began work as; Cooleemee’s chief in July, 1995.. “Tim Wooten has demon- slralcd an extremely high level; of professionalism and integ­ rity,” said B ill Gibson, Cooleemee commissioner of public safely. “Chief Wooten’s loyalty lo his duly is beyond re-. proach. “The lown board, as well as Ihe people of Cooleemee, feel fortunate to have such an out­ standing individual at the helm of our police department,” he said. Wooten said that he wel­ comes an SBI invesligation into the matter. Barker stopped the investigation flve years ago, say­ ing that Ihe incident was not of significance to warrant fuither in­ quiry. Щ п о Ш Industry: ТМ 1еШ аде Histoiy Center G rm ByiMikeBumhvdt ifcvie County Enteiprise Record ; CXK)LEEMEE-Economic develop­ ment officials should be looking tow ^ this southern Davie town. They don’t have to build factories, or recruit industries. : 'Hie industry they would be support­ ing is already well established and grqwing - tourism. -The Cooleemee Historical Associa- tion:is seeking a $250,000 state grant to expand the textile mill village as a tourist site. The ^ h a iy House with the CHA' headquarters and textile village life museum would be followed by a living history house, a Cooleemee Jour­ no; museum, a Dixie l^vem museum and i park at The Shoals area at the dam. ■[“Anything you would do for an in­ dustry, we would like for you to do for us,” Town Board member Lyon Rumley said .to members of the Mocksville Town Board, Davie Board of ~ ' Commissioners, Davie Economic **TOUriSITI IS an industry. Development Council and Davie Millions Of people are S ; « « " descendants of mill “TTie m in^t has to be, this is Villages. This is tantamount just like another industry,” she tO attracting another said- industry to Davie County.*»meg^tapplicationhasten . L y „„ endorsed by the county, b o t h ____________[__________ towns and state representatives. Rumley said that while a lot of his­ tories leave out the ordinary people, the textile village story is an important one that needs to be told accurately. Many historians view the niill village life as the boss mill owners controlling their slaves. “That’s not what the cotton mill people thought of their life. We don’t want to see textbooks written that would disgrace and not leave a good monument to our ancestois.” 'nie CHA started in 1989 with a goal of interviewing and taping conversa­ tions wilh older citizens on how mill village life. It has grown quickly to in­ clude the South’s only museum of cot­ ton mill village life. It has published 30 newsletters, sponsored six Textile Days festivals and hosted a symposium with visiting scholars resekching the sub­ ject. “Those scholars found Ihat mill vil­ lages were places where people liked to grow up and where everyone got along pretty well,” Rumley said. The family values and sense of community people held in the rural South carried --------------i ^----i _ with them when they moved to Ihe mill villages. While textile villages changed the South, there is no real monu­ ment to them, she said. The grant would be used first to establish a visitor's centtr at the Zachary House. The next priority would be to set up a family life museum in a mill house, circa 1932. Visitors would watch costumed re-enactors bake biscuits on a wood stove, make soap in the back yard. All items for the museums have been donated by local families, treasured heirlooms they want to be a part of recording histoiy. The Cooleemee Journal museum (The building is already under repair) would include displays.of the newspa­ per that chronicled 50 years of the village’s life. Bootlegging was common in the ear­ lier parts of this century, and the Dixie Tavern (The original building still stands on N.C. 801 in North Cool­ eemee) museum would give details of that lifestyle. There are plans for an outdoor mu-: sical drama. The CHA is already woiking with tl* Land Trust of N.C. to establish a corri­ dor along the South Yadkin River thtt: would allow low-impact tourist use at The Shoals park. Rumley said that people fiom sev-: eiol states have visited the museum, and; that many more would visit with .the; added attractions.''Millions of people are descendants of mill villages,” sh« said. “People from several states have: been here and want to show grandchil­ dren how they grew up. Many of them had never been to Cooleemee before. “It's not just a local thing. It has le^ gional significance. This is tantamount to attracting another industry to Davie County. Tourism is an industry. People: are looking for this type of thing... not: just Disney Worid." I ' ■ 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 Editorial Best Investment Yard Sale Proves Everything Goes There were two major economic developments last week: • The Dow Jones lopped 9000. • I had my First yard sale. A word of wisdom to investors: Forget slocks and bonds. Forget futures and pork bellies. Forget the Standard & Poors index. Forget high-tech stocks. There's real money in yard sales. They came from everywhere. And now my stuff is their stuff. That lumpy sofa. That old recllner. All the matching throw rugs we never used. All the kitchen utensils we never used. They're all gone. The ugly brown socks I refused to wear. Gone. They bought non-matching wine glasses. They bought dishes. They bought the bicycle. They bought the lace handkerchiefs. They bought the cotton handkerchiefs. They bought the dirty handkerchiefs. They bought toys. They bought jewelry. . They bought every tape we had — country music, classical music, religious music, undefined music. They bought the ax and handle that weren't attached. They bought my old coat. They bought stuff we had bought at other yard sales. They bought... just about everything. Yard sales are a major sociological development. Thou­ sands of years from now, archeologists will be totally con­ fused about our society — our social fabric — because of the yard sale. When they dig among our ruins, Ihey won't be able to And anything. It will be... at someone else's house. Nothing is junk. Everything is valuable. America will lose its reputation as a throw-away society because of the yard For several months, our family has been slowly, slowly moving to another house, I hod steadfastly refused to have a yard sale, considering it a waste of time. It was easier and faster to just haul the stuff to the dump, I argued. The money I must have thrown away... If I had only agreed to have a yard sale earlier, I might be a Wall Street baron today. They bought eveiything but... My ties. I never pretended lo be a clothes horse. I never pre­ tended to be a fashion statement. But I wasn't prepared for this sort of sartorial rejection. I offered them SO ties of various hues. Fifty ties in an assoitment of stripes, paisleys, checks, weaves, blends... Not one of Ihem sold. Not for a dollar. Not for 50 cents. Nol at any price. My wardrobe must really need some rermement. We had planned to open at 8 a.m. But the cars ^ ve d at 7:30. "Let's huny Margaret, there's a better one on the other of town," one woman said after surveying our stuff. Yard sale hopping is now a major form of weekend imtatainment. PM>ple chart the yard sale ads in the newspa­ per and plan their Saturday excursion. If they wouldn't buy my.ties, what must they be thinking about my suits. — Dwight Sparks DAVIB C O U NTY ENTERPRI/^BCORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 PubWwd weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Spwto...... Robin Fergusson... MtoBwnhardt.... Becky Snydw....... ..Editor/Publisher ....Qeneral Manager ......Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager MoetovMe Devle InlMpiiM ReeonI 1916-1968 1699-1958 1901-1971 PMtodktk PoMg* Paid miModavic.NC 27028 Subacilpllon RitM SingltCopy,50CMti 120 |wr умг In North Caicilirai S2S p ir умг oudld* Iteith Carallm POSTMASTERSmdaddriMctiangMta: Onto Couniy EnlMpilw RmorI P.O.Bo«W,Modavfc,NC 270^ i BILLmBXis a lw a y s b a v i r g t c s a y y o u V e s o r i ^ y - In The Mail 'Sparks Perspective' Gives Simple View To the edilon I write this letter, not in criticism of the opinion expressed In the March 26 edition of the Davic Couniy Enterprise, for il is purely your opinion, no tmlter how faulty the logic may be. But I write this simply to enlighten the public to another opinion, one which contrasts greatly to that which was expressed by you.In reading the editorial on thal Wednesday, I was surprised by how simple school really is when you iookat ilfrom l/ic ”Sparks Pcrspeciivc." Whiic 1 don't read the paper every week, I do make an aitempl lo do so. Unfortunately, the very reason I may not read the paper Is con№idiclory to your commentary. You challenge lhal "history Is easy." If history Is so easy, then you would surely be willing to lake the semester of AP US History offered to any siudenl by Mr. Cary Powers. Or better yel, accept the challenge offered in his April 2 letter. I am taking hisclass,and the work load that is required by lhat class alone precludes many olher "leisure" octivities. Secondly, you beliltle the English department wilh accusations ranging from the showing of movies mstcod of reading novels, lo not assigning essays due the fact that ’’students can't write." In recalling my first semester English III Honors class taught by Mr. Terry Hoyle, at least 10 full- length novels/plays were read • not to mention the four distinct essays wc wrote. That writing docs nol include tests, which might require anywhere from 3-7 pages of writing to complete. I am nol disputing that time constraints might be aprobfem, bul ccrtainly your facts were ill rcsearchcd and/or totally off-base. , I could continue challenging your views on thciraccuracybyshowingyouthatthccurrículum "(lip-flop" you speak of is slale-mandaled when il happens, nol eveiy season as you assert, or by challenging you on your facts as lo how "jxxjrly" United States students arc doing, when in reality there is little diffcrcnce in comparison lo all olher developed nations excluding Korea. I wish lhat I would expound full with my S o m e O l d e r A d u l t s F o r c e d T o C h o o s e B e t w e e n E a t i n g , P a y i n g F o r M e d i c i n e To the editor:I am employed at an agency that serves older adulls in Guilford County, and I am also a senior social work student al UNC-G. 1 receive numer­ous telephone calls from older adulls asking for financial assistance lo help pay for the medica­ tions vital to their existence. The older adulls I speak to daily ore generally frail, with multi- health problems, and arc on several prescriptions or over the counter medications. They arc typi­ cally in the lower socioeconomic level and can't aiTord the monthly payment of a supplemental policy that would possibly cover the cost of iheir medications. It conccms me when an older adull has to choose whether to cat or pay for ihcir medicine. Wilh limited resources available in this arca, it Is difficult as a scrvicc provider to assist ihc older cdull wilh this rapidly increasing problem. This problem may continue lo cscalate wilh­out people recognizing there is a problem and that therc are older adults in our communlly making the decision between eating and paying for their medicine. What can our communily do to help older adults today and in the future? Let's not forget lhal wc arc all going lo be old one day. Pam Bennett Greensboro opinions. Unfortunately, my duties as an edi(or of The Diivic Yell os well as the requiremenls related to the rest of my coursc load demand much of iny time. I wish 1 could convlncc myselfthat w^lipg this Iclter will produce some eflect in enactjtig.a scmblancc of respcct towards educators and stu­dents, In your mind. But at this moment, I think my time can be better applied toward leaning 6f Ihc nearly 1200pagcsofUS History Ihatarejiista ^ pan of what is required of me this semester. But a/as, if history is so easy, Il shouldn't take upU»i much of my time tonight. * ’Shel Brannan Junior, Davic High School Want The Real Story?; Send Your Wife To DC To Ihe cdilor; I enjoyed reading Ihc anicle in the pajwr aboul Ihc edilor's Irip 10 Washington. D.C. 10 ”gcl Ihe real slory." Il seems lo me lhal if he wanted lo gel Ihe real slory ahoul whai goes on in Ihc While House, he should have scnl his wife. Alone.- Grady McClamrock Sr. ■ ' Mocksvilic Le tte rs W e lc o m e d U k Enterprise Record welcomes letters fiom ils readers. The tellers may Im on topics of local, stale, national or intemalional issues! An effort will 1« made to print all leiters provided they are not litwlous. vulgar, or.iri poortasie.Theediior rsserves Uie righl lo eilii letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the nante-am^ address of Ihc writer, including a signature^ A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. •, , Please have letters in Ihe newspaper offtce by 4 pm. Monday of the week to be pul)lisiied. ■ W h a t D o e s T h e E a s t e r B u n n y L o o k L i k e ? Grant KliMiek fint Grade 'He's white aiid tall, and he's happy.* Jeramlah McClure Second Grade 'He's white, has kmg eani, a pink nose, pink paws. He's tail, and he carries a bMket or Easter egKk' Morgan Costener SccondGrade "He's brown, and liig and has floppy ears. He's happy." KdUParks ' First Grade , ; "He's tall and cute.*. ; In T h e M a il... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - 3 P l a y i n g W i t h V e h i c l e s N o t A c c e p t a b l e M i s c h i e f j To the editor: I Pieasc do not sanction young people's playing { games in, around and wilh ihcir cars. Il scemS to ; me lhat the responsible adult inlcresicd in pro- ; iccting young people would not laugh at or con- ; done such behavior. Granted, a Chinese firc drill ; may not be the most dangerous and serious sort of ; game. But if the message from role models is lhat ; playing around with your vchiclc is simply a ! given part of teenage mischief, I worry. If anyone \ has doubt that the playing can be quite serious, he should show up on Hwy. 158 al 7:15-7:45 several mornings this week. He might find himself pray­ing for the safe arrival of a car full of kids. He might also make an appearance In the Davie High parking lot on any given aflernoon and witness for himself an administrator's concerns wilh the safely of young people.Thecommunity should know lhat many (prob­ ably most) teenagers are responsible drivers and wonderful people. Sometimes they do nol use good judgment, and that's when an uduH (siich as a high school principal) is supposed to .step in. I did not wilness the event about which your edito­ rial was written, nor do have the facts on both sides of the story. I agree lhat wc should always be careful to protect the rights of young people and treat them rcspcclfully. Bul please let's not suggest to them lhat wc think car games arc funny. Donna Dunn Advancc ' D i c t a t o r s h i p ' R i g h t W o r d F o r D H S A d m i n i s t r a t i o n i To Ihc edilon ! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your editorial in V the March l2cditionofthcEntcrpriscdcscribing j the "Dictatorship" at Davic High School. "Dicta- ‘ torship," you could nol have used a better word. ; As a senior at Davic High School with acccp- ; tancc to college, and morc lhan enough credits lo ; graduate, I have chosen lo be off campus this ; semester for a number of reasons • most of them ; dealing with the administration. ; One moming shortly before Christmas I bc- ; camc ill at school. Unable to rcach my parents (to ; get permission to leave campus), and not wanting ! to miss any classes thal day I left al lunch to go to I the Pantry in search of medicine. I was nol gone \ 10 minutes. As I was leaving the high school ! parking lol, I was seen by a teacher who turned • my name In to the office. The next day I was called to the office and lold to rcport (o ISS (he following Monday for leaving campus without permission. I did nol have a problem with this because I knowingly broke school policy. « Jhc following Monday after gathering my as'signments from my teachers, including making arrangemenls to meet with my computer applica­tions leacher after school. I reported to ISS. As I began to organize my work, the ISS leacher . informed me that I could nol work on my school : work until I had finished a scries of papers on "'^rcsponsibilily" totalling 10 pages with illusira- 'tions. I respectfully informed the teacher that I 'had gathered my assignments for that day and ' that I had two major tests the next day and thal it Was ludicrous for me to wrile 10 pages worth of lepers on "responsibility." The Davic High School * Handbook, on page 5, states that students in ISS will be given an opportunity lo compietc (heir class assignments. I was given the options: do the 10 pages, or go lo the assistant principal's officc for not cooperating. Afler laking the icacher's verbal abuse, I became mentally distraught. I left school, for I knew how the Davic High School administration works. They would not listen; they would make excuses, use verbal abuse, and try to intimidate. Unable lo locate my father (he was out of town on business), I drove lo South Davic to inform my mother (who teaches) of the situation. I am a responsible young person. I was the Davic High School student trainer for three years. I was the first student lo be given an Qpprenliccship at Microfibrcs. I have worked full'iimc every summer sincc I turned 15, und I worked part-time during the school year. I nm employed full-time ut Microfibres as an appren­ tice to earn my Journeyman's Certificate. She too, found it ludicrous for me lo write reports on responsibility when 1 had alrcady received my assignments for that day. During my mother's planning time, we wenl back to the high school and mcl with one of the Ihrce assistunt principals. The assistant principal would not lis­ ten to me. Every lime I tried to say anything, he loudly told me lo "be quiet.'' When I lotd my mother I would finish the year al West Forsylh, he told me lo shul-up. He even threatened to suspend me for going to get my mother. After going around and around with the assistant principal. I finished the day in ISS. 1 did nol finish the paper on responsibility, and I did not have time to work on my class assignmenls. Tliat nighl my mother culled a member of the school board, who referred us to Dr. Steed. We mel with him after Christmas. He was kind and listenedlocvcrylhinglhadlosay. He then saidhe would look Into the matter and give us acall. The nexl week he called und referred us back lo the high school, Wc had asked for apology for the way I was treated. Howcvcr,'lhc principal stated that she did nol believe lhat 1 left campus because 1 was sick, sincc I did nol tell anyone thal day. She would not listen to my mother and lashed out at her as I have оПеп seen her talk to students. Therc arc so many policies now and so many consequences that, if you break their policies, the administration spends an inordinate amount of time chasing students. They have to make sure lhat Ihc girls' dresses aren't loo short or the guys' pants too low. Bul most important ofall is Ihcir no smoking policy. I know of students who have becnsearchedforstandingbesidcsomeonesmok- ing. However, il doesn't mailer if they can sec smokeless tobacco in the back of kids'jeans. It just seems to me lhat if the administration was rcally concerned about "characler education" sincc thal is whai the paper on responsibility was aboul, they would spend less time chasing students, suspending studenis. and humilialing students and more time getting lo know them. Perhaps only nonsmokers should be hired to teach at Davic High since modeling is supposed to be ihc best way lo leam somelhing. Idon't know where my paper on responsibility ended up. 1 would ^uess lhat it was thrown away. Therefore. I will let this letter to the editor be my final legacy lo Davic High School and they arc wclcomc to includc It os my last essay while a student there. They may title it "Responsibility". G. Matt Harden Mocksville W o m e n S h o u l d H a v e R i g h t T o C h o o s e P r e g n a n c y C a r e • Tothe editor ' "This letter is in response lo the midwife's arrestseveralweeksogo; Inmost cultureslhrough- out history, women have given birth al home. Even today the majority of women give birth in a "non-hospital" sening. The U.S. has the highest, most sophisticated technology available to moni­ tor and assist in labor and childbinh. yet we rank ,25th in infant mortality among the wortd's na- .lions. The Cesarean rale is at an all-time high al 23 percent compared lo 18 olher countries which are lower. Ironically, Ihcse other countries spend less on health care and use midwives as Iheir principal birth attendants.The majority of today's women in Ihe Uniicd Suies have sadly lost failh in their body's abilily to give birth. I believe birth is a natural, physi­ ological process, a "rile of passage" designed by God. Did God make a mistake? Is pregnancy and birth really natural process of life, or is il a potentially dangerous medical catastrophe wait- : ing to happen, needing hospimlitation and high : trahnological inlervenlion? We, as educated and informed women, have Ihe righl to choose the best possible care during pregnancy and while giving birth. Women have helped other women give birth sincc Ihc begin­ ning of lime. Suddenly, in 1983. in North Caro­ lina. women can no longer choose lo have birth wilh aqualificdmidwifcoflhcir preference wilh­ oul lhal midwife risking legal ramifications. We as responsible citizens musl lake a stand. Those of us who arc infonncd ahoul birth musl cducalc our sisters. The slalislics of midwife- assisted birth have far heller outcomes lhan hos­ pital births.The AMA and ACOG continue lo oppose birth at home in conlradiclion lo Ihe safely evi­ dence readily available in medical lilcralure. The World Health Organization has long rccom- mcndcd lhal national nialcrnity policies reflect a preference for midwife-supported, planned out- of-hospital birth. Numerous studies validate Ihc safety records of well-trained direct enlry midwives. In a 1987 sludy reported in Ihe American Journal of Public Viable Solutions Exist For Handling Growth Heallh, 4,054 Missouri births were reviewed. The dircci-entry-midwivcs participating in the rcsearch had better outcomes lhan cither physi­ cians or certified nurse-midwivcs. In a Novem­ ber 1996 study, the British Medical Joumal veri­ fied that planned home birth is a safe option for women wilh healthy pregnancies. Florida rc- cenlly has rccognized and proclaimed the ben­ efits by the slate's ciiizens. "If wc arc lo make real progress in providing primary and preventive carc and in reducing infanl mortality rates, we musl broaden our provider base by encouraging the growth of midwifery", says Rorida's Deputy Secretary of Health, Charles Maham, MD. If midwifery carc is the superior choicc of healthy women seeking a natural, safe home birth-andthcsubslunliationisavailableandvalid(and il is), then, why would anyone want lo criminalize midwifery? Perhaps healthy mothers and healthy babies aren't the ultimate goal at all. Il ccrtainly couldn't be economics and politics • or could il? Cheryl Lippard Salisbury Jeanne Gaither Spring And Easter: A Time For Hope, Rebirth, Renewal The dogwoods are blooming. Tliu fish ate biting. Green has relumed lo llie grass and trees. And on my drive home in the evenings, when it's not too chilly, I roll down my car window hoping to catch a whiff of freshly cut grass. Spring is my favorite season - from the first bumblebee I see to the evening when it's warm enough to sit on the sieps gazing up at a star- filled sky. For a short time, temperatuies ate "just right" for raising Ihe windows to let in the fresh air. It's when wc see folks come out of their houses, put on their work shoes and throw a hoe over their shoulders heading to the garden, so they'll have fresh vegetables to share with all their friends and neighbors - and some left over. Spring is a time of rejuvenation and rebirth. There could be no better time to celebrate Easter - the resurrection of our Lord. In Ihose dogwood flowers I adore, my grandma taught me that I could see the cross wherc Jesus was crucified and Ihe suffering he endured. Bister, like another of my favorite holidays, is a time for thanksgiving. Getting up early for sunrise service, we thank God for what happened on a moming just like lhat one so many years ago. And, as Ihe sun rises over the trees, we may be thankful for Ihc blessing of another day to share with family and friends. We appreciate Ihe chance to dress in our finest on this special day at chureh. Just like the ladies in Iheir frilly bonnets on Fiflh Avenue in Irving Berlin's famous Easter song, the little girls w ill march up ihe aisle in flowery drcsses with while lights and shoes followed by dapper, little boys in knickers and bow ties. The older women of the church w ill have a special glow as they cany on Ihe Iradition of the Easter bonnet in their fancy, spring hats - whether old or new. Afler a moming of rejoicing in Ihe true meaning of that special day, we'll head home to cat a meal with our families and later enjoy the goodies left by the Easter bunny. Those most fortunate can spend the afternoon hiding plastic eggs from eager childrcn. A couple in the patch of thrift by the mailbox and some in the flower bed near the driveway. One in Ihe maple Irce and several in Ihe bushes near Ihe house. Lasi bul nol least, I'd stop lo pul one under Grandpa's cap and one in Grandma's apron pocket. Tliat's how I remember Easter - umhet reaion I'm bo thmnkful cm Eutcr umI miracles and hope. B e th CaeeUy :Tolheediton ; Mr. John White's letter (Like to Eat? Tlien : Help Preserve Fannland, March 26) prompted ra to write in suppon of his poshion. I am a «Udcnl at Ihc University of North Carolina alifllipelHill.majoringinbiology.However.Davic jCoihly has been, and w ill always be, my home. ttr. White is correct in asserting lhat, indeed, ^ v|c County and most other parts of this slate ^'experiencing an explosive growth in human [population. 1 have always laken grcal pride in jlelling people here at Carolina lhal where I come I ftpin, Ihe whole county could Til in Kenan Fool- IM I Stadium, and that from my house we cannot ;»ieii see out neighbors. Unfortunately though, it TM«' not uke a great prophet lo foretell what will ;Wc6n)e of this scenario in the near future. The portion of the couniy is already a pan of;^lon-Salem.WiIlweallowlhereslu>become r<o.?iwelI? There are solutions and models of sucfcss, though. The solutions take an informed, caring public and a proactive, educated local govem- ment.For example, here in Chapel Hill, the town council has a commitment to a rural buffer zone. The city realizes the negatives aesthetic, ecologi­ cal, and social implications of uncontrolled ur­ banization and sprawl. The way they accomplish limiting unchecked growth is to restrict the water and sewer access lhal Ihc cily provides lo wiihin a defined radius. By restraining the city service, they indirectly limit the incentive lodevelop. The result is a niral zone of farnis and forests very near Ihc city, and when coming into Chapel Hill it js rather apparent when one leaves Ihe counlry and enters the town. Il is my sincere hope lhat Davic Couniy and Mocksville w ill see the merit of such and implement them ahead of lime, in­ stead of as a reactionary measure when il is too inhere Are Newsp^fs Morals? to Ihe editor ' Evi'ryone's heart cries out for Ihe people who What has happened to the morale 6f the Enter- have suffered in Ihe tragedy in Jonesboro, Ark. AnriM Record? I am appalled al whai haa been cartoondepiclingchildrenwithbulls-eyesdrawn published in Ihe past two issues. In the March 26 on Ihem is an outrage. Think of how you wouldITsue you printed a picture on Ibe front page of feel if it had been your children. Jathiva Al-Bayyinah, apparently you didn't no- I feel that the Enterprise owes an apology to lice die obscene gesture he wat nuking with his the communily, and should take a litlle more lime hands Ihis picture should have been cut off at his editing Ihe paper in die future. waist.’ Charles Ford I also feel lhal the cartoon Ihu was published Hamiony ia ili A ^ il 2 issue wa» in extremely bad taste. . ^ . lale and all of our streets look like Highway 601 between town and 1-40.With regards to saving farms and farmers, one plan that I am aware of is conservation ease­ ments. These are agreements with the govern­ ment or private land trusts to in essence sign over one's righUi to develop Ihe land al any time in the future, regardless of who owns il. It does not mean lhat you do nol own Ihc land or thal it can no longer be used in any productive way, except with regards to building housing developments or industrial parks. In return, Ihe landowner gets a reduccd property value and rorrespondingly lower taxes because the land is no longer sought after by developers. If we all care just a Utile more and Ihink a litUe harder, I have no doubt we can create viable solutions. Let us not deny Ihe existence of the problem of too many people. As an ecologist and as a native of Davie County, I would very much like to be able to come home in Ihe future and not find a strip mall sprouting next tomy house or anoihcr golf course on a neighboring dairy farm. Economic beneflts are few and fleeting when we consider the de­ creasing quality of life we w ill experience if we do not recognize Ibc problem now and begin lo flx il. I hope lhat I will always be able to tell people lhal 1 am from a small town near Winston-Salem, nol a suburb in a sea of people.Christopher Anderson Calahaln^ A L o t O f M e n d i n g N e e d ^ One day after Ihe shooting in Arkansas 2 weeks ago. I sal down to make my daughter, Katie, a hat for Easter. ' I had spcnl a good deal of time choosing the pattern. I didn't want it to be too floppy, or too fru fra, or too boyish. The fabric choice was easy - il would match Ihc dress I'm sewing. It took at least an hour lo cut out all Ihe fabric, Ihe lining, and Ihe interfacing, and it was a relief when I was finally able to start the actual stitching. About 2 hours into Ihe project, 1 hit a snag and needed another seamstress' eye to help me Ihrough. Finally, 8 hours after I'd started, wilh taking time lo fix dinner and clean up and gel Ihe childrcn in bed, I finished the hat. II was breathtaking. I just knew, after spending all that time on it, lhal it would be perfect. I hung U over a lampshade to keep Ihe shape unlil Katie woke up the next moming, and 1 could Iry it on her. II felt like Christmas. Almost like slow motion, getting the hal down, showing il lo her, and slipping it onto her head. But there was just one problem. ; It was loo tight. No matter how 1 pulled and tugged, it wouldn't go onto her head. My firsl impulse was lo throw it into the garbage. Instead, I look il, hung il back onto the lampshade, and left for work, thinking all Ihe way iherc aboul that hat and how lo make il fit. But Ihe fact remains that I spent a great deal of lime and pul a lol of heart and love into thal hat, and il didn'l matter, because it still wouldn't fil. Those boys who gunned down iheir classmates in Arkansas don't fil either T.wo somebodies conceived and carried those boys, gave birth lo Ihem, taught them how lo hold their spoons, how to throw a ball, how 10 lake care of pets. They put Ihem on school buses, packed their lunches, and called out spelling words. There were probably family vacations, maybe camp, some tee- ball, and swimming lessons. Somebody invested a lot of lime, a lol of heart, in Ihose boys, .and il didn't matter, because Ihey just don't fit in Ihis sociely. I'm going home today and work on lhal hal a little mote. Maybe make some culs where they won't be noticed and pul in a Ihtle elastic, then try pulling it onto Katie's head again. And I'll hold my brcalh, hopeful lhat my conlinued efforts w ill pay off in Ihe long ran. But I'm not sure about Ihose boys. I wonder if making some changes w ill help Ihem now, or with Ihe sight of bjood on Iheir hands, if Ihcy w ill be driven lo commit further carnage in the remaining decades of their lives. , Something w ill have to be done. If Ihey're not thrown away, somebody is going to have one ‘ heck of an alteration job on their hands. 5 ' . . 4 - D A V IE C O U ^ ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 9,1998 jAllen Whitaker An Asset To Community, Churcfi family and Uw people of Davie Counly should be pnxid lo have him in an elccied position.I do nol know anyUiing of lhe characlcr and abiliUesofanyoUKrcandidalaforsherirr.bulIcan share wlUi Davie volets Uiis opinion. "If Icould vole in your counly, and I warned a good ChrisUan man serving and protecting my family, I would have to look no farther Uian Allen Whilakcr." Pastor Gary Foster Yadkinville i iToUie editor ! As a itsidemorDavidson Counly who pastors ■ church jusl inside Yadkin Counly, I have no W ed interesl in Davie County elections except ihal I have many friends, relatives, and congrega­ tion membets Uving in Davie and I wish for Uiem ;ihe best leadenhip possible, t believe Uial politics I'aie beller left oul of Uie pulpit, but when I know a • particular candidate is an asset to his church, his ■ community, and his God, Uwn I Teel compelled to share Uiu infoimuiion wiUi Uie public. Allen Whilakcr Is such a candidate. He serves our church as Sunday School Superintendent and Chairman of Uic Adminislialive Council, and is an Mcellenl Sunday School Teacher. As you can see, Allen one of Uiese polilicians who attends church a few monUisJusl before an clcction. He lives his failh seven days a week and views Uie chuich as much more Uian a place to make campaign connec­ tions. We are proud to have him in our church Planners To Discuss Rezoning For Garl)agë Haulers; ET Zonings ; i C I y d e T a y l o r F a m i l y T h a n k f u l F o r H i s C u s t o m e r s , F r i e n d s '.Jo Uie editor.> Heaiealkiw us to use Uiis fotimi 10 express our 'thanks to the family and Wends of James Clyde Taytor for Ue many acts of kindness shown to his family in so many ways during his illness and hibsequent deaUi. He Uioroughly enjoyed serving lhe people of DavieCounty for 52 yeara in his shoe repair business and we wish 10 Uiank his many loyal cuslomcre and friends. Wc also want to encourage individuals to give blood if possible. Wc Ihink many limes of Uw people who took Uicirtimelogivcblood so Uiat our loved one could reccive il and be helped. Giving blood lakes litUe time and il does not hurt. Finally, we wish lo Uiank Uie medical staff at Davie Counly Hospilal, FbnyUi Medical Cenler, Medical Park Hospilal and Mcdical Associates of Davie. Wc ate especially grateful to Drs. Joel Edwards, Richanl Brodkin, and Patrick Cuirie for Uieir exccllcnl care over many years. Monte Taylor and Uw Family of James Clyde Taylor . Fork A d v a n c e V F D P o r k A n d B e e f B a r b e c u e W a s A S u c c e s s Jo Uw editor ; Tbe volunteer fiie-fighters and fint-responden bfUw Advance Fire and Rescue Department would like 10 send a sincere Uiank you to all in Uw toiununity who helped in any way wiUi our semi­annual Spring Beef and Ftark Barbecue on Friday, Aprils. WheUier you donated ingredients, supplies or desserts, helped witfi preparations,servingorclean- up, or made a purchase, each was an important factor in making Uiis our most successful Spring barbecue ever, ft was especially giaUfying lo have many who are new in Uw communily come oul and help for the first time. Such support from Uw communily is a real momle booster to all those who unselfishly volun­ teer Uwlrtime to be ready lo serve you during your timcofneed.Weiook forward to your suppon for our fall barbecue of Friday, October 2. Thanks again.M. David Miller Piesident, Board of Dircclon B r a v o ! C l a s s i c D r a m a I n A C l a s s y N e w S h o w c a s e To the editorWhat a night. Classic drama in a classy new showcase. Whal talent Whal showmanship. What a show. Congratulations to everyone who has a part, large or small, backstage of centerstage. The houn and hard wt^ that wenl Into making "Oliver" comc alive had lo bc a sacrlflcc on everybody involved. We commend you, applaud you. salute you and look forward to many more performances in the new Brock Auditorium. I only have one conccm and lhat is regarding the impressive new lighting system in the auditorium. I sincerely hope (hat a vast sum of monies wasn't expended to have light Installed. One would have only needed to place Freda Ramsey upfront, centerstage to "light up" the entire building. Morc. More. More. Doris S. Truitt Advance I s C h a r l e s F o x S u i n g B o a r d H e ’s S e e k i n g A S e a t O n ? Tolhcedilar ; I read wiUi iuetest, Uw introduction and en- dotaeiiKm of Claries Fox, candklale foe counly BoardofCnmlyCbmmisskmenandDavieCbunly? tf iMs ItiK, it seems Uial Mr. Fox is suing Ihe very bond, of which, he is seeking a seal on. If I read Uw ankle conecüy; it sounds as if he will take care of M w iw w c.lijm .ip irtni ЬЛвмаиаМ!, .- ;ev«ythiatital ha Im UU wrong with Uw coumy. member board of whkh, if ekcted in Uw May Prinaiy,youwill.likeUwodier memben have one vole, but if Mr. Fox is suing Uw board, how can he serve on it? NellSmlUi MocksviUe M o c k s v i i l e C i v i t a n s A c t i v e W i t h C o m m u n i t y P r o j e c t s ToUieedilorThe Mocksviiie Civitan Club is celebrating Civitan Awareness Monlh in April in honor of the organiiation’sannivcrsaryandcontinucd com­ mitment to communily servicc. The club is in­ volved, along wilh a number of cooperating businesses in the area, in collecting food for Storehouse for Jesus. We will alsobeclcaning the highway from the north end of town to the overhead bridge. Wc would like to thank Ihc businesses lhat allow us to place candy boxes with Uiem and also those who contribute. Wc arc conducting a raffle lo provide funds for our community projects.. The winner will rcccivc $ 100 worth of groceries from Food Lion. The drawing will be April 27. Win- nen will bc announced in the local paper. Wc appreciate the good response from the commu­ nity in our efforts 10 help ihose less fortunate. Our meetings arc held on the sccond and fourth Mondays of each months at Cap'n Stevens reslauranl at 6:30 p.m. Visitors and new mem­ bers are wclcomc. For more information, call 751-3331 or 284-6310. Louise Stroud Mocksvillc Charles Fox Wants To Protect Rural Lifestyle To Uw editor Tbesday, May 5 primary is an imponant dale to vole fbr Chitles R», RqxibUcan candidate for Divfe Counly conmiissioner. Many vottn believe dial Davie County run! Uihtyk and low taxes are being destroyed by uneaaBoUed zcning widi ils relaled groi^ and reduced watmhed pcolection.b 1996, an euopfe was Uw zoning approval of 300hunikcdaacanear route 801 and 158. Zoning waia|ipDvcdfDtHghdensily(innercilylypesniaU lots) which would increase daily traffic flow from 8,000 lo 40,000 can, gically increasing pollution and subslantiallyreducingessential watershed land. This type of zoning should never be permitted in Davie County. WiUi an excess of 1,000 signatures led by Charies Fox againsi Uiis radical zoning, Uiis zoning was approved. Mr. Fox is heading a law suit lo have Uiis zoning cancelled by Uw court Mr. Charies Fox, chairperson of Responsible Zoning, is protecting property values and Uw cur- rcnl rural lifestyle in Davic County. He has spent several Uwusaiid dolían ofhis won funds and has worked Uw last 19 monUis on behalf of Davie County citizens. Since Uwre is no democratic opposition for Counly Commissloncn inUwNovemberelccUons, Uw May 5 election will be a final election. I urge you to vole for Charks Fox, Uw people's candidate, on May 5. DominkkJ,Rocco Advance M a r t y C a r t e r A Q u a l i f i e d C a n d i d a t e F o r E d u c a t i o n B o a r d To the editor Ian writing onbehalf of school boaidcandidalc Maty carter, a Davk Counly native I believed 10 be exncnidy qualified for woriiing wiUi dw other tiMfwhafT and fetdjng ow adusta, Md cooieqiiendy, our children, imo : IhaveknownMartyrorovcrlOycaiandhave teddwop|ntiailylo<|icndacansidetabkanount iftimewilhhimprofiEstknallyiadaociaUy.IhBve ilrilnaiedfiiilfaandhUbuaineatkillsandacunwn, his devotion as a husband and faUwr, and his commilmenl lo his church and iu memben, ail of whkh fonn arock-solidvaiue system and sense of integrity Uial are refreshingly unique in today's political arena. These character traits, I am confl- denl, will serve him and Uuse of us concerned aboul our schools well if he is elected u> Uw board. I am further convinced Uut his training as a CPA, combined wiUi dw unk)ue perspective only one who owns his business has, will alkiw him to bring 10 Uw labk a fiscally responsible, sound business approach lo Uw lask of charting a course of action There will bcamcctingofthcTown of Mocksviile Planning Board Tues­ day, April 14, nt 7 p.m. at the Mocks­ viile Town Hall.Garbage Disposal Scrvicc, Inc. has submitted a request to rezone six acres of land from Residential - Agriculture (R - A) to Industrial (I) in order lo relocate their business opcralion. Thisproperty is locatcdoff the soulh sidcof Bethel Church Road approximately 1/ 2 mile from U.S. 64 and is further described as being Parcels 6.01 and 6.02 of Davio County Tax Map J-5. Theplanning board will assign zon­ ing districts to Ihc mosi rcccnl cxpan- p e p . H o w a r d C o b l e H a s P r o b l e m W i t h M e m o r y O r F a c t s ibibeediM; - H » «Пиши made by Яд>. СоЫв Uial he la M ia i к ш liett lian a fellow in Aidvnce ia Ime. Яа ам п ш Ibat Ъо hia not head back ia loially умпи. I «me Riii. C(Me on Iin. IS, 1Ю8 and «kid bini «by he WM not a co^ponanr of Нцр. >¿rtTá|iÉyotlmpe«climcni*.laliO allied lliM M o fto R v M k a n iin te 105lbCtan|itaahad *ty dieir actio«’ to o iv v e o ra cMdMwd«abai«meofaacd.Re|i,Ccbk’i M L4.iif|ydidM idd rw ’Iaquhyo(b4ieach- ■M*. kaUMMd 'A itkin or tavHctue«’, a « » n i iene. lip . Coble addedapmonil haod- iiiiM i Ml below de typed portioa of die koer. OnFeb.l2,Iwro)eanoUierktlerloRcp.Cobkand lold him diallwaa Mill waiting for hia leaaon for not co-fpon*oring Rep. Ban’s "Inquiry of Impeach­ ment', UM I had not mentioned’Ankks of Im- peacbnwal’.Rep.Cobk’sMarch9>eplyikinedmy questkn. He.added anolher penonal nole al Uw booom or dw typed ktterfcgaiding qualily of his bandwrilini. if Rq>. Coble had not written apenonal note at da boooai of bodi kllen ! wouU not question his menny.Ihave written Rcp.Cobte enough loknow dal when he adds a penonal note al Uw bottoni of a lyped kuer da klier he U Rtpondiag 10 got hia . Mention. When you get a penoni alleaticn 10 dw extent dal dwy add a penonal handwritten note p é P iiiin rra li MiilingApiilS «IOam;SMMliy,A|itUI8,inda - Ш Ш с с т с т ш ^ MHwinfar eU OeteiUnu SMertll а ш я ш т for our schools.As a fomier teacher in Uw puMk schools of North Carolina, andone who remains acutely aware of Uw chalknges faced by educalon, adntttra- ton and students, I strongly encourage you lo vole for Many Caner on May 5. Rest assured dial if ekcted. Many will eagoly embrace Uwse chal- kngesuUial Davk County may continue to main­tain Uw standards of excellence for whkh our schools are known diroughout dw sute. James P. Hukhenon Advance below dw lyped poftkm anyone wiUi average memory wUl nol forget dw fact day heard back. Rep. Coble, by hia cemmenu 10 Mr. Sparks, dem- onsmueddalhebasdevekpedamemoiyprabkm or a probkm of dealing widi facia. Bdngalawyer andamembcr of UaU.S. House oO(e|acaentalivesAidiciaryCominittee,Rep.Cobk ihouklbe aware ofdw fact dial bquiry of Impeach- ' nanland AnkkaoflmpeacbmenlaredifreicnL Cobk shoukl have been abk lo addren my con­cerns widi one koer. If he had I wouU not have the tfcond letter. B. FnukEverhan Advance VOTE FOR CHARLES O. W ILLIAM S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR CO UNTY COM M ISSIONER.. OF DAVIE COUNTY WOULD APPRECIATE VOUR VOTE _______P*d Ad By Owit» 0. VWMm»_____ F a m i l y F i n t M o r t g a g e C o r p . ; — ESTABLISHED 1979 — “YOkete \{out jamibf comes ¿List" ; Owned and Staffed by Dovie Count/ Residents • F u t Servke/fiait Clositi^ •On* Day Approval InMoitCaMS • Fint A Sacond N o itfa ia • PurdiaMf or IMInancat'. ".. Fixed Rates r Q T C AsLov<As ОаО/Э aanT pñOñiiMS undeastood; mXMMSAVAJUBUfOñ \ MOttt£HOM£S . St-1 COURT SOIMUU«MO€ICIVIU«,NC (336) 751-2898 Offces tocoiedTIi/wjbouiTIie Soudieeji MOCKSVILLE ШЕ & AUTOMVnVE 962 Yadkinville Road Phone 751-6115 Our Pricei Include Mounting, Balancing New Vuhe sum à Rotation Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F » 7:30-1 ;00 Saturday NAPPY BUmiDAY, COOLEEMEE ONVOURIOOIHBIimiDMn;;: We share in your pride and wish all success in | preserving your heritage. t D e i u t i o i i g a lr t t a d y r e c e i v e d f o ^ t h i s c e l e b n i t i o i i w e r e f r o n U ; In additioa to tlw previous names; David Spriniir, Jaacs A Eillier Wail, Fred ft Jtsiie Pierce, MocluviUe oa Company, Ik „ Central Camliiu Banii • Davie counly BranclNs, JaiMi A. leidtnboiir, Mik« ft Judy Osborne David * Aaa kaeack ■ U Мааису еГС.Н. Nolky, It, Robert Ibykr ^ aadEddkHdlaid'labtNonuJordaa-bM tm oiyofBudft • MalUaMaeJordiaiadJiaKaWhilc«JaaNaA.Phm-bMeamyor ■:Mr.âM n.JJ[.nina«№ lliaaSaydtr- IaMeim>iyorjaaMsW. [;Sayder, Mr. «Mrs. Joba A. Sayder/awl Mr. aad Mrs. Curtis Harris« >; Margk B. BcaiKkamp - la Mmoiy оГ L,C. “BUI* Beauchamp and RaBdyG.Bcancbaaip>Charlk ft Ulhia P. Johnson-In Memory of I;- .Fkiyd ft Fby Popa* DaanyKelkr-la Memoiy or BIU ' Сгшоа • MwW Glide - In Monoiy of Mr. ft Mn. S£ GtTfoiy • ВШ ft Ora 1ПМП -b Memory or Saa Mycra Bobft NonaeJordaB-bHoaorofRMhS.Wklte Send DooaUou toi Coolmme Cnttenii General DcUviry-Old 14 Chuith St CoaleimK,N.C, 27114 sion ofthe Town of Mocksvillc Extfil^ tcfrilorial Planning Juri.sdiclion.|"All maps rcfcrrcd to ore Davio Counly'tij Maps. The districts to bc considchid are Induslrial(l) for parcels 67,81^86^ 87,87.01, nnd 88 of map H-3 and flar­ ed 19.(M of map 1-3; Rc.sldcmial Л^- cullunil (R-A) for parcels 14, l9.0i and 19.07 of map 1-3; and Highwliy Dusinc.vs (H-B) for parcels 14.04, ^5i and l6ofmapl-3.Amapshowing'Hi^ above districts is on display at th<! Mocksvillc Town Hall. The Planning Depanmeni will ^iVe a rcport on Ihe study of potenlial wres for multi-family zoning. Primaries, Scliool Board Elections To Be Held May 5 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - 5 Primaries and school board clcc- tipra will be held Tuesday, May 5. The 14 |x)ll{ng locations in Davic Counly ^llbeopcnfrom6;30a.m.-7;30p.m. for electors properly registered lo cast Iheir vole. Residents who have not yet regis- li^.ormadeprKlncicomxtlonshavc until Friday, April 10 to do so. Tbe ejections office will be dosed Friday, but will proccss all fonns rccclvnl postmarked onUiisday.Scvcnteenycar olds who will become 18 by Nov. 3 may register by Friday, April 10, and vou in Uic primary to select the candi­ dates wiUiin Ihelr party choicc. Unaffillalcd voters may vole in ci­ ther the democrat or republican pri­mary by request when entering the voting enclosure. Absentee voting is available for voten who know they will out of the coumry Uic entire period lhat the polls will he open, or who will be unable lo Unvcl to Uw polls due to illness, or disabilily. Application for ballots lobe mailed may bc applied for by the vot­ ers, or on their behalf by a member of Iheir Immediate family, or legal guard­ian. "One Slop" absentee voiing will be available in the dcclions office bcgln- nlngMonday,April IBforconvenicnce of volen who will be unable to go lo the polls, bul able lo go to the elections office between 8:30 a,m. nnd 5 p.m„ Monday - Friday. FornddiIionaiinfotmalion,call751- 2027. Pciloe Asldng Residents To Help Rnd Peeping Tom COOLEEMEE - A peeping lom ;fs dpparcmly on lhe loose here. ;■ Neighbors reported a young while ¡male looking Into lhe windows ofa ¡remale’s residence on Wall Sircel :aboul 11:30 p.m. March 27, Policc IChief Tim Wooten reported. ' Ofncers searched lhe area on riHil rand in their vehicles bul were unable |lp locatc the suspecl. ».I Thcrchavebccnscveraladdilional complaints obout a young man, fit­ ting lhe same descriplion, knocking on Ihe doors and windows of houses where women live alone In the area of Walt and Joyner streets in recent weeks, Wooten said. Residents are encouraged to rc­ port any suspicious looking Individu­ als they see, especially afier dark, lhe chicf said. "We’d like lo pul a stop lo this." m C R E D n U S M IN G SONRESIONICCOMfOlin Reatonlo Bed of R on* Twin Set RE6. <299M 8Д1Е^249Й? All Bed of Roses Stis on sale Ihls im k.l5yr, Non-lVoraHdWimuily, RnanclniAvailiblcWSinieAsCiili30DayLayiwiyAllnu^credHcifdiicccplcd Why have “lown” for your lawn & garden needs? . Come See Us! We have: ■ n«wm • INhIcIi • SIMM • Strata • T«rS«U • OM Saw Dm! • FtrtMitr ■ Sm« • HMftafl M m I« • Ptat NacdiM • Straw • GiuiSMd "Lowest Prices in Towrt" . Also: Complete Liwn Maintenance - V e Deliver 631 E. uxington Rd. (64 E.) MockBvmt • 336-751-4209 ^ ^ ^ ^ lY o u rJ- lo m e ^ T o w ii^ G a n Je ii^ u p p lv^ ^ WhyAmlHunninflForHieSchoolBoanl? I want to continue the tradition of excellence in education for which our schools are linown. Woriiing together, I am convinced we can mal(e Davie County schools the best in North Carolina.« ИУОТЕ May Sfar Martin Craig Carter Oandldales Attend FòrumFourteen candidates attended a "Meel The Candidates" event spon­ sored by the Davie Democral Party on March 29. Those candidates included: from U.S. Senate, John Edwards (repre­ sented by Jo Malone), D.G. Martin and Mike Robinson; Judge Clarencc Johnny Shelby Not Convicted For Drugs ' The Enterprise Record incor­ rectly reported in the April 2 edition ibat Johnny D. Shelby wasconvlcted of lhe misdemeanor possession of marijuana. Shelby was nol convicted of the charge; in fact, was never tharged. Hchasneverbcen charged or convicted of any drug offense. C A R W A SH ; Captain Stevens Restaurant April 11th, 1998 9:00 am to 12 pm Pkast come oul lo our car wash . and help support our . Youlh Foolball Profram. - AU donations are wekome. ■ WniiamB. Davie Baosttr Club Horton of the N.C. Court of Appeals; District Court judges Kimberly Tay­ lor, Jimmy Myers, Jim Honcycull and George Fuller, und attorneys Odward Hedrick and Lynn Gullctt, who are running for a dislrici court judge scat; and Davie Board of Edu­ cation candidates Marlin Carter, Rcncc Howell and Marlene Shamcl. Refreshments werc served beforc and afler the candidates’ speeches. The event was held lo in№rm the public ofthe views of Ihe candidates, said Danny Robertson, Davie Demo­ cratic Party secretary. “MUGGSY” BOGUES BOYS « GIRL'S BASmBALL CAMP 1998 BOYS ONLY Гог Адм 6-13 JuMl5lh-19th Session I: 8:30ani-12:(X)pm Session II: 1:00pm-4:30pni Jum22nd-26th Session III: B:30am-12:lX)pm OIIILS ONLY For Aget 8-16 JwM22nd-26th Session IV: 1:00pnM:30pm r r M АгИтМИпмаиМЬ■'t ■A**»' Camp Dkactor Лт ТоЫаа School: 94M1S1, Ext 324 July 20th-24th BOY'S BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 ^]/ÍjLL<&RVICb2)BSIGN I ^feetuniti * ^Coox ФшиОиЫлияи fWo/Tiwiïbji C E N T E R B B Q F r i d a y a n d S a t a n b y , M » r f l 1 7 & 1 8 Crafts and Displays Piedmont C.A.R.S. Association Cpuise-In (Public Welcome To Pbpticipate) 9:00 am. - 2:00 p.m. Satarday Only CALL 4 9 2 - 5 6 5 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SATURDAY’S SHOW OR TO RESERVE A SPACE location: HWY.84WnTANOl-40,MOCK«VILIJI 3Co & IPPif 6oatet íB iin g a duciotu. r 0 lic e S ifU 0 / (S№ j o s t r a ’« I t i i i t l t n m м. (Mast 336-751-2737 M e s s ia h in t h e P a s s o v e r pnaantedby Sam Nadler President, Word o l Messiah Ministries ilavaiy in Egypt,Th*‘Massiah In tha PasK»«'Is a V musbatai noi enty luaars Irsbui how Individuais can ba tadaafflsd tram bondaga ol sin. Aliar saalng tha program, ona paslor anthualasScoly mpondad,-Evary singla parson who haard ima Machtig was ovaiwhalmad b> a daapat undtmandlng ol be«i Ih* Pasaovw and Ih* Communkin Tabla. Whal a blaaaingr Ba sura to knlta your Man* and naigWai* lo mia ipacial aaivk:al Place: Data: Time: Cahraty Baptist Church SOOO Countiy Club Road Wlnaton-Salem, North Caiallna Sunday, ApHl 12 6:15 pm MOCKSVIUE SAVINGS ВАНК,ю a i i м ш т - M a * . M i w t i i i B M ' M ' ’ - I B B f —_______________________________ • •DAVIE COUNTY EN TERnust: К1л.ини, лрги у, im 'Л • у L a n d T r a n s f e r s И-ir' The followinit land iransfers were 1 with the Davie Counly Regis- 5 The Iransaciions are listed by par­ tes involved, acreage, township, and Seed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ e n tin g $1,000. -VfilHamH. Joyner Sr. and Peggy A. Joyner to Roger Vernon and ^nalhan Vemon, trustees of Flow- bg Rivers Baptist Church, I.4S ¡Icres, MocksvUle, SIS. •3 - Johnny York and Deanna York ib Stephen Sink and Susan Sink, 2.S I ilcres. A r r e s t s - Clarence W. Keller and Wylene B. Keller and Donnie Keller toTlinya K. Ginther and Charles E. Ginthei; 2 acres, Mocksville.- Piedmont Propenles of Lexing­ ton to Sieven H. Jarvis and Wendy B. Jarvis, I lot, Fullon, $30. - Mary Campbell Smilh and Donald H. Smith to John A. Single­ ton, .43 acre, Jerusalem. - John A. Singleton to Mary Campbell Smith and Donald H. Smith, .81 acre, Jerusalem. - Dr. Juanlto Pung 10 James Alton Fitzgerald and Laurie Davidson Fiugerald, S acres, Calahaln and 'nimersburg (Ircdell).- David M. Hanes Contracting to Bcauchamp Building Co., I lot, Farmington, S120. - David M. Hanes Contracting lo Beauchamp Building Co., I lot, Farminglon, $120. - Horace Higgins and Eleanor L Higgins to Robert E. French and Dorothy S. French, 2 lots, Fulton, $280. - Bobby B. McDanicl and Gelenc McDaniel to Keith B. McDanicl. 3.31 acres, Jerusalem, $17.- Hawksnest Sports lo Jamcs Ronald Marion and Sandra S. Marion, I lot, Famiington, $40.- Newman Dudley Stroud and Jo Ann P. Stroud to Denny N. Stroud, .78 acre, Calohaln. - Doy MichacI Hendrix lo David Gregory Sharpe and Jayne G. Sharpe, I lot, Farminglon, $470. - Marshall L. Swaringen Jr. and Janic H. Swaringen lo Richard C. Short, I lot, Farminglon, $56. - Richard C. Short to Alan D. Slilcs and Barbara Stiles. I lot, Farminglon, $56. - Douglas S. Gregory and Inez D. Gregory to Ronald L. Howell. 1.01 acrcs, Jerusalem, $19. - Ronald Wayne Walker 10 Daniel E. Devoid and Vicki L. Devoid, .55 acrc, Jerusalem, $54. - Wade H. Dyson Jr. anil Ellen F. Dyson;’ Philip E. Dyson and Mary Kay Dyson, Fay Dyson Donohue and Edwaid A. Donohue Jc lo Philip E. Dyson ond Maty K. Dyson,'34,58 acrcs, Mocksvillc. - Wade H. Dyson Jr. and Ellen F. Dyson to Philip E. Dyson and Mary K. Dy.son, 36.04 acrcs, Mocksvillc. - M. David and N. Diane Kelly Living Trast 10 Todd A. Kelly and April Kelly, 1.17 acrcs, Clarksville. - Samuel Y. Clarke Jr. and San^,a C. Clarke lo Grace A. Comfort This); .71 acre, Mocksville, $236. - B. Eugene Bennett and as attorr, ncy in fact for Willie Bess Ben A Dclbcn E. Bennett and Martha Hj Bcnncll, Gamette Nance, Fred 6. Ellis and Marie Ellis lo Jerry Cr^yy^ and Janic Crews, I lot, $30. , - Jurney Construction Co. to Edmund 0. Bye and Jane B. Bye, 1 lol, Farminglon, $399. - Richard P. Hendricks and Carol^ D. Hendricks to Ronnie R. Lee and Kimberly M.Uc, I lot, $237. Hie following arrests were made Sy Ihe Davie Counly Sheriffs De- .jwranent: < -Lany Eugene White. 39,of 89« fianier St., Mwksville, was arrested ^aich 30, for assault by pointing a |un, simple assaull and communicat- Ijig threats. Trial dale: April 9. ; -Guadalupe AquilenaGonzalez, 23,ofYadkinville was arrested March 30,for driving withoulalicense.Trial date; April 17. - Anita Faye Johnson, 24. of 135 Cenier Circle, Mocksville, was ar­ rested March 30, for simple assaull. Trial date; April 9. - Michael David Medves. 17, of 287 Michaels Road, Mocksville, ar­ rested March 30, for 2 counls each of communicating Ihrcals and assaull with a deadly weapon. Trial date; April 9. - Arnold Leal Martinez. 31, of 1610 Cana Road, Mocksville, was arrcsled March 30, for felony break­ ing and entering and larceny. Trial date; April 23. -Jamie Noel Reid. 28. Salisbury, anested Match 31, for possession of a stolen tag and driving without a license. Trial dale; April 16. - Eric Donnatl "Ricky" Cleve­ land, 36, of 160 Dcadmon Road, Mocksville, amslcd March 31, for failure to pay tax. Trial date; April 23. - Michael Alexander RackI, 23, of 215 Baltimore Road. Advancc, was arrcsled April I, for felony pos­ session of a stolen vehicle. He was also wanted by Ihe High Point Police. -Sabrino Louise Pino, 19, of 167 Jessica Trail, Mocksville, was ar­ rested April 2, for simple worthless chcck. Trial dale; April 23. - James Edward Triplett, 2lv'of 164 Angeli Road, Mocksvllle, ar­ rcsled April 4, for simple possesston of drug paraphernalia. Trial date;. April 23. • ■ - Felicia Marie Taylor, 20, of 105 Jarvis Road, Advance, was arrested April4, forsimple assault. Trial date;' April 9. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t ; The following incidenis were re­ ported lo the Davie County Sheriffs ]}epartmenl. ; -Crystal Dawn York of Advance rtported March 26 she had been as­ saulted in the Food Lion parking lot al Tanglewood Crossing. ' - Bernard A. Feldman of Ber­ muda Village reponed March 27 an wquaintance had taken fabric pur- chased to make window treatments, yas pakl for thal service and never framed the rmlshed product 1 - Tim Whittington of Advance tpoitcd March 29 someone had ■AlioouDtive. March 30, someone had entered his residence and stole money and a candy tin. - Danny F. Anderson of Sheffield Road, Mocksville, reported March 30, that someone stole aceramic piggy bank. -MichaelJamesGobbleandCaio- lyn Jean Gobble reported March 31. that a television, two VCRs, a clock radio, an indoor antenna, Iwo cas­ sette tapes and some important pa­ pers had been stolen from aresidence on Cherry H ill Road. - Melissa Lenarz of Lakewood Drive, Mocksvilk, repotted March L a w s u i t s out permission. -Joshua David Wilson of Mocks­ villc reported March 31, lhat he had been assaulted by three unidentified schoolmates behind the auto me­ chanic shop at Davie High School at 2;58 p.m. March 30. - Wilma WoodieHaycsofMocks- ville rcported thal nouvspassingsigns on business property on Hayes Lane had been tom down April I. - Anne Kennedy Brock of Win- ston-Salem reported April I, that former tenants had damaged a screen door and sheetrock wall and stolen a window unit air conditioner from a rental house on U.S. 158. V -luaiorSmMhicponcdAprilZ, that a silver wire slokcs basket had been stolen from Smith Gtove Vol­ unlcer Fire Department. - Deputy John Coley reported April 2, that Ihe CB radio antenna on his palrol car had been broken off while Ihe vehicle was parked outside the Davie County Jail. -Tameika Monique DaycofCool- cemec reported April 2 an unknown person had ihrcalencd her in the parii­ ing lot at McDonald's in Mocksvillc about 5;20 p.m. April I. - Sieven Ashley of Mocksville reponed April 3. that lOtrcesalJim's Fniit and Stuff on U.S. 601 had been damaged when someone ran over them with a track. - Jason Samuel Allen it Valley Oaks Drive, Advance, reported April 3, lhal an amplifier, CD player and crossover had been slolen from his 1998 Chevrolet Iruck at his residence. - David Allen Meacham reported April 3 the ccnter caps had been sto­ len from Ihe wheels of a 1975 Chev­ rolet Monte Carlo at D&D Enter­ prises on U.S. 601. - Diane C. Robcnsof Davie Street, Cooleemee, rcponcd April 4, a yard sale sign had been stolen from U.S. 601 and Deadmon Road. - Mary Willard Allen of Candi Lane, Mocksville, reponed April 4, the registration plale had been slolen from her 1982 Pontiac in her drive- way. “ - Pclc Ranker of Main Chutclç Road, Mocksvillc, reported April 4^ that a 1997 Suzuki motorcycle а»|)<С 1997 Honda motorcycle had ¿ jjç stolen from his residence. ï - John Joseph Frye of Mocksvill£ reponed April 5, lhat an unknowiw object had hil his 1996 Honda C iv ii while al his residence. Г' -Rachel B. Englandof BcarCnxk Church Road, Mocksville, reported; April 5, lhal her mailbox had been; knocked down. | - Darren Ireland reported April 5«: that an unidentified person had en-l leredIhe residence ofTeresaChappell! on U.S. 601. • 3 Hw folkiwing civil lawsuiu were Wed with the Davie County Clerk of Court. ■: -Chrisdne Rector vs. Guy Rucker iM le y ID, absolute divoree, equi­ table dislributwn of marilal property. ■I -DavieCountyHospital,requests ^judgments, vs.; Ronnie Allen Lee, $1,141.68; Thomisina Jones, $250; Debra Kay Oodbey, $852.84; Vickie Ann Fulk, $268.90; Christian C. Ifioellch, $2,436.6«; Gary Jennings I^ U , $510.80; TlieirsaColeman, 1271,72; Tammy Gunter Cass, ^13.04. 'i -LuAnnUyengoodvs.RickyJoe Ikykir, chiki suppon. - Angeiia Marie Rufiy Edwards vs. Junnie Ray Edwards, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. - Mr. and Mn. Brett Waters vs. John Pollard and Pollard & Wood Co., requesljudgment. $3.000. - Linda S. Coley vs. Kathy Kirkman Chaffin and Euginio Velazquez, aulo accident claim, in excess $10,000 compensatory dam­ ages. - Davie Social Services on behalf of Sharon T. Ijames vs. Randy D. Ijames, voluntary suppon agreement - Mocksville Builders Supply vs. Vinod M. Patel and Shila V. Patel, requesi judgment, SI ,345.19; coun­ terclaim, lhat plaintifTs lecovcr noth­ ing, lhat Shree Conslruclion be added as defendant. - American General Finance of America vs. Mark A. Riddle and Priscilla Riddle, rcquesl judgmcnl, $2,012.33. - Palricia Gregory vs. Lee Stamey and Marianne H. Stamey, request judgments, $2,100 for rent and $20,181.52 damages. - Theresa Michelle Sands vs. James Mason Shepard, request de­ fendant not assault, thrcalen, abuse, follow, harass or interfere with plain­ tiff. - Lisa W. Dillard vs. James D. Dillard, absolute divorce, equitable distribution of marital property. -William Alex Branch vs. Rhonda Felts Angeli, child custody and sup­ port; counterclaim, that plaintilT re­ cover nothing. - Thelma Myers vs. David Eudell Mycis, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or in­ terfere with plaintiff. - Theresa S. Ridenhour vs. Jack Stephen Ridenhour, divorce from bed and board, spousal support, alimony, order that defendant nol assaull, Ihreaten, harass, or go about plain- liff, unequal distribution of marilal property, order thal defendant not dispose of marital property; counter­ claim, that plaintiff’s complaint be dismissed, thal plaintiff release ail monies in her possession belonging 10 minor child, thal plaintiff turn over monies since 1983 from Social Se­ curity on behalf of minor child, lhal plaintiff nol harass, threaten, assault or go about defendant, equitable dis­ lribulion of marital piopeny, divorce from bed and board. - Jon Gregory Dull vs. Musgtave Machine & Tool and Roger E. Musgtave, requesljudgment for in- sutance and 401К payments and worthless chccks, $ 1,8M.63. I - James L. Dunn vs. Roger Ei Musgtave and Musgtave Machinc & Tool, request judgmcnl for worthless chccks, insurance. | - Clyde Studcvcnt Sr. and Roscai| Morrison vs. Naomi Monison and Moirison-Studevent Funeral Home] request thal court appoint receiver ti^ audit coiporation and for orderly dis.! solution of corporation, damages irj excess $10,000. j - Melinda Rogers Loper vs. Will iam Lynn Loper, child custody, tha defendant be ordered not to use al cohol during child visitations. The folkiwing traffic Kcidents ^ hivestitaed by the N.C. High- v iy FiVtol in Davie County. IkaclwlMhrLawiLiHd V Hie kxdoa a Inctor trailer was •pilled onlo N.C. 801 soulh of Mocktville at 7:50 >.m. March 30. J Janie Brian Besi, 22, of Lexing- was driviig Ihc track when il tm l off Ihe road lo the righl and ■nek a driveway culvert, repotted hoo|icr AA. Juitke. kW hnlhM m S p M d C hiried C A Dohioa man waa charged with H im K) nduce speed after aa acci- M oa U.S. M at Fbrk-BUby Road ^4;IOp.n.April I. M e lvil Heriiert Johnton, 42, ¡¡tiMlo Mop Ihe tnctcr Bailer he wai d riv iii befise sitiKk io the tear a 19(6 Chevrolet pickup driven by .IHIiiam Mayiatl Jooo. 67, of 9SS Fork-Bixby Road, Advance,teponed Trooper J.R. Allred. CnnWnckOaN.C.aaiAn Advance teen was charged with failure to yield after a wreck at 5:50 p.m. April I on N.C. 801 near Roland Road. Scott Adam Sari, 18. of 146 Fes­ cue Drive, was turning a 1988 Mercedez left into Ihe store and failed to yieU loa 1986 Ford pickup driven by Benjamin Frank Fullon, 48, of 397 Bobbil Road, Advance, teponed Troopet P.T. Hennelly. Fullon swerved lo avoid a head-on collision, and his ttuck was struck in the skle. Sari toM Ihe trooper he was blinded by Ihe sun. IMItrBilaFkriKdCur A car puked along 1-40 was siruck by a nintway Irailer al 4:10 p.m. April I. Richard Lewis T\iinet, 33, of 304 Deadmon Road, Mocksville, was driving a 1978 Chevrolet pickup tnick pulling a itailer when Ihe trailer began to sway back and forth, even­ tually breaking loose and striking a parked 1987 Pontiac, owned by Elaina D. Smyre of Slatesville, re­ported TVooper P.T. Hennelly. Turner was chaiged with failure 10 secure a load. FaUure 1b Beduet Sfiecd ChartedA Thomasville woman was chaiged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on U.S. 64 West al 8:15 a.m. April I. Susan Crammer Montgomery, 32, failed 10 slop Ihe l990Acutashewas driving before it slrack in Ihe rear a 1977 Lincoln driven by Jetty Lee Hicks, 43, of 1349 U.S. 64 W., Mocksville, reported Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. Can Wreck On M l At Sehoob T\vo vehicles were in an accident on U.S. 601 al Davie High and Davidson Counly Communily Col­ lege at 1:05p.m. April I. TVacey Lynn Heath, 19, of Yadk­ inville, tumeda 1989 Mercury from Ihe college drive onlo U.S. 601, into Ite path of a 1996 Ford driven by j G o ó i e e m e e P o l i c e ' Ц » foBovlni were taken barn 29, a neon 11^ had b ^ I M ie* D )|M M t te^.' 'ntMivedfiDmamind a Ucense piale oaliUvehkil* 01 Ctoai Street . ' -FranUcBeaverrcpoitèddialhis ioa'i bicycle had been doleii ftom M ila Street bthind dM mill nev Un ■ im wMlelMW MflibiaiialheM ’ ' 71и1м (Ш т аГ1аскагуакм repotMd cniihii home Ыхш 6:21 p.m, to tea a ашрм luaalaf fio* har midnca. Noihlat wai npoiltd 2 -Oflkmrafoadad loan alarm' к *a Matte iMilltKa oa Iimclkn iit< àt 1:30 plÌl Match 26, They |Ml*thwkdoarhtdlM«apMçd. ^ -AtnaWdhrofMacbvillen- IMMCk2lkteaawiiabad i,«Mi aahap raacanniciad i Davie County fire depanmenu responded lo Ihe foltowing calls. M trd iN : Jerusakm, 1:02 p.m., fire alarm. Boxwood Group Horae; Cooleeiiieetsiisled;Macksville,9;M p.m., dumpster fire, Horn's Track Slop. Mareh 31; Smith Grave, 10:49 a.m., auio accMenl, U.S. 158 in front of Smith Gtove Fite Depanment; Jerusalem, 4:02 p.m, outbuilding on file. 199 DtvU Road; Cooleemee ataiiled; Couniy Une, 4:45 p.m.. as- ■iiladlitdett Couniy. ; A M 1; MockivUle, 1:05 p.m., ; itfwctdMii,U.S.<DI;Smiihanve, 6KM p.m., aito.accidtai. Ouaier’i Slaa« M n c k i^ 7;Mp.n., aw kt investigation, 544 Easl Lexington Road. April 2: Cenier, 8:37 a.m., grass fire, U.S. 64 wesl of 1-40; Jerusalem, 11:55 p.m., fire alarm, 229 Boxwood Chutch Road; Cooleemee assisted; Smith Grove, j 1:57 p.m., unknown lype of fire, 147 Haywood Drive; Faimlngton assisted. , April 3; Advance, 7:37 p.m., fire alann, 415 King M ill Drive; Shady Grove assisted; MockivUle, 10:04 p.m., fire alarm, 123 South Main Street Apifl4:Jenualem,5:29p.m.,auto accUeatiyrettiaa Church Road at M M llaad. Robin Smyre Tindal, 33, of Salis­bury, reported Troopet Terrance Denard Shaw. Heath was charged with making an unsafe iralTic movement. Driver Reel Scene Authorities are looking for Ihe driver of a Chevrolet lhat left the scene of an accident on N.C. 801 al Comatzer Road at 2:50p.m. April I.Thai car hit Ihe rear of a 1998 Dodge van driven by Wendy Guglicmi 'Hipietl, 32, of 118 SunUee Road, Advancc, reponed Trooper J.R. Allred. UaaafeMovnaent Charied A Hamptonville woman was chaiged with making an unsafe traf­ fic movement after a wreck oa Bear Creek Church Road at 7:30 p.m. April 2. - Laura Garcia Maya, 20, moved the 1988 Chevrolel she was driving forward, striking in the rear a 1990 Ford driven by Roben Leo Reavis, 69, of Harmony, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. УеЫска Wraek On «4 A l Ccnter Tm vehfcles were in an accident on U.S. 64 Wesl at 7:20 a.m. April 2. Harold Wayne Smith, 58, of 220 Wbodlee Drive, Advance, failed to stop Ihe 1998 pickup track he wu driving before It stnick in the rear a 1985 Chevrolet driven by Marilyn Jones aallher, 42, of 239 Baniey Road, Advance, reported Trooper A.A. Justice, Smith was charged with failure lo reduce speed. MotorcyelistliOured A Winston-Salem teen riding a motorcycle was injured when he losl control of the bike on Glen Allen Roadat 1:20a.m.April3. [ Chrislophcr David McGee, 18, was driving ihe 1996 Ducall al an estimated 30 mph when he losl con­ trol of il in a left curve. The motor- cyck ovenunwd, throwing die driver onto the private road, reported Hooper David R. McCoy. IhKtor, Car In Wreck A farm tractor and a car collided al 8:15 a.m. April 3 on Junction Road. Ed Monroe Dwiggins, 76, of 859 Junction Road, Mocksville, was driving the 1970 Ford fann tractor and atlempted a lelt turn to a field. At the same lime. Sherry Lynn Green, 25, of 60S Buck Seaford Road, Mocksville. was attempting lo , pass the tractor, and Ihe Iwo coUided.|; , Dwiggins was chaiged with mak­ ing an unsafe iratfk; movement Euecdioi Safe Speed Charted A Yadkinville teen was chaiged with exceeding a safe speed after a wreck onus. «01 North at 2:40p.m. Aprils. Brandy Lynn Hoou, 17, waidriv- ingn 1984 Dalsun al an esibnaied 65 mph which crossed Ihe cenier CeMtaadOKfimi.TII M o c k s v i l l e P ó l i c e Ил v ifc COUNTV Ein 1K W R ISE RECORD, April 9 ,1 Ш - 7 JJhe following Incitou were re- pBtttd to Mocksvllle Police, - Jon Joseph McIntyre reported April 4 he was assaulled al Servco, Wilkesboro Street Wood reported April 3 Ihe laiteny of gas from Fast Track, Yad- klHvilleRoad. - Carolyn Spell reported April I Ihe larceny of a purse from a vehicle piiiked ot Squire Boone Plaza, Yadk- In'yilleRoad. ' -ThomasClavinDunlaprepoitcd Maiich 31 lhat someone wrote pro­ fanity and threats on a door at The Glen apartments. Milling Road. " - Helena Jarvis Boger reported April I Ihe larceny of a regislralion plate from a vehicle parked on Har­ dison Street Amanda Gregory of Troutman reponed March 30 Ihe larceny of cigarettes from Rushco, Yadkinville Road. - Leslie Keni of Salisbury re­ ported March 30 someone kickcd and pried open at door at Norlhwood Apartments. Armta - Royal Sieven Howell, 41, of 155 Junie Beauchamp Road, Advance, was charged April 3 with assault wiih a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury. Trial dale: April 16. - Gany Stevens Pirit Jr., 17, of 169 Candl Lane, was charged April 2 wiih possession of stolen property. Trial date; April 23. He is accused of hav­ ing two credit cards stolen from a woman in Lccsburgh, Va. -JoshuaDavid Martin, l6,ofYad- kinviile, was chargcd April 2 with larceny. Trial dale: Moy 7. He is ac­ cused of taking a Sony Ploy Station memory card from Wal-Mart. - Elvis Ray Luna, 20, of 114 Winward Circle, wos chargcd April 4 with false imprisonracm. Trial dale; April 30. He is accuscd of holding someone against Ihcir will. IVainc Accidents T\vo vehicles were in a wrcck at Lexington Rood and East Lake Drive al 3:45 p.m. April 3. Alvin Kent Chaplin, 39, of 1915 Comatzer Rood, foiled lo slop ihc 1989 Dodge pickup he was driving before il struck in the rear a 1986 Mazda pickup driven by Kenneth Ray Stone, 44, of 176 Sunny Dell Lane, reported Ofllccr J.D. Hartman. -A third vehicle may have causcd two others 10 collide on Lexington Rood near East Lake Drive ol 4:50 p.m. Morch 30. Witnesses told Assislant Chief W.J. Stoneman that a Ford Probe wos turned quickly in from of a 1997 Chevrolet truck driven by Garry Dwight Neely, 19, of 2205 U.S. 64 W. Neely was able to stop the truck, bul Wayne Lewis Thomas, 59, of Newton, couldn't stop the 1993 Chevrolet pickup he wos driving be­ fore It hit Ihe truck driven by Neely in the rcar. H i g h \ ; y ( v P a t r o l Continued From Page 6 line, wcnl off the road to the left and strack a utility pole on the ground on, the shoulder, reponed Tnwpet P.T. Hennelly. Hools told Ihc trooper she knew she was speeding and be­ gan slowing the car, ond a passenger egggged the hand brake to assist the slowing. Car Hlls Pole On Willboone Road A Mocksville man was chorgcd with exceeding a safe speed after the car he was driving hil о utility pole off Willboone Rood ot 5:35 p.m. April 5. John Wesley Willis, 27, of 128 Doe Trail, was driving the 1996 Toyota that went ofl' the road lo Ihe righl, hitling the pole. Willis wos charged wiih exceed­ ing 0 safe speed. Man Charged With DWI A Mocksville mon was chargcd with DWI oftcr 0 wreck on Milling Rood al 1:55 a.m. March 4. Jason Marty Moore, 26, of 138 Hunting Creek Lane, was driving a 1987 Nissan that went off the road lo Ihe left into a dilch, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. Car Hits Deer On N.C, 801 Terry Dole Myers, 26, of 124 Pepperstone Placc, Mocksvillc,w os driving 0 1996 Jeep on N.C. 801 north of Mocksvillc at 7:10 p.m. March 4 when a deer crossed his path, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. Tops Travel “7e^ в» Seiviee 336-766-7303 ^ ^ 2 7 5 0 L e w is v jll^ C le m m o j^ | ^ ^ ипишвиЕшаши. , 4 W M k S 9 « c U d ~ Т м м й щ Щ И ! Pet SholTiier, Owner • 33<-751-1031 1050 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 \ЬиРгоЬаЫу№уе Money in Your Houselb Consolidate YourDebtYouteiustNot Looidnginlk Right Йасе^ R l^ t now, jvu may be Bitting on enough money to consolidate your debt. When >’ou flnish digging under the sofa cushions, we’ll explain. You see, with a New Way Equity Loan from CCB, you can use your house to borrow money. There’s no quickcr or smarter wTiy to consoUdatc Start now, with the New Way Equity Loan. I. Pufchàic Price I Multiply by 5% (Auumcd Apprcciitioi 3. Annittl Appreciation Eumpk WOiOOO X.05 HOOO - 4. MultiplybyiheNumbcfof YeanrnVeOwncdVourHome k4 5. Esdmated Appreciation $16>000 - 6. Add lines I and 5 $96,000 ; « (YourHome4EttiinatedNUue) 7. Multiply by W% X.90 ‘ a Maximum Loan ioViluc ' $86,400 - 9. Subtract VourCurrcni ,MonsncB^nce - $71,000 - ta Avaihble to borrow $15,400 - only one bill to pay each month, your payments may actually be lowvr. Plus, the Interest you pay may be tax-deductible.* Just bring in the completed chart to see how much you may qualify for, and >W1I ha\« an answer by the end of the next ^CCB debt. T here are ab so lu tely no clo sing costs. A nd, w ith business day. So If your couch Ju st isn’t the answer, ca ll us. C e n t r a I C a r 0 I i n a B a n k , W e M l help y o u f i n d a w a > ,® ^ Closing Costs’ Quick Apprmak’ Tax Advantage nwy quMiy 10 teriM « to 10,000 tor any pwpe« « « to IMMO tor bnpfMMWMino cte*o eoMi. ConM your III adviaor lor natouiffiotMMMyQiinm The Apostle Cross Symbol'izing Christianity's Gnaatest Heroes This magnificent now crass from J& C Ferrara Is an original design bearing the symbols of “The Twelve Apostles of the Lam b". Hand-crafted and meticulously detailed the Apostle Cross is both inspiring and devotional, and Is accompanied by a 16 page parchment booklet highlighting the life of each Apostle. Easter Sale Now Only *34" i i ; ' **801116 Bunny Loves You” 14 Karat Gold bunny Small pin with ruby eye and pearl tail Large *19S" CJ*CF«nir8Co..>ne. T h e N te c k la c e w ith a l ^ e n d Whilo Iho Sand Dollar is one ot the mosi widely known and popular ot all shells, lew peopte are aware ol the prelty little legend attached to it. Legend has ll lhal those strange shells tell the story ol Christ's sullering and his glory. The live holes represent the live wounds ol Christ. On Ihe Iront the Easter Lity-its center, a live pointed star representing the Star ot Bethlehem which led the shepherds Irom alar. On the back the outline ol the Christmas Poinsellia reminds us ot His birthday. When Ihe shell is broken open, live Doves ol Peace and Good Will appear. Because ol this religious legend, this fascinating creature ot the sea Is olten referred to as the Holy Ghosi shell. A beautilul slory, beaulitully told m -.tr'iina silver. Sale *29^Easter Special "My Heart Hums For You** 14 k t Hummingbird pin ta v M i with M№bire * dimnond From П (IVI It Ij Je w a te n М а м s f M ” M O C K S V IL L E C LE M M O N S NcxlloWal-Mtrt UwitviUeClMaNMM. 7SM747 7M -1M V i-’e-VV x: X t'X { I 1 t I t t t. «• • D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 I iStedman Graham Visits Davie County \ Touting The Crosby And Charity Work •yL T n n lU ll •The Clemmons Courier ■ If Sledman Graham is back in Davie Counly playing golf, it musI be lime ' for The Crosby golf toumameni. Well, almost. J This year the tournament is scheduled for May 28-31 nt Bermuda Run .'Country Club, but Graham was in town last week to meet with members of , ihe media to promote this year's event.; "My experience playing in The Crosby has been a wonderful one," Gra- ^ said. ‘The first time I played in the tournament wasjust three months ifttr I stoned playing golf. I came in last placc that year, aivd vowed never to ' last again. The next year I was second to last." -' He said his game and his appreciation for what the tournament does havc escalated ever since. "I can’t say enough about The Crosby Scholars Program and what it docs ;for our young people," Graham said. "A few years ago we had a 57 percent ;dropout rate in our schools in Chicago. In Dallas, Texas, there is a 60 percent ;dropout rate among the Hispanic population.; “How can our country continue to prosper with so many people not even .'getting their high school diploma?": Graham said the key is building a person's belief In themselves. "You do this every day. Freedom is about excellence, about understand­ ing that you can be all that you want to be." He said programs such as Ihe Crosby Scholars help provide young people this opportunity. ' "If you have a good sense of self, of who you are, then you don't need drugs or alcohol. This ptogram helps show our young people that therc are no limitations if they really want to be successful. It helps them create that vision of whal they want to be nnd where Ihcy want to go, and you can'l get anywhere if you don't know where you want to go." The Crosby Scholars program provides funds or obtains funds for sec­ ondary education for students who agree lo participate in the program. In Forsylh Couniy, Ihc commitmenl requires students to be drug free, attend a Saturday "academy" and perform a communily scrvice project. There arc 2.100 students in grades 6-12 in the program Ihis year. The Crosby Scholars program Is in its first year in Dovie Counly. Graham said that all of the celebrities who comc to play golf and support The Crosby love Ihc tournament. "U isn't difTicuU to get people to agree to play. If they've been here before, they want to come' back." This year some of those coming back are Susan Anton, Ernie Banks, Roy Clark, ciirton Davis, Gary Mule Deer, Grits Gresham, Dan Jansen, Arte Johnson, Steach Keach, Joanna Kerns, David Leisure, Gary Morris, Charley Pride, Marty Schottenheimer, James B. Sikking, Steve Spurrier, AlanTliickc, Bruce Weitz and Sam Wyche, just to name a few. Sincc moving lo North Carolina, the tournament has raised more Ihan $15 million for charities. John Piazza, general chairman for the toumameni, said thal as best they can determine. The Crosby is the largest and most successful charily event in Ihc country. "The reason is that we’ve formed a family between the sponsors, the ce­ lebrities, the fans nnd the media," he said. " The Crosby is a great time for a great cause and we'te looking forward to another successful event Ihis May." Pennis Harrington Resigns From Davie Health Department; Accepts State Job Dennis E. Harrington, Davie County's Healdi Director for the past 8 l/2yem,h»siecentlyacccp(edaposi- ;Йоп with the UNC School of Public •Heallh »s the chief of Ihe Local Health -Services in the Division of Commu­ nity Health.'■ « .^ Ii«in l* h iM iia tb e S u ie . DepmnwtofHeaMiandHumanSet- vicesinRileilh. Accotding lo Dr. Steve Uymoo, chairman of the Davie Counly Boifd of Health, 'Dennis Harrington haa madetmnendouscontributionstopub- lic heath in Davic Counly since hi» airival in October of 1989. We have seen our tocal health depanment grow 6om a'good'heallh depattmenl 10 a 'model' health department,'’ says Laymon. •In fiscal year I99I-1992die Davie Counly Healdi Depanment reponed a lolal of 11,299 clinical client visits. In diii past fiscal year, 1996-1997, the numbetofcUnicalclient visits reponed were 18,029. •In fiscalyearI99I-I992, die Davie Counly Heallh Depanmenl's Home Heallh Ptogram repotted a total of 14,667 patient visits. In 1996-1997, a u u l of 28,982 patieni visits were re­ potted. •Ibe Davie Counly Healdi Depan- ,mat hat hired several needed stalT poailinis tiace 1991: He»lth Educ*- tors for die Davic County Healdiy Carolinians Program, Home Health Nurses, Home Healdi Community Health Technicians, Home Healdi Medical Social Worker, Medicaid Health Check Coordinator, Program Specific Social Woikcr», Medical ljtaMiiiyT«Mcii»k»«i«fuU-iinie M o ta l Dbtcttm iy»iclan: • Eupmkm of clinical services lo provkle primary healdi care • Davie Hedthcarc and Wellness Center. First {uU-time Medical Director."His leadmhtn «kilU and mhlic^ healthcxperiencewillbcgrcadymisscd in Davie County. However, the Davic Counly BoardofHealdi is verypleascd dial Dennis has earned die opponunity to utilize his public healdi skills on a statewide level," says Laymon. As chief of Local Healdi Services Section, Harrington will be respon­ sible for assisdng die state and local health depannunts in commumty healdi assessment and capacity build­ ing of local healdi depanments and communides in addressing idendficd healdi needs. Also, his administrative duties will include supervision of die following state programs in die Divi­ sion of Communily Healdi: Healdiy Carolinians, Public Awareness Cam­ paign Fbr Public Healdi, and die Of­ fice of Public Healdi Nursing and Pto- fessional Devetopmeni "Leaving Davic County is one of die most dilficult decisions I have had to make. I hope dial my energy and efforts can help local health department's prepare for die futurc in a changing healdi care environment." "Pressing concerns faced by local heaUhdepai : enhanced technical asslsuuce is needed include: Medicakl reimbursement, advocacy for public healdi services, and consulta- Uon widi local boardsof healdi, county managers, and county commissioners in defining dw role of public healdi in a manogc carc environment." Harrington will officially begin working in his new position on June 1. "The staff of Uic Davie County Healdi Department is one of die finest in Nonh Carolina. Il has been an ex­ treme pleasure to work wiuisuchdcdi- cated individuals. Futthcrmore, I can­ not say enough good about Davie Counly Board of Healdi and dieit sup­ port of Uk local healdi department, especially during my tenure here. "Finally," Harrington says, "local Public Hcaldi can only grow and ma­ ture widi strong support from counly conmiissionen and cidzens. Again, Davic County serves as a 'model' in diis respect as weU." "We arc saddened to see Dennis leave, bul wc look forward lo working witti him in hi» new niewididic »lale.* ■k Azakas-3for'8 ★ Potted tulips’5 (6” pot) * Easter UUes 6” pot->4 ( im m - m i NtM qCM IM >AinM I,NCrai Stedman Graham talks about the benefits of The C rosliy Scholars program at Bermuda Run last week. ; • Photo by Mika Bamhardt D a v i e H i g h ’s P r o m i s M a y 2 '“' ( ll llc l V h II I| I\ \iiM I iii Ii| s| S ( К ч IIIM l! iTiMboMNFvTs Scaford l’h()t()j>raphy 'Thari^iniwlooiitor the Catnaf baitMcua buikiing, but cooka promiaa tha tMrtiacuawMI tio 'aagooduavar,"'. ' C e n t e r B B Q , A n t i q u e C a r S h o w N e x t W e e k e n d ; 'neaMMuiCe«vSfri<|B<AD- OM WiU be Friday aad SMiinUy, : A fril l7M d llllll■CMllerCao>■ -a a ky ByUiMil. US. 64 WM al I-. 40. i IM b ata M i.i^ lia .io U ^ lb e ' foari, i l myÌ4 or ia indwiclws. ' ; M l *gn.'HnMMdi ЛитпкШ ! k i w iM b : C rii ia a ita i ,■ ntUiiiriai.ltofniodeledliartie-' cue ixtikling w ill be tüed. “ We iiope you wUI come aad see the imptovemcats we itave made, wbicb we iiope. wiU help ua ictve you Ьем," liid voiuaiecr Siiifiey Bacroo! Craft veadm aad conmuaily di>- pbyi wiU 1« on iiaad. Spaces, inth _ ,.!■*» aad at* ayaiialrtt.,' Anyone intere»led ia obtaiiiing a space may coatact Kim William» at 492-56S1.The Piedmoat CARS Aiaocialioa, ia coapmUoa with Ibe Cenler Vsl ualeer Bi» Depmmeot, w iii spoa- lor a cniiie-ia aad aaii4ue aad »pe- cialvcMcie>hDW.Vriiickiowaendo aol have 10 be mnabett of Ihe a»»o- cinioalopiiticifale.- . ----LLf— picture IS worth a thousand words.^^ laaa Oodga ConvMakm Van. P8. AC, PW, CB, Caaaatia (From a Back) Lola of WKactoal mliaa. 33a-9M-2S17. IS M Jaap, Й.ООО inllaa. Qraan, 4 Door, a cyiiiidar. AutomaUo, loaiM . 116,800 (Nag.) 704433^411 1M6 Buick NvailaOna omiar, 15,000 mllaa, kiadad, „ Miohelki liiaa, gray iaalhar InaMa. Qray ouMda. Call atMar 6:30 p.m.ЗЗа-781-2411. Let our new used car photo odsputsome cosh in your hands. r \ 19S4 Irnpala 88 convartlMi, midnigM bhia, <*Matop,327,atito,P8, PB, kieal ew, «0% raakMad. t11,MXVbaatoHar.Sta-7435 nigMa; 751-6481 daya. A d vertlM your used vehicle wHfi a phqjo and let ttw picture do Itie talking. Just bring In a photo of your cor otong v/tth a b rie f' descilptlon and we'll tun It Inihe Davle County Enterprise Record for a fantastic low price. Please-No Deaieu, $ 2 0 .0 0 1 DAVIB COUNTY E N T E R P m i ^ l C O R D 171 Soutti Main St. a Mockivle, NC • (336) 751-2120 prrn С ring Teen Breaking Into Home Of Cooleeniee Woman ^¿L'OOLEEMEE-Quick aciion on part of a neighbor helped policc •jMjture a teenager who had entered ¡^^^home of an elderly woman. •rKAne!ghborcnlled911 toreporta Sfe'tig man sneaking around Ihc resi- l^ c e o n Yadkin Streetaround6p.m.rlilursday. She reported Ihal he ap- ^ peorcd lo he allempting lo forcc open I the front door before going around I Ihc house to enter ihrough the back ; door, according lo Policc Chief Tim ; Woolen. ; Ho was apparently going through ; a closct when Hillard, 83, found him ; nnd started screaming. Officer E.M. ; Parker and Sgt. J.Q. Young caught the suspccl aa he ran from the house and tried to climb over a fcnce, le- ported Woolen. Scott Andrew Smyers, 17. of 142 IVson Camp Road, Mocksvilie, was arrested for felony breaking and en­ tering and placed in Ihe Davle Counly Jail undera)2,300 bond. He is sched­ uled to make a first appcarancc in Davic Counly District Court May 14. The quick action of the neighbor nnd response of policc probably kept Ihis from being a morc serious situa­ tion, Woolen said. The policc chief said he hopes to sec morc people taking action like this when the town's new communily watch ptogram gets started. Residents are encouraged to take action when they see something Ihcy Ihink looks suspicious, he said. That's whal the community watch program is all about - neighbors watching out forneighbors, he added. K in g s w a y Q u a rte t S in g in g A t C a la h a in The Kingsway Quartet will sing at Calahain Friendship Baplisi Church at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 18. The church is localcd on Calahain Road,offU.S. 64 west ofMocksville. Elect A.C. “Andy” STOKES REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For Davie County Sheriff ]■ It’s time we get tougli.... it’s time we go to work.... c It’s time we send a message.... : We will not tolerate drugs in DAVIE COUNTY It’s time to ELECT A SHERIFF who wiil make a ? “ difference” A PLAN ! A PROMISE! A DETERMINATION ! Over 30 vean experience as a North Carolina Midway Patrolman, Davie County MagUtrate and Concerned Parent. S u m m e r '98 Continuing Education Offered on Davie Campus General Inteiwt Cou him В ш Daks Hours Beginning to Advanced Wateicoiois M 5/18-7/27 6:30-8:30 PM Bicycle Maintenance T 5/19-600 6:00-9:00 PM Dau n«<M Hour» Excel 97 M »1-8/10 1.004:00 PMI Know Notiiing Aboul Computers M . 4/20-5/11 5:30-7:30 PMI Know Nothing Aboul Computers w 5ПМГ2А 10:00 AM-12 Noon I Know Nothing Aboul Computers T 6/9-7/21 5:15-7:15 PM I Know Nothing About Computers w 604-7/22 5:30-8:30 PMI Know Nothing About Computers M 7/20-8/25 10:00 AM-12 NoonKeyboarding & Formatting Th 5/21-8ДО • 5:15-7:15 PMPC Maintenance I W 5/20-6/24 6:00-8:30 PM Windows 95: Introduction F 5/29-7/17 10:00 AM-1:00 PM Windows 95: Inlroduction M 6/1-7/20 5:30-8:30 PMWindows 95: Inlnxiuction T 6/16-8/4 6:00.^9:00 PMWindows 95: Inlroduction T 7/14-8Û5 6:00-8:30 PM Windows 95: Inlroduction w 7/22-9/2 9:30AM-12:30PM Word 97 111 4/16-6/18 5:30-8:30 PM Works 4.0 w 5/27-7/22 1:004:00 PM P»JiM A ....n V .l.l..rn n ,».О ш D u a Houra Instructional Accounlabilily M 4Д7-6П9 4:30-7:30 PMIntroduclion lo Machining M & w 6/1-6П4 6:00-9:00 PMIntroduclion to Quality Food Service T & lb 4/14-Sni 6:00-9:00 PM Notary Public Education M & w 6/8-6/10 7:00-9:00 PM Real Estate Elective: Buyer Representation T 4Д8 6:00-10:00 PMReal Estate Update: Mandaloiy w 4/29 6:00-10:00 PMSpani^ for Business: Beginning Th 5/28-8/6 5:30-7:30 PM Tig Welding Th 5/28-7/23 6:00-9:OOPM For amn iafonaalion or to rcfiiter for ConUaalai Educallon daiwa, contact! Davie Campus, , I20S Salisbury Road, Mocksviile, Nortli Carolina 27028 Iklephone: 7SI-288S • FAX: 731-6192 E-Mail: davie9yadtei.net Hop on over for ¿reat deals on ^ Easter Plants and fruit basltets Azaleas Rorist Mums Geraniums DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - 9 Easter Yard Siens Hanfiine Baskets Hydrangeas m o t З Ж * l b B e d d i n g p i s m t s »XI®* p e r O a t ’j 3 é o r 4 B p l M n t B } --------------------------------------------------^ M ille r ’5-С 1етглоп5 Curb Market 2 6 9 0 L e w is v ille - C le m m o n s Rd (3 3 6) 766-3014 OKN TNUL-m-MT. ИЫйlaemprim Stt OmijrtWm taann EXTRA nRM DELUXE BatkC«alirl«l5VarWw>t9 Fall______$99,00 Ml УиИ-...... MtAQdkii____$119.00 sei kIm!----’«».И Mt BACK CARE OiAifiit IMu • a W WmqTwin------wtFall------SIM.95 Ш BODYCOMKOLSUProilT UVttrWunat;Trta.........MiW MlraJI------И1.«Mt.M Ht PILLOWËZE(Pib.T.f) UYrarWwrut;Twta Mt-.n%H BACK CARE SUPREME21 Vm M'trtwi;ТМш-----%1Ì4M ui----..........Un.95wtll^hi...1.... MED CARE PREMIUM MiC«Ui«UYtirVlunU} ' 01Ш)ршс1гта\ТЕ$1ШUlCabejlYttfWirTUtyTwte-...----иЗЛМ Ml^«5*9.95 Ml ^Ш9.Мм1 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH FREE OLD BEDDING REMOVAL FREE DELIVERY WITH PURCHASE OF $150 OR MORE ( ¿ ' Il'u u i u i i u , l H a t t i L 'i '. 'i d h i t l c t U l i u i i t i i u ."V j f i i m i l i i r L ' n l u t l r t Ph ^12 9612 Ph Iil 142b Uf /27 4M Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company is p ro u d to c o n g ra tu la te G L Y N N B O Z E o n b e in g se le c te d th e 1997 N e w A g e n t o f th e Year. 'Щ г « e 1.С1утВоге,П ;■ : -с* Glynn is #1 out of 463 new agents representing Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Com^ny in its eleven state operating territory. In addition, he represents - f the North Catolina Farm Bureau Insurance Companies in Davie County. We look for ; Glynn lo continue the excellent pace he has set. : We congratulate him on a job well done. j >i F A R M B U R E A U Southern Fann Bureau Life Insurance Company Jackson, Mississippi »- IM V IK C U U N 'l'Y K N IK R I'IU S IÍ r e c o r d ; АрМ »,1»** Ш C H A M B E R F O C U S ! S\\ и и .11 w \1 I 854 Valley Road Mocksville, N.C. 27208 (3360 751-2222 (X B 141W. Wain-Siract ModuvUh, N.C. 2702S • 75I-<2<1 1047 YadkinvUk R«m1 MwluviU«, N.C. 270П • 751.<261 Cookcmn Sboppfail Ccnler Cookcnet, N.C. 27014* 284-2542 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ALL AM ERICAN F O B D -U E R C U R Y M v. w> M. M oe*»«h NC • П К M m iM Pro m ts ёжшто llendiK#Wiy Iwn^pm • Ssluidey ewihSpm70M34-21« • 1-N0-2SM221Cmsiomn Art Our B tit H tftnn ctr I Telephone (336) 998-2427 DR. JERRY HAUSER F M W r AND COSMeriC O ENIRM . D E N in m AdvMici, North CMDlIm 270И DAVIE BUSINESS Supports Secretary’s Week April 20-24 Nominate your administrative assistant for S ecretary o f the Year! Winner will receive an exciting SM MCKAOEI sim ply fo iw ard (or fax 751-5697) o n c o m p o n y le tte ttie a d • a brief ex p lan atio n o f th e q u alificatio n s a n d reasons for your no m in ation. A p a n e l o f In d ep en d e n t business professionals will s e le c t ttie winner. forward nomlnallona to: D a v ie C o u n ty C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e 1 07 N . S a lis b u ry S tre e t, M o c k s v ille , N C 2 7 0 2 8 Winner will be announced on April 22 du rin g th e Pro fessio n al W o m e n ’s L u n ch eo n 11 ;30 o .m . — B e rm u d a R un C o u n try C lu b I 1 751-5262 751-5551 KSyJüimilíttttí CoMfirten • MokUe rfeoMt • rtien • Smffila Я к и н е > FULL SERVICE PUNTING AND FROMOnONAL AD SPECIALTIES 117E.DHiO«S(reet Ихяк (336)751-3399МосШй^гТОШ Fax: (336)731-1224 -РЙ ВВП С К -и ГЛ DEUVBMY— m G E R S O L U U N P » AR COMPRESSORS MocksviUe. N.C. 27028 BWWCOHWV n i T N W I I I l l ^ ^ O I I D P r o f e s s i o n a l W o m e n ’s L u n c h e o n W e d n e s d a y , A p r il 2 2 , a t 1 1 :3 0 a m B e r m u d a R u n C o u n t r y C lu b S p e c ia l P re s e n ta tio n “Preventive Healtti Issues for Women” b y C in d y B a c k u s , R N C , O G N P W o m a n C a re - W in sto n - S a le m $15 .0 0 p e r p e rso n - C h a m b e r tVlem bers $ 20 .0 0 p e r p erso n - N o n-M em tjers Luncheon Sponsors; Carolina Computei Supply Davie Oraphlct Idwaid Jones Oantt Nrtonnel, inc. IKON OHIee Solutions Enloy nelw oiW ng with other professlonalsl Cali the Davie Chamber for Reservations — 751 -3304 From the Director's Desk. . . A sp e clo n H A N K Y O U . . . to th e En terp rtse-Record a n d m e m b e f o d vertb efs fo i paifn ertn g to m a te this C h a m b e r F=ocus a le d lty . Look for m on thly u p d a te s to p ro m o te th e business co m m u n ily a n d to a n n o u n c e progranns a n d highlights. T he C h a m b e r Is p io u d to s e iv e Its co m m u n ity a n d w eteo m es y o u i Input. M o c k sv llle S a v in g s B a n k 232 S. Main Sl. • Mocksville, NC 27028 ' ' 336-7SI-S936 5361 U.S. Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC 27006 ^ 336-W0-2420 '4- J^ 0 B t c r ’a ^ ^ 2 ?^ 3 lc b ic lc ra - 171 N. Main street Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Phone:336-751-2737 Margaret Foster, Owner Eaton’s Funeral Home. 325 N. Main St. Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-2148 THEraONEPLACX,l№: г “Complete Cellular Service” 336-751-2626 121 Depot S t .. M ocksville, N C ... ОГТГ|ПГ|»Ж1ПГ'Г T 0 w N Dawn Froeikh 110 Depot Street ; Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)492-7989 W O O D W C f ^ S mm : -----# — 50 Court Square ' UKksviUe,NC 27028 (336)751.1001 "TnutMIJtwcltrs «MS S9*e” , MOCKSVILLE CLEMMONS > Next to Wal-Mart LnisnllM;inMwSd. ' 751-3747 766-18M 1 Edward JOMS I■n«lRl.laHto 820aH ain8tModuvUlt,NC 27028Bu i 336.761-6672 Fax 888-226.7367Hm 336-M S^ 800.79»>2220 % 1 (• i/f ■mrtaelaéMéMllHVNtonSáaM »71 Я HOWARD REALTY Residential & Commercial Sales Pnperty Management fhiaa»-7si-353s te3ae-7si-76sa cr v iiil out web sile at www.howardicallyj»ni DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - B I Davie S tuns N orth D avidson For 12-0 S oftball W in Qy Brian Pills Davie Couniy Enterprise Recoid Uwm the mismaich and blowout everyone anticipated, from tlte team no one expected.North Davidson, stymied by acombination ofShannonHandy'sstiningpitching and Davie’s assertive bau, was stunned 12-0 in five innings by Davie last Wednesday in Welcome in a iwnconfeience Tast-pitch softball gome. ; The North David»n mystique usualiy does psychological damage to the War Eagles be- fote.they even uke Ihe Reid. No more. This shocker relieved the War Eagies of a five-year ijuiden of flopping against the Black Knights ^triggeredafloodofidentica] reactions from Defensive ^pecialisb S occer Team ptoppin gF oes i/i/ithout G oals The Davie High War Eagle socccr team has beaten eight non- cbnfcience opponents into submis­ sion, yawning gaps that have iotallcd33-0. ' They thrive (>h'an attacking Qcfcnse and tast-bicok ofTense, bul fcoach Pete Gustafson considers the (lefcnstvc liuulery as the (cam's pillar. Ihe'defensive teoibatanls Ihat iMve punctured (he opposing offense’s iuiioon time afler time come jn the form of marking backs Jodie Stone. Elise Whitaker and Siiannon бокспо. sweeper Julie Agcjew, stopper Haley Queen and keepers Rcbccca Stockert and Katherine Phillips. ; The gang's most vital edge is speed... .They are as fast as I've ever had," Gustafson said. "Fast and lough. All of Ihem are pretty quick, piise is very fast. Jodie is wicked fasi and even helps oul Julie in case Julie gets beat. She's quick enough ip step over from her marking position over 10 Ihe sweeper and ¡MDlecl." [: Gustafson sees Melissa Agrillo qualities in Haley. Agiillo happens |о be the school’s all-time leading . fcorer. "Haley is exactly whal a stopper should be," he said. "She's gelling jdl Ihose loose balls. Haley's like an Agrillo, she’s just all over Ihe place. № woric ethic is jusi tremendous. ^ woriis very, very hard." AgeJewTdis a certain need, mainly because she puu brainpower above athletic power.; "Julie is like an experienced pool player." Gustafson said. "By tiias' 1 mean she plays angles real \^ll. You have lo calculate Ihat a|igle, that’s the way she is. She djxs Ihat very well. She cuts Ihings and dial's experience and lining. 1 hope she can suy healthy bb;ause she's lhal final link." ! Slockert and Phillips have sbplhered every intruding missile, (^lafson shulTles his keeper cards, aidsofar they've beenaces. ~ "They've been lesled a few 1^ , wiOioul a doubi," he said, "ilify haven'l been lesled as far as a^O- or 30- shol game against l^m, bul 1 have all ihe confidence it Ihe world in both of Ihem." ;The suits are different, of course, ^ k e n relies on liming while n iillip t rolls the dice. "Rebecca has really good fonn for being a freshman," he said. "She djyes to Ihe left and righl and is П^рм8и 8всссг-Р||аВ1 r ■ iheplaycrswhofinallyex- I ofciscd the demons. You I have lo go all the way back to 1993 to fi nd Davie's prc* vlous win over Coach Mike Lambros'Knights. "We normally are in- llmidalcd by Ihcm," scc­ ond baseman Ashley Brackcn said. They arc rcally good. Ihcy have al­ ways beaten us. but wc { had it going on Гот us. h Handy fell really good Ю know ihal wc can actually beat North Davidson." Outfielder Dana Smith citcd preparation andcncrgy as the deciding factors for an upstart Davie team that has rippcdoffsix wins In its last seven games. "Wc arc just playing rcally good, like a learn." shesaid. "Wedidn'l have any errors until the end of the game. Wc had a lot ofspirit that gtutie bccausc they’re like our enemies. Wc wcrc]u.st ready lo win." ThecmotionalwavcrollcdovcrSmithwhcn the War Eagles drove the final nail in North Davidson’s coffin. The junior relished the fact lhal Davic administered a rare pounding on the perennial 3-A bullies. "It fell good," she said. "I mean, everybody wanted locry bccausc we hadn't beaten them in five years. We made history. Two boys from North werc saying how they’ve never been in a five-inning game where they lost." Handy, the freshman pitcher who hand­ cuffed North in a complcie-game two-hitter, believed in her teammates infinitely more than her own skills. "We werc all pumped up. ready to play and wc knew that wc could heal them," she said. "Everyone was giving ihcirall and they played rcally good defense behind my pilching. "I guess (my domination) was luck. I don’t know. I think I surprised a lot of people. I suipri.scd myself big-ilme." Bracken realized Handy's ability more than Handy, who struck oul nine and walked only two. South Davie's Conor Mooney hits the tiall during his victory over an opponent from Corriher-Lipe. -Photo by Mike Bamhardt Tiger Tennis Team Swinging For Title . All the pieccs are there for South Davie's tennis team to repeat as Pied- momMiddlcSchool Confcrcncc cham­ pions. Now can the Tigers put the pieccstogcthcr.cspcciallyagainstcon- tenders Mooresville and Erwin? "Righl now it looks like it's going to comc down between us, Mooresville and Erwin,” said Coach Barry Whitlock, whose talented troops opened the season with 8-1 and 7-2 romps over Corriher-Lipe and Knox. "I think we're stronger at 1-3 and I think we're weaker at 4-6. But from tup toboltom, wc’rc pnibablyjust as sirong a.s last year. My i-3guys(AustinPow- ell. Conor Mooney and Sicven Cham­ bers) ure rcally playing well. My one and two arc stronger than I've ever had. But anything can happen wilh this age level. They can come out here and have a bad day." Powell, Mooney, Chambers. Alex Evans and Chris Stein posted singles victories against Corriher-Lipe and Powell, Mooney, Chambers and Stein rolled to wins against Knox. South's top three singles players, along wilh Austin McCarthy, repre­ sent NorthDavic.funhcrcvidencethal Whitlock's program is growing. The ihird-ycar coached welcomed 16play- crs. "Thai's a lot of tennis players," he said, "rmgladlogctpeoplc from North Davieinvolvcd.loo.'nwfirstlwoycars I only had one guy, and they've got some good tennis players up there."Luke Koontz, last year's once- beaten No. 4 singles player who Is out with a broken arm, could return in dramatic fiuhion, in time for the April 27 showdown at Mooresville. ’There's a ptwsibility thal I will get Luke back." Whitlock said. "He broke his arm the weekend before we started practice and he’s supposed to get il off over spring break." Just wait until the cast comes off."He's beating some people with his cast on out here," Whitlock said, grin­ ning. "He wants lo play and If he can get it off, he may come bock for the Moorcsvillemalch,whichwouldmake us stronger." "1 knew she could pilch that good," Brackcn ‘ said, "because I've seen her before at the com- * plcx. She’s a real good piichcr." • While Davie gathered momentum with rc- * cent romps over Ml. Tabor and South Rowan,; iheBlackKnighis,accordingioBracken,handi-: capped themselves with a slow-pilch schedule ‘ that threw a kink in their offensive attiu:k. t "We played harder games last week, and • they had teams that weren't so good and had I slowcrpliching."Brackensaid."Solheywercn'l J used lo that faster pitching." The War Eagles shook the Black Knights • with two first-inning runs, staggered them with * Please See Stifling - Page B5 f Davie Defeats Demons By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record WINSTON-SALEM - Charics Miller's stellar pitching and sizzling hilling staggered Ihe Reynolds De­ mons. who were eventually knocked oul by three dcfensivcjabsihatSievcn Nail.ScoiiComnl/crand Shane Allen delivered duringmoney lime thal reg­ istered a crucial 2-1 Ccnlral Pied­ mont Conference baseball victory: Friday afternoon at Hanes Park.Miller paved the road to the War: EaglcV Tifih consccutWc w\i\, toss­ ing an impressive three-hitter and providing what tumed oul lo be the " game-winning hit In the second in- ■ ning, but the Demons almost cer­tainly would have intemipted Davie's receni surge without the laie-gamc defensive support. In the top of the sixth, one of only : two innings that Reynolds' engine managed lolumoveragainst Miller's hot stuff, the Demons shaved Davie's lead lo 2-1 on Brandon Earp's lazy .single to right and had runners al first and third with slill nobody out when the first of three ballcry-drainingplays was made in the field. Right-handed cicanup hitler Brad Tullle, who whiffed twice in his pre­ vious at-batsagainstMtUcr.scorchcd a low liner the oiher way that had base hil written all over it. But out of ' nowhere, second baseman Nail wenl down to a knee, lunged to his left and ; made the snag. The next hitter, Eddy Fomist. flew oul lo centcr fielder ; Comatzer, who made the incoming I catch and fired home as Justin f Rutledge tagged from ihird. Catcher ■ Please See Davte's - Page B4; Broken Record: Soccer Team Posts Shutout By Brian Pitts Davic Couniy Enlcфrise Rccord Just when it seemed a team was brazen enough to give Davie’s un- beatensocccrtcamacloscgame.thc War Eagles sulTocalcd another op­ ponent here Friday in Ihe Tinal nonconference malch of ihe year. North Forsylh was considered a serious challenger for Davie, bul the Vikings were slrangled 4-0 and be­ came Ihe War Eagles' eighth shutout viclim. "We probably played as well as We have and definitely againsi a bct­ ler learo,"CoachPeieGuslafsonsald. "I’m real proud of ihem." Bul Gusiafson declined to char- aeteriie his team as a slate clilisi, mainly becausc Ihe War Eagles have yel to face Central Piedmont Confer­ ence competition. "I still say you can't start counting anything until you play Ml. Tabor, Reynolds and West Forsyth." he said. "The only thing I'm saying is we're playing very well and stepping up physically," Hannah Woodward’s goal in the ----------------------- K. Jackson S. Jackson opening minutes was the only offen­ sive boost Davic needed. 'Ihe Vi- liings further weakened theit corae- Цск chances by inadvertently kick­ ing in Davie’s sccond goal. Then Sarah Jackson and Kalhryn Jackson fed Caroline Steed and Megan Mick for the game's final scores. Gusiafson citcd the Jackson sis­ ters for turning a close match into a rout. "I was very, very pleased wilh Sarah and Kathryn," he said. "They controlled Ihe midfield. They quarterbacked the distribution, quarterbacked the scores, and were in control of the malch. They desig­ nated Ihe tempo of the match, played Ihcir best games, and they did it to­ gether." The coach never leaves oul the defense, a relentless group that didn’t yield a single shot. "Again, 1 want lo emphasize the defense." Gustafson said. "Yoii're playing North Forsyth and Ihey didn'l gel a shol. That's pretty amazing." Southwest Randolph, North Davidson Fall Hard After Sarah Jackson ail bul sealed a 5-0 roul with two early scores againsi Southwest Randolph, Davie gol a boost from an unexpected source: Emily Harpe, who broke Southwest Randolph's back with two scores. Harpe, working two sports, usu­ ally chccn for others. This time Harpe received the checrs. "She's a chcerieader who's been splitting time, and she stepped in at : midficid and had two gorgeous goals," Gustafson said. "She had a header off of a Ihrow by Jodie Stone -just gorgeous. Then she had a vol­ley off of a cross, like an alley-oop. They wctc very nice goals. I was proud of her, Ijreally was.': Gustafson predicted that Haipe's tools will lie needed more frequently in the CPC. "Ii’shaidtotell 13 players that arc 9-0 that you need more players," he said. "But when you get into those lough games and work rcally hard, you've got to sit down for 5-10 min­ utes." The match quickly transfomied into a practice for the War Eagles, who ignored the iong-ball game and worked exclusively on short-game movements. "In the second half, our objective was 10 move ihe ball around and to work on our short game," Gustafson said. "No more of the boom balls. Sciile ll, lake ihem on, work on ihe give-and-goes, work on the overlap­ ping and Iry to gel numbers. If you combine lhal inside game with the long shots, then the defense doesn't know what you're going lo do." In a 3-0 winover North Davidson, Gusiafson pushed the righl buttons during a scoreless halftime and trig­ gered another lopsided vicloiy. Исак Set Dii»ie-P4eB2 W h o 'S H o t . „ Pitchers Rjiin Dtmojfcri, Drew Rkknhour and Chariti Miller oveiwheltned three, teams as Davie's baseball team’ extended ils winning streak tq Rvegames. , South Davie's Andrew Dajfwalt'feasted off Noilh Rowan and MooiesviUe pifch- iog last week, stroking six Mu in seven et-bats. Shanm HM dyofDavk tlmwagemina I24)ro^over rival Notth Davidsco,'whkh; m a n a ^ ^ tvra hui oif thei fieshman. I M JV bawbail team lived eve^ basebfOi (dayet’s vnUeiU; fan­ tasy, getting the game-winning: hit in an 8-7. win over South Rowan. . Behind seven goals ftom MeredUi HMdrbt and fctir eachfixmHuutiriiWoodwiwii and Surah7M ÍM k':pái^'i soóxr teáni haa ouHcond ili' РРРО^ПЧЗЗЧ). В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPM SE RECORD, April 9,1998 Davie Tennis Team Strugglihj^ Even when Davie's tennis team approaches victory, somclhing goes wrong.Darkness intervened last week with doubles partners Jon Rowe and TJ. Tcsh leading 7*4 in ihc final phase of a 4*4 malch with Soulh Siokcs. The teams will complcic ihe match later In ihc year. Lalcr in Ihc week, Ihc War Eagles werc pounded 7*2 by Reynolds and West Forsylh. Russell Senger and Ihc Scngcr-Justin Long doubles team werc rcsponsiblc for all of Davie’s wins. Payton Triple«, Charlie Schafer, Tcsh and Senger-Long provided the victories in Ihc suspended Soulh Stokes match. The War Eagles, who lost for Ihc fifíh time in six matches and fell toO- 3 in the Central Piedmont Confer­ ence, are capable of finding some winsiflhcy find ihcir misplaced con­fidence. , "For Ihc most part» we’re having a good lime," she said. "Wc have the physical part, wc just locic in ihc mental department, il's ihcrc if they want it bad enough." Golf Team Digs Early Hole In CPC Oavle High soccer defenders are, from left; front row: Shannon Bokeno, Haley Queen; back row: Katherine Phillips, Julie Agejew, Jodie Stone, Ellse W hitaker and Rebecca Stockert. - Photo by Dwight Sparks ^^occer Team Crushing Opponents ; Continued From Page Bl t; getting much better on ihe high I balls. Katherine is a little wilder, t She's going to comc oui, knock you t - over and gel the ball. She gambles a • little bit more and has been successful. Tbey have different ' styles and both of them have grcat : ' futures." The conslanl wipcouis have ; evoked quizzical glances from : almost everyone when they've hit the newspapers. Even ihc coach is 1 astonished at how the defense has I avoided ihe icmptalion to doze off• from lime to time. That's exceptional," he said.• They have made mistakes but their speed has made up for it. I can't say ; anything bul positive ihings. ; They've stepped it up and not allowed anybody rcally through (the line of defense). I admit the i opponents haven't been masterful ► ; by any means os far as ihcir attacks, ’ but stilL..." They crave the shutout hum, the fear of failure lhal accompanies ihe task. Every time , opposing oflenses have ignited somewhat ofa flame (if you call 35 or so combined shots a fiame), the '.War Eagles have stomped out the ' sparks. They refrain from loud off- ' Ihe-field boasts, but they talk ■ openly on Ihe field. They have a lot of pride and they don't want lo gel scorcd on." Gustafson said. They don'l mention it but you'll hear it during the game. If there's a shot, ihcy'll say: 'Don't allow any morc of that. Come on, that's enough.'" Gusiafson dctccts special qualilics in Ihis team, a team that mixes play lime and game time approprialcly. With the regularly demanding schedule, the coach has lumcd down the practice volume so lhal the War Eagles retain fresh­ ness."Playing three games a week. I'm not pushing Ihcm hard (in practice) so ihere's lime fur fun," he said. "Probably with this group. Ihcy have as much fun as anybody. They love lo play. Bul when il's time 10 play, they play and they play hard." The nonconfcrcnce schcdulc oficrcd lillle long-term resistance, bul the nonconfcrcnce schcdulc Is long gone. Central Piedmont Conference rcsidcnls Reynolds, West Forsylh and Mt. Tabor loom ahead, but anyone silly enough lo ask whether Davic is a Hash In the pan should consider a couplc more figures. Davie won 4-0 over North Forsylh. which losl 4-0 lo Reynolds. The slalisitcs of those matches nearly matched, presum­ably proving lhal Davie constitutes a thundcrslorm on the CPC horizon. Gustafson is ccrtainly a feisty optimist. "In my mind. If we can go oul and play 80 minuies, I don'l see any teams that wc can'l beat," he said. "I Ihink (the CPC) will be a war. Il'll be real Inlcrcsting. There arc going to be a couplc of teams lhat are going to outskill us, no doubl aboul that. When you look al their numbers, we're going to have lo play 80 minuets straight up and they're going to be able lo take breaks. We'll jusl have to play smart." How will they play when someone smacks them firsl? Of course no one expecls the shutout paucm 10 prevail all season long. "I think il's going to be inlcrcst­ing lo see us againsl an opponent who scores first." Gustafson said. "Do wc panic? What do wc do? That's going to be an interesting thing, but I have confidence in Ihem. I know they'll step up and I know they won'l give up." They won'l give up, bul will Ihcy give out? The War Eagles’ slim roster (13 players or two subs) invites concems about what kind of gas mileage a 13-decp tank can get. "Weakness is numbers." he said. "Thai's the only thing righl now. Every game. I've had to shuffle Ihings around and you can only shuffle 13 players so much before somebody figures you oul." Surrounding fields figured oul the War Eagles' punch line long ago. They have been so much better than anyone else thal they ncariy turned the nonconfcrcnce journey into a joke, and Ihey didn'l mind letting the same juke over. Keepers Davie’s golf team landed in the bunker in last week’s opening Cen- iral Piedmont Confcrcncc match at CannonCountryClubin Kannapolis. Coach David Rondestvedt was blunt, summarizing thal the War Eagles must blast themselves out ofa 13-stroke hole if they’re going lo make a serious run for a .second con­ sccutivc confcr­ encc title. Ml. Ta­ bor look the early lead with a 151 scorc, followed by Soulh Stokes'158, West Forsyth's 163, Davie's 164 and Reynolds'168. Soulh Rowan finished last. "It was a nightmare," the second- year coach said." Wc had an average of like 41 a man, which Is about ihrcc shots worse than normally what wc shoot. Wcjusi had a lot of bad breaks,"The coach was hoping for a smooth slart oul of the gale, but a disturbing trend carried over from nonconfcrcnce matchcs. Al one time or another. Rondestvedi's main guns suffered a suicidal hole that tainted their scores. Kyle Keepers was the only Davie player in a groove, shoot­ ing a39.JamcsSicwart finished wllh a 41 and Josh Lackey had a 42. "I was really kind of hoping we would do a little better." Rondcslvcdl said. "We slill have kids thal sisem lo have one hole in particular lhat kind of hurts Ihcm for the whole round. We definitely have the talent, there's no doubt about lhal, but wc'rc jusl going to have to eliminate those bad shols and bad holes.... And by bad. I mean rcal bad- triple bogeys. We've had a couplc of our belter players lhal arc getting one of ihose a match." Probably as much as anything. Davie's Incxpcricncc showed. There arc 12 frtjshmen and sophomorcs on Davie's 16-man team. "We are such a young team," Rondestvedt said. "We're a very young team, and with a young team like that, you're going to have ihosc kind of (bad) breaks." Keepers - who had been mired in a severe slump, arul lhal temporarily knockcd him oul of the lineup - rc- turned to his preferred form. > "I'm real proud of Kyle." Rondcslvcdl said. "Kyle dropped off the varsiiy spot last week bccausc he jusl said he was playing real bad. And by rcal bad, I mean he wasn'l able to hit a shot, and he came hack read^ lo ptay and did real well." * Now Shawn Brooks and Gary Bialobr/eski, two of Davie's pri­ mary players, need to escape their ml. : "Brooks and Gary are in little !bil of a slump," Rondcslvcdl said. "Tfiey are just trying lo gcl their ganWs back. Every once in a while you nocd to kind of lake a break, step back imd kind of regroup. And i'm hoping vi'c can pul it all logclhcrandcome bade." T eam W in s T o u rn e y B y S tro k é Barry Whittaker, Tom Foster, Gerald Wolf and Dave Blalock sur­ vived by the slimmest of margins to win the MCA Calcutta Golf Tourna­ ment at Hickory Hill recently. The winning foursome fircdal^iv day total score of 118, edging Ken Thornes, Alan Shchill, Tim Bradley and John Tomel by one sirokc. * DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - ВЭ G o l f T o u r n a m e n t P l a n n e d The Cooleemcc Redskins Boosler Ciub will hold its annual golf louma- ment on April 25 al Twin Cedars.The Tormal will be a four-man caplain's choice wiih a per-tcam fee of SI60. Prizes will be awoidcd for Hrsl-. sccond- and third-place (cams, longest drives (men and women) and closest-lo-lhe-pin on all par-3s. ’ All proceeds will support thcCtwl- ceroee football team. Call Scott Vogler at 284-2731 bcfon: April^23 to reserve a spot. You can send your registration bill to Melanie Gru№:4395 HWY 80IS, Advancc, liC.aK® 27006. : Davie Shuts Out North Forsyth 4-0 Continued From PageBI "It took us a while to get going," he said. "Then 1 switched some ihings around, changed my midfield a little bit, and put Kathryn Jackson up front." Jackson cranked Davie's offense engine off a pass from Haley Queen. Then Sarah Jackson and Mcicdiih Hendrix provided insurance goals. Hendrix and Brie Bcckcrman had one assisi each. "Kathryn pounded one in real quick (in Ihe second halO and broke the ice. That’s all it took," Gustafson said. • Coach Jeremy Byrd’s JV icam improved lo 2-1 with a 3*0 win over North Forsyth. KaitlinCallahan, Sara Pullen and Candice Whitaker scorcd for Davie. "I'm real proud of the JV leam," Gusiafson said. "They're step­ ping up and I'm starting to sec emo­ tion." C a ro iin a C e û u la r 8 6 S y a d H ^ v iC ie fH p a d (336) 751-5551 Wár Eagle Track Team Romps Over Reynolds, W. Forsyth BjrBitaiFM i Davie County Enterprise Recoid ■ ' Coach Scott Young was skeptical before Davie's boys track team lined up against Rey­ nolds and West Forsyth last week, mainly teause the Wor Eagles were coming off an et^onal win ovqr Mt. Tabor and one of their primary performers, Darien Brown, was un­ available for the meet. His concems were unjuslined. Davie had a 61-polntwaikinthepark.Reynolds(42polnts) and West Foisyth (41) were dusted by leader Davic (\03). "I was worried about a letdown. Plus we were without one of our biggest guns." Young sakl. 'I was worried about it but we had our baseball playen (Jonathon Crcason. Scott Cor- nitief) with us and they took up some of Uie slack. Hie distance people really got the job done and the Jumpera and discus throwers had a good day."This romp fuflher en­ hanced the War Eagles' repuutlon as a growing power in the Central Pied­ mont Conference. They havca fist and three fingen around Ihe regular-season isbipand ninning the tables Is becoming in­ creasingly possible. "We are pretty strong," Young said. "I have my ■doubts how we're going to compete against Tabor in the big conference cham- Collins pionship, bul I think we're going to be OK. We're going lo have a realistic shot. We're very talented and we're getting better every week." So are many of the componenLs. links such as Jared Vaughlcre. Travis Ervin and Greg Lanlcr. "Jared rcally threw the shot well," Young said. "He's gotten better every competition. Ervin scorcd a poinl in (a nonconfcrcncemcctcarlicr ~ in the week) and scorcd a I point against Reynolds, ^ Right therc's a young guy thal's stoning 10 come on for us (in the 3200). Lanier continues toimprove along with Ihosc odier distance runners."Those distance nmncrs waste no lime com­ pleting Ihe mile. John Clevenger. Garick Hill. Marshall Pitts. Unicr and Aarron Elwood all average less lhan five minuies. Young expects nolhing less lhan llrsl-place performances from Hill and Collins. "Hill was slill lough as nails. He was as lough as ever," Young said. "Collins jusl keeps getting better, too. He's getting Ihe job done. He's a valuable asset lo our team." • Collins blew pasl thi compclilion cn route to three nist-placc sho'wings (110,200and 300 hurdles). Hill dominated Ihc 1600and 3200and Nick Propsl (highjunip). MichiiclChunn (long jump). Vaughlcrs (shot pul) and Kenny White (discus) won one event each. Giris Fight To The End Reynolds (77 poinls) and WesI Forsyth (62) blew pasl a Davie girls leam (36) lhal refused lo cxitquiclly.agulsyperformancc lhal left Coach Cary Powers almosl speechless. • "I don'l know whal lo say,” he said. They ran their hearts oul. they just got beal by better teams. II kills me. I bale lo lose. Il bodiers me but I can'l complain. I bad personal-best (limes) everywhere we placed. So when you do y(wr personal best and get beat, it’s discouraging,. "We're working hard, we didn't give up, and I’m proud of my giris for that." •Samantha Murillo(400) and Raynika Gre­ gory (shot pul) finished first for Davie.... Stacy Joyner will try anything 10 help Ihe team. "Stacy hasjustbccnawori(horsc."Powcrs said. "We've had hcrin several dirrerenievenLs.nyounglady who never complains. We stuck her in the 800 - we h.id a couple people sick and I didn'l have anybody else - and she had never run an 800 and our girls ran Iheir best lime of Ihe year by far."___Sarah WesI achieved person-best times in the 100 and 300 hurdles. PLAY iUIONOPOLY ¡ IhisooupongoodforaFREEdesseitwlhsuper-sl^ngat | I МсОопаИЧ in Mockmiev Gjemmons. Expires S/1/9B j D o c k s i d e S e a f o o d R c s U m r d i i i Now Featuring N«w C om bination S p e c ia lsCiMto yow Mito СояЬк Моя ■ mura (S.28 Baby Flounder White Fish Bay Scallops Pop-Shrimp ! Trout Clams Chicken Tenders Deviled Crab NonServed with cole sitw, hiub“pupp^s. aid choke of paao Also А М и Ш 2520 LewisvilleClemmons Rd Clemmons, NC j s m ¿ U B U U fiV ' Come Sun. t M o a t O il Doutte Stampe On Your Sub Oub Card Siroff ХйвМш 1k San*Ym New Town# Shopping C«nt*r. 766-3016 TIM OeksehoppmoCntr.UwltviM 945-6445 шЯЕЙй M E A L D E A L 1 Pe. Chicken, two vegetables, and roll $1.99 DL J ^ u n Á & ïô in n e .’i Under New Ownership Tuei-Thur 10am-9pm Fri-Sat lOam-llpm Simday Bmach lOam - 2pm 372S Cttmmoni (^ w u ¡¡S) Ctimmonx 766-2966 AoMftmammi»Vi»^№IIJU»ogLe»i»i»QniinBRd В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, April 9,1998 iavie's Defense Holds Back Reynolds CwUoMdFronPapBl tíítw Ridenhour galhcrcd the one- throw and applied the lag, a bang- bing play that the Demons argued s^uld have wenl their way. ;;Then in (he seventh, shortstop Alten atoned for an error that allowed tlfe leadoff man lo rcach by digging oui an errant throw from Ridenhour, wlio ilelded a bunt, got the forcc out alPsecond and kept the tying run at nrsl. AUen and Nail ГшаИу nailed down Ihc win with a game-ending 6- 4*3 double play. ; Davie coach Jerry Walser heaped p^ise all over his defensive slop- p<fs, cspccially Nail t "Scottmadcaheckorap!ay(nail- ing the runner at home)," he said. "A young kid would have dropped his hied (after the error), but Shane is mature enough to n)ove to the next pw. ; "But the play ofthe game was the play lhat Steven made. I thought it WJIS going to get through and Steven made a tretnendous play that he wouldn’t have made two yean ago or even last year. That won the ball gámc for us. That was ihe game- saver."Reynolds fírst-yeor coach Doug Welch counted the blown opportuni­ties and nominated Allen's short-hop pick on the fon;e play as the biggest blow of all. "We had our chances," he said. "The biggest play to me was the play that the shortstop made. The catcher short hops him and he picks tl, so lhat was huge. Thai was huge bccausc wc would have had first and ihírd and nobody out. We mode (hem make the plays and they made the plays. You lake your hat off to them." Davie only touchcd Earp, Rey­ nolds' starter, in ihc second. After M ilkr Nail's bloop double and Ridcniiour's sharp sinjlc, Allen drilled a liner off Oarp lhal allowed Nail lo Iroi In from Ihinl. Then, wilh two outs, Miller roped an RBI single up Ihc miilillc lhal nearly knocked Earp off Ihc mound. Earp settled down and only al­ lowed five hits Ihc rest of the way, but Miller, who didn't allow o ninncr post first in five of seven innings, made iHe fragile lead hold up."Their pitcher gol ahead a lot," Wclchsald. "He gol in agood rhyihm, wc couldn't get him out of rhythm unlil late in the game and then Ihey made some big plays. Good pitching heals good hilling." Miller changed a lot in a day. He complained of soreness in his throw* ing arm on Thursday, worked lo soothe Ihc pain lhat night and look advice from assistant coach Mike Lovelace that got Ihe arm in game fonti. "I pul some Icy Hot on it, did a liltle workout thing that Lovelace showed me lhat sirclches your arm out, camc out lo Ihc field and was glad il felt fine," Miller said, "I can probably throw better - I had some walks (three) - bul it's a win and I'm happy for us." During the rough moments. Miller felt his coaches' conndence radiating Hetton RWenhour from the dugoul and kept fighting. "I lost my conlrol a little bit, started walking people (in the third and sixth innings) and then ihcy gol a hil." he said. *'Bui 1 just tried lo calm myself down and throw strikes. Walser and Lovelace werc telling me to throw strikes. 1 tried lo do lhat and it worked out." Doubt never seeped into Ridenhour's head, all bccausc of Miller."Hcpitched excellent,"Ridenhour said. "He was hitting his spots and throwing it hard. He's got great ve­ locity, so he was hard lo hit. Wc needed morc runs but Ihose (wo runs did fine. Wc didn'l need many runs." • Davie's hottest sticks - Palti (3- 3), Miller (24) and Jeremy Helton (2-3) - led the I l-hit attack. Riden­ hour warmed up with two hits and Comatzer and Nail added one each.. .. Davie, which beat Soulh Rowan 9- 6 and North Davidson 3-2 earlier in the week, improved to 7-3 overall and 2-1 in the CPC. Reynolds (7-3,3- I CPC) suffered its first league loss. ... Miller, who lowered his ERA to 1.68, has been just os deadly at the plate, where he has delivered 16 hils in 32 trips, including seven doubles. "I'm just seeing the ball well." he said, "(because) of the drills we do in practice and Walser and Lovelace Teammates congratulate Scott Comatzer after he slugged a homer against South Rowan. - Photoa by JamM Barrlngwr Davie High Baseball Statistics R«eonl;7-3,MCI>C • H Il'ÍL N G A B R H 1 R B I AVO.2B 3B 1 ■; HR í Mellon 2 1 I 2 .500 i 0 0 0 ; C. Miller 32 11 16 3, .300 7 0 “; РаШ 25 5 12 3 .480 0 0 0 '; R. Desnoyen 10 3 4 1 .400 1 0 0 S llrts 3 2 2 Ql .400 0 0 'о H d b i' 28 б 11 6 .393 2 0 .0 ^ CoiM tier 30 11 9 10 .300 1 0 2 o n t t a < Я Ш Л а к 31 7 8 8 .258 0 0 2 31 7 g S .258 0 0 . 0 Í N iil'. • 24-5 5 2 .208 2 0 0 < G m m 26 •4 S 6 .192 0 0 2 i G rM ' 7 • 0 1 2 .143 0 Q 0, ? A ika: ; ,25 6 3 4 . .120 1 0 0 Ì О Л т Q 0 0 0 .OW 0 0 0 i ].D m o yen 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 V E H b '1 0 0 0 .000'0 0 0 0 0 G 0 .000 0 0 0 J .M M mO 1 10TA LSn ■ ' 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 279 68 85 54 Л05 14 0 5 . V n rC H IN G Ч'-- ' '■W-L IP H R '• E R ■B B so ERA Jif t r B l'- l,I-I 13 т 9 3 3 7 14 1.58 g С .М Ш «2-1 M ia 11 6 4 8 .12 1.68 r U i M m 1-0 l in 6 2 2 3 11 1.83, 5 ;;К ,и * 0 у ш M 161/3 18 17 10 7 17 4.29 r/ l.D a a o » c n 0 « 4 5 5 , 4-3 2 7.00 \ 1:0 5 6 5 ■ ; 5 2 4 7.00 ) Omá 0 0 -■2-'5 4 ■ 4 Г 1 14.00 7-3 47 41 29 20 20 48. 198 1 ■ ■ ' ■ , ^ n a i»IÁ m O o É M S ,C m |iU I3 .C c m u r3 .M ffl«2 .C lM a i.J.Í> t^ ^ :^W iUj№ .Aka% Hdnln>7,CanM w6,HrtM S,m «3,Cin^^Crwm i^lLDeiirayen2,ániul U - ; i helping me. It's just going well for rae right now." Desnoyers, Ridenhour Pilch Davie To WinsMillcr'sshaфOutingagalnst Rey­ nolds was merely Ihe nnal episode of a three-parl series. South Rowan, a 9- 6 loser, got a dose of Ryan Desnoyers and North Davidson, a 3-2 loser, had liltle 10 show against Ridenhour In his first extended varsity action on Ihc mound.Dcsnoyers lulled the crowd to sleep with sixstronginnlngs as Davie raced loa9-l lead,but therighly lost his effectiveness in Ihc seventh and M iller finally put the Raiders away. "Ryan pitchcd as well as he's pilched oil year," Walser said. "Ryan pilched as well as he's pitched in his high-school career probably. Those guys swing the bat very well, they always have, and Ryan held Ihem to three hlls. He got a liltle tired then: at the end."Patli battered South for four hits. Miller added three, including two doubles, and Desnoyers helped his cause with two hits. Comatzer's lone hit sailed over Ihe fence for his sec­ ond homer. Ridenhour's tank lasted 5 2/3 in­ nings against North,shocking Walscr, who would have gladly settled for two or three out of the big sopho­ more. He threw nve-hit balland struck out seven, walking just two. "We knew wc were going lo gel some good innings outof him, but wc had no idea lhat he was going to be like that," Walscr said. "He threw strikesand didn'l doanythlngfancy."Walscr credits the versatility of Ryan Desnoyers prepares to release a pitch In his second>: win of the season. Campbell and Nail for allowing Ridenhour to show his stuff. "What makes lhat possible is the faci lhat we've got Brian, who Is a very adequate catchcr, and wc have Sievcn, who is a very adequate third baseman." he said. "If wc didn't have Ihose two things in place, ihcrc's no waywccoulddothis.Sorcully,we|i$ lucky wc have this oppoitunity." i l « Palti relieved Ridenhour in the | sixth and pul out a raging sevcnih- ; inning fire. North loaded the bases. ■ putting the go-ahead run nt sccond. ; with two outs and the lefty coaxcd ; Nonh inlo a game-ending pop up. ' ; JV Team Still Unbeaten In CPC Anything's possible in the roller­coaster ride known as Davie JV base­ ball - except relaxation. . k Coach Lee LInvillc's War EagWs, who have won four games by a total of eight runs and lost a pair of two- rungames. give the fans iheirmoney's worth about every time out. They snatched an 8-7 thrillcrfnsm Soulh Rowan and avoided a major chokcjobina9-5 win over Reynolds last week to run theirCentral Pied­mont Conference record to 3-0. Davie, which lost ils first Ihree games beforc rat­ tling off four of six wins, stand 4-S overall. "We're guning confidence every game and playing much better,* Johnson Linvillesaid. "Forsix inningsugainsi Reynolds, we played perfect (lead­ing 9-0). It's a conndence thing. We have the potential to be real good. We're never going lo bea club lhat scores a lol of runs game in andgamc out. Wc have to play good defense lo win. It's going lo be a lot of close ones when we win."Pilchcr Travis Allen coasted throughsixinningsagainst Reynolds, taking a perfect game into the founh andholdingasccminglyinsurmount- able 9-0 lead in the final inning. Bul Allen broke down, forcing Linville lo lum lo relievers Jeffrey Jones and J.C. Williard, who finally hosed out the rI re with the bases loaded and the lying run at the plate. Ctinl Bailey and Williard paced Ihe offense wilh three hits each and Jeremiah Creason,Thad Johnson and David Nail provided two apiece. Creason and Johnson supplied the juice in Davie's eniertaining onc-nin win over South Rowan. Tied at 7-7 in the bottom of the seventh, Creason, who evcnlually became the complete-game winner, staned things with a single and sto­ len base. Then the Raiders kicked Andy Bogcr's buni, putting ihe win' ning run at ihird base with nobody, out and selling up Johnson's gamc^* winning hil. "Thad Is a reluming sophomonS* and hitting the ball well this ycar,4* Linville said. "(The big hil) is a big • confidcnce builder for him and tho t team." Not only did Creason throw rc-* I speclable ball (threeearned runs). h*e; • matched Boger und Williard with* '* three hils. :. "Creason Ihrew strikes. If we> would have played belter defense. It*« would have been belter for him.*"» • Linvillesaid. "He pitchcd well."Davic got two hils from Johnson . and Jones. r ’ • Behind u one-hiticr, Nonh^; Pavidsonrollcd loan 8-0 nonconfcr-'^ ence win over Davie. Nail spoiled'^* Ihe no-hit bid. % S i b l i n g P i t c h i n g , A s s e r t i v e B a t s l i k d T o W i n F o r D a v i e S o f l b a i l CoaUflutd From Fife Bl a ^ix-run second and buried them with fout-run finh. Melinda Richie battered Npflh with Ihrcc hits in three plotc anieatances and Ashley Sanders, Kim Rtich and Dawn Williamson added l«io’hits apiccc. ;1he Black Knights couldn't smell Hi^y, who limilcd North to a grand tola) of four base ninners. Only one ruriper reached Ihinl base. 'Instead offalling Intoatrapofover- ccmndencc thal commonly trips teams cdniing off a satisfying triumph, the War Eagles (7-3 overall, 3 0 Cenlrai Piedmont Conference) promptly trashed Reynolds 22-2 to wrap up Ihe wildly successful three-game week. : -The breakthrough week has Davie oi^ng with confidence as it stares down South Slokes, a highly-sklilcd lem that's widclyregonJcd as ihcCPC's leading contender for Ihe regular-sca- sonchampionship. , I ^We have a good chancc to go for the confercnce title if wecan gel South Stojies," Smith said of last Tuesday's n^-plocc showdown. "They're prob- aliygoingtobeourtoughcstonclnthe cimfcrcncc. We'rc going to be good." Handy proclaimed thal anything's possible, especially If Ihe War Eagles play with last week's lire. "I think we'll go pretty far if we ciut do like we did againsi North David­ son," she sold. "If wc can keep hitting g^andplay good defense, we should do really good. I Ihink we'll go pretty far bccausc of how conlldcnl we are. (Soulh Stokes and Wesl Forsyth) ore supposed to be reolly good. So we've gol lo gel pumped up about them like we did North Davidson." •Sanders bombed Reynolds forfour hits in four trips, Natolie Foster roped Ihrcc hits olong wilh a pair of triples and Smith. Richie and Wllllonison addedtwo hits cach. Sanders stnickoul eight in four-plus innings beforc giv­ing woylolessico Whitley, whoclosed Ihe linol l 1/3___Whitley pitched Davietoon8-3winover South Rowan, fanning eight and holding the Raiders lo three hits. Bracken led the offensive charge with two hits and Davie got one each from Smith, Sanders, Foster, Williamson and Whitley.,.. Il was Incorrcctiy reported last week that'- Handy got the save I n 0 over Ml. Tabor. Sanders actually picked up the save. Wcsihiwn (ianlcns of Memory liASTUR SiíRVlClíS 1 CANDlMLIC.IITSHRVlCIiS | lace a luminary on your loved one’s memorial estate. I У FamUlts wUI be rcctlved it our Chapel Mauwleum starting at 4:00 P.M. Internment docs not have to be at Westlawn Gardena of Memory. • GCЮВ FRIDAY EVE DUSK till 11:00 P.M. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - B5. _ BE 1 & HOWARD CHEVROLET-CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE Щ Н Л К В Ю В ы г г в в в п Ш SUPER DEALS 1998 OLDSMOBILE 1998 CADILLAC GATERA O l d s m o b i l e 873-9094 1Í77,1-40 WEST, mOHWAT 21 NORTH Behind 8«««bfash ft Toik Cwtprt Worid ^Q r a n d O p e n in q I N EW lo c a tio n N o w O p ii a t 6311-D S ta d iu m D rive, (beride iUMart) S’TORE HOURS: 9:00am - 8:00pm, MONDAY - SjTURDAY V II 4 4 I I Í 4 II S lill l\CI 4 Need E x tra Ckshf S A V E X T . . . T a r H e e l T obacco “ A T o b a c c o F r i e n d ly S t a e ! •FuU Line of • O dor Out Import aoif aoif Scented Domestic Candles a * - « p - T ^ • Zippo Lighters and ality Tobacco -^■jProducts LLAR!. ®xyyvJaaOocCÊrtcaot4PÊCki) G00d0DWIN5r0N,SALEM.CAMEL& VA |^ Т Н Е т £ Ш Ш С . YOUR LOCAL AuthorizM Cellular Dealer Ш ю ш Т . sign up now on. $24.95 Plan and get 120, cellular minutes each iiontii Гог 12 months* @ M O r a R O L A FLIP PHONE OR PROFILE 300 wrlth home charger, cigarette iightei adapter and carry cate. $ ■ ¡0 2 ** ^ Good thmghApftt11,199B with coupon. ^ Mon-Fri. a am-5 pm Sat. 9 am-l pm 121 Depot Street Mocksvme,NC 27028 Every MW Um of ипгка wtMUSnM Match IS «hra April 19, $I«.N. wljl bé donated to the Koatid McDoMUHoweChaiM» Tigers S uffer B itte r Loss In three decades of coaching, Soulii Davic baseball coach Grimes Parker has seen jusl about every­ thing. Exccpl this. In so many words, Parker de­ scribed the base umpire's gome-end­ ing caii as a major choke job. With two .runners aboard during the T i­ gers' iast-gasp rally Thursday at Mooresville,aTigerrunncr appeared to have easily beat oul a throw to firsl base on aground ball, but the umpire punched him out as oneTlger headed home and the other rounded second base. Safe and South's within a hit or two from lying the game. As q result, though, South lost 10-7. "In all my years of coaching, that was one of the worst calls I've ever ■ seen," Parker said. "It didn't beat us but il helped beat us. If not for that one call, we’d have been in it." Questionable calls and tough losses come and go with Parker, es­ pecially after years of experiencing the highs and lows of coaching, but this one seemed to hurt morc than others. The Tigers came Into the year with high expectations, aiming tofin- ish at or near the top of the Piedmont Middle School Conference, but this stinger dropped them to 2-2. "He made the call so w c'll go on from therc, but it hurt the guys," Parker said. "W e rcally wanted to beat Mooresville bccausc that would have put us ot 3-1." Behind Cody Wright's pitching, the Tigers sailed Into the fourth In­ ning with a 3-0 lead. But the Red Imps began to capitalize on South's increasingly sloppy ploy in the fourth. They stormed back to tie the gome In the fifth, then broke the game open with seven in the last half o f the sixth. "Cody pitched reol good for five innings," Porker said. "But in the sixth, we mode o few errors behind him, hegot a little wild and wc brought in Andrew Daywalt." • Jason Hogue tracked down eight fly bolls in ccntcr field. "He ptuycd a real good defensive gome," Porker soid.. . . Daywalt and Jacob Comer stroked three hits each and Nell Rice, Dove Poplin ond Lonnie Domes had one aplcce. Soulh Smokes N. Rowan Daywalt ond Poplin, who com­ bined for six hits and four doubles, fueled the Tigers' 16-5 romp over North Rowan corlier in the week. Kellcn Miller, Gomcrond Wright odded more punch with two hilseoch und Ricc and Grcg Brooks also hit safely. "Wcplayed better. We hit Ihc ball," Porker sold. "The bats ore coming around. Maybe we'll be OK from herc on out." Pitching was a concern, however. Bomcs, coming offano-hitterugolnst Knox, exited after facing just eight battcrsandthcMaverickschascd Pop­ lin after facing 11. "We're still walk­ ing too many," sold Parker, who fi­ nally settled for Daywoll. "Andrew did a good job." North Davie Falls To St. Leo's Undsay McDaniel Is a high jumper for the South Davie Irack team.- Ptiolot by Mllw Bamhai« They're Off... North Davie Track Teams Finish Second In Mee: Nonh Davie's track leam is ofl 47 south Davl«’. i i „™ , .................................Nodh Davie's track leam is ofl and running with a pair of second- place finishes in Thursdayis four- ' team meel at North Davie. North Rowan's boys dominated : with 90 points 10 North Davie's 54, . SouthDavie's33andKix»'sl2.Inihe giris compelition, Nonh Rowao to­ talled 66 to North Davie's 36, Knox's 47 and Soulh Davie's 31. JuslinCodywasSoulhDavle'slone firsi-piace leprcsentaiive, winning the discus. North placed three winners in each meet, kd by double winner Joidon Kahrs, who look the 800 n d 1600 races. Also winning were CluisNKhols in the shotput. Holly Marsden in the 800, Andrea W hllly in the 1600 and Biianna Foster in ihc discus. Other placers for Nonh in the boys loect: Jon Goode and Jeremiah Hein in the shoipui; Hein and Chris Nichols in Ihe dlscus;BrandonFHsbyin the triple jump; Kenny Onilk) in the high jump; Jordon Kahrs in the 110 hunllcs; Jon Goode in the 100; Richani Vanluyl in JM IWA B*iw Feiiir dews • hurtto Injhe 10ft risiili í i l ' -TT 'i; ( i V» the 400; Charlie U stet In ihe hunlles; Kahrs and John Glassgo, the 800; Kahn and Jared H ill ini,. 1600; Chris Riddle, Jon Glassgf, Charlie Lester and Adam Oleijarc in Ihe 400 relay. Placen Гог Nath's girls: Ma у CarterlntliediscusiBrandySainin t lriplcjunip;SinhMillerandAm ai > Sink in Ihe high jump; Foster, К i Siyers and Julia Pruiti in the I ) hunllá;M onk:aOleijanzyk.Bnu t Saln,BlzabeihGlazeandSanhMil' in the 800 relay; Whitty In Ihe Ш HallyMnden,AinandaSink.Cand Janes and JuliaPnUti In Ibe4«)rel< Monfca OleijaRzyk, Emily Pettot and Krislen in the 400; Deeoe Ridi in Ihe 200 him lla; Holly Maude MegmWanucha tnd Em ily Hunter the 800. South's boys placers: Cody in . shot put; Scon Ebrighi and M ic H m ii In Ihe discuK Jason Crawley die kmg jump; Crawley n d Zai Hm ahnbiihelriplejunviHannht inihel IOhunlIa;MkhaelCleinenli Ihe tOOda<h;QiiiiKyRcdm»d,a«e^ WMie, John Fuilon and B rin Hunt« In the 800 relay: Feroantk) Zamon I Ihe 1600; Redmond, Cnwley.Hunlc u d Clemenl in the 400; Brandoi ’П те г in Ihe 400; White in the 2 « hudlei; and Z a n m in the 800, Sottlh't ^ ptaceiK'Sare Eib, StaloadaBravm iiidShviM eltoiiin Ibe shoK Amber Rdnivokl ia the dis­ cus; Holly W illiam and Mercedes So4o In Ite к я ( jump; Krinin R^ynot n d Undaty M cD n M in t o iunp; Erin (key In ihe trifle jump; N ikki F liM iu u d S u p h u ie . W ix itn ki in Ite l6 0 0 i:A 4 e liu Z o t o i In Ite 400: n d Mm m Dwl|- von VOR P R E S S L E V \ B tiA W L E Y Disma COURT judge • 22nd judicial Disñicrl К Л Т i 4 U > i \ i n M W r > i i i . While St. Leo's took a 2-0 victory. ■ •; - North Davic took mental notes. "ThcywcTcbcttcrandlhcyshowcd • us what I have to do,” said socccr couch :: • • Scan Garnett, whose giris dropped to •; ‘ i-1 on the season, "ll could have been : ; ; : a lot worse. They had four bolls hit the :post,sowcwereluckytoonlybedown I-Oat tbc half." Gamcudidn'tcxpectamlraclewln, !•: •buthecxpcctcdbcttcrrcsultsinthcSO- s o w o r . They arc highly skilled, move the ‘ -ball good, and wc gol Intimidated," he said. "But we stopped going after the ball, llie y beat us to 90 percent of the 7i- .50-50 balls, and those arc anybody's r:::w is." Sarah Merlau was a warrior in the ih^Oel for North, uving 12 of 28 shots. "She played goal kec{M the whole ** r game and played awesome," said Gar­ nett, who also prolscdChristinaRclok's play. "She ployed rcal hard and gave a lol of effort.” Thecoachhassct t2vlcioricsasthc minimum standord for Ihc Wildcats, who arc stilling trying lo find ihcir placc. "I think wc can hove a good leam," Garnett said, "if I can get everybody in the right spots. Our seventh graders arc strong. Our goal is to not lose morc than five. Thai would be 12-5." ReUk Seab Seaaon-Opcnins Vic­ tory After knocking on the door time aftcrtime,Rclak finally broke through, nnishingaone-on-onechargeand nail­ ing down a 1-0 victory over Moores- ville early last week. "She h ^ a lot of chances and fi­ nally got one in," Garnett sakl. Compared lo post openers, this In­ troductory oct topped them all forGor- ncit. "It wos an cxciling motch. There were 0 lot of chonccs for both teams,” he said. "It was probably the best first match that my teams hove ever played. The firsl match is usually sloppy, but they impressed me." Especially Meriau and Chrystal White, who split time at keeper. "Merlau played real good at gool in the firsl half." said Garnett, who in­ serted While ofter halftime. "White stopped a one-on-one. She hadn't rc­ al ly dove any all year and that was a big deal for her." Allison Howell and Meredith Bridgewater also played pivotal roles. "Howell ployed good and Bridgewater did agood at marking back," Gar­ nett said. MARGARET CAI TAX SERVICE “FrepaHng your return astfit were our own.” Since 1963 MmM i , Me (33« 7S1-2112 IlnstamPfepaiaffinW D.C. M o fftg w la. FOR YOUt ATTENTION HOMEOWNERSM Ara Ym I m M hi MM? 95% floaMlng (or flnt itine lioimbuycn*2adMortgng(fup to 13S» of hMMvdue* 125% Debt CooMiUdatloo phuCnA Out • Doabinridw ft Siogle widcs wtth taMl - (Dod n tn • Hoim Impmcnuiiti • Goiid Crcdtt or Sbw Credit • Pnvkm ■nduraplcy «M Mortiictt ilxcd mtn «a low ai 6,5% •viOlibln > 1 ^ OtM KatiM • Qukk Pre-«pprov«b • Vft wànt to help, give us a cali! P^C. Moitgag^, Inc. Àfk fiir CtUv. IbU IVce 1-888-441-2772 F » 33MM-911tt Mental Errors Cost North Davie ; » North Davic baseball coach Jim r;> Brunelli sensed trouble long beforc •’ITiursday's 13-3 lossat North Rowan. "W c could tell it was going to be :: - ;like that when 1 hit infield and I told ;! ’ :them 'It’s going to be a short game If l^ iUmpIre Clinic To I :Be Held At Brock . * Howard Riddle w ill hold an um- ? ’ tpire clinic at the Brock Gym on April ;V _’l9al5p.m . Il; ', Tlie meeting is for anyone want- "• ;ing to call little league baseball. For ;more inrormation, call Joe Boyette, ^ .iheMocksville-DavieParksandRec- S : : Creation Department's athletics direc- r ijt o r , at 751-2323. I College Td Hold l ^ c e r C a m p : i; :T; Catawba College w ill hold a soc- ‘c ft camp June 22-26 at Central i*;:;M d d le School. Ages 3-7 w ill go from 9 a.m.- frt^'hoon; ages 7-18 from 9 a.m.-4:30 V-m- The cost is $75 for ages 5-7 and ‘$150 for 7-1*. FOrmoreinformalion.callMocks- i'.: ville-DaviePariisandRccrealionDe- ■: partmentathlelicdireclorJocBoyetle i ' al 751-2325 or Kevin Dempsey al S; 704-549-9743. I baseball Camp I Planned For July :> ' Uiere w ill be a baseball camp at ; Rich Park from July 13-17. I- Mocksville-Davie American Le- 'gionbaseballcoachOeorgeDaywalt, •f: Davie'sJenyWalserandaienn'sDale yaines, among others, w ill inslmcl J : ltecamp.Thecamp,whichcosts$60 and ia offered lo ages 9-15, w ill run from 9 a.m.-1 p.ra. each day. ; T te registration deadline is June K ; 26. H iete ara Undled spaces avall- aUe.CalllteMockaville-DavieParits - K; 'and Recnalion Department (751- > :^J3J3^i.gislef, wcdon'tgctour head in it,'" Bruncili .said. The game was short, called after six innings bccausc of the 10-run role. The Wildcats' beads were mys­ teriously missing, even on basic base­ ball decision-making. "Their heads weren't in it," Bruncili said. "There were a lot of mental errors, guys nol knowing how many outs there arc on offense and defense." The first-year coach called the mental lapses inexcusable. "They're only seventh and eighth graders but they've been playing this game for a while and Ihey know," he Sidd. "W c yell out constantly how many outs Ihere are, bul they didn't come to play. "lju si lold the guys lo forget about it. The game's over and there's noth­ ing you can do about il now." Doug Smilh led the offense widi three hiu. Coll and Clim Slanley added two each and Don Sullivan and Chris Hauser had one apicce. Earilcr in the week, the Wildcats broughi Iheirgame faccsand whipped Knox 11-4. "They had their heads in it. and they know that when Ihcir heads are in il we're 3-0," Brunelli said. Juslin Dotson terrorized Knox pitching by going4ror4.Coit Stanley and Smith collected two hits each and Sullivan, Josh Golding, Brad Blackwcldcr and Adam Sain had one apicce. Bru nelli acknowledged lhat North's pitching has been respect­ able, even in the lopsided loss to North Rowan. Jon Dull and Colt Stanley wei« victimized by the W ild­ cats' listless play in the loss, and Blackweldcr and Clint Stanley look care of business in the win. "Brad and Clint did a good job," Brunelli said. "Even in Ihe North Rowan game, we were throwing good. Il'sjusi we were making men­ tal mistakes. Dull pitched a good game." R a c e rs D o W e il A t C o n c o rd M o to rs p o rts P a rk Three Davie residenu performed well in Ihe second race of the season al Concord Motorsports Parit in the mini-stock division. A .J. Sanders rinished fourdi. Brad Smith fifth and Archie Sanders ninth after an early race crash. Hornet Tickets Available For $7 Each Chariotte Hornet tickeu are available for Sunday, April 19, vs. Orlando Magic for a 3:30 p.m. game. Group tickets are $7 each Ihrough Ihc Mocksville-Davie Recreation De­ panment. Call 751-2325. ABEAUnFULSMILE.. A GREAT SELF-IMAGE . Chlldicnfc Adulti . CaUFor CompUmcntaiy OuifultaUoii. A bcauUful heallhy solile Is so impoitant lo a diiU's sdtonfUcnce. Hiafs why IX teina and slaSwanI to make bracca an aSonlable pati ef your tsmlly's mondily budget NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA, D.D.S., P.A. Ex ch tslvcly o n h tx kin tks « D entafacial o titw iie d lcs TUtphonn (704) 633-5942 Facalmll« (701) «3»«137 IgWBwiuiafAvtnu« Sallibury.NC 28144-2519 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 9,1998 - B7 A LL AM ER IC AN ORD-MERCURY E A S T E R B U N N Y SALE NEW *97 AND <98 FORD/MERCURY CARS & TRUCKS. MANY MODELS AVAILABLE FOR ONLY *1- OVER THE FACTORY INVOICE COST INCLUDING TAGS-TITLE AND TAX! lUlM tM to dMiar II applicallM COME ON IN NOW SALE ENDS APRIL 1 1 . 1 9 9 8 X l i e E a s t e « * B i i n t t y w i l l ^ , O n . . N o o n * F i r e e c a n d y S o i r X H e s t n e g g H i i n ^ £ o a r c l i i M i r e n u i i d e i r x o . U O O A . M * « l o i n i n ‘t l i e £ u n . U S E D V E H I C L E S P E C I A L S ‘96 DODGE Caravan SE, Aqua Marine, Loaded • •15,995» ‘94 CROWN Vic, Pewter, One Owner, Nice At New * *12,995" ‘97 Crown Vic, Silver, Loaded, Program Car • *18,495°° ‘97 FORD Escort LX, Auto, 4-door, PW, PL • «10,995°° ‘97 TRACER, White, Auto, Loaded, Program Car • *10,995°° We have trucks - 4x4 - 4x2 - Super Cabs - Ouallys Call Us, We Have What You Want Г 4 М М Г М Ш - wmя т л т я м т л г i ALL AMERICAN FO R D -M ER C im y Нту*ё01Н,Шскш¥Ш9,ме-П¥ОЁШш1тПутё-ЩШжЛт monai^rrtdÊf Ê m tim *$e4iniÊ^9Êmepm ЭЭ»-781-21«1 • 1 •*ОшгС1Шт0пЛг9ОыгШтВфпш1' pï'ivi» ' îliD A V IE COUNTY ENTERW USE RECORD, Aprü9,1998 Y O U R P O T ‘0 G O L D A T D O N ’S A N D S A V E I M 0& .I M . 9 4 Sat 9-5:30 NEWTOWNE SHOPPING CENTER CLEMM0NS;NC 766-8S0S fisrj- îi DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,199S - C l Kayla Snyder, Rebekah Erb, Kenny Booe and Bobby Kay Messick take off from tlie starting line In the 25 meter dash In the Spedal Olympics track competition last week at Davle High. Local Apiletes Goiripete In Special Olympics They walked. They ran. They laughed and cheered for their friends. Some were In wheekihairs. Others used walkers. Some were there to race. Others were nrare interested in soft­ ball, football, soccer, tennis or maybe even weightlifting. V T h ^ were the athletes in Dàvie County's 1998 S|>e- Olympics track and field oompetitkin heM last Thurs­ day at Davie High School. Fans filied the stands for the event that has grown in popularity every year. Vdun- teers from all over the county and Davie High ROTO stu­ dents were on hand to keep things running smoothly and offer words of encourage­ ment to the athletes. A couple elementary classes made a fMd trip to tlw high school, so that stu­ dents couM cheer for dass- rhatas who were competing. .' !Thls Is the first step for athletes to advance to the Inletnattonal competHkm to be heM In Raleigh, Durham .àndChapelHillin1999. VVhether they were there .to'cheerortharatooomp«ta> WKl whether they advancedMM — M- -*t»t-Am-:iO, iV0n6r Goinpoiiiioii or nrr ishêdlastinthairevant, there WMi smiles on tha faces of : eveiyone at the event •a Megan Benges and Tommy Smith pull out to an early lead in the 25 meter dash. Megan Benges receives a blue ribbon for her performance In the 25 meter dash. -Photoa by Jamea Barringer Athletes line up for their turn during the tennis event at Davle High School. ' ii ; i m eler lun. g - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPW SE RECORD, April 9,1998 Davie Arte Council To Fund Organizations The Gtassrools Arts Progtam uUo- calcs funils for local am prograniining loall lOOcounllcsonapcrcnpllatiasls. Designated Counly Paitners such as Ihc Davie Counly Am Council re­ ceive and administer these Grassroots allocations. The Davie Counly Arts Council submit a spending plan annu­ ally lo the Grassroots An Program which must meet the rollowing crite­ ria; Service lo arts organizations, an- isls and the general public Ihroughoul the counly, Balancc оГsupport Гог the perfonning visual and literary am. Support for racially and culturally di­ verse orgmlralions and programs. Generally, 50 pcrccnl of the Gra.s.sroots funds support the ongoing programs and administration of Ihe funds. The other 50 pcrcent is subgrantcd to local organizations for additional communily-ba.«d ans pro­ grams. Organizations apply directly to the Davie Counly Council for thc.se sub-grunt funds.Gra.ssrootsallocations mu,sl be matched dollar for dollar with local funds.The Davie Counly Arts Council expects to be distributing approxi- mutely $2,000 in subgranl funds to approximately four organizations. Applications may be picked up in Arts Council oflice in Ihe Ипк1( Perform- ing Ans Center, 622 N. Main sl., Mocksvlllc. The application package should be relumed to the Art.i Council oflice by May 31. Grant monies arc nolavallableunillSeptember, afier the slate legislature meets. The acccplanccofgrant moniès requires a detailed stale reporting prò- cess. ; For more Infomialion, call Nancy Norton, dircclor, at 336-751-3112. ^ H i l l s d a l e N e w s H a le s - H e lto n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Col. (Ret.) Terry L. and Mary Helen Hales of Clemmons announce ihe engagement of their daughter, Camilla Elizabeth Hales of Clemmons lo Chad Merrill Helton of Advancc, the son of Brcnt and Merrillyn Mellon of Riverbend Drive, Advancc.The bride-elect is a graduate of Parkland High School and attends Meredith College, majoring in health scicnce. In the fall, she will attend the Woke Forest School of Medicine physician assistant program. She was Miss Forsyth County in 1994. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Davie High School and earned a bachelor's degree in industrial relations from Ihc University ofNorth Caro­ lina at Chapel Hill. He is management associate at Central Carolina Bank in Mocksvillc. The wedding is planned for 3 p.m. June 20 at Ardmore Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. By Benita Brandon Wyatt Hillsdale Correspondent Thanks to everyone who joined us at Hillsdolc Baptist Church Sunday night for our Easter program. Those in attendance were treated to music by our choir and solos by Bryn Turner, Barry Dodson, and Pam Pairish fol­ lowed by an Easier drama. AHcrwards the Lord's Sui^r was observed. There will be a Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. April 11 at ourchurch from 10 a.m. -12 noon. We are hoping for theEosterBunnytomakeavisitduring this time. Wc hope thal many can join us in worshipserviceon Easter Sunday fora special lime of music and worship in celcbrntion of Ihc Resuncciion of our Lord. Happy Birthday to Lisa Aldcniinn. Tommy Hendrix and Hiyllis Allgood. I had the privilege to be able to volunlcer al the Advancc Fire Depart- mem Barbccuc Iasi Friday. Anytime your arca Fine Department is having any type of fund raising event you owe it to yourself and the individuals who volunteer their lime to be u volunteer fireman to go out and help them make these events a success. The fund raiser that our county fire departments con­ duct are a necessity to the operation of the departments and the fire depart­ ments arc a necessity to every single citizen of this county. O v e r c a s h G r a d u a te s T ra in in g William E Ovcrcash Jr.. 58th In­fantry Brigradc, graduated from the Army Basic Infantry Training, on Feb. 19 at Fort Benning. Ga. During the I3wccksof training, he has learned over 280 Amiy skills and completed two weeks of AIT training. Overcash will be stationed at Fort Slewart. Ga. He is Ihe son of Jancl Taylor of Red Bud Lane, Mocksville, and Bill Overcash of Florida. He is llie grand­ son of Don and Priscilla Nichols of U.S. 601 South. MiK'ksville. and Ray and Dorthey Overcash of Cooleemee. He is a 1995 graduate of Pavie High School. New Booi<s Anive At Davie County Library New books at Davie County Public Ubrary, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville; Noi-FkUni BcaoiltdCMuda TtnCBSMunkii V Cauimf.KWMm\apigc O il Your Well Before You're Hiiny; The Only Neiwoiting Book Youll Ever Need A History of Ihe First Presbyterian Church ofMocksville, NC Molher Teresa; A complete Autho­rized Bioghaphy Neater,myGod;AnAutobiogrDphy of Faith The New Living Heart Resumes and Cover Lettcis Thai Have Worked Snowboarding; The Ultimate Freeride neUon Daughten of Ihe Dust - Julie DashThe Dragon and Ihe Gnarly King - Gordon Dickson Idoni-William Gibson A New Colleclion of Three Com- plcle Novels - Janelle Taylor Plogara Ihc Soccrcss - David Eddings Railroad Schemes - Cecelia Hol­ land Red Eanh and Pouring Rain - Vikram Chandra , Riven A Novel of the Gieen River Killings-Roderick Thorp River Angel - A. Manctte Ansay Two Guys from Verona: A Novel of Suburbia - Jamcs Kaplan Donations in memory of Thomas Preston Stanley have been made by Jamcs M. and Rachcl S. Brock, and W.L and Jane Y. Brock. A donation in memory of Maiy Williard was made by David Joyner. Children's Storylime for pre- scholais is onTuesday al 11 a m. al liic Mocksvillc localion and al the Cool- ccmee Branch. Monday and Tuesday, W a li< e r C o m p le t e s M a r in e C o u t s e Marine Lance CpI. Kenneth E. . Walker,sonofKcnneihEandSallyL. Walker of 115 Valley Oaks Drive, Advance, recently completed die KC- 130 Hercules Airframes Mechanic Organizational Maintenance Course wilhMarineAerialRefuelerTranspon Tminiiig SquatlrDn 2S3, Marine Air­ craft Group 14, 2nd Marine Airerafl Wing, Marine Corps A ir Sution, Cheny Point Walker itceived niniiig on the : niaiiilenuKe and repnir or Ihe aircraft. Studenis received in.sliuction on the structure, repair, Uie hydraulic system conuuninalion and various systems found on Ihc airerafl. The KC-130 Hcreules is a multi- englK turboprop airerafl capable of providinglong-range transport of cargo lofotwardbases.The Hercules carries a crew of five. The 1990graduateofSullivan Easl HighSchoolofBluHCity,Tcnn.,joined the Marine Corps in November 1996. April20&2l;DonnaI;ikob,children's book aulh<ir, is coming to the library to share her books and writing cxpcri­ cnccs during two .spa-ral stoiytimcs. Copies of Mr. Jacob's books will be available al the di.scounl pricc of $10 cach. She will also pcisonali/c and autograph cach purchased book on ihc day of her visil. Davle Counly Public Library houis; Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - «:30; Friday 9 a.m - 5:30 p.m.; Satur­ days 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: 634-751 - 2023 Cooleem« Branch hours: Mon­ day noon-6p.m.:Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ( Closed for lunch from 12:30 -1:30); closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Phone: 284-2805. frs. Michael Comer P a g e - C o m e r C o u p le W e d M a r c h 2 1 In T h o m a s v ille Christie Page and Michael Comer werc united in marriage on March 21 at United Church of Chrisi In Thomasville. The bride is the daughter of Charles and Sheron Page of Salisbury Sirect, Mocksvillc. She is a 1991 graduate of East Davidson High School and is attending Davidson Couniy Community College. She is employed at Lexington Memorial Hospital. The groom is the son of Steve and Lorretta Comer of Thomasville. He is a 1993 graduate of East Davidson High School and attended Davidson County Communily College. He is employed as a paramedic with Davidson Counly EMS in Lexington. After a wedding trip to the Baha­ mas, Ihe couple reside in Thomasville. W hite, Navy. Red, Bone, Blaclt and Black Patent (Color Availability May Vary) C la s s O f '6 8 P la n n in g R e u n io n MembtnofDavleMih’sCliaaof Square, Mocluville). Còme with ideas'68 an naUai plana forthdf 30 year claaaieunioa Hie finl meetiiii will be on April 26 fivm 2-4 рж at tbe office of Woodoien of the Worid (67 Coun and addieiMS of claismales. For moie infofmaliofi, call Creola Rogenal33fr492-5I62,AogieBailey «336-99M126vVkUWa(dat336- 751-3364. Hanah Swett H anah Swett W ins W al-M art C ontestHanah Elizabeth Swett, 2, was die winner in the beautiful baby con­ test sponsored by Wal-Mart of Mocksvillc. Hanah is the daughter of Angclia and John Swell and Ihc baby sisler of Mallheu. "We would like to thank every­ one who made Ihis possible," said Angeiia. D m m m Bhie Bagr Seafood CVSTOmRAPPRECIAnONDAY E v e r y M o n d a y M y « U f i « » . M q r F M M M h r « Ек* А м г М1Ы wM iliM i M lp iV rh t « d сМс* ЬвМ рсююогсякт r t iit U M R lD TIM IO IiLin A«Aia,D I«aiaarC artyO » .......................... iaiW>M»IIWÌ,tÉMwr>tNC (704) SHOE SHOW у ' Ü- i You know, they really have a good ümg going here." Our experienced nurses iwerage 8 years an our staff, and all are certified in neonatal resuscitation. If b,ibics could talk, they'd tell you; This is a great place to come into the world. All of our birthing rooms arc actually suites that allow you to go through labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum in one location. Which means instead of being shufded from room to room, you can relax in a home-like setting that even features a private shower with a shower massagcr. Plus, you can choose the type of delivery you want. And you'll have input into medical decisions. So if you’re even thinking about having a baby, chcck out our tacilities. Wc’ll give you a free gift just for stop­ ping by to see for yourself why there’s no better place to have your baby. ■ o r Ifyou ttiitiil, you cnii choose lo lime your baby in your room with you all Ihe time. We have a special Level II nursery capable of caring for sick or premature babies. The Women's Health Educator at the Resource Center provides valuable information for neto mothers. Our birthing suites even include, a bedjiiti ii fimily guest or the dad. Beca^ having a baby can be really tiring. ■ On your last hight with us, you and a guest can enjoy a gourmet dinner fbr two, right in your room. ;Ношч Regional M e d ic a i. Cb ít e r ' ; • . . ' л.' «»бод таВ ж ТЬ Ы Н вИ ки е. . 612 M ocbville Avenue •SalUbury,NC»(7(M )638-10M or tbU-lirccl-888-SS-ROWAN» www.towan.org r o w a n RE ICAL G E NT E R WO MEN’S S E RV IС E S . ' , , We acccptall (brmsofInsurance,IndudiiigMédiaW. ' ; ■ _ ^ ; ^ ■Ф-4- :C«-DAV1E COUNTY EN TERPPJSE RECORO, April 9,1998 Smitìi'DeMilt Couple Plan June Wedding Mr.amlMis.Han)klWayncSmllh or Advancc announce the engiigcmeiil of Ihclr daughter, Patricia Elaine to Stephen DeMlil of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. . Thcbridc-cleci Isa I98S giwluole of Davie High School and a 1989 gnidualc of Salem College. She Is the fonner branch manager of Consoli- dated Datacom In Tampa, Fla. DeMlll is a 1975 graduate of JencTson High School in Huntington, N.Y. and a 1979 graduate of Flagler Collegc in St. Augujtinc, Fla. He is piesldcnt ofRciiel Datacom Ine, The wedding will take placc it S i lem Collegc on June 14. n « couple will reside in fofall Springs, Fin. Stroud-Phillips Couple Married On April 4 L O A N S O N H O M E S Excellent Rates Available Credit Problems Understood WE OFFER •Bill Consolidation •Home Improvement • 1st & 2nd Mortgage •Refinant» • Fixed and Variable Rates • 15 & 30 Years • 2nd Mortgages up to 100% Equity • Excellent rates on Double Wdes and Modulais with Good Credit • • • L o c a l P tn o n a i S e rv ic e • • • MUTUAL MORTGAGE Jeff Call-President Salisbuiy 633-1500 1-800-SS2-S575 A m tlic a tio n a T iik e n b y P h o n e 9 a m - S p m KI.IA I A.C. “Andy” STOKES AN ( A N O IO A If s iii:rii 1 OF i)\\ IK согм v ■ 4// SS,U ,7: " . . . M ill) Y n m - \ ( > n . . . STOP DRUGS In Davie County Tamara Dcnisc "Tammy" Stroud of Mocksvillc and James Shawn Phillips were united in manioge at 7 p.m. April 4 at Penelope Baptist Church. The Rev. Aubrey Folk offi- ciated. The bride is the daughter of Bob and Ann Stroud of U.S. 64 West, Mocksviile. Sbe is a 1992 graduate of Davie High School and attended Haywood Community College. She is employed at Autumn Care of Dteui as a ccniRed nuning assh- Unt. 'C The bridcfroom )> die ion of Jim IM Terna n>Ulk*.Jk U a 19S9. |№ * e oTE« ly w H lili School and earned a degree in fish and wild­ life management from Hoywood Community College. He is employed with Fox Floor Services of Hickory.Given in marriage by her faihcr, Ihc bride chosc Christy Slroud, her sister-in-law, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Yvonne Messick, Melissa Long and Lenae Jenkins. The groom's father was best man. Ushers were Micheál Pons, Shane Stamcy, Jeff Jenkins, Steve Stroud and Maik Phillips. After a reception in the fellow­ ship center, the couple went on a wedding trip to Orlando, Fla. They w ill be at home in Connelly Springs. т я т т Mra. Matthew АШвЛ Page Lorlncz-Page Couple Speak Maniage Vows SALISBURY - Rudi Eliiabedi LnhKx, òritiM lly Ikom RKeiiide. MJ.. tad Mm Ikw Albeit h r of МкктШв wm manied oo Snur- jiby. Afri) (Mied Chutch ipf C M * H a Rev/ Dnrid Crook $ffMiMllla3p,m.ca(aav,whkh M iDtoMd by a leixptíoo in Ihe IknckMlowsldphiU. t З т Ы ш и of Rivenide, NJ. »»«км И оП ш м ж . ' 'III» hide's ib- ■иЛйммаа^ОсеемЬогаь | o( Wahiawa, '¿ M tU U lA M lM e lio f :| li'ÍB p ifiW tet.DeailsftiB. Uibefs were the.. «,.,Scott Pai* of - м о г а я ^ boro and Malt Wilson of Salisbury. Aleigha Page, die groom's niece, was dw flower ^ri. The bride, draghter of Mr. and - Mn. M n Wesley Wanen Lorincz, graduated from Riverside High SchooliaRivcidde,NJ.Shealiended Demoo Slale College in Hrenton, N J., lo study journalism. She is ein- ployed widi Central CsroUna Bank.The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pige, gradusled fnm Davie High School and earned a bachcloi's degreeinbusinen management fian die University of Nonh Carolina at Onensbaro.Heispursuingamastei's degraeiBeducadoBfromllNCOiMt. teat^hes at Dnvie High School. ‘. Afteratrip 10 Jamaka, die couple trill lha 1» IlncM te. . P I B f lf TIMI SUYIES Г Ж в ёЖ Ж Ж " |AidcUc>Hig|iSdioojll8 j5y^oncW^lшnwn^lleв|eЬINO(lt[W^KI^I^H)^Coяl»plc^lòl/^Wínworpl^o^иledcoriColout<c^enlcrfl()^гll^lèй>^;| CHHrSlt« • PirMOUlH • lElP lAOli • KIA . HONDA g e r r y W o o J a u to c e n tr e Juki- AIi a o i';I(^ Hivii s • : rf j i «it / > SALISBURY ' f)J/ V090 1 Й00 296 W O O D DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 - C5. { Advance News By Edllh zimmennan Advance Correspondent Holy week service will he held Ihis week at Ihc Mcihodist Church. Thurs- doy April 9 a live Possion Play "DaVlnci's Lost Supper" will be al 7 p.m. On Fridoy "Watch Ihc Lamb" passion play will tie at7 p.m., followed by the Tcnebrac Scrvice at 7:30. On SundaymomingaSunriseServicc will he at 6 a.m. wllh worship ut 11 a.m. Join us as wc cclcbrale Holy Week. Nine young people were connrmed during the worship scrvice Sunday moming at Ihe Methodist church. Manyframourcommunilyatlcndcd Ihc Calvary Baptist Church's Easter drama "Let All Heaven Rcjolce" on Sunday afternoon. Wc were happy lo sec Pansy Ward at church Sunday after several weeks absence due to a broken hip. Ann Hartman Barnhardtcclcbralcd her birthday last Thursday Mareb 26. Hernamc had been submitted lo WSJS radio station by a sistcr-ln-law for a drawing for a biniiday cakc. Ann's name was drawn and announced over the radio as the winner ot the cake given by Deweys Bakery. > An Eastereggbunt will bcSalurdajt April 11 at 2 p.m. at Ihe Med«xli^ church. Chlkken dirough 5di grade an Invited. Bring a besket. Our communily extends deepest sympalbylodiefamilyofFrankMockr S t e v e n s B ir th A n n o u n c e d L e a g a n s - M c C r a y ^ E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Jeff and Robyn Stevens of Dobson announce Ihc birth of anolher daugh­ ter. Haley Elizabcih, on April 2.1998 al Hugli Chatham Memorial Hospital in Elkin. She weighed 5 lbs. 6 oz. and was 18 Inchcslong. Haley's big sister is Cassidy Jonah,;• :ÿ ie Rev. and Mrs. Ellis Leagans of Columbia, South Amcrica, and Star City, ,'Aii,'annaunccs the engagement ofthcirdaughter, Andrea Elisa, loMatlhew Allen ¡MgCray, son of Ll. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs, Billy McCray of Aritndelphia, Arit. 1; îÿ ie bride-elect is a graduate of Nucva Granada High School in Bogota, f ) J ^ ^ „!f^mbia, and earned a BME from Ouachim Baplisi Universily in Aricadclphia. » « I I U 1 i C W O !l4t>SheleachesSpanishandchora] music atWoodlawn High School, Woodlawn, groom to be Is a graduate of Arkadclphia High School and is a business |hlJ0r at Ouachilo Baptist University. He is a member of the Army Reserve, i; ; jjaigons is Ihe granddaughter of Ava Halbert of Star City, Aric, the late Rupert Ruby Ijcagans of Mocksviile, and the late Mr. Cecil Leagans. McCray is :ji)e'grandsonofMr. and Mrs. Billie McCrayofAriiodciphia, Ark,and Dr.aad Mrs. [Milfold Allen of Huntsville, Texas. His great-grandmother is Velma McCray of .'Ci«», Texas.! The wedding is planned for2 p.m., Satunlay. may 30, at Fint Baptist Church, : Arkadclphia. who Is 31/2. Grandparcnts arc Billy and Susan Ijames ofMocksville, Dave and Kathy Stevens, Gayncll and Alvin Moser of Dobson. Great-grandparents are Colean Ijames uf Mocksvillc, and Bessie Sparks of Advancc. By Nora Latham Pino Corespondent C l e a r y J o i n s A s s o c i a t i o n ' Wayne Cleary, Mocksvillc, is a I new mcmbcrof ihc American Angus Association. The American Angus Association, with over 31,000 active adulls and junior members, is the largest beef cattle registry association in the world. Its computerized records in­ cludc detailed information on over 12 million registered Angus. The schedule at Wesley Chapel will be changed for Easter Sunday. Mom­ ing worship servicc will be at 8 a.m. with breakfast following at around 9 a.m. After breakfast ihcre will be a special music program presented by Tom Hotton and then Sunday School at 10 n.m. Friday therc will be a Good Friday scrvicc at 7:30 p.m. Saturday moming there will be an Easier Egg hunt at 10 a.m. Everyone is inviied. Please bring ihrcc eggs. There will bcacommunity meeting Monday. April 13. at 6:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall to discuss the fate of the building. Everyone in the community is encouraged lo attend. Gsuthcr Wanl is in the hospi- lal. Wc wish him a speedy recovery. Betty and Roland West had a birth­ day dinner on Sunday at Frostlands to honor their daughter, Susan, their son- in -law, Al, and iheir granddaughter, Missy. Also honored werc: Betty's sis­ ter. MartyBabcockofRaieigh;andhcr cousin. FaycCain RichofCrcensboro. Those who enjoyed the dinner along with Ihe honorées werc: Dill Babcock, Craig and Pam Pricc und iheir chit* drcn, David, Garrett, and Courtney, all of Raleigh; John and Rachel Etchison ofSilcrCily. GrayandLuRayElchison of Clemmons, Frances. Uury, Jason and Eli/abcth Tultcrow of Bermuda Run, Amy Cujas, Walter Etchison and Henry West of Cana. P a r r is h - H u n t E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Belly and Lloyd Pairish of Edenion announce die engagement of dieir daughter, Sandra Kay Pamsb to David Andrew Hunt Jr. of Mocksviile. the son of David and Jo Hunt of Soulhwood Acrcs. TTie bride elect earned a bachelor's degree as aTeaching Feltow from Meiedith College in Raleigh. She is employed with East Cary Middle School as a maUi teacher. ^ The groom to be earned a bachelofs's degree in secondary education from Appalachian State University. He isemploycd as ahistoiy teacher and also serves as an assistant coach on staff al Lecsvillc Road H i^ School in Raleigh. The wedding is planned for June 20 at Macedonia Baptist Churcb in Edenlon. S P O T L K H T ! Wiring homes for the computer age N th e communications age has found many area homes unprepared for the future. Unprepared even for the preseni. : ThathasmadeawonderfulbuslnessopportunHytorAccess Communications Inc. : Jeff Burton has found a niche In №e communications busi- : ness— wiring homes for all the new internet and Fax lines that '■am being requ№ed fbr oivline homeowners, > I The standard one téléphoné line just doesn't work any more. AWInston^lem nativeandnlne-yearveteranofBellSouth, 'button has branched out on his own this year as homeowners ¡discover the need of more telephone lines, : ”l'mwiringhomesandbusine8sesfbrthefutute,''hesaid. "I'm :get№g buHdets and other people to go with the wiring I'm ioflaring so people can wire computers, fax machines and ieveryftiing In their homes." |: EvenpriceynewhomesarebelngbuiHwlthoUlhetelephone Inè s that new owners will need, he has discovered. "BuUdeis |w»onlyputlingonelineandthreetelephonejackslnlhem. I'm ' t i ^ to get them to put jacks In all the bedrooms and the office "space." c Ha alto Installs wiring «or cable TV and television satellites, t He also netwoiks small computer systems. [ Button and Access Communications can Install satellite y^tem sandputlnextraextenstonsln homesforfax machines, tompulers ami cable TV. Access Communications this month is opening an offkie In .Clemmons on Lewisville-Clemmons Road behind Davie Jewel­ lers and across from Ml Puebk). f . KHu8qvama Pine Needles •3.9»Seeds • FeitUiier • Bedding PUnts é m U m !- HARDWARE V 998-1987 I i 4 <lli< II 110 Commerce Dr. Hwy 158. Advince 940-2776 Cfcácer W > r l< r 2600 Uwisville Clemmons Rd. Clemmons 766-4041 l339LewisvilleT Clemmons Rd. Uwisville 766-8525 ( Ш А и т m c m m А ш л т т т ОеЫСПMhMnclng*Mftlnd •taftB ojjsr^lodm ptqr • Piagw w itof HOMEMmiB a n d n s« ' B Vow loble ieutHerntr n ^ eÉm i a e i jCHASEI I m w t g a ^ CaU Jetr Burton of Acccai Co iikatioiaat712400S. Burton and his wH6, Sara, have twochlUren, Jake, 8 months, and Jessi, 3 yeare. They live In. Winston-Salem. He Is a Parkland High Schod grad, 1983. He studied computer pro­ graming at Winston-Salem State and has an electro-mechani- cal,^sngineering degtee from Forsyth Tech. His hobbies are scuba diving, and restoring a 1955 Chevy hardtop. Can Access Communk»tk>ns of Clemmons and Jeff Button 81712-0005. s T f H i : Chain Saw starts atm st П99” ‘ MO Wm I to 801 B ilt U ft Acme fttm Bcmuidft Run : 6431 Mqr, 168•Advtnet.NC ' ----- Le Bleu is now available in 5 gallon .bottles deliyered to your home or office. Call us today for your FREE trial (336)998-1199 Official BoltM Water o r The CaidiM.PBMhna ; Г S P W L M H f W T ie . ( m jr ^ o o o I Wayne C ollins Electric: Your Best Friend For Electrical Service |77в4вв0 iFrauenhofers 'Ice С паш f t Bake Shop eooo «МомЬгоак IM • Cl«fflm«is| SùwOftH For Business BERMUDA CARFETCENIERBOIMUDAQUAY SHOmNG CEfflER floor comtaimdL • tanriot dtconiar ca (tiff.• 0»«r40)«mceaMMd(iptrkanl • C aq w t* V in y l •T il*• HMdwood’ WMIp^MT Mil ММЧ1И, А4МПМ JS 3 S IS S & S 3 S S . Electrical wiring Is something anybody can do, right? Any fireman will tell you definitely, 'Nol' That's why smart homeowners tum to the services of a profes­ sional for electrical wiring and changes In their circuitry. When you have a licensed electrician doing your jobs—small or large — you should always keep In mind thal you have a professional Installing your work, a person who has been schooled and properiy trained In this worit. That's why homeowners tiave turned lo Wayne Collins Electric for professional Installation and the security that comes In dealing with a licensed pro. Wayne Collins' slogan Is "your best friend” In time of any electrical worit. Electrical worit should not be done by hobblsts. Collins hasbeen an electrician forZt years. Hefomiedlilsown company, Wayne Collins Electric, four years ago on a full-time basis. Collins hokJs an electrical degree from Forsyth Tech. A native of Winston-Salem, he is married to the former Patricia Foy, Her dad, J.B. Foy, Is a retired policeman, and her mom. Jo, is a retired bank manager. The couple met at Paritland High School. His wife, Patty, helps him in the business, routing the calls and scheduling his worit. Their business philosophy Is The personal touch tor your electrical needs." "It Is sincerely meant," Patty said. "Our cuslomers are of the utmost Important to us. We thank them tor allowing us to meet tlieir electrical needs and we strive to maintain those needs on a timely basis and with a caring attitude." Collins cautkined homeowners about two things to be careful about with their electrical servkse; •Homeowners shoukl upgrtKle their electrical servk». OMer honies shoukl convert to a breaker box from a fuse box for adeiiuate service, especially It you are remodeling or adding on to your home. C all W ayne CoUtns Electric at 785^4873. People use more electricity these days, overworking the okl fuse system. • Some times homeowners ask for a professional opinion and price from electricians and then let an unltoensed person do the job. Electrical wortt is too Important for that. • When celling fans or chandeliers are being Installed, those heavy items have to be braced property to avokl problems. The next time you have an electrical need, call Wayne Collins Electric at 765-4873. Leave an answer on the answering machine, and we will get back to you that evening. Remember, he's Your Best Friend In time of any electrical need. CnMm Mirror iMtallatioiit » fh o w cr Doon Prcciikm Glass Worics, I n c , : 3S10 Hwy. 158W.-a<n«non,MC 7 « в - в 4 Э Э : E n te rp rise So ftw are & A cce sso rie s N M tU ndKce^lM nf PC Т гМ ч • «Mb Pai* DMin dmewPwtniwmiwwtaii Wf СиЛпяйяШСоя^Шег' StJhrméAtttsserin' ' (431-0 Cook Ave • CtMimem.NC (MMFMUMm) 712-M 71 I N T E R S T A T E S H E L L 2»7 Uwlnflk^ricfflimMU Rd. CIcffliiiolU, NC 27012 (910)766.159? , ^ im HutMftii M*YadkinviU*. NCомтУ9плtot штиом Srnn Gear СЭ и А Rl of North Carolina HNJ2 RnKiD iH Ka loiH M a— im ^ 766-3006 v m Provkling competitive and recreational swimwear and accessories for chlklren, youth and aquatic fitness KeUUftTeamSakt SUITS •GOGGLES-CAPS-BAGS i SANDALS ■iSTSSjCÉniiMiMSilLJl Rcccss . to o fiM U iita m o tis F U E ESTIMATESNoJobtoBIgorSmäB Coll 7124N )05o r 7264Ю 40 Lanier*« A n t O » T o i d l l i K V nnb p H lM iee Mi'tonet910-778-0610 m t NCtTOIt ALMMODlCnUC SeMngAlYotfBeOtalNeadi crngFm mОиШЛифЛид РитВокЯщ /Ш оттЛ 7S4-H1tOmc« m m ä S im m X m Л С и ж Л Б С У Е “tO éaà-ù u tO tU ém " , W cnouiHovee Tannine ВесЬ Гог E x c e lle n c e ..; g ira G a r iJ e n in g - Y iir Round ContiAwrOaidoning • Courtyard Lindacaping -CoiTitMoPalto&DodtDMlgnШ ...........................Natural Selections Yadkinville Pavyii & Jewelry :>lj All Loam ConfldMiW No Amount Too Urgvlnttant Ca«tt Open Mon-Fri 9A-SP S«t 9A-2P •Toak,Mc..Wudie POBox 1236 Y«IWnvllle,NC2r055 ЭЭ6-679-4998 ' I U , J i C U Jrt. C iJ « . P J,,. СмЬм. PiM. CaUf, Bm Ji. CmPkümmtii B~Ui. P Iriw Tl... U G L Y S T A I N E D R O O r«teUMIWMNMCnlMllUkl i r Ä s a » i . „ .тышлщтмыщщщти R o o f - B r ü é ^ --------a j j s ,76141990 . D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, A p ril 9 ,1»1в ^ S P O f U G H T fio re r Ace Hardware: Commtment To Service For Its Custom ers a c e ; i FrtJStrated with his career as an engineer, Jim Rorer looked for something different In 1991. He had been the victim of two corporate downsizings and was determined to seize control ol his own destiny. That's when he consklered a struggling hardware store In Hillsdale. The nation was gripped wtth the fever that accompanied the ^ Persian Gulf War. "We had a recessk)n going on, and the owner :?>«ип1 too happy. The store was on tts last legs. He made me an jXfBer I couklnl refuse," Rorer recalls. "We dedicated II to the Lord, and It started coming back." That was seven years and a hundred changes ago.•_] "There wereni many people out here to support a store, but ’^ n Oak Valley came along. John Deere made us an offer to I becomeadealer,whtehwasareal honor. Butthenwehadtoservtee ; what we soM, so we had to build a buikling," Rorer saM. ' "Practk^lly ovemight our sales doubled. We feel It was because of the location and the rapidly growing community and the dedtoatlon of the employees. , . "I've made some mistakes, but I've got some good people.” What hasnl changed has been Roror's fundamental commit- ■ ment to customer servtoe. ;■! "We feel like to be a convenience hardware store we have to provkle a variety of servtees. We listen to our customers and try to give them what they ask for and seize upon opportuntties when they |:ii^meak>ng,"hesakl. .' Whenthe Hillsdale community was about to lose tts Post Office, Rorer agreed to give tt a place inside his store. "A lol ol people were il^ t because they depended on the Post Office. We put H in here created a k>t of traffic." He also filled the store wtth qualtty products. Wtth such names as Ace Hardware, U-haul, John Deere and Troybilt, Rorrer has associated wtth the maritefs leading products. ■ • "John Deere Is our primary lawnmower line," he saM. "Some people doni realize they have dhred Into the mM-range line. We have push mowers that start at $299 and go up to over $900. Wehavea r o r e r m H A R D W A R E » Jim R orer o f R a rer Ace Hardware o f Hillsdale. dozen models that fail In between. We have a mower for [ust about every lawn and every budget The rMIng mowers start at $1,399 and go up to $10,000. John Deere's Sabre line are "selling like hotcakes," he saM. Last week the store soM out of John Deere riding lawnmowers and had to get an emergency shipment. Treybllt tillers and muk:hing mowers are also available. Roror's Ace Hardware also stocks bedding plants and veg­ etables. "We have some very good quality, hearty vegetable plants," he saM. Also available are garden seeds, fertilizer and lime. "We're able to get some very high quality Florida pine needles thatwe are ableto sell at avety reasonablepiice.They are extremely clean." Hours are Monday-Friday 8-7; Saturday 8-6; Sunday 1 -5. Call Rarer AceHardwareat998-1987. The store Is located on U.S. 158 In Hillsdale besMe Bemiuda Quay Shopping Center. COUBION CONNKTICN ■OOYSHO» Fonign A Domestic free CsUmales 20 reors experience r s o a p E)u Joixr Sp«ci«i2ing In аголшьвгшик and. bod^ products. W« havt ioipt dnignsd to oM you in the mominoBi ivodtas havtatoipiohB^youcaicMih. ВШ bett ot ав, « ol M preducn M tm flM Cathy Вмк1п7вв-70бв ^Pat(yM ow (iy7e»9024jj , tney Flooring H o u n : M oo., Tue*., T h u n . ' » r r f . 1 0 ^ C M p c te r v i o y i O n n i c l M e llM 4 t< ¥ n O ll lln n W » XBIO) 7660733 tOYMTt ^ O t m \___ James St 9ШПП1Ш— Hwy 158. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-9486 Quantum • Zebco Penn • Abu-Garcla Rex-Air B ait Tanks Flambeau Tackle Boxes New l9W producU, In itockiiow l GIFT _ CERTinCftTES TIME SÄGERSProfsuJora OfgofwoftonSwvic®♦ Event Organizing ♦ Residential Organizing ♦ Reiocation Organizing♦ Business OrganizingBecky Vemon 336-766-S050 U e iÿ lÊ Î • ä ^9 A c 2 (S a . « c fie o é • S t e n t & IS iU U u tM M t • C o u m ù t i M f • VMtenA V iU iU cu t Mocl(sville634-1423 ^ ^ Winston-SaiemCtûfifa/i^coiuuâa/ian 659*1364 D o i o m r s Ш t АСОМППШб SUYIClylllC. б ь а м л ш а 3770-B Clemmons RdHwy 158 • Clemmons (338)768-5572 951 Hwy 66 South Suite 3-B • Kernersviiie (336) 993-7828 Replacement Windows •Add Beauty a Cofflioit • QuMer • Reduce IMMMianee • Itaw UKra^fnOent Krypton Oes a Four-CoM Le»C • Woodgndn FkilthM • iHMMed Framae ■ ReplaceiMnt Doon a BM vmyl SMkig “MillerBulUini Л Rematelini ...peaeeofmiaä." 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 Since 1980 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 M. David M Uler.COR И12 Onmom Rd, амтю« Д ш а е е а п а е r ir e e t o n e »НДНЯЮК LeeTlre* G E O R G E S Mkihelin Tires | V I L L A G E G A R A G E , IN C . COM PLETE A UTO M O TIVE REPAIRS2S701.М Й *И И *«1«ЛМП01М RoM i, C lM im o M G e t Y o u r B u s i n e s s I n T l i e S p o t l l ^ f j C a l l 7 6 6 - 4 1 2 6 ( ,v\ Noiir lUisiiicss In l lK' Spolli^lit ( n \\ 7()()-412(> Count on H M I____ laaMiypuf»___ . -jOOnnnBaMrtlanyoudMn»BkKkPimkmW rttumtie ootnptaKlwlMiQlwoaito C rilnM far«iippaM ÎM ib vouradMrtea-andSMeyau andbringHsadtoMMSS.* SScntnprapmlkin. HftR Block Pramhan 2B1lONwdoifRd ChinmonetNC (т Ш 9К Г OurOuaMnlMh«^ a k iM a conoanis you п Ш have changtt in yow гаЬтмагшйаНмкм IntopM laaS tm M tiem aus your tMum, w( чЛ рщ âdSionSkMM^WM^ cflNdm lidgi i-UV r t m > V il V r I г »• r I rri-ir» r r r-.r ir p-r'e-:» r r I « r r tu-r Г'r »'»-N-*-»’•- e s • D AVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 ÇanaNews ^ M n ’ Cala'GedwIa. .CaaCoResixminM' SKh, Listen, tt must te noon. I cm . héar the beauliful cMmà Гплл Ealons ,Вч1|1я Church. Talk,talk,UiHLlbeiMdiaisulking a lot about ttK dcaOi of Maitin Luther Kini Jr. Good. The media is not lalk- itig a lot about Ihe death and ЮШ1«- Ikm or out knl Jcsiu Christ. Not so Sood.. A couplc of weckj ago I saw Sum Smitti attheCanaHomeniakenraiTilly night. He looked good. 11» doctor wants Mm lotakeiicasy,but he looked sUOTg enragh to pull sim a 10 hoisc powerbiiggsA Stratton. It would take a k)t to keep Stan the Man down. Jimmy Taylor lold me he already has Uiosc potatoes inthe ground. Ihavc not even tilled my garden yet. And Mocksvillc sakl let ttiete be light. I was driving Usoigh Mocks- S u n r is e S e r v ic e S c h e d u le d k combined East« Sunrise ser­ vice for New Union, Zion Chapci Unilcd Mclhodisi and Liberty Wesleyan churchcs will be held at Liberty al 6:30 o.m.. The Rev. Billy Jairctt will be preaching, and every­ one is Invited. E a s t e r E g g H u n t P la n n e d ‘ Courlncy Baptist Church w ill sponsor an Easter egg hunt and celcbralionof our risen saviour from 2-4 p.m. Salurday.Snonsored by Uie Women on Mis- slons Organization, the day for chil­ dren age 12 and under will include games ond rerrcshmcnts. For more informotion, conlacl Lorie Clarkson at 998-7401. McDonald’s Employee Retires Today, both McDonald’s penonnel and cuslomen said “Happy Retirement" to an eighteen year veteran - /o Amm New. She was like a grandma to ail who woiked wiUi her and while we celebnled her retirement witti gifts and cake, it will be her great peisonality ttial will be most missed.Bill BuileiA, owner, and Gordon Campbell, store manager wish her me best ot luck in her well deseivcd letirtmenl. E I Æ C T ВОВШГ KNIGHT R e p u b lic a n fo r D a v la C o u n ty C o o in ila a k M ia r la fflc o m m itta d to : * S«rido( Ihe dtlmu of Dtvit County * The Highest ethical sUntbunds * Beiaglnronncdind making briomeiiilecisinns * MiiabUng (ood i|iilily pvtnawtri * Improvini the quality or life thatwenowcqjoy П Z ' - / 3 £nt3rgMtoMMr«A3l • J ft С F«naa Co. inc. The Legend of the Оодйюо<ГMade Visible At th* lima ol Dn ClucllMon, Uie dogwood, Hun tlia size ol the oak and otbat lotest tt««, was chown a i me llmbar ol Uw Crota, btcauw It was so llim and strong. And Irom . th« Crosa II wat uid, “Never again shall tlw dogwood trea grow big enough lo ba uud lor such a cruti purpose. Hwicafortti, II shall tw slendir. bent and twisted: lu blos­soms ahall have two long and tvio short peWs and be In ttw.loim ol a crosa. № tha canter ot each petal'a ooter adM, Uiera ahall tw nail prints, brown with rust and slalned rad. And a crown ol thorns will be In Ihe flower's center. All who tee II w ill remember." EiMtor Side •2 в" J)ni4¡ Jin'ihh И 1<1ми Щ Ш Ь ш тгщ * 0 > ЩСЖЙтЛЛ CLEM MONS Ш 9 Ш ш и т vlllc one night last week and thought I waa in someswaimofEl'nlno Lighting Bugs. It turned out lo be some new sUcct lights. Jn Cana the lighting bugi will light your way. At 20 wc don't care what Ihc world thinks of us;al 30 we worry about what il ttilnks ofus; ai 60 wc discover lhal il wasn'l even thinking of us. Ha Ha. Foster-Rauch D riv . Y o iiir H e i^ l C è n té r For Rest & Sleeplessness SALEM MORTGAGE DELA ROBBINS loan OfHcer 336-768-1996 Bit. 107 24HourVakt¡bil Ае76»-2947 Puget: 607-5S89 Km4(m RMniM (Hpir iM lliyi^ Kava-kava rhizome consists of (lie dried rhizomes of Piper methysticum G. Forster. Kavaiactone content of the rootstocl< can vary between 3% and 20% depending on the age of Ihe plant. Modern uses are: conditions of nervous anxiety, stress, and restlessness. Also used for sedative and sleep enhancement. Hours: M-F8:30 am-8 pm, Sat. 8:30 am-6 pm, Sun. 1:30*5 pm ; ' Starting 3-28 - Sat. 8:30 am-4 pm ?; м F O S T E R - R A U C H D R U G C O . 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d • M o c k s v ille . N C • 7 0 4 - 6 3 4 - 2 1 4 1 S p iritu al R esources Believing In The Resurrection By Rldwrd EtkM» Bear Creek Baptist We read In I Corinthians 15:3, 'For what I received I passed on to you as olfirst Importance; that Christdled for oursinsaccordlnglo the ScriphJre, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.' Some of the Corinthians were doubting the resurrectkm of Christ. So the apostle Paul devotes chapter 15 speaking to these people about the power ol the resurrectkin. Do you experience the power ol the resurrectton In daily living? Some see the resunectkm as only some magk: to have life after death. H this is tnje, I feel we miss the lull and real meaning ot the resutredkxi. Is our failh and living each day based on an experience ol the resuirectkm? Bruce Larson In The communtoator's Commen- taiy shares a test ol cur resunectkm experience In three Impoitant acres of our lives; our past, present, and future. First, we must tiegin and deal with the past. Does our la'ith In the resurrectkxi ol Jesus say anything to our past. Many times we deal with the cemeteiy of our past. Does our past haunt us or Is our resurrectton experience over coming the pasl? There are so many 'II Onlys.' II only my parents had toved me more. If only I had married that other person. II only my children were like that chlM. If only I coukl ovetcome this addictk)n.«it only couWnol be so negallve.The power of the resurrectton ol Christ does give us the grace to forgh« and accept our past. Some ol the most wonderful Christians I know have leltheresunecttonexperienceovercomepainfulanddeadlymemo- ' ríes ol the past. Jesus said, 'II the Son makes you free, you shall be Iree indeed.' This Is the resurrection power to buiy those crippling memories ol the past and be set free. Secondly, It Is essential that we experience the power ol the resurrecttoninthepresent.Howcanwebecomethosepeoplewho Imly tove one another? In our famlltos and in our everyday lives we must become uncondittonal and excessive tovers. Most people " today are depending on what they or how they took to grasp a' tainting self woith. It Is risky to kive recklessly and freely In a worid lull of people who want to use others In Ihelr seH centered worids. ButwestillmustbethosewhoputintopracttoethepovwirthatChrist ’ gave us through the resurrection. The worid cries out, Hosannal,: save us. We must live and point to a power for living that Is beyond V' hunnan ability. The faith of sahralton is only proven as H Is wortisd out i in dally committing lile to God's power. The resurrectton experience Is for the hjture as well. God's people are those who are able to draam dreams and see vistons. It; - is the active faith that sees the hungry led, the stok healed, and the' ’ evil overcome. It Is seeing the future through resunectkm eyes and catches the dream that God has given you to live. It may be that we will see people in our okl age, walking around In our dreams, - thankinguslorbellevlnglnthepoweroltheresurrecttonoltheLord • JesusChrist. May your Easter 1998 be this and more.Support These Local Businesses W.6. WHITE &C0. B S O N .IM eS t Wlmton8ldifn,NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R Æ 6 0 N SIb iic fli UAiHè 2849 MkMto Brook Dr. Cleminon«,NC 27012 336.766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL ft FERTILIZER7S82Hwye01S. Соо1мтм.НС 27014 336-284-2551 f t M i u r c o .«М Ш CMWM165 tkirkey Foot Rowl Mocktvllle, NC2T028 IM Ш BIBB INCKSVUE TegMlMrW eDonBMMr* South Main Sirael 33t-781-8l15 ■ ■шЫаОау Sbaffiai enter jhilHMi Hilhddt ш о т ц т у ц т и п D A V K U M ia вТ2Ме1п Chureh Rd. MooktvIHe, NC 2702« 33l-7S1-t144 dESCBRBKTM P.O,Box60t Moek*vUI*,NC 2702« 33l^7i1-213t IM im a lD A IS V n o U R W oCiwlom W tM l Depot St, Moekwilto,NC m - m - n n E A T O N FIINERAIHOME A Draditlon of Caring.... 325 Nonh Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 33é-75i-214S FOIfllHIAUCN MWCMPANY 4M VM eynM d HockavINo, N027028 S3I-7S1-2141 flOIIIIIUCMK A IM L M C . 331tUSHwy1M NoekmW*,NC 27028 ЗЭ1-7П-ЗЭМ Ш М В С М П Ш У ' Ш Ш мЫсМгм! MoetavMe,NC 27028 ш - т - п п л п л щ к т » P.0.B0X821 Hwy.8018. lloetav«*,N C 27028 331-781-1112 имшартшу Jw le h o líe id MOBfcw HH.MCa70M 33l-fl1-f14l CRAIGGAirrai MIUER,IIIG.l i t Hwyi M it, Suit 1 Mm m ». MC STOM [ A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r Cftóídé DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1»8 - C9 ^George Frank Mock ^.George Frank Mock Sr. 80, of tirmm Road, Advancc, died Tucs- March 31.1998. at Davie Counly •:d^spital. -;2 :Boni Sept. 9, 1917, In Davic ; ^ n ly to Ihe late George Washing- and Ann Comatzcr Mock, he ^worked at AT&T for many years. He :^asamembcrofMock5UnltcdMcth-^ «lisi Church in Advancc. He was ;jilso mcmbcrof Smith Grove Ruritan IjCiub and the Breakfast Cluh of C's arbccuc. He served In theU.S. Army jA Ir Corps during World War II. Surviving arc his wife, Plorcncc ¡^tanfonl Mock; a son, George Frank jMock Jr.; 3 daughters, Susan Mock jiMchlcy of Mooresville, Stafford :^ock Hyman ofMocksville and Sa- ;« h Elzabcih Mock of Advancc; 2 :Jroihcrs, Charles J. Mock of Wln- rjtim-Salem and Lawrence Lee Mock ^ f; Advancc; 6 sisters, Katherine ;^ e y , Emily Eaton, Pally Chafnn Belly Comalzcr, all of Advance, 'W ry Lucy Robertson of High Point Edilh Rummage of Lexington; 5 j^indchlldren;3gn:al grandchildrcn; several nicccs and nephews. “--^The funeral was conducted by the _ Rev. Bruce Gwyn al 11 a.m. April 3, |-r af Mocks United Methodist Church. Ij Burial followed in Ihe church ccm- H cicry with miliiary graveside rites provided by District 11 Memorial S Honor Guard. - Memorials may be made to the J Mocks United Mclhodisi Church 1 ^ Building Fund, P.O. Bo* 2122, Ad- li; vance, N.C. 27006. i Henry Isaac McCoride h Henry Isaac McCoriilc, 88, of 562 4 Boxwood Church Road, Mocksvllle, ; died April 4, 1998, ot N.C, Baplisl 5 Hospilal in Winston-Salcm following H a lingering illness. В Bom July 4, 1909, in Calawba j County, 10 Craige and Georgia Lee :[ Coulter McCoride, he was a member : OfNew Jenisalem HolinessChurch in i Woodleaf and was retired from U.S. J Steel Coiporalion In Indiana, III. 3 He was preceded in deatti by 4 r bro(hen,FrankMcCoride,JohnnleBce I McCoridc.J.C.McCoriUeandHemian McCoride; and a sister, Annie Mae Ь Selzer. ij Survivors Include his wife, Cora Lee Coulter McCorkle of the home; 4 J daughters, Jancsler Hosch of Mocks- j ville, Lola Mae Sigmon and Trcalhcr i Pollard,bolhorchicago,Ill.,andEmma Louise Wakefield of California; i adopted daughter, Dorothy TUmcr of • Wqolleaf; an aunt, Amelia Coulter of i Niwton; 20 grandchildren; 28 grcal grindchildrcn;2grcal great grandchil- > dr^n; and many other lelativcs. > rrhe funeral was to be held at 2 p.m. i April9,alMi.01ive Baptisi Church by ; BlihopJuniocCraywilhburialfolkiw- ; in^ In Eastvlcw Cemeteiy. James H. Shipley James H. Shipley Sr.', «9, of Cor- nalzer Road, Mocksvllle, died Sun­ day, April 3,1998, al Forsylh Memo­ rial Hospilal. Bom May 20, 1920, lo Ihe late Raymonds. andMinnle Belle Gough Shipley, he served in the U.S. Arniy, had been a scout leader for Moose Lodge 766 In Winslon-Salcm, had been a Irack steward and flagged for NASCAR since 1949. He had been a member of GrifTith Volunteer Fite Department and a charter memberof Forsyth County Rescue Squad. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Hairlet S. Shipley of the home; 2 sons, James H. Shipley Jr. and Jeny Wayne Shipley, bolh of Winston- Salem; adaughter, DebI McDanlcl of Mocksville; 2 brolhers, Raymond S. Shipley Jr. of winslon-Salem and Geraldine Shipley of Danville, Va.; a sisicr, Louise King of Winston-Sa­ lcm; 2 grandchildren; and several nieccs and nephews. A funeral scrvice was held al Davic Baptist Church at 2 p.m. April 7, by Ihc Rev. Aaron Carter and Nonnan "Buddy" Frye. Burial followed In the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Davie BaplislChurchCemeleryFund, 1489 Fork Bixby Road, Advancc, N.C. 27006. Thoinas Imes Sr. Thomas Imes Sr., 69, of Cleve­ land, died at his home Wednesday moming, April 8, 1998, following a period of illness. He was bom Aug. 26, 1928, in Ircdcll Counly, to Ihe lale Ervin and Katie Summers Imes and was retired from Burilngton Industries. He was a member of Erwin Temple CME Church. Survivors Include his wife, L.D. Imcsof the home; 5 sons, Aaron Imes and Melvin Imes, both of Salisbury, Thomas Imes Jr. and Kenneth Imes, both of the home, and Bryan Imes of Charlotte; 2 daughters, Angela Den­ ise Camps and Dorothy Imes, bolh of . Clcveland;6bioUiers,JoeLoulsImes of Slalesvillc, Grace Imes of Salisbury, John, Leon and Robert Imes, all of Woodleaf, and Oscar Junior Daniels of Sutesville; 3 sis­ ters, Elizabeth Jordan of Charlotte, EllaMae Gaston of Philadelphia, Pa. and Mary Smith of Salisbury; and 10 grandchildren. Anangemcnts and services were being conducted by Graham Funeral Directors of Mocksville. Direct FnmThe Factory! Mittbli ild CkMilli GRANITE »MARBLE•BRONZE Many styles & sizes to select fnm with custom desigTU A sandblasting 243 Maride Roatl, SUtevnlle, NC ThimMoctavill^litol-IOWirttoHyjiia: iw ciaiilli.TtailiaoB lollii>la8i.m w lo(iH diaii|licnli<t William Wesley Safley William Wesley Safley, 79, of Adams Road, Mocksville, died late Monday, at Davis Hospital in Sialcsvillc. Bom in Davic Counly, Nov. 14, 1918, to the late D. Frank ond Robcna Cartner Safley, he rclircd in 1983 from IngcrsolURand Corporation with IS years of scrvicc. He had formerly worked at Erwin Colton Mills in Cooleemcc. He had also worked at Gravely Tractor Company. He was pirccdcd in dcalhby a brother, Robert Safley: and a sister, Mary Ella Safley. He was a member of Jericho Church of Christ where he .served on ihcccmctcryandgroundscommittec. He was also a member of Woodmen of the World. He enjoyed restoring old ears and collccllng loy cars. Surviving arc his wife. Novella Forrcst Safley of the home; 2 daughters, Ruby O’Neal and Vcma Webb, bolh of Mocksville; 2 grandsons;agrcat granddaughter; and several nicccs and nephews. Funeral scrviccs were to be conducted at 2 p.m. April 8, al Jcricho Church of Chrisl with Jonathan Seamon of Nashville, Tenn., David Powell, ministerofNorthMainSlreet Church of Christ; and Tom Torpy, minister of Jcricho Church of Chrisl officiating and burial following in the church cemetcry. Memorials may be made to the Building Fund/Cemetery Fund of Jcricho Church of Chrisl, c/o Jim Webb. 150 Adams Road. Mock.svillc. N.C. 27028 or 10 a charity of the donor’s choice. Mabel Hellard Hancock Mabel Hellard Hancock, 80, of Valrlco, Fla., formcriy of Davie County, died Davie Counly, died Sun­day, April 5,1998, at Columbia Bran­ don Regional Mcdical Center in Valrico. She was bomln DavieCounty Nov. 4, 1917, to Ihc late Charlie M. and Annie E. Ridenhour and was a regis­ tered nurse, retired from die V. A. Medi­ cal Center In Saiisbuiy. She was preceded In death by her husband, Ral^ Hancock, in 1979. Survivors Includc a son, Roger C. Hancock of Durham; 3 daughters, Elaine H. Yostof Dolhan, Ala., Brenda H. Manin of Indian Head, Md. ond Linda H. Rossy of Volrico, Flo.; ond 4 grandchildrcn. Funeral scrviccs were lo be con­ ducted nl 2 p.m. April 8, at Eoton Funeral Chapci wllh Ihc Rev. Brian Rummage oITiciating. Burial followed In Liberty Uniled Meüwdist Church Cemetery. Mildred Cherryholmes MildrcdWoodruffCherryholmcs, 87, died Sunday. April 5, 1998, al Forsyth Memorial Hospilal in Win­ ston-Salem. She was bom in Davie County Sept. 4, 1910, to the late Charles O. and Ella McMahan Woodmff and was a rclircd registered nurse wiih the VA Mcdical Center In Salisbury. She was a member of First Prcshyic- rian Church of Mocksvillc. Survivors inc1udc4 sisters, Eliza- beih Patterson of Hermiston, Ore., Jane pwiggins of Winslon-Salcm, Sadie Hall Taylor and Eleanor Frye, both ofMocksville; 2 brolhcrs, Tom Bailey Woodmff and Charles Woo­ druff, bolh of MocksviUe*, and many nicccs and nephews. A memorial servicc was conducted April 7, at Firsl Presbyterian Church in Mocksvilte at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Jamie Pharr officiating. Memorials may be made to the Elevator Fund of Firsl Presbyterian Church, 261 Soulh Main Street, Mocksvillc, N.C. 27028 or lo a char­ ity of the donor’s choicc. FlorlneB.'IVexler Florinc Bamhardl Trexler, 74. of Salisbury, died Monday, April 6, 1998, at her home afler an extended period of illness. Bom Nov. 22, 1923, in Rowan Counly, she was a daughter of the latcThomas R. and Della Weddington Bamhardl, she was educated in the Davic Counly schools and graduated from Cooleemcc High School. Em­ ployed by Rickman Manufacturing and Textile Products, she was also a homemaker. She altended Trading Ford Baplisl Church. Survivors includc her husband. Homer J. Trexler, whom she married June 30.1945;ason.TommyTrcxler ofSalisbury;abrQthcr.Kenneth Bam­ hardt of Covington, Ga.; 2 sistera, Virginia Eamhardt of Salisbury and Sybil Campbell of Greensboro; and a grandchild. Funeral scrviccs were conducicd al Summerscll Funeral Home Me­ morial Chapel at 11 a.m. April 8. Burial rollowed In Rowan Memorial Park. Hanley Vemon Hanley Vernon. 74, of Winslon- Salem.diedSunday.AprilS, 1998,at his home. He was the brolher of Lora Coc of Mocksvillc. Funeral .services were conducicd at 2 p.m. April 7, at Vogler & Sons Reynolda Road Chapel by the Revs. Hayden Furrow and Larry Harrison. Burial followed in Forsyth Memorial Park. J.C . W alker J.C. Xharlie" Walker,76,ofWin- ston-Salcm, dicdTucsday, March 31, 1998, at Hoots Memorial Hospilal in Yadkinville.He was the falhcr of Joey Walker of Advancc.Funeral services werc conducted al 2 p.m. April 2, at Forest HiH Bap­ lisl Church by the Revs. David Wooten and Bency Smilh. Burial followed in Forsyth Memorial Park. -J ie m o r ia l - Words could never express Ihe way we feel for the love, suppoH and the many prayers we received during Ihe skkness and dealh of our Lillle Junior, Thanks for Ihe food, cards, phone calls and every act of kindness shown to us. Also to Davie County Hospilal, I.C,U. 1 at Fonyth Hospilal, we say thank you forthe kindness and kive shown March 21, We saw you really cared. Thanks to Home Health Services for the care given to Junkir through Ihc years and С.Л.Р. services for Ihe support shown to us through the years for the family. To Dr. Kimbcriy, thanks for taking care of Junkin We tove you for the care and devotton shown over Ihe many years. IVuly Juntor’s life was “a life lhal mattered,” GodBkssyouall. The Family of James H. Thompson “Juntor” WHO is Davie Funeral Service? WE are your next-door neighbors...; D a n S m ith — SpUlman Rd, Mocksvilie B e tty A n g e il— Hwy. 601N., Mocksville - B o b S in c la ir — SanfotdAve.,MocVsvUle ' V ; C in d y G ru b b — Becktown Rd., Mocksville ^ VN% pledge to treat you wi№ neighboriy care & compassion in your time of need. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE UJCi 416 VaUey Rd, Mocksvllle. NC 336>751-3U1 "Our Family Serving Your Tamii]f With Qualify Smnct at mAffbrdabU Price'' > Would you entrust your loved one to anyone other than a Community Friend? C o m p a s s io n a t e C a r e g i v e r s ^о кгр ки Л Ш EelM Fiiim l Smlta: Ar, flm aad «кони mfariiaallkti к т}1л. d canghm triw d n ira ta • AitswlUreiedMaiiaelieale, • larKtalllWlki,bdidk,callans,pn(tlcaa^flMaclal circaaMaKii ad wH ««к dlUgnlly la Bakiiait IlMc in 1апг|впЫ tala Ih, пш му yaa, yoar fandir aad hvtd OM derire, • A itaM B knrf)M rnauiaail)taad arrilabl,rM ant]rM < a«lnO .• Ealmdlteintainoaielacnmnifwkripiaiethics, • IsMala Ik, hnVai рпсш ky ellMai cni l l ]M to nfms jraar SMmr, • Рго«иомио11аа1савам11чаЙ1Г1ке1кат1, • Aro MytalomM hi yatbsroarfaadl; aad lovtd 0« aad kikelfiat flaaaaiaaiaiMtmanay, • CaaamaaalHtU»«nrl«-toehidki Ike caikrt-lorHkcl year lovW^Mtl kWyk, rtkgioa, pnMoa, onaataaliaaal а«1Ша11оа or кйку, Eaton Funeral Service 335N. Main Strut • Mocksvlllt, North Carolina • _________(336)751-2148_________EMuit SEALVBACK SAVER ALLAGASH нетдц. lA u IM n Set............$325.96.....................$228.76 Full Set..............$442.50.....................$ гИ .И Queen Set.........$612.50,.,.................$366.76 King Set............$686,88.Ш aiaaaaoataaaaaaaai*^ И«№ ЗЗвОЫШ, > IMT fVfFem M o c k s v illc F iiriiitiirc ir A ppli.incc, Inc SEALVPOSTURE EMBLEM PLUSH ВЕШ, IVrinSet,,..........$374,95,....., FuHSet...............$524,95... Queen Set.........$599,95,.. KifigSet............$819.95 m ________< A m m * , »•«•да»'»'-».»» í ... »•» <..» I; tW - P A V lE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, AprU 9,199в И ’ Vl ì Members of Ihe cast lake notes during rehearsal In preparation tor Green Meadows Baptist Church's presentation ofthe drama "Encounters with the Master" Surtday, April 12, at 7 p.m. at the church. The drama Is free and open to the put)llc. Church To Present Easter Drama UAVIK UUUNi Y IÍNT ERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998- D l Ron Robertson as a centurion arrests Jesus, portrayed by Paul "P. J." Bobo at dress rehearsal. • WhenPaurPJ.'BoboofAUviuicc began gtowlngabeanlialalc January, hij co-wofktn and cuslomcfs al ihc Tanglewood Crossing Fpod Uon sioic began to ask queslions. When he lold ihem he would be playing Jesus in his church's Easier drama, Ihelr responses ranged from snprise 10 good-nalurcd ribbing. Two monlhs laler, rehearsals began in ear­ nest as Bobo practiced lines and ges- tines required for his character.Beat^ faces and rehearsals will come logelhcr Sunday evening al 7 as a cast of 40 from Green Meadows Baptist Church presents Encounters wilh the Masu;r.Written and arranged by minisierof music Andy Atkins, the drama fca- luiescightnguresfromTheGospelof Sl Luke and Iheir experiences wilh Jesus. The drama intends 10 make the scriptures come 10 Ufe. Volunteers have sewn costumes for all cast members from children to Ro­ man soldiers. The sets include a Galilean fishing boat and Golgotha, site of Ihe cnicifixion. A donkey from a local farm will carry ]aia into the city of Jerusalem. Every aspect of the dronu has been handled by member^i of the church.’I had always wanted to write our seasonal drama," Atkins said recently. T liis concepi seemed so accessible to us, 10 introduce the people lo the ones whom Jesus healed and forgave." The musical arrangements he pre­ pared were particularly challenging, including the classic Ten Thousand Angels and Til Ihe Storm Passes By. "Mote than anything else, 1 wanted people to see Jesus. You can read about him all day long, but someUmes we need lo calch a glimpse of Jesus the man. Contrary to popular belief, Jesus is not a six-foot, IWO inch tall blond, blue-eyed man. Wc really need to un- dersta^ Ihat," Atkins said. Green Meadows Baptist Church is locatedon NC BOI bciwcen Hillsdale and Fannington. Thcdrama is free and open to the public. Tickets orc nol required but arccncouraged. They may be obtained by calling Ihe church of­ fice (336) 998-3022. 3250Srford g Winslon-Salem,C N.C.27103 %I'ritaiePaniei. ^ Women'i Club*, Civic • Cub».CltitJren*i • Parties. Church and « Bu*lne$i OaJheiinii. FORANYOCCASIDN • Call CaroUna PRIMESHSr' The Mini Dish Satellite Service 5 - | pjpd,y No Equipment To Purchasa Prime Star Supplias & Maintains All Equipment YOUR DAVie COUNTY PniMEaTAR DEALER 336-9tM80t or 1-800-441-84M о и д н д я SERVICE M ik e O rs iilo In L ittle T h e a tr e ’s P ro d u c tio n O f ‘S w e e n e y T o d d ’ 360° B u n d le d V a lin Pack Sign up Гог our Utimilcd Value Pack ccllubr scn'icc plut residential long diatancc — for just $28.95 per monlh. You'll get 120 cellular minutes a month Гог 12 months. And Inierstaie long distance calls from your home or cellular permonth indudingrasidtntial longdistsncs phone arc 9e per minulc, 2*1 hours a day. Mike Orsiilo of Mocksville will be a member of the ensemble as the Little Theatre of Winston-Salem presents “Sweeney Todd, The Demon Bar­ber of Fleet Sutet,” a musi­ cal thriller lhal will run through April 19. Orsiilo is Ihe associate execu­ tive director of OniUo the Central YMCA. He has previ- ouily appeared al the Lillle Theatre in Evita, Camelol, and Fiddler on the Roof, and wilh the Davie Theater Company in Joseph and Ihe Amaz­ ing Technicolor Dreamcoal, The Wizard of 02, Anything Goes, Some Enchanted Evening and Singing in Ihe Rain. Peifoimances are scheduled fot April 9-12 and 16-19. Thursday, Fri­ day and Saturday performances are al 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees are al 2 p.m. Tickets are $16 for adulls, $14 for senior citizens, $l 2 for studenls, and $10 fot children 12 and under (Sweeney Tbdd may not be suitable for young children.). The box office is open from noon-5;30 p.m.TUes- day-Salurday. Call 336-725-4001. The theater is al 610 Coliseum Drive in Winsion-Salem. A g ra a t p h o m , a g ra a t p rlc* . $1 M o to ro la P ro fil« '" 300 • Emergency one»iouch dialing. • 2>line LED display. • iMemoty Гог 20 phone numbers. • 9 ringer styles. I ' ^I i' I \ ** ‘ H Çod Spiir^ Alumni To Hold Annual Dinner : The Cod Spring Alunmi Asio- ciilioa WiU holditt unual dinner on Sàniidiy, May 2, al 3 p.ro. lo cel- ctealeiticemaiiiial. : Ad invilatioa i> exiended lo all induMcs, fonner uudenis, fonner and preaeni faculty rnemben and ad- miniitnlon, ipouset or guesu. rta ccldmlioa of die ceniennial yMr.Dr.FtnkBeaver.aCboI Spring Ataawt, ad hill profeiaar u ihe Uirivcnily oTMichi(an will show t viii» ht hM dincled OH die kIuoI'i iOOyen. : ; Bootlen or Ihe COol Sfxiiii hii- loiy researched by O.C. Sloneslreet, locai historian, will be provided. Dulcimer music from each de­ cade firom 189810the pmem will be pKsenled by Sarah Borderà and friends prior lo Ihe meal. , Those who wish lo attend, who are nu on Ihe currem mailing lisi, or Ihose who ate on Ihe curreni mailing list, bul have nol received Iheir an­ nual meeting nolice, call lay Raymer (704) 872-8013 or Judy Kennedy (704)483-3S67by Monday,April 20 10 make reservations. Reservations camM be laken after lhal dale. Л J o in US fo r g o H a xc lta m a n t. 360” Q>mmunicaiions is proud to be the title sponsor of IVo-Am D*y at the Greater Greensboro Chjysler Classic on Wednesday. April 22. 1998. Pick up a brochure for tickets a( any 360® location or participating Me Oonald's restaurant in North Carolina. G et th e Q eS edvantagc I Y o u r $1 0 a c tiv a tio n ta o д о м to R o n a M M c D o n a ld Ho u m . Sign up now for cellular service and help families who must tiavel awi^ from home to кек medical treatment for their children. From March 15 through April 19.1998 in North Carolina, your entire $10 activation fee will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. W t M l & Install. .. . ÓAS Ù M S • « A S W A n R N M IR S • •ASIMCUNnS(MrCOndHicningaHMtAIHn«n() • •ASrUN N AaS - 9 т Ш ш т в Ш ~ л мпмм А м ш и м Ш и м м Чгооимст « o e w 6 f * u , Mocksvit, NC " Я Г Г Ctlhilar, |M9in|, Ion« dbtanc*, rifM down ttM str«M.~ Greensboro: 1312-105 Bildlonl Pk*y„ U ra tia rk Crossing Shopping (Äntir, Kroger, 1206-B Bddlord Pkwy,. High Poinl: 2620S Main Sl Sülle 145 VWnston-Salem: Pavilllon Shopping ( ^ U r , 536 Hanes Mall Blvd.. Builinglon: Bloclibuster Ptoa, 2475 S. Church SL Asheboro: 1510-A E. Dixie Dr. • Sam's Club (Members Only) In Greensboro: 4418 W. Wendover Ave., (910) 854-6182 Winslon-Saleip: 930 Haras Mall Blvd., (910) 765 -8 2 7 6 . W al-M ail: AI selected localions 1-SM-«S9-I2S5 - . ----------------------------------------------viitment snd oedit eppfovel rsqulred Iw «llul« oMir. The M per minute «llulw and ièildàntUllent ,« ...11« Ю Winui. ел Ort**« tran »« teil ШУ» m» u»il щук. »i. lo> alM» ull, m» v«y Itom loalu m iM l C «U « IMIÜM Ж М to UM. In Ik . n n * tk « « IM .d M n О Ш M b . in « « M lo, или», rnhul«. «omina. Img d u r a û d u u . с4М«ш>к..и>ч«Мга<М»««|«.иММсМ«п1п.|||Ги]Ч1»>>>га.Ьаитп1пш»МпА|«1Шк>пд%Ш1№!%!^ь!!!^ш&? O D w n M a lm .p M tO )h t« i*il.illK im .lw < d m l» im lc .m « lio l> U ‘ Con<ninkr--------------------- ' -noriLI It. ol hWMolA Inc. . OavteHlghSchool ;; ;Sludents in Mark Sinopoll's fnsh- jäjn succcss classcs rcccivcd Iheir it)ftS(CarcctOccupalions Preference ÄWem) assessment resulu thal tested Interests, abilities, and wotk val- Students also rcceivcd a COPS ijijprchensivc career guide which ijii{ainsinronnalionon Hcarcctclus- itjt; occupations, and skills, abilities, itóactivilies needed lo go inlo cach düster. Parents are cncoumgcd to re­ view this summary with Ihcir student. Conferences wilh a guidance counse­ lor orcarect counselor areavailable by colling 751-7388.Shadowing applications will be itvailable from Rex Hobson on April 21 in “B” building. A Career Cniisc in counseling wilh Family Services was held Tuesday, April?. Brenda McKee, a counselor wilhFamiiySetvices, spoke abouithcir career field and educational back­ ground. McKee alsohanded out infot- ,)^on about Family Services. ;; The App Math Placement Test ¡(Ihrough ASU) will be given at Davic Mgh April 30 at 1 p,m. Questions ’concerning Ihis testing should be ad- 'drcsscd to Vicki Hcndricks. I On Saturday, March 21, nineteen HOSA members wilh Paula Allen, iidvisor, walked in the MS Walk at Ihc NCZoologicalParkin Asheboro. This walk raises money to support research by the National MS Society thal will liopefuliy cradicalc multiple sclerosis. ThisclubraiscdovcrSI.OOOinplcdgcs. :' Central Davie ElemenUi; ,■ CilizcnsortheWcckorApril3are Ashley Coble, Alex B,ildwtn, Adam Ressa, Nicole Terry, Rebekah Brock, Kara Deadmon, Reuben Ijames, Minuida Koontz, and Stephanie Cid. :. Bus Riders of the Week are CJ. McDaniel, Chris Foote, Arcesba ^Iher, Tiffany Doss, Christina Tho- ri^ , Mallhcw Sell, Grant Lakey, Jonathan Dwiggins, and Catherine Bowles. ChristopherMoxicy wascho­ sen as Bus Rider for March. He will h^ve a special lunch outing wilh Ihe principa).'ri Jim Young, head coach al Davie Coumy HighSchool,spokcuall fourth ^ TifUi gtwle boys on April 1 aboul summer basketball camps. • The Honots Chonis presented a musicprogromioMocksvillcElemen- urysnidcnlsWcdncsday, April l.They repeated the program for their class- niales later that aflcmoon.■ FounhgnnletsofSylviaSmilhhave completed Ihc novel Slone Fox. They watched the movie based upon Ihe wvel and made comparison charts on Itelwo. In science, Ihey arc working ñlhesolarsyslem. ClassmaleKarcss ^moM moved toCoolcemce Elcmen- t*y and will be missed by her friends 4 Central Davie. : WUUun R. Davie Ekmenlai? : CitizensoftheWeekofApril3are Brittany Draughn, CUnt Masi, Kasey lieland, Samantha Conlos, Nichole Ktiller, Margaret Anderson. Holly riarris, Jackie Sleelman, Ttavis Rev- ^OmcheVarona, Jocelyn Martinez, and Btandon Adams. : Bus Rklers of the Week of April s i(e Victor Mendez, Carol Brown, Josh Keller, Kasey Ireland, IVavis Dyson, Brillany Draughn. Rickey McClamrock, and Samanlha Conlos. : ThePte-Kclasswill see^heWiz- aa.ofOz"April7. : April2lisSkaleNighialSkaieland ii Clemmons from 6:30-8:30. •: The citizenship luncheon will be ^122. ; The Bus Riden kx cream social <i!ill be AprU 27 and Ihe birthday lun- ctieon will be April 29. ; . Serena VanCuren was selected for itird place 00 the fifth grade kivel in ae Area 8 Soil and Water COnsciva- iSin Poster contest. Area 8 chaiiper- KIB, Tommy Hauser of Lincolnton, slid entries wenreceived fnxn almost aS;óf die II countries in the area. Sifcna will be tecotnized at Awards ISiy and will receive a plaque and a № . • X ^ H Rasco, senkr advisor to dyi iecietaty and dinclor of America ItUaChallenge, announces that Wil- U|mlt Divie Elem. has committed lo stjnontolhePlesideni'aCoaUtkinror oil America Read Challenge. The Oiallengeismadeupofarganiz<tk)ns cfijnmined to fulfilling the goal of in- djlng dial eveiy cMU can read well aitl indepeadendy by the end of the tlÜd mäk, CoiUÜ« mtotea an a^cammittinilinieandteiouceaio ;. i, ' C n rtn J O if ^ M ' ■ T y & *' ‘»4 "■■Ч- 'A\i. ' „ ,1 _____ Justin W hitaker and Bob Mann study for spelling together. The two eighth graders have tjecome best of friends this year at North Davie Middle School, ■ Ptiotoa by Robin FwguMonl'. Best Friends Tw o N o rth D a v ie E ig h th G ra d e rs C h e ris h T im e T o g e th e r A t S c h o o i By Mike Bamhardt Davic Couniy Enterprise Record Juslin Whilakcr and Bob Mann could be like any buddies in the eighth grade. They're constantly picking at cach other, trying lo gel Ihc other in trouble or telling Ihcm how they can do somclhing belter. They cat lunch together, and they have a common opinion about balanc- * ing equations. "Yuck." Juslin and Bob are best friends, but Ihcir relationship is a bil different. Juslin has been battling cancer sincc 1991. He's been through countless sur­ geries and has taken numerous chemotherapies, including a bone matrow : transplant from his own bone marrow. Please Sec Frknds-F«|tl>2 Justin and Bob with the Patricia Hobson print of Coastal Breeze. Tickets (or the framed print for Justin’s benefit are being sold at the school (Call the school and ask for Phyllis True or Sherry Angell) and at Farmington Road (at 1-40) Exxon. Bob stilllikes to look at the snacks, but he> eating more hec^y how that Juitin's his friend. Bob walks with Justin to keep him from getting bumped.Ж D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1998 ’ ln^)oriant To 8th Grade/s Coatinued From Pa|c DlOne thing Ihe canccr hasn't de- terred is his zest Гог life. He stili at­ tends classes at North Davie Middle School. And when he’s ihcrc. he secs his friend Bob. When Bob does something Justin thinks isn’t right, he gets corrcctcd. **You weren’t bom in a bam. Have mannen,” Justin said. “He tells me what he thlnlcs." Bob : wd. “I bought suckers for three days .4<and he sicked Ihe school nurse on "me. She told me I couldn’t cat with Justin unless I eat healthy. So I cat .healthy now.” The friendship began at the begin­ ning of the year, when Bob tried to talk to Justin, who is deaf in one ear wd has little hearing in the other. < “I started talking to him, but he couldn’t hear me,” Bob said. “Wc stofted eating lunch together. I started getting bolder and kept talking to him pnd the friendship grew.” ’ They have two classcs together, and talk and play at lunch and at pa- ’ tio time on Fridays, a 25-minute pe­ riod wherc Ihey can loss a ball and joke with cach olher. ”We talk about yvhat happens, how he's doing, how he feels, what we’re doing that day,” Bob said. “We talk aboul aU kinds of things, whatever pops into our minds. Justin and I will go down toward the bus lot and toss a ball around and talk lo cach other. Even when Justin was sick and wasn’t coming to school, he would comc on Fridays for patio time.” The feeling was mutual. Patio time is also Bob’s favorite part of the school week. Bob always looks for Justin when they changc classcs. walking beside his friend so he doesn't get acciden­tally bumped. The two play games together, such as Up Words. “He can’l spell,” Jus­ lin said, shaking his head. “Wc play checkers and I can beat him. loo. He can be prcliy wild sometimes. I have to hold him down.” Bob admits that Justin has been a good influence on his life. “I used to be a lot wilder. 1 calmed down wilh Justin,” he said. ‘There’s a lol of dis­tinctive qualities I look for in a friend. He’s Ihe first true best friend I ever had. and I needed thal.” Every night at dinner, members of Bob’s family talk about ihclr day. “I lell Ihem all about whot I’ve done with Justin, how he's doing. We usually talk about Justin for 30 min­ utes. One time wc spent on hour just talking about Justin.”PhyllisTiuc, Justin’s iranslitcrator in the school, who helps him to un­ derstand what’s going on In class, also admires his sense of humor and dcicrmination. And she admires the boys’ friendship. She tells Bob lo watch after Jus­ tin.Juslin Is quick lo point toward Bob. “I’ll watch him,” he said. The friendly ribbing Is taken in stride.“I like just about everything aboul him,” Bob said. “1 love him.” Juslin Is the son of Danny and Jane Whitaker, and Bob is the son of Bob and Hannah Mann.You can bet that when Bob goes through the front door at North Davie each day, he’s looking for Juslin. If he’s out sick, It’s a different day. “I miss him u lot,” he said. “I carc about him.” Ask the two what’s important in life, and they answer in unison. “Friends.” Davie S diools г CoaliniKd From PageDI • building community coaiilioits Гог lit- V cracy by supporting existing literacy prognuns and developing new ones.. As a member of tlie Coalition, the school will rcceivc inrormation news briefs on a twice monthly basis. Cre- - alive ways that other members arc ^ ptomolingwillbesharcdinthisnews-• letter. ■" Strand graders of Alyce Bagshaw ^ Wanda Dallon found a mysterious ^ ^inlheirclassroom.llwasbigand ; fas purple and orange. Studems !; fiatchcd and observed it for several ¿'days. On April I, a baby dinosam (Beanie Baby) hatched from the egg. *,>Stiideiiu have written about the baby :'.'niilleanicddi(Mdinosaun.Theyevcn wenl on a dinosaur dig. Students will P: have a pizza treat this month for their hard woric in the Pizza Hul Book It program. They hod 100% pailicipa- lion. : Students ate sponsoring a fund- ; railing project lo raise money for the : i playground area, llie y arc selling na- lure l-shins. Second graders of Pam Renegar : andBrendaOiasscockhavebcenstudy- ' ing dinosaurs: They have made dino- Г; saur dioramas. As young paleontolo- >:^ts, they have extracted chocolate I : chip fossils ftom cookies using tooth- Ч picks. After reading Grandfather I Tang’s Stoiy, they made the charac- ;^ti»s in the story by using the seven ; -:pece Chinese puzzle called langnmis. After listening to the poem “One Inch ; .Tail" by Shel Silveistein, studenis ; ;:wtole Slones aboul what il would be '-like 10 be one inch tall. . ' Bus Riders of the Week for Ihe : :weeksofFeb.23-Man;h27weniicaled ■:to an ice cream treat Match 27. Stu- : dralsaiiaiding included Tyler Jones, •.AlyMiilaidaii,AniberCaiTion, Abigail < Ramirez, Jacob Draughn, Brillnie Wagner, Aaron Doby, Kasey Ireland, Dustin Ralledge, Brittany Freeman, :: Kayla Mangium, Jessica McLelland, : Tommy Knighi, Natasha Wilson, >Edian Curtis, Casey Kealon, Justin : Swaim, Caleb Anderson, Bobby 'Gassctt, Stephanie Hinwn, Manda i 'Codbey, 8Ьш Ftteman, Courtney ^'Huffhiiii, Sy Easliiig, Fottest Booe, V Brandon Jones, Gabriel Mendez, Ttf- V ;fany Miller, Shaun Baity. Pedro . .Baitolo, Auilin Brown. Josefina M«inczRamiiez,KeIlyLowdennilk, ;:.NickRai|,W«leGaugh,ChaiHyPain- dcxtcr, Jackic Barber, and Ashley Cope. Spring break is April 10-19. Stu­ dents will return to school April 20.Kindoigartcn and pre-kindcrgartcn orientation forthc l998-99schoolycar is set for Thursday, April 23, at 7 p.m. If you have a child, or know of one, who may qualify for these programs, call the school at 492-Я21. More in­ formation will be sent to the patents of those who have registered before the orientation date. Pintbrook Elementary Students of the Weekof April 3 ate Catrigan Mullis. Basil Reed, Cody Blal(c,KalicBond,Zachaiy Mallhews, Corey Bodenharner, Jade Welch, Brandy Dull, Kalcp King. losh Owen, Micah Womble, Ben Boger, Somer Smith, Austin Smith, Emily Tierney, Brooke McCraw, Jcssica Shumate, BrittanyCampbell,ScottSexton. Jesse Doss,ThomasBrDwn,JcssicaLindley, Zach Bivens, DJ. Holman, Akaya Nasir, Courtney Sims, Amber Blake, Arianne Vargas, BrittanyGoie, Adena Hockaday, Mark Huggins, Heather Riddle, Brad Ellison,CaylaSims,Crys- lal Doby, George Holder, Sicphen Dennison, and Caitlin Rcavis. Shady Gove Elementary Recently, llrst graders visited Hori­ zons Unlimited inSalisbuty where they viewed constellations and planets. They toured an authentic log cabinand leariKd about living long ago. First graders also visited Meadowbrook Terrace and presented an Easter pro­ gram. Each resident was given an Eas­ ier craft ond a box of Kleenex. Eight lifth grade students under the diiection of Anna Newman paitlci- pated in die Elemenlaiy Combined Choius Conceit held at the Brock Per- fonning Alts Cenier Thursday, March 26. Hie conceit was held in celebra- lion OfMusic in Our Schools month. Students from Shady Grove, Pine­ brook, Cooleerhee, and Central Davie joined to fomi die 93 voice chorus. Students from Shady Grove included Allison Mackintosh, Kelly Milchell, Shanna Moorehead, Amanda Hosier, Kelly Martin, Uuren Fletcher, Sam Davis, and Usa Gilbert. MocbvillcEknaitaiT Kindergarten students of Carrie Hess and Shiriey Driggan ate cel- ebtalingdtearrivalof spring. Students are walchinggrassgrow,kaiining aboul birds, and getting leady for Easter. Ику are making hats and stuffing b a S i e S ' . Hkgb diaimlng ideas really sing of qxlng. A mini picket shelf unit will shew off small bBssuies, and a little whselbenow coukl be filled ' Mooms or stand pietdly on Its own. •íií^riiSíinUy./tfrillZ ,JKatbìuriiie’8 81иф Sa*HyM iP»SiM M y «70W7-2280 Г ...... Justin's transliterator Phyllis True shares a laugh wilh Bob and Juslin before Ihe Iwo heaitfor classes. ' eggs with candy in preparation for an Ea.stcrcgg hunt. The phonics program has ended and students are reviewing Ihe alphabet. Sccond graders of Vicki Balsley and Brenda Hollineld ate traveling to the rainfurcstfurtwo weeks. They will be reading Afternoon on the Amazon and LifeintheRainfoiests. Studicsor the animals, cftetts of pollution, and products from the rainforest will be covcrcd. Third graders of Judy Sherrill have been reading Sarah, Plain and Tall and Fables. In the computer lab they are writing their own fables to share wilh the class. In science they have built molcculcs out of gumdrops and ex­ perimented wilh physical ond chemi­ cal reactions. The onnuol reading pro­gram has ended its founh and final week. TheBrownBearsstayedahead ofthePolarBcatstothecnd. Thcfinal score was Brown Beats 10,097 and PolarBcars9,138. The break down of the Brown Beats is: Kindergarten - 1,142, l5tgrade-757,2ndgradc-761, 3td grade - 343. and Spcciai Education -48; and for the Polar Bears: Kinder- gatlcn-875, lstgraJe-7(X),2ndgrddc - 669, 3rd grade - 339, and Spcciai Education-43. Students meeting Ihcir weekly goal went on о Bear Hunt. Thcyieadondfolloik-cddircctionsfrom bear spot to bear spot and found indi­ vidual and class treasure at the end of their hunt. Including the stafT and foc- ully, Mocksville Elementary School rcad at total of 20.S0S books in March. Sponsor sheets went home Thursday, March 26 and the sponsor money is due in Aprils. Tlte PTA provided lunch for die foculty ond sUlTon Friday, Morch 27. The menu wos lasagna,salod,ondbread sticks ond wos served in the leocher’s lounge with a Mediicironcon ihcmc ondcondlelight. Themealwoscotered by Dovie County Schools Child Nutri­ tion depaitment. Studems of the Week of April 3 orc Kieira Riveis,TannerBaik;y,Cameron Shcppanl, Brad Giudicr, Ben Brock, Patricia Kuriees, Cody Brown, Bran­don Shaver, Kenneth Suodier, Bril­ lany Mabe, Quin Moore, Lindsay Pharr, Michael Wainwrighl, Whitney Wyalt, Grady Caitner, Dylan Cheek, Junior Payne, Laura Vanhoy, Marc Schmitt, Cassandra Tilley, Taylor Auuy, Gustavo Maninez, Heaiher Picstwood, Cindy Cook, and Roni Jones. Grand Re’0pcnin6 Bad( to B a ^ H erb Shop 6311E Stadium Dr. aemmons,NC 27012 336-76M565 BesideKmait Come by and visit our new expanded location. We carry only pharmaceutical grade supplements. We have a Naturopath on staff lo assist you In your seleqiions. Wfe offer nutritional counseling and Iridology by appointment. Barbara Whaley N.D., shop owner, Is a Certified Natural Health Professional and Master Holistic Herbalist. She can give you the special attention you need. R E -E L E C T S h e r i f f A lie n W h K a k e r D a v ie C o u n ty R e s id e n t 4 6 Y e a rs O v e r 1 5 y e a rs o f e x p e rie n c e a l l in D a v ie C o u n ty S h e r if f O ffic e . C o m n i i t t e d t o D a v i e C o u n t y R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y ^ W o r k i n g F o r Y ou!,^ Рла Pott« Ad 6y AUen ууыаки C O L D U J e L L B A N I^ e R □ TRIAD, REALTORS* M a k in g R e a l E s ta te R e a l Easy.™ Stratford Road 3367250506 Davidion County 336764^ DavieCounty 33fiM»«W Relocation ì-tom -Щ a M Owrated Muml». ol CoM«.il Илпкв. Ri mivTMiTtm»M u u• Omi mu tht (Ml ol ■ UettntI• Redund betow - 4S76 SF •D«aublullol.Mbndi.JENNIFER STBOUOWe-IUe 111 аса.иж « m .M « l i a 23U «АС• Hon« lovtr'i drum e кг* nwi-larm• Prim« Davt« loe cultori w^ott ol «eral• Hdwdi. praMwt cdr »aus; 3 lUi Ewn BARBARA ALL£N 99fr»93 USI4M IN MBA >• hnmmlat« home Win 00Й couM Mk• Huge Rwitet Iute Mlh Ufga «ttne vea• Oo^)eout landuapng. hom« Il a muli tee) CINOY JOHNSON 990-2389 tOTTCAMKNVAIM IIUJM IM•QuiM country ипюдш ne •2св1Ь«1«тмл1о«вваVICKI FLEMING 9B6-tt67 ItITJM 4M IBA IJBAC• Mno-iin ranch h eowrtiy ttmotptwa• WV windoin. rwM 2 un« N pum>• Survm. bnek Ri In W. Icttol hM JANET MASTERS eoe-пег 1м е.м е 4 Ш м м• PrtmiM доКсоиги toi «га SF «er рпл• inaMM ge« ссигм и«««. 2 9м FPS.• Ubfiry. dantampuMr tfn. bonua rm. VICKIFLEMMQ евв-lier i s i s s r a r « « “ - Ч Й•Outttan«)glooi(>l№«MeR.9u<nM.> Urga Ntfe-ln do«««. Moraga ...........r4.Wl(oro*c».TVim -“ — S Ä ÍB J S r U H "mS • МММ kuw. ОЯМ M M Ip. gouM U - - -• Ijrgt aoodM М1^г1««М bMk.• Gall сам In u. МВЙ wttomm. VICKI FlfMWO BBB-lier NKW 1)K\M,()1'M1M S 1\ 1)\\11 (Ol МЛ #М*ШММ^----1------------------------------------ ^ Wry ^torflhMt Э Ba a'BA. Vwy еопягмш locaBcfL M tiiMFP. ft. PQR^ Й. SMQ«. MnuÉi eomnunil)i MkCou«yCttjb.P ' Нати by R C ShM CuMorn hetim. « » MiofiiM. ./№iy Mk» Нати Un*r Ommw«m *1 CMi On I [»VELOPMENTÍRICINOINWMATION FOR U l YOUR AUTO NIIDS Cofni J§0 ОфПв 3612 Ctemm ont Rd., Ciemm ont J S S :B 1 4 S . Codeemee Police Sergeant J.Q. Young escorts the Easter ; Bunny onto ttie porch at Zachaiy House. 0 u n n y T o V isit C o o l e e m e e • .COOLEEMEE-Backfromwimer .’ burrowing in Cooleemee's hollow, die •[Easter Bunny is gening rcady to make 'his annual visit to local childrcn. He will arrive ot 11 a.ra. on Satur­ day, April II al die Zachary House grounds here. Chihlren from loddlen up lo 10 years of age are invited. Kids undCT 6 must be ikccompanicd by an adult. A big Easter Egg Hunt with candy and prizes will be held.Pannts are welcomed to bring their cameras to take photos of their kids with die Bunny. HielownhuIeaneddialtheBunny has obtained a new, silk-lined tapestry vesl just for diis special occasion. Help is closer than you think. (So is Apra 15th,) ' "A tinidyrenilnder that no one has mm expeioicéíl preparen at more coomient locations than M R Biódi. Our rates are reasonable, we stand beliind our vwrk. So while tax lime is just around the comer, the good news is, so are we. unirnMc nm t ш я и а и M jO C M яш аи п «eauT“ Uim; »AM-« ГМ Wcri>day>,9AM-S PM Salarday e i i i t s s e . ^ A v o i d P i o b a A t ? R e d u c e E s t a t e T i o i t s ? Attend our ftee living Ihuts W>ikshop and kvn how. A M orp(oplethinklitiatiineititepliititiit(t()obo(tlieelto...but IM i«tniitbnainilrtlotleM eqenihnlhwilt«niatbe iHitribiitionmeUMdi. № to attend our ftte in riid io p on IM n iln iita and k v n howto pnbitefeesudeitaititaas. Ibpiestolndiictusedlqra Estate Flan^g Coosullant include; • noMeLMi • O iM i«»nle(lei • liiiii|in|«urUrin|1huU • EaMtltaUon • rinucUiBdEalrienuiiin« • WbiatlltaM N e lW w lw li SftikK АкпНмаа He«: Leialfc|ikt П т Afri! 15, im аТр.!!. Whm: Ftidiia|M%«aoir Со«псСШо1ие М п М а п 1 е к«кГ «м Ь М Ы . С Л а а Ы а у ^ М Ш — far n II----■L-i-.-.ii- hwK>n-.«ltlW4l>i<i<in»t«*WP» Л - í* ' »«• » » IfewAVaeddotbiai УШ Sizes СЫЫгт’з ОоШпд Ladles'Sm all-4X Clothing M odavM P ra M o n a l С М И aeren from K M M t CTN k B Ü w y S S L ä m / H oliso to r Salt* by OwmM Spaciotts 2M* SF splH foyer. Never lived in since total reimd<Un(. Better than new, Includes a new while Ulclien «/new appliances, carrier central heal & air, berber and plush carpet, complete new paint, nilurts, vinyl, door hinges aad knobs, etc. Must seel Oir Hwy. N1 one mile N. ofTI-M lum rt. on Wills Rd, last on left al lend of cul- de-sac on a 3/4 acre wooded comer bt.Sl»,WI0B0.99M297. Hop into Easter Qv* someone a %)ring to remembef with Teleflora's Peter Rabbit” Spring Bouquet, ftesh flowers in an enchanting ceramk basket featuring a sculpted figurine from Beatrix Potter's" legendaiy stoiy. Complementing the design are the author's classic illustration».—ALSO — • F TD ypy ^Spring Boiùput" • Easter IMItes • AzaUas PJanls• Stufid• Cut flowm • 5Ш Fiawrs• Cemetary Amngitttnts, ctc. D A V IE F L O R IS TвЧЭУЛкмЬогоВпММсжкау«* (М Ц 7 t1 4 tM o r I M H l M e i l •WeWreVMduikle- Ж Ш Ш Ш L E O N A R D R E A L T Y MOCKSVILLE-New 3 bedroom 2 bath home with garaga and deck. Nicely landacapod yard. Near ehopping, medical and achoola. *95,00" 34 Town Square Mockivllle, NC 27028 336-751-3650 C a m p M e e t i n g ¡ 5 ^ ^outhsUle Baptist (Jhurch ^o 8 W. Jee^ve. • Yadkjnville, N(^ A p r i l I X t h r u 1 7 t h l o A M & 7 P M - e a c h d a y Preaching nightly by C ra ig Edwards Special singing by the Rochester & The Rowlands Visiting Choirs each night. For more information call DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, April 9,1998, - D3 Pastor Billy Seats at 336-998-3510 2 S 5 P o x H u n lB rtR o «i-1 7i story home bu» in 1995 on IW- acres. 3 large becirooms, 2.5 baths, great room, din^ room. study. Finished apartment ovor 2-car garage. 1230,000. C A U MARY. 220 Woodvato Drive > 3becioom. 2 beth Log home sihjaied on 11.53 acres. Property backs ip to Hunting Creek. BuHIn <95. Seckjded. led. hunters' parsds«. t149,«00 C A LL JA N E . ^ 1414 Mockavllla Hwy.~Cool Springs - Poiitry farm. 320x40 buikfing with up-UHlate machinery plus 2000 sq. ft brick home on 6.5 acre^Bam on 2 lenced acres. $228,000 C A L L EVELYN. eos Rlehle Road - 2 story log home on 2.e acres. Rural setting with large bam and fenced area lor horses. 3 bedrooms, 2 baihs. Gas Рас - Central Air. $1Э«,90а C A L L JA N E . 732 Underpaee Road - 5acre horse farm. Convenient to 801 ft 1-40. Immaculate home* 3B0, 2BA. 2 car garage, lg. porch, deck, patio, pastures fenced, cross fenced. Must see. I179.900.CALLCO N M E. 228 Maridand R oad-1000SFSpCt foyer on approx. 1 acre w^more land avaUXe. Range, relrig. (ishwasher. otAuking and dog kl 1128,9 0a C A U KEN. Jk iU a fiM P o riG iif 781-97M Оопп<«КямЫс».СК«ЮП 7814ЭО JaneWhUIoek 7S1-9704 MofvBoioard m -w iDMePmninaton 78t-3IM K m S a k t,G R I 781'2Мв MJ.RandailOU п ы т mktHendrU 78MM0 Ja e U e C o u lito n 4 К -2 Ш Ш1 Hwf 001 teuVi - Lame 4/9 bedroom home on 2f •crea. Many i<)daies. hvdwood lloorlrg, garage WQffcshop. bam, room lor smel pnlure агм. t128.000 C A L L--------------- 3 N 2 Hwy. W l SOMlh - InnKùMa Эвг, 2Ва. w^tNrlpool, vaJied ««Д |. 117 ТштйЫ Ch. fM . - Mini (arm - fenced агм tor horsea, cows, etc. Large 4 ■ ne. Largedouble' garage, beauiul becHnm, 2 bs№, home,landscaping. Many extras. 1995 gsragaNiortehopmarni free house, t i l » , « » . 1112,000 C A LL C A U KEN. 227 Madtoen Road - зbeOoom, Brfck home Wh fia tNsemenL l04round pooL tancwl bKk ywf conMTiani to town and MO. HOMO«. C A LLC O N M E . •01 Sabi R ca d-ilia news bedroom. 2 bath - maMentfKe Iree Ranch homo In niral arM yei convert lo l*40. Large mastor uiita. Absoiutely krvnac(iate.|M,900. C A a O E B B IE . 3033 Hwy; M W a a i -Newcortstruction soon k) tiegv) on IMS adorM 3BR, 2SA home wiiT) carport Low mainL vinyl sktod exterior. 100% Rnancing avaH. to quaifled buyer. |7»,900. C A L L JA N E . 387 W. Maple Ave. - 3bedroom home wtih partial basement on quiet street L^rge living room, kitchen, dea Buyer may ciiooaa new lool ccior*' Mot« right in for 878;800. C A U C O N N g . ___________ 183 Deer Run - 14x76 singlewide - 2 Bettoom, 2 Bath. Indudes mitmMrm. relria. dshwasher. 3 ctfing Ians. Loan es«jnab)e to guaiTied buyer. f28,80a C A U KEN. L O T S e i^ IA N D HvyiMINefei_____Ш А е tened M U4,7M HiryilM____________14Ac«)ioiM,t17S,000 4M НоаИИ II--------------------------------LoMIOJOO -----------------BuHdlngMi dln..~.BU8LoM19.IOO «.11ой<М 4М 0аewtfwiVMtoylt. N e rtilliin it___ пилтш ж^ШИДШшм! lai mm B M w eo«lJi.Q «dinVai..B M |.Lalt3M M Boneo«Cli.Rd--------------------37АЫ >8М1Мо C o iN * y C M | B s a i»e 8 s a Já ^ * * M M ------------H7IAeW >IH M «С|Мгп^»ВШШШВАе.111^М С о М в 1 1 М 1 м ~ ~ В М |1 о 1 в тД »М М « Н»|11И.С1мммм____Cw m Lo M M .M 8 -------------- О в к М С М -------8И1.Ю 1ИМ1 A l m M . - K I | | 2 D 3 D B M t 1 M N _2IAeW >t10M I8 S\M( K(.()()l)| WAI.I, K l \ I I ( ) к s (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 8 5 4 V a l l e y R o a d ^ ^ o c l c s v i l l e P r o f e s s i o n a l C t . I V f o c l c s v i l l e , N C Charming Gotico«, irt graai OM hMt and aere«n*d rocfclno eh«lr front porch. CM today lor moro doiaBe. This custom built home has Ihe workmanahip end privacy you've Ьмп кхМч ЮГ...Г1 «eeiWM 4 BR, a 1/3 вЛ on 2t acTM M rural East Dave area. Many quaMy leoiNoa. Ibo nutMfOM » M . S220.000 WATTBTv«OCiIMU Thia cut* imio cottaoe is waHino tor you. Many updatM make ihie homo *y to move in. Wont last lono at prtoo. naody 10 movo tn w№ Maithie Shanm Cobcn • 492-7498 Alicia Ршгксг • 284-C SlS EUen Grubb >99в-7«М Jm ? F.Swict|ood*151-M7S Мшгу HMdricki>7Sl-31S2 KyleS«lcc|ood*99é-101S Mackle McDMdd>99U207 KathlWall*MM17e 'Ì i ! IM • O AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,19W PU BLIC NO TICES MomHCAnouNA DAVIE COUHTYra c u T O M N o n c tHnmg q uM M M Ежтог ot M EmMCI n o M F. sixch. dWMMd, M t ol Dmta Cou«», N oifi cm *». « * I» to nollly ■■ ptnont hw tig сМп» tg tlra l <dd В p n t«« e*n В » » md«- iIjM d on or brtoft «!• 19 li dty o lJu i» 19M,b«lng«itMm )nlwlioniawantdty olpuM iafcnw W tnollM iiH lbtpl^l«! kibw oltM lrnooncy. M pwM ntln- (M M ID o ld M kn «И piMM m k* knm dMt ptyniM № «И imdmlgn«!. ТМИм 1Mhd«yolM№Ch,199a. [МдМ W. S|»ch, gas СтШ C m k H i, MocknlM. NO 27028. ExKUtor ol«М EMM d nct«li F. SpMli. dKMMd.ВПОСК a HAMILTON Ав0Пяу10»Е«в» 1SI8.M tlnS l MocknM.NC 27028 3-19^ NORIH OAHOUNA DAVIECOUNTY _____BdcunmNonct Hnhg quilMd n Extoj«x o l«» E M * ol KiMNMn S. Rogm. dtcMMl. lrttolD«l»Coonly.NortnCm*ni.»*He ro«ly •« р « ю » lavino drtn» tg rtw l ir t l « M l to pMMitl «w n to « » und«- i M on w biton th* 1 M l d«y ol Jum. UW. Doing «»w rontw lionillM lim doyolpuMlMllonorWinollMellboplMdod In tw o ltn lin c o vo iy. A lp «o n iln - d M id to и И М Ш « Й piMM iM l« TN« mt 1 « day ol Mwth. 1998. Tk m * Ho9«» Sniool. 21«8 D«vl* .Vadtmy Hd.. Modavfflt. NO 27029, Extetitibi ol «1* EMI* ol K itM n S. Rogwa.d*c**t*d.3-19^lp STATE OF NORTH OAROUNA OAVIDSON COUNTYIN THE QENERAL COURT OF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 97 J 289,284 IN THE MATTER OF:DWIOHT WESLEY STONE JR AMANDA NICOLE STONETO: Dwiglil \Н*Ы*у Ston*. ltHi*r ol * mal*clilld.OwlglitW*MySlon*.Jr..bam cnor*tioutJun*9.19e8 In Fonyih County. N oiti Cwom*. and h tw ol a Mmal* iMU. Amand* NIcol* Ston*. bom on or aboul Apr« 23. 19(7 In F0f«y(l County.чИа ■ --->-*-fwfpi cerawVt пиропжя;TAKENOTICEttwltplMtfngMiUng r»Rtt t o M you hts Ьмп «td m №• OMrtctOourtolDtvUtonCounty.LtxinQ- ton. Nor№ C rniM In iw a b o M M td •don. Tbt nMura ol ttw r«M bting Тм пМ ап al yow p trtn ni rtgM* to ttwitovt^aplonwlchMrm You M ra q u M to m tto dttanM to •udipliidngnoiaitrtMnttwltthdiyol Miy, 1906. •M(Mtb«ngto(ly(40)dfy« from flM ^МклИоп of m полел and upon your teluro to do to your р«шШ righto to said cMUrtn w« bo torminatod. Thtoltttw2nddtyorAprl. 199в.C hariM E.Frytlll Ont W M vtr Drfv« PtoM onal BuUdlng Suite TwoUxington. North CaroDna 27292 Talaphona: (336)243-1122 Attomay for Davidaon Counly, North CarolinaDaparvnant of Social Saivlcaa 4>2>3to l i i v i i s t 1(1 Y iiiK NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYCMXECUTOM NOTICI Kavino quaMad ta Co^iwcuton oi lhaE8talaotWilmaQoiua.dacaaaad.lato: or Davla County, Noitt) Caretoa, tNa la to notHy al parwnt having dakna agalnat sald astato to prasant iham to №a undar- signad on or bafora iha 2nd day of July. 1996,baln9thfaamon№afronithaflrMday or publlcation or this notica wll ba piaadadin bar of thair racovaiy. AH paraona in- dabtad to sald astato wiR piaaaa maka immadtoto paymant to tha undaraignad. This tha 2nd day of Aprii, 199a. DannltJ. Qolus, 136 lasla Court. Ad­ vanca. NC 27006; or Mary A Marritt, t04 Shanandoah. Winsion-Salam, NC 27103. Co-ExacutoreorihaastatoolwamaQolua. dacaasad. 4-2mn •TOCKHOLotiiMaTW O STONI trm iT ■ANCOI», MC APM.ai.1IM M 9 PJI.DAVK COUNTY M tu e UWlAflY Stona Straal Bancorp w i hold ito an­nual Itodiholdar maatlng In ttw MUtf-Pur- poaa Room at ttw Otvto County Pubie Ubraiy. An intaraatod parttoa ara Invitod to at­ tend Stona SfraaTa annua! nwating. Stockhoktora of Racotd Dato lytoich 2. 1996 ara ancouragad to attond and to submit ttwir proxy votoa. Proxy votoa can­not ba countad untoaa aignad and ra- tumad. You ara aaitad tornarti your proxy and, tharaby. to toka part In tha voting procass. Faluratoratumyourprexymaana ttwt it cannot ba votod for or against tha nominaaa and propoaala.Tlw Davia Ccùnty Public Ubraiy is locatad at 371 North lylain Straat. Mod(Svlito.NC 27028. 3-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualifiad as Executor of the Estoto of Jamatto M. Brown, dacaasad. lato of Davia County,No(thCareUna,№l«ls to notify al parsons, fimts and corpora- tiona having daima against said dacadam to axhibH ttwm to ttw undarsignad at ttw offleaa of Ban. Davla & pm. P.A. 635 W. Fourtt)Stiaat.Wfnston-Salam.No(ttiCarch tow 27l0l.onorbatorattwl9tt)dayof Juna.1006. baing ttuaa monttw from ttw ftm day ol риЫсМоп or ttte nolica «1 ba ptoadad in bar ol ttwir racovary. AHpar- aona, nmw and софогаМпа indabtod to aaid aatoto «■ ptoaaa maka Immadtoto paymanltottw undarsignad.TNa ttw 19tt) day ol Mtfch. 1996. WACHOVIABANKOFNORTH CARO­UNA. N A. Executor of ttie Estoto of JannattoM. Brown.BEa. DAVIS A PITT, P A 635W.Fourtt)Sttaat P.O. BoK 21029 Winston-Salem. NC 27101 Э-19-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CRBDITOflS Tha undarsignad. having quaWtod as Executor of ttw Estoto of HoBand W. Smitt). deceased, lato of Davto County. Nortt) Carolna. tt)ia to to notify a l persons hevingdMagalnstsaMastototoprasant ttwm to ttw undersigned at 1001 West Fourtt) Straat. Winston-Salem, NC 27101.• on or before ttw 2nd day of July. 1996, being tttrea monttw from ttw first day of pubUcaHon or tttls notice wiB be ptoadad in barofttwirrecovsiy. AH persona Indebted to said estoto w il please make Immedtoto payment to ttw mdarslgned at ttw above designated addresss.TNs ttw 2nd day of Apr«. 1996.C. Lamar Seato. Executor ol ttw estoto ot Holland W. Smitt). deceased.Roberta Vaughn. Jr.Kilpatrick Stockton LLP ABomayaatLaw 1001 Watt Fourth Straat Winston-8atom.NC 27101 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ix ic u T o m N o n c iHaving quaHed aa Executor ol ttw Eatoto of A IM B. SattorwNto. a.k.a Alan Sattonvhlto and Alan Bentty SattofwNto. dacaaaad. toto of Davto Counly. North , Carolna,tt)laiitonottfyalperaonaht^ ctolma against said eatoto to praaent ttwm to ttw underaigned on or before ttw 19tt) of June, 1996, being ttwaa monttw from ttw first day of pubNcaiton or m nottoe wfll be ptoadad in bar of ttwir recov­ery. An persons indebtod to said estotewi please maka immedtoto p ayn ^ to ttw undertkmad.TNath*t9lhd*yclManh,t99a. . Dorothy J. SattaiwNI.. Exacutorollh* Estait ol Allan BanHy Sattamlilta. d*- T.DANWOMBLE PO Box 1898 CI«imoni,NC 27012 (336)7684088 3-19-4» NORTHCARaiNA DAVIE CqiNTYEXECtnmx ноткеHavhg qu*l««J aa ExacuUl» ol th*Eatata olJam** Edwin Nanea. dae**aad, UtaolDavI* County.North Caioln*. Walt to поШу al paraona havlne dakna againtt 1*14 «tat* to («**ai* Ihtm to «» undtr- .ixad on or bolor. «n 9№ dqr ol Ji4y. 199e,b*lnelhtt*morthtlremti*limd*y ol pubUnton or nolic* «Ш bt pItwM In b ti ol thtit rtoovtiy. A lptitontln-dabtad to ааИ aatala w* pl**t* m*t* knmad*t* paytnnt to tw undanign«!. TNs th* 9lh day ol Api«. 1998. Oamatl* L Nanea. 1688 Comaiz« Rd.. Mocttvila. NC 27028. ExacuMx ol th* tstat* ol Jatnaa Edvdn Nanea, da- ctatad.4-9-4П j f i L ELECT ¿ с ы л т ш л F O K ; Republiciá for Divie County i BM ri ofCoaimiuioaen f t e t m d m U k p o o rly o M in d itv tta a ÎM a l ;м < ц п « 1 « f iÉ Ù M t o n f iM n is p w tiU *■1^41 v m R E - E I Æ C X J u l i a H O W A R D N . C H o u s e o f n s p r a a a ii t a t h r a s M ays IN THE GENERAL COURT OF ' JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOfl COURT DIVISION DAVIECOUNTY 97SP84 Baler, tha C Itilt IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO- SUREol a Da«d ol Tnjtt Exacutad by Jamas Warran Tgttarow Datad OeteMr 11,1996 and nteordad In Воск 246 at Pag* 190 In Ih t Dtvl* County РиЫ1е RtglaHy N onceoFS A ie Punuant lo ал ordar ol lha C M t ol Superior Court and undar and by virtua ol th t powti and authority eontalnad In th* abovt-raltTanctd dttd ol tnot and bt- caua* ol dtlaull In th* ptynwni ol Ih* Indtbttdntu Ihtrtby ateurtd and lallura beany outand ptrtomilh* stipulation and agr*tm*nta №*r*ln conltln*d and. pursu­ant to dtnwnd ol tht owntr and hoMar ol ma Indtbltdn«! stcund by said daad ol trust, mt undwslgntd aubdltuttd tm sltt WH txpoat lor sala at public auction to ma highast bidder lor caah at ma usual placa ol salt at mt counly eourthouat d aaid county at t0:00 a.m. on April 24.1998 mt Mkriàna dtscrlbtd rtal astata and any olhtr Improvtnitnls »hich may bt tltu- altd thtrton, altualad In Davla County. Nonh Carolina, and bting mort particu- lartydaactlbadaalollom:Lying and baing In MockavU* Towv ship. Davi* County. North Carolina, and mora parbcUarty daacrtbad aa Mlows: BEINO Lol Numb*r Four (4) d Ih* Morris and Handrix prcfMrty bting a por­tion ol lha County Homa Proparty locatad ent (1 ) mllt w tsl ol Modiavllt N.C. on mt Soum sldt ol County Homa Road as ptr survty and ptat madt by A.U Bowltt. Surveyor. August 30.1985. And said plat racordtd in Booli No. 4. Page 2S, Register ol Dttda onict Ы Davia Counly. N.C. to which reltrenct la htrtby madt toramora particular daecrlptlcn. Subject to rastrtc- Hvt eovtnanta recorded In Dead Book 78 at Page 117. Davle County RegtaHy. And being more commonly known as: 1491 Counly Home Road. Mocksvllla. NC 27026T I» record owner ol the property, as rellactsd on the records ol tha R*glslar ol D**ds. Is James Warren Tutterow. This sale Is madt subjtd to all prior ilansandeneumbrvices. and unpaid taxes and assessments lor paying. II any. A deposit ol IWt percent (5%) ol mt amount ol m t ЬИ or stvtn hundrtd Wty dolars ($7SO.OO),whl(lievsr la grtalar.la required and mutt ba tandtltd in m t lonn d ctrtl- IMIundeatmettnadmasale. Thiaeale wHbthtlpoptn ttn days lor upset bklaaa required by law. Fotowlngmttiplralon d m t ttatuloty upaal period, a l ramaMng amouna ara kim dW tly dut «Id OKing. Tht datadW . Nolo, la Apri e. 1998. ' JamttonP.Walls 11X8. Tiyon Street Suite 30t Chartdte.NC 28203 1 4-9.2Ш J Mr. Editor Gets Better b WlhAge! HAPPY 45lh BIRTHDAY iMiHil Sporiu Love-Lillian, Ш т ш Ш U p M H ig O f M O G K B M M Y NomnmI Auction б а И о г у fiotiiring A N T IQ U E & C O L L E C T IB L E A U C TIO N FiMay, AprH 10 at 1Л0 RM. A ршШ H iiw VMnut skMwaid ‘ (M pi* lal* * Otk draeitr ■ Oak mimir ‘ Oik buM ' 5 piiiM 1938 BaiiM badnioin ni«« ■ Pilinlllvi ttbiM * Sou DMng Rocin Sblî^iiilh 6 chiira * Prm «l bick oik chairs * OU Tiuiks * Bk» Adm Kiir «nod t»ok stoM ‘ Uigt м т м odMra fiom Y M Oi№ in U>in||lon from 1930s ' JJL M it H k M il ‘ nolo af Lam * a I mW IM I IM b is M ‘ kidiin Moloicy* * Hiidtam OHMwii PDdn * ОИсотк! books * OH Liiga NM kn ol Coki a Pipil bolita ’ 0И Olihia * OM iiooiSito biekidi Bvis, Вм11и, Okl Arim t And 78 noord * 0И IMch Picki ‘ Q m ^ . Una R im , Roy №gers Item * Old BaaiM , looM MIOOl l4 * heat ■ Okl Cok« ‘ 0И П *ptatoibun* LancaНаЗ|‘ ас.М р||||||уМ 1|*OH Cookaon. * OH kiggaga ‘ OM Oolaa * in'Spaaa Vkiagir iir * OM midkikii боШ • w m i w h И * У N l ‘ OM 0« cin T „ Auctkm is to be held at Olir MW Mictk« frileiy at 649 Wilkesboro St., Mocknlll^ NC MM frM MMkivilk Ai«4M * IlM Maitat $S GoU Piact to bt glvM away al аЫ tCMb .' Food wübaavallabl« alialo ì Preview 12;0a geni wctloe №raanlaanaaliÑal33MII:71IIar33t-7S143l>) --- NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTORS NOTICEHaving quaMtod as Executor of ttw Estoto of Ray Carter Sr., deceased, toto of Davle County, North Carolina, ttiia to to notify al parsons having daima againat said estoto to present ttwm tottw under­signed on or before ttw 9ttt day of July. 1996, being ttiree monttw from ttw fiist day of puMicaHon or tttis notice w i ba ptoadad In bar of ttwir recovery. AR persons in­ debted to sakl estote win ptoasa maka Immediato payment to ttw undersigned. This the 9tti day of April, 1996. Beulah Carter. Executor of ttw Estote of Ray Carter Sr.. deceased.E. Edward Vogtor Jr. Attorney for ttw Eatoto Hall and Vogtor 181 8. IM n St l^ksvine.NC 27026 4-9-4tn N0T1CI OP PUiUC NEAMNQ BETORt TN I BOAM) OP COUNTYCOMNSSIONm POfI TH t POL-LOMNQ 20NMQ AMENDMENTSNOTICE IS HEMBY QIVEH. Pursu­ ant to ttw raqulremento of Aritoto 20-B of Chaptor 153-A of ttw Qeneral Stotutoa of North Carolina and Paragraph 165.250 of ttw Davto County Coda of Ordtoancea. ttwt ttw Board of County Commiaatonera of Davto County will hold a pubic hearing in ttw Commisstonera Room of ttw Davto County AdmintotraltonBuBdtog.M0Gktvle, NC on Monday,AprU 20.1996al7:16p.m. The foltowing proposed toning amend- mw)to wili be consktored:A) Jeff and Darryl Hayes have submit­ted a request to rezone approximately 1/4 acre of property from Resktonttol (R-20) to Highway Business (H B) to operato an auto sales tot TNs property Is tocatsd off ttw west skto of NC Hwy 601 Soutt> ap­proximately 600 toet soutt) of Peoplea Creek Road and is further described aa beingParceiA-3ol Davle CountyTax Map G-8-12. B) OavM and Carta Harmon have sii>- mltted a request to rezone approximate 3.72 aerea of property from Resktonttol- Agricultural (R-A) to Highway-Businasa (H-B) to operato a towtog busineaa and auto storage lot TNs property is tocatod at ttw norihaast comerof Joe Road and NC Hwy 601 Souttiandtofurther described aa being a portton of Parcel 61.02 of Davle County Tax Map K-7. C) Roger Spilrrun h u submitted a request to rezone 2.902 acres ol property from Resktonttol (R-20) to Highway-Busl- neaa Spedal Use (H-B-S) to bulk! and operato a town and garden shop. TNa property to tocatod at ttw northeast oomer of Michaels Road and NC Hwy 601 S. across trom Edgawood Circto and to fur- ttwr described as being a portion of Parcel A-2 of Davie Counly Tax Map M-5-7.Signs will be posted on ttw above listed properties toadvertise ttw Public Hearing. All parties and Intorestsd citizens are in­vited to attend sakl hearing at which time ttiey shall have an opportunity to be heard In favor ot or In oppotitton to tt)e foregoing changes. Prior to ttie hearing, ^1 persons Interested may obtain any additional Infor­mation on a proposal or ask any questions ttwy may have by visiting ttw Planning Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and S p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Qalimore PtonnlngA Zoning 4-9-2tti NORTHCAROLINA ¡DAVIECOUNTY , СADMINWTWATORS NOTICE Having quaHM as AdmlnistraUr a f the EBtaltdRogtrHou9tonMelton.de- CMttd, late d Davle County. North Caro-, ■n*. thia Is to noWy all persona having.' dalmsagainsisakleetetetopia^tlhkm'. to me undtralgntd cn or btloto mt 19lh day Ы June. 1998. being m nt mcnihs Inm mt lin t dey d pubUcallen or mie. none. wDbapleadad In bar oimeir recov­ ery. All perscnsindebtedtosaid estate will piaas* maka Immediata payment to Ihe undersigned. TNs ttw t9e>dayofMarch. 1998. - - Paul Rustin Harpe, 397 OreenNn Rd., ModtsvUe. NC 27026. Admlnlstrafor'of ' ttw Estoto of Roger Houston Mefton. de­ceased. . 3-19^tp NORTHCAROLINA ; l< DAVIECOUNTY |E)(ECUTOflS NOTICE C Having quaNftod as Executor of Iw Estoto of AM. KIser Jr.. deceased, lato of' Davto County. North Carolina, m to to nomy a l peraona having'dalms agaln.t ’ eakl estate to praeent them to lha undH-:signed on or belora tha 9lh day ol Jii^' 1996,belng ttvea monttw from ttie first(%'' of pubNcaUon or tt)ls notice wia be plea0d in bar of ttwir recovery. All persons irv, debted to sakJ estote will please malts' immedtoto payment to ttw undersigned. • i : TNa ttw 9tt) day of April, 1996. Dfck Kiser. Executor ot tho Estate (A AM. Kiser Jr., deceased. E. Edward Vogler Jr: Attorney for the Estoto Hall ond Vogler 181 S. Main St Mocksvllle. N0 27028 4-9-4tn* NORTHCAROLINA fDAVIECOUNTYEXECUTRIX NOTICEHaving qualified as Executrix of tt>e Estate tA Elva Bruno Julian, deceased, toto of Davie County.North CaroUna. thisis to notify an persons having daims'agaii^t sakl eatoto to present ttiem lo tt>e under­signed on or before tt>e 9th day of Jiiy. ' 1996. being tttfH months from ttie firstday of publfoatton or ttils notice will be pleadsd in bar of ttwir recovery. All persons in­debted to sakl estote Mrili please make immedtots payment to ttie undersigned.TWattw9tttdeyof April. 1998. )-Maggie Essk*.2219Friend$hlp Church Rd.,Lexlngton,NC27295.E*ecutrixofttw estoto of Elva Bnino Julian, deceased.. ..... LEOALNOTICE ^ The Northwest Piedmont Job Training Consortium JTPA Annual Pton Is avaitobto for pubUc revtow April 10-21.1998. Job Training PartnersNp Act Programs arai federal funded and ia administered by ttw' Woridorce Devefopment Board. Resldento of Davto. Rockingham. Stokes, Surry A Yadkin countiea ars sligibis to receive ]ob traintog servfoes. To review ttie plan, con- toct Ms. All Smitt). Northwest PledmoM Job Training Consortium. 400 West 4tt> Street. Winston-Satom, NC 27101. 33« 761-2111, Monday-Friday. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 4-9-ltn Ш Ш T W O D A Y Friday, April 17th - 5:30 PM Saturday, April 18th -10:00 AM N w M r t P w p w t y H W I t i i S t i i a m y B w y l w In Mocksville *118101)81«: April 24 & 25 M ocksvile: 64 East > Go under railroad tracks, lum ten on Depot Street. Sale on right; f n m VidU a C ouity - 601 South lo 64 East. Go under railroad tracks, turn left on Depot Street Sale on righl. 6 B«inlBfauiket Chest W a ln u t Rope Bed D c p re tiio a G lu t О ипсш Р ЬуГс'Ь Ы са D re n a r w /М агЫ е Top W a a lia ta M iw /M a rb le lto p U Fane Wataat СЫпа Cabinet, pened FicUe Carter Dfah w^oifc by Merdin l/ZpLGraailewaRCreaaMr US* WhUini * Davii Medi Far« H b * Hen Wicker Kocken DiniafBoam lhblew/iCbalii DrMio|1U>law/ScnllFee Пех Wheel China Honey Dishes W aterburyClocl( CanUval Glass Child’s Rocker Normoood OlaM, MUk Olata, Tm 8 «. Okl PItclwra, CooMt Ja n . Olaa. CdlM Jar. Hobnal VStM, Cut Qlaaa, Ston. Jug. SM nt, Homw Lwighlin DIahM. Olaaa Spoon HoMw. Bkw Hobnail DWi. Olaaa Candto Hoklara. Watts DWiM. FM on aiaae, R A Prutal. Covar«! DWi. CrMHwa. Buttw DWm.. 8aN Qlaiad Bowl. Night Stand. Ruga. FlgiirlnM, SIngl. aid, ZwHlh TV wAtamol.. OM Mirror w«ak Franw. Coca Col. Tiray. Awltl Tllw-RMr Tine. Bki.a v k Sprtar, SH uas. Odndw, W uh Board. Buttw Mdd. Flat Iron, CM Hata OM Hat Pina. Okl HU Boxae. Ston. CtHim. Wooden Chum. noWng Pine, Oil Lamp. QuUta. Tabi. Ck>m. B «laprud.. DaiMt. Stoda. Wardrobe. Walnul TM ., C k Squai. TMIm . ThknWn, Coalum. JwMky. Wkdw Rockar, PoreM n Dola, 4 Pc. Bedroom Suita, 2 Pc. B«liaam Sum., Small Oak Hop. OMat, Turtle BK k Ttunk, C « lti Storag. Box, W M ont DMk. Mm I Chest, WaahStand, Drop Lm I TkU.. 4 Drawer Chml, Many H « i. on Natl. 5 Drawtr Chwl. BuHM. Skigw S.wlng Machln.. RaMOmtor, EIk Mo Umpe, Iron S «tt, Cader Wardrd», S Drawer Oak Ortaatr. DoHa. Tabitt, OM Phonognuh. Maytag W M htr a Dryer. Eleotrto Stove. OM Oak Chairt. Qooawack Rockara. Vtalorian Coudi, Vfctorian Chalre. Round TMso. Smpidly Mowor«4y cut This is a p a ttili list of items. Many other items to sell not listed. TERMS: Cssh or Good Checkl ANNOUNCEM ENT Sale Day w ill supersede all olher advertisements. Food available. Not RespondUe in case of accident. Sale being conducted for Yoman & Carman Smilh. Ai^c77(>)v£^Arahto J . Ilat^ , E o i l B o n d , N a C a M C J U . # 1 7 7 3 /( V Ù ( 3 3 ^ « » - 8 2 6 0 . H p m e ( 3 3 « ) 6 7 9 . 2 Ì5 6 . ò n ic e UAVIC, COUW I Ï uni I bKTKlMI, ксд^ики, April », IM - us l ^ i / s a / e m B a p tis t P la n é E a s t e r C a n t\ ta ; n*congtcgalionofJenis*lemB«p-. and resurreclion of Jesus Christ. any children birth througip years of tlstChureh invites you looperience îhecanlalew IlIbcihliFiU ay,A p ril oge.nicchurchislocalcdjHwy.eoi their Easter Cantata, T h e Cross & 10al7:30p.m.andonEajter, A p ril 12 S, aboul I mile south oft« N.C. 801 •Beyond,"anln5plratlonalmu3lcalwlth at 11a.m. and U.S. 601 lnleisectlon.f you have .dranutfcpotliayalaboullhelire.death nieirw lllbeanursetyprovidedfor any questions, call Ihe chKh. frjo ly W e e k S e n / ic e s P la n n e d A t C h u n h Holy Week services have been planned at Episcopal Churchof the Ascension In Fork. , > Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday, 7:30 pm... Holy Eucharist and Sermon • Friday, April 10, Good Friday, noon. Good Friday Liturgy and Meditation • Sunday. April 12.1 ilcr Day. 8 a.m. Easter breakfast. F sh House; 9:30o.ra. FestivalofHi Eucharist My caring touch can make the diffei in regaining your health ... fast. r from dwir pda1« feet. I I few itM ta ea u with Dr. Bio u o a . It comes from listening to you, from avoiding unneeded lests, an^rom using Ihe latest methods lo accurately diagnose and treat your pain. If yh've never looked Into chiropractic or acupuncture, maybe it*s time. Expand view of healdi care with Ihese ssfe, non-surglcal alternatives. Chlimactlc or acupuncture could be your answer to nagging pain, with the lasting dief you've beenlookingfor. ______- - , And you'IIIove Ihe personal attention that puts ! $ 3 l your needs first, Dr. Bronson has added Ihe art of CAMN TOUCH caring U) Ihe science of pain relief. That takes u m I I heart ...and a caring louch. BR ONSO N G R A Y C H IR O P R A C TIC C E N TE R Acupuncture Clinic ofthe Triad 223 Harper Street • Winston-Salem Call Today 774.1624 “Quick Vision Caaract Surgery” means no neale, no patch, no stitch, no pan, and . PitvM coraiAloi * Dr. BrownI • Тгипм rianm ^ br Ut I iM I ОШ A BEAUTIFUL CANDLeUT, old- lashloned wedding chapel overlooking river. Smoky Mountains. TN. Horse-drawn carriage, cabins, lacuzzl, ordained minister, no teals. HEARTLAND 1- 800-448-8697 (VOWS). hltp://q8onet.coin/heait_________ A RE YOUR DROWNINQ In debt? Debt rellel-lree. Immediate, conlldenllal. Consolidate paymania, lower Interest. Call 1-888-BILL- FREE or (888) 245-5373. American Credit Counselors, nonprofit. ___ IMMEDIATE OPENINa FORexperienced Automaiic Flre Protection Salesperson. NICET Ceniflcation Preleired. Send resume lo: United Sprinkler Co., Inc., PO Box 42, Burlington. NC 27216._____________________ MARRY ON A mountalnl Be married In a magnlHcenl mountalntop chapel surrounded by trees & awesome views ol Ihe Qreat Smoky Mountalnsi Call 1- 800-729-43K.http:/Mww.mvchapel.com_______ YOUR C U S SIFIE D AD could be reaching 1.5 million homes across North Cfarollnal Place your ad with our paper lor publication on the NC Statewdle Classified Ad Network- 95 NC newspapers lor a low cosl ol «220 for 25-word ad lo appear In each paperl Additional words are $8 each. The whole stale al your IlngeitlpsI Call Becky Snyder at 751-2129. il's a smart advertising buvl Yard S ales •’ BUYINQ CLOTHES-lOeper pound We can help you wlih spring cleaning and yard sale lenovera. Value Clothing Yadklnvllle _______336-679-7729________ 2 FAMILY YARD sale-Fri„ April 10. 8-untll at 236 Lakewood Village. Take 2nd s«ond pavwl road to lelt. go ell the way to end. last trailer on right. Items Include, clothes, pole & pans, lots of ' miry, vrtiat-nots, chairs, olherima too numerous to mention. Follow sign». ___________ 3 FAM ILY YARD SA LE Sal., April 11. 7:30am-1pm. 843 Howardlown Cir. Furniture, vacuum cleaner, household ilema and clolhea. 3 FAMILY YARD SALE-SaL 4/11, 8-1, lumllure. glassware, clothes, what-nots. Davfe Academy Road, close to double bridges. Yard S ales MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale- Fumiture: brass bed, wicker, LR Fum.; appliances, clothing, books, numerous miscellaneous Items, Ford Bronco II. Fri. 4/10; Sot. 4/11, 7am-untll. 2200 Hwy. 801 S., .8 mi. from RR tracks. Advance._______ MUSIC BOX COLLECTORS sale. Estate collection. See them al New For You. 996-7171.____________ SAT. APRIIL 11, 7-12. men's jeans, shltls. dishes, tupperware, and much more. 601 N. to llames Ch. Rd.____________________ YARD SALE, SAT. 8-until, NO EARLY BIRDS, baby Items galore, toys, small-large women's clothes, mens clothes size 32-34, women's size 10 shoes, many household items, cancelled if raining. Hwy. 158 or 801 to 439 Gordon Or. Watch for signs. __________ YARD SALE- 4/10 & 11, 8am-until, 101 Marconi St. off Milling Rd. Follow signs, Sega, CD. men's & ladtosclotnes, much more.______ YARD SALE-1M Davle St., Cooleemee. Fri. 4/10. Sal. 4/11. B- untll. lots of stuff.______________ YARD SALE-304 Deadmon Rd.. Fri. & Sat., 9-4. various items. YARD SALE-FRI. 4/10. 7:30-untll. 347 Cana Rd., boys clothes, sizes 2T«7, entertainment center, computer desi(. drawer file, 35mm camera A »onwn's clothes.______ YARD 8ALE*MULTI family, Sat., April 11, Garden Valley. 7am until. Boys and Infants clothes, toys, matemlty, more.______________ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/11.5 families. 1st time! Little bit of Don't miss HI 64 West at Center Shelter.____________________ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/11. 734 Willboone Rd.. 2 families._______ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/11. 8-12. 124 Hemlock St., misc. items & dining room set. Aiitiqiio^ DWARF RABBITS FOR sale, $20& up. Cages available. 761-3970. A partm ents IB R FURNISHED DUPLEX, $300,plus deposit, plus reference, (336)998-4729.______________ 52 COURT SO., large IBR, Iba., downlown Mocksvllle, perfect lor single or couple, security door, $4M/mo. (704) 276-1717. FOR RENT - Studio Apartment. Lower level ol log cabin on 7 acres. Private entrance. Quiet i secluded. North oltown limits. Fully furnished. - Includes utilities. No children, pets or smokers. J450/mo. on 1 year lease. (910)665-2816._________ FOR RENT: CLEAN upstatts apt., quiet nejahboriiood, Hwy 601 N. 2BH, W/D/S. $200®ep. $375/mo. Private entrance. Quiet single or couple or w/1-2 children. 9№3656. MOCK PLACE; A senior citizen, complex, now taking applicatk»» lor IBR units In Mockaiile. R w l based on income, lor Inlo. call 751- 2005 or write: Mock Place, P.O. Box 1056. Mocksville, NC 27028. , Equal Housing Opportunity. TDD 1- 600-735-2962._______________ M OCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE; AH brick energy efikslent apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances himWied Induding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/oryer connecttons. High energy efliclenl heat pump providea canlral heat and air. Prewired tor cable TV & phones. InsUaM windows & doors. No wax kltchenA - bath lloors. Located in Moeksvlile behind Hendricks Fumihire on Sunset Dr. oH ol Hwy. 168. OWea hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. JA N ET DEAN'S Umlted editkm aitprints now avaUable at Serindlplty ’ Shop., 41 Court Sq.. downlown TIM ELESS TREA SURES ANTX2UE M A U 6,000 sq.lt. 27 dealars, wkAer, Wctorian, primlthres, mahogany, pine, oek, advertising collectlbies. Come see for your sen why we are Ihe talk of the town. 35)0 S. Main St., Winslon-Salem. 765-2273. TWO DAY SA LEThurs. & Fri. April 9-10 37 Court Square, Mocksvllle Load Irom Pa. of Antiques & Junque DEALERS WELCOMEI Info-Serendiplty Shops 751-0555 O p p o r lu n ily LOCAL ESTABUSHIO AUTO: parts butlnoM. In businoM ovor20;.years. Lar( line olonly, wyi negotiateinquiries only. Cali Roger______for appointment to view. 336-264- Strious ^ orDebbio Child C are BARN H ELP WANTED Inexchange for board for 1 horse. Ntee small show bam in Davie Co. turnout, riding ringa. trails & pen. 998-8007or 7^-3407. FR EE ( MOS. old Siamese/tabb mix, male, neutered. 284-4994 leave meesage. CHILO CARE for all shHts, belore . Sl alterschool. Re«. available.;M JunctkwRd. 482-2477.__________ CHILO CARE IN my homa mhutea; t >i away Irom Jo ck n and Laa. Bava relerences. Ist S 2nd M IL 402- •' CHILO CARE IN my home. k)w rates, any shuts, MocksviUe araa. 751-05Г- M H O M I REO M TEM O day cat*haa орепкш on 2nd shtl. In business 1er 9 vra. Call 482-7851. KOUNTRY KODNER HAS o g r ^ for toddlar-scliool age. MOTHER OF 2 wUI keep kkk h home. Pinebrook School ana, hil- time. pait-Ume. 998^427. M a i n S t . C o n s i g n m e n t ‘ *£ASTEItSA^ 3 DAYS ONLY! April 9,11 ft U. LaSSr litss pants, Jeans, shots ft skirts all'A oft M - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKiíWkiiiíKKKCUKU, AprUS», Üm C T J L S S I F T l ^ INeamaNSIVE frofteable MOTHtR OF ONI, vrin кир сШ гап In my hoint lit shHl NMr Jodoy. 284-2421. N U O CMLO CARC7 JaGkty.Ca4K-5331. C o m m e r c in l NMr P io p o ily P M M sH O PPm a space аиИаМ«. 1.200 eq. П.. • ^ n . Stn^ng/otnce. 331 CENTtR 3 3 6 - ^ I m M .ic h m o iy I t a IN FORD tractor. QC. $4500, 4в2-7в01. 3000 FORD TRACTOR &mt tor aalt. (330) 4вЗ-20в2 4634749. BM H O O S: SCRA PE B U M S S12S; Box áladaa $235; Sprtadats; C a r r ^ : Boom Poitt; Scoop Pat»; Poat Hola Dtag«e; dSc; Gaita; Corrala; Fatdara. Wrlglit Fami Gataa » Equip 996-8637. FORO JU e a n TRACTOR, live lift. VGC $3700.492-5509. FRONT IN D LOADER: 1984 Bush Hog Mo<M 2400, quick attack w/ SV tNJOtal and round bait sptar, GC, $2500. Ntal or Frank Eller, 973- 3294 or 973-3647. COMPUTER HUTCH, CHERRYtinlth. $250,751-1096.___________ MNQ SOEO WATERBED. SoM dark knotty pint. Huge mirrorad htadboard, dakjxt wavalasa mattrtta, ntw htatar. $150 FIRM. 751-1549. Itavtm tasagt. LAROE UFT CHAIR, Outtn sizt, EC, $400,492-5165. Ilo m o s h o i H r Ш tPRIN Q ST., nie«, dMn, frMhly rMTKxMtd. 2BR. IBA , pM OKléOWmo. 704-278-1717.128 ВтОНАМ ST.. ЗВП. 1 b«.. ftnc«d ytrd, tarnt m uttr BR, pet OK. $4Wmo. 7№78-1717. H o m o s Foi S .ilo CUSTOM HOME FOR SALE: 4BR, & 3 fuH/2-1/2 ba., many bulK-Int, vraodad lot, 2039 MIHIng Rd., $239,900.998-3540._____________ MOCKSVILLE-NEW M R , 2ba homa w/garagt & dtck, naar shopping, schoola, and madlcal. A rart Und al $95,000. LEONARD REALTY 336-751-3650 or 751- 5020.__________________________ NOT UVED IN sinct totally rtmodtltd, tverythlng la new. Muat a tt. In Crttkwood, 2600 aq. П.. $139,900 OBO. 9964>297-owntr. M i'.r n lln n p o iis YARDS MOWED «TRIM M ED $5aan/k;«(etOver 60-5% dlacounl Qo anywhere 492-2327 L o t s F o r S n le LOT FOft SA LE In Advanc«. Shady Qrove iW «. 940»6749. LOTS A V A IU BLE IN MocktvfRe, Advance & Cooleemee for new homea. 761*7734. 1t77 SPO R CAMPER. 21QC. $160(VOBO. 492-7116. 4 SOUR PANELS,$800/080.998-5249. PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COtXECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE B&H Roofing L n n d F or S ,i 18 * ACRES, IflR mobile home,bam, workshop, fenced paatura In westem Davie. Ça) Red Foust, Davie Farm & Und Salea. 751- 0757.__________________________ INDUSTRIAL ZONED ACREAOEfronting on (601 within Mocksvllle City UmHs with city senifcea. Will subdivkle. Call Freeman Commerdal Real Estate. 766-4410. CAM W R V K E S : We provkle all types of lawn se№k:e, mowing lawns, trimming, shnibbeiy, cleaning lots, 751-5798. FREE ESTIMATES.___________________ COMPLETE LAWN CARE SERVICE Mow, trim, edge, feilillzt, mulch, pint netdlta, aerate, gutter ckianing, free estimates. Call-leave mesaaga, Mabe's Mowing 492-5452. Woflii-Taili•:sssz « ÌT I ( w e i FOR SALE-K A G Salvage:4'x8' Cedar Closet liner. $12.95/ea.; S'X12‘ premium fkioring tijtiboard, ^,,.M00QrKkionly,'92e» 9200 ÓrécH wllh рспмг % G |ì7 M yU ii«O iiii7 ' ПШОН SALES a SERVICE MIM Еоиикит -----M A N ik W S g . NEW lO jÇ U .fl. large im new-new cast Iron 751-41Л lal usedi«/bronze S E A S M Dsale.» Stump 0848. $60 >r rilevai SUDINOdouble$200. WHEAT5950 W IU BUor 751-43; ----w/tetJ. $15; t«tra . viat, $150; hp. watar punu I Impalitr, $175. FIREWOOD FOR1/2ton; $100fo ri ton. ll. Ja k t Milltr, 998- O U S S DOORS with and scratn. тг’хвО" 1752,9I !7i ; 1UW FOR SAU-492- JU N K can. 284-2859 4'x10\ tX3 BLU E COCO tub, great pod waa $300, wM take $250. Call MO- 2355. 1BR,2BA,k)l. $H(Vn 996-8257. на deck, huge, private $100 more for pet. NICE 2SIoutbuMlngPrii deposit. ЗЭ 75' 1.95/ea. Grade Mark, 2X4 studs, $2.49/ta. bklg. stona $14№r. pallet/140 sq. 4'X8'X1/2‘ thM liuuiatkin bd. $7.95/ea.; 3,000 Ib .' cap. warehouse carts, $49/ea. prehung exterior steel doors, M9/ea.; Roofing felt, $6.95/ro>; We stock stainless steel in sheets A pipe. Super savings on carpel A llnoltum as low as $3.95^.; Cormgated culvert pipe up to 24' dia.; We stock puinps A accessories for wells. Fonnica, $.50 sq.ft.; Steel l-Btama for salt.K a Q Salvage (ReynoMa Rd.) 1st business o n % s t bank ol Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. HUNDRED O AUO N AQUARIUM,$200/OBO, comea w/all accessories. 264-4994, leave roesaaoa._______________________ M O CKSVILU ANTM UES A FLEA Marital 25,000 aq. ft. inskle. 653 WMteaboro S t & t. 8-5 A Sun. 9-5. Vendor acacea cal 751-2181. NO MORE SHINGLES! G o M & t a ll • Long-Lasting Qalvalume • 3 Foot Coverage • Cut to the Inch • Many Colors • Sciews, Trim to match C ll:1 - 8 8 a - Z 7 8 4 0 H 0 MMIMEMEniS 2BA, a/b. Porch, P r iv a it . $350 pkia FO R RENT. WaterI caled on Turrentine Call 940-2395 leave TRAILERS furnished. Church Rd. message. M o h ile H o m e s / S n lo IT H E THRUmobile ‘ 704-637-.. Quality .. .|N ew 4 BR . 2BA $163.9e/mo. Can fv io h ib ' H ()iiU ‘ s / S . IS IS 14X00 EDOEWOOD BY Fleetwood. 2BR, 2ba. 751-5722. 38R SPEC HOME att-up In nk:t N tvtr livtd In, fumlwed. 751- ABANDONED HOME ON privalt lot. Just olf 601; $895 down A pavmtnls of $225.751-7734. L E E 'S M OBILE HOMES-Nonvood, NC 800-777-6652. Bargains, dost outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52. $27,999; 28X60, $39,999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X58, $25^^; 14X80, $19,999, Ind. 4’ hitch. o i»n 7daya._________________________ LO S HOMES: SINQLEWIDES, winter rent spedal. 1 yn. parit rent ^ In advance by LGS Homes. Fab. A Mar. 3995 Pattaraon Ave., WInaton-Salem, NC 336-767-7565. MOVHM TO FLA. WHI aacrifk» $3,500. New 3BR, 2ba. mobile tiome.CalH704) 795-3772. QUAUTY HOMES SUPERSTO RE Land/home packages OouMtwklt/Slnglts FratSataWte Dish with any new home. SiN akuiyO nly _________7 0 4 0 7 «5 0 _________ RENT TO OWN, 2 A 3BR. Call 704-647-6650. Quality Homes of Saliabuiv.______________________ ■OS OAKWOOD MONTCLAIR,14X70, 3BR. 1 1/2 BA. $7500.940- 2213.__________________________ ‘00 FISCH ER 14X71 Mobile Home, solid, wtU4)uUI, $9500 finii. Rtfrigtrator, alovt, Rheem central air unit In d u M . 2BR w/ walk-in dosets, 2 full bathe, real wood buming fireplace. Buyer responsible (or moving and set-up. Home ia praaently In Mockavllle. Call Keny Carter (803) 329-6160 (RodtHuf,SC).__________________ ■OS 14X70 FUETW O OD , 2BR, 2BA, all upgradea, while vii^ sMIng. shingle root, 12X16 dedt, $18,500.751-^ after 6pm. PUNO FOR SA LE, $450 OBO. 998-3006______________________ PIANO TUNINQ Repalrir^&Rabulkllng Sales & Service Wallace Barford 996-2789 • REASONAÍIE RAItS • FREE ESTIMATES •, SCHAEFFER PIANO, $300, GC,492-7118.__________________: SEAFORD PIANO SE R V K E Tuning A Repair 704-492-2000 or 704-751 -0158 Jack Seaford ABCPABnmaAND : W A LLPAPERm a '15 years expertence ‘Our commitment It quality through experienced teamwotk.' 751-3813 D R W ER A SO N PA IN T C a Rool Topa & MobHe Homt Tope F rtt Estímales Interior A Exterior 25 Yeara Experience Mockaville, NC ___________492-7118___________ HOUSE CLEAÍMNO WANTED; aeveral homes In Mocksvllle or Hillsdale area. Have relerencea. 492-7205.___________ KEVIN ORUBB BUILD ERS BulMIng, remodeling, handyman 751-0500. U N K 'S SE A M U SS QUTTERWQ~ Rkihard Unk-Owner FreeEstlmatea 998-1798 MAN W ILL PAY caah for lunk cars, and remove trash from around homts. 751-5082. Davie D riv in g ; S c h o o l III tri‘11 Oiivrf ■. illuc.llioil . S L A S B S F L T H INEXEraSUVE FROFIXABLE S o r v ir o RV/M olor Hom o VoIiicIps r E m ploym enI E m ploym ent E m ployiiiont I , O m R N E ELECTRIC tor all your eledrical needs.Free Estímalas. 751-3396. „ ^ PAINTINQ Remo(«ing-Home Repairs Urge or Small Free EsUmales JA M ES MILLER 996-8340 - p r e s s u r e CLEANINO: All Typea aiding, ctoan and watemroof decka, g a ^ drivewaya and walkwaya. p r e s s u r e WASHING SrSaftatlon I ^ W s 4 o ” ebate'! PRIM ESTAR $00 IN S T A U e F *Free l^mo^p^rgrammlng 1-800-984^)772________ . ^ RILEY TRUCKINQ A QRADINQ •slone«nd.gravel* •skld-steer worit« MOTOR HOME-ALLEQRO ‘80 484chevy, 31', low ml. If you're interested In a motor home, №в like newl Spill BA, new, roof AC, air ride, brakea. 12 ply tlree. O n . Vac., ice maker. Ig. refjfm zer, conv. oven, awnings M.&rr. driver’s door. Don't paas tnla upl Shown by a| aaking $29,500 OBO. 751-.'"'" 62 A 54 Willis Jeeps, $750/080. 940-6326. ___________ 02 VW RABBIT, 4dr., one owner, 4jgeed^dlesel engine. GC, $850. SA USBURY MOTOR CO.Buk:k-Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ‘S3 DESOTO, BURGUNDY, $1200, - , tuns Jtiod. 998-7748 or 940-neg., n 2385. •drivewaya rocked*7 R llty-946-5786 (homt) 940-7954 (mobile) T A T S E R V K E SG arm s, bama, basements, etc. OeantdAhauladaway.Reasonable ratea. 492-5080 or 751-6110. T R EES R U S W IU . DO LAUNDRY A Ironing. .Also general house cleaning. Reaaonable rates A references. 996-2907. B A IU Y a HOWARD TOURS 24-20, Oollywood-(Plgeon , TN)-indudes: Admisakin to ly.-4 seata left, D-I motel-i; ^ J Valley. Ky.-4 |T4S. Jirty 1-4, Ohk> Amlah untiy-atep on gukte. buggy ride- ride-Sugar Creek Swiaa s-Warther Caninga, Amlah I Tour, 5 meala induded, D- Drlven Gene Uvengood. s s is s ia u f i __ р .а в « т > < ^ й С 2 л м ^ I M X L E H НООПИбNtw A СИ Roofs 24 YM ft Experience Free Estímales г а П А и и е т о н ВТ PNOM i'èTütvGROOM]№ SHOP A C h a M m s m e 98-5098 Forallyol needs, сГ СошеЬу.1 about n« 2975Hwy.fr Са^ (336) 9‘ * Натее.Вие1пе » AChurchee * WatarOvneoe БМ Ю пвепА *O veriSYM ie * EBiECaim aiei ^HAVI YOU EVER TNOtMNTAiOUTSiLLMQ THE UMBER 0№ YOUR raOKRTVr WE MY TOP PRKE8 FOR STANORIQ TaWEWTIMBERUllP. C A L L 7 Q 4 - 8 7 8 - 0 7 8 4 5 t> R M O R E A C R E S OPENHOUS Ц М Ш Sealed Bid Sale •Publk iBviled oa Friday ft Satord у •Ibur Otar Bonics and Suboit YiMir •No ЖпиааЬк ofller nftiied. •WeaiedtpinlwnomróroiirMwy^ ddi. •YoaMakftKéDadiiMi И Е С Н П П Ш М И Г: Lia:ÄiL i *319.” Satan Щ'SALE; SRM-2100 li» . "; s • í МеекггШе A M te M th ra iHIS.MslaSI.>Medaflk,NC 271281 ______33«-751.2Ш • 1 ‘70 FORD BRONCO, aulo, $2200. 751-1096.______________________ ‘70 HARLEY DAVIDSON low rider,26.000 miles, lots of chrome. Must seel Leave message. 284-2670. ‘03 240 0 M ERCEDES BENZ ,169.000 miles, blue, 4 dr., auto, runs great, $3.900.998-4292 ‘08 PONTIAC LE, very clean, $800A3BO, 751-0155, II no answer, leave message._________________ ‘00 OLDS CUTLASS, 2dr., V-6, auto, new wheels, tires, exhaust, and stereo, very sharp. $1450.492- 5509.__________________________ ■02 NISSAN MAXIMA 4dr. Gold, auto. air. Was $12.995, now only $9.988. Gerry Wood Autocentre. 704-637-9090.__________________ ■03 FORD EXPLO RER XL, 2wd, 4dr, new Hres. EC. 704-2784260. leave message._________________ ■S3 OLDS CUTLASS convertable. red. loaded. Waa $13,995. Now only $10,988. Geny Wood Autocentte 637-9090. $MÌ0pcrlMW.8i|»oa ;lMiiM.EicelNiinÌE|ii MUBillirpnfcMioiilCNAi, LP№ *i№ ii}owrim .W e v r in o fll^ i b ò m C illE ilo p titù ^ l-NMS34235,Eit.3» и Ш щ В ш Ё Ш Ш 336-751-3442Moctowllto. NC C o m m e r c ia l FREDDY’S ROOFING 336-492-5923 R e s id e n t ia l faWOpening due lo increased production. \/e are looking to build a stronger team for the future in the following positions. Finishing Department • Sprayers-any or all finish material • Finishers-with overall knowledge • Utility people Excellent benefit package. Apply at the Employment Security Commission, Lexington. EOE Order* NC 5201989 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT TEMPORARY SUMMER YOUTH COUNSELOR positions avoilabk with regional job training propam in Davie, Stokes and Yadkin counties. The 3 available positions requin a four-year degree in human services or related fieM and a valid NC Driver's license. Fast paced wotk environment requires public and private sector recraitment for youlh woik experience siles. Responsibilities include detemiination of client eligibility, documentation of work activities and moniuiring resulls. Wotk experience or knowledge of job training programs is helpful. Salary: $1 I/hr. Send resume, diree references and ptefenred job location to SYC Scorch NWPCOG, 4M Weat Fouith SUtei, SuMe 4M, Wlwlo■-Stk■ц NC 271*1. No phone calU. NWPCCX3 does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, religion or disability. FOR LEASE STORAGE TRAILERS (Long or Short Teim - RENTALS) 207* US èM N. • MoeksvM^ NC Зэе4№7716 MWO) a47^7ie-U8 CNA’S To Cover Oavie County All Shifts Part-Tinne & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 3 3 6 - 7 6 8 - 1 1 9 7 P i e d m o n t H o m e H e a l t h , I n c . Winston-Salem ■TIwfiamttoNnoonipwiK im'tffnM* yaillajfou'dn^.’ ■04 CAVAUER, red and ready. Was $8995. Now $6968. Gerw Wood Autocentre 704-637- 90M.________________________ ■95 HONDA ODYSSEY EX. low miles, loaded. Don't buy till you see this onel Was $2t.99S. Now $16,968. Gerry Wood Autocenlre. 637-9090. ____________ ■OS HONDA PASSPORT EX. 4x4. Cn. Waa $22.995. Now $19.995. У Wood Autocentre. 637-9090. ‘06 HONDA PASSPORT, 4dr, blue. See this one todayl Was $19,995. Now only $18,968. Geny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090.___________ ■90 JE E P WRANGLER, red. Want o lW a s ______I. Gerry__________________1-637-9090. ■OS TOYOTA 4-ninntr. White, best price in town. Was $21,995. Now $18,968. Geny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090.______________________ ■90 PLYMOUTH NEON, blue, this car Is priced with you in mind. Was $10,995. Now $ e m . Geny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090.___________ ■07 CAVAUER. 2DR, Sham., straight drive, $27,000 miles. $11,000.998-1691.______________ ■07 DODQE 15 pass. Maxle van, kiaded with rear air A more. Was $22.995 now only $19.968. Qeny Wood Autocentre. 637-9090. ■07 GRAND CHEROKEE Umited. 4x4. Loaded w/fadory equipment. Was $28,995. Now $25.986. Geny Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090. ■00 JE E P WRANGLER, red. \ to go 4-wheellng? Let's gol $14.995. Now only $11.988; ( Wood Autocentre 704-637-9091 FULL-TIME EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR POSITIONDavie Counh Partnership For Chlklren. Inc. (Smart Start) Opening Dale: Immediately DeaertpUon of Work: Serve as administrator in Ihe operation ol a non-profit organization.Responsible for interpreting the agenc/s goals and servkm to various publk». Must have strong organizational. planning, communicatkm (written and verbal), and computer literacy skills. Knowledge and experience In the areas of fundraising (e.g.. grant writing), budgeting, and financial management [s needed. QualHlcaltona: MinimumBachelor'a degree required. Prelerred degree in the areas of Publk: Admlrüstratlon, Child Care AdministratkHi, or Public Health. Will consider a degree In Business Administration or a ctoaely related field. Non-profit experience a plus. Work H ouit: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-S p.m. Total hours per worit week-37.50. Altemate worit week hours or weekend hours may be rMulred.SetocUon Proctaa: Applkattons wlll be reviewed and the most qualllled applk»mls wlll be intenriewed. Proceat: Submit air of applteatkm and resume to: Karen Smith, Chairperson Davie Couniy Partnership For Children, Inc. c/o Davie County Department ol Soclal Senrk;as P.O. Box 517 Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Applksatlons will be accepted until the position Is filled. Target date lor hiring isM ay l, 1998. E.O.E. 1-3 ACRES ol land zoned lor doublewUe. 751-3520 alter 3pm. Position Available Inconc Maintenance Caseworker II Position with the Davie Couniy Departmenl of Social Services. The employee in this posithm wUl be responsible for managing the daUy operallons of the Carolina Acccss Program and other Mcdicaid managed case activilles. The employee will be responsible for coordinating the program with Medicaid recipienls, Iht provider communily and Social Services. The employee will also assume other Income Maintenance responsibilities aa required. communication skills,Must have Ibt following skills: Strong co public Mug «iini«! decbkin maUng sklUa, basic computer skills, awl be ablt lo work IndqiendcnUy. Must have a vaUd N.C. Driver’s license and a car available for work. One year of experience as an iDcomt Mainlenance Caatworker I; or an equivalent coabinalkw of Irainbig aad experience. Submit ■ completed State applkallon, PD-107, to Ikmmy Myers, Income Mabitenaact Supervisor, Davie County Dej^mcnt or Social Services, PC Boa »7, MocksvUk, NC 27«», by April 27,199S. Equal Opportunily Emptoyen WANT TO WORK NOW? I * Davie County Area* ‘ '‘^Incentive Pay Plan** ***Full end Pert-tlm e Jobe*** ***lmmedlete Plecement*** Gall for details 336-776-1717 20TH FASTEST GROWING Co. InIht US needs self-motivated, energetic people to devote 6-10 hrsTwk. in riome. Training provided. 336-909 0229. CNA POSmONS AVAIUBLE.Brighlmoor Nursing Cenier. PO Box 2167. Salisbury. NC 28144. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN: EXP.req. In PC repair & networitlng. Professional attitude & appearance a must, certifications a plus. Send resume to: 23 Court Square, Mocksvllle, NC 27028. CONCRETE H ELPER. TRAVELreq. Drivers №ense preferred. Call 264-4369. Mon.-Fri.. 10am-2pm for applteatlon. EEO.__________ DELIVERY DRIVER NEEDED.Must havo clean driving record, valid driver's №enss, must be able lo do lifting. Moving experience a plus. Applicanis call 725-4651 for an In te n ile w ._______________ DISHWASHER NEEDED. APPLYIn person to Millers Restaurant. 751-2621. DRIVERS: TTS NOT COOL TO BURN FUEL. $1500 sign on bonus for exp’d drivers A 0/0. $750 bonus ol school grads. Excellent slop pay. high miles, home weekly, Class (A) CDL w/HazMat, Mln 1 yr. OTR. Bulldere Transi ' Dedicated >=leet. 1-888-2-JOIN-l H ELP WANTED FOR mobile home setup. Drivera Ikwnse req. 996- 5426 or 998-2479._______________ H ELP WANTED-COOK, waitress, dishwasher. Apply In person between 2-4pm at Mocksville KHchen._______________________ KOUNTRY KORNER IS now hiring p/t A f/t. Call 998-2220 tor appt. Must be high school graduate. LIFEGUARD A POOL STAFFgosltlons available for May-Sept. at Ike Myers RV Resort.TaWng appM lons now. Apply in parson, Hwy 64W. 492-7736. NEED 1 INDIVIDUAL,mechanically Indlned to worit wHh BAB Glass and Minors. Call Freddie Brewer 751-3966 after 4pm. __________ isport,J-BT. ATTN STUDENTS FROM DAVIE ____________ CO AREA-Summer palntera are BUYMQ PINE a hardwood t i^ r , S X S " ® w k “ !°bo^’l « " t S a « M p 'A ' i l f T o i ; 919-370-5739. villlam Johnson. 278-9291. 0 1 4 1 A ’ S IN bed focllKy has positions on 2nd sMtt (ull tkne for CNA's. Apply ht potoon to Carat CnNriord or call 33e-7S1-353S ior mora httafmslion. Oraal benefits snd eofflpstWvo silsry. 1И7 NBHBrt tt. • MeefeaiMe, N.C. m n Ш-71И-!НИЯ GROUP HOME W O RKERSneeded; 7 days on, 7 days off. On duty 24 hrs., overtime paid, excellent salary A benefits. IT or PT. Exp. in working w/developmentally disabled adults a plus. Requires good driving record, dmg screening, background check, high school dipkima. college graduate prelerred. Send resume to: 785 Sanford Ave.. Mockavllle. NC 27028. OPEN UNDER NEW management:Horn's Country Kitchen, 2nd A 3rd shift, grill cook. Second 3-11, third 11-7. Experienced prefened. ^ l y In person belween 7am-3pm. Rate of pay depends on experience. Benefits-5 dsy worit wka/potentlal for advancement.________________ P-T G RILL help. Sun.-Thurs. Hours: Sun., 10:30-3; Mon.-Thure., 10-2. Call Twin Cedars Golf Course 751-5824.______________________ PERSON TO CLEAN private homes. FT. Mon-Fri. Good ^a^^nafits. Cloverfield's. 760- TANGLEWOODPARKHousekeepers needed fot Tanglewood lodge/manor houae Must be able to worit weekends. Average 30-35 houra wkly. Full­ time positton w/benellta poeaible depending on worit perfonnance. Sa1a7 negotiable. Ap^lnperaon: Tangkwiood Personnel Offtee. Coty Btcim tli. Hwy. 158 W.. Cltmmons.NC27012.EOE. L F ^ I M ’ S 108 bed tMlllty has hill Ume opening tor LPN'o on 3rd sMtL Apply In ponon to Carat CrawfonI or call 33t-751-353S for mora infonneüon. Graet bonoflto and cofflpetMve ааЬку. »•TNBMrttt. • 1М«|Ив,ИЛ.271п ЗЭ§-Л1-ЗвЭВ COUNSELORS NEEDED The Davie Family YMCA b looUng for enlhiiiiai^ caring, patient, and dependable Summer Camp ; - counMlon. You must be avallabk M -FI lionn a day. Camp m nw lon an resiionsible for the planniag aad impkmnUag of ddly activilles for up to ISciiildrai per group. You muirt be al kart 18 yoan of ago aad be ; (h m 9;30am • il:3<lam . Ifln le ro itc d pkaiec^ala^;' . Je m iifc rC a itiic ro rP fm Sweiigol M 7 S l- ^ Y ' Ntvernlki EOE О MANPOWERS a n ip p lltro ttu n p o ra ry h tlp to D R A F T E X IN C . U S A locatad In Salisbury, Nortii Carolina la fllling a variety o( p^uctlon poattiona Temporary to Parrnanom Starting pay $7.0(Vhr. Raqulramanta; RallaMa tranaportaHon, high : achod diploma or GED, minimum 0(1 yaar ; manufacturing axparlanca, paaa pra-amptoymanl drug acraan, alaady pravloua work hlatory, and a olaan crintiital racord. Openings are primarily on 2nd and 3rd ; shift. Must be able to work overtinie. i .V Work for the leader in the temporary help ; : field and one of Salisbury’s newest • £ automotive manufacturers. ' • C illM an iM M m rat 70M 4M I22 for n o n M i i m IIm H oniO K cm snB U F iii. : NO FEE l b ' -trf WS DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, April 9,1998 Datfie Ijatdihe RiridRifflOT ------ SMURiiy, April 11 C M q r Я ш ft T M n W i B m d d M , I M b M mM M CiMRh. 6-.30-Ш am. f t r in n e M ) ot ukMxiB, caU 336-998- M llr n b u r B ril* Sdi, 0 »l»m ee Slnp- plniOaaer, ipaBoinl by Cookemcc Fio- p o ilw СЫц 9 a.m.-uiil9. Baked goods «a p le d A p iill0.a(Cook«nceLibn»y.6- 8|Ш. ----------------- Thuraday.AprtgШуТЫ Enter Sunti» S«r t,num lii| It СЪкЪ. 7:30 p.m. RcdlanI Rd. MMd;Thyndi}S<rvkt,MocluUnlttd Mmillfcta««rtb.7J0p.m.D nhC lw pM M rtyTliundiyS cnlc«. Cana Uniled Mcdmdin Church. 7Л0 p.m. Friday, April 10 Лш йш у O f« h r пмМш!«, Btlkk- Ь ш и м №tbodM Chmb. 6 nm.-9 pim . ■11||Спш*Вц«1>1‘ . JeraxilemBaFlia CiMth, ptocMo) by икш ау cWr, 7:30 pim. Sunday, April 12 CaH r S M itB SfTVkc, B u r Cnck Bip- lkiClHRk03niay,7am.Sui«faySdiool. 9:45 a-m-WoBblp, 11 ira . Spccial Еаяст tW Church, Rnnliigton Rd, 6:30 iLm. SuaiiitS(tvk<,Mocl<iUiUledM<lhodU O airdi,'? D.m. Oxuincnial Bimldut № \owing. Sunday School. IQa.m.Wonhip.11 am.EMtcr SunriH Snvic« Drama, I'ukoa UilllcdMllhodWChiirch,7a.m. followed by cofTee & doughnuts. Easier cantata & wonhJpscfvicc,9-t I am. E«t<rSiiiii)KStr\ke,BcdiMieinUnl«d MrthodM Church, Redland Rd, 7 am Easier wocship In sancnioiy, 8:4J & 11 am Monday, Apn113 Am urinhnyftBu1iKue,C edvCnck Mlstom ry BapHH Chm h, sponsored by Mlsslonoiy Circle, starting al noon. April 19-22 Youlh Revival, Malnville AME Zion Church. Sunday, 3 p.m. Nightly, 7 p.m Hall, 10:30 am.Binr>, East Room, 1:30.3:30 p,m. Admis­ sion; SI unwrapped gin Dc«i™tlvtI>ilnlta|.Ea» Room, 6:30-9:30 ivin.FodMriit, Dr. Dunn, Crall Room, 8:30- 11:30am. Tuesday, April 14 ’ BiM je.livst Room, 14 p.m. ' RSVPNunlii« Home PUly, 2-t p.m. Wednesday, April 15 VarMy Arts, Craft Room, 8:30- \ \ :30 ttm. Card 9t Board Games, BxA Room. 1:30- 4:30 p,m. Seniors ‘ i n Craa ft •ty tw l', JenHahn BUH tl«a»rt^preieiiedbylhesancluaiychoir. H a m .D ark C ka rit Sumlse Serrfct, Salem UnilKl Methodist Church, 6:30 am. Four Corners N ews CaU7Sl-06l I formortinfaLocaiicnisBrock Center unless noted ahenviic. TTiu(sday,April9 Sndor Chorus. Easl Room. 3 p.nv S№trEa|^CIub.CallJoCkcckr(vtime& locaikm. Senior Trotttn Cbti. Ccntcr Communily Bklg., 10 a.m. AUKim cr'fSivpoilGrMp, EaM Room.7 p.m. Monday, April 13 ScuiorGaaiaO|KiliiltCeflilxiuics.9am. Coolcmic« Chib, Fust Baptist fellowship lloll, 10 am.East Davfc Chlh. Bclhlehcm Fellowship In Appreciation At a recent worship ser­ vice at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church, pastor Ronnie Craddock presents an ap­ preciation plaque for com­ munity service to Gary Tilley, station manager of WDSL1520 AM of Mocks­ vilie. The radio station broad­ casts live the 11 a.m. Sun­ day sen/ice at the church, located on Yadkin Valley RoadoffN.C. 801 North near Hillsdale, IMMEDIATE OPENINfíS 1km AalfiunMti .¿ й М а д л А у л ы . - ,;$7M-$7J0Slartlii|Flv ***С1и м ю п ё # г м Г а т п м т т и г н в т ^ т я м л а т г г а ш ^ i - «1, lo t Smiiir Gama Wen* RotH, Shelter I Rich Pork. nam. Thursday, April 16 Senior Chonu, East Room, 3 p m.SIhw Arts Recc^km & Pcrtbmiing Am Friday,Aprilir Brid««,BBt Room, 1-5 p.m. JM n r, П и Л » « • s a s s i T . . ■ a s f f i s i . Clmmin CMiCwH*f ---^----------------- Som e banks entice kid s w ith candy. We prefer cold, hard cash. Al .Soulhcm Commimltn kkb prodi » soon as ihcy open an accounL B e a u ,« » t i l deposil i k Btst f2 when ihcy open a Minor AccounL* vnth this tree new Money M itket S »1 n p account, )ш г kids can: • Eara Intensi on checking • Make up to sh cslental «ith d im ils • Leam how 10 »V C and manage money Wc'll o w i throw in a ¡spedai kidìs paclogc )usl for opening ihc account So ghc )ш kids the chancc lo make some tnajor money uith (he M inor Account firom Southem Communi!)^ Gl//7Ш5О0 to (MM |^/)Г/к l№ior .4тмм/ HANK ANI» THIJSTSmtillítmufibloCiire íT)ir™w)Oubftd(íll»crrwo(lta««>Üi*IWa}a»wiiM)-»to^^*.No mínimum balaría* пч{и1т1. Mcml^f H)1C______________ R yM w kW h ttc Four Comers Contspondem M r and Mis . Kenny SmiUi were : supper gutsi of Mr. and M is. Richanl :SmiUi Saluiday nighl in Davidson Couniy. Sunrise Easier stOTicc w ill be Sun- : day motning al 6:45 and woiship scr- ^vice w ill be al 11 a.m. al Courtney Baplisi Church. Evciyont: is invited lo attend. Mis. Grady Bcck is on our sick list and needs our prayers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hile visited M is. Inez Rcavis Monday night. Mis.M aiV White and Jtasica White arc sick. Wearc wishing ihcraa speedy rccovciy. 6 MIlllON DOllAR CIEARANCE | ! li 1': f Creative Interior & lloral Designs " O n e o f a K in d " Designs CmtSi By: Juanita Aliard OnknForDu^NowBtiiigAaepled A p p tM m a t$ A v a ila b k APRIL S P E C I A L S ^ Baiter to Smutay. April 12Ш Ofder Your riowen Baily nX)WBRS ar VINB BOUQUET-ncsii SpringAirnigeinent In Л tH M d M B H k e t Ì . 9 5 ОПБ DOZEN FRIDAY 9 am to Bpm SAT 9 am td 5 pm m m rR ID A Y & SATURDAY D N IY I AZALEAS AhoiM Colon ki w ¿ s s ■ > 5 5 » Г Ш а т ш Л т т в е п » Сш ЛвеСтуОЩ у BOXED RED ROSES ftCanxOnly Ml (M en Cany Our 100«noQue«lons MiedOuaranteel 'Gaarie E W att« Паты Im . 7M *0*S*S— M ’ ПЭ SotXhMnhiUSt S46S.SUMÍMIU NC J c r 7 / j APPIY FOR OUR OWN EASY CREDIT PLANS AIIMwvhMdlMSoldAtHs a Subject To Prior Silt NOUkYAWAYS NO HOLD ORDERS FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 1 4 2 N. M ain S t r t f l • M o ck w N li, N.C 2 7 0 2 8 • 3 3 6 -7 S 1 -5 7 3 9 J . t - The Clothesline There's A Special M eanin g To Project Page Cl She's A Doll D a v le W o m a n P la n s O p e n H o u s e T o C e le b ra te P o rc e la in D oll H o b b y T u m e d B u s in e s s Page DI DAVIE COUNTY so« E N T E R P R I/ ^ E C O R D DSPS 14»-1<0 Number 16 32 PAGES Mocksviile To Consider New Streets For Growth Area By Mike Bamhardl Davie Coumy Enterprise Record Mocksviile is growing, and town commissioners are considering adding more infrastruclut« lo the area bounded by Valley and Madison roads, U.S. 64 and 601. The plan, which is just being dis­ cussed with no formal plans, would in­ clude streets and water and sewer ser­ vice. Commissioners learned of the idea last week when voting to allow an ad­ ditional driveway permit for the Valley Ridge Shopping Center (Bi-Lo). S.W. Brown Memorial Blood Drive Tuesday A blood drive lo honor the memory of Mr. S.W. Brown Jr. is scheduled for TUesday, April 21 from 2-6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Mocksviile. Mr, Brown received several units of bloofi during efforts to save his li|e.f “II is because of dedicated donors who seinessly gave each lime Ihey became eligible ihat the blood Mr, Brown needed was available," said Jane Long, Davie Branch director of the American Red Cross. "The fam­ ily of Mr. Blown and the Davie Counly Branch Office of Ihe NWNC Chapter of American Red Cross encourage all those who can give to do so on April ' 21. To be a blood donor you must beatleasi 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health. Donors who have not given since Feb, 24 are eli- - gible to give at Ihis drive. For more information, call the Davie County Branch Office at 7S1- 1347. The NWNC chapter is a United Way member serving Davie, Fotsyth, Stolies and Yad- idn counties. “It’s important not only to look at this project, but to look at that area,” Town Manager Terry Bralley .said. A bypass from U.S. 64 East around Mocksvilie would likely cross somewhere near Madison Road, he said, en route to U.S. 601. Side streets in that area, not for Ihrough irafTic, would make for more orderiy growih, he said. Town engineer John Grey said that the roads in placc and the withdrawal of the Bear Crcek Wastewater Treat­ ment plant make the area ripe for de­ velopment. "Gradually, the town has planned its vision for this area,” Grey said. He pointed out that Country Lane could be extended across U.S. 601 to the new bypass, which, according lo state transportation officials, is years away from being constructed. Other streels could connect the area. “A few street connectors as opposed to a slew of driveways ... There’s a lot of interests coming to the table, local interests. The roads may never be here. It’s the beginning of whal we wish to happen,” Grey said. “There’s an opportunity for leader­ ship to look at this area,” Bralley said. “We’re dealing with local folks who have a great interest in this area.” Bill Johnson, who has an option to purchase property on Valley Road, agreed that an overall plan for the area is needed. “We need to view this area as a total instead of piecemeal,” he said. Connecting streets could allow access to more property, rather Ihan curb cuts on Valley Road thal eventually could preventIhat access. Bralley suggested the idea go before Ihe town planning board. The town would also have to decide how to as­ sess property owners or developers for the improvements. “Wc need to let de­ velopers know that you can participate in Ihe development of that area, be it water, sewer or roads,” he said. Board member Lee Rollins said the issue needs to be a top priority. “We should not put this on the back burner,” he said. “We need to go ahead, right now, and work with any and all devel­ opers ... that Ihis be of Ihe utmost pri­ ority.” Driveway Allowed On a 3-2 vote, the town board agreed to allow a second entrance lo Valley Ridge from U.S. 64 West. Developer Jerry Swicegood said the Please See Boanl - Page 4 W a r E a g l e s S o a r i n g A d o p t A P e t T h isS atu rday Adopt a pet Salurday from the Davie County Humane So­ cicty. Members will be at Ihe county animal shelter, al Ihe enti of Eaton Road ofTU.S. 601 South in Mocluville, Saturday, April 18 from I a.m.-noon. Tie fee il $50 for dogs in^ S3S for caU, uid includes spay ing or neutenng and shots. County Dismissed AlaWsuilagainst Davte County for rezoning more than 300 acres in eastem №vic for high density development wasdismissedMon- day. Plaintiffs in the suit claimed Ihat county commissioners, the county and Ihe Hillsdale Group had acted improperly. Amongtheir claims were that counly commis­ sioners had acted contrary to the coumy zoningordinanceandstate law, residents had not been given proper notice and illegal meeti ngs had been conducted. "I think the people in Davie County loslabigone,"saidCharles Fox,oneoftheresidentswhoriled Ihe suit against the coimly last year. Judge L. Todd Burke granted a motion by County Attorney Bob Rrice lo dismiss Ihe case after de­ nying a motion by the plainlip for judgment in their favor based on the evidence. Price stud he believes Burke nudehisrolingbasedontheplain- liffs’ failure to prove their case against the counly. It has been the county's posi- 'Hte Oavie High School War Eagle baseball team haa been on a roll lately, winning In consecuth^e games and playing for an Easter tournament title. They will play at 7 p.m. at Mando Field at Rich Park next Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information, please turn to page B1. • Photo by James Barringer D a v ie H e lp s T o r n a d o V I c tin s Mocksvilleshouldbeptoudoftown workers whowentloMayodan lo help tornado victims. All of Davie County dnuld be proud of the suppoit given by those workers and other volunteen organized by churches and civic groups and individuals, town public woiks super-! visor Danny Smith said. ''rmpioudiobeaiiaitofihistown,"Smithioldtownbo«dnwRdm last week. "It was graliiying to see Ihe gratitude of the people when we pulled up with probably more equipment than that town had." Center Barbecue Tliis VVéekend; Antique To Be Exhibüed It's barbecue time in Center. ' The annual Spring Baibecue will be Friday and Saturday,^! 17 and ISatlhe CenterCommunityBuilding,U.S.64West atI-40. FMkbaibecuewillbesoIdbythepound, inttays,orin sandwiches boihdays.Home- . will be available. Call 492- 5177 for actdl'inordfr. ■ : The baibecue will be served from a remodeled baibecue |iuilding. Customers will have a coveted walkway at the win­ dows, on Ibe side facing the covered picnic "We hope you will come and see the improvemenis we have made, which we hope will help us serve you better,“ said ^Mrley banon,^olunleer. Ctaft vendon and cooununi^ displays will be on hand. Anyone iMBCskd in rent- ingaspaix,indaaaotoutdoQts,ihouUcaU Kim Williams at 492-5651. The Piedmont CARS AssociatkM, in cooperation withdieCenterVolumeerl’in ' Department, wiil spomor a cniiie^ and antique and ^ ia l vehicle show. VaUdt ownen do iM have to be a nMnktr of Ihi association to paiticipMe. tion since Ihe suit was filed that commissioners had Ihe right lo make the decision aboul rezonlng of the tract, Il is thejobofcommis- sioners to make hard decisions like that, he explained. Theplaintiffs.JosephECross, Tammy Fairchild, Glen Fleeman, StcvcTriplelt,BeitBahnson,John Meroney, Diane Oser and Fox, were extremely disappointed by the rtiling as are all who oppose the development. Fox said. Anolher judge had ruled in fa­ vor of the plaintiffs eariier and recommended Ihe case move for­ ward, he said, Theresidenuinvolvedareudk- ing with those who have been most supportive to determine whether or not to appeal Buike's decision, according to Fox. "Right now we're jusl licking our wounds," he said. "We're no different from any other group Ihal has fought our hearts out for someihing we believe in." County CommissionOiaiiman Joe Long believes the judge's de­ cision was the right one and hopes the matter has been settled. I i| <1 1 2 • D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 : Advance Autobahn: Editor's Living Ue In The Fast Lane It's time to confess. Time to come clean. Time to own up to what I've done. I've moved to... Advance. I've become part of tlie problem. Part of that innumerable throng that has tilted the population balance of Davie County. Part of that herd of people who tum N.C. 801 into a major highway in the early hours of the morning. It's not just a temporary sociological experiment. I've really moved. Books, baseballs, boys and wife. There's not many sins that I haven't confessed to you, gentle readers. But this one has come reluctantly. I loved Mocksviile. .; Mocksviile is a civilized land. People drive slowly and :ix)litely. I could pull onto Main Stteet without fear and tnem- ; bling. I knew people walking on the sidewalks. I could walk ' to the Christmas parade. I could view the Fourth of July ; fireworks from my front yard. I could walk lo the library. ; Walk to work. Most important, the baseball field was just : through the trees. Mocksviile has culture and charm. Simple sophistication. It has sewers and sidewalks and street lights. Advance is... wild. Every morning, I wince as I leave my stteet. People drive ... fast. They brace a cell phone against one ear, hold a coffee cup in one hand and drive 65 mph on a narrow hilly road. I am in culture shock. I've moved to the Wild, Wild East. I haven't moved to the country. I've moved to the . autobahn. When they get out of their cars, the people are nice. My : hew neighbors are nice. Unlike my Mocksviile neighbor, Wilmolh Brown, none of tem has mowed my lawn yet. Bul : we haven't been ibeie loni. ~ ,tw r maim m ottoiac. Voun» Robert jumped in the nearby creek, unaware that sewage — treated, to be fair— from several hundred homes floats down that creek. Some area residents complained when I wrote lhat a certain package treatment plant smelled bad. But mostly, Ihe neigh­ bors are learning to watch what they say for fear il might appear in prim. Some of my neighbors have yet to discover the joys of Davie County. They haven't been here long enough to Tmd the library. Some don'l know lhal Winston-Salem's Mega-Mall and Giant Jumbo Stores aren't the best places to buy hardware, lawn mowers, lumber, fumiture, jewelry, telephones, televi­ sions and appliances. They don't know there are civilized stores here with clerks thal are actually nice, with prices and merchandise lo match or beat Mega-Mall. They don'l know aboul Davie County mechanics and craftsmen who are honest and dependable and smart, too. A few of them don't know Unda Carter, and several don't even read the Enterprise-Record yel. That made me really mad. In a few years. Advance, too, might become civilized. , Don Angell and Bill Burnette's building plans might one day 1 slow the demons driveis down. Advance, loo, might have ^sidewalks and public sewers and polilicians and... a baseball - field. Il might have boulevards and gieenways and bike paths. ; But it's a difTereni world. Busy. Fast. And wild. . Fm trying to adjust. — Dwight Sparks In The M a il... Boy Deserves A Chance In Davie Schools To Ihc cdilor: My son is 5 years old and a kindcrgadcn sludcni m Mocltsvillc Elemenlary School. He is in a sclf-conlaincd BEH (Bchaviorally and Emo- lionally Handicapped) class and is nol t>eing . challenged or stimulated in an academic sense. He nee^ one-on-one supervision and suppon. . Hehubeenevaluaudbyaticeniedpiycholo- gUl, nd Kond S yean 9 monttu to 6 yeut on basic leading, »pelHng, malhenuuici, teaionlng. His leachcr is Iraclting him on IS minule inter­ vals. I gcl a daily report (8:30-8:45, crawling under tables, will nol listen) and (9-9:15, hil tcachcr on Ihe fool wilh a pencil). Time-out in classroom,Time-out in"limc-oulroom"andthen he is physically rcstraincd. The Icachcr says lhat he is malting progress, bul how can he bc when he's spent the day lil(c Ihis? When he falls asleep, they send him home earty.To all Ihe moms and dads oul Ihere who rcad this, please be concerned, and remember, he is only 5 yean old. We would П> lhe problem if we covU. We have taken him every where the school lyMem advised uid followed through with every­ thing the system suggested. Nolhing the doctors suggested to the school system Гог him has been tried. He wants lo go to school and Icam, He wonts to be among hispccrs. He's been tested and given mcdicinc. Wc were told by the school system that no othcrchild has comc through thcsystcm like him. His mental dcvclopmcnl and language develop­ ment arc within nortnallimils. My son is age appropriate, but he has behav­ ioral problems. There must be a suitable place for him in school Uial meets his needs. Whal about lhe children who come after him? Where do they go? Whal becomca or them?. HeisJuslalillleboy.WhaldociDivte Schools have for a child with inlelleclual nnil’J academic abilities, but below average socializa- - lion skills? I jusl want to know.John A. Ijames Mocksvillc Davie County Teachers Doing Their Job Well To the editor; Which of the following is not a slogan of a Davie Counly real csUite company: good schools; low Uues; fabulous local journalism? ' While I hale to be dragged into a good old Davie County spat, I feel I owe il to my teachers 10 come to their defense after Ihey were atlacked by such typically oversimplified and narrow­ minded garbage as appeared in the March 26 editorial. I am a ¡994 graduate of Davie High School who has'experienced some success in higher education. Davie Counly is blessed with excel­ lent leachen on all levels-especialiy Ihc high school. Thanks to them and my parenu, I was better prepared to succeed tfian many of my college classmates. I have been a dean's list student at Wake Foresl Universily and the Uni- versityorNbnhCarolina-ChapelHlll.andlsUnd to graduate with distincdon in May. Using skills acquired in Davie County's schools, I have read and written at the same level as some of Uie DAVIB C O U NTY ■NTBRPRUËàECORD (USPS 149-180) 171 South Main SIrMt P.O. Box 99 ModKViil«, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 PubMMdvMaUybyttie DAVIE COUNTY PUBUSHINQ CO. DwItHSpwto.. ..EdHor/PubHaiwr Robin FtfguMon... MtoBMitardt... BMlySnydw...... ......(Зммга! Manager ........ManagingEdMor ..Advwtiaing Manager 1916-1968 Davla naeortf 1899-1966 Jetmial 1901-1971 Ч L k i PMledkah PlMl4 *Pald ln M o ito vit,N C 2702S : SitecilpllonRalM V8kigi*Copy,60C«ik . . K O p w yw ln N o ilh C a istn i :i4-' :"(M p iry M ro u M ittN o iih C (R *ia ' ■■ KtnuaTER ;.v ::ta id a M n M e liiiig M to : ; ' , ftM e c a w » E n l» r tw fk ooid , P.aB0 N «,M 0 0 kM li^ N C 2 7 0 2 l; brighlesi students in the nation at Iwooutstanding universities. I am panicularty offended when those skills and the leachen who laughl them are criticized by the Emerprise, of all sources. 1 can'l comment on the success of bloc sched­ uling at the high school. 1 was always a proponent of changing to the bloc system, but the change was made after I graduated. I have enjoyed the semester system in college. Bloc scheduling, like all educational theories, is much too complex lo be summarily dismissed as a failure after only a year and a half, especially in an editorial of only a few hundred wonla. Some of the responses to Uie original aiticle indteate anolher side of the issue-lhe benefits of bloc scheduling not men­ tioned by die editorial writer. 1 have never hesiUted lo point oul the short­ comings of Davie High School and the flaws in the educatkinal system. №iniing fingen and assigning responsibility is a waste of lime. Davie High School is no less an asset to ill sludenis or ils community becaMse of internal shortcomings. The most potent threat to Davic (and education in general) comes from outside. Politicians, cdiip- rialisls and others who have no idea whal goes on in a clossroom should let leochers do their job, I am one gratcrul example lhal they do it well. Bryan T. McNeil DHS graduate letters Wekxxned lhe Enterprise Record wefcomes lett«^ from iu leaders. The letten may be on topics of local, suue, national or international issues. An effoct will be made lo print aU lelten provided tttey an nol libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. Hb editor leaecvea die righl to edit lelten fbr grammar and for space. . AU letters shoukl include Ihe name ^ address of the writer, including a signature.' A' telephone number, not lo be pubUshed, ia also requested. Please have letten in Uk newspa{ier ufilce' by4pjn. Monday of the week to be puMiihed.' LUKlaMdto* JaM Beaver AdvaK« MockfvUk *Thm 'iahra]nacoMcra. 'Iftta k Ibera'a atwayi a Yoadoa'tavMrkaMrwlmiM «шеегвГогЛашаИйуоСеЫ!- coddhappM.* drM.* Brcnl Snyder MoclmiUe 'Yei.weihoiild.'’ MkhelleSnydM- \ МосклгШе ‘ ¥и.О ш гсЫ М |»яаг«> кЬоЫ, ам1 we м И to do whatever we сая to protect In The M ail... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - 3 . Neighborhood Dogs Running Loose Kill Beloved Pet ; To the edilon I We have a siairwoy al the back ofour house. Il's I old. il sap and leans from a foundation lhal has . settled wilh time. Il's no longer safe to use and my I wife has been after me lo Icar il down. But for 18 I yciin it his been the ihrone for our beloved cat, ■ Mittens, who Jay after day would sun heiself I pcaccruilywhilelookingoulovcrhcrdomainwhlchI is our yanl. Bui Miiicns' reign camc to and end ; tonight just 30 feet from this stairway of a throne. A ; reign cniciiy brought to an end hy two local dogs ; thal savagely killed her. No words can describe the I pain my wife and daughter fell as Ihcy discovered our family loved one at the feel of these killers. These dogs arc pets, loo. But pots ofsclllsh and itresponsibieowners who somehow think itO.K. to allow thcirramiiydogslonin free beyond Iheirown yanl. I've never figured out why dog owneis think it's somehow appropriate that their animals should tun loose logel thcirexerciseorlura somconcelse’s yardinlathclrpcnonal toilet. Ukcsomchow..."that's jusl whal dogs do". Life is precious al all levels. For some reason we humans think we rule the world wilh our self imposed goals and majeslic plans. Pel animals have a simple lask, just being there lo love and he loved In rctura. Two days ago I thanked God for provid­ ing pets Гог us to love. And just last nighl I told Millens I loved her and lhat she seems tobemy only rcal friend. Now she's gone, and il hurts. • Today, in memory of Millens, please hug your pel. Tell Ihcm you love them and thank them forthe love Ihcy give in relurti. And if your pel happens to bc a dog, love them enough to keep them in your own yanl. Don Masura Advance I Midwifery Must Be Protected As Viable Means Of Birthing To the editor ; I am a paslor (Antioch Community Church) I and a college professor (Elon College) In ; Alamance Counly. My wife and I have sjx pre- ; ciouschildren,whorangeinagerroml3to2.The ; sixth child, Judah David Fox, was bom in our ; home on Monday, Jan. 8,1996. The finl five ! children were bom the “convenlional way," in a : hospital. But I can tell you that none of the births I was as meaningful, and as easy as Judah's. He i was delivered by a midwire, Amy Mcdwin. who I was rccenljy airesled for "practicing midwifery without a license." I will say ftom experience, having been present at six births, that Amy's knowledge and skill aboul what the mother and the baby need at the time of delivery was morc than sotisractory for my wife and I and helped make the birth experience a joyftil celebration. She does not nish the birth procedure, as most doctors do, but allows the mulhcr and baby lo cooperate with Cod's timing. When I held my sixth-bom in my arms after the binh, I wept with joy and praised the Lord for his life and birth (his name itself, "Judah," means "praise."). Midwifciy must bc protected asa viable means of birthing a baby. I urge the citizens of Davie County nol 10 allow the gift that you have in your own counly lobe taken away. Protesi the anest of Amy Mcdwin by aMending her court date. May 7, 9a.m„ Davie Counly Courthouse, or by writing a letter toihccditorofihis newspaper. Slnuld Amy lose ihiscase, it willnot onlybc your loss,bulours as wellandlspeakforhundredsoframilies across the state who have seen the skill she has in delivering a baby. J. Marie Fox Elon College Parents Have Ability To Regain Control Of Davie Schools ; To the editor: '. .1 once again find myself writing reganling Davie High, bul more importantly, to congratu­ lale asiudcnt, G. Matt Hanlcn, for an outsianding letlerwhichwaspubiishcdonAprilS.Mr. Harden appears to bc a well educated and inttlltgcnl young man and becauseof this Icongratulale him, as well as his parenls, for a job well done. "1, too, am a parent and I will once again say, as I did lasl year, come on people, let's get conlrol of this runaway administration. Wepay taxes, which pay these people to educote, not harass our chil- dren. This harassment seems lo conilnuc lo grow worse every year. When isil going loslop? Iw ill be the fitsl lo admit thal teachers today have a difficult job and lhat all chlldrcn are not angels. I know this from being a law enforcement veteran. However, good students ate being harassed at school over Ihings other cducalors in olhcr coun­ ties disregard. The administration needs to con­ centrate on educalion and not law enforcement. That's what school liaison officers are hired for. But Ihal's another letter in ilself. I would like 10 remind you parents, wilh school age children, that this is an election year. Not all school boanl members or school adminisiralon arc bad. but some changes need to be made. Wc have the ability to regain control of our schools, bulcveryone must work together. I said ll lasl year and I'll say it ogain, all in all our schools can do a good job. Mr. Harden Is proof of lhat. Congratu­ lations again Маи Hanlcn for a well written letter and good luck in the futurc. Geoff Schimmeck Mocksviile County Confimissioners Should Represent Whole County To Ihc editor 'Well, now Mr. Charies Fox wants to prolcct the rural lifestyle ofour county. For whom 1 ask. I am of the opinion that Mr. Fox has a personal ^enda. thal being Bermuda Run. where he lives. .1 have, for the lasl two weeks read from his writers of all the lime and money he has spent attempting to get the zoning approval overturned; however, Ihave not seen Mr. Fox in any olhcr arca of the county with either his time or money. The Board of Commissioners are elected to represent all ofthe citizens ofthe couniy. nol just those wilh spccial interest, such as Mr. Fox's group. I believe that the board should consist of members from all parts of the county. We now have one member from Cooleemee. two from MocksviUe. and two from the eastern part of the counly. one being from Bermuda Run.Well folks, it is your counly. Do we want it run from Bermuda Run? Lynn Mabe Mocksviile Donations, Volunteers Needed For Habitat For Humanity To the editor: I would like to thank all the volunteers who have contribuied to the succcss of Habitat for Humanity ofDavie County during the lost couple of years. Habitat can only be as good as its volunteers. Through failh and lot of prayers two families arc comfortably living in their dccent simple homes wilh their children. What a won* (icrful vision. Dewey Hunt Jr. has acccpted the responsibiU ; ily of prcsidenl of our afTiUatc. Iptan toconilnue volunteering and supporting HFH of Davic as 1 challenge you to bccomc a Habitat volunteer. Habitat for Humanity of Davic Counly needs commitee members. Volunteers arc needed from all communilics and groups of folks. The task of providing simple decent homes for Ihose in need is not any certain community's challenge, il is all of God's children's responsibility. Jesus com­manded lhal we love one anolher - it's nol an option • il's what He expects. In the very near future applications will be taken for our third home which will bc located on Windsong Road in Mocksvillc. More details on the application process will bc given soon.Call Tina Fells at 751-6158. Please support Habilal with your flnancial contributions, your physical volunteering, and your prayers. Join us for hard work which guar­ antees you many gratifying rewards.Diane Crolts MocksviUe Blood Drive At Pinebrook Elementary School Successful : To die editor; OnbehalfofPinehcookEleinenuiySchoolaiid : the Davk! Counly Red Cross, Cindy and I wouM ■ like'iogivea5pecial''0uiikyou-|oallofthedonon, ; volunteen and capoiate sponson who made our ‘ blood drive a success on March 21. ; V^e were very fortunate to have volunteen 10 ; assist wilh various duties such as, phone calls for ; donorequipmenu,lheselupandbreakdownoflhe ; equipmmt,regi5iralk)n,refreshmenonnddaycare. -IWe iTOoid like to thank each one of Ihe foltowing: Connki Ellis, Mary Beth Suuiley, Cindy Booe, Zollie Rogers, Christopher Rogers, Odell Rhynedaidl Jr., David Si. John, Steven Si. John, Debbie Sprinkle, Cee Nasir, Virginia Brown, Col- teen Brooks, Tamika Self, Kari Neeley, Tessy Wek:^ Susan Cain, Susan IQng, Vicki Wenlz, Tammy Hauser, Jante Budd and Susan Beeson. A spccial lhanks toChrisDarling-$25giftceitiricaU, Chuck Pardue - 35 footlong subs. Bill Burieigh - coffecsupplks, JenniferGardner- lOdozendough- nuts and Debbie Koonlz-paslries.Thank you again donon for participating in our btood drive. We definitely couldn't have done il wiihoul you. In concluskm, we are proud lo say thal we dkl meet and exceedour goal of 60 pints ofbkx)d. Once again, we wouU like to say diank you lo all that panicipated in making the btood drive a succe». Best wishes to Kevin and Jne Long.Roslyn Nasir and Cindy St M n Advance ëheck Qualifications; Stokes Best Candidate For Sheriff : To the editor.. ? b reference lo Put« Oiry FOUer’a letter io ‘a» April 9 edilioii of the Divie County Eater- fpriie, I have a few соплтепа.! find it unethical •for a pastor to |et involved iii politics, etpecially :■ in • counly they dont even reside In, nor vote in. You saU, and I quote,'I believe that ppUlici ■are better lefl oul ofthe pulpit" I agree. AUeUe . ;iii your letter wu OUI of placefor context). If you ;have no vested interett in Davie Cdunty, Ihen uc you becoinini Ю involved, ai to write a ;iei«er«) the Enterprise? i YouitatedlhalAllenWhilakerwaianaiietto !hi>chutch(oulofOiYieCouiily);hiicommunily : and hia Ood, aixl yiiia feil 'compelled* to share llhal informatioo wilh Ihe public.. YouVe had ' 'your uy. What doet being * Sunday School Uuperitttendent and chairnun of the atMniilni- ■aye council and an схсе11Ш Sund^ School ''teacher have to do wilh beiif qualified fbr ther- iU? You in^nuated that our other candidate for .sheriff attend! church a few months before the 'elecdon and that you did not know anythini ' iibisut Ihe character and abililiH of any other candidile for ibeiifr. Ini fbr''^eoaly have âne other candidi d»rifr.IkinwlhiaiicnoaandhiifaaiUy. Andy 'M m knogiii the Uw. If you doo4 know any- - ft ' —..... ..... Ihing about Andy's character or his abilities, Uien maybe you shouM check it out He ia the only quaUfied candidate for sheriff of DavieCounty.We have lo have a sheriff who will bring law and order to our county. Andy Stokes is strongly againat drugs aid other crimes in Davie County. Only a qualified candidate and someone who knowa the law can woric to curb dwM crimet. Andy Stokes ia not afraid 10 get out on Ihe iireeu and fighl these terrible crimes. He i> out lb help our youUi, our leaden 0^ Ihe fiinin. He and hit wife JeweU have children of Iheir own. They know whal peer preuure can do. He'will be a working sheriff. WhilakerhulSyeanofexperience,allinlhe Davie County Sheriffs Offfce. Compare № to over 30 yean of experience u a N.C. Highway Palrobnan and Davie Counly magiitrate plus beingaconcemed parent In hia adveitiienient in' the Enteiprise, he uys: It's lime to get tough, to go to work, to lend a message ttiat he would not tolerate drugs in Davie County. I believe him, u do the miiiarity of people Uut rve talked to who live and go to chuRh in Davie Counly. R o ^ , the dbg iMned by Dean Myen, is Ibe . ooewholedofficentothehkUngpiaceofJathiya Al-Bayyinah'on Mmh 9. Dean Myen.uw the need for a^uncking dog, not Sheriff Allen VOTE FOR CHARLES 0. W I L L I A M S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF DAVIE COUNTY WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE _______P.ki Pofclicil M By Owlw 0. Wftiwi_______ Whilaker. But Whitaker’s picuue wu on dw front page when diia murderer wu arrested. Politics and the elecdon coming up? Myen saU that he didn't buy a tracking dog to make money. He saw a need in the community that he wanted to fill. He thought Davie Counly needed a tracking dog readily available. Myen and his wife. Dale Robertaon aad the Davie Animal Control probably have spnt more time in the training of Roacoe than die iherifT hu in almou four yean. I applaud these |iya fcr dieit , : insight These ate citiiena coacened about the ciiminalKtlvitieainOavleaadiuiiguBdin(caua> ties, and I apfiUud Roacoe. Hala off to Deaa'a tracking team. - v. Do we want or need a re-elictioi cT Skitlff Allen Whittkn? No. We weal * ihatUr who knowa his penoonel (paid or unpaid). We «net • sheriir who will be a watUag ibaiff Hke AaAy Stokea. The primary wiU teU the tale, io ftaae get out aad tWnk about our ixxinty. Vote for, Andy Stokes, who cares more about people 1^ money. Pleaae flyo u t ticketn the ballot for counly commiiiioners, judges, DAs and all-nate candidates. The lives that we save maybeourbwn. ' Mn.D.B.Orefory Mockaviile ВВа Chictei Suçper F o r k F ir e D e p a r t n n e r it Saturday • May 2, 1998 12:00 noon - 6:00pm E ilt in or Tilkf! Out 4 ) 00 p<4 PlittO MENU: 1/2 BBQ Chlclten, Baketi Potato, Slaw, Roll, Dessert For Veketa Contact Any FIraflghtar Get the QfiS edvantagc! We Sell & Install. • GAS LOGS • GAS WATER HEATERS • GASPAC UNITS (Air Conditioning & Heat All-In-One) • GAS FURNACES INBIttLTECiMOUieYilllC. 180 Green Grass Rd., Mocksviile, NC I3361284-2881 À ЙШУКГМQASFUNBWQ IKATM СОМШОЯ A BEAUTIFUL SMILE... A GREAT SELF-IMAGE • CMldicnlaAdulti• Call Foe CampUincnlaiy CoiuulUtion AbiaulifulheaMiyimilelsioiniportantloa iMU'tselfonadaiGe.lhsi'swhyOePtnna MdsMTwanttonaktlimaanaagRUh ~ paitc<your&niily'inionlhlybui%ii ISICHOLAiS JAMES PENIVA, D.D.S., P.A.Exckislvcly OtllNKlnnllcs 4 DentoAiclal Onhopedlcs Iktephon« (704) 633-5942 Facslnll« (70*) »M 2371819BiCTnerAv«nue SidisbuTy.NC2814*.2519 Ш Ш ^ ^ С Щ С К Е Н м Ё Ш Ш Ш м щ т ш к ÎM I » H Ш tu, 1 . , V w * i í « l í » W l ELECT Н в п е е S m i t h H o w e l l ÿ Ü S ts S L9 С М М И Ш :i£ a n 5 s a ;. • t t & h r l m . ÍÍ0 TIÍO R P itES S ÍÉY B R À W M Æ V _____________ o m o a COUIT JU D « • ^ м 1 JU D K U L о т и а IM n m w V I r i ; n i \ m M W r»ih. IÎIÎK5 NMIarkre еШеЫйеаШ» •. I r ^ k iWilCaert *i<ee, 4-D AVIE c o u n t y EN TERW aSE r e c o r d , А|йй 1«, 1Ив Countyelectionssupe[visorMargaretShewwatchesasMocksvilleTownCommlsslonerJ.C. "Buster* Cleaiy practices voting on the new equipment. - Photoa by Mllw Bamhardt Board Allows Second Entrance Coatbmcd № m Page 1additional entrance, closcr to Valley Road, would be a righl-in right-out only road. ‘Tiiey’re trying to keep the trafllc pressure olT Valley Road." he said. Daily traffic counts on Val­ ley Road are 16,000. on U.S. 64, 5,000.“All I’m concemcd aboul is whal we do is done righl,” he said. ■There's a tremendous amount of development going lo take place in this area in the next few years." It would be more difficult to access out- parcels without the extra enuance, he said. “We feel there are not negatives to a righl-in and right-out that helps the traffic flow," said Kyle Swice­ good. , ■Tow.ii^board member Buster Cleary n i^ the moiion to allow Ihe extra entrance. Jim Wall made the second. Board member Sieve Walker said Ihe extra entrance wasn'l in the best interest of the coramunily's vision or traffic. Lee Rollins called it one of Ihc most difficult decision he has hod to make on the hoortl. “I would have a concem wilh selling Ihe precedent to allow lhal (entrance)," Rollins said. “Bul I don’t think anyone is opposed by any means lo Ihe shopping ccn­ ler. We’re elaled." Vemon Thompson also said he was concerned aboul selling ihe pre­ cedent, but voted to allow the sec­ ond entrance. Cleary said as proposed, Ihe en­trance would help №iffic flow. Wall agreed. “The potential growth of the area, anything we can do to alleviate congestion on Valley Road, we ought to do. I think this could help alleviaje what could be­ come a serious problem." Wei Basins Discussed The board also discusscd the wet detention basin proposed for the project. It would include a five and a half foot deep wet rclention pond in the corner at U.S. 64 and Valley Road. Swicegood said he didn'l know why engineers proposed ihat wet basin, bul he wanted to do what was best for the lown and neighborhood. If the town wants a dry system, he w ill try 10 get thal designed. He would also work to landscape and make Ihe wet pond appealing, he said. Grey said the wet basin would work, but the town has no rules con­ cerning such facilities. He also'said the public needs lo know what h's getting. He lold ihe board he would gel examples of rules for wet deten­ tion basins from olher towns for Mocksville to consider adopting. Elected Officials Try New Voting Machines COOLEEMEE - Dltcctor of Elcc- lions Margarct Shew went lo a joint meeting of local ofllclals last monlh wilh a small suitcase. Within minutes, she had set up one of Ihc new voting machines that Davie residents will use when they go 10 the polls for primary elections and school board elections on May 5. Mocksvillc Ibwn Commissioner Busier Cleary was the first lo take a try at the new procedure, “ll was easy," Cleary said. The county has ordered a machinc for every 250 voters. When a volcr goes to vote, a precinct official will insert a cartridge that allows the in­ formalion 10 come up on a sctccn. Using a stylus, voters w ill he in- slracled on how to vole for particu­lar candidates. They w ill be able to change Iheir mind, and the voles aren't recorded until Ihe volcr pushes Ihe butlon 10 cast their ballot. O P E N H O U S E F O R S Y T H M O T O R S P O R T S C ttstom er A ppreciation W M krad Seturday, JMprll le th 9 am • s pm •ММ||1|1>{1Д»(шк1ес11ши>)а1Г«К|н>||тв9.9» •Sacrdeaboa idect Ш nedelxim Vidcm ISCOChsik; l9WZX«l9WZX-W;FIlEEChiiicLe<ilierJKtcliilial m ’l REE lai-SSOO Vilwl FUE MOS Helncl-$315 Ш tMBTMtSwllKto-SBOOVUMl____________ Ч F U N • R I Q D • i N T E I I f J U l l l l l E I I T Clerk for the Oavie County Board of Commissioners Brenda Hunter uses the voting machine, while Shew talks with Cool­ eemee Town Clerk Dolly Campljell. • ,, “It’s very simple," Shew said. “It rccords Ihe number of people who have voled at cach machine."Al ihe end of Ihc voling, olTicials can quickly gel the results from each machinc.Anyone wanting lo practice on the machine (Sample ballots from past elections are used) may do so on ’fiicsday, April 21. Machines will be displayed at Food Lion in Hillsdale from 10 a.m.-noon, at Davic Dis-’ count Drug in Cooleemee from 2-3^ p.m.. at Wal-Mart of Mocksvillc from 4-6:30 p.m. and al the Rcpub-, Mean Parly meeting in the Davie. County District Courtroom at 7:30 p.m. , . RE-ELECT J u l i a H o w a r d N .C .I a a fM i M ays Elect “A proven leidcr who Is dedicated to woiUiii with Ilie people and (or tbe people Divir Coiuty.** Michael D. Allen Republican Candidate for Davie County Board of Comtnitslonen If Elected I Will strive to: Bt i Good Comnunkilor for tht Citinu of Divie Coaitjr Investigate illuallons before dceiitans are mad«. Help Boost Industry within Davie Ccunty.: Help ptmidc higher edeealki« Bad Job ikil bvck Htip BaliKt inmth for Uk ritims OfDavie Couty. r n m m p ic tu r e IS w o r th a th o u s a n d w o rd s .^ ^ lOea Dodgt Convtrtkm Van, PS, AC, PW. CB, R«dk>CuMn>(Fronte Back) Loti ol ExlTM, 8 M t АрргмШ*.ебКи«1ш1т1(м. tesesorM roHir.ЭЭе-в9е-2817. 1896 Jm p, 28,000 mllM. Огмл, 4 Door, e , cyHndor. Automatki. kwdad. 118,800 (Mg.) 704-8ЭЭЧ411 1886 BulGk тмгИ SupMchargor Hk* ПМ». Om owiwr, 15,000 пШм, hMdod. rww НМмМШм, v n f ItM w IntMo. Qray ouMdo. CtHaM«r8;30p.m. ЗЭ6-751-2411. L o t o u r n e w u s e d c a r p h o T o a d s p u t s o m e c a s h l n y o u r h a n d s . 1884 Impala SS еопуаМЫо, mMnloM bkw, •rtillo top, 327, auto, PS, PB, looal ear, 80% raatorad. Ill,sOOAmt oliar. 888-7436 nIgM«; 761-8M1 daya. ■ Advertise your med vehicle with a photo and let the picture do tt)e tolldng. Just luring in a photo of your car along with a brief description and vye'll run It In the Davie County Enterprise Record for a fantastic iow price. Please— No Dealers. , $ 2 0 .0 0 1 BAVIB C O U N T Y р К П Й М и ^ К О Й Р , 171 Soutti McinSt, • lytoctavie, • (336) 761-2120 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - 5 i .'^followingcascsweiedlsposed bf in Davie Court April 2.: Presiding was Judge Robert Johnson. Prosecuting were Alan Mar­ lin, and Leigh Bricker, assistant DAs. 1 —CwcndolinL.Ale*ander,DWI, sentenced lo 2 years, suspended 5 jfcars, 30 days in jail, comply wilh substancc abuse osscssraent, nol op­ erate vehicle uniil licensed, $500 fine, f osl; driving while license rcvoked, no child testraim system, senlenced io 45 days, suspended 2 years, $200 fine, cosl. ; — Kristen D. Black, 93 mphin a 65 гопе, reduced locareless and reck­ less-driving, prayer for judgmenl coniinued; nolicense, dismissed, cor- TOted. . t -7- Lincoln Brock, second degree trespass, prayer for Judgment con­ tinued on cosl for 3 years, nol go about Furehes Motor, $100 fine, cosl. ' — Gary S. Bunker, misdemeanor probation violation, probation rc­ voked, complctc substance abuse assessment, physical and psychologi­ cal testing. — Reba Campbell, communicat­ ing Ihrcals, reckless driving, prayer forjudgment on payment of cost, not contact or interfere wilh victim. ■ — RogerCarapbcllJr.,68mphin a 55 mph zone, rcduccd lo improper equipment, cost. -^BarpnT. Cass, resisiing public officer, $100 fine, cosl. ' ~ ;. •— Matthew J. Chicoine, 2 counts pf misdemeanor probation violalion, probalion rcvoked, 90days in prison. .• — Rodney D. Chunn, 4 counts of misdemeanor probalion violation,ex- lend 6 monlhs, comply wilh mon- i:tary requirements. I: — Richard L. Cooley, communi­ cating threats, sentenced 30 days, suspended 2 years, $100 fine, cosl. — Elizabeth M. Deese, sccond degree Ircspass; 2 counts of commu- nicaling threals, dismissed at request pf prosecuting witness. :■ — Jaimie D. James, worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement.I' — Dean Bob Jones, assault of a female, senlenced 75 days, suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment and Ireatmenl, attend AA meclings, attend domestic violence prevention program, remain employed, $200 fine, cosl; communicating threals, dismissed..' ' — Cryslal A. Kisscc, 3 counts of misdemeanor probation violalion, rc­ view in 60days. Day Reporting Cen­ter, $50 attorney fee. -Michele A. Lemons, worthless check, dismissed, civil settlement. — Jamie R. Lyons, misdemeanor probation violation, probation re­ voked. ; — Kenneth W. Morris, misde- (neanor probation violalion, rcvoked, 24 monthsinprison. j — Irene Репу, wonhless chcck, (lismissed, civil settlement, j —HerbertPulliam,misdenieanor jnobation violalion, sentenced acti- yalcd to run concuirenl wilh sen- ience serving.; — Denise N. Smilh, domestic (riminal trespass, dismissed, civil letUement. ; _ John Richani Smilh, 2 counts flrst degree rape of child, 2 counts allempled sex offense, waived p r^ ibie cause, case goes to Superior Court.■ — DeiiickB.Triplin,77mphina 65 zone reduced io exceeding a safe speed, $10, cosl; driving while li­cense revoked, dismissed. , i — Marit W. Webb, simple as- (ault, failure of prosecuting witness to appear. i^ 9 S c a a io a ; Thefollowingcasesweredisposed t>f April 9 in Davie District Court V*ith Judge Jack Klass presiding. Proseculon wete Robbie Crumpton . tnd Lynn OuUcO, asiinau DAt. 'i. V ioel R. Basilio. driving wtiile license revoked, reduced to no Iptiinoi's license, pnyer for judg- rent continued, cosl; possessing or «spUying an altered, nclitlous or ■evoked driver's license, dismissed. I -MarcPaulBlouln,speeding93 jn » 70 zone, prayer for judgment iontinued, cost.J - Greg Neii Brewer, speeding 8S (na70,rcduced0ij74ina70,$10nne indcoal. »■i .-Em*ilL.C«Wwell,DWI,driv»- |ii| while Ikwnie revoked, vk)l<lloa irilnilKldrivingiitivllege, I65dayi bpiM B nupudtd one yew with ivpaiviMd pobalioa, no( ojperate v^lantUUMiMad,48l>auncam- munity service, comply wilh sub­ stancc abuse assessment, remain employed, $350 and cosl. - Gary Wayne Caudle, misde­ meanor child abuse, proycr for judg­ ment continued 3 years. comply wilh substance abuse asscssmcnl, cost. - Rhonda Sue Chandler, speeding 96 in a 70. prayer forjudgment con­tinued, cost. - Billy Joe Cleveland, failure to stop for a slop sign or flashing red light, reduced loimpropcr equipment, $50 fine and cost. - Terence D. Cranford, unsafe raovemcnt,$IOandcost;hitandrun and failure to slop for property dam­ age, nol guilty. - John 0. Crook, ossault on a female, prayer forjudgment contin­ ued, nut Ihicatcn, harass or assault Ihc viclim, cosl; injury <o personal properly, dismissed by DA. - David Wayne Davis, open con­ tainer afler consuming alcohol, cosl. - Shirley Dewalt, misdemeanor school attendance law violalion, 15 days injall suspended 2yearsifchild misses no more unlawful days, cost. - Crystal Dawn Doss, speeding 87 in a 70, rcduccd lo exceeding a safespccd, $10, cost. - William Slewart Dove, speed­ ing 87 in 70. rcduccd lo 74 in 70, S10. cosl; no licensc, dismissed. - Pamela L. Evans, worthless check, prayer for judgment contin­ ued. $40. half cosl. - Rodney Forrest Evans, DWI, driving while liccnse revoked, two years and45 days in prisonsuspended two years, supervised probation, not operate vchiclc unlil licensed, 30days in jail, complcic substancc abuse as­ sessment, $400, cosl. -Charles M. Furiow. speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd 10 74 in a 70, prayer forjudgment continued, cost. - Thomas Gcesling, speeding 78 in a 65, rcduced lo improper equip­ment, $10 and cost.- Neil Wright Grotegut. driving to endanger, rcduced to carcless and reckless driving, prayerforjudgmenl continued, cosl: speeding 87 in 70, dismissed;expiredrcgisiralion,$200, cosl. - David Thomas Hall, simple worthless chcck, worthless chcck on closcd account, speeding 68 in 55, driving while licensc revoked, no rcgistraiion, no liability insurance, ficlitious, cancelled, revoked or ex­ pired registration, possessing or dis­ playing an altered, ficlitious or re­ voked driver’s liccnsc, 280 days in prison.- Jennifer E. Hamplon, driving while liccnsc revoked, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Brooke D. Harrington, exceed­ ing a safe speed, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10, cost. - AngelaP. Hartley, driving while license revoked, prayer forjudgment coniinued on condition nol operate a vehicle until February 1999, cost.- Jane Holieman, injuty lo per­ sonal properly, communicating Ihreats, dismiss^ prasecuting wit­ ness failed 10 appear.- Amanda K. Howell, speeding 86 in 70, reduced to 74 in 70. $10, cost.- Dustin Troy Hunter, driving while license revoked, opencontainer after consuming alcohol, 43 days in jail suspended Iwo years, not operate vehicle undl licensed, $200, cost.) - Jeffrey Shane Jacobs, secoiid degree trespassing, dismissed, pros­ ecuting witness failed to appear. - Jova D. Jamison, driving while license revoked, prayer forjudgment' coniinued, cosl; speeding 87 in 70i dismissed. - Anita Johnson, simple assault, prayer for judgment coniinued. - Jason Lee Jolly, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, prayer for judgmenl continue^ cost. -Joann Sprinkle Kiger, probation violalion, driving while license re­ voked reduced to no license, day reporting center, lum in driver's li­cense, $130 altomey fee; no chid restraint system, disrnissed.- Stephen Lankford, speeding 69 in a 55, license not in possession, $25, cost,- William Jessie UtUe, speeding , 76 in a 55, prayer forjudgment con­ tinued. - Sllfredo Magalk^ no registra- ‘' lioncatd,opera(ingav^clewilhno insurance, dismissed, not his car. . -MichaelD.Medves,assaultwiih a deadly weapon, 75 days in jail suspended 2 yeilji, atipmiied pro- ballon; not harass, threaten or assault his molher, cost, $125 allorney fee; two counts communicating threats, lusaull wilh a deadly weapon, dis­ missed by DA. - Crystal Lynn Mock, speeding 85 In a 70 zone, rcduced 10 74 in a 70, $10, cosl. - William A. Monlgomery, driv­ing while liccnse revoked rcduccd lo no operator's license, prayer forjudg- menl coniinued, cost. - Bobby Ray Phillips, unsafe movement, $10, cost. - Jamie D. Potts, driving while license revoked, rcduccd to no operator's licensc, brake light equip­ ment violation, rcduccd lo improper equipment, 40 days in prison.- David Eari Powell. Inspection violation, dismissed, corrected. - Robert Grey Ridings, probation violalion, ordered lopay money owed by April 13, possess no drugs and spend weekend in jail. -William H. Rogers, speeding 85 in 70, rcduced lo 74 in 70, $10, cost. - Jesus Ruiz, speeding 86 in 70, rcduced to 74 in 70, prayer for judg­ menl coniinued, cost. - Daniel Sain, simple assault, prayer for judgmenl continued on conlinuation of Ircalment and taking medicine, cost. - Darryl Scolt Sechler, driving while licensc revoked, reduccd to no licensc, nol operate vchiclc until li­ censed, $50, cosl. - Anthony Wade Sellers, misde­ meanor larceny, reduced lo shoplift­ ing, 10 days in jail suspended two years, nol go back lo Wal-Mart, cosl. -John J. Shaver, speeding 85 in a 70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70, $10, cosl. - Jamie Michael Sheets, proba­tion violation, rcvoked. - Donald James Shuford, DWI, 2 years in prison suspended 2 years, supervised probation, not operate vehicle unlil licensed, complete sub­ stance abuse assessment, $400, cosl; driving while licensc revoked, open container after consuming alcohol, dismissed. - Croig Howard Smilh. speeding 67 ina55. reduccd to improper equip- mcnl. $10, cosl; misdemeanor pos­session of marijuona, proyerforjudg- ment continued. - Lisa Fields Smilh. speeding 70 in a 55, dismissed; driving while li­ censc revoked, prayer forjudgment coniinued, nol operate vehicle unlil licensed, cost. - Anihony Siarinskas. speeding 87 in a 70, cosl. - Jennifer C. Turner, exceeding a safe speed, reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cosl; failure lo com­ ply wilh licensc restrictions, dis­missed. - Nilanh C. Vonc, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo exceeding a sofc speed, $10, cosl; driving a vehicle not registered or titled, dismissed. - Crystal York, simple assoull, found nol guilty by court. Failed To Appear - Cryslal Lee Bailey, misde­ meanor larccny. - Daniel Bardinas, misdemeanor underoge possession of alcohol, driv­ ing after consuming, speeding 69 in 55, open container after consuming alcohol. - Michael Bums, failure to stop for Slop sign or Hashing red light. - Wahio Chrabakh, speeding 100 in a 70, following loo close. - Mickey James Dewalt, two counts resisting public officer, driv­ ing while licenserevoked. - Mariana Mora, speeding 89 in a 70, no child restraint system. - Kcnen Myers, communicating Ihrcals. - Faye Polls, simple worthless chcck. - Vincent D. Prchis Jr.. speeding 86 in a 70, no operator's liccnsc. - Vickic-Jo Williams, resisting a public officcr. - Michael Scolt Wright. DWI, open container aflcr consuming al­ cohol, speeding 60 in a 45, failurc lo wear a seal bell. Advance Florist & G ift Bukets — WeDtllvtr— (3M )M O -t337 _8S8SimElti- S o m e G o o d R e a s o n s W h y M y H e a l t h P l a n I s P A R T N E R S M e o i c a t e C h o i c e T o d a y , w e e x p e c t m o re f ro m o u r h e a lt h p la n . T h a t ’s w h y s o m a n y o f u s a re s e le c tin g P A R T N E R S M e d ic a r e C h o ic e . K X I’ K R IE N C Б я п ш о а ш е A s one o f the firs t companies in N o rth C arolina to offer a health plan fo r M edicare beneficiaries, P A R T N E R S has the experience I trust. A n d P A R T N E R S M edicare C hoice gives me a w ide choice ' o f doctors, so w hen I need cate, I'k n o w the y w ill be there. P A R T N E R S M edicare C hoice saves me m oney and gives me value fo r m y h « ilth care d o lla r w ith : - $4 0 M o n th ly P la n P K m ium - 100% A pproved H o sp ita liza tio n W h e n M e d ic a lly N ecessaiy - N o P la n D eductibles - V irtu a lly N o P ap erw ork - L o w $1 5 C opaym ent F o r D o c to r O ffic e V is its - V is io n C are P A R T N E R S is one o f N C ’s oldest H M O s. A n d because it is part o f one o f the states largest health care organizations, I know th e ir firs t p rio rity is m y health. With PARTNERS Medicare Choice I have a he^th care partner 1 can count on, today and tomorrow. J o in us j b r a F B E E , n o obligation m eeting Westem Steer • Mocksville 1580 Yadkinville Road Friday, April 17 • 9:00 a.m. CALL TODAY f i r your free infirm ation kit. 1-800-665-8037 p a r tn e r s ; V D E / PARTNERS Mediom Choice Uoffeed by PARTNERs'toionJ Healdi Plani ofNotthO m linfcliK., in HMO widi a MedfaueriA contici.You hiu« have and ke y M^care fan В to pytidpate. Available only in HCFA ipproywl Bcnefig m y vaiy ty counpt HCFAAD.97-003 ^ /97 с -, D A ^ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 1«, 1998 Fhiblic Records I, ' 1 ■ A r r e s t s The foUowing arrests were made by the Davie County Sherifrs De­partment. - Patricia Marie Overby, 40. of 283 Granada Drive, Advance, was anested April 7, forobstnicting and delaying an officer. Trial date: May 7. - Mareus Anthony Hauser. 19, of 169 Candi Lane, Mocksvillc, was airested April 8, for misdemeanor larccny. Trial date: April .10.-JoseAntonioLopcz,M.ofWin- ston-Salcm, was arrested April 8, for no operator's liccnse and fictitious tag. Trial date; May I.- Gar)’ Ray Gofonh, 21 of 337 Powell Road, Mocksvillc, was ar­ rested April S, for Im-eny. Trial liaie: M.iy7. - V iisil \V«>1K M»t»w, 47. of Saiisbuiy,was »ntstcJ Ar*il S, fivr felon)' lurceny. Tn»\ ¿й с : Mn)' 4. - Jctlfei)’ Lee l>at»n. 27. of 2.W7 U.S. 6(11 N.. MvVVwlle. « « at' rested oa April 9, for asMiiilt im a female. Amtfe to prxipctt)’ «ml re­ sisting ancst. Tti,V date: M-ry 14.-Justin Vcach Та>Кч, 19, of 159 Lake\w>xl Ciivlo. Mocksvllle, wos .invstcvl AiHil 9, ft» iKimcstIc criml- (\»1 tKsivm. Trial date; April 9, - Nivtnan Jen'ery Callaway, 39. of 1174 Rainbow Roiul.wus arrested April 9 for assaull with a deadly »e.ip»m. assault on a female and vio­ lation of a domestic violence order. Tri.il date: April 24.- Kcncn Dcshawn Myers, 21, of 173 County Line Road. Mocksville, wos airested April 9, for felony lar­ ccny, failure to comply with court order and violation of court order. Trial dates: April IS&I6. - Levi Lcvander Pniitt, 48, of 196 Legion Hut Road, Cooleemee, was arrested April 9, for ossoult on a fe­ male. - Ronald Brent Smock, 48, of 849 Riverbend Drive, Advance, was af- rested on April ID, foe permitting dogs to run at lorge ond Injury lo personal property. Trial date: April 16. ! - Theodore Harold Simmons fl, 40, of 245 Jarvis Rood, Advonce, wns arrested April 11, for domcsti assaull. Trial date: April 30. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie SherifTs Dcpl.-Donna FbmslofBailej'S Chapci Road, Advance, reported .\pril 6, that her mailbox had been stolen.- Minnie Carter of Mockwllc reponed April 6, thal someone had saatched profane »onls on ihcr 19S6 Chn-sler with a shaip objccl v> hile it was paiicd at her itsidenoe.- Hu.«on Franccs Crater of N.C. 801. Advance, rejwricd .\pril 8. that someone had damagcJ his mailbox. - Davic Hifh Sludenl Erica Michelle Andrade ofMocksville. re­ ported April 9. lhat her purse had been .stolcnwhilcshcwas eating lunch in the school cafcicria. - Elirahcih Jane Bullanl of But­ terfly Trail reported April 9, that money hadhcenstolcnfixinihcrputse. - Robert Now ak of Winston-Sa­ lem reported April 10, that a door facing had been damaged at Ihc post oll'icc al Bermuda Run when some­ one kicked open Ihc door.- Stephen Glenn Lawson of Mocksvillc reporled April 10, that a stickcrhadbeenslolcn from his 1989 Mercury in the parking lot at Ber­ muda Quay shopping center. - Virgil Foster of U.S. 64 West. Mocksvillc, reported April II. that his mailbox ond post hod been hil by 0 vchicle and damaged. - Julia Patton reported April 11. lhat llghu and a table at Cherry Hill Lutheran Church had been damaged. - Roy Borney reported April 11, thot two Americon flogs hod been stolen from the Americon Legion hul on Gladstone Rood. Mocksville. - Lee Tron of Lcxinglon reported April 12, someone hod stuck o gun out of a vchicle window ond fired five shols in Ihe oir at T&R Conve­ nience Store, U.S. 64 East. ,! - Carl Lee Neely reponed April 12, that an acquaintance had stolen>a cossctte player from his residence cti Jerusalem Avenue, Mocksvillc. ; - Bill Tucker Smith of Advanc^, reportcdApril 12, wheal pennies h il been stolen from his residence. | B u i l d i n g t h e r m i t s The following building permits ; were issued in Davie Counly in . .March. The permits are listed by owner or contractor, location, size and type of building and estimated cost. - Henry R. and Lassie Johnson. 559 Wilkesboro St.. Mocksvillc, re­ model house, SI 5,000. - J. Fraiik Construction, 167 Shady Grove Lane, Advance, 1,810 square foot house, $129,750.- Diane B. Wallace. 152 Pudding Ridge Road. Mocksville. 1.666 fool: square fool house, S102,720. . - Fred A. Smith. 132 Deerndd ' Drive,Mocksville,2,800squarefoot .•iiplaMhwtH; $28.000. . \v -WcMFi*tBuilil.223R()ouer. -.Im i . l,9M iifHn fool ' bnn, 1I9,44№, 4,31« square foot tit- plane hangar, $43,180. - Fonest Cranfill Constniction, Lot 315 Oak Valley, Advance, 2,612 squate fool house, 5194,100. - Jeffrey Hanes, 316 Bobbitt Road, Advancc, 1.376 square foot house. S85.440.- Ralph and Ann Choplin Cooper, Gciia Way, Mocksvillc, 3,952 square fool house, $249,620. - C. Richard Dobson Builders, 126 White Eagle Court, Oak Valley, 2,200 square fool house, $144.450. - Barbara Lofiin, 1891 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville, 272 square fool deck, $2,720.- Jerald and Patricia Martin, Shef­ field Fanns, Mocksvillc, 896 square fool bam, $17,920. - Bermuda Run Country Club, 324 Bcnnuda Run Drive, Advance, renovation to lockcr room, $200.000. - Dewey Rothrock, Lot 220 Kingsmill Drive, Oak Valley, re-. model. m «)uaie feet. $20.000. . - Doo» and lennUer Canner,1,590 square foot house, 748 Ridge Road, Mocksvillc, $135,930. - Richard P. Hendricks, 185Charleston Ridge, Mocksvillc, 1,700 square fool house, $144,260. - Westphalia Conslruclion, Lot 305 The Woodlands at Oak Volley, 3,047 square fool house, $216,070. - Brenda Wells, Godbey Road, Mocksville, 1,560 square foot house, $125,960. - Curtis Wood, Hc.nvenly Lane, Advancc, 1,316 square fool house, $86,960. - Kevin J. Robinson, 158 Kayla Trail, Mocksvillc, 2,562 square foot house, $162,880. - Bonnic Brown, 123 Sccnic Drive, Mocksville, 672 square foot garage, $13,440. - R.C. Short Custom Homes, Lot 12 Alton Place, Advance, 1,720 square foot house, $119,940. - Keith andTma Felts, 385 Dead­ mon Road, Mocksville, 3,620 square toot house, $232,510; 816 square foot garage, $16,320. - Grimes Blackwood, 159 Springhill Drive, Cooleemcc, 2,580 square foot house, $159,500. -AustinMcGuirein, 109 S. River Hill Drive, 2,900 square fool house, $188.280.: Julia Ryle, 351 Pinebrook Drive, Mocksville, 1,625 square foot house, $109,120. - Eric Brown Construction, 3833 U.S.64W.,Mocksville, 1,120square foot house, $70,080. - Tim and Denise Hendrix, 419 Elmore Road, Mocksville, 1,839 square foot house, $123,650. - Roy Harris, 699 Salisbury St., Mocksvillc, demolition pcmiil. - Michael and Carrie Groves, 248 Allen Rood, Mocksvillc, 1,318 square fool house, $87,920. - Scott Angeil, Evans Road, Mocksville, 3,600 square foot indus­ trial shop building, $50,500. -Allen and Borbora Stiles, Lol 19 Alton Place, Advance, 1,750 square fool house, $119,720. - Keith B. McDanicI, 179 Hous­ ton Road, Mocksville, 1,709 square foot house, $117,660. - D&D Sales, 1030 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, 10- by 34-foot addition to slore, $4,000. - YMCA of Greater Winston-Sa­ lem, 215 Cemetery St„ Mocksvillc, 104 square foot bathroom addilion to shelter, $6,240. - Scotty Scofonl. 860 Davie Acad­ emy Road. 620 square foot addition to house, $J7,200. - Charies Howell, 5,400 square foot storage warehouse. Eaton Road, Mocksville, $32,600. - Tammy and Tony Buchanan, 446 Jock Booc Rood, Mocksvillc, 288 squorc fool oddllion to house being moved onto property, $39,640. - Marie Q. and Timothy Wall, 211 Willow Creek Lane, Mocksville, 800 square foot porch. $8,000. - Ray Boger, 436 Cana Road, Mocksvillc, enclosing porch, $15,120. - Glen and Doris Millet; 269 Mag­ nolia Ave., Mocksvillc. 451 square fool addilion to Kousc. $32,685. - Wayne Eaton, Spring Street, Mocksvillc, changc from flat to gable roof, $301. - Francis and Pamela Bahnson, 154 Pine Valley Road, Mocksvillc, convening bedroom to bathroom, 250 square feet, $ 15,000. ' - Bean Builders, 252 Kingsmill Road, Advance, 2,169 square loot house, $141,090. - Donald Shiplon, 303 Marehmonl Drive, Advancc, 5,867 square foot house, $399,535. ''- Jciyl and Joan Dunn, 344 Pud­ ding Ridge Road, Mocksvillc, 720 square foot pole building, $7,200._ - James T. Murphy, Lot 2. Sum­ mer Breeze on Sain Road. Mocks­ villc. 1.381 square fool house. $97,210. - Russell L. Whitlock, Coupiy Line Road, 1,232 square foot house, $75,220. - John and Susan biwan. 60S 'oik Valley Blvd.,Advonce,3,578sq’uore foot house, $186,735. - Flctchcr Livengood, 126 Elmwood St., Mocksvillc, 1,(M6 square foot oddition lo house, $62,760. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land transfers were filed with Ihe Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds. The transactions are listed by panics involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps pur­ chased, with $2 representing $1,000. - John F. Vick and Brenda G. Vick 10 James R. Newman and Judiih A. Newman, I lot, $230. - Thomas G. McMillan and Anita S. McMillan to Edgar M. Romine, I lot, Jenisalem, $137. - Fred O. Ellis and Marie C. El­ lis, Eugene Bennett and Willie Bess Bennett, Paul David Correli and Elaine C. Correli to David F. Black- well, 3 lots, Jenisalem, $33.- Dwight W. Spach, Edwin Lee Spach and Angela S. Spwh to Brian Lee Spach, 1 acre, Faminglon. - Westphalia Construction Co. to Gary Alan Moren and M. Healy- Moren, I lot, Fannington, $520. ■ Janies MichacI Scott and Mary E Wright ScoB lo Cathy M. Spraue., .22 acre, Jerusalem, $104. - James Eugene Blackburn and Nancy Hagie Blackburn to DwighI Cardwell and Doris Caidwell, .45 acre, Farminglon. $235. - R.D. Langston lo Charlie Bar­ ney Jr. and Dorolhy Bamey. 29.782 square feet, Clarksville, $2.- Peggy Johnson Tucker and Roland Tuckerlo Teresa Johnson, 1 lot, Mocksvillc, $7. - Horace Higgins and Eleanor I. Higgins to Robert E. Frcnch and Dorolhy S. French, 1,167 square feet, Fulton. - Rencc M. Spry and Timothy K. Spry lo Dennis M. Williams and Rebecca E. Williams, I lol, Mocks­ ville, $282. - Robert M. Potts and Betty B. Potts 10 Jeanna D. Jones, 1 tract. Shady Grove, $229. - Sally R. Cleary and Dwight H. Cleary to John L. Hudson Jr. and Vicky S. Hudson, 2 acres, Fulton. $S4 -William R. Johnson to JamesC. Jones, 6 lots, Mocksville. $10. ■ Cannon F. Ijames and Jane R. Brown. Venice U. Puliam Jr.. execu­ tor of estate br Reba Ijames Rotiem to Cunis W. Seamon and Joycc A. Seamon, .75 acre, Jerusalein. SW. - Shcllon Constniction Scrviccs to Edward L. Hicks and Betty B. Hicks, I lot, Farmington, $597, - Samuel G. Boilcy and Linda F. Bailey to Brillin S. Osbomc, I lot, Jenisalem, $238. - Wilma B. Cole lo Mitchell Lee Purycar and Paula Allison Purycar, I tract, Clarksville, $176. • CHAS & CHAS to J.L. Single­ ton and Connie T. Singleton, 1.66 acres. Shady Grove, $5. - Martha L. Smiley to Kcnnelh David Smith, I acre. Shady Grove. $30, - Westphalia Construction to David R. Small and Marsha Small, I lot, Fannington, $750. -VSTloDonnaM. Johnson, I lot. Shady Grove. $192. - Sally Jane Cadier to Michael J. Tlmier. 2 lou. Shady Grove. - Global Land Management to The Laudy Group. 7.2 acres, Farm- Ingtoo, $3,400. - Shugan Enterprises to Daniel J. Boucher ^ JoAnn T. Boucher, 1 lo(:Faimington,$881. Davie Propenies to Davie Prop- F i r e s cnics, 109.96 acres. Fannington. - Davie Properties to Ramey De­ velopment Corp., 44.68 acres, Fann­ ington, $2,750. - Davic Properties lo Don G, Angeli, 66.19 acres, Farminglon, $3,000. - Don 0. Angeli and Vera C. Angeli to BV West, 66.193 ocres, Farminglon. - BV West to WFBRCC, 66.193 acres, Farmington. - Chessie Ventures as agent and trustee forTVavco-BRTLImited Pan­nership to WFBRCC, 6 tracts (Ber­muda Run Country Club), Fanning- lon, $21,000. - E. Edward Vogler Jr. as tnistee for Marguerite S. Fox TVust lo C.L. Whilaker and Linda D. Whilaker, 3 lots, Mocksville. - B&F Manufacturing Co. toC.L. Whilaker and Linda D, Whiuker. 2.37 acres, Mocktvllle. $78. .- Wiley Cloyd Bailey to Ann LowdennilkBailey, I lol. Jenisalem.- Ann Bailey to Randall D, Gnibb ‘ DavieCOuatyfitedcpaitinenttte- iponded lo lte foUowing calls: ; Aftrfl C; Семег, 1:25 p.m, Dn alarm. 23П U.S„Hwy. 64. Wc«; ShenichK’aUliiln'HtiiMd;Mocla- ‘vUle. 3:37 p.m., ptt fire. Bartecue Houae; 8шМ|ря^4Я1 piñú,lirah fit«, 190 Oii^ U ^ , HoekavUk, 4;46p.n., wood* fhtbebM YMCA (Я Space Siml; Mocluville, 4:$7 pim., diitct nffic M Mo accidenl, MlCharleMaoRidge;Advaace,5;4l p.m.. aulo nccidenl, N.C. 801 near ShuttRoed. Afffl r. Mocluville, 4:31 p.m., iubi«ckle«.U.S.MIatLeeAp- PMcl; Cooleemee, 8:39 p.m., bruih fti^, IS901uiKtioa Roid; leniatlem' •laiiled; Foik, 9:41 p.m., electrical (ire, 4SI Fork-Bixby >o«d; Conuitzer-Didin ш1>Ы; Mockt- vUle,9-,49^vdiiclefii(,11ie(Mu, ,AffflftSmilhafove.8:30i.ro., auto accidenl, U.S, 158 near Bald- more Roed; WilUam R, Divie, S:I6 p.m., ta u nte, U.S. 601 it Cu* Roed; Ctnlecmee, 5:33 p.m.. biuib Ite. 177 MIdway SHeet; fciutaiehi uiitled; Smilb Orove, 9:38 pm, paitiblevehlcle lite, 1-40, I . Afiflft William R, Divie, 8:41 i.m.,iMoiccideM,U.S.i01 inIIraM oTlim'a FriiU * SHuIT; Mockavllle, s M o c k s ^ ^ P b l i c é 3:45 p.m., amo accident. U.S. IS8ai RedakinWay. Aprii Ik Center, 5:59 a.m., ve- hickI1re,I-40:Mocksville.8:5la.m.. aulo accidenl, Sanfotd Avenue in lto«lofInjenoll.Rand. Aireil:CountyUne,7;Ì0pjn;, auto «ccident. U.S. 64; leniaalem, 9:35 p.ro„ unknown lype of Ite, 238 FibfieklRoad. I 1 ; ' Ш fcOowii« wet« p a M ttte M c c b vite K U c e ^ l«k«MHiatfpMMlA((U6. «ином ^ t lireóch IO рШ a уе-Г cmlaif аЫ nckleu drivb«. IHal clwfMi with Mute b ndace ipaad aitar aa accideMòi Uninfiaii Roid M 4:43 pja, ApìU 6, MuUne Sollay ~ 11,оГ3331М1мК<ж1.ШМ the 19^4 Rad the waa (Wv- kthn il ю ск ia Iba tear a 1993 MekiUvwtqi Éaiiy Ш к Smw- ^7 , . „ „ , М.32,аГ139Вц1е1мгедо(М A M o c b v IU ^ w iM u tvu ,01Вс*гШ,Нм>и1 '-MI,-' ^ . -t- — /Ih' ■ nV - ' ■ N. CALAHALN 8, CALAHALN ELECT ui CHARLES FOX Republican for Davie County Board of Commissioners V O K E ^ X 'M A Y S •B cdioltd to prcMrving Ibc Davic County Ufcttyk that wc chcrMi. *£b[ COB trolled growth instettd of poorly coMcivcdilevelopnicnt and ^ sprawl. •S r iu p iu d to rcprcient the people, nol ipcclal interert groupi. •Е Л ш М and |Ы М in planning, impleHMntIng and contiolling coaplM bufincii pragranw. «a^ U lglo icrve in an open, hHMst AcoMlrteat manner. Charles Fox Peop^^Pan^ ''У '::;8 г М о с ^ ^N.MOCKS<:rrY^ I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - 7 L a n d T r a n s f e r s Continued From Page 6 and Ellen G. Grubb, I lol, Jerusalem. SSI, • Joe Greer McCullough and Curolyn McCullough (third interesi) lo Ervin D. McCullough and Priscilla G. McCullough, 9 lots. Jerusalem.- Ervin D. McCullough and Priscilla G. McCullough lo Troy McDanicI Jr., T. Kyle Swicegood, Jerry F. Swicegood and Jimmie Caudle, 9 lots, Jerusalem, $55. • Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership 10 Abba Construction, I lot, Farmington, $182. - Floyes Lineberry to Margaret A. Bra^ich, I lot, Jerusalem. • Wanda B. Green to James Dou­ glas Grcen, 23.62 acres, Clarksville. - Joseph D. Elchison and Touloup P. Etchison 10 Elchison Residential Conslruclion, 1 lol, Mocksvillc. • Lindsay R. Gunter and Doris S. Gunler 10 Linda G. Sidden, Steve Gunter, Shirley G. Shore, Wayne Gunter, Marie G. Melrose, Rebccca G. Mauldin, Brenda G. Settles and Terry Gunter, 7.65 acrcs, Clarksville. - Beauchamp Building lo Philip Anihony Beauchamp and Vickie C. Beauchamp, 1 lot, Farminglon. - Dennis Edward Egan and Ann Mocksville Police Oflicer Joey Reynolds Investigates the scene of an accidenl on Valley Drive at Sanford Avenue, - Photo by Robin Ferguaaon Two Injured In Collision On Valley Drive . .No charges were filed alter a •wreck on Valley Drive at Sanford Avenue ot 8:46 a.m. April 10. Harvey David Wallon, 28, of SunBu^, told Mocksville Police Of­ ficer D.T. Miller lhat he was driving a 1998 Inlemalional iruck on Valley Drive when a car was driven from SanfordAvenue inlo his path.The driver of the car, Emily White Gurley, 59, of Cooleemee, told Ihe ofTicer lhat she looked both ways about three times and did nol see the truck. No charges were Hied. Gurley, Wallon and a passenger in Wallon's truck, Neville Fields, 30, of Suffolk, Ml., suffered minor Injuries and werc taken lo Davie County Hos­ pilal for treatment. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The following accidents were in­ vestigated by Ihe N.C. Highway Pa­ trol in Davie County. Molher, Dnu|hler Ii^ured ' An'Advance mother and her daughter were injured in a wreck al ■5:40p.m.April6onN.C.801. ' Carolyn Tayson Markland. 32. and her daughlci-. Shea Leann Markland. 23, both 0(3133 N.C. 801 S., were takcn to FbrsyUi Hospilal for treatmenl of injuries. Charles Wesley Comatzer, 67, of 2218 N.C. 801 S., Advance, driving ;a 1986 Ford pickup track, attempted it left lum from N.C. 801 onto a pri­ vate drive, turning the Irack into the path of a 1993 Ford driven by Carolyn Markland, reponcdTroopcr J.R.Allred. Comatzcr was chaigcd with mak­ ing an unsafe irafTic movement. County Employee In Wreck - Davic Zoning Director John Gallimore reponed he blacked oul just prior lo an accident on U.S. 601 ; South at Mocksville Marketplace al 4:30 p.m. April 7. : Oallimore was driving a county- iowned 1970 Dodge pickup truck :t)0fth on U.S. 601. The truck went ;ofF the road to the righl. entering the iMocksville Marketplace entrance .’and striking a 1992 Pontiac driven 'by Renee Hamilton Beavei; 39. of 11137 Junction Road, Mocksvilte, re- i poned IVooper J.R. Allred. ''niickHydnipUuMa ! The driver of a 1980 Toyota jpickup truck reporled the vehicle hydroplaned on a wet Farminglon !RoiKl at 6:33 p.m. April 8.Christopher Murray Rakes, 23, of U l7 PDlts Road. Advance, was driv- ■ ing the track lhat skidded oul of con- |trol and traveled off the road lo the 'left, came back across the road inlo a dilch 10 the righl. It ovcnuracd inlo a small creek, reported Trooper Tcrrancc Denard Shaw. IVactor Trailer Overturns A InKlor Irailcr driver attempting to avoid another vehicle swerved the Irack. causing il to overturn on U.S. 601 Nonh at Angeil Road at 8:40 a.m. April 9.' ■, Rohcn Stephen Szaboasan, 33, of 1736 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville, was driving the track south and could not get slopped for a vchicle wailing lo tum. The track was driven off the road to the righl, where it ovenumed and struck a stop sign, reported Trooper A.A. Justice. Szaboasan was chaigcd with ex­ ceeding a safe speed. Failure 1b Yield Chanted A Kingstree, S.C. man was chargcd with failure to yield after a wreck on U.S. 64 Wcsl al 2:15 p.m. April 8. James Carl Benton, 38, backed a 1995 Isuzu pickup truck from a driveway into the path ofa 1986 Ford pickup track being driven on U.S. 64 by Karl Christopher Anderson, 39, of Winston-Salem, reponedlVooper A.A. Justice. Driver Fkcs Hirec Chnrtes An Advance woman faces three charges afler a wreck on U.S. 158 al 3:40 p.m. April 9. TVaci Ue Layell, 27, failed lo sup the 1990 Ford she was driving be­ fore it struck in the rear a 1992 Nissan pickup driven by Anhur Jesse York, 54, of East Bend, reponed IVooper J.R. Allred. Layell was chaigcd with failure to reduce speed, driving while li­ cense revoked and a child restraint violation. Driver Пес* Scene One driver was chaiged with driv­ ing left of centcr. and Ihc other fled the scene after an accident at 1:30 a.m. April 9 on Eaton Road. Javier Adame Barrera. 22. ofVod- kinville. was driving a 1991 Nissan that crossed the center line and sirack a 1988 Ford being driven in tbe op­ posite direction. That car was owned by Benito H.lYejo of Elkin, reponed Trooper C.D. Jones.The driver ofthe Ford fled Ihe scene on foot. Car Strikes Dccr Marie Roberts Correli, 53, of 165 Correli Road, Mocksvilic.w as driv­ ing a 1979 Ford on Mi; Henry Road at 8:45 p.m. April 7 when a dccr crossed her path, reponed Trooper C.D. Jones. MocskvilleManCiled A Mocksvillc man was citcd for making an unsafe IraiTic movement after a wrcck on U.S. 601 Nonh at Madison Road at 10:55 p.m. April 5. Faraq Peterson, 26, of 163 Cable Lane, was driving a 1985 Mereuiy and lumcd from U.S. 601 to Madi­ son Road, going into Ihe path of a 1982 Ford pickup driven by Todd Henry Shemll, 34, of 197 Candy Lane. Mocksville, reponed IVoopcr C.D. Jones Shemll swerved his ve­hicle lo the righl to avoid acollision, hilling a stop sign, Jones reponed. Peterson was chaiged with mak­ ing an unsafe traffic movement. Advancc Woman IiOured An Advance woman was injured when the car she was driving wrecked on U.S. 158 at 8:30 a.m. April 8. Kimberly Renee Smith, 29. of 119 Camden Court, was driving a 1993 Plymouih that weni off the road to Ihe righl coming oul of a sharp curve, reported Trooper P.T. Hcnnclly. The car strack a dilch and rolled over at least oncc. She was taken to Forsyth Hospilal for treat­ menl of injuries. She was chargcd with Mceeding a safe speed. Car Hita Brush On 64Brash lhat fell from a pickup truck on U.S. 64 East was strack by a car at 10a.m. АфП 11. Lawrence Lee Howani. 36. of 461 Powell Roud, was driving the Irack with Ihc load of brash. The fallen brush was struck by a 1989 Chevrolet driven hy Tammy Boingmon Astorga, 28, of MounI Airy, rcponcdTrooper A.A. Justice. Driver Suffers Diabelic Seizure A Stony Poinl man suffering a diabetic seizure hit Iwo mailboxes with a pickup Imck at 1:10 p.m.Aipil 11 on U.S. 64 West.Glenn Pcny Millsaps, 35, was driving Ihe 1994 Chevrolet when it wem olT the road to the righl and strack a mailbox, Ihen another mail­ box, and was stopped on Ihc right shoulder about amile away, reported TYooper P.T. Hcnnclly. Driver Ficca Scene . The driver of a 1976 Dodge van fled Ihe scene after an accident at 7:40 p.m. April ÌI on Nolley Road. David Richanl Taylor, 35, of 363 McCullough Road, Mocksville, was driving a 1979 GMC pickup track on Nolley Road when a 1976 Dodge van was driven into his palh from a pri­ vate drive, reponed Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Kennedy said he located Ihe van about an hour later on Davie Slreel in Coolccmee, and Iwo people - Patricia Ann Vanek, 47. and Johnny Jayne Hollaway, 44, each said the other was driving Ihe van al the time of the accidenl. 1b tUfoTyoe who lUowed ш to ю Ы wUh умг 1997 tax owr ptawirt, ted tt w* « » be oC help to »0« III Л» ted СооЬешес ana trt «МГ дЯке la Ihe Willow Oik Shopptat :СеаМг,ЭЗ»-751-Эт THE INCOMf TAX PEOPLE WiltowOahf Sh M i>|C eater Shopping Centcr •м Ю Т «(,Н С 27Ш CoobenMe,NC 27014 33»Ш .а714 P w u íU Íe a > Davie Democrat >mson ^ US SENATE рМкгкуНвЫиоаЬЗсшм Marie Egan to William C. Henning, I lot, Farmington, $284. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to K.T. Iscnhour Con- stmction, 1 lot, Famiinglon, $188. - Oak Valley Golf Partners lo K.T Iscnhour Construction, 3.551 square feel. Farmington. - K.T. Iscnhour Construction lo John Istwcn and Susan L. Istwen. I lot. Farminglon. $188. -1). Eugene Bennett and attomcy in faci for Willie Bess Bennett, Del­ bert E. Bennett and Martha H. Ben­ nett, Garnctte Nance, Fred 0. Ellis and Marie Ellis to David Eugene Shuler and Jan Sink Shuler, I lol, Calahaln, $30. - William F. Junker and Kalhy B. Junker to Carolina Container Co., 12.43 acrcs, Mocksvillc, $946. - The Fidelity Co. to William F. Junker and Kalhy B. Junker, 2 tracts, Mocksvillc, $1,939. - Salem Building & Realty to Wil- , liam Kent Parker and Tamara R. Parker, 1 lot, Fannington, $134. - Franccs Caroline Sanford to Andrea D. Hunt, 1 tract, Mocksvillc, $128: - Tcny Baxter Dedmon lo Delano Maurice Dedmon, 62.3 acres, Jerasa- Icm. mCKDMlE SAVINGS ONRESTOMCCOMKNm R eato n ic Q uantum T W In S e t REG. 2 5 9 % SA LE 1 9 8 % All Sim or Quathunlcddini On Strie ihliwitk. .^5 й гя зг ' с«*ав(|Ы . You and Your Family are invited to a reception honoring D r. A m a r y l l is T o r k e s, a specialist in internal medicine with Cooleemee Family Practice Sunday, April 19,1998 2*4 p.m. Zachaiy House 131 Chuich Stieet Cooleemee, N.C. 27014 Refreshments and fixe pñs provided _пш LOANS ON HOMES Excellent Rate« Available Cradit Ihroblema Understood WEOFFER •MCanMUdttkn • HooMlBptotMMnt • FbndandViuialiUIUtM • U S fta o ^ • ^ M n ttm w tip ta lO M E iiiiity • Exedlnit rate« OQ Dbtibb W d«i «nd M o d iiliii W itt (kiid ( M it • • • L o c a l P tn o n a l S trv io t • • • M U T U A L M O R T G A G E JtffCaU-Pnsidmt Sdiibwy 633-1800 1-8004SW78 Appacnt o m Taken b y Ph o n a * im - 9 v m COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 DivIe County inning Board To Hear Rezoning Requests April 21 ' ТЛеге will bearaccllngorthc Davio County Planning Board on 14icsday April 21, at 7 p.m. in Ihc commission- cis loom of the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocluville. JcfT Hanison has submillcd a re­ quest to rezone 2.09 acrcs and 2.01 acres from Residential (R-20) toCom- raunity Shopping (C-S). The proper­ ties arc olT the west side of N.C. 801 South and off the south side of Pcachtrcc Lane nnd further described os being Parcels A-2.01 and A-6 of Davic County Tax Map D-8-8. This request was postponed in February. Nonnan Carter has submitted a re­ quest to rezone approslmately 1.59 acrca ftom Residential (R-20)toHigh- way-Business (H-B). This property is at Uk southeast comcr of N.C. 801 South and Legion Ccmetciy Street and is Parcel C-27 of Davic County Tax Map M-5-16. The following arc requests for new road names for unnamed private roads serving two or moic residences. En­ hanced E-911 addresses will change for these icsidenccs upon approval of Ihc proposed names. • Dccr Trail at 277 Boozic Lane, Mocksviiie • Hidden Meadows Trail at SOS Ralph Ratledge Road, Mocksville • Hope Lane al 377 Ben Anderson Road, Mocksville• Randall Lane at 467 Liberty Church Road, Mocksville• Saddle Up Trail at 383 Bccktown road, Mocksville • Springwood Trail at 1410 Balti­ more Road, Advance• Webb Way alSlSI US IS8, Ad­ vanceRoger Spillman represemed by Ray Cates Surveying has submitted for final review a five lot single family ' rcakkMialUndsubdivisiontitledFeTry HeilMs TMs 4.26 acie net of land is tacMid It te к м к «т сосмг of ^ IM w M ita itC a M fa n lla id ia d is a potion of Parcel 66 of Davie County Tax Map M-4. Sallie Spillman represented by Stone Land Surveying, has submitted for final rcview a three lot revision of apottionof the Grant Heightssubdivi- sion. These lots arc locatcd off the east side of Junction Road approximately 1/2 mile nonh of Bear Crcck and arc lot 8 and lot 9 of Granl Heights as recorded in Plat Book 6, page 158 of the Davie County Registry. Oak Valley Associates rcprescnlcd by Beeson Engineering has submitted forpreliminaryrcvicwa 100 lot subdi­ vision titled Hiddenbrooke, Section 12, a 47 lot subdivision titled Broadmoor, Scction 11 and a 16 lot subdivision tided Pahncr's Ridge, Scc- tion9. These three sections are the next phases pianned within the overall Oak Valley Development. All parties and interested citizens are invited to attend and wiil have an oppoilunity to be heard in favor of, or in opposition to the changes. Prior to the meeting,alipersons interested may ohain any additional infonnadon on a popotui or ask any questions they may have by visiting the Planning Dc|iattmeMonweekdaysbetwecn8:30 a.m.aad5p.m. or by telephone al33l- 731-3340. : М Л С 1 С : ( M l’3250 Stratford 5^- Rd. SW 2 Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103 ^ Private Puila •Women'taubt.avic « Club*. Children’» • Pan]«. Chureh and • Butinns CalhcrinM. « CLEAN-CUT Ш Е SERVICE, MC Modiwllle,NC 27028 ^ CaHJohn i (336)492-570S I Call Carolina PW/VfEWk* per day . . A The M in i DishSatellite Service I No Equipment To Purchase Prime Star Supplies i Maintains All Equipment YOUR OAVie COUNTY PRIMESTAR DCALeR 338-9«8-480S or 1-«00^1-e40e ELMCT B O B B Y K N I G H T R e p u b lic a n f o r D a v ie C o u n t y C o m m lM lo n e r меекМ iNMlMts optriMct CommNMto: IMilltlMbMtbMiMn pracHcMMMnHefflM c llta •м a flM ■ C o м lt]^ ^V O T E -M ayf P«kl Pdrt<ttA(lBvBet)t)yKrigr< My caring touch can make the difference in regaining your health ... fast. Is ftet, BMt p few tnatOKiiU «Ilh Dr.r. ¿аамп. I relief from Ibelr pain ifltr only ■ It comes from listening to you, from avoiding unneeded tests, and from using the latest mediods to accurately diagnose and ttcat your pain. 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'M MOTIUCKER 4x4. 5- spMd, A/C, one owner, AM/FM cuMtt«/CD player, Extra dean, ’N CMWV CItOO MLVnU-оашв.аи1о.эбо,АЮ,рт,POL, 5вк muet, tow package. W CHlW AVm OLT. Auto. A/c. all poww, AM/FM cas- s«tte,alk)y wheels. BRANDNEW -M CHEWS-10. A/C. Only $10.500 alter rebate or SI 95-month approved credit. Buyl v r CHEVY EXT. CAB SHi-VERAOO. 2 WD, 350, auto, tiedllner, chrome wheel«, CD; k)aded. Only 12K miles, hunter green iwtth grey Interior. on ’N 224.sunroof,A/c, alioy®wRee?s. loadwt: $4,300 plus tax and tags. И Й Р П Ш П С Е : Wllkseboro«•■oone J U L . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - Bl , hWàr Eagles Turn Out The iLights On South Stokes By Brian nits Davie County Entcфrise Rccord » ; Davie's varsity baseball team itumcd South Stokes' lights out with a ¡four-run seventh inning that resulted ■in a pivotal 7-5 confcrcncc victory on iApril 7 in Walnut Cove. Or did the iSauras turn out their own lights? I Leading 5-3 and needing three jouts for the win. the Sauras' defense |сше unraveied in the top of the •sevemh and the War Eagles capital- ;ized, winning their sixth straight and ;iiemaining in contention for their first ;conferencechampionship sincc 1993. ;• Ibc defensive breakdown started jwhcn South's sccond bascroan !dropped a Scott Comalzcr popup to lead off the inning. Afler a walk to Jercmy Helton, the Sauras forgot to qover firsl base on a pcrfcclly-cx- 'ccutedbunt by Drew Ridenhour. The third baseman fielded the ball and threw to no one in particular al firsl .tiqsc, a throwaway lhal allowed ' Comalzcr to score and trim Ihe dif- .fcrence to 5-4. : Aficr Steven Nail's RBI ground rout tied the game, South camc un- .*hinged again. With two outs, the game tiled at S-S and runners at sccond and •third, Jonathon Creason hi t a dribbler •to the mound. The pitchcr's wide •throw carricd the first baseman into ^Creason's path. And Creason mowed ;thc.man, causing the ball to tricklc ;away os two mnncrs camc home with :the final runs. : Noonewillargucthatthiswinfits Ithe good-fortune category, but a Tfricndly bouncc had been long over- duc for Davic coach Jerry Walscr, who endured several closc lo.sscs last yearandabsorbcda3-2siingcrloMt. Tabor earlier this season. "It's about time wc got some stuff going our way, cspccially the way wc started out lost year (0-3 in the CPC)," said Walscr, whose team (3-1 CPC) remained in a second-placc tic with Reynolds and one game behind Ta­ bor. "It’s good to be on the other side. You make your own brcaks. You've got to put the ball in play, and putting the ball in play is going to get some things to go your way." Walser conccdcd lhat the possi­ bilities of generating u game>swing- ing rally seemed doubtful, espcciully in the seventh and cspccially after committing some base-coaching blunders that sapped Davie in the middle innings. The boss pointed the accusatory finger al the boss. "Il was bleak,'’ he said. "I was nol very happy wilh myself. I didn't call a very good game, I put us in a bad position at limes, and I'm glad the kids were able to bail me out. I made some mistakes lhat could have lost us the ball game." An avalancheofdoubles put Davic ahead 2-0 in the first. After Victor Patti’s double, Comatzcr and Riden­ hour socked run-scoring doubles. Southquicklyanswcrcd, scoring three in its half of Ihe firsl - two on a home runoffstarterPalll-fora 3-2 lead. In the third, Comalzcr tied the score with his team-leading ihird home mn of the year. Please See Baseball - Page B3 Stírring Up interest Davie H'gh Basäjall team Gaining More Momentum Davie's baseball team soared into die Rowan County Easier Toumaracnl with a compelling record, stuck n-7 and 13-4 embanass- menls 10 Nonh Rowan and Nonh Stanly and have begun lo stir up the most interest since a shon shonstop wilh a big name (Buhba Coleman) led the War Eagles lo their last conference title five years ago. They headed into M i^ y 's finals againsi East Rowan riding an eight-game winning sneak, a hot trend dial luggesb greauiess, but Coach Jeny Walser suspended Ihe inevitable Judgements aboul Davie's status ainong baseball's best bccause he came away from last weekend's blowouts wilh Ihe disturbing suspicion that the piano slill needs tuning. Davie hasn't niled all ihc holes in two smoking weeks that included three league wins in four games. Davie's bats toraicntcd Nonh Rowan and Nonh Stanly for 30 runs on 29 hits, bul Walser had olher Ihings on his mind: The War Eagles caught a dead Nonh Rowan team slill seething from a breath­taking league loss 24 hours earlier, and they needed a late surge to closc the deal againsi NorUi Slanly. "Really il was a tail of two different games," he said. "The Hesse Sf« War Eagle-Page 82 Davie Loses To East Rowan In Tournament Finals By Brian Pills DavieCounty Enterprise Rccord SALISBURY - Jerry Walscr is a Boston College history mojor, bul he is steadily becoming cducalcd in psy­ chology as Davie's second-year var­sity baseball coach. He absorbed a heavy loud of les­ sons Monday night at Cuiuwba College's Newman Park, where the East Rowan Mustangs threw the book at Davie 11-7 In Ihc finals of the third-annual C liff Peeler Baseball Classic. "I never understood whai the term ‘expect to win’ meant unlil you see a Icam like East Ruwan," he said. "They expect to win. They truly bel ieve lhat Ihcy can win every time they go out on Ihe field." East played wilh ihc conviction of a perennial power right off the bat, bombing Davic slaricr Victor Patli 9- 0 Ihrough three innings, while the War Eagles looked insecure and al­most in awe of the playoff-typc at­ mosphere. "You know, belief is a very pow­ erful Ihing - very powerful - and by (gosh) they believe they're gixid," Walscr said. "They believe they're n rx u _i ..s .. goingtowin.anditwouldn'tmattcrifRyan Desnoyers hurts a pitch in Davie's victory over Soulh ii,« Atlanta Braves carac roiling over Stokes. - Photo by James Barringer here. They believe that they could beat Ihcm. "And I don't know lhal we've de­ veloped lhat belief yet. That's some­ thing lhat separates us right now." The Mustangsdcmonsiraied a ba- sic-bascball hilling clinic righl оП* the bat, wilh spcedsicr Nick Heard drag-bunting for u hil and Michael Lowman and Adam Horton beauti­ fully placing soft hits the olher way, and da/cd Davie forfive first-inning runs. "E*ist Rowan’s a very good team," Walscr said. "They stayed back very well, and they don’t кюк to jerk any­ thing out of the ball park. They just look 10 hit the hall the opposite way, and lhal's something I thought we could do." East rallied Patti again in the third, Ihis time wilh violent line drives lhal somclimcs ricochclcd off the out­ field fcnce. Liltle Lowman even ficxcd, launching a ihrcc-run homer over Ihc ccnier-field wall, extending the lead to 9-0 and ending Patli’s stay on Ihc mound. Meanwhile, East lefty Chad Walker was baffling Davic hillcrs wilh maybe a 70 mph fastball lhal handcufi^ed right-handed hillcrs and pcrfccllyscluphissoap-bubblccurvc on the outer edge. Walker, the win­ ner, held Davic scoreless through Ihrcc, striking out six of his II. Please See East - Page B3 Unbeaten Streak Ends For Davie Soccer Team By Brian Pllts Davic Couniy Enleq)rise Record Davie’s soccer team won big In every nonconferencc malch, bul lasi week the War Eagles failed in their biggest test yet.They were whipped al Reynolds 4-0 in Ihc Central Piedmont Confer­ ence opener, ending the War Eagles' shutout siring of cighl games. "Obviously we Ihought we would give Ihcm a stronger game," Coach Pcie Gustafson said. "It looked to me from the very beginning that il was the old Rcynolds-Wcst Forsylh-Ml. Tabor thing. I thought wc were in­ timidated. Wc backcd off, wc were tentative, wc didn't win the 50-50 balls und we allowed Ihcir man lo tum." The latter deficiency may well have been the final blow to Davie's chances. The War Eagles couldn't prevent Demon ball handlers from facing the net with room to work. "You can'l let them turn," Gustafson said. "If she lums, she's got an advantage. Wc let Ihcm see the whole field. Ifyou can keep ihelr back turned, they can't see Ihe field and obviously it's a slower attack." Also, Davie lackcd Ihe desire lo hang wilh a Reynolds team lhal was clicking in all arcas. "I thought it was just a laid-back, lethargic game (on our part)," Gustafson said. "Tlicy moved Ihe ball well, attacked well, passed well. They're physical and they're big."Gustafson conccdcd lhal the De­ mons would almost certainly win a bcsl-of-scvcn scries, mainly hccause of Ihclr depth, but that’s nol the case. If the War Eiigles can tread water for a half or so, anything’s possible against the CPC's leading candidates (Reynolds, West and Tabor). "As I told the girls, the key lo (beating) Ihcse lop ihrce or four teams is you've got to give it all you've got. try to stay within aO-0,1-0,2-1 game and get lucky. "It wasn'l us lhal nighl but watch out nexl time bccausc wc had a big talk about it, we weren't ha{^y with our performance and that's going to changc." Davie ReboundsDavie(9-1 ovcrall)retumcd lo ils shutout form against South Slokes later In the week, rolling 5-0 and evening its CPC rccord at 1 -I. Ironically, the War Eagles flour­ ished with a wicked wind beating them in the facc. scoring four sec­ ond-half goals and impressing their coach wilh on extremcJy efficient short game. "I kind of fell like this was going to be trouble because we were going against the wind (after halftimc), but lhat settled us bccausc wc had to play Ihc ball low," Gustafson soid. "You Please See Soccer ~ Paxe B4 Who's Hot... Jason Hogue and Andrew Dajwalt set the tables beautifully for South Davie's baseball team in a 14-8 come-from-behind win over Corriher-Lipe. Together, they provide nine hils. Thad Johnson and David Nall are on a hilling tear for Davie's J V baseball team. Johnson's average has soared lo .474, tops on the leam, and Nail is hitting .435. JV pitchers Travis Alien and Jeremiah Creason have attained an eye-catching 2.37 ERA over 38-pIus innings of work. South Davie's unbeaten tennis team has outscored Ihree oppo­ nents 23-4. Victor Patti's .441 batting average leads Davie's baseball team, and pitcheis Charles Miller and Ryan Desnoyers have combined for a 7-2 record. ^ Soccer Team Ljoses Heartbreaker To Reynolds, Shuts Out S. Stotes JV NÓ0K ooaeh Jwwiv Byrd g im his tm ra pep talK t^iig ■1 ^ ^ I 5 ^ ~ ~ - Photo by Jm m * BMitngw ByBriuPllto Davie County Enterprise Record Fbr a while, anyway, Davie's JV soccer team could dream the dream. Then : camc Reynolds'unrelenting offensive attack. The deeper Demons won 1-0 on April 7. "We stuck widi them die whole first half, but we don't have die depdi diat. ■ Reynolds does," said Coach Jeremy Bryd, whose leam finally succumbed lo the prenure and surrendered the game's only goal widi seven minutes renuining. "WeJuststaneddyingbecauseReynoldsjuslcyclesplayers.They : an 10 de^. Hwy had 82 playen dul wenl oui for dieir vanity and JV,' whereu we kept everybody. So we played widi a lot of heart, they just wore usdown.” Keeper KsdKtine Phillips was a human vacuum until die one goal eluded ' her ottUtretched amis. "FhUlipi is always real solid in goal," Byid said. "In die second half, she ! kep(uialive.ShemusthavehadlOorlS(saves).Shereallydidwell." ^ The War Eagles manhandled SoudiStokes2-Olaierindieweek,no(ching. Uieirttiiid win against two losses. ' "We played well." Byrd said! "We're a better leam'Ujan diey are, whereas - flat's nol the case wiO\ Reynolds." Byrd rememben die introductory days, die early prai»|MS when doiibl clogged his head. Bul the team has grown immensely since'ilMn. aad Byrd; envisions success down die road. . \ "I feel Uke we've done a lot better diis season dian whai I dxwfhl it Ihs ;, n t m S is JV - D iis B * '.;: В2 - D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 Wâf Eagte B a s e b a l l T e a m R i d in g H ig h . CoBtimicd fVom Pftgt B l P North Stanly score was very : ^deceiving bccause It was a lot : closcrthan the scorc indicated. It >: was 7-4 in the filth inning, and we : had to scorc six in the last two ' innings to maice sure that we did put it away. Friday's game was deceptive in some ways bccause the - North Rowan kids were down a ^ liltle bit, and we were lucky enough ' to play them after that." - . Walscr tempered his analysis with the cold facts. He said, flat oul: "I don't Ihink we’ve even come ^ closc to playing our best game. As : a matter of fact, it we don't get - Iwller on defense we'rc going to be : in trouble. Wc made three errors (against North Stanly), and we're : going to have lo get belter Ihan ; three ciTOrs. We can’t keep playing I like that. Luckily, they didn't hurt . us. They very well could down the r road.'* ; The War Eagles may lose defensive concentration pcriodi- I caliy (probably becausc they've , made it look so easy), but the ; offense is cooking. ?': "We ore swinging the bats very ; well," Walser said. Tm very pleased with how that's going. Wc * went weeks last year where wc i didn't scon 13 runs a game and get * 15 hits, and now we seem lo be * doing that pretty regular."I ; ' Instead of becoming complaccnl [ after unloading on North Rowan. * several players summoned balling- ^ practice workhorse Mike Lovclace, ; .who accepted the Salurday after* * noon offer and cancelled Ashing plans. Walscr noticed their hunger. •TTiey came In two or three . hours early so they could get some extra BP, so I don't think the kids are satisfied with what we've done so far," Walser said. "They know that wc havc so much more to accomplish. I'm rcal pleased with their atliludes." The War Eagles will discover Ihcir actual expenisc level over the next two weeks in the Central Piedmont Conference's sirctch run. Davic will take a hot record into the meat of the scheduie, but baseball momentum isn't always what it's crackcd up to be (Casey Slengal said that momentum is tomorrow's starling pitcher). "I Ihink wc can be a rcal, real good team but we will havc to prove ourselves after Easter," Walscr said. "Wp'rc lucky bccausc of those six games, five of them are going to be at home and that’s going lo be a huge advantage for us. But wc are going lo have to comc up big." Nobody has been bigger recently than sophomore Drew Rldenhour, Davie’s hottest catcher since Gary Blalock, and ccntcr fleldcr Scott Cornatzer. Ridenhour's average has rockcled to .364 and he's driven home 12 runs, a radical departure from March when his family suffered the baseball blues. "His daddy wasn't steeping, his mama was mad and Drew was ready to jump oul in the middle of 601 and get hit by a truck," Walser said. "But he's still a young pup and we've got 10 remember Ihal. Of course the morc at-bats you get. Ihe belter you're going to be. He's worked to changc some things a little bit and that has helped. Me, (George) Daywalt and some other people saw a flaw in his stroke, wc tried 10 correct ihat and I Ihink we gol it ironed out." Cornatzer was passive last year, prompting him to engage in a one­ way conversation as he entered his senior season. He's talked himsetf to the top of most important categories: 19 runs, 16 RBIs, .375 average, four doubles and Ihrec home nms. "He told himself to swing, Ihat was the answer that I got from him when I asked him the very same question," Walscr said. "And I told him: 'How aboul telling some of the olher ones.’ I guess he wcnl und told Jeremy Helton and some of the other ones." Pa'sumubly, he lold Helton and Charles Miller. Helton is hilling .417 and Milter has pnxJuccd Icum- high figures in ni-bais (45), hits ( 18) and doubles (3) to go along with a .400 average. Strangely enough. Ihc War Eagles nn: talking aboul reviving Ihc glory years of Denny Key, Michael McDanicI, Allan Chapman and Brooke Keene and their foremosi piichcrs, Millcrand Viclor Palti, insist thal Ihcy havcn'l found u comfortable groove. "Charles is going lo be all right," Walser said. "He was rusty and threw a four-hitter (againsi North Stanly). Patti's realized ihal he's human now. That's bothered him. but he's gol to understand ihal that happens. If you’re a pilchcr, you're going lo get hil. He gave up seven hits (against South Stokes on April 7) and Ihat's being roughed up to him. And lhal's a great ouling for somebody else." Walser closed his scorcbook and opened a beller book. "The Bibte says: To who much is given, much is cxpcctcd.’ " he said. "We havc all kinds of abilily and we shouldn't rest on just whal wc havc. Wc need 10 work lo gel a liltle bit morc." He suspended his running commentary for presumably the firsl time ever. "Talk to me in two weeks," he said. "We'll either win it or lose it in :hosc Iwo weeks." If Ihey win il, Walser wilt lose il, and we may never hear Ihe end of it. «IV Baseball Team Winning Thrillers Unvffle !к уМ м И «и ibnto CoMty Eatnpriie Kec«d The Davie JV baseball team's hair- raising season gol hairier lasl week, when (he War Eagles slole a 3-2 win fram Slarmouni and slipped 5-4 ' againsi South Slolces. , Those heart- sloppen enhanced ' Davie's reputation at an elevator leam. Coach Lee ' Unville’s up-and- < down bunch has iu ' play button stuck ' onlhriller,causing . the coach lo in- I creasingly pull on ^bls diminishing I hair. Take away ; early lopsided losses to Alexander • Central and North Davidson, and ; opponenu have edged Davie 49-4S. ; They are trying to make me look j like (vanity coach Jerry) Walser be- ; fore Ihe end of Ibe year,' Linville : ’Il's going lo come down to the liu inning. Uke these game* we've ; b(enwimiing.atnioslweKcreseven ; or eighl runs. So every game we've ;p|iyed hu been light* Linville welcomes the naiibiting : uiab, mainly because he believes Ihe ; i«iuna w ill teneflt the young play- ; en when they advance lo the varsity :Цуе1. ’Whenyou'vegoctightgameslike ; iljit, tbat'i the- fun of it." he said. : ^ v in g lo wofk through these kind ;of situations with all Ihese close : fkmei we'rs playing, it’s going to M p Ihcm 0ШI k)i when they gel to (lie vanilybeciraethey'llknow what >; Ikey need to do to win.’ ; ; Pitcbef Jeremiah Creaion fell .Grabbed after tbe 5-4 lou to South ;^tokei, and underiundably so. . t CraaudliiJricdt34iiticr but dropped 1lô 2-3, biakally becauae of three (In the rirst inning. The coach patted Crcason, who has thrown a team-high 2S 1/3 in­ nings and maintained a 2.49 ERA, on the back. "He pitchcd great,' Linville said. "The first couple of innings he hail some trouble throwing strikes - he hit two and walked two- but wejust weren't helping him. We made three errors and all three of them came at big points. They arc seeing that when wc play defense behind our pitchers thal we'ie going lo win games. South Stokes was 8-1 coming in, and if wc don't make three errors behind Creason we win. Il’s Ihal simple."The bottom -man in the order, Willard, saved the day againsi Slarmouni and helped lelievcr Bentiy pick up his first win. Trailing 2-1 and down lo their final three outs, Ross Smith was hit by a pitch and Creason walked to sel Ihe slage for Willard, who blasted a Iwo-out double into Ihe left-field gap Ihal scored bolh runners. Willard.hiuing.348in23al-bals, is not your typical No. 9 hitler.Tve got Brad down at ttine be­ cause he’s going to sec a lot of fastballs,’ Linville said. ’He's a sec­ ond leadoff man. He gets il going again for the lop of the order, and the lost few games he's hit the hall well.' Bentiy, who relieved starter Andy Bogeraftcrthe fifth,relircd the Rams 1-2-3 in Ihe bounm of the sevenlh. "He pitched all righl - Ihrew strikes and lcl the defense do the work be­ hind him," Linville said. A no-dccision shortchanged Bo- gcr, who hclil Ihe Rams lo four hits and two runs over five innings, strik­ing oul six. "He was jusl keeping them off- balanced," Linville said. "They hit one ball hard the whole night. Hejust spotted his foslball and mixed in a changeup. A coupic of their (hits) were jusl mental errors on our part. We pickcd up a ball on the (third- base) line befon: il rolled foul and gave them a base hil Ihere." * Travis Allen has a Icam-besl 2.15 ER Aover 13 innings... .Johnson is leading wiih a .474 average, fol­ lowed by David Nail (.435), J.C. Williard (.360), Willard (.348) andJones (.324.)___Davie, which has won five of its last eight, is 5-6 over­all and 3-1 in the Centfai Piedmont Conference. . TheSamiacreuedthelrletillo SS^ObefinDiviei ed a come- • tick, KOtini row time» in the third. -After Wcky Bendy't walk, Brad vWUIaidlripM, David NallandlhMl ,'^taiai aingled and Anlrew Jone» Ì'4nbM, rao-KCfini Mu that cut ;]SMh‘aleadloaMtun. .IWi.wlMiSautbpWupawaUof > Г , ■Wtliadaco4 ilennMnoabul ¡í^veir cmOd let anybody (in),’ ~ I* aaU.'ПШ waa Ihe ody OM (M ia Kotiag poii-j ! Four t} Top 10 Davie County residents continue to perform well In racingaclion at Ihc Coneonl Molorsporls Parkt Cnmpcling in the Mini'^tock di­vision, A.J. Sanders finish^ fourth, Brad Smith was finh, Archie Sand­ ers was eighth and Glenn Mixon cros.«d the finish line in 1 ^ posi­ tion. JV Winning Streak Ends South Stokes applied the breaks 10 the Davic JV softball team's nlnc- game winning streak, ripping the War Eagles 9-1. Davie managed just two hits off South's strong pitching, bolh from leadoff halier Ember Spillman, bul Coach Bill Meadows dismissed hil­ ling as Ihc fatal blow. "Six errors is whal lost the ball game,’ he said.Brandi Comaizcr and Kim Hilton split time on Ihe mound. I In eariicrgames, Davie beat South Rowan 9-4 and Nonh Davidson 15- 5.. : Comaizcr led with twohils against Souih and Davie gol one cach from Spillman, Hillon and Stacy Queen. A p r i l S h o \ñ /€ T S b r i n g . . . GR6AT DEALS! L e a s e f o r «274« p im io iiiii* Like This 1998 Plymouth Vc^yager 8tk.#982030 ♦Uas« bastd or» 36 monthi, 12.000 mllM ptr yw. Flat months piymtnt ft aqulthlofl fM du# at »l|nln|. 'fetal dot at tlgnJn|:$l.224i5 plus tax and ta| OAC. Offer txplm April 30^ 199ft D IX IE Jeep JEEP CHRYSLER C H W f S U E R - P L Y t i l O i r m i STATESVILLE • 838-1557 f 1-77, MO WEST, HWY. 21 NORTH Behind Saiebnnh ft New York Caipet Wbrid i i i i i i i Phjnioulh t f ^ ^ W W V W W W W S W W S f l L;E|rge 14” Pizza W t t h O n e T o p p i n g pe ;d ’-- Limited DeUvei7 Area $é.00 Minimum Delivery Order Cfiuck^s Plzza.„ Т51Ш409 Р/шш* é S tre m è e H Moclcsville Maricet Place NOWACCEPTINGVISAAND MASTERCARD ИОСкиШв F i r s t l ù r k e y BndJonMorSyGairamUneMIMthlB2li)oundg(M^ wrilhalOincftbMvdonopw^dayorttMfiiittuilwyMMKn in Dmia Oxjnly. H* WM hunting wHh Robwt QriinM. t . "iast Keeps Davie Off Balance In 11^ Win Continued Fram Page Bl "They had a kid that jusl kept us ■ off-balanced, and lhal's whal il's all about," Walser said. "You don't have io throw 100 mph to gel people out, and I have to credit Easl Rowan." Walker must have lulled his team­ mates into cruise control bccause the War Eagles bounced off the canvas and cvemually invited late-game sus- ; pense. Davie's bats awoke, bul more than anything, Ihc Mustangs'defense ;'crumbled. "I think Ihcy had a iillle ; syndrome that we have sometimes: :Oet a lead and relax a liltle bit," 'I^Walser said. "And Ihat's natural." Four Run« Uneamed;■ FourofDavie's five runs over Ihc : fourth, fifth and sixth innings wete unearned, but Ihe Mustangs eased Ihcir defensive pain with single runs . in the fifth and sixth off relievers ; Jason Desnoyers and Drew Riden­ hour that offset Davie's charge and kept Ihe cushion al I l-J. Davie kept coming in Ihe sevenlh, knocking oul East's second pitcher, ■Mikey McGinnis, with Iwo runs. - Brian Campbell mixed in a ground- ball single around walks to Jeremy : Helton, Shane Allen and Jonathon Creason. Creason's bascs-loaded walk brought in one and Charles . Miller's hil by pitch scored another, . sending Ihe lying run lo Ihe plale and ' sending East coach Jeff Safrit lo Ihe . breaking poinl. At 11-7, he stomped : out lo the mound and summoned his ■; horse, Horton. ;■ 'Hortonbroughtgasandblewaway ' Brian Grout for Ihc save and find oul. "We were a hil or IWO from being ■^,righl ttiere.” Walser said. "We put '.outMlvcsat least back inlothc game." The late bum soothed Walser :: somewhat. - "Looking at the scoreboard, we outplayed Ihem (7-2) from Ihe fourth inningon,"hesaid."Now,ofcourse, Ihe scoreboaid is sometimes deceiv- ing. Bul if you jusl look at that, that'sV Ihe way it was. 1 like the way wc : baltled back. We didn't quit and hang : ourheads,andlhat'sgoingloserveus ; well. This loumameni is going to serve us well." Walser didn'i forget the rousing runthroughthefirsttwoiounds.when the War Eagles romped past North Rowan (17-7) and North Stanly (13- 4) and concocted an eight-game win- :: ning streak. ’I don't wanl to lake away from tbeefrartlhatwemadelogelintoihe ;• finals,'he uid.'Eight teams showed up, IWO ended al seven o'clock and i we were one of them. We were 50 pcrcenlofthatequalion,andI'mlick- :: led to dealh thal we were here." i: • M iller led Davie with two hiu :: and Jason Desnoyers, Scoli Cornatzer, Helton, Steven Nail and : Campbell had one each___Heard" and Lownian ignited Easl with three J hits apiece and Horton, Eddie i Ouessford and McGinnis added two f: each. . if 'ШШ Davie's Brian Campbell beats the throw back to first base. Blazing Their Way W a r E a g le s D e m o lis h N . S ta n le y , N . R o w a n E n R o u t e T o T it le G a m e The North Rowan Cavaliers and Ihe North Stanly Comets wcnl down against Davie'sblazingbaseballieam, and wcnl down hard. The War Eagles, who rode an eight-game winning streak into Mondoy's finals againsi East Rowan inthe Rowan Counly Easier Tourna­ ment, administered 17-7 and 13-4 beatings in the opening rounds. Davie (10-3) rocked the Cava­ liers for seven first-inning runs in Friday's П-7 victory. Five fifth-in­ ning runs by North cut Ute gap to 10- 5 and prevented the War Eagles from winning in five, bul the Cavaliers never really recovered from the ugly firsl. Sophomore slugger Drew Riden­ hour had a career day, going 4 for 5, knocking in three runs and blasting his lirst varsiiy homer over Ihe 34$, left-center field fence."The home run was a bomb," Coach Jerry Walser said. "I mean, il was out of there. There was no ques­ tion about il off the bal. "You know he jusl keeps gelling better and better and gaining morc and more confidence. Thai's what we expected oul of him all along." Starter Ryan Desnoyers tiptoed Ihrough the first four innings, Ihen fatigue set in and Michacl Mitchell and Jetemiah Creason mopped up, throwing one inning each. "Ryan was really cruising with about a four-hitter into Ihe fifth, he gol a little tired and we made a mis­ take or two behind him, which didn'i help him a whole lot," Walscr said of Desnoyers, whosurrendeitdfive runs and six hits over five. Jeremy Helton and Brian Campbell stroked two hits each and Jonathon Creason, Jason Desnoyers, Paul Sparks and Viclor Patli had one apiece. In Saturday's semifinals, Davic knocked North Stanly's vaunted pitcher all around the park, blislcring the Comets ace for seven innings in a nine-run romp. Nonh's huricr was 4- I coming in andfreshoffaone-hiller againsi Salisbury. "HewasonthcAII-RowanCounty basebalUeamlast year," Walscr said. ' "And howyou're from SlanlyCounly and make the All-Rowan Counly baseball leam I don't know, but he did." Scotl Comal2er(3-5), Shane Allen (2-3), Jonathon Creason (2-3) and Ridenhour(2-4)sparkedtheofTense. Comaizcr did most of the damage, doubling twice and knocking in five nins.Ridenhour’shitsbrDughtinihrce more. That’s whal you expeci oul of your three hitter," Walser said of Comalzer. "That's what he's supposed to do. That's just Ihe way it's sup­ posed 10 work." Jusl about everybody made an impact, as Charles Miller, Patti ond Hellon added one hiteach. Campbell, the only hitless player in the lineup, contributed a SAC Пу. Miller, who improved to 4-1, threw a complete-game four-hiller wiihoul his best stuff."Charies was still a little rusty," Walser said. "He hasn't gotten to where he is going to be, but we're going 10 take advanlageof some time we have over the Easter break to polish some mechanics with Charles." Tigers Wallop Yellow Jackets Behind deadly hitting from cau- lysu Jason Hogue and Andrew Day­ walt, South Davie's baseball leam rallied tobcat boat Cocriher-Llpe 14- 8 Wednesday. ' Hogue and Daywall. the 1-2 hil- B a s e b a ll T e a m W in s S ix t t i S t r a lg iit CoaUaucdrhi ■ ra tiB l " Walser watched the rocket crash '.j on the tennis ccuru beyond the left- neldfence.1 *Ifhewasplayingtepnii,hewouM < have scored an ace because the ball i hit die line on the tennis court," -> Walser said.’It was an absolute bul- 1 I«*.’i < South seized tempocary control i with single tuM in the fourth and ' flfthlhatullimatelyknockedaulPani, j; whogavewaytpCharleaMillerafter i; yicldingievenhitsandnverunaifour eamed)in4 I/3innin(i. "?. They had Im Ihraugh Victor ; 'i twoorthreettneaaulthiieetuytcaa hit,’ WalieruM.’11ieyle|Umalely •I swinglhebaL’ , I M Miller; eneqed as the winner, , ~ ihiDwingtwo-hitballoverlheflnal2 I ii 2/3, „' ,, Brian Cannibell led the offense, j :: .t<>ii>|3ibr4aid,i|iawin|thalhe(«i 1 > 'b M yixi in mtxe ways than one, * * *№ swung the bat real good,’ I m i I Cm v W Walser said. ’He laid down a bcauti- fiil bunt for a hit. I mean, it wasn't even ckMe (at first). It just gives you anolher weapon when you can bunt, and Ihat helped tKmendoutly.’ • Ridenhour and Comalzer had two hits apiece and Davie got one each from Patti, Shane Allen and Cieason.,.. South dropped lo 7-4. overall and2-4 inlheCPC.... Davie win host five of itt nnal six regular-, season games, stiatihg with South Rowin on A fril 21, M t Tabor on April 22 and Reynolda on April 24, lers in the order, combined to go 9 for 10 for Ihe Tigers, who got up from a 6-2 deficit and hurt the Yellow Jack­ ets. . The Tigers, who clobbered China Cirove 8-1 earlierinihe week, stormed back 10 tie with four runs in Ihe top of Ihe fifUi. Kellcn Miller walked and dKn Hogue, Daywalt, Neil Rice and Dave i\)p1in singled. Then South put Ihe game away wiUi five in Ihe sixth. After Jacob Garner was hil by a pilch, SouUi got singles ftom Gteg Brooks, Miller, Hogue and Daywalt.For good measure, Ute Tigers scored three more in the sevenUi. After Lonnie Barnes, Gamer, Brooks and M iller reached on errors and < walks, Hogue and Daywalt made Ihe Yellow Jackets pay once more, get­ ting back-to-back doubles.Daywalt rmished 5 for 5 and Hogue went 4 for 5 wiUi two doubles and four runs. Rice added three hits. Poplin and Brooks got Iwo each and MUIer went 1 foe 2. Poplin got the win.In Uie easy win over China Grove, DaywallandBamesl^withlwohils each and Soudi got one apiece from Hogue, Rice, Poplin, Cody Wright and BfookSi < SouUi (4-2) w ill host Kannapolis onApril21,dienheadtoWeslRowan ooApril23, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPM SE RECORD, April 16,1998 - B3 n r m m w T m m m m w m n w r . A L L A M E R IC A N O R D -M E R C U R Y D O U B LE R E B A T E S A L E We will double every factory rebate oRCred by Ford & Mercury. R A N G E R 4 X a FACTORY REBATE A IL AMERICAN REBATE •1 ,0 0 0 " I * 1 ,000" SAVE •2 ,0 0 0 " W m O S T A R S •1 ,5 0 0 " •1 ,5 0 0 "•3 ,0 0 0 " E S C O R T S •1 ,0 0 0 "•1 ,0 0 0 "•2 ,0 0 0 " M U S T A N G S •7 5 0 "I ^750"•1 ,5 0 0 " T A U R U S •7 5 0 " 1 •7 5 0 " 1 •1 ,5 0 0 " C R O W N V IG S 1 •5 0 0 " i •5 0 0 "•1 ,0 0 0 " * 9 7 F 3 fO a •1 ,7 5 0 "•1 ,7 5 0 "•3 ,5 0 0 " SALE ENDS APRIL 19,1998 ji1 U S E D T R U C K S A L E -I R angers - F 1 5 0 • F a so - F 350 - 4^« 4x4* A llP r i^ lT o S e ll Now ! JUST AHRIVEDI jProgram tars •• •X I tiiv e ry tliiiig Fmm rtstoл и -y 5^ Í' A M E R I C M F O R D - I I E R C U R Y Na» e e tN u w M n k M e ^ ^ ^У1гаафипЛп01ЁГЙмКфгпЫПtiiiiH iiim a l : j i Ш Ч Р А Ш С О Ш ТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, ÀprU 16,1998 S o c c e r T e a m B o u n c e s B a c k W ith B ig W in Conllnued From Page Bl и couldn't kick a ball 2S-30yunk. So It made us play Ihc ball on Ihc ground, made us pass more, made us^ attack quicker, and it rcally helped us nnd made it morc of a rcrmcd game." Hannah Woodward scored twice and climbed closcr lo leading scorcr Meredith Hendrix, who scored the game's only first-half goal to give her eight on Ihc year, two more than Woodward. Anna Riddle and Brie Всскелтюп knocked in their first goals of Ihc year. Caroline Steed dished out two as­ sists, tying WoodwanI Гог the leam lead with Tour, and Sarah Jackson distributed her third assist. Gustnrson visunliied buffet con­ ditions for his offense in the first half, when Davie had the wind lo ils back.butSouth'ssturdy keeper tamed the War Eagle attack and il was nnybody's game at the break (Davic 1-0). ”Il was rcally. really, really windy,"Ouslafson said. "Inmy mind, ! thought it was going to be a scorer’s dream. It was at leost a 20 mph wind. So ir you're .shooting a IS-20 mph ball, your speed is doubled. "Bul we couldn't get much off. Their keeper did very well. I w* ; Impicssed with her."• South never got a shol off while Davic fired 32 times.... After a 12:, day break, Ihe War Eagles return to ', octlon on April 21 at West Forsyth ' and on April 23 at home against Ml.' Tabor. "That's going to be a big week,” said Gustafson, who planned' , on scouting those Forsyth County'., schools heavily Ihis week in a lour-', namcnt. "I'll be' able to do a little', morcscouting,"hesaiU.”Ivianliogb . sccWcslandTabor.justrcla*,watch ^ Ihe game and get the ins and cuts of ‘ ¡1." Leah Snow and Kirsten Clement are re, Ihe ball down the field. dylo assist teammate HealherBogerasshe moves - Photo« by JamM Barringer JV Teams Mí king Big Strides - a m i l q 3 e n - f c ¡ s Í T » i j 22Ó5 Lewisville -C l emmons R J ' 'A c c e p ti n g y / e w P a t i e n t s ' ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - ; , FARMINGTON. It was a record setting night down at Fannington Dragway Saturday. April 11 with the return of the i^Xodifieds. )!ive time IHRA Pro Mod World Champion Scolty Cannon from Ly^n, S.C. took on the winning Pro M<^ driver at the Form Ed Hoover from Gilbert. S.C. Cannon In his Australia built 'S3 Studebaker blasted to a new track record of 4.12 E t at 179 mph to better the 4.23 ET at l75 mph of Hoover*s ‘63 Cor­vette. .Uiis past weekend also kickcd off the $25,000 Farm Racc Scries, in wKich thcTQPEIiminatof champion wil) take home $5.000 and the Sportsman champion $2,500. Due to Ihc large amount of cars on hand in cach class, the racing action was shiit off at midnight io observe Easier Sunday. Making it (o the money split in TOP Ellminntor was Mark “Kid" Jones from Rural Hall, Andy Street of Kemersville, Gray McClamrock of Mocksvillc, Skip Briggs of Lex­ ington, Waller Temples of Winston- Salem, and Terry Anderson from advancc. Jones, Street. McClamrock and Anderson w ill be lied for the early TOP Eliminator poinis lead wilh 70 jwlnts. In the Sportsman division Michacl TVivcltc of Boone. Sheila Bowman of Kemersville, Donald Thomas of Mt. Airy. David Spaugh of Advance, and Chris Plott from Wins(on*Salem. were the five driv­ers left in when the race was callcd. These five now share ihc Sportsman poimslcadat70i)olniseach wilh 19 Farm Series Raccs remaining.H.L. Hawks of Ml. Airy drove his Ford Mustang to the Puro Stock di­ vision win over Doug Bolen from Austinvilie.Va. In the Junior Dragster class. Rocky Brown of Crouse defeated Brian Williams of Asheboro for the first Street Machines Junior class title. The racing action in the $25,000 Fami Race Scries will continue Sat­ urday night, April 18. Up for grabs in the lough TOP Eliminator class w ill be $3.000 to win, while in Sportsman $ 1,500 to win will be on the line. Pure Stock and Junior Dragster classes will also be com­ peting. Gales open at noon, limed runs start at 2 p.ro. und EUminalions begin ot 6:30 p.m. For morc informalion call 336- 998-2982 or 766-0910. MOCKSVIUE I TIRE&AUTOMOnVE 9e2Yidklnvm«Ro«l Phone 751-6 « в « » *f i » « * ; T lr t l BrikH Òli Change Stnita ; ShoolM Alignments 115 à Notes & Quotes j A ^ r E e ^ l e C o a c h W o u l d J u m p A t S e r i e s W it h N . D a v id s o n CMttmicd From Pace B l beginning of the year," he said. "When I first looked at ihe team. I thought: 1 don'l know.* But they've come a long way. The giris who have not played in the past have made tremendous improvement and done a lot belter." For instance. Leah Snow evolved from vague cog tostorter in due lime. cK Hollie Potts and Kaitlin lave shined as well, has comc a long way on Byrd said. "Il’s been in- Ihe’s never played socccr and she s iris now.... Defensively all year, juc and Hollie have been clutch aid Callahan has rcally stepped u| at midfield." • Byrd.125-year-old rookie coach, grew up New Jersey, attended Indiana's Taylor University and then sought employment help from rela­ tives Alec and Judy Sherrill. 'That's how I ended up coming here," he said. "I was looking for a job, sent resumes all over the placc, and Ihey said to send one here." ♦ C o n v e n ie n t _ o c a - tio n ♦ ■—r ie n J l4/ Q u a l i ' ie J -- ♦ Ç ^ a v m q / Q p e r \ Ù e Z )e n - fc is trL ) -o alwut a 22-game series widi North Davidson? Davie ^asetMll coach Jeny Walser, a West Davidson graduate, would sign diit contnct in a second. i "If we Icottld play Noith Davidson every day, Td love it," said Walser, whose team avenged an eaily-season loss wilh a 3-2 win lost week. "They are great guys, great friends of mine, and I love those guys to death. Bin they want to beat me as bad as 1 want to beat them. (Coach) Bill Butts is a veiy good friend, but I like to beat him." ; ' Walser was asked about Charles Miller's hitting tear. He's ^vastated opposing pitchers for 16 hits in 32 at-bats, ripping seven dwbles. “I wish he could have taught me how to do that in about 1987, and rd have been good," Walser said. "He's killing it. He's Ùddng good swings. He's swinging at the pitch he wants to hit, nol what the pitcher wants him to hit, and that's the key to the whole lUng.” , . \ : Walser remembered one particular missile at South Rowan. ' ■ ''The sec^ pitch of the game, he almost knocked third base out of itf anchor,” he said. "I mean. itwasashot.Ithitihebaseandwent fo à double. It was an absolute bullet." Tie W tf Eagles, although they've won five straight, run out of bullets around the middle innings, a disturbing trend that's the coach's attention. ; : 'Something Um bothers me a liltle bit about èis team is some- ^ s we'iB ioo good ofklds,''Walsersaid."Wedon'thave anybody ^ says; 'OK fellows, let's just go ahead and get these guys out of km.' m an going to buy everybody on this team a personal copy of (Ihe song) Live and Let Die. We'te going lo have lo start figuring out how to pul people away. We've been real, real lucky to have been able to get away wilh Ihat the lasl Ihree gomes." Walser understood how Reynolds firsl-year coach Doug Welch fell in the aftermath of Davie's 2-1 win. "Ireally feel forDoug because 1 know how it iscoming in Ihe flrsl year,"hesaid. "You'rewanlingtodoasgoodasanylhingthalyou've ever tried in your life, and you've got to feel for Ihem a lillle because you know what kind of work they've put into it." Davie shortslop Shane Allen came dangerously close lo becom­ ing Ihe goal in the seventh inning against Reynolds. A grounder scooted under his glove, allowing Ihe lying runner to reach first. Bul he rebounded, digging out a Ihrow to second and Ihen teaming with Steven Nail on a game-ending double play. "The only way you become good at Ihis game is make mistakes until you don'l make them anymore, and lhai's exactly whal has happened with Shane," Walser said. "He's made mistakes unlil he doesn't make Ihem anymore, if that makes any sense." Victor Patti is excelling in all aspects of his game. The smooth lefly is carrying a team-best 1.58 ERA and stroking hits at a .480 pace. It seems almost effortless. "Riching is just like hilling for Victor. It's just nice and easy," Walser said. "He doesn't try to do anything special or try to do anything that he can't do. He does what Victor has the ability to do, and he's very good at it" ■ ■ Our Prices Include /Hoanllng, Balancing New Valve Stems <t Rotation Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F »7:30-1:00 Saturday ilationwi(h* liuuronca can g.1 you bock on llw rood. W« offar a wid« ronge of cov«rDg«l lof driven willi record. iIkiI ore len llian perfect. All of which ora available ot compeKtive prices wilh convenient payment ploni. Call today for □ Ire« quolel & Jimmy KeHy Keith Hiller 281 N. Main SI. • Mocksville 111 Yadkinville Rd. > Mocksvllle ЗЗв-751-2937 336-751-6131 NAnONWIDEINSURANCE' ' ' enyavMi нЬпм'ОМяГОпа NeUon^ Со1иг1*«;оН4^18**NatlonwU«* is ■ M trtI и гуМ muti ot Ntltonwtda M iAiil Irauranc* Conptny NORTH CAROLINA’S BEST DEAL IN RENT TO OWN T V ’S V C R ’S S T E R E O S A P P L IA N C E S L IV IN G B E D R O O M ■3 à 6 -75 1-4 10 8 200 mÉMbim et • HtoGta«Ma, ILfB. znno N u r t t o M i i U y P o H w ¿.'’ J 1.>. , w i NorlhGIr^ South Boys TaieFiistM DackMeet South Davie's boys ond North Davie's girls won a rour-tcam troclc meet at Davie High last week.South squeaked past Nonh's boys, 70-64, while Corriher-Lipe (53 points) and Erwin (48) stayed close. North's girls tallied 77, followed by ' Erwin's 65, South's 50 and Corriher- : Upe's38. Jason Crowley of South's boys ■ was the county's top performer, wln- ; ning three events (long, triple and • high jumps). Teammate Maurice ■ Hicks won the 100 dash and helped : Brian Hunter. Michael Clement and Quincy Redmond win the 400 relay. ;,; Other Tigers placing were: J.J. ; Johnson (discus), Zach Hanrahan : (triple jump, 110 hurdles). Andrew 'Tesnar(highjump), Brandon Hawks (pole vault), Clement(ICOdash, 200), Redmond (100 dash), Fernando Zamora (1600,800). Biindon Turner ■ (400), Gareth White (200 hurdles),John Fulton (200) and Hunter (200).; JuliaPruittpacedtheWildcalgirls. : taking the 100 and 200 and teaming ; with Holly Marsden, Candice James ; and Amanda Sink for first place in the 400 relay. Andrea Whitley won : thel600andthefoursomeofMonica ' Oleyjarczyk, Brandy Sain, Elizabeth and Sara Miller won Ihe 800 relay. Also placing ftom North were: Sink (long jump, high jump), India Laughlin (long jump). Sain (triple jump, 1600),Millcr(highjump. 200). Jennifer Whiteheart (high jump), Brianna Foster (100 hurdles, 1600),Kimberly Styers(IOO hurdles), James (100, 200), Emily Pettorini (400, 1600), Oleyjarczyk (400, 1600), DeetteRiddIe(200hmdles).Marsden (800), Emily Hunter (800) and Meghan WuiKha (800). Hotly Wmiunt (toiw jump), A U m * Uiitay McDntel (high jump) and Sara Erb (600) de- livered first-place performances for South's giris. Those five also placed in other evenis. Also finishing near the top for South's girls were: Ashley Ue (400), ■ MercedesSoto(400,I00dash).Misty ' Daniel (discus), Anna Mackintosh ; (triple jump, 1600), Nikki Flanagan ■ (1600 meter, 1600 relay), Erin Grey ; (1600 relay, triple jump), Kirstin • Durham (100 hurdles), Stephanie Wodarski (1600), Shalonda Brown (shot pul), Courtney Gibson (200 hurdles), Megan Dwiggins (800), Ashley Powell (600) and Ashley Boswell (600). Leading Ihe way for North's boys was Richard Van Tuyl, who won the 400 and joined John Falehlah, Brilt Foster and Charlie Lesleronthevic- totious 1600relay leam. Jordan Kahrs woathelóOO. AlsopbKingfatNoithwere:Chris NkhoU (shot put, discin), Cassidy McMahan (shot put, high jump), Jer- : emlih Hein (dUcui), Adam ' O leyjunyk (long jump). Memo Muiillo (triple jump), Dan Carter : (tripto jump), Kenny Onillo (high jump).Kahn(II0hutdlei,800),Jon : Oaade(l00),Lestcr(400),DJ.Sales : (200hiiidles).JolmOIUKOck(800): Md Josh W illai» (200). Murillo, : Ooode,,Wallacc Md Sales finished : ninner-iip in the'400 relay. • Eariler in Ihe week. South's : Joluuan(diKUS)andZamcra(I600) ; hid fint-place showings In a four- ; tMmmeetdaaiin«edbyKiuinapoUi : (97 poinu) Md Nonh RqWM (81). ) Sóutbwiinextat37MdChiuGrove ; wMlaMwith2a.NoitliItowu'agUb i «oawMit2painls,lb№)WfdlvKan- . I MpaUi «llh69.S<Mh witbS7aMl 1 Chluaiavewillil8.FlMiiM(l(00 j na, l600nlay)MdAi(iÁnaZinon i (400, léOOirity) wett dauHe win- j mrifiatllie11|iawhoalK|olfint- i ptacetvMfiramWodnUMdAiiu : MKUnMhintteKOOtelayandEtb :! iatlwCOO. M • D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, AprU 1«, 1998 The Davie High School boys track team, from left; first row: Aarron Elwood, Truman Kiser, Nick Propst, Jhockton Dalton, Mitchell Gamer, Ryan Bames, Rtehatd Brooks, Felton Mayfield, Chad McBride, Kenny Collins; second raw: Kevin Stockton, Jamlen Smilh, DerekTumer, Travis Irvin, Matt James, Jeff Frlsby, Eric Babbitt, Bill Jones, B.J. Kiser, John Clevenger, Scottie Crump; third row; B.G. Minor, Mikey Arnold, Jason Chunn, Michael Chunn, Adam Bailey, Jason Morgan, Marshall Pitts,MatlhewQreene,J.J.Rtee, Jason Proctonfourth row: JonathonCreason, Justin Pullin,Garick Hill, Adam Boger,Clifton Redmon,Darien Brown, Kenny White,Scott Whittaker. Greg Lanier, Jared Vaughters, Scott Comatzer and Coach Devore Holman. South DavieTennisTeamClaimsAirather Easy Victoiy Coach Barry Whitlock's Soulh Davie tennis team continued ils domi­ nation last week, whipping North Rowan 8-1 and improving to 3-0 in ils quest for another Piedmont Middle School Confcrcnce championship. TopgunsConor Mooney and Aus­ tin Powell rolled 8-1 and Steven Chambers cruised 8-2. South also got wins from Alex Evans and Chris Stein in singles and from Powell- Adam Barber. Josh Dalslcy-Aaron Hersey and Seth Gales-Austin McCarthy in doubles. The bad news for Ihe PMSC: The Tigeis are only gelling belter. "We're improving." Whitlock said. "Conor and Powell are interchange­ able al 1-2.1 got to play 11 different people - like Aaron and McCarthy gol some good experience (in double«).',It's going lo come down TBamWlnsMGA Calcutta By Stroke Barry Whittaker, Tom Foster, Gerald Wolf and Dave Blalock sur­ vived by Ihe slimmest of margins lo win the MGA Calcutta Golf Tourna­ ment at Hickory Hill recently. The winning foursome fircdatwo- day total scorc of 118. edging Ken Thornes, Alan Shehill. Tim Bradley and John Tomel by one stroke. Umpire ainic Planned Howard Riddle will hold an um­ pire clinic at Ihe Brock Gym on April 19 at 5 p.m.The meeling is for anyone want­ ing to call liule league baseball. For more informallon, call Joe Boyette, Uk Mocksville-Davie Parks and Rec­ reation Department's athletics direc­ tor, at 751-2325. between us, Mooresville and Erwin Morehead's rally fell short in an 8-6 "I haven't won at No. 4 all year," Luke Koontz, last year's fourth (for the title)." loss, Ihey could become absolutely Whitlock said. "I’m 0-3 al No. 4. linkwhobrokehisarminearlyMarch. If Ihe Tigers overcome Ihcir unstoppable, at least unlil the show- (Bul) Morehead was down 7-4 and could be the answer. He gets his casttroubles at No. 4, where Tony downs with Mooresville and Erwin, camc back.” off Ihis week. HONDA m m • HONM HomiiMs • honda m m Y O U T H O X ^ Y C ^ 1 A X irS O N L Y IH E m O iH N O IW m n m i GOOD NEWS- P a i n m a y b e e l i m i n a t e d f o r m i l l i o n s (SPECIAL) ~ A drug that is excit ing lesearchers in the treatment of painhasbeenrormulatedinloanew product known as "Arthur Itii," and is being called a "Medical Mlracle"by some, in Ihe treatment of debilitating conditkins such as anhritis,bursitis,iheumatism,pain- fulmuscleachKjointaches,simple backache, bnilses, and more. Al­ though Ihe niMhanism of action is unclear, expeiimenu indicate lhat Artkir lui^ relieves pain hy fint idectively attracting, and then de­ stroying the messenger chemical Which carries pain sensatlonsto the brain, thus eliininating pain in the alTected area. Artkir idi, is avail­ able immediaiely without a pre- scriptk>nininiDdariess,greaseles^ non^nlng cream or new roH-m tolkmfonn. Artkirltii, Isgumn* teed to work or your money back.■ IIUIMwHiJirntnilit UMOrtVMlMcM AVAILABLE AT: MOCKSVILLE i ' .FoMer Rauch Drug - : 49S. VUley Rd. • 7SI-2l4t ;; COOLEEMEE V Davie Diacouiu Drug 141 M— ImI St. »284-2337 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 -B7 North Davie Basebail Team Falters Late, Loses Two Close Game^ Y Brian Pltls ;^'p«vle Counly Enterprise Rccord ■ Is lhe glass half full or halfcmpty? ; That was Ihequcslion lhat applied i^fi^Nonh Davie’s baseball team after Wildcats fell short lo Mooresville 1:^:6 anUloChinttGrovc4-2last week. ; * The bad news was lhal lhe Wild- j cats suffered sixth-inning collapses I lhat possibly cost them bolh games. ; The good news was thal they played j competitively. “Every game wc played last week, wc werc in it." said Coach Jim Brunelli. whose (cam has dropped thrcc straight after starting 3-0. "U's nol like wc'rc getting crushed, Il’s just one inning wc let down. We've been playing some dcccnl ball, and then it’sjust one inning the last two games. We get into a funk.'’ Both sixth innings were nightmar' ish episodes for the Wildcats. Trail­ ing 3-210 Mooresville. the Wildcats rclrcaicd in the sixth, when lhe Rcd iSouth Stokes Slows Davie's Softball Team , .Davie's varsity sonball team hit the wall last week, falling 13-3 to superior South Stokes in a Central Piedmont Conference first-placc showdown. • ■ The War Eagles stayed within rcas(mahle striking distance through four in- . nings.butthcSau-. ras revved their ■ jctsinthcnfthand never looked .^back,lumingo5- ^‘ l^amcintoaroui. ) Davic dug the Smith ^ ) early hole with errors, losing coiifi- I dence in the proccss. and nevercould • flndholcsagainstSouth’sstoutpitch- • ing.considercdbymanyasthestaic’s ' best Starr. In the bottom of the first. Dana Smith tripled and later stole home to cut South’s lead to 3-1. But Davic never mounted a serious charge, set­ tling for two runs in the seventh on consecutivc singles from Ashley Quinn. Dawn Williamson. Ashley Bracken and Smilh. The Suuras chased Davic starter Jessica Whitley in the fifth, Ashley Sanders lasted I 2/3 and Shannon Handy thrcw the final frame. The bright side: The War Eagles will take a 3-1 CPC rccord into con- fronlalions against South Rowan, Mt. Tabor and Reynolds, teams that Davic bombed by a combined score of 44- 10. Conceivably, the War Eagles could bc 6-1 when they face West Forsyth, a collision that will prob­ ably decide sccond place unless someone stuns South Slokcs. Imps cxpUxled for six runs for an insurmountable 9*2 lead. "They hil the hull. Mooresville’s tough, bul we shouldn’t have losl to them,*' Brunclli said. Then against China Grove, ace Jon Dull pitchcd North to a 2-1 lead. Anil you know what happened. The Rcd Devils sent nine men to the plate in the sixth, scored thrcc times and escaped with a two-run win. "It's been the sixth inning for a while.'’ Brunclli said. "It’sjust been a jinx." Dull deserved better. "He thrcw pcrfcct ball," Bninelli said. '’There were a couple hits in Iherc, bul only one run (ihrough Rve innings)." Lefl fielder Josh Golding show­ cased a golden arm, keeping two China Grove runners planted al third base afler fly-ball outs. Redskins Boosters To Hold Annual Golf Tournament The Coolecmec Redskins Booster Club will hold its annual golf tourna­ ment on April 25 at Twin Cedars. The format will he a four-man captain’s choicc with a pcr-leam fee of $160. Prizes will be awarded for first-, second- und third-place teams, longest drives (men and women) und closcsl-to-the-pin on all par-3s. All pnxceds will support the Cool- ecmec football team. Call Scott Vogler ot 284-2731 beforc April 23 lo reserve a spot. '’He gunned It in on u one hop and nobody ran." Brunelli said. "He made some good plays." The Wildcats couldn't make the necessary plays ul the plate, how­ ever. Frustration grcw os lhe Wild­ cats cxpcricnccd a case of terrible luck. "We’rc hitting the ball. But, ul times, it seems like a losl cause be­ cause wc get two outs and then get a single." said Brunelli, who rccallcd the unfortunate first inning. "Colt Stanley hils a hard shot, the guy catches it. Clint Stanley hit a hard shot, a guy catches it. There's two outs und then Doug Smilh gets up und hits a single. Il's tough. There's nothing you can do aboul thul." Clint Stunley, Smilh und Golding didmanugctwohits apiece undNonh gol one euch from Coll Stunley, Dun Sullivan and Dull. Against Mooresville. Clint Slunlcy, Smith. Sullivan und Dull - hitters 2-5 in the order-were ull 2 for 4 und Donnie Vestal went 1 for 4. The coach will use the spring- break week lo hopefully resolve North's hurd-luck offense and some- limes suspect defense. He’s also go­ ing to search for unothcr cupuble pitcher to go ulong with Dull. "We're going lo take this break, comc buck and shake ihings up a litlle bil whh the lineup," Brunelli said. "I’m going tochange some things around and look ut some of our olhcr pitchers." W u « M m ( I Tismr IflMnprlag Stt O il;»rt lull___________m o t Irt E.4TRA nm DELUXE ТИ«-----$m.W MtШ................<H».W *«ttrt wt PILLOW EZE<ruip.T«ri » Y n rW w ru t;T»hi...............UW.W MlГаИ__________U39.M HI_____Ш9.Н BACK CARE SUPREME »YrtfHwrntyT *li--------UM.*5 « I»'ull__________SM1.V9 KtOurrn________utíül===s=6s==ssi$tilíl5$l MED CARE PREMIUM MCAAUYnrWirnil;ttw M trtШ.........Mt..$43«.95 Kt оиногшс1гпч»Т151ЯР -- M i*** irtPull______^t5H.95 alZZSilitif e 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH FREE OLD BEDDING REMOVAL FREE DELIVERY WITH PURCHASE OF {ISO OR MORE U 'lL 'lllllU llU i iiia lllL 'iiii (liiitk't U Iiii'. U iu i HiattfL'siii jFnniiturL' d h illrl ULCrvirviuns. Hour^ Mond4« S^lurij^y P h . 7 1 2 -9 6 1 2 t i чоолтбдорш P h .727 1426 or 727 4748 '^ypzi lii'-' You know, ihey mdly have a good thing going here." Our experienced nurses average 8 years on our staff, and all an! certified in nemialal msuscilation. If babies could talk, they'd toll you; This is a great place to come into the world. All of our birthing rooms arc actually suites that allow you to go through labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum in one location. Which means instead of being shuffled from room to room, you can rela.\ in a home-likc setting that even features a private shower with a shower massager. Plus, you can choose the type of delivery you want. Arid you'll have input into mcdical decisions. So if you’re even thinlung about having a baby, check oiit our facilities. We’ll give you a free gift just for stop­ ping by to sec for yourself why there’s no better place to have your baby. Ifyou want, you can choose to have your baby in your room with you all the time. , We have a special Level II nursery capable of caring fbr sick or premature babies. The Women's Health Educator at the Resource Cenier provides valuable information for new mothers. Our bhihitig suites even include a bed fbr a family guest or the dad. Bccause htnring a bady can be really liring.RCWANREGK)NAL MEDICAL CENTER Имг Soane Bor IfatatHeaUiare. Й2 MÄbville Avenue • Saliibiuy, NC • (704) 638-КЮ0 ot toil-free 1-888-55-R.OWAN • www.towan.org On your last night uiilb us, you and a guest can enjoy a gourmet dinner fbr two, right in your room. ;|lp W A N REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER WOMEN’S SERVICES., --‘ • Wcacccpt all fbtnu of inuinnce, including MciUciid. I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - C l C l o t h e s l i n e P r o j e c t T o B e D i s p l a y e d In M o c k s v i ll e ■ Nolicc Ihc clolhcs line on the ■ square in downlown Mocksvillc on ; Thursday, April 23. i; Ibkc a closcr look at Ihc shirts on : lhat line. White shins. Yellow shirts. Red. blue and purple shirts. Each of the shirts will tell Q story - a story of a woman who has been - roped, abused, stalked or even kilted. The Clothesline Projcct, spon* sored by the Mocksvillc Ccntcr of ' Family Scrviccs, will be on display ll a.m.-2p.m. ;> The project is a visual display witnessing acts of violence commit­ ted against women und childrcn. Shirts arc used as canvases fur urtis- tic and heartfelt cxprcsssions which depict the pain and horror of ubusc and violence. E^ch shirt is dccoraicd to represent one pcrM^n’scxpericncc and designed by the survivor or a closc friend or family mcmbcc Organi/ers also hope ihc projcct w ill increase society's awareness lo Ihc issue and the extent of tlic prob­ lem. On a personal level, the Clothes­ line Prwject offers survivors anil their loved ones, und the loved ones of those who have not survived, an out­ let to express their pain and gain sup­ port for their healing process. Tlic first Clolhcslinc Project, a 31 • shirt display, was liuing in Hyannis, Mass., in 1990. Since ihen, more limn 500 have emeiged nationwide and abroad, resulting in 350,000 shirts. Allhough cach shirt displayed in a Clothesline Project is unique, a common color coding is used to rep- rcsem the crimes of violence against women und childrcn: • wbitu for women who have died as a result of violence; • yellow or beige for women who have been assaulted; • red, pink or organge for women who have been raped or .sexually as­ saulted; • blue or green for survivors of incest orchid sexual abuse; and • purple or lavender for women who were targets of homophobic vio­lence. Mrs. Tim Paul McCulloh B r o w n - M c C u l l o h C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e A p r i l 4 R o y a l- S m ith E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Sherrie Royal and Shannon Smith ofMocksvillc announce their engage­ment and forthcoming wedding, planned for May 16 at Clemmons Moravian Church. The bride-elect is a 1992 graduate of Davie High School and in 1996 earned an associate degree from GuilfordIbchnical Communily Collcgc. She is employed os a registered dental hygienist for Dc 1bdd H. Carter in Advancc. The groom-to-bc is a 1991 graduate of Davic High School and earned a certificate in welding from Forsyth Technical Commuinity College. He is employed by Fuller Welding & Fabrications in Mocksville. L ln k - B u r t o n C o u p le P l e d g e V o w s In A p r il 3 C e r e m o n y Michelle Speer Link and John Wesley Bunon Sr. were united in a double ring ceremony April 3. ; The bride is the daughter of Cecil and Trody Speer of Mocksvillc. She is the granddaughterofthe late Baxter and Ethel Gibson and W.D. and Bonnie Harris of MocksviUe, The bridegroom is the father of PalriciaRulhBrown and Tim Paul McCulloh, both of Advancc, were married at 4 p.m. April 4. at Bethlehem UnitcdMcihodistChurch in Advancc. The Rev. J. Mark Wccklcy officiated. The bride is the daughter of Lyle C. Brown of Greensboro, Ga. and the late Katherine Brown. She is ihc di­rector of operations for Hunt As­ sisted Living in the Triad arca. The groom is the son of Paul and Haltie McCuiloh of Advance. He is the maintenance manager for Hunt Assisted Living in Winslon-Salcm and Statesville. The bride was esconcd by her falhcr. Kaihy DraughnofClemmons, the bride's sister, was maid ofhonor. Bridesmaids were Gwen Clasen of Winston-Salcm, the bride's sister; Anita Burns of Kernersville; Stephanie Kaponis of Hackciisiown. N.J.; Kcllcc Armswonhy and Lisa Armswonhy. both of Advancc; and Chrystal Pegram of Lewisville. The groom's father was the best man. Groomsmen werc Jim McCulloh of Wilmington, the groom's nephew; William Armsworthy. Mark Armsworthy, Brian Simpson and Benny Howard, all of Advance; Ronald Foster of Durham, the groom’s cousin; Rod Phelps of Greensboro; Joseph Clasen of Winston-Salem, the bride's ncphcw;andDavidPcgramorLewis- villc. The junior bridesmaids werc the bride's nieces, Darlu Draughn and Jodie Draughn, both of Clemmons, und Bclh Clasen of Winslon-Salem. Shannon Bums of Kernersville was the flowcrgiri.Following Ihc ccrcmony. a rcccp­ tion was held at Tanglewood Club­ house In Clemmons. After a honeymoon trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the couplc will live in Advancc. John Wesley Bunon Jr. He is the son of Randy and Melissa Bunon of Cleveland and grandson of the late Roben and Hope McCowan of Salis­ bury and the late Clyde Bunon and Dorolhy Bunon of Woodleaf.Aftera trip to the beach, the couplc and their son will reside in Mocks­ ville. M a c e d o n ia C h u r c h H o l d i n g B a r b e c u e Macedonia Moravian in Advancc is also available al $7 a pound whicliwill have a turbccuc rund-raiscr in Saiunlay, April ISforni l0:30a.m.-3 p.m. BoUi dinc-in and lakc-oul is avail­ able. Adulls plalcs arc S6 and childrcn 6-12 are $3.50. Barbecue by Ihc pound includes meal, slaw and 4 rolls. Fronts will be used for home mis­ sions and world missions. Macedonia Moravian Church is located on N.C. IMI Nonh in Advance. D e a d m o n - W e l le r E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dcudmon of Gibsonvitlc announce the engagement of Ihcir daughter. Courtney Maxwell Dcadmon of Raleigh lo Eric LanccWcller of Raleigh, ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weller of Wilson. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Me and Mrs. M.C. Deadmon of Mocksvillc. and Mai^ic Wagner und the late Mr. Wilson y^agncr of Cooleemee. She is a graduate olTurboro High School in'Rirboro, and earned a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of North C ^lina al Chapel Hill. She is employed as a pharmacist with l^ g cr in Ralagh. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Hunt High School,Wilson, and earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from Virginia Ibch, He is em­ployed as sales engineer with Cutler-Hammer in Raleigh. ' \ The wedding is planned for July 25 alThe Episcopal Church of the Holy_ Comforter in Burlington. Dancers Earn Awards Davie Dance Acadcmy students alicndcdthe national StarSyslcmsTal- cnt compelilion held regionally in Lenior on March 28 and 29. With approximately 600 dance stu­ dents from Ihrcc states, the following Davic Dance sludenis have qualified for the national competition in Gatlinburg. Tcnn. by receiving these awards: Lea Torieton: high silver-Solo in lyrical ballet. Catherine Boyles: high silver-solo in lyrical ballet. Caitie Amold: high silver - solo in lyrical ballet. Khristen Langdon: gold - solo in lyrical ballet. Anya Williams: high silvcr-solo in lyrical ballet. Couple Pledge l/oivs At East Side Rachel SuzanncSlroudandSieven Chriscoc were uniledin marriage Sat­urday, April 4, al East Side Baplisi Church in Slalesville. The Rev. John Parks ofllcialed. The bride is Ihe daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Siroud of Mocksville and granddaughter of Mrs. Elsie lace. Mary Soulher, Triend of ihe bride was maidof honor. Bridesmaids were Ann Carter of Kcnnesaw, Oa. and Rachcl Watkins, friends oflhc bride. The groom's niece, RebeceaChriscoe, was flowcrgiri. The groom's brolher, Carllon Chriscoc,. ^v^bcsl man. Grooms-‘ easbc5l_^ , ^Siroud of Mocksville and ihc lale menwereJcrryChnscoc.lhegtòòniV. The gnxim graduated froni Ashe-.....r« W... tKAltnrlA*« кли-v Ut^k were IxslieDcBroder and Jonathan Soulher. The traditional groom's cakc was served prior Io the weddingreheaisal: The bride is a graduate of Southview Christian School ond Bob Jones Universiiy. She is owner and operator of Country View Oardeti- ers. ^ Шв. Stmm Chritcoe J.C. Siroud and Mn. Callie Edwards and Ihc lale Marion Edwards of Spo­ kane, Wash. . Ttw bridegroom is die son of Ihe late Mr. and Mn. Lewis C. Chriscoc of Asheboro. The bride wore a white gown of lustrous satin enhanced with asweet- heart neckline and pouf sleeves. The filled bodice was accented with clus- ' lers of pearls, seed pearls and lace applique. The basque waisiiine led to a flowing skirt wiUi a beaded edge sweeping lo a scmi-calhedral lengUi train. The fingertip headpicce and veii was designed and made by Die bride. She carried a bouquet of roses, tulips, iaritspur and Queen Anne's brother, and David Stroud, Ihe bride's brother. The ring beorer was Aaron Anglin, die bride's nephew. ' Belly Milchcll served as'wedding director. The guest register was at­ tended by Rcbekah Siroud-WrighI, sisler of Uic bride. Programs were distributed by Jeff Wright, brodKt- in-law of the bride. Wedding music was provided by Bonnie Taylor, pia­nist, and Michael and Brian Souther, soloists. The bride's parenis hosted a re­ception following Ihc ceremony In the church fellowship hall. Recep­ tion attendants included Shelia^ Goodwin, Dorolhy Woodfin, Jui Strickland, Phyllis Evansi I^ n Cook and Jennifer Evaiis. Oreeien Brooke Harringlon; gold - solo in open/raodetti. MariohLyons and Amanda Boyles: High silver-duel-tap. LeaTarlclon and Catherine Boykes; high silver-duet-lop. Coitc Arnold, Monica truncan, and Khrisun langdon; gold trio in lap. Brooke Harrington and Khristen Langnon; duel • high gold and SUi highest overall score (in Uiis compeli­ lion) in open/modctn. Stephanie and Audric Cid, Drew Davis, Alex Davis, Holly Hairis. CaUKrincBoyles,andLcaTarie)on; high silver - group in lap.Holly Harris, Mariah Lyons, Lindsey Gales, Drew and Leah Davis, Stephanie and Audric Cid, CaUierine Boyles, and UaTailelon:gold-gnwp in ethnic/ccllic. Leah Davis, Maiiah Lyons, Jesáca Sulckland, Jacqueline Haum, Corey Spell, Megan Madwws, Katherine Smilh, Savanna McLamb, Heaiher Mcdrocd,BrittanyManhtiuni,HcMher Smilh, Brittany Knighi, Amanda Boyles, and Counney Call; silve» - group in lap. BiookeHatringlon,AnyaWUIiams, Callie Arnold, Jamien Smilh, M o i^ Duncan, and Khristen LantdoK ngh goM - group in open/modctn.BioolieHafiingloii,AayaWUliin», Monica Duncan, Cailie AiaoM, Md Khristen Langdon; N|h - (tnup ia modem. •boro High School and is employed by Procter and Gamble iii^rccns- boro. ■ After a wedding trip lo Ihe D a U Q h te t B O m Shenamloah Vallirarea, Uie couple ...lowill reside in Archdale. JO ^m itn COUpl0 Ad»ughtct,Tash»RtBe‘w«»boni ^ ^ E v en U toJay«ndT«natiSmiUiofClovit.•HiebrideWashonoredMarch3j^ N.M, April 10,1998MCum« Air wiUi a miscellaneous shower hosied Rn» Base Hoqiiud in Clovi«. SIm ^ Ihe ladies of Easl Side BapUst weighedfilbs. 15 lanmcti.(Thurch. • On March 21, die bride was honored by a miscellaneous shower hosied by Matceil and Maty SouUiet.• On March 29, die couple was honored by a miscellaneous shower: at Society Baptist Church hotted by friends arid neighbon. Maternal gnndpnenu ve Keilli ' and lane Ddton of Woodatock. En­gland. Paternal gtan^atmu an BotsbyandNiciUiaMcCiilkiiiibflf. Mocksville and Jeny W. Smith Sr. of New jeney; OtNi-tiiMl|iinMi м WilliimaKlIlàl*iiMyNi,||MkK Smith and tte late StacyKSoÉthcr'Salisbuiy, , C2 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 1«, 1998 F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie While Four Comers Correspondent A large ciowd allendcd the sunrise scrvicc at and Ilie 11 a.in. worsliip scrvicc at Counncy Baplisi Cliurcli, The senior adult ctwir of First BaptislChurch. of Stanley will be our special music al Courtney Baplisi Church Sunday nlghl April 19 al 7 p.m. Everyone is inviied lo allend. Those enjoying a bountiful Easter dinner Sunday al Ihe home of Mrs. RobertCrafl in Winston-Salem were; Mr. and Mrs. Joe While, Mr. and Mis. Mark While and Jessica. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck. Gieg Bcck. Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Shelton Jr.. Chrislophcr Shore. Denise Sapp. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Shellon, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Craft andchiidren, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hill and children, Inez Rcavis, Fleela May, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Pender and Gene Shellon.Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bcck were supper guesis Sunday of Mn.'Wili Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Charics Smilh of Chariolle, DannySmilhand Danielle, Jerry Pom, Mr. and Mn. Thomas’ Smilh. along wilh Joe and Jejemy visiled Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh during Ihe weekend. New Books Arrive At Davie County Library New books at Davie Couniy Pub­ lic Library, 371 N. Main Slreel, Mocksvillc. NON-nCTION The Alchemy of Prayer; Rekin­dling our Inner Life Biomimicry; Innovation Inspired by Nature A Boy Named Jesus Dogs Never Lie Aboul Love; Re- llcclions on Ihc Emotional World of Dogs A History of Reading How & When to Tbii Your Kids Aboul Sex Java in a Nuishell; A Desktop Quick Reference Rodeo in America; Wranglers, Roughslock & Paydirt Songs of my Soul: Devotional Thoughts from Ihc Writings of W. Phillip Keller Sports nCTIONDealh of a Saint Maker - Allana Martin The Dog Who Knew Too Much: A Rachel Alexander and Dash Mys­ tery - Carol Lea Benjamin B u n th g - S h r e w s b u r y E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Melissa Jane Burning and Michoel Olis Shrewsbury, boih of Troulman, announce Ihcir engagemenl. The bride-clcci is Ihc daughter of Samuel Scoli Burning of High Poinl and Jane A. Sims of Troulman. She is a 1994 graduale of North Iredell High School and a 1998 graduale of Mitchell Communily College in Slalesvilie. She will be a subslilule leacher for Ihe Iredcll-Slalesville school system. The groom is ihc son of Pauleiia and Hubert Shrewsbury ofMocksville. A 1979 graduate of Davic Couniy High School, he is self-employed. The couple plans lo be married al 2 p.m. May 23, al Bethel Baptist Chuich in Suiesvilk:. P i n o N e w s New Rescue Squad For Horses Starting Irish Whiskey: A Nuala Anne McGrail Novel - Andrew Greeley John Crust and Sniiflling Pig - Marjorie McGinley On Ihis Rockne: A Noire Dame Myslciy - Ralph Mclncnty Sainlly Dcalh - Jan Sainsbury The Search for Maggie Ward - Andrew Greeley Three Complele Novels - Dean R. KoonliThe Uncanny - Andrew Klavan To Shield the Queen - Fiona Buckley Donations in memory ofThomas Preston Stanley wete made by John T. and Mary M. Brock, and Famiing- lon Unilcd Melhodisl Church. A do­ nation in memory of Emily Rodwcll Anderson Hazen. Children's Slorylime for, pre­schoolers is on 'nicsday at 11 a.m: ai Ihe Mocksville localion and at ihe Cooleemee Branch. Monday &'nics- day, April 20 & 21; Donna Jakob, chlldrcn's book author, is coming lo Ihc library lo share her books and wriling experiences during Iwo spe­ cial slorylimes. Copies of;l((s. Jakob's books will beavaiiabicMjhe discounted pricc of $10 each;{she will also personalize and aulo^iph cach purchased book on the dayTpf her visit. Davie Couniy Public Librory hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.nir.- 8:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sundayr2 D AVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - C3 .■yNaraU Ttafe win te > ham and sausage bteakfasl Saturday morning, April 18, . from 6:30-10 at Wesley Chapel ■ Church. Cosl is J5 for all you can eat. : We welcomed several visilon in ■ church Sunday. Daca Thomas, Al and ' Susan Cujas and daughters, Amy Jo andMissy. Bryan Lakey wasagucstof Suzanne Miller. We were also glad to see Christie and Andrea Genu? and ; EUian Boger who spent die week-end : al home with iheir parents. JohnCailherWatdhasbccnmoved fromFbfsythHospilalu>DavieCounly : Hospiml. He is feeling stronger but ^7uU .<& RVKs!& ESiaN a^<W Ut<W ,Off. ¡B JJlA jS n u m llu JllfJua&iPliintt needs thenpy. We wish him a speedy recovoy. J«n»s and Lelia Essie spent Ihe Easier HolkJayallheirhomeinCaswcllCouniy. On Sunday they hosled a familydinner for Ihcirchildren grand­ children and several members of die Neal famiiy. Have you ever wondcrcd who would lake care of your horses in a crisis? If Ihere was a barn fire and you have hoises, where arc you going lo pul Ihem unlil you gel everyihing squared away? Floods, lomadocs. and icc slorms are silualions lhal arc terrible for horses. Davie Couniy now has an equine rcscuc squad for horses. After being in a crisis at Ihe 1996 stale fair wilh six horses, Ihe Davie Couniy Bit's and Bridles 4-H and Robin Durham, did some invesligal- ing inlo equine safely. Known Ihroughoul Ilie Unilcd Slates, bul new 10 Davie Couniy, Ihere is a volunteer rescue group for equines know na­ tionwide as reins. The sccond mccling was March 31. The nexi mccling will be April 28 at 8 p.m. (Ihe meeting place is at Ihe Couniy ExlensionOfnce).Ifyouhave any queslions, call Robin Durham, reins volunteer, al 336-751-4256. There arc Iwo requiremcnls lo bea volunteer: you musl be 18 years of age and you must have a love for horses. The people recognized mosl are; Durham: Terri Hamm wilh Ihe Hu­ mane Sociely; Drs. Brock and Meeker, veierinarians; and Sieve Pacino, Chuck Lakey, Kevin Long, and Loiri Amos, advisors. Donations are accepted such as: feed, supplies, medical bandages, and helping hearts. Carimeli was made by Lesler & p.m.-5p.m.Phonc;751-2023.Cool- Elizabelh Marlin. A donnlion in eemee Branch hours: Monday noón- mcmory'of Elizabeth Schooicr was 6 p.m.; Tucsday-Friday 10 a.m'.-5 made by Elvis and GenalceSchoolcc p.m. (Closed for lunch from 12:30-A donation in memory of Dr. Henry i ;3U); dosed on Saturday and 3uh- Shaw Anderson was made by Pamela day. Phone: 284-2805. . > ( 1 С '(1Г Ц 1' к W ;ilk i r I' loi is t I IK ( ;ill 7 i) 6 - I< .() .S .| s/ Í /^■/ / \ Л'// s / > V > . »/■/,'// 1 Flowers for att Occaions \ Ш hler*fllticcks^lle I781-17H Rnnuals ♦ Perennials ♦ Vegetables ♦ Honging Baskets + Rzoleos iIFMMG SM JE |^TIEPHOIIEPLA(X,ffla YOUR LOCAL AuthoÜ^Ctllular Dtaltr We will match or beat any competitors price for equipment with ad @ M O T O R O L A FLIP PHONE OR PROFILE 300 with home charger, cigarette lighter adapter and carry case. ^ G ood through A pril 18,1998 with coupon. Moa-IH. 8аш-5рт 8ia.9aia-lpm Ш Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Every new Um of Mrvic« WI Mil Аюш March 15 tbni April 19, $10.00 win b* donated lo th* Ronald McDonald Ноше ChariUe«. Club Meets At Pudding Ridge TheSilver Eagle Seniors melThuis- day, April 9, at Pudding Ridge Golf -Course for Iheir regular meeting and ■lUnCh. ■ ■ As Ihey pariced and walked lo the 'club house, Ihe pansy beds, lolling green hills with hoiscs grazing, dog­ woods blooming and Ihe freshly mowed golf coune, reminded Ihem thai spring is rcally here. Jo Check wclcomd c&'h member and visitors. Caihy Pheiftcr and guest "Barbara Thomlon from Ihe Senior . Center. Naomi Greene had devotions rcad­ ing John 13:1-7. She rcad an article from. "Upper Room Disciple," Jesus ■ ;washing Ihe disciples feel. She left ' . each wilh a special Maundy Thursday thought, and closcd wilh prayer. Sympathy was exiended (o Catherine Solley al Uie loss of her brother.Minules were rcad and approved. Belly Pcilicord gave Ihe treasurer's report.Thomlon passed out Ihe Senior Doings, and told Ihcm of Ihe many opporluni'ies during April and May. May ¡solder Americans month and the Davie Couniy Senior Cenicr is devol- ing Ihe monlh lo cclcbraling seniors. Happy Birthday was sung lo Ann Hartman. After the business session cach placed Iheirorder and had Ihe meal and fellowship. Next, Ihey boarded Uwir cars and A tten tio n A llergy S ufferers Get relief at home w ith the new d Ü B E »SINCE 1M6 ROOM AIR PURIFIERS R e m o v e s p o l le n , d u s t , s p o r e s a n d s o m e b a c t e r i a . ( H e lp s s n o r i n g , a l s o ) Special Pricesy^oo Ì ( И R m КИЛ! S r O R Ì Regular Houra: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:304 • Sum :30-5 Ibster'Rauch Drug Co. 495 Valley ROMi • Mocktvlll* • (336) 751-2141 Yadkin №lley Teteptione 43nl Annual Menibeiship Meeig S a t u n l a y , A p r i l 2 5 , 1 9 9 8 Registralion 1:00 p.m. Meeting 2:00 p.m. Yadkinville School Multipurpose Room Don’t miss Yodkin Valley’s A nnual M eeting ■ or your chance to w in great prizes. Members must be present to win. Thke a look a t what we’re g ivin g aw ay! •20" JVC Television Set................................................................ Elmore’s •Set of Tues...................................................................Baity’s Tire Service •Rival Crock Pot............................i......................................TC&H Supply •Ice Cream Freezer................................................................TC&H Supply •Pair of Wolverine Shoes...........................:...................Davis Brothers Store •$25 Wal-Mart Gift Certificate........................................Doe River Telephone •Nortel Telephone............................................................................ CSSA •Surge Protector.......................................................... ..................Graybar •Jackets & Hats.........................................................Rental Uniform Service •Dirt Devil Vacuum.....................................................Mid-South Coiisulting •Free Oil Change...........................................................Henderson & Wood •Speaker Telephone............................................. Power & Telephone Supply •Weber Grill...........................................................Interstate Bolt & Supply •’The Club” Anti-theft device.............................. ........Drummond American •Flower Arrangements...............................................Town & Country Florist •Oak Footstool •Mr. Coffee Coffeemaker •Video Storage Case •Golden Harvest Suntea Pitcher •Hamilton Beach Mixer •Clock •Accent Rug •First Alert Smoke Alarm •Counter Companion Cutting Board •Laundiv Hanwer •Overdoor Shoe Organizer •Proctor SUex Iron •LaskoFan 2 Gallon Cooler Garden Hose •Hammer . ^•Max Reflector Sunshade •Pedlar Mechanics 100’ ft Cord •Black & Decker Power Driver •Popular Mechanics IS Drawer Storage •LawnRake •16 pc. Beverage Set •Plano Tackle Box •Dream Rest Mattress Pad •Ball Jelly Jars •Anchor Hocking Baking Dish •Rubbermaid Storage Container .•Sew N’Crafts Case •Clock Radio •First Alert Fire Extinguisher •Photo Album •Calculator •Folding Tray Table •Multipurpose Sprayer Coleman 40 qt. Cooler •Booster Cables •Staple Gun Tacker i •Lodge Cast Iron Skillet •Handpainted Flower PW •Lawn Chair •Rubbermaid Gas Can., •Shrub Rake УаМпУавд▼ Teteohone n in lltl> l> tllH H H ll r I I I I 1 I I iW tia Ш 1« Ш ф Ц * O i^ ^ <a«liia»iiu. I t 1Я11 c ti(ii« (c iO iiM lti.a it went 10 the home of Mr. and Mis. Roy Hurt on U.S. 158. As Ihey entered their home, Ihey began tq see right off why Mis. Hurt is callcd Ihe "cookie lady." Gingcrmen women adom Ihe clialis music boxes began lo play ond there were huge Jars of cookie cutlcis in many areas. Her lirsl culler was given 10 her from her molher 30 years ago. Now slie has over 1.000, many mag- ncLs, "these her grandchildren love lo play wilh,” 100 tolling pins, counted cro.ssslllch picces and quilts-allcookie rcialed. Hurt had won ribbons al fairs for Ihesc. She enjoys going to schools and shoringsomenfher cookie collec- lions with the ehiidrcn. Bcforclhegroupdeparted.Mr.Hurt served them cookics.and drinks. ELECT M id M M lD . A lto n Republican Candidate for Davie County ,___, Commissioner \ ¿¡V O T E - M a y 5,1998 Re-Elect mARLENE SHAMEL to the Davie County Board of Education on Mays, 1998 P»dPt*t<HAaBy>itort»wSrwn<<1ИНН Elect A.C. “Andy” STOKES REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For Davie County Sheriff it’s time we get tough,... It’s time we go to work.... It’s time we send a message.... We will not tolerate drugs in DAVIE COUNTY It’s time to ELECT A SHERIFF who will make a “difference” A PLAN ! A PROMISE! A DETERMINATION ! 'ears experience as la HigM Over 30 y< a North Carolina Highway Patrolman, Davie County Magistrate and Concerned Parcnt. P»d PcMctf By AC.‘AnO^ 8K*M C E N T E R B B Q Friday and Saturday, Afiún&lS BAR-1M)UE SOLD ALL DAY S atu rd ay Only 9 an i-2 p iii C i4]fts& Displays Piedm ont CARS. A sso aC i^ ise-In ( ^ c V ^ m t o J o i n ü s ) Location: Hwy. 64 West al MO ModevUe Л 'Spaimndby; - " v s n H r v iw n iV B r П 1 « u v p w w iin ii > a.CMHw conpwnl» Dm Ámog. C4-DAVIE С О Ш ТУ ENTERPW SE RECORD, Aprili«, 1998 S P O T U G H f т е щ (Ш )71Ц -Ю 00 LPAULVWWILLW CHIROPmCTOR t i J S S A . ] f e r s f f - .Еисорим^atytoCAwstCooUM Hand Made Ice Cream HOURS Mon-niurll-9 Fri & Sal 11-III? Sun 12-8 7 7 8 ^ )6 6 0 Frauenhofers Ice Cfeam A Bake Shop 6000 Mudowtmxili Mall • Clemmons Now Орел For Business BERMUDA CARPET СЕ!УШ1BERMUDAQUAY SHOmNG CEKTtR Ul cur praftuionaluaffhetp you whh til your floor coverintcatdi.I •iMtHordtcaniorcnuiff.♦ Om«ye«icombintdeiptrieflctl • CaoMt • Vinyl • Til* Hardwood • Wallpapar Mon.-rrt.*im4pni! «Й.ta n -1 pm M il U«Hwy1«(,AdM nM № 1W90e-0300 Sports Rsherman Center of Clemmons: Everything a fishennan could ever want When It comes lo lishing... When H comes to baH and tackle ... When you doni know your crappie from your catfish...Flshemien tum to Sports Fishemvm Center In Clemmons. Dating back 20 years, Sports Rshemian Center has been provMIng tha technology, the bait and the know-how to area fishemien. Owners Melvin Cummings and Roy Agee have established the business as the final word in fishing expertise. They have everything a fishemian coukJ possibly need tor freshwa­ ter and saltwater fishing. They cany live bait—minnows, nlghtcrawlers, redwords, crickets. They stock a vast assortment of artiffelal lures. And they have a wkle variety of rods and reels. i "Anything you need for fishing," sakl Carolyn Cummings. Sports Fisherman Center Is located on U.S. 158 in Clemmons near the 1st Baptist Church. The store also sponsors a variety of fishing contests.Right now, they are sponsoring a white bass contest since the bass have been mnning on the Yadkin River. Ernest Hayes Is leading with a 2.5 pound bass. They also have contests fOr crappie, bream, large mouth bass and catfish. Mrs. Cummings sakl the largest catfish ever brough lo the store was a 62-pound monster from the Yadkin two years ago. "We do the contests, and they love it," Mrs. Cummings sakl. The storeoffersglftcertifteatestothewinners. "itdoesnlmattervrtierethey catch it, they just have to bring it in." To serve fishemien means always being open. Sports Rshemian summer hours are 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 7 a.m.-6 p.m Sunday. "You have to be open when It's fishing season," she sakl." They like Zan RlllenlMrry bmanager of Sports Flshtrman Ccnter. to come In eariy for bait and come in late to weigh them In." Zan RWenbeny is the store manager. "He's very knowledgeable about lishing—somebody who can tell you what to buy to catch the fish you're going after," Mrs. Cummings said. The store sells fishing licenses and boat registrations. Its crank bait lines Include Rapalas, Poes. Excaliber, Zoom, Culprit. Hog Caller, Bombers and nwre. It sells rod and reels lines Including Quantum, Ambassabor, Plnnade and Zebco. Hook lines Include Eagle Claw, Tme Tum and RIsto-Rap. Visit Sports Fisherman Center at 3460 Ctemmons Road,(Hwy. 158). Clemmons. The phone number Is 766-9486. „ CufJom M lrro t ------- HMtallatlant tf Shown Door^ P r e c ia io n O la s t W o r k s , In c . 3810 Hwy. 158 W. • O^mmont. NC 7 6 6 - 6 4 Э Э : E n te rp rise Software & Accessories N fv a U a w lP C c - M la m / AcccMocita • UpfradalMpalr • PC Training • Wab Pa«* DMicn • We Custom BuiUComfmter Sejhmre Л Aeeesmeiet 6431-0 Cook Ava • dtmmoni, NC (■MM FM Untan) 712-0471 2397 UwbvlUcdcmmoiis Rd.' ■ Clciiunoiu, NC 27012 - (910)766-1593 ^ шлштакщMoa.Frin»5pa г т НаМшм lU*Y«Uanvlll*.NC ОМИАЗ-ЗШ l-aoO«2-*SM*CaII for DUtction« Swim Gear RetaUATeamSilei ofNorth Carolina NNJ2 RMia*U«(,P.O. a«1M4ClMmra^ 766-3006 v m Providing competitive and recreational swimwear and accessories for children, youth and aquatic fitness SUITS• GOGGLES -CAPS-BAGSi SANDALS ^ Q / i£ Ù ig E ■Zune¿ <S~ t in n ii Пш-Паг 10ю9р1|1Ма ion-lipa .IMaxBnMk IOm-}|in ' 3728Clènimon»Rd.', (Н« 7 158) Clemmons 7 ^ 2 9 6 6 flc c c s s C O M M U N IC R T IO IIS F R E E E S T IM A T E S No Job to Big or SnuU Coll 712-0005 or ilaniM’e A n to ftr T o m n g asVMralxpailMioc Pannaly Mmny tnHCi'aOanfa910-778-0610 ■aaparl-MMM-TMt «MkaitUЕНМОаяМацг ehwali р И у Cliaiiii»i,l№ IT01t Ш 1 М 0 Е 1 Л С Ш СScMnoAIYttrBKtlMlNMdi СШ щ Гшташ км ш лш м Р и тВ о яЯ щ Ш тм т 7M-N180ftlM J 7 T jñ 9 P ¡ j g ^ T Im 4 a f P a g in g H if^ C lc a ta tta P rie a a ? SA¥£AT • t)lww« Clgnlta • Zppo IJghttfi • knpoit Cigan ■ Odw-Out a SctnlKl c«)dts N EW Location Now Open at 6311-D Stadium Drive, Clemmons (beside KMait)STORE HOURS: ftOOini - ftOOwil. MONDAY - SATl*DAY • 778-1144 Yadklnville Pawn & Jewelry ... All Loana Confidential No Amount Too Large^lnstant CAiiH Open Mon-Fri 0A-5P Sat 9A-2P •OokK)e«elry•TVrVCn'■•Antlquos^)ewell •Tooli.etc.*W»tchBenerteB PO Box 1236 Yadklnville, NC 27055 336-679-4998 Е я с е И е п с е ...- in G a r á • Y«r Round Contain« QanMng • Courtyard Ijndacapkig • CompMa Patk) a [>eck DatlVi• Pak)Fumltur*aAoMeaoiiea • PaamUOadana e m n g • UcmmdUMKtpt Natural Selections 77a-»tit ^A C LT ABCVC c r x i "tO éO A -ùuiO tium é"У/еПошНвуее Tanning De<fa Гог 4 i II I Ml. II V ( lllllll I " 'III I .iiiiimv I Ills < I I N I >1 SIS, X 1*24 tiwy SCI S.. jU lvance^M UGLY STAINED ROOFVBur utty M M i MGrnUok и»- “—■—■—M caN L' - RoofiBriíé^ ( 9 1 0 | 7 6 1 - 0 9 9 > áí'ñ Realtors® . ;,Yòw Horn* Town Raalton ‘Л / FuH S w v to S 'F u N T iiM 22e6«ljewlmill»ClMnmon8Road. ; dcminont “WOO A C 4 C NC27012 / О р - Ü O lO Secm larleeD ay CM fcctioaaiynif I C U J^ C ~U . P J..,. CO>~. PU. o u . B~Jt.& b BaUif. PUlm, Ti". Orttijinii Gift и WaDtUvcraSklp . VImMCfkma^Xojaraj^jccaw AVIAflL Annuab'lW Hr InspectionaCenerat Repain шт Eetimates*Hangan*'ne'Downs*Fast Courteous Servioe*No Overnight Paridng Fee8«15 Minutes from WUuton-SalemParkin« Fees«15 Minutes from Winston-Salem ш Ш ш ш ш ш тRUca*A<!rialFhotography>Alintaft Rental (C-172RG-S80/hr* ! C-172-K0/hfiC-152-»50/lir) " rI^ H « tA 7 NDBSM AI,BP- Raaidential&ConnMrcial DecfcReatoratioiw Staining, Claanha&Mpair W0RKMAN8HÍPBRITE Q U A R ^ E Ó I ЭЭ»492-7в10 aasH iea-ryaio / h i ( li (III \ii /’( (i/ili O liality;Air:r.'...... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - CS S P O f L K H T Housing txxNn: Newcomers tuming to Crowder, McChesney & Associates It'sthequestlon he encounters more than any other: "Where are ; all these new people coming from?" Even the people closest to the housing boom In Clemmons, : Lewisville and Davie County are sometimes baffled by the scope ol Jhe growth here. "lgelthatquestionallthetlme,"saklByron East, managerof the -Crowder, McChesney & Associates office In Clenmnons. "III couW I'.get a finger on that, I couW comer the mari(et." C< He says there are some answers. "A lot ol people are coming "vvilh Bowman Gray Medical Center. They are the number one employer now." ' Other businesses are also bringing smaller numbers ol new rwldents, and the FedEx decision to build at the Piedmont Triad Airport will only add to the mushrooming home construction. Many olthose newcomers tum to the home saies professionals at Crowder, McChesney & Associates. The company has been In Clemmons since 1981, operating as the only full service realty agency In the village. The fimi has 12 real estate salesmen here. It's olfice Is at the comer ol Lewisville-Clemmons and Peace Haven roads. "We're very busy," East sakl. It's that time ol year when loiks : are really serious about getting their home on the maiket with the azaleas In bloom and the rates staying low. The big dilference this year is the consumer confidence is at an ail time high." Why do newcomers choose lo live here? - ■- ■ "Ifssuchadeslrableareawlthailtheamenltles— Tanglewood Park, the upscale centers that are opening, the proximity to Interstate ; 40, the access to the Triad area without all the tralfic congestion you ; find in the Kemersvllle area," East said. He expects FedEx wori<ers to buy homes here. "We really think : that's going to be an economk: boom for ttie entire Triad. I think we : will see people who don't mind traveling to the airport from this side I of town. The Multiple Listings Servk:e reported 4.642 home sales In the western piedmont area In 1996. The average listing price In 1998 is Byron East of Crowdtr, McCticsiwy & Aaaoctatcs $158.300. East said the new developments planned at the Win-Mock Farm in Davie County and Don Angell's plans to expand Bermuda Village retirement center are already getting attention even belore constmction begins. "We have inquiries ona regular basis on those areas," he saw. Crowder, McChesney & Associates has an olfice on Country Ciub Road In WInston-Saiem as well as the Clemmons olfice. Combined, the offtees can reach the entire Triad. "Our specialty Is Clemmons, Lewisville, North Davidson and Davie counties," East sakl ol his office. "We leet like we've gol our linger on ttw pulse ol western Forsyth county better than anybody else." Crowder, McChesney & Associates has recently gone on line. All the agents can be reached by e-mail. Crowder, McChesney & Associates can be reached at 766-0515. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 2 4 HOUR SFRVICF Rü^fuB 1 т .ж Ш • 0» • шетие • иит m a мсишп 766-2043 е ш а п т ^-JlíJ с о и в ю н C O fM K IK M s o o r SH 0> Foreign Л DomesHc Free SsUmales 20 years experience 766-4039 oap E>u Jourspedablnslnaanalufaland anxnalheiapeullc aoapa and otha t»th and Ixxly producta NowaalaUtal BackloBaaial IMrnswteatbnt»s№K’-AM Cathy Baddn76»-70Sa - M ow aiy7a»«)MkSC Hwy 158« Clemmons, NC 27012336-766-9486 Quantum • Zebco Penn • Abu-Garcia Rex-Air B a it Tanks Flambeau Tackle Boxes New 19W products. In stack mn«l GIFT TIMEPrctSiMrci OrganiiationSenrie» ♦ Event Organizing ♦ Residential Organizing ♦ Relocation Organizing ♦ Business Organizing Becky Vemon 336-766-5050 O . H u s q v a m a P i n e N e e d l e s ^ ^ S S S S S S ' M l j J i i » * 3 . 9 9 ^ * . Seeds • F citU iz e r • Bed din g P lan ts f / ' r ic t v * DtllM rtt H H ’ i i ^ g R O R E R i / J Hour, H A R D W A R E r U r W i ' / 998-1987 1-40 West to 801 Exit Left Across from Bermuda Run w | B H K > K r ■ ■ G431 Hwy. 168 • Advance, NC '9 am s T i H i : Choln Saw starts at lust П 9 9 ’ * StixOtrOwiSn AuthorizedDealer S(4klng Runt Like A D(vre ws-isst amaaesnne rirsatone ttHANOBK Lee Tires G E O R G E ’S Mk^heiin Tires V I L L A G E G A R A G E , IN C . COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2B70 Lawlavllla-Clammons Road, Clammona _________7 6 6 -7 8 6 2 I < < <lfl4 II 110 Commerce Dr. Hwy 158, Advance 940-2776 ^ 1 ш и к е Л iA . AUnoáJ, сМ-еле Г|6а A U voua A ino NUDICoawSmOm» 3ei2CI«mona Rd., aemrana • ^ md M d iu U ' • Ж ш и т т е л А в ^ « м » • ^ V u t u i m » Mockavllle 751-1423 Winston-Salem 6S&-1364 Ш А ч т тшпш А ю л и т ОеЫСапмМоИап*IMInanclnt|*1stk2ndMortg^ l^ ^ltodauptcy» ProgranisfQf нойшиюв and12S% nVoMlabla Г М / я е тк тт тШ ц ева»! 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(336)998-1199 Official BotlMWalar or The Cardias Paltim :^ G ( - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 ^ & h ó d i s i C h u r c h p s T o H o l d ' D a v ì é G a t h e r i n g ' ; The Unilcd Mtthodlsl ctiurchcs of ; pavie Ciximy invile everyone lojqln hundreds of friends and ncighbon'ài ihe 1998 Davie Galhering. ' i : ll all hap|)cns on Sunday, April 26, from4-6p.m.nuhcCcmcrAibor,U.S. . 64 Wcsi near 1-40, Exil 168. The anemoon will include musical perfomanccs by Erin Carter and The Sounds of Failh. The guesl prcachcr will be Dr. Harole Boles of Chariotle, dlieclor of rainislriesforihcWeslcmNorthCan)- lina Conference ofThe United Meth­ odist Church. Bales is an acclaimed pnjocher, noted for wli and insight. He is also the author of The Southern- Fried Prcachcr, a regular column In ■The North Carolina Christian Advo­ cate." The 1998 Davie Gathering will conclude with ahot dog supper. A love olTcring wlll be receiveil to help with expenses. Extra moneywiil be donated to A Storehouse for Jesus. Drcss com- foftably for this outdoor event. N a n c e R e t u r n s H o r in e F r o m N a v y D e p l o y m e n t Navy Pctiy Officcr 2nd Class Jef­ frey D. Nancc, sonof BrcndaC. Nancc of 817 LiBcny Church Road, Mocks­ villc, reccmly rcmmcd to his home poft of Norfolk, Vo., añcr a si vmonih dcploymeni to the Mediterranean Sea and Arabian Gulf aboard the amphibi­ ous assault ship USS Guam, ihc lead ship of the USS Guam Amphibious Ready Group (ARG). U b the imaideploymenlof ttw ship M^ich is scheduled to be decommis­ sioned laicr this year. While deployed, Nancc’s ship par­ ticipated inOperation Southern Watch, ptayingasignincamrole in supporting the cnfoa'cmcni of U.N. sanctions against Iraq afterthe Persian Gulf War. They olso participated in Operation Bright Star, a mullinati(xia] excrcisc designed lo improve unit readiness in interoperobility with coalition forces. The dcploymeni gave Nance.the oppoitumlylovisitbrael.ltaiy.Grctcc, Spain and Turkey, where he and his shipmates participated in community outreach projects. On the Atlantic Occan homeward lo Norfolk, Nance’s ship rcccivcd a distress all fromaCroatianbulkcanicr fcqucsting medical assistance for two. mariners. Sailors from Nance's ship and its embarked hcIicoptcr squadron quickly responded and assisted the earner and wcrcablcio(4ovide prompt medical treatment to tlie ailing mari­ ners. The USS Guam and its embarked MarinesprcscntaformklablcU.S.prcs- ence which can provide a rapid re­ sponse In limes ofcrisis. With helicop­ ters. conventional landing crafi and high speed air cushioned assaull craft, Sailors an Marines like Nancc can conduct n variety of missions from reconnaissance and amphibious as­ saults to evacuating civilians an pro­ viding humanitarian aid. Ihe 1984gradiiaIcofDavie High School joined the Navy November 1986. Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - C7 Salvation Army Chosen To Receive Grant Red Cross, Council of Jewish Ftdcra- tions. Catholic Charities, USA, Na­tional Council ofChurchesofChrist in the U.S.A. and Ihe United Way of Amercia which will provide the ad- minislialivcsialf and function as fiscal agent. The board was chaiged to dis- IributefundsappropriatcdbyCongrcss The Salvation Army has been cho­ sen 10 rcccive $3,906 lo supplement emergency food and shellcr programs inlhcarca. The selection was made by a na­ tional boani that is chaired by the Fed­ eral Emcigcncy Management Agency (FEMA)andconsislofrcpn»entatives ftom Ihe Salvation Aimy, American C h ic k e n P i e S u p p e r P ia n n e d T o R a is e F u n d s F o r C e le b r a t io n COOLEEMEE - Parades, Tire- Eal there or Uke a plale lo go. The works, carnival and river boat rides pics are being prepared on-site by ! will all take money as Cooieemcc women of Advancc Melhodisi celebrates its lOOih Birthday Ihis Church, who make and sell chicken pies monthly. Tickets arc being sold at the fol­lowing locations: Cooleemee, Davie Discount Drugs, Osborne Scrvicc Station, Teresa's Hair-Pon, and the Zichaiy House; Mocksville; Fosicf Rauch Drugs, Wal-Man and Collette AnFramini. tohclpcxpandthecapacityoffoodand shelter programs in high-nccd areas around the countiy. A local board will determine how Ihcfundsawaidcd to DavicCouniy are lobedisiribuledamongthe emergency food shelter programs run by local screice organitalions, the local Boani is responsible forrecommendingagen- cies to rcceive these funds and any additional funds availahle under Ihis phase ofthe program. Under Ihe Icrms of the grant from the national Board, local governmen­ tal or private voluntaiy organizations chosen to rcccive funds must; be non- profil; have an accounting system and conduct an annual audit; practise non­discrimination; have domesticated the capability to deliver emergency food and/orsheltcrprognmis;andirthcyaro private voiuniaiy organization, they musl have a voluntary board. Qualify­ ing organizalion ans urged lo apply. The Salvation Army has distrib­ uted Emergency Food andSheller funds previously in Davie Counly. Funherinfoimalion on Ihe program may be obtained by contacting Karen Smilh, chairpenon, Salvation Army Servicc Unit for Davie Counly, PO Box 517, Mocksvillc, NC27028.Tele- phonc: (336) 731-8800 no lalcr than April 10. R u r i t a n A w a i 'd James Speer, left, president of Jerlcfio-Hardison Rurilan Club, receives plaque from Darrell Seaford, Districi 31 Governor. The club received Ihe award for the largest per­ cent of membership increase in Ruritan National for 1997 at the national convention. They were the only club in the district that brought back a plaque. Jericho-Hardison is committed to the community and supports various projects, Speer said. The club meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Ruritan building on Greenhill Road. Tops Travel S t w ie e I I ’I ¡I1 I IIIi Sl I \ It I 11 il \ I 336-766-7303 ^ 2 7 5 ^ ^ w js v illg C le m m o n ^ ^ ^ le j^ ^ September. lb raise needed funds, a chicken pie supper w ill be held on Satutdaj; April 18 at the VFW Hall on N.C. 801 South.Serving win begin al noon and csaamethKngh7p.in.Dliuicnwm ;te% ii^hKhidicMck*iipit,|i«cii i toHO, iliiw ; honimade caVes. S e n i o r D a n c e P l a n n e d After many requests, the Davie County Senior Centcr, along with Jerry Cope, w ill offer an evening dance for seniors on Saturday. April 25, from 7-10p.m. at the Mocksville • Elementary School gym. A ll seniors are inviied lo put on ; Iheir dancing shoes. There will be a ; DJ providing a variety of music for ; all kinds of dancing, as well as re- freshmenis. No alcoholic beverages will be [x:imitled. Do nol wear bools or olher hard-soled shoes lhat could damage Ihe gym floor. Interest level wiil be gauged at this dancc lo dclcrminc Ihe possibil­ ity of future dances on a regular ba­ sis. Admission is S3. Call Ihe senior cenier at 751-0611 formore infonnalion. C h u r c h T o H o s t S u p p e r Mt.OUveUniiedMethodisiChi»ch : willhaveit'smonthlysupperonSatur- ■ day, April l8&Din5-7pjn.iiithechuRh fellowship hall. The menu will consist of ^ uck varialkn. Cosl will be donations, with ' (ncMds Ul benefit die wnuie and outinch ministries. The cktnh is k>- cated approximately three mifcs from Farminglon UMC on Wyo Road in Yadkin County. The publk; is invited to an evening of food and feltowship. Take^uu will be available. Formore lnfomalion,conuctGeneWhitakerat 9W-3l95.Ml.OUvepisloiijtheRev. Cary Foster, S p r i n g R e v i v a l P l a n n e d - : Tmcndae Baptist Church, 613 TUtnMte Church Road, Mocksville, ; wUlhrwisfrtagrevivalApril 19-22. '№viiiliiigeva(|eliitibclheSuii- day leivkes will be Gre| Lentz of Salisbury. Scrvicea wlU be at I I am : Pieachlit, Mo«l(y-Wedncsd«y : w inbedKR(v.H aqiM D nitn.pa^ ; ! urof tbe Soak R iw B i^ C lM d i : iaSiae»iUe.SavlnawiUbeat7each . «ight- ■; Ita e will be special tigging each service andanunery will be provkled. For more informatk», call pastor BiUy Sloop at 998-2366. K i n g s m y Q u a r te t T o B e A t F r ie n d s h ip The Kinpway Quartet will sing al Calahaln Friendship Baplist church at 7 p.m. on Saturday April 18. The church is located on Calahaln Road, off U.S. 64 west of Mocks­ ville. Eveiyooe Is invited. N r l k t k l M i l l M r t r I want to continue the tndition of ezccUence In ефкаИоп11мг«Шс11оиг sehoob we known. Working together, I am convinced m can make Davie Comity achooit thebertia/ N o r t h e r n ^ S m S S S S S S S & S l Spiritual Resources: See With Your Heart By tlw Rw. DmM QW rMlhEaions Baptist Chutch This past Sunday Ih* WMtam Christian Chuich celabrated the reaunectkm ol Jm u *. Known as Easter around ttw globe, this day recognized the astonishing daim that Jesus ol Nazarelh, an itinerant preacher in Ihe first centuiy, rose from the dead after His tmilal executkm on a Roman cross. His daim that He was the promised messiah to the Jews was proven tiy this singular evenl. 01 similar impoitance was the unhiersai applkatton ol His vvotds and ministry to all races oi people everywhere. II one accepts the testimony ol Jesus' disciples and believes the tnjlh 0» His tBSuirodion, then Jesus' words tiear greater meaning. For His disciples it meant their courageous emergence from the' shadows oflearandprejudk»tothellghtollove.No longer would they huddle in silent dislwllel at the horror of the events on that fiist Good Friday. They IxikHy went l>elore those who had the authority' to torture and e)(ecute them and proclaimed IhA the Jesus whom they had killed, was now alive; they had seen him, lalked to him and'. eaten with him.Today's disdple has not had Ihe same visual experience that. Jesus' early folk>wers did, so he or she must accept the accuracy, of these historical claims. Easter for the eariy disdples meant believing what they had seen that first Easter day. For today's disdplenmeans believing what we have not yet seen withoureyes^ We are asked to see with our hearts. Support These Local Businesses W a G . W H IT E f t G O . 860N.Tnd*8L WInaton Sriem,NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R A 6 0 N S 2в4вМкИ1* Brook Or. Cleinmon«, NC 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 SPILLMAN’S OIL ft FERnUZER 7 Ш Hwy eoi s. CoolwniM,WC 27014 336-284-2551 «РА1ШС11.« м ш е и м п le s ib rto y Foot Road Mociuvlllt,NC2702e 336 Ш 5 5И иоаш гиЕ M U B S s y m . v ToBritM rW eDoHBM M * South Main SbM l 7B1-N1I П Im nriaQ «, Skoffl^Ctakr jtaoiMi HIlMlak yu m tssi MMKIMHER f t U M M B 172 Main ChtwehRd. MecinvHI«,NC 2702Í ЗЭ1-711-1144 CRESCENT Е Ш Ж P.0.B0XSW MockavUle, NC 27021 33l-7S1-213t M * m o fD M tvrU )U R < WaCiMlomBlmd Dtpol«t.,NoekmHlo,NC EATON П Х ^ Ш Н О М Е A ThuUtlon of Caring.... ■ 325 Nofth Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 33é>75b214G nfTBHUUKN DRIMCOMPAIY 4 N V M n flO M l W W IItV liti PIC 270Я1 3N-fl1-2141 ш т ш ш ж f t lM L M C . 33ieU 8H w y1M HockwMt,NC 2702S 33»-7B1-31N и и ш с м ш у Ш «1М кП 1М | MoekwM*,NC 27008 ш - п ь п п ш и ш и я т Р.0.1мв81 H w yiM IS . MMkmt8*,NC 27028 m -7 1 1 -ifii . J м м т ш ш м Е М»НЦ1Ш«МмМк1К»М cajuB O M iiB i в ш в п н е . IW M q uN lC M al.NO f ir n ; M S n iiD n U I.I» M ,a M k b a tC liM b lM ^ illik U iU .tatayldMlMMIAJ«. Maniât W nH fUiN AM,, C M lM a la fM irJ « . ; Lawrence C. Morton I Lawrence C. "Mort" Morion, 75, • ofWeavcrvilIc.dicdThursday, April ; 9,1998. j . Bom March 8, 1923, in Cool- ; 'cemcc, to Culpepper and Cora ; Mbnon, he served in the U.S. Navy ; during Worid War II aboard Ihe air- l/craft earner tiic USS Franklin from : March 10,1943 unlil Ocl. 11,1945. : He retired from the National Park ■■■ Scrvice, enjoying a carccr that cx- '• tended from Asheville loCratcr Lake, ; Orc.,Catociin,Md.,Tailahassee,Fla.,I Mammoth Cave, Ky. and back lo ijAsheville al Ihe Blue Ridge Parkway : before rctircment. - Surviving are a wife, Virginia Wil­ liams Morton; a son, Gary C. Morton of Weavcrviile; 2daughlers, Deborah M. Duyck of Asheville and Debra M. Dillingham of Weavcrviile; 5 grand- childrcn;abrother, Walter Morton of i^ke Havasu, Ariz.; and a sister, Jaclcic Monon of Cooieemcc. ■ Funeral services were held al 7 p.m. April 12, in Weavcrviile Unilcd MethodistChurch with Ihc Rev. Steve ,№incsofnciating. Services were held ai io a.m. April 13, in the Chapel of Western Carolina Slate Veterans Cemetery in Black Mountain with ] military riles by ihe Asheville High |.*OTC. jZ Memorials may be made lo .Weaverville Unilcd Meihodist :Church, P.O. Box 37, Weavcrviile, N.C. 28787 or Mountain Area Hos­ pice, P.O. Box 16, Asheville, N.C. 28802. iMaryElle Sherrill ■; Mary Elle Pooic Sherrill, 57, of iHickory, died April II, 1998, al her naidencc following a lingering ill­ness. .-.-Boni April 28, 1940, in Camden : Counly to Ihe late Isiah and Sue Ella I Poole, she was a member of Rose of I Sharon Holiness Chureh where she ; was secretary of the General Assem- ; biy.secretaryandyoulhdirector.She ' was retired as a teacher from I Grandview Middle School. She was secrcUiryoflhcBoardofDlrcctorsof ; Alice Raeford Memorial Cenier and { a lumber of the N.C. Extension - Homemakers Association Inc. J Surviving arc her husband, ; McKinley Sherrill of the home; a i:son| McKinley Sheirill Jr. of the i home; a son, Jamcs Calvin Sherrill of Mocksvillc; a daughter, Gwendolyn ~ LavcmIjamcsofMocksvilic;2brolh- crs, Winford Poole of Camden and I Isiah Poole of Washinglon, D.C.; 2 ' sisters, Sarah Lewis and Martha r Poole, both of Camden; 2 grandchil- ■ dren; and a number of nicccs and j nephews. ' Funeral services were lo be con- ; ducted al 11 a.m. April 16, al Rose of ; Sharon Holiness Church with Eider ; NaomiMoltandPaslorMaryShuford : officiating and burial following in ; Cawwba Memorial Park. The family ijwas lo receive friends April 15, at :;Allen Mitchell Funeral Home in ! Hickory 7-8 p.m. :■ Memorials may be made to Hos- :j)ici of Cauwba Valley. David DeWitt Stephens David DeWitI Stephens, 54, of Salisbury, died April II, 1998, at Fairfield Counly Memorial Hospital. He was Ihc son of the lale L.A. "Steve" Stephens and Doris Smith Stephens of Greer, S.C. and was dis­ tribution manager at Jockey Interna­ tional. He was formerly vice presi­ dent of operations with Campus Sports Wear. A graduate of Byrtics High School In Duncan, S.C., he was al966gtaduateUSCwilhabachcIot's degree in business. He was a fonner memberof the ChesierCountySchool Board, fonner director of Chester United Way, past president of Chester High Booster Club, a former member ofCheslcrCivitans.amcmbcroflhe Rotary Club and co-founder and past direcior of Chester Counly Fall Af­ fair. He had served as coach of Mite League Football and Little League Baseball. Surviving, in addition lo his mother, are his wife, Haniel Godfrey Stephens; 3 sons, Jeffrey David Stephens of Salisbury, Michael Scott Stephens of Blackslock, S.C. and Kevin DeWiu Stephens of Charles­ ton, S.C.; a daughter, Angela Stephens Camp of Greer, S.C.; a brother, MichacI Smilh Stephens of Andrews; and 3 grandchildren. Funeral services werc conduclcd at 11 a.m. April 14,at Bairon Funeral Chapel. Burial followed at 4 p.m. at Woods Chapel Methodist Church Cemctciy in Greer, S.C. John Hobert Fulk John Hobert Fulk Jr., 67, of Win­ slon-Salem, died Wednesday, April 8,1998. at N.C. Baptist Hospital. He was the falher of John H. Fulk III of Advance. Funeral services were conduclcd at Gospel Lighl Baplisl Church by Dr. Bobby Roberson and Ihc Rev. Frank Shumate. Burial followed in Woodland Cemeiery. John Elliott Woltz John Elliott Woltz Sr., 71, of Mount Airy, died April 7,1998 at his home followingalongiiinc5s.He was the father of Howell Way Wollz of Advance.A memorial service was held al 11 a.m. April 9, at Central. United Melhodisi Church in Mount Airy by the Rev. Phillip Cole and Dr. Richard Crowder. Bessie Lorene McBride Bessie Lorenc McBride, 75, of Linwood, died Thursday, April 9, 1998, al Lexington Memorial Hospiul.Shc was Ihc sister of Frankie Woolen of Mocksville.Funeral ser­ vices were held alTimberiake Chapel of Piedmont Funeral Home in Lex­ ington by the Rev. WayneFulp. Burial was in Foresi H ill Memorial Park. \ B n y D in e tF n m T h tF a e tO Ê y l \Ш 1 1 > Л Ш Ш т Л 0 Я Ё Л » е я А п т > м / и ш 1 Е < в м я ш Maníf styles & sizes to select frrnn with custom designs A aandhlasting Î 243 МиЫе Ifawd, StatMvOle, NC щ|«1дД1^|МИв1»МшМаа*,таг»1о«аЫ11ДшВаа|1а». Gra n d R H k m i Bad( to B xics Herb Shop ] 6311E Stadium E)r. Oemmons, NC 27012 336-766-6S6S Beside Kmait Come by and visit our new i expanded location. We carry only pharmaceutical grade supplements. We have a Naturopath on staff < to assist you In your selections. We olfer nutrillonal counseling and Irldology by appointment. Barbara Whaley N.D., shop 1 owner, Is a Certified Natural ] Health Professional and Master Holistic Hertallst. She can give you the 'al attention you ne tn e y 591»C James SL SALEMMORTGAGE DELA ROBBINSLoan Officer 336-768-1996 Bit. 107 2 4 H o u tV a k x tM Aoc 768-2947 Fteer607-$S89 A YOUTH RALLY 5P0M50RED BY THE YOUTH MIHI5TRY OF LEWISVILLE BAPT15T CHURCH n w r w illf lo w n bQlJAHf <\ .'^AH JKD AY, AKKIl 0ÜC57 5fTAKEñ: МП /И7И РЯО/1 IWf//-7V MUSICAL aU£5T5: WmTESTOtlE For more Infornnatlon call Scott Pond at 945-3706 Kl.rAT A.C. “Andy” STOKES U ÍMlfU l{ ли { ArjO SIIKKII I Ol D W IK С'ОГМЛ lo o n n g H o n m Mml, Toas., Than. O W A i M W«Li»iiflabX»« S p e c ia liz in g In Carprt&Vliijrl CwaodeTU« Hardwood Floon cr CoontarTopa laadaatad Floora (336)7**«733 20Ye«B Emaritnce NOWOPENi ЮТИЕ PUBUC Srm l „ Vi:SS.l(,f -. . . m ill Your v o n -. . . STOP DRUGS In Davie County George Frank Mock 1917-1998 ADVANCE « Henry Isaac McCorkle 1909-1998 MOCKSVILLE James H. Shipley 1920-1998 . MOCKSVILLE (A VmiasIniesSr. 1928-1998CLEVELAND A William Wesley Safley 1918-1998 MOCKSVILLE# I Mabel Heliard Hancock 1917-1998VALRICO.aORIDA « Mildred Chcrrylwlmes 1910-1998 WINSTON-SALEM # Fiorine B. Trexler 1923-1998SALISBURY * Hattley Vemon 1924 -1998 WINSTON-SALEM m J.C. Walker 1922-1998 WINSTON-SALEM 325 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC (336)751-2148 Would you entrust your loved one ' to anyone other than a Community Friend? Reputation for Excellence Ш Ш V . i l l 7hose who have planned ftinerais ciie good experiences with (heir funeral directors. The most recent sludy* of American attitudes toward (he funeral-services induslry reports (hat more consumers, 86 percent, view our profession positively. Almost 70 percent described (hose who served (hem as professional, caring, helpful, Idnd and friendly. • INS Slady o( Awrkaii Aiuudo BlMalliaUM aad MnaorialtiaUoa p itp w n i ti; Um WlntiUa G m vEaton Funeral Service 325N. Main Slml Mocksvllle, North Carolina RobyLuttoun H c k o ty H ill,M o ck iv ilk DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. 416ValleyRd.,MacksvUle,NC 33«-7П-ЭШ ’’Oiir Family Srrmg Vwr Family VVitfi Qiulily Smto ol 0Я ЛвЬпШс Рпк'' Ws pledge to ticat you with ndghbccly caie & compassion in your time of need. • WeAreyburHometowtt Fwieral Home • Service WithSinceflty • WeAreANew Finn УЯЛ Proven Experience • V/here Decisions Cen Be Made Locally TnutUMMMthin^ein^Mttaknftirtnuited.Wlmymi depend oDf Í iratiide tkc fmiljr to hdp wiih liiMiil BobSindair S«fadAm.Medfflirila amii^eiiieiiti,ihoiildBlitbealoadllnitalMbyy№ — Most pre-planning piograms have no finance charges & no age limits or health icquiiements. — Pie-plannlng programs with us are always price protected and guaranteM. — Pre-planning programs ate always transteiable because you own the plan. — We always personalize the funeral service to reflect your lifratyle. — No fomily will be put throu^ any finaiudal buniea NowToa Know WhoToa Are lMii^]hutae§sWitk à CindyGiubb Dm Smidi Cherie COok Frank Butgio . KrUHoweU JohaStadua BacHownRd^lodiavffl. apUbninRd^Modavlli Caatt>allii,Mockavlfc Саа»1чг1д.Мас1ау|1|« FamiliBdAc..Mod»»a. Qmiala»aA,TTril»ilâ‘ ц : ‘ ENTERPW SE RECORD, April 16, >998 iVisitIng Washington r District 6 President Gall Kelly, Lelia Essie, Mocksville Woman's Club President Stella Fisher, and Doris Carnian, all members of the GFWC Mocksville Woman's Club, traveled to Washington, D.C. recently to attend a reception honoring the outgoing GFWC Director of Juntors, Nancy Meek of Hickory. The reception, sponsored by the North Carolina del­ egation, was held at the National Headquarters Home on 17th Street. Also attending were clubwomen from Thomasviile, Salisbury, Charlotte, King, Pilot .Mountain and Wendell. The group toured Mt. Vemon, Ariington Cemetery and the National Capital during the Cherry Blossom Festival, and saw a play at Ihe Kennedy Center on Friday evening. O N TH B S Q U A R B IN _______________ lilS rO H lC D O W N T O W N M O C ’ K .S V 11.1,K SpoiMorsd bv Hedmont C A R S . AaBoolatlon • OlDCARSONDiSPLAYl • Enjoy Music From TTw 50’s ft 60\ courtesy o fM ja ù M ^ Jïe a 8V*nd • nltMta* m nliif wtth m r M«nd( * nM(hbon whlla rouMt 4 atroll Utrooch D O N ! FORGET B a b y S h r i m p B a b y F lo u n d e r , Blue Bay Seafood CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY E v e r y M o n d a y $ 3 w t 9 Each dbwr served with slaw, hushpupples and choice of french fries, baked potato or onion rings. U M I T E D T I M E O N L Y ! AIAgn,DiiM-InorCan7-Out No Senior C itei Dfacoiul on Hifa S|icd>l 2060 SMeevHle, Blvd., Salisbury, NC (704)6304690 Ч1К.11 I ,K D u . \ \| \ K \ I I is I ( lU K l s. Dr.AWTlUiToi I i Due to renovations, Cooleemee Family Practice will accept new patients at its temporary location, 172 Clement Street Mocksville, N.C. 27028 (336)751-7887 starting April 13 '• Most iMMged cue plus Kccpted • Medicare md M ed ici accepted nr. M ai Hospice Foundation оГ Amcrica Finh Annual National Bereavement Conference Uving With Grief : ^ WIioWfeAre, How We Grieve Moderator: Cokie Robert.s, A BC and NPR Correspondent This teleconference was designed to ptvvide health care professionals, bereaved families, social workers, clergy and other caregivers an educational forum to hear a panel of exerts discuss the ways culture, spirituality, age and • gender affect the ways we experience loss and express grief. April as, 1998 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Davie Campus of Davidson County Community College ( A brief discussion will follow the broadcast.) S p o n s o r e d L o c a lly B y : Davie County Senior Center & Hospice of Davie County Space is limited. To reserve a seat, call the Senior Center at 336-751-0611 by April 15,1998. Co-ii the Association for Dtath Etlucation and Counseling ihe Comitassionale Friends , Mothers Againsi Dmnk DrivingIn co(^ratkm wilh: the American Nurses AssociationFunded in part by: Ser\‘ice Corporation Intemalional, Inc. '^Etolhie^ G r a n d O p e n i n g C e l e b r a t i o n ! Save 10% to 25 % on all clothing' purchased Saturday, April 18th lOAMtoSPM. Located on the square in Mocksville 110 W. Depot Street / ; r DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998 - D l ¡Perfectly porcelain г L ila - D e e \ D o lls B o m Ш A d v a n c e ^MikeBatnhanH Pavic Couniy Enlciprisc Rcconl : ADVANCE-Walk inlo Ihc Lila- Dee Dolls, and you immedialely nolice Ihe eyes. ; They slare al you from .shelves, rounlcrs and tables around Ihc mm. The lllllc brides, angels, babies, cowboys, cowgirls, happy Childrcn and sad childrcn look as if Ihey're ready lo be held. Г. They're all porcelain dolls, hand- fired and painlcd al Ihc shop of Ruth Williams of Advancc and Diane Hannon of Winston-Salem. Most of (lie cloihes aic hand-made, as well. : TIk high-quality slip (material Used to make Ihc dolls) and glass eyes separate Lila-Dcc's dolls ftom many olheis, Williams said. V "We'rc proud of how our dolls took. They have some color, a more imiural look," she .said. "And wc use pnly glass eyes." :i The two staned taking poicclain itoll classcs together about five years ago. Harmon had been a collector for yean, and Williams was new lo Ihc hobby. ■I "I hadthi.s litlle building in Ihc Ш к so wc dccided to do iion our pWn as a hobby," Williams said, liu l was Ihree years ago. They have ijncc expanded (Her husband and 1^ lawn equipmeni have been foKced lo find another home.) They also leach classes every Tuesday1 ^ --------- Sculptois design the dolls, and ,.|Jla-Dce purchases Ihe mold. The ' slip Is poured in and healed 10 a '-"soft fire." Il is removed from the I fii< and cleaned, sanded and wished. Then ills "hard fired’ at an ' extremely high température for 8-10 hours and is cured. This proccss , shrinks the doll by about a thitd. ' ' ."It gets so hot it's almost to the ;.li^id stale... and nothing can , touch," Williams said. . ;Whei\ that is done, the dolls are : landed and cleaned again. , 1 "We paint them four or five ' times, atid you fire them in between Uie paintings," she said. ,. • "My favorile pan is the painting and saing Ihcm comc alive," ' Hannon said. ; ; -"To me, it's when you put Ihc eyes in, Ihen put the clothes on them ihd Ihey comc lo life," Williams JIÜ. '•^Ibc dolls ate unk)ue, even if . Aom the same moU. "It's ji^ ly funny, because no two look 'alike, even if you dress them Ihe i»nie," Williams said. "It's a lot of but it's wonh it.? *';$he made Autumn, and created tbé bridal dress she wears. Tlicy've .both nude carauels, and a doll liitnoaeinihcshop. '•/O ne of the том popular wc hitVc are the twins, and the 'lÔÛKhkins, and evciybody likes the W in Ihe cradle and Ihe angels are uvular," WUIiams said. . ::7Fk»|)lewl«odoa'tcolleadolls Tifait undenund... but when you -soSider the time and mooey and ' ¿(М , you icalize die value,'; she ' '« if "We feel Uke we have ктш ' :. .{Bihed a loi in luch a ihoit Ume." : Hum» in't ure h(>w iiiany 'diilila MD in her coUectiao. She r««iiutMttleaM200. ^ -,'"niedRSKS,lhé^andthe:‘ - «^that's what makes t ^ ’/' ' iHiimoniakL "We'n leai pnud.^ Lila-Dee DoUi WiU have a giind |1п)го10ал1.-брл1. Diane Harmon and Ruth Williams will have an open house at their shop Lila-Dee's ofl Juney Beauchamp Road in Advance April 25 and 26. - Photos by Robin FerguMon April 25, nd fnm 2-6 ;pjtt.Sunlay,A|«UW'Ibeihopli - -kxMedofriuiieyBeaiichiunpRoad. ;№atSnoak'tBBQoaU3. IS8. . ;ùòkfara>lgiiaatheleftabouta, r mUe. DoU ihop Ij at the end of ;ih([vivd drive. ..Harmon says har favorita part is sasing tha dolls cofna to llfa whan paintad.Both have mada carousals lika this ona In their a ^ . m - D ÀVIE COUNTY ENTERPM SE RECORD, AprU 16,1998 Rabies Clinic To Be Conducted Saturday ] Lasl year, 18 coses of rabies werc ; connrmed in Iredell Couniy. This ; year, six cases have been reported. ; Davic Couniy hasn'l had any con- ; firmed eases... yel. Rabies is a viral disease of mam- ;mals iranstnilled by the bite of an ; infected animal, or by exposure of ' fi»h wounds to Ihc saliva of an In- , fected animal. Rabies is falai in hu- ; mani and animals who are exposed 10 Ihc disease without receiving . prompt medical treatment. There are two types of rabies; dumb rabies where the animal Jusl sits, mouth often hanging open with ; a peculiar look on its eyes; and furi- '.ous rabies where the animal snaps al :iMginoiy objects, wanders and bc- W ha t Rabies Vaccination Clinic W hen Saturday, ApriM 8 T ln w Noon-2 p.m. C ost $7 W hera Farmland Veterinary Village Way Veterinary Dr. Bayne Miller have* aggressively. Not all rabid animals attack people and have frothy mouths. A timid, rcurful animal will get brave ora friendly, docitc animal will be* comc wild. There is oRcn a change in Ihc voicc, due to paralysis of the throat. Any pet with the above symploms should be treated wllh caution. If possible, isolate the onimal in an cs* cope proof cage and take lo a veteri­ narian immediately Raccoons have been involved in many of the reporled cases, but skunks, foxes and buls can also carry Ibis virus, Warn your childrcn to never pick up or try 10 handle any strange ani­ mals. Should your or a incnibcr of your family rcceive a bil, gel medi­ cal allcmion immedlalely. The bcsl way to protect your fam­ ily and your pets from rabies is to be sure all your animals arc vaccinated. A rabies clinic will be held Satur­ day. April 18. from noon-2 p.m. al: Familand Vclcrlnary Service, U.S. 64 Wcsl at N.C. 901,492-7148; Vil­ lage Way Vcicrinary Hospital, U.S. 158 and N.C. 801, Hillsdale. 998- 0626; and Dr. Bayne Miller. Sails« bury St.. MtK'ksville. 751-5931. Rabies vaccinations will cosi $7 per animal, and $2 of that will be donated 10 the Davic CouniyAnlmal Shelter Fund. Other vaccines will be available. DCCC Davie Campus Selected lUlodel Site The Davie Campus of Davidson Couniy Communily College was re­ cently selected as the Piedmont re­ gion site for a model Early Child­ hood Education Center. In its 1997-98 budget, the Gen­ eral Assembly appropriated $500,000 for the development of child care centers at community col­ leges. One North Carolina commu-. nity college has been selected for this model project from each of the state's three geographic regions; East, West and Piedmont. Davie was selected based on a comprehensive application submit­ted by Davidson Community Col­ lege, which was reviewed by tlic Early Childhood Education Depan- ment of the N.C. Community Col­ lege System. State Rep. Julia Howard (R-Davie) helped to estab­ lish the source of funding for this program, and consulted closely with communily college officials in the Courtney Church To Host Melodies :OfHeiiven Sunday ' Hie ifiio t adull choir of Fim . Baplisi Slanley w ill present the : Melodies of Heaven at Counney :B<|Kisl Chureh al7p.m. Sunday, April 19. . A covered dish dinner will be held ; m 5 p.m. In the chureh fellowship hall ;pdorlo Ihe program. A d a m W o o t e n : C o m p l e t e s ; B a s i c T r a i n i n g ; A ir Foree Airman Adam W. ^Woolen has graduated from basic ; n iililiiy training alLacklanJ Air Foice Base, San Antonio, iTexas. During the six weeks of tnlning, : the airman studied die A ir Force mis- : iion,di|aidzation, : apd cutioim and ; rMcived special : miiaigf ia hunun .itladooi. Inaddilion,air- . mniwhoconifileie Wooten basic uilnint eam creditt toward an : uiociale degree through the Com­munity College of the Air Force. WoatenislhesonofPiayJ. Bow­ man of 303 Walker Court, DUton, : S.C..aadRanilallW.Wootenof641 GonkM Dr., Advance. development of Ihcir grant proposal."This will nol rcplacc private day care by any means," Howanl said. "A large group of employers came together and found much suppori for a co-op ccnicr. Wc do hope that some of Ihc established ccnicrs will con­ sider expanding to provide sccond and third shifis bccause many cnliy- Icvel Jobs are on different shifis." The M(xlel Early Childhood Edu­ calion Ccnicr on the Davic Campus Advonce Student Nsmcd To Dean's Listwill serve as a program of carc and cducalion for childrcn while parcnls are in Ihc work place. It will also pro­ vide icchnical advice for child carc providers and studcnis. as well as a resource ccnicr for parcnls and pro­ viders. The Davic Couniy plan Indudes using the funding for facility rcno- valion, personnel, program supplies, and slaff development. "I am pleased lhal the Davic County Campus has such an excit­ ing opportunity for growth. Child care is important lo each child and each family and to the future of our slale," Howard said. "I know lhal our communily college will be a leader in pmvidlng care and education in Ihis area, and will serve its an excel­ lent model for olher counties to fol­ low." M ille r A t t e n d s D a i r y S e m i n a r As business around Ihc world is changing, so is the dairy industry. To keep up with the changcs in dairy, farmers like Patrick Miller of Gemini Branch Fanns must slay com­ petitive and maximiie profitability. In "Sharpening Dairy Managemenl Skills-Suying on Ihe Culling Edge' conference.MonsantoDairyBusiness brought infonnation to Miller to help improvements on his dairy. Guest speakers includ^Dn.Dave Byers, OeraM Poppy, Oordy lones and David Hunter. The seminar was held at the Wcstin Resort in Hillon Head Island, from Feb. 13-16. Miller participated in workshops conceming managing Posiioc I Step managing transition cows, making dairy-reiatcdfinancial decisions, plan­ ning dairy expansion and "listening” to the cow about comfort. Gaining Ihe knowiedge neccssary to operate a dairy business in the 21 si Ceniury was one of Ihe goals of the ‘Sharpening Dairy Management Skills" conference. By aitending the conference, Miller learned skills for reaching diis goal. Priestly Elected Operations Officer For Wachovia Karen V. Priestly of Advance has been elected op­ erations officer of Wachovia Op- eralional Ser­ vices Corpora­ tion in Winslon- Salem. She is a se­ nior reporting analyst in the credit operatioBS group. She is the PirkaUy daughter of Mr. and Mn. lames L. Priestly of Advance. Annie Mime Drnman of Advancc has been named lo Ihe dean's list at Young Harris Collcgc in recognition of ocadcmic excellcncc for Ihe winler quarter of 1998. Full-time siudenls a'hieving a 3.5 grade poinl average or heller are eii- gihle for Ihe dean's li.sl. Draman, a 1996 graduate of Davic High School, is IhedaughlcrofDcnnis J. Dnunnn and Gracc Draman of Ad­ vancc. She is a sophomore al Young Harris College. County Briefs Whicker Named To Kappa Nu Sigma Manda Leah Whicker, daughter of MichacI and Vickic Whicker of Shallowbrook Road. Advancc. was named to the Kappa Nu Sigma Scho­ lastic Honor Society al Meredith Collcgc. Organized In 1923, Kappa Nu Sigma takes its name from three Greek words: Kallos, Nous, and Sophia • meaning beaiiiy, sound mlndcdncss and inielligcncc. The purpose of the society Is lo promote scholarship al Mercdllh. Member­ ship Is limited lo juniors and seniors and is determined by quality poinl ratio. The ceremony and dinner, held in Dclk Dining Hall, was one of the largest ever. After the invocation and a brief history of the society, the in­ ductees werc recognized. The speaker was Dr. Jean Jackson. 4 | H O M E S ^ WATTS HOUSING (336) 284-4001 I 800-278-3146 Settlement To Buy New Equipment The insurance sclllcmcni of$ 12,270rcccived for two wreckcd sherifTs department patrol cars will be spent on equipment and fumilure, vchiclc maintenance and equipment malnlcnancc.Sevcral county commissioners suggested Ihc money go back into ihc vchiclc fund since it was from insurance for vchlclcs. Conservation Agreement Approved Commissioners voted lo approve an opcralional agreement between the couniy. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Rcsourccs, U.S, Department of Agriculture and Davie Soil and Water Conscrvalibn District. .The parties agree lo work togelhcr. implcmenling ihc conscrvaiipn program based on mutually esiabllshed priorities. Items covered in tl agreement Include marketing, personnel and fi.scal management, rccoril equipment, liability and accouniabilily. The agreement Is to be reviewed al least oncc a year and may be modified or icrminated al any time by mulual consent of all parties. New Health Dept. Positions Created At Ihc requc.sl of Health Dircctor Dennis Harrington, Ihe board voicd lo reallocate funding for a public health nurse for two lower level positions; LPN 11 and mcdical office assistant. Harrington said he feels the clinic would belter be served hy these two positions. A puhlic health nurse recently resigned from Ihe department. Bccause of the higher salary of a PHN, Ihcre are sufficient funds in the current budget to pay for the new positions, he explained. The total increase over a full year will be $1,4(Ю. Board OKs Carolina Access Position The board voted to hire an income maintenance caseworker to coordi­ nate Ihe Carolina Acccss program in Davie Couniy. Carolina Acccss will cncourage more efficient arrangements for delivering health caro by linking Mcdicaid recipients with primary care providers, >' Thccaseworkcr will coordinate Ihe program with Medicaid recipients, providers and Social Services. Accoiding lo DSS Director Karen Smilh, Ihe stale plans to limit the growth of Medicaid expenses by expanding Carolina Acccss inlo all counties. The stale is requiring someone be in Ihis position by May and will pay SI 1,042 of the $29,060 salary. Celebrate a job we done. G iie Telejlora's Small Florentine Vase Boiii]i(ct. Tclellora lus the pcifcci »-ay to s.ny "pu’rc aprrcciatcd.". Our Snull Florentine Vase Bouquet fealures an elcgani cohali-culored \’asc with a slender gol Jen metal stand, perfect for a desk or dresser. This contcmporaiy keepscike arrives brimming with fresh spring (lowers. To send this Teledoni bouquet ani-where in the U.S. or (iin.iAi, c.ill ot visil ixir shop. •Mugs. Dish Cardm '• Crem & Blaming Pimts • Bollom • Cm»ga D A V I E F L O R I S T 613 Wiikesboro Street, Mocksvllle K M (83e)7B1-2264or1-M»2SM«21 "W eW lreW orldwide- m m S\M( ix.ooi) W A I I U 1 \ 1 1 ( ) U s (336) 751-222^. 8 5 4 V a l l e y R o a d ^ o c l c s v i l l e P r o f e s s i o n a l C t : I V I o c l c s v i l l e , N C m m Ш i f iH IR w iN r S n i I t t M l l K i « N M Join US for tlM Triad’s Lsrgsst Lawn Party Five gnat races •Family Fun, Ccmer*Tailgating and Hat Contests' sndmoie TaUgtting and tidceU available CaH (33«) 77t42M P iiiw lii 1^; I q o ia M w F rin iiiii, c u iic o i« ' M<WjMlhA]fwiUbsnlaiiM «•tTVKW It'OOOUnn This rMtorad fwm heuM la wawng tor №• growlog twnUy or Mgar InvMtor. WMh 4 Bfta. a Ml. 2 fuN BA«, thia homt haa many ntea updataa throughout. Samp a* a dupiav. t74.eoa Thit cuitoffl butti homa haa tha «rorhmanaMp and privacy youVa bean tookitto for. Jt laaiuraa 4 ea 21/2 BA en 2» acm M rural Eati Dava araa. Many quaiay «•акт Tto rwmaiwi« to M. t330.000 вАмшп-еоошм TNa cm* COMO* >• rvMy tor you to mova kni Oaa рм. apacioua rooma. faocatf-ln bMkyerd. and eov*rad back patto. Piicwl to a«l • 149.900.. Extend Sewer Line I W atchUNC-TVThursday,April23rdaTrlsSp!!!!!^ fora proflteof Hlll»diile’« Mike Robin DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1998, - 03 There are still a few hurdles to clear, bul the Ibwn of Mocksville is , worklngtocxtendasewerilnctolhc county Irealmenl plant on the South . Yadkin River in Cooleemee. The county has asked for iow-in- lerest loans from Ihc slate, which are available for such projects. The systems would tie together somewhere near Jockey on Junction Road, Mocksville Town Manager Terry Bralley said. There arc still Ihings to work oul such as agree­ ments on which entity - the lown or couniy - can use up the capacity, in­ cluding industrial capacity. Also, tests will be done lo find oul where there is infillration into the system in Cooleemee. There appar­ ently are leaks in Ihc lines, meaning water goes 10 the trcaiment plani thal no one pays for, Bralley said. The lown will mosl likely cdiduci “smoke tests," forcing smok! into Ihe sewer lines and watching Khere it rises 10 determine the locati n nnd number of weak spols in tholines. After thal Is determined, thw will have 10 dccidc which is mo; eco-, nomically feasible - fixing th leaks or allowing them to conlinut Bralley said the town w«rld lei Cooleemee lown and fire dfieials know before Ihc Icsls arc conducted, because the smoke will rise Ihrough the ground where the leaks arc lo­ cated. EHIS Director Honored At Dinner COOLEEMEE • Johnny Frye Busier Cleary, Mocksvillc com- couniy," Cleary said,"... fo a iCOOLEEMEE - Johnny Frye ;(thought he was being invited to din- ; ner. He ended up being a guest of : honor when members of the Mocks- ville and Cooleemee town boards : and Davie Couniy Board of Com­ missioners held a joint dinner mcel- ^ ing here. Busier Cleary, Mocksvillc com­ missioner, presented the plaque to Frye, director of Davie Emergency Mcdical Service, saying he never quits. "He’s always Ihere,” Cleary said, adding that area hospitals view Frye's staff as one of Ihe best. “We all recognize him for doing an oulslanuing job for Ihe enlire couniy," Cleary said,"... fi sense of duly and commit conimunilics and citizens.' Frye began working f Couniy in 1972. He gave credil to his "i ing *i proud lo be from Davic Frye said. Davic ‘fljitstand- slaff." îounlji" Thompson Appointed To Committ^ Mocksville Town Commissioner which Is to represent the municipal lees. The EENR commiiee siudics Vemon Thompson has accepted an appoinunem to die Energy Environ­ ment and Natural Resources Commit­ tee of the N.C. League of Municipali­ ties, Thompson will help establish mu­ nicipal policy and legislative goals.League P№idenl Rebecca Smoih- ers, mayor of High Point, announced the appointments duringareceni meet­ ing of League board of directors in Raleigh. "The woric of these committees is .cnicial Io Uie mission of ihe league. viewpoinl. The eommiltees sludy ihc challenges of governing and rccom- niend what resources and authority cities and towns need to meet Ihe needs and demands of their citizens. The League Ihen seeks to secure Ihese al the state orfederallevci.Thosc who serve on Uie policy committees not only help Uielr own citizens, hut old municipal rcsidents statewide," Smothers said. The Energy, Environmenl and Natural Resources Commillee is one of four policy development commit* S o u t h C a r o l i n a iilla n A r r e s t e d F o r S t a t u t o r y S e x u a l O f f e n s e A SouUi Carolina man was ar­ resled lasl week for statutory sexual offense with a 13 yearold.• : BrianScotiMoace,26,ofSumter, S.C.,wasnTesledApril 10, in Sumter ' on a wairant issued in Davie Couniy March 17.He was placcd in the Davie Couniy Jail under a S7,S00 secured bond, accoiding lo SherifTs Detec­ tive John Stephens.Moore 1s scheduled to make his first court appearance May 14. ' issues in the areas of; wi water,environmenlalprot< wosie, slonnwatcr mar watershed protcciion. tec has alleast 2 Imcnl die stale. Each committee studi conccm to towns and cit mends League policies orlthese issues to Ihe NCLM board of dfeclors. The board recommends munllipal legisla- livc goals and policies to^ member­ ship, which are adoplceannualiy by municipal officials mcling al Ihc league's annual convenlbn. The poli­ cies guide Ihe leaguc'sldvocacy ef­ forts al Ihc suite and fe^nd levels. The N.C. League of ilunicipaiiiics is a voluntary nonpartian federation of 516 cities, lowns aid villages. Ils purpose Is lo promote’cxccilcncc in. municipal govemmerl The league provides direct servicejo member cit. ies and lowns and advKales Ihc mu­ nicipal viewpoinl al in suite and fed­eral levels. MrAl*aDr,-MoGlMWi MS raa Пиши» Hoad -HM. Updad oat hm In I'tiU ylm tuainiaM inамп\*|ц14та0||м1к1ц. tw-ioiM.9i«gibMnon«,К on 1.7 «шМ a!. 44 Dr, 2 г9 t«M, VMIraom. «lirai«ie,»<ifgir.,i«iiaavnM nm, nue» fm»3 & S S S !ÍS !S S r- ■ - lU Ш Pppwoi Ut - ОМ 111 Q hon» Mmed m «Э. IrnÈf i m Undüpwe Roed - 5•M hom krm. Сотелит lo eoi а ма bnnacuMi hom- atO. 2BA. 2 ear gang*, l» MMlm dt17MM.CAa<------- Uiga 10 reom home «№ aa.iafBitiain«oi*i«»Bi an2W-Ae.t11«^CALL JAM.|И М *.С Ш 1 М В * Е m ММ СИМ кам- ш мвйин м - э т м и м ч м п м э ном b am « in-tmapadoua 9 battoom. 2 b«h battoom. Brick home «Ni U ьа«оат.2МЬ-таМм«леа oMtm ьл homa «Амагм Гш «л«М аттп1 baamt ь м л pool, laa M hem h iwH am leoot 9». 2<A la. оаммЫШвй on 8t aom. уаюопмМаШ to Ma Lam oalin «ча№ЬмИош<М1« a r ^ r S Ä ssr-cÄü«- ■ r ________________________to M .i« M iiic « a j« N s , .1 . ■ • Ю Т В Л Ь Л Г Ю „ ИЦ1И1*<«| 1111>1ша1«МЩШ SnM dC kM l Ì S t M _----IMm Im m UIM M ......................Ml....... — —— ,ы«ит'СШяа1|нПНВШ*а11ми,са1п1|1гMattai* N «»M 4 {S 5 n Z S ru M iM N .M «M и ш Ц и в а ш с н » : — «ам-1МИ ‘B ible Baptist C huri iadepeadtat • fbndameattt Putor, Don Joata • 336-766-0351 a«vtoa«ltM “MUGGSY” BOeUES BOYS A QIRL’S BASKEmAU CAMP 1998 BOYS ONLY For Ages в-13 Iune15th-19th Session I; 8;30am-12;00pm Session 11; l;00pm-4;30pm June22nd-2eth Session III; 8:30am-12;00pm OIRLS ONLY For Age* 8-16 June22nd-26th Session IV; 1;00pm-4;30pm ¿ i, FOR ALL YOUR AUTO NEEDSCom See a m 3612 aemmons Rd, Clemmons 766-9148 lo rw ili For Шп СЛCtmp Director Jim Tobiu Schooh 94S^151. Ext 324 Home: 045-4978 July 20th-24th BOY'S BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 LEONARD REALTY MOCKSVILLE-News bedroom 2 l»th home with garage and deck. Nicely landscaped yard. Near shopping, medical and schools. *95,00" i 34 Town Square Mocksville, NC 27028 ^ 33t-7S1-3650 m ^ 338-751-5020 y | S o m e b a n k s e n t i c e k i d s w i t h c a n d y . We prefer cold, hard casii. At Soulhem (k)mniunih; ldd.4 profii is soon as i\\cf open an account Bccausc vt-c'il ileposit the (int $2 nhcn ihL*)' open a .Minor Account* Willi this frw new Monc)’ Marlal Sa>inp accoiinl, pur kick can: • Earn Iniurcsl on chccWng • Make up lo .sh external wiihilrawuLs • Leam liow to saM* and manage inoni^ Wc'll cM-n ihroNv In a special kill's package jusl f(jr opening llie account. .So )oi)r kids the chance lo nuke some major mone)' llic Miner Account in>m .Soutliem Communii)'. Qtil 7Ш500 to slpt ymr tbiU upfor Ibe Minor Ааошн! / о % ANI» TIIUSTSnutU ЕтщЬ h Coir ОI Ои«п Oi 1Ы ( í tk сши oí Спяг) Oub RnJ i )п««ят1 Radi • I к *Nn minimum tuliricc m{uiniL Mcmlwr FOICIkPiie-Siltta ••(*#«» TRIAD, REALTORS* M a k in g Stratford Rosd 91IV72S0506 R eal Estate DavMson County 91tf7eM005. R eal Easy.™ DavieCounty slOMMtte m ffi» Relocation 1-80IV327-4396 ttuiaa laa i aa aaiTRADITIONAL CUSSIC m ВЯСС ' tOagatict and pnvala rapoea In ona l«v«l brick UpMad. mairUnad JENNIFEIVSYIVM 900-1178 nai.MaataaM nicAMnaact fat.aaa aaa aaa ам« «at гли•Oml70C0mrapaira.i^ha«purp »WeodKJeuMiMacWln»«t^itM•ONnar«M(irwKa«irtO%do«n.NewNpunp aOaviaCour«vdMatai-40•Naw paint insid». targa lot. *tor»9t bklg *M«iyuiUKEZMMCnUAN OOa-1187 JCNNrERSTROUO 00в-117в Kijsrw-ua. — as jsarw “.-• Nn»«ua ranch M courtty a»noa(«wa• Vnyi «Moaa. raoart 2 MM N pump - Sunmi. brick k m let. Ml ol h«Bd• Вшам Modm fflMa a«FP. la MR t Ш cafport. 2 iQ M B 0«artMk liM kNKEZa«ERMAN m-ttl7 JANET IM8TCR8 9М>1Ш jrwMi.fcáNyiparioniihcma •un DW 11 ( O l \ I ^ LOIS Wl) I V\l)s fwiaartHi ьма Woo«ad «m-iiepa (of'naiurai 0Ан.тм1Жя»11Мтш я ш ш ^ тт uNRisiRCTEa 17.000pwaMNMThiaar« ' пният nnniawiin ■ ш т иртм— МэОеаОмпа.Imi.parar«овам^мигма •мш«1^мааяй^ШМ»«шла01 ------__tBQua«m>iiii TRIAauVOflRUV 7«»mi E. w f аамаа. |мма» Аешав tiW doaa loloan Zenad IV». рсамш ivena. Cerar U. A4MN мюа(гас1|21Доа. . .v.. уюояммм-иа? orìl.yBacraaolwoodadiHtf crtyfiWMaaNiMO arti Тмйиам'ИЯ mi (lìfì . (iw m i« u n смкп cu мим.; i2 2 ïï;S îÎÏ^ !Î2 ra S !ÏÏl* .' "^"Ь«я1.втпоио;и,». - -...."*«»«uiwioiHBiiiuiiewMee*iaLei^SSÜSSSSÜS. «•MoaaRcc. iLTMr*«ai ■ммшмащ.и ммвя Tfwo. fCAiTon аам.WOOOCOMOPfNUUtt ! w iiir ACM «тм1.<1игм KTTvaoTTS ма-IIH OOIFCOIMÍLOT8OT-intuf^.'-Xnai acTTVfOTTta»!!« COUNTRYCUltecnwOlirla ú 4 S lS S S S JS '^ m »m mj и ftavaiM.ina UD0MNaPCTTtM>1W ■ВШаШАВТ LOTH Fee o.oaw%iMN.DBMaaaMa M r DAVœ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 1«, 1998 PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OP NOmH CAROLINA ‘ DAVIOfiON COUNTY ; IN THE QENERAL COURT OF V ' JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION RLE NO. 97 J 283.284 IN THE MATTER OP:DVftQHT WESLEY STONE JR. AMANDA NICOLE STONETa. Owighi W M lty Stone. f«ihtr of ■ mtltehlld,DMlghtWMifyStont,Jr..bom' onoraboulJun«9.1988lnR}rsy1hCounty. Noftt) CtroMM, md father of ■ fim ait cNtd, Amanda Nicola Stone, bom on or about April 23,1987 In Forsy№ Counly. Noi«)Care«na.Ra^)ondM)t;. TAKE NOTICE thalaplaadingMaklno rtliaf agalntt you has baen Iliad In tha District Court of DavtdaonCounty.LaxIng- ton. North Caroiina in tha abova^tltled acton. TM natur* ol tha ratial balng aoughl Um Moan:TannlnatlQn of your parantal rights (0 '- ■ —----. -..M-a.- —w aDOvv*capaonao cnaoran.You ara raquirad to maita dafanaa to auchplaadh)gnolaiartwnt)all№dayof May. 1998. aaU data baing (orty(40)dtya from M l publction ot ti* noilca and upon your falura to do ao your parantal rfghta to laid chlldran wtt ba tarminatad.' Thia la 2nd day of April, 1998.Charta8E.Fryalll Ona Waavar Driva Profaaslonal BuHding Suita Two I, Nort) Carolina 27292 Taiaphona: (336)243-1122 Attorney for Davidson County, North CarolinaDapartmant of Social Saivicaa 4-2-3in Laxlngtcn,N Taiapt» NORTHCAROUNA DAVIE COUNTYexCCUTORS NOTICE Having quaMad as Exacutor of tha Estate of AM. Kisar Jr.. dacaasad. iaia of Dtvia County, North Carolna. this Is to notify a l parsona having claims against said astata to präsent them to the under* signed on or before the 9 ti day of July, 1998, baing thraa months from the first day of publication or this notica w il ba pleaded In bar of (hair racovaiy. All parsons In* debted to said astata will plaase make Immadteta payment lo tha undersigned.Thia tha 9 ti day of Aprti, 1998. Okk Klaar, Executor of tha Estate of AM. Klaar Jr.. dacaasad. E. Edward Voglar Jr. Attorney for tha Estata Hal and Voglar 181 S. Main St Modcsvila.NC 27028 ,4.9^tn N O fm CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYc o «a ic u T 0 R tN 0 n c e* Having quaMlad aa Co-Exacutors of tha EstataofWHmaOolua.dacaaaad.lat« of Davia County. North Carolna. this is to notify a l persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under­signed on or before the 2nd day of July. 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this notica w il ba plaadad in bar of their recoveiy. Ailpersonsin­debted to said estate will please maka Immadiata payment to the undersigned. ■ This the 2nd day of April, 1998. Dennis J. Qolus, 136 Leslie Court, Ad­vance,NC 27008; or Mary A. Memtt,104 Shenandoah, Winston-Salem, NC 27103^ Co-ExecutorsoflheestateofWilmaQoius. deceased.4•2Цtп tTOCKHOLOERHEETINQ tTONE STREIT BANCORP. INCAPfM.ai,198e 840 P.M.DAV« COUNTY PUBUC UBRARY Stona Straat Bancorp WH hold its Wh nuakalDcKholdarmaetinglnlhaMuM-f>ur- poaa Room at the Davla County Pubüc Library. AH Interaeted parties are Invtted to at­ tend Stone Streefa annual meeting. StockholdarB of Racoid Data March 2. 1998 are encouraged to attend and to submH their proxy votáa. Proxy votes can­not be counted uñieM signed and r»- tumad. You ara asked to mark your proxy and, thereby, to take part In the voting procaes. Faluratoretumyourproxymems that it cannot ba voted for or ag¿nst lha nomineea and proposals.The Oavia County Public Library Is located al 371 North Main Street, Mocksvilie, NC 27028.3-26-4tn T u e s., A p r. 21 ■ 6pm W e s t C e n t r a l C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r 6100 Yadkinvilie Rd. Pfafftown. NC 2704051Л«М w n t ol RaynoUa Rd(Hwy. 67) A B S O b V T B A U C T I O N M m a n d H I U m Н а й м е т ( l i v i n g ) ШЛШЯ ___a m т^йтшйШт â l^9Ж Ж 9 9 ñ m H fW tiM iM Я О Ш щ L w W tm w iiiW f f f v l llliK -Al’K I9‘)8 • U)am ______ From Wlnstoo-Stlem. rolkw Highway 421 Nonh; lakejMriivUle.OeTOmocu u il. Turn riih t md follow lo dead end. Turn left on Stalkiwfofd Rd. and |o approx. 1/4 mile lo sale and on righl. (Walch for signi) Far Info/Btocbuic contact: Kenneth O. Ketner N C AL 3268 V P in t Choice A uction r o Box 333, U w is ville • <336) 94S-41U NORTH C^OLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORSTha undersigned, having quallfiad aa Executor of the Estate ol Holland W. Smith, deceased, lata of Davia County. North Caroiina. this Is to notify all persona havingdalmsagainstsaldastatetoprasent them to the undersigned at 1001 West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem. NC 27101. on or before the 2nd day of July. 1998. being three months from the first day of publication or this notica will be pleaded In barofthairrecovery. Ailpersonsindebted to saki estate wiD piease make Immediate payment to the undersigned at tha above designated addresss.This the 2nd day of April. 1998.C. Lamar Seats. Executor of the estate of Holland W. Smith, deceased.Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.Kilpatrick Stockton LLP Attorneys at Law 1001 West Fourth street Wkiston-Salam.NC 27101 4-2-4tn NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTYEXECUTRIX NOnCtHaving qutfflad aa Executrix of the Estate of Jamaa Edwin Nance, deceased. Iateof Davla County.North Caroiina, this la to notify an persona having dalms against saM estate to prasent them to the under­signed on or before Ihe 9th day of July.> 1998, being three months Irom the first day of publlcatk)n orthis notfce w il be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. Ail persons in­ debted to sakl estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned.TNs the 9th day of April. 1998.Oamette L Nance. 1568 Comalzer Rd., Mocksviile. NC 27028, Executrix of tho estate ol Jamea Edwin Nance, de­ceased.4-9-4tn NORTH CAflOLINA OAVIE COUNTYADMINISTRATOR СТА NOTICEHaving qualified as Administrator СТА otme Estate otS.T.Duiw Jr., deceased, lateolDavie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having dalms against said estate to present them lo the under­ signed on or before the 16th day of July. 1998, being three mon ths from the first day ol publication or this notk:e will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. АИ persons in­debted to said estete will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 16th day ol April. 1998. Robert W. Cook. 809 Salisbury St. MocksviUe, NC 27028. Administrator OTA ol tie estete ol S.T. Dunn Jr.. deceased.4-18Ч1П NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTYAOMIMSTRATmX NOTICEHaving qualified as Administratrix ol the EsteteofSlmonW. Brown, deceased. Iateof Da vie County.North Carolina. thIsIs to noefy a l persons having daims against saU estate to present them to the under­signed on or before the 16th day ol July, 1998, being three months from the firstday ol publicatfon or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. AU persona in­debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 16th day ol April, 1998. Rebecca S. Brown. 473 Depot SL. Mocksviile, NC 27028, Admlnlstrafrix of the estate of Simon W. Brown, deceased. MARTIN. VANHOY. SMITH & RAISBECK. LLP 10 Court Square Modcsvile.NC 27028 4-16Ц») Invest Ml Ymi Ciim im iiiity A A P C T IO N K K E . B K A L T O B . K K IT H J . W B E C B . G M . N C A L REAL ESTATE A U C T IO H Teas (Вккшга Piktb‘‘ncpptirtm V B jW f M I C I f f f O H Y a i/a M im • a е м «аамш В м и Ы Ш З ш В о о « A G re a t fía c e T o C a ll H om e OeeuneeSiNC I! THE QENERAL COURT OP JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA S PERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIECOUNTY 97SP64 Before the Cierk IN T H ^ T T E R OFTHE FORECLO­SUREOf a De d of Trust Executed by Jamea Warren Tutterow Dated October 11.1996 arjl Recorded in Book 248 al Page 190 In th Davie County Pubik: Registry [ NOTICE OP SALE Pursbnt lo an order of the Clerk of Superkif ^urt and under and by virtue ol the pow and authority contained in the above-n irenced deed of tnist and be­cause c default in the payment ol the indebted ass thereby secured and failuretocanyo landpertormthastpulatenand agreem* tethereincontalnedand.pursu- anitod« and ol the owner and hokler of thelndrt idness secured by sakl deed of trust, tha nderslgned substituted trustee wilaxpos loraateatpubiicauctfontothe highest tl der for caah at the usual piace of sal« II he county courthouse ol said countyat ):00a.m.onApril24.1996th« foitowing I iscrib«d r«al astet« and any other Irrtpr vements which may be situ­ ated thers n, altuated In Davia County. North Сак na. and betog more particu- lartydaaci »daefoUowa:Lying a 1 baing in Mocktvi« Town­ship. Davie >xjnty. North Caroiina, and morepartic arfy deecribed as foltows: 8EINQ 3t Number Four (4) of the Morris and I mdrtx property being a por- tionoftheC Mity Home Property tocated one(t)mil« sstofMocksv(l«N.C.onthe South slde( County Home Road as per sun^y and )iat made by A.L. Bowtes. Surveyor. Al uat 30.1965. And sakl plat recorded In E ok No. 4. Page 25. Register of Deeds 01 a of Davie County. N.C. to which raferen alsherebymadeforamore particular d«i ription. StA^ect to resfric- tfve covenant recorded in Deed Book 75 at Page 117, avia County Re^^stry.And baing tore commonly known aa: 1491 County! >me Road. Mocksvilie. NC 27028 r of the property, as ^records of the Register of I Warren Tutterow.I subject to ail prtor (.andunpakltaxes I tor paying. If any. A t (5%) ofthe amount ) hundred fifty doOais f Is gr«at«r.i8 required jinlhefonnofcerti- eol the aale. This sale n dava for UDsat bkla as required by law. j^oltowing the expiratkxi of the atetutoiy u|ut period, a l remaining /due and owing. kNotice la Aprils. 1998. JanmonP.Wela 1100 S. Tiyon Street Suite 301 Chartotte.NC 28203 4-9-21П amountearairTh«det«oftr PUBLICTM« ll to concwiMd r^ M ilo lttw N I* ivH IM t»----——in sp w n uri m: HIU, BMmudi NOTICE Inforni liiy o m ll* t tlw in n u il m y Foundation lo r pubHe 2M SpygiM » lun, NC 270M.Th* abow Mini im port will to ■nlMto tor eqdiy* Irom Ihl* Murray2M 8pyg^ НШ, MniMldaRilvNCZTOM NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTYfJWCUTOM NOTICE Havkig quaMM Exioitor d UMEalal« ol Ray CaiMr Sr., dwMaad, laM d Davla County, North Carolna, thia la to noHly a l panoiu having daima agamat •aid aalata lo praaanl than lo lha under- signed on or beton the 9 ti day ol July, tra«,heing three inonlha Irom lhalint day ol publicaiion or №18 notice w ll be pleadedIn bar ol their recoveiy. AH peraona In­debled to aald astate will please make knmedlate paymeni to the undenlgnad. This the fflh day ol April, 1998.Baulah Cader, Executor ol the Estate ol Ray Carter Sr., deceased.E. Edward Voglar Jr. Atlomey lor Ihe Eslale Hall and Vogler 1BtS.MalnSt. Mocksvlla, N0 27026 4-9-4m NOTICE OF И»иС.НЕА1ММ BEFOAE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMWMIONCm FON TNE FOt- ' LOWINQ 20NM0 AMCNDMCNTS NOTICE M НЕЯЕВУ OWEN, Puiau- anl to Vie re<|ulremento of Artk^le 20.B ol Chapter 1S3-A ol M General Stalulea Ы Nonh Carolina and Paragraph 155.2S0ol №e Davle County Code ol Ordkianeee, «Ml the Board of County Commlsalooere ol Davie County win hold a pubic healing In the Commlsakjnera Room ol Ihe Oavie Counly AdmkiMratlonBuldng, Mocksvlle, NConMonday,Aprll20,ie9eal7;1Sp.m. The loikming proposed zoning amend- menta will ba considered:A) Jen and Darryl Hayes have autmlt- tad a requeal to reione approximately 1/4 acre ol property Irom Resklential (R-20) to Highway Bualneaa (H-B) to operate an auto sales k>L TNs property Is located oil Ihe weal sU j ol NC Hwy 601 Souih ap- proximatMy 600 leal aouth of Peoplea Creek Road and Is hiither desciibed aa being Parcel А-Э ol Davie Counly Tax Map 0-8-12. B) David and Carta Haraion have sub­mitted a request to rezone approximately 3.72 aerea of properly Irom Resktonlal- AgrlculluiBl (R-A) lo HIghway-Buaineaa (H-B) k> operale a kiwkig bualneaa and aulo skxage k>t Thia propeny la kicatad al the nodheaal comer of Joe Road and NC Hwy 601 Soulhandlalurtherdeecribedas being a pottkm of Parcel 61.02 ol Davie Counly Tax Map K-7.C) Roger Spillman haa submitted a request lo rezone 2.902 aerea of propeny from ReaMenllal (R-20) to Hlghway-Bual- msa Special Uia (H-B-S) to bulkl and operale a lawn and garden ahop. Thia properly la kicaledal Ihe notheaat comer ol Mkluala Road and NC Hwy 601 S. across Irom Edgewood Cireie and la lur- IhardeacrlbedaabekigaponkxiolParcel A-2 ol Davie Counly Tax Map M-5-7. Signa will be posted on №e above llated propemea to adnmsa the РиЫк; Hearing. All partea and Intareated dlizena are In­ viied to allend aakl headng al whk:h Ime they shal have an opportunity to be heard ki lavor ol or ki opposiaon to the foregoing changea. Prtor to the hearing, all pervxia kitarested may oblaki any addlltonel Inlor- matkinonapropoaaloraskanyqueatkina Ihey may have by viaiing the Plannbig Department on weekdays between 6:30 am. and S p.m. or by téléphona al (336) 751-3340. JohnS.Qaimore Plannkigai Zoning 4-9-2« NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTOIWNOTtCB .'JHaving qualllled aa Executor ol ihe ‘ Estate ol»«dredCheityhokiiea,deceeaed, la»olDavleCounly,NonhC«rollra,lhlsls ■ to nollly an persons having daima against ,■ said esiate to preseni «lem to the under-' ' signed on or betore the 16ih day ol July; ' 1998,belnglhreemonthelrom»ielir8lday • olpubllcallonorlhlanoiteewillbe pleaded In bar ol their recovery. An persons In­debled to sakl esta» wül please make ' Immediate paymeni to the undersigned.' TNs Ihe 16ih day ol April, 1996. SadleHendon Thompson, 1666Angeli Rd., Modisville, NC 27026, Executor ol iie esiate ol MiWrad Chenyhoimea, de­ ceased. MARTIN, VANHOY, SMITH»' RAISBECK, a p . 10 Court Square Mockavile, NC 27028 " 4-16-4Hi_;: NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTfHX NOTICEHaving qualined aa Executrix ol iha Eslale ol George Frank Mock, Sr., de^' • ceased, lateol Davle County, Nonh Caro- •Ilna, ihls is to nollly all persons having ' clalmaagalnalsakleataletopresentihttii ' totheunderalgnedoncibekiratieieih ' dayolJuiy,1996,bekig«ireeniooihslrom IhellisldayolpublteaaonorihlsnotlcaMI be pleaded In bar ol their recovery, ah . personslndebtedtosaklealslawlllpleasa ' 'make Immediate peymenl to tie under- : signed.This Ihe 16ih day of April, 1996.Slallord M. Hyman, Executrtx ol Hie Estaie ol Qeorge Frank Mock, Sr. Warren E. Kasper, P.A P.O. Box 687; ; aemmons, N0 27012-,' 4-mmNORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUmX NOTICE Having qualllled as Executrtx ol the Eslale ol Elva Bmno Julian, deceased, ' lalaolDavieCounly,NonhCeiollna,ihlsls to nolily all peraona having daima agakist, .. saM estato to praaanl them to Ihe under- . signed on or betore #ia 9*1 day ol Jul/, ' 1998, being three monrnalromlhclirtiday of publkatton or Ihia nodce w il be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All parsona In- .• denied to aakl aalale wü ptease meka '. ’ knmedtole paymeni to Vieunderalgned.This the 9»! day ol April, 1996. Maggie Eaaidi,2219Fnandsh^CtHnh..< Rd.,Lexlngtxi,NC272«5,Exeeutiixollhe . estate ol Elva Bnaio Julian, daceasKl. 4-9-4H NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY , EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualllled aa Exacunix ol tie ' Ealatt ol Uwrence Frank ComaU«, de- ; ' ceased, late ol Davie County, Norti Caro­ lina, ihia Is to nollly all persons havkig^ daima agakisl sakl estate to present tm : to the undersigned on or betore lha lE li dayoljuly,1996,being*ireamontialioiii' tiellrsldayalpublcaltonortilsnotcewl be pleaded ki bar ol tia ir recovery. Al persona kxMitedtoaakleetale wai pleasa maka Immediate paymani to tha undei- signed. ,Thiaihe 16№ day ol Apr«, 1996.Georgia E. Cornatzer, 106 Bkigham > Pai1uiRd.,AdvaiKe,NC27I)0e,Execulilx . oliheestateollawienciFrankComaizar, deceased.4-16-4« T ^ O D AY Friday April 17th - 5:30 PM Satuniay, April 18th -10:00 AM f n p w t y « M M i « M a R q r в щ м In Mocbville «Rain Date: April24&25 Urses Mackavlbi 64 East ■ Oo under railroad iracks, lura 1еП on Depot Slreel. Sale on jighl. Пмв Ш Ы а C em ljr - 601 South lo 64 Easl. Oo nm left on Depot Sneei. Sale on righl. undet railroad U FM «W itaM C IilnC iiilii(t,pc||(ii F ln W h cd nckhCiilCTlMi«/(grfcb)íM(rdÍB с Ы м V2pLGraaU(winCnMiM r _ _ lIS IW b ilta iftD n iiM iik rm H o « .,D « n f. H ii A H m Wicker Bacfan W H triiu ry Clock Огаиг^иригЫсТир. D ta l* |* o e * n «„/ic iM i„ C u n ivd G liiM W aihiU njlw /M urbklbp O tari^ lW ilew /S enlirei CliUd’iKockM- Nonhi»oodOla«4MI>(aiMi.1U8a»,Ok»Pltehara,CooWJara.Qleaaeoii...i., ______________fltena Steln^llonyrEaugiilki Olshea. Qlaae Spoon Holder, ttuo Holmal DWi, 01ма Candto ноИаге, Wtfis lilahaa,ftmonoAm КбIhuailaCoiwadDM .Crtainan.BunarM haa,BM SunW g»ly._8lnBla^anllfi TV wM toM. СИ Mlnw «ЮШ FramTc^CoS т! «аЙ пГ | Й Й ^ ^ SpMir, S M te onndir, WMi Boanl. Butler IMd. m lion, Ctd Hata OH № Oak Hope Chaet. Twee B«K* T w k Cadar Stonge Bo«. M liik x ic S * M ÏÏa ï2 i'5 ÎÎ -le. 4 Otaaier Chaat. Many Hana on Nael. 5 DraiS ^ УАоМшпОМП. IMHe. Oak Square] aednMinSulla.e OMnd. Drop Leal Maytag IMaaher« Round TMae, This is 8 putiailist of items. Many other itemi to mII not listed. TERMS: Cash or Good Oieck. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sale Day wiU suj^rs^ aU other adveitisenienu. Fbod available. Not Responsible B case-.ot accidem. Sale being conducted for Yoman & Caiman Smith. ' E i M B M i . N aC a N G JU e « t m (33^6§9-82<0- (330 llocdl Students Earn Regional Math Awards North Hills Chri!ilian School of Salisbury had seven students loplacc In Ihc IW8 Southeast Region Malh Olympics held Munch 20, sponsored by . the Association of Chrislian Schools Inlcmallonal. The soulheast region is made of eighl states. Eochsludcnlplaccd first, sccond or third in iheir respcclivc grade level, and four students re­ ceived a gold rocdailion for highest achicvcmcnl scores. The students were: ^ David Coblcntz, firsl place reasoning; Anna Shepherd, third placc reasoning; Ben Williford, first placc und gold ntcdal in reasoning; Noah Brishin, firsl place und gold meal in reasoning; Duvid Monsees ofMncksvillc, second place rensoning; Josh Wilson, firsl plucc and gold medal in reasoning; und ,TruvisWiiiiumsofMocksville, firsl Winners, from left: Noah Brisbln, Anna Shepherd, David placc and gold medal in compuia- Monsees, Ben Williford,; Josh Wilson, David Coblenlz and lion. Travis Williams. Davie Has Outstanding Tree Planting Season P A V IE C O UNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, A p ril 16,1998 - g e L A S S m E D S Davie County has hod an outsiond* ing tree planling season this year. Tree planting has cxcccdcd 442 Qcies, which includes pines and hard­ woods. It is the responsibility of the North Carolina Forcsl Scrvice to over­ see uee planting to be sure it is done property. There were 198,SOO improved Loblolly Pinc planted on 397 acres or open and cut'Over land. There were 19,600 hardwoods planted on 45 acres of mostly botiom- land. These trees includc such spccics as green a.sh. baldcypress, willow oak and yellow poplar. Most oflhc hard­ wood were planted along Dutchman Crcck, in central Davic County. These hardwood plantings will improve the water quality along Dutchman Crcck and Ihe Yadkin River hy controlling some of the land lost to soil erosion. John Peeler, a local tree planter, planted most of the open land using a contour tree planter pulled behind u tractor. His traclor has the capability of spraying a hcrbicide as he plants in acres where it Is needed for the seed­ lings to survive.Tree planting in Davie County has increased over the years. This Is due to the increase in limber prices', which camc about Hurricane Andrew in Florida .several years ago. Planting trees is a long term com- milmcnt,hutit has became worthwhile Doctor Makes Pollen Predictions Pinc pollen may be coaling side­walks and car wiih yellow dusi, bul it's nolloblameformakingpcoplcsncczc, says Dr. Robert Bardon, assisumt pro­ fessor of foieslty and exiension for­estry specialisi al N.C. Slale Unlvcr- slly. "People are oiready suffering from Ihe pollen, but pine pollen doesn't con­ tribute to it,' Bardon says. "Broadleavcdlicc3,suchas oaks and maples, are more likely the souree of allergy including to pnxlucc pollen," ho says. He predicts most regions in North Carolina can expcci a pollen sca.son similar lo lasl year's. The amount of pollen varies widely wilhin local areas and among geo­ graphic regions. Dry wcalher, nearly conslruclion, or a group of neighbor­ing Irecs competing for light, water and nutrients in the soil, can pul a particular tree under sucss and causcil lo feel Ihreatcncd. The Irec reads by irying lo reproduce ilsclf. Pollen is a by-pnxluci of the reproductive pro- cess. The mix of trees among Ihc stale's dislinclive regions uccounts for differ­ences in the amount of pollen pro­ duced. "Bccausc of Ihe variations of spccics, Ihcre's going 10 beadiffcrence from region to region," Bunion says.' The mountains have morc hunlwoi^ than pines, Ihe coast has more pines Ihun hardwoods, and Ihe piedmont has a mix. Olher factors afTccting pollen pro­ duction includc a region's elevation, lalilude and distance from the coast. F o r e i g n e r s R e q u i r e d T o R e p o r t T r a n s a c t i o n s Foreigners who have bought or sold agriculture land In Nonh Caro­ lina arc required lo repon the Irans- acllon wilhin 90 days lo the Farm Scrvice Agcncy. This report is required by the Ag­ricultural Foreign Investment Dis­ closure Act. A report must be filed if all or part of Ihe agricultural land is sold, or the Iille is transfcrrgd lo an- V i c k e r s J o i n s E a t o n S t a f f The Rev. Mark Nonnan Vickcrs h^ joined Eaton Funeral Scrvicc as staff chaplain.•iVlckerswlllcoordinale family fol- l(^-up services which Include coun- sdlnj, long andi slfbft term griefj s ii^ rt gioups, wprkshops on I ddiUi and dying aiUwaioiialpiD- giiin» to assist od»is In coping w^giieronspe- cia) occasions. pickers holds aW hekir’s de-l gns In religion ai^ peycholoiy from Earlham Col- le|e, and a master of divlnliy degree ftim llie Duke Divlnliy School al Dtike University. He Is an ordained UAted Methodist minister and a fMnerHoiplccchaplainfortheHos- p ii ADEC - North Csrollnii Asso- ciilion for Dealh Educallon and CMnseling. ^yicken brings « combines 16 y M of pastoral and funeral scrvice ei^ierleacetoEataaFunetalSeivice. olher person. Failute 10 sub'mil Ihc AFIDA re­ port could result in a civil penalty of up lb 25 perceni of Ihc fair market value of the interest held in the agri­cultural land. Foreign investors have reported owning 15.2 million acrcs of agricul­ tural land in the Uniled Stales. North Carolina has 153,962 acres of agri­ cultural land owned by foreign in­ vestors wllh a value of $227 million. The report musi bo filed when a foreign person acquires a reportable interest in U.S. orgunizaiion. Foreign investors holding signifi­ cant inicrcsl or substantial control in U.S. organlzalion should conlacl the Watkins Chosen For Honor Court Jennifer L. Watkins, a sopho­ more political sci­ ence m^jor at Ihe University of Nonh Carolina at Chapel Hill, is one of ap­ proximately 35 new members rcccntly chose for UNC's WaUUw Undcrgr^uale Honor Court. The honor court seeks lo uphold the honor code, which prohibits ly­ ing. cheating, stealing, and cheating in the academic selling. Afler under­going two training sessions, Walkins will be qualified to set on cases which consist of violators of the Honor Code.Walkins is the daughlcrof Mamie S. Walkins and the lale Oeoige L. Walkins. She U a 1996 graduate of Davie High School. . . ^ local counly FSA office for further infonnalion on reporting requlrc- menls. Coumy govemmcnl office, reallors. ullomcys and other involved In real estate transaction arc asked lo nolify foreign investors oflhc rcport- ing requiremenls FSA Offers Acreage Pre-measurement To avoid uncccssuiy wony over loss of 1998 fann program benefits, furaicts may want lo request pre-mca- surcmcni of acrcage beforc planling. Fanti Servicc Agency offers this scrvice to'assurc fanners they arc in compliancc with regulations, and that Iheir acrcagc reports arc accurate. For a minimal fee,' FSA will guar­ antee field sizes for Ihe program year and help faimets plan whkh fiekls to plant lo a various crops. The servk» consistsof measuring, staking and ref­ erencing fiekls. Famieis are required 10 plani according to the stakes that are placed. IFannenshouklneverukeachance on kMlng program benefits by failing lo comply with acrcage requircmenls. Fanners an encouraged 10 applylo Ihelr kical FSA office. C E S T o R e g is t e r K in d e r g a r t n e r s Cooleemee Elementary School kindergarten, regislralion w ill be Tuesday. April 21 from 6:30-8 p.m. If you have a child who w ill be 3 by Oct. 16, bring the chikfs birth certificate. Social Security card and irotnunization rccords. SALEMMORTGAGE DELA ROBBINS loaii Officer 336-76S-I996EIK. 107 U U a a t V e i e e M m t Я к 768-2947 ш я я м я е а 1 'f• •! iml> 1 j  a I m h a t t e a . If you h M Im n aMMfigm th i d iK h or M driMng DMy fcm It; you h M b)«i laat by d u d i or M dmhsid or » y b tc M i of y w tM holk ritn X y o u M in v M lD D M ^ in OUTREACH HINlSTRY FOR INACTIVE CATHOUCS btainning Nondw b n » Itf m r t. Mw 2S « Ouch IW * Ito y ltttM i B ln btxsnssiSiUSSSlSnSB^ F A R M B U R E A U I N S U R A N C E MnO*Uré*BU8MEÍB8*IRA'S>MmumE8 FARM* НОМеОИМЕНаеМОаЯЕ HOMES'BUIE CROSS JácIc Ádwra ■ Е щ щ Я MaritJMVIt AiCartar ■;и1нуд|д Wto ziaiw Woody HudsM дЦтут!ап1 iiduoaiQ wcxwBvooii^^GENERAL ималу 7 6 6 9 0 9 9 for anyone who has unused or culovcr land. Besides being a source of future income, ita'plcnishesairquality,helps water quality, mokes new jote. ben­ efits wildlife and is nice to look at as it grows. There are acres in this county that are lost lo growing trccs,suchas roads, home building, and idle land. "We can’t do much about roads und homes, but idle land can be planted," said Chuck Nail, forcst ranger. 'This land could be used to grow trees forlhe future."There .several incentives to iKlp landowners plant trees, such as cost- share programs from both the State and Federal governments, as well as tax incentives. If interested, give the Forest Scr- viccacallorcomc by Ihe DavieCounty ОШсе Building. Room 309, Monday- Friday, 8 - 9 a.m. The phone number is (336)751-5319. F a r m B u r e a u R e c o g n i z e d G l e n n B o z e I I GlcnnBoxcU.aFarmBurcauagent in Davie County, received two awards at the annual sa! Greensboro March 15-17.Boze was named Rookie of the Year in North Carolina, selcclcd from morc than 100 first-year agents.Heranked fifth among over­ all top producing agentsinthe state in 1997. and Boze ranked in the state top 10 in two cat­ egories. Boze was also recognized as being among the t(^ 30 ¡mxlucing agents in North Carolina, sclcctcd from more than 700 agents. That was based on sales and service records on multi- lines of insurance. S ln lo w ld e ■“ CREDIT CARD PROBLEMS'“DebI Consolldallon. Avoid Banknjplcy. Slop Ciedilor Calls. Cut Inleresl. No Credit Check. Ono Low Paymeni. National Consolldalors, Inc; 1800) 270-9894. A BEAUTIFUL CANDLELIT, old- lashtoned wedding chapel overlooking river. Smoky Mountains, TN. Horse-drawn carriage, cabins, lacuzzl, ordained minister, no tests. HEARTLAND 1- 800-448-8697 (VOWS).http://08onet.coni/h8arl YOUR CLASSIFIED AD could be reachliu 1.S million homes across North Carolinal Place your ad with our paper lor pubilcatlon on the NC Slalewdle Classllied Ad Network- 95 NC newspapers lot a k>w cost ol $220 for 25-word ad lo appear In each paperl Additional words are $8 each. The whole slale at your llngertipsi Call Becky Snyder at 751-2129. Il’s a smart advertising buvl Y a rd S a le s ••BUVINQ CLOTHES“locpWe can help you with spring ' cleaning and yard sale leftovers. Value Ckilhing Yadkinvilie _______336-679-7728________ 6M GUDSTONE RD-BIQ yard sale. Fil. 3-untll, Sal. 8-3, 17№ & 18lh. Rain dale lollowing Fri. & Sat., leans, books, end & coHee lables, comer cabinet, lots ol clolhes, household Items, lamps, racing collectibles.____________ BASEMENT SALE, Sat., 4/18, children's & women's clothes, appliances. 1096 Mllllnq Rd. Bia YARD SALE-Fri. 11-4, Sal. 8- 2, Hwy. 64 W. Bike, lables, shoes, bed, pockeibook, toys, dishes, clolhes-baby, womens & mens, odds and ends._______________ CARPORT SALE-FRI., 4/18, 7-S: Sat., 4/19,7-4.195 Fainvay Rd. (oH Redland Rd.) last house on FalnmyRd._________________ QIANT OAHAOE SALtI Rain or shine, 3 families. Ckithes, 76 Cadillac Seville, goll clubs, fumilure, com’l pholo copier, TV, much more. Sat. only-4/l8/96-8am- 4pm. 2 blocks off 801 and Redland Rd. 141 Partridge Ln. 940-6265 or 998-3314.___________________. QKlANnC YARD SALC-Frl. A Sal. Children's small-adult size XXXL clolhes, misc. ilems. 173 Gray SI. GOODIN FAMIUES' YARD sale, 4/18/98, 8am-3pm, rain or shine, 116LakevlewRd., Hickory Hill IL HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE-Sahirday, April 18, 8 a.m.-unlil. Hlctmy TrM d*v*lopfntnl-Hwy. 64 E. pasl country club lo No Creek Rd.-on left, 1/2 m. lo Htekoiy Tree Road-on left. Lols & tots lo choose from Including: beby Items, ctothes, househoM Ilems, toys, comloiler sel, lampe, himllure, booka, vkleos, ciatt Items & much motel This la one you won'l wanl to missi______ MOVINO 8ALI-1 queen size walerbed-ora^t ahap* with drawers undemeatn, can make Ink) a kku, dreaaer A cheat ol draweia »400: sheets, comforter, 2 valancn and aham <40. Can 284-2205. MOVINO lA U -nil. 8-6. Sal. 8-7. Mobile hom*, entertainment cenler, trampoline, prom dresa, Christmas decoraUona, ctolhea and many more llema. eot N. lelt on Blackwakter Rd.. M l on Quemsey Ln. Yard Sales MULTI-FAMILY YARD 8а1е-1У2 ml. west of Lake Myers. Sat. 7-3. MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale-148 Bowies Rd. From Mocksviile. 158 to Bowies Rd,, across from Hope Baptist Tabemacle. follow signs, il raininq-in garage._____________ SAT. 18TH SUNSET Drive, 8 am, several families. Refrigerator & much more._________________ SATURDAY. 4Л8, 6-2, boysclothes size 8-12, toys, baseball cards, households items & much more. Corner of Undвфa8S A Lakeside Dr. Rain cancels_______. YARD SALE 321 Qwyn St.. Mocksviile, April 17 & 1¿, 8am- 5pm. furniture, ctothing, bokos. linens, glassware, misc._________ YARD SALE : Princess House,' frilly lingerie, baby & childrens toys. 18 mos.-aduit clolhes, boys jeans size 8*12. Something for everyone. Milting Rd. to HepierRd.________ YARD SALE SAT. 4/18 at 301 Milling Rd., rain or shine, toys, sofa, desk, antique metal headtx>ard, household items, size 5 wedding gown, handmade crafts, books, new mdse., clothes.___________ YARD SALE. 4Л8, gam-until, 692 Cana Rd., follow signs, lots of ciothes'sizes 3-12, bathroom suit, fumiture set. & lols more. '85 Camaro. '93 Ford Probe.________ YARD SALE, FRL & Sat.. 8 am-' 3pm, 255 East Lake Dr. Lots of baby Items: playpens, strollere,-. swings, car seats, mobiles, toys, stuffed animals, clothing (girl sizes 0-4T). and other misc. items. Cancelled if raining. YARD SALE, SAT. 4/16, 8am- 4pm, 1283 Hw. 801 N. Glasswaie, infanu, girls, & adult ctothes. toys, 26' bike, sofa, robin back pack, leaf blower, mobile home steps.______ YARD SALE-4/ie, 7;30-2. 163 Oakdale dr.. 1 mi. N. from Greasy Comer on 601. Sewing machine. child’s toys, glassware, more Items. YARD SALE-FRI. & Sat.. 17 & 18. Redland Rd.. over 150 articles of deskiners ciothlnq. tots of laroe. YARD 8ALI-8AT. 4/11Junction Rd. SCL electronics, CB uA&nrm, books, clothes & misc._________ . YARD SAU-SAT. April 18, . miscellaneous Items, 118 Qua» / Hollow oHBaltimore Rd., Adnnoeji ■ YARD SALE-SATURDAY, come» iol 801 » Cana Rd., 8 am-noon. ’ ‘ ■ AKC REG. LAB pupplee, 2:;lemales, 2 males, yeltow. pedigree; - has numerous chainptona. Wormed > ^ & 1st shots. $250. Ready April 1^;. Both parents on sHe. 336-787-4071 ■: BARN HELP WANTED In i’ exchange lor boanl for 1 horsed ‘ Ntoe small show bam In Davle Ca ! ' w/large turnout, riding ringa. trails &' t round pen. 998-8007 or 1&-3WT, , FREE a MOS. old SlamesaiAablW! ; mix, male, neuterad. 2S4-48B<'; - l i leave meeaaqe. HAPPY JACK HANOI MEDICINE: a nakml bland ot vegetalilt one, . pramotea healing t hdr growti to ■ 'hot spola' ft severe mange on ; doga ft horaes wHhout ateraUi. - Davle Fann Servtoe 751-5021. (www.happvlacklnc.com)_______ JACK RUSSELL T fR R llllGreat markkigs, <250 ea. 4tt- ;2797. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 16,1998 - D7 G L A S S Y ! 9 i J S ^ O F O A B L E . AiilK|iii"-1 .... 1 Momt's f- S.'ilt (V lrs c i'll.iiu ’(Ml Mdliili* Homi‘s/n(4il Ш В Н В И i7VfiilTl.ANTIQUt MM.L e.000 M.fl. dMlw«. WWCH. prtmIttvM.•dvnWngtor your W.--, ...... -th* »w v 3S(o S. VtaiN Si,, vyiralon-SiilMn. T ««irS . «44MIW Vi увюшп. V i »I, *w> мП v«hy « • hr» ir<* ViM iì h«n« » deck, n««r......—, »dwol», and medicai. Aal $»S.OOO. LEONARD М«-751-Зв50 ot 75(- QC, $ie00/OBO.492-71ia. lan» REM.TV KlìCk 4 SO LAR PANELS,$вООЮВО, 99S-S249.Ч'ХЮ ', IM I 1 'child. KO W XM к ««юмпма 'ih№. RM NBO: «Ji, Pirtal» »ittiii- s*"«« Ч*' nupi» Qf * bî!ÿ> ie i«». n o c K s n u t sutiserTtNM Ct: AU a<ic4 «w sy •fflctwil apolmiint > A2 pool, 1>ш1|«Ы1 IMtlIt il »МСфк Klfcheo apüUars»* lumiiiw) Indixwe dehwaalw. t.5 tMth». wailwidty« comwcicra. Htgli •rarjy emciant h«tpump pmitiw cenlraJ h»at and air. PrwiiwJ 1и саЫа TV 3L phones, liautaled windows i doois. No wax kilchenA b»lh Hoots. Located in kteetevile iMtiind Hendricks Furnture on Sunut Dr. olf o( Hwy. 158. Office hours 1 8 M-F 4 Sal. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. W IW iÇ iW t IM |)>X miuh»« t!M: Л ?'<» «ЛИ____________________ C A R t M* my 1ь.ч1», к.'« liUv«, any shil». NkN-ksvi«» * » * 7»i-W0¿.__________________ IN. HCMt « ««T tIW O day MWh4i QMtSnj» Oft S'ld »™ll In iMatHwalor? vt». Call H04NTRY K O W « « HAShîf «dtìlei^-hool age. MOTWtft Of ONC. keepслтгеп In my home 1st shill Near „iQckay.aéÜ-tgl.____________ «DLL QIVC C A R f lo your chiMten in my home. Near Jockey. 492- 5331. Commercinl Profierty M c r 4ВЯ, » A honio on 8 acres. №к1 F(H»I. DavkI Farm & Land &>!»». 751-0757, I .iru l F o i Loiiso POA RCNT; NORSE bam«/posluie land. 7-staHs, lights, runn»iq water, 998-2581. L .im l Fot Sail? IS « ACRES, 2BR modlle home, bam. woikshop, lenced pasture In westem Davie. Call Red Foust, Davie Fami & Land Sales. 751- 0757. _________________ Beautiful wooded lol In new develoomenl 3/4 acre. 940-6749. INDUSTRtAL ZONED ACREAGEfronting on «601 within Mocksviile Cily LMIs wilh city setvkses. Will sut)divide. Call Freeman Commercial Heal Estate, 768-4410. Lnwn Care f e JA N IT DEAN'S Umited edWon art i now available at Serendipity 1,41 Court Sq., downtown 0|)|)()rUinitv ______ U T A IU S H E D AUTOpun businaa*. In busliiets ovai 20 yean. Large biventory llndudee In« Ы DuPont Paini). Business Ofjy, «■ negelet* building. Serloua -.lq«Mnañí}:cál Roger or Debbie ■ jl^iW aM m ni to vSw- ЗЭв-г*4- .11 О O l ) ll.ll IKS TMI PAMLV o r James Shipley would ike to eipres* lhanks to all who Mve their time, food, synMny & donatkms during his Harriet Shipley PRIM E SHOPPINO CENTERspace avallatile, 1,200 sq. ft.-3.eoo a. fl. Shopplng/offtee. 336-998- Fnrm Mnchinory 1»S2 (N rono tractor, GC, $4500, 492-7601.__________________ BUSHOGS; SCRAPE BLADES$125: Box Blades $235; Spreaders; Canyalls: Boom Poles; Scoop Pans; Post Hole Diggers; Disc; Gates; Corrals; Feeders. Wright Fami Gates & Eaulp 996-B637. USED D IESEL TRACTORS from $3.500, 1S-32 HP. 704-213-1489, Stfaburv.NC. ALL SEASO N S LAWN CARB. New & existing lawn maintenance. Call 704-284-4177.____________ C tM SERVIC ES: Wo provide all types of lawn sen/ice, mowing lawns, trimming, shrulibery, cleaning lots, 751-5798. FREE ESTIMATES.________________ COMPLETE LAVm CARE SERVICE Mow, liim, edge, leitlllze, muk;h, pine needles, aerate, gutter cleaning, small hauling, free esllmales. Call-leave message, Mabe's Mowing 492- S452.________________ YARDS MOWED » TRIMMED$5 senice fee Over 60-5% discount Go anywtiere 492-2327 2eR, IB A , CENTRAL air, heat pump, large deck, quiet neighbothoodKjtose lo YMCA No HUD. 751-1108. FOR SALE-K i a Salvage:4'xB' Cedar Closet liner, $12.95/ea.; S'X12' premium flooring fiberboard, S9.95/ea. Grade Marti, 2X4 studs, S2.49/ea. bidg. stone $140to. pallet/140 sq. fl.; 4'Хв'Х1/2‘ thfck rnsulaUon bd. $7.95/oa.; 3,000 Ib. cap. warehouse carts, $49/ea. prohung exterior steel doors, *69/ва.; Hoofing fell, $в.95/го11; We stock stainless steel in sheets ft pipe. Super savings on carpet a linoleum as low as $3.95^.; Cotnigaled culvert pipe up lo 24" dia.; We stock pumps 8i accessories for wells. Fomilca, $.50 sq.ft.; Stool i-Boams for sale. К * G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on W/est bank of Yadkin River. 910-899-2124. GO-KART FOR sale, VGC, $400. 940-2572 aller 8 p.m.__________ GRAND OPENING: LILA-DEE DOLL SHOP, 291Beauchamp Rd., Advance; 4-2 98: 10 am-8 pm; 4-26-98; 2-6 ptii; lealuring porcelain dolls, porcelain beanie babies; for Infoimation call RUTH 336-998-2980 or DIANE 338-725-2594._______________ HONEY BEES-4 frame nuc’a with laying queen pul in your hive. Also swanns-complele hives, etc. 998- 3200.______________________ HUNDRED GALLON AQUARIUM,$200/OBO, comes w/all accessories. 284-4994, leave message. , M OCKSVILLE ANTIQUES « F L E A' Marital25.000 sq.lt. inside. 853 Wilkesboro SI. Sal 6-5 S Sun. 9-5. Vendor spaces call 751-2181. SEASONED FIREWOOD FORsale. $60 lor 1/2 Ion; $100 for 1 Ion. Stamp removal. Jake Miller, 998- 0846._________________ SLIDING G LA SS DOORS with double glass and screen. 72"x80'' $200.988-2752. ____________ ^ A T STRAW FOR SALE-492- LOTS AVAILABLE IN Mocksviile, Advance i Cooleemee for new homes. 751-7734. YORK RESIDENTIAL HEATpump,2 1/2 yrs. old, $500. For more inlomiatlon call 751-2738. READY TO MOVE In; 4BH furnished u l. w/utiliHea. 761-1218 or 872-3367^_________________ RENTERS WANTED. CALL T.R. 628-4516. ____________ TRA ILERS FOR RENT. Water lumished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Cali 940-2395 leave messaqe. Mohilf' Momps/S.ilo ITH E THRILLERS Naw 4BR, 2BAmobile home, $l63.98/mo. Call 704-637-6650.Quality Honies Superstore. •10NLY*‘94 mobile home set-up on lol. $776/down,$117.oirno. ________704-637-6650________ 1 CALL IS all you need!Better Value Homes Hwy. 801 «601 Mocksviile Complete line of double & singlewides Bank rews, call today ___________264-4001____________ 14X70 M OBILE HOME 2BR, Iba., 751-3189. 14X70,3BR, 2BA, 1996 model, low dovm payments, low monthly enls. Like new repo-call IV. 264-4001.______________ IN * USED HOME 2BR, 1 t/2 ba. on private rented lot.M w rs SET-UP in parti, 601N, bolh are 3BR,2b*.1N7 3BR. 2BA., 64Easl just in Davklson County in Reed's area. 751-5200, home or 751-7439, wortc Aak for Steve Vestal 1»97 14X10 G ILES 2br, 2ba, ale, underpinned, 8xt0 storage bulUing, bull in stereo, $237/mo.. $500 down or $85/yno. for six mos. Behind West Yadkin School. Cali 466-4580 anytime (Kathy). 3BR SPEC HOME sel-up in niceNever lived in, himShed. 751- Davie D rivint; Scliool C o u fs ? 4 ^ In leen Drivei'i Educ.ilion . lû t [ Ì : 1'^ NO MORE SHINGLES! 6 o M e t m ll • Long-Lasting Qaivalunw •3FootCkiverage ^ •C ut to the Inch f •M anyCdore i •Soew s, Trim to match M b l - i l M T M N O М М Ш Е И П Ш payment» of 1225.751-7734. ALREADY TO MOVC Into 38R, 2ba., kiw down, low paymenta. Cali T.R. 828-4516._______________ CALL TODAY HUGE diKOunt on single a doublewlde repo homes. Reconditkined and nudy lo gol 264-4001.__________________ COM PLETELY REMODELED 14X72,3BR, 2ba, Del. & Sel, $650 dwn., $160/mo. CaH loda^ 284- 4001.____________________^ DONT PAY THOUSANDS tiwmuchI Double A singiewkles dlscounl price». 1-800-278-3146. . OTEAMHOME LOST IN divorce, ilka naw. 18S0 sq. fl. doublewid*, kwded, fireplace, glamour bath, ceramic bar a morel $15,000 below book. CaM 284-4001 lodayl___________ GOOD SE U C T M N OF preKiwned and repo homee, all remodeM and priced well below retail. 284-4001. Can loday. youli ba glad va didI _ - I HAVE 3 sinoiewida homas already sat-up In Statesville area. Cay T.R. 528-4516.____________ I HAVE HOME already set-up on lot In Troutman area. Cali T.R. 528- 4516.______________________ L E E 'S M OBILe HOMES-tionwood,N0 600-777-6662. Bargains, close outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52, $27,999; 28X80, »9,999; 28X64. $32.999; 24X58, «5,999; 14X80, $19,999, incl. 4' hitch. Open 7 days.___________________ __ LG S HOMES: SINGLEW IDES,winier rent special. 1 yrs. partt rent paid in advance by LGS Homes. Feb. a Mar. 3995 Patterson AVe.. Vlfinston-Salem, NC 336-767-7585. UKENEWI■«s model, 14x70, 2BR, 2ba, del. a sel air, skirt, $1,150 dwn., $245/mo. Cali 284-4001 todavl MOVHM TO FLA. VMI sacrifk» $3,500. New 3BR, 2ba. tnoUle home. Cal(704) 795-3772. ■■ MUST s E a la xsi, i. i acres.338-768-3526.___________■ -r- NEW HOMES 3 and 2 BR M riiin as k)w »» $499/down. Call T.R. 52B4516.______________ ■- NOWOPENI BETTER VALUE HOMES :RecondHk>ned bank repoa ^ me- owned homea. All priced below retail Call284-4001. M i V I W R p i M îV9eM O rié((-on«.'3i9"i ':.'0t«rm 4dili.tochiM N ..£ fiem:---------------- íüffinishes^^ Furniture EefiaUili^ fc Rwtwiltiwi CmlMMtoodwoiUagkCiafli Kick М Ы ! 036)492-«020 FOR LEASE STORAOE TRAILERS «ипоог Short Tbrm -fl6MTAl8) 'Ш е к т е Ш ш ^ ..T .1 M i â f f î Œ l E D S lN l!3 ¿ № !M S r o K ! РВОЕГЕАШ Ж Mobile Homos/S.ile pm W D O UBLEW ID E а ? е Ж 1 ° QUALITY HOMES SUPERSTO RE ECONDITIONED BANK REPOStve thousands, call today.14-4001__________ _________ ¡NT TO OWN, 2 a 3BR. Cali 4-647-6860. Qualily Homes of llsbury.___________________ E HAVE GONE crazy all winter g. Now the sun Is oul and we■ nuts with excitement about our feullfui 14X80 3BR, 2ba homes ■I to high champion standards■ or come by and see Tom or ■lony at hl-0503. Leader H es ofMocksville. ^O AKW O O D MONTCLAIR,3BR, 1 1/2 BA, $7500.940- I^ H E R 14X71 Mobile Home, weil-bulll $9500 Umi. leralor, stove, Rheem central I included. 2BR w/ walk-in 2 full baths, real wood fireplace. Buyer risible lor moving and set-up. ^ s presently in Mocksviile.Csrter (803) 329-6160 SC). , FLEETWOOD, 2BR, ia ii upgrades, while vinyl ' shingle roof, 12X16 deck, I. 751-2588 after 8pm. ABC PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING15 years experience "Our commitment is quality Ihrough experienced leamworir.' 751-3813 CAREGIVER OR SITTCR señücés lor the elderiy provided. CNA I Cert., Rel 264-2668.___________ DRIVER a SON PAINT CO,Roof Tops a Mobile Home Tops Free Estimates Interior a Exterior 25 Years Experience Mocksviile. NC _________492-7118_________ HOUSE CLEANING SER V K ERel available. Cali 751-0552. KEVIN GRUBB BUILDERSBuikling, remxte^, handyman U N K 'S SEA M LESS GUTTERINGRtehardLink-Owner Free Estimates _________998-1796_________ MAN W ILL PAY cash for junk cars, and remove trash from around homes. 751-5062._____________ OSBORNE ELECTR№for all your electrical needs. Freegstlmales. 751-3396. PAINTINGRemodeling - Home Repairs Large or Small Free Estimates JAMES MILLER 996-6340 FOR SALE-console, EC, iwn, assume low paymenls. ally. 1-600437-9757. RANO TUNINGRepairing a Rebuikfing Saiw'S'^en^e Wallace Barford998-2789_________ PIANO, *300, GC, V/Molor Horiif' H 0M E-A U EG R0‘M 4 M31', tow mi. II you're d in a motor home, it s like ! Spilt BA, new, roof AC, air , brakes, 12 ^y tires. Cen. Vac., maker, Ig. ref./freezer, conv. awnings frt.arr. driver's door, pass this upl Shown by ap $29.500 C)BO. 751-: PRESSU RE CLEANING: All Types skiing, clean and waterprool decks, gatjosj^riveways and walkways. PRESSU RE WASHINGWI types Over 6 years exp. 998-7443, pq. 733-6«1. PRIM E STAR SATELLITEInstallation Specials $50 Rebate, IrMgrogran^, free Disney watch. PRIM ESTAR $•* INSTALLEDFree 1 mo. pro^mmlng 1-600-984-0772_______ RILEY TRUCKING ft GRADtNG •etonawKlMravei* •skkl-staerworio •driveways rocked*Gary Riley-9M-5766 (home) 940-7954 (mobile) T R EES R U B998-1986 C r iN J A 1108 bid tielllty has positions on 2nd and 3rd Ihm full tiiM (or I CNA's. Apply in pmon to Carol Crawford or call ЭЭв-751-3535 for mors infonnatlon. Great btnaflts and cofflpatKlva aalary, - штнвммт-мшима,■X.iyw зз»-л1-авя 1 ^ Р |Я 8 8 8 « Ж > Д Ь . Position Available ica CaMwariur П taUtaa withthe Davia of Sedal Servkts. Tba cmplajree io Ш»COMrty UtpW UM IU 01 I mi 1 OWVaM«» ««от mm«padlle«iri«bair.»po»lbl.te«a«# «tl»d»llïep.rattoM аГ Ite Carallaa Ate»»» P ro in a i aad other Me«c*td T A T SER V IC ESrues, bams, basements, etc. Cleaned a hauled away.Reasonable rales. 492-5080 or 751-6110. W ILL DO LAUNDRY a Ironing. Also general house cleaning. Reasonable rales a relerences. 998-2907. 82 A 54 Willis Jeeps, $750ЮВО. 940-6328._________' SA U SBU RY MOTOR CO.Butek-Dodge 700 W. Innes Sl, Salisbury _______704-636-1341________ ‘71 HARLEY DAVIDSON low rider,26.000 miles, lots of chrome. Must seel Leave messaqe. 284-2870. •3 240 0 M ERCEDES BEN Z ,189.000 miles, blue, 4 dr., aulo, runs qresl $3.900.998-4292 ‘85 PONTIAC LE, very clean, $800/080, 751-0155, if no answer, leave messaqe.______________ ‘M PONT. 800, 4DR, clean, GC, $1,995; '87 Ford Escort wagon. 4dr., $595.998-2581. ‘M JE E P CHERO KEE. 411, 6 cyl., 4WD, $10,000. 751-7283. ■ ‘13 FORD EXPLO RER XL, 2wd, 4dr, new tires, EC, 704-278-0260, leave messaqe. 1-3 ACRES of land zoned for doublewlde. 751-3520 afler 3pm. BUYING PIN E a haidwood timber, delivered logs a long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Producta, Inc. 704- 278-9291. FAMILY OF S needs 3+BR house or trailer to renl $475 or less. Mocksviile, Advance area. Will lake good care of property. 751-1871. NfCE COUPLE, AGE 50+ wants lo buy 1-2 acres lor beautiful manulactured home In west Davie or east Iredell counties. Please call (336) 751-4463. WATNED:Residential Free est's, rors.Cali4a HOMES TO clean, and/or commercial, ^reat^^rales and greal Employmont 1:1 POSmON WORKING wilh e Child with a developmental disability. Starting salaiy up to $10/hr. dependent upon type ol cere provided, educalion andexperience. Minimum quallflcalions application. EEO. .............alpioma Employment ATTN STUDENTS FROM DAVIE CO AREA-Summer painters are currently being recruited for exterior wori(. 40/hrs. wk., S7/hr -f bonuses. 919-370-5739. William Jotinson. AVON SS'SISM R . No door to door. Easy methodsi Quick cashi Bonuses, discounts. 1-e00-296- 0139 ind/sls/rep.______________ CNA POSITIONS AVAILABLE.Brightmoor Nursing Center. PO 60x2167. Salisbury. NC 28144. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN: EXP.req. In PC repair & networking. Professional attitude & appearance a must, certifications a plus. Send resume to: 23 Court Square, Mocksviile. NC 27026.__________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri.. 10am-2pm for Einployment LIFEGUARD a POOL STAFFposilions available for May-Sepl at i.ako Myors RV Resort.Taking applications now. Apply in person, Hwy 64W. 492-7736. NEEDED: 49 PEO PLE to lose 5- 100 pounds by summer. All natural, Dr. recommended. Call 336-631- 7939. NOW íond/s. HIRING DEPENDABLEdays a nights. Apply al OPEN UNDER NEW menai Horn's Country Kitchen, jok. Secondshill, grill cooli.______ .,11-7. Experienced prelerred. > equivalency transportation and excellent worit history. Reply to: Amy Csrter, Hsbilllalion Specislisl Charies A. Hines and Son, LLC, 328 North S^riny SIreel Winslon-Saiem, NC APPUCATIONS NOW BEINGACCEPTED for summer lobs In the snack bar at Hickoiy HIII Countiy Club. 998-4087.______________ ASSISTANT HOME CARECOOR.-lmmedlate opening for indivMuai with excellent customer servtee skills and the ability to deal with a variety of people. II you love lo solve problems, have a strong sense of commitment and a prolesslonai altitude, this Is your high school diploma or --- certifkale, reliable Security MONITOR WATCHERS pMt-UitK wcdcend pontJons—S«/Sun.2K) thillFulMime.3nithUlSuiblHin.10;45pnb7:15ain. KS Diplotni or GED nq'd. Previous exp. in iccuriiy pRfond We offer сопрев ve ulary nd good ЬепеГш. Apply ia penon (Moo-FH. 8 JQuM JOpoi) orfcndraumeta IR E K U L M ^ ^ р.авм1К1 FaBfTMiTi'Tiie E X P E R I E N C E D P A I N T E R S N E E D E D Mostly new work. Transportation a must. Pay based on experience 336-751-7728 1 \ |>t I u m n i S l K\ I K S Ibp Pay fcrfbp M b in ia n  1м«>МАа«4 M I to (M ^ Team oriented, Ale insurance, post ‘payii^nti «irà various other clerical duties. Exj^rie^ pi^erred. Send mume to: Cooleemee Family Practice, : : . Cooleemee, NC 27014-091Ò C O U N S E L O R S N E E D E D activities. Tbe ti^lo]«* win ba taspoBAb №r tba pm nud with Medicaid rccipleats, lha pm ldsr caamuoity aod Sodai Servii»». 1Ы eavlojraa «Ш also а и м » other 1псоше Maiateaaaea r»»poBril)llitl»» а» .n«»ir»d. ' . Must bava tu» MlowlnisUllst Stn*|coa«imkatlee»IUIb, aablk п»аЫш lU lii. dteido« шаЫч eUb, baelc еоачИяг N.C. IW w '» Heaai» and a car availalile tar worfc O ja у е и or «ф»г1» ю a. an laccale MalateaaoM C a w ^ ^ laeaM Sup»rvi«ir, Davi» Coaatjr D ivartaiM *r la c k l ServicM, PO Boi 517, Macluvillai bjr 4|rtaT,IIII.B 4nalO w eet*nlH rI«W l4«l v CNA’S To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Fuil Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 336-768-1197 Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Winston-Salem . Tht homnamoomptny, m l Intt youmtyvu'dnptct" DISHWASHER NEEDED. APPLYIn person lo Millers Reslauranl 751-2621. DRIVERS: IT S NOT COOL TO BURN FUEL. $1500 sign on bonus for exp'd drivers a 0/0. $760 bonus of school grads. Excelleni high miles, home weekly, CDLw/HazMalMin 1 yr.Class (,OTR. Builders Tl _ Dedicated Fleel 1-688-2-JOIN GROUP HOME W O RKERSneeded: 7 Jays on, 7 days oH. On duly 24 hrs., overtime paid, excellent salaiy & benelils. FT or PT. Exp. In woriiing w/developmentally disabled adults a plus. Requires good driving record, dmg screening, background check, high school diploma, college graduate prelerred. Send resume to: 785 Sanford Ave., Mocksviiie, NC 27028.__________________ H ELP WANTED FOR mobile home Driveis Iteense req. 998- I or 998-2479.____________ KOUNTRY KORNER IS now hiring Ca l/t. Cell 998-2220 for appl It be hiah school araduate. imeni; »3rd 3-11, third- -----......;ied. ^ lyin person between 7am-3pm. Rale ol pay depends on experience. Benolits-5 day worii wks/potential for advancement._____________ P-T GRILL help. Sun.-Thurs. Hours: Sun., 10:30-3; Mon.-Thurs., 10-2. Call Twin Cedars Golf Course 751-6824.___________________ PART-TIME PERSON to Iron a , clean approximately 4 hrsTwk. Also mature lull-time person lo worii w/ developmenlally disabled adults to leach daily living skills. For more Infonnalion call 751-5014. PERSON TO CLEAN private homes. IT, Mon-Fri. Good gay/benelils. Cloverfieid’s. 760- RESERVATIONIST POSITION INLake Myers RV Resort Ollice. Perfect lor high school/college student. Please apply in person. Hv»v. 64 West. 492-7736. TANGLEWOOD PARKHousekeepeis needed foi Tanglewood lodge/manor house Must be able to worii weekends. Average 30-35 hours wkly. Full­time position w/benefils possible depending on wortt pertomtance. Salary negotiable. Apply In person: Tanglewood Personnel Office, Coly Becknell, Hviy. 158 Clemmons, NC 27012. EOE. •; ■ TANKER DRIVERS, CDL Class ATanker endorsement, 2 yrs. exp., clean lacoid, local haul, excellent pav a benelits. 998-8810. HELPER/CNA CLASS 106 bsd fMHity now taking appllcatlona for Halptr/CNA claiii; Earn a lalary wtilia you art training. Call 336-7S1-3535 or apply In parson to Carol Crawford at 1007 Howard St, Mocksviili, NC on Monday - FrMay 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. - : ^ g i . WOW iiitnicii _________l|h h e riiM d O rii A te r i$#ieinotf «Kiting and buiinirartnjrar« In it t oounky. NMi cwnnlf^ «Mk lo fii #» (olcMi^ • Sen«rs • Host/Hostess • Dishwashers • Experienced • Bus Boys Line Cooks W fofagi*<w pg«ande«*nll*nAi, restaurant indwtna tradkd, imd aioourt, and premofcn wmwiliin wot wm Ftiw. \ h i k t ' I I ii' iid s . ( n I : t v \w . Jobs at Target keep sounding better and better. Your seaich for the perfect pait-time just came to an end^. Target, the hottest and fastest retail around is looking for Part-time Team Members. And as you would expect, it’s i filled with fim. somtotttMi. compaWlvai starting pay, flexilite schedules, and a generouS' Team №mt)er discount. _ _ _ Time;8tm-10pm T ^ P f t B T mngnorn lU fliv w a K y P irtn w y is tiZ n ts h m a v M itik W i n r t o n S a l e m M a f t e a M t o w w l r 744-7880 ;^•^lM m ■CO VNTYE^Пl№ M К, 1998 ie[> atelin e R m d t t e m ____________ !SpU(lay,Aprti8 M a M i M m ilM О м с к AMMd ■ № КШ аш-З (un. Dine In «lake out. П а к adule, S6 ad ctdUrcn 6-12. $3ia Byki,S7(lndiide>nni.ihw,iDlb).Prafiu h rkm A w itd m ls sk n . ■ ia > a M |iM * a ,W a k y C h 4 ri IM M М М М Ы CtMtch, 6:30-10 a.ro. A lyaiane«:$3. ■mkkM * B ri» !Ue, Smkh Grove U M M IM M Cluth. begiming Ш 6 a ia CI*tainiSirftr,Ci>okcnecVFW ,$&Ы kl OC uke out Proceeds 10 benefit Cool­ eemee Oaaenall Cetebcakm. Noon-7 p-m. Sabntay, April 25 ■ м и р Srie, M edovili FM UniHd М И М Ы О м ск FdlowshJp Hall, 7J0 1Л1.-1П0П. CMaHjF breddW, Ыкс « yanl n it, Ошку Line Vobneei File Depinmcni, 6- II am.Sponandby Salem UMC. М к ш CM dn^M ad Ham Supper, W K Illtriillilllill flR Dtpl. S-8 pm. 'М е чш avaiUile after noon. Flatcx 17. 0 М кп6-12:Н Undci6yn.: fiec. F ^ .M a y l O M lk « i N W i «> BeacM Codm ee Я It iIIh i 7 pim VFW Hall. Cash pHai. Dates to Remember Satuiday, AprihS tUM nClDk alFarmland. Village Way and Dr.Myier's,noon*2p.m.$7. April 13^y1 One Stop AbteiMrc Voting. Elections Or* flee, Davie County Couithousc. Monday, April 20 ProAtdonal Child Care Training. Qxiniy omce Buikiing. 6-8 p.m. Thursday, April 23 Blood Dri\VtRcilCin&sD;)vicCoujuyDr.u)ch omce, Coun Square, MocksN'ilic, 11 ant* 4:30 p.tn. Wednesday, April 29 Growing & Prepartjig Foods, Ciiunty Or- fice Bidg..} 1 atn.*noon. Acadcmy Community Bidg., 7:30 p.m. ^ ^ e n io rs ---------- Call75l-06t I rormoftlnTaLoeaiionbBrock Center unless noted otherwise. Thursday, April 16 Senkr Chonn, Eaa Room, 3 pm. Silver Ana Ricciilkin £ Pnfonning Alts Friday, April 17 Bridge, East i^oom. 1-5 p.m. Monday, April 20 Ad^imcc Club. Biipii.sl RIknv&hip Hiill. 10:30am. DecorathvRidnting.E.'ut Rooni.fi:30-9:3() p.m. Snedal Events S*iidBy,April18 Q w lrt in concefl, Calahain i^ienbhip Baptist Church ofTHwy. 64 w. or MocksviUe, 7 p^m. Tuesday, April 21 C M lta fcr tht Nccity McH- li|. CMina ВЫе Camp, 7 p.m. For more Ь^о,сааэ3б-99в-3015. Aprfl19^ YooUi К Ы Ы Malaville AME ZJoo d a rck Sunday, 3 p-m. Nightly, 7 p.m. SprlBi tmrhral, Turrcatiiic Baptist CkM tk Sunder services. II am. & 6 p.m. SpeakerEvingdistGregLentzofSalisbuiy. MoiL'Wed, 7 p.m. Speaker Rev. Hampton Dmm of South River BafXist in Statesville. Bvmn«M),caU9M>2366. Sauday. April 25 ri^l*Mi^>niiii*ftrfonningAftsCen- ter, 7 pjn. $S aifcnis^on. Featuring Erin Cflier,'nieSparitt,1heRevelatkm Quartet FinnhtoteneftMaciaMetfaodistChureh bia«iigta± S u n d e r . A p r i l 2 B UGhM te^Cener Albor, 4^ p.nt Guest piCKher Dr. Hvdd folkmtd by hot dog supper. DomtkxB for Slotehouse Гог S h a d o w i n g A G o o d E x p e r ie n c e S jT m S M n r . Davie HithFimfanicn Sbadowiiig is an excellent way lo : Ьф машае deckle if the career he/ ihe i> imcRiled in ii lealiy the right onelbrhimAier. : Ihtvebeenimeiesiedinpsychol- cty with an еп1||1ш11 on helping ado- kmau. To Ьеф me imdentand mote •bout dealing with troubled teenagers, I dacidel to (pend a day shadowing ;Mr. KMfMiick, • yoah ptDbation of- Ilo« brDntle Сойму. Oa «ж day, we went to Black Mountain where thcrc was a Imining school for kids who have already been everywhere from a children's home to a wilderness camp. There, Imetalcenageboywhohad beeninthererocaboutaycanncedicss to say, he was ready to go home. We later talked wilh another young man who was in the most trouble that you could get in to be sent there. As I walked in the door, I saw a boy who had handcuffs onhishandsondshack- 1« on his ankles. Seeing this made me want to help even more. N iki Mu Tritt (¡№l)ig.4m S A U : M . S S HEWSHPISNTi OP SOCCER ALL ON SALE T |»»I 'Tuesday, April 21 Bridge, East Rmm, I -4 p.m. RSVP Nuning Home FM y. 24 p.m Wednesday, April 22 Variety ArtjClajs.CbllRoom,8:.10-ll;30 am. O rd & Boord Games, East Room. 1:30- 4:30 p.m.Fork Chih, Fork Civic Ccntcr. 11:30 am. Hospice Tclcconftrcnct: 'U>lng With CrieftWboWcAn?.HowWcGricre",l:30- 4 p.m. Davic camjMis. IXXC. Must pre- register. RSVPSewlnR'B’,RSVP0mcc.9am.-l p.ii]. Thursday, April 23 SenlorChaiils. EaM Room, 3 pm. Friday, April 24 BrU|e. East Room, l-S p.m. Senkr Ganxs/SUver Arts Awardi Bwi- quel, BlnL« DnpilM Church, 6 p.m. Report Davie ttateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should he reported by noon Monday of the publicatton v-cck. Call7SI«212GorUn)pitbyihcolTtce.S.Main Sl. across from the cotmhou.'c. O a k & T h i s t l e G a rd e n s f P c a d i CktwtaMn-CtMiM Diuplw-AcUhi-DriptUM-Ufa PiilMleliiMlMR. AnlnsOrorY-IpL flo te- ltiL- *} Htrin-75tadi n«ailqClilpllRaid>Mnnci,NC2nN Saturday, April 18 Adopt-A-Prt, Davie Cointy Aniiual Sltel- ter, 10 am.-noon. Dogs: $50. Cats: $35. , Includes shots & spay orncutcr. Monday, April 20 Cnibefn,do\^'niou'nMocksviIle..^ponsored by Piedmont C.A.R.S. AssaiitkMi & Sweet Lovers' Haven, 5:30-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 'Lhiog WHh Grieß V\lw We Are. How We Grieve” TeieconTerence, Davic Cam­ pus of DCCC, 1:304 p.m. To reserve a scat, call 336-751-0611 by April 15. Friday, April 24 Cultural Arts Tour, Tanner Cwnpany, 8 am.*4 p.m Monday, April 27 Town orCookeime's Vohinlctr Recogni- tioQ Program, VFW, 7 p.m. Meetings________ Thursday, April 16 Bniwh Chib, Bermuda Run Couitfiy Club, MO a.m. $8.75.468-:W5. Saturday, April 18 Divk Democratic Party County Corneo* tlo«, Courthouse, 10 am. lMC«ntjBcpubllcanWomen,Mocks- viUe Kitchen. 8:15 am. Guest speaker Rep. Mta Howard. Tuesday, April 21 Davie Cowly RipM can PMty, Coun- houie, 7:30 p.m. Sauday,April 25 tevteCoumylUpttblcaaNbtt'sFcdera* tioa. F&F Baibccue, 7:30 am Monday. April 27 Wood0molTheWarid,Lndgc323.Davi<! RE-ELECT Sheriff Allen WhHaker ■ T M t C H d M H i m ctrtfflMiUnr E a t o r c M M l O f f l e i r . • H M U p W l M I M i i C M r t • • n ritftc M in M ilio ii, C T M m I 1 м м 1 1 | | 1 1 м 1 1 | p a l i t i 1 и 1 м Ц м в | * И м p r a v M h h i i i l f м с с м М у м М а с о н м у в т п н м т а » tostllmyaart. Family Пп1 Morlgage Corp* — ESTABLISHED 1979 — “ T O h e te tfo u t f iv n llt f a m e s f V is t ” Fixed R ale s # О T С As Low OtO / Э Owned and Staffed ly Davie Coun^ Негккгт • F ir tS a r v lc a / h it C M n ii •0<м1НуАрр>«*1 InMoitCaMi■ Blaa* Л *----*” rlrH Ш 99КОПО • PurdiMM or lUllmncM at£DrrmOU£№ UND£jlSTDOO MOGMMSAVMAttfRM м о ш н о т S»-1 COURT S Q U U I«M O acm i«,N € C336) 751-2898 Oflkes йхше^Лтц^пошЛ» Southeost 360° Bundled Value Pacic Sign up for our Bundled Value Pack — cellular scr\'ice plus residential long diatancc ior just S28.9.‘) per month. You'll get 120 ccllulnr minutes a monlh lor 12 months. And inierstnte long dtsiance calls from ¿’oiir home or ccllul.nr phone are 9« per minute, 24 hours a day. CEUULARSEIIVICE 2 8 * permonth including midmtial longdistinn A great phone, a great price. $1 ¡Motorola Profile™ 300 • limergency one-touch dialing. • 2-line LBD display. • Memory for 20 phone numbers. • 9 ringer styles. \ J o i n U f f o r g o H e x c t t e m e n t . 360^ Communications Is proud to be the title sponsor of Pro-Am Day at the Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic on Wednesday, April 22, 1998. Pick up f brochure for tickets at an^3S0° location or participating McDonald's restaurant in North Carolina. _ _ _ Y o u r $ 1 0 a c U v a t i o n f e a t g o e s t o R o n a M M c D o n a l d H o u s e . Sign up now for cellular service and help families who must travel away from Home to seek medvcat treatment for their children. From March 15 through April 19,1998 in North Carolina, your entire SIO activation fee will be donated tothe Ronald McDonald House Charities. S H O E S H O W Greensturo: 1312-105 Biidfoid Pkwy., U ndm aik Crossing Shopping Cenler, Kroger, 1206-B Brldford P lw y.. NIgli Point: 2620 S . MalnSL,Suite 14S ' Winslon-Salein: Pavilllon Stropping Cenler, 536 Hanes №11 Blvd.. Burlington: Blockbuster P IjQ . 2475 S. Chutch SI. Ajhetioro: 1510-A E. Dixie D r.. Sam's Club (Members Only) In Greensboro: 4418 W. Wendover Ave.. (910 854-8162 Wlnslon-Salem: 930 Hanes Mall Blvd.. (910) 765-8276 • W al-Marl: A l selected locations 1-SM-SU-S2B5 9 im ЯГ ытпшттют. Ntw Une of ипгк« with • ll-inortin comiHtmem «oa otoii »pprov« itqiwM ror ctiiuier etNr. The SJM per minute ceUul« Md iw li^ ilri cMulv iMvk«. lone dimnw offw wsllsble to fim Utm cuftonwt of MO* Long OlttwKt. Cuitomeri nwtt twitch rttWwnl*! Iona «м м M t^................. .......... ................ofÄtorotikiftt •- -..........................................-.riongDIt• Ottar fMrtMm Offer sndi AprN I m. SupsrZont to • Mtvlct nwliof MO*. CoinmuniMtkm. ntoriu ll • tr«d«marii of I On A New Level Football Players G o in g To C o llege DAVIE Showdown For Sheriff R e p u b l i c a n P r i m a r y T o D e c i d e D a v i e S h e r i f f 's R a c e : S u n / e y A n s w e r s P a g e 8 COUNTY 8 0 « E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D ___________^________________________TtMind«y.April23.1998 36 PAGESUSPS 149^160 NiunbcrlT Monday Night NHro: Rght Breaks Out At Commissioners' Meeting By Jeanne Gaittier I^vle County Enteiprise Record "Just strike it," Cooleemee resident RogerSpillmantoldcountycommission- ersofhisnequesttorezoneaparcel ofland on N.C. Hwy. 801 before turning lo sirike an opponent of that request during the conunissionen'meetingMondayevening. Keth Hodgson of Ihe Rocky Knoll conununity near Cooleemee argued dur- E m p l o y e e s C h a r g e d In E m b e z z le m e n t Two employees of Jockey In­ ternational have been charged with stealing merchandise from the plant on Noiley Rood in Davie County.. Gary Goforth, 22, of Powell Road, Mocksville, and Wayne Maroon, 47, of Salisbury, were arrested April 8, for felony lar­ ceny. Items believed to have been stolen from Jockey were discov­ ered in a warehouse in Statesville during an invesligation by the Statesville Police Department and a private investigator, ac- cordingto DavieCounty Sheriffs Detective John Stephens. Goforth and Maroon admit­ ted their involvement in Ihe lar­ ceny with the owner of Ihe ware­ house, who was a contraclor workingon equipment at'Jockey, he said. He would lell them what he wanted, and diey would set boxes outside for him to pick up, Stephens reported. More than $200,000 worth of Jockey merchandise was recov­ ered fmm Ihe warehouse. Goforth and Maroon are scheduled to make their first court appearance May 7. Reports indicated some of the clothing items had appeared in flea markets wilhimproperlogos such as Hilfiger and NASCAR. S o ttd W a s ie Celebralbig EuthDay The Davie County Solid Waite Facility will celebrate Day this Saturday by of­ fering f ^ dumping of trash for. county residents. ' Therewillbeafeeforpaint disposal, and no commercial or industrial waste will be al­ lowed. The landftll staff will also •Cfve fiee botdogi and sodas igoSnuntoy rooming. ing apublic hearing on the request that the lawn and garden business Spillman was proposing at thecomerof Michaels Road and N.C. 801 would attract drug dealeis as he claimed Spillman's other businesses had done. "Wherever [Spillman] has done busi­ ness, you can never find anyone to say he's been an asset," Hodgson said. The proposed business would be like the rest of Spillman's businesses - trash. he said. Commissioners were considering the request followingthe public hearingwhen Hodgson asked to make an additional comment. As County Manager Ken Windley at­ tempted to cxploin lo Hodgson that he was only permitted to speak on the issue during the hearing, Spillman rose lo with­ draw his motion. When he did, he confronted Hodgson. A scuffle followed, with Hodgson being knocked or falling lo the floor. A chair was overturned andCounty Clerk Brenda Hunter had to move from her seat to get away from the figW. County Attorney Bob Price, Windley and several commissioners broke up Ihe fight. Police eventually arrived to escort the men ftom the building but did not file any charges against them. As county offi­ cials attempted to break up the fight, Ihe John Ijames vrari» with son, Shawn, on school wotic at the kilchen tal>le of their MocksviUe home. Ijames removed his son from Oavie County Schools at the advice of their family doctor. • Photo by Rot)in FOrgusaon Shawn’sStory FatherTrying To Find Right Prograin For Kindergartner i. ByMikeBumliardt Davie County Enteiprise Record Shawn Ijames is much like any S-year- old boy. He likes to watch ciitoons and play on Ihe computer. He even eitjoys working in Ml books from school. And he’s smart. On tests, the Mocksville child ranks at or above his age level on aca­ demics. But his social skills are a couple of years behind, llw norm. His behavioral skills are also behind age level. . That puts Shawn in a unique situation, one which his father, John Ijames, is trying to deal «ylh. Mosl children with behavior pioblen» are also belund in academics. Shawn has been tested by several psy­ chologists. He’s been on medications, none of which worked, his father said. n M M 8 M M lH r- F a ti4 meeting was recessed untilordercouldbe restorcd. Spillman said he had listened lo all he could stand of Hodgson's ties The request for the lawn and garden shop was for their daughler and her fian­ cee, who want 10 do landscaping woric, Debbie Spillman said. During the hearing, Spillman loldcom- missioners that his daughterowns ahouse Please See Men-Page 4 Robbeiy Suspeds Anested By Jeanne Gaither DavicCounty Enter^seHeco^__ A man and woman suspected of committing sevenl robberies in Davie Couniy w m recently arrcsled in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Kenneth Ray "Kenny" Hellard, 36, of Troulman, and his fiancee Barbara Overcash Coley, 42, of 432 Cher^ Hill Road, Mocksville, are being held al ajail in Conway, S.C. Hellard and Coley had been traveling throughout most of North Carolina pawning or sell­ ing expensive golf equipmeni andotherilemsandvariouspawn shops, according to Davie County Sheriffs Detective Rob­ ert Trotter. They were travelinginColey's car using several stolen license plates in addition to the license plale for that car, he said. Hellard and Coley were sus­ pected by the sherifTs depart­ ment in nine cases in which golf ' equipmeni, tools, electronic equipment and other items were stolen from residences and busi­ nesses throughout the coumy, including Pudding Ridge Oolf Course and Oak Valley Golf Club, in November and Decem­ ber, 1997, accofding to Trotter, but they didn't stay in an area for any length of time and never used the same pawn shop twice. Coley's car, which contained stolen golf equipment, wufound in Huntersville Mareh 17. 'Пж. two suspects vme stopped by the Myrtle Beach Police March 21, in a stolen car from Iredell County. Boih were taken into custodyafterabriefvehklechase and then a foot pursuit, the de-; tective reported. Traveling to South Carolina with detectives firom other North Carolina law enforceroettt agen­ cies to question the suspects,. Trotter said he wu alile to solve ! all nine Davie Couniy robb^ - F ta M S N K iM * iy .A « i4 | .........- i 1 i - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERnUSE RECORD, April 23,1998 Ointon's worst sin? Smoking cigars nfiay ruin president The Republicans have Anally got a complaint against President Clinton that will stick. He's a bad example to chil­ dren. No, it's not that the President may have broken his mar- nage vows. It's not that he may have lied. It's not that he may have engaged in sexual acts in the White House with an intern. No, it's nothing like that. The President smokes cigars. Republicans may have Anally realized that the President's real weakness is tobacco. That's a sin that the public under­ stands, That's an issue the Republicans can take to the bank. President Clinton occasionally kicks back with a cigar. A smelly stogie. That demonstrates a double standard from the man who wants to tax the cigarette companies with a $500 billion settle­ ment that will help balance the federal budget. If he smoked cigarettes, the impeachment hearings would have already begun. Cigarette smoking has been elevated lo the status of an unpardonable sin. It's worse than just about anything — drunken driving, sexual misconduct, cheating on taxes. It ranks right there with murder because of second hand smoke. Bible scholars may one day research the ancient texts and discover that faulty translations omitted 'Thou Shalt Not Smoke" as one of the Ten Commandments. Bird Lover's Paradise: Advance Has Variety Advance may be wild. Its residents may drive fast. But it has good birds. There on the feeder Monday moming was an... indigo It cam e in the m om ing and retum ed in Ihe evening, displaying is deep iridescent blue-green plum age. Mocksville doesn't have indigo buntings. I saw one cedar waxwing in 13 years there. In my brief move into that growth jungle in eastem Davie County, I have seen a wider variety of birds in my backyard lhan I ever saw in Mocksville. Mocksville has sidewalks and sewers, but it's no biid PERSONAL L V / 1 UOOk FORWARD In Tbe M ail.. Quit Complaining About Life In Advance To Ihc editor After Fcoding your editorial lltls week, I under­ stand why some Davic County citizens don’t lead the Enteiprise Rccotd. It's enough to make me think seriously alwut cancelling my subscription. As you so aptly indicated, you'n: nol too happy slncc you moved to the wild, wild eastern pan of DavieCounty-Advance, accessibic only(accoid- ing 10 you) by an autobahn. A placc where treated sewage nins rampant, and where you're cxpected lo mow your own lawn. Can you imagine lhal? Surely you were smart enougli lo chcck out Advance bcrorc you moved Hom Mocksville, a placc of culture,chann,sophisllcatton,sewet5,side- walks, and sttt« lighB. I’ve lived in Advance for 40 years, my parenU grew up In Advance, and my grandparents on both sides of Ihc family lived here all their lives. My grandfather, Mr. W ill Hendrix, was the fiisi and only mayor of Advancc. He also owned the tirsi motor car In Davie County. My family has been here a long, long time. Maybe you don't tcall/c it. bul you're paitof Ihe problem, being Ihc newcomer that you arc. Advance was oncc a sleepy litlle village. Bul In receni years with so many people moving into Ihc area, lhal description has been lost. Some call It progress. I personally can Ihink of other names for it. Mayhc you shouldgive some serious thou ghilo moving back lo Mocksville sincc you seem lo be so unhappy in Advance. Then you could once again live where people drive slow and politely; where you can pull onto Main Sticcl wilhout fear ond licmbling; where youknowpcoplewalklngon Ihe sidewalks; wherc you can walk lo Ihc Mocks­ vilic Christmas parade, view the founh o f july fireworiis from your yord (mowed by your neigh­ bor, no doubi), walk lo Ihc library, lo work, and lo Ihc baseball field through the trees. ■ ' Bul in Ihe meantime, as long as you still live in Advancc, I can offer four suggestions: adjust; adjust; adjust; and quil your complaining while you look fora house in Mocksville. ‘ " ' Mona Polls Advancc Andy Stokes Most Qualified Candidate For Sheriff Maybe the birds follow the Yadkin River as they migrate. Maybe tiiey are guided by the Advance Autobahn. But there is a wider range of birds. Sure, both places have the most common birds found here — chickadees, the tufted titmouse, cardinals, robins, sparrows, bluejays, purple Anches and others. But we've seen cedar waxwings migrating, the very hungry yellow grosbeaks and now Ihe indigo bunting. We've even got a nocturnal mocking bird. Several times I jiive heard it in the wee hours of the moming singing sappy '«o n . Doeint he know what time it is? Hiere are no stteet lights to conftue it. No neon signs. Not even a full moon. Yet ¿this misguided bird sings on mid on. I Fm trying to ...adjust. ■ — Dwight Sparks D A V I B C O U N T Y ENTBRPRII^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South lylalnStrMi P.O.Box99 Mocksvill«,NC 27028 (336)751-2120 PublühMiwMUybytha DAVIE COUNTY PUBUSHMQ CO. DiwightSpvkr.... RobkiFarguMon.. .;EdMor/Publisher MkaBwnhMdl.. Becky Snydtr.. ......Gwwal Manager .......Manning EdMor •>dve<titing Manager 1916-1966 1609-1968 1901-1971 .J. PlfiodÙi Рв|1ч*PaMhMookivl«,NC 27028 Subecftplion RalM 81лд1»Сару,бО С«1к l 2Qpiry«irlnNoi«iCiraaMi ' . l2SpwyMroulri^No(ltiCwi*M - ^ P08TMMTEH SMdtdAittdingHto; .Dam» COMHlyEnlHpitt» moort. PAIlBMMookMk,NC 270П lb Ihe cdilor You know.ihcre'salol lobe said for advertising. Every day Ihc media persuades us lo buy a particu­ lar brand of goods, lo walch acenain movie or T.V. show, local al lhal "one grcal rcslauranr, or lo vote for the "very best candidalc for Ihe job" through free promotional gilts and advcnisemcnls. Jusi loday,al Uk Center barbecue dinner, I saw many promo­ tional gifts advctiising Allen Whilaker for sheriff - pens, nail files, combs, and travel cups, all very impressive. Yet, as I looked across Ihc parking lol while caling.Isawsomeihing-rathcrsomeonc-that teally impressed me; Andy Slokes, Ihe "olher" candidale.NogimniKks, nogifts, nopolillcal hoopla. Jusi a man wilh a lifetime history in various fprms of law enfoicemeni, now running for sheriff. As a 40-year old Davie Couniy native (wilh a family history here going back ISO or so years), 1 remember a lol of lhal history, and would like lo share wilh newcomen and younger volen whai Andy Slokes has been, whatlbelieve he is, andwhy 1 feel he is Ihe most qualified man lo be our nexl sheriff. Whenlwaiauenagerinlhe70s,hewiisknown as "Troo|ier" Siokcs- lough, Ihe Uw, well-liked and respecled by young and oM alike. Being a irooper wouUpnibiblyhavebeenhislife'swa1(,bul,aswc all know, "Ihings happen*. He literally broke his back doing his job in 1988, and hlscareerwidi the N.C. Highway PaiiDl was cul shoit wilh earty retiremenL After working a couplc of years in salcs-unhap- pily, I might add- he bccamcthe community scrvice coordinator in 1991 for Davic/Ircdcil/Alcxandcr countics. Once again in his element, he handled Ihc enormous task of overseeing the processes of con- vlctcd persons carrying out Ihelr communily scr­ vicc scnicnccs. In 1992, Mr. Stokes relumed to Davic Couniy to serve as a magistrate In our court system'. In the limes I have walchcd him preside over ca.scs (and have stood in front of him, seeking justicc) 1 have found him to be fair and impanial, wilh a great knowledge ofhis legal liabilities and limits. Which brings me to the present, and Ihe main reason for this letter. Andy Slokes is running for sheriff. Fbr him, Ihc job is much more than a political appointment; il is a calling, a natural progression for someone who believes in Ihc law, upholdsihclaw,andcanleadothcrsmlhc methods andpracliccsofdoing Ihc same. He's the "expert" in Ihc fieldofcandldates.№has suffered bothpcrson- aiiyaalprofesslonallythetnalsmdiribulationsthc criminal element can causein lives. He knows whal il lakes to do the jobcffecUvcly through hiscxpcri- cnces. He's focused on the law, and owes no politi­ cal favors. He is a nun of honor (with citations and awards given over tite years 10 confirm tiiol belief); he is a man of foitii. Andy Slokes needs no trinkets lo remind me of who and whal he is; I know, and hopefully now, you do, loo. Pieasc don'l misunderstand me. Allen Whilaker is a good man, and a good sheriff. He has done, a good job for our couniy. The lime has come, however, when wc musl decide if "good" is enough when il comcs lo Ihe proleclion of our possessions, our legal rights, and our very lives. For me, it's nol; I want Ihe best. One final thought: When you need a surgeon, a lawyer, or even a mechanic, you look for tbe mosi qualified, most experienced one you can gel - an expert in the field, right? Well, in May, on cicclion day, do the same for Ihc fulurc of Davic County's leader In law enforcement. Vole. Vole for Ibc bcsl. Vote for Andy Stokes. Cindy Wilson Farmington L e tte rs W e lc o m e d The Enteiprise Record welcomes le llrt’ fiom ils readers. Tlie lellers may beon lopicsof local, stale, national or inlemational issues^;' ' An effoft will be made lo print all Idtidrs provided tixy are not libelous, vulgar, or ih poor laste. The editor rtserves Ihe righl to edit letten foe granmar and for space. . A ll tellers shoukl includc die name and addtcss of die writer, including a sigoalurci. A' i telephone number, not to be published, is a i» requested. Please have letten in 0» newspaper osjce by4p.m.Mondayoftiiewetktobepul>lished. W h a t ' s Y o u r F a v o r i t e T h i n g A b o u t S c h o o l ? JacobS M w ' A a d n a G ra a l П л Л щ Л ) F ln tg ra d « ’ llikaachвalbвcaÉ и яN l * № yia | ia cM ten. c w lta ra .* f a K arlynP hippe FintinMie *Rcadi4 booki.* Treat Buckctt n n tg n d a МЛЬеМаА DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, AptU 23, IM S • 3 i Davie Will Not Fare Well As A County Divided ! To (he editor : Acouplcoflctlcrsinlaslwcck'spaperbolhcrcd I me. They spoke negatively about Advance, Ber* ! muda Run and Eastern Davie County, i W c live in a small county of aboul 30,000 j people. There arc both wonderful people and some I nol so wonderful people throughout the coumy. ; Thai is just os you will find it anywhere you go. I live in Bemiuda Run, and Ishq) In Mocksville, ; 1 support the Storehouse for Jesus, the schools and other communily organizations. I do not under- ; stai^ how some good people in Ihis county con feel i so d}y ided against others in ihis county - from West i lo East. Abraham Lincoln said thal o nation divided against ilself cannol stand. It follows that a couniy divided will nol farc well either. It will not be able lo funciion in a healihy manner. Everyone that I know in Bermuda Run sees Davic County as a whole entity, and only wishes ihc besi for this county and it's people. This includes Charles Fbx who has worked long and hard to try lo slow Ihe incredible growth lhat this couniy has seen. Charles Fox docs not have a personal agenda for Bermuda Run. The land thal surrounds Ber­ muda Run has been developed, or is in ihe process of being developed. His only goal is to help others in this couniy. He is nol in any way connccted lo builders, developers or any spcciai interest group. He is retired and his only motivation is to serve you to the best ofhis abilily. Weurc fortunate to live in the Diblc Belt, which is full uf g(xxl. moral, religious people. 1 hope ihut some people will search iheir hearts and realize lhal gixxl people exist everywhere. I hope these |)c«plc will decide to dmp their preconceived ideas und suspicions about otherpeoplc in DavieCounty. We need to pull together and function as a whole couniy, and as ihe Good Book says, do noi despise our neighbors. Marilyn Bost Advance ; Follow Twelve Step Program To Become Advanclan If ‘ l ì - V i V\MÍi'í£iMtc¡< ,1 ; To the cdilor ; Becoming an "Advanclan," The twelve step ; program, published hy AA. ; #12 - If red lighu an: flashing, stop, even ifyou ; doii'l sec Ihelraln-bul walch for schooitrafnc -thal ; stop sign isn't always working. ■ *11 - Buy necessities locally, water, bread, groceries, ho^waic, gas, pizza, hoi wings, video and TV repair, video games, flowers and you even gel your land surveyed, irrigated and landscaped jind remember to pel "Chcwey" al least once a week. #10 - Keep a Davic County map handy, bul remember, much of Advance won't beon ilbecausc iu impossible lo reprint lhal fasl. #9-Support our esteemed mayor in his quest 10 build Ihe perfect unopcrallonalmoonshlncslill-bul walch out for any of his other illegal activities. #8 - Know your geography. Advance covers nine rural routes - bul contains 10 communities wltiiin this area. #7 - Subscribe lo Ihe Davic County Enlcipri.sc, bul buy it a day ahead al your local stores (12:00 Wed.) #6 - Set your clock ahead 30 minutes (you know -traffic) #5 - As you wall in line to go to work - listen to "Aunt Eloisc" #4 - Support Iw al churehes, VFW , masons, and lire (Icpjutmcms for thctrbrcukrast,hI;ickpolchickcn •stew, BBQ chickcn, roast bcefsuppcr, whole hams, and beef and pork BBQ. #3 - Volunteer to help nl Advancc Fire and Rcscuc's scmi-nnnual BBQs or al least bake a cake. #2 - I A must.) Participate and .support the Annual Advancc Chrisimas Parade. tf 1 - Pronounce AdvancccorrccI - Add vancc not Advancc. (Footnote: Laughter is a cure for life's strife.) 1 iKtsonally enjoy your editorials. Linda S. Carter Advancc Carter Has Deep Love, Concern For Davie Children ,tq the editor . On May 5, Ihc citizens of Davie Couniy will be electing members to serve on the Davie County School Board. The people elected will be called upon to make decisions that w ill have a tremendous .ififiuencc as to the quality of public education for the childrcn of Davie County. I do nol personally know but one of the candidates for the school boanl position. I am sure all the candidates are fíne, jqualified ciiizens for this position. The one candi­ date 1 know personally is Martin Craig Carter. Mr. Carter has a deep love and concern for the childrcn of Davie County. He has shared with me some ofhis concerns. One is lo provide ihc highest quality of education for every child in the couniy. He und his wife, have a son who w ill entering Ihe school system as a kindergarten pupil this fall. Providing Ihe highest qualily of education would be Martin Carter’s goal as a member of the Davie Couniy Board of Education. Martin Carter has served his church faithfully for the past IS year since graduating from college. He has served as chairman of the deacons, served onthebuildingcommittee.leachesan adull Sunday School class, works with ourchildren, and has held ntany Olher positions in ourchurch. Hischaracter is above reproach. He is trustworthy and very dedi- cuted 10 his church. I have'watch this young man grow into a fine Christian leader in our church. He hasalllhequalilicsioscrvecfrcclivclyasamcmbcr of the Davic Coumy School Board. I have been his pastor and friend for nine years. If 1 hod childrcn in the Davic Coimty Schools, Martin Carter would be Ihc kind of person 1 would wanl helping lo sel the policy for ihe quality of education Davic County ciiizens deserve. Martin Carter is a well qualified, Christian gentleman who would make a great member of the Board of Edu­ cation of Davie Couniy. M. Ray Davis Winston-Salem D a y l e D o m e s t i c V i o l e n c e H a p p y T o H a v e G o o d V o l u n t e e r s was implemented in Match 1996. Altogether we know ihat many of our voluMccrs have full time have 20 volunleen and ttiey each excel indifferent jobs and families and slill manage lo so admirably oi«as.TTieyareallvetyknowledgeableondomes- 8'« of their lime. And I am sute tills is true for tic violence and sexual assault and have a deep volunteer clscwhctc. •To tite cdilor ■ ' ■ April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week and if 'ally agcncy has cause lo rejoice titis week, il is lilivie Domestic Violence Services. As volunteer cooidlnalor wiUi DDVS, I am privileged lo work witii such dedicated Indivldu- ' als. Our volunleen give unscinshly of tiwir time lo ' miui our 24 hour crisis line, provide court advo- ‘ cacy to victims, participate in community aware­ ness projects and fundralsen, provide child care for victims, and much more. Many of our volun­ teers have been wilh DDVS since Ihc crisis line concern for the safety of victims. Our program could not exist witiwuiour volun­ leen and we are very lucky lo have cach one. 1 would like to thank each volunlccr and lell them how much I appreciate Ihclr hard work. You dll make my job worthwhile and fun. Also, to volun- tten wilh any agency - keep up the good worii. I So to all agcncics that provide volunteeroppor- tunllic.s, don't take your volunteers for granted. They all deserve apptcciative pals on Ihc back, especially during National Volunlccr Week. Thanks again Davic Domestic Violence Services voluntecis. Wc couldn't do il wilhoul you. Lynctlc Jones DDVS Volunteer Coordinator Vote Lone Rahger For President And Leam From The Good Guys Jeanne Gaither F o o d D r i v e s A t B u s i n e s s e s H e l p i n g S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s ■TotiKcdilor rirttofihcsefooddriveswasheldApriUandwas workedaiihccollcctionsilcspassiiigouinyenand : 1 would like to timnk Gary Steele and Jack huge success. collccling food: Bethlehem tJnilcd M c № NayloroftiicMocksvilleCivilanClubforlheirco- I wouM like lo recognizc each ofthe businesses Church, I-atraingion Runian Club, M «ksville operaüveeffottinsutting"FbodForHisFIock,"a and groups involved in tiie April 4 Food For His ^‘"1'“ " f ^communiiycfrottlocollectfoodforASIorehouse F ta *. e ^ a lly lo the sponsors and collection YajttlnVallcy B ^ is t C h u r r t ^ lh G ^ . ^FgrJwusttiroughfooddrivesheklatcoinniunlty sites. IwouM also like to lhank Vicky Whicker for Thanks to each of you who d ^ f o c r f a l tiie bSincsses.Cm«cfcio<l drives w ill be held Ihree herhelp. collection s««. You m ^ all ti* hard woric lhat i^utd.ysayear-inApriUulyj»idGctober.)T1ie Aveiygnilcluld»ikyouloaievolunlcctswho went mlo tins effon a huge success. W e are so grateful lo you. Ç o u n t y C a n B e n e f i t W i t h B o b b y K n i g h t Æ S S S S X ' S S Todweditcn lolbeladaihiplhati>lroly(M essing.Hclsaiiian individual donors al Ihe collection sites and from 1VslettaUunaoUciled.Iamwritii(bec<u>cI ofHgh monl principle u d integrity. Without any business. Tills money has been dcposiled in our ieel M itiaiigly lhai Davic County wlU grealy tesaveliKamniendBobbyKnighirortiieomceof food account for purchasing food.As a result of tiie beneSlfinnli«vin(Bobt)y Knighi atico in iii»- com teioiininllKbcM lntaestofDavieCounly. flyctspassedoui.wehavchadtiicaddiUonalgiftof iiq M r.Ih « ve lm ü B o b b y ^ p M o rto te iiM lll Glenn Sellers, Pasuv lwoncwvoluntccrs(hopcfully,therewillbemore). Blaise Baptist Church Wk.iuninH«futn«itMriiiniihenrstfQaddiiveror ■Ü'penoail. As any oilier m eiiiteo(aurchHRh qw )(«iiyM BoU vW optleveM iei«ledw iidam D a v i e N e e d s J u l i a H o w a r d I n R a l e i g h tolheediiot; - DtvieCoualyiiMdihervoiceinRalclgh.Thc Î TolheReixiblkiavolcnofDtvieCoiiiilyud citiai«aotD«vleCou»lyneedireptesenl»liveon ihe noihprtisaii voters who plinto vote Repiib- wfclchltayciiiciUiflbeieireneeds. Itwillbe y ttiese ^ w ^ W e would also llte ■» Íicaa,tbeMayM>pi<iiwywUlbeimlínp(ittiat iirf dty fa Divio Couniy if there is not i voice to thé people of Dtvie County. HnmDivkCoHBly.SlnlMSiervedDivieCounly cloUiingtotiieSlofehi^.Th^)wUlyM^ ^ liinaildnilhalyoutUinnketuielocaMyaut w»lIl«dliODievailtaipoftantcommiBeesintiie forbcingourconUiclwithSaraLee.Wecannotle11 UkX fa Dtvie County'i lepreictttUve, Julia NiiilltCllollMlUyabMcw conlrolled sute houie. eachofyou,ak)ngwiditticsuppM oflhem any HowMd. Juliahücpiiosltloninthepttemy.tntí B« « i» » ! » vole « d o n the voting micWne other b u s in g «rolauitnis in M o c M winner win be the person to go 10 Ihe State puMh the niBi of Ml* Howaid. m iie h y O T d o B ^ s in e a n l^ f^ to Houie ShedoeinolhaveinyDeiiioctilocpotJ- William M.-Bill'Seaford and to tiiU ministry. I pray God wiUbkss you for MocksvUle . your gererous gilts to Ihe needy. You « very “ special and wc are grateful to you:Mocksville Couple Grateful M Help ^jÍKCdilcc AnielsMJawalemB^itistChurchforlhemoncy chutches, schods, businesses, and communi^ ''ÀgUkisBsaptecioussioneintheeyaafhim i«iHdloli^piyianieorthemedicalbilIs,fortiie You will neva juiow how much each of you ate tiiilhadiit.'‘PiDveib(17:8 mawyMdiilUltonbheityandCoiicoidMclh- appreciaied.anbehalfofourboaidofdiTeclonand ■‘'•'AeieisaraeandHiecialqualityofpeopletiiat odiH ctaches and fttaids and co-woikers. We ourraithfulvolunlecrs,wecxlendounlncetegr<(i- ¿ ‘imtter how busy they may I*. 1*y hmebeeniooveiwhelnwdwittiiheoutpouringof ludclo you. Thank you. ^iojive,nomatterwhi«thel«k.ki«daeMjust ■ love^conceralhithhithelpedusiocopcwltti cotnesnatunUly.Woidtcouldneverexpiemhe iiitdHllcuHtlnielnourUves. waywef(t»lfathelove,caris,phooecalli.pi«yer. MiyOodbtaieidioiyouasHehasblcssedus ildiBdsiWimwehtvcitceivedsiBCorayicci- wilhc«in|lTknb. . He«. ' . ■ i Weloveyou. , ; , lo e*Baib «aSian b id1, Wecin'(iiyitankyoueiwuih»lliiqMfdliB; ’ ^ MocksviUe The good guys are Ihe ones in the white hats. In Ihe old westerns I used lo walch on Saturday momings with my grandfather. It wasn'l too difficult lo distinguish Ihe good guys from the bad. For a lot of Americans, deciding which candidates to vote for seems just as easy. To Ihcm an election is like a shoot-out in Dodge City; the good guys versus the bad. Maybe I loo could lake such a view of politics if the Lone Ranger and Tonto were in the While House. How about Roy Rogers and Dale Evans or the Cisco Kid and Poncho? If Ihe political spectrum were as simple as many seem to view It, the hallways in the capitol building would be cleared of lobbyists as The Rifleman and Marshal Dillon made their way to Ihe floor of Congress. Instead of the Kennedys in Camelot we could admire the Cartwrights of Bonanza. The only skeletons in the closets of politicians like Hopalong Cassidy and Gene Autry would be Ihose of some rabid animal they had killed lo protect their herds before retiring to a quieter life in Washington, D.C. There would be no diity cam­ paigning, no mud slinging and no scandals. None of our nation's leaders would try to dictate morality, but they'd set an example for us as crusaders for truth and justice. Unfortunately, Bill Clinton bears no more resemblance to the Lone Ranger than Jesse Helms does to The Duke. In fact, most of today's politicians remind me more of the outlaws in those old movies and television classics that the heroes. I know, of course, that it's not fair to compare those larger than life heroes to real-life men and women with real-life prol>- lems. For Ihem, the line between good and evil was always clearly marked. They could usually operate by their own rules without legislative procedures or bureaucracy standing in their way. While I don't always agtee with their decisions, I believe that most of Ihe politicians I know at the local level want to do wliat's right. The problem is most of their decisions aren't matters of right or wrong. Choosing what's right for one group usually means hurting another. If our politicians could аррж in otw of.thoie gU «(М как I; have a suspicion most of thetti would be weaiing gray hats. It might be nice if elections were as simple as the good guys against the bad or my team againsi ydtm, but the fblln who take such a narrow-minded view of the world ate оя1у cauiiag more harm. Life is not as simple as Cabby Hayes made it look. Still diere's a lot we can leam from Ihose legendaiy good guys. While Ihe politicians are getting a few big doses of honesty, compassion and doing what's right even if it meiins they might no« get elected or te-eteclcd, the test of us should be teaming about duly and responsibility. A duty 10 our counlry lo vote. And Ihe responsibility to find out who will do the best job and cares most about us - not who's in the party thal our family has supported for generations or who spends tiie most on campaign advertising. Like those heroes of the past, maybe we can make a difference. Get the QfiS AdvantageI Whal wonderful resulu ftom Ihe first food drive for Fbod Fot His Ffcxk" A job well done. Iwoutdlike to udujthisopportunltylo recognize and give a long overdue thank you to some of tiie businesses in ourcommunily which so generously give their suppon each week lo A Storehouse For Jesus.Thanksto the votunleeis-vhoptek up weekly We Sell & Install. .. • GAS LOGS . GAS WATER HEATERS • GASPAC UNrrS (Air conditioning a HMt AWiiOn») . GAS FURNACES - - m m u .m m u ti,w L 180 Gteen Grass Rd., Mocksville, NC IM612M-2W1 A M CM MА оиш м м fljllM Itt Ч г с о т ю п , It is such a Joy to watch God provUe so abun­ dantly for his work. Thank you, flrsl and fotemost. Lord, for all your blessings. You aie the great provider. MarieCollins Executive Director . ^ ■ ASloiehouwfbrlesus Family Fini Mortgage Corp* - ESTAILISHED 1*7* - "T O h n e ifotajoittdii com es OwmdeHdSloflidtrDmkCauMrlM dii» Fixrd Rc.ti Ч Дч Low As 6.875 I I О т О щ Л п т Ш kiHM lCiM .: P k M A ta M iN H M M т о а тм mm/íHom ■W ЧИП ifMM » imnwwin ис i 3 M ) 7 s i - a s f t01Ря11мМ Ли#мТ1я$мкм1. г iÀ 'V e c o w m E N re m U S Ë r e c o r d , ÀpHi М, 1998 •Young Shawn builds things with his Legos.Ijames looks over psychologists' reports about his son. Father Wants Child Educated, Seeks Right Place CoBtliiu«4 Fmn Page 1 !■ “ He to u ld n 'l be s iilj. I jusl ihoughl he was hyper.” Ijames said. ■ When Shawn started attending day care at age 3, oihcrs began no­ ticing his behavior. He was diag­ nosed with Attention Delicit Disor­ der. : Psychologists colled him “oppo­ sitional denant.” “They recommended he he put in a structured environment." Ijames did Just lhal. enrolling Shawn in Ihc Northwest Child De­ velopment class at whal was then Mocksville Middlc School. Shawn’s behavior improved, and it was decidcd he was ready for kin- deiganen. Teachers there would lake him to the kindergarten class al Mocksville Elementary School from lime to time in an cITort to make the Inmsition easier. Last fall, he was a kindcigaitcn student at Mocksville Elementary. ; “This kid staned like any other 5 year old kindcigarten kid," Ijames u id . “ He lU M d out sitisfactorilyi" chcckcd on his son regularly. “He was learning. He was all over the room, but he was learning. He looked forward to going to school.” The behavior problems conlin- ucd, and Shawn was eventually placed into a bchavlorally handi­ capped class, which has a much smaller teacher ond adult to student ratio.Shawn’s behavior worsened, his father said. He thinks his son started acting more like the childrcn around him. Tcachcrs reported cursing, and violent acts.In that class, physical restraint is a common practicc to control Ihe children. Ijames said. After satisfac­ tory report cords the first two semes­ ters. Shawn received mostly unsat­ isfactory marks of^er being moved to the BEH class. "When he’s being rcstroined, whal kind of affcct does thal have on a child?" Ijames was told the teachers have a right to restrain childrcn. “But if you’re not making progress, why • atlheichool, continue it? He was getting worse. I don't think they would allow that (re­ straint) to be done lo their own chil­ dren. “I've heard about things like this, bul when It hoppens to you, it’s something. I allowed all of this rc­ straint, but I wouldn’t again.”Psychologists reported that Shawn needs one-on-one supervi­ sion in schools, but they are afraid to take on u school syslcm, Ijames suid. “What they’re supposed lo do in school is one-on-one. That’s ihe only thing that’s going to help.” Just before the Easier break, al the advice of their family doctor, Ijames removed Shawn from school. They appealed to adminisirators, and lust week took their plea to the board of education in a closed meeting. Ijames said he was pleased with the meeting with ihe board, that they seemed concerned that Shawn gcl proper instruction. They gave him forms to complete lhat wcHild allow home schooling for the remainder of this year. Dr. B ill Steed, superintendent, Tidbits For Life M y husband suffered from a back problem reccnily, and wc spent some unforgettable hours in the doctor's office. One of the things that really stands out in my mind is a franted poster on the wall that contained some pearls of wisdom from folks ages 6 to 96 on what they hod learned thus far in their lives. It gol me to thinking aboul my own pearls. What have I learned about life, about the people around me, about myself? SofiKtimes column ideas are prelty hard to come by, so rve come up with my own tidbits, and I hope you enjoy them, Icam something from Ihem, or line Ihe litterbox with them. 1. rve learned lhat opinions arc like noses - .wiiiclinies they Mlalt, Ihe messy onei are nol welcome tat u cia l lilualioiu, aofnedmes they get in the way, a n y or them could use ■ big sledge ham im to Hralghlcn Ihem oul, and sometimes they m wrong- ------- bul Ihey are always yarn. O m n 2. Tve leaned lhal you should listen politely 10 C ê Ê tk tjf olher peo|ile'i advice-and then do what you dam well ptetse. 3. rve leaned that golf is a lot harder than It looks. 4. rve leaned thal it's a lol belter to do Ihe right thing wrong lhan the wroig thing right. 5. rve leaned that conbread is much better nude with regular milk, mtbuocimilk. 6. ^ Ic n e d that Ihere really is no place like home. 7.. ^ leaned thal Ihere are some restaurants where it’s okay if your children iMke • nmi. Aad oa the s u t ^ of children, this is what rve gleaned. 8. rve leaned I was pul on this earth to be Sam’s and Katie's mom. 9. rve learned that ocean water cutes most booboos. 10. rve leaned thal saying "no' to your child is neccssary and shows that you are a retponsibie and loving parent. 11. rve IcHM d Ih « you afeould iHVcr take a tired cM U lo visit an old ■peno». I l2.rvelaii^lfeM w h(nyaaareapareM ,aaihiagthatyaudoever 'alays tloàe. Noibl<|. ■ j l3 .h relalk«lo «I2 ,ryelean ed lh aln io w iig lh eg taasiiilate ^Sapeiiibar aid Mwiag aoineihlng a n aboiu the oidy two things thd may ttqrdaw , h n ii|a w in B ia d w clO cU ]b cr aadaiiM rofacissan. ' ' M .rveleanw illnl,ioi«chikl,catsenlcsareyui;ky,buibadily 'ftiacliiiu an kiad ô rcad l.......... ■ '.1-^-'/' 1»aÉÍmKmi:r 15, rve bañad ikal ify o i cant flad asy olber ireaioii toÍp> to the ' jCmil/a hraae altar i A w n l, there's always the deviled eggs. (M y sister jaaiadlM aow oa.) ' ^ ^ 16, rvà b in a d if annalhiiig says it w ill take 2 houn lo complete, il .SriU tato a l taM 2 d*yi. aare if yoH have Uttle helpcn. 17, IS « lo iM thal puppbs an loiid a « l have laedi like ae 11. r« ii b M a d dt« yin alnuM N EV ER m iu d a affonualty to teU jm h«e diem, becaiite die liext time you teU them, they nuy im k tM a ia lM i,)!» « ; '.v»--- 19, ft « bañad d w baiai i l yoi» i i i i ^ i i ^ 3ffa^oeu't mean you |^ » IW b iw a d lllilW iB « > r tiB c w io b a n ,’j ' Men Get In Fist Rght Continual From Page 1 on the lol adjoining the 2.9 acrc tract in front of a housing development be is starting. He assured Ihem nothing other than a lawn and ganlcn shop would go on Ihe site. Otiiers speaking in opposition to the request were Janies Tucker, repte- scnlingEdgewoodBaplistChurch.and Leon Penninger. Robbeiy Suspects Captured wouldn’t comment on the situation. It's nol appropriale to talk about spe-' cial needs students, he said. Ijames had already been leaching Shawn at home, bul a more struc­ tured plan may be in place soon. get up every morning and have school,” he said. “You’re nut going to walch TV all day. You’re not go­ ing to run around every day If he's nol going lo gcl help at school, we’ve got to do something. “He does have emotional prob­ lems. He does have behavior prob­ lems. Bul we've done everything they’ve said lo do.” Their psychologist said lhal Shawn wasn’t being stimulated in the BEH class. They recommended he be mainstreamed - with some one- on-one ¡niervcnlion - into regular classcs. Ijames Is at wit’s end with whal to do. He knows one thing for surc. He’s not giving up.“This child will nol be ncglcclcd. He will not fall through Ihc cracks. DavieCounty Schools w ill provide for ih li child.” Ijames said. Shawn was withdrawn from kindergarten. - Photos by Robin Fergusson . QUALITY TREES & SHRUBS 3 gal. Rhotiodcndron.s - 2 for $ 15.00 3 gal. Azaleas, Leyland Cyptiss, Crape Myrtles, Junipers - $5.00 3 gal. Bradford Pear - $8.99 1 gal. Blue Rug Junipers or Liriope - $2.00 3 gal. Bloodgood Japanc.ic Maple Seedlings - $12.50 3 gal. Pink, Red & White Dogwood Seedlings - $10.00 - Many Olher Containerized Trees & Shrubs - McmbcrsofEdgevs'ood are opposed to having a clutlcrcd business across the road from ihclr church and fear that eventually alcohol could be sold at a business on the site. Penninger saidsuchabusinesscould become an eyesore in the rcsidential area, decreasing the value of his prop­ erty. Wllh Spillman’s request withdrawn, the board needed to take no action, said County Attorney Bob Price. [District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,19fS - 5 ' I Thefollowingcasesweredisposed ¡of April 16 in Davic County District iCourt with Judge Jack Klass prcsid- ;ing. Prosecutors were Robbie ,Crumpton and Rob Taylor, assistant ;DAs. I - John Nicholas Alvino, unsafe ;movement, dismissed, civil scttle- iment. i - Jeff Scott Bailey, taking game ;duringcloscd season, huntingonSun- ;day, prayer forjudgment continued, ;$25 and cosl. : -CIms Brown, misdemeanor lor- ;ccny, dismissed, civil settlement. I - Jeffrey S. Chandler, probalion ^violations, probiition Icrminaled. I - Exie Marie Church, driving •while license revoked, prayer for judgmenl conlinued, cosL - Terrcncc D. Coleman, driving while licensc revoked, dismissed, li­cense nolrevoked. - Kyle Timothy Crcos'y, speeding 95 in 70 reduccd lo 85 in 70, $10, cosl. - Robert L. Frye, embezzlement, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness. -Lorry C. Gaither, improperpass- ing, prayer forjudgment continued, cost. - Jason LccGrifnn.failurctosIop for a stop light or red light, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10 ond cost. - Raymond B. Grimes, speeding 91 inaVO, rcduccd 10 79 Ina70,$l0 and cost. - Karen Wagner Hairis, speeding 67ina55,reducedtoimproperequip- ment, $IOandcost. -Carl Hendrix,threccounts felony obtaining property by false prctense, waived probable couse. - Brian Arthur Hughes, posses­ sion of marijuana, one year super­ vised probalion, 24 hours commu­ nity service, cost. - Mark Anihony Jcnnelt, taking game during closed season, resisting public officer, prayer forjudgment continued, $25 and cost. -Traci C. Layell, probation viola­ tion, conlinued on probation 30 days lo meet monetary requirements. - Martha Leonard, two counts in­ jury to personal property, found nol guilty by court. - Tony Martin, allowing dog lo run at large at nighl, prayer for judg­ menl continued, cost. - David Glenn Mayhew, taking game during closed season, hunting on Sunday, prayer forjudgment con­ linued, $25 and cost. - Dante D. Moorc, breaking and entering, larceny, possession of sto­ len goods, woived probable cause; possessionofstolengoods,disraisscd. - Kevin Dean Peacock, driving while liccnsc revoked, 45 days in jail suspended one year with supervised probation, nol operate vchicle until licensed, 24 hours community scr­ vicc, $200 and cosl; failure toslop for slop sign or floshing red light, speed- Ing 53 in a 35, dismissed. - Brent Rominger, ossoult on a femole, 75 doys in prison suspended two years with supervised probation lo include drug trcotment program, lhat he nol thrcaten, harass or assault prosecuting witness, not possess a controlled substance and remain em­ ployed, cost; communicating threats, speeding SO in a 35, dismissed for plea. - Robert Ralph Runyon, obtain­ ing controlled substoncc by fraud, 45 days in jail suspended two years wiih supervised probation, comply with substance abuse ond mentol health assessment recommendations, do not possess controlled substoncc, submit lo searches, remain employed, poy restitution and cosl. ( - Scon Lesley, failure to return^ rental property, dismissed. ' - Heolher Starkweather, simple; worthless check, dismissed, civil' settlement. - Grissim Hill Walker, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70, $10 and cost. ' - Joshuo Dean Waller, contribut-^ ing to the delinquency of a rainor.J dismissed. -Ralph Lester Walser, DWI, 60 days in prison suspended one year, not operate motor vehicle until Iii censed, subslancc abuse assessment^ 24 hours communiiy scrvice within 30 days, $100 and cosl; failure to heed light orsiren, dismissed forpleai l i ^ d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t r^.TTie following cases werc dispased I7.in DavieCounty Adminls- W lvc Court with Magistrate Ellen ibiwhslccofnciatlng. Prosecutor was ;Robbie Crumpton, assistant DA. r Godwin F. Adams, speeding 85 in ^*7d.lrcduced to 74 in a 70, cost. ! - Pauline Sofley Allen, failurc lo ^uce speed, dismissed, civil scitlc- ment. ! -Shannon Renee Allen, speeding 69 in a 55. reduccd to 64 In a 55, $10 and cost. - TTwmas H. Allen, failure to slop for stop sign or flashing red tight, re­ duced to improper cquipmenl.S 10 and cost. ; -RonaldFranklinAngus.spccding .70 in a 55, reduccd to improper cquip- hwnt.$lDandcosi. - Donald Wayne Ashbum. speed­ ing 70 in a 55, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $10 and cosl. - Howard Hermann Baird, speed­ ing 68 In a 55. reduccd lo improper equipmonl.$10andcost. - Daniel Thomas Baity, failurc to wear scat bell, $25 line; following too close, dismissed, civil settlement. - Diuna Martin Bames, speeding 82 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, cost; window tinting violation, dismissed. -Calhy Beck Bellucci.speeding70 in a 55, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10 und cost. - Sylvia W. Blackwell, Inspection violation, dismi,Hsed, corrcctcd. - Kristin M. Blanchat, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cosl. - Meredith A. Bland, speeding 80 in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70. $ 10 and cost. - Margaret M. Blythe, improper passlngonrighl.dismlsscd.civiIsctiIe-menl. -Tommi Wagner Boger, speeding 60 in a 45. rcduced lo improper equip­ ment,$IOand cosl. - Elizabeth Rankin Bohl, speeding 68 In a 55. rcduced to improper equip­ment,$10and cosl. - June Harding Bracken, speeding 65 in a 50. rcduccd to improper equip- ment.$10and cost. - Angela Smllh Bueltncr, speeding 80 in a 70. rcduced lo Improper equip­ ment. $10 and cost. -Gary Dale Bumgarner, speeding 68 in a 55. rcduced to improper equip- mcnl, $25 and cosl.- Tressa D. Campbell, inspection violation, expired rcgislralion, no i^)crator’sliccnse,disinisscd,corrccted. - Michael Craig Carlton, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip- mcnl.$IOandcost. - Kendall Neal Chambers, speed­ ing 67 in a 55, rcduced to Improper equipment, $10 and cost. - James A. Clendenin, speeding 70 in a 55. reduccd lo 64 In a 55, $ 10 and cost. - Stephen Andrew Cox. unsafe movement, dismissed, civil selllement. - Beilina Ashley Craig, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip- meni.$IOandcosi. Please Turn To Pftge 9 “MUGGSY” BOGUES BOYS * (Mt'$ ыахпми e«M> 19M BOVS ONLY F o r A g s s 6 - 1 3 J u r a 1 5 t h - 1 9 l h Session I; 8:30am-12:00pm Session II; 1;00pm-4;30pm J u m 2 2 n d - 2 e U i Session III; 8;30aiTb12:00pm aS A N O omu OM.V F o r « g M 8 - i e J u n s 2 2 n d - 2 M h Session IV: 1:00pm-4;30pm I ШК^Ро1ШпШтШСЛ СапрОкасМгЛтТоЫш School: MU»1,EaL 324 in rsxlh July 20th-24th BOY'S BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 Continued Fran Fagcl Following hearing of chargcs pending against them in Hoiry and York counties in Soudi Carolina, the suspects w ill be extradited to Nonh Carolina where Ihey will each face eighl counts of felony larccny, four counts felony breaking and entering and one count of misdemeanbr break­ing and entering and larceny in Davie Counly, according lo Ihe dctcciive. They also face charges from al least 10 other North Carolino low enforcement agencies. The stolen goods have been re­ covered from one case, but it has been difficult lo locate or identify most of the items since the couplc went to so many pawn shops, he explained. They are known to have visited pawn shops as far cast as Alamance County, as far notth as Surry County and south into Soulh Carolina, Trot­ter said. April 28 Deadline ToMall Baltots Hie deadliiie far applying for ab- lOtteobalkiatobemailedrortheMay Spimarici and ichool board dectkms is Tiiesday, Aprii 28 al S p.ni for penons who will be oul of die county 0» cnlire period thal thepolU ^11 be open, 6:30 a.m. • 7:30 p.m.. Ap^ica- tiom may be made by thè voler, or on dtdr bchair, by à member of jhdr Immediale fantily, w 1 ^ gunite. : Ite deadliiie far applying for bal- lòli for penons who are ill.or physi- céUy diiaUad b Monday, May 4 al 5 p.m.''0 »4^''il»éM(evbliiigiiavaU- «el»daebcl)o»ofnGeuMUSp.in. Friday.May I forpeisonswhowillbc out of Ihe counly lo cast dieir balkxs. Persons who are ill or disabled may vole in the eleclkms oflicc until 5 p.m. Mo«day,May4. AH 'abscnlee ballots must be re­ turned lo the election oflice by 5 p.m. Monday A(ay4tobeeligiblerorcount- i"*- The boatd of eleclkms membeis tneel a i designated by die election, laws of NC to review ail abscntw applicatiaas. Abwnlee balkxs w ill bccounted in Ihe eleclkms offflce between 2 and 5 p.m.,TtiadayMay5. Results w ill iiol •be reponed uMil 7:30 рл1. > ■Й' I'l . S* DAVDt CXXJNTY E^ rER FK lü ii Fhiblic Records i.'Ж Щ A r r e s t s The following arrests were made £y the Davie County SherifTs De- putmenl; ..-W»yneM.Baxler,42,of Ronda, ^as arrested April 13. for assault with a deadly weapon and simple m ult. Trial date: May 7. -Jason Scolt Cium. 17,ofStates- viHe.wasarrestedApril 13,forsimple assaull. Trial date: May 7. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t -Billy Joe Ctum,39,ofStalesvllle. was arrested April 13, for simple assault. Trial date; May 7. - Ronald Lee Stires, 34, of 133 Clyde Ridge Lane, Harmony, was' anested April 14, for second degree trespassing, communicating threats and simple assault. Trial date: April 30. - David Thomas Myers. 20, of 1038 N.C. 801 S., Advance, was arrested April 14, for speeding. Trial date: May 6.- Kesha Carter, 23, of 1000 Har­ dison St., Mocksvllle, was arrested April 14, for simple assault. - Timolhy Lee Dallon, 34, of 270 LydlaLanejMocksvllle, was arrested April 14, for assault with a deadly weapon. Trial date: April 30. - Randall Alfred Stamey. 31, of 126 Sunset Apanments, Mocksvillc. was arrested April 15, for communi­ cating threats. Trial date; April 27. -Bruce Earl Whitaker Jr., 38, of Yadklnvllle, anested April 15. for felony possession of crack cocaine, felony possession of acontrolled sub­ stance In prison or jail, ml^emeanor possession of drug paraphemalia and failure to appear on worthless check. Trial date: May 21. -George WllllomSutterlln.29,of 163 Lakewood Ave., Mocksvllle, was anested April 15, for simple assault and two counts of communicating threats. Trial dale; April 15. . - Jeffrey Lee Dalton, 27, of 2287 U.S. 601 N., Mocksville, was ar­ rested April 15, for felony posses­ sion of cocaine. Trial dale: April 25. - Efpen Pemell Gailher, 35, of Cleveland, anested April 17, for fall- ure 10 pay child support. Trial di|№ May 13. ,- Santiago Sosa, 49, of W lnsiiii^ Salim, anested April 17, for driving; while liccnsc revoked, c*ceed]ll|; speed limit and driving lelt of cen№ Trial date: May 1. C;*-; - Tommy Dwayne Lconan(;l,7;: of3468 U.S. 64 W„ Mocksvillc,;sm: amsted April 18, for failure Io; ^j pear in court. Trial dale; April ■-J 4 The folk)wing incidents were re­ ported to the Davle Counly Sheriffs DeputnenL f ' - Michael James Crawston of ^luesville reported April 4 an un- iunwn person threatened him at The jPIl on U.S. 64 west of Mocksville. j . -Gr«|dty Ellon Cranflll of Deck Cirele. Mocksvllle, repotted April T2 an acquaintance had caused ap- iroximalely S 1,000 in damage 10 his 1 ^ Ranger pickup by kicking and piinching il while al his residence. ^ - Wanda Kaye Essex of Advance rapoited April l3,Uutaco-wori(erat By-Lo had shoved her. i - - Wayne Bnterof Ronda reponed ^ 1 1 3 ■ co-worker lud assaulled him al Cana Road and US. 601. - James Myers of Advancc. re­ported April 13. lhal his checkbook had been stolen from his vehiclc al Ihe 1-40 easl bound rest area. - David L. Beck of Mocksvllle reported April 14, thalassorted lools, nuts, bolls and a flashlight had been stolen fioma lool box on his vehicle al his residence on Castle Lane or at Wal-Mart In Slatesville. - Debbie Seats ofMocksville re­ ported April 14, that a large azalea plant had been taken from her mother’s grave In Ihe cemclery at Farminglon MethodistChurch. -Raymond Albarty reported April 14, lhal more lhan 52,500 worth of plumbing equipment, belonging to R&R Plumbing of Mocksvllle, had been stolen from a conslniclion site. -ScottKlddofCcdor Ridge Apart­ ments, Mocksville,repocledApril 14, lhal nve mailbox lockshad been dam­ aged al Ihe apartments. -Joe Hill Advance, reponed April 15 the license plate had been removed from a car belonging lo Richard Hill of Advance parked at his residence on Sonora Drive beiween April 10 and 13. -Steve LegardofTalwood Drive. Advance, reported April 15, lhat 11 King Cobra golf clubs, a Pinnace golf bag. a puller and a Naulica wind breaker jacket had been slolen from his residence. - Chad and Melissa Lenarz of Lakewood Drive, Mocksville, re­ ported April 15, a neighbor had as­ saulled and threatened them al Iheir residence.-William GrtJceofFairway Drive. Bennuda Run, Advance, reported April 15, the hood emblem had been broken off his car al his residence. -JohnDicksonJordanofFairway Drive, Bennuda Run, Advance, re­ poned April 15 hood emblems had been broken off his 1986 Mercedes. - Jim Everidge of Fairway Drive. Bermuda Run, Advance, reported April 15 Iwo hood emblems had been broken from the front of his 1987 Mercedes. - Denise Nall of Turrentlne Church Road, Mocksvllle, reponed April 15, lhat money and jewelry had been stolen from her vehicle atCouniy Line Fire DepartmenL- Wanda Barr of Mocksvllle re­ ported April 16,adealer lag, belong­ ing to B&J Auto Sales; Mocksvllle, had been stolen from a vehicle at Ellis Aulo Auction on U.S. 601. - Billie Gunter of Advance re­ ported April 16 someone had at­ tempted to break Inlo a residence on Beauchamp Road. - Amanda Leigh Harris of Junc­ tion Road, Mocksville, reported April 16, that a stereo and money had been stolen from her residence. -Mary Thompson ofCedarCreek Road, Mocksvllle, reported April 16, lhal her Dalmatlon appeared lo have been poisoned.- Judy Sheets of Mocksville^;; ported finding two lOspeedbicycIes; abandoned in a side dilch al Doltie'c Markel on U.S. 601 April 18. - Thomas Lee Baker orJunciJofe Road. Mocksvllle,reported Aprlfre.t a stranger had thrown a juice InlOe; and stmck his 1997 Foni track, ^ - 1 ing an esilmalcd $500 in daniagei' while it was parked at his residràÓ£> - Deputy R.C. Smilh rcport^j April l8,aslop sign had been siolei; from Foric-Bixby and Bailey's Chapel: loads. ; ; r;i - Pamela Anderson of MocksViDei rcported April 19. $ 14 worth of gasi^j line had been slolen from Chevron Comer Store ofU.S. 601 al4;30p,nt' M o c k s v i l l e F \ > l l c e ;The following incidenis were re­ potted 10 Ihe Mocksville Police De- pittmenL i ' - Fred Thomas Snider reported April 18 someone drove over a mail­ box on Milling Road. - Tlunmy Denise Hudson repotted April I7dielafGcnyofabicyclefroin a residence on Pine Street. - EviCuqifcell reponedApril 16 shewasbeingstalkedbyanacquain- unce.; -TÌdMÉÉiirepgiMd April 16 key riM fnm Kiahco, YadkinyiUe Road. H »iipM K l ApMI 13 the lar­ ceny of gas.- Larry Gene Draughn reponed April 13 a ChiU was attacked by a dog on Markiin Avenue. - Ronnie Lee Hall Jr., 37, of 101 Gwyn St., was chaiged April 11 wiih communicaling threats. Trial dale; April 30. - Roxanne Seager McDaniel re­ ported April 11 someone opened a door, damaging her car at the Wal- Mart paricing lot. Arrests - James Welbom Yatborough Jr., 33, of Jonesville, was chaiged April 17 with laiceny, canying aconcealed i>waialta>a>»daUyin»inofficer. Thai date: May 28.' ■ - James Ray Hinson, 23, of Stale Road, was chaiged April I7wiih lar­ ceny. TYial date: May 28. - Edwin Scolt Phillips, 20, of 1440 Milling Road, was chaiged April 16 with possession of Schedule IV drags. Trial dale; May 7. -Michael Elliot Amold,36,ofl26 Sunset Drive Apt. 57, was charged April 16 with possession of stolen goods. He was chaiged April 14wiih four counls of foigery and uttering. Trial dates: May 14. - Christopher Michael Lashmit, 19, of Winston-Salem, was chaiged April IS with breaking and entering. Trial date; April 30. . • Haul Rnm Webb. 27. of 166 Scenic Drive, was chaiged April 15 wlih two counts of foigery and utter­ing. Trial dale; May 14. HraKIc Accidenu - A Salisbury woman was chaiged wiih exceeding a safe speed after a wreck on Valley Road at 4:50 p.m. April 16. Tracy Michele Drain. 28. was driving a 1995 Eagle at an estimated 40 mph in heavy rain. She lost con- liol of the car. and it went off the road, crossing a curb and striking a utility pole, reponed OHicer K.D. Hendrix. - An accident on Soulh Main Street Wednesday evening closed irafTic for several hours. Accocding to a tepon by Oficet K.D. Hendrix. Michael Wilson Livengood, 42, of 2222 U.S. 601 S., wasdrivinga 1993 Chevrokt pickup Irack and swerved to the righl in an attempt lo avoid a stopped 1995 Chevrolet, driven by Mary Elizabeth MacLean, 36, of 221 Mac Lane. Livengood's track strack the right comer of Maclean's car, and strack a utility pole 12 feet olT the road. It took utility workers several hours to replace Ihe pole. Livengood was chaiged with fail­ ure lo reduce speed. - A Lexington man was chaiged with failure lo reduce speed after a wreck on Valley Road at 5:43 p.m. April IS. Charles Garrett Hedrick, 25, failed to slop the 1996 Chevrolel pickup track he was driving before it strack in the rea^ a 1984 Mercury driven by Janie Wagg Wallace, 39, of374 Gladstone Road, reponed Of- ficer K.D. Hendrix. Judy WagrieK' Beekcr, 49, of 1726 U.S. 601 S.,-was' driving a 1995 Chrysler In the oppo­ site and swerved lo the righl to avoid Wallace’s spinning car Seeker's car' went down an embankment to the right. - TWO vehicles collided a) Main' and Depot streets at 6:47 a.m. April U.According lo a report by Officer D.T. Matthews, Asminda Luezi Almazan, 25, of 154 Camob;S(,,‘, failed to yield in Ihe 1989 Honda he was driving, striking a l997 Sont>- track driven by Rickey Leroy Smithy. 45,of\fcrsailles,Mo. Almazan was chaiged with driv­ing without a licensc and making an unsafe tralTic movement. H i g h w a y F ^ a t r o l ;}'Tlie following traffic accidents Ifere investigated by Ihe N.C. High­way Patrol In Davie County. <^W rKluO nN .C ,M t i An Advance woman lost control df the car she was driving on N.C. i) lM 10:55 a.m. April 17.1 Hope Uws Elliott, 23, of 121 Forcst Coun, was driving a 1994 Toyota north when it vecrcd off Ihc road 10 Ihe righl, reported Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. The driver oversteered in an attempt lo get Ihe car back on the n>ad, causing it lo go off Ihe toad into a ditch to the lefl. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged A Mocksville teen was chaiged with exceeding a safe speed after a wrcck on Main Church Road at 9:50 p.m.April 17. Erin Laraine Umbeiger, 17, of 288 Pudding Ridge Road, was driv­ ing a 1992 Chevrolet when it went F i r e s sT Davia County fire deputmentsre- iio n kd lo tbe following calls. ^ AfMlUiSniilhGtDve, I LOSa.m., moaoiide detector. 183 Drive; Smith Gn>ve.l;ll cirtoanaaoxidedetcctor, 183 Drive; Mocksville, 1:44 ^ . , ftyer oa fire, Burger King;iktville. 7:23p.m.,auloaccideni, I.S. 64 at Cleay Auio Sales; Ad- 9;^p.m., auto accident, N.C. IM Poni Road. ’A tH I U: CcMar, 8:10 am., auto agcideai.MI taKtiO!iRoad;Coiiaty 12;S0pim.,pn]iiaae tank leak. i L a n d T r a n s f e r s 114 Midway Drive; Cenier assisted; Counly Line, 1:58 p.m., aulo acci­ dent, 1344 Ridge Road; Mocksville, 10:13 p.m., fire alarm. Funder America. April IS; Comatzer-Dulin, 1:15 p.m.,grass fire,Milling Road at Dulin Road; Mocksville, 1:33 p.m., fire alarm, 189 Fairmont Drive; Mocks­ville. 4:45 p.m.. direct traffic, Soulh Main Street al Boger Street; Advance, 4:S5 p.m.. direci Iraflic. N.C. 801 al Comalzer Roid. April 1«: Advance, 2;59 ajn.. fin alann. 550 Bcauchamp Road; Smilh Grove assisted; Smith Grove, 4:51 p.m., auto accWenl, 1-40; Mocks­ vllle, 5:52 p.m„ auto accidcni. 416 Valley Drive. April 17: Mocksville. 10:26am.. fire alarm. Sprint office. 143 Gailher Street. April 18: Mocksville. 12;l5p.m.. firealann, Sprint. l43GailherSireet. April 19; Fatminglon, 3:48 p.m., auto accident, 1-40; Advance, 4:39 p.m, direct traffic al auto accident. N.C.80latPlylerLane.April M Mocksvllle. 6:46 a.m, auloaccldenl.U.S.60l al Lee Jeans. off the road lo Ihe righl. The driver losl control of the car and it went across the road lo the left, striking several trees and a dilch. reported Trooper A. A. Justice. Cara Collide In Heavy Rain A Winslon-Salem woman was charged with following loo closely afler a wreck on 1-40 at 3:45 p.m. April 19 on 1-40. TVaci Lynn Dodson, 24, failed to stop the 1987 Chevrolel she was driving before il strack in Ihe rear a 1994 Pontiac driven by Donna Palricia Shoaf, 48, of Statesville. Shoaf had slowed her vehicle be­cause of the rain, reponed Thwper A.A. Justice. Car Hlls’Ik«e0iri-40 No Injuries were reponed when a car went off 1-40 in heavy rain al 3:40 p.m. April 19. TimeedTera-Leshay Braner, 17, of Statesville, was driving Ihe 1988 Chevrolel al an cslimaled 60 mph when it went off Ihe road to Ihe right, going down an embankment and striking a tree, rcportcdTVoopcr A. A. Justice. Woman Charged After Wreck A Granite Foils woman was chargcd with exceeding a safe speed after a wreck on 1-40 at 11:15 a.m. April 19. Tcna Cole Propst, 30, was driv- Inga 1995 Chevrolet lhat skidded out of control, going off the road lo the right striking several small trees, re­ ported TVooper T.S. Kennedy She lold the trooper Ihe car hydroplaned. Car Witcka In Heavy Bain A Wilmington man was chaiged with exceeding safe speed alter a wreck on 1-40 alll;ISa.m.April 19.Bertram Paul Shennan, 72, was driving a 1995 Ponliac lhal skidded ofl the rt>ad to Ihe right, striking a guardrail, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. He said Ihe car hydro­ planed. Can Collide At lateraectloa A Mocksville teen waa chaiged with failure lo yield after a wreck on N.C.80I at 1-40 al 10:30p.m.April 17. Amanda Kale Grose. 16. of 33i Park Ave., altcraplcd a left lum from N.C. 801 onto Ihc 1-40 cnirancc ramp in a 1995 Honda, turning into the', path ofa 1990 Honda driven on N.C.', 801 by Gerald Cario Patterson, 28, ofWinslon-Salcra, reportcdTYoopcr . P.T. Hennelly. Driver May Have Fallen Asleep An Advancc man said he may , have fallen asleep prior lo a wreck on N.C. 801 at 8:50 p.m. April 17.. Phillip Hainiis Plyler Jr., 41, of 152 Plyler Lane, wasdrivinga 1994, Chevrolet lhat went off the rood to the left inlo a dilch, reportedThwper., P.T. Hennelly. Plyler was cited foir , driving lefl of cenier. AshevUle Woman Cited An Asheville women was chaiged with making an unsafe traric move-. ment afler a wreck on 1-40 at 4:30 p.m. April 16. Sylvia Stover Liles, 68, had' Conllnued On 7 é ìd widi te Davie CounQt ' o f DMdi. ТЫ traaiactkmi are by p a te iavolved. acreige, lip, aad dead itaropt pur- «Üll$2i4 nieating$l,000. М аю Mwfca D(dn»a (hair ■ad Мшу P. OediDoa lo Bailar DedoKM, 71 acres, DaW L. WhiMkar aad laoe J. M ’bny K. Oualeraad f.aiHlk«;rtHÉahi,$196. m W hy AiMciaM Unilad MWüpkaliaCanslnic- 1к».ПпаЬ«Юа.»82. ÿrlanwNla Vllla|t IMrameal LWMPMMnhiptoEilgv 1 vilta, Fm iaitn, Vllla^ Ratiiameai: . : i^ r r a n # t o iM iy ' R iÍ4 tV W ih n É ^ S 4 ll. ,иМеашоек*.с«*:. missioner to Stn>ud Brothers Grad­ ing (half Interest) and James M. Slmid and Imogene M. Stroud (half Intereil). 2 tracu, Calahaln and IWnenbuis (Iredell). $660. - Lucille IjaiMs to Rufus Earl |jaaei.2.ll ■cret.CMiiville. - Lucille Qunei to Grover Harris Цатн,2.«| acin,Cliikiville. - Lucille Qamei to Uoo Fiirehet Qamai, 2.81 acrei. Clarksville. -Lacille Qniee 10 Lilliaa 181acre>.CIariavUle. . - Auibaa Ellis aad Dondiy Ellis loAiiibaaEllis,3actes,Faraiingtoa - John R Hdoa Sc b INck Ander­ son Coiutmction; 1 tract. Shady aro*a.M32. ,, . - Cedric V.SnxM tad HuelD. SmoM ю Kalky S. Suakcfeba aad . LeaaP,Svhinba,3laciB. CIaria- -‘^'l^'naiai W/Hatw aad Ш Л я ment Centcr Limited Panneiship. I villa. Fannington. $640. - Bennuda Village Retirement Center Limited Partnersh^ to Jeny H. Wyau and Sonia Wyatt, I villa. Fannington. $640. ’ - James T. Whittaker and Retha Pratt Whittaker. Fred W. Pratt aad Ekiiie M. Pratt. Brace M. Fran and ludy P. Pratt. Dorrell L. and VirgiaU C. Pratt. John H. Prett, Char kideFMt Nonis and Harry B.Noiris, Oayneil P. Hollar and Henry L. Hollar to Timolhy M. Andrews and Suian L. Andrewi, 2 acnt,' Clariu- ville,$27. : Clyde Hendricks and Helen Headricks. Raymond J. Maiklaad andRwhS.MatklaadloTinMhyR Browa and Tknra K. Bnwa, I kn, Mocktville. $30. ;>M «yAim AieyllnyaadStm - oel Coleman Tarty n i,‘aad'Suiaa A iiyC M ffla lo M kM a E ia M i^ Linda D. Ernst, I lol, Farmington, $100. - James O. Kiger and Linda H. Kiger to Edker J. Hendrix and Fto- rence B. Hendrix, IS lou, Mocks­ ville. $202. - John H. Hoots. Lou Bla Hoou Angel and Charles E. Angel. Kathleen Hoots Mcllhattea aad DavMW. Mcllhatten to Edward Paul Haberberger and Sheila P. Habobergei; I Inct, Shady Grove. $112. - Simmons First National Bank lo Secretary of Housing and Urban De- vekipmeal, .61 acre. - Loiean Carson lo Gonion W. Oaither and Coleen C. Oaithec I tract. $2. ; - Jean B. Rolhrock and Lewis E Rbthrock, Marie B. Seamon and CecUC. Seamon: andSylviaB.L^ and Paul W. Lagle to Jean B. Rolkrock aad U w it E RMfenck, 1.03 acres. Mocksville. $12.- Jean B. Rolhrock and Lewis E Rolhrock. Marie B. Seamon and Cecil C. Seamon and Sylvia B. Lagle and Paul W. Lagle lo Gregoiy Ray McCulloh, .31 acre. Mocksville. $3. - Rulh Howell to Charlie and Emmf HoweU. I lot. Clariuvllle. - Tumer Howell and Ruby'D. HoweU loRudi Howell, 1 k)l,Clariit. ville. - Donnan E Brown and Nancie P. Brown to Russell L. Whitlock, 29.26 acres, aariisville, $130. - Claude R. Horn Jc and Dorothy Hom to’Tradiiiooal Home Builders, llot,CUtkiville,$24. - Fred W. Pratt and Eloise M. Pratt, Doirell L. Pntt and V ir ile . Pratt, John U Flail. Bnice M. Pratt and Judy P. Pratt. Gaynell Prati Hollar aad Htary L. Holla« Retha Pratt Wliittakcr and James Thomas WMnalMr.Charicll.PHIlNotriiaad Налу b. Nonis to Clifford O. Penell and Betty J. Perrell. 6.01 acres. $50.^: - B. Eugene Bennett and as attt» ' ney in fact forWillie Bess Bennett, ' Delben E. Bennett and Martha H. ' Bennett, Fred 0. Ellis and Marie El-' lii. and Gamette Nance to, Jerry '' Crews and Janie Crews, I tot. $30.' - Thomas R. Jenkins and Phyllis N.JenkinstoKevinR.NunnandJen^'. niferA.Nunn, 10 acres. Clariuvllle..- Lynn Ray LuOnianandllunera'' Luflman to James R. Stout andAlma D. Stout. 2 lots. Shady Grove, $152.' -E.R. Pope and MaryW. Pope to'! Mary Jane Pope Clark and D uhy' RayClaric, 1.99acres, Fannington.^ - Fred C. Wall by Freddie Mahin ™l- “ " » “ У in f*ct, 10 Peggy W all' DiltonandFreddie Martin Wall. I;2S-! acres. MockivUle. -^P.AssociatestbJackieWkyne’' SmiJ and Sandra Pollard Smith.: i,.' lot. Shady Prove. $50, о DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,- f —LC o o l e e m e e F e l i c e The following were taken from Cooleemee Policc Departmenlrcpofis: -James Henry Myers, 50, of 6472 N.C. 801 S., Mocksvillc, was tuTcsled April 7. for DWI and driving while licensc rcvoked alCoolcemecEtemen- lory School where he hod gone lo pick up children. Trial date: April 17. - Levi l^ iil, 47, оГ Legion Hul Road, was arrested April 9. for assaull on a female. - Patricia Ann Vanek, 47, Davie Slreel, Cotilcemee, was arrcsled on Junction Road April I2,forDWI.Trial date: May I. - Virginia Coleman of Lexington Mocksville Police officers Kevin Hendrix and Keith Gunter Investigate the accident that happened on Lexington Road. - Photo by Robin FerguM on Pickup Truck Hit By Tractor Trailer In Mocksville , A Mocksville man cscaped seri­ ous injury after driving his pickup truck inlo Ihe palh of a tractor-lrailer onLexinglon Road at 7:23 p.m.April 13. Wade Hamplon Dyson Jr., 56, of 178 Lakeview Road, was driving the 1978 Chevrolet and attempted a left lum from Lexington Road ontoWil’ liams Street. The pickup was struck by a tractor trailer driven by Robert Daryl Bauguss, 35, of Roaring Rivci; reported Mocksvillc Policc Oficcr K.D. Hendrix. Dyson’s sight was limited bccausc of the road and other iralFic. His truck H i g h w a y P a t r o l Cbmbuti From Page 6 parked her 1988 Mercedez on the side of Ihe road becausc of heavy rain. As she merged back onlo the inlmiatc. Jean Pricc Robertson. 46, of Mooresville, swerved quickly in k r 1994 Mercedez lo avoid a colli­ sion. Robertson's car slid, and strack the rear of Liles' car, reported Trooi«r P.T. Hennelly. Speeder Forces Thick O fl RoadAn Advancc man lost control of his pickup Irack irying lo avoid a car speeding on Ihe wrong side of Señora Drive al 7:30 p.m. April 16. William DouglasTbdd, 26, of 287 Granada Drive,'lold Trooper P.T. Hennelly that anoiher vehicle was traveling at a high rale of speed left of ccnicr. He swerved his 1982 Chev­ rolet pickup track to the left, and il wcnl down an embankmeni. Car Wrecks On Wet Hwy. 64 A Mocksvillc man losl control of his car on a wet U.S. 64 West at 4:15 p.m.April 16. Charles LouisCodyJt, 26,ofl32 Harness Lane, was driving a 1994 Chevrolel lhal slid off the road lo the right and siruck a concrete culvert, reported Trooper RT. Hennelly. Ih ic k WtKks On Junction Road No charges were filed after a wreck on Junction Road at 7:45 a.m. April 14. Mariena Michellc Walker, 22. of 1803 Junction Road, was driving a 1996 Chevrolel pickup that went left C i v i l L a w s u i t s The following civil lawsuits werc filed with the Davie Counly Regis- icr of Deeds.- Janice L. Dallon vs. Charles Ray Dalidn, absolute divorce. - Adam Gerald Baker vs. Shlriey Ellis Baker, absolute divorce.• Karen Proctor Scolt vs. Lairy Ray Scotl, absolute divorce. ' - Teresa Smilh Allen vs. Glen D^e Allen, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. - John J. Holloway vs. Mary Sipilh Holloway, absolute divorce. ■y Rosetta Harrison Garmon vs. Wade T>ione Garmon Sr., tequesl dcrendant not assault dircaten, abuse, follow, harass or Interfere with plain­ tiff. vacate marilal residence, child custody. - Leonaid Alan Duriiam vs. Eliza­ beth Smilh Durham, absolute di­ vorce, possession of car, child sup­ port..Nicholas Thompson vs. B. Dane» Nantt, house conslraclion dispute, request judgment, $5,000, damages for unfair and deception trade practices; counterclaim, thal plainiifls recover noihing. punitive damages for nuisance harassment andiUing of frivokws lawsuit. Exzavia Anioniyo Reese vs.VctlaP.Reese, requesi defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, folio»; ha- raia or interfere wiUi plaintir.:T,Cunis C. Keesee Jc vs. D*D Electrical Controls, employer/em­ ployee dispute, damages in excess $lft000; counterclaim, that plaintif recover noihing..;,FMd Mow Credil vs. William J. Iftniker and Sherrie H. Katrikec r e ^ judgment, $5.279.02.-Jo Anne Barnette vs. MichaelL. V W ^ ie iiu e s ld e f^ iW » -' sMdi. ihreiu^ abuse, Ibllim harass oslalert'etewilh^ndf. ■ • - Shelby Jean Hampton Boger vs. Nancy Bariiara Upright, request in excess $10.000 each compensaoiry and punitive damages for alienation of affeciion; in excess $10,000 each punitive and compensatory damages for criminal conversation; in excess $10,000 each actual and punitive damage for inlenlionai infiiction of emotional distress; counterclaim, that plaintifrs suit be dismissed and plaintiff recover nothing. - Mellon Bank vs. James A. Garzony, requesi judgment, H367.W.- John Johnstone doing business as Mocksvllla Apartments vs. Dina W. Bowman, requesi recovery. $1.661.25.- Davie Social Services on behalf of Brenda Boraidwlne vs. Gamett 0. Borardwine Jr.. child support - Sandra R. Lconanl vs. Oaty W. Kirit Sr.. pateroily, child suppoit. - Teresa Wilson Arnold vs. Shennan Desi AmoU, request defen­dant no« assault, Uireaten, abuse, fol­ low, harass or interfere with plain- lifl.• Edmond W. Osborne vs. Sally Ann Osbonw, request defeiidaal not assault, threaten, abuse, folkm ha­nus or inlcri'ere with ptahiliff.-I ■ Davie Social Servfees. on behalf of: Melinda L. Loper vs. William L, Loper. voluntary support agreement; Robin D. Nichols vs. Brian S. Nichols Sc, volunury support agree­ ment; Tanganyika D. Gaither vs. Chad F. Heiner Sr.. voluntary sup­ pon agreement. ' / - Carrie AiinRockey vs. Clair Eu­gene Rockey. requesi defendant not auault. threaten, abuse, fol|o«i ha- 1Ш or interfere with pUinlif..; - Con-Agre Feed Co. vs. (ЛшЫ M. Fhllllpt doing busineu as Dia- . niond P. Fanns Feed and Thcki re-; quest recovery, $2.096.40. - Con-Agra Feed Co. vs. Jay Sex­ ton doing business as Sexton Dairy Farm and Lakeside Dairy Farm, re­ quest recovery, $28,902.92. - P rovidlan National Bank vs. Raymond D. Bridges, request judg­ ment, $5,424.22. - Belinda H ill vs. Todd A. Bamhaidt, request defendant not as­ saull, Ihreaten, abuse, follovx harass or interfere with plaintiff. - Shelby M. Bumelle vs. Jimmy Leon Bumelle, tequesidefendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follovi ha­ nus or interfere with plaintiff. - Barbara Ann Farmer vs. Harrison B. Mogan in, liuid contract dispme, request Judgment requiring specific performance on lenns of contract by conveyance of one acre tract, compensatory damages, re­ quest that defendants be ordered to altow plaintiff and counsel lo inspect plaintifl's mobile home and sur rounding atea - Fad Motor Credit Co. vs. Glenn C. Snyder Jc and Sandy L. Snydec request judgment, $4,090.42. - Caneo PaymditCa, Clemmons Diviiton vs. First Union National . Bonk, damages b t breach of contract inexcess$10,000.inexcess$l0.000 damages for conversion of funds.. . - Green Tree Financial Servicing Corp. vs. Karen Baity Willard, re­ quest possession of mobile home, money.damages. - Scon Porter doing business as Piedmont Triad Electric vs. Mahesh M. Patel, request recovetK $9.724; counlerelaim; that plaintilTi claim be denied, lhal - moniei .be- reumbursed by Vinod M. Puel and ShiUVFateL > -Joshua Ray Hendrix va.liai:hel . Johnaoii HmiWii, child,cuMody;nd supiW divoree from bed Mid hoard; counterclaim, child custody and sup­ port, divorce from bed and board.-Veronica Dolson vs. William Andrew (Andy) Dotson, request de­ fendant not assaull, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or inlerfere widi plain­ tiff. - Lynnetle Peacock Brock vs. Walter D. Brack, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. - Jo Belinda Malone vs. Jerry Odel Sloan, requesi defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow ha­ nus or inlerfere widi plaintiff.-Mickey W. Roseman Sr. vs. Scariett C. Widierspoon, request that defendant not assault, ihreaten or abusechild. : - BnuKh Banking ftlVustCo. vs. Plied Edward Redmon Jr., request judgment, $6,613.44. - Mi^anna R. Smitii vs. John Richard Smidi, re(,uesl defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, followi ha­ rass or interfere widi plaintiff. . -Wachovia Bank vs. James Kelly Osborne, request judgment, $2,345.62. • Karen Denise ShoffnCT Hinson vs. Jeflery Dan Hinson, absolute di­ vorce.,■' - Em ^lt Lee Bauigus vs. Flora Cniz Rodriguez, chiM custody and support, request ihat defendant nol remove child from coun\ jurisdic­tion; counterclaim, chiM custody and support, request thal plaintiff be or­ dered nol to assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interf'ere wiUi de­ fendant, dut plaintilT complete Fam­ily Services abuser treatment pro- gram.-- sute of Nonh Carolina. N.C. Dept, of Environment and Natund Resource« vs. Steve Whilaker doing btisineu as Golden Sheat requM. judgment. $330. ' ‘ reported April 15, she hod been riding with a man on Riverside Drive. He had apparcnily been showing off with a vehicle when il wcnl off Ihe road. No chargcs have been filed. -EfrcmPafnellGallhcrof268Duki St., Coolccmec. was anested April 16, for two counts of misdemeanor child abuse. Trial date: May 14. - Officcre lesponded to the resi­ dence of Curtis Ijames on RiversWe Drive wherc they found Ijames with a' severe cul lo his wrist, which he hod apparcmly rcccivcd during an argu- mcnl. He was taken lo Forsyih Memo­rial Hospllal in Winston-Salem Ibr ireaiment. i CLEAN-CUT (3 6 r * 2 i ПЕЕ SERVICE, INC f t ModisvHI«,NC 27028 Щ СаИМт a(336)492-5708 1 Ш Щ * JIfn a ie r’e Hefoclere esr. >952 RnE Q jAUTY J eVI/ELRY & WfelCHES CiJSTOM Jewelrv & IMPAIRS • WhTCH fepWRS A.L WbRK D3NE On premises G ftsFor Every Occasion was pinned between Ihe truck and a Irce at the comer of Williams Strecl and Lexington Road. Dyson was chargcd with making an unsafe u-alllc movement. 171 N. Mun Street, Mocksviile, IÆ of center, striking a ditch and fence, reported TrooperT.S. Kennedy Drivfaiji Left O f CtnMr Charied An Advance woman was chaiged with driving left of center after a wrcck on U.S. 64 East at 5:30 p.m. April 13. Ann Marie Johnson, 20. of 4310 N.C. 801 S., was driving a 1986 Chevrolet that went off the road lo Ihe left, siriking a lelephone box and several irces. reportedTroopcr A.A. Justice. Q i L c k B i S u ç p e r Fork Fire Departmerit Saturday ■ May 2, 1998 12.00 nonn fi OO\itit EhI m m T.ike Uul 00 pi'i Pl.il>' MENU; 1/2 BBQ Chlcl(en, Baked Potato, Staw, Roll, Dessert For T7ekM ConlaetAny FInffghttr \ or Auxiliary Ptnonntl MCIHNHE SAVINGS ONKSIONKCOMTOm □ R rato n lo B«d ot Ro m * IV v ln S a t R E 6 .< 2 M S ! M L E < 2 4 8 Sr AIMiifBMiSrti« idilkkwMlbtSjr,^ ■ .■ a—I--.m vtiW iiis гтвпщ^ LOANS ON HOMES Excellent Rates Available Credit Prdblems Understood W E O E F E R •BjUCooMliditHn • HQmalmfnmgMat • Bifliiuca •RxadudVuiahlaRitiii •U fta O Y M ii • SndllotmMuptolOimKquilgr •Excellent iitMwDiMbb WUm and llo d iilm »№ (k a d (^ • • • Local Ptrmmai SmlM • • • MUTUAL MCmTGAGE JtfiCaU-Pnsident SaUriraiyeSS-lMO l-8(NMHft«7S AnOio itkMMlUMn by Phone Sukrljpii. •I • D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998'îî:¡Sä tAllenWhitaken The Key Is Profes^i^ism : • .Whal b the mosl common (seri- ;; oua) crime in Dsvt« County and : ^ whal wouJd you do lo pnvenl it? ! . Whitaker: 1 consider all crimcs '. serious. The crimc lhal happens to i you is serious lu you. EX)mcstic vio­lence, breaking, cnicring and larccny i ■ arc serious. Mur­der, rape, and ; any crimc ' against a person ; is very serious. :• The majority . of crimc, 1 be- 1 Hevc, Is the re*. suit of cither al­ cohol or drug : abuse. The DARE program Is in place to teach children,; al an carly age, not to start using ; drugs or alcohol. Our high school has a resource ofTiccr 10 monitor and take Ktlon when necdetl. The sherifTs office pursues drug dealers daily. I have requested and ■ received assistance from the SBI Dnig Enforcement Association, and U.S. Customs, just to name a few in our fight against illegal drugs. Does DARE work? Whitaker: Yes! This progrant docs morc than teach children how to say **No” to dmgs. It leuchcssclf'cstccm, how to choosc friends, and how to make good decisions. It allows children and law cn- forcement to Intermingle. OiTiccrs make good friends. DARE will not cure all the drug problems in Davic County. Nonh Carolina or tiw nation, but if wc can save one child from the horror of drug abuse, it is well worth the cost of the program. What do the majority of Davie . reiideita expect from their sheriff M iM r»4ep w tM tT‘ vu m m y in'neighborhood, quick rcsponse to Ihelr calls and/or assistance. Employ­ ees who arc respect rul, courteous and impanial. To put It in one word: pro­ fessionalism. . To accomplish this, wc now have a wrillen SOP (Standard Operating : JiA Q L : Procedures). Is fiinding ftpom county commis­ sioners adequate? Whitaker; Yes, at Ihc present level of service and penonncl. Howcvei; as our county continues to grow; the demands for service continue to in­crease every year. I can provide our commissioners statistical Information concerning the number of calls my ofltcc handles, the number of civil and criminal pa­ pers handled. Informalion is avail­ able on the number of investigations, arrests, transports, and inmates housed in the Davic County Jail. As sherifi', I strive to (mvlde the citizcns of Davic County the best law enforcement possible, while keeping the cost as tow as possible. Other Issues Whitaker: I am a certined law enforcement ofTicer through the North Carolina Sheriffs Education and Training Standards Commission, with 15 years experience in the shcriffs оШсе. My experiences In­clude patrol, investigations and man­ agement. Four years ago, I promised to be a working sherifT. I have kept that promise. Not only did I conlinuc the services that werc In placc, additional services have been added for better law enforcement. Carrying Con­ cealed Weapon Permits, Domestic Violence OfTcnder Fites, Sexual Of­ fender Files and Registration have been implemented. I have been able to provide these services without an Increase In my administrative staff. 1 spend a groat deal of lime wilh professional oiganlzations in Davie Coumy to provide our citizcns with a safe and sccurc communily1 support many charities with my own time, money, and efforts to make our county the best place to live,’ пЛ» yoOT chWarên. I have never taken a merit raise from our county, only the cost of liv­ ing raise. 1 had rather give the merit raise to a deserving employee. 1 apprcciatc all your support and prayers that you have given me the lasl four years. T h e C a n d id a t e Mien Whitaker Age 46 Addrau Cana Road, Mocksvllle Imimdlat* Family LettieW.V№ltaker,wlfe Education Farmingion Eletnenlary, 8 years; 1969 graduate Davie High School; 1983 graduate of Rowan-Catiamjs Community College’s basic law enforcement training program (BLET) Occupation Sheriff of Davie County, Dec. 5,1994 to present. Oavie Sheriffs Detective, 1986-1994. Oavie Sheriffs Patrol Officer, 1983-1986. Church activities and family In tiw Community Ml. Olive Melhodisl, superlnlendeni of Sunday School (16 years), adult men’s Sunday School leacher (24 years), chair of administrative council Past memtier, Familnglon Rre Depl. • Quail Unlimited Farmingion Masonic Lodge 265 ARC of Davie Couniy • N.C. Sheriffs Association (recommendation commillee) Davie Couniy Law Enforcement Assoc. National Sheriffs Assoc. NCCIX (N.C. Criminal Infonnalion Exchange) •Board member, Communily Child Protection, Child Fatpllty Prevention Team for Davie • Board member, Davie Domestic Violence Sen/ices hfeailhy Carolinians, substance abuse commillee N.C. Law Enforcement Officer's Association • Davie Jail Commillee SUOSirairordS Rd.SW j r Winston-Salem,!* N.C. 27103 % Patio. Chudiud • VOTE FOR CHARLES O. W ILLIAM S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF DAVIE COUNTY WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE _______PMPa»aiiM»»cn«i«aM«n. Or. AaMjrlUtToim Due to renovations, Cooleemee Family Practice will accept new patients at its temporary location, 172 Clement Street Mocksville, N.C. 27028 (336)751-7887 starting Aprill3 • MottmtuaedcinpltnfKcqxed • M«dic«ieudMedkiid . ....... : accepted Andy Stokes: War On Drugs What is Ihe mml common (wri- o\») crime In Davit County and whal would you do to pnvcnt It? Sro*«; The mosl serious crime in Davic couniy Is Ihe use or illegal drugs. They arc involved in over ,80% of our violcnl criincs. and arc involved in a luge percentage of our lorccnles. domestic vio­lence, and child abuse. They ore the dircct cause of or suspccted causc of the ftvc murders in Ihis couniy in Ihc lasl four years. They arc Ihe number one concern of every parent and grandporenl I have talked lo in this campaign, and Ihey ats my number one conccm olso. Wc have gol to have an intense and unrelenting ef­ fort to remove drugs at Ihc street level Ihat Involves more officers ond more coopération between all law cnforeemcnt agencies in Ihis couniy And we have got to do a belter job of educating our kids oboul the con- scqucnces of drugs. Do« DARE work? Slokes: Yes, I think DARE works, bul I believe ils success could be grcaily enhanced if wc had some real follow-up, ll may wotk for kids who still think Ihcir first name is No-No, bul il doesn't work foroldcr kids who are beginning lo look for Ihe answers 10 life and arc always looking for a challenge. The word “No" ilsclfhas a negative connotation. Why don'l we graduate them inlo a program thal emphasizes the word “Yes" instead of "No." The word “Yes" implies a promise, a commitment, and it cre­ ates a challenge. Yes, I will slay o(f drugs, yes 1 win keep my friends off drugs, yes lo life, not to drugs. It would be easy to implement and al very litllc cosl 10 the couniy It would involve volunlccrs who. oncc their lives have been touched by dmgs. arc usually morc lhan willing to share their experiences In hopes that they can prevent someone else from fol­ lowing the same destructive path. It mighl answer some questions bcforc Ihcy decidcd lo try il for themselves. Whal do Ihe majority of Davie midenis expect fttim their sherilT and sherilTs department? Slokes; They expect a shcrilT lo he honest, humble, and in touch with the people of Ihis couniy. They ex­ pect a sheriff with some goals and a plan and a direction and a dclcrmi- nalion to accomplish those goali. They expect a sherilT's departracnt to treat them llrmly, fairly, and wilh dignity. They want a sheri If's depart­ ment Ihat is working as hard as they are, and Ihcy expcct a sherilT’s de- panmcnt that is gelling some results in Ihe war on drugs, b Atnding from county tommls- slonen adequate? Stokes; No shcrilT will ever think his funding is adequate to provide all of Ihe services he is expccied lo pro­ vide. I will be constantly working for a sherifTs department that is much morc lhan adequate, but one thal ex­ cels in everything we do.The couniy commissioners deserve to know where every dime of the $ 1,826,269 shcrilTs depaitment budget is spent bccausc they have lo answer to the citizens of this couniy for any waste. My job will be lo cnforce Ihe law and protect Ihe people of Ihis couniy. Their job is to fund it. As long as I’m honest wilh them, they will be fair to me. We both have a common goal. Other Issues Slokes; As everyone can lell by now, my campaign for shciitf, is about a campaign of far greater im­ portance, the campaign against drugs, which are the No, 1 criminal and social problem facing our couniy. I bring to this campaign Ihc skills taught me by one of the lincst police agcncies in Ihis country, the N.C. Highway Patrol. I also bring lo this campaign Ihc skills taught me by serving as a magistrate in Davic County for many years. But more imponamly, 1 bring to this campaign the knowledge gained from raising three children in this coumy. I have seen (irst-hand, like too many par­ ents in this couniy. the agony, heart­ break, and sulTering causcd by a good kid whojust couldn't say “No," 1 have bccomc convinced Ihat as long as we keep on doing Ihe same old Ihings, the same old way. wc'rc going loget the same old resulls. We have got to do a bctler job of taking drugs off Ihe strcci and wc have got T h e C a n d id a t e A.C.“Andv"St<>k68 Afl* 51 AddraiM John Crotts Rd., Mocksvllle; Immediate Family Wile, Jewell Seaford Stokes. Three children, , Shea, Shannon and ZnchV„ Two grandchildren, Juslin ^ andJaysa. Education Henderson High School. ■ Highway Basic School at’ UNC-Chapel Hill. Law enforcement and magistrate training at Guilford Tech, Davidson ' ' Couniy, Rowan-Cabarrus and McDowell Couniy community colleges Occupation N.C. Slate Highway Patrol, 1967-1990. Community Service coordinator, 1990-92. Davlo County . Magistrate, 1992-97. Hot>biet Music, Photography, working In the yard, and my favorite, babysitting Ihe ■ grandkids In The Community First Baptist Church, , Mocksvllle Former Liltle League baseball coach, girl’s softball coach Former director and past' Dresldent, Davie Couniy Youlh Football League Flowmfor att Occaiioiu Slsler*sllcfiHccksvllle (ЭЭЦТДМШ Advance Florist & Gift Biskets — We DeUver— (ЭЭ1)М0-вЗЭ7 _____a t t W H iw w J to do n bcllcr job of educating oui* children about the instant and per­ manent dangers of drugs. Wc have' go to get them involved in staying off drugs and wc have got to et them involved in keeping their friends off dmgs. And. yes, wc havegol to let thcmknowthatit'snot’‘Ihelr" problem but •‘our" problem. As long as they pcrceivc lhal il's us against them, wc'rc going to lose every time. \ M l l ) l I s ' Ш1Пп,«|пШ1!]^№.Я1(м11гаГА. ,«liwlrtfcQCAUnai.SmiïâSJUI.lS Strtndipily Shops, 41 Court Square Mocluvllh, NC JTOM • 75I-0555 ' К ' !Ч \lv4llv 1 ' ^ ' , Il ll 1 ,1^ ! 1 1 1 K' . Du. \ \| \ KN 1 . 1 I M 11^ '1 ; ! к , ПК U 1 1 i 1 , i 1 1 !! j '' V V ' III I 1 1 i II; ' ' ■ ' ' ■ ' ! - " Ч 1,1 ! i. " 1 '■ V 1 i 1 . . ! j 1 ! 1 К '. ! Ч 1 i 1 V >; 1. .i II, Sp , , , ,, , , Apre Shower brftig. . . ^G R € A T D 6 A lS i UkeTbis►L e a s e f o r 1998 PlymouthVogragw ¥ I ita*^ — It —mfca. IlflBfl tÉ— p.. j.— ГVTIT > lUilittlon *rt ^tt it D IX IE SmiESVlLLB * 838-1557' 1-77,1-40 WEST. HWY. 21 NORTH NnvYbriiC arpetW brM Jeep DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998-.9 i^yministrative Court ConliniMd From Pate S -Jennifer LclghCtaig,5pcallng86 in 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, cosl. , - Frank Allen Darga, speeding 71 in'aJS. reduced lo 64 in a SS, $10 and cost.' i -DennlsDavis,specding861na70. Induced to 74 In a 70. cost. ; -DavidBedtonlDean,spccding63 in a 4S, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment, SSO and cost. ! -JuanAnIonioDelapa/,pctmitling operation of a vehicle with no insur- №C, dismissed, corrccted. ; -LanyDamellDillani.noopcfator's liccnsc, dismisscii, concclcd,1 - Todd Counland Dixon, speeding sb in a 70, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 and cost, ; -RebeccaSpaugh Doby, speeding ip in a 55, reduced to Improper cquip- nlent,$10andcost, ! - Kim tevine Doran, speeding 83 ill a 70, reduced to improper equip­ment, $S0 ond cosl, i -MarcelloDulln.expiredregistm- lii)n,noinsurance,dismissed,concctcd. ; - John Henry Ebbighauscn, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper equipment, J10 and cost. ; -Scan Scott Fine, speeding 82 in a 7p, reduccd lo improper equipmeni, S2S and cosl.; -Marcl Lane Flynl. speeding 89 in u'.70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70. cosl; no operalof^slicensc,dismissed,concclcd, , - David Charics Ford, speeding 70 in a SS, reduced lo 64 In a SS, $2S and cost,I -PaulCascyFostcr.excccdingsafc speçd, dismissed al request of pros­ ecuting witness, 1 - Makains Fundcrtiuri!, speeding 69 in a SS, [cduccd lo improper equip- roent,$IOandcosl,I -JohnS.Gallimore,spccding70in a]SS, reduced lo improper equipment, $)0 and cost. ■ -MaritRobcrtOallimore,speeding 6* in 0 SS, rcduced lo improper cquip- i^nuSlOandcosl.; - Amy Paricer Gholson, speeding 7? in a 55, rcduced to improper equip- nWnt, S2S and cost,; inspection viola­tion, dismissed, corrected, - Billie Jean Graham, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd to improper cquip- mi:iil,$10andcost,- Kennelh Charics Hawk, expired [igisiration, dismissed, concctcd,- Philip Neil Hendricks, speeding 60 in a 45, rcduced to improper equip­ meni, SIO and cost. - Eric Hannon Hill, speeding 65 in a 50, rcduced to improper equipment. $10 and cosl. \ ‘- Travis Lee Hopson, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to 74 In a 70, cost. - Luther Samuel Horae, speeding $9 in 0 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $10 ^cost.iPamelaM.Huntcr,specding45ln d 25, reduced lo 34 in a 25, $10 and cosl.; ;r.Raquel R. Ijames, failure to slop Ibtiq Stop sign or flashing ted light, fitte d to improper equipment, $10 aqdcost.r--EricMltchellIreland,specding74 ^[SS, reduced to 69 in a 55, $ 10 and odsi.... I- Ronnie Dale Jewell, speeding 80 i i i j 70, reduced to Improper equip­ meni, $10 and cosl.; 1 Ceasar H. Jones, speeding 60 in a 4i'i«du«edto54lno45,$IOandcosl; no insurance, dismissed, corrected, I f Willie Oscar Jones, speeding 76 iilii 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $ 10 and c«.- i г Rohom Khonsari, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced 10 improper equipment. $[q and cost. : ^ Holly Elizabedi Landry, unsafemo.vbmenl,dismissed,civilselllemenL • r Richard Todd Lashmil, expired r^straUon, dismissed, coneclcd.;r.LautabUewellyn,no operator's ll{i»se, dismissed, conecied.; 'r Thomas Ray Locklear, speeding 8; in a 70, reduced 10 improper equip- ntBit.$10andcost, frKcllyR. Lunsford, speeding 83 in aW; reduccd to Improper equipmeni, $|6andcoM. Tr- Duslln S. Lyman, speeding 88 in aTO, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost.i:-CharteneMartin,speedini70ina 5S; reduced to improper equipmeni, $jOandcotL : r Maty France* Mason, speeding6Titia55,ieducedtoimproperequii>- m k $25 and cost. ’V John Wayne Mayhew, driving»aft regieimion plale not dlspUyed, daaUied,ccnccted.j;*; Ryan Doyle McOannon, failute ■»Mp for Mop Jgn or flashing red ^ii,rediictdu>lm|in)iiercqiilpn«». flOaotlcott.VHm M Henry Melto«. «peedini 70 in 0 55, reduccd to lmpn>pcr equip- mem, $10 and cost. -Timolhy Dean Morgon, speeding 70 in a 55, n^uced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cosl, - David Way nc Moses, no opcialor's liccnsc, dismissed, coircclcd. - Marty Ray Murray, speeding 80 In a 70, r^uccd to impropct equip­ ment, $10 and cosl, - Christina L, Mycts, ,spccding 68 In a 55, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10 and cost, - Gustavo R, Navano, speeding 83 in 0 70. rcduccd to 74 in a 70, cosl. - Shancttc N. Nichols, no liabilily insumnce, no rcgistrolion, dismissed, corrcclcd. - Gcrad C. Pallcison. speeding 57 in n 45. rcduccd to 54 in a 4S, $10 and cosl, - James Thomas Piichcr, speeding 67 in a 55. rcduccd to improper cquip- menl,$IOandcost.- Charics Thomas Poole, speeding 70 in a 55. reduced to improper equip- menl,$IOandcost. - James W. Potter, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduccd lo Improper equipment, $10 and cost. - Christian A, Priddy, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to 74 In a 70, cost, - My Van Quach, speeding 69 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $10 and cosl, - Randy D, Rcadling, speeding 60 in a 45, reduccd to impropct equip­ ment, $10 and cosl, - Brcnda M, Robenson, speeding 69 in a 55, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cosl,- Harold Sandcre, speeding 84 in a 70. rcduced to improper equipment, $ 10 and cost; expired registration. dis­ missed. corrected,- Heather Brewer Scott, speeding 70 in a SS, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10 and cost. - William Scribner, speeding 63 in a 50, rcduced lo improperequipmenl. $10 and cost. - Jessica D. Shields, failurc to slop for steady rcd light rcduced to im­properequipmenl; failure 10 wear scat belt, $25 and cost.-Franklin D. Shinault. speeding 60 in a 45, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cosl. -Cynthia A. Shrewsbury, speeding 70 In a 55, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10 nnd cost.- James Nell Sizemore, failure to stop for stop sign or flashlngred lighi. rcduccd lo improper equipment. $10 and cost.- Bennie Dean Smilh. .speeding 7« in a 55, rcduccd to 64 in a 55, $ 10 and cosl.- Christopher M. Smith, failure to tcducc speed, dismissed, civil settle­ ment.-Jennifer F. Southern, .speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to M In a 55, $25 and cosl.- Oeorge Arthur Stewart, no liabil­ ity insurance, dismissed, corrected. ■ - Felicia S. Taylor, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduccd to Improper equipment, $IOandcosl.- Rian Elizabeth Thomas, speeding 69 in aSS. reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cost. - Tammy Richards Tilley, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment. $10 and cost; two counts no operator's liccnse, dismissed, cor­ rected. -Jennifer R.TMfalusi. speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to 64 In a 55. $10 and cost. - Linda Ball Trivctte. speeding 69 in a 55, mluccd to Improper equip­ ment, SlOand cosl. -Jason Blair Van Hoy, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 and cosl. -Jennifer Dawn Vickcts, speeding 70 In a 55, rcduced to 64 in a 55. $ 10 nnd cost; no in.surancc, dismissed, cor­ rected.-Julie Pauline Wall.spceding 50 in a 35, rcduced to improperequipmenl, $10 und cost, - Walter Lee Wall, exceeding safe speed, dismissed, civil sctllcmcnu - Dona Winstead Weaver, expired regislralion. dismissed, matter cor­ rected, - Laura Whlsenhunt, speeding 82 in a 70, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25 and cost, -Cliirord Allen Willis,spceding82 in a 70. rcduccd to 74 in a 70; no operator's liccnsc. $50 and cost.- Dannie Worrell, speeding 67 in a 55, reduced to improper equipmeni. $10 and cosl. N. CALAHALN S. CALAHALN ELECT Щ О л CHARLES FOX Republican for Davie County Board of Commissioners VOTEFOX-MAYS .Dedicated in D tt« « rv lM the Davie County lifestyle that we chcrish. «For controlled mwth Instead of poorly conccivcd development and qtrawL .netormliMd to represent Um people, not spKfad Intemt troupe. •Eduatfd u d lU M In piumini, ImplenMnliag u d conlroUln« compkx butincw pro|ru№ •Slliiag lo serve In u open, honest ftconsMentmuner. i Charles Fox * The People’s Candidate ? ui s. MOCKSVILLE N. MOCKS-CITY ALL AMERICAN ORD-MERCURY 60NNABUY A TRUCK? B u y y o u r s a t A l l A m e r i c a n F o r d ! R a n g e r s i f F l S O s i c F t S O s a n d S u p e r D u t y s . Rebates up to $1^00 • and low, low APRs. BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MODELS! SPECIAL Only one left, new 1997 F350 4 door crew cab XLT, Hunter green^n. Power stroke turbo diesel, automatic, dually, camper package, trailer tow, sllite rear window, AM/FM w / i r o | l ^ , p r t ^ remOtiMiiii^ moro-IIISRP^S,185« BUYFORONtY USED VEHICLE SPECIALS Trudal Trucks! Trudal Rangers to F350s 4x2 • 4x4 • Regular Cabs • Extended Cabs • Short Bed • Long Beds • Duaiiys Remember, If you're looking for a truck, you’re kMkhg fbr Aii American Ferd-Mereury, hic. l A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D - M E R C U R Y , Ю иСииш епЛпОш 'Ш Ы Яф таГ Ví ^ ^ W O Í H W Iy “^ ^ April 23Íim "Ж З Т С |^?C001EBMBB - I W Cool- •MM‘nnm Ckik Peigy Nall, who .•■•■(dlyartiealednioicttunSl.oao Dm town Is saving a prison sen- 'Mace in Oeofgia for violaiing protn- tknthoe. : During Ihe two monllu Nail served •a town cleik, she appaicmly cashed Tpiim(^ln Georgia Prison i'~,L rlwVa rmm п>||>| «nth »mi Гп||<ч< Ir. fOUT COUtllS of ГОГВСГУ Ond Uilcring, ‘W o rk in g ; F o r Y o u checks from pelly cash and failed lo deposit cash coming Inlo Ihe lown hall, accordlngtoFollceChiemmWooten. Atolrackinghef across Ihteeslalcs, Noll was Biieslcd In November for Ihe embeizlemenl and violaiing probalion in Geoigia. She was on probation for four counts of forgery ond uilcring, Woolen sold. The chief vrtB rcccrtly noliricd thal Nall Is serving 0 ycor omi 11 monihs In prison ond foccs several chargcs for crimes apparently committed In Ihe Allania orea before she con be exira- ilUed 10 Davie Counly, he said. Ш 1Ую Arrested Afler Car Reported Stolen COOLEEMEE-Two women were anested here April 10, oiler cne of them allegedly slole Ihe oihet's car. Responding lo a reported dislur- bance al die Handi-Cupboard on N.C. 801,SgLj.O.YoungofthcCooleemee Police Department found Sherry .CWldiW5ofWewly1WI.Mocl«v«le, who told him her 1984 Metcury Topaz had been ^len while she was Inside Ihe store. Young pul Childless in his palrol car and began 10 search Ihe area for Ihe stolen vchicle.The car was located in a driveway on Hickory Sueel In the possession of Peggy LoretuMailin,36,ofl88 Wall Sl., Cooleemee. Manin lold ihe оГПссг she had merely been wolching the car. Ashcwenlloplaceherunderairesl, aslniggle ensued. She was arrested for larcenyofamoiorvehicleand resisting arrest and placed In die Davie County Jail under a $3,000 unsecured bond.Continuing his Investigation, Young noticed lhal Ihe car had been damaged and discovered that Childless hit Ihe bridge abutment on N.C. 801 al Ihe Yadkin Kivcr due lo her inloxlcallon, acconling loPoliccChlcfTimWootcn. She was placed under onesi for choigcs of DWI ond hit and run. Young also found о crack pipe In Ihc vehicle. Chargcs of possession of cocoine and drug parophcmollo ore pending. Woolen said. Both women are scheduled to ap­ pear in Davie Counly District Court May I. The car was Impounded. Domesüc Violence Still Increasing Each year, over 700,000 women are sexually assaulted.One out of three women, one om of nine men, and one oul of four children have been sexually assaulted. Rope occurs In 7-l2percenlofaII marriages. During April and May, Davie Do­ mestic Violence Services will be pro­ moting community awareness of this issue. Uke domestic violence. Inci­ dents of sexual assault are becoming more prevalent and domestic violence and sexual assaull oAcn coincide.Davie Domesiic Violence Service will besetting up Informallonal booths on U* folkiwing dates; • April 23, Harris Tedcr from 1-5 p.m., DARE Fair all day; •May 9, Food Lkxi on Yadkinville Road ftom 10:30 am.-2:30 p.m.; •May 16,№allhFairfTom9ajn-2 p.ia At diese boodis, infotmatkin will be distilbiibl on sexual assaull and domestic vkilence, ribbons will be passed oul In honor ofthe month, ond tickets soM for a drawing In June. The money earned from die drawing will be used lo provide services to victims of sexual assaull and domestic vio­lence in Davie County. The prizes for die drawing are a handmade quIli, a $100glftcertiricale,andaS50 savings bond The winners will be selected on June 6, at a gospel singing, also spon­ sored by Davie Domestic Violence Services. You do nol need tobe present 10 win.DovIe Domesiic Violence Services hos olso'sel up donation jan al various businessesthroughoulthecounty.This money will also be used lo provide services lo victims of domestic vio­ lence and sexual a.ssauit. Remember die victims of sexual assault during April, ond If you are u victim or know someone who is, coll Ihc 24-hour crisis line ol 751-HELP. Call Carolina PRIMESfÌR’ The M in i Dish Satellite Service perday$ 1 1 No Equipment To Purchase Prima Star SunpUaa & Ма1лШпа AH EquipmantYo un OAvm eouM TY р т лшв т л я ¡ж л с е я C r e a t i v e I n t e r i o r ^ F l o r a l D e & i g n s ¥ВЮАХАРШ12Ш (9m-9pm) "One of a Kind" Created By: JwmitaAlkrd Sheriff Allen Whitaker In just 31/2 years our accomplishments at the Sheriff’s Office have been impressive! • Governor’s Award - insirumcnrni with start up of the Davic Domestic Violence Scrvlcc. Rccciving the Governor's Await] while under Ihc direction of the Sheriff. • Training and Equipment • Wc arc now averaging 1500 hours a year of training for the departmeni. All equipmeni has been evaluated for dependability and cost lo maintain. Replacemenl programs have been ' implemented and the majority has been completed. • Ethics, Integrity, and Professionalism - The degree of Professionalism now is Ihe highest in the hisloty of our Sheriff’s office. 1 have provided all my personnel with a Standard Procedure Manual. This was made possible with assistance from' N.C. Atty. General’s OfTice, N.C. Sheriff Association, N.C. Association of Counly Commissioners, N.C. Risk Management Association, and Sedwick James. :. • The Fight Against Drugs Continue! - From December 1994 until March 1998, my officers have arrested 214 individuals on various drug violations. This has resulted in 493 criminal charges of which 231 were felonies and 262 misdemeanors (Per .: A.O.C. records.) • Criminals Pay - During 199?, my officers removed over 336 lbs. of marijuana from the streets of Davie County with a value of $370,000. Wc .seized 7 vehicles, $30,000 - in cash, over $15,000 worth of cocaine and LSD. Total cosl lo the criminal element of our county was over $435,000. •Does My Plan Work? YES! - According lo S.B.I. statistics the Index Crime Rale in our counly is down 20%! At the end of 1994 when I look oflice the rate was 3,002. ■ At the end of 1997 the rate was 2,413. This is a decline of 589 poinls in jusl 3 years. To continue this aggressive pian tiMt is «forking. I ask ftor your vote and support to Re-Elect Alien wniitakar as Siieriff of Davie County. T h a n k Y o u ! _______________ “ L i t e - l o n q R e p u b li c a n ” Yadkin Valley Tetephone 43rd Annual Membefship Meeting Satuniay, «prn 25,1998 Registration 1:00 p.m. Meeting 2:00 p.m. Yadkinville School Multipurpose Room Don't miss Yadkin Valley’s A nnual M eeting ■ or your chance to w in great prizes. Members must be present to win. Take a look a t w hat we’re givin g away! •20” JVC Television Set................................................................ Elmore’s •Set of Tires.................................................................. Baity's Tire Service •Rival Crock Pot................................................................... TC&H Supply •Ice Cream Freezer................................................................TC&H Supply •Pair of Wolverine Shoes............................................... Davis Brothers Store •$25 Wal-Mait Gift Certiricale........................................ Doe River Telephone •Nortel Telephone.............................................................................CSSA •Surge Protector............................................................................ Graybar •Jackets & Hats........................................................ Rental Unifonn Service •Diit Devil Vacuum..................................................... Mid-South Consulting •Free Oil Change............................................................Henderson & Wood •Speaker Telephone............................................. Power & Telephone Supply •Weber Grill........................................... ................Interstate Boh & Supply •"The Club" Anli-iheft device........................................Drummond American : •Flower Arrangements..............................................Town & Country Florist •Oak Footstool *16 pc. Beverage Set •Mr. Coffee Coffeemaker «Plano Tackle Box •Video Storage Case »Dream Rest Matlress Pad •Golden Harvest Suntea Pilcher «Ball Jelly Jars •Hamilton Beach Mixer «Anchor Hocking Baking Dish «Clock «Rubbermaid Storage Container •Accent Rug «Sew N’ Crafts Case •First Alert Smoke Alarm «Clock Radio •Counter Companion Cutting Board «Fust Alert Fire Extinguisher «Laundry Hamper «Photo Album «Overdoor Shoe Organizer «Cakulator •Proctor SUex Iron «Folding Ttay Table «LaskoFan «Multipurpose Sprayer «Igloo 2 Gallon Cooler «Coleman 40 qt. Cooler \ «60’ Garden Hose «Booster Cables \ «Hammer «Staple Gun Tacker •Max Reflector Sunshade «Lodge Cast Iron Skillet «Popular Mechanics ICO’ft Cord «Han^ainted Flower Pot «Black & Decker Power Driver «Lawn Chair «Popular Mecliamcs IS Drawer Storage «Rubbermaid Gas Can «Lawn Rake «Shrub Rake V iH M lV iit e ▼ TeleohDne Hlli>lil>lg Cirgiritln / ; , f I 1 1 » I » I Trninm yTUipli^Um bm k^CorponaionUttnt^^tirvl(9 *r.n U p h iM m n ic,u p m id id m ttm K i-d iK ^ ^ ciU tt*lM O «ilil.irt DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,199» - Bl Rally Caps: JV Baseball Team Making Habit Of Coming From Beliind ВНйпПШ le Counly Enterprise Recoid : Davie's JV baseball team didn'l need any n»w tricks to continue lls surprising surge. Rallying In Ihe lale Innings woriied again, i CoachLeeLlnville'sWorEagleshavemade ¿habll of coming back from the presumed ond Ihey may have outdone Ihemsclves list week ogainsl Iradliionolly-rich Glenn In a npnconference doubleheader. - Twice the Bobcats held commanding leods aM twice Ihe War Eagles woriced lale-lnning m^c 10 sweep Ihe Iwin bill, M and 8-7, e if i^ g their lonid stretch to sIk wins In d^ftjames aiid Improving their record lo 1-6 «f«41. Belter yel, they're clinging to a 3-1 tieati in Ihe Central Piedmont Conference. passion player D a v ie P ro d u c t W o rk s ^ ro m G ro u n d U p In C o lle g e F o o tim ll : BOONE - In Ihc hot-blooded a^ sometimes bruuilly cold bisincss of collcge fooiball, passion shows. ; Fullback Neil Comatzcr beal on bQll-pursuing llOcbackcrs daring Appala­chian State's niccnl spring uwrkouls, bul life beat on Comatzer Iwo y?arsago. ; He left CtinialzerRoad fit-Boone the summer of 199«, »high- school sur bMinc) for life's wilderness. And "We've gotten so much better since the flnt weekofihe season,and that's what we're nylng to do on Ihe JV level - Improve every week," Linville said. "We've got six games left- all of them In the conference - and being 3-1 we're going to try to win Ihe conference champion­ ship" The coach has become accustomed lo his leamplaylngpossum.almoslto the polnl where he expected Ihe late-game slir even though Glenn had losl Just one ganw coming In. "No,lwasn'tsurprised,"Linvllle said. "We've been doing it. Il was one of Ihose Ihings again where we let them gel a lead eariy. Both games Ihey got out to like a 4-S nm lead In Ihe flnt couple of Innings and we jusl chipped, clawed and scratched our way back Inlo it” Andy Boger’s pitching kept Davie within striking distance In the first game. He lasted six lnnlngs,keeplng01ennqulet while DavlecaughI up at 6.6 heading Into Ihe last of Ihe sixth. The War Eagles exploded for ihreecllnchlngrunsin the Inning, Ihen pul Ihelr fale on J.C. Wiillard, who slammed the door and earned the save. Davie oveicanw a S-0 deficit in Ihe second game, tying the game al 6-6, bul trailed 7-6 heading Into the bottom of the seventh.No sweal. The War Eagles loaded the bases with two outs and Ricky Benlly came Ihiough, singling In two game-winning runs. SUBterTlravlsAllenwas touched for six mns Ihrough S2/31nnlngsbulonlyonewas earned. Jeremiah Creason got the win, throwing flaw­ lessly for Ihe final four outs. Linville figured lhat Ihe Bobcats probably didn't know whnt hll them, especially since Ihey airived with о lloshy record. "Yeah, I think wedld (shock) them," he said. "I don'l think Ihey expected to lose iwo to us. We were ready to go down to Fred T. Ford and win thal loumamenl (last Friday)." David Nail was practically unstoppable. He pulverized Glenn's pitching, going 7 for 8, ond wos a speed demon on Ihe base paths, stealing right bues. "He'd gcl on and steal sccond ond Ihlid," Linville said. "They hadoprettydecenlcatchei, loo. He's hitting Ihe ball belter ond better. He jusl puts ll In play and then uses his speed most ofthe lime." Nail huit the Bobcats In every way imagin­ able. "In his first al-balof the day, he hll aground whal a wilderness il was. The main nm at Davic, the spotlight Irons- , fqcmed Inlo a dim liashlighl beam ' on Comalzcr, a freshman wolk-on who woIkcd inlo an empty dorm - literally. Comalzcr wos denied a roommate for two weeks and thus had io endure the rough moments of oycnime practiccs thal ate up most days. • " I didn'l reolly know whal I was walking into," said Comalzcr, who rcd-shlrtcd during Ihc 1996 s(№n. "We started off wllh two-a- diy practiccs and I didn't even have axpommale. Il jusl ended up lhal way and lhat mode il lough. Ciimlng from being like a stor ond gelling to play all the lime, and Ihen hning lb wock real hard and not gwing lo play was rough." ■IConialzcr expected complica- ' l^ s during his iransilion bul he (^ '1 foresee so many complexl- li№, like seeming almosl Invisible dlmng practices. I; "Il was depressing," he said thal 1 didn't feel like 1 was dinng good, bul I was.just playing ' s^l-lcam defense. I'd go lo pmilce every day, bul I wasn't l^ ln g foiward to it." ;;ihe seemingly worthless i^ o u u drained Cornalzer's incenllve, foreing him to confront tbe big career question. He con- sijted his paienis, who advised i^ence. Comatzer listened. ^ ' r;"I Ihoughl about quilling fora i^le," he said. "My parents were iiUmUuiding, but Ih^ always told rat il's going to lake a linle lime. I lum b e r Coach (Randall) Ward i^iiiied me aboul being red-shlited, hpiw it was going lobe one ofthe ; h l^ t things rd go Ihraugh. and I niwer expected It lobe as tough as ' Itwas." ^ •iConialzer’s perseverance pulled hljn'over Ihe early bumps. "Inside I - kiiei« I could make it," he said.‘I . . l^ ^ t I could be good one day, it wla just going lo take some time.” '■'.Last season as a tnl-shin fipilHnatt, Comatzer went to work eltall dw special teams and found l^ lM C a n a iM r- n « iU Davie High War Eagle pole vauKefs B. J. Kiser and Truman Kiser txxnpete during track meet last week at South Rowan. • Photos by JamM Barringer Undefeated Track Team Bkws By South By Brian Pitts Davic County Enlerprise Rccord As an angiywlndblew over Davie's boys track team, UwWar Eagles New past Soulh Rowon 97-47 Thursday in China Grove. In a strange twist. Coach Scott Young expressed mixed enutkms folkiwing a viclofy that sealed die Central Pledmant Onference's regular-season lllle. While he was overcome by joy- since no ooe can remember the last lime Davie won a conference crown - he was also agitated lhal several leam members decided lo take last week off. 'Tm real pleased with how ll's gone so far," he sakl. "Fm glad for our program, to be undefeated at Oils point, fm very pleased widi Ihe facl dial we're undefeated. "Bul I still diink Ihere's a lack of dedkaUon with some guys on our team, and dial may end up costing us in die conference meet (on April 29-30)." Young-who, oddlyenough, is flghdng 10 keepa 12-Oteam's pieces intact - planned to address die issue immediately. "We really need lo sit down, have a litUe discussion about it and make sure everybody'son die same page,’ hesakL "I had about four orflve guys dial dkln'ibodierlo show up for pnctkeoverspiing break, rm real disappointed in d», veiy disappointed. I know №s haid for fliem 10 get Owe sometimes, but diere's no excuse if your goal is to be conference champkms." No one expected anything less ttian Iwo wins each from Kenny Collins (110, 300 huidb) and Garick Hill (800,1600), and diey delivered, bul pertiaps die most surprising devekjpment was Nkk Propsl, who won die kmg and Iriple jumps and captured second place In die high jump. Propst's 44-fect in die iriple jump caught Young's attention. "That's outstanding, two-and-a-half feet funhcr than he has ever jumped," Young sakL "He is really slarting to peak on his jumping. I just hope he gels a tilde more consistent on his high jump, and he Is going lo be a big key for us." J J. Rice won de discus and Maishall PilU look die 3200. In relay' compellUon, Matt James, Kenny While, Clifton Redmon and Collins won die 800; Ryan Bames, Milchell Gamer, Jay Smitti and TVavis Ervin won die 3200; andJames,Hill,Greg Lanier and Redmon won ttie 1600. Davie dklnt hise a step when Pius stepped in for Hill in die 3200. "Pills picked up die slack and got die job done," Young sakL • ReynoUs was a no-show. "They cancelled because ll was spring bnak.’ YoungsaM....DaviedominaiedadiRe-leam meet duee weeks ago, piling upll3polnlsto Soutti Slokes'43and ReynoUs'30....TV War Eagles will find a fomiklable challenge dlls week in a three-team meet at A.L Brown. "We've got our toughest regular-season meet," Young saki. "East Rowan Is going to be as good as Taber." ball to ttie shortstop and ttie shortstop didn'l have a chance of throwing him out," Linville sold. "He beal ilby iwosteps. Twice David stole diird base, Ihe catcher Uirew itlnto left field and he scored. He wasjusldolngttiings like lhat and- making ttieottier leam moke mistakes... .Then; In his first at-bot of the second game, he ripped one over die right ndder's head for a Iriple. David was jusl hot." Creason was almost equally efficlenl al ttie ploic. stroking six hits In eight trips. "When you gellwoguysttiatarehotlikedialandUienafew ; other guys around ttiem hitting, loo, (you're.; going to score)."•The tournament at Fred T. Ford was can- , celled because of rain. Davie led East Buike 2- • UnUied^tdonThuisday.whendiebotlomfell . oul. Right Moves D a v ie H ig h Safeties Tal<e Different R o u te s T o C o lle g e By Brian Pills Davie County Enterprise Rccord In Ihc end, everything mode sense for Mon James and Scoli Comatzcr to pon woys. Closc friends ond the twin engines of Ihe Davie football leom's nittiless defense overttie pasl IWO rccoid-bfeak- Ing seasons - and quile possibly Uie greoicsl safeties that Davie has ever known, according to assislant coach DavidHunt-wlH walk different paths nexl fall. James will walk-on al Catawba College and Comalzcr will probably Stan off die some al Appalachian Suite University. The high-school stan fan­ tasized aboul taking die next stqi to- ■ gedier."WewerewanUngioplayiogedier,' ' James sakL ’We've playnl logedier . sincc die nintti grade and we're like . beslfricnds.Itoldhlmoncdoy;Ycah, . ril go ahead and go lo Appalachian with you.' " Bul family interests turned oul lobe die deciding factor. "(Comalzcr) jusl dccided whal was- best for him," James said. "It wouM be easier for his family loplay Ihere (wItti brodicr Neil), and I drought ilwouM be easier for my family to come walch me. I wanted to go close to home, dial was one of die biggest reasons, so my. parents would be obte lo come walch mc play bccausc they're a big pan of evcrydilng. Wltti having a younger brother and sisicr, il would be a kn easier on my parents because diey're doing stuff all ttie lime, too." Calawba coach David Bennett's magnetic personality and die area's comfcttoblccandittonsalsoinnuenced James. "I really like Coach Bennett and whal he had u> offer me," James sakL "You hear cvoydiing aboul all kindi: of coaches, and Tve never heard any- - body say anydiingbadabouthim. Whal you see Is what you get. "I like die climate around here, it's good to play in and I don't like Appala­ chia as much because of die snow and astroturf." Comalzcr couMnI fadnm passing up a unkiue oppoitunily to Join bnidier Nell on die ASU roster. He also put nnaaSN ronH f-ratiB? Loss Riles Baseball Coach, But Team Remains Strong Ig rM a in iB Davie County Enleipfise Recoid Judging ftom die way Davie coach Jerry Walser is reacdiig, il's hard 10 tell die War Eagles are playing UkIt best stretch of baseball since winning 14 Slraight in 1993. Lotlag to East Rowia in ds Rowan County EaiHrTouniamMU flnala on April 13 in i what ndlledWalaei’ifeadien.TliewaydieWarEaglea played unchncterinfeaUy la die eariy innings, wlmdiey watched die MmtangsbuiUaabia^ nwunuUe 94) lead, waa what BM oir WdM'a poMgame dnde. He deipises all kMses, espe- clally coovlncing fcxica ia ftont of Urge audi- "I doni lUie lo kxe," sakl Walser, whose team haa won eighl ofnlne and wlU lake a 3-1 Central Pledmont Confaence.ncorl Into die lina) two weeka of die regalar sèasoa. "ll's veiy diftkndL rm a eoach, diai's my job. Imagine ifa Science KachèrwasjudgedoawhedarhiistudcalapaHed a test or iM, die leit wai givn la a puMk; maa wheieevaytaQdysawUiBdtheBdieKiiillioCttiB test wen npontd ia dia parer. You*!« iM lly OD diallaelnioniewìyi,a«dIdoii'tUteitwhnwe don't achieve what we set out lo do. "But Гт not discouraged in any way,don1get m ew ^. We're 104andrmexcitedd»utwhat wehaveleft." In die heatof die moment, wins and kisses are viewed diffàcady dian houn later. |"Wheo you first look at it, il's never as good as it leema aad it's also never as bad aa it seema," saUWalier.whoaechibiDUledNaidiRowaiiand Noidi Slaoly ea Kxae to die tounanieat's dde l^*Thet«iowiasdMwehad«cn|aod,but diey were not as good M diey seemed. Iba кш we hid was bad, but ll's not as bad as it seemed. eidier.!,. So nòwdiat die dusthascleared, Walser took more of a pMkisoptU appoach to d» oveiall pk.ture. , . "Al die moment (ofdeCwXyouVenuaiind you're veiy disappoimed," he sakk'ButTd'di«.'; :, sanie dnie. I was pleased 1^ s(mdda|i diM, wewcnaMetodoindiallilimameaLAadlttiiBk^; « if weplay diesameaswedU in pàtiofdial I loumament, well be veiy sucoevlU ia wtat , wthiegolleftlodo.'' .*7»- .....! U - DAVIE C O lw rt ENTERPM SE RECORD, April 23, Ш Comatzer Ciimbingi ASU Football Ladder : Members of the Davie High School varsity baseball team are, from lefj: first row: Jeremy Helton, Scott Comatzer, Paul Sparks, Brian Campbell, Brian Grout: second rowrRyan Desnoyers, Ben Miller, Charles Miller, Jason Desnoyers, Zeke Earl, Shane Allen; third row: Jonathan Creason, Steven Nail, Drew Ridenhour,iWesley Melton and Victor Patti. j -Photo by Robin FtrguMon Davie Baseball Team In Cohtention Down Stretch СопМпипШппРЧеВ! . . Whal'sleftisapossiblclmphythat's I ;1я the War Eagles' grasp. If they win ¡heir final six CPCgaities.nveorwliich •' :'iie al (юте. al wont they'll becotne co-conferencc champions. ■You can talk about the confer- cncc champion­ ship all you want, bul it's now in our hands,- Walscr said, 'lhal's the | best you can ask for, when you . cmlrol your own •;^tiny." ^Waberdecllnedtoplacemust-win ‘ pKssuieon his troops'shouldersai this somewhat eariy hixir. AU kinds of.... Мац OM t> IU tm o; lit. eluding a Ml ТЛог stumble some- .iivhefE along the line. Tabor is still : unbeateninleagueplay.butmustcome j ;iq Davie on April 22. Central Piedmont ;;;4-A Baseball Standings '•(3 suite playolTbciths) Conr. OvenUl \ Waber Mount Tabor 34) DavieCounty 3-1 Reynolds 3-1West Fbrayth 2*2 SouthStokes 2-4 South Rowan 0-5 W-L WL 10-2 8.3 74 5-3-1 7-5 2-10 "If we don’t (win oil six), we'n: going to need some help. Bul by no means ifwe lose one game, or maybe even two, are we out of il," Walscr said. "But at least we control our own destiny." Walscr and pitching coach Mike Lovctoce used the week off to refine Charles MillCT'spitching.Imaginewhal type of force Miller will bccome if he improves hisalready-impressive num* ben?Through26 lÁ) innings. Miller is 4-1 wiihailashy 1.86camcd-run aver­ age. "We took some lime and broke down some mechanics, some of the iMngs thal he needs to workon,"Walser said. "Hell be fíne. He's a senior, he's been thm before and hell come up big for us." Junior Victor Patti'sconfídence was ttuag by Eatt Rowan, which ham­ mered Patti for nine runs in three in­nings. damaging his ERA in the pro­ cess (it climbed lo 5.08).But Walser came to Patti's defense, insisting that those type of rocky out- Legion Baseball Sign-ups May 9 Sign-ups for the Mocksville-Davie American Legion baseball team will be May 9 al Rich Park from 2-4 p.m. Players are supposed to bring al leaslone parent. Formore infcmation. contact athletics director Robert Rog­ éis at 751-U12 (work) or 492-5162 (home). ings should be expected occasionally. Besides, he's the ace of the staff and regularly faces the sirongcst compcti­ lion. "He’saM righl," Walsersaid. "Whal you've got to understand is. when you're Mocksville-Davie Post 174 American Legion Baseball Schedule May 15 alKingal7:15p.m. EXB 16 MOORESVILLE at 5.30, EXB. DH KERNERSVILLEal5:30, EXB, DH at Rowan County at 7:15 al Kannapolis at 7:15 CONCORD al 7:15 al Mooresville at 7:15 S. ROWAN at 7:15 KING at 7:15 STATESVILLE at 7:15 STANLY CO. nl7:15 17 20 2223 24 25 I] .г 2l 4 5 6 7 ?2'^ 13 i 14 ' 16 18 19 20 W. IREDELL at 7; 15 WILKES CO. at 7:15 at Lexington at 7:15 LEXINGTON at 7:15 at WilkesCounty at 7:15 atW. Ircdell al 7:15 al Stanly County at 7:15 al Suuesvillcat7:15 MOORESVILLE at 7:15 at S. Rowan at 7:15 at Concord at 7:15 KANNAPOLIS at 7:15 ROWAN CO. at 7:15 Davie Baseball Statistics Record: 104,3-1 CPC . H IT T IN G A B R H R B I AVO. 2B 3B HR J. Desnoyen 3 2 2 I .667 0 0 o ' Helton 38 12 16 7 .421 3 0 0 FMU 36 8 15 5 .417 2 0 0 RD eaioyos 12 3 5 3 .417 I 0 0 CM iU er 49 13 20 6 .408 9 0 0 Spula В 3 3 1 .375 1 0 0 CofMlzer 44 20 16 16 .364 4 0 3 RUdihour 48 I I 16 12 ■.333 I 0 1 ‘ С атр ки 45 9 14 9 J l l 0 0 2 M elua 4 2 1 2 .250 0 0 0 Crcaun 37 8 9 9 .243 0 0 2 NaU 38 9 9 3 Л37 2 0 0 Allen 40 I I 6 6 .ISO I 0 0 GtDM 10 I I 3 i'.100 0 0 0 СоШш ,0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 Jr.CftaMO 1 0 0 0 ; .000 0 0 0 Earie ' I 0 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 B .M ilk r 0 0 0 . 0 .000 0 0 0 MhdieU ■;i ;0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ПКШ НС W i IP H R ER B B so ERA Лг.СПмоа №0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 C i p « 4-1 26Í/3 18 10 7 18 21 1.86■«« -«--, ' ИКМШЮУГ 1-0 82Л 7 3 3 3 14 2.42 ' R .D (H o ycn '3 -t ; 21 Ш 24 22 14 9 23 4 J9Md1-2 20 2Я 26 17,^ 15 II 17 зле OrO 6 8 6 ■ 5 3 ■ 2 3.83 1-0 :'6. ;,9.,7 ,6 2 5 7.00 ; M ■'2 ■^s: ^■A’-■'4 ■-It .1 1 14.00 M i Colte 6. Qnttcr 4. Cantpben 3. Miliar 2. Nail 2. Оеак». J. Deiiioym. Rideohow Ihe No. I pllcher you're going to pitch against the best teams. Victor needs to understand and all the people need lo understand, hey, he's going to usually pitch against the belter teams that we play. "He'll be Ihere, he just needs a good ouling. And whenever his next one is, I anticipate it being good." Suiter Golf Classic To Be Held May 1 At Hickory Hill The 1967 class of Cenlrai Davie HighSchool announced the kickofffor the Sccond Julius E. Suiler Scholar­ship Golf Classic, which will be hekl al Hickory HiU Country Club on May 1.Officials are trying to enhance the toumament by adding celebrity play­ ers, morc teams, more trophies and ПЮГС prizes. Soccer Camp To Be Held In June Catawba College will hold a socccr camp June 22-26 at Ccnu:al Middle School. Ages 5-7 will go from 9 a.m.- noon; ages 7-18 from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tlie cost is $75 for ages 5-7 and $ 150 for 7- 18. Fbr more information, call Mocks- villc-Davie Parks and Rccieation De- parimcnt alhlelic dirtctor Joe Boyene at751-2325 or Kevin Dempsey at 7M- 549-9743. Continued fVoni Pa|e Blsome ofhis misplaced confldencc againsi VMl. He drilled several kick returners, knocked blockers off Ihcir feet ond was honotml as the spcciai team's ploycr of the week. "(Player of the week) was .something lo shoot for," he said. "It was a goal in Ihe role 1 was playing. 1 never rcally thought much of special teams In high school, but in college ii's one-third of the game and we spend an hour at praclicc every day on spcciai teams. It's mon: imponanl oncc you look at things. A couple of games, that's why wc ended up winning prob­ ably. That's what coaches say." .Comalicr sensed his confidence growing more when he mode the game's first tackle al CIcmson. "It gave me some reassurance lhat 1 could do h,” he said. "That was awesome. It's an experience you'll always remember." ASU's stariing fullback, senior Karccm Young, remains the campus' toughest trivia question; What is hurting him now? Nagging injuries frequemly sidelined Young last season, opening Ihc fullback door. "He had something wrong wilh his (lower back), he had turf toe, he's gol bad ankles and feel and he just had surgery," Comalicr said. Running backs coach Tim Horlon settled on Comatzcr for backup duly al fullback, a previ­ ously unfathomable scenario. "(Young's) a good player bul he's always been kind of hurl and Neil was backup on defense,"Honon said. "So wejust said: 'Hey, let's move Neil.'" The evolution accelerated Comatzer's development consider­ably ahead of schedule. "Neil was vety receptive lo il, had a wonderful attitude about Ihe whole thing, and has eatncd the staning position Ihis spring," Honon «lid. The spring season al fuUbiuk was Comatzer's moment, mainly bccausc Young was recovering from surgery, and he grabbed it with an iron grip. "The Ihing lhal was pleasing is we gel 15 days of spring practice and Neil did not miss a snap," Horton said. "I mean, he went every play and did nol miss any, never got hurt or banged, and he gol every rep he could get and gol better each and every day." Comatzer flourished, gradually climbing to Ihc lop of the depth chart and proving lhal nonentities can bccome entities almost over-, night. \ "Wlwnwc started spring praclicc, it was almost like Neil was siarting over again," Honon said. "He was probably our liflh-lcam fullback - we’re not going lo move him and put him wilh the firsl leam; he's gol to earn il - and I would say afler four or five days he was third leam and after four or five more days he was first leam. So he'sjust a pleasure lo coach, a fun guy to coach, and I wish they were all as easy lo coach." Neil Comatzer lias woik^ his way from a walk-on io a possible starter in 1999. . Now Ihut he's fulfilled one - dream, Comalzcr scn.ses that his. catecr has lumcd Ihe comcr. "I'm pcrfcct now," ho said. "This is where I need to be. I finally found a role. I'm nol where I ever thought I'd be, bul it's going lo work oui.” Comatzer's astonishingly modest pcrsonalily intrigues Horlon, whose eyes have followed Comalzcr's rapid rise sincc high school. "He's a icirific young man. TU lell you whal, he's a dandy," Horton said. "You never hear him say , anything. We've got a good relationship and I just think ihc world of him. If you lalk lo me. I'll talk all day long about him. But if . you lalk to him, he'll say ■Ycs,'slr’'^W All the people of Mocksville should be really proud of him. He's a cfass Ш1 and has done well on Ihe fleid and in Ihc classroom."Looking back on the long inarch from foolball oblivion, no one lias meanl il morc than Comatzcr, who keeps adding high marks lo his [ record wilh his unmatched hunger. "The thing lhal probably sels Neil apart from mosi walk-ons is jusi his drive, his dcicrmination and his work ethic," Honon said. "I mean, he'sjust gol iremendous work eihic." Then Horton dclivcnMl Ihe ultimate complimcnl; "If our entire team's work clhic was like Neil's, wc woutdn'l lose any games. He's just a very delcnnined young man and his parents have done a great job of raising him. j "He will probably share time 4t fullback this year bccause (Young) has staned," Honon said. "(Bul in 1999) I can see Neil stepping in Ihere and dancing every dance.":He can also see him playing r every play. ; D m , т ш Шое Bagr Seafood CUSTOMER APPRECIAnON DAY E v e r y M o n d a y B e b i r M i i ^ B a b y F t o im d ir . EachtOmirMi^iiMi^huapiitp^mdciiolct ■ cftmchfrla,Uà»dpoimoroi*mrliìttì ю т ю т ш в о т л п A IA |ii,D M b orC nj4 M . 20600IKHHIIl,»lwt.HIHblit»NC (704)вЭМвИ Davie tennis Team Routs South Rowàn DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23, ,^T1»Davleienni5leun's8-ln)Utof ^S<xilh№wanrecentIyleftabiilobe desiied. Bul for a War Eagle leam in ;jhelhro«ofafive-matchloelng5treak, -Jt wasn'l bad iherapy. ' • ”ll was great," Slid Denise Boyd, Davie's first-year co.ich. 'The: boys . were happy, I know they're sUII hoping \ forawinoveroneoflheolherschools > in the conference, bul I think Ihey're having fun and just trying their best." ]Ru5sell Seriger, Juslin Long, T.J. . .'TMh, Paylon Triplclt, Charlie Schafcr .and Mike Ousefski bombed the Rald- r-.ers wilh si* singles victories lhal dc- ^;cided ihe outcome and afforded Boyd -yhe opponunily 10 play some freshmen '•Jn the relaxed doubles. , "Doubles was a liille dilTerenl," she • -said. "I lei (some reserves) play and il i was kind of fun for diem." Underclassmen Jon Rowe and ; Jimmy Malerdo impressed Boyd de- ' spite dropping a decision al No. 2 ‘■‘l i-,i. doubles. • ,"They played real good," she said. "They lost bul I diink Ihey had a good lime. Jimmy Is a Ireshman. He’s a' sltong player lhal will grow greatly." MatlTuckandMatlJohnsonwonal No. 3, winning praise in the process. "They played real well, too," Boyd said. "Johnson is anoUier frcshman who’s gol a lol of talent and wlU be building Uie nexl couple of years." Senger and Long, Davie's lop play­ ers, won al No. 1. As expected, Mt. Tabor and Rey­ nolds manhandled Davie (2-7 overall, 1-5 CPC) in malches dial preceded spring break. Tabor cniised 8-1 and Reynolds rolled 9-0. Schafer was responsible for Davie's lone viclory against Tabor, surviving 10-7. "He played rcally well," Boyd said.The War Eagles' heads were miles awoy in Uie Reynolds loss. "IlwasUienighlbefDrcspringbteak, and lUiink Uiat's whal Uiey had on Uwir mindsbecausealolofUiem were going to Uie beach and England," Boyd said. "They were more ready aboul gelling out of school Uian playing a lennis match." iC h a rity T o u r n a m e n t P la n n e d :;:,-The First Annual Davie Law and :il«»rycr Softball Toumamenl will be May 9al Rich Paric. , The entry fee is $80, wilh all pro­ ceeds going to charity. If your leam is interested inplaying,conlaci Joey Rey­ nolds al 336-751-7237. G a ith e r S e t s L e a g u e R e c o r d Only two pins separated Mocksvillc's Terry OaiUier from an 800scries in Ihe Major League Players League alAMF Winslon-Salcm Lancs last week. His 798, the best sel recorded in league play last week, was highl Ighled by a 287 game. Gaiihcr is Uie son of Linda Gaither and the late Hugh Gaiihcr. Baseball Camp To Be Held At Rich Park In July There will be a baseball camp at Rich Park from July 13-17. Mocksville-Davie American Le­ gion baseball coach George Daywall. Davie's Jeiry Walser and Glenn's Dale Ijames, among others, will instruct the camp. The camp, which costs $60 and is offered lo ages 9-15, will run from 9 a.m.-l p.m. each day. The regislration deadline is June 26. There are limiled spaces available. Call the Mocksville-Davie Parks and RecreatkMi Depaitinent a5l-2325) lo register. T u r k e y T im e Colt Poindexter of Huntersville, 15, son of Tony and Gay Poindexter, killed this 22 lb. turkey at 7 a.m. on opening day of Oavie County’s first turkey season. It was killed near Farmington at Ihe Davle/lredell line. F A R M B U R E A U I N S U R A N C E AUTO «LIFE «BUSINESS* IRA’S «ANNUmES FARM< HOMEOWNERS'MOBILE HOMES'BLUE CROSS Jack Adams Al Carter Woody Hudson Mark Jarvis Mike Ziglar Jeremy Willard Justin Long smashes a forehand for Davie. - Pttolo by JamM Barringir М СШ ОтО WORKERS’COMPBISATION ________ QENERAL UABUJTY 7 6 6 -9 0 9 9 S P M L K H f ■■ ' :s: Popcorn OipkNnals: ShalkMivford Рашю Has Grown To An Intemadonal Supplier They are one of the bMtdiptomat* of this area. TtMtriavory producltgoacroMAfflwk»andlntamalionaHy. Theyara ambaa- . tadora d the fMtila Vaddn Rhw boHofrtaiNl. MNiAinandaandCatiMllBoo«,own«r80tShalkwlardFann( iPopcom. Shallowford Farm hMoparwd an oulM andgHi (hopal thair farm, and tfie Booas Invita area shoppers to taka advantage ol ;tha popcorn traals thay saiva across the natkm and beyond. Gas Booa had always anjoyad larming. 101967, he swHchad toacrop that changed hi« We. *1 just thought It would beagood crap totry, I knew com grew waN hare.* Sohaaacuradamaikalfarhis com wHh Dennis Inc. In Winston-Salem and started growing. Ml tha other popcorn gRMMT* ware m the MMmM, and Booa soon realzad ha had an advantage. The popcorn nwikal was In the east He had k)war ihipping ooals, e^iedi^ when H came to the ;6)iportniaiket. y *Cur advanlaga hare waa that VM ware doaar to tha maikat -Wa^e got a 600- to 1,00IMniia advantage over our compaUlors. :wa'ra the ck)sast popcorn produoar to the port’ Tha Booea now grow800acraa ot popooffl, and they 1^ f№m ana famwia that grow nwa than 800 acraa fflora. They sat popcorn In 50 pound bags, one pound, two pound and four pound baga and gourmH popcorn on tha cob. , ’THay^gMtinaofpopMmand^ WhrtaooourmorpopcbnVagrowlnQpopMlirtty? : >Popeomlalhabaalsnackvalueihtrala,'Booasakl.'irsgood ■foryou. Vktuilly enryorgiuiliaikinralalad to haaWi— the heart -assoclalkin, Waighl Watchers - rank popoom kl the top «va mack ioodi.SmiankRnumbarQns. NlaigotalolgakiglorH. Waanaknl -producl It’s hot iio coin pufli or potato chips ttialhwwtobarallned '¡haavNybetmyougelihamandhKwalotoliitaaanallMa. .’ i . "irou cw almost eat popcorn stwlght out of Mie »skt Thew^ not many producía you can taka «traigM ofl the stalk mkmwava it and eat H. Thara as nahrál as It gats. . 'ttfsaasytonx. Anybodycanwhlptipabagolpoi «m and have the tasllast snack there Is.' Visit ShalkMrford Famia Popcorn Outlat and Qt Shop to leam more about popcorn, to try tNs wondetM snack an seehowiNs buikwss haa grown into an kftsmailonal suceasa. 8haik)wtoRlFannalskxialadat3732Hailmanniid,YadMnvMa. The hours are Mon.-Fri; 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. The talep one number is (336) 4 8 3 ^ wid 1-«ХМвг4вЭ0. H t n r O K H ¥ва»аиГ*ВИ1|*1аеми1аж ВМ1аИашг,0ша» Ш ббККИМ жш I# . 'V '■ л . • 998^9661 VCIimata Control /24 hr Computerized Qale /Fenced with 24 hr адмтд /Sizea6xSuptol0x20 / VUeo Camera SecMlty /Next to Bennuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr.. Advance David Mock BliMcn CriifBraFi« ЕМкШ §1 Щ | ж У Ш С 0 1 ^ Г Г У .т Е 1 > ^ RECOÌUiUpril Ì3,-19W S P O f L M I f f i иушг^ m e m , (З и )Щ - 1 0 0 0 HOURS Mon**niur 11*9 FH A Salil-in? Sun I2'8 Frauenhofers Ice Cteam ft Bake Shop 6000 Me«fc«Hro(* М Ч • Clemmoia Sow Optn ForBusUuss B E R M i m C A R P E T C E N T E RBERMUDAQUAY SHOPPING CENfCR Ut our profmiona] tuff he^ yoa with all jtour Лов coming oKds.• Intfior dtconur 00 tuff.♦ Om«>jrC«iconbiacdetperMfK«l • Cwpet* VInyl'TtI*• H ardwood • W allpaper Mon.-rrt.*fm4pin! M il M H w yie i, Advwe* W l 0 1 0 0 8 4 )3 0 0 A Cledner Worid opens new location beside Advance's Bennuda Quay A Cleaner World opened In Advance last week on beside the Bermuda Quay Sho^ng Center.' It olfers a spedal attraction—dry cleaning t)rought In early Saturday morning can t>e picked up Saturday afternoon. Store owner Mark Smith saU the feature Is designed for meeting those emergency cleaning needs people er^hter for their Saturday evening or Sunday outings. j "You can bring It In Friday afternoon or early Saturday for any big weekend plans," he sak). ! For Smith, this Is his third location for A Cleaner Worid. His others are at 2600 Lewlsville4:iemnions Road in Clemmons and at 1339 LewisviileClemmonsiRoad in Lewisville. The Advance store is at 110 Commerce DHve beskle Ace Hardware. "We're really looking fonward to becoming a part of that community,” he sakl. "The expanston Into eastern Davie County drew our atten­ tion because we were getting customers from Advance at our Clemmons store. We hope to be there as that area continues to grow," he said. j ACIeanerWorld features the neweststate-of-the-art equip­ ment designed to be environmentally responsible. Wortters at the store have been drawn from tlie experienced staff at the other two locations. "We do aii of oiir dry cleaning on location," he said. Gaius Clampitt Is the manager. He has been with A Cleaner Worid for 3 years and wori<ed formerly with Crown Dmgs. He Is a Clemmons native. : . Mart< and his wife Dee Ann, opened their first location In Clemmons In 1986. The Lewisville location opened In 1993. M ark Sm ith o f A Cleaner W orld, now In Advance. They live In Clemmons with daughters, Elizabeth, 15, and Rachel, 10. They are members of Home Moravian Chuich. Mari« serves as chairman of the Clemmons planning board and vice chairman of the West Area Chamber of Commerce. Dee Ann is active in Leadership Winston-Salem and Ihe Junior League of Winston-Salem. A Cleaner Worid's hours in Advance will be: 6:30-6:30 Mon.-Frl., and 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. The phone number Is 940-2776. C n M m M irror » SiMnrtr Doon Precision Glass' Worics, Inc. 3*10 Hwy.ieeW.-CIWOTona.NO 7 в в - 6 4 Э Э Enterprise Software <S Accessories Ntw A UMd PCb • Sofhran/: W t Cttsfm ВШ С ш р ш кг S^fiwen d Acc*ssoriis •4Э1Ч) Cook Am • OMwnoM. NC (MMFMlMtn) 712*0471 I N T E R S T A T E S H E L L v m UwbvUlc-Clcmmons Rd. Cteminoni, NC 27012 (910)766.1593 CobiMàrtr СоЫКтИ ем м а м м !» Moo*Ffi9am-Spm 3732 НМма RdeYadklnvillf, NC 141МП45И»а» (Cf DUtrtlona ReiiUft Team Salci Swim Gear of North CaroUna •M Jl RmhHIMm^U. loillM CInm M ^ 7 6 6 - 3 0 0 6 v m Provkllng competitive and recreational swimwear and accessories for chikJren, youth and aquatic fitness SUITS ■ GOGGLES -CAPS’ BAGS t SANDALS laniN’s AntO M ow ing28VMiaExp(ri(iwe 910-778-0610 •ma Симпвгу Church M . CteiMliOMiNCtTOIt A L A IM O Н Ш 1 1 СSen*« Al Your BeOM Need» о и ч ш ц ^ _П тВ о ж Я ч Л о тв Ы.9 7В4-9в18 Ottica 7У 7-И 7>Раоаг Tirad of Pagine Hlfh CiK«ialta Ptieaaf* т AT • DInwnt agmies • Zipiio UgMns • impat CIgn • Od«.Oul a Scenlgd Candes NEW Location Now Open at ^11-D Stadium Drive, Clemmons (beside KMoit) STORE HOURS: 9:0(Hni - ftOOpm. MONDAY • SATURDAY « 778-1144 (iet Vour И usi ness In riie Spotlight Call 766-4126 R c c e s s C O M M IiW K H n O IIS п а ш ж я л м А ШN o Jo b to B ¡to rS ttM Coll 71S4N)G5or POP» 7864)040 Y a d k in v ille P a w n & J e w e lry All Loans ConfldenUal ; > No Amount Too Urge*ln8tant Cash Open Mon-Fri 9A-5P Sat 9A-2P •OoillOow«lryTVfVCR'rAnliquм^lmмtry •Too(s.etc.*WatchBMer(es POBox 1236 Yadkinvilto.NC 27056 336-879^998 e n e e ...' in G a r Je n iin ig ' Ymt Bound (Х)лШгаг QmMng »Courtyard Landicopifto ■> CofnpMe PaUo A Dock Dotign • PaboFumHufoAAooeoeorieo .• РогвппШОапМпо *иетШипЛсярФ С тяог Natural Selections Cll Л CUT ЛШСУЕ II. \Si m< II V i hil«ii I II » 1 I II i.mmiiL' I t ils M I S I M 4|S< s «6 2 4 Мн у §01 A d v a n c e . NC > И UGLY STAINED ROOF NsvAg«! ш и виш онвтетс«! AmoowillBniOHisl sai Lams» Hoof M n RMMirtng liysrts R o o f iB r U e ^ *— R e a lto rs® ll~ ..J. CUJ.U O Ji«. PJ«« С Л .. Pi«. G U . B~b. пщширвг1105 Fork Bixby Rd»Adavance»336-<Wfr8101 Your Homo Town НоЫЮга FuH Sotvlco* Full Tim 22e»C LewtevHaCleitimoneHoad Clemmons.-NC 27012 CaabSkiniyrtai / //(■ iilc c s l p e o p l e ill I h i It O f 1 (1 . . . i> m / ( iiilei .. S P O f U C H f iSavory Spoon opens in Advance las a ful -service catering business She's got one of the r west businesses in Davie County, iand she's counting on bel j tfie best tasting as well. ; How long has she bet in business? "About three weeks now," joke Bette Hauser, d ner of the Savory Spoon Catering Jri Advance. •;; The business may b< lew, but her experience Is vast. Mrs. Hauser taught i immercial foods courses for two years at the Career Centerlind 11 years at South Pat1< for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth Cinty school syslem. 1 enjoy foods, the creativity of It, and I've een cooking since I was 8 or 9." Ontopofthat,sheha! ¡eencateringonthesldeforyears for family and friends. ■; When she consldere leaving education, this was the natural direction for her. She's excited about tl i business; - - "We can do wedding ehearsais, receptions, business luncheons and buffets, da; and family reunions, anniversary "and In-home parties and p nics," she said. ; "Ihaveamenuofaboi !ive pages, but that's not all we do. :We can customize to fit thi ieeds of the customer." She has opened her jslness at N.C. 601 and Yadkin Valley Road beside the Fan Bureau agency. The change has tieen dramatic for her. For ears, she worked In a basement classroom. "I was undergi was like at school," she ; Now she's got the full bf life In Davie County. - - Savory Spoon will ol Bette Hauser o f Savory Spoon Catering In Advance. tomers slopping In. And Mrs. Hauser wiii also cook on order pound cakes, yeast rolls, party cakes and foods. Doni forget to try her sweet & sour meatballs. Mrs. Hauser has been a Davie County resident for 13 years with her husband David John Hauser, a CVS phamia- and never knew whal the day cist. They have a daughter, Susan Alayne, 16, a student at Davie High. They are members of Calvary Baptist. Savory Spoon is located at 1116 NC 801 In Advance. The phone number is (336) 998-FCX3D (3663). The fax number Is take-home menu items for cus- 940-6726. I AnnudsMOO Hr Inspectioni Esttautes^HangaiseTle-DowraeFsst Courteous Ssrvice*No Overnight R Fecs*15 Minutes from WitttoibSsleinParking Fecs*15 Minutes from WinstoibSslem шШвшшшштR id a.A ccU Flutognphy.A iK nft R n la l (C-172RG-U0/br. .V C-1724M/l«.C-lK-$M/lit)—___ НИаИ ________JíiSL lili (Il (III \ II /'( iillli O iialitvA ir ( Ч . t 'l ' ' ' ' I , ,|| sun 1 I 1 ''П ( (^ H u s q v a rr^ treatment and a bright view OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ?4 HOUR SFRVICr 0Д1 • Oi. • EueiMC • HUT ИЯ» MciAum 766-2043 cuaaom ^ no. I COIUSIOM CONNtCnOM ■COY SHOP Foreign Л Domestic freetsHmahs 20 years experience 7 « « ^ 3 9.«¡fiiaabas________ D u J o u rSpecWzlnglnaUnatualanl aromathefapeutlo soaps and olher beVi and bo(ty products NMavataUeal Back'jBa^al Iheir new kxallonh^K-mt Cathy Bukin 7«S-70S6 ^ a tiy Mowery 76«-8(^. ÍSport» Fishemans Hwj 158»Ctamons,NC 27012 336-766-9486 Quantum • Zel)co Penn • Abu-Garcia Rex-Air B ait Tanks Flambeau Tackle Boxes New 1998 productf in stock now! GIFT CERTinCflTI T IM E S ^ E E SPrcteuksra OrganiiationSei\riC9 ♦ Event Organizing ♦ Residential Organizing ♦ Relocation Organizing ♦ Business OrganizingBecky Vemon 336-766-5050 tl lloun жt ' M F 8-7 -Sat. 8-6 Sun. Ь5 F ile N e e d le s •3.99Seeds о^пШгег • Bedding Plante BOREK HARDWARE 9 -1987 1-40 Wrst lo 801 Exit Ш Acniaa Гшт Bi'niiuda Him 64Ü1 Hwy. 8 • AdNnnce, NC STfML^ Choin Sowslorls otjust $ ] 9 9 9 5 AuthorizedDealerQ .VuAiiitf Kims Like MMvrr аЫ Ж lOIEIHAIDWAU 99S-I987 U m aaesn n e T ire a to n « Dunlop Tires Lee Tires G E O R G E ’S Mtehelln Tiies V IL L A G E G A R A G E , IN C . COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2S70 L«w l8vlll*>C I«m m on8 Road, Clem m ona ________766-7862 ________ ■ito Commerce Dr. ilw y 158, Advance 940-2776 L. AC leaner \ m a d r 26(10UwUville- ClemmoniRd. CIcminoiis 766-4041 t339LewlsvillC' Ctcmmom Rd. LewUville 766-8525 : ЦМ AU voua AUTO NUDS . Com SttOm If M l2CI«niKim nd..CI«nTim j s a i á L ^ и ш т е л ¿¿ A U n o ¿ i сМ ел е IjOhv ììeiiihl • Р и ^ е Ш 9 ш и • Stnt» Л ISenUWUUtC • Ч 1 и 4 1 ш и ш тел ^ ^ , Winston-Salem 751-1423 659-1364 Ш А ш т тстш А ю л и т DeMCensotdoNon*IMInanclng*1siA2nd Mortg^M»BQdyip>cy ProgHiMtof HOMIBUKIB and 1251^ UVMOikible М т т к ш ш т в т а в н R e p l a c e m e n t W i n d o w s eoi.i.i\s i.i.i'XTiue 7 S 5 - 4 S 7 3 i^tneV * Flooring Honre: ' M oa.,T — Oi, It a t a . » M . 1 0 « W a i. U 'ü M . lO 'X BBDBDBI C É M o f c n » т к й т а а й П и а п •Add BMUty a Comfort • Quielir • RcduM IMnlMwnce • Nm* UHre^tU«« Kiyplen Om a FourCoM lo»E iFkM M **li■Я IDooraaBMVMylSMhig “MilltrBulldliv * Kmodilint...ptactoJi»imL" 9 9 8 -2 14 0 Since 1980 '¿»p M . David M iller, CGR и в Л Ш М C»ìfl|7664733 2eVtan PuMo S 9 1 9 - C Ja iM É S t I ■ fiim m n Le Bleu is now available in 5 gallon bottles delivered to yoifr home or office. Call us today for your FREE trial. (i36) 998-1199 O ff ic ia l B o ttle d W a te r O f T h e C a n d in P a a A e n л .- ' ,М - D A V IE ro in m EN TERPM SERklO RD , April23,1998 P»*l*r ^niggling Girls Thick Team Gets Big Win Davie's girls irack team lias siiïgglcdmostot I the year so any victory-no tnat- tcrwhoU'sogainst - loolcs good. So Thursilay in China Grove, the War Eagles were all smiles aller their 76-50 over South Rowan. , "For the girls to go down then and win was a good efTort on their part bccause wc were shorthanded," said Scott Young, the boys coach who di­ rected both teams while girls coach Caiy Powers was out of town. "We ended liponly taking 16-17 girls down there-wehadabunchorgirlsonatrip. Coach Powers was on a trip wiih the school system - so I was real proud of the way we went down theieand round a way 10 win." Jerrine ftelcr put on a show, win­ ning the 800,1600 and 3200. Ttying the 1600 for the first time, Peeler promptly posted a team-low time or 6:06. "1 was very pleased wilh her effort," Young said. Commika Amoid was also huge wilh victories in the 100 and 200. In a second-place finish al Rey­ nolds three weeks ago, Samantha Murillo (400,200) and Raynika Gre­ gory (shot put, discus) were double winners and Laurie Desch, Laurcn Poplin, Stacy Joyner and Peeler took the 3200. Reynokls collected 88 points for Tirst place, followed by Davie's SI and Soulh SioUs'36. Swim Klckof Planneid TheDavieYMCAwlllholdaklck- oIT for the Hickory HIII swim team's upcoming season on May 3 from 3-3 p.m. During thefunctlon.theHuiifc'anes Intibduce their new coacK' 19- ) ir-oldAmyCall,aformerstarswlm- for Davie High. Wildcats Sufi »r 4-1 Loss To Forsyth Ciiuntry Day Davie High's Brooke Gravatt puts her all Into It In the high jump. Commika Arnold, Kenya Faull<ner and Cindy James compete for Davie. _________________________________________________-Photo« by Jmtms Barring«' North Davie's socccr Icam repeat­ edly knockcd on the door against reared Forsylh Country Day. Then, with one swing. FCD knocked Ihe last breath out orthe Wildcats' sails and coasted to a 4-1 win two weeks ago. "We basically controlled the flist 20 minutes," said Coach Sean Garnett, whose pesky giris railed to take advan­ tage or several scoring opportunities during 20 scoreless minutes nfthe fiist half, "ft was Ihe best I've seen us play. Wc werc real aggressive. Wc were pounding it down their throats, wc just couldn't get a goal. Wo had a couple real good chances off comer kicks." Tlicn PCD kicked Nonh in the gul. putting home a breakaway around the 20-iiiinule raaik for a 1-0 lead. "That Just kindof look all the wind oul ofour sails," Garnett said. PCD added insult to injury with tt lale llisl-half score, then quickly bur­ ied the Wildcalsin Ihc sccond half Oul or contention at 4-0, Oamcit turned lo an ofTensivc lineup that neutralized PCD in the closing minutes. "Wc changed it to a litlle bit more orfcnslvc and wc started conlnilllng them again, the last lOmaybe ISmin- uies," Gamctt said. "Wc did a lol of improving, so we'rc on our way up hopefully." April Ervin eventually broke the diought wilh a goal. North Blanks Chestnut Gime A golden opponuniiy for an upset slipped away rrom Chestnut Grove, which was burned by an official’s call and then let the Wildcats ofr the hook in a 2-0 North win. Chestnut Grove supposedly took a 1-0 lead late in the first halt, bul the omcial ruled orfsides on Chestnut ove, wiping away the goal and giv- g North new life. Garnclt wore a urkaslhccontrovcrsialcallunroldcd. ft actually shouldn't have been Itcd back," he said. "The icfmadc Ihc istake.but I wasn't goingtocomplain out lhal. They called offsides off a flection." The break couldn't have came at a liter lime Гог the Wildcats, who were umbling through Iheir woist hair оГ с year. '"The fint half we played hoiriblc," алки said." Wc weren't aggressive. I ISI lold Ihcm wc needed to be a lot юге aggressive. They were beating us every ball." Playing wilh a renewed purpose, hristlna Relak and Allison Howell rokc through the defense for .«imnd- alf goals that .settled the 'isuc. ■ 'We came out a Ici more aggres- vc. suited making good runs and :luallywori(cdlhcright side and over- ppcd," Gamctt said. "So wc looked relty good in the sccond half." LindsaySniilhandHowelldoublcd «¡sled Rclak'sscore. "Lindsay passed lo Allison and Allison took a shot," iamctl said. "It was a dcflcclipn оГГ le keeper and Chrisiina was ihere lo ut il in.”.... Ashley Wiliiami got a u-e opponuniiy Гог extensive ploying me, and made Ihc most оГ it. "Will- »ms played a position (left-back de- indcr) she hadn't ever practiccd bc- □rc. She hasn't been playing that long nyway,"Gamcttsaid."Bulsheplayed ift back Гог us bccause wc haii one icrson lhal couldn't beat the game, and he did a good job.".... Nonh-vyhich sat home against St. Lco'son /^ 1 22, Hooresvillc on April 27 and Calvary )n April 28 - is 2-2 on Ihc yeai;.'. ■ picture IS worth a thousand words.^^ PS. AC, PW, CB, Radio C olette (front ft IxidO. Loti of extioi. See & Appreciote. 9SK adud miet. $5.995 or fair offer.336W2617 loe* i».p 28.000 miles. Green, 4 door. 6 cylinder, outomatte. kioded. $16300 (NegJ 7ftW33-4411 Supetdvatgir, Uke new. Oive owner. \6Sxa mllet, loaded, new Michelin tires, grey leather Mde. Gray outikte.Col afler 6 JO p.m. 336-751-2411 Letournew us0 d car photo odsputsome cqshinyour hands. MMnlght bkie, wtitte top, 327, auto, PS, PB. k)calcar,9(»re»toted. $9,700/t)e«foff6r. 998-7435 nIghU. 751-6491 doyt. Advert)» yoorti«d vahlcte wtth a photo and let th* pictur« do the taUng, Juit bring In a photo of your cor along wtth a brief deecilption and we'l tun It In the Oovl« County Entwprtw Racotd tOfafontartclowpilce, Plecu*— NoDedeci, $ 2 0 .0 0 1 B A V IB e O U N T Y шттиЩшсйль 171 SocithMoms», e MockMto.NC e (336) 761-2120 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998 - B7 Fbrmer War Eagle Foolball Players Extending Careers Into College 'Coatliiucd Fhm Ptge Bl heavy consldcnition on the mileage his pmnu would pile up ttying to са|Л tvroSaturdaygamcs, which would have been virtually impossible. "I fell like it would bc easier on my family because they'd bc able to watch . me and Neil play," he said. "(Nell and 'i).talked about that and wanted to do ■ ihiit. Wc got to when 1 was in the 10th grade, but it would be good lo do it tlgaln. rm excitcd about playing wilh him and just cxcllcd about the fact that t am going to play." Jamcsiscxpectingloplayrrecsafcty but comcrbacic Isn't oul ofthcqucstion. As for nexl year, James will probably bc restricted to a spcclal-team’s role or rcd-shirted. 'They'll decide before the season if they want lo red-shirt me or not," he said. "Coach (Bcnjie Brown of Davic . High) has been to watch some prac­tices and he thinks I may have a chance to play a little bit of comer, where I , played my junior year." . CaUtwbalsafootbali-cnwdschooi. . a regular contender in the NAIA ranks, and James can already feel the emo­ tion. "I can't wait to get there because the intensity level is jusl something." said James, who runs a 4.S in the 40-yaid dash, "fm really looking forward to that. It was OK in high school but ' everybody wasn't at the intensity level . thatitwiilbcalincollcge.andthai'sihc big thing lhat I'm looking fonvanl to." Cornatzer's upcoming-frcshinan status is also in the air. A strong-safcty prospect, Cornaucr could bc rcd- sliined, a route lhat would оГГсг per­ haps three years оГ qualily playing .lime. . "As far as I know, ihere's a guy (at suong sarety) lhat will be a junior next .year, and apparently Ihere's nol that much depth there righl now," he said. "They may want lo red-shirt me. I’m . not sure." . . Slipping on a red shin wouldn't . deflate Cornatzer's spirils. His brother . sat out one season, woritcd his way inlo .9(1 to light for a slatting posllion." One of lhe iwo starting end posi­ tions is locked away for years, bul the olherdooriscnKkedhecauscBahnson's competition, a rising senior, was In Africa on a school mission and missed the spring workouts. "It looks good," Bahnson said. "There's a guy that's abroad tight now - it's real popular here, you go todiffer- ent countries and so schooling and sluff-sohe’s nol doing any condition­ ing wilh Ihc resl of us and cveiybody’s wondering what kind of shape he’s going 10 bc in. Il depends on what kind of shape he's in (ir I'm going to start). ’"The otherDend. Idon't havcmuch or a chance playing over him. He was the defensive player of the year as a treshman. He didn't play high school untilhlsscnlorycar.Hccouldcasilybc on a full ride. Hc’sjust amazing." Next week: Wimton Salem Stale’s Deryl Wilson andJonathan Vaughters. James S. Cornatzcr >; Tee Bahnson the spccial-lcam’s fold lasl year, has sincc been promoted os a likely part- timer at fullback for next fall and is playing on a full scholarship. "fic's a motivation factor bccause he started out with nolhing. and now he's gol a full ride and he's worked his way into the lineup," Scoit said. "1 know U‘s going lobe aloi of hard work. I'm not expecting lo go up there and (play) righl away."Comat«r, who has been limed al 4.6 in Ihc 40. hopes lo beef up and speed up by the lime the August work- ouis heat up.,"I'd like to put on Rve or 10 pounds of muscle, bul the main thing I've been working on is my speed," he said. "I'd like to get in lhe 4.5s consistently." Dbikliu. Bahiuon Sdld Chris Dinkins and Tec Bahnson, former Davie High athletes, have worked their way Inlo possibleslarting roles for nexl year. In fact, Dinkins, a rising red-shirt sophomore who boomed twopunts for an average of 45 yards lasl season, envisions himself as Catawba's start­ ing punter. T il probably bc the starling punier and holder (on extm points) the way il's Uwking now," he said. "We've gol u coupic real good kickcrs. but I'm basi­ cally the only good punter wc have. So the coach told me he really wanled me lo work on my holding and punting." Dinkins' confidencc grcw consid­ erably when Carol While, a wcll-rc- spccicd indepcndeni punting inslruc- lOT, informed Caiawba's coachcs that Dinkins shined most of all during u recent clinic. 'Hie kicking coach that was up here one weekend lold (the coaches) lhal I'm hy far lhe. besi punter (Calawba) had." he said. "She runs all these kick­ ing camps, and she came up herc one day and wcxked with us."In a rcceni spring inlrasquadgome, Dinkins reached his goal ofa 40-yard average, a plateau lhal he's aiming to maintain as the season nears, "I wani to be 40 or above, and I think I've gol a rcal good chance of doing lhal," he said. Bahnson's freshman season at Davidson mainly conslslcd of spccial teams and late-game action at defen­ sive end, as expecled, bul the 220- pound sophomore has progressed greatly. "I'm looking lo play a lot morc this coming year," he said. "It looks like I could sharc lime and I might bc able to Slarl. The coach lold me I hod achance i Oavie resldmts Tim Cope, Nick Davis and Jason Winters are members of a youth soccer team that was runners-up In :j:a Charlotte tournament. Area Soccer Team Second Divie county's Tim Oipe. Jason ; Winters and Nick Davis helped lead a U-17soccerteam(i™nRowanCounty :: totlieUtJegunioftheCharionePitfc/ : Sharon United Invitalkxial recently. J: Rowan reachedthe finals withuiree • i; Wm and a Ue. then k»t B) a stipe- ; i-Vjiir Cokxado leam that dklnl alk)w a jiqal thiaighout tiK toumameni. ;■ ::^Rawan'sniisslanslaitedwitha4-2 ; over a New Yoik team. Duvis :<i9ondoneoCthe toals.Ttten Rowan X O lio 2-1 faefoie lying West Vir- ::'';.'’|iUal-I.DaviihMllheassistinlhelie. I' ’.^qope dcUvcred Ug in a 2-1 sem in^ over another New Voik te«n, 'J-jinildngiaaieiiKndiblenveiandguar- anteeing a championship dale. • Rowan, which is coiiched by Catawba's Kevin Dempsey, took a 9- I-I record and a No. 3 stale ranking into last weekend, when il competed In High Point... .Ttiere were 20 teams In the Chariooe Invitational.... cope is the team's keeper, Wlnten pUys de­ fense and Davb. a student at West Rowan High, 1s astciker.... Rowan was the only North Carolina leam to place in the toumameni.... Rowan has won Iwo loumaments, aThanksglving Shootout in Chaitesion, S.C., aad an invitational in Stone Mouaiain, Oa... . Plans an being made ttarlhe team lo Iravel nexl summer to Europe to play. Notes & Quotes W o m a n S t u d i e s K i c k in g ... A n d G i v e s T o p A d v i c e Chris Ditikiiu, a 1996 Davie High graduate who is Catawba's punter, was skeptical when a woman triedtotellhimhowtodoa man's ’ job. "I was kind of like: 'What is she going to teach me?'" he said of Carol Wlule, who recently instiucted a kicking camp at Catawba. Dinicins quickly became a bel lever and absoibed White's high-tech lessons. , "But after you sit there and talk to her, you realize that she knows what she's talking abouC Dinkins said. "It's weird. She never played, she's never really kicked, she's jiist sntdied it and made a science out of it She can tell you what you did wrong and righL" When While was (jeorgia Tech's special team's coach, she was the only female coach on the Division I level. Tee Bahnson, a 1997 graduate of Davie and a rising sophomore defensive end at Davidson, knows the deflnition of lough loss. He endured three excruciating losses last season, last-minute collapses that Bahnson has yet to digest "It was disappointing,” he said of the Wildcats' 3-8 record, "We expected to bre^ the schoolrecord(rorwins),actually,but we lost five games in the last (1:30). Thrce of them were like Hail Mary's and just crazy plays. It was unbelievable." In the wake of an I l-71osstoEast Rowan,Davie'sbasebail team was forced to tum the lights on for practice the next day. The moral of the story: The lights were turned on before practke. "We've got to find a liltlc mental toughness," Coach Jeny Walser said. "We tried to do some things to create some mental toughness so Tuesday moming we practiced at 7 (a.m.) I heard some of the kids saying they've been to a lot of practices that they hod to tum the lights onattheetvi, but they had neverbeentoone where they hadto tum them on at the beginning." College recmilets are already inquiring about sophomore catcher Dtew Ridenhour. And while they're intrigued by his boundless poten­ lial, they don'l like everything they hear. "There’salotofcollegecoacheswantingto know the details on him," Walser said. "When I tcil them he’s a sophomore, in some ways they're disappointed and some ways are even more interested. They’re disap­ pointed lhat they can’t recruit him now." C a r t h o m e a C a r o l i n a C a r a v a n f o r ^ 2 7 4 a m o n t h . 36-month lease, with *1,224 due at signing (plus tax, title, and license)! Dodge Caravan Right now. Dodge has put together a great deal on America's best-selling minivan, just for Carolina. You can lease a Caravan, equipped with air conditioning, an automatic transmission, seven-passenger seating, and more for just *274 a month. Huny to take advantage of this limited-time offer. PTheNewDodgie SeeTlie Friendly Carolina Dodge Dealar Near You. OfKkial Minivan Of The Caldina Panthers *Actuai tinns vvy by pvticiptting dMltr. Thii Imm «xainplt for (m éM II bM«d on bM t MSfìP for a 1906 DodQt CM M n wnh 22T pkM o» M h M69 down and MtumM «1.220 d M lir conlrlbulion, wNcD may tflK l final prie«. Option to buy at iM M «od at prvHwgotitttd prie*. 16 omtf p tr mito lor miM OMT 12,000 ptr yaar and chargt for axctM w«ar. Tw, tMa, lomaa. №it moMh't piVnwM, « 4 <495 aoquMioa fM aua (n adMnoa. No Mcurily dipoail raquirtd for quaMad buyara. UaM ofHr anda Apri 30,1090. • Discount Cigarettes • Zippo Lighters • HumkJor Room witti Imported Cigars ' Copenhagen/Skoal - *18“ Roll/V* per can N ow ,il i i'.onvrnii'íil / (ii:,ili()ns «7M .IM n8L CvM SM tM IM M rtc_ймвш.мс17ш KM PC 27031 aaeowHoievm•Tf-m i т ^ ш WIMrto«.NO 97061 К«пм*а«.МС97ЖММШ М МГ .R.NC v tv41SI M2fS eanSHAmOr. 0«Nnoni,NC 3701277H144 I g e®a8 ( O L f l T i Confectioiiaiy Pint © ClMOlltt S^in£ FlOMK A (336)712-0044 О 2505 Neudoif Road. Clemroons /Л • 1ЫттшПтл9ЛШЛёО$€Шё»Пшш^ U ’ viu«c Q fcCotponle Accountt W cD cH vcr& SW p^ О g e ^ í i 3 0 ^ 3 ) # jS m o h - O m N s ^ ^ Back to Basics Herb Shop 6311E Stadium Dr.* Oemmons, NC 27012 Beside Kmart 3 3 & lfM 5 6 S Ion. We carry We Iiave a you In your selections. Come by and visit our new expanded location. \ ' only pharmaceutical grade supplements. We I Nihjra(M№ on staff to assist you In your sele( \М *оШ тШ )па1 counseling and ¡Ш оду Ьущ р р о Ш вт BaitMm Whaley N.O., shop owner, is a Certified Natural U a aIII« H m ^ a a i n n n l I In rtin lln i C k A . ‘r iM ii rnnoM tonai ana M n t6 r noiisoc ncfDaiist sno can ghw you the special attonton you need. 0 Interest INTERESTED? AAMlMtnilSlnvlellyiBmandildkigniowM.» .Ц » »iÉMIicnMii»,eliliipwilW(Mwindclilppervacw 9\яш ЩВКШЩ рщпяпи w o оопммм rant. ' «HMr.alwind*toonl iMMtom iluto[Т^едщваиацусотцяу < > S im pliciti! M o th e r * s й л у S p e c i e J Village of Clemmons Afghan Woven in Ihe USA by Adam your home or office with our rich, Intricately woven afghan. This «pedal work ol art Is custom- designed, giving you a unique gift that will enhance any home. Available In СгапЬепу. Hunter Qreen and Navy. S K O A L M IC E AvalUkU tk n M b » « • • • K tw O m ir’t e R « . Price 4 5 Be№SH«lnwt( ftaw Towns Csnltr • CtemmoM ________7BMS67________ Oifi Wrapping AvaUeblt »NAL CASH ADVANCE OET CASH NOW! Cash For Your Personal Chech Silas Greek Onaing Shoniiiig омег 4Doors Pawn ñvm Tqys-R-l/s к 3216 Silat Creek Piafcwiv 336-768-6550 N O W O P E N ! StockroomSHOES 631 l-A Stadium Drive in Clemmons (Next to K-Mart) 766-1039 Feeturieg Men’s A Women’s Dress, Cesual, Comfort, WalUng/HIUng, AHileHc, SeiiJeb, Bools, Golf Shoes and Alhlellc Shoes for Children. Aerosoles Calico ECCO Nunn Airwalk Candles Entp BushAsttMClarksFlorshelmRiddell Bandolino Converse John Deere Rockport Bass Dexter Naturatlzer Saucony Born Eastland Nine West Skechers Bostonian Easy Spirit 9ЛС0. Special Orders our Pleasure/We pay shipping A handling P flnnuols ♦ Perennials ♦ Vegetables 4 Hanging Baskets ñzoleas P a n s i e s * 9 ”« p e r S l a t o f i 3 6 Bedding Plants $11” per flat (36 or 48 plants) 4-inch Pots $1" each Boston Fema $10* each TomatoM Miller*8-Clefnmon8 Curb Market 2690 Lewisviiie^iemmons Rd 766^14 Interstate Stiell on* Rd • Chmmara • Tse-isee R12orR134A A/CSEFWICE‘34“ Check А1АЮ Lint «ChKitBells ft Tintioo ! Operation of Compon«)«» •fiwErtra* •l“ Ofr PROPANE •2 “ Off iOlL CHANGE SERVICE ¡пеыеегороизейег i Indudss SMI ai t Stock SM 01 FUk S ui-ge Unmi comn par«! "Я 81# * EXPIRES M l-Иипй to <ip««W 3612 Clemmons Rd. Clemmons 766-9148 21 Yean of Service > We malwHJp HydrauHc Hoses, Fuel Unes & Air Lines > Stod( a Uuge Line of Wlx Filters for Trud(s&Off Road Equipment > Cany Brake Shoes & Air Valves for Big Trudts > MIxAutoPaInt> Cofflplete Une of Welders & Welding Supplies > Carry Many Farm Tractor Parts & Complete Une oi Automotive Parts »-We makeHjp Battery Cables for Heavy Duty Equipment’ Laini a GaidM 8lw«wr • Pièni a Shrub SiMwir Tool ShoiNr • Lawn Piity • Qwdsn WMdhig AflMiwon Q a r^ Tea It*s Spring and It*s Party Unte ! Come by and see the areas largest sekcUon o/ Printed Peaty Invitations Tke Frame & Glfl SO Miller Street • Winston-Salem Phone 336-722-4577 FREE ¡ T IR E R O T A T IO N W IT H O IL C H A N G E I EXPinESMI«LM1oouponpit«W •----------------------- ,[ ;l DAVIECOtNTYENTERPRISERECORp,Apríl23,19N^JCl',>. \ ^ Qienn and Linda Mace iooic over some of the ) in their siwp on Court Square in Mocluviile, including a handmade natural wood bed. - Photoa by Robin Fergusson Woodworks Gallery Offers Shq^pers Unique Ещюг^епсе By JoHuic Gailher Davie County Ewetptise-Recoid Glenn aAdUnda Mace hail dreamed ofowning theirown Ixuineu roralong time. ' Uoda's Пвге for dccoraling and Glc^'s.eiiperience with woodwork seerMOie perfect combination to turn «ЛС of .Mocksville's newest shops into asuccess.I ^ Пи Maces made a big change in their lives, opening Woodworks Gal- on Court Square Oct. 4,1997. [ '.Uiey built the idea for the shop around Glenn's handmade natural- shaped wooden beds, which he already making. He has a couple Samples for sak in the shop bul custcm make most of the beds he sells. His first aneinpl al a natural shaped bed was his own. Ihrough trial and mar, he leaned to make a sturdy bed. ■ "Ii'snollwigfuinitute.”01ennsaW. "W e are lo o k in g fo r people w ith unique item s that w ou ld fit w itfi the store." -G le n n M a ce He made his own kiln where he dries each piece of wood for a monlh. Through rescaich, he found out how high Ihe temperature needed to be to kill all bugs sincc he couldn't use pesti­ cides, he said. Now Glenn said he will make a bed In any shape or size the customer re­quests, incorponting a desired design into the headboard if possible. He recenlly finished a bed fcr an owner of ranch, who wanted horse­ shoes incorporated into the bed, whkh he accomplished with some help from welder Steve Walker. The Maces' own bed has a stained glass piece mode by a friend encased in the headboard, Unda said. The totalprocess for making abed is usually about two months, Gienn said. He also makes natural wood tables, shelves and olheritems as well as wood turnings - vases and bowls. For the turnings, he said he often looks for the ugliest, gnarllesl piece of wood he can find. Tm always looking for wp^" he said. In addition to sales al Ihe siup. he also attends shows where he can dis­ play his wood crafts. He is considering making some outdoor fumilure and will make other items upon request. He also does wood repairs. In addilion to Glenn's wooden cre­ ations, some other ilems found at the shop are hand painted fumiture, lamps, mctol and bead wotk, antiques, pottery, paintings, photographs and glass - much of which the Maces have on consignment. "We are always looking for people with unique items thal would fit with the store," he said. Linda, who is studying interior de-, sign at Salem College, makes decora­ tive gourds and painted glass for the shop. The couple has also tried toiiicor- porsM rocks and pebbles they picked up on the beach on their honeymoon to Nova Scotia into some of their worii. "We knew we couM nol compete with malls or mass merchandisers. We needed things they didnl have,“ she saU. n«M S H C «ipb-n«iC 5 Unda examines one Of the gourds She decorated that la on display at the Woodworics Galleiy. I spend a lot ol time Hying to turn their n«w shop Into a sucossa.Unda shotm on some ot the cmlls and a i ^ for sale al the а|юр. л'- ■■■ \1 C2 • DAVIE COUNTY fm EW m SE RECORO, April 23,19M Q a n a t z e r N e w s -BjrDoHiePMIs •ComatierCofrespomleiil ' •' OufcommunilycxprcssMsymp«- thy lolhc family of James H. Shipley, • Who passed away on April 3. ' Mn. Press (Dol) Robemon re- ;';ctived abtoken ankle and toes in an ;!aixldem. We wish her a speedy re- ;Jcoveiy. ;* Ella Smllh, son Dwayne, and ^grandchildren made vislis lo a 'Clemmons resthome and visited Lucille Ellis and Elhel Jones. They also visiicd taura Ashley al Meadowbrook Terrace in Advancc. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Polls and Sharon visiicd. Mae Laird in Mocksvillc Saturday night, and Lucilic Potts Sunday afternoon. • Eva Polls was a rcccnt visitor of Sarah James on Deadmon Rd. Kristy and Jeremy Gaines of' Matthews visited her mother, Kaye Wcsl Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smilh Jr. and childrcn of Ficcmont were Tuesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mn. Norman Smith.Hsliy and April Hudson ofFlorida spent Easter weekend with their par* cnis, Rev. and Mrs. David Hudson. Lucille Potts visiicd her son-in- law, Jack Carter in Advance. He is confined due lo injuries he rcceivcd in an automobile accidcnl.Mr. and Mrs. Brady Bamey, Mr. and Mrs. Bub Jones. Clara Barney, Mr. and Mis. Bill Shoaf, Annie Frye, Mae SlaiT. and Mr. and Mn. Norman Smilh and Laura went on toun In Bishopsville.S.C.Ia.'ilMonday.Thcy toured Ihe Soulh Carolina cotton museum and Topiary Artisl Gardens, along wllh olher places of interesi. Mr. and Mn. Derek Harpe and boys were supper gucsis of Mr. and Mns. Homer Polls on April 13. They celebrated Mrs. Haipc's(Para's)binh-day. H i l l s d a l e N e w s By Benlta Brahdoa Wyatt Hillsdale CoiTcspondcnl The women of Hillsdale mcl last IliuTsday nighl al the home of Angie Moishail. Hillsdale will have Family Night this coming Saturday nighl at the gym ofCalvaiy BaptisiChureh in Winslon- Salcm. Allchildren under the agcof 16 must be accompanicd by a parent. Volleyball,baskclball,ond other gomes will be available. HappyBinhdoyloLesicrondHclcn Keaton, Nick Poindexlcr, Kcnncih Hanes, Corey Bodenhomcr, Sandra McBride, Raymond Deon and Etia Baibiey. Wceslend our deepest sympathy lo the fomilies of Frances Powell and Homer Spry. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s B u r g e t t' A s h l e y I E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d > Gayle Mosley of Mobile, Ala., and Raymond Perry Buisett of Ft. Wonh.•mnunce the engageniem of Ihelr daughtet Mny Gwendolyn Buigeil iJiTIackson, Miss, to Stephen SmithAshley Jr. of Jackson, the son of M t and ^.Mn. Stephen Ashley Sr. of Lonelrce Court, Advance. •; Tbe bride-elecl is a graduate of UMS-)№ght College Prepatory School •'.in Mobile and Birmingham Souihem College wllh a bachclois degree in ifolitical scicnce, where she was a memberof the Kappa Della Sorority She ; js a second-year law student al Mississippi College School of Law in Jack- : son, with an expected graduolion date of May 1999. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Soulh Mccklcnbue High School and ; earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from N.C. State University where was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Heisa IW graduate of the Missis- r>ippl College School of La\4 and is an associate attorney al Barrcll Law ■..Office in Lexington, Miss. ■: The wedding is planned for S p.m. May 23 at DaupbinWay United Meth- ^odist Church, Mobile, Ala. By Marie While Four Comets Correspondent Mr. ond Mrs. Elliotl Smilh and family, and Mr. Jerry Potts visited Mr. andMrs.KennySmilh during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott arc the proud parents ofa haby girl, Honnoh Leigh, bom April 13. She weighed 7 lbs. I oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mn. Darrell Murray, ond greol-grand- porcnis ore Mr. ond Mrs. Clyde Murray. Mr. and Mn. Leonard Shcllon and Abby Fcrgerson have relumed home from vacalloning in Pennsylvania. Tlw Tarheel State Quartet will perform Sunday, April 26 at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited lo attend. Mr. and Mn. Joe White, ond Mr. and Mn. Batry Smilh attended Ihc P i n o N e w s funeral or Franccs Puwcll Saturday in Mocksvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe While attended Ihe Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. und Mrs. Garlic RcnegarSunday aflemoon at Joyner's Communiiy Center. In memory of Franccs Powell: I've lost another customer and friend. She wassofailhful tothc very end. She was always friendly to ev* eryonc and loved to have a lot of fun. She endured u lot of pain and wc know it was not in vain. She touched many lives in many ways, and we'll remembcrhcrallourdays. Wcihank Godforherlife. She was a wonderful moihcr and wife. To her family wc certainly sympathize, bul wc'll all meet again in the skies. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,19M - C3 Walk Saturday To Benefit Teen Challenge Teen Challenge will hold ll's 6di Annual Walk for Teen Challenge on Satuniay, April 23, at the center. Come spend "A Day In Ihc Coun­ try" widi Ihe staff, sludenu, and sup- portersofTecn Challenge.The walk Is seven miles and registration begins at 8:30 a.m.All proceeds from Ihe walk will asslsttocomboldrugandolcohol abuse by providing funding forsponsorehips for sludenls In die program. The 'Teen Challenge Voices" and "From the Heart" will provide a Ben- entOospel Concert beginning 0111:30 o.m. Come and spend "A Day in die Counliy" 01 Teen Challenge. Walk. have a complimenlary lunch, liilen lo gospel music, meet the »tudenu and sulT of Teen Challenge, and lour the facilities. Call Elizabcdi Green al (704) 5 ^ 2531 for registration infonnation. Mrs. Corbin Wade Diàs Mull-Dlrks Couple Married On A piill 8 At St John's Lutheran ByNonLaUMm Pino Correspondent In thcabsence ofour Pastor, Tommy Talbert, who has been on vacation, our guest speaker was Lay Leader, Paul Allen of the Oak Grove Church. As usual, he gave a very inspiring mcs< sage, and wc always look forward lo his coming to our church. Many thanks to all who came out lo our breakfast on Saturday, and also to those who worked to make it possible. Remember, we will have another one on May 16. On Sunday, April 16, from 4-6 p.m. The Davie Gathering will he at Center Albor. Theme: Old Time Camp Meet­ing. Tlwrc will be preaching, gospel music andahotdogsupper.AllUniled Methodists In Davic arc invited lo come. BobandLouiscDillspenlthc week­end in Myrtle Beach. James and Lelia Essie spent Sun­ day and Monday in Caswell Counly. going especially to attend the funeral of a friend, John Thompson. Calvin and Marlene Trivette re­cently spent some time al ihe coast. Beih Marie Mull of Mocksville and Corbin Wade Dirks of Winston- Salem were united in marriage at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 18 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The Rev. Thomas Corhell olTlciated. The bride is the daughter of Gary and Janicc Mull of Mwksvillc. She is a gmduaie of Davic High School, and earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of North Carolina al Greensboro, where she was a mem­ ber of the University Ambassadors. She is employed by the Town of Mocksvillc.The bridegroom is the son of Ken­ neth and Zona Dirks of Hickory He Is a graduate of Hickory High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology. He was a mem­ ber of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and is employed hy Liberty Mutual Group in Clemmons. The bride chosc her sister. Staccy L. Mull, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were: Jennifer Tucker of Leesbuts. Va.; Kim Hcfclc of Greensboro; Kristin Dirks of Hickory: and Shelly Lusk, Martha Palmer and Christine Sanders, all of Mocksvillc. Honorary bridesmaids were: Whilney Salley of Lexington. S.C; Camlyn Dirks of Wlnston*Safem; Tracy Dirks of Greensboro; and Kalie Dirks of North Wilkeshoro, The groom’s falhcr was bcst man. Ushers were: Luke Tucker of Leesburg, Vu.; Kevin Elvington of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mark Sugj^of _ Hickory; and brot^rs of'ihe grdtm, Brandon Dirks of Nonh WilVcstipro, Mark Dirks of Grcensboto Dcrreck Dirks of Winston-Salem. Scripturc readers were Jeff Finburg of Greensboro and Kevin Stccle of North Wilkesboro. Cruci­fer was Laura Sipc. Ring bearer was Ryan Dirks of Greensboro, the groom’s nephew. . Afler a wedding trip to Cancún, Mexico, the couplc will be at home on Carrie Circle in Mocksvllle. IM e d ic a tio n C h e c k T o B e O ffe r e d A p ril 2 9 lte Davte CottstySenioc Center :;mlWal-MMi)(Mackivilleaieipan- loiiiit ■ tee Brown Bag Medicatk» Check for acaion Wedncalay. April ;¡29Mth>Wal-Maitpbannicy. \ MafcWbUe,iihirmKl>i.wiUte .;iviiUble 10 aniwcr yam <|uatkni Iwd dMck nadicMiaat to make nn иут m nm dupUcalini medicina « ^*ttkia| medicaliaaa thM can couMct- •ct CKh other. Bring all of yout medicatioos, pcescription and non- pitKriptk», to die Wal-Mait phar­ macy between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wedneaday, April 29. Hie Davie County Senior Centcr. will be offering a tee bkwd wgar loeeaini Wedneaday, April 29 tem IOajtt.-noca. Aregialciednufsewill be at the Senior Center to adminiitcr Ibe Kiecningi and lo present infor- nution on conditions such as diabe­tes and hypoglycemia. . A ll seniors aged fiO and over are invited to »lay for lunch in die Nutri­ tions Sile. Ifyou are not a regular for lunch, call the Senior Center by Monday, April 27 to reserve your meal.Foraddilioaalittfotmalioaondiese and other programa, call dw Davie County SenkicCenlCTal 731-0600. O n e O F T H E M O S T R E S P E C T E D C A T A R A C T S U R G E O N S I N T H E W O R L D . C. RicharJ Epes, M.D., is one of the most widely respected cataract surgeons in the world. -.... Individuals from 48 stales and 18 | foreign countries have trusted Dr. Epes for (heir cataract surgery. ■ Dr. Epes has permed over 60JOOO cataract surgeries including the new "No-Stitch, No-Patch" technique. During this procedure, Vi only eye drops are used to numb the eye and you can return to your normal activities immediatelyaftersurgery. For unmatched experience and local con- > venience, call Southeastern Eye Center today. TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. ■ i' O SoiAieaslmiEVeGeila'. TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. For your convenience you nitty stt one of the Soutkeastem Eye Center dxtors In our offices located ai: Hr. a «w G. dpwHi« Dr.8ltvMC.L»wMi,0|Hr t i. •;ì ■ ' ; vori POR PRESSLEV BRAÌ¥LEY D IS n iC rC 0 U n jU D e E -I2 n d lU D IC U l 0 К 1 Ш m >io< I M I i M s n i A i n n w r u h , líMKÍ I. Irawltr, Jr. DMric« Cwift Judgt A BEAUTIFUL SMILE... A GREAT SELF-IMAGE •Childien&AduIb f «CaUFoT I y Complimentaiy ___________' ^ Consultation l|r A beautiful, healOiy smile is so important to a V child's self-confldervx. That's why Dr. Penna andstaffwantlonukebracesanaffordable f part of your family's montftly budget NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA. D.D.S.. P.A. Exclaslvuly OrtlKidonilcs * Dcntofaclal Onh«ipedlc,s Telephone: (7Ò4) 633-5942 Facalmllei (7M> 63»«»7 McDowell-Eggers jDouple To Many Steve and Judy McDowell of Advance announce the engagement of Uieir di|u|hter.HeaaierRettM.ta Ensign Deke Kenyon Eggo of KiogsviUe.Tcsas. He , is die son of Talc and Jane Egger of Federal Way. Wash, aad die grandson of Col. (Rcl) and Mn. Henry M. Wellman of Advance. Ihe bride-elect is a 1993 graduate of Davie High School. She earned a bachekir’s degrce in biokigy and, in May will receive a mastei'a of accounting degree tem die University of Noith Carolina al Chapci Hill. She has accepted a lo tio n with Emsi and Young. LLP.. EggergraduaiedinI992temCharfcsWrjghlAcademyinTacoma,WasUng- Um and was a disUnguished graduate tem die U.S. Naval Academy in 1996. the wedding is planned for July 18at St. Paul's Episcopal Chureh in Winston- , S ^ b a r b e r s h o p G r o u p T o P r e s e n t E v e n i n g O f W e s t e r n S o n g s A N O P E N L E T T E R T O T H E P A R E N T S O F S T U D E N T S Ш О А У Ш C O U N T Y Since I filed for a seat on Ihe Board of Education in January 1 have visited with eve principal at every school in Davie County. I have also spoken with many r' " teachers in these schools. The one group with whom 1 have not been ai communicate effectively - the most cntical group in Ihe education equation - parents of the students in these schools. Therefore, I address this letter to you, 111 aorpe with Ihese views. I would hope, howeve •— underlying I '. ThcTriadHannonyExpressCho- rus with special guestsFrcd. the 1997 Inlemalional Quartet Silver Medal- ■ ist w ill be In concert al 8 p.m. April 24 and 25 at Reynolds Auditorium In Winslon-Salem. The group, which feature some Davic residents, is a 35-mcmber ba^ bershop chorus, wiUi six quartets that include, in addition to Fred, Salem Square, Vbicetcrous and Achordablc. Tickets ore $9 general admission, . $7-for seniors and students and : groups of lOor more.Tickets at Ihe : door are $10. The theme w ill be western songs. For more information, call 336- 940-5424.The barbershop style is one of the Iwo which were invented in the United Sutes (jazz is the olher), said member Dennis Rudy of Advance. “Our unoccompanied style per­ mits us 10 generate multiple overtone sand undertones which makes Ihe music unusually full and rich," he said. '"The featured quartet, Fred, has sung to hundreds of thousands of thrilled listeners. Il really is quite a show.” The state’s ABUs pn>iti -------school administrators which I simt our county voices and abolish the r- our school system.2. Matte the level of remuneration for Oavie County teachers compclitive with any ' one of our neiihboring counties and Ihe rest of the state. We have to “send a messaie” to eiusting and potential future teachers that their work is vital to sustaimni our quality of life and attaining our goals as a community. We won’t short- ■ - 7. ., change them in the interest of fiscal thigality. i3. Let Ihe teachers teach and let them conscientiousiy grade Ihelr studeats. Parenlii, K ;‘" \ 1' convinced that all their children are college material, are Dutting enormous pressure , J Ion teachers to grade liberally. This results in grade InTlallon which violatcs tbc wanomk efficiency - and inle^ty- of the teaching professkin. I '' ”Htah S c b o d jt^ a u Agency Sponsoring Sn Citizen Of Year : DavieCounlyHonieHealdiAienqr : will conduct a "Senior Citizen Of Ihe ; Year" Conlot. designed lo honor die ::ienkir cidzens of Davie Couniy and die contributions diey have made. ThisspcdalawaidwiUbepRaeatcd diiaMayiarecagnitionofOklcrAmeri- cans Moodi. Ncminatwns foe Senior 'ICUizen Of the Year are being k - oepled. Each nominee will be judge on : the foUowing criteria: volunteeriim, ; dedkadon and conlribudona made to idle cooimunity aa a whole orto a :PMicuIarooainiunilyo(ganiiatioo;die ; amount of time nd energy diey have ; given to a patlculir cause md dieir ; lolc is maUig Davie County a great iplace lo liw; boatineei must be 63 yeara of age or okki and lesidenu of DavieCouniy. To nominate a aenior cidzen, write iaJOwDfdaorkttwhyhcildieihadd beSeniotCidzeaOmeYetr.Inchiile your Itali name, addresa and pluns number ■ well as die fill! nane, id- dRu and [lune number of die pcnon you an nomiaadiC. All emiies taw be received by April aaScad cnirica to: Senior Cidzen Of IheYearCMMiBediyRiaq'.DBvie Couniy Heakh Difanmeol and Hone HealdiAgeney.P.O.BoiM8,Mocka- viae,I4C 27021.Awanis will be pmcMed during theScafcitCWlerOpenHouieooMay 18,4-7pjn. MnnZI in«» WMv «__ 8. We need Id empower tbe parents in Ihe edncatioaal atKamru.m— _ , then devote the rcmainiiig time to schooi^^ilk issues. This woald lead a powerhl symbolic message to Ibc principals, tcacBen u d parent« at every icbool in oar syslcm that wc m U commuaicalc with you regubriy, ’‘on your home coart”. 9. Like all American business, we sbould be instituting EVM (Economic Value I Management) principles and practices In Ihc workings of Ibc Board. This would lM«e us - witBout umlue poUtkal infhwnce and without u<u<>>e oraMirt fhw any om group in our diverse community • to cicarly and cog« ‘ I economk Issues: • What are our educational objeclivw? .,I «What arctb« means to tbawobJcctlvMT ' •Mources do we need to meet thwc—‘■«-»Muntdft .. ani NHideil>aenMmic,NC«(tlQTIMOll * AIMЛНЯЯНмП V w awWeteft •HoMTkMkrlMMon •FkiAlm l { m m^ И кМ м м ум гМ рм И м . Я Ё Ё М Ш Ш я я т г ¿DAVRCOUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, April 23,1998 T s : i !Chaffins Honored On 5 0 th Anniversary^^ The Chaffins cut the cake at their annlversaiy celebration. Advance News Dale oihI Helen Dyson Chonin cel- cbralcd Ihclr 50(h wedding anniver­ sary with a dinner al Center Commu­ nity Building hosted by the couplc's children,thcirspouscs and the ChaHln's gtandchildtcn:MichaelE.Chaninand daughtcrStcphanlc; Mike and Marlene Gaillck: Sharon D. Chaffin ond sons Casey D. and Samuel J. JanKs; Rlch- ord and Tracie Green. The coupic was rccognizcd with a corsage and boutonniere by their chil­ dren. Rcd and white roses werc placcdon thealtarofCcntcr MethodistChurch in honor or the occasion by the couplc's grandchildren. An estimaled 152 raraiiy members and rriends micndcd the courte,sy Trom Winston-Salcm, Salisbuiy, Concoid, Troutman, Suitcsvillc, Harmony, Rock Hill and Mocksvillc. The Chaffins' were married on March 27, 1W8 by the Rev. James RUgerald al his parsonage home In Mocksvillc. Magnoliabios.somsond leaves were used to dccoratc tho entry way, and rooms o r the building. ' The couple's theme or "Memories orthc Heart" was accented by angels, doves and candles. Pictures or the niuplc were placcd In various areas. A ramliy album wus placcd ul lhe en­ trance. A special viewing table was providcdrorlovcdonesthathad passed ! on and could be remember In spirit. Spccial interest was given to the mantle which had a floral centciplece bordered wllh pictures of the couplc's parents; Mr. Stoccy H. Chaffin and Noah U. Dyson. .The thrcc-ticred nnnlvcrsiuy coke which was served by Put chafnn and Julie Cline, canlcd the angel and dove theme In cream colorcd confections and was topped by a golden 50lh bla­ zon. Mocic champagnc punch was served by Mis. Larry Harpcanddaugh­ ter Holly Earnhardt. Aprogramtille<l''UfeandTimcsof lheHonoredGuest.s"conslslcdorgrect- ings by Hilda H. Potts and Lana H. McCarthy. T№ wek»me was by y neth D. Boger and Ihe blessing b y '^ Rev. William "B ill" Wombough.'/^ annlvcisaiy loasl was given by Df. N! Max Lewis, childhood days were dls{ cusscd by Nocman S. Chaffin, MofgW A. Chaffin ^ Nancy T. TuttcioWi; Highschool nostalgia was by EllaG riyi Smith. Stories and anccdoles were ^yj Leo WIlllaiiM,Rita EmillsoiiandTcrcfa' Raisbeck. > |i i The song "Golden Memories" w4s; written and composed by Richard ! Tracie Green and sung by P a ^ j Bledsoe and Kristin Geyer. ! Special guests included A lvin ;Il. j Dyson and PaulineC. Vance, o j j B y Ed k fa Z fa u itn B n Advance Conespondenl Alaige crowd altended the services MtheMelhpdisichurchEastcrSunday withnunycui-or-town visitors. Chureh organist Sue Folmar, violinist Bobby Clutls and mimpeter Wayne Davis opened the worship service wllh Biahm's 2nd Symphony "Open Our Eyes*. The young men also accompained all the hymns. Tite altar Easter Lily was in memoiy orTaylor Howard by Joyce Robertson and fam­ ily. Visiting on RUm Sunday at church weieKalhyandFtankKtystynlakriom Sellenville, Pa. the aunt and uncle of Carlyn Shoaf. Dorothy Hahn or Harieysviile,Pa.Carolyn'smothcrwas also a visitor of the ShiuTs. On Satur­ day night Brent Shoars parcnts Mcdfonl and Nancy Shoaf and daugh­ ter Mclany baddinncrwith Brent and Carolyn and their guests. Brenda Zimmerman ofGlen Cove, Long Island, N.Y. and Jane Simms of Lynchburg, Va. spent Ihc Easter holi­ days with Brenda's mother Edith Zimmerman. Later in the week they visited Jane's parenls In Wilson. Lewis "Jack" Caner and wife Dor­ othy were involved in a auto wrcck in Davidson County Thursday, April 9. Jack sufrcncd a rractutcd pelvis and was hospitalized in Lexington Memo­ rial Hospital Tor a week. Dorothy sus­ tained injuries bul was able to come home. Gel well wishes go out to both or them. Several ladies Trom here went lo Cooleemce Saturday to assist in mak­ ing chickcn pics Tor the raising or runds Tor the 100th birthday of Cooleemce coming up in September. Those enjoying the day or fellowship and work were Brenda Burton, Edith Zimmeiman, Jonnine Roberts, U c y Bamey, Sue Fblmar, Mildred Spry, Faye Comalzer and Mavis Rogers. An impressive dedication scrvice of the new playground and equipment was held Satunlay, April 18 at the Recreation Cenler and fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m. Paslor Dennis Marshall hud chargc of the dedication. It was followed by a cook-out which was enjoyed by many people. Dave and Cheryl Markland and daughter Ashley of Boone were Ea.stcr guestsof his parents Frank and Margie Markland. They also attended church services. Tracy Spry, a student ut UNC- Greensboro, .spent the Easter holidays with her parents Doug and Joan Spry. Sandy Latham spent la.st week in Tulsa, Okla. where she allcnded ro­ deos, visited friends and shopped. Elizabeth Crouse Jonlan, of Salis­ bury, formerly of Advancc, spent E n ­ ter with her grandaughter Susan Jor­ dan. They attended services al lhe Methodist chureh. Also David Joyner and his molher Maty Rose Joyner at­ tended the worship service, as well as Ruth S. Collette of Winston Salem. ■ C r e s c e n t T o H o l d O p e n H o u s e CRKeatElccliicMeinbenhipCor- poMioawiUholdanopciihouseTliurs- dfy, April 23, II iu MocksviUe offkx «31 7SnlbidA vc. / H k open house, from 4-6:30 p.m., (n A le m m ten of lhe coopera- livclteonoRuailyloleain more about tfei fntO H d conoUdidoa of C i№ 'VWM— :i» * M l» b i» t n D«yidio« EMC. OCBcials of die cooperadve wiU be cn hand 10 answer questions aboul die ¡npoicd merger. Refiahmeals w ill be served. U k boards of diieclors of Crescent ELECT EM C and Davidson EMCare studying the feasibility of consolidating tiK Iwo clectiic cooperatives into one system. If studies prove thal consolidation is in ' d K best interests of Uk cooperatives' members, Ihe decision on whctiKr to caaoUdMc would be nude al annual meetings of members Ihis lumiTKr. .. .laaiUUaalothelocalboaids'wofk, the National Rural Electric Coopera­ tive Association (NRECA)alsoiscon- ducting an independent review of die proposed Ciesceni-Davidson consoli­ dation for the Iwo cooperatives. Crescent EM C serves more lhan 52,000 member-customers in pans of IicdeU, Alexander,Cabatnis,Catawba, Davic, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Wilkes and Yadkin counties. DavldsonEMC,whkhhasitshead- quateti in Lexington, provides elec- Dicily lo more dian 36,100 customers in pans of Davidaon, Davie, Forsydi, Guilford, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham and Stokes counties. The scrvice territories of die two cooperatives join aloAg tiK Davidson- Davie County line. М а 1 1 м 1 1 1 . А Н М |RtpablkMCMdidaU HvDwtoCouty СмиЫ Ы омг \a iE -M e t 5 ,tmВ Unique Hair Carc ft Nalls Wclcomci Kimberly Lee __ I ^ _ •«> ■«> <i> CaroCimСеСЫаг 15MN.MatalL • ИмкюИк, NC 27021 (336) 751-5551 O n L o c a tio n A t W A L - M A R T YOUR HERBAL STORE I S Y O U R T I M E D V f P O R T A N T ? O U R S T A F F T H I N K S S O . Original Square And Court House Historic Oavie brought In this photograph of ttie okJ Davie Couit- houseand MocksviUe town square,’ iMlieved to have been made Iti- 1907. Pictured, from lett; Henry! Howard (white suit, operated Jew-^ el7 store); W.C.P. Etchison (white: beard, ttie town poik»man); Char Brown (fattier ol Frank and Hugti Brown); Poss Harbin (black hat); Enoch Smith (white hatand beard); John Sprinkle (black bow tie, the sheriff); Moflitt and Blackburn' Sprinkle (boys); Alex SailBy' (crossed arms); Cap Baiiey; A.T.- Grant Sr. (white beard, clerk ol couit); Ben Stonestreet (black suit, fatherolWlibumStonestreet);C.c: Cherry; A.T. Grant Jr; Marshall Bailey (ran store at Cana); Dr Cain (beard); John Current (mral mall carrier); Jim Moore (register of deeds); Jimmy and Paiul Moore; Etchison (straw hat, father of Annie Uurie); Jim Haitiln (jailer at old Jail). The names were hjmished by S.M. Call in l961.The buikling on left is the front poich ol the oM Masonk: Hall (now the site of the county admkilstratton buikling. The buikiing to the right ot the court­ house was the store ol Cept. Wiley Clement. The Enteiprise wekximes oMphotographsofDavie people or places. Senior Club Plans Trip TbcCooIccmceScniorCili/cnClub met April 13 In the fellowship hull оГ the Rrst Bapiist Church. The meeting was callcd to order by the president. Thirty-two members answered Ihc roll call. Two visitors werc present. Afier prayer the group sang "He Lives".The assistani chaplain gave the devotions. His text was from Philippians, "Paul's thanks and love." The minuics were rcad. the sun­ shine and treasurer's report given. Margaret Shew from The Davic Couniy Boardof Elections gave a pro­ gram on how to use the new voting irlacHlne. •‘ Coleen Moorc and Margaret Itoyster were winners forthe best Eas­ ier bonnets. ; Barbara Thornton announced the upcoming events at the Senior Center. : PlanswerccomplctcdforthcCool- ceniec Sr. trip to Abingdon, Va., tour­ ing the western mountains of Virginia, shopping Qt Dixie Potlcry, having a (мГГс! lunch at the Munha Washington Inn and going to The BiutcrThcatcrto SW ."The Diaries of Adam and Eve." 1 -The meeting adjourned with the g ^ p singing the club song, followed tjyprayerandthe blessing forthe meal. I ^The group piled into cars lo journey to ШиеВау Restaurant in Salisbury for a'meal. * The next meeting will be April 27. •W A » L ИЮМСК, I f ffw (ОаршМ Resident orilaylorsville, NC Born: April 11,1965; Married with one child; Chairman of the Board of Deacons Taylorsville Presbyterian Church Advertisement pakj for by №e committM to elect Edward L Hedrick. IV District Court Judge V E l W C A n O W 1990 Graduate of The University of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC 1987 Graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC HONORS: Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma (FWshnun Honor Society), Beta Gamnu Sigma (Business Honor Society) « C T F E R IE W C E March 1,1993 to Present Sole Practitioner, IbylorsviUc, NC General Practice of Law with an emphasis in Criminal Law, Domestic Law and Civil Litigation September 1990 to Februaiy 1993 Assistant District Attorney - 22nd Prosecutorial District Prosecuted Felonies & Misdemeanors in District and Superior Court B E T T E R P R IC E- M O R E S E R V IC E - IJS S S TIM E A P H A R M A C Y S H O U L D HOUIS: Mob ttiru FM 8:30 • 8:00 SM:8:30-4:00 . Sm: 1:30-5:00 # 0 S fT E R -RAUCH DRUG CO. > V A l l l Y R D . • M O C K S V I L L C , N C a 7 0 2 S ‘ 7 S ! - a i 4 l ^ T « DAVK c ó u m ÍÉNTERPmSE RECORD, April 23,19M TtaCtaUiiVDNonhCM diM nc- o p la i thee Davie Cbunty roidcM i « to iartdiM ÉB in die Volumecr in IW e e n N p P io yin i. The votuineen w veoitebaen)of< linclon,w ci1(!ii -te office, ш ) M iiit in die itsidenlial m cfd a c e n te r. HieVohiiilearhPannenhip(VIP) Progran can ili» of volunlecn fnm theconiduiitywhohelplofniniilCTto ladicf widi lUie4nmoUing ргоЫслв ска|)е м addictive lifalyle. Ih e voi- unlecn assist in Ihc rcsldendid, class- mom, and nuinmunce areas of Teen Challenge NofthCaroIina. Volunlccrs also assist to communlcateTcen Chal­ lenge news and needs lo die commu­ nity. The V IP program also has volun­ teers Irom Iredell. Fbnydi, Guilford. Mecklenburg. Cauw hi and Wake' counties. Brool! Martin is die founder of die Hannony campus, and has been an acdvevolunleerwldiTeen Challenge for tSyears. She serves as secretary on die board of directors and is co-chair­ person of die 23Ui Annivcnary com­ mittee. "M is. Mardn's dedication has been an inspiradon to die staff and students for many years. She is a consistent sourceofencounigementand commit­ ment to die on-going opeiadon of the organization," said Michele Bryant Cheryl Monxesisinvolved In many areas of die ministry. Monsees assists in die administradve office and helps widi secretarialandclericalduUes.She has served on die corporate council and coordinated die Volunteer Appre­ ciation Dinner last year. Monsees and her family also host Teen Challenge Nonh Carolina students in dieIr home during off campus visits. 'She has ex- hibitedawilllngnesstohelpin any area ofdiemlnistry.'Bryantsaid. Connie Farrell assists in die resi­ dential area of Teen Challenge Nonh Carolina. She spends dme widi stu­ dents on Saturday and Sunday after: noons to relievediestafronduty.FaRell often sharesinstudent afternoon dera- donal times or pafliciptles in recre­ ational iKliviUea during their leisure dme. 'Connie relates to die ladies as a person who genuinely cares for dieir wellbelngby donating her dme to help at Teen Challenge,' Bryant saM. TeenChallengeNotdiCarollnahas many people who give of dieir dmu, energy, and sponsorship lo help keep die doors of die center open. Teen Challenge provides he^ink, s h ^ , 'aiid restoration' to ladies who c o ^ from addictive and abusive lifeslj^s. They spend, a year tt the Haniwny haven learning to have healdiy n^- Uonshlps and lo change destn^ra behaviors al no financial cost to tjie^. TeenChallengeNofdiCarolinicei- ebrates its 23di anniversary diis If you would like to join die Volun­ teer In Pannership (V IP ) prognuT| contactB^antal(704)346-2331. I foc/csw/te W o m a n 's C l u b R e c o g n i z e s F e d e r a t i o n D a y P ' 1998 Federalkxi Day wasobserved j ^ die OFW C Mocksviile Woman's j t U on April 8 when diey met al ■ Rua.CouniryCiub. ta a id M Stella Fisher opened die I with a'ThougM for die Day' jIt'S a n ia riis ate like wheelbanows; M y IM M when pushed, and very ^ y g p o M .' ^ bStcoad -Vke President Marlene ;< lbnel fiv e die devotions, and Jean ^Mm ohr led die pledges lo die flag. K H o m e U fe Chairman Sheila ^j^ooowpimedeachladywidiablue ;A b a a In recognilkm of ChiM Abuse ^hcvendMmomh, and asked dial each dD aqmediing special for a chiM. !;|taieraw alao announced plans lo dis­ tribute May Baskets on May I to sev­ eral groups in the counly lo honor their contributions ihnxigh volunteering. Several members plan lo attend the NCFWC Slale Convention in Raleigh aldieendofdietnandi. The club voted to send a contribu­ tion to Ihe Wcstskle M i^ le School in Jonesboro, Aril., to purchase a book forttieirlibiaiy in memoryofdie teacher and students who lost dielr lives in Ihe tragic shooting incideni recenlly. PhyllisPoller.chiJnnan of the Fed­ eration Day celebration, gave a brief talk on Iho background of die GFW C emblem, csplaining die meaning of die cokirs used 10 create the shieM. She presented kmg-sUmmed roses lo Iwo choner members, Betty Hall and Vir­ ginia Evans. District 6 President Gail Kelly an­ nounced Ihe 1998 Clubwoman of die Year, an honor awaided to Dorodiy Smidi,achartermnnberandpastpiesi- dcni of bodi die local club and District 6. Smilh was unable to attend and die plaque was delivered to her afler die meeting. Doris Carman presented die 1998 Citizen of the Year awanl to Jane Simpson, who devoted much dme and effort on behalf of die communily to bring Ihe Brock Performing Arts Cen­ ter project lo completion. Poller introduced Sen. Betsy Cochranc, a former member of the Mocksviile club, as the guest speaker. Cochrane has represented Davie County nine tems in Raleigh, serving in both Ihe House and Senaleas Major­ ity Leader,aswellas die Commiltee on Aging, and the Edinfcs Committee. Shespokeofdie I9lh Amendment to our Consiiiulkm. passed in 1920. which gave women die right lo vote. Nonh Carolina was Ihe first state to have a woman legislator elected. Mocksviile Woman's Club was first to support Cochranc when she cam­ paigned for her inidal lenn In Ihe Nonh Carolina legislature. She also encour­ age her audience to honor theeflbrtsof Ihosc cariy supponcrs of Woman's Suffrage by USIN G their privilege ot voting. a h er community volunteering op- ponunities were recognized, as Jean SchookrspokeaboutiheDavleCounly Public Ubrary; Doris Carman, the Brock Perfonning Ans Center, and Phyllis Potter read an anlcle prepared by Carroll Johnstone on die club's in­ volvement with Rich Parit. Jane Simpson, left, recelveis Woman'sQub Citizen ofYear award from Doris Carman.. , Hostesses for the lunchcon were Leila Essie and Myma Harris. Guests Included Cochranc, Simpson, Hctti Mazie,DawnCapronandF!cleOwens. N o m i n a t i o n s S o u g h t F o r V o l u n t e e r A w a r d s • t 9etty H il,fln t preMant ol MocksvUle Woman's Oub, Virginia charter member, Sen. Belsy Cochrane and Federatk)n i|M O M kinn Phyla PoOer et recent meeling. Nominollonsarebeingacceplcdfor the 1998 Governor's Awards for Out­ standing Volunteer Scrvice. presented annually teas many as eight recipients per county. Individuals, businesses and groups are recognized for ouisiandlng contri­ butions to their communities. In die fail of 1997, Gov. and M n. Hum hon­ ored 732 volunteers al ceremonies in Asheville. Raleigh, and Williamston. 'rmhonoted lobe with people who represent the best North Carolina has to offer. You are being recognized because you have selflessly devoted you time and energy lohelping odiers. You have taughl us dial we can make a dlfl'ercncc when we rcally put our beans and souls Inlo the things that need to be done," Hunt said. In Davie Counly, nominees suib milted usually include a local busi­ ness, youth, senior cilizcn, and school volunteer of die year. Service catego­ ries for nominees are ans and culture, education and literacy, cnv|niment, heallh, public safety, social services, and special events projects. The school volunteer oflheyearis chosen through the school's volunteer recogniiion program. Nomination fonns for other nominees areavailable al die School Healdi Office. If you wouU like a form or mote infonnation about the Governor's Awards for Ouutanding Volunteer Scrvice, contact Frances Tutterow or Lynne Allen at220Cherry Sl.,Mocks- villc NC 27028, or by phone at (336) 75I-77(H. The awanls w ill be presented ui regional ccremonics in Ihe fall of 1998, B e n e f i t T h i s S a t u r d a y C O O LEEM EE - A ЬепеГи break­ fast for David Pennington, Ihe new son o f Ihe Rev. and M rs. Je ff Pennington, w ill be held Salurday April 2S from 6-11 a.m. at die V FW Hall, N.C.801. Pennington is the pastor of die First Baptist Church of Cooleemee. Their son has had major medical problems since birth. The ham and sausage breakfast with homemade biscuits w ill be'$6 for adults and $3 for children up lo 10 years old, all you can cat. The meal is teing sponsored hy The Cooleemee Progressive ciiib (Dedicated lo helping our friends and neighbors). I ' , DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1 Ш -C7 l № i t B G T Ju lia Howard М .С .Я м н е а 1 R efc e e é n ta fttv e e M a y s .BAIUBhQ chicken t BAKED HAM SUPPER Л р г а 2 S , '. 1 N B : •.V 5 - S n i ' a l ‘ ■ »r!/, SHEFFKUCAUMi^ У < FMDEMmMEIIT { w i ü i и ш и i i m 1 1 Л 1 n o w ! IM N a ia - S T M f t t M t O t o h a M M ) ‘' I1*m .ee< «p-tTM r*■ '■-laVllt.-MM ' ^Bñp-B-Q Cbkk«n • Baked Ham • Slaw • Potato Salwl • i , ^ BUcnIU • Pintó Beam f Dcncrti • Tra and СоПи, г. >'.^ ; All DomithHM and Support G m tly AppitdatcJH . Linda Mace has more Ihan one interest in downtown Mocksviile. She’s the new director of Historic Davie. - Pholoe by Robin FergueaonCk>uple Invests Downtown Л.С. “ Andv” STOKKS i l I 'l H i !( \ \ ( W D i n \ | Continued From Page C l day ihrough Satunlay 10 a.m.-5 p.m. always be open during cnilse-ins.'fcs- _ , Hours will be extended lo 8 p.m. on dvals and odier acdvilles dial bring T^Maccsadmiithcitmcrchandise Thursdays after Easter. And il w ill people the downtown. IS unique and not suited 10 everyone's iMlc. but they havc been foitunate lo have a lot of repeat cusiomcrs from all over the counly and Clemmons. Whcnihcydccidedloopcnihcstoro, many people wished them luck but told them they'd never make it downlown. There's nol a lot of shopping Iraffic in Mocksvillc. Linda said. "We'd like lo see more rcuil shops." As die new dirralor of Hisloric Davic Inc., she is working especially hanl lu make that happen. "We're hoping toscc the downlown come alive." Glenn said, becoming a place where people wouldllkc to spend Iwo or three hours shopping. Maces moved to Davie Counly from Winston-Salem about two years ago and are resioring an old farm­ house. . Growing up in the small town of Ncbo, Glenn said he was h ^ y to make that move. Woodworits Gallery is open Tues- Gienn Mace sa y s Woodworks h a s m any rep eat Custom ers. > % Davie County SheritT 11 '' I I I IU I u r i \ \ ( w i ll n u t I l l l i I . l l r i l l I I ‘ ‘ S I II I ) W I I ........ In I I I ( I \ s i l l K l l I vv ll \ l ’ K ( ) M I M ' \ H I I I K \ l l \ \ I К ) N ' H e sh a re s h e r h e a rt. H e s h a re s h e r h ie . H e sh a re s h e r h lo o J. S o fo r h is h e a lth c a re , sh e 's g o in g to ta k e h im to a p la c e th a t a ls o sh a re s h e r d e m a n d io r th e L e s t th a t m e d ic in e h a s to o ffe r: R o w a n R e g io n a l M e d ic a l C e n te r. ^ c o g n iz e d a s o n e o f th e to p h o s p ita ls in th e n a tio n h y th e Jo in t C o m m is s io n o n A c c re d ita tio n o f H e a lth c a re (^ a n iz a t b n s , w e 're h e re to p ro v id e to ta l h e a lth c a re ^ r y o u r e n tir e ¿ im ily . W e d o th a t w ith s p e c ia lis ts 'a n d su b - sp e cia lists in e v e ry m a jo r a re a . W e d o i t w ith m o d e m fa c d itie s l i t e ' ■ ’ w state- o f- th e- art o u tp a tie n t c e n te r a n d ' R c m N R e g i o n a l : ; M e d ic a l .C e n t e r p lijn ic ia h g o ffic e in iild in g in S a lif h u iy a n d o u r ^ : ' Ib t a lH r f lW v im ., o u r n e w G S o u th R o w a n M e d ic a l M a ll in C h in a G r o v e . W e d o it w ith a s ta ff w h o se c o m m itm e n t in c lu d e s e a c h p a tie n t's e m o tio n a l w e ll- h e in g a s w e ll,a s p h y s ic a l w e ll- h e in g . A n d w e d o it w ith c u ttin g ed g e te c h n o lo g y lih e te le m e d ic in e , w h ic h e n a b le s u s to c o n s u lt re a l- tim e w ith s p e c ia lis ts a t B a p t is t a n d B r e n n e r C h ild re n 's H o s p ita l in W in s to n - S a le m . S o w h a t a b o tit y o u ? Is th e re a n y q u e s tio n in y o u r m in d j a b o tit g o in g to R o w a n R e g io n a l M e d ic a l C e n te r!: ■; fo r y o u r fa m ily 's h e a lth c a re ? I f th e re is , m ayb e i t s h o u ld b e th is o n e : w h y w o u ld y o u w a n t to g o a n yw h e re , e ls e ? 6 1 2 M o c k iv ille A venu e • S a liib u iy , N o iili C n to lin . . (7 0 4 ) 638-1000 o r toll-free l- 8 8 8 - 5 5 - R O W A N • www.rowah.org w .V ' . de, alot oiyour la¿|^ ¿á аЦ oí no question for liis kealtkcare. c t • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998 D o n a t i o n s ^ M a d e T o Davie C o u n t y U b r a r y ) NcwbooksotDavicCountyPubllc Libraiyi 371 N. Main Sl., Mocksvillc; Non-fMkm Achieving Emotional Lilcracy; Л Personal Program lo Incnasc Your Emotional Imclllecncc Alternative Medicine: The Dcllni- live Guide American Bandstand: И ск Clark and Ihc Making of a Rock'n'Roll Em­ pire Capluml by History: One Man's Vision of our Tumultuous Century Digital Lilcracy Grccniown: Muidcr and Mystery in Greenwich, Aracilcan's Wealthiest Community Guns, Crime, and Freedom Making Sense of Your Teenager Patent It Yourself Radical Son; AGencrallonalOdys­ sey fk tin a ■n» Revelation wlll be one of three featured petfomners at :go8pel concert Saturday night at the Brock. G o s p e l C o n c e r t S a tu r d a y N ig h t A t B r o c k C e n te r A gospel singing sponsored hy Mocks United Methodist Church w ill be held al 7 p.m. Saturday April 23 alihe Brock Ptrforaiing Arts Cen­ ter, North Main I Street, M ocks­ vllle. Proceeds w ill go to the church building fund. Admission w ill be $S. Doors openal6. Feuured per- fonners w ill be Erin Carter, Tiw Sparks, andThe bveladonQuaitet. Erin Cancr, 14, a Davie native, I» * • d w ikU t ot A lk ii aad Dlaoc ■; <>IMC Sk* m m t Victary Baptlsl Oiurch In Cooleemee and Sheets »fcmorial Christian School. She is •Clive in youth and missions team. S k has been singing since age 5 and made her Hrst recording at age 13. : The Sparks is a family trio from Kernersville and High Point. Group members include; Terry Sparks, a songwriter and singer; his wife, Jane, singing since nge 5; and his mothei; Jessie, who has been signing for 50 years. Jessie has experienced what she calls a “ miraculous cure" from cancer, having been given no hope for survival. The Sparks competed in an ama­ teur group and solo competition, coming in sccond out of more than 30 groups, winning a recording con­ tract. “Tliis group is truly a blessing to hear," said Danny Funderburk, formerly of the Cathedral Quartet. The Revelation Quanel is a male quartet thal has been singing together for five years. Ototip memben are Deano, group manager Keimy, lenor, and C h rii and Rodney Battcoro. Rodney is a DI and general tnanager of W X R I 91.3 JOY-FM southern gospel radio station in Winston-Sa­ lem. Members are from Kings Mountain, Bessemer City, Matthews and Monroe. For tickcts or more information, call 998-3068 or 998-1821. A Y O U T H R A L L Y 5 P 0 H 5 0 R E D B Y T H E Y O U T H M II1 I5 T R Y 0 P L E W IS V IL L E B A P T IS T C H U R C H W r i V l l I l l O W n ') ( О О Л К 1 Л '¡ A K I K D A Y , A l ’ l aUtST 5ПЛ№ П: O M ПЛТН ГПОН MIW-TV MÜ5KAL aueSTS; w m rsTonc Гог more information call Scott Pond at 945-3706 Som banks entice kids with сапф. Wepcefer cold, haid cash. m Ék he net Мику Marke SHlags кеша, )«ir Uk on: • Cinikkrelandiediki «IbkeuptaiiseikmliiWiikmk « ¡шп Im b UK ani omiie aeaey le 1 e w t lin » l.a y c ja l№ p a c k a » N f a ^кем № |lw )ш Udi tbe ctam lo nake tone mafoc nnoey iM*ell*»taainlbiiSoiiiliniCi>anii«ii С М Т Ш Ш 1 ч1 ц :^ М 1 ф М »1 »ш Л тт1 1 ф ^ Brushtiack - K.C. Constaiftlne Diaspora-Greg Egan The Hunt Club-Bret Ijotl Kissing Ihc Beehive - Jonaihan Carroll ’ Lady Moses - Lucinda Roy Out of the Dmi - Karcn Hesse People of the Mist - Kathleen Gear Sooner Of Later - Elizabeth Adler Voodoo Child - MichacI Reaves A Year and a Day - Virginia Henley Donations in memory of Thomas Preston Slonlcy weix: made by Betty Jean & R J . McKeown and Margaret Brock.The Mocksvillc Women'sClub has made a donation to ihc library. Children's Storytlme for pre­ schoolers Is on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. at the Mocksville location and at the Cooleemee Branch. A new compact disc colled "NorthCarollna Facts, Fig­ ures & Photos" has been added to the children's computer. DavieCounlyPublicLlbtaryhours: Monday-Thursday. 9 a.m.-8;30 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-5;30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.tn.-4 p.m.: Sundays. 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Plionc: 731-2023. Cooleemee Branch hours: M o iiJ^ noon-6p.m.;TUesday-Friday I0a.ni.^ 3 p.m. (Clrased for lunch from 12:30- 1:30); closed on Satuniay and Sunday, Phone:284-2803. S p e c ia l S e n /ic e s P la n n e d Liberty Church To Hold Revival Liberty Wesleyan Church w ill be hoMing revival services April 24-26al 7 nightly. On Uie 26th, Sunday School will begin at 10a.m. and wofshlpol 11 a.m. ^ K e vm |d j5 lfo rlh csm jccsw ^ be the Rev. Donald Dawalt of Asheborofl general cvcngellst in Ibe Wesleyan Church. Thechurch is locatcd olTU.S. M on Shefneld Rd. Everyone is wcIcohk. Each .spring First Baptist, Method­ ist, and Presbyterian churches jointly sponsor a series of worship services led by an in- vitcd speaker. TWs year's speaker is Dr. Jon Maxwell Walton of Wilmington, Del. A native ofOklahoma, Walton holds degrees from M acalestcr College in w i» ~ . M innesota. Union Theological Seminary in New York, and San Francisco ¿¡minary. Sincc 1983 he has served as head of staff al Westminster Presbyterian Church In Wilmingion, Del. He has also served churches in New York and Connecticut. The author of many published ar‘ tides and scnmns, Walton Isfrnjucnlly Invited lo give Icciures and sermons In churches and schools. The scrviccs arc enriched by the cooperatlveenbttsoflhechoirs,direc- lors, and accompanists from Ihe three pattlciiulingchuTches.tnspiialionand challenge arcofTcrcd lothe wholccom- munity by way of Ihcse services. . Plan to attend the scrviccs each evening at 7 in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, April 26,27, and 28. A nursery w ill be provided for pre­ schoolers. A nxcplion will be held following thcopcningservicconSundayevcnlng. S p i r í t i i a l R e s o u r c e s : P l a g u e O f T h e H e a r t ByK M iFu ich M Associate pastor, BtalMBi«)tl8t Church 'All this I have proved liy wisdom. I said, 'I will tie wise'; but it Is (ar Irom me. As for thal whteh is tar oft and exceedingly deep, who can find It out?'' (Ecdeslales 7:23-24). Sotomon continually and deliberately sel himseH to live oul hisllteaccordmglothe highest possible wisdom,bul,he states,■ilisfar from me." He discovered what eveiy man or woman will one day conclude. Ttial his ideals could not be realized. A teenager sees more clearly, dreems more purely and has tilgher thoughts in his teensihanheeverwlllilteiwards. Thenheorshegoesthroughihe severest of straggle»-! cannot bring my actual life up lo thestandards of my Ideals; I doni tower my Ideals, although I could never hope to make them actual. It cannot be done by persever­ ance or education. Ctirlslglvesualheanswer,’Come unto Me,all you who labor and are he«/y laden, and I will give you rest.“ twill reoondlelheaerttotheaetualandmakelhemone. Ttieonlyway m whteh Meal» am be made actual Is Ihrough a personal relation­ ship with Jesus Christ. Solomon recognized tha 'plagueothis own heart" (1 Kings8;38). Ttie first lesson everyone ot us ftas to team is the condition ol the human heart. Christ created the human heart and has made a diagnosis of the condition thal has befallen it. "Out ol Ihe heart of men proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, licemlousness, and evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness" (Marit 7:21-22). Nol one person hasevertmly believed this diagnosis We areapi to become indignant and say, "I don't believe those things are in my heart by turning II over to the one who designed It originally: bul If we stand on our own for a second we my discover to our honor whal this heart Is really capable of. This Is one of the most humiliating and devastating tniths in the whole human experience. Our personal convictions are strong conceming our Innocence. Yet, many a man has come to Jesus with lives wrecked and exhausted by sin. Striving aboul in Iheirown righteousness, these men and women have found no resohre In Iheir own Innocence. TTiere was no Innocence. Surely you have seen whal Christ can do for this individual who has exhausted him/ herself wHh sin. Wemaysay~l doni knowhow he/shecould do that. Bul we do. II is done by humans just like you and me everyday.' Thera Is no virtue in not being bad. The conditions of our tiMrts condemns us. I hear it said constantly, "purity and righteousness are Impos­ sible." I say to you It is undesirable. Holiness and uprightness In character are not'impossible only undesirable il I prefer another' ’ way. ' Education or experience cannot deal with the plague ol Ihe heart. Ail our promises and vows cannot toucti it; the only Being who can deal with Is God through a personal relationship with His son Jesus Christ. The Indwelling Christ is tha only answer to a sin-sick heait. Trust In Him today. Support These Local Businesses V W.G. WHITE & C 0 . вбО М .1М е8Ъ W kM lo nS«M l,N C 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLER ^ r S O N S 2849 MkfcHe Brook Dr. Clwnfflon«, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL « FERTILIZER 7612 Hwy M l 8. Coo(eMiMe,NC 27014 336-284-2551 SNEFRBOIJMKII f t M i u r c o . «N IU C M M H T lesTtirfceyFooiRow l Mockaville, NC 27028 э з д - щ д п и ■ o u M ilW n SIrN l 3lt-7l1-SMS П It t iw fc Q a » Sk sffitvC M lir ■ м г к и м т ilM M N f i 872IWnC<luro<lRd. Моекм1Ие,НС 27028 33I-781-I144 с я в е е т в ю м P.O. Box 808 Mockavlll*,NC 27028 33t-7S1-213l •tohm ofD A W V FU H ffl W e Cwtom Blend Depot S t. M eektvill»,NC EATON FU N ER A L Н О Ш A Tradition o f Caring..,. 323 North Main Sind Mocksville, NC ЭТОМ 33<.7£1-2M« fWTHHUVGN ш т ш н я п 488 V M iy Roed MoekaviNe,NC 27028 ЭМ-781-2141 в в п и и м м к f t l M L M . 3319 U S Hwy 188 MoekmHle,NC 27028 и м в е и т ш у 182ShMkSliM( M oekM M e,NC27«8331-181-2117 A M M K M M t P.O.BOX821 Hwy: 801S. MoekwM*,NC 27028 ЗЭ1-7В1-3712 H a М 1Нц1|||> М яа «1КЯ М 1 U M K R e O M M N V JerM w H oed ModevHIo, N027028 33I-7I1-I1« CRAIG CARTER RUUER.IIIC.11* Him M I • .M a l W»aiio«.MCHIW М Ип^афСттНтиМ тХПт n n O liIM lU G a m lk ,D .lb . b ta'k C k rd iliiiitlik lih U Saad^Sckari.ltiM AJM . M m k iiW in lilr.U iN A J« , С Ь т Ы Ш м • CtM Ш Lucy Dortch Hairston • ^ Ilucy Dortch Hairston, 82, of the Lutheran Nursing Home In Salisbury, formerly of Cooleemee Plantation in Advancc, died Wcdncsdoy, April 13,- 1998. ; ■^om in Smyrna, Turkey, Feb, 2, 1916, lo William Pittman Dortch and Maria Theresa Georgiades Dortch, shis was a member of The Episcopol Church of the Ascension in Advance. Survivors include her husband. Judge Peter Wilson Hairston Sr. of the home; 2 sons, Peter Wilson Hairston Jr. of Advancc and George Ryan Hairston of Winslon-Salem; and 3 grandchildren. Funeral services werc conducted al 11:30a.m. April 18,alTheEpisco­ pal Church of Ihe Ascension by the Rev. Edwin C. Bailey. Inurnment was in the church columbarium. Memorials moy be made to Salem Academy. 300 Salem Avenue. W in­ ston-Salcm. N.C. 27108. Horace Lee Honeycutt Horacc Lee Honeycutt, 64, of Monroe, died Wednesday, April 15, 1998, a( Carolinas Medical Center In Charlotte. ..He was bom In Cabarrus Couniy > Scpl. 5,1933, to the late Fred Edward ;; and Minnie Hartsell Honeycutt. He ^ had been a truck driver for Servco ^ and was a member of East Albemarle ; Church of God. He was preceded In ; death by his wife, Annie Hazel vLow dcr Honeycutt, t Survivii\g are a son, Anthony / Honeycutt of Atbemarie; 3 daugh- I tcrs, Robin William s of Mocksville, • Shirley Arrowood of Monroe and ^ Angela Page of Albemarle; 3 broth- {crs, Cecil Honeycutt of Albemarle, I Joe Honeycutt of Macon, Ga. and ¿Lynn Honeycutt of Elkin: a sister, «Claudcne Russetl o f Norwood; and ' IS grandchildren. ^ A funeral service was held at 11 U.m . April 18, at Hartsell Funeral tHome's Lencr Memorial Chapel in /Albemarle by the Revs. Jack Hildreth ^ nd Harry Harward. Burial followed j|n Beihesda United Methodist •Church. i Audrey Boger Brinegar •; Audrey Boger Brinegar, 83, of ¡ Kannapolis, died Wednesday, April ’ :I5 ,1998, at Northeast Medical Cen- ;ter in Concord after several years of ^Meclining health. •\ She was the stepmother of Peggy 'Leazer of Mocksville. The funeral was conducted at 11 ;u.m. April 18, at Whitley's Funeral *home Chape) by the Rev. Robert ^bodd. Burial followed in Carolina 'Memorial Park. ' Dajvid Ray Osbome ;• DavidRayOsbomcSr.,46,ofCon- ^cord, died Friday, April 17,1998, at :Northeasl Medkal Cenier. ", He was Ihe father of Crystal Dawn 'Wise of Mocksville. I^inenUsetvkxs were conducted al i p.m. April 20, al Hartsell Fkinend of Coocoid by Ihe Rev. Sam .»hilUnglon. Burial folkiwed in Caio- tiaM cm orialPak. Frances Seats Powell Frances Seals Pow ell, 74, of Wilkcsboro Street, Mocksvllle, died Thursday aftemoon, April 16,1998, at Meadowbrook Tcrrace of Dovle in Advance. She was bom in Davie Couniy, Aug. 6,1923, to the late Burton ond Sadie Hutchins Scats and was a re­ tired nurse. She was a member of First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. She was preceded In death by 2 brothcra, Dallas Seals and GcncSeats. Survivors Include her husband, Robinson P. "Bob" Powell of the home; 2 daughters, Susan W ay of Buriington and Diane Anderson of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren. Dawn Copran and Chris Anderson, both of Mocksville, Stephanie Hilliard and John W ay, both of Buriington; a sis­ ter, Nannie Sue Harpc of Mocks­ villc; and a brother, John Seats of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. April 18, at Eaton Funeral Chopel wlthburial following in Rose Cemetery. Memorials moy be mode lo Firsl United Methodist Church ofMocks­ villc, 305 North Main Strecl, Mocks­ ville, N.C. 27028. Carrie Flynn Jordan Carrie Flynn Jordan, 92, of Brian Center, Salisbury, formeriy of Cool­ eemee, died Friday, April 17,1998, at Rowan Rcgional Mcdical Center. Bora Sept. 23, 1903, lo the lale Turnerand Sara Jane Flynn,she was omembcrofCoolccmcc Firsl Baptist Church and was retired from Buri­ ington M ills. She was preceded In death by her husband, Adam Lee Jordan. Surviving arc 3 sons, Charlie Jor­ dan of Salisbury, Jim Jonlan of Cool­ eemee and Turner Jordan of Las Ve­ gas, Nev.; a daughter. Norma Jean Comatzer of Cooleemee; 10 grand­ children; 17 great grandchildren; 4 great great grandchildren; and a brother, Calvin Flynn of High Poinl. Funeral services were held al 2 p.m. April 19, al Cooleemee First Bapllst Church by the Rev. Je ff Pennington. Buriol followed in l-e- gion Memorial Cemetery. Memorials may be made lo Le­ gion Memorial Park, c/o Hayden Beck, P.O. Box 6888, Cooleemee, N.C. 27014. Ralpli Ray Poindexter Ralph Ray Poindexter, 79, of Pin­ nacle, died Tuesday, April 14,1998, al Forsyth Memorial Hospilal in W in­ ston-Salem. He was Ihc brolher of Stella P. МифЬу of Mocksvllle. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. April 17, al Shoals BaplisI Church by Ihc Rev. Bailey Elmore Sr. Burial followed In Ihe church cemelcry. ClurlieT. Williams CharlicT.Willloms,fi2,ofMocks- vllle, died Wednesday, April 15, 1998, in Columbus, Ohio, after sev­ eral years of declining health. Bom In Yadkin Couniy, he was a son of the late Bools and Della Dob­ son William s and had worked as a nursing assistant ol Dovle County Hospitol andCardlnal Nursing Home in Yadkinville. He had also been employed by Ingersoll-Rand and Hones Knitting Company. Survivors includc his wife, Mary Foster William s; 3sons, MonteCraig and Bishop Toney Dallas William s, both of Winslon-Salcm, and Timo­ thy Ford William s of Mocksvillc; 2 daughters, FrcdlaChambcrs of Stone Mountain, Ga. and Deitra Floyd of MIesou, Germany; a brother, W ill­ iam William s of Yadkinville; a sis­ ter, Stella Gentry of Youngstown, Ohio; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted al 2 p.m. April 20, at Graham Funeral Home by ihe Rev. Daniel Blown. Burial followed in Fairfield Baptist Church Cemetery. Homer Lee Spry Homer Lee Spry, 64, of Clem­ mons, died Saturday, April 18,1998, al his home. Bom in Davic Couniy to the lale Elmer W . Spry and Violet Keaton Spry Slater of Ihe home, he was a member of First Baptist Church of Advancc nnd was rclircd ftom The Heritage Furniture Company after 30 years of servlcc. Survivors, in addition to his moihcr, includc 2 daughters, Tammy Spry Daly of Winston-Salem and Renee Spry Sloneman of Advance; a sister, Nell Sprinkle of Winston-Sa- 1cm; a brother, W illiam Franklin "B ill" Spry of Advance; and sevcral nieces and nephews. Funeral scr\ ices werc conducted at 11 a.m. April 22, al First Baptist Church of Advance by Ihc Revs. Lanny Atkins and Charlie Manin. Burial followed In Ihe church cem­ etery. Memorials may be made to For­ syth Hospice, 11OOC South Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC 416 VaUey Rd., ModisviUe, NC 336-751^1U -OwfaaUy Sm kg YtmrFtmU)" SweetLcw &'sHiitvm [^ m n a t n m T h ê F a e lo r f i Г Л Ш ш Ы к Ш ш А О т Ё л G R A N IT E » M A B B L E ^ B R O N Z E ! ManjufykaAmuto »deäfhmwith custom designa Ammdbtaetine Lawrence C . M orton 1923-1998 WSAVEHVIllE • MaryElteShernH 1940-1998 HICKOkY » D avid D e W itt Stephens 1944-1998 SAUSm kY • fo h n m e rtF i* 1931-1998 WINSTON-SALEM Jo h n kllio U V /o U z 1927-1998 MOUNT A IIY а 4 3 м и Ы в В о в а , а л м ^ м с _ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, AprU 23,1998 .'C9 DAVieY TeCN ADVeNTUR€ CAMP (FOR AGES 13,14, & 15) Tien Adventure Camp b a program designed espetlally for young teens. This program provides a treat learning an<^ grotving experienceTn many areai The teens will develop UadersMp sltiib through Community outreach projects. Teen camp will take adventurous fields trips stK^ as: g E E K S W eekl: June 8-12 Week 2; June 15-19 Week3: June 22-26 Week 4: June 29-July 3 WeekS: July 6-10 Week 6: July 13-17 Week 7: July 20-24 Weeks: July 27-31 Teen Adventure Camp Fees: _ $50.00 per week for Members of the YMCA S $80 per week for Non-Members ^ontact Pam at the Davie Family YMCA - 751-9622 'Helping Ptople Rtach T k tlr Cod-Clvm Pa te n M In Sp irit, Mind And B o d )." 21BC eaw lerySt • MaefeeeMe, NC >7818 _______________________3 3 6 - 7 a i- W 2 2 HELP TRIPS Grandfather Mountain Emerald Fointe Camp Hanes Whitewater Rafting Stone Ml./Hiking Canoeing Carowlnds Linville Caverns Would you entrust your loved one to anyone other than a Community Friend? Value o f the C e re m o n y Consumer iracarch and grief experts s Л|П||\|| V . s i ' l l » ' Ж Ш 1 у J Í I 9 J U ccremoiilcs provide closure. And, your local funeral direclor olTers a variety of ceremonies lhat will help you and your family begin Ihe essential grievini process. Chokes Includc publk or private flinerals, memorials or graveside services, family vkwlngs, calling hours or visllalkms. These cerrnionics and services — whkh your hineral professkmal can customize — encourage Ihe gathering of family (Hends, provide a means of expressing feelings and emolkMU and alkiw mourners to accept Ihe realily of death. Vour Itincral dirrctor can abo explain hurtal and crenulkin as well as casket and urn choices, whkh can play a valuable role In Ihe cereraoay. Eaton Funeral Service 32SN. Main street Mocksvllle, North Carolina (336) 751-2148 ÎT lE F IO N E F L A (l,Iiia YOUR LOCAL A u th lS ^ lu lar Dealer ^ 0 m ó f r o ^ L Á FLIPPHÓNE with hoaw ckargcr, dgarette Hghter adapter, carry case aadnoactfvatioafiee. Sign up now on $15.95 Rate Plan and get 15 cellular minutes each month Tor 12 months* * * O o ^ ttn jih A g U JIU ^ J We will match or Iwat any competitors advertised price for equipment. Ш Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Моа-М. 8im-5pm Sat. 9мя-1рш ï S ? AVIVJt ,I4 ,V .M .l M -........... ' . 1 . 2 | | | Ш | 1 К С О Ш Г У ^ ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998 - Dl а д № > ,& Vtte're pteasid to announce our ntw M t ow m n l Introducing Les and Cheryl McKenzie, new owners of the remodeled Sears Mocksvllle! Les and Cheryl's store Is laige enough to have what you need...but small enough to care who you are. They are totally committed to ; providing friendly, personal service and ensuring your complete satisfaction. In Les and Cheryl’s store, you'll find a great selection of Sears brands...plus top national names Including Whirlpool, Maytag, GE, Sony, RCA and Zenith. Il’s your hometown store in Mocksville...the newest side of Searsi April 25th, 1998 We are pleased to announce our newest location M o c k s v ille , N C FREE gift to our first 200 customers on Saturday Plus . Our entire store is on Sale Apr! 29 only, emuliti UtpUMMl VthMS, devint*. doMOut and Вой pnductL RBeoNomMG SPECIALS Sohirdkiy only) 9AM-Nòon Enter To Win! • A *100 Shopping Spree* • A Craftsmen tool chest • A color television • A Kenmore upright vac {<■•Î?,..; Щt- "bliP Sale prices good April 25 •m yaar OWNED & OPERATED BY Les & Cheryl McKenzie liXATION: 1119 A Yadkinville Road S E A R S 'T h e ^ o r e v o u k n o w l s n o w c l o e o t o h o m t í '' / Ш BLACK Ш OECKEi DieHard ìO M O M C O iiM T O H m M m itM M ia cw o w iU M M iW P o tio im n o M ffrM C K I I Tt* leiwtlwiw« MudM rnm liductlam, 1^ РУКЛМ Md llm Й our M i^ low priM. tiMRs at motf litpr Iloni. OutM dom «etudil EmiraivmM suRhMM ! IMN A $100 SHOmNG SniEE r 4 r S t t ó Í S t o L * t t t o « S a « r 8 5 S í t i S R A t t « m______.lÉ» nwiMWWtlMi<ir<rihtee*iM7ínÍeM№>iípii|>wipffl» nnm irfiirlí^i^iÉrtipTliii nrrfìntTnYiiTrtiignÉMiiiìjifciMÉfìMÉilfcirtilnnifiìrtltiiiw s ^ s s s s s : ^ï a ' - ' DavleHIgh ' Erika Brclcr and Lyitia Ervin com- pcicd at the N.C. Н03Л Siaic Leader­ ship СопГегспге in Greensboro April' 2'and 3. Breier placed sccond in Ihe slalc In mcdical Icnninology and Ervin placcd sixlhlnextcroporancous speak­ ing. They were accompanicd by Paula Alien, Н03Л Advisor. North Davie Middle The Rockct Icam has been sludying bones in scicnce and arc beginning a study orEostcm Europe in social stud­ ies.’Ibeyoresludyingslatlslicslnraalh. In language arts siudenls have shown Ihclr crcalivc laicnls by crcaling and presenting piujccis on Number ihe Slats. Skits, models, puppetry, re­ search, andartworkwcre presenlcd by each class. On April 7, studenis cel- ebralcd the successcs of Ihe third nine weeks with a Rockct Rally. Students making honor roll and perfect atten­ dance wen! rccognizcd. Sludcnts receiving citizenship awards were Emily Evans, Maggie Hairston, Jerem y Howard, and Jonathan Motsingcr. Academic Awanls were presented inlhcfollowingarcas; Language Ans - Meredith Bry;;on, Kim McBride, Candacc Dysoni Heather Patton, and Chase Rcningcr, Scicnce - Candace Dyson, Jenny Man/ullo, Heather Pallon, Giannn FIchany, Emily Evans, Meredith Biyson, and Kim McBride; Math-MandyLambe,Courtney Allen, Adam Crolls, Hcalhcr Patton, Chase Rcningcr, and Evan Beam; Social Stud­ ies - Kim McBride, Lindsay Jackson, Heather PalUm.andMcrcdltb Bryson. The Pharaoh team went to Ihc Mu­ seum оШ ап al Wake Forest April 6. Students learned about the Chinese culture. After spring break studenis began hypcrstudioprojcctsaboul Asian cultures. In language ans class stu­ dents have completed reading the book Tom Sawyer and began a poetry unit afterspring break. Fharaohsludcnisof the month were Dustin Caitct, Tylet Kauff, Savanna Gregory, Jennifer Jones, Sean Smith, Matthew Shonse, Coin! Stone, and Phillip Smidi. Students of Josh Jenkins are sludy­ ing selected worics by Thomas Wolfe and William Sydney Poiter, renowned N.C.authois. SmdentsinMr. Jenkins's fourth period class have complclcd thesis papers on selected British and American authors. ; Studenis in Don Talbert's science class are deep into fossils and leaning about Earth's past. They wcnl search­ ing forfossilsintheclassroomand will be working on radioactive dating and half-lives diis week. Ihey arc woridng oii a major projcct aboul what killed the dinosaun. Some of Stephanie Sakmar's Pre- Algebra sludcnts are studying geom- etiy.Theyhavedcslgned symmetrical Mardi Gias masks and buill polyhe­ drons. The oUier Pre-Algebra students ore Sludying statistics. They w ill be­ come better consumers аПега sludy of g ^ . :• Ms. Saknur's Algebra studenis are studying functions - linear and qua­ dratic. I Students in Ronda Ely's N.C. his- idity classes comploed a uniton the Rcconstniclion Era. Eighth gradenare Ic^ng forward to panicipating in a civil War re-enactment April 24 with local re-enactocs. : W U Iiiai R. D n le E b m o ilu y CitizensoflheWeekofApnl lOare Michael Tilley, GusUvo Carbajal. I^lan Shimbo, Amber Wagner, Niki Myen, Jennifer Childress. Christie VinCuren, Jackie Barber, Cjiai VinCuren, Heather Smidi, Blaine Nieabil, Couitney Huflinan, and Je*- sin Buchanan. : СооЬсшссЮйпаИагу An Accelerated Reader breakfast was held in Uie media center to cel- dbcaie thoie studenis who have been i^ n g Ю гошу hooks and emliig pofaiti. StudeMseminiaiaighpatali fcr Ihe 23 M « aub were Jiilec IMiileti, Heather Fono, lunet Ar- liold, Min Benfleld, Jennifer Jacobs, J(ilinnyCalI,airislO|iberBrDgdan,EJ. StofTner, Amber Hastfngs, Shamika ftropey, Haley Barker, Dustin Jot- da, Bobby Ibonits. Bnndi.yetch, Pm Blackmon, Chris Manns, TUea НоЬеод Alecia Sample, and Leah Stewart What: Kindergarten Registration at Mocksville Elementary When: April 28 Time: A-H: 6 p.m. l-R: 6:45 S-Z: 7:15_________ Christine Taylor made Ihc 75 PoinI Club, Andy Pennington and Jennifer Mixon made the 100 Poini Club,Tyler M iller inadc Ihe ISO Point Club, Beth Bcnncll made the I7S Point Club, and Brad CoiTihcr Is in the 200PolntClub. Central Davie Eiemcnlary John Gaidlncr, a well-known au­ thor, vlsilcd Ihc school and lold ofhis cxpcricnccs in becoming a published writer. Hcsharcdwilbstudcntsslorics ofhis SUCCCS.WS and failures. He gave Ihcm ideas for being better writers. Sludcnts rcccnlly voled for their favorite book from a list cboscn by N.C. Children Book Award Commh- tcc. TbcychoseShilohScasonasthcir favorite and ninncr up was Sweetest Rg. Ciiizcns of tbe Week of April 9 are Joe Steelman, Stephanie Lcdbelter, Amanda Lowe, Victor Ramircz, Jacob Snow, Mary Graves, Jessica Bowling, Emily Seaford, and Nathan Powell. Bus Ridcis of the Week are Joe Sleclman,DuslyJohnson,Mikc Paoni, Aly.sc Naylor, Michael Cnmdcil, Jus­ tin Morgan, Briana Montgomery, Vir­ ginia Roland, and Britlany Bridges. The llnal PTA meeiing of the year will be April 28. A program about kindness will be presented. Parents can pick up PTA sales items that night. Filth graders of Gayc Carodiers read Uie novel Kavik. The story came 10 life wiih a visil from a real Alaskan Malamute dog. Students have been surveying Uieir classmates to find out favorite colon, sports, cartoon chaiac- ten. They w ill share Uieir results by designing graphs. Alter visiting with Mr. Gardiner, theautborofSione Fox, tbe students's stoiy wriling skills will surely improve. Everyone is looking foiward to lrying“WSS"which means each stoiy needs a Wanl, a Straggle, andaSuiprisc. MocksviUe Elemenlaty Kindergarten sludcnts of Chris Kares and Sonja Russell presented an Easter Parade for Uieir families and friends. Regislralion for kindergarten stu­ denu forthe 1998-99 school year will beTuesday, April 28. Parents areasked 10 come wiUi Uieir child and complete fontis including signing up for Uie screening dates. Parents and children w ill lour the kindergarten classes. Regislralion is scheduled using Uie beginningletlerofUiechild’slastname as follows; A-H - 6 p.m., I-R - 6;43, andS-Z,7;l5. Second gniden of Wendy DeLuty are learning about economica. Alter leading A Chair foe My Molher. Uiey began saving loose change in a class money jar. They will apply economic decision nuking skills lo purchase scmeUiing special forUieirclassioom. Secondgiadenof Sandra Robinson have been declared Uie "Basket Capi- Ul" of MBS. Siudenls made Easier baskets to send to Uieir pen pals al Shady Grove, diey made baskets for diechiklRnalYoungChiklRn'sLeam- ing Cenier, and Uiey sUlched plaitk; canvas baskets to take home. They have been learning aboul changes lhal occur during Spring and have been reading and studying weaUier. Second graders ofWanda Leagans and Diane toyner have been leaning about die Rain Forest StudenUknow whal a ninroitst is, where it is, and whal animals and planis live there. Ms. JoynerbriMglil herpelMKaw IÒ Khooliodial students couUieeibiid whose natural habitat is i rainfbmt Students did rainfccesi expetimema wiUiMelanieWillls,UieirhighKhool helper.Sludena an excited Aowdieir lipcoming trip to die N.C. Zookylcal ’ M April 29 when Uiey will see t in|ikalralafarettwllhlhebi>da.plaMi, and lonw or the animals Umr have NewSOFOtetOubi Amanda Вшке, K n i Home, Mary Spiy,DustinHaniion.RuuHancock, Bndly Oiubb, Nina Miller, Anna ПсЫе, Roben Stem, Ryia Michael. aviZach Vogler. niiid giafen of Keri Wall havi been teadini Г<Ыеа aiid acting them out In ftoni of die class. They hav« been reading poeliy and wiidng po­ ena: taKiencetheyhavebNauiiiy- la| about light. - Students of Karen Kirkpatrick and RoxanncMcDanicI traveled lo the Bam Dinner Theatre In Greensboro lo sec “ Snow White” . On March 24, stu­ dents went lo Very Spccial Arts nl the Brock Gym. They participated in dance, drama, and ihyihm band, made a clay medallion, and painted wooden Easier eggs. SpecialOlympics was held on April 2 at Davie County High School. Par­ ticipants were KaylaSnyder, JcsscBar- ncy,Jessi Felts, Kenny Booc,andShane Butchcr. Students won ribbons for their events. Spccial guests attending Spe­ cialOlympics were June Bcaver'sclass, Leslie Bland's class, and Angela Spillman's class. Students of the Month of April are Morgón Wyatt, Natalie M cBride, Payne Miller, Palricia Evans, Kim­ berly Booe, Steven Williams, Britlany Knighl, Chad Lee, Adam McKnight Jonlan Chuby, Kayla Wilmoth, Bran- donHill,BckkiConley,ChaseHosack, Alex Appell, Dee Ann Lytle, Kristin McMillan,MariceNail,CaicbCreason, CharlicColbcn,TaylorAuliy,Monica Randall, AshlccBurton,TylerWootcn, and Bobbi Kay Messick. Tbe Student ofthe Month Luncheon was held April 3in the mcdiaccnierwithguests Karen Cook, Roxanne McDanicl, Jean Zook, Julius Suiter, and Pam Jewell. Tcrtific Kids of April are Hannah Orrell,TylcrChuby,Slcphanie Shires, Katherine Sims, Shanae Pelliford, Shorce Knight. Joshua Hash, April Fowler, Eve Crook, Courtney Daniels, Sieven Hernandez, Candacc Manning, Kelli Parks, Daniel Pcarey, Brandon Shaver, Tanis Jefferies, Katie Camp­ bell, Craig Cleary, Stephanie Walker, Rabccm Alexander, Luke Hollilicld, Lauren Steele, MichacI Brewer, Haley Allred, Maggie Kccblc.Tori Kennedy, Lee Cain, Noel Holland, Tyler Gram, Samanlha Brown, C .J. Dwiggins, Joshua Beaver, Taylor Randall, Shaye Lewis, Ezekiel Cuiry, Jon Fciree, Jus­ tin Sheppanl, Briltany Harris, Audre Cid, Zachary Howard, Samanlha Hobson, Rachelle Beaver, Lynisha Smool,TristanHainlon.John Michael Grose. LesteyMcBridc.JusiinThomp- son, Douglas Fulk, Jessica Boger, and Xavier Howell. Sludcnts of the Week of April 6 are Jordan Auuy,HannahCartner,KaUiiyn McM illan, Hannah Joycc, Corey Mayfield, Amelia Etchison, Madison M ellon, Daniel M cBiide, Kalie Frasher, Jamie Cook, Jack Evans, Megan Geyer, Tayler Cave, lustin Leonard, Meghan Collins, Candancc Chunn,Trey Archer, Amber Mashore, NaUianielMoody,LeighAnneWealh- etman, Jennifer Hernandez, Britlini Young, Shaun Walkins, and MalUiew Sheirill. Flnebmak Elcm nlaot Siudenls of the Week of April 9 are JefTrey .Scott David SmiUi, Johnny Sweat Vincent Cioce, Amanda Stafford, Nathaniel Hamm, Kara Harvey, Megan Hutchens, Brittney Crews,BrannonLynch,SofnerSmiUi. Ben Boger, Lauren Boyter, Ashley BuUer.DavklSwaim, Briuany Kaykir, ZachIsenhour,Launaias9cack,Mafie Alspaugh,JoahGrimUi, Brian AdUns, )onaUian)efrc(ies,AshleeBoger,Bnn- don Beauchamp, Kelsey McDaniel, Travis Dellinger. Malthew Low. Joshua Doyle, Ryan Davis, Natalie Marlin, Travis Disher. Andrew Richardson. Brandt Lowe, Amnda Robinson, Jaspen Gray, and Danielle Bllhq». 4-S Star Writen for April 3 were Christina SnUer, Cun Davis, Jessica Huggins, AmandaSkian,MitchMullis, Hanison Judd, and Jackie Johmon. Family NighlwasahitWinnenof Uie random drawing wen Amanda Nkhols, Jessk» Strickland, Brel Wil­ liams, Cony Bodenhamer, Rachel Humiihries, Jaclyn Woodwad. Mel- isia Nichols, and Whilney Williams. . IW s year's final McSkMe Night U Tuesday, M«y S. In addiUon to die McDonaU'a random drawing, one lucky mdem WiU win a ftee pair of ikateafhmSkMeland. PinebraokFTAnccndynnivedn $1,000 g iM (tom R J. Reynokb Ito- biccoCcni|ianyfcraaeovi^Lab. Four R J. ReynoUs «mpioyMa who are monbtn of the PTA raquMMd Hippcit Unxigh the ReynoUa Com­ munity Invoivenent Plan. Папка to Denier Hockaday, E ). Niehola, MkhaelCuny,andDaveWaMudifbr a|filyia|fiDrlhis|raala« behalfofte PTA DavieCounty DAREOfficerLee Whitesides and MocksvlilePoliceDetectiveKenHuntercheck out the helmets andatiicycie to be rallied at the DARE Fair Saturday at Wal-Mart in Mocksville. - PI«oto by RolHn F erguseon DARE FairSaturday At Wal-Mart Count on me lo be dnig free. Thai's the slogan local law en­ forcement officers and other spon­ sors w ill be promoting lo children al Davie County D ARE Fair 1998 in the Wal-Man paricing lol Saturday, April 23,10 a.m.-6 p.m. The D A R E (Drug Abuse Resis­ tance EducaUon) Fair is lo promote drug awareness in the county, ac- coidingloDARE Officer Deputy Lee Whitesides of the Davie Counly Sheriffs Depanment. Displays wUI include helicopters from die N.C. Highway Patrol and Air NaUonal Ouanl, pal^ can fhm all kxal law enforcemeni agencies, КИфа1г1ск Represents School At Festlwy BryonKiikpalrickwunominaied byhisteachera'TeresaCookandRoHn Harden, to represent SouUi Davle Middle School aaareaderinlheN.C. Ulerary Festival in Ch^iel Hill. Bryon and his parenu were recog­ nized at the <venisg ncepiioo on Friday. Aprils. He was presented a book. Btyonwaschosentoiqiresent Soudt Davie bccause he is a coMci- enlkxu student and a rale model for hia Mends. Mrs. Cook's claas wUI b e ^ a ^ 1 on Um Solar System after Sp^ng Break. Mis. Hmten's class wiU con­ tinue their ittkly of Ceniiil Ешоре. TOswek,uudeMawaikedwilha paitner V craate a collage about №e Central furopeaa countries. They lead an «хсефСгат the novel,‘01-. iQior Anai РПшк,* and waichtd t viJ^oatfitH okiciiiat , an old and new highway palrol car, EM S vcbleles, fire tnicüs, racc cais and other vehicles. Several agencies w ill have booths SCI up 10 promote dmg awareness, some offering free giveaways. D A RE Fair T-shirts w ill be sold. Refreshments for sale w ill includc hot dogs, barbecue chicken and bar­ becue tenderloin sandwiches and soft drinks. A raffie w ill be held for agirl's and boy's 10 speed mountain bike with youlh safely helmet and a $30 prize. Tickets a re li eachorsixforSS.The drawing w ill be held at 6 p.m., and il is nol necessary to be present lo win. in addition a drawing w ill be held hourly for a D A RE Fair T-shirt. Pro­ ceeds w ill benefit the D A RE pn)- gram. A committee was foimed lo orga­ nize the event. Membera include Frances Tuticrow of Davie Counly School HealUi, Jciry Snyder of Wal- Man, Daireli Harpe of the American Legion and Ken Hunter ofUie Mocks­ ville Police Dcpanmcnt „ W ithout Ihe committee. Whitesides said he would never have gotten all Uiis done. He expressed his appreciation lo everyone who helped plan diis event for Uie kids of Davie Counly. i Bryon KIrkpuitek meett North Carallna aulhor Clycit Edgerton at ttw UtMuy FMtival In ClwptI HM. Í I ■M D2 : DÀVIE COUNTY ENTERmSE RECORD, April M, 1998 Ч . - f e - Cooleemee Swimming Pool has been providing fun for chil­ dren ol all ages for a long time. Bingo Game To Raise Funds Fbr Cooleemee Pool May 1 COOLEEMEE- There’s no better placc to be on a hot sumincr day than hcrcattbcCoolccmccSwimmingPool. A ncwgroup callcd Friends of the Pool is working to make sure this season will be better lhan ever. To raise money for the purchase of a new pool vacuum, a giant bingo gaincwiU be hcldon Friday, May I at the V FW Hoi) beginning at 7 p.m. ^ Cards will costSI per game forstraight • bingofrom7-7:30p.m.Thcnaregular • pfogiam w ill begin including: four ; comers, flag, postage stamp, Letter X and small diamond. Fbr 10 games the ; Regular Program will cost $10 for rtlTO C inb. Popcorn, hot dogs and cold drinks wil) be sold. TTiis regular program will : bcrcpeatedagainaflcranintcrmission • at 8 p.m. The pool is our main childhood rccrcation in Cooleemee. Everyone needs to suppon Ihe pool" says Friends of the Pool mcmberand mother, Teresa Rusher. Friends of the Pool is also conduct* ing a raffle to raise money. First prize wi 11 be $ 100 cash or one season fami ly pool pass. The drawing for this and other prizes will be al 8 p.m. at the bingo game. Raffle tickets arc avail­ able at Teresa's Hair-Pon at the Cool­ eemee Shopping Center for $ 1 cach. "W e need volunteen to help pre­ pare the pool for opening day" says new Pool Manager Beth Wall. The town is conducting renovations at the pool’s balh house but help wUl be needed topaint the pool befcm ll (^ n s on May 2X To volunteer for painling calI284-2l4l orvolunteertosellrame tlckeu by calling 284-2135. Chutch To HoU Barbecue Supper May 2 Liberty United Melliodist Church, ; U.S. 601 soulh of Mocksville, w ill : hold a barbecue supper on Salurday May 2 at 5:30 p.m. Take ouls w ill be available. M usic begins at 7 with The Gcmein Ilaus Singers. R e - E l e c t MARLENE SHAMEL t o t h e D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n o n M a y 5 , 1 9 9 8 ATTENTION HOME BUYERS! _ MiMd Ow Nm m iHfira SnrijMr WHEN: Itoiday,Aprii M^lfN Т Ш К ё г М - Ш р « . frailKDavkConfyPnbIk C o m M d l i w h o w с а р а Ы а y o u a n O f iN iy in g a Ь о м м М р о о М у М О N O N E Y ò iiio f y o u r p o c M . N o о Ы д о Н о п о Г Chureh To Sponsor Breakfast Salem United Methodist Church will sponsoracountry breakfast, hike and yard sale at Ihc Couniy Line Vol­ unteer Fini Dept., l8l9RldgeRd.(jusl oir US Hwy. 64 W .), Satunlay, April 25,6-11 a.m. Proceeds will be used for the par- sunnge maintenance Tumi. Holy Ghost Tent RevltMil To Be Held A Holy Ghost Tfcnl Revival wil! be held April 27-May 2 at North Main and Crowe streets in Mocks­ ville. Sponsored by the Hcavenbound Believers Full Gospel Church, 2275 U.S. 64 W., Mocksvillc, services will be at 7:30 nightly. Everyone is wel­ come. On Monday, Brother James Ward w ill preach, and singers w ill be the Hcavcnbound Believers Choir. On Tuesday, Brother Jerry Grogan will preach, with Kolhy Rob- enson singing. On Wednesday, Brother to ny Driver w ill prcach, wilh music Лч>т James und Nita Myers. ; On Thursday, Brother Dcwcy Ward w ill prcach, with singers Dny of Deliverance. On Friday. Brother Billy Hunilil w ill prcach wilh music from the Lighthouse Singers. On Saturday, Brother James Word w ill preach, wilh music from ИаПе- lujah Singers. Red Cross Golf Tournament To BeHeldApril2 9 AtOak\^lley The IW NCChapterofIhe Ameri­ can Red Cross Is hosting Ihc Third Annual "HeallhCan’l W ail” goIftour- nameni Wednesday, April 29, at the Amold Palmer designed Oak Valley Golf Course. The captain's choice event w ill be played in Iwo flights with double shotgun starts al 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Prizes w ill be given to the firsi through third place teams in both Ihe morning andaflcmoon flights. Prizes, like gift ccrtincatcs to Ihe pro shop al Oak Valley, a set of lire logs, and a 1998 Honda Crv, w ill be awarded winners of nine hole conlcsts-in- cluding closets lo the pin, longest drive and hole-in-one. Each player w ill receive a goody bag filled wilh prizes. The tournament w ill conclude wilh an awards party and light din­ ner, and lunch. An ossottmcnl of food, drinks and refreshments w ill be avail­ able. Jason Boger Elected VicePresklentOf Eton Fraternity Jason Boger, son of Ted and Darlene Boger of Mocksvillc. has been elected vicc president of Sigma Chi Fra­ ternity at Elon Collcge and has bccninducicdas a Student Am­ bassador 10 Ihc college for the upcoming year. Boger is a 1995 graduale of Davie High Boger School and is a junior at Elon, where he plans to graduate with a degree in psychology. The afternoon flight is filled, hut Ihere are slill openings for the morn­ ing flight. Anyone interested should call us soon possible to register. A team may be purchased for $400 or Individuals may play for $100. Call Christie Smilh al 724-0511 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Green and ice sponsors are needed. It is a $200 donation and they rcccivc corporate signage on either the Icc box or at the green flag. A silcnl w ill be held. It w ill in- elude cclcbrlty und sports memoru- bilia like: Muhammad A li signed boxing glove. Dale Earnhardt signed photo plaque, Mickey Mantle signed baseball, jack Nicklaus signed photo, and much more. The money raised from the lour- nameni w ill help ihe NWNC Chap­ ter, a United W ay funded agency, provide emergency, blood and health services in Davic, Forsylh, Stokes and Yadkin counties. Lasl year, ihc chapter provided 503 people with emergency disaster rclicf, such as food, clolhing and shcllcr, sent 632 emergency messages lo/from U.S. M ilitary personnel and ihcir families collected 26,445 unitsof blood, taught 18,910 individuals in life-saving skills, such as CPR, first aid and water safely. The chapter hopes t о rai se $25,000 from the event. Terra Johnson On Dean’s List Terra Johnson, daughter of Terry and Sandra Johnson of Mocksville. was named to the dean’s list for ihc fall semester at Salem Collcgc with a grade poinl average of 3.75. A 1995 graduate of Davic High School, she plans to graduate in May with a double major in Spanish and sociology. M o c K sv llle B rie f# Lois Shore Honored By Town Lois Shore was honored hy Ihc Mocksvillelbwn Board recently afle, stepping down from Ihe town's planning board, on which she had .wrvtd for 20 years. "She has spent many evenings listening lo applications f« runnings," said Mayor Francis W. Slate. "TV/o people loday lold me how Mocksville has one ofthe best planning hoanls around.We reollydo apprcciatc Ihc work Ihey do." Assisted Living Facility OKd The town’s zoning hoard оГ adjustments agreed to a permit lo allow an assisted living facility lo be built on land o f Walnut Street, jusi olf North Main Street behind the old Duke Power оПсе. The 60-unit com­ plex is for elderly people who can get around somewhat on Iheir own, bul may need some assistance. Water Tank Likely North Of 1-40 The town is searching for sites lo place a water lank, likely north ofl- 40 in Ihc urea Ihat is being developed hy indusirics. Crcsccnl Electric has no intciCst money available for loans for such projects, expcclcd lo cosl $330,000. Money paid by Ihc town lo Crcsccnl would go into a fund lo help pay for other economic development projecis, Mayor Tells DOT: Bypass Is Needed Mayor Francis W. Slalc was al a prcliminary meeting wilh Depart­ ment of Transportation olTicials in Raleigh recently when a DOTboard member questioned the need for a U.S. 64 bypass around Mocksville. 'That’s where I stepped in,” Slate said. Idling DOTabout the large number of trucks that go through Mocksville, including a historic dis- tricl. The projections for Ihat tralfic would inctiase dramatically hctwcen now an 2(X)5, the year the bypass could bccomc a realily “ A l leasl ii’s being worked on and it will be a big help to the town." Block Grant Work Continuing The lown approvement documents ihls monlh that w ill al!ow work to continue on the Campbell Road area block grant projcci, adding sewer scrvlcc lo the area as well as the rehabilitation of some homes. Mayor Francis W. Slate said it is good to see some work Hnally lake placc for Ihe projcct, which was begun ihrcc years ago. Company Gets New Road Name Musgrave Drive olT U.S. 601 South is now Kaydon Drive, reflecting Ihe name of the company which purchased the bankrupt Musgrave prop- criy lasl monlh. The company has lakcn possession of the silc. and should begin opcralions there this summer, said Town Manager Tbrry Bralley. Board Endorses Cooleemee Bill The town board earlier ihis monlh endorsed a proposal by the Cool­ eemee Historical Association for a state grant to fund textile heritage activities. DOT Turns Down Idea For Stoplight The N.C. Department of Transportation has lumed down a request from the lown to pul a stoplight ol, and realign the intersection of San­ ford Road and U.S. 601, al an estimated cost of $ 138,500. DougWaters, division DOT engineer, wrote Town ManagerTerry Bralley lhal Ibe “civsl is too great" for Ihe DOT to participole.- — Parking Lot Lease Terminated The town board unanimously agreed to terminate a lease agreemem for a parking iofOIT Clement Street behind downtown biisinessc.s.tlK town had signed leases wilh merchants lo maintain the lol.The lown and Ihc property had the righl lo Icrminale the lea.se al any lime, saidTowii ManagerTerry Bralley. "I think it’s in our best interest to release that," said board member, Lee Rollins. Town To Pay For Use Of Dog Al the request of board member Buster Cleary the town has agreed io pay Dean’s Tracking Team $25 every lime police call a tracking dog, aiid $50 every time Ihe dog is worked. "He does a good job," Cleary said of dog trainer Dean Myers. "That dog has lo cat. He has to go home and cel Ihe dog." Permits May Be Required Reports of poor repairs to sidewalks and tree limbs left on the side of Ihc nwd have prompted Mocksvillc to consider requiring permits for com­ panies to do work in town. Mosl of Ihc problems slcm from conlracloR ^oing work for gas and cable television companies. ’J U (336) 751-222^ . e S 4 V a l l e y R o a d I V I o c lc s v ille P r o f e s s i o n a l C t ; : ^ ^ o c l c s ' V ' i l l e . N C •ОиТМАМОЯ.ШТМ OroM conwt lot. Sptkt flootpten. larg»Thia rtow homo Ц olluaWd on 1 AC. SpociQu« Ьлат wNh ewvnle ttla. Fomwt «МП9. Urpo iMMor bMh wwi owdon ь and ворогам alKwor. ONarM M lñ « a 19 Т Я Г : T t» Davie Campus of Davidson County Communily College w ill of- ^ fei-the following Continuing Educa­ tion classcs beginning April 27. ■' These classes w ill mcel ol the Davie Campus located ot 1205 Salisbuty Rd. In Mocksville. To pre- registerorobtain additional Informa­ lion, call the Davie Campus os (336) 751-2885. InBlructlonal Accounlablllly course Is designed for sludenis to leam concepts on coune building, lesson/module building, ond exam building. The studcnl w ill utilize cqncepis Icamed Ihrough practical appllcollons. (Mondays, April 27- Junc 29, $35 ree, TRCs: 3.0) Fowler To Sing National Anthem At Race .; . A Davie Couniy man has been sclecled to sing Ihe notional onthcm at on upcoming slock car race in Hickory. The Rev. James "Honey Bun" Fowler, assoeiote pastor or Friend­ ship Baptist Church in Cooleemee, was notified recently lhal hehad been sclecled by Ihe N A SC AR Talenl Committee to perrorm at Hickory Motor Speedway April 25. Fowler, who Is employed by Frelghilincr, performed berorc the committee,hoping lobe selcetcd os o participant In Freighlllner Day Al The Races. Real Estate Ehcllve: Buyer Rcp- resentallon in Rcal E ilate Is a rour- hour course which will enable agents to achieve the objectives os set rorth by the Nonh Corollno Real Esialc Commission. (Tuesday, April 28,6- 10 p.m., $35 fee plus appniximotely $10 for textbook) Real Estate Update; Mandatory Is a four-hour refresher course which w ill enoble agents to achieve the ob­ jectives os set by the Nonh Camlina ^ N o Jo b t o S iM t t l ' CRAWFOR0HomelMprofwcrta Basements tlnlatiaa,Mdltkina, Remodeling TEXnRED CBLINQS REPAIRED OR REPLACED I5STYLES) INTERIOR» EXTERIOR Inauttd • W wt Day Em m U« DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998, - D3 Real Estate Commission. (Wednes­ day, April 29,6-10 pm., $35 fee plus npproximatcly $10 for textbook) DCCC offers comprehensive edu- cational opportunilies foroll odults In the communily. For informalion oboul other programs and courses, contocl the DCCC Davie Campus.<79-7322 Telephone Company To Hold Meeting April 25 , Yadkin Valley Telephone Mem­ bership Coqiorollon will hold ils 43rd Annual tiKmbenhip meeting on Sat­ urday, April 25, al 2 p.m. at Ihe Yadkinville School Mulli-Puipose Room. An estimated 500 persons are ex­ pected to attend wilh around 200 vot­ ing member«. An annual report and financial report for the year w ill be presented, as well as reports from the treasurer and general manager. Two membersortheboardof directors wiil be elected. Members altendingthisycor'scvcnl wiil receive door rávors and atickcl ror alonglistofdoorprizesinciudingo20- Inch JV C television set, set or radial tires, tree oilchange, ice cream rreezer. Alexander To Serve As Precis IVIentor For College Clim Edward Alexander, »sopho­ more and a son or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander or Advance, will serve as a Precis mentor Ihis summer ol Greensboro Collcgc. Precis mentors w ill assist studenls attending Ihe college’s annual event call the Precis, a rree Ihrec-day, two night experience in the Nonh Caro- linamounlainsrornewstudems,Thc goal orThe Precis is to give studenls the opportunity 10 meet rrlends and establish relationships several days before classcs begin. Mentors w ill also help the planning of aclivities and programs for Thc.Precis. Alcxonder is olso the moscot ot Greensboro College, as well as a member or Student Ambassadors, Emerging Leaders and GC Players, He was olsoon the cheerieading com­ petition squad. He worked wilh the Inlo Ihc Sireets program, a coalition or students who volunteered in the community. Methodist Churches To Hold Davie Gathering The United Melhodisl churches of Davie Couniy invite you lojoin hun­ dreds or friends and neighbors al the : l998DavicOatheringonSunday,April 26, from 4-6 p.m. al the Ccntcr fniot, on U.S. Hwy. 64 West near 1-40, exit 168. Couple Manied Shannon E Kelly and Amanda Katheleen Smyen were married April l7inCaJlhey,S.C. ' KellyisoriginallyfromValparaiso, Ind. and Smyers is fnxn Mocksville. They will reside in Mocksvillc. The afternoon will includc musical pcrfonnanccs by Erin Carter and The Sounds of Failh. The guest preachcr will be Dr. Harold Bales. Bales serves as the di­ rector or ministries for the Westem North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. He makes his home in Charlotte. Bales is an accloimcd preacher, noted for his wh andinsighl.Hcisalsoiheaulhoromie Southern-Fried Preacher, a regulor column in ’T1« Notth Carolina Cliris- llon Advocote.’’ The l998DavieGalheringwillcon- 7 5 i к К Л И Л Ntm I <>( ,il I-1 m il W in slo n S.ilciH 1200t Sq. FL ipecious Юог firn tM№ letgo ownn шМ. tm, 2BA, кщш». дмцг tJtohm totumo «tu» COUM»"i.'saa»"' ~ 2HFe«HunlinNea4- 7 » IMHpaM Head - s1 %«oryhomobglln190eon aero hono (arm. СогмолМ toIW- «rae. 3 Im i bedoomo, 801 A н а ImimcUMo horn»2Л ШШ, 9*^ ream, dhlnq ЯО. 2BA, 2 etr gnoo. Ig. room. otod^ Firiitì «eft, ptfo. nobr«M R « « ОМГ gngi. IralaoM tenoHlM loM .ш л т ш и ы т . ----------------- in 4________M of oMm m . 4ar,aiiSTiiSÜTKÄ ____________ Мпм. Эbedroomi.3 befa. Ои Pao < С алМ А кП И М CAU JA » S ^ Jb n W a A W O B jM tW M d K k TIMIM Я М М iSSLM. !S * S o w in n i«M1I7 r iZ Æ 'mm horaaaT «tm, U v 4 badrecm. 2 Ц1у homo. LMB» f i w S S u l p „ „ алtandwaglna. Marw т т . i W6 few houaa. И М М е д а п м . 114 M D ir^ ^ Oi> Ш е ш т Ortw - nm» М ри i m .1« Омг Мм - 14ктвnaVMtMid4M«ain«ialon. bodreom Im ^ ÿ M d a - 8 Badm 2 S s s Ä « : 5 S « i g Ì^ - 5 *SiSSSi L O l S t t L A N D |H> 1>ц.1« ..........— И»ИИ11_--------Н Ш 1М1»«0*Éa<rtili--------N »M M N '«k a M . .......... о м и м щ я-----ÍÜ M » * !« » ----to ki«.M M M a----- NM kM aK- I !■ elude wilh 0 hot dog supper. A love offering wiil be received to help with expenses. N.C. fttu AssodaUor S U N S H IN E U N E A nsw tnto your open gom nm nt questtons fIM lM IIS '•MtrtfAllKtMfxoot re ^ T îjlL c S G R V K x lb E S IO N I ih fW ta t O ff t t ... <^feetunUi • ^Cooxdovixlngt ^iniLaOuabnvdi S tJ J lttß S n u m C tti ^aSÜovtiinßi S& O x u i& íPtan ti <S f¡aei Ü ^fa n n b iÿ n iE E y b U ^ ^ T h o p u b lic w i ll t a k o n o t lc o t h a t t t io T o w n o f M io c ln v n io w i ll s o li a t p u b lic a u c t io n a t E l l l a A u t o A u c t io n o n M a y 6 t h , 1 9 9 8 a t 6 :1 5 p .m . t h e f o llo w in g o q u lp m o n t : 1 - G E H L M a n u r o S p r e a d e r M o d e l # M S 3 0 9 • S e r ia l # 0 0 4 4 6 1 1 • F o r d 7 f t D Ia c H a r r o w M o d e l # 2 2 2 1 - F o r d C y c le M o w e r N o . # 5 1 5 LEONARD REALTY Nm »lyconttnictld3BR,2 BA, m ilntm anetliM hont«.SplH floor phin,W tlk'ln clotM.jNintry, ami dMk tr t M tt of №• enirm. Grtat location. $95,000. 34 Town Squar* Moclttvlllt,NC 27028 336-751-3650■751-И75 Ч MOCKSVILLE ШЕ&ДиТОМОЛУЕ 962 Yad klnvlll« Road Phone 751-6115 O ur t r ic a In c M e Mounting, Balancing New Vahie Sien a & Bolallon Hours; 7;30-5;30 M-F • 7.30-1 lOO Saturitoy C O L D U J e L L BANt^eR □ TRIAD, REALTORS* Making Real Estate Real Easy.’“ Jau к а ш й ш а и StntfordRM d 91V72S0506 Davidson County 91V764-S005 Davit County 910m 648ie Rttoeatlon 1-80W327-4396 H m tira iw iw iiiiin iM S iM iS im g im UH jm гт и м« kT»naaiat* torr* дей tswM'M«' Hu9o tuta witi larga Mtmg area ' Goroaou* landKaping; home I« ашим-аи CINOY JOHNSON ода-гэвв Ш В I B r ' *m i j u 1.IAC» On* d tt* tMait tamaa Sn Famirottn•e*pift.................... liM jat IH ajM• Ora« lak* vi«N Irom IMng Room ■ B*euHul wooden mantle wfP. >0 MBR• Ш evpoil 2 Ig dKki oMTiook UM MmEZMMERMAN 996-1167 Nm gvaga itoer«. na« deck, a low) pon* CINOY JOHNSON 9в1-гЭМ • M8R Ort ML tMHHnsiQOOl 1Я «HiraplM«•acofbooamortgaraea VICKI FlEMNO 906-1167 • MartM toyor. QRM NWono Ip. ооиплм кЛ• Oportloyer plan «tota ol lÿt. Тлр gai. VKMFUMMQ 906-1167 й а г № M l. ~ п я й я г " т е « « toMMgaNeewMMaglTm........ ....... •RaceeMim.ie'itofdco.TVimJANCTMAtlCRS 666-1162 • Ubf aiy. dantarrvuw im. te VlCKIFlEMna 866-1167 va KSBTter* Ртмо) MockawBa PtM •9MI yerd« О й Cod i«i M tarmt aun b|» ra*n• ML matr auMa «Иш BA: en rm laftoy «№ VCKIFUMMO 666-1167 s r * - . « . . im 8 б м 8 ‘ V l -____a M . •Um<to*MMMo^w»ierw № « М - Г П Я«o^w yior--- 1|Й«ЙиАв»'Я?в D W 11 ( O l N 1Л 1O IS \M) 1\M)S mn. 6611161416,666 Ami aoeato Met tor геаМепШ Mg Wooded wim вМре lot naturaá 0АЯ.1ММШМ-116в V e t«-МЯМММ6> Tto UMUnnCTB). бгда и» es» Naar Fuddng маю OOiCoMTOOi Uidi. ро% «eodad наог ма Ооме Cauro* atfeoMMO-•AMARAAUEN96»a066 IMM mu 6H— I шт штш i дт» im S á n S S S le ^ ^8AaYMCOU6«6l»11«e Oavto ceurtyi Sou togatw ler 6I6JOO. IMI aooi NOfUKinnMN6l»-1l79 16W W86 6666»l a i l . Ittj66l rac06an buWng lot m EaMom YMdn 1,96 aciaa hoaiiy «oodod Groal School* and cerivorMni Vo Wwuan-Mom arte. ortf ПОМ tw eewTÉv «AiO; EXCCPTOML VALUCI I MMKNOIAN 666-117Э COIMMTV «taino Wf. vaon «I lACnUDONNAIMI« JANETMASreet 6<t-116a бб«в«б1ммбб11ммамбмб1бдб» 6SraaneKtoa i«i 6 aero IM. OoMtopmani ремш. TM* ol 16 TREAaunECRRkCY 7»вМ6 I. m n 60МШ • 1146.66» Acf«40 ПМ deoo 10- ------- • СетогМАфеоП.Macro net 121Доа V»aaEIIMQ66l-1167 vory< JENMFER STROUD 666-1176 •Ml «U IM M I-LOT« FOR SALS Mh flo Iffle foquMiwr« to bril OtdoouM Ma annno etwa. QeiVooManrta. Ftom 644«a CM a COLDWEU ■M6(B(TMM>. НЕМТОЯ «ont l66MII6M66Wllll|iril1ITli irirrill nnn - ------------------------------idmhefMMaona. »MMftonN» I» tR САМУ cua M уюагш тл 666-im HMIImuM Ul kl ВЯ Lai 16 ti 06Л00 M M ao 666.06018RCC fMH* M HioaMMttiad.ViClQFlfllM 661-П1» »OOtfttyOM I7.40QMIO.I КТТУРОТТВббб-ПВб M » ÛOIF C0UR6E LOTS on •-1176»7.7S GjMOMM^IuyrwaaidMdMNnayra.«»- ACRES ioMng VMdn NNar ond tin Fafew* End ol anal ueoMoA, Соипц ooome h tie CotfOnr Oiubk 64 iKioaMi^ - ,MTTVFOTTt 6M-11M CMOVCRVICN 66M616 B>S»ACRES7M7MOO май aiMtf типе oaMo i«m. 2 йояооМааибрагМ.аоод<о.юа1Ис1аяа.НАа1п. )'{ ' V«nn£W«66»tt67 ACfliiiditgiooMy mm mi», mm тл lenriGieno. noor Shady amo StfLiaol merooieoueyowwahom.BETTY POTTS 66S-11 as IS6 4S K M H Ш1M6MH 66J6» COUNIRY CUM SCTTMQ lot 1ачо «oodoi UOONNAFOTT866B-t16B MASTLOTlnFoiKn »M to «М, ll г|ЦУЩ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1998 PUBLIC NOTICES .^MORTHCAHOUMA 'OAVIECOUMTY. 11 mCUTOMNOnCEHÉring quiHM u ExMutof <A Ih* ; EaM t ol nty Cultr 8r.. dMMstd. latt ol Otvt» County, Nofth Carolna. (hit li lo nottfy al panont having dalmi againtt •aid aitala lo prasani tham to tho undar- algnad on or batort ttw 9th day ot July. 19M.balt>ottvaamofì№a(remthafiT«tdav ol pubUcatlon or Ma noOca wU ba plaadad In bar of tttair racovaiy. All persona In* dabtad to sald astata wil plaasa maka knmatfata paymant to tha undarsignad. ' Thia tha 9lh day of Aprii, 1998. ' Bauiah Cattar, Exacutor of tha Ettatà ofRay Cariar Sr..dacaaaad.E. Edward VoQlarJr., AttomayforthaEstatai HailandVogiar IB I S.M ainSt' Mocksvilta, NC 27028 ' 4-9^tn NOflTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOm NOTICE Havtng qualtlad as Exacutor ot tha Estata of AM. Kisar Jr.. dacaasad, lata of Davfa County, North Caro№a, iNa Is to notify al parsons having ciaims against said astata to prasant tham to tha undar* algnad on or bafora tha 9th day of July, 1996.baingthraamon№s from tha first day of publication or this notica wM ba plaadad in bar of thair racovary. AO parsons in* dabtad to said astata wHI plaasa maka immadiata paymant to tha undarsignad. This tha 9№ day of April, 1998. Dick Kisar, Exacutor of tha Estata ol . AM. Klsar Jr., dacaasad. E. Edward Voglar Jr. AttomayforthaEsUta Halt and Voglar 181 S.MainSt. Mocksvila, N0 27028 4.Wtn A H or, Om /imc« • Д 1^7М ^1 S S la S t .^ ît S i nmmm niti Гтш / Ä < Ü FO* A U VOUR AUTO N IIM СотЗФФОФПФ 3612 damnftona Rd., Clemmons ____ZSS^2iS___ NOnmCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY. EXECUTNXNOTKE Having qutflM u ExKutrix ol №• EM I* ol Elvi Bruno JiilH i, dMMHd, Ittiol Dtvl« Coumy,North Cwo№w,mi«l« 10 rwWy all paraco« having daltin agtkttt raid aiUla to pmanl than lo tw under- algnad on or balora tha m day ol July, 1998. HaingWaainontulnniViallTtl day ol puUlcallon or Ma ndlca wn b* plaadad In bar ol ttialr racoveiy. All paraona In- dabtad to uid aatala will plaaaa maka Immadlala paymant to Ilia undaialgnad. Tbla maso dayol April, 199«. MagglaEiak*,22t9FilandahlpChurcli Rd..LaHngton,NC27295,ExaaiMxolltw esiala ol E^a Bruno Julan, dacaasad. 4-Mtn NOHTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTy EXECUTBIX NOTICEHaving quallllad as Executrix ol the Estate ol Qeorgi Frank Mock, Sr., de­ ceased, late ol Oavle Couniy, Nonh Caro­ lina, ihlj Is to noHly all parsons having clalmsagalnstsaUestatetopregantthem to the undersigned on or betore the 16th dayolJuly, 1898,baing three nxwths Irom the llrsl day olpubllcatlcn or tlla notk:« will ba pleaded In bar ol tiair recovery. All persons Indebted tosald estale will please i make Immediale payment to tie under­signed. TN> the Ifiti day ol April, 1998.Slaltord M. Hyman, Executrix ol tie Estale ol George Frank Mock, Sr. Warren E. Kasper. P.A P.O. Box 687 Clemmons, NC 27012 4-I8-4m NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY CO«(ECUTOm NOTICEHavkig quallllad as Co-Executor» ol tw EstataolWlknaOolue,deceased, lata ol Oavie Couniy, North Carolina, tils Is to notlly al persons having dakns against sak) estate to present Ihem to tw under­signed on or belore tie 2nd day ol July, 1999, being three mantis Irom IhaMday ol publkaUon or Ms notce win be pleeded kl ber ol tielr recoveiy. All persona In­debted to said estale will please meke Immediale peyment to tw undersigrwd. TNs tw 2nd day olApni, 1998.DenniaJ.Qolus, 138 Lasie Court, Ad­vance, NC 27008; orMary A. Merrill, 104 Shenandoah, Winslon-Salem, NC 27103, Co-ExecukxaoltiaastateolWlniaOolus deceeaad. 4-2-4tl i t . г*> iü- И п г к О М С Ы Ы ЧiUSüesChiUicn'sCUU« 1 ай а-Вах й - 4 Х (Ш 1 гд HoiM tPiiiM analCenlH■ еппкткакм асм квакау ELECT ИакиИкМаа R ta rtlk M C M M U d rtc Ik r D a v h C o iu ily С м п М о м г V O T E ’ M t^ 5 ,t m SALEM MORTGAGE 1Ш Е П Ш С М П Call fort 7 а « - а Э Т - 4 4 7 Э NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOm NOTICB Having qualified as Executor of the EstataolMiMredCharryholmas. deceased, IateolDavie County.North Carolina, this Is to notify an persons having claims agalnsl sakf estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 16th day of July. 1998. being three months from the first day ol pubilcation or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons in« debted to said estate will please malce immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 16th day of April. 1998.Sadie Hendon Thompson, 1686 Angell Rd.. MocksviUe. NC 27028, Executor ot the estate of Mikfred Cherr^lmes, de* coasod.MARTIN. VANHOY. SMiTI-l A RAISBECK, LLP 10 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-16-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY A0MNI8TR ATOR OTA NOTICE Having qualifled as Administrator СТА of the Estate of S.T. Dunn Jr.. deceased, lateol DavieCounty, North Carolina, thisis to notify all persons having claims against saki estate to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 16th day of July. 1998. being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pieaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons In­ debted to sakl estale will please make ifflmediate peyment to the undersigned.Thisthe 16th dayol April. 1998.Robert W. Cook, 809 Salisbury St., Mocksviiie. NC 27028, Administrator СТА ot the estate ol S.T. Dunn Jr., deceased.4-16-4 tn NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTY EXECUTmXNOT№EHaving qualified as Executrix of the Estate ol Lawrence Frank Comatzer. de­ ceased. late of Davie Couniy, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or betore the 16th dayolJuly, 1998, being three monihs from the firstdayolpubllcatton or this notice will be pleaded in bar of iheir recovery. All persons indebted to sakJ estate wHI please make immediate payment to the under­signed. Thisthe 16th day ofAprU. 1998.Georgia E. Comatzer, 108 Bingham & Parks Rd., Advance. NC 27006, Executrix of the estate of Lawrence FrankComatzer. deceased. 4-16-4tp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIECOUNTY EXECUnUXNOnCiHaving quafified as Executrix of the Estale of James Edwin Nance, decMsed, lata of Davie County.North Carolina, thisis to notify all persona having claims againel saU estata to present them to the under* signed on or betore the 9th day of July, 1998, beb)g three monthafrom the flrstday of publicatton or this notice win be pleaded kl bar ot their recovery. All persons in­ debted to saki estate will please make Immedlaie payment to the imdersigned. This the 9lh day of April. 1998. Qamette L Nance, 1588 Comatzer Rd.. MocksviPe, NC 27028. Executrix of the estate ol James Edwin Nance, de* • coosfld. 4-9^tn J ELECT WAYNE L. M ICHAEL District Court Judge . Experience In All Courts: Cnminal * Civil * Domestic • Juvenile R a id a l oTDaviilaoa C o iu »/ p M u to dtcU e tttch au e on iti menu fiiir iy an d jiu il^ and to In a l every penon in the courtroom with counesyanddignityi” PiM hr Py CoMÉM lb Bm L kldwl DBLABOBBmS É iH m r r n m iÊ t Î Í < ' \ N O T I C E O F M E E T IN G S OfThe DAVIE COUKTY BOARD OF EQUAUZATION & REVIEW I ?tinuanltoN.C.G.S. 105-322 H e DAVIE COUNTY BOAID OP EQUAUZ A110N k REVIEW wiUmMistcquifedbyliw FlIirOSE o r MEETING lb iM r i^ nVMil, Mjr a ii al toipqm whe er c e M tuaUt dlivtntft«iilM Ce«rty,irilhnipcdtotbtvalM liM afiKh ar i HME0FMEET1NGS Tkt iM fd wM cw vfM fcr Hi firH MMlfaii M r m i l 1:M RM. B iM liM ir iib tlS a to llM rliM M iiK a n ry .TiM iMTi im a^ovra nqvcK MeetintswUlbeheldinlbe « MeeUng №»in ill the Adiniiiistraikm Building lUqueitt for bM iiii rnuil be ' IHX) P.M. Mcadiy, June 1,1998 the advertised uie date for adjoummeM. ■; In the event of earlier adjoumiDeni. notice to ihn effeci will be publUhed in thb newspaper. The achedule for tbe hearbif of appeaU timely flled. wUl be posted at the office of the nietior. le r ^ M cletfc to the Board of Equalization ft Review, and WiU alao be provided 10 iadividuab and orgnizations that have leqtieiled notice puiiw^ 143-318.11 Att N 4M ite lbr;iM H«ig ihM i^ C M ^ D n fe X o M ljIo w d o ^ Divie O fatfM aU m m k n Btiildhtg«ModUvUle. NC 27028 'f NORTHCAROUNA . |DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREOITORe •The undersigned, having quaWled aa Executor ol the Estate of Holland W, Smith, deceased, late of Oavie County, North CaroUna, this Is to notify at! persas having daknsagainst sakl estatetopres^ them to the undersigned at 1001 West Fourth Street. Winston-Salem, NC 27101, on or betore the 2nd day of July. W . being three months from the first day of pubiicatton or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sakl estate will please mske Immediate payment to the undersigned at the above designated addresss. Thlsthe2nddayofApril, 1998.C.Lamar Seats,Executor oltheestate of Holland W. Smith, deceased. j Roberto. Vaughn, Jr.Kilpatrk:k Stockton LliP Attorneys at Law 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem. NC 27101 4-2-4Ш NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ADMNfSTRATRtX NOTICE Having quallfled as Acbnlnistratrix of the Estate ol Simon W. Brown, deceased, late ol Davie County. NorthСапэНпа, thisis to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or betore the 16th day of July.1998, being three mon tlis from the flrstday of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in* > debted to said estate will please makei Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the t6thdayolApril, 1998.Rebecca S. Brown, 473 Depot St. Mocksville, NC 27028. Administratrix ol the estate of Simon W. Brown, deceased. MARTIN, VANHOY. SMITH 4 RAISBECK. LLP to Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 4-16*4tn PUBUCNONCE NONCE OF PUBUC HEARINQ BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOL- I.OWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR­ SUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS of Chapter 160A, Article 19. Section 160-A* 364 of the General Statutes of North Caro­lina and pursuant to Article 10. Sectton 5, of the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, that the Town Boanj of Commlsstonera will hoM a PUBUC HEARINQ at the Town Hall, Mocksville. NC at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Mays. 1998. A) Garbage Disposal Service Inc. haa submitted a request to rezone six (6) aerea of land from Reskiential-Agricultural (R*A) to Industrial (I) in order to retocate their business operaUon. This property Is to* cated off the south skto ol Bethel Church Road approxknataiy 1/2 mile from U S Hwy 84 East and la hjrthar deeatoad aa bang Paicalae.01 ande.02otOa4teCo^Tax MapJ-5. B) The Town of Mocksville wM assign zoning districts to the most recent expan­ ston ot the Town of Mocksviiie Extraterrito* rial Planning Jurtsdictton. Ali maps re­ ferred to are Davie County Tax Maps. The (fistricts are as follows: Induatrial (I) lor parcela67.81.86,87.01,and 88 of mapH* 3 and parcels 14, 19.02. 19.04. 19.07, 20.02 Of map 1-3; RaaMentlal Agricul­ tural (R-A) lor parcel 87 ol map H-3; and Highway Bualnaaa (H-B) for parcels 14.01, ISand 18 ol map 1*3. A map show* tog the above districts Is on display at the ' Mocksville Town Hal. A sign wIB be posted on the above listed property to advertise the PUBUC HEARINQ. All parties and Interested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to be heard In favor of or in оррмШоп to the foregoing changes. Priortothehearing.allpersona Interested n>ay obtain any addtttonal Infor­matton on the proposala by visiting the Planning Department in the Davie County Adminlstratton BuikJing, Mocksvyie, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 6;00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340.JohnS.Qalimore Planning ar>d Zoning 4-23-2tn NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOmNOTICI Having qualifled aa Executor of the Estate of Lucy Dortch Hairston, deoeaaed, late ot Davla County, North Carolina, thia Is to notify all pereona having dahna against sakl estale to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 23nJ day of J(^ , 1998,beingthTMmonthafromthafirst day ol publkMtton or thia notice wM be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons in* lebted to sakl estate wHl please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 23rd dayol April. 1998.Peter W. Hairston Jr., 276 Peter Hairston Rd., Advance, NC 27006, Execu* tor of the estate of Lucy Dortch Hairston, deceased. Brinkley. Walser. McQirt. Miller, Smith & Coles, Attomeys at Law P.O. Box 1657 Lexington, NC 27293*1657 4-23*4tp SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PUBUC NOTICEIn order that the North Carolina Depart* ment of Transportation complies with House Bill 1063 as ratified by the 1973 Session ol the General Assembly of North Carolina, representatives of the profes- stonal staff ol the Department of Transpor* tatton and the Board of Transportatton Member of the Ninth Highway DMston will meet with the Davie Couniy Board of Conv misstoners at a public hearing beginning Qt 1:00 p.m.. May 4.1998, In the County Commisskxiers Meeting Room in the Davie CountyAdministratton Bulking. Mocksville, NC. The purpose ol Ihis meeting will be to discuss and advise, with the Davie County Board of Commisstoners and other citi­ zens present, proposed plana and propos* als for the 1998*1999 Secondery Road Constnjctlon Program lor Davie County. The proposed program will be posted In the Courthousd for review beginning April 20.1998. as per G.S. 136-44.8. 4-23-2tn Invest in Your Community jSt i 'i I-‘I*NORTHCAROUNA m - Ii: E ^ a Ä Ä T Ä g i ;lalaolDavlat»unly,NorthC«pllna,ma»;, tonotV all persons having ctalm a^ a^ , sakl esiala to praeani twm to tw un«-. ■ signed on Of belore tw o'199e,bekiglhreamontialromMIW^.: olpublkaakinortilenolkaffw g i^ ; In bar ol thair recovery. M persons 1^ debled to fakl estate w«l pl«a. ; Immediate payment to the u"*>™ J™ « - . ■ This tw23nJ dayol April, 19M. ■ ■ SheHa T. Beaman. 457 Gordon Dr., Advance. NC 27006. ExecutrU ol the . tate of Mlttle Weisner Tucker. : PUBUCNOnCE :'i: NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARINQ be­ fore the Davie County Zoning Board of A^ustment on Monday, May 4.1998 at 7 p.m. In the Commissioners Room of the Davie Couniy Administration Buildbi» Mocksville', N.C. Business will be con­ ducted as follows: A) Call loonier. B) Review of the minutes. C) Rose Lee White has submitted a request for a Temporary Use Pennit In the ; Resklentlal (R-20) district to place a manu­ factured home In the rear yanJ of the prind^ dwelling. Thia propel Is tocated off the west skie of Clark Road approxi*. mately 1/4 mile from Gladstone Road and ^ Is further described as btf ng Parcel A*29 ; of Davie County Tax Map M-4-13. D) Pierre Chartx>nneau has submitted a request for a Special Use Permit to the Reskfentlal (R-20) zoning dlstrtot to buiki - and operate a commercial greenhouse. This property Is located at me southwest* . emcomerofJuneyBeauchampRoadand ' Riverstone Trail and is further described * a8belngParcei52.02olDavieCountyTax I Map E*7. E) Old or new business. . -; > F) Adjournment. * • : A sign will be posted on these proper* * ties to advertise sakl Public Hearing. All ' parties and Interested citizens ore invited to attend said hearing at whteh time they ; shall have an opportunity to be heard In favor ot, or In opposition to, the foregoing * changes. Prior to the hearing, all persons ; Interested may obtain any addittonal Infor* ' mattononaproposaloraskanyquesttons . theymayhavebyvisitingthePlannlngand ' Zoning Department on weekdeya between 8:30 a.m.' and 5 p.m., Monday through ^ l*rlday,orbyteiephoneat(336)751*3340. : 4-23-2tn. ‘ ESTATE SALE ELMORE GROCERY SAT. MUY 2.1888 @18:80 m.m.■a a I Ш-------■ ^ ----- ■ ^Wiil wro iiw PtnoiM fiiptny w Aaa Bele Bmere (deceased)333 Ekiisie Read * MecksvMe, NC 27028 Diraetloni: HO 10 Hwyi 601 N. 4iproi 7ml, Mon Elfflon Rd, 1 mi. on ML From YrtMnvlll«, Hw 601 S. iMWb 9 ml, ilgM on Elmofi Rd,_________ Ttrm t; 10% u l« diy, bdanc* at cloiing M EM . M be (And II 1Ш nooii Соям ol im ЦII CouMiy Stoll, CCM hNl t »C,bmi, cam мМг.шИс mum. 1каМсп.Ю1е.и1<игоип||1»1ка kivi bsaiiniiiowi Aiilk)ui Biooiii IMilng IM In. Toiii’i Sritdi Jir, 20 cotiipaitm№l HOden dgai№ reaisleri (Wut 2700, NaSonal, l NCR) Omega 303 Copy irudili», |2| li«!«i, US 18 b. scale.,TV,: (2) upiis^t coolen, rnany (tspby sheliei t ruks, micmiv«, aiee rnak«, diurch bmdi htm Bev Creek Chrdi, '/.■ Im I/2- canisge bolti, V.’ Ni V Hei Head boto, (2| Bdl Bin, 25t baei n*, \wod«i drink mies, Tobac» nxi», giowies, dieeia boies, carving iijffies, hea» t beaiily «Wies, sdnol turfes, auto acceuories, ipray paM, lalÉig ti/ffia. CIMhu: baby, dUm. «onen'a, boys t men »Olk dolhei: Poiiler, Lee, Mavtridi, Hanes t Dküei. ShoM: 3000t f* . alMic.iaiiialti>oittKi(teVMwlM,6otknlM{evir,Tilan,«^ - Ttmu on Panonil ProiMrty: CMh er Oood Clwck Day ol Sal* H«ny Ottwf MltG. M ffli • Not ratpondU« tor kau or Kcidmtt . SPEER AUCnON 261 Rag Rd.*M ocltsviUe, NC 27028 ^ n c a lS u D «vM Spe*r*N C A L2 9 84 s ie v .R u » 33(-MMli2 NCAL63U 33<-Wmm ■ w rtH m iiilM 33«-998-4156 A U C n O N K K M . E B A L T O K . K M T H J .г а ш с ^G U - N C A L REAL ESTATE A U C T I O N MINOON • THURSDAY ■ API^L 5 5 " 7 0 S S O r c h w d P a t h * P « p p c f tfc « * V E R Y N I C E 2 S Y O R Y • м о т-4 м о м о т а va млм • а caa емим B M iitifa l S u n R o o m A G r e a t P l a c e T o C a l l H o m e C teB im oim , N C ОШ КПОМ: Fran aeamon lake Нашйоп Rd 10 an leA оаю Loop Rd. Oo 1/2 mile, nn left into ~ sssas i i s s r » i S e S S h f c U у м M U u - d H * « .lK (3 3 « )7 6 4 .1 « 5 7 A ic tiM M W - K M lio r - it e M iie r “ Q uick ¡Visión C ataract Surgeiy” means ho needle, no patch, no stitch, no pain, and no long recovery. W ant to, know m ore? For over three years, Dr. Gregory Temas has performed this new procedure on hundreds of your friends and neighbors. So if you are considering cataract surgery, choose the area’s leader in advanced surgical techniques. Call the Temas Eye Center today for more information. ; Protect Yol-self FroiTi Bites ftnd Stings : How dongnnjt ore insect 1 a ? Most insect bKes or stir -; VWieneveryou are bittervtry : Itching and skin redness to SCI : you stari to h M more sever С abdominal pain, fever; chills or are merely annoyinj, primarily causing minor irritatkiix However; sc e can transmit life-threatening diseases. identify what type of insect bit you and pay dose attentbn to your r ctk>ns. Reactions can range from mikl nepaia lumps in the skin and svictling. If symptcnis, such as breathing diflicultyt lusea. seek medical help .immediately! rHbwthouU I noc insect M? Wash the alfected area pply or antMstamine cream to redi|e ; vale the alfected area You m : more soothing for pain or inil cold compmses, apply calamine itching and decrease swelling and ele- v/ant to soak the area; warm water is imation, cool water for itching : How con I pimnt insect U f ; To protect yourself, :and avoW wearing perfcmes : Be awarB of locatkxis wherelisects ; sta^iant water or freshwater ¡active - at dmn and at (Xrsk I What an the most danger^ : Ticks are prevalent in i common outdcxxs. Not ever Isenous disease transmitters, : Rody Mountain Spotted Feve I for tkte after spending time repellent and protective ctothing nd. colognes that can attract insects. are most likely to Ikxk - near wamps - and when insects are most Vyi«iamO.Renfh)e,MD Dr. Renfroe is a graduale of Ihe University' of Mississippi He com­ pleted his residency at University Hospital in Jackson, Mssissippi and is board certified in Family Piactice. thfc egon,a insects In our refion? and at this time of the year are tick bite leads to d is ^ , but ticks are itentially carrying Lyme disease and ■lake sure you check yourself caiefulV ot kxxs. partiojIarV in wooded ar«as. * While not w insect spk s are in the same Arthropod 6mily ; к oustaceara and insects. Soi i spklers are beneficial since they Ь ф ; control the insect populatkmii are not dangerrxs to humans. But, p other spUers can be very han li In addition to black wkkm spiders, : brown reduse spiders are V« dangerous and are plentibl in the : Piedrhont region. Brown ri jse spiders may hide indoors in i battwooms, attics, cellars and s( jge areas. When outdoors, they like «rocks, debris and wood piles, j.go unobserved for 6-8 hou ¡ blistering of the wound starts t ;t>itten, seek medical h( ^ spider bites can cause severe tiss i iites b/ brown reduse spiders may before a reddening sv«lling and appear If you suspect you haw been immediately. Brawn reduse dam ^ and h rare cases even'death. tNovont Hcakh Triad Cm ur. M tdkal farkICàmmunkyGenmlHaMal !ÿ«ifriden>aafce tocottoni. : ___ DoWt Coun» Hupltol,rfiofflon* and 32 Моим HeaUi R ifk K ix iW H ■ H »«al ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPWSE RECORD, April 1998 - 05 G L A SSlF IE Se Y.ircl Sales ■ Yard Sales ■Business "BU YIN G CLOTHES“10c per pound YARD SA LE • Canvash, Victory Baptist Church, Hampton Rd. Inriam m nnB Oa» AtOA 0.1 Opporkinity cleaning and yard sals leftovers. Value Clothing Yadkinville _________336-679-7728_________ 2 FAMILY YARD sale-Sat. 4/25. Bam-noon. 139 Davla St., Cooleemee.____________________ 3 FAMILY BACKYARD sala-SBI N. Main, tum onlo Park Ave., 7- noon, thb Saturday. Rain or shine. 3 FAMILY YARD sale, Saturday, April 25, 6 a.m, no early birds. Quns, sewing machine, weed eater, large ladles clothes, and more. 663 Cedar Qrove Church Rd., off 64 East at Fork. Watch for signs.__________________________ 3 FAMILY YARD sale-clolhes, household items, toys, 279 Deer Run Dr. 4 FAMILY SA LE on Fri. Sam-Bpm, Sal. 0am-3pm, lots ol new Items at 173 Grey St.____________________ APR. 25, Sam-noon, Center Community Bidg., Hvw. 64W, proceeds for church bidg. fund. B ia 2 FAMILY yard sale-llke new baby clothes (0-2T), baby fumllure and Items, lots more. Fri. 4/24, 8- untll; Sat. 4/25, 8-untll. Comer ol Fori< Bixby Rd. and Martdand Rd. BIO YARD SALE-Frt. & Sal., 7am- 2pm, 601N, 2 ml. to Elmore Rd., follow signs. Ball cards, lumiture, lots ol glassware, household Items, too much to list. Rain or shine. Eariy birds welcome._____________ BIO YARD SALE-Fri., April 24, 7:30am-2pm: Sat., April 23, 7:30am-unlll. 601 N„ lirsl home on righl past Wm. R. Davie school. ~ ‘ Items-clothes sizes Inlant-up, BREAKFAST, BA K E t yard sale. County Line Volunteer Fire Dept., 1819 Ridge Rd. fluat oft U.S. Hwy. 84W), Sat, April 25, e-11am. Sponsored by Salem UMC. CHURCHWlOe YARD ft BAKE S A U ; Bethlehem UMC, Sat, teril 25, 8am-noon. Redland Rd. between Hv»y. 158 »801. FRI. 9-5, Sat. 9-unlll. 170 Oak S t Cleaning house-appllances, fum., lamps, dishes, T.V., utility buikUng wood floor (you move). No eariy blrdsl Everything must gol________ GARAQE SALE-FRL, 4/24, 8am- 7pm; Sat, 4/25, 8am-2pm. Take Hwy. 64W fmm Moclcsville to Sheffield Rd., at liames Ch. Rd lum left on (590) Fred Lanier Rd. Large variety to choose Irom.___________ OIANT OARAOE SALE-raIn orshine, Fri. i Sat, (4/24 and 4/25), 8-4. Poor weather forces repeatl 3 families, hundreds ol ItemsI Upright Ireezer, exerdse equipment healers, lonnal & casual ckjthes- Infant to sz. 22, men's Western ckilhes, lomial tuxedo, electronic keyboard, tv’s, commercial copier (orig. $5100), Jett Gordon tire, gi^ dubs, stage & sound equip., ton, 1978 C aciac Seville, la ^ r rack for small p/u, much morel Prices reducedl All must gol 141 Partridge Lane...2 Ьккка oil 801 and Redland Rd., directtons; call 940- 8765.__________________________ HUQE YARD SA LE, Sat, 405, 8 a.m. Antkyies. loole, oM tractora & fami machinery, houeehokl llema, dolls, a little ot everything. Hwy 158, Advance, |u>l bekiw Food Lton.___________________________ LADOC FAMILY YARD tale-chlMren's ckiltiet, toye, ment, womens, houaehoU Itemi, 538 GonJdn Dr, (Creekwood), Satt., April 25,8-12._________________ YABO S A U -ckXttee, ment, woment, boyt 3mo.-3T Л 7-10, Creek.______________________■ ' H a p p y S w e e t 1*^ Birthday Р ю т м о т а г т л YARD SA LE SAT., 8-2, 128 Meroney S t, (oH Wilkesboro St.) YARD SALE-133 W. Church S t, Sat. 4/25, 8am-7 Lots ol items. Twin slie bed, set ol goll clubs, goll shoes, dishes, etc._______________ YARD SALE-221 Magnolia Ave., 8am-2pm, Sat, Garden Valley, YARD SALE-4/25, 9am-untll. 692 Cana Rd., follow signs. Lots ol clothes sizes 3-12, bathroom suit, fumllure set & lots more, 85 Camaro, 93 Pnabe.______________ YARD SALE-SAT. 4/25. 8am-3pm, 332 LaQuinta Dr. Advance, oft of Beauchamp Rd. Household ilems, clothes, books, plants, stackable washer & dryer, sheeta & comforter, toys, stuffed animals, something for everyone. Cancelled If raining._______________________ YABO SALE-SAT., 7-12, 3t families, fumllure, housewares, clothes, jewel7 . 160 Lybrook Dr., Advance._______________________ YARD SALE/BAKE SALE/HAMbiscuits, Union Chapel United Methodist Church-Hwy. 601 N.. (April 25, 7am-untll). This one's a musll BARN H ELP WANTED Inexchange for board for 1 horse. Nkw small show bam In Davie Co. w/large tumout, ridliu rirra. trails & round pen. 998-800r or ^-3407. HAPPY JA C K MANGE MEDICINE; a natural blend ot vegetable oils, Cnotes healing & hair growth to spots’ i severe mange on dogs & horses without steroids. Davie Farm Servk» 751-5021. (www.happvlacklnc.com)_________ OUARTERHORSE, 1 YR. old colt, good natured. S«00.998-8795. Aiitic|ues TIM ELESS Including dlthv watherraiyer energy elfldent lA liB uw ninw u w r yuui ww»Mi./aWori( with a Hollywood producer, labulous trip Incentives, car allowance program and K S i ’i“o % r u t « ® : Child Care CHILD CARE IN my home minutes away from Jockey and Lee. Have references. 1st & 2nd shift. 492- 2685.__________________________ KOUNTRY KORNER HASfor toddler-school age. TREASURESAMTKHJE M AU. 8,000 sq.ft. 27 dealera, wicker, Victorian, primlthies, mahogany, pine, oak, advertltlng collectlUet. Come see for your teH why we are the talk ol the town. 3 5^ S. Maki S t. Winston-Salefli. 785-2273. Ар.и tmenis BEOnOOM FOR SO BER, WORMNO man, no dmgs, fumished. 751-7917._____________ FOR RENT: CLEAN upstairs apt, quiet neighboriiood, Hv»y 801 N. 2BR, W/l3/S. $200rt)ep. $375/mo. Private entrance. Quiet single or couple or w/1-2 children. 998-3656. M O CKSVILU SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy effident epartment 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, btakelball court & swings. KItciien appllancct himlthed diahwaaher. 1.5 bathe. LOVING MOTHER OF 1 will provide childcare In my home. 1st shift, before & afterschool. Located In Hillsdale-Advance area. Ref. available. 998-8606._____________ MOTHER OF one toddler will babysit In her home off Cana Rd. Ask for TIcla. 998-2709.__________ MOTHER OF ONE, will keep children in my home 1st shift. Near Jockey. 264-2421._______________ PART-TIME SrrTER needed to care for 2 boys. Ages 1 & 3.10-15 hrsTwk. Flexible moming & transportation req. 761-5100. W ILL BABYSH' IN my home im or night call for Info. 751-5099 or 751 - 3101.__________________________ W ILL GIVE CARE to your dilklren In my home. Near Jockey. 492- 5331. Commercial Property PRIM E SHOPPING CENTERspace available, 1,200 aq. ft.-3,600 ^ ¡ 1 . Shopplnjjiofttoe. 338-996- ,irm Mnchinory 19U 8N FORD tractor. GC, $4500, 492-7601.______________________ BUSHOGS; SCRAPE BLADES$125; Box Bladee $236; Spnwlert; Canyalla; Boom Pdet; Scoop Pans; P u l Hole Q*«’! conneclkint., High energy elfkMnt heat pump provklet centnü heat and air. Prewired for cable TV « phonea. Inaulaled wlndowt & doon. No wax kttdienl bath noora. Located In Mocksville behind Hendricks Fumttuie on Sunset Dr. oil o< Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-8 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0188. U M O W ASHER « diver, matching tel, aknond, OC, ñOO. 482-29« tltereom . JA N ET DEAN’S LknlUd edUkm art' Drinia now available at Serendipity S ü m , 41 Court Sq., downtown Famn Gatea > Equip 998-8637. COMBINE, JD , 3300, comheada, gralnhead. Case Davie Brown, 990, B, toader, 704-873-4875._________ FORD JU B IU E TRACTOR, live lift,GC $3650.492-5509._________ USED D IESEL TRACTORS Irom $3,500, 15-32 HP. 704-213-1469, Salisbury, NC. DtNMG ROOM SET, g lau table, echaira, EC. $350. 75М119 after 8pm or leave metaage. Home's For Re only. 338- H O C K iv iU M a w SM I, z » home w/garage & deck, near ehopping. echoola, and medical, A ran find al $95.000. LEONARD REALTY 338-751-3850 or 751- 8020.________________________ N ICI3BR, H A home on 8 aeree. Red Foust. Davie Farm « Lind Salee. 751-0757, MtM M .irktM & S.lit! Aim и .tl / ft M St.№ uKbCalbolicCliiircb MlYadUnviUeM. M ocluvfflc.N C 27«28 Space Rentals: Vendor-$10.00 P riv a te h d iv U iu l- $ 5 .N < CaU49M039 ^lÄ'-DAYffiCOÜNTY 1ТП:Е*Ии L ,inil 1-01 S.ile Misrollnnpous MisnpIl.'inoouR H Mobile Homes/Siln H IVlobilo llnmps/Snlo H P.loiilf Hcimi’s/S.il 15 * A C M S, a m mobile honw, bun, wortohop, tancad pasture In w nlem Davie. Call Rad Foust,Davie Farni & Und Sales. 751- 0757.__________________________ 16.5 ACRES. Edwards Rd.. Davie Co. 33fr492-2»44 or 492-5284. 3 ACflES, COUNTRY setting, anerVpni. deared, level, ready to build on or liunt. No restrictions 33S-751- 3371. 1577 SPOR CAMPER, 21 GC, $1600/060.492-7118. 4 SOLAR PANELS, 4*10', $800;OBO, 998-5249.____________ ANTIQUE MOSLER SAFE,nreorocl-olflce. EC, 32" deep, 24" high. $350. 751-2897 SUUNQ Q U S S DOORS wltti double glass and screen. 72^80’ $200. 998-2752._________________ ST EEL BUILDINOS. ARCH style.Must sell these 3 buildings. Large------ ------ - Rnancing, Immediate delivery. No reasonable company canceled orders. 16 25x28, 35x54. Beautiful 3/4 acre wooded lol in Srady Grove development, 940- 6749. mOUSTRUU. ZONED ACREAGEfronting on «801 within Mocksviile City Umlts with d V services. Will Call FreemanCommercial Real Estale. 768-4410. A U SEASO N S LAWN CARE.a existing lawn maintenance. Cb11704-284-4î 77. CAM SERVIC ES: We provide all types ol lawn sendee, mowing lawns, trimming, shnjbbery, deanlno lots, 7S1-5798. FREE ESTIMATES.___________________ COMPLETE U W N CARE ЕЕНУЮ Е Mow. trim, edge, fertilize, mulch, pine needles, aerate, gutter deanlno, small hauling, free estlmstes. Call-leave message, Mabe'e Mowing 492- H liS M a SH M TZU, gray & white female, answers to -KelMy*. Last seen on Turrentine Cliuich Rd. Call 751-9633 or 998-2576, leave messane. FLO W ERS FOR SALE-CHEAPI998-4948, alter 5pm. FOR SALE-K & G Salvage:4‘x8' Cedar Closet liner, $l2.95/ea.; 5'X12' premium flooring liberboard, $9.95/ea. Grade Mark, 2X4 studs, $2.49/ea. bklg. stone $14Q/pr. pallet/140 sq. It.; 4'X8'X1/2" thick Insulation bd. $7.95/ea.; 3,000 Ib. cap. warehouse carts, $49/ea. ' ung exterior steel doors, . ga.: Roofing fen, $6.9S/roii: We stock stainless steel In sheets 1 pipe. Super savings on carpet a linoleum as low as $3.95/yd.; Corrugated culvert pipe up to 24' dia.; We stock purms & accessories, for wells. Fbnnica, $.50 sq. ft.; Steel I-Beams for sale. K & Q Salvage (Reynokla Rd.) 1st business on West tank ol Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. aO-KART FOR sale, VQC, $400. 940-2572 alter 6 p.m.____________ QRANO OPENING: LIU -O EE DOLL SHOP, 291 Junw Beauchamp Rd., Advance; 4-2fr 98:10 am-6 pm; 4-28-96; 2-6 pm: leaturlng porcelain dolis, porcelain beanie bwles; for Information call RUTH 336-998-2980 or DIANE 338-725-2594. ___________ MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES A FLEA Market 25,000 sq.lt. Inside. 653 Wilkesboro S t.^ t. 8-5 A Sun. 9-5. Vendor spaces call 751-2181. SEASONED FIREWOOD FORsale. $60 lor 1/2 ton: $100 lor 1 ton. Stump removal. Jake Miller, 996-0846. oHer refused. Caii 1-800-222-6335. STORAGE BLDGS-RENT-toown,$50/mo., will deliver, 8ft. x 12 ft. 998-9553.______________________ W ILL BUY JUN K cars. 264-2859 or 751-4335. IC A U ISa ilyo u n e e d I Belter Value Homes'Hwy. 801 A 601 Mocksviile Complete line of doubled singlewides I Bank repos, caii today ___________284-4001 , , ___ 14X70 M OBILE HOME 2BR, Iba., 751-3189. LEE’S M O BIU HOMES-Norwood,NC 800-777-8652. Bargains, dose outs specials. 40 new homes,28X52, «7,999; 28X80,------ 26X64. $32,999; 24X58, 14X80, $19,999, ind. 4’ hitdl.7 days.________________________ LOS HOMES: SINGLEW IDES, WINDOW AC, 11,500 BTU, Caitlot, GC, $75. Freezer. Lowe's, small upright, 3 yrs. old, EC, $175. 4 dining room chairs, GC, $40. 751- 3228.__________________________ YORK RESIDENTIAL HEAT pump, 2 1/2 yrs. okl, $500. For more irmafion ( -------Inloi n call 751-2738. Lots For Siile LOTS AVAILABLE IN Mocksviile, Advanc* A Cooleenwe for new 1.751-7734. Wagn-Tails Mobile Homes/Rent 2BR, 1 1/3 ba., $350/rio., $350 sec. dep., ref. a must, no ak»hol, dnigs or pets, limit 1 child Caii 9 am-9pm. 998-8839.______________ READY TO MOVE In: 4BRfumlshed u l. w/utiiitles. 751-1218 or 872-3367:____________________ TRAILERS FOR RENT. Waler lumished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leave messane. Mobile Flomos/Siile $THE THRILLERS New 4BR, 2BA mobile home. $163.9a/mo. Call 704-637-6650.Quality Homes Superstore. '1 ONLY*'M mobile home set-up on lot. $775/down, $117.o5mo. 704-637-6650 14X70,3BR, 2BA, 1996 model, low down payments, low monthly payments. Like new repo-call todav. 284-4001.________________ 1955 USED HOME 2BR, 1 1/2 ba. on private rented lot.2-1W7'S SET-UP in parii, 601N, both are 3BR, 2ba. < 1И7 3BR, 2BA., 64South jusl in Davklson County In Reed's area. 751-5200, home ot 751-7439, vrork. Ask for Steve Vestal._______ 3BR SPEC HOME sel-up in nice Never lived In, lumished. 751- m N O O N EO HOME ON private k)t. Just off 601; $895 down & payments ol $225.751-7734. CALL TODAY HUGE discount on single 5 doublewkle repo homes. R ec^U oned and ready to gol COMPLETELY REMODELED 14X72,3BR, 2ba, Del. 5 Set., $850 dwn., $18№fflo. Caii lodayl 284- 4001.__________________________ DONT PAY THOUSANDS toomuehl Double A singlewides discount prices. 1-600-278-3146. DREAM HOME LOST IN divorce, like new. 1850 sq. It. doublewlde, loaded, llreplace, glamour bath, ceramic bar A morel $15,000 below book. Call 284-4001 lodayl_____________ GOOD SELECTKJN OF pre-owned and repo homes, all remodeled and priced well beknv retail. 284-4001. Call today, you'ii be glad ya didi RENT |T0 OWN, 2 A 3BR.' Call ’-8650. Quality Homes of ■55 iAKWOOD MONTCLAIR,14X70|3BR, 1 1/2 BA, $7500.940- 2213.1 _________________ FUETW O OD , 2BR, upgrades, white vinyl -. nolo tool, 12X16 decli, I. 761-2588 after 6pm. U K EN EW I ‘95 model, 14x70,2BR, 2ba, del. 5 set, air, skirt, $1,150 dwn., $245/mo. Cali 284-4001 lodayl MOVING TO FLA. Will sacrllice $3,500. New 3BR, 2ba. mobile home. Call (704) 795-3772. MUST S E U 12X55, 1.5 ACRES. 336-768-3528.__________________ NOW OPENI BETTER VALUE HOMESRecondltk>ned bank repos and pre­owned homes. All priced below retail. Call 284-4001._____________ ■55 FISCHER 14X71 Mobile Home, soikl, well-built, $9500 llrm. Relrigerator, slove, Rheem central air unit induded. 2BR w/ walk-in dosets, 2 full baths, real wood burning fireplace. Buyer responsible for moving and set-up. Home is presently In Mocksviiie. Call Kelly Caller (803) 329-6160 (Hock Hill, SC)._________________ QUALITY HOMES SUPERSTO RELand/home packages Doublewide/Singres Free Satellite Dish with any new home.Salisbury Only _________704-637-6650_________ RECONDITIONED BANK REPO SSave thousands, call today. 284-4001 GROOMING SHOP FOR SALE-consoie, EC, < iwn, assume low payments, il ally. 1-800-437-9757. SCHl !! 492-7 PIANO TUNING lepalring A Rebliildlng Self-players, Sales A ^ rvice Wallace Barioni 998-2789 IFFER PIANO, $300, GC,18< SI IFORD PIANO SERVICE Tuning A Repair 70. »92-2000 or 704-751-0158 Jack Seaford A A BUILD ERS, over 8 yrs. exp. De< s, porches, patios, storage bl IS., additkms, remodeling. Insurance claims, atlsfactlon guaranteed. Cal »92-2255 for Free Estimate, r Pager #910-717-2568. ABC PAINTING AND W ALLPAPERING15 years experience “Оиг ommitment Is quality through xperienced teamwork." 751-3813 D a v ic D riv irif; S c h o o l C h fA ttfiq u f & l| ib , NO MORE SHINGLES! G o M t t a ll • Long-Lasting Qaivalume • 3FootCaveiage •Cut to the Inch •ManyCdors • Scraws, Trim to niatch G r if e 1 - IM - 2 7 M O B O N M m E m i L s In hu'ii Onvcr S Sdiirjtinn ^ IVISECARUER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E In Fork io d a y l (336) 998-8810 : C W ER A SON PAINT CO.Rod Tops A Mobile Home Tops Free Estimates Interior A Exterior 25 Years Experience Modisvill*,NC 492-7118 JESSFT^ 0 FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. - OaECTABLES. OLD METAL OYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE osIbcss • Homes • Conlnctor*fl с м т и т т и ш ш п о ! Ш Л т и ш т ш г т т ш c a w ä l ееви ви в, INC.APR S.7SH 0240 mo (OAC) т п л е т SALES ft SEmnCE SINK FMM NUPMBITM i4 W ,* r e * ir M B i. r m u i Ë C m ï ï i d e l Caipirts: AIStaMiAlfialwiiM MSImDhUIs336-751-3442 ^ J t o c t a v I l t e ^ N C I th y * ! M t m lin S u T ftw Insured & Bonded ; “ Free Esllm ale” Phone: (335)492-2483 : 227 M r. Henry Rd. : MocksvUleNC2702S : — iw itm * CsipelAUplxMsiy Cleaning Businesses а м п ш в LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR SERVICE Laying «Sifd n g 'Fln U in g FR EE ESTIMATES Om m t LaiyM eChnay IZSLakMoodDil«« , Э Э » - 7 Б 1 - 1 7 2 1 i r Furniture Refinishing ARMtonlion CiBtom Woodworiiing к СпЙ8 Rick m ili (336)492-<020 malltn cnfiim iuuhlp {в г З О у т OiitoWMiMiillipijlr • á M a M It • n i- IM ÿ BlaOi^DlcSal«:' И00 Greek •only'329P;: othsritNd«l5.tochooM:.':- fin; 9200 Oftck with powjir Bnich. tidy Up t Duri £ P e w r l w i e H r . W ; ; - Wslsr Damage ExbtcMonS^ivle« * OvtrlSYtan&cpMìMCS * EBEEE«imMM ш пьтш ш ж в ft D, DMigB Cf ConfftrnetiMi “ С1д1е Á l/ó »fc 0 0 M e e t <^oun < % uc(get(' A d M o M • N te h M • BM h t • RiplM M iM nt W in d o M • •m Noem • atdbig • MMonry • LigM bemUng • Й5мм«в1И> OM in •IN* w eik *«iM ll Rtprir«« UgM C o M w eW Work • M M • iM k Hm ta vie *, M L A a H H iN erF u N O iv■IN.S» sie-iM-aa .iyj-«».. C o m m e r c i a i FRBmfSROOFMG 33IM82-5923 R e s k Ê M à ' R i i k a : i м м Ш и я Т Ъ м в я •H^wood Mulcli • Fine Pine Muidi • Pine Bark NumcIj • #1 fop Soil • Cnish & Run •«Stone »Sand »Old Saw Dust •Howo ‘ Hanging Basbls • FertiUzer • Crass Seed _____________w t t a w i u i — м и мпгнив«sms 2ЯМШ|гЫ>1МтЯс,НС (3 3 6 )2 8 4 - 2 8 2 6 МММИГИМ »sscllarllM H A V E Y O U E V E R T H O U G H T A B O U T S E L U N Q T H E T IM B E B O F F Y O U R P B O P E R T Y ? W E P A Y T O P P R IC E S F O R S T A N D IN G T B IB E R / T M IB E R L A N O . CALL 7 0 4 -8 7 8 -9 7 8 4 5 OR MORE ACRES Muslin HuBtUssNr Co.2712 ■■■-■-----■■----- Ш Ш В П Ш Я ш ш Ш П Л . Ш П List: ‘319.” SAIE; ■21»." J Mksvllk AMMMttw FOR LEASE STORAGE rilAfLERS (Long or Short Term RENTALS) TRUCKI a COMPANY, /MCi a o T tM H w y g o iN .« o cksvN i*,N C 3 3 6 - 4 ^ - 7 7 1 6 » ( 8 0 0 2 4 7 - 4 7 6 9 4 J S DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, April 23,19» - D7 e L A S S I F I E D S I N b i X P E N S T V E FROFIXABLE HOUSE A OFFICE CLEANINQ 14 years experience References provided Free estimates 338-463-5227, leave message HOUSE CLEANING SERVICERel. available. Caii 751-0552. KEVIN Q RUSB BUILDERSremodr 751-1 , Building, remirfeHnj, handyman - LIN K'S SEA M LESS GUTTERINQ, ; : Richard Unk-Ovmer Free Estimates ___________998-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIClor allyour electrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398. PAINTINGRemodeling - Home Repairs Largo or Small Free Estimates JA M ES M iaE R 998-8340 PRESSU RE CLEANINQ; Ail Types siding, clean and waterprool decks, ^tios, driveways and walkways. T REES R U S BA ILEY A HOWARD TOURS Ju ly 1-4, Ohio Amlsh Counlry-step on guide, buggy ride- traln ride-Sugar Creek Swiss Viilage-Wariher Canfings, Amlsh Famis Tour, 5 meals induded, D- $299. Aug. 15,1 day. Boone, NC. Includes 1 breakfast & 1 dinner at Daniel Boone Restaurant, Shopping al Shops ol tho Pariiway. $42/person. Driven Gene Uvenqood, 998-4338. STAR SA TELLtfEinstallation Specials $50 Rebate,tree programing, 1-800-583-1339.iming, tree Disney watch. PRIM ESTAR $99 INSTALLED Free 1 mo. programming 4freeHBO’s 1-800-984-0772 Housing, СRIC K 'S PRESSU R E WASHING J, decks, & concrete Free estimates Deck sealing 998-7443, pq. 733-5461. RILEY TRUCKING A GRADINQ•slone^and^ravei* •skid-steerwortv •driveways rocked«Qaiy Riley-»8-5768 (home) _____________940-7954 (mobile) T A T S E R V K E S О агш э, bams, basements, etc. deaned A hauled away.Reasonable rates. 492-5080 or 751-6110. W IU DO LAUNDRY A ironing. Also general house cleaning. Reasonable rates A relerences. 998-2907. 82 A 54 Wltlls Jeeps, $750/080. 940-6328.______________________ 93 FORD PRO BE SE, auto, air, power sun roof, am/lm/cd, and more. 74,000 miles. EC. $7,300. 940-2160. ■___________________ SA LISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick - Dodge 700 W. innes St.. Salisbury _________704-636-1341__________ '75 CHEVY TRUCK, 4wd, ready for hunting. 336-751-3371.___________ ‘83 240 D M ERCEDES BENZ ,189,000 miles, blue, 4 dr., auto, nms great, $3,900.998-4292 ‘85 CHEVROLET CELEBRfTY,dean Interior, runs good, $1000/080.492-2752. '85 SUM M ER W O R K start . Part-llme/Full Time with flexible schedules. Scholarships Awarded. Great Resume Expcriencel Call For Info 759-0094. C O M M U N I T Y E D U C A T O R needed to conduct programs on domestic violence & sexual assault w/children & adults. F-T w/flex hrs. Need BA in human service Held & exp. w/public speaking & community resources. Full benefits. Non-profil/EEO agency. Resume lo: Mike 1\irner, Family Services, Inc., 610 Coliseum Dr., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106 P A R T -T IM E H E L P W A N T E D able man or woman lo slay wilb ring day-llme hours each weekend. Individuals who wani to be considered should make ansenior citizen during day-time hours each weel appointment for interview. C A LL BETW EEN 11:30 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4 9 2 - 5 1 9 8 ▲dvwtisn« Tw«wttiig & Design The Dovie Counly Ente«J>ri$e Record t$ seeking a p m o n whh compinerskilk who Is also a proficient typist fir advertising composition. Plaue apply to: Robin Fw iu u o n D w i* County En tM priM lU co rd 171 S.MamStraafMccl(«*llle.NC {336)751-2120_______________________ ‘93 FORD EXPLO RER XL, 2wd, 4dr, naw tires, EC, 704-278-0260, leave message. 1-3 ACRES of land zoned for doublewlde. 751-3520 after 3pm. BUYING PIN E A hardwood timber, delivered logs A long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704- 278-9291.______________________ NICE COUPLE, AQESOi. wants to buy 1-2 acres for beaulilul manufactured home In west Davie or east Iredeii counties. Please call (336)751-4463.'________________ WATNED: HOMES TO dean. Residential and/or commercial. Free est's, great rates and great refs. Call 491-2102. Employment CNA POSm ONS AVAILABLE.Brightmoor Nursing Center. PO Box 2167, Salisbury, NC 28144. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN: EXP.req. in PC repair A netwodting. Professional attllude A appearance a must, certifications a plus. Send resume lo: 23 Coun Square, Mocksviiie, NC 27028.___________ CONCRETE H ELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license prelerred. Caii 284-4389, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for appllcallon. EEO. Employment H ELP WANTED FOR mobile home setup. Drivers license req. 998- 542B or 998-2479._______________ HELP WANTED: EARN up lo$500/wk assembling products at home. No exp. inlo 1-504-646-1700 Dept. NC-5377._________________ Employmonl PART-TIME PERSO N to Iron & clean approximately 4 hrsTMrk. Also mature full-time person to work w/ devdtopmentally disabled adults to clean,PONTIAC LE. veiy $600/080,751-0155, if no answer. leave messaqe._________________ *90 JE E P CHEROKEE, 4lt., 6 cyl., 4WD, $10,000. 751-7283. Employmoi ‘ POSTAL CARRIERS*Getting started or starting over. For infonnalion on all postal jobs, salaries, benelits, pre-lesting, and current civil seniices |ob line, call (630) 906-2800 ext. 6840. 8am- 8pm.__________________________ APPUCATIONS NOW BEINQACCEPTED lor summer lobs In the snack bar at Hickory Hill Counlry Club. 998^1087._________________ BERMUDA VILLAGE HAS openings lor day/evening pt waltressas'Nalteis. Apply In person-Bemiuda Village, Hwy. 801 S.. Advance, NC. DENTAL HYQIENIST NEEDED lorgeneral lamiiy practice, lull A part- time positions available. Excellent salary, bonus plan, retirement & medtaal. Stalesvllle-(704) 873- 9641.________________ DISHWASHER NEEDED. APPLY In person lo Millers Restaurant. 751-2821. DRIVE A LITTLE...EARN A LOTIDo you have experience In sales, banking, linance or Insurance? Clemmons based mongage co. Is seeking enthusiastic, Hgn energy loan originators. Experience helpful, but not necessaiy. We will train motivated people lor a career with big town eamlngs. Even II you live in a small town. Call now lor interview. 1-8B8-513-8246. DRIVERS: RUN THE SPEED LIMITI $1500 sign on bonus lot exp'd drivers A 0/0. $750 bonus ol school grads. Excellent slop [I miles, home weekly. Class] KOUNTRY KORNER IS now hiring pA S III Caii 998-2220 lor appt. Must be hiqh school graduate. LIFEGUARD A POOL STAFF posilions available lor May-Sepl. at Lake Myers RV Resort.Taking applicallons now. Apply In person, Hwy 64W. 492-7736. NEEDED PART-TIME sales & delivery associate. Must be able to wori< weekends. Apply at Sears In Mocksviile between 9 & 5, Mon.- Sa t____________________________ NEEDED: 37 PEO PLE to lose 5-50 pounds by June 30. Free shipping. Cali 1-600-353-7058. teach daily living s p s . For more inlomiallon call 751-M14.________ PERSO N TO CLEAN private homes, FT, Mon-Fri. Qood pay/benellls. Cloverfleld's. 760- 4161.__________________________ RESERVATIONIST POSITION INLake Myers RV Resort Ollice. Perlect lor high school/college student. Please apply in person. Hwv. 64 West. 492-7736._________ TANKER DRIVERS, CDL Class A Tanker endorsement, 2 yrs. exp., dean record, local haul, excellent pay A benelils. 998-8810._________ TEMPORARY SUMMER YOUTHcounselor positions available with NOW lendy’s. HIRING DEPENDABLEI, days A nights. Apply at CDL w/HazMat, Min i yr. OTR'. Builders Transport. Dedicated Fleet. 1-e8e-2-JOIN-BT. OPEN UNDER NEW management: Horn's Country Kitchen, 2nd A 3rd shill, grill cook. Second 3-11, third 11-7. Experienced prelerred. Apply In person between 7am-3pm. Rale ol pay depends on experience. Benelils-5 day worii wks/potenliai lor advancement.________________ OVER 2,000 JO B S available al. Employment Fair '98. More than too employers will be In attendance Irom across the Triad, Thursday, April 30, 10am-6pm, UVM Coliseum Annex In Winston- Salem (336) 724-3621 XI. 244. regionai |oo training program In Davie, Stokes, Rockingham and Yadkin coumies. The 4 available posilions require a lour-year degree In human sendees or related nekl and a valid NC driver'a Iteense. Fast paced worit .environment requires public and private sector recmltmeni lor youth wori< experience sites. Responsibilities Include detemilnation ol client eiiglbilly, documentation ol worit activities and monitorirg results. Worii experience or k.iowladga ol job training programs Is helplul. Salary: St 1/iir. Send resume, three relerences and prelerred job location lo SYC Search NWPCC5Q, 400 W. Founh St., Suite 400, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. No phone calls, NWPCOG does nol discriminate on the basis ol age, race, sex, reiiqion, or disability. N O W H IR IN G - C O O K S , W A IT E R S , W A IT R E S S E S Also Position Open for Manager Trainee Immediate Employment for all 3 shifts Ask about 3rd shift premium! Call for an Appointment or Apply In Person:niaiBEIIQIl 513Jone^miRd. WS 2314 Ram ada Dr.-Clem m ons l5 _ J 1 3 B L 3 a L 3 C Jl» J._____________766-9691__________ bsurance Specialist needed for busy Medical . CMlke Tram oriented, file i^^ ' paytnepts and various other clerical duties. ; . Experience preferred. Send resume to; C o o l e e m e e F a m i l y P r a c t i c e R O . B o x 9 1 0 C o o l e e m e e , N C 2 7 0 1 4 - 0 9 1 0 Smith Grove United Metiioilist «lurch is seeking resumes’ for new fuil-day children’s Summer and Fall 1998 aUer school program. Positions avaiUble: Director (needed ASAP), assistant director, and counselors. Program lo begin June 8. Fax resume to 336-998-2885 or mail to Smitti Grove United Methodist Church 3492 US Hwy. 1S8 • Mocksviile, NC 27028 HELPER/CNA CLASS 108 b«i iMlllty now tsUng applicitlons for IMpw/CNA cisss. Earn i stlsiy whilt you an training. Call 336-751-3535 or apply In ptrson to Carol Crawford it 1007 Howtrd St, ^ksvillt, NC on Monday - Friday 8:30 nn to 4:00 pm. N O W H IR IN G ExperleiiCMl seamttrMi/laHor. Aiteratlon experlwicehelpfiil. ; , Call Kathy’s Alteratkm at ! 336-99ÍB-7089. MondayTliurwHy^ 108 bsd ficlllty ha* positions on 2nd and 3rd shHt full tkrn for CNA's. Apply In person to Carol Crawford or call 33S-751-3535 for mors Informition. Grsst bsntflU and compstHivs salaiy. INTHswarritt. • MscfenMt,NX.mn 3 3 i- 7 s i- a s M 19# lliltll ssissssiiiisixiitassi^ • Servers • Hbst/HosteM • Disnwashet^ • Bus Boys Urie Co H A V E P l I N l . M ; t k c ' I l ic i i d s . C N A ’ S T o C o v e r O a v ie C o i/ n ty A ll S h if t s P a rt- T im e & F u ll T im e F le x ib le H o u r s • M u s t B e C e r t if ie d 336-768-1197 Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. W in s to n - S a le m ‘Tht Aomstown eonynny, mV (TMl youH»you‘iltiiptcl’ (r I :t n m . J o b s a t T a r g e t k e e p s o u n d i n g b e t t e r a n d l e t t e r . Your searcli for the perfect part-time just came to an end. Target, the hottest and fastest retail around is for Part-time Team Members. And as you would expect, il's filled with fun.. When you Join the Target team you’ll get some of the biggest advantages in the business, like competitive starting pay, flexible schedules, and a generous Team Member discount _ ;_____ Tlme;6am-10pm© ТА1ЮЕТ S420 U hivm lty P ulnm y fst«2ncfsM lsav^ito Wbwton-Salem Must t>eable to work 744-7880 V H |* C W )m if EN TERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1»8 :'Üëi&ié Dateline y.Aptl2S t a M » s*; MKknab № i UnkA U M M to C M i MIowshIp Hall. 7:30 Pimmj kraUM , bdi* * yin) a*. piM iy Um Voliineer Fire De|Mnmcni. 6- I Um. Spoaond liy Salem UMC. ■ ■ taw C k U n lM M i Ham SuppfT, iM U M d M i № DqA. 5-8 p m. 1MI^<Iuls avaibNe after nun. Hales: $7. CNUm 6^12; H . Umfcr 6 yn.: fm. , C *M q rR M ilM U M ,U nkn C li> |id WnM MedndW Chuii:!!. Ilvvy. 601 N.. «jp.lO uti. ■wfll araUM kr Dnid Ftnnlnclon, m of die Rev. A Mrs. JeH' {\rnnlngton. of ^ BafUbt of Cookemce vthh mnlM»l proMeim.CooleenxcVFW.6-l I am. Ham * sausage wth homemaLfc biscuiis. Adults: $6.KhhunkrlO:S3. YanI A BMtt S«le, Cana Ext Hommuk- « i Old Cana School. Cana Rd. ol Angell IU,8am.*noo№ Goipal9ii|iaftBrDckt\TfonningA(UCen* 7 (xm. Sponsored by Ntocfcs Mcihodist Chflch for buikiing fund. Admisskm: $5. \m AS^CtitnC<m nuiaty BU|h 8 a.m*no(m. VS. 64 West Proceeds for Cen­ ter Untied Methodist building fund. Friday, May 1 G tm Miw> NUM to BimlVI Cookram SwIm Ui« PboL 7 pm. VBV Hall. Coih prizes. Satuday. May 2 BBQ CMckcn Supper, Foci Fire Dept. m n.6 pm. Eol In orlokc oul. M/plalc. VanI 4k M < Sde, Ctanh or God or IVoplKtT, Hwy. 601.7 xm.-2 pm. tehicut Si«f(r, lAnty UnM MMb- odMaanli.Hwy.601 S. 3:30pm. Mmic byHieOemelnHaiBSmgciJ.7pm.Takcoul nvoiliMe.Daclians. E > ct^ o Q - Saturday. May 30 Fann Safety Duy Cump, Fuiton Farm. 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Apes 9-19. Rcgisicr by May 6by calling 751-0297. Tops Travel 7 d ^ M Stwiee AAeetirote ____________________ Saturday, April 25 Сате1У1а|1а|, Brock ftrfomiingAnsCcn- ter. 7 p.nv SS nbnisskxv louring Елп Carter. Tbe SpQiis, Tbe Rewiaikw Quaitct IVooeedsK)benentMocksMcthodis(Chua-h bi^Uingfund. Sunday, April 26 П пкСМ кгЫ оЛМ еиы М М м Ъо«. leC tan lla, Cenler Aitar,4.6pro.0ucsl pttacher Dr. НагоИ Boles followed by ha dog supper. Donations for Storchcuse Гог Jesus. Aprt27-May2 Bi^GlMlT«iiRc«M,comerofN.Main SLAQDweSL,MocksviUe.7J0p.m.nigh(ly. Janet Wtfd. Hea>tnbound BeL Ою'1П Tuesday: Jerry Grogan, Kaihy Roixftion: Wednesday: Tony Driver. James &NiuMyen:'rhunday:DevnyWanl.Day ofDeiverance: Friday: Billy Hamlit. Light- touseSingers;Salufday:JamesWard.Halle- iujWiSif«ea Sunclsy,May3 Ц титЫ щ , Salem United Methodtat ClMrdv Wonhip. 11 а.та Speaker Rev. James White followed by picnic luncli. Sing- ing. l:30-3:30p.m. featuring’The Sounds of Jessica Allen. Saturday, April 25 Davie CouiMy RepubHcan Men's Fcdera* tbn. F&F Baibecue, 7:30 am. Monday. April 27 WoodmenorrheWorU,Uxlgc323.Davie Academy Communily Bidg.. 7:30 p.nt Tuesday, April 28 Progressive Farmer SafMy Day Camp Committee N!cc«ing. Eaton Fiuni. nooa S pedal Events______ Friday, April 24 Cultural Arts Tour. Tanner Compiuiy. 8 an».-l p.m. Monday, April 27 Tovn>qlCoote<ime'»Vohmte»rRtrog\^ tkMPrognun.VFW.7p.m.5thgrjdcclxMUs & Erin Cuter to perfonn. Tuesday, April 28 EiileiisionHoinmialitnSprtaiDay.L'iu- rcl Springs, 7:30 am.-l:.T0 pm. Seniors____________ Cull75l-06l I forn«reinfaUx''.ttkx\isBj\x'k Center unless miccd o<hcr%v’isc. Thursday, April 23 Senior Chonis. EaM Rix^m. 3 p.m. Friday, April 24 Brtdge. East Room. l-S p.ni. Senior Gamc^Sihvr Arts Awards Ban­ quet, Blaise BaptiM Churvh. 6 p.m. Saturday, April 25 Senkr Evc^Dance,Mock.svillcE)cn)cn- tuy School. 7-10 p.m. AdmL«k>n: $3. Monday, April 27 DKoniU«Plllnlto8,Ei'< Roum.6:№9:30 p.m. Cookemct Chib, Rist Baptist Rillow^liip Hall.lOam. Podiatrist Dr. Dunn. Craft Room. \ am. Tuesday, April 28 Bridge, East Room. I-4 p.m. RSVPNuniog Hone Party. 2-4 p.m. CakGn»eClub,UnitcdMcthodist Hall. 10 am. W ednesday, April 29 Bnmn B^Mcdicalkn Check. Wol-Man Phannacy.9am.-2p.m. Variety Ai1sClM.CranRoom.8:30-l 1:30 am. Canl A Board Games. East Room. 1:30- 4:30 p.m. ESVPSewkig*B%RSVP0fncc.9am.-l p.m. Thursday, April 30 Senkr Chorus, East Room. 3 p.m. Report Davie ttateline Iteffls By Noon Monday ItefflsforDavieDatcliaeshouldbcftponcd by noon Monday of the publKatkm week. Call73l-2l20ordiopitbytheornce,S.Main St. anoss from the courthouse. 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 7 3 0 3 ^ 2 7 5 ^ ^ s v i l l |^ C I e m m o n ^ d F e r Um S c lio o l B o a n l? I want to continue the tradition of excellence in education for which our schools are known. Working together, I am convinced we can make Davie County schools the best in North Carolina. И у ОТЕ May Stef Martin Craig Carter Every ehlM ll • пяЦпе ропм ц every ehlld Им a taarning style of tbelr •w n tiMt need« to be iliew n. I reel that with these tralu Srom each student being utllbed, this will help to decrease the dropout rate have less transfers to Ihe community college. Yow Support oil May 5 tor RMMoSmMiNomNwM begnallyappneiaM. SaturdayNightlS'K^ Qales open tor praclice at 0 p.m. FIRST RACE AT 8 P.M. Sponsored by the Blue Ridge Village Resort BliKl%Moiiilvn6etan|f Discover the Highlands of Western N. Miiu * 2 0 &Total/or two adults ^Package Includes: Three days ftvo n/g/if5 deluxe hotel accommodations, dinner fo r ftvo, and use o f Jacuzzis, indoor pool, tennis courts, ciubhousc, stocked trout pond.... Call Mort'Frl 9am'7pm or Sun I0am‘4pm 'l-MM4H479At135 • SW surcharge weekends <£ other restrictions apply UMITEDmiBOFFER Winston ‘‘Nobuu”200 200 exciting laps for the open-wheel Modified caisl Plus Sportsman, Street Stock, Stadium Stock races) Opening Ihe SOth tem on tar the querter-mlle ttp h e ll tiwek th el It "S T IL L T H e m to sT Ex ariN ao FT H e M A LLi" Admission: AduHs, 18 and older - $10 Ages 12-17 - S6 Ages 6*11 - $1 Children under 6 FREE wiih adult escort _____________PLENTY OF FBEE PARKING_____________ )Awm3 T information about stadium racing: (336) 723*4267 Б Ь Б С Т BOBBY KNIGHT & Ì & RepubHcan for Davie County Commlaalonor mommM bmfeMit mpirlMCt Commmedto: IMi| the best bm liiM S опеНем OR behall ottke cMMSOtlMiGoMty. ^ V O T E -M a y s Part Politeli *d By BotOyKnigK HOLY GHOST TENT REVIVAL at the corner of N. Main St. and Crowe St. Mocksviile, NC 27028APRIL 27-MAY 2 • 7:30 NIGHTLY EVERYONE WELCOMEDI D iffe re n t sp eak ers an d sin g ers n ig h tly : M onday: Bro. James Ward, preaching Singers, Heavenbound Bel. choir lYiesday: Bro. Jerry Grogran, preaching Singers, Kathy Robertson Wednesday; Bro. Tbny Driver, preaching Singers, James & Nita Myers Thursday: Bro. Dewey Ward, preaching Singers, Day of Deliverance Frid ay: Bro. B illy Hamlit, preaching Singers, Lighthouse Singers Saturday: Bro. James Ward, preaching Singers, H allelijah Singers_________ Spontorsd by H M venbound B allsvar* Fu li Goapal Church 2275 Hwy. 64 W- Mocksvllla. NC 217028 eOOMrSSMMEASCáSMr Om KubolM% T,TQ,Q ModOFSeriee on mpproved endH Р и п Ь ш т Ь ^ А и д ш а ы Ш . f lt e С а й т • t t a In ia c a a t - H a Р й у т ш Ш rSêrioê Lawn Ihactofs • M ade ly ja ib o ta III • 1 2 .e io 1 7 h o n Ê p o m r• Aot pedal ewrtrof S A L E ’ 2 , 5 9 9 ” S A L E 3 ,0 9 9 ' trwiaiwlMtef • аёцг mower deck K u b o h o . •ШОвтрщтя1,Н»1ПО101^»щ/тЁШтаН91нШШёеспт1Юг9ОаЁ1Лоп»^^т90сяМ.т 'шШ1ё , 9ияфК1ЛШ09ЛСауот11и*еппШ1ШтвпидЦАидМ9ЬsmiomÉnm emctnmi9P4fempuKhmkiinie»piietktñji,oHirÉnc$»mpuKhmemighKubotéOa*OaiwiaiúiiiCw<n>fiietfti<aw»a»rWfl»pef<o*y.a»%AftftfcfW»iwi»eofleppwwad PRÍMES9ÍR OlfrfEipim April ЭО FpoiHltepe IbnnMooa 2^ $149 Installation. Minus SSO Mail-In Rebate, Makes Installation Only *99.°° 1 Month Free Prime Value Package 1 Month Free Multi-Giannel HBO (4 channels) t r Free Prime Finder Remote Up To 160 Channels Organized With Color Coded Categoric f y Starting At About A Dollar A Day' Maintenance Included And No Equipment To Buy You Are Here 1 ''•'i Cowlllia Trvck Л TNwiw 2S1lnlam aikinalD r*8talM vlle,NC , . УМ- 8Уа>41 за e r li^aOO^il l- f 431 1-800-Ppimestar ен1 . зоо Ü •AKÇM.POX.a С 5 и 5 5 5 П 1 а 5 В * 1 а 5 В Я С Д * В 5 5 Я м Я В 8 5 Г 5 В В 8 ш 5 е 1 Ш 1 м 1 . t i On А New Level Football Players Going To College Best With Buses D a v ie S c h o o ls ' B u s G a r a g e W in s T o p A w a rd In N o rth C a ro lin a Page D1 PageBI DAVIE COUNTY 50« E N T E R P R I/ E ^ E C O R D _______________________________Thonday, April 44PAGESi;SPSI49 b|< 0 N u fflb erM Sheriff, School Board, County Commission Highlight May 5 Vbte It’s more Ihan the normal primary election. In several races, when Davie resi­ dents go to the polls Tuesday, Ihey will be electing people who will be mak­ ing decisions that will affect their school age children, their state repre­ sentation and the leader of Ihe counly sheriffs depanment. And for the first time in coumy his­ tory. voters will choose Iheir candi­ dates using voting machines, which should make results come in a lol sooner than in Ihe pasl, when paper ballots were used. It will also cut down on the number of precinct workers (counters) needed, which have been getting harder and harder to find In re­ cent years. In Davie Counly, Ihere arc no Democratic primaries for ihe board of . county commissioners or sheriff, al­ though an unafTiliated candidate is Image Matters Printing Com pany M oves To Davie The nation's leading praduccr of subllraalcd promolioiial producís, in- cludingcomputcrmouscpads, ismov- ing to Davic Counly. 1 . bmgcMatlcis announced ils plans .Tuesday moming at ils new hcadquar- ten in Hillsdale, In the former Crown Drag headquanen lichind Bennuda (Juay Shopping Ccnier. The building laces 1-40. ■ Roger K. Laudy, coropany presi­ dent, said the SO employees would move to Ihe new sile from Winslon- Salem in a few iwtnihs. An additional ;IS employees should be hired soon after thal, with as many as SO mcce needed in about Ihree yean. : "Webelieveininlegtity,highqu^- ity products and making deliveries on time," Laudy saM. ' He came up with die idea for full- colormousepads. A ll padshehad seen were one or two colors, nuher dull and imappealiing. became appatenl Ihal a product thal sits on your desk and you looii al day aherdaycanbe powerful. Ilsiis on Ihe most expensive leal eslale in Ihe world - your desk," he said. County, town, economic develop­ ment and business oflicials were on hand Tuesday foe Ihe announcement. The 36,000 wjuare feel of office and wachouse space w ill undergo a . renovatkn, Laudy said. The buikiing sits OB seven acres. liie company abo produces im­ print^ coffee mugs, and based on its new patent, willbeginproducingclear anylicpfctiitefinuneslhalalkjw three- dimensional items lo be inserted into dK;lranie bonier in addition to full cotographks. Laudy sees tremendous growUi in the industry. Image Matten piod- ucls ate soU natknwkk. liaudy began in die sublimadon ini|(iniiiig industry andpkneeicd new innovatioas in die coffee and mug imprialing industry.. ' HeuUdulcompanyandcanieup 'wilblheUeaoffour-cokirprinUngoa •pads. He slatted skmly, nm in ■■nmofhis home. II waa named n N stS N lg u « e -P a at4 C a n d id a te P ro file s , P a g e s 7-11 seeking enough signatures lo get on the November counly commissioner ballot (See related story Ihis page.). And Ihe non-partisan school board election is held Tuesday. Sheriff Allen Whitaker is being chal­ lenged by law enforcement veteran and political ncwcomcr A.C. “Andy” Stokes. The winner of the primary will be sworn into office in December. Five candidales - Charles Odcil Wil­ liams, Bobby Knight, Johnnie L. Hel­ lard, Larry C. Hayes, Charles A. Fox, and Michael Dale Allen are seeking Ihc Republican nomination fora seal on the board of counly commissioners. Voters can select two of the candidales. TVio members of the Davie County Board of Education will be elcwted. Vot­ ers may ctioose from Marlene Boger Shamel, Peter Joseph Mooney, Garry "Tiny” Livengood, Renee Smith How­ ell and Martin Craig Carter. Also In Republican primaries, vot­ ers can pick one of three candidates for the U.S. Senate, Lauch Faircloth, Steve Franks and Leonard D. Plyler; one can­ didate for the N.C. House, either Charles William McIntyre or Julia Cra­ ven Howard (There are no Democratic candidates for this race.); and one of two candidates for district court judge, Wayne L. Michael and Peter A. Smilh. The Democratic ballot will include seven candidales for the U.S. Senate nom ination, Robert Junior "Bob” Ayers, James Evcrelte Carmack, John Edwards, Gene Gay, D.G. Martin, Mike Robinson (See related story, page 7 ), and Ella Scarborough; one for N.C. Su­ preme Court between Joseph R. “Joe" John Sr. and Jim Martin; and one each H taw S« « Prlw aiy - Page 8 Unaffiliated Candidate Petitionirig To Be On Ballot In Novemiser Mac Crisco of Advance has announced his intentions to run for a seat on Щ l i Crisco Commissioners as an unaf- ful place with many talented cicctcd officials will listen to I accomplish great things,” Crisco will not be in the May duct a petition drive lo be on began thal procedure, and live. rcally enjoyed being able to r m confident we’ll make it.” lo accom plish is further the Davie County Board of filiated candidate. “Davie County is a wonder- and caring people. If our the entire community, we can Crisco said. As an unaffilialed candidate, primary but will havc to con- Ihe ballot in November. He has said the response has been posi- "It’s a lol of work but I have talk to folks and get their input. ' Among the things he hopes strengthening the Davic Counly Schools. “We have many excellent tcachers and administrators in tlw schools loday. PtcaM See UnatnHatcd - Page a~ Ц Leonard and Virginia Seats watch the monltoras he checks his blood pressure to make sure he has no Internal bleeding. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Donated Blood Saves Davie Man's Life ByJciM wGaltbcr Davie County Enteiprise Record Leonud Seals has a message to share. Eveiyone who It able to donate blood should lake tbe time to give. He knows how much Ihat pint of blood can mean. He'ieceived at least seven units after neariy bleeding to death last month when one of his bltwd vessels burst. He was home alone on a Satunlay afternoon in March watching a basketball game when he started to feel sick. Thinking be was getting tbeflu, Leonard saidhedidwhatm ost people do when tbey aien't feeling wif^. He vent to bed. By tbe lime his wife Virginia came home, he wasn't able to get out of bed. He would pass out when he tried to raise his head, he said. He was roshed by ambulance to Foisylh Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem Saturday night His condition was so serious, Leonard said, that bis family was taken into a conference room wheie doctors toM them his chances were slim. Fortunately, surgeons there wese able to patch the blood vessel. "The doctors and the blood donated saved my life," Leonard said. ”I have somebody else's blood. Fm thankful it was Ihcie for i i . Please See D a v ie P a g e 4 GailMge ^ Company Rezonlng On Agenda Mocksvillc town board mem­ bers will dccidc on a rezoning proposal from Davie Sanitation and zoning classifications for ar­ eas nxcnily brought inlo Ils plan­ ning jurisdiction. The public hearings will be held Tuesday night at town hall. The meeting begins al 7 p.m. After hearing from neighbors, the town's planning board earlier Ihis month recommended 4-0 dial property off Bethel Church Road be rezoned from reydenlial-agri- cultural to industrial for Davie Sanitation to move its facilities from Depot Street in Mocksvilie; A host of neighbors spokie againsi the n:zoning, citing iraf- flc, flooding and flies and other vemiin thal could be'altracted ia such abusiness as reasons todeny die rezonlng. > "There's no industrial land (m Ihal side of the road. We've al­ ready gol enough," said Randyl McDaniel. •: McDaniel said Davie Sanitaf lion began using die property he-; fore it was rezoned. Company representative Lee Barber said Uiey dioughi the land < was zoned industrial, and quit us­ ing it as soon as diey found o u t: otherwise.Tbeycouldntittttnedi-, alelymoyetnicksbecauseofmud. ' Plannersalsorecommendedin- \ dusirial zonlngs for the extra-ter- ; ritorial land along 1-40, leaving •' outliacresoffEvansRo«latthe;i; < of the piopeity owner,;:|i .1 :•!« S '' î - DAVIÉ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 30,19Í8 Editorial fíaás law suit Dismissed: sludge Clears Way For Development Bulldozers lire already working at Ihe old Win-Mock farm on the Yadkin River. Workers have lieen cutting some of the trees, getting the land ready. . . In the coming years, that farm will be converted into a housing and commercial development unlike any seen here. . > • It’s an ambitious project. Something very different. Predictably, it has stirred some opposition. A group of neighbors — most of them directly across U.S. 158 in Bermuda Run — had sued the Davie County commissioners to block the development. The neighbors citcd a number of reasons for their lawsuit, including claims that the county commissioners had acted improperly. : The lawsuit has now been dismissed. Some have lamented the decision, but it looks entirely proper. The decision is encouraging for one major reason: П е Davie County commissioners finally won a lawsuit. Legal fees from the case are expected to be from $10,000 to $12,000 for the county. In years past, the county had lost repeatedly on court decisions involving smaller zoning issues. But not this time. The counly commissioners finally did it right. ■ If they followed the necessary procedures, did they also make the right decision? Some have bemoaned Ihe loss of more farmlond. There itfe few farms that look so lovely as the blissful tranquility of Win-Mock. Divided by Interstate 40. Bordered by Bermuda Run and businesses, the farm has remained a symbol of Davie County's beauty and charm. We enjoyed the vistas free of charge. Bert Bahnson pointedly reminded us that no one had ever slopped to help him bale hay. None of us helped fix the fences or... pay ihe bills. >«» be»uiy jumped to buy the farm when the "For Sale" signs went up. All that beauty was expensive. The new owners'plans are ambitious. But the Davie County commissioners seem to have reached a pretty good agreement for Ihe property. The commissioners had little leverage. The farm had been originally zoned, not as farmland, bul for residential use. The entire farm could have been turned into a mega-housing complex like Tanglewood Farms on the Forsylh side of the Yadkin. Thousands of homes. The impact 6n the schools, on traffic, on just about every govemment service, would have been severe. Instead, Ihe new owners reached an agreement to develop Ihe property nonh of 1-40 into a cluster of high-dollar homes. The 80 acres between U.S. 158 and 1-40 will be turned into an upscale commercial district. Commercial districts usually develop slowly. They provide jobs. And a commercial district will help fight the bedroom community status that has crept into eastern Davie County. Local jobs, local offices and stores make the community more than just a place to sleep. From thal consideration, Davie County got a good deal in Ше agreement. Win-Mock is now owned by three local men widi a deep invesunent in the conununity. They aren't fannen, bul they promise the vety best of developments. — DwightSparks D A V IB C O U N T Y EN TER P R tf^ECO R D (USPS14>-ieO) 171 South MlinStraM P.O.Box89 Mocknill«,NC 27028 (336)751-2120 PutMMdVMMytyllw DAVIE COUNTY PUBUSHINQ CO. PMrigMSpwfct.... rRobin FwguMon.. M to B v n h a id l.... B M k y S n y d tr....... ..EdNor/PubWMr ..Qam nlM m gw ..Mmging EdNor .^dvwlMngMmagw 191в-19бв DMia H M ord 189в-18б8 Je tM N i 1901-1871 : РМЮФШ» PoMg*PMinMock»M,NC 27028 аиЫсЦрИоиПШ ! 8lngl«Cepy.60C«M IIOpwyMrlnNailliCiralna Ш ptr умг ouWdi Nnlh Cvoira POeTMABTER . " iM 8id*M totanoM lo: ^mull Cow» ЕпИф|ЩШсс^ awHfc- • „ . In The Mail Candidate Fox Speaks Out On Issues hinuilf at the laxpayere'ejpense. The incumlxnt iitheonlyonewithalrack record and it's not vety good. The other candidates have no track tecord as far as I know, with the exception of Mr. Fox. He has tieen speaking out on issues for the Iasi few yean. HI admit primarily in East Davie, tut that is undetstandable, lhal is where all the growth has taken place. Make no mistake, it w ill affect eveiytaxpayerindieentitecounty Additional money ' for schools, roads, file depanments, police depatt- roenl The list goes on and on. The facl that Mr. Fox resklea in Easi Dtvie ‘Bennuda Run’ hai no bearing on how effective a commisskioer he w ill be. I feel sure that if any citizen of Davie County legardless of where he lives has a legitímate complaint Mr. Fox w ill speak out in A llen W h ita k e r B e s t Q u alified F o r S h eriff Our peisent Sheriff Allen Whitaker u the iKst qualified forthe office of DavieCouniy Sheriff. Ms. Wilson even adrained and indicated in her letter that Sheriff Whitaker and I quote, "he is a good man, a good sheriff, and has done a good job for our county.'IsiiKerely believe SherilTWhitaker and his depaitment has perfoimed an outstnading job and will continue lo serve all the people ofDavie County whea we re-elect him on May 3. Ccittkler diese qualifications. A native boin and raised Davie Counly.Republican whose experience .oftS yean has all been served in the Davie County SherifbDepamnenl. Three years asapatrol officer, dghl yean as a detective and three and half yean as dK elected Sheriff, managing and woridng with 40- plus people in his depaitment These IS years have all been io service for the people of Davie. Maylsubmil to you the qualified tried and tested Sheriff Allen W hiuker a roan of Christian prin­ cipies, inlegrily.ieiviceanddedication who doesnl htve to gel his birth certificate from another counly. Send the messtge', vote for Sheriff Allen Whitaker. H e Most Qualified Candidate for the office of Sheriff of Davie County.' W J.- Jim " Wilson Advance To the editor A statement I made sometime ago, in an aiticle I wide, is wonh repeating as Ihe election draws near, ■Think long and haid before you cast your vote". The elected official's teim may only be a few yean. However, the decisions they nuke in office will be with us a lol longer. In die up-coming election for county officials, there are only two seats open for commissioner with one incumbent seeidng re-elec­ tion. The incumbent probably is nuining on Ihe "free lunch" ticket, he mty htve t point. If my memoiy a m i me cOTectly tome yean t(o a candklate nn on Ihe "chicken in eveiy pot" ticket. Woops, that's not quite the same, is ii7'liiat candidate was putting t chicken in die voten pot, not a fiee lunch for To the editor This letter is in response to Cindy Wilson'sletter, published April 23, tided "Most Qualified Candi- dateFor She^."W iIsoa indicated "noAper" Stokes as the mostqualified because of his numba of yean of service. nIhetiDopa joined Ihe highway palrol m osi sttte jobs lequired die peison to be a registered Democnt He has been a life-long Democrat until Januaiy 1998 when he changed hit registration to n n in the Republican primary. So I guess this plus his 23 yean in Ihe highwty panol makes him qualified lofiU die offke of sheriff. I diink not The Patrol service as t "treoper" retired on disaUUty as a "Boopo’doesnl match Ihe requiremenl to mtnage die sheriff s depanmem of 40iilui people.The appointed jobs at community sendeecoonUntlococdie time spent tsam igistrtle doesnl preaeol compMible qutHfintriont foe die office or sheriff. A t the ex "Inapet’ uys "ikiigt are tn tret of coaccn," but at be knows having chaaed enough D W I driven, die "Ung akoboT stiU leigna at the mott widely uted tod socially accepted dmg today, even io our own county, in most cluba and die Cooleemee A BC skn . UKir behalf, just as he would for his neighbon in Beimuda Run. Mr. Fox is not a developer, a Realtor, big land owner, or any of die diings dial loo many of die commissionera are, dut is actually a conflict of inleiest when it comes lo rezoning land. The devel- open want land rezoned to make il more profitable for diemselves. A ll of diis widi no regard for die taxpayeni or die long ran effect il will have oh die public services (schools, fire deptmenls, etc.): As for Mr. Fox Uving in East Davie, as one letter writer complainedafewweekttio, Whal it w n iwW idi E ttl Dtvie B d n i Repieirated? A f l^ V e ~ are die ones dut are being impacted widi all die rash ornewdevelopment,die congestion, etc. A ldnu^ East Davie is the ones being inconvenienced widi dK extra traffic, dK whole counly w ill pay, whedw it's dK nonhwest comer or MocksviUe or joiTK remote site,eveiyone wiu be effected whenitcomes 10 paying for it I am not trying to teU anyone who lo vole for, Davie County needs achange,diisisour chance, for a change as Ihere are two seats to fiU and five new choices. Mr. Fox is Uie only candidate dial I cw remember hearing speak out on die signigit^l issues of dK counly. ; Henry "Swede" Jurgensen , ', Advance Letters W eloomed ; The Enuiprist Record welcomes k tt^ , from its readers. The letten nuy be CO topicii pf k)cal, state, national oc international itsues'.'..,. An effort wUl be nude lo print all let&rs' provided diey are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. Uw editor reserves die righl to letten for grammar and for space. AU letten shouU include dw mm« address of Uw writer, including a signttuic X ' telephone number, not to be pubUshed, it alio requested. Please htve letten in dw newsptpcr o ia ^ . by4p.m .MoodtyofdKweeklobepMbliilwJ Do You Plan To Vote On May 5? RathPfen M o c k iv » '’V M .Y o a A M d d triia a d - v a a t a g i a r t l w a w o r t w M g r w * a n liv M to vg lB . Ita g r t e ' tÍÍÍ!Í2¡Í32¡¡2S¿ Jo h n L .G r * y W o ó d h ar 'F ta b d 4 r№ la h n q « v a te .‘ CariMcCuDoh ¡M ltla h n q n Р к ш С к и к Ь M o d w O i.. ’’Ip r o lM b ljr w M 'Ilh iiliìM . l'v f M t w d iM lh n I i . bTheMail DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - 3 Allen Whitaker Is A Proven Leader And Manager For Sheriff's Office To dw editor In a recent letter to die edioir, Uk question was asked what does being a Sunday School superintendent and teacher have to do wiUi being quaUfied for sheriff.IfyouoreaGodfearingChristianandbelleveintheteachlngofttKBible, Uwn it has everyUiing to do widi it. God's law is greater dun nun's law. If you live and govern by God's law dwn man's law becomes secondaiy and is easier lo undentand and enforce. IfeelUutSheriffAlIenWhitaker’spaslorhadeveiyrightlovoicehisopinion and dwughls, even diough he may live in anodier county.If we lake away dut righl dwn we shouldn't even have an election. We have laken God oul of eveiy aspect of ourUves and we ask why Uwre are so manyproblems In Uk worid today. We need lo relum lo Um basics, widi God's help we can solve aU. On anodwr note, I have a few concems I would like dw people of Davie County to diink about. As we all know, fomier Magislrare Andy Stokes is ninning for dw office of sheriff. What managerial experience does Mr. Stokes bring widi him as a stale trooper or a magistrate? hi his own woids, as per his answer to a question asked of him at Uk Meet The Candidates Foium on April 15 al dw Brock Center, none. How is he planning to manage a department of 4S people or more? Whal experience does Mr. Stokes have in investigating rapes, murder«, banktobbeties oroUwr major ctin*5?The Highway Patrol is given dw statutory responsibility lo patrol dw highways, enoforee motor vehicle laws, and assist dw motoring public. The magistrate's auUiority in criminal nultera is Umiled lo accepting guUly pleas lo certain traffic, littering, wildUfe, boating, marine fisheries, slate park recreation, alcoholic beverage violations, and to worthless checks cases in which Uk check is for $2,000 or less. Why did Mr. Stokes abandon Uw Democratic Party after 30 yean and register and file as a Republican? As for dK dnigs platfonn die Mr. Stokes is nmning on, I feel Uiere are oUier areas such as child abuse and domestic violence dial are just as important. AU crime is serious. How does he expect lo address Uiese problems? In 1997, Uie Davie Counly Sheriffs Office responded to over 700 domestic caUs. Since 1992, domestic cases have included dKtragedyoflwomuide[s,Uiree suicides, and a pennanenUy disabled victim. Wecan notkeepbiamingeveiydiingon dK drag problem. We, aa parents and adults, need to accept some of dK blame. We have failed ourchildren and loved ones. DiscipUne, love and respect are learned at home andnolatschoolorondK sheets. Would Mr. Stokes do away wiUi Uw buy money used in undercover drag stings operations? The counly commissionera has budgeted dw sheriffs depart­ ment S6,000 for diis. The vast majority is recovered when Uk aiiest is made. Would Mr. Stokes also do away viridi making any deals with dw street user, in exchange for infomiation dial is needed locatchdiebigger drag Irafficken? How does he expect lo calch dw drag dealen? There have been somequestions asked aboul UKsheriffsdepartment need for a bloodhound and a helicopter fbr use in die fight against drags. The sheriff and UieUixpayenofUiiscountyaregettingUiebestdeal arotuid. The Departmeni of Coirections wiU let dK sheriffs office use UKir bloodhounds and iIk N.C. Air National Guard wiU lend UKm Uk use of dwir helicopten and aircraft, anytime needed, at nocharge. Sheriff Whitaker's office is doing all ilcan lo combat drags and all olher crimes wiUi Uie money and manpower at Iheir disposal. The sheriffs office is reponsible nol only for lawenfonxmeni duties in Davie Counly, but also for providing courtroom security, opening of sessions of court, providing a grand juiy officer, Uie serving of criminal wananls and civil process papers. The sheriffs office is responsible for maintaining Uk Davie Counly JaU wiUi an average daily population of 24 inmates. Transpotation of these inmates 10 court and prison all over dw slate is anodier responsibility of Uk sheriff. Let's keep Sheriff AUen Whiuker in office for Uw nexl four yean, he It t proven leader and manager. Renwmbo 10 vole for dw candidates ofyourchoice on May S. Yourvole does count There are people in odier parts of the worid who are UtertUy dying for the right to vote. RobenCEUis MocksviUe Distorted Comments Made About Proposed Project In Hillsdale To the editor Recently, some rather distoited and unobjective comments and invalid asseitions have been made about the planned communi ty development proposed by the Hillsdale Group and the county commissioners.. In the informed and objective view of a majority of the commissioners, as well as that of a large poition of the citizens, our proposed development is regarded as being a well planned projeci consistent with the best interests of the citizens. I intend to set out the facts so the reader can form his own opinion based on reason and logic rather than self*interest. Fox Cares About County To dK editor , , We love Davie Counly. We have lived in die counlics of ForsyUi, Stokes and . Davie fordwpasl30some years. Wefindlivingindie Creekwood area of Davie C ^ ty a Uttle piece of heaven. We would like for Uiis end of Davie Counly lo remain dK same pleasant mixof small fanns.rcsidcntial areas and die businesses ,necessaiy to serve die population here. • This is why we are suppottingl Charles Fox for dK Davie County Board of Coiiunissionen. Mr. Fox wiU nol benefit financially in any way by his election Ip t ^ office. He is nol in real estate, economic development building suppUes, etc. i etc. He is t retird businessman who simply cares about aU of Davie Counly Commereial development of dKCOiridoi between U.S. 158 andI-40 has been in Uk county’s long range plans since dw late 1970s.This information was available lo anyone who cared lo check Il was public knowledge Uul Uw 30 acre Bahnson fann was on Uw maricet for sale for a considerable period of time. Anyone who could affoid Uw price could have bought it If dw neighbon across Uk street wanted d K fami loremainafann all dKy had to do was buy it They knew il was for sale andUut die curani zoning pennitled multi-family housing and odwr development AtdKtinKweboughldKfaraiUwaszonedR-12andR-20generaluse.This means Uk farm could have been used for all uses peimitted in these zones including multi-family. The portion of Bennuda Run adjoining Uw farm is also zoned R-12 general use. The adjoining property lo dw west is zoned C-S (Community Shopping general use) and H-B (Highway Business general use). Mr.Bahnson’spropeny to dw west and nordi is zoned genera] useC-S,R-l2and R-20. W e proposed to develop dw property in accordance widi a heautifiU and lastefiU viUage conceprepared by Stimmel & Associates, a reputable planner. The plan caUed for Umited commercial uses widi a mix of residential and multi- fanuly development The plan has detailed and attractive landscaping and dioughthU and weU conceived traffic paltems and called for a buUd out over a long period of time. We submitted dw plan to DOT and various county agencies and organizations seeking dwir suggestiow. W e revised Uw plan based on suggestions from diis process. After our pUn was refined, we petitioned the coualylore-niii«tportoiioCttitpioftity«>C-S-*l»«rlil i l d » Miinl t rtiiiD R-12-Specitl.Weproposed numerous conditions todlimilations consistent widi our concept of t weU plinned, high quality devetopnwnL The le-zoning request w tt submitted to dw county pltnning boanl tod ditcutsed t l t piibUc h eiiiai. The plaoninf board untoimously recommended tppeovtl n w reiiiieit went before counly commisaiooen. After extensive public hearing and »ludy, dw county gramnl our re-zooing request tod impoaed various cooditiora and requirements which dw commissiooen fiell were lo dw pubUc inlerest UnderdwR-I2-S zoning tndC-S-S zoning, we can use ourpropeny for some but not aUofttw uses pennitted in Uk corresponding general use zones whUe our neiglibon in Bermuda Run and lo Uw west and north can use dwir properties for uses permitted in Uw R-12 and C-S zones. A s a result o f dw Umilations and conditions imposed by die special use re­ zoning, Uw density of development o f Uw fiUl 300 acre tract is significanUy less d u n would have been Uk case under Uk zoning as it existed when we bought dK property.This means dutafterdKre-zoningfewerhousinguniucanbebuihUian would have been the case prior lo d K re-zoiiing. B y virtue ofspecialusezoningandsiiereview.dKcounlyhas imposed major controls over Uk style, densily,and pace o f development and has acted 10 insure dut dw high-quality, weU-planned development we propose comes about High quality, Umiled commercial development is good for dw county and should be encouraged because such development produces jot», sales and property lax revenue, and encourages commerce widxml adding to dK demand for sendees dmt residenlial development requires. Commercial Jeveloproent prevents Uie community from merely being a bedroom community whose residents woric and spend dieir money in Winslon-Salem. It is in dw pubUc inlerest to encourage die creation of jobs and dw promotion of commerce in Davie County. Commercial development helps pay for services, such as schools ond utiliticj dial residential communities require, ll is better lo have a compre­ hensive plan for die development of large dacls dian lo have piece meal development of small tracls.Planning for dw overall developmenl of large tracts insures cohesive,oidaIy,dioughlfiil. tasteful,and highKjuaUty development and promotes Uw efficient provision of infhi-stnicture and efficient handUng of Iraffic.Special Use zoning is a beneficial planning tool which can prevent uses dial might not be compatible to dw area or consistent widi dK county's comprehensive plan.The special use re-zonmg of our tract insures diat overtU densities of development wiU be considerably less dun would havebeendwciae undeidwpriorR- 12andR-20 general usezoningcIassUicationsanddutdwpace of development wUl be slower dian could have been dw case if we htd just buUl out dw tract as a multi-family development At our request die special use rt- zonmg reduced traffic problems because dw use would not be all resklential and dw plan for dw whole tract contained exceUent traffic pattenu (we even t(m d u> give some of our land to widenUS ISSso d ia tlx yT w a iild iM k iM la itttilt, «iil«lhM il»lo«w »yw W cln i l ar t t l «tn fca n M t>aa fc « l— t — H t H » residents of Ivy Circle).Your vote for Charles Fox wiU insure UioughtfiilJ well informed caring leadership for dw fiiture of our beloved Davic County. " r ' Jack and Marian Blunk Advance Fox's Zeal Seems Suspicious td'ihe editor As a citizen who watches dw elections in Davie Counly and one who vot« lisgiuariy, I wouU Uke lo voice my concems about a particular candidate who is running for counly commissioner Charles Fox. I have read his ads and letten abbul his concem for our Davie Counly citizens and iibout how he is just a woridng feUow (now retired) firomBennudaRunwho suddenly wanlslohelpus all by serving as our commissioner. I wouM have to say dial I genuinely question Mr. Fox’s motives since he just sued dw counly (and collected money from his neighbon to pay his legal bills). If Mr. Fox is so concerned aboul our weU being, Uw environment and dw .leadership in the county, why haven’t we heard firom him before now ? Where :wat he when Uwcitizenswerelrying to buildacommunity college, raise money :to renovate dw Brock Perfonning Arts Cenier, or fmd a way to Uve widi '.watershed regulations and still recrail industry to provide jobs ? : ' M y guess is dut Mr. Fox was sitting on dw sidelines widi no interest until dw b ^ m ^ tn expert cn wateished regulations because he duu^t dw regulations Carter Only School Boanj CantjicJate To Get Vote'woUldslopdwdevelopmentOfcoune.wearesupposedtobeheveduthelsonly J 'codcemed widi clean water and not jusl his own personal interests. Did we hear ';K5r.FbxuJkaboutclean'walerwhena70Ohomesubdivisioo-OakVaUey-was approved? Where were you Uwn, Mr. Fox ? , ■ Mr.Fbx’s"bomagain"zeaIforusDavieCountyfolksandourenvironment 'асан suspickMs. Mr. Fox icpresenting dK Davie Counly citizens is a kn Uke :“d > ^ watching dw chicken house." It just might be more for his interest dian It is better for dw citizens of our counly 10 be able 10 kv«, w ok, tad k(va M l oppom nitytoownM idhivcitinabuiinssaindiiicnalyifeialob(№ n*dki|o tcmewfeenclte. Busincu and indusliy piDvide dw vast nuyority o f our M nven n. M ik quality ccnmwrcial and industrial devekipinenlahauUbecncnintedtotbilo« highsnodtnlofUvinganddesirableservkescaobenitinudnedtlreasaoMlax rale. Our proposed development meets dwse hudtUe objectives. II is m e dut ftir minded people can retsootbly distpee tboul issues. But dwre is Uttle merit to dw argument dut I have mine, but you can't htve youn. Frankly, I find it disingenuous to argue, as did dw unsuccessfid plaintiffs in dwir suit dial we should not be aUowed to use our property for less dun aU dw pemiilted uses ui Uw R-12 and C-S zones whUe h is okay for dwn to be able lo use dwirpiopenyfoiaUUK permitted uses in dwirC-S zones andR-12zones and dwn assen when dw court rales againsl dwm dial dK citizens of Dtvie Qnnty lost But Uien Uwy work and shop in Winston-Salem, so nuybe dwy htve different objectives. That is my opinion, you draw your own cooclusknt. WUUun A. Buroeoe, Advance The HiUsdale Group Florence S. Ммк Advance. leaders Are Changing Davie 'iu iieeditcr •^j.lheie hat beentlot of ttUcrecenUy about "Uiose people” ftom eastern Dtvie •Mpty. You know Uw stoiy. They are dw ones who are supposedly responsible ;)i>lbe changes Itking place in dw county. Based on some of whal has appeared paper, I wonder if anyone haa taken dw time lo leam anyditag finl-hand ;Ш ||1 dwse people. Maybe you have heanl is not tnie? Maybe dw people i'cfiM en Dtvie htve moie in common widi dw rest ofdw voten dian ourcounty : Mifcn wouU Uke you to know? : :^oyauieaIlyknowdwcountyleaden?ManyofdmeanidwirUvingin,cr i aoiiiid dw devehipmenl business. Lately, dwy have been uUdng aboul conlrol- Wdevekprneal.Whalextcdydodwynwinby control? Isditl why somtny trfto ae d c publk ofBce?Is it to control growdt oris ittoconlnil die voles ditl !w4M«gm»ih?Haa anvooe in dw rest ofDwrie County takenackiae took tldwit I votii« nconl, or do you just swtUow dw sondtnl Une widKMt diinking, tnd iblim«thote"cttlem"peotle. ' Aaddial'ijuitpartofdiedeceplion.Moitofus,whahadacboice,canieherB ' fiic U n * m iiii кааош: good wetdwr, k)w living expeates, tnd a Uole elbow ln)om.Mayiifuthtveibetdyexperienceddwdevelo|nwnlgimediat it under iwiyiiiDivi(.Weknowdiedtiiia|editlbtddev<kipm etitcao.do,inddiewtyt ! to pnvett it W e shtre dw saow fKUngs aa many in Davic who want to letain, iiadpwienwlfae relaxed, country lifestyle. WhUe tnily minimizing die dHmgiag ¡M Becttofinwlh.'Ihebesl way lokeeputftomshariot our experiences, andlhg '■еасш we leaned dw hanl w ay,it to bleed dislnisl by painting utttsom ediini w en n o tW eare not changing Davic: your own leaden are. The next time one ofdwntctacRaiy.placesdKiiband on your shouUeranduyt'buslBW,’'make ^ y o u h tv e done your honwwock before you vole.BUnd tmst ctnletd to severe ’«oiaaqaeacca.Doa'tleillhip|wna|ain.Ifyouinifywtnllo save Davie fiomlhe ' ’O m k n a ркме vote for Chalet Fox ia dria priiniqr. W e need him now. JotaSaw iiidao .....■' To Uw editor On March 41 survey w tt mtUed to each of dw ctndi-dtles ctmptigning foe a setl on dw Davie School Boanl. I hwluded a self-addressed poauge pakl envelope for dw candidates to return die compfcted suwey. Widiin 10 days I received responses ftom Ms. Shamel, Mr. Mooney and Mr. Martin. I have not head ftom Ms. HoweU or Mr. Uvengood. Youtrecampaigning.Iamkxikingfodwogoodcandidateslovotefor.Usted betow are six questions I request dul you answer by cireUng “Y ES" or “NO". I wUl use dds survey and odwr Infbnnadonlobtain between now andelection day to make my decislca.ffdw survey is not relumed widi aU six questions answered I wUl dim iute you at a polentitl caodidaM (bt my vole. I.W U I you vote to accept federal gram money evendioughyouwUI lose local contnd of the svstem? г Do you support dw goals 2000Ло woik approach to education? 3. Do you support shidenls being given biidi control pUls or condoms by dw school system or dw healdi department widioul parental consent? 4. Do you support Sludenu being askedtocomplelesuneys dial ask penonal and private quotkms about dwmselves and dwir parents? 5. Do you support pooc chikken being ftxced to accept Medkaid heahh services dirough dK echool system even diough dwir ptreas object? 6. Do yoti support foreed vohmleer servke by studenu as a lequirement fbr gtaduatk»? I eagerly await yourresponse. The qundoot in die survey were etsy ft» me to ask bectute 1 htve t copy cf every п Щ » piece of Cedenleducadooletialalkin signed into law since 1W4.I alaobaveacopyofVdietchooltowairaiaaaclaidaUsuppartinidocunwiili agreedubyGov.Hunlot his designee and dwfixlenl secretaries of Educalioa, labor aidhetUiaidhyniaitervkxs.Togelaiyfedend то м у dMkwtl school boadnajtltiieeMibidebytUndetaidreguItlkatdiM caowtwididKniciwy. Topsrtidpate in dwscbool-lo-woric program dwkictl school boanl must tbide bydarakt staled iidwtcfaootto-wotkcaiMGtlfatduolbaafdvtilettoaccept federal money dwy slso agree to accept aU rales and regulation dut come widi dw money. Ms. HoweU and Mr. Uvengood did nol conskkr my vole hnportant enough toreniromysurvey,dwrefore,asIsuaedindKsurvey,dwywfflaolgetniyvole. Ms. Shamel cannoi ftnesee federal money affecting how die tocal tchool operates. She beUves dul a school-tt>-worit coomcl signed by dw governor aad dw federal secretaries of educttion, Itbor tnd hethh tnd human servicet it a Davie County school-lo-woik pitn. Ms. Shtmel tiso dtioks dial when gnM money requiret asking stu^nlslaccmpletesuneys dial askpersonalaadprivale questions about themselves and their p«*"*« t e «ffypthf She а1ю (Ы лЬ that poor cMldRn shouU be focced into Medicakl Heallh even if dw parenu object Ms. Shamel beUeves vol-unlecr servk« ibauU be a requirement for graduation. She does not support condomsMflh coolral piUs. being dispensed in school widMut parental c o n s e n t in die only queakB; upon which we agree. She wUI not get my vote. Mr. Mooney supporU kical control of schools, however, he wanu m in. federal money. The two mix Uke oU and water. Mr. Mooney favon die achool- to-woric program and caUs dw btock schedule used in Davte Ugh School a btockheaded approach to teaching adolescentt. Bkick scheduUng It t pat of school-to.woik. He wUl not gel my vole even diough we sgree 00 dwrenuiaiaf questions. Mr. Carter supportt accepting Umiled, specificaUy directed federal nm ey. The only heahh servtees he supports is mandated inununiialfcin at a coodilk«: required to attend pubUc schooL AU odwr questkni Mr. Cartee mtweied In da negative. Mr. Carter wUI gel my vole. School-lo. woric U a part of dw federal govenunenfa Ooalt 2000 Educaticn: Legislatioa Get a copy of Nonh CaroUna'sSchool-to-Work contract wldi a ll. supportiog documents. You wUI be stunned by whal you read. B. Frank Everhart Advance Crime Has Fallen With Whitaker As Sheriff Todweditot: OnT^ieaday, 5, dn RepubUcana ofDavie County wUl e k a dw sheriff to serve ft> die next four years. Our sheriff. Alien Whitaker ia dw man for ddt job. AOen hat served ddt county well aid d e te ra to be iM kM Bd. T ie challenger maket proaiaet; AHen haa delivered touht. Tbe S B I stalittict show crime in Davie Coualy hat fUko over 20 pen»« since Allen wae elected to cffiee. H | it a had woridiy pnfettknal who ia dedicaledtodwpecpkorDavkCounly.CoaipaRAIkotodiedialkaivlAIlia waa bom and raised in Davte County, he hat IS yean eiptikace In da ihniirt dcpertmett and he knows his party afftUalkin, a Ufe-kng RepiMkaa. lam voting ftvresuha-noifiirahii of pnmitea. On ehctkaday,m ybÿly aidIwiUbesupporthigoursheriff.AIknWhilaker. B.OMinarSr. i J Advaice ' i ‘ ' i - hi Thé Mail i.. , ; - Iriends Of Camp Manna 'totilaiidkn; t ■ TiB boMd of dtoclaa Wffonm aid bknds of C n p M ust Minisiates «tab to aqnM M t ifptdM ka fcr Ad two aewi;i(er «Itela dm were !|ÍHOII)ífriMtacbaEiiiapciiel)miid:AQumfarCiiiipMnnitMwlil^ C n p М аш, A ffili Г vK WH > piMaae mNdsi aid b d s| iaaniewcd Ъу Mike Baidiank ax) № № № |ianafcrtheim np4iciaticlei.BaApacsettpcnoaalitieiMidikills ta t nake ttHfigwiftifaeina'ioytMeiodreUjdiig.TbeymiloOofftiii.'nieif Articles Carter Recommended For Board Of Education Tolheedikir ìimwritiity<n<nbdulfofMatinC.Cattr,oaeofthecandkl<le9fòrD«vie Сошку BtartotEducaion. ; ;|H iv Ì4 tw oсШ са in t e D n ie Couniy K lu ol syneiii, 1 uiidmtuid the lB y » ttHceo<rioilpulilicKhool».liiCTdettoiiMUieaioulit« vling««toinioinl illtBii, aotjort fbr t e pRwM but the ftituie, we need to elect сагарею« aid oO lifiilkaM e 1ЯП001 to t e boonl of educaioa. H ul is why I liigMy leconb ttà v l nQf Mend, Matin Cater, for A il podticfi. Whitaker Is Man Of Great Character, Good Manager jTotecdkor O l MqrS my fiaidly aid I pUnto vole for Allen W hiute for sheriff, vr' AlkaitinaiiofinMchaKiermdhithinonlMvidadiwhichheepplies K ki tail lifs md eipccti fh]oi his officen. Accodiai to SBIsadslics dime m esae down in Divic Couniy by 20 «jncM . diis inchides dnif idaled crimes. He is a good adminislntor and ; «iaiar r of peoiile. Sheriff Whitaker nms an efnciem opetalioa. Sheriff ;Whilatcrha(akia(inilitanrb*ckgnnndof2IyeaninteannyRseives.Sheriff ^ WNlatar is a lifcknf d tiin of Davie Couniy. He knows te couniy and it's people. Sheriff Whitaker woiks well widi Olher k)cal dqamnents. He has also woiktdckiadywitkteSBIaDdFBI.SherilfWWtakeri9Coiiunittedtopiognins in ourpuNic schools such as DAREandteliasaoofScen. Sheriff Whiukeihas been a hands CO working sheriff fbr t e people of Davie County. I uge all Republkans to suppoit a iUciong Repubiicui. Alien Whitaker for ■»«lectkn. He has done a great job. Let's give him 4 more yean. SaiahBaiks Advance Candidate Andy Stokes A Caring, Compassionate Man tlbteeditor Asafcni)eroffiocroateDavieCountySberiirsDepaitnient(i974-1976), : I would like to pea a kuer cooceniog A n^ Stokes, camlkiale for sheriff. I leaned dm moslofncen are a ipedal breed of men or women. When you -(a out of te safiHy of your car a night widi te bhie lights and strobe lights ;lWiiag, Mbesl you have stepped into an eerie wockLH» car you jusl stopped ;doukl hoU anydriag. you pray for te best aid expect te wont On te ni^it of ; l ^ 30.1975. two oAcen gave te uUmale sacrifice. ; Ihinking about te years I worited with Andy Stokes, many woids come to '^dnd wMch describe Mm. Words like bnvoy, toughness and professionalism. Bul Ihe stoiy I would like to share with your readen Is one of compassion. A young lady, who was approxinulely eight monte pregnant was killed in a bonendous wreck. I knew t e Imily bul Oflicer Stokes did not While I was atteflm ail home on fiunily night Andy showed up. Also.tene«tday he came totefUneral. Ilie conipassknlsaw dut day from Andy for that grievingfamily sdll stands out in my mind even more dun te olher qualities dial I mentioned. In a huning worid. we need more caring people. Andy, you have my vote, lim Owens Advance [Parent Learns School System Not Meeting Obligations :№ te« litar Kni|rbetime№ri|oadoldDavieCounlyspalal)oulwleeaurfioeachool • tad d a tteyaitb ae lb p k k u p ted ack o C tea d w iia n d teid n iiiian to n ; M an atWr N .C piuinni moiiey but doo'l wani to fbUow dnugh widi te *|npM i n d oMipiioiii. lanalK»piduM B«fD Bvieifigh,dkfa'lgotoW akebutIhavebeciiU3« :coMte.IcanebacktoD>viebecaiaeitdklhaveiuchgoodacbools. However. :iAaaevca}«ancfteD.Cachoala,Iam ihackedatenunihetofpeoplethave t iaei da( b m had Ritalin and t e BEH pngnm pushed on diem. Most of te : people don't hme 1 chie about t e kmg list of side effbcts dut Ritalin has. The - yict priidpal of one of 0« sdwols couldD'l Id l rae any of diem, but dm dkhi't :|lo p ted n ifp atiiia|. HienlelsgotoJohiA.Ijanes.CaiiItalelgh.ContactteDeptorEducaUo«, ;Spedal Education DiviskJo.Offk*ofParenlsandStudents Rights. Iflremember ; temctiy, te lady's name is Frisciiia Maynard. I was amazed al what 1 was toM. •.Iiecoonwdthiiyounieticukiuslydocmnenlyonrchikl'seducatioa'nieycan ;a|aogive youte number of aBEH suppon group dut coi help you navigae te im chenus waters of te BEH prognm. I do wish dut someone had toU me dds when my chiU was ). In one phone call of about 43 minuiea,lielaledteeaily yean ofteD.C.ichaabasipaiciit aidwailoMtew alllmaatelteschnoldldnotmeHnblliainna»i«i|iiitedliy laàraii<ÉtavM r«ai^iaàM «W M icaaawaloecaaleiie.bialdidui Ьюе it docomealed, so tere was Unie te l could be done.The ВЕН program as described t e DOE, SED. OPSR. is different dun whal I was №kl by te school admiiiiitiilon. Check it out Had I known dien whal I know now. te school wouU DM have gotten away widi saying it's not dKir job or dut diey don't have time or penonnel. Plan simple tact, te Dtvie Cointy School System is reqitired by fedenl law to teach eveiy chiU in diis county regardless of te cimimstances. Hut is what te BEH program is fbr. If your chiU requites special cimimstances. te BEH piogrnn must provideteresoureestodo dut hencetetideSpecial Education Divisioa TVisg den up and putting tem in te closet or just sending diem home is not anoptioa ' IcouU goon andon about Uiis,bull'll leave some space for anybody else lhat woukl k)ve tojoin Uiis spat to my book, you wouM be quite welcome, so don't wail for a special invitation. Валу E Reavis Mocksvillc ■Protect D av ie C o u n ty 's C o m m u n itie s B y E lectin g W ise P la n n e rs ;TbteeditOK Ibeupnarcaaedby Dwight Spiriucoaiments about'Wdd Advance’ is ;i«ÌO]nlile.Im ovcdtoAdvacetera''wikkTWinstcn.Salem ''two yeas agoto ;ÍM ÍM oaqaric«ni4 cfvcfaÉblMaidhaba. > lUiamistpotlÆ daiiaden.ftiUoftewaidenarnatare.Ofét.Iheanl :«iaucki4 bMialkiiriddbofteiiighl.tooabouiApril 18,aidairibglalit :» (Ь Ы '^1|к«Ш >11ак’ in natifli season.). Wete abo widiin 30 mimles :*b(a(W iM o»Ste.StM iiiy,M acksvilie.lxiiii|№ 'nona(v№ ■tabM natOM hM an^tohamlivedintenanbto ütotvaitlyafnMmeadMnigKcaUioatlhfea. Iditor Owes An Apology To People Of Advance JounulisticprofesskxuUsm ind photopaphk; talents are weU reflected wittiin te anicles. We kwk fbrwad № our next inteiview widi diem knowing dut we will see a lepea of t e exceUence previously witnessed. Your continued suppoit and piyyen are veiy important to us here at Camp Manni and we extend to you and your staff,’Cod's Blessings’. StaiRkUle, Piesident CunpMuuu Ministries Maitin is hanl woridng, inteUigent weU«hicated ilnd a peison of excellent character. He is a product of our school system. He is a businessman who undentandate imponance of having to budget money to a wise fashion. We need a pencn such as Manin. who has an undemanding of te present needs of our schools sod a vision of t e f^ituie, on our board of education. Thooua M. "Tonuny’ King Advance Ж Leonard Seats says he wouldn't be here if not for Ihe peopie who donated blood. - Photo by Robin Ftrg u ito n Davie Man Attributes His !' Life To Blood Transfusion! Continued From Page 1 He will know next month if he needs more surgery. In the mean­ time, he has been recovering from Ihe experience, which doctors blame on aspirin. He has doctor's onlcn lo avoidospirin, aspirin by-products and caFTeinc, he said. He's still weak, Leonard said, but he's nol complaining. The 63 year old isjusthoppytobcherc. To regain his strength, he walks about a mile a day. if he feels dizzy, he checks his blood pressure, watch­ ing for indicalon of a ruptured blood vessel. But Leonard's stoiy is not his ill­ ness. It is his survival, he explained. He received someone eise'sblood, and alnc* he doesn't know whose he has, he must dunk everyone who has donated blood. Never experiencing any serious health problems before, he hadn't given much thought to how impôt; tant it can be lo donate blood. Now his health may not pennit him to share Ihe gift he has received, i . ■>. Like him, most peopie go through life, never ihinking someUiing ;iiioe Ihis could happen lo them, he said. "1 want people to prepare in case they need it for their own fomilies.“ ;>. • People can't know when some­ lhing like Ihis may strike their own homes, he said. ’Blood'ssomeUiing you can't buy,’ Leonard said. "If that blood hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here.” •• To leam about upcoming blood drives in die area, call t e Davie Counly CbapMtalll -Ctoeeel 336-751-1347. Highway 801 InfBc isnt so bad if you live closer to Highway 64. Tune nuicbes on and one day boUi diese wiU be 4 lanes. In te meantime, we have dulcet, our only real tteedom to sdect when we live and how we help to deannine t e devekpmenl of te areas in whkli we live. Astoot|aaic|adenin(,telrickbaelectingaiduUlizingtehestofteokl widitebesloftenewandleaniin|howtopn)lect6onipesttdutwoukldestn)y out bounty. Н м еЬкю т far aUofDawie County's communities. Vole for wise planaiwiAfami^whowiUkceptebcalcfteheriiateofteconmainltkt and Head in t e beat o( te new haimoakiualy. ElbnLW hte Advance image l\/latters officials, from left, Michael A. Michel, vie» president of customer relations, Roger K. laudy, president, afXt Brent Vanhoy, vice president of manufacturing. Image Matters Moving To Davidi fo tm tm r. ÿ N m italy •hiddiaetodAd[,IhopeyauwiUncoaskbrteb«ri)tyau l|N »«llap«iplioryavM w coanaaky, Advaice (where Igrew up), it b i|ia y M « a lrM l)a ilU y n ta n a a d i4 >uaappetliag.itnittdMyaaaid jw M lyiM doM arijoiM ly^naluiioatem ove. C -B *|lk**dtotof te kml Mwyiver, you hive ai edgeon how and who •caMKtkirMih«baieacaaccni4 <beiaiaU«fc)noftkkwaUis,aidaewa|e I urge you to kxik deep inskb youndf to fUid te tnie reason for your unhapplneM. The peopb of Advance wUl help you any way tey can. But Ido believe aivokgy bin onler. ActuaUy.yaucanleaniakil fiom your nei^ibon.WemovedtoFainiingion (w hnyau|^upX alniotldneyea8ago.Ourneighbanaewonderful.They have taighiuthowtoeitjoy Ufe more, by woridng hitegaden and mowingour own lawn. Ity it It's good fbr te soul. Jodi Patton-AUiey MockavUle Continued From Page I Image MalUn because of his insis­ tence on high quality. After a few months, the business moved into a 5,000 square fool facil- ily,cvcntualiyuikmgup22,<X)Osquaiie feet hnogcMallenownstwo,four4;olor 14x20 Heidelberg CTO printing presses wiUi computer consoles, and a 20x29HeklelburgSpcedniasier74wiih CPC. The Mackintosh driven elec­ tronic pre-press dcpartmeui allows all seporaUons and scl-ups to be done In- housc utilizing two Scitcx Dolev Unagcscttcn. "Duplicaiionofeaehplcccorequlp- nicnt has literally positioned Image Mailers so thal here is no loss lime due’ lo cquipmcnl falluie," he said. ’Thisb' an important assurance factor Uiatoir competitors cannot claim. "New products and mariiets'we. being introduced and reviewed on a’ constant basis. We are excited abM. Uic future and all indications are that! growth will conlinuc into te new mil^'' lennium." County oiTicials are also excited. Teny Braltey. chainnan of te Da«1»7 Council of Economic Devetopment 4 CountyManagcrKcnWindley.Cham- ;> her Executive Director Joan Carter^ andreilsdalcTomorrowFounderKent > Mathewson ail welcomed Laudy u d ) his company to Davie Counly. -■ Cornmissloner Diane Foster Encourages Wise Voting ^ . con»tol«ffi»,pe«fci< bt.w M dkilhti,etc.W hti«e«tei4»bÉk»- : rnply rn ^ liiln iii wtowffln^eoffte to rt к В а с ^ ccH w IteeateaBaiîH ielndibdairaM irbnotbai-itbw Inlbin IW a i«H ta ate »««viM «k »taM i»M in »ia te ta altm ialtclk a i. n^uffteibbaL Ш ||1<м li to y n ««h iM M i iaib n aiai k in ^ to к ш MtyoidHMaCMtoFoiLlbaMafyaiitfeokMpapwttcoaly ta M > M liw i« 4 lia« to teia« ab M 4 K W iaiIcad d » ttte « M IM M Ìm Ìc m M ÌK ÌIm M iio p ^Itatm C biriáitad ••I*ifMriaallcaBaMiaGcaagaBd tfm HIcaoM taydal({ ■ ^ •а М а Ь к а Ы 'П а ч Ь к а |M É M Iiá lÍÉ á l*a M ia a lM la M M r.lta ,iito liw ia B a m w k R iH .b ф т ш т ш л т т т * »»•Л ЧЩЛ i rniH » » « iy I» ftm Mt Í0(' ifflbi fri"I _.4 4 i* iM « M ÍM atM t* iiM ato |M ii|h id fg tte« id ari4 )М||ММм№ rite «M il. oaaMtaBf>tUiaa,pe«fci<ba. « ta l kilbn,ett. Whin aatereiulakntto 00MRilteteataaBei7T1ielndibdatraM)<rbaaibai-itbwlulbinte n »«fftelb h id . Mr. Fox kat hb lawaili aiÉaM t e couMy on t e zonhig bsue. T I» ooonteloaai 4 fiDved thb lemaiBi btctuii it ПМ t e i«|uiitncai> of our sxdiig ordiMoce. b addition. U wUl provkb needed tcrvkea and jóbt hi our coonarily.lliaJiidftaMoutlyáimdwiditeconndidanert'dedskinsfaice te couMy'woa oa evoy potai I«ataabi«nc(aM t«dm acttrBifeorM r.Fn’tdgrit«teaial,aid kb iM ab o M «N th llkiiktevM n a«lan ciltaaailn iiU b eU atiin i.tt iaaHMr.R«ltpithbldt|teaecoavaiaicat-yaodsnolkniwlhtabtcaae M r.RadotaM tafiim ]nu.IltaHBdm bybtii¡|pnta«adalnaaciiplafa' b k |in a(n vm M iaae»Bt]w ro ld .I«g aU M Iim n ériad iflh alb cai iafam id*alI«atbaii|tvaLIfutakbibnaaltaialldklnM iaeaiyw onb ldida«w w toitainpriat'Ibilainakib«tatM dlbrouicitiaaitb:Ifyou ctaM r.Fax,lit«aa.Y«aB4rN i«kalygaiigraabM idale.lnnoteM r. tan d b rb ib r.% g » atn a i^ b M te o ian faiiiw n « b o b ri4 d ig ^ ^ haaár,iidM natito*toaM in*eailbalM lBH tlanlim enafel«peait ta<Éica«ac(M rlik.V oM «M tr«aM v5. The SOUD Rotk l 4 l V y i K l H o rn Mon, Tim, 'ПМ1Г, Fri 1 М T * М 1о«эа! coupom '“ " ! гМ ОПапуопе’Пет! COUPON» 18» O f nolcnsale: ,¡ апуТ-81Мо(На1 COUPON 1 2 O N any CD S l O t l any T a p e j We offerChiiich supplies & Sunday School а й ш /т м ш й ж м а л к ’^ Ощг.аяФЁМ/т-Л Л Л к ’ш O n g3 1 1-Н Stadlum DfilBwidt K m ^ rC le m n ro w *^Tl<efoUowingcaiesweredbpoaed ^drllsl week in Davie County District widi Judge Jack Klau presld- r*:X Todd Aaron Bamhardt, piob»- violation, continued on ptoba- ;;:;-Edwaid Lee Beck, unsafe move- :mtnt pmyer for judgment contin- *i|ed. ; ; Antonio B. Benitez, DWI, 120 [days in prison suspended one year. ;48 houn community service wiUiin ',<0 days, not operate motor vehicle ¡liiitii licensed, comply wiUi tecom- liiwndations of substance abuse as- itestment, $130 and costs: no l^ nitor’s license, unsafe passing on '.yeUowUne,canybigaconcealedgun, iifismissed for plea. ■'.'rHuben A. Blake, DWI,one year jiaprison suspended two years, seven in jail, not operate a motor ve- UcleuntilUcensed,cotnpIywidiiec- ommendations of substance abuse assessment; unsealed wine or liquor in passenger area, failure to reduce speed, dismissed for plea. - Michael Eugene Bnwn, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to impioper equipment $10 and cost : T Norman J. Callaway, misde­ meanor staUdng, violation of court order. 45 days in jail suspended Iwo yean, day reporting center, house airest remain employed, not contact ptosecuting witneu, submit to dnig screens, $ 100 and cost; injuiy to per­ sonal propeity, faUure to report acci­ dent 90 days in jail; unsafe tires, exceeding s^e s p ^ second degree trespassing, breaking and entering, disiitissed for plea. - Jeremy Scott Chandler, driving while licenserevokcd, 43 days m jail suspended one year, not operate mo­ tor vehicle until licensed, $200 fuie, $173 attoniey fee, cost; speedtog 68 hi a 55, dismissed for plea. ' -ManyJosephChureh,speeding 66 to a45, reduced to 54 in a45, $10 atwl cOSti - Oaiy Wayne Clendenin, DWI, mo yean in pclaan suapeaded Iwo yean, supervised pcobatton, not op­ erate motorvehicle until licensed, 14 days to jail, $400 fine and coal; ex- p M registiatiatt, no insurance, dis- mbsed for plea. Mkhael Dean CoUier, driving «k lk Ucense revoked, reduced to no operator's Ucense, prayer for judg­ ment continued, cost : -FrancesR.Cregar.drivtogwhiie lloease revoked, prayer forjudgmcnl ccttttoucd, cost 'y Lany Stephen Davis, speeding 78 to a 65, dismissed; drivtog whUe Ucense revoked,prayerforjudgment cdpttoued, cost JUl Eveifaardi, bil and run. fail­ ure to stop for property damage, re­ duced to unsafe movement cost ~ -ClaytonScottFishel,DWI,one year in prison suspended two yean, seven days to jaU, nol opente motor vehicle until Ucensed, complete sub­ stance abuse assessment $200 fine and cost; open container after con­ suming alcohol, assault on a female, disnbsed lot plea. - RonaU De«> FoMtr, DWI, 1W daya to jaU tusptaded oae year, M houn conununity seivice wldito 60 days, not operate motor vehicle until liMnsed, comply with leconunenda- ticat of subtlanc« abuse aaaessment, $150 aid coat ^ h A aW M T OLD T IM E FIDDLERS’ &BLUEGRASS CONVEimON ItaM feAlBKlllfliM rM nbriia .lU tlN IID n M O C n V ILU u o ia c u n -Nyankpal X. Obawea, speediag 69 to a 45, prayer for judgment can- tinned. - Christian Oonion, tpeeding M to a 70, reduced to exceedtog a safe speed, pnyer fot judgment contin­ ued. - Joann Marie Oriffto, simple u- sault prayer for judgment contin­ ued, cost; bUi of paiticuhin, dis-' missed. - Kennedi Lee Hanly, possession of dnig paraphernaUa, possession of one half to one and a half ounces of marijuana, probation one year, 24 houn community service, remato dnig free, cost - Randy Lynn Harria, failure to reduce spe^, dismissed, civil seldt- ment - Jeanne Marie Howanl, speed­ ing 88 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $10 and cost -Chad Mattews Ireland, speed­ tog 73 to a 55, reduced to 64 to a 55, $10andcott - Edward Jackson, two count simple wonhlest check, dismisttd, civil seMement - Charies David Jacobs, habitual DWI, waived probaM* cause; drit^ ingwhiIelicenserevoked,dismisaad.. - James NeU Hudson, failure to yield for a stop sign or flashing nd light reduced to improper equipment $10 and cost - Chariie Herman Lainl. DWI, one year in prison suspended Iwo yean, supervised probation, seven days in jail, not operate motor ve­ hicle until licensed, substance abuse assessment, $200 and cost; unsealed wine or Uquor in passenger area, dismissed for plea. - Gary C. Livengood, assault on a female reduced to shnple assault 30 days to Jail suspended one year, 24 houn communily scrvice widtin 30 days, domestic violence dcatinenl program, not threaten, hanus or aa- sault prosecuting witness, cost -Teresa Lynn Maikhud, faUure to Slop for s te ^ nd Ughi, reduced, tolnipiopat<ii|»ltiniaal.t71tndrnai -AmoklIiealMaitliiez,bieaking' and entering nduced fiom felony to mltdemeanof, 45 dayt to jaU na- pendtd IWO y«att,npttvlaad proha. tion.itBialapinf>iBytaiploy«d,m- - Michael I. Siiamon, DWI, one year in prison suspended two yean, seven days to Jail, no« operate motor vehicle until licensed, comply witii recommendationa of substance abuse assessment $200 and сой; reckless driving to endanger,' dismissed for plci< - Stephanie M. Styles, failure to yield from private drive, dismissed, civil settlement -Teny L. Tucker, second degree trespusing, dismissed, failure of prosecuting witess to appear. FaUad To Appear - Penny C. Boger, worthless check. - Ernest Lee Cain, probation vio­ lation. - Larry Darnell Cook, no operator’s license, resisting pubUc officer. D A VIE COUNTY EN T ER PR ISE RECORD, A pril 30, IM S - J U Y 1 PAIL., G ET 2 n d P A IR -RaymondL. MltcheU. faUure to pay chUd suppoit, dliwlsiad, agne- mtnttigned. - PhiUip Korey Newton, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment $10 aad cost - Tommy Fitzgerald Pipkin, speedtog91 toa70,teducedtocat•- Iess and reckless driving, $25 and cost. -Qairy Stephens Ptrk, two couna possession of stolen goods, dis­ missed, charged fot same to Fbtsydi County. - Robeit A. Redmond, posaas- sion of lessdun one half ounce mari­ juana, possession of drag parapher- naUa,$100ftoe.evidencedesiroyed, cost - Cuitia C. Reevea Ш, speediai 91 in a 70 ledMud M cm kM ак1 tedtleu driving, $23 aid coat. -ItaacRodri|uei,ip(ediaf 91 la a 70, reduced to M in a 70, $10 aad COM. • - Elaine Kay Schmitt, drivlat while Uceate nvoked, reduced to ao operatot'i Ucenaa, $25 aad coat S O T S B A Y № Y 9 ,m - 7 H N K M , ¡íílem ent G ro v e ы ы и и ю г BUY 1ST PAIR AT REGULAR OR SALE PRICE, GET 2N0 PAIR ( F 0qi/2 OFF CURRENT RETAIL •EXCtUOEl; SHOE SHOW RE-ELECT LARRY C. HAYES D a v ie C o u n ty C o m m is s i o n e r C o n p l i t l i j I y n n o f s m i n l i l l n P M t e N a t i w o f D m i t C o u n ty f o r 4 2 у м г а L o c o l I v t l i m t M o n M o m iM r o f t h o l o o n l o f M r o o l H t o n M J t o s o c M l o n o f IM N n ty I k m n l n i M H o u s in g С о п о о г Н ы п 4 C o M ilf R o f l o n Н дмМ мамвАc n o m n o n H o r m w o s i н о п о о г а о D o M lo p m o n t B o o r d 5 C o u n ty r a g i o n V k o - C h a in iiin D iv io C o u n ty g o o r t o f I Accom plishm ents WoirUng Together with our Board we Built a new 911 Center Our Board has Increased funding to the school by 50% during the last 6 years Our Commissioners have made technology a priority in our schools Jointly the Catmty, the Town of Mocksvllle, the private industries and citizens bulH a commnUy college cm pttSa Ibgrther the County, tbe Town of Mocksville, the private Induslries and citizens renovatMi Ih t Brack V C i« ltr. O w Board has maintained a stable tax raU. Worked with tbe State of NC and Representative Ju lia Howard to implement weMwe reform c h a ^ with severe penalties for noa-compUance. O ur County DOW has four emergency shelters avaibble to our citizens In the evenl ofan emeriency. ; > , ' Our Couniy has taken emergency medical services to Ihe paramedic leveL Our Board has purchased a generator system for Ihe water plant lhat w ill save the county rtsUeals «var $25,MI per year and ensure scrvice In Ite event of an emergency. Throu^iout my servkc I havt h iB w id! , „ thal wwrkfaig together wc couU accomplish whatever is necesswy to build a better coeuwieKy. I am pm di > of what Davle County contbiues to Mhieve. Managing change in our future w ill continue to be dw one Issaie and 1 w ill continue to work for bahuce that we need to ensure a stable economy. I kMW that tlw beat years In Davle County are yet to come and ask for your conthiued support bl tbe May Sih primary. é- DAVIB COUNTY ENTERFRiab »рам ««w» McxJisville felice Ibg (bUowiai iacidrau wen n- Í M to d» MadavUto Police De- i'^r JuBei-H o w iid S iili repotted À iM l 26 Im wi> u u iilie d al a m i- ta c e OH M UUiii Read. ;; • W m U M cKaniey Км сЫ е of U bodleif lepoftedApril 23 someone CM a lire 10 a veliicle on Saliibuiy teeet, le u k a Sp iiB| Hoastoii, 16, of im U S . ISS,w atclia«edApiU26 ì|kbtanM y.THaldale: May 28. She it M cwed of la k iiii jew elix body tattoos and candy ftoni Wal-Mait. -}ennaCtUoway.24.ot300MUI- in f Road No. 15, w u chai|ed April 23 w ill) larceny. She it accused of taldng maice-up fh>mWaI-Miit. - Barbara Overcash Coley, 42, of Statesville, was chaiged A pril 22 with felony breaking and entering and larceny. THal date; May 21. - Freeman W hite Jr., 27. of Woodleaf, was chaiged April 20 with four counts of false pietense and five counts of foigery. IVial date; April 30. IM B c A c d d e a ii • Abyslander's vehicle was slnick on Bethel Church Road al 2:33 a.m. April 25. Janet Robert Wiesi Jr., 46, of 114 Whitney Road, a firefighter who had responded to another accident, was backing his 1994 Ford pickup truck when it struck a pariced 1992 Chev­ rolet owned by Leobardo Ruano Diaz of U.S. 158, reported Officer V.S. Fields. Diaz's vehicle was pariied, with no lights on, partially in the mad. A M Kksville man was seriously injured in that first wreck when the cw he was driving struck a utility pole. Fernando Hemandez-Mugas, 22, of 1763 U.S. 158, w u drivinga 1989 Oldsmobile dial went off the road to Ihe righl onto a soft shouldec The car came back across Ihe road and sldd- ded tnlo a u tility pole on the passenger’s side, repotted Officer S.W. Shore. - TVo vehicles collided on Notth M ain Street at 4:20 p.m. April 24. Jodie Lynne Holloway, 19, of 664 Gladstone Road, w u himing a 1988 Ford tight onto Oak Stieet when il w u struck by a 1990 Ford pickup driven by Alfred Dixon M cCoji 60, of Winston-Salem, who was attempt­ ing a pus to die righl, repotted Of­ ficer J.D . Hartman. - The driver of a Ford truck w u charged with making an unsafe traf­ fic movement after a wreck on Lex­ ington Road at I0;15 a.m. April 25. Samuel Welhnan Beck, 71, of 287 Log Cabin Road, M ocksville was driving the truck through a "Do Nol Enter" sign from W illiam s Sireet onto Lexington Road, and nimed into Ihe padi of a 1994 Dodge driven by Donna Lawrence Cartel; 30, of 408' E . Lake D rive, reported OfflceV Robin Robbins. - A Mocksville man w u ch ai]^ with failure to see before starting af-' ter a vneck at Salisbury and South Main streets at 6:31 p.m. April 21.’ ’ W illiam Glenn Boger Jt , 4 li*of' 351 Duke Whitaker Road, w u driv­ ing a 1997 Ford lhal struck a 1991' Chevrolet pickup ttuck in the driven by James Carroll Oulfy, '52, of Cleveland, N.C., repotted Officer' J.D . Hartman. Sheriffs Department "■Ito fcUowini incidenis w en re­ poned to dw Davie County SherifTs -ChuckFainhamofHUlonRoad, V iK ent M yen of Speaks Road, and Melissa Ferguson of Dunn Trail, Advance, repoiled a neighbor dis- ch ü iin f a Ureaim in their yard in Ihe nsidcnllalneigbbaihood. : - Michael Shore of Suyaway U ne, Mocksville, tepotted Aptil 21, t rnnget sbol hit yellow labndot d o iin afield . r - Byron Cox of Mocksville te- pofted April 21, someone atlempied 10 nm over him widi a vehicle in Uw pating lol of Chevron in Hillsdale. -SabinaHegeofMcKnighlRoad, Advance, tepotted April 21. some­ one shot a dog al her residence. -ChariesW.WoodtuffSr.Mocks- ville repotted April 21, a fence and trees had been knocked down at his fatm al Milling and Sain roads. - Daniel John Felding of Ryan's Way, Mocksville, reported April 21, three dogs had killed a goal al his residence. - Ernest H ill of Undeipass Road, Advance, reported A pril2l someone drove a ted Inleraational Seoul from his yard. -JessicaBallewreponcdAprU22 someone had broken into a snack machine at die 1-40 west bound rest area and stole money. - M ary Ferguson Beamer of County Line Road, Mocksville, re­ poned April 22, a cellular phone and charger, a check and odier ilemt had been stolen Irom her car. - Dianne M iller of Ijames Church Road, reporled April 22 small win­ dow fan had been stolen from an outbuilding al her residence. -LyndsayCIarkLyndeofMocks- villerepoitedApril23 adiningroom table and four chairs had been stolen fmm her residence on U.S. 158. - Brooks Tolar of Advance re­ ported April 23 someone had cut die soft top of his 1988 Jeep Wrangler and scntched Ihe vehicle, probably widi keys, in Ihe driveway al hit residence on Woodbum Place. - North Davie teacher Dane Репу repotted April 23 al 12:15 p.m. a student had left school without per­ mission. - Emma Gail Snddi of Harmony repotted April 23 a Iruck had backed into two road signs at N.C. 901 and U.S. 64 and tore Ihem down. - Lawrence Clinton Everhart of Fairway Drive, Advance, reported April 24someone hadstolen die front and tear emblems from hit Cadillac and kicked in die righl signal lens. - Dale Robertson of Comalzer Road, Advance, reported April 24, lhal an acquaintance had slnick his mailbox and posl widi a ball bat. - Robert Moscow repotted April 25 he had found a two canvu bags containing clodies and an overnight case, belonging to Doris A. Cuevu o f Eden, in die parking lol at By-Lo onU .S. 158 at N.C. 801. - Patricia Gregoty Smidi of Box­ wood Church Road, Mocksville, re­ ported April 25, diat money had been stolen from her residence. - Johnny Jones of Joe Road, Mocksville, reported April 25, dial his mailbox had been damaged, . -TonyPrevetteofEdwardsRoad, M ocksville, reported A pril 25, a stranger had shot his dog al his resi­ dence. ,1 - Eric Cleveland of Mocksville reponed April 26 a cellular phone hadbeenstolenfnmhisvehiclewhile. il was parked at his residence on, Deadmon Road. > - Ronnie H. McCuiston of Sparks Road, Advance, reported April 27,. two a Honda 300 four-wheeler, an Areticat four-wheeler and a Stihl ■ chainsaw had been stolen from ashed at his residence. , r - Kathy F. Hayes of Hayes Lane,. Mocksville, reported Aptil 27, lhal. someone had shot the passenger side door of hercar widi an unknown type o f weapon, causing an estimated $1,500 in damage. Land Transfers , ^ following land transfers were A M widi die Davie Couniy Regis­ ter of Deeds. The transactions are listed by parties involved, Kreage, township, and deed stamps pur­ chased, widi $2 representing S l ,000. T lo « Francis Poindexter and t t a ls a lR . - Piedmont Properties of Lexing­ ton to Atkinson Building Co.. I lol, Fulton, J42. - Rose L . Richardson, executrix of Marie Richardson esiaic lo Rose Richardson, 10,800 square feet, Mocksville. .- A lva 0 .. Sm idi and Janet W. CM uville),$158. - Floyd R. Womack and Barbara M . .Wmiack lo Jetry L. Hash and Babara A. Hash, I lot, Farminglon, M I8 . Clifton Odell Spainhour to Репу А ВЫ С аИ and Linda Caldwell Cali, 10;47 acres, $100. ;-Tetesa W. Justice loAnibalCniz, 1 m , Clarksville. ;- Vemon C. Wagner and Alice L. Wagner 10 Alice L. Wagner. 1 villa, Fain^ngton. i,1> W iliTni and Oaynell S. Nelson, 1 loi, $440. - Melvin Livengood and Judilh M. Livengood lo Penny R. Siroupe and Ronald J. Stroupe, .92 acre, Mocks­ ville, $32. - C .R. Anderson and Jane J. Anderson Io Chrisiopher W. Ander­ son and Erin Anderson, 25.61 acres, Clarksville, $100. - Elizabelh A. Landis and Tirao- Ihy E Landis, Geoisc L. Judy Jr. and Jan Judy, and Ann Landis, cxcculrix of estate of Geoige L. Judy lo Bcr- muda Village Retirement Center Limiled Partnership, I villa, Farm­ ington, $550. - Bermuda Village Retirement Center Limiled Partnenhip lo Alvin D. Keene and Evelyn R. Keene, I villa, Farminglon, $520. - Richard Y. Hamilton Jr. Io Lori . 3 3 * a c iM .% . . . . - Jeffrey W. Hosack and Loty 0. Hosack 10 Kimberly Ann Chandler, 1.0» acres, Mocksville, $383. ' - Virginia M. H ill lo Robcn W. Lord and Pamela J. Lord, 2 acres, $28. ■ James L. Williams and Joann M. Williams and Helen A. Bradley to James L. Williams and HelenA. Bra­ dley, 1.2 acres, Jemsalem. - Palricia B. Wilkins lo Vicloria T. Finley and James B. Finley I lol, Faiminglon, $227. - Glenn M . Foster and Doris Fos­ ter, G ilbert Reavis and M ildred Reavis, R.W . Johnson and Susan Johnson, L.R Martin Jr. and Eliza­ beth Manin and Geoige W. Manin and Brook M anin to Aníbal Cniz, 5 acres, Clarksville, $30. - Fred O. E llis (half interesl) and MmIc Elllt lo Fred O. EllU Jc, .76 acre, Jerusalem. - Wuymoih Hardy and Daisy Hardy lo Ronnie A . Cranm i and Kim berly D. C ran fill, .48 acre, CIaritsville,$90. - Wade Dennis Grubb and Judy C. Gmbb to Paula Moore 1 lol, Jerusa­ lem, $171. - Gray A. Polls and Belly W. Polls to Gary M . M ayes and Karen B. Mayes, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $44. - NationsBank, Irusiee of E.C . Moiris Revocable IVust lo Dorolhy Moms Horn (half interest) and Jane Moiris Saunier (half inlcresl), 500.27 acres. - Evcrell V. Punly and Marilyn J. Purdy, Irusiees loThomas J, King Jr. and Gay S. King, I lol, Fanninglon. - Thomas J. King Jr. and Gay S. King to Pamela W. Meadows, I lot, Farmington, $370. - Picdmom Properties of Lexing­ ton to Rodney B . Owens and Jeroldine P. Owens, I'lo t, Fuilon, $46. - Thelma Spencer to Belly S. Fos­ ter. M arilyn S. Mon and W. Terry Spencer, 6 lou, Mocksville. - Larry K. McDanicl and Janice J. M cDaniel to W illiam Jeffrey Harpe, I lol, Calahain, $163. - Paul G.WcaUictman and Johnsie M . Weaiherman lo Arnold 0. Wcalh- emian and Roxanne A. Wealhennan, 2.23 acres, Clarksville. - James J. Pawinski and Judilh É. Pawinski 10 Chrisiopher L. Ellis and Kimberly M . Ellis, I lol. Farming- ' Ion, $223. ■ ■ - John H. Hoots, Lou Ella Hoots Angel, Charles E. Angel, Kalhlccii '' Hools M cllhallen and David W.‘ ' M cIIhallen io Peier Ress« iuid S iM r» ' B. Ressa, 1 Iracl, Shady Grove, $98. - Oak Valley Associates Lim iled, Partnership lo Catherine R. W illiaiiis' ^ Consiniclion, 1 lol, Farmington, $92.’ -CalherineR.WilliamsConslnic- * lion to W illiam A . Fields a n d i Grcichen S. Fields, 1 lol. Farming-1 Ion, $515. ; - R.P. Associates lo Richard B. ; Poindexlcr and Linda S. Poindexuc • 1 loI, Shady Grove, $40. | • • - George E. Hulchins loThcodórè • Huichens, 3 Iracis, Clarksville. ;• • i Í . 'f illi- Arrests Gvil Lawsuits The following anesis were made Ъ]г.Йн D ivi« Couniy SherifTs De- hut Silvidor Beiza, 43, of 62 W «ti Street, Cooleemee, w u ir- m M April 20, fot driving while Um m itvoked. Trill dite: Miy 1. Juitiii DooiU Overciih, 17. of 1 9 M Bod Line, Mocktville. w u ■MMd April 22. for potteuioo of ■ÉÜMM a d drivini while licenie n«qlwLTHddtte:M ayl. О м Ь СЫе IM t n. 25, of I IS Nil Uw. Mocktville, w u im tied A p 2Э. for dometiic MMuk oa 1 M ri*. Trial diM; April 30. ■?- J h n y DmeU Revtlt, 28. of 4 « d d d m 'i Home Ro«), Mockt- ripM W «iwled April 24, for OM- | i ^ Md crwky to adm di. 1Ш d #;M qrl4. S «vn (Ш 1 Coobi Jr., 26, of « cued April 24, for ■ЦМк O il ta n k . ;^IM «tBinii.29,or24SJim ey ta K liM p lb M A A d vM u , WM »■ mM AprU 26. ibr «шнИ oa « (b- ■ ^ 1 U il* lK M iV 2 1 . The following civil lawsuiu were filed wiih Ihc Davic Clerk of Court. - Teresa Smilh Allen vs. Glen Dale Allen, absolute divoice. resume using maiden name. - Leonard Alan Durham vs. Eliza­ belh Smilh Durham, absolute di­ vorce, child suppon. - Michael Ray Palton vs. Anneiie Renee Brewer Pallon, absolute di­ vorce. - Ceniral Carolina Bank icTnisi vs. K elli Jo Brady, request recovery, $3,791.36. - Linda Jones Dwiggins vs. Donald Franklin Dwiggins, absolute divorce. - Belly Shores Ashburn vs. Joe Ashbum, absolute divorce. - Douglu Albert Collint vs.1>aci Elaine B iile y Collins, absolute di­ vorce. - Robin Lynn Wagoner vs. Jamie Darren W ^ n e r, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. - Debbie Jones vs. Amanda Bim hirdl. eviction. - D ivie So ciil Services, on behalf Ipfighwav Patrol of; Pamela F. Smool vs. Larry J. McCluney. child suppon, reimburse carciakcr; Jennifer J. Kcalon vs. Larry S. Davis, child support. - Dyson-Clark vs. Quick & Easy Trucking, rcqucsi judgmcnl, $350. - Mary F. Mason vs. Nonnan J. Callaway, requesl dcfendanl not as­ sault, Ihreaien, abuse, ro1lo\s harass or interfere wiih piainliff. ■ Laura Smyers Drake vs. Evereil Fcnell Drake, absoluie divorce, re­ sume using maiden name, child cus­ tody. - Greeniree Financial Servicing Corp. vs. James Thomas Cloer and Baibani Jean Oakki, recovery mobile home, money damages. -InsiantCashvs.JamesFaitclodi, requesl judgment, $3,979.12. - Central Carolina Bank ATVusl vs. Lonnie R . O'Neal and Mandle M. O 'N eal, request judgment, $7,004.92. - Bryan Eugene Cheeks vs. Amanda Renee Booe, child custody and suppon;couniercWm,clUldcus­ tody and plaintiff be ordered to te­ rrain from domestic violence against defcndani. - Johnna Ann McDaniel vs. Brcnt Alexander Spry, child custody and suppon, lhat dcfendanl nol assaull, harass, threaten, molest interfere wiih or bother plainlifl'; counter­ claim, test for paiemil)« child cus­ tody if father. - M arvin Coy M in in vs. Ford Molor Co., requesl recovery; in ex­ cess $10,000 for loud lo ti of Ford F-I50pickuptruck. -Tina Carroll vs. Denise D. S ta y absolute divorce. - Stacey Plowm an vs. Kathy Blake Plowman, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. ■ Centura Bank vs. D iin i K . Ph illip s, requesl Judxm enl. $10.467.54. I - D iv ie Couniy vs. heirs o f A lexinder Nichols in d C h irle t Nichols, request judgmern foruxet < te.lienigiinsi real etu ie.d iil com­ missioner be ordered tosil« property uid proceeds be uted 10 p iy lu e t. - Gini M. Conyett vs. Rfchinl R Conyers, child support. - Investors Title Insurance vs. Ricky A. Slanley, Janel M . Stanley and Arvis Spenccr Stanley, real cs- ute dispute, conveyance of deeds be sel uide u fraudulent, judgments for breaches of warranty, conlracts and fraud. - Judilh R. Dallon vs. Barry E. Linder, request defendant not assaull, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or in­ terfere widi plaintiff. - Poindexter Lumber Co. vs. M. Martin Fleharty and Briana Flchany request judgment, $5,195.83. - Monogram CredilCanlBankof Geotgia vs. Rose L. Harmon, request judgment, $3,885.73. - A BC Lawncare vs. Pembroke Ridge Homeowners Association and F|£SL Turn William s, request judgmcnl, • $770. ;• : - Wilfred Sexion andTeresa S^l-.* Ion vs. MichacI Collier and B ra (i!li' Hawks, eviction, $100 rent. l ' • - Robcn Wisecarver vs, Rusw ll; Tlillenl, requesl judgmcm, $453.7(). • - Charlie Barney and Doroti|)y’; Bamey vs. Doyle Brown, rcqucsi ^ C result of unpaid judgment, in excels': $10.000. ■: - Angela Robbins Harmon yi.> Timothy D, Harmon, child cusio|& ;• absolute divorce, resume usi)^> maiden name. ; . > - Wachovia Bank vs.T\vyla Jeai|e !• Brawn, request judgment, $8,142 J# .:» - Selena B. Davis vs. Jeffrey I I . ': Davis, absolute divorce, resume us-’; ing maiden name. > >1W M n riH M B e M cidna l i l liiii»liiby*»W .C .B i|l> - « ■ rK M lia D w ic C d M tr. lÜ B M tm U m o n D m td d lp p i 0* l«M «10EÍO am April 21. !»MlMi M w W|M. 4Э. cf H I lU É » .lÍilA iv ito ,h iM (o H H M Iiiita W id riv- . • к Я М * |1 * 1 я а а 1 Я З t 4 |« M t]r 1 U D o « (lu uÍyÜt Л ,! m iH ili|« rti< llliln Ayctfcliiiiiwncliit 12:lSpjB. April21 Wll Uterrepotliid as stolen. Accortili lo 1 report by Itoofw Shnu Ito 1973 b - linMiQttl UMiaii w i|oa owMd by EiMMT HiO Jc orAdvucecToifMi itooM i«liM «dim dii l99S№rd m drtMO by, D aoy Foyle Beaton, 41; cf U x i^ M -lto btm iliond WMt off Ito nad to (to riglK tad m d a iHMa iMCiira foaliiaiai oa N.C. M l. b WM l«tK ditcovtnd te d M rtc a C a N rlh w d . А м к С а м М а М М Nonata, ll.c f 264 ÍD| a 1993 ItoyoM pickBp tnxfe ca N .C .n i« lt:SSui.ApriI21 wtea it weai oír die iDid lo die litht imo I ditcb, nportid ‘Troopif Ikinaca DiaifdSliiw. A ta a n M a C iM Aa Advace aun w u dlid for in noMii (laflic movcaanl iftir * tbne- v«hiclewnckanU.S.64EaMM7;5S un.April23. (JoaaieUvcn|ood.84,o(120HIl- 19 Drive, w u drivini 1 1991 Chev- nilet piekup Huck llul went bom ttouiiiid TMli ialo tto p«k of a nclor 11^ bdni drivta oa U.S, , 64 by Onioty Av«y R ii, 36, o( '-Hlekoiy, npoitiid ---------:------ , ------- Annd.TlaiodiyUwiiO"Biol«,23. 0lElkia.wMikiviHal9»2Min»y beliiadttolnclnM ilitalni«v«4 to Ito ittIA loiai oC Ito nMd iato ■ CM ...i A Mocktville МП WM dMd <or fiiliiniondBce^M diftiraacci- deal M 3:50 Р.Ш. April 24 oa U.S. tOISowh. RdM tabRamOydK 19,0(1» Litowood Driv«, lU U № tlop Ito 1919 Hoadiito wMdrivioi iMta« il Mmcli ia Ito r tu * 1991 Fold drivn by Aiha* FUctor Amaraai,' 3 6 ,«f lM Q i(y » ,.M a e k (v illi,ia i ipe«i611Éii|M CJ> .‘fcáM..'>;-' Divie Cbunly fin depirlmeniare- tpooded lo Ito following cilli; Aptlll»!Mock*viBe.8:10p.m,. vthicle fin, ViUey Drive l i Wilket- boro Street. Aprfl 21; Moekivilk, 6:38 p.m.. wioiccidM.CiBarticciw, ,‘A |rtl Ui:Fbrih 7:5* a.m., uito iocldnl.U.S.64il11ioiitiadTnaii: U to , 1:23 «.m., tn ller fin , U,S. 6 4 n n rC iitM i’i Store: Cencer Mocktville, 7:23 pm . fto alum , l8 9 F iin n o n ltìriv è ^ ^ ^ ^ A prii 24; Fòrif, 6:59 p.m., fire * alarm, N.C. Hwy. 801 S.; Advince:^ auisted: County Line, 8:13 p.m.,-{ tmoke invesligallon, 142 O iklreej: Drive. ij A p ril 25; M ocktville, 1:42 i.m..;2 auto accident, Bedtei Chiirch Roid:‘l M ocktville, fin ila im , 143 O iidieri! Site«. • .................... :? A |ril2 6 : Foric, 9:08 p.m., imoke.1 detectocpriibleni, 147 Aubrey M etrell» Road. 'i VOTE FO R CHARLES 0. WILLIAMS ' ^ nÉPUeUCAN CANDIDATE РОЙ COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; ? OFWiVIECOUNTY WOlWAPWEC^TEYpURypTE Elections '98 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - 7<i United States Senate! S e n a te C a h d id a tè W an ts To R efo rm E lectio n Law s/i Bjr.JcaaaeGaUtor D ivie Couniy Enteiprise Reconi A fresh voice for North Carolina. :,.'Piat phrase is more lhan a campaign slogan for U.S. Senate candidate M ike Robinson. It's who he is. , New to Uie political arena, the 39-yeat-oId Advance resident, who is one o f Mven candidates seeking the Democralic nomination for die seal now held by,Republican Lauch FaircloUi, hopes to reforai the election system. .. h u become almost Impossible lo gel elected widiout personal wealUi or Ng money connecdons dial leave die candidale indebted lo special interests, Robinson said. ; He suggests a law dial would pennil a candidale lo give no more dian 50 percent of die money his or her campaign spends. Toprovehlspoint, Robinson reluses to accept any campaign contributions from PA C S and no donations over $250 from indiN'iduals. His nexl step lowanl refonn would be tenn limits - no more ttian two consecutive letms in dw Senate and no more dian duee consecutive temu in die House. Thai would keep the power from being dominated by one patty or díeótíier and keep individuils from becoming too powerfiil, he slid. Thil's whal nukes him different from Uw odier candidilet. He w inis to reform how leaden in elected before concentiadng on die odwr issues. • Election reform would make die process much more open to average cidzens and minority candidates and put an end to die buying of elections, he said. "Fortoo many years governmentahavebeen driven by one extreme agenda or inodwr. The iverage cidzen h u been lost in favor of special interests who donate large sums of money," Robinson said. Focusing on other issues, he said il's time lo slop stealing from Social Security and start paying down die federal debl.TM sisatim eO odhu given die nation. W idi a good economy, Uiere is a chance to reverse die trend. To gel rid of dw national debt now would cost eveiy man, woman and child In die United Stales $25,000. Ii'a irresponsible to saddle die next generation widi dial kind of burden, he said. Anodierwayhe'8diffeKnlfromoUiercandidate5,Robinsonsaidhecaanol support a lot of new programs or big tax cuts until somediing is done aboul die debt. The self-employed management consultant, husband and father of Iwo hu olways believed in volunleerism and service. Last summer when his lO-yew-old son asked what he w u doing lo be a good citizen, Robinson said he began lo name some of his activities, such u volunteering in Uw schools and coaching youdi spons. His answer seemed lo satisfy his son, bm he w un't sure he was satisTied widi himself. Reading aboul political scandals in dw paper, he started lo diink aboul ninning for office. Unhappy widi die representation die state is geuing from its junior senator, who changes his mind regularly, he decided loenler dw race in January, Robinson said. Running against John Edwards, who is said to be worth more dian $40 million for the Democratic nomination, Robinson said he wondered how a guy, like him could compete. It w u a sennon al chureh dial gave him dw g r ^ t l encaungemenl. Hism lnlsIersalddulGoddoesn'IcallUw equip|ied Democrat Mll<e Robinson of A(^ance Is running his U.S. Senate campaign wiihout money from big money PACS or maior"' Individual donations. - Photo* by RoWnFwauMon j but equips the called. "I believe I have to run. I don’t want to look back and determination getting him noticed. - say 'would have, could have, should have,’" Robinson said. Early last week he talked his way onto a radio debate lhal was supposed to* He has lived in Davie County with his wife, Nan, and children, Kevin and feature the three "viable" Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. Convincing A m an^ for the past six months. Tlicy moved here from Kcmersville lo be the sponsor and the audience that there were more than three viable candidates*' near his brolher, Kevin, who tives in Fannington, and closer to his wife's tumedouttobeeasierthanhethoughi,hesaid.Laterintheweek,he^>peared' family in Iredell Couniy. on public television. Unlike several ofhis competitors, Robinson has no paid staff to assist with He doesn't expect to beat the other candidates by the margin necessary to' ‘ his campaign. Those helping with his campaign are all volunteers with other claim the Democratic nomination May S, but he doesn't think any of them can'.' His goal is to be the second leading vole setter. If he can make ll to a run*off He h u been nmningoa Uuk aleep u he Ir&veU around the tu u lom ecl elcGiion,ihcconccrocaciiiunfromDavieCouniyb«\tevemhBiiit0ftta^ftita*'‘voten.ThepoliticalrooUem aybetired.butheiipletscdtoaM hitdriveand chatwe. > . CHARLES MclHTYBE FOB II.C. HOUSE OF REPBESEHTA^VES The posters that I put up in Davie County have disappeared BUT I’M STILL RUNNING! Jim С м а ш 920 Siuay Cm cu D ant R ociv Mount, No»th Слаоикл аТИ1 A p r il 22,199t 0«аг f« lio w R ap u O ilcin a , I am w ritin g to aak (o r yo ur au p p o it e ( ay tria n d , C h a rli* M e ln tyra. K a rl* and I hava known C h a rlie and h ia (a a iily ain o a our atudant daya a t N .C. le a ta . I f wa liv a d in yo u r a re a , «• would auppoct and v o ta (o r C h ir iia bacauaa wa a r* c a rta in ha w i ll ra p ra a a n t yo u r in t a n a t ao v n ii In th a H .c . C a n a ta l M a a n a iy . C h a rlie lle ln ty ra ia a hard-w orking, honaat paraon who I an proud to « a li my (r ia n d . lU a a a g iv a h in your aupport on иау S tn . Ili^ a r a lv . lia ^ r d n a rJia ^ r d n a rTuiaiwa KwiiuUl^aaa tl.c.cang rneo aun and I t . O ovatnor o f N .C . JC O / Jr ita d tb d r fq u b e s . D D i«iict74; l/ illp p o itl Ceoliaaid (Ш Aaidlii( of tW Eim Uial Scboola Act to lalie tiachm 'saliriit to die nrikmil IV I4 I by dw yuc 21ХЮ. *>'nqipoiU R tdnnaa wldHUI ptailiy «idi 2* yam of tctviee. ✓ iupports V w p p o il«F a * « ta ia M a tlM ta re lt« ito ia d M lo a h illiM ; Ccalefllvlagii||aHaHl«»i4liau. t/N ppa«i , i.f b .n ^ b lt o M P r ia a a n ra a M a ya .y a ii«a » W < itw á «a a < M á la w fce w « llli< a 4 o y e a . ; t - DAVU COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, April 30,1998 S e c t i o n s ' 9 8 ‘ ^ Davie County Board Of County Commlssioriere Fox: Preserve Lifestyle; Control, Plan Growth D ivit Coaaly li grawlai. Gtv< yM ropinloeioathii gnnrth. Ibo M ?1 b o ik n irA b o a tri|M ? ; Faz; We u e growing at a rate lhal excecds the county's ability to pro­ vide services. Development itscir isn’t necessarily the problem, but where, when, and what type devel- ^m ent is the issue. Commissionen ^ i d lake the lead in improving the ^ n in g process, updating the zon­ ing codes so that they are in harmony with the county's long range plans, establishing better estimates of growth and most imponant. esublish a way to get input from Davie Couniy citinns on the important is­ sues. Determine whal amount of growth the ciliiens want, where Ihey wan il and when do Ihey wanl il. VWcrs in this election have a choice between continued, uncontrolled, poorly conceived development, or a balanced, well planned approach which w ill protect Ihe values wc cherish. Should county eo nm lssloiieri In ve ■ policy on how со ю тЫ о а- en ШС paid ftorextn mecUnis шн1 cventi? Fox: H ie commissioners “salary" and insurance payment should be set in line with other counties in North Caroiino, using Ihe population, bud­ get, etc. as a comparative basis. A set amount should be paid monthly for in-county travel and oul of county travel should be paid on a per mile basis. There should be a written policy covering all Ihe above. Pay­ ment for meetings should only be made for meetings where the com­ missioners is appointed lo act for ihc board. There should be a formal ex­ pense voucher policy and procedure to cover all expenses claimed by a commissioner, wilh an oficiai des- iguted to approve all vouchers to board and the commissioners on many occasions presenting what 1 believed to be the w ill of Ihe people in Davic County regaiding issues such as reioning, development and protecting our watershed land. When you wId to the above my educalion background and 40 yean of business cxpericnce, including responsibility of 3500 plus employees and budgets in the $50 to $80 million range, my qualifications to serve as a county commissioners arc clearly demon­ strated. If elected, I ara dcdicatcit lo pre­ serving the lifestyle thal we cherish. I wlll’conlinue lo worit for controlled and well pionncd growth. Represent­ ing Ihc people is my goal with a w ill­ ingness 10 serve In an open, honest and consistent mannec I am asking for your vote and support on May 5. The Candidate N w m Larty C. Hayes Ag* 42 A tfd fttt Hayes Lane, Mocksville Im nM dM aFM nlly Wile, Kathy. Daughter, Dana Lee Education Davie County High School O ccupation Ovmer, HAH Builders, general contractor The Candidate Charles A. Fox Ago 65 A ddrtMIvy Circle, Advance Im m edlat* Family Wife, Dean. Daughters: Kim Fox, Woodlands, Texas; Angela, Chariotte Sducation Morganton High School, l)achelor'8 degree In textiles N.C. State University, executive development program and master's of business administration University of South Carolina O ccupation Retired with 40 years in missioners' race I have spent many hours wilh various oSicials in Davie Couniy. These includc; Mayor Crady Spry and Commissioner Lynn Rumley o f Cooleemee, Dr. B ill Steed, superintendeni of schools. Sh eriff A lien Whitaker, Firc Marshall George Frye, Assistant County Manager Jim Slockcrl, Tax Administrator M aiy Nell Rlchic and Dircctorof Elections Maigarel Shew. Previous 10 Ihls race I have spent time with County Manager Ken Windley and Planning and Zoning Director John Gallimore. In addition, for the past 20 monlhs I have stood before the planning Radng, going to lalte, meeting peo^ InThoCom fflunlty • Mocksvllla Masonic Lodge • Liberty Methodist Church • N.C. State Building Code Council • N.C.Associttionof County Commissioners board ol directors • Davie Board of Health • Healthy Carolinians of Davie County Tasit Force Northwest i»ledmont Coundi of Governments Surry County Housing Consortium Northwest Job Training N.C. Association ol County Commissioners trustee lor health Insurance Hayes: Enjoys m am ìNM ìM ng, Kendall Co.; vice president ol operations, Sara Lee; General Manager, The Wiiilam Carter Co.; President/Owner, Management Recmlters HobbiM Woodwori<ing, Painting, YardWori< in Th* Community • Chairperson since 1996, Citizens lor Responsible Zoning • First Baptist Church, Clemmons P eople J-O The Candidate Johnnie Lee Hellard Ag* S3 Turrentin« Church Road, ModwriHo Ijoia Smith Hellard. wile. M eiwiieH. Harris, Marsi S. Hsilwd, daughters. Neal Harris, stsp-son; Crystal H. Bars, stsp ^ u g h te r. RsubM and Ruth Heiiard, parsnts C odaw nM ВалмМагу, Dw/is High School, Piedmont В1Ы* Coltog« ■nd SouttM M lem School ofAuciionswing Hellard: Work Closely With County Unaffiliated Organizations Candidate To Pof Bo*«*Davit Allen: Listen, Base Decisions On Facts Davie Couaty l< |iow ln|. Give year oflaloa on tills inm th. Dw (M T Ib a d o w rA b m ilriih tT Allen: The county Is growing at an alarming rate. 'H ie situation is Ihat certain areas are Inlluxed more lhan others. Are we growing too fast, slow ■or just right? An onswercan be given to ail Ihree. What is needed for Ihe couniy is a 'balance of growth'.This can be achieved by the lot sUe you build on, size ofthe home built, and better guidelines set forth by Ihe de­ velopments association. Other areas and guidelines concerning growth can be upgraded and studied for a 'balance of growth’. Should couniy conm lisloners have a policy on how commbahm- en arc paM (brcxlra nctUnii aad events?Allen: The answer Is yes. There is no policy concerning Ihis now County government, couniy com­ missioners or whoever that may have Ihe final say should act on this prob­ lem. Commissioners should oniy be paid when they are acting on or for ofnciai business.This policy should not include gatherings that a com­ missioners is invited, or just for ap­ pearance sake. O fliclal business is when they are used as an informa- tional lool and lo help wilh decision making. That is the reason the citi­ zens of Davie County elected Ihem 10 serve the public, not themselves. Other Issues AlUn: We live in a couniy where everyone knows growth is in high gear. The county also has several other issues that need to be ad­ dressed. I as you, Ihc voter, to vote for Michael D. Allen on May 5th. I w ill son Ihlsgnmtb?Ibo fast? Ibo slow? About ri|ht7 Hayes: Control Ihe growth, with changing Ihe zoning ordinance. You cannot slop growth, just control it. Working wilh developers lo build and do what Is best for Davie Couniy Should couniy commissioners have a policy on how conmlsiioa- ers are paid forextra raecUni« and events? Hayes: Yes, meetings thal you go lo as a commissioners and are repre­ senting the county as a commis­ sioner. Other Issues Hayes: Eiyoy helping people, like for people to u lk to me, and listen­ ing to their views. O tM w A ip e ta lo ro f jprassfoailQwiwalaiKl U «dA ucilonSM vio« C oN tdinganliquM and oc«M iiblM ,flahlng, ■ucMonsalaa ЬП м СвимрииИу •T u m nllM B iplM O iu rah ,p M iS tn d ay , School M pMhilindM tt, im lS tjn ^ y 'e ch o o i lÍM lM randR A anIyDuMdtaalor ; eut?‘nioihm?Aboalri|hl? Hellard: Housing growth is too fast for our school system. Davie County is not bringing enough indus­ tries in lo be in compliance wilh the growth of the couniy I believe in growing, in the manner of keeping Ihings al a more equal basis (mean­ ing induslries. housini and schooU all be considered in this growth.). . Sh aaM caaaly caatniltilaaars hava a palky aa haw caaM W asr tnaw paM hrntraaw H lapa«* tv n ls ? Hellard: County comnistkjacrs should have policy on bow n n mcelinfi are paid. No nwtlin|s should be paid for taricM rail boaid meets. Noonesbouidbepaid far aay type of meetlnfs or eveau, lhal shouidbeanaperioaalbaris. bring to the table sound business sense where decisions w ill bo made on investigations and facts, not on ■hearsay'. I hove been w orking with our local governm ent for Ihe past several years and feel I will be a good candidate for Ihls position. Listening to Ihe people who vote you in Ihls position Is a high prio^ ily. Thank you. The Candidate NeivtA Michael D. Allen Ago 40 A ddrsss Comatzer Road, Mocicsvilie Im m odlato Family Single Education Davie High School, Forsyth Technical College, Greensboro College degree In computer science, honor program, Who's Who of American Colleges O ccupation Computer Technical Specialist, R J Reynolds Tobacco Co. H obbies Sports, Traveling, Relaxing In T ha Com m unity • Calvary Baptist Church • Leadership Davie County Alumni • Volunteer, several organizations • Emergency services in Davie County Kniglit: Study, Make Consistent Decisions CaM lM ti h a a r a p i I can tell you from my various vol­ unteer activities dial our young people lie as bfifbt aid takaled as you'U fiad anywhere. I heliava dm out goat ihoald be to hava Uk best school system ia the state.” Odwr key issues include cootiDl- ling growth and inpnving paAs a d recreaiioafkcilides. AstowhyhaisiunaiagHa'^» affiliatar ciMlUale. Crisco noltd that ha b « aaafUialtd votar tad leads to vow baead 00 Issues ed d» iadividul naaiag. Ha htiagasaOUatad WiU make ila « ia t to ita d ia M M an stgBSM i of the co ialy la g a d ltti o f paity or (Ю * -t— I HtUard: If elected, I wouM Uke to worii closely widi school board tad other county oquizalio« foe a batter Davie Couaty I would like to woA to leikice taxes, etjpacially (ot our older paivle.Wiikcloiely widi ihirifrt dq«. for btttir ciimt con­ trol; coniiautd aducata Ibr d«pu- lits. Would like to see program woifced bout ihm gh sherirt dept, for lacarcaiatad penont to woitt A giadaalt or da Univenity of Nonh CnU aa at Ch^al НШ a d a fnntMC iMBcopI» piVo» tad csftaáa ialheUJ.M iriaaCoipt.Critcoba aariietiag nfnttatadva fiK a soft- H ta d Wewüi'nacihtwlwotoMhiDavia Give yovr oplnloas on gnmth tn DavlcCounty?1borast?1boslow? Aboirt right? Knight: We have cxpcricnccd rapid growth for the past three to five years. This growth is a result of sev­ eral factors including a good economy, low interest rales, and a sirong housing market in Davic County. Given these factors this growth is likely to conlinuc. The couniy has in place zoning ordinances, sewer regulations, build­ ing codes and strcet specifications for subdivisions and ctc.These regu­ lations are designed to allow orderly growth and preserve the character of the area. Bul, with the growth that we are experiencing, land use stud­ ies could be conducted and that in- fotmation used lo determine if our regulations are actually preserving Ihe rural character o f Ihc area. SknaM caaaty com mlssloatrt hava a pailcy oa haw eoaaUation- t n ai* paid №rtxtra o ttlia ii and tvtala? Knight: Yes, the county should have a policy pertaining to extra meetings and events. Any called business meeting widi an agenda Utat is related to,orinvolvescounty busi- neis affaits should be Included, but their inclusion should be a decision by the Board of Commissionen. In regards to paymeni amount, there is at present an established amount dial it being paid for esua mettiags, dial amount should be ac­ ceptable. O tk trb m a lEMfM; I btlieve, die most chal- ieaging issues dm we wiU have to ' dHd widi over dia next llva ytan are: . Coadautd drowdi and Develop- mM. Tha impict dial growdi has on. our school system ftom a capacity ttiadpoim. ’ The eveiMal impact on our wa­ ter Mdiewer systems. I beliavt dial we can successfully deal widi dMM isiutt tnd maintain dia good qtiality of life dut we now ettiw- can sdll have one of die The Candidate Nam* Bobby Knight A ga 62 A ddross Pari« Avenue, Mocitsvllle Im m sdlat* Family Wile, Bernice Knight. Children, Teresa Smiley, Barry Knight and Darryl Knight CduciH on BooneTraii High Schooi; Lile Underwriting Training Coundi: UNC-Q Running a Small Business O ccupation State Fann Insurance, independent contractor agent Feb. 1069 to present, Legion of Honor agency past 16 years, ttuaiity m anagem ent award, Fiva-Star Agency six consacutiva years Golf, Fishing, Hunting In-nwCoMiMiiiNy Biaisa Baptist Church, deacon (fomierchair), chair Ы personnel commMaa, banavoianca oommitiM, usher ; •A R C olD avIe Humana Sodaty of DaiM •QuälUnNmHed The Candidate Narna Charies Odeli Williams Ä g «50 A ddtasa McAllister Road, Moci<svnie Im m adlata Family Brothers, sisters, m other' ' Education Davie High School, 1968;' Rowan Technical Institute Career Academy, 1970 O ccupation Sityilno, janitor, material handler H obblaa Genealogy, trains In Tha Com m unity •Center United Methodist Church, usher best school systems in llw state and a water and scwcr system that meets our needs. These are cotnplex Issues that arc ongoing in nature. They can best be dealt wllh through studies thal deter­ mine our speciflc needs and then good planning for meeting those needs. This w iil be a step by step proccss that WC have to consistently mai(c good decisions on. Williams: Growtli Has To Continue Davie Couniy Is growing. Give your opinions on this growth. Ibo fiist? Ibo slow? About right? Williams: Davic Coumy is grow­ ing fast and It w ill probably keep growing al a fast rale. Progress Is something you can not stop and growth has lo continue. More jobs arc needed to cut down on unem­ ployment and Ihls would help Ihe lax base grow In size. also. Then there would be money lo put into the school system, highways, hospitals, libraries, law enforcement, and other needed things. Ans Alive would be help to people al Ihe Brock Build­ ing. Should county commissioners have a policy on how commisslon- en are paid forextra meetings and events? Williams: The couniy commis­ sioners arc receiving a certain' amount of money from Ihc tax sys­ tem as ll is. Other Issues Wiliams: Need some cmcnolrang. things, like movie theaters and howl-. ing allies, and other type of entertain- < mcnl for people to enjoy life. Primary, School Board Election To Be Held May 5 : bom two distiict court judge raees, Pttitley B. Brawley It tnd Jim Hon­ eycutt, tad bttween 1 ^ Shuping GuUett and EdwMd L. Hedrick IV. ^xen who an le^sieied u un- affUiatcd may vote in eidier die Rt- publictn or D eaocntic ptinuiji but Ihey must stata which primsry they with to vote in to precinct ofielalt when diey enter die poUs. Precinct officials are not aUowed to atk inde­ pendent voters if diey would Uke to voteinanuyorpanypiimtiy. ■; ! AU voleft, legtrdleu of party a(- fUitlkn, ctn vote in dia school boujl net, tinea it it dia finti ekcdon tnd nottprimtiy. i \ \ I h И I s \ I г н .* 8 в ь ,М а ]г 1 * 2 :• M aW vtCabhM tA IUlHj; * N tw s à n a m flm M ’ iw a *|lty Hiipi»33<-WI-H55 41Caat(SttBn,Mtcki«Mi T - • I I I « ■ • A.C. ‘A n d y ” STOKES DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECO RD , A pril 30,1998 - 9 Élections'98'Davie County Board Of Education Mooney: Retäin, Reciiiit Good Tèachers s a m p l e b a l l o t po you agree with Ihe plan to build fi new elementary school? W here? funding? I Mooney: W ilh Ihc demographic ¿rOwth that Davic County is experi­ encing and nicely to cxpcriencc for Aic roreseeuhlc Tulurc. thcrc wilt ob­ viously be a need for a new elemen- iary school. In the short term wc can copq (and wc have been coping) wilh ^irctchlng existing resources - build- mg temporary classrooms nnd bus­ ing children to schimis with surplus ^pacc. In the long tenn a new school ijvill be required, and then Ihe issues driocution and financing w ill have lo be faccd. The location of any new elementary school w ill be dicluted by I) the key pressure polnl(s) of iwpulalion growth, and 2) the avail­ ability ofland Ihat can accommodate a school and all its functional re- quhcments (e.g.. sewer .system, tele­ communications and power lines, tramportatinn infrastructure to sup­ port busing services, etc.)- As for funding, the county, in view of its small sl/e. w ill have lo rely on a combination of financing sources • federal, stale and local. It is the re­ sponsibility of the board of educa­ tion to determine the need for a new clemenlary school, ultlmaiely It is the responsibility of the couniy com­ missioners loucccdc lo this need and deieniiine the optimal comblnalion of federal, stale and local rcsourccs to finance it. W hat is Ihe block system at Davie High School? ' Mooney: The block system is a relatively recent refonn program in U.S. high schools designed lo I) in­ crease Ihc number of courses high school students can lake in their four years of study, and 2) facilitate thclr participation in extra-curricular ac- [tiviiies (e.g.. band). The traditional lystcm is comprised of 6 or 7 courses p)fjust under one hour laken over two semestersof Ihc school year, the block system is comprised of 4 courscs of an hour and an half taken over one semesier. I These features of the bliKk sys­ tem are unquestionably desirable, the system is burdened wiihanumbcrof disadvantages that render it highly inefficient forahighschool student’s taming capabilities. The class time i one and one-half hours taxes the ition span of the typical high hix)l student to Ihc extreme, and diminishing returns set In well be­ fore Ihe end of cach class. Compa­ nies Involved in providing profes­ sional training courses to employees havedciermincd that the ideal course length is less than one hour. oRen as low as 20 minutes. Secondly, and more compelllngly. the block sys­ tem emails a reduction of over 18% in class time per coursc, relative to Three fasy Steps to ToeeMnua^pm tifa li hei’te - • P4iTb» Ihc traditional 6-course day .system. As any teacher w ill confirm, Ihc key lo learning is maximizing “ lime on lask” over the coursc of a semester or a year, and the block system simply fails In Ihls respect. This is Ihe first year (1997-1998) that Ihe block system has been insti­ tuted at Davic High. This is an ex­ periment, nnd Ihe results of ihis ex* perimeni should be closely evalu­ ated. Il Is ironic that the block system has been inslituicd here in Davic County this year at a time when so many other high schools - in North Carolina and outside the slalc • wilh long'lcmi cxpcricncc.with Ihis sys­ tem arc abandoning it. Tlie practical disadvantages of this system have overwhelmed ihc iheorclical advan­ tages in these schools. Evaluate the performance of the superintendeni, Dr. B ill Steed. Mooney: I am reluctant to speak directly to the performance of Dr. William Slced who serves as our superintendent of sch(X)ls. First of all. I do not have enough familiarity wilh Dr. Steed's long-lcrm perfor­ mance in this position to render a judgment cither way. Secondly, 1 have mcl with Dr. Steed several times (at board of education meetings, al meetings wllh the candidaies, and in his officc), and I have developed a clear bias - namely. I like Ihc fellow. So I w ill nol offer any ad homlnem commcnis with respect lo Dr. Steed and Ills performance or capabilily in this position. However, based on my allendance at board of education meetings. I would suggest thal more should be done to empower the parents In the prtK-css of making critical decisions affccting the education of their chil­ dren. A l these meetings the board of education essentially raises Issues for discussion. Dr. Steed provides his perspective on ihesc issues, and he Is always .well briefed and prc-; pared. However, the missing ingrc- dlenis in this critical decision-mak- ing process are the parents. There are a number of ways lo gel the parenls • Ihc ultimate stakeholders in ihis pro­ ccss - morc involved. A t least some o f the meetings should be conducted in the schools. These meclings should be more ‘‘consumer-friendly." Par­ enls should be encouraged to come and to raise questions al appropriate times in Ihe course of the meeting. Thccurrent procedure requiring par­ ents to submit questions prior to the meeting to be placed on the agenda serves to discourage the dialogue among parents, supcrinlcndenl and B of Ed membicrs that is essential to a properly functioning county edu­ cational proccss. W hal can be done to combat mari­ juana use among Davie students? Mooney: This question should be rephrased lo read, “ Whal can he done locombai marijuana use by the young people of Davie County?" For lo the extent that Ihis problem exists, it is the primary rc.sponsibilityofihc par­ ents. nol Ihc schools, to combnt it. Sludenis can obviously bring Ihclr drug problem into the schools, in the same way lhal employees can bring their drug problem into ihelr places of work. Yet Ihe environment that gives rise lodrug-abuse and alcohol- abuse is nol one crcatcd or endorsed by Ihc schools. Rather, drug-abuse is the manifesiailon of young people whose evolving emotional needs have been ignored or misunderstood In their homes. A ll the schoolscando is alert parenls and guardians ihat the problem exists, and work along with them tochangc the environment that gives rise to this problem. Other Issues Mooney: Afler I filed as a candi­ date in January I spent much of my lime in February visiting with the principals of every school. I also met with several teachcrs at cach of these stthiwh. I wanted my agenda, insofar as possible, lo rcficcl the agenda of these Davie Couniy principals and icachers on whom so much depends in terms of creating and sustaining, nol just a “ good" Davic Couniy school system, bul a ‘‘great" one. The one l-ssuc ihat ihc principals Inourschoolsconsisienlly Impressed upon me was the need to retain the g(Kxl teachers nnd to attract new ones us our school-going population grows. This simply cannot be done wiihoul raising the total compensa­ tion of our Icachers to a level where we’re compelilivc -not only vi.s-a- vis neighboring couniy school sys­ tems or even vis-a-vis olher North Carolina county systems, but vis-a- vis national tcachcr compensation standards. The good "quality of life" enjoyed by Ihc reaidcnls of pavie County Is wlihout question a slgnifi- canl factor behind the immigration that is boosting Ihc growth of our school population. Yet to a young person graduating from college wilh a hard-won degree In education (and frcqucnily a hard-lo-shcd debt due lo college expenses) quality of life Is secondary to securing a good initial cotnpcnsnlion package. And in ihis slate that means a good supplcmcnl over the basic starting pay level. We cannot rely on the federal government to raise our tcachcrs’ compensation loacom pciilive level. Neither can wc rely on the slate of North Carolina, despite the govemor’sslalcdlnlcnilonloachievc teacher's pay parity over ihe next four years. Ultimately ihe people of Davie Couniy w ill have lo find the financial rcsourccs lo raise the loial The Candidate NaiTie Dr. Peter J. Mooney Aga 53 ' A ddress Burton Road, Advance im nlediate Famiiy Wllo, Danielle. Children, Kleran, 22, Keelin, 20, Conor, 14 Education Regis (New Yori< City) High School. College ol the Holy Cross, bachelor's degree, 1966. University Ы North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D. In economics, 1970, graduate asslstantship and population council lellowshlp O ccupation 1982-1995, technical/eco­ nomic mari<et research ana­ lyst and adjunct prolessor ol economics at University ol Connecticut. Mari<et research analyst since moving to Davie, hoping to return to teaching economics H obbies Building and construction projects, converted milking shed into onice In The Com m unity • Holy Fam ily Catholic Church ol Clemmons • National Association ol Business Economists • National Association ol the Sell Employed • Volunteer to sports orgariizatlons. Including past YMCA basketball, baseball and soccer coach, and policy committee • Coach, Smith Grove Bas­ ketball League compensation of our teachers lo not only match, bul hopefully cxcced, the national average. This would rep­ resent nol only a powerful internal commitnicnt to our existing tcachcrs whom wc treasure, bul also a power­ ful external message lo prospective teachers from other counties and .states whom we have to attract in order 10 achlcvc Ihls goal. We should nol - we cannot - enjoy a good quality of life" in this coumy and al the same lime devalue Ihe contribulions of our tcachcr lo Ihis most valuable char­ acteristic. In Ihe shon term our chil­ dren w ill suffer, and in Ihe long term wc w ill all sulfcr. * ^ToVokUuiMayuup MM ■ rtn T w n h tM SAMPLE BALLOT m ihrM Tisiw tL ca io fi DMIIC С01МТУ. HORTH ciMioiim 1МУ s. 1998 HHH-Hgtris w n jc Tiflir — m uic counn («Ш Itou Wote For TWO) M udili Creig CMTDI •••• RrasB SM iili HOUOL....... G irry т щ Г UUOCOQO • H trle Hrtte-Iw SHWSL W ter m im ML о Г Я Seleciio M . nCSS tie 1 uon. ШЛГП» to U s t Vi ■ allot. I P ftG t 1 o r i ■■ 1 „ 1 .. о . . . .! 1 n : юмшдсмаи ш тттш ELECT v a yn c:l . M c h a e l District Court Judge Experience In All Courts; :riininal* Civil • Doinestic •Juvenile t lo d td d t each ca n a i ia n itru s IJ»tily ,a iid lo lita l4 > rtf courtmom w ilh couruiy a » d ^ lfy ,a iid »ln a l*^ l^ rs< m ln CiblM Cirr № « т т . » к . MMkMHt,NC2702S й й м м г - ■ " 'Ti ( 3 | f ) 4 9 M 7 M ! <У(М nsg Uote Гог ONE) Uuch rnifiCLOIH ................Steue riMNRS .................... H0U3C llftrie t 74 (Vott n*v Vote Гог ont) Ju lla Crauen HOMARD ........ outrici a (Vou Ray ilote Гог оке)Uayne L. HICHACL.............Peter ft. SHITH ................. RCPUILIOW РЙ1НМУ M uie COUHI«. mRTH o u n u m m y s. 1998 --------------rOH ЗНСТ1ГГ(You rtay Uota for CMC) A. C. STORES ••••U illiy i Alkw UHITAKCT . (You flay Uat« for TUD)HIchael Dale ALLOt .......Charles A. ItM .............Larry C. HAytS .............Jnhitnie L. IICLLARD.......Bobby KniaiT ................. Charles oaell UlUIARS > P A C r i O F 2 -----Н Ж 5 Г -17 1 g A G E . DAUIC COUNTY SCHOOL tOARD lYw 1Ц| UBt« Гог ТУО) Hartin C ra ll CARTtllRe'nee S^lth HOUELL.......Garry “Tlny" LIUCHGOOD > Peter Joseph НООИЕУ •••. Har lene Водег SIIAHCL •••Mrite-In________________ Url«!-IH________________ — iir e r w n în iïT ttr ü n s ir — n Se lcctlnnx. ГНЕЗЗ the litt)UOTE BUTTOn to Catt Ynur ta llD t. TT5US“ P ftC E r ~ l •PACB' Z 0Г Z SAMPLE BALLOT DD1DCRAT1C fRIHARy DAUIE СОинТУг HORTH CAROLINA НАУ 5, 1998 (Vom flau V f Гаг ШШ» Robert Junior AfCRSJanes Eweretie CARHACK ••• John EDUARDS ....................Сем GAY...........................D. G. HARTIN....................Nike R M lN Srn..................c iu : (Vou N«V Vota Гог ONi> Joseph R. **Joc** JQMt, Sr JIn HARTIN Biftrict а (tou Паи Voti Гог ОИК) Pressley R. RIM IU y. Jr . Л п HOHEVCUn ................. (Юм 1% Unta Fto IM IHartio C ra i! САПП ••••Renee Soith НОНШ ........ Garry **flNy** LIUDNÌOOO •Peter Joseph НООНЕУ ......Harlene Roger SHTMa ••• Urite-Ing n g ln ------------- ~race~i or 2 ПЖУ71■ n ГЛСЩ Selections» PRESS the REO UOTE RUTÎON to Cast Уомг ■ allot. rml i ó : -JEUIO US P A C E r ~ l PACE a OF a J Z L Guidelines To Simplify Voting Process In Davie When voters go to the polls on May S, there are several guidelines that w iil m ake Ihe process easiec They should iirst sute Iheir full name, mailing address and patty af­ filiation lo election oBicials. If an unafflliated voter wishes to vote in cither the Republican or Democratic primary, Ihey should suite Ihat pref­ erence lo election oSicials. After thal information is taken, an election official w iil insert Ihe proper cartridge inlo ooe o f Ihe voting m a­ chines, and allow the voter lo cast Iheir ballou. The process is simple. A stylus, which is shaped like a pen, is used to mark on the computer screen. In­ structions appear on the ureen.Vbl- en inay pick the ea^idale of their choice by pressing Ihe stylus in the box beside the candidate^ name making an " X " appear. If Ihey change Iheir mind, they may pctu the slylua again on thal box, and the “ X " disappears andithey may vole' for amnher candidate. Ballola may have mote than one page. Vaters press the stylus on the next page button lo go to Ihe second page. They nuy press Uie previous p ap box to relum to the first puge. VMM are not oincially cast until Ihe voter presses the red “V O T E" but­ ton in Ihc top rigIU comer o f the machine. Foils w ill be open from 7:30 a.m.- 7:30 p.m. Tuesday J : Foliowing ate precinct names and; voting localions: ■; • North Calahain, Center Comma- nity Building; • South Calahain, Davie Academy: Communily Buiiding; . ' ' • Ciaritsviiie, W illiam R. Davie' Fire Depamnem; ■ • Cooieemee, Cooleemee Fire; Department; . ; • Farmington, Farmington Fire; Depanment; • Fulton, Fork Fire DepartmeM; j • Jerusalem. Jenisalem Fire De-J pariment; ' i • North Mocksville C it)i multi-:: puipose room. Davie County Public! Library; • Souih Mocksville. audiloriun,'j County OITice (Extensioa) Buiktii^;< • East Shady Orove, Advance Rie;' Depaitment; • W etl Shady Grove. Com atz»; Dulin Fire Deputment; • Smith Orove. Smith Grove F ^ Department; '• • Hillsdale, EM S Station n (\U - ; kin Valley Road just off N.C. 80V);' and • North M ocksville Couniy, Brock Building, Senior C en tti; O ow erleveLpvkinbick). t ■ )- - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, April 30,1998 E le c tio n s * 9 8 Davie County Board Of Educatlöit Shamel: Avid Supporter Of PubHc Education ; М тм а ^ г м к Ш и и р к ш Ю Ь у Ш : tM W tb a cB lu T K b o o lT W b cn T : № adta|? ' Shamel: To «ccommodale Ihe ! swelUng cnrollmcnt In our elemen- : tu y schools due to g io i^ , the need ' for a new elementuy school has be­ come necessaiy. A ll of our schools are using existing spaces wisely and : fiilly. II appean that steady growth ; with an increasing school-aged : population w ill be the nonn. In January of 1997, a task force ..for ledlstticting was formed with ;; parents, school administraton, and : boatd of education memben devel- ■ oping a plan to address the future ’ concerns of the Davie School Sys­ tem. M y tole as co<hair of this com- • mittee led to the recommendation ' :that steps be taken to plan, fund, and v constnicl a new elemenlaiy school '.within 3-5 years, orASAP. The com- ' mittee recommended there be nore- - districting for the 1997-98 school ■ year. 1 need to stress to the citizens ■ of Davie County that counlywide ■ redistricting w ill occur with the ad­ dition of a new elementaiy school As a member of the site selection committee, information has been gathered and snidied that pertains to population growth, housing develop­ ment trends, access to water/sewer capabilities, and the acreage of land ' DMded to build anelemenlaryschool that meets state approval. It is im­ perative that we find the best site available to serve our students. I am hopeful that the identirication of Ihe site can be made public soon. Due to the sensitivity of this process, I can nol identify the panicular area that the board of education is evaluating I I the best available site for the con- stnictioii of a new elementaiy school. Partial funding for a new elemen- taiy school w ill come from the state .ichool bond tefetendum whete t)cvte County Schools aie entitled to ’ifin n in iiaely S4.2 miUkn.T1ie pro- i^ o n . A ll avenues of funding will tie investigated and discussions will coadnue with counly commission- ien. A woridng relationship withthe counly commissionen is a must and I am willing to cairy on in that en­ deavor to tbe best of my ability W U ia the block aysltm I t D tvk Hlfk? Shamel; The concept of restiuc- mring Davie High School began in 1993 when discussion concerning reorganization of the cuniculum by using block scheduling or semester scheduling was held. This innovative scheduling concept allows a snident to take a daily class load of four counes. Each course is 90 minutes long. A l the end of 90 days, a stu­ dent takes four new courses; allow­ ing a snident to cam eight credits during a school year. ARer several yean of study and su ff development, Davie High be­ gan semester scheduling in the fall o f 1997. This was a decision made by site-based management as a part o f the school's plan to better serve students. I suppoit the concept of this plan due to the fact thal Ihe teachcn, teacher assistants, administrators, parents and students ate determined to make this teoiganization a suc­ cess. The dedication and desire of the school personnel to better serve stu- denu and to meet their needs thiough innovative changes is an e«ample of their cooperative efforts towards broadening educational oppoituni- ties for our high school students. Eveiyone is anxious lo see how successful Ihe semester scheduling has been. When you give a student the oppoitunity 10 focus on fewer classes, you are promoting and achieving student success. When you create an enviionment that promotes positive relationships, you are pro­ moting and achieving student suc­ cess. When you improve quality of insmiction, you are promoting and achieving snident success. When you have smaller class sizes for the core subjects, you are promoting and achieving student success. When you have dramatic improvements in at­ tendance, fewer suspensions, fewer disciplinaiy infractions, and higher grades, you are promoting and achieving student success.The se­ mester scheduling process at Davie High continues to challenge the staff in their quest to provide a healthy learning environment and success for ail students. Evnhutc the pcrfomuuKC of Ihc sapcriaUadtm , D c BUI Steed. Shamel: The Davie County Board of Education evaluates the perfor­ mance of the superintendent. The ptimaty purpose of the evaluation haa been to improve the administra­ tive leadenhip of the local school g if m »itlkiio »i»aclk iD a't a '•Ê0tHÊÊààiM canlly influence the effectiveness of all programs and penonnel Ihrough­ oul the system, an assessment ofthe superintendent becomes a necessity Answering this question due to Ihe fact that is a penonnel issue is dinicult. U l m ¡jusl say that Dt B ill Steed's peifomiance as superinten­ dent is commendable. What CIO be done lo combat marl- Jumiuscbystudenls? Shamel: Unfoitunalely, there is a rise in the usage of marijuana among young people. The majority of these 12-18 year olds do so oul of curios­ ity. Young people whose close friends use marijuana are most likely to By it. Marijuana does not improve one’s talents or capabilities, it is a drug. Our young people who are us- en of marijuana become dependent upon this drug and have difficulty in stopping its use. ' Marijuana has been prohibited by state and local laws since the early 1900s. However, the widespread use of Ihis diug during Ihe 60s and 70s took place in spite of these laws. Il is easier lo prevent the usage of marijuana than lo slop Ihe usage af­ ter II has started. Parents/guardians should establish reasonable (juide- lines of behavior and discuss the us­ age of marijuana and other dmgs openly with their children. They süould set an example by not abus­ ing dnigs themselves. The D A RE program presented to elementaiy school students niusl be reinforced during the middle and high school yean. The messige of ju sl say no is importanl. Young people need to be reminded that Ihe use of marijuana is illegal and ham- ful, lo themselves but looihen. Laws should be upheld and Ihose who break the law should be pun­ ished by Ihe law. If il lakes tougher laws and sentencing, let il be. Our young people are too pre­ cious to lose. They deserve a safe environmeni that is drag free so thal they can continue lo reach their full­ est potential. Other In iK s Shamel: As an avid supporter of public education and a member of the board of education, I am .seeking re-election to a position 1 take seri­ ously. Having served for Ihe past 15 years as an in-school voiunteei; I have had Ihc privilege to serve and assist students, teachen and staff at four schools. The houn I spent as a volunteer have truly given me an in­ sightful view of Ihe needs and suc­ cesses of students, teachen and staff. For Ihe post six yean, I have been involved with Ihe development of clear and concise policies for our school system. Wiihoul a clear set of policies to direct and suppoit the curriculum, we would be unable to w ilti qiim y W irM n itm i» - ing environmeni. This responsibility of adopting policies, rules and regu­ lations for the operation o f our schools has not been, nor w iii il be, taken lightly I would like to be given Itie op­ portunity 10 continue my efforts to­ wards the building of a new elemen­ tary school. 1 am serving as the co­ chair of thellisk Force for Redistricl- ing. Tbial redistricting for the (¿unly w ill become a reality and I desire the challenge lo foige ahead and make decisions that w ill affect each child. I believe in open lines of commu­ nication and increased input from parents and school penonnel. ■ 1 support Individual school deci­ sion-making. I promote parental schoçl in­ volvement. I support communily involvement The Candidate Marlene B. Shamel A b *S I A ddnM Stonegate Lane, Mocksviile.-----*i»f» BAMtlluiin n w cim v r v fiiiiy Mother, Belle D. Boger. Husband, Joe F. Shamel. Three daughters: April 19: Carrie, 15; Deanna, 12 Education Davie High School, 1965. Bachelor’s degree East Carolina University Occupation Wife, mother, community and school volunteer Reading, playing piano and organ, attending sports events In Tlw Cominunlty • Concord Methodist Church, organist, Sunday School teacher, church historian. United Methodist WOmen Mocksvilie Woman's Club, second vtae president: clubwoman of the year, 1997 • Davie Special Friends, board of directors Healthy Carolinians of Davie County, STD committee • Funding raising campaigns; YMCA, Brock Auditorium, library, community collegis In-Schoo) volunteer, 15 years; 1991 Mocksvilie Elementary and South DtMie, and 1990 MoctavWe Middle volunteer ol year • Friend In Education Award, 1995, Davie Assodatton of Educators • Davie High School, outstanding volunteer, 1996 Carter: |<eep Confidence Of Davie Counfy Peoplel with long-range planning for school improvcmeni; and 1 believe that the memben of the board of education must be aware and involved with the schools. I sincerely hope Ihat Ibe citizens of Davie County w ill allow me to continue my service in Ihe develop- menlofouryoung people into adults who w ill stind confidently, leun continuously, ind conlribute mean­ ingfully to our worid both now and in the future. Aa Dnie O a o jr't O n a s cf Electicai, I am m y р я Ш to our : а я а Ш а а п ig riffn ñ « te piadim of the Votnaic (dhKt ncofd) wlii<iT<>Hii l» caÉ H M tM y o » .tew w win htplHWd wiih th» Hw iiin n c< votine»te»i r h » i iri4 iyoaiotolhcpoUi1>»8idiy. Um)S. ■ *> < *т*"Л ЁЁвЫ 6ж Ле1пш вичЁЛ ЁЧЛауоиЬш п^усауоиг ■■ ».i I l Hi^ H ip H y á M irfH iM i i J o fb ch ig g h tn ih Bd M flfp ilier lom idi;te^áM M (eriiictet««i(lyoaí|M tybdaltaim icfain. (b n tk ^ h B s M jn r W ta te jr a flln n y a a lo iM k y a B ic h a in iliH « ■ M M ia i< ia M is i4 ^ l9 |M á i|iite b in b y lh e c a ilh lM n a M ie ir i* i|iiif e f a .Y a a q ía iic t4 |H ,(lc.«yaadednoalilyaa|nss «•■i<ia(hM >.0hK )O ifaatei«4intitakai,ya«vM eiÉencaded Of physiclldi<lЬШly they an uiMble localer the votliitcacham'IbenlhBy willcM lhelrbiUatlheiimeM iflheyhidbmM etoioinide. Ibe deaSine for itgiMerii«, or rniUai pndact chi4 M if yw had b m moved within the coualy (tar mon Ihio 30 dqn WM Afril Ш If you М Ы to mda flie pnpn pndnct d u n » you m y n o n to youtoU pn^Kt, 1Ц1ВН1 Ш “ekctioa diy traaifei” fonn. thea U to lha diciioM cIBcc. « V h tjp M iljía e e fte fM á K ti («ten q iiM iit.'n ü aH iilácc ■ oO G^nbyiaaœ bvofteir ■ ё с Ю 1 я Л :3 0 р т Ь г й а с а т -• te ft To beller aawiMxiMe oar vjileiiifatn hava been ioaip^lclirthniahiy chaniet line« the Noveaiber, Ü996 decdoai. The« ñoved Hoa volcnfiaotheSaulfaMockníllaindiicltoeilhetNiirtiCili^arSoMb Cilihdg,nitm EM Shadybio«etoH illdifeW edidndviiwlDcnk tothonvalmthalilKiechia|«'i(fcclid.lmeMioarilklijaMaiaiMMit. Volia|iiiFrivile(e,iadait|)il.«<iiirilhlhaeaNMilaabadoMllM» it ao п а и » f v щуош BM to nie. la lM ^ fn c te th a a w a a ie 'a iila u tO a v to C o iM y E n i^ p ik a i^ i^ m»lhatwami|hlihinteelKlim<laM,lh«iwaUabai9af|- BBQ Chicken SLçç n.'№ |iM < M < arf**aiiíi^latateV«IRafeYalÍ4 tUaiàvka.'IhMkyau. Щ Ыхтт. <4 « « t l f H whH rti^ te tb a c y о Г ф ' SiacM iy.M qntShawqinihaiw ale. I M w ■» ttanaiato to hava а b a l per« èal pnvUM thia lávica. IhMk you. •RoinI№Moctavilla;NC270ia F m k Г к Ф í> « p a r tm « n t S .itu rc l.iy M .iy ? 1ЧЧН \ ¿ 1)0 1ИИЛ1 () D D jjm MENU: Uniqut Hair Cart f t Nalli Wticown Kliabtrly Iff D oyouainaw H hthaplaatobiiUd a aew dem eaUry KhodT W hei»? Fiiad laiT Carter: W c must have a new elemenlary school and we need it now. Shady Grove ia over capacity right now. Mocksviile Elem entiry is full, not considering Ihal we must close Central Davie Elemenlary School (M M S). W e gave no monies from the last bond issue to M M S, and we don't need lo spend money for improvemenis there now. As for the localion of Ihe new school, just gel a map of Davie County. Plot Mocks­ viile, Shady Grove, Ihen Cooleemee (Ihe neximostcrowded school). Then find a polnl between all Ihree. Looks 10 me like Ihe Fork Church area is the ideal location. Some In Ihe adminis- inilion argue that no new school w ill be built unless il is attached lo a public sewer line. W ith Ihe ever- changing stale and federal regula- llons regarding water quality, I un- denland Ihis argument, hul il may prove unwise to delennine Ihe loca­ tion of Ihe new school based solely on Ihe location of sewer lines. As for funding, this is really a better ques­ tion for Ihe county commissionen. They are the ones that approve ail new developmenls and growth, so Ihcy should be the ones to deteimine how the new schools, which are re­ quired by Ihis growih, are paid for. I Ihlnk the commissionen should be working on borrowing the money now. W e are probably $2 million short on being able to stan the school now. I think Ihc commissioners should go ahead and boirow the funds against future revenues. W e reolly have no choice. W hitb lh cblo ckK hedulc at Davie H l|h School? Corttr; The block schedule is a fairiy new concept whereby siudents operale on a college semester type schedule cairying four counes for I 1/2 houn each day, and having Iwo scmeslcn per year. Regardless of whal you read inthis newspaper, ills not a radical new idea that our local administration dreamed up and rushed inlo. The N.C. Deparlmenl of Public Instraciion recommends the program and would like to see all N.C. high schools on il. Our school board studied this plan for two yean before making Ihe decision to try it. Prior to DHS adopting Ihis schedule at least half of the other NC high schools adopted il. Do I agree with it? I was opposed to it becausc 1 grew up with the 6 period day. I also have concerns that high school students are mature enough 10 adapt to the Khedule. Does it worii? W ith only one se­ mester behind us, we have not had time to find oul yet. Whal do we do now? W e suy die course. W e suppon our DHS stu­ dents, administralion and teachen. In Ihe end we look hard at resulu (SA T scores, drop oul ralei, colleje placement, and other finite inea- uires). II is iiTC<po«ible to discuss throwing Ihe plin oul Ihis eiriy be­ fore we hive seen any resulu. I am going to look al the results and mike the decision dul is best for our chil­ dren. Evalvala tha p a rto riM ca of lha w p n iB la iria M , D r. M l Stead. Caner: Dr. B ill Sleed is a dedi­ cated, hirdwoiklngprDresslonal.Ht gives 110% of himself for Ihe chil­ dren of Ihis counly. ((}tieslions.|e- garding personnel in my opinionijii nol proper for a newspaper fomial.) Whal caa ba dona to combat maH- Juanauiaam oaiiludenti? ' Carter: Our schools should b i drug-free zones. W e should have i zero tolerance policy. If we susptei k problem, I would support the use of random searches,dnig-sniffingdojs, whatever il takes to keepdnigsoulof the schools. Violaton should be pijn- ished swiftly and severely. W ith'ali o f Ihis said, Ihe problem of drags and leenagen can not be solved by our school system alone. Many times we hope to drop ourchildrenoffalsclidoi and Ihen d ^ n d on the leachen to instill in our children moral, social, and spiritual values. This is our job as parents. Our schools should never undermine Ihese values and should try to reinforce them. These values must be taught al home and in the chun:h. As parents we must take full responsibility for Ihe molding ofour children inlo responsible memben o f the communily. Too many times we as parents wish to abdicate thal responsibility and then blame the teachcn for whal was our failure. Other Issues Carter: I appreciate the support and encouragement you the citizcns o f this counly havc given me during this campaign. I ask for your vote oh M ay 5 and if cicctcd, I w ill always do my best to uphold the confidence you have placed in me. The Candidate Nam* Martin Craig Carter Age 35 Addr<n Yadkin VUIeyRd.,Advancif' Immtdlate Family Wife, Renee Minor Carter.. Son, Matthew Craig, 5; another child on the way . Education Farmington and Pinebrook elementaiy, Davie High School Class 011981, Wake Forest University bachelor's degree In accounting In 1985, lk:ensed as Certified Public Accountant In 1987 O e c iiiM tlo n Residential building contractor, partners with father in Craig Carter Bulkier Wotk, being my son's dad, camping, fishing bl Tlw Community • Green Meadows Baptist i Church, Fannington, IHetinw member, deacon, Sunday School teacher • Advance Masonk; Lodge 710 • HomebulUer's Assodatkm ol Winston-Salem Forsyth ^ County, board ol directors Some banks entice kids with candy. W e p f e f e r o o ld , h a id c a s h . -----------M U d irn iia m iiiÉ q fo p a ia W t e lw iit ir lM f lliK ia M jS S y iia t U f c c M .b n lM tn la id H d d v .М >91>й1сааа|1«Ш пи1| . iM i bw n lae ■< H H |i апцг ;.«**»||Д вш 1 > .а |Н |^ 1 П 1 Г|1....» . ; 0 0 н и т и ф 1 ш т ф м » 1 т т ■ i' S DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - Ï1 Sections *98'Davle County Board Of Education ■ The Candidate Nfime Garry'Tiny” Livengood Age 51 Address 'Rivervlew Road, Advance lihmedlate Family Viflte, YVonne. Children, ,^ b e r Hanes, Jamie and Allen Livengood. Grand­ children, Dale, Tristan, and Tayiorann Educfttlon Davie High School, 1964 Occupation Retired, QA supervisor (or N.C. Dept, bl Transportation HobbiM Fishing, Golf, spending time with grandchildren and famlly In The Community .Edgewood Baptist Church, choir Davle High Athletic lis t e r club, president .fPavie High Memorial Garden committee bavle County Planning Board, chair Howell: Give All Students Attention Livengood: Reward The Teachers; Keep Students jn School Do you agree with Ihc phin to build a new elementaiy school? W here? 'kiadlng? "LWengood: Yes, to case over rowding at Shady Grove and Mocksvillc Elementaiy. It should be built In Ihe central part of Ihe counly ^uc to growth in the counly Com- (nissioncni arc responsible for fund­ ing, county agencies. I would work (*lth commissionen to comc up with funding needed. W hal Is the block system at Davle High? ! Uirngoiwi: It's a semester sched­ ule. Students lake four classcs cach seiTiestcr. I was skeptical at fiist. however, my sons grades havc im­ proved. Therefore, I agiee with the )ilock sysicm and think it works. p:valualc the performance of Ihe iuperinlendcnt, D i: BUI Siecd, ; Livengood: Our school system lias improved in the last several ^cais. Davie County has a good icKool system. I think Dr. Steed has il good working relationship wiih the nresent administration. W halcanbedoiwtocom halm ari- Jia a aau acb yilu d ciili? ; Livengood: Keep Ihe resource pfficer and occasionally use a drug |k)g. ptherlaaUM I Livrn g «»f;l think we need to SCI lip a 20-year growth plan. Davle Counly needs to come up with a way lo keep our good leachen and reward ihem for doing a good job. I wanl all i)f-our students to receive Ihe best educallon possible. We need to worit hard to keep all our students in fschool. Do you agnee with the plan lo build a new elementaiy school? W here? Funding? Howell: I agree with building an additional elementary school. The elementary schools of Shady Grove, Coolcemee and Central Dovie in with Mocksvilie Elementary are well over crowded. A good central loca­ tion, without having to redistrict very much, would be around 801 ond 64 East intersection. This way students thal go to Ihe new school would slill have minimal travel time. A large portion of the monies ore already al­ lotted fiom a previous grant and bond. If only obsolutely necessary should any taxes be increosed.There could possibly be some type of fund coming from residents moving inlo Davle County lo help upgrade Ihc system bccausc of the population growth. W hal U the block system a l Davle High? Howell: The block system Is de­ signed to give students for availabil­ ity for more classcs per semestec In most cases il woiks. Some of the AG students' classes ran oil year becausc of the amount of credits cach class has. Most of the students have to study only for the four dosses each semester instcodof six or seven. Also with the time period for cach class one ami half hours, shouldn't be too long for 0 student of high school level to keep Ihcir attention on one subjcct. Evaluate Ihe performance of Ihe superlnlendenl,DK BUI Steed. Howell: I fed that Dr. Steed has 0 very dinicult job. He has some very tough decisions lo moke. Overall, he has done o suflicicnt job. I do feel that when asked certain questions about ccrtain inquiries, that Dc Steed shouldn’t soy - 1 don’t know - nor should he have to refer you to some­ one else for an answer. He is a veiy busy man but his Job consist of knowing and relaying any facts to anyone 01 anytime. W hal caa be done to combat mari- Juana IIM by M udeali?Howell: ’H k use of marijuana haa been increasing by studenu over the yean vciy rapidly. A laige portion of our middle school and high school students use marijuana. There should be tougher laws on possessing mari­ juana on school grounds. Instead of a misdemeanor chaigc, il should be a felony chaigc with the chaige per­ manently slaying on the students rccord no matter whot age the stu­ dent is. 'I Otherbsuea tfoivt/f; Evciy child deserves spe- cial allcniion. . ~ , I fed that every child n cA si^ - : cial attention especially Wheif it’ comes to education. S n id e n lslM ^ to jC I all of the attention'they, cah get conceming any needs that they may have. Special allentlSn is'posl- tive nol ncgollve. Special alteiUkxi addresses the broad spectram o f stu­ dents from the exceptional children 10 the academically glflcd. Special ottentlon is knowing eoch shidiint as an individual and encouraging that student to achieve all Ih e 'h d ^ con ochleve. Special attention lakes many foims such as: attending sport­ ing events, having positive atlitudes toward students, positive relnforee- ment, listening to studenu not jusl hearing them, allowing for individual learning styles, parenlol involve- menl, knowing students as praple, simply “I ’m proud of you.” I believe that there needs lo be better communication between par­ ent, student, and teacher. Communi- ^ B L E B a p t is t C h u r ( cation is a key role in giving students morc alicntion. I feel that cach teachcr should be required to stay afier school one day a week for tu­ toring. They should be more avail­ able to siudents. With more alicntion to ihc students being made then there could be less dropouts and less trans­ fers to the community college (o fin­ ish their high school. Why nol slay in school, finish your education and graduate from Davie High School? iadepeFaster, DooJoots • 336-76Ш5!f iü f K iH .i— W8I<# ■■<¥»■♦ I tW . . . aCMeCMir .Ш 1Ум а*ш апи,.с1»— .N C. The Candidate Nanw Renee Smith Howell ' • 36 , AddreM HkHtory Tree, MocksvIHe" Immadlat* Family Mark Howell, husband.' Stephanie, daughter Education 1979 Davle High School] graduate. Forsyth Technical Community College, associate d^ree in accounting and . . .. business administration u Occupation Bookkeeper, County Line' Texaco. Part-time cashier, Wal-Mart Crafts, craft shows, crocheting, , . i antk^ue shopping , V.; In Tlw Community • Unk)n Chapel United - Methodist, choir, trustee committee, spiritual senrants class - . Volunteer In school system, 12 years . SubstlhJtue teacher • PTSA • Coach Tutor DAVICY T€€N ADV€NTUR€ CAMP (FOR AGES 13,14, & 15) 1V«n Adventure Camp is a in many area& tlie''teens wiii develop Leldersfiip sltiiis Teen camp will lake adventurous fields trips sucn as; FIELD TRIPS Grandfather Mountain Emerald Pointe Camp Hanes Whitewater Rafting Stone Mt./Hiking Canoeing Carowinds Linville Caverns Teen Adventure Camp Fees: — ^ $50.00 per week for Members of the YMCA $80 per week for Non-Members pontact Pam at the Davie Family YMCA - 751-9622 "Helping Ptople Reach Their God-Given Polenlial in Spirit, Mind And Body." 11BC— aH ryO t . MeekatMa, NC n o n _____336-7S1-9622 AU*ltHW<yAje«cy WEEKS Week 1: Week 2 Weeks Week 4 Weeks Week 6: Week?: Week 8: June 8-12 June 15-19 June 22-26 June 29-July 3 July 6-10 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 27-31 U-’lniiiiiuiui liiattrciui i i '. it iu i H l a t l i c i i i i ji- 'im i .1 J NtUOOHf ORIVt -■ ' CLfMMONS N(.Ph ?1 2 9 Ы 2 k i SALEM M ORTGAGE D B L A R O B B m SLoan ОШсег 336-7<8-l996Btt. 107 M H a u V m o e iM A s 768-2947 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,19И - Bl R E - E L E C T S h e r if f A lle n W h it a k e r A W orking S h eriff fo r “ A L L ” o f D avie C ounty. C O M P A R E Q U A L IT IE S WHITAKER CANDIDATE Lite-Long Republican ✓ M,. Сагам OfflCMT ✓ NtanaaaiiMiii Exparleiice ✓ Budget Exparienm & Knowledge ✓'■ • ■ ■ , ■ 15 yrs. Sheriffs Departmeiit ✓ Experienee as a Sheriff Rghlhig Drugs ✓ ’ V - OniBi M an D id N o t C ause The D ru g P ro b lem In D avie C o u n ty, i. Faid for by Coiicehied Citizen ofD avie County to elect Allen W hitaker Sherilf. I Good Advice Eagle Pitcher Listens lb Dad, Throws A Gem Against Reynolds V B H u n m bavie County Enterpriie Record .RyanDeinoyers,lUieniostmlichlevoustMU. would protiidily be the firat to tell you that he doein'l alwaya obey Us father. Unfoitunately for the Reynolda De- Deinoyeta listened to daddy Dan Friday night. W ith Davie'a vanity baseball team mired in a smelly three-game losing streak lhat included Iwo snmibles in Ihe Central Piedmont Conference, and facing a poten­ tially make-or-break ganw with Reynolds, Dan pulled his son aside moments before the game and offered some tension-easing advice. Ryan absorbed Ihe discus­ sion. ■ ■ He wenl out, focused and unfazed by Ihe game's slakes, and sketched a niaateipiece, tuming every Rich Park head with a one-hit, complete-game shutout as Davie coasted S-0. "I did (feel Ihe heal) a litlle bil but I had a little help froin my dad before the game,” said Desnoyen, who improvedto4-l and lowered his ER A to 3.71. ’ Hesort of eased the pressure. He said a couple of words about just going out there and doing the best you can, so Ihal's whal I tried lo do. Il was probably one of Ihe best games rve ever thrown." CoachJeriyWalsercan'trememberabettershowIng by Desnoyers, who baffled Reynolds wilharazor-shaip curveball that fell off the table and made Ihe Demons look like fools all night. ; ^He was in complete control the entire lime," Walser said. "So I was jusl tickled lo deadi wilb what he did. His cuneballw u as sharp as rve ever seen it. He really kept Ihein off-balanced. Ryan is not a power pitcher bul our right side of the infield made five putouls, so Ihey weren't pulling the ball. It'sjust the curveball kept them off-balanced and they werc just behind it." As Walser watched Desnoyers, he saw Phillip Rogeia qualities. Desnoyers continuously coaxed Reynolda iM o weak giou»ieis. Twelve Demona bounced out, four struck oul and ooe popped up to aecood. Only four balls left Ihe infield, all routine fly outs. -r, "Ryaniaveryaim ilartoPhiilipRogers,"WalBersaid. . '^ ou know, nol anything fancy, nol anything greal. He's not going 10 strike out a whole hx of people oul, but he just throws groundball afler groundball after groundball after groundball. And we can pick 'em up and get 'em oul. " Il was the best (pitching performance) ofthe year in my opinion. He walked seven but still was completely in control. He was never really in any danger," The Demons were doomed from the beginning. The W ar Eagles generated three runs in Ihe bottom of the firtt inning, more than enough offense to raise their CPC record lo 4-3 and secure third place by two games over Reynolds and South Stokes with three lo play. Leadoff man Shane Allen singled, stole second, moved to third on a groundout and scored when Ihe shaky left fielder miiplayed Scott Cornatzer's fly. Reynolds ace Brandon Еаф beaned leremy Helton. Then Comatzer and Helton both scored on a sloppy pick-off move lo second, a horrid play that resulted in Ihree errors. "(The quick lead) was Ihe most pivotal part of Ihe entire game," Walser said. "Usgettlngoffloagood Stan was very Impoitant." The margin mushroomed lo S-0 in the Ihird when Reynolds' left fielder made another comical error. Charles M iller singled, Comatzer doubted and bolh scored when the fielder missed Brian Campbell's rou­ tine fly. The outfielder didn't miss another one. "Their left fielder did not have a veiy good night," Walser said. "As a matter of facl, he got laken out of the game pretty soon." Meanwhile, the Demons were grounding out. Other lhan Ihe second, when Desnoyers hil one and walked one, and the seventh, when a runner reached third for the first Ume, Ihe Demons didn't come within sniffing distance of home plate. In fact, the crafty right-hander would havetossedano-nohada 32-hopper not squeezed between first and second in Ihe fifth, 'hie ball had eyes, just eluding the ouuirelched glue of second baseman Allen. Offensively, last-place hitter Jonathon Creason did the bulk of the damage, going 3 for 3 with a pair of doublea. Brian Orout - who got a ran start because of tendenitls in Drew Ridcnhour's righl elbow - Cor- natzer. M iller and Allen accounted for Ihe remaining four hiu. Walser has Creason, whose average skyrock­ eted above .300, al the bottom so he can lee o ff on some predictable pilches. Please See Creason - Page B4 Davie High first basem an Jerem y Helton tries lo tag out a South Rowan runner. - P h o to by Jam M B a rrln g w : Davie Soccer Team Gives Valiant Effort Davie's varalty soccer team were losera on the scoreboard. But, in .Coach Pete Gustafson’s mind, that ciwldnt have been further fn>m Ibe tnith. Theteamefroit,itwuapleasure jost.lo watch," he laid after hia girls exptaiM every drop of enefgy in a 4^1'loaa to West Rnytfa laal week. U w panms were excited. Ifa jual spawäilng when you see kida ¿ve aOO peiccal, and OaCa whal il waa. niqr played out ofcootrol. Not in a b(d m y. I mean jual wide open with ilotofenioliaa. "W e probably played our best malch of the year." But Iwo mental lapses lumed oul 10 be fatal, as Ihe Titana punched in two first-half goals lhat prevented Davie from f l i r ^ with a mitjor up­ set Oiulalsoa insisted that the final sco n ,in a misleading, that Davie should have been in cootenlioa until the end. / I I shouU have been 2-2 or 2-1,* be said. "W elel two goals in when we had our bncka turned 00 some dead- Pleiae See Dnvie - Pi k Bl Who'S Hot Pitcher Andrew Daywait of South Davie turned in a com- plete-game beauty against Kannapolis. The eighth grader tossed a thice-hitter and led the Tigers to a resounding 10-1 victory. K nm y CoUins and G arick HUI, unbeaten in two evenu each, directed Davie's track team to a spotless 16-0 recoid heading into this week's CPC meet. D avk'i JV soflbaU Icam routed South Rowan and Mt. Tabor last week and raised ils record to 11-1. Jarcm iah CicaMM of Davie's JV baseball team threw his second three-hitter of dw year againsi Mt. Tabor. Strangely enough, he has lost bodi games. David Natt is leading Davie's junior varsity with a 488 average and 24 stolen bases. R yaa D einoyen was masterful against Reynolds, throwing a one-hitter and leading Davie's varsity baseball team to a crilical S-Owu. Tiger Baseball Gaining Momentum Near Playoffs Davie Track Team Surpasses Expectations lir llia a H a i vear. but die airlawofkBdraallv hard cess. m ia iu lii in die 7ЛП and 4Л0 a Dtvte Couoly Entetpcise Recocd i btvie'a girls track team didn't laalch dM hoya'peffiKt regular aea- àóg, bul you wouUnl know ll by llàlaalag to Coach Cary Powera. ' 'i w u extnmely phased with daki’ heaaidaf ttegiiU' 10-6 finish. 1 ваао, W peneal of ow ttam ia l^ythoMa lad aofilioiiioteat so we dIdaH hav* a hn of (xpMiaace this year, bui d» girla woiked really hard and we had a numbet o{ dtdicattd youni ladiea. A kn of diem Ithink wereovenchieven." There'anotellinghowfàrdieWar Eaglea couU bave gone wiih moie d ra22coo4Mtilars.PDwcnnmeffl- beia maay dmea when ooe of bis youi|fUM«oiiUwiBaBev<tt,oaty to bave Ihe орроаШоо 90U thè Itin by taU il Ih* leoMiniii placea aad •ccuanhNa mon poials ia thè pn>- Tbal'swhalkillcduaaUyeailaiig, because he had some better athletes sometimes but they just killed ua with numbers," Powera said. *rd pul one fir l in, ahe'd win and get pojala and dien Ihey'd get second, diird and founh." Fteihmni Samantha Murillo, Sa­ rah West aod Sucy Joyner perfonned beyond their years. "Sam haa already qualified for regionals in die 200 and 400, and Sarah ia less than a second oul in Ihe 300hurdles. She is going tobeagieat athlete," Powers aid. "Su cy is an- odier one of those all-around adi- letea. tt doesn't matter what I put her in, ahe'a going to do il and do it well." Success usually hinges 00 leader­ ship; a vital role dial was fiUed by Jenine Peeler, Lauren Poplin and Ptaae Set Coach-Р Ч аВ г By Brian puts Davie County Enterprise Record South Davie's baseball leam, catching its second wind after its bitter loss to Mooresville a month ago, fanned its conference champi­ onship hopes from a flicker into a flame with last week's 10-1 Pied­ mont Middle School Conference vic­ tory over Kannapolis. 'Everybody has lost one or more. Erwin may be tied with Mooresville with one loss, so we could still win Ihe championship," said Coach Grimes Puker, whose surging T i­ gers won Iheir third straight lo im­ prove to S-2 heading into the final week of the regular season. "There's certain ways lhal we can (w in die title), but we've got lo play good baU." For whatever reason, Ihe Tigers have been playing better lhan dial. For the most pan, diey've been domi­ nating die competition since die con­ troversial 10-7 loss al Mooresville, outscoring C h iu Grove, Coniher- Lipe and Kannapolia 32-10. |o ys Track Team Overcomes East Rowan Ц |гШ аа> 1М . Davie C raaly b u o p tin Racord ■-Davie boya track coach Scoll Yoaagmakaa BO boaea about need- iag aa «xtraonUnaiy effort 10 beat iaaotlh(pnmierpngiaaiatadw3- AeaU,BaatRowaa.1lHWwBagla oaach pu Ua aban of dialiBiiilabad Pfifcnaaana oa Afril 21 is a Ш- aD niaisaB. Г For atanara. Кошу White brokea moden-day ncord (1990-pnaeat) wilhadiacaatbnwofl43tM.Dariea Brown doated die AP-a Э-Л (bodiaU playerof dl« year, Kaaoapolia'Nick Mattox, in die 200. And Kenny Col- linapnMctedhiauobeitfcancanlain dMllOaadaoOhuidka. IbafaaaaovleordiehighlighU that lad to the one-hone race. Tte War Bigles aoand to 134 poiats. I pnvioualy-uabeaten Bast quaUly duowers, quaUty jumpers, quality pole vaulters... So I diought dtqfiven gokg to be teal tough fbr иаю Ьеак’ Young, an East Rowan graduate, triedlodownpIayDavie'sdomlnance because die MusUngs were missing star Nick Heard. " b Uieir defenae, Heaid, who ia Plaaaa Sea T ra c k - P a ttia Rowan (73 poinu), KaanapoUa («0) aadI<onMHilla(41). *1 waa very su ip ri^ (of die spnad) betauie Pd uy East Rowan ia ooe of die top dme or four teama in 3-A,” saU Young, whoae team im­ proved itt gaudy record to 16-0. "I mean, diayll coMaad for a stale tide in ny cfiaioB bacwae thdr fleU ■eyaW.aw^M atroag. 'Aey'v* got UdbyRyanKnoil's38.dieNonh Davie golf leam pounded Tyro and SoudiDavieandiemainedtindefeated widi iu founh win in a row. 'Пе Wikfcau finished widi a 171 scon, foUowed by Tyro's 209 and Soudl'allO. „; _ Ф-------------------------- "I think right now we're playing our best ball," Parker said, " lie y ate just playing real good togedier righl now." Parker detected the potential long ago, but the Tigers sputtered out of, the gate widi two losses in dieir firat four games. Since dut point, duugh, diey've absorbed die pcacdce leaaons and demonatrated dieir taleni during games, putting Parker in aa upbeH mood in die process. "W e've practiced a lot of d iin p and diey are just putting die diinga dKy've learned in practice in dw games now," Pariier aaid. "You caal put your hand 00 one aingle dling, it'a a combinadon of die boys leaniing . and applying what diey've learned.. . . W e had some inexpeiieiice out dKre our fnrst couple of games." That'a what prompted Parker to juggle his lineup. He promoted speed­ ster Jason Hogue to die leadoff spot, moved savvy Andrew Daywait to die second hole, and IheyVecnminuoasly set die tablea foe big sdcka auch aa . Pk aaeSeeT lfen -raiin Swim Season Kickoff Planned j 'Hie Davie YMCA wiU hoU a During die ftmction, Ac t& nJ-: ‘ kickoff foe die Hickoiy Hill awim caneawillintroducedieitneWcoadi team's' upcoming season on May 3 19-year-oM Amy CaU, a foimer a tv ' from3-Sp.m. swimmer fbr Davie High. ■ >,• VVildcats Pound Tyro Behind Knoll, Sedi Seafonl fln d :i' a 42. Ttey Harlow shot 1 4S mA ' ‘ 1 Ashley Knoll had a 46. ^ i Greg Brooks' 47 led Soudi (|.$)|,.!, - which gol a M) from Wealey'11map£№ soo,aS2fromKelleaMiUarMdan%' fnoBnndo iiSbafe. : N j Л12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 I .fWHdcats Overcome North Rowan ¡•X’ - Fint-place petfonnances by An- W bitley and Em ily Pettorini ; .ti'p u M N o ith D ivie'tg iriitn ck lctm I Noith Rowan 61-£0 last week. Penoriniwoiilhe4C0andWhilley '■.;^>iiiwd the 1600 for Noith Davie, ; <i;rhich was clobbeied 91-32 in the ; : ,Hoys meet : Faut|iciAifiiien-JanOcode(ihol rjrp u i). Chii» NIcholi (d iu u i), Jordon ;-:Xahrs (1600) and lohn Glassgow : vjtSOO) - triumphed for the Wildcau. Noithwest Cabainu iwept a Iri- meet earlier in Ihe week. In Ihe boys meet, Notthweit totalled 89 points lo Noith Davie's 3S and Eiw in's 31. In Ihe girls compctilion, Northwest scored 69 to Erwin's 46 and North .Davie's 42. , Meghan Clark (long jump) and Candice James (200) won for Ihe girls, and Memo M urillo (400) was Ihe lone winner for Ihe boys. IK" i if " Ш Tiger Girls Finish Second At Meetr S South Davie's girts track team ' ^jnade a strong showing in a four- ; '(« u n meet last week, finishing just i ilelght points behind w inner ^Kannapolis. The Blue Devils triumphed with '■.\n poinU, foUowed by South's 64, II^Moaresville's S6 and Concord's 37. ; The Tiger« had Ihree winnen - ■ X^ lu ri Mellon in the shot put Nikki m anagan in Ihe 1600 and Angelina ; ?^5smoni in die 400. C 'SamEibrackedupseveralcnicial ' ‘^ t»in u by placing in Uk shot put ?}«scu s and 800, and Anna Mackin- ; placed in Ihe400and triple jump. ‘ c5ilso placing for Soulh were; Sarah Edwards (shot pul), Slephanie Wodarski (1600), Holly William s (long jump), Courtney Gibson (long jum p), Erin Grey (triple jump), Ashley Boyd (triple jump), Kristen Raynor (high jum p), Lindsay McDaniel (lUgh jump) and Meiccdes Solo (100). Mooresville won die boys meel wilh 87 paints. Kannapolis was neil wiih 80. Concord with S9 and SouUi Davie wilh 12. Jason Crowley led Uw way wilh IWO lop-five performances (high jump, triplejump). Fenumdo Zamora (1600), A .J. Scales (shol pul). An- dRwTesnar(highjump) and Maurice H cks (100) also placed. Davie High giris track team, from left; first row: Anya Williams, Jerrine Peeler, Stacy Joyner, Abby Brickey, Laurie Desch, Kim Bolton; second row: Takella Faulkner, Kenya Faulkner, Cindy James, Rita Dulin, Samantha Murillo, Lauren Poplin, Stephanie Daby, Commika Arnold, Ashley Andrade; third row: Colleen Brooks, TIsa Campbell, Tracy Delaney, Sarah Wesl, Brooke Gravatt, Dance Coley, Elizabeth Yokley, Lauren Wilkins, Marie Gadson, Tiffany Peoples and Cheryl Jones. Coach Pleased With Girls Track Team Performance Continued Fnnn Page B l Laurie Desch. Blend Ihose experi­ enced pieces wiUi Uie slout freshman class and 1999 looks considerably brighler than Ihis rebuilding, but yet rewarding, season. "I Ihinkin Ihe nexl couple of years we've gol a chance to do some real big Uiings if we slay al it." Poweni said. "I feci like il was a successful year, and next year, who knows? Maybe we'll dominate like Ihe boys. We can always hope." T h e War Eagles ¿losed the regu­ lar season last week wilh a 7S-6I viclory over Soulh Stokes. Peeler (1600.3200). Murillo (400. 2C0) and Roynika Gregory (discus, shol pul) were double winners. T if­ fany Peoples claimed Ihe high jump and Davie won two relays. Peeler, Poplin, Dcsch and Joyner look Uie 3200 and Murillo, Peoples, Joyner and Tracy Delaney look Uie 1600. Powers dismissed two membeis for various reasons, leaving Davie withoui a proven high jumper. Peoples erased thal problem, step­ ping in and immediately qualifying for the regionals. "So wc should be sending any­ where between 3-IOof our aUiletesio regionals," Powers said. "So if you think aboul il, about half our team may end up in regional compeUtion. And as young as we are, Uial lo me is successful." • In a nonconferencc meer lasl week. East Rowan coasted wiUi;l 16 poinis. Davie was nexl wilh;78, Kannapolis wilh S 1 and Forest Hills wilh four. • ■ й I ñ 'hI Dockside Seafood Restaurant Naw PntM rtM t SdOT СмЫ иМм Phtten CrM your own ftdle two Item Combo with: ^ F k u a d v ChkHontenden WhUeruh ]toScalk|ii DcviMCrab Pop^hrimp ■Twul J-, C ta m i:. N * i LSovnt wM cola slaw, husk m in , and choice of potaloК ALSO A V A ILA BLE |S«ltAPiepper«LeinonPepper»C^]unSpice$1.00 Extra t M M iÌ4 p t h r a T t a r a « B y $505 Ì5 M ,.2320.LewifWUe-Cleiiiinant Rd, ^ -ClcnfaMM,NC . 7 éM tX 7 .. М011--ПШ14-9M-Sal4-I0 a u i- 9 m REñL iMEAL d e a l ! IPc. Chicken, two ! vegetable», and roll a $1e99 I МммУяНкнуФимгфМгогМмг!«) ■ cifmmon»ttoi« on^ ■ I Friid____ In aemmoiw neat <e Cracker ewrel 7 б в - г & & 1 * • ñi ■ Pood 6 Drink Specials nLL DOY Contests witti Prizes 6-dpm Come See the Jaiapeno Eatiny rnn^P^Ц■l гвЭО Lawisvilto-Clwnmona Rd CI«ninoM,NC« 778-0300 т жт • • М .- П М И О М ! и Irinsfield Claims PRO MdOTltle ‘ > A record crowd was on hand for ; Uie fiist (¡uick 8-PRO MOD race of jhc year down at Uie FARM Satuiday ; (light, April 25. Taking Uie PRO : :M 0D Ulle was Dale Brinsfield of • .Greensboro, In his Chevrolet Cor- ■ ; 'Veltc. Brinsfleld used a hole shol off Uie " siarting line lo defeat veteran racer Jeiry Williams of PfafHown in his •'* tord Probe. The winning lime down .. . ihc I/8lh drag strip for Brinsfleld was . o4.28 E.T, 172 mph, lo a veiy closc 4.29E.T.al 167 mph charge for W il­ liams. In Ihc TOP Eliminator category veteran drag racer Charlie Doss of Slalcsville ended a six-year losing slrcok lo lake Uie Farmington i 1 ,S00 win. Doss ran a 5.64 E.T. al 121 mph in his 23-1 Roadster to defeat Sandi "Sis"WiniamsinherChcvroletSandi ran a belter 5.22 E.T. at 132 m'pb, but couldn't hold off die hard charging Doss. W illlafflsisjusloneofahalfa dozen women lhal compete legulariy al Farmingion, and she drives one o f' die faster can In die Top Eliminator class. Defending Top Eliminator cham­ pion David Foster finished a sirong Uiiid in his Chevrolet Camaro. He collected $5.000 cash last year for his championship efforts and looks lo be a direal lo lake a second TOP lide al Farmingion. In Ihe Sportsman (fool brake) di­ vision David Spaugh scorcd his sec­ ond win of die season at Faiminglon in his Advance based Mercuiy Cou­ gar. Spaugh ran 8.83 E.T. al 77 mph to defeat "Cougar Daddy" Chris Ploll of Winston-Salem. Spaugh has also lakcn die early points lead In Ihe division, widi eighteen FARM series laces remaining. Ron Privcllc of Galax, Va. and Ronnie Flynl ftom Lewisville finished in Uic semi-finals of Spoilsman. Bobby Jones of M t A iiy look die "slreel legal" Pure Slock division win by defcaUng James Gillmore ftom Galax. Second geneialion racer Aus- dn Higgins from Yadkinville look die Slreel Machines Junior Dragster division honors over T.G. Paschal from Pleasant Gaiden. The racing acUon In the $25,000 FARM Race Series w ill continue this Saturday nlghl. May 2. There w ill be a special $2,000 to win die race for Uic Sportsman class, while in TOP Eliminator $1,500 to win w ill be on Ihe line. Pure Slock and Junior Dragslcr classes w ill also be compcting.Galcs open at 12 noon. Timenmssiartal2p.m.andellmi- nations begin at 6:30 p.m. Formore Information call 336-998-2982 or 766-0910. . D0M 7 m m Blue Bay Seafood CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY E v e r y M o n d a y B aby S h rim p __________ B aby F lo im d er» ..M ..* » .» $ 3 ^9 Each illn n e rie n td with ¡¡m h ia lv> iw l»‘i''d choice (¡ffiench fries, baked potato o r onion rings. U M IIE D TIM E ONLY! A lA |o,D lne-InorC uTy-O iit No SdUor CUiaai Dhcount on H iii Special 2060 StalMvllto, BWd.,8aH»bwy,NC (704) >39-9690 § G re a t S a vin g s In E v e ry D epartm ent! Sale Starts Friday, May 1st and Ends S^ rd ay, May 30lh I OPEN HOUSE SJmillllAY,IIAY2illl p m f t H O T D O f i s ^ ю го 1 Ш а т - Ш / т ■ ■ S T G A S TRIM U H H R ■ A L IN IT O W N III FREE ultra^ougjr STIH L Polycut“ Head DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - B3 s T iH i: FíMoHvrwiihFSOé pufdimtara Unttid Him only « pMidpiÉinc dMk itown & Сошйгу Haidwaie StéMockmffl«.N<C (33é)75l-l4l4 ALL AMERICAN ORD-MERCURY L Q B o o k in g F O R A N E W F O R D O R M E R C U R Y ? DON’T MAKE A 30 MINUTE MISTAKE! ALL AMERICAN FORD/MERCURY IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK! 1 Yadkinville U.S.40 Statesville ★ All-American Ford Exit 170 Mocksville Rt.601 Winston-Salem Lexington Salisbury Just 1же €oas - Cars Ar£ СнеАкх In Tlie CouNiKY Shop Us Last - We Wni SAve You MoNevI SPECIALS biurse'^lectibn o f^ u x d trucks . ;-V':4x2,4^R^ngiire,F1564|^i^^ rrogm CM'S«!? - ^orts, Тужжш A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D - M E R C U R Y • 1-М 0-Ж 84-М Ж 1“О чгС чш ттЛ пО агЯ Ш Яф пееГ' Coach Jerry Walser of Davie has a word with the umpire. - P h o to s b y Ja iiM t B a rrln g a r Creason Leads Way With Three Hits C o allaucdnw ahfcBl "Jonalhon has always been a pretty good tiltter," Walser said. "W e pul him down there in Ihe nine spot so lie can gel some swings at Ihe fastball. When we're facing somebody else's week. Davie hosted second-place West Forsylh (5-2 CPC) m Monday and South Stokes (3-5) on Tiiesday. On niuisdty, Davie travels to West to close the regular season, Davie is Ihe conference tournament host. The R jrar) Desnoyers, who allowed Otie hit In seven innings, ninth-place hitter, we think we can nrsi round begins Monday bul edmpletes a pitch. i; blow it by them." Everything comcs full circle this M yle's Brian Grout starts his slide Into second base against South Rowan. a Davie High Baseball Statistics Record: 11-6,4^ CPC H IT T IN G A B R H R B I AVG.2B 3B HR J. Desnoyers 3 2 2 1 .667 0 0 0 Hcllon 44 13 18 8 .409 3 0 0 Comatzer 53 23 19 17 .358 5 0 3 C. M iller 59 15 21 ,7 .356 9 0 0s _Patti 43 9 15 4 .349 2 0 0 R. Desnoyen 15 3 5 2 .333 1 0 0 Sparks 9 3 3 .0 .333 1 0 0VCampbeU 53 10 17 ■9 .321 0 0 2 Creason 46 8 14 9 .304 2 0 2 Ridenhour 55 11 16 13 .291 1 0 1 NaU 47 11 12 2 .255 3 0 0I . :Melloo 4 2 1 2 .250 0 0 0 Onwt 13 I 3 3 .231 0 0 0 Allen 50 12 8 8 .160 1 0 0Colliitt00 0 ■ O i-.000 0 0 0•Ir.Crcaaoo 1 0 0 .000 0 0 0 C ;E v ie 1 ; ■ ■0 0 ,; 0 .000 0 0 ,0 B . M iller 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 MilcheU 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ' { - TO TALS 497 123 154 «:?'■.310'28 0 8 .h : m C H IN G : 1 ; W-L IP H R .' E R B B s o Q tA Jr.Q a s c a №0 1 0 'Ò. ■ "0 1 ■ 0 0.00 C M ille r 4-2 331/3 25 ■■ 19 I I 25 27 2.31If A- !Rideaboir I-O s ia 7 3 3 3 14 2.42.H-R.D csaoyen 4-1 281/3 25 22 V 15 14 27 3.71 Patti 1-3 251/3 30 21 19 16 24 5.25 MilcfceU 1-0 6 9 7 6 2 5 7.00r< ■J.D M Boyen .0^»...8 1 0 12 n '10 6 . 2 ,8.40 Graut 0-0 '■2' " ' 5 4 i . 'I I 14.00 J M M ^113.: 113 ; Si :69 \ too 4.1S ii >1 i.ii.ï K-- 3, M U kt 3, Jon. C iN M ii 2,.NaU 2>UI0i, J. P W A I » A it a li; ; ! « * « 5, CfMMO s. NaU S. R. S p r t i 2, M ik n i H ■■imi ■ Il ]i i ^ g.y w » ' ■ ■■— -----------------------------------------^------------ Walser, as of Sunday, was unsure whether Davie would host two (irst- round games. Rich Part w ill be Ihe site of the semiflnals and final. Davie Drape Two The busy week got off to a night­ marish stait for the W ar Eagles, who flopped againstSouthRowan9-5and essentially fell out of the conference championship race. The Raidersjumped staiter Jason Desnoyers 5-2 through three innings. Davie battled back to a 5-5 lie, but the Raiders eventually solved reliever Victor Patti, retaking a 6-5 lead in the sixth and nailing down the upset with three in the top of the seventh. 'I'm veiy diiappointed in our ef­ fort Tuesday nighl because I don't think wecame prepared to play,“ said Walser, who urged the troops to move on. "W e lost Tuesday and no moan­ ing and crying and worrying about it i l p iia i lo change thal. A ll I know is we've gol (dm e) games left. If we win those games, we're still in good shape. If we win Ihose games, we're going to get a finst-round bye in the conference toumaihenl and every­ thing w ill be fine. That's what we've Central Piedmont 4-A Baseball Staridings (3 T M m t To S t M P laV o fft) MounI Tabor West Forsyth Davie County Reynolds South Stokes Soulh Rowan CooT. W -L 6-1 5-2 4-3 3-5 3-5 1-« O venU W -L 10-7-1 11-6 8-9 9-8 5:13 gol lo make the kids understand: Yeah, ilhuns. Yeah, il's honible. Bul Ihere's nothing lhat you can do aboul it." M iller lifted the team's spirits one day later. Tangled in a I- l pitcher's duel withTabor'sTravisScoll, M iller catticd a iwo-hitter into the sixlh, when Cunis Moncus ignited a 9-1 Tabor rout. M iller threw a wait-high fastball lhal Moncus deposited into the trees. "Charles gol one a little up and Moncus kilted it," Walser said. "But that's whal the senior leader, two- lime conference player of the year does. That's his job, thal's going lo happen." 'ñien M iller losl his edge. Tabor lacked on run after run after the home run, and M iller look one for Ihe leam. "To be honest with you, I knew when it got lobe 5-1 thal we weren't as tough as Scott was al lhat particu­ lar lime," Walser said. "W e weren't going to be able to get (back inlo contention), so we jusl left Charles so we wouldn't have to waste (Ryan Desnoyers), a pitcher lhat we were going to need (against Reynolds)." Walser accepted defeat Inrinitely better agtiiist a highly-touted Taboi team. ‘ We gol beal by a real good learn," he said. "They had Iheir good piicher, who I think is belter than the one (Moncus) that they threw againsl us down there. Scott is real good. We had nothing lo be ashamed of. W e played hard, we just weren't able to hil like we should have. Bul, al the same lime, pitching díctales some of thal." Only three of the nine nins were earned off M iller (4-2), who allowed jusl seven hiU. Davie had five hits, one each from Helton, Grout, Campbell, Allen and Nail. Davie had nine hiu against two Soulh Rowan pitchers. Comatzer, Helton, Nail and CampbcU had Iwo apiece and Cicasoo |M one. Law Vs. Lawyer Softball Tourney - To Be Held May 9 The Firsl Annual Davie U w ai^ Lawyer Softball Toumament w ill 1» held May 9 al Rich Park. The entry fee is $80, with all pro; ceedsgoingtocharity. If your leam js interested in playing, contact Joey Reynolds at 336-751-7237. North Baseball Team Falls 15-3 North Davie's baseball team losl big lo Corriher-Lipe. The outcome wasn't the big problem, however. "Like I lold the team, I wasn'l disappointed that welosl,"saidCoach Leo Bninelli, whose club fell for the fourth consecutive time, 15-3, and slipped under .SOOfor the first lime at 34. "I was just disappointed in our lack of enthusiasm lhat we had lo- watd the game. When we start to gel that back, I think we'll stan winning because we're righl there." The Yellow Jackets hammered staner Jon Dull for a 6-0 lead. After the W ildcau crept back to 7-3, Corri- het-Lipe pounded reliever NickRaby and the Wildcau into submission with eight founh-inning nins that ended thegame after the fifth because of the lO-ninnile. The Yellow Jackcts' high-octane offense impressed Biunelli, "They really hit the ball," he said. "They had 14 hits. Their hits came with more people on. They timed them and they hit some shots." I l O l I S \ l I F ri.& S a t.,M a y l& 2 SnullConicrCupboanl-$95 + NEWSHlPMENTfnm PA Sem dlpily Shops • 336-751-0555 41 Court Square, MwksvUle * I ; i .1 ;< I * Ä.C. “A n d y ” STOKES Ut | M ililii ,111 I .iiiih il.ili Id i s ill I ill nl l),i\ II ( iilin l\ Caüterbnichure: TM -1 T-4 4 T3 Brian Grout beats the throw to steal second. ELECT M M n a l D . A « a i iRepubUcan Candidate for Davic County CommissioiKr \ V 0 T E - M ^ 5,1998 VOTE Republican May Sth and Nov. 3 rd District Court Judge I E ip trltact to AO Cowto; Criminal • Civil • DomeUic • Juvenile ! A divi ClM udiM «Bber First United Methodiit Oiurch; Lex, Administfitive Council, Vice-Ouir lÏK her of Middle School Youth Aclivt In Prim e M altm ; ChaimiM, L c x ln ^ City Schools M tdofEducitioa ..Board of A ctive In C ivic : R ofaiy C lttbt_______ TI« Historic Preieiviüciq FoundMiiia of Nonh Carolina MsRied 23 y ^ ¡ 3 CbiUton;S c l ^ u d M iddle S c M A (m ’itlk u m tm Lllk lM ''' DÁViÉ CQÚNfV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 30,1998 - B5 JV Team Pulls Out Two Thrillers, Drops One B y Brian P Ilu l^ v ie County Enteiprise Record ^ Want a thriller? Go to the movies md spend $20 or watch a baseball game and spend maybe $5. • The cheap route means following Coach Lee Linville's Davie JV base­ ball leam, which played three more adventurous one-nin games last week. TheWar Eagles survived two of them, improving their one-iun reconl to 6- 2 on the year. They held o ff South Rowan 9-8 and Reynolds 7-6, bul kick themselves 5-4 againsl M l. Ta­ bor. The wild week staited with South Rowan. The W ar Eagles trailed 6-4 after Iwo innings, but they enipted for four in the third, grabbing a slip­ pery lead lhat Ihey managed to hold Ihe rest of the way. Andrew Jones led off the third with a double and scored on a singte by Thad Johnson, who came around on Jerem iah Creason's single. Creason and Clint B ailey, who reached on an em>r,both scored when David Nail's grounder was booled at first and then misplayed again by the right fielder. Davie added a huge nm in the fifth. After Creason's hil, Boger in­ creased the lead lo 9-7 with a single. "This is agame where we just put the ball in play and makde them mess up." - Coach Lee Linville Relievers Ricky Benlly, the winner, and J.C . W illiard, who earned the save in one inning of work, secured the victory. Creason III up South for four hiu, W illiard delivered three hits and three R BIs and Baltey and Matt Dalton stroked two each. Davie ale the business end of the shotgun against Tabor, which ben­ efited from 10 Davie enors to hand Creason his second loss after throw­ ing a three-hitter. South Stokes beat Creason on three measly hlu in early April. "I feel real bad for him," Linville said of Creason's wasted perfor­ mance. "I mean, that's the second Stan in a row he's pitched a three- hitter andlosi, bolh of them by counU of 5-4. His ER A dropped lo 1.88 for the year. He's making them pul it in play, and we haven't helped him a whole lot." Down a run in the lop of the sev­ enth, Davie loaded the bases with no ouu. Il's hard not lo score under these circumstances, bul Davie found a way. W illiard failed lo make contact on an attempted squeeze bunt, and the Spartans easily nailed Bently racing home for the firsl oul. Tabor inten­ tionally walked W illiard to reload the bases, then struck out Ross Smllh and Andrew Jones, the Nos. 3-4 hit­ ters, to seal the verdict. Brad W jllanl went 3 for 3. In the final game of the week, Friday at Reynolds, Ihe Demons com­ mitted several errors in key spots lhat ultimately cost them Ihe game. "This is a game where we just put the ball in play and made them mess up," Linvilte said. "W e stole a bunch of bases off them." Tied Bt 4-4 going inlo the top of Ihe fourth, Andy Boger, who singled, moved from first lo third on the catcher's enant throw lo second on a steal and scored on Dalton's groundout. Leading 5-4, Ihe Demons allowed two fatal nins to cross on Andy Boger's hot grounder lo first. The ball glanced o ff the firsl baseman's glove, skidded into right field, and was mishandled again in the grass. Two ninners scored on the botched play, giving Davie an insur­ mountable 7-4 lead. Reliever Jeffrey Jones got Ihe win in 12/3inningsofworic,andWilliard pitched the seventh for his second save of the week. When tbe dust cleared, afler carv­ ing a 5-2 league record, Linville de­ clared the dramatic week a success. Now he's cast his gaze on Ihe big prize, the conference title. "I'm real happy," he said, as his club entered tlie final week of the season. " If wecan win all three games this week, we'll gel at least a share of the conference championship. An 8- 2yearwouldberealgood,especially when you look al the two games we lost. The pitcher (Creason) throws two three-hitters andloses both games 5-4. If we can come out and win these Ihree, it would be a real good year." • Nail is doing some serious dam­ age. He's hilling .488 and has stolen a mind-boggling 24 bases. Olhers above .300: Creason (.429), Johnson (.394),Willianl(.378),Wlllard{.344) and Andrew Jones (.302).... Despite his. 187 ERA , Creason is 3-4 in 33 2/ 3 innings.. . . Travis Allen has buill a respectable 3.88 ERA over 21 2/3 Innings. Lose WBlglit, Look and Fool B ro all New, all natural dietary supplimeni Ids you lose weight (: without diet or exercise. Try now! 100% guaranteed. Pharmacist RecommendedI Extra IVImt Available at: Mocksville Cooleemee Fotler-Rauch Drug Co. Davie Discount Drug 495 Valley Rd, • 751-2141 141 M arginial Sl. • 284-2537 For more delalled mformatian call I (SOO) 695-69SO EngM-so-H' “MUGGSY” BOGUES BOYS A GIRL’S BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 B O Y S O U LV Fo r Ages 6-13 Ju n e lS lh - IM i Session I: 8:30ain-12;(X)pm Session II: 1;0Cptn-4;30pin Ju n a2 2 n d -2 6 tli Session ill: 8:30am-12;00pm n O IR U O N LY F o rilg tiS - 1 6 Ju n e2 2 n d -2 Bth Session IV; 1;00pm-4:30pm fìru cn lii/aim tm at CampHredorJIinToMM School: M M IS I.E iL 314 ^l>r\Vlll July 20th-24th BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP 1998 Notes & QuotesWins And Losses Counting More As Playoffs Approach Davie baseball coach Jeny Walser should have worn green and silver colors under his uniform Friday night. That's the least he could have done after the Titans took care of Reynolds and South Stokes in Ihe same day, helping the War Eagles build a comfortable two-game, third-place lead in Ihe Central Piedmont Conference :e. "In a lot of ways. West Forsyth did us a whole lotof good Friday," he said. "What Ihey did was put five losses on two of the teams that competing for (three) playoff berths. So that helped us a bunch we can lake advantage of Ihe fact that we play West Forsyth twice (this week). "As long as they lose (April 27 and 30), I hope (W est) wins the fNtoflhem ." W alser could see Friday’s Reynolds-Davie loser hitting the ground so hard lhat they would splatter. Reynolds splattered S-0 while Davie landed in Ihe contender class widi M l. Tabor and WesI Forsyth. "Therc was no question about it, we hod lo win thal game,” he said. "It's winding down here, people are starting to accumulate wins and losses and al this point you're either going to fall on one side of the fence or the olher. If you win, you're on Ihe good side; if you lose, you're on the bad side. That's just how it works." Riding Ryan Desnoyers' flawless pitching, Ihe War Eagles responded beautifully to what started out as a horrible week. Bouncing back from a ragged loss to Soulh Rowan, and a digestible setback to formidable M l. Tabor, Davie disarmed the Demons 5-0. "They responded," Walser said. "The week didn't work oul like we watited it to, but life doesn't work oul like you want to it sometirnes. You've jusl got to go on. "W e came out wiih a real good attitude Friday, played very confidently, and dial's something lhat we didn'l do Tuesday and Wednesday. That was die thing that I'm most pleased with. We expected to win, and dial's what we're going to have lo do Uiis week, Play Suitar, Play Chess, Act on Stage, ^ Make Crafts to Sell Help Produce a : Video, 8 r Leam About Your Heritage I ■ A t T h e O LD SCH O O LH O U SE M U SE U M ; AGES: 6-1 lJU N E 8-12 COST $125.00 CMkTM-SIM MR MOM MMRIM1I0N ASwmmtr-pMiRowltMnMCxfcikncc .. Stop fo r A hroehure: 4630 Ofe W ^ lkcrtow M ite. S P O f U C H f iThe V illag e H ouse: H olland n ative b rin g s new cu isin e to restau ran t Th* VMig« Houu is liack— opening to rave reviews.(atk»Web»r,an«tlv*olHoHand,isth»newown«,andaheha» bifluoM *1 Intemrtonil tevor to The vniage House, and she has big iKan* fcf lha rwtauianl on U.S. 158 in Clemmoni.: ShamovedtoWinston-SalemfromNewYorklhiaayaaraagoand Woriced tor Salem KHchen and 6 Loaves Calartng. Sha heard that Th* ViUage Hous* wa* available and jumped at th* opportunity. ■Evena*achikl,m yfalksweragoodcooks,''sh*racali*d.''lgr*w UpinabadandbrMMast My dad liked to Ush, so wealwayi had trash lishonthatabi*.Sh* ha* mad* eom* fundamantal Chang** at Tha Vlaga Houa*. Bator*,HwaiarattaurantandgHlihop. Sh*ha*dro(ip*dlhagmihop a*pactolthabu*lna*»,*m|)ha*l2lngth*r*»taur*nl Sh*stUls*llsth* p o ^ Pi(iou Biirt Qr**k salad dratsing that wat th* .sp*ciaKy ol Elizabalh Orean*. _ .Th* Viag* Houa* i* a luneh and dkmar railaurant Thaluneh i«*nu during th* w**k toalure* hom* ocoWng. Sandwichae, ioup, aalad,ep«daltyco<le*sanddeta«t*. Th*VHI*g*Hou**'a polalo soup tia*b**nth*rag*.Shahattwochetalorth*dinn*rinenu,an«speclaUzlnginFrench eooMng and tha other, Italian. SundaylxunchlrDm10a.m.-3p.in.(*atur*smostlybreaMast-typa IM d*. e* tur* to try W*b*r^ banina <r*nch toast'Peopla latm lo iW lylik alh .V ilM H o iii* Club SandnHch," tha taW. ^ ^;i vWhltotattngk» on* o( dtmmont'oWtalhout**.Th*Vilag* H e u taltn d tK ia llto aa iijn d talu t**. tt la aVailtbl* tor private parti**, w*ddk« r*h*trtal dkmra and mor*.i'> o-MaAltpughdhwstottntoapartleamtlalrtalthaViilagaHouia It. During dtoner.WabarhaabwHadparwilt to tend Iheir I to play white they *n|oy Ih* p*aealul dkiiw taWng S a o o r y S p o o n C « t t t i n £ WHfctty, 9»rrpikm.Lwtkn. Mfm. Aaivcmin à PMn W M llH l nUMassu! 998-9661 iraulat372tC leiiiiiioiii ierWitegirit. ^vWirtha*baanlh*r**cltontoTh*Viag*Hcu**7 , . - I ,TI»yto»*H .‘ CI*kaW*b*rtädolh^outtom«*.-Hh**b**nt() W PMfite M to wiclMd and happy IM wat* cpaáf ChkaW eberolTheViUaieHoiM Ref Read. The ViUage Houta offen a nhM attecthxi of b**rt and win** and tkiuore.: Anel*ganlt*tling. Quality food, A gradouthoal Th*ViHag* HoutahatalthtlrapplngaforadillghMulandnimanliedlnnar. Th* convenlenc* and comtort ol an Intimate lunch. Citta Weber alto plan* to make mora changat.’Once th* w*ath*r g*te niM, w* wHI op*n th* terrac*outtkte. W*wanttodoaM*xkiannight,anindon*tlannlgM... WewanltodotoiMnkialhlngawlthjauandbluaa.* . . .: Hour* tor Th* Village Houaa: Tua*d*yThunday 104; Friday Satuiday10-11. Sunday 10-3torbn«^m*inu.llltctot*dMondty.Tha phon* nunibtr It 780-2866. . /Climate Control V 24 hr Computerized GMe /F M K *d w tth 2 4 h rlia M in a /SizetexSuptolOxSO /Video Camera Security /1^x1 to Benraida Quay 146 Commerce Dr.; Advance и* ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, April 30,1998 S P O r U G H I r .a f ic y O ir ^ ^ K o m cT ie (Ш ) 71^1000 H O URS МоП'ТЪиг 11*9 Fri & Sat I M il? Sun 12-8 Frauenhofers Ice Cream & Bike Shop 6000 Meadowbrook Mall • Clemmons N ow O ptn F o r Business B E R M U D A C A R P E T C E N I E RBERMUDAQUAY SHOPPINO CEKIBR U l ovrprofmkMaliUfThtlpyou with all your nocrcovCTuiftimls. • Interior (teconior cn iiafT.• Over 40 yean combined cipericrtctl • Carpal • Vinyl • Tile • Hardwood'Wallpaper Han.-frt.tnv«pm; s«.«am.1|xn 9411 USHwylSI, Advanu (B IO ) ¿ 8 8 -0 3 0 0 iWhen you need em ergency cash — turn to Yadkinville Pawn & Jew elry The bills are due, atid'you don't have the cash. What do you do? Where do you tuip? 1 For quick cash, Yadkinville Pawn & Jewelery has be­ come the answer for people In need. In business for five years, Yadkinville Pawn & Jewelry Is owned by Melvin Eudy. Dirk Browder has been manager for four years. The store makes collateral loans — giving money for merchandise to customers who need immediate cash. "A lol ot people come In to get a few dollars to make If to the end of Ihe week or to pay-check time," Browder said. "Ninety percent of the time, it's unexpected expenses— the car insurance is due, the electric bill Is due, they need medicine — and they don't have the cash to pay for It." it usually lakes minutes to get money at Yadkinville Jewelry & Pawn. Browder said the average loan is $50 to $60. To secure Ihe money, people must offer somelhing of value. Thai ranges from TVs, air conditioners, guitars, stereos, tools, watches and guns. Firearms are among the more common items. The loan terms are for 30 days. People have up to 90 days to reclaim their Items. The Interest rate Is two percent. The broker fee Is 20 percent. Both rates are set by state law. Unlike many pawn shops, Browder said he has a high rale of pick-ups, people coming back to'reclaim their mer­ chandise. About 70 percent come back. The unclaimed merchandise can be sold after 90 days. YadkinviUe Pawn & Jew elry can give yuu cash quickly. That allows Yadkinville Pawn & Jewelry to offer good mer­ chandise at bargain prices. The store also sells new jewelry — chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more. 'Tell the people If they dont want to pawn anything, just come by and visit us. We'd like to say 'hey' to them," he said. Chances are they will also like the bargains offered In the store. Store hours af Yadkinville Pawn & Jewelry is Monday- Friday 9to5;Saturday9to2. Thetelephonenumberis(336) 679-4998. P tcciiio n 01ам Worics, Inc. 3810 Hwy. 158 W. • CI«mmont, NC 7 6 « - « 4 3 3 E n te rp rise Software & Accessories N m tUM dPC«< PC ТПМлд • W tb Р ч * DMifn C««twii Prottini« • NlM iW ngWt Custom вши Cm, Señnm Л Acctsstiiis 6431-0 Cook Avt • Ckmmen, NC (MMFMlMon)712ЧМ71 Soap'^ E )u Jo u rSpedaizlngInal naturalo)d Biomlhmpeulic soaps and other bath and body products- A tw avoM bat Badilo Bests al MrnewkxatkmbeikieK- Cathy Baikin 788-705«— »■-----------— - - .—fylY MOWVry I f D ^ /иЭО •MCwsaH X P Mr* ^ г а Н й ;CobB*Uet>* СоЫКепк!ropronrCaps •шмавшм«» Mon-Fri 9jm-Spm ym llutaun Rd*Y«dklnvillf, NC s Ш«)Ш-59М ^ 1-вО(ЬМ2.9а9«С»11 ior DirfclloM Swim Gear R etaU ftT eiaiSilei o f North Carolina •N0J2 RaMdiOnM,P.O. BoiHM O m nm ^ 766-3006 v m Providing compelitlve and recreational swimwear and accessories for children, youth and aquatic fitness SWTS ■ GOGGLES -CAPS'BAGS i SANDALS la n ie r’s AntoCr Towint •flMi'sOwtet 910-77a*0610 ■M porl-M M I-TIIS WikertLanler Ctntwwy Church Rd ClMWI0nt,NC270ia ALAN«0 ELECTRIC SeivingAI Your Bectifc^ Needs C tm ig F tM a m h U g h U n g РитВшЯщМотптЛ-V 7в4-М180(Пс« SA\№ A T • IliMMil CIgMn • Zippo UgMn • Invort Qgn • Odor^M a So«M N EW Location Now Open at n 6311-D Stadium Drive, Clenunons (beskle KNM) STORE HOWS; ».ooiro - a:aomi. Monday - Saturday • tts-i i44 (;et Your Business In I he Spotlight (all 766-4126 fkccss C o м м u ^ ¥8ЖШ ESTIMATESINoJobloBlgorSauül Coll 712-0005 or POQO 726-0040 Yadkinville Pawn & Jewelry All Loans Confidential No Amount Too LarBe^lnstant Casfj Open Mon-Fri 9A-SP Sat 9A-2P •Qo^<Ww»rt^y•^VrVCff••Antique^^^•welг/ RapatK^uns•Tool*,Me.*Wftti:li BMtrtM POBox 1236 Yadkinville. NC 27055 336-679-4998 e n e e ... ЛП iair<J .е т п д ’ Year Hound Container Gardening > Courtyard l.andtcaplng ' Complele Patio & Deck Design ' Patio Fumiture & Aooeisorias > Perennial Qardens ■ucrnmniMKtf Natural Selections _ _ ^ ^ l e m m o n s ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 6 ^ ^ A CUT AECVE ЫеПошНлуег Taming Beds Гог 'И М. ( н и 11 ч i m n ii « • III I .limili" I <4 ls M I S I М 4is( ч 1624 ttwy s a s.. Advance; NC UQLY STAINED ROOF 'r S .t S K S K ii rАЯМММ Roof'BrUe^ < » Щ 7 б Г 0 9 9 » Realtors® Your Home Town RMlton FuH Service «Full Time Д 2265-0 l^svllle^lemmons Road 766-0515 О Хи. Pi.. C J». B~J.. & Ь В Д й ., PU u™ ,T l«. C-* ^r i i n i U W PUu-.TiM.C-u.il-. CoafKMoM^rta We Deliver ft Slilp ' V luM C Annuali«100 H r In>pection»General Repain'Call b t Piee ■ «Hangan'Tle-DownsaFul Courteoui SenrlccN oO verni^t ~ " t Fce»«15 M inuto from Wlniton-Salen RidettAetlal Photogtaphy^Aircraft Rental (C-lTMlG-jeo/hr» I II I' m c c s t ¡ic ’o p l c i n l/ii m u i d . . . í H i ! ' r c d d c f s . « J B f ílT E PRES^JRCWSHIM Vbu'va got M... VM warfi HI . Free ЕяОяШва Residential ftCommeitiial Deck Rastbnrttona - Staining, Cleaning & ^ r W0RNIIAN8H№ QUARANTEEOi Э 3 » - 4 а 2 - 7 в 1 0 _ 8 М ^ -7 в Ю lilt ( 11 I ПI \ {/ I \ ( 11>li O iia lily A ir."';:' ■ < U, I'i ' I NIIU ili 'Il : ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,19W - W S P O T U C H T Soccer moms open new business: A Piece Of Heaven fe^ures angels They began as soccer moms — driving Iheir sons across the country for soccer games. Their friendship grew and has now become a joint business venture. "A Piece Of Heaven Inc." will hokl Its grand opening this weekend at Summit Station on Jonestown Road in WInstoiv-Salem. The owners, Patricia Wisdo and Candace Lawson are dear friends that have a common love for the centerpiece of their business 1 angels. But it was soccer that brought them together, i; Their boys played together In the Twin City Soccer League and iilater for West Forsyth High School. Now all three kkJs - Kane ' 'Lawson, Jeremy and Justin Wisdo — have college soccer scholar­ ships. Kane and Jeremy play at UNC-Ashevlllo. Justin plays lot UNC-Qreensboro. "We're so pleased wllh ail of them," Mrs. Lawson sakl. "Now the ;moms are taking some time for themselves." The mothers became friends during their endless fund-raising ventures for the soccer trips. One season Ihey were raising money for the team lo go lo Holland. They operated a concession stand one enlire season— a concession stand every mother would lowe. They tossed out the Coke and candy in favor of healthy foods — bagels, bananas, fmils and juices. "We were known as the 'Gourmet Concession Stand,'" laughs Mrs. Lawson. Out of thal experience grew ajoint venlure making gilt baskets. In each basket, Ihey included an angel. Angels are messengers of love sent by Qod. They provide inspiration, protection, motivation and comlort for many people daily. No longer are they related just to Christmas. Angels mean somelhing special to almost everyone and are coming here now ... by Ihe thousands. "A Piece of Heaven’ Is the first store in Ihe Winston-Salem area devoted primarily to angel merchandise. The business began as a ^Ift basket business low and a hall years ago wllh a signature of an angel included In every basket. The response to the angel signature was ovemhelming and lhat, combined with Ihe partners' love of ^-angejs, led to the opening of the store. i Candace Lawson and Patricia Wisdo w ill open "A Piece ofHeaven" on May 2. "We will oiler over 3,000 angel items from angel pins, jewelry, pictures, cards, figurines, books, wind chimes and artwork of the popular Angel Artist, Andy Lakey. We will also continue lo make gill baskets." sakl Patricia and Candace. "If you're an angel collector, lover, or looking for an Inspirational or heartfelt gilt, we look forward lo helping you find your special treasure," Ihey sakl. Angels are yesterday's treasures, today's gills and among us forever. The Grand Opening Is sel lor Saturday, May 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. "A Piece ol Heaven Inc." is located at Summit Station, 155 Jonestown Road, Winston-Salem, 27104. Contact Patricia or Candace at (336) 774-9799 for further infomialion. May your angel be wllh youl COUISION CONNECTION BOPYSHOF Foreign Л Domestic Free Estimates 20 years experience 766-4039behind SooebfUth GRUB WORM Plumbing & Electric Co. 766-3999 [SDOrtsRsherm ^ Hwy 158.Clemnons,NC 27012 336-766-9486 Quantum • Zefrco Pen n • A b u -G arcia R ex - A ir B a il Tanks Flam b eau T ack le Boxes New 199a producta- InMockiNnr! ШHusqvarna P i n e N e e d l e s •3.99 ' ' Hours •• M-F 8-7 *Sat. 8-0 Sun. Ь5 Seeds • Fertilizer • Bedding Planta PlekuB a DtUttrle ; RORER HARDWARE 998-1987 i w U K i 1-40 Wi'si lo 80\ ExH Left Acnn» fnnn Bcnnmla Uun r>4ai Hwy. ir>8 • A(h-nncc, NC S 7 7 / / r Ctioin Saw starts a llu si *199” St/.CUC-utiSit. Siiihiluj Rum LikeA Дгп’ À C E ■OKI__ llAtnWAIK 99К-10Я7 GIFT T IM E SrW ’E E SpTCieisicra Or\janiK3fion Sorvtce ♦ Event Organizing ♦ Residential Organizing ♦ Relocation Oraar>izlna ♦ Business Organizing Becky Vemon 336-766-5050 110 Commerce Dr. 'Hwy 158, Advance 940-2776 5 NATIONAL CASH VADVANCE OBf GAM NOWSCash For Your Personal Check ( Ш А И Ш AM D CAN T Ш A ю л и т DeblConsolMatkm* Reflnondng*lst(b2nd Moftgagas • Bgcfauplcy • rarackisure Ш —and 125« UV available ГЫЛпштктптШувисаЮ C H A S E m o r t g a g e A Piece ofHeaven, /яс ISSJonestouH Kd. WlnslOH-Selem,NC 27104 Summit StetUm 336-774-9799 3000 Angels SJawttcswae f*ra*to n s Lee Tires G E O R G E S Mk^elln Tires V IL L A G E G A R A G E , IN C . COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2670 Lawiavllla-Clammona Road, Clatninona 7 6 6 - 7 8 6 2 _________ roe A U vou* AUTO N U M• / Com tSfOtns 3*12 CMimona Rd., Ownnana ¿A- / Í U k o á Í < Jíe /ie L o s v • S e n m « iù i f • S e n * Л п »Ыш>ич1е wW^^^HWW 9^Ww 9r , wWwW^^wW^W ( ' Winston-Salem •<**«? вб9-13в4 • Т Й ! , Hean: МеОчТмвч Thura.»rrf.104 W a & tO 'ü M .lO 'l S p c c i.ilix iiií; In C M p ü » V Ín gt О ш т к К е Hm hroodnoon 9ГШ Л акЬ кт 20V6OT • Exptrttnca J NwnOpw : W - B 5 3 5 9 1 9 - 0 J a m e s s t I 9tfflHlwnt J Lc^'filcn Le Bleu is now available in 5 g^loh bottles delivered to your home or office. - ; Cali us today for your FREE trial.^ (336)998-1199 Official Bottled Wain Of h TheCaioliuPa>then tv - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 Otvle's Leah Snow moves the ball against opponents In a recent soccer game. - P h o to b y Ja m M B a rrin g M r (Lack of Depth Hurts JV Team . Catch IcremyByidluu wen thii ; btfoR. Davie's JVioccer m m ilm- ; plydoeinlhtvettieiUyiiiipawetto : leriouily thrulen ReynoMi, West r Foaythud Ml Tabor. West sad Tsbor reminded Byid liK week, ow lsidni die thin W sr ; E s |k i down die metch and winning : 44)aiid2.0,ies|)ectively. 'W est is real istented," Byid said. ' 'U ie y have a res] good soccer pro- . gnun. They just wore us down.” The W sr Eagles (3.4 oversll) fras- : trated Tabor for • hslf before tiring and yielding both gosis sAer half- time. T h e girls played really well," Byrd said. 'W e jusl got tir^ in the second half. Again it was the same thing with the Fonyth teams: They aresodeep thal they cankeepreplac- Ing Iheir playen, and every player that Ihey put in is as good as the one lhal start^. And that wore ui down.' Several playen shined in Ihe tussle with Tabor, particularly the stubborn keeper, Rebecca Slockert. Tigers Roaring Toward Title ;C tM iM rirt< M P a « c B l . № U M et lad Dave Po|iUn. Parker :tifacitU y c^loys walcUag Hogue ; speed up (h M now, and if (Hogue) gets 00 weVe going to gel second buepnbaUy.Thal’siliedUference,' said Parker, who also attributes : Snuh's rise to improved pitchen ; Dfywah, Cody Wright and Lonnie : Bsnes. 'And our pitching has done : linch better. Tliey've pitched some : ^ b a U .' • Daywall couldn't have been much [ 1 ^ againil Kannapolis, which . iMBagedjust three hiu off the righty . if seven complete innings. ; ■ 'H e did an outstanding jo b ,' ; Puker said. 'Andrew finally came through and just did a superb job. And he had good backing.' Most everyone emerged at one time or anodier with a standout de­ fensive play, especially catcher Greg -■Mfea. H t tm atm m t W k ia tha dM Md Itariied a cnnUe gun when runnen tried to take a base. 'Greg had one ofhis belter games lhathe'ihad.'Parkersaid. "Helhiew out some runnen, blocked a lol of balls, and jusl had I'd say his best game of the year. "ll was jusl a team effort. We had some good defensive plays from (out­ fielder) Hogue, (infielder) Poplinand (infielder Jacob) Gamer. . . . We didn't make many mistakes. We fielded the ball well and hit the ball a lot better.' ItkeandOamer paced the offense with IWO hils each and Bttioks and Poplin added R B I singles. Kellen M iller helped South's cause with a sacrifice bunt. With two regular-season games M l - at hone agaiast alway>-Ul- enled Erwin on April 28 and a road makeup game with West Rowan - Ihe Tigen have all bul secured one of the top four playoffs slots. However, they would face on uphill battle with West Rowan if Ihe game wasn't re­ scheduled for April 27 because the eighth graden lefi for a bcach trip on Ihe 29th. 'They ore going to the bcach for three days(April28-30),'Parker said. , 'I'll ask for (an April 27 makeup with West Rowan), but I don'l know if we're going to gel it.' Mams»»KJttcáS№ ^ 7,70,0 and Of Strht on m m n dcn dU Ha.OaSIBl‘ No Intmrmmt » No Pmymmnt T - U r iê » Lâwn Ttaeton • Ê ta é a b if K u b o ta In № ê U .$ JL • l i s t o IT h o n SA LE 2 ,5 9 9 U E 3 .0 9 9 P 9 Ú IÉ Í COlMffOf In M s iiiiis I • Ê Ê tifm n m m r à 9 9 k iT í4 m - g m ^ $ ó d rim v ^K 'jb -ih d 2221 lillMn«lonri|^flMM«t, NC' T M - t M I M air Davie Soccer still Alive In Playoff Quest: Conlinued From F tfa B l ball (Inialions. But aafaraaourphyai- cal play and aggressiveness, if we play like thal against Reynolds, Ta­ bor tnd West neat lime they aren't goini to get four goals. II wasn't a 4- I gime.nwyhadtwogorgeousgoals, and the other two were otir fault.' Davie'a stal-sheet leaden, Hanudi Woodward and Meredith Hendrin, pM Davie on Ihe board in tbe lecond half. Caroline Steed lenl a crou to Woodward, who dished to Hendrix for her team-leading ninth goal. Woodwaid'i team-high fifth as­ sist was merely Icing. She played wllh unmatched vigor and tried to make every play, even Ihe impos­ sible plays. "The standout of Ihe match was Hannah,' Gustafson said. 'She really didn't feel well but had Ihe match of her life. She was very aggressive and made every effoit in the world lo get to every ball and hold on to it. She was just a constant thorn in Iheir side.' The longest journeys statt with a Stone W oodward step. Davie took lhat slep earlier in Ihe week, lying M l, Tabor 0-0 and setting up a possible showdown for the Ihird playoff berth with Tabor on May 12 al Davie. 'That's your fin l step," Gustafson said. "Your hand's on the door knob. That really helps." W ith black clouds hovering over the field, Gustafson emphatically lold his leam to stay even or ahead of Tabor, no mailer what, because a downpour would ineviubly come. It did. Penistent lightning during half- time ihoittaed the contest 'Overdl, il w u just a great team efliort," OustafMm uid. 'Our otjK- tive w u not lo be behind at halfUme. Whatever il li, don't be behind. Y w never know whal'i going to h ^ n with the weather.” > . The W ar Eaglei (9-2-1 overail, 1- 2-1 CPC) watched a video on man- to-man defense the day before the match. The g irli paid attention and coniequiently disrupted Tabor’s de- llberale offensive attack. "I think thal helped a litlle bil," Gustafson said. "W e wenl out Ihere teal physical and real hard-nosed. They play a litlle laid-back, Ihey like to settle and knock il around, and we pushed and pushed and pushed.. I Ihink we upset Ihelrrtiythm and flow." Keeper Katherine Phillips (nine uves) and lodie Slone were impen­ etrable walls of defense. "Katherine made one really pretty save, so she kept us in Ihe game," Gustafson said. "Stone had a great defensive game, possibly one of her best games ever." "Stockeit must have had in the area of 20 uves,* Byrd u id . 'She pounded Ihem. She finally gave up a goal, but lhat wasn't even her fault. She had some ouuianding uves. 'Sue Reichel had an awesome game and KaitlinCallahanhadagreat game." The coach has watched Samantha Walker progress steadily. "She has stepped up quite a bit," Byrd said.'Sheisnew to soccer and she has improved tremendously." Track Team Aiming For Conference Titie Coatlnufd From Page B l one of the lop sprinlen in 3-A, was unable to compete. He was sick and missed school," he said. "That hurt Ihem a little bit. I bet you if we ran them again, it wouldn't be that bad." Bul here are Ihe hard facts; This was Davie’s day and Heard probably couldn't make up 61 points wearing a cape. "W e ended up taking il to them pretty bad," Young said. "W e were up to the challenge. I think we would have been O K (againsi Heard) be­ cause we were just on that day. If we run lhal well (Ihis week In the Cenlral Piedniont Conference meet), we’ll do O K in the conference, too." Young couldn’t believe his eyes when Brown left Mattox in the 200. "That was very surprising lhat Darien could compete with him," he said. "I didn't expect Darien to beat ole Nick Maitox. He beat him by a couple of mcten." Old reliable Garick H ill remained unbeaten in the 1600, Marshall PitU triumphed in the 3200 and Aarron Elwood won the 800. Nick Propst W hiteBrown and Michacl Chunn won jumping events. T h e W ar Eagles pul Iheir unde­ feated record on the line last Monday and Tuesday in the CPC meet al M l. Tabor. Young altered his pregame language this time around. "Last year I remember ulking lo you and I said: 'W e just need lo do what we’re supposed lo do and gel second place,'" said Young, whose boys shockedTabor87-85 inlheregu- iar season. "That may be Ihe case this year, bul I Ihink we’ve got a shot. It's . going 10 take our besteffort and some­ times il may even lake better than our best effort. (Tabor) w ill be ready. There won’t be any sneaking up on Medical Associates of Davie Protect Yourself From Bites and Stings How dangemji ore im ea bites? Most insect bites or stings are inereV annoying primarily causing minor iiritation. Howew; some can transmit life-threatening diseases. Whenever you ate bitten, try to identify whal type of insect bit )ou and pay c k » attention to your reactions. Reactnns can range from mild itching and sion redness to severe pain, lumps in the skin and swelling if you start to have more sewre symptoms, such as breathing difiiailtyt abdominal paia fevec ddis or nausea, seek medical help invnediately H ow diouU im aiinM ctU M i? W eh the affected area, apply coU compresses, apply calamine or antWstainine cream to reduce itcHtig and decrease swelling and ele­ vate the affected area You may want to soak the area: warni water is more soothing for pain or inflammatioa cool water for itching How eon I p m M ta u t fetal? To protect yourseK wear insect repellent and protecti« dothing and amid wearing periimes and colognes that can attraa insects. Be mare of kxatnns where insects are most (W y to fkxk - near sUpiant water or fiesliwater swamps - and w to insects are most acti« - at d ^ and at dude \ - i VVh« om A e m oti dqnfenia im ec» ill our rcfign? Tids are prevalent In this regon and at this time of the year are common cutdoon N rt W y tkk iiite leads to diseaK, but ticks'are serious disease trs re m i^ potentially carrying Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Make sure you check yourself carefijIV for t i^ alkv s p n ^ tira outdoors, partioilarly in wooded areas. W hie not an insect spiders are in the same Arthropod family as crustaceans and insect: Some spkios are beneficial since they help corm l the insect |>opulitim and are not dangerous to hunws. BtA, . o t o spiden can be w y hamifii In add-on to black widow spidersi brtMn reckoe spiders in very dangerous and are plentifiji in the Piedmont region. Brovyn rechise spklers may hkle indoors in bathrooms, al)kv cd la rssto ra g e areai \Mwn outdoors; they like nx ki debris and woodlpiles. .Bites by brown reduse spiders may go uiobMrvtd ¡for Ц ^hours'before a reddening » d ' b fsitr^ of the vvDui^ starts to appear If you susp^ you h M bevi bitltix ' M tk medical v help immtdottl)i Brown ' reduse spider bita cari cause sevare tisue dama(e and in ran c m m dM h W m ia m O .R en fro e.M D Dr. Renfne is a gnxibate of the University of MissSsippil He com­ pleted his residency at Urmersity Hospital in Jackson, Afeissipp/ ond is board certified in FdmHy Practice. ...„H M M iT H o d M lit t M u d t M td M them." Bul Young loosened the noose on Davie by declaring Tabor as Ihe fa­ vorites. " I don't want our guys to feel pres­ sure," he said. "W e've never been In this situation before, to be able to go compete with Ihem for the confer­ ence championship, and Ihey have. They're the ones thal are defending something. In a lot of ways, we have nolhing to lose other lhan our unde­ feated season." •YoungcommendedTravis Ervin and Justin Pullin for strong times in the 3200 in Davie's 116-27 wipeout of South Stokes later in Ihe w e^. "Those are two of my younger dis­ tance guys who had penonal-bei^' he said of Pullin's 11:17 and Ervin's 11:23. "That was ouUlanding for Ihose two 10 him in thal kind of tin№ " — Ryan Bames, Elwood and Greg Lanier haveplayedkey roles. "Bames has been progressing nicely,* Yoviig . said'Aairoohubecngeltiagthe]^ done. And Greg is really slatting |o come on. He's going lo make some noise (this) week.' DHS Golfers Trail Mt. Tabor By 30 • MtTaborhasseizedacommand- Itgleadlnlhe Central Piedmont Con­ ference golf race, bul Davie coach :DavldRondestvedtlsn'labout tocon- ipde anything to I the Spartans al I 'Suchaneulyhour. I ■... The W ar Eaglesare30shots I hack of Tabor, but the chase is just I heating up. "Tabor has just I .played very well, .andthey'vekindof I run away with il," L_____ Rondestvedi said. Bro oks "But in reality, if we can play well the next three matches coming inlo the conference, we slill have a chance. There's a lot of golf left. There's like five nine-hole matches left. We've only played three, so 30 shou is not ..an insurmountable lead when you're .talking four golfen." ' TheWarEagleslostgroundTliun- day at H illcresi, where Tabor strengthened its first-place grip with a 142 to West Fonyth's 148, South Stokes' IS l, Reynolds' 138, Davie's 161 and South Rowan’s 171. The W ar^gles played eHiciently off the lees, bul they routinely missed Hillcrest's light gieens in regulation. “We just had a lot of trouble," Rondestvedt said. "The kids are hit­ ting the ball os well as I've seen them hit it, but Hillcresi requires you to hit a lot of real short iron shots around the green. We didn’t do as well as we should have. We weren’t on the greens in regulation, so they wete having to scramble lo try lo make par and Ihey ended up making bogey." Rondestvedt cited the War Eagles’ youth for their short-game struggles. Only sophomore Shawn Brooks' 37 cracked the lop-nine scores. "I kind of expected this, too," he said. "W e’re still real young and a lot of that comes with more experience. The more experience you get on smaller greens, you leam to piich- and-run and Ihings like that" ' But the playen went to work over the weekend, in hopes of smoothing their approach shots and thus making a hard charge this week. "I think we’ll do pretty good," Rondestvedt said. "A lot ofthe kids worked real hard over Ihe weekend. They all said how they worked hard on their short game." Brooks has been Davie’s primary haymaker. In a nonconference match at Hickory H ill, Brooks fired another 37 for Davie, which fell eight strokes behind winner Reynolds and one stroke behind runner-up South Stokes. "Shawn has been playing steady golf," Rondestvedt said. "He’s play­ ing real well." James Stewart purchased new clubs, a transition thal slowed progress temporarily. Kyle Keepers is also finding his rhythm. "James is storting to feel a little beller obout his game," Rondestvedi said. "(The new clubs) have been a little bil of an adjustment.... Kyle is playing some good golf now. He's hitting il well." r\Vv ' ' ' ELECT GARRY “TINY” LIVENGOOD DAVIE COUNTY SCH O O L BO A RD DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 --P9 A Volunteer In the Schools W ho W ants the B est Education fo r E very C hild Rowe Steps In, Wins For Tennis Team ' W ith several players absent, Jon Rowe was thrust into the Davie ten­ nis team's starting lineup against South Rowan. Big deal. Rowe calm ly stepped in and clinched a S> 1 rain-shortened victory with a win at No. 6 singles. . "Heplayedcxcellent,"CoachDe‘ nlse Boyd said. "He played really Well, being it was his first time in singles." '. Other winners were Russell Sen* * I : i .1 :< I * A.C. “Andy” STOKES ger, Justin Long, Charlie Schafer and Mott Tuck. Davie split two matches earlier in the week, beating South Stokes 6-3 and losing to West Fonyth 8-1. Sengcr picked up the only win againsi W est "He did really well and played strong," Boyd said. Also last week, Davic suffered a tough 5-4 loss to Soulh Stokes in a match that was suspended early in the year due to darkness. Tied al 4-4 with one doubles match to play, the W ar Eagles were forced to forfeit becouse Schofer, Rowe’s partner, was out of the country. In all likelihood, Davie would hove won since Rowe and Schafer led 6-4 when ploy was holled. '(Schafer) was in England and he wasn’t bock in time lo ploy, so we had to fori'eit lhat gome,” Boyd said. 'It was kind of disappointing for the team. But 1 guess they come back ond showed (South Stokes) lhal we could beat them.” Call Carolina PRIMESfÍK’ The M in i Dish S a te llite Service per day^ S 5 i $ 1 , 9 • No Equipmenl To Purchase Prime Star Supplies & Maintains All Equipment YO UR D A V ia CO UNTY PR IM B aT A R O BA LBR336-»tMil» or 1-«0IM41-640B l\o\\;iii Medical 1 at'ilitics In plc;isc(.l lo aninuincc 1 ) k . . A m \ i n I 1 I S I o R K i s , a spccialisl ill inkTiial niccliciiic now I I I a s s o c i a l u M i willi I )i'. .lohn Spai'iio D u e t o r e n o v a t i o n s , C o o l e e m e e F a m i l y P r a c t i c e w i l l a c c e p t n e w p a t i e n t s a t i t s t e m p o r a r y l o c a t i o n , 1 7 2 C l e m e n t S t r e e t M o c k s v i i l e , N . C . 2 7 0 2 8 ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 7 8 8 7 s t a r t i n g A p r i l 1 3 • Most managed care plans accepted • Medicare and Medicaid accepted www.rowan.org Dr. Amaryllis Torres Dr. John Spargo SEALV BACK SAVER ALLAGASH RETAIL SALE Twin Set........$325.95.............$225.75 Full Set........,.$442.50.............$2S9.99 Queen Set......$512.50.............$388.75 King Set.;.......$695.89.............$486.80 F iirn llu re inc. M C o u rtS q u a r* •DoiwnloiMn M ockavH I»,N O (33e)76H«12_____________. M o d iisv ille F iiri ; Saturday iNlght W in s to n W U t l/lL/ LADIES’ NIGHT! “ lÉ o tìlto im S e m iM o ’ m d m à m td S p o itm m à o iM o h o tw o $ .a n a 8 tn § lS lo e k o n d 8 ltd lu m S to e k ra e o $ l P L U S D E M O L IT IO N D E R B Y ! AdnMon:AdulM,1SandoUir-t10 A gM lM 7-ta PIENTYOFFWEPMIIKIIM iMfeig:OM )72Mar — I D A V IE C O U N T Y E O T E R P IU S E R E C O № ^ ^ v ie Softball Team Claims Three Big Wins и . ( I WhiOey hurled a (hiee- U M rad Letn n Sp U tn tan provided a p iir o r ilB Ih lli u Davie's vanity h I^ImU team completed a llnee-win week with i S^) vlcloiy at Reynolds Friday. :Ia seven Innings, Whitley fanned 10 and allowed just four base nin- ticn, ..b alwo-nin second, Natalie Fos­ ter tripled, scoring Melinda Richie, who singled, and Spillman plated Foster with a single that gave Davie a 2-0 lead that easily held up. Davle added three insurance runs in die diird. After Dana Smith singled, SpUtman toped a nin-scoring double and Dawn Williamson followed with an R B I single. Ashley Bracken and Holly Allen also had hits. The W ar Eagles' third win of the week, following 18-Sand 14-8 victo­ ries over South Rowan and M I. Ta- l)or respectively, protected their scc- ond-place standing in the Central PiedmontConference. Buteverything could change this week, for better or worse. Davie ( 10-4 overall, 6-1 CPC) faced Ihird-place West Foreyth (5-2 CPC) on Ihe road on Monday and w ill host the Titans this Thursday, collisions that w ill probably decide the No. 2 seed for next week's league tournament. If the W ar Eagles beat West on Monday, Ihcy faced supe­ rior Soulh Siokes (7-0) Ihc next day with a share of first placc on Ihe line. The W ar Eagles actually trailed Tabor 7-6 alter Ihe Spartans stormed back with four nins in the bottom of the fouith on April 22. Bu l Davie tied the game in Ihe fifth, look choige with three in the sixth and hammered away with four more in Ihe seventh to sweep the legular-season series. Ashley Sanders' triple scored Whitley, who singled, and forged a 7-7 tie in Ihe fifth. Then Davie ran away. After Richie, Williamson and W hilley singled in the sixth. Bracken brought all oflhemhome wilhathree- run triple. In Ihe noisy seventh, Sanders launched a triple to the base of the 230-foot fence and came home on Ashley Quinn's groundout. Three more runs crossed on back-lo-back doubles by Richie and Spillman and on Whitley's single. . Sanders got the win in relief, go­ ing 2 1/3 after Whhley lasted 3 2/3. Shannon Handy pitched Ihe seventh. Richie and W hilley stroked Ihree hits each, Smilh, Sanders, Quinn (four R B Is), Spillman and Williamson added two each and Bracken and Foster had one apiece. In the rout over South Rowan, Sanders exploded for Ihree hils and four R BIs and Jesse Caiter added a hit and Ihree RBIs. Foster had Iwo hils and Davie got one each from Bracken, Whitley, Tina Harkness, Quinn, Richie and Handy. Starter Handy threw Iwo Innings and W hilley closed Ihe final Ihree. Davie ended the game after five be­ cause of the 10-nin rule. Karate winners and instructors, fronr) left: Sensel (lnstructor)i Randy Songer, Marjorie Foster, Kemal R essa and Sensef Roxanne Goughnour. t n JV Team Crushes Opposition, Improves Record p a vie 'i JV softball leam re^ sm bled a steamroller last week. S o i^ Rowan and Mt. Tabor repre- s ra ^ Ihe asphalt. The War Eagles flattened bolh teami by a combined score of 30-4, pounding the Raiders 16-1 and Ihe Spartans 14-3, and improved to I l-l as they entered Tuesday's fint-place showdown with unbeaten South Stokes. EmberSpillman paced Davie with Ihree hits in Ihree at-bals against Soulh, Amber Kerr went 2 for 2 and Kim Hillon, Jesse Jordan und Amber Carter added one hil each. Hillon pitched all five innings for Ihe win. Two M ocksville R esidents W in G old A t Karate C om petition | Mcmlwrs of the Carolina Karate Associalion from Ihe Davie Family YM CA Icnk first place gold at a Karate challenge loumameni in Wesl Davidson on April 4. ; Marjorie Foster of Mocksvillc won gold in Women's Kata (routine) and gold in Sparring (fighting). ! Siacy Queen sizzled against Ta- Brandy Comalzcrand KcnnitaCartcr . Kcmal Ressa of Mocksville took gold in Men's Kata and silver in Spai bor. going 3 for 3, Hilton backed her had one apiece. . with two hlls and Spillman, Carter, Comatzer went five innings for competed among 77 participants. r Leslie Norman, Amber Hamm, the win. Classes are hold onTuesday nights al the Davie YM CA . ; Tennis Team In Showdown SouUi Davie's tennis team moved hilo ils high-stake showdowns with Mooresville and Erwin by thrashing Kannapalis 9-0 last week. . The Tigeis (3-0) visited Moores­ ville on Monday in a showdown of uoHialens, then hosted contender Er- w U hut Tuesday. .;m u«'a two pretty lough ones," WMMdesAces -^ C edars 18th Hole : .BobbyWhitetidesdiauiedahole- i)HiaeoBtbepat-318th hole it Twin < aA |ia23 . tlM :(0ld tee (133 yaids) using a 3- itoB. Pailnen Jim Bunon, V eil PWldey. Tommy Spillman and B ill HCM At Paffc № JUHC Seamoo witnessed the feat. Coach Barry Whitlock said. "It’s re­ ally going to come down to us and Mooresville probably. They’ve been beating people about like we have." Steven Chambers posted the lone shutout against Kannapolis, cruising 6-0, Austin Powell rolled 6-1 and Conor Mooney and Luke Koontz coasted lo 6-2 victories. Chris Stein won 6-3 and Alex Evans prevailed 6- 4. In doubles, Adam Barber and Seth Gales won 6-2, Austin McCarthy and Chris Spell won 6-3 and Josh Balsley and Tony Morehead overcome a 4-0 deficit to win M . Ijodon BasetMH_____ SiÌpHipsToBeMayS . Sign-upsfortheMocksville-Davie A n ericu Legion baseball team w ill be May 9 at Rich Paik from 2-4 p.m. •. № yen are supposed to bring al h n it one parent. Fot more infoima- tioò. caanct athletics direcioi Rob­ o t Rofeta al 731-1412 (woik) or ^-3 16 2 (home). : : M o c k s v ille - D a v ie P o s t 1 7 4 L e g io n - - .B a s e b a ll S c h e d u le m W ;КШ аа|7:13р.т.ЕХВ IS MOORESVILLE at 3:30, EXB.DII l i -KE>NERSVILLEatS:30, EXB.DH k --ii Rowan Counly al 7:13 32 ■lKunapolisat7:13 аэ"am COROat7:l3 M ilMaaRsvilleal7:13 S. ROWAN at 7:13 Я ;« U n i 117:13 n STA1SSVILLEat7:l3 30 STANLY CO. al 7:13 fm » Í" '•W.ntEDELLat7:l3 f* " ■WILKES CO. at 7:13 S ':’MLoia|loaM7:13 LEXINGTON it 7:13 7 .MWUknCountyat7:l3 t Ò ttW .Im U lit7:IS MSMdyCnmlyat7:13 № v «S M tnilkil7:lS MOORESVILLEit7:IS MS. Io w a M 7:13 «Coac«dM 7:IS KANNAPOUSM7:13 R0WANC0.M7:1S r23-brfM>U-R<adCap L1k*flml30faiuwiU ir3f;-MoekivilkSavjnp kSM lCM WaiNi|bl.HiefiiM IfM W ffl nnive cushions. ГЗО-СММуТгосЫо! fN ikl.'nM firn 230 fini и ф | rix-ptk drink cooleii. ••-O m i* CouMy Enletpciae tM M N iih i'n « fint 230 ■ « a p .M ^ iT H b iit. The Doyle Baseball School will hold acamp forages 7 and older from -June 8-lialtheDavic CounlyYou til Park from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day. Early tuition is $185 per player. After May 29. the tuition is $200. The camp is hosted by the Carolina Mariners AAU baseball team. For more infonnalion, contact Carl Smilh «940-2213. Catawba College To Host Soccer Camp Catawba College w ill hold a soc­ cer camp June 22-26 al Central Middle School. Ages 3-7 w ill go from 9 a.m.- noon; ages 7-18 from 9 a.m.-4;30 p.m. The cost is $73 for ages 3-7 and $130 fot 7-18. For mote hifonnalion, call Mocks- viUe-Davie Pariu and Recreation De­ partment athletic director Joe Boyette at 731-2323 or Kevin Dempsey at 704-349-9743. Local Coaches To Head Basebal Camp There w ill be a baseball camp at Rich Paric from July 13-17. Mocksville-Davie American Ix- gionbueboll coach Oeorge Daywalt, Dtvie'sJenyWabctandClenn'sDale Ijamea, among odien, w ill instnict the camp. Tlw camp, which cotU $60 and la o ffo ^ to ages 9-13, w ill mn from 9 a.m.-l p.m. each day. The regiittation deadline la June 26. Hum MC limited ajucea avail- able.CalldieMoeksville-DaviePariu and Recteation Department (731- 2323)toregi>ter. H n r t l M C M U «М а ш С Ш г т 'зС Ы Л и 1 а Ш а тЛ - «а о 1 1 Л у •altan KikNa Сгмк M u y (*М )7 в1-7Г А BEAUTIFUL SMILE... А GREAT SELF-IMAGE • Children & Adults • Call For Complimentaiy w » Consultation Abeautiful,heallhy smile is so Important to a 7 child's sclf-confidcnce. Thai's why Dr. Penna and staif wanl lo make braces an affordable f part of your family's monthly budget. N IC H O L A S JA M E S P E N N A , D .D .S ,, R A . ExcltLslvuly O rtlKKloniics & Dentofciclai Orthopedics Telephone: <704) 633-5942 Facsim ile: (7M ) 639-0237 1819 Brenner Avenue Salisbury, NC 28144-2519 Qet the QeS Advantage I W e Sell & Install. . . • GAS LOGS • GAS WATER HEATERS • GASPAC UNITS (Air Conditioning a Heat All ln-One) • GAS FURNACES INEMIUL TECNMLOGY, MG. ISO Green Grass Rd., Mocksville, NC (3361284-2881 wnmno QASmMNO 1КАГМcomm Gas A d v i g j g CCB’s M Rewanis Credit Cards Let \bu Earn Points Good liv Tnwd Anytime, (Of Course, Some Restri(ti(Mis Don’t Apply.) Sonic banks’ cred il card travel program s only let you travel on ccrtain dates, on ccrtain airlines and only at certain times. But not C C B ’s. W ith our Travel Rewards Program you can start earning jwints with ever)' single crcdit card purcliasc, c\ cn balance transfers from your other credit cards. And the best part is you can redeem points for travel anytime, an)’where, on any airline. You can ewn use them for cruises anti \-.ic;ition packages, ’riierc arc no blackout dales, and you can travel 365 da^-s o f the year, including holidays. The only thing you have lo do is qualify for a new cred it card and you could soon be on your way. To apply for your C C B Visa* or M asterC ard* and participate in the 'Ih u ’cl Kewirds IVogram, jusl slop by your local C C B oftice or give us a call, 7 days a week al 1-800-422-2226. CCB Central Carolina Bank. W e ' I I h e I p you find away* Fantastic Destinations • Any Airline • No Blackout Dates Cirdittiued by CCB-CeorgU. SubJecUD credil approval. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - Cl Bobby plays oiitslde with his brother Travis and Ryan Carter, grandson ot a neighbor. B a ttlin g T h e O d d s Cooleemee Boy Diagnosed With Disease Striking Heart By Jeanne Gailher Davie County Bntcфrísc Rccord ---C O O LEEM EE^ Lik c most-11~ ycar-old boys, Bobby Thomas would like 10 ride a bike and play ball in the backyard with his friends, bul he can't. The fifth grader suffers from a genetic disease callcd Long QT Syn­ drome. If hegels too much potassium or sodium, il cats away al Ihe heart muscle, according to his mother Bar­ bara Shores. She has always known something was wrong with her son. When he Was'4 monlhs old, Bobby stopped breathing. The emergency room doc- lon told her he was suffering from bronchitis with a touch of pneumo­ nia.' • Over Ihe years he had fainted a number of times - usually when in­ volved in physical activities though not always. As he grew older, the fainting episodes became more fre­ quent. For the past year he had been having al least one episode a monlh, but only recently were they able to find a doctor who could delennine Ihe cause, she said. Il was sometimes hard to con­ vince his teachers and day care pro­ viders lhat he needed lo be excluded from physical education when she could offer no explanation for what caused him lo faint. Il was even more difficull to convinceaboy,diagnosed as hyperactive, lhal sometimes he can't piay with Ihe other kids, she said. They now know ihathefainls when the nerves to the heart stop function-, ing, causing his hean lo Slop. "It can happen when he'sout play­ ing or when hc'sjust standing there," Baibanisaid. To help keep his heart beating, Bobby receivedapacemaker April 3, and has started taking medicine to regulate his blood pressure. J- w a n th im to live and have some kind o f Ufe." - B a r b a r a S h o r e s have surgery every three lo five yeara to change the battery or chcck his pace maker, Barbara explained. Doctors say he can participate in no more P E activities at school. His tcachcr Lou Sutphin has been sup­ portive and tries lo work with him. He may be able to lake an extra com­ puter class instead, Bariiara said. Bobby also has a .small box that is supposed 10 go everywhere he goes. If he experiences a problem with his heart, wrist hands connected lo that box should be put on him. These will send readings directly to N.C. Bap­ tist Hospital in Winston-Salem, ac­ cording lo his mother. Worried aboul how lhal w ill work at school, especially sincc he is sup­ posed to move up to middle school nexl year, Barbara said her son may have to be tutored al home. Since discovering what is wrong with her son, Barbara said she has been unable to work whh day care providers unwilling lo accept the risk of Bobby dying in their care. Last Friday Bobby wcnl lo Ihe hospital to be with his cousin An­ drew Sanders, who suffers from the same disease, during his pacemakei surgery. Andrew recently blacked out at a 'I want him lo live and have some gokorttace.Whendocloisdiagnosed kind of life. Thai's dw main reason I him wiUi Long's QT, Barbara at last bad when she has to call him back home. "Kids ought to be able to go and ~|)lay and be kiUs,"~siie snid,-"bul lie's-' learned lo stow down." Bobby is unable to take medica­ tion for his hyperactivity because il may cause more problems for his heart, she said. "Basically I have an 11-year-old son lhal has lo act like an 85-ycar- old," she said. He knows how far he can go, and his mother is comforted to know that licr neighbors are watching out for him. Bobby is scared and has grow n up a lot sincc he w as diagnosed. Less than half o f those with Ihe disease live Ihrough Uie age o f 13, she said. The doctors tell her Ihere is no cure but discourage her from forcing her son 10 live in a glass bubble, Barbara said. She hasn't been able lo get rid of the jilleis but continues as she always has lo do the best she can for Bobby and his younger brother, Travis Roberson. She said she has spoken with a member of the ShrinePs, hoping the organization may be able lo help pro­ vide a computer fot Bobby lhat w ill keep him busy. Her goal is to provide him wiUi a calm, stable situation. Ш Eleven-year4)ld Bobby Thom as of C odeeinee show s the scars from a recent surgery in which he received a pacem aker. Bobby helps his younger brother and friend dig for fishing worms near a tree In their yard. agreed to Ihe suigeiy," she said, r Without it his heart couM stop or go so fast it explodes. With il comes a'tiew set of fears. Not only does Bobby ncedto avoid strenuous physi­ cal w livity, he must make sure to i ^ away from all magnetic devices, m ji u cellular telephones, weldeis an4jnM<i detectors. He w ill have to had a good idea of what was wrong witti her so a j________________ ^ in g how well Bobby recov­ ered from the surgery is encouraging for Andrew, she said. But diis won't be easy for eittier of S rin g 't^ ii^ '^ rso n w M la wfififover he goes to io p iayw ittio th er^ ,an d ih efeeia transmltrMdingsolhl8heaittothe.hospltaiinan.«m«(aency. i ; Bobby talks with his mother Barbara Shores. . - P iM to a b y R o b in F a rg u M o nA C2 - DAVIE СОШТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 Fourth Graders To Sperid Day With Seniors The Davic Couniy Senior Ccnlcr w lll hosl a special day on Tuesday, M ay 12 lhal w ill bridge ihc genera- lions. The fourth graders from Cool­ eemee Elementary School w ill spend Ihc day al Ihc Senior Cenier, learning first hand from seniors about how their generation lived. A ll seniors arc invited lo the ccn­ tcr for the following events; • 9-11 a.m., heritogc croft dcmon- slrallons and onc-on-onc interviews with the seniors; • I I a.m„ storyllmc wilh Ruth Tuiicrow; • noon,lunch; • 12:45 p.m..folk music performed by Kevin Delaney. Call Ihc senior ccnlcr at 336-75 i- 0611 if you would like lo cal lunc^. The other events need no reserva­ tion. Richardson-Dunn Couple Wed At Plantation Karen Richardson and Elhan Dunn were united In raairiage al 5:30 April 25 at Cassina Point Plantation, Edisto Island. S.C. The Rev Lcland Richardson and Peter Gregutt oBi- cialcd. The ccrcmony was held on the grounds of the historic plantation, built circa 1850. Ralph Williams of Charlolle. and Jonathan L llie ll of Paris. France, served as ushers. Music was pro­ vided by Ihe groom’s sister. Abigail Bird, vocalist, and Darryl Edwards. for a rehearsal dinner The bride. Ihc daughlerof Lcland and Juanita Richardson of Mocks­ ville. is a 1982 graduale of Davic High School and a 1986 graduate of Wake Forest University. She Is a frcc-lance cdilor for Random House, Inc., and Simon and Schuster. The groom, son of Douglas Dunn of New York Cily and Ann Dunn of Asheville. Is a 1985 graduate of Asheville Country Day School and a 1989 graduale of Yale University. He Is a writer and frcc-lance editor iruropctcr with Ihe Charleslon Sym- ' for Sl. Marlin’s Press. M c D o w e ll-E g g e r E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d phony Orchcslra. Also participating in the ccrcmony was George While of New York City. The bride’s sister, Lynne O’Brien of Marietta, Va., attended Ihe guest register. The wedding was directed by Lcihia Johnson of Mocksville, and Virginia Daut of New York Cily also assislcd in ihc wedding prepa­ rations. Immediately following the cer­ emony, Q reception was held at Ihe plantation house. Guests were served seafood hors d* ouevrcs and wedding cake, and refrcshmcnls and music on the verandahs. On Ihc previous evening, April 24, family and close friends of the bride and groom gathered at Ihc Old Post OfTice restaurant, Edisto Island, The couple w ill moke ihcir home in Asheville and Edisto Beach, S.C. • On April 3, Ihe bride was hon­ ored by Glcnna Logic, Peggy Wallace, and Lethia Johnson at a lun­ cheon ul Ihe home of Mrs. Laglc in M ocksvilic. The following doy, a shower hoslcd by Mafgorct Eckerd, Esther W all, and Ethel Mando was given for the bride at the home of Mrs. Eckcrd. • On Dcc. 30, Ihc groom's mother, Ann Dunn, honored the bride wilh a shower al her home in Asheville. Attending were: the groom’s sisters, Kathryn Bird o f San Francisco, Abigail Bird. Elizabeth Nelson and Victoria Nelson of Asheville; and the groom’s grandmother, Barbara Hcniz, also of Asheville. Steve and Judy McDowell of Advancc announce the engagement of iheir daughter. Heather Renee, to Ensign Deke Kenyon Egger of Kingsville, Texas. He is the son of Tate and Jane Egger of Federal Way, Wash, and the grandson of Col. (R e l) and Mrs. Henry M. Wellman ofAdvance. TTk: bride-cIcct is a 1993 graduale of Davic High School. She tamed a bachelor's degree in biology and, in May will receive a mastet^s of accounting ^ degrecfromtheUmversityofNorthCarolinaatChapclHill.Shehasacccplcda P O I I f * C O f f A P F Q position wilh Ernst and Young. LLP. Eggergraduatedin 1992fromCharlesWrightAcademyinTacoma, Washing­ ton and was a distinguished graduate from the U.S.Nav^ Academy in 1996. 'IheweddingisplannedforJuIy 18atSt.PauVsEpiscopalChurchinWinston- i Salem. Da we Academy 4-H Elects New Officers This pasl quaiier has been busy for Canncr lold the hisloiycf dyeing Eas- Icr eggs. She broughleggsloblow OUI and decorate.In January, club members as­ sembled the scrapbook for review by ' all 4-Hcrs in die couniy on Achieve- ; ment night. InFebiuaiy, Johnny Pierce held the program and helped members 10 real­ ize die work and cnjoymenl involved ; in raising a calf. ThefoUowingofBcenwcreelected: president. Linden Cattner, vicc president, Johnny Pierce; secrelaiy, Cody Frey; treasurer, Alicia Cock. A t the March meeting, Abby Plans we made for the Cystic Fi­ brosis Walk-a-U»n on April 19.МС1П- ben had planned 10 walk in the paric. They are diankfiil the YM CA allowed them the last minute to walk on Ihc track due to die weather. The club meets at the Davie Acad­ emy community building Ihe Ibird Thursday of cach month. Call Randy McClamrock at 492-5182 or Lynn Cook al 492-2264 for more infama- By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent M n. Iimna Jean Shelton was hon­ ored for her binhday al a supper Satur­ day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DauTDplett. Those enjoying Ihe oc­ casion were Ericka Pender. L.S. Shelton Jr.Christophcr Shore. Dcnlsc Sapp. OcncShclton. Mrs. AnnicJoncs and Mary Ellen Barger. Spring revival w ill begin al Counncy Bapiist Church. May 3-6. Moming woiship al 11 o’clock. Scr- -viccscachcveningwill begin al7:30.— Rev. Curtis While, evangelist. Rev. Barry Dodson, music evangelist. Rev. John Brown is pastor. Everyone is inviusl. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Mrs. Inez Rcavis wenl to the mountains Tues­ day. Lucille Hall was back at church Sunday after spending several days in England, visilingBuckingham Palace, changing of the guands, Winchcsu:r Ov.T .'(I Y.*.jrs E*f>* Cathedral, Windsor Castle and other places of lmcrcsl.Shc also attended a wedding which was quid diffcrcnl from our weddings. Il was a very en­ joyable and intercsling trip. WAYNE COLLINS ELECTRIC 7 8 5 - 4 8 7 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - C3 Couple Plans July Wedding ISaiytlvv 15ewes P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s the 35th Annual ‘T k le a t o a A a ra d e * Saturday, May 9th, 1998 S o u t l k w e s t S c h o o l A u d i t o r i u m l:80|»mtteK)0pm { ★ S E P T E M B E R R E G I S T R A T I O N S N O W B E I N G T A K E N • Baikt • Jan • A c id ím Uíc b • CoEd Tiay Tott I A g M 2 to A d d i ' P le a s e O d i fo r T Ic k e U an d In fo m u tio n 7 W - 2 9 a « 7 6 6 - 4 1 4 3 7 3 1 - 1 1 0 2 YOUR LOCAL Autholñ^C e l l u l a r DMl«r Sign up now on $15.95 Rate Plan and get 15 cellular minutes each month for 12 months* J M M O flO L A ! FUPPHONE wfth home charger, cigarette lighter adapter, carry case and DO activation fee. $|liS * * We will match or iMat any competitors advertised price for equipmenL 121 Depot Street Mocluville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8 am -Spm Sal. 9am-ipm —-----------—.. . M Ich ellc Lynn A llen and Raymond Johnston Lambert ^111 be married on Ju ly 25 at noon al Vic­ tory Bapllsl Church. The bridc-clccl is Ihc daughter of H e n d e r s o n -F a r r ^ E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Jim and Donna Henderson of Mocksvilic announce the engagement of ^ their daughter. Heather Gail Henderson lo Cpl. James Robert Farr of Jack- r sonvillc, the son of Timoihy P. Farr and Debra G. Farr. I . The bride-clcci is a 1995 graduate of Davie High School and ullcnds Ihc ».University of North Carolina nt Charlotte. ;. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Parkcrsbuig (W.Va.) High School and • is in the Uniicd States Marine Corps. • - • -The wedding is planned for May 30 at First United Methodist Church in Mocksville. Donald Allen Jr. and Teresa Lynn Roncali of Mocksville The groom-to-be is Ihe son of Ruth and Isaac Lambert of Mocks­ ville. Harold Wilson Earns Scottish Rite Award On Saturday nighl. April 19. at the Holiday Inn Bordeaux. Fayelleville. Harold D. Wilson of Mocksville, 33rd degree O.I.O.. rcceivcd Ihe commander in chief of Ihe year award pre- senlcd by Ihe 46th annual Council of De­ liberation. W ill­ iam A. Marsh Jr. 33nl degree Sov­ ereign grand In­ spector general,Wilson The liiuslrious Deputy for the Ori­ ent of North Carolina. Wilson was comraandcr in chief of the John G. Lewis Jr Consistory No. 326 In Lexington from January 1995-Dcccmber 1997. a period of Ihrcc years. Wilson was cicvaled lo the 33nl degree of Ancient and Accepted Scottish R ile o f Free Masonry. Souihem Jurisdiction. USA . Prince Hall Affiliation, in October. 1996. al Ihe llO th annual session o f the United Supreme Council. M yrtle Bcach. S.C. He is manied to Elhcl W. Wilson. Just Arrived • .. All Recllners Have Been Reduced Large Selection Only $ 3 9 9 9 5 CREDIT TERM S AVAILABLE B y : B a s s e t f F u tu ris tic ^ L a n c e i* Л Ь M o c k sv ille F iim itu re & A ppliance, m e. M C o u rtS q u a ra -D ow ntow n M ookavM *,NC (3 3 0 )7 5 1 -6 8 1 2 sj K irk p a tric k -B e n s o n ^ E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d i* : Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver Kirkpatrick Jr. of Waynesvillc announce the yjngagemenl of their daughiei; Angell Robeson Kirkpatrick of Shelbjt 10 j;%amucl Kimbrough Benson of Chariotle. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Me and Mrs. William Harding iijen so n of Charlolle. He Is Ihe grandson of the late M t and Mrs. Felix :-4(imbrough Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rowe Laiham of Mocksville. S ftc Is a graduale of Lenoir Rhyne College and is employed by Hertz Corp. The bride-elect is a graduate of Western Carolina University wilh a Jjiachelor’s degree and a masier's degree in education. She is an inslruclor -in d head volleyball coach al Gaidner Webb University, j i ; The wedding is planned for 5 p.m. on July 18 al Firsl Bapllst Church of iJ^aynesville. S п е з м ne HeeiieciMwiiiaiileffNl iaiinHQr,imfi.iN6 iMiiewoMlPiik 6MI «10111 llw Join us for the Triad’s Largest Lawn Party Five great races • Family Fun , Center*Tailg8ting and Hat Contests and more Tailgating and tickets available Call (336) 778-6250 Presented by:' News Chaimel 12, Craftsmen PrinUng, Coca-Cola and Wyelh-Ayerst Laboiatories Some Good Reasons Why My Healdi Plan Is PARTNERS Memcate Choice Today, we expect more from our health plan. That’s why so m any o f us are selecting P A R T N E R S Medicare Choice. F.XPKRIEN As one of the first companies in North Carolina to offer a health plan fot Medicare beneficiaries, PARTNERS has the experience I trust. And PARTNERS Medicare Choice gives me a wide choice of doctors, so when I need care, 1 know they will be there. PARTNERS Medicare Choice saves me money and pves me value for my health care dollar with: - $40 Montiily Plan Piemiiiin -100% Approved Hospitalization When Medically Necessaiy - No Plan Deductibles - Virtually No Paperwork ” Lo^$lTCopayinent’ForD6ctor Office VisitT^ - Vision Care PARTNERS is one of _NCs oldest HMOs. And because it is part of one of the states largest healdi care organizations,I know their first priority is my health. With PARTNERS Medicare Choice I have a heaith care partner I can count on, today and tomorrow. Join us far a FREE, no obligation meeting Westem Steer • Mocksville 1580 Yadkinville Road Friday, May 1 • 10:00 a.m. CALL TODAY fo r your free inform ation k it. 1-800-665-S037 p a r t n e r s ; IVfedicarefll»»^ ; ,e s ! s s iD E / PAKrNERSM(dicaieChoicciioHtredbyPAKrNERSNationalHealdiPUmofNonhCafolina.Inc.,anHMOwilhaMedkaKriikconlBa. ' You тш 1 have and ktep MedicBc fan К to panicipate. Aválable only in HCFA appiomi ictyice aitai. ВепсВв may vaiy by county. HCFAAD.Ï7-00} A 3i*l ; —--------------------------------------------------—------*------------------~ ~ ' J C4 - DAVIE COVNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 Mrs. Thomas Duane Jester HolderJester Couple United In Marriage April Lyn Holder of Lewisville •lid Tliomas Duane Jester of Y«dklnville were uniled in marriage U2p.m . April 25 al U w isville Bap­ lisi Church. Dr. Janies E. Honon and the Rev. Scott Pond oITiciaied. The bride is the daughler of James W. and Betty Holder of Lewisville, and the granddaughter of Luther Trivette of M ocluville, and Mable Holder of Advance, and Ihe late Leva Nile Trivette and James L. Holder She is a graduate of West Forsyth High School and is a day care teacher al Immanuel Baptist Daycare. : The groom si the son of Graham and Diane Jester of Yadkinvilie and the grandson of Junior and Adelcne Daye of Yadkinvilie, and Graham к м к otYaiadnvUle. № ii a graduate of West Forsyth High School and attended Forsylh Tech­ nical Community Collegc. He is employed by Unifi. . The bride wore a formal gown of diamond while silk shantung. A low circular necklinc led lo a fitted beaded bodice with short sleeves. ~Decoialed pearl trim^adorned the neck, sleeves, and empire waist. An AHine skirt fell fram Ihe waist and formed a semi-chapel sweep Irain. th e train was encnisted with beaded ^nco n appliques. A wide row of 1 ю accented with pearls trimmed tiw hem of the gown. ;; Her headpiece was a tradhional beaded mantilla style with a blusher and veil of illusion adorned with scattered pearl clusters. . The bride's special guest was Son Bom To (pieman Couple ;; Ronald and Sandy Coteman an- itpwnce the biith of Iheir son, Gabriel Ttkashi Coleman on Wednesday. April 13.1998 at 7:40 p.m. i: He weighed 7 Ibi. 6.4 oz. and was 21 inches long. >; He haa a braUier, Cameron, 2. ;; Maternal (randpmenls are Alton ^ Sandn Beauchamp of Mocks- y № andT enu and Kim Sheets of ^ a n c e . Paicfnalgiandpamiu are Ronald L Cdeman of Clemmons and Yone of ОхЙСГШСС!. NelHMlD.AIlMRcpMbUcan Candidate for Davte County Comnbiloncr\VOTE-Mv S.I998 Cfcatiwc Merkx & Псхв] Deefgpe 4 0 n e c fâ K in i" Ô n k n là rD Ê Ê ^ N o w a H ^ iA ta flid Davle Public Library Receives New BookSi New books at Davio County Pub* Uc U b rary, 371 N . M ain St.. Mocksvilie: Non-flctlon 100 Keys to Great Watercolor Painting The Famine Ships: The MshExo' dus to America The Fruit Expert The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity A History of Reading Jewelry, Contemporary Design and Technique Leam Bearmaking: Easy, Inter­ mediate. Advanced Werewolf: A Story of Demonic Possession Wildjtowers of the Blue Ridge Parkway Prosperity: The Coming 20‘year Boom and What it Means to You Fiction TheCookingschoolMurders^Vir- ginia Rich The Edge-Maxk Olshaker Frankenslein'Mary Shelly Cood Cop, Bad Cop-Barbara D'Amato The House GM/i*Nodine Oordlmcr The Serpentine Cav«-Jill Paton Walsh \Vo6«gon floy-Qamson Keillor Where the Road Go«*Joanne Greenberg South of Resurrection'Jonis Agee A Certain Justice~P,D. James Donalions in memory of Lucy D. Hairston were made by James and Esther W all, Lesier and Elizabeth Moilin, and David Joyner and Mary Rore Joyner. A gardening book was donated in memory of Alexandra Slogick by Jennie Mejan. Children's Storytime for pre­ schoolers is on Tuesdays al 11 a.m. at J the Mocksvilie localion and at the Cooleemee Branch. A new compact disc called "North Carolina FaJts, Figures & Photos" has been adde'd lo Ihe childten's computer. ^ Davle County Public LibraiV hours: Monday-Thursday,9a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Salui- days 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sundays 2 р.тл5 p.m. Phone 751-2023. Cooleemee Branch houn: Mo№ day, noon-6 p.m.; Tuesday-Fridiy! 10a.m.-5 p.m. (closedfor lunch fiiilhi 12:30-1:30); closed on Saluiday ahti Sunday. Phone:284-2805. ' S e n io r C e n t e r T o S p o n s o r M o th e r -D a u g h te r S o c ia t The Davic County Senior Center is sponsoring the second annual Mothcr- Daughlcr Social on Friday, May 8, at 7 p.m. in Ihe MuUlpurpose Room al the Public Libniiy. GiveeÆm a special moment This event is an opportunity Гог senior mothers and their daughters or honorary daughters to celebrate Mother^ Day in a spccial way. Jenny Turner w ill have a presenta- tion on how to improve your style and update your image. Paula Lewis wilt providecntcrtainment. Horsd’oeuvrcs will be served and door prizes given away. Advance registration is required. Contact Ihc Senior Center by May 5; ài 751-0611 lo rcglstcrorfor more infor­ mation. '!i.r> I T S A L L H E R E Dana Hicks. Matron of honor was Stephanie Ibdd of Winston-Salem. Bridesmaids were: Rebekah Evans of Winslon-Salem, and Melissa Black, sister o f the groom of Yadkinvilie. David Watts of Lewisville, uncle of the groom, was best man. Groomsmen werc: Donald Holder of Advance; Je ff Folk of Winston-Sa­ lem; Duane Norman and Tommy Greene of Lew isville; and Travis Black of Yadkinvilie. Escort was Kyle Rook. Flower girl was Hannah Greene, and Tyler Black, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer. Andrea Jones stood al the guesl register. Ruth Brown. Pat Davis and Angle Ibny handed out prosrams. Wedding music was provided by Sue Simmons. John Canupp, Dr. James E. Horton and Linda Lunsford werc soloists. The wedding was directed by Betty Dull. On April 24, the groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner in the fel­ lowship hall of Lewisville Baptist Church. Reception Following the ceremony, a rccep­ lion was held in the church fellow­ ship hall. Serving werc Dawn Holder, Kat Shoemaker. Jerry Trivette and Darlene Walls.Katie Carter handed out birdseed bags. Afler a wedding trip to Myrtle Beach. S.C.. the coupic w ill be al home in Lewisville. E L E C T Molfcfr J Day is Su»J<ty, May lo. Tclelloras Tea for Mom Bouquet (eatum fmh (lowcn in a Kulptcd, hand-painted ccnmk teapot with ils vciy ovn lea party righi on ihe lid. Mom will trcaHire ihit charming leapot for yean lo come. To tend ihi« lov-ely Teleflora keepsake gift anywhere In the U S. or Gnada, iusi call or visit nur shop • FTO "Loving Thoughtt Botuput"• Tti^ora'CupofLmt" D A V I E F L O R I S Tei3W»Mboro StrMt MockmrlR» *WrWfreW)ridu*te-mm SATURDAY, MAY 2 (Scout (Show & Pinewood Dcfby МАУ9-16 National Police Awareness Week" SATURDAY, MAY 16 AND SUNDAY. MAY 17 Dacing For A Wish Auction P ro ce a ^ o benefit the M ake a Wish Foiind allon ______ - é : SUNDAY, MAY 24 Ed Hiller, Violinist WIU be p laying throughout Ihe m all. ' Signal H ill M all 1-77 • E x it SO • B ro a d S t « S ta te s v ille , N C F o r m o re n u U In fa m u tlo n caU № in k ie a l 704-S73-5875 REPUBLICANS * UNAFFILIATEDS SMITH RELEASES RESULTS OF POLL! HALF THE PEOPLE SURVEYED IN THIS PHOTO SAID THEY WOULD VOTE FOR: PETER SMITH, JUDGE MaySHi * Republican Primary THE OTHER HALF« W ELL-THEY’LL BE IN SOHOOLI VOTE-SMITH EXPHUENGE YOU M N TRUST D A VIE C O IIN TY EN T ER PR ISE RECORD, April 30,.1998 ■ CS Center Homemakers Learn А1юШ Landscaping CenterHomemalcersmetonTucs- fcjt, April 21 at Ihe Center Commu- tUty Building. President Pat Reilly called Ihe meeting Ip order and led the group In the Pledge to the Flag. : Ruby O'Neal read Matthew 6:1 and then gave a short reading titled "The Reward of Pride." She con­ cluded tbe devotional by leading the group in "Bless Be Ihe Tie." On a lighter note she read, "When I'm a Little Old Lady." In ahumorous way, this article shared whal it would be like to move in with yourchildren and dothethingstheydidwhentheywere children (throw clothes down, leave papen,bookswheieverrinishedwith them, sit in front of the TV, and have a tantnim when things don't suit). Secretary Oail Smith called the roll and 13 members were present. She then read the minutes from the ;M ttch meeting which were approved. •¡^Treasurer Louise T\itterow gave the nnancial report A thank you note was receind from the B ill Sofley fantlly thanking the dob for the memorial gift to Jeri- choChurcbofChilsI Cemetery Fund, ЕШ Phillips alio sent a thank you note for the floral arrangements ihe received following her recent wr- gery. Oail Smith announced that we w ill be participating in an eyeglass recy­ cling program along with Ihe County Council. Everyone was encouraged to locate theirold,unusedelasses and bring them to the neat meeting. Pal Reilly announced upcoming events such as the District Day In Laurel Springa on April 28, Health Fair on May 16, Frofessional Child Cate Training at tha Coumy Offic* beginning on May IBw itha^itional dales in lune and July, Farm Safety Day on May 30, Tour of Homes in WilkesCounty onJune2withadead- line for reservations on May 20, SUle Meeting on Oct. S and 6, achieve- ment night on Oct. 15, and Fall Issue Training in Surry Co. on Oct. 26. Reilly also reported that the coun­ cil if g ivin g a Sn j scholarship for4- HCampandSIOOtothe Davie County Library foe the Golden Book Club. New carpet has been installed in the auditoriumof the counly office build­ ing and was funded by Davie Counly. A nominating commillee was ap­ pointed lo select nominees for offic- eis to take oflice in October. The comminee members are Oail Smilh, Louise TutterowandDorisWilliams. Ruby O'Neal introduced guest speakers, Deborah Dull and Krista Davis of the Triple Springs Nursery andTS Landscaping on Edward Beck Road in Davie County. Dull does landscape design based on her customer's desires and needs. She draws a landscape blueprint specify­ ing every plant and its localion. She drew the landscape plan for the Me­ morial Garden al Davie High School. They do work in a large area of North Carolina, not just In Davie Counly. Davis is manager of Ihe green­ house, which specializes in camel­ lias. They grow al least 20 varieties oflhetwo types of camellias-Japonica and Sasanqua. The greenhouse is sterile and anyone who enters must wear gloves. A question and answers period followed their comments. The meeling was adjourned with the club collect. Refreshments were served by the hostesses Doris W ill­ iams and Martha Smith. Lena Mae Allen won Ihe hostess giftandPeatiine Seaiford bought the Friendship Bas­ ket fo rll. The nextmeelingofCenler Home­ makers w ill be on May 19 ot the Center Community Building. F i v e G e n e r a t io n s Pictured are five generations of ttie Loweiy family: Rtitt; desla Lowery Qarris, Ollive Loweiy Burgess, June Burge^ Bracken, Michelle Bracken Davis and Bradley Austin D avljJ Piano Recital Planned ; A piano recital featuring the stu- ■denu of Heather Blank and Regina ;Chandler w ill he held on Sunday af- ;tenioon, May 3,at3p.m.,atthe Davie :Counly Public Library in Mocksviile. ; Students performing include: :Megan Stephenson, Kalelyn and : Megan Jacobs, Molly and Manha Harris, Rebecca Riddle, Jonathan Rowe, Rusty Angell. Courtney Sell­ ers. Claire Chandler, Kayla Powell, and Valerie Frye. W illiam Whitaker, (student of Marcia Beck);and Elizabeth Furchet, (student of Joye Furches) w ill also be performing. Hillsdale News ByBen ttaBnnd onW yall :Hillsdale Correspondent : The lime is nearing in Hillsdale for 'ihe^valofihechildren from Belarus. & \cral families in our congreaiion willbehostlngchiklrenasihechildren 'spend six weeks in this area to receive 'mcdical and denial care that is not ■available in their native country. This Sunday, we w ill have another visitor from Belares. We w ill have the extreme priviledge to have Svieta to sing for us during both worship ser­ vices. Sviclahas been living inthe US, whileatlcndingcolkgc.Laslfall.whcn some of our congreaiion went lo Belarus, Svicla served as a lransliik>r for the Americans in Belarus. We are; very excitcd to have Svicla wiih us. D w ig g in s E a r n s C re d e n tia l : Amy Dwiggins earned Ihc Ccrti- ncdM^calAsslstant(CMA)crcdcn- llal by passing Ihe Jan. 30 American 'Association of Mcdical Assisuints' Ccniflcation Examination. ' Dwigginsisagraduatcofthemcdi- carassi5ting~prbgranT at DaVrdSin“ Counly Communily College in Lex­ ington. : She is employed by Dn.Kammire, Allen & Smnie in Lexington. , ; The Certification Examination, ad- niimslcrcd by AAM A's Certifying Board, tests clinical and administra­ tive knowledge needed for competent niicdical assisting practice. : Although medical assistants are employed in a wide range of health care deliveiy seldngs, medkal assis­ tants are the only allied health praMi- tioneis trained specirically for the physician's office. There ore over one million tncdkal assisuinlsworkingintheUnitedStales. Acconling to IheUnilcd Stales Bureau of Labor Slatistici inedical assisting is projected 10 be one of Ihe fastest grow- ingoccupalionsthroughtheyear20QS. \ N I II I I I s \ ! I n t * S ir t .,M a y lk 2 4|iK« A itD eciN nL SM-MN *N BW SH irm N T fim rA StmdlpHy Skofi • 33t-7SI4i5J 4ICaui«Si|iim ,M iclinilli Ihey soy you set whal you pay Ibr. WHh the John Deere LT133 L«m ThKtor, you get Ihal and mote. Mote ipedically. you gelal»hot»epow erenglne,li*htl5ltrttu^r»to ■ ■ ■ andlftlinethiS&tpeedtraninilsdoaThere'inoend lowhallhlsbaljy'sgDtStepbyandMelaryaundl - Nothing Runs U ke A Deere* Id e a l Ito aclo r вЭб M ockw M Hwy. (US 64 IM I) а ш м « « . NO C I M I e f S f W I I * Müct M MMd тм и CC - D A V IE COUNTY EN T EK PU SE RECORD, April 30,1998 Hate hurts. The message wrillen on Ihc t-shltt wos simple, and lo Ihe poinl. Il was wrillen by a child who had been sexually molested. Another shirt had Ihc messogc. “Ploy wilh people your own age." Last Thursday, shirts were hung on a line in M ocksville's lown squore. They were designed by vic­ tims of domestic ot senual ossault. or by Ihe families of those killed in such assaults. “The bruises on my body don't hurt os much os Ihe bniises on my soul.” "R eol love docs nol leave bnilses." The writing on Ihc shirts revealed the emotions Ihat such victims go Ihiwgh. “ Hopefully, this is raising oworc- ness." said Btendo McKee of Fom­ ily Services, cose monoger o f Ihc lime-out pn)gtom in M ocksville. "These ore by locol people ond Ihis happens hens.” Despite Ihe turmoil many of the victims have gone lhrt)ugh. many of Ihe shirts olso hod o positive theme. “ I used ID look down into o deep, dark hole. It wosn'l my fault. Now I lock up." said one. "U fe is more lhan pain and teats," said another. McKee, Tripp Ake, Teresa Jones and Sharee Fowler were wilh Ihe exhibit, talking Io area lesidenls. Rational Prayer Day Services Pianned DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - ¿7* ,Praycr. As individuals, many ilo il oncn. In church groups, / Irtju s t as common. ^According to oiganlzers of the :j|tóion al Day of Prayer. Americans > ilM need to pray for ihcir country their states, their counties, their 'tlowns and their communities. 5 ; From 12:20-12:40 p.m. onThurs- day, May 7, the National Day of ; Prayer w ill be observed at the Cool- : eemee 'niwn Halls. Local leaders := w ill be on hand to be a part of the ■prayers for local and national ; ieailcrs.There w ill be opportunities for silent, as well os public prayers. From noon-1 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Center on North Main Street In Mocksville, area resi­ dents w ill also be invited to lake part in the prayer services. Brief remarks are expected from MocksvillcTown Attorney Hank Van Hoy, Davic County Manager Ken Windley, and Mocksvillc Elementary School prin­ cipal Julius Suiter. ''We realize the needs of our coun­ try are overwhelming, yet the oppor­ tunities to impact our nation with prayer are endless,” said local orga- nizer, the Rev. Jimmy Lancaslcr.The theme is "America. Relum to God," wilh the following theme verse. Even Mo»v. declares tlte Lord, re- tum to me with a ll your heart, with fasting and weeping ond mourning. Rend your heart and not your garmenis. Return to the Lm lyour God, fo r he is gracious and compossionotc, slow to «/»- ger and abounding in (ove, and he relents front sending calamity Jo el 2:12-13 More lh»n a million Americans are expcclcd lo lake pan in the Na­ tional Day of Prayer May 7, the 47th annual evcnl. The national lask force is urging fnmilies to rccognizc the importance of teaching children to pray. Children who leam that Ood is approachable are more likely to grow into adults who seek God’s guidance through prayer, rather lhan relying on Ihcir own strength or yielding to ihe pressures of their peers, Lancaster said. For morc information on the events in Mocksvillc or Cooleemee, call 284-2328. ìRemember To Immunize Children The shirts show Ihe pain of victims of domestic violence. ■ M cKcc said that such abuse is and many tefcrrals come to Ihc morc common than many people agcncy from the school system, would like to think. There are three “W e've worked wilh a ton of kidsj'* therapists working in M ocksvillc, she said. Branda McKee, Farrtly Sewices case manager (or the Mocksville office, shows some of the thkts made t>y victims of domestic and sexual violence. 4 - - P lw to s by Robin FerguM on> "'r*' R e > E l e c t MARLENE SHAMEL t o t h e D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n o n M a y 5 , 1 9 9 8 Working For You AllmWlritakM- f o r s ta r m «IN T E G R IT Y «nOTESStONALlSU «H O N EST Y «EX PEU EN C ^ Р а И Р Щ сй М В у А « «^ ^ ; As odults. wc make choiccs every ; day thal inRucnce our health. From ; indulging in fast foods to vowing to ; quit smoking, we exercisc our ability : lo conlrol our hcalih siolus. ; Not so for babies. t ITicirpaienlsrctainvclopowcrover 1 whal is and whal is not done 10 ensure • Ihelrchildrcn'shealth.Oncchoicethal ' parents ore confronted wilh from the siartofthcirchlldrcn'slivcs is whether tolakeihcmforlhcirimmunizalionsor tuby shots. y AccordingloRhondaMock,heallh ddpartmcnl child heallh nurse. “Im- niunizalionssafclyandcrfcclivclypro- iccl children from lOdcodlydiseoscs- diphtheria.ictanus(lockjaw).pcftussis (whooping cough), red measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), polio, hepatllis В (a viral iiverdisease), and hoemophilus innuenzoe b (a ma­ jor causc of spinal meningitis). A new vaccinc against varicella (chickenpox) is available and is rec­ ommended for children ol 12 monlhs of age. "The difUcully is knowing when U) take children forshols, where lo go fur Ihc shols and how lo find the lime lo lake Ihc children. As for Ihc appropri­ ate liming of shols. children generally need to be immunized al binh. 2. 4. 6.12. and 15 monlhs of age and righl before they start school." says Mock. In Notth Ciuolina. immuni/alions arc available al no chargc at all local health departments and Ihcy arc avail­ able at no or minimal chargc al communitv health ccnters ond many priv.'ilc physicians' offlccs. Manylocttlheallhdcpartnienlshavc extended evening and weekend hours for Immunizalion clinics, so lhal par­ ents or other carelakers can lake chil­ dren for shols. To find out more aboul where and when immuni/alions are givcnincenainareas.call l-8(X)-F0R- DABY (1-800-367-2229). Childhood immuni/alions are рпь vided al the Davie Coumy Heallh De- partmcni. loc.ilcd on Hospilal Slreel in M(x:ksville. Monday-Friday. 8:30 a.m. -4:30p.m. and Tuesdayevenings from 4:30-7 p.ra. Mock advises parenls that when­ ever possible, immunizations should be a part of a child's normal checkup. Ask your pmvidcr lo rcview his or her immuniralion rccord and give any immunizalions needed. ”11 is importanl for you lo keep a current shol rccord for your child." Mock said. For more informalion aboul child- htxxl immunizalions. call Мск'к al (336)751-871». Mo n Conumtniaitioii • Less Dropouts? Holp To Put Gomnunlcation Bacfc Into The School Systom. More Ibtoring Needed! More Teachers Aides Needed! Every Child Deserves Special Attention! VoleMaySfor B a h a a C m lM i I I a u m I I llO T l^ V w Iin M I I I V W I I i Pfci|8Bd* SiAtm 0 i G i f t S h o p , G r e e n l i o u s e & M O R E ! We Have Gifts & Plants For AU Occasioiu! , ¿ 4 S te a l S Je a S b r < iW ó/iei B irth s , W eddings, Fu nerals and E tc . M-F 10 ■tn-6;30 pm « S rt. 8 am-Tpm « ЗЗе-940-2537 tn M 4 — N. CAlAHALN S. CALAHAI.N ELECT CHARLES FOX Republican for Davie County Board of Commissioners VOTEFOX-M AYS »Pedlcaled lo preserving the Davie County iifestyie thal we cherish, i *Eqe controiied grow th instead of \ poorly conceived developm ent and J spraw l. i «D eterm ined to represent the people, not special interest groups, j «Educated and skilled in planning, im plem enting and controlling com plex business program s. J «Willing to serve in an open, honest } & consistent m anner. ^ \ C harles Fox I The ' People’s Candidate s. MOCKSVILLE rn rr N. MOCKS-CITY He shares her heart:. He shares her hfe. He shares her hlooJ. So (or his healthcare, she's going to tahe him to a place that also shares her Jemancl for the hest that medicine has to offer: Rowan Regional MeJical Cenler. Recognized as one of the top hospitals in the nation hy the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, we're here to provide total healthcare for your entire family. We do that with speciahste and suh-specialiets in every South Rowan Medical Mall in china Grove. We do it with a staff whose commitment includes each patient's emotional well-being as well as physical well-heing. And we do it with cutting edge technology lihe telemedicine, which enables us to consult real-time with specialists at Baptist and Brenner Children's Hospital m Winston-Salem. So what about you? Is there any question in your mind about going to Rowan Regional Medical Center major area. We do it with modern 'facilities lite f°* уо“' family's healthcare? If there is, maybe Because dieres m ^iésàontliat lie lias a litde of уош j^ide/alot oi your laú^ our new state-of-the-art outpatient center and Rc w a n R e c k d n a l it should be this one; Why would you want ^....■'M edicalCenter- ' I It. I .11. '. n '1'1 •'Jfaur.SoiireeFDr'lbtdHeahhiare. -physicians ottice buuding in oali8Du|7 and bur , , . , to go anywhere else? 6 1 2 M ock»ville A venue • S a lis tu ry , N o rlK C a ro lin a • (7 0 4 ) 6 38-1000 o rto ll- ire e 1-8 8 8 -5 5 -R O W A N '• www.rowan.org аЬД aU oi yo^ love, tkeres no quejón alxmt tke source ior liis kealtkcaie^ ■t . tiV |i ce . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 Professional Womerì's Luncheon Held April 22 TheuaulPrafessionilW onien's : Luncheon, sponsored by Ihe Davie pxinty Chamber of Commeice, took place atBeimudaRunCountiyDub, Wednesday, April 22. J Approxim ately 100 women ythioughout Ihe coimty attended and Were honored by their employers in i iecognition of National Secretary's ¡Weelt. "Our luncheon is unique because jlt is held during secretary's week, but ;all levels of professional women al- ;fcnd." said Joan Cortif. chamber ex­ ecuUve director. "It is a great oppor­ tunity for women to not only network with one anoiher and meet new con- taca from olher businesses, but we believe il is also an enjoyable experi­ ence as well." Cindy Backus, RNC.OCNP, from WomanCare in Winston-Salem was Ihe guesl speakeron Preventive Health Issues for Women. She increased awareness and encouraged more per­ sonal responsibility for uking proper preventive measures. "W c have re­ ceived numerous calls expressing appreciation forCindj'souBlanding, positive discusskm, which was not onlyvivaciousanderijayabl«, but also vei> imponanl to all women," Caiter said. A special appreciatk» was ex­ tended lo the event spooson. "Our reception and door pciiea purchases were passible because of these busi­ ness sponsors," Caiter sakl Brenda Battle announced thal sev­ eral women have expressed interest ineslablishingaptofesslonal women's business chapter of American Busi­ ness Women’s Association (A BW A ) in Davie Couniy. Anyone interesied in pankipaling may contact her at Edwaid Jones or the Davle chamber offlce. Attendees heard music by Baitwra Baiham during Ihe reception. Dar> othy Graham provided the invoca­ tion. Joan Creech, president of the Davie Counly Chamber of Commerce, an­ nounced and extended special con- gnmlations to Susan Prim fiom the Counly Finance Oflice, for being se­ lecled '98 Secreuuy of Ihe Year.At the luncheon, guest speaker Cindy Backus talks with; luncheon sponsor Helen Gantt and Chamber host Joan Carter.! pavie Chamber Of Com m ent Recognizes Secretary O f Year Chamber representatives congratulate the 1998 Secretary of the Year Susan Prim. From left are Debbie Triplett, Prim, Chamber President Jean Creech and Joan Carter. JeanCreech.presldeniofthe Davie Couniy Chamber of Commerce, an­ nounced the winner of the first *Sec- reuu> of the Yeai" awaid during the annual chamber's Professional Women's Luncheon at Bennuda Run Country Club on Wednesday, April 22. "We are delighted lo recognize Susan Prim's contributions, not only 10 her profession and worit in Ihe Davie Counly Finance Office, but also to her volunteer efforts and com­ munity suppon," said President Creech. "W e appreciate those em- ployen who submitted nominations and hope lhal more companies w ill panlcipate nexl year to honor Ihis outstanding profession." Prim received her college degree from Virginia Intennont College in Bristol, Va. She began worit with Davie County Health Depanment in 1988 and became an administrative assislant for the county finance direc­ tor in 1993. She serves on the board o f adjustments for the Town of Mocksville and is an officer in Davie Couniy Republican Women. She 1s Council. received a compllmenuuy one-day' also a fonner boani member for the A p«uiel ot independent business spa package ftom Platinum S tw W Humane ^ ie ty and serves as an professionals was appointed by ihe in Winston-Salem, which was m ^ ‘ officer for Ihe Davie county Alts chamber to select Ihe winner. Prim available by Ihe luncheon sponson.- HandyCompletesCourse > Navy Fireman Lany W. Handy, soil of Gary and Laura Paliidge of 148 Valley Oaks Drive, Advancc, rcccnlly g^uatcd from the Gas Turbine Sys­ tems Technician Mcchanical Couree. r During the couisf n Nnvy Scrvicc School Command, Gical Ijkcs, 111., Handy rcccivcd training in the opera­ tion and maintenance cf ,^as turbine engines and suppon systems. ^ Asagasturbinesystemstcchnician in Ihc Navy, Handy will operate and repair Ihe Jet engines used lo propel a ship through the water. Handy also will worii on main propulsion machin­ ery, elcctrical and electronic cin:uitiy, andistiainedtoperiocm administia- livc tasks related to gas tuibine propul­ sion system operation and mainte­ nance. Oas tmbine systems techni­ cians such as Handy are key players aboaid uxia/s high-tech ships. The 1997 graduate pf Davie High School joined ihe Navy in Febniaiy 1997. ' B iscidtville Do you ted Wke you are always at work? Then Biscuitville has the job for you! You’ll work less hours with us than in most other restaurants because we are only open from 6am - 2pm. That means no more late nights or split shiftsi Our Assistant Managers enjoy: ‘ Paid Training •Paid Vacations “Weekly Paychecks ’Christmas Bonuses •Advancement Opportunities •Competitive Starting Salary •Health/Dental/Life Insurance If you have previous quick service restaurant experience and are interested in joining our team, pleas apply in person between 6am and 2pm to: 2422 Sessions Rd Clemmons, NC 27012 (336)766-7768 Re-Elect S heriff Allen W h ttaker Tto th t GitiiMM «1 Davl« CMiiitjr It has been my pleasure and privilege lo serve you as a sheriff since December 1994. IVIosI of you already know my background. I am proud lo have been raised, and educated In Davle Counly. M y wife Lellle and I are from the Fanningion coMmunlty. We boih wanted to remain In Davle County after we were married and now I live In Ihe Cana community. I have enjoyed working for you In the SherllT’s Offlce since 1983. My Hrst assignment was as a deputy sheriff on third shlD. In 19861 was promoted to detective. My first attempt at public office was successful In 1994 when I was clected Sheriff. When you go to vole on May 5lh please remember these facts: • This candidate Is a certified Law Enforcement Officer with North Carolina Sheriff Education and IVaining Standards Commission. • Experienced in patrol, investigation, interview and interrogation, budget preparation, court room security, Ja il management, and personnel management. •A Proven Record In Just 3 1/2 years according to S .B .I. statistics, the Index Crime Rate has declined 20% or a drop of over 500 points. Also, an Increase of 18% of crime soKed in Davle County. Tough on Drugs From December 1994 until March 1998 my officers had arrested 214 criminals on various drug charges. This resulted In 493 crim inal charges. In one year atone, we removed over 8435,000 worth of drugs, drug money, and drug vehicles from Ihc streeU of Davlc Counly. When re-elected Sheriff, I w lll continue thb aggressive fight against crime. During n y lifc I have choMn to serve my God, country, and community. Please •How me to oncc again serve you, the cttizcns and counly that I ktvc. Sheriff Alien W hitaker im IPäsüip3(£it _ € ( i ! ) D i i i f i t KcfUcot orUiylonville, NC Bora: April U,1N5; MMrrfedwMioM child; CiMiniiuortlwBoudor D c M O M Tiylonville Pmbyteriu Charcb М 1 и 1 и 1 м м »1 м ьь»м 0 м п 1 ам )в«м .HMR>UHMMl.lVIMMCourtJud)> • IM Gradoato or The Unlvenity of North CaroHm School of Law, ChapdHill,N9 1987 Graduate ofthe University of North CaraUn^ Chapd Hill, NC HONOMt Phi Beta Kappa, М 11||^Я||Р|(|Ц |и м |П|а11 fli U H j), :• : flu tlt ij) March 1,1993 to Pnsent Sole Practitioner, Ihyionn^ NC GcntralFractiMorLaw with an emphasis in Criminal Uw, Domestic Uw and CivU Litigation SepUmber 1990 to Febniaiy 1993 Assistant District Attornoy • 2M ProsecuM District; Ftwsaits^PiioBiss* Misdnwam in Diitrict and Snperior Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - C9 E l e c t M i c h a e l D . A l l e n Republican Candidate for. Davie County Board of Commissioners citizens of Davle County: Thank you for the opportuaUy of alkmiaf me to be a candidate for the Davle County Board of Commbiioocrs. If ekctcd on May 5th, 1 will peiform to the beat of ny a№ ly for you Ihe CItiiens of thb grcat county, I believe In a babnccd growth in all aspects of Davie County. Thb Inchidcs industry, Mhoob, businesses, and housing, lb achieve thb we all have to work togethen Thb means Ustening to the cltbens, business leaden, akng with local, and state government. Our county b known for our volunteerism. We are conctnwd atioul what goes on in Davie County. Today’s paper will have a small portion about myself, abo my views on cettafai subjects. Again, I am asking for your s u p ^ and vote on May 5th. Thank you p<dpaMAat,iwi«iD.A..n MkhaelD.AMen_________ Ф photo of a section ol Ihe cloth room at Enwin Cotton Mill was made In 1922 and was provided by the Cooleemee ^orical Association. Among Ihose in the photo, are from left: row 1, Dan Shoaf, unknown, Willie Hutchens, unknown, Uter Bracken, Sam Bailey; row 2, Emma May Owens, Annie Spry Brook, Ruth Thompson Gobble, Dorabell Ridenhour itlmon, Ella Mae Call, Thompson Harrison and Mickle Thompson. ooleemee Ancestors Day Set For May 9 CO OLEEM EE-As wcgmwoldcr, crcsl in family nxjis anti heritage ually grows. White young people 1 lire of hearing family slorics - c rcaching middle age find them* cs regretting that no one wrote n down. Tohcipsalisfyihisnccd.CoolccnKC icc&tors Day win be heM on Samr- , May 9 ul the Zachary House in »iecmec from noon*3 p.m. Tables will be sel up by those fami­ lies who liavc already explored their roots. Among those Invited to display family trees arc Spillmans, Creasons, Vickers. Shorc.s, Copleys, Sales, Turners, Nichols. Bumgarners. Grif- Tins, McDaniels, Bivins, Osbornes, Ridenhours, Sheeks, Campbells. McCulloughs,Millersand{^;nningcrs. Also invitcvl to scl up laWcs are genealogy c'xpcrts from Yadkin/ Rowan and Davie counties. Most Cooleemee families can iruce iheir roots to .small country neighborh(Kxls within a SO-mile radius which includes Ihcsc counties. In addition, genealogy society memberscan assisi ihose inter- esteU In embarking on u family tree projcci with lips urnl materials on how to gel started. The Cooleemee Historical Asso­ ciation will display typed versions of Ihc 1910 and 1920 Censuses for ihc village and surrounding area. The Davie Grays Chapter of ihc Sons of Confedcralc Vclerans will be on hand to help with research on those ancestors who participated in ihe War Between the Stales. If you wanl lo know more aboul yoiirfamily’srools.dropby.lf you arc from Cooieemcc and have materials about your family which you ore w ill­ ing to share thal day. contacl Jutic Pattonal2»+«040. Holdogs andlcm- onade will be sold. The evenl is spon- sofcdbyCooIecmccrsCcntennlalCel- cbnilions Commillcc. LOANS ON HOMES E x c e l l e n t R a t e s A v a i l a b l e C r e d i t P r o b l e m s U n d e r s t o o d WE OFFER •Bill Consolidation * Home Improvement • 1st & 2nd Mortgage •Refinance •Fixed and Variable Rates ' •lB&30Years • 2nd Mortgages up to 100% Equity • Excellent rates on Double Wides and Modulan with Good Credit • • • Local Penonal Strvice • • • MUTUAL MORTGAGE JeffC all - President Salisbury 633-lSOO l-80(M5a«75 Aiqdicatioiia Taken b y Phone 9am-6pm Come Find Out More. Join us fo r an informational meeting, and wc’ll answer all your questions about McdicarcGOLD. There’s no obligation, of couisc, and you’ll leam how to get m ure for your health can: dollar. \ ^ ^ t e m S t e e r 1 5 8 D Y a d k i n v i l l e S d . , M o c k s v i U e Thufsday, May 7^ at 10:00 a.m. Food will be served For more Information or if you're unable to attend, call 1-800-348-7999. E D IC A R É G O L D \bu cannot be turned down unless you already have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or are receiving care from a tt^edlcare hospice. Some restrictions aiidAir exclusions may apply. Vbu must be entitled to Medicare Fart A, enrolled In Medicare Part B and continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Ifyou do not Have Medicare Part A, you can purchase Medicare Kirt A coverage ‘ finm QualChoice or the Social Security Administration. *the $800 Annual PtescripUon Drug Benefit Is bised on a maximum benefit of $200 per calendar quarter. M CG(U/97)02Sm ScBk:A(i2/97) C I» - D A VIE COUNTY EN T ER PM SE RECORD, April 30,1998 f'ii ( Hometown At Turrentine • The Hometown Quartet from Walkertown wlll be at Turrentine Baptist Churchy bn Sunday night, May 3 at 6 p.m. A nursery wlll be provided. For more information, call Pastor Billy Sloop al 998-2366. The church Is on 613 Tun’entine Church Road. Jerusalem Baptist Plans Yard Sale A yard sale, crafl sale and bake sale will be held beginning al 8 a.m. Saturday, May 2, al Jcnialem Bap­ lisI Church, U.S. 601 Soulh al Becklown Road, sponsored by Ihe Evcr-Rcaily Class. TIk day will also include ho(dogs, drinks, pinlo beans and combread Гог sale. * I :■ .1 :« 1 • Д .С. “ A n d y ” STOKES |(i .III ( .in d ili.il< lo l s Ik I ill III П .И II ( o iiiih E L E C T B O B B Y K N I G H T .-ll Davto County GommlnloiMr Ì Cm m M M I k .w М ч М М М М т рлмйовв M l behflNeHke ' ы е ш ы в и и е * » : [ ^ T i w l M i a r f f t W M t M l l v s l N l i l i A f i m i i i ^ C o u rtn e y T o H o s t R e v iv a l CcHiitncy Chun* w ll M d it's 4Tìi\$ rtNÌvàl Sund«), Mä>' thfxx^h WcHinead«)' M«>' fi al 7.\V) CAAe>tf>jTtí!. ■nttRcv.OiftisWiiiicorOoKlsKifO u ill be (Mir cvanpciist each cx'cning uiih Валу Dodson of Winston-Salcm Л5> music cvanjiclist. H a b ita t Ta ld n g A p p lic a tio n s The Fstrel)’ Srfev’tion CvMnminte of HiNtM Humanit)' \AiII be at ihe (Xi\ie CVuni> N N ic Uttar)’ in M (vks- Nille on Sanmlay. May I ft. frvMii 9 a.m.*3 pm to rcccivc applications fawn persons who haw suhstandanl hous- ing. Persons with inadequate housing who desire to he considered for ihe next Habitat house arc invilcd to come and (111 out an ai^lication. The Family Selection Commillcc will be available to assist you. . Please bring the following: • a CTCvlii rcpiTrt; • a ci^y of )\xir weekly or monlhly wa^es and: • a lencr fmm a hank or other lend­ ing institution den>ing >vu a kvin. Failuiv to being the listed informa­ tion will disqualify >\)u. Eachapplicantwillbccarcfullyand impartially considered by Habitat's criteria. Come and apply if you feel that you may qualify and arc willing to becomc aworkingpaitncrwiih Habitat inbuild­ ing the next home. Homecoming Service Planned “ The members of Salem United McihodistChurchinviie fomwr mem- family, and friends to their an- '•ual homecoming scrviccs, Sunday, :May3. s ItellAm vonM piHvteeipeakcr WillbethcRev.JamcsS. White. White ierved the Davie Charge, June 1991- 1993. He retired in 1997, and he, Hannah, and Wesley make their home In Staiesville. - ’ Everyone Is encouraged to bring a : picnic lunch for breaking bread to- :ge(her, and a time of fellowship fol­ lowing the worship hour. Al l:30p.m.asong scrvicc will be held in the sanctuary featuring the “Sounds of Faith" and Jcssica Allen. Salem UMC is locatcd on Salem Church Road,justoff Davic Academy Rotd, approximately eighl miles west ofMocksvillc. The Rev. Bill Wonibough serves the Davic Charge, Salem and Center UMCs. Traditionallyhomecominghasbeen held at Salem UMC in August, but members felt the May temperatures would be morc suitable. Family First Mortgage Corp. — E S T A B L IS H E D 1979 — " Т О А й е t(om comes jVist" Owned ond StoflM by Dovie Coumy Residems Fixed Rates # О С As Low As 0«O / Э FiM Sw vka/FaitCioiinp Om O^rAfproml k iM ia tC « « n n t« S « o n d H o r tM M • Purdm « or tWhmcM аю п тм чм и ти ею о о т х и н ю т ш т к » моей HOMES S»>l ГВ— 1 И Ш М « M B n ilW H , wc(33é) 7S1-2tft Ofjfca L a c a id T h w ^ T lit Stritao l HOLY GHOST ТЕНТ REVIVAL al dw cm cr «TN, MriÉ St. and Cnmc st М ш Л т Ш ^ Ж Т П П Ж .27ЧМГ2 > TdtMMLY _____________I *1 м и п а o la h th ft T k m ^ ftlk № .á t r r r G n 0 m ,p n a a iía g Wefc uiefrlk» Т<иу Orítrr, pnedtíng _ № т » п ,1 м т Л М Н т М у е г й Л м п Д ц и 6 in N )r W w d , p n a c h ín g i,I%oílMnr«raiice H a a ilít , p c M c h ífig «■ЫЬоам 8in|^ Bk> . Ja s M i W a fd , p n a d iin g «imw.HriMni«haiiiawi Spiritual Resources: The Last Supper By Louise StroudAlthough we have already celebrated the death, burial, and resurrection ol Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, I leel we are still in the aftergtow ol Easier. I thought we might retrace our steps back to the week leading up to Easier and I'd like to share some ol my thoughts. I Ve often wondered whal it wouW have been like to have lived and been a part ol the scene at thal time. I'm very thankful to be living on this side ol the cross. We know our Redeemer lives. On Palm Sunday, Jesus' loltowers who went with Him as He made his triumphal entry into Jemsalem, really expected an earthly king who would tree them from Rome's haled rule. Had we lived Ihen, doni you suppose we wouM have thought the same thing? Monday, Jesus cleared out the Temple where people were buying and selling and tuming His House of Prayer inlo a den of thieves. Then he resumed his teaching and healing. What Jesus did on entering Ihe Temple Is the lirst thing He does on entering a new Christians' life. He cleans oul ol our lives what shouldn't be there and cleanses us and makes our hearts a Temple In which He can dwell. On Tuesday, Jesus taught His disciples an important lesson. Because the fig tree didnl have fruit and He was hungry, Jesus caused it to wither and die. We, as Christians, are to leam a lesson from this, if we doni bear fruit, we wither and die spiritually. Then came the last supper with the disciples, when Judas be­trayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. We just canl understand that. Vet, look what tho love ol money does to people today? And how could Peter deny Jesus, who he loved Him so much? I suppose because he was human, even as we are. The Ihree disciples who accompanied Jesus to Ihe Garden ol Gelhsemane went to sleep as Jesus prayed. Now surely we wouklnl have done lhat. But don1 you expect maybe we wouM, had we been there back then? They dkJnl know viihat was about to happen. We know now. Then, the angry mob Is yelling, 'Crucify Jesus, Cmcify Jesus." Surely, we wouidnl have done thatl Yet, had we been there, even with the best Intentions, it's so easy to follow the crowd rather than stand up to one's own convk^ions. Then came the painful death on the cross. It was only after Jesus gave up the ghost and Ihe veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom and the aaith quaked and becatiw dark, that the people ' realized Jesus was truly the Son ol God. ■Arenl we glad the stoiy doesnl end there? Jesus was betrayed and was cnjdfled on the cross, bul thank God he rose the third ¿ V .With Jesus' vtetoiy over death, He lives to ghw eternal life to ail wtxi will believe in Him. I fell Inspired lo write the lolkiwing poem lilled The Lasl Supper *, • 11 was laler set lo musk: by the Rev. James T. LochrMge Jr. ■. • TheLM iSupper SIWngifiilellyattheLonfBtabla By sotHy glowing candMli^t, mind recalled the chain ol events that happened on that long ago night That night sat Jesus with the trnh/e And blessed and tmke the bread, And then He gave to them the cup; "This do In remembrance ol me,'He said. And led away lor trial Deserted by His closest Mends And mocked by Peter's thrice denial. I thought as I sat at His table That on that kmg ago night It was only His dosest and dearest friends Who were privileged to sham this last rile. It made me leet so humble To think that even today Only His ch№dran, called by His name Can commune with Him in this way. And when we had sung a hymn and went out I coukl not hep bt^ ponder. Will we go out and deny our Lord As Peter dkJ back yonder. God torbid that this be tme But give us strength to daily live ForHim, who gave His all for us And freely does forgive. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE ft CO. 850 N. Trad* S L W lnalon Salem , N 0 27102 Э 3 6 - 7 2 3 -1 6 в9 VOGLER 2 M 9 M ld d lo B rao liD r. Clem m on«,N C 37012 3 3 6 - 7 6 8 ^ 7 1 4 SPILLMAN’S OIL ft FERTILIZER 76*2 H w y M l 8. Cooleom oe,W C 27014 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 2 5 5 1 SWFKUlMHiRftPAlLETOD. • м ш и а м л г IM IM ia y F o o lR o M i H ockm llle,N C 27 02 e 3 3 1 < 1 1 8 8 8 8 MOCKSVIUE Nuns SUPPLY T o g e liM rW e D o H B e H a r* South M ain StreM33I-791-SI1B П ( ¡ 1 ^ Im aad aO ey SltceehnC akr а м г к и м в п и м а м 172 M ein Church R d. M oekm Hto,NC 2702t Э 3 8 - 7 1 1 - 8 1 4 1 CHSCBiBBIW R a i o i s M M oeksvllto,N C 27028МОШ» H lria ls tmMatrn* ЗЗИМ-Ш 3 3 8 - 7 8 1 - 2 1 3 8 XP.SREBI М Ш М С О . , ив. IM w * e lD A » V F L O IM W e C in lo m Blen d Depot 81, M oeknrille,N C m - m - a t n EATONFUNERAL HOME Л TYadition o f Caring..., 325 Noith Main Street MocksviUe. NC 27028 3 3 4 .7 .4 - 2 I4 I MSIBHIMIMMMfiSMPANY 4 M V « M y N e a d M oehm W e, N027008 I N - 7 Ì1 - 2 1 4 1 aoniEiuaME f t 1 8 H . 8 № . 3 3 1 fU 8 H w y1 5 8 M oekm M *,N C 27028 3 3 8 4 8 8 '4 3 8 8 C J M M U . иитсмпшт Ш М м е Ь М м ! м о о 1 « у м « ,и е зл 1 м т и ш ч т ш т шнштият R a iM 8 > i H V V .M 1 S . H o « h w M « ,N e m n A w 1 1 Л Щ SIAPBM иш тш ш яJmMwRomI M o r im a K N C ir a nш т -пт GIIAKCMirai mUBLMG. IM M w iM C M a l Щ(г С Ш ке DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - Cll Jewell Skmn Zachary Jewell Sloan Zachaiy, 88, for­ merly of Mockaville, died Friday, April24,1998,a» Maple LeafHealth Care Center In Sutesvllle. Bom Feb. 24,1910, in Olin, to Charles Sanford Sloan and Myma r Huie Sloan, she was retired from Ihe i dltletic depaitment of Davie County ¡; Hospital and was a member of Ml. g Vemon Baptist Church in Olin. С She waa preceded In death by her husband, Earle Zachaiy; 2 sisten, r'Mfs. R.B. Madison and Irene, I; Hutchins; and a brolher, John P. [¡^|0|Ш. ■: • 'Surviving are 2 nieces, Wilma |:^adlson While of Staiesville and i jCoHeen Sloan Bramble of Charlotte. , ^ graveside services were held at ^ 11 a.m. April 28, al Mt. Vemon Bap- ^'llst Chufxrh with Ihe Revs. Gary Manhall and Teny Tevepaugh ofTi- / elating. 'f-; Memorials may be nude lo Ml. ^VemonBapdslChurch, 14SMI. Ver- ■j non Church Road, Olin, N.C. 28660. :iDeette Burton MarUand Deelle Bunon Markland, 84, .jwldow of Louie William Markland, ’of633PeoplesCreekRoad,Advance, :’died Thursday, April 23, 1998, al rForsyUi Memofial Hospital in Win- rslon-Salem. Born June 25, 1913, in Davie ■:Counly, to Ray H. and Ella Seaford <;Burton, she was a member of ;Elbaville United Meihodisl Church. >She was preceded in death hy a •brother, Buck Burton, i Surviving are a daughter, Tama .'parkland O'Mara of Advance; 3 :^randchlldren;6great grandchildren; ;wd a sister, Betty Jean Hendrix of :Advance. > Funeral services were held al 11 >.m. April 25, al Elbaville United ^jilettiodist Church by Uie Revs. Su- ian Hubbard andTony Jordan. Burial I followed in Ihe church cemelcry. Z Memorials may be made to Elbaville United Mediodist Church, elo Elaine Smilh, 1028 MarUand 1<oad, Advance, N.C. 27006. t* ^Johnnie Max TiUey 5 Johnnie Max Tilley, 62, of Slates- ;-ville, died Wednesday, April 22, ‘ 1998, in Lebanon, Tenn. > Bom in Iredell Couniy, April 28, ; 193S, he was a son of die lale Roy ; Anford and RuUi Sprinkle Tilley. He graduated from Central High School ^in 19S3, and from N.C. Stale in pes- ;ticide managemenl. He had owned :тш еу Pesl Control Seivice for 40 a у tars and was also owner of radio istkiion W DSL in Mocksville. « : On Oct. 26,1957, he married die former Margaret Pearl Tilley, who isiintives. He was an Iredell Couniy jconmilaaioner fiom 1974 lo 1978, .‘S№ing as chaiiman two years. He .*WM a 32nd degree mason and a past Imember of Snow Creek Masonic ILfdge 571. He waa a member of ^Eknezer Fire Departmenl, a mem- ?b«of tbe Shrinen,KanaasCily Stock ^ E^hauge and hid been a radio per- ls4uUtyonWFMXinSla(eavme.He 3waa ■ member of Love Valley Pres- чЬ]||ет1ап Church and was cuirendy ^aliending Mt. Sinai Evangelical 3K4lbodist Church. He was an ac- musician, playing d» and w u cuiready playing jwjdi die Ooipel Voices. He loved I auppoited youdi spans and wai a . fan of NASCAR. ¡Surviving, in iddillon to bii modier, ate • ion, Oiriy TiUey of iSliteivilk;adaughler,LonSuianne ‘aide''JoidinofStileaviUe;Sgraid- lchUdnn;3iiilets,AnaiLiuniTdley koofBilUmoce,Md.,Liad* J 1|ш у Oendle and Martha Tilley IT I^ Io n , bodi of SUletviUe; hii тфЬег-in-Uw, Jennette Church; ind [a ilmiber of niecei ind nepbewi. w u preceded in deith by 2 .AnftndTiUeyindRoyAIIia .f; and 1 lister, Beitrke Tilley iShkver. 1 Flineral lervicei were conducted ¡at 2 p.m. April 26, at M t Sinai Evan- ItU icai Medmdiil Church with die JReva. Ellaha Robertson, Allan jUnifocdiod Rodney Stevenmaf- iflt^Ung. Burial followed in die jchtttch cemetery with Masonic <gi|veside rites pqfonned by Snow SCiiMk Lodge 571 AF and AM. С Mem afiilim aybeniadetodie ;Fellowibip Hall Fund, Mt. Sioii iBvanfelinl MMbodUt Chiiich, 306 iFilim ont Road, StaMivUle, N.C. Jeanne Brown Clark Jeanne Brown Clark of 154 Golfview Drive, Bermuda Run, Ad­ vance, died Friday, April 24,1998, in Kingsport, Tenn. She w u bom in Marian, lo Thad R. and Mary Elizabeth Hensley Brown of Kingspart, Tenn. and at­ tended East Tennessee Slate Univer- slly.Shewuredredownerof Claik's Inleriot Decorating in Chattanooga, Tenn. and w u a member of Clem­ mons United Mediodist Church. She was preceded in deadi by her hus­ band, Joseph Smith Clark; and a brolher, Leonard Brown. Suntlvlng, In addlUon to her par­ ents, are a daughter, Pilric Pick of Bermuda Run; a son, Lany Clark of Kingsport, Tenn.; a grandson, Michael Peck of Advance; a brodier, Cecil Brown of Kingsport, Tenn.; a sister, Ann Randolph of Klnsport, Tenn.; 2 slsteis-ln-Iaw, Betty Jack­ son and Billie Blown, both of Kingsport, Tenn.; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. April 28, al aemmons Unlled MediodistChurehby die Rev. David Baxter. Burial followed in New Gardens FriendiCemelery in Oieens- boro. John "Bud" Everidge John "Bud" Everidge, 53, of Hamptonville, died TUesday, April 21,1998, at Forsyth Memorial Hos­ pital in Winslon-Salem. Bom May 29, 1944, in Suny County to Ihe lale James and Rethi Thompson Everidge,hewua retired computer operations manager for North Westem Bank and w u a U.S. postalcarrierforMocksvlIle.Hewas a member and deacon of Dennyville Baptist Church and past master of Elkin Lodge 454 A.F. and A.M. He was also a member of York and Scot­ tish rite. Surviving are his wife, UndiGre- goiy Everidge of die home; a daugh- teiPriscillaaiuich of Hamptonville; a son, John^han Everidge of Hamp- lonville; his inodicr and step-fadier, Relha aiid B ill Reece of HamptonviUe;4grandchlldren;3sls- lers, Judy Mauldin and Elaine Ire­ land,bodiofHamplonville. and Mar­ garet Ipock of Elkin; 5 broUien, Albert Everidge of Cana, V i„ Ovid Everidge of Hamptonville, Janes Edgar Everidge Jr., of Bermuda Run, CharlesEveridgc of Greenwood, S.C. and Joe Clay Everidge of Jonesville. He was preceded in deadi by his fadier and 2 brodien, Sam and Jack­ son Everidge. His funeral w u held ai 2 p.m. April 24, M Dennyville Baptist Church widi'die Revs. Lany Lefler, Ronnie McMillan and Kennedi Jar-,, dan officiating. Burial followed In die church cemetery wldi Masonic graveside rites provided by die Elkin lodge. W ilU a m C a n o n C u iT jr A memorial service w u held at 2:30 Р.Ш. Aptil 25, « Clefflmcai Presbyterian Church fot William Canon Cutty, 81, of Advance, who died Friday, April 10, 1998,aflcra shoitillneii. He w u owner of B ill Cuny Buick in Dallia, Teua, from 19651019Ю and w u a community leader aad re­ spected butlneuman, He served ao die board of dliectan and u presi- deni of die DaUuAutobobile Deal­ ers Asaociadoo. He alao served GO die board of directon of d» Texas Automobile Dealen Aasodalii» h r nine yean. He w u bon Sept 4, 1916, In Bfcwmlngwsi, Ind. where ihe graduated from Indiana Uaiver- sity.ANivalofncerinWaridWarll, he served in die Souh Pacific u .a funnety ofliccr oodwnaircfAdini- n l C.AJ>. Sprague. He w o iM fot Buick Motor Diviiioo for 25 yean, ending thal саГеег u SoudiweK re- giooai manafer in Dallu ftiòf to рипД ^ЬиаМ агпаЫ кЛ еаМ Ур . After hil icdrnneni, he moved to Founlain HUli. A linea wb«e ba Uved untU 1994, when he aad hia wife moved to Bermuda VUla|e r^ tiramenlcoiiinnity.' Sutvivln|irehliwUeof56yeati, JaneTouni(tCuny;2d«i^ilin,Boo Cuny Burton of Iivin i, Т еш and Sue Cutty Wkittaktr of Mcbfflond, Va.; 5 gtàdchUdna; a d a giN l ttaaddaugtebomMthsdiyofkls SamHntchens SamJosephHutcheni,77;af3336 AngeU Road, MocbvUle, Aedat his home, Wednesday, Apri(22< fbUowingaperiodofdecUnlivttlldi.' Bom Sept. ID, 1920. IB ^avie County, to die late JeSM aad Hanna Corina Pntiah HulcfiiW, he' w u retired from Young'a FiM luie Manufacturing Company and later StatesviUeChairCompany.HesMved in die U.S. Am y during Wotld War n for four yean and six yean In die' Navy. He w u a member ct Bear' Creek Baptist Chireh. He w M d u a . member of American Legión'of Statesville and a fonner member of Mockaville VFW Post 4024. He w u educated Indie Davie county schools. Survivors include his wife, Mildred L. "BlUie" Hutchens, whom he mairiedMay II, 1946; Jdavgh- ten. Bobble H. CranTiU and MitgM-. ret B. Parker, both of StatetvMe, airf Susan H. Cook of Kings Mouhtata; a sister, Rena Mae L. Smidi of Móckl- vUle; 5 gnndchUdnn, inchidiq Sh­ annon Brooks of MocksvUle; and II greal grandchlliktn. A memorial aervice was кеИ аГЭ p.m. April 25, at Bear Creek Варви pureh wldi die Rev. Richard Eskew ofnclating. Q.D. Fortune Q.D. Fortune, 80, of 347. ^ven Strecl, Mocksvllle, died al N iW e , early Sunday, April 26, 1998, following a period of Illness. He wos bom April I2| 1918, In Franklin County, Ga., to the lale William Davis and Aireña Monis Fortune. He spent Ihe majorliy of hfs iireinYonken,N.Y.wbereherMlicd from Nalional Vacuum Molding Company. Alter reluming lo Nonh Carolina, he worited at K.W. Arthur, Roollng Company In Salisbury. He Is survived by his wife, Alice Clement Fortuncofdiehom^, 3 sons, Bany Fortune of Salisbuiy, Eric Fortune and William Fbnune, bodi of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Barbara Miller of Ml. Vemon, N.Y..a»d CynUiia Smith of Salisbuiy; 3 sisten, Lillian Pniilt of Cooleemee, BeiDah Vinson and L.D. Waddni. bo^.df Salisbury; 13 grandchildren; á grcitl grandchild; and 2 g rfltffra ^ ' grandchildren. Funeral services were to be KÁlal 2 p.m. April 30, in die cJuipA of Graham Funeral Home with a kxal ministei officiating aiid burial rollowing in Rose Cemelety.'The family was to receive friends at 1:30 p.m. Lucy Dortch Hairstin'^ 1916-1996 SA USW IIV • Horace Lee HoneytuU' J93J-1998 . MONIOC .1 • : r ‘i Auirey Boger Brbugfi) »15-199* KANNAPOUS . DguiRayOsboitK...; 1952-199« OONCOtD . •FrmcesSenlPoadl-- 1923-199« /I'f M O O SVU.U'■ V ■ S'3-i. Carrie flytm]ari^t~^ 1905-199« SAUSaUlY ■ , *Ralph RayPoindtxler ■ 1919-199« rlNNNACU ChariieT.miiMis:^ 1936-W9« M o c u v iiu ' ' ' ; • .HomerleeSprji . 1934-199« dAMMONS Elmer Harrison Dunn ElraetHairisonDunn,84,ofWln- ston-Salem, died Tuesday, April 21, 19998, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Bom May 16, 1913, in Davie Couniy to die late William Alex­ ander and Donnie Viola Williams Dunn,hewuameraberofBedilehem United Methodist Chureh. He owned and operated Dunn's Grocery for many years. He served In the U.S. Army. He was preceded In deadi by his wife, Emma Pauline Davis Dunn; 2 brodiera and 2 sisters. Surviving are a son, Avery Dunn of Winston-Salem; 2 daughters, Ella Sheets and Louise Hart, bodi of Win­ ston-Salem; 2 brothers, William Dewitt Dunn and W.A. Dunn, bodi of Advance; 3 sisten, Pauline D. Wood of Windsor, Va., Vida D. ' WhitmanofMocksvlUeandMaijorie D. Cravur of Lexington; 2 grandchil­ dren; and 4 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. April 24, at Hayworth- Mlller Silas Creek Chapel widi die Revs. Selby McManus and Aveiy : Dunn ofTiciadng. Burial followed in Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. Emma Long Finley Emma Long Finley, formerly of ChitUuiooga, Tenn., died Tuesday afternoon, April 21, 1998, at Mead- owbrookTeirace of Davie where she had been a resldenl for die past two weeks. Bom In Hamilton County, Tenn. to die late James and Nora Longley Long, she had been an attendant at Oakwood Baptist Chureh Day Care Center for several yean. She was a memberofOakwoodBaptistChurch. Her husband, John Frederick Finley, preceded her in deadi Feb. 8,1998. Survivon Include 2 daughten, LaretuGoadnerofWaynesboro,Va. and Glenda Crouse of Advance; a grandson, Lany Crouse Jr. of Bai- low-on-Fuieness, U.K.; several nieces and nephews. Services were held April 25, at Chattanooga Funeral Home, Nordi Chapel. Burial w u in Hamilton Me­ morial Oaideni in Chattanooga. Syhia Ball Driver Sylvia Ball Drivei of U.S. Hwy. 601 North, Mocksville, died eariy Tuesday, April 28,1998, at her home. Bom in Kannapolis Nov. 18,1935, lo die late Wililam McKlnlcyandEvra Owens Ball, she was a gniduale of Mocksvllle High School and a mem­ ber of Chestnut Grove United Medi- odist Church. Surviving are her husband. Hairy Kennedi Driver of die home;2daugh- tets, Joyce Driver Lamm of Wilson andEUzabediDriverCancrofMocks- vlllr, 5 grandchildien; and 2 sisters, Phyllis McClamroch and Linda Trivette, bodi of Mocksville. Fkuieral services will be conducted al 11 am. May I, at Eaton Funeral Chapel by Ihe Rev. Tim Slaibuck widi burial lolkiwing In Chestnut Grove United Mediodist Church Cemetery. •?,Tha family will be at Eaton Funeral Home 7-9 p.m. April 30. James Glenn Stroud James Glenn Siroud, 72, of Stroud M ill Road, Harmony, died Friday, April 24,1998, at Iredell Memorial Hospital in Statesville after a lengthy illness. BomJan. 11,1926, in Ihe Couniy Line community of Davie Couniy Id Ihe late J.G. "Sam" and Blanch York Stroud, he was preceded in death by his wife, Polly Solberg Siroud, In 1993. After serving in Ihe U.S. Coast Guard and Ihe U.S. Aimy, he gradu­ ated from Catawba College In 1959 and received a degree In physical therapy from the Univeisily of Penn­ sylvania in 1960. He retired from Ihe Veterans'Adminisiraiion In Sallsbuo' in 1985. Surviving are 2 sisters, Eloise Seaford of Mocksville and Cora Ellen Stroud of Landenberg, Pa.; 2 brolh- era, Amos "Bud" Siroud of Statesville and DeWhllt Stroud of Haimony; and several nieces and nephews. As he wished, his body was do­ nated to the Bowmon Gray School of Medicine In Winston-Salem. Funeial seivices w ill be an­ nounced at a lateidale. Burial will be in Ihe National Veterans Cemetery in Salisbuiy. Sallie Myers Bodsford Sallie Myen Bodsfoid, 88, of Lewisville, died Thursday, April 23, 1998. Bom Aug. 3, 1909, in Davie County to George V. and Lula Bur­ ton Myers, she was a member of Harmony Grove Unlled Mediodist Church. She was preceded in death by heihusband, WilliamG. Bodsfoid Si.; a son, Horace Bodsfoid; and a daughier, Barbara Bennett. Suivlving are a daughtei, Rosa Bodsfoid of Lewisville; 2 sons, W.G. "Bill" Bodsfoid Ji. and N.R. "Buck" Bodsfoid, bodi of Winslon-Salem; a daughtei-in-law,VliglniaLeFavoiof Lewisville; 2 broUien, Ray Mym and Edd Myen, bodi of Advance; 8 grandchildren; 5 greatgrandchlldfTO; and 2 great great grandchildren. > Funeral services were conduct at 2 p.m. April 26, wldi die Reifs. Neal Brower and Jimmy Myen offi­ ciating. Burial followed in UiechUreh cemcteiy. Memorials may be made to Hm- pice of WInston-Salem/Forsylh County, 1100-C S. Stratford R6a<l, Winston-Salem,N.C.27103-320qor Hannony Grove United Mediodist Church Building Fund, P.O. Box265, Lewisville, N.C. 27023. Irvin Matthew Taylor Irvin Matthew Taylor, 67, of Ad­ vance, died Friday, April 17,1998. He was a native of Sallville, Va. and was a retired tmckdriver. He was a member of Clemmons Baptist Church. He also served In die U.S. Naval Reserve. Survivors includc his wife, Frances F. Taylor of Advance; a daughter, Jan Tucker of Advance; a son, Gaiy Taylor of Clemmons; 3 sisten, Lola Lewis of Soudi Caro­ lina, Edna Hyde of California and Bemice Blackburn of Winslon-Sa­ lcm; 2 brothers, Loomis "Charlie" Taylor of Sallville. Va. and Harold Taylor of Winslon-Salem; and 5 grandchildren. Funeral services were held April 19, al Barnett's Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Mike Sage officidlng. (g) DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC 416 Valley Rd., MocksvUle, NC 336-751-3111 "O urFam llySm ingYoiirram iV п ш н м п п м п г а и м ш I Buy Direct From The Factory/ 1 GRANITE • MARBLE • BRONZE Many styles & sizes to select from with custom. designs & sandblasting • C m taijriiH artvaad ■m rteaning of iBonumaDti • toJM aw anM taaM iM arialaUa 1 guaranteed with over 20 yean e 243 Marble Road, Statesvme, NC №m Uoduvllle, tabl-tO met to Huy 90. Hika Hw]t 90 towud IkyknnóUe цщг. 1Д mile. Tton left onte MariJ«lld.W» ai» healed 1Д mile on left Would you entrust your loved one i to anyone other than a Community Friend? ^ T r a d it io n o f L o c a l S e r v ic é ^ k u e cboow wisely. Local, liuatty hineral dirtclon live, { work, volunlNf aod lociaUie inaw coaunmily. We have fbr inicratioai. We knew (he MlikboTlMod, hive j: a stable a network of heal m owct* aad in u laffy carc|: about serving our Mends and nelthbon. y Eaton n u ctvl Service wUI help you coordinale all of thè: detaUs-no nutter whai stae-during this IbM. Most Ì importantly, wc will anist you in ptaimint a pcneaal > and mcaoló|hil ceremony to bciin the hoiUai pracesh ^ Wc are committed lodetaU and wUI take irtM p aiM le ^ planyouricrvicc. . ' Eaton Funeral Service 325N. Main SIm t Mocksvilb, North Carolina . ,___________(336)^1-2148 : I re: •I ;Cia « DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 ßuardian Ad Litem foluni^rsH opeTo ^elp Davie Children « r m » ! CMmty Entoprise Record' f M aiy BeUi SUinley has seen firal- h|iid the good lhat a guardian ad liitm can do In the life of a child. ; A former fosler molliet, seven cUldren were under her care from tiihe to lime for three years. O f those sfven, only one moved on to a bet­ ter situation. Thai child was the only oiie with a guardian ad litem. : The needs of some of thosie other children weren't brought before the c ^ s when decisions wete being nude aboul their future. As a foster niother, she knew some of those needs but had no power to go before Ihejudge. That's changed now. As a new guardian ad litem volunteer In Davie Cbuniy, it’s her job to find oul Ihe child's needs, and tell that lo the Judge. ' Stanley, Robin Howard and Gene Raiich were recently sworn by Judge Jim Honeycull as volunteers for Davie County. They completed 40 hours of training, but see the woilt to get where Ihey are and the woric ahead as something thal needs lo be done. Davie now has flve volunteers, and could use 10 more, said Susan Scott, Dislrict 22 Guardian ad Litem Program supervisor. Each volunteer w ill work with a child for 1 and 1/2 to 2 years before making a recommendation. They'11 spend time with the child, talking lo family members, neighbors, doctors, school personnel - anyone who has had contact with the child. They have one goal, accoiding 10 S ^ . “The voluntecn can speak lo lha best interest of the child and be 'T l i goal'in Nonh Carolina is to haveavolunleer for every child. Lasi year, 3,000children weni ihiough ihe court system wilhoul a guardian ad litem volunteer. Rauch and Howard wanl other children to have it as good or better lhan their own. " I have grandchildrcn who 1 dearly love," Rauch said. "Ybu see moie and morc about abuse of chil­ dren ... the fact that children don4 have a good life ... and that is in con­ trast wllh whal I've bccnaccuslomcd to.” Howard said she learned lhal her child is lucky. ‘ТЬсгс'я a world of people oul there who need help and this is something 1 ihoughl I could do,” she said. Howard also learned lo chcck oul judicial candidates before casting her ballot. The judge must realize lhat Ihc child has a voice, and Ihc family Isn^ necessarily Ihe bcsl place for lhal child. Scolt said il is appropriale lhal her new volunteers were sworn InApril, child abuse prevention and volunteer recognition month. Last year In North Carolina, Ihere werc 19,312 substanlialcd coses of child abuse in Ihc stale alTccling 33,133 children. Most, she said, are preventable. Whal happens lo these children? Who w ill look oul for them? Whal can be done lo prevent funhcr harm 10 Ihcm? The guardian ad litem program is one of Ihc laigesi volunlccr programs wilhin state goveromenl. These vol­ unteers investigate juvenile court abuse and neglect cases, providing information lo Ihe children's attor­ ney, and recommending a course of action that's in the bcsl inlercst of Ihc child. The judge also looks at the volunteer's recommendation, which helps eitabiishapennancnthomc for the child. Adults ot good character inlcr- eslcd in volunleering or learning morc aboul ihe program may conlacl Scolt at 751-0177. Adopt A Pet Saturday Adopt a pet Saturday from Ihe Davie Counly Humane Society Memben w ill be al the counly animal shelter, al Ihc end of Eaton RoKl off U.S. 601 South in Mocks- M ayfest To B e H e ld A t B rock Some OfDavie County's finest se­ nior citizens w ill peifonn at the annual MiyfeitinanEdSulUvanlypevariety ihow on Swifday, May 2, Erom 2-4 P A a the B iw k Peifonning Arts . IW iyev'iperlcniicnincludeThe , I Betìe». Libcnce, George A Otacie, New guardian ad llfem volunteers for Davie County are, fronii left, Gene Rauch, Mary Beth Stanley a ^ m i« ' district program supervisor Susan Scott. " “ V . i EXPERIENCE ville, Salunlay, May 2 from 10 a.m.- noon. the fee is $50 for dogs and $35 for cats, and includes spaying or neu­ tering and shots. out-takes fromSoulhPacinc.and much more. Ader the perfonnance, refresh­ ments w ill be served downstairs in a 50s style soda shop al the Senior Cen­ ter. Eveiyone is invited. There is no c h ^ for admission. ComcbyorcontactlheScniorCen- le r« 751-0611. IS ! if e ' AlhaiGeConapiadmi ,Akm |yana|aBalc(cutfiGw- ■limpliòaitateMelhadiitcfauRh '¡■■■nyolLiicffleCaiiHlzerftclier Afrii b M d v Md Em m, ftv n tv D nidlojnr. . I lifMlBi J ih — lh« miiillilh lb» Afril 19. Hanoi ШеСшМгш! kb ймйу 1ш1 < соок-ом to Ut ■ ik K . Вф )|< чjDÌciRobM n,SudiiHiiind,iM [ Ы М ч>* М А Ш aad Kvby I tr tta i. 0 * w 0М М 1Ц Ыйк- ilqnimAiril l9 м я a n ■ iB n - И * Овмкдг С и > a d M iv N d 'kfm Ы ш гН Л ш Л аЛ тр м Ш ч r :if c a ll* i.M I T ta te a ( a é - iM d v vU k« М й а 1Миг. Oi I*, a i Мя. Иск W olbor «lÉMM’S t a «от «WMi «Г .1k ita .M i.W o lb a lM n .ta l ■ M rairiM B .(kSirivA fril26 ^ 1 М в Ш 1 н Ы 1 | » 1 о И а г Mn. Oladyi CoUey of Oitonville, MdLhMspeankepMtweekwithher •OH iod dmluer-in-law U ny and. B«tyC«teil.OltMiviiitto wacUa bnther « d «ile Buck aod Jack» Catloo of WiuMhSaleni. Oa Stm- daynichilhebniilyeiijoycdadinner aUtaeCarttoo'shamecoShuttRoKL Bill EUiiorMinoaiwia ben laal Mck vìlidiii idaiivci and Mendi. HnUeadKiiitiiHVofletaretlie pmaa(tek(kitclAI,i|ii<,AI)i|til Lm bora Aprii 20 al FmythK(»pital, 6 fea. and 3 u . P m ^ |tM d|p««au mt NofDt V o ^ aad dv iMe BiU Voikr. MMenud inDd- pmMi n* David and (MI Solanoli. MiVLMliiil>sticitaaiiU(it«piBd- nMlierariials''AHiy". Edd iod Amalec Myoi have re- tm ad ftorn ■ «ceka viiit with nla- livM in Indiai. Ludiida Hauaer or WiiMaaSal«accciiipriaedlheMy- at*. Thay viaiied rdalivea in Foni, Akiiadria,AiidenaaaadJoiieabon>. Itey nqml M d» bame or ■ cooain MUndSlidbyiaAlaadrii.Di>iiig Ito watk day had 1 ttnr or.Bia and Okiii(UkirtnMicMdk)ioAad№ K < CQ U NIS H O W A R D N.C. House of Representatives V O T E F O R “ Y o u r D a v i e C o u n t y v o i c e i n g o v e r n m e n t ” у т Ы 1 т т Ш т О ш > ш и 4 H H F Ìf r w W ¥ im a d l ; _ ^ M a M t o | o a | d À i| in | MteBrackCtMKiaMackavilleaa S M d q r giiM (м в П Ч t e Ratri». I PM Рсшя! U Dy Howard DAVIE CPUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 30,1998 - DI Davic High ; Four students have been selected lb attend the Govenior's School of N.C., a summer program for aca­ demically and intelleclually gifted h)ghschoolsludenuJunc2l-Aug. 1. Sludenls selected are Gregory R. b n ie r in English, Bradley Panley In itialhematics, Laurie Desch in En­ glish, a ^ Nicole A. Scherle in En­ glish. T^seiecllonprocessincludes scmnlng for measured ability,grade [Ю1К| average, and a written essay or audition. Lanier and Parsley w ill ¿ t e ^ Governor’s School WesI at ¿ale'm College in Winston-Salem. Desch and Scherle w ill attend ckivemor's School East al St. An­ drews Presbyterian College in Laurinburg. A ll ate rising senlon. Nominees; Hailey Queen and Jenni­ fer Bowles in art, Zach Wagner in d m a , Jason Bamey and Suzy Pence ia choral music, and M ichael dusefskl in instrumental music, ( ^ n and Gusefski are rising jun­ ion and the olhers are rising seniors. Salurday School is from 8-11 a.m. May 16 and May 30. ■: The NC Competency Test w ill be administered May 12 and 13. . SludentAwardsNighlwillbeMay 28 at 7. i The owners and operalon of The Compuler Solution, a local computer software and repair company, w ill speak with students during Ihe carcer cruise April 29. Students inlcrcstcd in computer programming and tcch- lem due May I. Mrs. Harden's stu­ dents are continuing Ihelr unit on Ccniral Europe. They have begun the novel. Number Ihe Stars. Slu- dentslnhermomlngclasses ore work­ ing on an independent project on Europe. Math students of Steve Hamiln are gearing up for the End of Grade Test nem monlh by practicing wllh lesllets. Students are working on lesl-taking strategies as well. Slu­ denls are learning how lo And ihe areas o f various geometric shapes and have used these fonnulas to flnd areas In real world settings. In sci­ ence, sludenls have been comparing and contrasting the polar regions of . the planet as well as Ihe various life forms al the Nonh and South Poles. Some Sludenu panlcipated in a lab where hey tested lo see how mi­ crobes could survive in e«lreme en­ vironmental conditions. Communication students of Ter­ esa Santis have completed a unit on adjectives. They integrated a study of animals in science with a study of adjeclivesbyreadingthe novel,Num­ ber Ihe Stan, which penains lo Ihe Holocaust. In social studies, they are studying W W I and W W II with em­ phasis on Ihe rule of H iller ond the Holocaust. North Davie Middle Theeighth grade A C ES leam look a spring field trip Wednesday, April 22, lo Keppel Auditorium al Calawba College where Ihey saw a presenta­ tion of “Swiss Famiiy Robinson" by nologymay wishloaltcnd.SeeTrncy Theater Works USA. After a picnic Bracken in "A " building for details, lunch at Rich Park in Mocksville, ■ Brandon A. Robinson and Alesla Ihey went lohistoric Fulton Method- Michelle Dillard have been selected 1st Church on N.C. 801 soulh of Ad- Id-attend Legislatora' School for Youth Leadenhlp Development al Wesleni CarolinaUniversity July 13- A'ug. I. ; Students in Brad Sherrill's fresh­ men success class received their COPS (Career Occupations Prefer­ ence System) Assessment resulu. This assesses Inieresu, abilities, and Wwk values. Students also receive a cbniprehensive career guide, which contains Information on 14 career clusten, occupations,and skills, abili­ ties, and aclivilies. Parents are en- enraged lo review the summary with tiiel'r child. Conferences withaguid- ance or career counselor are avail­ able by calling 751-7388. ; Davidson Counly Community Coiiege Placement Test w ill be given on the Davic Campus May 19 at 3 and6p.m. Inlerestidsludcntsshould contact Rex Hobson forastudy guide. : Scholarship Bulletin 10 is avail­ able In the guidance officc. South Davie Middle Kelly Wolford and Ricky Hall w eit chosen as Cruisen of Ihe Week by the South Davie 8th grade Cruis­ ers team because they are conscien­ tious, responsible, and hard work­ ing. Sixth graders of Robin Harden and.'Teresa Cook look a trip to Calawba College Wednesday. April 22i to see Ihe musical perfonnance of ■‘T lie Swiss Fam ily Robinsoit" baled on Ihe book by J. D. Wyss. Tlie pUy offered an enrichment in lilera- lure, music, and family relationships. In science, Ihe Falcon sludenls have began a unlton the solar system and are going onalourofeachplanet. They are completing daily joumal entries with infonnalion about Ihc galaxy. In math, sludenu are con­ tinuing their geometry unit. Each sluiknl has a geometry related prob- Dub Potts and Todd Naylor realize the Importance of the big yellow busos. They carry over 3,000 Davie children every day • Photo by RoblnFargutson Transportation Director Gets Top State Award vance where they worked in groups collecting data rrom tombstones to be used in their unit on the C ivil War. A C ES and STARS learns partici­ pated in a C ivi) W ar rc>enacimen( Friday, April 24. led by local histo­ rian and re>enactors from the Triad area. Studenu of the monlh of April on the 7ih grade Explorer team who have exhibited respect and responsi­ bilily are Nick Taylor. Carmen M i­ nor, W esiley M yers, Armand Vonsiasiky, Sam Spach. Dawn Singleton, Brandon Davis, Candice Jones, Andrea M ojica, Jonathan Greene, and Nick Raby. In Prime Time. Explorer sludenls colored Chinese symbols and dis* cussed the meanings. This activity lied in with Iheir siudy of China in social studies. A ll Prime Time groups spent a session discussing school violence and how schools should be a safe place of leaming. In Prime Time Explorer teachers are reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes about aJapanesegirlwhodiedasaresullof radiation fallout from ihe atom bomb Ihe U.S. dropped on Hiroshima dur­ ing W W II. ADer completing the story s ^ m s w ill be making origami paper cranes. Sludenls of W illiam Caroihcrs have completed their study of China and are exploring Japan. Students of Renae Ridenhour are studying poetry wiih a special em­ phasis on poelic terms. They w ill be reading some Japanese folkiales as well as writing original ones in con- Junction with their study of Japan in social studies. U e Bailey’s AO students w ill be assigned a mini-research paper on famous women. C o n tln iicd O iiP a ieD l B y M ike Bam hardl Davie County Enterprise Rccord There arc 59 school buses in Davic County. They have to be fueled every day. They un­ dergo regular inspeclions. When Ihey break down, they have lo be fixed. And there’s the scheduling: nol only for the routes lo gel students to school, but the buses that lake athletes to sporting events in other counlies, to the many Held uips that students of all ages take. That’s Ihc job of workers al the counly bus garage off U.S. 601 Souih.Thesixandahatf(one works part-time there) must do their job well. lYansportation DireclorTodd Naylor rcceivcd the N.C. Excellence Award in Pupil TVansportaiion at the Spring Transportation Conference in Greensboro. It is ihe lop award a school bus op­ eration can rcceive in Nonh Carolino. W.G. “ Dub" Potts, Davie Schools' dircclor of auxiliary scrviccs, nommatcd Nayloc “Basically, the nomination was ccntcrcd on improving the Davic Counly bus transportation system,” Potts said. "Wc made the decision wc couldn'l put $100.000 plus in local transportation money." The plan wwkcd. Using a computerized sys­ tem. the schools changed bus routes, and the num- bcrs of stops buses make. They can identify down to the minute where a bus w ill stop. After u few complaints when the new system was first started, it's working fine now, Potts suid. The state bases money given lo local systems for transportation on the eUlcicncy of the system. The new plan sent Davie's proricicncy level from 84 percent to 97.6 percent. “ We were not being inefncicnt. wc were pro­ viding a lot more services than the stale required," Naylor said. Although the computer makes the routes, Naylor. Potts, principals and bus drivers ride ev­ ery route during the summer, making surc the stops arc safe. in addition to Naylor, the garage employs three full-time mechanics, a fuel truck driver; a TIM S (computer system) director and a part-time cleri­ cal worker. “ Il takes a lot of people." Naylor said. "This job has changcd drastically sincc I took it. Some things, I didn'l have a choice. Some ihings wc did lo make it better. This whole stali works as a team. “ Wc schedule all of the activity trips... sport­ ing events, fìeid trips. We maintain those vehicles. W c have lo keep the maimenance up. Thai’s a primary objective is to keep the buses in good shape, keep the maintenance records up. “ We do everything from covering scats lo re­ building engines lo painting. W j don't farm any­ thing out," he said. "There’s a lot of work lhal goes on people don’t realize." The garage also maintains the gasoline stop age for all coumy. and Mocksville and Cooleemee vehicles. Users have computer cards inserted into a machine lhat records when and how much gaso- ^ line they receive. The school bus garage is also the storage plac?. for vehicles seized under the new D W I law Those seizures started last December, bul the school« have yet to benefit from the sale o f a vehicle be­ cause court trials haven’t be completed. The award was based on performance, involve- meni in the communiiy (Naylor is chicf of the Farmington Firc Department) and efforts for safety and training. A ll mechanics rcceive training on up-io-datc'*, methods. This year, paid training was also made available to the school bus drivers. Naylor started working as u mechanic in the garage 12 years ago, and became direc tor seven years ago. “ 1 enjoy it. I like working in the shop . the most, bul I don't get lo do lhal as much," he'' said. He does realize the importance of his job./\ Those yellow buses carry from 3,000-3.300 stu­ dents every day. Two From Davie Receive Teaching Feilows TWo Davie High School seniors are among Ihe 1998 recipients of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows scholanhlps. Kristin Meredith Garner and Jainey Kenneth Holl w ill cach re­ ceive a $20,000 scholarship loan from the state, payable in $5,000 annual incremenu. The full loan is given after Ihe fellow has completed four years of teaching in Nonh Caro­ lina public schools. In addition, teaching fellows uke pan in academic and summer enrich- ment programs during their collegc careen. The program was creatcd by the General Assembly in 1986, upon the recommendation o f the Public School Forum of N.C. It has bccomc one of the top teacher recruiting pro­ grams in the counlry. "The primary purpose of the pro­ gram is 10 attract talented high school seniors to bccomc public school leaehers, said Thomas Lambeth, chair of Ihe Teaching Fellows Com­ mission. “The 14 inslitutions in the pro­ gram offer unparalleled teacher edu­ cation experiences - experiences which are producing high quality educators and leadcis for Ihe state's public schools.Thcse recipients may also achieve liccnsure as school me­ dia specialists, school psychologisu, school social workers, school coun­ selors and speech palhologlsu.” Recipients rank in the upper 10 pcrccnt of Iheir classcs and scorcd an average o f 1166 on the SAT. Among the recipients, 23 percent are males and 28 pcrceni are minorities; “Each leaching fellows class con-" • tlnucs to mcel the high expectations ofthe program," said Jo Ann Norris.’ ^ associate executive dircclor for the. ; Public School Forum and admlnis-' trator of the program. "I believe thaS:-'. these bright young people, like their'' predecessors who arc now teaching in our public schools, w ill make;a rcal dilTcrencc when they graduate^’ and lake their places in Nonh Car(h':' lina classrooms." Fourth Graders Raise Funds For St. Jude's oSiddca'iftMnhindiclMi« Sliidyanm ElM M aySchoolna ряц уЧу М Ьш ф : Todv.d>Vi«bMldiy>adta|i|iy. ВЛ \Ы уЛ ж Л гЛ аШ рш М .ТЫ у kumtmptìaolaaar. : 'Ь UadoiMea, day ihared d» Mai of • clMonale «fata her ycuni làólbKdiedafcaioer. b flm im k, day wMcfaed diài liadHi’i counfwu. fl|hl apiiM i M b tuDot • a flihl dialihe kat d» я»*«уиг. . ^ П а у т а П п т afa local boy'i Itm уак fl|t< to Uva. They know addialwlKapa H a Омпм, Ite Spiriìi « o ily ‘U ià M r ,a r 'r,al4yMiolAMaaadva.S iad m U T . . .I «■iqiCM «ho ki*H d m hurtL ~^;.Hto}Mr.Mv«dafSiddn'i Mi- *É*M w boi*.Sad*)A edl1ie »0 1 1 .аЬсв1аШа» gU «ho diea of iNkonia, For dieif book Kfiara, diqr tM tadxd Ituka- Ilia. Ьпя|Ы in a chUdhood caee^ mreiwr, ш 1 wMchid a video abogi StlndaChUdRa'tRaicnbHeiiital. «Ьеи docton and icleHdBiw «oik- im had to find a cm fbr cUUhood All of tbeaedtiafi reminded diem cf d» qiecial peo|ile dayVe known widi cmccr. Somehow, they wmed tohalp. Balhow? St M e Н04Ш had a MidHh d m Ul, bol Skkkn had a bedv kka. She look madi fton die fw di inda cmkiihai Old a m d it iMo ter own MMMnLlUiwoiiklhelpdieMi- il»ditei!am«»l}[w ww dfad»lr cDdKif-yevteit. MweUahelpodi- en. Tbe chUdrenMupipooBoa many cf when w n teachen md naif al ' Shady Grove, mdihKpeaodtheil peo- cU<.Bveqidqi,fbrlOdayi,dieycaiU hwlly wak (K madi dme. When diey finiited dieir 20 allooed problem», they begged fbr more. When die cor- lectpcoMent wen counlad. many had wdl over 20a The moaeywatcoUecled Cram the iponaan n d couoMd. lte cUkkcn wailed anxkMily fee die ietult,kiiow- ingdiateveqrdollafwouklhelpaiick cUkl.Skkl<n.cookin|anEiileitnak- ikM fiat ter dan. waited even mon ■nkwly. lte moditr cotmdm die money waa a Mtvovi wnck. md not ^ « a d jjth iiia h M lh a c lia d w ij in &oolonier.counledagain.Tte total wae$1.474J6raiiedbytwenly-five9 and lO-yev-oide. The cetebntkn wai fkiU of laughter and teanuea^ chiki leceivelacer- dficale and a hug. St Jude Hoipital o6eiedprizei,buldieaechUdRndklnt want diem. Ttey voted to do it for die kkb.HeafU grew hqer dial day. widi pride and widi hope diat Mtneday die cure will be found. The kids uy dial Sidden acted ciaiy da lot of die day. I know that she called a ftiend with ■hwaWfiBmmdihedafÌ8wtean.Tte kkbmadedadediionondairownto do ddi and you wont find a prouder : -ll Too many days the newt it full of kkhkillingUdi a d we wonder what w lU hinatolhii worid. But Mrs. Sidden's louith grade class, from left: row 1, Chanca,.^ Bames, Trent Harrison, Daniel Wood, Logan JoldersmaiV. Lauren Black, Kara Seaford, Stacey Statham, Sally Lackey,-.;!' Mrs. Sidden; row 2, Marcie DIckman, Shayna Turner, i- Jonathan Chaplin, Megan Cooper, Carla Baker, Morgan ' ' Mock, John Keriln, Brian HIH; and row 3, Wendy Fulk, Kyle Pragar, Heather Myers, Christina Manzullo, Josh Bam es,;.' brew Mossman, Kyle Winters. Not pictured; Katherint; " Q aikin.JakaLk)yd. ----^- ^ >1.. - »_____________............................-....... -....... -ii г Ш . DAVIE СОШТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 iíDavie Schoob I iqiatiaM d Ггаш Р ч> D l lí.'.CMalh students of Kiin StcWait arc .¿sludying pernnts and rational num- Tlwy are working on a project ‘p called “Letsget Real" where they arc ’;^i!^uired to choose a carccr, buy a IT car.ondplanforpurchaslngahorac. Lifelong skills such as budgeting, .li paying taxes, borrowlngmoney.and p paying Intereslarebclngemphaslnsi. ,Robert Bowden, an instructor . IromBowmanGray Medical School, spoke to Deb M ick's scicncc classes, j; Me showed some slides and brought •; huinon cadaver parts. Sludcnis just f.,completed a unit on Body Systems 'I ond are working on a unit on forcc, '/motion, and simple machines. Cenlrai Davie Elementary ;> Citizens of the Monlh have been ¿ busy in a scrvicc project to show ' .concern for the fourth and nilh grad- s h at Stonevllle Elemenlary School .which was recently hit by tornadoes. ■ :These students received donations ' ofnewpencilsfromlhcirclassmales ; stuff members. Each student wrote a note of greeting ond cncour- ; Z)ipmcnt and attached two pencils to I;ith e note. These were Ihcn sent lo t|!^toneville Elementary School to be | ‘ -distribulcdtolhcsludcnisinlhcrouith and finh grades. • ' Cliijens oflhe Week of April 20 - ■ ore Kebria Roseboro, Kurtis Dillaid, : ; Briltony Reynolds, Dusiin Frye, : ; Brandi K e lly, Lindsay Gales. ; ; Amanda Phillips, and Briani Monl- ; ; goraery. r : Bus Riders of the Week of April ; ; 20 are Michael Ijames, Tctroll Wii- ; son, A licia Cook, Brandi Kelly, J : Stephanie Lcdbcllcr, Jessica Bowl- ‘ ! ing, and Brillany Bridges. McDonald’s Night is May 5 from : : 5-7. ; : Margaret Jo Brock’s fourth grad- ; ; ers ore studying the solar system. ; ; They ai* observing Ihc moon each : nighl and drawing it on a calendar 10 ; : sludylunarphases.Theyconiinuc 10 : : compctc with Iheir past records in : ■ Acceleraled Reader. The March ;; -award was a “ build-a-sundac" treat. ■; ;Thc April award w ill be a“ chocolalc Several siodents arc nearing ' ! ;the2400page goal for the schoolwide .Students heard author John Reynolds ; * Gardiner speak. He wrote Stone ; Fox, one of Ihcir favorite novels. ' Students w ill visil the NC Museum ■ of Transportation in Spencer May : 26. William R. Davic Elemenlairy The new playground equipment ; hasamvcd. Volunteers are needed ; tohelpwilhlhcinslallation.ThcMay :; PTO meeting w ill be Tuesday, May S, at 6:45 p.m. This is a changc in the ' , original time. New officers w ill be introduced. Anyone inlcrcsted in serving on the Executive Committee for next year should contact Presi­ dent Nola Rich. Skate Night was held April 21 al Skatcland in Clemmons. Field Day w ill be held on Mcmo- riol Day, Monday, May 25, during regular school hours. Volunteers are needed. Hove lunch with yourchild on this day. NcwT-shiitsoreready. Tlieshirls w ill be while wilh a design in black, red, yellow, and green. Unlil theend of April you con Order shirt., for $10 each. On May I, the pnce w ill be $12.50. Shirts w ill be delivered in lime for Field Day. Order forms were sent home with students the week of April 20. Citizens oflhe Week are Moddic Hunt, Ryon Barncycoslic, Dustin Ratledge, Hannah Rcavis, Erin Rcavis. KoylaPolts,Fronky Bracken, Kinton Angell, Michael Shermer, Troy Blakley, Matthew Mock, ond Ashley Wagner. Three dosses had the most pcr­ fcct altendoncc for Moreh: Sudie W holcy’s nfth grade, W hitney Rogers’ pro-kindergarten, ond Stacey Bru n elli’s kindergarten. These classcs who w ill share the bear for Ihc monlh. Students participating in the C iti­ zenship Luncheon for the weeks of Match I6-April9are Krystal Caudle, Jessica Buchanan, Paula Romero, Tyler Jones, Brittany Draughn, Michael T illey, Brondy Carlton, Dylan Ralledge, Clint Most, Gustavo Carbajal, Jcssico Dallon, Em ily W hi­ taker, Kasey Ireland, Dylan Slumbo, Alan Spry, Nichole Roinhordl, Samantha Conlos, Amber Wagner, Yuridiana Gomez, Natasha Wilson, N ichole M ille r, N iki M yers, Stephanie Hinson, Ashley Buclin, M argaret Anderson, Courtney Huffman, Cassie Shoemaker, Jercmy Davis, Jocelyn Martinez, Blaine Ncsbit, Lea Tarleton, Tiffany M iller, Travis Revels, Jennifer Childress, Diona Delao, Ashlea Preston. Holly Harris; Heather Smilh, Chad Poplin, Sabrina Shoffner, Conche Votono, ChrislieVanCurcn.NicholasGailhcr. Serena VanCuren, Jackic Steelman, Jackie Barber, Jerica Shocmoker, Judy bclao, Brandon Adams, and Chaz VanCuren. The luncheon was held April 22. Biis riders of the week of April 10 were Dennis Mendez, Shana Toney, Jo rd ¿i Hendrix, Rich Woody, Josh H all, Tabitha Easling, Darren Wagner, and Ashley Wagner. Tcachcisandassisumlshavcbeen laking technology workshops during the spring on prcsenlotion of student work through technology. Vorious pieces o f hordwarc such as the Quiektake camera and the scanner ftrThaSdNalloanlT I want to continue the tradition of excellence in education for which our schools are known. Working together, I am convfaiced we can make Davie County schools ^ best in North Carolina. a n d I Interior Designs Inc SnONGSALE Save 20% to 70% ON ALL Rimiture & AcoesMirics Gills ft CoUcctibles Sale ЗЬифоиЛу tar best Í (3 M )N M » 1 I, «1Ш« U H M M lit m were used to integrate graphics inlo prescnialions. The combination ot the television and Ihc computer were used to prcsent sludenl work lo a large group. Anewwritingsoilwuru program was introduced lo llie tench- ers and w ill be used in the coming weeks. John Reynolds Gurdlner, children's author, spoke with stu­ dents In grades 3-5. His book. Stunc Fox, is read by founh graders throughout the county. He told the studenis lhat iherc are 5 points or queslions lo cover in llie story. Their wrilingislimilcdoniybyihcirnmigi- nalions. Pinebrook Elemenlary Kindergarten orientalion will.be Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m. In ihe media cenier. Screening w ill be on Wednesday, May 13, at the school. If you haven't registered your child for kindergarten for the 1998-99 school year, call the school nl 998- 3500. Studenis oflhe Week of April 24 are Jonathan Cobb, Heidi Kinder, Samanlha James. Johnny Smilh. David Oakley, Bethnny Liard, Kulle Walker, Michael Founicr, Jimmy Darron, Major Collier, Kuylu Dow­ ers, Adam Low, Kerry Huichlns. Carla Harris. Abby Carpenter, Kevin Robinson, Zack Palls. Brillany Folds, Scolly Stamper, Megan Williums, Jared Boger, Dana Woodard. Rachel Dunn, Josh Riddle, Jake Durham, Ashley Smilh, Evan Wiles. Brandon Holl. Ryan Carter. Jeremy Gupton. and Lauren Burriss. One of Ihe teams ul Pinebnxik thul pariicipaicd In the Oilyssey of ihe Minds Regional Competition at Lexington April 4. placcd sccond and w ill be parlicipuling in the .■»laic finals May 2 ul Elon College. This team did the Classics problem. “Mar­ velous Menlor” . Team members arc nnh graders, Lauren Wanucha. Lea Scott, and Jared Shrewsbury, and founh graders. Phillip Scoit. Kristen Fromal, Ashley Sells, and Jcssica M cCAlllsler, They were coached by Linda Scott, Kathy Scoll. and Mar­ garet Rogers, with lan Scou as un assistant. The team started working in October in order to solve the prob­ lem, write Ihe skil, build the props themselves, and practice for ihe “ sponlancous” part of ihe compeli- lion. They won binh ihe long term and the spontaneous parts of ihe three part competition. In the long term. Ihe leam had lo prelend Ihcy werc an advcrtisingagency who could havea mentor from ihe pasl lo help Ihem create a commcrcial, a package de­ sign, and a nulritional product, and they had lo write' ihcir own song, boih melody and words. The mentor they chose was Confucius. Al ihe Slalc finals, they w ill be compcling with 16 teams from all over the state forthc right to rcprcscnl North Caro­ lina at Ihe world finals May 27-30 at Walt Disney World. Two other leams compclcd In the regional competition. One team con­ sisting of third and fifih graders did Ihe Long Term problem callcd “Cre- aie and Animate” . They placcd sec­ ond in Ihe Long Term part of the competition. They werelhirdgrader, CandaccCain.andfifihgradcrs,Grcg Simpson. Justin Schull/, Jackic Johnson. Erica Smith, and Hailey Dunn. They were coachcd by Alicia Schultz, and Jane Slmp.son. The other leam was composed of first and sccond gnidcrs and they chose Ihe “ Dream Vacation." pre­ sentation only. Team members were firsl graders. Jade Welch. Brcnilcn Hanes. Dianna Green, and Ashton York and second graders Erica Went/.. Ell/abeih Budd. and Corey Cantrell. The coaches were Gina Bandy and Julie Hanes. Shady Grove Elem enlary Three Odyssey of ihe Minds teams compclcd In the Regional Tourna­ ment In Lexington April 4. Tlic team solving Ihe long icmi problem tilled “Pageanl Wagon” brought back Shady Grove’s first OM trophy by placing third. Team members An­ drew Alien. Russell Clark, Holly Gosncll, Britiany Rowe. Michacl Smilh, und Jennifer Spillman de­ signed and buill a low vehicle and a pageanl wagon. During the perfor­ mance, the pageanl wagon trans­ formed into a bultcrfly. This icani was coachcd by Teresa Rowe and Mary Lynn Bullins. Tammy Lee and Ryan Manzullo coachcd a team composed of Logan Joldersma. Juslin Lee, M all Lee. Christina Manzullo. Kelly Mitchell. Roiantlÿ Ralocated ftom Henes Mall Fine Anim aUon A rt iuuicollçctiblca' Curtooo Mw cluûiidlM lor *11 ■ Aulhorizet] Art Dealer fot Warner Btos., Walt Disney, Hanna Barbera ¿Nickelodeon G if t C 'e r t iîic A t e s L«\y< \w dy ( < / « .1 / (lilt / i/ta s fill MiithiT ^ 0 .И , ill .iiluAlltill X f-Alhi i S [)л\ 63lt-6 Stadium Dr. (Beeide Ktnart) * Clemmons 766-100« (icorgc к Walker i'lorisi Inc. C all 766-R. О -S-li M O r i l K K ’ S D A V S 1 * K ( J A I . S and Kotic Phillips. For “Create and Animate", they hod lo present a hu­ morous performance where on inoni- raalc object comes lo life. They chose to ponroy a dcck of playing cords with original poetry, songs, and mu­ sic. ' The “Marvelous Mentor" leam consisted of Cameron Adams, Paige Campbell, Lisa Gilbert, Bradford Hale, Amy Krissak, Johnathan Loos and was coachcd by Jonathan Hale and Brenda Davis. The leam en- lisled Ihe helpof Lucille Boll tocie- alc an advcrtiscmcnl fora teom cre­ ated food product called Foodograph. Thcteamcomposcd an original song and music for Ihcir ndvertiscmenl. Mocksville Elementary Angelina EtterondOraceHlllon’s kindergarten students arc reviewing letters und sounds and learning about recycling. They w ill be making homemade paper on Thursday and Friday wilh Ihcir efforts lo rccycle. Tliey will be going to Ihc Bam Din­ ner Tliealrc on Wednc-iday losee the play, "The Lillie Red Riding Hood". Flrsl graders of Eli/abcih Starnes and Debbie Brown are beginning on ocean unil. They arc going lo crcalc large sea animals for a water wall mural. Leslie Bland and Jane Anderson’s first graders are learning aboul piralcs. Tlicy ore going on a Ire.'isurc hunt dressed os piniles. First graders of Rachel Joyce and Belly Blakley aresludying rainbows. Tiicy are learning how rainbows ate made and h'lw Ihe waiercycle works. Second graders of Susan Wall Smilh and Tina Fells are reading about Ihe desert. Tlic Caclus Hold inilioled rcsearch on Ihe various planlsandanimals lhal coexist inlhis huhilal. This class is also preparing a stuffed art exhibit about the desert, locating deserts on maps, and mea­ suring and comparing Ihc si/c of dcscn animals and plants. The six second grade classcs are preparing for a trip lo Ihc N.C. Zoo­ logical Pork in Asheboro, о Mother's ICO, and a РТЛ program. On Tuesday, April 21, third groii- ers went to Farm Day sponsored by Ihe 4-H, Cooperative Ejilension Set- vicc. Students heard about form ani­ mals and how they arc important. Third graders of Elizobelh VogI« and Linda Giles arc reoding about fables. They ore reading Arnold Lobcl's Fables. On Tuesday, sludenl) sow the Snakes A live program pie. scnted by Ron Cromer. Studenis learned oboul snakes ond Ihcir iden­ tifying markings. They were given on opportunity to hold or touch a variety of snokes. Studenis of Ihe Week of April 2-1 ore Teasha Hairston. Patrick Mondarono, Joe Wolson, Erin DesNoycrs, Elizobelh Kennedy, Greg Nuckols, K elli Parks, Jacob Snow, Dylan Fulk, Sorah Heyne, Zachary Hoyes, Peris G riffin, Frederick Mortinez, Sarah Blackwell, Eliza­ beth Crowe, Michael Domanski, MistyStewort, Nicolc Nichols, Eileii Cassidy, Travis Carroll, Jaclyn Smilh, Sara Helms, John Michacl Groce, and Megan Grey. The PTA mccling w ill be held on May 5 at 7 p.m. A physical educa­ tion demonstration program will be presenled. Jean Denson In Honor Society Jean Denson of RhinehardI Road is among 24 evening degree program .sludcnis al High Poim University lo Ik inducted inloTheta Thcto Chap- IcrofAipho Sigma Lambda national honor society. The purpose is to recognizc high scholastic ochicvemenl by adult stu­ dents. To be considered, students must compiele a minimum of 30 sc- meslcr hours, al least 15 of wliich must be outside their major, and maintain an overall grade poim av­ erage of al least 3.20. From Ihe list of sludcnis meeting those crilcria, the lop 10 peicent is invited lojoin Al­ pha Sigmu Lambda. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY The Davic County Chapter of Habital for Humanity will be accepting applications from those who wish to poitner with Habitat and who qualify for consideration for a new home. Saturday, M ay 16,1998 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Davie County Public Lib raiy, Moclcsville Qualillcaliam: 1. Anted for housing 2. Income 3. A willingness to help build Habitat homes BRING wrra YOU: 1. Your credit report 1 Siatemcnt of weekly or monthly income for both you and your spouse (if married) 3. A letter frnn a bank or other denying you a loan FAaUKE TO BRING THIS INiORMATION WITH YOU wax PROHmrr YOU ntOM BEING CONSffiiSEDFORAHOMEI “riòft uWom....... on (J4otlien’s Фау - ¡М щ 10 (Sfösbr'e itbútts 171 N. Main St. • Mocksvffle, NC 27028 336-751-2737 i-' L DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998, - D3 Duke IJniversify Recognizes Davie Seventh Graders For SAT Scores Twenty Davic seventh graders have been recognized by the Duke ■ UnivcrsilyTalcmldcntincationPro-•gram. .' The studenis scored higher than 70 pcrccnl of coUegc bound seniors bn the SAT lest. Earning the recognition from Soulh Davie Middle School were^ Alison Alexander, John Campbell, Bryant Chavez, Kevin Kirkpatrick, Virginia Pharr, Ashlee Prevetle, Brit­ tany Walker, Sarah W illiam s and Stephanie Wiwarski. Nonh Davie studenis recognized were: Em ljy Hunler, Karen M cDanicI, John David M cKeel, Mallhcw Moser, Vanessa Nichols, Adam Olcjarczyk, Ryan Pcarce, Christupher Posey, Andrew Scotl, Brenl Simpson and Jason Yblllck. “T IP ’s most imponanl function Is the idenliflcation of talented stu­ dents," said T IP Interim Executive Director Ramon Grifiin. "Over the years, wc have seen many instances Т (ш To Condemn Property Fbr Paving Of Clark Road of young people whose abilities were underestimated or overlooked by their teachers or their peers, some­ times even by their patents, and those talents Ihen go to waste. “ By identifying bright youngsters at an early ogc and recognizing their abilities, we begin the process of nurturing their lolenis," GriSin sold. C O O LEEM EE - The town board possed a resolution April 21, to begin the condemnation process for a piece of property on Clark Rood. An owner of the A.R. Hollemon property refuses to grant aneasemeni for the widening and paving of the road to bring it up to N.C. Deport­ ment of Transpoitation itan d ^ s, according to P.E. Isenhour of Bench- matk, community block development grant coordinator. CD BG funds w ill pay for Ihe Clark Road imprDvemcnts, which Isenhour said other Claik Road property own­ ers want. The owner of the Holleman prop­ erty has refused anoffcrof$2,4I2.50 M cDaniel R eports To New Naval D uty S tation . Navy Ainnan Cory R. McDaniel, son of George P. ond Barbara A. McDaniel of 118 Cora Jolly Lane, Mocksville, rcccntly rcported forduly aboaid the aircron carrier USS Enter­ prise, iiomcported in Norfolk, Va. McDaniel's lotollon 10 a new duly peacelimcei station cjtcmplines the Wortdwide ossignabilily of Marines and Soilois. This nexibility allows ournoval forces to protect U.S. nolionoi inlciesis by serving os Ihe principal enforcers of ent, deterrence ond crisis response around the worid. The 1995graduatcofFi)isylhTa:h- nicol Community College of Winslon- Salem joined the Navy in September 1997. Richie Completes County Adm inistration Course Mary Nell Rlchlc. tax administra­ tion of Davic Couniy, successfully • ^mduaicd from the 1997-98 County 'AdniinistralionCourseoflhcInstilulc of Govcmmenl of The Universlly of North Carolina al Chapel Hill. , . The program in county admlnlslra- iion is designed for couniy managers, Meredith College Honors Keeton Addie Ophelia Kcclon of NC Hwy. 801 S., Advancc, was one of ' the recipients of ihe Outstanding - Senior for 1999 majoring In math­ ematics and computer science award at an awards day ccrcmony held in Jones Auditorium on Ihe Meredilh ' campus. Kcctun was selcclcd as a recipi­ ent of tills award bccausc of her dcdi- Gallon to mathematics and computer scicncc, her service lo the depan- ment and for her achievements as a young mathematician and educator Advance Student Gets UNC Awaid An Advance student al Ihc Uni­ versity of North Carolina al Chapel ; H ill has received an anthropology award from Chancellor M ichacl : Hooker. Bryan Thomas McNeil, the son of : Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. McNeil, was ; cO'Winncr of the John Honigmann : Undergraduaie Honors Thesis i Award, which honors the anthropol- • ogy Students who complclcd Ihe best i undergraduate honors projccl. department heads, and olher couniy officials whose responslbililicsrequire abroad undcrstandingof county func­ tions beyond individual arcas of spe­ cialization. The coursc is approximately 150 hours in length and morc lhan 50 In- struclois panicipate in the instruction. The coursc instruction spans Nonh Carolina local govcmment law, orga­ nization and management, finance and budgcllng, personnel law and admin- islralion, planning and regulation of development, and spcclflc city or county .services. Richie was one of 42 officials who graduated fnm ihe coursc this year and is one of over 900 officials who have completed the coursc since in began in 1964. MOCKSVILLE TIRE&AUroNHmVE ge2Vadklnvlll«Road Phone 751-6115 Л г м O N ^ n g * 'М в п т м !« ,. Our P ticn Inclm lt MoHeHng, Behiulng Ntw Шг< SMnu Л Rotation Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F « 7:30-1:00 Saturday Annuals ♦ Perennlols ♦ Vegetables' ♦ Hanging Boskets + ñzQleos S A IL B Pansies *9** per flat of 3b B e d d in g P la n ts $ 1 1 * p e r fla t (36 or 48 plants) 4-inch P o ts $ 1 " e a c ti B o sto n F e rn s $ 1 0 * e a c h R j T o m a i t o e s Miiier's-Cieinmons Curt) Market 2690 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd 766^014 i____ ' Hi, my name b Auitln Troy Hunter. I wUIlM ow yewoU May 3, and my party b !■ Ow Looney Tune» Ibeme. My parenU ar« Dustin and Slacey Hunter a t MocksvUle. MyfrandpaitnUar* Larry and Jaael Hunler ot Lewliville, Mik* and Debbi« Drayton or Mocknille, and CUT HanrbofGeoriia. Mygral-grand- parcnliarcTkunnoadG riinthaw l tbelateGnccGriflMiotWiaMoa- Sakm, WaUy and Ywnm Barrii ofG e«ila,aw iRiilhrom laboor Georgia. My freal-grcat-grand- parenlbSallyMa«Ak«aader,abo oT Georgia. HungineTemperatures, ----Ц 1(800)41МЛШ M ay E ve n fo Don't Forget Mother's Day is S w ^ iM iy lO lh . Mi^Z KowanShiinen i , H>n)UB.ImctVm Udies А ш ^ Bate StIe Mqr»-10 RowanCnAenCriftShow May* RowanOMilySd^CifeltrifWHkenBateSale Рпм*д|>1дм|4в(Мп1ф M«yU-17 SgmtsCudShow M a y lM l *VUim a(BeaulyrAitShoW . ; aponaidbylaaMijiyM n>ilolD*ei»M niM igonilV just compensation for the approxi­ mately one-seventh of an acie tract, most of which is already in the road, Isenhour said. Following a 30 day grace period, the town may begin legal proceed­ ings against the property owner, ac­ cording lo Town Attorney Malcolm Blankenship. The town board voted unani­ mously to pass the resolution of in­ tent to condemn. A representative from Ihe C iti­ zens Advisory Committee recom­ mended the town move forward as the majority of Clark Road residenu support paving Ihe ro«l. Even though Clark Road is out­ side the town limits, Ihe town has the authority to condemn, Isenhour said. Counties do not have that right. Gentry Honored At Pfeiffer Univ. Andrca Genlry of Mocksville, a student at Pfeiffer University, was among II seniors included Ini he 1998 edition of Who's Who Among Sludcnis in American Universities and Colleges. She was also induclcd inlo ihe Order of iheSund lal, Pcfiffcr's honor society. Genlry was recognized at the school's Awards Day on April 15. f B a c k t o B a s k s H o b S h o p 6311E Stadium Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-7664565 B e s id e K m a it i Come by and visit our new expanded location. We carry only phannaceutlcal grade supplements. We • have a Naturopath on staff to assist you In your selections. Wa offer nutritional counseling and Iridology by appointment. I Barbara Whaley N.D., shop ( owner, is a Certified Natural Health Professional and Master Holistic Herbalist. She can give you thewwsa» FOR A U YOUR AUTO NEEDSCome Sée Gene 3612 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons ___^766-9148_____ ^ Open House 4 l М я у Z , 1 ; ( ) ( ) 4 ;()()p m Come visit our offlce artd meet our friendly staff * I : i .1 ;< I * A.C. “Andy” STOKES Marlette Family Practice, P.A. 2554 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd, Ste 109 First Citizens Bank Building Clemmons, NC 27012 778-0200 Dr. Mamie S. Marlette Bring this ad and enter a drawing for a FR EEC O M PLET C PH YSIC A L (with labs) \ r )U \4iplnii; \ I и rullillls “Friendly, Comfoitable Healthcare... From People Who Listen."'J picture IS worth a thousand words/^ PS, AC, PW, CB, Radto Collette (front « bock). Loti of extrcn. Sea & Apprsckite. 9SK actual mUet. $6,995 or fair offer. 336-998-2517 2вЛ00 mUei. Grean, 4 door, 6 cytlnder, outomotk;. kjoded. $16Л00 (Neg.) 704-633~441l Supetchorosr, like new. One ovvner, 15,000 mllei, loaded, new Mlchelln tirei. grey leather kttkle. Grey outikte.Cal after 6:30 p.m. 336-751-2411 Let our new used car photo odsputsome cosh in your hands. fwlklnldht blue, whita top, 327, auto. PS. PB, k x a l cor, 90% rettored. $9,700/ba(t offer. 990-7435 mghtl, 751-6491 doyi. I 'AdvertlM your UMd vMd*v»llh ' a photo and latthe picture do Iti* talking. Juit bring In a photo of your car along \Mltti a tsitef , ; dMcilptlonondwe'lliunltlnttw ' Davla County EntarpriM Racord , forafantarticiowpilca. / Pleaie— NoDealart. $2 0 .0 0 1 I B lA V IB C O U N T Y INTIRPRII^ECORD 171 Soutti Mam St a Mocksville, NC a (336) 761-2120 1Í I ::r blf • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 i ; More Manager ThreeAened With Knife r/- A Food Lion manager w u threat- l aftet she cosfnnted two sus- I atealing cigarettes from Ihe KkavUlo Marketplace store. One of the suspects threatened the banager w ith a knife, reported M ocksviile Police OfTicer J.D . Hartnian. They were described as a white male, about age 45,6-1,250 pounds, with a slocky build and brown hale The other suspect is about age 55,5- 5 tall, weighing approximately 120 pounds. Man Arrested For Threatening Witness A Mocksviile man was airesled April 17 for threalemng a wiiness a'gunst him in an indccenl liberties w iiti a child case. I Jerry Lee McCllne, 41, of 814 ^ardison St., M ocksviile, was charged with inlimidaling a wiiness Old placed in Ihe Davie Counly Jail tinder a $25,000 sccurcd bond. McCline allegedly Ihrealencd Ihc victim in an effort to get the chorges against him dismissed, according lo Davie Counly Sheriffs Dclcclivc Ll. Jimmy Phipps. He is scheduled lo make his first court appearance on Ihis charge May 7.A(ldltional Charges RIed Against Woman More charges have been Hied i^ n s t a woman arrested last month ih South Carolina, already facing 14 ^ a ^ s related to several robberies in Davie County. \ Barbara Overcash Coley, alias Barbara Benfield Overcash, 42, of ^20stwalt-Am ity Road,Troutman, was charged April 22, with l3counts of felony larceny, five counts of f^ony breaking and entering, three counts of worthless checkonaclosed account, and one count each mlsde* meanor breaking and entering and misdemeanor larceny, Davie County Sheriffs Detective Robert Trotter n ^ v ille Man Charged With Habitual DWI ;!A Mocksviile man was chaiged last week with habiniol D W I after he was stopped by a Mocksviile police of^cei: jMcDu№e Allen Britt Jr , 29, of 333 Duard Reavis Road, had been She Doesn’t Live Here : An artlcic on the arrest of Barbara Ovcrcosh Coley in last week's En­ terprise listed her addrcss as 432 Cherry H ill Road. She has never lived on the rental property, accord­ ing to owners. 'd o w n t o w n M O C KSVILLE Call 751.0400 for more information F A R M B U R E A U I N S U R A N C E M m > *U F E*B U SM E8 S« IR A ’S«ANNUm ES FARM* iHQMEOINNERS'MOeiLE HOMES'BLUE CROSS N o w R e v o liit lo iM ir y U q u ld S p r a y R e lt a v e s A r t h r m s P a in f , New unique herbal spray relieves your pain wilhouf the bum. Just spray it on and the pain is gonel : 100% Guaranteed. Pharmacist Recommended I Extra Relief! Available al: M ocksviile Cooleemee Foster-Rauch Drug Co, Davie Discount Drug 495 VaUey Rd. • 751-2141 141 Marginal St. • ^ 2 5 3 7 For т а к detailed ¡фгта11оп call I (800) 695^6X0 еяом-зо-i« S n m M iÊ ie » mu$Êt а ш п и Ray Davls-Minlster • Andy AUcliui-Minister of Music 1646 Hwy. 801N • Hilbdak-Farmlngtoii Community reported. Coley and her fiancee Kennelh Hellard were arrested in M yrtle Beach, S.C. March 21. According lo Trotter, Ihe couple has been sought by Ihe Davie Counly Sherifrs Department for several months during which Ihey have been traveling throughout Nonh Carolina and SoulhCorolinapawningand sell­ ing stolen iiems. Coley is being held in Ihe Iredell County Ja il under a $25,000 secured bond. She is scheduled to appear in coun in Davie County May 21. von FOR P R E S S L E Y ] B t t A W L E Y MSmcr coun woei ■ 22nd JUDKIU Dim ia I A N m m n a k e r SiMrifff «INTEGRrrV «ПиШИМАШМ «HONESTY «EXPERIENCE PaMPdltlcal/MByAIIwi WWIalur LEONARD REALTY N w »tyeao itn ictM l3 B R ,2 BA , m ilntem nee free honw. Split floor pirn. W klk'ln d o ie t, pantry, and deck are part of the ем п п . Great location. $9S,ООО. 34 Town Square Mocktvllje,NC 27028 ЗЗв-751-Э650 - Ш Ь Ш ? . . convicted of D W I three limes before Ihe stop on April 24 on Hardison Sircel. Brill was chaiged with D W I, ha­ bitual D W I, possession of stolen property, and driving while liccnse revoked. He was placed in the Davie Counly Jail in Ueu of a $56.000 bond, pending a M ay 15 appearance in Davic District Court. B rilt was driving a 1985 Ford Ranger pickup with a slolen liccnse plate, reponed Oflicer K.D. Hendrix. The Iruck was confiscated. B a g e i S t a t i o n New Store bl Clemmons Opening Soon ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Tops Travel * » S e w i et 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 7 3 0 3 ^ 2 7 5 0 J j e w i s v j l l^ C | e m m o n ® R ^ ^ I ^ ^ Need Full and Part Time counter help. Must be dependable and enjoy working with the public. Call J or Mary at 724-3959 Open Houses S u n d a ^ , M a y 3 r d f r o m 2 : 0 0 t o 4 : 0 0 p , m . Come out this Sunday and preview these fine homes... HOWARD REALTY 138 DOGWOOD LANE LocMKi b OM of MocfcsviBt'i tkrn»n>»bofboo<k m. зад. Fomul dtn A drtir«room. nrapiKt In dm. Doubie or p r^ . comtr lot Fertced w« In bade, I4. brkk ptda iHutfM» wkh Im mtture m s.TNi ти»ме home H prk*d « hm $ I H.tOO. DlRECnONS: LoetaedbimfodhndJusioffHny. l58Sorthof MocknUU. Ftvm МосШПе lake Main St. NortK 1шпг{4ЫШЩ)0<1Ш. r H A R lF Ü T O N M lifiE oflirlr« In^own convinlerKe wkh councry wmoipher»! An U ntw ntlfhborhood with met pd«id undtr HSiWNL ТЬеи hoiw If« deilvMd wtih )юи in mind...mekNenance free hom« pAc«d iindar |9S,0#0. Theiehomeiaf« . . . .. bedrooms, 1 beds, double |ve|M and tome whh flrepbces. One home hn aiiwljr fotd!DIHECnOSS: From ModavUk lakt Hwy. 64 fast of (mn offrox. I mik on righL Wchfor ihe signs. lS \M (i:(.()()i) W AIl (336) 751-2222 8 5 4 R o a d N ^ o c lc s v i ll e P r o f e s s i o n a l CZt. I V E o c k s v ille , N C DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 - D? Jerty Swicegood presents Operation Smile state coordinator Hannah Turner and international coordiator Dick Maxwell with a check (or $10,ООО loined by Rotary Club president Ken Wlndley. - Photo l)y Rolrin Ferguaaon Mocksviile Rotaiy Club Supports Operation Smile MAKE A QUAUTYCK^l CHOICE B a l g ia a i aarvica aad a fra a t p rica. B a l am a ll d a a g a a a la f lap -«aaliir V a b a lia a M ala r OU, h k a , UU ar aad fla id ckach fa r $ 1 8 i8 8 .N « * » “ fc « « r a lta r aUar. M ocksviile Tire & Automotive 962 Yadkinville Rd. • Mocluville, NC 27028 336-751-6115 P e o p l e W h o K n o w ' U s e V a iv o u n e * : The Mocksviile Rotary Club re­ cently donated $10,000 lo Operation Smile. One of the Mocksviile club's larg- u t international projects, Operallon Smile performs surgery on children bom wllh cleft pallets in the Uniicd Stales and olher countries. • Because Ihls surgery is classified aa plastic surgery, many insurance companies do not provide coverage for it. Children bom with cleft pallets in many Ihird world countries are believed to be cursed by Ihe gods and shunned by Iheir families and com­ munities. But Operation Smile turns ibedespairofthesechildrenintohope. - W ilh an average cost of $750 for surgeiy, Ihe local club w ill help 13 children receive an operation. Л iMtching grant through Rotary Inter­ national w ill malch lhal contribu­ tion, helping 13 more children. ; Cost of Ihe surgery is low becausc Of surgeons and nurses who volun- tier for Operation Smile missions and donations of mcdical supplies. W hile on Ihese missions, the sur- geoM train local doctors lo perform the operation afler the Operation Smile team leaves. ■ Hannah Turner, slate coordinator (rf OperaUon Smile, and Dick Max- vyell, inlemalional coordinator, pre­ sumed the MocksviUe Roury Club with a banner In appreciation. haveparticipalcd,accordingiochair- This is the second year in a row man of the Operallon Smile fund that too percent of club members raising committee. ATTENTION HOME BUYERS! A tte n d O ur H om e B u y e rs S e m in a r C o - Sp o n so red iiy : C lu irla r M o rtg a g e ft S w ic e g o o d f t W a ll R e a lm s W HEN: Tliursday, April 30,1998 T IM E: 6:30-8:00 p.m. W H ER E: Davie County Public Library“ FREE DOOa Р И Ш » OIVBN AWAY C o m e a n d Iw a r iw w ca p a b le y o u a re o f b u yin g a iio m e w iti) p o s s ib ly N O M O N E Y o u t o f y o u r p o c iw t. N o o b iig a tio n s i V O T E IVIAY 5 th D E M O C R A T IC P R IM A R Y LVHN SHUPMG G U L L E T T22nd MSHUGT COURT JUDfiE "lecene eipeileiice eiMllRlegrlty meHer" / / 10 Years Experience As A Prosecutor Graduate of Catawba College Graduate of Campbell University School of Law 7 Years Experience As Instructor at Mitcliell College in Criminal Justice Foster Parent for 4 Years Sunday Sctiool Teacher & Member of Troutman Baptist Church Wife and Mother of Three PAID FOR BY COMMITTEE TO ElECT LYNN S. OUUETT HOWARD (3:56) 751 3,538 R K A i : r \ Now I,t)cal From W insto n Sairm Л i.b \|m. Iv-m II. \( » »Ul. . Ibm i . I I 111 M S I. 187 AalM Dr^ lylodavle’B Hn$$L Updated cuM. home In Qefdan VMy. 4700 heeled ec|. n on 1.7 wooded ac. 44 Br. 2 Me. »cer gar., acr. porch, new gee kmPhced below appii*eLm Ü n C A LLm iS. 1414 MoctovMt Hwy.>Cod Sprlngi - Pouliy farm. 320x40 buüdk)9 wtt) up-l>dete mecNnety pbe 2000 м. tt. brick home on 6.5 aeree. Bam on 2 lanced ecree. t>2S|000 C A U ^ Y N . 732 UndarpMi Hoad - s acre horee iarm. Conwiieni lo 601 & (-40. Irnneoiate hixne- 360, 2BA. 2 car garage. Ig. porch, deck, paBo, pasturee lenced, croee fenced. MmI aee. |17MOO.CAaCONNIt. Ш DopMOd Ln. > Qreel tardy home. Retnod. Irt ■ai FeiMM: new HPe, eecutVy ey«, tam. DR A 1Я dm trtreplc. 9 Ml Ba, matr. ВЙ wM -ki ctoeelB. ConvenMi •1IMP0. CALLE---------- а » WoodMit OrtM - Эbedroom. 2 be№ Log home «кям on 1Ш tom. Pioperiy becks up lo t Creek. Bul h -gs. Sei wooded, hunters' oeraifie. ■ ------------IJA N I. т и и « м м 1 Hoad-1800SF 8pM toyer on approx. 1 acre■ ■--É---------------------Wrmote lano ■мавсие. ñenga. $14M 00CAaj Jü liaeo «o rd ,an 781-3784 ODRnkXoipalrtt.CS««l« 7814M1 Л а м Я Ш ж к П14704 TStOM Ж м иш Л ЁВ ím E n d a lU » М Ь Я М г Ь Ita M O H iU o n4»2m 1M U l-hoflw ort р1Ш» 1.14 eoe lot M M M d 1МП, Ireplec«. 38R. гВА. RocHng cMr front potth A huge Л А Qreet tocaUoa niM OO aCAaJAN I. an W M lC N m htkM l- брккме Э bednom. 2 bei) brk* ranch wM beeement «ueted on 2* шее. Convenieni Mown bcaton, cerM heetfak ПОМОО. C A UJA N L mSDfVtoIW n Hoad 4ike new Э _ ______i,2befi-meintanance 1200» 84 Ft. tpedoua loorfree Ranch home In rwei ene yet oonventa« to MO L«geimur «Me. Abeokjiely ________ ____ s u a i i s s w : eeverai »idir ooniiruolkia м о ^ е д а о m y t. и м » AM. - э ■ ■ Ä t S S 221« ил. Нем. M w.-VM mdntMaer.aarwKheron IS S S - T b Ä _______________wnp amd decHno, 24* above may ohooee new roof .--------- MovertoNhlorlTMeO.CÂlLOONm . s m Hwy. M WMt-New conekudon eoon to be^ on Ma adorable зев. 2BA home wm carport Low maM. vkiyl tided exlertor. 100% Ihwwkig aval to quiMed buyer. tT S W C Æ jÀ M i. L O T S S iL A N D HvyiWlMi— 1М«ама«М1М.Ш ШШто4иОЁШШшШШ§.Ш9мт BonMo«Ch.MJ—НМУ1Ш ------------------i4A»»iMai.ii7Mii е ш ш 9 0 Щ ~ „ ^ ^ т ц т мммии(И99м)— т \ ш т ш letttMW CM É«^H 4H fflK ,,^A e.l1M N CelsiM islils^M lM sm W M M NШёёЛУя»Ф1»ш. Itidinleli HÌ»1» Пишем......tmm Ы Щ т Ш й .тп— ;-----------Т4ДАс М Ш Ае шпЁшлтштыуш oiMidciwii---------------------IHliiAeMMW OttUtartyOLM_____te«iile>|4.1WAi Qo^iylUid — aAe«At1W,WI MrttlMllU.------IM IM itlM W ta. C O LD IU G LL B A N K E R □ TRIAD, REALTORS* Making Real Estate Real Easy.™ stratlord Road 9Ш25Ч)50в Davldton County wmmOK DavieCounty 91(У99в4«1в ^ RakKaUon 1-aOI»327-43N t.t M i*Km*.9ee ideal oc<> counfttourtryiKM vMwtl > FP kl ORM. DR. dU in gveoe. 2 dM*s • Conv to irai» гол ttioppine. Ki»«* CWDY JOHNSON Юв-23» ш апиш пеим fiae.aM ем м м i.7tf• Orw Ы ffw oUett nomes tn Farminglon• rprebo«dHoof»f4up»Ui4 $iif.fee }M tsMA• Qitt Uke ие«г Irom U«4rg Room• Beeuthjl iKoden m»«e WFP. lg MBR m usuicitlM.fM SM SJM6(ieoou» iiKh inckide« lenmeM U New carpel and hdwd. ttew Ы1 «inoows New ovage doot*. new deck. 2 Inn pondi CMOY JOHNSON 99в-2Эв9 1111.ем ам• UMWy el М« In vodaed to«>hon«t• New carpet, flooded «№1^. 2 decks• Siorsee. BRCC memoenhip indudea CMOY JOHNSON 9ое-гэео »емu m те м е SM s м•VMfwniainedrKfTieon.VïanM • New heal pump, paini, weiei М ег « Rent« McTwt update Wim appkances JANET MASTERS М»-1Ш V iw » ^l y j |rvipeet-va(M.2eiOSF. BAReARAALlEN 9ве-Э0еЭ • Large wooded loi w«rtvaie back.• OakcaMiniutVaUMUer ‘ VICtUFlEMINQ 9вв-11в7 liiejM SM SM• Ore« prtc* reducMn] VMl manained. • DR. den wfP. nice MM Men• Oar. Э car carport «AhopWrg eraas.BETTY POTTS see-iiss Тшь»т ^ Û Í fl M L i l l * nFuuHTsafiltT" 1 ) Л \ 1 1 ( ( )1 \ 1 Л l O i S V M ) L A N D S __________________ Rural aereage «тай lorraeideniiai Wdg Wooded with slope lor rtaturai 0AILPAWUK9M11M V OH* M>4 ie.iee tm tsun» Р1«8ТЮЮи8ГСКШМЙНОООЮbiM on 1.7B aerea ol wotxM land огГу пигмее tram MO and new tie country ebb. EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI NORAMRKMAN ввв-И7Э esmiMda Rtn cttwnrtl» Иа.000414 S mSAavMcouKsit-itBiL l.QOIFCOUR$E _______ jNee,g»anwaeviandnatura gaiofa. Oeoaa your ear) buMir lor I ♦ Knrwmae.MS-t6b.ooa ( ------к etMIl«ivBRCC М In Eaeiem Yadkn 1.36 acres гмуйу woodad Oreai Schools and convenient lo Winston-Saiem area. Пееисиапа.JANET IMSTERS See-ttK t aw M tm . ttoaie- Acreaea tract скм юtown Zoned R-20. poianiW redone. Comar lot AdHEart .94 acta tract |31Л0а VICtaFLEMN099e-tie7 Ind In prie*. 24 hr aee. OcN, lennis. peei,drtriglediiyai«L JENMFER STROUD eee-lire •yinUIV-MW-LOTS FOR SALE w№no «me raqJramart to buM. Ook coursa Ua among oews. From S4420a Cal a COLDWELL BAR8AHA0R LADONNA a UmttttNç lo BR Courtty Oub inekidBtf.^ Amemtae geo, tanXe. swim, dub hM. Smal leviti I« wooded 1« 24 hi. eecurtty. Cou JENNFER STROUD see-ttTe|.t?SM»7.78 ACRES toMng Yadün Rraer and 11№ FMweyL End Ы sMM locaKn. Co«*ry Mttfig m №e Courtly Oub. a« hr.aacuniyi BETTYPorrs eee-nse UNRCSTRCTEa 17.000 pet acra. NQol Oouraa. iML paray woodel Naar ма ома CArtyacnoaMam ■АЙВАМ ALLEN SM« BANKER TRUO. REALTOR agert B«M MMMM* WOODED «Id OPEN LANO woalanihirhorsaeandpaacaotRMi Restiiaions. wy eeceeatie. |7>00i'acie. •BETT>r POTTS see-iise MMMHMM«Mi> OOlf COURSE LOTS on 1B haia oulsianang cAampieneNp ceufsa m nni DMaCeurty. Buy nowandtaM «MUnS yn. tas- 188.000 eecn CMDYOnVlCXI gSMStS , WamELMW.6*ACaEH0M68ITESkem S7H7SM0 aaoi Mdat w«u^ caMa lam. 8 horm «owed par lot, aee gne. restddone. HAaatt. I VICMFlEUMQ9eB-1t87 VICMFIEUMQ SM-IIS^frTMoltta *IMMafMlIM 'IshBaLoliattoejIOOandLet ACRE Mg lol oouniy «atar aval, dear Лем restrtcttor». neat Stwdy orma 8(MBaio«iabie i H veal courtly «moapTwa. fBETTY POTTS ВвВ-IIBtf waeMMWeaiBBkMHiees COUNTRY CLUB SETTMO tor tai«e wooded tol « wWie<riew. I. IAD0NNAPOTT89BL Ш SS IM BMMHUmSMAST LOT И Fear fUL BUid h «М . ftiandy; aMatMiad nur oonvartart 101-40 County taaaa. Devia adwcia.' ' VICMFlBmQW>11B7 “‘W;- DAVIK CUUNTK EIN'l'KKrKlSl!: КЕСОКИ, Лгг'.Г!!.'; I Î P U B L IC N O T IC E S MVTTATtONTOWO SmM Mto vMI b* rec»tv»d by the Town oi MocksviNt at Tovim Hall. 171 Clement St. Mocksvine. NC 27028 until 2 p.m., kxal time. Thundsy. May 21,1996, fo^Contract No. Dutchman CreeK and Hontlng Creek Emergency Generators. At aan place and time, and promptly thereaf • ikfM Bids that have been duty received w« be publtoly opened and read aloud. Tht proposed work Is generally described as lONows: ‘ Dutchman Creek Waste Treatment Plant'180 kw Emergency Qenerator, Au* tomatic Transfer Switch and associated electrical site work and Hunting Creek Raw Water Intake-150 kw Emergency Qerwratoc, AutomaiteTraMter Svritch and associated electrical and site Improve* ments. . An bUs must be In accordance with the ekklng Documents on Me with The Town of Mocksvllle and al the office of Alley. Wildams. Cam>en & King. Inc., 207 South Main Street, Kannapolis, NC 26081. Copies o( the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Alley. Williams. Camien & King. Inc. at the above address at a change of $25. No refunds will be made. ■ CopiesoItheBkMlngDocumwttshave also been provMed to plan rooms of Asso* elated General Contractors and F.W. Dodge Corporation in Chariotte. Associ­ ated General Contractors In High Point, and F.W. Dodge Corporatkm In Greens­ boro, North Canjilna. "Bidders must be licensed contractors In the State ot Notth Carolina. AN Subcon­ tractors must also be licensed contractors In the State of North Carolina. Bids wiB be received on a Lump Sum basis tor the total ol bo№ sites. A 5% bid security musl accompany eachbkl The Successhjj Bidder will be required to hjmlsh a ConstnicUon Periormance Bond and a Construction Paymeni Bond as security for the falthiul performance and the payment of all bids and obligations artskig trom the performance of the Con­ tract. Contractor and all Subcontmctors will be required to conform to the labor stan­ dards set forth in the Contract Documents. Owner resen/es the right lo reject any or all bids, including without limitation the rights to reject any or all nonconforming, nonresponslve. unbalanced, or conditional bkls, and will award to lowest responsible bUder taking into consMeration quality, performance, and time specified In Bid Forn) for perfonnance ol Worit Ovmer also reserves the right lo waive informaii-flee; ' H Ihe Contract Is to be awarded. Owner w i give the Successful Bklder a Notice ot Award within th9 number of days set forth intheBkJFcnn. Terry Bralley Town Manager 4-30-ltn . MC. t a s Association SUNSHINE UNE ÂtfSWtfS tp your open govtm m tnt quistions 9i9B33'3833 ^amrtln2i2(Saeì.nm fmgk(Snanë»Jitt NORTH CAFK)CINA DAVIECOUNTY' EXECUTRIX NOTICe Having quaUfled as Executrix of the Estate of EWa Bruno Julian, deceased, late ot Davie County, Norih CaroUna, this Is to notify all persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the under- ^ o d on or before the 9th day ol tSSe.betngthfM months Irom theflt«tday of publicatk>n or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their rocovory. Ail persons In­ debted to sakl estate will please make Immediate paymem to the »»ndorslgned.This the 9th dayof April. 1998. Maggie Essk*.22l9FriendsNpChun:h Rd., t.exin8ton. NC 27295, Executrix of the estate o( Eha Bmno JuKan, deceased. 4-9-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OTA НОЛСЕ Having qualified as Administrator СТА otthe Estate olS.T. Dunn Jr., deceased, lateol Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them Ю (he under­ signed on or beforo tha 16ih day ol July, 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice wtil be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in­ debted b said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. TNs the I6lh dayof April, 1998. Robert W. Cook. 809 Salisbury SL. MocksviUe, NC 27028, AdministratorCTA of the estate of S.T. Dunn Jr.. deceased. 4-16-4ttl NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX OTA NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix OTA of the Estate ol Lora F. Holteman, de­ ceased, late of Davie County, Norih Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them 10 №e undersigned on or betore the 30th day of July. 1998, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo sakl estate win please make immediate payment lo the under­ signed. This the 30th day of April. 1996. Janel H. Smith. 124 Guinevere 1л., Mocksville, NC 27026, Administratrix СТА of the estate ot Lora F. Holieman, de­ ceased. MARTIN. VANHOY, SMITH & RAISBECK 10 Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 4'30>4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTRIX МОЛСЕ Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate of, Lewrence Frank Comatzer, de­ ceased, lato of Davie County, Norih Caro­ lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before (he 16th day ol July. 1998, being three months ftom the first day of publlcalkxi or this notice win be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. AÜ persons indebted lo said estate will i^ease make immediate payment to the under­ signed.This the 16th day ol April, 1998. Georgia E. Comatzer, 108 Bingham & Parks Rd., Advar«0, NC 27006. Executrix ofthe estateof Lawrence Frank Comatzer, deceased. 4-16-4 tp t Public Notice {The public will tilw nolle« that the Town !ot MocksvUle will tell at public auction at Ellie Auto Auctkm on May 6th, 1998 t t i l w ^ T f t - D l a c ' H a r r o w :^ ^ :? iS ^ 0 M o d e l# a 2 2 ‘ ■ ^«1 w -i,- 4 1 1 8 3 0 9 « S f r i i l « 0 0 4 4 6 1 ’'í..' -• 4,1’1/Fòrt'Cycto Mower N o ^ « S 1 5 H E S T A T E S A L E E L M O R E G R O C E R Y S A T . M A Y 2 ,1 9 9 8 @ 1 0 :0 0 a .m . M E sta te ам1 N rs e e s ; P ra p e rty e f Am M e B M ie (d eceased ) . 333 В м г а I M • M ie lB v H e , NC 2 7 K I 7 k n M :1 0 % M l* d iK M Ín e t M á ^ Я 1« ^ cooln mny «Мч íMm t odo, nikmn, (dto fflá», Ita« M Oijidi,'(rin1(rianlig,bi«i,y;iin№ H)>HNdlA?|M № i,2i>.bom oln*, L m dn M l а«и, Tobim indH^ gmilM. d im ю кд к М |ц(1и. Il*) 1сш|а1и, im |М Ming |Ц1(1к C l ^ ù n n l'i, boi» ( пм «M iM w: PiMf, L«; Mraki. Him ( DUiii ;)1Мс.сш««шкЬ|»кШм1м,в1№ ГМ м1,П№ ,Ш»1М ^ T M M O iiPii(O M lPio p «ly:C M h o rao o d C tiM kq tyo f8 M M n « O lir M w . П и и » No> iM Hom a n fcc loMoir i ccMh iIi I 8FEER AUCnON ^ : 2<1К||к>Мкк»У1е,Ж;27Ш ^ ^ DwidSpecfNCALlfM ^ Ш Ш Ш а а а ^ а а а а N C A L O « ! З З М 9 М Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of tt>e Estateof MiWredCherryhoimee, deceased, late of Davie County, Norih Carollr«, thb is to notify al persons having dalms against said estate to present them to the imder- signed on or before the 16th day of July, 1998, being three months from the first day of pubUcatk>n or tf^ notice will be pieaM in bai of their recovery. All persons in­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Thlsthe16lh day of April. 1998. Sadie Hendon Thompson. 1686 Angell Rd., MocksviUe, NC 27028, Executor ot the estate of Mildred Cherryholmes, de­ceased. MARTIN. VANHOY, SMITH* RAISBECK, LLP to Court Square MocksviUe. NC 27028 4-16-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of A.M. Kiser Jr., deceased, late of Davie Couniy, North Carome, this le to notify al pereofts having dabnt ag^ntt saU estala to present them to the under­signed on or before the 9th dey of July, 1998, being three months from the first day o( pubUcatton or this notice мШ be pleaded In bar of their recovery. АЯ persons In­ debted to said estate will pieese make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 9th day of April, 1998. Dick Kiser, Executor of the Estate ol . A.M. Klsnr Jr.. deceased. E. Edward Vogler Jr. Atton^ for the Estate Had and Vogler 181 S. MalnSL MocksviBe. N027028 4-94tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYEXECUTORS NOTICE Having quafified as Executor of the Estate of Ray Carter Sr.. deceased, late of Davie County, North CaroUna, this Is to notify al persons havirrg claims against sakj estate to present them to the under- sigr>ed on or before the 9th day of JUy, 1998.being three monthefrom the first dey of publication or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. AU persona in­ debted to sakl estate wiU please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of April, 1996. Beulah Caiter, Executor of the Estate of Ray Carter Sr., deceased. E. Edward Vogler Jr. Attorney for the Estate Han and Vogler 181 S. MalnSL Mocksville, NC 27028 4-9-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ADMMSTRATRIX СТА NOTICE Having quakfied as Administratrix СТА of the Estate of Recie C. Sheets, de­ ceased. Idle of Davie County, Norih Caro­ lina, this is to noWy Ы1 persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th dayof July, 1998. being three months from the flrslday of publication or this notice wU be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sakJ estate WiU please пике Immediate payment to the under- signed. This the 30th day of April, 1996. Helen Boger, 974 Farmington Rd., MocksviUe.NC 27026, Administratrix СТА ol the estate otRedeC.Sheeis. deceased. MARTIN, VANHOY. SMITH a RAISBECK 10 Court Square MocksviBe, NC 27020 4-3IMtn 1 ■ MXIiOTiec NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXeCUTRlXll Having quaMled ail Executrix of the Estate of James Edwin Nance, deceased, lateof Davie County,NciihCarolna.tNt(t to notify aU persons hmbg daima agalnat sakl estate to present iKem to the under­ signed on or before thi 9№ day of July, l998.beingthreemon»afromthe1U«tdey of publk»tk)n or this nolce wM be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persona In* debted to said Mtate,will pieese make Immediate payment to t>e undersigned. This the 9№ day of April. 1996. Gamette L Nancei;l566 Comatzer Rd., Mocksvllle. NC 27028. Executrix of the estate of James Edwin Nance, de­ ceased. I' |- 4-9^tn NORTH CAROUNA < OAVIE COUNTYAOMINISTRATRR NOTICE Having qualified as Adminlstra№x of the Estate of Simon W. Brown, deceased, late of Davie County, Norft Carolina, this Is to noUfy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 16th day of July. 1998, being three monthi from №e first day of pubilcation or this notice wiU be pleeded In bar of their recovery. AM per^s bv debted to said estate wifi please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th dayof April, 1996. Rebecca S. Brown. 473 Depot Sl, Mocksville, NC 27028, Administratrix of the estate of Simon W. Brown, deceased.MARTIN. VANHOY. SMITH A RAISBECK. LLP 10 Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 4-l6^to NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUS^CE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FIE NO.: 96 J 25 IN THE MATTER OF:MATTHEW DEAN STANLEY, a minor chikl NOTICE OF SCRVICe OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION TO: DEBBIE DIANNE STANLEY TAKENO^CEthatapiead№geeeklng relief against you has been fUed In the above-entitled actton. The nature ol the relief being sought is aa lolows: Thepetittoner.BemkeRobbinsSlwiley is seeking the termktation of your parental rights with respect to Matthew Dean Stanley. You are required to make defense to such pleadb>g no later than the 9th dey of June, 1996, sakj date beir^ forty (40) days from the first pubNcatton of thie notk^e, and upon your faikire to do ao. the party seek- lr>g service agatost you wM apply to the Court for the relief soughL This the 30th day of April, 1998. MARЛN, VAN HOY. SMITH & RAISBECK. LLP. BY: SAUYW. SMITH ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER 10 Court Square Mocksvile. NC 27026 (336)751-2171 , 4-30-3tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX NORCE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Oeorge Frank Mock. Sr., de­ ceased, late of Davfe County, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th dayof July, 1996, beingthreemonthsfrom the first day of publication or №is nottee will be pleaded in bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to №e under­ signed. Thlstfie16№ day of April, 1996. Staffwd M. Hyman, Executrix of the Estate of George Frank Mock, Sr. Warren E. Kasper, P.A. P.O. Box 667 Clemmons, NC 27012 4-16-4tn ABSOUITE AUCTION A N T IQ U E S & C O L L E C n B L E S FRIDAY, MAY 1,6:00 P.M. - A n u n u t u s n m - VkMw DiMMr «Mkrei • 2 Em M . DiMMn • Hop. M • Empk. Rookw • U l. la w . Banboo SoMii. Boot 8Md • M WMaInd • 1M0’. cm m 1M . w/4 Chiln • VkM m M 4 CM r • M Dmo Bidmn M • Domookn DMk • MMon Oik Ug « FM Rom Oik PhIoc 1k«i • r sand • В и М BoMd IM . «М CM n • All O«» DnoMT • MkKX Ook Bock S M < Mrtngmy DMk • AoMrtod 8mo( 1Ш0. • 0И Fnmd P iM CM m O T h .n m liU n Пи|>1% к( иМкпИп. e in 'Pline. Atan ОИ Jo. CoiiGMi. • 1M3 PMmonI W M n a .B ia l8 ilM tanW M onN C tO tarEM V D *«.Pon«. --------t H nmi.iiilirtColM<onolHiliMicoHn.«Coi1n.ClnrHold*»I1M 11*1 • Pm* Om *« *№«0. tal • CU Judg. Colo. Jw • IMO'o Coto dock • MoCoy CocM. Jm • VMol^ d E«V KW* Caidy ConWnm • CU OI C m • Oi Unt» • A U q . Solookn ol ao IM i lo kioU. Woodn PMa • Enly W m lm • OU H m nn • Bo. • Ctd Xfeliin N m • MiM M M HoMm • CU fl«»di>Quai.Poao<yOUPoolnfd.. A la g . SiM Ion ol aioMMiK luoUr Rm * « M r 1 « I» lii««M • M n Am dc Sugir i Cmno« • Bhck Opio 8 h «tM t PMWon 8 ^ « Amodom SMMhMit <.................. - ■ » ío iiic r - - ■ - -cu Dm > Mon AnoKhwli > SoMIan o< Mk BüMn.OIBalwPlUSMUCHHOBBIIIIIMI___________ A IJC T lO N IS T O B E H a D A T O liR A IJC It o N Q A llE R Y alSWWlKESBORO 8T. MOCKSVILLE, (JM o K H w ta eo iB n ld tM o elam A n ä itu tiFIm H S D O U A I СО Ш И К В W IU Ш (3VEN AWAY AT END OF SA Û FOOD AND DHNKS « Ш . BB ЛУАПАВШ AT SA U p fm m w 1 Я М М 0 0 Ы U N JIL S A U For Моя DOÉÍ 33M »nB 30í3»nt<en г т б м п Е н НотоЁромШ F0rAfieiti$iml - T “ NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE Havtog quattftod aa Executor of theEstate of Lucy Dortch Halrtton, deceased, ' lateo1DavieCounty.NorthCBrollna,thlsla to notify al perwna having dalma against sakj estate to present them to the under- sivted on or before the 23rd day of July, 19ge.beingthreemonthafromtheflt«tday of publtoaUon or thia nottoe win be pleaded in bar of Ihelr recoveiy. All persons In- jebted to sakl estate win please make tmmedlete payment to the undersigned. TNsthe23rddayof April, 1996. Peter W. Hairston Jr.. 276 Peter Hairston Rd..Advsnce,NC 27006. Execu­ tor ol the estate of Lucy Dortch Hairston, deceased. Brinkley. Walser, McQIrt, Miller, Smith & Coles, Attorneys at law P.O. Box 1657 Lexington. NC 27293-1657 4-23-4tp SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PUBUC NOTICE In order that the North Carolina Depart­ment of Transportation compiles wllh House BiU 1063 as ratified by the 1973 Sesskm of the General Assembly of Norih Ceroiina, representatives of the profes- stonal staff of the Department ofTranspor- tatton and the Board of Transportation Member ofthe Ninth Highway Division will meet with Ihe Davie County Boanl of Com- missk)ner8 at a public hearing beginning at 1:00 p.m.. May 4.1998. In the County Commlsskiners Meeting Room in the Davie County Administratk)n Butkflng, Mocksville, Г4С. The purpose of Ihis meeting will be to discuss and advise, with Ihe Davie County Board of Commissioners and other citi­ zens present, proposed plans andpropos- als for Ihe 1998-1999 Secondary Road Constmctlon Program for Davie County. The proposed program will be posted In the Courthouse for review beginning April 20.1998. as per G.S. 136^4.8.4-23-2Ш PUBUC NO^CE НОЛСЕ OF PUBUC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN C0MM18SK}NERS FOR THE FOL- LOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN. PUR­ SUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS of Chapter 160A, Article 19, Sectton 160-A- 364 ol the General Statutes of Norih Caro­ lina and pursuant lo Artk:Ie 10. Sectfon 5, of the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, that the Town Board о» Commissioners will hokl a PUBUC НЕА1НЮ at the Town Hall. Mocksville, tie ot 7 р.'П. on Tuesday, Mays, 1998.A) Gart)age Disposal Seorice Inc. has submitted a request to rezone six (6) acres of land from Resldential*Agriculturai (R-A) to Industrial (I) In order to retocate their business operation. This pr^rty Is k>- cated off Ihe south skle ol Bethel Church Road approximately 1 /2 mile from US Hwy 64 East and is fuither described as being Parcels 6.01 ajid6.02of Davie County Tax Map J-5. B) The Town of Mocksville will assign zoning districts lo the most recent expan- slcnof thoTov^ n ol Mocksville Extraterrito­ rial Planning Jurisdiction. AU nwps re- feirec! to are Davto County Tax Maps. The :listik:l9 are as follows: Industrial (I) for pr^rcols67, and 88 of map M- 3 and pcrccls 14, 19.02, 19.04, 19.07, 20.02 Of map 1-3; Residential Agricul- tumi (R-A) (or parcel 87 of map H'3: and Highway Bueineee (H-B) for parcels 14.01,13 and 16 of map 1-3. A map show­ ing the above districts Is on display at the Mocksville Town HaU. A sign will be posted on Ihe above listed property to advertise the PUBUC HEARING. AU parties and Interested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to be heard In favor of or in opposltton to the foregoing changes.' Priortothehearing.au persons interested may obtain any addiltonal infor­ matton on the proposals by visaing the Planning Department In the DaHe County Admlnlstratton BuiUing. Mocksville. N.C. between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephooe at (336) 751-3340. JohnS.Galimore Pt&nnlng ai>d Zoning 4-23-2tn NORTHCAROUNA . 1 DAVIECOUNTY ____IXICUTMXNOIKI ! Hming quMIM u EkmuW« Ы №. E«l.i.(itMliil.w^inwTuok»,d>c«Mod..l«.olD«vl. Couniy,N«thCiielnHbl.lr 10 no«y all рмжп. Iwving ok*m .#*1.1;. яМ M ill. 10 (KMwl e*n » Ih. u n ^ ; йдп«| on Of brtx. Ih. 23fd d4l olJulK. 1898,b«lnam™.monllM (rom ii.llrild.y_ olpub«e*llonorlbl.nolle.vrtlb.plMd*il, inb.rollh.lri«»v.iy. A«p«on.hÿ, doblKl lo lid МШ. w* piM.. mtó.: ЬппжШ. paymmi lo II» undOTign*).-: ■, Tnl*lh.23rdd.yolAptH1»»e. snella T. Вмпяп. 4S7 Qocdon Dr.; Advance, NO 27006, ExecuW» ol Ih. tal. ol Millie W^ner Tuck«, deoM»d.v. 4-23-41П PUIUCNOTKE NOTICE OP PUBUC HIARMa t» fore Ihe DavIe County Zoning Board'of' Adjustment on Monday, May 4,1996 at7 * p.m. In Ihe Commlssionere Room of the Davie County Administration BulkMng, ' Mocksville, N.C. Business wIM be cofi^ ducted as folk)ws: ;; : A) Call to order. 1' : B) Review of the minutes. ^ C) Rose Lee White has submitted a ' requestforaTemporaiyUsePermltinlhe. Resklentlal(R-20jdistricttop(aceamanu''. factured home in the rear yard of the. principal dwelling. TMs property iatocated ■ off the west side of Clarit Road approxi* mately 1/4 mile trom Gladstone Road and is further described as being Parcel A-29- of Davie County Tax Map M-4-13. D) Pierre Chartxmneau haa submitted a request for a Spedal Use Permit In ttw’' Resklenllal (R-20) zoning district lo bulkl ' : and operate a commercial greenhouse.' This property Is located at the southwest- em comer ol Juney Beauchamp Road and>. Riverstone Trail and Is further described' esbelngParcel52.02ofDavleCountyTtt( ■ Map E-7. E)OW or new business. F) Adjournment. A sign will be posted on these proper-» ties to advertise sakl Public Hearing. AH parties and interested cHizens are inviied* to attend said hearing at which time they • shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor of, or in opposition to, the foregoing changes. Priortothehearing,allpersons ; Interested may obtain any addittoi^ Infor.-'- matton on a proposal or ask any questkjns;, • theymayhavebyvisItlngthePtannlngand ' ZonlngOepartment on weekdays betweent ; 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through;« Friday, or by telephone at (336) 751-3341- ’ 4-23-2tn PUBUC NOTICE Pursuant to Artide III, Sectton 3 of thè Townof Mocksville ZonlngOrdb^anoe there will be a PUBUC HEARtNG before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on lyionday. May 11,1996at7:00p.m. In the Mocksville TownHaH. Business wm be conducted es foltows: A) Call to order. B) Approval of the minutes. '' - C) Mark Klass has submitted a request ' for a variance on a nonconforming stnicy' ture in the Resklentlal (R-tS) zonk>g dis-' trid. This variance,» granted, woukl per-' mit an adtUtion to the rear poiten of each', apartment building, liils property Is lo­ cated at 713 E. Lexington Road, (off the. north side of US Hwy. 64 East) and Is' furiher described as being Parcel A-16 ot' Davie Couniy Tax Map J-5-2. 0) Okl or new business. E)AdjoummenL A sign win be posted on these proper-.! ties to advertise sakl PUBLIC HEARING.. All parties and interested dtlzens are Iri-* vlted to attend sakl hearing ai which time they Shan have an opportunity to be heard, in favor of, or in oppc^n to, the forego^: Ing changes. Prior to the hearing, al ' persons interesled may obtain any addh';; ttonal inlorroatton on a proposal or ask an/ questkms they may have 1^ vieitfng the.'. Planning andZonIng Department on week-i daysbehveen6;30a.m.and5p.m.,Monir < day through Friday, or by telephone a».. (336)751-3340. JohnS.Qalimore . Planning and ZOnino ' 4-302M • N O T I C E O F M E E T IN G S Of The DAVIE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION & REVIEW PimuanlloN.C.O.S. 105.322 The DAVIE COUNTY ВОЛЮ OF EQUALIZATION ft REVIEW willmetlumiuitcdbyliw PURPOSE OF MEETING № how .р м п ч и ), la ; anl lU taifaym wb. nra «Г cN ln l Uukb pnpirt; MOHNd for Uialioo In Dovic Coutt;, wUb la fK t lo Ikt vdiMioa or iiickpnfcrtr,ordK|inpirtrorollion,«ril.folflllM hriM i«M < repoulbiliUcsnsDlRdbyhw. TIME OF MEETINGS Tbe Board «Ш convcM for itolint m cdtiu on MomUy, M»y 4, IMS al 1:00 P.M. McMinn «Ш be h(M at Mhtr times as neccsswy. Meetings win be M il in Ihc Commissionen Mccling Room in Ihe Adminislnilion Building Requests for hearing must be received prior 10 1:00 P.M. Monday, lunc I, l998iheadvetliiedsaIedalcroradJauramenl. In Ihe event of earlier adjoummcnl, notice 10 lhal effed will be published in Ihls newspaper. The schedule for the hearing of appeals timely liled, will be poued al the ofTice of the assessor, saving as clerii to Ihe Boanl of Equalization & Review, and will also be provided to individuals and organizations lhal have requeued notice pursuant to 0.S, 143-318.11 AU n q iM its Гог h n rliig ih o u U be m iidt to M ity N d l Ш сЫ е C k ib .Ih iv te C o u n ty Ih iu i> o rE q in U iÉ U o a a R w in > , Davie County Adminislration Building - Mocksvllle, NC 27028 1Utphoiie;33C^l-34l< > UAV1IÍ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Арг1Ш, Ï9>8.- P? 1 INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE r t m r a r CARD PRO BUIM S*” Debt Consolidation. Avoid Bankruptcy. Slop Creditor Calls. Cut Interest. No Credit Check. One Lo*» Paymeni. National Consdldatom, Inc. (BOO) 270-9894. LO a CABIN RETREAT-e AC/slream-$49.900. 1200 sq. (t. auttientio log cabin w/ long stream Ironlage. Perfect getaway w/ great river accessi Excellent (Inanclng. Call now 338-476-8282, Ext. 7365T M w n v ON A mountalnl Be married in a magnificent mountalntop chapel surrounded by tiees & awesome views ol the Great Smoky MountalnsI Call 1- 800-729-436S. http://www.mvehaBel.ccm_________ PU R PU ! MARTIN BIRD houses. Telescopic Poles, Qourds, Bal Housesl Wotki's Best 12-Iamlly house, only $29.9S. Factoiy DIrMt.Lifetime _____CATALOG. ORDER 784-8688. Warrantyl FR EE )RDER NOWI 1-800- bOyl It’s a smart advertising Ynrcl Snies RARE OPPORTUNITY! 1400tlT.Waterfront-$19,900. Ideal Iract foi duck hunters & water enthuslastsi N lc^ wooded building site. Perc ok'd, power, phone. Excellwil № ^ i^ . Call now 252-355-9288, ROTTWEILER PU PPIES, AKC. 10wKs. old, all shots up lo date. Call 910-326-2999, leave messaqe. YOUR CLASSIFIED AD could be reachlna 1.5 million homes across North Caroilnal Place your ad with our paper for publication on tha NC Slatewdle Ciassilied Ad Netvtoik- 95 NC newspapers for a low cost of $220 for 25-word ad to appear In each paperl Additional words are SB each. Ths whole state at your fln^rtlpsl Call Becky Snyder at •ON SA LE NOW*HUNTER AIR PURIFIERS Fof snoring, allergies & asthmatk». Helps coninil bacteria, moki apores &dust.' FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO. 495 Valley Road Mocksvllle - (338)751-2141 FRIDAY ft SATURDAY, May 1&2. Chrlstmaa Around the World and Tuppereiare. Eveiythlng priced to go. 158 Nall Ln. across from Comatzer Dulln Fire Dept. Early birds wekame. One of Iwo yani aales on same road. FRIDAY M i SATURDAY S-12;one of Iwo yard sales on Nall Ln. Acrosa Irom Comatzer Dulln Fire Dept. Variety ol household Items and clothing.____________________ OARAQE SALE-FRI., MAY 1,8amunlll...fumlHire, household Hems, nk»ck)lhes, table, chairs, Rainbow A'Electrelux vacuums. Ckise lo Sara Lee plant on Comatzer Rd., 141 Buddy Trail._________________ OIQANTIC MOVING SALE-262 Magnolia Ave., Garden Valley near Ingersoll-Rand, Sat, May 2, 8am- noon, light tixtures, dishwasher, washing machine, double stainless steel kitchen sink, bathroom lavatories, drapeiy rods, drapes, curtains, bedspreads & plUows, exterior door, wall paneling, cabinet drawers, door locks, oriental rugs A ninnen, small sola, lamps, radkw, tables. unvanlKl natural gaa heMer (new), electri« fireplace k>gs, tool., sl« flowers, jars, old Almanac* & telephone diractoriee. “ BUYINQ CLOTHES“10« per pound We can help you with spring cleaning and yard sale lenovers. Value Clothing yadkinville _________338-679-Я28_________ 2 FAMILY YARD sale-Fri., 8-S, Sat., 8-noon. 160 Bethlehem Dr. ofl Redland Rd. Household items, clothes, misc.___________________ 3 FAMILY YARD sale-Sat. 5/2, 8 a.m.-7 276 Marginal St., Cooleemee. Rain cancels.________ 372 FAIRFIELD RD, 8amuntll...varietyot Items.____________ 4 FAMILY YARD Sale. Household Items, ckithes, exercise equip., lawn mower trailers, plants, hosla a mucfi more. Sat., May 2 off Yadkin Valley Rd. Watch for signs. Rain cancels.________________________ BEANIE BA B IE SA m PU Y C A SES for sale-May 2, 8-2, 1875 US Hm . 601 N. Comer ol Cohen Cltqo. Raindate:Mav9.__________ ВЮ MOVINQ SALE-Fri., 5/1, 7-6; S a l, 5ffi, 7-7. Lots ol baby, women's & men's clothes, hutch set, end tables, toys & much, much more. Rain cancels. 1414 Main Ch. Rd., olf 601 N.__________________ BIQ YARD SALE-FRI. t SAT. May 1&2, 8:30 until?? 249 Spring St. Lots of good things. Cancelled 11 raining, fjo early biros.___________ CARPORT SALE-SATURDAY, 5/2,122 Sunset Dr, Clothes (Infant- adult), baby Items, household goods, lots ol misc.______________ CHILDREN’S CLOTHES, EXERC ISE equipment, somelhing for eveiybodyl Cah/aiy Baptist Chureh, Davie Academy Rd., Fri. & Sat., 7-noon. 64W to Cartner’s Store, lum lefl on Davie Academy. HUGE 5 FAMILY yard sale- Sahirday, May 2 ,8am-4pm, rain or shine. Mocksville Rotary Hul, 201 S, Salisbuiy St., Mocksville, Davie County. Furniture, baby ctothes & accessories. Including playpen, highchair A car seat: - - electronics, clothes, Irt Infanta through adult: & misc. 800.2494)071 or 336-751-3518 for lnlo.tdlrectk)ns.________________ MOCKSVILLE ANTKIUES к FLEAMflifket25,000 sq,ft.lnskje. 653 Wilkesboro s i! b t 8-5 & Sun. 9-5. Vendor spaces call 751-2181. MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale-Sat., May 2, 9-1, 601 N. to Uberty Ch. Rd., 2nd road on right-Edward Beck Rd. Air compressor, wood splitter, canoe, CB radtos, TVs, exeicise equipment, children and adult clothes, dishes and lots of miscellaneous items. II raining will be Sat., May 9.__________________ TWO FAMILY YARD sale, Friday and Saturday. Women’s and chlMren’s clothes, lots of other stu«. 8-2, 800 Hardison S l, Mocksville. First house on right past tennis courts._______________ YARD 4 BA KE SA LE plua refreshments, jbreakfast & lunch). 1 4 2, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Dulln pk&ree, books, flr^»lac* doors, ladiM and men'a ck)lhlng, more, more, mot*. Don’t miss this sal* ot d««n,qualltvlt*ms. O W M K YARD SALE-Sunday, M w 3. 8-4, 601 S., 1/2 mi. past Doiil*’aMari(*t on righl T YnrrI Sales YARD SALE-MOSTLY household lumllure-table w/ chairs, sofa, recllner, cord organ, coffee table, elc, Harding S l oil Main S l 8am-until.__________________________ YARD SALE-RAIN or shine. S a l May 2 at 301 Milling Rd., Winslon Cup collecUblea, lumiture, lols of books, clothes, household Items, toys, angels, lots ol different mdse. Holiday Bart)le dolls._____________ YARD SALE-SAT. May 2, 7-untll, 2027 US Hwy. 158. House on left |ust before Msin Church Rd., stereo, toys, clothes, pockelbooks, bicycles, nlghtstands, sleeper chair, lots ol other Items,_______________ YARD SALE-SAT. May 2. Center Shelter. 64W. 8-3. Car seal youth bed, toys, tea pots, canning iars, clothes, books, bedspreads, what- nets, lamps. Lots of good shiff. YARD SALE-SAT,, eam-lpm, HWV.64W._____________________ YARD SALE-SAT., May 2, B am-until. Clothes, old fumilure, recllner, glassware, storm door, many old and new items._________________ YARD SALE-SATURDAY, 5/2/98, lamps, dishes, giris dresses 3T & 4T, handmade angels, cassettes & much more. Comer ol H*jy. 801 N. A Cana Rd., 8am-1pm. Rain date- SW98. Homes For Rent H Miscellaneous seats, odds and ends, running boards lor futl-slze pick-up, blinds, camper shell for long bed truck. Antiques TIM ELESS TREASURESАНТКШ Е MALL 6,000 sq.lt. 27 dealers. Wicker, Victorian, primitives, mahofEuiy, pine, oak, advertising coHectlbles. Come see for your self why we are the talk of Ihe town. 3510 S. Main S l, Winston-Salem. 785-2273. Apartments M OCKSVILLE SUNSETTERRACE: All brick energy eltlcient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings, ratchen appliances fumished Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, connections. ■■■ ■ ____J Melhodlst Church. Dulln Rd.o« Milling Rd.___________________ YARD SALE-7M Redland Rd., May 1 & 2. Multi-family basement sale.___________________________ YARD SALE-FRI. A SAT. 124 Rhrerside Dr., CooiMm**. Oak dining table w/ 6 chaira. Craftsman lawn mower, great for pans, pichiria, k in i^ ip iu d , childrens doth**.________________________ V A m M LE- FK ., MAY 1 andS a l, May 2. S a.m until. 5 mil** south ot Mocksville at Greasy Comer, turn right, folk»* signs. Rain or shin*. Ck)th**, boys A giris, adults, all siz**, appUanc**, houa*hokl itwns, Avon products, r*duc*dprio*e._________________ YARD SA U -FRL, May 1,8-4 andSa t, May 2, B-1. Ntoe fumiture. k>ts of seasonal ckXhes, odd. and ende. Dan Potts home-Dulln Rd., c*no*ll*dHtalnina.______________ YARD SAU-M AY 2,7 a.m.-1p.m., rain or shki*. Lots of plus size womwi's ckHh**. Womon** siz* 11 & 12 six* ahoM. №d* dottie*. «m d ** gjktor, 14 k l goM bwigl* bno*M (B4nch). b*dmr**d* and kits mot*. 222 kMlamrack Rd. on 1S8.751-3647. r/'/ÿ Guess Who Just Tumed Ш \ N 1 II I I I s \ ! F r L * S * t ,M a y lA 2 SettMVpily Slieps • 33(-791-«5» 4ICourt Sqiiaie, Mscluvilb W m -t m i i i> .- M ia ..| o » » b - > NoJobtoSmU ГЯЭЙмт, > CBUNOS BEPMRED on REPIA C B) (5STYLES) INTERIORA EXTERIOR 3 REG ISTERED QUARTERhorses. $1,600 ea. 1-888-755- 3481. Art/Artist JA N ET DEAN'S Umited edition art prints now available at Serendipity Shops, 41 Court Sq., downtown Mocksvllle. Business Opportunity TAKE CONTROL OF your destlnyl Worii with a Hollywood producer, fabulous trip Incentives, caraltowance energy elfrelent heat pump ^ central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows A doors. No wax kltchen& balh floors. Located In Mocksvllle behind Hendricks Fumlturs on Sunset Dr. ofl ol H*>y. 158. Oflice hours 1-6 M-F & S a l 10-12. Phone 751-0168. FR EE LOVABLE KITTENS. 284- 2708. BARN ItEL P WANTED ¡nexchange lor board for 1 horse. Nk» small show bam In Davie Co. w/large tumoul riding rings, trails & round pen. 99B-B00Tor 722-3407. FR EE KITTENS. C A U atter 7pm. 940-6041.______________________ HAPPY JA C K MANGE MEDICINE: a natural blend of vegetable oils, pnxTioles healing & hair growth to 'hot spots’ A severe mange on doip A horses without sterokb. DavK Farm Seivk» 751-5021. (www.happytacklnc.com)_________ loicYoul J m programtremendous eamings opportunltyl * for details (338) 7B1-1836.Call now f( Chile) Care CHILD CARE IN my home minutes away from Jockey and Lee. Have references. 1st & 2nd shift. 492- 2685.__________________________ GRANDMOTHER W ILL KEEPchildren In my home. Any shift. Also before & atterschool. 492-2745. YARD SALE-SATURDAY, May 2, 9988am-2pm, 487 Pine Ridge Rd. oH — 601 S. Baby & adult clothes, car KOUNTRY KORNER HAS for todd<er-8choo1 age. 2BR HOUSE FOR rent. $425/mo. 751-2304 or 751-5291. Homes For Sale 16 ACRE HORSE fami. 3,400 sq.ft. melal bam. 1,635 sq.ft. manufactured home. For more Information call Deborah Nethen ol Lake Norman Realty. 1.B8B-755- 3481.__________________________ HOUSE A land for sale. 338-751- 2B3B.__________________________ MOCKSVILLE-NEW SBR, 2bahome w/garage & deck, near shopping, schools, and medical. A rare lind at $95,000. LEONARD REALTY 338-751-3650 or 751- 5020.__________________________ MOCKSVILLE-OPEN HOUSESUN-5A3, 2-4pm. 2 beautllul 3B№2ba homes. South Ariior Sub Div. $129.000 ea. 601S, left on Deadmon Rd., right Inlo South Arijor. Dakota Really, 778-1754 broker/owner.___________________ NICE SBR, 2BA home on 8 acres. Red Foust, Davie Fami & Land Sales. 751-0757. Land For Sale LOVINQ MOTHER OF 1 will provide childcare In my home. 1st shift, before & ofterschool. Located In Hillsdale-Advance area. Rel. available. 998-8606._____________ MOTHER OF ONE, will keep children In my home 1st shift. Near Jockey. 264-2421._______________ NOT YOUR TYPICAL childcare- fun, leamIng environment w/lots of activities & TLC. Flexible & affordable. Ref’s fumished. Advance, 998-7246 lor more Information.____________________ PART-TIME SITTER needed to care (or Z boys. Ages 1 & 3.10-15 hrsTwk. Flexible moming & transportation reg. 761-5100. W ILL GIVE CARE to your children In my home. Near Jockey. 492- 533i:______________________ W ILL K EEP CHILDREN In myhome. Very reasonable rates, near Lee & Jockey. 264*4099. Commercial Property PRIM E SHOPPING CENTERspace available, 1,200 sq. N.-3.600 ft. Shopplng/offlce. 336-996- Farm Machinery BUSHOGS; SCRAPE BLADES$125: Box Blades $235: Spreaders: Carryalls; Boom Poles; Scoop Pans; Post Hole Diggers; Disc; Gates; Conals; Feeders. Wright Farm Gates & Equip 99B-8637. COMBINE, JO , 3300, comheads, gralnhead. Case Davie Brown, 990, D,k)ader. 704-873-4875._________ USED D IESEL TRACTORS (rom $3,500, 15-32 HP. 704-213-1469, Sallsbuiv.NC, 15 * ACRES, 2BR mobile home, bam, woriishop, fenced pasture In western Dwie. Call Red Foust, Davie Farni & Land Sales. 751- 0757.__________________________ 16.5 ACHES. Edwards Rd., Davie Co. 336-492-2444 or 492-5284. 3 ACHES, COUNTRY seftlng, cleared, level, ready to build on or hunt No restrictions. 336-751- 3371.__________________________ Beautiful 3/4 acre wooded lol In Shady Grove developmenl 940- 6749. N O n C M HERD of catH* lor aale b*ti***n 75 A 100 cows. R*g. Black Angus bull A most ot herd Is l*g. BIw iA n su* w/ no papars. Will ads tor cast) only. Parson without cash do not apply. Suflldant pastor land for laase w/ good f*ncing, bartMd wir* & wov*n. 300 round bala* ol hay for sal* with caWe. Also land to mak* hay avallabi* for leas*. Call IMra. Sn M at 336-998- 1800b*tw**n9am-4pm._________ Q UARreRHORSE, 1 YR. oM coH, good naturad, $600.998-8795. 2 BR HOUSE lor reni Advanca. partially furnished, couple or singi* pr*f«r*d. No p*ts. Ref. raq’d. 998- 4699. ¿ A i H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COaECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE m j m j Ì H Ìf ìn is h e s ^ Fumiture RtfinlthingkRetlonUon Ciutom Woodwotking &Cnfli RickMiceli (336)492-6020 ■ 1» FT. MALIBU center console boat w/60 HP, Johnson motor. Mlnnkota aulo pllol trolley motor. GC, $2,800.492-2902. AIR CONDITIONER -used 2 mos. 12,000 BTUs. Hamplon Bay by.' Fedders, 3 spd., $295] 940-2735. GO-KART FOR sale, VGC, $400. 940-2572 after 6 p.m._________ KIRBY UPRIGHT VACUUMcleaner-complete with . ell accessories. Cost $1500 new, will. sell for $125.336-751-2213. : MURRAY RIDING MOWER, 8hp, 32' cu l mows beautifully, $300; Cub Cadet, 123 model, 48' deck, hydrostalk; transmission, both good to excellent condition, 336-751- 2213.__________________________ SEASONED FIREWOOD FOR sale. $60 for 1/2 ton; $100 for 1 ton. Slump removal. Jake Miller, 996- 0848.________________________ SLIDING G LA SS DOORS wtth double glass and screen. 72"x80'’ $200. 998-2752.________________ ST EEL BUILDINGS. ARCH style. Must sell these 3 buildings. L sm company canceled orders. K 25x28, 35x54. FirImmediato dellveiy. No tea______offer relused. Call 1-600-222-6335. STEREO W/2 SPEA KER S, record, tape, a 8-lrack tape players. Real qood condlllon. 2B4-2019.________ STORAGE BLDGS-HENT-to-own, $50/mo„ will deliver, 8ft. x 12 ft. 998-9553.______________________ W ILL BUY JU N K cars. 284-2859 or 751-4335.____________________ YORK RESIDENTIAL HEAT pump, 2 1/2 yrs. oW, $500. For mor* Inlormallon call 751-2738.________ ’90 MODEL WILHO gooseneckstock trailer, VGC, $3500. 492- 2902. LOTS AVAILABLE IN Mocksvllle, Advance & Cooleemee for new homes. 7S1-7734. Miscellaneous $M9 POO LS POO LS $S49New 19x31 lamily size pool. )r, liner & heating ' I Callno*!)Includes deck, lllter, device. 100% lina 1-800-956-POOL ( 5PC. PIN E BEDROOM set, gim n size watariMd, GC. $1000/OBO. 492-5366.______________________ DtNINQ ROOM SET,> ass table, 6 chairs, EC, $350. 7 Sl5l1 9 after 6pm or leave message.__________ MATCHING COUCH, LOVE seal chair ««/ottoman. 2 1/2 yrs. okl. $350.751-0052.________________ NEW OAK TABLE & 4 chaira. $150. Six oak chairs, $150. 492- 2154. Homes For Rei T RA C TO R S A L E S ftS E R V IC E SIÎÎK M IN н а м к л • М М Ш .-А М М М * INDUSTRIAL ZONED ACREAGE fronting on «601 within Mocksville City Limits with city services. Will subdivide. Call Freeman Commercia] Real Estate, 768-4410. Lawn Care A U SEASO N S LAWN CARE. New & existing lawn malnte.nance. Call 704-284-4277. CAM SERVICES; We provide all types of lawn service, mowing lawns, trimming, shrubbery, clean ^ lots, 751-5798. FR EE Lots For Sale Mobile Homes/Rent 2BR, 1 1/2 ba.. Farmington area, beautiful Inside, water, garbage, tawn maintenance Included. Home; $300, Lot: $130. Equals $430/mo. 336-731-2721.__________________ IN COUNTRY-QUIET adults $80/wk. 998-8235._______________ READY TO MOVE in: 4BRfurnish«} w t w/utities. 751-1218 or 872-3367.___________________ TRA ILERS FOR RENT. Watw furnished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leave message. Mobile Homes/Sale ALMOST NEW BICYCLES. Hidden twtee. Cannondal* F-300 w/ Iront rock shock & pump Hr* change tool*. Spare tube in riding pouch. Raleigh U-30 lady’s bik*. W u d e s rack.^orth $1200. Sell lor $550 for both. Neg. 336-998-5012. Leave measaqeforJackson.____________ K t Q SALVA(U :4’xS’«1/4’ waferboard, $3.99/aa; 4’x8’ CwJar Ckieet liner, $12.9S/ea.; 5’X12’ premium flooring flberboard, $9.95/ea. Grad* Marit, 2X4 shids, $2.49/ea. bMg. Slone $140A>r. paii«/140 sq. H.; 4’X8'X1/2‘ Ih ik Insulatkin bd. $7.95/ea.; 3,000 ft), cap. warehous* carts, $4Wea. prahung exterior steel doora, $69/**.; Rooflng felL $6.9S/roll: W * stock stainless steal in sh**t* & p l^ . Super savlnga on caipat A linoleum as low a* :$3.»5/yd.; Comjgated culvert pipe up to 24' dla.; W * slock pumpa a accessoriea for ««ella. Fomiica, $ .sa sq .ll; Steal l-Beama for sale. K & G SaKrag* (RaynoMa Rd.) let buainass onWast bank ol Yadkin River. 336-699-2124. $BANK UQ UIDATIO NSALEI Several SW 's & DW s all w/landll 704-637-6650. Quality Home* ot Sallsbuiyl Open Sundayal________ $THE T H RILU R$ New 4BR, 2BA . mobile home. $163.98/mo. Cal 704-637-6650. Quality Homes Superstore. ••UKE HOME-Custom Built Mobile Home.Take Over Pmmenta ot $2t0.00 : per monlh w/ $971.90 down. E u y - financing. Call 704-784-8392. •1 ONLY*’•4 mot)iie home set-up on kit - $n6/down,$t17.0&mo. _________704^37-6650_________; 1C A U ttaH yo u n **d l B*tl*r Value Homea Hw y.B0ia,60iM od(sviii* Complet*lin*ol double A i MkiiinMea Bank r e ^ j ^ l today г 14X70,3SR, 2BA, 1996 model, Um'' down paymenta, tow nunflily! payments. Like new repoHcail: today. 284-4001.________________. M t a r S BET4>P In parii, 601N,i bolhar*36R,2t)a.1WT-3M, 2BA., e4Somh |uat in', Davkison County In Reed'a araa. t 751-5200, home or 751-7439,; woric. Ask for Slav* Vestal or laav* ; messane on answering machkw. s m SPEC н о м е eet-up In ^ N vn r Ihnd In, fuiTiUMd. 7ra4.781-. ASANOONED H O IH ON privai* :k>t Ju*t ofl 601; $895 down A paymwit* ot $225.751-7734. C A U TODAY HUQE diacount on alngle & doublewide repo homea. ' Racondttkmad and ready to gDl¡ 264-4001. ’ nil - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1998 в Ь А 8 Е Ш DI л ею ргеавье V eommLY ммоопсо14X71, эе я, 21и, м . a SM , $850 dum., $1МУпю. c«n todayl 284- 4001,_____________________ DONT M V THOUSANDS toonwchi DouM & tingjm M n (»lecunlprie«!. 1-800-278-Э14в. DMAMHOMC LOST M dKroret, lim nm . 1850 •q. n. doulilawlde, loadtd, flraplK*, glamour balh. ctramlc Ь к « moni $15,000 iMlow book. Cill28»4001lodwl_____________ OOOD SILEC n O N OF p^owiwd ind про hofiwt, all nm oM ed and Mtowl m t btkm rMU. 284-4001.5i> today. vouH Da qladvadldl LO TS M O M U HOMt»Notwood. NC eOO-777-8852. Bargaina, сЮ и outa apadala. 40 new homaa, 28X82. $27.999; 28X80. $39,999; 28X84. $32,999; 24X58. $25,999; 14X80. $19,999, Hd. 4' hHch. Opan 7 dava.________________________ L M Н О Н П ; SVIOLCWIOCS, wMaf rant ipaciaf. « ’.¡T Ä Ä I____________WInaton-Salam, NC 336-787-7565. U K E N IW I■M mod«. 14x70.2BR, 2ba, dal. & aal air. аил. $1.150 dwn., $245Л«0. Can 284-4001 today! ■88 OAKWOOD MONTCLAIR,^4X70,3BR, 1 1/2 BA, $7500.940- 2213.__________________________ '88 F ISC H M 14X71 М оШ Нота. м М , walMHillt, $9500 RaMgarator. atova. Rhaam cantral air unit Includad. 2BR w/ walk-ln cknati. 2 lull balM. real wood burning «replace. ^ Buyer raaponslble tor moving ^ aet-up. Homa laCaU Kelly Carter (803) 329-8160 (Rock Hill. SCI._________________ ■98 14X70 F ie e rw o o o , 2BR, 2BA. all upgradea. wtilte vinyl 8И1гю. аМ пй root. 12X16 dedi, $18.500.751-2588 alter 6pm. PAINTINQRemodeling - Home Repaira Large or Small Free Estimates JAM ES MILLER 998-8340 PRESSU RE CLEANVM: All TyMS skiing, dean and wataiproot decks, g a^ ^ rlve w a ys and walkways. g&RetKjIkjingRapainng&RetKjIkjii Seif-piayers.Salea&Seivk» M nU U W lU B«, 1.1 yia. piuk rent by LOS Homes. S Patteraon Ava., noma TO FLA. WiU sacrltk» $3.500. New 3BR, 2ba. mobile homa. Can (704) 795-3772. MUST SALE-1884 doubla-wktel 2«(48. t144 aq. tl. 3eR0ba. w/ trom p ^ . back deck, dstuxe kitchen w/QE vpiancaa, skle by akia Irtdge. gaidan tub In large Mba, walk-ln doaat. Light cdora thnj-out Вц^г may taka over k>an w/ good credit, p m tm und $342/mo. No down pmt.. bul haa to ba moved. Owner may M with m o ^ coats. 338- 99«-97ra,as>lofRayofJad<la. MUST U L L 1U 8S, 1Д ACRCS. 338-7880828. 1 « п и У > и я н о м иRtoondMontd bwkfvpot ind pfv* с т Ш honrn AM . ititfL C iia tM o o t. ®SfS!52JSSFW M M T O M FraaSataWaDlahwlth S iS № i70407-8850 MCOMDinONeD SANK REPO S Sava Dwuaanda, caU today. 284-4001_______________________ : RENT TO OWN, 2 & 38R. Call 704437-8650. Quality Homaa ol ' SM b u y. A • R BULO CRS, over 8 yrs. e«p. Decks, porehas, patk», storage bMga., addltkma, tamodellng, kisuranca daima. SatMadkxi guaranteed.Can 492-2255 lor Free Estimate.Or Paper «910-717-2568. 15 yeara experience *Our commitment Is quality through experienced teamwork.’ 751-3813 ¡¡¡LLLW Y A T TIntartor 8 Exterior Qeneral Carpentry Free Estimates Reliable Sentea Using Quality Duron Products (336)998-7216 D R IV ER S SON PAINT CO.Rool Tops 8 Mobile Home Tops Free Estimates Intahor&Exterkir 2S Yeara Exparlenca Modcsv«la,NC ___________492-7118___________ H O U U k O F F K I CLiANM Q l4yaanaspaiianoe ntitn noM pnmova Frea sslmaiss336^63-5227, leave message H O U U CLEANWO U R V IC ERet, available. Call 751-0552. UN K'S SEA M U SS QUTTERINQRtetiardUnk-Ownar Frea Estímalas ___________99B-179B___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC(or aii your eladrical needs. FraaEsUmatas. 751-3398. ______ STAR SATELLITEInstallalkx) Spedals $30 Rebate, IrM g r ^ m ^ , tree Disney watch. PRIMESTAR $98IN STALUDFree 1 mo. programming 4lreeH 80's 1-800-984-0772 RICK'S PRESSU RE WASMNOHousing, decka, a concrate Free estimates Dadtaaaling 998-7443, pq. 73^5461. T tT U R V IC E SQ a rw s, bams, basements, etc. Cleaned ^ hauled away. Reasonabla rates. 492-5060 or 751-8110. TREES R US M ttSM Q SM H TZU, grey 8 white Iemale, answera to У е1м /. Last seen on Tunentine Church Rd. Call 751-9633 or 998-2576, leave messaqa. «3 FORD PRO BE U , auto, air. power sun root, am/fm/cd, and more. 74.000 miles. EC. $7.300. 940-2160. ___________ '93 FORD EXPLO RER XL. 2wd, 4dr. new Urea, EC. 704-278-0260. leave message. '94 C H EW BERETTA, red. a пкя car. Was $8.995. Now only $6,868. Wood Autocentre (704)637- ■94 C H EW CORSICA, auto, a/c, bik. cheny. Was $9.995. Now only $5.988. Qerry Wood Autocentre (704)637-9090._________________ SALISBURV MOTOR CO. illsburyButek-Dodoe 700W .lnneaSt..Sal 704-636-1341 ■94 CHRYSLERloaded w/ fadoty . $14.995. Now only $11 Wood Autocentre 637-91’-9090. white. Was I. Qeny W IU DO LAUNDRY 8 ironing. Also general house cleaning. Reasonable rates 8 reterencea. 998-2907.______________________ YARDS MOWED « trimmed. Qo anywhere. 492-2327. BAILEY A HOWARD TOURS Ju ly 1-4, Ohk) Amish Country-step on guide, buggy iMe- irain ride-Sugar Creek Swiss Village-Warther Canringa. Amish Fam » Tour. 5 meals Induded. D- $299. Aug. 15,1 day. Boone. NC. Indudes T breakfast 8 1 dnner at DanM Boone Restaurant. S h o p ^ a* S t» ^ ol tt» Paikway. $42/petson. Driven Gene Uvenqood. 998-4338. '78 C H EW TRUCK, 4wd. ready lor hunHnq. 336-751-3371.___________ ■83 240 D M ERCEDES BENZ .189,000 milea, blue, 4 dr., auto, nina great, $3,900.998-4292 ■84 PONTMC 800, 4к1оог, tu^ns ,_QC, very dean. $1595. Cail ■88 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY,dean Interior, mns good, $1000/060. 492-2752.___________ ■88 РОМПАС LE, very dean, $800/OBO. 751-0155. il no answer. leave message._________________ ■88 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme. 2dr.. V-6. auto, new wheels, tires, exhaust, stereo, no dents, no nist. Must see this carl $1350. (336) 492-5509.______________________ '89 C H EW CORSICA, '69 Oids Cutlass. 336-996-8821. H no anawer. please ieave name & number.________________________ ■89 FORD ECONOVAN, power steering, power brakes, am/lm stereo, auto transmisston. veiy low mlieaqe. EC. 751-1808.__________ ■92 FORD RANOER P/U. Blue. Low miles. Was $7.995. Now only $5,988. Gerry Wood Autocentre (704)637-9090.__________________ ■92 NISSAN MAXHM Qokl, new timing belt 8 more. Waa $11,Г'- now only $8,988. Gerry - Autocantre. 704-637-9090. ■98 FORD ESCORT QT, red, drive I Waa $10,995 now o n ty ^ V .M é : Gerry Autocentre. (704)837-9040.Wood 18 NEON, BLU E, auto, a/c & mom. Waa $9995. Now only $7,888. Qeny Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090.__________________ ‘97 DODQE GRAND Caravan. Biue. Was $19,995. Now only $17,988. Garry Wood Autocentre, 704-637-9090.__________________ '97 DODQE RAM VAN 3500, 15 pass. Marked down to be sold. Was $21,995. Now $18,588. Gerry Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090. '97 FORD EXT CAB FISO, VB,loaded 8 only 7,400 miies. Was $23,995. Now oniy $22,988. Qeny Wood Autocentre (704)637-9090. '97 JE E P CHERO KEE SPORT, red. 14,000 mi. Was $27,995, Now $19,888. Qeny Wood Autocentre 704-637-9090.__________________ '97 PLYMOUTH BR EEZE, 4 tochoose Irom. They were $13,995, now $11,988. Qeny Wood Autocentre. (704) 637-9090. BUY1NQ PIN E k hanlwood timber, delivered loga 8 long puipwood. Shaver Wood ProducS, Inc. 704- 278-9291. » W y C A T K ^ NOW ВЕПЮ ACCETO D lof summer lobe In the AVON $8-$iamR, No door to door. Eaay m e t^ l Quk;k cashi o^^gTnS/sis^rST"’*- B E R m O A , V ILU Q E HAS openings (or day/avening pt waltresMsAfvaltara. Apply In gsr^-Berm uda Viiiage, Hwy. 801 S., Advance, NC._________ . BEm U D A VILLAGE NEEDS maintenance pereon, РЯ , в д " “ с о , « - pereon, Hwy. 601 3.,М-Р,йЗ|. C A U TODAY, WORK : > TOMORROW Immediate openings in D avie'& YadUn counliea (or the (dkiwlrtg poaitkms. Fork lilt operators, a m b le rs , ptekera, packai*. ahipplng darks, sewing machine operatora. weMera. call or coma by Sneiiing Peraonnel Senrices in the Winston-Salemthe ..... Supereenter.Wal-Mart D a v t. D r.v .n u Sch o o l ■ R o o fin g G R O O M IN G S H O PIn ln g a a lM a iia iia im ia W M ^5?« 336-998-5098 NO MORE SHINGLES! 60 M e t a ll • UmglMüng QalvakJin« •3FöotCowrage •Cri to liw Inch •ManyCdoia •ScrswB, Titan to match м м т и т и S H t o V M M H R i p * IM K M B k iH . • Ш - 1 М Г B l g O t K k S i H 9800 Orack-only *329* other modsis to choo8* fioffllCmlHAvailiblt. . TMy Up ft Dual Power wWipufchsss. ( з я т м т г в з а щ м AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT 1 dulies invoiviag layers and broiler breeders. Feed and care for birds, keep records of egg produclkitt, feed cottsumptk>n and oilier research measurements. Operate, maintain and clean equipment. Assist where needed in the conduct of research triab. Requirements; Completion of high schooL Prefer one year of fanning experience or equlvaleiit. Must have vaUd driver's' license. Sabiy range $15,786^,040 with sute benelits. U N S lM n B lF M M .- SiM«|;K 21147 (IM) 271-2114 • K IVISECAfiUER M l N l - S T O I I A G E For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C o (( today! j (336) 998-8810 S il re)-.»« ■[»¿SSi Sai':ai LARRrS WOODFLOOB S E B S aC E Ljykv8m lng «FM aN ne FneESTOIXIES O m w : L a n y lM M n y IJSljiawoodDrtm 336-751-1721 S t e v e i k m m ' e m H € h a t m g OPEN HOUSE SAT. MAY 2 10:00 am-2:00 pm 2 Brand New 3 bedroom Homes set up' in nke community. Fumiture, appliances, lieat-pump included. Ready To Move In! Wliy rent wlien you can own! Free Credit Approvals D IRECTIO N S; <01N to left on Cranberry Lane. Look for sitns. «PLUV HOM ES O F M O C KSVILLE«P _________________ 33<-751-7734 IR» * OwieVssnEapaitanM n m nrilln ialss NO |Biril»DMifnCrGomtnMtton ' “ ^ V e i j o ; ^ e e t ‘^ o u H t^ ta d g e tl • т Я в а п м ^ а И к ч 'И м о м у ^ и д М Ь в а м М п а « V v | iM M a a M * D a a l» « m w e (t it | R ^ U|M ОвяаиШа! Weill • М Cal ft M l IM leniee^ ■■ HaVerMDey* ^ « И И -« »N caToa Commercial FREDDY’S ROOnNG 336-4S2-5923 Residential FOR LEASE STORAGE TIIAILERS(Long or Short Term • HEISfTAlJB) ТйиСЮ ЫО СОМРЛМУ. IHCl Hwy. Ю1 N. • Moetavia^ НС 3 3 M M - 7 7 1 6 M 8 0 0 1 2 4 7 r 4 7 M 4 J 8 CNA PO SnW N S AVAILABLE.Briflhtmoor Nursing Center. PO Box 2167. Salisbury. NC 28144. .• COMPUTER TECHNICIAN: EXP.req. In PC repair 8 networking. Prolesslonal attitude 8 appearance a must, certllteatlons a plus. Send resume lo: 23 Court Squafe. Mocksvllle. NC 27028. ■ CONCRETE H ELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license prelerred. Call 284-4369. Mon.-Fri.. 10am-2pm lor application. EEO.__________ ; COOK NEEDED AT Miller's Restaurant. Apply in person. : DENTAL HYQIENIST NEEDED (orgeneral (amliy practice, (ull 8 part- time positions available. E x c ^ t salary, bonus plan, retirement & medk»l. Statesviile-(704) 873- 9641.________________________ ^ ■POSTAL CA RRIERS'Getting started or starting over. For Inlonnatlon on all postal lobs, aalaries, benelits. pre-tesUng. and cunent dvll senrk»s lob line, call №30) 906-2800 ext. 6640. 6am- Open. UAVit. «-UU1411 ЫЧ1 KHmiar, KK.CUKU, April 3U, e L A S S I E l E D S MEXFEMSgVE PROFITABLE -ALL-AROUND HANDYMAN.heeded. Experience w/carpentry, relurblshing homes, elc. FULL a part time lobs available. Kitchen 8 (rant-line wori(ers. Mtn. .Fried Chicken, Clemmons. FULL-TIME:C0LLEC T0Rfl)ELIVERY person, ho phone interviews. Personal .Interviews oniy. Apply In person lo Star Fumiture, 142 N. MainSl. H ELP WANTED FOR mobile home setup. Drivers license req. 996- 542ft or 998-2479,_______________ KOUNTRY KORNER IS now hiring pA 8 (A. Cail 998-2220 (or appt. Must ba high school graduate. Em|)loymonl UNO-TEK OMS, Inc. Full-time supenilsor position. Benellts- vacatlon, holiday, sick, Iwalth pay, EOE. Qood driving record required. Cali 996-1743 (or appointment. LIFEGUARD a POOL STAFFpositions available (or May-SepL at [ake Myers RV Resort.Taklng applications now. Apply In person, H ^64W . 492-7736; NEEDED PART-TIME sales & deliver associate. Must be able lo worit weekends. Apply at Sears In Mocksville between 9 8 5, Mon.- Sat. NOW 'endy’s. HIRINQ DEPENDABLEdays 8 nights. Apply at Employment DRIVEALITTLE...EARN A LOTI□o you have experience In sales, banking, llnance or Insurance? Clemmons based mortgage со. is seeking enthusiaslio, high enargy loan originators. • Experience helplul, but not necessaiy. We wiil train motivated people (or a career with big town eamings. Even 11 you live in a small town. Call now (ot Inlen/lew. 1-688-513-6246. DRIVERS: RUN THE SPEED LIMITt $1500 sign on bonus (oi exp'd drivers & 0/0. $750 bonus ol school grads. Excellent stop pay, high miles, home weekly, Class (A) CDL w/HazMat, Min 1 yr. OTR. Builders Transport, Dedicated Fleet. 1-888-2-JOlN-BT. Employmont OPEN UNDER NEW management: Horn's Countiy Kilchen, 2nd shift, dishwashers. Experienced Prelerred. №ply In person beiween am-3pm. Rale ol pay depends on experience. Benelits-5 day work wks/potenlial lor advancement. OVER 2,000 JO B S available at Employmenl Fair '98. More lhan 100 employers wiil be in attendance Irom across the Triad, Thursday, April 30, 10am-6pm, LJVM Coliseum Annex In Winston- Salem (336) 724-3621 xt. 244. PART-TIME BOOKEEPER. Davle tractor. 751-5969. I; PART-TIME HELP WANTED NOW HIRING - COOKS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES Also Position Open for Manager Trainee Immediate Employment fcr all 3 shifts Asi< about 3rd shift premium! Call for an Appointment or Apply In Person; 1 A l l E l H o ] U Is E 2314 Ramada Dr. • Clemmons l O l Q C l LSftl la e j IM J . 766-9691 M ature and dependable man or woman to stay w ith senior citizen during day-time hours each weekend. Individuals who want to be considered should make an appointment fo r interview. C A L L B E T W E E N 11:30 A .M . A N D 1:30 P.M . M O N D A Y-FR ID A Y PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 492-5198 is seeking resumes’ for new fuil-day children’s Summer and Fa ll 1998 alter school program. Positions available: Director (needed A SA P), assistant director, and counselors. Program to begin June 8. Fax resume to Э36-998-2885 or mail to Smith Grove United Methodist Church 3492 US Hwy. 158 • Mocksville, NC 27028 C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e M a n a g e r P e rfo rm in house lia is o n w ith in d u s tria l cu sto m er b ase. P e o p le p erso n so u g h t. . V P S a le s E u ro d ra w e r, In c . P .O .B o x 8 4 9 M o c k s v ille , N .C . 27028 EROMOO-tln i A d v e r t i s a i f " 1 1 T y p e s e t t a m & D e s i g n В T h e Dovie County Enterprise Record is seeking H a person with computer skills who is abo a pmfkient | typist/or advertising comt>osition, > .H Pleue apply to: 1 Robin F n ^ s o n И Davie County Enterprise Record 1 171 S. Main StTMt • Mockivlll«. NC 1 (336)751-2120 ^ ^ 1 ^ if Y o u A re T h e B a s t, Y o u N a e d T o W o rk p i ^ 'n n it . W ith T h e B e s t. 4 lu t . P in a H u t is Lo o k in g F o r Yo u............. • W a i t S t a f f s • C o o k S t a f f 1 • M a n a g e m e n t Apply In Person or Fax Management Resume To Nancy Wheeler 336-961-3335 Employment ■ Employment 1 DISHWASHER NEEDED. APPLYIn person to Millers Restaurant 751-2621. PERSON TO CLEAN p rillo homes, FT, Mon-Fri. (Soodpa^Jbenetits, Cloveriield's. 760- PART-TIME PEHSON lo Iron & clean approximately 4 hrsTwk. Also K rio n c e d ffiS mature lull-lime person lo work w/ P'“ ™ K L u o n c r t l7 llio i4 Must be enorgello & dependiiJlo, inionralion can 751 5014. mulll.lasks. Ex. pjy, PART-TIME SUMMER help group health, dental, lilo Ins. Send needed In tha grill at Oak Valley resume to: P.O. Box 20®, Qoll Club. Apply within. Advance, NC 27006. S U M M E R W O R K t o a t a r t Part-time/Full Time with flexible schedules. Scholarships Awarded. 1 Great Resume | Experience! | Call For Info 759-0094. RESERVATIONIST POSITION jNLake Myers RV Resort Oflice. Perfect for high school/collego student. Please apply In pereon. Hwy. 64 West. 492-7736. TANKER DRIVERS, CDL ClaSft^A Tanker endorsement, 2 yrs. e:tp., clean record, local haul, excettoht pay & benefits. 998-8810. W AITRESS NEEDED AT Minor'sRestaurant. Apply in person. ! WORK AT HOME-$500-$1200'pt, $2000-$8000 H. For fieo info.booklet call 1-919-839-27ie i S B C U F tlT Y o f f i c e r :, ' S6.75TO$7.25/hK S Part-time, 2nd shift, Monday thru Friday Good spot for healthy retiree. All uniforms & training provided. No experience necessary. Call 766-5080 in Clemmons for interview appointment. ■ I j.._ l/ littiiiii NOW H IR IN G E x p e r ie n c M l s e a m s tr e w A la llo r . A lta ra U o n e x p e rie n c e h e ip fu l. > G a ll K a th y 's A lte r a tio n a t 3 3 6 - W - 7 G 8 9 . M o n d a y - T h u rs d a v . POSITION AVAILABLE RECEPTIO N IST/ Secretary needed lor growing bottling plant In Advance, NC. Ex|wrienced With great attitude, telephone & people skills, Win '95, MS Word & Excel, Must be energetic & dependable, able to handle multi-tasks, Ex. pay, group health, dental, life Ins, Send resume to : PO Box 2093, Advance, NC 27006 LPNs O t o to n H e a l t h S e r v i c e s North America’s leading home healthcare provider, currently seeks experienced LPNs to provide one-on-one home care In the. Mocksville/Advance area. Available Shifts: •Mon.-FrL3pm-llpm •Weekends 7am-3 pm and 3 pm-11 pm C«rtaclLaMhBlhi|hu MlaMtt4:Npn ifiSSSiSL . 650 Statesville BKd. Salisbury, NC 28144 637-2195 or 80I-727-2S98 EOE m iD iy CNA’S T o C o v e r D a v ie C o u n ty A ll S h if t s P a rt- T im e & F u ll T im e F le x ib le H o u r s • M u s t B e C e r t ifie d 336-768-1197 Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. W in s to n - S a le m The hometown company, we'll treat you like you'd expect. ’ ♦♦IMMEDIATE** OPENINGS ' Admin. Assistants ■ Wordprocessors,Excel,Lotus ’ Qen. Clerical Receptionists > Qeneral Laborers • Furniture Workers • Warehouse ■Welders > lawn Maint. PLEA SB C A LL TODAYI W ESTEIN STAFF SERVICES 74S-S3S7 (Fai)74t-09S3 Irim ,inc IM A N U F A C T U R IN G — Employment We manufacture prefit window trim froni: Ponderosa Pine IMouldings. Work Includes^ a variety of duties in our m anufacturing process. A general knowledge of woo№ working equipment would be helpful. > Excellent P a y: Paid Vacation < and Benefits Paid Holidays Retirement Plan v; Health Insurance EXCELLENT STARTING RATE OF PAY APPLY IN P E R S O N EOEMF TRIM, INC. Bethel Church Road Mocksvllle, NC Irim ,inc C L E R I C A L / G E N E R A L O F F I C E Person should have pleasant tslsphons man- nor and ability to talk with cuatom srs on telephone. Exporlonco with offico equip­ ment and com puters would be nscosaary. A high school diploma Is required. Duties would Include light bookkeoping, writ­ ten correspondence, telephone and general office. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent Pay: Paid Vacation and Benefits Paid Holidays RettrsmentPlan V M | | m I U # * Health Insurance ■ ^ ■ ll" S j lc h 'R Ì! r " IN P IM O N MockavUle, NC EOBMF 199 8 Su m m ar Y o litli E m p la y n iM il P ro g ra m Jo b T ra in in g P a rtn a rs M p ilc t ( J lP i^ JTPA is a Federal Job Training Program funded hy Ihe United Stales Departmeni of Lahor. Eligihle youths, 14-21 years of age, are availahle for subsidized work experience in Non-profit or Public Agencies between June 1, 1998, and August 7,1998. For your organization lo participate return Ihis completed form io Davie. County Job Resource Cenier, Attn. Robin Lowe, P.O. Box 246, Mocksville, NC 27028, and a job order form will be mailed to you. Sponsored by Northwest Piedmont Job IVaining Consortium/Workforce Development Board. | Organization Nnmp; Contact Person: ' AddiHHiB. ______________________________ Phone Number: (_ L Job Title for Youths to Work:Number of Youths Needed D A V IÉ COUNTY EN reitPR ISE.R EC O R D , April 30,1998 ieE ferfn e aiasiä. ^1 * 1 h a i 7 p.m. VFW HaU. Cash Ä y 1 & 2 m a M tS U ^ N h U lM M M b o d - Чвка^РпНпШ отИ Ш пЕКД Вю к- ÜKIncli.’iam-Jpjn. 8ilMday,MEv2 ш|(1 с ш ш si^ n r. M n « Dq'*' ■|д»б|ип.Е«1||агЫв!ШКЧр1а1е. I M * U te S*, CbORh o( God of ВИ|> J,H»y.M1.7№2p.m. Votant S4f(r, LteQ Ш М Mdb- i l 04ll.Hwy.60IS.530pjn. Minie 41licaendiiHraSinsai.7|MaTakccU ■«|иЫе.1кпИот. SriluRlay.May9 C i i^ В ш » T u lrth Bw ian , M iú i Mtihidói Ondi. 6:30.|0ua V|MS*kMidkiM«MMCkiiRlV4n<- iáid by UnÜBdMctedúl Women Гог mis- 40«. 630 UILHOOO. Sr. Youh Bate Sak. DèMUonuTRciakal CaU 998-3SI8. Vii« Srii, M a S * . Anota ft CnRi, ÍlV n>H fiir--*1~— *■ “ ■......- - Ыаешв fbi bieddÌEt Нм dogs, lum- бофп for kadL 8 am-4 pja RIdey.MaylS n iiO « МдгГогЫСпж Local ICSW- anmodaiale lOpcnoiloreaiTibgs. ||%15& 1в M n c u t e Sri» K> btxM Савф MÉpibVicloiyB4*iAQiuidi,Coolann, U im.-7 pm Phe: J6. WШ deliver o<dm o(IOocmcn.Toonfcr.caU2»«-2077or2S4- 21U9. Saturday, May 16 ■ w it a f С ш ш ^Яи Ц С п м и п Ы MrilMdhlChaRh,6 íLm. OnQOìng 1^Л Ь 1|ги Д |^1п1ш 1 n ilr I949.ñ<- dQ«. Doon opea « 6. fím game at 7 p.m. ■ M «ib W M n i Ж. M t VFD. 2nd Satur- ! dqr. Doon open, 6:30 pjn. B á iá s Q . 7huMBy2 В^ гС Ы Т Ш Ж И Ы со тего т.М ат St&QDweSL,Mockivffle.7:30pjn.ri8Nty. Monliy: Wad. Heaveaboind BeL Chdr, Tuesday: Jerry Grogan, Kaüty 1и*ам^«йм1й1(гЛо11уШш,)1оа AN liM yM ;lM iy:D e«cyW a(d.D iy : cCM vcnm M ^BU iyH iiBik,ii|tat* houKSingm:SatunUy:JainesWBni, Halle* hijahSingen. Sunday,МауЗ Н о акш к« Srim UdM MethcxM Chmh, Wonhip, II n-m. Speaker Rev. James While foUowed by picnic hmASing. ing, l;30-3 p.m. feawiing "П* Sounds of Failh* & Jessica AUen. DHiisday, May 7 IMtariDqtOn’nqo'.LocaloliaRvaBca atTamHdiiifCocilmliccftMackstille, 12:20.12:40 p.m. For irfomadon,caU 284- 2328. Ongoing Bhte ВчММ Churdi: Worship Scrviccs, 9:45a.fa& 1 la.m.SundaySchoo1.9;45a.in. & П a.m. Nunery provided. CoolMiiMcChuitliorcod,Sunday School. 10 a.nt Vifonhip Servke, 11 a.m. EsTrong Wcrslúp,6pjn.Mon. Prayer Scrvice,7p.m. Wed FamUy IVaining Hour, 7 p.m. Van service to and fian church avaiU>le Гог Sunday nwwng9etvkK,PasioiGafyRülUp». 2844977 or 284-2I8a EüoMBtptMCburch: Sunday School. 10 am.; worship, 11 am; church training, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7:30 p.m. GoodSH»bcrdEpbco|MlCliiiitli,Chuich Sticet.Co(4eemee.Sundayscrvice.9:30a.m. BtOUMiUiritalMrtbodMCburcluSun- day worship, 8:45 A11 am. Sunday School, 10aLm.Ya^5p.m.ChikIren'spr\igram(K- 5). 5 pja every 2nd Л 4ih Sunday. Afier schooJ (K*5) е\'ету Wednesday. 3;30-3 pm 998-5083. Pastor J. Mark WceUey. LBMly Virilcd MclbodM Churcb: Wor­ ship, 9:45a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 am. Mocks VoMed Metbodfat Cburcb: Early worship. 8:45 am. Sunday School. 10 am. Wcfship. 11 am. Pra>tr & prusc. 6 p.m. Pastor Bnxx Gwyn. 998-5518 or998-7471. SoiMh Grove Mrihodist Chuixh: Pra>tr meeting, Sanmlay mornings, 9 am. HikikltBiplfalCliurch:SundaySchool,9 am. wonhip service, 10-10:30 fellowship: I Oara wor^pservice.Wednesday PcK Luck Meal, 6:30 p jn. Adull & youth Bible study, missions 7:15 pm Pasuar R.T. Akfcrman. 336-9404618. M ih MNl Vklofy FamBy Wonhip Cen­ ter, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 ara, 7 pm Wednesday, 7 p.m. Ni»MrraiT.P.ChurcllSunday School, 10am WcnHpService, 11 am Wednesday n i^ Bibte study, 7 p.m. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Asaoc. Pastor Derrick Mock, lili» yi^ iiiÉ liT ib in w teS w h yw - |Цк 10J0ant,6:30pm Wed.evcning,7 pmPMx:knyLCauch.99»-3748.Cana Rd.-Fbnet’iLane. 'RmwteiB^^CknnkSund^rSchool, 9-.45am. V/onHp, 1 \ am.;NlghtSavice,6 p.m. PaMor > Rev. Billy Sloop. EpfacopiaClH^ortlieAmioii.Fürk. BUbyRd,Sua School, lOatn. Worship. 11 am. Rev. Edwin T Bailey. 2844SQ0. DUASloiyMkiMiylbrdiiikmBllland {Vggy Long of Advat^ 998-7716. ServkaaltlMOMa.Apt7A,MillingRoad, 7 pm., Ihursdays, Bishop TJl. Rice. Ckmeni Grvv« Cburcb of God, Wednes­ day prayer servke, 7 pm Saturday moming Sabbath School, 10 am. Grcm Madowi BiptM Church Sunday School, 9:45 am. Worship. 11 am.. 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & BiUe Study, 7 pm Pastor M. Ray Davis, 998-302Z DwMe FM o-CM tte S m ^ Chib, 4tfi Tuesday. 0(d( Grove Medwfist. 10 am PktKhooVFMi'Monk« Out, Bethks hem United Methodist Church. Ages: 2-4, Moa,T\ies.,'nnn..9am.-noon.PMaAges 12-23 months, 'Hks., Ttim., 9 am.-noo(t Call 998^820or998-5083 for info. Fieunions Saturday, May 16 ReuoloooralpcniniwlioatlctMMCbert- milGniveStinipScboolaiaiestnul Grove UMQIOam. until. For more info, call 336-, 492-5206. Spedal Events Thru May Sivir Alta 00 dkphy in gaUeiy at Brodi Cenler. May 8,9,15,16 & 17 A Mldsumncr N(|ht's Dreim, Shakespeare, Davie High Sdwoldramacloss, 7:30 p.m. May 17: 2:30 p.m. Adults: $5. Snidents: $3. Brock Performing Aits Ccnier. Saturday, May 9 Conlwmw Anceaton Dty. Zachary House &grounds,noon-3p.m.Hotdogs,cokldiinks. Sponsoied by Cooleemee Cdilennial Cel- ebrotion Comnutiee. NAACPMolhtroriheYcwPlfMt.New Bethel Ba^Church. Hwy. 601 S. For info, caU 751-3013 or 751-1655. Tuesday, May 12 rokMwk:KcvtaD(h«cylopctfcnoon 7 instruments & vocals, 7 pm Brock №- forming Ans Centa. Admisskm: one canned good for A Stocehouae for ksui Monday, May 18 Cininli,downiownModuvilk.spQnsoicd by Piedmoni CA.R.S. Associatkm & Sweet Lovera' Haven, 5:30-9 p.m. Friday, May 22 Rodunny Revue Show, Brock Performing AitsCenter, 7 p.m. For info, call 751 -5356 or 751-1655. Sponsored by U ’ Jour Des Ferranes. Saturday, May 30 Dam Ridlal, Block Mbnning Am Cen­ ter, 2 p.m. Hosted by Paiks & Rec and Robertson Dance. Dates to Remember Til May 1 Om Stop Abantn Votiag. Elections Of- fke, Davic County Courthouse. Wednesday, May 20 Babyrittii« courK Red Cross OfTice, Couit Squoe, Mocksviile, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21 ■ooilIM*<,RedOnsD>vieCninlyBmnch Office, Coon S(iuaie, Mocksviile, 11 am.- 4:30 p.ra May 25-29 Leam To Swta, ages 6 lo adulL Davie Family YMCAAdulB:6-7p.m.aiildiai:7- 8 p.m. Fbrinfo.call751-1347. Satuiday.May30 Hood Drive,RedClDSS, Advance Methodist Church, N.C 801 S.. 9 am.-l:30p.m. MeriMba (infani to age 6). Davie Family YMCA,9:3O.I0:3Oam. Meetings__________ Tuesday, May 19 Davie County Rcpublbui Fiuly, Davie County Courthouse, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 23 Divi, Coumjr Rc|»blkan Mot’s Ftdei«- Moti. F4F Baibecue, 7:30 a.m. Ongoing VadUn vaqr RiMII Ckib, Biock Gym, last Sunday of cach monlh, 2:30 p m. All nbbil ownen available. AkokoSa Anoayitioui, Sundays, 6 p.m. and Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Second Presbyte­ rian Church basement. Pine St. Call 751- 1490 or 731-7786 for info. MOn(MolkinolFlad>ookn), Mace­ donia Motavian Chutch. Suppotl, feUow- ship, crafts ft food Chiklien guided in own program MOFPETS.9:30.|l:30a.m.Regis- liaticn f« flexible lo tt of children attending. Scholarships available. For mote info, call 998-4394. Istft3nl Fridays. RMvfc Dnh be., 2nd Iteaday, Dvfie County PubUc Libtaty, 6:30 p.m. Bvoyone wekotnB. HiiAilMGraiip,DavieOnMyLibniy,7 pm. lasfnies. Call Bomie at 998-S274. Cettler Commntilty Devriopae«, 3rd Mon., 7 pjn. Community BUg. CooleanicTomiBailtd,3nl'niesday,Town Hall, 7 p m. unless otherwise noted, Notlh Cooheum and Clnk Road Colili dl. 2nd Wednesday, 7 pm. FHendship Bap­ llst ftllowship Hall. Davle DnttealfcVMeiiccScnik« Suppon gioups for victims of domestic violence. Sea- sions fitc, confidential. Tuesday», 6 pm DDVS onice In Davie Counly Courthouse, 751-3450. Fatnlr VMmec IVevitllta Seniiaa oT Davh County. Ree counseling for victims ofviolencemdtheirdiiUicaSeiOTllcgiTOf». •niesdays,6.7:30p.m.FintUniledMelhodisl aiuidiofMocksviUe.Call 1-800-728-34I3.' DmfcCotnlySclioolBtnDrivmAiMdih tta, 2nd TVin., 7 pm. Davie County St. Center, Brock BMg. AdvaiK« Gardtu Club, 1st Tues., 9 am.><ocks UMC 998.2111. Mockiivile Ganfcn Cluh, 1st Ibun.. Fint Bapllst Ixllowship Hall. 7 pm. Ш А . Extension Satuiday.MaySO Fans SaMy Day Camp. Eaton Fann. 8:30 am.-3;30p.m. Ages 9-19. Register by May 6 by calling 751-6297. FfecTBation For more infomution on these events, call 751-2325. RecClub Bcfwe ($ l5)or afler ($25)school nnd out of .school iwpgrams. Registration opea Good Timers Square Dance Group meets at Farmington Cbmmunlty Center, 7 p.m. every Monday. Senior Line Dancing Mondays at lOantSl. Step Aerobics Mondays, *ntursdays 7 pm Saturday, 10 am.$15per month for2daysaweek,$^for 3days. SilverstridefsWaH(Ckjb Seniors, 50 and up, M-F. 6:30-9 aia No charge. Mothers Morning Out 'nxsdaysand*nursdays,$7perdqr.$40pcr moMh. Karate TueKlay,7-9p.m.$ISAnotidi. i Tae Kwon Do i Tuesday, ft ThutKlay^ 3:3(M:30 p.ai. Memben: $23.Non-memben:$ja5weaiisessloti. ; Seniors_________: Ca»75146n fbnnoRlnfo.Localk>ilsBtti* Centerunless noted olheiwiae. Thursday, Apr* 30 ; Settlor Chnni, East Rootn, 3 pm Friday, May 1 ■ridu, East Room, l-J pm % Saturday, May 2 , 5 Ma)ftat.SeniotCetllerftBiockMim*% A«sCinter,2-4pm'nieEdSulllvaoShoi,i Monday, May 4 GoUnAtiaak,EM Rootn,IO am i Podht*!, Dr. Out», Ctift Room, «;3 i ll;30un. ' D Korriln f aK ln , Easl Room, 6:304 pm —! Tueeday.MayS H; M d p , East Rootn, 1-4 pm *SV PN tE*|8 a"iFW y.2 - 4 p m i Wednesday, May 6 ' W a^lartSailorM iw li^ a-lOMi. I Card ft Boanl Gawa, East Room, l:30; 4:30 pm ; Vaifcly Am C l» , Q ift Room, 8 JO-1 i ’.3Com. RSVPSb HbI-B-, RSVPOffia, 9 im -f p.ta I Thursday, May L u a d iftL iM itH l^ M rrii- S a v i C urSfilon’ SafcDtMt^Tlp^Wesktii Steer, noon. Senior Chorea, East Room, 3 pm StanpChib, EaslRootn,7 pm Friday, Mays M d M D w iM ir Sodal Libtaty, 7 pm Please RSVPby May 6. Bildf^EastRootn, l-J pm Sealor G a M FM-A-n, Fint Methodiil CSurch. Report Davla Datalln« Hams By Noon Monday llaaalbrDmhDaMMthouldbeRinKd by noon Monday of the publicMkxi wedc Call75l-2120or(kQpitbylhea№S.M^ St ■croas from the courthouie. ii l i I i E le c t A .C . “ A n d y ” S to k e s , J Republican Candidate for. •••••••••••••• D avie C ounty S h eriff IA P lan A Prom ise A D eterm ination ira ItaM ta g rt tough..... I tinM to go to wnric.. ira Олю w o aoiMl a i l l . 11^ tlnio wio aond a moaaago......... W* wHI iw ttaiaratoflruga In DAVIE tMNINTY H’s tkno to ELECT A SHERIFF w ho w ill nmHo a "dHfwronco” A "lifelong” Commitment to ^ law Enforcement in Davie County ^ Contenders Davie Hosting Baseball, Softball Playoffs P a g e B I Frolic In The Forest S h a k e s p e a r e 's M id s u m m e r N ig h t's D re a m B y D a v ie D ra m a S tu d e n ts A t T h e B ro c k Page D I DAVIE COUNTY s o « E N T E R P R I/ E ^ E C O R D < A n . ^ r . CUSPS 149-160 N um ber»Thunday,May7,1998 Whitaker Remains DavleSherlff The Final Results A lle n W h ita k e r 2 ,1 3 1 A n d y S to k e s : 2 ,0 5 3 Knight, Allen Elected To County Commission Allen Whitai<er is congratulated on re-eiec- lion by Lonnie Ray Whilal<er, witii C.L, Wiiilai<er and Joe Long looi<ing on. Bobby KnighI led the D.ivic Counly Com­ missioners' race by nearly 1,000 voles in Tuesday's Republican primary. Six candidales sought Ihc Republican nomi­ nation for two scats on tlie board. Knight led Ihc tickel, claiming 34.7 percent of Ihe vole with 2,633 and won every prccinct except West Shady Grove. Winning the other nomination wiih 21.9 pcrccnt of the vote is Michael Allen, the third leading vote getter in the lasl commissioners' race. Allen rcccivcd 264 morc votes Ihan incum­ bent Larry Hayes, who finished third. "I'm looking forward to serving Ihe people ofDavie Coumy," Knight said. "1 really appre­ ciate Ihc votes and support of all those who worked in my behalf." If he is cicctcd as a county commissioner in Ihc general election in November, Knight said he will work to manage the growth the county is experiencing. "I believe wc can do it and maintain Ihe scrviccs wc need lo provide for our citizens," he said. Allen said he appreciates all the votes he rcccivcd and the dedication shown him by people in Ihc county. "I hope 1 can turn around and give people the same thing," he said. Others seeking the Republican nomination for commissioner; Charles Fox, 789 votes; Johnnie Hellard, 575; and Charles Odell Wil­ lioms, 529. Carter, Shamel Elected To Scliool Boanl Andy Stokes (left) flanked by family and supporters, watch as results are released in the courthouse Tuesday night. - Photos by Robin FerguMon By Dwighi Sparks Davie Counly Enteiprisc-Record Martin Craig Carter and incumbent Marlene Boger Shamel won election to the Davie County Board of Education on l\icsday. For Carter, it was his first venture inlo poli­ tics. "I’m just overwhelmed and humbled by the support the county gave me,” Carter said. He led the slate of five candidates with 2,928 votes. Shamel received 2,727; Renee Smith Howell, 1,681; Garry "Tiny" Livengood, 1,648, and PeterJ. Mooney, 697. The candidates who gathea-d al the election headquarters agreed it was a friendly race. "Every candidate had the utmost courtesy," said Carter. “Therc was no negative campaign­ ing. All of us had Ihe interest of (he siudents at heart." Howell said she enjoyed Ihe experience of running for officc. “II was a good, fun, clean race,” she said. “I felt like whether I won or lost, I had won bccause I had Ihe experience. I’ve mcl all Ihe great people ofDavie County.” Livengood has long been a volunteer in the schools. "Il was a good race,” he said. "The people got who they wanted, and I’m going lo support them ICO percent." Shamcl is completing her first six-year term on the board. She will join Carter for another six-ycar term. Please See Carter - №ge 10 Embezzlement Charge Reduced Against Former Pool Manager The fomKr managerof the Cooleemee swimming pool charged with embezzle- menl plead^ no contest lo a lesser charge lasl week in Davie COwily Dislrici Court. William Leslie "U s” Steele, charged Nov. 7,1997, by Ihe Cooleemee police with felonyembczzlementofSI ,056from the pool, pl^d no contest to misdemeanor larccny April 29. JudgcJaekKlassgrantedSteclcaprayer for judgment on Ihe condition that he pay the town of Cooleemee $1,056. F kxind TVio: M an C harged W ith A ssault After Fight At C ounly C om m ission M eeting Hie two inen, who dismpted a counly t»mmissioneis' meeting when they got into a fist fight April 20, may fight their next battle in a Davie County courtroom. RogerSpillmanofCooleemee is sched­ uled to face a charge of simple assault in Dàvie County District Couit May 28, for assaulting KethHodgson,40,ofthe Rocky Knoll communily. Hodgson filed the charge against Spillman the day after the meeting. ' № was hit on Ihe teft side of his face from M ûnd, Hodgson said. He did not - seejwho hit him but was told it was Spillman. . He also allegM that Spilltiutn stepped oiihis hands when he was knocked ¿r fell to the floor during the snuggle. ' Duringapublichearingonatcquestby Spillman lo rezone a tract of land on N.C. 801 at Michaels Road for a lawn and garden shop, Hodgson mode accusations that illegal drugs ore being dealt fiom other businesses owned by Spillman. After withdrawing his request for the rezoning, Spillman iiltacked Hodgson. A struggle ensued, which had lo be broken up by the county manager, counly altor­ ney and commissioners. Mocksvilie police officers, assisted by the Cooleemee Police and Davie Counly SherifTs Depaitmeni, escorted the,two men away from the meeting but did not press charges. , The case was continued from Ihe'April 30 session of court. Fiddlers', Bluegmss (k)imntlonSaturd8y The Sth Annual Old Time Fiddlers' and Bluegrass Convention presented by the Mocksviile Lion’s a u b will be Saturday, May 9 at Clement Grove Pk- mc Grounds off North Main Street in MocksvUle. Regisnalion starts at 4 p.m. The pro­ gram begins at 7. Cash prizes totaling $1,000will be given to the top perfonn- ers in the following categories:. best bluegrass band, best old time band, best fiddler, best banjo, best gui- tar,bestmandolin,bestb*ss,bestdobfo, most promising talent and best buck dtticer. Admission will be $7 fix adults, M for senior citizens and $1 for children underage 12. Advancetkketsaieavail- аЫе from the Davie Chamber of Cbm- menx, SaUsbuiy Street, Mocbville. . Foodandbeverageswillbeavailable and no coolen will be aUowed in the ркш с grounds. Door priies will be givenawaytospectatenthiDUgbouttfae convention.'' : .; ■ Omtestants wiibing to (хклреке for large prizes shoukl contact Norma Edw«isat336-7St-2344orL«iyCook at 336-998-9887. ^4 Jonathan W i^ n will be the masier ■ H taieSw > aiim n M < f> y 4 Town Planners Eye Locations For Apartments; Four Sites IDd By M ike B am hardt Davie Coumy Enterprise Record Mocksviile planners have begun the first step lo making land available for apartmern development. Members of the planning board last monlh received guidelines from Plan­ ning Director John Galiimore, who studied Ihe issue with help from the N.C. Division of Communily Assis­ tance. While Ihose guidelines included four locations where apartments could work, it was no means a suggestion thal the town re-zone that land for apartments, Galiimore said. The four locations are; • U.S. 601 near Madison Road, cur­ rently zoned residential-agricultural; • Ridgeview Rtiad at Valley Road, currently zoned residential medium density; i N.C. 158 eventually touching onto Sait) Road, cunenlly zoned residential R-20; and • U.S. 601 (South Main Slreel) at Eaton Rood. The guidelines includc statements for each site, listing natural buffers and T other buffers that would be needed to make apartments more compatible with neighboring uses. Staff members ore also updating Ihe town’s zoning ordinance. "Our multi-family requiremenls are not stringent enough," Galiimore said. "We are addressing these things in our ordinance. It’s 10 years old. It's time . . we put in some hard study." He urged Ihe planners to look at Ihe suggested sites, to read Ihe guidelines and come up with any other sites fo* multi-family (apartment) housing thiy. thought appropriate. “It’s a good start " , The town has had several rezonin|: ' requests for apartm ents in rece n t: months, which have been tumed iatifi- , for various reasons, including the fM : . that a study was under way. No property will be rezoned fqC- apartments or any olher use without t^ :' owner, and owners o f neighboriii^ properties, being notified of Ihe p t^ j posed changes. Public hearings w ill^ l . held before the planneis and town bow t: • : before changes áre made, . ; The report saidplannen ihouM kctfj : in mind growth trends befon — decisions. ^------------- .. -T